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Hon.  Loun  CoDBiu,  IfniOTn:  R.  W.  Bmcs.  Dbpott  Munnsiu 


Na  t,  BrauxacAL  SHtns 

Annotate^  List  of  Flowering 

Plants  and  Ferns  of  Point  Pelee, 

Ont,  i^d  Ndglibourii^ 


C.  K.  Dfrdge 


GovnmatMT  Punting  Buuau 









H*a.  LoDis  CoDBKU,  Minister;  R.  W.  Bboce,  Deputy  Minister. 


I  MEMOIR  54  I 

Ko.  2,  Biological  Series 

Annotated  List  of  Flowering 

Plants  and  Ferns  of  Point  Pelee, 

Ont.,  and  Neighbouring 



C.  K.  Dodge 


Government  Printing  BcREau 


No.  1366 



Intrc  Miction j 

Anro'i  .  jd  Ikt. g 

Iw>«» 109 


Fig,  1.    Index  showing  Po  jjt  Pelee  and  vicinity 3 

Annotated  List  of  Flowering 
Plants  and  Ferns  of  Point 
Pelee,  Ont.,  and  Neigh- 
bouring Districts. 



As  early  as  1882,  a  distinguished  and  enthusiastic  ornith- 
ologist, Wni.  £.  Saunders,  of  London,  Ont.,  visited  Point  Pelee, 
and,  after  some  investigation,  learned  that  this  place  was  on  a 
direct  line  of  north  and  south  bird  migration.  Other  ornith- 
ologists soon  became  interested,  and  an  association  was  formed 
known  as  the  Great  Lakes  Ornithological  Club,  the  active 
members  being  Mr.  Saunders,  P.  A.  Tavemer,  then  of  Detroit, 
Mich.,  now  a  member  of  the  Geological  Survey,  Canada, 
Bradshae  H.  Swales,  of  Grosse  Isle,  Mich.,  James  S.  Wallace, 
and  James  Fleming,  of  Ontario.  The  locality  became  so  ia- 
teresting  that  it  was  thought  best  to  investigate,  as  far  as  possible, 
the  general  biota  along  the  line  of  migration,  P.  A.  Tavemer 
suggesting  that  the  writer  undertake  the  listing  of  the  flowering 
plants,  ferns,  and  fern  allies.  The  first  opportunity  came  in 
1910.  After  visiting  Point  Pelee  it  seemed  that  a  careful  study 
of  the  vegetation  would  be  of  interest  and  value  in  two  ways: 
first,  it  might  perhaps  be  of  some  service  in  the  study  of  bird 
migration;  second,  it  would  add  much  to  our  knowledge  of  the 
distribution  of  the  wild  plants  of  western  Ontario  and  Michigan, 
in  which  the  writer  has  been  engaged  for  some  years.  But  it 
was  clear  that  to  serve  these  two  purposes  well,  not  only  the 
plants  of  Point  Pelee  should  be  investigated  and  listed,  but  also 
those  of  the  islands  in  Lake  Erie  lying  immediately  south  and 
extending  to  the  Ohio  shore,  and  the  whole  of  Essex  county, 
as  far  as  possible.  The  work  was  cheerfully  undertaken,  and 
this  paper  is  the  result. 


Dodh^T"^""''!;'^'^"'''  °"""P'^^  ^  remarkable  and  important 
KT^:  S^"^  I  '"°'*  southwesterly  county  in  Ontario 
It  8  bounded  on  the  north  by  Lake  St.  Clair,  on  the  west  bv 
peux..t  nver.  and  on  the  south  by  Lake  Erie;  it  extendHLut 
forty  miles  east  and  west,  and  thirty  miles  nonh  and  ^^h 
.te  surface  .s  generally  level,  with  a  high  bank  along  Lake  Erie' 
and  a  low  bank  along  Uke  St.  Clair.  Point  Pelee  is  at  th!.' 
southeastern  corner  of  the  county  and  projects  aSutnLmHes 

T':n^T^^'J^t-    ^^^T'^.^'^^Erie.perhapsSS 
ten   miles   to   the  southwest  of  this  extreme  point,   is  Pelee 

w^JlTrTof  I^e"""*^h  '^  '-  '''  '^^-'  '^'-^  '-^ 
western  part  of  Lake  Erie,  and  containing  about  13  000  acre, 

A   the  southern  end  of  the  island  a  narrow'point.  two  !^  a  hSf 

mil«  long   extends  south  towards  the  Ohio  shore.    Wh  and 

W^df  bS'"  "''"'•  ^".'  "°'  '"  '^^y'  -«  nu'nerou^  smaller 
«lands  belongmg  mostly  to  the  state  of  Ohio,  and  extend  1 
a^moB  m  a  direct  line  close  to  the  Ohio  shore.  The  krgSt  of 
A«e  islands  are:  Kelley.  Put-in-Bay,  Middle  Bass,  Rattlesnake 
and  Green  islands.  Projecting  far  out  from  the  Ohio  mafnland 
ma  northerly  direction  towards  the  islands  named  Lrt^for 
mo^  penmsulas.  From  Point  Pelee.  by  way  of  th^  islandland 
these  peninsulas,  lies  the  natural  path  of  bird  migration 


hv  2n^  'T'"''''  ^  ^^'  ^  *^  "°*'^«1'  ^^  been  •««  disturbed 
by  man  and  retams  more  of  its  primitive  vegetation  than  a^ 
other  equal  area  on  the  lake  and  river  shori  or  anywhere  "n 

frrnrrK"^  ''"^"'  ^*""'*^'  '"^^y  °^  this  place^ing  the 
pnnc.^    object^t   will    receive    more   particular    attention 

Wn^rl'd^B^"  well  described,  and  a  map  R  a! 

Pel^""   whlh  Z-'  '"  '•'"'•■  ^"'■•^  °"  "B'«l«  of  Point 

Feiee  ,    which  appeared  in   1908,  and  no  further  descriotion 
J«l  be  attempted  here  than  is  necessary  for  botanical  dS^n 
I^a  triangular  piece  of  land  with  its  acute  angle  running 
'  Reprinted  from  the  WiI«on  Bulletin,  No.  59,  June,  1907. 


about  nine  miles  south  into  Lake  Erie,  the  base  at  the  north 
being  about  six  miles  wide.  About  nine-tenths  of  this  tract 
was,  and  still  is,  mostly  a  very  wet  marsh  lying  between  the 

Fig.  1.     Index  of  Point  Pelee  and  vicinity. 

east  and  west  beaches.  Formerly  it  was  famous  for  water 
birds  and  one  of  the  best  spots  known  for  du'k  shooting;  but 
in  recent  years,  particularly  near  the  base,  it  has  been  quite 

extensively  ditched  and  pumping  stations  established,  draining 
and  fitting  a  part  of  it  for  cultivated  crops.  Ultimately,  most 
of  the  marsh  will,  no  doubt,  be  reclaimed,  and  already  its  im- 
portance for  duck  hunting  has  greatly  diminished.  With  these 
changed  conditions  much  of  the  primitive  vegetation  has  dis- 
appeared and  species  adapted  to  drier  ground  have  taken  pos- 
session, but  here  and  there  many  large  spots  are  still  to  be  found 
showing  conclusively  the  original  plant  life,  which  was  quite 
uniform  and  limited  in  species. 

The  wetter  part  was  covered  more  or  less  with  common 
cat-tail  flag,  Indian  rice  {Zizania  palustris  L.»)  in  great  abundance, 
one  of  our  largest  and  most  striking  native  grasses,  often  over 
ten  feet  high,  swamp  horsetail,  broad-fruited  bur  leed,  broad- 
leaved  arrow  head,  rice  cut  grass,  common  reed,  western  bul- 
rush, slender  sedge,   swamp  loosestrife,   mermaid  weed,   rush 
aster,  and  tall  tickseed  sunflower  (Bidens  trichosperma  (Michx.) 
Britton.,  var.    tenuiloba   (Gray)   Britton),   and   in    spots,  reed 
canary  grass  and  northern  manna  grass  (Glyceria  septentrionalis 
Hitchc.)  are  abundant.    Within  the  marsh  limits  are  several 
ponds  and  small  lakes  with  characteristic  plants,  these  being 
several  species  of  waterweeds,  wild  celery,  yellow  water  lily, 
white  water  lily,  water  shield,  and  slender  najas.     On  the  marsh 
border,  especially  along  the  west  side,  are,  in  great  abundance, 
sweet  flag,  poison  sumach,  and  button-bush,  twenty  feet  high 
and  more.     On  the  east  side  is  a  narrow  low  sandy  beach,  fringed 
with  shrubs  and  trees  towards  the  south.     On  the  west  side  the 
beach  is  wider,  backed  by  sand  dunes  covered  with  shrubs  and 
trees.     It  is  at  first,  beginning  at  the  north,  a  very  narrow  strip 
popularly  known  as  "the  narrows",  growing  wider  towards  the 
south,  until  the  east  and  west  beaches  with  their  wooded  strips 
come  together  about  two  miles  north  of  the  extreme  south- 
em  point,  forming  from  there  on  to  the  south,  flat  sandy  ground, 
covered  with  timber,  but  bordered  on  the  east  side  by  a  strip 
of  damp  rich  woods.     Outside  of  the  marsh  the  land  is  mostly 
very  sandy,  though  here  and  there  it  is  under  cultivation.    The 
road  from  Leamington  passes  along  the  so-called  narrows  and 

'  Two  ipecie*  ot  Indian  rice  have  been  lately  recogmized.    Zimnia  aguaiica 
L.,  the  imaller  form,  was  not  noticed. 


terminates  at  the  extreme  southern  point.  Going  along  this 
road  the  last  of  May,  1910,  the  writer  never  witnessed  a  more 
beautiful  display  of  the  wild  columbine  in  full  bloom.  On  this 
narrow  strip  between  the  west  beach  and  the  marsh,  the  black 
walnut,  one  of  our  finest  trees,  usually  found  in  rich  open  woods 
or  on  river  and  creek  bottoms,  is. frequent  and  apparently 
thrifty  in  pure  sand,  and  the  hackberry  is  very  common.  These 
two  trees  are  very  plentiful  about  half-way  to  the  south  point. 
Here  also  the  blue  ash  was  noticed,  with  its  peculiar  square 
stems,  and  the  honey  locust  mostly  on  the  middle  and  upper 
beach,  perhaps  fifty  trees  or  more  quite  out  of  their  natural 
habitat,  yet  apparently  thrifty.  The  dominant  tree  of  the 
timbered  portion,  however,  is  the  red  cedar,  and  it  is  more  or 
less  abundant  along  the  whole  west  side.  About  halfway 
to  the  extreme  southern  [  -int  is  a  clump  of  fair-sized  white  pine 
trees,  and  this  pine  is  occasionally  seen  in  other  places.  Red  oak 
and  yellow-barked  oak  {Quercus  velutina  Lam.)  are  common; 
the  chestnut  oak  occasional. 

Prominent  among  the  beach  herbaceous  plants  is  the  clammy- 
weed  which  has  crept  into  gardens  and  fields  and  become  a 
pernicious  weed.  American  searocket  and  sand  grass  are  pretty 
evenly  distributed  along  both  beaches.  On  the  west  side,  the 
shrubs,  fragrant  sumach,  and  low  juniper,  are  very  abundant 
and  efficacious  in  holding  down  the  sand  dunes  and  beach  sand 
against  the  action  of  the  wind.  The  sea  sand  reed,  one  of  the 
best  known  sand  binders,  very  efficacious  in  resisting  the  action 
of  both  wind  and  wave,  appears  in  spots  on  the  east  side,  but 
is  not  anywhere  abundant.  The  long-leaved  reed  grasses, 
another  noted  sand  binder,  are  not  at  all  common.  In  the  strip 
of  rich  damp  woods  on  the  east  side  and  south  of  the  big  marsh, 
are  found  the  usual  trees  and  herbaceous  plants  that  occur 
where  mesophytic  conditions  prevail — white  ash,  black  ash, 
American  elm,  red  maple,  basswood,  Cottonwood,  bur  oak, 
swamp  white  oak,  sycamore,  peach-leaved  willow,  Virginian 
knotweed,  bloodroot,  purple  cress,  and  cardinal  flower.  The 
honey  locust,  shrubby  trefoil,  locally  called  wahoo,  western 
prickly  pear,  rough-leaved  cornel,  red  mulbeiry,  and  papaw,  very 
probably  reach  their  northern  limit  here,  the  last  two  fa.<-'  dls- 

If^fu^'j!  "  ^' u^P"  *'"''*  remarkable  that  only  one  member 
of  the  Heath  family,  bearberry.  was  noticed;  it  is  quite  Se^m 

rrrirrtrwr  *°  ^°'^  ^^ 

exist^  m  the  bi.  marsh  J^^  ^L^1^Z:Z.-^^ 

n,r.    f?  u  f^'  ^^   ^^^   *^^  '«^«^«t   island    in    the  witem 
part  of  Lake  Ene.  was  looked  over  as  carefully  a.  dme  wouW 
permit,     u  .s  generally  flat,  the  rock  often  having  onTy  a  th  n 
covenng  of  soil.     Much  of  the  land  has  been  under  cJltivat  on 
The  soil  ,s  generally  good,  and  formerly  the  graje  and  S^h 

A  knowledge  of  the  plants  on  the  other  i-lanH,  1,00  k^ 
made  possible  by  the  careful  botanical  eSmTn  to"  of  aU  tSS 
islands  south  of  the  International  Boundarv  to  tZ  OK-      u 
and  the  points  and  peninsulas  of  the  shoreTy  ProJ  E  t'°M 
Z:l  ^^l^^'^^O''--  -^o  published  hTs'  co'nd^sions  t^'Z- 
Sr     /.r*"  '::  '*"'•'    ™^  publication  is  a  work  of  gr^ 

ot hS  Tatur^  'tlly'Z^Ze^-^T  '"^  *°  "^  *^ ^^^^^ 
islanH,"  r^         '^very  plant  mentioned  as  on  or  about  "the 


The  number  of  plants  noted  on  Point  Pelee  is  S8^  «n 
Pelee  island  408.  on  both  623.  there  being  about  40  p^li  ^^ 
the  island  not  yet  found  on  the  minf      tk       <:  ^^         " 

close  approximations.  On  thelS*^,^.^''^.^^"^  ''■^°"'y 
Boundary.  Professor  Moseley  f7u„d  6^2  sp^i'eS%^Trr»! 
have  not  yet  been  found  on  Point  P  leeTt";  ilani  The 
apparent  absence  of  this  rather  large  number  of  si^f^  is  owlg! 

By  E.  L.  Mosetey  '  '  '^""""'*  ""'^  "'»»^»  °f  Ottawa  county. 

in  the  main,  to  the  restricted  area  examined,  for  many  of  th. 
plants  noticed  on  the  islands  by  Professor  Moseley  and  not 
found  on  Point  Pelee  and  the  adjacent  large  island,  are  known 
to  be  frequent  and  often  abundant  in  western  Ontario,  such  as 
Cystopteris  bulbifera  (L.)  Bernh.,  Allium  tricoccum  Ait.,  Ery- 
thronium  americanum  Kerr.,  Trillium  erectum  L.,  Ranun- 
culus fascicularis  Muhl.,  Hydrastis  canadensis  L.,  Jeffersonia 
diphylla  (L.)  Pers.,  Arabis  canadensis  L.,  and  many  others.' 

Professor  Moseley  detected  on  Kelley  island,  alone,  461 
species,  and  on  Put-in-Bay  island,  439  species,  while,  as  before 
stated,  only  408  were  noted  and  reported  on  Pelee  island, 
whose  area  is  far  greater  than  the  combined  area  of  all  the  other 
mentioned  islands.  It  is  very  evident,  therefore,  that  many 
of  the  plants  of  Pelee  island  have  not  yet  been  noted  and 
reported,  showing  clearly  that  there  is  still  work  for  a  local 
botanist.  There  should  be  found  on  this  island  about  650 
or  700  species  growing  without  cultivation,  that  is  from  242  to 
292,  or  about  300  more  than  is  reported  in  this  paper.  It  is 
very  probable,  however,  that  no  plants  will  hereafter  be  found 
on  Pelee  island  not  already  reported  from  Point  Pelee 
or  the  other  islands  of  Lake  Erie  to  the  south,  or  in  other  parts 
of   Essex   county. 

On  the  preparation  of  the  following  list  the  writer  has  made 
use  of  every  available  source  of  information.  The  nomen- 
clature of  "Gray's  New  Manual  of  Botany,  Illustrated  '  has 
been  followed,  unless  otherwise  mentioned.  Many  common 
names  have  been  taken  from  Britton  and  Brown's  illustrated 
work.  The  writer  is  much  indebted  to  Agnes  Chase,  scientific 
assistant  in  systematic  agrostology.  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry, 
United  States  Department  of  Agriculture,  for  examining  the 
various  species  of  grasses;  and  to  Kenneth  K.  Mackenzie,  of 
New  York  city,  for  inspecting  all  species  of  Cyperaceae,  Junci, 
and  many  other  plants. 

■  Many  of  the  above-named  plants  have  since  been  noticed  in  other  parts 
of  Essex  county  and  inserted  in  the  list. 




POLYPODIACEAE  (Fern  Family.) 

Polyiwdlum  vulgare  L.    (Common  Polypody.) 

Kelly  island.    Scarce 
Ph^opteris  heiagonoptera  (Michx.)  F6e.    (Bkoad  Beach 

In  rich  woods  near  Windsor.     (Burgess  ) 
Phegopteri.  Dnropteri,  (L.)  F^.    (Oak  Fern  ) 

AdUnnim  pedatum  L.    (Maidenhair.) 

Common  in  rich  shaded  ground  about  Windsor 
Pterls  aquilina  L.    (Common  Brake.) 

Frequent  on  Point  Pelee,   Pelee  island,  and  in 
county  generally. 
Pellaea  atropurpurea  (L.)  Link.    (Cliff  Brake.) 

OhioshoVr  (Maidenhair  Spleenwort.) 

'^'^'^'Srshte*^'"'""  ^^-^  °^'"-      ^^«°-  SPLEENWORT.) 

Aspl««iumang„stlfoUum  Michx.    (Narrow-leaved  Spleen- 

Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore  '^  rtRN.; 

Fern?""  ""°''"'=»*°*'*^  (^ichx.)  Schott.    (Christmas 
Frequent  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin  ) 
Aspidium  Thelypterls  (L.)  Sw.    (MarSshield  Fern  ) 

very  common  m  marshy  open  ground  or  slightlv  shaded 
places  at  Pelee  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Aspidium  noveboracense  (L.)  Sw.     (New  York  Fern.) 

Luw  woods  and  thickets  near  Windsor. 
Aspidium  marftiiiale  (L.)  Sw. 

Frequent  in  rich  woods  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Aspidium  Goldlanum  Hook.    (Goldie's  Fern.) 

in  rich  woods  near  Amherstburg.     (Maclagan.) 
Aspidium  cristatum  (L.)  Sw.    (Crested  Shield  Fern.) 

Occasional  in  swampy  places  on  the  east  side  of  Point 
Pelee  and  about  Windsor.     No  doubt  frequent  through- 
out other  parts  of  Essex  county. 
Aspidium  spinulosum  (O.  F.  MUller)  Sw.    (Spinulose  Shield 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods,  islands,  and  Ohio 
shore.     No  doubt  frequent  throughout  Essex  county. 
Aspidium  spinulosum  (O.  F.  MUller)  Sw.,  var.  intermedium 
(Muhl.)  D  C.  Eaton.     (Spinulose  Shield  Fern.) 

In  rich  woods  on  the  east  side  of  Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee 
island.     Probably  throughout  Essex  county. 
Cystopteris  bulbifera  (L.)  Bernh.    (Bulblet  Cystopteris.) 

L^ke  Erie  islands. 
Csrstopteris  frazils  (L.)  Bernh.     (Brittle  Fern.) 

Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Onoclea  sensibilis  L.    (Sensitive  Fern.) 

Common  in  damp  open  ground,  woods,  and  thickets  on 
the  east   side  of    Point   Pelee  and  on   Pelee   island. 
Not  noticed  on  the  other  islands,  but  common  on  the 
Ohio  shore. 
Onoclea  Struthiopteris  (L.)  Hoffm.    (Ostrich  Fer?!.) 
Frequent  in  Essex  county.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 

OSMUNDACEAE  (Flowering  Fern  Family.) 

Osmunda  re^lis  L.    (Flowering  Fern.) 

Common  in  damp  open  ground  about  Windsor. 

Osmunda  Glaytoniana  L.    (Clayton  Fern.) 
Frequent  about  Windsor. 

Osmunda  cinnamomea  L.    (Cinnamon  Fern.) 
Common  about  Windsor. 


OPHIOGLOSSACEAE  (Adders  Tongue  Family.) 

OphlojIoMum  vulsatum  L.    (Adders  Tongue.) 

Cedar  point.  Ohio  shore.     Probably  frequent  in  Es«x 
county,  but  overlooked.  ^^ 

iJ*?^""^*"  ^-  "'*^*'*^^''-    (Little  Grape  Fern  ) 
n^^  u?*"^  ^'  ^^^'  P°'"^'  Ohio  shore.  ^^ 

fTnO         '""~""'  ^''"''^  ^"''^^^-    ^^-"--«v  Grape 
At  Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 
BotnrcWum  vinMnlanum  (L.)  Sw.    (Rattlesnake  Fern  ) 

Point   Pelee  and    on    Pelee   island.       Very   probablv 
common  throughout  Essex  county.  P™»>ably 

EQUISETUM  (Horsetail  Family. 


Equlaetum  arvense  L.    (Common  Horsetail.) 

k!Z       t  .-     S°"'"°"    throughout    Essex    county 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore  ^ 

Equisetum  sylvatlcum  L     (Wood  Horsetail.) 

Sf^P  .'"  "^T"*  '•'^^  P'^«^^^  °"  the  east  side  of 
P^^elee^ndonPeleeisIand.     No  doubt  throughout 

^"^'^^mmo"^;"'  '"  .  ^^'"^-^     (S--«^  Horsetaxl.) 

Common  about  ponds,  in  ditches,  shallow  water,  and  wet 
Peaces    especially  on  the  big  marsh  at  Poi;t  PeC 

county  ''''"^'  '"^  P™'^"y  *^™"8hout  Es^ 

^"^"SL'''**'""^ •  ^"    ^'"°°™  ScouRXNG  Rush.) 

Reported  as  noticed  along  road-sides  near  Windsor  Ac- 
cording to  the  late  A.  A.  Eaton,  this  species  s  vei^ 
doubtful  m  western  Ontario  and  Michigan,  it  beinT 
often   mistaken  for  E.  hyemale  interm^ium.  A    A 



Equlaetum  hyemale  L.    (Scouring  Rush.) 

Frequent  in  dry  open  places  among  cedars  at  Point  Pelee 
and  on  Pelee  island.    No  doubt  frequent  throughout 
Essex  county. 
Equisetum  hyemale  L.,  var.  intermedium  A.  A.  Eaton. 
(Scouring  Rush.) 

Noticed   near  Windsor.    According  to  the  late  A.  A. 
Eaton,  this  is  often  confused  with  E.  Laevigatum. 
Equisetum  liyemale  L.,  var.  robustum  (A.  Br.)  A.  A.  Eaton. 
(Stout  Scc-'ing  Rush.) 

Put-in- ^ay  and  Kelley  islands  and  Ohic  ^h  re. 
Equisetum  variegatum  Schleich.    (Variegated  Equisbtum .) 
Abundant  on  borders  of  ponds,  east  side  of  Point  Pelee. 
Also  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

SELAGINELLACEAE  (Selaginella  Family.) 

Selaftinella  apus  (L.)  Spring.    (Creeping  Selaginella.) 
Damp  open  places  along  Detro't  river.   Probably  through- 
out Essex  countv,  but  overlooked. 

TAXACEAE  (Yew  Family.) 

Taxus  canadensis  Marsh.    (American  Yi  v.) 

Amoi'g  cedars  and  pines  on  the  west  side  of  Point  Pelee. 
Apparently  rare.  (Wallace  Tilden.)  Rocky  shores 
of  the  islands. 

PINACEAE  (Pine  Family.) 

Finns  Strobus  L.    (White  Pine.) 

Usually  scattering  at   Point   Pelee.      A  grove  of  large 
trees  about  halfway  down   to  extreme  point.      Oc- 
casional in  other  parts  of  the  county.    Ohio  shore. 
Pinus  sylvestris  L.    (Scotch  Fir.) 

Fine  specimens  in  cultivation  on  noith  shore  ef  Lake 
Erie,  but  not  noticed  as  spreading. 


^^^  ^^  ^P^  ^<^)  Koch.    (American  LA.CH.) 

O^onal  .„  .wampy  place,,  but  formerly  more  abund- 

Junlpwu.  communl.  L.    (Common  Juniper.) 

Ju^)  "^""^    "  •    ^^'     -*«-«-    Pursh.     (Low 
Abundant  on  the  west  side  of  Point  Pelee  along  the 

Junlpenw  virglniana  L.    (Red  Cedar) 

Abundant  and  ije  dominant  tree  in  many  places  on  the 

S^te^nea"  "  P°'"\  Also  on  Pelee  island  and 
scattenng  along  north  shore  of  Uke  Erie  to  th« 
Detroit   river.    Abundant  on   the  isLf Tnd  Vht 

TYPHACEAE  (Cat-tail  r.vM.LY.) 

Typha  latlfoHa  L.    (Common  Cat-tail.) 

Abundant  in  ditches  and  the  big  mcrsh  at  Point  Pelee 
andon  Pelee  island,  and  in  swampy  places  throughout 
Essex  county.    Also  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Typha  ansustifolla  L.    (Narrow-leaved  cIt-ta  !) 

Frequent  and  often  plentiful  on  borders  of  the  b^  marsh 
at  Pomt  Pelee.     North  Bass  island  and  Ohio  sK. 

SPARGANIACEAE  (Bur  Reed  Family.) 

^"^O""  *"'y*=>n»um   Engelm.      (Broad-kru.ted   Bur 

Very  common  in  and  about  the  big  marsh,  in  ditches 
and  very  wet  placesat  Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island 
Middle  Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore 


Spatftanlum  ainarlcanum  Nutt.,  var.  androcladum  (En- 
gelm)  Feraald  and  Eames.    (Branching  Bur  Reed.) 

Occasional  in  and  about  the  big  marsh  at  Point  Peiee. 
Middle  Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore. 

NAJADACEAE   (Pondweed  Family.) 

Potamogeton  natans  L.    (Common  Floating  Pondweed.) 
Ponds  and  small  lakes  in  the  big  marsh  at  Point  Pelee 
an      on    Pelee    island.      Common    about   the   other 
Potamogeton  ameiicanus  C.  and  S.    (Long-leaved  Pond- 

Occasional  in  water  on  the  east  side  of  Point  Pelee. 
Common  about  the  islands. 
Potamogeton  amplifollus  Tuckerm.    (Large-leaved  Pond- 

In  water  along  Ohio  shore. 
Potamogeton     heterophyllus    Schreb.       (Various-leaved 

Occasional  in  water  on  east  side  of  Point  Pelee.     Near 
Windsor.     (Macoun.)     Ohio  shore. 
Potamogeton  heterophyllus  Schreb.,  forma  maximus  Mo- 
rong.    (Various-leaved  Pondweed.) 
North  Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Potamogeton  lucens  L.    (Shining  Pondweed.) 

In  water  about  the  islands  and  along  Ohio  shore. 
Potamogeton   RichardsouU   (Bonn.)   Rydb.      (Richardson 

In  v.ater  at  the  north  end  c  i  east  side  of  Point  Pelee. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Potamogeton  perfoliatus  L.    (Clasping-leaved  Pondweed.) 

In  water  along  Ohio  shor,-. 
Potamogeton  zosterifolius  Schumacher.      (Eel-grass  Pond- 


Occasional  in  the  big  ditches  at  north  end  of  Point  Pelee 
on  east  side.  Common  about  the  islands  and  along 
Ohio  shore. 


(Hill's  Pondweed.) 

Potamogeton  Hillii  Morong. 

Along  the  Ohio  shore. 
Potamogeton  Friesii  Rupr.    (Fries'  Pondweed.) 

In  big  ditches  on  east  side  of  north  end  of  Point  Pelee 
P«»       J"      ^"^"^  Put-in-Bay  island  and  along  Ohio  shore. 
Potamogeton  puslllus  L.    (Small  Pondweed.) 

In  water  along  Ohio  shore. 
Potamogeton  foliosus  Raf.    (Leafy  Pondweed) 

Fr«^uent  at  the  north  end  of  Point  Pelee  on  the  ea.,t 
Pnta^J^f'    1^ »  *'~"*  Put-in-Bay  and  North  Bass  island. 
Potomogeton  foliosus  Raf.,   var.  niagarensis   (Tuckernr 
Morong.    (Leafy  Pondweed.)  ^ 

About  North  Bass  island  and  along  Ohio  shore 
Potamogeton  pectinatus  L.    (Fennel-leaved  Pondweed) 
Occasional  at  north  end  of  Point  Pelee  on  the  east  side. 
Abundant  about  the  islands  and  along  Ohio  shore 
°^"T*°°  *"*'"™P*"*  Kit^'be'-    (Interrupted  Pond- 
About  Put-in-Bay  island. 
Najas  flexllls  (Willd.)  Rostk.  and  Schmidt.    (Slender  Najas.) 
In  big  ditches  at  north  end  of  Point  Pelee  on  east  side. 
Also  about  the  islands. 
Najas    flexUls   (Willd.)   Rostk.  and    Schmidt,  var.  robust. 
Morong.    (Larger  Najas.) 
In  water  along  Ohio  shore. 
Najas  gracllllma  (A.  Br.)  Magnus.    (Thread-like  Najas  ) 
In  water  along  Ohio  shore. 

JUNCAGINACEAE   (Arrow  Grass  Family.) 
Triglochin  maritlma  L.    (Seaside  Arrow  Grass.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  sand  or  marshy  ope. 
ground  in  and  on  borders  of  big  marsh. 

ALISMACEAE   (Water-plantain  Family  ) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  ditches  and  wet  places  on  the 
big  marsh.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Saftittarla  arifolia  Nutt.    ((Arum-leaved  Arrow-heao.) 

Along  the  Ohio  shore. 
Sagittaria  heterophylla  Pursh.    (Sessile-Fruiting  Arrow- 

Borders  of  small  lakes  in  big  marsh.     Put-in-Bay  island 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Sagittaria  graminea  Michx.    (Grass-leaved  Sagittaria.) 

Along  Ohio  shore. 
Alisma  Plantago-aquatica  L.    (Water  Plantain.) 

Abundant  in  ditches  and  very  wet  places  at  Point  Pelee 
and  throughout  Essex  county.  Also  islands  and  Ohio 


HYDROCHARITACEAE   (Frog's  Bit  Family.) 

Blodea  canadensis  Michx.    (Water-weed.) 

Common  in  the  ponds  and  small  lakes  of  the  big  marsh 
at  Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island.    Also  Kelley  and 
Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Vallisneria  spiralis  L.    (Wild  Celery.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  the  ponds  and  small  lakes 
of  the  big  marsh.  Abundant  about  the  islands  and 
along  Ohio  shore. 

GRAMINEAE   (Crass  Family.) 

Andropogon  scoparius  Michx.    (Broom  Beard  Grass.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  dry  ground,  and  on 
Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 
Andropogon  furcatus  Muhl.    (Forked  Beard  Grass.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground.    Ohio 
Sorghastrum  nutans  (L.)  Nash.    (Indian  Grass.) 

On   sandy   open    ground    at    Point    Pelee.    Apparently 
rare.    Ohio  shore. 
Dlgitarla  humifusa  Pers.    (Small  Crab  Grass.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  sandy  ground  and  on  Pelee 
island.    North  Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore. 


DIgltaria  sanguinalis  (L.)  Scop.    (Crab  Grass.) 

A  common  weed  at   Point   Pelee  and  on   Pelee  island 
The  other  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Panicum  capUlare  L.    (Old-witch  Grass.) 

A  common  weed  in  gardens,  fields,  and  waste  places  at 
Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island.    The  other  islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Panicum  flexUe  (Gattinger)  Scribn.     (Wiry  Panicum.) 

Common  in  moist  sandy  ground  at  the  north  end  of  Point 
Pelee  on  east  side. 
Panicum  pliiladelpliicum  Bemh.    (Wood  Witch  Grass  ) 
Noticed  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  sandy  ground  among  red 
cedars.     (A.  B.  Klugh.)     Ohio  shore. 
Panicum  miliaceum  L.    (European  Millet.) 

Ohio  shore.     Probably  also  as  an  escape  in  Essex  county 
Panicum  vltiatum  L.    (Switch  Grass.) 

Usually  in  tufts  on  dry  sandy  ground.    Abundant  along 
the  upper  east  beach  of    Point    Pelee.    Also  Kellev 
island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Panicum  agrostoides  Spreng.     (Agrostis-like  Panicum  ) 

North  Bass  island. 
Panicum  depauperatum  Muhl.    (Starved  Pan    um  ) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  poor  ground.     Ohio 
Panicum  dicliotomum  L.    (Forked  Panicum.) 

Frequent   in   woods  at    Point    Pelee.     (Burgess.)     Also 
on  islands. 
Panicum  huacliucae  Ashe.    (Hairy  Panicum.) 

Occasional  in  sandy  ground  at  Point  Pelee.     No  doubt 
to  be  found  throughout  Essex  county 
Panicum  scoparium  Um.    (Scribners  Panicum  ) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground.  Prob- 
ably throughout  Essex  county.  On  islands  and  Ohio 

Panicum  dandestinum  L.    (Hispid  Panicum.) 
Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 






Echinochloa  crasgalll  (L.)  Beauv.  (Barnyard  Grass.) 

A  weed  at  Point  Pelee  and  probably  throughout  Essex 
county,  in  gardens,  fields,  and  waste  places,  preferring 
damp  ground.    Also  on  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Echinochloa   Walter!    (Pursh)    Nash.    (Salt-marsh    Cock- 
spur  Grass.) 

Common  in  damp  places  near  creeks  flowing  into  Lake 
Erie  along  north  shore.    Ohio  shore. 
Setaria  glauca  (L.)  Beauv.    (Foxtail.) 

A  common  weed  throughout  Essex  county  in  gardens 
and  fields.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Setaria  viridis  (L.)  Beauv.    (Green  Foxtail.) 

Throughout  Essex  county  as  a  weed  in  cultivated  fields. 
Ohio  shore. 
Setaria  italica  (L.)  Beauv.    (Italian  Millet.) 

Occasional  as  zsi  escape  throughout  Essex  county.     On 
Middle  Bass  and  North  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Cenchnu  carollnianus  Walt.    (Sandbur.) 

Occasional  as  a  roadside  weed  throughout  Essex  county. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Zizania  palustrls  L.    (Indian  Rice.) 

Very  abundant  and  rank  in  spots  on  the  big  marsh 
at  Point  Pelee.  Also  along  low  wet  banks  of  streams 
flowing  into  LaH  Erie  and  about  Lake  St.  Clair.  Also 
on  Pelee  island,  Middle  Bass  island,  and  Ohio  shore. 
The  smaller  form  Z.  aquatica  L.  not  noticed. 
Leersia  virftinica  Willd.    (White  Grass.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  woods  on  the  east 
side.    Also  Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Leersia  orjrzoides  (L.)  Sw.    (Rice  Cut  Grass.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  a'onn;  ditches  and  in  wet  places, 
especially  in  the  big  marsi,.    Also  on  islands  and  Ohio 
Phalaris  arundinacea  L.    (Reed  Canary  Grass.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  open  places,  especially 
in  the  big  marsh.    Middle  Bass  isk  :d  anu  Ohio  shore. 
Hierochloe  odorata  (L.)  Wahlenb.    (Vanilla  Grass.) 
Grassy  places  along  Detroit  river. 


MUium  effusum  L.    (Millet  Grass.) 

« ^°  ^"^  °P«n  woods  on  the  east  side  of  Point  Pelee 

O^^^is  pungen.   (Torr.)    Hitchc.    (SLHNBHr  MoStmk 

In  dry  open  ground  about  Windsor 
Owp.1.  a.perifolia  Michx.     (White-graiked  MotrKXAiH 

In  shaded  ground  near  Windsor 

Put-in-Bay  island.    Apparently  rare 
Stipa  spartea  Trin.    (Porcupine  Grass.) 
Sandy  ground,  Ohio  shore. 

^BEicU^"**"    "^^^^     (M"hl.)     Trin.       (ROCKMUHLEN- 

Ohio  shore. 
MuhlenberSia  sylvatica  Torr.    (Wood  Muhlenbergia.) 

Sr  n"  ^'f ^"  °^  '^'^''  ^^^'  «d«  °f  Point  Pelee. 
Middle  Bass  island. 

M»hlenbe.«te  follosa  Trin.    (Minnesota  Mu»t.enbergia  ) 
Along  edge  of  big  marsh  at  Point  Pel,..     Apparently 
not  common.  >'i«icuuy 

**Be"g°^)"*'^     "''**^     ^^-^    "^"^        (^^^^     MUHLEK- 

Edge  of  woods  on  east  side  of  Point  Pelee.    Apparently 

infrequent.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore.  »'I«'^""y 

ber«a^  racemosa  (Michx.)  BSP.    (Marsh  Muhlem- 

Muhlenberala  Schreberi  J.  F.  Gmel.    (Nimble  Will  ) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  sandy  ground  under  red 

Rnrh^I^''         °*^"'  "^-     ^^'^"^^  ^°d  Ohio  shore. 
Bnjc^elytrum    erectum    (Schreb.)   Beauv.     (Brachvelt- 

Ohio   shore. 
Phleum  pratense  L     (Timothy.) 

0«««ional  everywhere  as  an  escape.    Islands  and  Ohio 

^  'l^i 


Alopecunis  geniculatus  L.,  var.  aristulatus  Ton-.    (Float- 
ing Foxtail.) 

In  very  wet  open  places  at   Point   Pelee  and  on  Pelee 
island.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Sporobolus  vaginiflorus   (Torr.)   Wood.     (Sheathed  Rush 

Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Sporobolus  neglectus  Nash.    (Small  Rush  Grass.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Sporobolus  cryptandrus  (Torr.)  Gray.    (Sand  Dropseed.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  the  beaches  and  sand  ridges. 
Ohio    shore. 
Agrostis  alba  L.    (Red  Top.) 

Common   at   Point   Pelee  in  damp  open   meadow-like 
ground  and  occasional  in  dry  sandy  places.     Common 
on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Agrostis  hyemalis  (Walt.)  BSP.     (Hair  Grass.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground.     Put-in- 
Bay  and  Middle  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Agrostis  perennans  (Walt.)  Tuckerm.    (Thin  Grass.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Calamovilfa  longifolia  (Hook.)  Hack.    (Long-leaved  Reed 

On  the  upper  beach  at  Point  Pelee  but  not  abundant. 
When  abundant  it  is  one  of  the  best  sand  binders 
against  the  action  of  wind. 
Calamagrostis  canadensis   (Michx.)   Beauv.      (Blue-joint 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  spots  in  the  big  marsh  and 
on  Pelee  island.     Middle  Bass  and  North  Bass  islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Ammophila  arenaria  (L.)  Link.    (Sea  Sand-reed.) 

A  characteristic  beach  grass.  Noticed  as  plentiful  in 
spots  on  the  east  side  of  Point  Pelee,  but  infrequent 
on  the  west  side.  When  abundant,  it  is  one  of  the 
most  efficient  sand  binders  against  both  wind  and 
wave.    Ohio  shore. 




CInna  arundinacea  L.    (Wood  Reed  Grass.) 

In  damp  woods  on  the  east  side  of  Point  Pelee 
patently  infrequent.     Ohio  shore. 
Sphenopholls    obtusata    (Michx.)    Scribn 

North  Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore 
Sphenopholls    pallens   (Spreng.)  Scribn 

Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Koeleria  cristata  (L.)  Pers.    (Koeleria  ) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  on  dry  sandy  ground 

Danthonia  spicata  (L.)  Beauv.    (Common  Wild-oat  Grass  ) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  dry  sandy  ground.     Put-in 
Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore 
Spartina  MIchauxlana  Hitchc.    (Slough  Grass  ) 

Pelee  island  Middle  Bass  island,  and  Ohio  shore 
Fornierly  included  with  5.  cynosuroides  (L.)  Roth 
which  IS  now  claimed  to  be  an  eastern  species. 

TELOCsT     """''^"*'"'"     ^'^''^'^->    ^«-       (R^CEMBD    Bot- 

Ohio  shore. 
Eleusine  Indlca  Gaertn.     (Goose  Crass.) 

Ohio    shore. 
Phragmites  communis  Trin.     (Reed) 

Abundant  in  spots  on  the  big  marsh  at  Point  Pelee,  and 
on  Pelee  island.     Ohio  shore 
Tridens  flavus  (  L.)  Hitchc.    (Tall  Red  Top.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Triplasis  purpurea  (Walt.)  Chapm.    (Sand  Grass) 

TnXand^OhloXrt^  ^^^^  ^'  ^°^-  '^^^  ^«"e> 

^"^^hi^O^sw""  ^"""-^  ^'^-      ^^'"'^^"^"  E-GROST.S.) 

Ohio  shore. 



Era^ostis  capillaris  (L.)  Nees.    (Capillary  Eragrostis.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Eragrostis  pilosa  (L.)  Beauv.    (Tufted  Eragrostis.) 

Plentiful  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  sandy  ground.     Often 
abundant  on  railway  embankments  and  along  high- 
ways.     Common    throughout    Essex     county.      In- 
cludes E.  purshii  Schrad.     Kelley  island. 
Eragrostis  megastacliya   (Koeler)   Link.    (Strong-scented 

A  weed  at  Point  Pelee  in  gardens  and  cultivated  fields. 
Eragrostis  pectinacea  (Michx.)  Steud.    (Purple  Eragros- 

Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 
Dactylis  glomerata  L.    (Orchard  Gr.\ss.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  along  roads  and  about  dwellings . 
Pelee  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Poa  annua  L.    (Low  Spear  Grass.) 

About  dwellings,  especially  in  lawns,  at  Point  Pelee  and 
on  Pelee  island.     Probably  common  throughout  Essex 
Poa  compressa  L.    (Canada  Blue  Grass.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  sandy  ground.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Poa  pratensis  L.     (June  Grass.) 

Common  at   Point    Pelee  and  on   Pelee  island.      The 
common  grass  of  open  dryish  woods,  fields,  pastures, 
and  lawns.    Abundant  on  the  other  islands  and  Ohio 
Poa  debilis  Torr.     (Weak  Spear  Grass.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Glyceria  nerrata  (Willd.)  Trin.    (Fowl  Meadow  Grass.) 
Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  places  andj^rich 
open  woods.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Glyceria  pallida  (Torr.)  Trin.    (Pale  Manna  Grass.) 
Ohio  shore. 


Glycerti  septentrionallaHitchc.  (Northern  Manna  Grass) 

Frequent  at  Po..  Pelee  in  ditches,  shallow  water,  a^d 

about  r-nd-,  especially  on  the  east  side  of  the  bijr 

marsh.  ^„.auds.     Formerly  included  with  G.  fluUans 

Festura  octoflora  Walt.    (Slender  Fescue  Grass  ) 

sSr^'  ^'  ^°'"*  ^^'"^  °"  "^"^  "^"^y  «™""*^-    Ohio 
Festuca  ovina  L.    (Sheep's  Fescue) 
v^^    ^'^"ent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  sandy  ground. 
Festuca  elatior  L.    (Meadow  Fescue  ) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  meadow-like  ground.     Is- 
lands and  Ohio  shore. 
Festuca  nutans  Spreng.    (Nodding  Fescue  ) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  farm  buildings.     Island, 
of  Lake  Erie,  except  Kelley  island. 
Bromus  secalinus  L.    (Common  Chess  ) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and  in  culti- 
vated  grounds.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Bromus  commutatus  Schrad.    (Variable  Brome  Grass.) 
Noticed  only  ,n  open  ground  on  the  west  side  of  Pelee 
Bromus  racemosus  L.    (Upright  Chess.) 

Roadsides  and  railway  banks  at  Essex  Centre.     (Bur- 
gess.)     Common  on  the  islands 
Bromus  cUiatus  L.    (Fringed  Brome  Grass  ) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  woodsand  thickets. 
I  «ii  ^^  ^""^  Rattlesnake  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

Lolium  perenne  I..    (Common  Darnel.) 

Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands. 
Agropyron  repens  (L.)  Beauv.    (Couch  Grass.) 

^^T^}''''l'''T  ^"'"^  ^"^"^  ^^™  buildings  and  i. 
old  fields  Probably  frequent  throughout  Essex  county. 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 

In  Miidy  ground  near  shore  on  Pelee  island,  but  nowhere 

-  -i '  Uiii^n 



Hordeum  JutMtum  L.    (Squirrel-tail  Grass.) 

Occasional  at    Point    Pelee    about    dwellings.       Keliey 
island  and  Ohio  shore.     Becoming  common   in   many 
parts  of  western  Ontario. 
Uymus  ▼irginicus  L.    (Virginia  Wild  Rye.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  damp  woods. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
RIymus  canadensis  L.    (Nodding  Wild  Rye.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  and  Pelee  island  on  the  upper 
beach,    but   nowhere   abundant.      The   other  islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Elymus   canadensis   L.,  var.  ^aucifolius  (Muhl.)     Gray. 
(Glaucus-leaved  Wild  Rye.) 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Elymus  striatus  Willd.    (Slender  Wild  Rye.) 

Occasional  in  dryisn  woods  on  Pelee  island.    Keliey  island 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Hystiix  patula  Moench.    (Bottle-brush  Grass.) 

In  rich  open  woods  at  Point  Pelee.    Islands  and  Ohio 

CYPERACEAE  (Sedge  Family.) 

Cjrperus  diandrus  Torr.    (Low  Cyperus.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground,  especially 
about  the  big  marsh.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Cyperus  rivularis  Kunth.    (Shining  Cyperus.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Cyperus  Scliweinitzii  Torr.    (Schweinitz's  Cyperus.) 

Frequent  at   Point   Pelee  in  dry  open  sandy  ground. 
Common  on  Ohio  shore. 
Cyperus  esculentus  L.    (Yellow  Nut  Grass.) 
On  low  ground  at  Point  Pelee.     (Burgess.) 
Cyperus  feraz  Rich.    (Michaux's  Cyperus.) 

In  damp  sand  near  Lake  Erie  shore  west  of  Kingsville. 
Ohio  shore. 
Cjrperus  strigosus  L.    (Straw-coloured  Cyperus.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp,  grassy,  meadow-like 
ground.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Cyperu.  Houghtonll  Torr.    (Houghton's  Cvperus  ) 

"^o  ir   "^^"^   '-'-  '•"   --  '^^  open  .round. 

„.  big  marsh,    ol  fh^ '"  "''  °'""  P'^^^«  «^"»  the 

EleoclMris  obtusa  (Willd.)  Schultes.    (Blunt  Spike  Rush  ^ 

Occasiona    at  Point  PpI«.  ■«  ^:*  i.  7  .        ^USH.) 

„!..  J  ^  '"  ditches  and  low  mudHv 

sSs^r^^Sh^tof  "•  '^^"-  -'  ^-"«- 

Eleoclwris  palustri,  (L.)  R.  and  S.    (Creeping  Spike  Rush  ) 
ZZt'fu""'  ^^'^""^  °"  f'elee  island.  "'^ 

era,.     (sJ^NOErcti^rSpt^^frr^'^'^^ 

CREEPING^Ipr^UsH  )  '  ""'  "***"•  ^^''^y-    ^^^^^^ 

In  water  along  Ohio  shore. 
Eleocharis  acicularis  (L.)  R.  and  S.    (Needle  Spike  Rush  ) 

o7rb?/°'"?^'?  ^^"^  ^•'^  ponds  and  smainake 
Ohif  sh'^^e"'"'  ^"'  °"  ^^'^  '^•-^-  «-  -'and.  and 

''"TcLrara^s•kt^tln,f  ^-^^  ^"-  ^-•> 

Pelee  island.  """  ^'^^^  «™""^'  a"^  «" 

Eleocharis  acuminata  (Muhl )  Nees     rr,  *^  o^ 
Rush.)  u*iuni.;  jNees.    (Flat-stemmed  Spike 

Common  on  Ohio  shore 

ST  '"'"°"^'»   »•*'■'   ^^""--    (Ma-b„  S„k. 
Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore. 

In  wet  sandy  field,  near  Sandwich.     (Macoun.) 








Flmlnittylis  autumnalis  (L.)    R.  and    S.    (Slender  Fih- 


Wet  sandy  fields  near  Sandwich.   (Macoun.)    Ohio  shore. 
Scirpus  debllls  Pursh.    (Weak-stalked  Club  Rush.) 

Along  Ohio  shore. 
Sdrpui  americanus  Pers.    (Thrfe-square.) 

Very  common  at  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  big  marsh, 
and  along  shore  of  I^ke  St.  Clair.     Islands  and  Ohio 
Scirpus  Torreyl  OIney.    (Torrey's  Bulrush.) 

Along  Ohio  shore. 
Scirpus  occldentalis  (Wats.)  Chase.    (Western  Bulrush.) 
Common  at  Point  Pelee  about  and  in  the  big  marsh,    nd 
along  Lake  St.  Clair  shore.     Islands  and  Ohio  shot<:. 
Scirpus  fluviatllis  (Torr.)  Gray.     (River  Bulrush.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  the  very  wet  places  of  the  big 
marsh.     Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Scirpus  sylvaticus  L.    (Wood  Bulrush.) 

Put-in-Bay  island. 
Scirpus  atroTirens  Muhl.    (Dark  Green  Bulrush.) 

Common  at  Point    Pelee  in  damp  open  ground   and 
throughout  Essex  county.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Scirpus  polypliylius  Vahl.    (Leafy  Bulrush.) 

Middle  Bass  island. 
Scirpus  Ilneatus  Michx.    (Reddish  Bulrush.) 

In  damp  open  meadow-like  ground  on  the  east  side  of 
Point    Pelee.      Apparently    infrequent.      Kelley    and 
North  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Scirpus  cyperinus  (L.)  Kunth.,  var.  pelius  Femald.    (Wood 

Occasional  in  marshy  places  near  Lake  St.  Clair.    Along 
Ohio  shore. 
Hemicarpha  micrantha  (Vahl.)  Britton.    (Hemicarpha.) 

In  damp  sandy  ground  near  Amherstburg.     (Macoun.) 
Cladium  mariscoides  (Muhl).    Torr.    (Twig  Rush.) 

Frequent  and  in  pots  abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet 
marshy  places  and  about  the  ponds  and  small  lakes 
of  the  big  marsh. 

Sctorta  «gIom«t«  MichT.    (Tall  Nut  Rush.) 
r.^        1?P  ^P™  «™""«*  "«»«•  Sandwich.    (Macoun  ) 
C.r«muddngum«»ri,Schwein.    (MusriNcuM  S~^e.) 
Along  Ohio  shore, 

Cawx  scoparla  Schkuhr.    (Pointed  Broom  Sedge  ) 
Cam  firibuloldes  Wahlenb.    (Blunt  Broom  Sedge  ) 

North  Bass  island. 
Carex  cristata  Schwein.    (Crested  Sedge.) 

Peir*M^l  «°""^*"''  ^'""P  °P^"  ''"'ds  at  Point 
Pelee.    North  Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore. 

^JL"*^  """•""■• '"  ^^  'i^)  ^"~'-- 

In  low  damp  open  ground  at  Point  Pelee.    Apparently 
infrequent.  PF«ciiiiy 

Carex  sterills  Willd.    (Little  Prickly  Sedge) 

Ohio  shore. 
Carex  rosea  Schkuhr.    (Stellate  Sedge) 

'''Zr*i^'/°'f^u^''"  '"  '^^  ^P^"  ^^'-    Middle 
Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore 

r**lS''''"''''  ^"  "**•**«  ^«^«y-    (Stellate  Sedge  ) 
r-,.    ii  rf^s^ near  Ami.., itburg.     (Macoun.) 
Carex  Muhlenberftii  Schkuhr.    (Muhlenberg's  Sedge  ) 

sSr     ^'  ^°'"*  ^^'"^  °"  °'*"  "^"^y  ground.     Ohio 

Carex  Muhknbergil  Schkuhr..  var.  enervis  Boott.    (Muhl- 
enberg's Sedge.)  "wh.    ^«^UHL- 

Ohio  shore. 
Carex  cephalophora  Muhl.    (Oval-headed  Sedge) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  shaded  ground.     Bass 
island  and  Ohio  shore. 








Cafcx  cephaloidea  Dewey.    (TmM-LEAVEo  Sedge.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Cam  •porganioldes  Muhl.    (Bur  Reed  Sedge.) 

In  shaded  ground  on  Pelee  island.     Kelley  and  Rattle- 
snake islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Gam  Tul-  aoidea  Michx.    (Fox  Sedge.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  and  throughout  Essex  county 
in    damp    meadow-like    ground      Islands    and    Ohio 
Gorex  stipata  Muhl.    (Awl-fkuited  Sedge.) 

In  very  wet  open  places  at  Point  Pelee,  especially  on 
borders  of  big  marsh.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Carex  Sartwellil  Dewey.    (Sartwell's  Sedge.) 

Wet  open  places  in  the  big  marsh  at  Point  Pelee. 
Carex  aquatilis  Wahlenb.    (Water  Sedge.) 

Margins  of  ponds  and  small  lak»9  in  the  big  marsh  at 
Point  Pelee.     Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Carex  torta  Boott.    (Twisted  Sedge.) 

On  Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 
Carex  stricta  Lam.    (Tussock  Sedge.) 

About  the  big  marsh  at  Point  Pelee,  especially  near  the 
ponds  and  small  lakes. 
Carex  leptalea  Wahlenb.    (Bristle-stalked  Sedge.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  very  wet  open  places.     Ohio 
Carex  virescens  Muhl.,  var.  Swanii  Femald. 
Near  Essex  Centre  and  Amherstburg. 
Near  Leamington.     (Burgess.) 
Carex  Davisil  Schwein.     (Davis'  Sedge.) 

Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Carex  albicans  Willd.    (Whitish  Sedge.) 

Put-in-Bay  island. 
Carex  varia  Muhl.    (Emmons'  Sedge.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  sandy  ground  among 
red  cedars  and  pines.     Ohio  shore. 
Carex  pennsylvanica  Lam.    (Pennsylvania  Sbdgb.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  dry  open  ground.     Put-in- 
Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 

(Swan's  Sedge.) 

Kelley  island 
(White  Bear 


Carex  ebumea  Boott.    (Bristle-leaved  Sedge.) 

On  dry  sandy  ground  at  Point  Pelee  among  red  cedani 
and  pines. 

Carex  laxiflora  Lam.    (Loose-flowered  Sedge.) 
C«r«il*1«  Amherstburg.     (Macoun.)    Kelley    island. 
sS;5^°"         •  """•  '^"*^''  ^^'^y-    (Loose-flowered 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  shaded  ground.  Hen  and 
Kelley  islands,  and  Ohio  shore. 
Carex  laxiflora  Lam.,  var.  blanda  (Dewey)  Boott.  (Loose- 
flowered  Sedge.)  Vl-OOSE- 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods, 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Carex   laxiflora  Um.,  var.  latifolia  Boott 

Kelley  island. 
Carex  granularis  Muhl.    (Meadow  Sedge.) 

Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Carex  Crawei  Dewey.    (Crawe's  Sedge.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Carex  flava  L.    (Yellow  Sedge.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  open  ground. 
Carex   Oederi    Retz..   var.   pumila   (Cosson   and   Germain) 
Femald.     (Green  Sedge.)  ^^main) 

In  damp  sand  about  the  ponds  and  small  lakes  of  the 
big  marsh  at  Point  Pelee.  and  along  the  north  shore 
of  Lake  Erie. 
Carex  flllformis  L.    (Slender  Sedge.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh, 
and  on  Pelee  island. 
Carex  lanuginosa  Michx.    (Woolly  Sedge.) 

In  damp  meadow-like  ground  at  Point  Pelee.    Put-in- 
Bay  island. 
Carex  riparia  W.  Curtis.    (River-bank  Sedge.) 

On  marshes  at  Point  Pelee.    Ohio  shore 
Carex  squarrosa  L.    (Squarrose  Sedge.) 
Ohio  shore. 








Carex  Frankli  Kunth.    (Frank's  Sedge.) 
Middle  Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Carex  comosa  Boott.    (Bristly  Sedge.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  spots  on  the  big  marsh. 
Carex  hysterlcina  Muhl.    (Porcupine  Sedge.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  very  wet  places,  especially 
'-n    the    big    marsh.     Put-in-Bay    and    Middle    Bass 
islar.d'    md   Ohio  shore. 
Clar?x  luiida  V.ahlenb.    (Sallow  Sedge.) 

Ohio  sh  re 
wici  I'lp'illua  Muhl.    (Hop  Sedge.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  marshy  spots.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Carex  intumescens  Rudge.    (Bladder  Sedge.) 
Near  Amherstburg.     (Macoun.) 

ARACEAE  (Arum  Family.) 

Arisaema  triphyllum  (L.)  Schott.    (Jack-in-the-Pulpit.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods.    Islands  and  Ohio 
Arisaema  Dracontium  (L.)  Schott.    (Green  Dragon.) 

Frequent  on   Grosse    Isle,   Wayne  county,    Mich.,  and 
should  be  found  in  Essex  county.     Ohio  shore. 
Symplocarpus  foetidus  (L.)  Nutt.    (Skunk  Cabbage.) 

Common  about  Windsor. 
Acorus  Calamus  L.    (Sweet  Flag.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  border  of  the  big  marsh, 
especially  along  "the  narrows,"  and  west  of  Colchester. 
Put-in-Bay  and  Ohio  shore. 

LEMNACEAE  (Duckweed  Family.) 

Spirodela  polyrhiza  (L.)  Schleid.     (Greater  Duckweed.) 
Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  water  of  ditches  and  pools 
in  the  big  marsh.    Ohio  shore. 


Lemna  trisuica  L.    (Ivy-leaved  Duckweed.) 

On  and   in  water  about  Put-in-Bay  island,   and   Ohio 

Lemna  minor  L.    (Lesser  Duckweed.) 

Often  covering  stagnant  water  in  the  big  marsh  at  Point 
TO  ,-,        ^'^'  ^'*°  ^^"t  '•'«  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
WoIflBa  Columbiana  Karst.    (Columbia  Wolffia  ) 

About  the  Ohio  shore. 
Wolffla  punctata  Griseb.    (Brazil  Wolffli.) 

Ohio  shore. 

COMMELINACEAE  (Spiderwort  Family.) 

Trades^ntla  refleia  Raf.    (Reflexed  Spiderwort.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Tradescantla  vlrglnlana  L.    (Spiderwort.) 

Frequent  on  Ohio  shore. 

PONTEDERIACEAE  (Pickerel  Weed  Family, 


Pontederia  cordata  L.    (Pickerel  Weed.)     . 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  shallow  water  of  the  ponds 
and  small  lakes  of  the  big  marsh.  Islands  and  Ohio 

Heteranthera  dubia  (Jacq.)  MacM.    (Water  Star  Grass.) 
In  still  water  about  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

JUNCACEAE  (Rush  Family.) 

Juncus  bufonius  L.    (Toad  Rush.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground  and  on 
Point  Pelee  island. 
Juncus  tenuis  Willd.    (Slender  Rush.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  about  and  near  dwellings,  along 
roads  and  paths.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 




Willd.,   var.   llttoralls   Engelm.    (Baltic 

JunciM  balticus 


Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  damp  or  dry  ground. 
Not  noticed  here  on  the  beach  as  a  sand  binder.    Ohio 
Juncus  effusus  L.    (Common  Rush.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  on  open  damp  ground.     North 
Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Juncus  brachycephalus  (Engelm.)  Buchenau.  (Small-headed 

Ohio  shore. 
Juncus  canadensis  J.  Gay.    (Canada  Rush.) 

Occasional  at    Point    Pelee    in    marshy   ground.     Ohio 
Juncus  nodosus  L.    (Knotted  Rush.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  big  marsh  and  in 
damp   sand   about   the   ponds   rnd   small   lakes.     In 
ditches  near  Leamington.     (Burgess.)     Ohio  shore. 
Juncus  acumlnatus  Michx.    (Sharp-fruited  Rush.) 

Near  Essex  Centre  and  at  Point  Pelee.     (Macoun.) 
Juncus  Torreyi  Coville.    (Torrey's  Rush.) 

Frequent  at   Point    Pelee   in   low  damp   ground.     Ohio 
Juncus  alplnus  Vill.,  var.  Insignls  Fries.    (Richardson's 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  on  the  sandy  beach.     Kelley 
island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Luzula  saltuensis  Fernald.    (Hairy  Wood  Rush.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  woods  and  thickets. 
zula  campestris  (L.)  DC,  var.  multiflora  (Ehrh.)  Celak. 
(Common  Wood  Rush.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  dry  ground. 

LILIACEAE  (Lily  Family.) 

Zy^denus  chloranthus  Richards.     (Glaucous  Zygadenus.) 
Ohio  shore. 

Islands  and  Ohio 

Near  Colchester. 


Uvularia   ftrandiflora   Sm.    (Largf^-flowered    Beli.wort) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  rich  woods.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Oakesla  sessillfoUa  (L.)  Wats.    (Sessile-leaved  Bellwort  ) 

common  about  Windsor. 
Allium  tricoccum  Ait.    (Wild  Leek.) 

Point  Pelee  island.    Occasional  in  other  parts  of  Essex 
county,  and  formerly  abundant. 
Allium  cernuum  Roth.    (Wild  Onion.) 
Pelee   island,  Newton  Tripp,  1913. 
AUium  canadense  L.    (Wild  Garlic.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  spots.    

(Macoun.)     Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore" 
Hemerocallis  fulva  L.    (Common  Day  Lily.) 

A  common  escape  from  cultivation  and  well  established 
near  dwellings  at  Point  Pelee.  North  Bass  island 
and  Ohio  shore. 

Lillum  philadelphicum  L.    (Wild  Orange-red  Lily.) 
Ohio  shore. 

LUium   philadelphicum   L.,   var.   andinum   (Nutt.)   Ker 
(Western  Red  Lily.)  /      ^■• 

In  open  sandy  places  along  shore  of  Lake  St.  Clair 
LUium  canadense  L.    (Wild  Yellow  Lily.) 

Frequent  at   Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island.     Kellev 

Erythronium  americanum  Ker.    (Yellow  Adder's  Tongue  ) 
Common  in  woods  about  Windsor.     Islands  and  Ohio 

Erythronium  albidum   Nutt.     (White  Adder's  Tongue) 
In   nch   woods  about   Windsor.    Johnson,   Kelley,  and 
Rattlesnake  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Camassia  esculenta  (Ker)  Robinson.     (Wild  Hyacinth  ) 

White   island   in    Detroit   river.     (Macoun.)     On   eight 
islands,  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ornithogalum  umbellatum  L.    (Star  of  Bethlehem.) 
Put-in-Bay  island. 












Asparagus  officinalis  L.    (Garden  Asparagus.) 

Well  established  at   Point   Pelee  in  open  light  sandy 
ground.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Smiladna  racemosa  (L.)  Desf.    (False  Spikenard.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  woods  or  in  open 
or  slightly  shaded  ground.    Common  on  the  islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Smilacina  stellata  (L.)  Desf.    (Star-flowered  Solomon's 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  ■  i  rich  open  woods  or  in  sandy 
open  ground  on  the  upper  beach.     Common  on  the 
islands  and   Ohio  shore. 
Smiladna   trifoUn    (L.)    Desf.    (Three-leaved   Solomon's 

Frequent  near  Windsor  in  very  wet  places  (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Maianthemum   canadense   Desf.      (False    Lily -of -the - 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  woods.    Ohio  shore. 
Streptopus  roseus  Michx.    (Sessile-leaved  twisted  Stalk.) 
In  thick  damp  woods  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin). 
Polygonatum  biflorum   (Walt.)   Ell.      (Shall  Solomon's 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  woods  and  thickets. 
Ohio  shore. 
Folygonatum  commutat  im   (R.  and  S.)   Dietr.    (Great 
Solomon's  Seal.) 

Common  on  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie  and  along  Detroit 
river.     Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Trillium  erectum  L.    (Ill-scented  Wake  Robin.) 

Frequent  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.)     Common  on 
the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Trillium  grandiflorum  (Michx.)  Salisb.    (Large-flowered 
Wake  Robin.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  woods  and  thickets. 
Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Aletrls  farinosa  L.    (Colic-root.) 

In  sandy  thickets  near  Leamington.     (Burgess.)     Com- 
mon near  Sandwich.     (Macoun.) 



Smilax  herbacea  L.    (Carrion-flowek.) 

Frequent  at  Point    Pelee  in  open  woods  and  on  Pelee 
island  and  throughout  Essex  county.    Ohio  shore. 
Smilax  edirhata  (Engelm.)  Wats.    (Upright  Smilax.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods   and    thickets. 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  chore. 
Smilax  rotundifolla  L.    (Common  Green  Brier.) 

Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Smilax  rotundifolia  L.,  var.  quadrangularls  (Muhl.)  Wood. 
(Square-stemmed  Green  Brier.) 

In  damp  woods  at  Point  Pelee.    (Macoun.)    Ix>w  woods 
near  l..eamington.     (Burgess.) 
Smilax  hispida  Muhl.    (Hispid  Green  Brier.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  moist  thickets.  Islands  and 
Ohio  shore. 

DIOSCOREACEAE  (Yam  Family.) 

Dioscorea  villosa  L.    (Wild  Yam-root.) 

Plentiful  at  Point  Pelee  in  woods  and  thickets  and  on 
Pelee  island.  Ohio  shore.  {D.  paniculata  Michx. 
according  to  Bulletin  89,  United  States  Department 
of  Agriculture,  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry.) 

AMARYLLIDACEAE  (Amaryllis  Family.) 

Hjrpoxis  hirsuta  (L.)  Coville. 

Common  in  meadow-like  ground  about  Windsor. 
P.  Cravin.)     Ohio  shore. 


IRIDACEAE  (Iris  Family.) 

Iris  versicolor  L.    (Large  Blue  Flag.) 

Borders  of  big  marsh  at   Point  Pelee  and  other  damp 
open    places.     Islands    and    Ohio    shore. 
Sisyrinchium  angustifolium  Mill.    (Northern  Blue-eyed 

Frequent  about  Windsor.    Ohio  shore. 


Sisyrinchlum    gramineum    Curtis.    (Common    Blue-eyed 


Occasional  about  Windsor.    Ohio  shore. 

ORCHIDACEAE  (Orchis  Family.) 

Gypripedium  parvlflonim  Salisb ,  var.  pubescens  (Willd.) 
Knight.    (Larger  Yellow  Lady's  Slipper.) 
Ohio  shore. 
Habenaria  flava  (L.)  Gray.    (Tubercled  Orchis.) 

On  Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 
Habenaria  cUlaris  (L.)  R.  Br.    (Yellow  Fringed  Orchis.) 
In  sandy  ground  near  Leamington.     (Burgess.)     Near 
Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Habenaria   psycodes   (L.)   Sw.    (Smaller   Purple-fringed 

Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 
Pogonla  ophioglossoides  (L.)  Ker.    (Rose  Pogonia.) 

Frequent  in  damp  meadow-like  ground  about  Windsor 
(F.  p.  Cravin.) 
Spiranthes  ceraua  (L.)  Richard.    (Nodding  Ladiits'  Tresses.) 

Common  along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie. 
Epipactis  pubescens  (Willd.)  A.  A.  Eaton.    (Downy  Rattle- 
SNAiCE  Plantain.) 

In  rich  woods  near  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.)  \ 

Corallorrhiza  maculata  Raf.    (Large  Coral  Root.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Liparis  Loeselil  (L.)  Richard.    (Fen  Orchis.) 

Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 
Aplectnim  hyemale  (Muhl.)  Torr.     ;°utty-root.) 
Ohio  shore. 

PIPERACEAE  (Pepper  Family.) 

Saurunis  cerauus  L.    (Lizard's  Tail.) 

In  wet  places  near  Detroit  river  below  Amherstburg. 


SALICACEAE  (Willow  Family.) 

Sallx  nigra  Marsh.    (Black  Willow.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  places  on  borders  of 
woods  and  occasional  on   the  beach.    Usually  mere 
shrubs.     Islands  and  Ohio  short 
Saliz  amsrgdaloides  Anders.    (Peach-leaved  Willow.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground,  and  oc- 
casional   along  "the  narrows".    Abundant   on   Pelee 
Sallz  pentandra  L.    (Bay-leaved  Willow.) 

Occasionally  planted,  but  not  noticed  as  escaping. 
Saliz  luclda  Muhl.    (Shining  Willow.) 

Occasional  at  north  end  of  Point  Pelee.    Hen  and  Put- 
in-Bay islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Saliz  alba  L.    (White  Willow.) 

Often  planted  and  apparently  spreading  at  Point  Pelee 
and  on  Pelee  island. 
Sallz  alba  L.,  var.  vitellina  (L.)  Koch.    (White  Willow.) 

Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Sallz  babylonica  L.    (Weeping  Willow.) 

Planted  in  abundance  and   thriving  along  roads  near 
Lake  St.  Clair.     Not  noticed  as  spreading. 
Sallz  longifolla  Muhl.    (Sand  Bar  Willow.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground  near  the 
big  marsh  and  in  damp  sand  on  and  near  the  beach. 
Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Sallz  cordata  Muhl.    (Heart-leaved  Willow.) 

Frequent  on   Pelee   'liand   and    ihe  other   islands  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Sallz  glaucophylla  Bebb.    (Broad-leaved  Willow.) 

On  Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 
Sallz   balsamifera    Barratt.    (Balsam   Willow.) 

Reported  from  Kent  county,  and  should  be  found  in 
Essex  county. 
Sallz  pedicellaris  Pursh.    (Bag  Willow.) 
In  very  wet  places  about  Windsor. 


Saliz  discolor  Muhl.    (Glaucous  Willow.) 

Occasional  on  Pelee  island.    Hen  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
I  Sallx    dibcolor   Muhl..   var.   eriocephala   (Michx.)   Anders 

(Glaucous  Willow.) 
i  Ohio  shore. 

■  Salix  petiolaris  Sm. 

^  Damp  ground  about  Windsor. 

Sallx  humilis  Marsh.    (Prairie  Willow.) 
-i  In  dry  open  ground  about  Windsor. 

^  Sallx  sericea  Marsh.    (Silky  Willow.) 

Swampy  places  near  Windsor. 
Sallx  rostrata  Richards.    (Bebb's  Willow.) 

Frequent  on  Pelee  island.     Other  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Sallx  Candida  Flugge.    (Sage  Willow.) 
Open  marshy  ground  near  Windsor. 
Sallx  purpurea  L.    (Purple  Willow.) 

In  damp  open  ground  at  Point  Pelee  near  Grubb's  fishery 
buildings      Kelley  and   Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio 
Populus  alba  L.    (White  Poplar.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  cultivated  tree  and  spread- 
ing by  root.     Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands. 
Populus  tremuloldes  Michx.    (American  Aspen.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  but  nowhere  abundant.     Islands. 
Populus  grandldentata  Michx.    (Large-toothed  Aspen.) 
Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island.     Put  in- 
Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Populus  balsamlfera  L.    (Balsam  Poplar.) 

Small  trees  noticed  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground 
and  along  the  west  upper  beach.     Ohio  shore. 
Populus   deltoides    Marsh.     (Cotton- wood.) 

Many  large  trees  along  "the  narrows"  and  in  rich  ground 

with   other   trees  at   Point   Pelee.     Common   on   the 

islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

Populus  nigra  L.,  var.  italica  Du  Roi.    (Lombardy  Poplar.) 

Occasionally   planted   at   Point   Pelee  and  spreading  by 



JUGLANDACEAE  (Walnut  Family.) 

Juglans  dnera  L.     (Butternut.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  ground  with  other  trees. 
Frequent  along  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie.    Ohio 
Juglans  nigra  L.    (Black  Walnut.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  growing  in  pure  sand,  especially 
along  "the  narrows".    Very  common  along  the  north 
shore  of  Lake  Erie  and  on  Pelee  island.     Formerly  on 
Kelley  and  Middle  Bass  islands.     Ohio  shore. 
Carya   ovata   (Mill.)    K.   Koch.     (C.   Alba   Nutt.)     (Shag- 
bark  Hickory.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  and  near  Lake  St.  Clair.   Abun- 
dant  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Carya  laciniosa  (Michx.  f.)  Loud.    (C.  sulcata  Nutt.)    (Big 

Near  Colchester  and  probably  throughout  Essex  county. 
Ohio  shore. 

Carya  alba  (L.)  K.  Koch.     (C.  tomenlosa  Nutt.)     (Mocker 

Very    common   at    Point    Pelee  and  on   Pelee    island. 
Put-in-Bay  island. 
Carya  microcarpa  Nutt.    CSmall-fruited  Hickory.) 

Plentiful  along  north  s.iore  of  Lake  Erie,  and  probably 
throughout  Essex  county.     Pelee  island. 
Carya  glabra  (Mill.)  Spach.    (Pignut  Hickory.) 

Near  Amherstburg.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Carya  cordifromis    (Wang.)    K.   Koch.     (C  amara  Nutt.) 

Frequent  at   Point    Pelee  and  on  Peltc  .oland.    Ohio 

BETULACEAE  (Birch  Family.) 

Corylus  americana  Walt.    (Common  Hazelnut.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  woods  and  on 
Pelee  island.  Not  noticed  on  the  other  islands.  Ohio 




Oitrya  vir«inlana  (MiU.)  K.  Koch.    (Ironwood.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other  trees. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Cuplnu*  caroliniana  Walt.    (Blue  Beech.) 

Infrequent  at  Point  Pelee,  but  common  along  north  shore 
of    Lake    Erie.     Probably  throughout    Essex  county. 
Along  Lake  St.  Clair.    Formeriy  on  Kelley  island. 
Betula  lutea  Michx.  f.    (Yellow  Birch.) 

Near  Kingsville  and  farther  west  along  north  shore  of 
Lake  Erie. 
Alnus  incana  (L.)  Moench.    (Speckled  Alder.) 

In  damp  places  near   Lake  St.  Clair.      Apparently  in- 

FAGACEAE  (Beech  Family.) 

Fagus  grandifolia  Ehrh.    (Beech.) 

Not  noticed  at  Point  Pelee,  but  common  along  the  north 
shore  of   Lake   Erie   to   Detroit  river.     Formeriy  on 
Put-in-Bay  and  Middle  Bass  islands. 
Castanea  dentata  (Marsh.)  Borkh.    (Chestnut.) 

Frequent  along  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie  to  Detroit 
river.     Fine  specimens  still  existing  in  woods  about 
Quercus  alba  L.    (White  Oak.) 

Not  noticed  at  Point  Pelee,  but  common  on  Pelee  island. 
No  doubt  throughout  Essex  county,     "'n  the  other 
islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Quercus  macrocarpa  Michx.    (Bur  Oak.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other  trees. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Quercus  bicolor  Willd.    (Swamp  White  Oak.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other  trees 
and  on  Pelee  isla.nd,  Lake  Erie  shore,  Kelley  island, 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Quercus  Muhlenberg!  Engelm.    (Chestnut  Oak.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  with  other  trees,  and  along  Lake 
Erie  shore.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Ouercus  prlnoidet  Willd.    (Scrub  Chestnut  Oak.) 

Noticed  by  Thomas  Burgess  at  Point  Pelee. 
Quercus  rubra  L.    (Red  Oak.) 

Very  common  at  Point  Pelee  with  other  trees  in  both 
dry  and  damp  rich  ground.    Common  on  islands  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Quercus  palustrls  Muench.    (Pin  Oak.) 

Near  Leamington   (Burgess.)    Ohio  shore.      Fine  trees 
about  Windsor. 
Quercus  coccinea  Muench.    (Scarlet  Oak.) 

Frequent  in  dry  ground  about  Windsor.     (F,  P.  Cravin). 
Ohio  shore. 
Quercus  velutina  Lam.    (Yellow  Oak.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  ground  with  other  trees. 
Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Quercus  imbricarla  Michx.    (Laurel  Oak.) 
Abundant  on  Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 

URTICACEAE  (Nettle  Family.) 

Ulmus  fulva  Michx.    (Slippery  Elm.) 

Occasional  at  Point   Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other 
trees.    Very  abundant  on   Pelee  island.     The  other 
islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ulmus  americana  L.    (American  Elm.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other  trees. 
Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ulmus  racemosa  Thomas.    (Rock  Elm.) 

Frequent  ahou.  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Celtis  occidentalis  L.    (Sugarberry.) 

Abundant  in  sandy  ground  at  Point  Pelee,  especially 
along    "the   narrows."     Lake   Erie   shore   and   along 
Detroit   river.     Common    on    the   islands   and    Ohio 
Camiabis  sativa  L.    (Hemp.) 

Very  abundant  at  Point  F<;lee  in  spots  in  dry  shaded 
ground  growing  like  a  native  plant.  Point  Pelee 








Humulus  Lupulus  I„    (Common  Hop.) 

Noticed  as  an  escape  at  Point  Pelee  and  on  Point  Pelee 
Madura  pomifera  (Ral.)  Schneider.     (Os^ge  Orange.) 

Often  planted  for  hedges  in  county,  but  perhaps 
not  spreading  as  an  escape. 
Moras  rabra  L.    (Red  Mulberry.  > 

Said  to  be  plentiful  formerly  at  Point  Pelee,  but  a  few 
small  tree.',  only  were  noticed  in  1911.  Abundant, 
and  trees  often  lai^e  on  Pelee  island.  Frequent  along 
the  north  shore  of  Lake  Eiie.  On  the  other  islands 
and  Ohio  s'ore. 
Urtlca  gracilis  Ait.    (Slender  Nettle.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  the  big  marsh 
along  "the  narrows"  and  other  damp  open  or  shaded 
places.    Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Uportea  canadensis  (L).  Gaud.    (Wood  Nettle.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  woods.     Also  common 
on  the  islands  and  Ohio  Siore. 
Pilea  pumila  (L.)  Gray.     (Ria  weed.) 

Abundant  in  spots  at  Poin;  Peleo  in  damp  shaded  ground. 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shoie. 
Boehmeria  cylindrica  (L.)  Sw.    (Wild  False  Nettle.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  or  slightly  shaded 
places.     Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Parietarla    pennsylvanlca    Muhl.     (Pennsvxvania    Pelli- 

Abundant  at  Point   Pelee  under   red   cedars  and  other 
trees.    Abundant  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

SANTALACEAE  (Sandalwood  Family.) 

Ciomandra  umbellata  (L.)  Nutt.     (Bastard  Toad-flax.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  or  shaded  sandy  ground 
and  on  Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 


ARISTOLOCHIACEAE  (Bibthwort  Family.) 

Asanim  canadense  L.    (Wild  Ginger.) 

In  rich  shaded  ground  along  Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.) 

POLYGONACEAE  (Buckwheat  Family.) 

Rumez  Britannica  L.    (Great  Water  Dock.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh, 
and  on  Pelee  island.     Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 
Rumez  crispus  L.    (Yellow  Dock.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and  in  old 
fields.    Abundant  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Rumez  altisslmus  Wood.    (Pale  Dock.) 

Put-in-Bay  island. 
Rumez  verticillatus  L.    (Swamp  Dock.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  very  wet  open  places.    Ohio 
Rumez  obtusifolius  L.    (Bitter  Dock.) 

About  dwellings  and  in  old  cultivated  fields  at  Point 
Pelee.    Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Rumez  Acetosella  L.    (Field  Sorrel.) 

Occasional  at   Point  Pelee  near  dwellings  and   in  old 
fields.     Put-in-Bay    and    Kelley    islands    and    Ohio 
Polygonum  aviculare  L.    (Knot  Grass.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and  in  waste 
places.    Abundant  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Polygonum  aviculare  L.,  var.  littorale  (Link)  Koch.    (Shore 

Kelley  island. 
Polygonum  erectum  L.    (Erect  Knotweed.) 

Occasional  about  dwellings  at  Point  Pelee.    Common 
on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Polygonum  tenue  Michx.    (Slender  Knotweed.) 
Ohio  shore. 


Polygonum  lapathlfoUum  L.    (Dock-leaved  Persicaria  ) 
Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  the  banks  of  big  ditches  and 

in  other  wet  places  of  the  big  marsh,  and  on  Pelee 

island.     Ohio  shore. 
PDlyftonum  tomentosum  Schrank.    (Slender   Pink   Per 


Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  along  borders  of  the  big  marsh 
and  occasional  as  a  weed  near  dwellings.     Ohio  shore' 
Polygonum  amphibium  L.    (Water  Persicaria  ) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  along  ditches  and  in  wet  places 
on  and  about  the  big  marsh,  and  on   Pelee  island 
Ohio  shore. 

Polygonum   MuhlenbergU    (Meisn.)   Wats.    (Swamp   Per- 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  very  wet  places  on  the  big 
marsh.     Islands  and   Ohio  shore. 

Polygonum    pennsylvanlcum    L.    (Pennsylvania    Persi- 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  meadow-like  ground. 
Along  Detroit  river.     (Madagan.)     Kelley  and  Middle 
Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Polygonum  Hydroplper  L.    (Common  Smartweed.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.    Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
l-olygonun  acre    HBK.    (Water  Smartweed.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  bordering  the  big  marsh 
along  "the  narrows"  and  in  other  damp  places.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Polygonum  orientale  L.    (Prince's  Feather.) 

Noticed  at  Point  Pelee  as  an  escape  near  dwellings,  and 
apparently  persisting. 
Polygonum  Persicaria  L.    (Lady's  Thumb.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and  often 
abundant  on  banks  of  ditches.    Abundant  on  the  is- 
lands and  Ohio  shore. 
Polygonum  hydropiperoides  Michx.    (Wild  Water  Pepper  ) 
Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  shaded  places.    Kelley 


Polygonum  virginlanum   L.    (Virginia   Knotweed.) 

In  rich  woods  at  Point  Pelee.    Ohio  shore. 
Polygonum  sagittatum  L.    (Arrow-leaved  Tear-thumb.) 
Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  low  open  or  shaded  ground 
and  in  damp  places  along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie. 
Ohio  shore. 
Polygonum  Cknivolvulus  L.    (Black  Binweed.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  gardens  and  culti- 
vated fields.    Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Polygonum  scandens  L.    (Climbing  False  Buckwheat.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  shaded  ground  and  on 
Pelee  island.    The  other  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Polygonum  dumetorum  L.    (Copse  Buckwheat.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Fagopyrum   esculentum    Moench.    (Buckwheat.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  an  escape.    Ohio  shore. 

CHENOPODIACEAE  (Goosefoot  Family.) 

Cydoloma  atriplicifolium  (Sprang.)  Coult.    (Winged  Pig- 

In   sandy   ground   near  Windsor.     Cedar   point,   Ohio 
Chenopodium  ambrosioides  L.    (Mexican  Tea.) 

In  and  about  cultivated  grounds  along  Detroit  river. 
Chenopodium  Bottys  L.    (Jerusalem  Oak.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  sandy  ground.     Kelley 
island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Chenopodium  capitatum  (L.)  Asch.    (Strawberry  Blite.) 

Middle  Bass  and  Green  islands. 
Chenopodium  hybridum  L.    (Maple-leaved  Goosefoot.) 
Noticed  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  gardens  and  cultiv- 
ated fields.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Chenopodium  album  L.    (Lamb's  Quarters.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  gardens,  cultivated 
fields,  and  waste  places.  Common  on  the  islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 


Cbenopodlum  album  L..  var.  vWde  (L.)  Moq.    (Pigweed.) 

Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ghenopodium  urbicum  L.    (Upright  Goosefoot.) 

Kelley  island. 
Ghenopodium  Boscianum  Moq.    (Bascs  Goosefoot.) 

In  sandy  thickets  near  Point  Pelee.     (Macoun.)     Kelley 
Caienopodium      leptophyllum     Nutt. 

Sandy  woodlands  at  Point  Pelee. 
Atriplez  pa  tula  L.,  var.    hastata   (L 
leaved  Orache.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings  and 
on  Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 
Salsola  KaU  L.,  var.  tenuifolia  G.F.W.  Mey.    (Russian 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings. 


'   '^ray.    (Halberd- 

AMARANTHACEAE  (Amaranth  Family.) 

Amaranthus  retroflezus  L.    (Amaranth  Pigweed.) 

A  common  weed  at  Point  Pelee  in  gardens  and  cultivated 
fields.     Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Amaranthus  hydridus  L.    (Green  Amaranth.) 

Noticed  near  Leamington  by  DearnesF     Common  on 
the  islands. 

Amaranthus  paniculatus  L.    (Purple  Amaranth.) 

Amaranthus  graecizens  L.    (Tumble  Weed.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  sandy  cultivated 
fields.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Amaranthus  blitoldes  Wats.    (Prostrate  Amaranth.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings  and 
in  gardens.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Acnida  tuberculata  Moq.    (Western  Water  Hemp.) 

On  Kelley  and  Middle  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


PHYTOLACCACEAE  (Pokeweed  Family.) 

Phytolacca  decandra  L.    (Common  Poke.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  shaded  sandy  ground.    Along 
Detroit  river.    (Maclagan.)    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

NYCTAGINACEAE  (Four-o'clock  Family.) 

Oxybaphus  nyctagineus   (Michx.)   Sweet.    (Heart-leaved 

Along    railways    near    Windsor.     Cedar    point,    C»iio 

ILLECEBRACEAE  (Knotwort  Family.) 

Anychia  polyftonoidea  Raf.    (Slender  Forked  CracKWEEo.) 

Put-in-Bay  island. 
Anychia  canadensis  (L.)  BSP.    (Forked  Chickweed.) 

Near  Amherstburg.    (Macoun.)    Ohio  shore. 

AIZOACEAE  (Carpet  Weed  Family.) 

MoUufto  verticillata  L.    (Carpet  Weed.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  sandy  ground  and  on 
Pelee  island. 


(Blunt-leaved  Sandwort.) 

Arenaria  lateriflora  L. 

Ohio  shore. 
Arenaria  serpyllifolia  L.    (Thyme-leaved  Sandwort.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground  near  dwell- 
ings.   Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Arenaria  stricta  Michx.    (Rock  Sandwort.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  sandy  ground,  and 
often  on  the  upper  beach.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Stellaria  longifoUa  Muhl.    (Long-leaved  Stitchwort  ) 

Frequent  at   R   at  Pelee  in  open  damp  grassy  places 
and  open  damp  woods,  and  abundant  in  spots  on  the 
big  marsh.    Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore 
Stellaria  media  (L.)  CyriU.    (Common  Chickweed.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  garden  and  field  weed 
Abundant  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
CerasHum  arvense  L..  var.  oblonalfolium  (Torr.)  Hollick 
and  Britton.    (Field  Mouse-ear  Chickweed) 

In  sandy  ground  at   Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island. 

n^.H..  Amherstburg.    The  other  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

Cewsdum  vulftatum  L.    (Common  Mouse-ear  ChickweSo 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings,  in 

gardens  and  cultivated  fields.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore 

CeiasHum  nutans  Raf.    (Nodding  Chickweed.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  sandy  snaded  ground  along 
the    narrows."     Reported    near    Amherstburg.     Is- 
lands and  Ohio  shore. 
Agrostemma  GIthago  L.    (Common  Cockle) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and  in  waste 
nlaces,  and  on  Pelee  island.    Kelley  island  and  Ohio 
Lychn  .      >a  Mill.    (White  Campion.) 

Al.       roads  and  in  old  cultivated  fields  near  Windsor 
SUene  anturhina  L.    (Sleepy  Catchflv) 

'W^.  Afl  .     '"'t    *^^"^y  '"'^"^  ^"d  Ohio  shore. 
Silene  dlchotoma  Ehrh.    (Forked  Catchfly.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Silene  noctiflora  L.    (Night-flowering  Catchfly. 

Sr^'  ^'  ^°'"*  ^''*^  ^'^^^  ^'*'""'"«^  ^"^  '"  °'d 
SUene  virftinica  L.    (Fire  Pink.) 

^OWo'^shore^*"^^'  "^"'*'°'"' ^"^  Johnson  islands  and 
SUene  tati/ol^TMiU.)  Britten  and  Rendle.     (Bladder  Cam- 
Kelley  island. 


Saponaiia  officinalis  L.    (Bouncing  Bet.) 

Abundant  in  spots  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  sandy  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Dianthus  barbatus  L.    (Sweet  William.) 

Frequently  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 

PORTULACACEAE  (Purslane  Family.) 

Qaytonla  virginlca  L.    (Spring  Beauty.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  rich  woods  and  thickets. 
Along  Detroit  river.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Portulaca  oleracea  L.    (Common  Purslane.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  sandy  gardens  and 
field.    Islands  smd  Ohio  shore. 

CERATOPHYLLACEAE  (Hornwort  Family.) 

Ceratophyllutn  demn'sum  L.    (Hornwort.) 

In  ponds  and  slow  streams  near  Detroit  river.     (Mac- 
lagan.)     Put-in-Bay  island. 

NYMPHAEACEAE  (Water  Lily  Family.) 

Nymphaea  advena  Ait.    (Yellow  Water  Lily.) 

About  the  ponds  and  small  lakes  and  in  very  wet  places 
of  the  big  marsh  at  Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island. 
About  Middle  Bass  island. 
Nymphaea  advena  Ait.,  var.  varieftata  (Engelm.)  Fernald. 
(Variegated  Yellow  Water  Lily.) 
In  Sandusky  bay,  Ohio  shore. 
Castalia  tuberosa  (Paine)  Greene.    (White  Water  Lily.) 
Common  on  the  big  ditches,  ponds,  and  small  lakes  of 
the  big  marsh.     Rare  on  Ohio  shore. 
Nelumbo  lutea  (Willd.)  Pers.    (Yellow  Nelumbo.) 

Abundant  in  Sandusky  bay,  Ohio  shore. 
Brasenia  Schreberi  Gmcl.    (Water  Shield.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  the  ponds  and  small  lakes  of 
the  big  marsh.    Rare  on  Ohio  shore. 




RANUNCULACEAE  (Crowfoot  Family.) 

Ranunculus  circinatus  Sibth.    (Stiff  Water  Crowfoot.) 
Frequent  in  stagnant  water  on   Pelee  island.    In  wet 
places  along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie. 
Ranunculus  delphinlfollus  Torr.    (Yellow  Water  Crow- 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  ditches  and  wet  places. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ranunculus  sceleratus  L.    (Cursed  Crowfoot.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  the  big  marsh. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ranunculus  abortlvus  L.    (Small-flowered  Crowfoot.) 
Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods  and  thickets. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ranunculus  recurvatus  Poir.    (Hooded  Crowfoot.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  woods  and  thickets, 
and  on  Pelee  island. 
Ranunculus  fascicularis   Muhl.    (Early   Crowfoot.) 

Near  Detroit  river  below  Amherstburg.    Johnson  and 
Kelley  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ranunculus  septentrionalis  Poir.    (Swamp  Buttercup.) 
Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp    open    or  shaded 
ground.     Put-in-Bay   and    Kelley    islands   and    Ohio 
Ranunculus  hispidus  Michx.    (Hispid  Buttercup.) 

Reported  in  wet  ground  along  Detroit  river. 
Ranunculus  repens  L.    (Creeping  Buttercup.) 

Frequent  about  Windsor.    (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Ranunculus  pennsylvanicus  L.f.    (Bristly  Crowfoot.) 
In  damp  grassy  places  along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie. 
Ohio  shore. 
Ranunculus  acris  L.    (Tall  Crowfoot.) 

Noticed  about  Leamington  and  Windsor.    Put-in-Bay 
is'  'nd. 
Thalictruii.  dioicum  L.    (Early  Meadow  Rue.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  shaded  ground  along  "the 
narrows"  and  in  rich  open  woods.  Islands  and  Ohio 


Thallctrum  dasycarpum  Fisch  and  Lall.    (Purplish  Meadow 

Common  at  Point  Pdee  along  "the  narrows"  ..nd  in 
rich  open  woods.    Ohio  shore. 
Thallctrum  poly^mum  Muhl.    (Tall  Meadow  Rue.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Anemonella  tfaalictroides  (L.)  Spach.    (Rue  Anemone.) 
Noticed   by  Prof.  John  Macoun  on  Pelee  island.    The 
other  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Hepatlca  triloba  Chaix.    (Round-lobed  LrvERLEAF.) 

Indryish woodsabout Leamington.  Islandsand  Ohioshore. 
Hepatlca  acutlloba  DC.    (Sharp-lobed  Liverleaf.) 

In  rich  woods  about  Leamington.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Anemone  cyllndrlcu  Gray.    (Long-fruited  Anemone.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  ground.    Ohio  shore. 
Anemone  virglnlana  L.    (Tall  Anemone.) 
On  Point  Pelee  island  and  other  islands. 
Anemone  canadensis  L.    (Canada  Anemone.) 

Occasional  at  Point  P-Iee  in  damp  open  ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Anemone  quinquefolla  L.    (Wood  Anemone.) 

On  margins  of  woods  and  thickets  at  Point  Pelee.      Com- 
mon about  Windsor.     Islands. 
Clematis  virginlana  L.    (Virgin's  Bower.) 

Frequent  on  Pelee  island.    North  Bass  island. 
Caltha  palustris  L.    (Marsh  Marigold.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  or  shaded  places. 
Ck>ptls  trifolia  (L.)  Salisb.    (Gold  Thread.) 
Common  at  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
AquUegla  canadensis  L.    (Wild  Columbine.) 

Very  abundant  at  Point  Pelee  along  "the  narrows." 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Actaea  rubra  (Ait.)  Willd.    (Red  Baneberry.) 

Cedar  point,  Ohio  shore. 
Actaea  alba  (L.)  Mill.    (White  Baneberry.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Hydrastis  canadensis  L.    (Golden  Seal.) 

Noticed  in  rich  woods  along  Detroit  river. 





MAGNOLIACEAE  (Magnolia  Fahily.) 

LiHodendron  tulipifera  L.    (Tulip  Tree.) 

Known  in  the  lumber  trade  as  whitewood  or  yellow  poplar 
One  tree  on  the  farm  of  Wallace  Tilden  at  Point  Pelec 
Fine  specimens  still  existing  (1911)  on  the  north  shore 
of  Lake  Ene  west  to  Detroit  river.    Ohio  shore. 

ANONACEAE  (Custard  Apple  Family.) 

Asimina  triloba  Dunal.    (Common  Papaw.) 

Reported  by  Prof.  John  Macoun  as  formerly  abundant  at 
Pomt  Pelee.  Not  noticed  there  in  1910,  but  fine 
specimens  seen  near  Colchester  in  1911.  Formerly 
on  Kelley  island. 

MENISPERMACEAE  (Moonseed  Family.) 

Menispermum  canadensis  L.    (Moonseed.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods  and  thickets 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

BERBERIDACEAE  (Barberry  Family.) 

Podophyllum   peltatum   L.    (Mandrake.) 

Frequent  and  in  spots  abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  drjish 
shaded  ground. 
Jeffersonia  diphyUa  (L.)  Pers.    (Twinleaf.) 

Frequent   in   woods  about  Windsor.     (F.    P.   Cravin.) 
Johnson  island. 
Caulophyllum  thalictroldes  (L.)  Michx.    (Papoose  Root  ) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods  and  on  Pelee 
island.    Johnson  island. 

LAURACEAE  (Laurel  Family.) 

Sassafras  varilfolium  (Salisb.)  Ktze.    (Sassafras.) 

Common  in  dry  woods  at  Point  Pelee.    Near  Learning- 


ton,  in  a  small  grove  on  Lake  Erie  shore,  trees  were 
noticed  sixty  feet  high  and  two  feet  in  diameter  three 
feet  from  the  ground.  On  Ohio  shore  some  of  the 
trees  reported  to  be  two  and  one-half  feet  in  diameter 
four  feet  from  the  ground. 
Benzoin  aestivale  (L.)  Nees.    (Spice  Bush.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  woods  and  thickets, 
and  on  Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 

PAPAVERACEAE  (Poppy  Family.) 

Sanguinaiia  canadensis  L.    (Bloodkoot.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods  and  thickets. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

FUMARIACEAE  (Fumitory  Family.) 

Dicentra  Cucullaria  (L.)  Bemh.    (Dutchman's  Breeches.) 

Noticed  in  sandy  ground  at   Point  Pelee  among  low 
junipers.    Apparently  rare.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Dicentra  canadensis  (Goldie)  Walp.    (Squirrel  Corn.) 

In  rich  woods  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Corydalis  fiavula  (Raf.)  DC.    (Pale  Corydaus.) 

Plentiful  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods.     (P.  A.  Taverner.) 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Corydalis  aurea  Willd.    (Golden  Corydaus.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Fumaria  officinalis  L.    (Common  Fumitory.) 

Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 

CRUCIFE'^    -i  (Mustard  Family.) 

Draba  vema  L.    (Whiilow  Grass.) 

In  sandy  waste  places  and  on  roadsides  about  Windsor. 
(F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Draba  caroliniana  Walt.    (Carolina  Whittow  Grass.) 

Plentiful  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground  near  Albert 
Gardner's   farm,   and   on    Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 


AlyMum  alyssoides  L.    (Yellow  Alyssum.) 

Noticed  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  dry  open  ground 
near  dwellings.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Thlaspi  arrense  L.     (Field  Penny  Cress.) 

A  weed  about  villages  and  towns. 
Ledipium  Tirftinicum  L.    (Wild  Peppergrass.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  gardens  and  fields.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Ledipium  apetalum  Willd.    (Apetalous  Peppergrass.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  near  dwellings  and  in  gardens, 
and  on  Pelee  island.    Along  Detroit  river. 
Lcpidiiim  campestre  (L.)  R.  Br.    (Field  Cress.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and  along 
roads.     Put-in-Bay  and  Kelley  island. 
Capsella  Buna-pastoria  (L.)  Medic.     (Shepherd's  Purse.) 
A  common  weed  at  Point  Pelee  in  gardens  and  cultivated 
fields.    Abundant  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
I  Camelina  sativa  (L.)  Crantz.    (False  Flax.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings. 
Cakile  edentula  (Bigel.)  Hook.    (American  Sea  Rocket.) 
Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  the  sandy  beach,  often  below 
the  wave  line.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Brassica  arvensis  (L.)  Ktze.    (Common  Mustard.) 

A  weed  at  Point  Pelee  in  cultivated  fields  but  apparently 
infrequent.     Abundant  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Brassica  niftra  (L.)  Koch.    (Black  Mustard.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings  and 
in  gardens.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Alliarla  officinalis  Andrz.    (Garlic  Mustard.) 

Kelley  island. 
Sisymbrium  officinale  (L.)   Scop.,   var.  leiocarpum   DC. 
(Hedge  Mustard.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Sisymbrium  altissimum  L.    (Tumble  Mustard.) 

A  weed  in  towns  and  along  roads. 
Sisymbrium  canescens  Nutt.    (Tansy  Mustard.) 

Common  at  Pdnt  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  shfided  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Siiymbrium  canescens  Nutt.,  var.  brachycarpon  (Richatda.) 
Wats.    (Tansv  Mustard.) 

At  Point  Pelee.    (Canadian  Catalogue  of  PlanU.) 
Eiyslmum  cheinmtholdM   L.    (Worm-seed   Mustard.) 
Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings  and 
in  old  fields.    Pelee  island. 
Radlcula  Nasturtium-aquaticum  (L.)  Britten  and  Rendle. 
(True  Water  Cress.) 

In  ditches  and  creeks  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Radlcula  sylvestri*  (L.)  Dm    .    (Yellow  Cress.) 

Along  roads  near  Leamington. 
Rad'cula  palustiis  (L.)  Moench.    (Marsh  Cress.) 

Hr-asional  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  places  on  bordera  of 
^le  big  marsh.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
K   jlcula  paliutris  (L.)  Moench,  var.  hlspida  (Desv.)  Robin- 
son.   (Hispid  Yellow  Cress.) 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
i.\udicula  Annoracia  (L.)  Robinson.    (Horseradish.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  an  escape.     Island^  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Barbarea  vultarls  R.  Br.    (Common  Winter  Cress.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  gaidens  and  fields. 
Green  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Barbarea  stricta  Andrz.    (Erect-fruited  Winter  Cress.) 

Green  island. 
Dentaria  dlphylla  Michx.    (Two-leaved  Toothwort.) 

In  rich  shaded  ground  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Deitarla  laciniata   Muhl.    (Cut-l-aved  Toothwort.) 
In  rich  shaded  ground  along  Detroit  river.     Islands. 
Cardamlne  bulbosa  (Schreb.)  BSP.    (Spring  Cress.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  rich  woods.    Ohio 
Cardamlne  Douglassii  (Torr.)  Britton.    (Purple  Cress.) 
In  rich  woods  at  Point  Pelee.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Cardamlne  pennsylvanlca  Muhl.    (Pennsylvania  Bitter 

In  wet  shaded  places  at  Point  Pelee.     Islands  and  Ohio 


Arabia  lyraCa  L.    (Lyre-leaved  Rock  Cress.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  dry  ground,  and  on  Pdee 
island.     Ohio  shore. 
Arabic  dentata  T.  and  G.    (Toothed  Rock  Chess.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  shaded  ground 
along  "the  narrows."   Johnson,  North  Bass,  and  Green 
Anbis  glabra  (L.)  Bemh.    (Tower  Mustard.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.    Johnson  island. 
Aralris  Dnimmondi  Gray.    (Purple  Rock  Cress.) 

Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Arabia  hinuta  (L.)  Scop.    (Hairy  Rock  Cress.) 

Mouse  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Arabia  laevi^ta  (Muhl.)  Poir.    (Smooth  Rock  Cress.) 

Plentiful  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  woods.     Islands  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Arabia  canadenaia  L.     (Sickle-pod.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  woods  and  on 
Pelee  island.  Johnson,  Put-in-Bay,  and  Middle  Bass 
islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

CAPPARIDACEAE  (Caper  Family.) 

Polaniala  graveolena  Raf.    (Clammy-weed.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  the  sandy  b«»ach.  It  has 
crept  into  sandy  gardens  and  fields  and  become  a 
troublesome  weed.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

RESEDACEAE  (Mignonette  Family.) 

Reaeda  lutea  L.    (Yellow  Cut-leaved  Mignonette.) 
Kelley  island. 

DROSERACEAE  (Sundew  Family.) 

Droaera  rotundifolia  L.    (Round-leaved  Sundew.) 

In  swampy  places  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 


Penthorum  sedoides  L.    (Ditch  Stonecrop.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  wet  places.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Sedum  acre  L.    (Mossy  Stonecrop.) 

Occasional  at  and  near  Point  Pelee  in  dry  sandy  ground. 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Sedum  tematum  Michx.    (Wild  Stonecrop.) 

Put-in-Bay  island. 
Sedum  purpureum  Tausch.    (Live-for-ever.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  near  dwellings  as  an  escape, 
and  on  Pelee  island.  Put-in-Bay  and  North  Bass 
islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

SAXIFRAGACEAE  (Saxifrage  Family.) 

Tiarella  cordifolia  L.    (False  Miterwort.) 

In  rich  woods  at  Point  Pelee.     (Wallace  Tilden.)    Ap- 
parently rare. 
Heuchera  americana  L.    (Coumon  Aluu  Root.) 

On    Pelee   island   and   near   Amherstburg.     The  other 
Mitella  diphylla  L.    (Two-leaved  Bishop's  Cap.) 
Common  in  rich  shaded  ground  about  Windsor. 
Pamaula  carolinlami  Michx.    (Caroline  Grass  of  Par- 

In  damp  spots  along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie,  and  near 
Ribes  Cynosbati  L.    (Prickly  Gooseberry.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  woods  and  thickets. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ribes  floridum  L'Her.    (Wild  Black  Currant.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  woods  and  thickets 
and  on  Pelee  island,     t^ellcy  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ribes  aureum  Pursh.    (Missouri  Currant.) 

Noticed  as  an  occasional  escape  on  Pelee  island.      Kelley 


HAMAMELIDACEAE  (Witch-Hazel  Family.) 

Hamamelis  vii^^iana  L.    (Witch-hazel.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  dry  woods. 

PLATANACEAE  (Plane  Tree  Family.) 

Platanus   occldentalis   L.    (Sycamore.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other  trees. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

ROSACEAE  (Rose  Family.) 

Physocarpus  opulifollus  (L.)  Maxim.    (Nine-bark.) 

Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Spira<»  salicifolia  L.    (Meadow-sweet.) 

frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  places. 
Pynw  communis  L.    (Common  Pear.) 

Several  large  trees,  apparent  escapes,  along  north  shore 
of  Lake  Erie.     Put-in-Bay  and  Kelly  islands  and  Ohio 
Pynw  coronarla  L.    (American  Crab.) 

Not  noticed  at  Point  Pelee,  but  plentiful  farther  west 
along   north   shore  of  Lake  Erie.     Near  Amherstburg. 
(Macoun.)     Put-in-Bay  island. 
Pyrus  Malus  L.    (Applh.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  ground.     Islands  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Pynis  cydonia  L.    (Common  Quince.) 

Several  fine  looking  trees  in  waste  places  along  north 
shore  of  Lake  Erie,  but  perhaps  not  escapes. 
Pynis  melanocarpa  (Michx.)  Willd.    (Black  Chokeberrv.) 

Common  about  Windsor.    Ohio  shore. 
Pyru»   amerlcana     (Marsh.)    DC.     (American    Mountain 

Occasionally  planted  in  Essex  county.  Rattlesnake  and 
Put-in-Bay  islands.  Probably  from  seeds  dropped 
by  birds. 


Amelanchier  canadensis  (L.)  Medic.    (Coioion  JimEBERSY.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  woods.    Islands  and 

Ohio  shore. 

Amelanchier  oblongifolla  (T.  and  G.)  Roem.    (Shad-bush.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Petee  in  open  sandy  ground.     Mouse 

and  Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 

Amelanchier    spicata    (Lam.)    C.    Koch.    (Round-leaved 


Abundant  in  spots  at  Pr'nt  Pelee  in  open  sandy  ground. 
Crataegus  Oxyacantlia  L.    (English  Hawthorne.) 

Occasionally  planted  as  an  ornamental  tree  and  in  hedges, 
but  perhaps  not  yet  escaping. 
Crata^us  Crus-Salli  L.    (Cockspur  Thorn.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  places  and  borders  of 
woods,  and  on  Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 
Crataegus  punctata  Jacq.    (Large-fruited  Thorn.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  places  and  open  woods. 
One  tree  noticed  near  Kingsville,  two  feet  in  diameter 
two  feet  from  ground. 
Crataegus  tomentosa  L.    (Pear  Thorn.) 

Kelley  and  Middle  Bass  islands. 
Crataegus  mollis  (T.  and  G.)  Schelle.    (Red-fruited  Thorn.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island.    Along 
Detroit  river.    Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Fragaria  virginiana  Duchesne.     (Common  Strawberry.) 
Common  at  Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island.     Kelley, 
Put-in-Bay,  and  Mouse  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Fragaria  Yirginiana  Duchesne,  var.  illinoensls  (Prince)  Grr  y. 
(Illinois  Strawberry.) 

Kelley,  Put-in-Bay,  and  Mouse  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Fragaria  vesca  L.,  var.  amerlcana  Porter.    (American  Wood 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  woods.     Kelley 
and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Waldstehiia    fragarioides    (Michx.)    Trattinick.      (Barren 

Frequent  about  Windsor.    (F.  P.  Cravin.) 


Potentllla  arftnta  Pureh.    (Tall  Cinquefoil.) 

Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Potentllla  monspeliensia  L.    (Rough  Cinquefoil.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings  and 
in  old  fields,  and  on  Pelee  island.    Put-in-Bay  island 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Potentllla  paradoza  Nutt.    (Bushy  Cinquefoil.) 

Abundant  in  spots  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  sandy  ground 
and  along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie. 
Potentllla  argentea  L.    (Silvery  Cinquefoil.) 
Common  about  Windsor  on  poor  open  ground 
Potentllla  paluttrla  (L.)  Scop.    (Marsh  Five-finger.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  places  in  and  about  the 
big  marsh. 
Pbtentilla  Anaerlna  L.    (Silver  Weed.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  and  often  abundant,  usually 
m  dry  sandy  ground  near  the  lake  shore.     Pelee  island, 
Middle   Bass,   North   Bass,  and  RatUesnake  islands, 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Potentllla  canadensis  L.    (Common  Cinquefoil) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground,  and  on 
Pelee  island.    Ohio    shore. 
Potentllla  canadensis  L.,  var.  simplez  (Michx.)   T.  and  G. 
(Larger  Common  Cinquefoil.) 
Near  Amherstburg.     (Macoun.) 
FUipendula  rubra  (Hill)  Robinson.    (Queen  of  the  Prairie.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Geum  canadense  Jacq.    (White  Avens.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods  and  thickets. 
Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Geum  Tirglnianum  L.    (Rough  A\'bns.) 

Pelee  island.    Along  Detroit  river.    Put-in-Bay  island. 
Oeum  strlctum  Ait.    (Yellow  Avens.) 

Common  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Geum  vemnm  (Raf.)  T.  and  G.    (Spring  Avens.) 

Pelee  island.    Near  Amherstbunt.  (Macoun.)    Common 
about  Windsor.    Johnson  island  and  Ohio  shore. 


Geum  rivale  L.    (Watbk  Avens.) 

In  damp  open  or  shaded  ground  about  Windsor.     (F.  P. 
Rubus  Idaeus  L.,  var.  canadensis  Richardson  (R.  strigosus 
Michx.  of  moBt  authors).     (Wild  Red  Strawberby.)    See 
Rhodora  XI-236. 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  places,  and  on 
Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 
Rubus  neftlectus  Peck.    (Purple  Wild  Raspberry.) 

Near  Amhertsburg.     (Macoun.) 
Rubus  occldentalis  L.    (Black  Raspberry.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  woods.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Rubus  odoratus  L.    (Purple  Flowering  Raspberry.) 

A  large  bunch  on  the  bank  of  a  big  ditch  in  the  big  marsh 
at  Point  Pelee.    Not  noticed  elsewhere. 
Rubus  triflonis  Richards.    (Dwarf  Raspberry.) 

Common  in  damp  shaded  ground  about  Windsor. 
Rubus  alle^eniensls  Porter.     (R.  viUostu  of  many  authors.) 
(High  Bush  Blackberry.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  and  often  shaded 
ground.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Rubus  hispidus  L.    (Running  Swamp  Blackberry.) 

Common  about  Windsor. 
Rubus  tUIosus  Ait.   {R.  canadensis  of  most  authors.)     (Dew- 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  dandy  ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Agrimonla  ftryposepala  Wallr.    (Tall  Hairy  Acriuony.) 
Frequent  at   Point   Pdee  in  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground  especially  along  "the  narrows,"  and  on  Pelee 
island.    Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Atrimonia  parviflora  Ait.    (Many-flowered  Agrimony.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground,  and  on 
Pelee  island.    Along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie.    Ohio 


Rosa  setigera  Michx.    (Climbing  Rose.) 

Pelee  island,  and  near  Amherstburg.     (Macoun.)    South 
shore  of  Lake  St.  Clair.    Johnson.  Mouse.  Kelley.  and 
Middle  Bass  islands,  and  Ohio  shore. 
Rom  blanda  Ait.    (Meadow  Rose.) 

Pelee  island.  Old  Hen  island,  and  Ohio  shore 
Roaa  rubiftlnosa  L.    (Sweetbrier.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  flat.  dry.  open  ground.     Is- 
lands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Row  caroUna  L.    (Swamp  Rose.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  low  damp  open  places.    Is- 
lands and  Ohio  shore. 
Roia  humllis  Marsh.    (Pasture  Rose.) 

Along  Detroit  river  and  near  Leamington.     (Macoun.) 
Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Pninus  serodna  Ehrh.    (Wild  Black  Cherry.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee.  especially  along  "the  narrows  " 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Frunus  ▼irftinlana  L.    (Choke  Cherry.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  border  of  woods.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Pruniis  pemuylvanlca  L.  f .    (Wild  Red  Cherry.) 

Common  along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie 
Pronns  insHtitia  L.    (Bullace  Plum.) 

Noticed  growing   wild  on  Pelee  island  by  Prof.  John 
fruaua  putnUa  L.    (Sand  Cherry.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  sandy  open  ground  and  on 
upper  beach.    Ohio  shore. 
Prunua  avium  L.    (Sweet  Cherry.) 

A  few  trees  noticed  along  shore  of  Lake  Erie,  apparently 
permanent  escapes.    Kelley  island. 
Pninus  CerasiM  L.    (Common  Cherry.) 

J'requent  a- an  escape  at  Point  Pelee  and  on  P<       island. 
Prunua  americana  Man>h.    (Wild  Plum.) 

Noticed  on  Pelee  island.      Along  north  shore  of  Lake 
Ene.     Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands. 


Pnmus  Perslca  (L.)  Stokes.    (Peach.) 

Inclined  to  persist  on  the  islands  of  Lake  Erie,  and  Ohio 

LEGUMINOSAE  (Pulse  Family.) 

Gyninocladus  dioica  (L.)  Koch.    (Kentucky  Coffee-tree.) 
Noticed  in  1882  on  Pelee  island  by  Prof.  John  Macoiin. 
Not  seen  in  1912.    The  other  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Gleditsla  triacanthos  L.    (Honey  Locust.) 

Many  trees  large  and  small  growing  on  and  near  the  beach 
on  the  west  side  of  Point  Pelee,  and  occasional  along 
north  shore  of  Lake  Erie  to  Detroit  river.    The  islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
GaMia  marllandlca  L.    (Wild  Senna.) 

Johnson  idand  and  Ohio  shore. 
Gaasia  Chamaecriata  L.    (Paktridgb  Pea.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Cerds  canadeiwit  L.    (Redbud.) 

Pelee  island.  (Macoun.)    Ohio  shore. 
Baptlsia  tinctorla  (L.)  R.  Br.    (Wild  Indigo.) 

Near  Colchester  and  Sandwich.  (Macoun.)  Near  Leam- 
ington and  Windsor. 
Lupinus  pcrennit  L.    (Wild  Lupine.) 

Near  Sandwich  and  Leamington  in  dry  open  ground. 
THfollum  arveniie  L.    (Rabbit-foot  Clover.) 

In  waste  places  about  Windsor.    (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
TrifoUum  pratenie  L.    (Red  Clover.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pele*  in  open  ground.    Islands'and 
Ohio  shore. 
TrifoUum  rcflezum  L.    (Buffalo  Clover.) 

Islands  of  Detroit  river.    Johnson  island. 
TrifoUum  repens  L.    (White  Clover.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  old  fields  and  pastures. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
TrifoUum  hybridum  L.    (Alsike  Clover.) 

Occac'^nal  at  Point  Pelee  on  and  near  cultivated  ground. 
Pui-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 


Trifolium  agrarium  L.    (Yellow  Clover.) 
Frequent  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
TrifoUum  procumbens  L.    (Low  Hop  Clover.) 

Gibraltar  island  in  Lake  Erie. 
MeUlotus  officinalis  (L.)  Lam.    (Yellow  Melilot.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  near  dwellings.    Johnson  and 
Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Melllotiu  alba  Desr.    (Sweet  Clover.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and  road- 
sides.   Common  along   Detroit   river.    Abundant   in 
fields  about  Windsor.    Abundant  on  the  islands  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Medlcago  aatlva  L.    (Alfalfa.) 

Rare    at    Point    Pelee.    Occasional    throughout    Essex 
county.     Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Medlcago  lupulina  L.    (Black  Medick.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings.    Islands  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Roblnla  Pseudo-Acacla  L.    (Common  Locust.) 

Inclined  to  escape  and  persist  at  Point  Pelee.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Astragalus  canadensis  L.    (Carolina  Milk  Vetch.) 

Frequent  along  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Desmodlum  nudlflonim  (L.)  DC. 

Ohio  shore. 

Desmodlum  grandlflorum  (Walt.)  DC.    (Pointed-leaved 
Tick  Trefoil.) 
Ohio  shore. 

Desmodlum  rotundlfoUum  (Michx.)  DC. 
Ohio  shore. 
Desmodlum  canescens  (L.)  DC.    (Hoary  Tick  Trefoil.) 
Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  sandy  open  ground,  and 
along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie.    Islands  and  Ohio 

(Naked-flowered  Tick 

(PosTRATE  Tick 


Dennodlum   bracteoaum    (Michx.)    DC.    (Lasce-bractbd 
Tick  Trefoil.) 

Along  north  shore  of  ^ke  Erie.    Ohio  shore. 
Desmodlum  Ullnoense  Gray.    (Illinois  Tick  Trefoil.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Desmodlum  Dlllenii  Darl.    (Dillen's  Tick  Trefoil.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  shaded  ground,  and  along 
north  shore  of  Lake  Erie.    Put-in-Bay  island. 
Desmodlum  panlculatum  (L.)  DC.     (Panicled  Tick  Tre- 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.    Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Desmodlum  camidense  (L.)  DC.    (Showy  Tick  Trbfoh.) 
North  shore  of  Lake  Erie  and  along  Detroit  river.    Along 
Lake  St.  Clair.    Ohio  shore. 
Desmodlum  sessilifoUum  (Torr.)  T.  and  G.  (Sessile-leaved 
Tick  Trefoil.) 

Dry  shaded  ground  near  Amherstburg. 
Desmodlum  riftidum  (Ell.)  DC.    (Rigid  Tick  Trefoil.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Lespedeza  violacea  (L.)  Pers.    (Bush  Clover.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Lespedeza  vliftlnlca  (L.)  Britton. 

In  thickets  along  Detroit  river  and  near  Leamington. 
Lespedeza  frutescens  (L.)  Britton.    (Wand-like  Bush  Clo- 

Sandy  woods  and  thickets  in  Essex  county.     (Maooun.) 
Ohio  shore. 
Lespedeza  hlrta  (L.)  Homem.    (Hairy  Bush  Clover.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Lespedeza  capltata  Michx.    (Round-leaved  Bush  Clover.) 

Along  Detroit  river.    Ohio  shore. 
Vlcla  satlva  L.     (Spring  Vetch.) 

North  Bass  and  Rattlesnake  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Vida  angustlfolla  (L.)  Reichard.     (Common  Vetch.) 
Frequent  as  a  weed  about  Windsor. 


Vkta  caroUnlana  Walt.    (Carouna  Vetch.) 

Along  Detoit  river.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Vida  americana  Muhl.    (American  Vetch.) 

Kelley  and  North  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lathyms  maritimus  (L.)  Bigel.    (Beach  Pea.) 

Along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie.    Apparently  infrequent. 
Ohio  shore. 
Lathyrus  paluatria  L.    (Marsh  Vetchung.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  damp  meadow-like  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
LathyriM    ochioleucua    Hook.    (Cream-coujured    Vetch- 

Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
ApiM  tubcron  Moench.    (Wild  Bean.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  along  "the  narrows"  and  borders 

of  woods  and  thickets,  and  on  Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 

StrophoatylM  hehrola  (L.)  Britton.    (Trailing  Wild  Bean.) 

Frequent  and  often  abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp 

sand,  and  along  the  beach.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

Amphicarpa  monoica  (L.)  EH.    (Hog  Peanut.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground  and  open 
woods.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Amphicarpa  Pltchcri  T.  and  G.    (Pitcher's  Hog  Pbanct.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  along  "the  narrows."    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 

LINACEAE  (Flax  Family.) 

Linum  lUitatiMiinum  L.    (Common  Flax.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  farm  buildings.    Kelley 
Linum  sulcatum  Riddell.    (Grooved  Ykiix>w  Flax.) 

Occasional  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.)    Ohio  ehore. 

OXALIDACEAE  (Wood  Sorrel  Family.) 

Oxalis  vlolacea  L.    (Violet  Wood  Sorrel.) 
Ohio  shore. 


Oialls  ooraiculata  L.    (Lady's  Soerel.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pdee  in  meadow-like  ground,  gardens, 
and  fields.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

GERANIACP-AE  (Geranium  Family.) 

Gcnmium  maculatum  L.    (Wild  Ckanesbill.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  ground  and  open  woods, 
and  on  Pelee  island.     Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Getsnium  Robcrtianum  L.    (Herb  Robert.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  under  red  cedars  and  pines  or  in 
damp  rich  woods.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Geranium  carolinianum  L.    (Carouna  Cranbsbill.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 

RUTACEAE  (Rue  Family.) 

Zaathoijrlum  americanum  Mill.   (Northern  Prickly  Ash.) 
Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  borders  of  woods 

and  thickets,  and  on  Pelee  island.    Kelley  and  Middle 

Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ptelaa  trifoliata  L.    (Shrubby  Trefoil.) 

Frequent  at  Pcnnt  Pelee  along  "the  narrows"  and  in  other 

places.    Reported  as  formerly  much  more  abundant. 

Known  at  Point  Pelee  as  "Wahoo."    Along  north  shore 

of  Lake  Erie.    Plentiful  on  Pelee  island.    Common  on 

the  other  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

SIMARUBACEAE  (Quassia  Family.) 

AUanthtw  glandulosa  Desf.    (Tree-of-Heaven.) 

Escaping  in  Essex  county.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

POLYGALACEAE  (Milkwort  Family.) 

Poljrgala  poljrgama  Walt.    (Racemed  Milkwort.) 
In  dry  ground  about  Windsor  (F.  P.  Cravin.) 


Pirisrt>Ia  Senega  L     (Seneca  Snakeroot.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Polyglda  Senega   L.,   var.    latifolia  T.   and   G.    (Seneca 
Ohio  shore. 
Polygala  eanguinea  L.    (Purple  Milkwort.) 

Point   Pelee.     (Burgess.)      Near   Windsor   (J.    M.   Ma- 
POlygala  Tertlclllata  L.    (Whorled  Milkwort.) 

In  dry  open  ground   from  Amherstbui^  to  Sandwich. 
Ohio  shore. 

EUPHORBIACEAE  (Spurge  Family.) 

Acalypha  ▼Irginica  L.    (Virginia  Three-seeded  Mercury.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Peiee  in  open  places  and  often  abun- 
dant as  a  weed  in  cultivated  fields.     Islands  and  Ohio 
Eiqriiorbla  polygonifolia  L.    (Seaside  Spurge.) 

A  characteristic  plant  of  the  sandy  beach  at  Point  Pelee. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Euphorbia    scipens    HBK.       (Round-leaved    Spreading 

Johnson  island. 
Euphorbia  Preslii  Guss.    (Upright  Spotted  Spurge.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Euphorbia  hirsuta  (Torr.)    Wiegand.    (Hairy  Spurge.) 

Along  railway  embankments  about  Windsor. 
Euphorbia  maculata  L.    (Milk  Purslane.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  near  dwellings  and  on  roadsides. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Euphorbia  corollata  L.    (Flowering  Spurge.) 

Occasional  at  Point   Pelee  in  open  dry  ground.     Ohio 
Euphorbia  dentata  Michx.    (Toothed  Spurge.) 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

Euphorbia  iriatyphylla  L.    (Bkoao-leaved  Spurge.) 

Near  Colchester  and  along  Detroit  river. 
Euphorbia  Helioacopia  L.    (Waktweeo.) 

Near  Essex  Centre.     (Biuseas.) 
Euphorbia  Cjrparlssias  L.    (Cypress  Spurge.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  dry  ground.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Euphorbia  oominutata  Engelm.    (Tinted  Spurge.) 

Johnson  island. 

LIMNANTHACEAE  (False  Mermaid  Family.) 

FloeriKea  proserpinacoidet  WUId.    (False  Mermaid.) 
On  an  island  of  Detroit  river  near  Amherstburg. 

ANACARDIACEAE  (Cashew  Family.) 

Rhus  typhina  L.    (Stagborn  Sumach.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Rhus  glalm  L.    (Smooth  Sumach.) 

Plentiful  on  Pelee  idand.     The  other  islands  and  Ohio 
Rhus  Vemix  L.    (Poison  Sumach.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  ground  along  "the 
narrows"  and  in  swampy  places,  and  on  Pelee  island. 
Rhus  Toxicodendron  L.    (Poison  Ivy.) 

Very  common  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  or  damp,  rich,  open 
or  shaded  ground.  Often  taking  complete  possession 
of  trees  forty  and  fifty  feet  high,  the  vines  being  in 
many  cases  more  than  three  inches  in  diameter  one 
foot  from  the  ground.  A  low  shrub  when  not  climbing. 
The  climbing  form  often  referred  to  a  si?.  Toxicoden- 
dron L.,  var.  radicans  (L.)  Torr.,  climbing  poison  ivy. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Rhus  canadensis  Marsh.    (Fragrant  Sumach.) 

Very  abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  woods  and  open 
dry  ground.  Also  abundant  in  sand  on  the  west  b&u:h 
where,  with  low  junipers  in  large  and  thick  bunches, 
it  forms  an  efficient  sand  binder  against  the  action  of 
wind.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

AQUIFOLIACEAE  (Holly  Family.) 

Ilei  verticUlata  (L.)  Gray.    (Black  Alder.) 

Occasional  at   Point  Pelee  in  damp  thickets,  and  on 
Pelee  i-^Lnd.    Green  island. 
Iks  Tcrtlclllata   (L.)   Gray,  var.   tennifolia   (Torr.)   Wats. 
(Bronx  Wintbrberry.) 

Near  Sandwich  and  Leamington.     (Macoun.) 

CEI  ASTRACEAE  (Staff  Treb  Family.) 

ETonymus  atropurporeus  Jacq.    (Burning  Bosh.) 

Occasionui  at  Point  Pelee  in  shaded  ground.     (Wallace 
Tilden.)     F  Aec  if'and.     White  island  in  Detroit  river, 
Hen  and  KcUey   slands,  and  Ohio  shore. 
Evonymus  obovatua  Nutt.    (Running  Strawberry  Bush.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  shaded  ground.    Along 
Lake  St.  Clair.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Celastrus  scandens  L.    f  Bittersweet.) 

Very  common  at   Point  Pelee  in  woods  ,,rj.   tV'VVf;: 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

STAPHYLEACEAE  (Bladder  Nut  Fa^'sly  , 

Staphylea  trifolia  L.    (American  Blaiwe?.  K     .  > 

Occasional  near  Windsor.  (F.  P.  Cravin.}  G-«.  :■  -■r 
land  and  Ohio  shore. 

ACERACEAE  (Maple  Family  ) 

Acer  spicattim  Lam.    (Mountain  Maple.) 

In  rich  woods  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 


Acer  ■acchanim  Marsh.     {A.  sacckarinum  Wang.)     (Sugak 

Occasional   at    Point    Pelee   with   other   trees.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Acer  saccharum  Marsh,  var.  nigrum  (Michx.  f.)  Britton. 
(Black  Maple.) 

Along  "the  narrows"  at  Point  Pelee,  and  on  Pelee  island. 
Kelley  and  North  Bass  islands,  and  Ohio  shore. 
A  southern  fern  was  noticed  on  Pelee  island,  named 
by  Prof.  C.  S.  Sargent,  A.  saccharum  rugelii  Rehd. 
Leaves  three-lobed. 
Acer  saccharinum  L.  (A.  dasycarpum  Ehrh.)  (Silver 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other 
trees.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Acer  rubrum  L.    (Rrd  Maple.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other  trees, 
and  on  Pelee  island. 
Acer  Negundo  L.    (Box  Elder.) 

Occasionally  planted  and  escaping  at  Point  Pelee  and  on 
Pelee    island.     Put-in-Bay    island    and    Ohio    shore. 

SAPINDACEAE  (Soapberry  Family.) 

Aesculus  Hippocaatanum  L.    (Common  Horse-chestnut.) 
Often  planted  in  Essex  county,  and  apparently  spreading 
along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie. 
AeeculiM  glabra  Willd.    (Fetid  Buckeye.) 

Johnson,  Middle  Bass,  and  North  Bass  islands  and  Ohio 

BALSAM  I NACEAE  (Touch-me-not  Family.) 

Impatlens  pallida  Nutt.    (Pale  Touch-me-not.) 

Frefjuent   about   Windsor.     (F.    P.   Cravin.)     Old    Hen 
and   Rattlesnake  islands. 
Impatlens  biflora  Walt.    (Spotted  Touch-me-not.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  open  or  shaded  places. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

RHAMNACEAE  (Buckthorn  Family.) 

Rhamniu  alnifolla  L'Her.    (Alobr-leaved  Buckthorn.) 

In  damp  open  ground  near  Lake  St.  Clair. 
Ccanothus  americanua  L.    (New  Jersey  Tea.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  shaded  ground. 
Ohio  shore. 
Ceanothus  omtua  Desf.    (Smaller  Red-root.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  shaded  ground. 
Ohio  shore. 

VITACEAE  (Vine  Family.) 

Paedera  vltacea  (Knerr)  Greene.     {Ampdopsii  quinquefolia 
of  most  authors).    (Virginia  Creeper.) 

Common  at    Point    Pelee  in  shaded    ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Vitis  labnuca  L.    (Northern  Fox  Grape.) 

Many  patches  of  the  cultivated  grape  persisting  at  Point 
Pelee  and  on   Pelee   island  apparently  belong  to  or 
are  varieties  of  this  species. 
Vltis  blcolor  Le  Conte.    (Summer  Grape.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  shaded  or  open  ground  and 
on  Pelee  island. 
Vltia  cordifolla  Michx.    (Frost  Grape.) 

Johnson  island. 
Vltls  vulpina  L.    (River-bank  Grape.) 

Common  at   Point   Pelee  in  open  or  ehaded  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

TILIACEAE  (Linden  Family.) 

Tilla  amcrlcaiia   L.    (Basswood.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other  trees. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
TiUa  Michauzli  Nutt.    (Southern  Basswood.) 

Reported   as  growing  near  Sandwich   and  along  Lake 
St.  Clair. 

MALVACEAE  (Matxow  Family.) 

AbutUon  TheophrasH  Medic.    (Indian  Mallow.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pdee  as  a  garden  weed.    Common 
on  the  islands. 
Althaea  rosea  Cav.    (Hollyhock.) 

Inclined  to  escape  and  persist  on  the  islands  in  I..ake  Erie. 
Ohio  shore. 
Sida  spinosa  L.    (Prickly  Sida.) 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Malva  rotundlfoUa  L.    (Common  Mallow.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings  and 
waste  places.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Malva  moschata  L.    (Musk  Mallow.) 

Along  north  shore  of  Lake  F.:^  and  on  islands  in  Detroit 
river.    Kelley  island. 
Hibiscus  Moscheutos  L.    (Swamp  Rose  Mallow.) 

Occasional  it  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  the  big  marsh. 
Reported  as  formerly  abundant.  Abundant  in  many 
places  along  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie.  Islands  of 
Detroit  river.  Along  shore  of  Lake  St.  Clair.  North 
Bass  island.  Dr.  E.  L.  Greene  has  named  this  plant 
H.  opuUfoUus,  believing  it  to  be  a  new  species. 
Hibiscus  Trionum  L.  (Flowkk-of-an-houh.) 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 

hyPERICACEAE  (St.  Johns-wort  Family.) 

Hyperirtim  perforatum  L.    (Common  St.  John's-wort.) 

Fre<iucnt  at  Point  Pelee  along  roads  and  in  old  fields  and 
on  Pelee  island,  Kelley  island,  and  Ohio  shore. 
Hypericum  punctatum  Lam.    (Spotted  St.  John's-wort.) 

Occasional  at   Point   Pelee  in  shaded   ground.     Rattle- 
snake island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Hypericum  proilflcum  L.    (Shrubby  St.  Joh      wort.) 

Frequent  about  Windsor.     (F   P.  Cravin.) 
Hypericum  Kalmianum  L.    (Kalm's  St.  Jomn's-wort.) 

Islands  in  I^ke  Erie. 


Hjrpericum  mutllum  L.     (Dwaw  St.  John's- wo»t.) 

Frejuent  in  low  open  ground  about  Windsor.     (F.  P. 
Cravin.)     Ohio  shore. 
Hypericum  majiu  (Gray)  Britton.    (Larger  Canadian  St. 

In  damp  open  ground  about  the  big  marsh  at  Point 
Hypericum  gentianoMM  (h.)  BSP     (Orange  Grass.) 

In  sandy  ikids  at  Sandwich.     (Macoun.) 
Hypericum  Tirftinicum  L     (Marsh  St.  John's-wort.) 

Common  at  Point  PtJee  in  and  about  the  big  marah. 
Ohio  shore. 

CISTACEAE  (RocKRosE  Family.) 

(I..  ?)    Michx.      (LONG-BRANCHBD 

Helianthemum  camuleiue 


Near  Sandwich.     (Macoun.)     In  dry  open  ground  near 
Lake  St.  Clair. 
Helianthemum  majus  BSP.    (Hairy  Fiostweed.) 

On  Cedar  poin. ,  Ohio  shore. 
Lechea  villosa  Ell.    (Large  Pinweed.) 

Very  common  about  Windsor  in  dry  open  ground.     Cedar 
point,  Ohio  shore. 
Lechea  minor  L.    (Thyme-leaved  Pinweed.) 

In  open  or  slightly  shaded  ground  near  Windsor. 

VIOLACEAE  (Violet  Family.) 

Viola  cucullata  Ait.     (Marsh  Blue  Violet.) 

Common  about  Windsor  in  swampy  places. 
Viola  palmata  L.    (Eariy  Blue  Violet.) 

In  damp  woods  near  Amhentttnirg.    Ohio  shore. 
Viola  aororia  Willd.     (Woolly  Bi.ok  Violet.) 

Common  at  Point  Peke  in  shaded  grouncl.     t>hio  shorr. 
\Mm  fimbriatula  Sm.    (Ovatk-leavkd  Violkt.) 

Common  about  Windsor. 


Viola  n^ttata  Ait.    (Arrow-leaved  Violet.) 

Near  Arahenitburg.    Common  about  Windsor. 
Viola  pedatifida  G.  Don.    (Prairie  Violet.) 

Ohio  shore,  but  scarce. 
VloJa  incognita  Brainerd.    (Sweet  White  Violet.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  shaded  ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Viola  pubcKem  Ait.    (£>owny  Yellow  Violet.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  shaded  ground.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Viola  acaltrluscula  Schwein.    (Shooth  Yellow  Violet.) 

Frequent  at  Point   Pelee  in  rich  woods  and  thickets. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Viola  striata  Ait.    (Pale  Violet.) 

Near  Amherstburg.    Ohio  shore. 
Viola  Rafineaquil  Greene.    (Wild  Pansy.) 

On  Pelee  island.     (Macoun.)    Johnson  and  Put-in-Bay 
islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

CACTACEAE  (Cactus  Family.) 

Opuntia  Rafineaquil  Engelm.    (Western  Prickly  Pear.) 
Abundant  in  spots  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground. 

THYMELAEACEAE  (Mezereum  Family.) 

Dlrca  paluatris  L.    (Leathbrwood.) 

Frequent  in  shaded  ground  near  Colchester. 

ELAEAGNACEAE  (Oleaster  Family.) 

Shephcrdia  canadensis  (L.)  Nutt.    (Buffalo  Berry.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  shaded  ground. 

LYTHRACEAE  (Loosestrife  Family.) 

Rotala  ramosior  (I..;  Koehnc.    (Ro-.ala.) 
Ohio  shore,  but  rare. 


(Long-leaved  Aumanu.) 

Ammannia  cocdnea  Rottb. 

Ohio  shore. 
Decodon  verticUlatu.  (L.)  Ell,    (Water  Willow) 

Very  abundant  in  spots  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the 
big  marsh.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Lythrum  alatum  Pursh.    (Wing-angled  Loosestrife  ) 

In  damp  places  along  north  shore  of  Uke  Erie,  Detroit 
nver,  and  east  of  Windsor.  Put-in-Bay  and  Middle 
Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

ONAGRACEAE  (Evening  Primkose  Family 

Ludvigla  altemifolia  L.    (Seedbox.) 

In  swampy  ground,  meadows,  and  pastures  near  Sand- 
wich  and  Wmdsor.     (Alex.  Wherry.) 

liJSl)'****^**^  ^''°'*  ^"'^  ^""     (Many-fruited  Lud- 
^"(SunT""**  a'°"8  railway  track  near  Amherstbuig. 
Ludvigta  paliutris  (L.)  Ell.     (Water  Purslane  ) 
In  wet  places  at  Point  Pelee.    Ohio  shore. 

EpUoWumangiwtifolIuinL.    (Great  Willow-herb.) 
Ohio  shore. 

EpUoblum  deiuum  Raf.    (Linear-leavbd  Willow-herb.) 
Ohio  shore. 

EpUoblum    coloratum   Muhl.     (Purple-leaved   Willow- 

H£ltB ,/ 

I?  ..  ^l^*"*=y  ?"<*  **'ddle  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Epilobium  adenocaulon  Haussk.  (Northern  Willow-herb  ) 
Oc^onal  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground  and  on 
Pelee    isLnd.     Kelley    and    North   Bass  islands  and 
Uhio  shore. 
Oenothera  bietmia  L.    (Common  Evening  Primrose  ) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  shaded  ground. 

Oenoth^    T  °"J'**  '!"''*'  '**'*'•     '"'^^^  ^"'l  Ohio  shore. 
Oenothera  rhomWpetala  Nutt.    (Rhombic  Evening  Prim- 


Ohio  shore. 


Gaura  biennis  L.    (Biennial  Gauka.) 

Along  Detroit  river  and  near  Windsor.    Ohio  shore. 
Glrcsea  lutetlana  L.    (Enchanter's  Nightshade.) 

Common  at  Ptrint  Pelee  in  rich  open  woods,  and  on  Pelee 
island.    Put-in-Bay  island. 
Qrcaea  alpina  L.    (Smaller  Enchanter's  Nightshade.) 

Ohio  shore. 

HALORAGIDACEAE  (Water  Milfoil  Family.) 

Myrlophyllum  spicatum  L.    (Spiked  Water  Milfoil.) 

Often  abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  big  ditches  and  stag- 
nant pools,  and  on  Pelee  island. 
Proserpinaca  palustrls  L.    (Mermaid-weed.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh. 
Ohio   shore. 

ARALIACEAE  (Ginseng  Family.) 

Alalia  racemoM  L.    (Spikenard.) 

In  rich  woods  near  Colchester. 
Alalia  nudicaulis  L.    (Wild  Sarsaparilla.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  moist  woods  and  thickets. 
Green  and  Kclley  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Panax  quinqutfolium  L.    (Ginseng.) 

Reported  as  formeriy  plentiful  at  Point  Pelee  and  on 
Pelee  island,   but  not  noticed  in  1910-11.    Formerly 
abundant  on  the  other  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Panax  trifolium  L.    (Ground-nut.) 

In  rich  woods  about  Windsor.    (F.  P.  Cravin.) 

UMBELLIFERAE  (Parsley  Family.) 

Sanicula  marilandica  L.    (Black  Snakeroot.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island.    Put-in-Bay 
island  and  Ohio  shore. 

Sanicula  canadensis  L.    (Short-styled  Snakeroot.) 

Along  Detroit  river.     Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 


Eriienfa  bulbosa  (Michx.)  Nutt.     (Harbinger-of-Spking.) 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore 

°?^?1^)"""    *'"^°'*»*-    (L.)    Crantz.        (Spreading 

White  island  in  Detroit  river.     (Macoun.)     Kelley  island 
Otmorhiza  Qaytonl  (Michx.)  Qarke.    (Woolly  Sweet  C,-" 

Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Osmorhiza  longbtyll.  (Torr.)  DC.    (Smoother  Sweet  Ci- 


Plentiful  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  or  shaded  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Conlum  maculatum  L.    (Poison  Hemlock.) 

Noticed  in  waste  places  near  Windsor 
acuta  maculata  L.    (Water  Hemlock.) 

In  damp  open  ground  on  Pelee  island.     Kelley  island 
and  Ohio  shore. 
acuta  bulblfera  L.    (Bulb-bearing  W.ater  Hemlock  ) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Gwum  CanrI  L.    (Caraway.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Slum  cicutaefoHum  Schrank.    (Water  Parsnip  ) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh 

Cr»»fnt«*ri°"        T  '"I^"''-     ^*"*y  '^'*"^  «"d  Ohio  shore. 
Cryptotaenta  canadensis  (L.)  DC.    (Honewort.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  rich  woods  and  thickets, 
and  on  Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 
Zkto  aurea  (L.)  Koch.    (Golden  Alexanders.) 

iskid"^'  «*  P™"t  P*^'«^  and  on  Pelee  island.     Kelley 
Zi2la  oardata  (Walt.)  DC.    (Heart-leaved  Alexanders.) 
T-.-.i."^"*"^  °"  ^^'^  '''^"^-  f^casional  along  Detroit  river 
Taenldla  InteSerrima  (L.)  Drude.    (Yellow  PimpernVu 
Occ<nsional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground  and  on  Pelee  island.     Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay 
islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Thaapium  aureum  Nutt.    (Meadow  Parsnip.) 

Islands  of  Detroit  river.   (Maclagan.)    Put-in-Bay  island 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Thaspium  barbinode  (Michx.)  Nutt.     (Hairy-jointed  Mea- 
dow Parsnip.) 

Pelee  island.    Near  Colchester  and  along  Detroit  river. 
Islands  of  Lake  Erie  and  Ohio  shore. 
Thaspium  barbinode  (Michx.)  Nutt.,  var.  anguattfolium 
Coult.  and  Rose.    (Hairy-jointed  Meadow  Parsnip.) 
Pelee  island.    (Macoun.)    Johnson  and  Mouse  islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Pastiiiaca  sativa  L.    (Parsnip.) 

Near  dwellings  at  Point  Pelee  as  an  escape  from  culti- 
vation, and  on  Pelee  island,  Kelley  island,  and  Ohio 
Hcradeum  lanatum  Michx.    (Cow  Parsnip.) 

Ohio   shore. 
Oiypolls  rigkUor  (L.)  Coult.  and  Rose.    (Cowbane.) 

Ohio  shore. 
DauciM  Carota  L.    (Carrot.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings,  in  old  fields, 
and  on  Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 

CORNACEAE  (Dogwood  Family.) 

Comus  canadensis  L.    (Dwarf  Cornel.) 

In  damp  shaded  ground  about  Windsor.    (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Gomus  florida  L.    (Flowering  Dogwood.) 

Abundant  on  places  along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie.  Near 
Amherstburg.    (Macoun.)    Kelley    island    and    Ohio 
Gomus  circinata  L'Her.    (Round-leaved  Cornel.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  or  borders  of  woods  and  abun- 
dant on   Pelee  island.      Hen  and  Kelley  island  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Gomus  Amomum  Mill.    (Silky  Cornel.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  or  shaded  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


CorniM  atpertfolia  Michx.    (Rough-leaved  Cornel.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground,  and  along  north  shore  of  Uke  Erie.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Comus  BaUeyi  Coult.  and  Evans.    (Bailey's  Cornel) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  and  along  north  shore  of  Uke 
Gorans  stolonifera  Michx.    (Red-osier  Dogwood.) 

Along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie.    Ohio  shore 
Comus  paniculata  L'Her.    (Panicled  Cornel.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  woods  and  thickets 
and  on  Pelee  island.  ' 

Corau.  altemifoUa  L.  f.    (Alternate-leaved  Cornel  ) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  woods  and  on  Pelee 
island.    Ohio  shore. 
Nyssa  sylvatica  Marsh.    (Black  Gum.) 

Between    Essex    Centre   and    Leamington.     (Macoun.) 
Near  Colchester. 

ERICACEAE  (Heath  Family.) 

(Prince's  Pine.) 

Caiimaphila  umbellata  (L.)  Nutt. 

Ohio  shore. 
Pyrola  elliptlca  Nutt.    (Shin  Leaf.) 

Ohio  shore. 

Pyiola  americana  Sweet.    (Round-leaved  Wintergreen  ) 

About  Windsor.    (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Monotropa  imiflora  L.    (Indian  Pipe.) 

n     ,.u!!?"*"*  *'~"*  Windsor.    (F.  P.  Cravin.)    Ohio  shore 
Oaultherla  procumbens  L.    (Wintergreen.) 

Common  in  dry  woods  about  Windsor. 
Arctostaphylos  Uva-uwi  (L.)  Sprang.    (Bearberry.) 

On  the  west  beach  of  Point  Pelee  acting  as  a  sand  binder 
Pelee  island. 
GayluwMcia  baccata  (Wang.)  C.  Koch.    (Biack  HucnE- 


Common  in  dry  woods  about  Windsor. 

Vaccinium  pennsylvanicum 


Common  about  Windsor. 
Vacdnium  vacillant  Kalm 

Common  in  woods  ab<  .i 
Vaccinium  corymbosum  L. 

Lam.    (Early  Sweet  Blub- 

(Late  Low  Blueberry.) 

(Swamp  Blueferry.) 
Common    in    swampy    places   about   Windsor.     (F.    P. 
Vaccinium  macrocarpon  Ait.    (Large  cIranberry.) 

Reported  as  formerly  abundant  in  parts  of  the  big  m  rah 
at  Point  Pelee.     Destroyed  by  drainage  and  fire. 

PRIMUU^CEAE  (Primrose  Family.) 

Lyaimachia    terrestris    (L.)    BSP.    (Bin.B-BEARiNG    Loose- 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground.     Bass 
island  ami  Ohio  shure. 
Lysimacliia  Nununularia  L.    (Moneywort.) 

In  damp  places  along  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie,     ^^iddle 
Bass  island. 
Lysimachia  thyrsiflora  L.    (TutiKD  Loosestrife.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  open  spots.     Ohio  shore. 
Steironema  ciliatum  (L.)  Raf. 

Common  at   Point   Pelee  in   rich  woods  and   thidtets. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Steironema  quadriflorum  (Sims)  Hitchc.    (Pr.\irie  Money- 

W-:  «RT.) 

Islands  of  Detroit  river  and  near  Sandwich.     (Maclagan.) 
OLEACEAE  (Olive  Family.) 

Fraxinus  americana  L.    (White  Ash.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other  trees. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Fraxinus  pennsylvanica  Marsh.     (Red  Ash.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  ground  with  other  trees. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore.     Along    hore  of  Lake  St.  Clair. 


Fraiinus  quadrangulata  Michx.    (Blue  Ash.) 

In  dry  ground  at  Point  Pelee  with  other  tree*  abng  "the 
narrows."    Abundant  on  Pelee  island.     On  the  other 
Lake  Erie  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
FrailniM  nigra  Marsh.    (Black  Ash.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  and  usually  small  in  wet  woods 
with  other  trees.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Syringa  ▼ulgarls  L.    (Common  Lilac.) 

Noticed  as  an  escape  on  Pelee  island.     Well  esUblished 
on  Kelley  island. 
LigiMtnim  Tuigare  L.    (Privet.) 
Ohio  shore. 

GENTIANACEAE  (Gentian  Family.) 

Gcntiana  crinita  Froel.     (Fri.nged  Gentian.) 

Abundant  in  damp  spots  along  Lake  Erie  shore.     Ohio 
Gentiana  quinquefolia  L.    (Stiff  Gbntlan.) 

Along  Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.) 
Gentiana  Andrewsii  Griseb.    (Closed  Gentun.) 

In  damp  spou  along  Lake  Erie  shore  and  E)etroit  river. 
Frequent  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.)    Ohio  shore. 

APOCYNACEAE  (Dogbane  Family.) 

Vinca  minor  L.    (Common  Periwinkle.) 

Kelley  and  Middle  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Apocynum  andnMaemlfoUum  L.    (Spreading  Dogbane.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground  and  on  Pelee 
island.     Put-in-Bay  and  Middle  Bass  isbnds  and  Ohio 
Apocynum  cannabinum  L.     (Indian  Hemp.) 

Frequent  at    Point    Pelee    in   damp    gravelly   ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Apocynum  cannabinum  L.,  var.  puiMscens  (R.  Br.)  DC 
(Velvet  Dogbane.) 

In  bkmn  up  sand  at  Point  Pelee.     (Macoun.) 


(ANSI  ond  ISO  TEST  CHART  No   2) 

S^         1653  toil  Uam   SIr.el 
^^        CIS)   288- 5969 -Fo. 



Aidepias  tuberosa  L.    (Butterfly-weed.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground.    Put-in- 
Bay  and  North  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Aiclepias  purpurascens  L.    (Purple  Milkweed.) 

Along  Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.)    Ohio  shore. 
Aflclepias  incamata  L.    (Swamp  Milkweed.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  places.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Aflclepias  sjrriaca  L.    (Common  Milkweed.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground  and  old 
cultivated  fields.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Aadepias  phytolaccoides  Pursh.    (Poke  Milkweed.) 

Common  at   Point   Pelee.    Occasional  at  Pelee  island. 
Islands   of    Detroit    river    and    on    the    mainland. 
(Maclagan.)     Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Aadepias  Tcrticillata  L.    (Whorled  Milkweed.) 

Ohio  shore. 
AceratM  floridana  (Lam.)  Hitchc.    (Florida  Milkweed.) 
Along    Detroit  river.      (Maclagan.)      Near  Sandwich. 
AceratM  Tiridiflora  Ell.    (Green  Milkweed.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  and  near  the  upper  sandy 
beach.    Ohio  shore. 
Acerates  ▼Iridiflora  Ell.,  var.  lanceolata  (Ives)  Gray.  (Green 

Point  Pelee.  (Macoun.)    Ohio  shore. 

CONVOLVULACEAE  (Convolvulus  Family.) 

Ipomoea  hederacea  Jacq.    (Ivy-leaved  Morning  Glory.) 

Noticed  at  Point  Pelee  as  an  escape  in  sandy  ground. 

Ipomoea  purpurea  (L.)  Roth.    (Common  Morning  Glory.) 

In  sandy  ground  near  dwellings  at  Point  Pelee.    Put-in* 

Bay  and  North  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

Ipomoea  pandurata  (L.)  G.F.W.  Mey.    (Wild  Potato-vine.) 

Very  abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  spots  in  dry  ground, 

and  white  with  flowers,  August  20,  1910.    Ohio  shore. 


Convolvulus  seplum  L.    (Hedge  Bindweed  ) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground, 
and  Uhio  shore. 


var.  pubescens   (Gray)   Fernald. 


Convolvulus  sepium  L 

(Trailing  Bindweed.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Couvolvulus  arvensis  L.    (Field  Bindweed.) 

Near  dwellings  and  in  old  fields  at  Point  Pelee 
Cuscuto  obtusiflora  HBK.    (Smartweed  Dodde^  ) 

Ohio  shore. 

Cuscuto  Cephalanthi  Engelm.    (Button-bush  Dodder.) 

rut-in-Bay  island. 
Cuscuto  Indecora  Chois.    (Pretty  Dodder.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Cuscuta  Gronovii  Willd.    (Love-vine  ) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  or  shaded  ground 
especially  on  edge  of  marsh  along  "the  narrows."  Com- 
mon on  the  islands  of  Lake  Erie. 

POLEMONIACEAE  (Polemonium  Family.) 

Phlox  pUosa  L.    (Downy  Phlox.) 

Near  Amherstburg   in   dry   woods.    (Macoun.)    Alone 

Phlo.  H,  TL"r-  ^^^<='«8«")    Ohio  shore.  ' 

Pnlox  dlvaricata  L.    (Blue  Phlox  ) 

^  oJrihorT^'"*  ^^^^  '"  "'^  °'^"  ^'^^-     ^"'^"^^  *"*• 
Phlox  subulata  L.    (Ground  Pink.) 
Ohio  shore. 

Polemonium  reptans  L.    (Greek  Valerian.) 
Ohio  shore. 

HYDROPHYLLACEAE  (Waterleaf  Family.) 

"''**'°E.""*f1^'^""  "-     ^"»"'*'*  Waterleaf.) 

-„?      r^^  .^"'  "^'^P*  ^^"'^y  «"d  Put-in-Bay  is- 
lands.    Ohio  shore. 


Hydrophyllum     appendiculatum     Michx.      (Appendaged 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  shaded  ground.    Along 
Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.)     Islands  of  Lake  Erie. 
Phacelia  Purshii  Buckley.     (Pursh's  Phacelia.) 

Chicken,  Johnson,  and  Kelley  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

BORAGINACEAE  (Borage  Family.) 

Cyno^ossum  officinale  L.    (Common  Hound's  Tongue.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  ground  near  dwellings, 
in  cultivated  fields  and  open  woods.     Islands  and  Ohio 
Lappula  virftiniana  (L.)  Greene.     (Beggar's  Lice.) 

Occasional  a*^^  Point  Pelee  in  rich  shaded  ground.     Kelley 
and  Put-ia-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lappula  echinata  Gilibert.    (European  Stickseed.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  along  the  roads  and  on  Pelee 
island.     Kelley  and   Middle   Bass  islands    and    Ohio 
Myosotis  virftinica  (L.)  BSP.     (Early  Scorpion-grass.) 

Put-in-Bay  island. 
Mertensia  virginica  (L.)  Link.     (Bluebells.) 

Johnson,  Kelley,  and  North  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lithoapermum  arvense  L.    (Corn  Gromwell.) 

As  a  weed  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and  in  culti- 
vated fields.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lithospermum    Gmelini    (Michx.)    Hitchc.     (Hairy    Puc- 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  sandy  ground  on  and 
near    the    sandy    upper    beach    and    about   Windsor. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
LithoBpeitnum   canescens    (Michx.)    Lehm.    Hoary    Puc- 


Along  Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.)     Ohio  shore. 
Lithospermum    angustifolium   Michx.     (Narrow-leaved 


Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  sandy  ground. 


Onosmodium  hispidissimum  Mackenzie 

Johnson  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Echlum  vulgare  L.    (Blue-weed.) 

Common  along  railways.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 

(Shaggy  False 

VERBENACEAE  (Vervain  Family.) 

Verbena  urticaefolia  L.    (White  Vervain.) 

In  dryish  open  ground  at  Point  Pelee,  but  apparently 
infrequent.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Verbena  angustifolia  Michx.    (Narrow-leaved  Vervain  ) 
Noticed    as   frequent    on    Pelee    island.     Kelley    island 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Verbena  hastata  L.    (Blue  Vervain.) 

Often  very  abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lippia  lanceolata  Michx.    (Fog-fruit.) 

Wet  places  near  Leamington.     (Macoun.)    Johnson  and 
Put-m-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

LABIATAE  (Mint  Family.) 

Teucrium  canadense  L.    (Common  Germander  ) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground.     Islands 
ond  Ohio  shore. 
Teucrium  ocddentale  Gray.    (Hairy  Germander) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  the  drier  parts  of  the  bie 
marsh.     Ohio  shore. 
Isanthus  brachiatus  (L.)  BSP.    (False  Pennyroyal.) 

Kelley  island  and  common  on  Ohio  shore 
Scutellaria  lateriflora  L.    (Mad-dog  Skullcap.) 

Comm(>n  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  rich  woods.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Scutellai        jslcolor  Nutt.    (Heart-leaved  Skullcap  ) 
Joftnoon  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Scutellaria  <alericulata  L.    (Marsh  Skullcap.)     (Hooded 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh  and 
on  Pelee  inland.     Put-in-Bay  and  Middle  Bass  islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Scutellaria  parvula  Michx.    (Small  Skullcap.) 

Abundant  in  spots  on  Pelee  island  in  dry  ground.    Kelley 
island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Marrubium  vulgare  L.    (Common  Horehound.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  ground  near  dwellings. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Agastache  nepetoides  (L.)  Ktze.    (Cawip  Giant  Hyssop.) 
Frequent   at    Point    Pelee    in   shaded    ground.    Along 
Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.)    Kelley  and  Johnston  is- 
lands a-'d  Ohio  shore. 
Nepeta  Cataria  L.    (Catnip.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  near  dwellings  and  in  old  fields. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Nepeta  hederacea  (L.)  Trevisan.    (Ground  Ivy.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  and  appearing  like  a  native 
plant.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Pnmella  ▼ulftaris  L.    (Heal-all.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Physostegia  Tirftinlana  (L.)  Benth.    (False  Dragon  Head.) 
In  damp  sandy  ground  along  Lake  Erie  shore.    Put-in- 
Bay  and  Middle  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lamlum  amplezlcaule  L.    (Henbit.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  gardens, 
lace  Tilden.)     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Leonurus  Cardiaca  L.    (Common  Motherwort.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and 
cultivated  fields.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Stachys  tenuifolia  Willd.,  var.   aspera   (Michx.)   Feinald 
(Rough  Hedge  Nettle.) 

Middle  Bass  and  North  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 






Stachys  palustris  L.    (Woundwort.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh, 
and  on  Pelee  island. 
Monarda  didyma  L.    (Bee  Balm.) 

Frequent  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Monarda  fistulosa  L.    (Wild  Bercamot.) 

At  Point  Pelee.    (Macoun.)     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Monarda  mollis  L.    (Pale  Wild  Bergamot.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
BlephUia  cillata  (L.)  Raf.    (Downy  Blephilia.) 

Plentiful  on   Pelee  island  in  open  or  shaded   ground. 
Johnson,  Kelley,  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Blephilia  hirsuta  (Pursh)  Benth.    (Wood  Mint.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Hedeoma  puleftioides  (L.)  Pers.    (American  Pennyroyal.) 
Along   Detroit   river.    (Maclagan.)    Islands   and   Ohio 
Melissa  oflBcinalis  L.    (Common  Balm.) 

Put-in-Bay  island. 
Satureja  glabra  (Nutt.)  Fernald.    (Low  Calamint.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Satureja  hortensis  L.    (Summer  Savory.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Satureja  vulgaris   (L.)   Fritsch.     {Caiamintha    Clinopodium 
Benth.)    (Field  Basil.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Pycnanthemum  virginlanum    (L.)    Durand  and   Jackson. 
(ViKGiNiAN  Mountain  Mint.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  the  drier  part  of  the  big  marsh. 
Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Pycnanthemum  pilosum  Nutt.    (Hairy  Mountain  Mint.) 
In  dry  shaded  ground  at  Point  Pelee,  but  apparently 
infrequent.    Ohio  shore. 
Lycopus  virglnicus  L.    (Purple  Bugle  Weed.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  moist  open  places.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 


Lycoput  unlflonu  Michx.    (Coumon  Bugle  Weed.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  low  moist  ground. 

Ljrcopus  rubellus  Moench.    (Stalked  Water  Horehound.) 
In   damp   grassy   places   at   Point   Pelee.    Apparently 
infrequent.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

Lycopus   ameiicauus   Muhl.    (Cut-leaved   Water   Hokb- 


Common  and  often  abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp 
open  places,  especially  in  and  about  the  big  marsh. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Mentha  splcata  L.    (Spearmint.) 

Along   roads   on    Pelee  island.    Put-in-Bay  island  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Mentha  piperita  L.    (Peppermint.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  places  near  dwellings 
and  in  damp  sand  on  the  beach. 
Mentlia  arvensis  L.,  var.  canadensis  (L.)  Briquet.    (Ameri- 
can Wild  Mint.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.    Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Gollinsonia  canadensis  L.    (Horse  Balm.) 
Along  Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.) 

SOLANACEAE  (Nightshade  Family.) 

Solanum  Dulcamara  L.    (Nightshade.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  or  shaded  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Solanum  nigrum  L.    (Common  Nightshade.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  or  shaded  ground, 
and  a  weed  in  gardens.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Solanum  carolinense  L.    (Horse  Nettle.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Solanum  rostratum  Dunal.    (Buffalo  Bur.) 

Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Physalis  pruinosa  L.    (Strawberry  Tomato.) 

Kelley  island. 

Phyaalis  heterophylla  Nees.    (Clammy  GRou>rD  Cherky.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  sandy  ground.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Phyaalis  heterophylla  Nees,  var.  amb^ua  (Gray)  Rydb. 
(Clammy  Ground  Cherry.) 
Ohio  shore. 
Physalls  heterophylla  Nees,  var.  nycta^ea  (Dunal)  Rydb. 
(Clammy  Ground  Cherry.) 
Ohio  shore. 
Phyaall*    subgblbrata    Mackenzie    and    Bush.    (Glabrate 
Ground  Cherry.) 

Along  Detroit  river. 
Physalls  lanceohita  Michx.    (Prairie  Ground  Cherry.) 

Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lycopersicaii  esculentum  Mill.    (Tomato.) 

Said  to  have  escaped  and  become  well  established  on 
Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands. 
Lydum  halimlfoUum  Mill.    (Common  Matrimony  Vine.) 
Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  an  escape  and  on  Pdee 
island.    Kelley  island. 
Hyoscyamus  nifter  L.    (Black  Henbane.) 

Along  Detroit  river.     (Madagan.) 
Datura  Stramonium  L.    (Stramonium.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Datura  Tatula  L.    (Purple  Stramonium.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  about  dwellings 
and  in  waste  places. 

'■'"'    t  LARIACEAE  (Figwort  Family.) 

Verbasc    -<         ^jus  L.    (Common  Mullein.) 

Fre-i^...^  at  Pjint  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  cultivated  grounds. 

Verbascum  Blattaria  L.    (Moth  Mullein.) 

Frequent   along   roads  on  Pelee  island.    Along  Detroit 
river  and  near  Windsor. 

Verbascum  Lychnitls  L.    (White  Mullein.) 
Roadside  near  Sandwich.     (Macoun.) 


Llnaria  mltarit  Hill.    (Butter  /ja>  Eggs.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  as  a  weed. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Scrophulaiia  leporella  Bicknell.    (Hare  Figwort.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  the  big  marrii. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Pentstemon  hinutus  (L.)  Willd.    (Hairy  Beard-tongue.) 
Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Chdone  glabra  L.    (Turtlehead.) 

Frequent  in  damp  ground  along  Lake  Erie  shore. 
Mlmulus  lingens  L.    (Square-stemmed  Monkey  Flower.) 
In  ditches  and  damp  places  about  the  big  marsh  at  Point 
Pelee  and  on  Pelee  island.    Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
CSonobea  multiflda(Michx.)  Benth.    (Conobea.) 

On  the  extreme  southern  point  of  Pelee  island.    (Macoun.) 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Uysanthes    dubla    (L.>    fiamhart.     (Long-stalked    False 


In  damp  sandy  ground  along  Lake  Erie  shore.    Ohio 
Veronica  virginica  L.    (Cvlver's-root.) 

Islands  of  Detroit  river.    (Madagan.)    Ohio  shore. 
Veronica  Anagallis^aquatica  L.    (Water  Speedwell.) 

Kelley  island. 
Veronica  officinalis  L.    (Common  Speedwell.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Veronica  serpyllifolia  L.    (Thyme-leaved  Speedwell.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  grassy  places  and  on 
Pelee  island.     Put-in-Bay  island. 
Veronica  peregrina  L.    (Neckweed.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  gardens  and  old 
fields  and  on  Pelee  island.     Put-in-Bay,  North  Bass, 
and  Rattlesnake  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Veronica  arvensis  L.    (Corn  Speedwell.) 

In  open  grassy  places  at  Point  Pelee.    Common  on  the 
islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


S^ymeria  macrophylla  Nutt.    (Mullein  Foxglove.) 

Ohio  shore. 
GefBTdla  pedicularla  L.    (Fern-leaved  Foxglove.) 

In  dry  open  ground  about  Windsor.     (F.  P  Cravin  ) 
Gerardia  vlrginlca  (L.)  BSP.    (Smooth  False  Foxglove.) 

Along  Detroit  river.  (Maclagan.)    Ohio  shore. 
Geiardla  auriculata  Michx.    ^Ai  acr  sd  Gerardia.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Gerardia  purpurea  L.    (Purple  Gerardia.) 

About  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.)     Ohio  shore. 
C3«ardia  paupercula   (Gray)   Britton.    (Small-flowered 

^r«,uent  at  Point  Pelee  about  the  big  marsh,  and  on 
Pelee  island. 
Gerardia  tenuifolla  Vahl.    (Slender  Gerardia.) 

In  damp  places  along  Lake  Erie  shore.     Along  Detroit 
r^    *.«  ."''"•     (Maclagan)     Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
CastiUeJa  cocdnea  (L.)  Spreng.    (Scarlet  Painted  Cup.) 

p-^i    7°!?"'°"  *^"*  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.)     Ohio  shore. 
Pedicularla  canadensis  L.    (Common  Lousewort.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  shaded  ground,  and  on  Pelee 

island.     Kelley    and    Put-in-Bay    islands    and    Ohio 


Pedlcularls  lanceolata  Michx.    (Swamp  Lousewort.) 

In  damp  open   places  along   Lake   Erie  shore.    Along 
Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.) 

LENTIBULARIACEAE  (Bladderwort  Family. 

Utelcularla  vulgaris  L.      ,r  americana  Gray.    (Gpeater 

Common  in  shallow  water  about  Windsor.  (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Ohio  shore. 
Utricularla  glbba  L.    (Humped  Bladderwort.) 
Ohio  shore. 

OROBANCHACEAE  (Broom-rape  Family.) 

Gonopholls  amerkana  (L.  f.)  Wallr.    (Squaw-root.) 

Put-in-Bay  island. 
Otobanche  unlflora  L.    (One-flowerzd  Cancer-root.) 

Ohio  shore. 

BIGNONIACEAE  (Bignonia  Family.) 

Tecoma  radlcans  (L.)  Juss.    (Trumpet  Creeper.) 

Common  on  Pelee  island.    The  other  Lake  Erie  islands, 
and  Ohio  shore. 

Gatalpa  apeciosa  Warder.    (Catawba  Tree.) 

Often  planted  and  apparently  spreading  near  Kingsville. 

Gatalpa  biftnonioides  Walt.    (Catalpa.) 

Planted  and  escaping  along  Lake  Erie  shore. 

ACANTHACEAE  (Acanthus  Family.) 

Dianthera  americana  L.    (Dense-flowered  Water  Wil- 

Put-in-Bay  and  Middle  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

PHRYMACEAE  (Lopseed  Family.) 

Phrsmia  Leptostachjra  L.    (Lopseed.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  woods  and  thickets. 
Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  is>ands  and  Ohio  shore. 

PLANTAGINACEAE  (Plantain  Family.) 

Plantago  cordata  Lam.    (Hart-leaved  Plantain.) 

Along  Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.)     Near  Amherstburg. 
Planta^o  major  L.    (Common  Plantain.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pe'ie  Vjout  dwellings  and  in  waste 
places.    Island.^  an..       :o  shore. 


Plantago  RugelU  Dene.    (Rugel's  Plantain.) 

In  fields  and  pastures  at  Point  Pelee.    Islands  and  Ohio 
Plantago  lanceolata  L.    (E  cglish  Plantain.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  along  roads  and  in 
cultivated  grounds  and  on  Pelee  island. 
Plantago  arlstata  Michx.    (Lar&e-bracted  Plant/  v.) 
Roadsides  near  Windsor.     (Macoun.) 

RUBIACEAE  (Madder  Family.) 

GaUum  Aparine  L.    (Cleavers.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  shaded  ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
GaUum  pilosum  Ait.    (Hairy  Fi'dstraw.) 

Point  Pelee.     (Macoun.)    aI  ..ig  Detroit  river  and  Ohio 
Galium  circaezans.    Michx.    (Wild  Liquorice.) 

Occasional  a.  Point  Pelee  in  dry  shaded  ground,  ind  on 
Pelee  island.     Put-in-Bay,  Middle  Bass,  and  Rattle- 
snake islands,  and  Ohio  shore. 
Galium  lanceolatum  Torr.    (Wild  Liquorice.) 

In  dry  woods  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Gaiium  boreale  L.    (Northern  Bedstraw.) 

Frequent  on  Pelee  island.     Kelley  isiand  and  Ohio  short. 
Oallum  trifidum  L.    (Small  Bedstraw.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  the  borders  of  the  big  marsh, 
especially  along  "the  narrows,"  and  on  Pelee  bland. 
Put-m-Bay  and  Middle  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Oalium  tinctorium  L.    (Stiff  Marsh  Bedstraw  ) 

Frequent  in  damp  open  places  at  Poin*  Pelee,  an.'  on 
Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 
GaUum  condnnum  T.  and  G.    (Shining  B  -  .  raw.) 

Ohio  shore. 
GaUum  aspreUum  Michx.    (Rough  Bedstraw.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  bushy  places.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 


Galium  trlflorum  Michx.    (Sweet-scented  Bedstraw.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  shaded  ground,  and  on 
Pelee  island.    Rattlesnake  island. 
Cephalanthus  occldentalis  L.    (Buttonbush.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  on  borders  of  the  big  marsh, 
especially   along    "the   narrows."     Islands   and   Ohio 
Houstonia  longifolia  Gaertn     (Slender-leaved  Houstonia.) 

Rattlesnake  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Houstonia  ciliolata  Torr.    (Fringed  Houstonia.) 
Common  on  the  Ohio  shore. 

CAPRIFOLIACEAE  (Honeysuckle  Family.) 

Dierrilla  Lonicera  Mill.    (Bush  Honeysuckle.) 

In  dry  ground  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Lonicera  glaucescens  Rydb.    (Douglas  Honeysuckle.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  shaded  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore 
Symphoricarpos  racemosus  Michx.    (Snowberry.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  shaded  ground.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Symplioricarpos  racemosus  Michx.,  var.  pauciflorus  Rob- 
bins.    (Low  Snowberry.) 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Triosteum  perfoliatum  L.    (Tinker's  Weed.) 

About  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Viburnum  acerifolium  L.    (Dockhackie.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  shaded  ground. 
Put-in-Bay  'sland. 
Viburnum  pubescens  (Ait.)  Pursh.    (Downy  Arrow-wood.) 
Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  thickets,  and  on  Pelee  island. 
Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Viburnum  dentatum  L.    (Arrow-wood.) 

"In  thickets"  at  Point  Pelee.     (Macoun.)    Not  noticed 
in  1910-11. 


Viburnum  Untago  L.    (Nannyberry.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  woods,  and  on 
Pelee  island.       Kelley  and  Middle  Bass  islands  and 
Uhio  shore. 
Vlburaum  pninifolium  L.    (Black  Haw.) 

Common  on  Ohio  shore. 
Sambucus  canadensis  L.    (Common  Elder.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

VALERIANACEAE  (Valerian  Family.) 

Valeriana  pauciflora  Michx.    (Large-flowered  Valerian) 
Uhio  shore.  ' 

DIPSACACEAE  (Teasel  Family.) 

Dipsacus  syivestris  Huds.    (Wild  Teasel.) 

In  open  ground  and  on  roadsides  along  Lake  Erie  shore. 
Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 

CUCURBITACEAE  (Gourd  Family.) 

Slcyos  angulatus  L.    (One-seeded  Bur  Cucumber) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  native  plant  in  damp 
thickets,  and  as  a  weed  in  yards  and  fields.     Green 
P^l,i««  '^t."   f"^*"^'  ^"**  P"t-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
A^^)  ^^'"'"'•^  "^^  ^"'^  ^-     (^'^°  Balsam 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  an  escape  near  dwellings. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

CAMPANULACEAE  (Bluebell  Family.) 

Specularla  perfoHata  (L.)  A.  DC.    (Venus's  Looking-glass.) 
Pelee  island.    Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio 


Campanula  americana  L.    (Tall  Bellflower.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  shaded  ground,  esped- 
aliyon  the  bordersof  the  big  marsh  along"the  narrows." 
Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Campanula  rotundifolia  L.    (Harebell.) 

Occasional  on  bluffy  shores  of  Lake  Erie  and  on  rocky 
shores  of  islands,  except  Kelley  island.    Ohio  shore. 
Campanula  aparlnoides  Pursh.    (Marsh  Bellflower.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

LOBELIACEAE  (Lobelia  Family.) 

Lobelia  cardinalis  L.    (Cardinal  Flower.) 

In  rich  open  woods  at  Point  Pelee.     Islands  and  Ohio 
Lobelia  siphilitlca  L.    (Great  Lobelia.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh. 
Kelley,  Middle  Bass,  and  North  Bass  islands,  and  Ohio 
Lobelia  spicata  Lam.    (Pale  Spiked  Lobelia.) 

Frequent  on  Pelee  island. 
Lobelia  Kalmii  L.    (Brook  Lobelia.) 

Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lobelia  Inflata  L.    (Indian  Tobacco.) 

Occasional  along  Lake  Erie  shore.     Put-in-Bay  island. 

COMPOSITAE  (Composite  Family.) 

Veraonia  noveboracensis  Willd.    (New  York  Ironweed.) 
Pelee  island.     (Macoun.)     (See  Gray's  New  Manual  of 
Botany,  Illustrated,  p.  780.) 
Veraonia  fasciculata  Michx.    (Western  Ironweed.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Veraonia  altissima  Nutt.    (Tall  Ironweed.) 

Near  Essex  Centre.  Contributions  from  the  Herbarium 
of  the  Geological  Survey  of  Canada,  IV,  p.  202.  Ohio 


Vemonia  lllinoensls  Gleaaon.    (Illinois  Ironw^ed) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground.    On 

p.,-*  -.      °^"  ^°""''  ^^°"*  ^^^  St.  Clair.    Kelley  island. 
Eupatorium  purpureum  L.    Qoe-pye  Webd.) 
Ohio  shore. 

Eupatorium  purpureum  L.,  var.  maculatum  (L.)  Darl 

Ohio  shore. 
Eupatorium  altlssimum  L.    (Tall  Thoroughwoht.) 

Johnson  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Eupatorium  seesUifoUum  L.    (Upland  Boneset.) 

Ohio  fhore. 
Eupatorium  perioliatum  L.    (Boneset.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 

Eupatorium  urticaefoUum  Reichard    (E.  ageratoides  L.f.) 
(White  Snakeroot.)  ^ 

Rattlesnake  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Llatrto  scariosa  Willd.    (Large  Button  Snakeroot.) 

Near  Leamington  and  along  Detroit  river.     (Burgess) 
Ohio  shore. 
Llatris  splcata  (L.)  Willd.    (Dense  Button  Snakeroot) 

Ohio  shore. 
Solldago  caesla  L.    (Blue-stemmed  Goldenrod.) 

Abundant  in  spots  along  the  Lake  Erie  shore.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Solidago  latlfolia  L.    (Zigzag  Goldenrod.) 

^UA^^fuV  ?i"^'/P?  ^^*t'«"'a'^«  «'ands.  and  Ohio  shore. 
SoUdago  hispida  Muhl.    (Hairy  Goldenrod.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Solidago  speclosa  Nutt.    (Showy  Goldenrod.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Solidago  patula  Muhl.    (Rough-leaved  Goldenrod  ) 

Kelley  island. 
SoUdago  Juncea  Ait.    (Early  Goldenrod.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground,  and  on 
Pelee  island.    Ohio  shore. 


SoUdafto  juncea  Ait.,  var.    scabrella   (T.  and  G.)  Gray. 
(Easly  Goldenrod.) 

Near  Leamington.    (Macoun.) 
Solldagc  ulmlfolia  Muhl.    (Elu-leaved  Goldenrod.) 

Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
SoUdago  rugosa  Mill.    (Wrinkle-leaved  Goldenrod.) 

In  dry  open  ground  near  Windsor. 
Solidago  nemoralis  Ait.    (Field  Goldenrod.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground.    Islands 
and   Ohio  shore. 
Solidago  canadensis  L.    (Canada  Goldenrod.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
SoUdago  altisslma  L.    (Tall  Goldenrod.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground  on  borders 
of  woods  and  thickets. 
Solidago  serotina  Ait.    (Late  Goldenrod.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  thickets  and  borders  of  rich 
woods.    Along  Detroit  river  and  Ohio  shore. 
Solidago  rigida  L.    (Stiff  Goldenrod.) 

On  the  i&lar.ds  of  Detroit  river.    Middle  Bass  island 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Solldago  Riddellii  Frank.    (Riddell's  Goldenrod.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Solldago  gramlnlfolla  (L.)  Salisb.    (Bushy  Goldenrod.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  and  often  abundant  in  damp 
open  ground.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Boltonla  asteroldes  (L.)  L'Her.    (Aster-uke  Boltonia.) 

Johnson  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Aster  dlvarlcatus  L.    (White  Wood  Aster.) 

Frequent  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Aster  macrophylius  L.    (Large-lea\'<'d  Aster.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  shaded  ground.    Put-in- 
Bay  island. 
Aster  oblonglfolius  Nutt.    (Aromatic  Aster.) 
About  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 


Aster  aovae-angliae  L.    (New  England  Aster  ) 

Oc^^nal  at  Point  Pelee  in  dryish  open  ground  and  on 
Felee  island.  Common  about  Windsor.  (F.P  Craving 
Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands.  *-•  ^ravin.) 

Aster  azureus  Lindl.    (Sky-blue  Aster.) 

Ocx^bnal  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground  Common  about  Windsor.  (F.  P.  Cravin  ^ 
Unio  shore.  '■' 

Aster  Shorta  Lindl.    (Short's  Aster.) 

"^S^o  Sir?  '°^"  '^"  ^"  '^  ^-'^-    ^«'-d«  and 

Aster  undulatus  L.    (Wavy-leaf  Aster.) 

Near  Sandwich.  (Maclagan.)  Near  Windsor.  (Ma- 
coun.)  ^ 

^'ZH^tr  ''°"'''  ^"'  '*"'=*^'«'™  P^--*--     (Low- 
In  open  woods  along  Lake  Erie  shore. 
Aster  raftlttifoliu.  Wedemeyer.    (Arrow-leaved  Aster  ) 

Common  along  Lake  Erie  shore  in  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground.  About  Windsor.  (F.  P.  Cravin )  Comm^ 
on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore.  common 

Aster  laevls  L.    (Smooth  Aster.) 

°'Zi°n!f  r  ^°'"'  '  "'r  '"  ^-^  °P""  °^  ^''Khtly  shaded 
ground.    Common  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin) 
Ohio  shore. 
Aster  polyphyllus  Willd.    (Faxon's  Aster.) 

Put-m-Bay  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Aster  ericoldes  L.    (White  Heath  Aster.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground.     In  sandy 
thickets  near  Wmdsor.     (J.  M.  Macoun.)     Hen  island 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Aster  amethystlnus  Nutt.    (Amethyst  Aster  ) 

About  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin  ) 
Aster  multiflorus  Ait.    (Dense-flowered  Aster  ) 

In  dry  open  ground  along  Lake  Erie  shore.     Common 
near  Windsor.     Put-in-Bay  island. 
Aster  dumosus  L.    (Bushy  Aster.) 
About  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 


Aster  ▼imlneiM  Lam.    (Shall  White  Aster.) 

About  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 
Aster  laterlflorus  (L.)  Britton.    (Cauco  Aster.) 

Common  along  Lake  Erie  shore  and  about  Windsor. 
Aster  Tradescanti  L.    (Tradescant's  Aster.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh  and 
in  other  wet  places.    Pelee  island  and  Kelley  island. 
Aster  paniculatus  Lam.    (Panicled  Aster.) 
Common  on  the  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Aster  salicifolius  Ait.    (Willow  Aster.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Aster  Junceus  Ait.    (Rush  Aster.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  in  the  big  marsh. 
Aster  punlceus  L.    (Red-stalk  Aster.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  swampy  open  places  and  along 
the  Lake  Erie  shore. 
Erlgeron  pulchellus  Michx.    (Robin's  Plantain.) 

Common  about  Windsor. 
Erlfteron  philadelphlcus  L.    (Philadelphia  Fleabane.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  places  and  fields. 
Erifteron  atrnuus  (L.)  Pers.    (Sweet  Scabious.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  woods.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Erlgeron  ramosus  (Walt.)  BSP.    (Daisy  Fleabane.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Erlgeron  canadensis  L.    (Horse-weed.) 

A  weed  at  Point  Pelee  near  dwellings,  in  gardens  and 
fields.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Antennarla    plantaginifolia     (L.)     Richards.     (Plantain- 
leaved  Everlasting.) 

Common     n  Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio 
Antennarla  neglecta  Greene.    (Field  Cat's-foot.) 
Ohio  shore. 

(Common  Eveelast- 


Gnaphallum  polycephalum  Michx. 


Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  ground, 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Gnaphallum  decurrens  Ives.    (Everlasting.) 
Ohio  shore. 

Gnaphallum  uliglnosum  L.    (Low  Cudweed.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Inula  Helenlum  L.    (Elecampane.) 

Along  roads  and  in  fields  in  Essex  county.    Ohio  shore 
Folymnla  canadensis  L.    (Small-flowered  Leafcup.) 

Abundant  along  south  shore  of  Pelee  island.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
SUphium  tereblnthhiaceum  Jacq.    (Prairie  Dock.) 

Near  Amherstburg,  and  generally  along  Detroit  river. 
Ohio  shore. 
SUphium  trlfoliatum  L.    (Whorled  Rosin-weed.) 

Near  Amherstburg. 
SUphium  perfoUatum  L.    (Cup  Plant.) 

Islands  in  Detioit  river.     (Maclagan.)     Margins  of  fields 
near  Windsor.     (Macoun.) 
Ambrosia  trlflda  L.    (Great  Ragweed.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  cultivated  fields. 
Abundant  on   Pelee  island.    Common  on  the  other 
islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ambrosia  trlflda  L.,  var.  IntegrifoUa  (Muhl.)  T.  and  G. 

Usually  growing  with  the  preceding. 
Ambrosia  artemlsUfoUa  L.    (Common  Ragweed.) 

Common  on  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  gardens  and  fields. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Xanthlum  canadense  Mill.    (American  Cockl^bur  ) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground.     Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Xanthlu-r,  commune  Britton.    (Common  Clotbur.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Xanthlum  echinatum  Murr.    (Beach  Cocklebur.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  sand  on  or  near  the  beach, 
and  on  Pelee  island. 


Heliopsis  heliantholdes  (L.)  Sweet.    (Ox-eye.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelej  in  damp  open  ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Ecllpta  alba  (L.)  Hassk.    (Eclipta.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Rudbeckia  triloba  L.    (Thin-leaved  Cone-flower.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Rudbeckia  hirta  L.    (Yellow  Daisy.) 

Frequent  in  open  ground  along  Lake  Erie  shore.    Islands. 
Rudbeckia  laciniata  L.    (Tall  Cone-flower.) 

Along  Detroit  river.    Ohio  shore. 
Lepachys  pinnata  (Vent.)  T.  and  G.    (Gray-headed  Cone- 

Near  Amherstburg.    Ohio  shore. 
Helianthus  anuuus  L.    (Common  Sunflower.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Helianthus  ftiganteus  L.    (Tall  Sunflower.) 

Infrequent  at  Point  Pelee,  but  common  along  Lake  Erie 
shore.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Helianthus  divaricatus  L.    (Woodland  Sunflower.) 

In  dry  shaded  ground  along  Lake  Erie  shore.     Islands  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Helianthus  hirsutus  Raf.    (Stiff-haired  Sunflower.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Helianthus  strumosiM  L.    (Pale-leaved  Wood  Sunflower.) 
Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  woods  and  thickets. 
Ohio  shore. 
Helianthus  strumosus  L.,  var.  mollis  T.  and  G.    (Pale- 
leaved  Wood  Sunflower.) 
Ohio  shore. 
Helianthus  tracheliifolius  Mill.    (Throatwort  Sunflower.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Helianthus  decapetalus  L     (Thin-leaved  Sunflower.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Helianthus  tuberosus  L.    (Jerusalem  Artichoke.) 

An  occasional  escape  at  Point  Pelee.  Apparently  native 
along  Lake  Erie  shore.  Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 



Actinomerls  altenUfolla  (L.)  DC. 

Ohio  shore. 
Coreopsis  tripterls  L.    (Tall  Coreopsis.) 

RM      ''i?'^^L"  ^*"''  "^"-    ^"'^ds  and  Ohio  shore. 
BIdens  dlscoldea  (T.  and  G.)  Britton. 

Along  Detroit  river.     (Madagan.)     Ohio  shore. 
BIdens  frondosa  L.    (Beggar-ticks.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  damp  open  ground.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
BIdens  comosa    (Gray.)   Wiegand.    (Leafy-bracted  Tick- 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  places  in  and  about  the 
big  marsh.    Ohio  shore. 
BIdens  connata  Muhl.    (Swamp  Beggar-ticks  ) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  ditches  and  damp  places  about 
the  big  marsh.     Ohio  shore. 
BIdens  cemua  L.    (Stick-tight.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh,  and 
on  Pelee  island. 
Bidens  laevls  (L.)  BSP.    (Larger  Bur-marigold.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  and  about  the  big  marsh. 
i»,A        /yo"K  Lake  Erie  shore.     Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Bidens  bipinnata  L.    (Spanish  Needles.) 

North  Bass  island  and  Ohio  shore 
BidMis  trichosperma  (Michx.)  Britton,  var.  tenuUoba  (Gray ) 
Bntton.    (Tall  Tickseed  Sunflower.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  and  in  spots  abundant  in  and 
about  the  big  marsh.  Islands  in  Detroit  river.  Pelee 
island  and  Kelley  island. 

Bidens  aristosa  (Michx.)  Britton.     (Western  Tickseed  Sun- 

Ohio  shore. 

Bidens  Beckii  Torr.    (Water  Marigold.) 

\l^^J^^^  places  along  Detroit  river.  (Madagan.) 
Uhio  shore. 

Actinea    herbacea    (Greene)    Robinson.    (Stemless    Picra- 

Ohio  shore. 


Hdenlum  autumiiele  L.    (Swamp  Sunfix>wbr.) 

Occasional  in  damp  places  along  Lake  Erie  shore.    Ohio 
Achillea  Millefolium  L.    (Common  Yauow.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  ground.    Islands  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Ant?  -mi*  Cotula  L.    (May-weed.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  as  a  weed. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Ouysantheinum  Leucanthemum  L.,  var.   pinnatifidum 
Lecoq  and  Lamotte.     (Ox-e\^  Daisy.) 

Infrequent  at  Point  Pelee.    Put-in-Bay  island  and  Ohio 
Gliiysaiithemum  Parthenium  (L.)  Bemh.    (Feverfew.) 

Well  esublished  on  Put-in-Bay  island. 
auysanthemum  Balsamita  L.,  var.  tanacetoides  Boiss. 


Pelee  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Tanacetum  vulftare  L.    (Common  Tansy.) 

Esublished  near  dwellings  at  Point  Pelee  and  on  Pelee 
island.    Kelley  island. 
Tanacetum  vulftare  L.,  var.  crispum  DC.    (Tansy.) 

Islands  in  Lake  Erie. 
Artemlslr  »udata  Michx.    (Tall  Wormwood.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  the  sandy  beach.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Artemisia  biennis  Willd.    (Biennial  Wormwood.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  damp  ground. 
Johnson,  Middle  Bass,  and  North  Bass  islands,  and 
Ohio  shore. 
Calendula  officinalis  L.    (Pot  Marigold.) 

Becoming  naturalized  on  Put-in-Bay  island. 
Erechtites  hieracifolia  (L.)  Raf.    (Fireweed.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  bordering  the  big  marsh.  Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Senedo  aureus  L.    (Golden  Ragwort.) 

Frequent  about  Windsor.     (F.  P.  Cravin.) 





SwMdo  Bataamltae  Muhl.    (Balsam  G«oundsel.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  dry  open  or  slightly  shaded 
ground  and  on  Pelee  island.    Put-in-Bay  island. 
Senedo  oboratiu  Muhl.    (Round-leaf  Squaw-weed.) 

Kelley  island. 
Arctium  miniu  Bemh.    (Common  Bub.      c.) 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed.    Islands  and  Ohio 

Clrrium  lanceolardm  (L.)  Hill.    (Common  Thistle.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  about  dwellings  and  in  old 
fields.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Clrrium  discolor  (Mahl.)    Spreng.    (Field  Thistle.) 

Ohio  shore. 
CIrslum  altlssimum  (L.)  Spreng.    (Tall  Thistle.) 

Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Clrrium  mu<icum  Michx.    (Swamp  Tu^stle.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  wet  open  or  sUghUy  shaded 
places,  am'  along  Lake  Erie  shore. 
Clrrium  arrense  (L.)  Scop.    (Canada  Thistle.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  in  fields  and  pastures.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Centaurea  Cyanus  L.    (Bluebottle.) 

Kelle"  island. 
Qchorlum  Intybus  L.    (Chicory.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  old  fields,  and  on  Pelee  island. 
IT-.-,      *^^"*'y/"*^  Middle  Bass  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Knftia  amplexicaulis  Nutt.    (Cynthia.) 

Occasional  on  Pelee  island.    On  islands  of  Detroit  river 
(Maclagan.)    Kelley  island  and  Ohio  shore. 
Tragopogon  porrifollus  L.    (Salsify.) 

Pelee  island  and  on  the  other  islands. 
Tragopogon  pratensis  L.    (Goat's  Beard.) 

In  towns  and  along  railways. 
Taraxacum  oflBclnale  Weber.    (Common  Dandelion.) 

Abundant  at  Point  Pelee  as  a  weed  in  yards,  pastures,  and 
cultivated  fields.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Tanuncum  wythiotpermiim  Andrz.    (Rbd-sbedep  Damdv* 


Ohio  shore. 
SonchtM  Mpo*  L.  Hill.    (Spiny-leaved  Sow  Thistle.) 

A  weed  at  Point  Pelee  in  gardens  and  waste  {daces. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lactuca  scariola  L.    (Prickly  Lettoce.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  banks  of  ditches.    Islands 
and  Ohio  shore. 
Lactuca  scariola  L.,  var.  integrata  Gren.  and  Godr.   (Pbicklt 

Common  at  Point  Pelee  on  banks  of  ditches  and  in  waste 
places.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
'.actuca  canadensis  L.    (Wild  Lettuce.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  or  shaded  ground. 
Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
Lactuca   canadensis   L.,    var.    montana    Britton.    (Wan 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  open  woods. 
Lactuca  hirsuta  Muhl.    (Ha^ry  Wood-lettuce.) 

In  thickets  near  Leamington.     (Macoun.) 
Lactuca  villosa  Jacq.    (Hairy-veined  Blue  Lettuce.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Lactuca  floridana  (L.)  Gaertn.    (Florida  Lettuce.) 

Islands  of  Detroit  river.     (Madagan.)     Put-in-Bay  and 
Green  islands. 
Lactuca  spicata  (Lam.)    Hitchc.    (Tall  Blue  Lettuce.) 

Frequent  at  Point  Pelee  on  shaded  borders  of  the  big 

marsh,  especially  along  "the  narrows,"  and  on  Pelee 

island.     Kelley  and  Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 

Prenanthes  racemosa  Michx.    (Glaucous  White  Lettuce.) 

Along  Detroit  river.     (Maclagan.) 
Prenanthes  racemosa  Michx.,  var.  pinnatlflda  Gray.  (Glau- 
cous White  Lettuce.) 

Neai  ^Vindsor.  (Wm.  Scott.) 
Prenanthes  alba  L.    (White  Lettuce.) 

Occasional  at  Point  Pelee  in  rich  open  or  shaded  ground, 
and  along  Lake  Erie  shore.    Islands  and  Ohio  shore. 


Pr«i«nthe.^tlMl«iuiL.    (Tall  White  Lettucb.) 

Put-in-Bay  islands  and  Ohio  shore. 
HIeradum  Tenotum  L.    (Rattlesnake-weed.) 

Along  Detroit  river.     (Madagan.) 
Hierachim  •cabnim  Michx.    (Rough  Hawkweed.) 

Ohio  shore. 
Hieraclum  Grono^  L.    (Geonovius'  Hawkweed.) 

Near  Sandwich.    (Maclagan.) 
Hiendum  ranadense  Michx.    (Canada  Hawkweed.) 

Ohio  shore. 




Abutilon  Theophtasti  Medic  ''*°"- 

Acalypha  virginica  I 72 

Acer  Negundo  L 67 

"    rubrum  L 70 

;;    saccharinum  L.  (A.  dasycarpumEhrh.) l^ 

^    saccharum  Marsh.   (A.  saccLrinum  Wang.) ?" 

"    spicatum  Lam         '"'•  "*"""  ^^^''^'-  '  >  B""""-  •  ■  ■  •'              •  tS 

Acerates  floridana  (Lam.)  Hitchc <*' 

I      viridiflora  Ell 82 

Achillea  Millefolium  1  ^"^  ''•"'~'"'*  ^'^^  ^'''V-'V. '.                         .  f| 

Acnida  tuberculata  Moq            104 

Acorus  Calamus  L.               4S 

Actaea  alba  (L.)  Mill  29 

t"      rubra  (Ait.)  Wiild.V. 50 

Actinea  herbacea  (Greene)  Robinson! '. J5 

Actinomeris  alternifolia  (L.)  DC               103 

Adiantum  pedatum  L.                 103 

Aesculus  glabra  Willd 8 

*        Hippocastanum  L.. '.'..'. 70 

Agastoche  nepetoides  (L.)  Ktze       ^0 

Agnmonia  gryposepala  Walh-.      86 

parviflora  Ait..                60 

Agropyron  dasysuchvum  (HoolcV)Scribn S9 

repens  (L.)  Beauv...                22 

Agrostemma  Githago  L                 22 

Agrostis  alba  L 47 

"       hyemalis  (Walt.)  BSP 19 

Ail,n,k   P*=^""a"s  (Walt.)  Tuckerm.V, . ! ' }' 

Ailanthus  glandulosa  Desf                          19 

Aletris  farinosa  L 66 

Alisma  Plantago-aquatica  L. -'■' 

A  iana  officinalis  Andri            15 

Alhum  canadense  L S3 

'      cernuum  Roth. .........,', 32 

tricoccum  Ait. .            32 

A  nus  incana  (L.)  Moench. 32 

Ate";^'Ji:^:''"''-'--^'»'"'''tu»Tw:;:;;:;-^  H 

Alyssum  alyssoides  L.           72 

Amaranthui  blitoides  Wats. , 53 

"           graccizcns  L. . .  45 

I          hydridusL « 

paniculatus  L *5 

.          retroflexus  I 45 

Ambrosia  artemisiifolia  L              *5 

;;      trifida  L 101 

"       "  var.  integrifoiia'  (Muhl.)  f .'  and  G.'. . .'.  m 

^1  I 


A.— Con. 


Amelanchier  canadensis  (L.)  Medic S8 

"            oblongifolia  (T.  and  G.)  Roem 58 

"            spicata  (Lam.)  C.  Koch 58 

Ammannia  coccinea  Rottb._. jS 

Ammophila  arenaria  (L.)  Link 19 

Amphicarpa  monoica  (L.)  Ell M 

"        PitcheriT.  &G 65 

Andropogcn  furcatus  Muhl }5 

scoparius  Michx »5 

Anemone  canadensis  L 50 

"      cylindrica  Gray 50 

*      quinquefolia  L 50 

"      virginiana  L 50 

Anemonella  thalictroides  (L.)  Spach 50 

Antennaria  neglecta  Greene JOO 

"        plantaginifolia  (L.)  Richards 100 

Anthemis  Cotula  L 104 

Anychia  canadensis  (L.)  BSP 46 

"       polygonoides  Raf 4° 

Apios  tuberosa  Moench. ._ 65 

Apocynum  androsaemifolium  L 81 

"        cannabinum  L 81 

"                   "        "  var.  pubescens  (R.  Br.)  DC 81 

Aplectnim  hyemale  (Muhl.)  Torr 35 

Aquilegia  canadensis  L SO 

Arabis  canadensis  L 55 

"     dentata  T.  and  G 55 

'     Druramondi  Gray 55 

"    glabra  (L.)  Bernh 55 

"     hirsuta  (L.)  Scop 55 

"    laevigata  (Muhl.)  Poir 55 

"    lyrataL 55 

Aralia  nudicaulis  L '6 

"    racemosa  L J^ 

Arctium  minus  Bernh 105 

Arctostaphylos  Uva-ursi  (I ,.)  Spreng 79 

Arenaria  lateriflora  L. . .         w 

"      serpyllifolia  L <« 

'      stncta  Michx *6 

Arisaema  Dracontium  (L.)  Schott 29 

"       triphyllum  (L.)  Schott 29 

Artemisia  biennis  Willd JO* 

"      caudata  Michx 104 

Asarum  canadense  L 42 

Asclepias  incarnata  L |2 

"        phytolaccoides  Pursh 82 

"        purpurascens  L 82 

"        syriaca  L 82 

"        tuberosa  L "2 

"        vertidllata  L 82 

Aaimina  triloba  Dunal 51 

Asparagus  officinalis  L 33 

Aspidium  cristatum  (L.)  Sw 9 

"        Goldianum  Hook 9 

"        marginale  (L.)  Sw 9 

"        noveboracense  (L.)  Sw 9 


A. — Con. 

Aapidium  spinulosum  (O.  F.  Mailer)  Sw  '**""• 

"  var.  intermedium  (Muhl.)  DC  ' 

,".     Thelypteris     (L.)     Sw                ^'°" •  9 

Asplemum  angustifolium  Michx     8 

Fihx-femina(L.)Bernh..; 8 

platyneuron  (L.)  Oakes. 8 

inchomanes  L,  . ..                8 

Aster  amethystinus  Nutt           8 

^     azureus  Lindl 99 

^     divaricatus  L 99 

^    dumosus  L 93 

ericoides  L ' 99 

'    junceus  Ait. . . ,'. 99 

lawis  L 100 

.    Jateriflorus  (L.)  Britton. 99 

^     T.    .tiflorus  Ait 98 

.     "o^ae-angliaeL 99 

oblongifolius  Nutt                   99 

Aster  paniculatus  Lam.    98 

^    polyphyllus  Willd...    100 

^     pumceus  L 99 

.     sagittifoljus  Wedemeyer 100 

^    sahcifolius  Ait. . .                 99 

^     Shortii  Lindl 100 

^     Tradescanti  L 99 

^     undulatus  L 100 

vimineus  Lam. .         99 

Astragalus  canadensis  L       100 

Atnplex  patula  L.,  var.  hastata  (L.)  Gray « 



Baptisia  tinctoria  (L.)  R.  Br 

Barbarea  stricta  Andrz           1? 

.      vulgaris  R.  Br. .  .'. "4 

Benzoin  aestivale  (L.)  Ness.  . .] 54 

Betula  lutea  Michx.  f.                     52 

Bideis  aristosa  (Michx.)  Britton 39 

^       Beckii  Torr 103 

^      bipmnata  L 103 

^      cernua  L 103 

comosa  (Gray.)  Wiegand J03 

^      connata  Muhl. . .                103 

«      te''^*^* /T- and  G.)  Britton  .■ 103 

^      frondosa  L 103 

^       laevis  (L.)  BSP 103 

Blephilii-^fe^^^^I^-hx.)  Britton.  var.tenuiioba  (Gray.):   ::;:::  }g| 

R„.t,l    .'""uta  (Pursh)  Benth'. '.'.'.] 87 

Boehmena  cyhndrica  (L.)  .Sw              87 

Boltonia  asteroides  (L.)  L'Her 41 

Hotrychium  ramosum  (Roth)  Asc'hers "8 





Botrychium  simplex  E.  Hitchcock J^ 

"          virginianum  (L.)  Sw '" 

Bouteloua  curtipendula  (Michx.)  Torr *" 

Brachyelytrum  erectum  (Schreb.)  Beauv j^ 

Brasenia  Schreberi  Gmel •" 

Brassica  arvensis  (L.)  Ktze ™ 

•       nigra  (L.)  Koch '^ 

Bromus  ciliatus  L 22 

"       commutatus  Schrad ff 

"       racemosus  L ii 

"       secalinus  L 


Cakile  edentula  (Bigel.)  Hook 53 

Calamagrostis  canadensis  (Michx.)  Beauv " 

Calamovilfa  longifolia  (Hook.)  Hack ^ 

Calendula  officinalis  L 'Vj 

Caltha  palustris  L „ 

Camassia  esculenta  (Ker)  Robinson " 

Caraelina  sativa  (L.)  CranU *? 

Campanula  americana  L ^ 

"          aparinoides  Pursh ™ 

"          rotundifolia  L ^° 

Camptosorus  rhizophyllus  (L.)  Link " 

Cannabis  sativa  L ■  ■  •  ■ ... 

Capsella  Bursa-pastons  (L.)  Medic JJ 

Cardamine  bulbosa  (Schreb.)  BSP »* 

"         Douglassii  (Torr.)  Britton ■  ?J 

*        pennsylvanica  Muhl '* 

Carex  albicans  Willd zL 

*     aquatilis  Wahlenb *' 

«     BebbiiOlney i^ 

"    cephaloidea  Dewey j' 

"    cephalophora  Muhl f? 

"     comosa  Boott «_ 

"    Crawei  Dewey i° 

"     cristata  Schwein fz 

"     Davisii  Schwein f  i 

«    eburnea  Boott •  •  -.^^  •  '    '  ;  V- '  ' '  ij niti 

"     festucacea  Schkuhr.,  var.  brevior  (Dewey)  Fernald ^o 

"     filiformisL i,% 

'    flavaL tg 

«     Frankii  Kunth " 

"     granularis  Muhl "^ 

"     hystericina  Muhl __ 

"    intumescens  Rudge fj 

"     lanuginosa  Michx f" 

"     laxiflora  Lam ■  •  ■ i% 

«            «          "     var.  blanda  (Dewey)  Boott ^o 

'            «           «       «        varians  Bailey *| 

•    laxiflora  Lam.,  var.  latifolia  Boott *° 

"     leptalea  Wahlenb fi 

"     lupulina  Muhl fX 

"     lurida  Wahlenb ■" 



Carex  Muhlenbergii  Schkuhr ****** 

u           , .  "            .   „".     var.  enervis  Boott. ?$ 

^     muBkingumensis  Schwein                                 26 

"    riparia  W.Curtis 27 

H     rosea  Schkuhr 28 

"    rosea  Schkuhr.,  var.  radiata  Dewey]  .'.■ ; ?^ 

Sartwelhi  Dewey 26 

"    scoparia  Schkuhr 27 

sparganioides  Muhl...         26 

squarrosa  L 27 

"    sterilis  Willd 28 

*    stipata  Muhl 26 

"    stncta  Lam 27 

"    torta  Boott 27 

"    tribuloides  Wahtenb.  ..'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.[['.I           27 

I          •    w  . ,       "        var.  turbata  B^ley. 2f 

varta  Muhl ' 26 

"    virescens  Muhl. ...!.. 27 

_  vulpinoidea  Micnx. . .    27 

Carpuius  caroliniana  Walt         27 

Carum  Carvi  L. . .               39 

Caiya  alba  (L.)  K.  ko«lh.".V. 77 

cordifromis  (Wang.)  K.  Koch  '.  .■.              f  8 

"    Elabra  (Mill.)  Spach 38 

laciniosa  (Michx.)  f.  Loud. .       ^f 

microcarpa  Nutt                            38 

".   ovato(Ivrill.)K.Koi:h. ■.■..::: 38 

Cassia  Chamaecrista  L 38 

"    marilandica  L.         ''2 

Castalia  tuberosa  (Paine)  Greene '.'.■. " 

i;astanea  dentota  (Marsh.)  Borkh         *° 

Castilleja  coccinea  (L.)  Spreng.         39 

Catalpa  bignonioides  Walt               'J 

"      speciosa  Warder 92 

Caulophyflum  thelictroides  (L.)  Michx'. 2? 

ceanotbus  amencanus  L '* 

*        ovatus  Desf 71 

Celastrus  scandens  L 71 

Celtis  occidentalis  L 69 

Cenchrus  carolinianus  Walt *** 

Centaurea  Cyanus  L *7 

Cephalanthus  occidentalis  L ^^ 

Cerastium  ^^^j^""^^-.  var.  oblongifoliuni  (Torr.)  Holiickand  Britton . .  ^ 

Cerastium  vulgatum  L. . . . . .  *7 

Ceratophyllum  demereum  L *7 

C'.rcis  canadensis  L                    ** 

Chenopodium  album  L [", ^ 

"        K  " ??'"y'rwe(L.')'Moq.'.'.'.'.'.:.:.;; « 

^          ambrosioides  L *2 

Boicianum  Moq •* 

BotrysL ^ « 




Chenopodium  capitatum  (L.)  Asch 44 

"          hybridum  L 44 

•          leptophyllum  Nutt 45 

"          uroicum  L 45 

Chimaphila^mbelUta  (L.)  Nutt 79 

Chrysanthemum  BalsamiU  L.,  var.  Unacetoidea  Boin 104 

'  Leucanthemum    L.,   var.    pinnatifidum    Lecoq   and 

Lamotte 104 

•  Parthenium  (L.)  Bemh 104 

Cichorium  Intybus  L 105 

Cicuta  bulbifera  L 77 

"    maculata  L 77 

Cinna  arundinacea  L 20 

Circaea  alpina  L 76 

"    lutetiana  L 76 

Cirsium  altianmum  (L.)  Spreng 105 

«      arven*:  (L.)  Scop 105 

"      discolor  (Muhl.)  Spreng 105 

Cirtium  tanceolatum  (L.)  Hill 105 

*      muticum  Michx 105 

Cladium  mariacoides  (Muhl.)  Torr 25 

Claytonia  virjinica  L 48 

Clematis  virginiana  L 50 

Collinsonia  canadensis  L 88 

Comandta  umbellata  (L.)  Nutt 41 

Conium  maculatum  L 77 

Conobea  multifida  (Michx.)  Benth 90 

Conopholis  americana  (L.f.)  Wallr 92 

Convolvulus  arvensis  L 83 

*  sepium  L 83 

"              "       "  var.  pubescens  (Gray)  Fernald 83 

Coptis  trifolia  (L.)  Salisb 50 

Corallorrhiza  maculata  Raf 35 

Coreopus  tripteris  L 103 

Comus  altemifolia  L.  f 79 

"      Amomum  Mill 78 

"      asperifolia  Michx 79 

"      Bailevi  Coult.  and  Evans 79 

*  canadensis  L 78 

"      cirdnata  L'Hcr 78 

•  floridaL 78 

«      paniculata  L'Her 79 

"      stolonifera  Michx 79 

Corydalis  aiuea  Willd 52 

CorydalU  flavula  (Kaf.)  DC 52 

Corylus  americana  Walt 38 

Crataegus  Crus-galli  L 58 

"      mollis  (T.  and  G.)  Schelle 58 

•      Oxyacantha  L 58 

"      punctata  Jacq 58 

"      tomentosa  L 58 

Cryptotaenia  canadensis  (L.)  DC 77 

Cuscuta  Cephalanthi  Engelm 83 

•      Gronovii  Willd 83 

"      indecora  Chois 83 

«      obtusiflora  HBK 83 



rJ^'£?"^  atriplicifolium  (Spreng.)  Coult  •****• 

CynogloMum  officinale  L            » /  v-""    ^ 

CypeiTjg  diandrua  Torr.          84 

"      esculentus  L. . . .   23 

"      ferax  Rich 23 

'      filiculmig  Vahl. . .       23 

Houghtonii  Torr. .         24 

^      rivularis  Kunth 24 

Schweinitzii  Torr.           23 

strigosusL....             23 

c'y^pir.^&Ty^H^''''^^^'  (Wiiid.)K„ight : : : : ;  il 

fragilis  (L.)           •     9 



Dactylis  ^lomerata  L . 

Danthonia  spicau  (L.)  Beauv. '. 21 

Datura  Stramonium  L.  ,               20 

Tatula  L 89 

Daucus  Carota  L 89 

Decodon  verticillatus  (L.)  Eli 78 

Denuma  diphylla  Michx  .       75 

laciniau  Muhl 54 

LJesmodium  bracteosum  (Michx.)  DC 54 

,          canadense  (L.)  DC           64 

canescens  (L.)  DC          64 

•          Dillenii  Darl 63 

grandiflorum  (Walt.)  DC ** 

iHinoense  Gray                    63 

^          nudiflorum  (L.)  DC    64 

paniculatum  (L.)  DC    63 

^          rigidum  (Ell.)  DC.       64 

«          rotundifolium  (Miclix.)  DC ** 

sessUifolium  (Torr.)  T.  and  G ^ 

Dianthera  americana  L               ^'-anau ^ 

DianthusbarbatusL..           92 

Dicentra  canadensis  (Goldie)' Walp 48 

n.-^  11     CucuUaria  (L.)  Bernh  .  V. 52 

DierviIIa  Lomcera  Mill.                      52 

Digitaria  humifusa  Pers. ...     94 

"       ».n8U'naIi8  (L.)Scop.'. ! 15 

Dioscorea  vilfosa  L. .                      16 

Dipsacus  sylve8t.-is  Huds. 34 

Ovca  palustris  L 95 

Draba  caroliniana  W....    74 

verna  L 52 

Drosera  rotundifolia  L.      52 

Dulichium  arundinaceum  (L.)'Britton. '.'.'.'.'.'..'. 55 


Echinochloa  Crus-galli  (L.)  Beauv 

Walteri  (Purih)  Nash. ...;..'.'.'  .'i  ..■.■.■.■;. ; H 


E.— Cm. 


Echinocyttis  lobau  (Michx.)  T.  and  G 95 

EchiuiD  vulgare  L 8' 

EcUpta  alba  (L.)  Hasek 102 

Eleusine  indica  Gaertn *0 

Eleocharis  acicularis  (L.)  R.  and  S 24 

•  acuminata  (Muhl.)  Nee» 24 

•  intermedia  (Muhl.)  Schultes 24 

obtusa  (Willd.)               •       24 

•  palustrij  (L.)  R.  and  S 24 

•  «          «     ««   •  var.  glaucescens  (Willd.)  Gray 24 

•  «          «     .  «   «        «  vigens  Bailey 24 

«        tenuis  (Willd.)  Schultes 24 

Elodea  canadensis  Michx IS 

Elymus  canadensis  L 23 

"                  n      a  yj,^  glaucifolius  (Muhl.)  Gray 23 

"    gtriatus  Willd 23 

"    virginicus  L 23 

Epilobium  adenocaulon  Haussk 75 

"        angustifolium  L 75 

"        coloratum  Muhl 75 

"        densum  Raf 75 

Epi|>actis  pubescens  (Willd.)  A.  A.  Eaton 35 

Equisetum  arvenge  L }9 

•  fluviatile  L.  (Pipes) }0 

"        hyemale  L »J 

«                "       "  var.  intermedium  A.  A.  Eaton 11 

«                *      "        "  robustum  (A.  Br.)  A.  A.  Eaton 11 

"        laevigatum  A.  Br 10 

"        sylvaticum  L 10 

•  variegatum  Schleich 11 

Eragrostis  capillaris  (L.)  Nees 21 

«        Frankii  (Fijch,  Mey..  and  Lall.  )  Steud 20 

•  hypnoides  (Urn.)  BSP 20 

"        megastachya  (Koeler)  Link 21 

"        pectinacea  (Michx.)  Steud 21 

pilosa  (L.)  Beauv 21 

Erechtites  hieracifolia  (L.)  Raf 104 

Erigenia  bulbosa  (Michx.)  Nutt 77 

Erigeron  annuus  (L.)  Pers JOO 

*  a^nadensis  L 100 

"      philadelphicus  L jOO 

Erigeron  pulchellus  Michx 100 

•  ramosus  (Walt.)  BSP 100 

Erysimum  cheiranthoides  L 54 

Erythronium  albidum  Nutt 32 

"          americanum  Ker 32 

Eupatorium  altissimum  L »7 

•  perfoliatum  L ^ 

'          purpureum  L 21 

«                    a        «  y^r.,  maculatum  (L.)  Darl 97 

"          sessilifolium  L 97 

•  urticaefolium  Reichard  (E.  ageratoides  L.f.)     97 

Euphorbia  commutata  Engelm 6? 

•  -orollata  L 67 

"        Cyparissias  L °° 

"        dentataMich: "7 



E. — Con. 

Euphorbia  Helioscopia  L  ***°"- 

*  hirsuta  (Torr.)  Wiegaiid'. '.'.'.'.'. f§ 

maculata  L o' 

"         platyphylla  L *^ 

"        polyeonifolia  L ^ 

•  PresRi  Guw. . .                 67 

'        serpens  HBK '.'.'.'.'.'.'. '•^ 

Evoirymus  atropurpureus  Jacq ^^ 

obovatus  Nutt .            ^ 



Fagopyrum  esculentum  Moench 

Fagus  grandifolia  Ehrh. . .             •M 

Festuca  elatior  L 39 

*  nutans  Spreng 22 

"      octoflora  Walt '..'.'. 22 

"      ovina  L 22 

Filipendula  rubra  (Hill)  Robin»n./. 22 

FimlM-istylis  autumnalis  (L.)  R.  and  S.  .   52 

Moerkea  proserpinacoides  Wilid.               25 

Ira^na  vesca  L.,  var.  americana  Porter tf 

^      virginiana  Duchesne *| 

Fraxinus  ameri'cana  L.  '....:'!"■  "''"°*"^'  <^^'^^)<'^^y  '■'■'■'  '■  '.:::'.  58 

*      nigra  Marsh 80 

"      pennsylvanica  Marsh. *' 

.   quadrangulata  Michx fV 

Fumana  officinalis  L                                  8> 



Galium  Aparine  L 

"      asprellum  Michx. .   '^ 

"      borealeL .;; W 

*  circaezans  Michx..          '■* 

"      concinnum  T.  and  G.. . . .' 2'J 

lanceolatum  Torr JJ^ 

pilosum  Ait '•* 

"       tinctorium  1. .  .        '3 

"      trifidum  L 93 

*  triflorum  Michx. . .      '■^ 

GauIthcriaprocumbensL..         J* 

Gaura  biennis  L. . .                    '9 

Gaylussada  baccata  (Wang.)' C.  Koch. '.'.'.'. ?« 

Gentiana  Andrewsu  Griseb. . .                        i' 

*  crinita  Free! °1 

*_      quinf^uefolia  L |J 

Geranium  carolinianum  L. .         *' 

'        maculatum  L. $* 

"        Robertianum  L ™ 

Gerardia  auriculata  Michi              "* 

'      Paupercula(Gray)Britton.:.:.:.': nJ 

pediculana  L J{J 

purpurealL '1 



G.— Cm. 


Gerardia  tenuifolia  Vahl 9t 

•      vircinica  (L.)  BSP 91 

Gcum  canadenie  Jacq S9 

"      rivaleL 60 

"      strktumAit 59 

•      veraum  (Raf.)  T.  and  G 59 

"      virginianum  L 59 

Gleditsia  triacanthos  L 62 

Glyceria  nervata  (WiHd.)  Trin 21 

«      pallida  (Torr.)  Trin 21 

"      wptentrionalis  Hitchc 22 

Gnaphalium  decurrens  Ives 101 

'          polycephalum  Michx 101 

*          uligtnosum  L 101 

Gymnocladus  dioica  (L.)  Koch 62 


Habenaria  ciliaria  (L.)  R.  Br 35 

"        aava  (L.)  Gray 35 

"        psycodes  (L.)  Sw 35 

Hamamelis  virginiana  L 57 

Hedeoma  pulegioides  (L.)  Per* 87 

Helcnium  autumnale  L 104 

Helianthemum  canadenae  (L  ?)  Michx 73 

majus  BSP 73 

Helianthus  annuua  L 102 

"        decaiKtalus  L 102 

"        divaricatUB  L 102 

"        giganteus  L 102 

"        hirsutus  Raf 102 

"        stnimosus  L 102 

"                «        "  var.  mollis  T.  and  G 102 

«        tracheliifolius  Mill 102 

tuberosus  L 102 

Heliopsis  helianthoides  (L.)  Sweet 102 

Hemerocallis  fulva  L 32 

Hemicarpha  micrantha  (Vahl.)  Britton 25 

Hepatica  acutiloba  DC 50 

"        triloba  Chaix 50 

Heracleum  lanatum  Michx 78 

Heteranthera  dubia  (Jacq.)  MacM 30 

Heuchera  americana  L 56 

Hibiscus  Moscheutos  L 72 

"       Trionum  L 72 

Hieracium  canadense  Michx 107 

"           Gronovii  L 107 

"           scabrum  Michx 107 

"           venosuni  L 107 

Hierochloe  odorata  (L.)  Wahlenb 17 

Hordeum  jubatum  L 23 

HouBtonia  ciliolata  Torr 94 

"        longifolia  Gaertn 94 

Humtilus  Lupulus  L 41 

Hydrastis  canadensis  L 50 


H.— Ctffi. 

Hydrophyllum  appendiculatum  Michx  ''*°'- 

„                        vtrvinianum  L 8* 

Hyoscyamus  niger  L W 

Hypencum  gentianoidea  (L.)  BSP 89 

"        Kalmbnum  L.. .  73 

"        majus  (Gray)  Britton.V.'. ^2 

mutiluni  L 73 

Hypericum  perforatum  L 73 

"        prolificum  L 72 

"        punctatum  Lam... 72 

„                virginicum  L. . .                   72 

Hypoxia  hirsute  (L.)  Coville     73 

Hystrix  patula  Moench             M 



Ilex  verticillata  (L.)  Gray 

Ilysanthe,  dubia  (L.)  Ba'rnh^t  *"""°««(Torr)  Wat,:  l .::.:;.:       ;  ^ 

Impatiens  biflora  Walt. .            90 

,     .   "      pallida  Nutt...       70 

Inula  Helenium  L 70 

Ipomoea  hederacea  Jacq      101 

'      Pandurata  (L.)  G.F.W.M^.' « 

.purpurea  (L.)  Roth....            82 

Ins  versicolor  L 82 

Itantbus  brachiatus  (L.)  BSP ^ 



Jeffersonia  diphylla  (L.)  Per» 

Juglans  cinera  L 51 

"      nigra  L 38 

Juncus  acuminatus  Michx 38 

•  b^s^iJliir-'""^*"''''^^-----'--  3} 

•  bl^fe?!"'"'^^''^"'")^""**'^"-::-:;;:;:::::;::::;;:;    31 

"      canadensis  J.  Gay        30 

'    effusus  L .'.■;;;; 31 

nodosus  L 31 

"      tenuis  Willd.       31 

"      Torreyi  Coville. ..'.'.'..'.'. ' 30 

Juniperus  communis  L '.,][ 31 

I  .    .".       '  var.  depressaPursh....'.''. !? 

virginiana  I 12 



Koeleria  cristata  (L.)  Pers. 

Kngia  amplexicaulis  Nutt.  20 





Lactuca  canadensis  L J^ 

•  "        '  var.  montana  Britton lOo 

"      floridana  (L.)  Gaertn jw 

•  hirtuta  Muhl l* 

"      icariola  L   »** 

"              •      «  yar.  tntesrata  Gren.  and  Godr 106 

«      spicaU  (Lam.)  Hitchc }06 

"      vitlcMa  Jacn »™ 

Lamium  amplcxKauW  L J* 

Laportea  canadensis  (L.)  Gaud ♦• 

Lappula  echtnata  Gilibert J* 

•  virginiana  (L.)  Greene *• 

Larix  laricina  (Du  Roi)  Koch »* 

Lathynis  maritimus  (L.)  Bigel "J 

•  ochroleucus  Hook M 

•  palustris  L *» 

Lechea  minor  1 H 

•  villosa  Ell |3 

Leersia  oryioides  (L.)  Sw }J 

virginica  Willd 17 

Lemna  minor  L _• ^ 

•  trisulca  L '• ^ 

Leonurus  Cardiaca  L °5 

Lepachys  pinnau  (Vent.)  T.  and  G »0* 

Lepidium  apetalum  Willd 53 

•  campstre  (L.)  R.  Br 53 

"        virginicum  L 53 

Lespedexa  capitata  Michx Jt 

"        frutescens  (L.)  Britton "♦ 

"        hirta  (L.)  Hornem M 

violacea  (L.)  Pers 64 

"        virginica  (L.)  Britton o* 

Liatris  scariosa  Willd 'J 

"    spicata  (L.)  Willd 'J 

Ligustrum  vulgare  L *• 

Lifium  canadense  L ^* 

"    philadelphicum  L 32 

•  a          «  yar.  andinum  (Nutt)  Ker 32 

Linaria  vulgaris  Hill ^0 

Linum  sulcatum  Riddell ^ 

"    usitatissimum  L °5 

Liparis  Loeselii  (L.)  Richard 35 

Lippia  lanceolata  Michx 85 

Liriodendron  Tulipifera  L 51 

Lithospermum  angustifolium  Michx |* 

"          arvense  L °* 

"          cenescens  (Michx.)  Lehm " 

"          Gmelini  (Michx.)  Hitchc « 

Lobelia  cardinalis  L »5 

"      jnflata  L 96 

«      KalmiiL 96 

"      siphilitica  L Ji 

"      spicata  Lam 96 

Lolium  perenne  L j* 

Lonicera  glaucescens  Rydb 94 

Ludvigia  alternifolia  L '5 



LudvigupaluMris(L.)  EU.   .  *"*"• 

."      polycarpa  Short  and  Peter.' ." .' !' 

Lupinua  perennis  L. . . .                               75 

Luzula  campestris  (L.)  DC! '.'.'. W 

"    nltuensis  FenuM  .              31 

Lychnii  alba  Mill H 

Lycium  halimi/oliura  Mill.           ■♦^ 

Lycoperncan  eaculentum  Mill    89 

Lycopui  americanus  Muhl 89 

nibellus  Moench "* 

*      uoiflorus  Michx M 

."      virginicus  L M 

Lysiniachia  Nummularia  L 8^ 

"          terrestris  (L.)  BSP. ..].'.'.' ^ 

thyrsiflora  L 8** 

Lythrum  alatum  Pursh 80 


Maclura  pomifera  (Raf.)  Schneider. . . 

Maianthemum  canadense  Derf.  *' 

Malva  moachata  L Ji 

"     rotundifolia  L.  ......... ^2 

Mamibium  vulgarc  L. . . . . 72 

Medicago  lupulma  I- . .  M  ] . !  ] .  | 86 

"         sativaL....            ^ 

Melilotus  alba  Dear. W 

».  . ■"        officinalis  (L.)  Lam. ..'.'. ..'. 5^ 

Melissa  officinalis  L W 

Menispermum  canadensis  L.       f^ 

Mentha  arvensis  L..  var.  canadensis' (jl.)  Briquet' 11 

piperita  L *      88 

*      spicata  L   . .                 88 

Menensia  virginica  (L.)  Link .'.'. .'.  f? 

Milium  effusum  1 84 

Mimulus  ringens  L          '8 

Mitella  diphvlla  L 90 

Mollugo  verticillata  I 56 

Monarda  didyma  L *<5 

"        fistulosa  L 87 

mollis  L...      87 

Monotropa  uniflora  L 87 

Morus  rubra  L 79 

Muhlenbergia  foliosa  Trin *' 

"             mexicana  (L.)'Tri'n .','.'.". !    ■; j? 

racemosa  (Michx.)  BSP                  ,„ 

"             Schreberi  J.  F.  Gmel. .  . .        }* 

sobolifera  (Muhl.)  Trin }f 

.      .      sylvatica  Torr JS 

Myosotis  virginica  (L.)  BSP                 i? 

Mynophyllum  spicatum  L.                   5* 




Najas  flexiUs  (Willd.)  Rostk  and  Schmidt •■••,;. ; 1* 

"               «         a             u       a             «       var.  robusta  (Morong) 14 

"       gracillima  (A.  Br.)  Magnus J* 

Nelumbo  lutea  (Willd.)  Pers *» 

Nepeta  Cataria  L °? 

"       hcderacea  (L.)  Trcvisan °° 

Nymphaea  advena  Ait ,;,■•■,•  '  VV- 1' as 

Nymphaea  advena  Ait.,  var.  vanegata  (Engelm.)  ternalcl *^ 

Nyssa  sylvatica  Marsh ' 


Oakesia  sessilifolia  (L.)  Wats ^2 

Oenothera  biennis  L '^ 

"         rhoinbipetala  Nutt '^ 

Onoclea  sensibilis  L ^ 

•       Struthioptcris  (L.)  Hoffm. ^ 

Onosmodium  hispidissimum  Mackenzie °^ 

Ophio^lossum  vulgatum  L '" 

Opuntia  Rafinesquii  Engelm '* 

Ornithogalum  umbellatum  L ^^ 

Orobanche  uniflora  L j^ 

Oryzopsis  asperifolia  Michx \° 

pungens  (Torr.)  Hitchc }| 

"         racemosa  (Sm.)  Ricker 1° 

Osmorhiza  Claytoni  (Michx.)  Clarke ;' 

longistylis  (Torr.)  DC " 

Osmunda  cinnamomea  I- ^ 

"       Claytoniana  L ? 

"       regalis  L ,„ 

Ostraya  virginiana  (Mill.)  K.  Koch ^ 

Oxalis  comiculata  L 9, 

"     violacea  L 9' 

Oxybaphus  nyctagineus  (Michx.)  Sweet *° 

Oxypolis  rigidior  (L.)  Coult.  and  Rose '» 


Panax  quinquefolium  L L^ 

"     trifolium  L '" 

Panicum  agrostoides  Spreiig }° 

"       capillareL }° 

"       clandestinum  L }° 

"      depauperatum  Muhl |° 

"       dichotomum  L }° 

"      flexile  (Gattinger)  Scribn *° 

"       huachucae  Ashe j° 

"       miliaccum  L }° 

"      philadelphicum  Bcrnh j° 

"      scoparium  Lam }° 

"      virgatum  L *° 

Parictaria  pennsylvanica  Muhl *' 

Parnassia  caroliniana  Michx ^° 

Pastinaca  sativa  L 


v.— Cm. 


Fcdicularis  canadensis  L „- 

lanceolata  Michx ni 

,.)   ?!•■ 













Pellaea  atropiirpurea  (I. 
Penthorum  sedoides  1-. 
Pentstemon  hirsutus  (L. 
Phacelia  Purshii  Buckle; 
Phalaris  arundinacea  L. 
Phegopteris  Dryopteris  ( 

Phleum  pratense  L 

Phlox  divaricata  L 

"       pilosii  L a, 

"       subuIataL ^ 

Phragmites  communis  Trin 5x 

Phryma  Leptostachya  L oV 

Phyllis  heterophylU  Nees g9 

"                 .               l     ^^r  '""bigua  (Gray)  Rydb. . '.'.'.'.  89 

«       ,          ,        ...  ^             nyctaginea  (Dunal)  Rydb 89 

lanceolata  Michx Sg 

"       pruinosa  L |g 

"       subglabrata  Maclcenrie  and  Bush.  .!.  ..!  an 

Physocarpusopulifolius  (L.)  Maxim  ?7 

Physostegia  virginiana  (L.)  Benth oi 

Phytolacca  decandra  L J; 

Pilea  pumila  (L.)  Gray ?? 

Pinus  Strobus  L \\ 

"     sylvestris  L }} 

Plantago  aristata  Michx oi 

"      cordata  Lam nj 

*      lanceolata  L oi 

"       major  L q j 

"       Rugelii  Dene ot 

Platanus  occidentalis  L rj 

Poa  annua  L 2t 

"  compressa  L ,} 

"  debilis  Torr '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 21 

"  praten.Ms  L jj 

Podophyllum  peltatum  I '.........".'.  «} 

Pogonia  ophioglossoides  (L.)  Ker « 

Polanisia  graveoJens  Raf 5? 

Pclemonium  reptans  L a» 

Polygala  polygama  Walt if 

sanguinea  L 57 

"      Senega  L ^7 

"            '       "  var.  latifolia  T.  and  G 67 

verticillata  L «7 

Polygonatum  biflorum  (Walt.)  Ell. . .   .',  33 

"          commutatum  (R.  and  S.)  bietr 33 

Polygonum  acre  HBK 43 

"          amphibium  L 43 

"          aviculare  L 42 

I          r.     '  ,     ."  %"■  'ittorale  (Link)  KochV. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.  42 

Convolvulus  L 44 

"          dumetorum  L !..!.!!.".  44 

"          erectum  L .!!.!.!!!.]..  42 

"          Hydropiper  L 43 


^-^'^-  PACE. 

Polygonum  hydropiperoides  Michx j\ 

«          lapathifolium  L Z\ 

'          Muhlenbergii  (Meisn.)  Wats Jj 

"          orientaleL J, 

•           pennsylvanicum  L T'? 

«           PersicariaL "' 

sagittatum  L. 
scandens  L. . . 
tenue  Michx. 
tomentosum  Schrank. 



.  .  . : 43 

virginianum  L ... 

Polymnia  canadensis  L g 

Polypodium  vulgare  L ;<-■.■ « 

Polystichum  acrostichoides  (Michx.)  Schott ^ 

Pontederia  cordata  L yj 

Populus  alba  L y, 

"      balsamifera  L ,- 

"       deltoides  Marsh ^L 

'      grandidentata  Michx ^1 

"      nigra  L.,  var    italica  Du  Roi •?' 

"       tremuloides  Michx ^g 

Fortulaca  oleracea  L •  •  • ,, 

Potamogeton  americanus  C.  and  S 

"          amplifolius  Tuckerm " 

•  foliosusRaf ■.■\~V-\ il 

■•                «        «    var.  niagarensis  (Tuckerm.) j* 

«           Friesii  Rupr \\ 

«          heterophvllus  Schreb " 

Potamogeton  heterophyllus  Schreb.,  forma  maximus  Morong J* 

•^         Hillii  Morong }t 

"           interruptus  Kitaibel }? 

«          lucensL ,3 

"           natans  L •• 

"          peciinatus  L :t 

"           perfoliatusL " 

"          pusillus  L \t 

•  Richardsonii  (Benn.)  Rydb " 

•  rosterifolius  Schumacher " 

Potentilla  Anserina  L ,q 

"         argentea  L V„ 

"         arguta  Pursh ^ 

"         canadensis  I w  ■  w:^'    '  ' i'^ co 

•                   "       "  var.  simplex  (Michx.)  T.  and  G »» 

"         monspeliensis  L ?g 

"        palustris  (L.)  Scop .„ 

"         paradoxa  Nutt .  ^ 

e»  alba  L ,„, 


UlUrt    L. |rt^ 

alti.ssima  I {„- 

racemosa  Michx. 


pinnatifida  Gray ^^ 


Procerpinaca  palustris  L g^ 

Prunella  vulgaris  L , . 

Prunut  americana  Marsh ,  • 

"       avium  L gj 

"      Cerasus  L ^i 

"      lortititiaL "" 



P.— Con. 

Prunus  pennsylvanica  L.  f ^,' 

"       Persica  (L.)  Stokes ?i 

"      pumila  L ?• 

"       serotina  Ehrh ,{ 

"       virginiana  L ,[\ ,{ 

Psedera  vitacea  (Knerr)  Greene 7, 

Ptelea  trifoliata  L 'A 

Pteris  aauilina  L g 

Pycnantnemum  pilosum  Nutt 07 

"            virginianum  (L.)  Durand  and  Jackson. 87 

Pyrola  amencana  Sweet SA 

"    elliptica  Nutt in 

Pyrus  aniericana  (Marsh.)  DC 57 

"     communis  L -7 

"     coronaria  L C7 

"     cydonia  L „ 

"  MaiusL ■;  -,; 

"     melanocarpa  (Michx.)  Willd .'■'..  ...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.."  57 


Quercus  alba  L .,0 

"       bicolor  Willd 30 

"      coccinea  Muench 4n 

"       imbricaria  Michx 4q 

"       macrocarpa  Michx jq 

"       Muhlenbergii   Engelin 30 

"       palustris  Muench An 

'       prinoides  Willd In 

"      rubra  L ..'.'.■.■.■.'.■.■. 40 

*      velutina  Lam .......'...'..'.  40 


Radicula  Armoracia  (1          .Vinson 54 

"        Nasturtium-^uuaticum  (L.)  Britten  and  Rendle  . .  54 

palustris  ,'L.)  Moench '  ' '  54 

,  "      .    "       ^  "      ^'^'■-  hispida  (Desv.  )  Robinson .......  S4 

sylveslris  (L.)  Druce c, 

I....  „i *: 1                                                    ^* 


Ranunculus  abortivus  L. 

arris  L _ 49 

circinatus  Sibth 


delphinifolius  Torr 49 

"           fasciculaiis  Muhl 49 

"          hispidus  Michx 49 

"           pennsylvanicus  L.f 49 

"           rccurvatU6  Poir 49 

"           ropens  L 49 

"           sceleratus  L '  ]  49 

"           septentrionalis  Poir 49 

Reseda  lutea  L Ti 

Rhamnus  alnifolia  L'Her ? 

Rhus  canadensis  Marsh ao 

"    glabra  L '■'.'■'■'■'.'■'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.  6S 


R.— C<m. 


Rhus  Toxicodendron  L ^ 

"    typhin?  L °2 

«     Vernixi. ** 

Ribes  aureum  Pursh ^° 

"     Cynosbati  L 56 

"     floridum  L'Her 56 

Robinia  Pseudo-Acacia  L *J 

Rosa  blanda  Ait °} 

*  Carolina  L 51 

•  humilis  Marsh °\ 

"     rubiginosa  L ° J 

"     setigera  Michx °' 

Rotala  ramosior  (L.)  Koehne •* 

Rubus  allegheniensis  Porter 9U 

"    hispidusL ^ 

"    idaeus  L.,  var.  canadensis  Richardson "x 

«    neglectus  Peck Jn 

•  occidentalis  L 9}! 

"     odoratus  L ™ 

"     triflorus  Richards "a 

«     viUosusAit ^ 

Rudbeckia  hirta  L JX* 

laciniaM  L JO* 

"        triloba  L i"* 

Rumex  Acetosella  L ** 

'      altissimus  Wood ~ 

"      BritannicaL « 

"      crispus  L 2^ 

"      obtusifolius  L *5 

•  vcrticillatus  L *' 


Sagittaria  arifolia  Nutt }| 

"        graminea  Michx J'^ 

"        heterophylla  Pursh J* 

latifolia  Willd \* 

Salix  alba  L i° 

"       "      "  var.  vitellina  (L.)  Koch ™ 

"    amygdaloides  Anders f* 

"    babylonicaL ^6 

"    balsamifera  Barratt \^ 

'    Candida  Flugge ■*' 

"    coroataMuhl. 36 

•  discolor  Muhl .■•;;■.• ,; 

"            "          «    var.  eriocephala  (Michx.)  Anders 37 

Salut  Blaucophylla  Bebb ^° 

'    humilis  Marsh "J' 

•  longifolia  Muhl %° 

'    lucidaMuhl 36 

•  nigra  Marsh •J° 

"    p«lice)laris  Pursh 'J^ 

"    pentandra  L ** 

"    petiolaris  Sm ■*' 

"    purpurea  L ■*' 


S. — Con. 

Salix  roetrata  Richards ^*°'- 

*     sericea  Marsh 37 

Salsola  Kali  L.,  var.  tenuifoha  G.  F.  W.  Mev -I 

Sambucus  canadensis  L '♦S 

Sanguinaria  canadensis  L '^ 

Sanicula  canadensis  L 52 

"       marilandica  L . . . "^^ 

Saponaria  officinalis  L. .               '^^ 

Sassafras  variifolium  (Salisb.)  Ktze *? 

Satureja  glabra  (Nutt.)  Femald ' .' H 

'       hortensis  I °' 

Saururus  ceJ^I  V.  ^'^'^■.  ^'^^'^  ciinopodium  Benth.)! ! ! ! !  87 

Scirpus  americanus  Pers •'^ 

atrovirens  Muhl. 25 

"       cyprinus  (L.)  Kunth... '..'.;;; ?f 

"       debilis  Pursh 25 

"       fluviatilis  (Torr.)  Gray...       25 

"       lineatus  Michx 2.S 

"      occidentalis  (Wats.)  Chase'. '.'.'.[ 25 

polyphyllus  Vahl 25 

"       sylvaticus  L 25 

"       Torreyi  Olney 25 

Selena  triglomerata  Michx '.'. 25 

Scrophularia  leporella  Bicknell        26 

Scutellaria  galericulata  L. . . .           ^ 

"           lateriflora  L *•* 

"          parvula  Michx ^^ 

"           versicolor  Nutt. .  .                  °^ 

Sedum  acre  L '  85 

"       ternatum  Michx. 56 

*       purpureum  Tausch              56 

Selaginella  apus  (L.)  Spring            56 

Senecio  aureus  L. .                         H 

"     Balsamitae  Muhl. .'.'.' '0* 

"    obovatus  Muhl. .                 105 

Setaria  glauca  (L.)  Beauv           '''5 

"     italica  (L.)     «           17 

"     viridis  (L.)    «             17 

Seyn  eria  macrophylla  Nutt       1' 

Shepherdia  canadensis  (L.)  Nutt '1 

Sjcyos  angulatus  L '* 

Sid  spinosa  L 95 

Silene  antirrhina  L. . . . ,     72 

"     dichotoma  Ehrh       *'' 

"     latifolia  (Mill.)  Britten  and  Rendle jl 

noctiflora  L '17 

"  .  virginica  L , ,  ,  , *7 

Silphium  perfoliatum  L. *^ 

"       tcrebinthinaceum  jacq.'. }£• 

tnfoliatum  L 101 

Sisymbrium  altissimum  L l"! 

*          canescens  Nutt 5^ 

"           offiriLip  n   \  <J*''"  '"■a'^l'y'^arpon  (Richards)  Wats.  '.'..'.'.  54 

c-      .     .  .     onicnale  (L.)  Scop,  var.  eiocaroum  DC  ci 

Sisyrmchium  angustifolium  Mill .     !^.  ^ 


S.— Con. 


Sisyrinchium  gramineum  Curtis 35 

Siuni  cicuuiefolium  Schrank 77 

Smilacina  racemosa  (L.)  Desf 33 

stellata  (L.)          "   33 

"       trifolia  (L.)             "   33 

Smilax  ecirrhata  (Engelm.)  Wats 34 

"       herbacea  L 34 

"      hispida  Muhl 34 

"       rotundifolia  1 34 

"                   u         «  yj,^  quadrangularis  (Muhl.)  Wood 34 

Solanum  carolincnse  L 88 

"      Dulcamara  L 88 

"       nigrum  L 88 

"      rostratum  Dunal 88 

Solidago  altissima  L 98 

"      caesiaL 97 

"       canadensis  L 98 

"       graminifolia  (L.)  Salisb 98 

«      hispidaMuhl 97 

•*       juncea  Ait 97 

*            «       «    var.  scabrella  (T.  and  G.)  Gray 98 

«       latifolia  L 97 

"       nenioralis  Ait 98 

"       patulaMuhl 97 

«       Riddellii  Frank 98 

«       rigidaL 98 

"       rugosa  Mill    98 

"       serotina  Ait 98 

"       speciosa  Nutt 97 

"       ulmifolia  Muhl 98 

Sonchus  asper  L.  Hill 106 

Sorghastrum  nutans  (I-.)  Nash  15 

•Sparganium  americanum  Nutt.,  var.  androcladum  (Engelm.)  Fernald 

and  Eames 13 

"            eur>'carpum  Engelm 12 

Spartina  Michauxiana  Hitchc 20 

Spetularia  perfoliata  (L.)  A.  DC 95 

Sphenopholis  obtusata  (Michx.y  Scribn 20 

"           paltens  (Sprang)  Scribn 20 

Spiraea  salicifolia  1 57 

Spiranthes  cernua  (L.)  Richard 35 

Spirodela  polyrhiza  (L.)  Schleid 29 

Sporobolus  cryptandrus  (Torr.)  Gray 19 

"         neglectus  Nash 19 

*  vaginiflorus  (Torr.)  Wood 19 

Stachys  palustris  L 87 

"       tenuifolia  Willd.,  var.  aspera  (Michx.)  Fernald 86 

Staphylea  trifolia  L 69 

Steironcma  ciliatum  (L.)  Raf 80 

*  quadriflorum  (Sims)  Hitchc 80 

Stellaria  longifolia  Muhl 47 

"       media  (L.)  Cyrill 47 

Stenophyllus  capillaris  (L.)  Britton 24 

Stipa  gpartea  Trin 18 

Streptopus  roseus  Michx 33 

Strophostyles  helvola  (L.)  Britton 65 


Symphoricarpos  racemosus  Michx ^^^' 

c  _  I    "           ,      ' , '    „         "     ■^'^'■-  pauciflorus  Robbins of 

Symplocarpus  foetidus  (L.)  Nutt                                         ^* 

Syringa  vulgaris  L ' 


Taenidia  inteserrinia  (L.)  Drude. 
Tanacetum  vulgare  L 

var.  crispum  UC. 

laraxacum  cr>'throspermum  Andrz 

"         officinale  Weber 

Taxus  canadensis  Marsh 

Tecoma  radicans  (L.)  Juss 

Teucrium  canadense  L. 

ocridentale  Gray. 
Thaspium  aureum  Nutt. 

barbinode  (Michx.)  Nutt. ..!...........'' 

Thlaspi  arvens^  L " "  ,  '',^^'  ^"8"«t"°"""'  t^'oult.  and  Rose. 

Thalictrum  dasycarpum  Fisch  and  Lail. 

"         dioicum  L 

_.      "        polygamum  Muhl 

Tiarella  cordifolia  L 

Tilia  americana  L 

"     Michauxii  Nutt 

Tradescantia  reflexa  Raf 

"  virginiana  L 

Tragopogon  porrifolius  L 

_,  .        "  pratensis  L 

Tridens  flavis  (L.)  Hitchc 

Trifolium  agrariuni  L '/ 

"        arv-ense  L 

hybridum  L .'.' 

pratense  L 

procumbenp  L 

reflexum  L 

,   "         repens  L 

Trielochin  maritima  L 

Trillium  erectum  L '.'...'.... 

.'         grandifloruni  (Michx.)  Saiisb. 

I  riosteum  perfoli:itum  L.  

Triolasis  purpurea  (Walt.)  Chapm 

Typha  angustifolia  L. .  

"     latifolia  L 























Ulmus  americana  L 

"     fulva  Michx **• 

"     racemosa  Thomas. ...!!! .' *^ 

Urtica  gracilia  Ait *** 

Utricularia  gil  ba  L J* 

vulgaris  L.,  var  americana  Gray. ! «! 

rrandiflnra  Sm                                     '           jl 

Uvularia  grandiflora  Sm. 




Vaccinium  corymbosum  L 80 

"        macrocarpon  Ait 80 

■  pennsylvanicum  Lam 80 

•  vacillans  Kalm 80 

Valeriana  pauciflora  Michx 95 

Vallisneria  spiralis  L 15 

Verfoascum  Blattaria  L 89 

■  LychnitisL 89 

•  ThapsusL 89 

Verbena  angustifolia  Michx 85 

"      baiUU  L 85 

"      urticaefolia  L 85 

Vemonia  altissima  Nutt 96 

"        fasciculata  Michx 96 

"        illinoensis  Gleason 97 

"        noveboracensis  Willd 96 

Veronica  Anagallis-aquatica  L 90 

*  arvensis  L 90 

*  officinalis  L 90 

"      peregrina  L 90 

"      aerpjilifolia  L   90 

*  virginica  L 90 

Viburnum  acerifolium  L 94 

"        dentatum  L 94 

"        LentagoL 95 

"        pninifolium  L 95 

"        ^ubescens  (Ait.)  Pursh 94 

Vicia  americana  Muht 65 

*  angustifolia  (L.)  Reichard 64 

•  caroliniana  Walt 65 

"     aativa  L 64 

Vinca  minor  L 81 

Viola  cucullata  Ait 73 

Viola  fimbriatula  Sm 73 

*  incognita  Brainerd 74 

"     palmata  L 73 

•  pedatifida  G.  Don 74 

"     pubeacena  Ait 74 

"     Kafinesquii  Greene 74 

■    sagittataAit 74 

"    scabriuscula  Schwein 74 

«     sororia  Willd 73 

"    striau  Ait 74 

Vitis  bicolor  Le  Conte 71 

"    cordifolia  Michx 71 

"     labrusca  I 71 

"    vulpina  L 71 


Waldesteinia  fragarioides  (Michx.)  Trattinick 58 

Wolffia  Columbiana  Karst 30 

Wdffia  punctaU  Griseb 30 


Xanthtum  canadense  Mill Paoi. 

"        commune  Britton '*" 

"         echinatum  Murr  '"• 



Zanthoxylum  americanum  Mill. 

Zizania  palustris  L ** 

Zizia  aurea  (L.)  Kwh .  17 

•    cordata  (U   It.)  DC     ,  . " 

Zygadenuas  chloranthus  Richards.   .     I j 


Since  1910.  reports  issued  by  the  Geological  Survey  have 
been  called  memoirs  and  have  been  numbered  Memoir  1,  Memoir 
T'^i  ^^'"^  *°  ''^'^^^  incidental  to  the  publishing  of  reports 
and  their  accompanying  maps,  not  all  of  the  reports  have  been 
called  memoirs,  and  the  memoirs  have  not  been  issued  in  the 
order  of  their  assigned  numbers,  and.  therefore,  the  following 
list  has  been  prepared  to  prevent  any  misconceptions  arising 
on  this  account.  The  titles  of  all  other  important  publications 
of  the  Geological  Survey  are  incorporated  in  this  list. 


Memoirs  and  Reports  Published  During  1910. 


KT  .'^•R°i  °"  "  geological  reconnaissance  of  the  region  traveried  by  the 
National  Transcontinental  railway  between  Lake  Nipigon  and  Clay  lake 
Ont. — by  W.  H.  Collins.    No.  1059.  ' 

Report  on  the  geological  position  and  characteristics  of  the  oil-shale 
deposits  of  Canada — by  R.  W.  Ells.     No.  1 107. 

A  reconnaissance  across  the  Mackenzie  mountains  on  the  Pelly   Ross  and 
Gravelrivers,  Yukon  and  North  Wes' Territories— by  Joseph  Keele.'  No  io97 
Summary  Report  for  the  calendar  year,  IQUQ.    No.  1120. 

Memoir  1. 
Memoir  2. 
Memoir  3. 
Memoir  5. 

Memoir  6. 

Memoir  7. 


No.  I  GeologualSerus.  Ci€o\ogy  of  the  Nipigon  basin,  Ontario— 
by  Alfred  W.  G.  Wilson. 

No.  2,  Ceohgical  Series.  Geology  and  ore  deposits  of  Hedley 
Mining  distnct,  British  Columbia— by  Charles  Camsell. 

No.  3,  Geological  Series.  Palseoniscid  fishes  from  the  Albert 
shales  of  New  Brunswick— by  Lawrence  M.  Lambe. 

No.  4,  Geological  Series.  Preliminary  memoir  on  the  Lewes  and 
Nordenskiold  Rivers  coal  district,  Yukon  Territory — by  D. 

D.  Cairnes. 

No.  5,  Geological  Series.  Geology  of  the  Haliburton  and  Bancroft 
areas,  Province  of  Ontario— by  Frank  D.  Adams  and   Alfred 

E.  Barlow. 

No.  6,  Geological  Series.  Geology  of  St.  Bruno  mountain,  Province 
of  Quebec — by  John  A.  Dresser. 


Memoir  11.   No.  I,  Topographical  Series.    Triangulation  anfl  spirit  levelling  of 
Vancouver  island,  B.C.  1909— by  R.  H    Chapman. 

Memoirs  and  Reports  Published  During  1911. 


Report  on  a  traverse  through  the  southern  part  of  the  North  West  Terri- 
tories from  Lac  Seul  to  Cat  lake,  in  1902— by  Alfred  W.  G.  Wilson.    No.  1006. 

Report  on  a  part  of  the  North  West  Territories  drained  by  the  Winisk  and 
Upper  Attawapiskat  rivers— by  W.  Mclnnes.    No.  1080. 

Report  on  the  geology  of  an  area  adi.Mning  the  east  side  of  Lake  Timis- 
kaming— by  Morley  E.  Wilson.     No.  1004. 

Summary  Report  for  the  calendar  year  1910.    No.  1 1 70. 

Memoii  4. 

Memoir  8. 
Memoic  9. 
Memoir  10. 

Memoir  12. 

Memoir  IS. 
Memoir  16. 


No.  *j/«»/jji-i.5,r.,.     The  E.l.non.on  coal  field.  Alberta-by 
"""    "mm"""  ^'"•"-     "'"^•""^  ^■'-'  ►'-'".  Albena-by  (.  S 

assisted  by /osephKeele  "'"  Heinnch  R,es. 


Memoirs  and  Reports  Published  During  1912. 

Summary  Report  for  the  calendar  year  1911.    Nc  1218. 

Memoir  13. 
Memoir  21. 

Memoir  24. 

Memoir  27. 
Memoir  28 


Southern    Vancouver    island— bv 

^"■I'f'   Geohgicai   Series. 
Charles  H.  Clapp. 

^"'toinf^tSTZ'-    '^*P°"  °f  the  CommiMion  appointed 
to  investigate  Turtle  mountain,  Frank,  Alberta,  1911 

^"■-bv^AnSf^w  rf '•    '^^^  l^'°«'  °f  S'^P'o^t  lake.  Ontario 

Memoirs  and  Reports  Published  During  1913. 


Museum  Bulletin  No.  1.  Contains  articles  Nos.  1  to  12  of  the  Geological 
Series  of  Museum  Bulletins,  articles  Nos.  1  to  3  of  the  Biological  Series  of 
Museum  Bulletins,  and  article  No.  1  of  the  Anthropological  Series  of  Museum 

Guide  Book  No.  1.  Excursions  in  eastern  Quebec  and  the  Maritime  ^ev- 
inces, parts  1  and  2. 

Guide  Book  No.  2.  Excursions  in  the  eastern  Townships  of  Quebec  and 
the  eastern  part  of  Ontario. 

Guide  Book  No.  3.  Excursions  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Montreal  and 

Guide  Book  No.  4.    Excursions  in  southwestern  Ontario. 

Guide  Book  No.  5.  Excursions  in  the  western  peninsula  of  Ontario  and 
Manitoulin  island. 

Guide  Book  No.  8.  Toronto  to  Victoria  and  return  via  Canadian  Pacific 
and  Canadian  Northern  railways,  parts  1,  2,  and  3. 

Guide  Book  No.  9.  Toronto  to  Victoria  and  return  via  Canadian  Pacific, 
Grand  Trunk  Pacific,  and  National  Transcontinental  railways. 

Guide  Book  No.  10.  Excursions  in  northern  British  Columbia  and  Yukon 
Territory  and  along  the  North  Pacific  coast. 


Memoir  17.  No.  28,  Crologkai  Series.  Geology  and  economic  resources  of  the 
Larder  Lake  district,  Ont.,  and  adjoining  portions  of  Pontiac 
county.  Que. — by  Morley  E.  Wilson. 

Memoir  18. 
Memoir  26. 
Memoir  29. 
Memoir  31. 
Memoir  33. 
Memoir  35. 

Memoir  37. 
Memoir  38. 

No.  19,  Ceolotical  Series. 
by  G.  A.  Young. 

Bathurst   district,  New  Brunswick— 

No.  34,  Geological  Series.  Geology  and  mineral  deposits  of  the 
Tulameen  district,  B.C.— by  C.  Camsell. 

No.  32,  Geological  Series.  Oil  and  gas  prospects  of  the  northwest 
provinces  of  Canada — by  W.  Malcolm. 

No.  20,  Geological  Series.  Wheaton  district,  Yukon  territory 
— by  D.  D.  Cairnes. 

No.  30,  Geological  Series.  The  geology  of  Gowganda  Mining 
division — by  VV.  H.  Collins. 

No.  29,  Geological  Series.  Reconnaissance  along  the  National 
Transcontinental  railway  in  southern  Quebec — by  John  A. 

No.  22,  Geological  Series.  Portions  of  Atlin  district,  B.C.— by 
D.  D.  Cairnes. 

No.  31,  Geological  Series.  Geology  of  the  North  American 
Cordillera  at  the  forty-ninth  parallel,  Parts  I  and  II — by 
Reginald  Aldworth  Daly. 

Memoirs  and  Reports  Published  During  1914. 

Summary  Report  (or  the  calendar  year  1912.    No.  1305 

Museum  Bulletins.  •        i      u 

Prospector's  Handbook  No.  I.     Notes  on  radium-beanng  mmerals-by 
Wyatt  Malcolm. 

The   Arch«oIogical    collection    from    .he   southern  interior  of   British 
Columbia— by  Harlan  I.  Smith.    No.  1290. 


Memoir  23. 

Memoir  25. 

Memoir  30. 
Memoir  20. 
Memoir  36. 
Memoir  52. 

Memoir  43. 
Memoir  44. 
Mi.MOiR  22. 
Memoir  H- 

Memoir  47. 

B  C.— by  J.  Austen  Bancroft. 

Joseph  Keele. 
No  40,  Geological  Series.    The  basins  of  Nelson  and  Churchill 

rivers— b>  William  Mclnnes. 
No.  41,  Geological  Series.    Gold  fields  of  Nova  Scotia-by  W. 

Malcolm.  . 

No.  33,  Geological  Series.    Geology  oi  t^^eWM^nAS.-'^^cH 

map-areas,  Vancouver  island,  B.C.— by  *-.  n.  «-iapi>. 
No.    42,    Geological    Series.      Geological    notes   to   acconipany 
map  of  Sh4p  River  gas  and  o.l  fioUl,  Alberta-by  U.   B. 
No.  36.  GeoUgxcal  Series.    St.  Hilaire  (Beloeil)  and  Rougemont 

mountains.  Quebec— by  J.  J.  O  Neil. 
No.  37,  Geological  Series.    Clay  and  shale  deposits  of  New  Bruns- 

wick— by  J.  Keele. 
No.  27,  Geological  Series.  .  Preliniinary  report  on  the  ^rpentme. 
and  associated  rocks,  in  southern  Qucbec-by  J.  A.  Ure,ser. 
No.   25,   Geological   Series.     Portions  of   Portland   Canal   and 
Ske<;na  Mining  divisk.ns.  Skeena  district,  B.C.-by  R.  G. 
No.  39,  Geological  Series.  Clay  amUhale  deposits  of  the  western 
provinces.    Part  lll-by  Heinrich  Ries. 


Mbmoh  48.  No.  2,  Anthropologicai  Series.    Some  myths  and  tales  of  the 
Ojibwa  of  southeastern  Ontario — collected  by  Paul  Radin. 

Mehou  45.   No.  3,  Anthropological  Series.   The  inviting-in  feast  of  the  Alaska 
Eskimo — by  E.  W.  Hawkes. 

Memoir  49.   No.  4,  Anthropological  Series.      Malecite  tales—  by  W.   H. 

Memoirs  in  Press,  August  15,  1914. 

Memoir  40.  No.  24,  Geological  Series.  The  Archxan  geology  of  Rainy  lake— 
by  Andrew  C.  Lawson. 

Memoir  19.  No.  26,  Geological  Series.  Geology  of  Mother  Lode  and  Sunset 
mines,  Boundary  district,  B.C. — by  O.  E.  LeRoy. 

Memoir  39.  No.  35,  Geological  Series.  Kewagama  Lake  map-area,  Quebec — 
by  M.  E.  Wilson. 

Memoir  41.  No.  38,  Geological  Series.  The  "Fern  Ledges"  Carboniferous 
flora  of  St.  John,  New  Brunswick — by  Marie  C.  Slopes. 

Memoir  51.  No.  43,  Geological  Series.  Geology  of  the  Nanaimo  map-area — 
by  C.  H.  Clapp. 

Memoir  53.  No.  44,  Geological  Series.  Coal  fields  of  Manitoba,  Saskatchewan, 
Alberta,  and  eastern  British  Columbia  (revised  edition) — 
by  D.  B.  Dowling. 

Memoir  61.  No.  45,  Geological  Series.  Moose  Mountain  district,  southern 
Alberta  (second  edition) — by  D.  D.  Cairnes. 

Memoir  55.  No.  46,  Ceologfcal  Series.  Geology  of  Field  map-area,  British 
Columbia  and  Alberto— by  John  A.  Allan. 

Memoir  58.  No.     ,  Geological  Series. 

Memoir  60.  No.  47,  Geological  Series. 

Memoir  50.  No.  ,  Geological  Series.  Upper  White  River  district,  Yukon— 
by  D.  D.  Cairnes. 

Memoir  42.  No.  1,  Anthropological  Series.  The  double-curve  motive  in 
northeastern  Algonkian  art — by  Frank  G.  Speck. 

Memoir  61.  No.  5,  Anthropological  Series.  Abnormal  types  of  speech  in 
Nootka — by  E.  Sapir. 

Memoir  63.  No.  6,  Anthropological  Series.     Noun  reduplication  in  Comox, 

a  Salish  language  of  Vancouver  island — by  E.  Sapir. 
Memoir  46. 

Memoir  54. 

Texada  island — by  R.  G.  McConnell. 
Arisaig-Aatigonish  district — by  M.  Y. 

No.  7,  Anthropological  Series.  Classifiralion  of  Iroquoian  radicals 
with  subjective  pronominal  prefixes — by  C.  M.  Barbeau. 

N0.  2,  Biological  Series.  Annototed  list  uf  flowering  plants  and 
ferns  of  Point  Pelee,  Ont.,  and  neighbouring  districts — by 
C.  K.  Dodge. 

Summary  Report  for  the  calendar  year  1913.