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Full text of "Geology of the North American cordillera at the forty-ninth parallel [microform]"

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Tha  last  racordad  frama  on  aach  microficha 
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TINUED"), or  tha  symbol  V  (moaning  "END"). 
whichavar  appliaa. 

Un  das  symbolas  suivants  apparaitra  sur  la 
darniira  imaga  da  chaqua  microficha.  salon  la 
cas:  la  symbola  —^  signifia  "A  SUIVRE".  la 
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Maps,  platas.  charts,  ate,  may  ba  filmad  at 
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right  and  top  to  bottom,  as  many  f ramus  aa 
raquirad.  Tha  following  diagrama  illustrata  tha 

Las  cartaa,  planchas.  tablaaux,  ate,  pauvant  atre 
filmAs  i  das  taux  da  reduction  diffirants. 
Lorsqua  la  documant  ast  trop  grand  pour  atra 
raproduit  an  un  saul  ciich*,  il  ast  filmA  A  panir 
da  I'angla  supiriaur  gaucha,  da  gaucha  A  droita. 
at  da  haut  an  bas.  an  pranant  la  nombra 
d'imagas  nAcassaira.  Laa  diagrammas  suivants 
illuatrant  la  mtthoda. 











•ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No    2i 

1.0   !^i^  m 

==        1^13,2       __ 


3  6 

?    112.0 


^r.  '6M   fos!    Mom    Si.,,. 

V^       :''6)  ♦e?  -  0300- Fho„,  -- 

^S        ■'"6)   !eB  -  5989  -  Fo, 

••'■■'W^s&^Mim^^ . 

.iKsM  ki.'jfikj^«!*'Mfe*.<;.v£ar«lr 





Hon.    Roa.„    Roo«.     M..,a™H .    a     P.    U.,    d.c„    m...«„.. 

«.     W.    liMKK,    DlKFX-rOR. 

MEMOIR  jfo.  ;{8 


OK   TllK 





Beginald  Aldworth  Daly. 





No  laa 


Through  the  courtesy  of  W.  F    Kini/    f'Mr      i  r  r.     n  . 
Astro„  Dopartn,e„t  of  the  Interi        t^      ;■;  '''fl^''-^-  DT-^-  Chief 
publish  this  Memoir.     The  field  worlw:-  T         '''"''  "  """^'^  *° 

the  Internationa,^-'rl:  1,      ^  r^,);  ^  :^'  ^  ^^  ---  ^f. 
report  of  Mr.  Kinp    the  Cflnfl,i;„n  c  ""   «PP«"*'"^  <<>   the 

n.ost  in.port.ant  oon'.ri  i.t^n         tJ  ' ''"';""^^"'""-     ^^  the  report  constituteB  a 
'Blue  Book'  firm       wL  '  ""'".f  "'  ^■'■^'""  ''"-'l''.  -1  ««  i"  its 

that  would  JZ^r  X  K- '"■';:,' '"' """"'  '"""'^^ "'"'  '■"^-■•'-'-^ 

«urve.   ,0   print   it     raOeoijTs::  T^*'"-*^'  "^""^  ^''^  ^^'-'--' 
adenuat.  distribution  in  ..olo^li^l  t.,::;."    '''"'""•   ""''    ''^"^   ^^^   ^^   '» 

tHis^^:::r:;^,r:r  ■Lt;::;:^::5r:7"  "v^  •■^^  -^  ---^ 

through   the  Western  Cordillera        tt.,s     h     '  ? T'   '""^'^'»"  ^-»-" 

work  dealing  with  the  geo.o.v  of  Bri^  1    Co.,        a"   n  "w""'^"'^  ""  ^"^"- 
in  the  pul,lieatio,i.  of  the  Survev  ^ren.  In  '""''  "'"^  '"«  '*  "<>»  available 

'■    "''^*"  '°^^  ""J  HK-ouvcnienee  would  r,«ult. 

Geological  Survey, 

Ottawa,  October  21,  1912. 

(Signed)  R.  w.  Brock, 


6  .2j^: 

2  GEORGE  V, 


A.  1912 


REPORT  OI    Till.:  rUlKF  ASTKOXOMKR,   ^OiC 

G  E  ()  L  (>  (i  Y 








RC'  J 

2  GRORGE  V. 


A.  1912 



Boston,  Mass.,  April  no,  1910 
W.  F.  Km,.  Emu  C.M.O..  R.A    U  T) 

Con,n,issio„or  for  Canada,  Internat'ionnl  Boundary  Surveys. 

Sir.— I  have  the  honour  to  BuhmJf  tli„  ^  • 
.he  mountain,  crossed  by  the  inten  ^i  n  f  h  7""  T''  ""  *''^  "^^"''^  "^ 
The  report  is  based  o„  U:2::Z]^::^';'  ''"  ^°"^"'"'''  ^"'"■^'• 
inclusive.  To  yourself  under  v.hl  y  ?  [^  ^^  "'"'""^  °^  ^»«^  t°  1906. 
from  whom  I  have  ;;; .  7ll  „  :^^^^^  '''^  "J"'^  ^^"^'^  "^  ^"  '^-e  -d 
thanks,  ^'^  '"  """"^  ""y^-  r  beg  to  tender  my  sincere 

I  have  the  lionour  to  be,  sir. 

Vour  obe<iient  servant, 



fi'  '.i'i 

2  GEORGE  V. 


A.   1012 

f"^\PTKF{  IV. 

St.ati,.raph.v  n„,i  .str,„.t„ro  of  ,1,.  fl.rf,,  ,.„ 

Rooky  Mountain  Roosyn.linal  pri.m          ^ 
i.eni.s  series i         • 


I'AH  1      I. 

'■h.\i'tf:i{  r. 

Introduction J«^,,|, 

Area  fovorcd i 

<'o»<liti,ms  of  worl/lVfWii.Vl •  1 

.\(knnwl..(l;rni,.„(s ] 

'^'olloftions. .  o 

crr.M'TKij  ir. 

.\vno(isi<  of  tlio  report 


•'TAI'TKi;   III. 

Iiitrodiiction  an,!  ..Mtliii...  IT 

Difforent  nonic.nolature.s  in  use      17 

i;=  ;;™;;s :; •;: ::'z"^T:r ¥-' " •  •'■■*■  '■■■-  " 

A.i»r.«i  ,„i„,  ;„fc .,,  »;,„;„;;,„'•',,  ';•,,"[  ::;;"ri'  •■ '•■': .•.> 

Trenches  arul  preater  vall..y  l>'"niilary   mountains..    .  oo 

Subdivision  of  Rocky  j'lount/.in  sy.,'t;mV. 25 

1  .  rcell  mountau,  .systcn.  ,„„!  i,s„ ' 27 

So  k,rk  „,o„ntain  system   and  its  s„l,di visf  n "'^ 

Co  uml-m  mountain  system  and  its  su^H   i^    „ ^< 

iw'it  ot  Interior  Plateaus.  V 

Ca^ado  mountain  system  and  'i^s'  '.uh^ui,; ""^ 

nummary -"^  I'-mu. ^^ 

IjeadiTig  references ^2 



s;^«Va:-.wi  _ 


hiniti  \n:\i  ut   rut.  i\it:nniK 

2  OEORQE  V,  A.  1912 













Wiilnrl.'ii  fipriiuitiiiii 

.Mtyii  forniJiti'dii .  .    . 

'iriiiTiil  ilriiTiptioM 

I.iivvir  iliviMidii 

Miilillo  iliviriinii 

I'pInT  iliv'iioii 

rompftrisKii   iiikI  cnticl  i.sionn 


Appekuiiii.v  fnriiiafion 

(iriniio])  foriiiiitidii .  .    . 

Siyeli  formiitinti 

SJipppnril  f<irnmtinti 

(ienpri-.l  dc'iiTiptiori 

Iiit(>rli('(Mt'(l  luva 

Kiiitla  formal  Ion 

Ahsfcc  (if  Triassic  ami  .liiriisxic  fnrinatinns 

('rein<'('<iii.s  forinatiiuis  of  tin"  (Jrrm  IMaiiis  at  the  Forty-ninth  Parallel 

Kiulipiici  II  foriiiation 

l*i>8t-Ali(ic,'iip  formations  of  iIh'  (iron!   I'lnins 


Folds  and  faiiil?* 

'ircat  Lewis  ovcrtlinist 




(ir.M'TRR  V. 

Stratiffrapliy   ami   structure   of   tlio    MacDonald   and   Gallon    ranges.  ...  97 

Oa'ton  scrie.s <yj 

Altyn  formation ' 9g 

Ilcfty  formation 99 

MacDonald  formation 101 

Wiffwaia  fomiation 103 

Siyeli  formation IO4 

Gateway  formation 107 

Phillii)s  formation 108 

Roosvillo  formation 109 

Devonian  formation   in  the  Galton  ranpe 110 

Daacription HO 

Fossils Ill 

Paleozoic  limestones  of  the  MacDonald  range 113 

Description 113 

Fossils 115 

Structure  of  tlie  Oalton-MacDonald  mountain  system 117 

'•'"■'"'•'  or  11,1  run  I    iw/,.     ,Mt,i 

8ESSI0NAI    PAPER  No    28i 

''KAI'TIf!   VI 

fitrraphv  ami  s(i -i.turr  ,.!  il,,.  p,,,     n 


<*ro«fnii  fi.rtiiari.iii '..'..' 

'■••iicriil  il<'«.riplii,r.  . 

\ycHf,.rii  |iha-it- 

_    Kastorii  liJuiM.. 

Kitclifiioi-  fnrriialioti.  . 

VVi'storii  plump _ 

Knatcrii  plia-ii' 

Mo.vii'  r,.riiiati(iii 

fJatowa.v  f..rii,»fi,,„  in  tli.>  M.  i;ii| 
Strii.'fiir..  of  fla.  p„r....l 




ratiffraphy  „f  ,|,p  s,.|kirK   „ „t.u„ 

>ii';inilt  scries 

Irci,.-  .■..tiKl..iii,.raf..  Inrinatimi 
irt'ti,.  V„I,.atii,-  fdrmafior... 

Monk  formation 

Wolf  formation 

IVwiInc.v  fornmti(.n.  .   '.  .    .  .'  '. 

Rippio  formation '// 

npol;ivv  formation ' 

T-ine  Star  formation.  .'.'.'. 


Correlation  of  ||„.  formation,  in  tl„      ..rkv  \t 
Correction  alon.  the,.„'p,lS"" 
>:>'to-,  .itio  variation  in  the 

torf.v-nindi  Parall.-I.  . 
Metamorpliisni   of  thp 

Ki;  \  n 

"■ky  M 


o  Koofyiiolinul   ,,r;  ,„ 


^nclinal  at  tlw 

^PC'-tif  jrravity  of  f|,e  Roo-vnolin,!   ,,„■ 
Corr^ation  of  tJio  four  no,l,,ry  l^Cs       H 

(  orrelatioi,  w„|,  ,]„,  jj,,,,  t^^rano.  .    .    '         ' 

'i-tlo  \\,       tain  linw 

Knrlier  vi.nvs  on  tl,,.  Tt.-lt  torran..  

I'.vntoncp  of  fossils 

"'IS  j'K;;^„r:' '""—>*'■■"■  -'  "'«* -.n.-.^^ 

Fviflomv  of  unfonforniifv  

^    Summary  of  oonrlusions. 

(  orrf>lnti,,ii   wltli   Dawson'^   Sf 


iin<l   Adams  r.akp  soriVs. 


.      II!) 
.     llt» 
.     12(» 
I '.'2 









8  QEORQE  V,  A.  1912 


FiiNiiTii  (ioinyiii'liiiiil  Hill  mI'  till'  ('..rililliTii inr. 

Axil)  lit'  till'  K<ii'k.>    Miiiiiit;iiii  crox.vrii'liiiiil lOfl 

I'lU'ir   Piili(i/(iii'  |ii>rli'iti   ••(  l!ii>   Korkv    M<niiit;iiii   Bi'i«vh«liiiiil.  ,    ,  .    .  .  2on 

«'IIAI'Ti:i{  IX. 

I'liri'ill   \.n\a  iirul  u-HiKiiilcil  inlrii'<ivt's       207 

Inlriiiliii-lion 207 

I'lirii'll   I.11VU  i>r  til'   Mi'liillivrnv   raiiirr 207 

hikes  mill  »ill<  in  llir  Mc(  lillivrnv   riiinic 212 

I'lirii'll  I.iivft  ill  ihi'  (iult'ii.  riiiij;f 212 

I'linrll  l.iivu  in  tin-  ('lark<>  nin^i' 2Ut 

|)iUi"<  ami  ^illi  in  tlic  ClarKr  rnntrr 214 

I'uriM'll   I.avii  iind  nsHmialiil  iiitrnsivrs  in  tin'  l-iwiu  ranRc 21t! 

Ui'latidii  (if  Hill.1  an<l  ilikt'n  to  tin'  I'un'oll  f'.xtrn><ivo 21S 

Siirninary 210 

CirAI'TKU   X. 

lutriisivc  sills  nf  the  I'urcill  iii.niiiiain  sv-iti'ni 221 

Introiliictioii 221 

i'Miiiil  i'iiin|"isilii)ii  1)1   the  iiitrnsivc^ 222 

Variations  from  tlii'  nsiial  <'oni|io8ition 225 

Moyii!  silld 220 

Ahnorinal  liioiiic  Krmiitt' 22S 

Alinoriiial  liornl'li'iidc-liiotiti'  irraiiito 2:!2 

Intfiini'ilialc  rock-typo 2!t2 

Abnormal  liornlilonilc  paMiro 2:!.T 

Krsami'  of  the  iii'trotirapliy 2i^r> 

Kssoiitial  fi'rttiiris  of  tlic  <litliTciit  sills 2'!0 

Oritrin  of  tlic>  aciil  phases ■>^H 

Prpfcrrod  pxplaiiation 2!!H 

Flat  i>ositiii!i  of  unartzitc  at  time  of  iiitrngion 230 

Siipcrfnsiiin  of  sill  nninnia 240 

rh('i>iii'iil   I'omiiarisnn   t)f  jirnniti-   and    intriidpd   scdiinontfi.  .    .  .  210 

rom|>;iris(m  with  other  sills  in   the  I'nrcell  ranf^o 243 

Kvideneo  .if  xmnlillis 243 

llvlirid  ro.'k 244 

Assi., illation   nt   deeper  h'vels 24fi 

Assimilation   thnpiiKh  niapmatle  vaponrs 247 

Siimnuiry  of  the  arRument'i  for  assimilation 247 

rira\  itnti\e  diflerentiation 247 

Siniilur   and   atial>^'oiis  cases 249 

Geueral  cotu'lusion  aod  npplieation.  .      252 

'*^^  -^w 

HtfuHv  nr  rut;  rmrf  isTHnsuvnt  ,, 

SfSSIOrML   PAPER   No    25* 

<   II  Al'l  i;i{    \|. 

StrBtiKruj.ln    ,ii„|   .irn.fiirr   ..(  th,.   si..|i  ,,1     ,  .    •  l'^<->- 

Kit,.h..n,.r  formation..   .....                  ' '""""  '■""""    '^-'m,,h.,  -.7 

I'rii-t  Ki»i'r  ti'rrmi.' ". -•"'' 

Kx|-'.«ur...  „M.l  .oihli.i,,,,,  '.,}  MM.Iv -•^'* 

I'if.Kra(.|,,v  nf  l!,.|t  .\ -•'•!• 

INlrnKaipliy  (,f  Kelt  H.            -•>'> 

I'-iruKnipliy  „f  |l,.|,  (■   .    '■   ■ 2(11 

•  '■•iroirriif.liy  „f  1».  .   ..   ''   ] -"I 

l*iir..i,'iii|,liy  ,,l'  H,.'f  |.;_      '   [ -'II 

I'.'Ir.  unipliy  nC   K.  .    .  . -'>'> 

l'rtr..LTM|.|iv  ,,Mt,.lt  (;.  ! -'<' 

^.1;;^::::.:"!'' ^'":""" '""''•  ••--'«!-■/ ;..rr„M;;'.v .■.■ ::  ^ 

I'.ikI   ?>'|,.  irr.i.ip.  ..."'".  _ '-'T<» 

<ii'Mi  rill  .|.„.|i|,,|,,|i.  . -"' 

Arcj  ,.,ist  ..f  liiilftinri  rlv.r.      , -"' 

Ar.M  «(Mt  ,,f  Snliiinn  rivrr.  ,   . '-'■'' 

forriOiilioii l.';.'. 

Snmn.nry  „„  ,1,..  .,r,'.'unr  nf  th,.  v,i,;„;  „;,;^,,:  '    '  '    '  '    '  •    •  ' ^ 

f'fT.xPTKK  vrr. 

IntruMv,.  ro,.ks  „f  ,|„.  s.lkirk  , „t„l„  .vs,„„ 

A^norn,nl,.ranit,.  in,rM..ivpinh,     ,,    K-i    .     :'   '''^•■'  ":"»•"■ LN-2 

Ull.Vnn.,,.    l.,MthnIit|,    ,„„1    i„    ,,„,,|',j;,.; 2St 

I"troKrM|.|.y  of  th,.  b,if|,oIitli  2.'^» 

'■"'iiM.l  (ii..tiiinnrplii-m.  .  200 

SnMIifi,.  slocks  on  th..,IivV|..'.'. ■-"■•I 

fVtn)i;rii|iliy :.'!!« 

<^>ll(ll,■t  mctnMiorphi^in.  .    .  .    . -"•"' 

QiinrtTi-diorito  ajxiplivm^s    -f*T 

'..^.;'S^*'.2ttJ;" !'';'■■■''"-"- '-'"■"■'■■^  ■■::::: ::^  ™ 

Hiinkrr  TTill  sto.'k •!•'-' 

^^iliiion  T{ivi  r  nHiiizoiiit,. .'!();! 

T.nni|iropliyri.' <lil;,s  nn.l  «i]N.  .   . -'i'U 

Porphyritic  mica  ininottc.  . "'W 

Aiiiritc  niinctto .^nfl 

iroriiMf.n.Ic-Miieitc  niinrtto.  .    '.[ ■'•>" 

Olivino-nuKitf  minrttc.              -W^ 

ron.parison  of  tl,o  tninett«,  witi;  the 'wo;M:„v;rn^o.  !  '.V  .  .    ..^   ;;  JJ^ 


iii:i'\iir\ii  \r  of  riir.  isrt:niou 

2  GEORGE  V,  A.  1912 


luTsnntiti' ;^|._> 

("iiiiiptiiiiitc.  .      ;5I4 

Odinite ;5].} 

Aplitic  am]  ;i('i(l  iipiiphyanl  dikos Dlt 

T)ikt>  jilinsfs  of  tlif  Hiissliii.d  niiil  licavcr  Moimtiiin  volrniiiis HI.' 

Relative  af-'es  of  tlic  cniiitivi'  bodice ^\(\ 

<'rr.\rTFi!  xiif. 

Joriiiatioiis  of  ilu'  llosslaiid  iiMiiiitaiii  i;roiii) ni9 

Paleozoic  formations ^o(> 

Carlioiiiferous  beds   in   Little  Sheep  creek  valley 320 

Carlioiiiferoiis  liincstoiK'  ill  the  HoMslaiid  iiiiniiii;  camp 321 

Siitlicrland  schistose  complex ^o] 

Siiiiiinary ;jo^ 

Afesozoic  sodiiiiciit-i   ;if    Little   SI p  rnck .".■22 

Rossland  vidcanie  !.'r(mp .-^o.'? 

(loiieral  <Ie«criptioii 30;; 

I'etrofrraphy  of  (lie  lavas  and   pyrocla^tics r!21 

AiiKile  latito fj.31 

A\i!.'i(c-liiolite  latile .'(.)(■, 

Aiiirilc-(di\  inc  latile ^-jo^ 

llori.Mcnde  aiiirite  latite ^.)i> 

TTorMhlctide-iiiotife  latite fj^O 

I>irtil(<  latil(> '^•^j 

Feniie  aiifrite  latite ;^;5^ 

Oomjiarison   with    Sierra    Xevnda   latite   and   witli   nverasre   innn- 

zonite <5<5^ 

Aiiftito  ainlesite •yx\ 

Basalts .j^o 

Flow  of  liparitii'  obsidian? f;;>;> 

TiifTs  and  airfrlomerates ;;;3  I 

Dnnites  ciittitifT  tiie  Uosslatid  vobanics ^^\ 

Diinite  oil  ^IcTJae  creek ;>;.r, 

Porpliyritie  harzbnrtrite  (picriteM ;5:5i; 

(Jaliliros  and  pcriclotitcs  near  Christina  lake 3:17 

TJossland  motizonito ^,^~ 

l?a-*ie  iiioiizoiilte  ami   b.irnblcnrlitc  on   T'.car  <irck :!|4 

Shoiikiiiitic  t.vpc  a-   liitfcr  cri>ck llfr, 

<;raiiitc  stock  ca-l  of  Ca-iradi' '      '  :.|'-, 

Trail  bath..lilli '\  '  :;||; 

Tlefillition ;;|,; 

PetroL'raphy •.  |- 

nifTcrenliatiou   in   j'lacc ;.(y; 

Shattcr-hidt ^(9 

'a:r„Hr  or  Tin:  (///at  .,  >/,,,,  \„„//,  ^.^^ 


Conffloincnitd  f,,iii,.ilii)tis.  .    ..  l'"iK. 

roMKl„nierate  ut  l.ako'imta'in ■'•'''" 

^o>,;.'l„m,.rat..  Mt  S„,,|,i,>  ni,M,„iai„. •■•"■'> 

on;,  ,„m.raf,.  aroa  at   Af«n„.m-nt   If' •^■'" 

<  orii-'lunHTan-  area  at   M,„„,„„.,,f   l,;., ■'"'' 

I 'irnlatidii  an,]  origin..    ..                          •'•'»- 

15<^av(r  Arouiitaiti  ^rniup.  .    ..   .. "•''•-' 

'uMiiral  il.siription '_] '■'■■''•■i 

Soiliiiii'iits ;',-,■> 

V.ilcanic^ ;;:,.•{ 

Shcpp.-iiil  ■-Taiiitc "_ "."I 

Porph.vriiic  iiliviiic  syenite.  .   .  .   . '. •■'■"'^ 

Cnryell  .syenite  Latin, litli.  . •"••''" 

nniniiiaFit  pliiise .'!.■•"' 

Tia-iie  |i!,use  at  ceiitaet '  . '^'■' 

Aiio[i!i.v.-;es :;i;i) 

<'ontaet  ini'taiiKirpliisni  ■'''•' 

Sy.'njt,.  an,l  .n,„ite  pnrphyri;.;  .at,'lli,i;.  ;;,  H,,:  i '/^rvell   '',1  ,V,   '  '    '  '      '"'' 

Hikes ;!,;;{ 

Mia.soiirite  (lii<e "(I.l 

Varioiis  (.tl'er  dikes.  .  ;ii;(l 

Oliserveil  faets .iT:' 

l*rivl.;i)ile  relafidtis .'!;•_' 

('"ncl/itifui ;!7.'-) 

;;  Ti' 

(  <leseripti(iri ' .-JTr 

Grnnci  Forks  schists .'{77 

(Vseade  irrieissie  hatlmlith.  .    .  .'  .'. ;!7>- 

'"'iu>r;il  (jeserifitidn .■;7li 

N'.itiin.  ami  eriirin  of  l,an(i'iiiV ■      •      '!"!' 

^melfer  fri-Miiite  stock .  .'iMl 

Affwooci  series ;jsl 

<^|ilnri(,.  an,i  i.-rnhleiule  Veiiisfs.' ■■^■2 

I  liirriix  v.ileaiiie  fri-oiip ;!s.'( 

Snriieiitiiie ;;<;! 

Oranodiorite .  ;is',') 

<^firreI.'ition ' r,ff\ 

ram    iirt ,    ;w7 



2  GEORGE  V,  A.  1912 

maui.tmiis  ,in.l    AnaMnst   moiintninpliitoan).  .    .  '      oen 

IlltpMllJiti,!!! _•>'-•' 

Aniiri'hi^t  soric^.  ...  ''"^ 


lytirrnl  i](s.Ti|ition ]'^' 

N'ltiir.'  '.f  tl:p  mpfamorphi-iri.  .    .  !,„', 

Mo.k  Cvk  pliitmii."  l,o,Ho...    .  •„' 

MiTlt.> •^"- 

,,  ,.     .  .lOO 

n„n,v •'^"•'' 


Ivottlc  niv(^r  fiirniatiiin '.' 

C'l'ii.'rnl  (losiTiption '_, 

/t     J      .1  lift 

I  ipol.iiriiMl  ,ic'.-> „._ 

Mi.Iwnv  \'ol,"i,ni.>  irrMU,,   fi„  p;,rt) -50^ 

fictior:!!  iJcHcription '^' 

P(>troijr,ip!iy  of  the  snhalkalinp  lava? .'.'  . jioS 

n^.^k  Prfck  fh.ninlifh '    '' '' 

.'-Jtr'ii-fiiral  rplafinrs 

T'  .riiiiiaTit  rnok ,., 

,.         ,   1       .    .  mM 

iii'iipral  ilcscTiptioti.  ...  ,„, 

nivmih-foH.par '..'!.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'. jno 

"'h.^r  cinstitiiont!) _' ,    " 

r!i,.Mii<'al  rnnipn.ition   •■in.)   classifir'alion   of  thp  ro'nk 40'-. 

^'  -ntar't    pha.SP   (if   Iho   rhnnr.litil ,f^'^ 

O'Icr  iiifviisiniis  af  rlinnib-porpli.vry '.'.   '.'. ino 

Extnwivp  plin>p  of  thp  rliomb-p.irphvrv.  .   .  ,,'f. 

Anal-ifi..  rlin,n!>-pnrpliyrv   fsharkanifpl  ,,, 

X-rfh   nf   Unrk  crook y] 

OiliPp  .irfiirri'iicp^ ^^l 

TMtrii--i',P  ro.l-s  puttiii-  K'pttlp  Kivpr  strata V/r 

PcirpliyritPs ■*'. 

I'lilaskitP  porphyry 4)7 

Orl.T  of  Priijnion  of  tho  'Midway  lavas,  .  '.'.  '.'.  '.'.  '. aIq 

Strn..tMr:,!  rohitio,,.  „f  ti,p  folumhia  nio.mtain  s.vstom  wpst' of  rhrisiina       ' 

rorr'bM:,,;.'.'. ■'-" 


rrrAPTER  xvt.  of  ,hp  i)Uun^:vn  ran^o  an.l  of  Kr,„.pr  \ro„nfain  platoau  4->5 

f.cnPraldp.priptmnof  thehntholithiparpa..   ..  ,1'' 

Ronf-ppn(lant,9 ^" 

Hnity  of  th-  oompositp  hatholith. f,? 

Seilimpntary  ropk=.  and  associated  basic  vol'canics    .'.' .'.'  .".'   .'.'    ■■    "  '     432  n,-  Tilt:  iinry  Asrifoxoui:;! 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   No.  25a 

V(rof;n.,.l.v   „r  ,1„.  ,.„„!, ,,,-i,,.  l„l,'li,l, 

Iii'-liti-i-  .\l,iiii;i;,ii,  li,,niM,..,.|it,. 

flii'piili;!  |.;i-i,-  iiitniM-'.,- 

.\sliii..l;i  f;.il.l.r.i ' 

^'■■■''i'-  C.niiilt.x ' 

Xo,iiil.-i„.;,nn.i;   p,i,|,,ti,,.  ,1,'k,,.'." 

^  i-'l'-iil:!!'  ;iii.l,  -it,    ,lili,  .  

Oso.vons    li.-ltll.ilitll 

'lriy-!i:i!  Knit!(Mli,,rii;,.  tvp,. 

r^J.pi'T:;,:;;;;l,,';':^'';':"-:>:'-;;-^''''-'^  ^^ 

WfSliTII     pllilx' ■"•' 

T'^istcrii  \,],:t<v i-i'-', 







rpn  taliMiu  ,,|-  i),,.  n,,,  ,, !,.,.,„, 

lwi:'^,T    :!lk,-,Iillc    !„„ly. 

'"■ii.'imI  (Ic-,ripti..n '. 

A^»tii,.  l,i,,tl!,.  „i;ili-iiifi..  .  '. 

F<'iiii.-  lus'liciif,.  sM'iiil,  

V"l''i.  Hi.'  >y,-uhr.  .    ..    ,.' 


-\fi-t.-iiiioii  Ih'mh 

^iiiiill<;uiit'cn  lMil;,,lii|i.  .    .  ,    ' 

fJenoral  cliiivii.tcr 

Hii^i.-  ,,|:„>-r   :■;   ,-,,ni;„-(.  [ 

ro,nvuv]s..u   vi,l,    Kr„:.,.r  nll<;;iin^. 'l,o,iv' ' 

<>M'r  I'liiiM. ■■_■■ 

VlJIllI!.,.,.    pi,.,.,,. 

.,,,.  _     '.■'■♦""^Vl"'    '':al.,.,lr,-,l    l.;,fl,nli,|, 
••irk  pniriitc'  -tm-h.  . 


R-s„m..  of  tl,..  ^^oolo«i,,,|  l.i.torv,  . 

Sp.iuonro  nf  fl„.  oniptivo  rork-' 

•"f>tlii>il  of  intnisimi 

*^fnoriil  sniiiTiiarv.  ... 

<  fr.\i>TKR  xvrr 

F-ormntiops  „f  tl,o  ir„.on„vn  ran-v 

t'Piicral  (Irsfription 

Pnsa.vtcti  .scries '. 



Fo.s^ils  .•olJoptciJ _ 



.      117 

.     448 





4.'-)  4 







4  7<! 


in-.fAiivMKsr  OF  niK  i\terior 

2  GEORGE  V,  A.   1912 

I'aHuylon   inlrani.'  l'(irniiilii,ti 

Lighfniiifr  Crcplt  diorito 

Otliur  liiisif  intnisivos  ciittinir  the  Pii^iiytcn  furmation. 
Tasllo  I'cak  stock 

Its  siit'c'ial   iiiiixirtanco 

noininant  iilinHt; 

Basif  roiitact  pliaHc 

Sfnictural  roIatiiiii>! 

liitnisidii  (if  nyciiito  p.iriitivry 



Tlozomcoii  scric-i 

(ii-iu'ral  rli»si'riiitioii 


Strni'tiiral  rolntion-^   in  tlio  raiiu'o. 


Siimmar.v  r,r  :.',.o!oL!ii'al  histnry 


.  4S9 

.  401 

,  402 






Forniatiou.s  of  the  Skagit  mountain  ran^e ^. . 

Genera]  .statement (jqY 

Stratified  fonnation.s gQg 

Ilozonieeti  series 50g 

Chilliwaek  series r,^^ 

General  eharaoter  and  distribution 50^ 

Detailed   .sections  and   tlie   fossiliferons  horizons 510 

General  eohimnar  section 554 

Geoloprieal  age  of  tlie  series r^\\ 

Cultns  formation 5jC, 

Stratiuraphy  and  strm-tnre 51(5 



Tamihy  series 5-]g 

Huntingdon  formation 519 

Igneous-rock  formations 52-i 

Chiiliwa.k  vohanic  formation 501 

Vedder  frre<mstone p^oo 

Custer  pranite-cmeiss p^o.'j 

Oripinal  rock-type 5.14 

Banded  structure 534 

Sumas  pranite  and  diorito _  _  526 

Granite 526 



SkaRit  volcanic  forma' ion 52g 

Skaprit  harzhnrarite 53I 


Slosse  diorit'' Paok. 

I'ltrnfriaphy ••....!."..'. ■'^•'f 

<'onta'-t  niefaiiiurpliisni ''"'^  t<raiiu,li,,rif..  I„itli„ii'tli.'.   '.'. ^'}* 

Petrojrrnpliy '  '    '  ' •''•'^ 

r'oiita<'f   niefaiMnrpliism.  .    . ^^^ 

Intnisivos  ciittin/r  tlio  SI<a^'if'v„lVaMi',.s'. ^,1'! 

Aforizf.uifo  stuck.  .                                                "^ 

Dikes '..'"..".. ;'*^ 

l>ikps  nittiriK  the   fliilliwack   l.alliolith!  !    '. '. '''!' 

AfiM  (iikps  CMittititr  tlie  fliilliwack  soripx              ,'~ 

Pasi..  rlikos  aiM  (.-m-nst.,,,,..  in  tl,„  rinlilwa.k'.srnos rt 

Slruotiiral  relations ''' 

rorrolation •''*^ 


PAUT    ]I 

r       w       •      ,     ,^  <"HAPTER  XIX. 

t  nrrelntioii   in   the  Western  (Jeosyiu-linal  belt. 

Principles  used  in  eorrelution.                       ^'^^ 

Correlatiun  anion,-  fornnttions  at  tlm'Foi-t^^unU;  Parallel So 

(orrelation  nLliin  the  Western  Geosynelinal  belt             rr? 

(.eneral  features  of  the  Western  Oeosyn-Iinal  bolt.  .   '. '.    . '.   '. '.    ][   [[  ges 


Suniniary  ot   ^-..cVieal   history  and   note  on   orofrenie  theorv  ,.- 

Oeologieal  his  ory  of  the  Cerdillera  at  the  Forfv-ninth  P    .allel tt 

C.b,ena..oMs   beann,.  on   the  theory   of  nionntain-buildi,,;;        V  ;.■   [[  ^I 


Glaeuition  of  ,ho  ( ■onliU,.,,,  ,„  Hie  Eor.v-nintl,  parallel 

Introduction i    ..■ni j^^ 

Clarke  rar-ire 577 

N'a:iirc  aii<l  extent  of  dacial  .■,, •''"'' 

(ialton-Marl)onald  mountain  proup.  .". •^^'"* 

I'liri'cll  111, uiniain  system ] ^^^ 

I^elkirk  mountain  svsteni                           ^'^^' 

;;y'7"''i^'  '"'"">t^"M'^mi  H„."iu,;.n;;  ,.;,;,,;;„; f^;* 

"Kana^raii  raiino ''^i* 

Ilozomeen  raiiye •'•fl 

Skaprit  ratipe.     .......!....' ■'■^" 

Summary .'i!l4 



**'"  in.r.iniiiKST  or  tiik  i\ri:ii,np 

2  GEORGE  V,  A.   1912 
'  ilAI'TI  i;    Wll 

iV,i,,«,-;„.iH,  „.,„.. 1,..  i-',r>-,,;..:,  !.;,,,,ii,.i  „.,.,;„„..  ^'^\ 

Oriiiiii  n|    till-  Mi:i.i.-r  \;,ll.  V- 1,  ; 

rn,liyi,l,„l   „„„„„,:„    ,.,„,;.«  :-Vl,v-„;j,.;p|,i,.   ,.n,'ii„V, 001 

iTcnt  riiii:;(;  .svii.-liiic.                                                                       ' 

f!allnn-MMcl)„i,;,l,l  1,,,,., '.',','..'.  .' J,'"' 

gi;.sti.,„ ,„■ ,  T,.,,:,,v  ;,,„.,.i.:„  in \\u' M^-u  \\\, ;;,,:,{,, ;;,:,;,„;;  ;:;;.! 

I  iiii'i-ll  .■..iii;N.iiii(l  In, I--; 

NolsiiM  riiiiiji'  iiinn..(!iii.' , 

J{oiiiiinf;l(in-i;.,->l,iii.l  iiiMiii,i„i„  ^;-,.,,        .....      , ,'■'!•" 

<:liristiiin    imiilc  ;iiic|    iloun.hin    Civ,.];  ,ii-iii.'.! ,'•',',' 

Midwii.v  vnl,'i,i,|r  ,li^tricr .' ' 

Iiitorior  riatcnii- '     ' 

Okunafrnn  rntip- ' 

HozoiiR'i'ii  raiist' '; 

ci      -^  ii2o 

SkafTit  rnn:;(' .^„M  „f  M  p-.i.rMl  Trrti.n-  |„.,u.,.iuiu   hi  'ti;.;  rMsi-M,i;.' .nounhun.'  '     li^J 

"'^vH"I'"i™t    .,)    a,.,.„   of   ..nmmir    in    :,1,,:,„.    ,n„„ninln...  03, 

I'-Nplaiiiition,  l.y  iiiiipritan.-,. '  '  ^ 

S|.iiiilmn.(,;i>  ,IovrL.|iMi,.nr  ,,f  Minmiillcvrl   ,i,r.,r,l;,,'i,',..  .    .' .' ,Jo^ 

Siiniiiiar.v ,'"■' 

(:o.,,.ral  ..,.,u.|nsi,..„  ,.„   ,1,..   I>liy-i...,.,ph^-' hUi.'.^y  '  '  f' tl„'. '(  ■„r.l'iiv'r,  ',1     ''*' 
tla-  Fort.v-iiinfl,   VmMA rui,,  1,,  ,,t     ^^^^ 

(  IIAI'TKI;  \\||[. 

First  ..aloaroous  f„ssi|s  a,.!  tl,o  „ri;;i„  „r  tho  pr,.>-ll,„.ian  !i„„st„iu..  «4;i 

iiitrcMlurtor.v;  a!..>lra.'t  ..r  ,-|ia|itcr ''      1'.' 

Ex,>la^ation^  „r  th,.  .nlo-.iliiVro.,-'  ,.f'th.  pn-C  •ami.ri.iu'sodi-      '  " 

nyr.oth,.sis   nf   ,l,e   nH.taM,,.n,ln.''.|r<.n,',.h;,n';,n-„;sil'ro;,;;,iM/'    "     lil"! 

Hiodks  li,v|)()tlif.-*i< ''■_!- 

Hiigf,'i'.>tC(l  li,vi>c,tli(>-i-.  .    ,  ,'  ■' 

Du^S"'''/''  ''"'Vr^  'l"'"""''  "'■■ ''—"-' i""'-'(M:-;.i  or;.aMis,M:  !;,;; 

iJuration       'Iwiiearly  limeless  sea ,.,^ 

EHWt.s  (if  tlic  Uiin.iiian  ..iM^.n!,.  ,vv,,lini,„i.      ,*,,, 

Analyses  of  tlio  Ottawa  river „?; 

Coini)ari.^(,M  „f  tlir  Ottawa   ami  ..tlicr  river- r-,  contia.t  .,1   |„v-(  ■..■„l.riai 1  latrr  ,i .  ..r '.v.t,.nN (i^ 

\anafK.„s  in  th.  ..alnuj.  -„pply  (Inrln.  a,,,!  afl.r  tl„.  pro-Cambria,,::  ^^::^^ 

Tfpts  of  the  .'i„.f.'f;estn,l  h.vpnthosi*.  :    .  :    .:.'.'  .'.'  .'.'  .  .'  _ ^.fl 

Cnrrcihorativp  oxporinioiit- ,''. , 

Ohservation.s  0,1  tho  Klack  Spa :/......'. (.'r'o 

Pre-Oamliria,!  'ipiliirii'iitary  (iepo.sits p[q' 

Orifrin  of  doIoMiitp  an<i  of  othor  ina?i,p^iai,  •ie-iimei'its'.'.  '. '.   ::    ::  fi'fi'l 

SESSIO^ML   PAPER   No    25a 

■^^"■'-"    '•^'l'"    ■'!'  ■■^■i'.I.I    I,,    „,;,Mh-;,., 

"'7."' I'^""- ';;""' -,.1  „:„„.,:,,,.  „, .„„,■,:„,;,„.•;  '"•' 

<  ;ntil.n,iii  -..lirnniu.  ' 

.,„  "■  ""•'■■"-  •■-'■-■I  i:. I' <,„Hi.rMn .,.,.■•,,„..-.,  "  '^  ,-„ 

>>iinjniarv ''4" 



'•ir.M'TFR  XXIV 

fntrodiiotioTi  to  til,     iicnrv  ,,f  i-n,..„is  r,.,.k 
<'ln.«ifi,.i,tioii         .1,,.  i:;,ip,,iis  ro.-ks.. 
AviTa^re  i-oinpo^itioiis  (,f  li.ndinjr  fypcJ 

rompo.iti„n   of   tl„.   s„l,„;    ,|,..   .,,,0,,,,   p„,,l,.„„„, 

Primary  nci.I  slioll  ..I  tlio  .nrtli 

Al.y.asjil  iiii,>f.tioii  of  ninj.'mii 

Oriirin  of  v,,l,.;iiiir  jii'tioii 


Avoruffo  srxvilic.  gravities  of  corfiiin  tv|'.,"..s *!"''' 

Soiirop  of  inaKTriiitic  Iioat *''"' 


frrAPTEu  XXV. 

nns.iti,.atio,i  of  i:„u.ons  intrM^lvo  l.odir-. 

IntrcT(]iictioii it!^ 

Prinoiplos  of  clnssitiiT.tion.  .    ..         "'•'' 

Injcctod  liodies.  .   .                 "'•'' 

Dike '.".'.'.'.'. "^"^ 

Intrusive  slieot "''"' 

Laccolith "17 

Pliacolitli "17 

Bysmalith '.  '.'.  '/   '/   '  ' 71^ 

Volcanic  nock.  .                              "'^ 

Chonolith "II' 

Efliinolith ■   ■■  _■  ■   ■ 710 

Subjacent  bodies.  .                          "-" 

Boas 720 

Stock "-^f^ 

Batholith !.....".."'. P' 

Proposed  classification.  .   .                  "'' 


rti  'k-'k- 



I'lI'MnMISl    ,„    lilt:  ISTLItlUll 

''ir.M'TKU  XXVI. 


Ar<'''hiinisiii  of  l.iifli..i;tlii,. 

Field  rt'liitiiiMs 

Tirrio  pclaliori'^ 

<''Iirmii-iil  rrlMtiiiiw 

Theorios  of  bathulithi,'.  '.•..'fnici,,,",' 

^LlKV„|i|l,i,,  '  l,.v,,„tl„.^i,. . 

'  Mnr^^iiinl  n<siniilati,,n  '  hvi.ntlip'.i 

TT.V|iMili,.uis  ,,f 

2  GEORGE  V,  A.  1912 

.  725 
,  72fi 

'  iiiiiffiiintic  sfcpinu-'.  .    .. ^^^ 

ar;.;'^,::!':ir-n:i;x - ^-■■v^ 

n\*v  of  iiiiifrirra  tliroii^'li  st  

T«>stini..n.v  of  lai-ooliths.  . 

Proi]|i>,u  of  tlip  rover.  . 

Supply  of  tlio  iipc-ssarv  licar  •  riiiKTmn.;  i  .  

Objwtion  foundcl  on   rarilv  of  .vi,?,.,",,'..! ',''„!  ■-  ■•.',: 



74  S 


a-winiilatioii.  ,    . 
Kxistonoo  of  l.asi,.  sfofk; 
nilfcncntiatlon  of  flio 
'Visiii  of  Kraiiil..;   tl 

I'.niptivo  soiinonco 

Oi-iirin  of  inaLinati,-  waf<.r  anil'pa'^rs ' 
'■oiiiTMl  rom-Atk^  on   tli,.  stoning  liypof 

iiiid  I'atliolitlis. 
yntii-tip  inapiiia.  , 
10  pctroirmic  cyrlf.. 




^f:i2;iiiati(-  <liffi'r(iitiatiuii.  . 

''ri'liminary  iioto 

Tielation  to  co-stallization. 

Limited  iiiisoihility 

'Jravitativo  diffrrentialif.i!.  . 

Oriirin  of  b.isie  eontaet-sliells ""1 






t  of  golutioM  of  foreign  mcK-.  ' ~~f> 

<ir.\rTi;i;  xwifr. 

(■Olieral  tin 

■  t    ll 

'-'":""-  '■"'■l^'^  .-nid   its  ap|,li,,,tio„ 

sfnieuKnt  of  a  fr..M,..aI  theory  "" 

■ 777 

REI'ORT  OF  THE  rillKf    ASTKOSOUf:// 

SESSIONAL  PAPER  No   25.  '"' 

V''"J'"'''  '•'"'"''"'••"•i.m  of  ninttttm-  ^*"f-' 

KvMen.v  of  a  ,,riumTy  nri.l  'onrtli-sMi; '"0 

KM.ImK-e  of  a  bnsaltiV  .sMhsfrntiim                   ^^ 

^ynfoctics 780 

Tilt'  (frHriitcH "S3 

Tlio  KrmiiMlidritcs 7S4 

Tho  <linrifoM  an.l  ....i.I  nii,),  s'ih.,' /«•» 

i," '"''''"ifiitary  ,Iik,.s  nri.UI ,]      '„  \ ',, : 78.'5 

Tlw  nlmormnl  pnl,|,ro.,  .    .                      '  '""'  ""^  '^■-''"«f"to,. -s« 

Tlu>  iilknline  rooks "    ' 7S7 


-\rPF\IU.V  'A- 

Tal.le  of  rli,  ,„;,.,,I  „„,,lysrs 


APPF.VniX  'R.' 


'  ''S::^S::;;H:^'t;;:  pjjr't:;'"^     •''■•  ''^  ^'-  ^-t  i„tern„tio„ni 

-  1  rofile  soctioiis  showinjr  rol  itiv,.  -,>Ii  .f>,     c    i      .i   • 

•■l;ain,  an,i  the  par,  of  tlu-  (-or.'lill.  '  \'(  \ ',,,  "{"^  'I'"''"'  "'«  "iniala.van 
of  (;..,.ana  a.,.1  ,l„.  Groat  Pl.ins  ■'^""^"■"■"  '"■'"■'^''"  «''>••  fi"lf 

rnor  dolta    „oar  Con,   orivk  '''   ^'""'   "•'"'"'"^    "^'^'^   "^   Koo.onav 

*>■  Bolt   of  tlio   Interior   PIk,..,,.  ./  i     i  ■  , 

.    ^    <>l,ana.,n   ran..,.':.l  '         ;•,    -^■;:;    •'-"■    f-"'    ■—    Park    „,o„„tain. 

><.  (-anioron  Falls  on  Oil  Pro..!-     f     '  ' 

B.-Shoaro1  ;,   ■  r   1    r;'"''  '""'■'"•■"^.  Harko  rnn.o. 

nt  xZ'rCr  "'  ''''^""■""  '•■"-  '"-'■•-•^    i"   Kit,..,onor  formation. 


Ill  r\/n  Ml  \  I  III    nil   isii  ituu; 

3  GEORGF.  V,  A.   1912 

II.  (ii.r-  .ri  ...ilt-i'i  \  .i.iU  ill   Kiiii'ii  ,ii:^iilit('. 

\Jt.     I,u..klll-     c,l-t     n. •!..-,     I'lllliiM.I     V.lir    V      r.llll     Innljli     !,,     (     i.ilM-     r.lllL'r. 

II    lli'inl  ..|'  l,..«ir  Kihtlii  I.iik.'. 

II     A       <'!liT   ill    Sixiii   liiiir-ti.iii'.  »li,  ,111-   nN.I:ii  tiM.ili    ,tiiii|iirr.   M    r.i-.  ,'    in 
I'liillii...  (>,■.■!<.  CM-Iirii  ...lur  ,,|'  ,,   I'l.iiii-. 
n       r..ii.Ti'tl.,ii  ill  .|,,|  iinii,  :  |mu.  r  |Mi-|   .,;■  (,i,t.  w.i.v   l..niLii  imh.  ( .;i|i.iii   r.i\v'<\ 
^^>    A.      l.irii..iiiii/.-l,  -iii,|i\    Mini   t\\ii,i,..i  ,i\,iiU  '.f  p;iiti'.   fr.iii  (iiiicw.iy   for 
iiiatii.ii  ill     niMiiiii  ..r   M'<iilli\r;iy  r;iiiL'i'. 
II.     Siiiiihir   I'M-itc   ir\-i,i!      in    nici;ui.  Illil  !.■    iii-itri-c. 
\<'k    V.\\n,*\\\,.  ,.\    i!„.  iihi--iM.   Iiviii'  .•..iit;I..iiiiTiilr   in   lii'inl  u.ill   ,.\  .  iri|ni-. 
IT.  A.     IJipi'li-inarks   in    Iii|i|ilc  i|iiart/:;'  ,    |i...>iiiv,-.. 

H. — K:|i|plr  iniirk«  in    !'i|p|il.'  i|ii:irt/i,i  ;   ni'raliviN  (i'iip^Ih  i 
H.   N'ciriilivcs  of  rippic-tnarlvH  in  (|irirl/ifi'.     Sinnnit  of   ^'f.   |{ip|il,  , 
Ifl.   Miiiiiit  Hippie  iinil   sntninil   rldi-'f  ..I    iIk'  .•^ill.irk   iiiniii.l.i:ii  s.vsti  m. 
L'O.  Ciluiniiiir  si.,'|i,,iH  ,,f  111,.   Snnmiit.   I'm-u'll,  <;:iltMi'.  nti.l    I,cwi-i  *i-uv* 
■-'1.    hiM-Tnninuili.'  ,M-t  w,  M   ^,:\':.\t  ,,f  t|i,.   \l  vVy    Mount. lit!  (!i'..syti.'!iniil  -M   tlir 

I'nrl.v-niiilli   ranillcl. 
■^■Z.   .\.      .\li.!iir-t.p,.|li   slni.'tmi'   In   .>^i,v,li   m^  .Miiimij  i ,  ClarKi'   raiiu'c. 
I'..    -M..lar-ti».i;li   «frpir't.!ro    in   r:,-tl,.    M..nMi:i!i,   .|..'.ini!lr    i  i-Mwciifli.  rc.l )    ,,n 
main    line   ol'  Cmailian    I'arili.'    railway. 
L'-.    .\.      I'p.i'pli.vrlli.'    plia.-c>    I'i    liic    I'liivll    I.a\a:    -uniniil    uf    McCillivray 
II.      (.'narl/    an!yi..luli.    in    tlic    I'iiptH    La' a. 
J  I.   Sen, Hilary  (.Tanito  of  a  ^^()yip  sill,  fifty  i\'\{  fniii  upper  <'untnct 
I'.'i.    I'lia  .-   of   till'    Moyii'  -ill:   .^pcana  n-   om-lialf   natural    M/c. 
■2i'..    r.dnkitm-  (<a-t\vanl  tlic  laavily  \\.i,,,l,.(l  iii,.iiiit;iiiw  coniiio-cd  of  tlif  I'rii'st 

river  terraiie.  Xel-.c.n  raiiiie. 
•-'7.    A.— C.pntia-I  of  la.iMial  -eri.iip.  ..Iii^i  ,,f  \I,aik  |onii.ili..n   Mi'l'tl   aia!  .■■iiitai't- 
inetainp.r|ili.i-i-pl   I'.piiN  ale  ii'    in   a'lrep.l.'  ..f  -iiinniit    Liranile   ~toel<.   a   I'liar^'O- 
t;raine(l.  !:litfi'rinL'    iinisepp\  itp'  <p-lii<f    (riuliti. 
r..   -Spani;le,l.  yartM't  ifcroii-   -■'ii<f   .-liaiMpli-ri-l  !■■  of   r„.ll    V.     pf   l'rie~l    Klver 
ti  Train'. 
i."^.   Typi.'al  view  ..f  I!oiiiiini.:1..n  I'ei;.!  d'Or.Mlle  ni..Mj'lain.s  ,,f  the  S,dkirl<  ^yM.  la. 
L'fl.   rerp-ns-i,,n   marks  .m  i|uartzit..  li.nilder  in  lie.l  of  I'en,"  d'Orriilp  river, 
"0.    A.— Stioare.l  phase  of  the  Kykert  sjraiiite.  sh.pwins;  eoiieenlratiipii  of  the  fi'tiie' 
elenu-nts  of  the  rip.-k    (niipldle  /ppne'). 
I?. — ]\rassivo  phase  of  tlip'   IJykiM't  yranite,  shovNini.--  larL'e  |pheiioin,>ts  of  alka- 
line fehlspar. 
;!1.  Tournialinp    ripsetles   on    J,,ii:t  plaiip   of   (piari/ite:    fripni    .'ppntai't    aiiie.ple   of 

summit  frrriiito  stpiek,  XelsiPii  raiisro. 
32.  Felsetimeor  eompppsed    ..f  TJosslnial    v(plean!.-s.   Kei^nrd    Mountain    ridco,    upst 

of  Riisslatal. 
o.*?.  Two  views  of  shatter-l.idt   iih.piit   the   Trail  hatholith.  Colnmhia   river. 
•'?4.   Sheared   Casende  pranodiorite.   shouinj.'   haiipled   strnetnre. 
n.'.  Park  land  on   Anarcliist   plateau   east  of   lake. 
"<\.  Fo.pjoil  plants   in   the   Kettle  Tiivor  sandstonp. 

in  I',, I!  I  n,    I  in   ,  in,  I    .  ^ //,.,m  „,///,. 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   No    25^ 

•'•     ^|i-  iliiiii^    C.I    i,,.,l,,;,.  i,.   ,,;,,.  I 

'■'"•  r."l-  .-I  It,,-;,.  (■,,,„,  I,:.                       '  '•  ■■  '■■'  ''•' ""M.r  ..;,i.. 

<).,,.,■„.„  |,.K,.^  I.M.I  ;.„..•,  -.  vi..i.,|    i,,„„    ,,,,,    .;,,„   _, 

•■!■'•    r.Vi..-.   fr.,.,    ,|„.  Kr.u.r  Hll..,li,„.   |....|v 

,:     ;••■  '    ■■'H.,,| ,v,,„„„, 

Mr::;i':'::r,;:;,'l,::;',.'::::!'-,,; -•'--... 

I  •      \       \-;    ,,  ,       '     "       '    "■     '"-'ii,,i.M,,    r,iii;..... 

t:i '■■'-■ i'— u^^.  ...... ,,. .„,..„„„„.„•,..,.,., 

v^.i'.'.^ .. .  i,iiiiu!:;:i;    ""■  "■■"'•'  '■■ '"--'  r'-n  ...■.i„.  i.,.,,.,., 

--•-',!,      V     ,,.;:'';■'"?'''''■'■■  ■'•'-''-'I'  ■•-.II..I.  -!,.,.;„.. 
Ill    i;i,„,;  ,1       11         .      '"I'""  lie  i.'l;i.-i,,ii,.||.  ,.t,. 

v„i,;, " ' "'  '■'  >^'--'-n  ..,.,.,.,<  .,„,„„,  i,.  ,,„, , 

•'■'■■■'•    -A.    -irnML.i,,:,.  v,,ll..y  ,,f   I'hilli,,.  ,.r,-,.|<     ,.,  ,.,„i:„  ,   •    ,      ,- 

.,^:5^^::,:t!■T;;::;;^^r::^ii,t:r' '-■'•■ ^■'•■'— i.^. 

""Sir'';;;,:: ■ '^■■' -..■.... „,.„., 

«r,v,.|.n,.,,„i  I ,.,  „,„  p,,„,  '--  T,.„„.  „,„,.  ,„  „„ 

■>''.   Ahari(I,,ii,.,I  c  lanii,-    ..f  th,.  I*,.t,  1  An     'u       ■ 

'■'^  ««-i..i  t .i,.,-„„.,.,;,„.  f  ,,,,;;'  f'r "-r-  "'■ »» "»■. 

S  Sir ;;;:  ^;;s?  ft' ''""  ■"^"' "•-""™-'' " ""  '""■ 

...  A  vij,  ;.r";;!t;V;t.:;::'„  r;:^„;:rrT,;'»;^"V""  *■■ 

thp   lTa<!<T  rivor.  "  ~  '''^'    "loisfo.'ono  doltn   „f 

rpprosontP,!  in  A.  "        '     "^   """   Ploi^tooPno 


nt:i'AHrvK.\T  ar  rut:  isrr.iiiuR 

2  GEORGE  V,  A.   1912 

ti.'.  A      l'lioio«ru|ili  -linwiii'  ri'lnli\i'l,v   rufiil  iTiwivc  I'tfn'U  of  Klm'iprlptfi  with 
Very    mnall         •itiiinliilors    (mniw-tU'lils). 
H.— Siiinll  »{!iitifi   <li'i' i.iiiiiir  rir-i'ii-.  nlidiit  hcmh  tlii>ii«itii<l  fit»  almvc  nvn. 
tWt.   I.owir  OkarirtK'Hi   xalli'.v   tliiil   OunVuuH   liikc. 
t;i.   Loi'kirnf  siiiitlu'  arritsii  Sturvatioii   crt'ck  oaiiynfi. 
•!.">.  ('iitiiiM.iiinl   alliividl   rutin   lit    Midttay. 

tl'!.  A rclaiit  siitnmif   l-vrU  in   llic  Silk  irk   raiim'. 

t)7.   F'latcaii-likc  diirfiu'O  <>{   !{i>iiiiiiil   iiatlmlitli. 

*!'<.   I'liilcaii-liki'   ciirfni'f   of    iiiirdofcil    Siiiiilkani<«'ii    li«tli<i)illi. 

i!!i,   Ml  ii.linv    aijil   park    near   tri'c-litii-   al t   six   tiioiiaainl    fi-it    almvp  «ca-li'vi>I. 

noiiiiintrtriii   rainrc 
7".  A.     f^lrtr•l("  fti-critiK  <T  ill   mii»-iivf  tjrif  nf  tlw  Wnlf  furinatinn. 

Fl.— Cnarmi  fiOKt'iiiiii'iT  in  i|iiart/,iti'  nf  flm   Itipiili'  fnrnii'tion. 
Tl.   A. — I.ipokiiiK   *Hiilli    nlnni?   riilitr   iMf»<rn    Middle   and    Slrssc   crfokn,   Skanil 
II. — Siiiitlicrn  sli>i«'  of   Mount   IJiiipIi-,  Srlkirk   ranifc. 
72.  (ShPft  No.  IS),  in  Part  HI  fwifli  maps). 
A. — Typirai    \  ii'W    in    Darki"   riiii».'r. 
B. — Siiinniit  of  tlic   Nol«<in  raiiri'   (Selkirk   syxteinV 

C. — Ni'lxon  rani-'f,  lookitiir  west  from  suiiiniit  ridtjo  north  of  Diwdnoy  trail. 
7.T  (Sheet   \o.  IP),  in  Part  III  (with  rnai«'. 

A— (^ohinihia    Kiver    terrnee    and    tlie    rend    d'Oreille    inoimlaiin    (Selkirk 

B. — Typieal  view   in   the   Midway  mountains. 
C —>'''al  view  in  the  Skii^it  rnntre. 

1.  HiaKCamniatic  map   -Iiowins  sutMJivi.sion  of  the   Ho.'ky    Mounlain   sy>tem   at 

the   Forty-niiitli    rarajlid. 

2.  DiaKramniatie   map   showinfr    j-iihilivi-iion    of    the    I'nreell    mountain    syston. 

at   the   Forty-ninth   Parallel. 

3.  l)ius:ranim:itie    maii    .ihnwincr   snliillvi-inn    of   the    Selkirk    mountain    system 

at  the  Forty-ninth  Parallel. 
1.   HiiiKramniatii'  map  showing  ^uhdivi^i..!!   of   the  ("oininl.ia   mountain   ^y-tem 

at  the  Forty-ninth  Parallel. 
5.  DiaKriimniatie    map   ^houilllr    r"'^ilioii    of    the    slru.'tui-eseetioti    eiist    of   the 

Ifoeky  Moiintain   summit. 
fl.   Structure  ?eeti..ii   across  the  strike.   alouL'  the  ridire  .soiithenst  of  Oil  enek, 

eastern    slope   of    the   Hi^rke   rauL"-!'. 
7.   ninprammatie  drauini;  from  thin  section  of  Waterton  dolomite. 
S.  DiaL'ranmiatie  drawiiifj   fn.iii   thin   section   of  typical   sandy  do'omitc  of  the 

Allyn    formation. 
9.  Section   sliowiiii;  cot.mion   ph;isc   of  the  mohir-|o,,th   structure   in   the   . 

30.  Diau'ranitnatic   drawinir  to   nealo.   from   thin   section   of   iunyt'daloidnl    hnsnlt 

in   the  Sheppard   formatinn.   Phirke  ranjre. 

in  i-i,iir  i,t  ii,i>  I  nil  I    i  v /,,•., \-,i//  /,■ 



"■ 'r;;:,;;:: '■'^'"" ■' -■■•■-•' ••-ma , ,w„„ 

U.   I.i«*,ra.M.n..i,.   .,...,,  hI i,.^  a,.,,,,.,,,,,,,.   ,„„;,, ,    ,,„,    ,.„.,^^ 

K.-n..M,.'ln,„|  ,,n,MM   in   it«  nM,.r  |,l,„.,.  •     ■^''"""■"" 

It.   I.ucahty   Mjiip  „f   il„.    .\|„vl,.  mI  .. 

"  ''■;::;;;;,,;::,  "Jr '■ "•"  ^'^^.^ -lu.  ai.,„.  „„. , , , 

1^.   I  Warn   .!..«■„,., la.  ,„.,r„...,.h,.   ,„.,ur..  „f  ,..,.|,  ,„■  ,1..    M..M,.  ,;||.  ,,.,, 

M.    Di™,    iliu.„.,.tiM«    ,1,..    ln,„,|„.-„    ,!,:„    ,!,:    ,,„,.., Ilv    ,l..r,.,.,„.,a....i    ,v„. 
t.-f...    ir.aftna    -I    a    tlii.-k    .ill    iMa\    l.,,.,k    Ihr.    ■■!,    ll,-    r     .(    ,„  .         . 

17.   K....  w,..f  ,,.,.,i„„  „„  H.|«..  Mnrtl,  „f   I,,,.,  rr,;U.   \,.|.„n  ran-.. 

IH.   Dn.^r.un  .h„w,„«  ,taKo  of  .|..v..l„p,„..,H   „f  ,|„.  ,Uru.,   ill,w.r'at'..,|    in    |.i,.,n. 

'"■  ""'n'l:::';.!;;'::'';!:  ''i":;'-""'"'  v^'M.i.,~.,a: i,„.  „,  „„,  ,,.,^., , „,.  ^ 

'  ';r;;:r:;:i.;;;: '-'•""' ^ ' '^^ m.  ....,,1., ,. 

21.  S.u.|i,,ii  iiluiii.'  liii..  A-M  (if  Ki-iiri>    '11 

2-.>.   I>lau'ra.n,„a.i,-   .s..,.fi„„    slmui,,;:    nlatin,,    ,.f    t!„.    .,„„mit    ,,,.,.!..   „f 
raiiL'i.   to   th,.   I!a.v,,ii!ir   l.atliolitli 

''■''';i;ir;::ir''^'''''''''^^  • 

25'   £Sn   tT'':  'rV'T  "'"""■""'  ■'""•'""'■  '"  ''->■""   '-"'•■•!"•• 

-«.   larUv  _,lK,.,-.„n,nar,..  ,lraw„„  fro,„  thin  .....,i„„  „f  ,ro„„.l-nu,s.  of  '  Iluu^ka- 

27.  '^••'■tior,  of  f|„.  Oknnnsrnn  .•ouiposito  l.atliolitli 

-S.   Map  HlM.wnK  rolafioM.s  of  tl„.  Os,,v„„s.   .Sinnlka.nnon.  a,„l    K'r >r   i.-nco,,. 

l.o.l,«,  an,I  tho  inva.Io.1   I'al.o.oiP  formation,.  ^        " '""' 

''^z::x::^r  '''^'^"  ••"•  ^'''">^'"-"  -».••"'•.  --.i  t,„. 

30.  Ontorop  of  tho  ,,..„„.  intrn-ivo  .•onta.-t  .s.rfa.o  shown  in  "0 

•  xr.i,^r:t';rr;;;:!  ;r:r  K""'-  -  - --- 

lil'^hSr"""^   "^   ""^   ^""'•''-'    ""•'    " "•    ^-'"-li".   nn,l    th,. 

''■  ''ToSS"'^  ""'"^'""^  "'  ""  ''"■"""'  '■"'"•'■"••  ''-'^  --'-'"•  -'■'  nasi,. 

';•  'trHo:";r„:;L;'ir"^"^^""  -"-■  ^"•"""-  "-^  ^'^ ■  v.-.-i- 

S."'.  Mnp  showine  relations  of  tho  (',^  p,..,k  .tn,.l-  t     f>,^    i  f  j  t, 

formation.  "^  ^"   ''"'  ''<'f'>'-"i'''1   r'sayt.-i, 

3fi.  Contact   snrfnoo   hotwoon    tho   Oastl,.    P..nk   ,'rnno,iiorito   an,l    ti'„.rl    Crot., 
PC-ou,  ^nml.^tnno.  unci  arffillitos.  nn.i    ti  ,,  n    Crota- 

""^  -^ 

in:rM:r\n:\T  nr  ,111:  imeuioii 

.,-     ,,  2  GEORGE  V,  A.   1912 

■"  ■     I    l^MI;li.-     ■•.iiil;|.-|        .-r  ," 

-li"  k    ;iii'l    (  'n-i-.   ,  .,, 

'■'•^-     I'lilll^ill!.'    '.ilH.-lr-l  :,  I. 

"'■*■     ''l'l""ill.'    .-ilil.l.'t    >■■...       ,         .-,,    iv,!.      ,       I  ,,        ■  , 

■"'•    l"-n.i. „,„,    ,„.,„,„,,  '■•'■^>>'.-L  -.>...!,   -„|„. 


iinu-lii  l.r  l'oriiic<l. 

";'iii-i^''    t;i:iiin,||,,,il,.    ,,f    Castle     |',.,,1; 
■■''    -.111. IM. .,!,.>    ,,(■    |':,<;,yl,.|,    mtIi'm. 
"  "      ^nii-iv,.  t;r;,„.„|i,,ri|,.  ;|,„1    I'asnvl,.,,    Ct- 

"    "'■^"' '■'•'■    ^""l    i"^'rlv    v,.,.|i,.;,l     ra,a>i,.M    ., 

'  V.  iiii,  i--t:i!ii~   ri.l^i, 

-ie    r.,|il;n  I    -li,.|I,    j,,    ;,    ,,, 


I.   <■..., via.  I,.n    ,.,■   ,1,„    |;,„.,;,,    \,„„„,i„    ,;,.,„,„„,i,^,,    ,.,„.|^^  '    i';!,' 

^'--;';--;-'     ;n,,,!,.,,.a,,.,,a,.,.,,.,.  ,,,-,, ,..f,,,,.., a,,,ia,.,,- 

-••."■■.s   ,n  ,1,..   i;,„.I,y   M.,unlain(;,.,,sy,:,.li„al..    ..  „;- 
"■   ^s:;:;;^    ^■'-P.>Mli..n    „,■   ....ival,.,,.    r„nMan.,ns    (K\U-hou:^r. 

''x-in; ,"::;;;,':;;,::!  i::;:''^-- ;'' ';- '^-';>' ^^.n.;.ai;,■,i,:„:,•,;H„;,,  ;?;; 

'V    \\al,.„ s  i„   ,|,..  I;,.),   „.,.,.,„...    ..  ^a 

^.      .nvlM,„.„    .vi,!,    , 'a     Mian    Pa-i:!,.    Rai  W-   s,.-,  i.:,; .  ^ '  ;;   !  '  ,h 

xu\  .  : ^'' -'"^''y- "n.iK,. -.i,..  M„vi,.siii-.: .    oi; 

Am.   (.  ...,.(,,,„    .hr,,,,.!,    ,!„•    \l,.vl,.   .ills.                       :;!. 

XV.  xu:;  w:;,:;;;;'lr  ;•'''' ^'^'■'^''^^'■''■'^  ^^ 

Mir.   Analy.,..,, n;,,,,,  ,,,,,,, ;,,.,,,,,,,,, .,^_,,,,,^^       

A\lll.   Anal.vscs  n<   iriiuctfc. -    ' 

MX'.    Aiialv-c.   ,if  .■,u:.-i(,.   lalit,.., '"- 

X\'.  Anal.vs,.,.  ,,|-  a„»i„..i,j,,|i,, .,,,,;.,, ^ --'■'■> 

\X   .   Analv<,.s„n,„n,l,lon,|,.-a„.iu.  latil...;.': iH,' 

^.\U.      mnparison-   a„,.,„^   la,i„.,  a,,,!   n,„„.„„it,.,V  .V  .'. ^{d 

XXIII.      l„.,„„-al„.„s  .,f  R,.s,.la,„l  n,„„.„„ito.  .             ! ,' 7 

XM\     'ornpans,,,,  ofhasi,-  sy,.„it„  a,„I  av,.ra.,.  „n„,..f,.;;    W'    '^  ''I 

A.\\  .   Aiial.vHo..*  of  iiiis.soiiritc  ' 

^Vr.  Analys...  „f  rhn,„l,-,.on.i,yH..;  an,!  n^a;.,!  n,;.!;.;  \. ^ 

l;;;;i;:;';ti;:";';'!.':'''":''""^^  ''"•"''""^■""  -'<^^'*>-'-i 

SESSIONAL    PAPER  No.  25^  """ 

XXXII.     Allillvscs    III"  Cutl..    I',.., I  1    o-       •,. 

XXXni.   An.K..,s  .,f  .;:Zli!,;it;""'  ^"■""^™'  ^-nodiorito..  .   .  .     „, 

[HTioiJs..                                            '".i.iiKs    Of   the  poolofficai 
XI. \  I.   <''"MIinrisnn  „f  avcrair.'  ■iirilv<../,V"   "• ""■* 

I  ln;::,;'''T';'''v^''''-'"'^-''''''-'N.:.  !''■ 

r.TV.  \V,„,.,  i„  i^.„„„„^  ^^^^.^^     '•""'■  ■"••'t.T  „,  s,>,l.mont, -,;t 

lA.  ('om,.ariso„  of,,;,-  .m,l  offusiy^  r-n^,,]]  /,   ][ 11^ 

Ai'i'K.VDix  -a; 


^  1"  AIx"    I     III 

v/ontiuiiiii!,'  ^cvcnli'cri  "■(')!      '     1 

.M  .w^. .!,»,  „,  s:.;;:;„r::„,;;::i,:';2-  -';-  .*«- . ..  ,7,. 

^" '' •.=^ctii:ifA 





o    25d 



^.■„„!i„l,.,i,„,  .,."''"'•   ""-""'-M  -..un.i,        ^;.^°'-'^'«f'on  of  the 


mat  oris   i„   ,|„.        .        ^  '"'  -''"'''l   ll/nf   i„aiiv  ,,f  tl,  "  •  "lai,..!,-  „,  j^,,. 

■ns-  e.xplan.ui,,,,.  ""'  ^^'"^^"•">'''  table  „f,;,,,,.  wS   ,''  '"  ^''""^"'- 


;""^  •'■"  "1...  to  „r  Ie.s  dehate.  ""'""•'  ""'"  commonly 

'^  ^r^Hre^-f  „  J  ;,^  ;;--;o''  ^n..atio„  al' .J^;:!:,,^'::::;  ^-k    va„ey 

'"•'-''"'to  of   I.ittlo   Sloop   f'.l  "'""    '''""'^*   ^■•^"•P^     t".         Tl         """"" 

.,     .         .  "    '"'Mlilrroiis   ail. I 

Selkirk-s'tlu'T'atnbrian    !'T'^  ^/ountain  acos„„rUn„l      u  t, 

ground,  never  r:;'^^""--'-'l^^  *'■;"'-*  of  the 

-a     vol.   ,„_.36  "'^t  I'-i^  !"vn  statcl  i„  ,.,,,,„„„,  ^j,;'  '•'^ 





i>i:r\uiMi\r  nr  the  isrFRtoH 

;,,.,,  2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

IS  clear  t  inf,  if  the  zone  of  Caml,ri„n  and  •  Belt  terran« '  «),        r 

in   the  vicinity  of  ti.e  Colun.l.iu  riv.r  mxl  a   1   J  .'^^""«-'"J««  ^«  situated 

not  expe.t  to  fin,l  Can^.n,,  ,  "".I.S' f "  i  '  """"'"  ^'"'^^y"-''""'.  wo  must 
f;«n.brian  in  tho  rnonn.alns  wL  f  ,l""  ,  r:;i""7-  '•'""^-""'l>'«  -th  ,he 
the  Cascn.Ies).  '  "  "''"''I'"!  .V-stom  and 

3.  Litholuijical   similfirlli, s.~  ThU    i,rl„,.;,.I      l         i 
The  f„s.ilife,..,us   ir,.n,in.,lun.  C.^n;  ,  ' '        ^    Il''K:m  V''''   T'   '^*■''• 
have,    respectively,   only    r,n.,   occurr..,  co    i,     t  ,      n         >  ,    ,     '''  f"'"'""""^ 

therefore,  be  u.ed  extensively  Tn,  lir.  1  ^""■"'i'''^-  '"■"  =  "'^■-V  -•'m„of. 
wi,iely.sprea.l   rocks.     'A     ,  e       n  a  .  /  T'T'  '^^''-'--  "'  ♦'■>'  ".',,v 

n^nber  of  he,ero,eneo„.s  s.r.'^fr.t^p:,  '';•(';;.•'";•   ''"'''''"'•   ^'"'""'^  »"   " 
to   tho   Chilliwaek    series    of      he    Sk  uit     r    V         1      i  '™''-^  ^ 
variable  in  itself,  has  very  elo"  reemM  ,      T"'    ^''f\  ''""'■   ''■"'"'"Ki-'^Uiy 
at  nearly   the  extreme  elst     Ho  .'^  ''''' -^^  ""•  """■'•^-     The  series 

the  .eries  at  ,he  ex^r^.^  wl  (  ;  i  .„;  1^  n' 'j^  /C'^r^  Carbon iferons  fossils; 
ons  fossils.  The  correlation  of  1  vH.^  ';  '^  ; "'  el  "'"  """'■''"  ^-l-''^- 
them  it   is    merely    nernu-s.ib'o  uIhI    ,,1  V  "'''''*'•'' '"'^^  ^'''-  ''"  ^''' 

lithological  evi.h.m-e  "'   "^'''■""•"'"^'-'l   "vi'lceo  is   a,l,Ie,l   fo   the 

4.  Cornla'ion   of   the   Fori ii-nt nil,    /'„,.„;;  i    r 

The  general  (■.irrebitinn  ,.r  ,1  i      '°'"^'{"'>'<''  •'^'■'•''ons  lo  north  and  .^o„th.~ 

.ill  L  !h;: Us:  ;?'^^,  !;,n ;!  ^rr " ,""  '""^•"'^  ^-osyndinai  b^u 
C:  Srt-t:;iif  r|{-';^^^^^^^^^^^^^  :s;.^::^r;-i:;;- 

woMern  Idaho,  and^lirc.aa^.rls'seS::^  /^iS::-:'"'   ^""'   ^'^"   ^^'^   ^^ 

"7".'o„s  m/n/s/o».-a/TI,eperol    oftv     ''^„'^'^'' ■'"'""'"'  "'efamorphi.n,,  and 

Cambrian,  Tj.per  .Tiirassie,  earlv  Foeonp  C,  ,uf  T  „  ■  ^  ""'""■'•  '"-e:  the  r)re- 
l;  soen.  already  hl.bly  p.i;:,:ir  th  t  '"Ji;^"  V""'  '"  ".'f "  '''"'^"''• 
of  oropen.c  events  in  the  mid-Pa.  bonifero.«  and  nf  n  n  '^  .  ^•^'^«Ption 
Cambrian  time,  no  other  periods  of  s,,,.Ll  f,  r  "'^'"'^^""■"n.  Post- 
for  the  We.,ern  OeosynclLd  e  1,  r^^  ?,:,  '^f'"''""!'""  -"1  I-  P-vod 
as  concerns  the  post-t^an.brian  for,n,.;'io,"  '    '''^"-■'■'•'--  '>'   '--st  so  far 

i.     Extreme  regional   nu-tamorphism  in  this  belt    u-l„.r„       ,    • 
the  contact-metamorphisra  of  intrnsive  bodL     s  n  V^  ""^   -ncrensed   by 




■  I. *"»■--.. 






,-/i-  frJiJ' 


RKI'OIlT  or  I  lir  I'll,,  I-    . 

""■  I II I  I.I  .\sri,;,\,,Mi:if 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No.  25a  ^® 

here  relerred  to  the  Paleozoic,  show      ""  "    ""'  '■'"•'>  '•''  I'.n,ll,.|  ~,,.,ir    'i 

of "  „;2r  p'"" •' '^""■""'» ""i> ". r,. .„ ,:": ■■  r:;- i-- 

£.::;^.tiJ  si'  r""f-  -■ "-™.";.:  ^:;  "v  rf -:" 

thereforp  ho.t      ;        ,  ^'^'of^'cal  Survey   1906)      TJ,     •  !      •     "'  ""'^  f^'i'kins. 

•j.  Ijith(il(„iicnl    rescinllr, 
obviously  bo  use,!  «■;. I  '    """"'•''    '■'/'/.  o^/.v    ,of/.,  _-ri,;  •      • 

Jiff.  »,„  °  -cfc  t  °  ■■",  ''"'■"'  ■■•"»i~i'i™.  „■"  ■    '';,'"""''"•■■■"  'I"  "'■«' 

'  ""^•^'-  ^'"''•♦^  etc.,  of  the 



III  I'i/ri  \ih\r  III-  rill;  /v/y. 


2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

n«.o„no..ano,ii,.H,,.,.,.,,:;;;;i;:':;j':ij^-5^^^ - 


IJossland  anil   MiMwmv  iii.Mint 

!itir  «t,.clis  ,,r 

i/iiinli';  aiiil  till' 
'lii.tlti'  ;.'niniti>  to  till. 

..o.t  U,r  U.  «..,.o..a,  .,nv.ati,.„  .  a  ,1,..  ,ai,.,  ^o.nii;^^^^     Jt::;;;; 

Ui.    «nttr  hi^hin.,    t  to  be  c'  ^t>•onKl■r  than  vvouM  ut  Krst  .wl.t  s....,., 

iorty  n.n  h  1  ura  U- .     M,„.h  of  tlie  rornlatio,,  w.ntl.l  l,e  i.tipo.siblo  without  the 

.  Hi  01  oar  , or  work  .lot.e  u.  tl.o  roKio,,.  to  nortl.  ami  .o,„h  of  tl,e  Bot.n.lary    i, '  ' 

.■  I-   ■M,:iat,v..  ,.v„l..,u.o  ot  ..,..1,  n.s„lt.,  ,o,.e,l,er  with  the  mat.y  faLt.s     et   i  'i 

u.^the  preee,!,,,,.  chapters.  I,as  protuptci  the  eo„str„etive  .ehemo  shown  in  ti'i ' 

Tn  thi,  a.„l  the  following,  n  -r.lntion  tahles  the  formations  in  any  compart- 

;::;M,e^':;:, ':;si,h:i,"'-''"^  ■■'  ■■'"-  -""•■^  ■"-'^'^-  •'-  ■-  --•  -.e.^hrr::{. 

account  of  their  ..nantitaHve  inH;o    ■    ,.,^^^     1^^^^^^^^       '"■'  ■'''^"•'''">-."'™tio„ecl  on 


"""'"""""    "n>.^    i.,,.,u.u,H 


''^'■^■i'"l'l.v    1-„||    tl,..  I,„„|,,„   ,„    ,.,  ,    , 

»;f'nlog>sts  ,,  Krn.T.l  .strati  J„,l,i,.      I  !   ''■■■■'    '  ■'''->>'<.|i,u,i    H,.],.    ,•  ,r    ,h.    .! 

f'xt  of  t)„.  ,-,.,r.-,,„„,lin»,  ,.lmpt,.r.. 




i'i:f\i;nii:\i  ../■  ///,,  imi:i{I(,u 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 


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SESSIONAL    PAPER   No    25a 


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^  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

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""■'"••'  •"III,  ,,ur,    (>r/,.,Mu,„/, 


•■^.n'::;::'x:rK...r''::;:i V"  i^''-^  '"••■■■• ^•■■■•...^.. 

'I-   |,.fl,    I'„.,.;i.,      "'.'.'''"'•  '''"'"'•  ""•'  "nli-l,  C.,!,,,,.!,;,,.  ,..  w.ll    „  ,„ 

'L'I.mI  <l..i..|,,,„Mriit  I, a 
'■"■':'■''  "'r...  tV.,M,  n..r(l„.Ms,,.pr 
"""'■""">•   ill   (l„.  h;m„r,v  „r  ,1„ 

'"■   l"rt.v-nintl.   I'„rull..,,   „„li,v,   ,„   ,i„„,   ,.  ,,   „ 

'iij,'  ii.-iii   riM 

ninth   PnrMllcl  torn! 
''"'   ror.lillcrii,  nil. I 

-.n,M,..,,,  :,;;;;;-;:;;,;;;;/;;;; -^^  .,,1,1..  rxxxv) ,.. , „ 

^-'"i...t  tl,.  v„n-o„.s  f„ii,„  pu,,  ,  ,T,.,t.  v'.'",^  ■'';"""-■■■  '-•--".  - 

l-'Pors    n  ono  l,,v  I,i„,,     '      s ;.,  ?    ,'  "'''^^'■"'"•/  '-""'  """"'»-'  "-  ^..-i,., 

;'■''<•  oorr.4:.tiou;;u.;Vr.X'oi;,''.^'''''''''  ""  "'"  •'^'■•^^'-^'hiVo  S.ri.s,? 

■— ■    '-    Pnrll,.   ,1!,;       :   '    .'''■"""■'■^-  ^""-'-     TlK.  ..pp„n.„t 
l"if   ti„,„  „n„ .,   .,  .      ''"■'^>     >nota.Morpl,is,„     ^vhiVl, 


'•-ity   .nay,    „r   .^:u,^rur::nrll.'7-  "''"'  'i'  '''■•"""■'^-  ^"'f-'- 

••I'-'ra-.orizes  ,1„.  ,„,„   „,,„„  „„„  'J'l  ;"    ;  -     '--y     >„o,a,„orpl,is,„     ,.hi..l, 

'tl<,.„Itra„s^'ro«.,„„dopo-i(s.  Tl„.  .  ,„„. 

i'ri.!M-|i.'lf,an    pen,,,!    „t' 


"innii   prrin.l  ,1 

ri'iu    \\lii,-|i   ,.1 

"f   iif  w.'itor  anil 
ini|".ii:iMl    a    n 
.   '■»  "Vfvpt.  p,.rl,a|,.,  i„  tl,.'.'V„n,' 
".""-   "lay  tu  a   tnciM,,-,.  !.,■  .,,,|,);,.. 

in    tlic 

*0  "/p'""»'  l«l'-r  \n.   I,-,,   ,'.s    o,.„l 

I'll.-   ijiaf,i-|,.,|,,    ,j, 

i]\  ( 


mori.a,  V„l.  5.  1894,  p.  m. 

«^  d\  ^;i&  .•3K>  .^>iasB^' 


HI  f\in\ii  \i  ui   riii:  i\n  uinit 

.,  2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   19t2 

H:.'     Uf.sf      (...ff.     0„,|,.„     ,,1, art/it..     ,,|-      K,,r|i,.,|,      P  II     1 

"'  .1..  i.:„,,,„.,.    If  ,i.„  wj...  „,„:'"'•'  "'";;"■"'-'•"  '-M  .1.    . 

ii.nost,,,!..  ,.,..i  v„l,.u„„.,  wo   I      '  l"         ''":  ''■'  '"l-t  !l„-,f  f..u  l„.,|-  „,l,..r  ,l,,,„ 

«ii.Ha„. .. .  ^. :::;;:  i;i;:;;;:;;,:'''Tr '"::':' i""^  f- „f  oH„vida„ 

.vrr..i„    that    ,.r,-< 'arnhri.n    m.k.    |„,    .    |,.;,   ,  -""•■"".'■■"     :-    n 

"'.-.rial,  .hat   ,       ar.  :.('"  """V"'''' '   '■^-   '■""•'--'■.   I.n.l,„.. 

really  intru.ivo^;„;,  !  .l ::;.;:,',;  Ir'f './"■';'^''  ''"''■'"'•'"■  "'"^ '"• 

"•■"^f-' r/l'"  '-"-  i-roforrcl  to  t.,o  woJks  al  1  !     ,    ■      ''  """" 

As  an   aul  to  tlm  nn.Iorstan.liMff  of  thp  ,-„rn.|.,tion   f,  L  ,1 
v\-\-.r.    .        .  [Txt-'dinK  tal)lo  lias    „,f.ii   rt'cast     i.     tl.n    c ,...       e  'v  ,, 

^^^:.  of  ^rt;:^:- s;:t  2:;f ,;:  ^^,!:^?t-''^"  ^ 

en„n.ora,«i.     A  final  s;K.„nar.v  i.  „,T..,..,|  i.    ,1  trn      f  T     ,?   vx4v  'r'',  "' 


'•''•"/■''•'    III,    ,  un,     ,    ///„\,.i//./, 
3PSSI0NA'     PAPER   ,No    25a 


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2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 






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■ ?ftl  J 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 




;i— vol.  iii— 37 

.  imr  xeaiKSi-"^Mii^ ' 


...  _.■>.  j«IL-r 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

I'll  Itt'lfl  HI 

I_<<)ChI  viilcaiiixiii. 
.Local  vulcaiiirtiii. 
KrHMliwafir  ixdiiui-iitation. 

L',e-i>  ■„■„,,,, I,,'  mnvemeiil.  /oe,i/  uiir,,n/nrmih,. 

I.iH,\l.   KiKKNK    (;K(is^\. 


K' ft  III 


Jj'.f"'  I'ath.ilithic  intiii-iimi. 

\)  1 1  let  |)i  .111  I  vuUaiiiHiii. 
!•  rewh. water  "wliiiientation. 
Ijical  marine  »«liiniiitatiim.  „r.„,rn„-  miinment  ;  loinl  '■nnmfnnuili,. 

' r.i«al  vulcaniKni. 

Kri'shwatir  w(iMiiHntatiiiii 

\  i'-»li  wat.-r  »i-.liiiiiritati(in. 

i^'K'al  viilcanistii. 

('i.a*tal  marine  sedimentation. 


(  Upim-  frrl'i 

•  Till  „n,.„  ,i,r  Miimiuiih  iiiid  will, t^rrail  uiiroiifnrmitii. 

IjfU-.W.  (,'HKTA(  KOI  .,   (;k(i. 

I/<«'al  viileanisni. 
I.fii    .  ^'"•'^'■■»' "'"' "th'T  marine  »edinif.ntati..n 

"  ■  ;;;'.:r'  ,7"'  """■■■  '"'•"'  """"•••  ■■'•■'ti"""tati.,n. 

t  ijoeal  vulcants.n. 

L'talLatlmlitliieintruHion  {('nwr  .r„ra»»ic?) 

II  i</i.yireiiil  Hnmiifiinnitii. 

■  hir,„: 

\Vri)K.-l'llE.Mi  .ll  {i\  TBI,. 


XVideHprea.l  l.atholithie  intrunion. 

I.iit'al  vuleaniinj. 
I.«ical  (widespread  ?)  marine  sedimentiition. 
ilci,n;il  or,,.,,,,,.-  uinicunl,  (l„tc  Jue.iuic). 

"'"""' Widespread  marin.^  nedin.entation  (general  ■'  i 

iielatively  wide»pre,ul  * 

P.;M^,l.i  „;,l„,„;„.,  tho,,.,k   not  crr^i.c  cn,,M  „.„.a„en„ 
iirirt  (noil  iincoiifnniiilii. 

I  /'ri'ilmi'mni.,!, , .  , . 

•  ieneral  marine  »edimentatiiai. 
ery  widespread  vuleanism  (general  r). 

<  iK.NKIlAL«,'.\llllO.SIKKHOlS  ' 
(JkiwV.VI  l.IXAI,. 

,  irfi/it  in  its  touthrrn  thml. 

Mi.<>,«.iipi.i,i,i [-"cal  marine  sedimentation 

Local  vuleanism. 

/,'«■.(/  ,;„/  movnuii.i.^  .iiul  ii„m„f.,ni,il„. 
liKXKiuj.      1:k(jm,.s      IX  I      "'""'"" f-of:!!  niiirine  sedimentation. 

Wk^TKIix    liKLT,     KlTulsi'ii,;,,,,  jZ'iu  "^''■"""'"\ 

I-"KM.\Tiox    (iK  RcM'KV  '  '''"^'i Marine  se.hmentatioii. 

-Moi  xr.ux  (JKOsvxri.i.  '  (>r*„„.„„,  ,  ""   vnlcanism 

NU.,  Cii.hriaH    ■'     '"■"■"»■  "ttiimentation. 

.Biltian  .".  I  I'Pneral  erosion. 

'"■"•■ral  erosion  in  later  part. 




(iENER.AL    FtATURKS    OK    THE    WesTEBV    n,^ 

"K8TERN   Geosv.vcliN;,,,    pg^^ 


llu' area  covered  bv  the  Wesforr,  T?,.W  ,'■  /  '^  "■"•'■.  ni  r.-.-iproci.l  relations. 
.n  the  principal  ^oo.,nclinau/  U  p  i'VBeh  f^^  T*  °'  ''''  '='««*-  -^^---l 
-  of  .,0  c,  materia,  ^or.^^l^rj^i:^^:::-;,^l^-:^^^ 

H.  rpiiilrSXc^^'T'T.r.S:'  rr'-,^«'^  --  -ndoubte...,  to  be 
Pennsylvanian  be<Is  scf  n  ir,  \^    v  '  i  V,  '"  ''""  ''^l-'''''-  flu'  .rimi-^ic      T|„. 

|o  Alaska  and  .o  h^-^J^.J^.^  £  S:^ir';:ir^^'"  --''-  ^-^'^oriu 

'""■""•      ll'<'.v  ^.M,i  ,1,.    !,„■..    1,,^  f,r\t  '  •    ■      "  "'"'•'  '■o'nplete  sections 

compose  tl,e  broad.  fun<lamental  ,.ri  m  of  I7-  "'T'"'  "  '""  ''^  "'''"■•  '"^''^ 
Jurassic  „,ou„tai„.  were  „.adeT.Thol/odr^^^  "'Vl/^''^''  '"'^  •««'- 
tor  c^onvenience.  ,hc  Carboniferous  Goosvncfi    ^""'  "^  '"''^  '""'^  '^  «'«"«' 

nesses^s:;^^;-ss^£^r:^:r'^   --"'-  --  tbic 

and  have  shared  in  the  p.roxvsral  2  emljI^T'"' '''"'■''  ""'^  ""^  ""^'f^er 
■t  they  had  all  k-lonsed  to  one   "onforZM  '^'il'f '"^  ""'^  '«t«"-  '""e.  as 

jefor  to  th-  Jura-TriL  beds  u.';drl"eTl:  Tni  T^ '''■';:'  ""^t^^'  ^^  "'"^ 
be  conyon.ent  to  have  a  na,.,e  tor  the  ent  re  eri.l  of "ca h'  ^r^'^"""'.'  it  will 
Tnassie.  and  Jurassic  strata  wl,i,.h  hZZT.l  ^""""^'■'•">'«  ^"n.l  older?), 
sedimentary  complex  of  the  Wo  -,  Bel  ofThe  r  V'  ""'^'"^  "'  *'-  '-«"• 
be  called  the  'Main  Pacific  Geoi-ndinal '  ^'"•'''""•^-     The  complex  may 

are  S,Xi::l^aS:i1  "r:!^-;'^;--'-  '^ia  i„  the  (Cetaceous 
Trias-Carboniferous  on   the  mie  h,,  7  .•'=''^*«  unconformities  from  Jura- 

All  of  these  prisms  n.ay  be  called  cLl  '  "'"  formations  on  the  other, 
five,,  a  ..eographical  nlo  ITl^llTnZlT'T^'''^'''''^  *""=^  "'«V  be 
Queen  Charlottr  wosynelinal    He    ^  "''*^*''"   Keosynchnal.    Shasta   geosynclinal, 

ArajrSS;,;;:,;'^^  ^---  ''-o^i^s  may  be  called  the  geosy.. clival, 

eie.;!^r::"^;-;;-;;rt.:;;::;,!:r''^ "" v '•^''  -  "-<■  -«^- 

25a-vol.   iii_^71  »-"Sn..,np  t,-.,,.  Keo-,.  n,.linal-,  i.e.,  l,o,lies  thick 

I.,  .L,.l|^   .    ,1,.,   JM-" 


i>tr\unn:\i  or  riii   /\/>; 


2  GEORGE  V  ,  A.   1912 

'I    '<-    "ih.T    iIniii    K II,..     (>,,. 

'■"""-''      '"     '•"Mlrol      lllnMtllnil|-l„li|,|l|,,r     ,1 

'"'■'""-■  ""■'  <^irl...„if,., ,  ,is  „„w  ,l,.|iiu.,i 

5.  ri,,.  „v,i,.,„  iw,  i.  „.,.i„ii,  ,ii„i„.„i,i„„|  ,„„„  ,1    , 

::  :;'  :.;';;x  ;;:::;';:;,:,'!;;,;''■";'•  ^  '■■■';■  -'  [■ >■  ■"''->' '■'  ;,,';„:,'.:, 

j^l^j^^.;::,;^;™-',;^,,:^  ;::;.;;rh;;i:i,r£;'i,;;it  ;l"; 

ot   till-  loti!,'  iiioiiiitjin-cia  n.     The   lute  Jm-.^^l,.   ;.,,„•;  r  .i  " 

;;..;.»,  y  Li:l,^';::r';::,:i:;;;7;;i:;- Jil:  j:s-l- ^- 
.■ii„J  I  'i;  .r/'i'"; V"""r","r '•''"'"'  ""■•''""  "^  ""•  ^'w;,,  < 

,  th  li,      V        '•'^""''":■•^'"'^  "ff-'-'i  l'->i"«  of  huge  si.o,  but  po^t-Cambrian  b.  are  .•oniparatnel.v  rare  in  that  belt.     This  contrast  of  th«  *t.T\^U 

n.v-  of  ,be  stronger  ro,.k..  of  tho   Kas.-rn  l{.lt.      V,,    ,b..   fa,.f     hat     thn^^^h 

'I'iic    coiiipai-lsoii    of    tlio   two    .'roat    I)("lt«    info    •> '  '  -'     .i      » 

'  oniillora  n,a.  ,,„  ,,iW,U.,,  ...„„.  i,r„,..  .^Z.C:^.  .  ,„ ,.„-':  ,   '^r- 

y.l  wa,rm..s  and  of  oro.eni,.  f.,Mi„.s  bavo  remain. ,1  lar^^olv  para  lei  fro  , 
•'  ^■p-f^';'"'"-""'  '""O  to  tho  pre^ont.  Obvious  as  ninv  be  the'ron  rn  t  of  tie 
wo  bells  in  thoT  respeetive  eo.nplex  histories,  the  inti.r, -et ation  Ttb-,     / 




?  GEORGE   V. 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

A.    1t>12 


"'"""''  "'■  '■'■^'"•"■■"  ■^'•;]|-;«v  .>M.  sun:  ,„  ,„„„,,„, 


'l"'M'M.    lfl>J(i|!\ 

'I    rill,  (  "liiiiiii.iiA 


H     I 

'■  .''''"^  "^iHi-.-r  ..v-nt   r..-„r,|,.,|   i„   ,1,,  ,,„.,,, 

■'III.    I  "i.^n   \i\  III    I 

MfMII  I.. 

''''-■'■-'"to.  thoHiioin.        f      ;.        r^^         '"    ""^   '"■■--   ---   ,|,.riv,.,l. 

'le|...^.N  on   ,h..  .„..;„„       ,.,,„,'"    '';'f    '"•   »■""■'-    "■■■"'''    »'iv    just    s.u.h 

;;;rrt:^;:;:;;:f -r ''dHi^i-'R 

•""■  ■"■"-  i-«i'N.i.'. I  i -,.l,'.  t";,;,:'",;;:;:;;; ';;;::" •"■• - »■•■.■ 

wi."j.l''-';":ij;'r.:;;t;:::;;t;rt:;r:'';;'r'':ff''' "■■""• 

.■Mnf.'ln„„.r;,,,..  '  '''''''' ~    "'■•'^'  >"-M.'.I   t.,   th,.    Ir,.,,,- 

i"  .1.0  .urnKUh.,,  „r  ,h,.       '1     \,'   ,"'•'""  Innestono    „..h.slvo.  w;,.  o<vupie<i 

less  .'ontinuous  downwari.iiiL'  it  k  mVl    ''. ,    .  "'"^  '"'"^  '""■'"''  "<^  '""re  or 

Bynclinai  area  mustTr^T^i  ,^      ^  :  S,    J  "'^;"''''-  ^'•"-""e  of  the  geo- 
that   fur   nio.t    -.f   the    -'-rioj     th,  v   w  r  .  '"•">'"'"''t'es  are.  however, 

".eri,lio„al  zo.h  .     Thl  .J.    ;  ',,?,;    '"r"""',  '"    ^ '•""'l-ratively   narrow. 

the  Colurnh'      river 
of  land  str.    •Inn.j  f 

1.    tc 

west   of  thi.  .one  there  must  have  been   a   wi.le  belt 
ti.e  north  an,l  south  of  the  rorty-nlnth  Parallel,    That 



hKI'MiTUKM   nr  1,11    IMH 


land  may  J,„v..  l„„l    ,  ,.;  ,,,  ^  QEORQE  V..  A.  I0t3 

'•y  -loiinit..  ^imre.iiniTi;;;;,^;;;;:;;';;^;;;:; ."-  ''-''■'I'-  iinm..,i.  „is „,..  „..„ 

z  rt  •' "'"-.;;,:n.:rH:;:„!;;,;r''  """"• '"  ••■"  '^••"  —;;;:; 

gre.<.,„n.sof  tl,os,.M,l„rin^,|„.  Mi.l,       r    7"-   "'';■  ~'"'-^''"-^     i-M|H„.>;„„    ,,„,- 
I"""  P.-io,|-.     Af  ,1„...  ,•„.:    '„'""'"■'","  "•"''"'''•^"D 1  tho  AfUs.   p 

""J  -Mll,.«„,„|.„,„,  ,„;,  '   ■■(  n  K.'os,v,„.ii,„.  „;,„   north-Morllnv,." 

In  til..  iri'.,-.v,„.|i,|,,|  .,^,,^  ^. 
"f  cla..i.  or  cl...„.i..„I  .o,|lm..„u  u^Z^;!;',  \!^-"''-"'  i'-nuM-^  rl„.  .l.,,,,.;,;,,,, 

"»-::i:.i';;:,:,,;:::;i;E;;:::;:r: ''"--'- 

^v-:-.,  ^^iili;;::  H..r.':::;':r,,::;T;:,r:::.';'.  "r.  ■■'•  -r'^-  -"^i-  r.,-  .-,o 

or„II,.  ,W„«  ,|„H„.  „,i.    I  '  „       '"■•.";-";'.  l-nl-.n.   „,.,.,„,:,, 

"""""'  -'i >'<"'-.v   v.>,.,.or:   1    /„,;'■    '""r"-'"-^-  -''•■"-^-,1  an,l  r.^civo  1   . 

""  '-;■  '-•■"•  <l'o  K.r,,-„i,.„.  I.„;.;       "   ""  '"^•^'   -'"   ""l-"ntoIo..,Val   ..Honcl 

"   .'^  ''!*•  Po>,sil,I..   Unu  so,,,.,   ol    i!,..  ,M    , 
n  ;-<.....  s.s,e,u  an.l  of  ,h.  /nte,.io     I^    ,e  n  J;,j;'?'""'"7   "'^   ^1'"  <'"I-"Ma 
'•>"-    '■■Pn..s..„t„„  v„l,.„„i,„  „„  „„,  ,,,,,^:      .:,*'7;''-''':f  P--P.n,,s,lvnninn 

•>•  At  ,.r  near  |1„.  ,.|,„,,  „,•    ,      ...         .    "f'-"'  "'  tUr  W  ,..„.,■„     Jolt 

«^>«e  (he  Kastorn  a,„l   \Ve,fo,-,   Bell,  I,. ^v  I^^^'n-'-^-vlvania,,   ,H.riod.     Othor 



I  ■■- 

Ill.i'nlii    ,,f  III,,  f,,,,  ,.    ,     ... 

SESSIONAL   PAPER  No    s-3a  '"  *** 

wh  J'::,;:- :.r!;;;'';;;.,''i;;::::'  t  ;)^::,;i'?''-  j^-^  -^  -  ---.-  „.  ,,„. 

"'^'  w "'-»>.■!..  r [„,,..  ,„,,  „  .^„  ;  V ' ■':•''-•''  "•  ""'I  iM-iu,ii„c 

"<'^v  .•.,n»i„ont  „„,|  ,i,,    ..,,1  .„„.  „       ,  "      "■•■^""-  ■'  l"-.;l-nr  .,.     Uhu-,.,,  ,|,, 

'7'"  •■; '"-I-"..  „ii  ,1,..  .lisi^  ::,:';;;• ;""  "t,"-  i.nn„.,ii,.,.,,, 

"•"^   :Hv,.,„ul.,i,„^   i,s   .-uonuoui-       I;     "r"'  ";:'■'"•';"'<'    ■•'-tern  „ ,„ 

•'"rassi,.  mat,.,.,-,,.        "' ""•"    -'■•'    ^'^ *•.-' 

■^  •  ••      '"   '   ill! 

riforiiinbli'   spflimciits 

'III'     -lllril--   i,-     ;|Lr|._     (li,,,.,. 

H,o  LirT,:::;;':;;:^^^^^^^^^^^^ , 

t'.o  .lynnrnl,.  ovenf.  lon,li,„.  ,„  ,  „      •    ,  l;  .'I'"    '"  ""\  -"^"o  <'-  -'h,w  ,.l,.ar,v 
7-.';..   of   ,ho    ,„„„rMo.|   strata      I,..,.        h'         "^  "";  f^'>Hill.ra.   f„ll.,„.,.,,  ,,, 

the  .s,;.rr„  .l.,wnuarp,  I,. .«.,.,'    .     1  l''"",':    ""'"'  ""^  »"--'""^  "f  w,M  this  ,,.,n,..n,ry  n-.n  ,.  h„  '■;  v '^"'-  "'^  '""-' ^"-  '>"w 
cannot  be  . Ionian.!.     I,  i.  k„.,,„,  ,"  v,!  ^r       ,/     :'';'''1"   '."    "-   '^'-''-"   ^Wt 

of  the  belt.  Ar.Mlli,,...  s.nneV  ,'.";'"'  ^'■•'"'"•"♦"f-"  <"■  the  Paeiff,-  ,  ' 
of  ^sie  v„!,.a„ie  n.a,..;ial  Vj:7;:'^,Z:;T  r'^"'?  -'''  '^-^  Pi'- 
'n   this  rf.p:i„n.  '''"'   "'"'"   "'<^  Prnnsvlvn,,;;,,,   formntion, 

prcparauon  for  the  late  revolu  ion      „',  ."".'"^'''''l  '"""".  -  • ^'vl\ 

r--olu„o„  afr..,.ti„^  th..  U-,.t..rn  T,  n        rni,   ]V  i\'"  '^^^  «-;.  ^""eral  orogenie 
was  |-olI„we.l  bv  thn  In,       •  ""'''  ""'  '•■,.-( '      !, 

Jiorite   an.l   a.Iio.l    r..,V  'i^an  TZ^^ZIIIT!''''''''  "^  --- 

rr.n,.h  an,|  ,1,..  .,„.,  ,.„,,,„  „,;,^,,,  j;-       n     ,  ''^  ;'''■'..'"*""'■""   ""■   I'-ooJl 

'"" '  at  till-  fitno. 



/'/'•./^rtf,X,    OA,,„.   /v/AAVoW 

2  OCORGE  V„  *.  19)2 

'"■»••'  M'-.^.M.'.    T!.,.  .I„n,-,;..  r..„i,,i,        ■„  '' %"'^'""-'l'  »!..■  wh„l,   „f  r.... 

»■'"';•'   M..,.a  ,.    Vi^  „      '?:"    --•■". ^*-    «fT.v.,o,|     by     ,h..     force 

"•    ""■   "'""     ••'    »l-    l'a!...,..„-  \;'   [''■'""•^''V'""'    «•"■"'''.>■'    into    .harp    f"  ,  N 

111. .1-1, 




•'"    ' •■ ■    n.. „,    ^ 

""""""•»'   «..H  „„  ,...|,„  of  ,1...  .,ri»-..  ,.f  f  ,.  , 

"•   '•••    r.pM    .,r,„:,„.    ,.,        /'■":  7''  ""."'•-■  ^''-"-'  "...  P„..ifir, 

"."'^•;'"  ■■■■■•I'  f'o,„  .i oun.a ,    i'  : '  ■  ■;,  ""r'">' »'— 1^  of  ,.„bi,: 

■;'    "■•    '"^'w,,..   .r.nit...   or  „„    „i,i.,'  '  !   '    '"     '■'■■''    ^' ^■'"•'""■'     f-' ■' 

■i.-i"  - »  ,„„„:„,  ,„'■;,.. '•::;,.  "■;:;;•■•,; «>-' ■■'■<•■-  w.,  ,„.„.,,n,,.  ,|.,,,,,,.  .,,„,,,,,■■  1.  ■'■■  h.,..„,  iw,  „.  ,;,„.,, 

'■;';■  •■>  .'"'■  Kt:';;; ',"::;;;,,'::',;  n,.;,'";,,^,,-"" ;  "'■';"■■'»»  "<■!.  ...i  .1,..  ,«„„ 

'"  •*'•"  'I1-'   In:,..Mf.  '      "     ' I'l  '■•■  r.i,rrr,.|  to  i|„.  .1,,,-..  ,. 

irii'-T"-'-''-^^^^^^^  -"'-•-'   •■'--'  depth.   ,He 

"'";■';"-'!   :-'" 1  in  .iu.  K..,o  „  ;l,i :"";"'  ?'"'"^'  «^  -n-nse  wu.  .i     I 

-;-. .o„,a)    ,,oUs.    „,   ,narU?    r     .     ':iir    P     '■'- '^'^-■•i'"  sU 

'""'  '■■  ""■  ^^'''''<'  ''o-ii'i.'... .  ti::'  ';:■;;„£'  ;;:">■  ,f •'•"' .-.•urr..,,,.  of  ,„.. 

"'   ""■  l'f''-r'.inii„ian.  iniKht  I,.- 


StSSIONAL    PAf'LH    No    25a 

ft?  I 

U.n.n.lao-     A,!  ,„il..,  ',;"'"  """"■"   '"   "■'     'roa  ,.    ,1... 

•;"7"---     Tm-   -.,, „, „   „'-.,'■";■•'■''•"   ^"•■n.l  .,.1  ,1,..  ,..lf 

,'"'"■''"!•■"    i"  •!"•  i:.'i<  ..1-  lni..,i.,.  I'l  ,..  ,',        '  T'r"'  ■'    '  '•••"■>" -I 

i.H  ui.,,1..  „,M,i,,     •'"  ""•  '•—'•""'  i'--.ii..i.. ..,.,(.„,  .,.,.„„„„.  „,.„„;, 

"•  •'"■'^'i'lC  l.v  i,„,.,i„tri,M  n.i-     ■,.t,t  .  .M 

'••'—  ^'    ->M.Iin.I  „rn,  was,  „,  ^\J    ^ZTT  '""■"'  ^""'  ''•  ^'■-   '•"^-' 

'"      -'r.'..Kl,v  ,1,  N..„H.,|.  "*  ""    '  "•■•  '"■  f  1"T.  "plif,,.  i  ,,,  ,„pl, 

'!''"'  '•''-•■■■•■I";  '-ntl, I   ,, ,,,;,„  „,    , 

IJiv.T   fonn.h..„,  -'n.Kt,.,.,.,   .,.»:,l),l,...    „„,|   .,.,,^'1,.,,.,.,.,,...    ,  K„„l. 

^■-"^-'!'' ^■X^^^^^^^^^ 

"""''    '•■•-•all.  I    II ,1,   .„,     ,,r..r,l.-         .1      "i    "    '■""  ""'"■     '"     "■•   '■■■•'■' 

':■  T..,>.ni    ,1 1.,,.,   ,  ,,v  'T     ,. 

--    K..„|.   nu.r  M.iiM,,.,,...      I-      .   |,|.  '",.'  ''"■;•''''■■■   ^''■'"•^•>   l--san,| 

Nmn..   „„„,,,„•„   ,,r  ,„   ,|„.  „-,.  ,    u         "         ■;   '"":;   ■''-"   "''•    '■■•"■'■'"•   M.   „f 

"""•'■yiol,!,,,^.  iIio,,.„p,,|.,>-..,n 

■'•■'■"•'■"■•l-      I'    i-    il.l      ,1,,.     ,1,„    r          .        -i"    '■'■"-.'.I'  ..  ,vv..ros„.,„:.|v 

"■'•I-   iNrth,..  ,li,,urb,.|.   rh„n..|.   ^,,   ,.„.   ,    '''     V    ''■,     Z    "'  .  "'  I'.-^'.v  •,,    ,li„,|ct 

""•  """•''  ■■""■"  Pow.rCul   ,.r..,.|   .,|  i  ,,„.;!,'    "'f 'l"'f'"  "'  ^'    •"'"■■-"'"i'-'  to 

Mtlu.lrai    batholi,!,.    ;„    ,!„    .>.,„„,,„',',      ,,     '''"   -■j'""^  S„,„'  .,„„,.„   ,„„,,v„   ran.,.;   ,|,„  ,■„,,„„   ,„.,     -,"          '-    •    "-    '     -'■'■    iN'ak    -•  ..-k    ..f    ,|, 

'TO  pn.w^.onal  „nly.  an-l  a  ,lat,.  .„  r..-,.,,-  ,    r    l        ^       ""."''-    '^ '  '•""■'■'■'«•  ions 

I-ov,.,!    f„r  anv  ,„„.  ,„•  ,„„„,     Then.  ,    :.    i    !"'^"  ^'^'"[.'^l^  -  f.n,i|,     ;,  „„f 


/>/7M/r/M//;v/  o/' 7v/a;  isn.iaoR 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

-«'■  On..  ,.|-  ti,e  iMst    i.,.,ior.m,""l"'''"""'"'l  '''"''*  "'"  '"'"'Vno. 
mljoining  tl.o  ]5o,.n,l.,r.v  .k-ll   is  IL^^^ZI  "f  'm";  TT"'"'"''^"   ^^  <'"■   '"'^^i"" 

"iii>t  r„v,.,-  a  i,,,,,'!,  wi,l,-r  /,„„.  „(•  il„.  ('.'nil         ,T   ''■7''''''   'l"a'i»ilaliv,.   mi.l 

'""■'■-ti I  i:,.„„.,,,,.    Tl,..,.,    „.     I,  '?    '"'"  """  ^'"•^•"■^■'"'  ••>'-'^'  <l'- 

•ii.ili,   ;^  p.nfr(r,illy  ii„.lorstoo.|. 

""'"; '"^'"^'"-    -'•'■—.>-.•   M.„v,.,u.T.,,,.n,.,:. 

I  111'   i'(i:i(litioiis     1  Tc'-fin"   (ii,>   ,  pi..;„      t 
.■<v..;.MH/o.l   ;w   olleri,.^.  8„.n,.^,f   ,|„.   ,:'    ,1!    ,"""",'!-'""    ''''"'"'^    ''"^^    '<"'??   '"^n 

>"".^  .''.^  to  tho  ..i.r.hs  ori«in„I  t~r,ur         'I •        ''"'"'^'•■"^"y-     Ass,,,,,,,- 

'Tus,  o,-  i„  ,1,0  VMS,   in...,-?„r     ..,,;•  "'"";'"  '"      "  "'"'  -"-f-'o  ^I'oll  or 

.•o<-k-,„i,f,..r    w,-,s    liiMn,,,,.,     ,e|  '  '"^""'''^''^  "^  ""^^ly  nil  aoccssib],, 

.l-voI.,„..|l  .„„|..ien,l,.,  .,.  .lint,.':,  ,1  '::,'""    ''■^""!'"-^'^-  "■'"■<•''  '..•«  not  boon 

ti-  -i-siT 1.  A ;  : ;  n "  .''u;::t-^f''°  r',""  ?^"'  ^•■^'"'^  ^^-'-'-'i-' 

'•■Ivi.  als„  ,  .„i,,,,,,  ..„.„„„,,;",„  ^^^^"^f..    ;"""'■"'  '  '.   "l-nnal ,n„.,io„     i„. 

it  will  IK.  I„n^  beforo  th.To  .    ,  l^Z    iuZ^      '     '  "  "f'  ' •"''"''■  "'"^ 

■  -  '         •       •  ■  nn.iniMii.Hs  oi)ini„ii  on   tho  valiiiity  of  the 

ii'i'iinK.     Other  cxphuiations  nrc  but  frnir- 
"..  '".r  Inok  of  iMfornuilion  „s  to  the  rxa^t 

T"^"'>-  ■■ <'.-•>■  likowiso  .,<tT..r  frirn,  , 

'l""'.Ml  .on.mion  of  (ho  c.rth-s  inforior 

-  •■■'iiiit.'s:;;:;;:/:^';^;,.  ::,rf"n"^  '^'t"""'  '-  ^--  A.„eH. 

-'li >.,n,io„.      |.:,,..h    ,f  ,h,.  n  in.    iMl       n  t;"''.    "'    "™    '"•'■'■"''■''    »'>'   hoavy 

•linnl  bolt.  I'.'n.ipMl  fol,l,.,|  (n,,.,.  „  lo,.at..,l  wi,hi„  „  gpo>,vn. 




RrpoKT  OF  r„E  ciuff  .is^Titoynurn 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

^^Jy  ~;;;;::.:::;s^Sr^'''''" '-  '"••  - •>-  "-^  "^  n.  .... 

or.;:;..s;S  '^T;:;:;::r!j:;T.rS;::;r'i;'''T:'"''nr  '^'^-v  --"^  --""- 

worl.l.  ,l„„   „...   ,„a.v   l,,.v.,  ,  mt  •   i       l',,  "      i'     •""'■'''"  ""''  '^'^'■^^•'■'-  i"  "- 

•'•  fin.nifl,.    iM.rusi,,,,   .f   (iV.t-     ■ ''''';''''    ''^''"■""'   ">"   ''"tl''«   crust. 
A>!  ,„.,;o,ls  ,„■  ,1,..  M,r.    „.','''"'•"■   '"•'''"••    '"   "'■^-■'"'   '•■-I''.    Mlw.vs 

.Toatost  „i,,vs.s„i  i„i,„,i,.„.  ,,■  hh  :;;,';• '■'','.;■,  ■;'■;"""-'•  •'■'■••^  i-w.-..^  .i^t  th.. 

'■■"lf>I   witi,   fl,..   |,„,i.„„r,l   , u-ln  '  '■  ',"'■"""   '"■'■  '■''•'"■'i'.'ll.v   "ssn- 

f'n-nno,-  U,..,„  ,|,o  wl,„I,    ;.,„:!    """"  '"   ■'   ^'"""■'"■' ''  '■■-''-'"■"   -l,l,.|,   i.  ,n„,.|, 

r..    '111,.     t(i|>,lf;r:l|i|ii,-     ;l|l<l      -lrilcliii-,1     .  ff.,    I  . 

'••Tt.v  ninll,    l'.,,,l!,.|    ..„.,.   .I,..,rl        ,      ,    1  h      "/     ""^'-'<""'-^"M\n>,    ,„     ,1„. 

'■-•=.-nor,,ln„„,    ,„„l,.,.p.„.  1.        „■  i- ,   K,  ""   '"r"''   "f   'i'l-i'-'' i-n    (^CUi,- 

ti""  is  -.'..  i„  ,i„.  p,.,'.i,.,„  v ,,:.;;';  ""'"n'^-..-^  '-'i„^  in,,.,,,.. 

fa,..  ;,,J;':,^:;;j;!  irr;;:  r  

'■'"•'<'■■■  ("--an)  .sid.,,f  ,h..  rnrilili.,;..,       ''  "'"'   '''"'''-'    ""''-'■'•-    ""    <'- 

>'nJ:::7i  :^L:'z.;1j:;tj::l  "■; ';;"  ^'"-'":i-^-  -'"-  ••■''  --■■• 

<'a-.s„l  C„„,li,i,.„  :ura,,'',.t:  ''•;;::"   V^'>-;'    l':—    l".i-tion    a.   a 
in.:!'"'  "^^ '"'""^  ""   "'''■•''   ""■  ''>-•""■-  >-o  i,oon  b:.o.i  ar.  ,.,o  fol,„. 

'•f    no    strain    in    ,l„.    ,,„m    ,„.,.1.,1„V  n   '     ,  ;'-<'l':P."ont   of   a    levol 

oarth's  surfa.v,  '  ""'   ''  ""  '■"  ''-'■   -'n   i"il,-.   |„|,,u    ,:,., 

sin,  j;i:t  ;:::zst::  :i  -:^:;:'  .:;;..,^:"  ^v' ;''  -^—  "'■'•  -" 
tensi..,.  ..,.„H,. ,  i,.  „...„,,  „.:,i■:],;;::i^;■i:*;^--  -^ -^•■' 

of  tiL  f;l;M't,j::,i::r:r';L.'';h;p'''::i'  /"/'"^  ^''«"  -^^  ♦-'-"  --Hin. 

l«.ver  of  .ho  ..I,,.],     ,.u  a        r,     ,iv        ,  1    '  ""'   '^   "'"■"''   ''^•'"'    ""'   -'■-"h 

<.iiin.  or  <  riistal  ilofonna- 
•1{.  A.   Daly,  Anicr.  ,l„ur.  Sclint,.,   Vol,  i;.   1900,  ,,    195. 





,■        I  ,  2  GEORGE  v.,  A    1912 

f^  :S  r:;it:i';:;ueh'?;i:'r  ''^/'r  ,""•"-  '^  *"«  ^^-^^ 

I..V  an  enforco,!  oroep  of  matter    mvfrn'  •;"^^':'""'"  "<'-^<l  tension  is  relieved 

Lo,ly  remains  tinid  the       n.:'     \,  He  r.!;,".'?'"'  '°''^-  .'''  '""^  ^  ^''^ 
eanl.  is  ac..on„.lished  by  ercep  of  n  aUer  ,1  T*'"-""'  ''°°''"*^  "^  «''« 

ot.  creep  is  at  a  maxina.n.  Le  tie  .one  of  "'""^J'^«""°r•  ^t'o  amount 
""■"nu.n.  .t  eertnin  -li„un,.es  to  ri  J  t  .„,  M  f?  "r"""  ""''  decreases  to  a 
2.  Tins  lateral  creep  nXles  a  down  i  "^/''t  ■"'''-"<'  line  of  the  zone, 
diately,  ,i.e  .one  o  condentuun  Th  ^^'.^"^'^  "'"''''"'  •'^- 
.0  the  seat  of  prolonged  .e,li„,en "tr    7  o   t  .' "vXh     T.r^-^^^^'""'   """'^ 

little  resistant  itself,  cause.'     'often inTol^rr'        "^'\  "^''^'''  -""Pa^atively 
i^otreotherrns.*     When  the  Hllinr      *  basement  through  a  rising  of  the 

-'.e  shell  of  co„,So  oS;^o  i  :  f  r"""''"'''  'r  ^"'^'-■'«''*'^  tf'i'^keV.. 
-e  intensified  by  inetaso  nalic  da",;  ^  rt""  "7;","'"-""  °'  ^*"^^''«  ^^^^-'^ 
•ainous   forms  and  structures  resuh.  ^'  ^*'""'  *°  '^""'"P^-     ^^""n- 

4.  The  complete  shearing  apart  of  tbo  =1,  ii  c 
J.-nnp.  „,e  .ro^^nic  revolutfon  rrfeases  L  f  •  '''^1^'''"'  ""''  ^«"«i°" 
""d.lving  shell.  Abyssal  injection  on  /Lr-'*'^^^  unrelieved  in  the 
tyu.ed  in  the  shell  of  tension  The  relefcoml'  "■"""  ""'''"*^  °^  ''°"- 
of  the  n.ountains  Hrst  oecsLs  f hn  n  T,.'^  *''T'^  '^'^"'^^^  '"  the  act 
thus  of  the  extensive  ass.nHlaZ  of  g  1!^''^.^' "^^",*'°  ^^^^'''^-'l 
rr.marj,  basaltic  magma.  The  differ,.,  .Vl'  V  ,  '  ""'^  ^"^'l-'ucnts  i,y  ,1„, 
assimilation  may  explain   the  bat holi  I  i  !  ',        *''?   ™'"r""""I    '""^^'mas   of 

along  with  their  satellitic  st'ks       ^         I"'  'T'T  "'  ~t-"  ranges, 

'-.  The  regional  warpings  of    he  ear     J;  ::"'"'"""  ""'"""- 

'"  the  varying  strengths  of    1°.  alitnVions'f     """'  f  ^^^^  "'  '"-*  '^^^"ed 

«■  The   location     and     al  :'„ men      n  •  "  """^  «"bstratum. 

elongation   of  gecsynclinals.   the   fi     ]  Iv.i'n"     '1"   r'"^'"'   *''"   '"*=«♦*""   and 
satellitic    in.iec,i„ns,    are    al     ilrdl.  de,t  an7     f.  T""'"   •'"*''°'''^«   «nd 

power  ul  abyssal  injections  fro„/t&tr.,m      it    '"^    '"   '""''^   ^""^    «^ 
located  by  cos.nical  stresses  atTecting  the     1  tT     .  "'°*''  "■""•  '"  ^'^'^  '"^ge,    • 

.  ,  7  Mountain  building  causef  I  „7!  '  '''°'.'^'  '"^'''^^  a-™"thal  lines. 
;;.al  shell.  The  surf...e  .mttlow  of  e  ,,„  ,  'P.^'-''^^'^'*'  ,^tresses  in  the  superfl- 
from  the  substratum,  mav  theref 'r,  ,e  '  "  u'  ■-<— "'ar.v  or  direetly  derived 
revolution.  I„  general,  ti.etu^  of  vul!'''' •''"■'?"'''•'"'  "^"^^  ""  '"•'-'»■" 
by  the  doctrine  of  the 'she  1  of  ,^.1  '  ^h.'ch'are'  7  fundamentally  affected 
compressive  extension  of  that  shell  ""'  ^''*""''^-''  "^''^^^d  by  the 

•P.H.ap7„^  o,  nie  Heat  „„.;,o;a,!,  eo«ia.t^  .  of  ra,..„„..t,ve   ori.ia.         ^ 

M.M.p.t  li.k.r,  tak..„  f,„„,  prairi..  at  Su.m,-  L,.k..,  K.u>t.r  Vall.y, 
2Ba-  V(.I.  iii     ,,.  -,74 




''■'''"'■■'  "/■  nil:  rill,  r  \>n:ns,n,,,,- 



Tlio  .socmirl  p:irt  i,f  |  ,..tiil-,(      /  •  i 

M.ev..  i„   al,,vs.,l  i,,,V,,,i,„  ,,  ,,,.'.;:      "--•--■or    .1,,.    „,ny    l,e.    „,.    ,„„st 

abyssal  i,.ie,.ti„„.  .iH,:„ :!:;'  M  '„;  i/r: i T  "7-  "•"'"•  ^i-^  "■"'  -'^-"-' 

or  al,„ost  alwavs  on,„o„.p„ra  .  ^  H  L:''':"""?^*";"  "^i!*  v„l.a>,i.,„  i.  always„^.tho,>  that  U.Iiof.  I„  ..« .1  .  , '  ' ''';'''"'l  ''^''''''™*'''''"-'-  «™'U  o 
M.rfa<.e  may  bo  h„t  „  .s„,ali  ai  i  : .  ,,,  I,."''''''';'''  "^  ."^^'^-'^^i""^  of  lava  nt  .ho 
"0  lin,its  of  tho  ...osvnclinal  it         I   '•  """'"";  "'  "''^•^^■•>'  ■■"ioetions  within 

tbat  the  lofal  vohun^  „f  ,„a;:.„a  .h'„  tr  n«T  i  V'*'"'"'^'*^""*  "■'^""«ptio„  to  hold 
be  <'o>,>pan.l,l,.  ,.,  ,|,,  vol..^   f  ♦^l"^^""'"'  '"to  a,„l  through  the  cr„st  ,nav 

-l.ios.  „„.  n,oM  >atisfac.,o    .  t;;„;  ;^:'7;^';:f  "--•    '"  ^Pit-  of  an  tho  ,yj. 

stresses.  Jf  „„.  oo„oi„si!:/'  !  p.^  ^  r";;:::'^,;'*  -'"--^."a  „n.lor  cosmioal 
folvm,Mhoor,,,v,,ioproble,,,.  f,,r,i./ri.,.      f        ''''    '"'.■"   f""    *'"^   '""•■"■''■^ 

;;.^-J;::nr::;;:r  i:- •  ;;;r;s;ri.;;::;i  ;':^ ; '1'"^"-  "■•  -^  •'— ic 

tbo  toliowinj,.  ti„.oroti,,,l  .•hantor    o  '    ^,     *^'"'^   ■^■■tficirntly   doar.      J„ 

<  -  Miof  that  v,.ble  bath  .:  ,  ™';^;^^^-  ";''--  -ill  bo  f„„„,,  C 

-ts  on  n.u..h  ,„.,ro  than  .n^:;^  s^     ,     ,     "  ^l^;:'';;'    — '*-n.     That   boliof 
these  large-.cale  injeetions Lo  CX'tZt"::;  """"  "^  '"  ^^''^"'- 

s'lell  ,,f  tonsio,,.   -J'be  answer  Riven  i„  the  ^n.,  •  ," ''•'■""  """"'"■^aiieii  ot   tl,e 

-"'  'bo  Po,tula,e.l  ".ochaniern  V  ;  r  .r'tlTt"  "  '  "JT'"''''  ^""^'^"'"♦'^•^ 
namely,  that  at  its  closing,-  .f,«e  .,s  veil  I'  ..  r  '"'■'"*'■"'  """^'"''  '^  ^fons; 
t'oosynelinal,  an  coKonie'  .novem.'.nt  is  eio\  K  '  ^°""^"'^"  "^  ♦be  preliminary 
"'a.'ma  into  the  earth's  ornst  T t  w  ^  """r"".''  ^'^''  '''"  '"♦•■'--■-"  "> 
a-oeiation  is  olo.e  beeanse  i,  ^  „•  .^i^  in  1  ""''"^'l.  ♦"  tbe  view  that  this 
b'thorto  Kiven  too  li„]e  atten,?,  r;'  '".''"■'^^♦'■'^"♦''-•■^  i"  orogeny  have 
'•  ,o  n,o„ntai„-b ail      1  '"'""""    '^'    ^"b-rn^tal.    ,na,nnatie 


i  ■  -z  '. 


tne^wf)     4.    ;i»^;r 

!•-  .»*6, 


Tm^     .  .*•' 


':  iml^VSat 


SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

A.    1<)12 





I\  Mf'Mil  (  Tl()\. 

Wliil.'     collect  iiiL'      f).,.      ,l.,f, ,, 

HloM.'   the   trn„s,nont«no  .ec  iim   will    h         "  '".'  '"'""''  n...„„„.i,.„„... 

-"ion.  of  the  ^^^^XCJl^:y:vCu;l:^^  °^  ^-'"^  -^''^  -  ""^ 

".In-Kh  do^oe  of  s^„uu..rv   \v\„  id  j    ,t     fT   ,^''' r,/'"'"  ^*"^"'''"   ^''""'^ 
width,  was  covered  l.y  a  .on  i,    n,,!  V  '  •'"■'''""■■«.  WO  niile.   in 

tl.e   Kocky   Arot.r»ai„'..,n'arr„  :::,;;'',      'V-"'  '""'  *''  "-^^^  '''  ""^  ""P 
"ovTodhy  three  sets  of- valley  Z,i!r"  '""•'""   '■"^'^'"   ^'•■^''   re-Poctively 

sheer'!;:  r:w"K„::i*'?,-^^'"^"  '""i  ^'""  '•■'-"-'-  - "-  '-''--' 

trunk  plamT  in  the  FlathI  d  v- II         V''  '"'"•'     I  ""'  '"""'•  -'"'  H""  i>'^ 

wa.  locate.,  on  „.  hi  J:^;:^;  iiS.  5,^:;;;^  ;::;:^^"  -'  ''^  --•-'  ^-"- 

in   till' 

lie..  gl,u,crs,  ,„    ,i,e    o.!,er    h.nd.  ,^h,cial   erosion   ha,   neatly 

<u«TSs)iiQr»'^;^^i.«^cif^'vis»ewrai«P  .'rj 

.•orr.  ^^Buitenaumiiw 


""•"■•""  w  <-/   nn   iMiinni: 

"'-' "I- -..  > .,..„„i,„,.  ,     n-         '"^""°^^-*   '^'^ 

'■■■''•'''''''■-'-'M.H,,,i,M.,M      ;•';'',■""'  '■'•:- I  -■- ,:i„.„,, 

*'ir.n..-  uvr.  .1,...,,,.,.,,  i„  „„.  „,:;■;'.'""  '■•'-"-''  ^ -n  i.<ii..w-..,,  u,i„: 

■■!l"u.t,..    wa-t.,:,,.    |„„|    |.,.,,,„,,.    ,    '    ""     ""■"''      ■' »li..,.:„.i .,,,„.    , 

•"*l"''lli     illlcilli.,!,     W.H     l.'ll.l     I  ,      .1 

;•-,-"'■■' '-i-i:llr:: :;::;;;';: ''v '•:.'■•■:';- ' ■" ,- 

"'■■";■ ^i::;■ ;:::,;:  i::r's:"";; ^", 

:;  t;;l;:':' "-:::■::  ■-:-^•"'-::;:v^:"l^i::^•:;,,,^•':^ 

■<-'-".  .1,,.  ,lin.,.,i.,„  .,,•  „ ,„„.,./,,      „,:";"\"";'''  -"""in„.s  .|,„.i,|,.  ,1,.. 

'""•.:■:■ '-  'yvv.  ,.f  Con,,,  'a  r  w''!,,'h7.!;'''"''''n''';'"'''''''''''  '""  ■•■"■•■'V 

-'-"1^  ^i-i.,--  ,.i,i„.,.  i,„,.:,„:„>.  . ''."•■• 'v'^;'  •."■'■-- -ui.n. 


"■•    i'ili-,-it,.,|    fr.,n,,    ,|,o    ,,,„,,,;, 

r""^","   -'-"^M.  w..  not  ,|i,v,.rlv  ';„  I  ,„,   "k";'"'    •^""''"':""    ^'"-'-   t..    the 
'"•  r.'M.I,.,.  „  r,,f,.„,„,  ,„  Daw-.,,,-;,-!,,  •  ,.„  "/   ■"["'"'""-"   r-la.i,,;: 

;:;:,::?;;,,£:";r;;,^';'»  ■•'  *■  Ki;:r;,r^,::;:; -  •-»  -- 

"■■r- H"  "■"^;i:;,T,^;,: ::,:': «'-'■- -..i.. .,,..,„, .„„ 

'  '■'•    '■I',,,,-:!!    1,.,    ,    ,|,    I  I     j  ■  •'"-"',■1. 

*'-'-'-- -a.  ,,,,a,,  ,,,,..,;,,,  •,,,,,    '',/?•     :;.-'--   '''-    ...,   „m:,,„.,„ 
--    !r.-lu„.-.   „    „,,    I,;,,   ,, '.^  ;     ....K_.\ll  ,,.,,. ,.,,,,Hf,  „„|    ,„„ 

'">J-    '<».,  (.uiiaila.   V„l.  ;i.   1S9I     ,,    ., 


HI        1 1.    .),  S. 



-'i-r  .'A 






;:;■';'"■•'•■»'■-, .F.^■.:  J;  ■;,,,::,;:;■,,, ' 

"    ••■'-'••rn     -,f     l,^„|,.,|     j„     ., 
^'|<>r..  .,r  Ions  .-.mtiniioiM  ntiow 
■.r,.„t  Divi.Ip.-     S„r„o  .,/  the*,, 
"■''"' '   I'.v    W.ii,.rf,.n    Ink.. 

■'"  ""•    '•«.•«  ranRc.   ...  fomi 
''■""■'''  "   •*'••!  ■!'■*"  ti...  r\,,u,,. 

(fl»<M.-r.  !„rm..,|  ,,„„  ..f  ,i„.  ,.„,,',     '   "'^  "".''     '"'•'••  "'i'*'  th,.  «■,.)..  Wat..rt„„ 
Bi't.l.-  vh||,.v«  and  nuTir,.,!  i,,tn  (h.  »   i     •  '"  ''•'"''"    '''"•'•"'I'-l  fhoT  l„«l,. 

'!;.•  v.iw  „n.„...i,4x:;s;  Z::^\rnTr''''''''  i"^'-  '--'^  «'^i 

n>..  wn...,.  I.UH  „,„j,.  „„  i  ,  -  ""  '•-     M.lho,.,i  ;r!.,..;,.r. 

;;;.  .'---t  .n.i  .,.,.,„  „,.,,, J.,.,  ^,^  J  '^  .    ■  ar-.s  ,..„p,.^  ,     „,.,  ^^^,^,,, 

■'-  ".  tl...  nun,.  ra„i.l  facial  .nS.     ,      M     m  i, '""  r'^V"'""  "^"'"--i 

MHs„„r,   r.ver   t,.   Yukon   ,..rri,ory.     T  Z.n        ,r    7   M      ''"   "''"""    '■•'""   '^e 
Imvo   been   Kr..atiy   .ie,.po„..,|.    th,.ir   w ,        "  "^■^'"'"":■   t"-e.(i|.,cial   valleys 

"'■nn.lant   |,.p..,l  ..,■,..-..;  i,,,,"    T      ...,:'"'';"  'l    ""',  "f   ''••"""*'""   "^ 

n.«lified  into  typical  or  .,n.,.I,i    ,    V  '"    ^""'•^-''-"■'•^    '^     -•    -. 

«...all   rock-ri,nn,e,l  h^o.T  Zr^^^'!"^:'  'T^  ^'  --'■'—  Aoo,^  wi,, 
exarapl,..s  of  th..,.  «laoial  eff-ct.  n,..     rL  m.  ^  ,H  ','""'"*""'-       The  finent 

are  to  i,e  fo„n,l  i„  th.  Olark.  and     o     !  rl^.      "^f^  the  Fort,  „    .h  Parallel 
Anierca   have  rirnn..^   n^^     i        i  ""*.''>.     JVoLmMv  n.ul,,.  -  i,,    v,,rtl, 

ro,K,srapl„V  Atlas.     W..  „!vc  this  i  ..e7t,      fn  ,  'T"/"^    <"-l'-*.>,-,I    Survey 

accuracy   and   ...e   artistic  ^m   t^  Z^'Z\^::'''''\  '^^T  """^-' 

:>.,„-_v,,|.  II,  ^_s  lurirayod   the   topography   of  s.,nie   800 





nrrunuiM  or  rin:  imkiuou 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

•  1  ^  vicwnvjt  V,  A     1912 

<":::ii:..'';:;:in.:i:!:i:'^;;':;f:;j;tr'r' "" " -♦'■  •-  '"•'  '----..h 

•","■  '"-I-l  .•innn.s.  about  «ix,-n.M  ,;;'.;"  ""*-7  '''"-•''-'•'>•  .nor.  ,hnn 
'^"'U'cl^r,.  n.lK..s  wind,  ,l„miM;,t..  ,1  „  ^•  '"  '""  '"•'"•'''"•"^-  l'"".s.  m.,.1 
-l-'-l  ....iKiM.     Th..  «,„.,,„.,:     :  ,■ '    r,.^  '    ;;"^,  •'""-  -■"  he  no  .,„o.,ion  as  ,„ 

- K>-i.rsi;,::,n,  ;:;:::;t''::' r'f " ';"'"""' "^^ "■« --■"> "f th« 

■  .1.    w  1/1/1  r     .         "  "  "i"'ii  II)  til,,  iiho  ..t'ran  I  ,,f  I'l.ih.  m      ti  •     •  . 

,.  ,„   .1...  ,.1....  ....  ""^'  "'  •'"'  Hoiin.liir.v  nioniiiiiont 


""-'  "-    •■'    -Miall.   i,„rlli-ll„u-;n„   .,1,...:....      V  '  '"  '"''I'"'  ••"l'r--'<il-  ll lairv 

■"V-'  <>-    ■'    Mnall.   „or.l.-tl„wi„R  ^la,.i,.;-.      F 

IxiK.mi  (,l   tl ir, 

i-.  iliii 

>c>n.   Il„.  sutniiiit   to   (1,0   tarn   nt'the 

'"-'  "I   'I iniN,.  i..  a  .Iron  of  1  -.o  .  f.  i     \  ""    '"   "'"    ''"•"   "f   the 

■T.'  illi.Mra,..,!   i„  IMa....  7    .-,o  .'-.;""    ""','- •■'"im.ont  of  flonl-Iik..  profilo., 

""-•'^  I'y  ^.la.'  „„  i,.„i;  >i„;„. .;;.,;;, I.  k'T '  '"•'•'■'"■'^''  --i'l^-  tr,.,vi  op|M,rtN.,i(i,..   f„,  ,,„„,, (if,-, \..   .,„  |-  ~  '■"">"^'r.v   Mirvy   il,,. 

''"-■^  '1-  ...axinn f  ^'.i;'      ..:;•"'■'    "^ ?""^    "'    ""•   «1 -^    wl,i,.h. 

-'II'.-.     I.,  .a,.!.  ,.:,..  ,1„    uJa    :";,:'  r'  ^'■'"■"""l'  -"k  a„.|   Kin.ln  .-rock 

l-rt.  ,1,..  S,arva,i„„  ,lu-"^Z-  Z       i  i:!!      "^Z  T  t  ""    "'""^■-      '"   ""•» 
trunks   of   tl.,.   »rla,.iers   uero   of   ,1,    '  ,'      ',"'  ■""■'^'"■"  '■''■"'■'■'^"t-'   for  the 

"'^'>-l  an   i...,   pa,-,   i  v'  „       ^   , 't":''"'  "'"'"•■;'    ^' -   "■-.    hav. 

'--nalwiil,   ^all,.v,.l,,W,.   <„       11  /"■^^-' '■"•"'    "r    mkh.oi- 

"'— "'-i'. ■^-i.Vi/ ,: , ,  ^,::r i;:'' ''7 ^"■•"••- '- «'•'• 

"■■■    '"-'    'avourahl,.    i„    ,|„.   ,1„,„|  ,  ,     '      '•'^"""""■^    'or   plaoial 

i   ''-'-in;,  i„  ,1,„  ,.,.,.v..,.„.l„„  ,'....  'r^'-':"'"->i.Ml.      AlCrnato 



ill:, VI  iirj 

.iri  ii'.j 

IIWMV    I,.     i|„>    i, 

Sillr-,.      Ill, 

/vfn;,:.i:""^v; '^'"'i'^-'i'ii:  -  w.  w. 

-Ill-  til, 


•i<  "Im.-Ii.  M.„.k  aflor  M,„.k 
'■*   'l''v-l,,i„,|   „„    ,1,„   ,1,1,., 

"^  "■""■"• ''-^■^--^'^-''^ 

L':.a      x.,1.  , 

'I.  HI       |>,  ,tHU. 


fit^'Js  ':■ 



""'"'■'  "f"'f-'inf:y  AS n,;.y..>n,: 



"Lr"  r  !''.'  '"""'^^'^  «  .Mount,, l„ 
1,^^'""  •  '"""^  '•.•o-pn>til..s  of  ,h, 
f'Pe<-tacular  ampl.itiieatres  up-st-oam     I       ,tl,;'":"'',   "   ""T   '"   ""'  >•*■♦  '""rr 

'"  "";  ber,,„,.i.  "  *''"'-    '•-■"'""o"-'l  I-  ,1...  pro.v.^,..^  o,H-ratinp 

iiut  if  may  !«  ,i„ifo  wr-.n^r  ,„  .,,,hi„„.  ,i 

f  ow„  ,ha,  ,,,,,;,,  ^^j,,,,.  ',  ;^V:  "'","  "'^  «•■"'•  ir.'-.  .nd  othor,  have 

;->|.c>     a   .Ha-io-  ,ill..,|    vail.;   «i  1,  '^j.^  "''"""  "'   ^"••''-"-•'   -  <.'"m,..font  ,o  ,^h„.,or  ,o  a„  annua  W,V"^-  '"  ;'"'  ^'""'"-^  '''"ini"K 
['f  °^-.'h-  .vl.ole  k.!  of  that  iol;  :,;■':'"  •"■••-'■^o,u-,l,s  of  an  i,.eh  of 
from  various  studies  of  ,l,o  s:-..„l,  2^1  in  h  '"v"  '■''"^''  ''"^*'  ^"  "^taine.! 
«  "MH,  that  the  coarse  n.orainu  ,  ,  n.s  /  I  ^'\"T''"  ^''"-^  'f"^"  ha, 
^''«--'u-.s  of  the  Sierra  Nevada        Call  on'  ""'  ,''•'    '^'^   ''•"'Btoeeno   valty 

»;;--'  "itl;   .he  .n,o.nt  of  ro.      .y      ° m  l',  "h!/^f  i"«i.'nifioa„t  when  com- 
"••">y   I  -shaped    trouphs   n.onthinir     n    M  '"^"   ^''"'"'''^   '"  •"''.•'[«>  the 

"'"onnt  of  ;ino  n.aterial  dep       ;d   i'  V;""  "   """■''   ''"■'''-  •-"•'"" '^^  for     he 

"  ;:;"^;-'-'  ti"«t  thi.  second  v;..,v  ;.  :,      '''"•""','""^ "^ '*'^*>of  iwd an,i 

P..M,shed,   s„p<.rb    map   of   the   C   „.      I'"   T-'   '""'' '"  '""■•     •''"■   --n" 

■ :""-".vi".'    <ila,ial    n,on..;ra,         ■       ;;'^'"'-     t'^*'-"-     with     Auwood's 

oros,ononar.vat,..aloin,hatr„«e         .•  T"'"':     "''    '■'••i'^f'-.Me    ,da,ial 

^-e  s,nk.npiy  similar  to  thoJe  oWrved  .n^'ch,:;!  ^^T?'"""^  ---"»  - 
••>l>.Mial!y  plat.s  2,  7.  a,,,)  ^  ,,,•  ,,,  '  "    ""    '-'nrkc  and  f..  wis  raiitre-   is 

"'   rook  whieh  l,„s  .',..ari;  Z'tZ^^'ZV'-    ^'"""  "'  "'""•'■  '»-  v  , 
'•'.el,.  „  „   ,  ,|,i,.rt,    responsible  fo     the     1       Z''  l'"'  "^'■•''"""  '"•""'■^  »'"«  >-n 

-'•^  -h  a,  the",:;:;::;;,;;:;::  7:::::;:z:!, '7-  ^r "-  ^^"  --» io^ 

!:::';::u;ed'-;::;;;,7j"  -^ :--  -  ''>  i^:'  "::'::::■:'  ,;x-:r^:"^  'r^ 

'h-on.'h   ...nrrast    letwe,.,    i-e-ea.s  ""'':'*"       T    '-'"    •''"'••'I   <■„    one 

!''<•  <-.M.Ie  ex,.ava,fM..  p„uv,.  of  ,h,.  la.^        .;,;''' ''r  '"  ''T''"'-'^  "''""""i--- 

"-•      ...Id  «en,  rally  miwl,  tlneker  sheet   i.s 

t  i^  H  j^r-/i,i^r^rL";-^^^'''i!;^'^--'..  N 

Kf  .-.I 

I.  IKs:,    ,,,;)|9. 


""■"■•""^'  '"   r,n:  nnianw 

fc.-    T«*nvei,v  .m..ll  eff..,  I   ,„  n....liiv     '    ,  '      '"^1  "     '-"•'■^"    '^'-'r^'^-   H,i,kn,..- 

to  «,re  a  »,!{«,  f^„„  ,,-,      ,  ''  ■   -nt  tl,.  .■ul,a,-,.„t  n.ou„fain  .,,„,■,  ..,  ,.. 

'•;vH  of  fl„.  ,oa.'     W     „„,,,  i,.ii.H,.  Mu.    ,1  ■  ■"   '"■""''"'  ""■  I"--enr 

«".„I.r  ,.,  ,1...,.  ,,,„      ,„,,.,,  „„     iri,.       (     ?,;  l""  '•""  '"'""'"'"^  ^^•"'«  •'-•'■  --v 

-   ;— .;..m  .la,.i.,.„.   „,.  „„,,":,:r      ;.;,  ■;   .   --      "-  '-l-nn,.!  .,f  o„nl„u 

'•■rcl..   i,|„M)T    „„„.-  ,1,,,   i,,   ..■    .       ,.        '    '    't.P.iiL:li    i!,i.   u.,ii^h    H-,„   ,!,.,,    ,.,•   ,, 

■'■■''   -■-'7".-..,.,....     T .,::„,;■,  ;  .;''„•:;■;•,:'';-;:  -^  "'•-  ".eoHured  o„ 

f-abrn-lor  i.-o-,  ..,,    :,   tuax,„m,u  J      '"    """'''    '■"'"•<''itr.,l<..|.       T!.,, 

=..  if  u-  -luuaUc       ,..,:■..'„-   uv  .  lu    ""y""''  '■'  '.'""■'^  ""  "^'"•'>'  "11   '■•"1'^ 
'•.'ntra-jon  „,•  ,.,.      v,,,.  --  -.|     ,h„,      .'  '    """"  "'    ''"^^  '■i'^''""  M.I.  fh,.  .•„„- 

'^-— --  •,:;,.;■:■•"'■•"  '"'^  '•^'''-■''■'-  i ^'i.  Tn.,,,,!,;': 

proportional  ,.,  ■  ..  ^,,  ,.f  ^,       ;   •;■--"■'•  't  r  .„,  l„.,|-r,„.k  is  .lin-tiv 

—  fustor  ti,:,.  a„.  ,.,,„„,„;, ,''  ';::;:■  -^^^  --.  ..,n,.i,.,i  i,.  „..„,  „,„„„  ,,,i^,^ 

'-•    ^he  ,..w..rf„l    „..,.r„t..„   ^la'^^    '  '  '"  -■'^^^  '"'■l^- «.•.■:,„  readily  n^n.- 

.^,..  „^,,.,  „, . .  ^^ ,._;;     ;  ,,,„;';,:■■; ;;'-'-  in<e  at  i.ak.. 

"•"-•'■"--<-..  ..f  ,...  f!..„  ,„  .    ,   .      '!'"     '*   ^''="-'^''  '■'•"^'"".     Tl„.   ,,,i,..i,,I..  ,.,. 
«rr;t,.r,  *a.,  „„,  ^,^,,^  ,,  „,  -  t,,,.o^rap.,v  l,^^  ,,,^„  ^,^,,„,,  ,^^,  ^^^^^^^^^ 

iiow-vpr.  lh,    prin.-i,,!.    •,  ,s   >  ,  '     ' '■''''■li'S  be<-a,isp  it   j.  „,  „|,,|„„, 

'<>^-,-..inp  „.,i..  i«  :,,  p,.,,.  „,,.  '    ""■  .''•"•l</rro,.nd.     Tl„.   par,.,,.,.  „(■  ,|,o 

.<■      ..  ui.,      ..,„i    r.M.,:    ll,„i,sa,|,is   „f  fpp,    ■        ,       ,     , 

tF.  T 

-  "i^  s^.':  vi^'^ .,  '^^v'^'  "•  '*""'"  "'"''■ 

2r.ii    »„i. 

lii  — I'.  5H'.'. 



<>t  lilt.  (  lint  Asii:i,\<.\nn 


velocity  of  the  looal  i,.,.       \,,   :, 

'"•  '-e-iin«  i„.por„.„..:.  ^\-^;^Zn     /V'^'"""  "'  ''"'^  «'"--  ^'-w. 

-  .■..,„..  of  rod<.flour  ..l«-,,v«  ,.o.  i  ,«  ;''   ',"'  ".'  ""'■•"■■'in^  'I,.,  ^o„,|..rf„l 

'"  --.,nt  f,.  <ion,.,......,  J:,  •■^;;,^ ,-  h;i:T::^"^ "' " -""^  -^i^-f 

.      The  rm..l,Rio,H  ,.ro.i„„  „,•  ,|„.  ,.      '"'   '  ^"''' ' 

rmt-e   ol,    if   not    .l,o,w  ,„is  "'."'""  V'^'^^'^y   involve,!   ,h „. 

;^-"":l.     On  ..,e  ..„.,.  th..  .IniV  :,  :    r.','"    "'""^   "f    -•'-•'■■»-.    .„    lower 

-"   e  all  of  tl„.  v,.t  loa,l  o/V;:  .^l  ,  '     ';':;-/'--  was   i„„„.,„t  "o 

;'-'ar.lunt.„sio„.uvr..  fon„o,lfroLil,,    1    r,    ■;     ,     "'    '"    '"•'^''"-     '»""-  "f 
all  of  th.^s,.  ,rr.,.,,  .,...r.  '."'"'  '-oWniK  ,-,v,.k.  „,„th  of  ,!,„  ,,,„.,      f^.^,.,^',^. 


Al   .„„   ,1,..  „.,,-,,.^  „,^,^  s,.,.„tu,.| 

in    tin 

Kin(!,i    I.;,k,., 


ii.'   nia|.|i, 

'"  '''^'  -i",|.l,.  ionramal  ori^.i,,  of  th,.^. 

';*  ",.  ,1,.,1.  MVMus  Jo  l,,v,.  |„.„„    i„  ,.„  ,    ' ;''  '■  ;"'*'•■  ;\  -»ni"-...l  .>f  .Irift.     M...t 

'""'■;"-';'.■•'-"•' -M.s  ,.f  .1,..  cia^  ,  ,    ■     "    ,'""■•"  ^•-"•■"-"-'••vo 

la  tla.„.  !ow..r  parts.   Ki>l„.„..l  ,     s,  '"  ".•  "'P'   "'"'"■''>'"    in   tho  ,lrif, 

*la^',..s.      Thpso   trou-l,-    .,,o    •      ,  '■'"•'vspon.liMi;   Kla.-I,.,..    i„    ,|,„:,    ,  ,,    " 

;;f.  .ie....;....,o..  .o,;;';.;;;,,,,:,  •;:■;;. :  ■•:■;:,•';;-■;'  --  ..^  -.-i:  ■.;:': 

aHu.nt  .da.-i.Ts  uitl,  tho   intorv..„i„        ,       •     '"'"'"'  ^""'•>-     'I'lafo  .-.o. )     Th.. 
;■'"->■    by    ,l„.   .on,lnvar,|..„o;i":  'v:^.t      n':r   T"';  '''■"'■"'■•'    ''-^■"    »'"-   -a 

111,.  Xorth  Flath,.a,|  da...,-,.  .,t  i.  ■  '  '•"^"'' ■""-''"  -''.vt). 

•"■'-  in  wi.iti,  „„i ,,  /[,.,  F, ,;:.;  :„';;";^;7"Y';'"" "'" '" "-  ^"  '-'- 

•rn.atest  .Inpti,     Th..  hi^,h,.,t  „o   ,t  \  •  i  '   *■""'"   l""""'   '"   2..)(»  fpot   in 

-  .IK.  5.100...ot  ..onto^  on  T'^^I^'J'T'  "'f'^'  -^  ^'-'1  -,.:: 
'•ver.  that  tho  Kla..i,.r  at  one  tin,.,  .-.n.rr       ho  r  '■''•,    ''   '^^  •'^"''"^''''  '""v- 

"ontour  and  as  hi;.!,  as  th.      .Tm     'V      """'"  "'"f"'  •■'  "'"  ''..VHKfoo, 

above  sea  at  th..  JJ„u,„h,,t.   ,,,•;;'"    ''■'•^'"  ^^"^  '•""• '.     Th..  riv-.r  i.  .,,,<«,  f,.,; 

On  the  western  si.l..  .,f  tho  villnv  .1, 

a.s   thoso  just   .leserihe.1   o„    ,(,..  ."Jte  ,      -.l';  "t,""  "'V^'   ^■^^""-'"•'-  --ain.. 

--  "'-  -  the  ..hris  fe..  to  i.  \,  l^t.^lZ^  ^!::njZStZ 


""'^•^       I'Ik,,..  «h„.,..,,    «,,„   „    ,  ,  ?Ct:ORGE   v..  A.    ,912 

"•'-'•"-'-'■. I-  w„l,. ',„„,,,'    ""     ^'^••'•"-    I I.    a.t    ,.,v..,„.    „„;,,.. 


riiw,'.|   i.,|„,^ 

""     ^'""-VH,    \|,.,    s,„,     ,.,,„ 

:r;' """■'■; '. .i.  ,.'::; ,v "'-'■' •' ■''" 

:i:;":'7:-'' — •  i- ^'^    ^ '■':,;■':;■■'' ''''••-.•.■ii .,,,.,.  .,,,,1, 

"■;■; '•'''■ '■^'■•■' !'•■- ..r. I.. i ';.;:,,::;,;;''■',:••:'-••:'  '-^■•■v 1...,,... 

I     ■■  '"..-t   ^iv.,.,r,,l,„.  l,„,,lj,,.  ,(•  ,.,  ^.   ;    .   ,■*"■""-'■  ■l^M.liiu;  1 .,■,,,,,,., 

^"''" ••;-"•■■■■' ■ ■■■i:"::^; ;'::,, ',;'"^^'/ -■  ".-1.,,.;,: 

—  ;'•■,  i.-  --,.,„;.„;';:';  1;:;,:,,,-  ;•-  > .1,,.  s.  .„> ,,,  ,:::;, 

^'--;^  t;'\;;j!;: ::,;;:.,;'';;;  J';'-; --I--  i-i.iu. ,, :,,., ,,..,  „,  „,„^, 
f-\-!r  "'-'  '''■•  •"-■  r..:;;;.   ::;;;;''' ^' :-•••■••  ■-'^•-^>..' .•..,,..,,:, 

'■*■   'I...    M.H-I.,,,,,;,,    ,,,„„ 

'    ^lll«     ihr    ,,,rih.    ,   |;t, 

'•    '"'     I.  '■  I'.Mi   lu    til,.  (;.  •-  ■  '* 

'-''^•■.■''H,,,«Hu.  \V-!;":,''   ""^  •■'-•— '1  'l.^.r.l..  i 

^"'■■"    '■■"■■r--  in:,|    w,..t,.r„    pan 

•;'P  ^'■■i'<  HmJici  i,v  ,!„ 

"■:i»..rH   MVrr  ,,,1   til..  ,..„f       I-      .      ,.  ■■'■■!. CI   |,v   ,!,^ 

''■■■:'  ■:.  :•■%    I.,.  !        ,      '•     '■^'-"''  "1'^"  ■•'^'^'.Ml,.  ^.|n,.ia. 
"'■•■•'    N...-th   ri,„ii..i„|  :,|,i,.;.,.      .,.|„.  ,   .;    ;■'■     ".'"'       -M   ■       .!..,i,.i,,.    ; li.  . 

'■•  ''^'v  '-'-i-i  iM.i„.r  ,i,.„  ,i„.  ,;,„„;„„  ';",";■  ^'••,"'--  ^'^  ^'^  'N.xiM,,,,,,  ,i,„ 

•■■>••'„!"■   ^"--ti.    Fla.h....|  .111,.;,.,.        "'■'■->"-•""    "• .!...  i .•:„  .   ,i,.l,„„;  ,:: 

111..    In,l,t,.h,,.f     ,|„.     ,,ilMV,.r       -1       ■ 

•''■'•-'■■'" ''"■-VI.,,.,.  I,.,.,,::.,-':;;;:  "'■'■■■';';';■■'•'■-■  ■'! — ,;i,,,.„,, 

'"'",     ,""■  '•;'">-    .-   M„w   i,I,„„„   ,,,,'7„    •  ,;''•■■''-'''     '■"7-  at   ,1,0   Iio,„„li„, 

"•■""■'■-  -"'  ■•""•'■  .-I— ,  i,..i,;.;    .,,:„■•;'.  '■  ^'•-■•'-'•ly  ^ ii,.,i  win, 


~  <i 

■|'t'  M.  h  .  |-,,l,.,.r...  i    ]', 

^..tY-,!|,.,UU,,alK..,tl..i.,  ,1,,,  k.l.J,  ,,M|„.  |;,„,,, 

M r:,„, 



in:f<,Ki  nt  rut:  ,  mri    i.v,  '„v„,„,. 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25, 


divide ...  Toi,....,:;: ;;;;:.:.  J:!rz7r.:tr' ■';:■  vr  ''■'-'  \ "- 

vuiK.y  un,i  i„  ,1...  Ku..k>  ,,:,, r'n"  ;.;:',:•'''''■*''''"'•:'  "•  "'■•  ^^''«^^'"" 

only  iwWve  i>euii»  i.n.j.rt,.,)    ■„  n,.>,.,t..L-      i  "^''"'"•" , '•>    ""•  H.Min.lary  belt. 

tl.e  su.n>,.it  of  .h..    „Kh.-.,    :.      ,.  •  f"""  ";■■  """■••  "f  ""•  '■■••••■•'"■  -"I 

.nut.4,v  .1,..  ■J.::m-[.„.t  ...„„o„r    it   ui   J-      1  ""■'*"""'"'>•  b<'"'»r  "'   "PPn.vl- 

"on.  .1,.. ..,.,.  .a.  h..n.  .;i:::; 'i.;' :';';, .^ ';  ;:':;^l';l"^'";Tv'T'"■ 
:'•:::!^:::';:;';:;/'::•;;;•,;■^:■'':,';:■r^•1• --'"'v^-'--''^ 

IHstiiicl    latoral   iiiorain.',   Inirncl   l>v   il„.  tr,.,,..|,   „l     ; 
.;f  Toba,...,.  Plains  a,   vario,.  .I.van!.      f      ..^        ,.   '  h^^-^' :''^'"""''' T''" 

.■i*i,  ,.,■■  „; ';: ;-, »: ,.'  ;m;..''"'-;?: :,:;': ,";."■,  "■■; « ■■" "- •• '-'  - 

iSr- ' '"-  ■'".■■;--..'f:::'r':r:;r"::j:';:!  ^^..!;;: 

-ire;''',  :.'.,.!l:;;„:;";„,rs,«:„;'  ,;;;;„','r,'.  s:' ;;;':  f;r  1, "» -r  "■  - 




'ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No    2) 

_^  /APPLIED  INAHGE     Inc 

S^.  ■6')^    E'^JSi    MQ.n    S"»«^ 

=*..£  ^oc^^estc-    ^e*    'o'k         '4609        .  .'ji 

'■^S  '16',    48^:   -  C300  -  Pf-ofie 

^BS  ;  7- 61    288  -  ^989  -  Fa« 


/'A7'./,-7  I/A.X7    or  THE  lyVERlOR 

';  pnu.„V.alI.v  „ni„„e  in  tho  whol.  P  „    I  •  "'•  *■  '^''' 

'^-"■'-n.-  riol,,,v  illnstraV^y    1v,t  n'  rr^-".  --"""''  "  '^^V^  of  morninal 

yenorro.1  witl.  waslu.l  ,.p,v,i;n  ^  '  "',,    Tp/'^7!;,''   «■■'•   '"'"•■"•^  «^'"''.v   till   „fton 
'"'o,s  „f  ,,,„„,„,i,,   f.,,„  ";„;^'^-   ^-;_^  '.as  boon  s„h.,aeiall,v  n,o„Me,I 

d.roofo,!   clown  ,h„  tron-h.  ,   little  e^t  o-    J.  '"■Jr^r.  ""'^^   "'■'"   ''^'^"'"'•'y 
"ouM  not  l>e  ,lotormine.I,  but  it  must    *    1"  ^''"  """'^"''^^  "^  ♦'"^  ^'r!ft 

-"'  "..■»■  avor„,c  200  feot  or  Irro  '^     "'  '™"""*  "^  ^'^^•-"'  '■""''-1  foot 

-on.s  so.™   to   bo  of  ori,.-n,i^    :•;,/;:    l"'''  ■^'-'"  '"'--•     '''hoU  .lepros- 

reasoftheeastornrnito.lStnto.arof  ,.;;;''"'::  "«'""■"''  "-   "'«'  -Imlnlin 

hollows  once  oocupio,|  by  bl.„.|<.   J  Ivm     Z  ^r"  "l^'T  '^  '"^''"^^^  *''« 

-li'e  to  tl,o  inevitaWo  ino.malitio       f  tl  ,        f*""'   '^■'^'♦''"^^'     OH'^m  wore 

Bosi.Ies   the    till    ,lopos"t        on  ^/'''f^l'"'"''  'loposition  of  drift 

wator-laid  notorial  we  e',tn;;Lik^^'T^   ","'    '""''   f''^'-   "f"  P'-'nlv 

'•liannols  are  incised  in  the  drift      r„       0""i-^.on,dly    (;ia,i;,l    stroam- 

^r.e  l.ot„o-l,olo.  the  noor^f';,,,  ',::";,;;':::  ^'tT-'  r''  ^'■''''™'^  '"  « 
tlio  channel.  '""  """>  ^^-^t't  below  the  bottom  level  of 

yards  ,n  width.  This  ohannol  is  l"  ,1  •  th  '  oUl  "^  1""""'  l'"'"^^'  "''-^  ^00 
t^io  h\k  rivor  and,  aeeordinjr  to  th    ,  '  *"  ''■^''"''  "^  ^^^  ""«],  as 

The  channel  fa.les  out  on  tl  1  u  ^Umrr;.!:  "  ?""""  "i"'  "^  ♦''^'^  ^*--- 
Lme  Its  onVin  was  not  finally  worko  o,,'  *«-""le.s  south  of  tho  Ronndary 
been  out  „„  tbe  floor  of  ti„.  ol  mLl      I,  ''  ^'""^^  "^^"''^^  ^'^"^  h«ve 

may  have  been  excavated  in  late  Glacial  timt!"'  '^^""'^'^'•'^ble  an,i.,uity;  it 


<■"  <'^i"i'Srn,nn;n;'i;i;;, ;'/:::;;  ;;:':';;^"r  ''■';-"'^  -"-<i.>'ini,..K.  ,ix,.,i 

coutonr.  The  highest  eumml  b  r  ng  ac  ual' Iv  l''"""/"''"'-  ''■  ""^  •'•^''«-^oot 
'■  evation.     Tho  direction  of  avoro..  .  '"'''  '^'■""'  ''    '-l'^"  ^-''^  i. 

«tron,.  deflections  wore.  hiCer^:b  ^''^f  .;'"''^%*''''  ^'"'''-'ops  was  S.S.W. 
topography  controlle.l  the  .iirec  on  o  ho  i  "'  '"'"'  '"'"'''  ^^''"^''^  '"-'> 
'be  x-e  w.,s  sinn-larly  controlled  .vbollk  0117'%":%,'"  ''''  ^''''"''  '•'^'"'^ 
*<.uthwar,l  alouK  the  depression,  for  t  I    ^     -^^  °"  """^^  '"'^  '1°"  wa.s 

Trench,  the  Yahk  river 'valC't),;",!,  Xj';''',  J"-'  /he  Kocky  Mountain 

"'^  T,n;,r;ft,.?rtrrti- ^'^-r"  -  ^"-^" "• 

nr.i-dur  of  the  rinrf  ^sruoMnt-n 





SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

^,..00  feet.      I  he  avern^e  -lepth  for  the  wl,.,le  P„re..||  .v.tem  at  the  Fortv-ninth 

ranges,   a  few  s,n,,ll   „„„ataks   ,,ro.ieete,l   a   feu-   hn,„lre.l   feet.     Elsewhere  the 
whole  ,„ou„ta.n  .,...„,     „.,„  ,i,„  „i„.,,v-„i„e  ,,er  eent  of  the   Bour.Iar     be  , 
Y>.  eon  pletely  s,nothero.l   nn-ler  the   i.v.     Thi.   fa.-t   .loMh.les.s  partiv  explain 

dnrj  b<-lt).  he  was  not  surt.e.ent  to  jrenerate  va]h^v  iee-sheets  wl>ieh 
'•'M.l.l  en.lnre  l.,„,.  er,o„,^,  f„r  ,he,,.  „„t  ot  ,„a„v  ..Mplu.heatre/  T!, 
jr  eros.on  of  the  Pureell.  w.s  ,h„..  ehi,.l!,v  aeeo.nplishe.l  nn,)er  the  all- 
inaiitlinf,'  ice-eap  and  not   at   the  hea.l-walls  of  h.eal   ishcior^ 

I'lve  or  six  of  the  ein,u,-  oh~rrve,i  i„  the  li„u,.,|;„-,v  helf  have  I.e,,  onene,! 

.-.     he  hasset  e,lKes  ,,l„-,.e  fa,-i,,..  ,)„■  .lir.-ti,,,,  .,f  ,!i,.)   „f  Ih,.  .,rat,,        1  „e  l'    ,1 

wall    ot   eaeh   eirqiie  has   hoen   .Iriven    i>,to   fh,-   H.ountaiu    a.::.i,i>t    those  .sh^.c 

I  he     -lat.on    ..,ows   vivhily   the   .-nntrast    in    th,-   e<s,.„iial    i.r,,.e..,s   of    „„rm-,i 

M.l.i:.  ^lal   erosH,,,   when   ,-,,,upare,l   with    th,.   pr,„-es.  of  ,-i,-,p„.  ,h.vel.,,mi,-„t 

_        Jhroufrhont   the   T!o„n,hn-y   belt   .Irilt   .leposit.  may   at    interval,   he   fonn.l 

in  the  I  nree.I.s  Imt  they  are  not  so  heavy  as  in  the  more  westerlv  ranges      The 

.iepos.t.saiv  naturally  irregular  and  do  not  dcM-lare  themselves  readily  a.s  belonf- 

in^r  to  detuute  or  r-.ojrni.ed  type^.     It  was  noted  that  the  slopes  on  raeh  side 

<.t  the  \ah,i  nver.  i,p  t„  a  l.^vel  alMr;t  l'OO  feet  above  it,  have  hew,  washed  verv 

J-Iean  of  travels  and  otlvr  drift  material.     The  explanation   is  .<=o„Kht   in  the 

hypothesis  that  toward  th,.  elose  of  the  Glaeial  period,  thi.  vallev  was  oeenpii.d 

by  a  very  large  and  powerful  river  whieh  was  fed  by  the  rush  of  waters  from 

the  melt.nsr  ico-eap  farther  north.     This  temporary  river  must  have  been  over 

a  mile  wide  and  at  least  I'OO  feet  deep  in  the  middle  part.     Tts  pojnf  or  points 

ot  orifru.  and  its  course  outside  the  Jioun.lary  belt   wer..  not  determined      Wo 

have  here   a   type  of  many   sue],   problems   in   the   nature   and   effeets   of  'ate-  drainage  of  the  Cordillera.    Many  seasons  of  special  tield  work  aided  bv 

extensive,  aceurato  mapping-,  will  \^  neee^^ary  before  this  ehapter  in  mdoL'ical 

liistory  ean  bo  written. 

Between  Porthill  and  MeKim  ClifT.  a  di-tanee  of  fo„r  miles,  the  Pureell 

Ireneh  is  floored  w,th  a  thiek  mass  of  ob-enrely  stratitled  .dav.  wl  i,.h  eoT  ,ain 

n.  few  scattered  dr  ft  bouMers.     The  clay  is  of  varying,  thieknes.  and  fi  Is  Xpr 

ions  ,n    he  roek  beneh  whi.-h  outcrops  at  intervals  through  the  same  width  of 

lie  trench.     Some  patches  of  true  boulder-clay  and  of  washe.l  f^ravels  in  er vene 

between  the  stratified  clay  ami  bed-rock.     The  gravel-  and  bouller-elav  In  ve    he 

pro,K.rt,es   o     the   u-nal   Olaeial   d, -i,.      The   n.a.^MVe  stratified   eh.v   i.s   ,;,;;! 

tex  ured  and  ver,v  homofreueous.  I,  exten<Is  from  Coat  river  six  miles  north 
ot  the  iJonndary  to  some  imdetermine.l  point  south  of  rop,.land  Idaho  A^ 
^liown  on  the  ma,.,  the  surface  of  the  heuch  is  not  flat  l,at  varios  from'-'..' 
feet  or  less  to  j,;)0(l  f,.et  in  elevation. 

From  the  fart  that  the  properties  of  the  clay  are  sensibly  like  those  of  the 

ootenay  nver  del      which  is  to-day  .^rowing  out  into  the  lake  below  Crcston, 

the  writer  IS  ineluied  to  the  view  that  the  stiatifie.l  day  of  the  PorthiH  bench 

was  laid  down   in  a  temporary  lake.     If  this  be  true  the  western  half  of  the 

trench   between    Crcston,   Porthill,   and   points   farther  south,   must   have   been 



r>r.i>AUTMh:\T  i>f  r/ir  ixrntmn 

.       „„    ,  2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

m  part  liavo  l)o.>n  derivpd  In,,,,  tl„.  ,  -k  •       ''^  "'"   "■   '"e  I'orthill   bench  :na.v 

^"e   topographic  '.^:::L  ^     ^^        S' ,1^^  Ch. "  U  ^  r  ^7  •'  '^'^^T'  '"'^ 
most  of  th..  clnv  tn  th..  f,.r„.,,.,,,.   I  I         ..  ""*";■'"""'    ^'oat    river  delivered 

western  half  ,  f  t       "r^cl       T,      ,"    '  ^'"r"  T^""^'  ''"''  *^™  '•^f««*«*'  ^^  »''« 

Si:i.KlliK     Aflll  .\TAix     SvsTK\r. 

Til.,  m; 


tin-*  u.,p,.r  li>n;i  o,r>UT,.,i  near  the  pr.-wit  "  '  0,    f     ,  l\"''''r  "^'-''^  ■"■■" 

■'  "-,v.  hiu'iu-r  than  the  r,,m)-{uot  e,„u.,,  r       U  ''",'•',:"  ."'^  *"  'each  httle. 

I;;;;.;,  .ow  a^the  ...„i:f,.,.t  .:;.t,.:r"sin:!:  t  l:^:':;i^:v;T:n::;  l;-:r 
;::,:;:':  ri:rt"r  "r  "■"  «^''.'"-v-i'-  '.>.-o,-'!i  ,.^nl:i;,  :  x. :;;;; 
'T,,:r;;;;::,;:^-,;;:,:- tnr.h:;:;  ^ ""•  ^''"^ -^  ^'''-  --  -='-'^- 

ranire   th!  ,-7  ,  ,  '      """'*""  ''"I^"^'  '''^  °«''-  t^e  Bonnin^rton 

range,  the  ice  moved,  on  the  average,  about  S.  10=  F 

<  irque.-i  are  coiunion  alone-  the  holt  of  tlio  ■•  ,  ,     , 

rare  to  the  vo.tward.  where  for  "distance  Iff  -i^^n  T"*"'''  '^"*  ""'' 

t-.-.ilo   helt   were   covered   if^  the      tpltt' -.4  T'tI         *'''  T'^  "/  '^' 
'  ir.iue-s  has  here  as  iwn.l  in  tt,»  r       i  iT'      ^'^'"♦^ /'f-)      The  generation   of   the 

.o  show  svstcinat  c    lopes      Jhe  it^T' '""""^  *^  '■'^"■'^""'  '"^''''^^  ""'l  ^'^'^^'^^ 

are.  as  a  r.ile/     u-h  S  steS  th  n^^^^^  '"■"*''  ^"'^  ^°"*'^«°^* 

west.     The  reason    8  ol  vio  Hv    ,     "/'T  ^''"".*'  northeast,  north,  and  north- 

■  '"  '"    ''^   "     11^'    I"':ik-  w  jrivi'n  in  Plate  !:i. 



l'5a— vol.  iii— p.  5S8. 


s-  ■■ 

aria— vol.  iii— p.  f)K.S, 


RhrOHT  nr  THE  CHlEr  ASTROSOUt:/! 



feet  ,H.  over  th.  Columbi,  rlu';  "'" "^'"   '""'   "    ' •■-'"" 

Drift  doposiu  nro  not  .ibun.lant  1,1,  tl.o  eastorn  Ani^  of  the  r«n,rp      TI,„.. 
a'd  5«)  eo„.v„,rat.on  of  gold-bearing  gra.oU.     (PJaL  Sr. 

»1  J     1      . \!  .  *^'    ^-^     ^'"""  "♦*■"  terraces  occurrinB  on  the  valler 

«nd  do  no,"  ■  ""  /  '  '"*'''"'■•  '"'•  •'"^^"^  ""  "••"'"'W.v  of  quito  lorul  origin 





CoM-MB,A     Mo,  NTMN     SysTKM     AV,,    TIIK     [s,kh,„U     V,  VTK.V,  v 

From  th..  ('„l,„„l,i„  r\v.r  to  t!i  ■  Sjmilk,,,, „  rivr   -,  ,!i.,  ,..„.    ,  „h, 

nLntnf.      '""!'""   •""*'";    '^'^   ""   ''"-'•«"•     The   o.,..   L.-ai    ,     f  n 
mo.nt  ,„    nd   ,    and    ,t.-    north,.n,   ..ntinuatio,.    to>v,p,l    o|,|    ,.,,,.„, 

ward  frnn,  if      Tl.  i  "  ■^,"-  ^'-   ''"""•'■*  ""id  tlm  ridge  rui.i.iu.r 

«ar,(  ironi  it.     The  u.iial  .TiLria  lor  1  oti,  ridir,.  .l,o«,.d  ,h«i   .'„•  .,       , 
.l.d  not  .uiunorge  any  .lop..  |,i,|.,,.  „„„  ,i,e  ,r,.,JnmZ  lZ^\  r     ' 
vation.  mudo  „n  Mt.  Cbopaka  j   -t  «  of  ,l,o  Si    11  C.;,  .'''.'" 

ai  an  aierage  rat."  of  six  fi>ot  to  tlio  niili> 

i./?Lrs'i'n;z;' ~r'i:,T  -r? -ir  '","■;  "■-; 
...... ;.  .h.  p,.,„„,„..  ,„„„„  .„j  s;;f  jLL.fL'r,U"Zi;; 


i>ir,iiiuf:sr  ny  rut:  istimiok 

'  ^teaus 

...    „     ,  'Il>|,icu,.l,-    tllali    iii    i|„. 

'     »<-M  ••harm-ft.riz..,l  ru,l,,..  numt.m- 
n  w,-utl„.rf"l  ni.T..  ,|....,.|y  f|,„„  i-  il,.. 

«...l  .-r-.v..,  ,|„.w..,l  •!,„,    !,.  .  ,  a  -GEORGE  v..  A.  ,9,2 

jrlu.u.     ,,lK.m.„H.,n.    in    ,ho   „r..,.   of  T./..    •,"'^''*  ■*'''';  "''':'"«  "'''''.V  "f  .h« 
"■  -  of  i,v  (I„w  ,„„v  l,„  ,|,„„..,|.     ,  ,      ;""V"^  '';"  "•^"""  nvanliMtf  tl«,  dir,K- 


't  v.ri...  from  S.  l.     W.o  S    41  "T  "I:   "   "'"'^'  "^ ""■  '""■'••IH-n-loui-o. 

-"■  --i-..  Ti.,.  ..r,,-";':'::^; ;;.;:-- ;;;  - .-«« <.f  -...  who,e . 

r.n,K.M  f.rthoro...,  or  i,,,l,.,,^,.,,,,,  :,,,;"  ''  '"' 

'"■p  »ro  .mt  .•o„mi..,.    Tl,..  I...,|.rn-.k  i,  „r,. 

n^'::Hi;;:;;„n[;: ;::.!!;'•;;;/;: ;;^; '.-  t.,.. .,.. „..•; „;;;•,, , 

"..n..H.i  .0,.  f.r;Lr:  i  r  S::';::^,:^''/!"'^'"':'"  "-^ "'"-'""'  "^'f 

of  ti...  foobl.  Pro.ivo  po«or    ;,!„,,       """   /^""'•;  'T''     '^'''^  ••^•'""«tio„ 
tlio  icv-c-ap  .Unin^  i./nuu„   ,m '  x,.. ,  /'       '  'i'  "'"  ^"'■'  """  ""'  '>""*  of 

purdioi;  .v..  .,i!,  nu.n/:;,  :'":Tir a  t  x.;'';; '" '^ "■  "r  '■'"^'^•"'"»'' 

is  l.iKl.l.v  varial,!..;  i,      "l  ,  ..     „      .  ?  "•,""","■••■"•     T"^"  ••'■"  of  fhe  drift 

in  tla.  erosive  .HorL  is  voy       ,1,^X1  '.         ^r''.  ""■'^-     ^h.   increase 

O.SO.V00S  lake  trnUKb.  ■■"""^"I'l'-'  as  ,,,.0  ,lo,s..,.,„ls  the  4.()0<1  foet  into  the 

"n,i  |ii^o!:H;u;tt::,c:l  cl;c'^,^  -^h  jocai 

llie  hiKl,..,t  obsorvo.1  deposit  of  the  ki   ,1  u       f  ,  "'l'''''  '•'■•'»"*''^^''  K'"^el. 

on  the  east  «ide  of  O.oyoos  lake  O.  e  s  aPa  1  "'  "'"  '■'""■^""'  ''""''"- 
".'■c.r  on  both  slope..  (For  lo.aiiu-  so  I']!.  ■.'^  t?''  °"  "'f"  '^'^''"'"'  '^^'o'* 
tioii  d..positsof  r..k-drl.risu],i,.|,'„„,„      '•"'.'    '■,''  "'■'•"l"i"-t  vviihoiit  .iiies- 

f-  -I,..y  wal,  a,H  the  Ok  ^  r^  !  "'''^^ru:^'  •^'^■''r^' "'1  '" '^^''  '-''■"" 
literal  terraces  were  for.,,,.,'  nt\ZS      i\  ,        "'"■^^'^■"t  'liminished   these 

ronns  are  not,  .'-.for^^t^^-eirL;::::  .^^^I  ^rlinJah   ^1"'""^  ^^'^"-''^ 
. ,,    vr    n      ,  Iittle-aitered  constructional 

«•   W.   nr«.k.  Ana.   ,..„,.  Canadian  Geo).  Surve..   V.,,.  ,5.  ,««.  pp.  ^    „„,  ^. 

in:ri)itT  >>f  iiir  riinr  a>j /.•i,\i,\ii  k 



n-liVf-  form.- 1   in   hw  Ol.i.'i,.!   timo.     (  !„...I,v  aili..,     t„  ||.    ..   .„„..,   ,orra...let4 

vall,..M  ,„...  .1...  ,r.muh  m,.|  ..KU.n.n  .1...  i,.,.,  ,|,o  Kruv.l-.,,,,.:  ,1.-,h.m'  in  ..«,•!, 
ca«  .a.  .,„^  „„  „.,.,  ,  ,  br.M.,.l,  vdh.y.  A  .|„i,i  f„r,„  v,a.  ,1.,.,  pr,Mlucr<l 
with   the   b.m..  nt   thf„   rnMrknitf   (he   ir..-«Ml|   wlii-h   r..lui,„..|   tho  .IWritin 

on  fho  .,.1..  of  tl...  „m,n  ..nll.,v.     Th..„.  |,i,l..|,.,..|  ,„„  „„.  ,„., |„„  ..,„;,,■;;, 

tcrrar...!  as  if  iho  i.-ow,ilI  ha.l   lowr.-l   l,v  «ii.v.-s,iv..  stni;.-' 

ctluT  ...U-  wl,..r,.  .lM.,r  .nrf.  r.   „l„M,t    J.«0   U-ot   above   .ho  1/      |..vp1    are 

«.-I,... M,v  s  ,>«ly  ,„.,  «a  ,i,  1,  |,,H  ,.f,..„    ■  1,.„-1„.,|  •    „„t  the  tIn.T  ,l,-|,ri- 

aid  Iclt  a  thin  .ovor  .,l   khu...  ov.t  u  ^roul   pan   .  f  .rwl,  b,.,H.|i.     The  .lotail^ 

0  fonn  .„„;,..,  ,h„t  th..  wa.hit.fT  wa,  p,.rf„rnu..)  I,  ,h..  wav...  „,.,1  ...Tront. 
of  the  n\u..\unuK  it.  OM-an.!.,,,  u.r„s.  tl...  wi„.h.  v.ll.v  an-l  ,l„rin«  the  Mow 
Hinkinvr  „l  ,i.  I,..-..!  I{,„h  rliui,,,;,.  ..hai,,,.  „n,l  thr  .!,.«•„  r.„itin^'  of  tli..  niilh.f 
an.  r.M,-o„«,bh.  .„r  th.  fall  „f  ,1,,.  wafr.     Th-  un>xiuuun  ,i.,„h  ,,f  th-  lak.,  'vU 

''; <l<-'-  '■"»t"M>P"ran...M.  with  tl lo,.  .,f  ,!„.  I'lri-t „.•  p.  ri,.,l.     Sin,.o  th.M. 

t  .0  roi.Hv  Krn.i..d  valh,v-l!o,.r  Iuh  U-.n  kmIH.mI  by  the  small  .fr-ann  ,.„l..ri„K' 
tl...  lake  fro.n  ..ut  a>„l  vve.t.  O-hor  ,hann,  l-Ili.,.  .|.,,r.-i.„,.  parall,  ,  t„  ,ho  vall.t 
axis  „„,v  n.p,v„.„t  th..  .pil|.WM,v<  „f  Ih..  wat..-.  .bwi^..,!  fn.„i   i...  u",i,h    in  I-,... 

1  I.Mstooe,,,.  tune,  wn.  nl.•ltin^r  farther  up  th.-  Okanaffan   vallev 

Am  intensliMK  .•ff.-ct  of  Ha.-lation  i.  t„  b-  fo„„,l  in  thopeeiiliar  ,lrain«K.. 
ro.arranmno„ls  ni  the  owor  part  of  the  Sin,ilka.Me..„  river.  The  river  pas,e. 
the  I.ou.elary  a,  M,  (hopaka  rek,..  following  a  bread  T-shrpe,!  tro.iKh 
ocntinue.  soMthwanlly  to  an.l  |...yo>„l  l.o„mi..  Wa.h.  Two  mile,  north  of 
ia  mer  'ake  (m..  (  hopaka  Qmnlr.  nple  of  the  T'nited  States  ('..■oh.^ciral  Survev 
AtlaO.  .  riv,.r  abruptly  leave,  the  tr..iiL-h  and  ero^.e.  Kruu-rr  Mou„l,-,i„ 
piateai  a  d.ep  canyo,.  which  nlw  carrier  the  brnneh  of  the  (Ireat  Norther.i 
railway  ,ts  l,„v  prrade  np  the  river.  The  form,  of  the  vallev.  and  the  course 
of  the  -iver  have  been  afT,.,.ted  by  tho  aetivitie.  of  the  late  I'l..i,t.,eene  loeal 
glaciers.  An  aeeount  of  tin.,  and  other  important  diversion.,  of  principal  Cor- 
.iiHrrnn  riv.r.  by  (;i„,.ial  activities  is  given  in  a  rcniarkablv  .nKroliv,.,  all  tr„, 
brief,  paper  by   Willi.s.* 

Thron^huu!  the  whole  hutidrcl-inile  section,  well -developed  jfhK'ial  cirque- 
are  entirely  WMUtin;.'.  The  ticl.l  evidence  i.  clear  that  apart  from  the  few  larpe 
valley  placiers  already  noted,  there  were  very  few  local  sheet.,  to  survive  the 
ice-eap  as   it    rinally  disapp«;ared   from   the  mountain.. 

Oivw.vnN    IIani,!.. 

_  The  western  ed-e  of  the  ice-cap  at  tho  Forty-ninth  Parallel  was  situate.! 
in  the  Okanapan  range,  from  twenty-ti\'e  to  thirty-five  mile,  west  of  the  Simil- 
kameen  river.  .Many  accor.lant  ob-^ervnti.m..  .show,.]  that  on  the  slop,.,  of  th.' 
ri.k'c  hearinR  Cathe.lral   I'.'ak   and   Park   mountain,   the  upper  limit  ..f  the   i.-.. 

nt./n?-  ^i'!i«.  Bn"lf<in  «•   "S.  G.ol    Survey,  1887.     Cf,   Vf.  h.  Dawson  on    '  Glacial 
luenomena  in  Okauagau  County,  WashmRton,"  American  Oeoloijist,  Vol.  22,  1898,  p.  20n. 




nn-i/tniFXT  of  the  nrrHioR 


2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

Tiu.  t..„-n.iie  strip  of ";,  v  M  ;;;'  u;'"'":;"'"/'"'  "^"'■^"^"  "^  ""•  --■ 

a  massive,  continuous  snowli,.!.!  w     •  h  .,     1       '""""  ^^"^   ^^''"'^   '"  '"'v-  l.oruo 

"i"ti.  Paraiw  e„;:i:;i  '1  1,':^  i;::;;;"^;;;;;; ;'-;  -^-'--la  ;;.ii.> ,.  n.  f,,... 

'•""tour  tho  peaks  an-l   ruW.  to  <  ,  »    !■         ■"*>  'T,    '•"■'"^^'  '*"■   '-^^'-foot 

'1-  sunwnit  ri,l,.'s.     At\l  ,o      ■       '        .'■''"''''r  ''^"'■T  "'"■'•''  '"■'"'•>''  -"""- 

"f    tl,e    iee-eap    followo,!       ij    T^t^TTj'        V^'"  "'T'"^-  *''"  --^-" 
(^nl,e.Iral  Peak   tl„.  MiW,,.,.  „,■  Vl,  """'^"■•-       '■■•'™     <lu.t     mountain     to 

f..   the  mile.  '  '■  '■'"'^-   ""   ""'  =iv..raKe,  some  tliirt.v  feet 

-motimes  seen  to  be  deeplv  wea  here  MWtl.  i  ,  '  '"■"''  *  "^  ^'""'♦'^^  ''^^« 

of  .secular  .leca.v.     Below   the  Sh  '  '  t.  •  ^"'T*'""  °^  """"^  •'''"'^ers 

very  strikiufr,   often   riv.lli,  ,^  T  •         T'''"'''  ^^^'^♦^   '^^  ♦''°   i«''-''ap  are 

Labrador  i..;;,.^"  T^:''zz;T:;;^  ^zt'T^  "  ""^ '"'  ^'  !"^ 

ranjre  is  remarkable  in  view  of  the  tl.^f,  '"'''  '"^''"*  "»  t'"'* 

li"I<>  nmre  than  1....K)  feet    while  Vel,  r'"'"'-^"  '"■''*'^  "^  ^^^  ''^^  ^" 

was  incapable  of  perfor ^     .  much  ero  '"V^'V  '""  *'''''^  *''""^«  ««  t^^i^^k 

Similka.neen.     The  dil  enc'cTnto  ""  *^'>^^'  mountains  across  the 

tl.o  ..teeper  ^urfaee    bott    :!;"|i"?"!,,'i°r''  "  "^"'/^'^r  '"  ^'  ^''P'«i"«'  ^y 
"•■  "■'•  '--  'n-.tli„.  .he^;^,n::I:  ;!:;J"'  '^•"""■"^  '"••"•  •— tra.ion  in  flow 

de.ri,"%rri:ijrs;l:bie"£rt  i:""""'-^"  '^'^"'  '-™<^  -  hi«h 

Slaeiers,  the  erosive  e  feet!  of  wdeh,'!"  ""'  '"7'^'''"'  ^-^  '"''"•^  •'i^'iue 
ice-cap.  Care  was  therefore  take,  o  Lie  iT'"'""""'  ""  *''"^"  "^  ""^  «'l''^'- 
on  the  higher  divides  wC  ct  ue  Z  fJ''?*?;*'''"^''"^^  furrowin^s  engraved 
in?«  were  not  numerous  but  thev  "bowed  lint  tb  "  ^'7  ''°"'"'-  «"'^''  "'^'J" 
for  the  iee-cap  was  about  S   30^  E  "'■""^•'  *'""'''°"  ''^  movement 

.•rosstfrtirES:^^^  iiiniinif  ^''T  ^^^-^  ■-  ^^^  ---  -'- 

the  natural  joint  planes  render  phl.^  I  n],,.i™  '""^  '."  f""ifc  rocks  in  which 
^mack  of  the  ein.ue  .laeiers  L,f  o  /  nt  ^t  fe  n'd"  '  '  ^'"^'-  ""'  "^•""  *'- 
steeper  .slopes  o„  the  east,  and  no„h    '  "^"  '   "^•™«'--.   with   t!.. 

nest   ot    lark   mountain   and   TVovf.   I'.,,,   .i 
often   confluent,  glaciers   southw    t«.    ,     t.,wtl     b'/v"      T''''''^f   ■^'"''   '°<^"'- 
proof  that  the  .lireetion  of  movement  w.^  vr       ^  ":''^*'"'   ^'""ey-     r>efinite 

.^lope  of  the  Okanagan  range  was  "'•?,;  I,  ;"■'■"/  ^'""  *''"^  °"  ♦he  ea.stern 
■■onelusive  evidences  was  foun  T,/  h  f  '  it  r","'"'  "<'->•■-•  One  of  the  most 
of  the  'Bash.  Con.plex-  on     1,    p  ,       ..".'''"M'':',''-'^'^"-'"''*  ^■"'1''-  southwest 

\illl    liuulci 


if   I  lie  r. 
en    t<i   In 

■    tlii~ 

I'ks  iitM'ii|j;i|.  ,,,   ,1,1 
errati.-   a-   tii,-v    l.-i 

intain  divide,  is  abundantl 



.V  sprinkled 


"fstwanl    ill,.   -1^1,  iat 


ii'ii    wa>   Met 

'f  tile  i;, 

■ral : 

'i"ii    from    v.liieh   great 


111.  iii— p.  :,!)?. 

KEPORT  I  IF  rilK  CHIEF  A  ST  Hoy  Oil  Elf  593 


L'i..i..r,   Mr,..n„..|   away   to  u,rv^r  «i,|,   ,l,e  still   lu.avi.r  tr„nk  frlaWor,  ,„„vi„.. 

aln.,^'  the  Skapif.  a,„l  other  master  vallev«  'r^^u.nuu 

In   some  of  the  cir.;ues  of  the  range  there  occur  ridgos   of  coarse  roek- 

debrts  such  us  that  illustrate.!  in  Plate  57.    These  ridges  are  from  Te  to  tW 

>outh  nails  of  northerly  faein^-  crqnos.    The  axis  of  ea.h   ridjre  i.  generallv 
son>ewhat  curved   ,n  ground-plan.  with  the  concavity  facing  the  concavity  of 

t  fLeHrTes-  t'  H-T''^^  °'"  ^'"'  '"''''  "'  ""^"""  ^"'^^  frajn.ents  ^ari^rt?, 
hvL  feet  or  less  to  thirty  feet  or  more.  In  each  case  most  of  the  accumulation 
of  debns  evidently  took  place  at  sueh  as  the  cirque  wa.s  occup^d  by  a 
heavy  bank  of  snow.  This  was  drifted  to  specially  great  depths  (fifty  feet  or 
more)  against  the  relatively  sha.led  sides  of  The  cirque.     Fron     h  "1  alLve 

Ki<il  KK  41.     Diagraninrntic  >™ti.,n  »h.,winK  origin  of  ;i  "  wint.-r  tali,«  ;  i.lf,.  ■•. 

the  SMO«;-bauk.  frost  rifted  away  masses  of  rock  which  fell  „po„  the  snowdrift 
to  roll  down  its  steep  surface  and  lodge  at  its  foot,  and  thns  clear  of  the  cirque' 
«all.  Tins  aeon  has,  in  places,  been  continued  long  enough  to  form  long  and 
qmte  remarkable  piles  ot  rock-fragments  on  the  floors  of  the  cirques.  Since 
these  special  accumulations  of  debris  are  dependent  on  the  formation  of  heavy 
snow-banks  and  on  specially  rapid  frost-action  before  the  summer  heat  has 
melted  the  snow  in  large  n  easure.  the  wall-like  piles  may  be  called  '  winter- 
..s  ndges'  (iMg  41).  Other  fine  examples  were  observed  in  the  glacial 
amphitheatres  of  the  R.  .ky  .Afountnin  ranges. 

The  exten-iv..  rua-Ml'  .iiliuin.iting  in  Castle  Peak  was  one  nf  the 
centres  ol  u.e-,l,sper,nl  ,1  riu.^  the  heavy  glaciatio,,  of  ,h,.  Ilozomeen 
range.  \  alley  glaciers  from  1.000  to  2..-.(K)  feet  d,.ep  moved  out  from  the 
central  snowheld  toward  all   four  quarters  of  the  compass.     When   the  sheets 


l>i:i-AI!niKST  UF  TlIK  ISTEKIOl! 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  I912 

font  contour  on  the  nMges  of  the  ^fnrH  •      ""''  "'""^  "''''^'•^'"'  «*  tho  6  .S^^O 

<l'e  same  souroo  are  sprinldo.l  .,vor  th.     T  '      '  "'"'•     """■■  '■'•'•'"'-  <>">■• 

oontou,-.  showin.^  a.^ain  doarlv  th.t  ,.  Ik^;'       ."  'I"""  *"  "^  '■:"■'*  <'">  "•^"'^"foot 
IVak  moved  aer,,..  ,ho  deep  earn-  ,    of  it,;  ''?"'"  "^  '"'  ^'•«'"  f^a«He 

erosive  work,  inclu.lin^.  the  fonnntJnn  ^  •  ''"-^'I'^'-'i  .n  th,^  valleys,  l,uf  ,l„. 
>id«os  by  hea,l-wa]l  re.v.s  n  .ZZZ  U  "'T'  T'^  *'"'  ^'-Pe-'i"*^  of  the 
Pa-sse,I  A.,  a  result  the  H  .0  nee  "  L  e  ^0"  '  "■./""^•'■""""  ^'-•"ti-  was 
eros.0,1  by  the  Fortyninth  I'aralM  ^       '  "^  "'"  '""^^  ■•"*^f^<"'  of  thoso 

He  hav"  seen  that  th..  u|,i...r  (;i-,r|.,l  i;,,,;,     e  ..      ■ 
01   the  Okanagan  range  w,m  nL  „r    I       fl'  ""  "","'"''  ^"'  ""'  "'-»  ^'<I-' 

oastorn  half  of  that  ran.-e  !•  i-  ,,''.;'"'  '■■  ''•'"'  ""-^  "f^P'^''  J""it  i-'  the 
as  well  as  the  Skagit  r.L^ :o^Z:r'Z^X ^T  "'^''^'''  ^''"'  *''«  "--"«^ 
were  the  ranges  farther  ca^t  Y.T  Z  ,  I  ^^  '"'^'  eontinuous  ice-raps  as 
of  .snow  wa.  any  less  in  "the  fo  ,  r  r:::;  ,"  Tr'""'"'^  l''.'!^  *''''  P-'pitation 
favour  of  the  view  that  the  Ho"  .7"  d  ^laS^.','"''''''''''"'^  '''  '^''^'^^  '" 
Ingher   annual    proportion   of  snow   tl   .         u    Z  "^  ''''"''"^  "^  so,newhat 

";o..ntain    sy.„.n,,   or   the   Selkirk   nut  ."""■   ^^  "°'''"^-   ^''^   ^^olnmhia 

tl'o  f^lMciation  in  the  Ifo.„„  ra,"o   n       '  t?    ^    •  ^'"'  ^°'"'    ^'^''^^-f'^^   "f 
to  the  fact  that  tho  pre-Glacial  <"  ,v"  ,     '^"^'"^  '""*^'^-  ^^'^  ^""'er  due 

eastern  ranges,  and  the  vaYlerg  a  I  nt  '  w  "'"■',  "  '^'"P'^'"  *'•""  *'  ^  "f  the 
"lacial  period  the  -..ttio;  t^et  t  '^r  tl"";:  ^r'  ^^T  '''^  ""^""'^  °^  *»- 
n.ust  have  been  n.uch  faster  in  to  11  "n/  toward  the  nnglaciated  tracts 
rap.dly  .l.H,.ening  the  oanv.n,  ,nu  In  :  ,  ,1.  'f^n  '''""■  ^''"^  ^'««'"^-  »'■- 
tl.o  s„ow-fleIds  and  so  lower  the  a  e  ag  loud  1  '  'T"'  f'''''  '"  '''-" 
range,  for  ;!00  .nile..  the  Cordillera  wtsf^'',.  \    ^'"^  °^  *''°  "'^anagan 

-Inch  was  broken  by  a  few  nunatak  if^, 'u  f  '■"'  "'"  ^"""'^  ^^'^'^  ^"^^"-^e  of 
range  a  general  flood  was  i'poSe  ^f^^l''' A  '"1  '''"•  ^^''^^  ^^'^''^ 
many  deep  channels  along  whicL  the  icB  Ij  :t"'1  ^^Po^'-^P'-.v  oflered 
drained  away.  '   *'"'   '""'^    •^«»'   -'th    relatively   high   speed, 

Of  these    eliluent    channels   tlie    Skagit   vallev    ,.        , 
Ho.omeeu  range  and  for  the  eastern  slot^  of  the  ^f    T    '''"   "'^''''  ^°'   <he  and  deep  trough   an   enormous  str^m  o     ice  n'      TT      "^''^""^''^  *''«» 
piedmont  .sht>et  in  Admiralty  Inlet.  °''^''  ''°"'"'  to  swell  the 

Skagit  Ra.nt.k. 

I'loi.toce,;'    p^^i.:r'^;l  ""'SJ'"',,/'"',,,!!:''.,;;    "oMtinuous  ice-cap     in     the 
wherever   the   range   has   been   explored      W'Vl      .     ^'"'^'"*'™'       ^^'^     manifest 

25a  -vol.  iii  -p.  ."il)4. 





rival  tlif  Skimit  riiiiKt"  fi,p  riiirijiMliic 

,  ''"''i-'  Iir";'"rt,v.  csiHM'iiillv   ,is  r.'hili-  t., 

the  steepn....  of  .lope.,  the  prevalonco  of  knife«lK.>«,  riHRc.  nn.l  sharp  Imrnii 
IS  in  purt  th«  result  of  proLn^e.!  erosion  by  Pleistoc-ii^  local  Blacieri.  The 
descemlants  of  those  glaciers  are  represenle-l  by  nuinerou,  small  sheets  occupy- 
ing  the  northerly  slopcH  of  the  highor  masdfs  from  Olacier  Peak  to  Tamihv 
mountiun.     In  fjln.mj  time.s  the  incon.puruM.v  vaster  river,  of  iee  mii«t   1,,^. 

,'wi'!  °*  "   ""■  '"""■   ''"'■'''*   '"   *'"'   '■"'^•'"X  Klaei.rjet-.   that   is   ahove   the 

7  000-foot  contour.  From  those  to  the  soalevel  the  avornKe  descent  on 
the  west  .lope  «•««  from  L'<K)  to  im  to  the  ,„il...  At  the  maximum 
Klacat.on  the  master  glaciers  of  that  slope  had  depths  from  4,000  to  5  000 
Teet.  Ihese  colossal  bo.lie.  moving  on  Kra.lients  of  over  liKl  foot  to  the  mile 
were  plainly  .■..mpctent  to  perform  rapid  ffeological  work.  There  is  little 
wonder  that  the  longest  o.  the  sheets  occurring  in  the  Boundary  belt-the 
Mliiwack  glacier-has  produced  a  long,  continuous  TT-shaM  TouKh    fiord-like 

ho» r  ^T^t'T  .'?"'''l  /'  "i^  character  of  the  Chiiliw.ek  valley  from  tha 
head  of  the  lako  to  the  deUueJnire  thirty  miles  belovv.  The  inten^ty  of  the 
CJlacial  erosion  is  shown  by  the  f.wt  thi.t  the  mountain  spurs  which  in  rhvthmi- 
cal  alter- ution  overlooked  the  pr.-Gh.ciul  valley  to  right  and  left,  have  teen 
truncate,  on  a  large  scale  (Plato  r.'J).  I„  evident  fashion,  though  in  less 
degree,  the  effluent  glaciers  occupying  the  valleys  of  Depot.  Silver  Middle 
blesse,  and  Tamihy  creeks.  h„ve  similarly  .Iriven  back  the  lateral  spui^s,  greatlv 
steepened  the  valley  walls,  and  rcluced  intervening  ri.lges  to  razor-back  profiles 
ror  miles  to?et!ier.  Above  the  ri,l«es  the  pi';iia..|,.s  like  Sires,.  ,no,i„taii, 
ramihy  mountain,  Olacier  Peak,  and  many  others  which  lend  their  grandeur  to 
the  panoramas  visible  from  elevated  stations,  ,Iust  below  the  summits  glacial 
aniphithe.itres  lend  not  inferior  variety  of  relief  to  the  rugge<l  range  Tandem 
cirques,  sometimes  holding  picturesque  lakelets  in  eaeh,  are  hero,  as  in  the 
Selkirk   ami  Clarke  ranges,   not  uncommon. 

Chilliwack  lake,  one  of  the  most  beautiful  in  the  Cordillera  is  held  at  its 
level  of  about  2,000  feet  above  sea  by  a  strong  boulder  moraine,  which  in  a 
smooth,  graceful  curve  of  L',0<l0  yards  loops  a.ross  the  valley  bottom.  (PIntes 
58  and  (50).  As  shown  by  soundings  in  the  l.nkc  (205  f(>et  deep.  nW)  vnrds  off 
shore  from  the  middle  of  the  moraine),  the  moraine  seems  to  be  at  least  .150 
feet  high.  Owing  to  lack  of  sounding-line  the  maximum  depth  of  the  lake 
was  not  determined.  Two  thousand  yar.Is  below  the  delta  at  the  upper  end  of 
the  lake,  the  depth  in  the  middle  was  measured  at  108  feet.  The  boulder 
deposit  is  continuous  for  more  than  a  mile  down  the  valle.v,  descending  by  two 
remarkably  regular  steps  about  150  feet  in  that  distance.  The  boulders  are  of 
all  sizes  up  to  those  thirty  feet  long  and  fifteen  feet  thick,  growing  generally 
sn.aller  down  the  valley.  Almost  all  of  them  are  composed  uf  the  same  grani: 
which  surrounds  and  underlies  the  lake.  The  moraine  was  evidently  form3d 
during  a  long  halt  in  the  reces.sion  of  the  Chilliwack  glacier.  At  the  outlet  a 
75-foot  notch  has  been  cut  through  the  moraine.  Thence  the  Chilliwack  -.iver, 
on  a  gradient  of  nearly  100  feet  to  the  mile,  rushes  on  its  toiTtiitial  way  to  the 
Fraser  flats. 

a.'ia— vol.  iii-39 


I'H'iRiM/  \i  ,,f  rut:  i.Mf: 


J       .  2  QEORQE  v.,  A.   191? 

Ill     till'    lower    1,,..,        ,     ,1        (1     pi-  , 

M.-.  ore..k  to  ,ij  ■;::,.. ;,; ' x:tni:z  "'\r  '•■"" " """"••'•''  ^^ 

""•""•"!»-. ..  tiu.'k  ,i,,,„M,   ..,■,,     r '"' *'",■"'"■•  '"""'■»""' f'""'  'h" 

"i.i.-of,h,.n.ll.,v.    ■ni....|i„-..,,,r  ,     '         ;""  "    "^'''   '■""■''  '■"   ""•  "-"' 

;r';- :r  ^"■■'  • ^^  --  - ;-  ':> '-:it  c^^^';::'?.:;;f  z: 

.outhw...,««r.lLv   .Iowa    ,l.e    (.n.s.'r         , 'h^'"^  r'T  "'"''""•  '^'''■^'""ovod 

.io.i'iir'^'r;::;::  a';j:Vir  v"  "^  t"^-  " ^ '^'^  -■-  ""■ 

fr,...r„,  «v..ra«e  (!oo.l-lev;.l.  '   "^'""   ^'•^"•"■-'^vc.   f,v,   above   the 

iJuiiiiK  the  uiuxiiiiuiii  Kliii'iaiiuii  tii..  "l,;ii;,.     i         .  . 
-nlluenr  a,  s.,,.).  eleva,io„^h«  v  1;        r  ^f  1^       ^T'"  '--'">«'«  worn 

'!.'>  l'.V-ln>ont  .law.     Over  ,h.     '     ..  "l     7" ''"■ ''^^    -"'■""•''^•'■''     '^^■ 

"•"OO  fo.f  thiok  :„ui  i,  .M.,v     ,vn  ""'.l^'n,,-  MM,,,   h,v..  Ireu   at   N-a-t 

-'-■knos,    ,lo„b,l.l.      ,.e    ...       ,<"•?■  "  ,""*^  ""'^'-  -«■•  '-"OO  foot  thi.k.     Tho 

■"^-'    '^o 1   Pi-liuont   a,    ,1a    8  ;        oP  'u.   .'^l''"/  ''  '"'^r^''  »"  i--"   «!- 

;w  „,...o.H,„  „  wiHi-. , .  ...:^i"i"::'i.:'^;;i-:k,a?':.^;r/-::! 

■'-^  '•■  '"•  -.■.!.  in  Mat.a„.,.onnK,nis  Zt^tut  '"■'""  '■''  '^"■^''  ^'"'  "''-I'   - 
''  '^""-i-^'s  of  a  .l,..ef  of  J      1      ,       "  ^^•■■;'!"'"^io^  ^m,!  Point  Roo..rt... 

-m.stin.  tha,  the  s>n.a,n.  "l!,.  ',>  „  ho' fI  ,-  rl''"-  '""'""'''  ""■•'••■"*- 
'/'""I  -"r  the  pro..„t  hoa.l  of  ,l,e  r  e  Tloh  Ti  "'"'  "  "'  ^''"'''  '"'"^ 
'I'l'Pi.ij-',   typical    h..a,-h->;rav,.is    uithl,,    .1,  ocpiin-en.v   of   stoeply 

'  "    "'illi.s  Tn.oma  Folio.   f.S. 


•■urvcy.    Isft!), 



HI  rtiin  ui    un  I  imr  isii;n\,nii  It  597 

i>ie.l   fU    FrH„.r   ir,m„l,.      On    tl.o  .li.„,,,«.„rHn f  fl„.    ;,,.   ,1,^   r\u'T   has  out 

»urfHM..  „n.|  ,.  ..,-.l„,v  „  ,„.„   ,i|,v  ,!,.|r„   1 ,|„.  u«\f.     TIh>  ,1,1  ,|..i,  , 

u    ,,„,     r....r,.-,..,r...|    (,v    H,„.,„..,„.,|    r,  ,nn,.ut.    rLin-r    l-h*    f,,,    „r    „„„..    „, 

;n«;:S;/' '  ■" "-  •• '■  • ^' ^^"">-  - i- -.,  ,i,.,'i-,,„- ,. 

•iMf  tlHir  I„M.,r>   1„H  U...„,    „.  ,„,„,  r,..,K...ts  .litT,.,...„f :   ,|„.  ,,r„Me.M   is  worthv 

Si    MM  Mi\. 

,,./,;     ''■",":     •'"•\   ''■;•    " l.-rv.,iw,.     „.„|,.     ,|„,.,„ir     , is     -.,„.„„. 

t    tuj.l   «..rk   .1..   n.,t    ,>n,,lv   ,M„rP   thm.   „„,.   ,».rio.|   of  ,fla.-iati.,„.      If   ,lr^,   „ot 

.  ..I.irv   1,.,1,   ,„   I    ,.,.„„..,...  tUM,.;  .:,..  ..v„l..n,.,.  „„  ,hU  ,.„i,„   j,  ,,  „„  „„,,,„;^„ 
U.     .,,..1        Iho   in..!,  .„,„lM.„u   .,f   l,otl,    n„.k   h:\uv.   :,n,l   ,lrif,   ,l..,,o.i„   U  h.. 

:^- .rnltir'"'  • '■'■^■''"" "^ ' "-'  -  "'"* '--» >*- 

T!i..   F„r»y-„inth    Parallel   H,.,.|ion    i.   >p,..iall,v    in-tnu'tivo   as   showinR   the 

Hi  of,r"r  ?  7"-l  ■"-?>•■  ■^''"'  ''•'-♦""•■'"<.««  of  ,l,e  Kooky  Mountains 
il.    .   ',  1    "T"'."  ^T  ;;•"•"■''  Kroa,  ,.luM,K..s  i„  thn  for.ns  of  the  nm,mtain«. 

Mile  n,u.-l,  „l  th,.  (  onl,ll..n„>  mtorior.  tl,o„^'l,  mniultanoously  covorod  br 
'■;•    ot    >rr...      .■    tl.„0<n,-<.    !,;,>    .Mff,T,.,l    r,.|ntiv,.|y    li„|..    ,.|„„;r.-    'n,     ll...      „r. 

'""■'"'  ••■'l'">^f"l'I',v.     Tho  .litronn, I-  n-,>lt   i~  ,xpIaino,l  partly  by  tlu    muoh 

creator  preyaio,.,-..  ,„    ^K.r^--..l,n„„i    in    ,1...   n,.,...s   aff.-...,!   by   l„  Rla-iation; 

rare,l  that  ot  th.  .o.-.a,,.     Ti,..  „pa,i.,n  i.  spoolally  illun.inatinK  sin-.e 

both  i.v...,|,  a.v;.  a!,.i  l,„.,,|  ^.h,.,,-  ar,M-  uv,v  .■hMra..t..rl.o,|  bv  ewntiallv 
I'lmar  ..Innat,,-  con. ht,o„s  I„  |„„h  ,  as,.,  ,„„..v-f.,ll  «n,l  of  abh.lion  wern 
niiidi  tii,>  same  in  th,.^.  diircn.ut  iiitiiintair.  bolt-.  Th...  r,  laliv  l.-bb.,,,  ,-i  ,,| 
the  Curdilh.ran  i,.,-oap  in  orosive  ,.«..,(  i.  fairly  ni:it,.ho,i  bv  iho  roialive  feeblo- 
nc-s.  01  the  Labrador  i-t-ap  .,n  tho  ph.l.Muliko  .urfa..e  „(  eastorn  North 
Aineri.'a      In  contrast  to  botli  .stan.l  the  I'  Khu-i.-rs  whi.'h  lav  in  the 

«  iullnva.-k  ami  Chohiu  valloys,  „r  th„«,.  v- h  o,.,.„,.i,.d  tb..  l!,„kv  M..uM"tain  aiui 

''".' "  ";t"'l'^'*  ill  lnt(>-(i|a.Mal  tiin...     All  ,.f  th.'^..  tr..uirb  ^-la-l.Ts  eroded  tho 

liMi]'.'  rock  on  a  spoitai-Mlar  wal,.. 

The  details   piveu   r.'trardiiiir  the   thiokn,.>s   „f  phoior-.   .iiio.tb.n   of    (!>.w. 
chara-tor  of  drift  ,l,.[ToMt*.  ,.t,...  ar,-  siibsfaiiiially  Ki,,;ibir  in  .p.Mlity  t.,  tb,,>,.  ..:,' 
wiii,.h    Daw.son    base,!    hi-   ,-,'eM,rali/Htion    rogal•dil)^'    th'.    PlciMoeene   glaciation 
S.'ia— vol.   Ill — 1f)\ 




nr.i'iUTMKM'  OF  Tin:  iXTERroR 

2  GPORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

::../£"l:/;;:::";;:;;;:;;:.;:;'"::;i,:';;i.—        -ew .... «.  ..„. 

tivol.v  .small  part  of  .he  lei     '  .°        s,i   "1  ^"f  '*  '■°'''"'  °"''"  "  '•^'«- 

t"   .Lis  subject.      A  further  ..n   v  ^     ^  ;  tL  TinT'i     onT"  7"!"'^"^-" 
re..n.i...  ........  f,.  „,..,;,,„;„  „^     ,„eS"^^     ^ '^  "^^  ^,;^  .^'^  — 

I'lATK   III. 

icwof  till'  (?riiv.  1  |)l;it.Mii  r.-|)n>,ntiii^'  the  Lit.-  I'l.>i>t..c.iii-  d.ltii  ..f  tin-  1- 

^■^t  iif  l,atliii  r'>  I,aiiililif,   I- 

aU.v,.  tli.-l.-viluf  tin 


ra-i-r  timt  :  t wu  ii 

IT  lin-r.     Th,.  tnp  ,,|   tlic  iiliiti-iiu  i>  ..vir  tlm-r  IiiuhIp'cI  f. 

U.-taili-^d  s.rti..ii  Ml  III.- saiiils  iiii.l  irravi-ls  ,if  the  I'l.-i^tocftic  (l.-|«,,it  rrpn-.s.-iili'il  ali..v,.      S,.„.,  Ijff 
at  1  .Mill  U,,i„.,i>.     Tiif  iii),'liiy  incliiU'il  grav.l  Ix'ds  may  rl•|.rl■^.■nt  a  licai'li  nr  ^pii  .l,-p..M(. 
25a  — nil.  ill— |i.  fi'JH. 


*  vw^ 



■"*,  i-i 

*     .f^Smi 


I'l   \1K    IV. 


Small  Klaci.r  d..,.p..„i,,K  e,,.,,,,.,  ..«,ut  sewn  tl^usa„d  f,.et  ahov..  sea.     .  .„  li„„„.la,. 

•■h-,  lifith  ..f  (.lacicT  I'i„k,  S'k.ikiI  l.'allKi-. 

2  GEORGE  V. 


A.   1912 


PiivsrooRAPiirr    notes    on    the    fortv-nintii 



in  the  traverse  acros.  the  u'ZZ  cha,  '"  '""'■'"""''  -"-""t^^^ 


OniQiN  OP  THE  Master  Vallivh. 

subJwJSn  o5The"roS"''  "''''  "'"  ''?'^"°'^'^  «^°'°^  "«  ^'-«  «**«  that  the 
suppor  erby  tl,l  str?/.  r"  ","  "^  ^.""'^  topographic  basis  is  to  some  extent 
supporte.1  by  the  structural  geology  determined  along  the  Forty-ninth  Parallel 

■"tI„  .  1    l"  ",'«"■•    ^l»  '»■«  '•«!•■  •"  .«p.r.t«l  by  this  ,.£,  " 

t  re'  \tr'Zrth  r  '^  '"  '"  '"1""'  ^"  ^"'•^'  ^'°'=''-  -  Pro-MLcene 

ae-.frtp  trt^=.^j^irs  - 1- s^ 

rouKh  has  taken  place  in  late  Miocene  or  still  later  time.     This  latter  fLt  ha! 
led  Wilhs  to  Bagge^t^^Mioecne  or  possibly^cene  date  for  le  principal 

•B.  Willis,  Bull.  Geol.  Soc,  Amorica,  Vol.  1.3.  1902.  page  347  an.l  Platrssr 




in:rM{ruf:\r  nf  rtir  imkhior 

f«ulti„..t     „i.  view    however    .Ive  ,         •  '  °'°"^'  "'  ''  '"' 

a"tor   of   the    Mio....,,;.   l"lV     T|      o,,:;"  T  T  f '"'"'  "^  "^  "fn'^tly  local 

i"  this  iM.itu.Ie.  '•"'    '"■'""'■•"    "'''■•'>    •''ff'-t''J   the   C.,r,lillera 

I'.-o  b<.e„  M.ose  of  ^^  „£';'".,.?  .?'!  * '\''''"«'""^fonaI  profile,  niay 
»i.e  Dead  Sea.  The  d  th^  of  Me  I  J  "u  "'"*  °^  *,'"'  '''''^^^^  ^'"""e  "^  that  of 
the  resemhianee  of  t  ^p  1,  fl  "  ^•-"'ot  !«.  n>ado  with  a«M,nmee  but 
retreating  e.earp,ne,t.ttiren        ";'";«■■«"'>■"  /"^H.ons    „f    f„„lr-,.hn„.~    ;,m,I 

three  inilaneefth  ^  ,  1:  w  no  ^  r"  '"  *'""  ^^'"*''""'  ""^'^-'■^  "'"^  '"  «1> 
tronehes  there  is  no  evidence  ^ ';,'"/'-  ■'"•."""•■  and  pre-Miocene.  I„  ti,e  two 
■nont..     The  ab.e    ">  o     s^b  »    .  "'"''  ^"™  '^°'^'-'^''  ^''''  T-rtiary  .edi- 

over  since  their  forL  ion      f^ero^'  r"'""''"  ^^'^  ""'''''•'''one  erosion 

1..V  erosion;  con.i.leX  the  h  ,r  7"  ""  ^T  """■''  ^^■'''™'^'l  ""^  '^'^'^P^^'d 

-.■  late  Mio..". " 'po  I  o  :;r:i,:  I'r^'  ■' "  ""i  •"'^■••^'^"^'^  ♦•-^ "" 

OAoavation  '"'  '^"  o'-f^^opied   with   that   task  of 

On   the  other  hand,  several   of  the   master  valleys   in   the  =».f        . 
•l.reet   explanation    i„    the   visible   strucM.res   of       e   ferr  ««'-^"^" /.'a^'''  "'^ 

respective  rivers  tlow.  The  Cohunbia  ri"  ,  ,  tS  X^  "  ""^'V*'"' 
•superposed.'    tliroiiKh    a    eoniplev    of    v,,l..,„;  i    ^'-"^  f>  /  "''ey   has   been 

Trail  batholith  or  'po,,  -lu-  L  '^ie  IV  D-Oreill  vf '  •""'^-  """"  ""* 
nbly  iK^neath  the  lavas  and  vonn^^er  ^di  ne^?  o  1 !  p'*'/";^  "nconform, 
part  of  the  Columbia  vallev  e..n    witl    „,     T         J.  Ro'sland  group.      This 

Lara„,ie   and   pre-(!laeial   dite     .  ,"         iws   e""'     r  "'""f  '"  '  '"'''■ 

within  that  Ions  Period    >for  is  ifJi  -m  '"'^♦^  •'^""   a   closer  dating 

•  "i-  '■'"'  >'. '....;."';.»«-.','  r  ,r;Sre  "ntHZi^s  Tr'r 

erogenic  revolution,  and  the  hvpothesis  that  it  has  W„  l  ♦  /. 
nuent  adjustment  to  a  .oft  belt  in  the  "of  o  tt  T  aH  bathdith'  a' ,iW  ""u "^ 
and  a  like  uncertaintv  prevail  ir  the  caso  ^f  tl,»  „      .  Vv  ^  '''^®  problem 

which  separates  the  Ok'^^.L"  n  -.n^eTrom  tJe  rTu  ?  t'?^"'  '^I'^'"'  '  '^^'^  "' 
lower  Fraser  river  valle.v,  as  well  fthe  ller  CH  ,  jL"  7  """'"  '^'"' 
on  the  axes  of  east-west  folds  which  bor;  I     ""'l'^«''k  valley  may  be  located 

Cordiller-;  the  poor  ro V-e  p  ^ ,r      d  ' not    Z  d«^  "";'"""'"  '■''"""°"  ■""  ^^- 

view  finallv.     The  npper  Chi  1  wick  ri,       t      ,  '"'"'''^"^  *^  ^'♦"^ish  this 

waek  batholith  throng; 'eltTllTed^PaTj:-:;.^"^^'''^^       °"  ^'^  ^''■"^- 

tB.  Willis,  ibid.,   p.  344. — 

2.">a  -V..',  ;ii   -p.  DiMi. 


■?*r4->';  '■  .•'■■v.  •.-- 

■H  ;.,  'r^T- 









IVUIVUMA,.     MoUNTAlN-I{»V„K.     ,,     I'.H  M.H.HAPH,.       l'„-.»,vrM. 

rorrc.p-'n.linK  to  tluse  Konetie  ex|.lan«ti,„m  of  the  m.i.t.T  vallov.   .„  f.r  „, 

;:;ii;:\r,;':.;;;;;t.;t.;;;:T::z  - "'■■■'"'" '-  '■  "•■°™"  - 


Mo..k  wlu.-h  ,n  r..|i..f  fK...„„.   i,  i.  u,.„.,,.,  ,.,  ,,,.„„,  .^J,,;,' >,.';,,;;""■'' 

unit.    wLY-l^ilMl";  r      "l"""'    ""   ""■■"     "".*"""   "'•'   ^""""'■"•'^raphi,. 
VM  ■    ""   '"""    ■'•    "'"    •■"""""^"    "'    "'",,,!, 

I    I'ruliiict. 

Ui»  ky  Moinitaiii  S)„t>iri  ( 1  lif  h'liirit  Kan^c  dvncliiu' 

„        „  ,,  '■""••'■»ll-i  .M»<^^l)uni.Mlii.r,t. 

I  tir-vll  M.M,„i„ir.  .Sy.t.-m    ....  Th..  |"ur.-,ll  li,.i,t 
.Vlkuk  M,.„„tai„  SyHMu TIh  S.lkirk  ii»,n.*liii-. 

''i.luiiiliia  .Mountain  Sv»t.'iii..      'X'"'  li.""'""'!  I'liotiiix  •..•l(u„ic  i,,,,. 

I  riif  .Miilwiiy  vi.lcaiiii'iai.. 
IMr  „f  Inter.,.r  I'lat.-au,               .Th.  A„a„-I,i,.  ..1,1  ,„„„„tu,n  ,.1«...,.„. 
<>k,.M.rf»n  Kanir..  The  ()kan.^,.„  co„„.„,t..  l»,tl„.li,l,. 

II  .  ...         II  f The  I'jwavtiii  imiiKiiliiie. 

" ""■•"  '""'"■       I  ■'■';;,:";:>''"'■•• '"■"""'■•■•' -'v  ti,.  ,„i...  ..r  m „ 

j  Tlic  Skaifit  v.ilcnriii-  ciii.. 

\  aiioouwi- KanK.' 'IV  Vancmv-r  .„„„,|,.x.  ' 

Fron/  7;,„3,  Sin,c!ine.-Th,  ri.rk.  nn.l  L^wi.  ranR...  furnish  the  mo.t 
mteresfnK  scc.„er.v  on  the  whole  C.r.iilk.ran  soHlon;  i„  ,hi,  respect  their  onTv 
posaib^  compeftor  ,s  the  Cascade  rnn^e  in  the  extreme  we.t.  Kuna'ely  we 
have  U>e  ..uahty  oi  the  eastern  range,  a.lmirahfy  portrayed  in  the  '  P  ief  Mo.m 
tarn  Quadrangle'  .i,eet  of  the  Ignited  State,  (ieolojeal  Survey  Co.raX 
by  F  E.  Matthes  an.l  I?.  II.  Sargent,  l.,W.-l!m2).  A  part  of  eaeh  oTthe Two 
Front  ranges  ..s  .napped  within  the  ..nadrangle;  the  „,«„  ,nny  be  profitnWv 
consulted  by  one  wh,.  wish,.  „,  appreciate  the  full  individualitv  of  he  e  moui! 
tains  as  compared  with  the  rangos  west  of  the  Flathead  ' 

The  rehef  i..  considerable.     Waterton  lake  is  given  as  4,1'^6  feet  above  sea 

fC  rl*"''^'  °'  ^''^,^'7*  r'"'"^  '"  ''''  '•^"""''■-  The  Flathead  is  Jut 
4,0(H>  feet  abo.e  .sea.  Cleveland  mountain  in  the  Lewis  range  and  six  mile, 
south  of  the  I„„.r„ati,.n«l  line,  is  given  as  I..,4.,s  feet  in  hejht  Within  Ik 
Boundary  belt  .tself  two  of  the  highest  s„ i,s  are  Mt.  Thon.pson  (Oo's    e^ 

S  ;:tl;  TeS'  ''''''■ ''' '""""""'  ^'""^^  ^--"•^'  -"  ^--n  ^.o*^  - 



i*t'ruiTSir\r  ny  thh  t\rt:itinR 

,,      ,         .  2  GEOnoe  v..  A    1912 

Mljrli      o(      til,.      iiil,.r,wi      ,.r      .1. 

"»T.-N.  whi..|.   i„   turn  .11     ,„     ,.)     |  C2"]    m '"     ""'    "-''"-'•'-"I 

an,l  ti,I,H     Tl iiwof  tlu.  8»n,.     „,  ,  f-nM,l,.r   h.,«.(,f,„„   „f  „  ,,r,, 

.Ir-<ls  of  |„,,„(if„|  ,,1,7;  ""•  l-^";^'  i^m«, ..    TI,...l,.u.|„,.„H.Mt  „f  ,1„.  )„„. 

-•ava„.,i.  I,  .p .  ,:i  '  z';i  .'"  7'"' ;  '■"' "'"'  '"'■'" '--  '-'-,,   „,    fl.  ^^.J       ,   Iff  "'  '"■"•"'"   "^^"-i'-".  witl,  ,.o„Ho,„u.„t 

'l-'nd,  ,l„.  M.     n,  i,      !;„;"      '■",    7'  '"■•'   '-"    ^"-•i'"y   l.a.sto,u.-l 

:^::.^:7tlr^-:;::Vs;i::r'--''' '  ^"';'-;^^i-:''r:. :::'.::;  %^' nt 

nM,nm;:!::;i::;;;:'|;;:;.,;'";:''''""'^vf ;='---'  -.i„„ ;,.  ,„.,  .ink.-!....;. 

-•7';'^',^;n.  n:'^'ui;.r".:::r;t;:;:.,r„,er„.„    Hive  ^       J'     ^'X.: ,   ''"^'T"  tV''''*^^^-     ''''"^  "''-"' 

crcH-k.  which  i.  followe.1  ;  o  S  ..i  i"  "'  ""u"'  ""■  ^■^"'■'''""'  -^'^'""'»" 
!■""•"-■  ''f  a  „.iM.,r  swH.  i,  I  p  ,  '  '  ^'^5";*;'"«y  J'n."^  ♦rail,  i,  U,cato,l  in  the 
ul...    ....   of   .linn.    ,.onso        ,      ,H   ,  it    "    "'^'  '"'I"'  '^"'■"""-  "'"'  "^^ 

nn  the  enst,.,„  sh^p,.  „f  ,1,,.  FiaH,,,,,,  a,„i,  "  '  ''''f"^"  '"  '"'^^  l^-^n  formed 

-■nM„,..     Ma,,v  o'he,.  r     ,.,  v  )  ."'r'''''- ,'"  •^""-'"■™-o  of  that  ^rnben- 

K-intln   crock   is   loeate.l   ,„.   „   .  is,i    . ,   f  '  If   ul '    1         ''    i""""""""    i"    "^'^'■"' 
Mn  .Metiial  depression   in   .    >     ""-.""  'f"nlt   ulueh  may  have  been  the  line  of 

exdude   the  possibilitv   tl"",i;!   ;,'!:r"..'""L'''"i^"""™^  Yet   we  ean   hardly 

veni'iit    and    normal 

t:     iintnin    >,'ro'ip-- 
ranges  — sii>fi;(>!,ts  a 

lit   the   fault-zone  has  functinne.1 


'^n^^vnr\^i"T''<'J^pt.}'y  vv.w.  A 

as  a  iintural  weak 

"Uiitain'i.  I'ldt.  1 

i>.  CI.  U.S."(?,.<^I.  Si 

«<xi(l     on    the   Tint 

a  and  Wasatih 

rv,.y.  1909;  rs,,eci.-,lly  Pl,„es  4  an<i  8 



'"  "'<•  Ix-rf  uf  a  .in.ilar.  „arrm-  „„.i.ll„.l  r„ll  •,"       '       I      r  1  ''.""^'•^,''"•"'7' 

lor  a   hrn.f  n-,.oi,„t   of   tho  rolatio,,    „f   fop„pr,.,.|,v   nn.|   «trN.-tnr..    !n    ,1, 

f'.MN  o„t   fl,af.   as   in   ,1.   Clark,   ran...,   tl„.   n„nn   Jvn,.|in'    is   a.':  ,   .n,:.! 
ni  I.---  on,,  nirmw  «nti-li„ai  f„I,|.     H.,  hn.  f„II„w,.,l  thi^  f„|,|  fr.„n   Mr    ,"i,.,.. 

'.i-l;.:-::^;-;' :r";::::';r™  ;^  ;;:;r':::i  ^;;'', ;:.;;;:!;:;:;":: -r; 

yun.„rl,v  n;,rr..w  „n..  af  .1:,.  M.nunh   n,..nn„,   in  tl,..  .  larU  r.-n,.,.,  .r„  ,„  .;..|v 
.   ■.    r„lH,n  ,h,.  ,I,„„     t  H„.  nn,-,..r  ,,vn,.|in,..  -„  ,l,.,f  w,-  n.,v  aN„  h  ,M  r!         1  . 

^nva  or  i„.,d.f.   are  rolate.l   to  a   t'onnral   ^v.nlinnl   nyi. 

I..k..  (I,.,.  ,,n.s,.nf  writ.T.  Willi.  „„.  „„„l,|,.  ,„  ,in,i  nninv  ,.v.„,pl,..  „f  ,,„.-il,lo 

-  r,.,n,  a,ln.Mn,..n,   ,n  ,  i,|„.r  ..f  tl„.  ,u„  ran.,..  an,l  ,la.r,.-,...„,.    ,    ho  n     lit 
;;;  .'"r*   "   ^'r  ^'--"-^  -  «.'-  -^-i" .ve  roan,  o„n,.,nont  oon^J        Th 

1  ,.-.  :^  '•"'-"l"..Mo  .l.lT,.rono,..  i„  sfronRtl,.  Sn..),  hotor.,^onoitv  wonl. 
.,t   -orta.n l.v    .nvolvo   ,nn,.l,    nu,n.   of   fl,o   sfroams   to   soft   ho  t, 

han  wo  ao  uallv  .l.oorn,  if  ,l„.  ,..,!„„  ha,l  ovor  hoon  n-lnoo.  to  Z  n  lit  n 
of  a  ,.on,.pla,„       'i  ol   tins  :.  ,|.o  .L.tinit,.  vi,.w  roaoho,!  hv  Willis  n.  .,   ros,    tof 

(losoriptiiin  is  fr,\., 
mountain  (jroiii)  ' 
sanio  orosion  ovi 

.1'    lli^ 

pl'.v-ii,.f.'rai.ln'c    foatnroM   of   tho   f! 
that   that   crronp  wa.s  iienc;" 

i-  hoi, 

incd  (lurinjf  ll 

•B.  Willie.  Bull.  a.„I.  Soc.  Am-rica.  Vol.  13,  p.  3i«. 


in:i'Mn\if:\T  or  riir  i\ union 

'lnir„i,M,„l>„„„!,f    Ih.r^l.      |{,.nv,v 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1i,!2 

prab..ns  w  have  the  comLound  homMr^:'^^::''^    '--..w., -K„„„.„.. 

the  Kootonay  a.  about  ■>:!()()  f....t     T,     W        '  -t-><-'  t'vt:  on  tho  w..    .    „v 

•     in   .he   Houn.h.rv  belt  i"s'  f    '4  Lt       'J   '  Tl    TT'  "^  *''"  ^f"''I^°"«M      ■'.- 

iiu>Mib.>r   which   niv.,.rvp-   tl.„     r.V         •  '''''^"  '^  "'"'O''*  ♦'le  O"  ^' 

nmuntains  .,f  eaeh  ra.r-.mke  n  •,  H  '"'  "1'  '*'  "IT''"""'"'^  ^''^«^-  The 
bv  o,.casionaI  hnv  i.orn'  ^11,  V  "^"'"^ '•'5«<:''  "-— 'bhipre  of  nM^cs  erowno.l 
th;.   ;.  ,11  T     ;  *   '    *'''"'  P'-'^'-'IMoo  is  sehlom  seen.     Tlie  re.^on  fo, 

this  IS  .louWe;   partly  ,i„e  to  the  softeninir  cff.'ets  of  the  r,     .Jl  ^ 

topography  is,  il-eveW    at'L  7,:'^,;?''  :!''?;V,     J^'^'  -I''«"atio„   of  the 

arrive  at  final   ..on.lusions  a.    o'    he  ort  n  oT  If  "T'^' -'^  '"'  ^°" 

Af,'ain  we  are  balilod  in  reaehing      at  de    r.W  .         f"'  """^  '^'''  ^'""^y-^' 

subject  to  doubt  until  mue  "L  1  er  fi  d t  l'"!  '  "".'^  '""''  ^"^^^'^'^^''''''^  "f'^ 
would,  however    seen,  pro"  ble  ^\ZT   '^'■'''■^'':^'    '^"f    ^eeu    aecomplished.      It 

sample  of  tiietopo^  p^  tt  th  who  e  T"":  ""''"■•"  ''f  "'^^^  °"  -«'«^« 
not  without  value     We  b.e      r  """'»'""'  P-'O'iP  «nd  its  indications  are 

respectively  ^l^,  ^^  ll^U-^^  ::!;  ^  [^  tS^r't  "f  '^r^''""^  "" 
quent  rivers;  as  they  run  parallel  to  h.r'  1'?"^°'*-'  *!«  ^'««^<'«'  "^  conse- 
deseribe  them  as  lonl^l-ud^n  H^  „  ^..^  "  I'le  n"  ""^"^  ""^  ^-*''- 
located  on   a  master        dt    tbnn  ,1,       ^  il'e   Wigwam   river  seems  to  be 

>  ^^.  II   Dack  n;to  the  now  well  .lissecte.l   fault-blocks.     The  lack  of 




i!i:i'(,i!i  or  Tin:  i-iiirr  isri;n\,nn:i!: 



nuimj;..   ,„n,v   l,o   ,„r,ly  ex|,l„iMr,|   l,v   tho   vp 
ot  stronpfl,  n.  tlw  l,o,I.l..,|  r-ok..  1,„.  „„,.' 

'lively    stlMll    .litTeiVIHV^ 
!>.■<•(  that  it  is  also  ,hw  to  the 


tu,.t   th.t   tin,,,  onon.^i,   I,       no     k .       '"?'"''   '""'  '»  '^  "'''^'^  ''"'^  ''^  •!" 

bolt-  by  hoa,i.wa„::i:.  ,r  V ;  o^honi; . ;'"?"'"''  ^"^'""""^ ^^  -f- 

tinoti.  .oft.-  than  „„.  nei.),,. J-^  ^H  '  ^  '7 1:::^;;;'';:  "^'-^  '^'^ 

'l''PiV"io„s  aro  1,....,,,,   in   il„.  linmsto,,,..  •'"""   ''^'■"''*   ^"" 

<ii  i>i|, ,\ 

^    iKiiTiMn    l"KMi'(.\i\    i\ 

\\'illi-">  iiiaii.v- 
virw  lliat  tile  wliiil, 

I  in:  IK.,  K  ■,    \,,,|  \  I  vi\   .^ . 

n{      |i„. 

I'.'Ke     .. 

"i"n    ina.s 
II. .ti"-    ..I 




it'^l'v'u'"!''"     '"'"■'■    'V'"^" llMI'     -...•„„.,„     ..     „.     „., 

t;„.;:i;:;:;;^:;;;i;;:;-;;;;-:;'';/;;;;^ .^n„  •,>.,..,,  ,„ 

'lesoriptioii   of  tlu-s,.  ruiiL'os  ,l,onl,l   I  ■  ''"'"'•  ''"'^  s''iontifip 

de,onptio,.  of  .1.0  apX  i=n   „  ::,j'itr  '■'  """'"^  1  "-^  ^-^-  ^-*  - 

evo„t   of  pntnary  in.portan.,.  '      i  !      ,tt  It    t^^  ""•""*""'  '■'"'"   "'  "" 

Harilie.    l,oth    tl,..   „o  ,l,.«i,..,l    lii    ,1.  .,  '•'"■•■opnoi,    ,s   kvo-m.   f„r    it 

'  iit„rt„„at,.lv.  ,1,..  pr,..,.nt   vvrifr  has  I,,.,,,   „„al,I,.  ,„  ■ ,,„   „, 

'•■•■«ns,.    „t    ,.,>rtan,    ^.rav,.    ,!ifli,.„)ti,..    wliirl,    .,r,.    n..f    f    ,    ' 
ypotlie^is  of  p,.n,,,lanatio„   i„   „,„  Appala 'U;',^:.   "a   .^  !.  Ij;,,,     " 

i''::tXT:r/"  r'' ""'■'■'■ -^ "^>n.Uu;u 

'  "■      '    -'^•'l"l>    "I    'lil'    1   l:i 11    ^v-ti'lii 

ie.,j:*rxi;:^,::,n:::;:lt''ti,''''^^  Y" '- """ '-  •-'••  ^^  ^ 

ti.."  ^vho,..  of  ti.o  a..i:;:;:'  zz^:  ;^::::::i^  ::zj:-'-  -  -•-'- 

•  Re,.OKnitio.i    of   ti„>   tilfo,]    attitmlo   of   rrotaoooiis   str.f.,    ...      f   .i 
ov..„   siirfac.  oxtenilo,!   noross   tlioir  edses   is   sXiom   to    1  '" 

-•liaractcr  of  tlie  Croat  Tl.ins    „t  1      ;•    ''*"""/"'   <o   .loinonstrato   tli,. 

dusoss.on  of  aute,.o,l..,„s  of  the  Lewis  thn.s/   '     I  ^o     J  '  ,        '"•""";  '"f 
an,    q„.,i,ite>  ,.„„id  no,  !,„»  ,„„i„,„i„o,l  ,aoh  iel,,i,„T,r,    .  ''""»'""" 

.«i.,„i  i„  .1,1,.,,  ,h.i,  .„a  .„„,u,o„.  ,,.l;;,,jo^  '.r."  ,"*  ;,i,r;«  ° 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
tl.e  tors  of  pe.k.  Tn  tl>e  lattor  on.e  the  .sn,-faco  may  appear  clo«elv  to 
valley""       '^''^'^^''''  ^"'""''*^  -^  the  erests  and  to  lie  ahove  the  struchT,,! 

a,li.,Zt",  ^T  T'"'  "°  .'I'^'in'^xi^l'o.l  from  phy.iograr.hic  d!.f riots 
c  he.  ,„  the  preec-.i.n.^  paragraph..  In  strong  co,.trnst.  the  Great  Plains 
vifl  ,'"■''  "^  ^'^"fo"  entirely  indepen.lent  of  structure.  Galton 
...n.'-,tliouH,  ns  a  „u,..l.„„nHod  hy  .trm'tural,  is  within  itself  ap par 
onfly   a   M,nple   uplifted    hlock.     Whatever   minor   flexures   or   faults    may 

thel.nir     ";.     "  '■"""■•'  "^"  '■'"  ""*  "'«^^'"'*'-^  Pronnuneo.1  to  interrTpt 
he  .m,  .s  ot    he  n,ou,>ta,n  mass.     While  the  general  altitude  of  7.500  feet 
is  due  to    uphlt,    details    of  heights    e.xpress    effects    of    earlier    or    late 
eros.on  only.     In  tins  respect  Galton  range  is  like  the  Plains  and  unlike 
tue  r  rent  ranges. 

()„   ih!"   ^f^   ^''/""^  "u*^  ,".:'.'    *^"'"°"    '■""^''^    ■■'   l'«"^M.h.ii.    was   developed. 
(Jn   (he  .oft  rucks  of  the  Plains  it  was  planed  flat.     On  the  har.ler  roeks 
ol  tlie  (.a  ton  mass  it  was  prohahly  not  >„  completely  smoothed.     Observa- 
.ons  ol  1  HU  w-ere  neither  so  .-xtensive  nor  so  precise  as  to  <listinguish  mon- 
adnocks  from  features  ot  later  carving,  but  the  general  relation  of  height 
o  an  o  d    ow  an,    ,s  as  distinct  as  it  is  on  the  Schooley  ,,lain.  in  the  High- 
lands of  the  Hudson.  .New  York.     The  peneplain  on  the  Great   Plains,  fhe 
iihickfoot  plain,  ,s  neither  incidental  nor  local.     It  is  the  res.ilt  of  a  long 
cycle   of  erosion    which   affected   a   wide   territory,   and    its    representative 
must  occur  in  the  nearb.v  mountains  among  the  oldest  features,  if  not  as 
tlie  rd.lost.  unless   ,t  has  been   obliteratcl   by   later  activities,     .i  ,,"! 

correlation  of  the  Blarkfoot  plain  with  the  peneplain  over  (Jalt- 
a  reasonable  inference  from  facts.     Nevertheless,  in  the  ir 
I-ron,    ranges   the  observer  seeks   in   vain   for   that   general   unifo,     .,  ,    of 
alnUides  or  that  brea.lth  of  contour  which  might  represent  the  Blackfoot 

'  The  peculiarly  bold  sculpture  of  the  Front  ranges  is  explicable  off- 
hand as  an  effect  of  great  elevation,  from  which  there  resulted  special 
c^nulitions  of  glaeiation  and  erosion.  It  resembles  the  sculpture  of  the 
rrT-l-'Tv-n  •■""^;\ ^\"^!,""»-''/^"-  "*  nearly  as  is  consistent  with  diversity  of 
ro  k-t.vpes.  But  unlike  the  rascades,  whose  summits  inherit  common  alti- 
tude^ from  a  broad  peneplain,  the  Front  ranges  exhibit  no  general  upper 
limit  of  heights  common  to  many  widely  distributed  peaks.  Instead  they 
present  an  e.xtreme  case  of  localized  deformation,  aecentuated  b^v  intense 
eorra.MoiK  Kcalinng  thi.  one  may  still  recognize  the  position  of  the  oldest 
topographic  surface  of  the  provin-e  near  the  summits  of  the  ranges  It 
is  notable  that  each  r-eak  approaches  in  height  those  of  its  neighbours 
which  stand  in   similar  structural  positions-that  is,  along  the  strike      A 

!ent  tl,T*r  "'7-*^  ^T^''  °''  °'"'  ^^'^''  '''''"^  shoulders,  should  repre- 
■-ent  that  from  which  they  are  carved,  plus  or  minus  the  efl^ects  of 
warping  and  minus  the  effects  of  later  erosion.     Detailed  observations  of 

in:i-oitT  i>F  Tilt:  run:r  Asr/.;,.yo\n:h' 



struoturo  will  ,lel,.rinine  tl,o  former;  stiulios  of  s,r,ti.^r„V,      ■         ,     • 
sculpturo  will  ovMhiato  fh.-  n„,„M„f  I,v  ^      i         '"/'"'f f''I'Kv  in  relnfion  to 
relatively    on    .he    .ever       r  "k     vn      ^'"': '.:■■■'"?"  ''«*  '•-^'""-1  «'«itu.le, 

"'~'Gi?r  "'=■'»---'«' --       "^  ""'■ 

-.   Kurinfr   |.;,kota   .„,!    liontr,,.   tj,,,,.   tUrrr   wns   a   v.rv   „,.Mtlp   ■,.„!    I„.  .,.1 
IM.,--  Cm.,ce.„  UJ,,  ,„„,„„„  .,„  „„,v„,„„„i,.  ,,|,|  ,,i,|,  ,„.„,„,  ,1";  ","„ 

i"a  -111   I  lie  l.dltun-.MaoDoiial.i  -ronp  were  uplifted 

L-r  o'.n'^ur',  !  'T'  "^™^''/''"l"''>^.  till-  Mihsequent  liisforv  of  (l.o  reHon 

La.,  e,  M  ist...l  in  steady  erosion,  leading  to  mature  mountain  topo^rrapliv 
In  passing,  :t  may  !,e  noted  that  the  evidence  of  the  earlier  Afe-n^  iV. 
ran.   Ill,    whieh  the   Dakota   and  later   CretaceouAeJ:  ^^    '     .p  Xr     "Z; 
n  ade    -lear.     It  wc.hl  .een.  probahlo  that  .luring  the  Mesozoie.  ,hls  pa  t  of    ul 
f  ordillera    .-as  never  far  above  sealevel      Afo^  of  the  Afi  .ic^.I  1        V 

fonnation   is  still   preserve!   in   the  Crowsn  °t   di  <         'LT  fZ  mil    T  n"' 
nr^thward  on  the  strike  of  the  ran.e.     To  the  sontheLr    s   'X^^^^t 
-iB,^^ery^J>,^,,,U,\u^Cretnc^,,,  beds^,f  the  Belt  n,..un.ain«.     We  have 
•B.  Willis,  Hull.  Geol.  Soc..  America,  Vol.  13,  1902,  pp.  .^H-319. 



ith:i-MiiMt:\r  oy  nn:  isitiuoR 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

n  "l."'" f  ".r'T,  "n'"'*;?  "^  "'"  ^'■■-'-il'Pi""  li.nestone  persists  in  the  fault- 
blocks  ot  tlie  M|.cl)o>,al,l  rnnRo  just  acTos.  tl.o  Flathead.  Nowhere  in  the 
eastern  part  of  the  Conh-llera  north  of  Colorado  is  there  evidence  of  notahle 
'l.'torniation  ot  the  it,„-l<.v  .\l,.iiMtaiu  (i..„svn,-linal  U■x^^■v^■u  Mis^i-ippim,  ,,,,,1 
J-araniie  tunes.  It  seems  ]il<el.y,  therefore,  that  a  Rreot  thiokness  of  the  Mi.-i.-  Innestone  wa.  pre.,.nt  in  th<.  :\IaeI)onal.l  ranp.  area  hefore  the  Larnmi.Ie 
or  PO.S  -Lannnn.  fauhin,^  dropped  the  larpe  masses  of  the  lin,est„ne  into  lateral 
ontaet  the  A  lorn.ntion  of  the  MaeDonald  ranj^e.  If  ,his  he  pranted. 
U  loHow-  that  little  er„s,o„  had  been  l,v  erosio,,  i„  this  lafit.d.: 
dm'.nK  the  Meso.o,,..  The  .Me-o.oie  ...-osion-eyele  .-onM  not  have  verv  -^re.t 
sifrnitiean-';'  m   the  refrion.  '     ^ 

IMuri.iti^'  to  th..  main  thrme.  we  may  note  tliat  Willis-.  ,.viden.v<  f„r  the 
m.d-l.rtiary  pene|.Ianation  are:  («)  the  truncation  of  the  crumpled  Cretaceous- 
■)  t he  presence  ot  accordant  levels  amons  the  summits,  of  the  Calton-Mac- 
1  onad  mountain  (.rnip.„inf.  the  first  point,  it  is  not  made  certain 
tiiat  the  truncation  ot  the  Cretaceous  was  observed  out<i,Ie  the  area  which  mav 
leasonablv  be  suppo.s,.,  ,„  have  been  overrhldcn  by  the  overthrust  block  of  th; 
Front  ranges.  his  tir  „st,  as  shown  at  Chief  mountain  very  clearlv,  has  not 
only  cnnnplcl  the  Cn-taccons  beds  but  has  sheared  then,  otf  sharply  at  the 
plane  ,4  the  Lewis  thrust.  In  >.m,e  measure  the  observed  truncation  elsewhere 
lua.y  ,..  attribute!  to  thi.  <-onstructional  pro.-ess.  for  there  is  dear  evi<lence 
that  the  on.uinal  east,.rn  edffc  of  th..  ovcrthrust  block  lay  several  miles  to  the 
eastuanl  of  the  exi^tiuH-  frontal  escarpments  of  the  Lewis  and  Clarke  ranges 
Ul  course,  erosion  has  modifi-d  the  Mirfaee  of  scission  thus  exposed  by  the 
retreat  ot  the  esc-arpnicnts,  Ux\  its  cfr,.et  must  iTere  hav,  1..  ,„ 
vastly  inferior  to  that  which  was  demanded  on  the  hard  qnartzites  and  siHcJous 
(lolonutcs  ,,|    I  he   I^nvis   series. 

Tlie  arguinent  from  ihe  accordance  of  summit  levels  eann.  t,  in  the  writer'^ 
opinion,  be  safely  applied  in  any  om-  of  the  four  ranges  now  ir  discussion 
In  no  one  of  them  is  tlie...  any  notable  remnant  plateau  which  can  fairlv  be 
sani  to  prove  jr.ncral  l,:,s,.l:.vellin^'  in  a  l.nncr  .  ro>i„„  .v,-!,..  T]..  wril,a'  In- 
aln-ady  published  the  grounds  of  his  protest  against  using  llie  accordance  of 
peaks  and  ridges  as  an  evidence  of  two  erosion  cycles;  a  full  abstract  of  that 
publication  will  bo  given  at  the  close  of  this  chapter,  to  which  the  reader  mav 
turn.  In  brief,  the  point  is  ni..dc  that  sub-e<iuality  of  heights  is  to  be  expert.',! 
froni  the  early  stage  in  tlie  history  of  every  alpine  mountain  range 

J  he  evidenc..s  again-t  the  liypoflicsis  of  a  mid-Tcrtlary  peneplain  on  tlie 
J^ rent  ranges  seem  i„  oc  powerful.  First,  the  time  allowe.l  is  not  sufficient  for 
peneplanation  or  e\cn  past-mature  .level.,pment.  followe.i  by  uplift  and  mature 
•  lisseetion  in  a  .-("cond  c.vclo.  .Ml  post-Cr.naccous  time  has  not  been  enough 
to  destroy  the  large  moua.lnocks  on  the  we!l-establisli,.d  Cretaceous  peneplain 
ot  the  Appala.  hians,  though  their  rocks  are  not  sensibly  stronger  than  tliose 
ot  tlie  ran.t;.-s  „f  ,h,,  ( •..r.lill.ra.  Jn  nmst  of  the  A).pala.-hian  belt  a  verv 
.argo  perreatagc  ..t  all  Tertiary  time  has  sufficed  to  .lo  no  mure  than  for:'. 
mature  or  submatur,.  t..i„.grapliy  thmugh  tlie  disse-tion  of  the  generally  well 
.■l.vat,.,l    (  retaceous  i.,mi,. plain.      Vet   the  eliniatie  and  other  erosion  eou.'liti,,.,. 



"!•'■  II"'    ii"»    vrn    .liftVrrni.  ;,i„|   |,r,,l,.,|,|v   I,  ,,      ,     .    ^ 

'"■0   ni.H.ntiiin-rluii.,.    tl,rw,..i„,Mf    ,)„.'  T,  J  ""'"   '"■'    ''"^"'•'■'i'-   '"    '1" 

■^•ii.;vo  tiuu  tho,....,,n,„.,iK  j(:„ ;?  :p;,, ';.  —  "-■'■'-•••.  i-i ... 

>'inth   Parnllel   J,.v,.  I,..,.,,   i„.,,..„|.,u   .,1     ,,  ■'"'    '■•""■""   ^"   "'"    '•''■'••^• 

Mn,.o  ,he  ,w  .,,■  ,h..  i.:,n,':,;;:';;;;;:,i '" ^'^  '"^"^'■•'■'•^  ''^ "■'  ^""--1,1- 

H.  '^:^tnf;:TL"S;;;.;;T;;;'r•:;7,;H" '-  -r  -^"-  ^-"• 
;::"?\;n;::-'::,.  '::r'r '  '^'^'•:•  -•■■-■' '•:^■''.;;;^^■sr.£^ 

tliat  of  the  mi,!.ll,.  Apn.-.i.rhi.,',!-'  'Ji''''"'    "7"'"'     '  "1"""'    "'"'   ''''-   •-H'liti,.,. 

'*'-■..   time  enoiipl,   f,,r   1um,1.w,J,.,x'  ,.' i       .  T'""  "'   '""  '    "''■'  *'"■••"  1'^- 

into  the  sou  h..,t.  r,„.  ..ven  ,::;::,,   if '7:;  ;;;  -•-7.l'>-  -i-in.   h.-k 

iiiiiiiv   Piirt3  of  the    Ao.v.l,   I-  I      '       ■-"    ■'■'!"■  Ill     urMijKiiri'    i-    fl„.     r   I-    in 

-..-.•.  '>iou.i/S.,^r  ;  ;■  :N."r,:,:;vr''  '•■•'■ ""  ''■-"'  ■"  "■■  -^-■"^'^ 

'■-^-      ..I-    II:,.    Cni^".,.,    ,    '        '      '         '   '"   ''''-'''   ^'■"^''"■^-      Tn   "'o    Front 

-Ill  '  that  thi.  well  re<. „./,.,l  .-nt,  .;  ,  •""■"  "■''"-■  "  ""•^'  '"■ 

•I'o  Front  ranges.  "'"'  ''^  "  >«"1-Tprtiar>-  [".neplain  in 

Finally,     the    one-evd,.     livnoth(.M.     wl„„.  i  i 

^lef<,rn.ation   (the  Larann.l,.,   and  o  e  en.  ^ "vfl  "^  Tr    '"'■'"'   ""'^'^'J*'   "'' 
'■"le,   are  po.tuh.te.l,  seen,.  ..on,  uTen,   tcTH, I       '''"''"*'  ""  "''   '''""'''"••^■ 

-lie  .^po.itc  hypothec.  ,,;..„.,.,, ,  I,:';;;,!;     : X;':  -  -'■'-"'■'■■  - 

>t- '-  ".o  soft  ro..,<r:f  ;i. '  i::rnX:  ;:;:f  •7'^-  —  ^'  --'-p-i  1.0,.- 

provinces   l.u^   hrea   ..j,;  .il,.      ..,  •        ,    ,         ■        '•"'-•-■      '>"'    '  i'' ~i t     1,,,!!, 

--"--  Til  the  >!:;..;  .,1  '-'x::' . ^j;..:;;:-7  ^""'  r---^^  i^-n.  fron.  the 

volume;    outsi-ie    the    n,o„n,.,;„  '  •""^  '^'v.     ln.h    ;.,.a,li,.,„s    hut    small 

volume,     h  s..n..  u..ZTul    ■'::T,   "'"I   ""/""♦^    '""'    '""'^''    ^^^a'er 
tl..-..u.h  lateral  -orraslon      le      o  ,      ','   °"  Z*"'  "'^""^   "'^^'^'  •^»--''--^   ^voul,]. 

In  the  motu.tnin.  the  th  ■,.  1  ''  '' '"^P'^-f '  ■■^"Hi'-o  with  relative  rapi.litv 

like  .ho.e  of  th!    l!;;.; '':,:•':  tw  """'  ''?"'^'"  ""■''  "  ^'"-^-^  from  roeks 

it  is  unlikely  that  the  ,„.n.->,l  ,';„  /        .  Hon-  >• 'Avii,-..     \\  .Ih^V  arf-'r-nent  that 
«ot  adjoin  a  n,.le      J  '      ,  ^'^l';;;' ;"  •'"' f-<™^  of  the  plains  should 

^=een..  to  be  a  verv  do„h      1  '    --'"f '/'f /onten.poraneous  development 

relation   i.  seen  in  Ihe  e  'th  !  l^J.^^X'"'''  '''"'  ^''^  P^'-'^-  --'- 

the  Ter.iary  lowhmd  of  \ew  Yor       ,  I  o   !  ^'^"''•',  ^■^•'«'-P""'nt  overlookinp 

-  --look,  the  l°t,t:  ,     '    /  "  ;'7i:.,"'""'f  ^-  »''^^'"^'<iil  e^earr!^ 

terranes   on    each   side    of    the    Tonn     r         "'■-'"  ;'^'"-.^-  h'lI  t:-  cry.,alli,:,. 

the    fonneeticut    valley    dominate    the    penoplained 


iiKi'MtTMrsT  (ir  Tin:  isrriiKnt 

2  GEORGE  V„  A.  1912 
Tria.,if  sandstone  of  that  vull.-y.  In  those  Appalachian  rasos  w,.  -•annot  douht 
that  the  np,,.T  lacots  arf  of  duto.  'ho  lower  p..n,.plains  of  re'lativoly 
late  lert.ary  date;  that  is.  tl,o,v  have  u  .'ontrast  of  af;o.  and  one  whid.  is 
s;«n,t,cantl,y  like  that  suukosI.mI  1,v  th-  writer  for  the  flat  erosion-surfaee  of  the 
<.reat  I'luins  and  the  adjaeent  hlo.'ks  of  ,he  Front  rantroa.  Furthermore  the 
eastern  slope  of  each  Front  run^-e  is  Ket.erally  u  retreatinp  e^cari.nient  and.  r.,  noted,  the  retreat  is  to  be  measured  by  mihs,  perhaps  bv  manv  miles 
in  some  places.  The  structure  of  the  repion,  with  soft  un.h-rlvin;;  hard'  at  the 
i-ewis  thrust,  necessardy  involves  a  steep  retreatin;;  mountain-front  so  lonp 
aa  the  thrust-plane  remains  above  baM.level.  The  case  is  apain  nnaloRovis  to 
the  Catskill  or  Niagara  escarpment  except  that  in  those  cases  the  erosional 
imderminni-  is  .•ontn.lled  ly  he.ldiiic  and  imt  by  a  flat  plane  of  ovrlhru-t. 

Apain,  the  dissection  of  the  Front  laiiKc  blocks  is  just  of  the  order  of 
magnitude  expected  fr,)m  the  analo«y  of  litholoRi-'aliy  somewhat  similar  Appa- 
lachian terranes.  whi,-h  have  been  maturely  dissected  in  a  well  date.!  enwion 
cycle  occuiiyinf;  the  larger  part  (.f  Tertiary  time. 

Sine.-  the  character  of  the  draiiiace  is  apparently  that  t..  !.c  exjieclcd  ..n  the 
one  cycle  hypothesis  for  tlie  repion,  it  seems  that  all  the  essential  topo>rrnphic 
loalures  are  explaine.l  by  that  hypothesis.  The  writer  believes  that  no  proved 
structural  relation  m  the  bed-rocks  needs  (be  two-e.ycle  hvimthesis  for  its 
explanation.  In  eoii.liisiun.  therefore,  he  woidd  state  his  belief  that  the  Front 
ranges,  as  well  as  the -«;alton-MacI)onal.l  proup,  were  uplifted  in  the  one  of  the  Laramide  erogenic  revolulicn  and  have  umbTpone  steadv  erosion 
ever  since,  this  erosion  reaching  maturity  ami  no  later  stage.  It  is  possible 
that  a  liori/oiital  thrust  has  deformed,  the  unconsnlhlated  Miocene  clays  of  the 
Ihithead  trou-h.  but  ih.Te  is  no  clear  evidence  that  this  niovem,.nt  aflecte,!  the 
great  blo<'ks  to  east  i;ud  west  in  any  es.seiitial  way. 

_  The  argument  has  been  dwelt  ujion  imt  only  because  the  pbvsicgr.iphic 
history  i,  also  the  geological  hist.>ry  of  the  Rocky  ^^lountains  proper,  but  also 
because  a  similar  history-  may  be  credited  to  the  broa.l  Piircell  mountain  system, 
to  ti;e  brict  discu.-sion  ef  which  we  may  turn. 

I'lirrrU  ('„m,mnn.l  /A>/>7.— The  ivlirf  -f  i',,.  I*;,,-,.,.]]  -y<tem  is  indi Mtcd  Lv 
the  el.nations  of  the  local  haselevcls  as  compared  -vith  the  highest  summits. 
The  Kooten.iy  river  at  (iat.nvay  is  abmit  2,300  feet  above  sea.  and  at  Porthili, 
about  l.rr.i)  re..t  above  sea.  The  highest  ppidi  in  the  Boundary  belt  between  the 
two  ci-ossinps  of  the  river  is  map|ied  as  '.TA^  feet  in  height. 

This  br..a<l,  compound  hoi-^t  is  througlmut  e„mpnsod  of  cvceedinglr  strong 
rocks,  chiefly  quartzites,  though  the  thick  sills  of  gabbro  are  perhaps  somewhat 
stronger  than  tlie  .|uarl/,ites,  and  the  Purcell  I.ava  is  ccrtainlv  stromrer  than 
the  associated  metarciliites.  The  lava  makes  strong  scarps  on  the  limbs  of  the 
oroad  syncline  of  the  Jli^Cillivray  ran-.,  and  forms  a  strong  ridge  on  the  eastern 
limb  ol  the  aiiti<dinal  fold  .iust  where  the  stratified  series  plunge?  under  the 
surface  depo-^its  of  tlie  Kocky  ifountain  Trench.  Another  hint  at  .lifTcrential 
har.lness  is  found  in  the  develo])mpnt  of  the  steep  escarpi.uent  facing  the  Afoyie 
•^'.IN.  :'n(l  it  is  ,H,.sil,!ethat  thes pn,-.  of  the  McKini  cliff  is  partlvduc  to  the 




01  1 

the  uniformity  of  th;;;:;;";;;  'z:zi"'  't  °'  ""■  ^"''-  -^^  ^  -'•■•  '-^ever. 

of  relief  whchor  in  pro    e  o    ^  LI  :''^."  ';:''■ -"^  "^""'-  """/^  ""■  -«'" 
mountain  .ysfon,  a,.,to  c  '  ,'•"  '■""°"''  ♦"-^'■<^f"'-^  thi. 

of  tl.e  -nuci/more  lH:,erlc. Vein    roc  f  7     '"•  ^'■'"'*  '"'■'"'-'"^  "'••  """"'o^-' 

<l.u.rtziu.8.  "«-"-'  leou-  rocK.s  e,,n,vnlent  „,  nge  to  tl,o  I'ur.ell  syston, 

The  structun.  is  e-sontially  tlu.t  of  a  of,,,,,,    ,,,     \,  ,..„. 

the  Larami.le  revo  utkm      I    i«    "',,,'  '"f  "'"''  '  '"f*'-^  ''''  ^'^^-^"'''1  ♦" 
are    reprcente,      "n    t  "'    .  -  '^  ""''"''■'  *''"*   ""^  ""«'""'   fault-scarp. 

form   of   the   constructional   surface   of   tt.   ^    }  "   ^    <l.-ovonnfr  tho 

difficult  to  describe  the  T-ai  of  nrnV  ^^''''t   ^^nrnpound    hor.t    makes    it 

-osion-cycle;  bu,    1  e  de^  ee  of  re IkriLZT;."*:''. ''^  *,'^  '"^""'  '^"^  "^  ^h^ 
plateaus  or  other  plr. siotrauh  c  '  "i^       '  ^  '""*"'"'•'  '''"''""^^^'^ 

structed.     \Vith  the  ouSt  on    •    :        7  '^'  '"^""■'  ^"™  ^"^  f>«  'econ- 
oro.ion,  li,e  that  i!  Z'S:r"raiS.":r'maT,:re"'^'-^  ""'^'^"•^-  '^^'^   "^  *"'^ 

uvo  'Iit:::;^^";^,^;.^;^  z^-[;  ■/rt'^'"--  ^'r"-ii;--  ^'-'''-  ^'>« 


valleys  occurring  west  of  the  West  Fori    .'n     v.,  J^"""'!"--?;   *wo  meridional 

.■"..-diately  .eft  of  tC' M^vie  Tilelt  tt'Tl™*:  :,•;;  Tin''*^  ^^'7^  '''''' 
ranges  these  valleys  seem  to  be  ln,.„t»,I  '"'^  """"'''"7  i-  no.  As  n.  the  eastern 
tl'e  time  of  fauhin-'   bui    cannot  \  ""     ,""'  "'  <lopression  instituted  at 

I'cen  developed  bv^bt  heac'w  r5  .V'w.V,  'f  ''""  ''"^"  ""'  "'  ■^"'^  '"-^^"-^ 
readily  along  the\ettv  1  S  Tel  Jt  lo-'^  ,"''"''  '"'^"'"'"^•'  '"^^ 
origin  is,  however,  not  probable  for  e  rS  ':^'''Z  ^'"'^  %'''-^"-* 
brecciation  along  the  faults  is  almost  Z/i  ^'"^  ^°"^'  °^  possible 

i-aults  in  the  mo^m.ain   ",.te  n   g     efali f  not"  "^  '""■'>  """T  "''"'^'  '""^^  "^  *'■« 


iiy.i'MiTMi  \r  iir  thk  nrnnitit 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

^o,l,mpntar>  ork.s.  S„W<,uont  stremns  of  the  InltPP  elas.  nro  -triUndv  rire 
throughout   the  montitain  systoni.  tririneiy  rare 

Tho  .Irninn^..  on  the  oaatorn  slope  of  the  MoOillivrflv  ra.,pe  has  the  look 

hmb  ot  th..  bro,..l  anticline  in  that  part  of  tho  section.  Sin.ilnrlv  ,  ^—^r 
or>^,n  H  mos,  p  an,ihl.v  attrib-.tcl  to  the  north-flowin^  creek '  IraS  hi 
north-p.telnn^  .x,s  of  th.  .yndine  just  weM  of  the  Mefiitiivrav  «nm  i,  The 
nm.n  fork  of  th-  'i  ahk  river  i.  loc.te.i  in  an  antielinnl  1,.],  „„,!  i,  m  vre,"^ 
.ent  a  sul,se,|>ie„t  stream  in  thi.  part  of  its  <.o..r.e  ' 

liie  .,l,,tM.,M  nl  a  set  ot  .loni.nant  c.ons...,„cnt  stream,  an.i  that  iher..  is  little 
evi.lence  of  stream  adjustment  in  this  mountain  svslem 

Kach  of  the  three  ennstituent  ranges  shows  the  nr-eorciance  of  summit  levels 
m  a  very  notnhle  way.  In  no  ease,  however,  is  there  any  known  remnant  plateau 
of  an  ol.l.  ,,pl,f,o,i  peneplain.  The  problem  of  explaining  the  aeeoniance  o 
summ;  le,-els  ,s  tho  same  as  in  the  Gulton  range  and.  in  ^aet.  throughout  the 
majority  of  the  ranges  crossed  by  the  Forty-ninth  Parallel,  we  have  the  same 
Phenon,enon.  The  problem's  solutio.,  in  terms  of  one  erosion-eyele  ha  already 
been  partly  indicated  and  will   be  discussed  more  fully  on  later  pages. 

Sdson  nan„r  Mnnorll,,,.    -Tl:,.   ,„•    ,),,  Solki.k.    at    the  Fortv-uinth 

5^lf  f /'ifTn'f  "",  ^°"°^i"«  fi?'"-<'^-  The  local  baselevels  are  the  Kooteaav 
river   fat   Porth.ll)   with  an   altitude   above    .sea    of  about    1.750  feet  ■   and  the 

elevations  generally  well  under  7.800  feet,  with  Mt.  Kipple  (7,flSl  feet)  as  the 
highest  m  the  Boundary  belt.  ' 

Again  the  <iuality  of  the  topography  is  that  of  '  mature  '  dissection  in  a 
s  rongly  mountain-built  region.  The  structure  is  chiefly  that  of  a  huge  rnono 
cline  of  conformable  strata,  steeply  upturned,  with  the  exposure  of  a  krge  area 
of  Its  foun,  nt.on._  the  Prie-t  Uiver  t.rraue.  Th-  !„  .d  „u,.„v,.riu.  7hZl 
batholiths  of  granitic  rock  adds  an  element  new  to  our  plivsio^rraphic  section 
but  hcneeforth  to  be  considered  at  intervals  all  the  nay  to  the  Pacific  C 
eenerally  very  high  d,ps  together  with  the  great  thickness  of  tho  mono,  '.e 
nilJ  "'0;'ntuipafon  of  deeded  .lifferenccs  of  strength  in  the  different 
members;  .nil  ot  these  may  contrast  in  'hardness'  with  the  batholithic  rocks 
and  with  the  Pnost  I  iver  terrane  which  is  itself  heterogeneous.  Field  work 
just.hes  this  view.     All  the  rocks  are  strong  in  absolute  measure,  but  there  is 

tm.t'ion  ""';  "T'"'""'  '^='^?^'^"^'^^  "f  ^^'''"Sth  »"'ong  the  many  rock- 
^rmnfon,.  .\mon?  the  more  resistant  members  are  the  Ripple  quartzite  the 
Uo^t  gnt.  and  the  Ba.yonne  granodiorite.  The  weaker  rocks  inclu.le  the  Fend 
D  Oreille  schists,  the  Irene  .  onglomerate,  and  the  many  .ones  of  metargillite 
in  the  Summit  scries.  ^""". 

The  bold  and  fretted  ridges  and  peaks  of  the  range  afford  the  finest 
.scenery  to  be  found  in  the  Pound.ary  .^.Ption  1  etween  the  Clarice  ran-^o  and  the 
Jl,.zomeen    range.      The    explanation    of    its    impressiveness    lies    partly    in    the 

in  riiiii  III   I  in  i  im  /    , 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

I  I.I. \  I,  Ml  /,' 



I. lit 

I 'lie 


I    nil, 



structure  of  the  rock,  and  tl,c  natu,..  „,    -ho 

""■  -"|-'i-'<-'i"M   thnt   it   limy   ,,|„,  1 ,„i,ti..,„.|      ,.   ,, 

..rog.^uc  uplift  in  ,l.i«  ,,..r,  of  the.  tr......(„r.lilleran  M, 

one  S;::;::r's:;:^:ti:[-^-i,-:^^;-r;  ■-;•'«  'r-- 

Summit.  Monk,  l.o.t    ,,,,.1  s|,.,.„  ,.,,,ol-.  ,1  '"'',"'■•     '  '""'■'"'■.v.  ('or... 

'.0  attribu...  to  .r..a„::'w,!;;;^;,i;S;.'  ;:j;:7;r";;  '■;''  --.— "-^ 

I'ppor   Priost   river,   rtow  .<,  ^,  ,;,       ^    :;;,''"  7;;''''>-  -».'.'  n'^.o.l  iln.iun^,.. 

terrano.  may  represent  h  short  .M:bseMue,it   valL      T  I  •    V"    '""  '' 

!.s  not  oa..iIy  explicable  but  miv  be  tem'  I  ]tl  .  P""  '•"''\'^'  "'  ''"•  Salm.i, 
^v  the  break  of  .lore  al  breiMcrnoo,  ,■''.'  r' T  ''"""^'  •'""•^'■'i"-' 
Mountain.  The  .u  erpo.e,!  dn  '  .^  '^  ^  ";:,;f  I'^^T  >"'r  "^  ""-- 
Biiyonno    batliolith     is    (,•„>„- n,„   „.  1  '•'^■'.'"■'-'   "•'■'n'l'iit'   lb.-  extoiiHu. 

^odin,entarycovern,n"T.  ■'''!'"■■'';''•"    '"'   "'"   '""■-'    I"""'   ""    ■>- 

M-rios  of  rocks  ■    -tr'i.pcl  of  the  overlyin;;  .'^•itiiinii 

The    evidcm.for    more    thai   o"  i  ,,','::;;;''' ,^7'"  "•'''^"^•^*"'"■ 

Laramie   upturning  is   prnctieallv   ,.ii  rl  i    , Iw   7, '     ^'f    '"'"■''   ""   f"^**; 

erosive  vork   repiescutcd    in    ti.e' a..,  al  .li    e     cn^f       /"'          r    T'"'"*   "^ 

"oud  .>ieem  that  all  Tpfti-,rv  tJ,  ,  '  ''^  monoclinal   mass,   it 

orosiou-cycie  caL^i  li  di:- .,:::;:/'!;:.!r':,-:"  •"°^': "--  -«=-•■'  ^or  .he  o„e 

Bu,niinulon-Rn^.s;„n,l  \lo,inl'i„  ,,•■„., 
deformed  volcanic-  rocks  and  of  batiiolithi 
tieutel  a^  n   phy..iiosrapliic  uuif.     It,  J,,,..,] 

"i.i.  the  .-nui,,;ti' -u?,,?'  i,^,srSji^:lr^  ':r  '•^^■'  ^'-'••'"i- 

>n  plnoe.,  considerable  depo.itlou  o,  a  drif  e  eer  T  1  ice  n\""T'"  ""' 
done  lutle  to  affect  ,be  pre-filaciai,  l..o-n,n,ur;;":;acJ  "  'th"  .'ri^^K:!"' 
The  .summits  are  reh.tivel.v  low  here  not   onlv  beo.,,-^  ,1  1      ,    """'^'-'"'', 

-'-.•h.n^  n,ore  rapidl.v  than  it,  ,i.o  n  Ire  V  t.  v  r"  ■■  b  t' ;%  ""  ""n'" 
-.,..  the  rocVs  of  ,hc  Kos-,.,„,  ,n.,,..,  ...,„.  J  ,^::[\:,X  l^^UVtHl 

'  maturity. 

•/''''•'■*,    li'-M     "f     ivhitivcl.s      .,1.1, 

luiru-ivis    may    i„.     convenientlv 

i!-elcvcl   i<   tlie  Columbia  at  aboiii 


of  the  Xelson  r,uige  at  least 

The    drainage   history    i.s    hirjoly 
ment  of  the  stream.,  sncg.-sts.  however.   ,„u  „v, 
ot  .he  thick  Rossland  volcr,nic  pile  conTrollod  it 

J.'i!-  v.:|.   iii— 4n.;( 

i.|-le:'i;>iic,-„l,l,..      'iLe    reneral    arranpc- 

tne  hypothesis  that  the  oripinal  form 

in  jome  mea=urc,  though  con- 




III  I- u: I  \n  \i  i,r  riii:  iMruiitu 

2  GEORGE   V ,  A     I9I2 

n.u,t  Imv.  al,o  k.....  .lo>elo,>...!  Too  lit.).,  i,  known  a.  to  ,ho  ....l-rock  struc- 
ture iM  I,.,  rKion  t„  Kue  crtun  .■Iu,»  on  the.-  .nn-sfion..  Western  Sheen 
creek  an,l  the  (  hr,.s,,na  lake  v.lle,  are  appnrcntl.v  lo-.t-l  on  mori.lion,,!  fault', 

ZrrtTulTTl  '''"'^^^\"''f  "'^  f"""  I'l-no,.     The  western  two-tlunl.  of 

he  ImthulHh.e  n„..s  ,w  .-...Mparr,!  with  il;e  ,„„nlr.vr.„.k..  Thnt  k  in  thi.  n^.i„n 
the  .lra,nn«o  unee  e.i,stin«  on  the  bnth..lithi,-  eov.r  ha.  been  Ineallv  replaced 
bv  -Iramat-  wl„e  ,  ...  oentr.fui::.!  fro-n  the  batlH.lith  beeauso  erosion  In,,  lowereJ 
the  -ofter  ,0(..s  all  about,  huch  streams  are  not  e..nse,p,Pnt  on  the  initial  relief 
01  u.„hthic  eover  but  are  e„„M.Muent  on  the  intrusion  of  the  balholith,  a, 
«eli  as  .ub»e,,uent  to  the  besinnin;,  of  the  ero3i„n  eyelo  „fTe<tinK  the  cover, 
lo  n.,i.eate  the  eon,p„s„,.  ehnr.eter  of  ,hi.  kin.l  „f  ,lra>„a.'e  tiu-  «rit,r  ha. 
propose,!    he  aaject.vo.  • -ubeo.s.,,uent.->     The  Coryell  area  .Kk-.  not  furnish  a 

/„   *■•"•  '';'•'■  '.'"^.^"j '■'■''"'■"'   "'""'"■•   '"   ""■   "•'-■  '""<   i'   '"  «""  -i<H''ult 

to  prove  for  them;  yet  there  can  be  little  douU  that  the  batholithie 
>.;enite  ..  hanler  the  -UUu  ,u.\  vol,.un,es  r.,Mn,l  aKout,  Tl,e  ,.o,rs,.  of  the 
<  oluuibiarncr  at  the  Forty-ninth  Parallel  is  an  open  problen..  Tt  i.  locnllv 
.operpose,!  on  ,l,e   rra:l  .r Ii,„i,e  1„„  ahuo.t  nothing  is  k,„.un  which  »Jhe.  a 

eta.  e,l  notion  a.  to  the  origin  of  the  valley  in  the  batholithie  roof 

An.oiig  the  n.any  physir-^raphle  detail,  of  the^e  mountains  onlv  one  will 
be  here  .Men„o,.e.l-the  well  ...ow,.  .y,te.n  of  terrace,  of  the  Columbia  vallev. 
.  MH pie  a.,  tho-e  jtruNel  benches  a.e  in  appearance,  their  complete  history  cannot 
ye  be  wr.tten.  Much  fiel,.  work  ne.,1.  to  be  .lone  on  each  side  of  the  Boundary 
and  for  hundre,  .  of  n„k.s  „,,  „„,1  down  the  river,  before  the  fact..  ,  suffioientlv 
accumulated,  l-or  the  pn'sent  the  writer  will  attempt  to  do  .,o  more  than 
1  I",  rate  the  mo.t  conspicuous  terrace  of  and  Rrnvel  where  it  occur,  at 
t!ie    lioiin.lai-y    lifie    (  i'lai.'   T.!,    rii;iire    ,\  i, 

Chn.tina  Ran,,<-  ami  lioundary  Creek  Distrirt.-Vioin  Chri.stina  lake  to  the 
Kettle  river  valley  at  Jlidway,  the  relief  and  other  physiographic  feature,  are 
n.ue  1  l,ke  those  of  the  n.ountains,  and  apain  the  systematic  portraval 
ol   these  features,  founde.I  on  genesis,  has  so  far  provc.l  largely  impracticable 
he  writer  ha.  made  comparatively  little  personal  study  of  this  region  in  the 
.0  1.     Ihc  facts  of  rehof  are  a  ready  well  expressed  for  an  unusual  distance  on 
.oth  sides  of  the  Boundary  line.     The  ditticult  topography  of  the  Boundary 
(  reek   uistric     has  b-en  contoured  with  great   fidelity  hv  W.  II.   Bovd  of  the 
«  ■  (...o  oLMeal  Snrvey.  this  map  servi.-.g  as  the  ha^i.  for  Brock's  geologi- 
cal  map  of  the  di.trict.f     On  the  Tr,.ited   States  side  wo  have  the  likewise 
ex.'clent  .hoe!,,  of  the  Tiepuhlic  and  Oso.voos  o.uadiangles  of  the  T^nite,!  States 
•.clog.eal  Survey  (liiOt).    The  topographic  materials  are.  therefore,  in  hand  for 
^_^^^'Geol0K.T  of  Ascutuey  Mountain.  Vermont.  Bull.  U.S.  a«,l.  Survey.  No.  209,  190.3. 
t  i'ubiicution  No.  828  of  ths  surv-y,  VM:,. 

/.'/  rill,' I  III   I  in:  i  mi  i 

SESSIONAL    PAPtR   No    254 

I  W/,o\«il//,/.' 


uii    timKui.ll.v    tli.iriiUKli    ir.alin,. 


''"'•'"    ,^'"':^">-  'l'*"-'t  i«  a  .n>„.,i,i„„al  pron-,„-n 

rnnfre  was  ro.MpleM.v  rvvero,|   |,v  ll».  ,c,-c,,,  of  tL C  •  **V   '"^'"" 

S.0  h  el::.";;'  :''^  r"^ ;":  ""•'  ■'■'^^  ■■-« '"-- >  -"v 

,rio.i!  '■     "'"" ""*■"■""■  "'^"l""-""  t"  tl'n  ,i.u-„  of  ,!„>  .;l„.;,,i 

the  problem  is  essentiallv  as  .liffioult  '    '  "''"" 

^  t  ™':Er:*— ^  - -I-  -^ - "- ";i  "-;=;; 

•  Se..  |{.  W.  Brock,  Ann.  Rep.  Oeol.  Survey  „f  CanaHa.  V„l.  15.  19(t'.  „.  93A. 


^JA\;L  A71 



hifun  Ml  \  I  ,,i   nit:  i\  ikkidH 

2  GEORGE  V  .  A.  I'M; 
•tro.m  1...  I„vn  .-omp,.!!...!  to  ,■,.  i„t..  th.-  thick  ,n;.p,  .,f  w,h|,..,1  ,U.,ritu. 
.fflu..n  o  th,.  Kc  tk.  rner.  ,;...  Su,v  ,„r  JJakcr,  cnvk.  I,.,v,.  ..n,r,.n..l,...l  ,h,.,„. 
Tr     ,  rl  r    "','''■"  ''7"^""  ,  •^"  '^  •"  '■-  "^■•'■'"•"''  •-■  "-"- -l"!-'l 

ar.    iii.l,  nior.-  *tn,i;irl,v  ,l,.uv. .,,..,■  ,I,,.„  t;,,,^.   ,.f  it.  ,„vn  i,riii,.-l,r. 

-\.'>      .-,«I.,mI  -,r,.:.„.<-     Ih..  ,„.„.,..  ,„a,v  b.  ....i.kl.v    uP.l,.r,t.,„  I  fm,,,  „  m,,,!-. 
o     !>.,„.   ,.,„,,  r.  ....   ,1,..  .,„.,-  ,.     1„   ,|,i.   pl„,..    |,.t    i,   .„,Fi,,.   ,„  ,,v  ,!,.„   ta.. 

.ief.n,!,,,^      r„.k.,,Hr.     «-|,i-h     ,1, ^r.^^\n^      ,i,.,,.l,    ......n.I  ,•',.•..    ..r^.am 

ni.'oi,,r,.r,s   ,,t   ,m..rv..k  „,   i,   ,,o,„nn,t,.   tl,..  loo-i-  ,>,„.. .rial  „f  tl,..  l«t,  ■(  ;i„..,l 

rluvuti  .n       riie  ,ni„bir  the  i.,..,,n,|ori,^y  of  tl„.  stream;    the  wi,|,h  ■■.• 

til.',-  |.f!(   ,.  tla.rcii.v  liiiiitt.i  ^,.1,!   (.' 

-ii'e   Irotii   il 

tro.Vfxl  a-  tin*  ri'siilt  »i  iniicli  u. 

ti'iii>  has  yi't  ullowoil, 

S,..eM!  r„...  ,„•  ,r ,u„.i   ,..,!  , „„,„,,„,   ,,„„^,;  ,     ,.,,^,^^  _^,^^ 

Il:  '  [ioii.„l,ir.v  I  e!t.    Oti..  of  tlw*,.  is  illunnii.  .1  L,  !']  ,tc  .iS 

I.,  tl.i,  r.vion  f..r  tho  first  tin-e  uv  ti„,l  tw.,  „oe  li„08.  n»  Rms.o,.)!  an.i  u-hor 

.i  ..i.Kl.!  |.n,„ar,l.v.   lb,.  fore«t  ,.  horo,  fb,..rrf,>rr,  .ii.fril  ulcl  n„tv  „„  i„„.,.,„...!iat;, 

lu      ,w  a  tuu.ln-  o!   inoM   of  tl,e  „un.i,tai„.,  howovor.  the  Inwr  tre.-llnn  onlv 

u  generally   v,-,l.l.  u>   the  .Mi,i...,v  ,ii,,..i,...     Th.  h.-i^ht   of  this  Ii„.  i.  .I'l, 

.ore  vnriahh.  than  oven  the  norma!  upper  tr,e-Iin,>.     The  exposure  of  the  slop- 

rer,  r.       ,     ■  ";'  t"''  '■^^"^.'"■■"•"'h  ->'l  yet  other  e.uM.tio,.,  ,„„.st  ohviou  iv 
alleet  the  position  ot  thin  tree-line  at  anv  loealit.v 

InUnor     l'l„t.„.u<.^-'nu.     Anar-hi..      obi-u.'o.nlaiM 

'•   fi.erebv  Iwiiitt.l   „.„i    ti.i  hiyh-Lvih-  *aiM,   an  I   ^ravl,   ,,r, 

rnvr.  altaok   until  tb-_nH,..b  touRher  r„ek-^piir*  have  l-wn  >'.,:- 

V  proi,.ML'eil  lai..ral  .-o-rasion  than  po-t-(rlari  i' 


'igh  its  Kenoral  -iurfa. 

plateau      luorit- 


<■  s!iou.-=  .liffereiees  of  elevation  of  ai  much  as 

name  ultii 

l.WO  feet.  As  a  .listinot  unit  u,th  a  ,-uhninatinfr  point  of  noarlV5..V ■I'Vm"  ft 
.,.>n,N  ^.,v,.  th..  ()k.,;,„^.„.  .:,'l..y  wnirl,  j.  „l.o:,t  0:!0  feet  nhove  sea  at  the 
e.]...  of  O.s.,voo.  b,ke.  I  ra.t„-alb-  the  whole  of  ,1„.  plateau  is  eompo.ed  of  ^reativ 
crump,e,i  1  a!,  oo,o  „o.hmenl8  and  !nterb,..|,b..l  pree„.tone«,  except  wliere  these 
rocks  are  replaoe,]   by  a  part  of  the  Osoyoos   batholitl,. 

A.'io-.   ,1„.   h,k,..   an.i   -..: .'r;,t    l,.-,..   ;„   ,l,i,„b,    :,   ,,,„   Knnrer-ni  .untVu 

P«  eau.  eompo.e.l  ot  the  sam.  Pal..o.oir  roeks  together  with  various  bodies' o 
puton,..  ,n  ru.,.ve.  „.prH«e,l  „-    date  all  tho  wa.v  fron,   the  late  .Tur tssi!^^    o  ,hl 
oZm,u  iXf"'  "''  "'"  ^'"'"^<^'"-"  -P^'r«'-«  "'«  Pl'"eau  from  the 

the   ''^?,!"''-r/'"'u"'''  '''''''■"?  ^"''-  ""■'■'■  '^  '"'  '^•«^'"'  '"  "'i"k  tl'«'  f-itl'er  of 
tht..  n,a,,.f.  ba-  b^en  eo-ere.l  bv  se-lime,,..  other  than  huM-wa.h  an.!  Cla-ia! 

•W,  M.   I)„V!?,   An.prican  -I.  urn;,i  ,.f  .Si-n.  r.   V(,l     M.   1002    ,,    " 


VW  M'~'-'      ~ 

l« *#■ 

"!■  lii     !•■  'ili;. 

"Jd&  a'WCClt^'.^i 

i;i:i;,in  nr  riii:  riin:i    \sii,;.\,n!i:i! 



drift,  since  the  upturning  of  the  Infe  Juris  I,.    Tl,.,.   • 

explanation  of  the  plateau  form  of  the  iru,Jf^  V  ■       ,        .      "   "^''"O"^ 

was  at  the  same  perio.l  only  sliirhtl.v  lower  than  at  present    «nH  ihZ  11 

to    the    belt    are    not    credited  with    affecti.ig  the    inteiitv  ,^i      ,!    1 '"  "?"" 
We  may  (|uote  further:— 



i>i:i'ARryf:\T  of  the  isrr.ition 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

'In   the  later  Plioceno  a   vt-r.v  niaikc.l   rei^lovation   of  the  Pordillerun 

region  evdently  occurred,  leading  to  the  renewed  activity  of  river  eosion 

the  cutting  out  of  deep  valleys  and  canyons,  and  the  shaping  of  the  surface' 

to  a  form  much  like  that  held  by  it  at  the  present  day.    This  e  eva   on  in 

mmu°rr°?''  ''"'rt"f  "1  ^"■"'  ""''  ^'^  '""'•^  <'«t«"''J  «c<^o"»ts  in  the  govern- 
ZL  "^  fl  .?  *'",^'"  ''i*^  ''"■*°  *^'^"'^  *•"»»  tJ^^  accordance  of  levels  amo"' 
the  mar.v  flat-toppe.i  massifs  of  the  bolt  cannot  be  directlv  connected  winH; 
Eocene  peneplanat.on     The  same  fact  is  at  once  apparent  f rl  r hs  "•  i  „ 

hnJr     "f!'-""*^   ^'V^'^"^  '^'^''  °^  '^^  ^""'"'"^'•^  Geological   Sunev      I, 
those  maps  i    >s  seen  that  a  very  largo  proportion  of  these  tvpical  areas  of  the 

^  ..  .nd,>r].„n    .y  tl.e  „r  .,Mt..  h,.ri;:oMt:d,  .vne  u-lenni!-!     ,"  ,     ' 

flafrfe  ;f  ,/*,,""  f  ''J.''  "^  '"  '""^'"'■''  "'^  'i^e  that  explninins  the 
flatne,.  of  the  Colmnbu,  of  the  Fnite.l  States.  Daw.con's  ma„s  and 
reports  show  that  the  E.,ce„e  eroded  surface  mus,  now,  over  lar^e  are  s  'be/  r 

LtlletT,  i  t  P  T  '''■''  ''"^"  ■•''''''  ''''  *'"'  <ienuda.ion-,wface  trun  " 
ng  the  ina»Mc  and  Paleo/o.c  terranes  of  the  belt  is  more  than  6,000  feet  ,■.    .e 

in  ih  '  T)  '^r''"''-  ■'""■^■'•^'  ^"^'"''^  '^'  ^-'^'^  'l"»t  the  pres;nt  acTorl.uco 
in  the  .evels  of  the  many  plateaus  in  the  belt  is  to  be  explained  bv  preTio cene 
baseleyelhng.      J  here  are,   however,   plenty    of  local    areas  in    the    beUas  at 

-o  llat  as  iairb   to  be  called  peneplains  or  extremely  old  mountains.     For  the 
enormous  denu.latiou   there  represented   we   have  pre-Eo..ene   tin.e  at   our  , 
posal  in  making  explanation. 

„,,/!/2"V''T[i  '^'?^°'''  *''■;"■  «™'^'i«-lly  «P«»l<ing.  we  cannot  call  this 
part  ot  the  (  ord,  lera,  between  the  Coast  range  and  the  Cnlun.bia  mo  nt  in 


^=d  zx  i^?x=r i-s:'  r hS^;i"^;7thLrnnS 

states  geologies  sliould,   however,   be    considered  in  the  light  o     the  act, a 
topography    of   the    Okanagan,    Hozomeen,    and    Skagit    ranges       The    fur  her 
di^HHs.on  ot  tin.  matter  of  Ter.iar.v  peneplanotion  will,  therefore,  i'e  ;,:,",,. 

Bomid:;  tl    ""'"^  ^  '^"'    ^'"'^  ''  '''    '■^"^'^'"'"^  -»^-  ---'•  b;  the 
3,«00  .bo>.  ,.».    The,  „,e.m.  om,„j  the  ,»11,,„  ,l*h  „^,i,,Iy  d,,,";, 

*0,   M.   Dawson,   ibid. 

p.  90. 



REi'OKT  OF  Tin:  ciny.F  asii!,,\,,mki! 



the  range  on  the  cast  and  west  si.lpa      Ti...  v,;,i  ... 

The  diversity  of  the  relief  ia,  however    all   '„.rn«.  ,l  ^      , 

It  i3  in  the  Selkirk  runee  on  the  eM^   r  i'  u  '   "'''^'''  ^"''  ''^^^  ">^'" 

on   the  west.     Large  .  of     1  e      L-  '  "o«"'Hvt,  and  SKadt  ran..v. 

-trongly  rolling,  wiH.  fre,Jent  d  'me  i'"f"   T  "'"'   '"   ^'"■*'   P'"'''"'-'"-. 
M.rface  !y  l.Ou,',  f,,>,  .,rSotaTlv^ooV  ?''"«'?  ^""■I-"""'"^'  ♦'•<-  Son..:-.,l 

;jser^  in  the  iieidhoth  view! ..:  ;na::;tl^^::e;^^'A;:J:;'*^;,.,,S,,:!:• 
he  Okanagan  range  .s  ecnposed  of  ...eeedingly  strong,  graniti.-    ,  ,    '    ho      i 

ion,  tne  lew  sinnll.  schistose  roof-pon<lanta  represent   the  onlv  '.oft'  rn,-I  - 
>n  the  range  as  sampled  in  the  Bon.ulary  helt.     On  the  other  hmd   ?)      Tr 
•neen    range    ,s   heterogeneous    in    eon.po^ition ;    sedi,    ^t,     r ehu  "i    1  k''"" 

bang  a  spontaneous  and  neeesTaTS'^^ftoSn   i     th'atl^t.^   'tZ 




2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

hTJr^''\\  "'^"^••'''"«t/°"  "'^"''  '"  ''''^^'"'•'^•'•'  i^  ''^eluded  by  the  second 
hypothesKs.  Messrs.  S.nuh  and  Calki,,..  who  ,„ade  a  reconnafs.ance  urvev 
of  the  range  ■„  connection  the  work  of  the  International  Boundary  Com 
m  .  .on.  have  pre  errc.i  the  first  of  the...  two  hypotho-c.  while  the  present 
^nter  u  pracfca  ly  forced  to  favour  the  second.  To  avoid  repetition  th. 
liscuss.„n  of  the  altenuUive  will  b.  pos.poncl  until  the  two  western  ranKes'hiv^ 
been  con.s.dere.1,  tor  Snuth  and  Calkins  have  extended  the  two-cycio  hvpotheZ 
to  the  entire  Cascade  systen.  and  it  will  be  well  briefly  to  review  he  facts 
before  entering  further  into  the  iield  of  iheor.v. 
with'^tlT'"   Z^  ?•';•"?■   "''"o^l'''y■■*i"f-"•"l•hi'•   subjects   of    interest    in    ,„nneetion 

To  daJ^'io^'l  .  '"";"-"r  "'  ""■  ^'"'"■^'■'""  '•""«'■•     Tl.e  Iand-forn,s  due 

to  g^at.ation  have  been  bnelly  treated  in  the  last  chapter.  Certain  physio- 
graphic procmes  unusually  well  illustrated  in  this  range  will  be  considered  K- 
In  lowing  Kenera  discussion  of  the  erosion-cycles  represented  in  the  Cordillera. 
As  reguns  the  drainajio  it  may  here  simply  be  said  tliat.inthis  range,  it  is 
nearly  al  superposed  throui-d,  the  roofs  of  batholiths.  On  a  previous  png^  it 
was  noted  that  the  Pasayten  v«lley  may  be  locally  of  subsequent  nature,  but 
there  is  doubt  even  ot  that  one  en^e.  while  elsewhere  I-  the  Boundary  belt, 
there  is  practically  no  hint  of  adjustment.  This  feature.  .::  .  terrane  so  wonder- 
fully homogeneous  m  rock-strength,  is,  of  course,  no  argument  against  the 
two-cycle  hypothesis.  It  is  mentioned  here,  specially  to  show  that  the  evidence 
as  to  Uie  causes  of  the  present  stream-courses  is  extremely  small.  Beyond 
recognizing  the  tact  of  superposition  through  the  batholithie  cover,  we  can 
get  almost  no  hint,  within  the  Boundary  belt,  of  this  drainage  history. 

Ilozomee,,  Ra,r<,c.-T\u'  main  part  of  thi<  ranpe  i<  c.:,u;.osed  of  th,.  .^reat 
monocline  of  Cretaceous  sediments,  west  of  which  is  the  narrow  horst  of  the 
Hozomeen  ridge.  The  local  baselevels  are  found  at  the  Pasayten  with  altitude 
of  abou  3.1  00  feet  above  sea  and  the  Skagit  at  about  1,700  feet  above  the  same 
datum  level.  The  higher  summits  like  Castle  Peak  at  8,340  feet,  and  Mt 
Hozomeen  at  S,020  feet  above  sealevel,  are  simply  the  culminating  points  on 
unusually  ugh.  steep-sided  ridges.  The  canyons  of  this  maturely  dissected 
mountain-block  range  in  depth  from  2,000  feet  to  3,500  feet  or  more  Glacial 
erosion  has  done  something  to  sharpen  the  topography  which  locally  bears  true 
alpine  liorns,  but  the  general  cross-sections  of  the  canyons  are  for  the  most 
part  rather  typical  of  water-stream  and  waste-stream  erosion. 

A  glance  at  the  geological  map  shows  the  fact,  already  recorded  in  earlier 
pages,  that  Lightning  creek  and  the  Skagit  river  locally  follow  the  outcrops 
o.  master-faults.  Ihe  same  is  true  of  the  main  fork  of  Chuchuwanten  creek, 
and  the  parallel  valleys  immediately  to  the  eastward  seem  to  be  located  on 
another  strike-fault.  A  few  short,  lonc-itudinal  branch- vallevs  draining  into 
J.ightning  creek  have  the  look  of  adjusted  streams  which  have  followed  specially 
weak  zones  in  the  upturned  Pas.iyten  argillites.  Most  of  the  valleys  in  the 
boundary  belt  are.  liowever,  transverse  to  the  strike  of  the  stratified  formations 
ihese  valleys  seem  to  represent  the  somewhat  diminished  successors  of  the 
consequent   streams    which   originally   draineil   the   wide   monocline    and    the 



i;i.i'i,in-  (,F  rut:  vuiF.r  astiiusomki:  q^^ 


8uper,m=e,i   rclalion/     A7.!!-iV  l'^'^''rp.lKl,;  Castle  creok  locally  into 

snrro,u,din..        l"   vill  be    rr7''''^^>'"T"   ''     ^  P'«"'i'-al!.v  oortain   that   the 

Near  tt;  Sn^ll  L  ,   i     -'r  V    '"''"'■''  "^  co.nparativoly  recent  date, 
cultv  r-'  nvl^       .K^  ^  '■'"'P*'"'  *>  -^"Pgestion  is  offcrcl  as  to  the  diffi- 

deal  in  .ore  „,  fashion  with  the  Casela:-;;:;;]!;!-: ^^  t^^^' 

gf..T,ON    OK    A    Ge..«,„,    T.HTUHV    PkXKPM.X    ,K    TtlK    C.SC.UK    J[„rVTMVS. 

In    the  year   1900   Kussell    published   an    iceoimt   nf    ,    .  ... 

northern  Washington,  in  which  'he  an.tonn  ed  The  coLlusion     h^^Th  "r"'  f 


i>h.i-.\in\ii:\T  III  riir:  imkuior 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
height  of  abnut  7,50(J  fei't.  If  (he  pivsciK  valloys  couM  ho  \\\V'.\  to  the 
level  of  the  orpsts  of  the  intervening  ridges,  the  now  exoossivelv  niggp.l 
niomitiiin  range  would  be  trnnifornic<l  into  a  broad  plateau,  fhc  striu-ture 
of  the  ro(.-ks  composing  this  plateau  would  find  littlo,  if  any,  expression  in 
the  surfr.ce  topography.  Jinny  of  the  stratified  beds  would  expose  their 
edges  iiiul  reveal  the  fact  that  they  are  tlie  truncated  bases  of  folds,  and 
in  ninny  instances  would  ^tand  vortiral.  In  other  words,  if  we  acccfit 
the  •  peneplain  iiiea,"  us  elaborated  by  Duvis  and  others,  the  surface  of  the 
pluleau  would  he  a  plain  such  as  is  produced  by  bise-level  erosion.  Briefly 
slated,  the  Cascade  mountains  as  we  now  know  (hem  seem  to  have  l)een 
carved  from  an  upraised  peneplain.  I'his  plain  wo  term  the  Cascndo 
peneplain,  and  the  plateau  may  be  conveniently  designated  the  Cascade 

■'''-'."-   ■" ''"'  ^vne.'ui   lev,.)    ,,r   thf   Ca,,..,,!,.   I'laleau   tli,  re   uiv   (-■■ 

classes  ol  p.aks.  First,  volcanic  mountains,  of  which  (ilacier  Peak  (near 
the  4^th   I'arallel   of   latitude)    is   the  only   known   representative    in    the 

region  considiM-fd    in   this  paper;  and,  see 1,  Kraiiitie   mountains,  sui-li   in 

till-  W.tiael.c  Mi.unM.iius  nnd  the  lofty  peaks  about  Lake  Chelan.  T:,,- 
\^lcanie  mountains  stand  on  the  Cascade  Plateau  and  were  formerl  after 
the  p«^riod  of  base-leveling  referred  to  above,  and  need  not  claim  further 
attention  at  this  time.  Some  of  the  granite  peaks  have  nn  elevation  of 
over  !i,()00  feet,  and  hence  rise  some  I'.i  (X)  leet  aliove  the  general  level  of 
the  tasca.le  Plateau.  These  are  the  iMouutnins  whi-h.  in  my  opiui.ui.  eeuld 
not  have  beCn  in  existence  as  toi)ogn,phir  elevations  at  the  time  the  main 
drainage  lines  were  established. 

'  Possibly  the  gmnitio  mountains  referied  to  are  of  the  nature  of 
monadnocks  or  remnants  left  standing  on  the  Cascade  peneplain.  If  tliis 
IS  true,  the  river  courses  which  cross  them  may  bo  explained  as  an  inheri- 
tance fmm  an  earlier  time  of  erosion  which  precr-dcl  the  general  base- 
level  in;;. 

It  may  also  he  suggested  in  this  same  L-niiiiection  that  the  Casi'mie 
peneplain  was  developed  above  the  present  general  summit  elevation  of  the 
large  majority  of  peaks  and  ridges  now  remnining,  and  has  been  lowered 
by  erosion,  leaving  the  more  resistant  r-icks  in  the  boldest  relief.  Under 
this  supposition  the  Cascade  Plateau  would  now  have  a  general  surface 
level  of  abo\:t  10,000  feet,  having  been  raised  from  near  sea  level.  In 
fa'  our  of  this  hypothesis  it  is  to  be  note.l  that  the  peaks  and  ridges  of  the 
Cascade  mountains  are  nearly  all  sharp.  No  recognizable  flat-topped 
remnants  of  the  original  plateau  remain  in  the  more  elevated  portion  of 
the  region  under  review.  As  soon  as  a  region  has  been  so  deeply  dissected 
h>  streams  that  the  ridges  are  sl'.arp-crested,  any  further  erosion  wilj  tend 
to  a  general  lowering  of  their  summits,  and  for  a  time  they  will  continue 
to  maintain  this  knife-edge  characteristic.  For  this  reason  the  Cascade 
Plateau,  since  being  sculptured  into  a  plexus-of  sharp-crested  ridges,  may 
have  sutfered  a  general  diminution   in  height,  owing  to  the  wasting  away 

Rf.i'onr  or  rut:  rinii    \.^ri.i,\ij3n:ii 



ltS^:j:.^:l5  -:;^-);  ;;;:j-'r  :.~'i^  -t : -i 

T',,  „     •,       ■.  .UMiii.    th,.  tr,.,„ni|   lev,-:   ,,t    th,.   Civ,-;,.!,. 

i,  ,  :    '  '"f."'  ^"''''''  '■..rrcspou.l.,  approximatolv.  will,  tlm  timber 

I     .;  a.  , C.rm.ned  bv  exHting  climatic  co.ulitio,,..     A,  w^.tl-orinri.  moL 

posiH::"!:^  i,^  ;lr  th?:::-  r::f "'  ^^  ^^^  r^""";'-  ^^  - 

how  that  the  H.rface  of  the   Cascade  Platea,,   was   f  ormorl^   liJ,.       1  ,  ," 

.a,  •;^;;l;:.,sr i::;sr:-hu: J'v^^^   -r:x  .r  „!!:; 

upheavals  su.ce  the  Cascade  peneplain  was  raised  into  n  platen,  and  ,  ,b 
e,ue„t  ,„  the  .n.t.ation  of  the  present  n  a.ter  drai„a,e^i  u-  Tilt  i' 
f  we  assume  that  the  granitic  core,  of  the  tnonntain,  have  bee,,   p"  1 'h 

about    .,..00  fee.  all  ol   the  observed  facts  bearing   on   the  .,„e-t^   „   „,  d.  ■ 
d.s<.u.s,on  fall  ,„  line  and  find  a  explanation.' 

on..  ^Xf!!^l  "T  '"'.'r"^  -^  ™"''^"  *'■"  '"'*"  ''J-IX'thesis  as  the  mor,.  p.-    ble 
h!'  proce::;:.'""""  '"  "■'"■"■^  ^^•''''•''  ^-^  -'<--'e<l.ed  not  to  be  .-onVinci.;: 

structure,   «-as  reduced   by  erosion   to   a   condition^:    •or/.,,dT" 

=  Z'  s^^£^r-^.r-i£  ~' V  -^ 

■novements  in  the  rocks  which  as  a  pa  of  their  i  '/"^  ''^^'^  ll"^ 
certain  of  the  ^  area.s  abo;e':he%^nlne;  "o^  U^"'  L  T  """' 
fact  ,Jat%oh:d°  et  Tf"'  °'  '"''"''*'""  '^  ^'"'^"  appro^",  l".  h, 

ituSt  ttst  t  e"lac\:ri:f™;r'r^^  r^'''  '^°"''  "°"«•""■•" 

Tertiar.  tin.e,  probabl.  Ixtttin'j  •nr^.r^VSren:'   "^'^"'""    '""    '"''' 
After  the  time  of  long-continued  erosion  referred  to  alK)ve    when  th« 
Cascade  region  in  northern  Washington  was  reduced  to  „  !>         ,  ■     ^ 

came  a  time  of  elevation,  when  the  pen  Jp  it  '  ,1"  r"''""''- *''"'-' 
it,  was  bodil^v  raised  some  7,500  feet  at  leaT'and  thusL'"^"  ^"^V""  "^ 
In  a  broad  view  of  the  regi;n  this  CatirP,:?!;''!.''   ^cl^id'I^^X 


nhi'MtTMiAr  or  Tin:  imekiok 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

Reasoning  on  this  basii,  Kusseil  conclude*  that  most  of  the  larger  streams  of 
the  Ca8ca<le«.  like  the  Skagit,  Mcthow.  Ciiplan,  Yajsimn,  etc,  aro  i.f  coii:Jr.,iiciii 
origin.  '  Their  eovirsea  were  determine.l,  in  the  main  at  least,  by  the  surface 
slopes  of  the  Cascade  peneplain.'* 

Two  years  before  Russell  hpp-an  his  reconnai^i-an^e,  Willis  had  come  to  very 
similar  conception*  of  the  later  geological  history  of  the  Cascades.  Thc^c 
views  were  Htrcnptheiicd  duriiiir  several  visits  to  the  field  between  IfiW  an'i 
1000.  inclusive.  In  colli.boration  with  O.  0.  Smith,  Willis  published  'Contri- 
butions to  the  Geology  of  Washington.'  in  which  the  hypothesis  of  late  Tertiary 
peneplanafion  was  considerably  amplified. +  ,\gain  somewhat  lilicral  q\u)tnti..ti- 
will  be  made,  as  thi*  paper,  like  RufspH's  bears  directly  on  the  gcnlntry  and 
physiography  of  the  Forty-ninth  Parallel  in  the  Cascade  system:— 

'AmoT-g  tbo  MTvL^es  ren.lcred  tlio  writer  [Willis]  by  George  Oli" 
Smith  was  that  of  well  maintained  seepticisin  in  regard  to  recognition  of 
an  ancient  plain  over  the  Cascades.  He  asked  for  demonstration,  wliicb 
was  difficult,  since  the  suggestions  of  panoramic  views  failed  to  convince, 
but  during  his  field  work  of  1900  he  himself  supplied  the  evidence  of  an 
oil!  base-level  plain  on  the  hills  of  Yakima  valley,  as  stated  in  the  first  part 
of  this  paper.' 

After  giving  an  analysis  of  the  topography  in  a  large,  typical  area  of  the 
Cascades,  Willis  writes: — 

'  Enough  has  been  said  in  the  descriptions  to  indicate  that  several 
stages  of  topographic  development  have  been  recognized.  They  are  clearly 
evident  in  such  a  profile  as  No.  1.  PI.  XIX..  from  the  Entiat  mountains 
across  Columbia  canyon  to  Badger  mountain.  Beginning  with  the  highest, 
the  peaks  i.S.TOO  to  5,800  feet)  and  the  flat  adjacent  to  them  are  considered 
to  be  representatives  of  the  oldest  stage  of  whi"h  definite  evidence  remains. 
They  are  correlated  with  Badger  mountain,  the  Waterville  plateau,  surfaces 
in  the  Chelan  and  possibly  the  Mcthow  mountains,  and  the  level  from 
which  the  high  Cascades  are  sculptured.  This  oldest  stage  is  therefore 
that  of  the  Cascade  plateau,  as  named  by  Russell,  but  now  called  the 
Methow  stage.  It  is  also  identified  by  O.  O.  Smith.  The  characteristic 
topographic  t.vpe  of  the  Methow  stage  was  a  plain,  upon  which  residual 
hills  survived.  Following  Davis,  it  may  he  .lesignated  a  peneplain,  with 

'  Within  this  plain  were  carved  valleys  which  appear  to  have  attained 
nearly  mattiro  development.  That  of  the  Columbia  in  profil,.  Xo.  1.  PI, 
XIX.,  appears  to  have  boon  2.^^00  or  2,500  feet  deep  and  seven  or  eij,'lit 
miles  wide.  The  smaller  stieams  certainly  developed  shallower  and  narrower 
valleys,  but  remnants  of  the  Methow  plain  west  of  the  Columbia  were  few 
and  limilod.  On  account  of  its  preservation  in  the  Imsin  of  the  Entiat, 
this  stage  Is  named  from  that   river.     The  characteristic  topographic  form 

•  t.  C.  IJux^-pH,    Twentieth  Antiual  Report,  U.  S.  GcoIoRical  Survey,  Part  2 

t  I).  Wiili^.   I'inf.  T'.-pcr  Vo.  1!).  T".S.  <noI.  .«iirvcy,  pp.  (S  ■.u^■^  L.'i-TO. 



Hf.PouT  or  rin:  nin.r  A.;i,;mn,iif 



of  tlic  Kiitiiit  stiijre  is  ni'itnro     ii 

residual,  of  .ho  Me  !    ^   1.  ^       b'  T'  )  *'""  '"  t''^"  *"^'''''  '^'""■>on.\ 
'Within  ,he  reliefofUo  E  "it  Hill  H        '"  "^  '"'"  ^♦"««'- 

ravines.     They  constitute  the  most  n  Xl  T  '""'''-^  monntain 

aoteriatio   feature,   of   tl^   to,™,  v     P  .."'      "':'''''^^^'''^  "'"  "">«'  ..-har- 

var,ou.  decrees   better  than  the  TwiJj'  whi  .'i  1    ■'   I"'"' /^'^^'^   <*    '" 

Methow  to  iu  source  in  th«  fn..  „il    r  '"  '*'  J'^x^-'^'n  with  the 

few  hun,lre.i  to  4.0(>Vf'^^e    ;„  , "S^J''"  '"/  '•""•-"  "';"  --ies  from  a 
graph!,,  „,l„s  «he,.t      This     I      U  „         i       '"  *'""  ""  "'"  ^''"'""-  ''^f">- 


On  the  evidence  of  fossil  nlnnts  fmn,  .1,    l-ii      i         ,         '"  «^<^^"e'°  time, 
plain  in  the  Vakima  d     .       il  ,  ^A    :\,^^''V\"'^^"'"  ""'  ^'"'''O'' 

by  ^i.    O.   Smith     and   the   ,■;/!/       T'""'""'  "''  f'-H.v  presented 
range  is  discussed  i^y  tt^wi,^     of  the  feature  throu;,hout   the  Cascade 

appears  reasonably  to  oceuDv  most  of  .L  P  '  ,     ""''"•'"    '"^'I'";? 

of  the  next  stage  ;,eaMVXoTthlth'"''^  ""'  "  '^"'"'^  "^  ''"'*' 
ine  following  tabulation  expre-'sps  ihn  n,^-.','  n 

correlation  for  the  several  stage,  il"";;^!;:,;^!-"""""'''^  '^^''"""'^  "' 
rnrsioGRAP.iK-  r>nK,.orMKNT  of  ti.k  cnscAn.:  RAvr;^. 

Hhynio-  i 

era|>hic   '      Tv|.f  |,,.;,litv  Xaturi' .pf  cliai-  I >•'»(.•,  if  ,in..  |)  if  t« 

»tag-f.                                         'ut.Ti>iic  activ'tv.       ii"int.rii.|,t,.,|  Tum-.- (;|..„           I',  ri  „i 

'■lami   .-l-c)..  ,.,,«.|„.                    """ 


...    .  "f  tiicl'..liinil  i.i. 

I  ■>     l>.     .MetlK.H     ati,m<.i,„,r.->~ion 

'•■■■t'»'         !a>in,f,h,.Kmi.„.:l...v,.l„|.,„.,.,       „  f  ,■,-,  UU-i.l 
j     liiatiiip    f-tj-(.^'ra 
I     I'll.V      K'nclall'. 
tlMulinliiiUt      tl,', 

^^.t.,,,...-..„..,,,v.    ,,,.p,l:-^ 

'  in  tl„.  I.r,ia<l  si.,11  to  .-i  ),,« 
iii-'  ,li,^  I.Iain  with  „„„,- 
■"<^'-  a,i„...i<-. 

1     1..  l;.-ci„t. 

'       '■l."N,l  |'!,.i,t.„,.,;,. 


Karli.r      ':h„,,,l   I'li,,,. ^ 

'■I""-*'  IM.iM... 

■•■IK'  I.Sil-l- 

1  in  An.  ■.; 
IV.-<i!ucial.  I'li.K.. 



i>f:i'\HT\iK\t  i>y  THt:  i\rt:moit 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

The  for<>Koiiitt  table,  though  soniewhit  abri<lired,  i«  fuller  than  it  need  b« 
to  show  Willie's  cciiii-i'pliiiii  of  till-  <>vciit-<  which  are  of  iiriportiinrn  in  the  |)r<>-eiit 
connection.  It  will  he  observed  thut  ihe  relatively  ihort  period  of  time  repre- 
•ented  in  the  I'iiocene  and  I'leistooene  combined,  i«  crovded  with  events  to  a 
degree  seldom  if  ever  matched  in  a  modem  geologicat  study  of  •  complex 
niuuntain  system.  No  definite  Htiiti'inent  is  given  a  t.i  the  strength  of  the 
initial  relief  which  wan  hrouglit  low  in  the  Metnow  penoplnnotion,  hut  the 
implication  from  the  paper  is  thht  the  relief  nt  tho  middle  or  later  part  of  the 
Pliocene  was  considerable.  Further,  we  may  believe  that  Willis  shari*  the  view 
stated  hy  Smith  in  ilw!  companion  paper  of  the  same  volume,  which  reads  as 
follows : — 

'The  evidence  of  the  re-iuciion  of  n  large  area  of  folded  Tertiary 
rocks  to  form  the  Cascade  (Methiw  stage)  lowlan<l  appears  conclusive, 
ihe  date  of  tho  development  of  this  lowliind  is  fairly  wull  determined, 
since  folds  involving  late  Miocene  strata  are  truncHte<l,  while  on  the  other 
hand  the  8ub»c<|uent  history  of  a  large  part  of  tho  region  has  Loen  so  event- 
ful that  the  production  of  the  lowland  surface  could  not  reasonably  have 
been  later  than  Pliocene.  Previous  to  this  Pliocene  reduction,  erosion  does 
not  appear  to  have  ever  proiluecd  anything  like  a  peneplain  in  the  northern 
Cascades,  as  far  as  its  history  has  been  determined.  In  view  of  the  eventful 
characler  of  the  whole  of  the  Tertiary,  it  is  plain  tliat  the  period  of  reduc- 
tion to  buse-Ievel  can  not  be  considered  as  including  any  large  part  of 
Tertiary  time,  as  hus  been  suggested  by  Russell.  Uplifts  or  subsi^lenoes  of 
the  fixtent  that  are  known  to  have  occurred  during  Eocene  and  Miocene 
time  in  this  area  must  be  considered  as  inaugurating  new  topographic 
cycles.  Furthermore,  tlie  land  surface  that  was  flooded  by  the  basalt  flo'vs 
at  the  beginning  of  the  Miocene  possessed  considerable  relief.  This  pre- 
Mioccne  toi»ography  has  been  preserved  in  a  lurge  mensure  from  later 
erosion  by  the  basalt,  and  where  the  capping  is  partially  eroded  away  and 
stream  canyons  are  t  down  into  the  underlying  formations  the  contact 
shows  very  conclus-  tho  character  of  the  old  surface.     Such  a  locality 

is  the  valley  of  T(  ,m  creek,  where  it  is  at  once  seen  that  the  prebasalt 
surface  was  such  to  deserve  to  he  termed  rugged  topography.  It  seems 
necessary,  then-fori-,  to  re-trict  the  iM^riod  of  the  development  of  the  Cascade 
lowland  to  the  Pliocene.'* 

Both  Willis  frid  Smith  agree  that  the  deformation  of  the  Pliocene  pene- 
plain was  n)t  a  sin-pie  uparching  but  a  mor»  complex  uplift  of  the  Cascade 
range  through  the  assoeiation  of  local  upwarps  and  downwarps.  In  the  down- 
warps  mw  river  courses  were  est;iblislied,  which  are  typified  by  those  of  the 
Methow,  Wenatchee,  upsx-r  Skagit,  and  the  Pasayien  rivers.  These  and  other 
streams  are  thus  supposed  to  be  consequent  on  the  late  Pliocene  warping  of  the 
peneplain  developed  in  earlier  Pliocene  time.  The  lower  course  of  the  Skagit 
where  it  crosses  the  Skagit  range,  and  the  lower  course  of  the  Fraser  where  it 

•O.  0.  Smith,  Prof.  Paoer.  No.  19,  U.S.  Oeol..  Survey.  1908.  p. 


I:  I  /•! 

'/    /,// 

II      I    I         t   X  / 

•i\ii\ll  l; 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   No    25j 

Tosses  111..  C, 

tlf     to 

'111..  ( 



'St  riiiijf,.  ,,(•  ririti-h  (' 

\\\>-   \' 

iff       '.f      tllM      ( 

nrrn.iM,  nr-  nMMi.l,.,-,.,!  I,y  Siuit 

i'"W  Iliat  flnMc' 



||imfiifi.iti.   fr. 

■t   (lie  I 


IfiT  Kv 

iiiitliors  arc  it,   -ubstiiiiti 

Ml  i; 

■  f 


1  ^i''  miti'- 


r.'fers  iniich  f.f  tli, 

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mm!    Siiiitli 



locciip,  uhjl,.  il,,.  ,,||,,.r  I 

work  of  ,|..v..|oi.i„tf  fh.-  (• 

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iiiitlifir-<  I'oti-iii 

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u.towst  for  the  pi 
iiiiporhini-p,  if  in,.',  i'.,r  lis   fill  ,1 

10  rev  nil   lit   tlio 

T   that   a   truly   m 



1"i'  tl 


'Ivdninii'  nn 

<)p<'niiiff  ,,f   tlip    !Mi 


lin'H    tnpo- 

f    llii-<    skilfully    pr..<ont..,| 

'■•^fi''.^   if. 

I   tl 

'imti'  tli,,r.ri...i| 

fi   I'lit  tlio  prc'-piit 


11    Pi'oIll'.'Hl 

lkV|'..tli.'«i*    ! 


writor    M    iiiipcll,.,]    to 

I'll'  riioiint;iii,  ivifriii. 
In   til.,  (ir-t   phicc,  fli,. 

li'.'H;r'...|ii,.|it  ujtli  tiii^  livn,,!),, 

LIS  (rrnit 
'^^  tifit  tlip 
slo'f.-h   fli.> 

-ft   ..  (■.- 

OUT    tllf.    ( 

Ilk.     M 

UM-atii's  lit   iiiiv  I 

•  I'iciicis  for  t'l. 

on.  triiniMt 

line   m   tlip   lii^i 

tcr  iiioiintniii  folih 
tir-it  Prosion-cy 


•f  inVU  hn. 

i^tnry    u\    tlio    sy^ti^'ii 

no    p'-iitivi 

■II' Till    p.  n.'i.I.iiii 
sci-iii    .■Ntrpiiiilv 

f..   \ 

rp    .•iTp.fiinlly    tnin,.ntP.l  wlieii 

iniiwtan..,.    ,„    th,.    proMr 


)p  i.\pp.t(.,| 

IK'    MIITC"    llr'curilall 

CP    ri 


"ill     lo    ,||, 

;it  nintiirity  of 

'iinniit   I(.vp1s 

maturity   is   rpai-h...! 

ili--.'f|i..:i    1,1 

iini.'iDf  the  ppnk- 

'II    in   II 
stri'iiiii  a. 



'pp'lini.'  -!•■  ti,,|i  ,  f  tl 

pin.'  .•,.,,1 


nioiintaino:,.  n  „io,r;vi;i;:h7 ;'"^?     .'  "^^'  '■?"'^''""'  ""■^'  *""  •^^'"■'•"^'1  '•■ 

-•^w>or.,pio,e,i/T:,r  ,,,;■:  :v;;r*''""  ""■""':"• '"  "">■  -^  •'-  "'- 

-".'1.V  in  nn,l  „oar   ti  o  Ca  c         l.  ,     ^  ,"•  "^  ','  ^""."  "^  "^"'>-  ""■-'■  --son.' 

f7:^z::  S.'{™;  :r :;-  -,^f--^^'^<^..^ 

l.ra.ticalb-   fail-f:,i|    a-,^  ni  ,       ,      W        •    ''^""'"''^  "'    ''''"^'^■"•'  I-'-l'laiuui,,,, 

rsT =;;r;:;,., -™  ■  r ::  SJ = -  =",  ■;.£ -- - 


'iirtrc  mill    D 
lin;: '  (iv.T   1 


iirjri-    iiMi-fy 

"II    of   the    wIk.Io    raiifro.      T 

prove   th, 

"I   nri.l    iiio,   i!,ii,i-!„,|,|. 

l'"<Ml.i!ity   of   •I..v,.|ii 

lio   rpppiit    stii.lipj   of 

t  the  bolt  east  of  the  present  hish  V. 


I  iiid 

wind-erosion  fo 

ijili  Casfailes 

'K    "ithoiif    1, 

I'Tc   I-   ri'a-'.in    i, 

111   an 


r  n  coinpara.iv.'ly  lor,j  t 

iriil   ili>trii't 

newly     I 

liavo  hrf.,1  dry  and  siibj 
li  tui.e.     I'nder  the  control  of 


<"i      r.,ll;-fn|,|s 

Wo, I 




:il   suff, 

,^,,-G.  a  Sn,ifh  .,„.  n.  W,„i,,  op.Ht.,  „„.,  «.0.  S,,„  H,,,,    035,  U.S.  C^i   Surv,.v 




i>t:i'\RrMf.sT  Of  lilt:  isrt.moR 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

»p«'<-,ii||.v  ia|ii.i  iiilHik.*  Or.  Bjfiuri,  it  \»  <\\\iic  (oiifoivulilo  that  a  l.i.-al  Plioceno 
Irwlanil  of  ilfMiH'latinti  wii§  prmiticej  in  this  bolt  of  weak  folilinir  iindor  moro 
norniul  cliiimti.-  oi(iiiliti<iii-i.  It  \n  a«  e«*,v  to  credit  siioh  an  rxplaiiation  for 
thoae  fi'w  trunrutinl,  iiliilpiiu-liko  fol<l«  in  the  Imnalf  as  it  i:*  •lit?i<'ult  to  orodit 
a  K<'ncrn|  iM.Mu'i)hinati()n  of  tin-  wlmlf  Caio'udo  iynteni  and  its  lutpr  mature 
di»*offi(iii-  ail  within  tho  liniif-,  of  tiie  nioi'«>nft. 

VVilli^i  atil  Smith  hoth  sh.nv  that  rcnitiantg  of  tlip  Methnw  peneplain  are 
extrenii'l.v  ran'  an<l  ulwavs  verj-  sinall  within  the  main  rascado  ranffo  wht»re 
tiinv  hflvi-  .xomincHl  it.  Thi'y  -pfak  mI  'broad  crests'  on  a  fuw  .summits  which 
are  taken  '.i  bo  residual*.  Tlio  pn  nt  writer  believes  that  practically  all  of 
'hesi'  eaa  be  explained  as  either  in  ■ic-o  organic  relation  to  structural  plane* 
like  the  liat  roofa  of  batholiths,  or  tlmt  they  ejin  Ih-  explained  by  the  t>riiieiple 
<"'  .ie  treodine,  as  dotailn<l  in  a  followinjr  \y.\K'  It  may  be  note)l  that  nearly 
uf  Willia's  profile  aecti.  ni  which  .sootM  to  (five  »iich  u  striking  idea  of  a 
'linhdevel  plateau  are  drawn  JoniritiidiiPiily  throujrh  the  ridfres.  Traii*\>rse 
ctions  would  more  clearly  illustrnte  the  generally  deep  dissection  of  the  -iime 
gion.  The  longitudinal  profile  .Iocs  show  gympathy  with  the  profile  of  the 
canyoncuttinK  stream  nlongsMe  the  ridKc,  it  cannot  f  itself  prove  two  erosion- 
pyclea.  A  get  of  transvenw-  profiles  woiiiii  proro  th<-  general  ali-eneo  of  iiifh- 
levcl  features  wlueli  can  with  any  certainty  be  laased  aa  remnants  of  the  old 
.■supposed  peneplain.  In  oilier  words,  these  '  uter  profile*  would  not  show 
'  topoRr^iphic  shoulders,'  to  use  anotlier  of  Da' is's  expressive  terms  to  indicate 
the  l.reak  in  slufie  ii!>.  hIvciI  in  iin.\  ueli  iwo-cyclo  lopojrraphio  systems  ,i-  tinit 
here  postulated  by  Willis,  Smith,  and  I\!i««oll. 

The  inoBC  convincing  iniiuinent  ajniin*t  the  hypothe^^  as  stated  by  the  two 
first  mentioned  authors,  who  ascribe  the  Methow  ppnetdanatiori  and  the  Entiat 
mature  dissection  entirely  to  the  Pliocene,  has  already  been  sriven  in  principle 
in  connection  with  Willis's  hyjiothesis  of  £  late  Tertiary  petieplanation  of  the 
Front  ranges.  If  the  extremely  tough  rocks  of  the  Cascade  range  have  been 
ha^.tlevelleil  sinep  th.  .\fiocene,  shoidd  \m  not  expect  the  well  deteniiine*! 
Cretaoe<^iug  peneplain  of  the  Appalachian  chain  to  have  been  destroyed  since 
the  early  (or  at  least  middle)  Tertiary  upwarping  f  that  peneplain '.  Or 
should  we  not  expect  all  local  and  even  regional  monadnocks  like  the  sngnr- 
loaf  i-e-iduals  of  New  England  or  like  the  White  Mountains  ma»sif  of  New 
Hampshire  tn  been  long  since  destro.vetl  ?  No  reason  is  apparent  why 
the  Cordillernn  elimat..  has  ever  favoured  eros  in  in  .'nch  colossal  degree  more 
than  erosion  lias  been  favourt*!  by  th''  Appalachian  >  .imate.  In  raan,v  things 
the  American  West  claims  to  be  raor^_>  speedy  and  powerful  than  the  Kast.  Imt 
such  difference  in  the  power  t>f  erosion  n.s  this  cannni  be  conceded.  And  it  is 
also  true  that  the  staple  rocks  of  -iif  Ca^-ades  ar<  sensibly  a-  resistant  to  the 
weather  as  those  in  the  ea.«'.'m  highlands.  It  is  true  that  in  ihe  states  from 
Maryland  to  Alabaiiui  wide  belts  of  the  Appalachian  ct  \in  have  been  peneplaincl 
in  the  Tertiary,  but  there  ihe  conditions  were  much  metre  favourable  to  complete 
reduction  than  they  were  in  the  v  ordillera  at  the  close  of  the  Laramide  revolu- 

:Cf.   \V.  At.  Davis,  Journal  of  Q«oIopT,  Vo!     iS.  1905     p.  *<" 


HH'oin  ../   /,,,  run  t    i. 

/  u'lSuiln; 


f-nepliiiii   in   th« 

•  ii'ruM\    l>>A.4  ili'in 

We  iiiii«t  l)ptii>v« 



lion      Luring    tho   Koc..,a.    d..lo,m..tio«   of   ,Ik.   <  reta.eou. 
•..luhi.rn  Ar.imlB.l.iaii»,   tlio  uplift   -ni    ..•    t! ,.    ,.    /" 

up  the  »i<le  slop<n,  of  tho,e  .lownwarps  .'^    i   «n«,,r|.. 

.p  J::ji-t:r"!:;:ll;z«;i:;;,:,'r;™-;;::  l,-.;;r*  •'"■ 

ver,-   .l..,>„  d,^a.v  fl„,i   pr„,Iy  ut  ,|,..   ,Ao.e  of  fh^  ( >•  .«....o.h"  .'^i^le   were 
throuKhout   the  wl,„l,.  of  ,h..  pi..,   „  "    5      '       >        '.iL'  '  ''•"•"'"''I 

On  necnunt  of  the  nn.oh  greater  an.oiint  o-  nplif,   i:    ,he  -v  ■  ,..„, 
no-   .T0.1„   «  ..nul„r  exph.nati,,,.   f,„.  Tertiary   I.Ja..,AUuJI::^^Z:,L'"' 
Moreover,  IIay«  an,]  r.n.pbell  have  .Mn,.l„.le.l  that  the  prin,ipal  -pwar,,- 

^iri^rr .  r^:-i„s.'::  :i;a;ts=  ::;ctM[;'^- 

;j^ne  time  ha,   i  ..,.n   ■,.„_-,.<)    ;„   the  exeavatio,,   „f  „arrnw  .  .1  .  vs  i;     h     V 
Ter.:nvy  penepia.n,     AIl„o.t-Fne,.,.,.  hn,  heen  v-rv  far  fn.n      I  i  ., , 

e    tit  TiHi'T  '""'■■■"   "'   '^'-   •^"'•^^'-'"-   "Plif'.   initially  lou-  r.   :■     v.  , 
t'er  the  mi(1-Ter'i,iTv     ,,«-irp. 

.  „J"  """''r'n'V*''""^":-  ""  '""''  '"'''•  "''^'  ""-  Appalachian  chain  ^ive.  ,„ 
«  measure  .f  all  Tertn^-  time  in  tern...  „f  ero.ion.  nn,!  thnt.  hv  this  ,r„„^ar 
n   .ee,n«    .mpos.hle   to   :„■  ept   the   v^ew     ,f   Smith   .nd    Willis  \.s     o   Plioeeo 
peneplannt.on  followed  bv  the  later  Pliooene  mnt„re  dissection  of  ,}Jc,ZZ 

r,  S6.^'   ^    ""'"•  ""^  ^     ^    fampboll.   National  Geographic  M»ga£ine.   Vol,   «.   1894. 
tW.  M    DaTi?,  Bull.  Qpol.   S„c 

-"  —v..!.  iii--.4n 

.America,    V„l.  2.  U9\.  p    578. 


ini'MtTMiM  III   riir  i\n Him; 

2  GEORGE  V,.  A.   1912 

Tho  pri'S.-iit   wiii,.r,.v,.s  tliiit   tli,.  ,;„. ,>„.Iusi,>i,  „vut   1„.  ,lr;uvn  nftor 

an  altontiv..  comiuri-on  oi  il,o  Cms,.,-,,!,'  tn,.„n:n,,,l,y  with  .l..-,T|h,.,|  i„  t!i.. 
Khiinath  iiiouiiliniH  of  Onv.m  ;in.|  .lortlicrii  ( 'alilViriiin.  Kiil,.,-  .l,...TiU>.s  'i 
peacplmi,  there  lorally  .l.-vol,,,,..,!  ,,„  ti.e  ■vhitiv-ly  w.mU  n.-k.  ..f  ,1„.  „,,tiirno.'l 
Slia3ta-(  Inc)  series  m  the  inun,-.|iate  virinity  of  the  se,,  ,„■  „l   th,.  S  lerainento 

river   has  h.n^-   heeii  near  >eah.v,  1.      Ii    i>   |„,..-iMe.  a.   l»i ■  1,„1,1..   that 

tins  proveil  iienephiiii  ,,n.v  exl.^n.h'.l  over  Ww  liard..,-  n.rk,  ,,f  ilio  ran^e  as  well 
n--  over  the  Si,.rra  .\,hi,  althon^-h  I,iii,I.-ren  >liou,  tliat  the  Si, .,-,•,,  was  „„t  a 
peMeplaiii  at  the  opening'  of  tho  Aiinfia-nus  Cravol  peiio.l.  We  may  .piote 
J  hiier-  siiiiiniary:   - 

'The  ero-ion  ,i,T,.-.-ar>  U.  .lovlop  the  l,a-e!e\,.:  :  ,  ,•„  .pl;Mi,  In  th,. 
sense  meant  iri  tl:r  pn-ont  .vport  |  out  o!'  th,.  t  .|i,.-,-aphv  r.-ullin^  lr,.n, 
the  uplitt  at  th.-  elose  of  the  Slia:*ta-Chi.-o  ivrio,!  must  have  oeeupie.l  a  Ions 
interval  ,)t  time.  p,,s.sihly  beillnninfi  i-.  the  hiter  part  of  the  ( -retaeeoiis  and 
continiimtr  thr,.u-h  th,.  Koivne  an,l  earlhT  portion  of  tlie  Mi,.,'ene,  l)iit  aa 
tlie  phiin  appears  to  have  attaiiicl  its  inaximiim  extent  (hiring  the  Mioeene 
It   may   he   p'rcrrcl   to  as   t!i,'    Mi,.,-,  in-   l,a-  'i' v, '.'' 

llnis.  in  a  Conlilleran  roi;i,)n  whieli  pr,>hahly  nn.K'i-wvnt  erosion  at  ah,)iit 
as  fast  a  rate  as  tliat  ehara.'terizinir  Tertiary  erosi,,n  at  the  Forl.v-i.intli 
r|irallel,  we   liave   a    Mioeoii,.   p,.noplaiii   still    preserve,!   on    ro.'ks    (rretae<.oiis  i 

wlu,.h  are  iniieh  weaker  than   the  stai^h-  i ks  of  the  Caseades.     All   tia'  more 

ren.lily  eaii  we  .■x.-lu,!,.  the  po-sil,ility  ,,f  a  \\A\  i),.rfeete,l  l>li,>,.ene  iMeplain 
in  tlie  i.ortherii  runj;e. 

1  h,-  fore;;oiii^'  ar^,iiiaiit  appli,-  al-,..  tvilh  iiiMrly  ^il  ir-  t'.. !■.•,•.  a'iaiist  the 
hvpothesis  of  l{iLss,.ll  that  th,.  (■a,ea,i,.s  i.,.i„.plain,.,l  i„  post-K,.,.ene  time 
trom  a  eoiidition  ,.f  slnm-  mountain, ,ii>  reliif  in  the  hit,.  |.:,„.eno  peri,„l.  It 
il'ic-  not  seem  neies-ary  to  re-tat,,  th,'  arf.'nm,'nt  lor  this  ea-i.. 

As  an  alt,.rnative  liypolli,.>i>.  ih,.n.|,,r,..  the  pr,-,nt  writ,r  olTers  the  view 
tli:,:  all  post-I.araiiiie  tim.-  has  h,-(.ri  o,.,iipie.l  in  th,.  pr,i(liieti,in  of  njature 
"t,.n.tain  topoffrai.hy  in  th,.  (■as,.a(h..^.  I'h,.  initial  stai;,.  is  taken  to  be  that  of 
the  new  relief  left  as  a  r,.sii!t  of  the  l>araini,h.  or,,.  revolution.  Ixieal. 
.!!,:.  -ever,'  ,li'l'oi'Mi;';  i..ii-  h:\,'.  ai  ;,  |,.',,  inhTva!-  -in,-,,  i  ,-p,.,i  ,11 ,  ni  ih,'  lal,' 
.Mi,.<.eiie).  ,'onipli('.i(e,l  tla'  hi-lory  of  th,'  raiifre  which  was  h,.isle,l  ep  in  that 
revolution.  There  is,  further,  koo,1  n^ason  l,.  think  tluit  n.'ar  the  beKiniiiug  of 
the  l'li,H.ene  there  was  .-.uiue.  rather  f;'<.neral  uplift  ,,f  th(.  sy>|,>ni.  atill  further 
a.hii'ii;  to  tlie  task  of  proilu,-iiig  tli.'  ,h>,.p  ,.au,v,ins  ami  wider  valhys  of  these 
mountains.  Sneh  erustal  inoV(.ments  have  lorme.i  episo,|,'s  in  a  sin^h-  j.eriod  of 
erosion  in  a  distriet  wliii.h  has  always  |i,.,.n  mountainous  sin,-"  the  l.aramiiie 
revolution.  Before  the  later,  i.r,,hahl,v  I'lioeene,  massive  uplitt  t,.  wliieli  nian.v 
of  the  iic.ep,  narrow  eaiiy,)ns  ar,'  ,hii..  the  relief  may  have  ai,pi'..ximate,l  late 
maturity  of  form  ,.r  locally  even  ol,l  ajie  -a  m.mtitain  tors.,  !,in,lseape— but 
tru,-  I'i'iieplanath.ii  ,.ii  a  hirRc  scale  within  Tertiary  ,im,.  i-  ,'\|.r,s -iy  exclu,h.,l 
by  this  alternative  hypollu'sis.     !.ar;;<.  -ea!,.  pen,.planatl.,n  ,.f  la-'Lie  parts  of  the 

•.I.  .<:.  l),l!,r,  IKIi  .\iiii.   Iti'ii.  I'S.  (mmI    ..s„|v,.y,  P.iit  -J,   ls;i|.  p.   fjii. 



'■l.r.H.'l    nl     nil.    <  nil  I      !>//,■,, \,,i//  /,•  ,j3j 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   \o-  25a 

f"v«-  .1.,;  „. ,.iJ:  ,i!;:,:j' :  n,  '■::/::i;::';;r:'-,.  vv^"'";  •''?•  ""^"• 

that   till.  l,v,,„.|„.Ms  „f  |.,t,    TcTti.r-     ''".:,"  ^""■'■•'  •'""!  I"^"--.-:  iHit  liP  t,.„rs 

'■i-S  -r -■■':."  ;;^';i::'r,,:.;;::!""::i™. '■»■ 

»,,  l:'ri:!r;r';:!,:!;;;;;;.r;";;;;;U-:';:;:i:- :''■;;■■-"'•'- ^'«''"v' ■■ 
;;K:,:;':-i::'r;„J'::v- "  r"--'"-  -■  ;:.:■«:'=::  ~l  S 
'■■■ --'-"' ■'";";:-":.-:rJ;!;r:';^i::;;:;:--,r.-:;- 

-i,..  !,"!:'.»,!,'"i'„""';:i""'',''"''"',"  '""""■•: ""-  -"'•'•■"  '••'■ ' ■■■ '« ■ 

.i,«.i  „,,.':. ,,.,"";;"',;, ,"■'""' "'-""'• • ■' >  ■- 

liinin:u-v   iMin.r  will   li,,,v   I,..  ..;,•  ,      .        ,i  .•'  '.    '^  '''■-'■''  "'  <■'«  Vrc- 

11.0    Wor,i-uc...or,l.,uv-i.    ,...,!    a.lviso.ily.    -Ivinality'    „f    hwph,,    i.    „,., 

f.r      .„,t..,l   ar,..,  ;s,,l,..,,ual,.,v'   of     ,h,.   sunnui,.     i.     a     faH,   l,„t   ovr   wi.l.r 

;',,?•  "'■'  ;-^' '^'    ^-  "^V  '!'"■  "'-'■•  •■'■  -^  ~i'-''-  ran.,..  ,.,.„  .,,,.,.„,ali,v  f      / 

>"  .1  lla.  ac...„nlam,.  ,a<os  ,h,.  f,.rm  of  s,v,n,.atl,y  a,.,o„f,  ,1,.  poaks  w  „,<..  t,„-    „ 

roiii()\e.l    li„Hi   th,.  ^|.hor<,l,la     ciirv..   of   tli.>   nartli       Ti,    ,r„„.^.,l     .1       •         ' 

:':;;^- -■';;''  ^\ •:"'^- ".  hi.i.o. u:Z±  ^Tnt^  v:;:^;::: 

but  UMalan,!  >,.,,.„,.,,,...  ,-o,up]u-Mu,u.   i„   ,1,..  f„nn  of  this  imadnarv  -nrfar,. 

uf":;,,:;'; '■"'"'"'•  ••'••■"f"-- - '> ^>i'>---'y 'i.'pr... a,,,!.,!    : 

r    (    aM.  „l   ,1„...  „..,„. v,.,.-,.  ,!..,,n..,„Ms  an-  ofl,.„  >u~;,i,-in;,.lv  ,..,i,„.i.l,,,t   with 
cxistiiifr  iiraiiuif.v  coiir>i'<. 

TluMv   i.,   ,!,,,,.  al    !,.a.t   urn.  or,l,.rIy   clnm..,,,    i„   ,h.  '.hao^  •  or  '  tomhlin 
soa     ol    niouMtam.   xi-ihl,.    f,.,,,,   a   .lo„r„ali„K   point 

aiiy    one   of    a 


l;.    A.    li 

.'>Miii,  ;i  ,.f  (;,...!„^.v,  v.. I.  in.  i-m.-. 

PP,   in:.  !.' 


/.;  /■  !/,•/  u/  \  y  '(/    ////.  /\  //  /,■/'</.• 

2  GEORGE   \  . 


n  .ini.i'     ••{  aliiiih-  niiip-.     The  a nlaii'-i'  oi'  -raiiiuit   nltituili's  luls  beoii  notoii 

in  the  Alp-,  in  parts  ol'  tlio  ('iincii-u-.  in  tlio  I'yrcni/i'-.  in  tlio  Siorra  o! 
<'alifornia,  in  \\\>'  Alaskan  ranp'-,  in  tlio  ("anailian  Sclkirks  nn^l  Coasr  ranw. 
unil  in  the  Anicrioiin  ("ascade  rangi'.  \Vp  havn  sen  that  Willis  roL'arl-  '!.•■ 
acrordanco  of  .summit  levels  in  the  (ii!lton-Mael)o"  mountain  system  u?  :in 
indiiMti'iii  of  an  iiiiliftcl  mid  Tertiary  pm.  plain.  A,,  ilhistratioii  of  tlie  j.h  ■•i-in- 
i-i  (III  -  -iv.-ii  in  I 'la'.  -  ."•_'.  I'l'i.  |''~.  aii'i  T^'.  I  '.  \'\>  '  -  'ii  m!1i.t  vaULii'-  tra..  ■  -- 
the  Uo'indary  holt  are  ^ivcn  in  i'aiti-  Jt',.  J»,  an^ 
Tlie  faet  of  ac-ordanee  is  e-tahli-hed.  while  tl 
very  various.  That  tlu'y  need  eritieal  exatninath.n 
t'or  till'  ^ake  of  the  iniporlnnt  faet  of  aeeordanee 

1    1-. 

if  theories  of  eNidanat  i^n  are 
and  siftinjr  is  clear,  not  onl^v 
|;-i  If.  lait  also  for  the  reason 

thai  t!ii-e  thiories  in>ol\e  widely  di\eipinf.'  views  on  i;reat  phy-'oj-rapliie 
re.oi  .iions.  (ieolof;ical  liislory  in  Ion-  (duipters  i-  tliereby  as  espressiy  implied 
as  it  w.iuld  be  by  tlie  interpretatiijii  of  pnrely  stratiprapliie  evidenees,  illustrat- 
infT  over  and  over  again  the  truth  Loth  diisses  of  evidenee.?  are  required 
in  buildintr  up  a  romph'ti.  history  of  the  earth.  .Not  only  do  these  theories 
involve  prcinisi-s  re^'ardin;.'  great  denu<lations.,  as  well,  a  nniltitude  of  iletail.- 
coneerning  river  histoi'y  and  tl.e  evolution  of  in.liviilnal  mountain  ma.ssifa. 
There  are  likewise  invnKed  e.irrelati\e  view-  of  the  physiograiiliie  developmen* 
of  the  neitrhboiriug  regions,  both  on  the  large  sea'e  and  in  details.  Oeographie 
description  an  I  noinenelatnre  should  he  eontrolkd  by  reference  to  the  eorreet 
theory  or  theorie-  uf  land-form  origins,  Fimdly.  large  conclusions  con.'erning 
the  origin  of  the  force  of  mountain  \iplift  nnist  follow  in  the  wake  of  certain 
of  the  hypotheses  already  announced  to  exidain  tb.'  phenomenon  of  accordance 
in  summit  level,-.  The  attempt  has  even  been  m.ile  to  connect  the  origin  of 
fractures  and  of  mineral  veins  wi'h  the  5pi>ciali/ed  kind  of  cnistal  movement 
imaL'ined  for  on,-  e\planatl.iii  ..f  tlii-  aee,,rdan-e,-  There  are  tin:-  abend  if 
reasons  for  coming  to  a  wi-e  decision  as  t.i  the  be^t  exi-'anation  of  the  fact. 

The  liypotheses  dealing  with  this  sympathetic  attitude  of  alpine  siimmit,s 
may  be  elas-itied  on  thi"  basis  of  the  logical  explanation  of  an  organism 
(a)  IIow  far  is  the  feature  in  question  due  to  inheritancf?  (b)  How  far  is  it 
due  to  srontan'OHS  di'viojiuu  id  in  the  present  environment?  A  review  of  the 
hypotheses  shows,  everywhere  and  iianirally.  emiiha-i-  plai-cd  ..n  erosi.ei.  but 
tile  writer  believes  that  the  possibilitie-  of  iidieritani-e  are  only  partially  w..rked 
out,  and.  again,  that  the  methods  of  spontaneous  development  are  not  yet 
brought  into  the  proper  balance  t'or  final  discussion  or  decision  on  t!ie  ouestum. 

I,    K\l'l  W  Mlo\-    in     IMII.MI  \Nei:, 

1.  Among  the  various  explanations  by  inheritance  we  have,  tirst.  tha 
peneplain  theory,  which  need  not  further  be  discussed  in  this  place. 

•2.  llypolhenia  of  oriijinal  rouijh  accordance  of  suminit  Icvrl':.  Jne  to  isosta- 
tic  ndiustmeul.'  -\rA>.i\   to  all   of  the  alternative  h,\potiie-e>  i-  tlie  ii..pury  as  to 

*  \    <■    Si'-'iver.     Transpctioiif  of  t'      .\iiipr.   Institute  of   Mining   V. 
1901.  ':    ''-"' 

25a— vol.  iii     |,.  ti;i-.>. 



r*  «.     ^-iHB/ilk'J! 


/.•/  /''./,•/     .,/•    ////     ,/////.      l>//;,,\,,!.; 


SESSIONAL    PAPER   No.  25a 

the  on^,„:,I  torn,  of  the  rant:e  at  tlir  poMopinnl  ,„nmpnf  ^y]u■u  p.mxv.mal  f.M- 
.nK  of  >N_rr..-ks  w„s  ,>n,..ti.nlly  ,M,„pIrt...I.  It  i.  sclf-ovi,|,.nt  tlnU  tl,o  term 
one.nal  h  I>er..  „*.,1  uri.itrorily.  l..,t  tl.e  strain  o„  Innirua^-o  ,nuv  l,c-  p.nnitto,! 
in  llu,.  conycn„.,„I,v  na-.iinp  ai„l  o.i.pliasi^^inff  a  principal  opoH,  i„  tho  oarlv 
nistory   oi    ii„.   riiiijro. 

At  lirst  siKl.t  o,>o  may  l,o  sui-prisrd  |o  fln.l  tin.  nr,.„r,la,>oe  of  suin.nit  lovel. 
amonff  hifrh  moMntains  of  romplox  S„rpri.o  shoi.M  bo  tompore.) 
however,  by  the  consulerati,,,,  that  the  orit'inal  relief  was  tu.t  even  approximately 
deten.une.l   by  constructional  profile,  .ledneiblo  from   existing  ^trnoture^ 

It  IS.  for  example,  hiirhly   improbable  tiiat  the  '  '  of  a  «reat 
alpine  annehno  through  a  of  its  ,ienu.le<l  roots  can  represent  the  ori^rinal 
height  or  ,ts  crest  above  sea-level.     Nor  is  it  legitin.ate  to  conclude  from  the 
Kreat  shorten.n.v  „f  the  transve,.,.  axi.  of  the  rnnffo  by  tho  e.u.rmous  tangential 
pres-uns   that   or,.L'e„i,.   l,l,„.ks   ,,f   in,I,.(i„ilo   heiirhl    couhl    hav,.  b,.,.n   pro.l,,,-,..!',  upthrusting,  folding,  mashing,  and  igneous  intrusion  have  often 
occurn,!   on   such   a   scale,   that  were   it   not   for  other   and   inhibiting   causes, 
differential  elevations  perhaps  forty  or  fifty  thousand  or  more  feet   in  relative 
height  might   have  resulted.     Xo  geologist   believes   that  local   blocks   of  such 
height   have  entered   into  the  .•■  n^truetion   of  any   terrestrial   range      Frosjon  the  absolutely  hIow,  tbou..h   relatively  rapid,  growth  of  the  ran-e  has 
often  been  appealed  to  as  sufliruent  to  explain  the  lark  of  su,  i,  heights  in  even 
the  youngest   a^is  of  the   world.      l!ut  not   sufficient   emphasis  has   been   placed 
on  the  quite  diffi-nnt  control  .,f  isostatie  adjustnient  accmpanving  and  follow- 
ing the  paroxysmal   uplift   of  orogenic  blocks.     Single  steep  slopes  of  possibly 
thi.-t^v  tliousand   teet  m.ght.  iudee.l.  then   exist  if  they  were  underlain   bv  the 
strongest  granite,  which  likewise  formed  the  underpinning  of  the  whole  adjoi,- 
lug  district,  tliat  granite  being  throughout  at  the  temperatures  of  ordinary  rocK- 
crushmg  e.xperiments.     But   such   towering   masses   are   highlv   improbable   for 
weaker   rocks    winch   woul.l   crush    down    under   the   supposed'   conditions,    and 
whol  y   impossible   lor  mountain   blocks   overlying  material    as  plastic   as   that 
which  compo-es  the    .riginal  ba.sement  of  an  alpine  range.     The  strength  of  the 
main   mass   ol    the   range   is   diminished   by   the   inevitable   rise   of   subsurface 
emperatures  with  crumpling  and  mashing.     It  is  the  rule  with  alpine  ranges 
hat  in  rusions  ot  hot  magma  on  a  huge  scale  oither  accompany  o     very  soon 
lollow  the  chief  paroxysms  of  folding.     I„  either  ease,  and  not  only  o^er  the 
areas  where  denudation  has  exp.  the  intrusives,  but  also  over  m'ueh  wider 

■ireas  about  the  .lownwardly  expa  ng  bases  of  the  batholiths.  the  heat  of  the 
"itrusions  still  further  increases  ■  plasticity  of  the  basement  on  which  he 
mountains  are  growing.  The  weakness  of  tl.e  underpinning  is  further  manifest 
in  the  case  of  such  ranges  as  the  Cascades  or  the  Coast  range  of  British 
Cohimbia  so  largely  formc.l  of  granitic  ma^xma  inj.vted  in  a  fluid  state  durin- 
or  just  after  the  last  great  period  of  pli<'atioii  in  those  rang.s. 

The  conclijsion  seems  unavoidable  that  the  tendency  of  tangential  force  to 
erect  .imgciic  blocks  projecting  muol,  higher  into  the  air  than  Mount  Everest 
itselt    Is  op,.,.„tn,.  only  up  to  a   certain  criti.'ol   point.     B,-yond   that  p'.int   the 



/■/  I'M;,  Ml  \  I  .,/■  I  in    i\  1 1  ,.!,,/. 

2  GEOn&E   v.,  A.    1912 

'...•     or  ,1„     ,1,  V      \  :  ."Ov..„u.,„  ,1,.,.  ,o  ,1,..  u'rMvi,ativo  ,W,kt,h!.. 

.-r-M:,!        ul  ;..  n    :         n   ■  '"■  '"   f'-^"-',"""'^  -'-•■^"'^■1  f'-o'M  .•.•..•!,  cIut  1,v 

-I. 'ti-;:;:'];,  £■;.:!  „r:;'.;;:":v'i-'"-"r";  '■■' ""■''"■■'  ■■' " 

'  "    I"" -'-   I'U'l'i.^'  t(.vv:,r.|   MHiniiil  l,.\,.l   ,„•,•,. i-.ln 


"•"""""■-■•  '■*'  til-    l.:„Min;.l,.   iTv.ilinio. 

t.,1  ii,lii;-i,   cnl.   !',.l|,,v,-ii;fr  tlip  sever 

<ri((-t  ot  till'  >|«<.'eiiil  cro-ivc  ;ilt:ick  on  i-),-!i  rMn.r  1,1,  ,.i.   f,.         .i 

bfiii^  t,i  .1,11, tin.,.     ■.  1-  riM.i'_'  t.|,„-K  Jr., ,11  flic  MioiMcnf  it  nni'c 

:^i'l;:^;u:::;r;;-::;:;:;-|;::::;:;;;:-;;;:^   .,„-,„„    I,us,.l„,c.ks  ,1i,.  „|,„,iri  ..ounli  „.■  ,l,c.  ri.:,:..  Min-i^,' .;,.,,„ 

...  u.  .  -.n  nn.-M..   .,.,...r.l„,„.,.  .Invly  ,„  ,,;„•,  ,..,.;,IM„.  i  ,.   ;,.,.,„i,.  „,„„„„„;; 
Ml.'  i|owiicrii,liinir  of    iiL'  an-    lie  u  icr  Mr,,.!- ■  ,v;.l,   .I        •        i.  '       . 

;;;;;!'  ;-'•,'-';"■ " r  ■"•■'"  -- '  '!''''^"'»-  -i.:;:;  ";:;:r;,:s,;; 

":;i,lT,;^x^:;;;:;;-.:;  S:r!':r  ■;"»';;;';:,-;;:,',:;:;r™''  -'™  ■ "- 

lurt.  o(  her  iilpi,,.-  tempi,..  Xntine  .leenes 

•  iitri  the  i.Milp-  \u  urw  (lomf.<  ;iii<l  iiuiiiiret^  slmll 

,     -  1      ■     1    ,.    .     ,  ^      ' "."    "  •.  iH  \\   duller  i  IiM  Ii'in-irr-t^  .^linif 

not  be  in.leliintev  v^.r  e.l  In  beidit      Sr..l,  ■,  .,.  ,.  I  i        .        "  '".in  t^  sUnll 

„Iv,.-  ,i-;il  I      „    ■  <■  '  ■  '.t'l-'it.     -^i.'l!  ."•(■'■nl.'inre  MS  they  have  .niiiorii,'  them- 

^■,  Ul,  will  |„.  presiTve.l  lun    iii.eeiitiiale.i  ■!<  1  er  ,1  ;  ,.]•  f ,  ).■  i         ,  , 

.        ...■•roil,   what     ,„   „,i.   ,„.,.,   ,,as   h..en   eall,.J   , Uin.I  '    To  „,    Vh" 

'■.".^■.      I  lie  on.    nal   l„r,n  meant   a   first   apnroxiniaf ion   to  the  r.s   M  ■    ,he  liter 
-po,i-:,n,..,ns  n,o,hM.a,i.,n  ot  ,|.,   form  means  a  see,„el  npno.i.miti,:;;  to'; J;;;:;; 

•Tt,    ,n,.,.,„e,   iila>t,at,nK  Ine  o-mnlalive  loree  of   l.uth   tl.,.  1  .v,.o.i„.s,.s   s„  far 

k   .^^  .  .tfi.jiavw  ^: 




;/.'  /•(,/;,    ../     /  /,;    ,  III!  . 


-/'••"\" ;//  /.• 


o   25a 

diVous-el  a,  li'trn.i! ;   ,,   .vi,|.    ,,,„i    ,  .     , 

«J|.i«o  ran.,..     |i.   ,h,   ,„„  .  |,In  H  V  f":-''  "'•'  '""-k'-m  !.vp,„l„.,| ,  f,„  ,,„,, 

;-o.-  th..„,„:.,:  b..,';;r,;:r;:;:;^:::'':;:.''^'';^-'-'- !-''■••  ".'"-p 

•••   .lostroy  som.t'.i,,^..    „t    ,h„    ;„,     ,,    „.      V  '''--■;^"i<m  oi    fho  runu^,.  t.w„U 

■'■  "ly  f.,l.|,.,|  r«,.p.  i,  r...„.  ,  T   •  •  "^^  "^  '"""^"  'li— '•"•""  -f  tl... 

'"'"•"•'.■.I  ooM,  ,1,.  r,.r„;  „ ,,,i  ■  "";t"""  "; "'  "■'"'"■^  ""•  ••" -i-- 

"'"t   ,,li,.a,i„„.   a,   „.   „,,„  tVo     nV  I'l'vs,o,.r,„,lu..  .-y,.!..  i„i,;,.,,.l  ,,, 

CM'-tiii^'  ran;;,..  "'    '"■'•'"'''"'"•'■   .wtiially   ,.1,.,  rvo^l    i„    il,n 

■i;i)\\r    K, 

^•.•".np;r::;';;;;:;;:,:n;;;-7"  '•"  7""-  -/>-' '■■.•„,. ,.. .,..„ .,, 

>=--.--ul  an,l:..„  1,,,.  -„J^:  ,    ,      |     ,  ^  7   ''""T"'     '"    "'"    """«>•""-■   ^-■ 

'•■"^'l^-  '"  (I-  -a;  l,u,   ,|,,t  .K    ZylrT      ^T    "        "'"   '"   ""'  ''''"'' '^-   "'■ 

.^«,..,,  .0  i,;.;L  M^nTC':;:;:;  Ti?;'  V''"  '~  '"  '"^^" 
'•a  .se..  .lonn-ia,i„„  si«„ific-a„tlv  lowers  •.  I  <.  Zo.l         "     f    '    "■      '  ""''  '"""'  "' 

>l>no.n„li.,^  rp"ion  i.,  s^.l-  "'"""'"•  ""  ^^--m.^r  anv.  will   tend  to  ri.o    tho 

.KO.  •  ''-^^   "'"^'"    "'""   "'"   -'"'■■•  snrfacv   of   tla-  ori,-i„a! 


w  ,.,,►. :..  ■_,  ,■      \V'"y   '"  '.L-lik,.  ,on,i  with  hr.Ki.l.  ilMftiJ _.    ,.• 






/'/  /■  I/.'/  Ml  \  I    1,1     I  III    i\  1 1  /,•,•,,/,■ 

2  OEORGt   V,.  A      -yz 

liiii.l,  I'l  ■nip.i  nit  i' I'll   I111111..K' IHM.ii.  ,..ii'  <oii'icl  with  n  !...m('wl.H»  .r  "l-.l.  i;iirm'inii,..rt.lH>,...|  r....k.      11 ,,r.-  i^  t.,  l„,  ,oi,r,.ivp,| 

u-   liMvirnr  ui.  iipprr,  1  iiiiliritf  mitUw.:  uiil,  tl...  |-„rii,  „f  ,i  ],„.■_;,  (!„t  „r.l,  iM.irinc 
..,b*..liur.,  luw.  l.roa.l,  l,ov-  I,',,   ;.r,.|.,M  un.l  .1.. h   The  .r.Mion  of  tl,.-  unM,.-f,imor- 

I  '"'■'■■'   '■■■^""    "'"   '•'•'   ■■■■•    -I''"'-      'I'l <■■-!■«   <■!    >i..     .'I.-     tl,.-    ,n;,l-    „l.l--   ..f    111, 

r..iiKo.  will  pr.wroHs  mu.'i,  m,.r.'  «Iow.y.     Kro>ioii   im.y   jhii*  gwcci)  nway  wi-lo 
IIP, IS  (.f  th,.  cciv^r  I. 'for.'  tin-  jti(livi<lii,il  niMUtitum-  l..i«,ii  .^iiv.-r.  -inik  ,u  tin 



SMttiTcl  •iit'liitirrtiit  lii.s  ,,|'  lii.ii!lil  l>v  .|.ii:i.|.it;..i.  h,  -11,1,  ,,n  ,. 
iM-.„r.l:iii.'e  „f  stiriimif  IfV.l-.  wi.lil.l  hrtKvforlli  he  >\|«.-l,..l  h-inr.i^r  of  tli.>  Mritfina: 
(Iiiltisli  tops  of  ttiH  poTi\  iin.l  lucMiis..  of  thf.  coiMriar.iiivr  lioiiiotrnicity  of  tlio  i-oro- 
rotl,?  1-or  tl:,-  ,;uri  ■  n-ii-oii-.  ii<-c,ir.liiii.'.-  .,iH,.iiir  tli,.  ,iimiiiiis  of  iMountiiiin  cur 
out  ..1  I  ■-•!-. iiiitf  iMtliolith  woiiM  1(0  ••xiH.l.,l.  WhiTi'.  ii,,A,-\..|-.  di,  frrnnit.-  i* 
aistiiioily  1.111,1m-  tli.iii  ill,  :inrroui,iliiiK  iiioliiiirjrplucr,,  tli.-r.'  wouM  not  bci  .-imul- 
t^.m-Ois  ;-c.oi,l.iti.v  Witii  llii.  sutuiriit  Icm-U  ,,:'  iIk^  inrLiiiiorplil.'  iilouiifiiilis.  .-xivpt 

for  .-an..--  otliiT  tliiii,  til-  two  jii-t  (Icicrilii'.l      As  tl oti.|-.Hito  pxpiunation  of 

■.tr,„nlM,ri;  U  further  outliii.'.l.  it  will  in-  ^,-,  n  ihsit  -i.-h  other  (-msis  iii:iy  olH-rat.. 
(•IT.rlnoly  ill  -oiiic  .ms.-,.  Yot  the  comtiioii,  .six-ciiii  .loiiiiiiaiice  of  Kninito  p.-nlis 
iti  a  truly  alpino  r,m;,'o  ayrc-es  ns  Well  with  the  (■..iiipositr  explaiuitioti  m  it  ,!,„., 
with  their  refoivm-e  to  the  c-lass  of  iiiona.lnorks  on  the  pfiu-pl.iiii  theory. 

:;.   ■/'/,,     i,ii!„.i,r.     ,.f    l„.„l    ii!o.  ;,il',u„    „.,    siiiiintil    allilii,},^.  -Ilith,  rt-,    n.i 

cietaile,!  ilistini'li,>n  has  I lu s,:iry  am  .ii-,'  tin-  v,irii'il  pluses  of  ero-i,  i,.     It 

iniiy  i„,w  {}>■  noto,!  tha'  th,-  worl;  of  liitfli  level  da.-iers,  if  Ioii«  eoi.tinue.l, 
on  th..  wliolo  to  produce  siiriiinit-levei  aeoordance.  In  eueli  >.'hieier  tliere  are  two 
loci  ,1  i:ia\iiiiiiiH  .-ro-ion;  otR.  at  the  h<.n,I  of  thi-  ^'lie-ior  ul,,r,-  the  LT,\it 
bernselir. 111,1  separates  the  iee  from  the  -,-i;d  i,,.-:,  ,.{  tiie  heail---val!;  ti..-  ■  'l..-r 
btneath  the  /one  ol  the  placier  itself  -oiiie  distiinee  upstream  fr,i:ii  the 
foot  of  the  (flaeier.  Oiu'  result,  iioti worthy  in  the  firesent  eoiineetioi.,  is  to  drive 
the  heaihvall  of  the  growing'  oirpio  farlh.r  and  farther  into  the  mountain.  In 
the  nature  of  tin-  eaie,  it  will  be  the  hinlier  pea';s  whieh  nre  most  viu'orouslv 
Httnekod.  From  every  side,  it  may  be.  e,.,nes  the  attack  on  the  massif  which 
lor  any  eau-e,  sp-cially  pioieets  above  tiio  wneral  level  of  the  ninp-.  Owinr 
to  the  rapidity  of  the  iee-,Tosioti,  that  si,i;.mit  must  tend  to  fall  and  reach  some 
thin;;  like  ao  ordaiiee  witii  iis  formerly  lower,  unfjlaciated  or  but  lightly  trlaciiited 

We  have  -Oen  tliat  all  across  the  (  ordillcra  the  highest  peaks  ami  ridges  lonp 
suffered  a|K>(-ially  powerful  attack,  as  they  alone  stood  high  enonph  to  wear  the 

fatal  1-,-!'-  ,.f  l-i-ri:-.,-lir,iii.!.      |l;nii--   the  ii ,-  iN-ri-!.  tl,,-.    ^-,-rc  inniat,,!;-   .-  |.-l   !,  -- 
substance  like  nunatflks;  the  loftiest  peaks  lo-iiif-  mo-t.  the  lower  ones  with  le? 
liih-ar  .  ■^t,-llt   ,,!'  !.:-^-,-hi-    11, i.   h.-ii,-  |,i-,,i  ,.rti..ii.-i!,-S    1,-..      I',-,, I,.  „;,,|   ri.i-.,--   i,..i 
penctratimr  the  eencral  surface  of  the  Cordilleraii  plueier  lost  nothing  by  special 

s.-hruii,|-liii.-   :,iim,-1v.' 

•Compare  the  vifwi,  of  W.  ]>.  Jobusoii  and  U.  K.  Uill„-il,  as  ,.i,i„,uii' od  ia  il,e 
Jour,,,,t  .,  (o-,.c(,w.  li.H.  im  Tbc  stM3<-ial  glacial  atta.-k  on  th..  Inchest  Miiimut  of 
u  "»•  ?.i!''"'°.r'"'",''*'.*'"'"H''  '*'''''.  '^  fNvllontIv  iilustraieil  in  th-  w^-ll-k-onvn  p.OH-i 
\XIU  T<n;>ly-),rst  An.,,,,,!   «,-,,.o-(,   U.S.   G.'o!.   Survey,   Part   II.   Is9;t  i</rto    I'l'.te 



/.•/  /•'./,■/ 

nil  <  II  1 1 

■  n.-.\<,\,i   • 

5E'.  ,     AAl    PAt'tR    \o    ^^, 

'•  '■  '  >  1 1. nil  ih.i:  ■■ 
!''■  1-^  ■111'  |.,M.i.!  ill  ,  ,  ^ 
!"'<ll    -llfrMlBii,!.      I'l.M.f r  . 

raiu'p  of  ||„.  H„,.|,,V4  i„t,, 
'lliCK  ,  ,.M..  ,  re. -on  ( , 
ohuruflcn/,'  .ii||  cirllcr  jtl 



'ii    1-. 

'i"ul      .,    ,,  ,  .  ,  , 

„  ,  i  '  ''■I"-    "'* 

'-'  '   "''•  '•'■  "■  •      .>    I     1 

1  .  .      .    ■    '     ""''      •  i-iii.i;   liic  imr  1   |'ri>rit 

.    '•■•'■"■r  "'!.''  •'■'■"••  rr;.n.n  a,..!  P..,...,,,,  J 


Ill  colli 



'ri,;'';:i  •::■,' ,;"; ■"'•■^'■' ■■■•'<■■' 

;;- ^^ ■^"-•■'-""i.x;,:,:,:'::;:';;'::;,;;:;;;' 

-  ■■■  or  1..-.  ..,  ll.,I,.,i,„  ,,  Z'C     TI     ,";■'"  '""'"'■  "  '""■'"""•^-  '''"  a 

«r...  .1..,,.  ,1,.  ,1,,,..,- i,...ii., '  ' ;.       ,"  ••''^  '"';:■ '.-  "'«->.  „ 

-  ■'-.1......  na.«,.  „  ....:.,..d  ,o  .11.'  ,.:  ■  ni:':;r^'"' :  ■""""''  ''■^•"'' 

'He-Iu....     Tl...  a.:yy  i»  .,.  ,,,,;  known      a  .e    ■   '  ••■•"^"' -''•  ^  -''  ''"I-v 



'    f.  -i.T:!!.   irliii'lul 

In  -••■n.Til.   I.n'ul 

i'^iit    the   lli«|„Mt 
IMI.'   I    \v  Ktntff    of 

io-(>  i'\i,>rnivo  in 
i-  "I'icii  riof  far 
r-^      It  is  lo-i.-al 

■• ■■':'T"'rr -£■'?!■-?■  ■--=;•- 


'  'Jii''l  1       !i  Irmii  |i,,i|   (■;,,., 

ii.  l>  'integration  of  rorv.— r!,,f|,  ..^ 

''•'■'-line   tli.iii   |„.1,,»-.  ,  ,  ,| 
i'  U 

w.  anil  oi,c. 

.'■life  of  iiu.onip;,.-,,h|v  „„,r,.  r„pi,| 

'-  -I  •■•n.iition   f.r  morr  .■ffi-rfiv.. 


i'  ciirniliiMsif 
■mK-  in  t!,,-  Ho'.iihinry  Uylt 

'rost   attiii'k  iiiiov. 

attack  Uv  UKfiiN  i.i-.rr  th,,,,  ir...t    t 

of  ilii.-*  chuii,  „,  ,_.|,.,..„.,eri-t'-  ',■ 

•'"'  ■'<•  *'  <■   n,   i'hil,-     .:j.    i:'   j;.  ;,.    ^., 

b.   /Removal  of  roil. -iicKlr.-r     -). 
inatcriul   <l„wn  tlu-  ,,|,,|„.,   j.,    , 
more  r.ipi.i  i„  the  lro,.l,.s3  ;,,!,„> 
'1'   Tin.  ,|i,.,,,.,  1,,.    ,„,,    ,, 
0,1  waMc-reinoMiI  below  tr.o  lit,,.      i" 
zone  either  in  tlioi!..riv,.,l  form  of  rli'.    „ 
who  ha,  oxporicc^il  a  p„o,l  ,iiow,.r  alio;      :     . 

' ';.-::'■;;;::  i:i;;:,nr:'":.:-3.,'':'-  --/-  ^-  th.  Hr.  ,i„,„  booomo 

for  s„e...!y  transit  t„  tl„.  v..!l„>..  '    ...  l,!     """I"""'!."' A'^-Parii.^r  f  ..<,.,■,,.:.„  „., 

o  slroaiiiinc  of  n->Mih(.re(l 
i.    proLably   sovoral    linio-- 


■■'  ■■•    -i-i'lim..! V,.,,, 

wa-!unir  the  treeless 
•  riianif.Mt  to  anyone 


moles,  niariiiots,  bears,  omi  of! 
ta!  work.     I'lif 

In  tl 

le  we-t.-rn  Conliilora  ficl.l 

re  can  be  no 

tnn,  o\cr  hnndroils  of  tl 
rock  in  eith.>r  tli.>  C 

other  *p,-cios  ar,.  na.-h  year  .h)i 
.'xatrfr.'  in  .^.lyinjf  that  tl 

nii'v.  L'ophors. 

is  of  r.lati.ely  litt 

',  if  II, ,t  mil 

nf  to 

np  an  ituinon-io  (-"olofri- 

le-e  biirr..wor.  anmially 

>ns  of  «o;i  or  -lisintejfrateil 

u!JT"  "[  •'"'  '"'■.'^''■^  '^"•«"'  "^  nriti.h'rohiM.b 

are  protected  by  tree- 

"iip^r'anc..  wlicn 

ovcrho.iil.     Ii 

very  or  tillinfr-  of 



ive  tree-lii 

-now  funnels 
,  whiTc  even 



''/  /■  I/.'.'  ;//  \  / 

'"     "'/     l\  I  1. 1!  I  III! 

2   GEORGE     V„  A.    1912 

■  -•lii'.l   iri,\u  liiKli-lsin-  n|i*,.rv:ilMri,., 

i'i:i.v  hrliry..  Hint  dust.  SiMid.  nil.)  ti,,,. 

?!■"■   ^■•^^,t.•,|    p,-,rt    ..t'   |1„.   f„r,.<t,.,l   ar.M. 

■'•.'"•■  '.'""■'■  ''■■■"l.v  t„  (in.l  :ui,|  .«,.,.,,  ,|,.w,i  !,„,<,.  r „,,- 

Iir    llicir 

I'l'  liiurr 


vl..,v  11      .,r',  «^\"'':"'l>    "nnini-rly   ,nor,-  ,m,,„!    i,,    il„.  \n-,-\.«  y„no  linn 

^1..  ,,    li,.  Mr,,,,;.   v.^'Wal,.,,,   ,r,;,t   lu„.U  1,„„„h.  ,„1!  a,„i   I,.,,  1,1,,,.  ,      ,1       ,    ^         , 

'i;-;H,  ,t  1,,,  vvi,i„,„t  ,„.,-i-,.,-t.  ui,i,„:„„  ., ,,    Tiu  lir  '     '"  • 

"   V''  """■"  "-^^'l'-'  l",'i-  i..   II...   I!,„„„la,v  1,„1,    w,.,v  ,,M, 
•'■'li'.-  \<'r,v  -msjI,!   |,rTs.„,v,  >,|,.|,   a-  that  ..C  a 

v.i.riv  ih,    sir,,,,-   v,i;,,,,|,i,,„    ,„.„    I, III,,.   ,1 

lliii,ati'  sih'i-.s-      'rii.,   i; „  :       i    ,•  i 

,,  ,  ,       •       '  '"     ' -;;r.'iii,,.|    !i,!sc,,|,i,,,.r.-! 

•"■'"i.lai.v  1,„1,    uvr,.  ,,!•,,,„    i-,,,,,,,,   ,,,  |„,  ,,|,,,^j,^, 

-•■  ..n,a„„„:..,  „i„.  „.,.ra,.,.l,.u  .^^  ulr^rir:!^;^  'rT    ,"i"'^'  "''  ""7' '"^ 

■''''•'"      many   .,,,,:,,,.  va,-,       ,r,v    I  ,.,■,„,.,.  I      ,,        '.""' •"•"!':■  '•:"■''  '•"\<'ni,fr 

-n..-, , .i,,,,,M,!<a,,a.a,, ,.,,..:-•: all :;;::,^  :.;:;: i,;:^ 

ly  v,!,|,.  an  I  Hat  cnsts  ,,,,  ih, 

vill'l     i^    lint 
I, ill 
I  I 

II    ll'Ilt    t,,    |1I-,„|||,T    t,,l,,, 

"  "'■■"Mta,r,  ,„L.„s.  ,1,„„^|,   i,    i,  „„,  ,.;,,,,,  ,,,,„  „,„ 


r-li:„.        I'll,.   UMN.,-  ,       ,      ,1     ,  ,         "    '"'"'    'i'*''l')P<^'l    llliovo 

..  .-,„n-;,i,,s„;. ';■;,"':'  ""■;".""-• ""■•■■ i i...  i„  ra... 

'  ''     ^'  '"      "'     "■'  'I'llclilaili     irliniaTiU  ■    ,„, ,.,>...!    1...    W:il:.    _      . 

niapiicl   |,y  Willis  ami 

2,')a    vol.  lii— |..  ij;i,s. 



T^y'w  v  ri.imn:J.r-':  r?n  »f 

\^'-z       :\zy-trr~r'.: 



I'l    M 

I  i.;ll-.   f.  Ni'iiiLi-.r   in   iii:ia,ni.  j,,.j(   ,,f   ,1        11-    I,    ,  ,,,    „.  , 

I  ,,,..,     ,„„.,i,,f  I.       I   "           ,       ,              "Till. 111. .11 :   v.iiiiinit   ,if    ,  .,.   ,s,  i;,i 
I'll,.,  riMiii,  ,,f  |l,.»,|,„.y  ,rH,l  ;  ,,l„.ut  -.wi,  il .„,„|  I,..,  al.,,w  ,,...      

I'l  u>    71 

l.-kn,«  -..uth;,l.,i,K'ri.lK'.' l..tH.  .n  Mi,|.ll.-,,n.|  SI,-,.  , 
Hlu«triiti'«  nl.n'i;il  aiic:  fi..>t  .■ilt.i,  I.    ,  .n  ].  .Ij, 

'!>«.  SI,  ,^-,.    |;,„,i„,      \-,,_,,. 

l»ri„itsra|.i,i -tn-;iniint-M|  ,,K..|,.„.„„.  '  ~  ""    •''   <"i"i"""U>   t..i,.i  ,.;,,, 

2.l:l      \,,\.  li,      |,,  ,i:i^ 

in  rni;i  1,1   I  III  I  nil  i 

■>f  S5I0NAL   PAPER   No    25d 

■  .'  i-ii\n  Mi  /; 


(ti)  Tl.n  .ii'bri-i  from  llie  trfclcss  .'on  ■  liiiinnill.v  hrlp.  •,,  pr.i.Mt  ti„.  |,,.,1-im.>|; 

i'  111.,'  fon-tr.l   /,ii,,':   rli,'   f:i-t.T  i\\,-  \.  i-n.!..'  :,I ,  r!,,.  .],..,,..   ;.   ,■  ,,  i„,i  ,■.„'' 

■I  striiclion    |,oi,,w.      'I'liis  exfoeiliiisrly   iin(.„r<;int    !irk'iitM..nt    ium-.I-   u.x<-\\rjn-'>yn 
(7l    Tl:c  -A,  „,,,„/ v„/„/;,  „,,)•  ,,„.|.    i..  t,,  Ir  -  ,iv,  ,.r..l::.i.;>    l,i.  T.  ■  r  r  . '  ]  1  .  1 ,,  ,|!  1 . 

t'.c    forest  (M|)   tluiii    it    is   alh.No   in',,  ll,,,.   wli,.|v    th,'   iii i,i    ,,f  v.L-.'tul.I,.   ■.i,^^.\ 

'■■  lit  n  iniiiiiMiiiii,  Thi,  c.u-..  riiiiv.  liouuvrr.  U-  l...|i,-v.-.l  t..  .1  ■  Hm!,-  t..'.vMr.| 
-  ■uiitprbuliiiM'in^'  tit,.  r|T,..'i  ot'  tl;o  romlMi  cl  <v,u-o^  j,;..  riii;„;,.r  il,..|.  Fn.-iot, 
•■:■  aliMtii.  im.uiitnii  -  taU-s  \A.:co  priiiuiril.v  l)y  tli.>  r.  tnoval  nf  i,„;.-o*:  i,,  ,■,„„- 
|..n«.  II.  irinliMMiIiir  •  r;iii.f,i'  .  ;'  w-k  l,,  i!;,.  |,iw  :•••., mi.^I-  !  (-  Lit  ., 
ih;li(ir   fniitrol. 

Vonrh,-„,„.—\  ro.ifu-  o:  tlh'  oon.iii  i..,,^  ot"  L'.iioral  .if;:ni.l.i(  i  .n  <ii.>..v, 
■■■-irlv  It-  .ii'i.-i''  iiiial  .1,  ,ra.-UT  al..>\r  ai,.|  l,!,.u  tp,  -lltav  >!i-i,ii'it-  aln-,.lv 
r-iliKv.l  to  til.-  tiv,. -);,:,.  „r,.  hound  h.-iiPt-rortli  to  bo  ^!iibl.oni  iipaiii-t  fartiior 
'!o,i,,n.  Siiiiuiiit^  b  Ilia;  „  tru'V^.;  zoni?  are  in  rloarly  boiiii,|  i.,  <-oiitiiiu.' 
wiistiii-  rapi.jiy  -o  ns  i,,  i,  i^i  t..  a|.proacli  aonor.lanr-o  of  xtitnnut  li-voii  with 
tlieir  trecivnerod  rioif;hboii,  s.  Si, if,,  tlii'  plafiiif.-.l  /oi,,.  of  aliaiio  tno  aifaiin 
I-,  111  priipral,  «-oll  witliiii  il„.  Inrlos^  zone,  the  *]H',-v.\\  ilojjru.iai  loi,  ,l;o  !,,  |,„.,,1 
ir'Moi.T-.   bnnoolii/.s    '.vjih    L'.ia  I..I   ,T.-<ioi,    in    ibo   ilov,.|,,piH.iit    .a-   a.r.a-.iaii.v 

Tbo  i!ilT-'i-.ii(   iiioaiitain  raiii.'M  of  the  Forty-ninili  I'arai;,.!   ^o.-tloii  all  slav.v 

•'"""''■''•"■'  :i""i-iai ami.  in  raoh  la-c,  at  an  ol.  vail. .11  ol.--.;y  -innlar  I  .  liia- 

•I    tlio  .■ir,.,.|iv,.   tnr-linr.      Tlio   l'ni;o\>iii;:   tablo   siiou-   ll !.,.',vr.i    !    of 

till-  liiu-  in   ill,'  liiL'liir  i-.f'j<-~. 

-\»>  I.IL''-    l.llliJ"    Ml 

|Mi-iti..n   ..,*   1  J.  .■  Ill,, , 
Kli  V.1I1..1I-   III   U-  •  .ll-.,. 

A  will-.-   .I.'v,,. 

•f  to.-  lllir.  Ul,,u 

•••i.-i  ,it..iii, 

0  tio.liii;.'     ,.,,  -II 
iiMi'   11  ..,, 

>      ol..    r;,„u- 
'  i-tlt'iii  rmip 
l'.iiv.H  rioii.-. 
-■Ikak  ri.ii^.-, 
*  ■-Miiliil'ia  -\  -niii 
I  iL.thiikraii  r.iriL'* 

I  f  ■  '/iiliifrli    I    ait''-, 
-■,..t'a   l;ili^'.- 

".'."11  r.L'iio 
r.M  ti  7..«ni 

7.  I'll  tl.siMi 
7.  lit  I  ll.MI*l 

7,iit«i  i,a».ii 
7,LiHt  t;  ."urn 
7. -HIM  ii,.".im 

•  '..MM!  .'...'•IH' 



!).*>*  tl 



i'''a-iona:iv  r. 

1 .1  h  •'  I 

In    all    .-a-.-    liir    •  tiiH'  'ill'    '    i-    lii'^l,,!-. 

ni.To    a!..'^o     tl.-    ,.(f,.,.,|. ,.    .,•-.    lim.      An     11,., (.a,     ,  f     ,!„'     n.a,.-     -I„,u-     tl  •• 

sympathy  brtwv.'ii  .'tTrcii'.r  troe-liiir  ami  -aniiiii'  lo,-..!  a.'.'oi.lan.'o  i..,l  .,„,v,.-- 
tiilly  siiw'sls  tliat  Daw-,. a  was  ri-lit  in  cxplainin-.-  ii  a-  Lir-olv  '.I'a-  'to  tl'- 
trpe-line's   inllnei.'i-. 

On  the  oth.'r  liaial.  Willi-  ojip,,-,-   Daw-ou'-  oxi.l,, 
at'L'iiinpnt  ;  — 

uiatioti   v.Ifli   the  follo-.vitiii 


.'•I  ru:i  Ml  \  /   ■./    //;/;  i\  1 1  i.iui: 

:'  GEOF<C.l 


IIm'  iii'liMtir-  "i  (■i'ii.i..ii  .1,.  not   .iiii.fiir  '.    ti-i.,1  tortiiril  inon'  miil'ini 

fffiri,   «iiii    ^rf.iti-r    ..liiiu.l.'.    Mh    tl iilr.ii  ,    i-'i',  iilioii    ciniilin-i/c-    t'li'ir 

li'C.illy  ,;iin'i|r,;i|  iiitcii-it !<•<.  < '(irr.^in!!  :iii.|  t riiii-p'irtnl iiiti  nrr  pfToctcil  Uv 
I'airii.'  u.ilir.  i\li(i-.-  rii.  r>.'>  lui-  ;i  riwti  \,i:\>*  '<-  •\\r<-r\]\-  ^^^  tl,,'  fall,  ,!,■{ 
"■oriso'iwiitly  in, TIMS.',  witli  In-iKlii  ,,('  l.,ii.|.  Cnrra-ifiM  aii'l  tniiHimrtn*  ion 
iiri'  MTV  iimr.iwl.v  l  ciilizfil  in  activity,  aial  la.M  llw  amc  rclatimi  i.i 
(.'I.' II  IT  a  I  (ii'urailnti'ii  tliiif  a  I'irciilar  s.iw  ']•'<■-  to  a  {■laiiiT,  Tla'ir  int'ii-o 
aiiplioiit'iii.  rc'iilt-  ill  deep  ciiii>on:i,  tlio  i\trfiiii'  of  lirit'Iif  aii'l  ilfplli. 
I'isintp-jratiii::  wlidlirr  cliciiiiral  dr  nic-lanicil,  nia,v  ai't  (>.|:ially 
with  i'.|!'nl  oppnrlmiily.  b'lt  tiny  arc  coi'ti-ollcil  l,v  i'i,ii,liii,,iH  of  oxpos  irc 
Fp.iii  nil  mil'  1-11  ■Jiirl'apo  lln-n-  avo  wiiirl  ati'l  tiny  tn''-i.ini'  loorc  an!  i;  •i-r" 
iliM-r-i-  :«  !ia''|ii.ilitio->  of  roiii'f  iKnili)|i,  'riu'  .■"  tliat  fr.,-t  .iial 
lliaw  l«iT,v  with  olpvntinn  i-'aiii  in  i  tTcftivr<nc»s  inori'  rapi'lly  than  >  ..Ta-^i'ii 
anil  so  may  tli.-  h.'iuht  tn  which  pea!;-;  may  .Tttain  in  a  trrowitiL'  rnii;:<'. 
iippoar-  i.of  t  ,  he  ■iii-taiiiPil  hy  -tndy  of  iTaiiiTitain-i  noa-h  tiitrhiT  than  th,. 
t'aica'h-,  lior  h\  thcorr'ticai  rca-nninL'  in  rinarl  t..  iho  w..rl(  of  fri-o/iii;.-',  I!,!. J  ,ifi,.r  cart  fnl  con-idcratioti  tho  writer  lia-  felt  ohlii:o.l  "> 
nbaiMloii  t!io  li\p.iihr-i.  of  ih-vi'Iopnicnt  •■(  a  c..niiiioii  hitrli  hn-cl  ninooL' 
inoni]tiiin   jifak^.''' 

'  oi.  i-,.ply  to  thi-  arL'uin.iit  i^  iniolic^l  in  iii.ich  that  ha-  \\  ■  'cilo.!  in  tho 
prc-oni  chiipli-r.  A  chi.f  ohjcclion  to  it  i'on«i-t^  i'l  the  fact  that  iimlcr  tlip 
aril]  cnrditicn-  ahov.  tree  lino  \vi'  liavc  in  fallinir  water  only  ono,  ninl  porhiips 
net  tiio  n  o.«l  important,  ciiiise  of  croj^ion.     Wa-tc-stn-aininir,  windiK'fion.  rinou-- 

Tc'p.  and  uvalanrlai  nm-t  also  In nriidcrfil.     It  <ocni-!  clear,  thcrpfnri^,  that 

\Vi!lis's  ar>riini(  la  i-  ino..nohi-ivo :  it  .|,„.,  !|.,i  ,',|,|i,,ri  tho  muovol,.  hypof!ip>.ij 
of  tlip  Ciiscade  rni.po  topofrrnpiiy, 

Arroi-lnii' ■  'I'f,  i  in-nli  Uin  r-siO' iii'i  <i„,i  Utii'iii',  n  nf  .>7o,;i  >.  \  lifio 
method  for  tli.-  spontaneous  developnaiit  of  ■.ninniit-levi'l  acoord»ncp  roiimins 
U,  hi  i.otiMl.  riie  recent  annoiinccniont  and  cjisciission  of  this  exphination 
iiiaki  :i  -iip.-rthi.ii;-  '..  pi'.-etit  here  tL^r..  rh.n  'he  1  riefe^t  of  the  im  lorl'.  iji.' 
ideas. + 

TrolVs-or   Shaler   in    .Xniivii'a   aial   I'fof <r   Uieliti'i-   in    Kurope  liav,'   indc- 

peiidciill.v  -iio'VL  til, It.  as  mature  dis-ei'tion  of  a  ntfioii  under  norma!  elimatic 
coiiriitioii-4  i-  reaclied,  rivers  of  the  saniii  ehi-s  tend  tn  Ijecoiue  nearly  O'lually 
-paced.  In  perfeet  ma'turity  the  slojies  of  the  inferstreani  rldx'o-  are  crudeil 
from  top  I,,  l.otloni.  This  prndation  of  the  slopes  draiiiiiiir  itit,,  two  ailjacenf, 
nearly  l>nr.dlel  streams  flowii:u  i:  the  s.une  liirection,  prodm-es  a  eomparativcly 
■  ven  'on-itiidiiial  pi-..ille  .  '  il..  .co'rveninpr  ri<l(.'e.  The  even  'Te-t  of  tiie  riiiire 
must   he  ni(.n-  or  Ir-s  syii,,>atti.  :  ;e  with  the  jn-oliles  of  the  streams  below,  and. 

•  B.    Willif.    I'rcf.    Pappr    .No.    IH.    IT.S     C-^A.    Survpv.    IWIl.    p.   71. 

tCf.  Its  larr,  .Aitiprioan  flpnlojrist,  Viil,  21,  I89X.  "p.  a'll :  N.S.  Slialor,  Bull.  Geol. 
So.-.  .ViriPrirn,  Vu!.  ]0.  1899.  p.  iiS:  \V.  S.  T.  Smitli.  lUill.  Di'iiartiaciit  Opohv'v.  Uni- 
versity vf  California,  Vol.  2.  I^rKi.  p.  I.V..  K.  Hictiier,  Zi-^tsi  hrift  ilcs  (lpiits,t,pn  and 
(isterrpiihi-chrn   .Alppnv  rfin^,   Vol.  3n.   IgOS,  p.   IS;  W.   M.   l>avi^.  .American  OioIoKist, 

Vol.  i-),  iR"'i.  p,  :«:. 



i;ir<.i;i  nr  nil   >  hih    \./ i.-,,\nui ;:  ^^^^ 

5E'.SIO\AL   PAPER   No    2", 
'l..\ni   -n.MiM.   .|.,«|,    „.|;un    ,   i,,«,r  .,11  !   1  nv.r  ',    .  '       I 

iK> nm...,i  „.  ,1... ,-i.b,..  1,.,  ,.11  „,.. , „;i,. „,:,.,  ,„. „:  .;:i:': :,!:;;,■;;,'•; ■  "x 

;t::i-%;::;:;;;;:-::;;:;::-i,:::::'';:;:T -:::::■;::  ■-'""•7 

«l  M.MMIV. 

TUi'   f.,r„i  .,(■  tl„.   ,T.<„tr  ,|i„.,,,,i,„|   I,       i„.        ,„,i,,,.  <    X    ,    ., 

M   :n   ,,„    ,•  ,„c,.  „>  ■  ,„.,^;„„llv  •  (..u:r.l      I.a...r  .liir,.,v„ti;,l  ,.,■.,-!„„   ;,„.i  ,      L- 

Ii-  -ulp.ur..  .1,,,.  ,„  |„^H..|,.^el  Klm-iu-i,,,,.  t)„.  norm.!  ,.xis,  „-•    ,   l,id.-l.n,.i 

tree-l,n...  nM,|.  ..„..,llv,  ,h.  ,..,m„,...„„1  ,„ f  n^r  .,,.„  in.  a,.,l  -i:.  ,   .       ! ': 

--n  1  th.....  nK,v  ,.,„„l.i,.,.  tl,  off...-.-  ..,„,1  ,v„.l,.,-  ,„„ro  ,^rU:l   .1...  , ..;,!,; ,,• 

'""';  "'"■'•"'■'I  "■'""  " ^"-ly.  un.uint'  p,.rio.|  ,.f  ,l„.  rantr- 

lln-    c,.i,ip,„if,.   ..xplanmi,,,,    Min>t,   tl„.,vfor...    I...   ronsi.l.T.Ml    ..,-rv   ,-,r,. <•.-'■ 

.n  .ii-..,s,M:.  .1,,.  o,i^:i„  „f  ,i„.  p,. „,  ,,.ii,,'  i„  ,„  ,,,,i„„  ,,„„.  ,^,,,„,:„  I  .;    ■ 

no  n.,nn.„M.l:,„.;,u.  .h,,.,-tl,v  n.f,.n,!)l,.  ,„  ,  ..„„„ ,.  ,„,,;„.„,  ,„i  ,,i ...^      ;';, 

I   ">H.     S....I,  ...•.•„r,la,„-..  M,:,v  ,Mvo  „  ..,>„p,.rutiv..!,v  -v..,.  .l,v-!i„,.  ;„  vi.'.«s    V.   ,, 
■  ''■^■/'"""'-'"'V'  I :t.  In,.  .1,,.  ,•„!!  ,■„, „f  ,1,0  ...mpn^i. .Inn.ti,,,,  i.  ,1  n '  •  : 

r'<>neiil;iiii,'.l  ■-iiriacf.  '      " 

(;.VKR.u   (■.,s,MM,.s.„v,nrl>nvM..„,M,.n.,    IFn,,,,:,  ,„    -,„    ,„,.„,.,,..   ,,  r,., 

l''>i:n-\iMii    I'.Mni.t.rr,. 

Mill!  ili'!'oi'iii;itii  II  I,''  I'lwi  iiri   nr.r    . .,  ,        •.  \f 

";.,-.■„„.   .Iciornuui,,,,   of  Tppo..   rr..,:,ooo.,.   „„.l   oMor   form  ,    „,  nt   m  .v 

po,n,     ,„  ,1,.  „„.l.  ]..  .n.l  „nv,hon,  par,,    .f  ,|,.  ,  onlillo,..  P>pro..l  a  ,„hi  "^ 

t.on  o    la,.,,  wluoh  .•lear'v  ,1a,..  ,1...  h,-t  pM.oral  oro...„i,.  r,.v  .l.H,.  ,  a"  I  .  t 

,li.(ote.l  :-p,...ial  attoiitioii   to  tho...  monii,ain^. 

Tlio  t„po:;rapl,y  r,.s„I.i„;r  fro,,,   ,1,..   F.arauii.l ,.,  ,   ■•  „  „no     f  ...     , 

The  ,i,,mi,.an,.o  of  ,|ua,.t/ii...,  hani  ..•l,i,,.,  ,.  ,..:.■,    :    ,...,„,,     .„„i  ,,  .       ;. 

..n  pmu..  i„  „.,.  K„Hv.,,i,.„,  p„,..i,.,, ,„„  „„„„„  „„ "  ,„t:  V  -" ;:, 

ti:r;!;i::.:;:.:,:zL:\,^::s:''^^' ■"-'^^■''■''^  - ■^nm- .  .m.;:; 



hi  '•  I /,•;!/,'  \  r   •■!     I      !     I  \  I  !  rin!^ 

2  OfORGr.  V      \    19:  ■' 

'I'l.i'   .•  "lu  ..I    !■•  'in.    1.  ;   til.'  ..ri'.'ii!    1  •■!  w'      ■!   ■     r' .    I-  •         ■  I  r    iii.iin-  t'l  th'' 
(.rcsi-ii'    •  f.ri'  «iil)'lu.'il    M'  i.'l'    i-  of   tlii-  «ii  nr'liT  ii-   tli.i'     i".  •.iiiji1i*lip.|    li.v   tl  i> 

iT'i'i"!!  \  hirii  «,i^  ;i  li'i'  ilip'iiL'li  ilii'  ii'i'i  Tir'iriry  i"ri'' i  in  t'u'  I'.jiiiH'- 
r(«i«liiiit  t'Tniiii-  111"  til,'  Ai't'iili'-lii.ri'  niwl  of  hiIht  'h.p  inlaiiL-i-luiiii*.  Ti;'- 
o;ii'iiiiii;  "I   Witi^Tl"!!  Ill  ■  Mi'li'v.  ilii-  llnc'.y  M.r   ii'-iiii  iit,.|  I'   -I'll  trt>n<''"'i',  tli'> 

Si-:kn  1>     \'.u,    ■  .  I         •     I  llw  h^  ■.  ill!    M.l'ix  II  -    .1    -irir-    i   l'    t.i       -    .••  'im    ■  r  l' ■!.•    ' 

til   -!■   ■!      p"!!!!!.'    ill-'   ili-.M'    V.ill.  V.    ,.r   111"    Ilii'-ii.   ( '..p.i!'--' ■      •.    '  r    r.    r      ''  i 
vsllc  -  if  till'  I'n-t.      riii>  iii'iiy  ii.irrowi'r  V!il!cv<  n(  llio  f'niilillcrM  nn-  iiii  I'liirii"" 

of  t'  f  viniiii.'  t(i  II II'  'I'lrli  nv    <   illi''  *  r'lt    111   till'  f  'ri't; !•   |  i'  ''I'l    U\    ni   tin' 

App  I.K-liiaiK. 

Sniiic   iiicll',  ii     il   I'.iiMiti-   I'l    'I'     i'l'uli  liTii   :iri'  ilui'   III   !••  iri'iii)'.'.       iit-i  !•:' 

rlralllML'r      lliri'  It!;      iillri.ll      .,.  ti  1'      tllT'illLll      fn  .  r        ''llir'.  till'.  ■'|lir-P 

'■X'.-pliiilnil  p:iii-.-r.;  liut  tliirc  -  htilr  ilmilif  that  tlnTi'  Iki-s  Ik'  i.  :i  t'Micrnl  iiplif* 
"f  the  < '.trilill' r.i   in  tlii<  l:iti;iMl<'  ilnriirr  ttu'  lat-'  'I'lTtiary.      I'Iim,.f  1,;h  cmi- 

-i"|in>iitl,N    Ik'pii  iiicroa-fcil     iicrluip-  ly  i.<  iiini-li  ii'i  thai  cl.iii 1  I"    ItaM»"ti.  ■I.'X)** 

f'Ot,  f"r  tlii>  IhU  "f  fntorinr  rialcail".*  Sii'-li  uiilift  !■*  nii  iiiip.ntaiil  iiii-|.li'ut 
■  ■ 'itil'lii-aiiiiL'  ■'  !i  lint  rali'.ill.  i-li.  tiLriiii,'  ''"■  i-i'"-ii>!i  <''iihlii  iniH  wliii'li  niroailv 
•  Ai-ti'l  i>.'foi'i'  till  c'l'Viiiii.)!.  Il.-l-ii'i'  ii  I'.mI,  pi  11', ■.  wi'  may  1h''i.-  '■  tliiif  i'"'  immii- 
l.iilH  all  llu'  ^'  IN  I  iiin  llic  (iiilf  lif  <ii-"rijia  tn  tin'  (ir.'it  I'iain-.  vaiii,'.''!  Ml  ln'iL'ht 
:i-  III  :1,(MM)  to  .iimi  fi'i'l  or  niorc.  'i'lii-  lati-  TiTtiary  uplift  iiiviLT'.rati'il  tlii»  rivcr^; 
:■■  'ii  i  11"!  li'jiii  a  la'W  iii-ioti  c,' c'li'  at  til.'  I'l.i-i'  of  -i  i'"Mnil''t>>'l  t'oriiiiT  I'Vi'liv 
Till'  \  ii'iv  that  the  I'll  til.    po<t- 1,11  I'll  mi  •  l:l-i"rv  irliiii'.'-  1.    ..n.    .■.aii|' ia  cro-iuii- 

i-w'lo    L'\plaiii-    till'    u[)parriil    prrilotiilii    ii- f   r    ii^'- iucut    'li    iiiaK''    iti    all    tliP 

r.  itfci  li'Ti-  •••■ii-itittitiiif;  tl,.'  ( 'ordill' r.i.  It  al>o  I'li  !■  to  ospl.iin  tin'  alHoiWi-' 
of  wi'll-'!":iiu'il  adjii^toil  iliiiii.  .:■•'  wliifli  i-  -"  iioticial'li'  ill  tin'  ir.-.ii-  < 'onlilliTaii 
l.r't.  (If  coiii-r.  \w  >hoiilil  iioi  ■■\i.i'i'i  I'l.  II  a  sfcoii.l  oro-i'iii  .-v.lp  f.i  pro'liu'o 
ill   llii*  moiiiilaiii-chain  tl xtraii'liiiary  aninit.t  of  ■iiib-fi|iiriii   ilraiiia -o  whii'li 

ii.ira'  Il  ri/i'-  till-  vi'i-y     .Iitol:!  i :-  li  riam-  ".'  Vii-  iiiia  aii'l    I'      i.-vKa'.ia.     I  li.- 

I'  (  '  rililli'i-aii   roi'k^  arc  t-o  !:■  .irly  ihiform   in  '  h  irilii''-- '      .r  iliat. 

'I'll'-   out  ill. '.1   history   ha-t   the   a.i   .iiit  ifj.     of   not    ovorlo  I'liiiir   tlio    I'.i-iiary 

\'.-:lli  W;iat  -iriii  1..  I.c  iiiip..—I!.!i'  I'mU  '.;■  i  i.i^l  .11,  r!i..  \  a-i  •'  ii 'al.i;  i-.n  ■  .-.l 
ill  the  -oft  rm-U-  of  tho  Iliyli  I'la'  ■  of  tlio  Stat.-;  :  .  .piii,-  ijilTinnr 
plii'iioliii'iHii    from   that    iio-itiilato.:     .>■   tin-   aiv  oc.ito-   of   Tcri.  pcncplanation 

n  tho  oxpoi'iliiijfly  stronf.'  rooks  ol  iln-  ranj:<>s  oro-soij  hy  the  K.      v-niiith  I'arallcl. 

rile  Tortiary  poriml  was  Ioiilj-;  ilio  .jin'Sfioii  i-.  how  ionui-;  'riio  attcntivo  study 
..f  oro-ioii  will  I  flp  in  aiisworin^   that  .  no-tioii.  hut  thiTo  iin   '   h.-  a  litlio!o;.'ipal 

...ntrol   ovi'.-   -ji'i'iilatioii   and,   ahoio  all.   ii   I'ar.'ful   ooiiipari-oii    ..f   r irds   from 

all   iiarts  oi    the   world.     'I'lio   hypoiln-is   of   I  .tr   'rortiary   i>.'n.plaiiatioii    nt   tin? 

lorty-iiiuth  Tarallol  s.oiiou  of  thr  ( "oi- iillora  <  ;.■  i  or  !..■  ■  ■  ii'iloil  with  t!i.-> 
facts  showing;  tho  spi-od  of  pi  o. ion  in  oasti-rn  Aniorii-a  or  ii.  :  "i'.-,  nor  with  th" 
pli;  sioKiaphii'  hi-tori.s  wliioli  -i-.'iu  -o  Hiiuly  I'.-tabli-^hcd  in  li  •'  lart,'i'  area?  if 
til.-  .  ai'lh's  siirfaci'. 

'  li.   M    i 

111).  <;.<il.  .«iK'.   .\ii!"iioa.   Vol.   12,  1IH)1,  p    '."I 

2  GFORGE    V. 

SESSIONAL    r«Pf  R   \y    ^r^, 

A,    1912 


MliH     ..\I..M;,,,|  s    |,,.sf|>    AM,     ,,,,.      ,„;,,,, V     ,,y     ,„,.-    ^,^^y 

sihki.w  iimkstums  ' 

M       ....  ,       |.,n,|,.r..„.  l..nvs„„.  MHlv-.v  „n,|  ...h.-r,  ul,,,  h.,vo  «■  .kr.1  ,  ,,  ,1.....  o M 
K  .     Wl...,.  .,  „.M,vv  ^,.„I,,-,-,H  „n,|  ..■,,.,.rt  ,.al..„„...In,Ms.-  i,.v,.  ,„„ .,..,|..,| 

■     'I.UTO..   wl,,..,   w,.nl,|   „n„lv,.   ,1,.,   .vl,„I.„al..  .|..s,r,„..i,„.   „f  .1„.||.   „r  «!,.,, 

I-  .il.l..n.lns,„  .xr,,„i„. ...,„..   ,i,„i,.„,  ,„,,  .,,    „,.,   „„„„,.,^^,  ,„,,,     '        ;- 
.xp,.s„r..  are  ......n.  ly  lar„.  an,l  fav al,l..  „.  , li.,.„v..rv' „f  f.s.i  .     f    1,  ^ 

•MtMi.  (a-tl,.   Munnfan,.   a,„l    I!,.u-    riiv.r   f„r..,  ,ll„„..   a-   :,:„,„.,   „„,ir..Iv 'l.-  'J 

■l.-o  -n,..    th..r,.    „,a,v    h,.    i„    ,1„.    ,,„,,r,,    ;,    ;,    ,,,,,,„,    „  „    ..,,,,.,„.,„„,^         . 
?.•'";"-'";■  -■■ l--ly    -Ml-       I.    .i..   ra,„l„ian    an.|    IVl,; -,   'U  „    "       1 

'     ""  :  -'■•'"'""•^"•v  „.:,--  „,    ,1.-  I'ri..-.    Iliu-r  .,.rr. i„  »l,„l,   ,|...  urifT  ua- 

iil''<'  t.,  111.. I  II,, I  a  -iiirl.'  Ira.'.-  .  f  ..vL-mil-in... 

This  unlMSsilif,.rou3  ..hara,....r  ..f  tl...  .litT,    .  ..f  trrrmr.  i.  all  th..  „„.r..  „   f,. 

'•In  ..„s  ,a..,  ,lu.,  ,1..  ,•„„.-.„„..  |,av..  ,,..,   ,l„.  ..l,an,..,  of  ,l,U-     1  ,     •„       ; 

a-;    i.MMl.  ...n  of  sliolls  .,r  ,.,  -oral  .rowth  an.l  tl.,„  ,o  pro..,...o.  J,. -ill      .p,    ;  ^^ 

-. h  ,1a.  ,„..,„anon  ,.f  „.ari,„.  l„„o-,.„..,.  ,,l..  a  s,.',,.'  -.n.l.l^,    ..;::;       ' 

...  -!.._  tir>.        I  1„.  wr,.,.r   i.,-  „,r,.,v,|   a   hy,„„!„.,  ..-al  ..x,.la.,ati f   ,  ,  ,    ul        ) 

■■t    .-aL-aroous    t„sMl-    i„    ,|,...,.    [•■„r,  w„;,,ll,     I'aiMil.-l     (,,,,-.    a.,.i     ,  ■' ■    ',1..'. 
P-.i-ra     failuiv  of   ^,„ils    i„    ,1„     ,...  ■a,„..rla.,     ,i,.,l     .,     ,,,.„I,ri..n     f„n     . 

L'.a  \..|.      Ill  )_•  ,;  j'l  '""* 




'ANSI  ond  ISO  TEST  CHART  No    2) 

^     APPLIED  IfVUGE     In 

ji^^esle-,  Ne»  York  i 
''6)  ^Si  -  0300  -  P':Ofi. 
''6)    238  -  5989  -  Fa. 


nE['.\RTMf:sT  OF  THi:  i\ri:iii()i{ 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

tiolis  tluoiinliout  llic  M-ni'M.  Till-  Kvpiitlic-i;-  :il>c)  ;i<  rnimts  for  file  dovplopuiPIlt  nf 
the  dolomites  ami  liiiu'stoiies  of  i)re-Siliiriiiii  iiffp.  The  explanation  is  noopssarily 
to  some  extent  founded  on  speeuliilion.  The  ditlieulty  and  iinportaiioe  of  the 
problem.^  deniund  tluit  even  such  siKMuliilive  exphiniifions  should  be  retained 
and  elaliorated  Ix-foi'e  the  linal  theory  is  aiiopteil.  Kor  this  reason  the  present 
1  hapter  contains  a  statement  of  the  liy|)i)thesis  in  some  detail. 

The  secretion  of  caleareous  hard  parts  by  marine  organisms  i>  supposed  to 
have  been  first  made  possible  as  a  result  of  the  increase  of  the  land  areas  during 
the  late-IIuroniau  orofjeiMc  revojutinn.  i  Se  •  two  preliminary  paiiers.)''  Tiiat 
enlargement  of  the  contir.ents  -aused  a  ^'reat  increase  in  the  annual  supply  of 
river-borne  "alts  to  the  ocean.  The  supul.N  \v;i^  specially  in<T(>aed  'ly  the  upturn- 
ing and  erosion  of  tlie  thick  limestones  which  had  been  deposited  on  the  sea  tloor 
of  earlier  pre-Cambrian  time.  limestones  are  regarded,  on  the  hypothesis, 
as  precipitates  of  calciiun  and  }nanne-ian  carlifiiKitc-,  thrown  down  'vlicn  the 
river-borne  salts  ditlus«>d  to  the  ancient  sea  bottom.  The  chief  reagent  for  the 
precipitation  i-  considered  to  be  the  annnoniuni  carbonate  generated  by  the 
decay  of  animal  matter.  It  is  further  postidatc<l  that  in  pre-Cambrian  time 
the  active  seaveiiKini;  system  had  not  yet  been  evolved;  that  therefore  the  amount 
of  decaying  animal  matter  on  the  pre-Cambrian  sea  tloor  was  vastly  greater  than 
the  amount  now  allowed  to  decay  on  the  bottom  of  the  ocean.  The  sniallness  of 
the  aimual  supiily  <if  river-borne  cab  iuTU  salt-,  coupled  with  this  specially  rapid 
precipitation  of  calcium  carbonate,  is  supposed  to  have  kept  the  pre-lluronian 
ocean  nearly  limeloss:  only  the  minute  traces  of  calcimn  salts  contained  in  the 
river  waters  as  they  ilitfnseil  to  the  sea  l)ottom  would  \m  foimd  in  the  ocean  of 
that  tinii'.     At  the  bottoni  the  water  W(udd  be  practically  limeless. 

The  nearly  limeless  condition  of  the  surface  water  was  changed  by  the 
extensiv(>  omgenie  and  e|K-irogeiiic  movements  of  bite-IIuronian  time.  In  the 
Cambrian  jjcriod  the  animal  siiccies  had  begtni  to  armour  themselves  with  the 
new  material,  henceforth  present  in  the  sea-water  in  sufficient  amount.  T'he 
primitive  chitinous  shell  now  became  strengthened  with  phosphate  and  carbonate 
of  cab-iuni.  aiul  in  the  Ordovieian  many  species  ha<l  adopted  the  armour  or 
skeleton  of  pure  calcium  carbonate.  The  Ordovieian  and  Silurian  rocks  were 
therefore  the  Hrsi  to  be  charged  with  calcium  carbomite  shells  and  skeletons  in 
;:reat  numbers. 

The  Kvpothesis  further  stati's  that  not  only  a  large  part,  if  not  all,  of  the 
pre-Cambriau  limestones  and  ibiloinites.  but,  as  well,  the  limestones  and  dolo- 
mites of  tlu'  early  Paleozoic  formations,  are  chemical  precipitates  thrown  down 
by  anmionium  carbonate.  This  precipitation  grew  slower  in  proportion  to  the 
ilevelopmcnt  of  the  tishes  and  other  efficient  bottom  scavengers.  When  the 
scavenging  syslem  U'l-anie  well!ished,  calcium  salts  could,  for  tbr  first  time, 
accunudatci  in  the  oi-can  water  in  exee-s  of  the  net'ds  of  lime-secreting  organisms. 
Thereafter  the  mariiu'  limestones  have  been  largely  formed  from  the  debris  of 
the  bard  parts  of  animals  and  plants. 

•1«.  ti>n; 

A.    iMh.  .\in>  r.  .lour.  .siil. 
1..  ir,:^. 


1'.'":,  i>. 

liull,    i:e..l. 

.\inrrii';i.  \'''!. 

itrriiirr  nr  i in:  cim j-  t.-:ii{ti\o\iri{ 



SESSIONAL    PAPER   N.,    25a 

Tho  pn-si'iit  chapter  contaiM-  n  (lisiu-inn  ,,r  virl,,,,     u.  ,       c  .1 

■no.  ^  „.„.,..o..  Hn,..i,y.  .h.  .vi,,o...  ^..^t^!  ^:x:^  :^Tr:z 
;::;tr;i;;;;;,;:ss;Ht::r;l  ^■^'■•'^" '  ""■  '"■-'"-  ••--'^  -'-'■ 

Ihi.  chaptor  i.  ■,  ,.,.„„,„..i„.  r,.pnnt  of  tho  proli,ni„Mrv  „.„km-.      Th 
moro  pro.,.„t«ti„M  „f  th..  l,,vpo,h,..i.  ,„ay  h.  .t  .0,,,.  o       thn  ..  w 

aye  to  do  w,th  to  p.]..o„,„loj,y  .,r  ..hotnioal  ^oolo^y  of  the  K^  h  H         :.  ^ 
t.oMs.     tor  Ininselt  tho  writor  ha.  foun.l  ,noro  sati.faotion    „  th  '   ,  v    .,     , 

:: .; :  s;;"  iv^"^  ""'•  t  ^'-^  ""-'""■'  •--'••--"  j;:-  l;:  o  :r ;;;;: 

111  an:  "t  tho  oldor  vio\v<  <,ii  tho^o  i>roMoni-. 

KxO,,SVVnONs    „K   TM.    I '  S ,  ,„M,.,K,.:H,  „  s    Cu.nOTKR   OK    .M.K-.  AMBR,  vv    SK„nn:sT.. 
that 'lJn"""'"r'";  ':''  "'"  ""■'""""■"'"■"  ''<-'>;ulion  of  fo..iI  rrn,aln..-TUo  Mow 

were  all  present.     So  far  as  chonucal  ooiupo.ition.  .lotrital  oo.npo^ition    rwi.litv 
of  de,.usu.n„    ot.-     aro  ,.„M,-orrK.,l,  tl..  .o,lin,on,.  „f  ,ho  ( :.vlill  ora      ,  r'vi"^      i 
of  other  forn.ations,  are  ideal  for  porf^-t  fo.sili.otion 

inhabited iust  boforo  Cambrian  H^ ^o;;:!;;:::'-;'  i irj^  l]^ 

fnndamen  a    types  ot  f.on,  protozoon  to  n.ollnso  and  arthrZ     b  t     H 
s  ye    so  t-bod.od.  had  beon  evolved   in  the  surfaoo  waters  of  the  o  '     'J      ff 
from  land.     At  tho  close  of  tinio  tho  noliai,.  f-n,n.,  fir  f    r 

t:of7'7  U     '''  "'""^^""^^  ""•'  '•'"  ^P-'-i'"  ''I'^^^.-TlS-'o   '^hX' 
om  of    he  shallow  coast-wators.     Owin^^   ,0   the   intense  str,„.Kle  for  existen  o 
witlm,     he  shore  ^one,  there  was.  in  early  f'an.brian  tin,o.  a  rapid  nccele      i,  , 
o     developniont   wh.oh   tended  towanU  the  n.latively  suddi.,   ov'l.tion   of     . 
0  Icareous  and  eh.fnous  struct.rc.   wldd,   f„n,.tio„e,l   a.   n.oan.   of     ro"eo  io 
OJ   offence,  or  of  otherwise  perfoetin,  tho  animal,  for  „ ,..f„,   oon  1  a        T    ! 


III  !■  \in  Ml  \  /  ()/■  ////:  i\  I i.i{i(ii; 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

I'ossiliziitii.n  of  luiiilii.'  animal  t.vp,s.  tli.rptoro,  tiist  Ikthiiic  possible  in  ruiiiliiian 
timo  siitipl.v  l).MMiis|.  lianl  parts  liail  tluri  tir>t  i>ec(iiiip  cvolvfxl. 

A  principal  and  iHTliap-  hila!  ulijcction  Id  l!rii,iki">  iil.a  is  tlial  tlicrr  i,  ii.. 
apparcni  reasnii  fnr  tlio  Umn  p(.sl|i(>nenicnt  of  the  'discovpry  of  tlip  sea-bottom.' 
\\\-  can  liardly  doiil.t  that,  throiitdioiit  tlip  liistory  of  niarini!  life,  tlip  sho-p  zone 
uii-  a-  ar.-,-  iM,.  I,,  p,.|auic  laivac  cti-.,  as  it  i-  now  and  tlial  tin-  ~li..ri'  zuik 
afforded  an  advanta  roons  habitat  to  niariiip  o'->ranisins  in  pre-Cnndirian  time  as 
at  the  proent.  1'  ofessor  Brooks  af-'ncs  with  most  other  authorities  that  the 
time  occupied  in  I'le  evolution  of  the  soft-hodied  hut  highly  diversified  pelapic 
-[lecies  must  have  be<Mi  enormous.  It  is  scarcely  eouceivable  that,  in  the  time 
taken  to  evolve  such  liiKh  lyjies  as  i-ei)halopods  and  trilohites,  the  slna-e  znnc 
should  not  have  hccn  Iouk  successfully  C(donizcd.  Skidetal  and  shell  structures 
sh'iuld.  therefore,  have  been  developed  several  Reolo^ical  ajres  before  the  epoch 
of  hi>;li  specific  differentiation  illustrated  in  the  Cambrian.  The  conclusion  seems 
unav(u'dable  that  the  sudden  ni>peara!ice  ofabundant  fossils  in  certain  Cambrian 
lieds  is  not  due  to  a  relativel.v  late  colonization  of  the  shore  zone.  Kveryone  must 
ie<'iipnize  the  value  of  the  shore  zoiu-  as  stiiiudatinff  the  evolutionary  process, 
but  the  Brooks  hypothesis  breaks  down  because  it  praiits  an  inexplicable  post- 
nonenient  of  the  shore-line's  influence. 

■■'..  Su'jf/csto!  hypollic>ii.-.--.\  third  hypothesis  may  be  based  on  most  of  the 
fiiii<lamcnt;d  iioslulates  of  liinh^-y  involved  in  Brooks's  conception.  AmoUf.'  these 
may  be  specially  recalled:  (n)  the  very  slow  evolution  of  hifther  animal  types 
from  primordial,  soft-bodied,  simple  types;  (h)  the  supposition  that  the  bidk  of 
uuirine  animals  and  plants  «ere.  in  pre-Cand)rian  time  as  now.  pelapic  and  free- 
swimminjj;  (r)  the  further  lea-onable  supiiosition  that  tlu;  prc-Cambrian  sea  was 
ihorouf-dily  tcn.intcd  with  animals.  Thp  jioint  of  departure  of  this  third  hypothe- 
sis lies  in  tlie  premise  that,  accepfintr  these  three  iiosttihlt<-«J,  it  was  impossible 
duriuK  miudi  of  lif(^"s  molnlionary  period  for  animals  to  secrete  limey  striu-tures 
at  all;  for  I'raclicnl  plnisiolafilrnl  ,)i(  lime  salts  were  non-existent  in  the 
sea  water  for  most  of  the  pre-Cambrian  life-period. 

So  far  as  known  to  the  writer,  this  h.\potliesis  as  a  whole  has  not  been 
stated  in  Keolof;ical  or  hiolofrical  literature.  Aracallinii  has  suRKested  that 
calcium  salts  were  hut  spariufily  pic-cut  in  the  •earlier  Areh»..Ti  seas,'  and  notes 
the  possibility  that  pre-Cambriau  orj^anisms  coidd  therefore  not  hav3  acipiired 
the  'liine-halut  ';  but  he  gives  no  I'xplanation  of  the  supposed  small  content  of 
lime  in  the  sea-water.*     Such  explanation  is  tlie  kernel  of  the  hypothesis. 

The  writer's  sii:ccre  thanks  are  due  to  ^Ir.  K.  A.  A.  Johnston  of  the  Cana- 
dian (ieologieal  Survey  f,,r  much  hell,  in  di.scussing  the  hasal  chemical  reactions. 

l'i:i:(  iiTiATioN  OF  I 'Ml-  Salts  Tiiiioicii  thi;  Dito.mposition  of  T)r.\n  Organisms. 

ft  follows  fr.  .e  main  hi(.lo(ricaI  po=tnlafi's  nf  the  hypothesis  that,  in  the 

earliest  sea,  the  liigher  animal  types,  including  the  active  hunters  and  scavengers, 
were  not  yet  evolved.     An  important  corollary  is  that  the  carcasses  of  countless 

*  Tninsiu  tMiiis,  Canadian    Institutt-,    Vol.   7,    1903,   ji.   5;)G. 

"///'  >>r  I  III:  Clin  / 

I  -  /  /,''<\  Ml//   /,' 



animals  living; 
HCc'iimuInli!  nil 
the  teiiii)er;itii 

♦'"■    ^'"•'' "•■•"I'l.    ^if'-r   .l.'..l,,    f;,'     ...    ,|„.   .,,,    ,1„„,     ,,„,.„ 

relutuel>   iMgl,.     An.nml  careass.v.  f,,llon  ..,  ,l„.  .,,,  il„„r  ,, ,,  ,|,„,,,-,.n.  ,„„  1... 

•  ti  ,(i  ill,' 

in-. ■Ill 

.\L'ii--i/'    nil 

I'.W     tl'UlI'i   l\i 

1-    yi'.rli    ofF    ill     i,il-i;r    volnriK-:. 

Ily  I'oin.rliiit'   tin,-  cliioridi.  ;ni,l 
't'  •■ulcinm.    Tlic  USUI''  .••iMiitioii- 

111    <-oM    ston.-,.    Iillf    w„uhl    VU.lrr^n    pillri-lil.'P,,, 

.\lurra.v+   li,,l,|   tlml    |,'itr,'lii,'!i,,ii    inK,.,   ,,|;„,,.  ,. 

tun-s  (if  the  sea  l^.ltoiii. 

During  imtrcfactimi    iiiiiiiiniiiii,,,   (mvI,,,,,..,!, 

This  powerful  alkali  has  tlu-  prnporty  „i  ,npi 
sulphate  of  calcium  into  procipitatiMl  carl.onatf 
for  the  relictions  may  he  notcil: 

CaSO.+  fMI.)  rO,=Ca(()   :-rXir  1  SO 

Caci  +(xir.)co,:.=(a(o  .  I'Nir.Vi    ' 

'•'.'th  of  ihese  reaeti.uH  are  reversihh..-  s„  that  new  .'aleium  earl.,„Mte  i„ln„l | 

cSe.   "       ^"    .'"^'■''-^-l  '°;'>?  ^"'.'l.ate  or  ehlori.lo  an.l  then  finallv  pre- 
a«' :   •        ^'Tr       '^'"'■'■"■^■•^'•^■""'-  ""'1  \Voo,lhea,l  the  tir.t  rea..tinn  is    hat  to  wlneh  a  marnio  seerotes  eal.-iuni  earhonate  shell  or  -kele,   , 
irom  sea  water;  ni  th,,  ease  the  am.uoniutn  earh„„:,„.  i-  ..'uerate,!  in  the    le      , 
postfon    of   effete    products    withiu    the    hoily   „f    ,he   ani,nal.§      Tl  e   eho    i     1 
'"'"■'■■^^  is  thii-   t„n,lani"n.,,lly  .he  -.,.,„.  W".|,..,'  ,!„,  ,,,|,.i /.nulT",,, 

Vn'!^"iZ  ''"'  ""'""""      ''"^''  """""^  ="•"  ''""^•"■-   """-'-'^   ^"   the 

water  though  It  wouM  al,„  proce,.,l  .lurin,  ,he  slow  suhsi.lenee  of  .loeavi," 
arcasses  ,,f  low  density.  I,i,tu-ioi,  ,i„d  the  ,.,,|e,il  i„tc,ehi,n«'e  .,f  w'.ter  n  im 
end,  .n  a  lon^  pertod.  to  remove  all  the  cale,  .m  .ilts  f.-on,  the  oeean  A  e  tl 
here  would  rem  ,:„  m  solution  otily  a  minute  ,,nan,i,y  of  ealeium  salts  iJm^ 

K^om't::;;:::..''^ "" '"'"  ^'— "'^-^  ^^-^^  -•!  -  .et  diffused  to'£ 

calci^^'S'lnJll'T  ""r  ""  'T  '""«■"-""'  -"-  "f  --  -.'-  f.'oru  uhieli 
bona^  -h  1  '"':^'^r"  •^'■""""""l  "■••■  ""avaih.hle  for  ,1„.  elahomtion  of  ,,i,- 
bonate  .hells  and  skeletons  l,y  organisu.s.  although  the  organisnts  live  ami  thrh  ■ 

n    ,  e  Camhr'"-     T^"'"f  ''"'   "'"'  ''"""''"    '-topl^-smie   n irements   we  e. 

in   pre-Camhnan   tnue.  the  same  as   now.  e.x,,erinie„ts  thus  show   the  eomplel, 

•  iV'  <onimiinica*ion 

t  'tT'I  a""  '111'   '•''^'''  '!"''   ""P"^it-   Chall,.n,...r   K>,p,.,liti„„,    IWl     n    •.-,« 

d,  J/'i^.^^^s^f;Ss;'^'l'„a;;?!c^l?Sf.,^^  ^'T'^%  ^z'^'f/^'  '^^--'"-'  - 

Hall,  New  York,  p.  Wit,  1906  '-ne"'>-to.  by  1.  P.   Ireadwell,  tiiins.  by  W    T 

i  I'roc.  Knv.    S<><..  Kv'linburBh.    Vol.  16,  im,  p.  »24.  .-ind  Vu!.  17,  „.  79. 


in:rMn\ih:\  I  m   iiii:  i\ri:itiun 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

|"."ihilit,v   III    almmliiiit   |>re-(iinil.i-iaii    iiuiiine  life   in    the   form   of  softhfulii'd. 
lufihlv   ilivcisiHcil   iiiiiiiiiil   types.* 

Tlip  Kozoii'  ivori  wns,  tlifii.  into  two  purts,  a  loiiK  \tor\ni\  durinir 
nliicli  the  eiilriu.n  siilt>  inlierite.l  fmni  the  Azoii-  *i!i  were  beinp  precipitated. 
iiMil  :i  Tiiiii-li  loimer  period  during'  whiiii  ilir  stiMily  ivoliitinii  i.|'  animal  tvp,  -  took 

I'liHT     ill     Mil     ilhllO,-t     lilllell-.    -r;|. 

1)1  HMlns    OK    IMi:    XkNUIV     I.IMKI.lSs    Sf:\. 

liiiie-seiTotinf,'   or^iniii-iii-; 

The   loiiditioiis   suitable    tor    the    developiiieiit 
iiiif;lit  have  been  established  in   three  differeii'    , 

Tutrefaetioii  on  the  sea  li.ior  lias,  aiiionir  its  other  etTeets,  the  seiieration  of 
imieh  sulphuretted  iiydrofteii  b.v  the  deeomposition  of  s  ilphates.  The  bottom  of 
tho  Eozoie  ocean  may  have  thus  been  poisoned  t,v  the  jras  in  n  manner  similar  to 
that  observed  in  tlio  world's  largest  perfect  desert,  the  basin  of  the  Black"  Sea. 
Ihe  evolution  of  b<ittnm  .scaventrers  or  at  least  the  colonization  of  the  jreiieral 
!<ea  bottom,  may  have  been  long  dela.vcd.  Nevertheless,  it  is  possible  that  the 
^manatlon  of  sulphuretted  h,vdro>fen  from  sea  water  in  which  caleinm  sulphate 
was  almost  entirely  removed  (leaving  magnesium  Milphi.te  and  other  sulphates 
acted  on  by  decaying  animal  matter  as  one  source  of  tlie  gas)  grew  less  as  time 

went  on.  ami  that  the  sea-hottom  water  llierelv  l.eaine  g..i.|iiallv  -weeti 1  and 

lit  for  colonization.     The  scavenging  s.vstem  once  established,  it  would  now  he 
possible  for  river-borne  calcium  salts  to  accumulate  in  the  sea. 

Secondly,  it  is  that  the  ancient  animal  types  could  elaborate 
hmey  structures  from  even  the  minute  .|uantity  of  calcium  carbonate  which 
sea  water  can  hold  in  solution,  and  that  these  animals  did  not  then  need  tlie 
sulphate  or  chloride  of  calcium  for  the  secretion  of  eah-areous  structures.  Cal- 
cium carbonate  could  not  reenter  the  essential  composition  of  the  ocean  until  the 
acid  radicals  freed  from  the  sulphate  and  chloride  (inherited  from  the  Azoic 
sea)  were  either  destro.ved  as  such  or  were  satisfied  by  yet  stronger  bases  than 
lime.  The  sulphuric  acid  of  the  existing  seas  is  being  constantly  converted  into 
insoluble  iron  sulphide  and  free  sulphur.  This  reaction  takes  place  best  where 
ferruginous  muds  are  siisiieuded  in  tlii>  water.  It  would  have  luit  limited  efftn'ts 
on  the  floor  of  the  deep  sea  far  from  the  pre-Cambriaii  land.  Nevertheless,  the 
whole  water-body  would,  through  diffusion  and  marine  currents,  ho  in  time 
iifTected  by  the  reaction  and  the  sulphuric  acid  radical  of  the  Kozoic  sea  would 

•At  many  puiiits  in  this  chapter  thiTo  is  npid  for  a  sliurt  loriii  desiKiuitiiiK  the 
onfire  pre-I'aleczmc  (eon  of  life-history  on  tiip  earth.  We  have  no  generally  aiceptwl 
word  with  this  meaninR.  The  writer  will.  moerduiBlv.  revert  to  thi'  term  •  Iviaoic  " 
invented  nearly  forty  years  afo  by  Sir  J.  W.  Dawson  and  later  usid  by  him  lira,  ti- 
oally  to  cover  the  period  in  nn.-tioii.  The  term  ik  liere  employ.'d,  however  n..t  m  a 
stratiRraphic  sonse,  unplyint.'  divi-ion  of  genlogiiMl  lime  of  the  same  order  as  the 
laleozoie,  Mesozoie  etc.  It  eomeivable  that  in  the  future  this  term  may  he  finallv 
.lUiipteil,  alouR  with  I'loteronoic '  and  perhaps  other  names,  to  represent  one  ..'t' 
several  'zoic'  divisions  of  pre-Cainbrian  time.  With  this  understanding  it  is  hoi..,! 
that  the  propojirf  temporary  use  of  the  term  'Bizoie'  will  cK^asion  no  misapprehei.- 
"lon.     Ihe  pre-Eanic  won  of  earth-history  will  be  referred  to  as  the  '  A/oic  " 

Ill  fiiirr  1,1   I  III   run  I    \>n;i>\<,\ii  i: 



SESSIONAL.   PAPtR   No    25a 

he  ■■\'■^y]y  -K'stroyo.!.  How  .•Nt-„Mv..l.v  il„  n„l,.Ml  u.,>  r.-,.la.-..,|  hv  tlu-  vul.'.nio 
en.ana,,,,,,  „t  ^.,„.,  fr„n.  ,1k.  ..arth'.  i.a.riur  .Mnn-.t  b..',l.nno„.,rat.-.l 
Yet  inor,-  ol.somv  ar..  tlio  rrartion.  wl,i..|,  ,„!«!„  dav,.  1,M  to  the  i-orc 
l"  bin.  >,.«  „l  ,1„.  -ulpluTi.-  ari,l  an-l  .-hloriM..  uls  to  ,naKiio-,„>n 
MnrodMOt..!  to  tl.e  >,a  !•    tl.c  forn.  of  tl,..  -arb-MK.,..  h.v  tb.-  riwrs.     Tho  ohlorii*. 

'''"'"•"'  ''■'■'■'•  "■"■"  '"il''i'nn  rbl,„i,|,.  „nVI,t   Imv,.  1„., „■   ui  part  rra.luall.    b,.un,l 

fi)  -odium. 

Th..  ut.Mo-t  .•tr,,rts  ..I  cbi'miM.  Mia.v  br  iin^iblr  t..  ,|,.t..n,P,u.  fiillv  tli..  oxa.^t 
■vaedons  that  t.ik,.  placv  in  so  .■nMM.I..x  a  ..,,i,„i.,n  as  ..-a  ^al.T.  I„it  if  socmn  fair 

t'l  uraiit  t!ir, ilily  nf  .-..m,.  Mich  rcan'aii;jrMi 

■lit-  aiiinii-  the  idiiJ  nf  the  Ko; 

-eu  wator  .So.hii.ii  and  niaKncsinni  ,alts  are  tbr  .loniinaiit  ^*alu  in  the  sou  to-dav 
itnd  It  IS  to  suppo,..  that  tli.y  bav,.  b.<M,n.,.  s„  b.H.ans,.  of  a  slow  evolution 
"t  an  ,...pan  lendin^r  towards  a  tnaxinnim  ionic  stnbilitv.  Tho  .mdpbates  ar.- 
t..-,la.v  rolatnvlj^  subordinate  b.ean-e  of  the  very  exteti^ive  preripitation  of 
insnlnl,!,.  sulphides  and  earbo.wites.  dir.^etly  or  indireetly  thronph  the  .heniieal 
liitluenees  ot   livinjr  or   piitrefyinf.'  aiiiina]-. 

It.  filially,  the  aeid  bi^eanu^  eiflicr  destroyed  .,  i  .sueh  or  pernianei'tly 
b..niid  to  bases  more  pow.Tful  than  lime,  the  <'one,.Titration  in  the  sea  water  of 
ealeinni  earbunatc'  introduee.l  by  rivers  first  bee.mie  pos^iWe.  Then  and  fla^n 
oidy  mi-lit  have  been  initiated  the  ,  poeli  in  whieh  an  indefinitely  eontinnmis 
-erie-  ,,(  lime-seereiin;,'  aniimd-  e.,iild  b..  evolved,  Tlw  b.-inninjr  of  this  epoel, 
mifrh;  have  been  near  the  opening  of  the  Candirian  p«Tiod. 

Or.  thirdly,  w  may  snppos,-  an<l  this  seems  to  be  the  more  probable 
altei-native-that  a  r.dat.vel.v  sudden  inllux  of  river-borne  culeium  salf^  mi>rht 
prodiie,.  an  exeess  of  them  in  tin-  sea-water  scdution  over  that  amount 
hitherto  was  keiit  continuously  pre<Mpitated  by  organic  dt-eu.y  on  the  sea  bottom 
In  tins  case  it  is  simplest  to  postulate  that  a.-id  radieals  were  .-fill  free  in  some 
measure  to  convert  the  river  b,, rue  earboiiates  int..  sulphates  or  eblnridc**.  liv 
sieh  reactions  tiic  calcium  would  npix^ar  in  those  salts  whieh  are  now  normally 
used  by  lime-sccrctinfr  animals;  fh,.  animals  would  then  have  a  mu.h  more 
abundant  s(,iirce  of  cabium  i'nr  the  elaboration  of  liprd  parts  than  if  the  mueh 
les-  soluble  carbonate  only  were  presi'ul.* 


III  Hi^MW      <»Hnl,|:M,       I!k\oI,I    l|,,s. 

Toward  the  close  of  Eo/oi 

.     ,     .,,  time  there  occurred  one  of  the  world's  ftreatesf 

mountain-biuMinfr  revolution-.  V,.ry  extc^nsive  nh.untain-raiiK'es  were  fluii 
tat  the  lieRiniiinK  of  the  •  Kparchean  Interval')  ere<-ted.  and  the 
prrew  to  larpc  size.  In  a  monojrraph  summarizing  some  of  Walcot.fs  researches 
on  the  Cambrian  fiumations  of  North  America,  that  author  writes; 

'  The  continent  was  well  outlined  at  the  beginninn  of  Cambrian  time- 
iind  I  .sfronfily  suspect,  from  the  distribution  of  the  Cambrian  faunas  upon" 
the  Atlantic  coast,  that  ridfjes  and  barriers  of  the  Al^'onkian  continent  rose 
above  the  sea.  within  the  boundary  of  the  continental  plateau,  that  are  now 

'  Cf .  ,1.  Murray  and  K.  Irvine.     I'roc.  Hoy.  Soc,  lOilinlmiKli.  Vu). 

Ih>i9,  I).  W. 


"/  r\i{iMi:\r  <>r  mi   i\ii:i/ii,u 

2  CtORGE  V  ,  A.   1912 
l.iiri,.,l   l„.M..nll,   tl„.   wat-r^   of   tl...   All.uii...      <)„   ,hp  ,.  „.    „,„,   „.„  ,     f  „ 

i^:;:'"o;:;r- v\S:r::;.r::;;;:!,  'ir :  ;;';:T:r":r  r^-  - "  •"^"  "^^"- 

"Ml.v  by  inur,.  or  less  ,.|   tlicr  truix-nfcl  base-..     Th,.   Interior  Cntino,,?, 
foundations  wore  l„„lt   i„   AlKonkiun   ,i,„e  on   tl.o  An-hoan    I  .-o  ,  ont'    „n,l 

favour  a ,..., .  ,.H,,.,,u  t.:.e "iJn:" ;'::;i;;^i::  1':;  :zrz:: 

asins.  will,  ,.„  ,,,.ir  ass™.b,:..o  of;.oa,la.rin;^K:,X:;:  ,   i   t  rl;:l  J^S 
Ki-oaly  u„.roa<..,|  over  thnir  i.K,R,n|„,|,.s   in  forni.T  tin,,..  '  "'^^'' P'-^babl.v 

fw„    .!,n.lil!-T'''''n'"  "'""'"  •""""  '''""  "'   "'"  '1-iantitativo  influence  of  tbo  fi,-.f 
!!^'      '    '     '    ;,     """•"""""  ^  '•"'•••'■"1  i.n-..>«tion  of  the  Bohemian  rivers  h, 
«n         :t'?;"  ♦"','"";'"•''"".  -'r'i""  '■•■'--"  the  li,l,..I,„  nature  "f       o  rt 
i-nd  tl„.  cnt.nt  ol  cale.un.  in  tl.e  waters  issuing  f.o.n  the  terrane  *    His  res?) 

re  sunnnarue,'    in   the  folh,wi„«   table   iu   wh^.h   ,he  ti,.  r  ^e  "     t™ 

represent  avenip.N  of  s-^veral  analyses:--  U'irano 

'I'  \BI.E    X  >'  ■ 

"■•Jriuni   ,ni,l    i„;,i,ir,i,i ,„    ;„    H,,h,;<:i,,n    rivi,:i 




Mitvi  m-liist 


f'rctaci-ous  (lari.'1'i.v  liiii.-«t.m.-| 

'lltt    HI  i^nrts 

•         I'l  r  iiiithi,,,. 



!l  M 

fW  S4 

;t3  lis 

fHirt;'  I  tr 


3  71) 
I'.i  7i. 

::  32:1 

-'  37  : 1 
2  J.s  :  1 
.1  4I':I 

:K«/*'ifi''''\v'ri'''L-^"y;  !'"''•  ''••"■  "™'-  S""-"^--  '89'-  p.  •«■• 

i  % 

/.■//■"/,■/    „/     ////    ,/,//■,      I. s//,.,,\  „,/,/,. 
SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 



^•aMuM>  and  >,u,-„„m.  is  n.Mnif,-,  '""""^  "'   •''--''••' 

Alter  a  ,l,.tail,-.|  study  of  thr  nii.-ii,,,,   It|,|,   ;    ,,:,      ,        , 

'1.^;.  ovon  this  tnK.,io„  is  ..l.nos,  ^  .  ',      ' S,  "^w     h'^'T'  T'"'   '■■'"^"■'- 

orilv  ..n.-thirtietli  of  tl,o  ,.„?,.;  i  A.,  on  I  in  j;  t.,  Ins,,,,.,!,- 

furriosg  '"    ''"    "'i-'   <"i'Hliiii,'     nvcr-sy^ti'in 

«ft,-.Miu.n.oi„,io„..srr.M.,:,/:Hv  :,;,::'■■,:'  ',;'■,"";'  "■"":■. 

I  li'>  revolution  must  hnve  liii.l  iinotluT  iriinorto.t  rir    .     •       . 

.|ii..f,,.,:,:,::rl:;L::;i':™;,:;:^t:,";:i'i':,:rT ■■";■■ 

::;s::;;;":™;;f;::;:;™;:i:i:tr;l'^::;r"  ^'f r""''"r '""^ 

■^Muuie  miles  aiu)«er  imiii.v.u  re-ions,  a  total  area  of  about  3.-,,(1(m».,h.,, 

V'.i.MM.!;;!';;;;  ''/;;r,2j''"*'"" «'  ^•"■■"'--  j---  Ak..i,  v,,„  w..t.„^h: 

l>l"ll.    AllKt,Tr|:illl, 



III  f\i!i  \ii\i  III   nil  i\  1 1  mill/ 

■     lllil«-.     Hlli.'ll     i^     riMlKlll.V     ill.. 

Hii    wiis,  on    tli.-.i- 

?  GEORGE   v.,  A.    1912 
lion    inrn.a-t'.l   \\.,'   Innil  iircii   t,.  ,"..■, (»iMi,(itii<  «.|,i,,r 
|iii-iiit  iiri'ii  ot'  llii'  liiMil-.' 

'I'll.'    .inniiHl    rut,.  ,,f    i|„.  supply   .if    .Ml.-iinn   t..   tli. , 

asMni.pti.M...   i,„T,.,.-..,l   lr„M.   (^r;  J«.J    ,   ^,;,  ,.,   1^:,  ..,..,    ,    u'/Vini.^'W'H^r 

';"'■'.'";■'■ ':  ■•'"-•■''  '"■■^-'i.M.-    u,,  ,i,..  -,., i„.ir n. t  uhi.-i.  m. 

-■l«ni...Ml  pr....„,,t,.t,..„  „f  .■al..i„n,  ..;,rl„,n„,..  v.  ...,n.p.  IUmI  was  hnlvo.!  hv  tl„..o 
m,.v,.n,.nN  11,,,-  tl„.  p,,.l  ll„r,>ni,.n  .nn.iili  nn  ,  no„rinK  the  p<.s.ibiliiv  ,i„„ 
^.  pnrt  ot_  th,.  nv.T  iM.rn..  .•nl,.i„ni  ..ft„l.|  r.Mnain  in  s„l„iio„  in  th.-  n.v,.n  w.t.. 
from    (.'.-  ^'    •    11    to    (H.J>    ,K   or   n,„r,.   tin,.-,   n,„n.  ..ff..,.,iv..   ,»w.m    th..   p,... 

AJ.h.M.Kh  .tr 1„.  L,i,l  „n  ,„,   p«r.i.M,lar  tiK„r..  ..nlMnli..,!  i„  ,|,., 

»'T,.K,„nK  ..„,„.,.,  thi.  r„„Ki,  „„nl.v,si.  mtvvs  k.  ill„>tr..t..  th.^  .tr...,Klh  ,.f  ,1,.. 
nrnl.,,h,l,ty  lh,,t  tl,..  prn,iii.i„„-  ,.n,-l„|  n„.v,.„„.„t-  „f  M,..  l,-,t,-  1 1  „r.i„ia„  ;„„l 
l-H't  anilri,,,,  ,nl..rval  nin.l,.  ,,  .•.„i,p,ir„ti;..|y  nipi.l  .i,„|  ,,„it,.  ,lr„s(i, 
Ihf  .■li.'iiH.-,il   .Mn.iilinii   of  th. iin. 

<'liun|j:.'  Ill 

.\\  M   \  »l  -    nf      III.      t  »l  I  \\V    \     K'lv  I  I,. 

Tl,,.  vi,.w  thii.   ll,..  Mipply  ,.f  .■„!,•!,„„  I.,  th..  ,„•.•„„  ,-..u,.|,...l  „  mnxi.nmi,  r 

'"";'"'   '' '■'-  "'    l"''-<'.u„l.rimi    ,i„„.   I.   |,„„.,|   ,,„   .„„„.  -|„.,.„h,ti„i,.      Appiir 

flit  y  i,i,„v  .•.•rliiiii  aiv  lli..  trr.Min.U  f..r,.viii-  that  th..  hitr  i.r,.-<  •.iinhriaii  ,,.■,.;,„  havo  r. iv...l  in,  anninil  ralriuiii  supply  whi.'li  was  onlv  n  siiiiiU  fr.i.lioi, 

"f  th.'  pr«.se.,f  annual  supply.  Tho  l„.li,.f  may  U-  foun-lcl  ..„  a  ....mpariv,,,, 
Lotwo,.,,  th..  anaiys,..*  .,f  riivrs  ii.,w  .Irainiiifr  larRo  pr..(amhrian  aron-i  with  ih.. 
m,alys..s  ol  riv,.,.,,  ,lra,i,i„;r  averafr..  f.rran...  ,f  the  i.ros,.pr  o.,ntim.|its. 

I'ew  mors  ar,.  m„re  typical  „f  the  form  r  rlass  than  the  Ottawa  ah.,v.. 
Uttawa  .'ity.  Its  ..f  miles  of  trunk  ami  bra.i.-h  .'  are  siinl; 
in  t.i..  laip.sf  pr.-Caii,l,r,ai,  area  ..f  th,.  worl.l.  aiul  it  happi'iis  that  most  ..r  all 
.,t  th,.  r..,'..Ki,ue,l  ro..k  t.vpes  of  th..  pre-Cninhrinn  format  are  liherally  retire- 
se„t,.,l  ,n  Its  .Iraina^e  bn>in.  Only  very  small  and  praet  .ally  nepli^nHe'  n,ass,.s 
ot  ..•oimfr.T  r.ieks  oeeur  in  the  basin  alniv..  the  eifv  of  Ottawa 

At   the   re,,uest   ,,f  th..  writer.   Mr.  F.   T.   Shutt.   to   the   Dominion 

M-erimeiital     arms,   has  v..ry   km.llv  ma.le   two  analyses  of  the  Ottawa   wat..r. 

taken  at  the  (  handle....  falls,  wlih-h  face  the  eit.v.     The  first  sample  was  eoll..,|..,l 

on   .Mar..|,  12    1!K)7,  at  a  tin,,,  when  th,.  river  was  still  i..,.-..overe,l  an.l  reporte.l 

'•"  ■'"'■^'  ^"^   " '^'--'''R  ""'  *"""'"■■•  I'if-'l'-  -rio.l.     Its  analysis  is  more 

.       VV'*'".  "'■'!.  '*"♦'»"  •"'•'"'■••■'  of  the  aue  ot  th.-  iH.«-aii  ns  about  90.0(10  000  vwir..  s*....,,.. 

i'',"o..e.?;:  brt.rr-v'j;"T"''  "^  •'■«  r ''"'■'^•^-  '/'^  '■"•*■  •'"^'  th..  •s.iaZ  bri,.  i ': 

li(.  ...eaii  by  tlie  rtvers  diirinK  pi«,t  tiinp  is  iiparly  all  r<.prf-..nti.,l  in  fhp  i,r..Mi,t  v,., 
,    .  T  ,"  ?PP"'"''»',v  "'">  of  the  soundest    in    ,lvna,nic   RPology.     Tl  "  .hfef  so,    .,.,•,' 
loul.t  as  to  the  validi  y  of  his  mPthod  of  calculation  ronsisfs  in  th  .  ohv  ous  t  ,     th 
t   ,s  not  yet  possible  to  spoiire  ..voi,  an  approxiniat..  i.h.a  as  to  the    "..'.""r  v   ,  at  .m 

':^':.:i^'^;J(i^'^^'"^'  *-  -^  ^"'-  ■•  ^•--^*-  '^a,'th;^:;yy,;r,iia^',j::^ 


'■"'"''''•'••  •'"'"  ''"It  "f  ll,.-  ti,-i   -, ,1,       I  |„.  ... 

I  .'M.I  .'  ..t  T„l.l,.  X.\.\|.\:  '     ■     <>'    '»., 


*Mil     X.WI.X.       l„„/„,„,    „,    ,,,, ,    ^;^^^, 

I .,..,. 

Ilnrli  ujtt.T.  H..l„l«  at  !.M  i.Mi  ,,.,i,,^.,.;„|, 

'■<»•« (fntt;..|i. 

■"<|'Im|«  lift.  1  ij/tiiii..ri 

.\I,U  . 

C'«(  I 



.Ml.  11. 




II'. t  1. 1. 
II  ■•  .1.1 
;i  7i' 
ii.t  ,t,i, 
I1..I  .l.t. 
ii.,t  .1,.,. 

:«>  :u 
7  (h; 

'    iK 

•-'  u 

■J  :.i 


""I'ly-  ...v..  r...„....,iu.i:  ,.;;„r:,i;,i  J -vr  ^;"" ; V"^"'"-  "•"'•  ■'''"■^" 

■"'ll'o...  m.l  s„li,l,  atW   iKniti..     .  I.,. .',.„,i.;.,  ■...'.■"■  ,':.-"•    ^Z  "-  '.   '7'~    I"' 

"-'  -I-  v,.rin,i,.„  i„'",.i,':,; .;:,'.';;  -'•^■.  'T'  """'•"'■  ^'  ^^"'  '"•  -■'■ 

s.-a.*on  t„  8,  ,,*,:„   ;s   r.-l-itivelv     „   ,1'     i                                '"    ''''■"■   '"  •'"''"■   "'"'    ''■•'"" 
Hualy^^s  f.irl.v  ro,iros..nt  ,l,e^,^,.^..   ,   ...X'  '"'"   ' ''"''  "'"'  "^^  '"■"  ''*"' 


„    .  '•''' '"'•"•  "'■  '•''-•i'"„  an.l  ,„.,;.„*-«„ 

tl.eir  inean  bc^,,  c„l<.uh,t,.,|  t„  „.,.--  ,„ 
l^iM..  M...  „i,i,.|,  :,l>„j;iv,  ..   f..r  „„rr..-, 
■ithor  rivers  as  well  as  of  fl„.  ,)(,;,«•,  r: 
b.'ork   of   ]'i,l,«,zoi<-  lim..>toi..  ,    lvi„>;    ,„ 
'•ii'vs  f„r  the  ori^'iiiMl  rnblirnii,,,,.  „f  il,,. 
Wo\  RulK.tin  niimbrr  :;.;o  of  the  ri.i-u 

Hi"  Ott.iwii  riv,r  wntor  in  mode 

■f  tl.r  nv.    -till,,,,  of  (1».  riv..r,  ami 
""""■"  -.'I  tl».  rosults  ontpr...!  in 

'"■'•"■'^  ''        ■alrilitll    (■(illli.iil    I.I 

\'     .■  below  the  .<ulid 
mil   Monlr.-iil.     Tlie  refor- 
,^-i's  I'lny  1)..  foiiiiii  ,,„  p:,g,. 
•loj-'ieal  Survey     - 


'"  i-\i;i\ii  \i  ,,i    nil   i\ii  i;ii,ii 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 
Tuir...  XL.     r,,/,  ,.M„  a,.. I  ,„<vn„u,i,„  ,„  ,„,■„,„,  ,i,-,,,. 


"     I.  n»    Ullti  1 

'•    lli^'ti  »,ir.  r  . 

'  .    \\<.\\\  i.l  ,1  :itii| 


I..1''    I'lv  <■ .11,1, 

I.1''     i.r.  I  ■.ihilirj.iii     .1 

S;.ii,i    l.:i«-,.n...  al    l)if.|..„.lM„^       I.;,f|„,.  I',,„| „,, 

..■"""(.'••"I  'i    Iltlllv   an,.U..  , 

■'.    U  \lmi,...i|..,l,.        ;,v..n.n.    .,r  I,, I,      |.rrr„,„l,i,„„ 
,    -J   ""■•K  ••■••.  I',.l,.„„„.., 

•   ;'","l''"'     "'•''> '  i: I,,.'.   |.,,.|'. ,.,,„   „. 

V'"  «>,.,.„,      ,>„,.„..    „,  .-,^,x,,„,|,,  ,,,.,,.„^„   , ^ 

I,     ";' "'-  ..(  I'nMMf  Hi,„  , 

'"1 !n.-niL'.  ..I  ■.,'.;   ,i,,,U-, , 

Uli.ill.'      .IV.TJL''    .p(  .'i  :ili,.U.,  . 
S.  Ml,.   . 

Jtk     \  ..1,11.''  ..f  Id  rii. ,.  iNliniin  r 

^      \>.l....'.    ..tJllis..,. 

'  S„  .r„|i„  M,,i,,,>  ,   .Se..,tti.|,  .;...«,.,,, I, „,,l    M.,^.a,„.,,   \,.|.  ;(,   |ss 


l.t.l , 

•  littn 



liiltM.  ,,i 

<-,i  r.,  M„ 




:.  HI 
-  II 

11  '• ' 

1   •i7 

■J  ill 

•►  1,-J 

:i  Ml     1 
:i  ^.'    1 
.1  i.'i  .  1 
1  '11     1 

1,  .  - 

1  :>•: 

1    .'■_■  :    1 

:i:'  iC. 

7  L'l 

1     tl       1 

11  l> 

1  .  .11 

•-'   '.'.1  .    1 

.t(  .'l* 

\\  7; 

-'  Ml  .   1 

.■U   'HI 

^  1',:, 

.;    ••-'  :  1 

c;  VI 

<i  <)| 

II  :)| 

iM   !l!l 

ill  x;, 

1  1,0 

1    IJ     1 
7   •-'•-'  :   1 
Mi  L'l      1 

1    t?      1 

'7  77 

:i  11:1 

1   .»(       I 
1   IN  :  1 

('iiMI'MilH,)\    (IF    illi:    Oil  u\  V 

\^l'    "I  III.K     Kl'  I  lis. 

IH-T.^..,,!  i,s  mu.l.  cili.iu.n  i),.r  v.ilin.u.  •!.  fl.o  \  >":"-'"'.'•»?.  '""I    <--  than  I'o 

^•: *"'  ;■' -':■■•  I.'":..:;:  i;:'.";:';;:::;;;.:;'™';,::";,  ':'i:rt 

wludi  urea  |.r..l„ibl.v  vi-ry  little  soli.ti,,,,  of  .mI,-;,,,,,  s.,1   -  i  ■  ,  il,-         ,  'f  •'■'•  '" 

h        '■     o.nTt'  -;  r..l,„nvly  nir...     Tl„.  .on...„t  of  this  river  is  tl,  r:fo  M  S 
tian  1,  «.,>  1,1  be  It  the  rnvr  bu-i,,  were  all  .,..,.,i,,iod  bv  the  iivoraL'..  rock    .  f    1 
who..  ...,,, „H.ntal   luva  of  the  earth.     The  e„„.  ,ari.o„  of^tl^  L^:  H.:  s    : 
»|Mei  .  l.v  instnietive,  s.nee  tlie.y  a.v  all  worki:,«  un.ler  e-,.nti,llv  .uJL    V       , 
••-lir.on.  with  nearly  the  .an.e  ratio  of  rai„?;.ll  tj  nl^.'-'Er       ";:;;:  I'' 

r",'  ";■'";  "'■'^■''''"'  -"'f • '''  ""^  """""^""^  --"  "■!  -f  .heir . ".  .„  r '  ; 

:;:!e.;';::^x:';:Si:;r  ™:!f ;;;::  z:\:;z  ""•-'"■•"  -  - "  -^'-'"  -  ^^ 

p..  J'::;ri':ir''r;;:::';:rM:SM:'^,"''^'" '""  ""-^"  --  '^  •-'- 

In    f_lnrke's    a.iinn-ahi ,„„,ilatio„    ,if    river    ;„.a!^-.-    |],os,.    referrinL^    t,i 

-er.   wh,eh   .Ira.n   pre-t  an.bri.n   terra ,l,r„..i,„„.    their   respe^[rba,i;: 

'■''  ■'"/,■/  1,1 
SESSION*'    PAPER   No   ;'5a 

'    """     IWA'..\,,,/ 

/  /,■ 


>'"f  .1,,.  pn,p..r,i,„.  .,,■  ,,.,,.i„„.      ,  .'^;,  '  '""•;'  '""'<•  '"I'l-.  n  u-i ,.,..: 

y-:' t:::::?:s;t?Sf- !:-^^  :■■- 

•'^"'  -i-'  .Murray',  ,.-„■„   „.  '       ""'"■'"   '"   '"'-'•""   '"   ""'•   ^--rM 

"vonll:;:;;:;;;,::,':;;;,;';;;;;^-';;;-  ;-•-..■  ^^^     ,.iw.,..  .„H,;„, , 

i;o--.'.;.m  ,„  .ii-„iv..,, ,..,,. ,1       ;'::'" ;.'■; 1 '  ""■  -n- 

'  i:<\.'nsUur   ,„„i    ,|„.    Mi„i.,i      i    „;„  .     "''";'■  "''.'•'•  '■— ■•  Sainf    l.;uv,v „ 

'^'  'i;7  ^-p--'i- Hr,.!  ov..,.  ♦i;:';!::,,;;;!'!; '';!'''■'■•■'  ••''— — •--iin.,,.., 

-iH^:;.il'::;:^?:!i:.:;::;i.:;:::;:!;:!:r'-/:;V''^^ .> 

=-.':r;:;;:::';:;:i:':::;,.;:;/:::;:, ::-:;  -  -'^''-^^ 

;«ti,:i:'-r - -■  •-- - '';:i:r:::::,;i::i:,:'t:,;;:" 


.-  ii:  :;:';;:;l:!';:;':;;:;,:;;:  •"; "■'"■'•'  --m,. ,. 

rl.v  '...ricliiilc 

,,   ""    '•"<•  rii' <  iiiiil.nnti  I  ill,.    III,.  i.,,,,|     ,  '         '•"•^'■^    '■ 

'>'  'I'O  -mn,.  onler  n.uM  |,,v,.  ,.xi.n.,i  l„''w     !    ,  ,".'"■•-"'"  '■'■^■'^'•--     -^   '.■■Mtra,t 

Tf  til.'  Lit,.  p.,.-(;i,i,|„.i,,„ 

'■'ii'l-    li.'i'l    ;i    total    Ml 

"".  l".'..^..Mt  total  1;„„1  ;,r,,,    ,|,„  ,.,■„.,.     ,,„■', '"■■'     ."   on. -half  as  ^rcat  n.^ 

rivers.  '""  "'  '  ^'"■"""  """'  '.-Ti.-I  to  ,|„.  ....„  ,„.  ,h..  „.",  ,-s 



i>i:i'\itT\n:\r  or  mi:  i\ii:i!i<tit 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

r«f.  If ';:J:!!-'"l^  .-bvioM^l.v  involves  .1...  ..sMM.pti,.,,  that  tl...,.,, 
rate  of  chemical  was  no  more  nipi.!  tlian  the  prcsi'iit  rain  Si,,.-,. 
Iho  rate  .s  <.ontrollo,l  ,apar(  from  the  influo.,ce  of  the  terraue)  prin-ipallv  l,v  th. 
nb,m,h.n..e  of  the  or;.«,„,.  aei.l.  attaekinjr  the  hedrook.  we  rnn.v  well  suppose'  that 
the  well  vepetate-lOttawa  river  is  witnessing,  solution  at  as  rapi-l  a  rate 

11'",  •"  ^'■:;"^  ""''!:',""  /'■.""■  "  ■"'«•"  ^e  <'onsi,iere.l  that  a  tropical  tempera- 
ture .iurins  the  pro-(  a.nhrn.M  wonl.l  have  <.a„se,l  specially  rapi.l  solution  of  the 
rocss  uf  that  t,ine.  This  view  is.  however,  har.ily  su,,porte.l  by  an  inspection 
of  tl,e  .lata  relat.uR  to  ex.stinfr  tropical  an,l  extra-tropical  rivers.  Furthermore 
the  recent  ^-lacation  of  the  Ottawa  basin  has  cause.!  the  removal  of  secularly 
w,,i  rock,  so  that  the  formati..ns  n.,w  cxpose.l  to  erosion  contain  n.-arlv 
their  oriRinal  anionnt  of  solubl..  matt..r.     For  this  reason  th.>  calcium  contend 

raitifall""""*'  '""''''"  '""■'  '"^  ""'"■  '*'  '""'"''"  "'"''"""•  f'""  "  '''■f'''"'^"  "^  "vera^e 

\Vitl..M,t   furth..r   entering'   upon    this   conf..sse.lly  obscure   subject,   we   mav 

triThe  we.  I'T'r,  '""'";""  f  •'"'''■'■""■"''■'  "'"  ''''^'''  "^  ".'.(^i.i.u.le  in  the  cou'- 
ra,t  het«een  the  late  pre-(  auibna-  -        present  suppl.v  of  calcium  to  the  ocean 
tlirouffb  weathering:  nn.l  river  intlo\ 

\'\mATI.)\s    IN    Tin;    CaMU    M    SICIM.V    1)1  H|\. 

AM)    AFTl:H    TlIK    PllE-( 'A.MBBIAN. 

lieforc    til,'    11 

urniiiaii    revolution     tUv    Mipply    of    river-b..rnc 

■an  was  almost  ecrtainlv  less 

.•aU'iuru    tl 

1  ,  ,  ■  '"  '""'-f'''"'  ''-^  rn]m\  as  it  is  to-day,  an.l  it 

a.  h.ue  h..en  hss  than  one-tw..„tieth  as  rapi.l,  while  the  amount  of  animal 
matter  compl,.t,.ly  .Ic-ayiup  on  th..  s.-a  floor,  ami  therewith  the  likelihoo.l  of  the 
pre,-i,)>tat,on  ot  ..alciuni  salts,  may  have  respectively,  of  times 
greater  than  they  are  now. 

rmmcliately  after  the  Iluroniau  nn-olution  and  during  the  immcnselv 
long  period  of  l,as,.|evellinfr  which  followe.l  it.  the  annual  supplv  •  -  cal,.iutn  t'.. 
the  oceau  niay  have  approach,.!  rivalry  with  the  present  annual  >,.pplv.  Th.. 
>upply  .lonbtless  .hinimshed  somewhat  as  more  an,!  ,m,re  of  the  IFu  .Inian  an,! 
K..-lIuioinan  hm,.s,oue  ai„l  basalti,.  areas  w.-re  l,.ssen,.,l  by  erosion  an.l  as  I'e  gram...  batholi.hs  w.-re  un..,v,.re,!  an.l  ..xp.,s..d  to  solution;  hut  this 
wm^^e  must  have  !,..,.„  vry  slow,  an.l  it  ,li,!  not  annul  the  criti-'a!  offe.-t  of  ..„„- 
|';  ,^nlar,^..meut.  !  '.rinK  the  Iouk  ..rosion  cy..]..  ,hc  ocan  was.  for  the  first 
ill  river-b.iriic  I'al.'ium  salts 



'.1  as  k 

FMi>i    ( '  \i..m:i:oi  s    I-'hsmi- 
This  special  inllux  of  .■al.ium  salts  nuiv  be  con... 
livers  .,f  the  s,.a  water  sutli,.i,.nlly  supplio.l  with  cal..ium  for  tli^  nee.l7of"iimc' 
^.■.•ivlMiK  .,rj.aius„,-.  whil,.  |lu<  bolton,  layers  lost  th,.ir  .•aL^ium  conL-nt  by 

.Sucli  contrast  of  surfa.'e  and  bottom  wat.i- 

eepiiiff  the  siirfa... 

l.ifation  .)f  the  carl)..iiat.'  ,if  calcii 

woubl  b,Ylu..  to  tlie  sl,.wn,.ss  of  .litTusi,.,,  throuKl,  a  of  l;,,ui,l  s.,  ^r.^at  as  |l„. 
..cean.  Hn.b.r  the  cone..|v,.,l  ..ou.litions  the  mo,t  favourable  pla.-es  for  the 
invent.ou   „(   ,.ab-ar.-ou>   bai.l   parts  wo„M   l,c,  p„s,iM.v.  localize,!  area,    .u- h    ,. 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

"""""'"■  ^'":  <iin:r  A. riiosnun^ 


tlio  open  sea  opposite  tUo  urt-tU;-  ilv       i  i 

n'ore  or  less  isolate,!  <\unn^' th,  ~'t:-  "\  V'"''  '"  ""•  ^"i''"»"-"-MtaI 

-'!"f"n.  """    '■''■■"""   '•o-M   remain   in   the  ooeanic 

^in.'e  Lower  CuMl.rian  ,i„„.  .1,,.  ,  ..,„i,„,„     , 
-"Kv  an.l  emer^^enoe,  but  thev  have  .ioMht  .     '        '"  '"  ""■'  ""'''■•'-"■"- -'i'-Mr- 
area  eharaeteristi,.  of  the  pre:iIur,M'i   n      .  t,  I     ".'■■  "■'""""■''  ""^^'^  ^"'»"   t''>W 
P'-oolH  that  the  oeean  ha...  the  ,,      , '''^:     /"  "'i'^  "-'■  '^^  ''-«  ohvion. 

;:r:t?,:;^r--^  ----■  -'---;;:•:-"'::;:.:::;;!;  'Sit-,- 

;n.-lnopo,l  shells  are  often  r  •  V  ,i  ! '"n'r^ff'"'"''";""*''-  ''''-  ' '-"b-inn 
.f  '"•^-■-'  f'-e  two  principal  or^-eZh  1  t[ ''''''':'  '""^-"•'"-■f  the 
'  ".-  .n  the  oeeani..  composition  mie  Si,  „I  V'""""^  "'"'  """"'"<-•■" 
I'nan   ,„o||„ms.  hra.-hiopo.js.   ..f       mmI    ? ,  , T  <l"'ninanee  of  post-Cam- 

'""..tless   fos;iis   "  "'   '"'-^''''"    "'"   Pn-rva,i„„     ,,• 

^oIlo^vinp  onr  main  hvpothe^i.    the  ,.!,;  ,f       •      w 
r-  .are  in.pressions  of  soft-hl  h  , '.; tw     "i';;;:;"''  f"-''^  -i-'-i  in  Ko.oie 
-I'  ti.,o„s    tests.      The   last    will    |„.     .'.    .,'e     ?      T  "/.^'''™""*  orpanisn>s.  an.l 

'">-'  "^ 'I'l  owe  their  preserv.tio,,  f     r  '"'   '"-'"■•   ''-'i"^   "f   tli-   -r   J 

i"|'^">i<i..K  tlio  late  Eo^r:     "      W.  'S  Ttv*^  "T""'  ^^^  ""^  -"' 
.ah-areous  shell,  or  skeletons  also  ovohed      e  te     f  /.'"''r  ^"'"''^  '"'"  '^  ''  '-v 
<;•   ""■  ^ea   in  river-borne  lin.e  salt.        Ha  e'  i"  '"^ '■''''•'''• -■•■■'■'-'-'' 

■ -overe,!  in  the  pre-Can-brian  ro-ks  Iv  W^l  ^ n  "^  '"'''   '!;"  "^''"'^  "f   ^-'1^ 
•or  ohv.ous  reasons  fossils  of  all  four  eh,  se  fu'T  ^'"'"'^  •■""'  """■-■^• 

'l.--over  in  the  roeks.  The  verv  pr.  enee  t^  h  •""*  """.  ^"^  "''  "'-  '""i'-lt  to 
-  -.1,  as  the  Lower  ('n„,|,rian'  >'r  •,  "he,"  t  ?  ""'""^^'^"'^  "''  '-d'-  i'.  .oeks 
'■.vpothes.s  cannot  explain  the  absenee  ,'  e ,  ,.,  ^"TT  "''"  "'"  •""■f^'-""n.hi- 
i;  '-any  thousamis  of  f,..t  of  eq  mil  I  ;  |,  r';^ '''''^"r  "\"f  f''-''  "'■r-re.sions 
"'7';'Pression  of  a  shell  is  assu  eZ  ml  ,';'"";'■"—''  '••'^"-  -''--"-ts. 
^an.l  than  ,s  the  impression  of  a  navh  so        ':         '    .        "  '"■'■"■"'•''   '"   """•  "r 

cortan.   th,,t  the  pre-Camhrian   roek      ,       h      \     ,.     V'""'^-  ""  ' "" ''  '-"' 

:•'  '"•»•  ti-ne  eonfaine,!  any  .onsi^^ahl,     „      b.^'V      i     ""■"""   '''"'''"-■'    "— 

i-r;;,:i::~u,£-,t: — '^■■';""--r-,::,,*'-'i: 

«.^fi::"'zlz '.:;  ;i:t;:::,;:'r',7::,t  ■;;:::;:"  ;:'■■«;■' ;"- '-" ■ 

""ts^i; r:;:/;:;;;:-::--s;;  r,:^^;l-;-,;^-,:;;; 

"■ -":'■''■ '■■'""■ " --"™'-'rn,!^;:.-:;;;;t,i:: 

'■'■   L>.  Dana.  M; 

"""•''  "'   <i''<)losy.   p.    I'-u.    ISM. 


i)i:i'Mrnih:\r  or  nii:  isteuioh 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
••laburiition  of  sliclla.  may  be  correlated  willi  flic  special  eTiricliinf;  of  the  ocean 
ill  calciiiiii  salts  during  the  Periiiiaii  and  followiiifr  jire-Triassic  time.  In  that 
loiiK  period  the  himl  areas  were  of  extraordinary  size  and  were  Inrjrely  covered 
with  thick  Paleozoic  limestones  exposed  for  the  first  time.  Tlie  impoverishment 
and  final  extinction  of  the  iimmonites  may  have  been  laifrel,v  caiiscil  by  the 
partial  exhaustion  of  th.-  calcium  content  of  the  ocean  diirintf  the  lonu  and 
remarkably  extensive  siibiiierKcnce  of  tlie  continental  plateaus  during  the  Cre- 
taceous. To  such  geopraphical  and  chemical  chanpes.  the  ammonites,  most  of 
winch  were  possibly  pelagic  species  (all  of  them  needed  abundant  siipfdies  of 
calcium  salts),  must  have  been  peculiarly  sensitive,  while  the  coastal  species, 
beinf;  nearer  the  sources  of  calcium-supply  (the  river-mouths),  would  be  living 
under  more  ec|uable  e(]n<litions. 

Tksts  of  Tin;  Sn;(ii;sri.i)  IIvi-otiiksis. 

The  rearrangement  in  the  chemical  constituents  of  pre-Car.,brian  ocean 
water  throiigli  the  decay  of  animal  matter  is  the  fundamental  riremise  of  the 
h.vpothesis  and  it  deserves  special  exaniination  and  illustration.  The  tests  of 
tlie  premise  are  at  least  threefold:  laboratory  ex.)eriment,  observations  on  exist- 
ing seas,  and  the  witness  of  pre-(^ambrian  deposits,  particularly  of  the  carbonates. 

c  '•iinoHomia  i:   i:\ri:iiiMi.\Ts. 

Murray,  \Voodlic»(l,  and   ]rviiie  have  iiiacl( 
•hcmical  nioditic 

a  iiiiniler  nf  vidiialilc  .il>-,  rv;i-  ..n  the  .•hcmji'al  nioditicatioii  nf  scii  water  expc-ed  to  tin.  cmanalioiN  of 
putrefying  animal  nmttcr  and  to  the  etTete  siib-i,incos  derived  froi, 

'Ill    Inin^; 

Jn  one  experiment  four  small  crabs  weighing  i)0-T2  grama  were  placed  in 
sea  water  absolutely  free  from  carbonate  of  lime,  .\fter  twelve  months  they 
produced  an  alkalinity  in  the  water  CMual  to  the  production  of  4.').nti  grams  of 
calcium  carbonate.  This  effect  was  due  to  the  decomposition  of  calcium  sul- 
phate by  the  uric  acid,  urea,  and  other  effete  matter. 

In  a  second  experiment  it  was  found  that  in  seventeen  days  and  at  tempera- 
tures ranging  trom  sixty  to  eighty  degrees  Fahrenheit,  the  decomposition  of 
urine  mixed  witli  sea  water  ha<l  i)recii)itatcd  practically  all  the  sulphate  of  lime 
liresent.  A  similarly  complete  precii>itation  of  all  the  sulphate  in  a  solution  of 
pure  water  and  calcium  sulphate  pre?<'nt  in  the  proportion  of  average  sea  water 
was  effected  in  eleven  da,ys  by  the  decomposition  of  urine  added  to  the  solution.' 
Jn  a  fourth  experiment,  nine  small  crabs  were  place.!  in  two  liters  of  water 
where  they  died,  (\implcte  iiutn>factioii  set  in  and  continued  at  teiuTKTatures 
varying  from  seventy  to  eighty  deg>ve.  Fidir.  Anal.vsis  showed  that  all  the 
lime  salts  were  precipitated  in  the  form  of  the  carbonate. 

I'loo.  Royal  Society  Kiliiilnirgh,  Vol.  17,  1SS9, 

I<.  TO. 


Hi:i',,l{l    nl    Till:  ,1111.1     \sll!,,\,,M,l; 
SESSIONAL   PAPER     ,o    25a 
Steiiiiiiaim    Ims 


-.  of  tho  ,...r::.:':r^ir.;-;;;r;;;:;;:,,;;:;;;','  ••■';'•  '■■  ^-.-i-.,.. 

albumen  to  s.,liiti(Mi^  of  ,.al,.|„>„  ,.l  i      'i  i       '"i  '.miK-.     ,(,.  j,.l,|,.(l  (l.vj.vinf.r 

the  forn.  of  r.nn^ Jn:^^Z^^:trv ^''''''  ""^'  '"'■"""  '-»-nate.  in 
-i.e.  the  ..nery  wl.chor  n.^^:;  i!;:  .:::;•  r;,:;;:;^:-;"''^"-^-  .  ^'-:«  7'"t 
>.'a   se.lim..nts  i,ro  „„t  direct   wif, ......  <'-'nl>Ml  ,is  o..onrnnt;  in  (lo<.p- 

-'^'ir.- ;- -  ■>  1-.;:^  ::i:- :;; ;:,::;:  .:7r  ;'■;;:;:::■  ---'-^""  ^^^ 

.  JnrJ;;;^:;.-!:;ri•.;^;tt:;:.:•:St'''^  "r* "'"''-  -'-'^-  -- 

.iK.  proportion-  of  .v  •   i^.!' v-^r        n''.l'    '    'v    "r''   '"""^  ""*"'   '"   "^ont 
I'ut   were  never  rebu  1    bv  t  .      ^     air^Yet'lT""  '  '^  •'■^-^''■'•■'•;-  --  ^'-1 

♦I.eir  exoskel...on<.     Ti'is   n. w   strno t.r     ;  tho  -.rab.  livod  an-l  rebuilt 

Phosphato  of  li,,,..  an     obit  ,!,.,,  t,  '"'"'''''"''   "*    "''^   '■'"■bonate   an.i 

■shells.      Otbor   .  n,b        „.  ir    L  •'■   '"  ,  '•"  /'^''""■•'--  P--"t   in 

...S^r^ '^e:;;;' ,;'^"=  tir  r -:r " " 

....Sjf.*o","  l,"E;;';;;r  -"•' ","''""  •.'»  '»'»»*.':; 

I'HSKinATloNS    ON    THE    IlI.Al  K    ska. 

.1..  MnSapb!:"':::i  rr;^!'^'^.  ^^y'-n.^':  ^"^~  „„.,  otbe.  „„ 

111     a     la 

rograpny     and     .ioposits     of     tlu-     Bla,.k     Sea     «how     that     we     have 
r.o^     basin     a     stron.     analo..     ,„     tb,.     in.^ll.r    Ko" " 


^    tR.    Irvme  and   G.  S.    \Voo,il,..a,|,    l.,.„.,    Kny..l   S„.  i,.tv,   t ,„r,,l,,  V„l. 

i',>a  -V..I.   111- 

16.  lK>s9.  p. 


liHI'UlTMr.M-  l)F   THF.   ISTF.Iilon 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

tI.o  surface  fau^        alw's  b^In  ^'^f '"  '"n  °^J''  "'"''"•    ^"  '^'  °»'""-  '■«"''. 
'!«.•  fallen  carea^rof  Z  s.^fl  ",  '        ", ''°"""'  ^"^  *^"«^'"'''  ^^'^'^^^^ 

'"  .i.o  re,auve..r*;:i.:i;  tt;ra^^;e?;'t;:t:r.;:r'"Tr^^^^    ""t^'^'^ 

ammonium    curbo.mto  an.l   .„lnh„«.f    I  i  ,'  '   '"'^"'''''   Products, 

-non„ons,,„autiU,ru  low'       -n      ''•^''^^^^V''"^-    »«-'^''    generated    in 

surface      Below  thVl(Xf„  '   ^T}   "^  "'"""    ^^"^   ^"""""^   '><■■"    ♦!'« 

ana;=ro.i/l.rrir,,r    ,   whi",  T      I'"  '''^'^  %^'-^^-  except  that  of  a   few 

Rs  r  j(  o,  +  ir,o"=  I  r,s  +  ru  -o  co 
Ks  +  iux),(  'o,  +  ir.o  :=  :.'R(  r  .  II  s 

VoS\  + ;!  I  r,s  =  2F(.S  +  S  +  ;!li^()      ' 

states  annthe,.  oau.'  ..f  tl^.o  o  u-  /  ir  ^"'P'''"-""'"l  '.-l-.-r,.  I,„:  ,.1  , 
in  Pnrt  .lu.  ,o  the  lack  of  n'o I  v  nic  ;  ""tsTn  the'^/T'  .''■^■^"'■';-  ''  '' 
.nM.o.ibfe  heoanae  of  the  peculiar  den£  ^I^^S^^.  '^f  ^   -f  ,5^=  ^'^^  "- 

part  of  the  ,.!,a„po.  pro  uo  h v  ,      ,nf  ^"'''r;""^  --r-'tion.  also  apply  to  a    ' 

Sea,  therefore,  pL, /Tl  ,S  I'^^-j-'-on  T  he  auaIo..,„.  en.e  of  the  Black- 
iron  pvrites  i.  M",r  „,  111  t  ^  '"'"•'"""-'  ^'"^^^^  '"^  to  the  formation  of 
to  the ^rradu          ■  t      ,i'             Z  '"i  ,      '•    *'^".  r""""""-^'  "*'  "'"•  f^.vpothesis  as 

.i:^r.°~  ,t;;t,™t  '!r "  "'"-vt  "■■■  ^  -""''••  ■»"""  ■»■■-"- 

>i^,   til      CoiiKi,.-  GcoIoKKjuc  Intprnationnle,   Nn.  20,   I8<)7. 


't     i^    ii ta!, 


-  '''■'■'""■'"'  Tin:  r„„:r  ix/avmo,,,/^ 

SESSIONAL   PAPtR   No    25a 
Ihe  analojor  breaks  down:  uv  .l,,ii    ..„  ,i    .      , 
I  nesium  salt..     This  fact  -annot    uTh^l.  '      """"'  '"  ""^'"'^  ""■  '"^"-'■ 


A  third  of  tl...  l..v„otl„..i.  ,.„„„■„,   :„     , 

I  Oc/'/l'/i    o/    />,.l„mi/r    „„,/    ,.f    (HI   .,.     u 

"^•"••' ^- "- ''■■1.^. i^>:  ti.;;;::::::"'"'''','''^-  " 

nre  wry  <.o,n„,„M   in   |,n.-(V,„l„-i.,u  n   ■'  -nLl-t..,,..,.  ..,  | 

I  conM  not  ...prete  ni,wi,.si„ni  .■■,rhnn.,.'l  "i'T'    '"','"""-"'•"\ ..;,„;,„„ 

I  n,a.nosia„  ..ntent  of^h..o  l:^:::i:it:\  ,t  t^'   ■;   ^""■'-  "^   "- 

i  Th,.  niiifrnosiuni  carboiiat..  w.«  „  .  n  •   """H"'!  onu-ni. 

I  -lublo  .alt.  as  it  was  in  X.   T  VZl^  'T  ''"'''  ' ^"''"  "^  ''"I" 

I  wator.  Then  a.  n„w  calcium  ,-arbo„  to       /l         ,      "■'""  ,'"'■'"•  -"'"•'"'•''  ""'  -'■> 

f  r'orsistont  pr.M.ipita(ion  of  .•,1,.  nn  .  1",  ""'"'  ■"'"'" '''^  ^'■'   f' i^  H... 

I  tho  I.ornuuu.ntsol.,i;   1    '™;'-^'^''''^'>  "■"'■'•'•  ''-i.-P  Eo.„io  „„,„,  „,,.,, 

W-"   are   thus   naturally   l,.,i    to     L  \|    V         "  ''/ V'''''''^'-^' ''''^'''"'■' '^■''•'-''•'•••• 

nw.^nosiun,oarbona,ealJ,lv     ,0      M,     r        ""   ,"'    ""   ""^"'''"   P-il'i'.'-i f 

animals.  ''     ''"^  •'"""^""u.u  oarbonato  onianatintr  from  ,|,.,.,,vi„.^ 

-<.s  -.:;r:;:::rtbr:;;;,r;^;::;;- ■"'  r  '-''■ ----  '-'^ 

ara^onite  is  pre,-ipitate,l  but  n     ,     ~  "^   "'"''<"'    "■   --    wa,,.-, 

r..-c-o,pi,ato.»-     On  the  othor  band    I'f  ff         ,::  '""^".7:'^,  ^"'""'  '■>■  ''->  "'  "- 

-"■'Po-ition  ,„  avora^o  soa  uar-r'    ,  f^  ^b!   "  '!  ^"■'""•■■'' .--  ^vator  sin,i!ar  i„ 

Partof  tbemn,^no.iun.  in  tbo  „.,!,:  u-        ,     i  u  i  u''  "  "'■;''^"'  '.'"^•"•■'''  "*'  """'  ■' 

neonrds  with  the  ponoral  oxponV,,,-,.  ..C  n',',   l",'      ,"",   '''r'""""   ■'       '"''^'il'-    n-ul. 
oarbonat,.    ull]    bo    pn..-ip,t^   .,  "'    l.^- .-1  obom,.sts:  b.ydrons  ma^nosinn, 

allowed.  '  '■     ""     ""<al,no    oarl.onato    if    fin.r    .  unu.,1,    )„. 

foil.  ■"' ^     Wl'"'  "'^"""'""'  ^'""'■•"-  "■"'  '•''''-'''■  '■ onK-  ass 

-'•■a— vol.    m— 4.'!*  "ipr.iioj^iP,  on.,  ij,.,)    jj,,     ^,,1.  ix.  p.  .1114.  js^, 

i    lii 



i>i:i'Mn\n:\r  or  rni:  ixrtiaoi,- 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

b^tf„,„  stratum  tl,r„ufc'h  most  of  Eozoic  time 

Aga.n  we  may  turn  to  tl.e  noteworthy  experiment,  ol    Murrav  n>,.l   Irvin.. 
for  a  sMP«os,.,„  „f  ,1„.  tr,al,  of  ,1,,.  for,...,i„«  stat-,,,,.,,..     "l  VZ    i      , 

l^P^o^hu-e,}   (^o.    XLI,.     u  shows  ,1„ „ .i,i,.„   „f  ,|k.  ,,rJ„      t      JZ 

out  of  a  nnxtun.  of  .o.  ....or  a„,l  nrino  after  stan.Iin,.  seven  -h  v       l,e  . 

meanwhile  .ieeompoMnfr  mul   f„r>,ishinfr  the  alkaline  earl.onate-      '    " 

Tabi.k  XLI. 

Water  and  or; 

c?;4'nat., "fir; ','::''*:■'•  '"^"^"--^  »-"-m.^  <7-^v.r.y. 

F'liosphato  of  maxm-^in 


Phosphate  of  lime   .. .  51-10 



T^BM;   XT.TF. 

Water  and  orp.inic  mattfi 

Carbonate  of  lime   ...               20-25 

Carbonate  of  maRnesin "5-35 

I'hosphate  of  niaraesia               lOS 




in  rnin  ,,i   mi   ,-iiin    i >//,•., \ o  1/ //.• 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 




Siuliuni  (  li|<u  nl(. 

MiiKtip-iium  ilili  rill.'. . 
MuKiie^iuiii  liiiiniiil,... 
MaKfie-iuiii  -iilnliatc  . 
I'ot.iMsiuin  siiljihati'. . 
Arniiionium  Mil|ili,it.>! . 
MiittiK'^iuin  I  iuUniiif.. 

f^lll'  illlii    ('.  . 

Ciil(  liiMl  ^lllpliatc.  . 




ll<l  ;\  .itiT 









■J  ■!<;.■, 







iilpliiit.'  is  (lotici,.nf 

Tin.  raiio  „f  .^!^^2^:^z:^: T ::^:^r  T''''' '' ■''''^'■''''''' '''^''- 

dear  water  fJltero.l   from   tho  ,n        w       boil       f  "'■'     "T""    '•    '  ^'       ^'■'"■"    ""' 
precipitate  wa.  thrown  ,low„    ,.;:  1,"  :  .'T?^  '.    :!;  ;!..,:  '-^,  l""--   "  ,-ystaIlin,. 

a.^ci-  bed  bv    \Iiirrav  and    r,>  ;„n  .     .1  •    '"'"'''"""    "♦    '"»tli    <Mrb<,natn<      , 

on  the  sulpha  r'.,r,,::i  •:,'";rr;''''.^"'/'T'" '■"^'"■■''''"  '••''•^">- 

-t  ..;.rse,  d.-rned  fr,„.  ani.nal  „.,„..;:!  !  '        „,       """"•  "■^'^- 
Ihi'sc  ditfiieiit   exper  niwits   t.-ach   that    bvd>vM,  i 

.■«.  I..  pr,,.i,,i,:„„,  k, ..,;„,:  ,M,:,°  ;"-„::'■, "'  "»--i""; 

"-r;:"; -.[r  ti;;:  ^trr;i.r;';T  r  ?'  ^  - -"  ™"'  -• 

wate^ll^lnlritd'V'''^'"'''''"  1    "''^'^■■^'""'  ^"•■"  '^'^„ 

-own  on  or  n.-a,-  ,i„.  .„,. ,  „„.  „,„.,,„„,,,„„      „  i!   ,       „':'.,'  ;::J':;r 

nnw^row.n,.  ,„  ,h,.  |,unVd   .,„.,.„„.,   ,.„ral   ,,„.k  of  ,ho  a,„ll  ^    "" 

^ay    how   lar    tli...,.  and   thn    other  «alt.    iTou-l.t    h    1  v  ,  ''' 

•The  Aloll  of  ruiiiifuti,  miblislicd 

till.  Koval  S™  ii'ty,  Lnndoii,  p|i. 

■I9l'.   (1.1.  i-ti 



ni: i:\itr\i I  \i  „/   ///,;  niuann 

'n  flip  [irnpnr- 
■lioniitcs.      V.molr 

,  .  ,  2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

I'.r  n,„.t  of  tho  |.:,./oic  „.„n.  intro.lmv.l  to  fiJ        .  -'■"'>..I,„„m,„„..   was, 

tun...   ,.„„,.   ,   Tf  ,  C  ;  "  f '"""^      '•"■'""•""■  "•  "^'"""^  """P-^^"- 

«l...n  coM„.,,r,.,|  wi,l,  tl^/    n  i       nt     m'"''     T  '"  "■'■•^'  '"'■'''  "'•""-""" 

•"■  "    l-Ke   river  w     ■  ^  ,       .:  "  t,  J'T      '"•.■'";i'^'^"''-     ""'"-"•  th.  ,„o,„h 

!-.■  fn,„.  .horos  ,1.  .^;: .   1,  :  ;,„:i:;"'  "-"'^  '^'"•"'  -■'--  <-'-"'o. 

'l'"'^.-   in    tl...  riv,.,-.,   in    ,|„.    „         ;.    .„  7    •"■■"■''"•^'^"'-      <'r>u\na] 

'■■■^.^l-liM,.   wo,.l.l   CMS.   al,.     „  i    ,       ,.     r  "■■•'•'   ♦'"V"""'^"'^^'"""    "f  ♦•'«• 

.n--'M.-i,„„  ,„„„..,„  nt  ri      ,J      '       11  "       ''"■l-s,,,,.,,   of   ,1,,.   „r,.oi„i,.,..    ,),.. 

;-"v.  T,.  ..,u  .„,„„  fiirM;:;;::';:,;;;;;!:;;:;?;:::  ;;;;■■■'''•■'••  - "■ 


pwj;:!;:;;;  'ir'i::''::;^:;:'";';:'':  ':^'-"- ";  '•-":-  --  -■'•  * 

I---  ■•^-  li. :^h.  i„  „..!,;/:•  -  ■ ::"  'i' !''■■ '~'  ■•-  ti,.  pn- 

f^nvucvt  rivprs  tho  wor',1  h.     L„  /'  ••^'-"'^■-'  nu.,-   ^r-  ...m-ly   fl„. 

.1  I'  /-I/;/!'    Ji'lltlll    of   ('llhiilill    In     \l,l,,,      ..■,,  •        ■;         .   ■ 

/'o/.,/.s.-^T|.o  wri.,.,.    I,  ,        ,  •''"■""■■^'""  '"   '^"'  /.'".'■Wc;-!.  V  of  Ih,-  Dni.  ,,  „  ■ 

United  Stat..;  fro,,/,:;.;-:  m;  sr'  f1^:r:d; ''"'i^  °'tV'"""" ""'  ^'-^ 

roports  of  Arkansas  I,„liana.  Iowa.  l^^t^U'^  ':o:ot^"oh^"T^"*'  T'""^ 
.•>t    V.rg.n.a.    an.l;    frn,„    ,ho   ri^po  ,f   tS:   Ont  v''    '""'°- 

■  ^    ""■  -na,i„„  of  ,ho  ratio  ,hro.„h  ."v^^,::.  ^Th^^S/^'J^J^i 
•A.  lirket:   Annal.s  So.i^t^  Go„|„„i<„,,  ,,,  „„,^i,„„,   ,,,     „_   ^^^.,    ^    .^,_ 

in  fuh'i  ni   nil  ,  nil  I    ^^i  n<,\,nn  h 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 


briiiM   aij.l   Cariihrii.n   liiM...toii..H  nv.s, I    ;,     ,„    i,  ,i  ,         ,        . 

on..,  ,li,|  not  seen,  n-,vssarv    mIm,-,    i,   i         i    l  "'    -"^'""f-'   f'T  a,l.|.t,oMal 

-:  --11.V  v.-ry  1...  in  n.^;.! •      ,      L.  !   ','7:,':,.    l','   "' 'f  '" l"':7 

>'Ti.-  of  analyses  (■>::«,  wl,i,.l,  wh  int.,,.     I  ff     ,    .       '■""'"'  "  ^"'""^l^"'''" 

'>-'-■'--  lin.,.,: ■  l^;,:■iv'''T  ;:'':•■;  '''jiv'?^:  ?''"  ^"^  'i'- 

^"l.'lv  us,.,i,  i„a.nai..h  as  tl„.  wl,  ,1..  -,.rl,.     r  ,       "    '"•«"'^'^'-'    l^" 


Mni:  Xl.ll 

1.      <■,.■:„,„   „„,  ,„„,„„,; ;,,   ,;„„./„„,  ,,  ^,,    ,„,„,„,;,„,  ,„.,.;„^^^ 




"f   :Uhll.Vs.., 
aw-iat.  .1. 

of  <',iC4l,, 
to  Mi;C().. 



<•.!    to    \L 

IVt  -('.iiiii.iiiiii 

'■•    Froii,  OiitniioiMill.r) 
'•.   Ai.niif..  of,,  ail.  I  ', 

'jimnrKiiiua,'l.i,liii-I7,,ftl„sl,..,i',',„|,,,|,  . 

<  M'lo\  tci.m 


All  prv  I),  voinaT. 

I>'V,„|i,Ml,.      . 

farUinifi  rou- 

;;i-(.io i« 


'^MtiTii.iiy  Miiil   K'.r.  lit 

Toiil.  s  .-,. 




<  I 

1  W 

4  II-.'  : 

:!  ii;t : 

:;  IMi  : 

U'  .'til  : 

X  Ml  :  1 
4' I  I'll  :  I 
I'T   'I-.'  :   1 

;;  Ho ,  1 













H'J  : 
IPII  : 


(HI  : 

t  J.  p.  I...I.,v:   |.„,,,l  |,v„„,  „f  l...„„.vl,,,„i,  Surv.   ■.   V„ 

1-  I.  IMtL',  p.  .'li;. 


"irunuiM  o/    ,„,    iM,itii,i; 

It  will  b,.  „l„..,.v,.,|  ,1,,.,  ,!,.,  ,,.„•„  „,. 
f..r..Il.»,..  ,W,  ,„...|,,.,„, ,„^,,^,^,^ 

2  GEORGE  V , A     1912 

'iil<-iiiiii  t, 

:t:;::!;s:'r,:i;':ri;;7,dE:F™-'"- " 

Tl...  rn,i„  forth,.  „r..-c,„.,,ri.„"lim!",,„„.. 


lliiit  ii  Itirifir 
vnriiirc  r;itic,s 

f"M.   ...»..».  1).      ||„,   ,.,,m,,nri.,,n   of   itsrir 

.     ,     ,  •■^•"  tn  niiKnicHiiirn 

'••tpifai    (low    water   8tap..    ;  ]; 

^i.Rir.^ts   that,  ,|,„.i        tl...'pre-I)ov„nl,„,  ■,-■  '■     •      '"   '"'"I'nn-on   of   itsrlf 

!;:;'l'"|.s.  iK.  r.f..rr..,|  t.f  ,h     .1     "     1.      "    •    J;  «^''"^"."'  .'"   *!'•'    '-•"■"•-    .,u,v. 

'-inr   Hu.  ^arI,o,Mf,.ro„^        '       ^      .:'^^;;:;,;'^'V'-  .■Pi<-r,.i„..„tal  ..... 

'■"-■•«.■.>.■,.  .;,..,..s  w..r..  ,|riv..  ,■  '   ,  «''"1-  'I-'   r-nn,»„    a„.I 

'■""•■•«'■>'■"  'I'-  w..r..  ,|riv,.„'o„t      ,      ,1  .      ■'"!"""    ?'"'    ''<'^'-''"r"'ian 

»-7''"-'  '"I -.tion  of  ,h..  o,,,.,:^.        ,,"';'■  ?""■•  "■  '■^■;  '"■>■  ■■'"""'>-'  tl- 

'II-  tiiii' 




'^mZ^'^^L^l  '^:.  ;±;:r;^^;;":;y',r";!;;"f  »""-•-,,„, „  beo..,.„ni.a  .„ 

■Low    that    then.   Iu,s   hU    .        ;:.ll,,\''"'''' i''''"''/"''*'    ^""'-^     -en's    In     ''?      '     ii 
-tniie.    of    till.   oth.T    .nalnents  i  "r       i','"   ^'   'I'""'!''"!    typos   a.,  ,„  .,  Vli,     i,,„ 

»    loiiclios    a    n.iixiniiim    (Ki^i....  .     .'i  VJ.'i   V"'   •  "tilH'l-^tr.Kini  srrifs  „f  tlio  Tnin- 



.  IWI.  ,,    s«|,  .,Miri,„inl:,..linan.| 

S..l.-l.ur,,  G„.I,.Ky.  Vol.  ,.  .W  pi^.  ^  4Im. 

render    the    h.v,H,the-is    soCn»  I       \„   ,",,,';', '"   «"«-^.     >»t    it    ,,-    -tatf.!    pa  tlv    "o 
Meai-ro  as  are  the   rplfvant  f.  ,     „  "miote     and     thprofnro    more    iitnli;iii 

zoic    a,ul    Mosozoi,     hi'r  ;'\J''Vho    iMthX'?   '^'\^'^''-  ">»-   boarinron   tho    1?     ;: 


T"    nit    almiKJanllv{  thi»   subject   ,I,hs   ii„t,   h 
iinnMrss  oiiMii   11,   pi-,--t',ii,,|,,- 

— lorod    „.    ^^...|.M■uu,':.nd^.r"c';nh[ia'n^i;:i:'/    '""''    '^'■"•-    »' 


Ht  I'li/fl   nr  Till    I  nil  I     1  , ,,    . 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   No    25, 

r..t...  i,  ^.„  .V  „pl..,..  ,,r .1,1,.  „.v..n,|  „,i,|,„„  ^  . 

'■li-MnMry   ,,t    th..   pr,.„M,t    „,        v  ■■  in,  ..,  „l..„i    ti  ,|... 

"••"  'I'-iv.'.! ...  .1. ..n ,i,rV.T;;ri,''  ,^':"''-'"-". '■■' ^  > 

•  l'»U    Hr    WiirL-    111    r '        ■  .1  .  -,,, 

>•■•«'  ..ilul.l. 

'I'l      fllfi., 

•I"  tl.  vvr- 

•111'  u       .fj„^, 

'■ii'i.i  /-•r  •', 

-  tirn-     i-  y;  j 

rhori-f.    .•  h;,.KT4. 


"""■  "'  w-rk  ill  fl '.,.„ 

iir.,1,,,1,1,.  ,h,,t  ti„.    ,i    f  ..,i,.|,„„ ,      '■'•/■    "  "I-"' 

i.m.„l„,c,l  I.V  ,l„.ri  '„      ,.       ,, """  "'"'  ".'"f— i'""  ii     -:.  .. 

!".«. n,,.,  1,        "i,      ,1        .'Vl'.'T'r''"'  "■','"''•'         ""  '" 

,"';;r ■"'■ ■■■'-■ ii"M;;',;:";r;:';: 

.•'.—w:;;;;:;:;il:::!':,-:/'-;^;:r;;;;;;  ;';'■: • 

•- ■■''i"-n~':;:;::r;;;:;::;:;  i;":r?,,::":;r,""' 

'■"■»'- ""i" «".r  «'i.i;  , . ,  ;":i";,:,r i,::' r?  '■; ■''""■"-' ""' 

iiiiriii      lii. 
ly  ;l  II, 
1   iliiririir    ■ 



•«.   •  ''Z  ."aTW*:- 

^an^n.  r 


hi  r\i;i  Ml  \  I  III   nil   i\i  I  i/ioif 

2  QEOHQE  V  ,  A.  1912 
'•'■  -aiHl;  if  ,1.1.  ,„„„..„(  „,  .,|k„lin,.  .•..rUmnt..  .„(nr..,.  ,|,..  ,„„„„., Inn,  ,„lt  ,„„» 
U   iiil.lcl  fo  III.'  (li'|>o-if  in  hirK'-  iiiiPMint.i. 

\VI,.h.v,.r  uu^y  h,.  ,|,.,  „s,„.,  .,|„,„     ,,,   .,,■  ,|„.  ,., ,„  ,  ,,„,.|,  ,,  .  ,,^^^__  ^^^.,.^^^  ,^^ 

;■■'""■""'"'"""•"'"'""    "'    '■■ '"!>    'i'l-il..!   ,.l,-„r.„u-    „,..l,r   ,|...  -   ,.,',.    „1,.. 

l.n.iMl.fh,.  «,..■,  Iln„r.  Til,.  .I,..„i!...|  ..,Mli..,  „f,h,.|,„rin..'       .!,.■  |- l,m  „.nll  Imv 

^^.^..,i   tliat    (,.,(    Im.v,,,,-!|».nliirp.»      Fr.„„   ,h,.   » ,.   ,,|    ,1,,.   ,|itr.  r.„i 

wntors  of  th,.  tiiiu.futi  rrix,,!  0110  iim^.  ,•.,,,.•1,1,1,.  ,lml  ,1, t,.n-iv,.  ,|„I,„„i,ir,- 

>i,.H   ■„   "■J'  '•""■  [k,«  1.......   fa,.ili„„..,!   Iv    .;,.,  ,.,„„„  „„„n.  .,,•  ,|„    ,.„r„|  ,r„;i|, 

;m,l  .-orul-she  1  .lobr,.;  the  p«rosi,.v  |H.r„.il,l„K  "f  fli-  .•ir,.„latlo,>  of  ,H..a  wal.r 
I  1..  i,M|,,,l,,al,l,.,  .„„a-i„,i,.  <,.,Ur,.„i,-  „„,.l.  „f  ,1„.  ,,r,.-Ca,„l,rian  w„„M 
"•■t  I.,,  vron*.  I,  ,i.rnm,  ,|„.r,.r.,rr,  prcbal.!.-  fliat  ,1,..  cl„l„M,i,i/ati„„  t„„l<  pl„.,. 
;it  ilH.  ,ii,.fa..„  ,.|  ,!,(.  |,r,.-Cm„bria„  .•al,nr..o,ii  i„i,.l.  il,,,  .•,„„|i,i,„„  ,|„.r,.  i„v„„r. 

ir...   tl..,  lor,na,io„  of  ,1...  .|„„|,|,.  sal,  h,  „r  vry  ...•ar  tl...  ,.,„„.,.■,  .,f  ,|  ,„„1 

Ml,, 1,1  wal.-r  ho.|,v.  ,!„.  nanu.  ..|„.„,i,al  .■omliti.,,14  i-....,.,  lo  l«.  fo,in,|  !,,  ,(,.• 

",""■  :"■;••'"  ""'.V  "t  """"•  'I'Ptli  Mow  ,l„.  ,,„fai.u  of  ..oral  r-vf  or  of,.:,r, 

-an,U  ot  ■iiii'i't  nryaiiic  orlffiu. 

Tlier,.  «r,.  >w  o,her  wav.  ii,  wliich  „,:,«„... ,  ,.:,rl„,„at..  ,nav  w  ..lahora,.'.! 

" -:■""•"'"•     ''"■'"  U'U    ,.,.rtai„    alLM.    a,..|    .,    T,  w    ani,,  aN    k.ii.w,.    ,,,    .,.-r,u- 

<nAuur*u,m  n.,.!  „al..  alo,iK  with  iho  .l,„„iriant  .■al..i,„„,,.  of  ,1,,-ir  har.l 
-n,„.|  .,•..-.   ,„■.   iinall.v.   tl,n„wl.   ,!,.•   lo.-al  ovaporaf ioi,   of  <o.x      (Io^    scr 

;l-  •ii._.M,„.„,v,.  vaK.o  of  all  tla.s,.  so,,, s  juM  ,.i..„tio„tM  „,av  w.l!  i,..  s„.p..p,...i 

.0  l„.  I„i,  sul,M(liary  to  a  mor,.  neural  ,.ai,«.  of  ,lol„mi,,.  fonnati-.,,.  M,,-,  „f 
111.'  U'.rM,,  „,aK,i...,a„  Ii,,,,..,,,,,,..  a.i.l  .l„l,m,it..H  >.,.,„  to  ow,.  i!„.ir  ori,,Mn  „,.i,|„.r 
I.,  ,li(.  s....,vti.„iH  ol  >,„^.,al  or^;;„,i-,„s  i,or  ,„  ..vap„ration.  Tl,..  .sp,.,.ial  orRanis,,,.. 
."■•  loo  ran-  ,„  0,10  .us..;|„„.;.ti„„  ,„„.,  (,.■  too  lo.-al  for  the  other  rn«,. 

Ih,.  .cop,,  ol   ,l„.  pn,se„t  r..p.,rt  .lo,..s  „ot  ponai,  of  a  ..riti.'al  ,lis..,:ssion  of 

a'  .mmy  p„l,l,-l„.,     ,„„,.,..  ,.„„..,.r„i„,.  ,|,..  ,l„|„,„it,.,.     It   nuw  only  Ik,  Btat-.i 

tiat    If  w„  a,.,.,.pt  t  I,.  l,.a..l„„K  l.ypoth-sis  or  tla-  hyputlu-si,  ,l,„t  .lolon    .0  is  tho 

r...s,il,  ot  >.,..ta,„orpl,„.  pro,-o«s..,  by  whi.-h  ..mK..osiu,„  ,.o„a.s  to  n^pla,..,,,,,. 

'"  .'"■■''"'"••^-    I" """■•    "•'■    "•■'■•    '.viti,    v.„.y    ^^rav..    ,mii,.„l,i..s.    |„n\r    a.'.    <7"\ 

m,.l  „ever  ovor.-o,,,,..  The  rai.i.i  alter,u.tio,.  of  o]ea,..c.,.t  b.M.  of  p„r..  or  noarlv 
l|un.  .•alcu.n  ..arbo„a,e  with  ..thor  .■l..a„.,.„t  bo-i.  of  .aa-^n-Ma,,  li.a.Mton.  „/ 
.lo!o„„t..  ,s  a  ln,.t  ha.-.lly  to  be  iv..on..i|,.,i  with  the^o  n„.ta,„orphi,.  tbeori...  The 
m..U,i„„rpl.,s„,  ,s.  by  theor.....  r.o..„„„,|l-lHMl  ,l,ro„Kh  ,1,..  a..,ivi,i.,s  of  cir- 
.•i,la,.„K  ,<i,.l..rfrrou„.l  watc-s;  .v..,  it  s..,.,„-  i,„possibi..  that  s,,..],  wholes,.,;.,  ,„eta- 
"iorph.s,,,  ..o„l,i  l,.,.,v..  ti.e  ori«i„al  !M.,Mi,u  so  w,.ll  ,„;.rk,.,!.  Th,.  alt.r.iati,..,  of 
.l.-an-cut  he,ls  as  ,l,.seribe.l  is  n  pro:,,:,,,.,.,  fan,  ill„s;rut-.|.  for  ..xaaipb^  in  the 
pr,.-(  ar„br,a>,  lorinations  of  Montana  an.l  Itritish  Colnnibia  The  faets  of  the 
tit.|,l  .peak  r:,th..r  t„r  an  ori;:ir,al  .lep„siti.,n  of  the  two  -nrbonates  arrange,!  in 
\.'ry   iiinrly  t)..  ,r  present   lelations. 

It  is  scarcely  ne.'essary  to  .luvll  on  the  efle,.,  of  bnrial  on  the  eh..,„iea!  pre- 
.ipitute  ,,t  b,,s„.  niaKnes,,.,,,  ,.arl.,  nal...  l'r..s-„,.e  an,|  a  lu.ij,!,,,-,,..,!  t,.,„p,.rat„re 
have  grndna  ly  driven  out  the  w.ter  of  erystalli.uti.m.  The  si.nnltaneons  fortn.,- 
tion  ,,t  tl.,-  .loublc  carbonate.  .lo|,„„i„..  n,i»;lit  be  ,.xp,.,.„.,l  where  both  carbonate. 

•Tl...     A,„ll     „f     I-„„„futi.  1',;I,1,>1,„1     |,v     ,|„.     l;,„„,     y„,.„,,,. 

1)1      l,..I.,l 



'•■iruin  -./   ,,/,   ,„„,    ,s/7,-„v„i/,/,. 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

iin-  |ir.-ii,t  in  liir».'r  .iriioiint  1 1„.    i,,;.  i 

inilo,  '" '   -tn,..,.,,,.  „!,,.„    „    j„   ., 



In   .•,.„..|,nion.    ,t   n,,,„,„s    ,|,,,t    tl„.   l,>,,„il,..-,.   I,,,,, 

1   l"-ir-.   il^  tliir'l 

''  '"-'v.'^  .1...  „r,...ipi„.„ : ..,,";': :"' ""-"r  - "-■ < 

• "•'  '■"!•■ -  '-i  M ..;,:':„!r  !,;;„;";;■' '':'^" ' " ' ■"••■' 

nb.vH-,-.  „f  il„.  ,,e..,in  I,,,., 

"■.    illnl    li.i,     r.:lr|i,.,|     if. 

line  t.niiiit,..i  wiili  •..■.u,.|,;,',.r 

iiiniiiMiiii   Mititv  il,, 

■•'     ''I'l'l     Mill.   IM..,,!      Wil,     l..iv,.,       „,     ,,,     ,1,.,     ,  -I    I  '  '"     '•''      I"    I'liPll.irV    |,;,,„ 

ore.,  ..hprt«,   „.,i    i,..n..r      L    ,j  '    "     '"  '":'"'"  "'   ""■  '''-  •"^'"-nor  i  ,„ 

_-'•  -lil.J.-.-t,  .,,,.  ,,, ,  ,1; ,1^  ,,  1^.^,^^ 

'"•    ""''■■'    I'. I'    I-     iv:.M,|;ir    ,, i,,„, 

tcihk  I, 

'Ii-m;  ..imi..  iI„.  |, 


Ill    in    il„.  |,|v„.|ii 

"i'»"I.     NVv..Hli..|,M..   it   „|„v 

,    ,  ,  ■  •"■'■'      ■■■  I'll    'I r.-,    i.iM.rr-     .  t.' 

I"-"I'   -  ■'   I'M. III.    -i-    r..r  ,l„.  ,|,,|,.,,n-  l"^'    "■■■ 

:^.:;i;:;:;  ■J:''';;;::::rr;r;:rr:''''\''"'^'""'''- 

l'-,,.,„...l  l.v   ,1,..;,  |,,,.„„i„,  '    -"IM"|   ani-„„ls    ,..  ,t   \.   ,n„,  ,,,r,)v 

-a,,v .„l:; ,!':::  ;■';;::,: •,  "''•-'■"- -< < 'n .^ 

- "  '1-  -li-v  i-,  i.. i;..,,  -",,;'    :;';""  ''^'  --•-'^--     M-rMy  has 

":'■'•'•";-•  V •'—  -of,- li,.,,  ;l  :  T, i '■,•  :r;'"',;,"H- - """^''''7''"' 

Mil....  then,  i,  ,vi,|,.iHv  tlin  tl„.  I„  ft   ,     ,  ,  •'"  ""'  '""'■<'  ■■'fnknm 

liW......     ,1 „,„.,,|     „.„,    '""'"'-    '"'"^    '".., •!:;„,.■   ;,M.|    .„■,,,„!,.   ,„.n.r   ,,,.,..1,,., 

>' ii-M '^^;i  i:;r;,:;,::,r'.r,; ■'"'-— ■■■■! i-.- 

'j ■"■' .-.....■i i::n!J!^/,z";''', '''"'■:'■•''■'''■■■  "■'•■ 

tluit    -nfli,-ir.,r    „r;:Mi,i.-    ( -,.(f-l„„li..,l ,    ,      ,.  ^'   "'■'""■  "'   ^"n<ns,-    fr.,M,    ,1,,.,.  .1,1    „,;.,   'V        ^     ^';""-    " ''.""■'    ''"'    -'"^'">    -'■'. 

.■N|-.-t...l   ..!•.,.,•   ,1,..   -Ml,.;,,,.   .•,,;i,,,         ,';/'■''    •■"" "    "'   ';'"-'.lM,..„t    u„„!,l   1,.. 

.1...  s...v,.,.ri„.  ..-„.,„  uj  "v,.n  "  V'l''-  '";"■'■"'  '■"'"'■  "'"'  •■•"'"■■- 
M:.t„ral,M..  N\.v,.r.l,,.!..-Jj  '  ri  M  ■-'""^••■^  -■  ",■(,  in  ,..,r..lp„n,  ami 
(^a,n.,rin„  C.nnaM   ■■  ^'-1"'<'"— -1-   a-    n„l,w-,Ii,-... .,   .,   „,,,„  ,,„.. 



i>i:i'\/rr\ii:\r  or  iin:  i\ii:i!iiii; 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

'^WI.KN.K  „K    Tin.    .  llKMI.Ar,    IM<K(  MMl  AT1„N    OK   H||:    .AHHoNMK    ,„„  Ks    ,N    TIIK 


^  I-ni.ll.v,  w,.  n„v  tun,  In  ,„„r,>  ,|ir,.,.t  ..v,M..,h.,.s  tl.nt  tlu>  va>t  i,n-Sil„rl;,n 
M-n.Mn,,..  ,:,„l  ,l„lo,M„..  .l,.|,..Mt.  ..n..,m,t..r..,l  in  tl...  I!o„„,h,rv  bolt,  wore  ..ri^-in- 
mIIv  ,-h..M.i..„l  ,.r,.,ip,tMt..s  „n  flu.  soa  floor.  Tins  ,.on,l„.ion  1,,,.  .tat..,l  .,t 
-rv,.ni|  poinm  in  tho  ,l,>t;ul...l  (l,.>,Tipti..>i  of  tlu-  Watorto,,.  Alfvn  Sivol,  s|„.„ 
I'Mi-.l.  and  (Voslon  (Ka-t,.,.,,  p|,.,„.)  formal io,H.  aii.l  it  i,  „nlv  no.vssarv  to  v,„„. 
Niari/c  the   fnot-i. 

<»IR' o!'  tlio  loa(llM^'  arfrumrnt.  i.  (]„■  arfjiiin.Ml  l,.v  oxoIiHioii.  Som,o  lourtoon 
'!..„  >,..-t„.„s  ,,|  typioal  pha.,-  of  fho^r  forniations  liavn  b....,,  sporiallv  ^tiali,.,! 
I'.'.""'',"'"   ■"-•'•'^^-■'■I';-      ■!"'';;  ^ '""'"^   ^v,.r..  tak-„    at    lo.-aliti...   ranuiM^-   fr.m, 

.•a,,f.n,K  through  l.'.cno  ,e,t  of  ll,,.  I...wi.  sori,.  an.l  through  about  as  ^reat  a 
tluokn,.s.  ,„  ,1,,,  I.,„voll  sonos.  I„  spi,„  „(  „„.l,  l,;^,,,,,  ,,h,,,  ,,„,;, ;„„,  ;„  j,„. 
^■i,.n..„tar.y  pn.,n.  tho  ^^rai,,  of  tb,.  ,-arbo,.ato  ro.k..  as  .,bown  i„  the  tl.iu 
-•.vhoi,  aii.l  as  iinplHMl  „,  the  „ov,„K  eoinpao„  of  tbo  rook  i„  tb,- 
f  o|.|,   IS  most  oxiraoriliiiarilv  uniform. 

Tbo  oonstitnout  grain.s  aro  oitbor  i,liom,  an.l  rli(,mbobo,lral  or  aniiodral 
■>yi  l;nnlly  i>it,.rlnoki,i^'.  Tbo  formor  aiv  ovorywlwro  of  noarlv  constant  avora-o 
■li.n.iolor.  raiif^inp  from  ...111  to  Oo;!  mm.,  witb  an  axvraso  of  0.0-2  mm  Tbo 
■.N  io,lral  frrain-  rao^o  from  u.,M,-.  mm.  ,„■  !o-s  ,o  0.(^:5  „,„,,.  avorafrin-  about 
"I'l.p  mm. 

Tbis   tmonos-   a,,,|    uniformity   of   ^^rain    porsists    not    only    i„    , ,„„paot 

M.Nob  a....  .Sboppar.1  bo,ls  bnt  also  ,bron«bout  tbo  many  l,..,ls  of  tbo  Altvn.  wboro 
coar.,0  an,l  lol,  -par  samls  p..bblos  aro  .li-tribnt'od  in  the 
■■Hrbonato  baso.  \o„bor  bor./.ou  nor  .listanoo  from  tbo  oM  shoro-line  .«onsib!v 
■■  ibHts  tbo  sinsrubirLv  mon,.tonuus  frrain.  I„  viow  of  tboso  facts  n-anlins  th'o 
.bo  .ran,  in  vow  of  tbo  rbombolu.lral  forms  of  tbo  ono  olass  of  f,ran„lo.s,  nn,l 
n.  v,ow  ot  tbo  laot  tbat  tlu^e  is  no  known  pro-I{,.lt  oarbonato  formation  at  all 
^"I'-'inato  to  tnrni-l,  tbo  matornils  for  tboso  tons  of  tbonsands  of  oiibio  inile^  of 
nni^nosian  iimostono,,  it  sooms  impossiblo  to  cr,.,lit  tbon.  witb  a  olastio  oripin.' 
On  tbo  o.bor  ban.l,  all  tbo  abovo-montion..,!  faots  an,l  tbo  obaraotor  of  tbo 
'-Mni.'.  wlnol,  ,s  ot.on  papor-tbin  an,l  oloan-oiit  as  befits  a  prooipitato,  point 
'liioi-llN    to  a  oliomioal  oriijin. 

Tb..  ai-Kumont  is  fiu-.bor  Mr..„Ktbono,|  by  ,bo  faot  tbat  tbo  mnob  oMor  Prio,t 

V      '■;'"'■"""  V^'!"','"    ''^'■■"    I-'    '"-•■'■^    'I-    - ^-iu    ami    o,|„.,    J.,    .:, 

'''^"■"■''■■■'-"■-   ■■'    'I'o    1 .,,,„.,    i„    ,i„.   „,.rlv.„.    i.riMU 

/; '""■'•  ':  ,'-  "" ■'■""   '"  """■  '1'^"   'i'"  ^noia^o  ,li.„  ,.„,,,  „,■  ,|„.  ,.,,1 „,,. 

.rartu  OS  are  ot  tlio  samo  ..nlor  as  ibo  avor.jro  ,li„i„.,ors  of  oaloito  ami  .lolomito 
...vstal.  whiob  aro  un.,m.s„onablv  ,luo  to  ..b.-mioal  pn.oi,,itation  fron.  soa  wator 
■■■■  -almo  -oliilions  at  ordinary  t..mporalnros.  c.Hi,  l„„  ,i,„„.„  ,,,^,j  „,^.  ^,_^,^,.,^_ 
.raiiulo.,  dopoMt..!  iron,  s,.a  water  in  tbo  oavitios  of  tbo  Funafuti  oorals  bavo 
.  e.a,v.  d.ametors  ol  from  O-O.'  mm.  to  O-O;!  mm.:  also  tbat  tbo  dolomite  orvstals 
-ln,.b  navo  .raduall.v  roplaood  tbo  arajronito  and  caloito  of  the  ooral  doi;osi,s 

HFI'iiUl    or   nil    I  nil  I     \sii;i,\,,ui:i; 



..rbouat,.    react    a     or.ln.ary    t..rn,„>ra.„r..s.   .-rystal.    .,f    .al,.;,,,,.    ,.arl,o„at..    ar. 

the    CKP.     of    I,..  lMt-C.,„l„-i.„  ,„.li„„  iil„.„.i.,.  ,,v,.,.a,v  O-OI  „„„    f,  0.0-    ,' 
".  .im,„...or:  tl,o  .^<r,  ,,,.  ,.„.,,,.,>■  ,.l...,ni,.„l,  i,„„.,.,„i,.  .m-ow,1w       ' 

n   -U.   ...V  „la,..,  ul„...  ,1,,.   ,;,,M-. „.. „rl ,„.  ,„.ks  a.  th..   I-„,-,v. 

mnth  I  aral  ,.]  w,.,-,.  ol,s,.,■^...|  ,o  l,,.,v,.  1,..,.,,  ,ly„au,i,.all.v  n,..(a„,or,,I,,l    tho  u,-,i„ 

''•iw.  tlie  ..n^'inal  Rraiii  immiv  .„■  I,..-,  ,„.rr,.,-ilv  prr^rrve,! 

(.n.nnn.  a  ,.l,..,,,i,..|  ,„,^i„   for  ,1,,.,.  ,.a,l„.„a„.  n.ks.  ,h,.  .enoti,.  pn,!.l..,„ 

Hi '  ^  if  ?-'■ -'^^ 

'wm,S.  -"P'"-""0"    cl-I-^its.    lik,.    ,.,..k..,l,.    ;,.s,„.ia,,.,|     wi,l,     ,ho 

.l'l„.  l.ypotla.sU  ,l,at  ,|„.  pn.ipita,  i„n   Iut..  or..,„-,v,l  ,i„ou^'h  o,Ka,„,.  d.vav 

",""'  "''•'"-'■^'   """•  ':^  ^"1' ■«■'■   l'>-   »!"■  •li^<'..v..ry  of  appro-ial,!,.  a,n„„nt.  ..V 

<arl.o,,a..,.ous  .na.trr  ^till  r.-i,!,.,,!   i„  ,1„.  Siy,-!,  an.l  o,),,.,-  „!,!  li,,,...,,,,,,.  in   ,1„. 

liut    t!,o    .■t,„i..,.    l„.,w....„     tlu.    vario,,,    ,.l,,.,Mi.-al    l,yp,,ll„-,..,     for    ll„.     Helt- 

•"  t  a-  Imm>  ,.|  la.;N  w  ,„lly  .l.riv..,!  !,■,,„■  th.-ir  Ih,I  ratli.-r  l,y  tlu-  .■„nvla.i,.„ 
cW  tlios,.  laots  uuh  tlu.  ,.f  KcoloKioal  prin.Mpl.w.  Tho  ,,,0,0  ,ho-,. 
nnncplos  aro  ,levelopo,l  ,|,..  .noro  cloar  i,  it  beeotninR  that  stri,.,  „nif„rn,i- 
t;u-,,M  may  err  a>  vtally  a.  the  older  .lo.-trine  of  c-atastropluMM.  The  pn- 
Ml..r,an    earhonale    ro.-k-    at    the    Forty-ninth    I'arall,.!    are    entirelv    ,litferent 

Ihysieal    and     eheinieal    tvp..,     f,- ,1,0    „aple    modern     liMi.Ntone   '    It    .r   m,- 

th,.relore.  wronfr  to  e..nline  explanation  only  to  lin>...l fonninp  processes  ■     w 

Mt  work.  I.arfre-seale  fjeoloiiieal  .ondiii,,,,.  and  processes  Inuv  Im.l  their  evnluin,,, 
'" ■^'""'  '""*-'-*  »■<  >""-''l.v  as  iilants  and  animals  have  been  evolved, 

I'mJ^'f!^'   ^'"""'   ''''"'   •■^*""   "''   '■'"""""'•    ''<""'-'"•    l!*"'.    1'    ••»:;;    s..,.   text.    H,u,,..    .,n,l  " 

til.   li.  .'^liK'ks,  (Jaart.  .I.iur.  (icol.   .■<.).•..   Vol.  .Vs.    i<Kf>    ,,    j.1 

^^■^s\\ruu'^,T  /  "*'  ^l""'-""'"  '"aiblos.  VuRt  Inus  t,„„„l'  that  the  ,mk  of  Hn.-t  «,,„„ 
WHS    II  .idp  up  iif  i,'iaauli»i  avcraKiric'  to  Od:)  inni     m   iliinw.ti.r       'I'l,.,      , 

;b-n..u!;:;itri=s: --;-:.-;!;■;- ,'■: - 

l.tcrjaur..  until  tl.,«  vha  .i.r  v  .s  n  .,  a  a  f . ,  m  M,  i'''''i.."r  H''i  ■VVT'.'",  ""' 
tnr    I'l.iktisrl.e  (J.^logie.  ,ian.  nail   l-.-l,  .    ls|«         '  '■  "''■    ^'»='-   ''■""-'li.   ''• 


in:i'.MiTMF.\r  hf  riii:  i\Ti:itini; 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

SIMM. Mi  V. 

cKiiclnsions  oiiiphasizril   in    thi^ 

chiiptiT  aro  billed  on   tlm 

Premises. — Tlio 
t'ollnwiiiir  premi-es:- 

1.  Tlio  tnttli  of  till'  pvoliitionnry  li.vpothosis.  espeoiiilly  as  rejranls  tho  pco- 
locicaUv    latp   ilcvolopniont    of   active    liiintcrs   an.l    .soavoMgprs   on    tho   cpnoral 

-I -it   tlcpor; 

2.  TIio   liiolnirically   ,lc,|i ,1    fact    tliat    tlm   pv.iintinii    of   tli.'   iri:iin    :iiiiiii:i1 

typos,    iii.-Iii.liii;r   tlio-c   s<.(Tctiiiir  hanl   parts,   was   aci-niiiplislir.l    in    tl ■.-iiii; 

n.  TIip  fact  that  animal  typos  wore  alroady  liiiilily  ilivorsitleil  in  Cambrian 

4.  Tlu'  oxporiini'ntally  prove.!  fai't  tint  roprosontativcs  of  'lie  main  animal 
types  can  live  and  I'lrivo  in  sea  water  .|nite  deprived  of  caleiinM  salts; 

ii.  I  he  po-tnl  ;  tliat  bacterial  deeomposition  of  animal  remains  oernrreil  in 
Kozoic  time  and  i.  -  oeenrred  in  all  sidi-(>inient  time; 

t).  The  experimentaiiy  proved  fact  that  bacterial  decomposition  of  animal 
MIS  cansi's  the  emanation  of  aninioninm  carbonate  amonfr  other  products; 

I.  The  experimentally  proved  fact  that  snch  ammoninm  carbonate  can 
preiipitat."  from  sea  water  all  of  its  calcium  salts  in  the  form  of  the  carbonate 
and  some  of  the  magncsinm  salts  a>  basic  magnesium  <'arbonate.  ("This  pre- 
cipitation is  proveil  to  be  actually  profiressintr  on  the  floor  of  the  Black  Sea"); 

i^.  The  experinicntally  proved  fact  that  the  precipitatir.n  of  mau'nesi\ini 
'•ail).,nale  is  facilitated  by  the  absence  or  low  eontciit  of  calcium  salts  dissolved 
in  sea  water; 

'.'.  The  pn.liaide  ta.-i  tliat.  in  post-Middle  llur..iiian  ( piv-Animikie  I  limi-. 
;lie  Ian. I  anas  an.l  th.'refore  the  river  systems  were  ixreatly  increased  in  size 
as  a  icsidt  ..f  an  or..yenic  revolution  throuHhont  the  (Mrtli;  mncli  limRstono  then 
first  <>xposed   to  weathcriiifi; 

111.  The  fact  that  a  pro'..ii,!:..!  r.eri...i  of  i.n,.,ia]  ..|-  .■  „n,,l,.tc  hiw.l,- . -^'m," 
iollow.'.l  the  monntain-biiildiiif:  period,  implying  a  -pecially  a<l.iil  .  •.  of 
.lissohe.i.  ri\er-l)orii.'  calcium  and  iiia>inesium  salts  to  the  c.-ean  water.  This 
_ad<liti.iii  of  calcium  salts  is  assiiiue.l  to  have  made  a  fun.lanicntal  chanirc  in  th... 
cuidilions  of  marine  life;  the  ex.vss  ..f  .•al.-ium  salts  beins  so  .sircat  as  to  permit 
..t   til.'  -.'.  r.lioi!  i:{  eiil.'ai- IS  shel'^  an.l  skel.'t..ijs  tor  the  lir^l; 

II.  The  fact  that  the  lanil  areas  have  ever  since  retained  siiffi.dent  si/e  anW 
abundance  of  limcstoiii'  t..  furnish  the  sea  witii  lime  salts  in  excess  of  tho 
amount  of  those  salts  beinv  pr.M-i|)itati  d  by  ammonium  carbonate  ami  bein'.' 
dep.isiie.l  in  th.-   form  of  orfranic  shells  and  on   the  sea  floor. 

1:'.  Th.'  po-tulate  that  the  chemical  nature  of  the  Ottawa.  St,  Lawrence. 
M'  '.ssippi.  Danube.  Rhone,  Seine,  and  other  rivers  can  pive  a  tolerable  idea  of 
th.>  necessary  an.l  dra-ti.'  chaiiffcs  in  calcium-content  which  nuist  have 
ebaracteriz.-.l  tlie  river-system  as  it  .■xiste.l  in  piv-Caiiibrian.  Paleozoic 
Mcsozoic,  and  Tertiary  tiin.s;  a  comparison  of  rivers  also  the 
relative  constancy  of  th.'  ratio,  ra:Mp,  in  thi"  av.raire  river-waters  from  the  pre- 
*'jinlirian  to  the  present  time. 


in  i-i,i;i  or  I  lit:  ri/irr  i.-z/.-ovoi//  /.•  ^73 


nonch,sio„s.-^.  The  li,,,,.  ..I,,  of  tl.e  o.oan.  inh.-rit,.,!  frn,n  A  oi,.  tin,,., 
wore  precT,tat...l  a.  .•al..i,nn  <.;,rl.„„ato  .•orMparativlv  .,.„„  aftor  tl,o  inlr..,!,,,.- 
tioii  (,|  aiiiiiial  Iilc  into  the  sea. 

-••  Dnrin-  ,nost  of  Ko/oio  tin,.,  i.o.,  p'o-Ca>ni.riai,  timo  in  wliioh  animal 
I. to  e.v.3te,l.  the  „<van  was  so  nearly  liMirless  that  .■,.m,s  soontions  hv  animals 
woro  iiTipossilili'. 

:!.  T,.sts  ami  skeletons  of  purr  •■hitin  woro  possihle  in  Eozoin  time.  l)Mf  wore 
not  abnn.lantly  presorvci  tintil  so.,,,,  oarbonate  or  phosphate  of  lime  was  l,„ilt 
into  those  struetures.     The  oal.-nreo-<.l,i,i„o„s  tests  of  f'ambrian  ami  Onlovi-'ian 
tnlob.tes  ami   sl„.lls   „f  br,.,.hiopo,ls   repres,.nt   a  tiansition    stap.   between   the 
Kozoi,;  a'on  of  doniinantly  soft-l„„lie,l   animaU  an,l   the   i.ost-Cambrian   aoi,   of 
(lomM,antl.v   hmo-.seeretin>r   animals.      The   notable   fossili^atioT,    of   braehiopo.l. 
tnlol„te,s.  m..lh,-.,-s.  vU:.  wa-   impesMhl,.  until   n- ar  th,.  beijinoin-  of  Cambria,, 
time.    Indeed,  the  conditions  for  trnly  abundant  fossiiii^ation  of  ealeare*  ,is  forms 
wen.  not  established  ui,til  after  the  Cambrian  period.     The  ^trikin?  raritv  .,r 
''"'"■'■     '•"■'•:     "'      "iranie     rc.m,-,ins     in    thh-k     Cambrian     s,.dime„ts    ,,f    Kriii-' 
Columbia.  Alb,>rta.  Maho,  and   .Montana,  an,l  in  n,anv  other  parts  o-"  the  world 
may  be  thus  explain,.,!. 

4.  Eozoie  limestones,  ,l,,lomit,.s,  ma-nesian  limesiones.  ami  ealeai-iM.os  and 
mapnesian  deposits  p.nei-ally  \vere  ehemi,-ally  dei  sited  throi.t'h  th,.  m,.,li„n,  of 
orsanie  ammonium  ,-arbonate.  This  alkali  aot,.,l  on  the  prim,-val  .•ah'  an,l 
ma-,ie-i„n,  -a!t-  ,..f  ih,-  ,„•,.,,,,  and  .„,  ,!„.  ,.al,-i,,,„  ;,n.l  ,„a-„..H„,„  salt-)  i,ii,-,.- 
■'"'''■;'  '"  ''■'■  '"■'■■'II  ''V  pr,-Cai,,briaii  riviT^.  A  nriiiii,  i-  ^ny,^,,,,,]  |-.,r 
tl„.   iron   earl.onate  o.-nirrinc-   in    l-:../,,i,.   sediiia'iitary   \v]<.      It    :.   :,l-,i   ^:r^.',-\r.\ 

''';"    !'•>■    ;li"   -ili'^^i    "!'   th,-   and    .ia-ii,.rs    .-Iiarar'tiTi-ti-allv    a-...ia-,-,l 

W!'h  the-.  .•ar!..i,at,-.  w,ri.  lik,Avi-r  tlii.,.«ii  ,,,!,  ..i'  -,,ii;tl..ii  by  aiiiii!..iili,ni  .■,n- 
i'oiiat.-  ..f  nr^'aiii..  ..ri-in.  Th,.  n,.f  ,-..'e,:i„  .,ii.l  n:,,,,,-.,!  r,..  ,  manalinn-  lr..n, 
I'..»-..i,.  s,.,|iiiu.|i'ary  ro.ks  i',.,,-ive  .■\|!,iii;,t  i.-ii  it'  ilir  fMii'lai, „■,:,:,!  i-.-l  r.e...  .,i 
abundant   Kozoi,'  m.ariii,-  lif,.  bi.  acecif. -I, 

6.^  The  liypoth,-sis  .seems  t,,  explain  th,.  pnMt,.r  ,lev,-Ioi,in,a,t  of  m^i-n.'-ian 
rocks  in  the  earli,.r  peolo-ioal  formations.  esi>eeially  tnose  b,.Jon?iM(r  to  the  K.,',.ie 
,,■■•11.  Th,.  hyiintlii-i-  tiii^..«-  Hidit  ,,11  tb,.  f,,riiK,,;-.ii  ,f  d-l..iiiit;-  i.,.l-,  ,,r  .ill 

tl.  The  ratio  of  i-ali'lum  to  macnesiun,  is  nearlv  ,'.instant  in  the  avi.r^,..-e 
hmjston,.,,!  the  i.i^i.-Cand.rlni,.  Canibrian.  ()rd.,vi,-i:,,.,  ari.l  .'^ibirian  t,.rrai,.-<.  T!,,- 
ratio  inereases  abruptly  in  tli,>  l),.v,.idan  liiiie-.1on,-s.  possiblv  beeanse  of  the  ripid 
,levelopment  of  the  fisla^s.  whi,'l,  tla-n  b,--an  the  mo,-,,  thoroo^.b  s,-avemrinL'  ..f  the 
sea  floor. 

T.  Til,.  ,.,.!, .iii^ali ,f  I'l,.  .,.,    ||,„„..   ,,t   I,,,-:    1.,   .1,,.  ,i,,,„i,.   ,,i„,,,,  ,,,!,. i,,n, 

Mrbonat,'   is  n.>t   redis.s,dve,l   by   press,,,-,..   w,h   p,-,,l,a!.!v   fairly   (Y,mp!ete   in   the 
<  reti!e,'oiis  period. 

^.  Mapnesiiim  salts  tlrst  be>?aii  t-.  b,.  ae,.,imnlat,','  in  i!i,.  ,„.ean  wat.-r 
probably  diiriiifr  th,-  early  Devonian   p.rioil. 

'.».  It  is  su!j(r,>st,.,l  from  tt-.e  faets  not.',!  in  thi^  ehapler  that  the  mapncsium 
now  ,.ontaine,l  n,  th,"  s,.a  in  amount  f?r<>ater  than  a  mei-e  t.-aee  beiran  to  ae,>um,i- 


i>i:rM!i\ih:\i  of  nih:  isiiiinnit 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
lilt.-  not  ...,rli..,  tluin  tl...  Devnnin,,  ,.e,iu.l.  The  clcium  .lid  not  bepin  to 
..•cM.mwlato  1,1  s.nnlar  excss  until  ti...  g.  neral  s-avengin^-  .,v.«.om  was«blisl.o,l 

"  *  ','■     '""''>'"^''   ."'"f  •■'l'.v>-l'l  .-.^-'in,,.  „f  ,1 .,,,„  H„„r     ,„.rlu„w  as  late  a. 

til."  (  retuwous  period.  When  we  also  bear  in  mind  that  the  sodium  and  potassium 
salts  have  been  slowly  accumulating  from  the  pre-Cambrian  to  the  present  time 
we  are  prepared  to  rea-h  ti,,.  rather  i.rohablo  eon.dusion  that  the  pre-Canibrian 
oeean  really  approximated  a  f,Txh;rnl,r  (thonph  faintly  aei.l)  romlUion  Th.> 
only  ■-,ap..  from  that  .Miirhision  to  be  offered  in  the  view  that  a  larp- 
part  ot  the  existing  .,eean  is  inado  of  neirly  pure  'juvenile'  water  emitte.l  from 
voleaiiie   vents  or  from   i-iimary   igneous   rocks   since  the  pre-Cambrian 

10.  J  he    l.yiKithcMs    suggests    that,    in    general,    secular    variations    in    the 
or,.i,nic  .•ompositioii  may  be  found  t,,  explain  some  features  of  biological  hi-torv 
including  certain  accelerations  and  retardations  in  life  development,  cpecialiv 
as  regards  the  elaboration  of  the  liar.l  parts  of  animals  and  the  rise  an.l   fall 
ol    lime->ecretiiig   organisms. 

11.  .Vc.ording  to  the  l.y,,olh..Hs  the  outlines  of  development^  inav  be  tabula- 
'  as  follows: — 


*  lo*;i)iiL- 


Kivf-r  inflni'nce  on 




/'.  ri„.l. 

K*<rhl  K"-.Oir  Ptrnul, 

plluirs        """"■""    ■•'"'       ""nof!„,i,..s;,lt-^.  sinj.ll;..,nii,„„.„are.       l..«,-,l    l,y  iniv.<l    .1,.- 


tiriiciiial    ■snlutioii   of  K,,l|,,«,.,|      |,y 
IiikIiit  ty|i.-^of  aiiiiii!il»,      n.vulv  lim.l.s, 
:ill  s..ft-l«Kl»Ml. 

I  'hirf  J-',is>ih  —  Siliciuiis  ; 
illlpn'ssions  of  siifl 
ttodi.-d  .^inimals  ;  |i.  ssi- 

I'ly  t.stt)  of  pill,,  (liitiii; 

pliuits  ■• 

f   lillH-rttOIlH    l>\|lll>t  ,)  lHl>it>.  (if 

i  ".  Mthi-nnj.' 

cirlMinjUe  anil  ni.ajf- 
ii'Miniii  rai'Uiiiatt'  ; 
JMii  cailHinatc. 

ImI,  t:„ 

I  P':M-Miilil-.  }himi,i„n)  l\rt<Kl. 

.iiiHn.u..  ,„lt  l-i,li,.,l.  .1,1  im-,v,iM.    iif    ,,v,.,-  lan.l  ar...H»  ™lari:i  .1  :  caleiiun     c.ri«,nat..  • 

ii  :,i  L-       I         1     ■     ,  'Kirni  iailiiiiiMt>'snf,-;i|.  H|Miial     iiioirase    of   i!.-ii,wii  ..f 

tt^::;o:i :  •  K.!" ';;:  ■■"""""i—-  --  "f  weath..n„«  n,:;;;:"^;;';;^;^:;! 

i.aps.' .;  ;..i™|.,„',:  "w;"';'""'-^''^'"'-'  ™-"™">-. 

iiaps.     .-(iiiH' 






Kivcr  inritit-riri-  t.n 


TiMK    I'LACK    UK    IIIK    (il.KAl     1    NV,  ,S  K,  ,„„  ,  ]  V. 

''itiii'mr,  /'</•/.:./. 

'"*'"'■  1:1  t'L'n    I  11   i>  I .1  .  .  •  .,   ..  .       . 

t-'hitinons  ami    i-alran- 

1  .        ,     I  .*.....  <i    Mini     utifi-iiy 

I.UMMniil^.lMteim-a        ■■ttoiim' ,-.iUii,ti,    ojir 
'■""■■  l«Miiit.-;     liilit;ii-Miiin 

ciu1kiii:i'i.    ill   diiiilii 
i«li«l  |.ri>|»i'tii.|i. 

Ffniil  <\i ml, rill II  In  A' 

'/fill  I,  nf  Cii/nnniitiiin  „f );.  i„  nil  s,i,  (/„,„•. 

I.iiii.v    striictmi-»  of  an   Si,ii„.  .,.,  Ia~i  i.ii.K 
iiiials  fully  d.-v.l,,|».,|.  ' 


<  V.I'-ar.- 

I-ii.kI.  Und    areas,  anil  aim,  Sam.,  a,  la,f  r..ii..i 

"f  wcath.-riim'  liiri'- 
itoiif,  »l,,x>|j-  thciiKh 
iKit  sttailjlv  iiicTfa,- 

J'inudfu/liiaiii:,  <  oloiir.iltion  iifd-iHcral  Sm  Himr. 

Same  as  last  in-rii-Kl. 


<    n..    .iiprMt.     ,11   s...„       iim'ii.axii,.ui,i.At,.|,t.  .hii,,  rarl-.mif  .I,,,,. 

Kiirr^    (iiaiii    iiiaxi.  iiiant  ;       i„.,i:i„.„,„., 

nn.iii   ana    ,if    Iin,,..  ,an»„iat,.  at  it,  „,,„ 

''^*  '"'■  iiiniin. 

.we..„ cani.iriun a„d ,,|.,..C, i,a„ ,.„..k,,, . :x,.,;,.,i',,:r„,::,:lii;;:;;;^ ^i;;:';;^"""'''  -'^"''- 

in -Vol.    111—11 


'  -v,  ■ 


2  GEORGE  V. 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

A.    1912 


iXTUoi.cTK.N   n,  T,„.:  THR.nv  n|.  i.;n-ko.s  kooks. 

<'i.ASMH(  \Ti,,\    ut    nn:    Icskoi.s    Rik^ks. 

larK..  igneous  areas  has  prove  Ithei^t  .'*"'.'.  i*^"'"/  Pro'onpod  .t.nly  of 
principal  classes:  the  plut:  t  ".^  L  .Lut  dlk^  ,"'  T'^S"  ^"'^  ^'^'^ 
is  obviously  fundamental  to  t  ,<•  ge  L  s,    for  h,    ml  .t  "■.   ">«.''['"■"'•♦'<"' 

'act   that  the  structural   relations         S/uT  k^liTrindirr      "".ut'  "'  ^^" 
truly  as  ..o  the  series  of  strati«ed       ^.sZ;:'u^fZ:::^lS'  ''^'"^   " 
Likewise  the  pctroloRu.t,  who  ,<  pri.nnrily!  in  the  origin  „t   r„..k 







2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
bocomM  to  the  t.nin.^1  Ki^.logi.-t  h,  .•luiraoteristi.-  ad  thu  featurea  of  Caucasian 
or  MoiiKnliaii  arc  to  tlir  .■ili,i..«niplHr.  I!,"l<.  like  ninit.  Iim-  ii  ''  of  it- 
own  and  thiH  is  of  first  ai.l  to  the  Kiolofrist  who  is  ninppinjr  an  ifrneoiis  region. 
A  McmIo  i'lnHsifi,;iii.)ii  iiU,,  vital  to  tin.  iiiv.'stisrator  in  [..•froK.tiv.  If 
ro.-k  niiw.'nin.s  Imi  »nl.v  ni...lcrafrl.v  siipcrhcatrvl— tlic  usual  (on,liti,,M   it,  nafur.'   - 

tlf      (liss,_..-iati..l|      „|-      thr      Ill.,l,.rll|(.,.     «t||,.|l     ,,1 jil,;;     will     )',,r,n     linllmir,-! |s 

•■rystalu,  is  probably  very  'ilit.'ht.  Tli..  a.liial  iiiiii.TaU  •■(•.•ii  in  n  cr>wta!!iiio  rnck 
are.  tlierpfore,  so  many  diri'ot  iiidi-Mtions  of  tlip  nature  of  the  magma  before  it 
.  r.\  -talli  T,!.  Sini-o  it  u  be.otniiip  uiorc  ati.l  more  crtain  that  the  laws  of  solution 
povern  the  phenomena  of  roek  erystallizatioii.  it  is  leiritimate,  with  proper  safe- 
guards, to  reason  from  a  ro.k'a  aetiml  minerulotieal  constitution  or  'mode.'  to 
the  condition  of  the  pro-existinR  ma(,mia.  The  orijrin  and  history  of  niafrma  is 
renllv  tho  core  of  petroReny.  The  professed  petropenist,  no  less  than  the  field 
-.•oloiiisl,  should  r.'iranl  the  Moil,.  cliis-ifioMtion  ;i^  fundauicutal  and,  in  a  -ci,-,. 

.\  further  reason  for  its  retention  is  found  in  the  fact  that  a  souml  petroceny 
niu-t  be  ba.sed  on  an  inductive  study  of  the  actual  ifrneous  terranrs  of  the  world. 
This  study  is  now  only  po-siMc  thioutdi  the  maps  and  nainoir-  which,  with  a 
very  few  exceptions,  have  been  composed  in  terms  of  the  prevnilinp  classification. 
Inasmu<'h  as  the  field  fjcologist  must  map  areas  nceordinir  to  the  visible,  niinera- 
logiral  character  of  the  rocks,  the  raw  material  for  the  comparative  petrolosist 
must  retain  essentially  the  same  character  as  it  has  now.  It  is  of  the  In'phest 
importance  that  the  (piantitieg  (species)  dealt  with  by  peologist  and  petrogenist 
should  have  a  common  denominator.  Where  the  two  part  company  there  is  new 
opportunity  for  unsound  hypotheses  coiicerninK  the  oripin  of  the  rocks  in 

Th(*<'    are   some    of    tlic    reasons    why    tlie    N',.rin    classification    ot    i^.;!!, .; 

rocks  seems  boimd  to  be  a  failure  for  iwtrofrenist  and  peolopist  alike.  Ilarker's 
destructive  criticism  in  the  l.-ist  chapter  of  his  'Natural  TTistorv  of  Ipnecus 
Rocks  •  (litOD)  is  hardly  to  be  refuted.  The  nature  of  the  hiffhiv 
system  is  doubtless  familiar  to  the  reader  of  tlie  present  report  and  need  not  be 
described.  Wliilc  realizing  the  ineflleacy  of  the  s.vstem  as  a  direct  aid  in  the 
|)roblenis  of  roek  penesis.  it  has  this  residual  advantape  that  the  norm  calcidated 
from  a  rock  analys-'s  may  be  used  as  a  puide  to  the  nearest  chemical  eipiivalents 
of  tliat  rock  anionp  modern  types.  For  tlie  purp,..e  Washinpton's  larpe  compila- 
tion o|  a'.alyse-.  for  flu-  ii,,i,,,..  -iiluMii--.  otc.  luive  been  delermined.  is,,f 
jn-eat  service.*  Larpely  for  thi<  reason  the  norms  of  he  analv;i:ed  tvpes 
occurrinp  in  the  Boundary  belt  have  been  calculated. 

There  is  no  appaiont  reason  wlvv  the  .Mode  classification  of  the  holocrystalline 
rocks  should  not  be  nnide  rather  .trielly  quantitative,  somewhat  after  the  manner 
of  calculation  by  which  the  jiosition  of  a  rock  is  found  in  the  Norm  8ys(em. 
Thanl>>  to  Kosiwal's  well-known  nietlio,]  ijie  modes  can  be  caleiilated  f,,r  ni.,^t  of 
these  rocks.     In  a  measure  the  same  is  true  for  porphyritio  rocks  with  aphanitic 

.nnfl'1;  ^f  ^y«--'''nKt'n.  '  CWnical  Analyses  of  Uncm^  Bocks  i.ul.lisli,,!  fioai  1-st  to 
inOO.    PM>fi>s..^ioniil    riir«-v,  No.  11.   IT.S.  Ooel.   Survey.   19(13. 

in.ruKT  1)1  Tin: 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

■iiiry  \siiii,s,,\it:n 


wnter-s  opinion,  woul.i  be  strenXn.L/;^^     ^"MuantitatJvo  and.   in  ,he 
de.ino<l  in  ,er„>.  of  lim  t    i  .    I.        ,a  ^ hi:   ^f  ?  '''""'"'':  V'*'^  «""  »-  "'•'^""y 

AVKRA.iE  (  „M..OSrT,„.Ns  of  r.EAOI.M)  TVPES 

de.S'ir™;^'-^-!-'-',!^  •'.-,,.  TT'""'  *"  '^^  "-^-• 
«vorat'..s   n.a.v   1„.  put.*      M;,r,    «,r.        I  •      ,'""'"  °^  """  "^  ««  "''i'-h  the 

The  indivi ,„,  „„,,  ^4:^  ivc  ?.h      ,  nn/'f""';'""^  o„..ou„,.re<l  in  tho  fiold. 

the   mincraloKici   c„mno,iHo       . f     1  '''<-  'v.^m  ar.>  a.  well  shown  a,  in 

I'ero  e„tere.l  i„  ,he  s!  c^e  ,^  bl  Xnvr'  ''l  "'■'^:  '"'"  "^""^^  -« 
with  the  „.an.v  analvsos  made  fro  ,!  \h>    U         "  '""^''  '"  """"""'  comparison 

In  Hummary.  U.ewrif,  r  mlv  ,t '  .  f^"""'^'"^;'^'"-"'?  collection, 

tion.  not  only  that  tl  h  .^evai  w' ol'"  ""°'"  ^7  T'"*  ^''^  Mode  ela..,ifica. 
the  available  cysten.s  for  leS  j  IZ'  i:;  7"">^b-«»  is  the  be«t  of 
mation    to   th.   natural    .•h,.,Stbn    f^r   .  ?        i""^  ''  '■"  "  '«"'  "PP'"''" 

aoconnt  of  the  .ctual   n  I  ..r,  •  '^' "''^';'*'<   '""'  PctroRenist.     It  takes 

eaehof  whi..h  i;rar  IrlTr"  f"'"'   "'  *'"  "'"""''•"'   -"'Po.sition. 

The  Mode  classitica  fo,  nlr^  tn  ,  ?  °i  ""'^™"  "'"^  "^  mapnatie  historv. 
application  of  entS  .  pr  ;  pt  rj.!' l^f '1  '"  'T  ''^"'^'^  *^*^  ^"'"-,.  wilf  ^Ji:'t'l!tZ  T^Z'.  '""^""  '"'''  "^  ""^ 

P.  «!  "•  *•  "'"^'  '''— '-"^^  A,„.nc.n  A,.a.len,y  of    Arts  and  S-ience,.  Vol.  «.   ...lO, 



:;  1 


nur.lHTMKST  Of  Tilt:  istkhior 

2  QEORQE  v.,  A.  1912 

Tabi-k  XLIV. —'ihowing  thf  average  comnoiilion^  calculated  for  the  Principal 

hjni'inuiroi  I,-   'I'liiun. 

N...  of 


Ti()j     . 
Kr,t)j  , 
K.O.    . 
CaO.    . 
NmO  . . 
H,(),    . 



71  IH> 


U  10 

I   t)i 

I  <i3 



1  !I7' 



I'l.t  TiiNlf  li. 





s  a 

i  5 

«  «  i. 

li!l  HI      ' 

i;»  7:t 

•M     i 


13  71!    ; 

14  !1H 

a  17   j 

I  tia 

1   H7 

1   Mi 

■i>i  ! 


M    ; 


2  2it     1 

L'  21) 

3  17     i 

:t  2s 

4  ;»H   i 

:t  !t:. 

'»    ! 


■»;    ! 


1         • 



1       a 












A   -^ 

«  jtf 

^  z 



t  u 

i  ^ 

3  = 

3  ^ 

L.     * 





(ill  !C.> 

72  1*^ 



14  TH 

i:t  8M 

1  li'J 

1    43 

1  Ii7 






■-•  ir>' 

1  :t2 

;t  28 

:i  r.4 

4  (17 

4  (Ci 


1  :.2 

'              2» 

U(i     ! 


T     2 

1  n 
5  § 


72  'M\  ■  ' 

72  (12 

72  :!(i 




14    18 

13  77 

14  17 

1    (.-, 

1   211 

I  f>.-. 



1  (11 






.  r  ■ 

1   13 

1    13 

1    3H 

3  -A 

3  .-«-, 

2  .Sf) 

3  1P4 

4  W 

1  •« 

1  3.1 

1    -.3 

1   U<l 




<'\((t  f.ATKII    .\?<    WaTK(;  HlKK. 


SiOi,    ... 

71  m 

71)  :w 

7'>2.'<     ! 

70  17 

73  72 

73  H!) 

73  75 

73  Ifi 




34     , 






Al,(»i  .     . 

14  20 

13    H.i 

1.-.  10 

14   IHI 

11    10 

II  37 

..i  !)!) 

1 1  ;w 

Fe,Oj     . . 

I    17 

2  III 

1  Ii3 

1    (^'f 

I    (."> 

1  t;7 

1   31 

1  ."'7 

FeO     ... 

1  (ift 

1  Hll 

1 117  ; 

I  i;,s 




1  02 

MiiO.     . 







12     ' 





1  oil    ■■ 







1   !I8' 

2  22- 


1  .34 

1   14 

1  45 

1  ;«) 


3  2li 

3  111 

3  31     1 

3  31 

3  5!) 

S  51) 

3  1)0 

2  88 


«  M 

4  41 

3  i»K     ' 

4  10 

4  ()!) 

3  W 

4  1(> 

4  )il 

PiO,.    ,    . 



■27     i 



■01  : 




„ _„ 


Each  Hiini  =  KW  (10.    '  Iricl.iilHH    08';  IJaO  and    OV  SKI. 
IncUiri.-s    oe>%  llaO  .mil    02',  SrO 

■■•  Iiiiliidis    iKi     ItaOand    02"   Srfl. 

KKPDRT  OF  THE  rlliry  .\sTHu\i,Mr.H 


•  iKiiri'  II. 

I'll   |..M,  , 



Nil.  <if  Aiiitlyu'H.  7 

^''V  iii:<.i 

[.•••'•' 1 1« 

MnO     ,,   ;.. !J 

Mtf<» ..;:;:        fa 

c«( )  I  ;  r 

K.o ■  ■•     ? ,'; 

'v.. .;;.      ;,:; 

;V"'*'     iii  11.1 

\^\''    v:.\ 

MnO...    -  '•.' 

Mffo  I;; 

N..()  ..  \-^, 

K,o....      •-  ;„. 

•^i*^ Oil 

I.I    NO 

Ill  117 
:;  (1.% 

1    -l!! 

I  17 

<i  4.'i 

(Mil  I  vn 

liL'    1.-. 

i!i  ii; 

L'  W, 

I    -rfl 


I  'iH 


.'i  7h 




•  r  ^ 

>  ^  • 

S  i. 

i;i  <M\ 

17  ii7 

L'  ,t,-| 

.1  .17 


I  ;i.s 
:<  11 

I  lo 

."t    "Ml 

111     "tl 

17  it:i 

•f     O.J 

■.'  Ll^ 



2  ."i.'i 

:>  -.4 

I  iis 



l.ll  I'l 


Hi   I'M 

I'  n 
.'I  ■_■> 
1 1 
■-'  )i 
t  :«i 
:\  !is 
I  I'l 
I  111 


I  I 


il'J  .Vi 

1  l«l 
17  L':i 

2  :(7 
.'I  In 

I  ;i!i 
:i  It 
4  i;<i 
:t  ,s| 

H  07 
•-'  24 

2  .11 


111  47 

.(  ,';•! 


•»  -,•( 

4  ;i."r 
I  II.; 

I  -M 

A  2 

141   (IK 

17  74 
2  1.4 

I    12 

:(  i.!i 

I  4.< 

"'  71 

1    2(1 


(11    Id 

17  !i7 

2  117 

2  (1(1 


I  i;< 

.<  l;i 


r,  SI 


111   M 


17  :i7 

I  1(2 

:i  X, 


1  21. 

I    IIS 

.".  2:1 

.*'  2^1 

2  I.-. 


(1:1   (HI 


17  si 
1  '17 
:i  1:1 
I  2!i 
I    II 

.". ;«) 

".  42 

i;i  II 
I  11 


2!  I 


."1  .ss 

I  2(1 



..    <.IH 


.1  20 
I    1:. 




1  »mji      UKi  u(). 





•  ilinti'  iir 

2  aEORGE  v.,  A.   1913 


N'l.  ■■(    \tl«ly»i< 

Si()i  . 




KV< ) 




N»i(  > 



I'l.t  I'lMll  . 




f>;  *:• 

Ti<  1, 


i\  II 



2  :t!i 



1  <)t. 

CiO                        ......      .. 

4  Ki 


.',  w. 


3  H7 



IW, .... 


Kmi  -h*:. 


!•  |«.i|ili,vrv 

I'll  Tumi. 



*'.M,<  rnim  A-  W 

21  -M 

2  !)l 

•-•  41 

r  07 

t  in 

.^  it;) 

3  !I0 


.-,    1.1 

...1  ■.'.•> 


I'l  .M 

Hi  :k( 

.147      1 


1    'JK 

4  »l 

:i  II 

7  1^' 

It  Xi 

:i  iH 


4  II 

I  :ci 




\V  1 TKH  I  KICK. 

■■H  -.'4 

V.  «•.' 


l;i  7!" 

Hi  t>4 

t!  :a     ' 

3  Oft 


4  40 



1  :m 

1  2:t 

:t  I.". 

7  24 

•i  41 

3  M 




.xtitc  iKanoiiiK 
iin<l  liulvl. 


j7  ft". 

1  III 

III  tiM 

2  2» 
4  07 


3  22 

:<  74' 

3  .Vt 

4  :w 


1  ni 

Hi  HI 

2  31 
4  11 


3  2."i 
.">  7!t' 

3  tl2 

4  43 

KmIi  suni-HIO  00.     '  Incluili  i    lli     lUO  :iii.|    07     .SrO.         Iniliid.^    1 4°   CO,. 

RKI'itiil  nt    nil    illlir   t.s/7,-., \. .»;/,• 

'.l!"l  !•  IV, 


N...  •■(  .\ 

Hi( ), 








IV),  , 


S  .' 


Mi  II 

•J\  :i,l 
I  n; 
I  i: 

I  7J 

H    (S 

«  4<! 


I'll  InM.  .. 

«i  «i  i:t  ii 

V<  til 


1  r.t 

Iti   •.';•, 

I  ;tii 

l!t  'i;i 

-'  711 

•S  M 


I  :■.' 

•J  (W 



l:i  Mil 
;i  .'tr 

•J  Lit 


■:  :.i 

M  a; 

:.  Hi 

I  :c. 





'.'<)  till 

'.'  :c. 
I  i>;i 


I    .Ml 
,S   Ml 

.'«  2;i 

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Km  -u  !•< 


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.1  "I 

1    III 



•J  ;ii 

.">  liL> 

M  ;):i 
:.'  .11 



•!i  ><;( 


III  Oil 

:«  17 

;i  Ml 

I  7'.* 
"1  lilt 
7  1:1 
«  I.-i 

1  !(;t 

<'ll.'  I   I  MHi 


.Si()|  . 


PfO,  , 


l.'l  t)5 


1   til 



I  7.-. 
S  til 

II  "iii 

I.".  Mil 

•.'7  SM 

.'I  6M 



1  71 

Hi  32 
;<  74 


■M  4M 

I  ^111 

ill  ii:t 

1;  Mil 

•.'  !I7 

,.  'ai 

4  U'l 


,Vi  ;w 


111  111 

.1  42 

•;  2;t 

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I   ii.-i 

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1  .■..! 



."■1)  M2 

r.i  :is 

.■1  2.'t 

.1  till 

I   K\ 

S  Nil 

7 ;« 



111"  110 



nri'AKTiirsT  of  rut:  isikniok 

<;i(()ii  V 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

if  AnalvM- 





Na.l ) 





Ky.  I'l.IT-.N 

-   H 

:  •;:.  Id  1 

.-.4  1 

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:>  M 

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2  :!t; 

1    .S.S 


■.  •        as        .'IB        31 

<      1 


:,'.!  AX 

1 7  ■.■is 
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I  i;t 









:  2(» 


:  m 

■ .").') 



('AI.iI  I.ATKli 

n'  Ml- 

Al,(>,  . 

V,;l  h     . 
K.( ) 

M«()     . 

(  •;,(  ) 
\lll( ). 

KjO.   .. 

»'»o,. . 


■  S'_> 












i;7  117 

2  47 

I   .Ti 


I   23 

:i  ;ti 

I    IS 

■J  r<t 


('ill  :!i 


It;  7". 
2  i;7 

I  17 


.■|  Sll 

II  :« 
:t  112 
I  '.1(1 











."iS  ll."i 


17  '17 

;t  S.5 
:t  t;!i 

•  ^^ 
2  Tll'l 
."i  ',12 

;i  cii 

2  411 


.">',•  112 



2  lis 

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:i  :!l 

t;  (k; 

:!  44 










(::>  2(1 

1  (;7 

1  (;;{,'. 
:t  (;; 

2  23 


4  11 

3  (;i 

2  48 

Kai-h   >uii 

lIHI  Oil. 

#:v:r  7L-- 


UKVituT  (ir  TiiF.  riin.r  \yTnii\<,\n:i! 


CKDII'  \  I. 


N...  ,,f 

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Ti(  >.. 

Mk<  >. 

KjO.  . 


I'l  '   IciMi  ~. 

3N  :i» 

r><i  Hi 
I  i;i 

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1  .".2 
I  li-' 

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1  -j:. 


1    4  J 

:■  »;, 

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1 1  i:i 

17  111 

1 1  :i7 

."»  .'17 

1  .".."l 

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11  .1.1 

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1  :is 

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.",  17 


II  :>ii 

(i  III 

li  47 

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1 1 





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li  (111 

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.'1  L'l 




1    lili 


!            ■-■3 




ii  n 

.M    \l 

.M  .'il 

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1    L'7 



."•  nil 

11  7n    ■ 

17  7.f 

11    47 

1  lil 

."1  l(i    i 

4  (Ui 

ti  .'ill 

li    Ni 

1114     1 

li  41 

,",  ss 


*";">      1 



.',  llli 

7  47 

4  "111 

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.'1   III 

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1  7S 


its    , 




KiM-h  ^iiin        iMt  1)0. 


hrrARTMKST  or  riiF.  iMr.nioii 

<;R()ri'  VII. 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 





:  i 




N".  uf  .\ll;ily>,. 

SiO,  . 

FeO  . 
HjO  .. 




F.'.C  »j 

KM)  . 






P.O.  . 

Oliv  int' 
( tahhi'o 


4i»  ."i<» 



2  .S(l 

5  «) 


(i  B2 

in  «4 

2  82 


1  61) 



4t>  49 

1  17 
17  73 

;t «« 

ti  17 

8  8t« 
11   48 

2  Iti 

1  (M 

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2  8(i 



4»i  i)7 
1  IS 

17  !)2 

a  7<P 

•i  24 


8  'le 

11  GO 

2- 18 



Norit,.     ■ 
*  xcliirlin^ 
i<  )-anii 



..II  (18 

1  44 
18  (12 

2  3". 



(!  22 

7  8!l 

2  r)3 


1  (11 

."HI    (iO 

1  4.^ 

18  81 

2  37 

8  in; 

«  28 

7  ;t7 

2  .Vi 



.W  38 

2  (M 

18  27 


111  35 


.")  .'(2 

7  91 


1  02 

."Kl  .M 

2  ii,"i 
18  3" 

1"  38 


.'.  3;< 

:  93 

3  19 
1  ()2 



:  Washing- 


.V)  40 


28  30 

1  ih; 



1  25 

12  4« 

3  (17 



.W  78 


28  51 

1  07 

1  13 



12  .-)5 

3  70 



Kacli  sum  --  100  00. 

SESSrONAL   PAPER    No.  25a 

<ii;<>ic  VIII 


N'".  ..f  A,,,.: v.. 



(•■.•( ) 



<  '.ii ). 





■'t  .-,1 


^  n  K. 


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-  I'll 

■  '  ii; 

1  .-" 

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■■  11 

11  7ii 

1.'.   Ill 

.S   l,J 

7  .s|i 

;i  sii 

•  ■  .17 
1  ic' 


1'  17 
1  i:. 

•2  7" 

II.  ly 

111  .V. 

l:<  iHi 

■-".I  17 
'1  .11 

111  7.S 







*  s,". 

1  i;-> 









1    111 


1  .SII 

1  'Jl 

''M'  1  i.vru.    1-  \\  jif 



i'.i    7^ 

•M  II 

1^  i»;i 






5  ii'_» 

1  117 

1. 1,1 

Ki( ). 

.".    IS 

1    HL' 

■J  114 


1  77 

:.  1" 

11    HI' 






.'>.'»    1  IS 

-J  7'' 

:'!  .ill 


1.  1.^* 

i::   )!t 

ii  J7 


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1    17 


11' 1 

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.    \ 

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•J  (11 

~  .'1  . 

I   s., 

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17  Mi 




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ilKori'  IX. 

No.  nf  AnalvwoH. 



F(( ) 


CaO   . 
NiVit » 

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1  71 


'          10  r.7 

20  01 


3  !W 

li  o:i 

1  !)3 


4  4H 

2  ;<2 

!•  05 

5  mt 

4  45 


2  i;t 

3  13 


1  41-, 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 




41  i;i) 

















42  25 

16  2ti 
«  43 


il  75 

4  45 

1  ii2 

2  4,1 
1  04 

C.VI.crL.\TKll  AS  Watkhkrek. 



Ki4 ) 







I  SB 

;  S3 

1  (Kt 


I  15 

55  02 


211  31 

4  04 

1  »i; 


5  CH 
5  l>4 
3  IH 


42  tilt 

15  IH 

15  43 



12  27 

3 -.58 

1  ■  I'.l 






16  H7 

8  ti4 














100  (Xi. 

i{r:i;,itr  i,i   iiir.  nnr.r  i^TRn\„\iF.h 



N".  of  Aiialvscs. 



C»(J.  . 

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\->  -1 
4  i;(; 

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2  ii;t 

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''.M.I  1  l.MKII    A.>    \V.VIKI|.HiKK. 

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CaO. . 




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2  ((2 

5  I'i 

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4S  12 

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I;-)  K, 
7  Sit 
I  Hi 

1  47 
li  112 
II  iMi 

4  ;«; 

2  70 

1   17 

.'ill  711 


17  21 

3  (;7 
7  2M 


4  :iii 
m  22 

2  2S 

3  i;3 




I  i;s 
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•")  411 

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4  60 

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iiKi:\n-nif:\r  nr  rm:  istkhiok 


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73  71 

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F,(  I 
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!■:(  I,  . 

SlO;    . 

Til),  . 


K.,(  I, 





2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

Km  siVKs. 
7«  77 

M  ;m 


4ii  47 

47  72 


1  :i7 

1   Xi 


1  .-.(1 

in  7:t 

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IH    111 

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:.  '.17 

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4  -'7 

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11    17 

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in  :m 

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•  'aim  i.mki>  as  Watku  h:kk. 

.2  ^'.1 

4"i  7-'i 

17  :.s 

4S    l:"i 

i:i  s:i 

12   10 

in  77 


I    11 

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10  70 

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M  :i7     ' 

12  115 

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10  117 

Il  1,1 

:t  01 

7  7:' 

4  ."i7 

1  \ii 

7  7s 

2  2s 

1  on 



' ' 


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K;uli  >uni  Inn  nii.  •  liirliiiii  >  :l" 
-  Ilnlilil.'s  ■  IS  |',,il)  1,1. 1  |s  Srll. 
'  lni-li|cl..~    :ii       ll.ill  •niil     07      S|(). 

I',  ill  .111.1     iC      .'srll, 

■  Inrlu.l.-     20     (  11. 

■  llirlu.l.  -    .''n      I'.,, 1 1  , 

,.|     I '.I 

i:i:i'„ui  ,„•  Til,:  nnn    t>/7,vMMi/,v 

SFSSIONAl.   PAPER   No,  25a 

19 1 

|.i;"i  !■  \|| 

N"-  "I   Ai,.,iv-, 

Ihn,    t..   ,,, 

'  *-''fii '        I''  -J^   1;.,^.  II     ''  '^.iliri  .III 
I I,,  I'aN-- 

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711  ir 

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TI.MKhA-   WatkI 

SiO,  .. 
TiO,  .   . 
AIi(»,     ,    . 

MnO  .    . 


K,0       . 

Kiich  I 

1 1)  >7 

'■■J  71 

fHi  !i;i 

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2  :i2 

2  7s 


"t   IMI 

1  2S 

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i>ri:ihT\ii:sr  of  tiii:  isiLitutu 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   19l2 

iii;iii  I'  Mil 

Kkki  -n  Ks. 

N'».  "f  Atiiilv^fH. 

•Sit  I,.. 

TiOi. . 




MdO.  . 


c»o. . 

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I'tO,.   . 


i         Mil         1 



1        M4 





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U   43 

:ui  i<i 
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10  ,VJ 

1  3o 

l>  4S 

4  m 

4  .M 

4  TiS 

■;  •>•» 

8  .|Kl 

1  111 

10  07 

2  rr. 

3  oi> 

;t  ii4 

r>  7s 

>>  '*7 








4  111 

:i :« 

;t  I'c' 

'.1  •.>7 

14  i;ii 

1  1  ii'l 

1  m 

■H   nil 

:>  11 

i:  4:1 

7  ttf 

H  IS      1 

'.I  >ix 

:f  34 

4  10 

;<  41 

1  !I4 

2  32 

3  2« 

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;f  7ii 

4  1.-. 

2  !Ht 

2  (« 

\  ,f>i 


H  74 

2  32 

3  :■;. 

2  rxi 








tiO    1 


Cam  rr.ATKip  am  Waikh  fiikk. 



A  1,0,. 





N«t<)  , 

Kach  siiiiix.  loo  IK).      '  IncliiiUr.  2  H.^     frjOj.      -  Inclii.l.s    <!•> 
iKnitimi.     <  lnclii(li«  2  47     frjOj. 

74  so 

IS  .">7 

.M  (Hi 

.^4  St 

:A   '.17 

4S  f,7 

3ii  ;io 





1   fHI 


.  '£> 

13  ;« 

15  47 

IS  34 

18  31 

13  .VJ 


10  73 

I  37 

ti  .-.1 

4  S4 

4  112 

4  71 

3  30 

S  lui* 

1  02 

10  11 

2  H5 

3  12 

1    OS 


Ii  IXI 








4  21 

3  4« 

3  70 

il  Ii2 

U  <t7 

14  88 

1  20 

s  7.-. 

.->  31 

t>  IKI 

7  '.11 

S  ;{!! 

10  1)8 

3  112 

3  3r, 

4  a; 

3  49 


2  :w 

3  34 

1  31 

.■>  22 

3  ,s-, 

4  31 

3  (Ki 

2  07 








I.ijOaiul    23,  SOj.     M.WM011 

/(*/  I'nl; I    /,/■    till    ,  nil, 

•t    I  III    ,  nil  ,     ,  ,  I  i:t,\i,yfii,. 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   No    25a 

'■Hi>\   !■   \|V 



N'n,  ..f  Aiialv. 


a|.|it4.  ((K„,i, 




Mr  ):. 


:."■  iKi 

>ii  ;)'.> 



►■•■5<»i        .. 

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A  M 

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1   Ml 



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im,'tnri)     W.„(,i 

-'"Ill  ;iim| 

<<  Iftlllilt  iiliil 

"'""Kim,  I,      \Va-t,,i,Kt,„,,. 


t  III 

































f"AI..  ll.AIKI.  A>  UatkII  kkkk. 

.Si( ), 

r.i),  . 

A  I.I), 





..■  ..I 

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"i  W 

1  S) 

.•.  ()I 















<y  H2 


17  77 

^1    II.S 

]  ^'1 



"i  Im 


21  (Ml 

.1  l.'i 
I  S7 

1  72 

s  ,S7 


Ka.-I,  SI, 

-•'ii— vol.    ni— 4,',^ 




KKfiHi-Mi  \r  iif  riir  i\ih:itiitii 

i.iii'i  r  \s 

?  GEORGF.  V  ,  A.   igi2 

I  Ilk  I     ili»  K^ 

tKI  tl  I 


t    \it.ily  tl-.- 



•■'ill  »,; 

.Mk-<  I 



l(  <) 



Aljl  h 

K.-il  h 







4!)    t.'> 

'     :m  711 

.")•_'  ii-j 

Ill  711 

ir.  17 

32  31 

1  2:1 

;       1  iij 


;f  m; 

1    'Mi 

1    II 

n  41 

I"'- 21; 

11    M) 

111  ii2 

tl  7m 

M  :*> 

.■t  :;'.» 

A  L"l 

:t  i;o    , 

.-.  i:i 

r.  Ill 

.'■  12 

:.  Ill 

1       ;.  ■)) 

4    IK 

7   Ml 

■i  ii-'i 

11  34 






11  :\:\ 

M    .v. 
f)   Ml) 

•".  4;i 

'.1  M 

n  211 

11  ml 

17    13 

13  .■* 

•J  M 

'       :i  P.- 

H  21 

A  2:t 

:i  11!) 

1    12 

1  Ii!) 

~  7'.l 

2  m;i 

1  7il 

2  73 

;)  111' 

:    .-.  71  ■■ 

2  711 

r.  .Mi^' 

3  in 

7  'ill 


1            X* 




2  3M 

''M.rl  1, 

\TKli  A-    W 

MKIl   H'KK. 

'ill  m 

"i:)  47 

.".)    (IM 

i:t  111 

111  711 

31   '13 

1   27 

1  UN 


4  IKI 

1    IMl 

1  *  .■■»2 

14  Wl 

i       11;  IH 

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HI  !i7 

\r.  .■m 

III  27 

;i  rii) 

H  4K 

:t  711 

.'i  711 

ft  2m 

r>  SI! 

.".  17 

.'i  MM 

4  2!i 

M  ;t(i 

ft  2;i 

11  m5 







M    "kt 

i        li-71 

N  7'.i 

.">  711 

1!  4M 

IS  M4 

ti  »."i 

Ii  mi 

11  02 

!l  il2 

11  4r, 

1  t    IIM 

L'  112 

'      ;<  31 

3  lili 


3  M2 

1   .".3 

1  K» 

■•  !n; 

2  !Hi 

I    Mil 

2  Kt 

2  !I2 

1    1  i 





2  .'fi 

K:icli  mm     im:  nil     1  Imliiil.- 
cliidiK  4  ,'C)  .  Co,. 

('•),.    -•  hull,,!,.,  L>  111     CO:.     ■ «  2  117     CO;.      'In 



Hirni:i  ,,,    nil    <  nil  I    \^n;i>\,,Mn: 

SfSmONAL    PAPER   No    25., 


|U:irl/i  ill. .rill 
in'iri/  .1 ii 


Aki-nii   , 
Atll|jllllu>li'  Iini|ir.llr 

\niiriliii-ii,'    . 

AllKII.-  Mllil.  -It.'    . 


Mii.-iilt    iilh     . 

Itii-.ili  u-  iiiiiiii.l  l,v  iiiiiliiir 

ll:i-.ill  of  ||;,«  ;,„.,„  M,„|,|. 
Ii:i-allil.'  ',i||,.. 

l>ar   111- 

hiilM-.'  . 

I'i'Mlli'.   illrlinllii^ 

I'll. till-,  I'X.liiilinn    , 
l)|..rii.,,t  KIriin,-  I 
l'',.     , 
1)1111  \,- 

l-li'"liU'M     „ll,'      . 
I   -rxil,.. 

1  'ririj-iir 

I  ■•V.lll.- 

(laM,,,,    :,||i      . 

•liilil.r...  lA.  !ii.|iiii!.i 

(ininiir  of  all  ii,i„„l 

(Jraiiii,-  v;::""T  tli,iii  tl„-  I'riM  ami. 

I.raii.ii-  'I'  Hi 

M-nf  Sui'lli-ll   I  V|«>l  :|'n      ■ 
•  ■raiio.liiirili' 
<  iri,rii,|ii,. 
Ilar/liiiri.'lli  anili>ilr 
IIy|).T>lliciii.  anil.-il 


K'r- mill., 
lain..  . 


I.iil.ilr  al.-ali.kll,' 
I.iu.-  I,-  l,a>all 

1..II.  il,.  l.a-a 

I.l-anl..  |ilii.n,.li;.. 
LpUi  ill.  ti'iiliiil. 

■  «  I 

.iiiilinan,  i.f  : 


I.M.l  \ 
















I  Mll.f. 



I'll'  I1..I.I.M 

I.ipalil.     all 
l.lliallli',  a. 


V.l.hl..  I.a 
Ml.  .1  amli- 

Mlhi  III. 


M..I1.  1,1.1111! 


N.l.l..iii,   I, 

N'lilalii..  |.,.-ai.ii. 

V'  pl.i  I.I.   -s.  nil.. 

^'  ph.  Ill,   I.  pi, nil 

N'  pli.  linil..  . 

^.Tilinaikili.,.    all 

^••'iii'  ,  I'X'lii.lii 

"Iiv lial.i.v. 

"liMi,.    kMl.l.l.. 
I  'In  in.  . 

n  11111  •!  Ii>  aiiil...r« 





I'l'  III.,, 
I'm. .v.  nil.. 
(Jiiail/  ill.. rill, 
'.'ilart/  k.ral..p(i(  r<. 
■      1^1.111/  pi.r|ili\r\." 

i   i!i,..ii,i. p,.,pr,,,., 

't'*  Htl\..'ll.  .  a-  liain.  .1  l.v 
■W  ltl,\..|l,..  .,,  \,  11. ,„,!,,„ 
••       ^.,\..lill.. 

il  .-^l,..i,kinii.. 

M  >l,..,l...,i,i,. 

•15  -.,Iv-l„.,,,,i, 

li  .*'\i.|iil.'  tall  1 

li  .■•>i.i,ili.  lalkahni  '■ 
»•       iVphnl,.  ,all' 

;•  Tli.ralil.      . 

'W  'rili|.'iia|i. 

i;  'Ira.  1. 1, 1,, I..,, I,. 

**  '1  i-a.'l,\  ... 

;:i  iMii,. 
;•    \-..i-.  Ml,. 
n    U.I,-,.,, I. 

«S   U.|„l,i. 

lul  l...r^ 
























i*'  '^  %jtm 


i>n',i/rrn\i  .,,   ,,ir  nninnif 

A  VI 11 

<'■!    ,>n  .  II  I, 

2  OEOnr.'     v.,  A.    iqt? 

■I      III; 

TI...  «v...,«o  -,....i,i,.  «..,ui,i..  .„  I.„|,„..,.,«„|„..  ,„„„  ,„.,,  j^.^„  ,^,,.,, ,^ 

::':  izli^f;:;:;:  oi:;- 1:!!;:':^''  - --  -'''•■  ^'-'"  -^  •'■«  .i-r.ina,i... 




N'M'lll'lll.        H\.||,t,. 

III.. til. ' 


<  MivMM-  I  JUMhrii 







f  ^(M'tiin 

.,.     '^' 

.  r.iifM   ., 



k'lTl.  .'> 


-  7 1'  * 


-  77.) 


■J  S(lf. 



:;  tiiio 

'J  Ml 

a  KM 


:i  IM 

•>  xiy 

•J    H<| 

Snt  III  K   OF    ilviVVTH      Hkm 
«a>.    Its    full    dlSCIlH-lIOIl    IH    impo-!-,     IP    in    tlli<.    ronnrt      !„,»  -■<<fUll-!    to 

«lK-  ...  „„.lers,.,..,|  1,     he  wnt  ,X  I'l     L  fho'TlT"  •''"'""'""•  "^ 

Tl...  -„..,!  11  II  Mi.iKi    1  ifarer  flio  lollowinif  i- mnfor^ 

hotter  than  th..  hottest  knov  ,    iL        ll    .;„'  '  '■",     '"'"■''^'  ""■    """■'' 

such  a  .ph..r.i.,  „,„st  ,ive  Uoth  '  :    ,  J     ..^      "^  ^^^  /r";""-'    "  ^""'^  "^ 
surface.     On   tl,i.   li,vpothesi.   th-  -iopth         wli.  r  ^  "l  '  "'  '"  "'  °'"' 

Aceordin,r  to   ClinnilH  rlin'a   statcinont 
earth  hns  l>een  a  .lark  hoil.v.  cool  i-nnneJi  t.> 

't'    till'    I'lillh-tij 

i-.'ir  a  \(  :it(.r-n.'('.T?i  atu!  ' 

iiiial   hvTiothosis,  the 

ivincr  crf'a- 

SESSIONAL    f'APEfi    No    .?5.i 

"l"'-^'' ;;'""■"""  "l-"'i-r'.m,-,,i;.,,,.„.,„..    .„.,i.i..,,,,.    .    ^,,   , 

»  n.Hr  (h,.   Karth'.   -  .rf«.v.  ■   i  H,..    ,l,.,.rv,.,|  ,|„.,.,n.,| 

'^■'!  •'-'»  '"^'.v  i-  ..,-  1  ,„  !,„ „,;,„;„,,     ■ ,,  ^••"  "->  -I-"'.    Ih;  ;-u- 


.■n„r   ,i,.M-,f.v,    f,.,-   „i,ii,.    ,1,,,,.    „,,„|.,     ,,,,,.,,.,,.     1^, 

lii'aii.T    iiiiittiT    til, 

f.ii::r,;:;n;::::r;;::;r:i'.,-j;r:-- ;::;:;- v;,,,-; 

,'■",■'■■■;■■,;'''■■.■ I''"'.).  i..r.. , ,,„„„  ,,„..„.„..'■,' 

!■'■■'"'-'"!"■  "I ■ -11  iv ■:,.. :,.:,-. .,„.!::_:'    I ; 

r         ,  ""•■'""   N"  ■■'"■•   --'Vi,v    :„    ,... I    „„.    .,„,;,;„   |,„„    .,, 

..rK.     .noun.,  of    .,v„  w.r..  ...rri..!  l,v  v„l,.n,n „■„,.  fr„„,  .1..,,,,.,,  ,„„;,„'„■ 

'..  Injrli.T  one-  m..l  to  fh,.  snrn,r-...  „n.I  tlt.f  fl  :,  .till  ■■ontin,,..,  „  .    I      • 

of  the   .nn.r..r  ,„:,„..r   al.„vo   it.   fuMnK-poit.t    un-l.-r   ,l,„   I,„..I   pr,  J    ^ " 

i:^:S;r*';/ ;  'i^i;:';:"/  :i,;,::'^:"  •  ""■"^"- '-'  '^"  -—'^^'•-^''^ 

wore  Ii„u..,ie.i  «...  an!    th       i^  =       '„    v    ,1    ::,;"i'?i    '"""''"   ""^V""' 

mto   higher   hori.,,.   an.l    „„„„.an!.   ..h,.,;,„.   ^Ci^Z^Z'^^::^ 
intense  stn-s..-.  i„  ,he  '  .„..r  ho,,,  „„..     Th„v  thus  .Tve.l  t,    kv,      L        ' 
pera  n..   there   below    ,i,..   n.ion.poi,,,    ,,    ,he    re.naini,,.   „..!;^' ';.!    a.  V  ^ 
ub    an.-...     M,.anwh,l..  tlu.  evru.h.,!  p„,H  uvn-  ruM,,,-  the  .en,per  turel 

tLy :. 'et^e'Tlr-l"'"    ''''-'    '"^^    —    '"'^-'^J   -    "-"i.    which 
^r.  C,   n,a,nb.rl,a  .n,l    I;.   D.  S«l,>.,„ry,   ■■Oeolo^v,"   N..«    York,   i9fl6,   Vol.   I.   pp 





iii-rArrrursT  or  tiik  lyrEHtoii 

i     Willi     ill,- 

■\'li'.  If  .Jiircn.iiliMl 
■•I  l:r,-::\  .Icpll,  iilll-t 
■•■ilc~   ill    ii.iiin-,.. 


fii-'il>i]ity  '   i-iinlrols 
-"inriliiim  .liiV,.,-- 

..       .      „,        ^     ,.  2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   19)2 

On  llio  I  linnibiT  ill  l;viMitli,.^i.i  ti,.,  ;    ,i  i        r 

r..n,^lil,v  panill..]  ,o  it.  own  .,.,'.    '",-"""•■'";''  -'■•^-•-  "ithin  fl,o  onHh  „ro 

(sny.  llixr  (M     ';,.''''"■'    '"■''  "^  '""'"'"  '"^•"  ^'^  ••'""o^Pl'oric 

"■"ll.v  not  ^reat,  tb-  •  r„-io„  IJJ-  T        ,      ''  '""" ''   '^'"''""«  '•™''^«  "'e 

<  •  ^""1    I'-.  .       ■       W  '  ."■."'■•^'  ""'"^  gonor.ll.v  I.vinj.  botwoon  1000" 

""■  '■'■i'I"i"ii    ..r   in;,^iiu,    ,|„.   ,„;,i, .,■:,! 

.•Mt  from  ll„.  k,i,.w,i   iiilxMir,..  „f  .||i,,,„..   ,„   „,,,„.„ 

i..-:^l;:,r;i::n;i,;:::;l::^j;n;i:::;,;" !'-  'j---i-"  ..• ,.  it 

si.o  ihrouKli  .KcrHion.  VI,.'  /  Z  ,  1  "  "'P,"  "'"--■'-I  its  presont 
Po.siblo  tb.t  .b..c.o„,n.l  le  1,/  1,  ;  ,  k''  "■'',"■'',"'  ''""  ''''  "■*  ■■«  ''"♦i--"'.v 
^■il  i-ow„  snb,,anoos.     T   "  v       ,1     "fur o      "'T'       ""V"'"^''  t.-iporatiiros  of 

Pr.-s„n..s;  (:■)  ,!„.  ,lifr..,v„,i..,i  .n  ,  "  ."."^'■,""':''"V  "  '  '"'"•""•"s  .m.-ohs 
=.  sy.ton,  of  tlin-.i.  wbi.-b  v  ib  b,  ,1  "7'"";''  ""^'^'•"^"—  '"^'lerials  i„,o 
inovi.nbl,.   ,ra„sf,  ,.  „f  1k>,  ,,"''":  ""''',T  "'"  ""■"•  -"li'i'-s:  with  0^)  a„ 

::^;'S-;:tUi!;:sr-H,  E 

'•>"•'  p'-...t,„,i,i-„..i,,ii;i  ,,:;:,:;i„':::"  ""'"'  ''''^"'•""""  '"■•--"  ♦''«  ^'■-".■h..ia 
the  earth  .as  o,„:„  j:,;!;:;,:;- i'i  ^ 'J ^  „  I  s:^,:^ ;  :,;--;;'i  ---  *»- 

..tap.  in  lb.  rartb-s  bistorv  '    ■'"''  ''•^'""""^^i^  ""'"•'h  «I™ios  a  .similar 

...a^miirl;::::,  '::j;'t"\;;L;;rr?.,-::;i'  '■"^•"-r"-  "-^^  '■"'•"-  "^'-'-"• 

•-n.liti.-  of  , .rtb^vboiwTs'i         ,;:,''''    ■"'""•^""'-  '-"   a  primitive 

wa.  form.,1  .br„.,«b  lo..  of  b e  „  bv  r       V     """/."^f'"'''-     T"  oidior  case  a  must 

is  to  bo  foiin,l  a,  a  ro      i  vol     .S    I       "'  """,""'  ^^'Pf  "fro  of  any  volcano 

inmur  nr  ru 

I'   '  III!  I      \-  ri:n\inil  i; 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   Uo    25.^ 


!JI\.W    I,    I,., I, 


IhlM    ill-f  .,)'    li'IMl       (  ■ 

■oiLliictiviiy  an, I  .liiTi 

rl    I'm.   ,|,.,,i! 

I'lil    -I     I"   Kll. 

U'inivr;,.„r,..    i,    is  ,|„il,.   ,„„s,l,l,.   ,1,,.    ,,       ,         """''^    '""■'■^'■''   ''>•   ""T".'.^.'  -f 
omT;ryi.„„..,-Mus.>  of  .„>,.,„.., I,.  1 '      ',','"';"."''■'•  ^""'  '''"   ''i-  -"!■: "i' 

'"■■■'I  "•',!  or  that  ,1,,,.  ,„  ,„.li„.,..,iv;  V  l'     ,  ""I-u-l.,, ,   ,!„.  pWnn.iv,. 

7''i.-  is  full  of  ,lim,.„„i,:       ,     ^  ,     „  ;  ^'     '■7-^.  '"i^'-    --„   .  ^,„....     Tho 

•  oMP.wniMV  ,„,■  .„|^:  SiiisTinn 

^1      I  III:  CiAiini.;ai,. 

I'iiii"li    thai    tin 

""."••-  "I    l-sal.i..  or  ,..i,l„-„i,|   ,..',„„„„;,;,' 


<'fivp.l  as  th,.  I 

ii'i   ■iKor  iiijcvtion  i-i  roally 
l>:i-.ili;c-  sulwtrafum    is   con- 


'••■'<-'i  as  III,.  iK-al-hi-  ii;.,.r  i„   ..II   i.r,„.   ,,         ,•    •.■ ,'      ^"""'raium    is   con- 

from  a  sliii  oariior  pori,„i      h  '^'V«""'  f-'i-oo„s,oM,.s   „,.,•,.  ovtrn,!,.,).   if  „.,t 

""'er  -oa^nias  an-  c.   hv     ;      o  b      •/l"'"";';^  """•""  '"-   '""■"  "'-  '--"-•     AI 

:'i-.  P-0...-U  ,.r  ...o :::;!,:  i  ;.;:':;;:•;::::;:;.'::■:-;;'' ^ ;- -".. 

ir..n.„(ia,i.,n.  '  '  ■'l'"'""'''""  'I"'  iMi|.orla.„v  of  ,uaf.',„ati,- 

"H.:!::,,::;::  ■;:;:;;.  :;'';::;,j;-  ...„.,..,-. 

liKTalu,-,..  i,l,  lotli,.  r„||„,,,'  ...  ,.   ,  .•  ,      '"."'    "'    "■,"    """■''   "'"''""    fc'<v.Iofri,.al 

'■-''"•i 1 1.  >i..iM  1,:  1,;;;:^:  ,.,":„l:;r"    '"""■"'''  """"^'  ^""■''  '•  ■- 


'■li^'raotor     TI,o-,.  ll,„„i.  w,.,v'on„„,.,|  , l,'    i  :'"'^"-'^'-''''>     •">"""'■    in    ,.!KMMi,.al 

O''""-  'lows.  ^■,„  i„  ,„ ,!,  :;,:s     '  ;■,  ";;•  *''■'"'  r^'  '••"•-'"•  '•>•  -» <>,« 

-•"I  ^Tust  won.  aluavs  narrow  an  I  ,         ,       ,''"    ' ''^"'""■'■^  "■'"""  tho  .^.norally 
i-  llM,  or,l,o,iox  viow.     TI,o         .,  '      a    '"    'rT^'"."'-  '■^"•■"i-^  rapi,lly.     Snol, 

I'ows  IS  an  'i  /' 

III'  snporlioat   i 

'""■I  Ki-iiiiii,l  f,.r  l,ol 

"■viiit:  flat   tli,-:o  l.asalt 

I'xtnision  and  form  of  (1,, 


'  Kyiitpctic  "  is  I, 

not  tlio  pro(lii<-t 

'ii'«in5.on-I,i  s 

r  inciting  together,  thus  f, 

sitiK  .s  iisi'ful  niinii.  for  (1 

vniiinu'  a  niutiial  s,,lut 

!'■  iinvtiin.  of  roiks  ,iii,.  to 



riKi'.iiri  \ti:\T  or  tiik  isieihoh 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

of  |iost-Arelie:iii  i!itrerpiiti.i!i 

II  ilillerpiiti.i!i,,ii.  Mil,-,.  iiiiiKiiiMtic  (lilTcTciiliafion  i^  vory  probably 
:in   incident  of  eooliiifr  nt'iirly  to  tbo  -..lidifiontion  point. 

VW    Trior.'    trllii.i;-    is    tli<'   iir-iirnnit    lli^r.    if   t!i.-   ba-nlr    of    tlir   lirniior    b,v;i 

flood-!  is  the  prodiiot  of  a  ditlprpnfinf i.,n  nearly  '•ontp.npornncoiis  witli  extnision 

wp   pxpppf   fo   tind   the   othpr   p,d,.   of   (hp   dUrprpiitintion   in    immediato 

a^sopiafion.    This  |,(dp  imist  bp  morp  acid  than  basalt,  for  no  known  earth-ma-rma 

can  bp  fairly  sufrgested  which  would,  by  splittinsr.  sivc  basalt  as  the  acid  pole 

The  pomnionpr  pprid.ititps  arc  nrobaldv  dillVnnliati's  of  basaltic  nia-ma  and,  in 

any  casp,  cannot  bp  rpsrardcd  -is  the  parent  of  basalts,    Tf.  thpn.  basalt~is  the  basi-' 

polp  of  ma}:niatii-  ditfcr.'ntiation  \vp  should  PNp.-.-t  to  tind  larirc  pflFiisions  of  tin 

ponteniporaneous,  more  acid  diffcrontiatp  in  the  ),'rpatpr  lava  lipids  of  the  plobe. 

The  more  acid  differpntiate  -l.ould   normally  overlip  the  basalt  in   the  niajrma 

phamber,  and  must  in  most  pasps  be  ernpti^l  throuKh  thp  oppning  fissures  l>efore 

the  basalt  could  reach  the  surface      The  only  escape  from  that  conclusion   is 

to  be  found  in  the  postulate  that  tlie  acid  differpntiate  had  completely  solidified 

before  the  basalt   was  poured  out.     This  postulate  is  plainly  inconsistent  with 

ireological  experience  in  thp  smaller  volcani.'  terranes,  where  both  poles  of  map- 

rnatic  differentiation  are  so  regularly  found  in  the  extruded  lavas.     Yet  in  the 

Columbia  and  Snake  River  lava  fields  of  America,  in  thp  similarly  vast  field  of 

the  Deccan,  as  in  the  ancient  field  povpi-pd   by  the  Purcell   Lava,  there  is  no 

acid  differentiate  to  match  thp  basi,.  diffprentiate.  basalt,  of  any  of    "le  fissure 

eruptions.    The  simple  and  probabl.   conclusion  is  that  the  basalt  of  all  the  vast 

lava  fields  is  pure,  undifTprentiate,!  material  from  thp  earth'.s  interior. 

If  so,  it  seems  to  follow  that  no  ditTerent  kind  of  fluid  rock-matter  overlies 
the  basalt  of  thp  substratum.  If.  f,,r  pxample,  a  iirimary  liparitic  mairma  overlies 
It,  the  method  of  eruption  of  tlu^  pure  basalt  tlirouirh  tlie  liparitp  to  the  earth"-. 
surface  would  be,  to  say  the  least,  inconceivable. 

•2.  The  a.ssoeiation  ,.f  chemical  ty|.,-  at  •  central  eru|rtions  "  (vlcanic  eotips 
and  .raters),  is  p.-nerally  nnid,  more  .■oniplex  than  that  i-hara.teristic  of  the 
fjreater  lava  piat.'aus.  Two  of  th..  principal  rea-...ns  f..r  this  are  apiiarcnt.  As 
compared  with  thp  fepdin?  sla-ets  of  lava  in  tissiire  eruptions,  th,'  lava  e.ilumn-  el 
cones  .stand  lon^.T  in  th.'ir  vents.  Tli,.  vents  of  .•entral  eruiitions  an-  k..|.t  open 
l.e.Mu.spol  the  emanation  of -as.^s  from  ih,.  feedinLMnairnia  chamber.  At  th,- actual 
■i_peninfr  the  lava  is  s..metiin,'s  -,  ,■„  to  be  sup,M-h,'at,'d  (.Mr.,  at  Hawaii. 
Savaii,  pt,'.)  A  modprate  assimilation  ,,i'  th,-  walls  of  the  v.'iit  is  to  b,^ 
expcptpd  in  the  parli,'r  staj^v  -f  a  volcano^  history.  Svntpctics  may  b,- 
formed;  the  ).rimar>-  mafrnia  may  be  snbjct  to  spp.'iaily  markpd  diffprpntia- 
tion  throush  fluxing,  or  bcpausc  of  ino,'idation  :  and  thp  synt,vti<'  n:ay  he  ,liff,M-- 
entiate,!.  Amiuig  so  many  p,.ssibiliti,.s  it  is  little  w,,n,ler  that  the  scpienee  of 
eruptive  t.vpes  is  a  variabi,'  ,.n,\  Aft.  r  a  vent  ha-  l,.ng  afT.,rde,l  passage  to  lava, 
so  as  to  buihl  up  a  first-class  ,'on,',  the  voh^ano  appr,,a<di,-  it-  liiuital  h,'ight  ami 
.Mso  the  stage  of  extinction.  Assimilation  is  .•heckcl,  the  f,)rmerly  pnlargpd 
vent  is  narrowo,!  by  gra.lual  freezing,  an.l  the  final  extrusions  are  ,-,.nipose<i  ,if 
primary  magn:a  or  of  its  own  ,litTerentiales.  This  appears  |,.  be  the  best  explana- 
tion of  the  generiil  fact  that  the  latest  lavas  ..f  tb,'  larg.-t  volean,.  -.  like  Ktiia 
or  rhimbornzo.   are  ba-alt-   or  p.vro\,'ne  anil.'sit,'<.      As   iioi.'d   \v 




i;i  i-tiin  nr  riii  inn.y  \.s/,-' 


SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

';:;'■"■'"    ''"•  l"li.-,  in-   il,,,    ,, 
1  III'  fTi'cMtcr 


!m>:ik  a-   t 

■iili'.-il-('rii].ii,,||-.  liL.   i|,,| 

r-niiar,.  .,f  I,:,-., It 

II'   ]'lMiiar\- 

'an   li:!-r. 

"  all  rial    iiial, 

■rrl..ri',   t, 


I'    ran,    al 

A    tiiiiTalily  ui,l,.  ,,,,,1 

"iiii-'iiia   1-  Il t 

lit' tilt' wnrhl.     'ri 
irnliliro.    ii,M.-a.i 
ii:iiKiiiii    ill 

Vm|       u, 

.11    llll-  iilai;i 

-■I'-a!  liiai-  ainl  I 
<'■'■'■■'■    ill    a.'l    til,,    hi 

It,  rat 

'111'    ,i|'    ill, 

-  i',.pri 

i-.   .,1'   .., 

i!i!iii-i\..  .lial..- 

a    |..alli-r 


ra..|i   ■■,iiili,i,.rit 

'"■-  lliat  l.a-aili,. 
I'ai'lii'-  |ir,.\  ill..,., 
■ri'liyriti'.  or 


■^'"•ii     a-      Mailai^,,      I!:,,,,.,-, 

""    '"'"'-^    '"    "^I'-li    "I'    llll.    alkajinn 

l^i-iiiiiiiiii.  Clii'i-li,.,!.,  i;„,..i„„  ,.„.  ■■'■■•■"  ^""^1  lOi.lan,.!,  M.„,,a„a 
'•■">':  intn,.i„i,  of  In,  I,  -i:  i,  .  '  ,^  '"';"■'>■  ''"  l^"'-  -■.min-  .irniia.  i-  ,>,., 
■■-'«".|.  "it',  ri..,„.,.,  ,.„  ,    ,i.,  •        '"""•  "  " "'>   ■' il'l-'  nval  tol.asMiti, 

'•'-"■•-'I '-  ,i„.  ,i,ai.;i.i     ;u '"''•■'":'■/  ■  7 '"  "'•■  ''■'"  "•■  "'••  '■-"'■-  -u.-f...v 

'inknown.    On  their  fhou..m.   nil  """""  Tfi"''  "?"'''"  "''   "''■■'"•''■  '""•'^^  »^'^ 
-.•l.i,ii'la.„.  i„.Kh,!rr'": .;::     i:"r  .    wTT  '''V'---  "^  th.  Hawaiint, 

i'^'^Mlti-  mati'rial.  Cr,..,-.  •  Ti,,,    „    ,    .,         "      '''■  '"'W  ' "  '"""  "I'  <'(  -^-.•iitialiv 

"•"'""'i'"  -'I.  iii<.'  ..,1,,.,.  li  ;''::;  "^ ";-" ->■ '- .■■r.nii'ii ..  a,,  a,.i;i 
-I'l- 1  a.  a  .ii.r,.,.,.„tia,,., ,;:,,:;;  '■;;■■:"  ■"  !';■■  i;'-''-  -.y  i.- 

^•i'-'ii"-.-'i<^iiv,',M.i.Jon,.  .;t  :;■;:::''' v"'-''  "•  •■••'-'''■-  <-""':'■>  -ni 

may  her.,  nolo  that  th,.  -.•.iiar'imif,:;;;;;';;:';;;';,;;";^,.,,,, 

Its  assncintioii   with   thc^,.   V  ,      "       " 

'i'l'i'~l'""l.        lint  w.' 
!'■  iiiairina.  irri.~pi.cti...,.  i,t" 

■"f-""i"ti,., I,  thr,:;.,: ;;,;.,;  ^rn..';;;,';;,;: ; ■■'■'';•-'  •■:  '~- 

^'>>"<i">'^-     '"^ .'   it    i.   al-..   i„„,ri,l,all,.  ,1   ,r  ""   '"""  "*  ""'^"""i- 

;'ni<..owM.  „..  an.  i,.r,  w„i,  i„„  ,1.1 ai,,.n,a,iv,:: ,,;,,,,:,  ;:;'':;;;■• ' "■"  ■:'• 

lininary  at„l  ,.t  ,:;,.,„.ral  ili-tril,,,,,,,,,   |,„,„.,,i,  .,„  ,,  •      •■"   "'    ''■'^■''  '-  '"^'f-''»a   is 

-111'.-   . la-   K,.,.wa,i,,,ava,w,.|.,,  ,.,,,, ,.,.,,  „„, ,,„;^:,:;J:"   ' '^ -'" 

».    .Must  (,l   III,.  ,,tli,,r  ,„,.,.„|.|,;,.  ,^„  ,  ■ 

'"  tl'«  -'"'i f   a    ,i-i,Ma,'y   a,.i,l   ,'a   th.,|      1      .l^  ,    '"  i'^' '"'^"•>-  ^'"■'  ■'"" 

primarv    l,a<alt     th,'   -v,,,,.,.,  ,.     ,,  ,„   1  i  -■.liMi,.nlary   r.„.k,   i„   ,1,,, 

of  the  following  ,i„:,n'- .!;:!:.,    ,;^;,:;::;;:„,;'  ';-."-;■  •-, ■ '--  -art 

to  point   .!>..  fai.t   that  th,-  ,i„„.l.a,alti  „     '      'f        ': ^'T      '".'"•'■"  "'"•'•'^ 

amoiiif  the  vnh-atii,.  Uuo<    ,„.  t,,  i,     .  I"-"  '.iM^    ..nly   ,-,.,',„i,|   to   ha.alt 

r.'lativc  vohimi's.  i.  M— I '  'i' i  im-I   ln,ii,    an  f.,timate  of 

-.  IS  stnni{ftli(.ii,j 



iiEi'.MiVMKsr  iiF  rut:  isthuiuk 

2  GEORC:;  v.,  A.   1912 

I'liiMMn  Aim  Siir.M.  itr  tuk  Kmmh. 

Tlir  ii:itiiiMl  sui.jMi-iti.ii  (hat  :\  iinltcii  lailli  wouM  li;nc  I iiif  sti-ali- 

ticl  fhrou>rli  di-ti-ity  Im-  Ihcu  mad.'  |'r..l)at.l('  l.y  the  iiorc  -Imlic-!  of 
silicate  melts  and  of  natural  magmaa.  Irrespective  of  pressure,  the  primitive 
ditlVrentiatidii  of  carth-iiiiiKiiia  wi.idd  jrivi'  liciiiid  la.V(>r<  (.!'  al.<olutc  dciiRify 
iiicriMsiiij.'  with  depth.  'I'he  ii;cri'a-o  iiiipli;  he  piailual  m-  it  ini^lit  uccur  in 
relatively  sharp  ehaiise-i  I'rorii  layer  ti>  layer,  eaiii  .if  wliieh  \va-  iiiiii;ir-eihlo  with 
it-i  neighhniir  at  the  ndint:  leirperature.  Aeiv.rdint;  to  the  .-ceind  view  each 
layer  wouM  ho  expeete.l  to  ha\e  a  fairly  iiiii:'orMi  eoiii|ir,siti.iii.  If  one  of  the  layers 
wa-  hasallie.  a^  iiiinlii'il  in  the  precediiitr  .■;(  etioii,  the  fiverlyiu-r  layer-;  v ere  lighter 
and  prcsiunahly  iihuc  a^'id  than  ha-all.  We  may  now  hriolly  e.xanjine  the  view 
that  the  nppernio~t  primary  layer,  or  ear!li-he!l.  wa,  ^iranili'  in  eon  jiosition. 
l'"very  WurhiT  in  the  pre-Candirian  ?edinients  i>  >triiek  with  the  i)re- 
doM.inance  of  (pn.riz  frafjnients.  (iranites  or  fjneis-es  are  certainly  the  principal 
.-ourees  of  such  .-ilieiuiis  niateiial.  Wlien  we  relleet  that  thi'  earliest  known 
sediment-  are  tinis  <iiiarl/.o>e;  that  the  total  tliiekne-;>  of  th.'  pre-Cand)rian 
ipiarl/  sediment-,  a-  ineasuri'.l  in  ea-lern  Canada,  I!rili-h  Colmnhia,  Finland, 
and  elsewhere,  nr:-  .nio  tens  of  tiioii-ands  ..f  feet,  we  nay  he  Mire  that  the  lands 
preiailinir  throughout  most  or  all  of  reeordi'd  pro-Cainhrian  time  wiw  of  frrani- 
tic  (>rneis3ic)  coinpo-ition.     Such  terranos  are  exposed  on  an  enormous  scale  in 

a  few  parts  of  tl arth  and  are  fairly  to  ho  under-tood  as  foiai  insr  tiu;  jfreater 

part  of  thi'  present  continental  pialeaiis.  ■j'lie  tilrn  of  seil-mentary  roeks  on  these 
plalcaus  averairos  so  thin  that  no  e--enlial  donl.i  can  remain  as  to  the  general 
eliaraetcr  of  the  -nrra-e  -hell  lliroi,f;h  whieh  I'aleoxoie  and  later  ipneous 
eruptions  have  taken  iilaei'.  A  rondi  i|uantital  ive  sliidy  of  availahle  maps  shows 
that  this  shell  is.  on  ihe  aveiaL:i'.  e\erywhere  of  firanilie  eoni|)osition.  Two  lines 
of  evidence  tlips  eonvert;e  to  ihc  helief  that  from  the  earliest  tln.c  reeorded  in 
the  pre-Candirian  sediments  to  the  time  ,<i  the  ;;i(at  Candirian  overlap,  the 
surface  roelis  of  the  Rlohe  were  dominantly  ,;;ranilie  lor  irneissic).  Can  wo  po 
further  and  hoM  that  the  lir-t  stahle  -hell  torn  ed  on  tlie  co.diu!.'  -loho  was  of 
similar  firanitie  .  .inii.o-ition  ;  The  -|  ,■,  iilali\e  attempt  to  aii-uer  the  iiue-ti.'ii 
has  some  value. 

Dutton  su«-ficsteil  that  the  visihl,.  f.Taniles.  frneisses,  syenites,  etc.,  were 
produced  hy  the  rcmeltin-  of  s,"din:enls  derived  from  a  -eneral  and  primordial 
hasahic  shell,  implyinir  that  the  hueU  of  mo-l  of  iro-Camhrian  time  wore 
hasaltic.  He  writes:- ^' Chen:ical  consi,l,.|ations  ,,f  a  eou-ont  character  lead  up  to 
the  inference  that  [iriniordial  niairma  ..ii-hl   to  |,o-:e-  a  con-litution  similar  to 

rocks  of  the  hasaltic  LToup,  thoiifih  i.erh.iiK  s,, what  les^  ferrnirinous  (  ;),  and 

that  it  should  be  nearly  homogeneous.'    And  ajrain :—'  We  know  of  no  natural 
processes  capable  of  separalin-  the  nore  acid  parts  of  -uch  a  mapma  cx.'cpt  the 
chemistry   ot    the    atmos|,l,cre    acllni;-   at    temperatures    far    helow    the    n  eltin"- 
points  of  the  silicates.     \V,-  have   the  iv-ulls  of  that   pro.'css   i„  fho  quartzitc" 
Kranites,  gneisses,  and  syenites  amon-  the  sillciou^  , ks;  and  the  limestones  and 

'vwn^j^-a  ]B'^v.$f.,u'  'jtKf^titmsw', 

i.'rmi/r  (ii  Tiiinm  r  \s!i:n\,i\ni:  703 

SFSSIONAL   PAPrn   \'o    2'ij 

Joloinitt'3  ainoua  t'lo  Im-i.'  roi-k<;  uiil,  ;,r:;ill: i-  rork^  ,h  tin'  rc^iiliniiii  ,,f  th,. 


T'i!>   idea   tli;il    iM-iili,    i,s   II    • iipivli,  ii-i\,.   ,,|-    ,yi!ih,-ii,-'    r."'k.   iiii'^hl    li:i\,> 

givpii  the  \v,.rl.|'^  t;r.inii.'-  thr,.,'-!,  w.  .nlicr!  :,,'I.M,ir  ,,,,,1  y..,.,  ..\:\,..^  „(  ,1,,.  I,..,,.),,.,]. 

r,iit   pni.lii."-  r,,u   !..•  Ir-|,.l  .|M:inii'.;ri'.r]v  «i-||  a     ;,;,■  .\,.._r,, f  ,,,,,tMri in   lli,. 

ri-Jiilt.  'Ihi'  rati..  ..|'  t..  )...ia-!i,  in  I'l.'  a-.i..,'  l.a-;ilt.  i-  al...nt  .Mi;-,  i:.:.. 
Tli(>  rati.,  ill  av.rau,-  -i-aii'i.'  i-  al...  ••  :;:;l:  M.i:  -rrA  in  the  aw, -a-..  |.rc- 
Caiiil.riari  traiiil.-.  ai-iit  :;  J';:     I  :..;.     .  <.■,    C-inimi-   I   an.l    I  .■(  'I'aM,.   \l.i\'. 

Kvcn  if  all  tin.  rciiiain.-!  a ij.j-  ilir  i-.'-Llaal  |.r...iii.'i-  ..f  tlir  waailicrintr 

of  ba.salt.  it  Wdiild  take  la^ai-ly  llii...  u.-i-!.l   u^it-  ,4'  la-ah   •..  iiia!;.'  a  \v..;l'IiI   iiiiil 

of  praiiilo.  iifciinliiip  to  Dutli.n'-  |.riii. 


All  ll...-,  . 

1'  -a>   I  ,;r.'..  piT  .'.111 

two  Wfij:lit  n]iit-<  ..f  l,a-a!t,  -..(•-  in  <..liiti..'i  1.,  ili,>  -,  a.  Many  tiranil,.  l.atl:..|iil!- 
are  known  to  lie  at  Ica-t  tu,  mil.-  .I,..'!,  an.l  aiv  in-i.l.aMy  nii'.li  iIcii..t  It  i-  -al'.. 
to  postulate  that  40,000,000  square  miles  of  the  earth's  surfa<'e  is  iin'l.-rluiii  h.v 
granite  or  by  the  average  pre-Cambrian  torrane,  itself  a  pranito  in  oc.aiKisition. 
]f  we  hold  that  their  combined  mass  is  of  the  minimum  average  depth  of  two  miles, 
it  follows  that  al  least  200,000,000  cubic  miles  of  basalt,  or  enough  to  cover  the 
planet  one  mile  . I. •.■!..  mu-l  have  l.i.,.n  rv.ail,iT...l  1..  pr...!  :.  ..  llii.  wli..!.  uranili.- 
mass.  AiK.iit  tw..  pi-i- .-rnt,  by  weii.'lil,  ..T  tlu.  !.a-all  i-  -...liam  carri.'.l  in  -..lnti..n 
to  the  ocean.  Thi.^  ad.lili.m  ak.n.'  u..nlil  .liar;..-  lli.'  .■.•can  with  ihi-cr  lim.  -  a- 
mneh  s.idinin  as  it  ai'taally  .-..nlain-;.     .<in.-e  n.  a-ly  all  iln-  ^...liani  wlii.-h  !ia-  .^.r 

enti'red   tin an    i-   -till    ihia-.'    in   -..lnii..n,   rli..   v:i-i    .a..-.-   .ahailat."!    -li.iw-. 

without  allowing  for  other  sources  of  oceanic  sodium,  that  the  main  assumption 
cannot  bi^  tru(<. 

The  only  remainin;;  int.'i'pretati.iii  r.j'  the  a.a.l  l.a-c nt  .-omplex  of  tli.'  .-..n- 

tiiiental  ))lateans  rc.i'..i;ni/es  ii!  it  the  malerial  of  the  earth'-  primary  siirfa.-e -hell. 
'Ihis  shell  has  been  ilenmled,  inelamorplio-ed.  ami  larutly  renielte.l  in  the  Ihikc 
batliolithic  invasions  ..f  the  I.aurentian  t.vpe.     Little  or  of  the  visible  pn  - 

Cambrian  terrane  direi-tly  renre-cnt>  the  un litieil,  (.rifiirml  ern-t.  but.  in  spite 

of  all  its  vicissitudes,  tb.'  terrane  scen;s  to  have  retaiiie.l  the  avi-rat'e  .-hi'mieal 
composition  of  the  primary  aebl  shell. 

Our  speculation  lea.N,  tluis.  to  the  (•om.cpti.,n  ..f  an  early  -eparalioii  of  the 
earth's  outer  matimatic  layer  int..  two  shells;  the  nnderlyinjr  one  ba-altic  in  com- 
position, the  o\erlyinjr  one  ftranitie  in  ipositb.n.     If  these  are  the  poles  of  .1 

gigantic  process  of  maL'inatic  .litferentiati.m,  the  i.rifilnal  mafjnui  must  have 
been  of  some  ira'dio^ilici.-  tyiie.  If  it  be  arbitrarily  a-<ume.l  that  the  tw.i  poles 
of  this  differentiation  were  forna'd  in  e.|n;d  nias:-(>s.  the  oii;;inal  mafrina  must 
have  had  a  composition  mneh  like  th"  .av.'ra^'e  anjrite  an.lesile  ..r  the  average 
diorite.  The  following  table  (.XFA')  >hows  the  comparis.m  of  the  mean  of  the 
average  pro-Cambrian  granite  and  average  ba-all,  with  the  averape  di.irite  and 
average  aiigite  andesite;  each  averap<-  l.eini:  .■..mpnt.'.l  a  large  number  of 
analyses,  an<i  reealeulated  as  water-free. 

•('.    1:.   Dutton,    IJeiioi-t   on  the  (iiH.Uigv  of  I  he  lli(;h  rhiti.,.ii- i.f  Utah.  WasliiriKt.m 
ls-0,   |i|).    I:;i-li">. 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
Table    XLV. -Comparison   of  average   anah/ses;   granile,   basalt,   diorite.  and 



NiiiiiWof  An:ih> 





■)'  I  and  . 

A  f  rni/f 
'/it'irtz  itto- 

A  It  ruijf 



•?*•■•      71-5.1 

I'Oj I  -48 

■^''11' !  1430 

Mild   IP 

Mko  ....                     .^ 

•  ■'•  .         I  !W* 

?■';  .• aai 

^2" 4r>3 

'V). -t 

100  00 

4!t  (*7 

IW  71 

.")!•  1!) 

Tjs  (;■) 

1  38 




l.'i  !)6 
."i  47 

l,"i  <iK 
3  47 

Itl  M 
3  (12 

17  (!7 

3  sri 

l>  47 

4  mi 

4  17 

3  till 





«  27 

3  43 

3  ■);{ 


'.)  ilU 

5  .')4 

t!  47 

5  !»2 

3  in 

3  L'l 

3  3<,» 

3  fio 

1  a."! 

3  04 

2  12 

2 '40 






lIlO  (Ml 

100  0(1 

100  110 

nHiil..   e  -08"  BaOaii.l    Ii2'  SrO. 

It  18  further  significant  that  the  average  composition  of  the  grouncj-mass 
ot  four  typical  augite  andesites  is  nearly  identical  with  the  average  pre-Cam- 
bnan  granites,  as  it  is  with  the  average  granite  of  all  ages;  these  averages  being 
calculate  as  water-free.  A  second  step  in  this  far-flung  guess  as  to  the  origin 
<.f  the  a.-hl  shell  ,s  pr,imi>te,l  hv  th,.  fact^s  illiistratod  in  Taiile  XIA'T  Siioh  m 
f-'lan.-,.  at  a  h,vp„tli,>i..  af  ..ri^nns  cannot  vitally  aff.vt  th,.  (pirstion  as  U  \\i 
e.n.^(,;,re  „f  th<^  acul  enrth-shcll-h.^ro  tho  ,.s.sf.ntial  jioint  in  the  g.^ni-ral  th,„rv 
of  the  Igneous  rooks. 


Table  XLVI. — Comparisnu   of  iivrriiijr  analusts;  granHr.i  atul  ground-masn  of 

auijite  amlieile. 

Ii,„.n„l    „...,,  A,,,:,;.    I.,.. 

n„ili^ili.  il,   ,,<  III,    ir..rl'l. 

A  It  r<t'i, 
n  I  '.i)„/,ri.iir, 
„<  S„;,lr„. 

All  rti'ji 
,ir,ln'ti  "'  lilt 

NiiiiiUr  iif  Alml}«!-. 


l'l,l  <HI 

10(1  (W 

KNI  liO 



«!l  31 


711  :u 

7<t  47 





A  1,0,    .    .    . 

!7  11 

U  2"> 

1:!  Nil 

11   tMI 

K.-,( ), 

•-'  1:1 

1   47 

■•   lit 


K<-( )  



1    Mil 

I   KH 


M(f<  >. 





2  M 

1   !l^• 

*'  17 


A  21) 

;i  2(1 

3  I'.i 

3  31 


4  ;«» 

4  .VI 

4  41 

4    111 





2  17t 


"  Iii(luil<.«    IIS     H.-i()uiiil    III     .Sri).    hi;     r,;ii).,n,l    "•_'     Sri  I 

Till'  two  cciiiiiarisoii-'Miir^ji-t  iIm-  ~|Mf  hninu  ili;it  lli.'  i.riiiiiiiv,.  a.-i,l  -hrll 
was  (lorivoil  from  nii  iiinlo-ilic  iiiaLriua.  fr..iii  tlio  iip|..i-  |p.iri  of  wliirh  iii.i~t  ,,|' 
tlif  I'cmic  iiiiitoriiil  scttlcil  iiml  ciirii-lir.l  'h.-  l,.\M.r  purt  in  tlio  -.iino  oxiilo-,  i  In- 
comjilctc  iiiixiijf:  of  tlicst-  fcmi!'  .■..ii-titiniiu  in  tlir  r  .nKlcsiti^  lul.w  is 
coni-eivi'il   to   prodiico  tlii>   li:i~:iltic  sinll. 

As  far  back  as  Keewiitiii  'ime  at  lea^t  tlio  acid  slicll  seema  to  have  been 
larpi'ly  or  wholly  soljiiiticil  so  as  to  I'c  oapaMo  of  ti>-iirini.'.  tlms  luTinitlitiL'  the 
basaltic  Kwwatin  lavas  to  be  extruiicd.  With  rpsi>ect  to  all  Kccwatin  and  post- 
Keewatin  i^eoiis  action  tlio  ba'alt  of  the  substratum  has  been  hitherto  called 
'primary.'  but  it  is  cvidoiitly  possill,.  tliat  it  wa-  iliri\i^l  from  a  ^^rin-ral  pn- 
Keewatin  magma.  The  substratum  basalt  will  still  be  referred  to  as  jirimary,  for 
it  boars  the  primeval  heat  and  has  ^uffirod  no  appreciable  chemical  change  of 
composition  since  the  oldest  of  the  recofrnizcd  pre-Canibrian  basalts  were  erupted. 

Abyssal  In.ihtion   ok  Maum.a. 

Proceeding  on  the  assumptions:  tlrst.  that  the  magmntic  heat  is  chiefly 
an  inheritance  from  primitive  times;  secondly,  that  rock  eruptible  because  hot 


iii.i-MtiMhs  I  1)1   Tin:  i\ii:iniii; 

2  GEOnCE  v.,  A.   1912 

•       ^\ 

-''■lit  i.t  luoiI.TMf,.  ilopths  liclow 
iii'iirly   iiMjiiiiiiioin  o|>iiiion   of 

iiioiidi  („  (1   ,v  lit  ]..«•  pr.'i-iiii,.,  is  ..vrr.vwlifTv  pi 
«lic   ciirtli'.s   sitrlnr,.,    «,?   nro   in   witli    tlw 

Kc.ol,«i.t..  I,-  tl,..  ol..c.m.l  t,.inp.T..tMn.,„t  is  spo.ially  st.op  bornuso  of 
t  ...  conr-,.ntn,t>.,M  nt  ru.l,n,utivv  ,na(t,>r  i„  ,,  ,l,i„  surfno,.  sl>oll,  tl,o  thic-knosB 
<    t  ,.  ,„,v  L..  as  nnu.l,  a „il,.s  ,„■  „.„>•.■.     In  a,,;,   ,.w...  tl,o  ,!..p,l,  of 

ixpo<c.i  mtruMv,.  ,.„„ta.-t  at  tl...  tin,,-  of  ll,,.  i„,r„sio„  of  ihat  Tl„.  niairnm 
.n.Kt  pouwra,,.  a,  loa-,  l:,  o,-  ,.  ,„il,.-  „r  on,.,  b,.for..  i,  s,,.!.  1,  voN 
fls  tlios..  roKi~t,.r,.,l  Ml  tlu.  Mi..wn,  a.^tually  s.-,..  i^'iu.ous  ho.lio. 

J  ow  tins  ,„.n,.|,atio„  of  tho  Iow.t  a.„!  tl,i,k,.r  part  of  tl,,.  rrMst  fal;os  place 

.as   a,„,,v,   ,,.,.,,        .|,„|,    „    „,„,,,,„„      .,,,,„   .  ,,.^,    „,^^,   ^,_^.  p_..^__^^^^   ro,.k.„,a^,„a 

..e  t>  ,ts  way  1,.  ,1.,;  surfa.v.  „r  .v,.,,  to  ,1...  l-n-ls  of  „ow  vi-iblo  intrnsivo  ..on- 

(^i-ls,   „M.v    1„.  ,|,-„,i-,..|.       Il„.   u;-^    ...v.,    -M, „., ■!:,■, t    ,r.,„:n„l,.|   .an    -.•    1,,. 

aJmut.Mi  lor  an  so  .-los..  to  tl,..  s^rfa,•.^     Tho  only  nltornnfive  seon.s 

to  be  t  ...  ..sual  .•  that  tl.o  always  travers,.,  tl,..  Invor  an,l  thi-kor 

part  ot   tl,..  eurtl,,  oust   alo„f:  n....-ha„i,.;,l!y  opono.l  fiss„n.s.     To  this  process 

t'o  .lan...     abyssal  n,.|,.,.tio..  '  n,ay  bo  u-iven.*     It  is  to  bo  ncani...!  as  tbp  prolndo 

Ic.,,  or  to  intru-ion,  wbeth.-r  .,1  lacoolitl,..  Hik.s,  or  batholiths 

tor  the  8hell  ol    en.ptible   mek-niattor  we  bav.-  the  ol.l,  appropriate  name 
suhstratnn,.   as  ..n.ploy,  ,|  l,v  Fisher,  j.owrbian  (in-n,  an.l  mhor'      I,'  n.llt  "rl 
..■n.,s_ol  i-nrous  ir,.„!,,-y   it   i.  i,.,r  n,.,Ts.ary  to  ,l..,-i.|e  ,.m  the  ,|u,.sti,,„  as  t..  th.' 
r.Kioity  of   the  sohstrat,,,,,  with  .e-^p.-et  to  s,ir|,  .-o^niie  f.,r,vs  as  the  earlh  li,!,- 
b.nce,  however,  the  latent  heat  of  crystalline  ailioate  ro^ks  is  about  one-fifth 
of  their  total  melting  heat  wh...  just  niolton.  the  simplest  supposition  is  that 
the  substratum  is  not  crystalliml.     The   transformation  of  a  crystalline  sub- 
stra  um  tluid  ma;fma  at  the  lower  openings  of  abyssal  fissures  is  evidently 
mueh  more  difhcult  than  the  chanRe  of  an  isotropic,  hiRhly  rigid  liquid  into  a 
road,  y  eruptible,  distinctly  fluid  magma.     The  n.any.attacks  on  the  hypothesis 
of  a  liquid  substratum  have  failed  to  disprove  it,  because  tliere  has  been  general 
nogloct  o     the  view  that,  under  great  pressures,  liquid  rook,  though  very  hot 
may  rival  crystalline  rock  in  rigidity.  .  e,  j        .. 

The  i.lea  of  a  flui.l  substraf.m  has  often  been  dismissed  by  authors  because 
of  the  observed  indep..ndoneo  of  the  vents  during  the  simultaneous  activity  of 
K  lauou  and  Mokuaweow.-o  (Mauna  Loa\  i„  Hawaii.  It  is  hold  that,  if  the  two 
hna  ..olumns  rise  from  a  .•,,  suhMratum.  th,.  level  o'  •  l,|,,h..r 
loweT"  'nT'  ^/  f  "I''«.';y:''-"^':''if  "'^tion-  bo  kept  at  the  gone...  .  .ve.  oi  the 
ZTf^  fi  !  '^•lu.l.biuim  IS  kept  with  one  column  some  9.0t0  Wt  taller 
flian  the  other.  Attempts  have  been  ma.le  to  explain  this  contrast  n  levels  by 
facl^r,?^  >■'  density  ol  the  fw-o  columns;  b>it  there  is  nothing  in  Me  know,, 
favlu  t  t  1  7  !'"-''-7^"°"-  ^"  "'^'  '»>"'■•  I'anJ,  th,.  field  evidence  ii.  Hawaii 
favours  the  belief  in  the  present  indepen.lenco  of  the  two  vents.  T.ere  is  to  be  said  for  the  that  the  lava  pit  at  Kilauea  is  the  o^n 
....'...  the  roof  „  a  lar.^e  la,.,.,>li,h.  whi,.h  has  b,.,.,,  in.i....te  1  into  the  obH^" 
of  .Manna    l.oa.      1  he   f,-,.,..i,>j,  of  ,i,„  ,|ii„.  f i„„  „f  „„.  ].,,,,,,;,,,  „.„„|,|   j^,,,.^,,. 

'  l.V   A.  Halv,  Aim 

iHirniil  of  .'v-ir 

V-I.   :;.>.   UHX;. 

p.   19.". 

RKi'nRT  Of  rut:  viiikf  \.<trososikr 



of  caution  i,.  drawing  conclNsion    rp.^.rr  ""'"*:''  '"  ""'"""•'^  '*"'  "<^' 

Mratum  beneath  the  ilt^J  o      [      a"     S      II  """-'r^^"^"  "f  n  fluid  nub- 

in.  th.  independent  K-veU  :l ll::^:\,^::X7 :^tL^  '"•'^"  ^"  ^'-"- 

of  the  •level  of  no'st'afn  '  ill  a        ,i,  ^    '  rt':    li:::';"'""""'^  "^  "'"  '^•^^'"■- 

of  its  prc.n,iL  are       prove       ,?,  "     '  "^'"^  T'"'  '''^"  •■>""»''<•.!.,  several 

iJea  ia  in  the  wrhc'r'      '  °     i;. 'I'v  '.T  T  "'  """  ""'"  "^  P"f'l'-<^''tion,  the 

of  sueh  speculation  is  tlia  it  fc'  "f  *"■  "^  "■'""  ^"'"•"'"ti"".  The  a.lvantage 
These  are  the  sub^,  of  lb  e"t  :''-•'  ""'"'""  "  ''"'.''•^■'""'"••■■''«'  '--'"-' 
i"ve.ti^^Uion.      Meanw  ilo   Vxn    nnt  nt  i"  ""^  '"■'"   '"   '"''"'  ''"''i"'-'  "" 

se„eS:';^^S  Kas,7:rtrv;.:d!;rT'"'  tt^-^-'-'  ^" 

-ith  the  s„l,s,rat,nn  a"i'    ""i,  al     e "fT"  o  SlT"'"'  ."['•-'-''.-"■-tion 

proximate  sources   of  the  e"ri.<iiv,.  „„  I    •   ♦  ,  ''' '"'""'  '"  ''<^  '•'•' 

peolo^i.t  has  to  deri!  "'"'   '""■"""''  '<''•''*  '^''^  which   the  field 

Origin  of  Volcanic  Action. 

temperature  of  incandescence  ThT,n«0  n  "  •  7  J'^''  ,'^"''  '"'"«"y  ««  the 
in.,  and  shapin.  of  the"v:nt :  Tit  'pTrt"  'J^'tnt  'aV"""^^"'°\°'^"- 
during,  davs.  years    or  millcr,;„m      .1  r.-         ?'  ""  ^P*^"   channel 

gas  and  vapour  ou;fl;w.  and      r       ™  " ";;!  n  o^f^^^      "^  '"  '"?  °""'°'^'  ^°' 

leading '0  chemical  variation    „i\>n,r',"  '"  '^u'''''*'  ''"'''  "'^  '''"«•■ 

to  sketch  in  very  brief  f o     ,  a  tluot  of    't;    ^"'^■"^     J^''  ''''''"'  '«  '"'^"''-l 

c..ilrs  i-^di^^nr::^ --  c^t,ri;?.^t£^  -  ^^ ;!:: 

•American  Journal  of  Scioncp,  Vol    22    1906   d    19s  

a.d^it;;f^{:^-[5^'- 'He^nu,errpJ^tL'«p„rt.  in  Proc.  A.„„    Art. 
.<!5a — vol.  iii — 46 


i)h:i'AHTyy\r  of  rut:  istkhioh 


2  GEORGE  v.,  A,   1912 

furui  of  tisdure  eruptions  or  in  tln'  furiii  nl'  central  i  riiptic.ns.  The  writer  believe* 
■'  t  a  third  rriclliml  kIjoiiM  Im-  rnti  rl;iiiii'c|  ;i^  »  |r.w;il)iliiy.  niiriirly.  l.y  the  partiiil 
of  complete  fuumlering  of  biitliulitliio  roof*.  The  relation  of  eneh  of  these  three 
phnaes  of  volcBni<'  action  to  abyiisnl  injection  may  now  bo  outlined. 

Fisxure  Kru\r  innx.-    The  rc«i'iiiiil  liiv.i  ll I-,  kiinwii  tu  li.uc  Ir  .in 

simple  li8«ure-<  in  their  un<lerI,vinK  terranos,  ranfje  in  date  from  the  pre-Cambriun 
10  the  prcjfnt.  .Vs  we  Imvc  -een.  they  nre,  witlioiit  exception,  of  basaltic  com- 
position. Hiieli  miiKnia  mint  be  exotic,  that  is.  it  ciinnot  be  explained  as  due 
to  the  refusion  of  material  from  the  earth's  acid  or  8edimentar,v  sheila.  It  is 
llic  only  hiva  (extrusive  muKuia)  to  which  a  .sccmdnry  oriirin  cannot  theoretically 
be  ascribed.  But  tlie  \cr.v  low  original  slopes  of  the  llow.^  (very  often  inclined 
at  much  less  than  one  degree  from  the  horizontal  plane)  and  their  great  lengths 
rliow  that  the  Ini.salt  of  fis.^ure  eruptions  i.s  notabl.v  superheated.  Such  tempera- 
ture is  appropriate  to  a^.iimilation  of  foreiRti  rock.  That  the  solution  of  pre- 
(ambriiin  n'lei-fses  or  of  other  rocks  has  not  taken  place  in  sensible  amount 
must  have  either  of  two  meanings.  It  may  mean  that  the  various  abyssal  injec- 
tions underlying  the  lava  field  are  narrow,  with  wiillli-^  to  li'  nua-mcl  in  fii' 
or  tens  of  feet,  hut  not  in  many  thoiisniids  of  ivv\.  Or  laiiiir.'  to  as^iniilaii- 
may  be  due  to  special  rapidity  of  injcclioii,  with  simultaneous  extrusion;  for 
solution  of  foreign  rock  must  lake  considerable  time.  The  observed  average 
size  of  the  feeding  channels  (dlki's)  in  the  great  1  iva  fields  of  the  woetorn 
I'nited  States,  of  northwestern  Kurcpe,  of  India,  and  other  regions  corresponds 
with  the  former  concliisioi;.  The  vast  Icelniidie  flow  of  1T^3  and  the  nature  of 
the  indiviilual  (lows  in  evcr.v  prehistoric  lava  field  show  or  at  least  suggest  that 
each  extrusion  has  been  rapid.  The  coiitrollin};  condition  for  the  lack  of  assimi- 
lation is  probably  the  narrowness  of  the  abyssal  inject  ions,  at  least  in  the  part 
traversing  the  sedimentary  and   acid  shell;-,   of  the  earth. 

The  fissures  need  not  bo  plane*  of  strong,  or  even  discernible  faultuig. 
For  example,  the  Piircell  Lava,  covering  many  thousands  of  square  milei,  issued 
iiuietly  from  many  cracks  in  the  Siyeh-Kitchener  sea-bottom,  and  covered  the 
nmds  and  sands  with  a  continuous  sheet  of  basalt,  which  evidently  flowed  on  a 
Hat,  practically  unbroken  surface.  This  eruption  illustrates,  in  fact,  the  very 
common  association  of  fissure  eruption  with  downwarps  of  the  broad,  gentle, 
geosynclinal  order.  Whether  the  down-warping  is  the  effect  of  abyssal  injection, 
as  suggested  by  the  writer  in  a  published  paper,*  or  whether  the  abyssal  injection 
and  surface  outflow  arc  tlic  effect  of  dowii-warpiiif.'.  arc  important  iiU''<(ions 
which  will    i3t  be  discussed  in  this  place. 

Tho  effusion  of  a  basaltic  flood  is  generally  ascribed  to  the  mere  sciueeziug 
out  of  tho  magma  from  beneath  a  cracked  and  sinking  Earth-crust.  Yet  some 
force  may  also  be  available  from  the  expansion  of  the  substratum  material  as  it 
rises  to  levels  of  grentl.v  lessened  pressure.  This  expansion  is  of  two  kinils  — 
that  of  the  lava  regarded  as  gas-free,  and  that  of  the  gases  separated  from  it 
in  bubble  form.  If  the  expansional  energy  of  tho  liquid  proper  is  not  all  used 
up  in  driving  asunder  the  walls  of  the  injected  body,  .=ome  of  that  great  force 

R.  A.  Daly.  ADi<>rir»n  .louriml  of  Scienri ,  Vol 

inOfi,   p.  19-1. 


iV(V;,x^^  jt  ^r»r5i«a^B^ 

in.i-oHT  i>i   rin  <  nin    \srnu\uuf:i{ 


tlu'  -fpuriitidii  ,.}■  thu 

IcIkI    to   CElMf   I  utflow 

iiilifintK  for  .Atpiiilon 


M  ovailub'.^  f„r  cx.ri.sion.     A.  r„a«,„„  , r,  thr  w,.rf  .,• 

.lHsolvo.1  Ka.  mu.t  .fill  furth.r  inoroa^e  th,-  vo]»m,.   in 
at    he  surf......     The  rola.iv,.  i,„,v,r,a,„v  of  ,h...,   'l,,-,. 

18  liy  iiii  iiiciins  iippiirenf 

ro.a,II''f:r\;;r,.i'::r2't;!rt;:'vr'^''n  ;f  '^  --'-• '-'  ♦'••• 
.xt..ndcd  ,o  ,hc  ..rf.,c...  -....^t  s  H,."^ ,;;:., "/'.''f  r;v  ;:',•,•:'''■-'->•-- 

boon  piinpanitivclv  difR.-nlt  r.(  ,>«,.  .     .•       ■       ,  '^"'^"'  '  '''"""''  ''«3  Icmik 

hoi-Hha, !.  ..•^Mi,:S.i!::;;!\;:Lr:iir;::;;,.';:.;S;;l;:r!i.,,!'  r?^  ^•"' »' 

.n  .h.,  ..u.ormon  .holl  of  ,1,.,  rrn.,.     Th.!  .o.Mpr-li  ..  m     .  ,'  I  .' '7" 

orogf-ni..  paroxysm.      After  p..,'!.   i,arnvv.„>   .        •  i  f'li'no.l   Vy  «„ 

.•'-•<-on.pan,i„,/tablc":--  »f-lnKi-..l    hnforv.   n.   ,h.,w,,    in   tl,» 



■  f    Ti 

I",  -iml 

l^k.  Sin..; I,, I  Id.triit 
lt.«.k\  Mi^,  at  (;ttli  1': 
Itiiti-li  h!.„i,|, 
\|ii">l'iliiali  Ml,, 
('i-Ci.,.!!,   Iiirli.i 
'if.  at  K'llt.  Afii.,i  . 

^V;|.hini;ti,li  Slut.. 

N.  W.  .s.,,fl,„„| 

I.<l.llpl  ., 

W:i-.|inj(ft.pii  .-^tat.- 
';r.-:»t  liiir.    \fri,,i. 
<   I'.S    \ 
Suak.-  Kiv.r.    Mali., 
Iljur.iii,  .Sviiii 

■     Kf'Wc*  (l.iVVUTi 

11.1  Mi.|,|l,-('.a,„|,r,.„i  ■ 

*';irlM.rti't  r. .ii.. 

<]r..Ui,.,.ii.,  ,,„  K.iilv  T.  iii,,r\ 
<  r..tac..)_u>  (K,.|.|i;,n  h,  n.  -. 
r.iN-.ii..  (T..oii.i«.iv  LjiKiilf I 
<)li»f.K..ii..  (|,,,«.r  Mi.K-.n.) 

Mi.K.n-.(Val(iiiia  l.a.sdhi. 

Mum.  ii*<  ■' 



•■>'••  ;ui,l  l(. 

'.;i-.  ,''1..  \i.i,„i.i.. 

Kail;   Mi.litl. c,,,,!.,!,,. 

'■|..-.-..f    I'al.-,,/.,, 

'■■"•    'I'l I.    ^.1-.  1.,..,   ■, 

'!■.>.     ..(    I.;ll,,l,,:. 

<■! .1    \ , 

l.'H,  HA    (.Ah,..   \, 

l-.-u..  .Mi,«,.,',. 

in,K'('tioii     N     iriorca-ol   h..v,,„  I    .      ,-,■     i        i  "'      ''■       ■'!'**^ 

Tho  r.,..,l,  is  a  l.ntho  i,h      TU     ^1        '.v   .„,„,,, „^,  ,,„„.  ^__,,   ^^.,,,    ^^   ,^^ 

s.vntectio.  '•'''•""'''■■'-'•''-"-'<  'iiff..nnfiat,.„C  t!,.    ..v.-^rw.' 

I  ho  intfirritv  of  th.^  li'itlmiwl.' ■         f  •         ■  i       .       . 

.■.;.--v„I.   iii_-4V,i  .^..'l.>..l.    'T   px^    fonnderii...    .v.vjM. 





nKi'.tKrHt:\i  or  iiit:  isn.HioH 

2  GEORGE   V , A    1912 

not  fairly  Ih-  imIIwI  ii--iirii  eruptioti,  tlmiiKh  it  tiiitfht  U'  u<<otiiimnir(l  liy  lavu 
floO'U  1  iniltuil  fri>in  fniotuitM  in  tin-  rnofrock  ■.iirroiiiiilitiff  tlio  fniiiplcriMl  nreii. 
Til''  Irvi'l  1)1'  till'  liivi  ill  till'  iiroa  of  foiiniliriiitf  w..uli|,  in  fMrin,  ro*>rnbIo  a 
plMtiv;iii  (tiit-iint)  II  Ul'tioii,  hut  tln>  liiva  would  Ihti-  U^  gniprally  liparitic  ratliiT 
than  l.asaltic  ns  in  tho  iiiajurily  >>i  |iliil<>;\ii  enipliiiii-'.  Monovi  r.  the  llparito 
woiilil  form  a  continiiinis  iim-w,  nuTKiiu:  ilc^wnwaril^  iiitii  irriuiil>'.  atnl  thus 
not  a  McriiiH  of  ■'iiiH'rpo-M'd  ili^itiiict  flow-.  .\i',',,r(liiiir  fn  tln'  lolioKiMpliy.  tho 
lava  I'f  till-  f()iiii'l"'ri''l  una  iniirlit  AhikI  valli'V-  (Uitsiclc  ana.  If  (hi- 
hydrostatic  ailjii-tm.'nt  won-  ni'<'oinplihhi><i  in  -tiiKW,  ^iici-pssivo  --npcrpo^ed  flows 
iniitht  hn  (  aii-.oii  in  the  vnllpy?i. 

Thdiiirli  llic  ficM  cviili-nccs  do  ncil  wcin  t"  favour  thi*  ronccptioii  for  most 
cxpo-'t'd  hatholitlM.  it  sho.dd  !>.■  retain 'd  sx*  ii  pi.^sihiiitv  In  ^i.nio  im^ox.  In 
(f»'nerd  the  pruhliMji  li.i^  a  ilitHi  uity.  'I'lic  evidcucf  for  local  found<>rin(J 
IP  ill  iiiwia]  ilantfcr  of  boing  ohlitoratcd.  Tlic  fflas^y  or  scorimt'ttus  pha-c  of  tho 
'  h.tthidilli  ■  will  ncoi-jsiirily  b(  ciddcd  awa>  buforf  the  jcraiatic  phiHc  can  bo 
pxposid.  'Phf  lip.iritii'  plla.^c  ih-imI  pxloiid  to  a  d.  pth  of  no  more  than  u  fow 
hiisidi'i'l  I- I,  V  I'on  \i  \ioiiM  rapidly  iin  itri-  ii.'>.  tli.  liol<'  vy-lallinc  flM-x 
Thcrclori'.  comparatively  little  tiini'  would  bf  rtviuin^l  to  rpinovo  flic  original 
surface  Piia-e.  I  ho  Keoloyist,  .iliidvim;  the  ero-ionv-<iirfaci>,  mijjiif  have  no 
inklinsr  that  tin-  '  butholilh  '  had  not  hri'ii  eoinplclcly  covivl  by  a  loof  of 
voun'ryrock.  Tbc  forinor  exi^tciico  of  a  roof  cannot  be  aagunicd  -iiuplv  because 
ii  'bHtholith'  ha-i  a  holocrystalliiie  structure, 

rh»?  application  of  thi-i  deductive  scheme  of  thought  to  a'tna!  example'* 
cannot  I"'  deJcrilwl  in  this  chapter;  it  will  bt>  made  in  the  special  paper  to  be 
pnblishi'd.  The  possibility  that  the  unrivalled  liparite  plateau  of  the  Yello"- 
stone  I'ark  u  .  formed  in  eonseipienee  ..f  local  founderini-  will  there  be  iliscusscd 
in  some  dct.i:  O^'ier  eaM's,  in  Massachusetts  and  '  Isewhere,  will  lie  used  ns 

I'iiih-ii!    /v'mi/i/'oii.v.-^  1,1     iiiiiiiy     alA--;i|     i     '        ■  ■ 

directly  rca'h  (piite  :o  tlie  Karth's  surface,  tli 
volcanic  aelicii  in  the  form  of    'eential  erufitions.' 

Mere  hydrostatic  outflow  of  iiuigma  will  not  explain  the  P'r-istence  of 
activity  al  ■  central  vent  .  at  Kilauea  there  is  no  overflowing,  tiiooudi  its  lava 
lake  is  proliably  the  most  iK'isisli'iitly  lo'tive  on  the  fc'lobi  IJecnrreut  explosion 
ollowinij  an  intermittent  rise  of  new,  hot  mnK'na  in  the  vent  is  clearly  uiuiob- 
to  supply  heat  fa«!  enoupli;  Kilauea  is  not  explosive.  .Xctiial  cab  ilation  of  the 
eoi  ective  u-adieiit  shows  how  i)oworles<  thermal  convection  is  t  i  supply  the 
ncTSsary  uent  at  thi'  surface.  Vet  eoiitinued  activity  means  victory  of  the 
lava  column  in  a  ^tniKRlo  with  cold. 

More  promisiii^j  is  the  conception  that  the  heat  of  the  unilerlyuiK  maffina 
cliamlxi-  is  traiisfeneil  to  the  crater  by  another  kind  of  convection,  that  due 
to  ho  ffenerutioii  of  Ras  bubb'es  in  tho  lava  column.  At  tlie  depth  of  a  few 
hundred  !'it,  bubbles  of  individual  ma.s.s  corre-jKiudinj;  to  normal  lava  vesii'e- 
must  have  very  small  volume.  For  that  reason,  as  well  as  through  the  consider- 
able increase  of  masnuitic  vi-cosiiy  with  prt  -sure,  such  bubbles  must  rise  vcrv 

itl'.U-       till 

li  it  miiy  I 




in  ruHT  iif  Tin  innr  \^rnii\n\ii 


StSSvlONAI.   PAPER   No    25^ 

■t   llm 



..owly.  A  «,«.<■,«(  »«Kr.Ku»..  or  ,war.^  of  thrn,  *.,„1,|  ,hr,-f„r..  ...n  ,ir..nff 
t.u..v«n.  ..ff,.,  t  „..  tl„.  ,„„H,  „,■  ,„„^,„„  i„  ^,,1,.,^  ,f,,,y  ^^^,.  ..„';,n*:I,.,l  Tli*.  prin-  ol  Hui.l  |Jvn«mii-,  .how  that  th.>  „,a,«  of  ^p-mmhIIv  vo^fnlatcl  magma 
would  r.i,|,  M,,  fh..  .on.lint  at  ■■  .mpurut,v,.|y  hiKh  mh-W.  Arr  v.hI  at  li.,-  surfaro 
.t  part,  witl,  >„„ch  of  it.  .lilatinK  „»*.  Rrows  h,.,.vi,.r,  .uui  -ink..  It,  p).,v  ■• 
uk.n  by  a  l.,t,r  upru,l„„«  ,„.,..;  tho  rh.vthnu-  a.-t,oi.  „  „,on.  ,.r  1, ..  .  o,ai>:i.o,i«. 
Mil.-.-  a  >;aH  |>|iu«c  an,l  a  li.pii.l  pha-p  an-  .-".^iitial  to  th..  nr,,,  ,.,<  il,,-  ,..,w,.rf„! 
"i.tho.1  „l  ,ir,uiali..,i  may  U-  .■al|,.,|  -tao-pha*-  couv.rti.,,,.- 

Agaii,   th.-  writ.T  mu-r   h..v  otnit  .Iwail.'.l  urK„i„.T,f,  ot.   a  subj.r!    whii-h 

Mvm»  to  hnii    .f  .„„»MkTalM.  iniporta Softi,.,.  it  p,,i     i„  r-niark,  ;ir.r    that 

two-phas..  .0M^<■.■tlon    u   \iM,\,.  thr..,igho„t    th,.   a.-tivi'v   of   ii„.   |„v,,    lak.M   of 
Hawaii  .,11,1  a.i.l  U.i.  U,-,,  ..|,..  rv,.l  ni  th..  |.,va  •;  tl„.  ..rafr.  ..t  W-oiviut^ 
ari.l  hti,,,,     S,.,„„.lly.  tho  hyp,ith.^.-ii  m.iiu  to  b.-  w.-ll  M,p,w,.t,..l  Iv  a.  m.,!  ,.;,],.„ 
lation  of  It,  f.fti,.„(K.y,  as  will  I,<'uf.,.(l  in  tho  .^p...  ial  p  por. 

Hint   papor  will  al*..  sk,.|.-h  the  ar^riinwnl.  for  tho  vi..w   •'   .•    mu-h 

ht'at  oinaiia'uiK  at  a  cpiilral  vi.nt  is  not  priiiiarv  but  i-  tho  pr,..i o!  ..),. 

. pactions.   ,-l,,..|Iy    anin,,-   th.-   gix*.-*,    in    th«   lava   e.jluiio        llorpwith    u, 
partial  exphiiialioii  tor  tho  lontr  livv^  of  many  vol.-ano.-i.     Thoir  vont-i    ,i, 
-pen,  partly  bt-caugo  of  tho  manufaotur,.  of  boat    iii  th.-  o.,n<luit   bv  ..xothf-rmic 
Kast-MH   roactions;  an. I  partly  throuRh  th..  ....nv-.-'iv,.  tran^for  of' h,-:.t   by  the 

formation  of  ..  ira-  pha.o  in  tho  lava  column.     Sin..    <n  both  r.-p...  t-  i!.,    prp'sonw 
..f  maK'iiali..  t:  -     is  vital  t,,  tli.-  ....ntinunn.  .■  of  a..tivity,  thin  viow  ,,f  it.o  o^sicn- 

tial  natiin-  ol  ivity  at   pontial   v..n|..  may  U-  callcl  the  '  i.-H-tluxi-.i;  Ilvi«- 


^    (Jns-lluMn^.   .      .iaifis    ll„.    io..alizat.o„    „f    tlw    vo„t.      1„    ,.;,r,.,,       ,(,,.,^1 

injpofon  th..  K.-o-  ris..  :„„l  ....ll..,-,  alx^ut  pon.t.  i„  ,1,..  roof  of  tho  ,„a;,'mu 
chamber.  I  ho  highost  point  in  th.-  roof  will,  in  the  on.l.  attract  tho  rising  m* 
most  olTcctivcly  As  the  k^s  t-n.ion  :-.<.r,.a,-«>9,  the  ^tronfith  of  the  roof  at  the 
point  of  sp,..,al  L-a,,  mav  bo  ov-r.-oni,.  aii-i  an  -xplo^ion  o,K>n.s  a 
vent  (a  .liatrcino,  to  the  Karth".  sorfa.-.  Or,  J  a  fissure  i.  op-no.]  above  th<. 
point  of  BUS  a.-cninulHtion,  it  miv  bo  onlarfrcl  -.,  vent  -!....  )ir-t  by  o„f,.„-hine 
liot  tfas  ami  th.»n  by  two-phaso  conv,.etio  i. 

In  th..  of  f  Tiie  .n-.ry  central  v,.,,!  n.  t  b..coino  n,  ■.o  or  h-ss  j-.rf.H-tly 
.ylin<lrical  a  -  lufion  torm.  In  this  resin-ct,  a-  *ell  a^  in  tl„.  ,inall  -i^c  ..f  those 
vents,  ..ven  in  f-.r  ni|..-litior(t  .-..n.-s  th..  LMs-il-xinfr  hvp^.tl,,.,!-  ,.  supr-.rf.  1  by 
the  facts  of  nature. 

(lu.s-fhixinir  also  explains  the  periodieit.v  ;  the  ^.-tivitv  at  centr  1  vent.^ 
A  lonK  i>ono,l  of  activity-  tomis  to  .-Nhan-  the  >„pply  of  pas  :„  the  cor  (nit  and 
inime<liately  bolow  it,  that  is.  in  tho  upp,.rm,  st  part  of  the  mnpr-:a  hamtef- 
llence  two-pha-o  convection  t.-nds  to  s|,,w  ,l„w;  .  The  p.,worfiil  ra.i-  -l 
crater  finally  can^.-s  the  lava  to  freeze  at  the  snrfac..  an.l  a  soli. I  ph 
or  less  .iepfh  i.^  !  tnne.i.  Tliis  [.liie  must  be  bef.  n-  aei  vif. 

The  removal  of  the  plup  is  n..f  .hie  primarily  t..  v^pU-ln,:.  \  volcano 
may  be  dormant  for  scores  of  years,  so  that  not  even  mil.l  solfataric  i,oti,in 
persists  in  the  crater.     In  such  a  rase  the  plnp  m>Ht  bo  thick.     On  tli.>  .iv-  «» 

;  in  the 
can   bp 




ni:rMaMHM  of  tiif.  istekiou 


2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
it  \i  in.ich  struiiKor  than  the  muss  of  tuflfs  surrounding  it.  Without  a  prelinii- 
■*ry  thinning  of  the  plug  we  should  expect  explosion  to  open  a  vent  on  the  side 
•t  the  cone  ruthor  than  at  tho  old  crater.  In  point  of  fact,  the  svn.nietry  of 
great,  rn.u.s  like  Elna,  Fuji  .vaiiia,  „r  May.ui.  toKithor  with  the  l<n,.wn  liislui-v 
•f_  many  cones,  shows  that  tho  greater  activity  i^  normally  r,.nevvod  at  the 
onjcinal    vent. 

■J'his  behaviour  ia  intelligible  if  it  bo  grante.l  tiiat  ni.igniatic  gases  continue 
to  rise  irom  tlie  depths  and  collect  under  the  plug.  The  temperature  of  the 
tav.1  oolim.n  slowly  because  of  tho  exctheriuic  chemical  reactions  and 
tacause  of  the  compression  of  tho  accumulating  gas,  which  steadily  increases 
m  tcnsi.ui  until  it  reaches  a  certain  maximum  value.  Tho  plug' is  thereby 
atowly  melted  at  tho  bottom.  After  sufficient  melting  has  occurred,  the  magma 
with  Its  newly  aciuired  tension,  bocop-es  capable  of  bursting  the  plug  with  one 
•r  more  major  explosions.  A  new  period  of  activity  is  initialed;  it  will  last 
■ntil  the  special  accumulation  of  gas  at  the  top  of  the  general  magma  chamber 
u  largely  exhausted. 

-a;     rhythmic  acthm  U.  of  .■oiir.s...  .ubj.vt  t..  tli iiplicMlim,.  iM!l,i,.i„.,.  „f 

tbe  .,o;.it:on  of  foreign  matter  by  the  magma,  in  the  conduit  or  in  the  feeding 
chamber,  or  in  both.  The  material  absorbed  may  be  volatile,  e.g..  va.iose  or 
»e«urgent  water,  and  will  therefore  increase  the  gas-tension  in  tlie  vent  Whole- 
■•le  evisceration  of  the  volcanic  pile  may  occur,  so  that  a  Somma  cone  becomes 
a  culdera  floor,  later  to  be  si'nnounted  by  a  Vesuvius  cone. 

•.  w  *'''-''^''«'v <^''«^''  '■'^n«''«l  ^-^^nt  increases  in  cxploaiveness  toward  the  end  of 
ita  life.  Whether  juvenile  or  resurgent,  -  ,.  gases  have  increasing  difficulty 
m  escaping  into  tlio  air.  This  means,  „•  •ourse,  increase  in  tho  magmatic 
¥Mcosity,  which  13  conditioned  on  several  factors,  the  chief  of  which  are  tem- 
RWature  uiid  chemical  constitution.  As  the  temperature  of  tl  main  magma 
^mber  falls  (for  several  obvious  reasons),  the  body  passes  through  a  stage 
•Here  diflereiitiation  of  the  magma  is  specially  liable  to  take  place.  That  magma 
—•y  be  either  the  primary  basalt  or  a  syntcctic.  In  either  case  gravity  causes 
tlie  more  acid,  an.l  generally  more  alkaline,  lighter  ix.lo  of  the  differentiation 
to  rise  t-o  the  surface,  where  already  radiation  of  heat  specially  heightens  the 
•wcosity.  With  increase  of  silica  and  alkalies  at  the  top  of  the  lava  column  and 
*crease  of  the  iron  oxides,  magnesia,  and  lime,  the  viscosity  must  there  rise 
J'lnally,  even  in  this  brief  se<;tion,  some  reference  should  be  made  to  the 
•dvi-abilily  of  dislinguishing  two  chief  classes  of  central  eruptions.  So  far,  the 
feeding  niagiiia  chamber  has  been  assiimetl  to  be  a  jnain  abyssal  injection.  Yet 
It  18  to  bo  expected  that  vents  may  occasionally  be  opened  in  the  roofs  of  lac- 
coliths, thick  sheets,  and  other  satellitic  injections,  which  have  lost  thermal 
end  liydrostatic  connection  with  their  own  parent  abyssal  injections.  For  con- 
»«aiience,  central  vents  which  are  fed  directly  from  the  main  injections,  may  be 
ceUed  •principal';  those  fed  from  satellitic  chambers  r  y  be  called  '  subordi- 

Living  and  e.xtinct  vents,  probably  belonging  to  the  '  subordinate '  class  will 
ki  described  in  the  forthcoming  publication  on  the  nature  of  volcanic  action 
That  paper  will  present  grounds  for  the  belief  that  Kilauea  in  Hawaii  is  a 

in.i'din  or  riii:  ciiiff  x^trosdvf.i} 



gaa-fluxed  liolo  in  tlie  roof  of  a  still-lliiid  luccolilli,  wliilo 

its  neigiibour,  Mokun- 

weoweo  (ilui  main  vent  of  Maunu  Lon)  i<  n  'principal'  volcano.  B.a.u,.  ..a., 
concluded  that  the  l.'T  volcanic  '  embryos  '  of  Suabia  were  vents  from  a  lar(?e 
laccoluiiic  niiias  of  late  Tertiary  aw.     Similarly,  many  of  the  Scottish  neck.i, 

represent    late-Paleozoic    out- 

a\v:iy  iis  soi.n 
Icarly  made. 

I-    111!'    (Il-tllir- 

It  helps   us   to 

made   famou.s   by   Oeikie's   munograplis.   seem 

bursts  iif  fras  fmin  tliic'k  ^*l ts   (-Ills  and   lliit   l.i 

Siinie  (if  the  dilMciilliis  df  volcanic  tlicury  fa 
tioti  between  the  two  kinds  of  central   vents  is 

iinderstanil:  the  short  lives  of  many  volcanoes;  th(>  lack  of  lava  flows  at  many 
of  them;  f!ie  independent  activity  ,,f  nel).;hboiirin(i  vents;  the  chemienl  .lissimi- 
larity  of  the  lavas  from  ncighbonrinp  vents  (each  satellilic  chamber  pursuiuR 
Its  independent  chemical  evolution  along  the  lines  of  assimilation  and  difTer- 
cntiation);  the  (piite  common  elnstcring  of  many  small  vents  in  a  region  which 
shows  no  trace  or  but  few  traces  of  alignment  amont;  its  volcanoes;  and  \\w 
fre(iueiit  ovideiiee  of  surface  def<irmati<m  in  such  rcgiens.  Tjic  evidences  from 
the  existence  of  •  ^ulpordinate '  volcanoes  arc  largely  indirect  but  the*-  are 
numerous,  and,  taken  together,  they  form  a  combination  of  no  mean  strength. 
•  iatlierioi,'  all  llic  llin  a.N  ef  ilic  arjrMuiciit  just  presented  in  -kclcte,,  outline, 
we  lind  them  converging  to  one  leading  conclusion.  The  principle  of  abyssal 
injection— intrusion  of  the  substratum  basalt  along  mechanically  opened  liasures 
in  the  Earth's  acid  shell— seems  to  explain  the  essential  facts  of  vnlcani-sm. 
The  writer  believes,  in  fact,  that  this  fundamental  postulate  is  as  necessary  to 
sound  theory  in  vidcanology  as  it  is  in  purely  plutonic  geology. 

2  GEORGE  V. 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

A,  19  ^ 




In  1905  the  writer  i-ublishoil  a  paper  OM  th..  rlK.ltl,..,,    ,      .•  ,     • 

especiflliv  h.-  iro, L  i  ?      "  discussion  ot  the  sul,jcct  has  taken  place 


(a)  The  nietliod  of  intrusion 
ioJXn''"  "'''""   °'  ''''  •'"'^   *"   Pre-intrusi,„.   str,„.,..e-    i.   -i.<i 
(f)  The  form  of  the  body. 
{d)  The  size  c."  the  body, 
(c)   The  attitude  of  the  body  with  reference  to  the  horiz.-r."   pi,n, 

!si;t;*,;:  ;:£ "- ' ^=.."  .;,..•;,.?  t-i"r,i;^ 

^^  s- ,-;r  ;!„S!;;s!„r ; -„:^;,  i  ^-;:-i,-r 

agma  IS  tnjecfer/.  jVn  n^ected  bod^v  is  thus  one  wMch  is  r-uirely  inclosed 

•Journal  of  Geology,  Vol.  M,  1905    p    4&'i 







2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
withi,,  tl>o  inva.l,..!  formations,  except  alon^  the  relatively  narrow  openings  to 
the  ch.„„l,er  whore  flie  latter  h.s  been  in  communication  with  the  fee<ling 

On  tlio  other  hnnd.  ,>tock:<,,  an.l  batholiths  never  show  a  true  floor 
Uiey  nppear  to  .-ommunict..  .lireclly  with  their  respective  magma  reservoirs. 
l!.acli  ot  these  bodies  show,  tieM  r.lations  suggesting  that  it  is  a  rarl  of  its 
magma  reservoir.  Th-  communi.-aticu  with  the  magmatic  interior  of  the  earth 
IS  not  rstablislie.l  by  narrow  openiufrs.  but  by  a  huge,  downwardlv  enlarging 
opening  throngh  th,-  countr.v-rock.  In  relation  to  the  invaded  formations  a  stock 
boss    or  bathohth  is  intru-ive.  but  i-  snhjacenl  rather  than  injected 

Ifow  a  magma  reservoir  is  .ularged  by  the  volume  represented  in  the 
amount  ot  intrusion  signaluod  on  the  .•ontaets  of  stock  or  batholith  is  a  matter 
peruntfiig  as  vet  of  no  abs„Iuto  certainly.  In  .separating  intrusive  bodies  into 
two  primary  divisions,  une  including'  all  injected  bodies,  the  other  including 
suKiaccnt  bodies,  a  chissiticafio,,  will  ,1,.  good  Service  in  emphasizing  the  need 
of  liirther  investigation  into  tlic  mocluinics  of  intrusion. 

S„  far  .as  the  method  of  intrusion  is  concerned,  therefore,  stocks,  bosses. 
iMi.l  Inilholiths  b.loug  to  a  primary  .livision  of  intrusive  bodies  which  may  be 
dehnci  as  n..t  d,>mon-trabl,v  .lue  to  injection.  The  principle  is  negative-  it 
leaves  the  luetho.l  ot  intrusion  unstated,  but  it  briiifrs  into  clear  relief  a  principal 
contrast  gubsistiug  between  the  greatest  of  intrusions,  on  the  one  hand  and 
dikes  -heet-.  lac,-,,hths  etc..  ..n  the  other. 

Tnc  .,th,.r  principles  ,,!  Wassitication-viz.,  (/-).  (c).  (d).  and  (c)--are 
applied  in  the  classification  now  to  be  presented  in  a  manner  sufficiently  obvious 
to  ner.,1  no  .liscssion.  Priiici|)le  (e)  is  le^s  fiindamcial  than  tii<.  others,  except- 
ing (d<.  and  is  recognized  as  appearing  only  occa-ionallv  in  tiie  scheme-  the 
major  diameters  of  true  iac,-o!itI,,-  tcu.l  to  horizonlality :  the  principal  axis' of  a 
b.vsmahth,  neck,  stock,  boss,  or  batholith  is  charactcri-tically 

It  is  obvious  that  transitional  forms  are  to  be  cxpecte<l  among  the  related 
types  oi  the  classification.  Those  forms  are  not  mentioned  in  the  table  which 
would  tlius  become  overburdened.  Matrmatic  differentiation  within  dikes  sills 
and  stocks  has  often  produo,.,!  varl.-tal  tvpes  of  these  bodies,  but  the  i,roce'-s  has 
occurred  too  irregularly  t  .  pcriin'  oi'  it-  fiirnisliing  a  couveni.'iit  criterion  for 
tlio  tiTiit-ral  ^■I,i'-<iricatio!i. 

In. II 1  ii;ii   lioiiii>, 

Dike.— Most  geologists  are  agreed  that  dikes  in  .st.^nticd  formations  are 
bodies  always  cross-cutting  the  bedding  planes.  Many  geologists  agree  that  the 
angle  ol  dip  1,  immaterial.  All  agree  as  to  the  criterion  of  form,  namely,  that 
of  a  lissure-Hliing  narrow  in  proportion  to  its  length  and  bounded  by  parallel  or 
nearly  i)a;-allfi  \-alis  of  c  untry-rock. 

When  -tratiticatiuu  and  cleavage  or  .schistosity  are  not  coincident,  such  an 
intrusive  bo<ly  is  generally  called  a  dike,  even  though  it  follows  the  planes  of 
<'leavage  or  -clii3to=ity.     This  usage  will  be  adopted  in  the  classification  to  be 


inj'ORT  OF  THE  nilKh-    I.v/A-oAoVA.A-  VJ7 


alron,!,  well  „.noa  t,I  ";;IS:L|  ""'""""■     ''"^    '""'    '--'itl.s-.y,... 

illustitS  seTBiirti^a  't't^  Tl  te  f  ^- 1"""~'-^  "'i-'-'.    For 
Plate  7.  '   ^^-   ^-  O^'oloK'cal   Survey.  1903,   section  on 

Professors  R.^V^  Brook  SZephM^  T'"'    ^"■''"''^'    '"'^'''^"larly 

terms  from  the  adoptcVcllSio?    \  n    "°  ""■""■  "^  "<•'"''"  t^'^^' 

'^°":4=^^°^"r^  their  ;;;i;t^i,;;:,e';  •;,■;::-'  '■'"•••-"  --■"-' 

supply.  '°  ''''^"  intrusive  bodies  as  the  source  of  magmatic 

tar/'els^U'ts^sSSrr^' :t'\J^;'^'^"  '"^'^'"^'  'T  '  -"''"- 

the4J!;;t^s;:ei3rt;rrrV"'  ^^'""  r'  '''-"-•  =>-'  '^ 

in  a  straliHed   fonn..ti„„  '"'  "^  '""'"'^  "'""'?  "  ''^''''inP  Plane 

M.h,,^.  ,,!„,„.  i„  „  ,,„„i,i,j  r,.„„,„i„„.  ,s„"",,  ,.."';,;,'"»"'» «'»™ " 

';;;:-;™;"w";:;:'":,:;:;:„;r:'-j;;i;"i -:'"■;'"- ■■:■■' 

— _•'"'""      "'"'    "'•'   "riifinal    m.'aiiiiiir   ot    (iill„.rt'- 

'Geikie.  Text-book  of  GeoloBy~Vol   FVlw^  iv717i~r~r • 





2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912' 

broader  definitimi,  uro  iiiin-cd  oii  tlu'  fiilliiwinjr  cliiinictpiistics :  (a)  Whatever 
the  orif;-'i  of  tiie  force  involved,  a  lac<'olith  is  always  inji-cted.  (.b)  A  laccolith 
is  always  in  sill  relation  to  the  invaded,  stratified,  formation;  that  is,  the  injec- 
tion has,  in  the  main,  followed  a  lieddins:  plane;  but,  like  sills,  laccoliths  often 
locally  lireak  across  the  lle(idillL^  (<)  A  laccdlith  has  tlie  ^hape  of  a  plano-convex 
lens  ilatteneil  in  the  plaiU'  of  lieddini.'-  of  the  invaded  fonnaticm.  The  l<'ns  may 
he  synmictrii'  or  asytnniciric  in  profile;  circular,  oval,  or  irrc^rular  in  irroiind 
plan,     ((f)  There  are  all  transitions  hetweeii  sills  and  laccxiliths. 

For  many  ilhistrations  of  simple  symmetric  and  asymmetric  laccoliths,  see 
the  writinji's  of  fiillxirt.  f'ross,  \V,.|'d  jmd  Pirsson.  and  .Japjrar. 

A  multiple  laccolith  may  be  conceived,  the  name  being  formed  on  the 
analoKy  of  'multiple  dike'  and  'multiple  sill."  It  would  differ  from  a  com- 
pound laccolith  only  in  the  fact  that  the  deformation  of  the  strata,  while  again 
similar  in  character  to  that  produee<l  during  the  intrusion  of  a  simple  laccolith, 
has  been  due  to  distinctly  successive  injections  of  the  same  kind  of  magma. 
This  case  has  not  yet  been  described  as  actually  occurring  in  nature. 

Harker"  has  noted  the  occiirrenc<'  of  '  (•om/)0.eiVi'  lircolitlin  '  in  the  ishuiil  of 
Skye.  Through  the  chemical  contrasts  of  their  s\iccessively  injected  parts,  they 
arc  <iisliiiguishe<l  from  multiple  laccoliths. 

Weed  and  I'irssont  have  descrilu^l  as  a  laccolith  a  great,  lentii  r.Iar  mass  of 
porphyry  injected  along  a  surface  of  unconformity,  namely,  that  between  pre- 
C'cmbrian  crystalline  schists  and  a  sedimentary  Cambrian  formation.  Such 
a  type  is  again  aberrant  from  Gilbert's  types,  but  should  certainly  be  classed 
among  the  laccoliths;  the  writer  proposes  the  not  altogether  satisfactory  name 
'  inter formational  laccolith '  for  this  case.  (Compare  a  similar  section  of  an 
occurrence  in  the  Black  Hills  of  South  Dakota,  published  in  the  Annals  of  the 
New  York  Academy  of  ftcievce,  Vol  12,  189it,  p.  212.) 

I'liAcoMTll. —  Ilarker  ha^;  recently  proposed  '  phacolite  '  as  a  new  name  fi  !■  a 
type  among  the  'concordant  intrusions.'    He  writes: — 

'  In  the  ideal  case  of  a  system  of  undulatory  folds  there  is  increased 
pressure  and  compression  in  the  middle  limbs  of  the  folds,  but  in  the  crests 
and  'roughs  a  relief  of  pressure  and  a  certain  tendency  to  opening  of  the 
bedding-surfaces.  A  concurrent  influx  of  molten  magma  will  therefore 
find  its  way  along  the  crests  and  troughs  of  the  wave-like  folds.  Intrusive 
bodies  corresponding  more  or  less  closely  with  this  ideal  case  are  common 
in  folded  districts.  Since  some  distinctive  name  sccms  to  be  needed,  we 
m;i."  call  them  pharolitif  The  name  hi<'colith  has  often  been  extended  to 
include  such  bodies,  but  this  is  to  confuse  together  two  things  radically 
different.  The  intrusions  now  eonsidered  are  not,  like  true  laccoliths,  the 
cause  of  the  attendant  folding,  but  rather  a  consequence  of  it.  The  situa- 
tion, habit,  magnitude,  and  form  of  the  phacolite  are  all  determined  by  the 
circumstances  of  the  folding  itself.    In  cross-section  it  has  not  the  plano- 

•  A.  Harker,  Tertiary  Igneous  Rocks  of  Skyo,  1904.  p.  209. 
t  Journal  of  Geolopy,  Vol.  ♦,  1896,  p.  402. 

■-jBO-''-jnia-UT^'--:^''i  m^^vmi .a^ •T.^ixtr  t: 

m.roin-  or  Tin:  miKF  .\sTit<>\n\n:n 



convex  shape  of  tl.e  lac'clith,  l,„t  pnMents  tvnirullv  •<  ,,..■.,;■,.„        , 
t.mos  „  .loubly  convex  for,...     Kxc'pt  ^^^or> ^^M^u^'C ^;  Z^^Zr 

ull  :i     .1  '"  ''l'""'''"  ■"  ""'  <lir.'.-.ion  of  th..  av.s  ,,    fol,li„e 

As  reganls   the  mechanical    condition,    of    its    injection     the    ,  wll  f 
resemble,  rather  the  .null   s„h,i.ii.r,v   intrusions   wE    s  ..c     ..o         c t.: 

P^a^'inSi.-"''  "^  '—^"'—  "••  ^•-'  «•'--  -'■'-'  ~ 

wh.h  con.  directly  fro.n  the  an-^.  nn.l^ho       '  ,he  o^:       ;;.h;:  ■  I    h ' 

othe?^Li;l:^s;^v•£;s:^'  -'•  '^--'-^  "^  --  ■^--^.  "-■ 

BVSMAMTII. — Allied     to     '  nlimc  '     I.,      If  II- 

Iddinp.  described  as  in.  inJe^Slor  ti  I! ^  ^  ,:r  .J^^'"  .r  ^T'^'"'''' '  " 
cylmder  of  strata,  havin^r  the  form  ,f  n  pL  w h i  •  Z!u  i  7  """"  '"" 
the  surface  of  the  earth,  or  inipht  ter.nin^t      n'  T  ''"'"'  ""'*   »» 

dome  over  •,  laccolith      T  ,,  **^"""'i"'  ."'  ''  '1«""p  of  .trata  r,.so,„l,li„jr  the 

tihyry  of  cho  bys.nalith  re.ts     S,,,-!.  •.    ,    v    n  v  1  .     ""   T'''"''  ""'  '"'^■ 

mere  tlcxin^  of  its  strata.t  '       '  '  '   '''"'   ''''    ""^ 

VWax.c  XKCK.-The  soli.i-Iava  liili,,^.  „f  a  vol,,,,,!,.  v...„  I    ,.,;  i  ,  „     ■    .  reference  to  the  formations  traver.,.l  I,        ."  ,     .  '   ;,,':,'  "T" 
mations  are  .imposed  of  nonvol.a.iic  ro.ks  or    f       T  '"'''•  ""'^"-  l  <'"'-»-  for- 
been  pierce.,     v  thoroughly  r^^^.^Z^t  i^  tjy'tZZZ!:'  ""'""  ""^ 

bo,liS■S"r:;JJ'^cl::^taIi;^fM '"'';''" "  ^''"^^ "'  '"^'■""■''  '«-- 

dislocation  of  ro<.^V:mS!.  "s^S^        t  t^rTlu'  T"*^""^^-     '"  ^'"° 
huildinp,   actnal   or  potential   ..avitie.   are   foZ      u  ""'"'   ;,".°""'»>"- 

These  are  commonly  fillcl  wi.l,   i^ne„„.  ma^CL    ,         i,    '    u""-' ]■  'T\- 
eav.ty  from  below,  from  the  .i,le,  or,  it  n.ay'l,..    fro      „     v  '      ,  t  "'i  I"  a','"  of  fonn  fth     ,'.  not  strictlv  of  ,be  la,.co  ithi,    ,       '         ■'  , 
sion.    as    desiRnafcl    by    r,:,  ..      ,,,.,,.    .,,„:        .   .      ••"<"'}""    '""d,.  ,.i   ,„trM- 

shape  of  the  intruded  mas  .  ^^.Z^Zu'urZl  l"  -""^  "?"  ""^ 
mation,  so  compIi,.ated.  th..  ,l,c  o;!;.:;,:  ',  !^  ^^  ^  i  ;  ^  7^'  -';-- 
s.on^  so  far  named.  A^ain,  ..-ep.lar  i„,ie,.,e,l  b,>,lies  7(  ,  „'  Hv  i  i T  /  •;■ 
v«,>et.y  or  lorm  are  ,l„e  to  the  active  crow.iin^-aside  „,„i  .n.  '" 

try-rook   i.  forced  asunder  by  tl.   nn.ler  r    '=      ?    oJ  '  M 

;i^'^'1^;^rMo^o;.^I^t*?^t1/|}y^-;:^s«-!?;:  i^;^  vo..  -. 

p.  77. 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  191? 

HU(.'!i  liodiis  in.i.v  Ih'  iluc  to  ii  (•iiiiiliiiialion  of  the  iw.  j  riitiiiry  caiiKS — oroKenic 
-tri--  'MK'niiii;  i-avitics,  :in<l  li,!  or  other  iins-uro  oiij.iiiaf ing  from  the 
iiuiL-nia  it.-«'lf  1111(1  widening  the  cnvities. 

Xi,  (Tonerally  aceepteil  name  has  yet  bi'eti  propose.!  for  such  irreffiilar 
intrusions.  '  I.nrcolith  '  enniiot  he  used,  since  that  trrin  denotes  a  definite  form, 
and  (dso  implies  a  Bi)eeial  mo  le  of  intrusion  different  froiri  that  here  conceived. 
The  writer  has  not  been  alile  to  find  a  simple  English  word  for  the  purpose, 
uiid  .suKRests  n  name  formed  from  the  (ireik  on  the  unaloRy  of  'laccolith,' 
•  l..v-malith."  and  •  hathidith.'  It  is  •  i-h.iiiolith  '  .lirive,|  fr.  ill  y,.,io,-.  a  numld 
used  in  the  eastin^^  of  metal,  and  A(0o<,  a  stone.  The  mntrma  .f  a  '  ehipnolitii ' 
fills  its  ehamler  after  the  manner  of  a  metul  ca^tin;;-  tiliiiii.'  ih.  ni..uM.  LiU.- 
a  eastim;,  the    "ehonnlith"    may  have  any  shai)e. 

A  '  chonolith  '  may  he  lh;:s  dellned  :  an  i^'iieii,-  i.-.i^  uiinjithd  itit.s 
dislocated  roik  of  any  kind,  stratified  <ir  not;  (/.)  d'  .shape  and  re'atioiis  irre- 
gular, in  the  -ei.  ■  'hat  they  are  not  those  uf  a  true  dike,  vein,  sheet,  laccolith, 
bysinalith,  or  neck;  ainl  (c)  composed  of  magma  eitlier  passively  squeezed  into 
a  subterranean   oroRenie  eiiamher   or  actively  forcin::  apart    tin-  eoiintrv-roek-'. 

The  chamber  of  »  '  chonolith '  may  be  enlarged  to  a  subordinate  degree 
by  contact  fu-ion  on  tliu  walls,  or  by  magmntie  'stoning.' 

Examples  of  'chonoliths'  are  ileseribed  on  pawes  ■W'^.  H'l.  \\^,  i,nd  400, 
and  nniny  bodies  of  this  class  have  lieen  mapiied  and  ^e'li.n.'d  in  \»(rks  dealinsf 
with  the  western  Cc^rdillera  of  tiic  I'nitcd  States. 

It  may  le  specially  noted  tliat  this  new  term  may  i,e  u-ttiil  in  sui.'i;cstinn 
the  prol>ahle  nature  of  an  iujei-ted  IumIv  in  the  ea-e  wliere  it-  whole  fnrni  i- 
not  certainl.v  kiiown.  The  eonle.xt  .-honM  tiien,  of  rotirse,  indicate  that  the 
author  usiuit  the  trnn  lu.s  in  niind  only  a  iirohahiiity  aiul  is  making,  as  it 
Were,  simply  a  report  i.f  progress  in  the  description  of  lliat  particular  body. 

ErnMOLlTii. — The  fthmoUlh  (funnel-shaped  stone)  of  S.  lumon  is  one  of  the 
many  conceivable  species  of  chonoliths.  He  considers  that  tiie  tonalite  mass 
of  Adnmello  is  an  e.^iimple.  At  the  present  erosion-surface  the  surrounding  strata 
dip  towards  the  tonaiifo  on  every  side  and  he  f.,nelud.s  that  they  converire, 
uiider?rom.d,  so  as  *'  cut  off  the  ifrneous  body  e.xeeht  i'..r  tlie  narrow  dike,  or  sill 
fpiMler  of  the  injection.  ():i  the  otluT  hand  the  body  is  .i-uppi.sed  to  have 
enlarged  to  its  rather  tlat  rcof,  the  whole  form  slmuialinir  a  funnel.  If  the 
field  diagnosis  be  eorroct.  t!.e  tonalite  is  to  be  regarded  as  an  injected  mass, 
partly  cross-cuttiuir  th.>  str.;fa  and  tluis  has  ehonolitliic  relations.* 

Si'B.ncKXT   Bodies. 
!{os^.-- .\.  <  leikie  )•  defines  bosses  as: 

'  Musses  o"'  intrusive  rock  which  form  at  the  surface  rounded,  craggy, 
or  variously  shape.l  eminenoes.  having  a  circular,  elliptical  or  irregular 
^iround  pla:;.  and  dcscendins  into  the  earth  with  vertical  or  steeply  inclined 

•  Cf .   W.    Saloiiion,     Sitzungsberichte    Jer     koiiigli(h<>n     prcu>»i>^;  h*a  Akadeinip  der 
Wissonschaifn,  Phys.-Moth.  Classe.  Vol.  U.  190.1,  p.  .110. 
t  Ancient  Volcanors  of  Great  Britain,  Vol.  I,  1897,  p.  S8. 

HFi-nnr  i)h-  Tilt:  viinr  \siii,,s,.\,,  /.■ 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 



t.  «ny  bo,fo„.  on  which  th.  ..n.^.i^ri;:,^;!:-  ;i:"'"'"  "■'■  ■'" "'"  "*■' 

Ho  inuko.  'Slock  '  and  'bos..'  sv,u.n.v,noi„. 
^        In    l'.n;.'li>;|,   Mn<l   C. m,,-,,,  -.„.;iki:,...   .■.,,ii,tri.-,   -1...    '    ,,,  I   ■    .     ■    •  , 

:Xiii::  =x:--\rSr'o.--'=vs^£T  -- -i 

«a..,.v  „r..  ■.,,„,,/,.•  ,1,..,,  ..„„„.„..,i  „f  ,„„„,„,  ;,„,„.,,.,|  ;,,  ,  ^ 

two  or  moro  distinct  ^..-iod.  of  irruption.     Tho\!iMfnHi,;t  ''•;,; 

ST,,CK.-Prcvailinfr  usajfo  ha.s   fixed   th..   „M^,„in:'  „f  • -t,,  ■!;  •    ,.  .-s^ei.ti.nv 
2u.vale„t  to  Qeiyos  definition  of  'bo,..'    A  stock  is  a.  i„tr  .iv'   1,;,;    ,    ' 

inoro  or  less  con.spicuously  cuts  ncros..  the  struct,,,,..  „f  the  invaded  form.ti.  nV- 
.  .^contacts  are    >n  general,  either  vertical  or  highly  i,„.!i„ed:  i        hi;     i,  i-' 

ti:^:zt:T:i^; '''■'■''''--■' — •■^>-: ''•"::• 

tSiT^f/c/'i?'"''""'  1  ■-'-'•■•'.";  — '^-J  i"  one  period  of  irruption. 
A  multiple  atock  ,s  eompo.?cd  ot  »iaten,,l  d.nionstrablv  intruded  in  two  or 

or  mo  J"'""-'",""  r'"'^'  '^ '^o">l^o^^"'  "^  '""torh.I-  Uemonsfnhly  intruded   in  two 

t;oTr;^tnd;  't^z:^'  ""''''-'' '"-''"' '-  -'^■■"-"•^  '-^-'^^^^ 

Magmatic  differentiation  or  other  influences  .r,;,v  render  hetero-vncous  the 

zziT^r' " ''-'''  '''-'■  -  -•■'  -'"'- ''  ••='"-  *  -''.'pr^o;': 

liAinnuiH   ^  S  .       ha,  f.,ally  Ma„.,|  ,he  d..,i„it...n  .I'  •|,.,li.Mth-  in  term,  ol  -, 

"e  Ssih'of  f^,i'"'''f '^."  a  stock-shaped  or  shield-.hapcd  intruded 
On  th«rZ^    of  fusion  of  older   formations    (ori^.   Durd.schmehnngsmasse) 
)?oM      /T      '  °^  '*'  '■^'^''■^o^"  and  on  continue!  -lenudation.  Ihi.  mass  either 

/ei'/''.        llienaui,.    was   invent..!    t-   deserihe    tl.„.e   1  ,rce.t    .,;    all    intr,,.!,,,'- 

friS^?h'!,'r'.''  'f'l"^'^""'''''?'''^''''^^'  ^^""•"'  '"  ^^'•^"'  "«>">"'"■"  range;,;' 
including,    thus,    'central    granites.'    'intrusive    tnountain-eores.'    and    '  Fuss' 

•  Sitzongsbericht*  der  Wiener  Akademie,  Vol.  :ot,  m;. 

l>.  a 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A,  1012 
ttranit.'.'  J\w  unw  liii.-<  siiicT  Ihk-h  iuinm"n!>-  us<m1  for  h<xV\e»  of  iiitrimive  rook 
with  tlio  ;r<-'ii»>r,il  .  ImructfriotitH  n!"  rtrx-Un,  hut  of  much  lurRpr  size  than  i-i  gcnor- 
..lly  iitifil.iito'l  I-  M...U>  or  1,(,...-.  Tlii,  hilt.r  um-  i-,  iiiort'ovcr,  rnrcl.v  assoi-i- 
.iI.kI  (liri.tlv  with  i.ti.v  piirtiiMiliir  ihcwry  nf  iiitriisiini.  Thrrr  i"  prt'^HinK  nw><l 
tor  suih  i  terin  .-i;.'iiilVin(f  th.-.-  liirnr  h<Klii».  nnd  niif  that  will  not  ronimit 
tin-  fii'lil  w./rk.T  t.>  liny  ihci.ry  ,,f  nriijiui.  Tho  later  iiso  of  the  term  '  hatholith  ' 
i.-t  thorfori'  to  W  .•oiuMnn<lr.l.  as  it  that  tortn  safe  in  actual  ficM  dos- 
criptioii-  wliiri"  th'-c  niiiiiol  lic  in'conipiiuicd  with  certain  ijrcM.f*  that  the 
Durrlsrhmh.'  'Ill  the,.r.\  is  thir.^  iiiM'li.'iiMc.  In  th,'  |.i  :n>-i,.,1  chiisiticuti'm  <'( 
intruslvci  the  teriii   '  linthi^lilh  '   will   luive   the  ineaiiiiifr  ju-it   noted. 

\  simp''-  '  tlhoU'h  i<  (,n,.  c  ..nipn.-o.l  ,.f  lualerlnl  iiitru<leil  in  one  period  of 

A  mi/.V;/*/.'  hafkohlh  j^  ,,iie  conipijscl  ol  material  .Iciuunstrably  intruded 
in  tw,.  or  ini<re  periods  of  irruptii.n.  the  maferiid  havinif  U-en  derived  from  the 
*ame  kind  of  luajtma. 

A  cnmposif  latholiUi  u  <.ii.-  ci.nip.-e.l  ,f  matoriaii  deiuon-tiahly  intruded 
iM  two  or  more  periods  of  irrupt :on.  tho  lUiiteriaU  hoinj;  originally  derived  from 
TWO  or  uiure  kinds  ot'  magma. 

.\  multiple  nr  composite  hatholith  may  thus  Ipe  in  part  made  up  of  stoeks. 

^fnnmatic  ditlerentiation  or  other  inllucnces  nuiy  render  heteroRonoous  the 
material  composing  n  simple  hatholith ;  nr  each  mer.iber  of  a  multiple  or  a 
or.inposite  bifholith. 

No  author  has  attempted  t)  fix  a  lower  limit  to  the  arcal  dimensions  of  a 
hatholith.  Since  there  is  no  certain  di^tiTicliou  either  in  form  or  relations 
hotweeu  St.  rks  and  hatleiliths,  an  arl.itrary  limit  may  he  set  I'twi'en  thn  two  on 
the  scvro  of  areal  extent.  In  tho  VM)r,  paper  it  was  propo>cd  that  the  upper 
limit  in  the  siz>'  et"  ^to.■k-  lie  jilaced  at  -'(H)  scpiare  kilmnetrr^.  A  furtlier  study 
of  the  literature  ha-  made  it  Beeni  advisnl.le,  in  order  to  conform  to  actual 
tigage,  t..  make  t',-  limit  nn  higher  tlian  li»0  si|iiare  kihunctr, .-.  Any  innsM  with 
the  stoek  relation,,, 
ingly.  a  hath'di'h. 

It  of  Kreat<T  area  that.    100  srpiure  kilometres,   !=,  acr"ord- 

Pboposed  Classificatiok. 

The  following  tahle  pivcs   the  i.r-^poscd  classification,  as   slightly  enlarged 
f'om  that  in  the  11'0.5 — 

A  .—  -Inj.-rl.Ki    »l./.v,s-,',s. 

r.  '.'I'n'm.liiif.   injections    (injt-cii-d  aloiiij  heddiii,)  planei). 
'.   Ir.'ru-ive   sheet.;,   homocroiioons   i.nd   differentiated. 
"1)   Sills, 

(1)  Simple. 

(2)  Multiple. 
(Z)  Composite, 

.b)  Interformational   sheets. 

HhfoH;  nf  Tilt:  riiu:r  .istroxuukk 


-■   ''"' '^'''--   li"nioK.n.-.Hi-   ill.. I 

(I)  Simple. 


(■J)   Miiltipl... 

Ci)    ('..ln|.ri^it,.. 

(i)   Iiif.TfMriiiaticiiiiil 
•1.  PhncoIitJis. 

II.  Pismnia,,!  i„;,rt!or„  i inject,:/  ,.,  rn..  hrdJin.,  ,.;,!,,,,). 

1.  Hikes.  Ii.mioircri.nii*  iin.l  (litTcrfntiiito.1 

(I)   Simp],.. 

f2)    ^^.|||ipIp. 

(•'!)   Compd^iff. 
-•  ApopUv>e8  or  t'Tij-'n.'s, 
■'!•  Uyjiiiiilith.s. 
4.  Noek>'. 
•'■'.  CliiiuiliilK. 



1.  Stocks  iiti.l  !„,->, 

(I)  Siinpl... 

(i)  Multiple. 

(■!)  Composite 
■i.  liiiilidlilh^,  |,,,„„ 

(1)  Simple. 

(:.')  Multiii.-. 

(3)  Corniwsite. 

li"Mi(.freiieoiis  ami  ilitTereiiliaU-<l. 

iretleoll-    ;lM.i    .Jiirer.Tll  i;,!,-. 

bathohth.c  form  and  relations  is,  therefore,  the  .liffieult  prelude  to  the  "omple  o 

understand.nff  of  the  injecto.l  bodies  whether  considered  with  re  neot  to  ^  rl 

geny  or  to  the  dynamics  of  their  injection.     If  the  hatholithic  prXm  h  !^lZ 

ve  shall  have  essential  facts  regarduig  the  origin  of  magmas.     For  th.'s  reason 

ont  c.pate  the  of  magmatic  .lifferentiatiun.  The  di,,cussion  will  bo  bS 
on  the  idea  ot  a  pnmary  aei.l  eiirth-helj  n,„l  „  l.n-al.j.-  -,1,  tr-itun.  It  will? 
.aen  that  a  multitude  of  field  and  lah.ratory  obserition.s  ngr  :'  su  ^rt  i" 
th  conception  as  well  as  the  hypo^'icis  of  abyssal  injection.  Tlfe  conSion 
wdl  be  reached  that  batholiths  «re  the  more  or  less  chen.ically  mod.fiod"op" 
-■'a      Vol.    jii — A  1 



i>t:i'MiTUt:.\T  nr  rut:  i\Th:h'i(>ii 

.     i 


A.   1912 

of  «bjr»««lly  injected  bo<lio«  >i(  li«8all.  Tho  mih  illor  injnli'il  iiniHitrB  m'  (Irimp  A 
ill  tho  cUsitification  nro  explained  us,  either  direct  offuhoota  from  tho  ubyasel 
basaltic  injections,  er  as  hatcll!te!»  Ircini  tl'O  seeondary  iiiBt(ii>;i  dev'lopotl  in 
batholltliio  chanib<<r8.  In  brief,  batliulith.'*  app<>a:  to  repreaoiit  ab.fMally  injected 
bodies  of  such  size  aud  original  tcinpvraturu  an  to  be  capable  of  aMiniilating 
largo  volumefi  of  tho  primary  aci  1  olipll  and,  on  m>caiiion.  notable  aiiiouiit«  of 
the  overlying  aediraenti. 

>f      II        IIIIIIIWII         I     I  I  nil  11 

'  ± JgJjtJjiMiagOT^ariJM  imfc-^  J- 

2  GEOHGL    \, 

SESSIONAL    PAPfR    No    25. 

A     t9-.-' 


TJ...     f«,ts    to    ho    explaim.l     l.y    a    (    .,1        ,.l...liih.     fal!     int.. 
hre«  <.Ias.o-   ficl..   r.i..-:,,M.   ,i„,..   r,.l«ti.mH.   nn,l   .I...,,,!,.       rMafiona.      Ar    th» 

may  well  aufn.-at.  the  th,.,.n.,i,.,|  .li..„.Hi,.„,     |,  „,,!  I Lm!..,,!  .h'".,,!  " 

Bii-l  lK)Ss.M  aro  rejfarde.!  an  only  Hiiiall  halholilh-  or  ;,s   ,,.,i-.    .f  I JHh.     ,nr 

Ml  Minny  ras,.s  will  not  b<!  8[K>ciaIly  naiiii'.l. 

viyA.u  ui:r,ATi()\s 

Thore  is  genera!  agr,.,..m.„t  that  ba.l,„!iths  aro  ,o  b.-  fo:n,,i  ,mlv  in  or 
on  ,1,0  .■nmc.liato  ho  .lor.  of,  moun.ain-bmit  rojfion,.  This  r.l..  ,.  „,  „cnera 
tha  >t  n.ay  bo  oallenl  a  law.  Almost  if  not  .|ui,..  a.  Kenornl  .«  the  rule  , ha 
ba,hol„hu.  ,„,r„sio„  to  obsorvcl  lovel.  in  a  .nountain-ran.o.  Mh.w  .ho  Hi l" 
of  an  oroKomc  paroxy.,,,;  ,h„u^h  flow  .Irnoturo,  and  gnoiss-.  «,ru..,„ro  ,„nv  ^ 
.ndnocl  .M  the  bathoh.h  in  tho  olosing.  weakor  sta,.-  of  tho  crustal  ,  u.  enLt 
r  '  <,>e.«.o  «,r..cturo  nu.y  bo  dimcult  to  .lifting,.!-!.  fr„n.  ,l,„t  duo  „.  .  liter 
r^e     n.lent  ,,er.o,l  of  crush.og.     Abundant  „f  tho  tuo  rules  are     otli 

!:',':  :p'Tl  «;'•;'««"•"'  ".'^'"."«^  ?'  '^^  «"lkirl<.  Columhia,  and  r-a.  ade 
-  -.v  .  i .  Kykort  hathohil,  ,«  the  only  ono  on  tho  K.rtv-uiMtli  l'.n:>\U\  „|,,-h 
M-jr,,  t,    .    vo  a  woll  (lovoh.po.l   i>riniary  fl.iw-Htru.-(uro. 

:•;  has   ever   seen   tho   JH.tton.   of   stook   .,r   hatholith.     Owin»f   .o    th. 

'  "    ■'"     ",     "'  "'  I""-"''"''  uphoaval  of  il arth's  oruM  .,U,^,.  l,as,h.>.|. 

■  vor  b.-.ii  ahlo  to  innotrat^.  nioro  than  six  lullo.  iiii,>  tl..-,  i„  i-^o 
■■■'•'I.  pen.  lrafo«  h^^s  than  thnv  niilo-,  I„  ^,„.h  ,.„„..  .|,..r.l.  n>  tii, 
...  a  surfaoo  near  the  t..p  ,.f  th,-  l«„ly.  Soniotinio-  or.-sion  hat 
-  .1  >u,-h  ^anitic  inasacs,  whos<>  presence  is  detecte.l  by  the  heavj 
.  -inufplusin  so  charaotoristi.'  ,.f  batholiths.  More  often  th-  roof  is 
troyed,  leavmg  broad  of  m.ta.norpho9e<!  roof  rook  .bout  the 
oupola-hko  intrusive,  an.l  ro,.f-,..n,l«nfs  within  it.  A  tino  ...x.-nph.  „f  ;,  ,mrh,!K 
uncovered  «fook  h  that  at  the  Dew.ln.y  trail  on  tho  sununit  of  the  .'Jelkirks 
(s,-..  page  20!.).  IVrhaps  the  n.aj..n,,v  .,f  ..xp..s..|  batholiths  hav,-  lo^t  tlx^r  roof, 
so  far  that  only  small  areas  of  the  p.-ndant»  r.nmi..,  while  the  mofamorphic 
aureol.«  has  the  narrowness  appropriate  to  the  wall  of  a  bath..lith  Not  oyer. 
one  roof-p,.„dant  is  known  in  ,ho  Coryell  batholith  of  the  Columbia  r,.n«' 
<>eo  (>a>r.'  :!".»<  and  mf  p  shcn.) 

With  deep  erosion  an.l  destruction  of  the  roof  the  molar   (main)     o-.  act  t.vp.oall.v  an  eniptioal  ground  plan,  though  it  is  often  irregular.    Disregard- 
I'.'a  -v.. I.   iii  -^471  7or, 






2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

iuK  the  a|>opliy8«>«,  tlio  molar-coiitnct  lino  is  usually  ii  llowinR  one  nnd  does  not 
t^how  sharp  Hiijrlos.  Wlicthcr  .•Ilipliciil  i.r  irn-ifiihir  in  (fn.niKl  plini.  the  lonpt'r 
axes  of  hatholiths  clmractcristii'aily  run  with  the  aviTafrc  looal  tr.'iuh  of  the 
respective  niountain-axcs  developed  in  the  erogenic  period  immodiati'ly  prooodinK 
the  intrusions.  The  butliolithic  axes  may  have  indefinite  relations  to  axes  of 
earlier  and  later  '-nistal  doforinalion.  In  the  Cordillera  the  ali-rninent  of  the 
Mo9ozoi<'  and  Tertiary  hatholiths  parallel  to  the  main  axis  of  the  ehain  is 
evident  in  the  geolo^ieal  maps  of  both  Canada  and  the  I'nited  States. 

The  downward  enlargement  of  stooks  and  hatholiths  to  the  niaxiniiiin  depths 
ixpo.sed  by  erosion  has  already  been  suffieiently  emphasized  and  illustrated  in 
the  description  of  the  Cascade  mountains  (pa^es  Il'S  an<l  101).  .Maii.v  additional 
<>xaniples  are  tigured  in  Upsius'  '(i.ologic  von  Deutschland,'  nnd  in  other  works. 

The  lover  limit  for  the  area  of  exi>osed  hatholiths  has  been  arbitrarily  fixed 
at  KK)  Hcpiiirc  kilometres,  but  in  very  many  I'ases,  stocks  or  bosses  are  with 
considerable  certainty  to  be  rcjrardcd  a^  merely  •'upoiii  offshoots  of  large  batho- 
litlnc  ,u;isse-,  which  by  continued  erosion  might  b<'  exposed.  Indeed,  it  may  be 
true  that  c'ery  stock  and  boss  is  but  part  of  a  batholith.  The  maximum  size 
of  pre-Ca'ubrian  bntholitlis  may  U;  greater  than  that  of  any  later  one.  The 
L.;tholi'ii  of  the  British  Cohimbia-Ala-ka  Coast  range  is  probably  the  most 
nxten-^ive  of  the  known  post-Cambrian  intrusive  masses.  It  is  mapped  as  about 
l,-J(Hl  iriilrs  lonir  aihl  ov.T  7.">  miles  in  average  width.  One  mu-l  susihmI  that 
this  innuensc  terrane  is  a  compositi^  of  several,  piThaps  many,  hatholiths  of 
different  ages. 

That  the  molar  contact  of  the  average  sto.k  or  batholith  cuts  across  pro- 
intrusion  structures  in  the  eountry-roek  is  another  obvious  fact.  This  cross- 
cutting  relation  is  foiuid  not  only  where  .-trong  (,'neisses,  schists,  and  massive 
rocks  compose  the  country-rock,  as  at  Mount  Ascutney,  Vermont;*  it  is  as  clearly 
Rhown  where  the  Castle  Teak  sfo.'k  truncates  the  soft  shales  of  the  ]rozome<>n 
range  (('a^e  l!C..)  A  multitude  of  su.'b  parall.U  piov.s  that  the  shapes  of  stock-^ 
and  hatholiths  are  not  controlleil  essentially  by  variations  in  the  strength  of 
the  invaded  formations;  we  have  swn  that  laccoliths  are  just  as  regularly 
located  in  zones  of  shales  or  other  rocks  more  easily  split  that)  tlwir  rcspe-tive 

Tlu!  cross-cutting  relation  of  hatholiths  is  sometimes  masked,  though  never 
annu'led,  liy  the  development  of  peripbiral  schistosity  or  cleavage  parall.'l  to  the 
molar  (main)  contacts.  The  best  illustration  in  tlie  lioundary  belt  is  found  in 
the  souther  i  contact  of  ib,.  lia.voune  batholith,  Selkirk  ninse  (Sim-  map  sheet  an. I 
page  2!t>J>.  Other  well  known  examples  occur  iu  the  Sierra  Xcvada.f  the  Klack 
llills.j:  nnd  the  Rainy  Lake  region  of  Ontario.^ 

As  a  rule,  hatholiths  lio  not  develop  iK-ripheral  cleavage  or  schistosity  in 
mark.'il  deforce  iior  cause  important  eh"nges  in  the  regioiud  strike  of  the  invailed 
formations.    The  large  scale,  detail(><l  maps  of  the  Kuroiiean  surveys  are  erowdo<l 

•  K.  A.  Dniy,   ni.Il.tiii   aw.   U.S.  <lcnl.  Survey,   ma. 

t  II.  W.  Turnpr.  17th  Ann.  Rop.  U.S.  Qeol.  ^urvpv,  Pt.  I,  1H9,5.«,  p    .-..W 

I<..   If.  \iin   lliso.  Kit),   Ann.   K.'|>  .   II. S    (icol.  Siirvov,   I't     1,   IsiH  .'.    p,.    Kl?  nnd  Sl.S 

S  A.  C.   I.awson,   Ann.   Kop.,  Upol.  iinil  Nut,  lli-it.  Siirv<<v.  Caniula,  isH?.  I'art  K   niap 

:.4lt-  -li:   ^v-a:  -. 


*jf=:j^  '■r'.^t^i?-*'  TBBPSJBBrwriK--  •>ai 

nt.ruRT  OF  rut:  cnn:h  .i.s/w-/.\..i/a7,- 



■'"-I"""   -  .•  II   tl„.  ..„...s.     N,„„..r.„„  ..,:„„„|.,,  „„,  ,„.  ,.„„„,   i,,  „      ,,„„  ,.,,,^^ 

"""'  '^'"•'■'^-      (■ "l^"  I'aK-'S   L'!.L'.   J!.!.,  :!„.!.    IJ,;  ;,,,    „;-     ^,__,,    ,,,.,,„  ^ 

It  i.  >,  tr„  .„,  ,|,a,  lm,h.,litl,.  ponrrally  have  w„l,.r  ,.„rool..«  of  o„nt«of 
■"-tM.norplMMn  ha.,  lacvoli.l.s.  or  tha„  other  inj-.M-t.-l  h,„li,..  1„  „„p„r"nUv 
"II  cases  as  we  have  not..i.  .he  i,„..„si,.v  of  ,he  ..,..,a„.orplMs„,  is  g  ea   T,      ,ho 

n.     >   In...  ,1  ,M  the  l...>,|,.n,.,v  ot  ,1,..  .„la.,l..  ,..,n.(it,„„.s  „|-  ,|„.  .„  ,  „lle,| 
..t  the  roof      S.nce  stocks  are  ^-....erall.v  ..upola  lik,.  masses  at   l.a.holithie  roofs 


iiatnolit  ]S.       Hilt     it    ri'iniliiu    im  .    il,    .    >i         i  .■  ' 

.I.Kos  «..,!  sheets,  tf  account  he  taken  of  tin-  ro/,n«,.v  of  ,u,„ma  invoh.-^ 

,"":   *•"■'   '"■-■""»-   ,n„l..r-t I   l,x    ;,-,:, „i,-^    tl,,,,    ,1,,.,.   i„i..   i,    I   1      I 

■'t   the  tiHie  of   ...tri.sion,  holler  tliaii   the  ■u..i-.Lr..  l,.,.i,   i-.i  •  -      •    ■• 

who.,   its  vM.I,.  n,oh.r  eo„taet   was  estahl    1  T  ,       „  :    7      "h   T"^r  ""; 

^_ho.t  ,.,  eouh,  pe.,etra,..  onh.  ah„„  .:^:lCtZ:\ZJ::,t:.  "v 
eriist   speaks  for  some  amount   of  s,.,vrheaf       I'h..  nr,*.,,,-     f  ,      •     ."  ^ 

.t   .ri.l....ite  (i..versio„  p„i„t  ah.,...  .\^r  C  )    i„       „  H^n  I,!    ,:';'"  l^^tf 

.'-yes   a   very   low    ......peratur,.    for   tt.eir   „..,.„..   a-    ,h,"        !^    ,.    L 'l  ^^     ^ 

u.  ,h.  ..ontaets.     The  low   te.npera.i.r..  a.   tha,   s,a...   i.   111..:  ," .       " 

'li:.ii  the  mn^'n.a  that  .•r.vstalli/e.l,     Th..  ra,-N  „f  .)„.  ii.,i,|  ,.,„    I    ,  l  ,i        k 

■i.-ti.  to  ,,,.estio,.  ,he  s,a,e...e„t  ,i,.„  „ x,s,  I,,;;;,!,;!  M,  t'''!,  r,,!;  T:!: 

^  a   l.,l,e,    a,  the  ol   ..ntlal  i,.tr..M-oM.     If  ,li.,  |,,,„oli,|,.  ..„..  ,|„„  .;  ,,,,/[, 
HJ.v,  o,.  ,  .kes.  sheets,  a,.,|  la.voli.hs,  wh,  .|,.,„1,1  ,hev  h,.  .,  ,mv.,  por 

■•..ole,l.    while   the   „,„oh    s.naller    h..lle~    are    a~    „r„.„    .univ ,|,.,P      Tl        '       , 

|,  Wear  if  i,  ,.,•  a.-,....e.l  th.t  th-  i„i,i.,,  ;::,:...  .  '  '  ,  ^^^ 
i.  h  was  as  h.Kh  as  that  of  ils  |,o„...,  s„,..lli,...  :„„|  „,„  .,„'„„,  „,..  h  i,!  ^  , 
..1    he  .,.ag,..a  of  ihe  „iai„  chamher  i„..orp,„a,e,i  oiass,:,  „,   ,he  '  ,     , 

In  tl 

with  a  rcUitircl 

'•"IKJitioil    of    tl 

lis  way  »'•!/■  eontacts  were  .„>.l 

1.1  suei-e<siiiii,  111 

II  .lari-ow  eoiilaet  niireole,  wa-,,hlish,..l  i„  the  f.ebl 

s|  on 

...atriiia   just    l„.fore  solid 

itl'-ati,.ii.       This    lh,urc!iral    .1...1 

"  I""''"l  ll^.t  it  is  rank...!  al,.nf.-si,l,.  of  tho  •  fart.  '  „f  |-,.;,1  ,,,| 

[(',  SUpiTC  >o 

net  i 

>l  .J 


Aiiioiiif   the   ••■nnn...ii.-t 



.us    .■.i,-k    l.oiiicsl     |„ 

|llill.<.lll..|l.|      .l-s, 

shaldriiifr  ni..!   (lian.ption    of 

lio-t    .if   ... 


I.h>.l  f, 

il     wi.ii     III,.     .■,,l,i.,,.l      ...,, 

i.iii.'iitiisi  i,  ii.jt  ,,r  ,,si, 

.•liioirs  on  e\olie  granite,  syenite,  diorile,  >..^ahl 

>r.i.afi.,i.s    al.,i.^,'    ih, 


Its  i.leal 

masses  eontain   references  to   this   parlienl 

TO.  and  .ilhir  il.',! 

Vili.pmciii,  o 

f  tl 

le   appeara.iee  of  tw( 

ar   !    lenoiil.'iio.i 


.nqsts,   in 

■ifv^iirrinu:,-,.n    tl,,.   h..m<.rene,.u-   main    horlv    ,,i 
•  iinrelinur  .■o"ntry-rock    iinafTeclr.l    hy   any   Mri.,u-    n 

'■iitrie  hrlls  of  mixed  roek 







*      i 


2  GEORGE  V„ A.   1912 

to  the  intrusion.    Both  belts  li,-  parallel  t<.  the  average  lino  of  contact  between 
tiie  intrusive  and  the  country-rock. 

Tlie  bi'It  more  remote  from  the  intrusive  body  id  peiierally  niucli  the  broader 
of  the  two  and  consists  of  country-rock  intersected  by  more  or  less  numerous 
apoptiyscs  from  tln>  main   iLrncfioH  mass. 

The  second  belt  is  composed  of  igneous  rock  enclosing  blocks  of  the  country- 
rock.  As  the  apophyses,  brciking  tin:  continuity  of  the  invadcl  formation, 
vary  enormously  iii  numlier  within  the  outer  belt,  so  the  l)]oeUs' 
bro:ikinjr  the  continuity  of  the  iKiicous  body,  show  the  (jreatcst  variation  in 
i!)un(bui''e.  This  belt  of  inclusions  varies  in  width  from  a  few  feet  to 
two  mile,  or  more.  The  blocks,  unless  very  close  toppther  and  jios.ce.isin'r 
thorouiriily  massive  structure  them.selves,  usually  show  dear  evidence  of  having 
been  shifted  out  of  their  former  relative  positions  in  the  invaded  formation,  so 
lliat  tli(  ir  i>r-ipinal  orientation  is  completely  lost.  There  are  transition  to  the 
outer  belt  through  the  gradual  iiiercaso  in  the  number  of  blocks  left  undisturbed 
from  their  original  orientation;  and  there  is,  of,  no  e.isily  fixed  boundary 
between  the  belt  of  inclusions  and  the  main  intrusive  body  in  which  eountry- 
roek  iiiehisions  are  noiinally  absent  or  very  rare.  The  inner  boundary  of  the 
belt  of  inclusions  is  often  dillleult  to  determine  in  the  case  of  stock  or  batholith 
so  exposed  to  view  by  denudation  as  to  furnish  a  land  surface  close  to  the  former 
roof  of  the  magma  chamber. 

Whi.tever  be  the  causes  of  the  disruption  of  blocks  now  found  in  the  belt 
o'  inclusions  those  causes  are  directly  connected  with  the  intrusive  bodv  itself 
rind  are  thus  not  external.  The  belt  is,  for  example,  not  due  in  the  normal 
•aso  to  the  injection  of  magma  into  rock  coarsely  brecciated  by  regional  dynamic 
movements  ip  the  earth's  crust.  Movements  of  that  sort  tend  generally  to  brec- 
riate  rock  along  straight  or  open-curve  lines  an<l  would  not  necessarily  follow 
the  -..uiplex.  sinuous,  ejosed-eurve  line  of  contact  such  as  lieloiii;s  to  a  Vlul"nie 
body.  There  is  certainly,  on  the  other  hand,  a  genetic  relation  between  the  belt 
cf  inclusions  and  tiie  re|)lacement  of  the  country-rock  by  great  bodies  of  intruded 
magma  almost  or  (luite  free  of  foreign  fragments.  Many  authors  speak  of  the 
inclusions  as  having  been  'torn  off'  or  'carried  up'  by  the  ascending  magma, 
without,  however,  showing  the  po^^ildllty  of  such  a  process  when  correlated  with 
the   apparently   deninn-itrated    li'iuidily   of   plutoiiie   magmas. 

Some  of  the  bloeks  wiihin  the  belt  of  inclusions  have  uncjucstionably  been 
tiiKittMl  out  or  •^unli  frnni  the  molar  iMiitaeJ,  after  those  peiliuus  of  tlie  eo'^iintry- 
rock  have  been  completely  surrounded  by  magma  of  the  main  body  and  of  anas- 
tomosing apophyses.  But  there  arc  reasons  for  cjncludlng  that  apophyses  of 
;.n  aliuudancc  inateljing  the  "ountless  iiudiisicms  of  many  internal  (■(jutael-ljelts. 
were  not  formed  simply  by  reason  of  hydrostatic  pressure  forcing  magma  into  cr.acks  or  fissures  in  the  country-rock.  The  comlitions  reigning  at  the 
'ontact  imply  the  exhibition  of  a  difTerent  source  of  energ>- — one  which  many 
geologists  have  incidentally  credited  with  the  shattering  effect.* 

•  These  and  many   following  paragraphs  are  adapted  from  the   writer's  papers  ou 
The  Mechanics  ef  litneoufs  Iiitru-iioii,'  American  Jour.  Science,   Vols.   15  and  It;    l<io:| 
snd    Vol.  36,   1908.  ' 

D^,ariigBnfU|ri»^  I'-I^WIHSSQiiSirV'KsJffi^'W 

REPORT  OF  THK  rillKF    !.--TffO.VOWP« 



McConncll  lopfr  ngo  noted  the  remarkaMt"  sluitter-lwH  bounding  the  Trail 
batholitli  in  the  C'oliinihin  HIvit  vnllcy.  (  S...»  Shr-it  Hi.  \,.^i  cnspiciou-i  ca^.- 
occur  in  many  other  parts  of  tho  Hniiiiihiry  -n  In  o.istcrii   .Ma->a(hiiSftt- 

these  lielts  sonictinus  cover  su  many  square  iiii'  .-ether  that  we  must  believe 

that   main   hathoiithic  mus-cs   lie  heneatli.   at  mo.l.rate   ^lepthn.      The   lust 

published  example  of  a  small  ^'ranite  b,itho!ith  uaiiped  with  tii.i  distinct  pur- 
pose of  illiistratinjr  a  sliatter-zoiie  is  doubtless  that  due  to  the  labnur.s  of  f'osti- 
an.l  White  in  the  Madoe-Marmora  .Minirur  Di-triet  of  Outario.+  A  reduc^l 
copy  of  this  map  \va>  pii!  lisla-d  in  Voluiu.-  I'l  ,:{  Ma-  American  .I.Mirnal  ^f 
Science  (llioa,  jiaKo  ilR). 


The  rule  that  batlioi'tliie  and  st..,'k  intriision-  t.i  .il,.rrv,d  b^veU 
always  follow  the  c''  aax  o!  orofrenic  movements  is  recoeni/ed  by  all  j-'coloKists 
»i.n  have  had  wide  cxikTieuco  in  tho  study  of  granites.  This  sysfennitic  time 
■i.-'i.on  seems  to  hohl,  with  some  possible  exceptio'is,  from  tho  latest  Tertiary 
back  to  the  da.e  of  tho  yenngist  pre-Cambrian  jrranitea  cuttinR  bedded  rockn. 
Tho  rule  may  not  apply  to  many  of  the  pro-Cambrian  batholiths,  which  seem 
to  have  been  under  seven  erogenic  pressure  during  their  actual  intrusion. 
Moreover,  the  greater  n>imber  of  mapped  pie-f'ambrian  ba»hoiith3  do  not  show 
the  same  rigour  of  alignment  parallel  to  distinct  omgcnic  axes  i.s  that  character- 
izing the  later  batholiths.  The  early  jire-Cambrian  conditions  of  ititriision 
may,  tlierefore,  have  ditTered  in  certain  essential  ways  from  the  ruling  post- 
Cambrian  condition?. 


Most  batholiihs  are  granitic  in  composit',..;  Some  of  the  largest  arc  com- 
posed of  trranodiorite  or  ipiart/  diorilr  \  tew  ^m.i'i  batholitli,-  ar.-  .-yi  iiitie. 
The  iiuge  anorthosite  masses  of  eastern  Canada,  New  York  State,  and  Scandin- 
avia may  have  true  batholilhic  form  and  flcM  relations,  but  this  is  not  certain. 
Xo  large  body  of  iiii,,r\lio-iti'  of  date  later  than  the  Silurian  is  while 
the  majority  are  of  pre-Cantbrian  dates.  Stock-  have  much  greater  range  of 
composition,   including  the  series   from   true  diorite  to  aplitic  granite,  various 

types    of    S.veuite,    nelilalit,.    -Vrllite.    nioll/ollite.    et,-. 

It  is  noteworthy  that  no  undoubted  batholiths,  which  are  chemically  e  i.iiva- 
lent  to  normal  basalt,  seem  ever  to  have  been  mapped.  Timt  effusive  magma 
which  occurs  in  the  largest  (luantity,  and  with  such  wonderful  uniformity  of 
cheuiiea!  constitution,  is  iio(  direetis-  npre-ented  :,uion-  the  lartrer  sul'ja'cent 
bodies.      Kveii   small   gabbro   stocks   are  e.xtreniely    rare,    if,    inili'<i|,    litiy   e\i-t. 

V/ithin  the  writer's  knowledge,  no  large  batholith  is  known  in  a  pctrogra- 
phic  province  which  does  not  carry  dikes  or  other  injected  niass.\-i  of  basaltic 
composition   (diabase,  porphyrite,  gabbro,  or   basalt  >. 

t  Oeol.  and  Nat.  Hist.  .Surv.  of  Canada,  i-'-i-pial  aheet ;  t  mile  to  1  inch    pnb'ishod 
without  text,   1»B6. 



i>f:i-.\,nMf:\T  of  thk  imkhioh 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

f  3",''°'"°"''i?''^  "'■  ''""  "'"^^^  batholith  i„  its  visible  portion  is  worth r 
of  note.  The  .tr^s.  contii,  being  laid  o„  evidences  of  differenda  on 
1«W  :  ^1"'""  -'^«'t«-  ■.^-.■.-....ation.  ot..,)  i.  i,.  danger  of  obscuring  this  pS 
pal  fact.  The  borno,..,..,,.  .4  one  ,.,  those  b.rp-  m„ss..,,  when  viowed  if,  true 
«cale.  ,.  ,..>»parablP  „.  ,hat  i„  .queous  .,aIt-soI„ti„„,,  i„  laboratorv  vessels      The 

r^"a  r"-^^  ";r"  '"f  ""V^"  "^  ^^^^^^  ""■•^^  •"^J^-''  -«^t  periods  of  titne 
ami  -ast  ^t^^- ,.t  W„;  to  keej,  th.-  .  .g,„a  tluid  for  the  distribution 

ehe»»;r:::;^ion"'"""    -    -^^'^'^'"^  •'^^'^'^"^  ^^-  -'^  countr^-rocks  in 

ihPor^  '"T  !!'M""'"'  '^''""'''■"'  '■■'«"'-"'-  '^'"■'•1'  need  to  be  explained  by  any 
heory  o!,..  intrusion.  n,i»h-  here  be  drawn  up.  but.  to  save  repetition 
he^d.scuss„-.n   W.11    be  tr-n-lerred    to   the   followinj^  theoretical    seotions   on 

niafrmatie  iis^imilnhon  .:i,d  ditTerentiation, 


in  „mHll''fl^''"''^  n.^iewed  tne  tunip  facts  to  he  e-M-h-incd,  we  tnay  now  proceed 
t"  outline  the  ^,•  tlioon,.*  whieli  have  l)een  proposed. 


II  M'. 


m«„^«    ^''    •   .   ^r''"^'-';  ^""''1  -^^enci  the  laeeolithie  idea  to  nianv,  if  not 
^  grantuc  .ntrus.on-      Accordinglv.  the  chambers  filled  with  suei/   g^eous 
»*s«es  are  interpreted  as  the  product,  of  -^r^.tn    displacetuent.     The  pla^e!" 
«^e  groat   faults   may     .„   tht   wav,   k-oom,.    ...  locus   of   the   subterranean 
^i°r/  '"^^f.  ^-c'l^-ng  way  alon^  by  hydrostatic  or  other  pressure 
lite  well-known     ta.lure  to  m.>c.  '  of  the  heaved  and  thrown  sides  permit    of 
BO  ex^stenc^-f  potent...;  e..         nlied  with  tnarnn  d.ring  the  strong  d^oca- 
otto  the  ,'"■       H    r"''^  """'"        •  '^'  ^^""•^'^■•i"*^'  of  larK-e  blocks  of  fhe  crust. 
Strushn*    o'    f     1,""  •  ■  ■;,"■■    ^'  "'■    '-■•"""'^■•"'  «'  ^«^°'-'^'"*^  f°«^=Wo  modes  o 
oTthThri  ?•„;"•"•  '^  ^""•^^'•"^^'  '"  'l^e  well-known  conclusions  of  Brogger 
on   th..  (hn,t,ana    re^,..        ,,.,    ,n:      ,.    „f   .,:„n:e   h.nv,    been   es,.!ninecl   .s 
true  c«p.seated  la^rcolitn..  partm.    ,envy  st,..„a  .'ter  the  m.mner  of  the  traehvte 
of  tre  Heatry  mouuta.ns.-f  »<".»«; 

V-^  i-  .-  from  .  surrey  of  ^....iMKurui  liter.,... re.  ihat  the  lield  evidence 
for  s*-  »  .»c.*  .s  but  f.^g.tivB  in  the  great  majority  of  .tneks  and  b.-thcliths 
^'J  .  '  "'  ""^  T""*  bccoliths.  since  tho.v  -haracteristicallv  oeeur  ".„ 
r^^m  of  gn-«  structural  complexitv,  w^„-,re  ipnootn  contacts  have  none  hut  the 
m.K.  wroote  i^^pathy  with  the  sjruc.ural  r.lanes  of  any  one  bedded  series 
M«y  ar*  much  toe  lar^e  ar  !   irre^L.r    a  form  to  be  explained  t,,  xL  result 

o  "A:^' r^.""^''  ^"^~  ■*■  '"'^'"^  '^^  '^'^  '-''"^'-'3  intersect  ,'g  f a  ,!u 
L^«t  i!l  ?  r  "'  "•'"  ^'^^«^^  *«ib«.-block  have  been  generally  sought 
fw  :s  v«»  about  tLo«.  ^eat«-'  of  all  critic     assifs.    For  the  latter  no  other 

J    T\dii>2^lf^^i^^  Erupta«e«.«,  dw  KristiaDiagebiptes.^K  V    1R95    n    lis" 
^  ^.  C.  Fr^K«.r.     p.    -.t.,  ?   152  ' 

Kt:i'()RT  Of  rut:  ciiirr  .{sii;n\i,\it:ii 

1 31 


nWrl       r"  r"""  "**'""'  ^r  ''"■  ""•"'■■^'  ""•""-'•     •^"  "'-  o""T  I'n..,].  every 
observer  who  Im,  even   a  small   ac„„ai„.,,n..o  with   orystallino  ,.rra„e.  of    he 
sort,   >s  now  and   again   sfnu-k   with   th,.   -vid-ncs   tha'    the  pranitie! 
"S'^t!^    "l^'^''  °'  ^^"''r  r«'"^  '-'"'  '"■'"'  --"->■  -  '•••   I'-nd- "f  h 
nivad,..l    format,,.,,.,    the    ..■rv^,,!:,,-   Rr„„„d-,.Ia,...    a„d    th.    lu  .-,.  '  i,„„  r.|i„     ,,,, 
TrllTl  '""   '"'"  /H  <^".'':'fy->ocks.   whieh   ar^   „ndi,,„rb.d   cithe'r    in    dip   or 
strike,  are  among  the  fam.har  phenoM.nna  indi-ating  that  su.l,  n.apma.s  aetively 
aggressnely   -mad.,   tho.r   w,,^-   in    the   world'  hy   the   L-reguIar   re.noval   o    '£ 
invaded  formations,     'i  he  latter  look  a.  if  they  had  W.,,  a.  it  wre    '„"  oS 
on  a  huge  eeale.  iu'weii 

The  'laccolithic'  l,ypothe~:-  tinds  no  support  ,-.  the  laets  ai.eady  h- „„ed 
concerning  the  greater  intrnsive  bodies  of  the  I5oi,nd„ry  belt.  It  is.  for  exa.nple 
v.rtnally  .neonceivabie  that  the  Okanajran  e.m.posit,.  hath,.!i,h  e„„!d  have  been 
<levelo,.ed  in  its  present  size  and  relations  by  ,>,er,.  injeotio,,.     It  the  older  ro 'k 

parte.!  s„,.,.,.-.,  t  ■  .In,,:   ,h,.  I,,,.,.  ,„., ,'  ,u,.  , ,.,  , v;„„,|,,„„  ,,„';* 

(athedral  masses,  the  traces  of  these  .--issions  must  be  hft.  yet  none  has  been 
diseovere,!     How  any  one  of  then.  co.h!.  like  a  laccolith  or  l,lfe  some  eh    u,l  t, 
ent  r  Us  e!,aml,or  by  l,ft,n^  its  mof  wi,l,o„,  somewher,-  l,n>aK^,s  through  to  th^ 

earth-    Sl,,-):„v.    ,-    :!    |,:v/l..    ,,,    -,,v     ||„.    1,,,,.,.  '^  ""° 

Those  Who  SO  lightly  apply  this  hypothesis  have  uM,aliy  ned.vted  to  prove 
or  even  discuss  the  nature  of  the  structure  whid,.  for  i,athoiiths  is  the  e'piiv,  -' 
lent  of  n  weak  zone  i„  the  Hc.ry  Mo„„tai„s.  The  ,v,,icat  lacnlith  w,  s 
intruded  „,  strat,t5ed  ro.-k  and  i„  „,.  ea-iiy-plit  „„■'  „t  ,l„]e  What 
>s  the  analogous  (suLd,oriz,,ntal)  cr,:,tal  structure  whirl,.  ,„.  this  hvoothesis 
imist  be  antecedent  to  ti,c  in,i..etion  of  the  tr..atcr  bodies-  Tl.c  ^^rauite.s  .'haracter- 
ist.cftlly  appear  i„  ,1,,,  ,..,mpl.  dy  folded  tcr,anos  whici,  are  cx-eptionallv  stron- 
-Many  lanre  pranitic  masses,  lik,.  the  Cathedral  batholith.  ,s.-e  paye  m  and  map)' 
lia-e  broke,,  through  moi-e  or  less  massive  i.l„to:,i,.s.  Tla  lac,.,,litl,i,.  hvM,,tbes;s 
implies  the  abundant  recurrence  of  a  relatively  lla,  pl,„„.  „f  weakness  •,  frac|i„n 
of  a  mile,  or  a  few  miles,  below  the  surfarc  of  the  nioi,m„i„  v.av,'  Wbv  i, 
slioul.l  occur  there,  or  how  d<, -eloped,  has  „f,ver  been  suppcsfe'l. 

This  hypothesis  is  powerless  to  explain  the  field  relations  of  the  Castle  Peik 
sock,  the  stocks  of  the  Selkirk  rang.,  in  the  Boundary  bch,  o,-  manv  others  of 
(he  smaller  grai„t,.-  bo,  ,n  the  b,.]-.  These  are  s,,,,]]  ,.„o„sh  t;  admit  of 
rather  complete  d,a,.:nos,.s,  y.t  in  ,.o  ca.e  is  there  any  ground  for  the  explana- 
tion by  pure  injection.  LarR.  or  .mall,  batholiths  or  stocks,  th.  prnnitic  bodies 
along  the  I-orty-ninth  Parallel  must  be  oth.^rwise  imdei-stood. 

'XfAIitilNAL   A.SS|\III.\TI<)\  '    ffvPOTIIKSIS. 

Tlie  ii,-i,fHcie,n,.y  of  (ho  piirc-inj.-.-i  o.,,  liN|,ut!a-is  i,;,-  , ■■,:■.,.,!  .,  ,,.  „  | 
^ohool  of  geologist,  to  empbasi/e  a  h.vpothesis  of  slow  caustic  action  bv  magmas 
that  have  advanced  into  the  overiying  earth-crust  by  their  own  energetic  solvent 
action  on  the  walls  an.i  roofs.     Additional  evid.nce  for  the  truth  of  this  con- 


/<A.7M/iTl/A.'\T  OF  Tllh:  ISTKRIOH 

2  GEORGE  V„  A.  1912 

tentiou  is  sought  in  the  facts  of  tho  internal  contacta,  at  which  inaRinns  arc 
aometitnes  sccii  to  he  modified  by  the  incorponilion  of  the  countryrooi,.  This 
second  view  doubtless  appeals  the  innn-  strongly  to  the  majority  of  tho-c 
(;oolosiol3  who  ln\e  nciiially  to  do  with  >rrunitic  bodies  in  the  field.  In  fact,  the 
impre-^sion  has  previiilcil  among  some  ol  them  that  the  '  laccolithic  theory'  is  as 
widely  hehi  as  it  is  because  of  its  apparent  necessity  in  tlie  prevailing  theory  of 
rock  diffcnntiatiin.  .ct  it  must  be  considered  as  conclusively  proved  for  the 
grout  majority  of  stocks  and  batholitl^  investigated,  that  analysis  has  not  yet 
shown  that  the  second  or  '  assiniihition  '  theory  really  meets  its  own  crucial  test, 
tha  chemical  and  iiiineralogical  blood-relationship  between  the  average  intrusi-e 
rook  an(i  its  country-rock  alon;;  their  mutual  contact.  Currents  within  the 
magma  would,  of  course,  tend  to  remove  and  diffuse  products  of  assimilation 
from  molar  eoutacts;  but  it  is  extremely  doubtful  that  they  co\i]d  so  completely 
mask  the  expc'ted  rcstdts  of  the  process  as  is  over  and  over  again  illustrated  in 
r.nturo.  No  sinsk  fact  concerning  granite,  for  example,  is  more  striking  than 
Its  astonisliiiig  homogeneity  in  contact  with  argiUite,  limestone,  crystalline 
schist,  or  basic  i;:neous  formarion — a  homogeneity  that  persists,  too,  from  contact 
to  center  of  the  eruptive.  In  the  very  common  case  where  the  assimilated 
product  is  more  iicid  than  tlie  original  magma,  it  would  tend  to  rise  through 
the  latter,  slowly  diffusing  in  the  journey.  The  iipper  part  of  the  magma  basin 
slioul'l,  for  that  rea-^on,  I'ecome  tilled  with  mixed  magma  more  silicious  than 
the  original,  ireterogencity,  even  stronger  vertically  than  horizontally,  would 
bo  exp.'ctcl  in  a  diorite  or  gabbro  nuignia  cutting  crystalline  schists,  or  in  a 
granite  niagmn  cutting  heavy  beds  of  sandstone  or  qtiartzite.  True  thermal 
c. f.\c';i"n  currents  niu-t,  under  these  conditions,  bo  greatly  weakened  by  the 
jtron)^  differences  in  dctisity  of  the  original  magma  and  the  niiigina  diluted,  so 
to  <p -ak,  by  more  -ilicioii<  ii}atorial.  In  ih.-  ali-^ru.M',  tlieii.  of  tlio  .aily  kiu'i 
ef  current  likely  to  be  sot  up  in  the  process  of  cooling  and  mere  caustic  solution 
■n  molar  contacts,  t!ie  diffusion  of  the  diluted  magma  woidd  take  place  onV  with 
extreme  .slowne>-i.+  Yet,  up  to  the  present  time,  this  con=e(iuence  of  con- 
siderable vertical  beterogot-eity  under  the  stated  conditions  has  not  been  demon- 
strated in  nature.  Tiic  recorded  field  di3<'overies  point,  on  the  contrary,  to  a 
distinct  failure  of  the  known  facts  to  match  the  deduction  from  the  thcor.v.  The 
few  proved  in-tances  of  endomorphic  changes  of  magmas  by  as.similalion  (e.g., 
ill.'  i;;aiiit,'  ;if  tli,-  I'yrrnr.',  .jcsiril'-d  l.y  l.aeroix)  serve,  l.y  iboir  r..:i-iucuou- 
and  exreptienal  nature,  to  siiow  that  granitic  if  they  have  'made  their 
own  way'  at  all.  liave  u-uaily  .lone  so  in  some  manner  different  from  merely 
assimil.iting  the  invaded  fornuitions  on  molar  contacts. 

.\  uiaiii  l.'alMi-i-  wf  ihr  o\], Ligation  by  niar;rina!  a-^>iiiidal  ion  i-  ijir  inuMonsi 
-upi-riii  .It.  ilemaii  !oil  in  tin-  iiiaL'nia.  If  the  solution  af  invaded  fornnitiona  is 
dincilv  perfornii  !  by  the  liiiuid  rock,  the  available  superheat  must  be  speedily 
oxhuu.^led  in  supplying  the  latent  heat  repre.-ented  in  the  solution,  to  say  noth- 
ing ..!'  the  losij  by  conduction  through  the  earth's  crust.  The  latent  heat,  accord- 
ing !  1   Vogt   mid  others,   is  at  least  20  per  cent  of  iho  total   melting  heat   in 

tCi.  tl    1     lii.kiM-,  \u.rr.  .Iiair.  Sci.,   Vol.  3.  p.  .TO,  1897. 

iiii'inn  f,r  Tin:  nntr  i.^ri,-iiM,\tn; 



fluid  lava.  There  is  no  reason  t,.  bfliovo  tliaf  o)t..tlurinic  rvactiou^  an-  .,(  unv 
inorat.nt  under  the  conditions.  Since,  ns  wo  have  seen,  vortical  oiirr.nt.  are 
^oon  ii.hiliitid.  the  confiniianoe  of  solution  at  the  roof  waits  on  oondii.tion. 
Unless  we  postulate  a  degree  of  superheat  utterly  without  parallel  in  the  hotto.f 
\oleanoPt*,  sticii  a-  at  Kihiuea.  at  Mauna  Loa.  and  at  Matavanu,  Savaii,  Mie 
extensive  solution  implied  by  tiiis  h.vpotho-iis  i<  inipossiblo. 

The  fav<,rite  coiieeption  of  the  Fron.h  proIoBisIs,  that  the  ne.vssarv  ..solution 
of  the  roof  rock^^  has  b-en  due  to  tlio  influimc-  of  jiv,nile  g  ,».■»  (aonitx 
mni-rnUsdl.ur^i.  rathor  than  to  diroot  •^..luli..,,  i,,  li,,„i,|  xuiy^invA.  U  lik'owi-r 
diffirnlt  to  a.'.',.,,!.  l!oo„u-,.  tho  s;..,.iti,.  boat  of  a  ^Ms  at  hnv  i,rrs,urr.  i-  oxtr. 
-mad  as  coniparod  with  that  of  rock-inattor,  we  perceive  that  a  (niite  in.Trdiblo 
amount  of  jjas  is  neoessary  to  li(|uofy  thousands  of  feet  of  roof  r,.ck  by  blow- 
pipinfc',  or  V  its  mutual  solution  witii  the  Ra-;,  There  i^  no  jf,  n-ral  physical 
cause  for  a  return  of  gas  t,,  tho  .Jepths  after  it  has  done  its  solvent  work.  It 
must  colicct  at  the  batholitbic  ro„f  cither  free  or  di38<.lvod  in  the  syntooti,- 
magma.  In  either  ease  its  tension  must  inenase  and  when  the  acoumulation 
approaches  the  limit  implied  in  the  hypothoM.,  tlio  gas  pressure  mn.t  rise  far 
beyond  that  which  the  earth's  crust  could  endure.  The  fact  is  that  vol.'anio 
action  is  not  always,  nor  oven  L-onerally,  the  result  of  batholithjo  intrusion. 
We  know  that  tho  inii'iiod  or'i.^t.i!  .Mtasf n.phos,  ind.'llniloly  -roal-r  thmi  Kraka- 
t(.an  oxplo-i,,n-.  Inivo  ih.I  ..•ourro  I  in  jn-t-t  ■:irn'.ri,ni  Ijin.'  :it  1  i-i.  .1  i.v.iiil,. 
gases  may  bore  the  holes  at  volcanic  vents  and  they  have  doubt  loss  aidod  -oine- 
wliat  in  the  underground  solution  of  ro<-k :  Init  it  seems  impossible  to  boliove 
that  Ihoy  arc  tlie  leading  agents  in  fashioning  batholithie  ohambers,  evon  f,,r  the 
moderate  depths  oxposed  by  erosion. 

Tho  old  idea  that  balholiths  aro  simidy  goosynolinal  siMJimojits  which 
have  boon  fused  by  tho  of  the  isogootlionns,  ha,  boon  roo,nt|v  revived  by 
llaiK.'.*  Spa.-o  i,-  laokin-  for  tlii'  full  dis,.|,s-i.>ii  ,.f  tlii-  -p,  .■ulatiuu,  n-r  at  tlii- 
'\a^  is  it  necessary  to  lay  the  ghost  again.  A  few  roniarks  will  -u!!:.-,.  to  sliow  its 
inapplicability  to  the  batholiths  on  tho  Forty-ninth  I'aiallol. 

The  Rocky  Mountain  geosynclinal  is  one  of  the  thickest  on  roc.rd.  Oustal 
movements  hav(>  expo  ed  its  low.r  beds  at  many  jioints;  yet  they  arc  not  fusod. 
The  same  i-  true  of  the  basal  beds  of  tho  Cretaceous  gcosynoljnal  of  the 
IIo7onicen  range  an^l  California,  each  nearly  "O.oOD  feel  thiok.  On  the  othor 
hand,  many  batholith-  have  appeared  in  deformed  geosyn.linaU  of  nnioh  h^ss 
thickness.  Kxainplo-  av  soon  in  the  Coryoll  batholith  and  tint  wliloh  hu.s  so 
many  satellites  in  the  IJoundary  Creek  di,trio!  of  the  Cohunbia  ranro. 

Again,  the  spooul.ition  may  be  ili-missed  because  of  its  maniiVst  failure  to 
piovido  tho  noccs-^ary  heat  supply.  Tho  lowering  of  the  'fusion-point'  of 
average  sediments  liy  admixture  of  the  'agents  minor.ilisatour- '  <mii  l.ardly  bo 
supposed  to  give  a  magmatio  tcmporafuro  bolow  .'•.OOO  for  a  balhcliih.  Yot  no 
known  geosynclinal  is  thiok  enough  to  have  assumed  this  temporal  ore  in  its 
lower  beds  through  the  rise  of  the  i-o^'eothorms.  Ilaug  does  not.  therefore. 
osjrntially  improve  the  speculation  by  an  appeal  to  'he  rather  mystical  •agents 

•  E.  HauR,  Traits  de  G^oIokip,  tonio  1.  r..ris.  IW:,  p,  188. 




2  GEORGE  v..  A.  -912 
niiniTjli»uteur3.'  Moreover,  every  batliolitli  occurring  in  tho  Forty-ninth 
Parallel  socticin  is  clearly  exotic  wiiii  rflp-rt  t.  the  stirronndinR  f.)r^int^o^?. 
Thii  cxotrc  relation  applies  not  »iily  to  sutellitio  off-hnots  but  al-o  to  the  main 
hoilios  e\p.-.o.I.  In  this  resp-.-ct,  as  in  many  others  not  hero  mentioned,  the 
comliineil  intliience  of  miiuralizin^.'  aR.rits  an.l  of  the  basal  warniinc  of  per- 
•ynclinnls  cannot  neeount  for  the  ;^ranifie  masses  i.f  (lio  noun<iiiry  belt. 

f^  II  III 

Hvi'dTIIKSIS    i.K     MAr.MMI,-    SldlMSi;. 

M-ir(-7/.-  The  pener;il  statf.iient  of  tliis  hy|.othesis  Mi:iy  he  e.,nvcniently 
<liiotea  from  the  thinl  of  the  uriter"-^  papers  .,ii  the  '  Me.himies  i.f  iK'Heuus 

1.  Each  aci<l,  batholithic  mafrma  has  reached  its  present  position  in  the 
earth's  crust  laigel^v  tlirouRli  the  siiceessive  engulfimnt  of  suites  of  bloeks  broker 
out  of  the  roof  anil  walls  i  '  the  batholith. 

2.  Till!  blocks  (xenolitiis)  are  eompletcly  iiutnei-ed  in  the  magma,  partly 
through  th"  euntluenco  of  apophyses  which  have  been  injected  on  joints  and 
olher  planes  of  weakness  in  the  country-roek;  more  often  the  bloeks  represent 
thr  eflfeet  of  shattering,  due  to  the  obviou-^ly  uneqial  iieating  of  the  solid  rock  at 
ningmatic  contacts. 

3.  The  "'inken  blocks  must  be  dissolved  in  'he  depth-  of  tiic  riginal  fluid, 
ni.ifc'nialie  !■    'v,  with  ll.e  fiiri)i:ili f  a  -ynlc  tie.  se.'..;iiliiiy  nint;nia. 

•t-  The  visible  ro^'k  of  each  pranite  batholith  or  stock  ha.s  resnltel  from  the 
differentiation  of  a  syntectie  magma. 

In  applyin;,'  tho  hypothi'sis  to  the  explanation  of  ai'tual  field  oceurrence= 
oilier  ueu.  ral  considerations  seem  iieee^-ary.  Stoo;!!;.'  and  ahyssal  assimilation 
tn  the  bilholithic  sealc  are  bcRun  by  the  primary  basaltic  niapina.  This  nungmf. 
enrries  the  heat  re.inired  for  tlie  double  action.f  The  source  of  the  magma  is  tc 
be  found  in  the  Kcneral  basaltic  substratum  bene.ith  tlie  r-arlli's  so'id  crust. 

These  subsidiary  element-  of  the  problem  here  to  bo  discus-ed  have  beer 
<lescribed  in  the  tlrst  infru.-i 'i;  paper  and,  more  fully,  in  the  later  conimunieatioT. 
on  'Abyssal  Igneoits  Injection.'*  Xo  one  of  these  additional  conceptions  is 
essential  to  the  idea  of  sloping  H'r  Si .  .Ml  of  them  may  prove  incorrect  witho;;- 
invalidating  the  stoping  hypothesis  in  its  main  feature.  Combining  them  and 
tlie  idea  of  stoping.  the  writer  has  constructed  a  general  working  hypothesis  for 
the  origin  of  the  igneous  rocks.  It  seems,  therefore,  expedient  in  the  present 
(Lapter  to  discuss  the  problem  in  Its  larger  aspect. 

Believing  that  as-imil-if ion  by  m  e.:inatie  aelion  of  some  kind  is  re,ponsibU 
fjr  praetically  all  the  chambers  occupied  by  those  intrusive-i  with  which  h^-  . 
luo'v  or  less  intimately  aequninted,  the  writer  has  sought  for  field  evidence  as  to 

•  American  .'ournal  of  Scionop,  Vol.  a6,  1908,  p.  19. 

*  Ak'ain  it  may  be  noted  that  the  qreftion  whether  ,:ie  suhstraturn  is  actually  c.r 
only  potentially  fluid  is  not  in  this  coniipctic  n.  The  ohservcd  riijiilitv  of "  tht 
planet  niny  be  due,  not  to  its  beinK  a  true  snliil,  but  to  the  direct  ir.flii'>n{,  of  (fravitv 
whirh  binds  the  earth-shells  so  effectively  that  bodily  tides  are  almost  wln.Uy  prevpntp'i 
In  an?  case  rigidity  and  solidity  are  not  sTnonvmons  terms, 

JAmer.  Jour.  Science,  Vel.  22.  1!106,  p.  195." 

KF.I'ORT  (If  THK  rtllFF    \s IK>i\,,\iy.K 


3£i3lONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

•>1  Other  nny  other  sort  of  assimilation  ii  i.,wMblc  than  that  bv  oauatic  or  sulvciif 
action  of  a  i.iaKina  on  its  roof  anJ  walN.  Such  information  is  foun-l  in  •!:.. 
ame  internal  contact-belt  where  the  general  failure  to  prove  solutional  absorp- 
Mon  of  the  roimtry-rock  has  been  so  often  rcportml.  Within  that  belt  it  is  the 
rule  to  fin.l  oft.n  very  numerous  blocks  of  the  inva.le.l  rocks.  Those  have  us.iallv 
the  following  c'laracteriatica:  varying  <w,  angular  or  subangul  -  outline's 
against  the  eruptive  rock,  which  is  essentially  unmo<lifie.l  even  close  to  the  con- 
tact with  each  Mock;  sharp  contacts  with  the  eruptivo.  in  which  the  blo.ks  ar.- 
■-•orapletet-  immersed;  a  normally  high  rTystallinity  and  inereased  density  «.  ■, 
result  of  contact  metnmorphism.  Very  often  they  -how  that  thev  huve  mov. 
.)Ut  short  .liataiiees  from  the  niches  they  once  occupied  in  wall  ..r  r.,of  The 
molar  contact  i.  similarly  sharp.  It  may  preserve,  with  exceeding  .I,.finit,.,,e8s 
the  sharp  corners  left  when  the  blocks  were  ritted  otT.  I'assinK  inwards,  i,  i,  an 
e-iuallv  normal  thin«  to  find  the  foreign  inclusion,  to  b.^com.-  rapidlv  rarer 
until,  in  the  heart  of  the  eruptive  area,  one  may  go  ,.f  vards  or  even 
•everal  miles  without  discovering  any  such  inelMsi,,ns.  If  there  arr  l,i:,„lr,.|s  of 
•hem  in  a  given  part  of  the  contact  helt  at  the  present  surfac  evidentlv  a 
•  hance  section  exposed  by  erosion),  the  natural  inferenee  that  there  are 
OT  millions  of  o'  en.-lo-cl  in  the  eruptive  b"low  the  levl  of  the  vi<ihl,. 
oontact,_  IS  charly  permissible.  Another  legion  of  them  has  b<H  n  destrnye.1 
ilong  with  their  matrix  in  that  part  of  the  igneous  removed  l.v  .leiiudation 
Jt  IS  manifest,  further,  that  the  rifting  of  the  blocks  has  so  far  enlarged  tho 
chamber  occupied  by  the  eru|,tivp.    That  is.  the  walls  are.  on  the  av.rag...  farther 

apart   because  of  the  rifting.     The  ((uestion  arises  as  to  whether  thr.  ch bcr 

may  owe  a  large  part  of  jt,  i  n-.-nt  m/.-  t,.  a  h;r'  e.,Mtii,,i,.liu.i  uf  fh,  -  If- 
same  process,  with  a  simultaneous  removal  from  the  visible  chamber  of  the 
blocks  formerly  ritted  off.  The  affirmative  answer  to  this  .piestion  i-  lh<  kernel 
J[  the  hypothesis  to  be  pro|)osed. 

Strangely  enough,  the  ejiplanalioii  of  the  pre-enee  of  foreign  hlncks  within 
Igneous  bodies  along  the  molar  and  the  e.pially  conspicuous  raritv  of 
=  uch  fragments  toward  the>-   of  the  hodie-.  has  onlv  quite  rec-utlv  I 

■.ndertaken.     l(,.;v  hloeks  still  .-Iom.  t„  th.-ir  f„rmer  homes  in   tlu untrv  r..,-k 

■ouM  be  sii>peii(led  m  the  magma  until  rry-talll/atinti  ..f  the  latter  was  r,,Mipl.l. 
jnd  wheth,-r  th.e  normal  etfeef  of  their  .-on, pi,. to  inim.-r-ion  w.oiid  he  t-  ,.   rout 
i;  tb'  .-  ;,  .  ,l-.-,-      pwai-ds  nr  -inkinj.-  d,  wnward-  in  th,-  ma-ma,  are  .in.-t.  .11-.  of 

-run,     ;nir.  ;  :.•!,..  .    to   tl iisuing   hypoth,-i-.     The  attempt    h.H   l,e,-a   niade  to 

.^.-.  er  li'or,:  |.y  e  .■■relating  experimental  and  oih.r  dal.i  : uir.'d  f..r  potrologiral 

•CiT. .•■•<_    V".i!.;ii    lecent.    .vear 
aoooptcd  licpiirl.fy  of  nori'ia 

We   m.av.   f,,r 
luioiiic  maziria 

the    i'fe-i-ul.    a>-unie    the   •reiierallv 

'I   l'<i    IHU'crenlial    The.mnI   h'jfimn.sion.- 
-uig   has   1"  en   given   by    Crosby   in   his 

.\   clear   state- 
nil  >notr-uj,';  on 

ment  of  ,.;,.•.;!.  ,tic  .i.^ 
*he  Blue  i'lJs  Coniplc; 

It  is  mnn.fctly  imp. -..-ibie  to  de  ermine  the  exact  rise  of  temperatu.  ■  which 
x;ll  occur  in  a  foiinat-oii  at  the  cm;  n  t  with  an  invadinu  in.igma.     Both  cle- 

•OccasiMia!   l-i>pi.,-     fio-ti.ii  S-ir.   N 

,it    il-t..  Vol.  »,  19(10,  p.  ;ii.-,. 




lih.l'.iHVMKSI   Oh-  lilt:  ISTKItlOU 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   191i 

imiil^,  Uir  |irt-i'riipli.jii  r.  iii|.4'  o{  the  rniintr.vro.-k  iiixl  tlic  U'tiiporutiir.'  ..t 
tin.  niiiL'riia  it.sflf,  ar.'  juifllv  iii.lct.  riiiiiiatt!.  If  the  foriiur  U-  rc;fuliit.Ni  l.y  ilir 
noriiiul  law  of  till'  veriionl  (li«tribution  of  tlio  isoK''K>thcrius,  that  tempcratiirn 
will  bo  about  200'  (J.  at  .i  (Icjitli  of  four  miles  IkjIow  the  earth's  surface— 
a  riitli.i-  Iil.oiiill,v  c-tiniiitiMl  .iv.TiiKt-  .l.ptli  fur  ihi-  upper  litiiit  of  a  uranili, 
iiiaKiiia  .  liimiLcr.  If  \vi.  ii--  >,„.  that  tlic  Icinpcrulur.'  cf  au  iiitruilin>r 
mag^mu  is  approximatWv  that  at  uhicli  tlu-  ro.'k  r.'^iultiiiK  frmii  its  cry-^fallization 
becomes  tliiiiiy  moitcn  umlir  plutoiiic  pressure-,  (an  ansutnption  apparently 
jusiilii.bic'  IroMi  the  kiiowir  pr..pLTtie9  of  lavas  and  notwiliigtanding  the  preaenco 
of  mineralizing  agents),  tiierc  ^houhl  occur  by  conduction  at  the  molar  contact, 
a  rims  of  temperatuu.  in  the  invnihvl  formation,  of  doin.  liing  like  VXW  C. 
That  would  mean  u  cubic  expansion  in  the  solid  rock  of  Utweon  2  5  per  cent 
nnil  :!•()  per  cent.  corri'-|M,ndint,'  !■.  ii  linear  expau'-ioh  of  about  0  0  per  cent. 
.The  force  reciuired  to  prevent  that  dcKrec  of  expansion  is  equal  to  the  amount 
of  pressure  recpiirccl  to  compress  the  roik  by  the  same  amount  The  coefficient 
of  compressibility  for  ordinary  crystalline  and  well-cemented  sedimentary  rock 
is  not  far  from  that  of  (;la--.  vi/.:  about  0.(HHKKh.'r.  |st  alnn.sphere  of  pressure. 
Thi.  pres.iire  of  niore  than  lo.iXMt  atniosplicres,  or  about  ".'  tons  to  the  square 
inch,  would  b.  require. I  to  prevent  the  expansion  of  rock  raise<l  1(K10'  0.  in 
lemiNTature."  However  nr.jt  the  <  xpan.-ion  trans\erse  t.i  the  plane  ..f  the  molar 
contact  ma^v  l<c,  a  large  proportion  of  the  force  of  expansion  must  pass  into  the 
form  ol  •  ..nipre.-sivc  strain,  dev.  ..pint;  lines  .,f  f,,re..  in  ibe  plaiw  of  the  eontai't. 
The  intern  iiv  of  tile  r  ik  muM  ie  ile>troyeil,  fm-  ii-  ernshinir  strength  would 
hardly  averatie  as  mu.b  as  •><)  \'<\\~  to  the  sipnire  ini.!i  The  action  Would  b.. 
complicated  and  intensified  by  ll  .  variable  values  of  hcat-condiiction  in  the 
invaded  formation  which  is  always        re  or  less  heterogeneous. 

It  has  been  objccte  that  rocks  aic  good  conductors  of  heat  and  that,  there- 
fore, strong  temperatu!  differen<es  with  resulting  rending  strains  are  not  to 
bo  expected  in  the  shel  of  country-rock  inmiediately  surroun.liug  a  batholithic 
mni.'m;i  Tin  f.dlowim,'  fable  of  .■o.fli.'ients  of  thermal  -  ondnctivity  sccmus, 
however,  to  show,  on  the  contrary,  that  rock-m.itter  is  far  from  lx>ing  rankeil 
as  a  cniluctor.  1  ho  table  has  bi'cn  made  by  compiling  the  values  note<l 
in  the  r..''s  I'hyMkalis.h-cheiuisrbe  Tabel'. n  i  100.',  edition)  and 
in  Winkcimann's  ILnoibuch  der  Physik.  The  values  for  the  rooks  are  of  the 
order  expected  in  vn.w  of  the  familiar  proofs  of  the  extremely  slow  cooling  of 
lava  flows.+ 

•Tliroijirh  a  mistako  in  plaeins:  a  decimal  point  the  pressure  was  Rriut'v  ovcr- 
stuted  in  the  second  piip.r  on  the  '  Mechanics  of  Ignpoiis  Intrusion.' 

tThe  steepness  .f  the  possible  temperHture  gr»ilioiit  in  the  wall  rock  i«  shown 
liv  the  act  that,  a  few  ,!ays  after  lava  ceases  flow,,,..:,  one  can  walk  on  its  crust. 
although  the  lava  ji:st  below  is  at  red  heat  fT00°-9M"C.)  oris  yet  hotter  lor  many 
hours  or  for  several  d.iyg  the  Rradiont  at  t!,>  surface  may  equal  or  surpass  500°  C 
per  i.vjt. 

In  the  manufai  tare  uf  ral<  ium-rarbide  a  mixture  of  limestone  and  coke  is  sub- 
niitt'd  to  the  action  of  a  powerful  electric  arc.  At  the  end  of  a  furnace  run  (about 
fourteen  hours  in  the  plant  at  Ottawa,  Canada)  the  flow  .  f  heat  is  n'-ai  ly  steady  and  the 
temperature  gradient  in  the  finiKne  is  ahotit  .tOOO'C.  p,r  f'mt 

HKi'inir  iiF  rut:  rim  r  isih-ii\i,\n  i: 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   No    25a 

Silvor.  .boat ,  ,^„^, 

lopprr,  aboat..   .     i,,^ 

}f<"*, ..  -flH,* 

5i°"',' OISH 

M«r»>l'' .,„)M7 

H"""**     •ootj:  --owts 

Jf "' ',** noairs   -00817 

yanutonc .my^m  .  oofni 

'**«". -00673 

Sy»nit» .,^^2 

''.'"?"•   •• (tOlOS  -•002r 

yV«t»T.   about .0013,) 

j.*!^'-: 0OO31 

J',"'""'' -oofls-i 

?.""/ wioaa 

V<°»';, ■0001,) 

'■••«''"•' .0000574 

VVcber  ims  I'oiimJ  iliat  /.•  fc.r  (rm'iss  at  <i  « '.  ;  0(100578  uml  at  UK)-  C. 
OOOOIMI.  sli..«iiiK  ii  MTV  [.•riiit  l'.w<riiii;  witli  iiicrcasc  nf  tiiii|  iTatiin-.*  In  fa<'t, 
Ihrougli  thf  intorval  0°  -  100"  ('..  k-  soctn?  to  vary  about  inver«clor  ns  the  absolute 
tem|K<ratiin>  It  is  not  iinp.>^<il.l,  that  iIk.  .■..n.liirtivit.v  of  M.k  at  I.IC"  (  . 
apiiroai.hcs  i<(  w.tUr,  faiiiuo  jis  a  p.",r  .•..ii.|iirt..r  'I'lioruiijiti  r\|Krliii.  tita- 
tiiin  oil  tliis  suliji  1  t  i-i  iirjrcntl.v  Hfiibvl. 

In  the  prcseul  coiiiioctiuii  tho  thermal  (litfu:,ivit.v  u  if  ro^  U.  rather  than 
its  conductivity,  ia  of  firat  importance.  It  s=  ri[K;citic  heut  uml  rf  =  dcn-^ity,  we 


ioT  rock  ut  room  tcni{)erafure(20'  V.)  Kelvin  a.^-mned  400  as  the  value  ot  k  when 
tho  unit  of  length  is  a  foot,  the  unit  of  time  a  y.  ir,  and  the  miit  nf  temperature 
one  degree  Fahrenheit,  This  value  is  close  tn  !  lat  whitli  represents  the  aMnpe 
of  the  ileterii  inatious  made  for  different  roek.s  at  rof.m  temiK-raturer,  cJutiiii;  the 
years  since   Kelvin  wrote  his  famou.s  I'ssay.j; 

If  »  be  assumed  as  400  at  all  t<' upiTalun-s  up  to  1:!00'  ('..  it  is  possible 
to  cahuluto  the  temperature  gradient  in  the  wallnwk  of  a  niolt.'n  balhelith  at 
file  end  of  Bpe^-itied  periods  of  time.  !''or  practical  i)urposes  the  surface  o^  eo  tact 
may  bo  reganled  as  infinite;  let  it  further  be  considered  as  plane.  I'nder  these 
conditions  the  foi'ivving  Fourier  e<iuation  furiiislies  the  datum  for  cnKulating 
the  temperature  at  a  ixiiiit  .r  1'c.t  from  the  C(»ntact  at  the  end  of  t  years,  if  the 
magma  is  kc[it  stirred  by  currents.^     In  the  oiuali  .ii  I,  --  the  tempi  ratiir.   of  the 

•  Forljes  and  Hall  have  proved  analoKOUs  relations  for  iron  and  for  uiak'n<-.iiin 
oxide;  if.  J  U.  Korbes,  Trans  Roy,  .Soo.  Kiliiiburgli.  Vol.  21.  lN»i7,  [,  )():  and  K  ll' 
Hall  and  otliprs,  I'l-ic.  .AnnT.  .A. ad.  Arls  and  Sch'Ikp-.  Vol.  42,  1907,  p    5117. 

t  Cf .  IV  G.  Tait.  Kerent  Advaihcs  in  I'livsii  al  .Sti.-nd-.  2nd  pd      London.  ]Kf    \>  «70 

t  Trans.  Roy.  S<ic.  Kdinburifh,  11*3. 

J  Cf .  W.  E.  HyiTly's   r.l.-mcntary  Treatise  on  I'uurii-r's  S.rir  ,.   I'.a-t,,  i,  I893.   ,,    k. 




lANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No    2l 

^  APPLIED  irvHGE     Inc 

^^  '6^3    f3S»    Mo^r-    Slreet 

Z^S  Sorriest*',    Ne«   vork         'a6C'9        uSA 

'-SS  ■,  ■  16}    482  -  0300  -  Ptorc 

^S  '^''^i    ?88  -  5969   -  ra« 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   191? 

magma;  c  =  the  temperature  of  tlie  wall-rock  assumed  as  initially  uniform;  and 
u  =  the  reciuired  temi>eratiire.     We  have: 



e         da 


For  values  of    ^  ^^     whi.-li  are  les^  than  2  6  the  value  of  the  integral  can  be 

readily   found   from   the   table   of   the   probability   integral   which   appears   in 
standard  text-books  on  the  Method  of  Least  Squares.    For  the  higher  values  of 


2^/k~  ^^^  ^^'""^  °^  ^^'^  integral  can,  in  many  cases,  be  computed  by  developing 
it  into  a  series.  Kelvin's  value  for  k  is  peculiarly  favourable  for  such  computa- 
tion and  the  corresponding  units  have  been  used  by  the  writer  in  the  calculations 
Let  6  =  2200°  F.  (about  1200"  C.) ;  c  =  400°  F.  (about  200°  C);  <  =  1,  4,  16, 
and  100  years;  and  let  x  have  the  different  values  shown  in  the  left-hand  column 
t\  the  following  table  (XL VII).  The  corresponding  temperatures  are  shown  in 
the  other  columns. 

Table  XL VII.— Showing  values  of  u  when  «  =  400  and 


*  =  1  ypar. 

t  =  4  years. 

t  =  16  years. 

i  =  100  years. 


2200°  F. 

2200°  F. 

2200°  F. 

2200°  F. 








































The  table  shows  that,  at  the  end  of  the  first  year,  the  temperature  of  the 
rock  13  but  slightly  affected  by  the  magmatic  heat  at  a  point  80  feet  from  the 
contact,  and  that  the  temperature  gradient  for  the  80-foot  shell  then  averages 
nearly  23°  F.  per  foot.  At  the  end  of  four  years  the  temperature  is  but  slightly 
ufectod  at  a  point  ICO  feet  from  the  contact  and  the  temperature-gradient  is 
about  11°  F.  per  foot. 

But  K  cannot  be  nearly  so  great  as  400  in  the  case  before  us.  We  have  seen 
that  k  decreases  rapidly  with  rbe  of  temperature  in  rock.  The  experiments  of 
Weber,  Bartoli,  Eoberts-Austen  and  Riicker,  and  Barus  show  that  the  specific 
beat  of  rock  averages  about  -180  at  20°  C.  and  increases  regularly  with  rise  of 
temperature,  so  that  at  1100°   C.  the  specific  heat  averages  about   •280.*     Tt 

•  For  references  see  J.  H.  L.  Vogt,  Christiania  Videnskabs-Selskabets  Skrifter,  I. 
math,  nuturv.  Klasse,  No.   1,  1904,  p.  40. 

iiLfiiUT  III-  nil:  iiiiir  \.sii;i,\,,\n.i; 


SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

Sn,;:r,;^':;;;:;l,;»»;:;E.;;:,:-  itr-  ,:;:i'.r™s.:;Trsr ; 

may  not  l,c  inor.    tluiii  loK  ;„  tli..  K.Kin  sy^ti'iii  ..f  niiif^ 

It  s..oms  sat,    to  as-un,,.,  tir^t,   thnt  t'l,-  .lltTn-ivity '  ..f  th,.   l„..,..l 

table  will  servo  it  /  i>.  r.-,„-..tiv,.K ,  l'.  s.  ::l'.  ,„hI  l'<mi  y,.„,- 

the  henti'^rfwlTT.''"'  T''""'""'  c^'l-^'^lation.  thon.  it  app.-ars  cortnin  that 
tnt  neatinjr  ..f  uall  ro.-|<  hy  ,,l:,t,.„i,.  maviim   must  proL^n-s  uj.b      n^ai  .l,,w„.... 

n;in>r,nu't  ;^"'';''"-"  '.'""P--"'-  ^----x'-nt   In  th.  shoU  a.lioin,,,.  the  molten 

iMirth.r    (.,.,.-    1,;,-    p,.,v..,l    that    i k-    hav    hi.hK     variaM ,'„.:,,„.    „, 

'Z  e^  +  "  h'  '"°1  '"^"'ff  P"'^*^^^'",^  coefficients  twice  as  high  as  those  of  other 
spo.,e.s.+  It  ,.  mNo  well  known  that  h,.,M..,i  „r  s,  n.-k.  ,-on,lurt  hca' 
a  OM,^  an,|  ao.o-s  th..,r  -tn„-nr,..,,hu„.-  at  ,p:i.o  .litFcvnt  nn,-.  Wher,..  thon- 
fore.  the  wall  rocks  about  a  bathobthi,.  mass  arc  helcro^cneons.  the  heat  con^hic- 
tioii    i>   variable   ami  cxi^an^ional   ~trc"r-   mii-t   cii-mc. 

Part  of  the  stress-enerpy  set  free  niieht  be  a.lded  to  that  of  injection  and 
oxpetuled  >n  the  nnnute  crntnplinj,  of  relatively  plastic  bed.lcd  eo, ,n try  ro" 
■\no  her  port.on  is  conceivably  expended  in  irrept.lar  and  perhaps  verv  eornnletc 
shattertn^  ot  the  rook,  which  by  that  action  is  relieved  fro,'  the  st  7ns  t 
MKlden  rend..,.,  and  fracttarins  rath..r  than  by  any  forn,  of  rock  flew  Still  . 
n  Inln""  r''  "^  '^'  energy  mijrht  becotno  ,,otentiali.ed  as  in  Rnperfs  drops 
Bolosi^a  glasses,  or  certan,  slickcn^idcd  rock  snrfaces.t  and  only  tinaL  exprc^^.j 
a.;  a  shatter-force  after  sn.Mcn  fanltin^-  or  other  <hock  in  the  .■ountrv-rock  had 
Keri-rdrop  ''^•^'""■'•""-  ''-^'^''^^^  ""  ^  '-^-  -''^  ^hc  dcstrnction  of  a 
Experiment-  and  crtaii,  ohMrvath-n-  nun!..  I,,  rock  ,,uarrie-  th^,.- 
I.ght  on  one  of  the  more  important  and  simpler  by  which  di^rnption  of 
the  co„„try-roek  may  take  pla.v.  A  short  staten.ent  of  the  fa,!,  derivcl  from 
each  kind  ..f  <  will  he  tonnd  in  ihc  writer'-  -cr,,.,.|  ,,,iper  o„  the  •  \Iec(;ain- 
of  Ifrneous  liitrn-ion  '   (Amer.  .lom-.  ,,|'  Science   V,,L   in,   ]!io:),  ,,     ni.) 

Every  city  eonfla.L'ration  leaves  manifold  evidence  of  thc'.hatterin.'  effects 
of  the  one-sided  heating  ,.p  of  a  ro.-k  mas-  -in  columns,  sills,  and  cornices  of 
granite  and  sandstone.     T..lling  illustrations   have  recently  been   publishd   by 

•liy  u.-i-.K  the  Fame  Fourier   m,M;ilion    it   i-   not   .lilli,-,ilt    t„   shew  the    h)^s   „f 

hermal  er   r^y  which  a  masma  suflers  by  rondaction   into  the  oo,mtrv-rock   ,J    rel' 

tivel.y  small,  even  after  the  lapse  of  two  or  three  huniirerl  thousand  rears       The  ^o    , 

duration  of  the  MiaKmatie  period  in  a  slightly  superheated  plutoaie  ,m.,-s  of  larL-e  size 

becomes  easily  ii    dertitoed.  ■"■'■■  ^  ui   "oifce  size 

t  H.  Lees,  I'liil.  Trans.,  Vol.  IS3A,  1S92.  p.  4S1. 

JA.  A.  Julien,  .Tour.  Franklin  Inst.,  Vol.  It7,  1899,  p.  3S2 

2.''.a~vol.   iii-^8 


iii:i-.\UT\ii:\ I  or  riii:  istF.uioif 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

Jt'iUiil'lu'cy.''  He  >uli.jc'-tri|  I'aiMl-  .•..iii|io>ii|  ..f  ililVirciit  dri'ssiii  stoiics  tu  rii|ii<ll.v 
riid  steadily  incrpasinp  fiini:i<i-lir:it.  After  periciU  of  hut  ten  to  forty  ininutea 
nuiiiy  (if  the  stones  spnllnl  t..  ileplhs  of  niie  t.i  two  inelifs.  ami  all  the  blocks 
were  hiiilly  erin-ked.  C^iiein-liinL:  w  i  ii  i-<i|.|  w;iier  ur  uilh  dr;'  vrlit-  of  cold  air 
liiiiurally  increased  Ijoth  tlie  sjial  iii<:  and  oraekins.'.  The  oxpcriinents  show 
that  cnieiiehin«  hy  water  or  cold  ai.'  is  not  the  neees-ary  eondition  for  tlie  yet 
nmre  reniaikahle  -palliny'  id'  slone  in  city  tires. 

It  may  lie  n.pted  that  llie  siiatlcrinjir  of  ery-tals  anil  rock-fratrn/eiits,  when 
iniir]cr~cd  in  silica(r  nulls,  has  often  heen  ols.  rve  I.+  The  strains  an',  in  such 
eases,  necessarily  of  a  lower  order  than  those  developed  on  the  wall  of  a  batho- 

ill  lel'Hll' 

ml.    I 

;itivc  iiower 
loatiina.   -ho 

if  Volatile   luaitcr 
Id    U-    -idcle:!. 

Tl,i>   p. 

n   tlie  wall-rock 
■]•    may    he   very 

litii    where.    Ihcroloi'c, 

Plato  ;i;i,. 

I'inally.  the  di-n 
Ilea;,  d  hy  failiolithi.- 

In  view  of  all  the  facts  tlier(>  sceuis  to  be  a  sluer  noeessity  for  believinpr  in 
contaot-shattoiinLr  throiifrh  ditfcreiitial  beatiiitr  and  expansion  in  the  thin  shell 
of  a  eountr.y-rock  whioh  encloses  a  larpe  bod.v  of  molten  magma.  The  evidence 
for  the  shattering  is  often  eNcecilinirly  full  and  clear  in  the  field.  The  broad 
ri  narrow  belts  of  .\enoliths  so  often  found  just  inside  the  main  eonfi\cts  of 
hatholitlis  are  ver.v  hard  to  explain  if  those  batholiths  are  due  to  laecolithie 
i'jection.  The  hlucks  are  character! ~ticall,v  an;rular:  the.v  are  jii^nerall.v  not 
iiirangred  with  their  lontrer  axe>  parallel,  as  if  they  had  been  pulle<l  off  from  the 
vails  b.v  the  friction  of  tlu!  movinir  mafrma.  On  the  laecolithie  theory  one 
would  expect  nian.v  of  the  .xenoliths  to  form  elongated  smears  in  the  granite 
rock.  This  is  indeed  occasionally  seen  but  most  excentionally;  as  a  rule  the 
xenoliths  have  just  that  irrej-ularit.y  of  form  and  arrangement  which  the.v  should 
hi  ve  if  they  had  been  shattered  off  b.y  the  hot  magma  just  before  its  final  con- 
solidation. Throughiiut  its  huig.  earlier  hi.-tory  the  magma  must,  in  every  case, 
have  had  a  nuich  more  etfeetive  shattering  power. 

Udatiic  Diii.iili'c.f  of  Mnnma  und  Xrnalilli. —  lu  his  first  intrnsion-paper. 
ilie  writer  published  the  results  of  his  attempt  to  calculate  the  possible  specific 
gravities  of  the  chief  types  of  molten  magmas  under  plntonic  conditions.  The 
calcrlations  were  based  on  Barus's  well-known  fusion  experiments  on  diabase. 
The  specimen  investigated  had  n  specific  gravity  of  "•OIT'";  when  fused  to  a 
pl.iss  and  cooled  to  -0^  ('.,  a  specific  gravity  of  2-717.  He  further  states  that 
till'   glass^   showi'd    an   expansion  ''.■'.•   '.ler   cent    in   'melting'   and.   as   glass. 

expanded  OHODOlT)  m  volume  fo'-  .iperature  rise  of  1°  C.  through  the  interval 

(I'-liKH)"  ('.  and  l>.(ilMMi47  in  \olnnic  for  1°  C.  through  the  interval  llW - 
i."00°.  The  'melting'  expansion  (solidification-ontrai-tion)  and  the  varying 
rate  of  expansion  (or  contraction)  above  and  below  IfllH)''  ('.  seem  to  show  that 

•  R.  L.  numphrev,  '  The  I'irp-resistivi-  I'mncrtips  nf  various  Bnildiii);  Materials,' 
Bull.  370,  U.S.  Geol.  Survey.  1909.     Sw  ospeciiilly  iKiue  69  and  plate  .•}]. 

tCf.  C.  Doiltcr  and  K.  Ifussak.  Npups  .lalirh.  fiir  Mill,  .'tc,  ISSI,  p.  18;  A.  Becker, 
Ziit^rlir.   d.   d.   Reol.   Cies.,    Vol.  33,   18fl,   p.  <>>. 

X  '  Tlirousiliout  this  paper  the  iiiiiltpii  loik  sididifies  into  an  nhsidian.'  C.  Barus  in 
Bull.  103,  U.S.  Geel.  Survey,  1893,  p.  26. 

i.-ii'iiirr  III    Till   ruin   .{.■^ri.-ii\<,iii:i: 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 


-'  iiir    .■r>M:iili/.iti.Mi     Ml'     tli  ■     iii.''i     I  ..;,    ■;,,-,.     l-n         il 

cry.t;,lli.ation  was  inevitable  un.Ier  ,1,..,,,,:  .,  '  ,1,.. 'i.^'H^nTi,,  w        ' 

o  ro..Uu,  last..,!  s,.v..,-:,l  1:,,,,,-.     lian.V  ,.„n...  ,1„  ,„„.  yU,-r.(„u:  si.'w  ,l,n.,.,lv 

h.-  volume  clmn^^es  .ufferod  l.y  pure  .liaba-.  pl:,ss  i„  pas-in.-  fro.n  tlu-  „,.,l,en 

i-tr.,,,,.  .,_at.-  tu  tl„.   n,:,.i    ;  .,,i,-,,,,|,.  Mat-  .,r    r a',..      KnH.mH,,.'    ,1„. 

paii'  ':'7;r  ,'"""r*"'»-  "■"  »-'•-«  >--  •""  -> ,«.  ...„(  of  i^  v.,i„„;>  i„ 

M  M,,^^  hH.,n  1„.  .M„],o,i  state  at  1100°  C.  to  r„om  t..,np,.rat,.r..:  the  loss  „f 
soIu.Mo  l,roUKii  tia.  sam,.,.  i„t..nal  was  i„  tho  fir.  tpap^r 
.s  about  s  per  cv„t.  liarus  lo,,,,,!  that  tl...  no.  .lo.rea.e  in  spo^ifi,.  v  in,r  iron,  ro-k  at  -'ir  C.  ,„  ,|,,..  „  ,„  ^■_  ,,,,  ,„  ,„.^  ,.,^,„  '  ,.,  ,.  ,;.^  ^^^^  ^ 
spe.',,u.„.  t  „.r,.|-„r,..  ,1„.  .j.-roas,.  of  s,...,.i,|,.  .ravity  i„  passing-  ,ro,„  i^O "  ( ■.',,. 
molt..,.  ..on-hfon  at  l,m  r.  is  po„il,l.v  only  aho,„  Hi  ,H^r  o.M.t.  ins„.a,i  of  about 
II'   I"'!'  c-iit.  as   uol".l   1,1   llir  tir^t    I  :i;  ,  I-. 

C^ntL  rt.-,.ntly  .1.  A.  iJoufflas  bas  nia.l,.  a  .iMinlK>r  of  very  rareful  .neas„re- 
"K'nt,  ot   the  .b.ns.ties  of  typhal   ifrn...,us  ro.-ks  an.l  of  tboir  respi'i'tive  f-ln^-e^ 

."'"    ^•■';'-iti'-    :;i-aviti,.-.    l.oiu-    laUou    at    r „     f;  iiu.Tatuiv..       Dnu-his'.    lurth,,,! 

'■  '■■■!;•'''■;•    "I'l  1;-  '-'-Mlt.  ,• rlnnt.    K,.i- :,:,l,;.ro  I„.  r,,ui„l  tho  ,l,.,.r..a '  ~,:.-r\nr 

s:ravity.  ni  passing  trom  loc!.:  to  prbiss,  to  be  S-O"  per  cent.  Delesse  had  found 
tl,..  to  bo  11.4fi  p..,-  ,.ont.  as  tho  avorafro  of  ,n..nsnr..M.ents  of  two  speei- 
iiiou-  from  ditr,.n.nt  localilh-s.  Harus's  .l,.t..rniination.  10  p,.r  .-..nt.  i-  int.  nu.- 
iliaic  b.tween  the  two. 

It  s..e.,.s  probahle,  tho.vfo,-,..  that  a  ,l,-,-n.a.s,^  of  .;  p,..-  ....„,  ,n  spocifie  grnvity 
(look  to  ^^lass  at  L'O'  ('.»  ,s  .-io-,.  to  tho  niininnnn  for  th..  avorape  pabbroi.I 
.■oo,<,  an.l  , I  I-  p.,-il,|,.  that  jiaT'is's  In  ,„.,  ,,,,t  ,!,.,. ,.,.a.,.  is  t.H,  bi^h  for  avor  ..o 
fi.Mbbr...  J'or  presL.nt  purpos,.s  it  is  -af,.,-  to  ns.>  ,h..  n.i„i,„uni  vabu-  of  tj  n..r 
cent.  ' 

Ainoufr  the  n.o-t  .•,liabl.>  of  tho  oMov  ,l,.len»inations  are  thos.-  duo  to 
J'f-loss,.   and   Cossa.      Th.^s,.    are   iiot.d   as   follows    (Table   :     A'lII.) 

For  pi.rpos.'s  of  ooniparis,,,,  th,-  analoL-ous  n^snlt.-i  of  the  Camepie  Cniphy- 
'^•Tl\  1    *"'"'"'"'''  ''•"''"■'■'"""'''  ''■'"'   '"'""'■•''-   ="■«•  R'^<''i    in   tabular   form   (Table 

25a— vol.  iii — 48 J 




2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 



K<»tk  l.v|». 

of  nnk.  nf  ahvHH.         iiMleuj-ity. 





Quart:  itiori*f 

Jhitritf [ 

tiafjfjrns ' 


•J  7:i'i 

2  4Mi 

111  2.1 

•J  ti'j;) 

2  :«iii 

IIP  oa 

•J  LSI 

2  42;< 

!i  72 

*J   (1.SM 

2  r*7 

!•  44 

■J  7.-.1 

2    l!Hi 

'.»  27 

I'  TtW 

2  4)7 

;i  37 

J    MiO 

2  42:. 

S   M4 

•-'  t!4« 

2  47» 

>;  24 

•J  710 

2  4»i 

111  H3 

•J  (Hn 

2  4ii:< 

II  i.H) 

2  'i-JI 

2  (ITU 

M  2!» 

•-•  7im 


r.  S2 

•J  Si-.') 

2  r.H4 

11  Oit 


2  w;4 

14  ml 

2  WIS 

2  till 

s  <7 

2  S21 

2  (125 

6  !»■) 


T\llhK  XLI\. 

Artificial  anorthiU' 


PiiriHt'd  natural  quartz 

Artitioiul  Drthorhuiuhic  iiin))iii!Mil*» 
..  iiyro\HHf 

..         ir  "nocliiu  •  ityTiiM-nt'    .  . 

..         iiii<|wiilt^ 

Axfiup*  (tf  all  si'Vfn 

■^I«'c.  prav.     Siw'c.  ^'rav.        I  >eiri-a>e 
i-f  crystal.         ut  (flas*;.         iii  leUMty. 

2  7<;:. 

2  700 

2  4 

2  iiiiri 

2  ;fK2 

,S  5 

2  (iri4 

2  2i:i 

111  11 

2  f<."i7  1 


;  0 

:t  175 

2  74:i 

in  11 

:<  l!i2l 


14   1 

;;  27.'i 

2  X,VI 

111  il 
HI  11 

invnnr  <>/   iiii  iiun-  .\srt!n\n}irh-  743 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

Siinini:iri/injr  ii'I  the  n-ults  we  liax..-— 

Tabik  L. 
Dernasr  in  denxiln  iriuk  to  </la.iy  at  SO'  ('.). 

Diabase  fif  Baru< in.nno 

Gnl.bro  of  ricUKlas T22  " 

AviMiigo  Kiibhro  of  I)i.:,.«<p ,,  „ 

AveniRe  (lioritc  of  I)el^s^p -'»i 

Avprauc  .liiirite  <if  DouKlas IV. 

yuaitz  dioritp  of  Co*  a ,„n 

S,TTiite..f  C.s«M -''Jj 

SypMitp   >f  liouRlas TS 

TonMitp  of   iKiuglns *•?* 

Aveiaup  crnnitc  of  Doucia*..    ..  g-a 

AverauP  Krnnit.-  cf  IIiIh,.;,..  .    .  J';" 

Gneiss  of  I fpl, .-..,. »■'? 

Avpraitp  of  all  nhove [ o'^,? 

AveroKP  of  spvoii   nun.  rals  (CarnoKiP  Uc,ii,1,Vm' al' r.abnratory)    '.'.  10(1 

Wo  inny  conclud,.  that  tlio  acid  rocks  certainly  expan.i  more  thnn  the  basic 
ones  111  passiii!.'  to  the  ghissy  state  at  room  temperature.  It  is  probable  though 
not  certain,  that  tlie  expansion  of  the  more  acid  glasses  with  heating  is  not 
nuich  more  rapid  that  that  of  the  basic  frlasscs.  In  any  case,  we  shall,  in  the 
ollowing  arsuniont,  make  n,.  mistake  in  principle  if  we  assume  that  all  the 
IcaduiK  types  ot  crystalline  rocks  expand  at  least  as  nuich  ...=  fjahbro  (or  diahnso) 
wli(>ii   iiH'ltcii  at   the  hi;;ii  teni|icralurc  r,f   I;|IM)     ( '. 

Hoadc  in  a  lav-c  nniiilM-r  <<(  ■Ictrniiiiiatinn-  f..iiii.l  ihaf  m.-k  expand--  on  tlie 
avoraKc.  at  sensibly  the  same  rate  as  that  found  by  Rams  for  diabase  namely 
about  0.00(MJ:.'5  volume  per  depree  Cenliirrade*  T'sinR  this  fipure,  allowi.ip  for 
the  various  rates  of  decrease  in  density  for  ,he  different  rocks  in  passing  into 
the  glassy  coiiditiMi,.  :i,i.l  ..-uiMintr  that  i-a.-i,  gkis-  expands,  with  licatirur.  at  th,. 
-ame  rate  as  liarus's  diahasc  wc  lia\c  th,.  data  of  Tahlc  LI.;— 

TAI'.l.i:  1.1 


V  'it  iTx  -tallii 

■I,  at 

'I-.  It.,- 

vily  iif  -•mil   riH.k  ul.'i, 
iiiultiri  .It 


Khio  (■ 

lliid  (' 

■>    SO 

L'  7:i 

L'    71 

•_>  .-,7 

■J  r>t» 

•J  .">! 

.,    -.. 

J    til) 

■_'  >:( 

•'    HO 

~i     .*'* 


anil  ilinr  itp 

;{    IHI 

■1  <(■> 

"  ''ii 

-'  74 

."►  -■( 

."(   (HI 

■>    S  ( 

•J  H:t 

2   SI 

•2  sii 

.■!    IL' 

;i  10 


L'  '.I" 

■>  If] 


lionti-       arirl 


li-.      . 

1'    SO 

•J  i;i 

■J  7  J 

•J  ii; 

•1  4:. 

■-'  4t 

•2  r.i 
•2  :,i 


L'  i;o 


■J  .".1 
2  i;.i 

■;  r.i 

■J  !•_> 

■J  11 

■J  M 
•^    10 

-2  -M 
■•  lo 

L"  so 

•-'  l.i 

■-■  71 

L'  .i-J 

■1  .M 

:.'  ."lO 

•J  .M 

-'  :>•! 

■2  ;<i 

2  .Ml 

2  '".1     ' 

•»  -III 


aliil  ^'lti'i». 

!■  lil! 

•1  M 

L'   40 

2  ;t;i 

L'  :iti    ■ 

•-•  so 

■J  73 

•-'  71 

■1  w 

'J    IS 

■2    17       : 

•2  47 

•  T 

"^T       U 1_       in 

•T.  JI.  Rpadp,  Origin  of  Mountain  KanRcs,  IssO.  p.  lid 



i>i:r\i;r\n:\ I  in    iiii:  iMr.itnn; 

2  GEORGE   v.,  A.    1912 

IliM.ll.'--  .■,H'lli.-i,.I,t-   rfl;ll.!.'   M-   tn   f  .llc-l  I  h|| .  ■   lili'   :U  .ITA  i  111  II  tc   clliilitlo    ill    -|i,rili.- 

Hiiivity  uiulerKono  l.y  blocks  of  -trutilicl  and  si^hisio.'..  locks  fcommon  i-ouiitry- 

rocl.-  ;i;,oiH  i.iiilioliiii-).  M~  ill,-..  i....;,  I  :i  rl.;  tiM '  i  l.v  rrLM  nl.^l  n-  -'i!!  .^'i'li 
aH-lliiii.  the  tctiifcnitii.i'  .,f  v.T.v  innirniii  (nt  l.-.lMr  ( '.  l  i,,  wliirh  thry  ire 
iriiMur-..!   ('I';,!.!,.   |  1 1   i  :- 

I  XI'.I.K   1,11 

liaii^'i.  .if  -|.,  Ki    H.uiL'i-  ..f  -|..  u'r. 
ill  •Jiir.        :,t  i:;.KM'  (...|i,l'. 


Siiii.l«  . 
Art'illit.s  . 
Iiinii'..'l.  .11.' 

l>  (;ii_-_'  HH 

VJ-2  71 

•-'  :.")-:t  in 

i;7-:i  Ml 

L'  "Jll  — J  7-'i 

1.1  -■>  i;7 

•J    111-2   Ml 

'"-'  —  2  71 

•_'  11.".  -'.'  1*0 


"■r-2  71 

i!<iii.   :>■ 


liii'lih-urr  ,,l  I'lii.lonii  i'n.^->i,r.-  ,,,i  ii<„i.  ,i..,.i;„.  !i,.|,,|-,.  ,lr.i.v,ii- 
.•,.|i..i!i~i,,ii.  .■..'irrniili-  till'  |..--i|.ililv  .i|  llic'  |lol:ili...i  oT  t'o!.iz:i  M. ■.•!■-  ..l'  -  li.l 
iwk  ill  ;i  I  liitoiiii'  iinij;Mi;i,  it  i-i  <  tliiit  ,-i  |irrliiiiiii:iry  stiw:,'  of  ,,iir 
imiiiiry  must  ho  imsscd.  Wliat  inilufiicc  Im-  pros-^mo  at  dn|ith-i  on  the 
Illative  ilen-itica  of  solid  hlo(il<3  and  of  the  liiiiiid  iiiamiia  In  whii-h  thoy  nro 
iniinerscd?  One  c;in  hardly  doubt  that  wati-r  and  niiiieralizors  in  diplh  would 
iiKMcase  siil-Ii  diffcrenfcs  as  tho-,.  calwilatpd  for  one  atmosphere  of  pressure 
and  141)0°  (".;  .-o  that  Gilbert's  coni'iision  as  to  the  ditfi-ulty  of  determining 
tlie  densities  of  kvdrothermally  molten  p.  iftmas  need  not  affect  the  present 
arL'iiiiii'iit  exeeol  in  a  fii\diira'.le  \v■^\*  Since  lli-  tciiirrnilnn  s  ,,f  .-i  l,!,,ik  ;iiil 
its  eiidoain?  matrma  are  liractically  identie-l,  the  final  st.'p  in  dccidinn  on  their 
relative  densities  in  depth  is  taken,  if  i  ->\vn  what  is  the  n'lative  com- 

pression suffered  by  the  .solid  and  li.|U 

Afjaiii  we  must  have  recmse  to  t  xperiiiients  of  Barns  as  those. 

of  any  known   to  the  writer,  most  nea  o  the  prolilcin  at   issue.      (le 

concludes,  a.s  a  net  result  of  his  iiivestiy.  nat  'the  relation  of  the  iiieltinfT- 

l.oint  to  pressure  in  ease  of  the  norin.l  type  of  fusion  is  nearly  constant  irre- 
spective of  the  suhstanci'  o)>crate  I  on.  .  .  Anil  in  the  measure  in  which  this 
is  neiirly  true  on  iia.-siiiff  from  the  carlion  cotupouiids  to  the  thoroufrhly  different 
silicon  c.impoiinds,  is  it  more  iiroliahlv  tnii'  lor  the  same  -uhslaur-e  cliaiiL'c.l  only 
rs  to  temperature  and  pressure.  In  other  w.irds,  the  relation  of  lueltiufr-point 
to  pressure  is  pre.s;imab!,v  lincar.'f  Acceptiiij;  his  inferciic.s  as  sound,  the  fart 
remains  that  his  expeiiment.s  on  thymol,  naphthalene,  and  other  carbon  com- 
pounds can  tl-.row  linlit  on  the  liehaviour  of  silicate  mafrmas  in  other  respects 
than  that   cited   in   the  forcfjoiici  ipiotatiou.     This   important  deduction   is  cor- 

•O.  K.  Gillieit.  Iicp.  on  the  (Icoh  of  tho  Henry  Mts..  1S77,  ii    7(i 
+  Phil.  Mag.,  Vol.  35.  1893,  p.  .306,  and   tI..S.  <Ji>'oI.  Survey.   Bull     103    1S03      o 
Amer.   lour.  Soionc*.  Vol.  38,  1889,  !>.  407,  ami  Vol.   IC,   lS!t3.  p.   Itl 

V,  ■  -f . 

in  ruitr  III   nii   run  i    i>//,v<\i.i/;  v  745 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    26d 

rol,oriit..i   liv   111,,,  provcl   ,iii,il.nli>    .,i    -ili, ■;,!.-  :in.|   .•,,,l,..n    ■  ,.,n|...ii,i.|-.   ,,i    lai 
ti^r  lMio;ir  ivlati.iii  ol'  rxpini-ioii   !,i   ni.r. m.  nt   .,|'  ;   iji   tli.',|   t'.rm 
"I  .'.K-li  Mil)-i.iiici-.  in  I  A)   th,.  Ii,i,,,r  ivh.iiM,,  ,.r  ,.\|..iii-i..„  I,,  iiHT.-i.,.  i,f  ni   I,. in 
pfralurc  ill   tlio  li.|iii.l   torn,  ,,i   ,  „cli  >ul.-!ai,.-,..  .,,1.1   in   i-.    th..  -ihi  I,  ii   l,,,,'   in 
N-liiMirli'!.'   ;iii-rc-iii.'nl    in   \\i,    ,-  :   ..|    i.    'jul.'    ,i    n      ,.  t',  r.  ;  m-  turtliiT  ihilii'.iti-  tliMt  n..|.liili.J,  hi-  i-  in  .-..nii.iv-. 
sil'JIilV    ...ill    111.,    li.jui.l     f-llli    ...     ll...    -jn.,-    .,:l  -!:,l,.  ..  ||:.    !■  -,,  ti    .;:lv.    -I  .   u 

tliat,  l.,r  th,.  ..aiiu.  iii.-v,.;i-,.  of  pr,  ,-ni...  i,  .ni.l  n  ■  ■I'lnih-n.-  j;nin>  in  ,p,.,-ili,. 
gravity  about  Iwi,.,.  as  I'a-i  ;m  „,!i,l  naplilhahn.'.  Th..  .•.,ni|ir.-.-il,i|;iy  ,,i  ,, 
t'iisi..|  -ilh-al..  r.M'k  i-  p.-rhap-.  ih.n.  mi...  ih;,!  ,,i  i|„.  -.mi,.  .-..•■k  uh.'n 
I'ut  his  (liaba.-i.  Iumou  ,-iin,.  '  iii.,n-tral,-  ih,-  th.-riii'l  rNpi.ti-ihilltv  ,.| 
tlif  li<pii,l  rock  i.  ahout  lil  liiia-  as  jrr.'al  a-  that  ..l'  th,.  y.,]i\  r..rk.  ■jhiis  a 
bl<.(.k(.f  <-i.lil,  ,,j|i,l  ffabhri.  iiiiiiu-rM>.|  in  a  .l|.,.p-,-,.al,.,l  innlti'ii  marina  ..T  th,.  sam,- 
clK.mical  roiMp,.!<iti..ii,  woiihi  bo  ],.-,  i-nn.l,  n~..|  hy  th,.  pn --ar,.  than   tlif  111..I1.11 

i-ni  k,    but    the  i.tficl    (III    rclativi.   .Ii  n-ith-   u..h|.|    U-   partly   np>-ii-at,.,l    by   aii.\ 

-il|.(.rhi.atinH  ,,t'  th,.  ina».'iiia.  Mrir,  o\ ,a'.  lli,  .■umpii  —  il.i liiv  ol'  ^jlass  an. I  of 
frytitalline  silicates  is  known  1.1  h.'  v ,  ry  !..».  I  h.'  .-..nipiv-si..!,  MitTc.r,..|  Uv  m-Li-. 
t'i.r  CNuinple.  i.,  aboul  imhoii.'i;  ..|'  j,,  N,,lnn.i.  r,.r  1  atin.  'I'h,.  w..ij,'!it  of  ,.vi.n 
lO.OiMl  nielros  uf  rock  with  an  a\(.rii:.',.  .lonsiiy  ,,f  j.;:,  w..ui.|  ,.au-(.  a  ilni-ity 
iiicrea*,.  01  niu,.|i  l.-s  tliaii  on,.  p.T  cent  in  t;la--.  It  i-  ihrrcf..r<.  pn.h.hl,.  that 
th,.  (litVcn'n,.,.  ,,(  ,lcn>ily  betwcin  mafri.  an. I  iniin.rM-.l  hi....k  u,,iil.|  ji.,|  !,.■ 
air,.|.ti-l  thnni:-,,  pr,.,-iir,..  at  t!i..  un-at  .l-plii  ol  111  kil..|nctr.-..  hy  a-  inn.-h  a- 
1    per   i',.nt   of   lh<.  <lc.|i~iiy   ..f  .iihir  ,iii(.. 

Si,il.-i,Hi  ,,f  III.  SIuiUt.J  l!i,r  ..  Ii  "nan  TaM,.  I, I.  ami  I. II.  thai 
nearly  all  Nonolitbs  niu-t  -ink  in  any  inoii..!!  jjranilc  or  -y.-nit,':  mo-t  \,-iioliilis 
must  sink  ill  niolliii  .|iiMrt'-,lioritc.  t..nalii.'  ..r  a. a. I  tMohro.  Many  x,ii.,liili, 
inipht  lloal  on  ba>i,.  >;ahhr„  but  the  h.  ;niir  -  •lii-t-  and  ^;n,.is-|.s  niiist  sink  in 
even   very  .li'iia,-  j;Mi)bro  niajrinas  at    l-'!i'(i     ('. 

<iivin-.  then,  th,.  hif.'li,-»  pi^rini  — ihl,.  valines  p,  the  spt.i-itic  {.'ravitios  of  maf,'- 
liias.  ii  1-  -till  trii,.  tiiat  h|...-k-.  -n..|i  as  ar,'  -li  itl..r,..l  the  wall  .^r  Mof  of 
ii  hatholitb.  must  -sink  when   inmarMil   in   in..-t   inauiiias  at   atin..sph,rie  pr.--uri'. 

It  lias  h.'eu  t.i  the  -h.piiif;  hypolhi'sis  that  thi'  vi-eo-ity  ,if  ;;ran!li.- 
miiKinas  is  loo  yrcat  to  allow  of  lli..  -inkiufj:  of  hlo.-ks  ,.m.!i  inneh  ,l<.ns|.r  than 
th..-e  nia-nia-.  Tlii-  .if'.-,  ihn  I:-.  iie\>vv.r,  ..■'.. a-  I  .  .  1.  -u-;ain'.!  i'V  ,i,.|a,ii,. 
experimeiital  ,ir  tii'lil  pri..f-.  Tin.  x,n..!ilhs  vi-ihl,.  nhmu  hallioliihii-  i..,iiti..ts 
liav,.  assure.ll.v  n,,t  -unk  far  from  llaar  formi'r  positi.ais  in  wall  ..r  roof  aii.l  tli,' 
reason  for  this  must  U'  -c^.uuht  in  fiie  iiijrh  vi-eosity  of  the  mnirnia.  Ili^'li 
visco-ity  is  an  essintial  attrihut,.  .,f  a  n<.arly  fi-oziu  niagrna.  The  phenomena  of 
fracfi..iial  ery.stallizafi..n  ami  of  niagniati,.  ilitfi-rentiation  iiiKiuestionably  sliow 
that  each  plut.'iii<r  niairina  niii-t  pass  tlir.uifih  a  l..iifr  peri.vl  of  mobility.  The 
ino-i  vise.. us  of  j-nauitic  niaj;ina-.  the  rhyoliii,'.  is-u.--  at  th..  canh'-  -urfac,. 
with  such  tliii.lity  that  the  rhyolite  oft,.|i  (.overs  many  S'liiar,'  miles  with  a  siiurle 
thill  -beet.     Tli..  ah-olut,.  vi-e..sity  of  the  VelloWst..iie  I'ark  rhyolit(.s  have 

•  .AnuT.  .tour.  Science,  V.,1.   12,  1»*91,   p.   140. 


iiKi'MtTMrsT  i)f  Tin:  iwr.tiinii 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   19t2 


■  if  a  Idw  or.lor  wlirti  inMny  ,,1  flics,.  jHTsUlrnt  riuws  were  i.n,ptf-.|.  N-.thinif 
r.m  MMMii  more  pr.,h,il,|,.  tlnm  that  th,-  rt'laiivrly  hmuiIi  full  in  tonipormiire. 
nprc-cnir,!  in  thn  passnuo  .,f  .,  tiiinly  molt.'n  iniipnia  tr.  a  to.i'rhl,v  vi-r,,iw  pon- 
ihth.ii,  li,H  iK'tually  tukori  pliicv  in  plutnnir  b.xlii-i.  Di.tlt.T  lia-  sh..wn  pxppri- 
in.'iitiilly  that  that  ilirlinc  in  tonilKralurr  iinil.T  aurfatv  con'  io.' ■  may  be 
troni  UMO'  V.  i„  H.-.d-  c.  f,,r  ^'ranit...  from  KCo'  t,)  1010^  V.  for  t,h(inolitp 
and  from  lOiiO  to  imj'  C.  for  basalt.  T'lo  presencu  of  wafer  an.l  other  mineral- 
i/,T-  111  _T:'niii.-  MKiiriiM-  ii.ii-i  .1  |.|  (,,  il„.ir  ni"  ilii\.  ;i-  li,.|.|  \.^  ^„nu'.  ^^r■^rr- 
mmIilImi^'  lir.ii-'L'i'r.  v,  lin>,.  LcmTal  arinini.'iit  for  liMiiilily  ^ccm-  irrcfufaWr.* 

Even  pranfinjr  that  the  kinetic  viscosity  of  a  plutunic  matrnia  U  thousands 
ot  umca  that  of  water,  it  could  not  support  xenolith.s  more  dense  than  itself. 
In  a  lew  .!ays  or  v.x-eks  stones  will  sink  throiiKh.  and  corks  will  rise  throuirh, 
a  niiiss  ,,f  pitch,  the  viscisity  of  which  is  more  than  a  million  of  millions  of 
timed  that  of  water.t  l-adcnbiirjr  hii>  lately  >l  .wn  that  small  sted  spheres  will, 
in  a  few  minutes,  sink  timuKJi  t\M  iil.\  c,  ntinictrcs  nf  Venetian  liirpcntinc,  a  sul.-' 
stancc  1(MV'*X'  limes  as,, us  us  watcr.^  I.:i<leiilnir(r"s  experiments  have  veri- 
fied the  (ieneraily  accepfe,!  ,-,|iiati.>n  cxpr,s8ini.'  the  rate  of  sinking  of  a  sphere 
in  a  strongly  viscous  fluid: 

•J    y' (,/-</' I 

w_..erf  .1-  -  the  v.l.M'ity  ,,f  tji,.  spi,.n>  «!i,.ii  th,.  iimii,,!,  i.-t,.a,ly;  r;  the  ae,',|.ra- 
ti,pn  of  jrra-ity.  rf-the  ,lcnsity  of  the  -phere;  d' =  \h,-  density  <,f  the  fluid;  ;• 
-the  ra.lius  of  the  splier,-:  an,l  r  =  fh,>  viscosity  of  thi.  fluid  §.  The  ecpuition 
shows  that  the  velocity  of  sinking  variiM  ,liroctly  a-  the  sijuaro  of  flic  radius  of 
III,-  spheiv.  This  lact  may  he  correlated  wifii  the  observation  so  often  to  ho 
maile  on  MTiinifc  cont.icia,  that  huRe  xcnoliths  are  rare.  This  apparently  means 
tiiat  at  the  end  of  the  shatter-perio.l,  the  viscosity  is  truly  so  high  as  to  allow  of 
(he  smallir  bloeks  heii.g  trapped  at  hish  levels  in  the  freezinu  mapnia,  wi.ile 
the  large  block        h\\  t,'reater  velocity,  >ha!l  have  sunk  into  the  depths. 

Doeller  e-finii.tcs  that  the  pressure  of  7,500  to  11,000  metres  of  rocks 
iner,^iiscs  maLTuati,'  vis,.,.slfy  n,,  m..r,>  than  l'i>  to  '.'M  \,>-T  .-,  nf.**  If  the  in,r,  iiienf 
he  au,vwher,.  near  this  value  we  may  be  cirtain  tliat  the  visosity  of  suiierheafed, 
phitoni,.  masnia  is  r.^lativi'ly  low.  G.  F.  Bceker  has  ealcuhifed  that  the  viscosity 
of  a  Hawaiian  hasalti,'  flow,  not  one  of  the  most  fluid,  was.  at  "-  I'on,  about 
lifty  fillies  that  of  water.     The  more  liuiil  rhy.dite  flows  may   ;  iseosity  a 

thousand  times  i-'rcater   than   that   of  water.     The  corresponding   .iscosities  of 
the  same  ma>rma-  wlu'ii   ti^ii  kiiom  tr.-  umlertirouml   may,  fii,'!,,  he  pos=il,ly  no 

inor,'  fiiaii  a  fi-w  thou-aud  li 

t!ial   ot'  water  at   \\\o  lartli',-  siirl'a. 

( )iie  111  ;-t 

•  W.  C.  Brogger,  T>ie  KniptivKCstcine  ,!•■?   Kristiann^'pliiptps,   V„l.  3.   ] 

SW.    p.   3.1fi. 

,.     *  ■;V"'.n  ft  ,R"''<v.  Cnars  <\c   PlivMciue,   tori.p  I.  2e  fn-ciiulp.   Pari,,   1S,s.S     i,    l;<5.  ;.f 
Danipll  s    Ip.xt-book  of  thp   I'nn.ipl.s  ,,f  I'liy-ics.  2J.  ed..  I.Kin,Ion     'S8i,  n    211 

I.^tinalen  lipr  Vliysik,  Vol.  22,  IflOT,  p.  2H7. 
^QiJ  ''"^w'""   ""'^   Thomson.   Text-book  of   Physics,   Prop<>rtip-   of    Mattor.       Lon-lon, 

1902.  p.  222. 

**C.  Doelter,  Physikalisch-chpmische   .Min-^ralojip,   T.-'ipzig,   190.">.   p. 


HI  i-iiiir  III'  rill  I  inn-  \^ii!i,\u\ii  h 

StSSIONAL    PAPER   No    25a 


..,,.h,i..  ,1,.,,  „  x,..^l„M.  ,^.„  ,,.,.  -i.,l„!v  ,l,„-.r  .',:,„  „.,.(,  .  ,,|„t..„:,.  nu^m.,. 
"Ill  Muk  in  „  :•  .s,„.v  -,„.|,  n.M.tiM.  m..v^.iri|,v  ,■.„,)  with  ..xtroin-  ,l„wt,.... 
I'.rr-  I-  ..VM  ,.nif.  /..o.|  Kr...,n.l  lor  |„.|i..v„>ir  tlu,  „.,  ..,.ttm..,m  Mumiint  .,f  s„!i,I 
I'.-'k    .■..1,1,1  1„    ,.„khI!.'.1    I,..i..iv   prM.Mi,.,!    riui.lily   i-   .m.,!.!!-!,,..!.     TIip   nvrij.-.^ 

'^'■"':  "'  ""■'  -'.':';  ".'  "  '"•■  '''^  -  ""'■'■'■'  "i'l'  'I'"  ^i--  'V  i.r  pit.'h   v..f  i,.,«- 

li""--    iMon.   l-apLJIy    ,„    „„,.■, n„    |..,,-..„„v    il,,-   l.uv   ^i -hv    ...hi,.),    i.   p.^-tnlaf.  .| 

I"  ""^    "'    '•'■   r.ihn::-  il:,.,,r;,.     ,  \    |,|,ii,„,i,.  r,„.|-   ,.,.,.,,;,; 

/.•;.,     ,.l     .l/,„;„,„    /„,■„„,,■     ,V/„,,/„.,       w,     ,„,^     1,  ::,,,,„,,.,  h     i,„a:; t!„,i     ,, 

:'",'  ;:',■, '"'^  ^""'- "'"-  '""  i'--  'i'^-^.  ■■-  tim.  M:,p,..i  „„  ,.f  ,i,..  r...   .f ,. 

'■^"'":'''';"; ■■''^""'"•'•-  '"'i-  '-'■-  ••'  'i-  "■» i.n- •,„•.  „..,>i  „„^i..r^,. ,  .,.,i„r 

"';';:"'"'  '.■■^':''-'  -'•\y  -^-  u-  .,„.,..  ;.  ,.,„„!„„.!.   i;   ,h„  .„„„  ,,1,.,, 

.1     li.-..  r..I„nv,l^    -N.iiil   ..|r,.,  t,   tl„.   „pp.r   |,.v,.l   „|    ,|„.   „mi:.m:i   W,..|M   I,..   n,i...,l 
-..   I..111.    :,.    tl„.   „n^,„;,l    -iipply   ,,f   1,,.,.    h.^i,|    „  ,t.    u„l,  ,-   tl,..    r,..i|-    w.t-    th,    'Iv 

l"""""'"l   •"'•I   •  iiKiillV^I.      If   til..  l,...,t    -iippi,    ,li.|   „.,i    -:,•>;,.,.   I,,   pr,„| ,,„.|,   ;, 

■■iit.,-l.,.pl....  tlu-  l„nM  ..r  th..  l,ill,„liil,i,.  ,.|,„M,1.,  r  w„.,l.|  1„.  ,|,,,t  .,t  „  .|,,w,uv„r.llv 

';''■"■-■"«   ' 'Parttn.nt     »itluri     ilu,     iiua,!.-!     f..ri„utioii,    tli„„(?li    n    niiw>-lik,. 

■li:,,i,i  .  r  ,  .■iiM  .,1-  ,  l„.  pi-,„|,|,.,.:l, 

M..|,in-    uill    \ji.     in    iM|  i.lit\    \.  ill,    i!,,     ^\,..   ,.,    ,|„.    I,',,,.]..    ,.jn,.,|        I  |„. 

;'''■'■■'-"    '■'"'■'•^    '"■•''■    ^'"'''l-    '"liM-l-    i-    in.  -I    i.f.ihi'K     -,n.,:l,.r    ll,^,,    lI...    :ii,.ri... 
M.,k   nil..!  ,l,M-in;r  .1,,^  ,„   ,•!,   I,, „■.',■!■  |  ..i-i.,,!  ,,f  1,1^',  i!„l,liiv    ;„   ,|„    ,„,,.,„,, 

lint  the  .l.-ve|..|  m,  i,t  ,■{  tlir  niiiKn.Mlic  .•l.iinih.^r  i-,  aft,  r  Ml   n.f  -,,  iii,p..rtai,t 
\»r  rK'trogcni..  th,-.)iy  ;,s  i-  ih,.  lat,.  ,.f  th,^  .Mt'ulC.l  bt...  l.s.     N.^arlv  all  of  tho^e 

'::V  ".'■'^'■•'1;  I-  -i;-^!  ,■■!  :i-  i.i^.   :,■  i;,    .,•,,,,   „,,,-  „f  m,:;.,,,.,  r-,,),,;,,- 

l.ui.l.     .s,ich  ah,vs-al  a..Mmi:r.ti,.ii  im-aii-  ih,.  wh..|.  >alc  f.,ni.ati(,ti   ..t   ii.w    «,.,•,, i, 
.l^ir.v  i.i.i-iiia.     This  i,,pii.  will  l,e  troativj   in  a  f,.ll,.wiiii,'  s,.,.ti,,ii. 

'','"''■'"""■"  "'  /•"'  "''-^  III  ^i'.v  ..f  ti...  .M,.,,„  i,npr.|,;,l,ilitv  |l,,t  ..,,.. 
'•Ml  ofh-n.  It  ..ver.  ...xpe.'t  f,.  tin,!  th..  pr,,-..!i.!.  .,r  ,.: !  .•rwi...  d.-tf-rir tr"'!  fl.,„r 
,.f  .,  .I,.,.;.-,.;,,,,,!  n,-i-n,:,  |.,-ii,,  i,  :-  ,,|'  i,..,.,.,  ,  ,.,„,,:,,,  ,!„■  i^■^y  kn..»,, 
i. :,•,.,. hth-  With  VI,., 1,1,.  i!,„,rs  f,„-  inf,.rm:,'i,..,  :„  •  .  th..  fi..i,.,  v  of  -topin-  Of 
<',>m-.s,..  the  ,-o->.liti..u..  for  rifti.,y  ,.n,l  f.i-  tl„.  -  ,l>in  ..„.  .,.v  \AovU  from  the 
root,  nr..  inii,.li  !,..,.  fav,,nrnhl<.  in  th,.  rapi,llv  i,.  .  AM  ,-.  .^.,„.,  of  a  tyi.ioiil 
lujfolith  than  they  wonlil  !,.■  in  a  <l..o|,..r-<..att>,l  n...  „i-,  ii, 
witii   the   -.wiy,.   'IViif,..'     Siioe   ii,.t  ,hU'  ,!..ffi(...  ..t 

i.iMiiii..  I    a-   ..hi,i.a,-t<.ri>ti,.   ,,f    la lilli    nia:,.iiias.      Tl,- 

-••lali  an, I  arc  siirroiiiule.l  on  -iij,.,  ,\,-,  pf  a'   th-      ,,,. 
,,j  k-.  -.,  that  ..Jiillint,'  imi>t  !),■  inii.-h  more  rapi'i  than   ■  ; 
X,.s,.rth, •!,.>■..  tlm  attcinjif   ha>  l„'..n   mail.'  t,,  !  n.l.   in  th, 
ol    lyfio    l,i,.,-,,liths,  any   stat,iii,.nl    f,ir   or   ii!.'ain-i    th,.   pr. 
i'liiount    ,,f    riflinn   ami    st.pintr.      In    -ii,.h    ^niall    icn, 
nn:ikcly  that  total  <iip,.sti.)n   woiij.l  ,l..^tr,.y  bl.,<.k.   fall,,,    ir. 
iniitlit.,  I.l-  look.,!  for  on  th,-  t!o..i->.     So  far.  the  wr 
110  ovi.lence  on  the  point  ii.  any  of  tlie  nioiioprap'  j.     Tl>..  r 
to  s.'eU.     Very  fi-w  tloor,  (.f  la, 'eolith,-  are  actually  ,•xpo^ 

that  in  many  iu.-tances  an  obaurvei-  wouM  have  .litheiilty  in  .lis; 

•  eon,;  mnieation 

'•OUM    neressfirily 

"•..'ilith?   arc   nil 

■'   liiit.  ■  V  ,      j 


,    liin'te.l 

would    be 

•..f.     They 

a.-j  (Ii -Covered 

an-  not  far 

,|)a!.!<..  too, 

^nn  jj'''"k^ 



hi  l-Mll  Ml  \  I    III-    I  III     IS  1 1  niul! 

2  GEORGE   v.,  A.    1912 

ti.rii  out  nf  ill..  ||„,r  I-,. Ill  til..-,.  Miiili   iliitli.-r  I'r lli,.  i,„.t.     IlillMTt."  .r,iir«!ir.+ 

•'I''  "'l"'i'  'I lii'i'  IniniM.iif-.  Ill  Nvi'l-i  iilxivc  ill.-  il.inr,  .!,,  ,iut  .lin-ctlv  nii^c 

ilu-  iiiit-tiHii  in  I..  tlu-.v  won.  licM  Mi-p.n>I.Ml  >  iiliin  ilm  itiiurtim.  ,..i  lh.< 
I.H-iolitlis  ..r  till'  ll.iiry  iMiiiiiiliiiti.,  ill.'  iiiiii,iiiil|v  Imv  .{.'ii^iii..^  .,1'  till'  iiivmli"! 
^.ifiNl..iii'-  ami  -li;i!,",  .ir.-  -iirl  n-  i,,  warratil  lli.'  I,.'li,'i'  iliai  iraviiii'iiN  .'I'  lli.'<.. 
r."l<'<   r.'iilly    ll'iai..|    In    lli,'    iiiajina. 

•Iiiutrar  li.i-  .lt-.'riln-.|   lar;.-   I1I...1.  -   nf  ( ■ainliriaii   ^tr.ita   a-   iiiiiii.'r-<r.|   in   tin- 

l:ii'.-.ilillli.'   IM.ipll.vri.-s   111    ill.'    Kl.i.'iv     llilU   ail. I   .Apluiiw   lll.lll    H-   .111.'    I,,   •.■x.'.'.-^iv.. 

.|..Miilr.'."      \i-\     It 

ll'!.'      llh 

'     may   "«•     th.  ir   pr  -•  ni    i".-iti..ii-    I. 

Ii'hIi  Miat'iiialii'  \i .ily.  til.'  Miai:iiia    iVc'/inir  -.u  lI'V   wiTr  in   tli.'  lu-l  i.l'  -l.iwly 

tliialinp   ii|i\vai.U   lr..iii   ih,'   il,..,i    ..r  -iiiUiii!.'   Ir.'in    ili.'   r,.,,!'  ,,|'  ili..  |; ..litli. 

■"""I:"'.  I '  I' 11.  I" li'h-  'lt.  ■     .'n  ''11  .ili.    I',    11'  t-'i'''    '  \     I'ai.'.'  in  till'  I.  -I  ..    (!i.' 

^lopiiiu  livpotli.-^i,  pliilinii.'  iiiat'iiiii-.  iiml.  pcrluips  in  tli.'  natiirr-  ..f  tli.'  .am, 
ll">    'III    n.  .ii'   1  .■  .'!'   I'    vain      in    .1   l.rMinim;    tin'    irutli   "!    !li.     Iiy|„,i|i, -i-  ; 

I'n.l.l.m  „f  //.,  I,,i,r.  'rill'  -l.ipinu'  li\  pi.tli.-is  pn-i'iil-  iii,  prin- 
cipal .liiliriiliy ;  it  r.'t.r-  t..  ill.'  a|ipariiil  .laiii-.T  .•!'  llic  f..uii'l.'riiii.'  ..f  th,'  i-,,.,ts 
.'iiMTiii;.'   til.'   Iiiririr   lialli..liiii-.      IimI.t   pliit..iiji'  .'..iiilili.iii-    lal    .l.'ptli-  ..I    Ir.iiii'  I  I  live  ..r  -ix  niil.-^l  lli..  av.'i'a'.'i'  in-'itcii  -raiii'  •  wi.iM  liav.'  a  -i ili.'  irraviu 

in>  lij.jlii'r  tluiii  L'-|t>.  Til,-  avi-rar.'  r'..-k  ..I  il-  r....!'  Iia-  a  -!H"'iii,'  uravily  ..f 
al.out  •-'■7l».  If.  tlicii.|i  i.rnp'iiii.  Tiii.M'in.'iit.  a  lari:,.  iiia-i  ..f  tlic  f....f-r...-k 
liri'iiiM..  OIK',,  wli.ill.v  imiii.'rso.l  ill  ttu-  urutiiti',  ll  not  ..nly  f..iin.l.p  it*..If 
lint  tlirounh  .iiilHi.ipi..iit  ImcklinR  tin.  rm.f  might  rnllrtp'*..  ami  f.iiiinU'r 
in  .i'.ti..ti^.  ll,,iilil,-,  -'i.-li  a  i'ai,i-tr..plii'  ha-  -.hli'iM  liMpp.'iic.l  in  tli.'  .'a-.'  ..f 
any  I'al,'. ./..!.•  .,i'  I  I'.'r  iia'lh.jil'in-  intni-i  .n.  'I'iii-  .litli. •iilly  lui*  li.'.'ii  I'liipha-i/.i  <i 
liy    iiarri'll.   wh.,  Jn-iN    n-.wi-   it    a    iti'.imim  ni    pla.-.-    in    hi-    iii'.m.m'apli.' 

'I'll.  I'rcM'iil  wrilcr  paiiii..t  I'laiiii  1..  liavr  miIv.mI  tlii-  |iri.|.l.'m.  Init  he  doc^ 
rot  Iiml  it  to  f..riii  a  fatal  ..ajccti..!!  to  th.'  hyp..thc--i-<.  In  the  first  iilncc,  it 
>iH'lii<  I'l.'ar  lliat  all  tlu'  ..tli.'r  liyi'-.'-i  ..f  uraniti.'  inlni-i.iii  ari'  I'a.-iiiL'  thf 
Millie  .liloiiiiiia.     All  of  lll.lll  I  Nprc^sly  or  tiicitly  iiostiilal.'  s.m..  .L.^rt't'  of  tliii.lity 

in    .-a.  h    L'r.mili.'    in,;--    :-    il    lill.i'    r    ..r  .li-pl ,    il-   .'..uiil|-y-r..i-k-.       W.' 

liav).  -..'11  that.  llii'iij;li  ihi'  \i>i'..-iiy  of  siii'li  a  maxilla  may  be  sovoral  hiinilroil 
lini.'-  -hat  ol  xviitiT.  ilii'  r..i.f->.'.'i irns.  om-..  imincrspil.  must  sink  in  the  miipiiia. 
All  p.'tro!o;;i-ts  wli..  Uli.'Vi'  in  iiiaL;niiti.'  ..r  olhor  ilitTiTcnlialioii  a-"  oporativo 
in    halliolitli-  imist   fa.'i'  th. inni..ii   .lilti.'ulty. 

S.'.'omlU,  ill.-  vo'il.-i'  liii-  sh.iwn  r.-.i-oii-  lor  that  thi>  oartli'-  mist 
a!  pfi-iiil  n'-t.  .'11  a  i-oiilinm.iis  cuifi,,'  ,,f  l.asaltic  (Rahbr..!.!)  matrnia.  i-itbiT 
.piilf  llui.l  or  roaily  to  l.(-i'..m.-  Iliii.l  wh.-ii  inicct.-.l  into  the  crust.  If  the  iivorairn 
s|K'<-ili.'  uravily  .if  tli,.  .lu-t  is  :.'.:.-.  (n  probahl,-  vain,'),  it  woiiM  as  n  wholo  bo 
Miiil''  :il'l'-  1"  H'.at  .,11  IM  ■  ;  a-alii.-  -  .o».  ': .  .  ■,■,  hi.-h.  111, ,  I, -r  ih.-  -r.-il  l.r.  — iir.-.  h,,uM 
l.n.l'ahly    I     >,-    a    -i.,'.iti.     iira'il;.    .i\.i-    ■J-'-'i.      linp.rl'.'.'i    a-    lli,-    iniiniTiual     lata 

•li.  K.  liill.erl,  GpuIukv  ..f  lli.'  Il.'iirv  M'aiiilaiiis.  1S77,  p.  Wl. 
t  T.  A.  .lajr-ar,  U.S.  Il.-dl.  .Survey,  21st   Aiiinnil   Ki'iioit.  I'art  -■).   irKII.  p.  211. 
:  I>o    ♦!!.>  ■'11111-,  ova. lo"  1, lucks  on    tlip     ll.iiir    nf    tli,.    fliilntli    Kahl.rii    "hK.dlilli"     nf 
.Minnesota  in  part   reprospnt  Minki'ii  fraitni.'nis  of   its   riKit - 

5.1.  Harroll,  Prof.  I'ap.-r,   No.  :>7.    I'.S.   il.'ol.    Siii\.v.   IIKIT,    |>     172. 


'W.     ;1-      1     wl|..|i 

'  ritiii   ../    /  ///    (  ///,  /     ,>//.'f,\t.i;.'  '.' 

SL^SIONAL    PAPtR   No    POd 

:T.-.   w..  s.rm   jii.titi.J    Ml    ,-,,Mrlii.lii,,';    ll,,!    i'  ir.h'-    ,.-,,.    , 

ii;   iliilp'.-   tliiliili  .11.' 

"''•"  ''"•  -"I'-T'i-ial.  aci.l  ,,„„/ ■  ,1,..  ,,n,„;i,\,..,,ri|,  t    ,-.,„  t,.   .,,l|,lit\       Tli.M 

'"'"''"■'"«   '"■'>    I"'"   ''''-■"   I'l^"".   .1-    K,Im„    iin.^l n„,|    ,|„.   ,,„.!v    i„ri.,...| 

'■'■'"'•"  • '•'  !'■'   ■    -    "•    '•'!'   •!  ••-r'  '■!'  nil''-  ,.r  i,,..r.    .i„iil   t'.\    i,;.  r   •!,,    ,|,  i,.,  ,• 

'';■  '■'■'"*       l''--il''v,    ,,|    ,.„.!.•., ,v    ...   ,1 „,l,,;,,„    ,■.,„„„;,,„ 

*     '•■    rv|, ..•,,!,;       .,,    ,1,:.     .  ,     ,,,|,|,      ,.,„„i,,, ,-    ,.„         ,,,,     ,,^.,,_,  v,,,,,|,     ,„ 

'^•■""■'""  •' ■  'i"'  ii'-i'l  -ll'"'  "•   -  ,M,.|  w,,-  i|,..i,  ,.,„,irif,.,l  1,..   I,,,,li;.. 

'""■■"""-    "'''■•''    ' '"••'  -iirfnc...    f-rniir,:.-   tl„.   |,..,,vv    in,  ,,f   tfrr,.|,M..„r, 

'"■'""-'"«  '"  "'  '•  I'-ri"  '     -       •■  lli-ii  til..  .Mi.t  Ikh  n.iM.,lii...|  ,.-     ,,ii;,llv   ,.,.|„.r,.„t 
i.n.l   ih,,.i,...|,  ,t   ,|„.  ,.rii      •        ,,,.,1,  |,,„.  „,   ,.,  .„y  !,.,„.,  ,„„l  ,,i,„.,..,  |,.„  „  ,.,.„,,,, .,| 

!      I-.     ll-iWrUT,     .,ir!..     1 11,1,.     l!,;lt     ih,.     l.P-k     .,t     ,V-1.'1I1     ..I, u'     ill-     :1V,.,     .,f     III,. 

""I"  "'liMi   l,.nl,.,l,.l,.  „i„l  til.-  ni.uii.h.i,,-,.  „r  111,..,.  |„„l.nliil„  Mr..  l,.,th  .■xpluin...! 
''■■   ''"     '' "■"  •""!   ^^viikn.-^..  ,,r  111,.  ,Tii-l    ih    !,.,-■   K'  ..Wilt III   ^.M,l    i,r,-l  ;,,„|iri;n, 

;  iiii.. 

Vnr  I'.ii, .„/.,!,.  .,,,,1  h,i,.r  l,alli„litlH  iIht,-  i^  .■,  u,ll  .|..ti,„.,|  )„«■  i),,,,  ,||,.v 
hav..  p..n,>tnil..|  tl„-  ,T,„t  „„l,v  ,„i  til,.  Mt,-  ,,,  f,,l,|,.,|  tr,.,.  .,i,.|i„„l,.  „n,l  tl,.,t  th',. 
Ii  >.'.T  l>:ltli,,litlii,-  :i\,..  m;.  ii-ii.i1Iv  iirrMii;;,-!  i.:inill,.|  |.,  T 
ciimil  1111,1   1 Ill  iiii-iiilii.r..  :i\..-. 

Ill  i.tlu'i-  \v,,i-(|-.  i!„.  iiitrii-i..|i  lii.i,„y  .,1  III,.  ir|,,|„.  ,„,,,  )„.  ,.,„„.,.|^,,,|  ,|^ 
.livi-il)l,.  int..  ll,,,.,.  ,.|„„.!,-:  ,1,..  lir.t  \y-hvj:  tl,:it  in  wlii,.|,  ti..-  „ut.-r  |,n„i:,rv 
■''"■'I  "■■'-  '••'■■'niliL'  M,.l.|..  I',, .,.,,. I,  -.„.,.,.,.j,,,  ...'i.hii.'Mi  .!,-  ,■:•..!  f.,i,„.l..rl.,i..., 
til,'  -■.•,.11,1  l„.iiiu-  111,.  |„„t-K.,\v;itiii  I  l.iiur,.iiliiiii)  ,.|,...-li  ,.|-  vcTv  Hviiir:,!  iiit.^r- 
.i.ti..ii    l.,lw,.,.ii    tl„.   (|iii,|   l,.,si;iii-   Mil.-lr,|iiiii    Mil, I    M,.hl   ,rii-i,    uitli,.,it    ,M,.„.iv., 

fnuiiili.riiiu-     l.iil    uitli   .l,.v,.t..|iHi,.iii   ,,i'   iiiMiiv   Inri.'.'.    'rrirulMrlv  ,„ rri-ii:  1,mi1i,,- 

'"'";  ''"■  '''''•'!■  :'  I"  -i'-l  "1  ll"-  l...':i!i/Mli,...  ..|-  l,iilli,,llt!i-  ill  .•,ri,iiii  iii,,iiMtMiii- 
li  ImIn.   wh.T,.  ill, .lie   tli,.r"  -,..|iH,    ill    tlii<   tliinl   (...r''..,!.   I,,   li,,v..  ,„.,-iiri-,.,l   ili,. 

il  '""    ■■''    III..I1,-,     I..'I-1IIM     ill     11, ;l     ■    -    .,r    I  m!':..|;i|    1,-    .|  ■,.        ,■!,■,   jv,     if     ,a,   ,■.    m. ■.■-,• 

\K         I   li.v   \vli..',.-ii!,.   I',.iiii,|,'riiii.'.' 

.\Raii,.  unmtiiiL'  the  liy|,iitli.-i.<  lliat  n  vi-IM>.  |.,,.t-.\iv!i,.Mii  liMtli,,litli  i-  tli,. 
iioi.liti.-,!,  upper  p..rli,.ii  ,.f  a  I.M-alli.-  i„,.|.v  ..ri-iiiMiiy  iiij,.,.|,.,|  t..  a  I..V..1  l,.ss  tli:in 

:i!"iil    -i-<    "!•   .■iulit    mil.'-    ll ll irt,:'.    -..-r,-    .  .„.,.|::|..-     '',.     I,.,.!     ,,|-     ,,,, 

^trMinl.     it     i^    11, >t    ,li:li,.ult     t,,    -.V    lllMt    ..M.ll-iv,.    r,,llll,l,TlllL'    IIIMV    1„.    i.„t..,--i|,l,.. 

Only   afl.T   >,,iii,>  .lilT,TiMili  iti,.ii    ,,i-  a.'i,liti.Mti.,ii    ,.!'   tin-   primnrv   nia-iiia    w,,iil.| 

■■">'  I'^Tf  "f  it   I ill,-  !,.->  ,|,.ii-,.  than   til,.  MVi.nt.','   nvif-r.K'k.      X'cn.ililli,  ,,r  i!i,. 

li.Mvi.'r  -ii..i.,,...  an.!  s,.)  i-u  w.,iil,l.  li„w.-v,.r.  .ink.  \V|i,.„  ,li-.f,lv..,l  in  ll„-  pri- 
iiuiry  iiKi-iiiM  tlii'ir  mat, .rial  m.|,1,.,!  f.  tli.n  .li-^,,lv,-,l  :,I.,|,-  tli,.  ni.iiii  ,Miita,-f  - 
u-,.iil,|    l.,\viT   the   .i,ii-ity   aii,i    in  lumiiat,.   lli..   ..tatr,'   .,t    t:,ii,TMl    ^t..].in..^      Only 

r,..jpi.,.t i\ ,.   tr.'.'^yn- 


•I''..r  a  fuilh.T  ih  luxion  ,,{  tlii',  [..liat  -,-,•  Am,!.  ,I<,ur 

V,-!.  i.',    PKKi,    p. 

t  Is  it  cprtain  that  tin.  ihyolite  iilatpaii  of  tlip  V,.|low«t.ii!c  I'.irk  i-  not  tl,f.  ,lt..  i,f 
p.irlial  fDundenng?  Tlio  va-'tn.'ss  of  tli,'  formation  Mi>;K,.st~,  in  anv  .m^p  that  thi- 
yoiiiiKi'st  of  thi>  .-Vrnprirftii  hatli„liths  li..-  hat  littl..  h,.!,i«  tl,,.  ^infa,,.  in  th,.  i'ark  Thp 
Ki-J-MT    la',.t    IS   iirohaiily   il.-iiv,.,!    Inmi    t'     ,  .-till   .iMiiuit;   hatliolilli.       Sm,-..   tin-    -i.port 

nas  M.nt  to  (>tta«a   u,v ti,,.   u  i  it.r   has   i-mip,!   a    liilhr  stat,..n,.,il    ,.f   this 

sajr^Pstion    (I'roi-.   .\mfr.   Acaii.  Arts  an, I   .<,i,.ii,.-     V,.l.    C     llHI     ).    Wn 


iHU-AuniKsr  OF  Tin:  isTKiaoit 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
will. 11  tlic  lo^^ultiiiK  syiitpolir  iiiiipriii:i  !ins  been  forinod  in  large  aniount  is  there 
tm.v  iliinyror  (if    But  it  i-  evidtnt  tluif,  in  the  proopsa  of  dissolv- 

illLT   thr    CUlJ-llllr,!    Mn.-k^.  th,.    IlKI-lIM    i^    l.-illlT   llCMl.      Ill    ill,-    II.  .nil.-l  1    |  ,„-l -C,  ml  T  i  ^,  1 1 

lialliolilli  ilio  iiiaHiiiii.  beciuiso  of  exhaustion  of  the  liont  supply,  seems  to  hnve 

lifi'ii  urn  -tril   in  il>  iipunnl  CHiir-c  nt  iivniirr  ,li-nin.-i-i  ..f  ;i  few  th.ius;iii(l  t', vt 

f'"'"  '' ■"■'l'"s  surl'iu-e.     The  syntoclii-  luim-iiiii.  less  d,  n-^e  thiin  the  roof-rock, 

IS  thus  n.-c.-s-arily  of  limito,!  depth.  Tliiil  doptli  rciin.scnts  tlio  thickness  of  the 
roiirhi-  which  ciuhiiipcrs  the  stability  of  the  roof.  If.  now,  wo  im.ipino  the 
liu(.klin^'  i.t  the  roof  with  the  coiiiplc((>  immersion  mid  slnkinfi  of  certiiin  parts 
'if  it.  tiu^  foundering  must  he  limited  by  the  width  of  the  injected  body  (seldom 
..ver  lliirly  tnile-)  iind  hv  lb,,  lliickiii--  ,.f  i|.,.  ;„.i,|  riiii.lir  (i„.i-|,;i,,-  rvAil  loil,- 
or  le-s).  J'lxtensivo  tloods  of  rh.volite  ami  alli.'d  rocks  may  have  issued  at  the 
.-uriaee  in  eonsequenee  of  partial  foundering  (faulting),  but'  great  crustal 
eatastri. plies  involving  hirgo  areas  would  not  be  expected. 

Finally,  it  sl„,u!d  be  noted  that  post-Arcliean  granitic  intrusions  have 
regiila.'l...  followed  periods  of  proloiige.l  orogenic  crushing,  during  which 
accnniulat(>d  tangential  stres.,.s  are  effectually  relieved.  .\s  the  niairinas  work 
their  way  up  into  the  foldcl  terranes  ther.>  i<  r.lativ,.lv  1  ,e  chance  for  the 
buckling  of  the  roof,  I'ntil  it  is  biu^kled  and  iiiiinerse.l  ii  ,ie  niagniii  if  cannot 
sink.     Now   the   heat  of  the  iiiai;iiiM,   though    it   shatters   the   roof-rock   at   the 

""'"i"'i'"' ii'iii''  of  solid  and  lluid,  niusi  tend  to  cNpand  the  roof,  tighten   it. 

rrcvent  i;.u-iii^'  '.lulting  and  so  strengthen  the  roof.  The  cover  of  tile  batho- 
hth  i~  tlh  reby  kept  in  an  excepii.,nall,v  rigid  con.litiin.  Its  strength  is.  initially, 
that  .,1  a  domed  shell  ^panning  diameters  not  V(.ry  many  time-.  tli,>  thii.kiicss  of 
the  -li,.||,  Tbo  strength  is  inci-ease.l.  a-  with  the  groined  roofs  and  andics  of 
(iothic  architect  are,  by  the  pr,.senco  of  roof-pendants:  an-1  by  tla.nnal  expansion, 
the  whole  is  strongly  knit  together.     Iiumersieii  ami  foundering  of  roof-sections 

may.   i  l.rreluio,  lia\e  I  ecu   .-oidniu   !:e--ii  I,-   111    ll :,-,.   ,,|'   |.,.-l -.\i-cli,.;,ii    i.ail,..:i,!i 

or  stock. 

In  spite  of  the  highly  tlie.,rctical  nature  of  some  of  the  foregoing  argument. 
It  iippears  to  the  writer  to  carry  weiglii  enough  to  warrant  our  regarding  the 
difficulty  in  iiueslion  as  not  dc.-tructive  of  the  .-toping  hypotheses.  The  problem 
need-  furiher  study  in  connection  with  tlii-  and  all  otiu.r  conceptions  of  granitic 

Il,,<l:    M.i 

M.!ii.|ir  .aIiI, 
.1  Ir.  Ill  an  . 
r  planefi.sinial   nebiil.-O.  or  whether 

(l»7      il.l      t  ',/;,,,, v.— 

'i-  .Mrlli"-  .-rn-l   i<  I. 

e!ii..ii    in    tli.     .levi.l- 

\'i  ii.'lh.T  the  ..l.-,.rvr.|  a\er:i..^-,.  i..iiip..r,ii  m 
1".  I'splaiueil  a-  due  to  .iri-inal  (  inii. 
opniciit  nf  111,,  oartii  either   from   a   i;,-isc,.i 

the  gradient  is  due  to  the  evolution  .if  heat  with  the  break-up  of  radium  and 
other  radio-active  substances,  are  general  ipiestions  not  immediately  atTerting 
the  sloping  hypothesis.  We  need  go  no  further  back  in  the  thermal  problem 
than  to  secure  an  estimate  of  the  minimum  temperature  of  the  primary  innpma 
when  ubyssally  iiijecte.l  aial  thus  prepared  f..r  sloping  ami  as-imilatbiii.  This 
estimate  is  evidently  not  to  make.  .\  rough  idea  of  the  probable  tempera- 
ture may  be  obtained  by  deductively  considering  the  temperature  gradient  or, 

in.roin  nr  riii  ciiiir   \<i i.-iimimii; 


SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

M'...,Ml,v,   l,v    ,,s.ui,n„:,    tluit    tlu.    Initial    t,.Mi|H.rMt„r,.    .,|    ,1,..    ,,l.vs.allv    iMi,.,.t,.,i 
I'iisal     M  n„t  far  fr,„„  that  of  tl.r  hott.-t  l-asali',.  lava  kiunn,   in,,.,.. 

11.0  lir-t  i.ioih,,,!  i.  ai.i'H.'abl-  ...,  .vnain  a.-um,..:.,„s  a-  to  thothormal 
.m,|  malonal  ,-.,„stitnt  i..,,  „f  ti„.  l,a-altir  M,l,.tratuM,.     It   i.  ti.wt  of  all  •i-iirm^i 

'!':"     /'"■      ■^"'-"■'•"1".      ti...„.J,      M       t,-;„.      l.„:,l,       |,„.      ,„,,„v       ,„||,,      ,,|-      ,!,,!,        ,, 

^uMtl.v    stratiti.Ml    a.rordin^'    t.,    .i,.„M-.y    ,!itr..n. s.      Tlio    ,-l„.,ni,.al    .•ontr.^t 

hruvcon   >mv,.,s,vo  -liolls  of  tho  sul.Mratum  may   1„.  oxtn.inrlv  slight   and   vot 
Ml  ...■uMit   to  lirev.iit  .■onvo.lion   .•i.rn.nN.  wm    ihou-1,   tlio  l,ollom  shell   of  tho 

.snhstratnni  is  s.nvral  hiin.lnMJs  of  ({  li,,,t,.r  than   the  np|HT st   shell       \ 

riHo  in  f.nporatnrc  of  fonr  Inin.i.v.l  de-nvs  invoKos  an  oxpansion  of  onlv  ahont 
one  per  cent  in  volume.  An  tinderlylnu'  rourhr  ,,f  hasalt  at  liifxi  (•' would 
thorclore.  if  its  spe.alie  gravity  at  VJiM^  C.  were  iMtn,  not  .■onv,..tively  displace 
an  overlyinfr  coiuhr  „f  mapma  at  liMHI^  C.  and  with  a  sp,.eilie  uravitV  of  -^-'tO 
Sueh  faint_  density  stratiti,Mtion.  if  ass,„„ed.  jroes  far  to  explain  tlie  -oneral 
.-lability  ot  the  earths  crust  and  so  far  is  in  aeeord  witii  tho  fa.-ts  of  po-t- 
.Archean  ;;  This  conception  also  involves  the  po-ihility  that  the  ohscrved 
temperatnie  gradient  continues  without  imiKirtaiit  change,  deep  into  the  sub- 
stratum. It  i~  h,.rc  als,,  a->umed  that  the  (.iradieiit.  ;!'  ( '.  C.r  Hki  metre-  ,,f 
dcMViil.  applies  to  the  cru-t  and  to  the  upper  part  of  the  suhstratum  at  least 
It  must  1h.  noted,  however,  that  the  -radhait  may  vcrv  e,,usi,|erahlv  stern,  ii  n, 
the  depths,  b.'cause  of  the  fact  that  tiie  thermal  conductivity  ami  diffusivitv  of 
rock  hoth  decrease  in  large  ratio  with  increase  of  temperature.     The  amount  of 

-lee|.enim;   of    the   irradient    is    unknown,   hut    our   ignorane, this   p.diit    is 

unessential    to   the   principle  of   the   following  argument,    in   which   the   normal 
gradient  is  assmnecj  througlmut. 

Thirdly,  it  is  assume,!  that.  un,l..r  normal  con.iitions,  the  Mihslratum  sh.'ll 
imnicliatcly  l.elow  the  .„!i,l  is  n„t  superheate.I  but  is  at  th.-  melting  p,,int 
ot  ba.salt  at  that  d.>pth.  The  accepte,!  temperature  gradient  gives,  at  th,.  ,h.pth 
ol  .-".s  kiloni,liv-.  a  t,'m|.,ratnn.  „{  lllo  ( '.  V.-ut  l,.-,s  ,-a|.-n'at,.l  th.,'  il,e 
pressure  at  thi>   level   raises   the  melting  point   about   .50°   ('.     Since  basalt   at 

atmospheric   p,,>~>ur.-    is   all   m,.|t,.|,    at   al t    Uld'   ('..   w,.   mav   ,.,.n,-l,i,l,'    thit 

th,'  holtom  ..I    toe  .•rusl.   in   a,v,,r,l e  will,   th,.  assnmpti..ii-.  averages  ahout    10 

kilometres  below  th.-  |.ivs..nt  surfa.'c.  If  th..  earth  is  ,-,.„linL'  down,  tli,-  crust 
was  ..yi,l,.i,ily  -,.,nc,l„.i  ,l,;„,„.r  duiiiiu'  ■j'erliary  and  pr,-Terli,irv  h.ii  l„,;it'„i,- 

If.  nov*-,  a  hr.>a,l  gcsyiicHnal  prism  of  s,.,lim,i,fs.  10,000  ni,rre-  thick  in  the 
1111. Idle,  u  laid  <l.,wn  on  th,.  -ite  of  a  fuluiv  nc.aut .-lin  rang,.,  tli..  is.,i:v,, therm, 
must  ri^..  'riie  „pi.,aiu..s|  layer  <if  llie  suhstr.i:  nm.  wher,.  mo>l  ,l,.eplv  huri.M. 
will  II, us  t.aul  to  assume  a  i.auiierat  oiv  „l  nearly  :;iHi  C.  above  n..rmai.  If  the 
>,-.liiu,.iilary  prism  !>,■  f<ihh.,|  and  overlhrust  as  in  th,.  largi-scal,.  ..rog,.i,i,- 
disturban,.,.,  the  substratum  below  th..  mountain  rang,,  may  !.,•  silM  n,,,,.,.  (.ffei't- 
ively  blanktted,  with  a  further  rise  of  the  isogcotherms.  Qiiiik,  ii,  ,1  ,.r,,si,„i 
may.,  larg,.Iy  ulT-et  this  thi.'k.-ning  by  th,.  mountaln-huihling  pro..(s.-, 
:iM.l  It  wouhi  he  uiiMile  to  postulate  a  total  lis,,  of  temperature  of  more  than 
:'■<"•'  «'.  in  the  suh.stratiini  of  the  area.     I'art  of  this  supcrli.-at  is  lost  bv  con- 



ni:i:\itTMK\r  <if  tiih  istkuior 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.    1912 

iliK'tioii  into  the  cni-t.  the  lower  Imsii'  piirt  of  wliicli  iiuiy  1)(>  tliii^  iiifltcd.  An 
uiikiiowii  Ipiit  possilily  cuii-iilerablt!  fraction  of  the  totnl  Mipirlicat  may  rciniiin 
iu  tlie  oriKiniil  nuhstratun),  and  this  amount  of  -upurhcat  wouM  charactprize 
tlie  basalt  wlu-n  rai)i(liy  in,ie(?tf(l  into  tlie  iTU>t. 

If,  as  f^i'iierally  bulioveil,  the  earth's  aeid  shell  is  s|)ec-ially  radioaetive,  its 
<volvinn  iieat  must  tend  to  be  rotainpil  beneath  a  pcosynelimd  blanket  and  loeal 
sujicrheat  in  the  substratum  developed.  Perhaps  this  is  the  prinei|>al  cause  for 
the  enorraoM8  excess  of  thermal  eiierfry  in  batlioiithic  niajrnias. 

Another  suun-e  ol'  siipcriuMt    l<    iound    in   th inversi..M    into   heat    of   the 

meehanieal  I'ner^-y  necessary  for  injecting  a  viscous  melt  into  an  opening 

These  sources  of  superheat  wcjuld  alone  furnish  enough  thermal  energy  to 
raise  the  injected  basaltic  magma  from  lltO'  C.  to  some  temperature  short  of 
1500^  C.  or  ItiOO'  (,'. 

The  piliMij  up  of  lo.lHM)  metres  of  lava  over  a  larye  area  would  liav<'  an 
analogous  superheating  effect  on  the  sidistratnm.  This  conclii-ioii  enables  us  to 
give  some  explanation  of  the  fact  that  the  uivas  of  Kilauea  and  ^fauna  Loa 
seem  to  be  the  luittest  known  in  any  volcanic  vent.  Thi>  vast  Hawaiian  lava 
plateau  has,  apparently,  been  built  up  by  the  comparatively  rapid  effusion  of 
basaltic  ilou-s  from  I'a.-iric  depth-  a\erai;iii:.'  C.iMiO  jm-tre-  to  In  i^lu-  above  sim  of 
aliiint  1,IM")  mtiris.  The  uni'iiU'  la\a  fount  lins  (.f  .MokiiaiMtiv,.' ..  v.hi'e  sli.'wini; 
obvious  evidence  of  considerable  superfusion,  are  described  as  glowing  with 
'white  heat.'*  If  a  correct  de.-eription,  this  implies  a  temperature  of  1;!00°  ('. 
or  iiO'sibly  IJOO'  ('.+  Such  temperature  must  be  a  minimum  for  the  sub- 
-ti'Mtuni  which  'ei'ii-  llic-c  veul-.  where  thi're  !■;  continunii-  !o>-  of  heat  in  ihe 
convectively  >tirrod  lava. 

Speculative  argument  and  limited  observations  in  nature  agree,  then,  in 
fixing  some  such  temperature  as  ]:'0<)°  C.  as  a  minimum  for  the  basaltic  mass 
injectofl  into  the  crust-rock  below  a  great  mountain  range.  A  bathi  Htb.ic  body 
of  this  magma  is  thrust  into  rock-  which  ha\e  ahcad\  been  a!  ni n.  .I'ly  heated 
in    the   ern-h    of   mountain  iKiillin'j. 

Capti'lfii  nf  SiijirrlK'nfrii.  l'!ii!oiiif  Mnmiw  far  }f"!ll':.i  nii'l  Ih^xulfiii'i 
.\"c.')o^7//.«.- -p>asalt  m  'si  ba-.c  a  tliiTmal  caiiacilv  nr.ich  like  that  ..f  dialiase  at  tii'' 
same  temperature.  Barus's  experiments  show  that  the  average  specific  heat  of 
diabase  for  the  interval  I:i00-n40°  C.  is  -oSO.I  The  heat  energy  containefl  in 
the  substratum,  if  it  be  -up-rheatcrl  1i!o°  ('.  above  it-  nieltinir  imint  (11  H)°  C).  is 
in  excess  of  that  contained  in  the  substratum  just  above  its  melting  point  by 
(Itiflx  .r.50=)  ,'),')  + gram-calories. 

•J.  I).  Dnna,  Char.Tctpristir(=  of  Vnlcinops ;  Xpw  YorV.  1891,  p.  200. 

t  LeCliatelier  and  B^ndouard's  Hiph  Tcnippratuie  Mcasuiemonts;  NVw  York,  19flt. 
p.  246. 

:<".  Barns,  B.ilb  10:1,  T^S.  Gnnl.  Survey.  18.1.3,  p.  53.  For  tlip  interval  100-20=C.. 
the  mean  8pcri8c  tieat  is  about  'IW.  Tliere  is,  in  fact,  a  ste.\dy  increa-ip  in  the  mean 
value  as  the  teiiiri«ratiirp  of  any  silicate  or  silicate  mixtuip  rises.  This  fact  Roes  far 
to  e\|i|ain  the  prolcnpeil  iKiiiidity  of  ns-iaiilatint;  inaKina*;.  ft.  ,1.  H.  L  Vojjt  in 
Christiania  Videnskabs-Selskabets  Skrifter,  math,  naturv.     Klassp,   1904,  No.   1,  p.  40. 

ni.i-our  ur  i in:  i  inn    \sri;n\,,vn; 


..untr>-m,4,.      1  |„,,      .^o  ,on,l  ,■,.■,.„,■      „,•  l,,,.^  ,i,.t  ,1,..  av.r.fro  wall-rofk 

01    ,n,„U0  b.,l,olul^   l.„    ,,, , .i,i„„    ,,„,    ,,,.,„„;„;,,    ,„.    ^^    ^^^„;:,,^  ^^^ 

..r  ,,u>p..e-  of  ,..l,.„la„„n  will   1,..  ..,.,,,,.1  ,„  ,,.  „,„  ,■„,      .,.,„.     ^ 
t-npo,-a,wr..  .„  ,„.  w.Il-r.K.k  bofo.v  an  :.l,  i„nn-i„n  ,„av  1„.  ..„„-or"„ Vl 
i^^tiMiatcl  In.Mi  tlK>  m.rinal  t,.iMi>..raturc  frra<li,„t  to  I,,.  ■'„„ '  (■      |„  ,,^,1,.^  ,„  yn'-o 
the  ;.ne,s.s  to  the  to„„.eratun.  of  12()0^  vWuto  it  i.  just  tnol,,.,,.'  about  -110  .alono. 
0,=s,nn,„K  laton    heat  at  IM,  oalorie,-.  val,:o  .-ntnatcl  l,y  Vo^t  f,„.  tho  .Uic-^uZ 
V.T  yram  t.nist  ho  s„p,.lio,]   iVo,,.  au  out>i,lo  -o,,,.-...     |f  „n  ,1„,  ,„p,  rhoat  of  tho 

ha-alt  won.  available  for  n,  .....t  .ii.-olW,,.,  ,n,.i.-.  -j;  „r  ,na-s  „Mit  of 
.'.„.i-s  wo„l,l  bo  mehnl  by  ma-s-fnit  of  th^.  .snp.rhoato.l  basalt;  or  ahout  7-5 
..■..i.^-tnuts  „f  tho  basalt  would  molt  a  n,a...-„nit  of  wall-rook 

;-'R-h  9„nple  moltiiiK  woul.l.  lu.wovor.  n„t  oc.Mir.  Thc-o  aro  ,,l,,,tv  of  fioM 
•■•"•I  l.-.-oratory  p.oofs  that  n.olton  basalt,  ovon  ^liRhtl.v  .npcrhon.o.l.  will  ,li,.olvo 
■-  —  .-,.,  ...o:>.  a,„l  allicl  ro-k.  Tho  ,„utual  .oluti,,,,  of  two  oontraJo:i 
^  .  -a  .:  un.xtm-os  taU..^  phu.v  at  a  o,.,iain  tonipoi-atiav  whioh  i-  louvr  that,  tho 
■n.I  iii^-  pouit  ot  oither  one.  The  sin>pi(.  contaot  of  two  s„oh  tnatoHals  .uffiors 
'"  oau-othe.r  mutual  M,lutio„  at  that  louvr  tomporatufo.-  This  ! ,  M.laniental 
law  ot  phys„-al  (■h.^mistfy  has  boon  cxpfriMiontally  .lomon-trato.l  for  .ilioates  bv 
\o^n  and  by  Do.hor  and  hi-  pupils,  although  tho  last  tnontionod  authors  bavo 
-rhap..  n.t  sufho.oMt  y  ro.anled  tho  fact  that  it  tak..s  cnnsidorablo  timo  for  th^ 
iiiiiiual   -ointion  to  take  plaoo.f 

I'.Mnisoh  has  osperiM.outally  shown  that,  whon  two  part-  of  li,„hurt'ito  and 
one  part  ..t  }.|'an.te  are  iiiixod  and  heated,  thoy  melt  to-othor  at  iK.O^  C  and 
'.I:.'  -olution  .vnuuns  Hui.l  down  to  s,-,„  (-.^  Pn-daz/o  praiiito  soften,  at  ir.W'C 
■'""  the  iHuhur^tte  at  !>!•.-  Cs  I„  this  .-aso.  thoro  is' a  lowering  of  L>n()  -,W= 
'"•■■■;   'I-  inolnn.   ,„i„t   ..(  uraoito  and    I.",      1  I.',     ( '.   |,„|,„,  ,|,„  ,.(  li,„burKito. 

it  MVins  highly  probable,  thus,  that  f^iai-xonolith  and  basalt  woid.l  form 
a  >M|ution  or  -ynl,M-ii,.  film  wl.irii  i-  at  a  Pajiporalure  •/'  h-asl  l()(>^  C 
-■■»■  '  "•   tM-,w,-,,„i,„  „,•  l,,.,1t  at   th,.  avora...  depth  of  ton  kilometres  or  less 

'"■'""'   '■"■  '■^"■'''-  ^ii'-l' ■      At   th,.-o  doptlw  ia-alf   loolt-   :,i   a'MUit    H.Kt'   C  ■  the 

syote-li.-  w.udd  he  molten  at  or  below  ](}:,<)■'  c.  ]f  the  -ynteotic  film  were 'eon - 
timi„us;y  .-euioved  durinfr  the  sinking  ..{  tho  hloek  or  by  the  current,  inevitably 
MM  up  ,iunn..;  .t^pn,;;,  neaily  all  of  tho  ^uperla-at  of  tiie  basalt  mifrht  be  used 
in  dissolving'  the  t;noi-s.     The  total  meliiii-dioat  of  j;iioi.s.  if  i,„,lfon  at  Kl.-O"  ('., 

'''f-  '"'•  I;',li"l'""J;  "i'lf'-inann'-  .Ami.ilon  di-r  Phv-ik,  Vol.  21,  188.5,  p.  17 

t  S..(v   .1.    H.    1.    \n-t.    (Jiri-ii.iiiia      Vi,lpnskal)-S..lskal).t-<     Skrift.o-     m  itl,    n-.t..rv 

Kl..;-e._  vm    X„    1.  p.  i;M:  nn,rr-,l„.n„.  M,„    u.   I'.tro.r.' M,ttl,  ."vl,!    2.    IM,;  "p*'  rV 
+  K.    1  olr.i-ch.   .N.iit's  .laliil,.  liir  Mill,.  Pti-..    lioil.    1!,|      |7,     in       ,>    :,IK        I',.  ri-,li 

nu.xpjl  tlie  ,,f  „,ip  part  of  vraiiit..  (-often,  at  ai.nat    li:."  <'.)' «it||   two  i.ait-  ,f 

f  L"  r  k  •  '•;■"""  T'm'  •'"'  '"'I"^'-»'^"'  l-'»';n.,i;  of  tl„.  .n,.lt,M,.-,Hant  below  that 
•f  cithei  r.K-k  l.i-,r  r.K'k  tliu-  act-  a-  a  fluv  {or  sirarut..  (or  kh.:-,  („  „„  ..yf-nt 
.omparaM..  w,th  tliat  pr.-vcd  bv  IN-tia-cl,  ami  other-  fnr  lithiam  ohloiide,  oak  un 
lluoriile,  ^iiiinioimim  elilnnde,  and  .odium  tuiiRstate. 

Iff.    Doeiter,  Tselierra.   Mill.  u.    IMrour.    Mitth.,   Vol.   20,    lHOt,   p,  210. 

I'   -[ 


itf:i'AKTMh:sr  or  Tin;  istiikiou 

of  pntisa  would,   tlion.  bo  di^^^olved 

4r!  frrams  or  iiiii^is-units  of 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

wniild  lie  iibout  400  Ciilories.     The  hpiit  energ>'  rec|uired  for  tlie  solution  of  one 
fraiu  of  the  >:iifis8  wliioh  hiis  an  orifrinal  temperature  of  200^  C.  is  (10O-4O=> 

:!(lii  calorics.     The  licat  cm'rL'.v  uivni  oil'  \t\  oin'  i;r;iiii  of  li;i-:ilf   in  ciidliii'^   frmn 
i:!00'  to  lO.'O"  V.  is  about  (250 x -340=)   85  calories.     One  gram  or  nia8--unit 

Ihe  primary  basalt,  provided  all  the  thermal  energy  were  used  for  solution. 

The!»e  various  calculations  are  obviouslv  very  crude.  They  take  no  account 
of  Conduction  of  heat  away  from  the  batholithic  mas:»,  nor  any  afcour.t  of 
possible  e.Notlieriiiic  or  endothcrinic  chemical  reactions  between  basalt  and  wall 
rock;  nor  any  a<'Couiit  of  the  inlliicuiM'  of  water,  chlori  !( -.  etc..  ilcrix  r  I  frn:ii  an.v 
gco~ynclinal  rocks  wliich  are  assimilated.*  Tliese  substances  held  in  the  mag- 
matie  solution  tend  to  lower  the  solidification  point  of  the  syntectie.  The  result 
of  the  calculation  would  also  be  affected  if  we  assume  that  the  heavier  xenoliths 
woi.ld  sink  to  levels  where  the  temperatures  arc  above  1.30i1'  C.  Finally,  the 
result  would  be  dltf.  rent  if  we  [instuiate  tliat  the  invade.l  formations,  thronnh  the 
crushing;  incident  to  orogenic  movement  before  the  intrusion,  had  been  heated 
above  200°  C.  Without  here  entering  on  the  discussion  of  these  further  com- 
plications, we  may  conclude  that  probabl.v  froia  four  to  six  voltmies  of  the 
superheated  primar.y  basalt  would  furnish  the  hcat-encrgy  necessar.v  for  the 
snlntion  of  one  volnine  of  wall-rock. 

If  this  rough  estimate  is  even  approximately  correct,  we  have  some  idea  of 
the  actual  assimilating  power  of  plutnnic  magma  which  has  been  superheated 
a  couple  of  hiindreil  degrees.  We  also  see  a  definite  reason  for  the  fact  that  jiost- 
.\icliiMii  'jranite-  have  seldum,  it  ever,  >tupe  I  their  .ay  to  l!ie  eartli'- 
surface.  The  crust  has  been  too  thick,  the  expenditure  of  heat  energy  in  form-  tile  syntcctic  nuiL'tna  too  ^rreat,  that  tiie  pro"css  could  oiicrate  to  its  extreme 
and  so  emlanprcr  the  staMlil.v   of  the  roofs  of  .newt  of  the-e  liatlioliths. 

Oljii  lion  Fo'itiili'il  on  Uni-ilji  of  Eii!'  iitv.<  of  As^linilnlioii  nl  OfsrrriJ  Wnll- 
rocks. — One  of  the  most  commonly  expressed  objections  to  any  theory  of  the 
replacement  of  invaded  formations  by  batholithic  magmas  consists  in  emphasiz- 
ing the  obvious  fact  that  the  average  xenolilh  and  average  wall-rock  of  batholiths 
do  not  show  direct  evidence  of  melting  or  of  solution  in  the  granitic  magma. 
This  objection  has  lie(>n  answered  liy  the  writer  in  several  iuililications+  and 
also  by  Andrews  in  most  vivid  fashion.}:  The  jioinf  has,  liovcver.  \iir\\  restate.! 
by  several  authorities  without  any  adequate  discussion  of  the  stthject.  No  one 
can  deny  that,  when  the  magma  is  all  but  frozen,  it  is  incapable  of  assimilating 

•AccordiiiK  to  thp  stopiiiR  hypoth(*is  almost  all  of  the  boat  conducted  into  the 
shells  of  CDUntry-rock  successively  stopnl  away  durinR  tlie  maRmatie  peiind.  is  not 
lost,  but  is  available  for  the  abyssal  assimilation  of  the  enRulfed  blocks.  In  vi.w  of 
tlin  sluwness  with  which  the  tnixtures  of  pnwdered  siliiutes  melt,  it  is  probable  tluit 
notable  exothermic  reactions  do  not  take  place.  The  possibility  of  endotlierniic  re- 
action»  seems  to  be  a  more  open  question. 

t  Amer.  Jour.  Science,  Vol.  15,  1903,  p.  281 ;  Hull.  fJeol.  Sof.  Anierifa,  Vol.  17.  19C6. 
J).  372. 

t  E.  C.  Andrews,  Records,  Geol.  Sarv.  of  X.  S.  Wales,  Vol.  8.  Pt.  1,  IWi,  p.  126. 

hi:  I'll  in- I  IF  r:n:  cinrr  i>/v,v/\(,i///,' 



I  rile 



XHioIith  „r  wall-rock  o„   .,nv  hu^,  „,,-.,      i-,,,,  „,,„,■,,,  .       ^ 

tlat  be.-n,Men  cntonarmns  did  unf  buil.l  ,,ynn,n..  „f  i-U.-oui  i,  .|,„. 

folI..u-   that   111,1,   (li,l   Mot   liiiiM   it  I     .   u     M 

S.H,' r  *  i;",;;":'^',""'  '!"■ """? '".  ^'^'"""  ''^-^  -^-«"i-i  ^.- i- 

„,    il    •.'  1  ,    ,  ■■"'"^''•■'■'  '■■'^"1":  ^-  ■■    t  .-..IJM,..,|  in  a  ....,•, nit.  1  „-!  .li-l 

utitil  it  lias  end  0(1  to  lit  li'MKt  sill'   r "  1 1  ,„     .       i      .     t 

,f   „.   ,  ,.     \'  7   ■"   "-'Sf   ^'J'     <  •  l»"wii   to  ahoat   thai    t.  lup.ratur..   limit 

(of  utiderooohnp).  therelor.,    ,naj.tnati<.  stopi,,,.    i-   „ii|    „„„i|.|„'     •,-,,,   ,,^^^.„' 

limit  ol  activo  as  •  •'     •  -  -  '      ""^   io\m -t 

lilation  .•aiinot  well  t,p  iinich  hrl.w  liHi.i     (  ..  „l,il,.  tho'to'tii 

iMTntiiro  rr.|„irc.l  t..  tiwlt  thr  av,  rat;,,  vihlith  i.  ai...',  ,  l-.,„i  (  ■  \,  ,|„.  v  i  ■  it^ 
of  grimttic  iiiagfias  inerea-e.  greatly  l„.!nw  1:^0.)'  ('..  ,liflF„-i„„  :,„,!  ,.„„v...'.,ion 
nu.t  b..,.o,„o  ratmlly  ,na,l..,,„at,.  to  roiiiov.  sy„„,,i,.  ,il„„  ,,  ,„aiti  ,.„„tn,.t-  .„ 
hat  ">e  ■"^ir  h.werl.ip  of  the  fii-i.,„-,,„i,„  will  h.  ,-onti,i..,l.  with!,,  'tli.. 
mtorval  l.'ttO-Oo^  (■.,  chiwly  to  the  Muikot.  blocks.     It  follow.,  Hrst.  that  iti  th,. 

o  >nO  (  ,  here  will  bo  littl,-  or  no  .nrltini.  or  solution  of  wall  ro.k;  serotnllv 
that  many  shells  of  roof-rock,  perhaps  aggr.ratiuK  thousand-  ol  f.t  in 
■iiay  be  stoped  away  ,luring  that  same  perio.l  of  time.  In  other  wonls.  because 
the  shatterp.rtod  is  loti^.er  than  the  pericl  of  a<Miv,.  a-  i,i,ilati„i,  ..t  th,-  roof  it 
.s  an  ess,.ntia]  feature  of  the  ^toping  h,v,,othesi.  tliat  neither  visible  xenolith  t'tor 
mam  wall  ol  a  f^TanUe  hatholith  shoul.l  iioniialiy  show  a  -ollar  of  assiiiiilatiot, 
>o  tar  troni  l„M,ig  a  ditli.ailty.  the  fact  that  thi,  is  fronernllv  tnie  i.  a  di-tin.t 
argument  in  favour  of  the  sloping  iiypothesis. 

l'.Vxv«/  .l.W,„;/„//,...--I„  tl:,.  tlr-t  r;,.,.r  ,a.  th,.  >,^  l,v„„.h,.<i.  tl.. 
writer  stated  grounds  on  which  one  must  helh^v,.  in  the  complet,'-  >ol,itioM  of 
cng,ilt..d  x,Miol,t lis.  (),„.  ha,  oMl.v  to  inia.i,ic  a  block  of  gneiss,  sav  ten  tnctres 
.1.  diameter  sinking  through  a  column  of  superheated  h.xsalt  twcntv  or  thirty 
k.louictr..,  d,,.,..  to  beroMi,.  ,.o,ivi,„...d  of  the  uhiniat,.  fate  of  that'  hl,>ck  If 
tW  -m-what  c,.,lc,I  lavas  dcs-nl:,..]  l,v  l,a,a-„ix.f  von  .lohtL^  I  )a.>n,.,ibenr.* 
Sandherger**  an,]  others  ,.oul,l  ,h^<.,]u-  f..,-k-i,i,.|„si,„„  i„  the  notal,],-  wav  ,1,..- 
criboil  by  those  authors,  wc  must  ,.r,.,iit  a  vast  solutional  efTu-icncv  to  plutoni.' 
magma  when  it  attack.^  similar  blocks  io  great  d.Ttli.  Th,.  lava  has  .  few 
hours  or  days  in  which  to  <lo  its  work;  th,>  aby-sal  magma  has  centuries  if  not 
a  large  part  of  a  geological  pcrio,lI 

It    iiuisl    1,0   remembercl   that   g,.osyncli„al    s,  ,iitnciits   ar.>   rocks   unusually 


wat,.r,  ,.hloridc-.  -ulphiir  trioxLlc.  ,.t,.. :  all  Mih-ian, 

iiig  ~.i!iii  i 

the  primary  magma  and  in  the  secondary  (s^vntcctic  i  niagin.i  itself  It  is 
probably  also  owing  to  these  fluids  in  la-gc  part  that  granitic  mairmas  have 
crystallized  at  compar..  v  low  tcmperatans. 

The  ..onception  o'  ing  with  ab.vs-al  assimilation  has  many  more  points 

•Cf.  A    L.  Day  and  K.  S.  Shepherd,  .Tour.  Amor.  Chfin.   S,,c..   V,,!.  lN   I'lflf;    n     low 
t  Leg  Kntlaves  dcs  Roches  Volcaniques  Macon,   1K9,-}.  '         '  '■    '"'•'• 

+  m*        •  '^-  ''•  **■  "cic'isanstalt.  Vienna.   V,,],  :,2    i9,|..>    p    m 
STscherm,  Min.  ii.  PetroRr.  Mittli..   Vol.   14,   1S9.5    p    17  ' 
*•  Sitzungsber.  K.  Bair.  .\kad.  Wiss..   1S72,   p.   172. 
25a — vol.  iii — 19 



nr.i'MtniEM  nr  rut:  isiritiuK 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

111  il-i  faioiir  lluiii  iMii  bi-  citeil  for  pure  maiKinal  iis-iiiiilalinn.  A  few  of  the 
^lieoi^il  Kioim(l>  for  prcforrinK  the  newer  to  the  older  hypothesis  may  be  noted. 

Kiist,  niargi:ial  assimilation  is  hirirel.v  etTeelive  only  in  the  earliest  part  of 
the  ma^Mua's  history,  when  it  i--  ab-ihitely  and  relatively  very  h.)t.  There  13 
tlius  au  e.irlo.'  time-limit  fixed  for  the  fiigantie  work  of  liissolvintr  the  thousands 
of  cubic  kilometres  aetually  replai-ed  in  the  intnisiini  nf  ii  liiri.'e  hatholith. 

Secondly,  the  assimilation,  on  the  older  view,  takes  place  primarily  on 
xiiain  contaets  and  along  a  relatively  limited  amount  of  surface.  For  example, 
a  cube  ipf  «ali-ri"-k  ow  kWi'iwrU-r  in  iliaaietcr  ean  offer  only  ill  out  I.ihmi.imki 
square  metres  of  «\irlace  at  a  time  lo  the  di-solviiiK  miiiiiia.  If  that  saiii.' 
cube  were  shattereij  inl'  Mihes  10  mi  tri<  oil  the  siile  and  tiien  enirulfcl.*  tiie 
mafrma  wonM  carry  on  the  work  of  solution  on  CdO.lKMt.dOK  sqnarc  inefros  of 
surf  nee. 

Thirdly,  the  averajre  crust-rock  beinp  allied  chemically  to,  is  more 
solulile  in  basic  niapma  than  in  aeid.  On  the  stopin>r  hypothesis,  solution  of  the 
seiiolith  generally  occurs  in  the  lower,  basic  part  of  the  mapmatic  chamber; 
(in  the  older  view,  it  is  Rianitie  magma  which  must  do  most  of  the  work  of 
solution.  For  even  if  the  nri}.'inally  itijieted  maj-'ina  is  a  basalt,  the  products  nf 
its  assimilating  activity,  being  more  acid  and  liss  dense  than  itself,  must 
remain  at  the  bafholithic  roof  ami  rapidly  assume  the  chemieal  composition  of 
mean  monniain-rock.  It  follows  that  the  primary  magma  must  be  enormously 
more  superlieatr  1  than  is  rr.|iiired  on  tho  stoping  h,v|.othesis  or  than  seems  easy 
of  explanation,  in  view  of  the  dilliciilty  of  understanding  how  pl-.itonic  magma, 
which  is  cai)ahle  of  intrusi.m,  can  boeome  siiiierhcafed  more  than  two  or  three 
hundred  drgrces  ("entigraile. 

FiMirtlily.  the  sloping  hypothesis  has  tiie  special  advantage  of  providing  a 
nieclianisiii  of  thorougli  agitation  within  a  balliolith.  Strong  stirring  of  the  mass 
i.s  induced  by  the  sinking  of  xenolitiis  and  by  the  necessary  rising  of  the 
magma  locally  acidified  by  their  srlulion.  This  agitation  can  explain  the 
Kiarvelous  hoiuogemity  in  each  large  bafholith.  It  helps  greatly  to  explain 
the  niaiiifost  evidences  of  magmatic  (iitI(>rentiation  within  batholiths — splittings 
and  segregations  that  cannot  be  due  to  the  slow  ))roces>  of  molecular  diflFiision 
or  to  me:e  thermal  convection.  The  whole  process  of  stoping  and  the  rising  of 
syntectic  niagiiia  tends  to  equalize  the  temperatures  in  the  batholithic  chamber 
anil  thereby  we  cmi  uniiersiaud  the  even  grain  and  rapid,  nearly  simultaneous 
crystallization  of  a  hatliolith  throughout  its  visible  depth. 

Fiftlily,  the  engulfmont  of  blocks  of  geosynclinal  sediments  enriches  all 
|i:irf  ~  of  the  iijflieli;!..  with  wnler.  eli"  i^i'  -.  i  ■.,-..  \\\  ieh  -..  i;)'e::tlv  aid  -  .liti^  ii ; 
while,  on  the  older  view,  these  aL-ents  ,-ie  confined  to  the  uppermost  part  of  the 

Sixthly,  as  already  n  iicil,  the  eleaii~ing  of  syntectic  films  from  contact  of 
Solid  and  liquid  is  much  tli"  more  rapid  and  jierfect  according  to  the  stoping 
hypothesis,  thus  pro\idiiig  and  renewing  condition?;  for  molecular  lowering  of 
the  fusion-point  along  cmtacts. 

In  short,  the  newer  view  has  the  advantage  of  not  only  better  explaining 


in  I'oiiv  i,r  rill  nm  r  ^s/ i;,,\,nn'k  -.- 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

Kriyl.;,,;.  nf  /  SI,,,!,.  „„,/  liaHn.HH...  -Finally,  fi,,.  fa.t  that  -,.„.,■  I.r.... 
Hlea  ot  .       lh„    a.t  early  .mpres.,.,1  ifsolf  .,n  tho  present  writer  an.l  Ie,i 

Cana,,l"fl^/l !;■>"";"  ^"*-'-"-fi""  «as  ma.le  ,)m  tho  anorthosites  of 

m.Heq  latc  and  a  m..u.  ^-eneral  CNplaiiation  must  be  sought 

Adam.  ,le.onbes  the  u^reat  anorthn.ife  mass  of  Jforin.  Q„ebpe,  aa  genetieallv 


:iM.>i(i'>iateil   wit 

1  .■111  a.l.ia.-eiit  hn.iy  ..f  l,;if'i,,lit! 

si/e.i     Tl: 

a  ditrerratiate  fron,  the  other  or  both  a^o  expression,  of  a  'o.rnrr^^ ^.^Ini^^^ 
The  latter  .,..„><  tl,e  ,.,„r,  ,,r.,|,.  nl:..i„„.  I„  r,„.t.  !,„fl,  b^die.  a-,„.  n^  u, 
reproBent  the  etr^tallized  prod.tet.  of  a  .ttafona  allicl  to.  if  not  idontioal  with 

ireZn  Th  !•:  '•'"  ■'"""■'  "■''''■■  '"■  '""■'  ''"•  ^'""■•■'-  "f  *'^''  •"^«'  i"  P'-f- 
^Arelieaii   batholiflne   intrusions. 

The  condition,  of  i„tr„-ion  for  th,,e  Mipper    l.anrentian  '  nmsses  .eem  to 
have  d,trere,l  from  tho.e  t.vpieally  repre^-nted  in  the  po.t-Oamhrian  ba.holith 

he  „tter  have  been  developed  under  heavy  freo.vnelinal  covcTS  which  have  enta   ed 
ConMderabl,.   superheat    ,n   the   basaltic  sub>.ratu,n.      It   is   not   in.po-sible   tla 
notntZ.       ■'■?";"'       "V"  "u  *■""■'."  "'""''^'  '■""'^"^  "^"'•^-  *"  '^^  solhlification- 

eru>t.d    ..,<tnrl,ai.,-e.       I.;,..l.-,:,:r    ~m i,.:,t     the^e    nuiLln.^     I  „-ls..  1     ..<;•„!!. ti,.. 

power  and.  e,,lis,yui,-llt!y.  ,lid    not   1 ..ue  .aeiditied 

_  In  f.ivour  of  tl,,.  .nn.-eptl,.,,  f!,,,  ,,,„.,.  „„.„„,,  ,,^,„  „„^„.  ,j,,,  .olidifieatio..- 
po.nt  at  the  t,me  ot  tho.r  intru-ion.  is  the  fact  that  the  anor.hosifes  often  show 
primary  bandir-  an.l  are  most  extr.M.rdinaril.v  Rrnnulate,],  a.  if  bv  dvnamic  force 
which  acted  o-  '.e  eoi  .ealinR  mass  near  the  close  of  the  intrusion-period  Con- 
cerning  the  p:      dlution  Adams  writes:— 

'  There  are  no  lines  of  shoarincr  with  a,-ron,panyirK  chemical  changes 
but  a  breaking  up  of  the  constitt.ents  throuRhotif  the  whole  mass,  though 
in  some  places  t::i3  has  projrress.d  much  further  tlian  in  others,  imaccom- 
panied  by  any  alteration  of  aufrite  or  h:  persthene  to  hornbIen,le,  or  of  pla^io- 
Clase  to  saussurite:  these  mineral-   th..nd,   pr„„e   t„  M.el,   alteration   un.ler 

•W.  Cress  in  Sri, ■!,((>.  V..|.  i'i.  1907.  p.  C2(>. 
*t.D.  Ad.inis.  Canadian  Kecoid  of  S.ion.e    IMlt-.l 
-■•..— \ol,    iii— lit'. 


in:r\UT]in\T  Of  Tin:  istkiiihi; 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A,   1912 

pri'HSiiro  rcmuiniiipr  (iiiitc  iinaltoroil,  siiffcriiii.'  merely  a  granulation  with 
tlic  urrantroinerit  of  ttie  Kramilnti-d  iimtcrial  in  piinillol  strii.^s.  This  pro- 
ci'ss  run  he  iibsorvod  in  nil  ilx  otiifrcs,  and  there  is  reason  to  beliov*  that  it 
has  been  hroiijfl't  abniit  li.v  iiro-siire  uctiiiK  on  ro<'l<s  when  they  wern  deeply 
buried  and  very  hot.  The  iiiiortho.'fite  area-',  of  which  thnre  are  .iboiit  a 
dozen  of  jtri'iit  extent  with  many  •>(  smaller  si/,.,  htl-  dintributod  aiontf  tlip 
soulh  and  sinillieantern  edpe  of  the  i"ain  Arelieaii  prula-xis  frnm  Labrador 
ti)  Lake  (  hainiilrtin,  oceiii)ying  in  th.s  way  a  position  similar  In  that  of 
volcanoe.s  alonir  the  edye  I'f  our  lire  I'lit  eunti'ii-nt."* 

CushinR  and  Kemp  have  published  somewhat  detailed  aoroiints  of  the  formiim  a  p"sl-(ireii\  ille  and  pre-Canil'rian  In.ily  a. id  ii.s  satellites 
in  New  Viii'k  Stafe.-f  The  mass  elvers  ahuiit  :;.mii(i  -.|uare  U  ilnriirln  s 
in  area.  (*UhliinL'''s  petriii;raiilncal  deseriptinns  ^Iimvv  many  |><iints  uf  ayree- 
nii'Ut  with  Adam's  deseriptinn  (if  the  still  lartrer  Canadian  bodies.  The 
a  ;orthosito  Konerally  cry.stallized  with  exeeptifmally  eonrse  ^Tain  and  a  porphy- 
ritic  strii«tii'e.  Intenso  tfranulaticin  is  hero  avrain  tlie  riik',  and  *'rcm  CushinK's 
pnbli.shed  data,  ;  seems  probal)lr»  that  the  irraiinlati'.n  fnllnweij  hard  after  the 
ai't  of  intrusion.  The  charaeteristies  and  field  relatinns  of  the  anorthosite  are 
such  as  to  mipgest  that  they  have  residted  from  ahys?al  injeetiona  of  mafrma 
which  was  not  su|>erhoatod.  A  limited  amount  of  stopintr  is  possible  in  avich 
a  magma  b\it  extensive  aHsimilation  of  country-roek  is  not  possible  for  that 

Kemp  has  3u).'gested  that  the  New  York  anorthosite  has,  thronph  fractional 
(rystallization  and  the  settlement  of  the  basic  minerals  of  early  peneration, 
lH>en  derived  from  a  normal  ;;al>!i:-o.|  This  idea  may  possilily  (  xrilain  the  exist- 
ence of  the  more  jiyroxeiiic  phasi-  ri'^iilarly  n.'eiirriii;.'  inside  the  body. 
The  contact  rock  is  either  jtahhro  or  aiiorthosite-Kahhro.  It  may  re|iresent  the 
original  magma  but  little  affected  by  the  settlement  of  the  crystals  of  iron-ore, 
pyroxene  and  olivin  '.  In  the  more  slowly  cooled  interior  of  the  mass  their 
settlement  eoidd  take  place  on  a  lar^'e  scale. §  In  the  Canadian  bodies  this 
ditlerentiation  by  fn.ctional  cr.vstallization  may  have  occiirre("i  just  before  the 
hiipe  masses  were  i;iji'cted  into  the  crust. 

Finally,  the  masses  of  anorthosite  may  repiesent  enormous  laccoliths,  like 
(he  l>\iluth  gahliro  as  interpreted  !  y  \'an  llise  and  I.eitli;  therewith  hekiuL' 
nio,-|    of    tin'    assimilative    po»ver    ,,l     the    Imtinniless    hatlioliths.       It    is    al-o    n^it 

•  F.  n.  Adams,  .Tonr.  of  Oenl.,  Vol.  I.  p.  ,'Wt.  ISM. 

t  H.  P.  Cushiin;,  ISth  Koport  of  thp  State  fii'olojjist.  AIliuiiv.  liion,  p.  101:  New 
York  St;ite  Museum  Biilletiri  No.  il.i,  1905,  p.  30).  and  Bull.  115.  1907,  p.  t71.  .1  F 
Kenin.  19th  Ann.  Report,  U.S.  GpoI.  Surv.  Pt  3,  1899,  p.  409 

:0p.  cit.,  p.  417. 

5  As  noted  in  a  later  section  (od^re  772V  ttie  same  conception  is  adorniate  to 
explain  many  internal  basic  contact-phases  o<currinK  in  acid  stnoks  and  batholiths. 
This  explanation  is  evidently  opposed  in  principle  to  the  prcvailinR  view  that  the 
basic  contact-shells  are  due  either  to  diffusion  of  basic  molecul.s  toward  coelinR  sur- 
faces, or  to  the  combined  inflaence  of  fractional  crystallizatinn  and  convection  cur- 
rents in  the  nianma.  Neither  of  these  hypothft-es  5eems  acceptable  in  the  ca-c  if  the 
anorthositc-nabbro  tutholiths,  and  the  writer  has  come  to  question  their  validity  as 
final  explanations  for  Kome  other  types  of  intrusive  bedies. 

HI  mirr  m   iiii  run  i    \Mi.'n\,r'n; 

inip-ssibl..  that  th(v..  mi..rthn.itr  l,,,,]!..  nr.    tii,  -iti-n  ..f  ,-r,i,v.>\  f.. 

i.ociirreil  hefnro  niiii'li  ii-»iniiliitii.ii  Ii;i,! 


iti     ll'-'-'ll!fil-ll.-   !, 




Ihe  i-robl.-ni  of  the  Mi,orth.,.itt":t  i.  .loarly  a^  y.t  .,ii,  for  sproiilatlon  rather 
Ih.m  one  capi.hlf  <,f  soliiti,,n.  It  s,  [,r„p.T  t.,  Mtr^v.  liowcvr,, 
Mii.v  all  ,.r  iif.arl.v  all  ..f  tho  kn.wn  aiinrlho-it..  aihl  ^'iihl,r„i,l  hatholit'      are  of 

J.t-r-Cainl.nan    npc.   th,y   „w,.   tlifir   oriRin    L.   s[ ia!    pr--( 'anibria.i    .•on.litioi,-. 

Ihe  MujnuK  hypoth.-m  a^   a   whole  expro.sly   relat...  only   t i„litioiii   wl.i.'h 

have  chiiacierizcil«(iiic  hclt-  in  iw.stAr.'h.  an  linir 

Tho  cabbros  nl  Paloo/oii-  or  Int.^r  a*.'."  reprrvenf  bodies  either  too  small  or 
<.)  too  low  t,  niperature  to  onrry  on  .■xt.n>ivo  sfnpini.'  brfn-,-e  th.'ir  mnfrmas 
hecaiM,.  riKi,!.  Uiorito  r-foek*  nn.l  batholith.,  a.vonlint'  to  the  hvpothrsig.  r.-pre- 
sent  iindifffr..ntiate.l  or  but  piirlialiy  .litTtTrntiaff.!  synte.'ti.-  nuitrma-of  com- 
iiosition   nitcrin  dialo  bctwcn  rhyolit,.  or  Kr^nifo  and   basiilt. 

The-^c  various  (•on.-iderati..n>  ini'linc  the  writ.r  to  the  view  that  the  exist- 
'■urr  ut  a  tew  larK,.  basi.-  intru-ions.  c-nltinir  acid  rock^  ii  not  neeessarily  a 
l.i.t  tatal  to  the  ^topinn  hypolli.-is.  Ka.  1,  of  the  easrs  needs  Hpeeial  stiid,v  for 
lliey  may  .died  inurh  litilit  ou  the  dithcult  pliitoni.-  problem. 

_  IHth;:„ii„i:nn  nf  ll.r  Sniihrllr  M„,,ma.  In  .,r,l,.r  to  traee  fnrth.r  the 
liHtory  of  tlieenjrultVd  xenoliths  several  principal  conditions  must  be  rceojrnized 
It  th.'  iMva.linfr  nia-ma  is  ■.iipcrlicated,  so  as  to  have  the  temperature  of  13()0" 
V  M  block  of  heavy  pneiss  (sp.  gr.  at  20°  <'.,  2.8r.)  will  speedily  be  heated  to  aiid 
above  Its  own  meltinj^  \V!iil,.  of  it  is  dissol-ed.  much  of  it  i« 
converted  into  a  niojten  globule  o'"  .■ssrntially  pure  pneiss.  pVom  Table  LI 
•.ve  sie  that  the  specific  gravity  ot  the  globule  would  be  alout  2-40,  while 
thai  of  the  -iirroiindiim-  pi-iinai-y  nia«-nia  umiM  av.ra!.'c  about  2-7-?!  Tin's 
<Iifference  of  deinity  means  that  th..  plobu'e  must  rise  through  the  primary 
mapnia  witli  a  speed  even  preat.T  than  that  with  which  the  solid  rock  (specific 
iiravity  about  I'-Tn)  formerly  sank.'  As  it  rises  the  ^.-lobule  woidd  wholly  or 
partly  niix  with  the  primary  nuifrnia.  If  wholly  mixed  the  primary  magma 
rapidly  becomes  a  syntectic  ma-ma.  approaching  a  diorite  in  composition. 
Ihe  molecular,  syntectic  (ilm  which  is  formed  by  solution  ah  .•.'  the  surfaces 
of  the  blork  niiisf.  tlieereijeally.  eentain  •■il.out  i  qual  parti  of  primary  inairma  ;ind 
xeuolith  material.  If  the  fonner  be  basalt  and  the  latter  a  granitoid  gneiss,  the 
film  must  have  a  diorilic  eomp.isjtion.  All  three  kinds  of  secondary  magtiia— 
molten  globule's,  of  gneiss,  glnladc  material  dissolved  in  primary  magma  as  the 
globule  risis.  and  the  material  formed  in  the  molecular,  syntectic  film— must 
be  considerably  le-s  dense  than  the  primary  basalt  and  ri'^e  toward  the  top  of 
the  batholith  chamber.  A  net  result  ot'  ab.v-^sal  assimilation  is  a  compound, 
secondary  magma  either  diorilie  or  more  acid  than   diorite. 

This  reasoning  is  deductive  l,-,,t  it  can  in  some  mtasiire  be  chc(  Ked  by  ac»ual ions.  I.acroix  de-eribcs  blocks  of  gneiss  up  to  a  cubic  metre  in  size, 
which  have  been  immerseil  in  molten  basalt.     B,v  the  heat  of  the  lava  the  block.s 

•Tlio  samp  roasnninp:  applies  to  \cnolitlis  of   normal   giipiss    laiircT'^eil    in    n(  i.litiiHl 
Kabbro  or  diorite  marina. 


t>f:rtitrui:\r  i>r  riii:  isiFuiitit 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  191? 
Iiiivf  lit'i'ii  ■  fiilircl.v  tiflii.sfiiriiKMl  '  into  potoiu  uhm^.*  Vnii  .'nliri  lins  i)("<i'rilioi| 
'■thcr  i'\imi|>lm  of  tlip  sainn  tramfunnilinii.  In  clii'ptor  X.  the  prosont  writor 
has  corrclitfoil  a  mnsidcrablc  nuinlH'r  nf  iinliiii.i'n  wliirc  the  irravit:if ive  Mfriiti- 
I'eution  hiiH  <'<'rtiiiul.v   Iwin   proiliiri'd   in     liick    iiitni'ivc  slicot'*. 

A  inimhcr  of  obsorvt'H  have  (•dine  tn  fhi'  fonclii-ioii  lliat  tlio  very  net  (if 
•li(>  ansimilation  nf  acid  irialcrial  h,v  Imsalt  pr(Mli-ii)i)S(>s  the  ni.iRnm  to  mnm 
plitlinn.  Tlic  fnllcsl  Ktatnui-tit  oi  tliis  vifw  is  jrivcn  li,-  I,o<'winson-I^>«sinjr.  in 
his  remarkable  '  Stii'Iien  ii!  it  di'c  l'!riiptivLri-teine.'+  Tlierr  appear-  in  '.e.  n-  ii 
were,  a  sfen(ly  '  anfaKoiiisin  '  l.itwcfii  tlie  frrrnMi.i-rTii-i.iii  aii'l  aiiil-alknllne 
eleinentH  in  magmas.  Tlii-i  primordial  tendency  towanl  ininii^cibility  may  well 
explain  the  dnininant  acidity  and  alkalinity  of  the  pre-Cambrian  terriinw  in 
■\ery  ciMitineiit.  I'Vniii  llir  .  irlii-l  liirir-  tlm  !,'r!iiiitM.r|iv.,li)i.  iiiii'Miia  li:i-  ti  riled 
to  separate  from  ihp  bfl-'.i!tic  wherever  the  visi-osity  has  been  sufficiently  low 
for  siicli  splittiiii;.  Fi  r  -imilar  reasons  it  appears  that  the  -vvntectie  mairnin 
of  poat-Archean  batluditlis  only  reaches  a  stable  conclitioti  when  it  nssnmes  the 
aiieient  relation.  In  the  avprap;e  ease  fh(>  fluidity, has  been  hi;.'li  enoiiirh  for  the 
splittiiijr.  In  some  cases,  however,  it  wa-  so  low  that  .the  nndifferentiatod 
s.vntpctic  has  crystallized  as  diorite  and  alued  rocks. 

When  the  syntcctic  lia^  difTei-entiatcd,  the  nrocess  must  be  primarily  con- 
trolled by  (!ensit,y,  so  that  (he  a  dd,  irciieriilly  cratiit"",  iinnhict  rises  to  the  top 
nf  the  chamber.  There  it  ma\  hoeomc  locally  further  difTcrentiat<>d  thronRh 
Iraetional  cry.stallization   nr  other  relatively  sulmrdinatc  prne(»o^. 

Without  diseu3sinK  the  cau-e.s  of  ditTcrintiation  in  more  detail  it  Miffices 
ti'  point  nnt,  in  summary,  niapmatic  >toi)in};  itivolves  the  plaeinff  nf  (frnvit^y 
:it  the  head  of  the  list  of  f  invs  which  i  rr,  '.iici'  the  actual  diycrsitv  amoii)r  ifrnemis 
rock-.  In  this  the  -.toping  hypntlie-is  i  believeil  to  match  the  facts  ohservcd 
ill  experimental,  industrial  and  peolny:ical  studies  of  silicate  melts. 

Orifiin  of  (Initiili.-  Ihc  I'lirihieni'-  (';/<  le.---'\'\\<-  stnpinir  liypnihi>i>  invnivcs 
a  niore  or  1c-s  dctinile  •■niMllarv  rclatiiiL'  ti,  tiic  ireiie-:^  of  yrinite  a-  liic  >l:i'ilc 
visible  material  of  po8t-.\rchean  batholiths.  Erosion  has  nowlK^re  penetrated 
more  than  a  few  th')ii>ani|  fr'et  in  any  nt'  the-n  latlnHlli-.  ( Vm-i  ji-riir.:  ilm 
-icale  of  opcations,  it  follows  that  practically  all  post-Archean  hatholithic  rock 
is  of  -econdary  origin.  'I'he  Held  relations  sliow  that  the  prranito  often  replaces 
much  KCOKyticlinal  sediment.  'I'hiik  as  many  neo-,vnelinal  prisms  are,  however, 
it  seems  rli  r  tliai  aimliirr  i,ai-t;e,  prnlialilv  t'lie  '.irt;er,  ;irt  nf  tlir  replac^il  iMi-k 
is  the  iire-<.'amliri:in  ir.v.-.t:i!line  terraiic  i  iivc  au:iiiLi-  ULiiiitnil  'jiii-:--  In  eli'  ini- 
ral  composition')  whiili  undcvlie-  eens.vni  rna!  ar-as.  as  if  apnarently  nndrrlies 
ill  the  eontinontal  areas.  The  similarity  of  ffranites  thronphout  the  world  mn.v. 
indeed,  be  partly  explained  by  the  unifnrniity  nf  the  earth's  primordial,  acid 
shell  and  b,v  the  relative  uniforniil^v  in  average  cln  mical  ooinposition  of  the 
greater  Rensynidinal   prisms. 

A  sneculalion  as  to  the  arid  shell  is  nnted  on  pau'i  -  T"2  tn  Tl>.".  It  views  the 
shell   as   posjibl.y   an   anchi-evitoetic   derivative  of   an    interm(>diate    (andesitic) 

•  Ijes  I'nclnvcs  des  Kochcs  V()lcani(|m>«,  p.  ■')lv3-5;  Mamn,  1K!I2, 

tCompte  Ilfiidii.  Conyres  (i^el,  ivtein^it,  Vlli'  -p^^mti,  St.  IN'ti'i>burt;,  1899,  p.  375. 

Ill fiiHr  lit   iiii:  riuit    i.siiniMiuri; 


SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

"'"«""'  «■''''■•'  '•■n<'l"l""l   tl„.   i...t;illi V  of  til,.  ,ar(l,   l,.-r,,i-..  ..   rru.'  .'nmf   vroA 

!■  rmi.|.  It  iiKMlcrti  M-^it,.  an'l.->it..  i*  ,i  .litTrr.-iitinlr  ti.iii  bn-iilt  wo  rati  -Winliirly 
i.ffiir.l  Ih..  iHH,il,iUtA  tlml.  u.i.l.  '  ..Tl.,:,,  .M,„Iii;..i,v  l..,.|ip,  ,,f  lipariti.'  ,,'r 
franili.-  tn, -ma  nrr  tlm  .Mrnn..  .iilT.Tciilial.-i  (,..,„  t!..'  Im  alt  „(  tho  ^iih-trn- 
lum.     Thf  a^-..ciiitiu|i  „|',;  with  |.itr|mt,„i.-    iii-l  .|iiall/   tVliiti-  nf  fli,.  c,m- 

l.M»it.'  (Ilk.  -i  <,l   Arrati  i-  .,„■  ol'  tiiativ  o .rnnc,-;  M-iiillralit  in  tlii-^  ciriiirction  * 

111.,  fifld   r.'latin,,.   ,,(   i\u-   i.v.rar.-   l,ath..lith   ;ir.  '  -url,.    I„,w,....r.    i...   t..   .-..MitM.! 

I'li.'f  in   ii-^siinilati,.!,   ,,n   a    iarnf  -.mI.v      \V..   -.■.., I   f„. |   f.,   |,..|i,.v,.  that    fli.' 

'htTiTontiation   ..f  ,M,t, ■,•!!, -.  ralh.T  tiiaii   ih,.  .liir..Mitlai...n  ,,f  priniarv  hanalt. 

ma  pr.)du.y,|  th"  «r.-iit.r  t.,a-.-  ,,f  po-t  Anh.ati  t'ranit...    Tl hpiiii.vii  TOM■n^ 

1  hiiic-  of  file  av..riii;<>  a.'i.i  p..l..  ,,t'  thi-i  -pliltinu  »<>  thp  priiiiarv  a.^iil  parth -holU 
1-  iMi<l.-r-'t(H)ii   if,   in   hotii  .MM-*,  111.,  anchi-cuti'.'ti.'.  (.'ranil.',  M'pnrah-  hy, 
ti"n   iiii'l   ri-i's.     Wh-rc   -.'.linwhU  ..nly   are  as,iniihi;>.l,   ih,.  ^.•.■oii.|ar,\    wranil 
I'lay  he  of  uhnorin  il  cdnipo-itidii ;  ihi-  i>  the  c-.tnv  with  the  pninit."  .if  ih"  .\f..yi, 

The  h.n-.T  an   ^,by-a...     ,;.  i.cti'.j   an. I   a-iniil:,tin>;  hodv   its   thin!!'- 
Ih..  iiinre  p,.ik.(t  -h..i,M   h.-  the  uravitativo  .litr.T.iitiata.n.      DiirinK  tlii<   a.| 

'lag.,  h.ternl   tis-iures  .,r   hi. lithic  spae..^   may   b..  fili,.,l  with  ofr.ho..t<  of   tl,. 

'i..w!y  ..hatik'HiK  inaKlna.  In  y.iLTal  ih..-.  .iit..llitif>  injci'tion-  -i.i.iihl  mi.'.-...  i 
eneh  .,fh.  r  in  the  onJ.T  ..f  incr.a- iiijr  ,;,  i.jiiy.  In  .i  fnlly  M.r.-.'nt.-.l  p,.|r..i;.nii 
<'.v.'!.  at  a  t.ath.ilitlii..  area.  ,h.ti.  thi.  ol.i..«t  intru.sion  shoiil.l  ho  a  rmk  of  K»b- 
hr.ii.l  (basaltic.  euinpo<  an.i  th.'  younL'.-'t  on  n.'i.l  sratiil.-  (.■li..nil.'ally  .: 
rhy„j.,o  .,r  i|ua.t/  p.iiphyryi.  I!otw,..-n  thi'se  two  nn  in.l.-finiie  nuinh..r  of  inter 
in...lia;,.  io..l;-typt«  varyitijr  acor.linj.'  t,>  th.^ir  .lev'iee  an.i  hin.l  ,.f  .11  iT.r.nliariom 
from  the  >ynte..fie-  -it-.'If  .•..ntinuou-Iy  varyinsf  in  (•..rnpositi..ii  niiirht  h.-  nii—- 
.'■(nt.'.l   in   dikes   or   other   satelliti.-   f.,nn-..      Thi^    fnrlher   .l,-.hi.tion    fr.)m   '.  .  r 

hyp.ithcsirt  .«  t.,  1,..  fairly  nia..'li..l  l.y  ih,.  ,,l  „.rv,-.|  ..•.•■I.t  ..t  i.;i i-  i:i>.    - 

uhoiit  the  wi.rld's  halholifh..*. 

Apilii.  -iie.-e-^-i\e  l..itli.ilithi..  intrn.-ion-   in   lii'      am.'  an-i   -honld  sh-.w   •     • 
same  law  of  inereasin};  a.  i.Jity  with  ih-ereasinL'  aiz...     If.  f..r  .sampl...  a  . 
lized  Kvan.'.Iiorito  bath..lith  I...  it.-.'lf  atta.-k.'.l  by  a  lat.T  aK%-s,al   int'riwl 
ill  hir>;e  part  stoped  away  and  ivmilt.-.i,  the  s.c-on.lary  nuiL-nia  eollc-tin;.' 
roof  of  the  later  hatholith  shoul.l    I...   ni..r,.  a. 'ill   Oian    the  prann.Iior:!. 
would  be  expected  hceau-e  tlie  men.  .i.'t  of  r.  in. 
diiTerentiation.      Ka.'li    tin..-   that    a   -ilicatc   ina- 





.■nl  ills   further  t;r.u  itiifiv(. 

iia"c:i    lhr..njh    the   iiptirnniM 

tr'inp.irature  for  niaprniati.-  spMlliiiK  |.n.h:d)ly  an  int.ival  ..l  on.'  .>r  tw.)  hiin.lre.. 
■icf-'i-e.  s  ahov..  its  ni.ltiim  p.ini;  t!„.  s.i.aral  i...-,  .i'  it-  .i.i.l-alli.iiiii..  .iiid  f.^rr- 
inaKnesian  elements  hy  -lavity  i-  furtli.-r  p.Tf.-'i..l.  .M.iriiz..\vi../  has  jriven  a 
teliin«-  exiHTimeiital  ilcmon-l.ration  of  tlie  II,.  two  poiin.l.s  .,f 
irrunite  and  l.'ft  I'.e  siiperlu'Mied  melt  in  a  hot  part  i.f  an  a.-tiv..  Khiss-fiirnaee 
I'.T  five  .lays.     It  was  then  ......k..!  t.)  a  ^rla-s.     At  the  en.l  of  '.hv  time  he  found 

•.T.  W.  .Tndd.  Qii.irl.  -1.  ur.  Cit..>l.  *><•..  Vol.  49    ISO.'i,  p.  r,:K. 

t  S,.,.  Cols.   1,  2,  anil  .1.  in  Tabl,.  XLIV. 

IF.  Loewinson-Lpssmc,  .'^tuilipn  iib.T  .lio   i:nii''iv({..stpino,   ii.  :iM). 


nmh-rursr  ur  rut:  i\rf:ninK 

■  ti-iir.>'l  iiriil  iiiji-.  I, ,;  H  III,  J,  siiia'l 

urn  ill'.-  n|' 

■  r   |...r|p|ivrit('  ilil<>-<   irr 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
_.!.,.. I,..  Inwor  ,,„r,  ..f  tl„.  ,„..l,  ..„rri,.,|  «!..,-(»  ..t  .■..,..  of  .ili...  ,hr,  ..pp^r  part 
.••••■.>  JMT  cent;   til,    •.iiitiiiiil  friiiiitr  -linvid  tl-ii  i„.r  ...nt  » 

It  i..  liowpvvf.  to  bo  oxp,  „„  ,1...  doping  h.vpoil.,.M,.  thnt  th«  primary 

11  Imtlmlitli.  iifi.T  rr.\M,illi/iti;r.  iiiiiy k  »■«  u» 

oT    ill.-    ,1'liMlMlniil.       'I'll,.    (•,,iiilii,.M    , 
priiriit.'  tiiity  l„.  flnm  (.xpliiin,  .|. 

Knirhr,    >•,,„„■„,,.-    Tl,..     ,;,ri.,M-     ,.r,„tiv..     .,..|u..,„t-     ,.l..,.rv..|      i„      >!,.. 

it">i",'oV""""v;"  r" '"  """:"■'' "'"'  '^'^  •"•"•""'  ''-••■'■•"■" '""" »»'"  ''t-p- 

"I.en    tho  ..r,k.r  „f  ..rnpfo,,  f„r  th,.  hiUhoiichs  i.  ol.arlv  that  of  Hocroa,in^ 

'".ni«,l't      '"  ""       '"*  ''"'  '■""'"'•■'  '"■•'  •"»"'••''  '"  "••''•''■-  l«-«finninff  with  tho 
Skagit  Hang,. 

(ii)  Sinn. IS  jinmito.  , 

Surnus  (liiirite. 
(b)  ('hilliwaik  jfriini.,Iioriti>. 

Slec  u  diorilf. 
(<•)   A  .,|  t'   Ill/unit,', 

Skagit  voioiiiiifN,  (■hicfly  biisio  iindeaite. 
('otumh'ta  l!aitt)i\ 

(ii)  Rock  .'reck  (fninodiorite. 

Kock  t'ri'ck  Kiibliro  ami  diurite. 
(I<)  .Siiifltor  ^'i-unifp. 

Cu-st'iidi'  frriitiiidioiite. 
M  Sy..nii,-p..n'l.yi-.v  oiio.iniith  and  dikes,  cutting  more  basic  rorvell 

Ro-.^liind  iiion/niiito  and  latites. 

Filo  and  liaker  ^rabbros. 
(<l)   Sliopp.inl  jrraiiitc. 

Trail  >fraii(idii)ritc. 

Basil'  intrii-ivi's  and  ol,!,.,-  Kd-^sland  (basic)  lavas. 
Tl„.  di.scissl.n  of  th,.  meaning  of  au.v  ...uptive  .ciuimcc  miut  bo  based  on 
more  ..r  less  ,i..„n,to  „ lea  as  to  what  .onstitutos  a  petro^enic,..  Certain 
.'  IS  that  mu,h  contusion  has  res„l,..,l  from  the  common  reference  of  all  Z 
erupt, ves  ,n  a  gneii  region  to  one  cycle.  This  view  is  one  pro.lnct  of  th..  pure- 
d.fferenti.tion  theory    which  e.<cludes  any  essential  a.iount  of  assimilation  in 

hasaltie  nn,.lv...  ,|„.  ;,.,.,il,iii,  v  „,•  „.,,.,,,,  ,„  „,„„^.  ,„.,,„,,,„;,  ,.,,!|^,^  ,.„ 
prnv,„..c.     l-.a..h  ,.vle  ,,„.,„  .i,h  a.  al.vs-al  .nj.v.i,,,,  „f  „u,v  I.^alt.     A.vordhiff 

r    n!"'rf"°p';''"''"-     TsrWrmak's  Min.   nnil    IVtroff.     Milt.    Vol.  IS     IKfts   t,    "I-      rt 
C.  ttvlter,  PelroRPnt'sis,  Hr.uinschwoiK,  IWXi.  p.  79.  >oi.  m.    i  ;w,  p.   .,i..     (,f. 

u— .>7.aja« 

nrrnitr  ,,i  riu:  mirr  \^  ir,,s,,uri;  7^3 

In  llii  M/e  >,n<\  -iirn-rh,.,,?  of  flii,  l,„,|v  it  uill  ,).,v.l,.,.  ,v,.„   .• 

.■«.o  r..,„-  .,  i„  ;,.;."'i':,^'.!'i,";„;;;:;:;,:;;,;- « •> >  '>•  .i„.i,  „ ,,i,. 

;r,,.,f  ;;:!;,.„:;7;;;:,l;;iJ;;:  r,  ^;;::i:-  ■I'l:,:;:-;,:^  '■::■■ rr  ■ 

'''■''■•■'■■"!■"!■•"     vr    h.,t.     ,,n,|     ,.I.,r,|     „        .  ,.  I'"     r-«^iM,..|  ,w  piir,. 

M"< ^■'ivi.  .litTrrrnfiiition  iti  .l,.,.tli      Tl,     .       .  1'-'  t-n,.  nil!y  |,i-,.v.w  omI.v  » 

<«ruv,,ativ..  di.r..,v„ti..,i.,„  of  >yn,.oti..„   !„,.,  h     ^^  I  ,1    H,;  i''"'.    V' ""  ■" 
-.n.,1  s,, „..„.•,  ,s  „I1  ..,„.r„l,.,ra„.  ,1...  l.vpo,l„.iJ       '  ,  ,  ' '  \   t"  "■'  """ 

■•  .v-unm   b.,llN,Iilh  nr  -took   nVl,,,..  .,„   .  1,1  V  l    .i  ,     '  '",'"' ^"'■'  ^^l"'--'' 

rui  i   III   II,.   v.iiiM',.r  1.  .1,.   ...1     1-1  ,  '  ii'iriiinllv    fn  pnii  urp   n 

''"."'.  Inr  the.  „ri«.n  ot  mnpnias  a,„l  of  iK'Hemis  rook..  " 

-|..(,iii-    liy|i,.i|i. 

ih-iiin    „/•  .U,„,„i„/;,     n„'.,-  „„,/   ,;„„,      k;  ,.,i|v     ,1 
HI    iM-thnt.  >iu.-..  ,„.,,-Ar,.h,.;,ii„lifli<  h,,v,.  ..,.,„.,  ;,n..     ',1, |  l.,,,         i 


.;.no,,i„   of  .vat.T  Wow   „0-'  C.   .H.M  ).  wat./aU.        ,,70     7f  O      Tbo; 
■-. u...    carb.n    (and    ..irbonaooous    mat-.r).    .::,!    B„lpi„„    ,;„    so)       T," 

.TMlI.t..  fro,,,   a.   .naiiy   lo.aht..,.      'l  li,     .vcr.go,   for   an'l   wJLZ 
•Bull.  209,   r.S.  (moI,   Purvey,  vm 
*!•.  W.  (larliP,  Hull.  No.  2-JS,  U.S.  (ir,,l.   Snrv.,   I'tiii,   p    ^'o. 

r  i 

764  i>F.i'.\nT\n:sT  of  Tin:  imf.uiok 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

Ikivc  licin  taken  directly  frum  Cliiike's  work  mid  nil  thrpo  8i>ts  are  notod  in  th(» 
folldwin};  tablt;: 

All  inspeotiun  of  the  table  makes  it  clear  that  the  total  of  the  '  comhinod 
water,"  carbon  dioxide,  carbon  and  carbonaceous  matter,  siilpluir  and  chlorine  in 
the  stratified  ro<l>s  exi>osed  in  any  (.'cosyncliiial  prism  must  represent  at  least  six 

Taiili;    LIII.      lo/d/i/i'   mnilrr   in  aediirnnls. 

813  C2t  11« 

liini'sti'iiP'i     ^a1l(l^t<l1l(>•^     iirRilliti- 

H.O- •2<1''.  •■-'"'t  l-S^"'-' 

nO+ TS*  Ml  ;t7i 

CO. .'WO.'I  2tl1  i-lS 

C  (includiiiR  <arboiiiicpiius  iiiattii) V  ■'                   '^l 

Ci..    ............    ■•    .- •"'  trai«  iract" 

Total :i911  1-37  8-17 

*  Iiioliiiic'S  OFRaiiic  iiiattor. 

per  coot  (if  the  whole  mass.  It  is  hiRhly  probable  that  this  minimum  amount 
ol  vol.itile  matter  lias  similarly  cbaraeterized  such  a  series  ever  since  the  perio<l 
ill  whiih  the  series  was  dcpo-^iled. 

No  i)etro;,'rapher  needs  to  be  reminded  that  none  of  the  commoner  types  of 
igneous  rock  <(intains  iinythiiif;  like  six  pi'r  cent  of  original  volatile  matter. 
Nevcrllulcss  il  is  instructive  to  survey  the  facts  actually  visible  in  iiuantifativo 
anal.vse~  of  the  igneous  rocks.  Water  is  the  only  volatile  substance  <leterMiined 
in  i.miO'  !i^  rock  analysis  often  enoufih  to  afford  nearly  reliable  world  averaiics. 
Fruni  «)r-:iiinV  i'i.iii|  i-n  tiic  urili  r  lia~  drdincd  tin-  aver  txi-  "f  II  O  and 
11,0  + for  each  of  the  following  groups:  4S  granites,  47  diorites,  12  grabbroa,  24 
basalt-,  ."i  auirite  aiide-ites  and  11  rhyolitcs  (Table  I.IV). 

T.Mii.i;    LIV. —  W'aler   in    itnuoiifi   ro<k-s. 

U,0-      n,o  + 

Oraniti> -tT^a  ■i'A",. 

Du.rite -19  1-2" 

C.hbro -a*!  If'' 

basalt ■-■■i  1-«1 

A  UKi''' ando-itc 'tO  t*l8 

K'l.M.hte •»)  l'2:i 

Clarke's  averages  for  Ibo  vidatile  substances  occurring  in  igneous  rocks 
which  lia\e  been  analy/eil  accordin.t:  tn  apprnved  irctliods  are: 

H.O  - lit",, 

II.O+ 111'. 

IX\ -M 

S 11 

CI -07 

F -f^ 

Mucii  of  the  CMiiibined  water,   prob.alily  all   of  the  h.vgroscopic  water,  and 

-.■•111'  "f  llir  i-ar!iiai  dioxide  nf  |ln'>c  :iioi1\/im!  iLiiu-cnw  idcks  arc  clui>  to  alli-ration 

in  four  or  riii:  ciiirr  \^  ,un\,,\:nt 

SESSIONAL    PAPER    No,  25a 


'■T  to  .l„<,rpl,o„  at  tl,o  .Mrfli's  surfnoo.  Allowing  tor  tin.t  fnot.  it  soo„w  prol,al,l,. 
timt  no,,,.  „,  th,.  „,oro  «i,l,.ly  ,li,tribMt,..l  iirn.-o,,.  rock,  <.,rri...  ,nurh  ...orr  thau 
<'ne  i),M-  ,-,„t  ol  ,t.  own  vvvitrlit  in  volatil,.  matl.T  .linvlv  ,i,.rivo,I  from  tl„. 
<artli  -i  interior. 

It  follow.  ,l,at  an  cioniioiw  amount  of  wal,.r.  oarhon  (lioxido  nn.l  .•a,-l„,n 
jm.l  -nlplnir  coinpo„n,ls  may  bo  Kivon  olF  ..arl.  tin,,-  that  K,.oHyn,.li„al  s..,lin„>nf. 

Imy,.  b,M>n  asM„„lalo,l  by  i„olt,.n  I  tl,..,,  .Ty-tallizo,!  „,azn,a.     Frnn,  ea,>l,  .-nhi,. 

nnl,>   ol    a~-in„ialr,l    >o,|:,non,.    al..,,,,    mx    p.-r   ,,.„,     l.v     uvi-h,     „f     li,pi,|.     ,,„| 

i^a-o.   !„■  ,ii,-,,lv  ,.,|   ,„   ,|,,.  ,yi,|.,.ri,.  ,.,arii.a  a,i,l.  -., .  -rv ,,  ,l|i -.l  i. ..,   or ,i 

1  Iai-.t;v  part  of  thi,  tlni^l  must  bi'  ,\p,'ll,.,l. 

In  Ifs.  in.porlant  .l.-^nro  w,.  may  oxp,M.t  tliat  tl„-  .vnu.ltin^r  or  solntion  of  an 
iwnoo,,.  i-ock  by  a,,  n.trnsiv,.  ,na-n,a  .l,„„M  .-ansr  tbo  ..v,.I„tion  of  somo  ,.f  tbr 
.liiiji  mattor  wl,M'h  ba,I  b,^n.  as  it  w.-,-,  frozen  inl,.  ll„.  soli,|  r..o|<  J.i,,,.,,],,  |,.„ 
aptly  .•allo.I  surl,  ',!  .„,anations.'»  (lanti-.r's  an,l  nrnn'.  ..Miori- 
inonN  sbow  1  bat  many  an.l  pn.bably  all   ij,noo,i.  rook,  ^iv.^  olT  ffa^,-.  on   l.,.i„,. 

luK bly  l„.,t,.,l.t     Kcbcatins  aft,T  , lin^'  <-n„s,>3  tb,^  rom-w,.,l  emanation  of  .m...< 

\olal,lo  n.atlor  lrap|.o,l  in  cystallizcl  s,.<.on.lary  fj,-anit,.  may  tbn^  bo  .Irivn  off 
It  that  (.n-,in,t,-  br  dissolve,!  in  a  youn^w  niolton  mafrma  with  -„Vw,.o,„n,t 
crysta!li/atio,i  ,,f  the  synti'i'tic. 

The  stopinj.-  liypolbe.-^ii  in  its  \.r.KuhM^nt  ,b'ma,„ls.  tb.Toforo  that 
post-A,-cl„.an  batholithi,.  .granites,  ^v.'nites.  an,l  ,liorites  sboul.l  bo  a,.oo„,pani,^,l 
by  spo-ial  I'VKleni'os  ol  l!,,iil  on,analioiis. 

Tiir,e  llui,Is  w,.,-o  dopositol  ami  burie,!  in  tbe  strata.  Th.-v  l,a;v  be,.,, 
iv.Mirr,.,.te.i    ,n    t!,eir    activity.      Tbey    have    •  ri-;en    np-nin,'    b<.tb    lil,.,-allv    an,l 

t:^M,-aliyoly:      lh.■yn,.>^     :,•    oaU,..!  ■,..,„•././,/  '     o,.,a„al  i, .,-.        r^:..      ■,:■■■',:■ \ 

einanat.on.s  of  ..ooonilary  if;n,.oiis  roek.  may  similarly  be  liberat,..l  bv  the  ,|i-ti!l- 
iny:  action  ol  yniinser  mapna;  as  tbes..  Ilni,ls  iH.eome  reviviii,.,l  in  tb,.ir  -..olo-i- 
eal  aet,vit„.s  tl,;y  may  be  ,vffar.l..,l  as  formini;  a  s.-cond  kind  of  '  rps„r,v,u  • 
•■nianations.  .\|1  ■  iv.M.rKont '  ..manations  ai-e  of  s.-eonda.-.v  ori,;in  a„.l,  tluTofor,. 
stand  in  oontfast  to  '  ,ii!\ei,ik. '  eiiianations.  nanirly.  those  which  for  the  tirsf 
time,  have  is>ii,,.l  f,-o,„  tbe  ,.arth's  interior  and  b,.eomr  p.oloirieallv  anivr  ,.„  ,„■ 
near  iho  surta.',..  .Ma-mati,.  emanations  a,-e,  appar.'iitly,  divisible  inl,,  t«-,, 
f^reat,,  of  uhieh  should  he  ic.N.gni/,^,!  in  eo,.,p!,.|,.  diM-i,,~-i,,„s  „f 
oi'c-dc  posits. 

'i'iial^lhe  ^lopiI,^  by|.,,thiMs  this  f„rtliei-  tost  -.,.,.,„.  p,  tlio  wi-ii,.,-  rioar.  'l'l,e  pi-evalenee  of  ,,iiart/  veins  ;,„d  i>.f:„iatit,  s  in  iho  walls  ,ni.l 
roofs  ,if  aotnal  ^-ranitie.  sy,.nitic.  .and  .Ib.rilie  sf,,ek-  a.ei  hath,.iitl,-.  ai,.l  the 
intensity  of  the  eontaet  metamorphisni  pr,>d,i,-,.,l  hy  ih,.  iiiti-ii.-i,,n-  ,.l\  an, I 
-peeially  the  emanations  fi-om.  tiiose  r,.eks  are  facts  as  familiar  as  iho'c,,,,,- 
paralive  rarity  ,.f  ,|„a,'t/  v,jns  and  peirmatites  aliont  trahbroi,!  ma-s,s  an,i  the 
eomparalive  foehlene.^s  of  the  i"i,la<'t  metaniorphi^m  pr,..lni.<.,l  by  f;.,bhr,,s.     Th,' 

•  F.  C.  I.iiicolii,   Kcaoinic  <;•  oliij;v.   Vol.  2,   1!H):,  i,    atls 

tA.  Hrnn,  Arehivi.s  Hes  .Sco.n,  ps"  I'liys.  ,.t  nat.  0,.n,.v;i  M.iv  an.l  ,Ti,n,.  1%-,  ,„,,, 
NovcnW  I1W6:  A.  UautiiT,  AnnaU^  d«-  Minos  (C),  V„l.  H.  p.  31B.  190«.  a,,',!  y„,„[ 
'f^^l.,   \  01.  I,  IwOo,  p,  B8h. 




2   GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

iibiimlant  water  found  in  obsidian  and  rliyolite  is,  in  this  view,  largely  or 
vliolly  of  secondary  origin.  Volcanic  gase-  may  similarly  bo  largely  '  resurgent  ' 
nitlier  than  'juvenile.'  In  no  case,  however,  would  one  class  of  emanations  be 
leprcsented  to  tiie  exclusion  ot  the  other.  For  post-Archean  granites  the  emana- 
tions are  doniinaiitly  'resurgent';  for  gubbros  the  emanations  are  largely  or 
t'oininantly  '  juvenile.' 

(,flni;il     Hilll'lll.x    (}, 

oil   V  liirli  the  forogoina 
li.v  magma  in  the    iiilni-i 

III,'  .<li,i,iiHi  ll„i:„ll,,sis.-  Th,  prii!<'i|i:il  ti('l.|-ivlati,,ii 
li-i-u>-i"n  liaug-  is  thu  ■  rcphicoiin'iit  '  .  f  country-rock 
'II  ol  -iMok  If  l.atlmlith.  Slow  c|iiro-i  i..ii  and  -olutiouou 
main  contacts  has  caused  the  replacement  to  a  limited  degree,  but  the  facts  of 
nature  seem  to  enforce  belief  in  the  more  rapid  and  more  important  mechanical 
leplacement  through  magmatic  sloping. 

The  suggestion  that  batholithic  magmas  work  their  way  up  by  stoping  is 
liy  no  means  new,  and  it  is  significant  at,  without  any  known  exception,  all 
tlie  authors  advancing  it  have  dune  so  (lUite  independently  and  as  the  result  of 
con^derable  field  experience.  Part  of  the  idea  was  p\it  forward  by  Kjerulf  in 
loltor  llioiigli  ill  <ir,  -  o^irl.v  a-  \-<\K''  In  l^;i  1.  I  ;..„!. -iiil.l  «  rote  :  --Oi,,-,. 
tl;o  forks  Ithr  (locpi.r-  cd  r..c-k-|  aiv  ivduro  i  t..  iho  nailton  c.inlliiuH  tlicv 
tend  to  eat  their  way  upward  and  in  any  direction  of  least  resistance— the 
place  of  the  material  llowing  upwards  being  at  first  taken  chiefly  by  the  colder 
loasses  of  rock,  which  sink  within  the  magma  as  fast  as  they  are  quarried  from 
the  -idis  of  the  veiit.'t  In  IMKi,  Lawson  mentioned  the  idea  of  the  sinking  of 
blocks  as  a  partial  dxplanation  of  replacement.  The  statement  was  made  in  a 
review  and  has  been  (luoted  in  full  in  the  present  writer's  first  paper  on  the 
mechanics  of  igneous  intrusion  (p.  i^'A). 

A  iletailed  study  of  the  phenomenon  as  exhibited  in  tlie  Elkhorn  district 
Montana,  was  made  by  Barrell  during  the  year  1900.  Ilis  paper  was  withheld 
Irom  publication.  From  the  manuscript  he  later  published  the  following 
suiiiiiiary : — 

'  The  contact  [of  the  P:ikliorn  granite]  is  in  its  larger  proportion  a 
broken  and  irregular  surface  .-laiitiiig  beneath  a  .sclimcntary  cover,  and  it 
is  iirobable  tiiat  ai  no  great  depth  the  granite  iiii<lerlies  the  greater  jiart  of 
the  district.  If  the  granite  merely  hrokc  through  and  involved  the  original 
rocks  of  till'  area  it  now  occiiiiie.B,  their  entire  absence  from  it  as  inclusions 
is  remarkalile;  if  they  liad  been  carried  away  by  frosli  aecc-sions  from  below 
they  shoiild  be  found  as  iuclu-ions  in  certain  localities  preserved  from 
erosion.  On  the  supiiositioii  that  tli(\v  have  sunk  as  fast  as  freed,  the  ab- 
sence of  inclusions  may  be  readily  explained.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  the 
batholitli  were  an  intni^ivo  ni;w-  of  limited  lliickiic-s.  its  bottom  sliould 
somewhere  be  exposei,  aith  the  hc.ips  of  roof  blocks  resting  ujion  it.  A 
matter  of  fai't.  no  iiirlicatioiis  of  a  bottom  have  been  observed 
within  this  batholithic  area.  ;uid.  altlioiigh  tht 

evidence  is 

3  a 

crved   anywhere 

negative  in  cliar- 

r  ?• -?'''-!;"'^  F^';'''^"\''''J''*  sydliK'o  .Norses  Goologi,  Cli'i  i»tiaiiu.,   1879. 
tJ.  G.  Goodohild,  Geol.   Masazine,  1891,  p.  22. 

i^^^  i 


liiroin  III-  I  III   I  nil  r  \.-i  i;ii\n\ii  i; 


SESSIONAL    PAPER    No    25a 


lli.      il>  |l..lll,--i-i    tiiul 

■.v\vT.  it  iiiii~t  I.I'  taki  h  a-  ■'Miiiiiiniri-   t 
I'lMftically  tlicrc  i~  un  ln.ttoni. 

'  Arcdniiiiir  |..  llic^u  virus,  thr  iVu  .ma:'  iiu'li  .iM.|-  ..l,,-.-  to  tlu'  tiiar-in 
ar.'  t!i/.-r  la-t  (l.'ta.-lir.l  aipi  pivi,i,t.'.i  fnun  -inkit.-  ly  thr  iri.-na-inir  vis- 
cosity   ,,r    thr    .■nnlilir-    li.|Urk      A    hh   rk    Mjirr    V.r'l     .-..AaV     i f.   V\     il-    ..rilJMIjl     [...M- 

ti-n  v.-..nU  n,it  \v  \u-U\  siali,.nai-y.  -iir-r  thr  LTr,,t,.,-  h,  ,,!  mihI  Iir,.,i,lity  at 
-li'irt  .li-taiirrj  fnun  tlir  h.,r.|riv  \v..uM  [.rriiiit  a  frrrr  fall'"' 
Barren  was  finally  alLmr,!  to  iMiblisl,  his  masterl.v  iiionograph  rii  tti.. 
Mary~vilh>  sioi-k.  in  which  papor  \\o  shows,  witli  iinrival(>.l  conipleteticss,  the 
PfTtin.Tit  actual  tiehl  ivlalions  wliidi  can  he  sorn  in  a  small  ho.Iy  of  this  kind.f 
He  (h-ru-ses  tlir  alternative  hvpntheses  of  hatholithic  intrusion  an<l  arrives  at 
result-  n-hii'h  are  i.ractically  identical  with  tlie  virws  of  tlic  jircscnt  writer.  Tie 
<lul  not  _  conahirr  the  nrcessaiy  con-e  lumcc  of  stopi„L'.  nairidv,  ahv.sal 

The  present  writer's  statement  of  th,>  hypothesis  was  ).uhlishp.!  in  the 
Am  rican  .rournal  .if  Scienc..  for  1!hi3  and  in  IJnlletin  JO:t  of  the  Tnit...!  States 
Geohigicil  Survey  tlic  same  year.  A  Siiivplenieiitary  i>aper  was  pnhli-he.!  in  the 
American  .louriial  .,f  Scien.'o  in  l!)0-<.  Since  10<i:;.  An.lrews  in  An-tralin. 
Barlow  and  Col. .man  in  Ontario,  l!all  in  CoL.rado  (lieoruet.iwn  Qinvlranfrle). 
('alkins  in  Idaho,  (Coeur  d'Ah'tie  District'),  am!  others  workin-  in  Caicla  an  i 
the  Unite.!  States  have  foiuel  the  stopin-  hyp  .thesis  liplpl'ul  in  ex,  aininff 

But  the^-.-yntectic  bpothesis  cannot  account  for  the  rise  of  maiiina 
throiisrh  the  wh..le  of  the  tw.-nty  miles  of  earth-crust,  which  is  the  minlmmn 
vertical  distan.'e  between  the  snh-tr,itum  ami  the  visibh^  ba'holithic  ro.ifs. 
GrmitiiiLr  that  llie  .mter  shell  of  the  earth.  ..n.^  •  r  tw,,  liMn.ln-.l  mile-  m 
thickness,  is  in  appro.ximate  thermal  e.piilihriuin.  the  heat  sujiply  of  the  sub- 
stratum is  incompetent  f(.r  such  a  i)roilii:ions  work.  T!)..  i^r.  ai  hasalli.'  th.ods 
which  have  flowed  out  from  fissures  evi<lently  <lid  not  n>a.-h  the  surface  hy 
aasimilatinpr  the  acid  shell  overhead.  That,  notwithstandinfr  th.  ir  patent  super- 
heat, they  assimilate.l  but  minimal  amounts  ,.f  tlii.-,  shell  shows  that  they  issued 
rapidl.v,  through  narrow  tissurrs  in  the  acid  -hell.  This  old  principle  of  ah.vssal 
injection  has  heen  recosnised.  but  has  seldom  been  phrased  in  terms  of  a 
primary  hasaltie  -ub-tratum.  If,  now.  we  imagine  ah.v.ssal  injections  of  the 
same  nature  as  tlio-e  undorlyiuL'  l.asaltic  lava  fiehls  hut  much  larger  fwi.ler), 
the  piien..niena  of  st..i)ing  ami  assimilation  necessarily  ensue.  Some  molar- 
contact  must  also  take  place,  but  for  the  reasons  above  detailed, 
should  not  rival  abys-al  a-similation   in   the  preparation  of  secomlarv  magma. 

The  eoinhin.-d  pmrr— r-  of  al>y--al  injecti.n  .ml  .•i--iniilal  i(.n  nm-t  nro.l  .-e 
bottomless  magma  chambers.  This  deduction  is  abundantly  supported  by  all  the 
kimwn  facts  al...ut  Liranilie  r..-k-,  an  I  'he  i..n  ..f  Mii^ja.'.  iii  l....iiev  in  th.' 
cinssitication  of  intrusive  formations  -eenis  to  be  genetic  and,  therefore, 

•.I.   Birr...ll.    I'rrfi.^sinnal    I'.ii.rr   N...   .'jr.   I'.S.   (i..i.lo;;ii  a!    .-^ur^.v.   1307,   y.   170. 
t.l.  Birrell.  I'rdf.  I'aper,  No.  .'i7,    T.S.   Giv)l.   Siirvcv,    i:H)7. 


2  GEORGE  V. 

SESSIONAL    PAPER    No    25a 

A.    1912 



I',n„„r,-    .\,.l,.      \y,.   |, ;,,,,.    ,     ,,    ;,,,r....l    ;.|    tli..   .-,  .|„-,--l  i.,i,    tliat    |l -■- 

Keewatin  magma-  liave  Iipcn  i.f  Iwo  kiiuU;  tlie  iirimary  b:isiiltic  and  the 
i^econJjiry  syntrctif.  Tliis  idea  ri^st>  on  a  niiifli  firmer  h^<U  tlian  floos  tlio 
speculation  that  tlio  primary  acid  and  ba-dtio  slioll,  won>  th.-  product-!  of  tlic 
differentiation  of  an  intoniicijiate  (ando-itio)  niML'iua  early  in  tlic  earth's 
l-.istory.  'I'lie  -pceulation  i~  not  impuriant  for  tlie  tlioury  of  tli.'  visilvlc  igneour! 
rock  bodies,  which  are  almn-t  oniircly  of  po^t-Kccwatin  aRc.  There  remains 
the  enqniry  as  to  the  extent  t.,  which  ditf.ri'  has  been  responsible  for 
the  cliemi<'al  diversity  of  eruptive  reck^  other  than  tliosc  solidified  dirr'ctly 
from  primary  basalt  or  frem  the  synteetie  maynias 

The  subject  of  differentiation  has  promjited  many  papev-  and  h^i.  ks  frem 
hnndrcds  of  -eele.u-i-ts,   ..  ablished  the  reality  of  the  proc,.ss  beyond 

peradventiirc.  Tlwy  liave  ....  .  \ed  it<  couiplexity.  Fortnnately  there  have 
appeared,  the  prej^aratio  of  the  present  chapter,  two  conveniiTit 
n-uni.'-  of  tl:e  -iiij:  ■■..  ,.,,,.  I,v   ll.nkei-.  th.i.  other  i.y  l.ldinL^s." 

iiy  the  time  padres  are  jirinted  hoth  of  these  works  will  be  iheroupldy 
familiar  to  every  >  worker  in  the  letrolepy  and  neolejjy  of  eruptive 
masses.  In  each  ea-e  rh  •  <v,,ik  i-  s,,  e..t>i;.lete  on  thi-  si.!,,  of  ])etr  .,-,  leM- 
tl'.at  there  is  „„  need  a  ,lisc!i--i...,  ,,;'  dilferenl  i  i' i  .n  in  tlie  presep.t  renort. 
It  may  he  noted  in  passing  that  iieither  anfhor  jjives  an  adi"|nafe  treatment  of 
the  synteetie  theory  which,  in  -ome  rc\n:-,-,  \in-  been  l>est  outlined  by  Loewin- 
soa-Lessing  in   his  '  Studien   iiher  die   Kruptivgestcine.'f 

In  view  of  the  accessibility  of  these  and  other  discussions  of  differentiation, 
the  main  LCnerally  accepted  princ>iples  will  here  be  .stated  without  detail. 

1.  Hklaiiun  to  CiiVSTAil.iZATUiN. — The  I'our-e  ,if  dilferentiatioii  is,  in  i-'eii- 
eral.  |>arallel  to  tin-  or.ier  of  cry-taili/.itiou  in  i!ie  |>irent  maenia.  Tlii-  law 
been  (H-cerned  in-liiclivi'ly  and  lia-^  Lee, me  ! Undaineiiial  in  petrol..-;.,  -in.'e  it 
aarec-  v  ith  the  recently  elah.. rated  pruicip!,  .  ,.(  p;,.  -ieal  cli,.irii-try.  .\s  a  rule 
the  h  rromagnesian  and  eafemie  i  .-alcii  in-ir..i,-nia!.;iiesiuiH  )  c.ii-tifa  nis  M'parate 
out  as  crystals  before  the  sali.'  eon-iii  ueat-.  which  reiii.iin  for  .a  time  as  ni,)thi  r- 
liquor,  fn  fact.  th(>  formation  i  f  i-ver,.  r..p  ,,f  ni.i-:iet  iie,  tilanite,  aui;ite.  ..r 
olivine  crystals  means  a  new  maLaua.  chomically  dilferenr  from  t!ie  on.    prcc(.<iin_'. 

,,*^    ^'^rVer,  The   Natunil   Tl.-I„ry  of  ti.e  Ifjupous^,   .\,.«-    V..ik,   IWYy    J     I' 
Mditu;-,   ]i;nooiis   Rocks,    Now    York.    lf)n;i. 

tConipte  Krndu  Congres  Gen].  Intcniat.  VIIp  Si'ssion,  St     IVter-bar"    l.s'i'i    ,.    375 

769  .,.,.. 


IW^TO??— ST- 


iii:i-.\i!T\n.\  I  nr  riii:  iMunitit 

2  GF.ORGE   v..  A.    1912 

F.iMiri.ii    Mi~i  Hill  m  .     ( i-twal.l 

■  111 

Mt    ilir    iMiiii'  I  r   ■'I'    ! 


misL'iblu  Hilly  within  definite  limits  is  miicli  groafer  than  U  tnc  number  of 
tho3t>  whic-h  mix  in  :ill  |iro|.nrtion3.*  Since  niiigmii';  nrc  solution*  it  id  a  priori 
wi-^e  to  >on8itler  their  possible  ditTercntiation  through  tho  principle  of  limited 

nii-rihilily   ;il   c-,i-t.iiii    I,  III)  ,  laiiiiv-.      Tl -h   Vo-t    hn-   h.  M    linil    i!ii^   priii.'io!,. 

i!oe-  not.  in  t;ener;il.  apply  fu  >ilicat('  mixtures,  one  of  his  ]ato8t  piiblieat.ons 
contains  llio  statement  tliat.  while  separiiiion  of  minerals  follows  the  euteetio 
law.  the  'niiiHTal  i.i  ,-\>'.--'  „  irat.-  ..'.w  whil,.  >rill  in  i!i..  li.,iii,l  .,:■  „..^  He 
furthnr  holds  that  majnnatic  differentiation  is  chiefly  the  result  ,  just  this 
kind  of  sepiiralion.  I'nloss  tlie  writer  mi-apprehends  his  meaning,  Vogt  has 
eoine  to  ree.'(,'nise  limitiil  niiscibility  us  a  general  law  for  silicate  solutions  "o 
soon  as  these  a|iproacli  the  consolidation  point  of  temperature.  Ostwald  and 
Kich.irds  believe  ihat  er.-.  Mais  di'velop  fmm  a  transitory  liquid  pliasp  in  the  case 
of  sub-ianees  which  melt  at  temi  eratures  not  far  from  the  temperature  of 
crystallization  X 

Vrinn  Duro-her'-  time  to  the  present  many  investigators  have  apreed  in 
fav  iur  of  limited  miseihility  of  comimtients  in  molten  magmas.  In  view  of  the 
great  ditfi.ulties  nnroundinK-  experiments  with  molten  silicates,  including  the 
granting  01'  -ufficient  duration  to  an  experiment,  he  is  a  bold  pKvsical  chemist 
who  denies  the  pos-ibility  of  the  separation  of  li(iuid  components  through  the 
entrance  of  immiscibility  at  certain  temperatures  (and  pressures).  Without 
P'lr-uiug  lliis  theme  in  ehcmii-aj  d,\naniics  it  s  itices  to  jioint  out  that  the  actual 
rod;-  in  nature  -how  niMMpiivocallv  that  ~eoaralion  by  limited  mi-cihilit.v.  a 
triic  ii;ai;iiiatic  -I'litiiiiL;.  ha-  t.iken  pla.v.  ,.ft,n  on  a  ureat  -cale.  Thi>  is  true  ol' 
silicate  map-mas  splitting  from  silicate  magmas  as  it  is  true  of  sulphidic  or 
metallic  melts  separating  from  silicate  magmas. 

Most  basic  segrec-ations  and  probably  all  orbicular  granites,  diorites,  and 
gnbbros  are  diro<:t  evideni-es  of  ilie  emulsion  stage,  which  precedes  the  separation 
of  inimi-eible  ii.iuids  with  fall  of  temperature.  The  common  banding  of 
nepheliie  syenite-,  thc>  banding  ..f  certain  gabbros.  the  phenomena  of  some 
differentiated  dikes  (Entmisehtt  'iiinge),  are  other  illustrations  of  this  splitting 

i"  li'jui'l  niauiiia-,     'I'll ii^iitiiii.  II  i.t  tl:.'  M..\ie  -ill-  ,,r  ol  tin'  Sii  ihury  slu'ct  i- 

inixHicahle  I'x.cpt  en  the  a-suniption  ni  inunisciliility  of  granitic  fmicropeg- 
inatitici  and  basaltic  (gabbroid  or  noritic)  magma  under  certain  conditions. 
(  >ce  ci,.!otcr  \  ..  l;aclv-lr''in'-  i'oii,i  that  tiiere  i-  a  hii-k  of  intermedial.' 
roclis  in  the  liparite  basalt  tield  of  Iceland  hps  oreat  significance  in  this  con- 
nec-tioii.!  finally,  (he  .-v  i.lence  hT  sili.'aie  ine!ts  m  u]a>s  facovirs  is  conclusive 
a-^  to  the  i!i:''!i   priiiciiiN'. 

No  one  viil,  of  course,  deny  that  silicate  melts  are  misciblo  in  all  proportions 
at  high  enough  temperaturea.  The  iiuestion  is  as  to  whether  the  average 
niairma  tends  to  as-unie  the  emulsion  state  within,  say,  one  or  two  hundred 

•  \V.  Ostwald,  Scliitini!s,   ISPl.   j,,  TO. 

tJ.    H,    L.    Vogt,   Viilpnskabs-.Selskubets   Skriftir.   I,    Matli.-Xaturv. 
Cl.r,-lMni;i.    IIHIS.   |,|,.   t;.    p;,   ,,ii,l   Kt>. 

IT.   \V.   Uicharils.     I'hiliisophical  Magaziiip.  1901.  p.   ,^(M). 
5  H.  liaekstrom.  Jour.  Geol.,  Vol.   1,   l^M.   p.   77.1. 

Kla-c.   Xi).   10, 

in  four  i,r  mi   'mi  r  \^ri;,,\,,\n  /,■ 

SESSIONAL    PAPER    \o    23., 

legrers  of  its  ' -oILlifioatio,,  poim/     [[..rker'-  ohi,.,.,;...,  ,h  , 


"•  (Jhamiuui.  Iiiiki:i!I:miaii(,\.-  (Iravitv  i^  ,,n,.  „l   ll   ■    ■   i,.r  W 
separating  cry.tal,  from  their  mothor-linuor..     TllnBtrntion;  of  't  U^rut.Ta^e 

Jer»o}    cliab,.,o,    bs    Lwi-^.f      xhe   siiikinir   of   crystals         oxnoctcl    to   Irnrfi    it. 
zna.,nun.  ,  „ro,.on.ia,i,„  effect  within  voleanio  .L.,  the    Jt  tion  o    t 

S        h';:  '^:n'  r'"''-'!^"''''"-  -!;■  "^  >~'-  cry.tallizJin„  whil:    t 
unw     '    V'^        'f  "^^b-.low  ywco.,ty.     The-o  condition.  a,c  chiefly  duo  to  ,he 

3;      -e       r,      ^T^  '"  ^^'"'"":,.r'"-  ^^ '''"''  "■  "-  -P-t  are  contrasted 
«         dd.e,,  ,he,.,..   and   laooo  ,r„..      I  he  Meady  or    Intonaiuout   Work,,,.,  of  tuv,- 
Pl.:..-c  co„v,-ot,„„  witlnu   llh.  laxa  at   - Tla,  o  ;,  .iN  i..  :k  uo  !,avo  -,.,.„  ,  o  e'e  "1  I 
competent  to  Ke<.p  the  column  long  within  the  temperature  interval  of  "crystal- 

cry,,o„  „„d,.r  the  control  of  gravity,  i.  a  permanent  ae;,„|.  ti'  ;  t     Z 
petrology  (,i  ctiu-ivo  rock;;. 

It  is  fjenei-ally  agreed,  howcr,  ,-,  that  .iilh.v,„,latio„  i-,  a-  a  rulo.  „  splitting 
nh,h,,n,d   traction.     lo,-  example,  it  i.  impossible  to  believe  that  the  drast  c 
diffcrent,at,o:,    ,„    n,e    M,,y,e  sdl.  ,„■   ;„  tl,„  S.dhnry  sheC    ,  .ee  eliaotor   \  '.   oan 
bo  due  to  the  >ettling  of  solid  orvstah. 

In  volcanic  ^onf  or  i„.rn-;ve  L.dy  ^.avity  n>n-t  o.,.!  to  -eparafe  ti,e 
h.p.ated  fract,.,,.  1  he  h.hter  aUvays  ri^in.  to  the  top  of  the  n>ag,n;  chamber, 
^e  geolog,,,  v.-,Il  .arely  be  perndttd  ,„  .e..  the  rock  representing  the  ba-i., 
heawe,  ditlcnnt.aie  .n  ^ub|a.-ent  bodic.  He  may  find  it  in  the  forn>  of  dike, 
cutting  the  overlying,  more  rapidly  .-oliditiod  differentiate. 

The  relative  importance  of  fractional   ory..talli.ntion   and  lionati,,,   oan   b 
nated  only  att.r  the  nhv>ical  cheioiatr,-  ,.{  „ i,„,    ...       i    ,. 

.............,,„,,,„., „:,o,  o,    iractionai   ory.stallizntion   and  lionaii^i,   ran   be 

estimated  only  att.-r  the  physical  chemistry  of  n.agtnas  be.,,,,,,-  be„,.r  ,.nder- 
etood.  Meanwluo.  wo  ,„.ny  use  the  expression  'gravitative  differentiation,' 
us  a  name  for  th.  ,  b.ef  pro-.-  in  m.,^,,:,,,!,.  -,.pa,-ati.M..  without  thcewith 
implying  whether  :ractional  crystallization  or  lionatl.a,   ;.  .I,„  ,„„.„  „ „ 

bettor   under- 

...■■■  .o.  ,u.,-.  ,.,,.,.o-.  HI  m.iLini,,,,,-  -par.iti.ui.  without  thccwith 
wlK'ther  :raotional  cryMallizatio,,  or  liquation   i.  the  more  aotive  in  a 

•Jour.  Geology.  V.I.   lii,  ]9(I8,   p.    til. 

tJ._V.  Lew. _s   Aim.   Hep.   State  Gool"gi-t  of   N- w  .Icr-pv  f,,r   i:'0:   (190^)    n    p-v 
-ea      vol.   11, — ,"i)  ,1.1... 


urivell   oa-e. 

772  nnWUTMKM    lit    TIIK  IMKItUHi 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

Origin  of  liaslr  Conlact-xhells. — Tlip  writer  Ix'lipvM  thnt  tlic  principli?  of 
jrravitativo  diffprrntiution  is  destined  to  liupplniit  inoro  and  more  the  principle  "f 
ditTusion  in  I'ctrojri'Mlc  tlirnry.  Tliiit.  f'T  I'Miniplc,  I'ii^ir  fdiitiict-slu'll:*  in  intni- 
sivf  liodios  lire  line  to  'lio  difTi-ioii  of  forro-Miaifiic^inn  nnd  nif.'inii'  con-ititinMits 
toward  tlic  rontnct  Burface  (Lndwij^-Porot  prinripli-),  i^"  penenilly  not  the  Imat 
explanation,  is  illu-trated  in  the  often  i|iiotcd  case  of  Siiiiiiro  Butte.  Muntniin.* 
Pirsson  now  explains  tlio  alkaline  (Hodallte)'nite  of  tlie  eoro  of  tliis  laecolith 
as  derived  from  a  basic  rnaKina  by  a  combination  of  crystallization,  convection 
currents,  and  settlinK-ouf.  Cidciilation  shows  that  the  oriprinal  mafftna  a 
composition  like  that  of  the  leucite  ba-alt  wiiicli  occur*  as  lava  flows  in  the 
ippion.  Shonkinite  forming  the  lower,  thicker  part  of  the  laccolith  is  the  com- 
plementary product  of  tiie  diflfercntintion.  Tlie  present  writer  is  rather  incline<i 
to  the  view  that,  in  this  case,  the  two  complementary  masses  separated  in  the 
liquid  phase,  rather  than  that  the  shoiikinilo  represents  sunken  phenocrystic 
material.  Ready  calculation  shows  that,  within  a  still  liquid  laccolithie  mass, 
the  possible  difPerences  of  density  induced  by  contact  cooling  are  extremely 
minute.  The  true  convection-currents  must  therefore  be  Tery  feeble;  and  the 
period  of  their  activity  must  be  short. 

The  view  that  this  differentiation  has  been  due  to  a  kind  of  liquation, 
accompanied  by  a  pravitative  separation  of  the  heavier  and  lighter  fractions, 
does  not  involve  such  an  unfavourable  condition.  The  process  may  be  summar- 
ized aa  follows:  A  leucite-basalt  magma  was  injected  in  a  liquid  state.  On  all 
fides  of  the  laccolith  it  froze  quickly,  giving  a  basic  contact-shell.  The  interior 
part,  much  longer  fluid,  was  cooled  until  it  reached  the  temperature  of  liquation 
(just  above  the  point  of  solidification),  and  the  splitting  took  place.  This 
liypothesis  implies  that  the  basic  rock  at  the  roof  had  the  composition  of  a 
leucite  basalt.  But  the  roof  and  this  upper  basic  layer  have  both  been  com- 
pletely eroded  away  so  that  it  is  not  possible  to  test  the  truth  of  the  inference. 

The  Shonkin  Sag  laccolith  shows  the  same  kind  of  differentintion.f  In  this 
case  the  roof  and  iippor  basic  shell  are  still  preserved.  Pirsson  describes  the 
vertical  section  at  the  middle  of  the  laccolith  as  follows : — 

ThicknMs  in  feet. 

n.  Leucite-ba#alt  porphyry 5 

b.  Dense  shonkinite .5 

r.  Shnnkinite 5-6 

d.  Tranfiition  ruck 3 

e.  Syenite 25-30 

/.  Transition  rock 15 

p.  Slionkinite 60-75 

h.  Lcucite-busalt  vxirpliyiy 15 

Total 140 

The  syenite  forms  only  about  one-nineteenth  of  the  laccolith.     The  small 
difference   chemically   between   shonkinite   and   leucite   basalt   ■v7ould   make   it 

•L.  V.  Pirsson,  Bull.  237,  U.S.  Geol.  Survey,  1905,  pp.  53  and  189. 
t  L.  V.  Pirsson,  ibid.,  p.  47  B, 


in  nntr  m-  : m  i  mri    \-n;i.\(,hi  n 

difficiil;  ro  prove  thnt  the  '  shonkinito  •  ,-1:p11.  nf  ;,  m,!  <■  is  nnt  ,    11 
continun^on  of  th..  porph.ri.ic  .l.ol,  a.     All   tl.::' :;.:  iH,    "' '  pi:!:"'  i: 
cng,n.|  ..,,„,  ,hi,.l,  in  tlK.  ..ontor  I.h  .liff,.,.,.,!..,.!.  ,i.|,.-  :,,„,  'T;      at 
f,      rh.    aMily^ea  „1   /.  a,„l  c  have  not  b..,.„  p„bli.!„..|. 

.:..,;;^[:*:;;;f;;:,i'i^^,;:,  ■:i;-r;^:;::;,.v;:;v!;;;:;.  :;-,-!^^^  - -  -  '-■--.••...  .>.^a  ^ 


f-i.n.   ,„.!,,,,., I,.  „,i,i ,.„i-t  ..f  tl„.  iiinss  '  '"■'•■  I  iT,t,..:il„.„„l 

Wl;atoycr  be  the  exact   method  01   ,1„.  JitTerentiation.  the  i,ijrh  p-  h^ibilitv 
M  pr.vuatn-e  control  is  showr,  by  Pirsson",  ably  a.scmbk..!  fact/   Fu         'a 
In.  mon,^raph  shows,  this  conception  gives  the  key  to  the  origin  of  many  other 
'gneous  bodies  in  the  Ilighwood  mountains. 


hi  r  \in\ii:\  I  ur  i  in:  i\  1 1  nini; 

2  OeORGE   ^..  A.   1912 

IMiiK  ilio  cxpiriiiipnts  of  <;oii.v  iind  (  liap'Ton  a<t  a  Ija-i.-*.  Walkor  L.i^  od.T.'il 
:i  8iinil:ir  oxplnnatiori  of  li.islc  .•..iLiint-liollH  in  iiitriisive  inusie".*  SuUtiuituiK 
for  till'  (iuiiv  iiikI  (hnpcron'-  pritii-iplc  llio  ).riiic'iplo  of  li^i'iMt;.  i,  t  liiiiit.ol 
miscibility  williin  ii  rcrtaiii  rinipc  of  nuiKniatio  tfnipcratur(>\  th.-  jm-.— n'  writ.jr 
finds  \V;;il<i«r's  expliinaiioii     ppli'-ilili'  to  the  vast  majority  ot  ba^ic  cuut.H.tslielU 

in    tlir    l^uiriT    illici-lc-l    ;il;il     -•iKiM'TIlt    l>o.|ii>-i. 

Eni-h  of  these  *hdU  may,  ih.n,  bf  rcKardo.!  n^  tluit  pT-  ■!  »h.-  lunffinn 
in  which  Mi;.rKinnl  looling  el.clcd  travitalivo  .litTi'ii'nliatioi!.  whil--  'hp  more 
siowl.v  loolcd  mairiiia  o.ciipvinir  tlip  pr^at  confr  il  |>url  of  tlio  iiiajina  cliiimhor 
underwent    a   more   thoroii>rti    -oparation    of   the   mVu'   und   I'onii-   p.Mi-lituunts. 

Kxi .!.-  Iiav...  I..H.n  n.,lo.l  m  ih,- ( (,.,  ;,ntl,..|i,h  i  pau-   HI'.  ''-  S,niilknmo.-ii 

lathnliili  (pnsf  ir.Tl.ati-ltl.oCastl.'  IVi.l--  -fork  (papo  W).  < 'onta.t  •!.,<•:.  •iitioii 
has  often  hron  nl,...rve.l  in  Inrp.'  vcrli.'al  dikes,  where  tho  f^mbine.!  mfluenca 
>f  contact  chillinp  iiml  pravltiifivr.  ditTfrcntiation  may  npain  be  the  explanation. 
The  ihcn,!..!'.  conlia-t  botweon  wall  phase  and  niid<ilp  p!m-e  and  the 
^ructinv  of  dik<'«  supp.-f.  Iiow.'v.m-,  that  the  .litTor.'utlarioii  h.u  been 
lacilitatod  bv  ^pi-.'ia!  .-oniontrati.n  of  ^uiis  in  the  intorior  part  ^'f  ••a'-h  dike. 
In  ,uch  casi's  the  volatile  matt,  r  doubtloss  increa.^.>d  th.>  fluidity  and  liaMoned 
the  magmatio  -p'iltiiiK. 

Tiir  arcompanyinp  diagram-   I  l-'ipiir..  -12)  will  make  th.'  .■■.u.opti..!i  ■•learer. 

Chimkal  Coiitra.'^t  nf  I'hifoinr  ,niil  Cornsixiwliii'i  Klfiifiir-  7'.i/;"  .— 'I'o  sravi- 
tativ('  ditTcivntiatinn  wo  may  ascribe  the  steady  rhomipal  ditT.-n'n.'.vi  botwvoii 
Plutonic  rooks  aiid  tlio  corrospondinp  effusive:*.  The  latter  nrnt  oomo  from  the 
liiphest  leveh  of  oingma  column*.     They  are,  aeeordingly,  somewiiai   rielicr   in 

silica   and    alkalies,   ami   1 nr   in    in xide-).   lime,   and    nia-n.-ia    than   tiieir 

re'speelive  dccp-seated  c  iui\  .ileuti.  Thi.  important  fact  i-  illii-t  rated  in  Table 
LV.  The  ehemb'.d  contrast  l.etween  the  resi-eetive  pair-  oi  mek-  can  han'.ly 
I'o  explained  "..  the  result  of  ir.ere  dilTusIon  on  tli.'  S,,i-et  priieii.!.-  -r  atiy  ot'.er. 
diffusion  undoubtedly  <ontroN  lli.>  ^roulli  of  .'ry-tals  hot  only  r.irelv  .'an  it  be 
■  ivdited  wit':  .he i-n  of  -peeial  imi^Miias  .^n  the  .mm).  f  iu'no.''-  I'oek 

T.  L.  Walker,  .\irii  r.  .!> 

V..1.  i:,  IS 



i<  I  I'll  in  I, I    nil   I  nil  I    i>//,'«,\,,i  / /.• 

SESSlONA.   PAPER   N,   25, 

IVHI.K  l,\ 

'  '■>'.'!  :  1,1  III 

■ii,,'l,:,ilinii>uf  Ih,  i....r,  n„,nrl,ii,l    ■,l„t., 
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itKrAKrutsT  fit'  Tin:  istekioh 

2  GEORGE  V.  ».   ')l2 

ErpuUion  of  Ilesidual  Mn'imn. — Ihtrki'P  hiix  tinrBi'stcil  n  thirl  \v;iv  ic  vhi.-li 
({ravity  may  afffft  (lilTiTentiHtiun*     II«>  writer:  — 

■  An,v  'lilli'reiitintion  wliich  ilppcnil-'  nii  the  •'nkiiij;  of  crynta!*  un  li!r 
ttruwt,\  boloiiK-i  iiLH'('^«urily  to  n  ■ioniiwhiit  r.iri.>  fnt-'.-  of  iTvutallizatiori, 
when  till!  hulk  (if  till!  iiiiigruii  was  ^.till  in  a  linuiil  con'lili  u.  At  a  later  Jtagf, 
when  the  ory^taU  fi)rnie(l  arc  do  niitiiorous  or  no  hir^B  as  to  touch  anil  nupport 
ono  iiniither,  the  eonilitinti  iiiii.v  hi'  iikeueil  tn  tliat  of  a  KimnKe  full  of  water: 
anil  it  ii  easy  to  iiiotuff  a  paiTi^iI  reparation  beintf  etTeeteil  hy  the  Htruiiiiinj 
off  or  squeezing  out  of  the  ri;<iilnai  fluid  iiiaRina  from  the  portion  already 
erystuUi/eJ.  That  such  a  proeess  di«>>  in  f.ict  tnko  place  i-i  amply  prove*! 
by  the  phcnouiuna  of  ixjuinatifc-i,  which  rppre.-eiit  the  fiiuil  rc-idu.i'  nusfnii 
of  plutiuie  intrutionH.' 

The  9i|ueo7.iiit?  out  ia  rPffardid  as  -peeially  notewortio'  if  the  freezing  iuatfini 
(■I  Bubjict  t(,  prci-uif  fruni  uiuvenieiit.s  ot  the  earth's  crust. 

4.   Kffkct  ok  Soi.!  riON  c:         ukiun   Ki"  li.-— The  fourth  of  the  iiriniary  la'w 
affectinKilitfirentiatioM  has  1  latcd  with  unu-ual  force  by  Loewiu-u!i-Le«i'in»?  1 

lie  holds  that  in  many  iii.'-tancos  m.iiMnati'' ditTerenti.itioii  is  induced  liy  the  absorp- 
tion of  foreitrn  rock.  This  exotic  ni.itorial  may  brini;  about  liiiuatiou  in  t!ij 
original  ina^ma  which,  as  a  whole,  may  have  suffered  littlo  chemical  chautfo  hy 
the  assimilution.  Here,  us  in  many  ot'  points,  Loewinson-Ix'ssiiiff's  8\immarv 
of  petroRenio  theory  shows  keennciis,  profundity,  and  breadth  of  fiew,  wbich 
are  sehlom  rivalled   in  other  general  works  on  igneous  rocks. 

•A.  TTarkar,  Natural  Ili-tiiiy  of  Ihp  Ikiioous  Rocks, 
t  F.  Lo*winson-Lessin(j,  Compte  KcniJn.   Sovpiith   Susion 
t89t.  p.  38n,  etc. 

1909.  pp 


on({r?s  g*')' 

iut.>raat  , 


SESSIONAL   PA^'£R   No    25j 

A.  1912 


'JKNKHAI.  THKOIiY  <>V  KIl     ICNKfX'S    FtorKS   AND   ITS 

('oNOKNMii  Stmkuknt  -r   A  (Jkm.rai.  Tiiiumv. 

It  n  ronveui.-Mt  fo  Hunimarize  tlio  loading  coneliigioni  of  the  {oTegwug 
chayien.  as  to  tli,.  ,,ri«in  of  the  rock,.  ..rupled  .lurin«  an.l  .inc..  tlio  K.H-watii, 
ujvisiou  of  pro-Cuiiilirian  liiiu'. 

Itfuooiis  biidiiM  are  itilnulod  in  two  .liff.T.iit  wu.vh:  hv  .li-iplaivm,.tit  of  tl.. 
country-rock;  and  l\v  in  niildroiiuiit. 

DiapliU'cni.Mit  taiius  place  with  two  kiwU  of  injection:  nb.v.-<sal  and  Mitollitic 
Abygsal  mjectiuu  is  the  prelude  of  all  igneoua  action  of  Keewatin  and  later 
date.  Diluw.  sheets.  I.ieenliti,,.  ,-!,oi,„lii:,s,  ,.(,•..  are  sateliiti,'  iMie.-ti...M  fr.n, 
abysmally  injected  hodiea. 

Rcplaeenieiit  takes  place  in  two  ways:  Kv  marginal  assimilation  and  by  stop- 
mg  with  abyssal  asHiniilution.  In  both  cases  tho  amount  of  replacement  of 
country-rock  is  conditioned  hy  the  size  of  tho  body  an.l  is  at  a  maximum  for  the 
greater  ahy>sa!  injections  which  prcserre  direct  thermal  communication  with  tho 
basalti.'  subsliatiim.  .Marginal  assimilation  is  almost  entirely  coiifine.1  t(,  the 
early,  more  or  less  superheated  stage  of  the  invading  body.  Sloping  with  ahvKsal 
assimilation,  both  in  notable  degree,  must  eon!in\io  much  longer,  or  until  the 
•x'agma  at  the  molar  contact  is  very  highly  viscous.  For  this  and  other  reasons  it 
seems  that  sloping  is  a  much  more  effective  agent  in  replacement  than  is  marginal 
assimilation.  If  the  magma  be  superlieate<l  the  two  kinds  of  replacement  must 
co-operat.-.  Batholiths  and  stocks  generally  represent  the  upiKjr  parts  of  abyssally 
injected  bodies  where  their  niagnius  have  assimilate.!  tho  invaded  formations. 
The  pre-Devonian  (generally  pre-Cambrian)  anorthosites  may  possibly  represient 
abyssal  injections,  which  were  initially  too  cool  to  assimilate  any  considerable 
amount  of  the  intruded  crrnnites.  triieisses.  etc.  Reiilareineiit  in  moderate  .l.srr.. 
has  been  carrie<l  on  by  thick  hheets  of  magma,  but,  in  general,  bodies  satellitic 
from  the  abyssal  injections  are  too  small  to  have  assimilated  largo  volumes  of 

Vulcanisiu  is  initiated  in  two  ways:  by  the  mechanical  opening  of  fissures, 
or  by  gaseous  perforations  of  the  roofs  of  intruded  K.dies.  Tho  largest  lava 
fields  have  been  formed  ai'ove  abyssal  inje.-tions  whi  h  reached  from  the  level 
of  the  primary  substratum  to  the  earth's  surfac.v  in  these  the  fissures 
per  abyssal  injection  were  continuous  with  fissures  opening  at  the  sur- 

face, 1,  le  lava  is  generally   basaltic.     Smaller  fissure-eruptions  may  occur 

where  ti.e  roofs  of  satellitic  intrusions  are  cracked  and  tho  lava  mav  be  of  many 


^,.  l^Tlr  '•!'>:!tL  \ 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A,   1912 

liifferent  chemii'al  mmpositiciis.  If  tli.'  loof  of  a  batholith  i-  fissiureil  some 
lime  after  its  abyssal  injection  ha-^  taken  place,  floods  ot'  li;v:,  !.•  ('•hyolitic) 
lava  result.  The  possibility  is  recognized  that  certain  ar<  in  ti.t.  i-trtri  r>».y 
I'Bve  bix-n  llip  scenes  of  the  foundering  of  batholithic  roo'-.  Siu-h  fo'Uidei  .r-,  j 
must  have  lieen  more  likely  to  occur  in  the  earlier  pre-Cs  bvi/i-'.  time.  It  'las 
not  often  oi-ciirre<l  in  post-Ar'^lican  time,  iir-iliaUy  |,(>,  .  ,-,  tin  ,vai  il  !<' 
heat  in  abyssal  injections  of  this  period  has  been  too  sniau  ,o  i..:.  ;:nd  thus 
weaken,  batholithic  roofs  sufficiently. 

Lavas  which  reacli  the  surface  throuKh  the  perforation  of  roofs  by  blow- 
pipinjr  Kasos  (either  juvenile  or  resurpent)  are  again  of  freat  variety  of  com- 
position. Because  of  the  conditions  special  (o  these  'central  eruptions'  at  the 
earth's  >urfacc,  the  pctroffraphic  variety  of  rock  typos  is  here  greater  than  it  is 
in  fissure  eruptions  or  in  intruded  bodies.  The  cause  of  this  contrast  is  chiefly 
found  in  ilie  larger  ohancc  for  niaginatic  differentiation  in  the  main  vents  of 
central  erMptions. 

(jcNi:iic    Ci..\»nn  ATioN    ok    Macm.vs. 

Till'  nia;;iiia-  from  wliiili  the  iuncous  rocks  have  crvstallizi'd  may  br  t;iiio- 
tically  cla.ssilicd  as  in  the  followinpr  li-t.  wliii-li  pivcs  i;  Aor  i-ai-li  ben!  a  niuu- 
ber  of  exampbs  or   rocks  corrcspondinff  to  the  inn^ina    tyi).\s. 

1.  Primary  hnxallic   iiunjina   (primary  in  the  sense  that  it   ha-   iiorsistcd  in   the 

nioltoi.    or    potentially    molten    state    since    tlie    time    of    tlu^    oldest    pro- 
( 'ambrian  {;reenstoncs). 

Jif.liri  s:ciiluliic  tjc/.s:     basaltic-  lava,  ijalrbro.  iliaba-i  .  .-.iiii'  Im-Io  porpliv- 
ritcs.  olc. 

2.  I'riiiKirii   :irii.)i\!ir   iiiO'iuiii  i^f   Ih,    ii,illi'.<  if  ii!  '  n/\,'. 

Ji'epresenlalicc  rocks:     I'erliaps  none  crystallized  dircily  fnan  tliis  pre- 
K'l'valiii   nia;;ina;   imliri'i'lly  ri>|iri-soiiloil   in    I'li-  ^    i'l   u  r.ii:iti'-   nf   the 
pre-(  'ambrian   batholiths. 
n    Dinri   magmatir  iJifJi  rr/ilialrx  of  ha^nll. 

/.'•  j^r.  >,  .,/,(',',■<■     /■.,,7,-v:      :!ili;-i!i-     all'Ir-i  Ic.    oi'itail!     pii'ir  !■  ■!  it<s.     liiLo-thnsi  t,.. 
4.  Su'ili  'lir   magma!;. 

.v.  Sviitec;ics  cliicllv  criniposed  lU'  prinuir\   basalt  and  ]o-iniarv  acid  earth- 
Hi  l>ri  ^1  iilal'nr   ruily.     'Iiia'i|i'>i.  i-iTi:iii!    :"i'pl.\  riii  >^.  ct''. 
\'>.  Synti'Ctics  chiefly  composed  of  jirimary  basalt  and  s,>,liiii|.  i|<j. 

L'riirifiviitalivc  rof/,-,<:  -ome  hybrid  type-. 
< '.  Syntectics  composed  of  primary  basalt   and  l•-^.llIial   amounts  of  both 
acid  shell  an<l  se<liment?. 
llepre.senialive  rorks:  some  hybrid  t.vpe-. 
•*>.  Mmnnaiic  diffrrentiairs  of  ffinirrlini  of  Claxs  A. 

lUpresfvtntirc  rocks:  most  tranite-;  many  aplites  aiid  laniprophyres. 

ULi'tiiir  nr  lilt:  <  iinr  \si i;,,\i,vi n 



>■■  Maginatic  dlffnaitml.s  of  s>n,l,,ti,_,  of  Class  B. 

A'./.'V..r»//„/nv    ,-o,/,.v:      ,,Ui„rxuA    ^^ninit.s    i^\.,^■u■    .ill-     Su.Umiiv    .li.vt 

otc):    ,no=t_   m.piu.lito    .....!    l,.,„.i,P    n,.-k.;    ,,„„ n.tMuni-l.oaring 

•  ypr-  ;  oscxitc,  rtc. 

7.  Magmntic  differentiates  of  syiUccluii  of  Class  C. 

i:>,,ii,,ntati,;-   v„rl,s:     -nuiu.liorit,..  Harjtr.  .,,„„.   -.\,.hil.'^.  pt,' 
S.  ;/.'/l<'/,/  magmas  formed  by  n,i.rtur,:  of  l,ro  or  more  of  the  aiovc-rnenlioned 
vine  types.  ( t) 
Hi liresenlative  rocks:  (?) 
:t    Transition  magmas  marking  incomphtt   differrnliation. 

Ucpresentative  rocks:     '  iiitorni.^.lial,.  •  i k.  ..(   M,,vh.  .IIU.   |',i;,.,,„   I',,i„t 

mtnisiv,.,    Si„il,nry    -Ii.ti,    ,.,,;     ,n,n-iriu,,     ,v,„.,    iu    ,ll!r.  r..,,.  i,,t,.,i 

'IlKr-.    I;|.'.',,litli-.    ,.t,-. 

Appi.i, Minx  ,,i    ini:    riiKi.iiv  in  nil,   KoHTv-siMii   I'Mni.i.i:L  K.x  k~. 

/'-/<w/»Wa,n  -Tl.o  nssrmblinp  of  ol.J  n,„l  now  iVnfur.s  in  tlu-  p.n.ral  lluvrv 
luus  beon  the  product  of  tl.o  years  of  nctive  fiel.l  work  on  the  seotion 
It^  r,']..vs,.nts  an   alK^niiit   to   lin.l  .xplanati,.,,   f,.r  a   ninllitn.le  ,1    iiru-'fan-  ,,!,-,!  di.nn-  fen   (lol.i  s,^asnns.     At   many  ,.„ints  tl.e  ivader  l,a.  ^,-en   that  tliis 

batholith  the  I'urc.ll  s.lls,  the  Bayonne  ball.,.lith.  an,i  the  steaks  M'  .h,-  S.lki.-k 
■^;nffo  Needless  to  >ay.  the  theory  has  n„t  b<..n  br.M.^^ht  t..  ihe  pivs.-nt  shape 
v.-ithont  abi.n.hmt  ref.Teneo  to  if^ncoiis  elsewhere.  X.Milur  thr  pergonal 
■  liservations  i„  the  tiel.i,  nor  tlmse  .l,-,Til„-,I  b>  ntlu-r  wrii,  ,-  l,ave  ,li-ove,v,l 
laet-  which  are  iiT,.<'oneilabl..  with  this  renerai  lh,.,.ry.  Its  s.niiuil,  i.  obviously 
'lie  to  Its  bom-  ,,  synthesis  of  many  i.leas  from  the  loa.lers  of  p.'trolopical 
;ho„ght  tor  ,he  la.-t  two  fr..norations.  Tho  writei-'s  prinoipa!  .ontril,,,,  i,m  I., 
it  hoen  the  iio^alivo  one  of  sh„win^'  a  -tm,ih!inK-MooK  wliioi,  1,,-  stood  in 
'he  way  ,1  advan.-o  in  timory.  The  load,T<  ,n  n,o,|,.rn  p.n-.Joirv.  f,„.  the  most 
pnrt.  have  .lenied  the  effiei.-ney  oi  mai;niati<'  a-imilat  ion  ir,,<„,.  /,,  ,  l,av,' 
lienera'h,  fail.d  to  find  I,:,hrl,l  ro.ks  at  moln  and  x.  nnl.lh  ...n'.n-l.  The 
oxplanation  .,f  this  patent  fact  is  lo„nd  in  the  siopin-  1,v|,,,i1h  .1.  That'  hvpo 
thesis  demands  that  hybrid  ro.-ks  or  direct  .nid,..,oe  ..(  .i-iinilalio,,  -i,;,ll  normallv 

tail  at  viMl.le  batholithi, nta.-ls.     In  niakiii-  thi.   failu.v  an   eLj,..  :lon  to  the 

Mopiiip  hypothecs  several  writers  have  .-l,..>vn  that  ihry  did  not  iiiolor^tand  it 
'ally,  it  slopiiifj-  be  a.-eeptcl,  abyssal  asMi.iilal  ion  ,,n  tho  k.rL',  s.mIo  most  he 
jcoepted,  an. I  mere  ditTerentiation  of  oriuinal  mafiinas  shonl,!  „o  lont'or  hold  its 
entirely  doininalin^j    |.laoe   in   pelrfitivni.-   llioo.y. 

The  .'xplaliation  of  i;\y\<  whicli  aiv  inloiidod  lo  )..■  eo\,  nd  |,v  a  ih.vry  do 
tiot^sulliee  In  prove  liial  theory.  It  should  ,i,,  i),,,.  ;is  a  iiialioi-  of  .N.ur-o. '  To 
on  final  it  shoulij  take  ..-are  of  all  n.'w  fai't^  ;,-  .li,.y  a,,.  ,  and  it  .shoid.l 
bo  preph.'tic  of  new  tindin;;i  in  iialin-e.  Ik,.  wriPr  doo-  not  koM  that  ili.- 
■  utlined  the^.i-y  has  be.-n  siiflk-iently  te-tod  to  1„.  lejrard.d  a^  jimd.  On  the 
other  hand,  iis  alulity  to  oxpLdii  the  Iniiidnd-.  of   i;jneoiis   h,di<'-  wkioh   o.vur 


in.rMrrMKsr  or  rut:  /-    f.kior 

2  GEORGE  V,,  A.   1912 

in  the  Boun'lary  x  ction.  as  well  as  the  thmiaands  nf  other  ifrneous  bodies  which 
he  has  studioii  clspwhero,  either  in  dio  fiehl  or  in  the  liternfure,  gives  the  theory 
eufih  cumulative  s.i action  that  it  has  been  called  a  theory  rather  than  a  working 
hypothesis.  The  writer  is  emboldened  to  do  this  because  the  whole  combination 
of  princip'  -j  !■,  an  eclectic  summ;\ry  of  what  appear  to  be  the  soundest  views 
of  petrologists  in  general. 

Hence,  in  apjilyins  the  theory  to  the  Forty-ninth  Parallel  rociis.  only  a 
rclativoly  small  I'art  of  tlie  proof  ,if  it-  vahMity  i<  .stated.  The  following  para- 
graphs are  thus  meant  for  illub^tration  and  review  rather  than  for  demonstration. 
A  multitu<le  of  field  relations  retnain  to  be  discovered  before  this,  or  any  other 
eruptive  area  can  prove  the  thoiry.  Its  exact  application  to  many  of  the 
Boundary  formations  uiust  await  the  results  of  future  researches. 

Eviihnrn  of  a  I'rimar;/  Ari,!  Eirrlh-^ilicU.—TlK'  iiostulatc  of  n  primnrti  acid 
shell  i.s  .-ui)i)orted  by  tlie  pctrographic  analysis  of  the  Priest  lliver  terrane  and 
of  the  Rocky  .Mountain  geosynclinal,  tiie  one  pre-Cambrian  entirely,  the  other 
partly  pre-Cambrian.  The  Priest  River  terrane  is.  on  the  average,  highly  sili- 
cious  and  it  is  probable  that  a  minimum  thickness  of  0,000  feet  of  jiure  quartz 
is  representee!  in  the  portion  exposed  within  the  Bound, iry  belt.  It  will  be 
remembered  that  neither  bottom  nor  top  of  the  Priest  River  scries  is  exposed. 
The  ihistic  beds  of  the  Rocky  ]\Ioimtain  geosynclinal  represent  from  10,000 
to  20,OiiO  feet  of  (luartzose  material,  in  which  probably  lO.OM  feet  of  pure  quartz 
are  locally  represented.  Evidently  a  pre-Cambrian  granitic  or  g!icis=ic  ]an<i 
of  great  extent  must  have  furnished  these  sediments.  Perhaps  the  Shuswap 
fceries  of  Dawson  represents  the  now  exposed  efiuivalent  of  that  ancient  terrane. 

The  larp-e   areas  of  the   pro-(Jambrian  demonst  n   tlie   Cordillera,   in 

eastern  Cana<ia,  and  elsowliere,  are  just  such  terran  '  batholithic,  which 

would  furnish  debris  like  that  in  the  Priest  River  tei  the  Rocky  Moun- 

tain geosynclinal  elastics.  Lawson  and  others  hiiTe  ..iiown  that  visible  pre- 
Cambrian  batholiths  were  intruded  and  do  not  directly  represent  the  original 
earth's  crust,  but  calculation  .shows  that  (lie  umlefial  of  the>c  batholiths  was 
primary  in  the  sense  that  it  was  not  derived  from  quartzless  rock  through  the 
leaching  action  of  weathering  (see  page  702  I. 

We  conclude,  therefore,  that  the  lands  whence  the  old  quartzose  sediments 
of  the  Boundary  section  were  derived  must  have  been  either  part  of  the  original 
granitic  crust  or,  more  probably,  the  more  or  less  remelted  and  recrystallized 
equivalent  of  that  crust.  The  argument  is  enormously  strengthened  by  the  facts 
which  are  known  concerning  the  pre-Cambrian  sediments  of  eastern  Canada, 
southern  Appalnehian-,  Sweden,  l-'iuland,  China,  .Vustrali.T,  etc. 

Erirlcnri'  of  a  BnnnlHr  Siih.ifratiim. — .\mong  the  evidences  for  the  existence 
of  a  primary  lasallic  substratum  we  have  noted:  first,  the  fact  that  almost  all 
the  greater  fissure-eruptions  of  the  world  are  basaltic  in  composition;  secondly, 
that  basalt  is  the  magma  most  persistently  represented  in  igneous  rock  provinces; 
thirdly,  the  recurrence  of  eruptions  of  basaltic  magma  from  the  Keewatin  time 
to  the  present,  and;  fourtidy,  that  there  is  ovidonee  of  the  direct  derivation  of 

i!i:i-i,i;r  i)i'  nil  riiiir  [stroxumi:!: 



nil  '.."""'  '■■'""  ^''''  ^'  'Jiff"^"'"iati.,„  with,,.  vol,...„ic  vo,.t.,  tl.u. 

increasing  the  k„own  area  whore  basalt,-  rnuKma  has  been  erupted. 

1.  U„y  o,a-  large  field  of  tissure  c-rupti,,,,  is  certainly  represented  in  the 
Boundary  belt,  na„,ely,  that  of  the  probably-Cambrian  Pnrcell  I.ava.  Though 
this  rock  IS  everywhere  profoundly  altered,  its  .•on,positi..n,  throughout  thou-satuls 
of  s-iuare  miles  >s  ba.altte,  with  a  ten.lency  in  plaees  to  the  (augito)  andesiti-. 
A  very  th,n  and  ..uite  local  How  r,f  liparitir  lava  i.  do.selv  a..sociated  with  the 
basaltic  type  at  one  point  in  the  Pr.rc.l!  range.  It  is  posaiblv  the  result  of 
assin.ilatio.!  of  acid  rocks  by  the  l,asalt.  but  its  existen.'o  in  no  wi.^e  afTe-ts  the 
statement  tliat  this  lissurc-eruption  i.-  essentially  uniform  and  ba.saltic  .  com- 
position. Xearly  all  of  Palczoic  all  of  tim,.,  and  mu.-h  of  Ter- 
tiary tune  elap.ed  befnre  the  vast  Columbia  lava-lield  was  completed  a  short 
distance  south  of  the  lloundary  Line.  In  that  later  ami  greater  flood  the  lava 
vanes  iron,  common  olivine  basalt  to  the  m.,r..  andesitic  fades  rer.resented  in 
the  porph.vrit,,,  olivine-fn...  pha-  „!  th,-  Pureoll  Lava.*  Calkins  has  pointed 
out  t  he  le-semblauce  betwe.  n  'l.i-  a„.i,„t  porphyritic  lava  and  an  equally 
lemarkab.e  Miocene  lava  in  Washingtn,,.  The  constancy  of  the  type  through 
so  long  a  period  is  thus  shown  iy.  detaik  ..i  structure  as  well  a.,  in  the  manner 
01  its  extrusion. 

-2.  Basaltic  magma  is  th..  wily  one  k..owu  to  h.ive  crystallized  as  visible 
todi.-s  m  each  ot  the  ranges  between  the  Great  Plains  and  the  Pacitic  With 
two  exceptions,  either  the  Purc.ll  I.ava  ,.r  its  nppro.ximate  chemical  equivalent 
gabbro  irareLv  passing  mtu  diorite),  form  the  only  igneous  musses  seen  where 
the  Boundary  belt  crosses  the  Unvis,  Clarke,  Galton,  AlacDonald,  ilcGillivray, 
\ahk  and  ilo^i-  ranges.     The  lir^t  e.xception  referred  to  is  the  liparite  How  just 

mentione-l.    Tho  nil:,.,-  ;-  ,1. ..L,:^  ^r.nli-  .,i  ,1„.  M„vi..  .ii|,.    vv^t  „f  ,he 

Puree  1  Trench  great  aVssal  injections  (batholiths  -.nd  stocks)  first  appear  in  the 
boundary  section,  and  it  is  west  of  the  Purcell  Trench  that  stmng  petrographi.- 
variety  appears.  The  iTimary  basalt  never  failed  to  be  erupted  in  anv  of  the 
ranges  west  of  tlie  trench,  but  many  of  its  abyssal  injections  were  <o  large  as  to 
furni:,h  heat  sufficient  for  mu.-h  a.ssimilation  with  consequent  differentiation  of 
non-basaltic  ruck  bodies. 

_  3.  The  man^v  reappearances  of  basaltic  magma  as  lavas  or  as  injected  masses 
IS  illustrated  iii  the  following  chronological  table,  which  embodies  a  partial 
list  of  the  basic  volcanic  formations  recognized  by  Dawson,  O.  O.  Smith,  and 
others,  in   regions  clo-^e  to  the  Forty-ninth  Parallel. 

•See  F.  C.  Calkins,  Hui:.  a>4,  V.?.  O.,,],  Survey,  11109.  p.  ^,l. 

■  J  .-.-I-. 


umwuTMist  ni    mh  is'ii.innt: 

2  GEORGE  v..  A.   1912 

/*<  riOfl. 

fi'i*<ill'*.  ifiiO-o.-on  or  ;/'ihhrti.<. 

A  ii-i/ft  { iiiiro.ri  tit  )  ttiuf'  .-ifta. 

I'lt-i^toct-ne Mt.  liaker  lava  ?  Mt.  Hakt-r  lava. 

PoHt- Miocene Hasalt  dikt-H  of  Okana^an  Kang* 

Mi'-Ct-nt' Vakitna  tia-ialt  of  NVa^^liingtMU.       'Andi'Hiti-   of    W.-Tiatrhf    l)i>trict 


Oli^'tKtm*    I  Uawsoii'M  I'ppfr   Volcanic  f;tiiU)>,I'urpliyritf    uf     I'piH'V    \'->lcanu 

of  Interior  rii(tt'aii-i  yroiip  ( I  >aw-.oTi  i 

-Hatsalt  of  Miduny  M'lraTiif  >froiip.  Ai:'ie«i»<-    nf     MiiKvuy     \oIcanic 

■     ^,'ruii).. 
Aii'If-tir.'  of  Ska^rit  \ol<'anic  sfroiip 

K'>'Mi»- ..    Ti'unaway  basalt  of    \Va<liinK'to)i. 

M. -io/oir     , Hasalts      of      Kosslanii,      Ht-a\cr  Aii'lt-^it*-   of    ^i-oup-'    nainnfl    in 

Mountain,  ami  IMiocnix  trn-nps.      op|<   'olunm. 

Sonu-  ^'a^^l>ros  of  f'oliin.l'ia  rani/f. 

.Imi,i  -hi  ....   Ki>ck  Crt**k  [raljlifit  <ak!t '.') 

Tria'sif  .        .  ...   hiabasi's  of   Nicola   u'n*'!)'  i  hau  ■  I'orphyrit*^^  of  Nii-ola  v'roii).. 

Uiabasf's     of     \'ain.'oinfr     i^rouf'  I'orplivritf- of  Vani-oiiv»r  pniup 
;     fI)awM)n). 

C-triMrniliTuu- IJa-*alts  of  Chilliwatk  fonnatmn..   Andf-siif  of  ('liilliwack  formation. 

liasaltic  tra)p>' of  llo/onii-«ii..\nar  And'-sitir  trap-*  of  ll'i/oni«-Hn. 
<'lii-t.  anil  ('ai'li*-  Cr^.k  -i.-ri--.  Anarchist  an-l  Cach*-  ('r^ek 
(a^f'.'}  -  ri'-i  'ap'','! 

r'ainb-ian  ( "' ! J'nrctll  Lava 

}>ltian illa^alt^   of    Inn.-    \'Mlcani-   f«»rni    AM«l—it»->     .'f       h.-n.-      Voloanif 

ation.  forniati-'n. 

Pr-   }>' liian I  >ial>a^i' of  1  law -on-  A'laiii*  I^ak*' 


4.  The  table  also  sliow.s  iiuiiioroiis  examples  of  tlie  coniinon  field-association 
■  ■I  I'yroxene  andeaite,  or  porpliyrite,  with  basaltic  rooks.  The  writer  has 
i■-^eml•^ed  some  of  the  facts  wliicli  ho  ri'j^aril-  ii>  ^nlli'ioiir  ]'i-.ioi"-  <-\  tlio  derivji- 
liuu  (■!  this  andesite  from  ba^^alt,  and  has  recently  puhlisluMl  ;i  Mininiary  state- 
:uent  of  tlie  case.*  in  that  paper  emphasis  was  jilaced  on  a  difiFerentiation 
:hr'jitirl;  liie  settliii;;  oiil  of  furronuigiirsiaii  and  cafvnii*'  rry^^tals  of  early  i:ouera- 
tioii.  lint  it  wa-  }ioiiilo.I  oi.l  that  a  )MraIl<'l  *  iT. n.  niiyhl  I.e  I'rodilfc  t  hy  tli.' 
settling-oiit  of  the  same  constituents  in  tlie  li(iui<l  phase,  that  i:^.  by  a  kind  of 
liquation.  Both  actions  comprise  what  has  Itcen  called  jrravitative  diiTer- 
entiation.  Without,  then,  attempting'  to  decide  which  ].ro<'css  Ims  been  dominant 
';;  :'"^-  ca-e.  we  tind  in  thi-  jrencral  association  of  auaite  andesite  with;dt 
:::ongr  the  Boundary  Line,  a  s'il'--tantiati<'n  of  the  liypotliC'^is  that  the  au'le-Itos 
Lave  been  derivt  d  from  the  nii^re  basic  ma^rma  by  cravitative  differentiation. 
The  complementary  diUVrcntiate-.  the  periilotitC'.  are  also  found  in  close 
a-sociation  with  rock-  fif  Isi-altie  f-oinpo-itlon  but.  ;h  to  le  expected.  U'-t  so 
often  nor  in  such  vohnne  a-  the  nnde^ites. 

'P.  A.   r>aly.  -lour.  <:"ol  .   Vol.  Kk  190R.   p.    101. 

i;i  I'liin  ill    I  III   iiiiii    \^inn\>\iri: 


1  \-; 


SESSIONAL    PAPER   \o    25a 

Sn   :.'rrii    i<    ill,.    |.r..l.aiHif.    ,.i'   i 
the  recurrences  nf  augite  nn.le.ite  a^  -<•  miuiy  iv.-uri- .i.ees  -f  nri-- ■■ll'    hn^.il'-.- 

mafrniii.     Tl rrespmi.];!,-  '-,^^0  M.l.liii.,,,  t..  i!„.  „:,,;, i„.r  .i-M  -i-,     .{  tl  ..  1,,.,];,  . 

whiel,  represent  eruptions  of  basaltic  n,;,?niM.  !.,tli  in  the  Fortv-ninU,  P, -,•'.. ' 
rof::..n  ami  fhront'liout  ihe  worM.  {;,eatl,v  limit,  tile  total  vulumo  of  eruptcl 
)Maunm_  ulu.l,  ha-  n..t,  I,.,.,,  .-itlaT  l>a-.,lti..  ..r  uT.nit  ir  ..„•,. ran.. ilorit  :,■  ]• 
coi.iposition.  Perhaps  less  than  one  per  rent  of  (ho  worl^l's  eruptive  nin-rn.Ti- 
bu.he-.  reckone.l  as  to  their  p.x.l,able  ;..loo,..,,  havo  had  ehemieal  eompositimi- 
ditferont  tmm  -raniii.-,  uran.Klioritie.  „r  ha-^alti,.  nia-mas.  In  anv  ■■a-o  it  i.  ,.,  h 
a  ve:-v  small  proportional  v..lnin.^  of  !-„,.,,„.  n„.ks  whirh  ne,..i  explanation  h 
.ther  than  ••rv-talli/cl  pritn..t,v  basalt.  ,iir,.,  t  .litler.  ntiate,  ...f  priniarv  ba-al:  or 
granitio  diflf.Tentiate;. 

.\iliilc(lirs.^-V.\ru->'  th,.  nriniarv  a.-i.i  J„.|l  j,  ,,,,,  ,.xi,..-ed.  the  thror^   .!.ar..:'    i- 
that  besides  primary  basalt  an.l  its  nwn  differentiates  all  the  other  iffneous  r...^:;- 

O!     the,iary    il,,n    nr,-    -..lldllied    s>/,ilrri;r<    „r    soli'llfir,!    J.,!r,<    o' 

^linlvrl,r.<,  'Ihis  most  diflienit  -id.-  ..f  ihe  the.,ry^  applit.atioii  h-'s  been  approivhe.'. 
at  many  points  in  the  fore,:^oin.i,'  r!iapi,.r<.  In  tli.-  pi-.--,.nf  Munmarv  ..nlv  the 
more  notew,.rtliy  need  afiaiii  he  nienti..n.-d. 

There  is  an  obvious  [.reiimiuary  step  to  be  taken  before  a  full  .iiseussiuu 
ol  assimilation  is  po-^-^ihl...  i'',,r  eadi  nia-mati..  h..,tv  u..  .h...,1,I  ido-div  !;p.,- 
the  eomno-ith.n  ,,f  ii-  c..iintiy-,-,„.|;  „„  ;,il  ,„nir.|.,  loof,  walls,  and  bottom^:* 
there  i-  ■^  bottom.  Fur  sto-k-  ;.],.!  batholith.  we  liave  little  or  no  dire,-t  informa- 
tion .•o.,e,>rninK  tlie  o!  tl,,.  walls  tor  miles  below  th,-  .bep,..t  vall,-v  whiol: 
ero-i.,u  has  carv,-,!  in  ih..  intr;,-iv...  If  th,.  m.^'  i<  still  lars.d.v  pre„M-ve,l.  th.> 
walls  are  effectively  ,-on.-ea!,..|.  If  ,  1  is  remov,-,!  the  roof  entirelv.  it  raav 
be  impossible  to  know  exaetlx  ..f  «hat  rocks  it  consisted.  .^In.'e  stoping  t  ,ke'- 
place  on  both  walls  an,l  mof.  th-  knowl,.,ko.  of  the  petrographi,-  natnr,..  ..f  boti, 
IS  es.sential  to  an  nn.lersfan.linir  of  the  product  i.f  abyssal  a^.-imiiation.     In  ea.-h 

case,   the  Keoloi;i-t    .-an    s nly   the   uppernio-t    part    of   a    batholith     anl     !• 

t;eneral,  h,.  is  eoniielh-.l  •..  re^anl  his  tiehl  oh-^,Tvation3  as  confined  m-ar'--  t-- 
one  l,'v,.l  in  that  luirt.  Only  iu,,v,  therefor,'.  ,.ati  he  set  i,leas  a-  !•)  the 
form  and  si.^e  of  the  aiel  a-  to  the  character  ,,f  the  iotil  contact-snrfa.'- 
on  which  stopin;,'  an,l  inart^inal  a-,-imihiti,.n  have  hebl  sway. 

One  ,,f  ii,c  i.rin.-ipa!  data  f.,.-  the  p,.-in.trenic  di.scnssion  is  thu^  often 
impo-sible  of  full  attainni.-n:.  ft  ,  only  be  found.  ,.'ven  <pialitativ,.!y.  after  a 
thorough  tiehl  ,,|  tl„.  inva.l,-d  formation.  Largoly  for  lack'  of  such 
observations  a  niiiltitu.le  of  petrographic  papers  are  almost  useless  to  thestud.-ii' 
of  petr..gen,v.  Yet  more  serious  is  the  error  of  many  petrogenists  who  have 
decidcl  ,ai  the  in;.,  tic  happening-^  in  batholiths  an, I  stocks  sim|  •  from  the 
chemi,-al  relathms  at  visible  contact^.  This  fun.lamcntal  mi-,f'  ',a=  beer. 
made  in  the  name  of  •'  the  -cientitic  metho,!,'  ■which  forbids  '  speculation  '  and 
leav,!.,  th>.  ,-arlli"s  interior  ■  t,.  the  poets,"  liut  it  is  beginning  t.i  show  its  tru.> 
character  as  a  tra.lition  wliich  has  ,lone  much  t.)  retanl  the  advam-e  of  petrog.mj 
lor  a  generation. 


liKI'ARIMI  \l    III    Tin:  ISTF.UIDU 

2  GEORGE   v.,  A.    1912 

('■rnntiiij.'  iit  .nco  wo  nnii  si-ciii-c  .iiily  pnrtial  itiforiiiiitiou  a-  to  lli(> 
cheiiiii'al  iiittiire  cf  a  bafliolifli's  'ounfry-roi-k-J.  it  ia  -till  iiossililc  to  bolirvo  that 
tlie  known  fa.'tj  siiflici-  to  show  oxtrnsivo  ns-^irnilntion.  Tlio  same  'dii-iiili'ralioii- 
i'pply  to  tlinso  satollilic  iiijcction-i  which  nri>  larpn  enough  and  initially  hot 
inou;,'li  to  '••■  <'apab!o  of  sonic  a  •siinihitinn.  Tn  ^ome  oaso-i  tlic  contacts  of 
the-c  injections  are  so  cxposetl  a<  to  sliow  all  the  important  conntry-roi-k-:;  hut 
llion  the  iiincoiis  bodies  must  ahvay?  he  small  aflairs  .vhen  eoniparcd  to  a  first- 
o'as-  balh.,lith. 

-Only  two  1  athnliih-  r.f  tro'-  irr.mitc  occur  in  the  I'liiiiii^ii  ". 
f   the   Selkirk    rancro   and   the   Cathedral    of   iho   Okanapan 

'/'/"■  (Ir'ifiii'-i 
leli  the  Kykort 
laiiLN  . 

Tile  Jiykerl  iialiiolith  makes  visible  intrusive  contact  only  with  the  rocka  of 
the  Priest  Uiver  terrane.  From  the  field  relations  it  seems  probable  that  the 
contact  at  the  roof  was  made  with  the  same  terrane.  Beneath  the  terrane,  wliich 
is  the  oiliest  expo-ed  in  the  Boundary  belt,  is  probably  the  usual  acid  pre- 
Cambrian  conii)lex.  The  assimilation  of  either  the  average  Priest  River  rock 
or  the  po-tulntcd  underlyiuf:  furjuatiou  by  a  jrreat  abyssal  injeeiinn'l.  after 
cravitative  differentiation,  give  an  acid,  granitic  mass  at  the  roof. 

The  Cathedral  granite  has  replaced  the  Similkaraeen  and  Reramel 
Kranodiorites.  Tlie  remeltiiig  of  these  might,  by  the  theory,  permit  of  a  new 
differentiation  whereby  the  salic  elements  collect  at  and  near  the  batholithic 
roof  in  greater  purity  than  was  the  case  with  the  older  magmatic  chambers, 
'j  he  consanguinity  of  the  Cathedral  and  Similkameen  can  only  be  explained  on 
the  view  that  such  separation  of  the  alwaya  'antagonistic'  salic  and  femic  con- 
stituents did  take  place  in  the  Cathedral  magma  chamber.  This  is,  of  course, 
no  proof  of  the  assimilation  theory  in  the  case.  The  theory  is  forced  on  us  by 
the  field  evidence  of  replacement,  and  the  generation  of  a  younger,  acid-alkalino 
granite   is  an   incident  of  a  very   ,Tdvaiie(>d  differiMitiation  o*^  the  syniectic. 

The  other  true  granites — the  Sheppard  granite  in  the  Rossland  and  Benning- 
ton mountain  groups,  the  Bunker  Hill  granite,  the  Lost  Creek  granite  and 
summit  stocks  of  the  Selkirks,  the  stock  just  east  of  Cascade,  the  Smelter  granite 
at  Ciraiid  Forks,  and  the  Sumas  granite  at  the  Fraser  river — are  all  cupola-like 
stocks  probably  satellitic  to  granodiorite  batholiths.  The  more  salic  character 
of  the  stocks  is  again  the  result  of  more  advanced  differentiation,  which  was, 
perhaps,  facilitated  specially  by  the  concentration  of  juvenile  and  resurgent 
gases  in  the  cupolas.  Nevertheless,  the  fact  of  replacement  by  these  stocks  is 
as  indubitable  as  the  replacement  by  the  main  batholiths. 

The  abnormal  granites  of  the  Jfoyie  and  Com  Creek  sills  have  already  boon 
explained  at  length  as  due  to  assimilation  of  quartzose  sediments  h"  hornblende 
gabbro.     (See  pages  238  and  283). 

The  Granodiorites. — The  granodiorite  bodies  are  both  larger  and  more 
numerous  than  those  composed  of  true  granites.  The  list  includes  the  Bayonne, 
Trail,  Cascade,  Osoyoos,  Similkameen,  Remmel,  and  Chilliwack  batholiths; 
many  stocks  in  the  Columbia  mountain  system,  and  the  Castle  Peak  stock  of 

I!i:rnni    1,1     I  III    I  III!  I      |>//..,,\, ,]//_/,. 


SESSION/       PAPER    No    25a  to  tl,o  ,.„...  offers  a  pe,r..eni,.   'rZ^.  of  l^U;"^:'^:'''  "'""''"' 
eyntoctics  may  be  conoeive,!  as  difforont  in  tl,c  two  r,,,,!'  \  "      '  "''^^"^•'"'''' 

-.v..„.  iT';z:,",f, :,;!,?:„  ■■;.-;:;■;'  ,—;;:* '.'/'Sir  •-"  't 

find   the   pre-Cnmbrinn  pranit-   frrrano   but     nl-o   f,    a  M  r'niar>   ImsuU 

.ciimcnt.s  chioMy  .rKillaceous.  '  ""   '"""*"''   ''"^''""♦-   "^ 

have  „,entod   special   ..a.nos;    the   K..k   C^eirii;;;-;' ^^ J'' ';;;;:  ^  i^'; 
Sunia.*  „o,lio3  (pa;,'e^  302,  41M»  .5;j-' and  V'T)      Ml     f.l,  i,     -,  "' 

.iiorito.  oftetj   pas,   into' nua..  di:rH;^  blitl/'l   'i.^'Xnv:,;;:;  S^ 
U.rou.hout   tbe  CordilK.ra.     The  Boundary  soHion    ilh.t^nte        .     t  ' !  \  o    d 

riioritw  Rocks. 

Qunrtz  (linrito  oontact   phase   of   Trail 

Rock   Crock    (Horitp. 
Quartz    dioritc    contact    plia-c    of    O-o- 

yoos    batliolifh. 
Liglitnirig   Creek    iliorite. 
tilcsse  iliorite. 
Sumaa   dioritc. 

U^'(int,'<l    aniiiil,,,    „,ul    CrniimiinrHfs. 

Trail  Rranodioi  itc.  Kr.uiitic  f,u  ics  ■ 
^heppard  alk  'line  granite. 

Kofk    Crock    Krarin.liiiritc. 

"iranodioritc  and  granite  (orisinal 
|iha-i..-)  nf  IKoviMW  liatholitli. 

(_a-.tle    leak   ^'raiiodiorilc. 

Cliiiliwack  >,'ranodioriic    ^T.inite 

Siimas    granite. 

.v./^^  T       .  ^   "'"'^   '■'^'"■•''   ^'""^'^   ''■■''"'''•   r'»'!<   "-^   >'"■•   topical   .rv.tallizod 
Jjntocfc  formed  l.y  tl,o  a,^>in,ilation  of  srani,.   ..^.norallv  pn'-Caml,  i  „  c 

m  primary  basalt.  That  syntecti.  has  ponorallv  b,vn  difTcnnt' atcd  s  a  aff^^ 
Z'eZT^  T^.^TT  "'rvJ"^^  th.  original  material  assinnlated.  are  '  anch 
eutecfcs.       Ihe   failure  of  differentiation   in  the  case  of  the   diorites  may  be 


/(/  /'  i/,'/i//  \  /   '(/    ///;,  /\  /  i.iniii; 

2  GEORGE   V  ,  A.    1912 

(■.\|ii  lihi-l  III  .11  liM-t  iwi  \va,i.s,  'I'lii-  iliiirilic  peripheral  pli.nos  of  many  .■fiili- 
jnri'iii  1.1. ili.-  -.nil  I..  ').■  li.'st  iii'i.>i,iiiiti"l  for  on  tlio  view  that  niohii'-i-.intui-t 
cliilliiii;  ii'iiclj  to  iiicre.  o  visi.'3it.v  bcynml  tlie  p<iiiil  wlicro  iiiaciiialio  wplittiim 
(■an  lakr  phur   i.'^ir  pa^v  1'-'.\    ili..iii,    l....|h  ..'n   -li^liiiv   i.|.|.r  tlini. 

a--iH'i.i(i',l  ^riinitr-,  :ii iiMilv  satillilii-   iiijrL'tiolis,  y.u<\t  a-  iliUi -.  >lii'il^,  clioii'i- 

lith-.  .  (■■,  Sinn'  iln'-i'  ai-i'  all  icIatiM  l,\  -mall  niiij  ipiickly  ('^l  li.nlio-.  it  i- 
t*'a<lily  midi-rsfiOfl  that  they  will  proaorve  the  syntpriic  poiiip'i-iiini. 

'I'lio  Jioriti'-i  a-30ciateil  with  ^'ninoiliorito^  arc  -nliici't  t"  iIip  ■;aiiii'  rcaiioiiincr 
r.Ncept  tlial  P'l-s-ilily  tlwy  sliari'  with  ;jraiioiliorilr-  .I'l-lam  rliinilral  fratiin-.  ilnc 
til  thr  a--iiiiilal  lull  c.r  iia>ii'  M^iiiiifiii-.  nr  iia-ii-  x.kaii.-  i.'a;.  in  aiMitini, 
to  firanilic  rock.  Tlip  known  variability  in  the  dioritc  ininily  snfficos  to  cover 
the-P  i-'.nipli'X  -yiilo'-iics  a-i  well  a-s  tlinsi.  fnrmi'<l  of  primav  lia^alt  aii'l  tliP 
t-nrth-  ai'iil  -hell. 

In  the  thiril  place,  the  pns-ihilit.'.  i-  re'  oiriii.-cil  that  sunie  rueks.  fairly  eallnl 
iiiurite-i,  may  theiesdves  In'  (iilFcri'iitiate-  frnin  sjireial  syntectii'.*.  or  frmn  the 
primary   ha-ahh-   iiiayma.      Surli    type-   serin   |e   hi     rare. 

.Mo-t  iif  the  acid  nndesites  are  etTii'ive  eipiivaleiits  of  diorite-:  iind,  on  the 
theory,  are  to  he  iv-jjarded  a<  -iiiiilai  synteetie.;,  wliieh,  howevia.  are  ueiierally 
somewhat  ilitlerentiat(>d.  Thai  the  -ynti'i'l  ie-i  are  hiTe  more  ditTereiilialiil  i- 
e.xpl.iined  hy  the  efieii  favourahle  eonditions  for  splittiiifi  in  voleanii'  vents 
(  T("i  and  71'.'  i.  The  ,|i.iritie  ma'.: ma  sives  L'ranitie  ma.irnia  thr'tiirh  splitting  : 
aii'ie-ltie  nia:;iiia  frivt's  lip.ii'itii'  (rhynlitie)  niairma  tluMii'/ii  splittiiiL'.  We  ean 
tlnis  nnder-taiid  the  nuiimon  a-sneiation  of  lipnrite  and  aiides'te^  i-i  v..lianio 
regions.  TIk'  the.iry  holds  that  soiiio  liparites  may  ho  oxtremt-  ilitTerentiatos  of 
the  more  harie  auj-'ite-andesite  nuigma,  hut  typical  post-Archean  aiiKile  aiide»ito 
1-  tn  If  eun-iilere.l  net  a-  a  -yuteelje  liiil  a>  a  pular  .lilVei'eiil  iale  ..f  ha-altu; 

TTii-,  in  brief,  is  the  writer's  interpretation  of  the  andesiies  oeeurrintr  in 
ih^  Ifipe.  Hoa\er  Aloiuitain,  Rosslatul,  I'ho  nix,  Midway.  Pasayfen.  Skajrit,  aii'I 
Chilliwae;,    volcanic  proups. 

Tlif  <'vm[)lemeiitur;i  Jlil,'.<  aiui  Shn-h.  iiiui  li.i'  I'r'iinolih'.t.'-  Thf  -'-iieral 
tlii-..ry  include-  the  pre".  ailitiL'  crn'oiitien  that  thi'-c-  Im.!  irc  directly  due  tn 
dilTerentiatioii.  They  fall  into  groups  accordiucr  to  their  derivation  from 
primary  basaltic  maRma,  from  syntcctics,  or  from  differentiates  of  the  basalt  or 
the  s\nIccti(^s.  The  exact  processes  of  the  splitting  are  still  largely  mysterious. 
It  seem.s  prid)ahle  that  the  ditTerenliation  is  gravitalivc;  the  aplilic  poles  rising, 
the  lampinpli\  r;  •  i"'le-  -iukini;-  in  p..ilieiis  of  maLrmn.  Siicc  nunc  "f 
the-i>  1  dies  is  c\cr  larije  when  eompareil  to  the  parent  hatholiths,  stocks,  etc., 
and  since  the  dikes  regularly  close  hathidithie  periods,  it  is  fair  to  conceive 
that  the  splittiiifr  mae-ma  was  irreatly  ri'd  eed  in  volume  from  the  size  indicated 
in   the   bnihelith. 

The  necessary  concentration  of  jnvenile  and  resurpcnt  fluids  in  the  liquid 
tnaprina  remaining  after  most  of  a  batholith  has  crystallized,  ma.v  bo  the  con- 
trolliiiir  condition.  These  volatile  materials  must  lower  the  viscosity  of  the 
magma  thus  left  in  pockets  or  sheets  within  the  frozen  rock.     In  the  special^v 

////  /     I  «  I  l;i,\,,'ii  i: 



/.'/  i-'iin  I, I    Tin 

o'l..  r,  as  tl.e  late,'  ph  ..,„""     i'.  H  1t       \"'  • '"=  "'A"  '^"'''-  '"'"^■'«  '"  'b" 

on,..     rSop      ;,    :-  ^  ^^T  ,•"■  "P='"-\"'-'^  "'"—1  -t  i.  a  valuable 

plon.entarv  dike.  ^~     ""''""•    ""'    f'"«'-prai..o.l    ,.om.- 

^     ,     no      1         "^T        "      '"",""■  '""^'"'''  ^•''''•''  '"'*  "ystnlli.0,1  with  special 
<...u-,.ne.-.  locauso  of  the  unu.ual  .Wo  of  tl,o  inj,..ti„ns  (see  „;,.-,>  ;;> ,        ' 

Ihe  more  ac.d  complementary  dikes  are  common  and  of  the  charac 
t.r  ,1  the  Boundary  section  that  they  have  eNev.h,.,-,.  \t  .ever.l  h  ,1iti  ?t  dike,  are  associate,!  with  stocks  an,l  other  l^r,;  i  n  iont  of 
c-^entially  sun.lar  con,positiu„.  Exun.ples  are  seen  „.  the  b,.dief  of  tl  eXp  ,ar, 
g.anue,  winch  js  chemically  like  the  true  aplite.  emanating  f  ,.  d.  "C 
granod,or,te.  flus  .u,.,.e.s,s  that  the  ,iitferentiati„n  in  l.a.holi'hi.  ,.„.,,  u' 
the  same  pruicple  a.  that  postulated  for  complementarv  ,likes. 

The   Ahnormal   Ga'.'^ro^.-Thi,   division   of   the    Foptv-ninth    I'.,r,H,.l   ro,.l-s 

Ihe  argument  ..f  Chapter  X.  has  Leon  nn,de  without  a„v  necessarv  roferen,-e 
0  the  origin  o  tlie  ve.y  peculiar  gabbro  of  tlie  Puroell  injections'  Its  com 
posi  ion  before  it  reaehcl  the  visible  chamber  in  the  sedimentary  series  offerTa 
pr..ble:n  mud.  more  , hllieult  than  that  of  the  ^^ra-.ite  iay.r  n.  a  Movi.  ,11  ,  |,  . 
chom.eal  and  m.neralo.ieal  a.ialyses  ,hown  ,,..  page  224  are  typical' of  the  m  , v 
ooc.rrences  of  the  rock  except  wh,.re  it  ha.  heen  plainly  n,.i,li,!,.,i  l>v  .olut  ,^ 
ot  ,,uartz,te  The  chemical  analysis  is  sfatod  i„  th^  followi.^  table  whi  h 
I'oa — vol.  Ill — 51 



/)f.7MA'7l//..Vr  or  THE  l\1l  l.liill 

fll-n    thnv."    the    iivorflge   la^alt,    incluiliiiR    Jial> ''o. 

2  GEORGE   v..  A.   1912 
,    cMlctiliitp.l    from    I!>a 


8in, ■•^f 

^::- ::::::■:.:::::::■:::■::■  :■.:■::::■:      ^ 
K  ••::•:■■'::■•■••:.•.•.•;•.•,;.:•.•.■.•.::;:      ;:]? 

HO 'il 

c?"::;  .■■;■..  .".■.•.:; ;: :; :.: _•«? 





Tho  gablno  is  mneli  tlio  poorer  in  each  of  tho  alkalio:<.  Thn  inicroscope 
shows  that  nearly  fid  per  cont  of  tho  intrusive  i;"  cnniposod  of  hornbh-n'Uv  The 
specific  Kravily  of  the  fro-hfst  rncU  ir*  :!•*>  or  over.  There  has  cvi.Kntly  hoon  a 
special  concotitration  of  -afeniic  material  in  tho  preparation  of  tho  niaKtna.  The 
result  i-=  a  iraLhro  of  pcrid-titic  t..n.lri..'v  Ain'arrntly  it^  oriL'in  r.inii-'  ie 
Mated  in  other  than  very  doubtful  tenn^.  Th.-  relatively  low  total  of  tho  iron 
oxides  and  the  hiph  alumina  do  not  favour  tho  view  that  tho  gabhro  is  a  direct 
basic  differentiate  of  primary  basalt.  On  the  other  hand,  it  is  exi)lioablo  a-~  a 
."vntcctic  composed  of  argiiliiccous  and  dolomitio  sediments  with  primary  basalt; 
or  as  a  diu  -rentiato  of  such  a  syntectic.  Needless  to  sov,  we  have  no  data  for 
testing  this  or  any  allied  hypothesis.  Tl.:-  only  nseful  conclusion  is  that  the 
nbuormni  gabbro  does  not  Ho  outside  tho  domain  of  the  gonoral  theory. 

The  same  statonu-nt  may  bo  inado  regarding  tho  gabbroid  complex  of  tho 
Okanagan  mountains.  The  petrogonic  probl' in  is  there  eoMiplionte<l  by  the 
intense  dynamic  (and  perhaps  thermal)  nietamorphisui  which  has  affecteil  the 

The  AlhiJino  /fo^A-s.— The  re  remains  for  brief  discussion  that  group  of 
igneous  typos  which  has  long  claimed  the  particular  attention  of  pctrograpliers,— 
tho  rucks  rich  in  soda  or  potash,  or  in  both  alkalies.  This  richness  is  relative. 
Nephelite  syenites  usually  carry  more  alkali  than  either  granite  or  basalt.  Monzo- 
nite  is  placed  among  tlie  alkaline  types  because  it  contains  a  higher  percentage 
of  potash  than  rocks  of  the  basaltic,  gabbroid,  or  dioritic  families,  with  which 
tho  moiizonites  may  be  compared  as  to  =iliea  pereeutage;  all  fo,:r  type^  have 
nearlv  the  same  average  content  of  soda. 

Many,  perhaps  most  petrolopists  have  been  of  opinion  that  tho  alkaline  r.jcks 
are  products  of  primary  reservoirs  of  alkaline  magma.  Rosenbusch's  great 
system  of  classificatiun  has  been  soundly  built  on  the  basis  of  objective  facts 
regarding  the  composition  of  igneous  rocks;  but  ho  has  coupled  with  his  .sys- 
tematic statement  a  theoretical  conception  of  roek  origins  which  is  at  variance 


KEPORT  of  ////    (////  ;     ,  V //,.,,  vol//;/.' 


SESSIONAL    PAPER   No    25a 

K^nt^H '"'•'"'*'"'  'I'^'^y-.T''"  ''"^"^y  -  <vi,l,.„l,  o,,po,.n  t.,  |{<,..o„bu„.h-. 

other  than  th«  h.r,  Uc  Tho  writ.-r  i.  o!..wh..r,.  pr.....„n,m  the,l..,„.e  for 
'he  UI.ef  hut  the  alkaline  rock*  are  nil  n.or,.  or  le«  .;ifT.TOMtia.,..l  .vntoctici  • 
iheir  alkahes  are  regardcl  a*  having  h,  .-n  i.-rivtHl  from  primary  ha-alt  •  1.... 
'f  e.i  irn.  ma.-e.  of  th«  .-arth'.  «ei,l  aheli.  which  ha.  Wvn  n.«i>„ih,t,.',l  h, 
pr  mu'j-  b.galt.  or.  m  Bfll  loss  .h.^ree.  from  ,.-iMr!a.e.l  .climent..  Tho  prin.-i- 
raJ  oau.e  for  the  8pecial  conrentraiioi.  of  aK  al,,-.  i-  in  th,-  H8sin,ih,ti,.n  of 
iioicstnnes  and  dolon.iteg,  or  other  .aloarroiH  se.linients.  The  solution  of  n  few 
otiit-r  tvi,es  of  rock  may  pri.dueo  the  same  etT.-t  Or,  Hnall.v.  it  i.  eon.'eivalle 
tliat  the  i,.<d,ti.,n  of  forciKn  jfasrs  t„  th,.  .nairmufie  ^oiuti„n  nni.v  five  the  proper 
con.ljtioiis  for  the  con.vntratiun  of  alkai.e^  in  liinite.l  mn.«es  of  roek. 

Th.!.  e.  n,]u,ion  was  tir-^t  reaehed  after  an  in.luetive  «tu<lv  of  the  field,  a  of  nephe  ite  syenite.  It  wa*  found  that,  witi,  v..r.v  few  exeeption.. 
Dcphelire  ..enite  ..n.l  ,ts  elTu.ive  equivalent,  phon.dito.  „nlj  o,.o„rred  where  ...h- 
.■Jkaline  n.aKina  had  eut  important  limestone  or  dolomite  fornu.tion^  In 
geudral,  the  oiiKinal  subalkaline  n.aKin  .  wu^  of  l.a,altie  e.,mpo^iti..n  Thi  i. 
...n.'eived  to  have  b.en  tluxed  hy  the  8oiufi.,n  of  th..  .arhonate.  The  new  lime 
■  r  wu(ni.-;„  n.ust  hx  siliea  to  the  extent  of  several  times  the  wei^'i.t  .,f  eitl-r 
tase,  ILe  molecule  thus  forme.l  is  normally  a  pyroxene,  which,  with  the  like- 
■'Viso  early-tormed  maunetit...  olivine,  et..  .  ".ir  ♦.  „,!  »,.  _,-,,t>l,.  ,,a;  ..f  f),,.  m  nr„,  , 
It  is  not  e=^cntiul  to  determine  whether  gravitjr  acts  before  or  after  the  actual 

■  r-. -tii'lizii'irn   (if  ferric,  f 

■i'r"ni;iL'nc.-inn.  .'in.! 

(•     Tlir;. 

■  "         '  ^'111.  'Ml.  Ill 7^.       1  III-  ri'«iii i:,n 

magma  is  necessarily  higher  in  alkalies  th.ui  the  primary  basalt.  The  fixing  of 
-ilieu  by  the  new  lime  an.l  maKnesii  meun^  u  desilioation  of  tho  rest  of  the 
magma,  ;md  nephelite  or  leucil,.  forms  ins%.„,l  ,f  f,.l,|sp.,r.  Sin-,,  '.ittle  nli.mina 
■nters  int,>  the  sunken  eompone;  s.  this  i.x' !„  .,,,,•  !,..  ;„  ,..^,,„,,  .„„.  ,,,r.,,„|„,„ 
mil  ultimately  crystallize  in  the  residual  ma-ma.  .Meanwhile,  the  carbon  dioxide 
-'■t  free  from  tho  -olved  carhonafe  •  ,  ri-  through  the  magma.  It  mav 
I_o8Sibi.y  ,  iirry  with  .oda  and  potash  in  eonihination  as  the  alk.dine  carbonates 
Ihese  lai:,.lnir  tlu.xos  could  rapidly  enri.'li  t!..  upper  part  of  a  lava  column  with 
either  tr  b-th  alkaliea  and  thus  furnish  a  leucite  basa.t.  a  leucitite,  or  a 
nepbelinite,  from  whi.-h  the  ferromawiif,i,iii 
mul  ba.sah  have  not  had  time  to  settle  on; 
a  phonolite  or  Icucoeratic  neidielite  syenii"  i 
f.'rii!   the  feniic  poles. 

-p.,-  hypothesis  cann..t  b-  fully  pre-ent.-.l „ ,  .,„„„^„ 

t.a?  b.en  stated  to  show  its  nature.  It  exp'uins  th-  remarkably  common  nsso- 
ciaton  of  a  kaline  rocks  with  calcareous  a„  1  magie'sian  sediments;  the  desilica- 
tion  el  primary  magma,  us  indicate.l  hy  thi>  presen  -e  of  ncphelifo  and  leucite 
.n  many  alkaline  types;  the  common  sup-rsaruration  of  alkaline  mau'nuH  with 
alumina,  r.  suiting  in  tho  crystallization  ut  corundum ;  the  common  occurrence 
'  !   prni.arv     •ah  ite,    cancrinit.'.    meianite.    niolili'.  .    --capolite,    wollast-nit.'  atiii 

lU'i   'afemic   constituents   of   n-r- 

1;    tiie  .sejiaration   hcrnrtie^  perlV  • 

tii'>  s.ali.-  pole,  uhili-  limburgit.s 

in  this  r.-purt   hut       -Imps  enough 

■-■t&!.  !-oi.  -AnuT.,  Vol.  I'l,  1910,   i-p.  n: 


i>i  r\i(r\ii\T  lit  Till  i\Ti:moi{ 

Ki-ncritl  laiiff  on  thin  subji-ct 
may  liave  great  .tiVit  in  t!i>' 
'ilif  inu:it  easterly  <i!'  tli" 
:iiOIl/ulliti'     intrusion-   ut    iili' 

2   GEORGE  v..  A.   I'JIJ 

<iiop«i<ii<'  (Aroxcnf  in  alkiiline  rorki;  iiml  ihi-  roKiilur  a-tso^'iation  of  alkalino 
lype-i  with  rockst  of  bu«alfii'  coiniiosition.  Tho  Ronoriil  oondmion  i*  that  all 
ttlkulinc  rocks  aru  ol  ai'Coiiihiry  origin;  their  exigU'nco  gocw  to  «tri'n({then  boli<-f 
III   a  primurv  I'asulti'-  •iiili-lriiiiirn 

Ft  til.'  n.iuKliiry  bi'lt  tli.-rc  iiw  ipccml  iliiriciilti.M  in  llio  wiiv  of  upplyins 
l.«nt<  In  tlif  li.vpolhesii,  'I  he  chii'f  dittifiiltv  is  tho  l«''k  of  mifficipnt  prpo^tiire  of 
lh«  lorniations  cut  Kv  the  vurinus  ulkaliin-  lio'licw.  Thin  i«,  of  fourac,  no  anti- 
oeileiil  iibjeition  to  tho  imnii  prini'i|ili'.  which  rl■lnnin^^  ii»  a  iioni\  workinii  hypo- 
thesis  even  it  the  licl.l  cviilcn.  c  at  tlic  Forts -nintli  Parallel  were  nil.  The  fo'lov.- 
intf  ■.Ih.rl  rev-  w  ,.!  tichi  rclaiions  rdcrs  -pocially  to  the  roln  playcl  by  linu's'oif 
;ibiM)rplion  in  !<iibiilkaline  niaKina,  Iml  it  i'  i"  l«i  untierstoo'l  that  other  '•ciliment-i, 
..r  oven  iiasic  ci.\?taliiiic  rock-,  may  p:.iy  a  similar  p.irl.     As  pniiitcij  out  in  tho 

relatively  small  proportimi  of  dis^olveil  carbonate 
rr'ii'<lriii  ilioii  of  eiieniieal  elements  in  u  magma 
alUul  mc  terraiips  is  the  assemblage  of  latileH  aici 
near  Kossland.  These  are  intimately  ussociatod 
vith  basaltr-,  uugile  undifliteu,  and  -iabbro-.  I'lio  country-rock-  include  pliyllite. 
^recii-.ti>nc-,  and  .-.rpeiitincs.  be-i<l,-  larL'c  ImmH,-  ,,f  ( 'arl..>iiifcr..a-  liiih-t..i„ 
refencl  i-  the  I'end  D'OrciHe  gi.>up.  That  the  limestone  contacted  with  fhe 
luaKoia  a"  liie  llu-hmd  uait  or  \cnts  i^  shown  !•>  its  al.undan.o  in  tl..-  w..i 
ments  .f  tlir  aKKl"merate»  en  nioui'lain  and  Sheep  Creek  valley.  The 
Salmon  Uiver  monzonite  stock  in  partially  surrounded  by  tho  very  thiok  Pend 
U'Orcille  limestone,   thoui^h   fln'   t»'    re.  k^  .In  not   sli..-  contact-. 

There  arc  few  known  bodies  of  typical  syenite  as  largo  as  the  Coryell  batho- 
lith,  which  is  more  than  100  s.pnire  mih  -  i  alioul  :J:i.-|  npiarc  kilomcir. ->  in  are.i. 
The  pcncra'  theory  assumes  that  this  balliolithic  mass  is  a  differentiate  from  i 
largo-sca'i'  syntoctic.  It  must  have  lower  silica  than  the  averu^o  batholith— a 
Uranitfr— because  of  the  enormous  volume  uf  laisie  volcanics.  -erpt-nt  itic-'.  argi'- 
lite,  and  litia'stone-,  whidi  the  niiiuma  ha-  so  evidently  rephe-ed.  ('■•iiii^vd  i 
pranite  the  Cor.vell  ma-s  i-  -onicwluit  desilicated.  This  dc-ilication  and  the 
high  alkalies  are  explained  on  the  hypothesis  now  considered.  The  satellitic 
-'.•nite  porphyry  is  clcurlv    a  late  -alic  ditfercritialc  from  tlie  mail    iMiri\, 

The  rhomb  porphyries  and  the  shnckanitc  of  tho  Midway  di-tri.t  are  ditTor- 
I  ntiates  from  one  or  more  mafrmalic  chanihcrs  not  exposed.  The  r  countr.'^-roeks 
are  very  .seldom  visible  but  in  part  at  least  have  the  same  lithologlcal  eliaractcr 
as  those  it  the  llossland  district.  Heavy  masses  of  limestone  crop  n  '  at  tl.'- 
tew  places  where  the  Midway  volcatiics  have  been  eroded  otT  the  I'aleozoi 

Tlie  country-rocks  of  the  Kruper  alkaline  body  are  also  poorly  e.xposed. 
On  the  west  aide  they  have  been  assimilated  by  the  i'ounser  Similkatneen  batho- 
lith.     On   the  east   a   sni.ill   area   rcnuiins,   between    the   Krugffr   body   and   the 

Osoy.H.s    granodioritc,      S.,iith    of    the    Hnundary    line    t!ic    < itry-r...k    are.. 

broadens  out.  there  showine  an  average  litholorJcal  character  identical  with  tha* 
..f  the  Anar.-hisl  scries.*     This  series,  eo.apr.sed  of  argillite  (phylliteV  quartzi*'-. 

•Cf.  r, 
Plate  I. 

O.   Smith    ami    I.   i\   ralkir,-.    null.   m.    VS.   n."ol.    Surv..   Vm.    p.   2J    .mi 


nn-uHi    •:!     1,1/    •  -in     i>//.'„\'.;//  (,■  7QJ 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   \o    25a 

ami   thick   ]ii„e,l.,n..-.   w«.    naa.lo.i   l.y   ,h..    KTu^.t   (,„.|v       \V,.,,|„,r   or   ,h,. 

m.l  ^,Ml,I>   ...ntac.nK  will.  th,.  ..Ikuli,,,-  l,.,.|y,  w.-r-  .,!.„  s.p.iti.ant  fu.tors  i„ 

;;::;..^"''" -'«*  •"•  ""■  '<-«-  i-iv .- -v.huno,,  „ ..  ,,!,J:..,:;;:;"  ,"„ 

...nth    i;ar..lh.l  »..ctu,n   all   „ri.nn,.t..,l    l„,n,   .(    -t.|i,„o,„a;;..,      .   ,i 

th.f  ti,r4.  ,.„„.,,,„ ,  „.  „,.  -,,.,„;,, I  .,,,,    :,  ,;  ,,.,  ,„„,„„.  i,;„j,;- 

All   the.o  a.^oPuU,..,.  an.  „.■«■    i]lu-.r,ri f  ,   vrv    ,..,„, ,,|   ,.,|.    a,.,,Ivi„.   ,,. 

'h-  .■«..«•„  ofounenccH  ol  alluilin,.  r...  k-      TI...  r,,!,.  .-  ,.„„.  ,,,.1.  ,„  „.!,  u,'  „,    ,„. 

r.«.tr..«.iu,.  th.-..r,y.     It,  .■M,|a„a,i.,n   tl,r„ui..|,   il,..  ,v, ti.wlitT,  nnliatin,,   th.-n 

^rluTobi-  a  tretutic  connect!.,,,  i^  foun.l  bc'tweeu  the  r.-lativ-Oy  ran-  alkalino  rark- 

aud  tlif  vastly  m  r.-  ahutiilanf  .■.•:l.iilK:ilii,i.  r 

rtin    ,,f   . 



2  GEORGE  V. 


A.   1912 



The  caption  of  each  cliiinu  bears  the  colloction  number  of  the  apeoimon 

Numbers  29r.,  ;554,  r,9>,  400,  4.'6,  -ICr.,  49.'?,  500.  r.Oi),  517  52.S  541  54n  557 
666,  071,  836,  WS,  i»00.  !i6l>,  WMi,  1355.  i;!S8,  l;!!)S,  1403,  1405  'l441  nnd  the 
fe'.dspar  were  analyze.!  l.y  .Mr.  M.  F.  Connor,  of  tlie  Canadian  Department  of 
Mines.  He  analyzed  also  No.  34,  a  specimen  collecte<l  duriuR  the  survey  of 
the  Rossland  mining  euinp  l,y  Messrs.  It.  W.  lirock  and  (i.  A.  YounR. 

Numbers  7.  "",  .54,  L'Ol,  l'8L',  ns(5,  lOlO.  1(».53.  li>54,  10<;4  1100  1107  UO'l 
1110,  llL'5.  1134,  1137,  113.S,  1140,  1143,  1153,  1104,  U7l>,  1202,'  1221 '  125o' 
1270,  1301,  1306,  1320.  1322.  1326,  and  1338  were  analyzed  by  I'rofessor  m' 
Dittrich  of  Heidelberg,  Germany. 

'1  111  Kl.l. 

M"l  M-.M\    SlslKM. 







j:  ~ 



7  > 






J,  ^ 

- -5 

3  n 






^  "w 

"7   .1 

"  3 

*   -^ 

7  ^ 


i-  [' 

"t    -'■ 


«  ^ 


'/  -4 







f    X 

y  >. 

-.-      .  .-    -.- 






1  l.-i:i 





41   .-xi 

71  lilt 

72  4' 

'i'l     ti.'l 

:VJ  111 

.M  '.i-J 

.^4  02 

70  7s 

*'"   L*7 

Tit  >5 

:t  Xi 






1  :i.T 




1 7  (111 

1:1  Ltl 

M  17 

ir,  7ti 

11  2-J 

11  l:i 

12  IIS 

ir>  7*j 

17   1? 

l''i«  h 

n  :ti 



•-'  Nti 

L*  O.S 

2  '.17 

It    .S5 


1  (    1 1 


lU  OS 

1  '.'.1 

.'.    .'Kl 

10  71 

S    II 

r.  !»!,' 

.')  Ill 

1  *>\ 

'i  n~ 


'      tr. 










i     li;  71 

1    L'S 


1  :i:) 

r,  ^1:) 

■*  22 

2  M2 

1  :i-.' 


. .  - .  1       ■:'7 

1  i;i; 

■1  .Ml 

11  17 

III  !c' 

11  .-.:; 

II  1;:; 




HuO    .        .. 

;  "  1 

1  ::;■■ 

t  r. 



.      .  .      :          'J    M 



'        1    41 

'  1 '  III 

1  :is 



'.i    IS 


K](  >     .     ... 


•J  ;t7 

L'  I'l 

L'  ■  **  ♦ 


-    ■•_ 

11,0      ..      . 

"/.'.[       -jT 



"  VI 



ft    "J.i 



1  :!1 

I   11 

1    17 

1  .'ill 

1  117 



1    IW 






L'  ( 


.  .  1     llullr 







1  KM)  ,'tr. 

]w  11; 

;w  7ii 

!m  HI 

li;i  !ni 

\Ki  7X 

W  n7 

ifHi  n 

IiN)  nl 

.S|.,   kT.     ..     . 

....;  -7M 

•J  7;j:t 

'J  7L'.S 

li  ji.M 

2  :i.-<ii 

J  \i\Hi 

.'i  HI 

*j  ';5t 

-  7  s." 




—  - 



_  ._ 


j     J,,'l 






■•  -f ' 







2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

KiWMIAMi     MnCMAlN^   f'lllKfl.V. 

=  3 

.9         1      12 











Sit): 77  Oit 

Tid: 0.-, 

AliOj 13  (M 

KeO. . 









H,0  4 


.S .   .  . . 


Sp.  gr. . . . 











2  600 


62  (IS 
16  111 

1  ■>;! 
:i  72 


2  44 

5  2U 


3  29 

1  IX) 




tW  51 


IC  71 


3  34 

2  53 

3' 1)2 



4  ■64 


52  96 



2  57 

5  55 



H  93 



2  73 

5  09 




5»  ■  66 

I  32 

It!  91 

1  71 
G  17 



2  H9 
4  45 


1  tl6 


54  49 
16  51 
2  79 
5  20 




100  47     !  100  1 14 
2-754  1    2  847 

99  65 


99-r)0      100-45      100-04 
2  872  ;     2-843  I        ? 




59  06 

1  08 
16  24 


4  88 


3  51 

5  59 

2  84 


70  ■ 

9;)  32 

2  796 

'  Analysis  furnished  by  Mr.  R.  W.  Brmk. 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   \o.  25a 


li"-- .1   \Mi    .M..I  M  M\>  C    iiiKu  1. 

-   '''■ 

KeO    .. 
.Mnl  I. . 
CaO  . 
BaO,  . 
K..6..  . 


H  Of. 
PjO, . 
S.    ..     . 

Sp.  nr 

*~     t. 

1  im 
1".  Ii7 

2  Nf) 
,1  2« 


3  «« 
.">  33 


4  77 
3  OH 




."i4  :a 


in    1(1 

1  u 

4  113 



,")  ■  K". 

3  38 

5  44 



I  37 


52  17 


1«  Wi 

S  32 

not  (let. 


3  X7 




3  !tl 

4  Oil 

I   17 













28  '■ 




41'3  Km;  Hjii;  IKK  I 

."fci  ex 


111  Si) 


5  53 


3  70 
ti  08 


4  03 
4  32 



1  05 

47  42 
15  ti;-, 
2  DO 
4  05 
4  IMI 

8  51 ; 


2  WJ 
4  10 

2  00 


6  24 

48  33 


12  :*\ 

I  s7 

5  2H 


!l  (17 

s  'J4 



1  81    , 
4  K7 


2  03 

2  04 




SO  i 

12  mi 


I   11 

1  87 

5  1(1 


43  14 







4  00 



Pagt . 

9fl  54 

100  12 

101  »iO 

10"!  13 

IIXI  oo 

100  00  , 

1(10  7« 

100  25 

;0o  29 

2  751 

2  745 


2  817 

2  723 

2  740 

2  77l' 


3  075 

j       3^S 

31^    1 






.ii)7     i 



inci'AKrMEsr  OF  rut:  imehiou 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 


MiinvAV  Mm  N1AIN>  Ciiikki.v. 


SiO, -11  ■ 

Ti(», ""I"' 

AVIi 1 

Ke,Ui '•' 

FeO lint  (If 


Mk<) ^'- 

CaO 1 

SrO ""'i'- 

BaO "■  '11'- 




H.O- I  '• 



CO, 1 


S ! 

m"iw                    !       liiO'l 
Sp.tgr i!' 

/'...'• 1        -^'^ 

•  Includes  ZrO,. 




H'  5 





—  r 



1.  7 



-^■^   • 

3  v.^ 

5  i 


4  ■-"?' 








:nr.3   i 




1109    1 




411  2.j 

«2  04 

.-.2  43  ! 

.31  83 

.32  2 1 

.311  49 

55  11 

.32  .33 










1  10 

17  113 

10  IS 

18  25 

19  28 

15  83 

21  28 

19  05 


4  i;i 


:'.  r.'  1 

4  20 

4  ;<4 


2  i;i 

4  77 


:t  04 

1  •')7 

2  08 

1  4li 

1  13 


I  2".< 

2  in 











37  91 


2  111 

3  28 

1  83 

.       3  38 


1  99 




3  71 

4  08 

4  43 


7  9!t 

2  82 

5  75 




4  73 

4  8r) 

4  68 

0  34 

3  12 

6  24 

4  03 



6  74 

5  93 

5  75 

2  40 

6  S6 

8  3i; 

T  30 











'.I  08 

1   18 

3  19 

3  15 

4  63 

1  20 


1  49 












1  '.»3 





1          07 




100  :i2 

99  S2 

99  83 

99  70 

<)9  89 

1     !(9  83 

99  9i; 

1011  17 


2  Hli^ 

:  2-4!17 


2  ■621 

2.328,      2  84! 

2  'lOl 

2  719 








Ok  \\  \(;,\N     KANtiK 


I  SKAiill 

~   i   - 




.=;•»■  = 

iJ  ^  = 

■f  r 


7  t  r 




— ' 




i  ChS  4;t 



...    1         -.'O 



■  i."i  «( 



1  0« 



1  8."> 

1  (111 





.           146 


f 'aO 


2  !t2 







3  47 

1  ■ :« 








..   .          (17 




1  -.-.s 


1  2;< 


1  ■.-,(; 



.i4  ml 


18  ,-.■> 

4  «4 



4  HO 






If.  21 

I  n« 

1  HO 


3  .'<li 


4  07 


I3.V1         14  41  I3XH  1(03 

Oil  .V. 


3  OK 





71   21 









4  2S 


I '.I 



rs  '.HI 


IH  17 

I  -23 

."1  •  »<N 


t  30 




1  .^7 



.•^1..  fir. 

Olf72       1IO-44       ;io^.-2      lfl«r22       •«)■.■)!)     j  !l<).^>6     .  110  !i.5       09^.-)l      lOO-K, 
2^70^       2  i;:.4       2^721        2^Sl:i       2  Ii!l3  :     2^t)7H  '     2021        2-:i:i7       2-7:13 








2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

Skv.ii  Kam.k. 

Kim  K^    M'll  NTAIV  "'l-TKM. 






~<  >-       -ci:  S       =  =  ^ 

;  i^  X  X  ■/.  r. 

i:bh       i;»)       i:f2-j       iiw.       1270       i.ioti 

■Si<t;     .. 

TiO,     . 
K.O  .. 
MnO. . 
.MffO. . 
CaO  ,. 
HaO  . 
HiO^  . 
PtO,    . 
C.  . . . 

>'*t  3« 

17  a:< 

1'93  I 

3  74  ' 

14  i 

3  6fi 
ti  07 

71  41 


H  :w 

1  :« 

1  17 

•  •4 

1  13 

2  Til 

71  -M 


14  11 

1  7:> 



3<l  4ii 

0  S'i 
4  .Vt 

1  m  I 
10  07 

16  02 

I(S  8!t        13  4(i       2."i  f)(i       2('iii7       :V>  > 


Hi  7!t 
23  Ht, 

1  .■^1 

1  (15 


17  Ml 
25  IW 


14  77 
21  ti5 

3  112 

2  IW 

2  H8 

12  iVj' 

111  58 

3  40 
1  S6 

io  61V 

lit  72 

Sp.  gr 


3  58 
1  74 



4  12 

2  97 

2  37 
3- 97 


5  71 


1  31 



28  '     22'55' 

99  95 

2  767 





1  57 


1  ((8 


1  2:i 

3fi  89       38  08       32  ci3 


1  04 

0  51 


1  40 

1  21 





1  52 

2  93 

29  14 


23  80 

100  07      100  27      100  38      100  43     100  15       99  87      100  40 
2  653^       2^651i       2  749!       2^802|       2^805^       2  768       2  816 








99  87 
2  741 


itF.i'iih'T  or  iHt:  fuir.r  xstkumimfi: 



M  I,      Sl^l  I  M 

!■■    !.■   KM     ^I.•I 

N  1  Al^    >^  -1  KM 

■^Kl>'  ^    I!an,.k 

r.'L'l*  I. (Ml 

li::i        \vs,        11.;;.        liiu 

Sl(  1; 

:*;  Ml 

■J4  i<'. 

lis  :;7 

.M  i;.-. 


7l»  !li' 

71  2.; 


;,  1  t,,, 






Alil  1,  . . .    . 

5  '.'i2 

I\   S( 

7  ii2 

7  >■"> 

s  si; 

11  :•■ 

i:i  2:: 


22  17 


1   4(1 


4  41 

I   74 




2  1 M I 

Vv(  > 


•J  "1 

It  !l'.* 


1    Us 

;<  i'( 

•■  »J."» 


11. ."i  .l.'t 





i;  as 

l:;  iil 

1    II 

H  (17 


!  ■ : 

1   <rj 



1    30 

Cii( ) 

SrO     . 

...     Jl  113 

!'.<  It 

.'i    S'.t 

(.'.   rfj 



1   l;i 


2  s 


4 1;2 



1   tl'l 

Xai<  1 




2  till 


:t  2s 

2  7.S 


4  4i> 

K,<  1            .    . . 

.      riw 

2  117 

1  :il 

1  -lis 

2   II 

1  :ii; 

2  '■li 



.  .       2;i 






113  1 

H,t » 

..      2  4!t 

1  7'i 

:i  ("ill 



I  20 


1:3  1 

2   :"lOt 







•JJ  71 

is  ,s;'i 

1  :<\ 

13  ir. 





'         tl. 


—  ^— — 

>  — _ 

10(1  33 

llNI    HI 


!1!1  !i;t 

IIMI   li'J 

liKi  :w 

li«j  H. 



:i'.i  72 


. . .  I   -':•■< 

2  77:1 

2  HS7 

2  1.54 

2  i;si 

2  'ISO 






•Mean  of  twn  aii.-ily»c>.     -(.Xtlki'c     17'   water  t;tM'ii  Mtf. 


iiEi'ARTiit:sr  •  y  ihh  isrt.mou 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 



HOrXDARV  srRVFV   FOR   1!to-2-(»r>. 

DR.  R.  A.  DALY* 


By  I).  P.  PENH\i,r.o\v,  n.Sr  . 

In  the  spring  of  1903  I  received  from  Dr.  R.  A.  Daly,  of  the  Department  of 
the  Interior,  a  smull  collection  of  plants  from  the  region  of  the  Internntional 
HoiiiKhiry  in  British  ('(ilimiliin,  im  ilerived  from  a  r:\\i\A  n'.'"nnaisi'aiico  (in  1902). 
This  material  was  reported  upon  tentatively  in  May  of  the  same  year,  and 
though  much  of  it  was  of  sueli  an  imperfect  nature  as  to  render  final  conclu- 
sions impossible,  it  wa.s  nevertheless  of  a  very  suppestive  chnrnrtcr,  and  it  not 
only  yielded  some  new  species,  but  it  permitted  of  provisional  conclusions  as 
to  the  ages  of  the  several  deposits  represented. 

In  the  autumn  of  litO.'i.  Dr.  Daly  forwarde<l  to  me  a  larorer  cnllection,  embrac- 
ing material  of  a  much  more  definite  character,  and  derived  not  only  from  the 
same,  but  from  other  localities  in  the  same  general  region.  This  material  was 
found  t(j  confirm  many  of  the  provisional  conclusions  derived  from  the  previous 
collection ;  to  add  several  now  species  to  our  knowledge  of  the  flora  of  that 
section,  and  to  afford  very  definite  information  as  to  the  age  of  the  deposits. 
It  is  thus  found  to  be  desirable  to  combine  these  two  collections  in  the  present 
report.  As  all  the  specimens  were  designated  !.y  numbers  representative  of 
special  localities,  these  numbers  may  be  used  in  the  present  instance  for  con- 
venience of  reference;  but  the  individual  sjiecimens  of  each  group  will  also  be 
further  designated  by  the  use  of  subordinate  letters  or  numbers  which  will  be 
found  upon  the  label  of  each  specimen  described,  and  in  this  way  the  identity 
may  be  fully  established,  and  reference  to  the  type  facilitated. 


Gknf;r.\i.  Dkscrii'tion  of  the  Matliilm,  and  its  SoiiirK. 

No.  250  of  lOO.'i  and  lOOS.f — The  two  colli-'-tioiis  under  this  number  veiiresent 
identical  localities.  Dr.  Daly  states  that  ttu\v  were  obtained  from  a  shallow 
gulch  east  of  a  bridpe  over  Kettle  river,  si.x  miles  up  the  .stream  from  the  town 
of  Midway.  'The  formation  is  a  series  of  gray  sandstone  la.vers;  this  is  one 
of  the  isolated  patches  of  so-called  Tertiary  noted  by  Dawson  in  his  description 
cf  the  interior  of  British  Columbia,'  and  on  the  map  of  the  Geological  Survey 

•Read  bffore  the  Hoval  Society  of  Canada,  Mav  1.1.  1907,  and  printnd  in  its  Trans- 
actions, Section  IV,  1907',  pp.  287-33*. 

t  The  collection  made  in  1902  was  forwarded  to  Profes-or  rpiiliallow  in  1903  and  is 
here  referred  to  as  the  "1903"  collection 

in.i'oRT  <ii  nil.  •  lurr  i.s/a'o.voi// /; 


SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

it  is  marked  us  of  Jlioccne  agp.  •  It  !■>  cut  by  baaallic  aii'l  andi-sitic  dikes,  and 
is  overlain  by  flows  and  tuffs  of  the  -nni.'  eniptivr  tiiatiTiid.  The  pencrni  dip 
is  i!5  degrees  to  tlic  southeast,  but  in  the  lower  [liirt  u  '  tlie  fruleh  it  rises  to  "5 
degrees  in  tlie  giuue  ilirection.  Tiie  wli..!,.  ^'roup  nf  s,ind;tniios  and  hivas  ha* 
been  faulted  and  I'uMed.' 

The  specimens  I'rwin  llie  llr^t  C(dlecti,.n  embraeed  various  fr.nnnents  of  leaves 
in  a  very  imperfect  state  of  preservation,  from  wliieh  no  very  definite  eoneluaiona 
eould  be  drawn.  There  were  also  two  speeiinens  of  calcified  wood  which  were 
found  to  bo  new.  In  VJuri,  the  collections  were  found  to  include  frujrtnenls  of 
fruit,  leaves  and  stems  of  limited  value;  but  tluy  were  chielly  roniarkabio  for 
the  larfte  number  of  calcified  fragments  of  wood,  most  of  which  showe<l  a  fine 
state  of  preservation.  Two  of  thesfi  proved  to  be  identical  with  previously 
lecogni/.ed  species,  while  two  were  entirely  new. 

Numbers  HXll  and  1(H»"  of  the  VM>r>  collection  are  reported  l^v  Dr.  Daly 
as  haviuff  been  c'olleeied  oji  the  Ketth^  river,  u  few  miles  north  of  the  Inter- 
national Boundary,  tmd  from  a  locality  near  to  Xo.  2.")0.     In  all  three  of  these 

eases  the  general   f 'rniution   un,!   tin'  cliaracirr  uf   the  s| iuicns   >how   clearly 

that  they  are  of  the  same  age. 

Number  271  of  the  100.".  collection  reprc-ents  the  north  side  of  the  canon 
wall  of  Kock  Creek,  an  affluent  of  the  K'ettle  river,  ab^ut  si.x  miles  west  of 
No.  250,  and,  therifore,  within  nn  area  nsually  dcsipTiated  as  Miocene;  and 
according  to  Dr.  Daly,  the  rocks  are  undoubte<lly  of  the  same  a^'e  as  those  of 
No.  2.50.  They  consist  of  gray  sand-tones,  freestones  aiid  light  and  dark  gray, 
papcy  shales.  The  dip  is  ^0  degrees  due  north.  These  beds  overlie  a  coarse 
conglomerate  whi'h  is  associated  with  coarse  arkoso  overlying  its  p.irent  rock, 
a  coarse  granite.  They  arc  cut  by  basic  dikes  and  by  a  laccolith-like  mass  of 
porphyry.  The  very  few  specimens  obtained  from  this  locality  are  all  undoubt- 
edly of  rather  recent  age,  ami  in  their  general  character  they  tend  to  confirm 
the  relations  otherwise  indicated  as  existing'  Ii^Iwccm  them  and  .Vos.  2."0,  1001 
and  1007.  The  state  of  preservation  is  nevertheless  very  poor,  and  they  give 
very  little  reliable  information  as  to  the  precise  nature  of  the  species. 

Previous  lollections  from  British  Columbia  have  shown  the  existence  there 
of  Tertiary  plan's,  and  in  inirticular,  .Sir  William  Dawson  described  a  number 
of  specimens  from  the  Similkauiecn  valley  which  he  assignoil  to  the  Fprier 
Kocenc  (10).  As  the  locality  i-  in  -mnowhat  do-e  pro"imity  (aliout  sixty  n^iies 
vest)  to  the  one  under  discussion,  it  is  possible  that  they  are  of  the  same  horizon, 
and  they  must  therefore  be  considered  together  in  future  discussions. 

Number  1133  of  the  I'.'OS  collections  embraces  a  number  of  fratrmcnts  of 
leaves  and  stems  of  an  undeterminable  character,  and  while  they  fall  within  the 
same  general  regiim  as  1430  l-l:5ii,  and  are  presumably  of  the  same  age.  they 
'-ffer  no  reliable  evidence  to  this  effect. 

Number  1430  of  the  1!(0.">  collection  is  by  far  the  'i:isf  important  numerically, 
as  well  as  with  respect  to  the  number  of  recogr  '.able  ;  ifcies.  These  specimens 
not  tidy  include  previously  described  species,  hi.t  they  ""iso  present  several  new 


iirr[itr\n:\i  <»/    ////.  ixiritnm 

wlfAf.    tliiv    pon-'fittit''    tho    kcvnot. 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 
fur    tho    four     relat<>'l 


tdics.   mill   nil    the 

Numbers  142S,  1480,  14^3  ninl  Uin  of  tlio  lOOB  collections  were  taken  from 
a  JiirKe  iiroa  of  what  has  nlwavs  hoen  rejfardod  as  liowor  ("rotupeoiis,  occurrinff 
at  the  Hoiu:,lary  (4!)t!i  pnriillt'l)  Liiii',  nt  n  point  botwoon  tho  Pasayten  ati'l 
Skagit  rivers,  within  an  area  whicli  is  indicatrd  on  the  ricoloffii'al  map  as  Cre- 
tncoous.  '  There  seem  to  be  lit  least  2H,()i)0  feet  of  ihi-*  sericn  iiltocether,  ami 
ii  ap|.'»ar8  to  correlate  with  the  Shaatu-Chico  Series.'  An  important  aspect  of 
Nos.  14L"^  ami  H''0  is  to  I'O  fiuinil  in  tlirir  rohitivo  nt'c-i  iw  well  ns  to  uhi'tlior 
they  arc  n^ally  CretuceoU'*.  In  this  connection  Or,  Daly  ol)sorvos  that  'the 
bc'ls  boiiiidinK  thcni  dip  imkIit  iininioTiitc-bcnrinfr  l>ods  of  Oitiiccous  aRC.  but  it 
is  possible  that  they  uro  younger  imd  hiive  been  fiuilted  down  into  attitude' 

142S  is  a  locality  of  exccptiiinal  interest,  since  it  has  yielded  some  of  the 
most  perfectly  preserved  specimens  of  tiie  entire  collection,  and  it  embraces  iit 
least  one  new  species  of  fern  which  has  great  value  as  an  index  of  (tcolofiical 
flse.  Tiiere  are  also  a  number  of  poorly  preserved  forms  which,  by  comparison 
with  determinable  ones,  may  be  correlated  with  curtain  doubtfid  forms  observed 
in  tlie  colli'iaion  of  l!«i:i.  with  respect  to  wliieh  the  provisional  conclusion-  for- 
merly reaehcii  are  now  fully  confirniei}. 

14:!ti  also  represents  fragments  of  stems  or  leaves  of  a  very  doubtful  charac- 
ter, liut  ajrain,  by  <omparison.  it  is  pos--itilo  to  correlate  them  with  recognized 

Number  471  of  tlie  llttto  collection  ■  ciiie-  Iimhi  a  -ieries  of  liiaek.  ajialy 
beds,  associated  with  sandy  strata,  dipping  :)5  degrees  duo  east  on  the  eastern 
slope  of  Sheep  Creek  valley  just  southeast  of  Rossland.  The  fossils  camo  out  of 
bands  immediately  above  the  Red  Mountain  railroad  track.  Tho  whole  series 
beems  '  be  made  up  of  assorted  (water-laid)  ash  bods  and  tuffaceous  deposits. 
These  overlain  by  coarse  agglomerates,  which  compose  much  of  the  great 

voice         group  of  rocks  surrounding  Rosslnnd,   and   in   which   the  copper-gold 
ores       •  largely  found.' 

...oculity  471  is  about  one  hundred  and  twenty  miles  oast  of  14i!8  and  1438, 
being  near  Rossland,  while  tho  latter  are  on  the  summit  ot  tli'e  Cascade  moun- 
tain>.  The  specimens  from  471  c(nsist  entirely  of  a  number  of  pyritized  frag- 
.1  on*5  of  leaves  which  show  little  evidence  that  can  be  utilized  for  purposes 
ot  identitication.  The  locali'y  is  an  entirely  isolated  one,  but  by  close  compari- 
son of  the  specimens  with  those  from  the  more  western  localities,  it  is  possible 
to  draw  the  ciuchisifin  that  there  is  es^ential  identity  with  specimens  from 
1428,  and  that  1428,  1430,  1433,  1436  and  471  are  all  of  the  same  age,  questiras 
of  the  precise  horizon  within  these  limits  to  be  determincl  in  the  followinit 

A  review  of  all  tiio  material  embraced  in  the  two  collections,  shows  that  it 
fi.lls  into  two  well  defined  periods— Cretaceous  and  Tertiaiy,  and  it  is  most 
gratifying  to  find  in  this  connection  that  the  tenta*ive  eonvlusions  based  upon 
the  very  imperfect  material  of  the  190:!  collection  lur. e  boon  fully  sustained 
by  our  later  studies. 

ifU'uKv  itt  : iir  iiinr  i\7Kov(<fc>.A' 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   No    ?5a 

DmcHIPTIcV    .,F    1111     Sl'FriMKNH 


-.'  &  111. 

Tho  I 

Iiiiii     ) 

I  1:1;  I  I   I//) 

Vt'  I  A  (  111  I  Mini  \s|^ 
vi'i'i'x-iili'il  ''\  t«  ,  |..irN 
i*   rcpro-pnioil    l>y    a    sinelc 

1,     -p. 

t'niL'iiH'iit^    .it'  -,!(  Ill-    I  .■..ii.>. 

huf    beautifully    prc-ifiv.-.I    i-iiif 

(^Plate  I),  from  wliioli  tho  fnllowitiur  clianicftri  iiia.v  U'  drawn: 

Conn  nBrrowlT  ovBte  or  .•■  23  x  S  .m  ;  th,.  ^.-al-M  Ou  \   II   mii     tl...;;iM, 

The  fniriiu'iitu  nt"  -itt-in  nn-  obviou-ly  I'mm  tlio  I.Tininiil  iiiii-ti.iiis  ..f  hramh.": 
■  if  sdiiio  Cdiiifcroua  fr.-..»,  iin.l  from  the  ilmractor  of  the  loaf  Hears,  thoy  aro  lo  b.' 
ref.?rrc.l  to  the  koihh  I'  While  the  e  brnnelio:<  are  not  oonnooto'.!  with  the 
<'oiip-i  in  nii.v  way,  nor  do  they  even  ...enr  in  the  saiiio  blocks*  of  matrix,  never- 
thelesa  they  are  from  the  same  iied.J,  and  in  the  abseiiee  of  any  oilier  represonta 
live  of  the  neiiiis,  it  i-  probably  justifiable  tn  eoneliide  that  thev  are  of  the  -aiiie 
speeiea  and  will  be  so  eetisidered. 

The  plant   hero  represented  has   n..  living   relative   with   which   it   may  be 

eompared.  but  the  uenend  asj t  and  -truetiire  ..f  tho  .■..iie  would  seem  to  pluee 

It  without  doubt,  union-  the  reil  spruees  t„  the  .'  of  which  it  hears  „  siromr 
r.  -rmblance  with  respei't  to  treiieral  form  and  the  (  haraet,.p  ,,f  the  -cabs,  though 
the  dentate  inar^'iiis  ef  the  latter  at  first  *\ii:i:,.-At  atTinity  witli   P.  nipra. 

Amony   the  fos^il   representatives  of  this  (reiuis,  all   tho  r  ■ontrnized  spceies 
pre  of  Tertiary  a^ro  and  very  iVw  in  Miiii,!,-r     The  in  ij.. pity  are  kimwii  tlirmiirl, 

their  wood  and  have  been  deri\e.|   IrMin   ti',.  l'|.:-l ne.  !.  it   l\ni,wlt.,n   (33)   ha- 

dcscribed  a  species  from  KiiKak  Bay.  Alaska,  under  the  name  of  P.  harriinani. 
This    i3    the   only    N'orth    Aineriean    species    which    has    >,,    far   been    ne,,i;ni"/ed 

throufrh   its  cones  only,   and  an   ins| tieii   of  tlie  tiirnre-   iriveu   sIiowj    it  to  be 

of  a  totally  ditlereiit    typo,   appr.iximafiiiu'.   aceordinir   to    Dr.    K'nowlton.   to   the 

existing  Alaska  spruci — P,  siteliensi-.     The  afje  of  itii-  tree   is  jrive 




2.')i  1 

lb.  .t  ;ii., 


I. '111. 

Ot    l'.Ml."i 

fvl-KRAdiKS    IIAYOKMI.    Tes- 


Tiiis  species  is  one  of  rhoso  problematical  forms,  cnc-rniif;  which  it  -eems 
o.\trcinoly  difficult  to  obf.iu  sufficimtly  eoiii[ii-ehen'^ive  data  T..  ailinit  of  a  fully 
reliable  diagnosis  which  will  its  character  beyond  doubt.  All  the 
specimens  so  far  tigured.  represent  frajfments  only,  and  so  poorly  proi-eneJ  as 
to  make  ade.|Uate  description  iiiipossiblc.  So  far  as  may  be  judged  from  the 
figures  given  at  various  times,  as  well  as  the  material  which  has  passed  through 
my  hands,  the  leaf  seems  to  have  been  a  somewhat  delicate  one.  in  conseiiuence 
of  which  the  essential  charn-  tors  have  been  but  I'oorly  preserved.  That  it  was  a 
monocotyledon  of  some  sort  is  <iuite  evident,  but  it  will  not  k-  possible  to  place 
it  more  exactly  until  more  perfect  material  is  found,  and  the  name  commonly 

-.'la      \'-\.  iii     .".-J 

!■;  -t-»- 


i>Kr\tn\n  \i  m   rni   i\ii  ninn 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
.lil.TMiinnlii  II  iiuisl  !ifi  v'u'«-,?(l  a* 

ii=.-iKtH'il  "M  '!"'  I'l  '-  "f  lAMi|nprcii\V  oririiiil 
v\licillv  iprovi-ioniil. 

A,  V'vs,..,t,.,l   1.   n,   i>.   th..   ,..•,-.!,.    .-..II,. ■.!..„-.   .1.-   ,,l.,.,t    aP,-n-    lr,m   t« 
,litT,Tent    luc.liti.*.    MthnUKh    repro^mitin^'    tlu.    .aiu..    (folo^ical    l,onzon-2..0 

.in.l   lO'C      Tlu.  >r-"i>nP"-  "'"'W  tlu,  Hunt   n.   so.niwhiU   .1  tT.Tri i..l.t,..n»  of 

I'.reRTvatio.,.  but  v  h  a  vrH.m  cnn^tanry  of  .•l..ractpr.s  whu-h  p.nnit  of  r..or.lm;.- 
,i,  n  Tl.ftv  «re  al.vaya  or  i-^s  .iistii.ctl.v  n.Ko^  ,  so.n-.ii,....  .'-o  w.-h  tra.u- 
v.T^o  wiiukl.s.     Ih-.s  son..ti..i..,  :„.i.far  witli-.t  any  ..vM-mv  ol  vnation.  wli.l« 

i„  „,l.,r  insta,.-...  tl...y  .).."    ^  W-uouu 1  ati,.n  nf  „  -ro,..',  .-ontr,,!  „orvo 

or  Thoy  are  :umoo,  >1u.  lonn.  whi.-h  .,v  ••ntinly  n.w  to  0,o  ro^r.on 
und.T  .ci.lrrati.m.  I  .t,  liu-y  are  ro-op„i  .,1  .■,.„,,..,.  i,t-  .•!  tl,,.  (.root,  liivPr 
(Jroii|>  of  Kaii.l"      ouiitx.  Col -ra-l  .     42 

iini   ■-'■ 

'111,.  ^MTiMi.  'I-  ivn    in   luir-l    .i^'   tia.Mo.  !  !■ 
u,uch  altp'..,l  l,y  .k-oay,  1,„.  slu,w.. ..  itup-rf,,  .  r^tluT  hno.  ,uuallo1  vonat.on 
and    ...ark...l    evi.l....  •  ^     of    :,    stn,,,.'.   oontral     n>i.,r,  ,   wh,,-!,      howovor.   .no 
i„fr.-.|U.-ntlv  wa.itin^r  in  th.    Marrower  .,>.  .inHi,..      IL'To  is  aUo.  tr.-,„u..,tl>.  a 
^  tran-vorso  wriukliiu'       ,r   :  •  l'.i-itn,lini,t  .l,-ola..  luri.t. 

Our%H..-l.n..„.  ,.....,  ,  =o,n,.what  -.ronp  ro-.n.Wanr..  t-  the  scnovv hat 
r«.-entlv  .losorii,  1  Ano,„alo,,hyllhos  brhi^.toncnsi,  of  HoUi.k.  from  t  ,o  \ollow 
r.rnvol  of  Mi..nn.  ,.-  a.  Tin.lp.tno.  X..T.  (32>  Tin,  ,.  a  prohlen.n.,.fll  form 
,.1  .1,  I'r,  llolHck  ha-  ref.Trod  to  .\v  .alopKvllitos  a,  prolml  v  rcpro^en  .t,^'  it. 
noare..  a.linity.  hut  it  i.  .l.tliclt  f..r  ,  ...  to  -..ko  at.y  pn  ,iHfn<-Km  betwec, 
it  an.!  Cyi^racitiN  .,co..r.lini,^  to  the  nc.-pt,d  dotuntion  of  that  ffoni...  A-  a  refor.^..™,  perhaps  it  is  of  little  co>.=.eMuon<-e  whi-h  genus  ,.  pven 
H  1  .reiWenoc.  Oar  .Material  -.em.  to  .lif^.r  fro.n  Holli-V-  A.  br„k...onen... 
,„  bein.^  tnoeh  narrower,  ami  in  having  a  n.ueh  .hort.-r  and  moro  ^'""'^'^  ■;;  ;• 
differencs  wl.hh  are  ^oecific  rather  than  gener.e.  while  they  may  nUo.  possibly, 
represent  aeci-iental  difference.  U     inperfeetly  preserved  n.ateruil. 

.,    -  ,      ,    -     .  :   19'i.i 

"■"    V   number  of  poorly  preserv.d  frannents  of  le.ves.   the  .-.eecdinffly  frnff^ 

.   ,.„tar       ouditiou  and   i:    pcrf ::ru.-.ural   markings  of  which  make  spec^ 

reference   of  do   b^  ful  value.     But  provisionally,  at   least,  it   would  seem   that 
they  uiu  •  he  a.-=ig!ied  to  Cyperacites. 


of   19W, 

The  specimens  included  tm  -r  this  number  are  exe.ediugly  problematical. 
1h..v  epre'^ut  fr..:n„ents  .f  end-genous  leaves  which  are  not  complete  either  as 
to  he  r  u.-th  or  hreadth,  base  or  apex.  It  is.  th.refor...  impos.=ble  to  reach 
filal  conclusions  res,.ee.:ng  th.m.  The.v  show,  however,  a  parallel  venation  a 
riar  Picati,.,,  ()  or  series  of  nnded  ridges  distant  at  rather  regular 
[mcrv    s  of  4  mm.    No  other  structural  d.  •  dls  are  recugnuable.    Precisely  the 

same   plan-    appeared   in   the  eoUeetiou   of   1003   under   tl.e   number 




in  fill!  I   '1/    ////    I  nil  I     \  si  I.-,, M.I     i;  80& 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   '.o    25 » 

iXt.riiiil  iij'lwariilK-p  of  th.-«o  I'Miiaiin  nf  .iicp  ^iga.-itx  tlvXrii.-i  iir  „<  (  iilaiiiitiw 
rndiutiia  m'  H.>er.  l)iit  il.orr'  iir<'  iwo  m-tv  sutHf.intiul  •  !.;e.'fi..iit  t..  ror,.i.l,.rii,^.' 
the  r^xi-tenc"  of  such  «  rohit ion-hip.  kvaus,  i.l)  it  Um  ii,,t  boon  p,.*-iibh-  i.. 
(Iftoriiiliic   il„    |,rusencn  oi    tho  vharu.-ti'rinl i-   julnliii   r,{  thnt    rihmmw,   nlthnualv 

rrrtllili     lilM-    .i     Ir.l'turi'    .!    ,■     |,,     '    ■.,-,■     .'i.      |    ,•    ni)  r.  -        :,       h:!'.-      -    !:■       -'-A     f. 

•MOiilf  iihstrvors  to  wh'.KO  attciitiuh  th.y  (liri.-.'.l,  -  l.titity  witli  »iir»i 
"'iiit-'.  aiul  i:.')  rnliUiiitiw  la^liatii-  is  n  t  arhonif-r-u,  r>(„..  witii  whii-h  it  wonlil 
b"  iiiipo-»ih!o  to  ciirrohito  our  pr  <piii  |  ..-in,.  ii,  whh'h  iro  u:i.|ii.>-.f  ioiiahly  of 
iiMTu  recent  oripin.  Thor.^  !-,  Hkcwl-,..  tin  i.iint  of  i',,)iipiiriM. n  with  ir.'r-r'- 
t'uiiliiiitr-'.  whioli  i-  ,.\  \l,-,,/,.i.  a,:,..  ,,.  r  with  any  ..f  il„-  \,,r'..,i.  «|,.-.-:i-^  ■.!' 
Sabal.  wiiicli  liavo  been  dooribe.!  as  .  .rvirrini?  in  tin-  ri(tarf><iiH  ami  Tortinrv. 
I'ipl.r  thi-r  ■ifUMi-laiii.'-i,  it  ,.,\,n  .:>,„,;.j\..-r  pr..l.all.  that  thr  vari.iH  ri.L'<  ^ 
aro  not  orii-'inal  l.-atiirrn  .,!'  tho  or^'an,  hut  lliat  thi'>  \ia\"  been  pro'linv,!  bv 
ciTtaiii  ciin.litioiid  of  pnicrv,.!  ,n.  aii.l  ilial  rpn'ilir  ,-'',.  at  'it,..! 
intcrval-i  is  only  an  c\prc»*iMn  ,.f  tho  l,M-afinn  oi'  ^hc  iTlnripal  ihtvi-h  i.r  \.:rw 
On  the  bu-i-  of  thi^  in''Tpr<'tati.iti  v.—  mu--  .'orichid,-  that  thrao  f racn.  ut^ 
I'unnot  ho  "h'tinitely  M'pariitril  from  t  -i-  rcprcs..!,'  ■.-  ("vp.'rar'itr-s  hav.loi.ii, 
vith  \vliii_-h  tia.y  must  th,>r.'f.irc  ho  r.'tr..  a.-f  i.h'nli.Ml.  T!ii<  .■..ti.'luM.n  a!.-.' 
pains  -troiipth  f  ■  m  thi'    ■iron,,,  i,,,    ,.  fl,.,,        „  ;„„  us    '\  .pn  -, nf  inton tin'. 

fcrnw  .,1  .\i.■]^  a  I'har.i. 'o;-  as  to  rondiiy  fh.iw  iiow  -ho  ono  pa«nN  int.i  tho  il.  r 
hy      arying   ooiiditiun-   n(   pr< -orvati'iH. 

I.   I'l 

uf  i:'<i ;  an 

of  the  pro-   i.iiis  n  firi  liio.,rn-oi!'    rivon' 


C\  I'lltM  Hi-.  8p. 

\  arious  fragments  of  an  oiulos-onons  loaf,    vhioh  i'  )ins  boon  oustoi 
rofor   to   tho  ponus   Cypoinoitcs   wii!;..  r    any   si^ci'ic  do-ipnaiion.    hoi- 

■     3' 

Itored  a<  to  mako  idon" 

vr.:::i.ri    ma. 

ry  t'. 
■  tho 
no  no 

di  tails  of  form  and  -tnioturo  aro  \i-uall 

::■  .■■-■':.     X...  -I,  I  ,-,,-,■■,„■•.-,,  -i,,  ,-:   ,.  ,i,  :    ,'.  ,,;    , 

perfooli.v  than   is  commonly  tiie  case.     The  wliolc  frapmont   is   15  oiis     hroad 

and  ^.:.'  ■.  m.  long.     Tho  very  prominent  and  paraHol  vonafh-,  i^j  fr.iind  to  .<how 

about  :■       iim  to  tho  cm.,  hut  this  is  onl.v  appr-ixiniato,  siuou  it  is  foisnd  that 

cwi-!"-  to  a  '■, 'lapse  of  th.'  gonora!  sinicturt',  some  veins  arc  much  ncan-r  tlian 

others.      Tho'r  iiorinn!    interval   would   soom   to   bo  about    1    mm.   In  spooimotis 

•;a    V  ''■    '  '''ft^'sely  '''f  ''■'"■<■  forms  rec;iir,  and  they  must  bo  liehi  to  fall  under 

1  le  ."luie  generic  designation. 

iteniains  of  this  character  are  of  very  common  c?currence  througfioi.t  the 

Ti-r'iary.  and  llav,s,,]i  (51  ',  ,  .  ,■,,.;  r...  'I.-I  ;i:idei-  il::-  tuiu;.'.  a  -p.  mi.-o 
which  he  describes  as  'A  lender,  gras-like  stem  with  linear,  finely  stnato 
leaves,  alternaioiy  dispo.sed  and  not  proceeding  tram  enlarged  joints.'  I;i  bis 
account  of  the  Flora  of  the  John  Day  liasin  in  Oregon,  the  horizon  of  which  ia 

ronnnlod  .i-    I  pper  .\I  i. '•.•lie.   Kiiowl'.^ii      34'   p'-'r.:'--    tl;.       •■ourrenoe    of  a  -tea. 
L'".a-    \  "I.  lii     ."cM 


/»/■'/•  I /rn/Avv  Of  riii:  isiiitiint 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 
showing  imr;,ll..l  vonation.  llw  whol..  sixMiinri.  .•orro.i.on.lii.K  in  «11  iU  .l.'taiU  to 
that  whirli  lias  bcH^n  .los-Til...!  from  tl..-  V.m  coll.vtin,,  i.ii<lor  numbor  '.,    . 

of  imW  (^    "!,'  as  provioualy  reportfd  undor  wroiiK'  niiinbor). 


^  Th.«e  spocimous  o.nbrace,  in  a.l.iition  to  fraRnu-nta  of  Typoracilea  haydenii, 
as  already  .liscnssed.  ono  fraKn.....t  of  a  Cypcraritos  of  unknown  apcmcs,  wind,  1)0  rcforrod  provisionally  to  the  group  embraced  i"^'^',,,  '•'■■■  1"  "''li""" 
tl.ore  are  a  lar>;e  nun>l.,-r  of  fraRments  of  an.l  leaves  of  :-n  nndetern.inable 
eliaracter,  but  wliii'li  may  lielond  here. 


.f    I'.'o:;. 

r'-l'III.UMIN  Wll   I. 

Two  fraRn,.-nt.  o1  small  stenus  or  leaves,  a  few  en.    lonR  by  ft  few  n.n.    wide^ 
There  is  no  evide..eo  whatever  of  slnK-ture.  and  it  i.  .n.po.s.hle  to 
correlate  ihein  with  any  known  forms. 

V:  i; 

A  single  s.KJciM.en,  reprcsculiu.-  a  p,..-tion  ol  a  hranch.nR  «'«'"  «-'"'»' 
exhibits  n^  detailed  structural  features,  hut  has  all  the  P'-»^  <>  " 
nor  h.  of  a  fen  stipe  bearing  the  l.asal  por.iou  of  the  raeh.s  o.  one  of  the 
', -"ir   As  sucl  the  spcei,..e,.  has  no  stra.igraphical  value,  s.neo  the  or 

,..uus  cannot  he  dc.cru.i 1;  ho,  it  is  highly  probable  that  it  is  identical  with     , 

of  the  same  coUcelio...  which  represents  of  aten.s  only  two  or  U.ree 
,..,„, i„„.| res  Inn...  with   fra^'iocit.  of  Icvs. 

>  I'  1 :  M 1." 

lit  II  I  \.    >!• 

;liv;,::':,,:;j;::;;,:;u,r:;;.;':.;'-;;- 1; « i».  -  -".  ^^  >■  -i- 

sioiially  referred. 

a.  1. 

of  V.m. 

I'lM   s    coll    MIIIVN  \.     II.     S|' 

rca.lth  .md  2.8  e,...  in  thickness.    The  stru<-t,>re  was  w.-l    preserved  and  ahn.tted 
inlrujination    wi.W.,    m,.ch   d..^ 

;::':;;;^,!n;: l.;;;   !;;  nini'i-  l^'--  ^''•■'  -  ^.rresentative  of  «  h„rd  pine,  but 



in nmr  m   riii   <  nii  r  \siK<>\ii\iri! 


SESSIONAL   PAPER   No.   25a 

if  wiiB  iiiip(w^il)lc  I')  iilciitify  it  with  luiy  pn  vioii>l,v  i(>r,,({i,i/iil  f.issil  typi',  i.r 
with  any  oxistinjl  siiecjcs.  althnu^rl,  it  \^  „(  ii,|,.n"st  to  fiml  flint  it  i'J  ;i  hiir/l  i>ino 
i.t'  thi' >r<'ii(MMl  !,viM-  ,,r  1'.  lil.ilirM,  |.i  whi.'i  li  ^,.|iii>«  .-l,.-!  I>  .i|iprnxiiiiatr-<.  ImiI 
from  which  it  <lifr,rs  iiiiilr riiill.v  in  tin'  >lnicliiri'  of  the  iiifhilliirv  my.  In  the 
I'olh'i'lidiis  uf    UMI,".    rroiM   thi'  sjMiic   hic'iilitv,    ini^'iscly    tlu>  siiiiif   wuod   was  oncp 

1  111"     ri'.  .iL'iii/c  I     111'. I.r    111,     ■!(  .<itrii:itiiiii 

■y    iii\     IP  i|  ii 


This  more  nccnt  iimliMial.  liowovor.  lias  Ih'ch  f>>iiii<l  tc  In'  in  ;i  tiiiK-h  Ix'tfcr  state 
,it  presiTvaliun,  londil  inns  of  (h'cny  not  having;  prORriM^iii  so  far  as  in  tho  previous 
ease,  and  it  thiTi'fori'  served  to  eiiiiipli'le  the  diafinosij  with  respect  to  wiveral 
linpi  rt:iiit  cliaraiii  rs  uliii  I:  w .  rr  iMJii  r  vli.ili  waMiin::  m  tlir  prcvionn  iiialeriiil. 
or  iiiiperftH'tly  pnwonted. 

'riierc   is    ihi   i-r.unl    mT  ill,     \i !    ,,:     I'i.iu-    li.i.m:;    l,...n    !,.,.iii|    in    tlw   -aine 

horizon  in  North  America,  fhouRh  Knowiton  h'ls  (h'seribcd  two  species  from  the 
T.nraniii'  (,f  the  \'e1l,,ws|,.ne  Nali,,  I'arli,  midrr  tic  iiaims  of  I'ityoxyh.ii 
aldersnni  an, I  I',  annthy-f  iiiiini  (35  i.  Hclucrii  lli,-,'  ami  tlie  |iris,.|it  -.|iei'lnirn-. 
however,  there  arc  no  points  of  rcsrinWnnee.  Tlie  diapnoi=is  for  the  pregpnf 
species  is  as  fidlowa:-- 

I'lM  s   ,  111  1  Miu\\,\,   n.    -p. 

I'laK-    III    and    IV. 

Titifisriisi  <irciwlli  liii-s  vaiinljlt.  tliii\n;li  i;fiii  riilly  \  •  i  v  liU'.nl  in  ttir  lai^f  -tfii,-. 
SpiiiiK  HiiocI  usually  ipri'ilmuinant.  Ilie  ti'.ui-il  ion  t"  tlif  siimiiimt  wiiml 
Krailiial,  liul  in  tin'  iiarrmv  riiit;s  uku,'  nr  li's^  .ibriipt  ami  ^oint'tiiiu- 
conspMiniii.-lv  mi:  llu'  tiaihiiils  lirij,',  thi,  k-walli  i|  and  nftt'ii  niii 
HpiciKiusIv  VII,  li.liniti'lr  riuimliMl.  nftiMi  lailinlly  rliiHIv  niiifiirm. 
iiiuro  iir  li'vs  r,|Uiil,  ill  ri':;iilar  r.idial  niws.  SiiininiT  bihmI  ion,  delist,  ami  oft,  n  llnu.  Tli,"  >ti  iicliir.-  a-  a  ii  liiil,,  i.  that  i.f 
a  ratliiT  di>nsi>  woiid  of  iikhIiiiiii  hartliu'^-;.  M,  iliiitary  rays  proinim'tit, 
nut  virv  iiUTiu'iiius,  n-nuai.-  and  di-tanf  ii|i»<ii,ls  of  it  i,i  niiUK  larolv 
15  i<>«-~  of  tr.iilu'iiU.  h'iMu  |;i's  conspiruiiii-.  r.ithi'r  l.irf.'  an, I 
viatterint  tliroiii;li,uit  tlu'  kmiwIIi  rinj,',  tin'  pai  in,  liyni.i  ,-,  lU  laii;,, 
fliin-walii'd  and  in  two  rows,  or  lonuin^  lai^,>.  irr,'j;nlar  tin,  t^  up 
wartis  of  <;-It  tracln'ids  wi,!,,;   rf^iiious;  i|iylo><4v   not   ohvioti*,. 

Rndial.  Medullary  rays  r,>inoii^;  llu'  t  ra,  hi'iils  lalher  nuTmrnus.  niMi;  ,iiiil'rspiT^ed.  not  idjviou^ly  pri'doniiniinf .  very  \ari.ittli«  ,ind  oftt>n  as 
liidh  as  I  r  hialici-  lon>;.  -parni;;lv  doutat,-*,  th,'  pan-m  livm.i  nllv 
all  of  one  l^inil  ;iml  r:ith,  r  tlnn-vv.ilhil.  -tiaiu'tit  aiut  oipial  t,i  aliout  t 
wood  t  lailloids,  111,'  uppii-  ami  lo«„r  wall-  s|ion(;lv,  th,  t,'iininal 
Willis  stiaiKlit  oi-  iliatjonal  .md  .iiim  irntly  not  pitliil.  tlu'  latiTal  w.ilj.. 
with  simple,  rounil  m  I,  nlHuhir  pit^  i,|'  nndiuio  -r/,,  H.  chirlh  2  p.T 
traihcid.  Uuderod  pilf.  on  th,'  LnipMil  inl  w.ilU  of  the  ^inuniiT 
traehi'ids  small  aTid  not  niiun'ious.  ttioso  on  th.-  r.iilial  walls  lalh,  i 
lavK'',  round,  or  o\al   in  oiir  'oiiip.u't   r<vw,  a-id  ^;, -a,  rally  nunii'rous. 

ruHV/ciitial,  Fusiforin  rays  rath«>r  nnuK'i'ou-.  --hoil,  th,'  liroad  nritral  1 1  a<  I  with 
tliin-walli'd  parrnrhynia  (In, fly  liroki  n  out:  th,'  tiruiinaU  com 
l>«,s('d  of  liroad,  oval  colls  ,ln,'Hy  in  ono  row,  iii,lin.ii>  rays  low  t*, 
ini'dium,  iinisi'iinli',  not  mitrn.illy  ,  out  rait,, I  l,v  tho  intii  ,-p,'rsi  ,| 
Irachc'ids;  the  parrnrliyma  ,  ,'lls  soinowhat  uii,',|iial  .hhI  vaiiatil,'  fi,,ni 
obloUK  (ill  Iha  sutninvr  woikD  to  liroad  and  ov  ,1  ,  i  rounil  iiu  'tho 
sprinR  wood). 

•  I'oraibly  du«  to  condif-iorti  of  do,  ar. 


HI  r\iir\ii:\r  nr  Tin:  imfukhi 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

In  tlie  Collections  nf  I'JOi) 


under  number  '".''     there  were  two  impre-^ions 

of  lones  which  obviously  represent  a  species  of  pine  (PI.  II.).  They  are  entirely 
free  from  associnted  foliapre  or  other  portions  of  the  tree  by  means  of  which  they 
might  l>c  more  fully  determined  and  correlated  with  known  species.  Although 
somewhat  distorted  by  dLsplacement  of  their  matrix,  their  essential  characters 
arc  fairl^v  well  i)re^eived  and  may  be  described  as  follows: — 

Cones  narrowly  ovate  or  oliloiiR  ovate;  the  scales  upwards  of  11  cm.  bioml  uiid 
3  mm.  thick  at  the  upper  ends,  stionRly  ond  transvov^lv  keeUd  and  tcrmin:itinK  in 
depressed,  round  or  transverM?I.v  elonnatod  umbos  without   (')   prickle-. 

From  the  above  description  it  is  quite  clear  that  the  cones  represent  a 
hard  pine,  and  upon  careful  comparison  with  the  e.xcellent  figurei  and  descrip- 
ti.,11-  fiivcii  liy  S.irKcnt  (55».  it  Iccuii.c-  a|.|.nn'nt  tliiit  tlic,--  ;uv  mr-I  ain-i-tlv 
comparable  with  P.  glabra  among  existing  species. 

Although  the  two  localities  for  the  stem  and  cones  are  not  identical,  they 
represent  the  same  horizon,  and  probably  the  same  deposits,  so  that  in  view  of 
the  essential  relationship  established  above,  it  is  probably  justifiable  to  consider 
that  both  cones  and  wood  represent  the  same  species.  This  view  is  strengthened 
i)y  the  fai't  tinit  in.leiirii.l.Mit  .Ict.TiMiiiatioiis  l.roudif  the  two  to  substantially  tlu- 
the  same  species. 

Cil'iu>?o-\Yi,o.\    MAH;oc\RPOiiiES,   Penh. 

a,  b,  c,  d, 
m,  of  inori. 

In  1904  I  described  a  new  wood,  found  among  the  undescribed  .speoiinens  in 
the  Peter  U.dpath  Museum,  under  the  name  of  Cuprcssoxylon  raacrocarpoides 

(47).  litH'ause  of  it-  -iriUing  n-eniMauro  to  il Ni-liiii.'  Cin're-s;-  niarr..Mr|ia. 

with  which  it  is  po-sible  it  shovdd  be  fully  identified  imder  the  same  name,  but 
of  which  it  is  to  be  regarded  as  the  ancestral  form  in  any  event.  These  woods 
were  all  recorded  as  from  the  Cretaceous  formation  near  Medicine  Hat,  .lUberta, 
the  i>reeise  locality  being  Twenty-Mile  creek. 

In  the  l!it>.5  from  the  Kettle  river,  large  nmnbers  of  specimens 
representative  of  this  tree  "vere  again  met  with,  and  in  the  main,  they  are  much 
better  preserved.  'I'bat  this  genus  has  already  been  recognized  as  an  eleinent 
of  botii  the  Cretaeeous  and  Tertiary  Horas.  has  been  shown  on  fornier  oeensions, 
and  especially  by  the  occurrence  of  C.  dawsoni,  Penh.,  in  the  Eocene  of  the 
Great  Valley  and  Porcupine  Creek  groups,  as  well  as  in  the  Cretaeeous  of  the 
South  Saskatehewa-  near  Melirinc  Hal  (47i.  This  extended  geojouiea!  1.111-. 
is  quite  in  harmony  with  the  idea  that  the  genus  as  a  whole  is  an  old  one,  and 
th*  the  present  species  is  ancestral  to.  if  not  in  all  respects  identical  with  the 
existing  <'.   inaeroeai-pa. 


i;i:r<iitr  or  iin.  <  iiii  i    i  - /■/,•'»  Md///,' 



Ulmi's  I'ROTOUAi  i:mosa,  n. 
Plates   IV-VI. 

This  plnnt  is  reprosontoil  by  n  -inplc  spcciinpn  of  calcifipd  wood,  tlic  stnioture 
of  which  is  fairly  well  prcsoryed.  chietly  witli  re-ipeot  tr,  the  trnnsverse  seofinn. 
Tn  the  longitudinal  sections  the  structure  is  so  altered  that  many  of  the  essential 
details  cannot  be  determined,  and  the  tini-.l  diagnosis  must  be  deferred  until 
such  time  as  more  ample  and  more  perfectly  preserved  nuiterial  renders  it  pv-sible 
to  draw  it  accurately.  The  provisional  diagnosis  nevertheless  shows  this  wood 
to  be  that  of  an  elm.  While  the  wood  of  tiiis  genus  is  not  known  in  liorizons 
earlier  than  the  Pleistocene,  in  which  forii;ation  both  V.  amerieana  and  U. 
racemosa  are  well  recognized  types,  the  present  material  affords  the  first  definite 
knowledge  of  the  woody  structure  of  a  genus  in  formations  where  its  leaves 
have  been  known  for  some  time.  Among  existing  species  this  wood  is  probabl.v 
most  nearly  comparable  with  U.  racemosa — a  species  which  exhioits  great  struc- 
tural variation  along  lines  essentially  parallel  with  those  shown  in  the  present 
case.  From  the  details  of  structure  available,  it  is  perhans  not  unsafe  to  assert 
that  the  resemblance  is  so  close  as  to  ju-tify  regarding  the  fossil  as  the  jirototype 
of  that  species,  and  it  is  therefore  named  with  reference  to  this  fact.  The  diag- 
nosis so  far  as  obtained  is  as  follows:  — 

I'l.MI  V    I'l 

'ioi!\.i:\iii-\,  n.  'p. 

Transverse. — Growth  rings  very  variable  iind  with  nn  obvious  lii-tinctinn  of  >print; 
and  summer  wood;  in  stems  of  lapid  siiuvth  very  broad  and  -howin;; 
a  Rradation  of  vetstls  and  wood  jifrindiynKi ;  in  >tfms  of  -low  (■rcmili 
very  uarni'\'  ami  nioi©  vaii.ilili'.  Slruttim'  mtlior  di'riM'  lu  tin' 
greater  portion  of  the  rinp;;  \\if  wood  celN  ineduim,  mtlicr  tlii'-k- 
walled.  Vessels  of  the  spring  wo^id  nit'diuni,  not  vi-ry  laigi',  r.idiaHy 
oval  or  oblong  and  often  i^o  di<|M)^fd  as  to  be  radially  2  seriato  but 
without  thyloses;  ti>rniinK  about  J-i  the  thicknost;  of  the  rin;;  and 
•xbruptly  replaced  by  small  vo^-els  and  wood  parmchynia  foi-minj; 
Binall  to  medium  tract's  which  are  more  oi  li'^s  rli^tant  and  Iv 
diminishing  in  >ize  outwardly,  M)nietiioe-'  toiiriiiii;;onal  or  -v.'ii 
tanKential  .siTie.-f,  the  contained  ver^M-ls  uft.'U  lyuij!  in  radial  .-irii'^  of 
2-4.  Medullary  r.iy->  poorly  iK'liiied  but  rallier  numerous  and  >'V.' 
cells  wide. 

Badia/.— .'leujUary  ray  celU  all  of  one  kind,  straight,  rather  thin-walled  with  rm 
recognizable  ni.iikincs.  Ves.'^ls  short  and  broad,  the  radial  v..i!I- 
with   multiserinte  and   ehielly  heNajjoual,   b<irdered   pits. 

rartfleMtiu/.— Hays  numerous,  low  and  broad,  upward.-^  of  4  cells  wide  and  u-^-r 
aniseriate.      VesseLs  as   in  the   radial   section. 


of  1005. 

LMIS    l'K0T0AMi:HIC4N.V,   U.    sp. 

Plate  VII. 

The  specimens  designated  as'  ,   represent  another  species  of  Ulmus  in 


very  perfect  state  of  preservation  which  permits  of  drawing  a  diagnosis  with 
completeness.    Whatever  doubts  may  attaoli  to  the  preceding  species  with  respect 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

to  its  relation  to  cxistinK  forms,  there  seems  to  be  little  or  iio  room  for  denying 
the  relation  of  the  present  material  to  the  existing  American  elm,  of  which  it 
is  undoubtedly  the  ancestral  form.  The  most  prominent  reapect  in  which  it 
differs  appears  tu  be  in  the  ratlier  broad  zone  of  vessels  in  the  spring  wood, 
and  the  t^oniewhat  different  form  presented  by  the  distribution  of  the  wood 
parenchyma  in  the  summer  wood.  Both  of  these  featiires  are  of  a  variable 
character  in  the  wliite  elm  and  quite  conformable  to  what  is  found  in  the  fossil. 
That  both  V.  americana  and  T'.  raceuiosa  should  be  represented  in  ilie  same 
formation  by  equivalent  forms,  is  in  no  way  surprising  when  we  rec.ill  their 
constant  association  in  the  Pleistocene  and  also  in  existing  floras.  There  is 
therefore  no  reason  why  the  prototypes  of  these  familiar  species  should  not  be 
similarly  associated  in  the  early  'L'ortiary.  Tlie  diagnosis  of  this  species  is  as 

ITl.MUS    PROTOAMKnUAN.V,    n.    sp. 

TraH«f«iMC.— Growth  rings  variable,  often  very  narrow,  with  no  obvious  distiiit- 
tion  between  sprinR  and  suninier  wood  except  tlirouRh  the  location  of 
the  large  vess4>ls.  Wood  cells  at  first  rather  lavRp  and  rather  thin 
walled,  soon  reduced  and  pa^sinR  somewhat  Kraduaily  into  small,  thick- 
walled  cells  at  the  outer  limits  of  the  growth  ring,  very  variable  and 
unequal  throughout,  rarely  di?po«ed  iu  radial  rowy,  the  structure  dense. 
Vessels  at  first  Uugr  and  pioniinent,  often  with  round  or  oval,  trans- 
vei^iely  or  more  generally  radially  2-3  seriate:  forming  a  zone  S  to  J 
the  thickness  of  the  growth  ring  and  abruptly  followed  by  smaller  vessels 
with  wood  parenchyma  which  form  tracts  of  variable  extent,  railially  or 
transversely  extended,  or  more  or  less  coalescent  so  as  to  form  diagonal 
tracts  or  tangential  zones  of  indefinite  extent;  the  parenchyma  elements 
within  such  tract*  often  cunsiiicuously  risiiiou>.  Medullary  rays  pro- 
minent, nunierou,-',   upwards  of  4  cells  wide,  sparingly   resinous. 

Raiiial. — Ray  cells  all  of  one  kind,  low  and  more  or  less  contracted  at  the  ends; 
the  upper  and  lower  walis  thin  and  not  pitted;  the  terminal  walls 
sometimes  thick  and  strongly  pitted;  the  lateral  walls  without  obviou-; 
pits.  Ves.-iels  of  the  spring  wood  broad  and  short,  IJ  to  2  times  longer 
than  broid  ihe  radial  walls  with  multiwriate,  hexagonal  pits  with 
large,  transversely  oblong  pores;  the  smaller  vessels  fibrous,  but  with 
similar  construction,  the  pits  often  reduced  to  a  single  row;  thyloses 
of  the  large  vessels  often  strongly  developed,  but  more  or  less  strictly 

Tan  gent  ill  I. —  liaya  numerous,  medium,  upwards  of  4  o<lls  wide;  the  siuall,  rounded- 
hexagonal  cells  forming  a  dense  structure.  Ve>-iU  as  in  the  ratiirl 


of  1903. 

I'l.Ml  S    (  on   -\1UI\NA,    U.    sp. 

Plate  VIII. 

Among  the  woods  represented  in  the  collections  of  190;!,  was  a  specimen 
believed  to  be  a  new  species  of  Khamnacinium,  and  provisionally  referred  to  that 

k'enus  under  the  number  "     .    A  more  critical  exairination  proves  it  to  be  an 

elm  of  a  type  not  readily  assignable  to  anv  known  species.     Its  diagnosis  is  as 
follows :— 

RKIHtUr  l>r  rilF  <  HIKF  ASTItnXnMrK 

81  1 


Trnn»rfr«c— Growth  riin<'<  rather  lin.i'.cl  iinil  vA\  cieBiiMl.  Traih.Mil,  not  v.iv 
thick-walled.  Rmduallv  iia>siii;>  into  a  thin  iind  pnnilT  ('chnid  hmitiiif 
zone  upwards  of  8  traihcids  tlixk  M.diillai  v  ray-  iiiini<Ti>u-,  I-l  n'IU 
wide,  rcsinou-^,  distant  diifdv  imi'  Imt  -otnit'im^"  tlirc'  niw.-  iif  v^-v..].. 
Vessels  oval  or  mund.  inort-  or  less  in  radial  rows,  radially  1-5  -.•rial. 
or  sonietiiufs  tanBeiitially  li  -.  ri.ite  thf  larger  m— -ilti  (it<  uiiyiii,-  a  z.iio 
of  variable  width  in  llie  -iirini;  wood  and  often  preceilrd  by  a  sei;.-  of 
smaller  ve«->els,  more  or  !r-s  .ilinijilly  dinniiislniiK  and  biM-oiiiinn  iiioi.- 
scatterinK  toward  the  sumniir  w.  od   whire  tiny  fiirni   morn  i.r  1.-^  s.  nt 

terinK  Rroups  or  tinaily  b.Tnnie  ni.  vi;e<l  with  th."  » I  parenchyma.    Wnod 

parenchyma  very  variable  and  iift.-n  ainia.enllv  waiilinu.  but  when  pin- 
minent  surrounding  groups  of  vi--el-.  nr  fornni.;;  i-olat.d  and  c  nimnilv 
tanKi'nIially  dispo^'d  trad-  of  variable  -ize  n.  ..i  the  out.-r  hniit-  ..f  tl. 
growth   ring. 

fliidial— Vetwels  short  and  commonly  bioad.  the  he\.iK<in,iI.  iinilti-cnate  pits  «;'li 
transversely  slit-like  pores.  Medullary  lays  nuiiierous  and  mtslium  to 
rather  high,  the  lells  all  of  one  kind  thiiuj;h  oft.'n  iiimh  sh<irt.  ii.'.l ;  h.- 
upper  and  lower  walls  rather  thin,  or  in  thi.  -Iiort  eells  (hi.-k  ai..l 
much  pitted;  tiie  lateral  walls  multiporous  uh.ii  <'ontiKUou-  to  m»— .  1-. 
Ve»8els  of  the  medullary  -liealh  spiral  and  s.  .ilariform.  the  adjae.-iu 
parenchyma  filled  with  -l.inh.  Wood  parein  liynia  cells  ubout  eight 
times  longer  than   broad. 

'jTh H (;c II ( in /.^ Rays  of  two  kinds;  tlie  unisoriato  rays  low  .  mcon-pi.  unu-.  not  ininierous; 
the  multiseriate  rays  nunierou-,  resinous.  It-ntii  up»aid-  of  5  cell- 
wide,  the  terminals  not  proloiiijed,  the  cells  all  of  one  kiiol  an. I  chi-'U 



K\.";i:\i>i  s    uiKin.      I 

smrrKii.MiN  mii.k. 


liniiil  .r    r.  i.r. -riit-    ih..    Ira:  nun;-   ..I    w 1   a    |.  u    .-.■iil  iimtr.  -   -iiMr.'. 

One  is  a  sepiirato  rrngiiieut,  ciirbmiizeil  throughout  ami  evidontly  a  picci^  of 
p.xogenous  wood.  'I'lic  othor  fragiiieut,  .-till  udheront  to  tho  r-,f:inal  matrix,  is 
iihoiit  i'-:!  mm.  thiiU,  fully  carboni/cil.  and  showiufr  both  growth  rings  and 
niodullary  rays.  Thi'  mat. 'rial  i<  too  friable  and  too  nilly  oarbonizpd  to  iiniko 
sect  ions  possiblo. 

It  107 
.'!),  .1 

of    Hi05. 

Phraomites,  sp. 

Two    fragmentary    spooimoiis    ol'    vory    inqurfoct 
referred  to  anytliin;'  more  definite  tlian  Phragmitos. 


1    (Mimot 


of  l'J05. 

PoTAM(H'.KTON,    sp. 

Amiing  the  small  fragments  onibcdded  in  the  general  matrix  of  specimens 
from  locality  l(i07,  there  wire  noticed  several  small,  oval  bodii^s,  evidently  of  ■ 
composite  character  and  ver.v  suggestive  of  the  fruit  of  a  Carex  or  one  of  the 
Xaiadacca'.  Fpon  critical  exnmiinition  the  conclusion  was  reached  that  tliey 
belonged  to  the  latter  family,  of  which  Pofamogeton  was  found  to  be  the  genus 
I>resenting  the  most  favourable  basis  for  comparison.  From  that  point  of  view 
they  were  fotmd  to  compare  clt  ""ly  with  s,  'h  species  as  P.  mysticu.^,  P.  confer- 
voides,  P.  oblusifoHns,  P.  vaseyi,  *  P.  diversifolius.  being  most  directly  related 
in  point  of  size,  form  and  variations  with  P.  obtusifolius.     'L'he  entire  absence 


in:i'MirMK\T  of  iiii:  imijiior 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

of  Icliaae  makes  it  impossible  to  '•orrelate  il  iniy  nmre  .Ictliiit.'ly  wiili  .'xi^tiiiL' 
species,  and  it  is  therefore  unwise  at  present  to  assign  any  specific  name. 

A  review  of  the  American  history  of  this  genus  siiuws  that  on  the  whole. 
it  has  heretofore  been  recognized  chiefly  with  respect  to  the  Pleistocene  forraa- 
liuii,  iii  uliirh  I>.nhiill..w  (48,  49'.  aii.l  i)aw-,.n  (6.75)  lidM'  ivconlo.!  a  ii.(ml..i- 
,,f  s|.(>cios  n.i)rcscnl<Ml  l.v  th.'ir  fnlini;.'.  Knuwlt..M  i25)  I'c-  Miuihirlv  r.'.-nnb-l 
the  genus  as  occurring  in  the  glacial  deposits  of  West  Virginia,  but  m  all  of 
these  cases  the  plants  found  may  be  directly  correlated  with  existing  species. 
Le8(|uereiix  (42,  Ul,  I'l.  xxiii.,  f.  o-  (1)  has  rcnr.l.Ml  the  (•xi.t,.n,'e  of  rotaiiiog.- 
ton  in  the  Oreen  River  group  at  Florissant.  Colorado,  where  two  species  are 
recognize<l:  the  one,  P.  verticillatus,  Lesii..  being  known  by  its  leaves  only;  the 
other.  P.  gcniculatus,  Al.  Hr.,  hoiup  known  throii!:li  both  fruit  and  leaves.  There 
is,  therefore,  no  substantial  reason  for  questioning  the  character  of  the  fruits 
as  described  in  the  present  instance. 

^*^'^'  of  1905.  Ulmus,  sp. 


An  \indeterminable  species  of  elm,  represented  by  a  fragment  of  a  leaf, 
showing  nothing  but  venation,  and  probably  referable  to  one  of  the  woods  of 
the  same  penus  described. 


of  1005. 

Betll.v,  sp. 

This  specimen  embraces  three  fruit  bodies,  two  of  which  are  but  imperfectly 
represented,  while  the  third  shows  a  perfect,  oval  form,  4x3  mm.,  with  well 
defined  scales.     It  is  a  small  cone,  representing  the  fruit  of  Betula,  possibly 

the  same  as"  '  .     On  the  same  slab  are  various  fragments  of  stems,  more  or 


less  carbonized.  These  are  several  centimetres  long  and  upwards  of  more  than  a 
centimetre  in  width.  Their  character  cannot  be  determined,  but  they  apparently 
roprosfiit  -iiinll  I'lMiu-lic-^  ..f  >..iiic  w, .,..!>    rN,..jrrn.  |.—  nf   IVtdhi   itself, 

of  1905.  Taxodium  distichum. 

Tlie  only  representative  of  this  genus  is  to  be  found  in  a  portion  of  the 
male  inflorescence,  about  4-7  cm.  long.  The  central  axis  is  rather  stout  and  it 
hears  .'several  well-defined  inflorescences,  together  with  one  or  two  which  are 
detached.    These  latter  show  the  characteristic  features  of  the  male  flowers  of 

Taxodium.  a-  alriMily   .v.-ui/cd  l.y   Kiiuvvltoii   i34i,  in  ■^l imo"-  'l^'civci  tr,,m 

tho  .Mascall  IhmU  .if  tic  -luhn   1  >ny   Hmmi,   (T.   Mi.r,.iH.i  nf  Orcim,,. 

Leaves  of  Endogens. 
The  only  specimen  under  number  143:{  showed  on  one  side,  two  small  frag- 
ments of  leaves  which,  from  their  obviously  parallel  venation,  are  to  be  regarded 


i;i  I'liiir  III  nil.  <  iiu.r  asi i;i,\i)\in; 


SESSIONAL   PAPEfl   No.  25a 

as  belonging  to  >oiiie  iiiJogcnnus  iilaut,  liio  iiaMin>  of  which  rnuld  not  be  detor- 

I'lNLS,   sp. 

On  the  oii|io-it 

-i'l.'  (jf   1  1  ;.'!   i-   ;;    -iii;;Ii-   1.  ;it'  nt'   :i   piij.-.     The  ■iiiiiii'   !('nv.-i 

142^      ,    142S 
again  apiiear  m  specimen  .     In  tli"iv  is  it  seed  ( Fiif.  1)  whicli  appears 

K:>      I.     r.m;-  -|., 

■.1.  i.r..i...i,l>   ,.1  ;,  |„ 

to  be  that  of  a  pine,  tnouali  tho  impression  is  not  a  very  good  one.  and  it  ni.iy 
l/elonii  to  the  same  specie.^   as  the  leave-  jnst  referred  ti>. 

1    ■ 

(Jiiii  nr,\i\   cii.uiKi-i  ii'iMi'scM.    Font. 
I'late   IX. 

Among  the  eolloetiuns  of  lOOr)  there  ^re  a  larfje  number  of  fragments  ui 
various  sizes,  from  locality  142^,  reprrseuting  the  bipinnate  fronil  of  a  fern. 
In  a  few  instance-  the-e  were  srp  larpre  and  complete  as  t..  permit  of  a  ready 
recognition  of  all  the  isseutial  eharaeteristies.  The  description  obtaine^l  from 
these  latter  is  as  follows: — 

Frond  t>vic«  pinnate;  thi>  rr.cliis  upwarils  cf  7  mm.  hro.ul;  pinnir  I'll  mi.  ili^taiil 
and  widely  spreading  at  anRlcs  of  7B°-!)fl°,  the  hntter  app.irently  the  n-sull  of  dUpIacf- 
ment,  upwards  of  more  than  10  cm.  in  length;  thp  raohi-  0-5  nun.  broad  ami  lery 
slender,   linear,   11   mm.  broad   at  the  base  and   above   tlie   middle  (gradually   tapirinR 

toward  the  apex  which  is  not  shown;  in  the  loii(Zc>t,  6  i 
cm.  from  the  base.      Pinnules  crowded   Init   not  strictly  f 
by  the  full  width  of  the  broad  base;  not  liicnrrent ;  .5  l 
oblong,  abruptly  rounded  at  the  broad  ape.x  or  more  rare 
the  result  of  dryin?  Ijefore  burial;  at  Br-t  horiziint;il  or  at 
ascending  and  toward  the  apex  bxominK  6.")°;  terminal  pinna! 

at  a  di-fa?Ke  of  Irt 
=  ((».-•.  -  di-^tin't,  attached 
ion.!  .  ml  2  .")  mm.  w  icie; 
triaii'  ilar  and  o'ltuse  as 
•■  ,1  ,1,.  of  89°,  gradually 
net  repret^ented  in  any 
Fori   not 

of  the  specimens;  venation  simple  with  free  and  subuiarginal  t?rminations 

This  plant  belongs  to  tho  genus  Pccopteris,  which  Brongniart  established 
in  1828.    To  it  he  assigned  a  large  number  of  related  species  ranging  from  tho 




2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

I'arbonit'erous  to  the  Permian,  while  more  recently  it  ha-  come  to  include  sitecies 
t'rom  the  Mesozoic  and  even  from  the  early  Tertiary.  It  is  therefore  found 
that  through  a  well  defined  series  of  related  speoific  tyjies,  the  genus,  which  is 
recoffniiU'l  us  a  very  old  one,  is  directly  connected  with  existinf;  types  to  be 
found  ill  the  (ileiihiiiiai-ete,  and  particularly  in  the  genus  Gleichenia,  as  already 
slioivii  \<y  I'otniiir,  whii  iii'virthetoss  retains  HrcitifniiartV  oripinul  iiariie 
i54.  63).  'I'lii'  I'liniHT  iinirtii-c  of  iii|(i|iliiiv'  "lie  naiiir  tor  l'o--i!s  uinl  aiintln-r 
for  recent  forma  when  the  two  are  recognized  to  have  penerie  identity  does  not 
rest  upon  a  sound  basis,  nor  is  it  cnndtieive  to  that  noinenclatural  simplification 
wliicb  U  a  great  de-ideratum  at  the  present  time.  It  rather  tends  to  perpetuate 
and  emphasize  the  ancient  idea  of  the  radical  difference  between  extinct  and 
existing  types,  instead  of  directins  attention  toward  a  progressive  development 
of  rehite<l  forms.  There  is.  therefore,  no  real  reason  why  the  genus  Peeopteris 
shfiuid  not  be  known  in  the  future  as  G'oichenia,  to  which  the  various  species 
111  reality  belong,  and  our  future  practice  •  i'  conform  to  this  view,  in  accordance 
with  tliat  a!read.v  iiiMitut.',!  l,y  Hct  in  l^T.").  (35:  HI-.  1'.  H.  I'l-  iv-  v..  vi..  vii.l. 
who  relegates  to  that  genus  all  species  of  the  type  represented  by  the  present 

In  endeavoring  to  institute  comparison  with  other  specimens  from  nearly 
related  horizons,  it  aiijiears  that  no  representative  of  this  plant  is  to  be  found 
ill  the  eolleetions  of  the  Peter  Keilpath  Museum,  where  the  most  recent  horizon 
in  which  any  Pei-opteri-s  appears  is  the  Upper  Cretaceous.  A  specimen  to  which 
no  specitic  name  has  been  assigned,  was  collected  by  Dr.  G.  M.  Dawson,  from 
the  I'pper  Cretaceous  of  Baynes  Sound.  B.C.    This  may  possibly  be  the  same 

.1-   ;l    -peril-   wllicll   Sir    WilliMll    haU-Mli    ivr,.l!lli/,,il    (8)    in    tlle    licllrriill    rnlliTtr;! 

by  -Mr.  James  Richardson,  from  Hornby  I-land,  B.C.,  in  ISTi'.  and  which  he 
regarded  us  cluseb'  approaching  P.  phillipsi  .''  the  Knglish  Oolite,  but  to  which 
he  gave  no  name  on  account  of  the  absence  of  venation. 

I)aw.sun  (5)  has  slic.uii  liiat  Pc-optfiis  l,r..wni:iiia.  Duiikcr,  occurs  in  the 
Kootanie  Series,  and,  es  oritrinally  noted  ly  N'ewherry  (44),  it  also  oeenrs  at 
Great  Falls.  .Mont ma;  hut  ^il^■■c  this  -jieiics  has  now  been  definitely  transferred 
to  the  genus  Cyathites,  it  is  txeliided  from  further  consideration.  Of  the  thirteen 
speeies  of  Peeopteris  eniimerateil  liy  l\ii..wlton  (STV  all  except  one  ni:i.v  Ic 
readily  excluded  from  the  t^vesent  case  by  reason  of  their  marked  differences 
:n  the  character  of  the  foliag". 

I  poll  coiiipari>nii  with  t''c  luiropciui  I'.irin-  rronliNl  i.y  l!roiii.'niait  (4i. 
a  very  striking  resemblance  is  observed  1.>  exist  between  our  present  specimens 
and  P.  arborescens.  This  latter  is  characterized  by  having  'Pinna;,  7  cm.  long 
and  6  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  at  liiienr  hut  then  gradually  and  uniformly 
tapering  toward  the  apex  from  above  the  middle;  pinnules,  ,*?  mm.  x  \f>  mm.' 
While  a  ca  ^d  comparison  of  the  two  specimens  shows  a  remarkable  resem- 
blance, it  i  be  noted  that  the  one  now  under  special  consideration  is  much 
the  larger,  ature  which  constitutes  the  chief  and  most  essential  difference. 
Furthermore.  '.  arborescens  is  a  Carboniferous  type  from  St.  Etienne,  and 
1   am  not  aware  that  it  has  been  definitely  observed  in  any  later  formation. 

HF.i'oHr  (tr  riii:  itiirr  \sii;,,\<imi  n 


SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25a 

Whih-,  tWefor...  i,  i,  ,.„,  „l,„«  possible  to  ...tabli.l,  ,,„vi,l,.  i,l..,„itv  b-tween 
he  two    , hero  ,s  l„tl.  r..„s.,„  ,„  ,l„„bt  ,h.t  <;,  .ilb^rf-tho,,,,.-,,,,!   i.  tU,  ,„o,l..n. 
ropresint.itivf  ol  1'.  nrborosivns. 

I)ir.rti.,n  ,.,„„,,„ri..„K  to  Trrlinry  !,,n„-.  ir   i.   f,„u.,l   iliMf   rU.  :;,■„,;,   ,.  1„„ 

Smr.ngly  representcl  i„  that  ago,     I>. p,..ri,  ,or..lIii  of  II.,..r.  i.  :,„  ,.l..,n..Mt  of 

th-  Ko..o,>,.  lion,  of  I'MtTM  i-|,,,l  r42i.  "hil..  it  i-  al-o  ,•,.„„„..„  ,,  ,|„.  \i, „. 

of  th..  island  of  Sn.hMl,,..,  (21).  l,ul  a-  h.i-  plan'  an  „o  lo„...r  I.-  r.-.-ar,!,.,]  a,  of  the  (.h..rh.„ia.-,T.  hut  rath,,-,  a^  laMpR-reMx  point-  o„l.  a  tnio  O-nnnwIa. 
It  be  e.-icludod  from  further  .lisoussion  in  this  connctiun. 

IVrhaps  the  la'aivst  ropr,-.,.nlativo  „f  this  typo  i.  i,,  1„.  f„.in.i  in  <  Hoi,-|„.„irt 
-^|.p-i.  Il.vr.  Iron,  i!,o  K,,,,,,.  I„,|-  ..(  <  ,,o,.„!:,n.|  ,35:  p.  II,  ,.!.  iv.  ;..  vi  wi  • 
Willie  tliore  i.  a  K..„oral  n.,oniblan.-,.  whioh  iinpi.-tionahlv  bring.,  tho  two 
into  K.Mono  i-rlaMo,,,  ili.n-  aiv  imp.  rtaiif  .li!r,.r  rv,  ,  i,,  tl  ,,  i.,,,.,!,  ,,,„|  ,|,  ,, 
ol    tlie    piMMIllos    wlii.-'i    ,i,  'iliiply    .1    -p,    .,tio    .|:;T,IV! 

Wo  are  thu,  hroutrht  to  a  ••oniparison  with  tho  K.'oIoni.Mllv  n,.-t  ro.-rnt 
.  I  all  known  .spo.'ies-  P.  sopnltu,  Xowh,     Tlii^  plant  wa^  (le^fril....!  hv  .\,.whnrry 

'.  'T-  '^5^  '"  '■■iviny  l.on  ol.faino.l  iv,„„  thr  K , f  (Iroon  ri'vv   NVvoioiii.'' 

.No  t.-iiie  IS  -ivon.  but  tho  description  show?  tho  pinnule^  to  bo  oonfln.nt  united 
ly  oiii-thir.j  of  tlioir  I,.|,irth,  -!i,l,iK  oMrv.  I  ni.war.l  aii.l  llahoUito  ,,„  tl„.  ■,•.„.;■ 

It  is  thus  oloai-  tliat  I',  sopulla  is  not  oven  r.iuofoly  nlat.'d  1,,  tho  ono  under 
.iiscu>si,,n.  and  trom  tho  evidon.^o  .-olleotod.  the  latter  must  bo  re^ardod  as 
1  toKoth.r  u  now  one,  for  which  a  di>llniti.  name  is  demanded.  But  sinoe  the 
i.bovo  was  written,  a  oop.v  of  Ward's  lat.-t  .-..ntrihution  to  our  know!odt;o  of  tlio 

Atosoz,,ic  flora  ha>  <-onio  to  hand  i57:iil':i.  at.  i  in  il.i-  was   mv  atio-iti ., 

once  drawn  to  a  desci-iplion  and  tiirun-  of  (d.ichenia  f.-ilbort-l!iouip-oMi  a- 
originally  dos.Tibod  by  Fonlaiiu'.  as  h.inir  at  l.'ast  ol,,soly  similar  to  il,,.  Sl.afrit 
river  sperimon.  rnlortunat.'ly.  Ward  nlw^  no  detail. -d  d.'s,-ripti,,n  of  ihi,  -p'ooj- 
nien.  a  fault  whi.-li  e.pially  ap'.lio-  to  m..-t  of  the  other  sp.vini.ii-  ,|oalt  will, 
and  one  ia  ..bli^ed  to  rely  wh.dly  upon  th,-  .'igiire  which,  fortiinatolv,  is  ,„om 
cxcollenf  an.l  apparently  of  normal  seuie.  Careful  measuriaiients  of  t'|,,,  )i^„,.,. 
pivc  the  followiiifT  diagnosis:  - 

Frond  twice  pinimto:  pii,na'  I--1.l'  em.  -iisiant  and  insi-rt,',!  at  ai,;:les  ,.f 
.'..')=— (>0°,  more  than  (i,"  cm.  l,.n-  an, I  liio^ar  within  that  limit,  11  mm.'br,,ad. 
Pinnules  er,,w,led.  more  or  less  contisuc  u-  but  wholly  distinct,  attached  bv  the 
full  wi.llh  ,.f  the  broa.l  base;  not  ilecurrent;  0  mm.  lonj?  ami  :!..-.  mm.  wide: 
oblon>;-!in,ar  ami  alpru|itl\    nauid.'d  at  th.'  Lroad  apo\  ;  in>,rto,|  ai  an^'l,-,  raniiiim 

from  67"— !tO  ,  with  int.rm..liate  variations  r,  suiting  fi i  di-pla.'ement ;  only 

tho  central  ini.lrib  shown. 

A  comparison  of  this  ,iial:no^i.,  with  that  for  the  I'a-ayton  river  ;  .■.■inien 
will  at  once  show  that  th.'  ,uily  .■^-.■ntial  ditrereii,'.-  IhTwocu  tho  two  |i..,  ,„  tli.- 
<izo  of  tho  pinnnl,"-       a  dithr.Mi-c  which  mav    widi  U'lont;  to  ditfcront  part-  ..t 

the  same  frond.     It  i-  th::-  po-.-ihi,-  t uo-l   .j,.  that   ■  iir  -p.-.ii,i,.i,   i-   id.'iiti.'al 

with  Fontaine's  -ixvics. 


i>i:i'Aiavh.\r  ni   iiii:  i\ri  nmi: 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 


In  the  collection  of  lOOS,  luinibor     ,'    .on.priso.s  a  number  of  linear  frap- 

„.i.nts  devoid  of  stnirture  or  Burfuro  nnirkinRS,  tliouKh  lonictin:,*  (fivinK  evidence 
o.  the  presonoe  of  vas.'ular  hnn-lliM  in  the  intoriur.  and  rarely  «howiiiK  n  soine- 
wliiit  oarbonized  surface.  'I'hry  are  alwny^  n:^?ociated  with  frond*  of  (.leiehenin 
Kilbertthompaoni,  and  there  i^  avrry  reason  for  rcKardinK'  them  a»  fraprnicnta 
of  th..  stipea  of  that  specica.  It  is  also  found  upon  comparison,  that  I  ic.y  are 
identical  with  similar  fraitmonts  contained  in  the  collections  ot  l!M):i  and  demR- 
■171       In  the  preliminary  report  upon  that  material,  these  speeimens 

nated  a!« 


were  referred  to  as  •  representinp  portions  from  the  raehis  of  a  fern,'  but  owinft 
•o  lack  of  sufTicient  evidence,  rotrarded  as  'essentially  of  no  value  for  . strut igra- 
phical  pnrpo>e..'  Clo-e  conipari.on  with  the  remnius  of  V.  pilbert-rl;ompson,, 
not  only  eontirins  this  con.-lusioii,  but  enal>les  us  to  dri^w  the  furtlu  r  mferenee 
that  thejy  are  probably  parts  of  the  same  plant. 

Specimens  14:;C  of  tho  11MI5  collections,  show  a  jingle  instance  of  short 
iragments  whi.h  are  also  to  be  referred  in  a  Mniilar  way  t..  some  fern  of  which 
thty  are  parts  of  the  rachis,  and  the  conelu.ion  is  justified  that  th.y  are  identical 

with  471  of  1!)03, 


and  of  the  I'.iOr.  collections. 



(iLr.uiiENn,  sp. 

A  single  specimen,  under  number  M:5().  shows  a  fragment  of  a  bipinnate 
fern  frond,  which  is  unquestionably- a  Gleieheiiiu.  confornunt.'  to  the  followintr 
description: — 

Pinnr  nlt.rnatP,  5  mm.  bro«-l.  linenr  i.ial  h  mm.  ftml  arproximat.  or 
MiKhtiT  overL.pping  more  thnn  4  .'.  rm.  lonR.  thf  ftpsx  unknown.  un,forn,lv  in^.T  ■■, 
n,m,  the  raVl,  .  „t  an  .nglo  of  82- ;  pinnules  aHornate.  nv.;t..  unoj.ual  and  cr.nv,  .1 
w  th  the  marmns  .on,.,hHt  ,  verbppinK,  th.  apox  rou.ul-obtaM-,  the  brna.l  ba-e  .1,. 
Unctly  round^S.  the  midrib  usually  at  an  of  5.',°  with  the  rachis  of  the  p;nn... 

The  very  imperfectly  proserved  form  of  this  specimen,  and  the  fact  that  only 
one  fragment  is  nvail.-.b'e.  ninkes  tlu-  present  determination  open  to  some  (lues- 
tion  and  under  these  eircuinstanees  it  .loes  not  seem  expedient  to  suiiolv  a 
specific  name.  So  far  as  it  is  possible  to  reach  a  final  e.iiiehision,  this  plant 
appears  to  ni.prnximate  closely  to  tho  Euroi,ean  Teeopteris  sulzianu  of  BroiiK- 
niart  (4-  pi  l"-'"'  I'  ^^-  "I'i'''  dillV;-^  fr-m  it  in  the  >!:orier  and  more  rorud  d 
pinnules' attached  throughout  the  full  extent  of  tho  very  broad  base,  their  equal 
form  and  nn  angle  of  75°.  They  resemble  one  anoM-.-r  with  respect  to  the 
intervals  between  the  pinntc  (5  mm.)  and  in  thr  proximate,  sliRhtly  overlapping 
pinnules.  It  is  therefore  possible  that  P.  sulziana  is  the  ancestral  form  of  the 
one  now  under  coii?i<leration. 

ini'itiu  '•/   I  III.  •  nil  I    I  ^n;n\ 

'■  '    :.i: 


SESSIONAL    PAPER   '.c.  25j 

rill:*  »lK.fie«    i.   reprcsont,  .1    l.y    .,  vornl    fi.i^.mont-   of   fron.ln. 
tlie   Inrtfwt   of    whioh    is   f..:,   rni.    lor,-   M'\    1,'.   .•m.    broa.l   in   it>t 

■  u.nrilpto  Ht:it.',  but  iimie  of  the  fra;.' x,i->  nr.-  Hlto^'-.tlicr  srt(Uf,ctor.v 

for  pur|io>o^  of  .|.-pripiinn.     The   followi,,;,'  dcsi-ription   lins  b^^ii 
obtuini'd:  — 

Pinilulwt   (llHtilKt.,-,    G    .    tn,    ,lt   '!■.■    li;l.'     ni.l 
7  mm.  lonir.  iiiMTtnl  m,  n   ru.  Iih  13  jnm.  1ii„;k;,  Hi.,  i.p.  x   .imtp. 

Duriiit;  the  i)a<t  yc;ir  I  have  had  occasion  to  rccoRnize  sevprnl 

*\«-<-U'-    ,.<:    {■]:u\..\'a\v\,\~     I,    ,,.,     ll.,.     Km..!;,!.!.-    ,,<    tin-    C  n  iv.  .,»  -•     (    .     ll 

Fluids  at  Miohel  Station,  nn.l  from  tho  I^wcr  Crptacooiis  of  tii.> 

Xord.  ii-!;i..l.i    riv.  i-,    I., it    'li.'    pn-cin    .-p.  .•itin-ii    i-    ii..t   I'oiupiiriildo 
"i''i    ^'i'^-    >•<    ''i''n    '1  \.i    \^:<'.    >'!•    \V;!ii:,:,i    |),... -,.,,    iv.  nl.-.j     . 

I'Tii  Ir.'iii  th^'  I'piMT  (>.•!. i.-(M..iJ  ,,f  Vmii.'iimmt  i-I.iiid.  iiii.I.t  tiio 
I  l.i.l  .|,!,r.  lu,  """""  °^  f!  idophlebi.^  coliinibintin,  but  tlmro  i-  no  k'"""'!  for  oom- 
-k,icit.t,— .  pari~on  liorc,  for  thu  reason  tli:it  tlu;  pl.tnf  so  naiiiod  fati  hardly 
''   '■  bo  ruRardod  ad  a  Clmloplilcbis  at  all.  and  upon  this  point  Sir  Wil- 

lliiln  llaw-un  liiin-i  If  ix]. !,--.-!  •{■■■■],\  -  12  .  A  \,-vv  ,:,,-,•  i.-.,.!iil  !  m.-.  |,  |,,  l,p 
n.Mrd  l.i.|v.-.-,.M   thi-  phiiit   .-iiid   F..'i     :n,'-  i '.   \  ii-ini.^HM^   (19i.     Tlic  I'liiof.  and 

|..Thii;w  Ih."  .IltTcr.-  .t.  ;-  ll :i,.  ,.t"  --i/r.  .,n.l  it  ni;i.v  1...  tiat  tli.'v  .-Iin-ild 

l,c  regarded  as  idmti.'a'  but  f.,r  tlir  priscnt  it  si  oni..-  bittiT  t.  adopt  a  pr.)vi.=  ionnl 
nniiit;  lur  the  liritjsh  (  .  inibia  sppciinoii,  which  i-",  theruforc,  t-alleil  ('.  skajji- 


K|.,.  - 

I  l.Kl 
7.  .><  ' 

.\>i'!ii!i  M    i  i.i  in.jii,  K^u'  i:,;i  \M  ,   I.',,nt. 



embrace-  n'iuieroiis  frnprnents  of  a  bi-pinnatc  frond,  showiiifj 

■  idy  a  i><)rti(.n  of  tho  tonnliiation  ..f  tlio  piiina  in  each  ea>.-.  The  f.iriti  ..f  ti,< 
I'ii  iiuj.-i  varii-i  -■■iiH'vhai  ;ji-i:itl\  an. I  pi'i-.-iit-  I'l  a.|:i!  ii.'i-  l.i|a(.cii 
tlio  tw.v  extremes  prccisl.y  as  in  Fontaine's  Ajpidiuni  fre<lerieksbiirKenso,  which 
thi-  plant  undoubtedly  is.     This  s[)eeie-,  originally  described  by  Fontaine  from 

ill.     I'.it.iiiiae    Funuai  i.^i      '    1  r.    i.T^'^.   \'irj.'.i:ia    il9l,   lias  -ii th.ii   i,.-.-ii 

r.   •.■LMii/i.l   iv    Ii.iw„.ii   (5      111  ,,ily   (   r.  la.-,    u-   .it   Antlira.  ile.   l!.l'.      It   will 

be  readil;  'Ognizetl  that  so  str.  ..t?ly  defined  a  Lower  Cretaceous  t.vpe  as  this  is, 
tnust  ha       c,  ccial  valiK"  in  det'Tinininfr  the  horizon  in  which  it  may  be  found. 

.1    ■ 

i>t  i'\Hi\n  SI  III    lilt:  isii.iaim 

Sfi  »'iM\    l•^^^^  1 1  ^-i~-    11 

2  OEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 




SuniU'T  -4-'  en-bra.v»  two   xinall   spccinu-tis,  oa.'h   of   which   i..|)rc?f  lit.   :i 

iinKlo  pinn.  lo  of  u  .omponnd  leaf,  uttnched  to  a  strong  rnohiH.  li.H.ul,- 
ia  approximutely  triunRular  in  outlino,  with  a  broa-l  base  ami  n  aomc-whut  niirrow 
thuuKh  obfu.e  apex.  The  margiu  is  entire  ami  the  whole  organ  is  tr^uHversoiJ 
bv  prominc-nl  and  parallel  nerve,  about  1.5-2  per  mm.,  oxt-nd 
trr.Mi  the  ba-e  to  tlie  npt-x.    Thi.  species  i^  nuito  disti.ul  from  u.iythtiig  huiuTt-. 

,l,.-,.rii.-il  1>..."  CiM.-liiui  l„.-.,li.i.-.  i.l.l...H^li  !•.. "  '9'  I.ulili,l>  n  .U'w.ik.-  ■ 

,>,„„   ,!„.   .-n-r  Cvt.ii.. of   |;.,..,,„-   ^o.Mi.l     Vi vor  ■sliu.l.  Lu.    tnm.  th,. 

published  tinures  which  .how  a  larger  plant  with  a  vc-y  different  form  of  pmnule. 
tlu-e  uouhl  3eeiii  t.)  bo  no  <-()niieetioii  h.'tweeii  the  two.  ,     .-      , 

lu  Wanr.  iMo-t  recent  contribution  to  th'-  Meso/oio  flora  of  .North 
\ineriea  he  publishes  a  de.scription  and  figures  of  u  species  of  Xilsonin  Ir  m> 
Thonn.o'n  rreek.  Do.::!.,.  County.  ()r.-:.ou.  This  he  i,|.nfi!i,.s  u  >th  V  n.p- 
ronensi-  which  \  o!<oyir.ta  had  previo.i-ly  .lesi-ri!.ed  trom  J  .pan.  and  wlneli 
Wi.rd  thinks  -nav  Lo  iil-o  .-oinparaM.-  with  Miri..,,.  .lurn-Mr  s|,e.-,es  Iron,  ^J,•^l,. 
whi.Oi  ba-  ,i,.s,ril..,l  nn-I.-r  the  names  of  IVt.roph.vllnni  and  Anomo/.amites 
(57-  n  '.,1  |.I.  xvii.  I'.  .-I'^V  On  .-miiarlni.-  onr  Hi,-in„-r,  «i'h  th,.-,-  j"-";"-';  I'V 
Ward  a  verv  striking  resemblance  is  to  be  noled  with  r,>speet  to  indiviilunl 
r.inriules.  but  it  is  to  be  observed  that  within  the  limits  of  the  same  loaf  the 
pinnules  show  a  somewhat  wi.le  variation  of  such  a  nature  th  ;  tak.i.  imiivi- 
,lually  -everid  =.peci,  s  might  be  made  from  the  parts  of  one  leaf.  It  is,  there- 
fore "  ,iuite  possible  that  our  specimens  are  really  representative  of  N.  nip- 
ponensis.  but  as  such  a  concln.sion  is  not  wholly  justified  by  the  nature  of  the 
material  now  i,i  hand,  it  is  thought  that  a  separate  name  to  bo  employed 
tentatively,  would  be  altogether  more  api.ropriate.  an-1  it  has.  therefore,  been 
nam.-,l  ^-i"th  resp,vl  to  th,-  lo.ality   lr,.m  vv!ii-'i   it  w.s  ,l,Tiv.d. 

'  '•'*'  t'v, Mini  s  I  N.n,.\.  1  >n. 


Under  number '^■'"' arc  includ.d  several   frasmcnti.  of  pinnate  leaves  with 
strong  and  rigid,  linear  and  conspicuously  nerved  pinn«  given  off  from  the  main 

SESSIONAL    .'APER    No.  25d 

ruehi.;  ,,t  un>fl....  ,«f  .i;.    ,..  To        J'l,..  „„,.i.  •  •!,...  i„  I.  ui.-l  .|;.i ,n..^Ur  fr,,,,, 

" >"''■"   '"    ^'■■"' 9>    M,    ;.,-  ,1   ..r,|„ ,    ,  ^,,„|,„..   :,„j,^„,  i„„    „.   ,i.,. 

,|„,„  -  M-  iM  (  ..,i|,  rl.i..  M,irr.  h,  m  tl...  .K,n.-.i-  ..'•  |„,|i„,  it  i*  ,,i.-.i,,u»  thai 
the  nnKl.-s  ,.f  the  pl,„.„.  .,„,not  b..  n-fi,..!  .,|..n  {,.,■  .|i,.t'nu-ti.-  ,.ur|m,.-  1,.mm„-,. 
of  Ih,-  poMti,  ns  „.-,in...l  iH  tl,..  r.-s„it   „f  .|i-pl:,.vM„  „t.      \    .■„r..ful   ,  n,H,,„ri-..„ 

V.llll  tllO  Ontilllill  !.-Xt  ~ho.V,  thill  if  \hr  MVjh:  ..n-  •-  l„.  ,vli,..l  up,.,,,  th.-  .1.. 
iTiptivv  text  -  I.,  |«.  t.,k.  r.  ui  ..rr.iM.-.ii,  i,,,.!  -Iionl.l  U-  r.T.,.1,  II.. ih  Diuv-.i,'. 
i.lHriii!.ns  1111. 1  th.,.(>  II, ,u  iMi.lcr  .  .ii,ia.-i;ili..„.  ;,n.  .  l,,„.|v  .•..i.ipiir.ihl.'  with  f 
pntitr.'ii-.    I.,.s.|      43'     11-....   Ill      h      ..!,,   Cr,,;,     .,'!.-      it  .-,  •!  .-r  ;.r..l.,.l.l.    i!,..i 

lutin,-  .■oiupiir.-.ns  ..pon  rh..  h.^i,  ,,|  i„.,r,.  ,    ..,,.;,. ,,.ri„l.  ajll  -h.,w  rl,..„,  t,. 

1k'  iilcrilK  ,il. 

Tnll,,.  I!M>:!,.,.||,.,.|,,,,,-    -...,■   !  -p,..iii,.Mi>  i,->  ,.■..  „...l  l.\  fli.    hiumI.  i-  ''  ' 

I  II..  i;.,i,  l>. 
show  p.vriti,0(l  it-airiiifnts  .,1'  l.-av.  o.-.'HioiialLv  with  ;.  stMiiir  mhliih,  w.t,. 
.-riKiiiiillv  il.terni  ii.-il  us  reprc-i-ntiiiK  the  pinii:.'  .•[  a  (  yca.l.      Ilil-  ih.y  i,„  ,l,,„ht 

ru,  and  it  iiiuy  now  bo   i>8uiiie(l  tliiit  tli.y  r.  pr.  -.nii  th..  -aino  >[ i.-  a-  '  '''"..f  tli.. 

ll">i'  (•()lh".ti,,ii- 


<il.Vi|i-.||liim  ^  tl  li..l'  1.1  ,    ;    .  !>, 

Oil..  Hfii..iiiii.ii  ..iilv. 

'.'ij;  :i  niiKill   ' i',i(.'m..iii 

l.'iit'v    liniii.-li. 



A   nillffli!  sptt  .<■  . 

Ill-   i.!i;ii  ir:i|    uilli 
(•(.injiari^^on  !.■*  to  I  .■        '. 
.•"all   I'.imI.s  (if  the    l..',i 
Mioiviie  ajr.'.  lioiiik'  !;  ..^■ 
bt-  taken  with  leservati.., 

■  ^  V.    I\l|.."  I.      .  ' .. 

h.wi'i-  il.rc.-t  ..irih^    .  f  a  iiMl.  appiMfs  In 

■      ••l.\:.   '3.1 1.      I  h.    .  ht.j'  .!ii!:.  mIi\    in   ihi- 

'   ■  .III  fill-  -lu'i-ic-  w:i-  ih.ri\i-.l  l'i..iii  till'  Mil,- 

■      1   .      .     Ili.l--    .     -      It;'  :..  h.     .ili.i     il      !-     I  l,.T'l..r.      .    I 

1.  '..II         I'll!-    i-..f|.icin-.-    inii-i    tiicri't'or,' 


I'.llTI  IS    I   M  l..P|MIVI.I.\.     Ill' 

One  h'uf   ..iil.v.   lepr nlo.l   h.v    a   v.-r.v   iinp.rtV.'i    .in. I   ha.ll.v   .  ruiiipl.'i    I'rafi- 

ment.  whioii  makes  ili  tiniti'  iilciitnicatioii  vory  iliilii-iilt,     [;'  cdrr.'.-'l.v  'li'tcrmineil. 
the  |ircsoiit  -peciiiien  fitnj.  its  reprcseniativc  in  the  lljk.itn  On. up  o!"  Xehraskn. 

rlr..    (46). 

.11-  -v.. I.  Ill-    .>•! 


1  t.;(i 
11   ■ 

hi  i'.\in\ii  \!  Ill    I  III.  iMrinoi; 

Ki...   I, 



n   »|..        1,  I. 


0   ■ 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

\|  u:h  \   >i  lii!\  1  \.   li     -I' 

Tliis  genus  is  ropro'seiitpd  by  two  frnKiucnts  of  leaves  of  the 

l:.  Ilcl;.ll/iil    IMM'    |MV-.lllr  I    l.,\      M.    li'lTryi.     I.c-M-     '56:    I'l-    xl-    (■     •'. 

liut  much  gmnller.  more  sliiirply  niid  repulnrly  dentate,  and  thus 
more  iieiirly  iipproacliinK  il.  scottii  of  Ixwcpiereux,  as  liftured  by 
Knowlton,  from   the   Laramie  of  the  Yellowstone   National   Park 

(34:    I'l.   IxNxiv.    I'.   i;i.   tKnii-h    il    .':in    liiinllv    !"•  -:nil   In  ilnnii   ;i- 

well  to'  oripinid  description  and  tiRure  based  upon 
-pi'.-iiiirii-  ri-..iii  till'  <iri(ii  Kivcr  (inmi'  iit  Morissiint,  Colonulii 
.12:   1'.    IIT.  |.l.   xxxii.  r.   17   1^).      It    iui^  llni^   .-..ii-id.T.'.l  .Ir^ir 

llil,.     t,.    .lr>i,-lKlt:'    it     1..V    :l    .'r.lilirli.r    lliini.-. 

Ql  KU(  I  S    Kl.l  M  ii>  A.    Xewr.     i  '.). 

Several  poorly  preserved  frnj-'nuiit-   of  leaves,  appear  to  be  identical  with 

Newberry's  tinn-c'i:-    l!i'xii,.s:i    ';46:   \:    71.   xix.   (.    \-><).   iV-ni   the   ('ret:i.' i-   ■'( 

the  Piiget  Sound  jrrotip  at  Cliuekanutz,  Washington. 


(^1  i:inM  s    1  .nil  M  i:\.    !7e«l 

This  iiiiniber  eniliraics  sevend  small  leaves  nearly  entire;  frapnients  show- 
ing the  entire  niargiii.  form  and  charai-teri.stie  venation  of  Querciia  coriaeea: 
also  one  specimen  with  three  nearly  complete  leaves  in  sihi.  These  all  agree 
lully  with  Ncul..Tr,v'.  liurn-  an. I  il.-.ii|.i  i,.n-  (46:  I'.  7:'..  pi.  .\ix,  f,  1  :'.)  ..f  the 
-pocies  which  are  originally  obtained  from  the  Puget  S.)\ind  (iroup  at  Chii- 
I  <aniit/.  W,  -liington. 

\>-  W  \t  \-~   I  l;l   I  \.   I  I    M  .    New!.. 

1  i:lO 

I.  10  ■ 

Tliis  spe.'ic  s  is  rcprcseiitecl  by  two  fragments  of  leaves,  the  one  showing  the 
.■hariiet.ristic  venation,  the  other  showing:  the  ilivergenee  of  the  principal  veins 

at    the  base  of  the      Tliis  s| ie-  \.:  ^   been  drseribe.!    \,y    \, ■wherry    (46*    a- 

a  reciifrnizod  element  of  the  flora  of  the  I'akota  tlroiip. 

171  ,. 

71  ;!•-•■ 

Pyiiti/.ed  leave-  ..f  various  widths  upwanls  of  ]r>  imii.,  apparently  represent- 
ing' motile  mdegenous  planl. 

/•••  /■'//;/   ../    //,  /    I  nil  I     I  - 1  i.'i,\,,\ii  I: 


SESSIONAL    PAPER   No.  25a 
I  I. til 

lil    u     ..|      X  s 

'■.■  -    '■    ■•■.. 

I1..1  .!. 


NuiuIkm-    i^    ivi.rosciils  ;i  Kint-lc  ■.p.'cinicii  of   iiiir.  .•<.Kiii/:il)lp  clmriictcr,  Imt 

:ij)piiriMill,v  a  l.niiid  I'niit  wliidi  nii-wrr-  to  llii'  I'oIIuh  iiic  ili-rtl|iti,,ii :  ^ 

I'l'ilnni  Ip  1  niui.  broiul  and  8  mm.  Ion;;,  Iiimihik  at  it^  wpp.r  .ml  a  linmd  foiir-sidwl 
iliNC  12  mm.  nt  the  liaso,  «  iiiiii.  »idi>  at  llir  summit  and  H  mm.  Iintli,  .ullmiit  ^tr  ctiiral 
niurkitik'S  of  any  kind  cNccpt  r  Imt-ly  urariiilatpd  siufai,.  sIk.hkIv  -iit;i;.».t.v..  nf  tin- 
prtiM.ncn  of  Hniiill  sp,.,K  ,,r  akem's.  Wjiil.-  tin-  .ilivwrv.'d  Idrni  n.av  lia\.-  \>,-,;,  d.Tiv..! 
from  rru-.liinir,  (hi-  .i.tiri-  asi.«t  of  tli.>  -lammn,  l<it;,.th,.r  willrtli,.  irianulat.d  Mir- 
fiwse,  »tron({ly  «U|{Ke»t«  s  Iruit  of  the  typ..  ,if  Kor^tfiiui. 

II   tlu'  stiKKo-tioii   tliu.s   iiiclioatt'.l   iiiiiy   Ix!  rulif«l   upon,   it    woiil.l  hnriiioiiize 
Willi   llic  \«'|-.\    ^rniriMl     iinvii,-,.  ,,!'   n  pn -rnlnlix.  -   ,.(  tli.     T  ri  i.'ii.-nr    in    Crrla 

C-|'..11S     r.iriMllli.ill..        II,  li     ,|.     rhill:-.     I    1.;-..,     il.-.        T'   ,      >;..  ..,111.   !i     IMl^'I'l     !,.■     r,   N^iT.'.! 

|'r..visi.iii.ill>    t..    I>(.i--li'iii:i. 


Si'viTal    -periiiii'ii-*    iiihIi 

iMil.n.ii.\ii\  Mill' 
i  I-. 


-IimU     ria;;liiciil<    i.|'    .jiclintoiiioiisly 

liraii.'liiiiK  rciiiaiiix  wliirh  faiiiinl  lie  .-ai  i-fii.turilv  .•nrrclatcil  willi  aii.v  i<iiowii 
>poiMt'.s.  I'licv  -irniiKLv  !<u).'p-l  a  \aiiii.v  i,f  wcMkimwii  funii^,  iiiclinliiig 
Ilvuiitioplerifi.  C/okiiiiowskia.".  ri)taiiiiinft<iii  ami  Niiiiis,  witli  none  of 
"liicli  n  aatisl'aclor.v  ri-Iation  rati  ln'  istiilili-jircl ;  atnl  upon  i-iin'fiil  coiisiiicri.'ion 
26a— vol.  iii— 631 



iirr\inMi:\r  <»/■  riii:  ixTritinh' 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 

and  compariiW)!!,  iho  ooiu'liision  lias  been  n^aohi'd  tliat  thoy  represent  tiie  lartrer 
veins  of  exogenous  leaves,  possibly  of  tbe  typ"  of  Pliitaniis,  which  have  become 
jkelelonizeil  and  broken  >ip.  tlius  leaving  the  p«K'uliiir  I'ragineiits  observed.  Thi* 
(fiK'hisioti  will  satisfactorily  meet  all  rei]iiirements. 

Si   MM\BV   AM)  (!i;Ni;ltAI.  ("dm  I.I  SION. 

In  sunlma^izin^'  the  forepoinj?  results  it  is  Imped  to  answer  more  or  less 
completely,  several  questions  which  have  Ih'cii  raisiil  ;is  t.>  th<>  ;i;rc  of  the  ili'iiu-it- 
in  which  the  fossils  occur.  The  precise  nature  of  these  problems  may  be  best 
understood  by  iumtiuir  from  the  oripinal  letters  of  transmittal  and  informa'ion, 
to  the  etTect  that  '  Nos.  ll^S  1  t:!<l,  14:'.:!  and  143i;  were  <-ollected  from  a  larcre 
area  ot  has  always  been  known  as  Lower  ('retac<'Mus,  oecurriiis  at  the 
Hounilary  (4'.llh  I'aialleH  Line  hi  tween  the  Pasayt.'U  ami  Skagit  rivers.  'I'bere 
seems  to  be  at  lea>t  :.N,(X)i»  feet  of  this  series  altojrethor.  and  it  appears  to 
correlate  with  the  Sli:i~ta-( 'liico  S.-ric-.  I  jui  purl  i'-iilarh  .luxi.iu-  t..  kn..w 
whether  \i2^  is  older  than  1430  in  its  fades,  and  -till  more  to  know  whether 
bnth  are  really  ('retaeeo\i.s.'  .\iul  later,  in  answer  to  .|ue-tioiis  as  to  th<'  relative 
positions  of  14l'>< — 14:'.t>  of  the  llHin  collec-tion.  and  471  of  the  i;M):i  colleclion. 
the  reply  was  that  •The  locality  of  No.  471  is  abo\it  one  hundred  an<i  twenty 
miles  east  of  that  of  Hi'S—UnO;  the  former  mar  to  Rosshmd,  the  latter  on  the 

siimmit  ot'   the  Cascnde  u ntain~.     'I'la     !■-:.■  ■■'{  tin     i;M-~!anil    volraiiic-   and   ot 

the  ash  be<ls  or  sediment:,  in  which  t!  obscure  171  >pixiniens  ocur.  is  not  at 
all  understood,  and  I  was  ho|,i.i(r  for  some  iiulication  as  'o  whether  these  ro.k- 
are  even  later  than  Paheo  die.  The  two  occurreiiees  are  completely  separate  in 
peoloi;ical  and  p^ifrraphical  relations,  but  there  is  no  pood  reason  why  both 
should  not    b(>  Cietaceous,' 

In  discu.ssiiif.'  the  repioiud  di-tiibution  of  the  varicuis  eolle'''ious,  tliey  may 
be  divided  conveniently  for  peolopical  p\irposes,  into  two  jrroup-.  Within  the 
Hrsi   ire  embraced  Xo-.  -'.''•0,   1(M)I,  1(107.  and  i!71.     Spcciiueus  were  taken   from 

Incaliiy  '-'."n  on   |-.\o  -.paralt .-a-ioii-.  i....  in    I'.i'iJ,  :ui  1   a-aiu   in    ]•■<'>:<.      In   lim.". 

also,  collection-  were  made  from  localities  1001  ami  10<i7.  both  of  which  are  on 
the  Kettle  river  and  near  to  No.  l'.IO;  while  locality  371  of  the  lO.Ti  collection 
was  on  an  atihient  of  the  Kettle  river.  The  proximity  of  these  v:irious  collections 
enable-  u.s  to  I'on-ider  them  esscMli^illv  idc<nlical.  and  the  jdants  derived  from 
till  lu  will  be  treated  as  of  one  flora. 

In  tin-  conneelion   it   will   Ix-  worth   wliil.'  to   ncall   |He\  ion-  det.iiiiiii;ii  ion- 

of  nlaiit-  from  the  Red  1  >eer  rivc  r.  t ii  llio  Siuiilkaiii..;i  vailcy,  from  (Juil.inna 

and  from  Coutlee.  All  of  these  Horas  will  have  to  be  compared  with  one  another 
and  with  that  of  tho  .'^sau''  rivi  r  |  l'a-ayl|.n  river-:  in  >■ 'U-r.^w.vf  ii  -lioiihl  1m- 
k.-pt  in  mind  that,  with  tli.-  eseei,li,,P.  of  tli.  tir-l.  all  of  ihe-e  I.T^lilie-^  fal!  v.ithin 
the  limits  of  the  Kamloops  sheet,  within  which  area  Dr.  (ieorjie  Dawson  has 
shown  that  the  Tertiary  formatimi  show-  •  two  well  marked  horizons  of  stratitied 
depo-it-.'  aud  uitli  n-i"--t  I-.  tlie  r-aii-e-  Liivin-  ri-e  t.,  th.-in.  '  il  is  probable  that 
the    Similkaineen    licds    ni\v    <'orrespond    in    time    with    one    or   other    of    iliese 

ithrmtr  or  rut  >  iin.y  xsiRoM'Mtu  eaa 

SESSIONAL   PAPER   No.   25a 

liorizoii-.  and  ihoir  app<Mr:iiic  c  .m.l  uuolr  i,f  nrtarr.-ii.  .■  ,i.r,,rrls  b.:st  v.ith  tli^ 
ljyi«.tii<-i-  thill  ..|'  till-'  iMi  t!].  <  V  [T.-.^ht  ill.-  I.A.,  r  ..r  C,,!,!..  ,r.T  InTi/.m,  Imt 
for    thf    iMesciit    lliU    ii.ri-eliiti<in    -taiids     ii:cieiy     ii'-     ii     pruliriblf     fonjcfture. ' 

16:  |..  :.-.n..i 

An  (■iiumeriilidii  ot'  liic  Viiii.,ii«  ty|i.-i  of  plaiii>  foiin.l  hi  tlir  lcM-alitif«  iiulii 
ted  l.v   till-  ubovi!  iiiiinbors.  i,'ivi'~  tlic   I'ollov.  iiit'; 

Taxodiiiui   diNiiclumi I.ciify    lir.iiuli. 

( 'lll>fi>»o\  V  lull    lii;ii-loiMr|'oi,|o- Wood. 

I'ii'.-.i   i-oliniii.ii  ii-i- AVo.d. 

( 'yfx'rupiles  liaydiiiii 

( "ypcriifitc?.  >p 

Phrn^'miics.  sp 

Mi'IiiIm.    -p !•  riiit. 

I'Iniiis  protornciiiiosa Wood. 

nniu-  prdtonniiTicaiui Wood. 

ITIinii-i  coluiiibiaiia Wood. 

rimiis.  3p I,<af. 

I'otaliioiri'toii,  .-p I'Vuit   and  l.'a\fS. 

tVni  >tiiH'- 

Kx'  jronou-i  wood 

rudi-tcnniiuiblo  IraaiiK'nt-  of  Ica.t'S.  .    .  .      

I'inu-  t'olmiibiuiia W.  od. 

Tlii-i  tilira  npi-o-onls  a  roniarkabl.'  pfopoiido.  aiu'i-  ot  wood-,  -tncral  of  wliii'li 
ail  iiitircly  now,  and  in  >ticli  cajr-i  provioi-i  kiiowioiltro  rantiot  bo  iitill/od  as* 
an  iiHJioation  of  the  horizon  they  ripro--ont.  'I'lioro  ar.-.  Tii'\-(rtboli-s.-<,  rortaiii 
woll  ilotlnoil  form-  of  known  valiio.  and  thoo  will  ^frvi-  .;>  a  moans  of  doiorniin- 
iiijr  the  hori/on  in  c'onnocti<in  with  the  frotioral  facios  of  tl;o  I'ntiro  llnra.  h'  in 
the  list,  we  may  lll'verthole^!-  excliido  tlK>  forn  -tip,'-:,  ih,.  o.xoL'onoiiH  woid  r  ' 
the  iind.'tcrminahlo  lo.nos  a-  throwin:^  no  lijilit  wlia'iv.  r  Mp'ti  tho  iiri'iilein  • 
before  lis. 

Till'  i;ciHH  I'i'ia,  alllioiii;li  -..inowliat  .-parini.'.  kii.wii  in  tlio  fo,-il  stalo, 
i=  no\ortliok'sj",  found  to  |.i-  di-triii^itid  throiifh  a  i.diii'i  wi.lo  r,ui>.'o  of  liori/oiH 
1'    i-   n    Will    roi  .luiii/.od    and   r.itlnf   aliniidant   oU'intn<    of   ih'     l'lii-to.i>iio    tloia. 

!i;   \\\:'v\i   ~-\.-\-\\   .  n:      mil:   -lir.-i.'-    ;,iv    rriif. -■nti  .|   '.,.    !,o<li  w I    .111.1    j.'avc-    (48'. 

.■^iinilarlv  .d-o  1\  i:. . ..  llo;,  i  38  :  !••  -' I .'.  >  Iki-  -h-.a  i-ai  .-■i-tiiiL'  -JM-io-  .in-  still 
nndcTfjoin.i;'  dcpfi-ition  wherever  looal  tdaoiatioii  i-s  in  proLTos^^.     I'ii'ea  'iiiilohcii 

en-iis,   I'enli.,   lia-   been   roooi;Tii/od   -r.iiiowliat    roi'rntly    iii    tli-     OWg no  of   the 

1^,;:,  !,,!'.  l:i-n:.!,--  I  .  !';ii  i.i;'  ■]  .'•■  <  -  :''■  ;ii'.'  •  i-, ■r.-.-nti-.l 
hv  it-  loavo-,  it  i-  iiop'  --ililo  to  drteriiiino  it-  prooisc  rclaliou  to  oilier  fosrJil 
form-,  iltlioiiLdi  ll  o  i-liarac'lor  of  ilio  !oliaL:c  "tfcr-  a  -iii;L'r->  ion  that  if  iiiav  U' 
related  to  tlio  o\i-tinj.'  1'.  iaowi'ri  i  la  or  1".  -ite!;  ti-is.  Mori'  noontlv,  ilerry 
i3i  ha-  diti-riiiini  d  tin-  o\i.  ii-ion  of  i!u-  i;.  no-  int..  tli"  r|ii,..r  ( 'ro;  a.-oo.i-  f..!-iiia- 
tion  (d'  New  Jersey.  In  the  Clitfwood  ola,vs  iio  lia<  .^...iid  lie:in'ifnlly  p'o-erved 
iilie-,  wliieli  ho  roL'-ard-  a-  reiirc-onl  in;-'  .i  -porn-'i  u  sfh  Ih.  .•\i-:itif' 
r.  exeolsa 


"/  /'i/.'/t//  \  '  "/    nih  /  \  / 1  itr-i! 

Ill  I'.'Ol  I\'iu>w!l'iii  ifi-or'loci  till- 
ili'|i.wii,  ;ii  Kiik.ik  liiiv  Alii-kii.  1 33 
liarririiiiiii.    i-    itprcsiMii'''!   i'.v    it-i   I'mt' 


r'u-  I. hill 

irtily.  hilt 

nf    ■.  !■ 



2  GEORGE  v..  A.   1912 
.1   !':     Ill'  I'i'pcr  Eocene 

!.-i'_'ii;iii-  II-  r. 

Ill    ;i    tine   state   of 
reseinliles    P. 

sfllle    to 

Tti.wt    n.-.irlv 


ime    if 

may   iiiiir'" 

|iro:iervalii'ii    ami    periii  t    .  '     the    inlfTfnef 
sitcliensis   iiiiii>ii»r  exi-itiii);  -peoies. 

'I'lie   iiroM'til    eviileiiei'  shi-w-^  our    -ninvW-We  nt'    Pi. mm    m    the 
he  haseil  upon   the  woo.l  ehie'^       'h.;.  !«       -.tent   -..thm:  f'       •   iie«  a-i  ivpre- 

-entinu'   three   ^|»^ie-   within     "••  'i*c    i  w^t^^  Htatp«    mil    Ahi-ikii.   hut 

ill  thesKj  hitter  ar.'  iii  no  way  r-iat"-  -pe- •=^.  they  t'nrnish  no  verv  pre.isie  hnsi-> 
l'..r  eon<'hi-i.'.  n'spe'iinif  the  ;,'»H»ii.»iea:  ape  i-'  the  horiz"ri  from  whicli  P. 
e..luiiibien-is  h«i  h<ei  lieriie.!.  Wliiie  .^ur  pr.-«nt  liniit.Hl  knowh.lKe  of  the 
jjeiius  leuils  ll^  to  b<'lieve  tliat  it  -hi.iinl  !«■  Iook.--i  for  in  il  ,•  ea.'iv  Cretaceou-i  at 
h  a^t,  its  pre««>nt  iinpeet  is  <lotlni!el,v    lertiurv    ar.''  •  hhily   Koe«>nf>. 

Oiipre— xyloii   was    tirst    re.-i.-n;/.- .    \,\    !V-ni.aiii.u      47'    ni      i"-   •'■'        • " 

tiTUiation  t  Me<li'-ine  Hit.  wliere  the  w.m..1  was  foiinil  'i  nhuii'i.nee  lis  tnoro 
r.-viil  api»  ^    in.'.    .      th.    .i.'|...sii-    if  th.    K-!ti.    rr-ef.  wh.-  ••  it  i-    i^-'  i  i  iii  ill'- 

torin  of  »-->»d.  tri«^  somewhat  eonelii»ive  evi.lete-e  of  tit.-  wiiler  runse  ot   ilistri- 

t.ution  «rt  some  of  our  existing  -peeies.      Tiiis  i«  whclly  i-  hi nl  with  the  irenerii! 

u-eolo»rk»l  hist,  rv  of  the  L'-n  i-.  sine.-  il  i-  fonnil  tha'  imier  whatever  -iix'itie 
name  .t  may  !••  r<H'onhil,  it  ranges  from  th.-  Lower  t  retai-eoii-  t,.  the  I'.'.r  i-.e. 
1  cli^Jwiutioii  «feieli  ..^  II.. t  e—entialiy  affen,  ,i  hy  -'i..  faet  that  a'  hasf 
iho  -«*fies  no«  asMKneil  to  the  i.rovi^ional  iieii.:  (  apresHinoxyl 
[iroji^rly  Mobc  to  Sequoi*.  At  tin-  same  time,  -iiiee  (',  iiiacri..arpoi.tes  o.eiir- 
lii  i  well  retiicnizi-.i  <-ret».-.«oiis  .hposit.  a.«  well  a«  ,u  tluise  ot  the  Kettle  river, 
it  s  elear  tkil  it  i-aiiii.«-  --  hehi  to  be  repn>s<'niative  !5  any  exclusive  st^nse, 
,f  any  purti^^Iar  n«e,  athi  aP.  we  ean  say  nf  ii  at  the  !w«>sent  time  is.  that  it 
rangea  from  the  rppet"  *  retae<'.)us  upward 

Tlie  genus  TaX'"liii=ti    i»  a   ^'erj-  .■osumpolitai      .in 
in  geolofrit-al  time      Iiuif<-<1,  it     nay  !«■  suui  to  exivitHi 
tiniiily  ,.•     -  enrr.  •  .■•  in   t li.     K  ...lanie   ami   !'■'',, ui.i, 

('retiiee..a~  to  tin-  Mt.i.-,iie  'I'er-  »ry.  anil  ev.-u  i..  iii..r. 
eonncels  .lire<;tly  with  the  e\  -«ing  species  ,,f  Balil  Cypress.  The  history  of 
Taxoiliuiii  liistiehiini  mioeenu  :.  a-  =T:«inaUy  <letin.<!  by  Heer.  hut  as  t,..w  eotn- 
inonly  ilesignateo  y  the  iiai.-  T  .v  di  ™  ilistii-h  itii.  sinpl-  ai  instrne- 
tive  ilhistrntioii  •  ;  ttie  r-lati..;-  -i  -:"-:■.!  types  1  partteiilar  horizons,  a  relation 
made   all    the    !i«*ro   iii>tnieiu.-    W^:&,'-~^■   "f   ihe   jeju-rally   a>»Ofiate<l   Taxodium 

...•.•iiiciitale   aii.l   liSvptn-trohr-  eur-nw  —        I'-   o.-.a.i,.iit-,i.-    I-   a   -r<-i ''   tti'''-!' 

more  rostricteii  di>trihutiou    mit  it  is  a   -«-el!  .ietii»e.i  Tertiary  tyj* - 

Lesquereux     42;    p.   -■-■■       \.-vvUirv      «:     I      --'        ^lel    l>i.«-  10:    '      Tin. 

have  all  shown  raxodiiim  .ii-tioh- «  to  b.  a  e'.a«tjiit«»t  of  both  the  .Mioeene 
anilK.'.'eiie  l-loiM-;  v^lol.  -  ai.  .,  r.  .■ciil  •lel.'niil-.iii  a-  ..f  *''  ■&*<*.."  'l:pi' 
7  antl  ■>)  have  proved  it  t*  *e  «  <«^mpotieiH  ..f  ihe  OlisroeeBe  at  Qail<  <  lui  and 
Poutlee,    British    Coliimhia.    ..-r.d    -t-    -e   ,.|     i^t„.*lt,.i.      sJ4  -  :    ■    'hai    it    i-    ;. 

feature  of  the  Upjier  Mio<*f»-  of  ts*  John  r>ay  Ba.sH..  Oreip.i)  It  is  neverthe- 
less   true,    as   shown    1-^     r.-.:.-all.i».    shat    th-   ^^•••\~    \-    aK.    a    w.-l!    feeosrni^ed 

lie  .1  very  wide  range 
almost  nnbrokei-,  eon- 

iirnia:  t.ii-.  tlir."ii;h  the 
■■■■eiit   .|<  ;     -it-,   uiiere   it 

in  fiiirr  '«/    iiii:  iiwi-   i  ^ //.-ilxoi/a /,■ 


SESSIONAL   PAPER   No.  2jfl 

liMl'.ni'  .  '■   ihi'    l':i-L:i!  .  i.  -ii  i.         I    I ,  .     I;.  . 
n>    Will    :is   iif   tlic    I.iijiiili'   Trrtiar^    .'    tl 
l^r'';].  in  tln'  ui-t.Tri  i"  rti-ii-  .I'  ('.,:  .i^Li 
iIh    uriiiTiili/iitii.ii   .,r  Sir   \Viii;;iiM    ■ 

;    I'.  ■  r   |-;.-r      1       |.:  .   :i   ;i','l   51.   i.    '•  I    . 

.■    I' .riMi'iiiii-   ( 'r.M  iv    niiil    I  In. It    Vidl.v 

i52:    ;■    •'•'■•  .     I.'.-.'.  ui,i/;ii._'  the  f,,r.-.-  ..:' 

II      14 :     iv..   ::;  I    t.,   til.,  t'trcct   thiit    tl,,- 

\s;\.  ii-  fiiriiii'ilv  ri't'iinlr'i  hv  Ilccr. 

rf   the  I'tiit.-.l   Slalf-.   ii   vimv  iimrc 

:..i,     '38:     !■.    Jl'"     AvA    <l^,•^     •.■.•:\\,v-a\\v 

rei'fi^iii/e    'lie   (:vA   tliiit   thn   numoroii:< 

ill    S|pit;'|.rri:.  II    '22:     p     .'T'.   (iriiiiif!! 

li.n   I  13:  !■.  ■-'-'■.  .\l;i-!v;i   i  39 :  1'.  :'.:- 

■I    Al; 


Miocpne  nf  (iropiilari'l,  Siiit/lirrt'cii    ii 
i<  in  reality  identical  witli  tlii>   Fort 
ri'ceiitly   stati- I    ;iii.|    .i.i..;.!i-.!    l.\     K'n  . 
ailniitted.    it    now   becoiiifs    I'o-i.sible   t 

in-taiM-i-   nf  th iirn'ih'.-  .i|'  ilii-   i 

I. an. I   (24:  l>.  J:!).  Siinri  ,   i  25  :  ■-.  :;:;..  Sn.;!,   li.  ii   (13:  !■.  -'-'  '.  .\la-!va   i  39 
and  61:  p.  LM4i.  a-i  will  n^  in!  iNilf  (23:  p.  <',ii;  26:  p.  !> ;  28: 

and  29 :  |i.  ""I'  *.  uim'  nni|iH'.-ti"nal  I"  pr'"i!'  ..l'  ll-  v.    !     -nn'ad  aiJ  a'  !  iidaiit  iir- 

retiee  throiiKlKint  tlio  Koi-cnc  nf  Aini-riiM  a-  wrll  as  of  Kiiropi".  Wliilo.  tlicroforp. 
it  is  a  form  I'^scntially  typical  of  Imt!.  the  Rorciic  and  Miocene,  its  urcater 
abundance  in  llie  former  implies  a  vi;.'Mr  of  d.'Veloptneni  vvliiib  it  appear-  to 
iiavo  lost  in  more  recent  times,  altlioiijrli  this  does  not  of  necessity  permit 
u?  to  conclndp  that  its  proence  in  a  given  liori/cm  is  more  itidieativt;  of  the 
one  ago  than  the  other,  a  relation  whirli  inu-t  he  linall.v  e-tahli-hed  by  eoihateral 

I'itius  Columbiana  does  not.  in  itself,  atford  decisive  evid.'nce  as  to  the 
nature  of  the  hori/on  from  which  it  comes,  but  a  review  of  the  distribution 
of  the  penus  I'inus  as  now  known  may  -;.  rvo  to  sujj-pest  a  re.isonablo  conclusion. 

The  i;eiiii-  I'iliil-,  ;i-  -ivni  !s  !\ii."a11mii  (37'.  '  iiiPi  .e.-  iiiiiile.-n  -|M.,-ii-, 
most  of  wbieh  arc  defined  speciticall.v,  ranyinir  from  the  Daknia  Rroup  tliroiii.'h 
the  Cretaceous  ntnl  Tertinr,v  to  the  I'leistocene.  where  thev  berome 
with  existing  .specii's,  lint  to  the-e  we  mav  add  six  spe.-ir-  oT  Pit  vo.xyloii.  -^iiin' 
of  which  arc  of  I'pper  Cretaceous  age.  but  ino^t  of  which  are  Tertiary  forms 
most  largely  represented  in  the  Kucene.  More  recently.  Knowlton  (35)  has 
also  recoirnized  the  oreiirri'iiee  of  t!ie  v  ood  of  |'ity>.\ylon  alders.. ni  and  V.  anie 
thystiitiiin  in  the  I'pper  Miocene  of  the  Yellowstone  National  Park,  while  on 
the  oilier  haml  a  recent  publication  bv  Ward  has  brought  to  light  Pinus  leei, 
F"ont.  (57:  p.  ."i7i»l,  from  li.e  ..Mir  l'..t..nia.'  Formation  ..f  VirLMiiia.  a  ea-.' 
which  parallels  that  recorded  by  Ileer  of  P.  craiueri.  IFeer.  from  the  Koine  beds 
if  (ireenland.  While  some  of  the  species  of  Pinus  thus  referred  to  are  recog- 
nizable through  their  wood  structure,  nian.v  others  are  known  onl.v  through  their 
foliage,  and,  although  these  latter  arc  designated  by  distinctive  names,  it  is  ii.t 
iliogother  certain  that  they  are  specitically  .listinct  or  that  they  are  diflferent  from 
>peeies  represented  by  other  niuains  with  which  it  is  at  present  impossible  to 
identity  tbeni,  A  very  large  number  ..f  known  species  are  represented  wholly 
by   seeds,   ami   this   is   particularly   true  of   the   numerous  species   whi<'li    Ileer 

.|i-eril>i'-     from    thi'    K ne   of   (Ir.oii! i    and    ..iher    I'olar    ri'L'inn-    (22'    V-.I-. 

I.  VII.).  Inasmuch  aa  such  .seeds  are  representative  of  the  fruit,  ih.y  may 
lie  directly  connected  with  the  cuiies.  which  are  the  chief  means  of  re<ognizinp 
-everal  species.  Fontaine".-.  Pinii!.  Kci  from  the  Older  Potomac  of  Virginia,  a< 
de-i'ribed  liv  Ward  (67:  |>.  ."Ti".  i-   'ii'i-  di-t  iiigoi-hed.  but  it  i*  to  lie  observed 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

llmt  -iich  roiiiiiiiis  lici'ofne  liir  rii..iv  ;il)iiii(li.Mt  -I  cliiinictiTistir  in  tlio  Tortiary, 
wlipri'  tlic.v  lire  not  inl'ri'qiiciill.v  prcscrv-'il  in  a  very  piTfect  niiinnor.  This  \f 
(niincntly  trnc  of  I',,  (iMnl..  and  I',  pliitnnis,  Oanl.,  as  recordpH  by 
Starki(>  (ianlncr  troni  the  Tahnly  bfiU  ..f  Truhii;il;  or  P.  maohiri,  riecr,  aa 
ri'corvhil  hy  ilcir  (22:  p.  vii.).  from  fho  Koci-  c  of  ( Iri'onland.  The  sumo  is 
M<fwi-ic  true  i.t'  sovera)  i<i«'cic-i  wliieh  Ivnowllon  records  from  the  Laramie  of  the 
^'.IliiW-lilic  N'Mtiniial  I'ark  l35i.  and  of  I".  tl'i|l--:ilil  i,  l.r-i|..  wliii'ii  l.c-(Hicn'ii\ 
d(  «ci'iliid  fr..iii  till'  (Ir-cii  liiv.r  jt^uii  i  42 :  p.  1'''''  nf  lii.'so  loni-  -Imw 
decided  reli'tions  to  existini;  specie?-,  wliich  is  als.>  true  of  1*.  eohimbianfl,  but 
liie  latter  ''aiiniit  1m-  c(j-Mparei|  with  any  of  the  other  fossil  cones  now  known,  and 
it   therefore  stands  '.vhnlly  by  itself. 

The  (reiieral  wei>rlit  of  evidence  bronjrht  forward  hy  the  above  analysis, 
would  seem  to  indicate  that  while  the  ^eniis  I'iiuis  nniy  extend  into  the  Oreta- 
•  eoiis.  it  i~  essi  ntially  a  TtrlJary  t,\pr.  the  i-liicf  a«pecl.  i,\'  uliich  are  Foecnr. 
:  ml  it  is  to  this  horizon  that  1'.  ef,liinibiann  probably  belongs. 

The  jiemis  rimu.-  possesses  peculiar  sit-'iiificanfc  in  the  present  instance, 
ih4  (inl,v  bei'nuse  there  are  three  well  detined  new  species  rcpresonted  by  their 
.' ood  and  one  undefined  speci<'s  represented  by  a  frafrmetit  of  n  leaf,  but  also 
localise  the  ;:cinis  as  at  present  known,  hears  a  detinite  r  'lation  to  Kcuiofrical 
:'jre.  riniopliylhini  i~  a  well  recof^nized  Cretaceous  tyi>e  which  is  chiefly  found 
•I  ill'-  rotiiiiia(-  Foriiiatii'ii.  although  it  is  also  known  to  the  Upper  Cretaceous 
•  I  \'iiiiroi;\.-r  i-l;iiid  (5l;  '  i:'  I  lli:ih-  ;iiii  I  iiiiu-  ;!ri-  (-uutini- I  t..  tli(  Ti-rt-!ir,\ 
where  tlay  ranye  from  the  Kocene  to  the  Pleistocene,  and  become  identified 
with  .-xisiinjr  ^pecii-s.  An  inspection  of  present  records  shows  that  out  of  niiie- 
'  1-11  Tertiary  species,  twelve  are  of  Kocene  age,  while  only  seven  are  of  Eocene 
.ii::{  Miii-iiii-  .1^1-.  :ii  -I  ii:;i;  m,m  if  il'i-c  l:illi-r  niily  live  an-  -Irii-tly  Mioi-cne. 
Fnin  thi-  »i-  may  ilra\'.  tlh  iiil'i-rchc-i-  that  the  ui'ini-  I'liuiis  is  e-^-entia!ly  an 
IvM-ene  lyi"'.  and  our  four  <|><-'ii'-  from  the  Kettle  river  iii.iy  also  lie  iiiferpreled 
in  i!i;it  S'-nsi  . 

The  po'irly  dcliiu-d  sjecii  >  i,f  Hi-tula  from  the  Kettle  river  alTord  very  little, 
il'  auytlii.iL;-.  in  the  way  of  a  n-liahh-  liasis  for  ace  delerniinalions.  While  the 
iieinw  n.tuliti'-,  i-  I  well  detiiic-d  ( 'ref.-n-eiius  our.  heim/  espe<'ially  charai-teristic 
of  the  Ihikota  ^'^roup.  wi-  n.  . i-: tln-l. --  al-o  find  Hetula  beatriciana,  Le9<|.,  in  the 
same  horizon  (42:  •  "pii'  v.liiio  I;.  p.i  antiiiua,  I'li..  fii-mrs  in  the  I'pner  Cre- 
tact-ou-  of  I'ayno^  s.iuimI  (9',  inn!  >o-  .niorher  not  -p(-iitio;,lly  detinod  is  nii-t  wiili 
in  (111-  rpper  ( '!ol:i.  I  .,  -  ■.',  \':mr-ii;M-r  i-!::nd  i8'.  l\n.iult,,M  i-ir  iuicral.--  i  37  i 
tint  ie —  than  iiiiii-ii-i-ii.  whijo  \\'.:!-.i  i56''  i;iM-  -'■\cn  T.iiiiiry  ^pcoii--  out  of  a 
lolal  of  tifteeu.  A-,  f iirtlierniori-.  i-i«-htci-n  out  of  theso  tweuly-six  species  are 
I'istincily  Koceiie,  il  may  hi-  o. m-hided  tiiat  in  the  ahscm-e  of  definite  evidence 
to  the  contrarv,  :niy  lari.'i-  loprc-i-nf  itioo  of  tin-  ^roiiii^  WimiM  ;;ivt-  to  the  irora. 
!acies  of  a  <listini-ll,v  Eoceii-    character. 

Cyperaeites  haydenii.  I.i>s,|.,  uliieh  m-i-nrs  in  the  1-u'ltle  River  flora,  and 
wiiii-li  wa-  orii.'-inajly  dr-oi  o^i-il  ir.  in  ll.-  i.i-.-.--^  Kim  r  L-roiip  (42:  p.  1  l<M,  s(-rve- 
1.;    definilelv  indicate  lln'  prohahli-  ace  of  the  ilora  now  under  discussion.     This 

HI  i-iiin  III   nil  iiiii  I    \!<ri;n\i,\in:  ear 

SESSIONAL    PAPER   No.  25a 

ioiiclu>iciii  i,  .•iiipli.i«i/,Ml  l,y  ilir  1,1. I  thai  llir  .uiiii'«lui!   i,iri;i.  i,iiiiil„r  ,,l'  ,] i,., 

oriffiMiillv    ,|,s.Tili-.|    1,>     II..  r    .26:     I''..    .■•-•■.    •r.iiii    (  .  r.     ;,l;i- .1    ;,ii,|    >|.ii/lMT..'..,i. 

arc  III!  iif   K.iccnt'  iiKc     Of  rli,...-   hili.T.  < '.vi.,'.  .i.'it.-   \<. in.  rvU.    IfnT,,   i^  aUc 

r.'iiliil  in  Jlic  K.MVM.-  ..r  Van.,  ••  ^A■.\M'\  \Z  \\ .  ll|i  In  ili.-  .  iiiiin.iMi  i..ii 
of  tlif  f..>-il  !l..i-a  ..f  :li,.  V,.||,.u-i.  i„-  \:,n,,,i;.l  {'.,,■■■■.  Ki,,,  .  li,.ii  1 35  •  p.  77;., 
shows  that  of  the  four  -|K'.-i,-,  known  \\\yr>:  tin-..-  jr.'  ii.linit..!y  rcf.ralil..  i,.  ih,. 
Fort  I'  j:roii|).  wliilr  ..niy  on.'  i-  rcf.-rn-.l  I.,  ili.-  Mi.,.-,.ni'.  Kinally.  Wani 
'56:  1..  I'Hi  ni.|i.-.ii.  .  ..inilor  r.l.-fi-i,-  mIi.h  in  lii-  -\r,M|,M-  "t'  lii.' 
irrou;..  h..  .■niinicrat.-  f.nir  ^|i,ci,-.  all  ..f  wlii.-li  h,  -li..\v~  t..  l.,-  .•v.'  .if 
Koooii.'  iik'i'.  Fr.iin  this  -iiiiiinary  it  1,.m-.,iii,-  ,,,,ii-  that  «  y^  i,  .'-..n 
lially  an. I  typi-villy  ,ui  K...-.'ii,.  t;vnu-,  th,.  .'hi.  .'  a-p.-.-l  ..f  ulii.'li  i-  |.,,uvr  K.>.viip. 
'riu'  ..Illy  .-M'.'i.i  i.iii    I,,   ilii,   ulii.'li  ha-  ...nii-   iui.I.t  iii,\    n.iii..,..     ,   ihi-  .'a-..  .<<  an'rih.'il    s|h  .'ie-    r.''.|    l.y    Sir    Williaiii    Dau in     h  .    .|,-,-ri|.|  i..ii    ,.f 

-|M'.-iiii.'n-i  tli.'  I\....laiii.  .r..!!!.  at,,  |;.C.,  i5  |..  :i\\.  \,-,\  tlii- 
i<-f.T("iii-.>  i-  a  .|,,ul)lful  ,.ii.'.  a-  lli.'  -[..■•■i,-,  ,1,„-  n..t  .•..rr.-i...ii.|  uiili  ih.-  ii-iially 
,i.-i-i'|.t.M|  chara.'t.T-  ..f  tli.'  t."iiii-,  ..r  with  lli..-.'  ..f  ih.'  .•\i-tiiiL'  L'.  iin>  Cyp.Tii.). 
Ml. I   I  ih.MVL.r.'  .'X.-lnili'  it  fr..iii  I'lirlli.'r  .•.■ii-i.liTati..ii   in  ihi nn.  .ti..!!. 

'I'll.'    r.'fcrcn.-..   to   r,,taiii..>;.-t..n    in    ih..   pn-.-nl    in-lamv    i-    l.a-..|    a!t..t:..t}if.r 
i;p..ii    ill.'   fruit,  hut   there   iilll.'  ri-,,-,.n   t..  .ri.--li..n    ih.>  .  ,irr..liii--   .,f  thi.s 

'•"ii''':'-i"ii-      Kn.iv.ll.ii    r, -.  r.l-  -.■\.ii    ■:.,■.!.-  .f  I',  i- -,;,,n    .  37   .  i,  w    ..f   ,i  hi,.), 

.:iv'   fr.'iii    ih.'    lal.T   ■['.■rllar-.    l-il    t»..   ar.-    tr.-ii    l!i|.    |-:....ii.-,       W  ir,|    .561    -li,,,.  . 

that  there  arc  tifi.oti  -p.  .■ie-  of  l'oiain.,«..t..n  in  ili.-  }•: i.,-  Kl,.ra.  tw  ..f  whi.-h 

,irc  al-.i  ••.iinin.m  to  the  S.iupiiiaii ;  whih'  11. '.r  ililin.-  n-.  I.—  iiin.'  -pc.-ics 
fr,.ni  th.'  r,-rtiar\  .,f  |-:!,r^.[.i-  (31:  \.  y-.  loj;  ||..  1.  --:  III,.  ...  1701,  an. I  li\,- 
I'r'  rn  l!i.'  I:  .■.  n.^  .  t'  ( ii.  .■iil.:ii.l  29:  I,  .  n.|  33,  \' 1 1  1.  ~«!.ii/:!  ,  rj.  n  >  27  :  !'i  a.,  I 
-'-''■  :'ii'l  >■  i  .  ria  i24'.  li'.ni  \'l;:.i,  il  ,.  ],!  .ii.nnr  ih/l  a-  v.-  i,..u  ^ii.n-.  ii. 
thi-  1:.  tin-  i-  .--.■nli.illy  .li-t  in.-l  iv.'  of  tln'  !•!.>.■,. n.,  a^'.'. 

I'iira^inil.-  i-  a  f..rin  ,.f  phini  r.-ninin-  -.vhi.ji  i-  ii..wh.T.'  .■I.-ar'v  .l,.|iii,..| 
!li..UL;h  ill  ,1  -.-n.-rai  u ay  il  iii,i.n  I,"  '. v.,iriii/i  .1  uillii.Mt  nei.-h  ili.iii.t.  I'r...'i-elv 
uiiat  it  .■iiihra.-.'-  with  r,-p.'.-i  !,,  .-il'.ier  t:eiii.-  .,r  -|.,-.-i,.,.  it  \v,,iiM  |„.  ini|.,„-i|,l',. 
;..  -ay  at  pr.-.iit,  tii..iii..!i  in  a  ^'.ai.  ral  wa\  il  niav  I,,  -.a.j  i..  ..nil.ia.',.  if .i-ni.'nt- 
.if  hroa.l  I.Mvi--,  in. .re  fraum.ii!-  ..f  -l.tii-  ..r  I'V.^n  ..f  rhi/..ii.,.,  ..f  Mon,,- 
.•otyl.'  pi  ml-,  'rih'  frai;in.|it<  .iT  ar.'  ii'.i  ,ilw.r,--  -.-parali!..  wit|, 
.•.rtainly  fr.nii  ..lli.-r  .M..ii..i'.ity!.'.|..!i.ei-  haw-  wilh  -iiuilar  ehara.'i.  ri-'i.'-. 
uiiih'  ih.'  -I.Mii  fr.iirin.'iit-  ar.'  el.arlv  iliil.T.Milial.'.i  fr  .111  I 'y  p.a-a.'it.--  Tin- 
rhi/iiiii.-  aii.  ii-nally  -uili.'i-'itiv  w.a!  .li  ir,i.liTizc.|  t..  !.•  n  .■, .1:111/, ■,!  uiiK  ,',.r- 
I.'iiit>.      'rii.Ti'    i-    11..    .■.iir.lali..n    th..-.-    v,.il..ii-    t'.irni-    r.'l.'irai.'.l    t.    a 

.■..nun. Ill    '^.'iiu-.   I.u'    uli.n    1. Jiii/ahi.'   th.^ir  chara.^t.  r-    ar.^    -iil'i.-i.'ntly   .lofinit,' 

'"  Ii.'rniit  .if  u-iiijr  th.  111  for  -rrai  iKrai.liie,il  piiip,.-es.  An  cxainination 
..I'  the  Xortii  Ani.-ri.^an  .li-tril.ntii,n  of  the  t'cmis  -h..w-  a  .somewhat  wide 
raiiL'.'.  'I'liii-,  I'.  .  Tela.,  n-.  1..  ..1,,  r.-pr.'-.'iil.-.l  hy  l...:li  |i.a\.  -  an.l 
rlii.'.im.-.  i-  a  .-.•n-t  itii.'iit  ..t  l!:.-  l!.,r,i  ..:'  i!.-  I'.ik.l.i  L'r..':i.  1 42 :  p  ;,  ,:ii.| 
43:  p.  "Tt,  llaM-i.n  iia-  r.p..r;.',i  llu-  l.^af  .f  I',  .  ..r.hiilMrini-.  Pii.,  :r..iii  tli.' 
rpp.r  Cr.'t.ii 11:-  ..f   \'  i-l,inl    i9:   p.  l'i;i,      X.  wh,rry   riin-rl-  fr,iL;ni.-iii  - 


i>i:i:\t!r\th:\r  or  iin:  isiriinm 

,^';  ^'. 

2  GEORGE  v..  A.  t912 

of  l.'iiv(>s  of  im  un.l.4iii.'.l  ^prric-  fr.iii  llir  ( 'ivIiIi'it.ih  (48;  |>.  -'■  \<l  x'iii-.  f.  ■•'• 
iiiiil  Waril,  ill  his  Synopsis  of  tlic  Laramie  Flora  PiiutnpraUM  four  specie*  as*'  to  tlic  l,:iriiriiif  proiKT,  with  two  from  lli.>  Sciioiii;in  (56:  pi  xxxii  ' 
On  the  i.tiiiT  IkiiiiI.  Li'-ipirri'iix  report-  -prri,''-  frnm  tlio  TiTti;irv  1 42 ;  I'- 
nil.  ;iiiii  Koowlloii  I  35:  p.  77:')  n-iM.ri^  I'.  l;il  i<^iiii,i  li'  in  I'n-  Ki.rt  I'ni.m  ur-np. 
R<f(T(<niT  to  ir.'ci'.-  w.'li  kii..wii  wnrlis  (29.  26.  24,  23,  :iii.l  31:  i'.  I'Hi  slinw^  four 
sppcioa  confined  to  the  Eocene  of  Europe  and  Greenland,  of  which  P.  oeningensis, 
A.  T?T.,  is  liv  far  the  iriust  frrrpiciitl.v  rcpn-i.iiti 'i.  Thi-  suiniiniry  >liiiws  nine 
Cretaceous  ioculities  against  six  Tertiary,  and  a«  these  latter  arc  all  Eocene, 
it  is  clear  tiiat  while  ThruKmites  i.^  coninion  to  the  Upper  Cretaceous  and  Tx)wer 
Koceiie,  it  is  more  typical  of  the  former  than  the  latter. 

UeviewinK  the  facts  thus  dealt  with,  we  can  oiil.v  conclude  that  the  flora 
of  the  Kettle  river  is  certainly  not  Cretaceous,  and  that  in  its  general  faiics 
it  is  Eocene  rather  than  Miocene.  This  conelu.sion,  however,  necessarily  raises 
an  important  question  as  to  the  particular  ago  of  r.  iras  i)rcviousl.v  det-rmined 

;ni.!  prnvi-i dl.v  relerre.l  t..  the  Mi.N'eiie  151:  iv..  f,N  and  52:  _iv..  ■■>•.  et.\),  .mi 

esiieciidly  with  reference  to  a  critical  comparison  with  the  Siniilkamcen  flora  as 

already  deterniineil  l..v  Sir  William   Hawson   (10: 

This  author  ajpears 

aireaoy   'it'ii'iniiii'vi    i'.\    .-ii     »»  n, nim    ,  ■.,.. .— m    .  *w  .    .  ■  • •  > 

not  to  have  been  able  to  determine  the  age  of  the  Siniilkameen  bed?  to  hi«  .,wn 
satisfaction,  since,  although  he  freiiuently  makes  comparisons  with  the  Lower 
Miocene,  to  which  his  conclusions  \  >8t  strongly  point,  he  nevertheless  ::fers 
to  .some  species  as  having  distinct  at...iity  with  the  Upper  Laramie  or  Eocene, 
and  to  the  Oligocene  in  particular,  ami  in  his  concluding  paragraph  he  aays 
that  '  It  may  be  further  affirmed  that  the  Siniilkameen  flora  is  closely  allied 
to  those  .leacribed  by  Le.siiuereu.x  as  the  Green  River  and  Florissant  floras,  and 
which  he  regards  as  Oligocene  or  Upper  Eocene.  It  is  to  be  hoped  that  ere 
long  the  discovery  of  manunalian  remains  may  throw  further  light  on  the  precise 
ape  of  the  Tertiary  lake  l.a-iii>  of  Urilish  C.luinl.ia  '    i  1.    •.  iv..  Do-im. 

In  order  to  clearly  bring  out  the  questions  at  issue,  and  establish  the  correla- 
tion of  the  various  Eocene  floras,  I  have  reduced  to  tabular  form  all  such  floras 
as  have  been  studied  by  me,  and  have  shown  the  oci-urrence  of  the  same  species 
as  determined  1.  .ther  ol)servrr>.  While,  tin  reforc.  this  tatple  aims  primarily 
ti>  establish  tin  ..lations  of  the  Eocene  floras,  it  will  also  show  their  contact 
with  the  .\!iocer;  jnd  extension  into  the  Cretaceous,  including,  however,  only 
such  siiecles  as  are  actual  components  of  the  various  Eocene  floras  now  under 

The  particular  floras,  the  age  of  which  is  at  present  a  matter  of  discussion, 
are  Coal  (ndly  at  Coutlee,  B.C.,  the  Horse-Fly  river  at  Cariboo,  the  Kettle 
river  deposits  at  ilidway.  the  Quilchena  beds  which  are  closely  associated  with 
those  at  t 'out'ee.  and  the  Similkamecn  beds  in  the  valley  of  the  same  name. 
As  a  basi-  of  reference  and  comparison,  the  age  of  certain  floras  is  well  known 
or  at  least  accepted.  They  are  the  Red  Deer  of  the  Paskapoo  Series  and  ec..en- 
tially  Fort  Union  group,  the  Union  group  of  the  Yellowstone  National  Park 
and  elsewhere  in  the  United  States  and  Canada,  and  the  Lignite  Tertiary  of  the 

in  i-iinr  of   :iii:  i m.  i    \- innMnii  i; 


SESSIONAL    PAPER   No.   2-jn 

I'urcMpiiio  creek  uii'l  <;  I'lt  ■.;il!.'>.  ;ill  ..;  wiiich  ar.'  1...w,t  Iv  (.ii.".  I'.,  thin  wi- 
Miiiy  11(1(1  tho  Iviccno  nf  tlio  N'l.rlli  Polar  rcKii/n-'.  tlic  Hoi.i-  of  which  aro  Forf 
rnidti.  -A,  a\u\\<\\  -h-wii.  Oh  ihc  i.thcr  hand,  the  r.rccii  irrni])  funil-ihc- 
a   lorii'it   index   il    ihp    ((.(pr    I-aciinc  .r   ( MindciMc   ll(ira»       From   these   tixe^l 

(hita    il    may    l>e    i iblc    !u    e  t  ih'i^h    the    pr^ticr    ■•..iti-1.iU..ii    o!'    the    niikiii''.vii 



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2  GEORGE  v..  A.  1912 


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2  GEORGE  v.,  A.   1912 


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SESSIONAL    PAPER   No.   25a 


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iiir\frr\ii:\i  or  riii:  imi.iudi; 

2  GEORGE  v.,  A.    1912 

'I'llr     Miurcllr    ;li;i-    "l'    llli'    Silliilkalll 1     lir.l-    lia-    l.i'iMl     il.!opti'i|     l.A     Alili     l2: 

Iv..  220),  wild  iiicluiles  tlu-m  in  the  Cordillcran  RcRion.  hasiiiK  liis  opinion  upon 
till'  (leteriiiinatioii^  of  planta  by  Sir  Willinm  Dawson,  nnJ  of  inseofa  by  Sciulder 

il:  p.  7l.  Oil  ||„'  ..ih.r  haiMl.  I»r.  <i.  M.  l>;m-..ii.  in  ;:ilM|iiiii-  \\\i'  virw  tliai 
tlic  Siiiiilkainci'li  Ic'J-  an-  (  )lii;...iiH-  ■<!■  laliT  l'....rin-  (16:  I'p.  T.".-7t'  1!  i.  l.a-.- 
Ins  opininn  upon  th.>  ifsuits  obtaiiipii  liy  Scudder,  accdrdinfr  to  which  sixteen 
out  of  uiiiotepii  >pp<'i(".  ..I  Tertiary  iriiniptcra  witc  from  tho  Siiuilkanioen  beds 
—all  liut  one  being  new— and  in  their  general  faeies  of  the  Olignpene  type, 
altliongh  tile  general  fauna  showed  definite  relations  witli  the  Middle  Miocene; 
while  Cope  rccngnizcd  the  remains  of  Amyzon  in  the  Siniilkainecn  beds  which 
were,  ihireforc,  reirardcd  by  him  as  cipiivalent  fci  tlie  Am.vzon  beds  of  Oregon, 
and  iiciicc  of  Oligncene  age.  Dr.  Dawson  further  <il)serves  that  '  It  is  probable 
ibat  the  SiiiiilUaiiieen  l)i'ds  may  .  .  .  represent  the  Coldwater  horizon,  but 
1mI-  till'  |)iT-ciit  thi-  .■..inlalii  M  -laii'l-  incii'l\  a-  a  pr.i'al'li-  .•..njcci  m-.' '  (l..-.i. 
.Vciorditig  to  this  hypothesis,  tlie  Coldwater  horizon  is  within  the  Oligocene 
rormatioii,  and  this  conclusion  is  in  exact  accord;incc  with  the  result.s  of  our 
prcsiiit  studies.  Kelercnce  to  the  accoinpanyiii-  table  will  show  that  out  of 
thirt.v  specie-  from  the  Similkamcen  beds,  only  ten.  or  :'.:!  per  cent,  are  Lower 
Ko<'eno.  thus  leaving  two-thinls  as  distinctly  Tpper  Eocene  and  with  Miocene 
aHinities.  From  tliese  con-iderations  it  would  seem  altogether  pri^bable  that 
we  must  Lcreafter  regard  the  Similkamcen  beds  as  01igo<'ene.  and  to  the  same 
category  must  no  donbt  be  referred  the  various  deposits  at  Midway  on  the  Kettle 
river,  wlierc,  out  of  >evcn  identii'al  sjieeies,  three  are  distinctly  allied  to  the 
Siniilkameen.  and  one  to  the  (ireeii  Kiver  group,  thus  giving  :>'  iicr  cent  of 
I'piier  Eocene  types.  With  rospec  to  the  pl-nts  from  the  HorseFIy  river  at 
(  ariboo.  it  should  be  pointed  out  that  the  ntimber  of  species  is  small,  and  that 
they  do  not  atTord  a  fair  opportunity  for  final  judgment,  but  within  the  limits 

of  twelve;  species  four  are  definitely   I'pper   Ivici ^ix  arc  as  dctinitt'ly   I.ower 

KiM-eiie  and  two  are  common  to  both  horizons,  wliile  four  species  establish  a 
strong  e. intact  with  tiie  Cretaceous;  but  as  Taxodiiim  distichum  is  a  very  eosino- 
jjolitan  -peeie^  of  wide  range,  it  .Mimot  b'  said  t.i  have  leading  weight  in  a 
.|uesti..ii  of  this  kind,  more  especially  as  its  chief  aspect  i-  Eocene.  Alnites 
graiidifolium  is  eoinmon  to  the  entire  Eocene,  being  found  in  the  Red  Deer  River 
group  as  well  a-  in  the  Similkamcen.  so  that  it  afTords  no  conclusive  evidence 
as  to  the  relative  age  of  the  beds  in  which  it  occurs.  Whether  Alnites  and 
J'axodium  be  excluded  or  not.  the  general  facies  of  the  IIorse-Fly  river  plants 
incline-  miieh  more  t..  the  Siniilkameen  group  than  to  the  F^rt  I'nion  or  the 
WfA  Deer  river,  and  niir  opinion  is  that  they  (lis,.nctly  belong  to  the  Oligocene. 
The  s[)eeiniens  Coutlec,  B.C..  are  but  three  in  nutnber.  and  they  are 
altogether  too  iiiadcMuate  to  base  an  opinion  upon.  One  species — Taxodiur- 
distichum — may  indieate  anything  from  F.ower  l''ocene  to  .'  ioceno.  Fie 
lepresented  liy  an  undeMTibed  s)  ei  ies.  may  al-o  indicate  any  horizon  witliin 
the  Isoceiie.  The  only  genus  of  value  in  thi-  respect  is  riinus.  which  suggests 
I'pper  rather  than  Lower  Eocene,  and  it  is  thus  ,|uite  possible  that  the  Coal 
'.liilly    depo-il-    nia>    In-    ..t    ()iii;,ieeiie    aue.    a-    -,i-i;e.ted    by    Dr.    Ami    (1:     Ji.    >V 

RBFORT  Of  Tnn  rniF.F   iSTKi>\(t\IF.K 



With  respect  to  the  Quilchena  flora,  thore  iro  mx  s^-c'm-i.  in  (he  Siniilkameen, 
one  in  the  Green  River  (?roiip  and  one  in  the  Kotilo  river,  nnil  if  wo  afropt  tho 
Horse-Fly  River  and  Coal  Gully  beds  as  OIlKoccno,  then  five  ninr.'  epei'li^a  must 
be  added,  thus  making  a  representation  of  tliirte«-n  specie?  in  the  Tpix^r  Eoeene. 
Against  this  we  have  three  species  in  t!ie  Fort  rnion,  one  in  tlie\ipine 
creek  and  six  in  the  Red  Deer  river,  makiiit;  ten  species  of  Lower  Eocene  tyjie, 
while  there  is  a  rery  strong  Miocene  contact  through  Ulnms  and  Planern 
oblonglfolia.  From  these  fncts  the  argument  wouM  seem  to  be  tliat  the  fucies 
are  decidedly  Oligocene  rather  than  Middle  or  Lower  Eocene. 

The  second  group  of  localities  embraces  the  numbers  142S,  1430,  \^^.',^^  and 
1486  of  the  1906  collections,  and  471  of  the  1903  collections.  The  plants  foun<i 
to  be  represented  are  as  follows : — 

Piniu  ep. 

Qlcichenia  Kilbert-thompsoni. 

GUieheuia  sp. 

Cladophlebig  skajcitansis. 

Aspidinm  fredericksburgens*. 

Nilsonia  brevipinna. 

Cycsditei  anjiita. 

OV(uo«trobu«   (>urop»u8. 

Saiiz  psrpIexaP 

PopaloB  CTOlophylla. 

Uyrica  serrata. 

Quercna  flexoosa. 

Qaercas  coriacea. 

Sesaafras  cretac^nm. 

Leaves  of  exogens. 

IjoaTes  of  enducena. 

Frait  of  ExoRen  (Dorstonia?). 


Of  this  list,  if  we  eliminate  the  doubtful  reference  to  Salix  perplexa,  we 
find  only  thirteen  species  which  may  be  depended  upon,  but  among  these  are 
some  which  aSord  a  very  definite  indication  of  age.  Ina.smuch,  however,  as 
locality  471  is  somewhat  widely  separated  from  the  others,  and  as  a  special 
question  arises  in  connection  with  1428,  it  will  be  necessary  to  deal  with  three 
Bub-groupe,  i.e.,  ill,  1428  and  localities  1430,  1433,  143ti.  A  consideration  of 
previously  described  floras  which  may  bear  some  relation  to  the  present,  is  also 
essential.  They  are  represented  by  the  Crowsnes*  rna!  hasin  at  Michel  station, 
B.C.,  the  Nordenskiold  river  in  the  Yukon  territory;  the  Vancouver  and  Queen 
Charlotte  islands.  Reducing  the  various  floras  which  may  be  so  compared,  to 
a  tabular  form,  it  will  be  found  that  the  specimens  with  which  we  are  at  present 
most  directly  concerned,  establish  contact  with  other  floras  at  only  nine  points, 
and  with  respect  to  only  six  special  groups.  Nom  jf  them  can  be  directly 
correlated  with  the  Cretaceous  at  Michel  station,  tho  Xordensiu'pld  river,  Van- 
couver or  the  Queen  Charlotte  islands.  This  arises  from  the  fact  that  in  all 
of  these  floras  the  species  presented  are  to  a  very  large  extent  new,  so  that  there 
is  no  overlapping,  and  they  are  in  the  majority  of  cases  extensions  of  the  pre- 
viously known  floras.     This  is  pre-eminently  trae  of  Vancouver  island. 

25a — voL  i?i — 54 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 














Paget  Sound. 

Aipidium  fiedBrickhburgeuw 

ClMophlebia  HkagitenHiii {   ..   . 

Cycftditfn  unjigA i     ■  ■  ■ 


1      I 

I            * 


...  . 

..   . 


Domtenia  •|i.— ?. .         . 



■1           gillK'rt-thoiiipfloni.                x 


iilyptostmbuB  »p—             

M^rrica  '  ^rr»t» 

Nilsonia  prMyt«njiii      

Pinus  up.— 

Populus  cyclophylU 

(juerciifi  coriacM  .               

l"   X 






i '   '  ■ ' ' 


;  ..  . 

!     ^ 



SMMifrai  cratACetim. 




Myrica  serrata  has  no  precise  equivalent  in  any  of  the  groups  with  which 
comparison  has  been  made.  The  general  distribution  of  the  genus  has  been 
fairly  well  reprcseiitod  in  tlw  li^t  (;ivoii  liy  Knowltoii  (37),  which  show.s  that 
out  of  the  fifty-three  species,  less  than  half  are  Cretaceous,  although  they  range 
as  far  down  as  the  Potomac  formation.  From  this  it  is  apparent  that  while 
specif  forms  may  be  definitely  associated  with  particular  horizons,  the  general 
facies  of  the  genus  as  a  whole  is  such  as  to  indicate  an  Upper  Cretaceous  or  even 
Tertiary  contact,  rrther  than  a  Ijower  Cretaceous. 

Populus  <'yc-liii>),yll»,  Iiocr.  iiml  Siissiit'rus  iTetarciiin,  Xcwb.  (46:  p.  !";),  arc 
both  well  defined  elemerts  of  the  Dakota  flora,  and  they  thereby  give  a  some- 
what definite  indication  of  a  specific  horizon,  which  is  certainly  Upper  Creta- 
ceous. Again,  both  Quercus  flexuosa,  Newb.,  and  Q.  coriacea,  Newb.,  are  known 
so  far  only  in  the  Pujret  Sound  jrruup  of  Chuckanutz,  Washington  (46.  pp.  73, 
74),  once  more  giving  a  definitely  Upper  Cretaceous  horizon.  Similarly  also. 
Cycadites  unjiga,  Dn.,  from  the  Upper  Cretaceous  of  the  Peace  river,  compared 
by  DawMiu  (9:  p.  -''•)  "ith  ('.  (lii'k^niii.  llttT,  iruni  the  I'ppcr  Cretaceous  of 
Greenland,  confirms  the  deductions  to  be  drawn  from  the  foregoing  facts  in  a 
very  striking  manner,  <  -pccially  as  Dawson  has  already  shown  the  Peace  River 
formation  to  be  Senonian,  and  thus  within  the  limits  of  the  Chico.  Cladophlebis 
is  a  very  strongly  pronounced  Cretaceous  type,  which  is  largely  found  in  the 
Potomac  formation,  thoujrh  it  is  also  cummon  to  the  Upper  ('retaceous  of 
Vancouver  island,  from  which  locality  Dawson  has  described  C.  Columbiana 
(12:  iv.,  55).  i\  type,  however,  whicli  is  quite  distinct  from  those  generally 
associated  with  the  Cretaceous,  and  which  affords  no  direct  point  of  eomoarigon 
with  the  present  species. 

REPORT  or  THi:  t  Hir.t   AslROSUVtR  837 


Xilsonia  pasa.vtensi»  stand,  by  its.lf  a,  a  speca-s.  but  reference  to  the  general 
Uistnbution  of  the  genus  .hows  that  althouKh  it  may  be  recognized  in  the  Upper 
r..a.vou..  a,  r..o„rd.d  b  1^--..  (9:  iv.,  .•,,,  „.  ,,„.,  ,.  ,„„,er  thr„u«!,  ,1,.. 
l-out-r  Mo.uzo;o  Thus  \\ar.l  (57:  !■.  IM.  W  .„  ,. ,  ..„  .....Tat.-,  .„  .r  (■r.ta..,.o,„ 
species,  of  which  one  is  frun.  th.-  Kootani..  an.l  thnv  from  the  ShaHta  serios. 
and  SIX  speciee  of  Jurassic  age,  a  distribution  in  exact  accurd  with  the  limit. 

a^.Kiied  lj>-  /..,l|,.r   (69:   p.  Si^K   «l, ak~  ,.f  i,,   „.|..ral,|,.  al.mMa.K..  i„   ,|,.. 

Klwtic,  whence  It  pas.s^..  through  thv  Jura.ssic  t.,  the  Lowc-r  CrHaci.ui^  Tl,,- 
t-eneral  evidence  of  distribution,  theretore,  is  toward  greater  abundance  in  the 
M.ddJe  Mesozoic  rather  than  toward  its  close,  and  in  this  sense  the  present 
species  would  afford  very  Mrong  evidence  of  a  Lower  Cretac.^u,  horizon 
furthermore,  in  comparing  this  species  with  those  previously  described  bv 
l-ontame  an  ,  others,  there  is  seen  to  be  a  somewhat  remarkable  corrcsponden.v 
with  ^.  iiipix-nensis.  Yokoyama.  as  figured  by  Wanl  (87:  pi  xvii  (  .s-Km 
which  tends  to  strengthen  the  idea  that  this  is  at  least  an  early  Cretaceous  type' 

Aspidiuni  fredericksburgcni-r,  Font.,  i,  an  exceedingly  well  charactcriz(Mj 
plant,  and  thcro  can  be  littl.^  duubt  that  the  same  siwcics  occurs  in  the  tlora  of  the 
fHsa.vteii  river  district.  It  wa^  ..ri>,'inally  d.Mribv.i  l.y  F-nilaine  (19:  ,,  !.|  ,,1 
XI  and  xii.),  from  the  Potomac  formation  at  Fredericksburg.  Virginia,  where 
It  18  said  to  be  one  of  the  most  common  ferns. 

Reviewing  this  evidence,  we  observe  that  there  are  eleven  species  of  nlanta 
irom  locality  1«0.  Of  these  Dorstenia  ( '),  which  i,  of  .(uestionable  character, 
and  Pinus,  which  is  chiefb"  represented  by  seeds  and  may  indicate  any  one  of 
several  horizons,  need  to  be  eliminated  because  not  specifically  defined  This 
leaves  nine  weU-defined  species,  of  which  three  are  definitely  Lower  Cretaceou-^ 
and  SIX  as  definitely  Upper  Cretaceous.  These  differences,  however,  are  fully  in 
accord  with  the  correlations  alreatlv  e-tablished  l.v  Dawsi.n  (9-  iv  li>)  .,,,,1  l.v 
Diller  and  Stanton  (17:  )..  47f.:  and  18:  p.  4.!.-,  .-t.-.l.  and  we  niav  .ou-l'iid.- tl,;,t 
at  least  that  portion  of  the  flora  from  the  Skagit  river  which  is  embraced  in 
locality  1430,  is  of  Shasta-Chico  age.  and  that  it  shows  two  well  defined  horizons 
within  that  series. 

Directing  attention  to  lo.'ality  ]4:.\S,  about  which  a  specific  question  wa.s 
raised  with  respect  to  its  age  relatively  to  that  of  U:jfl,  it  is  possible  to  give  a 
very  definite  answer.  Thi-  locality  has  furnished  fi.ur  specimens  of  plant, 
only.  Of  these  one  species  of  Salix  presents  nothing  in  the  nature  of  reliable 
evidence,  and  it  shows  no  contact  with  the  other  localities.  Pinus  is  represented 
by  fragments  of  leaves  and  seeds  which  also  appear  in  localitot-  14:53,  which  i.« 
presumably  of  tlu'  same  a«e.  (ilyptostrobih.,  iM^rinu  :i  lertaiu  re«enil.'lHii<e  to  C. 
europteus,  appears  only  in  this  locality,  ana  k  may  or  may  not  be  comparablB 
with  G.  gracillimus,  Lesq.,  which  Dawson  has  described  from  the  Niobrara 
horizon  of  British  Columbia  (9:  iv.  21).  But  it  may  be  recalled  that  Dawson 
f9:  iv.,  25)  directs  attention  to  a  species  of  (ilyi.tustrobus  from  tlie  rpi»>r 
Cretaceous  of  Vancouver  island,  which  he  refers  to  as  comparable  with  G. 
europaus  in  form  and  size,  but  too  obscure  for  certain  determination.  Further 
more,  Knowlton  (37)  enumerates  nine  speeies  of  (  uf  which  five  are 
Cretaceous,  chiefly  from  the  Kootanie  and  Potomac  scries,  while  one  of  these,  O. 



2  GEORGE  v.,  A.  1912 

Kreer.Ia«dic.,«.  TIerr.  \.  also  found  in  the  Kon.e  M^  of  Or.onlaml  (21=  PJ«^^ 
Out  present  specimen,  therefore,  is  of  Rener.e  va  ue  only.  m'\  .ts  Vr^^^ 
might  .npport  any  Cr-fKooon.  horizon.  Under  thorn-.  our  ^nnwledK« 
of  th^  actual  age  of  1428  must  be  based  wholly  upon  the  evidence  afforded  by 
Gleichenia  gilbert-thompsoni.  This  plant  was  originally  obtained  from  the 
Lower  Cretaceous  of  the  Shasta  series,  at  Pettyjohn's  Ranch.  Tehama  l^oun^. 
California,  in  1882,  by  the  one  after  whom  it  was  subsequently  named  by 
Fontaine.  Heretofore  it  ha.  not  been  correlated  with  any  particular  horiMn. 
for  as  Ward  observes,  '  all  that  can  be  said  of  it  is  that  its  age  might  be  either 
Lower  or  Hpper  Cretarous'  (67  :  P.  2M).  Novertholr^s.  it.,  present  occurrence 
in  the  Skagit  river  district  definitely  confirms  its  character  as  a  Lower  Cretace- 
cuH  type,  and  at  the  same  time  it  enables  us  to  definitely  correlate  the  deposits 
in  which  it  was  found,  with  those  to  whicr.  Aspidium  frederioksburgense  belongs. 
Tt  may  thus  be  confidently  asserted  tuat  locality  1428  is  of  the  Shasta  series. 
This  conclusion  gains  somewhat  in  force  through  the  circum.ta.ices  that  locality 
1486  shows  the  remains  of  fern  stipes  which  have  been  found  to  be  those  ol 
Oleichenia,  presiiinably  of  O.  gilbert-thompsoni.  _  ,  .  ,    v 

Locality  471  is  wholly  represented  by  highly  altered  si^cimens  which  hare 
been  identified  as  the  rachises  of  a  fern,  in  all  probability  of  ^l^'jj^";".  " /T 
deduction,  which  is  based  upon  very  scanty  and  poorly  preserved  material,  in 
which  specific  characters  are  not  at  all  recognizable,  should  ultima^ly  prove 
correct,  we  have  once  more  a  means  of  establishing  a  general  correlation  between 
Ibe  somewhat  isolated  Cretaceous  areas  of  British  Columbia.  A  tentative  con- 
clusion with  respect  to  471  wo-ild  be  that  it  represents  an  isolated  Cretaceous 
island  which,  in  the  general  elevation  of  the  central  ridge,  was  cut  off  from  Uie 
lateral  areas  and  subjected  to  more  or  less  profound  alteration  a.  the  character 
of  the  rock  and  plant  remains  suggests.  ...  *i. 

WLile  writing  these  conclusions,  a  very  interesting  fact  bearing  upon  the 
general  correlation  of  the  Cretaceous  beds  has  been  brought  to  my  notice  by  Dr. 
\  W  G  Wilson  of  l^IcGill  University,  who  asked  me  to  determine  a  specir  . 
o*-  fern  collected  during  the  past  summer.    The  specimen  was  a  portion  < 
large  slab,  which  it  was  impossible  to  transport  from  its  original  location       t 
was  obtained  from  the  Crowsnest  Coal   Basin,   about  thirty  miles  nortt     .. 
Michel  Station,  B.C.,  and  it  therefore  belongs  to  the  same  deposits  as  Previou 
reported  uixin  by  me.    It.  however,  adds  in  most  imi.ortant  ways  toour  know  edge 
of  the  very  scanty  flora  hitherto  obtained  from  these  beds,  since  it  proved  to  be 
a  specimen  of  Aspidium  d.mkeri.  Schimp..  which  has  hitherto  been  known  as  an 
element  of  the  Potomac  flora,  in  which  series  it  constitutes  one  of  the  best 
known  and  most  widelv  distributed  fonns  a9 :  p.  101)^    On  this  basis  it  is  no« 
Sssible  to  correlate  the  Crowsnest  Coal  Basin  with  the  Shasta  series,  and  the 
Le  may  also  be  said  of  the  deposits  on  the  Norden-k-old  r.,-er,  from  which  a 
limited  flora  hiis  been,  obtained  and  studied. 

ntfiiiti  I, I    nil   I  I'll!    \'  I  ii<>\n\it  i: 

^FSSIONAl    PAcf  1'    r.,,     pr.j 








iJTi  i;ati  1,1 
Ml    \«t,  n.  M     \,..,..  „„  .1...  .;..„i,„.,,,i  ir.„„.„-  ,„.|.,.at.,i  i„   ,t„.   k.,..,i   I'l,,,,-- 

rw.  ,>»!v    .l-|.r,n  „.,1     l.y    I'rM       I',  „I,:.1I.,«-     1,.„„     tl,..     v,,r,mi,    l.K'ahl,.-.    i,, 
lint. si,   r„liitiibia    ^ind    (I,..    \..mIiw.    t    T.  rr.t.., ,,-,    ,.f    r;,„;,.|a       Sum.    II.TI 
Oi'ol,  Siirv.  Ciin.,   I  lOl,   pp    i;     |i> 

<2)  Synopsis  of  thp  (ji-  jiit'v   I, )•  CritiiKlii.    Tr  iti~     I;S<'      VI     laoO 

■■I'     I'Muv,  i:.  \V.-T|„.  I  l„r-,  „f  tl„.  ChfiMco,!  cImts,     <;,.„1    H'.rv    \  J      190.-, 

<\)     Hi:ON'iNniir.   A.     Ili-toin.  d.-.   V,V.-t;nix   iVsil.«s,     I'urio    1H'> 

.5>     I)A»sov.  S,R  .1.  WiiMu,.-  On  tl».  (,„r..|aH,.n  of  K.rly  rrMacous  Kloras  i„  Ona.l., 

.■Ui.i  thp  i;iijti'ii  st.'h--.   'ri:iti-.  i.'s.c,  X.  inyj. 

Tlie  (ieoIoRiral  ilistory  i.f  I'     Inf.  S<  .  .^.r.,  X  Y.,  IWiH. 

l'.'st-riiio<f.n»  riant^.     Cm.   Niit..   III.   isr.s. 

-VotM  on    thp   Fossil    Plant,   fr,,m    Hiiti^h    Columbia.   «,llM-t«Hl    by    Mr.     .Iaii.,>- 

Richardson    In  IS:2.     Gi<d.  Surv.  Can  .  lS:2-7;!.     Ap|).   i.  p    7(1,  4,- 
Thi.  Crptar..ous  and  T.riiarv   1  l,,ia:  of   Hntish  Cohunl„'a  uMd'th«   \orth«...t 

Trans.   Ff.S.C.  1.   ISSJ.  iv,  20,  A< 
On    Fos-,1    I'lanfs    froo,    fh..     Snnili  ani.+n    Valley     and     otl,..r     pla. -s     „,    tli^- 

Soutliirn  Interior  of  lirili-ti  Cliiuibia.     Trans.   H.S.C..  VIII.  \mi.  iv.  75 
On   the   Fu-sil   J'lants   of  the   Larami,.    Inimation   of   Canada      Trans      KSC 

VI.  188«,   iv,  19,1t. 
Oi,    nf«r  si.cii..;  of  Crct. n<    I'laiit-   fn^ni    V.u.rouTir    Mand      Trans     RSC 

XI,  I&93.   iv,  .Vi. 
'liitiarv   i'lant-  of  tlio  C;iv   of   VaDoiiv^r.   B.C.    Trans.   KSC.   I.   IS35 
los,.il    IMants  from   llio  M,,.  kinzio  and    lioiv    Kivc  r~.     Trans.    U.S.C,   VII     IS89 

IV.  7.1. 
,1.-,.     l'^»-o^,  r,.    M.     l;,rt    on     Kxploralion,   in    the    Southorn     portion    of   British 

(oluml.i.i.     l;, 'i!.  (;,.<,!.  .'^urv.  Can..   1S77-IK7S.  B.   iv.   lfl.V-133. 
I.Vpoit    .■     i!„.   Ar.a   of   th,.   Kaniloop-    Map-She-t  of   British   Columbia.      O*ol 

>urv.  (.an..   Ml,    ISM,  li,  7.')-76. 
iK.'  R.j.ort  on   th-  A,,.,,   „f  th-  Kamloot,-   .\I.,,HShP..t    of    British   Cdumbia    Geo! 

hurv.  Can.,  VII,   \w.i\.  B.,  7.i-7t). 
'17)     ImiFP..  J.  s.-.Not,.    on    the    Creta(.<H,us    Rocks    of    .\.,.^th..rn  Cal.fornia.      Am.r 

Journ.  Sc.   M,,  i:.i;u.  |i.  47(i. 

(1^)     I'.uu.   J.   .s     and   Smnton.   F.   u-.-Th.    Shast..-Chico    Sories.     Bull.   Gool      So,- 

AnuT..  \ ,  i,s9(.  p,  \:;:,.  ac 
■lit)     1-0NT„N..   W.   .M,    The   I'otoma,    Flora.   VS.  (J-ol.   Surv.,   Mon.   XV. 
,2().     (anns^F...  J    S;v;,         Tho  A,o  of  the  Ba-alts    „f  the  Northeast    Atlant,,-,     B,df.,.-t 

■\''      I  l>'ld    (   .    ...      \..   d,.'..    pp.    I-tf 
1211     IIFIB.    Osw,«    Flora    d.s    |ns,.|    Sa.  I,,ilir,.     \. 

"'•'•■■iii.'e  zur  Fos^,i|,n    Flora   Spitzhcr;;.'!.   .      IV. 

Die  Tirtiilre  Flora  von  (^ronland.     VII. 

Die  Mioc'ono  Flora  divs  Grinnell-Land.-.     V. 

Beitra-e  zur    Fossilon    Flora   .Sil,..,,,,.   „„,i   d...    Aoi.ii  landes. 

Naihir.ine  zur    Mio'encr,    I'lora  <  li  ..i;l,;iid-.     III. 

Mora  F'os-ilis  Alaskana.      II. 

Contributions   to   the    Fossil    Flora   of    N'orth    (ir<'pnland      II 

Miocene    Flora    kui      I. 

I'M'   i'.->  !  ■   I    <.r.,   .1-  i    l'..!.nl,,Ti.|.  .       Vll. 

Flora  Tcitiaria  II.!ve!ia-      I.   IU2     II,  >8-   III.   im 
a  -  v.pI.   iii  -  ."..", 

1 27) 


III  I' Mil  I/.'  \  /■  "'■  ■/'.'//■  i\ii  luui; 

?  r.-  v.,  A.  101: 




(:::)     llniiKi:.  Ai.'     Ar-.l.,    il  Mm tvl.  !i,n  fr.'.,  lli     \  ^  !'■  u   (i  ■  .!•  1  u^  I'.n.t...- 

K.r-,   N   I.     I!(i'l,    r.-:r     1;..'     '  'mI,,   WIV.   l^'iT.  p.   M."'.  :i.l.  jd    .-111   Ifi. 
Cn*     KS(.«i.('n.   Timsk   M.-I()--il   l'l:int«  ftdtii   Kiikak    li.iv.   I'lrnn-ui    \,ii   !'.v  li.-li- 
ti-ii,  l!HH.   IV. 
Kr>,,il    1  ■■  r,,  nf  f..'  .l-ln,    ll.,v    I'.'-iM    •"•'i.'nn      r  S,   (;,■.,!     -.(fv..  H'.M,   .>lil.   IW-' 
I,,      !    1  j,  ,  ,  ,  •■  th-  >' >■■'      •'  I   r.ik,     l\S.  <1m,L  S.iiv  .  M.n    WXII. 

I'.rt  II.  ivfl.    in.,  :'.;:•■. 

i;.'I.i.rt     "II     H  •',  ll.Ttni,    (.t    I  !    ri'>.l>     fi'.m    M..i,v.i,t.i»ii.    W  •■  t    \  11  ■„-.(.  ;.i 

Ai.i.T    <i-.i.  will,  iv«;   1,,  ■■\:n. 

riiiui..i;UH   (f   tl...   Ci.l.M       1.    and   T.TtMry    rh.nt-^     cf     N"i'h     Nni.i^  i       TS 

(i.M.I.    Suiv..    iv.iv     l!>i!i     l-'il>. 
F.x-il    rii.rii  of  Ahi.ka.     I  .S   M(!-  ,   XVII.    loOt.    p.  -Jl^ 
l',it..o)«iiiiiiv  (..f    Alu-l..i.    in    !;•  p.Tt    ..,1   C,,;,!   tti„|    l,i«Ml.       •■    M.i-kn;     I'S 

i.i-<,\     S(irv.,    .\\  II,    I'-!'    "•'. 
I'..^s,l  IMiiBt-,  (f  the  l^(^.  il-  1  .inr.ite  11       \ '.ii.   Knpt    ''  -^    f;.'1    Siir>      Will 

A  KtpoK  ..II  tl."  r.-il  li^'Til-  A-  „.i,.t.,l  -h.-  Lava,  nf  the  (';• -r.„l.    l.' .ic.-v 

Ann.    l;.-pl     1'  S..  <i''l.   Sci''-.  .NX.   l-.s-!--!.!! 
(i;)     I.t^..l^.ln^.   1".      '  1 ,:  ai-.-..iis  aii.l  '1'.  !  f  ■  •  y   l;r.ia>,     VS    (l-,.l.  Sun..  T.  11  ,   \lll. 

1..  Hft. 
,0.         l;..ia   "t    '!■<■   ■'.•k.'ta   (-."■p.       '■■■■^.  <i"''-   ^■"■>'  •   '^'"'-   >;\  !'■    '^''-    _ 
(It),  .1.   S.     riant-    Ciil.- t".l    Iv     Im.     \,.,il,.i.v    lit    Cr-.i'    1' >'l-.    M..iit. ,•,... 

Aincr.   .1.  (111.     S,  .,   IM.I,   ]..    i;>l 
,\:,}        H.-ri   tioni  of   l'""il    I'l.'nt^,  cl.'.'nv  l.rtiary,  froin   W.    '••n.    N'  '•!.    \ii..t,.a 

I'l.i,.  U.S.   -■>  it.  M.I-,.  V,   I'-J. 
(401        Later  lAtin.t   \U>t.'>.     f.S.  <i..'',  S,!,■^.    M,.i,.  XNXV.  iv.v  p    ■is 
(17)     I'rsiuL'.m.  11.  1'.     N.,t,-  nn  T.:',    M    IT'^'-.     Ti  ,1-.   I:.S  C.  X.   i:"'!.  i-, .  W 
(48)  Th..   I'lei-t(...To   I  l.ira  .'!■  (■ai...ii...      !•  -i,   (l.'i.l.  S..r.   Atn.-r.    1,   1V">.   pp.  ItM-r.'ll 

(4'l;         Coiiir.l.ati..ii--  to  t'.-   r:.-..t  1.  ,iu-  Mr;,  of  C.uii..l,i.    Ti.t       1:  .-' <^.    11.   I-'.m;.   p.. 

(aOI  Osu.m:.lil..s   ski,!.^;at..nM,.     'l  ,  an-,    K.^.l'-,    V!  U .    !'ti>2-l!'.i :     iv.    •-  "> 

(51)  Octa     (HIS  iin.j   T.Ttiary    liaiit.-  .^f  fa.iada.     ' 

.52)  Nntc,  ..II  Tfitiary   ri.mtv.     Tra.,,.  I!.S  f..   IX,   iW.:).   u .      .. 

(5;!)      I'rtr.iMV.    II.     I'.i'sliT    an'l    I'ratitl.    I'llanz.-nfainili'^n,    Liff.    I'M.    p    :!". 
(.54)  Lf.'irlai.l.   ilcr    I'llan;!.  iipal,.(!nt.ilo!,M.-.     li-ilin.   \*'V>. 

(5.-,)     S\i:aiNr.  V    S  -TIk<  Silva  .f   N.iitli   .\ 1   a.   XI. 

(5<))     Ward,  Lfstku  1".     Synoi.-i-i  ..t  tl..-  11.  ra  iit  tlif  !.ar..ii.u-  (! 

Ann.  Mcp..  lS*-5.  VI. 
,57i  SUtu»  ..f  the  Me.-oz,   II..  .-  ..f  I  h"  fnit.d  Stat.-.     I.'  S.  d-I    S.iiv  .    Mcikil  r 


(j>)   zti  i.K  1;     i:;.'in.-ni- .1    r  !.   ■  s  ..>  :-■■     i'"'-.  i''™  I'i'  -■■^-■■> 

("..    ''111.    I'.irJ    IV,   '.I 


t:,s  (;..)!.  Sti'  ■ 

MiM^:-mf-     =: 

I'lat.-    I. 

.'r>ii  -veil,  iii  -p.  H40 

'ti-^    :j? 

•  vr-«iHf»^aK  -  t-^rniB^ 

B3?^^^T^fiT<^^^5IR^^^^^^5^^^n,    III.     Ki;.'.  1.    III.     Km 

■Sl^^f^'^Er^r  •  '  .I#<^-!«"~"T&"- 

riat.-  IV.     Kijf.  1. 

I'hite  IV.     Kit!.  2. 


•  ♦ 

' .  •  \ » 

I'liUi-  \".     Kiir.  2. 


I'hite  VI.     KiK.  •-'. 


ik'.«yj'  ML- 

''}&jm!M.'^?.'T  -^ 


»1  »».»<*-»--»-■  •c.:nt.,  -'.^^ 

.•■•.mr.  i. 

:yU-   VIM.      I- 1 

.  '.■*  T  '^jy  MV ,  -  JV^B  J--"  ■I  1    M^  .  -.-■ 

|i=      „ 


25ii — Mil.  iii     p.  HJI). 

ri.t.-  IX. 


I'litf  IX. 

2   GEORGE   V, 

SESilCAL    PAPER    \o    25.i 


\b-ar(,l,.  H- 

\liys-a!  i«i;r(ius  iiiifctiun. . 
Vfconlai  c  (.f  siimu.i'  levels. 
-\oicl  fin  ii-^liel!. , 

\i:iu,,s,  r.  1) ■ 


.   ..  .it>s 

705,  7I:l,  777 
.    ..00^.  ail:' 

.    . .   7»j,  7S!' 

\ilani.->  I  akf 

\l.:imiii:i  Creek  jviu  lin,  . 

.\keio-i- ;   . 


Alkaline  iijneous  roel  .-,  liri^m  cf.. 
Alps,  coiiipaiison  of  CorJUleia  with 
Altyu  ferniatluii,  Clarke  raii','e..    .. 

.   r;~'" ■   '""''l^'i;!!    «eel!ori    «f . 

— .  AiacDoiial.l  range 

Altvii,  Moniana,  .<ectioii  a( . 

191.  IPt 


:ii^.  u, 




'■'':    i^.  iM.    BO 



)"''■ ". ^^^  ■■ '■■  ■■...y.'.y.y.y. y. ".'.'.'..'.'.'.' .'.x'^9y\u.  lu,  ikj.  i^ 

Miiiri..|inim  carlKJiure  as  a  (jeoleniial  ag.  lit UK,, 

Vniyxilules.  calcitic,  et  Shepiiaril  lava,.   ..  <n 


Viialcilii    ri.oiiib-poriilij-ry  (.~liackai:itei ..   . 

\i:archi>t  Miuititain,  fomiatirtis  (if ".  ' 

\r:arclii^t  serii.s 

Vrrycloceras  reiiieiiidi '     '   ]'   '] 

Viije<,  cuiiiparii-dii  of  Cordillera  ivih 

.\t!ile-ite ''    ' 

' — .  origin  of 


111.  415 


.\iiih.«>.  K.  C. 
Wiiii  ii.-.-mv,  .A  . . 




.'M9,  ton,  4.i:i.  ,->:;i,  .iJ9 

7i>:.  7S^li 

45S,  .Wl 


Aiiorllnivites,  origin  of. 
•Appekunny  fiiriiuition. 




.Vrago  geo.syiiclinal. 

.\rkuiiP,  Cretaceous  basal..   .. 

.\-liiiola  gabbro 

A^pi^lillIn  f reil.ricksburt,eii^e 

.A^>iuiilatioii,  abyssal 

— ,  magmatic.   .. 






431,  4.'!.) 

4h7,  817 

\>siniilation-i.liffereiit!atio!i   ;  Ik  i>i,i 

Asyinnietry  of  [leaks 

.Athyris  parvula 

—  vittata .. 

Atrypa  a>|)i  ra 

el     Iglli 

..   ..2W.  2(7.  253.  300.  731, 


2.J3.    477. 

T.Vi,  777 
7,56,  777 
::>'J,   77s 

—  -  reticularis 
.Altw  0*1(1  group. .  . 
Atwood.  \V.  W..   . 

\  \  i'il!oji-  ell  11  .  .     .  . 

Ill,  112 


115,  116 


.378,  3,'-2 
511,  512 


•-'■"rt — vol.  iii-- 

842  i>h:i'Ain\n:\r  nr  rin:  iMV.uioit 

2  GEORGE   v..  A,    1912 



lOti,  "« 

H«(  k-lii)Mi.  )i 7tl7 

Hall.  S.  II ■     ■   •■   •■   ■■    ■■   •■ .    .,;mi.   itl,  -i^^ 

H;iiwliii^'  Ml   -luaii-il  hntlinlitli.  onuiii  il -Jail,  7G7 

HaiN.«.    \.  i; .',   ..  :; 

HariKiril.  V..  <■' .,s:t.  717,  7t^ 

liiirnll.  .1 I.ll.  tM7,  727 

Hiirn.i-.  •' .    . .' 71ft.  7)J 

Hanis.  r -','    -,',    {,^'  ij|i,    -iici'   it:!:).  :i!ts,  \M.  .■)01 

Hasall ■ • ...  7!> 

Hawaii,  till"   in  Slit-ppai'l  loimation j.,1     ,.,|;^  -^- 

HaM(    I  ..inph-x    (Okaii.inari   laiiiji) ,--'    |,„^   ,<,j 

iiinlact  "-lielN  in  intrn-ivc? ,;r,    77.) 

.  cr'K'i'   "' '   rilu 

Ha->iii-.  1;.  S j.,^    :i:i.  7Jt; 

Balhciilli-,  irii~^-(Uttini,'   r.laU..ns  r>l ■.,^.^    j--     ,,,-,     ,9^^  y^r, 

-.  (luttnwanl  ciil:  ruenii  nt    i.l -'    •         '         '  73,, 

.  Iioinojjeni'it.v  (if ^.y,    .■)7|..   7J.")ii 

-.  (iri(«i'i   "t :iiir  i:t7.  72<;.  71'> 

-   ,  riHils  i.f •      ••    •  •    .■ -,,;,    7-2.-,ft_   7-1!, 

-    ,  r.-lali(in   to   innintain-builUiiii! .■•,••..,•-,■    ,„;    ,7(,    -,oh    r,it;  11 '•     '•  •./;.        ■  2.-.O 

Havii.v.  \V.  S .js9    571,  7:;i; 

Baynnnr  liatliolitli 2.>-!) 

-  gold  ininp 'M\.Xil 

BiavcT  Mountain  Uroiii Ijj) 

. .  -  —  -,  sod i  nil  11 1^  ot .J- ^ 

. -      -,  volcaniis   of -jll 

Btrkcr.  (.!.  1'. l.'>tJ 

HcoliivK  fornialioii I.i7 

.  -   .  .  .(iluiiinar   section    "I ,_-^ 

Bii'iiicrdM' 4S8 

Bcloniniti's  iinpn  — us j,  '.>j    j,,    .-,7i,(ii(i 

Belt  of  Interior   Plateau- '  .^o;) 

Belt  terraiie 17<( 

-  -      -  -      ,  ,  iir.hition  uith ■.(!.■  nV-l'Jl,   18» 

Beltiau  system _      .     tWi.  IHH 

Beltina  ilanni isii 

Helton,  Miinlaiia,  -eitioii ^t,  91 

Benlon  fornialioii S()6,  hlJ 

Betula .     112,  60."> 

Hlaekfoot   peneiilam ^     ' 9,  ;i,-, 

Bonnin^ton  vaiisje " 55,  ,S7 

Borings  for  oil '..1117,109.451,452 

Borolandse ,       ' 3   377 

Boundarv  I're.k   .Miniii),'  Di-nin ,.j^ 

Boyd,  \V.  11 713 

Branco,  \V       .        .    .^    ■.;    ,  '  ^;,  '  ^y    '^^  '  ■^(,. ,' x^l.   359;  atio.  ■:17;(,'  :i:i.' 377-388, '391.   394,39s 
Brook,   1>.    V\  ...i.   -.0,   .1.",  ■>-!,  .»-'.  ^2i,   590,  C14,   717 

,,.    ,,  tot),  107.  746 

Bro^Rpr.  W  .  < 21 ,  43,  .")55 

BriKiks,  -V.  II 615 

Brooks,  \V.  K 7(j5 

Bruii,  \-  ■ .   ..  303,  7SI 

Blinker  Hill  silhiii.- 


L'76.  5»'2,  .)ftl 

cliifr'i^- "';"■■  -v  .■:  ::5;:«;  41,  k,:  is.;  ,m, ■^^<  m:\^.  17.; ..;..■  5,1..  555,- 62«,  | 

" 'iiniapplioria 

/\  hi:\ 


~E5j.lO\A_    PAPER    No    25a 

<  •iiiuin  ^»t  III, I 

I.'.  Il> 

•  'iinnriii   l.ill-  :iiiti<  line -      , 

I  ;,iiii'li>  II,  M.   I; I,."' 

'  aini"'I'l">  lliiiri 'iKi,  .Ml 

('Ulll|itiilli( '.- S", 

<';iiii|.tc.iiiic .ill.  ,;i!>.  ,|j.  :-: 

<  .,11,-1!.  < 

"'iiiiiiiliiiii    I',,,  ill,    M,ti,,ii,  ,,,1 :  .l.r  i,,ii    Mi'li 171.  rti 

* 'ai  1muiii*'Miii*    lOf  k' :*:!h.  ;_'| .  'iH^ 

'■.i-,a,!,    l.,itlM,l,il, 17^   :;:• 

rnnnntaiii  -y-t,'ni .'.'.In 

',  .i-t',    1'.  ,ik  ,^i,iri,,i|innt,, IT''.  I''.'. 

',   ;,li  ilx  -1-   ,  t I''-, 

.    nni'ii'.ii t . .  .     ,  - 1"'-' 

-  --        -i,„k T'l.  I'l.',  ,:i.  :.,,   ::> 

t',itl,,,ii,,l   l„i'li,.litli IJ7,    l.Vi.   ",7I,  7M 

.    |-vlaii,,ii    ',,    tl.,    Siiiiilkaii,,-,-!!    I)alli.,li!li |i',l.    ■,)■' 

'"*liT!,ii   ti,i]aiuii- 7!"l 

<'li,,liilii-i  lih.  T,  (' '.'«, 

('Ii,riikal  .iiialv-,- ,"i.!,  ,>.  ',a.  i,l.  :,.   7^.  'I'K   lirj,    |ii,,.   |j ,.   |J7.    l:ai,  -a'l.  .'Jl.  J."',  Ji;. 

I'.'ll.  'JU,  2i'i.  -'»;.',  is7,  Jill.  .to",.  :;ii7.  :)l(i.    ill.   .i|:!.  :,::,.  ,IJ7.  :i>.  :L'li,    1,',,  .i:<,,  ;il:i.  .117, 

i.'i.^.  :i.",7.,  :ii;i,  :tt;i.  ;(«h.  :is:.  .'iii|.  no.   ti,",.   la'',   in.  n'l.  i !',.   iiu.   in.   iii..   r,».   r,l. 

4,>l.  *:>>:.   I,'i7.    WK  in-l,  ■"i.'7,  .VC).  XVi.   V17,  liv;. 

I  liM-l    Ml  ill  111  a  111.   .Moll  I. HI, I,   -II  ii,  a   ,,t ,7 

I'hil  iua(k  jjlaiiii- ,.  ', a  , 

■     -  —  f;raiio(iioriti'  I'.itliulitli .'ilC  .j:!i 

-  -    -,   a,iaU f •■■      j:t" 

-       ,  a«.,  .  1  .  .    . 
''1,  .iiiii-  ti.i  iii.itiiiii. 



<'lai|,aKa   ml  i  ii-i\,  - 

<*hTi^!iiiti   lakf  \,il!'>,  i,ii>.'iit  ,  I. 


•  'ir(|Ui  -,  glacial. 

.  ..MC,  .-,1 
,  1 1  .'i 


.:«►!,  :i:i,   la|,   til".   It:,,   li^,   VK  a""!,  7ia 
I-."!,  1,1,. 


;•,  til 

,.J7S.    .■,-11.    .",>.|.    ■|n7,    >■>,    all.'.    '<'H 

Clailoplil,  1,1-  -ka-iii  ii-i.- th7.  >l 

<lailo|i,,ra |i<, 

(lapp.  (  .   Ii 

I'lark,-,    I      U i;,-il,  7i,:: 

I'laik,-    KiiiKt '. !»,•>.  17 

.  -tl  IKtlili,  ,1 Ml 

f"ii(>tli\  I  l^^iI!a.  hir.'-uta 117 

|"i  linif,  1 ,1 ,'ilj 

(■li-;,,|,ii>  lluiii .511 

Coal  Ij,  ti :iri: 

Coas-t  vaiiiifr _".',  la 

Coastal  '-.v-tfiii  I  1   iiatuiii.uii- Ui 

CiPiir  <I*.\U  nc  -I'll ,  IM"'.  i!i:t 

rolciiiaii.  ,\.   r ■>:,{>,  717.  71.7 

C<,11'<  ii'iii-^  i'i,i*l»'  'laiiii^'  -iirv ,  V ■; 

Cohiiiil.ia   iiHuintaiii  -.v-liiii ,'17 

-- —       -  raiifip 37 

Coh ilU- iiM.iiiiiaiiip ..  ..  ;l^.  :i:i 

C<iiiipl(  iiiiiiiai  \   iliW-,  ,.rii:iii  nt' 7m; 

Cdiiilio.-il.i ,, Ip; 

(Vinrr. -I..!,- lai.   Ifl-i,  U.", 

Conilii,  Ir  il\ .  i!i,'i  iiial.  of  in,  k 7.%fl. 

Ocniflaiii,    :  tl'-  ol   liu->laii<l    MoMiUaiii- llVl-lia.' 

-  -                             -•,  origin   ,,!' .  'I.',:' 

.:...      v,,I,   iii-afii 

e.j.j  /,/  /M///  \ii  M  "I    'III-  I'^ii  i:i"i' 

2   GEORGE   v.,   A        •   Z 

H4.   M.V   IVi.   W>,   I'J-'i;                                                                              .v..  Ji:' 

i\  ii-.iiixiiiiiity,   iii^iaii'"'"'.  »rit;ii    "'•,•.■■.,;,:,  .;,;^    :„,-■  ■m|    itiiV   i'.;:.   )",   INi.  5il.    il'i.  T2' 

Ciiit.i.t    iM''aiiinc|ili:-iii -'"■  -J-*--"^-  -  '•        ■         >., 

lorbiciil.i  iiccideiil;ilis l"* 

C.r.lil'   i;i  a-  n  wl"'!'-.  "■"'■••'' STl. 

_.    -       —,  i;!.niiitiiii  iif ■>"" 

,  hifliii-y  .1 _■ r> 

,  11>1-  of  tlTTII ••    ■ 'i"*" 

i'„rr.  Uilii'ii.  <'l'i'is'i'i"  '•"'>'    '^'  ^'"'"■'> ■■"" 

,i,    II()/'.i:m-.-ii  laiim; I.j 

".  Midway  iniiiiiitaiti- '■    ' i7i 

-  ()l;aiia;:aTi  laTi^'O _         T]. '!Ti'i 

-     l!.;,<-!  nuiuiitiiiiis ■■   "_   "    _  :ii: 

^-    -    —  Si'lKirk   rniiKi> ." 'j*.') 

.— SVn.'if   liiiiw.'..    ■■    ••    ••    ■      "    ■; 517.  V,:.  53" 

_  _    _  \\"(>i,ii.   (.i,-uy>iiv!    lii  it 'I,!';., 'Jfl:'.!!. 

,.f  Ki.tky   M.Hiiiti'iii  forjiiaiUiH.-^ ■■     ';j.^H/-i:i."  7'.'5,  T:*" 

Corvf'.l  sviiiite  b;\lhi'::l!i '.' '..    ..  729 

i-o.-f.'.  r..' Sit-' 

Cot..,,  K ;;  ..  :; if 

Ores.^,  i!^:^"'";-e-„,iK>nM;.;  of  iu.  Vhn^es  Vf  ■.    :.    ..         ..    .•   .•    ■■    •■    ■;        ■;    ,^^  \^ 

Crtlncwms  furiiiation'^ 7:;' 

Crnsbv.  U'.  O -'I'l.  Tl-.  7:. 

rr,K>;  \\ , ;■' 

rrfi»-i.''^l  ginisynchiKil .■   •  ^^-^^  ,,jl^  j^ijh •■   • ,'.'.'''.'.'. II! 

Crystalliziitioii,  iriK'iiiiiiil 6., 

CuUis  C.  CJ .■.;■ •''<>■.  516 

Ciiltus  forinatuin i2h 

Cunnlas,  ia"^'Oll' .■, ^'''' 

Cuprr.swixvlni.  miicr.'tnrimiaos 758 

c,i<hinK.  il.  I'--   ••. .'  .'.■ 5»"-  ■'-•' 

Cu>K-r  j;riiniti^miei^- 187,  sl-i 

CyciiJitca  iinjiga ....■•■■••■• "l"^ 

('ViHTaciteii ^'' 

'        haydenu j!I 




Dako'a  fi'riiintioii ..ift',-21,   13.  13').  IW,  Dtl 

Dana,  .V.  D ..'..'■..' :I" 

Dartoii.  N.  H ',■!, 

Darwin.  C i:l.  l-».  tJ-'.  ^-^ 

Davis,  W.  M :  ••■■.,:■,,„•  V,  •W\','  u)    u'i:.  N2.  ■  i.  <>,  *>"•  l''^  '"''•  l'^''-  '^'- 

^'^".^•i^i;  :^7;2o3.-27i,1;o:'^r5n:^^.^«^:'.-^''^-  ^^7. ...  .u.  7m. ^^^^ 

Dawson,  J.  W on 

Dawson,  \V.  I..  •   .•   •. 1^' 

Dearborn  riviT  section..  , yl 

D.',T..  .. ; ;■  ;;  ;; '--i 

Desilication  ot  niainia..   ..   ■■   ■■  -■; W 

Drtonian  forn:ation>  m  l.alton   ""=   •■„p Wi.Uh 

. Mai  Donald  raiig<= 15;, 

D*«dney  formation..   ..   .■  ••,•••,;■;■•■,. ',',        ' '.   ' '.        1*' 

: .  loluninar  M'ltion  ol ,]-2.  216.  »12 

Diabase -.1- 

Dielasnia : 7);>,   .0911. 

DiBfrentiati-n,  iiiagniatic 


I\IU   \ 


f "PER    \o    25a 

i'Jl!  .-  I\  ;1V,    Mi.'l  Iii.i'.    (,f    t„ik  . 

iii;..  f,  .1.  s 

hiiT  i'e . 

— ,  iiri^iii  i^f ..    ..   . 

u."i.  I-"'-.  I'iM.  .vi: 

-.  f|ii.ii '.- •  ■••" 

i'ii)-i  \      i-iit,    iiiiiiiii .^) 

I'lsjtliu    ..       t.  iiiai,'niatir 

Ditlricli.   M.    (r..ok  :inalv-,-i .1,   53.  SS.  ',».  ii\ .  "■.  78,  :r.   1»J,   UMi,   121.   1.::.  -<'■'.  -'2'. 

22!»,  i'lO.  .>:!J,  £H.  eij.  -Jtt.  2'-J.  :rit.  ;b7.  .TOt.   (n.j.   tos.   ill,   II~,    I'lH,   I'll.    1..:.  I   :    .■):''. 

-Vt^J.  j.'Jis  .^17. 

«• 7H: 



2(;j,  .'CI 

in-!i]niit('. . 


.,   .Vv   li'i,   r.l,  tiJ.  I,'. 

>,  :«.   Kil,    11'..   107,  IM,   im.   17!.    I7V  ■.■tli'. 


v.,  11.',  i!l,  7'1.,^ 

ih7  s:i 

I jjla-.  .1.   A '11 

Do-.vln.H,  1>.  H ^«.  *"' 

Dl-iiiiint;.-,  .  iii;iii  cif '.Wff. 

:..-arriWij;i'iii(  nt- ,Vn,59v 

Drl^ll!iI.^  -        •'*'■*• 

l»iil„.i>,  i; 

Iici'iith  ijaMin.,  inij,'in 


l«.|it.-ti,  >\  E 

CI.  Utl7 

.ill,  .ir,.  xn.  1.1 1. 


V.I.r  It-rri    'ii'n-i\  It(  ll?l.l]     Hi  I 

i;(.z..ic-  «..■!,..  ■ 


Krcision,  gliieiiii 

■ — ,  ill  Clu'liui   val'.ev. 

—     -,  ill  MiiiKi  lall'V.. 

Krii|.'iiir;~,  uiiliT  cf 



!*;\'  rii-i\i.  !..<  k-,  oi  . — 

If-.tuiini^ioii  rai'.gr. 

t  larke  raiij;.'". .    . . 

1  ialt(.n  ran;;.'. .    . . 

HozdiM'.ii   ran..'.*.. 

.Midway   iiioiiiitaiii' 

Purcfll  s.vMeiii. .   . . 
r.(w>laiul  mountains 
Si-Ikirk  .system. .   . . 
jkajrit  ran},'!' 

..'lie.  :i7ti.  :;■->    (-".  1-'-".  171. 




;i>:;.  :m.  .;;i- 






Picas  prot.'oules 
i  inlay    O.  I..   . 

irkit.  A. 


Fissure  enii'tion.s 


Klatl.ea.l  saiuUtoDe 

;  la'i.ea.l    valley,  origin  of. 






uri'Mtnir.M  <n  iiii:  imkhioi; 

lii'ltian  (  Vli\  II   liiiiiiKiiiiii' 

Helton,     MlllltlllM 

I  'retaci'iiii- 

I  I'n-UHl'M    >H|IIM. 

Diiirlxirii   imr.  \l<nt«iiii 

l>i  voiiiaii 

\lf*.(>«(.ic,  i;ii->liiinl   ini.iiriliiiii! 



Mis'oula.  Mdiiluiii 
Mount  llo>w<Mili. 
Mount  Siipluii. 

Nyaik  Cn 

ih,  M,.ni,i 

( >ii^iK'4'nf  <  i\f 

Kt'ti  If  Itiw'i   t'oriiiaiiijii  I . 

Sivfli  ioi  niatior 

'I'l-rliaiy  (II  mil  iiiijiluii  lurmulioii). 
—  (Kislifncjin  loi  inatioii).. 


It'ultlls    tolllUltlliU' 

Wiuwani   formal  ion 

I  i.~mI>,  lii>t  raUarw>us 

I'liumii  riiiit 

i.t  liatliolitliii    iiiot- 

I'la.-.T  ilflta.    I'li'i^tiKeiii' 
I'roiit   liansti-  -vm  liio 
liinal'iiti  atoll 

2  GEORGE  V.    A      912 




1  n ,  I  r. 



t  iahbl'o. 



(laltiiii-MaiDoiial^l  lioi-l. 

21 1,  21'>,  •►IT,  i:il,  W'l 


<ia!loii  raiim- 

:c,  u: 

,  stratigiapliv  unil  >t  rucliiio  oi ^.   j,. 

iliiiiiiiar  st'ition  ol . 

lias,  naiural,  and  |«trolfUin . 

Oateway  formal  um. 

mar   M-ttion    "t . 


liiikii",   A. 

Tl:!.  :-ii> 

itH)^^  nc 



I1-,    (it  Icr 
iirijiiij  of. 


(iilbcrt,  Ci. 

.:i,   111,  510,  MJ 



lilacial  stria 

.5W,  >!'.  J9;> 






li.  «J7,  f,n 

^l|l•l■ll-IllOIMll^olll fs7,  Sl'J 

(iolil  raiigp 

UiHiUcliilJ,  ,1.  < 


::i,  S7 


Iji'aiii  ^1 

f  ilololiilte  and   lilni'-loiic. 

.Xl.  W,  tiO,  lil,  «:',  71. 

7>.  9S,  127,  l:il,  IPi.  2ii2,  'J70 


7n.  123,  127,  12fl.  l"i 

(Iraiid   I'orks  fjroiM' 

1")7,  167 



,  abnui  inal. 

— -,  o-isiii  of. 

ite  porplivry. 

■I'^i.  29li,  :i»2.  :)0:!, 

ui.V  ath,  301,  :t.»0.'  41,^,  lltl.   t">t;,   l''9,  «1,  -Kij,   17-),  VV 

2iS.  232.  2».>. 


3nt.  .*,: 

3!l-2.   M9.    tt.3.    IV;, 

,  orijjiu  ot. 

if  for 


DiiipoMtion    ol . 

(iiMvil>,  aiirit'iour 



(il  iivlliilivi. 


2*1,  3(r2,  p;2.  I. 




SESSIONAL   PAPER   No    25* 

•  In  lit   Ua-iii  X'  i'«»  i;(  liiii 
I  i 1. 4*11.  \V.   I 



liriTiTii'!   foirniitiMri 

.391.  riiii,  •)it 



t  tM.h  iM. 

Ilatu...    S         


HaiimiiT>t(iii,  H.unii   villi. 

Huiii{iiij;  vall>'\~ 

Haik.T,   A 



JINI.  .'Ok 



'}?>.  :><! 

:i>.  Tii'j,  T71.  :7ii.  >: 
3.111.  m.  vii 

."M.  nth 

irutiii.  V.  II 




lluv.-.  f.  W 
Kit' V  t'ormii'iiiii. 
Hi".  It 




Hiiiiala)-«>.  i  iiiiiii.iri-oii  i.!  I 'm  .lill.  ra  «itli 


Hi.ine,  .1 

HliZOTIllfli     Mlliai- 

.  iiii  niati'iii-  lit 

,  ^,i,li,;.i(.,l   1mm    ry   ..i..    . 
—  -  ,   ^!  lili  lull-  of 

[111. II     if. 

lllii|ilil  i\ 

It.    1. 


Hiihi.  T.  S. 

Huiitiii^'iliiii  toriiiatiiiii 

Hlll-nlllall    llVi.llltinll.    ^thlt-    ol  . 



:til.  l-.l 






.  IT'i.   'lOO.  1(17.  'lOi 



HvllM.I    1."  k. 

"iil7.  "li't 


M.'.  Ml 
■J  11 


.|,.  (■iir.lill.iaii 

Iil<linK>.  .1  '' 
Interior  !' 
Internal  ill 
I  ntrusion. 
Intrn^ivi  s 

.'>N,s,  :>9ii.   V.IJ.  ."iIH 
7i;i.  7i.:» 

1-.   lalilat  ll>        


nal  Umimlaiv  1  ■..infiiis'-ii'ii.  hr- 
liatllollthic'lMnlli-  111' 

C'lirii-tina   ransji' 

.  <  larki'  rangH 

Ho/,on..|.n  raiiK- 

.   Lewi>  ranK'' 
,  Ml  (iiiiivrav  i      j.-. . 
,  Midtta.v   nuiiuii.iin-. 
.  i.lkanajjan   laiitic  . 
.   I'rip.'.t    K'ivi  r  liiraii 
.  Purct^Ii  ntiiuntain-^ 

1711.  7'.' I 

37»n . 





3".'i  3^1).  31(1.  3;>-.'.    I«l.    Il'l 




.   Kos^-lanirViiiiiintaiii- :i:iiff.,  3:>IU. 

.  Svlkirk  nidurilaiii^ 2^1    l^iliui. '--ff- 




1  t:i 




t;»7.  tl.> 

—  —    -    .  ciirrrlatiii  witli   l'uii>»ll  I.ava 

Iri'iic  (Hhjtlnmi'raii 

-  -      -  -      ■    ,  rii'-tariiui  |ilii-ni  'f 

■  --  -     --,  origin  of 

\olianii    torniation 

_   _..  _„ .  lolitiuiiar  !«clion   oi . 

_-     -,  nictaniorpliism  of.     . 

Irxinp.   li 


hi  IWHI  \ll.\  I    "I    I  III    l\  1 1  i:i'<l! 

2   GEORGE    V.    A     'Bli 


.lc,lni."P.  \V.  |). 

\vV.  .) 

.1.1.  .1,   \V. 


A .  .\ . 

.i  nr.l-^ic■  (iroti'iiiL  U'.'jIu 
.liirii-Triivs  Kciivvnclmnl. 





KiiliikMj   riifiK''- 
KMuii,  I.nnl.. 


.1.  1 

Keiiiit'iiv  Hravcif*.. 
Kitit.illciu,„<.      ..    . 


Kettli'  Uiver  tormatidii. 



I  tint!  nt. 

culumnnr  fictinn  uf. 

'  I'lii  <it . 


Kinille.  K.  M 

King,  Clart'nc( 

KiiiK.  \V,  1' 

Kill;;  lidwarJ  piak,  -i 

Kiiitlii  turuitttion 

,  columnar  section  ii 

KislKuelin  formation 

Kitchener  formation 

.  . ■,  I  oiiipart'ii  to  Mjtli  loiniaiiou.. 

,  ciinipariNon   n{  two   pliaseji   of. 

KjiruU,  T 






xt\.  j:i.  -iin;i. 





.l!t,   II,  -Wi.  t»'-\.  -71.   '><■'■< 


KiiiiH  itoii.  r.  11 

Ki  lintr  alkaline  biiil>  ■      ■  ■    ■ 
—  •  mountain,  fonnntici 



.  l.'li.  II- 







l.aiii  nburjf,  1!. .   . . 

I.uke,  late-glacial. 
Ijanipriipliyns. .   . 


Uug.  .\.  Ci •     .. 

IjxramiiK'  orogcnic  reToliiiioii. 
I.aramic  formation 



Uach,  \V.  \\ 
l.ees.  n  . .    . . 
I.eith,  V.  K.. 


Lesley.  .1.  P 

Level  of  no  strain. 


.1.  V, 


Lewi?  overtlirtist. .    . 
ranee,  naniefl. 


-3.32,  351 

.429.  :20 



49t,  535 



.90,92.  93 











^EiSIC'.AL   PAPER   N  ■)    25a 

!..«:-    -Ml.- 

-.  r"tnninnr  n  c'f  n  >  t 
l,r«liiniiiit  'ri'-k   ilioritp. .    .      .  ,      . 

I.inif^tciii »,  f-rit^tr  of,.    .,    ,.    .  ..   .. 

I  itiiiiiin,  ...  

I  !IH  k,  <;..  

I  II..    :i..  I     .  

I.ifi.l^r.T  .  U  


I  ,I.|llil'  |..!l - ,    ..  

I  i.|.i..l li.i  ii.iP);i  I- . .    -      

nb;.!'   '.■ . 

I  illii.»ti()M(.li 

I.iviiii,'".'!'!!  raiin' ■  

I  n  rii'j-tiiTu'  ruiiK' 

1,11.  h  lii.  .  iililli,  .lifliTMitiatinti  .11 

I   ...   VMMM.ll-iy«'v«.ni«,     I 

I,.  !..  -  i-i..> 

l.T.i.  Star  f.irni.i' 1.  II       


I...4ii»  iti'.iinliuii 

!,..».  I-  I 'kaiKiK.'ii   Villi. ■\ 

I.u.  Ilia 

Ijiiliai-  -ill,  ii..-Kiimli(    liiHiTPntialiou  in. 


I, nil. ml  lurron^ ... 

I.\  to'.  ra«  liatcM ■■    ■ 

II    in,  l"-!.  JT 

.  i: 

.  -V> 


























Ma.lMiaal,   I).   1 ''-•   '''•    ■'^-  -'' 

Mai  l>,.  li '"■ 

,ai,..,-  -     ■■   ••  ;"» 

._„ .  t-ti«li;'ru|ihv   aii.l  .slriK-iiir.-  ..| '.11. 

McAiiliiir.  .1.  J ,        ,,- 

.\lcf..iiiiill,   l{.   V, .V  90,   171.    174.   177.    17'-.   IS!.   I!I7,    I'l-.    IM,   2i'l.   2.,.   .'iJa.   ,IJ!.  .ij.i. 

:i21,  M>.  •I.jO.  :i7l.  (ill,   7l'S. 

McLnhv,  .1 '.  ■''    I'"'.   '''••  l'*^ 

NUii..;  U.  .1 ■        ,    '^^ 

Mciiillnrav  laiij;. ■  ■'■ 'i' 

McKiiii  (111! ■  .    u:    1^1,  i:w 

Macira  1  iiiin.  ii-i .^'' 

.Marinas,  jji'ii.'i  ie  I  la-Mluulir.ii  <•! •  "** 

Mak'Hiatic 318,  7tl!l  i.^.f  -lavitaliu-  .lii!i'riiin..-i..ii.) 

\l,.),'iiflil..  !.l.^.  r 

.Maniii.'.ia  l...ii!ayaiia 

^faiii   r.iiil:.'  t;i>i.->  11.  I  111  al 



>Iarirf  (raiiSi;r.-.--iiiiir 


Ma-vncliiivi'tt-  InstitutP  i.f  Tecljiir.lo 


1'.  1: 


M.  ll.>pll.^lll"ll 'v;  voilimclits  nf  Rossland  mountain? "— 

Mptam.  r!.lii.-iii,  ifficitiicv  of  dynamic 

-   .         .,f   iKiieuiK   riirks »2.   "'V,,    1.17.  411,   41..   4l'l. 

.  -tatic C8,83,   100,  102,      '.  110.   131,1.15,   1,).',  l.Vl, 

Mptai'LIillitp,  (li'liiutu.i:   .1 

Mjr i-,.i.,.rtiiit('  in   I\<ick\   Mnuniaiii  geosynclinal, 
110.   Ii3.   12!1.   n.',   114,   149,  153,   1G.5,  eS.'. 

.5H.  t,1,  Ut,  M.  'J"*.  Ii.n,  103,  10«, 


. .  V.O.  .ji.9 

. .  !!■<.  4J0 





4  "1,5 

I  DO. 


ltlP»Kr\ll\l   <tt    lilt    IMKRlnlt 

2  GEORGE   V      A       912 

9,  ;!■> 

Miilvt.iv  moun'iiiit to., 

-,  Inrimilliilli"  I't ',j,,|^ 

vol(  uiiii    Krciiip •  ^ 

voliiiliK    |iniii ,.„' 

«*ii"'-- w.  <i :;.;.  .m.:.ij.  :i:.. 

Mlluttr 14^1, 

.MIiHHiie  l)alli<ili'li -,-1 

—     -ilcfDriii'iiiiiic Ii:i  ill 

Mi^»i^^i|lpillIl    lllrt- -l.'ll*' '  lltiti 

Mi«soiiriti' i;-- 

MihIi-  <ln>.Mtiiiiii(.ii  I.I   iijirtCU!.  rocks 

Miiliii-tiHilli  viniclun-  n.r  linn'Moiio 


-,  I  nliiiiiiiiir   -iitidii  i.t 

Mi.hiM  liin>  i.t  Hi./.i.mfcii  ranti>' ,^.|       , 

-  (il   >i'lkM  k  iiint,"' ■■    vi'-.i     •#.    V 

-  ""  "'I  ■""•^  iC..m..nm  K..1U  l.„„,ki -in    ;ti:.;,M;11u:^.r:»0 

:M9,  351,  M9.:)7n 

.'.I'lOs.  310,  :«u.  :l:iii.  :ttt,  ^ii".   "H.  :'«' 


..   ..73,  "t,  lt>:l.   1",  WW 



— —  iioipli.viy. 


Mi.iniiii'  Itiki' 


Ml. mil   Uukn 

■.>;t  j-.'ii,  :iii 

-  WiUiiti . .  . 
Mnyip  fnriiialii.n   . 

-  '-  -  tfliiii"'!  •  ■   • 

-  .  —  rivvr  \M>-, 
—  8ilU 

,  Kiltllil 

- ,  Kiiiiiiii'  oi 

— — ,  iiiiii  iiiiiliati-  ruck  of. 

.    _,  iirinii:  "t  i><^'''  I'h;i>'i"s 

.,  MHlioii   tlitnllgll 

)!"'••''"•  ". .'.■  ^'hit.  i;-.! 

iiriKiii  III. 



.Mvrica  MTriiin 





IW.  «.ll 





,  xjll 

is.  :;i-' 


.Nuliculihi:. mo.  ."ill. 

Nick,  vdlcani' j 

Ni'liiii-s,  V ■  •   •     '1    i,-, 

Ni'ls<iii  rangf >-• 

•  -""''t'"'''  "f .'  ..Vl-,  t.")l,   t'l-' 

Nopln-litf  symili- 4f>7  M-i 

NilM.iiia  I.n^a,v|..■llM«..   ....   .. .19i,'i9.;.'  191.' J:i 

NiMDiilltli  -en. -.   wuli •  ..^i 

Nobli-,  I..   !■■ 'J.''.'^.'J.  'm> 

Nonliiiarkiii' I!'t, 'IT'' 

Norm  da-sitic.i;  11.11.  \aliie  of :,:i\   :,s:i 

Nortli   Hatliciiil  ijliuiHr ]]    ]] 


Nvaik  ciiik,  M..11 a.  Mitioii 



<  iii'aii,  HKi'  1.1    I  111-, 


:tii,  :■*: 

IMil   \ 


SESS.ONAL   PAPFR  No    25* 

< 'kuliiiK.iii  I  ii|ii|K.-ji.'  Iiiitholi'l 


I  (tit^f,   hii  rttiitiiiii^  lit . . 

.  ){***'1"K'^'>I    lii^fi'iv     'I 
-  -    .  »ti  111  '  '111-  <il . 

( )lt^i'i  «ii»«  \  iiU'H!ii-iii 

I  liilii" 

*)|'«>KiFili     IlliiXf  lli<  tit  ^.    11  I  liiiin  I't 

''rii|iiii>    ifl.i'i-.'  •.    Ii.iiliiliiliic  iiiti  ii-iiiii 

1  !•  IhiM  1-tii-. .         . 

I  tsUllfl.    \ 

().SO>tHIS     hiitlioiltll . 

'  tsti '  .1  (  uiitfi  -ta 

-  t(!alii  <i . .   . ,   , .    . .   . . 

I  iBtwalil,  \\  .     ..         

<  tttana  riM  I .  iiliait-i  -  I't 

1  Ivi  itliru!'! 

.   II. tall. I .    . 


: .  I  i.'ft 




vt,  I.I,  ii:.  ti7i 
:i:j.  ji'» 

II.'     il  I.  M.- 

i.'i   !..•'  ::i 

I'iu-lht    nil  ulilalli    ->  -tiiii 

I'alliMT    .1,ii 

I'ai  k  Ki'O'i'i' 

ra>aytfu  ii'"'}  i"  liiiui. 

-    IIIUIIIIl   IllM'.  .     . . 

Ul.   Ilil 

'iti'l.  irii 



-   .  I  I.I  u  lima  I    -.1  Ml. II  ..I k»l 

,   •■! 'ill.    -"im 

\alli>.  ..  lu-iii  of "."" 

liiiiu.ih     lMltnall..ii                ..    .    tT:'.    IM,  l«'' 

IVali'.    \,  <'.. »».    ir-i,    ]vi.    I»i.   !>>■■•.  .'7ii 

r^trh  li|IITCUlll'i.rilll» *'*^ 

IVlnl    U'llrt-llli-   t; |. J7: 

-    --                    -                     .  iniiilaliiili  lit J7  ■ 

-.                  -  lliallill- 27: 

■   II. I. nil' '• 

■  -.  iii-t- .:7: 

I'l  111  ;i|.iii.iiiiiii,  III    li'i.ikv    Ml  I'll!  nil- 'ill-". 

.,  in    li.ll   III    liitiriiii    I'ldifaii- iil7 

-,  111   I  .1-1  .111.'  Ml  nil  tain- iiJl 

l'.-iilialli.«.   li,    r -■    1.  'I--'.    ''1.    '''".    '-".    I-".  -i"i  MM 



-.  iiiiilnl.ii    tilik>i. 

-  -  -    ,  i.ri«iii  I.I 

l'..(i',  K 

I'ltroui  tin   111  l«- 

i'tn«.  r.  u 


I'liillip-  foriii.ilii.ii 

riiii'iiiK  villi .11111-  ^i I'lii.  . 


riivllit.-  fli..iiil).iiili  II-.     .. 

I'lci  a   I  i.lntlllil.  ti'l- 


rieUmoiit  ghuiii  - 

I'illow  lava 

l'lllliati.].i.i  ,1 


1. 1.   177,  7ii'i 

III- 1 



;7-.  :ii  1 


.17-,  'I'.ttl 
J 1 7,  .Ml 

.•,11,  M  ; 




2   GEORGu   v..   A,    1912 


I-:,  hlH 

I'iLU- MlU 

,-       -    "•: '•'''':•"•' ."..2i.l'':u;i.':;i.:l   tiiT.   n-.  "i 

l'ii--i.;i.   \,.    \ li'.H; 

riaiu'ti-iitial   |j.v|M.llif.-i>.    ,i-^.■•,ls^l.lIl   ul '  ..- 

V\iU\v\-\>.> ^\  lii',1 

riiil.iin,  iiriijii.  cf  (il;:iiiiig"ii ■ "  "   "  ■,i;) 

riit:vcnnus ....  1>^ 

i'liuriiiiiyu   |pMi'vi  ati  .'I ..    .-  'U 

ri('ur<.pliui  K- "    ■■    '\    _  11^ 

I'liMUut'iiiKii  1.1 jl;! 

rril>  l-ia 4^7,  M» 

I'uimliis  cvcliM>l'>  11" .:ii,l».   Ilii,   iv.i,  ( 'J.  ■>ll 

r.Ti>ii.\  lit' '      '     ..       >n 

r(i'aiiiiiK>'Uiii    .        :,:> 

I're-Walirloii  1  '  i- ' ;i, :!: 

I'rii'M   rang' . .(,.  iV--JTl,  .'iiiT 

--  l;i-.  IT  tcTiaiic j.V.) 

__       -  .  —    -    ,  cdiTi'latun   lit ■)(;», 

^^       .  !i.:ci;ii*sM...  ,■, ..::;:;;;:     '.vi 

I'liiRipal  MiUaiiiii- Yj 

rricuu'tropi^ llli 

I'r.i.liicia  (lira HI 

l'r<.iiiKlfll:i  Mibacul.  .iia ..  llii.'>n 

l'rmliic!ii.>- .'ilKSri 

tclrliritll.'.la' U- ■ ;jl| 

rliMi^lii^^iis  by   aiiil.i  r.  ■itia.;v.'ic,'g...,|..i!v   of  ,  !,■.  b.nni,!ar> ■■    ;;.,,..,--.', 

l'[i-,.t   -r.i'-ylH  Illiii! 52fl 

tiro'ip ..  ,-,12 

I'ligiiax ...  Ill 

I'linii  '- ...  :t(;n 

I'u'a^kitf ..    li:.:)Tl 

purpliviy Hit 

l'.ila-k<-i' .    ,.   coi.lUd 

!'iM<i;i  ii'i-i iv.\ 

l.ava,  I'lai  kr  i  ..ii-i' Jill.  219 

-- -,  I  i.lii!in..ii    M'liii'ii-  <'t 2rj 

-     -      -       -,  lialiciii   laiigo ■■    ■■  ii;2 

-     .     ,  lirrizni;-ii!;i  I  ki  r .jlD 

-      .    \.n\i>   lallge .jj; 

..  MMlilIiviay   rang- ."..'.  .\i(b,  --!'.  'hi 

-.     -.  vtiits  I'l' ■ ;l(l-33 

. ,  -lra'it;r,M'l..^    u'nl   Mructim-  ot '';j    ;ii    ii 

—  -   —  raiine '    '  ~_   'i:,'li!) 

MTies ■ .  120 

,  I  iilnniiiar  ettiiMi  ol .2>i 

— ---.lis.,,.. ■■ ..••.;■.;■.■■.■.■  V  ::222,757 

-       ,  (i-]iuiiian:    rock  ni 225 

,  variation-  in .jo 

Trrn.l:..   ■::■■■ ;    y.l3y.' 2-.7',  277',' i^l*.  COO 

■ — ,  nrigin  "1 .    ^  5S8 

Tri'ii'b  t-'lacifr ........  137 

r\  1  it«  (.1  y^'a!- 


150,  151,  176 

gnart/.  j.ebbl's.  i  j-alfFCPnt \n 

Quartzitf.  "rigiii  of ..  .-,65,  ,570 

Queen  rharl'^H"  t;i'<'-yii' iKial 1,S7,  R20 

Qu«-rcti.-  corinca ']    ''     4-17,820 





SE';^';     ■'>■     '"-'AfLR   ".0    2; 

1  \u<  . 

i.  i;i,  1-:.  -"1  ■".Jii.  .'i.'i'i 

>i.  •'-. 

..  .  >-''  "■ 

....  1 1  r 

1  ri 

1  .,<  .  ■„,.  11,.  .... 

i;  ' ;   c   !■■        

i;,-.i..i..-;  ;.„.'.   iii     

-,  iLU'i  |,ri  '.ilir.n  .■:    :..-  nin  i 

1,'i-placfiiiiiil    I'i    ci'iiijiy  iMth^    l>:-    l:.:i  l.'.li!  ii- 

l.'iMil^'"lll    CIlKil.llli"!:.- 

1,'rliriilMiiu  hill  at:i 

l.'lUpillolll'  111 

I.Mu.Mil;  f.  l(iM'ai 

l;i...!.:l,ni.,.ra..    .'...■, 

l.'hc  inb-iMiTli|iyi> .  11. 1  ni-i\.  ... 
~  -  -     ,  t  \1 1  u   t  v..  ,    . 


Hiclit.r.   1 

!. mill. .11:   !uiMi.i!riiiii'i 


I.'iplili*  fciriiialiiiii 

IJipiiU-niark- >•'■ .  7",  :.',  '■' 

lt;:t.   IC.J.  170 


1,'a.  k  Crei'k  clioiiiiliili, .   .     

KcK-ky  Miuii.taiii  ^;'ni^yiii!iiiii! 

.  _  .  Utlnili_'iial    MiM.iiii.ii    in. 

,  iiK'taiii<ii-|ilii-iu  ol 

-,  r.nt;ill    I'l    -iiiilnilil,-,    ut  .  . 

— .  hpecitic  xi'i^i'V    "t 

,   ^Ul>pl  1^1II-    in I.ll.  l.i 

-  -       .  "I'l"!'   l';.l>-^"i'    '.■■•■'■:ti  "f ..,-''■ 

—'- -;;■',:";, ,■■..■■.■:.■,,■.■.:. :: ::  j^''i> 

117,  \\\  r.:.  COM 

1.19,  477 

li'ii.   lul.  i'l:;.  KM,   in-',   HKi.  12:1,   !--.'    II'  .   ■ 



.ii.  1:.  l"i^.  '.'•', 



.,    .'.  111. 

".    ..  171 

.iji.  iy<;,  i:».- 

..    ..  17.' 

iri'.;in  ■  1 . 



.:ii:i,  lilt,  11"'.. 

i;i>M--,  ill.'  fi.riiiation •     •■ 

H.iM'iibiiscli,  II 

Ho-slaiid  iiic'tiziMiitc 


,  foniiatii  11-  .  : 

. ,  striictiiri-  '  t 

volcaiiir  group 

--  v,,l.a„n'  iinuii.'.- ■    ■•         ■■    ;  V     V;     ;  .„.   It.  Vll,  V.!.  'iJlff 

■,l ; .  7'Ni 
;i,  (11 



rvkPi-i  gramlc 

-I.  7i-i.  :s^ 


SalTiKiii   liivor  iiuiii/."iiU' 

Sail -crystal  ca-'~ 


Sans  I'nil  nuimitrtiii-   .    . 


It,  ]{.  11. 


Sassafras  en  taccuni 

Satellitic  inji'K'tioii 

Scapliiti'K  niitrK'i'^ii^ 
ScavpnyitiK  systoni  nf  lln'  >'(■'■ 

ml.  819 

:m,  790 

ios,  iti:; 


9.  ;w 

.•)79,  ««1 
WT,  SJn 

,  "il  t  tl7 






nri'Annih.w  nr  the  isTERich' 

2  GEORG^" 

A.    1912 

...  I.'i^ 

<.  Iil-tn-ll>  .    lillKlIi    (it .,g-     .„,,, 

■  i"'i'i'ii";ai , "   'in 

>c  hiziiplii'iia  rtiiatiila ii<)   -'.Ui   -^W    'IM„Hfl<l,  S.  .1 ■ _ ■  ■  '  '    ■  "     'I-:, 

•■^""'•''"'■.>' ""-'"  "'  f-T'"'"*' ..;im,  );)?,  M'j 

M-nii'KalKiiis  in  niasriiia g^l 

Silkirk  iiKpiKuliiii J:.',  .it 

tllOMllt.ti'.l    -y^ttiM 

.  .llM."i;i.  :i57--Jsii 

V^illcv..   . 

,7  ■ -"""K^M'y  <■■ .•;     .■.■.■i9i,m 

rclarinn  wiin ,^  j-^d 


32,  U 





.■^liark.lhiti'    lill 

ShaU'i,  N.  S.. 
Sliaiul,  S.  .1.. 

1.  11 II     rliniiili-piji  iiiix  IN 

.III.  ii.-i.  .^>7i,  :!•«' 

Mui.-la  );.M,>^yii<niKii.. 
.■^lia-ta-Cliicii  seiii  -. . 
Sli^itti'i-liflt,  maKiiiiv' 
Sli.'Piinid  forniati.ii. 



ci'luiii'iar  'I  rtimi  if. 

.X>1,  :M.  797 

shifts,  lionziiutal 

■^lioiikiii  Saj;.   Monti>ii.i.   iii.-iiii.'u   .litl.  i  •  miaUuii   ai . 

,  570 


.    ..  :!l."i 

.siKHikmitic  i.vpt- .196ff.    5t;7 

Sluire-liiip?,  ziinp  i.f '     31^,;).;: 

Shoslioiiosc '  j")! 

<lni-«ap  >t'rifs ■  ^y. 

-li'itt.  1' 

<ill,   ri.lll|K|.Mli 

,  rlinmli-iHiriiliv  ly 

Sills  a>sociat(ii  with  Purcell  Un 

--",   llii/.iinipi  II  raiiKP 

.  Ki'tllc  ri\fr 

—   -,  Movie 

-.  1"' 


^igiiiticaiK  1-  of  thifk 

,  Skagit 

SimilkamiM-ii  l.atliolitli •■   _.•    ■■    •■    ••    ■■    ■■,■•,•■    ' 

.  coiripurwl   Willi  Kniger  alkalni.'  uuily  . . 

Siveli  foriiiatioti,  f'larkp  and  Lewis  ranges.. ■    ■■   •■ 

__.  .  - — -  -.  coliiniiuir  .'••ictinii  "t . 


.   ..  till 

..  2Uff. 

.  ..  V.r- 


.•J21ff.,  761,  7711,  781 

,427.   +.W,  571. 

-  formation,  Galtoii  •-(•rips. 

(■(iluiniiiir  s^.<ti<iii   'it . 

-     -  -  limpstone,  idpnti<  al   -.miIi   Hlii'kt'oot. 

Skasit  valley,  origin  of 

..  I  (iiiipositp  liatliolitii 




—  laiigp 

rorrplation  iii. . 

..      ,  formations  nt.. 

,  structure  of..    .. 

.-  voleaiiic  form-ition. .    .. 


Slpi-tp  iliorilp ; 

—  ,  aiialy-is  of 

locan   mountains "   "  "375 

■         ■■         v.  1.  5,  4li  13:i,  409,  479,  .502,  519,  5Jo,  620,  624ff. 

Smelti  r  granite 
Smith.  <i.  O 












i\  nr.y 


SESSIONAL    PAPER    \o    25a 

Smith.   \\  .  S.  ■{■. 


.  .   J7't,  t,Hl 

>p;<iiKl"l  -chiM- 


S|M  (  ihc  Kii'^  ill' '.  ■'^♦■t  .t^'*' 



Spt  IK  >  I .   A.  <  ■. .    .                                                                                                           M 

Spliiit  n urfi 

s  ' 



i  it; 

ihmIh  h-i- i!-J 

\\  i  1 1 M  H  \  1 .  .                .  ,    , 


.  .."ill.  'i\2.  ■'>\.i 

>iM.k;irit.   HilU  -(!i..ii 


^<iii.ili-    liii'lf,    MmIii,!!;.!.    iiiajfiiici' 
stiiiiu.i,.    r,   W 

'      lil'fi  ■  ttti.i 

lull     111 

. .  J.'il.  TT'J 


'^r,  i<. 

1?^.    Is'.t.  JIT,   .Vi.'i 

St<  in  in.i  Ii  l!      '  i  .  .     .  . 

.  ,    . .     tit.  II.VI 

-»Shi"jMii  ii 

....           lit. 

St,M  !.;>.     H.    li 

.    ..          t::i 

"lopni;;.  iM,t-iii.i'  M 

>*  I  1  .nil    .nhu-Miii  III 

.  .::u!i  .  ::: 


>t  Ml.  t  It; .-   Ml  , 

t   hii  I-    i.tii^.' . ,    .  . 

17.  •''.) 

t  ;;ilinii-M.ii  I)nii;il'!    ri'.iin'.mi   > 

v-t.  II 


f'kiiiiiiujin   liihm' 


.    .                          1.17 



.  .nliiiiiu.  Ml..,, 

' '  .'-.. 

Siu—.   1 


.  Jtl7   .')^7 


.-,117   :,2(i    vst 


-.  1.  -'t  1 1'p 

Sui'-i  ru.  k- t;..    ,1'.    .J.    .^,   ^. 


.  '•-,  imi.   mi 

.   Ktl.   lot.   lu^. 

l"!i.    Iii, 

ILI).    |:iii.    l.-)7.    lt,:j 


..'i5fi    :i.',h    ils    7h7 

Il(lll,ll\  t  \' 

/.nil,  :iiii.  vi'.i.  :t2H 

v*^ynt^'tli'.■  ti  .ii:iriii- 

.CIW.  7.)t,  77s,  7h:i 
Il«,  ]I7 


j((7,  31s 

Tarr    1!    S                                 



Tt*;ill    .1    .i    11                           .... 

I.")  1 


■|',.|li,i  ( 



'r,'rmii  r.  P 


2   GEORGE   \\.   A.    '912 

:iv„'.  :m.  >Ai.  613 

T.MaL.« ..  M 

'r.iiaten  riiiiiir, [    5:): 

'I'nil.lln.-.- (jiW 

'I'oi -ii.  iinMiiiiani , -'^T.  4G: 

'I'li.'-i:!!, .>.■>• ..KMI.  ,>!«.  5T1 

TiMcliyti- .    ..3(ti.  7;'9,  Ts" 

Ti-iul   batholitl     GIO,  (j.'ir 

Tici -line,  i!i-cu>sic'ii-  I'f "   '[ m 

'i' .    ..  '    ''    '\ Zti 

Ti-iiicli,  ilefiiii'iiin  I'l . .' .'jiiT,  ">!'• 

T^la^^io  in  Skas;ii    raii^"'' '      '     |^, 

'I'liK-iinia .     ...  .')H2 

Ti  Milton,  1'.  T i;li; 

Ti  initatiil  alliiviul  ciM'- . .  j:!l,  oj.i.  rl'i 

Turiii-r,  II.  \V ....  k:, 

Turi-itilUi 711 

Twii-iilia.-f  convicliMii ,  u'.'il 

•|Mr<'ll.  O.  \\ 



I  Inius  c.^liiiiibiana _  m,,, 

-  TTotoanipricana ' i.ii:i 

_ p      oraccmovn ,. "'i' 

-  . .-     ciosa. 

rncoiifo   niities  in:--;i.   i8'l,  otU 

ll<.z(iin.<Mi  rangi> t:!! 

Midway  mountains "    ' 371 

IJosslaml  uioui\taiu? "    ' It-.  iT'J 

Si'lkirk   range -i"' 

SkaKil  range ■,■■,■,'.■■. ..  I'll'' 

rnconfmmity  ,K,Btulate,l  above  *''<>  W-^-l  •f,"'''';,,,;,   ij„,,;,„ lU 

betwren    .Missisujipian    ana   ui.iiao 

Valhalla  nionntain>. .    . 

V'alvata. . 

VancouTi'r  range 

Van  Hisi',  CR 

Vtdder  gre^■n^tone..   . 

Vesicular  <l'kes 


Vot;.,  .T.  II.  I ■    ■ 

Vukanism,  theor.v  of.. 


3fi6,  72H 

....  507.  522 

..   «9,  41;  I 

....  343,  787 

..671,  7,i.T,  77" 

..571,   707,  777 


Waicott,  C.  D 3,  65.  171,   176.   177.   179,  ISO,   IM.   1S3,   IS.,   1S.5,  186.   m  189.  i;m,  20... 

203,  20t,  fr49,  657.  77) 

Walker,  T.  I. '..'.'.'.'.  51 

Warren,  C.  H . .  .-,n 

Waterton  formation "  579 

glaeier '_\   ''  ^^ 

..-     ,    »-'  '  i*"* .■.'.'.■'.■"..■■.."..86,  187,  201,  251,  71s 

Weed,    «.   il jdii 

Wwks,  F.  ^ •,•;.■,■. : 

West  Kootfnay  batl'"I;t\i>'^  province --j-     -^      ...  ..,, 

Western  giosynclinal  belt 

^±^^.t^^^-^^sf^^  m?^^.,i^^ ' 



SESSIONAL   PAPf-R   Nc.  T"  i 

Wh.Hl,,-,  \.  u..  .. 
Whit  in.  -.  .1.  ]•..  . 
\\  iutii.  V,  .1.  |i..    ,  , 

V\    i,'U     ril      1.    l'!.!,ll  '..l: 

Wiiii..    i; '..I,  ;,,  j:,  ... 

I'J.  I'l.  ;i|,    T,   111.   Kl,    l-v 

Wil-i'ii  i.iPi;>' 

\\  II  ;.  r-t.tlii-  I  111);. 

\\  111!  li.rin.r  K  ii..    . .      . 
VVotui.  II 

\\lM<illf.lli,    (J.    >. 

Xi'ii.iIiUi.  ill    I'liic   1 

ya;il\   rnii;;f 

V.ilik   in.  r   Mil!.--. .  1  Tivni  "f . 

-     -    ''.    LllPf    'A  ll  l|.|l 

Ynl.iiiil.iil,   lini' -ImIi.- 

Yi'lnu--../:..    |.|.:'.    i-.,    .1;  ■:,       , 

v.-i:i,tt'i,,i.,i-.  . 

V..1II..,-,  (..   A. 

Zupliniiii- .. 

Ziik.  I.   1' 


. .    I:;..  «l  I 

1 1 1 
.  I' 

_,';i      \'.jl.   Ill 


I  ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No    2l 

^  APPLIED  IM^GE     I 

^^  'fe53    East    Mo'"   SI'eet 

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