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illuatrent  la  mAthode. 

2  3 

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(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No    2i 



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Mollusks,  Recent  and  Pleistocene        .         •        William  Hcaley  Ball 






V   ^ 









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F    A.   ACl  AND 

PIllMEU    TO   THE   KING  >    MO.~T    tXCEU.ENT    M.ULtjTY 

I>5ued  Nov.  27.  192* 

Report  of  the  Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-18. 

V(»i.i  mi;  VIII:  moi  ? 


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VOMMI.  X:   I'I  ANhTHN.  II YOKOfiR AniY.  TlI)i:S,  i;TC. 

Part  f-  TIP  A  I,  ( 

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VOI.l  mi:  XVI:   AU<  IIAKOI.OGY 

TiMiirTio:---'  -i-.i  -1111;  -M:'  iiAi.di.ticv  oi  wi; 

-11  u\  ,\!!'  I'll'  .wnmc.v. 

-  To  III   ,;;•• 'wrcl). 

(liulcx  H,-ii^'(l  with  last  aiimljor  of  eui-U  \  uluir.c.) 

Supplement  to  the  Report  of  the  Canadian  Arctic  Expedition. 

1913-18,  Volume  Mil,  Part  A,  Mollusks.  Recent 

and  Pleistocene  (1919^ 

By  William  Healey  Dm.i. 

Sinco  the  prrpiirafioii  :in.l  pul>lif:itinri  of  tho  report  iilmve  referre.l  to.  m 
a  few  afMiliona!  <peei;iions  e..!'  le.l  l.v  tlie  Northern  l':irlv  of  tlir  exiiclilioii 
from  lOl.')  to  l'.H7  liive  turned  i.p,  :inil  these  tonether  .vilh  a  lew  .olleclid  l.y 
the  IDUH-OO  Arctic  expolilion,  ur"  li^rein  etniiniMated. 

The  localities  'roni  which  the  [>rc^  lot  of  sp.  .  iinens  were  derive.l  are: 

(1)  The  heaches  of  Melville  islaii.l.  chietlv  at  or  near  Winter  hart)our, 
atiout  Lat.  71"  ')(»'  X..  lonft.  111°  W.,  eolleete.l  hy  Frank  ('.  H.-nncs-^rv; 

(2)  One  specimen  from  Melville  i-^land,  inland  al.out  three  mil.-*,  near 
Cape  Russell,  about  Lat.  7.r  l.V  X.,  long.  117°  W  W.;  taken  at  a  point  al.out 
100  feet  above  sea  level,  doubtless  carried  the-e  by  a  bird  or  olher  extraneou- 

(3)  Station  r,%,  beach  on  the  west  side  of  Hanks  island,  in  about  Lat.  7:$' 
45'  N.,  collected  bv  V.  Stefansson:  •,      , 

(4)  Station  iWn,  on  Kllef  Uinnnes  island,  (me  .,f  the  >v(>rdrup  islands,  in 
about  Lat.  79"  X.,  eollceted  by  V.  Stefan.-^son. 

The  followinK  lists  enumerate  the  species  collected:— 


Leria  (Pnrlhndia)  jarksoni  (loiilil. 

Mitiliidaria  iuhstrintn  (iray. 

.4s/ar/c  borfo/is  Schumacher. 

Astarte  fabula  Reeve,  young  specimens. 

Serripeii  (jninldndicus  (jmelin. 

Macoina  orieilli  Dall,  very  fine. 

Saricava  phnladis  Linn<^. 

Mya  truncata  Linne. 

liuccinmn  hydrophanam  Hancock. 

Buccimim  bclcheri  Reeve,  very  rare. 

Coins  (Aulacofusus)  sabinii  Gray. 

Trichotropis  bortalis  Sowerby. 

Margarites  umbilicnlis  Brodenj)  and  Sowerby. 

Margarites  (I'upiUaria)  slriutus  Brodcrip  and  S      "rby 

Margarites  (Pupillaria)  cincrcus  Couthouy. 

2.  Melvii.i.v  lsland,  3  mile.-,  i.nland 

Buccinum  polare  Gray. 

3.  Stat'jN'  5%.     Beach  ox  the  west  side  ok  Banks  i>lan- 

Chrysodomus  solutus  Ilerrman,  fragment. 

4.  Station  G4a,  Ellef  Ri.voNBd 

Pseudamusium  andersoni  Dall. 
Pseudamnsixim  ringnesia  n.  sp. 
Yoldiella  obesa  Stimpson. 
Satkyarca  pectuncxduides  Scacchi. 
Aslarte  globom  M oiler. 
Lora  scalarioides  G.  O.  Sars,  var. 
Buccinum  hydniphanimi  Hancock. 
Euspira  affmis  Gmelin. 
Marnarites  argentatuK  Gould. 

31  A 

32  A  Ciniwlian  Arctic  F.ipedUion,  ItHS-IS 


Trichotropis  horvulis  Sm\m  il>v 

This  s|ifciis  li:i.«  uctiiriilly  Ikcii  (•(iiiioiinilrd  willi  ii'<  i;mi>|M'iiii  ;iimli)Kiii', 
hut  H  cmffiil  iii>|<fiii«.n  is  -ullicii'iil  to  ^ln.^v  I  Ik-  .li>liiM;tn<'s-'.  SowitLv'* 
N|M'cicM  wif  (Ic-rri'Mil  Iniiii  Aiiu'iica. 

PfteudamuHium  anUvrNoni  D.ill 

The  (•((lli'itor  iKitrs  that  liri-  >pi'rics  was  cast  tip  mi  llic  IkuiIi  in  windrows 
two  or  tlirii-  fci'l  lii(jli,  lil«'  'lead  leaves,  only  far  tliinner  and  more  fia«ile.  Tli" 
wlielU  are  usually  worn  so  llial  the  more  delicate  surface  is  l,,*t  ami  il  liecomes 
diflicult  to  distiiiKuisli  it  from  /'.  iinndniulicua.  This  >p(..ies  w.i>  descrihed  in 
1919  from  speciim  ns  drt-dgetl  in  ahoul  "lO  fathoms  in  l^.lpliin  and  I  nion  strait. 

Pseudamusium  rinitnesia  n.  sp. 

Siiell  smaii,  translucent  white,  extiemrlv  thin,  nearly  flat;  disk  nearly 
circular,  sculi>tur"d  with  ahout  ;{()  thin,  sharp,  regularly  concentric  lamellae 
with  much  wider  interspaces;  the  outer  eilue  of  thcM-  lamellae  is  produced  and 
hent  down  hut  not  attached  .>t  th(>  distal  edtfe,  coveriiiK  ahoiil  two-thirds  of  the 
intersjiace  in  front  of  the  lame'la;  these  loose  martiins  a^e  somewhat  wavy  anrl 
narrower  postcrioiiv  and  stop  s'lorl  on  a  lini-  radiatiim  Irom  the  uiiiIm)  toward 
the  posterior  hasei'ul  the  poi-c  of  termination  the\  expand  into  postules  forin- 
ing  a  line  horderinn  a  postc  Mr  area,  sculptured  only  hy  close,  low,  concentric 
lamellation;  the  true  surface  of  the  valve  is  not  undulated  hut  sculpture.l  with 
fine  radial  striae;  the  whole  of  this  lainellation  is  of  extreme  fiauiliiy  and  liahle 
to  1)0  alTecle.l  hy  a  touch;  the  hin^'e  margin  is  straight,  the  anierior  ear  lar(jei 
than  the  posterior,  with  a  close,  minute,  suhspinose,  concentric  lainellation:  the 
posterior  ear  with  onlv  lines  of  growth;  the  liin(te  is  minute,  the  interior  of  the 
disk  smooth,  the  i  \tei-n;il  sculpture  showinR  throunh.     Hcinht  12  mm.;   breadth 

\'.\  mm.  , 

Only  one  left  valve  was  olitained  hut  the  sculpture  is  (luiie  unuiue  and  tl.e 
shell  is  "not  undulated,  the  appearance  of  undulation  arising  from  the  folded- 
over  edges  of  the  lamellae. 

7' ,ype._  Victoria  Memorial  Museum,  Ottawa  (Mollusks,  Xo.  137tJ).    Iigured 

on  Plate  4. 

Yoldiella  obesa  Stimpson 

This  has  heen  identified  with  }'.  luctila  Loven,  hut  the  uncertainty  leads 
mo  to  utilize  the  name  which  certainly  aiiplies. 

Lora  scalarioides  (1.  O.  .Sars. 

There  is  only  one  slightly  eroded  specimen  which  is  referred  to  Sars's 
species.  It  docs  not  quite  agree  with  specimens  so  named  in  the  JcfTreys  collec- 
tion hut  I  hesitate  to  sei^aratc  it  in  the  aljscuce  of  a  larger  series. 

Euspira  aifinis  nmelin 

This  is  the  shell  referred  to  (Imeliu's  species  hy  JetTreys.  It  is  nearest  to 
E.  pallida  Broderip  and  Sowerhv,  of  the  western  arctic  hut  has  a  less  elevated 
spire  and  a  different  umhilical  callus.  Whether  it  is  really  the  shell  Gmelin  had 
in  mind  is  impossible  to  be  certain,  but  it  seems  to  have  been  generally  accepted 
as  such  by  European  authors. 


1,1st  of  MoIUihIvs  from  tlic  EasttTii  Antic   RoUion,  colkHtetl 
b>    the  Nvptuno  oxpt'dltloHs,  vii 

idi  tititii  il  I'V  Wii.i.iwi  lli.u.i,\   Dvi.r, 
'I'lif  fitllowitit;  iMullii-k*  ft ilii-  ii-ii-rn  miii''      lim  ii'  I'.i'  d  ilntinn  of 

llic  Niclorill  Mflniiriill  Mll-iUlii,  <>ll;i\v:i.  rnlli'ilc.l  .  lIl.  '  .  nur  'X|M-<lili(illH 
Id  tlif  Antir,  \\i  H'  iilciitiliiMl  li\  |  )r.  \\  illi.ini  II.  Dull  in  .'iiri  '  ■-'1.  'u  I'liiiin'iliiiti 
willi  llii'  I'liicilipiiiu  KiMill,  ;iliil  :i-  llii'  IiiiphI^  aii-  uii|iiiIi|i-Im  i|  '.iirlofolr  !trn 
'liilinlcil  ill  !lii»  lr|>()il  ; 

((  (pllri  lii)ii-i  liv    .Wlitiiiii   i'\|"  illliiiM  1 

hr.y   IIKV    1>1,\MI 

l.v/(//7(   liiiri  iihs  Silii|iii;irli(<. 

'    .,1.1,  SOIMl 

l/i/.  •mill  ml  nil  II  <  ilmllli,  >  n. 

.\  iiiiilii  liiniif  .Muiil. 
SirrifHS  iironliiiiilii  IIS  (inii'liii.  \ii. 
I'llliihiiii  nihil  Hrovvii. 

Ynlilii   liiniiliilii  Say. 

Siuiriiiii  iiiilii'ii  [.. 


Mya  tiuncfiln  L. 
Mijn         u:n^'i  I,. 

Eclipse  bay,  Baffin  island 


!.■'  oriiin  nulls  Don. 

.1/i/rt  frniicata  1.. 

Mijtiliis  eilulii  L. 

MargaritfS  ciiiinii.-<  ( 'outliuiiy. 

MiirijnrlUs  hil'i-iinis  I'liipps. 

Crenella  fabii  I'ahriciiis. 

Arinai'U  emijilin  ?  Dull,  yo. 

Acmnra  Icstuilinnli"  L. 

Mncoii'i  inkruii ■liii  Hi    ilciii)  and  SowiThy. 

liorrntroiihon  clnlhraliis  (lid. 

Adiiitle  var.  liuiior  .li'lTrcys. 

Ihicciniim  cilinhiin  ral)iiiiu>. 

Peden  islundiciis  Miilk-r. 

Astarte  borealis  Scluiiiiachcr. 

liiiccinuni  liinlropljiHUin  Hancock. 

{Cypraea  sp.,  hallast.) 

33  a 


:$i  A 

Canadian  Arctic  Expedition,  1913-18 

North  Somerset  island 

Ovirapsulns  of  Bucdnum. 

Ponds  inlet,  Baffin  island 

Saxicava  pholadis  L. 
Miidilnrin  laevis  Gray. 

Pout  Piuwell,  Hcdson  sikaip 

Venericardia  bvrealis  Couthouy. 

Cardium  ciliatum  F;il)ricius. 

Macoma  oneilli  Dall,  yo. 

Macoma  calcarea  Gmclin. 

Mya  Iruncata  L. 

Kennerlia  gladalis  Lcacli. 

Astarte  banksi  Loach. 

Bucdnum  tenue  Gray. 

Margariics  cinercus  Couthouy. 

Y'oldia  limatula  Say. 

Admete  couthouyi  Jay  (not  viridiila). 

Velutina  laevigata  L. 

Margarites  helicinus  Phipps. 

Trichotropis  borealis  Sowcrby. 

Tachyrhynchus  reticulatus  Mighcl.*. 

Nucula  tenuis  Montagu. 

Modiolaria  nigra  Gray. 

Anachis  cf.  haliceeti  Jeffreys. 

Modiolara  substriata  Gray. 

Crenella  faba  Fabricius. 

Astarte  borealis  Schumacher,  yo. 

Margarites  acuminatus  Miph.  and  Ads.  (rare  shell). 

Astarte  borealis  Schumacher. 

Puncturella  princeps  Mighels. 

Scrripes  gronlandicus  Gmelin. 

Machaeroplax  varicosus  Mighels. 


Bucdnum  ?  ciliatum  Fabricius. 
Bucdnum  undatum  L. 
Bucdnum  cyaneum  Hancock. 
Bucdnum  ?  tenue  Gray. 

Acmnea  emydia  Dall. 

Astarte  borealis  Schumacher. 

Saxicava  artica  I>. 

Mya  truncnta  L. 

Mytilus  cdiilis  L. 

Pecten  islandicus  MoUer. 

Molluska,  Recent  and  Pkistocenc 

Port  Birwell,  Hudson  strait 

(Collected  by  Dr.  Robert  Bell) 

35  A 

liuccinum  temw  Gray. 
Margariles  striatus  Sowcrby,  yo. 
Trichotropis  horedlu  Sowcrby. 
Tachyrhynchus  reticulatus  Mighols. 
Crenella  fnha  Fabricius. 
Natica  clausa  Brodcrip  and  Soworby. 
Buccinum  polare  (iray. 
liuccinum  hydrophanum  Ilancock. 
Mya  truncata  L. 
Astarie  borealis  Schumacher. 
Modiolaria  nigra  Gray. 
Modiolaria  laems  Gray. 
Modiolaria  cnrriigata  Stm. 
Serripes  gronlandicus  Gmeliii. 
Lyonsia  hyalina  Conrad. 
Leda  minuta  Fabricius. 
Macoma  calcarea  Gmelin,  yo. 
Astarte  banksii  Leach,  var.  ? 
Hemithyris  psiltacea  Gmelin. 

Plate  No    i  V 



Report  of  the  Canadic*-  ^rctic  Expedition,  1913-18. 

\oi,rMi':  I:  (ii:\t:ii\i,  i.ntkodktkin,  wkkativk.  Kir. 

ISrt  A:    \l)|;l  |I|,l;\    l-Alil  >!,  IM.;  Is         ,  ,/•„; ,„,„-,/, 

Turt  li:   .-(H  Tin   l!.\  I'Alfl  \  ,  llii.i  10,     lly  llu^uipli  Ma:      ,  Ai..l.Ts,.n. ,  .V.'.V, ,'  ,  ,V  i/'i  fr. \,„H:'. 

VOM  mi:  II:   M\M>I\rs  AM)  ItlKIIS 

I'iirt  A:   MAMMALS  or  \\i:>ri,l!N  .\l!i    1  1'     AMI.I;!'   A.       i;.v    l:ii,|,,;;,l,   Miiriin   Am.I,  i-.,„ 

Wul  I!     lUKKS  (.1    WlisTJiuX  AH(  TIC  AMl.liK  A.  ■    liy  li.  M.  An.l,r-u„  :,„.l  i'a!    hmTtu'r' 

'■«  I'.i  I'"'"'  '»!). 


IM  KnDli  TIOX.    Hv  C  I  ,„.,i..i,  HrAUi     ,    ,    ,  /,,,.,;/,,,.,.,;„-,..    ,.,„., 

ran    \:   (  (il.l.lA!liU|,\.     Itv  ,l,|,ii]»  W  .  l'..!.-..,,,, il    h^I   l„h,  n    Itft.' 

I!""  ,"■    M, ',',"■"'.'"  ■'■"'"  '^■""•<  'l--    1*.V  .\iitl,:u.  I'unks .....:   ~l.-..u.JJ„lj  ll'.lKl'ji. 

I'urt  (  :    iJir  I  l.l'.A  . 

Cniiic'-llii-s.     Itv  (  liiirl.s  I'.  Al.'\:ir,.k.r. 

Mi'r<     lu    ll:iriiMiii  (J,  ])\,ir. 

Tart  O:   MAM  <i|'i(A(.A  ANF)  ANdj'l.l  |{\.  -.''■'. 

\l;illci|,li:ii;:i.     Hy  A.  U  .  I  :ikcr. 

„     ,  ,.  ,  ,^""l',l;.','-",-     lly  <i-  1'.  li'rris:iml  C.  U    V-.  Nultull  ll-.-tuJ  S, /.i.  „.l„  r  !  \  VJtO). 

Part  1.:   (  ( ill  ( il'  I  I.IIA,  ' 

I'circsl  IriM"  tw.  ii.ilii.liim  Ipi.lj-,  (  c-r:!!!;!!}^-!.!:!',  aii.l  I'.uijrc-iti.lm.     lly  .1.  M.  >Haiiii- 

(■.■cnil.i.ln'.'iml  Ml|,)ji.lii-.     Hv  II.  ( '.  I*iil7 

<,  I.latcri.lii-,  ( 'liry~  MiH-li.|:i;ari.l  lilivnilHiplior.'i  (cMlii.linf  fi.i.hi'J.  I;\  i   .W   I; 

|i,\ti-.hl:i.-.     Ity  .).   I).  .--lirnMan,  .Ir i/«.,u../  /A,,m'',  r  ;■'.  unui 

larl    I:     IIIMiniHX,      Hv  1  .|u  ai  r|   I'.  Van  I  In/.  .  ,  ■  I     'i.  I  I  lit ,  1 1    l.rn' 

I'liit  <;:    inMi:N..l'Tl.l;.\  A.M)  l'l.\Nr  (,.\l,l..-^.  .iii,,ii.iiK 

.-■audii'.s.     I  Ti'iiilircilinoiiliM.)     liy  .\\v\.  |).  Ma' (.lillivruy. 

I'arasiiii'  llyiiicnij;itrra.     liv  <  liarii'S  T.  lina,~, 

\Va.-p.»  .'111.!  Uov^.     liy  1'.  W.  I,.  .x|,i(lcn. 

riant   (  .an-<.   liy  l;.   I'drliT  IVIt    (/.(■■.ui  J  A',.  ,  m/„r   ?    I')r» 

Part  II:   .-I'l  1 -1 .  li.-^.  MITI,.':  AM)  MVUIAPOU'^. A,.,m/„r,!,  IMJ). 

>l'iili'r.-i.     llv  .1.  II.  lancri'in. 

Mil..-.     Ity   Hank.-,. 

M,\  ri:i|nil-.     I'.y  Itali  il  V.  (  Iriniherlin kI^.w'  J i  hi  I '.    V'Ui) 

Pnit    I:  I.1:PI1i(iI'TI:I!A.     By  Arlluii-(,il,-,m i/.-,,,,,/ ./„,,„„,  m'  i', -oT 

T':iri   .!■  (ii;tii<i|'Ti;i;a.    p.y  i..  m    \\:,ik.T .    .  7-,,..;  .^■.,,^,„(„,■  ' ';.,'..r 

Part  K:  INS1.(    r    llll.   (IN    Till:    \\1,.-T]:U.\  Ali(    lU     (OA.ST   OF     AMKIili.v.        I'y    1  ril.4 
,       loliall-^rn (/...,,;.,;    \u,:ml„r    7.    IUJI    . 

Part  I.:  t;l..\i:i{Ai,  iM)i:x [is.u, J  jj.,, ,„',.,■     ,  iu:>i. 


Part  A:  ITiKSIiWATKU  AI.O.M:  ANU  I  IU:.-II\V.\  ll.U  UIATO.M,-.      liv  I  l,;,rl,-i  W.  I  „».■ 

Part  n:MAKixi;:Ai.r;Ai.:.- llv i-:s:,oiii„.;:::::::.;.- .■:.■::;::.■  ■. ''"""" ''"r^^;^;:"-!;; 

Part  C:  )T\(;I.     By  ,I..l,n  II,:,inr.-.< i/.-.-u.  7  .A,/,,,-  ;    ffi. 

I'lirt  I):  l.KHKNS.     i'.y  C.  K.  Merrill i7.«.m,.,/ ./„/.,  ;-;    ri-'<' 

Part  i::  Mo.-Si:.<.    Bv  U.  s.  W  iliiaiii.-< (f-vuK/  /■'.'.r«,.,i.  ,s '  ;p;'. ' 

Part  F:  MAUINi:  DIATOM.^,     lly  Alheri  Mann ■.'.■.' i/„  ,,,.■;',„/,•.,/ ,^„/. 


Part  A:  V.\SCII..\  I!  PI.ANT.s.     By  .lai-cs  M.  .Maroun  ;incl  Tl,oo.  Ilolia.    J.hhunl  (l.t„i„,  ;.;    ."-'/i 
Part  B-  t(i.\TI,'IlU'HO\S  To  MoR'Tll  il.O( ,  V  ,  .'.\  NoNVMV  AND  CKnci;  M'llBU.  \,\-'- 

TIMBI    TIOX  OF  Al{(    TIC  PLANTS.     Bv  Tl.eo.  Holm.    .    (/.-.-,;.,/  h;ir,„„,i  l<i,  rm, 
Part  C:  GLNKHAL  NorL:s  ON  AlU'TK.-  \  KC IKTATION.    By  Frit:i  .loliun.-.a /«  ,,,■,.«;. 

VOf.ME  VI:  (..SUES,  TfXIt'.lTES,  ETC. 

r.-irt  A:  FISlli;S.     By  F.  .I.ilia       .   .7,,  ,-, ,  ;„,r,,/;„„  ,. 

Part  B:  ASCTI)I.\NS,  l.TC.  A.  (1.  llunl.sinan {hsiud  .\uu  luhir 'ji!,  VJJ2), 


Part  A:  nrCAl'Ol)  (T!fSTA('i:.\\-.     li>-  Mary  .1.  Halliliiin (/..„„,/  .l./,,,/  ;v    r.nn.. 

Part  B:  .-(   IIIZOp;  )IJ  <TU>TACI  ,\NS.     Uv  WaMo  I,.  .Si'l,iiult {hsmd,,,}.,,    •>,  i:„!i,. 

Part  C:  (T.\L\(  |;A.     By  W.  T.  (  aliiKin i /.->«,,/ (/w,,/..  ,■  ;;    tj'f,, 

Part  I):  ISopol.A.     By  P.  I..  B„„n.. '.::aU  ,ad  .\,r,,„l,.r  ;./,  in':',<'. 

Part   1-.:  .VMl'HII'oIl-V.    By  <  larcnco  li.  Slin'iaakor H,.f:iul  ■<■  iii- n,l,ir  7    l!i"n 

Part    F.  p-i(   N(.';oNll)A.     Bv  L.'.in  .1.  (  (-k- '      !/.-,-„././.,;,,,„,,.<    ;'/",')' 

Part  (1:  rri'IlVLI  ;)P01)A.     I'v  F.  .lulian-on i l-.u,d  M.i,,  !'',    i<<--'\ 

Part  H:  CLADOlFli.V.     I'v  (  li  inr.-v  .Imlav ih^uf.i  J  uur  ^ ;    I     m' 

Part    I-  o>Ti;.\(  ()I).\.     I'v  li.  \V.  .-iKirpiv.' !/»,  ;.r,  ,„,-),  ;,m,.' 

Part    .1:  FHl  .-IIWATl.l!  (  OI'l;i'01>.\.     Bv  ( '.  l)uii;lit  .M:irsl.  7- -„  J  .1,,,,/ ,'y    t:f'i' 

Part  K:  M.\i;i\i:  ropi;]>ui).\.    BvA.\\i:i,v i/. ..,•,..;,/..«.  ,-.i  iy".i' 

Part    I.:  P.\  It  v^-ITli  ■  (  ( il'l  :rol>.\.     By  (  liarlos  li.  Wilson J.-.-;/, J  -li.uu.-r  f;';.',-,' 

I'art  M;  (  IHKn'i;iiI.\.     Lv  H.  A.  FiNl.rv H  " ,,r,-,  ■,,■'„„  ' 

Part  X:  Tin;  <  T;  ('.vrAt  KAN    l.llL  OF  .M)MK  Alii  Tic   l..\(  lOOls'S,    l.AKIS   .\  N  I )   i'oNDs! 
By  F.  Juhansun (/,,,vu.  1  liuinuh,  r  .■>•,  lOJJi 
