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Are  Missions  to  the  Jew 
a  Failure  ? 

A  Study  of  Official  Judaism  and 
Christian  Missions. 


REV.  S.  B.  ROHOLD,  F.R.G.S. 

Published  by  the 
165  EHzabeth  Street. 



Th(M-c  iiio  still  found  ( 'hiistians  who  <lo  not 
beliovo  in  conducting  missions  to  tho  Jews. 
Some  even  deny  that  thosv  descendants  of  Abra- 
ham, Isaac  and  Jacob  can  be  soundly  converted 
to  Christ.  Comparatively  few  know  anythinjr 
of  the  great  work  tluit  is  1)eing  done  amonj; 
thear-  "Cliosen  IVo|ile"  of  (Jod  or  the  remark- 
able results.  The  following  pages  convincingly 
answer  the  arguments  against  the  work  put  for- 
ward by  intelligent  Hebrews  and  not  by  a  few 
uninformed  Christians.  It  would  be  well  if  this 
most  interesting  and  stimulating  leaflet  could  be 
distributed  by  tlious;inds  among  Christians  every- 
where, and  also  among  educated  Hebrews.  It 
will  open  the  eyes  of  many  to  the  opportunities 
and  fruitfulness  of  Christian  missions  to  the 

The  Kev.  Sabeti  H.  K'oliold,  the  author  of  these 
pages,  is  a  Hebrew,  born  and  educated  in  Jerusa- 
lem and  converted  to  Christianity  some  years 
ago.  After  laboring  for  his  people  in  Scotland 
he  was  called  to  Toronto,  Canada,  where  he  is 
now  superintendent  of  the  excellent  mission 
carried  on  by  the  Presbyterian  Church  of 
Canada  in  the  "Christian  Synagogue."  Mr. 
Bohold  is  president  of  the  Hebrew  Christian 
Alliance  of  America,  and  is  associated  in  the 
editorial  work  of  the  "Missionary  Review  of  the 
World,''  in  which  magazine  this  paper  first 

The  Missionary  Reviexv  oj  the  World. 

New  York,  Dec.  29,  1914. 

Official  Judaism  and  Christian 

Rev.  S.  B.  Rohold,  F.R.G.S. 

What  pathos  and  touching  soh'iunity  fill 
onr  soul,  ns  we  behold  Israel  with  her  trjit?ie 
Day  of  AtonenioTit :  with  her  overburdened 
ritual  of  a  fearful  <|uest  after  peace  with 
God  "hole  nation  making  a  superhu- 

mar  .  lo  appease  the  anger  of  Jehovah. 
At  '  w  time  we  gaze  upon  over  four 
Inindrca  lliousand  of  the  race  girded  for 
war;  for  an  internecine  contest — as  far  as 
they  are  concerned,  dew  is  engaged  in 
mortal  combat  with  Jew.  What  aii  in- 
human tragedy  is  being  enacted  before  our 
very  eyes!  Jewry  is  driven  into  nuitual 
enmity  imposed  by  the  warring  nationali- 
ties. Terrible  events  are  adding  a  grim 
page  to  Israel's  already  tragic  history. 

Although  this  pathetic,  continuously 
moving  panorama  of  Israel's  bitter  condi- 
tion is  a  living  reality  to  us,  and  although 
we  appreciate  Israel's  peculiar,  bitter  and 
helpless  temporal  condition,  yet  we  believe 
that  Israel's  spiritual  needs  are  the  greater, 
by  far,  and  of  vaster  importance  to  the 
C'hurch  of  God.  We  therefore,  lay  aside  all 
otlier  considers. lions  and  call  the  attention 
of  the  ''watchmen  upon  the  walls  of 
Zion,"  to  the  attitude  of  official  Judaism 


townrds  C'liristisin  Missions,  tlint  on''  minds 
sliould  !)('  rl('}ir  on  tliis  important  sulgcrt, 
in  order  wo  may  he  jjuidcd  to  art  in  t»n- 
lightenod  ohotlionce  to  the  will  of  our 
blessed  Lord,  the  Christ  of  God. 


The  past  year  was  an  especially  hostile 
year.    Not  that  its  bitterness  had  any  vital 
etTeet  on  active  (lospel  woi*k  amontrst  the 
.lews,   hut    i-ather   contrary;   as    far  as 
visihle  i-esults  are  eoneerned,  it  has  been  a 
year  of  reaping,  full  of  Messing  and  en- 
couragements,   lint  the  IJahhinical  opposi- 
tion, in  siieer   despei'ation — which  proves 
i^s  weakness — was  carried  into  the  pul)lic 
secular  press,  taking  the  form  of  i)r()tests, 
appearing  sinuiltaneously  in  different  i)arts 
of  tlie  world  -in  London.  England,  New 
York,  the  E„ stern  and  Western  States  and 
in  Canada.    We  carefully  gather  together 
practically  all  these  protests  and  corres- 
pondence on  the  suhject,  from  Jew  and 
Gentile,  and  it  proved  a  most  interesting 
study.     The   impartial,   studious  reader 
wouid  at  once  reali/e  where  the  weakness 
lies.    Of  all  these  epistolary  protests,  un- 
doubtedly the  most  important  one,  and  one 
tliat  was  eari-ied  on  with  vigor  and  vim, 
was  that  of  the  learned  Rabbi  ^Feldola  de 
Sola  of  Montreal.    Tie  nuule  a  gloveless  at- 
tack on  the  Lord  Bisiiop  of  Montreal,  who 
appealed  on  behalf  of  the  local  Mission  to 


the  Jews,  Tlic  cxtciuicd  con-cspondrnct'.  in 
wliicli  otiicr  .Ifwisli  and  Christian  divines 
took  part,  appoan'd  in  tho  ''Montreal  (la- 
/ette,**  and  the  arfnuaents  <'an  he  well 
Huninicd  up  in  their  own  words:  — 

1.  "We  .Jews  do  not  want  the  (Jospel." 

2.  "Why  don't  yon  send  nussionaries  to 
tlie  better  ehiss 

;i  "Jewish  MisHions  are  a  failure.** 
The  spiritual  diseerner  would  at  o!ieo 
observe  that  none  of  tln'iii  MM'<litate(i  on  the 
spiritual  si«rnilieanee  of  the  (  hristian  re- 
iij?ion,  nor  do  tiiey  at  all  a|)|>reeiat«'  the 
demand  upon,  and  the  duty  of,  the  follower 
of  the  Christ  of  (Jod.  Let  us  examine  their 


Do  any  Kabbis  in:  ";ine  tiuit  tiie  Chui'eli 
was  deeeivin«r  itself.'  Christ  Himself  de- 
elared  nineteen  hunilred  years  ago  to  His 
followers  that  the  natural  heart  is  hard 
and  that  the  world  loves  darkness?  The 
Cliureh.  obedient  to  the  eoniniand  of  her 
Lord  "to  preach  the  (Jospel  to  every 
ei'eatui'e, "  and  "to  tiu'  .Jew  tb'st  and  also 
to  tile  (lentile, "  eannot  possibly  be  ex- 
pected to  stoop  down  and  fail  in  her  im- 
perative duty,  simply  because  it  is  not  at 
once  appreciated  by  those  for  whom  the 
(lospel  is  so  specially  desi«rnated  for  their 
salvation.    Jn  fact,  the  Church  exists,  like 


her  blaster,  not  for  herself,  but  for  man- 
kind. To  expect  Christian  people  to  ex- 
clude the  Jew  from  their  missionary  pro- 
gram to  evangelize  the  whole  world,  is  to 
expect  the  Cliurch  to  undo  herself.  It  is 
to  ask  the  (Miristian  people  to  do  what  to 
tiiem  is  an  impossibility.  The  duty  of  the 
Christian  is  to  proclaim  peace  through 
Christ.  We  cannot  neglect  our  duty  in  . 
relation  to  the  Jews,  especially  when  we 
consider  the  issue  between  Judaism  and 
Christianity.  It  is  of  vital  importance,  it  is 
great  and  infinite — yea.  we  cannot  possibly 
close  our  eyes  to  the  peril  of  a  complacent 
acquiescence  in  all  the  assailment  that  is 
being  levelled  against  the  Christ  of  God 
and  Christianity  by  the  modern  and  liberal 
Jewry.  The  claims  of  "liberality  and 
charitableness,"  ruude  by  the  modern  Jews, 
all  go  to  the  wind  when  we  look  at  their 
mutilated  liturgy.  They  still  preserve  the 
intercessory  prayer  to  Almighty  God,  that 
''Minim/'  i.e.,  sectarians,  Christians,  and 
especially  converted  Jews,  "shavJd  have  no 
hope."  To  the  Jew  in  general  Christ  is 
an  impostor,  at  best,  who  claimed  for  Him- 
self the  attributes  of  God.  Renan  in  his 
"Vie  de  Jesus,"  influenced  modern  Jews 
to  assume  an  apparent  friendly  attitude  to- 
wards Christianity.  He  taught  them  to 
claim  Jesus  as  their  own  great  teacher,  as 
their  own  inheritance.  This  was  a  subtle 
attempt  to  destroy  the  doctrine  of  Chris- 
tianity '  levelling  it  down  to  the  position 
of  a  mere  ethical  religion  like  Judaism.  It 


is  on  this  point  of  i'tliii's  that  present-day 
.hulnisni,  in  its  uttitude  'owards  Chris- 
tianity, IB  like  a  combatnnt ' 'ho  draws  eloso 
to  his  opponent,  and  tlier  recoils  in  ort\or 
to  jfiv»'  him  n  more  severe  blow.  TTen«*e.  h't 
us  not.  he  mistsikcn:  when  we  see  Jewish 
Rabbis,  and  other  prominent  non-Christian 
writers,  however  highly  they  speak  of  the 
person  of  Jesus,  they  are  strennoiisly  en- 
deavorinj?  to  (h-ny  llis  absolute  Messiah- 
ship  and  llis  undoubted  Deity. 

In  view  of  this,  for  the  Christi.  '  Chureli 
at  sueh  a  time  to  nejrleet  the  absolute  eom- 
mand  of  her  Lord  to  preach  the  Gospel  to 
the  Jew,  would  l)e  a  crime  aorainst  her  very 
conseienee,  and  which  could  1  \<'  only  ()nc 
possible  ending   the  undoing  oi^  herself. 


The  implication  would  naturally  be  that 
the  wealthy  and  highly  educated  classes  are 
neglected  by  the  missionary  agencies ,  and 
thus  a  proof  of  the  inadequacy  of  its 
methods  and  the  failure  of  its  enterprise. 
Let  us  at  once  dispel  this  illusion!  And 
if  anyone's  mind  is  thus  befogged,  we 
would  humbly  suggest  to  such  to  come  out 
into  the  sunshine,  and  their  doubts  will  all 

If  the  wealthy  and  highly  educate-^  have 
not  accepted  the  Christian  message,  that  is 
certainly  not  a  proof  of  the  inadequacy  of 


the  mcssHgc,  nor  {igainst  its  saving?  powt  ,  ; 
we  venture  to  suggest  that  the  failure  is  in 
tlieiiisclvcs.  In  this  respect  tlie  rich  and 
highly  (Mlncated  Jew  is  not  in  a  different 
position  from  the  Gentile  of  the  same 

Look  at  the  plain  tacts.  Here  is  a  mis- 
sionary who  is  ahsolutely  saturated  with 
(lospel  truth,  an  cxjx'i't  in  (h'aling  with  in- 
dividuals. What  hoj)('  has  lie  of  gaijiing 
an  entrance  into  the  lioine  of  the  .Jewisii 
barrister,  tlie  stockbroker  and  the  rich  mer- 
chant and  the  railroad  magnate,  with  a 
view  to  winning  them  for  Christ  ?  In  this 
elass  nationality  is  no  factor.  It  is  well 
known  tliat  tlie  missionary  who  ventures  on 
such  enterprises  is  at  once  shown  to  the 
tloor,  or  dismissed  with  scant  ceremony. 

Once  we  look  thoroughly  into  the  ques- 
tion, it  is  not  only  adeciuately  answered, 
but  the  injustice  of  it  is  made  bare.  The 
Jewisii  .Mission  should  bear  this  blaine  just 
as  little  as  the  Home  .Mission  should  be 
held  responsible  for  the  fact  that  so  many 
of  the  wealthy  and  educated  Christians, 
who  have  turned  their  backs  on  religion, 
are  not  won  by  missionary  efforts.  There 
are  cultui'ed  circles  which  are  not  acces- 
sible to  a  mission  in  the  usual  sense. 

Rabbi  de  Sola,  in  one  of  his  letters,  evi- 
dently thought  he  was  scoring  and  hitting 
hard  in  making  his  attack  personal,  so  he 
]>uts  this  pointed  (|uestioii :  ''If  Hislutp 
Fnrlliinff  (<fnsi(l<rs  ctninrsioti  io  Cliris- 
t'mmty  (ssuffial  for  (mr  salvation;  if  he 


traHy  believes  that  an  infinitehj  benevolent 
(iod  will  consign  us  In  lull  fin  inil<ss  ur 
s((  (})e  to  (!f(  irifli  hitn,  lioir  is  il  llnil  In 
lias  n(  rrr  m<nl(  <iii  all  (in  pi  l<>  coniu  rl  hh 
and  mji  fdlow  lUtbbis!    An  our  souls  of 
no  i'alu(/    An  we  snch  hardened  .sinners 
that  we  are  unworthy  of  reil<  mplion 
Spiritual  shortsightedness  and  the  old  spirit 
of  MrrogHiiee  prompts  siieh  a  ([iiestion.  The 
(hity  of  th«'  niissionary  is  to  enlighten  those 
who  are  in  darkness,  iw.d  to  bring  the  mes- 
sage to  those  who  have  no  opportunity  of 
knowing  it.    The  learned  Rahhi  and  the 
aristoeratie  Jew,  hy  his  uphringiiiir.  hy  the 
schooling  which  he  lias  enjoyed,  hy  his  ex- 
tensive social  relations,  hy  his  nienihershii) 
and  admission  into  all  kinds  of  literary 
functions,  come  in  eontaet  daily  with  true 
Christianity.     All  th.ese  splendid  oppor- 
tunities are  denied  to  their  i)()()rer  hrethn'n. 
Their  horizon  is  so  much  wider  and  should 
he  cleai'cr.    The  poor  Jew  is  restricted  to 
the  members  of  his  own  class  and  race. 
His  education,  at  its  best,  was  in  a  Jewish 
school,  in  an  obscure  town  in  dark  Russia, 
which  has  hardly  led  him  beyond  the  Old 
Testament,  restricteil  to  the  interpretations 
of  the  Rabbis  in  the  light  of  the  Talmud, 
and  even  that  from  a  limited  viewpoint. 
But  the  cultured  Jew  had  all   the  gitat 
problems  and  (luestions  of  life  ))rought  be- 
fore him  during  the  school  days  which  he 
spent  in  a  Christian  colle^'e.    The  Chris- 
tian church  year,  which  he  i)assed  through 
as  a  matter  of   course   with   his  fellow 


scholars,  early  brought  to  his  consciousness 
the  problems  of  the  two  Biblical  religions. 
Later  in  litV,  tlie  (luestion  of  the  true  re- 
ligion eamiot  remain  hidden  from  him.  As 
a  lover  of  music,  or  as  a  so-ealled  "man  of 
culture,"  he  hears  the  mighty  passion  of 
Bach,  the  ''Messiah"  and  the  "Elijah," 
and  the  rest  of  the  passionate  Christian 
music.  As  a  "modern  man"  he  pursues 
tlie  discussion,  which  agitates  wide  circles, 
of  such  questions  as  "Did  Jesus  Live?" 
"Who  was  Jesus?"  "What  Would  Jesus 
Do?"  He  has  access  to  all  the  latest  books 
and  manuals,  he  has  the  languages  to  read 
the  New  Testament  and  faculties  to  under- 
stand it. 

We  fully  agree  with  Dr.  Mahl,  the  gen- 
eralization that  the  Gospel  is  not  presented 
to  the  better  class  Jews,  is  far  too  sweep- 
ing. Of  course  it  is  admitted  that  he 
wealthy  Jews — and  in  tliat  respect,  the 
wealthy  Gentiles  as  well — stand  outside  the 
radius  of  the  missionary  activities,  but  this 
does  not  admit  reflection  on  the  missionary 
or  his  agency.  Unfortunately,  the  aristo- 
cratic Jew  is  like  many  educated  Chris- 
tians; to  read  the  classics  of  all  nations,  to 
be  acquainted  with  the  latest  n,ovel,  is  a 
mark  of  good  breeding ;  but  where  the  New 
Testament  is  concerned,  a  man  may  con- 
fess he  has  never  read  it  through,  without 
this  deficiency  in  his  education  being 
greeted  with  a  compassionate  smile. 
Finally,  the  better  situated  Jew  may  nearly 
always  go  to  any  evangelical  minister,  who 


would  wolcoiue  liiin  witli  open  arms  in 
order  to  converse  witli  hini  as  to  Ins  doubts. 
All  this,  almost  without  exception,  is  de- 
nied to  the  poorer  and  uneducated  Jew. 

No,  the  missionaries  have  an  absolute 
right  to  throw  back  the  reproach  that  the 
mission   does   nothing    for   the  cultured 
among  the  Jews.    If  there  is  any  blame,  it 
rests  with  themselves.   J^ut  we  hope  also  to 
show  that  this  fallacy  that  the  educated 
Jew  is  not  reached  with  the  Gospel,  is  cer- 
tainlv  not  correct,  as  he  is  reached  with  the 
Gospel.    Yea,  as  we  hope  to  prove  from 
their  own  writers,  they  are  even  more  sus- 
ceptible to  the  truth  than  their  poorer  and 
less  educated  brethren.   The  missionary  in 
general  who  possesses  the  true  love  for 
dirist,  and  compassion  for  winning  men 
to  Ilim,  is  always  only  too  happy  to  meet 
with  such,  and  to  help  them  into  a  better 
understanding  of  salvation  and  a  close  re- 
lationship with  Christ.    As  long  as  every- 
thing goes  well  with  a  man,  and  he  is 
sufficient  unto  himself,  he  will  not  seek 
after  God.    But  over  against   these  so- 
called  better  class  Jews,  stand  thousands  of 
Jews  who  struggle  with  the  misery  within 
and  without,  and  to  whom  quest  Jifter  God 
is  a  living  reality.   For  these  the  Christian 
missionary  has  a  living  message  which  in- 
deed suits  all  men,  but  which  is  best  under- 
stood bv  them.    God  opens  their  hearts— 
they  bring  with  them  their  need,  a  longing 
for  deliverance,  for  comfort  and  true  free- 
dom, and  Christ  enters  in  and  makes  them 


free.  On  this  aeeonnt  the  Jewish  mission- 
ary activities  arc  nioi-c  tVaslMe  and  etfee- 
tual  ainon^  the  less  t'oi'tunatc  Imt  it  docs 
not  mean  that  the  success  is  less  anionj?  the 
hcttcr  class. 


This  ])asclcss  accusation  is  usually  ac- 
companied by  a  three-fold  charge: 

(a)  "Jt  costs  $5,00()  to  convert  a  Jew." 

()))  ".Jewish  converts  belong  to  the 
lowest  sti-ata  of  society," 

(c)  "J5ad  Jews  become  worse  Cliris- 

These  plausil)le  charges  are  so  con- 
tinuously and  persistently  indulged  in,  that 
many  have  conu^  to  believe  that  there  is 
some  truth  in  them.  It  is  theiefoi'c  amaz- 
ing to  lind  that  all  these  assertions  are 
effectively  contradicted  by  their  own  Jewish 
leaders.  The  sadness  of  the  whole  situation 
is  this,  that  the  minds  of  these  accusers  are 
so  befogged  by  the  bitterness  of  their  on- 
slaught, that  all  reason  is  ignored,  and  they 
never  even  halt  to  consider  their  own  con- 
tradictory statements. 

Let  us  look  impartially  into  these  accusa- 
tions and  see  what  are  the  facts.  Jt  is 
lather  too  late  in  the  day  to  insinuate  that 
-lews  wiio  become  ( 'hristinns,  do  so  from  in- 
terested motives.  The  old  theory  that  it 
cost  $5,000  to  convert  a  Jew,  has  long  ago 


been  explod<Hl  by  Jowisli  authorities  tbem- 
selvos  in  tbcir  ostiniato  of  the  number  of 
eonverts.  l)Ul.  suppose  that  a  .It  wish  >'is- 
sion  has  existed  lor  a  year,  and  has  i  >t, 
say.  .+•').()()(>.  and  that  only  one  'lew  has  heen 
eonverted,  (hire  we  even  ask:  "Is  tliis  re- 
sult eoniniensurate  with  the  hibor  and 
eost  ?"  Shall  we  eonipare  5|?r),()0(),  or  all  the 
<r(^h]  on  eai'tli.  or  all  the  material  universe 
of  (iod.  witii  the  value  of  one  human  soul, 
formed  in  the  ima<;e  of  (Jod,  and  capable  of 
union  and  eommunion  with  llim?  But, 
look  at  the  faets.  While  the  Habbis  are  so 
anxiously  lamenting  "the  waste  of  good 
Christian  money,"  one  of  theii-  enunent 
leadei's,  Professoi-  (J.  Deutseli.  the  great 
authoi'ity  on  -lewish  history  and  bitter  op- 
poiu'ut  of  all  Jewish  missionary  efforts, 
tells  us  in  the  "Ameriean  Israelite"  of 
.Mareh  10th,  191-4: 

"Tlic  tot.'il  miinbor  of  ajxistusic!-;  from  .hidaisin 
ill  \  ieiiiiii  (luring  the  year  1!M)S»  was  HK?,  aiul 
the  iiunibor  of  desertions  for  the  last  ten  years 
lias  remained  stationary.  In  a  community  that 
nuinl>ers  about  1SM,()(M)  souls,  this  jiroportion 
of  ajiostasies  is  not  <'onsidere<l  very  great,  al- 
though it  is  by  no  means  insignificant.  The 
former  pretext  tiiat  in  this  number  there  ar(> 
included  many  outsiders  who  cohh^  to  Vienna 
for  the  sake  of  conxcrsi  m.  in  order  to  avoid 
notoriety  at  home,  will  not  liold  good  any  more, 
since  the  names  of  the  p[>ostates  are  published 
1)V  the  Jewish  Press.  One  would  think  that  it 
niight  be  rather  tiie  reverse.  The  lists  show 
that  losses  are  found  at  both  ends — amongst  the 
most  |ironiinent  ...  d  amongst  the  lowest  strata 
of  society.     »Ve  lind   laborers  and  seamstresses 


by  tlie  8i<lo  of  lawyers  and  actresses  and  the 
representatives  of  high  finance.'' 

Tlu^  "Jewisli  Clironit'le,"  liOiulon,  Eng- 
hnn\,  tlic  most  pi-oiiiinent  of  Jewisli  papers, 
aiul  which  never  loses  an  opportunity  of 
attacking  Jewish  Missions,  forgot  itself  antl 
published  the  following  remarkable  state- 
ment : 

*'i)r,  Balu  lias  exaiiiiin.Hl  the  records  of  the 
Berlin  Jewish  community  for  information  con- 
cerning .lowisli  apostasy.  From  this  informa- 
tion it  is  possible  to  d<'duce  a  clear  idea  of  the 
secession  movenicnt  throughout  the  whole  of 
CJcrmany.  ...  In  the  period  of  1873  to  1906, 
l,S7-4  persons  (1.3!ir)  males  and  479  females)  in 
Berlin  seceded  from  Judaism.  .  .  .  Besides  the 
moral  damage  which  the  Jewish  community  sus- 
tains by  .  hese  conversions  it  has  also  suffered 
considerable  material  loss,  through  diminution  of 
its  tax-paying  members.  The  seceders,  as  a 
rule,  belong  to  the  well-to-do  classes,  and  pay 
high  contribution's,  Tiic  annual  l0ss  to  the 
Jewish  community  through  the  secession  period, 
1887  to  1906,  was  about  80,000  marks." 

From  these  statements  one  can  appre- 
ciate the  material  loss  to  the  synagogue  and 
the  alarm  of  the  Rabbis,  but  where  does  the 
lamenting  for  "good  Christian  money" 
come  in? 

Look  a  little  closer  and  see  the  inconsis- 
tency of  their  baseless  imputations.  The 
"eJewish  Year  Book,"  published  in  Lon- 
lon,  edited  by  Rabbi  Isidor  Harris,  M.A., 
and  used  l)y  all  Rabbis,  mentions  the  names 
of  500  Jewish  celebrities,  amongst  whom  are 
included  85  Jewish  converts  to  Christianity. 


Shall  we  say  that  these  gi  !at,  famous  incii — 
financiers,  astonomers,  scholars  in  Sanskrit, 
in  (iiHM'k  and  Roman  chissit'S,   in  moilcrn 
ianguagt's  and  literaturr,   as   well    as  in 
Arabic,  (Mialdaic,  Syriac  and  llclii'cw,  his- 
torians,   poets,    mathematicians,  jurists, 
architects,    explorers,    nmsicians,  actors, 
critics,  journalists  and  writers  oL*  all  kinds 
— arc  hypocrites.'    If  so,    why    does  tli 
editor  ol'  the  ortiiodox  ^Jewish  Year  iiook 
glory  in  them  ■    Yet  we  understand  t'lat  the 
Jewish  synagojjfue  could  not  afford  to  brush 
aside,  as  of  no  account,  a  body  of  men  which 
embraces  persons  like  the  three  Ilersrliels, 
the  eminent  asti'onomers ;  »Jacobi,  the  ma- 
thematician; Sir  F.  C.  Palgrave,  the  tra- 
veller and  historian ;  1. 1.  liicardo,  the  econo- 
mist; F.  Ganz,  the  jurist;  Prof.  F.  Jaffe, 
the   historian;    .Mendelssohn,    Sir  Julius 
Benedict  and  Sir  M.  Costa,  the  musicians; 
Sir  Closes  Salvador,  H.  Vemberg,  the  Hal- 
eveys;  not  to  mention  Dr.   Neander,  the 
great  Church  historian;   Dr.  Alexander, 
first  Anglican  Bishop  in  Jerusalem;  or 
saints  like  Dr.   Saphir,  Dr.  Edersheim,  Dr. 
Joseph  Woolf,  Bishop  Hellmuth,  or  Bishop 
Schershewsky,    But  the  protesting  Rabbis, 
in  the  bitterness  of  their  attack,  shut  their 
eyes  to  reason  and  truth,  and  would  have 
us  believe  that  these  men  were  lazy,  fools 
or  hypocrites  who  sold  their  souls  for  what 
they  could  get,  and  were  a  burden  to  the 
church;  and  to  our  own  shame  and  sorrow 
w^e  find  that  some  (J entile  Christians  have 
been  led  so  far  astray  as  to  join  in  this 


awful  cahininy.  Xay,  these  mon  have  not 
only  liclpcd  to  a(hi  lustre  to  the  ehureh,  hut 
l>y  thcii"  lives,  woi-ks  iiiid  uritiii«rs,  have 
iiionMcd  I  he  lives  iirid  cluii'JH'tcr  of  tlioii- 
s^lll(ls  within  the  ehureh.  These,  and  these 
only  are  the  men  of  whom  the  Jewish 
people  ean  honorably  he  proud;  for  they 
jire  the  nu'U  of  Isrjicl.  who,  luiviny;  enufrht 
the  ti'iie  vision  of  (lod.  }is  I'evcjiled  in  ( 'hrist, 
ioilowed  Him  to  the  vccy  (ijirden  of  (ictli- 
seniane.  losing;  all,  Torsaki'n,  hated  hy  their 
dearest  and  l)est,  left  alone  in  the  wilder- 
ness and  tempted  hy  the  devil;  yet.  they 
emerjred  through  the  fire  and  eame  out  more 
than  eon(|Uerors,  rejoieinji:  in  their  Lord, 
or  such  the  nation  ouglit  justly  to  be 


Hut  i)erhaps  the  most  damaging  evidence 
of  all  against  the  unworthy  assertions  of 
enemies  of  Missions  to  the  Jews,  has  eome 
to  light  through  a  dissension  among  their 
eminent  Icadci's.  The  Chief  K'ahbi  of  Lon- 
don. Kngland.  delivei'cd  a  I'emarkahle  ad- 
dress on  Saturday.  A])ril  25th,  11)14,  on  t  e 
subject,  "Does  Reform  Lead  to  Apostasy'/" 
and  in  making  his  bitter  attaek  on  Reform 
Judaism,  lie  stated:  ".\V>  womUr  that  a 
Hinnlxr  of  such  '  h'ahhis'  liarf  in  flu  course 
of  oH(  <jni<  ralion  ptihiich/  r(ii(/inic<(l 
'Judaism,  or  ()<n\<  oinr  to  Chrisiianifij — an 
unheard  of  thing  in  all  the  preceding  thirty- 


thi'fv  <'rnhn-i<s  of  nnr  (Int/mml  liislnrif."' 
Aft«»i*  inontionin^  iihiiics  of  <M'rtain  IcaiiiTs 
who  have  ivnoiinccd  .Iiidjiism,  he  con- 
cludes: "7'n(lnil  f'ulhj  Ifi/ll  IIk  aposhlsiis 
(iHionf/  I.  M.  \\'is(  '\  (  roiiiulcr 
of  tlic  Kcl'oniu'tl  .Icwisli  ( 'ollcy;!',  Ciii- 
cinatti)  frhmls  ami  pu/tils  trftiihl  rrijiiin 
n  mono(jraj)li.'*  Tliis.  of  j'oursc,  woke  the 
indignation  of  Prof.  (Jotthnrd  Dciitsch, 
who  iiindc  }i  most  powerful  oiishiuj^lit  on  the 
Cliiei*  l\nl)l»i  ill  the  'Mewish  Chronicle"  of 
June  2Gtli,  1!)14,  and  in  his  i-ettilintion  he 
gave  a  wonderful  list  of  orthodox  Kahhis, 
and  particularly  sons  of  these  Rabbis — 
amongst  those  whom  he  mentions,  the  off- 
s|)rin»;  of  one  of  his  j)i'edeeessoi's  in  the 
office  of  Chief  liahlti  of  Britain — who  have 
I'cnounced  .Judaism  in  favor  of  Protestant 
('hristianity.  The  know!ed<?c  of  Dr. 
Deutsch  on  the  subject  is  simply  marvel- 
lous. The  only  reji^ret  is  that  his  article  is 
so  exhaustive  that  we  <-annot  jjive  it  in  full, 
yet  we  think  it  would  he  helj)ful  to  have 
it  repi-inted  on  some  future  occasion.  Dr. 
Deutsch  has  unconsciously  done  eminent 
service  to  Christianity  by  giving  us  a  list 
of  converts  which  we  never  had  before;  he 
also  ])rov()ked  Professor  Daiclies  to  chaiii- 
])ion  the  cause  of  orthodox  .Ju<laisiii.  and 
ill  his  defence  he  gave  us  a  list  of  the  Ue- 
formed  Rabbis  and  their  offspring  w  ho  have 
renounced  Judaism  for  Christianity. 

Thus,  by  the  dissensions  of  these  cham- 
pions of  .ludaism,  we  have  received  new 
light  on  the  subject,  and  tlamaging  evidence 


to  nil  their  hasolcss  charges.  What  we 
marvel  at  is  that  these  Jewish  leaders  are 
80  short-sighted  and  still  persist  in  their 
unfounded  aeeiisations. 

The  result  of  this  eorrespondeiice  could 
he  well  suimiied  up  hy  tiie  (juery  put  by 
Mr.  Louis  Kletz.  in  the  "Jewish  Chroniele" 
of  July  :ird,  1014: 

"The  controversy  between  the  Chief  Rabbi 
and  Dr.  (?otthar<l  Doutsch,  whilst  interestinj? 
from  an  aeadomic  point  of  view,  is  unsatisfy- 
in>?  in  the  sense  that  it  does  not  seem  to  lead 
anywhere  in  particular.  Dr.  Hertz  condemns 
'Reform'  as  a  natural  road  to  ai)Ostasy,  and  in 
proof  of  his  contention,  cites  the  case  of  certain 
Reform  Rabbis  who  have  been  converted  to 
Christianity.  Thereupon  Dr.  Dcutsch  comes 
along  with  a  series  of  facts  and  figures  which 
tend  to  show  that,  in  so  far  as  it  affects  Rabbis, 
apostasy  is  just  as  frequent  in  orthodox  Jewry, 
until  tiie  man  in  the  street  is  left  to  wonder 
whether  Rabbis  are  not  especially  susceptible  to 
the  allurements  of  conversion." 

On  our  part,  we  are  bound  to  say  that 
in  our  experience,  no  one  is  more  suscep- 
tible to  Christianity  than  the  Ra])bis;  if 
we  could  only  bring  thoni  seriously  to  con- 
sider the  claims  of  Christ,  then  Christianity 
is  theirs. 

The  l)itterness  and  inconsistency  of  the 
'Mewish  Chronicle"  has  no  bounds.  A 
few  months  ago  this  paper  of  official 
Judaism  published  a  full  page  photograph 
of  the  Right  nonoi'a))le  Riifus  Isaacs,  who 
was  promoted  to  be  Lord  (.'hief  Justice  of 
Great  Britain,  the  highest  office   in  the 


power  of  the  Crowii,  as  well  as  being  raised 
to  the  peerage.  In  full  ecstasy  of  glorifica- 
tion, they  told  of  the  deeds  of  this  lieioie 
Jew,  i\m\  pointed  out  how  one  con  hi  l)e 
siicli  a  loyal  .lew  and  yet  receive  tlie  iiighcst 
honor  of  state.  But  in  the  "Jewish 
Chronicle"  of  October  2nd,  li)14,  we  read 
of  an  extraordinary  event.  The  Hon. 
Gerald  Isaacs,  tiie  son  and  heir  of  this 
very  Lord  Chief  Justice,  married  the 
(laughter  of  another  well-known  Jew,  Sir 
Alfred  .Mond.  Baronet,  P.C.,  and 
both  accepted  Protestant  Christianity,  and 
were  married  at  the  Holy  Trinity  Church, 
London,  England!  Of  course  the  "Jewish 
Chronicle"  makes  a  bitter  attack  on  both 
these  children  of  Israel.  "Why  do  they 
not  stamp  this  couple  as  'bad  Jews  becom- 
ing worse  Christians!'  " 

The  same  "Jewish  Chronicle"  of  Janu- 
ary 2nd,  1914,  in  congratulating  the  Right 
Honoral)le  Lord  Burnham,  the  fhiet'  pro- 
prietor of  the  "Daily  Telegraph,"  upon 
the  attainment  of  his  eightieth  birthday, 
after  fully  eulogising  the  greatP''  of  this 
remarkable  man,  comments  thus  .s  con- 
version to  the  Christian  faith:  *'As  a 
newspaper,  the  "Jewish  Chronicle"  ojfers 
fraternal  greetings  io  Lord  Burnham.  As 
a  Jewish  newspaper  it  cannot  forget  that 
his  Lordship  found  himself  unable  to  re- 
main in  the  community  in  which  his  familg 
was  cradled.  This  is  a  rrcollcction—and 
we  say  it  franldg— which  is  a  regret  table 
one,  for  we  do  not  produce  so  many  men 


inul  H'DHH  n  nf  rttnuufnuliHff  (  (ilihrr  llidl  trt 
1(111  ajjOnl  ht  Inst  tnu  so  tlisi infjidslml  us 
Loi'd  Burnham/'  Kvidi'iitly  liord  hum- 
ham  doi's  not  come  um1i>r  tlu»  catoffory  of 
a  '*l)ad  Jew  iMH'oming  a  wom*  Cliristijin." 
Ill  conwrsiiii?   with   a   handing  Kabbi 

jllxMlt  this  vexed  (lUcstioil  of  vclioiuoiis 
lijitc.  ;iii<l  niter  sti';iiiiiii«r  liiiiiself  to  n'wt' 
an  a(le(ni}it('  reason,  we  ventured  to  (jiiote 
to  him  tilt'  oft  repeated  elaHwe  verse: 

"  1  <li>  not  WUo  veil.  Dr.  Kell. 

Tlic  rc.Mstiii  wliy,  I  rmiiiot  tell; 
But  tlii^  I  Know,  ami  know  full  w«>ll, 

I  do  ii(»t  like  you,  l>r.  Fell." 

There  is  one  more  important  line  evi- 
denee  that  proves  rather  refresiiinjr,  seeiiij? 
that  we  find  modern  .lewry  has  at  hist 
produced  some  who  dare  to  speak  lioiiestly 
on  tills  very  suhjeet.  Jt  was  a  pleasant 
surprise  to  tind  the  eminent  representative 
of  official  Zionism,  Dr.  Arthur  Kupin  of 
Pah'stine.  veiitiiriii*r  to  piil)lish  a  remark- 
ahle  hook,  entitled  "The  -lews  of  To-day." 
For  frankness  we  must  styh'  liim  a  nt'W 
"asset"  to  the  moch'i'ii  Jewry.  He  flatly 
contradicts  the  popular  sing-song  that 
Christianity  has  failed  to  reach  the  Jews. 
After  an  analysis  of  .lewisii  hai)tisms  in 
ditf'erent  countries  throui^hout  the  world, 
and  in  speakini;  of  missionary  estimates  of 
adult  l)ai)tisms.  he  says: 

"It  is  fjuitf^  conccivMblc  that  in  his  approxi- 
inato  calculation  of  204,")00  .Jewish  baptisms  in 


tlic  lOtli  century,  hf  not  only  <loe«  not  excettl 

tli«'  iirtuiil  iiuiiihVr,  but  may  jtiMliaps  fall  sli^xhtly  of  it.  !t  must  Im'  notUMMl  tliiit  tins  lifiun- 
.ih  lu.lf.l  ii.itlHT  .fowish  convortH  to  (lisHiMitMi;; 
crotMlfi,  nor  hapt isms  ol"  .  liil''.! m  nt'  iiiixol  mar- 
ria.M's.  .  .  .  Tho  ostiinatf  <»f  U>,tMMi  .li-ws  I.imiij; 
l.apti/«'d  fvcry  yt'iir  falln  far  short  from  a«tanl 

Dr.  Hiipiirs  uiH'oiiscious  tcstiuiony  tlisit 
till'  !isc('ii(|}iiit'y  <>i*  Cliristisinity  luis  siiiu-r- 
scdcd  .ludsiism.  slioultl  imike  »'very  »h'W 
pause  awhih*.  Lvt  tlu»  (MiriHtiaii  also  taki' 
note  of  his  remarkable  statement: 

"In  tlio  fust  t<'atuiiis  iHttuo  aii«l  at'tfi 
Christ,  .lu«l»is»m  was,  iinlml,  a  jfreat  attra^ti\t 
ton-.'  witli  tiic  lifatlicn,  ami  tli.To  was  a  v«'ry 
considorablo  muiiiImt  of  .li'wisli  jH-osolytes.  But 
this  sjin'aU  of  Jewish  taitli  cfascd  ahiutst  »n- 
tir.'lv  at  the  ond  o\'  tlio  first  "oiitury,  A.D. 
I'aui's  proi.ajiainla,  an.l  tiit-  or(,\\  injr  strciigtli  of 
iMiristianity,  /o«* ///^  w/'"/ '^"'5 .  •  •  • 
Fii.iii  time  onward  tlu*  .h'wisii  mission  was 
ro.ji'fted  ill  I'avor  of  (,'liristiaiiity. " 

Furtliennore,  he  unconseionsly  jyivcs  mu 
effective  reply  to  the  two  fjuuilijir  Iiiil»l)ini- 
<'al  aeeusations  against  the  Christian 
ehiireh,  viz. : 

1st.  "TliJit  converts  are  only  of  tlie  poor- 
est and  lowest  strata  of  soeiety.** 

2n(l.  "That  the  (Mnireh  is  afraid  to  go 
to  the  rieh  and  the  edueated." 

He  divides  the  .lewisli  eounnunity  into 
four  elassos.  The  foiirtli  lie  classities  as 
the  lu'st  and  noblest,  and  says:  "Jn  llic 
f(,u>-lli  class,  irhicit  includes  rich  Jews  of 


the  capitals  and  Jews  of  university  train- 
ing, baptism,  for  the  children  at  least,  has 
almost  Ixcomc  the  rule." 

As  to  tlio  second  aceiisiitiou,  lie  says  i'or 
tlie  cultured,  rich  and  educated,  there  is 
no  need  for  a  missionary — they  themselves 
drift  into  Christianity,  as  the  result  of 
coining  in  contact  with  Christian  influence, 
education  and  environment.  But  the 
strongest  asset  of  Christianity  is  inter- 
marriage. If  a  Jew  is  baptized  a  Chris- 
tian in  the  ordinary  way  he  is  ostracized, 
])ut  when  one  marries  outside  tiie  t'aitli  he 
is  naturally  looked  upon  with  complacency. 
Dr.  Kupiil  concludes  his  arguments  with 
the  following  declaration: 

"The  ecoiioniical  ])rogress  of  the  .lews,  and 
the  growing  culture  of  their  surroundiugs,  make 
it  clear  that  the  answer  must  be  that  an  in- 
crease in  baptisms  is  all  that  can  be  expected." 

In  the  face  of  all  these  evidences  from 
their  own  sources,  we  ask,  ''Are  Missions 
to  the  Jews  really  a  failure?" 

There  is  a  remarkable  answer  given  in 
the  "Jewish  AVorld"  of  September  lath, 
to  the  query,  Why  do  Jew^s  hate 
those  who  have  accepted  Christianity? 
viz.,  '^The  answer  is  to  he  found  in  Ihe  zeed 
of  those  men  so  often  displayed  against  the 
rock  from  which  tliey  were  hnrn."  This 
l^roves  their  short-sightedness,  because 
here  is  their  own  evidence  of  the  zeal  of  the 
converted  Jews  to  win  their  brethren  for 


The  wlioli'  «'()ii<liti(m  of  tlic  Jowry  is  so 
l;micntMl)l(\  tliat  we  cjnmot  do  hotter  tlian 
(luotc  from  tlio  orthodox  Jewish  Year 
Book  the  *'He  'Atid."  vvhi.-li  in  reviewing 
the  Jewish  eondition,  in  agonizing  language 
cries  out: 

"Despair  has  overtaken  us,  for  we  no  more 
l)elieve  in  a  imrpose,  ncitlicM-  in  tliat  whi.-h  the 
former  simple  faith  had  invented,  nor  in  that 
recently  invented  1)V  the  exilic  Judaism.  We  no 
longer  "see  any  mcanin^^  in  our  mis(M-ahle  ex- 
istence .  .  .  Where  is  flie  way,  and  where  the 
wav  out,  and  where  is  salvation?  ....  Neither 
Zionism,  nor  the  indifferent  national  aspirations 
satisfy  our  souls,  which  thirst  after  a  new 
spiritual  and  moral  life." 


Those  of  us  who  are  standiiij?  upon  the 
walls  of  Zion  and  watehin«f  Israels  pe- 
culiar condition,  do  not   despair   in  the 
least     There  has  never  been  a  time  in 
the  Jewish  history  when  the  Jews  have 
been  more  honestly  endeavoring  to  hnd  the 
truth  and  learn  about  Jesus  dirist,  than 
at  the  present  time.    There  has  never  been 
n  time  when  the  Jews  have  so  entirely 
overcome  all  fear  of  the  Rabbis  and  lead- 
ers and  are  openly  attending  Missions  as 
to-day,  and  as  soon  as  they  are  convinced 
they  take  a  definite  stand.    This  has  been 
not  only  our  own  experience,  but  tlie  ex- 
perienee  of  the  missionaries  in  the  iiller- 


cut  \}nr\s  of  tlic  world.  All  reel  that  tlioiv 
liHS  been  a  point  of  contact  establisluHl  be- 
tween tlic  Jews  and  (Miristianity  witli 
wliicli  no  Rabbinical  anatlicnias  can  pos- 
sibly intci-fci'c.  Tbc  ycai-  lilU  must  be 
i-ccop-iii/cd  by  all  laborci's  anion«»st  Israel 
as  a  year  of  progress  and  fruitai^e.  There 
are  extraordinary  opi)ortunities  before  tlie 
Church  of  Christ,  and  tbe  whole  situation 
is  so  momentous — the  position  so  tremen- 
dous and  crucial,  that  the  Church  cannot 
atford  to  halt  for  a  moment.