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By  W.  T.  MicClement,  M.A.,  D.Sc., 
Professor  of  Botany,  and  Lecturer  in  Systematic 
Zoology,  Queen's   University,   Kingston,  Ont. 




Dominion  Book  Gnnpany 
Toronto,  Canada 

Copyright,  Car><iJa,  1914 


W.  0.  McINDOO 

1 R  'FACE 

1^he  primarv  purpose  of  this  book  is  to  assist  ^  mnj;  Oanadians 
in  becoming  acqnaintod  with  the  birds  of  Canaaa.    The  keva  and 


Davie,  Cones,  Chapman,  Elliott  and  others  have  l)een  studied  for 
many  years.  The  authority  for  the  distribution  is  naturally  the 
Oatalojr  of  (^madian  Birds,  prepared  by  the  venerable  natural- 
ist of  the  Geoloj;ieal  Survey,  Dr.  John  Maconn.  For  food  habits, 
the  circulars  published  for  the  Biological  Survey  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture  of  the  United  Sta.< ».  have  been  very  useful. 
Other  facts  of  interest  have  been  obtained  from  ever>^  source  avail- 
able, but  nothing  has  been  stated  for  which  the  evidence  seemed 
less  than  satisfactory. 


























line   2< 

line     9. 

line  19. 

line     1, 

line     2. 

line  24, 

line  18, 

line  25. 

line  30. 

line  29, 

line     4. 

line  27, 

line  13, 

line     6, 

line     3. 

line  10. 

line  14, 

line  29, 

line  23, 

line  11 

line   18, 

line  20 

line   21 

jointed  should   be  Joined, 
bady  ahould  be  body. 
For  "having  deciduous  parts"  read 
Fulmer  should  be  Fulmar, 
hoop  should  be  hook. 
Americana  should   be  americana. 
ArdreldtB  should  be  Ardeldffi. 
minituetella  should  be  minutllla 
corealis  should   be  borealls. 
For    'tone"  read  "note". 
Honed  should  be  Horned. 
Cyanocetta  should   be  Cyanocltta. 
icterldse  should  be  Icterid». 
For  "on"  read  "or". 

Should  be  comma  after  tall,  none  after  wtnva 

Insert  "inches"  after  "iW- 
.  amerlcania  should  be  americana. 
,  references  should  be  reference. 
,  Lianilus  should  be  L.antus. 

Omit  comma  after  saw-fly. 

to  be  transposed  to  follow  "Helmlnthophlla" 

For  "migrant"   read  "resident" 

For   "too"   read   "the" 

having  no  deciduous  pans.' 



The  primarv  purpose  of  tins  book  is  to  assist  youns  Canadians 
in  becomC  q"ninted  with  the  birds  of  Canada.  The  keys  and 
ese  •  pUons  will-it  is  boped-enable  a  earef.d  observer  to  ,dent  fy 
'm  bird  which  he  finds  in  Canada.  AlonR  with  he  name  of  the 
fed  otltr  facts  resardin,  it  will  be  desired  and  the  mo.,t  .mport- 
ant  of  these  are  here  jjiven. 

The  need  tor  snch  a  book  has  teeo.ue  very  evident  of  recent 
veai-s  because  of  the  greatly  increasiuft  interest  in  the  objects  of  na- 
mr  S  nterest  if  largely  due  to  the  «-e  encouragemen  tgu'en 
0  observational  studies  in  our  schools.  The  birds,  insects,  and 
nlmts  m^ke  an  irresistible  appeal  to  fresh  young  minds  and  to 
Sirfv  The  natural  desire  to  know  the  name  the  relationship  the 
t'o„d.'the  b,ee<ling  habits,  and  tl,,.  rang.,  of  our  Canadian  birds, 
this  book  has  been  prepared. 

The  writer  daims  no  special  (,nalification  for  the  task-other 
than  thirtv  years  or  more  of  most  enjoya))le  stndy  of  our  birds  and 
their  ways/and  an  acquaintance  with  n.ost  of  the  standard  litera- 
ture relating  to  the  subject. 

Much  of  the  infoi-mation  has  been  of  course  obtained  from  the 
work  of  others,  and  gniteful  acknowledgment  is  here  n^^de  o    the 
pleasure  and  satisfaction  with  which  the  writings  of  Audubon 
Davie,  Coues,  Chapman,  Elliott  and  others    have  been  studied  for 
manv  years.    The  authority  for  the  distribution  is  naturally  the 
Catalog  of  (^anadian  Birds,  prepared  by  the   venerable   natural- 
ist of  the  Geological  Survey,  Dr.  John  Macoun.    For  food  habits, 
the  circulars  published  for  the  Biological  Survey  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture  of  the  United  States  have  been  very  usefu  . 
Other  facts  of  interest  have  been  obtained  from  every  source  avail- 
able, but  nothing  has  been  stated  for  which  the  evidence  seemed 
less  than  satisfactory. 


The  descriptions  for  a  large  proportion  of  the  birds  have  been 
prepared  with  well  mounted  specimens  of  the  birds  before  the 
writer,  but  for  rare  forms,  and  especially  for  western  forms,  the 
fifth  edition  of  that  unrivalled  work— Coues'  "Key  to  North  Amer- 
ican Birds"— has  been  the  chief  authority.    Other  works  very  fre- 
quently consulted  and  (juoted  are  D.  0.  Elliott's  "Wild  Fowl  of 
North  America,"  and  F  .M.  Ohapman's  delightful  "Handbook  of 
the  Birds  of  Eastei-n  N„rth  America."    Lastly,  and  with  especial 
gratitud(>  as  to  a  fatliei-  in  out  door  study,  the  writer  must  acknowl- 
edge his  debt  to  the  i.uhlicatious,  conversations,  and  letters  of  the 
late    dean    of    Ontari(.    oniith..logists— Thomas    Mcllwraith    of 
''Cairnhrae"  Hamilton.    His  "Birds  of  Ontario"  first  encouraged 
some  of  us  to  try  to  peer  thi-ough  tlu^  mysterv  surrounding  the  lives 
of  our  hird  neighl)oi-s,  while  his  contagious  delight  in  his  favorite 
study  made  incipient  naturalists  of  those  who  loved  the  outdoors 
and  came  within  the  circle  of  his  charming  and  wholesome  influence.' 

It  is  to  be  hoped  that  very  manv  observers  will  discover 
errors  and  omissions,  and  will  make  definite  .vcords  of  the  facts, 
for  only  in  this  way  can  our  kiKAvIedge  be  repaired  and  our  ignor- 
ance dispelled.  'Hie  best  auth.)rities  have  been  consulted,  but  our 
mtormation  is,  on  many  points,  (piite  uncertain. 

The  very  limited  space  available,  where  so  wide  a  field  had  to 
be  covered  m  volnme.  has  necessitated  almost  unseemlv  brevitv 
in  many  places. 

If  this  book  deepens  and  extends  the  interest  in  this  studv 
whieh  IS  at  once  so  delightful,  wholesome,  and  economicallv  im- 
portant, the  writer  will  feel  that  his  purpose  has  been  completelv 
served.  j^y  T  M 

Kingston,  Ont.,  May  10, 1914. 



"Hark,  hoar  the  iiiciry  cIkii-us, 

List  to  the  song  so  sweet, 
From  every  ticetop  o'er  us, 

(^»nles  a  carol  meet: 
Mountain  and  valley  'round  us 

Eciin  the  niad  rcl'i-ain, 
Bi(hlii)ju,-  us  all  be  joyous, — 

doiii  in  the  j>ladsome  strain, 
(ilierish,  with  kindly  feeling, 

Kaeh  little  bird  so  dear. 
Ever  about  us  tiitting, 

I>ringing  us  heartfelt  eheer; 
Throats  that  ai-c  never  weary. 

Cfaily  they  chant  iiieir  lay. 
Birdies  are  ever  cheery, 

Make  us  lik<'  tliciu,  \\v  \nn\." 

'"M         ..., 

■'lit'"    fl///M'"''> 

s  always  morning  somewhere  and  above 
akening  continents,  from  shore  to  shore, 
lore  the  bii'ds  ai<'  siuglng  evermore." 


Hast  thou  named  all  the  birds  without  <v  gun  ? 

— O,  be  uiy  t'l'ieiid  and  teaeli  nie  to  be  thine.— Emerson. 

Man— as  a  destroying;-  agent— is  indeed  mighty  when  attaeking 
large  creatures,  but  against  insects,  with  their  activity  and  enor- 
mous powers  of  repi'oduction,  he  is  forced  to  look  for  help.  One 
very  powerful  ally  we  have  not  yet  seriously  encouraged— the 
hjrds— those  l)eautiful,  tuneful,  enthusiastic  destroyers  of  insects. 

What  can  man  do  unaided  in  the  face  of  an  insect  host?  He 
has  always  been  practically  helpless  before  their  myriads.  His 
history  is  marked  by  black  s])ots  of  famine,  plague,  and  pestilence 
following  visitations  by  insects.  One  great  victory— that  over  the 
San  Joso  scale— has  been  told  again  and  again  from  books  and 
jdatforms.  Whyi  Because  it  was  i)ractically  the  first  time  man  ever 
made  a  clear  and  satisfactory  conquest  of  an  insect  invader. 
See  the  d<?struction  of  magnificent  trees  now  going  on  in  the  New 
England  States— the  famous  Harvard  Elms  and  others — 
doomed  because  of  the  Gipsy  Moth,  the  Leopard  Moth,  and  the 
Brown-tail  ^loth.  Money  and  science  are  fighting  them,  but  so 
far  the  millions  of  dollars  spent  have  barely  kept  them  in  check. 
Our  own  northern  evergreen  forests  are  being  greatly  injured  by 
sawflies.  Every  crop  we  try  to  raise  has  its  insect  enemies,  and 
the  best  we  have  done  so  far  is  to  encourage  the  enemies  of  the 

France  was  threatened  with  famine  because  of  thoughtless 
slaughter  of  birds.  The  French  are  a  logical  }>eople — the  cause  and 
the  effect  were  clear.  Ever  since  then,  at  every  cross  road  and  vil- 
lage green,  there  stands  a  Government  proclamation  cast  in  iron — 
asking  everyone  to  assist  in  increasing  the  birds,  and  telling  of  the 


()i:ii  (JOOI)  NEl(}HB()h'S 

penalties  tor  the  (lestruction  oi  birds,  nests,  or  egj;s.  Birds  are 
much  more  numerous  in  Europe  than  in  Canada,  in  spite  of  the 
dense  population;  and  the  ('roi)s  of  Europe  ai*e  nuich  greater  per 
acre  than  those  of  Canada. 

A  swarm  of  leaf-eatin.u'  caterpiUars  occurred  in  the  Black 
Forest  region  of  (Jerniany.  Its  ri»ute  looked  like  th;'.t  of  a  tire — 
not  a  j;reen  leaf  left  on  tree  or  shruh.  In  the  iniddlc  ni  its  path 
lay  the  estate  of  a  cei'tain  Baron,  who  for  twenty  y(';'.is  had  pro- 
tected and  encouraj^-ed  the  hirds.  When  the  insccis  had  passed, 
there  lay  his  estate  with  a  border  about  200  yards  wide,  green  and 
leafy,  an  oasis  in  a  desert  of  defoliated  trees.  He  had  si'veral  tliou- 
saiul  nestin<^^  and  feedini;-  places  for  the  birds,  and  his  y;arrison  was 
at  home,  able  and  willing'  to  re]jcl  the  invasion. 

Kvery  spring  a  most  efficient  corps  of  experts  examine  our 
trees.  Sonie  l)egin  at  the  ground  and  jdck  out  every  worm  and 
nest  of  eggs,  from  the  crevices  of  tlie  bai-iv — as  they  systematically 
go  around  and  around  the  trunk.  When  they  reach  the  branches 
they  tly  to  the  base  of  another  tree  and  begin  again.  A  different 
«si)ecies  undertakes  the  larger  brancdu'S,  whih'  still  others  do  all 
sorts  of  fancy  acroliatic  tricks  as  they  insjiect  the  tips  (»f  the 
branches.  These  are  tlie  Vireos  an.d  the  Wood  Warblers,  on  their 
way  north.  Like  a  spring  housech  aning  army  they  give  our  trees 
an  ins])ection  and  pass  oji.  In  autunni  again,  from  August  till 
sharj)  frost,  they  slowly  travel  southward,  eating  insects  as  they 
go — taking  just  what  we  wish  to  be  rid  of. 

A  Cuckoo  has  been  known  to  have  :500  tent  caterpillars  in  ita 
stomach  at  one  tinu'.  This  meal  was  no  doubt  repeated  twice  a 
day  oi-  oftener,  either  of  lent  caterpillars  or  of  s(»me  other  leaf- 
eating  pest. 

Think  also  oi  he  Swallows — what  to}is  of  insects  a  colony  of 
these  graceful  creatures  destroy  during  a  siunnier — without  tast- 
ing a  berrv  or  a  kernel  of  grain! 


THE     NEW    CANADIAN     HIK'J)     HOOK 

Hut  tlip  fariiiei-  will  say  that  some  birds  do  take  his  cherries, 
strawbcjTics,  and  corn.  Ho  tlicy  do— tliat  is.  for  about  two  weeks 
of  the  tiftv-lwo,  they  cat  s(»nictiiing  we  want  to  keep— the  remain- 
der of  the  ycai-  tlicy  arc  workinj;  For  us.  Surely  we  eau  defend 
ourselves  a-ainst  the  biids  without  killiii---  them,  but  just  as  surely 
without  their  he]])  we  cannot  defend  ourselves  auainst  the  insects. 
Oaiti'ful  study  «.f  the  fccdiu.ii'  haltits  of  bii'ds  shows  that  only  about 
four  of  our  sj)ecies  fail  to  do  much  nioic  c-ood  than  harm.  Even  the 
Crow  earns  our  thanks  by  killing  crickets,  .urasshoppers,  beetles, 
mice,  aiul  moles,  in  myriads,  fntm  dune  till  Octolx'r. 

The  .uai-deners  tell  us  evei-y  toad  is  worth  t-  pci-  year  because 
of  the  insects  he  eats.  JJirds  work  m<ire  rapidly  and  lonj?er  hours: 
most  of  iv<  prefer  their  songs  and  their  appearance,  how  much  are 
200  birds  worth  on  a  farm  every  year/  At  least  10  i)er  cent,  of 
every  Canadian  farmer's  croji  is  destroyed  by  insects.  Most  of 
this  would  be  jjrevented  if  we  saved  and  encoura«i'ed  the  birds. 
And  the  pitiful  and  disj^raceful  side  <d'  the  (pustion  is  that  we 
destroy  them  because  of  our  i<;iiorance  «d'  them.  No  })erson  ever 
kills  birds  after  s'tudying-  their  ways.  Let  us  ,yive  them  a  chance 
for  ten  years.  There  is  absolutely  no  feai-  of  a  plas^ue  of  birds, 
but  we  ai-e  always  on  the  vero-e  of  plauues  oi'  insects. 

— W.  T.  M. 

'•And  now.  wouldst  thou.  ()  man.  deli^-ht  the  ear 
With  ea       "^  delicious  sounds,  or  charm  the  eye 
With  beau..    .1  creations:  then  pass  forth 
And  fiiul  them  midst  those  many-colored  birds 
That  till  the  .ulowin.u'  woods.     'I'he  richest  hues 
Lie  in  their  splendid  plnmaj-e,  and  their  tones 
Are  sweeter  than  the  nuisic  of  the  lute." 





Pkkfack V 

Wki.comk  to  the  Birds  vii 

Oi  i{  (i(»(»i)  XKituiBoRs   viii 

ll,I.i;STK\TI(».\S XV 

Gi;m xvi 


Orders 2 

Families 2 

(Jeneru 2 

•Species 2 

ARTiriciAh  Kky  to  Orders  and  Families ,'{ 

The  Water  Birds  '.] 

(i\)   Diving  liirds: — Grebes,  Looils,  Auks   :{ 

(b)   Lonjr-winnred  S\vimm(>i-s: — Skuas.  Gulls,  Terns  4 

((')   Tubi'-noscd  Swimmers: — Albatrosses,  Petrels,  Shearwaters 4 

(d)  Totipalmate  Swimmers: — Ganncts,  Cormorants,  Pelieans 4 

(e)  Lamellirostral  Swimmers: — Ducks,  Geese,  Swans ."> 

(£)   Waders : — Herons.  Egrets,  Bitterns  f) 

(g)   Jlarsh  Birds  : — Urane.s.  R.ails.  Coots.  Gallinules  ."> 

(h)   Shore  Birds: — Phaleropes.  Snipes.  Plovera   (i 

The  Land  Birds   H 

(a)  Earth  Scratching  Birds: — Turke.vs.  Grouse,  Quail  ti 

(b)  Pigeons  and  Doves ' 6 

(c)  Birds  of  Prey  :— Owls,  Hawks,  Eagles  7 

(d)  Cuckoos  and  Kingfishers   7 

(e)  Woodpeckers 7 

(f)  Goatsuckers,  Swifts  and  Hummingbirds  8 

(g)  Perching  Birds: — Flyc;itchors,   Blackbirds,  Jays,   Orioles.   Spar- 

rows, Swallows.  Vireos.  Warblers,  Wrens.  Thrushes 8 

Order     1. — (Pygopodes)    Diving  Birds: — Grebes,  Loons.   Putiins,   Guilla- 

mots.   Auks    11 

Order    2 — (Longipenncs)  Long-winged  Swimmers: — ^Skuas,  Gulls,  Terns. 

Skimmers 23 

Key  to  Genera  of  Canadian  Gulls  2'A 



Key  to  Species  of  Gulls  in  each  (ieniw *|3 

Obdkk     •.l.—(Tul>inans)    Tuk'-nosed      Swiminere.— Alhatroa8.ij.     Petrels 

Shearvvatci-K '  ..q 

Sluiju'Wiiters ' 

Stormy    Petrt'ls    ' ' 

Order    4.~{St€ganopo(lrs)    Totipabnate   Swimmers:— (iannets.    Corraor- 

ants.  Pelicans   .,,. 

,,,  lb 


,.  ,  JO 

(  ormorfinta 

„  ,.  it 

Pi'I  leans 


()ri,|.;r     r^.—  iAnsn-rs)   I>!nn.'Ilir(x^tra!  Svrimmcr.s:— Ducks,  (  Swans  40 

Key  to  Sul)-fa.niily  of  Ducks :-I{ivcr  Ducks.  Sea  Ducks.  .Mergansers 40 

Key  to  Species  of  Kiv.r  Ducks   iAhalimc)    40 

Key  to  Species  of  Sea  Du<'ks  ( Fuligulino') 41 


River  Ducks    '.'. ;J 

Sea  Ducks   Yc, 

Scoters *° 

Gees.. *^ 

S«"n« '■'.''.'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 60 

Orokr     (■•,.-{ Tlerodioncs)    The   Wa.le,-s:-IIerons.    Kf,'n-t«.  Bitterns.  ^^  "  62 

Herons  am!  Bitterns "" 

Hitterns.  ...                                "^ 

,r                        62 



Ordkr     l.-iPaUuluola)  Mareh  Birds :-Cran,«.  Rails.  Gallinules.  VocAs  67 


Rails ^^ 


Ordkr     ^.-{Limicola)    Shore    Birds :-Phaleropes,     Woodcock.    Snipes 

bandpipei-s.  Plovers '  ^^ 

Key  to  the  Families  of  Shore  Birds 70 

Key  to  the  Generj!  of  Shor."  Birds  .                                             n. 

Phalerope  Familv    '; 

Stilt  Family   . .  ." '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'. It 

Snipe.  Sandpiper  and  Guriew  Faniilv Ir 

Plover   Family    "             'z. 


Snipes,  Woodcock  and  Sandpipers 7! 

Dowitchers.  .  .  


Godw-its.  Tattlers  and  Curlews 

W^illet ^^ 




Order     9. — (Gallino')    O-allinat-eou-s    IVinia — Karlh    ScmU'herB:  -Turkeys. 

Grouse,  yuail   97 

Quail,  Bob-White  !>8 

Grouse 9!) 

Wild  Turkey  108 

Order  10. —  {Columha}   Pigeon.s  and  Doves   109 

Ordkr  11. —  (liaptoris)  liirtU  of  Prey: — Vultures.  Kiiples,  Iliiwks.  ()wln.  Ill 

Key  to  Birds  of  Prey  (Raptores)  112 

Key  to  the  Faniilie.s  of  the  Fakonula — Kajtles  and  Ilawka Ill} 

Eagles lia 

Hawks 114 

Falcons 114 

Aceipiters 11.') 

Buteos ll(J 

Hawks  and  Eagle.s  118 

Falcons 127 

Order  12. —  {Coccyges)  Cuckoos  and  Kingfishers 14;{ 

Order  V.i. — {Pici)  W^oodpcckers 146 

Order.  14. —  {Macrochircs)  Goatsuekere,  Swifts,  and  Hummingbirds 154 

Chuck-will 's  Widow 155 

Whip-poor-will    155 

N'ighthawk 156 

Swifts 157 

Hummingbirds'   1 59 

Order  15. — (I'asseres)  Perching  Birds 162 

Flycatchers 162 

Larks 169 

Crow  Family    171 

Blackbirds,  Orioles  and  Meadowlarks 177 

Key  to  Finches,  Grosbeaks  and  Sparrows 186 

Grosbeaks 190 

Purple  Finch   192 

Rosy  Finches 196 

Grass  Sparrows   203 

Beach  and  Grasshopper  Sparrows 205 

Song  Sparrows  216 

Fox  Sparrows 219 

Towhee  Buntings  221 

Painted   Finches    224 



NEW     <'.ANAI)IAN     BlHl)     BOOK 

to  tW  Genera  '<^;^^'^:^Z^^^^^n^o^'^    '^'^^  '  ^^^^ 
to  the  SpccUN  ot    y.  Auaduiii    .'laic  


Taiiagers.  .  .  • 
Swallows.  •  •  • 
Waxwings.  . 
Shrikes.  .  •  • 


Artifieial  Key 
Artifieial  Key 

Plumage • ;  '  ' "  "  ' ' 

Marks  of  Certain  Warblers  in  «ny  Plumage 

Wood  Warblers 

Prothonotary  Warbler 

Worm-eating  Warblers  

Plyeatching  Warblers   


AmericiUi  Dippers   

Wrens  and  Thrashers  

Key  to  Genera  of  Wrens 


Brown  Thrasher    

Mockingbirds " ' ' " ' 


Creepers ■,■.;■■,■ 

Nuthatches  and  Chickadees  

Kinglets  and  Gnatoat«hers 

Thrushes  and  Bluebirds  .^ 

G.^ossAhV  OF  Tkcunical  Tf*ms  

Diagram  of  Bird.  Showing  Parts  . .  -  •  •  ■ 


.     279 
.     280 
.     281 
.     286 
.     289 
.     297 
.     301 
.     303 




S      I 



I'IKD-Bir.UKI)    (iHKHK    1.! 

\AX)S 11 





\Vn.aOV  '8  TERN .  30 

WILSON  'S  PETREL   :i.') 





WIOOD    nUUK    47 







AMERICAN  (JOI.DEN  PLOVER    ....  !•:! 


PRATRIE    HEN     105 






WOOD  PBWEE   16fi 

CANADA   JAY    17:; 

COWBiRD 178 

PAI/riMORE   ORIOLE    lH;t 

U.RONZEI)    <iRA(KLE    18r> 


r.VEMN(i   (iROSBEAK    I'.M 




S()N(}  SPARROW    21(i 







REI>  EYED  VI.REO    239 


PARILA    WARBLER    2.')(i 





CERULEAN    '       '^^^LER    256 


MARYLANi  _ LOW-THROAT    ...    266 


LOXG-BIIXED  MARSH   WREN   ....   277 

BROWN    niBASHER    ?78 





TlIK     NKW     ( 

ANADIAN     HIWI>     »<><>»^ 



-Mv  aviary  is  the  Kn,..d  f^reon  Nwod; 
I  would  not  cage  its  songsters  if  I  could. 
Sweeter  the  song  of  one  wild  bird  to  me. 
Than  all  the  notes  of  sad  captivity." 




In  seeking  for  a  natural  arrangement  of  birds,  we  take  into 
account  the  most  important  facts  of  their  methods  of  life.    These 
life  habits  have  affected  their  structures,  so  that  ^  bird  livmg  sue- 
ccssfully  in  one  set  of  conditions  is  not  qualified  to  get  food  and 
pi>3tection  in  another  and  different  environment.     In   some    in- 
stances a  slight  change  of  surroundings— as  from  the  ocean  to  a 
fresh  water  lake— is  too  great  for  the  adaptability  of  the  creature, 
and  starvation  results.    Broadly  speaking,  we  arrange  birds  with 
respect  to  their  relationship  to  water,  placing  first  thr  •  >  which  find 
their  homos,  food,  and  protection  in  closest  connection  with  bodies 
of  fvosh  or  salt  water.    Such  birds  are  scarcely  able  to   walk  on 
land,  and  many  of  them  fiy  only  when  it  is  absolutely  necessary. 
Thev  spend  their  lives  in  and  on  t^'"  water,  swimming  on  or  be- 
neath its  surface   ^vitll  such  si)eed  and  skill  as  to  catch  fish  and 
other  a<iuatic  creatures  on  which  they  feed.    Their  wings  are  often 
serviceable  as  organs  of  locomotion  under  the  water.    One  of  these, 
the  Great  Auk,  lost  the  power  of  fiight,  and  tlirough  the  hasty  greed 
of  man,  it  was  destroyed  from  the  face  of  the  earth  before  it  had 
time  to  learn  to  fear  and  avoid  the  arch  enemy  of  the  feathered 

From  the  most  aquatic  foi-ms,  we  pass  by  stages  to  those 
haunting  the  shore  and  living  on  marsh  and  shallow  water  crea- 
tures, then  to  those  feeding  upon  small  animals  and  seeds  obtained 
by  scratching  the  soil.  Next  come  the  birds  of  prey,  succeeded  by 
tiiose  that  perch  in  trees,  but  capture  water  creatures  or  insects. 
Later  we  have  those  with  remarkable  wing  development,  living  on 
insects  taken  at  high  or  low  levels  of  the  atmosphere  during  their 
almost  continuous  flights,  and  these  are  succeeded  by  the  group 
that  dart  upon  passing  insects  from  a  perch.  Gradually  we  pass 
from  the  insect  eatei-s  to  those  which  depend  largely  on  seeds,  al- 
though a -1  use  the  more  easily  digested  animal  food  for  their  nest- 


lings.    The  last  group  includes  our  most  highly  organized  birds, 
and  our  sweetest  singers. 

The  largest  groups  are  called  orders,  and  are  as  follows : — 

Order  I.  Pygopodes—Biying  Birds — Grebes,  Loons,  and 

Order  II.  Lon rji pomes— l,ojig-y;mged  Swimmers— Skuas, 
Gulls,  mid  Terns. 

Order  III.  Tub  in  a  res— Tuhe-nosed  Swimmers— Albatross- 
es, Petrels,  and  Shearwaters. 

Order  IV.  Stefjanopodes — Totipalmate  Swimmers — Gan- 
nets,  Cormorants,  and  Pelicans. 

Order  V.  xlMSf/Y*'  — Lamellirostral  Swimmers  —  Ducks, 
Geese,  Swans. 

Order  VI.     //eror//oHcs— Waders— Herons,  Egrets,  Bitterns. 
Oi'der  VII.  Paludicolae-Mixv&h.  Birds— Cranes,  Rails,  Coots, 
and  Gallinules. 

Order  VIII.  Limicolac— Shore  Birds— Phaleropes,  Snipes, 
and  Plovers. 

Order  IX.  6^aZ?/«ac— Earth-scratching  Birds— Turkeys, 
Grouse,  and  Quail. 

Order  X.     Columbae — Pigeons  and  Doves. 

Order  XI.    L'aptores—Bivds  of  Prey— Owls,   Hawks,   and 


Order  XII.    Co<?<?//^es— Cuckoos  and  Kingfishers. 
Order  XIII.  P/c«— Woodpeckers. 

Order  XIV.  J/acroc/<jVcs— Goatsuckers,  Swifts,  and  Hum- 

Order  XV.    P«.sseres-Perch.^g  Birds— Flycatchers,  Black- 
birds,  Jays,    Orioles,    Sparrows,    Swallows,    Vireos,    Warblers 
Wrens,  and  Thrushes.  ' 

In  each  order  there  are  usually  several  families,  in  each  family 
several  genera,  and  in  each  genus  several  species.  Thus  in  the 
order  Raptores,  we  have  the  family  Strigidae— The  Barn  Owls; 



the  family  Biihonidae,  the  Horned  Owls;  the  family  Cathartidae — 
the  Vultures;  and  the  family  Falconidac — the  Hawks  and  Eagles. 

In  the  family  Falconidac  we  have  again  such  genera  as  Cir- 
cus, the  Marsh  Hawks;  Accipiter — the  Darters;  Buteo — the  Buz- 
zards ;  and  Falco — the  Falcons.  In  Falco  we  find  such  species  as 
Falco  columharius — the  Pigeon  Hawk,  and  Falco  sparvcrius — the 
Sparrow  Hawk. 

In  the  key  immediately  following  this  will  be  found  short  de- 
scriptions, which  will  enable  anyone  to  find  the  order  and  the 
family  to  which  a  bird  belongs. 

Under  each  family  in  which  the  number  of  genera  and  species 
is  so  great  as  to  make  it  difficult  to  read  the  descriptions  of  all, 
there  will  be  found  a  key  to  the  different  genera  and  to  the  species 
in  each  genus. 


To  avoid  the  use  of  many  technical  terms,  the  following  brief 
description  of  each  order  occurring  within  our  range,  and  key  to 
the  families  in  each  order,  are  adapted  from  Chapman's  excellent 
Handbook  of  Birds  of  Eastern  Xorth  America. 



Order  I.  Pygopodes — Grebes,  Loons,  and  Auks. 

Duck-like  birds  with  jDointed  bills;  webbed  feet  placed  far 
back;  flattened  tarsi;  bill  without  toothlike  projections;  tail  very 
short  or  apparently  wanting. 

1.  Toes  4.  tipped  with  a  broad  nail. 

a.  Toes  with  lobate  webs Podicipidae,  Grebes,  page  11 

b.  Toes  webbed Gaviidae,  Loons,  page  13 

2.  Toes,  3,  tipped  with  a  sharp  nail Alcidae,  Auks,  page  19 





Order  II.  Lo)igi penncs— Skims,  Gulls,  and  Terns. 

Bills  sharp-pointed  and  often  hooked ;  toes  four,  but  the  hind 
one  very  imperfect  in  Rissa;  front  toes  webbed;  wings  long  and 

1.  Tip  of  upper  mandible  enlarged,  rounded,  and  sharp-pointed; 
upper  parts  sooty-blackish ;  middle  tail  feathers  longest. 

Stercorariidae,  Skuas,  page  21 

2.  Tip  of  upper  mandible  not  enlarged,  but  curved  and  sharp ;  tail 
feathers  of  about  equal  length .Lariclae,  Gulls,  page  22 

3.  Bill  straight,  not  hooked;  tail  usually  forked. 

Sterna,  Terns,  page  29 

Order  III.  Tuhinarcs — Albatrosses,  Petrels,  Shearwaters. 
Tip  of  upper  mandi])le  enlarged  and  hooked ;  nostrils  tubular ; 
hind-toe  very  small  or  wanting. 

1.  Very  large  birds;  one  tubular  nostril  on  each  side  of  the  bill. 

Albatrosses,  page  32 

2.  ^Medium  sized  birds;  tubular  nostrils  together  on  top  of  bill: — 

a.  Lower  mandible  not  hooked Fulmars,  page  32 

b.  Both  mandibles  hooked Petrels  proper,  page  34 


Order  IV.  Steganopudes — Gaunets,  Cormorants,  Pelicans. 
All  the  four  toes  connected  by  webs.    Gular  ])Oucli  large  or 

1.  Bill  stout  and  slightly  curved  at  tip.    Gular  pouch  small. 

Sulidae,  Gannets,  page  36 

2.  Bill  with  hawk-like  hook  at  tip : — 

a.  Bill  less  than  a  foot  long.    Gular  pouch  small. 

PJialacrocoracidae,  Cormorants,  page  37 

b.  Bill  more  than  a  foot  long.    Gular  jwuch  large. 

Pelecanidae,  Pelicans,  page  38 



Bodies  broad,  flattened  below;   no    gular   pouch;    booth-like 
plates  alonj?  the  edges  of  the  bills. 

1.  Bill  long  and  narrow,  and  bearing  very  distinct  tooth-like  ser- 
rations   Mcrginac,  Mergansers,  page  42 

2.  Bill  long,  flattened,  and  duck-like:— 

a.  Lores  feathered : — 

(1)  Scales  in  front  of  tarsus  more  or  less  square.    Sexes  dis- 
similar   Ducks,  page  41 

(2)  Hind  toe  simple,  not  having  flap  or  lobe. 

Anatinac,  River  Ducks,  page  43 

(3)  Hind  toe  with  a  lobe  or  flap. 

Fidifjidinnc,  Sea  Ducks,  nage  48 

b.  Scales  on  front  of  tarsus  rounded.    Sexes  similar. 

Anscnnne,  Cfecse,  page  57 
e.  Lores  oare Cyfjuinne,  Swans,  page  60 

Order  VI.  Ilcrodioncs—llcvons  and  Egrets. 
Toes  4,  all  on  the  same  level,  slightly  if  at  all   webbed;  lores 
bare :  legs  and  neck  very  long. 

One  family  only  reaches  Canada. 

Ardcidae,  Herons,  Egrets,  and  Bitterns,  page  62 

^  .aer  VII.  Paludicolae—Cvi\i\e»,  Rails,  Coots  and  Gallinules. 
Toes  4,  usually  not  webbed;  hind  toe  usually  small. 

1.  Bill  over  3  inches.    Tarsus  over  6  inches.    Lores  with  hai)-like 
bristles Griddae,  Cranes,  page  68 

2.  Bill  under  3  inches;  forehead  with  a  bare  shield,  toes  level. 

Gallinules  and  Coots,  page  72-73 
^.  Bill  under  3  inches,  liind  too  elevated  and  small. 

Ballidae,  Rails,  page  69 



Order  VIII.  Limicolae — Phaleropes,  Snipes,  Plovers. 

Toes  3  or  4;  hind  toe  when  present  small  and  elevated;  legs 
generally  long  and  slender;  lower  half  of  tibia  bare;  bills  (except 
in  the  plovers)  long,  slender,  and  soft;  wings  long  and  pointed. 

1.  Tarsus  over  3^^  inches. 

Bccnrvirostridae,  Stilts  and  Avocets,  page  74 

2.  Tarsus  under  31/0  inches : — 

a.  Sides  of  the  toes  with  lobes  or  webs. 

Phaleropodidae,  Pha    ropes,  page  76 

b.  Sides  of  the  toes  without  lobes  or  webs: — 

(1)  Toes  4  (except  in   Sanderling) ;   front  of  tarsus    with 
somewhat  square  scales. 

Scolopacidac,  Snipes,  Sandpipers,  page  78 
a.  Lower  back  white ;  black  band  across  rump. 

Aphrizidac,  Turnstones,  page  96 

(2)  Toes  3  (except  in  bhick-bellied  Plover)  ;  front  of  tarsus 
with  rounded  scales: — 

a.  Bill  under  2  inches.  ..  .Cliamdriidae,  Plovers,  page  93 

b.  Bill  over  2  inches. 

Ilaeniatopodidoc,  Oystcrcatchev,  page  96 



Order  IX.  GidHnac — Turkeys,  Grouse,  Quail. 
Toes  4,  the  hind  one  small  and  elevated;  bill  shoi-t  and  stout, 

hard    and  hornlike;  wind's  short   with   curved  and  stiff  outer 


1.  Head  and  upper  nock  naked.  .Melcagrinae,  Turkeys,  page  108 

2.  Head  and  upper  neck  feathered. 

Tetraonidae,  Grouse,  etc.,  page    99 



Order  X.  Columhue—VigeonH  and  Doves. 

Toes  4,  all  on  the  same  level ;  bill  rather  slender,  deeply  groov- 
.1,  the  nostrils  opening  in  a  fleshy  membrane. 
Characters  as  above— Coin mbidac,  Pigeons  and  Doves,  page  109 


Order  XI.  Raptores—CH'\s,  Hawks,  Eagles. 

Toes  4,  three  in  front,  all  armed  with  strong,  sharp,  curved 
talons  or  claws;  nostrils  opening  through  a  cere  at  the  base  of  the 
bill,  which  is  stout,  strong,  and  curved  at  the  tip  of  the  upper 
mandible  into  a  sharp  hook. 

1.  Eyes  set  in  a  facial  disk;  tarsus  generally  feathered;  plumage 
soft  and  fluffy : — 

a.  Middle  toe-nail  with  a  comb-like  edge. 

Sfrifjidae,  Barn  Owls,  page  132 

b.  :Middle  toe-nail  without  a  comb-like  edge. 

Buhonichic,  Horned  Owls,  page  1:58 

2.  Eyes  not  set  in  a  facial  disk;  tarsus  mostly  bare,  plumage  firm 
and  close : — 

a.  Plumage  Idack,  hind  toe  small,   claws   blunt,   bill   not    very 
sharply  hooked;  head  generally  bare. 

Cdtltartidne,  Ywhnvva,  ]»age  116 

b.  Hind  toe  as  long  at  least  as  the  shortest  front  one ;   claws 
sliai-]);  bill        vply  hooked;  head  not  bare. 

F"h-()nlda(',  Hawks,  Eagles,  page  118 
Order  XLI.  t^occiffjcs — Cuckoos  and  Kingtisliers. 
Toes  4,  the  middle  and  outer  ones  jointed  for  half  their  length, 
or  two  in  front  and  t\w  behind.    Tail  feathers  not  stiff  and  pointed. 

1.  :^Iiddle  and  outer  toe  joined  for  half  their  length. 

AJccdimdac,  Kingfishers,  page  145 

2.  Two  toes  in  front  and  two  h(A\\\\i\.CHCuUdae,  Cuckoos,  page  143 

Older  XIII.  F/ct— Woodpeckers. 

Toes  4.  two  in  front  and  two  behind,  or  toes  3— two  in  front. 
Bill  strong,  chisel  sliaped;  tail  feathers  stiff  and  pointed;  nostrils 

partly  covered  with  bristles  page  146 




Order  XIV.  MacrocMres— Goatsuckers,  Swifts  and  Hum- 

Feet  very  small  and  weak,  wings  generally  long  and  pointed. 
Bill  either  short  and  small,  with  mouth  large,  or  long  and  very 
slciulir,  with  mouth  small. 

1.  Plumage  variegated  black  and  brown;   middle    toe-nail    with 

comb-like  edge  Caprimuhjidac,  Goatsuckers,  page  154 

2.  Plumage  sooty  black,  no  comb  on  middle  toe-uail;  tips  of  tail 

feathers  spiny Micro podidac.  Swifts,  page  157 

3.  Very  small;  i)lumage  very  brilliant  at  least  in  part;  bill  very 

slender  and  long Trochilidac,  Hummingbirds,  page  159 



Order  XV.  Pnssercs — Flycatchers,  Blackbirds,  Jays,  Orioles, 
Sparrows,  Swallows,  Vireos,  "Warblers,  Wrens,  Thrushes. 

Toes  4,  without  webs,  all  on  same  level,  hind  toe  as  large  as 
the  middle  one;  tail  of  twelve  feathers. 

This  is  by  far  the  greatest  order  of  birds,  containing  one  half 
as  many  families  as  all  the  other  orders  together. 

A  brief  description  of  each  family  is  given  below: — 

1.  Tyntunidac. — Flycatchers: — Bill  wider  than  high  at  the  base, 
slightly  hooked  at  the  tip;  base  with  cons])icuous  bristles; 
wings  longer  than  the  tail,  second  to  fourth  primary  longest; 
back  of  tarsus  rounded  like  the  front;  plumage  generally 
olive-green  or  grayish ;  page 162 

2.  Alnndidac. — Larls.  Bill  rather  stout  and  rounded;  nostrils 
with  bristly  tufts;  nail  of  hind  toe  much  lengthened;  back  of 
the  tarsus  rounded  like  the  front ;  page  . 169 

3.  Corvidae. — Crows  and  Jays.  Large  birds  over  10  mehes  in 
length;  bill  stout,  nostrils  concealed  by  tufts  of  bristly  feath- 
ers; fourth  to  fifth  primary  longest;  outer  tail  feathers  short- 
est ;  feet  and  legs  stout ;  page 171 

4.  Idcridae. — Blackbirds,  Orioles.      Length  7  to  17  inches,  base 



of  the  bill  between  the  nostrils  extendinsjj  backwards  and  di- 
viding the  featliers  of  the  forehead;  nostrils  not  <;oneealed  l)y 
biiotles;  first  three  i)rimaries  of  about  e^ual  length;  outer  tail 
feathers  generally  shortest ;  page 177 

5.  Frinf/ilU<hu'. — 8i)arr()ws,  Finches,  Grosbeaks,  etc.  Length 
41/^  to  9  inches,  generally  under  8;  bill  short,  stout,  conical, 
fitted  to  crush  seeds;  third  and  fourth  primaries  of  about  the 
same  length  and  nearly  as  long  as  any;  page 186 

6.  Tanngridac. — Tanagers.  Length  about  7  inches;  the  males  of 
our  species  mostly  red  with  some  yellow;  bill  finch-like  but 
less  conical ;  upper  mandible  curved  and  with  a  slight  tooth  on 
each  edge  near  the  middle;  tail  feathers  of  equal  length; 
page 226 

7.  IliiumUnidac. — Swallows.  Bill  short  and  flattened,  much 
wider  than  high  at  the  base;  no  bristles  at  base  of  bill;  wings 
long  and  pointed,  generally  reacniug  beyond  the  tail;  first 
primary  longest;  outer  tail  feathers  longest;  feet  small;  tarsus 
short,  round  in  front,  sharper  on  the  back;  page 228 

8.  Ampclidae. — AVaxwings.  Plumage  soft  brownish  or  grayish, 
a  black  band  across  the  forehead  and  eyes;  tail  tipped  with 
yellow ;  bill  short,  notched  at  the  tip ;  head  crested ;  page .  .  233 

9.  Lauiidac. — Shrikes.  Length  8  to  9  inches;  plumage  grayish; 
most  of  the  tail  feathers  tipped  with  white;  bill  hooked  and 
hawklike ;  page 236 

10.  Virconidac. — Vireos.  Length  5  to  7  inches;  backs  generally 
olive-green;  tail  feathers  without  white  spots;  bill  stout,  higher 
than  broad  at  the  base,  the  tip  of  the  upper  mandible  notched 
and  hooked;  bristles  at  base  of  bill  barely  evident;  tarsus 
scaled,  round  in  front,  nairower  and  sharper  behind;  toes 
united  at  the  base ;  page 238 

11.  Mniotiltidac. — Wood-warblers.  Length  generally  under  6  in- 
ches, but  a  few  species  over  this ;  plumage  generally  brightly 
colored  or  marked,  olive-green  or  yellow  being  the  commonest 


I  i 



coloration;  bill  various,  never  notched  at  the  tip,  usually  slen- 
der and  sharp  pointed,  without  conspicuous  bristles,  but  some- 
times flattened  and  broad  at  the  base  with  bristles  showing; 
tarsus  alwa.ys  thin  and  sharp  at  the  back;  second  or  third 
primary  longest,  the  first  little  shorter;  tail  generally  square, 
but  sometimes  rounded ;  i)age 242 

12.  MotaciUidae.— Flints  and  Wag'tails.  Bill  slender,  much  as  in 
the  Warblers;  no  bristles  over  the  nostrils;  hind  toe-nail  as 
long  or  longer  than  the  toe;  first  three  primaries  of  equal 
length ;  page 270 

13.  Troglodytidae. — Thrashers  and  Wrens;  page 272 

Sub-family,  Miminae. — Thrashers,  ^Mockingbirds  and  Cat- 
birds. Length  8  to  12  inches ;  tarsus  scaly ;  tail  rounded ;  third 
to    fifth    primarv    longest;    first      about     half     as     long; 

pages " 278-279-280 

Sub- fan  lily,  T>-0(/]odijtiii<ic. — Wrens.  I^rngth  4  to  G  inches, 
bill  moderate,  ui)per  mandihlo  slightly  curved,  no  bristles  at 
the  base;  third  to  fourth  primary  longest,  first  about  half  as 
long;  tail  short  and  i-ounded;  brownish  birds  with  indistinctly 
barred  wings  and  tail ;  })age 273 

ll.  Paridnc. — Xuthatches  and  Chickadee;  page 281 

Sub-family,  Sittiiiai. — Nuthatches.  Bill  long  and  slender,  end 
of  lower  mandible  slanting  slightly  n2)ward;  wings  long  and 
jiointed;  the  third  or  fourth  primary  longest,  the  first  less  than 
one  inch  long;  tail  short  and  square;  outer  feathers  blotched 

with  white ;  page 282 

Sub-family,  r<iri)iae. — Chickadee,  Bill  short,  stout  and  round- 
ed, less  than  one-half  inch  long;  fourth  and  fifth  jirimary  long- 
est, the  first  less  than  one-third  as  long;  tail  long  and  dull  ashy 
gray  without  white  blotches;  page 28 i 

15.  «S'///t'm/oe.— Kinglets  and  Gnatcatchers.  Length  o\'-2  to  5  in- 
ches; bill  slender;  first  primary  very  short,  only  one-third  as 
long  as  the  longest ;  page 28G 




16.  Ttirdidae, — Thrushes  and  Bluebirds.  Length  over  Sy^  in- 
ches; bill  moderate,  the  tip  of  the  upper  mandible  notched; 
tarsus  smooth  (booted)  ;  tail  square;  wings  long  and  pointed, 
third  primary  longest,  the  first  less  than  one  inch  in  length; 
page 280 


These  are  all  shaped  for  floating  on  the  water,  and  have  feet 
with  webs  between  the  toes.  The  legs  are  attached  to  the  bady  far 
back,  a  good  arrangement  for  the  use  of  the  feet  as  propellers,  but 
not  well  adapted  for  walking  on  land.  In  fact,  these  birds  have  to 
make  use  of  their  very  short  tails  as  a  third  jioint  of  support  when 
out  of  the  water,  and  thus  they  stand  erect.  The  tarsus  is  flat,  the 
bill  usually  sharp-pointed,  and  without  toothlike  projections. 


Six  species  of  Grebes  occur  in  North  America,  and  of  these 
five  are  found  in  Canada.  The  si)eed  with  which  they  dive  when 
alai'mcd  gains  for  them  tlie  vulgar  names  df  "Hell-diver"  and 
''Water-witch."  Like  the  Loons  they  are  able  at  will  to  change 
their  specifie  gravity  so  as  to  sink  directly  and  quietly,  'i'liey  are  al- 
most hel])]ess  on  land,  and  are  so  thoroughly  aquatic  as  to  ti'ust  to 
diving  rather  than  flight  for  safety,  although  able  to  fly  rapidly. 
Their  nests  are  masses  of  water-soaked  ])lant  remains,  floating  but 
anchored  among  the  rushes,  and  the  soiled  white  eggs  are  not  al- 
ways dry.  Grebes  feed  on  fish  caught  ]\v  direct  i)ursuit  under 
water.  Their  toes  are  flattened,  connected  to  some  extent  by  in- 
terdigital  webs,  and  bear  broad  lobes  which  are  widest  toward  the 
tips  of  the  toes. 

(A pehmophonia  occidrntnUa) . 

The  Western  Grebe  ranges  from  Manitoba  to  the  Pacific, 
and  southward  to  Mexico.    A  few  specimens  are  said  to  have  been 




found  in  Quebec.    Its  nests  have  been  found  in  numbers  in  Sns- 
S-  .  n  "  «cl,ored  amonR  bulrushes,  and  eonstrueted  rudely  o 
tid  rushes'and  nu,d.    The  e^gs  nun,bered  four  or  f've  and  were 
laid  carlv  in  Jinie.    The  bill  and  feet  are  Rreenish  black;  the  ir.s 
red  with'  a  white  rins-    The  forehead  and  lores  f'^  ^''^ery  ash 
the  eheeks  la.ffv,  and  the  head  crested  wltli  dark  teuthevs     Back 
of  hea.l  and  neck  sooty  Waekish;  the  feathers  of  the  back  black 
with  irrav  margins.    Winiis  brown  with  white  secondanes     ihe 
entire  under  parts  are  pure  satiny  white.    Length  about  26  mches, 
extent  about  40. 


{Col (J tubus  holhoellii). 
From  the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific  in  Greenland,  Canada,  and 
the  United  States  this  Grebe  is  found,  breeding  freely  on  the  shal- 
low lakes  of  the  plains.    The  eggs  usually  number  five,  and  unless 
the  birds  have  been  suddenly  disturbed  the  observer  will  fnid  the 
eggs  covered  with  weeds  ^^ke  those  forming  the  nest.    The  toi)  and 
back  of  the  head  and  neck  are  greenish-black;  the  back  blackish; 
the  throat  and  sides  of  the  head  silvery  white,  while  the  neck  and 
breast  are  reddish;  the  primaries  and  coverts  chocolate  brown,  and 
the  secondaries  white.    The  under  parts  are  dappled  silky  white. 
Length  about  19  inches,  extent  about  32. 
{Colijmhus  auritus). 
The  breeding  grounds  of  this  Grebe  are  the  northern  tier  of 
the  Ignited  States  and  Canada  in   general,   as   well   as  northern 
Europe  and  Asia.    Its  range  includes  these  three  contments  m 
general.    Its  nest  and  eggs  are  quite  like  those  already  described 
In  breeding  plumage  this  is  quite  a  brightly  marked  bird,  and 
probablv  the  most  beautiful  of  the  Grel)es.    The  black  compressed 
bill  is  tipped  with  yellow;  the  top  of  the  head,  the  hind  neck,  the 



riKi)  nii.i.i-.iMiKKnK. 

Ai.i.iit  i  l.\U->\/v. 

COPTHIQMT    1»00,    BV    »,    *.    ^'l  MT'iHD,    rMICAGO 


ruff  and  the  throat  are  glossy  black ;  the  back  and  wings  are  black- 
ish; the  secondaries  white.  A  brownish  patch  below  and  above 
the  eye  extends  and  darkens  backward  into  long  crests.  The  fore- 
neck,  breast  and  sides  ai-e  chestnut,  the  other  luider  parts  silky 
white.    Its  length  is  about  14  inches  and  extent  about  24. 


(Cohjmbus  nigricollis  calif ornicus). 

This  bird  seldom  reaches  Ontario,  but  breeds  from  Manitoba 
westward  to  British  Columbia,  northwaid  to  Great  Slave  Lake, 
and  in  winter  it  retreats  southward  to  Central  America.  In  size 
and  color  it  most  nearly  agrees  with  the  Horned  Grebe,  but  is  dis- 
tinguished by  the  depressed  bill,— wider  than  high,— the  absence 
of  a  ruff,  and  the  smaller  size.  The  long  eartufts  are  golden  brown, 
and  fan-shaped,  and  show  well  against  the  black  head  and  neck. 
Length  13  inches  more  or  less,  extent  about  22. 


{PodilijmbuH  pudiccps) . 

This  is  the  common  Hell-diver,  Salmon  Dii)])er,  Water-witch, 
etc.,  of  all  North  and  most  of  South  America.  Jt  furnishes  an  in- 
teresting vanishing  target  for  young  gunners,  feeding  peaceably 
while  they  get  ready  for  another  shot.  It  breeds  on  nearly  every 
lake  and  pond,  sometimes  in  colonies.  The  bill  is  bluish  white 
with  a  broad  blaek  band  around  it.  The  throat  patch  is  black,  the 
crown,  back  of  the  head,  and  neck  grayish-black;  upper  parts 
brownish  black,  and  lower  parts  silky  white  mottled  with  dusky. 

Length  about  13  inches,  extent  24. 


The  large  diving  birds  called  Loons  are  so  thoroughly  aquatic 
as  to  always  seek  safety  under  water,  and  are  able  to  move  very 





by  dieet  pursmt  .nulc-  later,  the  bird's  speed  being  increased  by 

thpu'^oof  the  wilisis  as  paddles.  , 

T  ,eir  nests  are  nl^!-nys  very  close  to  the  water  and  are  mer   y 
denres^ions  in  the  Rround  or  anions  washed-up  weeds     They  lay 
—  "  -•  vi  1.  or  sreonish  brown  with  blackish  patches.    Loon 
Moii^to  The-n..rtheni  half  of  the  northern  hemisphere,  and  three 
forms  are  well  known  in  Canada. 

(Gavia  imhcr). 
T\x\^  is  the  common  L..on  of  southern  Canada,  where  it  breeds 
in  laru-e"  ponds  and  l.kes  from  the  Atlantic  to  t^^^  P'^^ific.    It  is 
elcM^llv  at  home  in  Labrador  and  from  Hndson  Bay  to  Alaska 
The  win-s  of  the  Loon  are  small  in  proportion  to  its  size  and 
wehvht  i-iirelv  exeeedini^  four  and  a  half  feet,  and  as  a  result  it  rises 
Tvith  diff  icultv  from  the  water,  fluttering;  along  the  surface  for  some 
distance.    When  under  motion  however,  it  can  fly  very  swiftly  m 
a  fixed  direction,  and  when  travelling  from  lake  to  lake  it  often 
produces  a  loud  clear  "laughing"  note,  consisting  of  the  repetition 
of  a  rapid  succession  of  "hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo."    This  call  attract^ 
attention  to  the   duck-shaped  bird,  with  long  outstretched  neck 
and  head,  and  wings  apparently  too  far  aft,  hurrying  straight  to- 
wards its  waterv  destination.    At  nights,  and  before  stormy  weath- 
er Loons  are  giiiltv  also  of  a  weird  maniacal  scream,  the  most  re- 
markable sound  heard  on  our  quiet  inland  lakes.    Civilization  has 
Dot  interfered  seriously  as  yet  with  the  numbers  of  this  harmless 
and  beautiful  bird,  whose  presence  adds  so  much  to  the  satisfactory 
wildness  of  our  summer  camping  sites. 

Its  plumage  IS  greenish  black  on  the  upper  parts,  with  the 
throat  and  sides  of  ire  neck  sharply  streaked  with  white,  and  with 




spots  and  bars  on  the  back,  wings,  and  sides.  The  breast  and  belly 
are  white.  Bill  black,  except  at  tip.  In  winter  the  upper  parts 
and  throat  are  grayish.  Length  about  32  inches,  and  extent  about  52. 


(Gavia  adamsii). 
This  large  northern  bird  seems  to  be  unknown  in  southern 
Canada,  and  probably  spends  the  winter  on  the  Pacific  Ocean.  It 
is  known  to  breed  on  the  coast  of  Alaska,  and  has  been  seen  in  sum- 
mer by  explorers  on  Great  Lake,  and  the  smaller  lakes  near 
Slave  Hiver.  Its  summer  •  .^  is  probably  the  tundra  between 
Hudson  Bay  and  Alaska,  its  head  and  neck  are  dark  lustrous 
blue,  with  purplish  and  greenish  shadings.  The  white  throat 
patches  are  smaller  than  in  the  Common  Loon,  but  the  white 
streaks  arc  larger.  The  white  bars  and  spots  on  the  back  are  larg- 
er than  those  of  hnber,  and  the  bill  is  light  yellowish  excei)t  at  the 
base.    Length  about  37  inches,  and  extent  about  56. 

{Gavia  arctica). 
This  is  a  smaller  bird,  in  length  not  be\  ond  30  inches.  In  color 
it  is  like  the  Great  Diver  except  that  the  top  of  the  head  and  the 
back  of  the  neck  are  gray  or  ashy.  Its  range  is  further  north, 
from  Labrador  to  Alaska,  and  it  reaches  southern  Canada  only 
in  the  winter  or  during  migration. 


(Gavia  lumme). 
The  Red-throat  is  slightly  smaller  than  the  Black-throat,  sel- 
dom exceeding  27  inches  in  length.  It  breeds  in  New  Brunswick, 
Newfoundland,  and  Labrador,  and  north  to  the  Arctic  and  Behring 
Sea.  It  is  less  black  than  the  others,  the  back  being  grayish,  while 
the  liead  and  neck  are  ashy ;  the  throat  bears  a  large  chestnut  patch. 




(AJcidae) . 
These  are  three-toed,  web-footed  birds,  variable  in  color  and 
often  with  eiirlinj?  crests.  Their  legs  are  set  far  back,  resulting 
in  an  erect  i)osition  when  the  birds  are  standing.  The  bill  is  otten 
remarkable  in  size  and  shape  and  may  have  colored  horny  process- 
es which  are  shed  after  the  nesting  season.    The  eggs  are  few  in 

number,  usually  only  one. 

Puffins  are  often  called  Sea  Parrots.  They  are  maritime 
birds,  living?  on  the  open  sea,  and  nesting  in  colonies  on  the  ledges 
of  rockv  shores,  or  in  holes  dug  in  the  soil  of  the  shore.  They  ily, 
swim,  and  dive  expertly,  but  move  on  land  awkwardly  They  are 
distinguished  bv  the  remarkable  size  and  shape  of  the  beak,  which 
is  stron^lv  compressed,  about  as  high  as  long,  and  very  large  for 
the  bir(i  "During  the  breeding  season  temporary  excrescences  are 
adde  ■  to  the  bill    They  feed  on  the  fish  they  catch  by  diving. 


(F  rate  re  id  a  arctica). 

This  is  a  common  bird  along  parts  of  the  coast  and  islands  of 

Newfoundland  and  Lalu'ador.    It  breeds  in  holes  in  the  rocks  or 

in  the  soil.    The  single  dull  white  egg  is  laid  on  the  bare  earth  m 

June  or  July. 

Its  feet  are  orange,  bill  and  eyelids  vermilion,  with  a  grayisli, 
horny  appendage  above  and  below  each  eye.  The  upper  parts  are 
blue-black;  the  sides  of  the  head  and  throat  are  grayish  white; 
the  lower  surface  white;  length  about  13  inches,  extent 
about  24.    In  diving  for  its  prey,  both  wings  and  feet  are  used. 


{Fratercida  corniculata). 
The  polar  sea  and  North  Pacific,— extending  on  the  American 
side  down  to  the  coast  of  British  Columbia,— constitute  the  range 


r*  r 


5   I 

hi  i- 


I  I   1   I  I'll  II  IllN. 

Br  *.  «*.   Mi_' 



of  this  stronj^ly  marked  bird.  Its  breeding  grounds  are  the  Aleutian 
Islands,  the  coast  of  Alaska,  and  the  Islands  of  the  Behring  Sea, 
and  there  they  are  remarkably  plentiful.  The  nest  is  usually  a 
loose  mass  of  grass  and  moss  in  a  deep  crevice  or  easily  protected 
hole,  often  on  a  ledge  of  a  high  cliff.  The  single  egg  is  clear  white. 
The  bill  of  the  Horned  Puffin  is  especially  large  and  high, 
about  2  inches  long,  and  the  same  in  depth,  by  one  half  inch  wide. 
This  mask-like  weapon  is  vermilion,  the  eyelids  are  red,  and  the 
feet  are  orange.  On  each  upper  eyelid  is  a  long  slender  acute  up- 
right horn.  The  upper  parts  and  throat  are  black,  and  the  under 
parts  white.    Length  about  14  inches,  extent  about  24. 


(Luuda  cirrata). 

The  range  of  the  Tufted  Puffin  is  similar  to  that  of  the  last 
described,  but  extends  further  to  the  south,  as  it  breeds  on  the 
Farralones,  off  San  Francisco,  Cal.,  (Coues).  It  nests  among  the 
rocks,  in  holes  in  the  soil,  and  on  the  edges  of  cliffs  and  bluffs. 
The  middle  of  June  is  about  the  time  for  their  eggs  to  be  laid,  and 
the  birds  attend  closely,  to  defeat  the  attacks  of  foxes. 

The  upper  parts  are  glossy  black;  the  lower  surface  a  brown- 
ish black;  the  bill,  eyelids,  and  feet  are  vcnnilion,  the  rosette  at 
the  corner  of  the  mouth  is  yellow,  as  are  tw^o  tufts  of  silky  plumage 
streaming  back  from  behind  the  eyes.  The  face,  and  a  line  along 
the  edge  of  the  wing  aiv  white.    Length  about  15  inches,  extent  27. 


As  the  Puffins  with  their  huge  beaks  are  often  called  Sea 
Parrots,  so  the  Guillemots  are  commonly  known  as  Sea  Pigeons. 
They  live  on  the  open  Atlantic  as  far  south  as  Xew  Jersey  in 
winter,  but  during  the  breeding  season  they  assemble  in  flocks 
on  rocky  islands  and  headlands  from  Bay  of  Fundy  northward  to 
the  Arctic.  They  are  expert  and  graceful  except  on  land,  and  they 



\   ■■ 



r.„r«np  fhoir  f ishv  prev  Avith  the  aid  of  both  wings  and  feet.  They 
SVo^/oS^-Lges,  standi.,.  '"  elo^e  -.  «i.h  t-  bacUs 
+^  +>np  ^Pfl  ind  their  eggs  bet^'een  their  feet.  The  head  oi  ine 
Sea  Pigeo;  "slencL  and  graceful  and  tapers  forward  to  the  acute 


{CepphuH  fjrjjUe). 

The  Bhu'k  CUiilloniot  has  in  a  few  instances  been  token  on 

Lake  Ontario,  but  these  were  doul,tless  accidental  wanderers.    It 

s  plentiful  a])out  Hudson  Strait,  and  its  range  is  given  above^   It 

s  Z^Lims    flving  in  flocks  and  nesting  in  numbers  in  deep 

•cwcS    f    ;ek;,  ol  ledges  of  cliffs,  and  bluff  headland.     In 

lunmer  the  Guillemot  is  greenish-black  above  -^  s-^;  b  -k  b  - 

lou-    with  a  white  patch  on  each  wmg.     In  fall  and  wmtei  it  is 

^^k^nd  ;hite  spolted,  with  white  head  and  neck,  black  wuHPs  wirti 

a  white  patch,  and  black  bill.    The  fec^t  are  carmine  or  coral  led. 

Leng-th  about  13  and  extent  about  22  inches. 


(Uria  troile). 
Both  coasts  of  the  North  Atlantic,-as  far  south  in  Canada  as 
the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence -are  the  breeding  grounds  of  the  Murre, 
but  in  winter  it  extends  its  range  to  the  latitude  of  Massachusetts. 
Enormous  numbers  of  these  birds  breed  in  suitable  places  where 
fh^  are  undisturbed,  but  such  places  are  becoming  few,  since 
their  large  eggs  have  a  commercial  value.  These  eggs  are  notable 
for  the  remra'kable  variability  of  their  coring  and  markings 
from  creamy  to  a  distinct  greenish  or  bluish,  spotted,  blotched  or 
streaked  with  shades  of  brown. 

The  plumage  in  summer  is  brownish  black  or  slaty  brouii  on 
the  head  and  back;  with  white  tips  on  the  secondaries;  white  under 
parts  and  wing  linings,  and  dusky  on  the  sides.    In  winter  the 


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white  encroaches  on  the  bhick  of  the  head  and  nock  to  the  line  of 
the  comniissnre  of  the  bill.    Length  17  inches,  extent  150. 


{Uria  I  am  via). 
The  rang-e  of  this  plentiful  Itird  is  the  same  as  that  .»f  the 
common  Guillemot,  an<l  in  plumage  the  difference  is  but  slight. 
The  top  and  back  of  the  head  and  neck  are  l)lack  instead  of  brown, 
tiie  throat  is  brown  instead  of  white,  and  the  edge  of  the  bill  is 
thickened  at  the  base,  whidi  is  not  the  case  with  the  'roil,.  Length 
usuallv  IG  inches,  extent  about  li9. 

In  migrating  southward  fnmi  Hudson  Bay  in  autunni  these 
birds  fre(iuently  reach  the  Ottawa  and  St.  Lawrence  Kivers  and 
Lake  Ontario.  Here  they  perish  from  starvation,  their  stomachs 
being  found  empty.  They  are  apparently  unable  to  adai)t  their 
fishing  methods  to  fresh  water.  Several  have  been  captured  in  a 
famishing  condition  <»r  found  dead,  near  Lake  Ontario. 


The  Auks  are  closely  related  to  the  Puffins  and  Guillemots, 
differing  from  the  former  in  having  decidu-  us  parts  on  their  bills, 
and  from  the  CJuillemots  in  having  hooked  instead  of  sharp, 
straight-pointed  bills.  They  are  like  the  other  marine  birds,  and 
whin  not  seeking  their  food  in  the  sea  they  stand  erect  on  the 
rocky  ledges  of  their  remote  nesting  places. 


{Alca  tarda). 

The  American  range  of  this  bird  is,  in  winter,  as  far  south  as 
New  Jersey,  but  it  breeds  only  from  Grand  ^lanan  northward. 
It  is  found  plentifully  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  northwai .' 
into  the  Arctic  Ocean.  Its  usually  single  egg  is  laid  in  crevices 
and  caverns  opening  over  the  ocean.    Its  back  and  wings  are  green- 







ish  black ;  its  head  and  neck  dull  black.  There  is  a  white  line  from 
the  eye  to  the  bill,  another  around  the  black  bill,  and  one  across 
each  wing.  The  lower  parts  are  altogether  white.  Length  about 
18  inches,  extent  about  27. 


{Planhis  impcnnis). 
This  largo  and  very  interesting  bird,— the  Gare-fowl,— was 
last  seen  alive  between  1840  and  1845  in  Iceland,  but  had  l)een 
plentitul  before  that  about  the  Newfoundland  coast.  In  colora- 
tion It  resembled  the  K\azor-bill.  Its  wings  were  less  than  six  inches 
long,  although  its  body  measured  about  30  inches.  Being  unable 
to  fly,  and  unafraid  of  man,  it  was  destroved  bv  him  for  the  sake 
of  its  flesh,  oil,  and  feathers. 


{Allc  allc). 
This  bird  is  occasionally  carried  bv  windstorms  far  inland 
but  Its  home  is  the  North  Atlantic  from  L<,ng  Island  to  Iceland! 
It  nests  on  the  latter  island  and  is  one  of  the  most  northern  of 
birds.  Its  single  egg  is  pale  greenish  blue.  Its  coloration  is  simi- 
lar to  that  of  the  Razor-bill,  but  there  is  no  definite  line  or  patch  of 
white  about  the  eye,  while  the  wings  have  white  patches  or  spots. 
The  bill  IS  short  and  obtuse  and  as  wide  as  high.  Length  about 
81/2  inches,  extent  about  15. 


These  birds  are  characterized  by  having  great    powers    of 
flight,  as  well  as  of  swimming  on  the  surface  of  the  water. 

Their  structural  peculiarities  are  open  lateral  nostrils  and  a 
small  free  hind  toe.    The  family  includes  the  Skuas,  Gulls,  Terns 
and  Skimmers.  ' 


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Tliose  Skuas  aro  at  Ikhiu-  on  our  Arctic  shores  and  lakes  but 
mijjrato  southwards  ahuij;  tlir  (Mtasts,  and  occasionally  )>y  way  of 
the  (Sreat  Lakes  where  a  few  have  been  captured.  Their  scientific 
nanio  Mcoah'sttis  implies  urcaf  Ihirrrs,  and  this  is  w»'Ii  e.-irned  hy 
their  habit  of  persistently  ])]und('rini;'  weaker  or  loss  determined 
<;ulis  and  terns.  Tiieir  bills  are  about  two  inches  in  length  ami  bear 
a  cere  or  waxy  outj^rowth  on  tlie  base. 


{Mcyuhstris  SUuuh). 

These  birds  have  excellent  winjj;  i)owers  and  use  their  strenj^tli 
and  spirit  to  bully  weaker  f,nills  into  disj;orj^ing  recently  captured 
food.  UiK)n  this  the  Skuas  ]»rincii)ally  live.  They  are  occasion- 
ally found  in  tlie  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  and  about  Nova  Scotia,  but 
are  at  home  further  north,  usually  within  the  Arctic  Circle.  They 
have  been  taken  in  Hudson  Strait,  but  are  more  common  about 
Iceland,  the  Faero  Islands,  and  Norway.  Their  nests  are  on  cliffs, 
and  they  lay  two  or  three  olive-^reen,  or  brownish  spotted  ejjgs. 
The  plumage  of  the  ui)i)er  j)arts  is  altogether  a  blackish  brown, 
while  the  under  parts  are  lighter.  On  the  neck  are  streaks  of 
whitish  feathers.    Length  about  21,  extent  (»ver  50  inches. 


{Stcrcovarlm  poninriniis). 
This  is  a  smaller,  more  slender  bird  tlian  the  connnon  Skua, 
l)Ut  has  the  same  range  and  hal)its.  It  is  nearly  black  on  the  u})pcr 
jrarts  and  lower  belly,  with  white  throat,  neck,  and  breast.  ^Ihe 
sides  of  the  neck  show  a  little  yellowish.  Its  length  is  a))out  20  in- 
ches, the  middle  tail  feathers  project  about  4  inches,  nd  are  broad 
throughout  and  twisted  near  the  tii 

4.  - 


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(Stcrcorarius  parasiticus). 
Sailors  have  given  this  bird  many  names-such  as  Boatswain 

michal  feathe.b.    The  sdc»  on  ^  ^.^^^^^^^^.^     .^_ 

Length  about  18  inches. 


(Stcrcomritis  loiKjicaiidus). 

This  is  the  Arctic  Ja,.«er,  having  its  .estifg   Sfr^^'uZ 

,,istin,.tlv  in  the  fa.-  north,  nsnally  within  the  Aret.e  UvAo     I      •« 

,       •     I  .,1-,.  V,-i,.  tlic  (inlf  of  St.  LawTcnec,  and  m  M.iiii- 

tab':  'Xs^  Wvnis  'itl!'"  r.  the  color  reaching  behnv 

tevci  'S,;        k  all  around  an.l  the  sides  of  the  head  are  hght 

n-.,  V  ;ellow.    r l-l.-.'  surface  deei,  slate.    Under  stde  wh.te  cU,  K- 

ening  io'. lack  to'ward  the  tail.    .Middle  tail  feathers  i,ro,,eet  9  m- 

ches.    Length  2?>  inches. 


These  are  swimming  birds,  without  a  cere  on  the 
,.a  Jam^  their  middle  tail  feathers  .lo  not  l-^J^^^^);^^  ^^ 
others.    The  closed  wings  project  luyund  the  tail.    TIkn  alc^tlon« 



fliers,  but  are  seldom  dashing  in  manner,  and  are  found  on  all 
coast's  and  many  large  inland  waters,  rather  than  on  the  open  sea. 
Gulls  are  voracious  birds  feeding  on  fish,  smaller  birds,  or  almost 
any  kind  of  animal  or  vegetable  matter. 


L  Adult  plumage  entirely  white.    Feet  black Pagophila  I. 

2.  Adult  plumare  not  entirely  white. 

2a.  Hind  to        lorly  develoi)od  and  with  a  very  small  elaw  or 

none ' ^'•s''«  ^^• 

2b.  Hind  toe  well  developed  and  with  i)erfectly  developed  claw. 

Lams  III. 


I.  Pnf/opJiila — only  one  species. 

P(i(joi>liila  alba.  Ice  Gull,  or  Ivory  Gull,  page  24 

II.  h'issd— 

1.  Hind  toe  very  small  and  clawless. 

liissa  ti-idiivtjjla,  Atlantic  Kittiwake,  page  25 

2.  Hind  toe  small,  but  \\\^\\  small  claw. 

liissatnihictjihi  ixillictiris.  Pacific  Kittiwake,  page  25 

III.  Lat'Hs — 

A.  Wing  under  15  inches  in  length. 

a.  Head  white  or  pale  ju'arly  gray. 

Lonis  (Iclcinin  iisi.s,  Ring-])illed  Gull,  page  27 

b.  Head  and  throat  slaty  black  :— 
bl.  Outer  i)rimary  entirely  black. 

Lams  (ifririlld,  Laughing  Gull,  page  28 
b2.  Outer  primary  partly  white: — 

c.  Tip  of  first  primary  white. 

Lants  fmnklini,  Franklin's  Gull,  i)age  28 

d.  Ti])  of  first  i»rimary  black. 

Larus  phihidciphin,  Ponaparte's  Gull,  page  29 


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B.  Win;?  over  15  inches  in  lon^^th. 

a.  Back  dark  slate  color. 

harm  man  mis,  Black-l)acked  Gull,  page  26 

b.  Back  **gull  blue"  or  pearly  gray: — 
bl.  Bill  under  2  inches  in  length: — 

c.  Outer  primary  with  black  on  both  webs. 

Lams  bi-acli/jrliijiiclins.  Short-billed  Ciull.  page  28 

el.  Outer  primary  pearl  gray,  lighter  at  tips. 

Lai'us  IfKcopteruH,  Iceland  Gull,  jiage  25 

c2.  Outer  primary  pearl  gray  with  definite  white  tip. 

Larus  glancescens,  Glaucous-winged  Gull,  page  26 

b2.  Bill  over  2  inches  in  length : — 

d.  Outer  primary  pearl  gray. 

Lams  fjJaucus,  Burgomaster,  page  25 
ami  Lams  harrocianus  (slightly  smaller) 

Western  Glaucus,  page  26 
dl.  Outer  primary  with  some  black. 

Lams  argentatHs  smilhsouiauus,  Atlantic  Herring  Gull, 

page  27 
d2.  Similar,  but  dark  pearl  gray. 

Lams  occidcntaJis,  Pacific  Herring  Gull,  page  26 


{Phayophila  alba). 

This  beautiful  bird  has  been  taken  in  Lake  Ontario,  but  its 
home  is  Hudson  Bay  and  the  Arctic  regions.  Its  length  is  about 
18  inches,  and  extent  about  41.  In  coloration  it  is  entirely  pure 
white,  but  there  may  be  dusky  spots  remaining  on  the  wings  and 
tail.    The  feet  are  black  and  the  bill  yellowish. 





(Ri.ssn  tridacfifla). 

The  Kittiwakc  lnvcds  nlon*;-  the  Labrador  coast  and  about 
islands  of  the  (hdf  of  St.  Lawrence,  in  late  antunv.i  it  is  eonunon 
on  the  St.  Lawi-ence  l\*iver  and  Fiake  Ontario,  [ts  mantle  is  black 
and  win.ys  are  l)hiish  t>Tay,  and  there  is  a  black  line  alonji;  the  edsi:e 
of  each  winu-,  otherwise  its  jdiunaiic  is  wliite.  hi  tlie  kittiwakes 
the  hind  toe  is  very  iniiierfect.  The  Pacific  Kittiwake  has  this  toe 
better  developed  than  the  Atlantic  form,  l)ut  otherwise  they  are 


(Larus  (jlaucus). 

T,  ii'jioniaster  is  said  to  be  the  common  larj^e  gull  of  the 

north,  :  -  ling  in  Hudson  Bay  and  along  the  Labrador  coast.  It 
is  frequently  seen  in  Lake  Ontario  in  winter.  Wherever  found  it 
is  a  gross  aiul  voracious  feeder.  The  J^acific  form,  by  some  called 
Larus  barroL'iann.s,  is  found  along  the  northern  Pacific  coasts,  and 
is  practically  identical  with  the  above.  The  mantle  is  ])earl  gray, 
and  the  r(>mainder  of  the  jjlumage  white.  The  bill  is  yellow  and 
the  feet  pinkish.    Length  a)>out  29  inches,  extent  nearly  GO. 


(Lftnis  IcHcopicriis). 

The  Iceland  (iull  b(>longs  chiefly  to  Europe,  but  h.'s  been 
found  nesting  on  our  Arctic  coast,  and  specimens  have  been  taken 
in  Baffin  Bay,  Davis  Strait,  St.  Lawrence  Kiver  and  Gulf,  and  as 
wanderers  in  Lake  Ontario. 

Its  appearance  is  exactly  that  of  the  Burgomaster,  except  that 
it  is  less  in  size,  reaching  only  24  inches  in  length. 



f^    i 




(Larus  glance  see  ns). 
The  coasts  of  the  north  Pacific  are  the  haunts  of  this  gull.  It 
breeds  on  Canadian  shores,  fmio  the  south  end  of  Vancouver  Is- 
land to  Behrins  Straits.  In  cj.pearance  it  is  like  our  common 
Herring  Gull,  but  the  wings  lack  the  black  markings  found  on  all 
the  other  large  gulls.  Its  mantle  and  wings  are  entirely  bluish  gray 
with  white  spots  at  the  tips  of  the  primaries.     Length  about  27 



{Larus  marir.Ks). 
This  is  the  largest  and  most  powerful  of  our  gulls,  but  is  not 
confined  to  the  American  side  of  the  Atlantic.  It  nests  on  the 
Labrador  coast,  in  Nova  Scotia,  and  probably  in  New  Br  nswick, 
and  on  islands  in  fresh  water  lakes,  as  well  as  on  the  ocean.  The 
nest  is  made  of  moss  and  grass  on  the  ground,  and  the  two  or  three 
eggs  are  olive  gray  or  drab,  blotched  with  dusky.  The  bird  gives 
the  impression  of  strength.  The  bill  is  very  stout,  and  bright 
chrome  yellow  in  color  in  the  nesting  season.  The  temiinal  half 
of  the  lower  mandible  is  vermilion,  as  are  the  eyelids.  The  iris 
is  pale  leuK.ii  vcUcw.  The  mantle  is  deep  slate,  nearly  black,  with 
white  wing  bars.  The  white  of  the  head  and  neck  is  in  winter 
streaked  with  dusky.    Length  '.10  inches,  and  extent  65. 


{Larus  ocridcutalis). 

The  AVestern  Herring  Gull  is  very  common  and  breeds  along 
the  British  Colum))ia  coasts.  In  winter  it  is  common  in  the  Gulf 
of  G(  oruia.  Its  feet  and  1)111  are  unusually  large  and  stout,  and 
its  mantle  dark  bluish  ash,  ])ut  not  quite  slate  colored.  Length 
about  24,  and  extent  about  55  inches. 



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(Lams  argcntatus  smith Honianus). 

The  common  Herrinj?  Gull  is  the  most  familiar  and  widely 
spread  of  our  gulls.  It  breeds  freely  on  the  Atlantic  coast,  the 
Great  Lakes,  and  many  small  lakes  of  Ontario,  in  Manitoba,  and 
throughout  the  North-West  an(^  Yukon  to  the  Arctic  Ocean.  As 
a  scavenger  it  is  connnon  and  fearless  about  the  harbors  and 
wharves  of  our  cities,  following  vessels  on  the  lakes  and  along  the 
coasts.  It  builds  its  usually  crude  nests  either  on  the  ground,  or, 
where  persecuted,  as  at  Grand  Manan — in  trees  many  feet  from 
the  ground.  The  eggs  are  normally  three,  from  bluish  white  to 
yellowish  or  olive  brown,  with  irregular  dark  markings.  The 
mantle  is  ])early  gray  or  "gull  blue."  In  breeding  jdumage  the 
bill  is  bright  chrome,  with  a  vermilion  spot  at  the  angle.  The 
legs  and  feet  are  pale  ilesh  color.  The  primaries  bear  black  spots 
and  shafts.    Length  25  inches,  extent  56. 


{Lnvus  (■((Jifoniirn.s). 

This  gull  breeds  alnuidantly  in  the  interior  of  the  Pacific 
States,  also  along  the  British  Colunibia  coast,  and  is  said  to  be 
plentiful  in  AUn^rta  and  Saskatchewan.  Its  mantle  is  ])earl  blue; 
the  ])ill  as  in  the  Ileri'ing  Gull,  l)ut  with  an  imperfect  black  band; 
the  feet  bluish  green  with  yellow  webs.  The  first  primary  has  a 
white  end  for  two  inclies  from  the  tij).  Length  '22  inches,  extent 
about  53  inches. 


(Larus  dclnirnroisis). 

We  have  the  Ring-billed  Gull  recorded  as  common  in  New- 
foundland and  the  Great  Lakes,  breeding  in  Georgian  Bay  and 


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Lake  Muskoka,  and  in  the  prairie  lakes  from  Manitoba  to  the 
Roekv  Mountains.  It  is  also  found  in  British  Columbia.  The 
nests'aro  of  grass,  on  the  ground,  and  the  eggs  laid  are  usualy 
three,  bluish  white,  often  so  splotched  with  brosvTi  as  to  appear  to 
be  entirely  of  that  color.  The  bill  is  greenish  yellow,  and  encircled 
near  the  t'ip  with  a  broad  black  band.  The  plun^.ge  is  the  same  a 
Ihat  of  the  Herring  Gull.  Length  not  over  20  inches  and  extent 
about  48  inches. 

{Lams  hracliyrliyiichits). 
One  specimen  was  shot  near  Qnebec,  but  the  range  of  this 
gull  is  Alaska  and  British  Columbia  and  the  coast  south  to  Cali- 
fornia    It  breeds  also  on  the  Arctic  coast.    Its  bill  is  bluish  green 
short  and  stout,  not  longer  than  V/-,  inches,  and  the  tip  is  bright 
vellow.    Legs  and  feet  dusky  bluish  green,  the  webs  yellowish 
These  colors  are  bright  during  the  nesting  season.    ]Mant  e  light 
git^fsh  blue,  darker  than  that  of  the  Herring  Gull.    Length  about 
17  inches,  extent  about  42  inches. 


This  species  has  been  taken  near  Toronto,  but  its  home  is 
south  of  the  boundary  and  down  within  the  tropics.  It  gets  its 
name  from  its  -long-drawn  clear  note  on  a  high  key.  It  is  one 
of  the  Rosy  Gulls,  haying  in  summer  the  white  under  parts  tinged 
with  rose  red.  The  bill  and  edges  of  the  eyelids  are  carmme.  The 
mantle  is  lead  gray.    Len.gth  about  16  inches,  extent  41. 


(Lams  Franklini). 
This  is  a  western  form,  accidental  in  Lake  Ontario,  but  com- 
mon across  the  prairie  provinces  and  breeding  there.    They  follow 




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the  plouf^hmaii,  along  with  bhickbirtls,  feeding,'  on  the  worms  and 
grubs  which  are  turned  up.  They  have  also  been  found  with  the 
stomach  full  of  grasshoi)pcrs.  They  nest  on  the  ground  or  in  sloughs 
among  grass  and  rushes  where  the  nests  may  be  afloat,  and  are 
usually  in  colonies.  Its  bill  is  red,  mantle  slaty  gray,  hood  ahnost 
black,  neck  and  tail  white.  The  under  parts  are  white  washed 
with  rosy  red,  which  also  tints  the  under  side  of  the  wings.  Length 
about  14,  extent  about  35  inches. 

(Larus  pit iladclphia). 

This  little  gull  breeds  all  across  Canada  from  ocean  to  ocean, 
on  almost  every  lake  of  considerable  si  "\  Its  nest  is  often  in  trees 
or  bushes  or  on  a  stump,  but  if  these  ire  lacking  it  incubates  on 
the  ground.  Its  eggs  are  three  or  four,  greenish  gray  with  small 
brownish  spots.  Its  head  and  throat  are  dark  slate  color  and  its 
bill  is  black.  The  back  and  wings  are  pearly  gray,  except  the  tips 
of  the  latter,  which  are  black.  Otherwise  it  is  white.  Length  13, 
extent  32  inches. 


In  most  of  their  characteristics  Terns  closely  resemble  gulls, 
but  they  are  all  comparatively  slender,  with  close-fitting  i)lumage, 
tail  generally  forked,  long  sharp  pointed  bill,  and  elongated  nar- 
row wings.  Their  slight  buoyant  bodies,  combined  with  great 
powers  of  flight,  enable  them  to  rival  our  swallows  in  aerial  evolu- 
tions, and  the  name  Sea  Swallows  admirably  designates  the  group, 
especially  as  some  of  the  smaller  forms  are  insectivorous.  Their 
food  is  usuall}^  however,  small  fish  captured  by  an  impetuous  dash 
from  above,  tlie  bird  going  quite  under  for  a  moment.  They  haunt 
the  shores  of  large  bodies  of  both  fresh  and  salt  water,  and  nest 
in  colonies  on  sandy  or  gravelly  shores,  where  they  lay  two  giay- 
ish  eggs,  variously  marked  with  chocolate.  Terns  have  shrill  vcdces, 



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THE    NEW    CANADIAN    BIRD       <)OK 

and  as  they  are  usually  in  flocks,  attract  attention.  'Iiey  ii  e  read- 
ily distinguished  from  gulls  by  their  habit  of  carrying  tlu  ir  I'ills 
]H)inting  downward,  while  gulls  carry  theirs  in  line  with  the  direc- 
tl(»n  of  flight.  Terns  are  beautiful,  harmless  biri'.s,  wliiith  should 
be  protected  from  the  wing  and  plume  hunters. 


This  is  the  largest  of  this  grouj),  r<'aching  22  inches  in  h  ngth, 
with  a  wing  spread  of  over  50  inches.  It  is  found  about  the  New- 
foundland coasts.  Nova  Scotia,  Hudson  Bay,  and  Great  Slave 
Lake.  It  is  not  uncommon  about  the  tJreat  Lakes  during  fall  at  d 
spring,  and  breeds  in  Lake  Michigan.  The  crown,  sides,  and  back 
of  the  head  are  black.  This  liood  is  very  common  among  the  terns. 
The  mantle  is  pearl  grey,  the  hill  vermilion,  and  nearly  three 
inches  long,  and  the  feet  are  black.  In  winter  the  hood  is  sti  caked 
with  white. 


{Sterna  fursteri). 

This  Tern  breeds  in  the  St.  Clair  Flats  in  Ontario,  in  the 
marshes  of  Manitoba  lakes  and  southward  to  Texas,  fts  colors 
are  very  like  those  of  the  Casi)ian  Tern,  but  its  lentrfh  is  only  15 
inches  and  its  extent  :>0.  It  nests  in  marshes  on  grass  >>v  seaweeds, 
and  lays  two  or  three  eggs,  brownish  or  greenish,  spotted  and 
blotched  with  brown  and  blackish. 


(Sterna  hiriindo). 

This  is  the  common  tern,  breeding  from  Labrador  to  Bay  of 
Fundy,  River  St.  Lawrence,  the  Great  Lakes,  Manitoba,  and  Brit- 
ish Columbia.    Its  range  extends  also  over  the  L^nited  Stat*  s  as 







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well  as  Europe,  Asia,  Africa,  and  South  America.  It  wears  the 
black  hood  and  pearl  gray  mantle,  but  its  breast  and  belly  are  pale 
pearl  gray,  the  bill  red  at  the  base  and  black  at  the  tip,  the  feet 
orange  red.  Length  14i/o,  extent  31  inches.  The  eggs  are  laid  in 
a  hollow  in  the  sand  and  are  greenish  gray  to  brown,  blotched  with 
darker  brown  and  lilac. 


( Sterna  pa radisaea) . 

The  Arctic  Tern  breeds  on  the  shores  of  Hudson  Bay,  and 
from  Massachusetts  around  the  Arctic  coast  and  the  Aleutian 
Islands,  It  is  known  over  North  America  at  large,  also  in  Europe, 
Asia,  and  Africa.  The  hood  is  shining  black,  the  mantle  pearl 
gray,  and  the  lower  parts  l)ut  slightly  paler.  The  feet  are  small 
and  weak,  and  vermilion  in  color,  the  l)ill  is  entirely  red.  It 
greatly  resembles  the  common  tern.  Length  about  15  inches,  ex- 
tent 31. 


(Sterna  antillaru  /). 
This  is  a  southern  bird  occasionally  found  in  Lake  Erie  and 
the  west  end  of  Lake  Ontario,  and  about  Nova  Scotia  and  New- 
foundland. It  is  found  all  ao-oss  from  the  New  England  States 
to  Minnesota  and  southward.  Its  mantle  is  dark,  the  same  color 
covers  also  the  tail.  A  white  crescent  separates  the  hood  from  the 
bill.  A  black  line  through  the  eye  extends  to  the  feathers  on  the 
bill.    Length  about  9  inches,  extent  20. 

{Hydrochclidon  nigra). 
This  graceful  swallow-like  bird  breeds    from   our   southern 
boundary  north  to  Alaska,  in  the  Cataraqui  Marsh  at  Kingston,  in 
the  St.  Clair  Flats,  and  especially  in  the  marshes  of  Manitoba  and 


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Saskatchewan.  Nearly  all  parts  of  North  America  where  marshes 
extend  are  visited  by  these  birds.  They  build  often  in  colonies, 
making  careless  nests  of  a  few  rushes  and  dead  stalks,  insufficient 
to  keep  the  eggs  out  of  the  water.  They  lay  from  two  to  four 
brownish  olive  eggs,  heavily  marked  with  spots  and  splashes  of 
brown.    Length  about  9  inches,  extent  25  inches. 



The  Albatrosses,  Petrels  and  Shearwaters  make  up  this  group, 
the  character  common  to  all  being  tubular  nostrils,  which  are 
latt  rii.l  and  separated  in  the  All)atrosses,  ])ut  united  in  the  Petrels. 

Albatrosses  are  among  the  )>iost  remarkable  of  birds  in  pow- 
ers of  flight,  owing  to  the  great  vlevelopment  of  the  wing  and  the 
very  numerous  flight  feathers.    They  lay  one  egg  in  a  nest  on  the 

open  ground. 


{Diomedca  alhatrus). 
This  species  is  found  on  the  coasts  of  British  Columbia,  espe- 
cially the  west  side  of  Vancouver  Island.  From  there  northward 
to  the  Arctic  Sea  it  is  numerous.  Other  species  are  accidental  on 
our  ocean  bordei-s.  They  are  oceanic  wanderers,  seldom  landing 
except  to  breed,  but  resting  safely  on  the  water  and  swimming 
strongly.  The  Short-tailed  Albatross  is  supposed  to  nest  on  lonely 
islands  west  of  the  Sandwich  group.  Its  color  is  white  with  some 
yellow  on  head  and  neck,  and  black  on  wings  and  tail.  The  bill  is 
about  ()  inches  long,  concave  above  and  prominently  hooked.  The 
bird  is  about  36  inches  long  and  has  a  wing  extent  of  about  7  feet. 


The  nostrils  of  the  Petrels  fonn  two  closely  united  tubes.  The 
Fulmars  are  peculiar  in  having  only  the  upper  mandible  hooked. 
The  hind  toe  is  present,  but  often  very  small. 


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tcbp:-xosed  swr^rMERs 


This  bird  is  said  to  l)reed  in  northern  Greenland,  ceitainly  at 
St.  Kilda.  It  is  very  i)h'ntiful  along  the  Labrador  eoast  and  New- 
foundland, and  occasionally  is  seen  further  south.  It  lays  a  single 
\yhite  egg  on  ledges  and  crags  overhanging  the  sea.  ft  feeds  on 
fish  and  is  greedy  for  oily  foods,  following  the  whalers  foi-  blub- 
ber. Its  back  and  wings  are  pale  pearly  blue.  Other  parts  white, 
except  usually  a  dark  spot  in  front  of  "the  eye.  Length  about  19 
inelies,  wing  13  inelies. 

The  Pacific  variety  of  same  is  common  on  the  coast  and  is- 
lands of  the  northern  Pacific.  It  is  like  the  Common  Eulmer,  but 
rather  smaller  and  darker. 



These  differ  from  the  last  in  having  both  mandibles  hooked, 
and  the  partition  between  the  short  nostril  tubes  is  very  thick. 
Their  long  thin  w",  us  fold  beyond  the  tail,  and  the  feet  are  large 
md  strong.  A  si^i'r  white  egg  is  laid  in  a  rocky  crevice  or  in  a 
burrow  dug  by  the  !  ixd  near  the  beach. 


(PuffitiK.s  gravis). 

This  bird  is  common  on  the  coasts  of  Labrador  and  Newfonnd- 
huid,  and  is  often  seen  near  Nova  Scotia  and  New  Brunswick.  It 
hunts  over  the  whole  Atlantic,  gliding  over  the  surface  of  the 
water  without  iierceptible  effort  or  wing  motion.  Its  nest  and 
eggs  are  not  certiiinly  known.  The  upper  parts  are  blackish,  with 
a  grayish  brown  on  head  and  rump.  Under  parts  are  white  and 
changing  to  ashy  gray  on  lower  belly  and  under  tm\  coverts. 
Length  about  20  inches  and  extent  about  40  inches. 




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(Pnffimis  pnffinus). 
Although  really  a  European  bird,  we  find  this  species  auite 
common  on  the  coast  of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  isp^e^s  of 
flight  making  all  parts  of  the  north  Atlantic  its  home.  Th  upper 
parts  are  lustrous  black,  sometimes  with  a  brownish  shade  and 
ashy  across  the  nape.  Under  parts  white.  Length  about  14  hi 
ches,  extent  about  31  inches.  ^  ^  '''" 


(Puffmus  opisthomdas) . 
The  Pacific  coast,  from  California  to  Vancouver  T^^lnnrl    ,-. 


(Puff inns  fitlii/inosus). 
The  Sooty  Shearwater  is  eoramon  an  the  Banks  of  Kewfound- 
land  a,,,!  the  of  Labrador,  and  is  seen  on  the  coast  of  Nova 
Seoha  and  .\e«-  Brnnswick.    It  ranges  over  the  Atlantic  breed 
ing  .n  CO  onies.    Its  plumage  is  uniform  sooty  brown  ato'veld 
.nehet'     '■  *'''"'""  "''""■    ^'^"«"'  "  '^^es,  extent  about  40 


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(ProccUaria  pdigiea). 
These  birds — tlie  different  species  being  all  known  commonly 
as  Mother  Carey's  Chickens — breed  on  the  islands  about  Green- 
land and  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence.  The  coast  of  Greenland, 
Hudson  Straits,  and  tlu-  Lal)rador  islands  and  bays  are  popuhited 
tliickly  with  many  kinds  of  birds  during  the  short  summer,  and 
among  them  these  Petrels  are  always  numerous.  Tlie  upi)er  plum- 
age is  glossy  brownish  black,  ])elow  it  is  more  smoky  in  tint.  The 
riunp  feathers  arc  white  with  black  tips,  the  crissum  has  white 
streaks,  the  tail  is  square,  and  the  leg  bones  are  shorter  than  the 
wing  bone.    Length  about  5VL»  inches. 


{Oceanodroma  furcata). 
The  Aleutian  Islands  of  the  North  Pacific  and  the  shores  of 
Behring  Sea  are  the  home  of  this  Petrel,  but  it  is  quite  plentiful 
about  Vancouver  Island.     Its  color  is  bluish-ash  above  and  paler 
lielow.    Its  length  is  about  8i,{i.  inches. 


(  Ocean odroma  Jcucorrh  oa  ) . 
This  bird  is  often  called  the  "VVhite-rumped  Petrel,  although 
not  ])eculiar  in  carrying  this  mark.  It  is  found  on  both  coasts  of 
America,  breeding  from  Maine  northward,  especially  on  Bird 
Rock,  and  probably  on  the  coast  of  Newfoundland.  It  is  brown- 
ish black  above  except  for  the  conspicuous  wliite  tail  coverts. 
Below  it  is  paler,  but  nearly  altogether  blackish.  Length  about 
8  inches. 


(Oceanites  oceaniciis). 
This  is  one  of  the  best  known  birds,  ranging  over  all  seas.    It 
is  known  to  breed  in  Antarctic  regions.    On  our  shores  it  is  com- 





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mon  on  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence.  Its  coloration  is  similar  to  most 
of  the  others— l)]ackish  brown  above,  with  a  little  gray  on  the 
winjrs  and  with  white  tail  coverts.  Somewhat  paler  below,  and 
the  crissum  and  the  base  of  the  tail  may  be  white.  The  legs  and 
feet  are  very  long,  the  latter  black  with  a  yellow  si)ot  on  the  webs. 
Length  about  7  inches,  extent  about  16. 


Hind  toe  well  developed  and  low.  All  four  toes  united  by 
complete  w«bs  reaching  from  tip  to  tip.  Nostrils  minute  or  abor- 
tive. A  gular  pouch  from  lower  mandible  and  throat.  Bill 
neither  membranous  nor  lamellate,  the  edges  sometimes  serrate. 
Altrieial,  eggs  few.  Carnivorous.  The  order  includes  Cmnnets, 
Cormorants,  Pelicans,  and  others  not  in  our  range. 


These  are  large,  heavy,  oceanic  birds,  that  fly  vigorously  with 
outstretchd  necks,  resembling  geese  in  gen^raf  attitude.  Their 
bodies  are  pneumatic,  and  they  are  strong  swimmers.  They  feed 
upon  fish,  which  are  caught  by  phinging  from  the  air,  often  from 
great  heights.  One  species  is  northern,  the  others  ai-e  at  home 
near  the  equator.  A  common  name  for  them  is  Booby.  They  nest 
in  colonies,  the  common  white  Gannet  or  Solan  Goose  breeding  in 
great  numbers  on  the  rocky  coasts  of  southern  Labrador  and  N^iva 
Scotia,  as  well  as  on  Gannet  Hock  and  Bird  Rock  in  the  Gulf  of 
St.  Lawrence,  and  Bass  Rock  in  the  Firth  of  Forth. 


(Sula  bassano). 
As  noted  above  this  is  an  inhabitant  of  North  Atlantic  coasts, 
being  common  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  accidental  in  the 



Great  Lakes.  In  \Yinter  it  j?oos  as  far  south  as  the  Gulf  of  Mexico. 
Its  phimage  is  white  except  for  some  yellowish  feathers  nu  the 
he?  '  and  neck.  Its  s;ular  pouch  is  small,  hare,  and  l)lackisli.  The 
lenf^th  of  the  Gannet  is  about  3  feet  and  extent  of  winjis  al)ont  <> 
feet.  On  rocky  cliffs  it  nests  in  swarms  of  thousands,  laying  a 
single  egg,  bluish  with  chalky  deposit. 



These  are  large  oceanic  birds  with  solid  bodies,  short  wings 
and  largo  stiff  tails.  Tlic  legs  are  set  far  back,  so  the  l)ir(l  st;uids 
nearly  erect,  using  its  tail  as  the  third  point  of  support.  In  the 
water  they  move  with  grace  and  ease,  diving  from  the  surface  and 
catching  iSsh  by  speed  of  swinuning  under  the  water,  the  wings 
acting  as  paddles.  The  neck  is  long,  the  gular  pouch  small,  the 
bill  strongly  hooked  and  the  gape  opens  far  behind  the  eye. 


(Phalarrocorax  carlo). 

This,  the  common  Cormorant,  nests  on  ledges  of  rocky  cliffs 
along  the  coast  of  Iial)rador,  Newfoundland  and  Nova  Scotia.  It 
is  often  found  in  the  St.  Lawrence  River,  Ottawa  River,  and  Lake 
Ontario,  and  in  winter  south  to  Virginia.  Its  general  plumage  is 
bluish  bliick,  with  brownish  on  the  shoulders  and  a  white  patch  on 
the  throat  nnd  on  the  tlank.  In  the  breeding  season  a  crest  of 
long,  white,  filamentous  feathers  is  scattered  on  the  hind  head  and 
neck.  The  gular  sac  is  small  and  yellow,  and  bordered  behind  with 
white  feathers.  The  tail  consists  of  fourteen  feathers.  Its  eggs 
are  three  or  four,  bluish  green  with  a  coating  of  white  chalky 
material.    Length  of  body  about  three  feet,  extent  about  5  feet. 



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(Phalacrocorax  dilophus.) 

This  Cormorant  breeds  plentifull.y  on  the  Newfoundland 
Coasts,  also  in  Manitoba,  Saskatchewan  and  Alberta.  It  is  com- 
mon in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  is  frequently  seen  in  Lake 
Ontario,  where  it  may  breed,  but  such  nesting  place  is  not  known. 
In  plumage  it  resembles  the  Single-crested  Cormorant,  but  has 
two  curly  black  tufts  of  feathers  on  the  sides  of  the  head  during 
the  breeding  season,  and  its  tail  consists  of  but  twelve  feathers. 
Length  about  32  inches,  extent  about  50. 

The  "White-crested  Cormorant  is  a  variety  of  the  Double- 
crested,  found  on  the  Pacific  cctnst  from  California  to  Alaska,  be- 
ing common  about  Vancouver  Island.  It  has  a  white  crest  of 
curly  feathers  over  each  oye,  and  it  reaches  36  inches  in  lenjith. 


{Phalocrocorux  /iclnfjicus) . 

This  is  also  a  Pacifif  bird,  inliabiting  the  north  Pacific  from 
Japan  to  the  Aleutian  Islands  and  south  to  Washington.  It  re- 
sides winter  and  summer  in  tlic  Aleutian  Archipelatjo,  breeding 
freely,  and  becoming  extremely  i)kntiful.  The  back  is  lustrous 
grecai;  wing  coverts  and  sides  purjtlish:  neck  violet  iridescent; 
a  crest  on  the  top  and  anotlier  on  tli-'  back  of  the  lu  id.  Length 
about  27  inches,  extent  about  40. 


(Pch '  (niidac). 

These  are  large  aquatic  birds  reaching  six  feet  or  more  in 
length,  and  having  a  wing  expanse  up  to  nine  feet.  The  l)<)dy  is 
remarkable  for  the  numerous  air  cavities  which  greatly  increase 
its  buoyancy.  The  most  nulewurlliy  feature  of  this  group  is  the 
large  pouch  hung  to  the  throat  and  lower  mandible. 





*D.    St  'tSffA. 

Ddinii:  (  KI-SII  l>  (  ciK'MilK  \N  1. 

1  l'li.ii.iiTi'r.-r;t\    itilMi.liii-  '. 


,    R<     *.    M,    UUH«OR0, 

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(IVlfcanu!*  »TvthTorhvnclKi>). 

('.•'YKtOMt    f.1'.    If    A.    W,    kUMFOHD.    ■   Ml(  • 



The  bill  itself  is  several  times  as  lonj?  as  the  liead,  broad, 
straight,  and  strong,  and  ends  in  a  sharp  hoop.  When  the  giihir 
pouch  is  distended  it  will  liold  several  (juarts.  Most  of  the  species 
are  maritime,  but  some  are  found  also  in  fresh  water.  They  arc 
gregarious  and  nest  in  colonies.  On  land  they  niovo  awkwardly, 
but  tly  stron^jly  thounh  leisurely,  and  swim  and  dive  with  pjrace 
and  ease.  Some  kinds  scoop  up  small  fish  while  swiuuuinji:,  others 
plunge  from  tli«'  air  and  dive  under  the  water  for  their  prey. 
When  huugry  th*  contract  the  pouc.  ,  oj.-.ptying  it  of  water,  and 
then  swallow  their  catch.  The  yoUi  .,  .m'  icl  on  partially  di- 
i^ested  fish,  reirurgitated  by  the  })arents.  TUc  i:(  .,t  is  placed  on  the 
ground  or  among  rocks  near  water  an.^  i  <  'fV-'s  are  two  or  three 
in  number,  rough  and  dvdl  whitish. 

A.M Eh* I ( UN  WHITE  PELl ( 'AN 

(Pchrcuius  crlhrorliynchos). 

These  great  birds  are  accidental  east  of  Manitoba,  where  they 
bi'eed  on  the  large  I, ikes.  They  are  also  found  in  the  western 
States  and  in  Saskatchewan,  All)erta,  and  the  North-west  Ter- 
ritory near  Fort  Smith,  but  tliey  are  not  common  in  British  Co- 
lumbia. Their  plumage  is  white,  with  the  llight  feathers  of  tiie 
wings  black.  In  the  breeding  season,  the  male  has  a  yellow  crest 
of  few  feathers,  and  a  lioriiy  i)roniiuence  on  the  yellowish  bill. 
Length  about  5  feet,  extent  about  ^\-_^  feet. 


{Pelccanus  f  srus). 

This  species  of  ])eliean  is  seldom  seen  in  (Canada.  It  is  a 
much  smaller  bird,  with  dusky  plumage,  except  that  the  top  and 
sides  of  the  head,  and  sides  of  the  throat  are  white,  with  a  yellow 
shade  on  the  crest.  Its  home  is  the  eastern  coast  of  the  United 
States  from  the  Caribbean  Sea  to  Cape  Ilatteras.    Occasionally 





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a  wanderer  mav  reach  Nova  Scotia.  Tliev  nest  in  colonies,  iisu- 
ally  on  the  j^round,  hut  occasionally  in  low  trees,  and  lay  two  or 
three  chalky  white  og^s. 

A  reniarkahle  study  of  these  bird.,  has  been  made  with  a 
movinj;  picture  camera  by  Frank  M.  Chapman,  the  famous  Amer- 
ican ornithologist. 



The  members  of  this  order  are  all  embraced  in  family  Anatidae 
including  our  Ducks,  Ceose,  and  Swans.  Tlicy  are  characterized 
by  having  broad  bodies  flattened  on  the  lower  side,  no  gular  pouch, 
but  a  series  of  lamellae  or  tooth-like  plates  along  the  cutting  edge 
of  their  bills. 


1.  Hind  toe  not  lobed,  bill  flattened,  duck-shaped 

Anatinac,  River  Ducks. 

2.  Hind  toe  lobed,  bill  flattened Ftdifiulituw,  Sea  Ducks. 

3.  Hind  t(»o  lobed,  bill  round,  narrov;.  not  flattened. 

Mdijinin ,  Mergansers. 


1.  Bill  narrow  but  flattened:  head  with  long,  low  crest  .  . 

Ai.r,  page  47 

L\   l>iil  widened  to  sp(»on-shai)ed:  head  not  crested. 

SfKituln,  page  46 

3.  Bill  rot  sp(»on-sliaped;  head  not  crested — 

a.  Tail  with  long  black  ccntnil  i'eatluM's.  .M'.///<»  (inale),  i>age  47 

b.  Tail  iVathers  a<-ute,  not  long;  <-rown  not  whitish. 

DitfUd  (female),  page  47 
e.  Tail  fcathciN  not  acute:  ci-own  whitish Manm,  jtage  45 



d.  ^veculum  oi  \\ing  white;  fvet  uvimiro.Clmul(la.snit(H,  pnj^o  44 

e.  Specuhini  ol'  \\h\<r  violet;  feet  oranj-c \}ias,  \m^v  44 

f.  Specuhun  jjrccii.    Very  smnll  ducks:— 

fl.  Head  dark  j-i-ay;  \\'m<r  coverts  .sky-l)li;(>. 

Qn(  nincihilii,  \n\>i,v  46 
1'2.  Head  ehestinit  (»r  brown;  wiii^  coverts  j;reen. 

Xcffinii,  ]tau;e  45 

KEY  TO  SI»ECIKS  OF  Fnlifjuliimr,  SEA  I)r(^KS 

J.  Bill  ordinary,  diirk-shaped: — 
a.     Nail  of  bill  lar;?e  and  white;  tail  lonj?  as  winy. 

Ilnvi'hht  (i>;ale),  payc  T)2 
1>.  Bill  as  above;  tail  not  long;  sides  (►f  head  whitish. 

lluvelda  (female),  paj-c  52 
e.  Xail  of  bill  narrow;  head  black  with  white  in  fntnt  of  eve. 

CInngula,  pajje  50 
cl.  Head  black,  with  white  behind  the  eye. 

(■Iiaritmettii,  pai>-e  52 
c2.  Head  black,  brown  or  chestnut,  without  white. 

Aijthifd,  pauje  48 

2.  Bill  with  broad  decurved  nail:  tail  f<'athers  narrow,  stiff,  and 
ex2)Osed Kristnatuin,  \n\\rv  .'(J 

3.  Bill  with  lolx'  at  inner  angle;  wiiite  spots  in  front  <tf  eve  ai.d 
behind  the  ear ///.s/,  iohints,  patjo  53 

4.  Bill  swollen  at  base: — 

a.  With  processes  of  bill  extendini,'  ujnvard  toward  the  eves. 

SoiiKifcn'a.  pa^c  5;; 

b.  Without  j.rocesses  extendinu'  hnckwim].  .Oidrniia,  ])a«e  55 


The  Ducks  dilfer  from  o^cr  Anotidac  in  having  the  sexes 
unlike,  and  the  tarsus  scutellate  in  front  and  shoi-ter  than  the 
middle  toe  without    the    elaw.      They    are    separated    into    sub- 


\     l! 

I  ' 





families  as  follows:  Mcrgiuac  or  .Mergansers,  Anatiiiac  or  River 
Ducks,  and  Fulufuliune  or  Sea  Ducks. 



The  Merita  users,  also  called  Shelldrakcs  aud  Saw'bills,  are 
fish-eaters.  The  lower  mandible  has  a  series  ot  distinct  toothlike 
serrations  alonj;  the  up}>er  odtie;  tlie  bill  is  narrow,  the  head  more 
or  less  crested  and  the  hind  toe  lobate.  They  pursue  aud  capture 
their  i)i-«'y  under  water.  The  Hesl)  of  all  but  the  Hooded  Mer- 
ganser is  rank  aud  tishy. 

DRAKE  [Ml  ff/iuis<  r  ((ni('ric(i)ius). 

This  lariic  Duck  breeds  in  Lalu-adoi"  and  Newfouudlaiui. 
jirobably  in  all  the  maritime  i»ni\inces.  eertaiuly  in  Ontario.  Mani- 
toba, and  lud'tli-weslii'ly.  lioth  uiiiii(lil)Ies  li;i\'e  eunspicuou-  tooth- 
like >err;iti.iis.  aud  'Aw  bill  is  stiouiily  decurved  at  the  tip.  It 
nests  in  a  hoie  i  i  a  b.-mk  ui*  t  cr  i>i-  auioun-  rocks  ciV  boulders.  Eggs 
six  to  ten.  (Ti-aniy  t<  '  ..IT.  Tl'.e  ibunage  (tf  the  head.  u)>])er  neck, 
and  baek.  is  meenish  )tla<'k.  'J  he  l>reast  i-  reddish:  the  lower 
neck  and  i»el|y  are  uhit<'.  as  ai'e  tiie  .-..■eondai'ies  and  most  of  the 
wing  coverts.  'Die  rnmj)  and  tail  are  gray.  The  female  is  white 
on  the  chill  auil  upper  thi'oat.  hrown  on  the  top  of  the  heafi  ami 
lower  throat.  Itistead  of  the  black  liack  and  tail,  tliese  are  ashy 
gray.    Length  aln-nt  2')  inches,  extent  about  :'•'). 

RED-BRKASTKl)   M  Kl?<  JANSEli-SIIKLLDR  \KK  r  s(  rrnfdv  ). 

This  beaniifni  bit  i  :  <'sts  all  across  Canada  as  well  as  the 
jiorthej-n  I'!  ited  S.ates.  th.  -p.  n  prairie.  The  nests  are 
made  ou  ihc  ground  anioutr  rocks  and  shrul)s  and  always  near 
watt  r,     Lu.l;'.-'  usually  ei^ihr  tit  tucbr,  dull  buff,     'fin-  inad  ano  m-ck 



=  ;^ 




are  bl;>ckish  greou  with  a  thin  crost.  The  neck  lias  a  white  rinj?, 
and  the  under  parts  are  white  except  the  front  of  tlie  breast  which 
is  chestnnt  red  with  })lack  streaks.  The  head  and  throat  are 
brownish;  back  and  tail  f?ray;  nndcr  parts  white.  Lens?th  about 
24  inches,  extent  about  34. 




(Lo/>liod/jtcs  cucunatus). 

This  is  ihc  most  j^rikinii;  in  appearance  of  all  the  smaller 
ducks  because  of  the  lar^e  circular  crest.  It  |»rt»hably  iK'sts  in 
Quebec  an*l  Oitarjfci.  beiutj  found  rhere  at  all  tiiiies  in  lli<'  sum- 
BM»r.  It  ki  laiowi;  t(»  breed  in  Manitoba,  and  norlhward  and  west- 
ward, beinp:  conmion  on  the  Paciric  coast.  Its  nest  is  made  in 
I'ok's  IT!  tvie-  ;ind  stumps,  oftiu  in  fm-csis.  Tlie  head. 
Meek  and  iiai'k  are  i)lae!c:  bicast  aild  belly  white;  siii<'s  liownish, 
Tbf  remarkable  crest  is  bl;n'k  in  front,  the  n'maindei-  is  clear 
wliitp  with  a  narrow  black  border.  Th*'  fenwle  ha>^  the  lie,;<l,  neck, 
and  np})er  breast  ^^rayish  brown.,  with  soin,-  yellow  brown.  es})e<'i- 
ally  on  the  small  crest.  The  back  is  blackish.  The  younjj  la<-k  the 
crest.    Leuj^th  aboiu  17,  extent  r.ldait  '2'>  infiit-s. 

li  I 


{Aiud iiiiit ). 

These  Ducks  are  marked  by  liavin^;  the  tarsus  scute! late  in 
fr.-nt.  and  tlie  hind  toe  simple,  -wilhout  a  Haj)  oi-  hh,..  They 
are  not  confined  to  fresh  water,  but  do  not  dive  for  tlicir  food  as 
do  the  Sea  Ducks.  They  feed  on  aijuatic  urasses.  and  th(  ir  tlesli  is 






*  ■ 


(A)i(is  h(tsclitis). 

The  -wild  form  of  our  domestic  duck  l)reeds  in  the  United 
States,  and  occasionally  in  Ontario,  hut  chiefly  on  the  ponds  of  the 
prairies.  Tlie  nest  is  huilt  on  the  c;rouiid  amoiij;  weeds,  and  the 
eggs  are  yellowish  drab.  The  range  of  this  duck  is  from  the  At- 
lantic to  the  Pacific,  but  it  is  rare  in  the  maritime  provinces.  The 
head  and  upper  part  of  the  neck  of  the  male  are  rich,  dark,  glossy 
green:  a  white  ring  around  the  neck;  the  breast  bright  chestnut; 
the  belly  gray  with  fine,  wavy,  black  lines;  the  ))ack  dark;  and  the 
tiiil  bh'.ck.  The  si)eculum  is  violet  or  ].urple.  JMU'dered  at  the  bnse 
and  tip  with  black  and  white.  Female  l)n>wnish  on  head,  neck, 
back  and  belly.  Speculum  ])urple.  This  is  one  of  our  largest  and 
most  beautiful  ducks,  reaching  alx.ut  23  inches  in  length  and  35 
in  wing  extent.  It  is  known  to  interl)ree(l  with  several  otlier 
species,  producing  puzzling  hybrids. 


{A}itis  ohHcura). 

This  duck,  which  is  thought  by  some  to  be  the  melanistic  form 
of  the  Mallard,  is  entirely  dusky  in  sexes,  with  huff  sire.'ks 
on  the  head  and  neck,  and  no  wliite  anywhere  I'xcept  in  the  liiung 
of  the  wings.  The  speculum  is  i»uri>!e.  Size,  lliat  of  the  Mallard.  Its 
rano-e  is  the  eastern  half  of  Xortli  America,  and  it  is  not  km)wn  in 
Canada  west  of  Manit<.ba.  It  breeds  still  in  Ont.irio  and  (^lehec, 
and  about  Hudson  l^ay,  but  is  becoming  Ux^  muueroiis  with  each 
successive  shooting  scisdU. 

(J'AI)\VALL-(JK'AV    hlCK 

( Cliaiihlasiinis  slr<  jx  i  ks). 

Tlu'  (ia<lwell  is  rareh-  seen  m  (^iiebc!'  or  Ontario,  but  brcds 
verv  conunonly  on  the  prairie^  of  the  western  I'nite*!  Slates  and 








in  soinli'Tii  Manitoba,  Saskatcliewan,  and  Alborta.  It  seems  to 
belonj^  to  open  prairie  districts  rather  than  to  forested  n-^'ions. 
The  nest  is  made  of  jjraas  and  lined  with  feathers,  and  is  often  on 
an  island  oi-  point  close  to  the  water  of  a  fresii  prairie  pond.  Tlie 
e<,',i,'s  s<.nietinies  nnniber  twelve,  and  are  a  })ale  yellowish  drab.  T\\o 
head  and  neck  are  mottled  brown  and  black;  breast  black,  marked 
with  wliite  spots  in  the  form  of  a  border  and  inner  rin;,'  on  each 
feather;  belly  grayish  or  white;  chestnut  on  the  wings.  The  female 
resembles  the  male  as  to  the  head  and,  l)nt  has  yellowish  in 
place  of  most  of  the  black  and  white.  licngth  about  21  inches, 
extent  about  'M  inches. 


(Mareca  amcricanu). 
The  Baldpate  is  a  mig'-ant  in  eastern  North  Ameri<'a,  but 
lireeds  freely  from  Manitoba  north-westwardly.  Ft  Hies  high  with 
whistling  wings,  and  often  associates  with  the  Diving  Ducks,  steal- 
nig  their  food.  The  top  of  the  liead  is  whitisli ;  the  sides  .iiid  b.ick 
of  the  crown  green  with  })lack  flecks;  the  back  is  grayish  bi-u\vn; 
the  breast  is  brownish;  the  belly  white,  crissum  black.  Tlie  ^viiigs 
liave  a  white  patcii,  and  the  speculum  is  green  with  black  border. 
The  female  has  a  black  crown,  otherwise  the  hc.d  it  white  with 
black  streaks;  breast  and  sides  yellowish;  belly  white.  Fu'Dgth  19, 
extent  ;]2  inches. 


(y      ion  caroliiu'nsi.s). 

The  (ireeii-winged  Teal  is  not  conunon  in  Ontario  or  Quebec, 
but  it  is  a  resiik-nt  of  New  Brunswick,  Newfoundland,  and  Labra- 
dor. It  breeds  aln-nt  James  Day  iuul  all  across  to  tlie  J*acitic  and 
north  to  the  A  ret  w  ( )c(>a)i.  The  nest  is  often  at  some  distance  from 
the  water,  placed  on  the  ground,  or  a  knoll  in  a  thicket,  and  made 
of  dry  grass,  it  breeds  early,  la\-ing  from  six  to  twelve  creamy- 
yellow  eggs. 


ill- '  ij 

;.  ,?( 


■     W"'^ 

a  i    -■ 



Tlu"  liead  and  neck  are  chestnut,  the  breast  somewhat  lijihter 
with  (lark  spots.  A  jjfroen  inxich  behind  each  eye.  Back  and  sides 
iriayish  with  wavy  lines;  a  white  crescent  bar  in  front  of  the  bend 
(tf  the  winj;s.  The  speculum  in  both  sexes  is  rich  green  on  the 
upi)er  half,  puri)lish  black  on  the  lower  or  outer  half.  This  is  <me 
of  our  smallest  ducks,  reachincr  about  14  inches  in  length  and  23 
inches  in  extent:  but  very  beaiitifnl,  and  exceedingly  swift  on  the 
wing.  The  niondx^rs  of  the  flock  manoeuvre  together  with  wonder- 
ful unanimity.  It  is  an  early  mim-.-Mit  both  north  and  south,  and 
i's  flesli  is  of  the  highest  (pialify. 

( Qiicrqucduln  (liscors). 
'i'lie  whole  of  North  America,  exce}it  the  soiirhern  Paeific 
sinj.e.  u'ay  l)e  considered  the  range  of  this  little  diicU.  It  is  fairly 
t'linnioii  in  (^>iiehec  and  ()ntaii<»  in  s)»riiig  and  fall,  and  a  few  bre<'d 
l:ei-e.  liut  its  h(»nie  is  tlie  jtrairie  of  southern  .Manitoba  a.nd  Sas- 
kateliewan.  auil  a  lew  are  known  t(»  nest  in  British  Columbia.  It 
lays  eight  to  tin  buff  eggs  in  a  nest  on  tlie  grouiul.  IJoth  on  the 
water  and  in  flight  these  teal  ]>refer  to  keep  in  close  flocks,  a>nd 
move  with  wonderful  swiftness  and  uniformity.  Tin  general 
plumage  is  bi'ownish,  thickly  spotted  with  black  and  yellow.  The 
head  aiid  neck  are  dark  gray,  with  a  l;irge  white  crescent  in  front 
of  the  eye.  The  fiinaii  lacks  the  crescent  and  is  altogether  streak- 
ed brownish.  I'otli  sexes  \v.:\y  be  known  b_v  the  blue  wing  coverts, 
and  green  speculum.    Length  about  10  inches  and  extent  about  '28. 


{SfnttKhi  cli/itcat(i). 

The  Shoveller  breeds  very  plentifully  in  the  northern  jtrairie 

and  in  British  Columbia.    It  is  found  occasionally  in  Ontario  and 

Quel)ec  in  summer,  and  is  a  migrant  eastward  to  the  coast.       In 

breeding  jihunage  the  Shoveller  is  a  bird  of  beautiful  coloration, 





;i''^  iP 



r;,  lit' 





(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 





but  his  appearance  is  marred  by  his  unusually  long  legs,  and  long 
and  wide  bill.  The  head  and  neck  are  green ;  the  breast  white ;  tlie 
belly  brownish.  Like  the  preceding  he  has  blue  wing  coverts,  :nid 
green  speculum.  The  back  is  yellowish  and  the  rump  is  black. 
The  female  is  brownish,  streaked  with  darker,  and  easily  distin- 
guished by  the  bill. 


(Dafila  acuta). 

This  beautiful,  slender  and  graceful  duck  is  not  plentiful  in 
eastern  Canada,  although  seen  hi  migration,  and  probably  breed- 
ing in  Ontario,  About  James  and  Hudson  bays  and  westward  it 
breeds  in  great  numbers,  nesting  in  the  grass  on  dry  ground  under 
bushes.  It  winters  in  the  southern  United  States,  Cuba,  and 
Panama.  The  head  and  throat  of  the  male  are  brownish  with 
green  and  purple  shadirigs,  and  a  long  white  stripe  on  each  side 
from  the  neck  upward.  The  baek  is  gray  with  wavy  lines.  The 
under  parts  are  whitish;  the  wings  gray  and  brown,  the  speculum 
bronze  green.  The  central  tail  feathers  are  very  long  and  green- 
ish black.  The  female  is  brownish  with  dark  streaks.  The  un- 
usually long  neck  and  tail  are  characteristic.  Length  up  to  30 


(Aix  sponsa). 
Of  all  our  wild  water-fowl  this  is  the  most  highly  colored,  and 
most  beautiful.  It  breeds  in  all  eastern  North  America  except  the 
extreme  north  and  the  states  near  the  tropics.  Its  nests  are  found 
in  New  Brunswick,  Quebec,  Ontario,  and  eastern  Manitoba,  in 
holes  in  trees  and  stubs  often  not  very  near  water.  The  young  are 
often  carried  in  the  bill  of  the  parent  to  a  stream  of  pond.  The 
feet  seem  well  adapted  to  perching  on  large  branches.  The  cream 
colored  or  greenish  eggs  are  usually  twielve,  but  may  reach  fifteen 
in  number. 


ii  ' 




'     m\ 


•-i    >: 




The  head  is  shining  green  and  purple,  with  a  long  low  crest  of 
the  same,  but  with  white  stripe-  The  lower  cheeks,  throat,  and 
neck  are  white  all  around.  The  breast  is  a  bright  chestnut  red, 
with  white  spots  especially  toward  the  lower  margin.  The  back  is 
brown  and  green,  the  sides  yellowish  with  parallel  white  and  black 
bars.  The  speculum  is  bright  green  or  blue,  and  the  bill  is  red. 
The  female  has  a  grayish  head  with  small  greenish  crest,  white 
chin  and  throat,  and  spotted  chestnut  breast.  The  lower  surface 
is  yellowish  or  white.    Length  about  19  inches,  extent  about  28. 



These  have  the  tarsi  scutellate  in  froui,  and  the  hind  toe  lobate, 
i.e.,  with  a  flap  or  web.  The  feet  are  larger  and  the  tarsi  shorter 
and  placed  further  back  than  in  the  River  Ducks,  giving  less 
power  on  land,  but  better  swimming  and  diving  ability.  They  feed 
to  some  extent  on  mollusks,  and  the  flesh  in  some  is  unfit  for  food. 


{Aythya  americana). 
While  not  recorded  as  common  in  the  maritime  provinces 
even  during  migration,  the  Red-head  is  fairly  plentiful  in  Ontario, 
breeding  in  the  western  part,  and  from  Missouri  north- \  to  the 
prairie  lakes  of  Manitoba,  Saskatchewan,  and  Alberta.  It  is 
scarcely  known  on  the  Pacific  slope  or  in  the  far  north.  It  builds 
near  the  water,  often  of  marsh  vegetation,  almost  or  quite  sup- 
ported by  water.  Eggs— up  to  twelve  or  thirteen,  yellowish  drab 
in  color.  The  forehead  arches  from  the  bill.  The  head  and  upper 
neck  are  rich  red-chestnut;  lower  neck,  back,  and  breast  black; 
posterior  parts  gray  with  fine  wavy  black  lines;  belly  white  with 
black  lines  towarr'  the  tail.  Female  of  same  colore  in  duller 
shades.    Length  a^ut  21  inches,  extent  about  2.1 




(Aythya  valisncria) . 

The  Canvas-baek  breeds  plentifully  in  Saskatchewan  and 
Alberta  and  north  to  Slave  Lake.  It  migrates  to  the  east  coast  of 
the  United  States  and  also  to  the  (Kilf  of  Mexico,  so  as  a  migrant 
it  is  known  in  Ontario  and  Quebec.  Its  breeding  habits  are  sim- 
ilar to  those  of  the  Red-head,  as  are  also  its  feeding  and  migrating 
methods,  although  it  seems  to  favor  the  west  and  north  to  a  greater 
extent.  Both  of  these  related  ducks  are  famous  for  the  excellence 
of  their  flesh,  but  the  flavor  on  which  their  reputation  depends  is 
due  to  the  accident  of  their  being  able  to  feed  freely  on  Valisneria 
spiralis — Tape  or  Eel  grass — sometimes  called  Water  Celery.  If 
this  has  not  been  their  chief  food,  the  River  Ducks  excel  them  for 
the  table.  They  are  excellent  divei-s  and  bring  up  rafts  of  vege- 
table matter,  which  they  devour  on  the  surface  of  the  water.  The 
Canvas-back  is  colored  and  marked  much  as  is  the  Red-head,  but 
may  be  distinguished  as  follows: — its  forehead  is  low,  following 
the  line  of  the  bill;  the  head  and  neck  are  not  brownish  or  chest- 
nut red,  but  dark  reddish  brown.  The  posterior  parts  are  not  gray 
but  white,  with  wavj^  vermiculations  in  black.  Size,  same  as  the 
Red-head,  but  bill  longer  and  narrower. 


{Aythya  marila). 

The  whole  of  North  America  must  be  given  as  the  range  of  this 
common  duck,  although  it  is  rare  near  the  east  coast  in  the  north- 
ern regions.  Its  nesting  grounds  are  chiefly  in  Canada,  from  On- 
tario north-westerly  to  British  Columbia  and  Alaska.  Its  nest  is 
on  the  very  edge  of  the  water  when  such  a  site  is  available,  but  the 
drab  eggs  are  kept  dry.  This  and  its  smaller  cousin — the  Little 
Blue-bill — form  the  greater  proportion  of  the  grtat  flocks  of  wild 
ducks  which  collect  on  our  Great  Lakes  and  near  the  marshy  feed- 


■  i      ^ 




)   '        'j 


1.  ! 


M      ' 


(    ! 
f"  ! 






ing  grounds  in  late  October  and  November.  If  it  has  fed  largely 
on  niollusks  its  flesh  is  far  from  dainty,  but  usually  its  diet  has 
been  such  as  to  make  it  desirable  food.  *  The  bill  is  dull  blue-gray 
with  black,  hooked  nail.  The  head,  neck,  shoulders,  and  breast  are 
black,  either  dull  or  greenish.  The  lower  back,  rump  and  tail 
blackish.  The  middle  of  the  back  and  the  under  parts  from  the 
breast  are  white  with  fine  wavy  black  lines.  The  female  has 
brownish  instead  of  black,  with  a  white  band  above  the  base  of  the 
bill.    Speculum  white.    Length  about  19  inches,  extent  about  ;}2. 


The  description  of  the  range,  habits,  and  coloration  of  the 
preceding  will  serve  for  this  bird.  In  size  there  seems  to  be  a  con- 
stant difference  of  about  3  inches  in  length  and  4  inches  in  extent. 
This  duck  is  more  plentiful  than  the  Blue-bill,  with  which  it  is 
usually  associated  in  migration  and  nesting,  although  this  form  is 
believed  to  occur  less  frequently  in  the  maritime  provinces  of 


{Aythyn  collaris). 

This  duck  closely  resembles  the  Scaup  Duck  in  coloration,  but 
ha-  a  chestnut  collar  about  the  loAver  ne^k  and  a  triangular  white 
spot  on  the  chin.  The  bill  is  dark,  black  at  the  end  below  a  band 
of  pale  blue.  It  associates  with  the  Blue-bills,  but  is  nowhere 
plentiful,  and  little  is  known  of  its  nesting.  It  breeds  in  Maine, 
Manitoba,  and  British  Columbia,  and  probably  in  northern  On- 
tario and  in  Quebec.    Length  about  17  inches,  extent  about  29. 



These  ducks  hove  short  bil  s  much  shorter  than  the  head,  high 
at  the  base,  tapering  toward  the  tip  which  ends  in  a  narrow  nail. 



I  iUI»img.W.|'«#MeJa. 

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The  head  is  puffy,  with  white  patches.    The  females  have  less  puffy 
heads  and  ihe  white  patches  are  nearly  wanting. 


(Clcni(jula  amcricana). 

This  well-known  duck  breeds  in  Newfoundland,  the  shores  of 
James  Bay,  and  northwestward,  and  late  in  the  fall — driven  only 
by  freezing  water — it  migrates  southward  through  the  United 
States.  It  is  &*^  ^'V  in  Ontario  and  Quebec  when  the  smaller 
lakes  are  freezi  •  .'or  the  winter.    Its  wings  produce  a  shrill 

whistling  soun«  •  "■  Jt  nests  in  holes  in  trees,  often  as  high 
as  twenty  feet,  u  '  noar  water.    Seton  found  it  nesting  in  holes 

in  Balsam  Poplar  as  far  north  as  this  tree  grows  in  the  valley  of 
the  Athabasca  River.  The  male  is  white  and  black,  the  i)uffy 
black  head  having  a  greenish  lustre,  and  a  roundish  white  spot  be- 
tween the  eye  and  the  bill.  Upper  parts  black,  except  the  wing 
coverts  and  speculum,  which,  like  tlie  lower  surface,  are  white. 
The  head  and  upper  parts  of  the  female  are  I)rownish,  lower  parts 
white.    Length  17  to  20  inches,  extent  about  32. 


{Clangula  islandica). 

This  species  is  known  to  nest  in  British  Columbia,  and  is 
thought  to  breed  in  the  far  north.  Its  nest  is  in  a  hollow  tree.  It 
is  less  ijlentiful  in  the  east  than  the  preceding,  but  is  coinmor  on 
the  British  Columbia  coast.  In  coloration  it  is  similar  to  the  Am- 
erican (rolden-eye,  but  the  vhite  spot  in  front  of  the  eye  is  cres- 
cent-shaped, and  that  on  the  wings  is  divided  by  a  black  bar.  I'he 
female  of  this  species  is  very  like  that  of  the  preceding,  but  the 
white  collar  is  very  narrow. 


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{Chnnoucttn  albcola). 

This  is  a  common  misi'ant  in  Ontario  and  Quebec,  and  nests 
in  British  Cohmil)ia,  but  its  breeding?  phices  in  the  east  have  not 
yet  been  sufficiently  determined.  A  hole  in  a  po])lar  tree  seems  to 
be  the  favorite  nestinj;  place.  It  wears  its  black  and  white  suit 
very  jauntily,  its  decidedly  ])uffy  head  failing  to  destroy  its  alert 
appearance.  A  plate  of  black  feathers  rises  from  the  top  of  the 
bill,  but  the  top  and  back  of  the  head  are  white,  the  feathers  rising 
almost  to  a  crest.  Upper  neck  and  l)ack  black.  Lower  neck, 
breast,  and  belly  white.    Length  about  13  inches,  extent  about  23. 


( IJuvflda  hijcni(tlis) . 

This  is  one  of  the  noisiest  and  liveliest  of  all  our  water-f<nvl. 
It  flies  swiftly,  dives  most  expertly  in  deep  water,  congregates  in 
flocks  which  make  themselves  heard  for  long  ^Mstances,  and  at- 
tracts the  covetousness  of  the  inexperienced  ^  .nner.  After  many 
crafty  and  laborious  attempts  he  may  find  himself  the  couiiueror 
of  a  0<nvlieen,  so  rank  and  fishy  as  to  be  quite  inedible  except  to  a 
hungry  Indian.  **01d  South-southerly" — as  this  is  sometimes 
called  from  its  scolding  notes — is  a  sea  duck  l)reeding  along  the 
Labrador,  Arctic,  and  Alaska  coasts,  and  in  the  lakes  of  the 
tundra.  It  is  connnon  in  the  Gulf  and  River  St.  Lawrence,  and 
remains  in  the  Great  Lakes  all  winter,  often  being  ^ound  entangled 
in  fishermen's  nets..  The  sides  of  the  head  in  the  male  are  gray  to 
dark  gray:  throat  and  back  of  the  head  and  neck  white;  a  broad 
white  collar;  breast  blackish;  belly  and  upper  j)arts  of  the  wings 
white.  The  middle  tail  feathers  are  very  long  and  separated.  The 
female  is  mostly  white  as  to  head,  neck,  and  belly;  browiiish  on 
breast  and  back,  and  the  tail  is  short.  Female  about  18  inches  in 
length ,  male  up  to  24  inches,  extent  about  30  inches. 





( Ili.stn'onicii.s  liistn'oHirits.) 
This  duck,  thouj^ht  by  .sonio  to  bo  next  to  tlic  WcmuI  Duck  in 
bcjiuty,  brcctls,  it  is  said,  in  Newfoundland,  Hudson  Stmit,  aud 
alon^'  the  Arctic  coast.  It  is  a  resident  of  Siberia  and  Manchuria 
and  Ahiska,  but  is  nowhere  reported  other  than  unconinion.  The 
nude  has  a  white  spot  in  front  of  the  eye,  and  tiiis  extends  as  a 
stripe  alonj*-  each  side  of  tlie  ci-own,  which  is  bhick.  A  winti'  spot 
marks  ^he  ear  and  a  white  bar  extends  from  behind  the  ear  down 
the  net  A  clear  white  bar  forms  a.  colhir  on  the  h)wer  neck,  some- 
times broken  in  front  or  behind,  and  i)arallol  with  it  a  second  cres- 
cent extends  in  front  of  each  winj«-.  Two  short  wliitc  winj>-  bars 
and  a  long  patch  of  white  on  the  inner  [)art  of  each  wing  completes 
a  decidedly  mottled  or  pinto  decoration.  The  remainder  of  the 
head,  back,  and  breast  are  slate  colored;  the  belly  grayish  to  black. 
The  female  is  grayish  or  brownisii,  with  a  large  white'spot  in  front 
of  the  eye.    Length  about  17,  extent  about  25  inches. 


{Somateria  mollmma  horeulis). 
This  variety  is  the  American  representative  of  the  semi-do- 
mestic Elder  of  Europe,  but  is  not  so  common  with  us  as  the  next 
species.  The  Xorthern  Eider  is  abundant  about  Greenland,  Hud- 
son Strait,  and  northern  Labrador,  and  has  been  seen  in  lluds<ui 
iiay.  It  IS  not  uncommon  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  visits 
Nova  Scotia  in  winter.  Like  the  other  eiders,  it  lines  its  nests 
with  down  plucked  from  its  own  breast.  The  European  form 
which  this  very  closely  resembles,  is  so  encouraged  about  Iceland 
as  t-  be  fairly  tame,  and  more  than  two  ounces  of  down  are  taken 
from  each  nest  in  a  season.  The  six  to  eight  eggs  are  bulf,  drab,  or 
greenish  in  color.  The  top  of  the  head  of  the  male  is  black,  except 
a  median  greenish  line;  the  remainder  of  ilu-   head,   the   throat, 









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neck,  upper  breast,  shoulders,  back  and  wing  patches  are  white, 
tinted  with  greenish  on  the  sides  of  the  liead  and  \Vith  purplish  on 
the  breast.  The  tail,  lower  breast,  and  belly  are  black.  The  frontal 
processes  of  the  bill  are  short,  acute,  and  parallel.  The  female  is 
dark,  with  brownish  and  yellowish  markings.  Length  about  24, 
extent  about  40  inches. 


(Somafcn'n  d fi'sseri.) 

Tills  eider  breeds  abundantly  in  Newfoundland,  and  is  resi- 
dent in  Xova  Scotia.  It  mi<>ht  well  become  a  most  interesting  and 
important  resident,  if  the  senseless  and  reckless  destruction  of  its 
eggs  were  checked,  and  instruction  given  in  encouraging  the  nest- 
ing of  the  birds  and  the  collecting  of  their  down.  Its 
nests  are  found  along  the  Labrador  coasts  and  James  Bay.  The 
male  in  si)ring  is  colored  similarly  to  the  Noi-thern  Eider,  .at  the 
frontal  processes  of  the  bill  are  in  this  species  broad,  rounded,  and 
divergent.  Thf  female  differs  as  in  the  preceding  species,  being 
yellowish  brown,  but  distinguishable  by  the  frontal  processes. 
Length  and  extent  same  as  for  Northern  Eider. 




(Somatfria  Y-nigra.) 

Hudson  Bay  and  Great  Slave  Lake,  as  well  as  our  Arctic 
coasts,  are  haunts  of  this  eider,  which  is  common  on  the  Aleutian 
Islands  and  north  Pacific  sliores.  Its  plumage  is  like  that  of  the 
two  preceding,  except  that  it  bears  a  large  black  V-shajied  mark 
on  the  white  throat,  the  point  being  forward  and  the  limbs  diverg- 
ing behind.  The  frontal  j^rocesses  are  as  in  thp  Northern  Eider. 
The  food  oi'  all  the  Eiders  is  bivalves,  espei  .y  mussels,  which 
tliey  obtain  by  diving.    Length  about  22  inches. 




(Somaterin  ,pc'  .tbilis). 

This  eider  breeds  on  Davis  Strait,  the  Labrador  c  tst,  the 
iiortheni  shores  of  Hudson  Bay,  and  is  an  occasional  visitor  to 
Xova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick,  and  Lake  Ontario.  The  white 
throat  of  the  male  bears  a  lar^e  black  V  ;  there  is  also  a  black  spot 
below  the  black-rinjj;ed  eye,  and  a  black  line  aUm^  the  edge  of  the 
enlarged  bulging  frontal  processes;  the  top  of  the  h-^-ad  and  nape 
are  pearl  j;ray;  the  sides  of  head  sea  green-  +he  bill  or;  nge  red. 
Remainder  of  the  head,  throat,  neck,  upper  back,  le.  :•  wing 
c<. verts,  and  sides  of  rump  white.  Breast  varia')!e  bi..^.  The 
greater  wing  coverts,  the  scai)ulars,  and  the  prim.ries  are  brown- 
isli  or  chestnut.  Lower  back,  rump  an^l  tail.  an.  i-f^mainder  of 
under  parts  black.  Female  bulT,  stre.iket'  ith  brown  above.  Tail 
black.    Under  parts  blackish  brown.    Length  about  2.)  inches. 



These  Surf  Ducks,  or  Sea  Coots,  are  characterized  )»y  the 
swollen  or  gibbous  bill,  combined  with  black  plumage,  with  wiiite 
patches  on  head  or  wings,  or  both.  They  are  moHusk  eaters  when 
on  the  ocean,  and  are  then  scarcely  fit  for  food,  but  when  fed  on 
aquatic  plants  of  the  fresh  water  lakes  are  quite  palatable. 


{Oiilemia  Americana) . 

This  Black  Sea-Coot  breeds  in  Alaska,  and  probal)ly  all  along 
the  Arctic  coast  and  northern  Labrador.  It  is  seen  during  migra- 
tion in  Newfoundland,  Nova  Scotia,  Quebec,  auu  Ontario.  The 
male  has  entirely  black  plumage,  less  glossy  below.  The  bill  is 
black,  with  an  orange  patch  on   the   enlarged   upper  part.    The 



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female  has  a  iiorinal  bill  and  plumage  of  varioiis  shades  of  brown. 
Length  of  male  nearly  21  inches;  female  17.  Ext<'ut  of  male  36; 
female  30  inches. 


( Oidcm in  drf/landi) . 

This  Velvet  Duck  breeds  in  the  far  north  and  in  Alaska,  being 
known  in  southern  Canada  only  in  spring  and  fall,  when  it  is  found 
on  the  Croat  Lakes,  the  St.  liawrence,  and  in  Manitoba.  The  male 
has  the  knobbed  bill,  with  an  orange  spot,  a  small  white  spot  below 
the  eye,  and  a  white  speculum;  otherwise  entirely  black.  The 
female  is  grayish  to  brown,  with  the  white  speculum.  Length 
about  20,  extent  about  36  inches. 


(Oifh'nii((  j)cr:ni)ivnUita). 

This  Scoter  breeds  in  Alaska  and  along  the  Arctic  coast  and 
Labrador.  It  is  common  along  the  shores  of  Newfoundland  and 
the  maritime  provinces,  and  also  on  I^ake  Ontario,  and  the  coast 
waters  of  British  Columbia.  The  upper  swollen  base  of  the  bill 
of  the  male  in  spring  is  crimson  or  scarlet.  A  white  spot  on  the 
f<:r('head,  and  a  large  one  on  the  nape  are  the  only  exceptions  to 
the  solid  black  of  the  plumage.  The  female  is  dark  l)row-n,  with  a 
whitish  sjjot  in  front  of  the  eye,  and  another  behind  the  ear.  The 
belly  is  also  nearly  white.    Length  about  20  inches,  extent  about  M. 


{Erismatura  jamaicoisis) . 

This  is  a  species  differing  in  many  respects  from  all  other 
ducks  reaching  Canada,  particularly  in  the  short,  stiff,  pointed 
tail  feathers,  which  iireatlv  resemble  those    of    the    Cormorants. 




The  head  is  small  and  the  neck  thick,  and  the  nail  of  the  bill  is  wid- 
ened and  dr'curved  to  form  a  hook.  The  bill  itself  is  widened  and 
dep]vsscd,  sny-nestini;-  tliat  of  the  Spoonbill.  This  strange  little 
duck  breeds  from  Manitoba  to  the  Pacific,  and  is  occasionally 
found  in  Ontario  and  Quebec.  It  migrates  to  .Mexico  and  the  West 
Indies.  The  chin  and  sides  of  the  head  of  tlie  male  are  white; 
crown  and  nape  glossy  black.  Upper  parts  browiush  re(l,  lower 
])arts  whitish.  Temale  brown  above,  ])ale  below.  Length  1(),  ex- 
tent about  22  inches, 


Geese  are  the  members  of  the  group  Atiscns.  which  are 
medium  in  size,  have  necks  shoi-ter  than  their  bodies,  sexes  similar, 
and  feed  upon  vegetable  food  alone.  They  lay  usually  six  eggs,  in 
nests  on  the  ground,  and  commonly  not  far  from  the  water.  Lores 
completely  feathered,  and  tarsi  entirely  reticulated. 


(Chen  hijperhoictt ) . 

This  goose  nests  about  Hudson  Bay  and  the  shores  of  the 
Arctic  Ocean.  It  nugrates  southward  chieliy  along  the  Pacific 
coast,  although  some  follow  the  },Iississi))pi  valley,  and  a  few  travel 
by  the  Great  Lakes.  A  few  have  been  taken  in  Ontario,  where  they 
are  accidental  wanderers.  Its  plumage  is  entirely  white  when 
mature,  excejjt  the  ti]»s  of  the  wings.    Length  about  2.')  inches. 


{Chen  liijpcrhorca  iiiiudis). 

This  Wavey  breeds  with  the  smaller  foi-m,  and  all  that  is  said 
of  o]ie  applies  to  the  other,  exce])t  the  matter  of  size,  and  it  is  (piite 
certiiin  that  there  is  every  gradation.  The  smaller  form  reaches 
28  inciu's  in  length,  the  larger  :\-\.    A  few  of  b'^th  sizes  have  been 


;-  i  i. 





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taken  in  Ontario.  They  are  plentiful  at  times  in  the  fall  on  the 
coasts  of  Virginia  and  North  Carolina,  and  especially  in  Alberta. 
The  young  birds  are  dusky  or  grayish. 


(Chen  rossi). 

The  breeding  ground  of  this  goose  is  not  known,  as  it  is  rarely 
taken  by  any  one  who  rei)orts  its  collection.  It  is  said  to  migrate 
through  Alberta,  and  one  was  taken  in  Manitoba.  Seton  found  it 
on  the  Athabasf'a  River  on  June  1st,  1907,  and  in  October  of  the 
same  year  many  were  killed  near  Fort  Chipewyan.  Its  plum- 
age is  snow  white,  except  the  primaries,  which  are  black.  The 
basal  i^art  of  the  ))ill  is  covered  with  wart-like  excrescences. 
Length  al)out  29  inches. 


{Chen  cucrnlcsccnH). 

Tliis  species  is  said  to  breed  in  the  interior  of  Labrador  and 
on  the  eastern  shores  of  Hudson  I>ay.  A  few  have  l)een  captured 
in  Ontario,  but  its  chief  migratory  route  is  the  Mississippi  Valley. 
In  color  it  is  grayish  ])ro\vn,  \\\\\\  wing  coverts  and  rump  bluish 
gray,  and  the  head  and  upper  part  of  the  neck  white;  the  under 
parts  are  whitish.  Size  and  shajte  alxmt  the  same  as  the  Snow 
Goose,  of  which  it  was  thought  to  l)e  the  young. 


{An.ser  nlhifrons  gamheli). 

The  northern  migration  of  this  goose  is  through  Saskatchewan 
and  Manitoba.  Its  breeding  grounds  are  the  Arctic  Islands  and 
about  the  mouth  of  the  Mackenzie  River,  and  Seton  states  that  it 
nests  near  Avlmer  Lake,  N.W.T.    Occasionallv  it  visits  Ontario 



and  Quebec.  The  European  White-fronted  Goose  has  been  seen 
in  Greenland.  The  fore  part  of  the  head  is  white,  b(tunded  by  a 
narrow  line  of  black;  the  remainder  of  the  head  is  dark  brown ;  the 
body  and  wings  grayish  brown;  the  rump  white.  Length  28  to  29 



(Branta  canadensis). 

This  is  the  wild  goose  known  to  most  Canadians,  who  have 
watched  it  with  interest  in  spring  and  fall  as  it  passes  over  in 
angular,  musical  coni])anies,  on  its  way  to  or  from  its  lu-eeding 
grmuids.  It  nests  in  Ncwfouuflland,  Labrador,  and  Hudson  Bay, 
and  from  ^lanitoba  westward  and  northward  through  the  wooded 
region.  The  throat  is  wliito,  and  this  patch  extends  on  each  side 
of  the  head  up  behind  the  eye.  Tlio  remaining  parts  of  the  head 
and  neck  are  ))lack.  The  back  and  wings  are  l)lackish  brown.  The 
lower  parts  are  lighter,  fading  to  white  on  the  lower  belly.  Length 
36  to  43  inches,  extent  60  inches.  Tail  normally  of  18  to  20  feath- 
ers. The  dark  variety,  occidcutalis,  has  been  seen  in  British 


(Branta  canadensis  hut  chin  si). 

This  variety  of  goose  is  rarely  seen  in  Ontario  or  eastward, 
but  is  common  in  Manitoba  and  eastern  Saskatchewan.  Its  breed- 
ing ground  is  the  coast  of  Beliring  Sea  a.nd  the  Arctic  Ocean.  The 
description  of  the  Canada  Goose  ai)p]ies  to  it  in  every  jioint,  e.x- 
ce])t  that  its  tail  is  said  to  have  only  16  feathers,  and  its  length  is 
about  30  inches,  extent  about  48  or  50.  Only  a  tape  will  distinguish 
the  variety  from  the  species  in  most  s]»ecimens. 

The  variety  minima,  or  Cackling  Goose,  only  al)out  24  inches 
long,  is  seen  in  British  Columbia. 


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(linuifa  bcniicla). 

This  sjK'cios  is  said  to  breed  in  Greenland  toward  the  l*oIar 
Sea,  also  in  Fludsttii  l^ay,  and  northward  on  the  IJarren  Grounds. 
It  is  frequently  seen  0:1  the  St.  Lawrence,  occasic-nally  on  the 
Ottawa  and  Lake  Ontario.  Ahout  ^'aneouver  it  is  not  uneoninion. 
In  late  antinn  it  niiyrates  alon^-  the  coasts  as  far  south  as  the  Car- 
olinas.  It  is  said  to  Hy  in  compact  tiocks  without  a  definite  leader 
when  niijiratinsi".  The  plumage  of  the  head,  neck,  and  throat  is 
black  with  a  small  ])atch  of  white  sti'eaks  on  each  side  of  the  neck. 
The  back  is  brownish  li'ray  and  the  sides  of  the  rump  are  white. 
The  lower  l)reast  is  abrui)tly  ashy  gray,  fadinj;'  to  white  on  the 
lower  bellv.    Leniith  altout  25  inches,  extent  about  18. 


{Brant a  ni<)ric(un<) . 

This  is  the  Brant  of  the  Pacific  Coast,  though  occasionally 
found  on  the  Atlantic.  Like  the  Barnacle  Goose,  it  nests  in  the 
Arctic  regions,  but  migratf\s  chiefly  along  our  west  coast.  Both 
these  species  feed  upon  the  connnon  marine  ''eel  grass"  {Zostcra 
)nariii(i).  T\w  Black  Brant  differs  from  the  preceding  S])ecies  in 
being  darker  on  the  lower  bi-east  and  belly,  with  no  abrupt  change 
to  gray.  On  the  front  of  the  neck,  ps  well  as  the  sides,  there  are 
white  markings.    Size  same  as  the  last. 



This  groii])  of  the  Anafidac  is  characterized  by  having  the 
lores  partly  nak(  d.  the  tarsus  reticulate,  the  hind  toe  simple,  and 
the  neck  not  shorter  than  the  body.  The  Swans  are  the  largest  of  the 
order  Ansere.^,  and  are  very  graceful  on  the  water,  but  walk  awk- 


!   -f 


wardly  on  the  land.  They  fcod  on  nnilcrwatcr  plants  and  small 
sholl-fisli,  by  reachinj;  down  or  tiltinj?  thoii-  bodies,  as  do  j;('('se. 
Their  notes  are  hii^h-pitehed  and  like  those  of  a  clarionet,  and 
when  severely  \Mounded  in  the  body  while  Hyinj?  they  have  been 
heard  to  produce  plaintive  nnisical  notes — the  "swan  sonj:;" — 
as  they  sail  towards  the  water.  Their  nests  are  lar^'e,  of  ••rass  and 
weeds,  usually  i»laeed  on  a  small  island,  or  the  shores  (»f  secluded 
lakes.  The  white  eg'j^s  luunber  from  tw(»  to  five  or  six.  These 
beautiful  birds  have  become  so  rare  that  it  is  soniethiiifj;  of  an  event 
to  see  a  nuni))er  t>f  Swans.  At  the  shooting  stations  on  our  ('reat 
Lakes  one  is  occasionally  killed,  but  this  occurrence  is  less  frequent 
each  year.  AVhile  enjoying  a  game  of  golf  early  one  morning  iu 
Ai)ril,  1904,  I  had  the  unexpected  pleasure  of  watching  for  some 
time  a  Hock  of  ten  swans,  and  at  the  same  time  a  tl(»ck  of  thirty 
Canada  Geese,  flying  slowly  northward  along  the  west  shore  of 
Lake  Michigan. 


(Olor  coli(nihi<iiu(.s). 

This  great  bird  breeds  on  the  Arctic  coast,  and  in  spring  and 
fall  is  ])lentiful  on  the  west  side  of  Hudson  Bay.  It  is  also  f(»und 
in  British  (V)luml)ia.  During  migration  it  is  occasionally  seen  in 
.Manitoba,  and  on  the  Great  Lakes  and  the  St.  Lawrence,  hi  color 
it  is  i)ure  wiliite,  with  black  bill  and  a  small  yellow  si)ot  on  the  bare 
l)atch  between  the  bill  and  the  eye.  Length  ')')  inches,  extent  of 
wings  6  to  7  feet. 


{Olor  hucvinufor). 

The  Trumjteter  is  tl  .ght  to  breed  somewhat  further  south 
than  does  the  Whistling  Swan,  but  principally  near  or  within  the 
Arctic  circle.    During  migration  it  is  occasionally  st-en  flying  in 


.J    I 

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Alberta,  Saskatchewan,  and  Manitoba,    and   less   frcquentlv   in 

Its  bill  and  feet  are  entirely  black,  and  body  entirely  white. 
In  length  it  reaches  60  inches  or  more,  and  in  extent  of  wings  as 
much  as  8  feet. 



This  group  includes  the  Herons,  Egrets,  and  Bitterns.  All 
have  the  peculiarity  of  narrow  or  compressed  bodies,  suitable  for 
hiding  in  slender,  close-growing  vegetation,  such  as  characterizes 
the  margins  of  quiet  waters.  Here  they  live,  wading  about  on  the 
boggy,  uncertain  soil,  their  light  bodies  supported  often  on  long 
stilt-like  legs  and  wide  reaching  toes.  Thev  leed  on  fish,  frogs'] 
reptiles,  and  mollusks,  which  they  spear  with  their  straight,  sharp 
beaks.  IMiev  are  remarkably  sharp-sighted  and  watchful!  The 
sexes  are  similar. 



^le  greater  part  of  this  family  belongs  to  tropical  regions. 
Ihe  Herons  are  gregarious  for  nesting  and  roosting,  but  solitary 
when  feeding.  S.  .e  of  the  group  build  in  trees,  others  among  the 
marsh  vegetation,  ,        ill  are  capable  of  perching  on  trees. 


_  Bitterns  are  shy  and  solitary  marsh  birds,  nesting  separately 
m  pairs  on  the  ground.  They  haye  no  white  plumage,  nor  peculiar 
changes  of  plumage.  Their  size  is  medium,  the  bill  is  somewhat 
longer  than  the  head,  the  neck  feathei-s  are  loose,  but  there  are  no 
dorsal  plumes,  and  the  sexes  and  young  are  alike. 



{Botaunis  lentiginosns). 

This  bittern  breeds  abundantly  in  all  the  i)rovinces  ot*  Canada 
and  as  far  north  as  Hudson  Bay  and  Lesser  Shive  Lake.  All  of 
the  northern  United  States  are  used  as  breeding;  groiuid,  and  for 
the  winter  it  retires  to  Central  America  and  the  West  Indies.  Its 
nest  is  made  of  old  rushes  and  cattails  in  a  marsh,  Init  usually  well 
raised  above  the  water,  and  the  ejij?s  are  four  or  five  in  number, 
greenish  yellow  in  color.  'Hie  pluma.uc  of  the  ])ittern  makes  it  in- 
ccuispicuous,  but  it  has  a  remarkable  attitude  for  protection,  when 
it  stands  erect  with  its  bill  ])ointin^  straight  upward.  In  this  i»osi- 
tion  it  so  closely  resembles  the  common  structures  among  the  verti- 
cal vegetation  that  it  is  very  easily  overlooked. 

In  the  evenings  and  mornings,  during  the  nesting  season,  the 
hitteri!  produces  a  strange  "pumping"  or  "looming,"  which  has 
given  it  such  names  as  "Bull  of  the  Bog"  and  "Stake  Driver." 
This  strange  vocal  performance  is  accompanied  with  such  move- 
ments as  are  usually  associated  with  violent  nausea.  A  bittern's 
storage  capacity  can  scarcely  be  judged  by  its  appearance.  I  have 
seen  a  small  specimen  swallow  a  fish  ten  inches  or  more  in  length. 
The  bird  feeds  also  on  frogs,  snakes,  and  insects. 

Its  jilumage  is  brown,  spotted  and  streaked  with  black  and 
buff  yellow.  The  neck  has  a  black  streak  down  each  side.  Length 
from  23  to  30  inches  or  more,  extent  20  to  35  inches. 

(Ardretta  exilis). 
This  is  a  shy  bird,  probably  more  plentiful  than  usually  sup- 
posed, because  when  searched  for  a  few  may  be  found  in  nearly  all 
large  marshes  in  southern  Quebec  and  Ontario.  It  is  resident  in 
the  southern  States,  but  migrates  from  Canada  and  the  northern 
part  of  the  United  States.    Its  nest  can  usually  be  found  in  south- 

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em  Ontario,  but  its  residence  in  a  district  is  not  regular,  as  with 
some  birds.  A  locality  that  is  occupied  by  them  one  vear,  mav  show 
none  of  these  birds  for  several  yeai-s  afterward.  This  little  bittern 
IS  more  retiring  than  its  larger  cousin,  but  its  habits  are  similar 
Jt  lays  four  to  six  bluish  or  greenish-white  eggs  in  a  large,  looselv- 
huilt  nest,  made  of  and  supported  by  dead  marsh  plants.  The 
up])er  ])arts  ,.f  its  plumage  are  greenish  black,  except  the  sides  and 
the  back  of  the  neck,  which  are  chestnut.  The  hnver  parts  are 
yellowish.    Length  from  10  to  14  inches,  extent  about  18. 

Voiy's  Least  Bittern  is  probably  a  variety  of  the  above,  dark- 
er m  color  on  the  lower  surface.  It  has  been  found  in  Ashbridge 
Marsh  near  Toronto,  but  elsewhere  only  in  Florida. 


These  are  slender  erect  birds,  with  long  bare  legs,  elongated 
leathers  on  the  neck  in  front  and  behind,  and  during  the  breeding 
season  a  crest  ..f  two  long,  slender  flowing  plumes  from  the  hind- 
liead.  They  feed  largely  on  frogs,  which  thev  often  carry  several 
miles  from  their  hunting  grounds  to  their  ^•oung.  The  nest  is 
usually  one  of  many  in  a  lonely,  inaccessible  swami).  Several 
nes  s  may  be  in  one  tree,  large  platforms  of  sticks  .m  which  the 
birds  stand  or  rest.  Herons  have  remarkable  evesight  and  are 
vei'v  wary. 


(Ardea  herodias). 
This  graceful  bird  is  often  erroneouslv  called  a  crane.  It  al- 
wa^'s  nests  m  colonies,  and  the  parents  mav  be  seen  making  re-u- 
ar  rips  between  their  home  and  their  hunting  grounds.  In  flight 
the  head  is  drawn  back  to  the  shoulders.  The  sounds  produced  bv 
the  old  and  the  young  birds  in  a  herony  are  suggestive  of  the  velp- 
mg  and  barking  of  foxes  or  wolves,  and  are  often  attributed  to 
wild  animals.    Their  eggs  are  usually  three  or  four  in  number  and 



are  dull,  light,  greenish  blue.  The  plunhigc  is  slaty  blue  with  black 
and  grayish  blue  stripes  in  great  variety.  It  is  not  to  be  mistaken 
for  any  other  species.  Length  from  40  to  50  inches,  extent  65  to 
75,  bill  from  4Vj  to  G  inches. 


(Florida  caendca). 

This  bird  has  l)een  seen  and  captured  a  few  times  in  eastern 
Canada,  but  its  home  is  from  the  middle  United  States  southward, 
being  resident  in  the  Gulf  States.  There  is  a  remarkable  differ- 
ence between  the  plumage  of  the  young  and  the  mature  birds.  Im- 
mature birds  are  white,  but  usually  with  some  slaty  blue,  espe- 
cijilly  on  the  tips  of  the  primaries.  The  full  grown  birds  have  rcd- 
disli  maroon  head  and  neck,  and  ))luish  slate  color  for  the  other 
parts  of  the  body.  The  lower  neck  feathers  are  elongated,  but  no 
Illume  is  worn  at  any  age  or  season.  Length  about  32  inches,  ex- 
tent about  40  inches. 


( Ga  rzctta  ca n  didissima  ) . 

Florida  and  the  Gulf  States,  AEexico,  Central  and  South 
America  are  the  home  of  this  beautiful  bird,  but  it  occasionally 
strays  across  our  southern  boundary.  Tvvx)  are  known  to  have 
been  taken  in  Nova  Scotia,  one  in  Renfrew  County,  Ontario,  one 
near  Kingston  on  the  Rideau,  one  near  Pincher  Creek,  Alberta, 
and  several  in  British  Columbia.  We  should  give  it  a  more  kindly 
reception,  as  it  has  been  nearly  exterminated  in  Florida,  through 
the  barbarous  demand  for  its  beautiful  plumes  for  head  dresses. 
No  more  exquisite  nor  harmless  bird  could  be  added  to  our  Cana- 
dian list,  and  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  all  such  visitors  may  be  encour- 
aged to  come  again,  rather  than  be  pursued  to  their  death. 


It  i 


tup:  new  Canadian  bird  book 


I    i 

It  nests  in  the  everglades  and  other  swampy  districts  of  the 
tropics.  Frogs,  lizards,  small  snakes,  and  shell  fish  are  its  chief 
food.  The  plumage  of  both  sexes  is  entirely  white.  The  eyes,  the 
base  of  the  bill,  and  the  toes  are  yellow;  the  remainder  of  the  bill 
and  the  legs  are  black.  From  the  back  of  the  head  and  from  each 
shoulder  in  both  sexes,  during  the  nesting  season,  there  float  long 
fine,  filmy  j)lumes  and  somewhat  similar  feathers  hang  from  the 
neck  in  front.  Length  of  body  about  24  inches,  extent  ab(»ut  38, 
the  bill  about  3,  and  the  bare  leg  more  than  6  inches  long. 


{ButoridcH  viirsccufi). 

This  beautiful  little  wader  seems  to  Ije  coming  more  frequently 
than  formerly  into  eastern  Canada  from  the  United  States,  where 
it  is  resident.  It  is  now  quite  often  seen  in  New  Brunswick,  Que- 
bec, and  Ontario.  It  is  only  from  16  to  18  inches  long  and  looks 
more  like  a  bittern  than  like  our  other  herons.  Its  plumage  is 
dark  green  above  and  brownish  below.  The  neck  is  reddish  chest- 
nut, with  a  light  line  in  front  from  the  white  throat  downward. 
Extent  about  25  inches,  bill  about  2Vl>  inches. 


(Xifcticorax  nycticorax  naevius). 

Our  Night  Heron  is  a  variety  of  the  European  Night  Heron, 
and  the  specific  name  nacvitis,  which  implies  weanufj  a  hirth-marh, 
is  applicable  to  the  immature  spotted  birds.  From  Saskatchewan 
to  Quebec  this  bird  is  occasionally  seen  in  Canada,  but  it  is  not 
common.  On  the  Lower  St.  Lawrence  it  is  much  more  plentiful, 
breeding  in  large  colonies,  and  returning  to  the  same  location  year 
after  year.  The  nests  are  large  and  carelessly  made,  on  trees, 
shrubs,  or  on  the  ground,  the  taller  site  especially  on  marshes  of 
Saskatchewan,  and  southward  to  Texas.    The  adult  birds  feed  at 





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ni^;lit,  and  tlu'ir  loud — "«|ua\vk" — is  a  startlinji  s»>uii<l  wlicn  licard 
suddenly  from  the  darkin'ss  overhead.  The  mature  birds  are 
handsomely  dresst'd  in  s]>rinj;.  Two  uv  three  hm^  narrow  plumes 
arch  backward  from  the  back  of  tlie  iiead.  The  crown,  shoulders, 
and  upper  pai-t  of  the  back  are  jfreenish  l)lack,  the  lower  back,  the 
winti:s,  and  tail  are  clear  ashy  lUM'ay ;  the  forehead,  neck,  and  under 
parts  are  white;  the  k'trs  and  feet  ni-e  yellow.  Inunatiire  birds  are 
jj,rayish  brown  with  many  white  sjxtts  and  streaks,  the  Iwlly  white 
instead  of  gray.  Length  about  24  inches,  extent  nbout  44,  bill 
about  3  inches. 


(Xt/rtirord.r  riohircii). 

The  ))ird  has  seldom  been  seen  in  ''anada,  as  it  belongs  t(»  the 
Southern  States.  Tt  is  gi'ayish  blue,  darker  on  the  back :  head  and 
upper  neck  behind  black:  with  a  cheek  patch,  crown,  and  crest  of 
whitish  or  yellow.    Length  al»out  24.  extent  about  44  inches. 


Cranes,  Kails,  Gallinules,  and  Coots. 

This  fainily  of  waders  are  shy,  skulking  birds,  living  among 
the  cattails,  bulrushes,  and  wild  rice  of  our  marshes,  most  of  them 
being  contined  to  the  southern  part  of  Canada  and  southward  in 
the  United  States.  They  agree  in  having  narrow,  compressed 
bodies  and  large  strong  legs  and  long  toes.  Thus  they  run  over 
floating  vegetation  or  soft  mud,  and  find  safety  without  flight. 
Leaving  out  the  cranes,  their  wings  are  very  short  and  round, 
and  are  seldom  used  except  during  migration.  The  bill  is  usually 
short,  except  in  the  cranes,  and  is  not  used  for  probing,  as  they 
gather  their  food  from  the  surface  of  the  mud  and  water. 


■V    u 







Those  ave  common  hi-as  of  Euror^  A.i.  and  Af nea,  wheve 
„,o..o  than  a  ..o.en  s„oe,os  ;>-;■-•;:*  ™!nown  to  Lst  regula. 
;;."rra;^'r:;.V*  and  wing. 


{Grus  iwK  ricaua). 

Thi.  taU  and  wa-v  bird  is  said  to  >>-  '^--— ,;;;  S". 
,„l,a  and,e™«  long  ago.  but  .t  "-^  ;'^i;';  ,  j,,^,,,,  3,,, 
i,„,  and  has  retreated  for  -^t"^  ^  "  .^^^  .  ™"  Oetober,  1907. 
„„,,  seven  nnsvatn>«  »,    n'f UnSt v  Mnseun,.  was  eaptnred 

One  speeimeu,  now  "'Q"''" 'y",''^,. "  Ontario,  but  this  is  tbe 
near  Varty  Lalcc  in  Addms  on  Ooun  > ,  On  ^^  .^^  ^^^^_ 

only  speeimeu  known  m  e'^*;'"  *-'»""  ;  ^li  J.^ipin  rivers,  and 
tion  seems  to  be  the  valleys  »'  "'^  ''^^^  J^^^  ,„.  t1  e  top  and  sides 
it  is  said  to  still  breed  niD.tota  an  n^^^^^^^^  '^^  ^j  ,1,, 

of  the  head  are  dull  red  witl.on    '"t^"^;{  ^ /  Length  about  50 

„,„,s  are  black ;  f  l'"'-- ''"-ji;  "St  6       ts  long  and  nearly 



(^Griis  canadensis). 
This  norther,  bird  is  said  '", '"-''   '^'[..^^"Tin— 














t-ANU  HU.L  (KANK. 




a  hollow  in  the  top  of  a  sniuly  knoll.    Tl,e  u-st  itself  is  d\^^-J^ 
ma.lo  of  (Tvass  ;«<1  straws.    Tl».  cffis  "I'e  two  ,n  nmnbcr.  ;;ra  is 
ve  ow  with  rcklish  brown  l,lo„-l,cs.    Tho  birds  at  that  season  teed 
on  the  ..erri,.s  of  the  vurions  heath  shrubs  and  on  smal   ,na  nnals 
I,  n.i^rates  thronsh  western  Canada  and  the   ^  "'t'^''   ^.''  ' 
Me.xieo     A  point  of  feathered  skill  reaches  upward  on  the  bail,  ot 
ihe  head.    Above  that  the  skin  has  a  lc^^■  hairs  but  ,m  leathers 
iwn  to  the  eves.    The  bill  is  stout  and  nearly  straisli   a  id  an 
i/.  inelies  lon,^    The  adult  pluniaK'c  is  lead  gray  w-rtl.  brow  in    i 
,rav  o„  the  wings.    The  yoini,  are  grayish  brown  w.tli  head  teatl. 
ered.    Length  about  3G  inelies,  wing  not  over  19   inehes,   t.iil   7, 

tarsus  HV^- 


(Griis  mcjcicana). 

This  bird  has  been  taken  in  Ontario,  but  is  now  a  ver;-  rai-e 
miorint  its  route  bein- the  valley  of  the  .Mississippi  and  west- 
er" Itt  eds  in  Manitoba,  British  Columbia  and  southward  to 
Fhn-ida  and  the  Gulf  Cioast.  These  birds  perform  a  ^^^^^^ 
dance  on  knolls  during  the  mating  season,  quite  in  aeeoid  u  1 1  he 
evolutions  of  Asiatic  members  of  the  family.  ^^  ^^^^^Z^^^"^ 
cept  size  this  species  agrees  with  the  preceding.  Leng  1  40  to  48 
inches,  extent  about  SO,  wing  over  20,  tarsus  over  9,  bill  o  to  6 

inches  long. 


K'ails  are  seldom  noticed  except  by  naturalists  and  hmiters, 
and  n.avlH.  pU.itiful  and  frequently  hc-ard,  but  very  seldom  s.  en 
T  ev  .c;ek  safetv  bv  running  and  hiding,  and  rise  m  tlight  onl>  as 
U  ^h.  to  t.  Some  of  the  race  are  ilightless,  and  as  a  group  hey 
are  c^ n  sidered  to  be  degenerating  toward  extinction.  A\  hen  thex 
r^r  saMy  their  tli^ts  are  short  and  awkward,  as  they  sknn 







<•  1 

Ui  ' 





over  the  tops  of  the  rushes  ^vith  feet  dangling,  and  thev  soon  drop 
into  any  place  offering  shelter.  Their  nests  are  on  the  ground  in 
the  marsh  and  they  lay  6  to  12  eggs,  yellowish  white  with  reddish 
brov.'n  markings, 


(KaJh(s  clegans). 

This  is  the  largest  of  the  rails  found  in  Canada  and  the  most 
brightly  marked.  Its  home  is  the  middle  part  of  the  '^nited  States 
from  Kansas  eastward,  hut  occasionally  it  reaches  Oi.uirio  and  the 
New  England  States.  It  nests  in  the  St.  Clair  marshes,  and  is  a 
casual  migrant  in  other  parts  of  Ontario,  and  in  .Manitoba.  The 
plumage  of  the  back  is  ])rowiiisli  and  black;  the  throat  is  wliite; 
the  under  i)arts  and  wings  are  chestnut;  while  the  flanks  arc  dark 
with  l)ars  of  white.  Length  about  18  inches,  extent  al)out  24,  bill 
2  to  2'  2  inches,  tarsus  21  i  inches. 


(L'aUii.s  rh-fjinidti us) . 

This  small  edition  of  the  King  Rail  is  found  in  the  spring  in 
Newfoundland,  Labivuhii-,  and  the  maritime  ])rovinces,  no  doubt 
breeding  there,  as  it  does  through  southern  Ontario  and, 
and  more  rarely  westward  to  British  C()luml)ia.  Its  eggs  are  buify 
or  creamy  white.  (Coloration  exactly  as  in  the  King  Rail,  but 
h'ligtli  under  11  inches,  and  extent  ai)out  14  inches;  bill  about  VU 
inches,  and  tai-siis  ab(»ut  the  same. 


(Porzana  Carolina). 

From  Prince  Edward  Island  southward  and  westward  this 
Rail  breeds,  exteuiling  its  rano(.  northward  into  the  Plains  region 



to  Lesser  Slave  Lake.  In  the  marshes  of  southern  Ontario  it  is 
very  plentiful,  and  especially  so  further  south  along  the  Atlantic 
''^'  nisit.  It  goes  by  many  names,  such  as  Soree,  Meadow  Chicken, 
Little  Water  Hen,  and  even  Ortolan.  Its  flesh  is  held  in  high 
favor  in  autumn.  The  dozen  or  more  eggs  are  drabish,  spotted 
with  reddish  ])rown.  The  plumage  of  the  face  about  the  base  of 
the  bill,  up  over  the  crown  and  down  the  front  of  the  neck  is  black. 
The  remainder  of  breast  and  throat  are  bluish  gray,  the  head  be- 
ing the  same  color-  The  back  is  olive  brown,  marked  with  black 
and  streaked  with  white;  the  wings  are  yellowish  brown  with  white 
streakiiigs,  and  the  flanks  are  sharply  barred  with  white.  The 
breast  is  brownish  and  the  lower  belly  and  crissum  are  white. 
Length  8i  ^  inches,  extent  12  to  13  inches. 


{Frozana  novrhoraccnsiH). 

Few  records  of  the  Yellow  Rail  are  available  from  eastern 
Canada,  though  it  is  taken  quite  regularly  in  Ontario,  and  may  be 
fairly  common.  It  is  not  known  to  be  plentiful  anywhere,  but  its 
range  is  wide,  and  it  has  to  be  sought  carefully.  It  may  be  much 
more  al)undant  than  we  think.  Like  the  others  its  nest  is  on  the 
ground,  and  here  ■*  lays  from  six  to  twelve  buff  colored  eggs  spot- 
tod  with  white  auldish  br(mn.  The  i)lumage  of  the  upper 
parts  is  black,  \^  yellowish  .-  'eaks  and  white  bars.  The  breast 
is  yellowish;  the  middle  of  the  belly  is  white;  the  sides  and  h)wer 
bellv  are  duskv,  barred  with  white.  A  vellow  line  over  the  eye  and 
a  black  line  through  the  eye.    Length  about  6  inches  . 


(Prozana  jamiaccnsis). 

While  this  bird  has  been  taken  in  southern  Ontario  and  Min- 
nesota, its  liwme  is  really  south  of  the  Tnited  States,  although  its 






ncftt  has  been  fonnd  as  far  north  as  New  Jersey.  It  seems  to  be 
rare  everywhere,  l)ut  is  extrenielv  shv  and  difficult  to  flush,  and 
thus  easily  overlooked. 

The  head  and  the  under  jmrts  are  slate  color,  changing  to 
black  or.  the  lower  l)elly.  The  upper  parts  are  ])lackish,  marked 
with  spots  and  bars.  The  flanks  and  tail  coverts  are  barred  with 
wiiitc.    Leiigth  al)out  5VL>  inches. 


( Ion  oni  is  m a rtiit ica  ) . 

This  is  a  bird  of  tropical  America  and  the  West  Indies,  but  a 
few  occasionally  stray  up  through  the  United  States  as  far  north 
flc;  Wisconsin,  Ontario,  Maine,  and  Nova  Scotia.  One  has  been 
taken  in  Ontario.  Its  habits  resemble  those  of  the  J'^lorida  Gal- 
linule.  The  front  of  its  head  is  protected  by  a  lead  colored  plate, 
an  extension  apparentl}'  of  the  bill.  The  plumage  of  the  head  and 
under  parts  is  dark  purplish  blue,  the  l)ack  is  shining  olive  green; 
the  wings  light  greenish  blue,  the  under  tail  coverts  white;  the  bill 
is  carmine  or  reddish  orange,  tipped  with  yellowish  green.  Length 
about  13  inches  and  extent  about  22  inches. 


{GallinuJa  f/alcatd). 

This  "Mud  Hen"  belongs  to  the  southern  United  States,  but 
reaches  regularly  to  the  Great  Lakes  and  nests  freely  on  the  north 
shores  of  Lake  Ontario.  In  habits  and  flight  it  reseni])les  the  Rails, 
but  is  not  so  shy,  frequently  nesting  and  raising  its  young  within 
sight  of  a  road.  Its  forehead  is  covered  wnth  a  broad,  bare,  horn- 
like shield,  l)right  red  in  the  spring.  It  lays  from  eight  to  thirteen 
eggs,  yellowish,  with  chocolate  spots.  Its  plumage  is  dark  slate 
color  on  the  head,  neck,  and  under  parts,  white  on  the  belly,  and 
brownish  on  the  back.  The  1)111  is  red,  tipped  with  yellow:  the 
legs  and  feet  greenish.    Length  about  lo  inches,  extent  about  2L 


I   * 

nt.  CHI.  »c*o.  9r)t«.rE5 





"<  141 





i  .'i 





( Fulira  (imrn'cana). 

This  bird    whiH,  nuu'h  ivscn.hlos  the  (J;,liinul..s,  l„u  lw,s  f.-ot 
ko  those  of  the  o.,,h<.s,  is  occasional  in  the  n.antin.e  ,.n  v  n-es 

nm    "T"    •"  '^"^'''"''  '"^  '>^^''^l«f^-Hy  in  Ontario,  a  ul     en  U 
iUy  m  the  ,,huns  re.ion  as  far  north  as  Lesser  Shu-e  Lake      [is 

n,    ts  hll  ulute,  Its  ,,]unia^^(>  slate  color,  with  the  head  aTul  neck 
";aHy  hhu-k  and  the  under  tail  white.     Its  len-tl,  is  al,o      11  in 
ehes,  extent  about  25,  bill  u,  to  11 :.,  and  tarsus  2  incl,:.. 


Plialeropes,  AVoodcock,  Snipes,  Sandpipers,  and  Plovers. 

They  are  all  of  rather  small  size,  with  round  heads,  slender 

'iso   buMi^^     ■'%r"' ^''"' ^^   '"'''''^'   ^^^^'„,„i'n,   wll 
case,  but  lmno-n,o..tly  cm  sandy  shores  and  alon<r   the   edges   of 
n.arshes.    Then-  bills  are  adapted  for  probin,  in  the  nnul,  1^  t 
many  cases  sensitive  at  the  tip. 


L  Toes  with  distinct  membranous  lobes  on  the  sides.    Bill  as  Ion- 

as  the  head,  s  ender  and  weak.  The  Phaleropes,  page  7^ 

2.  Toes  without  lobes,  but  sometimes  webbed--  '  '    ^^   '^ 

a.  Bill  very  long,  upcurved,  slender  and  weak;  naked  part  of 

tibia  longer  than  nuddle  toe  with  claw,  or  over  :5i :.  inches- 

tront  toes  connected  as  far  as  the  second  joint. 

1     XT  1     ]        ,  stilts  and  Arocets,  page  74 

I),  ^aked  part  of  the  tibia  shorter  than  middle,  toe  with  claw- 

.arsus  less  than  :]i ,  inches,  and  scutellate  in  fnmt,  i.e.,  cov' 





.;    I 





!      i 

ered  \Vith  a  row  of  transvei-so  scales  reaching  all  across: — 
bl.  Bill  slender,  soft  and  sensitive  with  blunt  tip. 

The  Snipes,  Sandi)ipers,  and  (^urlews,  page  75 
b2.  Bill  stout,  hard,  pointed  and  wedgeshaped  at  the  tip. 

The  Turnstones,  page  96 
c.  Tibia  and  tai-sus,  as  in  "  b,"  but  reticulate  in  front,  i.e.,  covered 
with  small  rounded  scales: — 

el.  Bill  under  2  inches,  not  longer  than  the  head  m-  the  tarsus, 
and  not  c(»mi)ressed  but  constricted  behind  the  horny  tip. 

The  True  Plovers,  i)age  93 

c2.  Bill  over  2  inches,  and  longer  than  the  head  or  the  tarsus, 

and  nuich  compressed  at  the  tip.    Toes  3,  bordered  by  a 

narrow  membrane Oystercatchers,  page  96 


(Phal(  rojxxlidae). 

1.  Lobes  on  the  sides  of  the  toes  almost  plain;  l)ill  awl-shai)ed. 

StefjanojHis,  i)age  77 

2.  Lobes  scallojied;  bill  awl-shaped,  not  broadened  toward  the  tip. 

Phalerojms,  i)age  76 

(  ]t*('rH  rrirosl  lidac ) . 

1.  Toes  4,  full  webbed  in  front;  bill  very  long,  upcurved,  flattened 
and  tapering  to  a  slender,  acute  point. 

lieciirvirostrn,  The  Avoccfa,  page  77 

2.  Toes  3,  slightly  webbed;  bill  long,  Imt  slightly  upturned;  plum- 
age altogether  dark  above  except  the  forehead,  and  entirely 
white  l)elow.  The  Stilt  (Ilimnntopus),  should  be  found  in  Can- 
ada, but  has  not  yet  been  dcniiitely  recorded. 





1.  Toes  :i,  searecly  webbed;  bill  as  loiij?  as  head,  slender  straight, 
and  soft Cnlndris,  The  Sanderliii^',  page  86 

2.  Toes  4.    Three  outer  primari(>s  narrowed  near  the  tips;  upper 
mandible  elevated  at  base;  front  toes  slii^htly  webbed. 

PJiHoIk hi,  The  Ameriean  Woodcock,  paj^e  78 
No  outer  primaries  narrowed : — 
Toes  not  at  all  webbed: — 
Tarsus  shoi-ter  than  middle  toe  and  claw: — 
Bill  about  twice  as  lon^  as  head ;  tibia  naked  below  :— 

frnninai/o,  Wilson's  Snijje,  paj;e  80 
Bill  little  longer  than  head;  til)ia,  feathered: — 

Arqiiatclhi,  Purple  Saudjiiper,  pacfe  82 
Tai'sus  equal  to  or  longer  than  middle  tuQ  and  claw: — 
Bill  straight:  equal  to  or  longer  than  head: — 
Bill  soft  aiul  flexible;    tarsus    longer  than    middle    too    and 
claw Tn'Hfjd,  page  82 

Toes  partially  webbed,  or  semii)almate: — 
Tarsus  scutellate  in  front  only;  bill  very  bmg  and  decurved: — 

Numenius,  page  91 
Tarsus  scutellate  both  in  front  and  l>ehind: — 
Tail  not  bai'red;  primaries  mottled;  one  very  small  web  be- 

twe(>n  the  toes Tryngitcs,  page  91 

Tail  not  barred;  primaries  plain;  two  full  webs  between  the 

toes : — 
Bill  about  the  same  length  as  the  head : — 

ErcuHctcs,  page  85 

Bill  much  longer  than  the  head Micro pdJama,  page  81 

Tail  barred  with  light  and  dark: — 


■  I 

3  ■ 







Gape  not  reaching  Ijeyond  the  base  of  bill : — 
Under  12  inches  lonj?;  upper  mandible  furrowed  at  the  tip: — 

Macro  ill  am  pints,  pa^'c  81 
Over  12  inches  Ion;,';  upper  mandible  not   furrowed   at  the 

tip Limosa,  page  87 

Cape  longer  than  l)ill:  total  lenj^th  of  bird  under  9  inches; 

Bill  gi ved  from  the  base  nearly  to  tip Arfitis,  page  90 

Bill  groowd  about  half  way  to  the  tip.  .Helodroinas,  page  88 
Gape  longer  than  bill;  total  length  of  bird  over  9  inches. 

Bill  not  longer  than  head Bartramia,  page  90 

Bill  longer  than  head. 

Legs  bluish;  bill  stout Symphnnia,  page  89 

Legs  yellowish  or  greenish;  bill  slender Totaitus,  page  87 



Toes  4 Squatarola,  page  93 

Toes  3;  plumage  without  bands  of  color,  but  speckled  above. 

Charadrius,  page  93 
Plumage  with  bands  of  color  about  head  and  neck. 

AcgialitiH,  page  94 


( Ph  uleropodidae  ) . 


(Phalcrojms  fnJicarins). 
This  is  known  as  a  migrant  in  the  maritime  provinces,  New- 
foundland and  Labrndoi-,  l)ut  is  seldom  seen  in  the  interior,  except 
on  the  coasts  of  Hudson  Bay.  It  breeds  on  the  arctic  coasts  and 
islands.  A  few  have  been  collected  in  Ontario.  The  upper  sur- 
face is  blackish,  with  yellowing  edges  to  the  feathers,  the  sides 
of  head  and  rump  white,  and  the  lower  parts  chestnut  with  pur- 
plish ehades.    The  bill  is  yellowish  with  a  white  tip,  and  the  feet 



yellowish  with  lohed  w^'hs  on  the  toes.  Tlie  Phalei-opes  are  pecu- 
liar in  revei-sinji:  the  ordinary  dcunestic  conditions — ^the  female  be- 
ing the  larj?er  and  more  brightly  colored  bird.  She  does  the  woo- 
ing, and  lays  the  eggs,  but  the  male  does  most  of  the  incubating. 
Ivengtli  8  inches. 


(P/idleropus  lobatus). 

This  bird  migrates  along  the  Atlantic  coast  and  is  occasi(mally 
seen  in  Quebec  and  Ontario.  It  breeds  about  Hudson  Bay  and 
the  Labrador  coast,  and  also  along  the  Arctic  Ocean.  It  is  seen  in 
great  nunil)ers  in  spring  in  Saskatchewan  and  AJberta.  Its  upper 
parts  are  grayish  black  with  yellowish  marks;  the  rump  and  under 
parts  mostly  white,  and  the  sides  and  front  of  the  neck  chestmit. 
Bill  and  feet  black.    Length  about  7  inches. 


(Stci/diiopitu  Ificolor) . 

This  is  a  bird  of  the  interior,  breeding  plentifully  about  sloughs 
of  Saskatchewan  and  Alberta.  As  an  accidental  migrant  it  has 
been  colic oied  in  Ontario.  The  top  of  the  head  and  the  back  are 
ashy;  a  line  over  the  eye,  the  back  of  the  neck,  tlie  rump,  and  the 
under  parts  are  white.  A  dark  streak  leads  from  the  eye  down  the 
side  of  the  neck  where  it  changes  to  reddish  or  chestnut.  Length 
9  to  10  inches. 



This  is  a  small  group  of  wading  birds,  having  extremely  long 
slender  legs  and  bills,  and  belonging  to  the  warmer  latitudes.  The 
toes  are  webbed  in  the  swimming  forms.  The  bill  is  either  straight 
and  acute  or  recurved.    Only  one  species  is  known  in  Canada. 









(Recurvirostra  amcricana). 

This  is  an  accidental  migrant  east  of  Manitoba,  a  few  having 
Ix'cn  seen  in  Ontario.  It  breeds  all  across  the  plains  region,  espe- 
cially on  the  margins  of  the  alkali  ponds,  and  as  far  north  as  Great 
Slave  Lake.  It  pret'ei's  saline  districts,  being  plentiful  near  the 
(Jreat  Salt  Lake  of  L'^tah.  Their  nests  are  mere  depressions  in  the 
soil,  lined  with  a  little  grass,  and  they  lay  three  or  four  eggs— drab 
to  brownish,  with  chocolate  markings.  Their  food  is  obtained 
li'idcr  water  in  the  shallow  alkaline  pools. 

The  shape  of  the  body  ditfcrs  from  that  of  most  waders,  being 
depressed,  as  in  the  case  of  ducks.  The  plumage  is  largely  white, 
with  yellowish  brown  on  the  neck  and  head,  and  black  on  the  back 
and  wings.  The  legs  are  blue,  the  bill  black,  recurved  and  flexible. 
Length  16  to  17  inches,  expanse  28  to  35  inches.  Bare  legs  6  in- 
ches, bill  31/0  inches. 



Includes  the  Woodcock,  Snipes,  Dowitchers,  and  Sandpipers. 
These  may  be  distinguished  from  the  Plovers  by  the  difference  in 
the  texture  and  shape  of  the  bill.  The  bill  of  a  plover  is  constrict- 
ed just  behind  the  horny  tip.  The  Snipe  family  has  grooved  bills, 
covered  throughout  with  a  soft  skin,  and  lack  the  constriction  near 
the  tip. 


{Fhilohcla  minor). 

Although  a  member  of  the  Snipe  and  Sandpiper  family,  the 
American  Woodcock,  unlike  these,  lives  in  bogs  and  thickets,  and 
is  never  seen  in  flocks.  These  habits,  along  with  the  fact  that  it 
feeds  mostly  at  night,  may  enable  it  to  survive  for  some  time,  in 



IV   ^ifi 




i  •'■   f 

H;  g    ■ 

^  1 

■I      I    I  Mif  li«liiiiilMMaaia<lMiMl 





,  Hi 


.pite  of  its  high  rank  as  a  ganio  bird.  It  is  fouiul  in  all  the  pro- 
vinces of  (^anada,  as  far  west  as  .Manitoba,  l>ree.lin-  througlu.ut 
the  range.  When  unhurried,  the  Woodcock's  tiight  may  be  as 
silent  as  that  of  a  bat,  but  when  startled,  its  rush  produces  a 
whistling  sound  from  its  wing  feathers. 

Its  most  striking  features  are  the  great  length  of  its  straight, 
..•rooved  bill,  and  the  large  promininit  eyes  set  very  high  and  far 
back  above  the  ears.  It  has  been  found  that  the  tip  of  the  long 
bill  is  served  bv  both  nc  and  muscles,  thus  the  bird  is  able  to 
feel  its  prev  in  the  soft  -  .1,  and  capture  it  without  enlarging 
the  hole  to  enable  the  ba.-  .1  die  oill  to  open.  Earth  worms  are 
its  commonest  food,  but  no  doubt  other  succulent  creatures  are 


Its  plumage  is  grav,  brown,  and  chestnut,  with  black  bars  on 
the  upper  surface,  and  paler  brown  without  bars  below.  The  legs 
and  neck  are  not  elongated.  Length  10  to  11  inches,  female  some- 
what larger:  bill  21,1.  to  3  inches. 

The  nest  is  usuallv  on  a  hummock  surrounded  by  shrubs  in 
a  swampv  thicket,  and'is  but  a  slight  depression  lined  with  leaves. 
The  eggs  are  four,  gravish  or  yellowish  with  chocolate  markings. 
Tire  nocturnal  spiral  flight  of  the    Woodcock   is   mysterious 
and  fascinating.    During  the  nesting  season,  if  one  will  place  him- 
self on  a  hill  above  an  alder  and  cedar  thicket,  bordering  a  stmim, 
he  may,  if  fortunate,  listen  to  the  woodcock's  method  of  celebrat- 
ing- his  honevmoon.    A  nasal  "peet-peet"  is  the  prelude  to  a  rapid 
sph'al  flight"  upward,  accompanied  by  the  sharp  whistling  of  the 
flight  feathers.    After  reaching  apparently  150  yards  vertically 
above  ihe  starting  point,  he  shoots  downward,  making  a  zig-zag 
path  when  near  the  earth,  and  almost  immediately  rises  for  an- 
other evolution.    The  path  of  the  descending  bird  can  be  made  out 
only  by  its  whistling,  and  the  performance  is   attributed   to  the 
male,  because  of  the  analogous  dances  of  other  birds  which  cele- 
brate by  daylight. 




10    ^      \ 





■  h 



(Ci  alii  mi  (JO  dclicnta). 

This  is  the  true  Snipe  of  America,  and  a  favorite  p:ame  bird 
wherever  found.  It  breeds  from  the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific,  as  far 
north  as  Hudson  Bay,  and  across  to  Alaska.  Its  favored  nesting 
ground  is  a  marsh,  in  the  vicinity  of  quiet  wood-land.  The  nest 
resem])Ies  tiiat  of  the  woodcock  in  lack  of  careful  structure,  and 
the  eggs  are  souiowhat  similar  in  color.  The  back  feathers  of  the 
snijx'  are  black,  with  bars  and  spots  of  light  yellowish,  the  neck 
and  breast  aj-e  speckled  with  the  same  color,  the  crown  of  the  head 
black,  with  a  liglit  median  line,  the  sides  and  under  wings  ai-e  l)ar- 
red  with  bl<!ck.  the  belly  white.  Its  length  is  9  to  10  inches,  bill 
2  to  21  J  inches. 

The  Sni])e  is  becoming  scarce  in  the  settled  districts,  aiul  is 
rarely  seen  in  ^outhern  Ontario  except  during  the  migrations.  It 
feeds  and  niigrates  at  night,  and  its  presence  or  absence  cauiiot  be 
safely  jtredir  icd  at  any  particular  place. 

Its  flight  on  rising  is  very  erratic  and  troublesome  to  inexperi- 
enced sports]nen.  but  this  does  not  prevent  its  continual  persecu- 
tion during  its  southern  journey. 

The  Snipe's  evening  performance  is  similar  to  that  of  the 
Woodcock  and  is  no  doubt  the  result  of  like  stinudating  condi- 
tions. After  rising  to  a  satisfactory  height  above  its  home,  it 
speeds  downward,  producing  a  peculiar  wavering  sound,  usually 
called  "bleating"— apparently  by  the  rush  of  air  through  its 
wing  feathers.  This  is  repeated  many  times,  and  in  southern  On- 
tario may  be  heard  on  cloudy  warm  days  in  late  Ai)ril.  It  should 
be  the  call  for  careful,  patient  observation,  which  may  add  an  im- 
portant detail  to  our  meagre  knowledge  of  such  phenomena. 


Two  species  of  these  snipe-like  birds  are  found  in  Canada, 

breedin"'  in  the  far  north  and  seen  in  southern  Canada  only  in 

spring  and  fall. 





(Macrorhamph us  fjriseus) . 

Newfoundland,  Labrador,  and  about  Hudson  Bay  are  the 
breeding  grounds  of  this  bird,  and  in  spring  and  fall  it  is  known 
to  migrate  through  the  maritime  provinces,  Quebec,  and  Ontario, 
especially  from  Toronto  eastward. 

Its  plumage  is  in  summer  brownish  black  above,  and  reddish 
bro\vn  below,  fading  to  whitish  on  the  belly.  In  winter  the  brown 
and  chestnut  are  replaced  by  gray.  At  all  seasons  the  tail  is  well 
marked  by  bars  of  black,  white  and  yellowish.  Its  length  is  from 
10  to  11  inches,  and  its  bill  is  about  two  and  a  half  inches,  flattened 
and  pitted  at  the  tip. 





(Macrorhamphus  scolopacevs). 

This  bird  is  slightly  larger  and  brighter,  in  the  same  colors 
as  the  above,  and  its  bill  averages  nearly  three  inches  in  length.  It 
is  known  to  nest  in  Alaska,  and  is  thought  to  breed  on  the  central 
plains  near  the  Arctic  Circle. 


(Micro palama  himantopus) . 

The  Dowitcher  and  the  Stilt  Sandpiper  are  in  structure  be- 
tween the  Snipe  and  ihe  ordinary  Sandpiper.  The  front  toes  are 
connected  by  small  webs,  the  bill  is  long,  and  the  legs  are  long  and 
bare.  In  length,  Stilts  reach  to  9  inches  and  in  wing  expanse 
to  17.  Bill  1%,  tarsus  1%,  bare  leg  2%  inches.  The  feath- 
ei*s  of  the  upper  parts  are  black,  each  bordered  with  grayish  or 
chestnut.  The  lower  surface  is  dark  with  reddish  brown  and  whit- 
ish bars.  The  neck  is  streaked  obscurely  with  white.  The  upper 
tail-coverts  are  white  With  black  bare. 

i   \ 







This  interesting  bird  is  not  recorded  as  plentiful  anywhere, 
bui  is  widely  distributed.  It  has  been  seen  in  Newfoundland,  New 
Brunswick,  Ontario,  Manitoba,  and  on  the  shores  of  the  Hudson 
Bar  and  even  in  British  Columbia. 

Its  breeding  grounds  are  probably  in  the  far  north,  but  fur- 
ther exploration  and  study  are  required  in  connection  with  the 
life  historv  of  this  and  niauv  others  of  our  birds. 



.  ,•  t 


{TriiKja  canutus). 

The  Robin  Snij^e,  as  the  Knot  is  often  called,  is  considered  the 
handsomest,  as  it  is  the  largest  of  our  sandpipers.  Its  length  is 
about  11  inches,  its  expanse  20,  and  its  bill  nearly  ly^.  The  upper 
surface  of  the  body  is  in  summer  brownish  black,  shading  to  chest- 
nut on  the  shoulders,  but  each  feather  is  bordered  or  tipped  with 
white  or  gi'ay.  The  under  surface  is  unifcmn  chestnut,  fading  to 
white  about  and  behind  the  legs.  In  winter  the  back  is  clear  ashy 
gray  with  white  on  the  rump,  while  the  under  parts  are  almost 
pure  white,  with  dusky  marks  on  the  breast. 

The  nest  and  eggs  of  the  Knot  have  been  the  object  of  search 
in  the  north,  and  though  nest  and  nestlings  were  found  on  Grin- 
nell  Land  by  the  Nares  Expedition,  and  one  egg  olitained  by  Gen. 
Greely  on  Lady  Franklin  Bay,  we  know^  little  of  its  domestic  his- 
tory. During  its  migration  it  roams  widely  and  is  occasionally 
seen  from  Manitoba  eastward  and  along  the  Atlantic  coast  to 
Florida.  The  bill  is  widened  and  hard  at  the  tip.  They  probe  in 
the  mud  on  beaches,  feeding  on  small  crustaceans  and  mollusks. 


{TriiKja  maritima). 

This  is  a  marine  bird,  .as  its  scientific  name  implies.  Its  upper 
parts  are  very  dark  bluish  gray,  almost  black,  and  sometimes  with 



purplish  reflections.  :Many  feathers  are  edged  with  lij-ht  yellow. 
A  line  over  the  eye,  the  secondaries,  and  the  belly  are  white,  while 
the  breast  and  throat  are  brownish  gray  with  black  streaks.  The 
winter  i)lumage  is  lighter  all  over,  grayish  rather  than  blackish. 
Its  feet  are  large  and  its  toes  long.  It  measures  8  to  9  inches,  and 
extends  to  16  inches.  Its  bill  is  rather  over  1  inch.  As  a  Canadian 
bird  this  can  be  claimed  only  as  l)reeding  on  Melville  Peninsula, 
and  Ix'ing  plentiful  on  the  Labrador  coast  and  occasionally  found 
on  the  Great  Lakes  in  its  migrations.  Its  nest  is  said  to  be  of  the 
slightest,  and  its  3  or  4  eggs  Iduish  gray,  with  olive  shading,  nd 
marked  with  reddish  brown. 


{Tringn  niacnlata). 

This  bird,  often  called  in  Canada  the  Jnck  Snipe  or  Grass 
Snipe,  is  clothed  on  tiie  upper  surface  with  l)hick  feathers,  each 
edged  with  gray  or  chestnut,  especially  on  the  shoulders.  The 
chin,  throat,  and  underparts  are  ])ure  white,  except  the  lower  neck 
and  breast,  which  are  streaked  with  l)rown  and  grayish.  Its 
length  is  9  inches  or  more,  and  expanse  16  or  18  inches.  The  bill 
is  slightly  over  1  inch  in  length.  It  breed's  about  Hudson  Bay  and 
plentifully  in  Alaska,  and  migrates  down  both  coasts  and  l)y  way 
of  the  Great  Lakes.  Here  its  feeding  grounds  are  low  marshy 
meadows,  an>l  it  flies  in  flocks  from  ])lace  to  i»lace.  Its  remarkable 
characteristic  is  the  inflation  of  the  throat  and  breast  of  the  male 
to  produce  a  deep  booming  call  during  the  breeding  season.  Its 
note  at  other  seasons  is  described  as  a  squeaky  whistle. 


( Tringa  fuscicoUis) . 

Its  small  size  and  white  tail  coverts- will  distinguish  this  little 
wader.    Upper  parts  brownish  black,  the  feathers  bordered  with 




'  I /it' 




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1  i 

lighter;  shouldei's  nearly  white;  throat,  neck,  and  breast  white, 
with  distinct  streaks  of  dark  brown  which  extend  along  the  sides. 
Belly  and  undertail  pure  white.  Length  ?!/:>  inches,  and  wing  ex- 
panse 15.  The  bill  is  rather  le-ss  than  1  inch  long.  The  breeding 
ground  of  the  White-rump  is  not  exactly  kno\\'n,  but  is  probably 
noi-th  of  Hudson  Bay,  as  it  is  plentiful,  but  not  found  nesting  in 
Ungava,  and  migrates  along  both  Hudson  Bay  and  the  Labrador 
coast,  as  well  as  by  the  Great  Lakes  and  Manitoba.  It  is  rarely  seen 
in  Ontario,  but  is  more  plentiful  on  the  lower  St.  Lawrence  River 
and  the  Gulf.  It  feeds  on  the  coast,  but  seems  also  to  enjoy  the 
margins  of  fresh  water  ponds. 


(Triiif/a  hairdii). 

This  is  another  typical  sandpiper,  with  more  of  the  tan  or 
yellowish  shades  on  the  back,  but  giving  the  general  impression 
of  dark  brown,  the  rump  being  lighter.  U'ndei-  parts  generally 
unspotted  white,  but  the  front  of  the  neck  yellowish  with  darker 
spots.  The  shores  of  the  Arctic  Sea,  with  its  inland  ponds  and 
lakes,  are  the  nesting  grounds  of  this  little  slender  billed  and  long 
winged  shore  bird.  In  its  autumn  migration  it  is  common  from 
Manitoba  westward,  but  it  is  rare  in  Ontario  or  farther  east.  In 
length  it  is  only  about  7  inches,  and  expands  to  16  inches.  Bill  less 
than  1  inch. 


{Tringa  minituetella) . 

This  is,  as  the  name  implies,  the  smallest  of  the  sandpipers, 
and  has  no  remarkable  markings  by  which  to  distinguish  it.  In 
the  winter  its  plumage  on  the  upper  parts  is  ashy,  and  under  parts 
white,  with  dark  streaks  on  the  fore  neck.  In  summer  the  feathers 
of  the  upper  surface  have  a  dark  centre,  with  reddish  yellow  mar- 



gins  and  whitish  tips.  The  under  ])!ii'ts  are  always  nearly  white. 
The  bill  is  blaek,  •]X  inch  long.  T\io.  legs  and  feet  are  dark  green- 
ish, the  toes  without  webs.  Length  about  tJ  inches  and  expanse 
about  11.  All  across  Canada  it  is  plentiful  in  migration,  and 
breeds  in  the  north,  but  little  of  the  det^iils  are  known. 


(Trinfja  ali>ina  jxicifiva). 

This,  the  Crooked-billed  Snipe  of  siK)rtsmen,  is  rather  a  bird 
of  the  western  i)arts  of  Canada,  being  seldom  seen  on  the  Atlantic 
Coast  or  in  Quebec,  but  visits  Ontario  regularly  during  migration. 
It  is  common  on  the  Hud  on  Bay  coasts  and  breeds  in  great  num- 
bers along  the  Arctic  Ocean. 

The  feathers  of  the  back  have  black  centres  with  rufous  mar- 
gins, the  breast  is  white  with  blackish  streaks,  a  large  black  patch 
marks  the  middle  of  the  belly,  behind  which  the  feathers  are  white. 
In  winter  the  black  belly  spot  is  not  present,  and  the  whole  upper 
plumage  is  brownish  gray,  the  lower  parts  lighter,  but  streaked 
with  dark.  The  bill  is  more  than  l\'-2  inches  long,  and  bent  down- 
ward near  tip.  I/ength  about  8Vo  inches,  and  expanse  about  15. 
The  eggs  are  yellowish  to  greenish  brown,  with  chestnut  brown 
markings.  These  birds  move  in  close  flocks,  feeding  mostly  on 
shores  or  beaches. 


(Ercuncfi's  pusiUns). 

In  coloration  and  size  this  "J*eep"  much  resembles  the  Least 
Sandpi])er,  but  the  partial  webl)ing  between  the  toes  in  this  will 
distinguish  them.  The  two  species  associate  in  feeding,  in  flight, 
and  in  migration,  breeding  in  similar  locations,  but  this  one  in  the 
Hudson  Bay  region  rather  than  the  Arctic  tundra.  Its  length  is 
about  Gi/o  inches,  expanse  about  12,  and  bill  rather  less  than  1  inch. 




i  '  i^ 







The  Western  Semi-palmated  is  thought  to  be  distinct,  in  hav- 
ing a  darker  coloration  on  the  back  in  summer,  and  the  length  of 
the  bill  averaging  over  1  inch. 



(Caladris  arenaria). 

The  upper  plumage  is  of  black  feathers  edged  with  chestnut 
and  tipped  with  whitish,  as  in  most  of  the  other  sandpipers.  The 
wings  are  grayish;  the  bill  and  feet  black;  the  latter  without  the 
hind  toe. 

Length  between  7  and  8  inches,  and  expanse  15  to  16,  This 
is  a  conmion  ])]()ver  on  the  shores  of  rivei-s  and  lakes  of  Canada 
east  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  as  it  migrates  northward  in  April 
and  May.  Its  nest  is  built  on  marshy  ground  and  has  been  found 
about  James  and  Hudson  Bavs. 


are  amongst  the  largest  bay  birds,  and  their  long  bills  attract 
attention  even  when    their  calls  are  not  being  uttered. 


(Li mom  fcdoa). 

The  ^Farbled  God  wit  is  rarely  seen  east  of  ^Manitoba,  although 
occasionally  taken  about  the  Great  Lakes.  It  nests  in  the  plains 
regions  from  the  western  border  of  Ontario  to  British  Columbia, 
building  its  slight  nest  in  meadow  land,  and  laying  four  olive-gray 
eggs  spotted  with  lirown.  The  plumage  of  the  back  is  brownish 
with  dark  bars,  the  lower  surface  of  the  same  light  cinnamon 
brown,  but  almost  without  markings.  The  bill  is  long  and  slightly 
recurved.  Various  in  size.  Length  about  18  inches,  expanse  35 
or  more,  bill  4i/>,  stout  toes  1VL>- 

'  86 

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(Lirnosa  liacm(i.stiea). 

This  Godwit  follows  the  Atlantic  coasl  duriiij;  mijjration,  be- 
inj?  seen  often  in  Newfoundland,  Nova  Scotia,  and  New  Bruns- 
wick, but  seldom  in  Quebec  and  Ontario,  and  very  rarely  in  Mani- 
toba and  Saskatchewan.  It  is  said  to  breed  plentifully  on  the 
tundra  toward  the  Arctic  Ocean,  and  is  often  taken  about  Hudson 
Bay.  In  the  sj)rinf?  its  lower  ])lumaj?e  is  larj^ely  chestnut  or  ruf- 
ous, the  up])er  i)arts  l)einfi;  brownish  black  with  white  rump  and 
black  tail.  In  fall  and  wintei*  the  upi)er  parts  arc  j-rayish,  and 
under  surface  yellowish  white.  It  lays  four  olive  or  ])ale  browTi 
eggs,  spotted  with  darker  brown.  Length  10  inches,  expanse  about 
27.    Bill  3  to  :}i  •,  inches,  and  slightly  recurved. 


We  have  only  two  sjjecies  of  these  sharp-eyed  and  shrill-voiced 
birds,  but  they  are  found  all  across  Canada,  being  especially  com- 
mon in  the  spring  migration  along  the  Atlantic  coast.  In  Sep- 
tember they  regularly  visit  the  iJreat  Lakes,  on  tlieir  way  south 
to  the  Gulf  States. 




(Totamis  nichuioIrHciis). 

The  black  plumage  of  the  back  is  spotted  with  ^^hite  or  light 
gray,  that  of  the  neck  and  head  is  streaked  with  the  same  light 
shades.  The  tail  and  tail  coverts  are  white  with  black  bars.  The 
belly  is  white,  the  breast  and  sides  spotted  and  barrc^  with  black. 
In  fall  and  winter,  brown  takes  the  place  of  black.  he  bill  is 
black,  straight,  grooved  less  than  half  its  length  and  "ver  two  in- 
ches long.    Length  from  12  to  14  inches  and  expanse  about   24. 


1  l!  '.    ; 
■  ill 









Those  arc  slender,  graceful  birds,  attracting  attention  by  their 
cries  as  they  circle  far  overhead.  They  are  found  breeding  on 
Anticosti  and  also  on  \'ancouver  Island,  as  well  as  on  the  prairie 
near  the  foothills  of  the  Kockies.  Durin,-'  the  breeding  season 
they  fre({uently  light  in  trees,  but  nest  on  the  ground,  laying  three 
or  four  brownish  or  grayish  eggs,  which  are  irregularly  marked 
with  dark  brown.  The  eggs  are  so  seldom  found  as  to  be  liighlv 
prized.  The  birds  themselves  are  very  attractive  game  to  the  coun- 
try boy  who  has  learned  to  hide  himself  on  the  edge  of  the  muddy 
flats  where  these  and  other  waders  gather  their  food.  A  boat  that 
will  float  "wherever  the  grass  is  wet,"  or  a  very  well  trained  dog 
is  necessary  in  the  retrieving  of  Yellow-legs. 


(Totanus  flavipes). 
This  is  a  copy  of  the  preceding  form  on  slightly  smaller  lines. 
In  length  it  does  not  exceed  12  inches  and  in  extent  it  is  less  than 
21.  The  bill  is  under  2  inches  in  length  and  grooved  rather  mure 
than  Jialf  its  length.  They  are  thought  to  breed  in  Newfoundland, 
northern  Quebec  and  about  Hudson  Bay.  Its  nests  have  been 
rarely  found  except  on  the  Andei-son  and  other  rivers  flowing 
through  the  Barren  Grounds.  The  eggs  are  various  in  coloration 
but  usually  gray  to  creamy  with  brown  blotches.  Like  the  larger 
■fonn  this  bird  when  disturbed  will  often  perch  in  a  tree  near  its 
nesting  grounds.  They  are  found  regularly  in  fall  and  spring  in 
the  Great  Lakes  region,  haunting  the  .shallow  stmams  and  ponds 
which  drain  tlie  northern  shores  of  Lake  Ontario,  and  they  remain 
for  several  weeks  as  they  travel  gradually  southward  in  our  ')t:;.nti- 
ful  Septeml)er  weather. 

SANDPIPER  (Hclodromas  soliianus). 
The   upper  part.s  of  the  Ijody  are  olive  brown  with  A\hite 
streaks  on  the  head  and  neck,  and  white  spots  on  the  back.    The 


SFioin:  BiUDs 

tail  and  sides  arc  hnricd  with  wliito  and  blat-k,  and  tlio  holly  is 
white.  In  winter,  like  all  others  of  the  race,  the  jtrevnilinjjf  shade 
is  frrayish.  The  i'onn  un,-,  eonnnun  in  British  r'nlninhia  is  lar;;er, 
darker  on  the  baek  jmuI  lij;hter  ahont  the  head  and  neek.  It  is 
separated  as  the  (Mnr.ainon  Solit.iry  Siindpipcr.  Lon<;th  hetwveu 
8  and  9  inches,  .xtent  al><)nt  !<>,  hill  1  to  1^^  inches. 

This  speeies  is  funnd  S(';itter<'d  sjtarsely  all  aeross  (\inada 
j)rol)a!)ly  breedintr  in  the  W(M»(led  parts  of  every  province,  but  its 
eg^'s  have  been  rarely  found.  In  northern  Alberta,  however,  Mr. 
"Walter  Kaine  obtained  severil  sets  of  e^j;s.  ;>11  found  in  the  old 
nests  of  other  birds,  such  as  the  robin,  g  M-i  -  Canada  jay  and 
kingbird,  and  in  some  cases  15  feet  from  the  ^lound.  More  careful 
observation  will  probably  show  us  that  this  is  a  resident  of  Ontario 
also,  as  it  remains  with  us  throuj^diout  the  sunnner,  and  then  in- 
dulges in  the  habit  unusual  among  sandpii)ers  of  perching  on 
trees.  The  eggs  are  described  as  pale  greenish  white,  heavily  si)ot- 
ted  and  blotched,  especially  at  the  larger  end,  with  brown  and 
gray.    Their  average  size  is  1.3G  x  .98  inches. 


(Si/)npluini((  setnipitlmata). 

The  Willets  resemble  the  T;\ttlers  or  Vellow-legs  in  general 
appearance  and  plumage,  l)ut  aie  lan;er  and  have  stouter  bill  and 
legs.  The  latter  are  not  yellow  but  bluish  black,  and  the  feet  are 
semipalmated.  The  eastern  form  is  said  to  be  connnon  in  Nova 
Scotia  and  is  found  also  in  Newfoundland  and  New  I^runswick. 
It  is  taken  occasionally  in  Ontario,  but  its  nesting  grounds  are 
mostly  south  of  our  boundary. 

The  western  form  is  occasinually  seen  in  Ontario;  but  is  com- 
mon and  breeds  in  southern  Saskatchewan  and  Alberta.  Its  low 
monotonous  call, — front  whicu  its  name  is  taken, — is  uttered  al- 
most continuously.  It*  home  and  feeding  grounds  re  "i^caches  and 
margins  of  ponds,  both  salt  and  <    ^h      iter.    In  L       ih  they  vary 


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from  1"  to  16  with  expanse  of  about  28.   The  bill  is  2  to  21/2 
netes  ions  and  stl-aight.    Like  other  shore  birds,    its    winter 
p^umase  lacks  the  blackish  markings,  and  approaches  an  ashy 
gray  in  color. 

{Bartrumia  lonyicauda). 
The  upper  plumage  of  the  Field  Plover  is  blackish  mth  mark- 
ings of  Jl  and  yellowish,  the  throat  aud  belly  are  vvhit.h  the 
neck  aud  breast  liu'ht  vellow  with  streaks  and  bars  of  dark.  \\  mgs 
Uik!:!  with  white,  ;ith  black  bars,-tail  yellowish  black  and  whit. 
Bill  NVith  black  tip.    Len-th  about  12  inches,  expanse  22,  bill  1 

^"^  ^'tIus  is  an  upland  bird,  buildin-  its  nest  on  the  -round  in  rough 
drv  pastures.  It  shows  no  fear  of  animals,  but  can  scarcely  be 
approached  bv  a  man  on  foot.  Its  note  is  clear  and  can  be  heard 
when  the  bird  is  so  high  as  to  b,>  invisible.  It  is  seen  occasionally 
in  eastern  Canada  and  some  undoubtedly  nest  in  eastern  Ontario, 
but  its  home  is  the  prairie  of  the  northern  United  States  and  Can- 
ada from  the  western  boundary  of  Ontario  to  the  mountains,  and 
as  far  north  as  Lake  xVthabasca. 


(Act  it  is  maeulariK). 

This  is  the  tip-up  or  "Teeter  Snipe"  of  our  l,rooks  and  shores. 
It  is  dressed  in  quaker  drab  above  and  pure  white  below;  the 
throat,  breast,  and  belly  being  marked  with  circular  black  spots. 
Tlie  female  is  larger  than  the  male  and  more  strongly  spotted. 
Length  between  7  and  8  inches,  expanse  13,  bill  about  1  inch. 

The  peculiar  habit  of  bowing  or  vibrating  the  body  up  and 
down  which  this  little  shore  bird  practises  so  f  ^^^getica  y  w^en 
excited  has  never  been  satisfactorily  explained.    They  flit  ahead 

^^^"^"'         .  ,      .  mnvifo'  nlon'^  the  shore,  unti   far  enough 

of  a  pedestrian  or  a  i)oat  mo\  H'g  aiou;,  me  mi<-  i^-, 



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from  their  own  particular  haunts,  then  with  a  'peet-peet'  they 
make  a  wide  curve  close  to  the  water  as  they  return  to  the  favorite 
locality.  They  nest  on  the  jyround,  often  among  dry  grass,  some- 
times on  a  gravel  bar,  laying  three  or  four  creamy  or  grayish 
eggs,  spotted  with  chocolate. 

The  range  of  the  Spotted  Sandpiper  is  from  the  Atlantic  to 
the  Pacific,  and  it  nests  \Vherever  suitable  situations  are  found. 


( Try)ifjiff.s  st(hn<ficoJll.i). 

This  small  shore  bird  is  not  common  in  the  sonthorn  parts  of 
Canada.  It  is  to  be  distinguished  by  the  \)\-M-k  s^XM-ks  and  mark- 
ings on  ^he  white  inner  wing  quills,  the  outer  \vo))s  (tf  which  are 
yello'  The  inner  wing  coverts  are  also  strikingly  marked  with 

win,  .black.    The  tail  feathers  are  grayish  yellow  with  dark 

ends  '■  A'liite  tips.  U])per  surface  grayish  l)rown,  lower  surface 
pale  fawn,  with  white  tips  and  ol)Scur('  dark  markings.  Length 
7  to  8  inches ;  bill  less  than  an  inch. 

Its  nest  is  merely  a  hollow  in  tiie  soil  or  moss,  in  which  usually 
four  eggs  are  deposited.  I'hese  are  yellowish  gray  with  spots, 
l)lotehes,  and  stripes  of  rich  brown. 

While  nowhere  descrilx'd  as  abundant,  this  sandpiper  is  seen 
quite  regularly  in  Ontario  and  Manitoba,  and  is  reported  from 
British  Columbia.  Its  breeding  grounds  ai'c  the  Barren  Grounds 
near  the  Arctic  coast,  and  its  food  minute  crustaceans  found  along 
the  shores. 


(Nu  men  ins  longirosfri.s). 
The  extreme  length  of  the  liill  of  this  large  and  handsome  bird 
enables  anyone  to  readily  identify  it.    The  prevailing  color  of  the 
plumage  is  buff,  dark  above  and  light  below.    Tb(>  head  and  neck 





jii   i 

!     ii    1 


are  streaked,  and  back  and  tail  cross-barred  with  black.  The  lower 
neck  aTd  breast  are  also  streaked  with  dark  brown  or  black.  Lensth 
about  24  inches,  expanse  36  to  3S.    Bill  decurved,  and  d  to  6  or 
ovpn  8  inches  in  lenffth  in  the  mature  bird, 
"'"in    n  e:stern  Canada  this  must  be  considered  a  rare  nu^rant 

but  it  breeds  in  southern  ^"^^^'J^^jt  the  o^.n 
mrts  of  British  Columbia,     itb  nest  is  \\(-ii  muuci  i 

nr'  rie     The  egps  are  drab  with  brown  markings.    \\  hen  flying 
ft  w  . isiles  or  cflls  loudlv  in  the  spring,  and  when  in  i'-^^'f^ 
.ke    the  nar^w  shape-or  triangular  arrangement  so  notable  m 
Sc  movements  of  wild  geese.    Its  feeding  grounds  are  the  mo  st 



(  Nil  m  en  ius  h  u  dso  n  ia  nii  m  ) . 

While  resembling  in  general  appearance  the  Long  Bill^^  ^^^^■ 
lew  this  bird  is  not  buff  but  grayish  in  general  color.  The  top  ot 
the  he  d  s  marked  bv  two  dark  patches  separated  by  a  line  of  the 
traSbdV  color.  •  The  under  side  of  the  ^^ings  is  varied  by 
markings  iiistead  of  phun  ]>uff  as  in  the  precedmg  form. 

Sh  17  to  18  inches;  bill  decurved  and  not  more  than  4 

and  Hudson  Bay,  but  little  is  kno^^nl  of  its  nest  and  eggs. 

(Xumcniiis  corealis). 
This  is  the  smallest  of  the  three  curlews  which  we  may  look 
for  in  eastern  Canada.      Its  plumage  greatly  resembles  that  of 




I!  ^tv 




■  .'''*  .  - 

i  •  i^ 


the  Hudsonian  Curlew,  from  which  it  diffei-s  in  having  no  chestnut 
or  white  bars  on  the  primaries,  and  having  several  narrow  dusky 
streaks  on  the  crowTi.  In  length  it  is  under  15  inches,  and  the  bill 
is  under  3  inches  and  nearly  straight.  Its  range  in  Canada  is 
chiefly  on  the  eastern  coast,  breeding  <*m  tlio  level  grounds  toward 
the  Arctic.  It  was  formerly  plentiful  on  the  Labrador  and  New- 
foundland coasts  and  is  st  ';  frequently  seen  there.  In  Ontario  it 
is  now  rare.  In  September,  1881,  the  writer  collected  several  cur- 
lews on  Wolfe  Island,  probably  of  this  species,  but  they  were 
not  identified  because  of  lack  of  definite  description.  They  associ- 
ated with  the  Colden  Plover. 

PLOVER  (Sqiiatarola  squataroJa). 

The  coloration  which  gives  its  commonest  name  to  this  plover 
is  seldom  seen  south  of  Hudson  Bay.  The  head  is  large  and  round- 
ed in  appearance,  with  a  straight  bill,  much  like  that  of  a  pigeon. 
Unlike  other  forms,  this  species  has  a  small  but  distinct  hind  toe. 

Tlie  upper  plumage  is  grayis'h,  made  up  of  black,  w^hite  and 
ashy.  In  the  breeding  season,  from  the  eyes  downward  the  under 
parts  are  black.  In  fall  and  winter  the  lower  parts  are  whitish, 
with  mottling  of  light  brown  on  neck  and  breast.  Length  11  to  12 
inches.  Bill  1  to  I14.  In  autumn  this  plover  is  found  going  south- 
ward across  Newfoundland,  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick,  Que- 
bec and  Ontario,  from  their  breeding  grounds  near  the  Arctic 
Ocean.  The  northward  migration  seems  to  be  largely  from  River 
St.  Clair  westward  following  the  Mississippi  valley.  They  were 
formerly  common  in  autumn  on  the  old  pastures  and  gravel  bars 
of  Wolfe  Island. 


(Charadrius  dominicns). 
While  the  difference  in  ai)i)earanee  between  the  Golden  and 
the  Black-bellied  Plover  is  difficult  to  make  clear  in  words,  it  is 



*r?  "-f 


not  difficult  to  distinguish  average  specimens  from  each  other. 
Besides  the  darker  plumage  of  this  biid,  with  its  golden  yellow 
markings,  the  tail  is  gray  with  faint  whitish  bars  instead  of  being 
white  with  black  bars  as  in  the  preceding  species.  The  head  also 
does  not  give  the  impression  of  being  so  globular.  The  absence  of 
the  small  hind  toe  is  a  good  distinguishing  mark.  In  size  the  Golden 
averages  smaller  than  the  Black-bellied.  Length  10  to  11,  bill  less 
than  one  inch.  (Jreat  flocks  of  (Johlcn  Plovers  were  common  on 
old  pasture  fields  and  along  gravelly  shores  of  Lake  Ontario,  in 
September  and  Octol)er,  but  their  nural)ers  have  greatly  diminished 
since  every  boy  can  own  a  breach-loader.  On  Wolfe  Island,  many 
were  killed  by  flying  against  the  telegraph  wires,  and  it  was  not  un- 
common for  two  dozen  birds  to  I'all  ;it  one  discharge  of  a  double 
barrelled  gun.  They  nest  from  Hudson  Bay  westward  on  the 
tundra,  and  along  the  Arctic  Ocean,  and  migrate  all  across  Canada 
spending  the  winter  in  southern  Brazil  and  Argentina. 

The  Pacific  Golden  Plover  is  smaller,  with  more  yellow  or 
gold  color  about  the  head.  It  is  the  conunon  form  in  Vancouver 
Island  and  Western  Alaska. 


{Aegialitis  vocifera). 

This  is  the  best  known  of  our  plovers  in  Ontario,  breeding  in 
dry  rough  i)astures  that  are  not  far  from  stream  or  lake  shores,  and 
calling  out  its  name  whenever  disturbed.  Its  back  is  grayish 
brown,  rump  yellowish  or  chestnut  browTi,  tail  darkening  toward 
the  end,  but  with  a  light  bar  and  bro\\Tiish  tips.  The  throat,  fore- 
neck,  and  line  over  the  eye  are  white.  A  complete  black  collar, 
broad  in  front  encircles  the  neck,  and  a  second  black  breast  band 
is  incomi)lete  behind.  The  forehead  has  a  white  band  from  eye 
to  eye  with  a  black  band  behind  it.  Belly  and  lov^-er  breast  white, 
and  patches  of  white  on  the  wings.  Length  from  9  to  IOV2  inches, 
and  bill  %  of  an  inch. 



While  not  common  east  of  Ontario,  the  Killdccr  is  very  much 
at  home  in  the  country  bordering  the  Great  Lakes,  making  its  nest 
often  among  pebbles  or  bits  of  wood,  and  feeding  on  tield  and  shore 
insects  and  crustaceans.  It  comes  in  April  and  leaves  toward  the 
last  of  September  or  after  the  iirst  frosty  nights.  It  is  plentiful 
all  across  the  plains,  and  in  open  parts  of  British  (.\)lunibia. 


{Aegialitis  setnipalmata) . 

Back  and  tail  ashy  brown,  lower  parts  white,  except  a  black 
band  on  the  lower  neck.  A  white  baud  from  eye  to  eye  interrupts 
the  black  cap  which  covers  the  head  from  the  bill  upward.  A 
broad  white  baud  includes  the  throat  aud  encircles  the  head,  and 
is  followed  by  the  black  band  mentioned  above.  Length  ti  to  7 
inches.    Bill  Yo  inch.    The  toes  are  plainly  seuiipaluiated. 

This  plump  little  plover  is  a  resident  iu  Is'ewfouudland  aud 
Nova  Scotia,  and  probably  in  the  other  eastern  provinces.  It 
nests  in  Ontario  and  iu  the  prairie  provinces,  but  its  chief  breeding 
grounds  are  further  north,  the  Labrador  coast,  Hudson  Bay,  and 
across  the  plains  to  Alaska.  About  the  east  eud  of  Lake  Ontario 
they  are  plentiful  in  September,  often  associating  with  Killdeer 
Plover,  but  are  more  gregarious  than  the  latter.  They  tly  iu  close 
bunches  of  from  ten  to  thirty,  aud  run  rapidly  aloug  the  saudy  and 
muddy  beaches.    Their  nests  are  iu  the  sand  or  pebbles. 


(Aegialitis  meloda). 

In  this  little  plover,  the  head  is  pale  brown  or  ashy,  with  a 
black  bar  across  the  forehead  from  eye  to  eye.  The  throat  and  a 
ring  around  the  neck  are  nearly  white  and  this  is  succeeded  by  a 
breast  ring  of  black,  incomplete  in  front,  and  usually  so  behind. 
The  variety  A.  meloda  circumcincta,  or  Belted  Piping  Plover, 



,1  i« 













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'i«4L'     ^^ 


differs  only  in  having  a  complete  black  breast  band.  All  the  upper 
parts  are  ashy  brown,  the  under  parts  lighter  to  whitish.  The  bill 
is  short,  rather  under  i/o  inch,  stout  and  black.  Their  note  is  a 
musical,  plaintive  high  pitched  "peep."  Length  61/2  to  7  inches. 
They  nest  in  the  maritime  provinces  and  have  been  found  in 
Ontario,  and  Manitoba,  but  are  abundant  only  along  the  Atlantic 
coapit  of  the  United  States. 

(Arenaria  inter pres  and  A.  morinella). 

The  crustaceans  of  the  wet  shores  which  form  the  food  of 
this  plover,  are  obtained  by  industriously  upsetting  shells  and 
pebbles,  hence  the  name.  From  its  beautifully  mottled  w'hite,  black 
and  chestnut  plumage  it  gets  the  name  of  Calico  bird.  The  chest- 
nut seems  part  of  the  breeding  dress,  and  is  absent  in  winter, 
when  brown  and  gray  take  the  place  of  the  clearer  black  and  white 
markings.  The  base  of  the  tail  is  white  and  the  tip  is  black.  The 
breast  is  black  and  belly  white. 

Length  8  to  9  inches,  expanding  a]'  ut  18,  bill  about  1  inch 
long,  black ;  feet  orange. 

The  breeding  ground  of  the  Turnstone  is  the  Arctic  regions, 
and  in  its  migration  it  is  found  in  all  the  provinces,  but  not  plenti- 
ful or  common  anywhere,  and  belonging  evidently  to  the  ocean 
beaches.  Two  species  have  been  distinguished,  but  probably  one 
is  merelv  a  varietv  of  the  other. 

The  Black  Turnstone  is  darker  throughout  than  the  eastern 
forms,  the  head  especially  lacking  white,  hence  the  name  A.  me- 
lanocephala.  It  is  reported  as  breeding  on  the  shores  of  Vancouver 
Island  and  the  mainland  of  British  Columbia. 

(Haematopus  hachmani). 

This  is  the  only  species  of  this  striking  group  certainly  found 
in  Canada.    These  birds  have  large,  coarse,  strong  feet  and  legs, 




.. » 


pale  in  color;  the  bill  is  adapted  for  opening  the  shplk'nf'f^-^  -^ 

oystere  ao  not  lun  fast."  A  large  vei-mili„n  bill,  comniessed  and  .Imped,  funeate  like  that  „f  the  large  w.^dneX'ris  thf 
e(f,o,e„t  weapon    y  whieh  they  explore  elam  and  musseUhdls 

The  bead  and  neck  are  glossy  black,  other  parts  brownish 
black.  Length  about  20  inches  but  varying  greatly  BiUlTri 
inches  long,  and  various  in  shape,  sometimes  tent  near  tlfe  "„   '"  * 

the  B  itish  Columwf  '"  ^'T'  "'  ""  '^™  ™'''''' »""  '^  "'■"»»•'  on 
blaekish  "'""'''•  '^^'  ^""""'^h  drab,  speckled  with 

1  • 



usually  ftrtteedTlef' It?"*'  """""T'  ''"'""«  ^1>"^'  "»<• 




-        1 

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•  H   ,' 


•  -I 


H  ■ 



;  s 


{Colin as  virgin ia nus). 

Ropresenting  the  quail  and  iwirtridge  of  Knn»p('  we  1'  ne  in 
eastern  Canada  only  the  Bob-white. 

This  l)ird  is  called  quail  in  Ontario  and  the  eastern  United 
States,  and  partridge  in  the  Middle  States.  The  term  "])artridge" 
as  applied  t(»  our  grouse  is  misplaced,  as  the  Bob-white  alon(  re- 
sembles the  Partridge  of  Europe  and  Africa.  Our  Bob-white  ur 
quail  is,  however,  quite  distinct  from  transatlantic  forms.  Many 
of  the  (juail  family  are  found  in  tlie  United  States,  Mexico  and 
Central  America. 

We  can  still  claim  the  Bob-white  as  a  Canadian  bird  although 
its  range  is  now  restricted  to  the  southwestern  peninsula  (»f  On- 
tario, and  practically  to  the  southern  rounties.  Here  it  is  not  un- 
common, although  becoming  less  plentiful  every  year  in  .\  liich  it  is 
not  continuously  ])rotected. 

Its  food  consists  chiefly  of  weed  seeds,  crickets,  grassuopjxTS 
potato  beetles,  wireuxmns  and  cutworms.  No  bird  c^in  sliow  l)et- 
ter  reason  for  being  carefully  preserved  and  encouraged.  It  nests 
on  the  ground,  laying  a  dozen  or  more  white  eggs.  The  call  note 
of  the  male  gives  it  its  popular  name. 

The  top  of  the  head  bears  a  number  of  long  loose  feather.^ 
which  are  scarcely  a  crest.    The  plumage  in  general  is  chest   ut 
with  dark  bars  and  streaks.    The  tail  is  grayish,  the  throat  is  white, 
and  so  is  a  broad  line  across  the  forehead  and  over  the  eye.    Thi 
white  is  yellowish  in  winter,  and  in  the  female's  plumage  at  al 
times.    Length  about  10  inches,  expanse  about  15.    Albino  form 
are  not  rare,  and  instances  of  melanism  are  occasionally  found. 
These  should  be  preserved  for  scientific  study. 

"!g?H?g!JS^!!.y?'  '^^'MBpl 




{Ortortij     pivi      ). 

This  I  'autitul  Liime  I'w  1  is  f    iiul  in  soiitl     •ii  ('oliun- 
bia  and  oi    \'anc<tn\.  r  Islntit..  liav    ii;  cmne  fnaa  tlie  soutli. 

Jis  ba.-k,  wij  _>.  .in!      il  ai-e  oLvo  Iji-own;  t■(^repart^^  al"ivt' and 
hi  i(i\v     i:tty  giay  ;  tliroia  and  belly  t-lu'Stnut,  sides  band<Ml  v  iX\ 
hniad  ii.  is  (.f  lilac'k  and  wliite.    Two  narrow  bla^k  jduini        irve 
hackwiinl.        narrow  \\ lute  line  borders  tlie  l»ase  <•!"  ti         II  above 
.nd  conti  uu'.-  oeynn-  tlif  eye  down  the  .>ide  »     the  noi  ii'^jth 

n  to  12  ihidies,  with  (xp.ins*-  (»t'  10  inches. 

< lALf  FOKN FA  PaK     MDGE— VALLEY  i 

Lopliorl  ij.r  calif  arnica). 
'Ph.     is  jii   'thei"  i'f'.aitiful  bird  spreadif    - 

•roltabiy  intro- 
duced -ft tan  (    !    fV>^    la,  I  41  breedinu;  Ireeh    m     ■ri       i  Cohiinbia. 

A  nai-ro'"  itt  "ne  from  the  bill  passt  ulcr  tiie  eye  and 
down  Aard  aluUL,  >side  of  the  neck.  A  tulsi'd  jdunic  of  a  few 
feathers  curves  f ■  i- vard  from  the  bi-ownisi  top  of  the  head. 
''  |>er  parts  are  ashy  ])ro\\'n,  forebreast  si;  blue,  under  parts 
r  V,  deei»<ning  to  bris^ht  chestnut  on  i  e  ly,  where  all  the 
1  ii-rs  are  shari)ly  edited  with  black.  »*•  ies  olive  briwi;  with 
'^  larp  white  stripes.    Length  10  to  11  inches." 


The  grouse  differ  from  the  part^ridL'f^  or  quail  in  liaving  the 
tarsus  feathered  at  least  in  ])art,  the  nostrils  more  or  less  feath- 
ered, and  the  sides  of  the  toes  in  Winlei-  'linale.  i.  e.  bearing  on 
each  side  a  comb-like  line  of  h(>\n  points  which  serve  as  snow- 
shoes.  These  develop  in  Sepuuiber  and  October  and  are  cast  in 
April.  They  roost  in  evergreens,  except  during  thfi  extreniely 
cold  weather,  when  they  burrow  in  the  deep  drifts  of  sn=iW. 








(Dendragapus  obscurus). 

Of  the  Dusky  Grouse  and  its  varieties  the  Sooty  and  Richard- 
son 's  Grouse,  we  have  certainly  the  latter  two  forms,  and  probably 
the  f  jrmer.  They  are  large  handsome  birds,  undisturbed  by  the 
presence  of  man,  and  hence  so  easily  killed  as  to  obtain  the  name 
'Fool  Hen'  in  the  Rocky  Mountains.  They  range  from  Arizona 
and  New  Mexico  northward,  the  Dusky  Grouse  being  the  most 
southerly  form,  Richardson's  Grouse  next,  and  the  Sooty  Grouse 
ranging  to  or  be\'ond  Sitka.  All  belong  to  the  coniferous  forests 
of  the  Pacific  coast,  but  are  reported  as  brought  for  sale  to  Sault 
Ste.  Marie  as  though  from  the  Laurentides.  The  following  are 
chief  points  in  the  description  of  Richardson's  Grouse  as  given  by 
Mcllwraith.  Back  and  wings  blackish  brown,  crossed  with  wavy 
lines  of  slaty  gray.  Yellowish  brown  on  the  scapulars,  long  side 
feathers  tipped  with  white.  Under  parts  light  slate  color,  mixed 
^ith  white  on  the  lower  belly.  Chin  and  throat  speckled  with  black, 
enlarged  white  feathers  on  the  sides  of  the  neck.  Tail  brownish 
black  veined  with  gray  and  with  a  broad  terminal  band  of  grey. 
Length  20  to  22  inches.  Tail  7  inches.  All  three  are  alike  in  size  and 
general  appearance,  the  two  northern  forms  being  darker.  They 
lay  from  seven  to  ten  eggs  in  a  very  slight  nest  on  the  ground,  the 
eggs  being  buff  colored,  speckled  with  chocolate  brown. 


(Dendragapus  canadensis). 

This  beautiful  grouse  belongs  to  eastern  Canada.  It  is  found 
in  Newfoundland  and  Labrador,  in  Nova  Scotia,  Quebec  and  On- 
tario north  of  Ottawa,  and  in  the  forest  regions  of  Manitoba.  It 
nests  on  the  ground  in  the  spruce  and  tamarack  forests  in  which  it 
lives,  and  feeds  on  berries,  leaves,  and  buds.  Its  flesh  is  not  as  well 
flavored  as  that  of  the  Ruffed  Grouse,  nor  is  it  so  shy  a  bird.    Its 



beauty  will  scarcely  save  it  from  extinction  in  all  settled  regions 
unless  carefully  fostered  by  protecting;  legislation. 

Plumage  jibove  black,  with  wavy  lines  of  grayish;  black  also 
below  with  white  spots  and  l)ars.  A  bright  yellow  or  red  comb  of 
naked  skin  forms  the  upper  border  of  each  eye.  The  tail  is  made 
up  of  sixteen  feather..,  black,  with  a  rich  brown  bar  at  the  ends. 
The  throat  is  dark  bordered  with  white.  Legs  feathered  to  the 
toes.    Length  15  to  17  inches. 


{Dcudnujapus  ftanklini) . 

This  is  a  w^estern  form  of  the  Canadian  Spruce  Grouse- 
found  throughout  the  wooded  parts  of  British  Columbia  and  the 
Eastern  ridges  of  the  Rockies.  It  shares  with  the  Dusky  Grouse 
the  name  'Fool  Hen,'  from  its  unsuspicious  nature. 


{Bonasa  umbcJlL  togata). 
This  is  the  ''Partridge,"  so  dear  to  all  healthy  country  boys  of 
eastern  Canada,  affording  a  good  reason  for  many  and  delightful 
tramps  through  upland  and  swampy  forests,  with  no  great  danger 
of  being  over  burdened  with  game.  The  startling  rush  and  roar 
with  which  it  rises  when  close  to  an  intruder  is  very  disconcerting 
to  young  gunners,  and  the  remarkable  speed  with  which  it  places 
tree  tops  and  trunks  Iwtween  itself  and  danger,  may  enable  it  to 
delight  several  more  generations  with  excellent  siwrt.  Wise  legis- 
lation, by  establishing  a  close  season  of  five  years,  has  recently  per- 
mitted it  to  again  occupy  covers  long  ago  deserted.  Its  custom  of 
'drumming'  is  one  of  the  most  interesting  peculiarities  of  this  fas- 
cinating bird.  The  male,  at  the  beginning  of  the  nesting  season, 
calls  the  female  by  standing  upon  a  slight  elevation— usually  a 
fallen  log— and  rapidly  beating  the  air  with  liis  concave  rounded 




*  \' 





I.       '    ■ 


if;  i 






wings.  The  result  is  a  booming  sound,  resembling  distant  thunder. 
Occasionally  the  sound  is  produced  in  the  fall.  This  musical  per- 
formance is  accompanied  by  struttings,  \\-'ith  wings  drooped  and 
tail  spread  in  first  rate  turkey  style.  The  Ruffed  Grouse  feeds 
on  the  ground  during  the  summer  and  fall,  eating  haws,  rosehips, 
gooseberries,  grapes  and  other  wild  fruits,  as  well  as  insects  and 
clover  loaves.  In  winter,  when  the  snow  covers  ground  food,  the 
buds  of  the  iron  wood  and  white  birch  form  a  favorite  supper,  and 
towards  evening  the  birds  may  be  plainly  seen  on  the  slender  leaf- 
less branches  against  a  yellow  western  sky.  They  lay  about  a  dozen 
eggs,  in  a  slight  nest  usually  under  a  log  or  close  against  a  stump 
in  a  heap  of  brush.  The  eggs  are  sometimes  speckled  slightly  with 
brown,  but  usually  are  j  \ain  creamy  white. 

The  general  color  of  the  ui)i)er  plumage  is  variegated  grayish 
brown,  with  pale  sp(jts  on  the  feathers,  each  spot  bortiered  with 
black,  A  number  of  long  erectile  feathers  on  the  sides  of  the  neck 
are  sjieoially  well  develn])ed  in  the  male.  Lower  breast  and  belly 
pale  buff  marked  with  brown.  The  feathers  of  the  back  and 
esj)ecially  of  the  tail  vary  fiom  chestnut  to  gray,  and  upon  the 
prevailing  gray  or  rusty  tones  and  the  general  dark  or  light  shades 
of  i)lumage,  varieties  have  been  established.  The  tail  is  long  and 
broad,  irr*>gularly  mottled  and  barred  \nth  black,  and  with  a 
broad  black  band  near  the  tip.  The  upper  i)aits  of  the  tarsi  are 
feathered.  Length  about  17  inches,  expanse  of  wings  about  23, 
and  tail  7  to  8  inches. 

The  range  of  the  Huffed  Grouse  is  from  Nova  Scotia,  New 
Brunswick  and  Labrador  across  Canada  to  the  poplar  woods  of 
^Manitoba  where  it  merges  into  the  gray  variety.  In  Oregon  and 
British  Columbia  another  very  dark  forni  is  found.  These  seem 
to  be  merely  ecological  varieties,  and  the  prevailing  tones  of  the 
foliage  of  the  district  will  decide  the  tone  of  the  plumage,  which 
must  be  so  inconspicuous  as  to  pennit  its  wearers  to  live  long 
enough  to  produce  offspring  like  themselves. 


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These  Grouse  belong  to  the  northern  regions,  and  come  south 
to  settled  parts  of  Canada  only  in  winter.  They  are  very  similar  to 
the  Ruffed  Grouse  in  summer,  but  have  feathers  covering  even 
their  toes  and  put  on  a  coat  of  white  plumage  for  the  winter. 


(Lagojms  ptannifjaii)- 

This  is  the  only  ptannigan  in  Ontario  and  Quebec,  where  it  is 
found  oceasionallyin  winter  as  far  south  as  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  and 
Ottawa.     Its  breeding  range  is  from  Labrador  across  to  Hudson 
Bay,  and  The  spruce  forest  to  Alaska,  where  it  is  plentifid. 
Its' nest  is  in  a  sheltered  place  on  the  gn>und,  and  it  lays  fromJLto 
12  oogs,— buff  with  heavy  and  l/lotdies  of  dark  brown, 
"^^^"ife^sunnner  the  plumage  of  the  neck  and   head    is   chestnut 
sliditlv  marked  with  l»lack,  the  back  and  rump  are  black  with  many 
bars  of  vellowish  brown,  the  tail  is  black  tipped  with  white.    The 
l)rimaries  and  secondaries  (.f  the  wings— both  shafts  and  plumes-^ 
remain  white,  as  do  the  lower  breast  and  ))elly.    In  winter  it  is 
all  pure  white  except  th.e  black  tail,  which  is  mostly  concealed  by 
the  long  white  tail  coverts.    It  is  distinguishable  in  winter  from  the 
K»ock  Ptarmigan  by  having  a  stout  bill  and  no  black  stripe  on  the 
head.    Length  15  to  17  inches.    Tail  5V-. 

The  varietv  known  as  Allen's  Ptarmigan,— L^/(/o/ws  laf/opus 
allcni  is  verv  similar,  but  has  the  shafts  of  the  secondaries  black. 
It  is  the  commcm  lowland  ptarmigan  of  Newfoundland,  and  not 
known  elsewhere. 


(Lagopus  ruyestris). 
This  grouse  in  some  of  its  varieties  is  found  from  Greenland 
across  Canada  to  Alaska  and  the  mountains  of  V^uicouver  Island. 





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there  the>mi.  ^^    ^^^^  ^^^^^  ^  the  ne^^  y 

in  winter  pure  white,  but  with  a  black  stripe  over  tl>e  eye.    Length 

13 1»  15  inches.   Tail  41/1;.  Pt-irmisan  —Litimnm  wel- 

,     ^^  t'a^';'otXSXrt^Lteal  hU  ™r  mountiin^s  of  the 

f:ZZZ^l^i>^^^nl   It  is  not  Un-v„  elsewhere  but^or^- 

bla€k.    Its  nest  aud  eggs  are  unkno^'H. 

TAIN SNOW  GROUSE  {Lofjopus  leucuruH). 

This  cleirly  marked  form  is  found  on  the  summits  of  the 
P  .1  V     oinH  ns  n  British  Columbia  and  Vancouver  Island,  and 

with  brown. 


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(Tifm/xiHurliHs  nmcricauus). 

This  is  the  Prairie  f'hicken  or  Prairio  llcii  of  oastorn  North 
America.  It  j)r(>hahly  ranged  at  one  time  nearly  to  the  Athmtie 
coast  in  the  United  States,  and  was  found  in  southwestern  Ontario. 
It  is,  however,  a  bird  of  the  open  meadows,  and  now  inhabits  the 
valley  of  the  Mississippi  and  Red  rivers,  Manitoba  and  southern 

In  Manitoba  it  is  said  to  be  replacing  the  Shari)-tailed  (J rouse. 
It  is  likely  to  survive  if  f^iven  reasonable  protection,  as  it  prefers 
cultivated  fields  and  does  not  demand  solitude.  Even  in  verv  cold 
weather  it  usually  remains  in  the  oj>en,  reaching  its  food  by 
scratching  througli  the  snow  on  stubble  fields.  It  eats  grain  in 
autumn  and  winter,  along  with  berries  and  small  fleshy  fruits.  In 
early  summer  it  lives  largely  on  beetles,  crickets  and  grasshoppers. 
They  'pack'  in  flocks  in  winter,  scj^arate  in  the  spring,  and  come 
together  only  for  competitive  dancing  and  'booming.'  The  latter 
is  a  vocal  performance,  in  which  the  extensive  bare  patches  of 
red  skin  between  the  neck  tufts  are  distended. 

The  hen  birds  desirous  of  mates  come  quietly  to  these  enter- 
tainments, and  are  claimed  l)y  the  victorious  males.  The  nests 
are  made  in  long  grass  or  stubble  and  from  10  to  15  eggs,  yellowish 
or  grayish  olive,  are  laid. 

The  following  is  the  descriptiou  given  ])y  Cones  and  Mcll- 
wraith  with  additional  particulai-s  from  Chapman's  Handbook. 
"Abovf  variegated  with  black,  brown,  tawny,  or  ochrey  and 
white,  the  latter  especially  on  the  wings;  below  quite  regularly 
barred  with  dark  brown,  white,  and  tawny;  throat  tawny,  a  little 
speckled  or  not;  vent  and  crissum  mostly  white;  quills  fuscus, 
with  narrow  or  imi)erfect  white  oi*  tawny  bars  and  tips.  Sexes 
alike  in  color,  but  the  female  smaller  with  shorter  neck  tufts.*' 
"Sides  of  the  neck  with  tufts  of  ten  or  more  narrow  stiffened  black 


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feathers,  marked  with  buff  and  rufous,  their  ends  rounded,  the 
skin  beneath  these  tufts  bare."  Length  16  to  18  inches,  extent 
about  28  inches,  tail  W--    Lt^gs  feathered  to  the  bases  of  the  toes. 


(Pediaccetes  phasianellus). 

This  is  the  eastern  fomi  of  the  Prairie  Chicken  of  the  north- 
west, being  occasionally  found  between  Lake  AVinuipeg  and  Sault 
Ste.  :Marie,  and  very  rarely  in  Muskoka.  It  is  common  about  James 
Bav,  and  probably  wanders  southward  and  eastward,  having  been 
found  at  Lake  Abitibi  and  even  Lake  St.  John.  It  is  thought  to  be 
spreading  eastward  along  the  line  of  the  Canadian  Pacific  Rail- 
way, being  able  to  adapt  itself  to  the  partially  open  forest  country. 
"It  abounds  on  the  outskirts  of  the  Saskatchewan  plains  and  is 
found  throughout  the  woi.ded  districts  of  the  Northwest  Terri- 
tory." Juniper  scrub  is  the  favorite  home  of  this  grouse,  and  it 
eats  the  buds  of  Juniper  in  winter  and  the  berries  in  summer.  Its 
nest  is  on  the  ground,  and  it  lays  in  June  about  six  creamy  olive 
drab  eggs  with  brown  specks. 

Its  plumage  is  dark  in  tone,  the  markings  being  black,  white 
and  dark  brown  with  little  tawny.  On  the  undei-  part-^  the  si.ots 
are  numerous,  blackish  and  V  shaped.  The  throat  is  white  and 
speckled.  A  bare  space  on  each  side  of  the  neck  is  covered  with 
feathers  slightly  longer  bi't  otherwise  like  the  others.  A  number 
of  narrow  feathers  form  a  -hort  decurved  crest.  The  tail  is  white 
and  short,  made  up  of  sixteen  feathers  graduated  in  length  toward 
the  two  middle  ones  which  project  about  an  inch  beyond  the  others. 

The  Prairie  form  of  the  Sharp-tail  diffei-s  in  color  tone,  the 
markings  being  black,  white  and  tawny.  On  the  lower  Ixjdy  the 
dark  siiot.s  are  fewer  in  number,  bro\\'n  and  U  shajied  instead  of 
black  and  V  shaped.  Its  home  is  on  the  open  plains  and  stubble 
fields,  up  to  the  foot  hills,  and  in  winter  it  seeks  the  shelter  of 

■    106 


broken,  wooded  country.  Its  nest  is  usually  in  the  vicinity  of 
bushes,  and  its  eggs  sometimes  number  sixteen,  green isli  to  brown- 
ish with  a  few  flecks  of  dark  brown. 

The  Columbian  Sharp-tail  is  the  form  of  this  grouse  found  in 
British  Columbia  east  of  the  Coast  range,  but  can  scarcely  be  dis- 
tinguished from  the  prairie  foiin. 


( Cc n t rocc ru s  u roiihania n us ) . 

Our  claim  upon  this  as  a  Canadian  bird  rests  uim.ii  the  fact 
that  it  is  occasionally  found  in  Saskatchewan,  Alberta  and  British 
Columbia  near  the  international  boundary.  "  Its  centre  of  abund- 
ance is  the  Artemisia  (Sage  brush)  tracts  of  Colorado,  Wyoming, 
Utah,  Nevada,  Idaho,  eastern  California  and  Oregon."  Coues 
saw  it  in  the  Milk  River  district  of  Alberta.  It  is  probal)ly  never 
found  far  from  the  shrubby  wormwood  known  as  Sage  brush. 

It  is  the  hirgest  of  the  Grouse  native  to  America,  measuring 
25  to  80  iuclies  in  length  with  an  expanse  of  3  feet,  and  tail  about 
12  inches.  The  hen  is  one-fourth  smaller.  The  upper  ]>arts  are 
"varied  with  black,  gray,  brown  and  buff:  below  chiefly  white, 
with  a  large  squarish  black  area  on  the  belly.  Chin  and  throat 
blackish,  speckled  with  white  ends  of  the  feathers." 

The  neck  in  front  bears  the  naked,  i)allid  t\Tnpanum,  capable 
of  being  greatly  distended  during  amatory  displays.  It  is  border- 
ed by  stiff  filamentous  feathers,  and  covered  by  soft  filamentous 
plumes.  The  stiff  feathers  are  worn  down  to  resemble  fish  scales, 
by  the  birds  rubbing  their  breasts  on  the  ground.  Their  food  is 
wonn-wood  tips,  berries,  seeds,  and  grasshoppers,  and  the  flesh 
is  not  palatable  at  ail.  Strictly  terrestrial.  Eggs  up  to  17  in  a 
clutch,  greenisli  drab  in  color. 









{Mclcayris  fjaUojxivo,  varietif  fera). 

Once  quite  plentiful  in  southwestern  Ontario,  this  greatest  of 
our  upland  ^'anie  birds  is  now  probably  extinct  within  our  herders. 
Thev  quite  certainly  at  one  time  ranged  as  far  east  as  Hamilton 
and  possibly  to  the  site  of  Toronto,  but  for  years  their  only  repre- 
sentatives have  been  restricted  to  forest  lands  in  Essex  and  Kent 
counties  and  it  is  doubtful  whether  one  individual  now  exists  in 
Ontario  outside  the  Kond  Eau  Government  Park. 

The  turkey  grou])  belongs  to  Central  and  North  America,  and 
several  species  or  varieties  are,  or  were,  found  in  the  United  States, 
one,  the  Mexican  Turkey— being  the  form  taken  to  Eur^tpe,  where 
it  became  the  ancestor  of  our  more  or  less  domesticated  race.  The 
Rio  Grande  Turkey  and  the  Florida  Turkey  differ  but  little  from 
the  form  found  in  the  Eastern  States  and  Ontario.  The  chief  dis- 
tinction is  that  the  Mexican  race  and  its  tame  descendants  have  the 
tail  covert  feathers  tipped  with  white,  while  all  the  more  northern 
forms  wear  chestnut  tips.  The  wild  birds  never  show  such  a  great 
development  of  fleshy  frontal  protuberance,  and  of  caruncles  on 
the  neck,  as  do  the  domestic  gobblers.  The  most  beautiful  form,— 
rivalling  the  peacock~is  the  spurred  and  oscellated  Central  Ameri- 
can Turkey.  Wild  Turkeys  are  gregarious,  living  in  flocks  of  ten 
or  more  excei)t  during  the  nesting  season.  Probably  each  flock 
represents  one  brood,  which  numbered  from  ten  to  fifteen.  They 
return  night  after  night  to  the  same  roosting  place  if  undis- 
turbed, usually  to  the  tops  of  the  tall  trees  growing  in  lowlands. 
The  "gobbling"  call  of  the  males  in  the  early  spring  morning  can 
be  heard  long  distances,  and  several  of  them  are  likely  to  reply  to 
the  more  plaintive  note  of  the  female.  Then  a  display  of  charms 
and  courage,  much  strutting  and  fierce  battles,  end  in  the  capture 
of  the  hen  by  the  polygamous  sultan.  The  flesh  of  the  wild  birds 
is  considered  greatly  superior  to  that  of  the  domesticated  form, 
and  this  is  very  difficult  of  explanation,  as  this  wide  ranging  bird 




is  never  <iiiite  tame,  iilmost  invariably  nests  in  a  bit  of  woodland 
or  shrubbery,  and  lives  upon  insects,  acorns,  Ix'echnuts,  and  other 
wild  provender  for  the  greater  part  of  its  life,  i-efusinj^c  to  recog- 
nize his  master  or  "his  master's  crib"  until  laboriously  driven 
home  by  force,  or  rarely  by  stress  of  wenthcr.  Length  48  to  50 
inches,  and  weight  varying  from  12  to  '.io  pt)unds. 

PIGEONS  /  si    DOVES 

Of  this  very  numerous  race,  iv-  !i!r;n  of  which  swarmed  in 
parts  of  Canada  within  fifty  year  .e  aase  at  pi-esent  only  two 
and  possii)ly  only  one,  representai .^   . 

The  passenger  pigeon  is  not  at  ibis  date,  1914 — certainly 
known  to  exist  in  Canada,  although  it  is  possible  that  some  still 
nest  in  the  Lake  of  the  Woods  region. 

Pigeons  have  a  moderately  large  head,  graceful  neck  and 
strong  compact  body.  The  beak  is  swollen  at  the  tip,  and  covered  at 
the  base  by  a  soft  skin,  and  in  this  the  nostrils  open.  The  feet 
have  four  toes  on  the  same  level,  and  the  wings  are  hmg  and  pow- 
erful, except  in  the  ground  doves.  Two  extinct  forms — the  Dodo 
and  the  Soltaire  were  flightless.  All  pigeons  have  large  crops 
which  during  the  breciing  season  secrete  a  milky  fluid  to  moisten 
the  half  digested  food  which  they  give  to  their  young.  In  drink- 
ing, j)igeons  swallow  ouiitinuously  without  raising  their  heads, 
which  are  thrust  into  the  water.  They  have  great  api)etites,  being 
credited  with  ability  to  eat  in  a  day  a  quantity  of  food  eciual  to 
their  own  weight.  They  pair  for  life,  and  are  thougiit  to  become 
deeply  attached  to  each  other.  Their  nests  are  very  frail  and  in- 
secure platfoiTOs  of  twigs,  on  which  the  two  w*hite  eggs  are  incu- 
bated, the  parents  earing  for  them  alternately.  The  young  are 
decidedly  altricial,  requiring  for  some  time  to  be  fed  by  the  parents. 
This  is  done  by  the  parent's  beak  being  placed  well  within  that  of 
the  young  one,  into  whose  throat  regurgitated  food  is  then  injected. 


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(Ectopistcs  migmtorius) . 

In  south  eastern  Ontario  large  flocks  of  this  bird  were  occa- 
sionally seen  in  1878.  A  few  i>airs  were  found  as  late  as  1883,  but 
soon  after  that  date  they  disappeared.  In  noi-th-westem  Ontario 
and  ]\[anit(vl)a  they  were  seen  in  1887,  '^S,  and  '91.  Unless  a  few 
pairs  survive  in  the  Lake  of  the  Woods  region  it  is  probable  that 
at  i)resent  the  sjR'cics  is  extinct,  and  no  completely  Siitisfactorv 
reason  for  this  can  he  j?iven,  aithoun'h  their  fearlessness  and  their 
habit  of  nestini;  in  colonies  i;ave  op])ortunity  for  their  easy  and 
wholesale  ca}»ture  and  destruction. 

AVheu  a  boy,  the  writer  had  a  younjjj  Passeufjer  Pigeon  as  a 
pet,  and  it  showed  great  cajjacity  for  affection  and  confidence. 
Thev  nested  in  considerable  nunib(i's  in  the  hardwood  groves  in 
our  district,  and  this  ))ird  had  been  taken  from  the  nest  before  it 
was  able  to  fly.  It  soon  l)ecame  very  tame  and  showed  absolutely 
no  fear.  No  attenij)t  was  made  to  confine  it,  except  that  for  safe- 
keeping it  was  shut  in  a  barn  at  niyht.  During  tiie  day  it  accom- 
panied me  to  my  work  on  any  part  of  the  farm,  and  iterched  (»n  a 
fence,  or  gathered  grain  f  j-om  the  ground,  but  alwaj's  ready  to  come 
to  my  hand  at  a  call,  it  flew  about  me  as  I  rode  on  horse-back 
across  the  fields,  and  seemed  afraid  of  no  creature  but  the  domestic 
cat.  It  ate  raspberries  and  grain  out  (»f  my  hand,  and  scolded  me 
with  raised  wings  and  voice  if  I  closed  my  fingers  over  the  food. 
Altogether  a  more  delightful  ])et  could  scarcely  l>e  found. 

The  i>lumage  of  the  uiipei-  parts  is  bluish  slate,  with  olive 
brown  on  the  back  and  shoulders,  and  iridescent  red,  golden  and 
])uri)le  on  the  side*  and  back  of  the  neck.  The  outer  tail  feathers 
are  black  at  the  base,  then  dull  bluish  with  a  white  tip.  The 
breast  is  dull  pur2)lish  red,  whitish  on  l(»wer  belly  and  under  tail. 
Length  15  to  17  inches.    Wing  and  tiiil  each  7  to  8  inches. 





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{Zenaidura  macroura). 

This  pigeon-f<ha])ed  bird  is  hccoininf!;  more  inunorous  every 
year  in  all  southern  Canada,  and  as  yet  lias  not  been  greatly  perse- 
cuted by  shootei-s.  It  seems  likely  to  replace  the  Passen^ei-  I*i^eon, 
and  being  a  famous  eater  of  weed-seeds  it  may  lu'cctme  a  favorite. 
In  shajM}  and  jjfeneral  ai)peai';ince  it  i-esembles  the  Passenji;:er 
lMfi;eon,  but  its  colors  are  grayish  brown  instead  of  blue  j^ray.  A 
small  black  mark  below  the  ear,  and  the  brownish  rump  feathers, 
as  well  as  the  smaller  size  will  readily  distinguish  it.  liCiij^th  about 
12  inches,  wiuij:  and  tail  each  about  7)1-,. 

It  nests  in  bushes  and  sinall  trees  or  on  the  bushy  fences,  and 
even  on  tlu'  ground.  Its  UKuii-nful  note  can  be  heard  about  sunset, 
— a  loud  and  clear,  long  drawn  "co(»" — followed  by  the  smiuc  twice 
(tr  three  times  repeated  briefly  in  a  nnich  softer  tone. 


This  order  of  birds  is  distinguished  by  having  a  cere  or  fleshy 
covering  on  the  base  of  the  strongly  hooked  l)eak,  and  never  ha\  14^ 
the  toes  in  pairs. — two  in  front,  and  tw(»  behind — as  foumi  wi  tm 
pari*<tts.  The  fourth  toe  is  somet lines  versiitiie,  i.  <>.,  it  uiay  l»e 
turn«'d  to  the  back.  The  claws  are  generally  strong,  liie  tibia  and 
often  the  tarsus  are  featlured.  Tlw  niemliers  of  this  group  are 
altricial,  the  young  being  merely  downy  at  biith.  av'  carni- 
vorous Itirds,  often  of  large  si/e  and  great  sti-euLTtii.  and  usually 
described  as  our  birds  t»f  prey,  but  rhis  term  is  (piitr  as  suitable  to 
many  other  groujts  such  as  flycatchers,  swall<»ws,  nighthawks,  etc. 

The  California  N'ulture  has  been  seen  on  the  Canadian  side 
of  the  boundary  in  British  (olumbia.  but  .s.  seld(»ni  ,is  to  give  k 
no  title  to  be  considered  a  <'anadian  bird. 



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(Adapted  from  Coucs). 
In  rhi*  Rn.tH.  we  Inno  uian>  stages  ..f  the  pmla<HM*us  nature. 
S<.tne  iK^H^ss  in  a  high  degree  the  activity.  leT^ity,  strengtii  and 
eonraue  whM-h  we  usually  associate  n-ith  t)mt  i^  ot  ervatni^ 
xvhieh  get  their  f.-.d  by  killing  weaker  living  tM^^  Othei-s  make 
war  onh  n^ou  inseets  and  lowly  f..n«s  of  vertebrat.^  whde  still 
otlu.r.  live  aUnost  entirely  on  earrion.  Thes.'  latter  show  a  lack 
of  the  adaptations  whieh  (Uglify  other  fonns  to  overcome  ttheir 
swift  and  watchful  pre>-. 


1  Feet  for  walkinu.  seareid)   a<lapted  f..r  grasp.iiag,  elam^  Wunt 
■  and  hut  sliglitlv  curved,  land  toe  elevated,  m«*txils  pertoratt"; 

l.iU  long,  hlunt;and  hut  sli-htly  booked.    Hccwi  naked  or  n^-auiy 
so  .  ( 'of ha /•/ uh's,  1  Juzzard* . »r  Vulture  Family,  pagf  llti 

2  Feet  espeeiallv  aioditied  for  seizing,  claws  stroim.  sharp,  eoia- 
tra.-tile  and  eu.-ved;  hind  toe  mrt  rlevateii  but  loo^j,  and  with  a 
verv  eflieient  elaw.  Nostrils  not  ^rforate,  l»m  short  and 
with  a  sharp  ho..ked  tip.    Head  feathered  emnrely  .r  nearly  so_ 

Acvipiti  rs.  Eiigles.  Hawks,  and  Owis,  i)age  11» 
•)a  Head  not  unusuallv  large,  l)road.  nor  tiat  in  front;  eyes 
h.oking  sidewavs:  nostrils  entirely  in  the  eeiv;  no  external 
car-eoneh;  outer  toe  rarely  reversible,  and  not  shorter  than 
the  inner  one:  feet  in  most  species  free  from  feathers,  toes 
Itare  and  scaly:  plumage  compact.  Active  in  daylight. 
ill.  Outer  toe  not  reversible. 

y,ilrf„ii(l(i< .  Eagles  and  Hawks,  page  11» 

a->    Outer  Kk-  reversible;  tarsus  partly  feathered,  scales  on 

fn.nt  small  and  rounded.     Tail  barred,  but  back  and 

wings  not  barred.  .  .  .  Fish  Hawk  or  Osprey,  page  i:U 

[].   llea<l  ve.y  large,  broa<l,  and  Hattened  in  fn.nt  t..  f..rm  a  face, 




which  is  usually  outlined  by  a  circle  or  triangle  of  radiating 
feathers.  Eyes  very  large,  and  looking  forward  in  all  but  one 
Slides;  and  encircled  by  lines  of  peculiar  radiating  feathers; 
bill  never  toothed,  and  having  the  nostrils  opening  at  the  edge 
of  the  cere.  A  large  external  ear-conch  is  common.  Outer  toe 
leversible  and  shorter  than  the  inner  one;  tVet  usually  feath- 
ered or  bristly  even  on  the  toes.  Plumage  loose.  Active  birds 
in  dim  light,  seldom  in  clear  daylight. 

Stfiffes,  the  Owls,  page  132 


A.  Wing  ..ver  19  inches  long T^ie  Eiigles 

M.  Li^ej-  third  or  more  of  the  tarsus  untVathered. 

Biild  P:agle,  pagr  126 

A2-  Wliole  tarsus  feathered  Golden  Eagle,  page  12.') 

B.  Wing  under  19  inches  long The  Hawks,  |)age  IIH 

These  p«Kssess  the  characters  given  alxwrt'  for  Falcimidae,  ex- 
cept those  peculiar  t(t  the  Osi)rey.  (\Mies  makes  the  distinction 
that  the  true  Falcons  in  general  possess  sharj),  strong  winjrs,  with 
but  one  or  a  few  notched  quills,  and  on  the  quills  ^re  sliiirply  de- 
fined spots  of  light  c.»lor.  Their  pwy  is^  captured  by  an  »'XtiTmely 
swift  and  violent  dash.  Other  liawks  have  round  concave  wings, 
with  several  notched  quills,  and  these  are  marke<l  by  Imrs  of  light 
color.  They  catch  their  prey  by  an  imijetuous  and  persistent  chast- . 
hut  not  by  a  dash.  Hi»th  the  above  feed  largi'ly  on  birds.  The 
7y„/,-o.s— called  in  England  Buzzards— are  comi»aratively  slow  and 
;\wkward  birds,  feeding  largely  <tn  creatures  easy  of  capture,  such 
as  insects,  frogs,  reptiles,  mice  and  moles.  Most  <»f  their  primar- 
ies are  iiot<'hed.  and  their  liirht  colored  uiarkings  arc  inclined  to 
form  irregular  blotcliiH. 


I J 

1  ;  I 

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.■  I 



THE    NEW    CANADIAN    BliiD    BOOK 

Those  characteristics,  with  those  below,  serve  to  mark  off  the 
three  <;roups  of  the  Hawks : — 

1.  The  Falcons— Upi)er  nuuulihle  toothed;  lower  mandible 
notched :  winjjs  pointed. 

2.  The  Accipiters— Bills  without  tooth  or  notch;  tai-sns  about 
ecpial  to  tibia  in  lenj^th;  winjjs  rounded,  and  little  h.nffer  than 
the  tail. 

;j.  The  Buteos— Hill  without  tooth  or  notch:  tarsus  decidedly 
shorter  than  tibia;  tail  n<.t  forked,  and  somewhat  shorter  than 
the  obtuse  wiuj^s. 

lu  addition  to  the  above  jrrouj.s  we  have  one  forui— the  Marsh 
Hawk  or  Harrier— with  .»wl-like  i.lunhu^',  and  somethin-  of 
an  ear-coueh.  It  may  always  be  i(h'iiti(i('d  hv  the  uufailinu  white 
rump,  oi- tail  coverts. 


a.  Lenjfth  aI»out  21  inches.  Tai-sus  half  uav  down  in 
tn»nt  and  on  the  sides,  and  lou.-er  thau  the  nn.ldU.  ti.,-  without 
the  claw.     Fust  (piill  shorter  than  the  third. 

X     r        .,  ,  ,  Jerfalcons,  j.a^'e  127 

h.  Lenjjth  between  lb  and  20  in.-hes.  Tarsus  feathered  half  dou-n 
in  trout  and  on  the  sides,  and  lon-er  than  the  mi.ldlc  toe  with- 
out the  claw.     First  quill  shorter  than  the  third. 

.    T       ..1   u  .  ,  .       ,  Frairie  Falcon,  jmrn-  129 

c.  Lenf,th  between  lb  and  20  inches.  Tarsus  (eathetvd  a  little  in 
tront,  broadly  bare  behind,  an.l  not  Iou^mt  than  the  mi.ldle  toe 
without  the  claw.    First  quill  not  shorter  than  the  third. 

1    T       ^1         ,        ^  JVre^nine  Falcon,  page  129 

d.  LcuK^h  ui.der  12  inches.  Tai-sus  scar.rly  featlu-ml  above,  the 
plates  m  tront  are  enlarged,  and  like  .,  d<,uble  row  of  alteraat- 
ing  scutella;  the  tai-sus  is  scarcely  longer  than  the  middle  toe 


J     ! 



without  the  claw;  fii-st  quill  not  lonjfcr  than  the  fourth,  and  first 

and  second  notched  on  the  inner  webs. 

dl.  Back  reddish,  barred  with  hhu-k  in  the  niah',  uncU-r  parts 

\yhite  (.r  tawny Sparrow  Hawk,  page  131 

(12.  Color  same  hut  paler. 

Desert  Sparrow  Hawk,  page  VM 
d;i.   Back  slaty  blue  in  adult,  with  a  partial  butt'  collar  on  the 

neck;  back  black  with  butt*  collar  in  young  specimens. 

l*igeon  Hawk,  page  TM) 
(14.  Same  with  general  blackish  shade. 

Suckley's  Pigeon  Hawk 



Length  20  inches  or  less;  tarsus  feathered  not  more  than  oiie- 
third  the  way  down,  and  very  slender: — 

a..  Feet  moderately  stout;  bare  part  of  tarsus  sh<.rter  than  tlie 
middle  t(.e;  tail  s.|uare;  length  K'  to  U  inches,  extcjit  '>()  to  'Ti 

^    ;!^'''"''^ Sharpshin  Hawk,  page  IIJ) 

b.  JM^er  mo.h'rately  stout;  bare  part  ..f  tarsus  shorter  than  the 
middle  toe;  tail  ro.uuh'd;  length  1«;  to  L'O  inches-  extent  '»S  to 
;''^'  '"^'^"'-^ Cooper's  Hawk,  page  120 

c.  Length  n^rv   20  uiclu.s;    tarsn.  feathered    half    wav  down    or 

n.ore;  top  of  he;.  !  hb,-kish (Joshawk    pag.    !.i» 



I. J 

A.   Four  (.uter  .|uills  n.»i*-hcd  .  r  simuite  ..n  rh<-  iruter  webs, 
al.  Tail  <»f  adult  clM*srrHiat  r.^  with  m  Nack  Iwr  near  the   end 
Tail  of  immature  bjrds       -        i»rred  with  blm-k  and  ^r^v. 
No  iv4dii.u  on  wing  .-.^v,     -       ViT,ir«  14  inches  or  more;  tar- 
stout:  under  f«irts  whit. -       ned-tailed  Hau  ;.,  i>age  121 



1 '  i   I 


a2.  Tail  of  adult  black,  with  about  six  white  cross  bars.  Tail  of 
young  dark  with  many  \Vhrtish  bars ;  wing  coverts  chestnut 
or  orange  brown;  wing  under  14  inches;  tarsus  slender; 
under  parts  reddish  brown  with  white  bars. 

Red-shouldorcd  Hawik,  page  122 

B.  Three  outer  primaries  notched  or  sinuate  on  the  inner  webs, 
bl.  Tail  with  many  light  and  dark  cross-bars ;  little  if  any  red- 
dish on  the  under  parts;  no  dark  moustache;  wing  12  in- 
ches or  over Swainsou's  Hawk,  page  122 

b2.  Tail  blackisli  with  about  three  light  bands;  nmch  reddish  on 
the  under  parts;  a  l)lack  moustache;  wings  12  inches  or 
less Broad-wing  Hawk,  jmge  123 

C.  Tarsus  feathered  in  front  to  the  toes,  reticulate  behind;  four  or 

five  outer  quills  eniarginate: — 

cl.  Under  parts  white  with  various  dark  markings,  but  no  red- 
dish. Tail  white  at  base,  and  then  light  and  dark  bai*s. 
Melanistic  forms  nearly  uniform  blackish. 

American  Hougli-Iegged  Hawk,  page  124 

e2.  Under  parts  white,  unmarked  or  slightly  marked.  Legs 
reiWish  with  black  bars;  tail  silvery  gray,  clouded  with 
^•••^"isli Rusty  K'ough-legged  HawJ<,  page  124 

I!      i 

I.  I 

I     I 


(I'ntlmrtes  aura). 

This  bird,  which  in  the  casual  observer  resembles  the  domestic 
turk('\,— uith  its  luad  and  neck  bare  of  feathers  and  the  skin 
bright  red,  and  its  black  plumage  morrjcd  with  brown,—  is  prob- 
ably resident  in  s<.uth western  Ontario.  KIstw' -re  in  eastern 
Canada  it  is  im\\  a  visitor,  but  it  breeds  in  Manitoi»a.  and  ]n'obably 
in  Sask.itchewan  and  AllH-rta,  as  it  is  seen  as  far  n<.rth  as  l'>lmon- 
ton.    In  British  Ct.iumbia  it  is  said  to  be  common  in  the  southern 


-  riBHBamM 


valley's.  The  description  given  alM>ve  is  sufficient  to  distinguish 
it,  when  taken  with  its  measurements.  L(imth  about  lU)  inches, 
expanse  of  wings  about  C  feet,  tail  short  and  rounded.  The  ex- 
ti'enie  lengtli  of  wing  of  tliis  bird  gives  it  almost  unrivalled  power 
of  remaiinng  aloft  and  of  soaring  upward  in  spirals  without  any 
beating  of  tlu  air  by  pinions.  Jt  has  also  remai'kable  p(»wers  of 
sight,  enaitiing  it1o  detect  a  dead  or  dying  ainmal  at  inunense  dis- 
tances. It  is  a  voracious  feeder  on  carri(»n.  and  in  this  way  returns 
good  service  for  the  protection  given  it  in  tr(»i»ical  couni  ries.  Kggs 
usu.illy  two,  creamy,  spott<'d  with  brown  and  pui'|»lish.  'i'heir 
nests  are  variously  j)laced,  often  on  the  ground,  or  in  stumps,  o^'ca- 
sionallv  in  tall  trees  (»r  on  rockv  cliffs. 



{Cathansta  uiuba). 

This  the  Oarrion  Crow — as  it  is  often  called — is  a  heavier  but 
shoi'ter  bi"d  than  the  Turkey  Buzzard,  and  lias  shoi-ter  wings  with 
propoi-tionateiy  inferior  powers  of  flight.  Its  heatl  is  naked,  but 
the  feathers  extend  up  the  back  (»f  the  neck  to  the  head.  The  entire 
plumage,  the  bill  and  the  skin  of  the  head  are  black,  or  neaily  so. 
'I'lie  nostrils  are  c(»mparatively  small  and  narrow.  The  tail  is  short 
ami  not  jounded.  Lengtl^  about  24,  exi)anse  about  54,  and  tail  8 

Jt  has  till  habits  of  tlu'  Turkey  Buzzard  and  in  the  vicin- 
ity of  towns,  especially  the  tropical  seajxtrls,  they  U'came  semi- 
doniesticated,  enjoying  legal  protection  be<'ause  of  their  great 
value  as  .-(-avengers.  'I'heir  home  is  tiie  CJulf  Statt's  and  the  South- 
ern Atlantic  States,  but  they  stray  up  to  Xova  Scotia  «|uite  fr> 
ipiently,  and  then-  is  a  record  id"  one  having  been  killed  near  (^ue- 






|;  I 

i  1  '1 





The  Hiiwks  and  Ea,j,'lcs  differ  from  the  Buzzards  and  Vultures 
in  liaviii.,'  Their  lieads  fully  feathered.     From  the  Owls  thev  are 
distinguished  by  having  tluir  eyes  on  the  sidi»  of  their  heads,  and 
lacking  the  facial  disc  s(»  notable  in  the  latter.    We  have  in  Canada 
twenty-two  liawks  and  eagles  which  ;iiay  well  be  considered  as  re- 
lated to  mii-  bird  life,  besides  a  few  (Others  that  have  occasionally 
visited  us.    Of  all  these  only  two  are  to  be  considered  as  deserving 
discouragement.     These  are  Cooiht's  Hawk  and  the  Sharpshin. 
Carcl'nl  study  by  the  Deitartnient  of  Auri.mltuic  of  the  I'nited 
States,   has  n-nipletely  i)roved  the  ^uiprising  tact  that   all   <he 
others  (io  at  h'ast  as  much  good  as  harm,  and  that  most  of  the  large 
hawks  are  among  the  friends  <.f  the  fanner  and  gardener.     Tiie 
(luantities  of  vermin  tiiey  (U'stroy  are  .iirectly  incpurtionai  to  their 
activity  and  size.    Our  traditional  hostility  towa/-(l  the  'Mien  hawk" 
nmst  be  reserved  iW  the  small,  fierce,  an.l  ])ersevering  jdrates 
above  mentioned. 


(  Circus  /nuisoiiicHs). 

This  is  the  liiost  ((.unnon  hawk  id'  open  lakeside  and  marshy 
country.  They  are  perfectly  harndess  to  man's  propertv,  living 
upon  nnce,  insects  and  .^mall  reptiles,  which  they  find  by  carefully 
searching  low  mea(h)ws  and  marshes  in  a  slowflight.  AH  across 
Canada  it  is  found,  so  far  north  as  (Jreat  Slave  Lake,  and  in 
Alaska.  The  mature  male  bird  is  ashy  blue  in  color  when  in  i)er- 
fect  plumage,  but  usually  wears  more  or  less  brownish  or  chestnut. 
The  distinguishing  mark  is  the  white  rump,— the  tail  coverts  in 
all  i)lumages  showing  thi>.  The  tail  is  bluish,  wiHi  several  dusky 
bands,  the  terminal  one  being  most  strongly  marked.  Under  parts 
white.  The  female  is  dai-k  or  reddish,  or  yellowish-brown,  with 
under  parts  yellowish,  streaked  with  darker.     H  wears,  however, 




the  white  rump  patch.  Leiij^h  17  to  20  iuehea,  expaiise  40  to  44,  tail 
about  9  inches.  Nest  on  the  j^round  in  marshy  meadows,  usually 
built  of  dry  grass,  and  eontaininj;  four  to  nine  eggs,  greenish  or 
bluish  white,  with  occasionally  blotches  of  dusky. 

{Acci inter  vclox). 

This,  the  smaller  of  the  harmful  hawks,  is  a  resident  of  all 
])arts  of  Canada  south  of  GU  deyrces,  where  trees  and  bushes  are 
to  be  found.  It  nests  usually  in  evergreens,  at  about  twi-nty  feet 
from  the  ground,  incubation  in  situthern  Ontario  iM'ing  in  early 
.June.  Four,  five  or  six  eggs,  pale  greenish  or  bluish  with  ii-regular 
brown  sjjots,  are  laid  in  the  bark-lined,  well  built  nest.  The  habits 
of  the  two  iJlue  Darters,  as  this  an<l  ('(Kipcr's  Hawk  arc  often 
called,  are  (juitc  a  contrast  to  the  industrious,  |)atieiU,  ukmisc  hunt- 
ing of  the  Marsh  Harrier.  These  live  almost  entirely  on  liirds,  and 
in  their  pursuit  and  capture  show  great  dash  and  determination. 
Any  bird  not  larger  than  a  pigeon  is  liable  to  be  attacked,  and  car- 
ried off  forthwith.  (Hiickens  are  favorite  food  and  will  be  preyed 
on  day  afti'r  day  unless  the  intruder  be  caj^tured,  kille<l,  or  well 
friglitened.  In  the  great  lakes  region  the  northern  iriigration  of 
the  Sliarp-shin  is  in  April,  and  the  southward  UKtvement  in  late 
September  or  October.  The  feathers  of  tlic  upper  surface  are  blu- 
ish gray,  the  primaries  are  barred  with  black:  the  long  tail  with 
(ihniitt  end  is  ashy  gray,  barred  with  black,  and  tipped  wilh  white. 
Throat,  breast,  and  sides  whitish,  with  reddish  brown  streaks  and 
bars.  Hnmature  birds  have  nnich  brown  coloration.  The  tarsus 
is  unusually  slender,  and  scutellate  in  front  only,  with  feathers  not 
more  than  one- third  the  way  down,  and  separated  behind.  Length 
10  to  12,  extent  of  wings  21,  tail  5  to  (J  inches. 




*     .'J 




£>»    ^ 





(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 


(Accipiter  coopcri). 

The  above  description,  with  slight  modification,  would  do  for 
this  species  except  that  this  is  decidedly  the  larger  bird,  and  pro- 
portionately more  destructive.  Those  are  the  only  true  hen-hawks 
and  chicken  hawks.  Its  range  is  the  same  as  that  of  the  Sharp- 
shin,  but  it  is  usually  considered  as  less  plentiful. 

The  distinguishing  marks  are:— rr  rounded  white  tip  to  the 
tail,  the  top  of  the  head  darker  than  the  back,  and  a  difference  in 
favor  of  this  of  at  least  two  inches  in  length  and  six  inches  in  ex- 
tent of  wings.  Length  about  16  inches,  extent  about  30,  and  tail 
about  8i/l>  inches. 

■  f     ■ 


{Accipiter  atricapiUns). 

This  species,  with  its  western  form,  ranges  all  across  northern 
Canada,  not  usually  common  anywhere,  but  nesting  apparently  in 
every  provfnco.  The  Western  Goshawk  is  reported  from  British 
Columbia  and  Alaska.  The  nest  is  placed  high  in  hardwood  trees, 
beech,  mai)Ie,  or  birch,  and  its  whitish  or  bluish  white  eggs  are 
three  or  four  in  numl)er.  On  account  of  its  superior  size,  this 
hawk,  of  the  same  race  as  the  t\w  preceding,  would  be  expected  to 
be  more  injurious.  Our  knowledge  of  it  at  present  does  not  bear 
out  this,  as  its  food  scorns  to  be  at  least  one  half  rodents  and  other 
vermin.  It  has  groat  boldness  and  strength,  and  goes  after  grouse 
and  hens  with  apparently  little  regard  for  the  consequences,  but 
its  good  deeds  are  thought  to  about  comijensate  for  its  daring  at- 


i ' 


tacks  on  poultry.    Its  \vins?s  are  short  and  ror.nded,  and  tail  fan- 

The  adult  male  is  dark  bluish  ,<»ray,  with  blaekisli  head  and  a 
white  line  over  the  eye.  The  tail  is  slij^htly  barred  with  dark,  the 
terminal  bar  much  the  broadest.  The  under  parts  are  evenly  bar- 
red with  white  and  fjvay,  and  streaked  with  black  shaft  lines  espe- 
cially towards  the  throat.  Tarsus  feathered  about  half  way  down 
in  front.  Length  20  to  24  inches,  extent  of  wing  about  42,  tail  9 
to  10  inches. 


(Ihdeo  borcalis). 

This  is  another  northern  form,  breeding  in  the  maritime  pro- 
vinces and  in  Ontario  and  Quebec.  In  the  wooded  parts  of  ]\Ianl- 
toba,  Saskatchewan,  and  Alberta  it  is  connnon,  but  is  replaced  by 
the  Western  Red-tail  in  British  Columbia.  It  nests  in  high  trees, 
laying  two  to  four  eggs,  dull  w'hite,  usually  blotched  with  brown. 
The  distinguishing  mark  of  the  adult  is  the  rich  chestnut  red  of 
the  upper  surface  of  the  tail.  Near  the  end  of  the  tail  is  a  black 
band  succeeded  by  the  white  tip.  The  under  tail  surface  is  pearly 
white  with  a  i^ddish  tinge.  Back,  head,  and  throat  dark  brown, 
with  gray,  yellowish,  and  white  margins  to  many  feathers.  Under 
parts  yellowish  white,  which  is  spotted  and  barred  with  black  on 
the  sides,  breast,  and  upper  belly,  but  unbroken  on  the  lower  belly. 
A  great  variation  of  color  is,  however,  to  be  found,  especially  in  the 
western  part  of  its  range.  Tarsus  feathered  about  half  way  down. 
Length  19  to  23  inches.  Extent  about  48,  tail  about  9  inches,  i^'e- 
male  about  2  inches  longer,  and  extending  6  inches  further. 

Less  than  10  per  cent,  of  its  food  is  game  or  poultrj-.  It  lives 
mostly  on  mice,  frogs,  reptiles,  and  insects.  Its  tone  is  a  long- 
drawn  squeal  in  one  tone  "kee-e-e." 


'    ! 






(Butco  lineatus). 

This  is  an  eastern  species,  found  infroquently  in  Nova  Scotia 
and  New  Brunswick,  but  common  in  Quebec,  and  more  so  in  On- 
tario. It  has  been  seen  at  York  Factory  on  Hudsoy  Bay,  but  is 
scarcely  known  in  Manitoba,  and  not  beyond.  It  nests  freely  in 
Ontario,  and  is  said  to  return  year  after  year  to  the  same  locality 
and  to  the  same  nest.  It  builds  a  larj^e  untidy  nest  in  a  broad- 
leafed  tree,  at  2.')  feet  or  more  from  the  j^round.  The  eggs  are  like 
those  of  the  Jied-tail,  but  somewhat  smaller.  Each  of  these  species 
is  thought  to  rcfi-ain  from  nesting  in  territory  ranged  over  by  the 
other,  its  note  consists  of  a  repetition  of  "ke  3'ou"  in  two  tones. 
General  color  of  upper  surface  reddish  brown,  the  head,  neck,  and 
entire  under  ])arts  yellowish  or  orange  brown,  with  whitish  bars 
and  dark  shaft  lines.  A  conspicuous  shoulder  patch  of  reddish  is 
characteristic  of  the  adult  birds,  but  lacking  in  the  immatui-e. 
The  lower  belly  is  never  free  fn)m  markings  as  in  the  Red-tail. 
Length  18  to  20  inches  and  extent  about  40.  Female  20  to  22  in- 
ches long  and  extent  45  inches. 

This  is  another  of  the  farmer's  friends,  living  almost  entirely 
on  mice,  frogs,  reptiles,  and  insects. 


{Butco  sivai'ii.soni). 

This  is  tiie  characteristic  large  hawk  of  the  open  prairies  and 
park-like  intervals  in  the  mountains.  Its  eastern  limit  seems  to 
be  Ontario,  where  it  is  occasionally  seen.  Toward  the  north  it 
ranges  to  the  Arctic  circle.  xVlthough  a  large  bird  and  well  equip- 
ped for  slaughter,  it  lacks  the  dash  and  fierceness  of  the  Accipiters, 
and  .^tudy  of  its  stomach  contents  shows  that  mice  and  gophers, 
wit  '  grass-hoppers  as  a  constant  appetizer,  are  the  chief  food 
materials  obtained.    They  seem  scarcelv  able   to   capture   small 




birds  or  grouse,  and  therefore  must  be  considered  a  very  efficient 
force  in  the  destruction  of  vermin.  When  we  become  sufficiently 
intelligent  to  distinguish  friends  from  foes  we  shall  probably  pro- 
tect these  strong,  able,  and  industrious  assistants  in  the  saving  of 
our  crops.  They  build  large  unfinished  nests  in  low  trees  on  the 
praiT-ie.  and  lay  two  or  three  eggs,  grayish  white  with  blotches  of 
brown.  Their  plumage  varies  from  nearly  black  to  yellowish  and 
gray,  according  to  age  and  season.  The  u])i)er  parts  are  often  dark 
brown,  with  yellowish  edgings  to  the  feathers.  The  three  outer 
primaries  are  notched,  that  is,  abruptly  narrowed  from  the  middle 
to  the  tip,  on  the  inner  margins.  In  the  Red- tail  and  Red-shoulder 
four  (»nter  i)rimaries  are  thus  n(»tched.  The  tail  is  grayish,  with 
several  indistinct  bars.  The  breast  of  the  male  is  often  covered 
with  a  reddish  brown  i>atch,  while  the  female  may  wear  brownish 
black  in  the  same  position.  The  throat  is  often  white,  as  is  the 
lower  l)elly,  l)ut  strenked  and  marked  with  blackish.  Length  about 
20  inches,  extent  about  50. 

I       t 


(Buteo  plafupterua  lafissinius). 

Ontario  is  the  centre  of  distribution  of  this  smaller  Buteo, 
which  is  one  of  the  connnonest  of  the  forest  and  lake  dwelling 
birds  of  i)rey.  It  is  especially  plentiful  in  Muskoka,  ))uilding  in 
black  birch  tree  tops,  and  living  largely  on  frogs,  mice,  insects,  and 
snakes.  Quite  harmless  to  domestic  fowls  or  game,  it  is  yet  likely 
to  suffer  for  )>eing  a  hawk,  as  it  will  permit  ignorant  gunnei-s  to 
approach  it  when  sitting  in  conscious  iunoceiu-e  on  a  dead  tree 
overlooking  a  stream  or  lake.  It  is  not  usually  .ommon  in  the 
maritime  provinces,  and  rarely  reaches  Manitoba.  It  lays  two  or 
three  greenish-white  eggs,  with  epots  and  blotches  of  \  '"'owish  or 

It  is  dark  brown  above,  the  feathers  often  edged  with  gray  or 
whitish.    Three  outer  primaries  narrowed  and  biaekish  from  the 


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notch  lo  the  end,  without  yellowish  bars.  Tail  yellowish  with  two 
grayish-white  bars  beside  the  grayish  tip.  Under  parts  barred 
with  brownish  yellow.  Length  of  male  about  14,  female  17  inches. 
Extent  33,  tail  6  to  8. 


(Archibtiteo  lagopus  sancti-johannis) . 

As  would  be  suspected  from  its  feathered  legs,  this  is  a  north- 
ern bird,  seen  in  Ontario  and  Manitoba  only  in  spring  and  fall. 
Its  home  is  northern  Labrador,  the  Hudson  Bay  region,  and  west- 
ward across  the  Barren  Lands.  Though  considered  rare  in  Brit- 
ish Columbia  it  has  been  taken  both  on  Vancouver  Island  and  the 
mainland,  and  in  Alaska.  It  nests  on  rocky  cliffs  or  in  trees  at  a 
height  of  20  or  more  feet  from  the  ground.  Eggs  three  to  five,  dull 
white,  and  usually  irregularly  marked  with  some  shade  of  brown. 
Its  food  is  chiefly  mice,  captured  by  the  same  industrious  search- 
ing as  used  by  the  ^Marsh  Hawk.  The  Rough-leg  seems  almost  a 
link  between  the  hawks  and  owls  in  habits,  as  it  is  semi-nocturnal, 
and  moves  with  the  silent  flight  so  characteristic  of  the  owls.  Dark 
forms  of  this  sjiecies  are  nearly  black,  but  usually  the  upper  parts 
are  dark  brown  with  whitish  edgings,  the  base  of  the  tail  white  or 
buff,  and  with  two  or  thre ,;  grayish  bars.  A  band  made  of  black 
streaks  and  spots — continuous  in  immature  birds,  but  broken  in 
adults — crosses  the  belly,  which  is  otherwise  yellowish  white. 
Breast  whitish,  with  streaks  and  spots  of  black.  Length  22,  tail 
9  to  10  inches. 


■(Archibuteo  ferruginous). 

This  is  a  form  of  the  last,  which  seems  confined  to  the  prairie 

districts  of  SasJ  itchewan  and  Alberta,  in  Canada.    It  nests  in 

trees  or  on  the  edges  of  cut  banks,  and  lives  largely  on  gophers. 

In  appearance  it  is  much  more  rusty  in  color,  the  tail  being  gray- 




ish  with  chestnut  edges.  The  legs  are  reddish  with  black  bars. 
Other  underparts  white  with  chestnut  markings.  It  averages 
slightly  larger  than  the  American  Rough-leg.    Length  23  inches. 

(Aquila  chrysaetos). 

While  generally  considered  a  bird  of  the  mountains,  the 
Golden  Eagle  evidently  finds  the  Laurentian  Hills  satisfactory  as 
a  residence.  From  Ungava  in  northern  Labrador  to  Montreal, 
and  from  Hudson  Bay  to  Lake  Ontario,  this  great  northern  bird 
is  found.  Seldom  seen  in  the  plains  region,  it  is  found  through 
the  Rocky  mountains  and  foothills,  and  north  to  the  Arctic,  as  well 
as  in  Alaska  and  the  Aleutian  Islands.  Reports  of  its  occurrence 
have  been  made  many  times  to  the  writer  in  the  vicinity  of  Lake 
Ontario,  but  in  every  case  they  have  proved  to  relate  to 
immature  specimens  of  the  Bald  Eagle,  lacking  the  white  head  and 
tail.  However,  two  specimens  of  the  Golden  Eagle  have  been  cap- 
tured within  a  few  miles  of  Lake  Onta^-io,  in  the  Kingston  dis- 
trict, and  are  now  in  the  Victoria  Museum  at  Ottawa,  while  a 
splendid  spetumen,  still  in  the  hands  of  the  tiixidormist,  was  killed 
on  Amherst  Island  in  January  of  last  year,  1913. 

Tlie  food  of  the  Golden  Eagle  consists  of  such  small  mammals 
and  birds  as  it  can  captui-e,  and  its  size  and  fierceness  make  it  a 
formidable  enemy. 

No  doubt  rabbits  are  a  staple  food,  as  they  are  for  nearly  all 
the  other  carnivorous  creatures.  Squirrels,  grouse,  and  ducks  are 
captured,  but  any  animal  material  that  has  ever  had  life  seems 
welcome,  as  it  will  gladly  feed  on  carrion  and  refuse,  from  the 
camps  of  hunters  and  lumbei-men.  Hence  it  frequently  falls  a 
victim  to  carcasses  poisoned  for  wolves  and  foxes.  It  nests  prefer- 
ably on  ledges  of  cliffs,  but  the  tops  of  tall  trees  are  used,  if  satis- 
factory cliffs  are  not  found.    .Macfarlane  describes  a  nest  in  the 





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Anderson  River  districts  as  follows: — "It  was  composed  of  a  large 
platform  of  1  uilr-up  twip^s  and  sticks,  having  a  bed  of  hay,  moss, 
and  feathers  in  the  centre."  It  lays  two  or  three  eggs,  dull  white, 
blotched  obscurely  or  distinctly  with  brown. 

The  back,  wings,  and  underparts  are  blackish  brown,  the  back 
of  the  head  and  neck  yellowish  brown,  the  inner  half  or  more  of 
the  tail  is  white,  and  the  tarsi,  j  is  covered  to  the  toes  with  fine  white 
feathers.  Length  30  to  36  inches,  extent  7  to  8  feet.  The  female 
is  considerably  larger  than  her  mate.  Young  birds  are  darker  than 
mature  specimens,  which  bec(>me  gray  with  age,  especially  increas- 
ing the  white  on  the  Inise  of  the  tail. 


(HaJiaetus  Jeucocepliahts). 

This  is  the  American  Eagle,  and  possesses  no  more  virtues 
than  animal  em})]ems  usually  have.  It  ranges  across  Canada,  be- 
ing as  characteristic  of  the  shores  of  lakes  and  large  rivers  as  the 
Golden  Eagle  is  of  forested  hills  and  mountains.  Although  its 
nesting  sites  are  being  destroyed,  it  is  not  yet  uncommon  in  the 
neighborhood  of  the  Great  Lakes,  being  seen  yet  (1914)  many 
times  every  summer  about  the  bays  near  Kingston.  The  islands 
foi-ming  the  western  members  of  the  Thousand  Islands  group  seem 
to  be  a  favorite  breeding  ground,  as  at  least  five  nests  have  been 
seen,  or  authentically  reported  to  the  Avriter,  from  Wolfe  Island 
and  its  smaller  companions.  The  larger  lakes  of  the  Rideau  are 
also  haunted  by  this  great  bird.  All  through  Canada  year  after 
year  these  birds  return  to  repair  and  enlarge  the  nest  of  the 
jorevious  year,  unless  pei-sistently  disturbed  by  intruders.  The 
killing  of  an  eagle  is  still  a  triumph  to  the  '/green"  gunner,  but  re- 
morse usually  follows,  and  nature  study  is  creating  a  sentiment 
more  worthy  of  a  civilized  peoj^le.  Its  almost  harmless  habits  en- 
title it  to  protection,  while  its  value  as  a  scavenger  along  our 



shores  is  very  eonsideralile.  Fish  fonii  no  doubt  its  chief  food,  al- 
though it  is  known  to  capture  wihl  ducks,  jjccse,  and  gulls.  It  is 
able  to  catch  for  itself  only  such  livinj;  fish  as  flcuit  near  the  sur- 
face of  the  water  or  become  embayed  in  tide  or  storm  pools.  It 
forais  at  times,  however,  parasitic  relations  upon  the  skill  and 
activity  of  the  Osprey,  which  it  robs  systematically  day  after  day, 
striking  down  at  the  fish-hawk  until  it  drops  its  prey,  which  is 
caught  by  the  eagle  before  it  can  reach  the  water.  It  nests  in  tall 
trees,  lining  the  hollow  in  the  great  platfonn  with  hay,  moss,  hair 
^   d  f  athers.    Its  eggs  are  usually  pure  white,  two  in  number. 

ture  birds  are  easily  identified  even  at  a  distance  by  the 

'    lite  head  and  tail,  but  the  young  are  brctwnish  black,  more 

-«s  laottled  with  white,  and  can  be  distinguished  satisfactorily 

from  the  Golden  Eagle  only  by  noting  that  the  lower  part  of  the 

tarsus  is  unfcathered.    Length  32  to  :'.(},  extent  80  to  90  inches. 


All  the  hawks  we  have  yet  to  consider  ])elong  to  the  Falcon 
family,  except  the  Osprey  or  Fishing  Eagle.  1^'alcons  are  readily 
distinguished  from  other  hawks  by  the  notch  and  sharp  tooth  or 
two  teeth  near  the  tip  of  the  upper  mandible.  The  tip  of  the  lower 
mandible  is  cut  off  squarely,  and  has  a  notch  near  the  end.  Their 
talons  are  very  sharp  and  strong  and  the  middle  toe  is  very  long. 
All  are  fierce  and  dashing  in  their  attacks  and  will  often*  strike 
prey  quite  equal  to  themselves  in  weight.  To  this  family  belonged 
the  birds  so  highly  prized  for  hunting  a  few  centuries  ago. 

JERFALCOX  (Falco  i.shuidus). 

This  is  a  bird  of  the  northern  ocean  coasts,  common  in  Iceland 
and  Greenland,  Hudson  Strait  and  Bay,  and  northern  Labrador, 
taken  near  Quebec,  Montreal  and  Toronto,  but  here  only  accidental 


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wanderers.  Seen  in  migration  in  Newfoundland,  Nova  Scotia  and 
New  Brunswick,  and  occasionally  found  on  the  Pacific  Coast  also. 
Its  food  is  said  to  be  water  fowl  and  northern  groubo  captured  on 
the  wing.    Nest  on  rocky  cliffs. 

The  adult  birds  are  about  the  same  color  as  the  Snowy  Owl, 
the  head  and  under  parts  sometimes  snowy  white,  but  often  like 
the  back,  wings,  and  tail,  more  or  less  marked  with  dusky  bars, 
and  streaked  with  black.  The  tail  is  usually  nearly  pure  white  ex- 
cept a  few  central  feathers. 

Length  of  male  about  22,  female  23  inches,  tail  9  to  10  inches. 
Three  other  forms  are  known  in  Canada,  differing  from  the  above 
chiefly  in  color,  which  is  a  doubtful  basis  for  distinguishing 


(Falco  rusticolus). 

This  has  been  taken  near  Otta  a,  and  is  believed  to  occur  in 
Labrador  and  Newfoundland.  Instead  of  a  ground  color  of  white, 
this  bird  is  bluish  gray  with  dark  bars  and  spots.  The  crown  is 
lighter  than  the  back,  while  the  tail  is  well  marked  with  bars,  and 
the  lower  surface  is  decidedly  dusky. 

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(Falco  rusticolus  jerfalco). 

This  is  a  darker  form  of  the  above,  similar  in  size  and  markings 
but  the  top  and  back  of  the  head  are  darker  than  the  back,  and  the 
tail  is  closely  barred  with  light  and  dark  bands  of  about  equal 
width.  It  is  less  confined  to  northern  coasts,  but  yet  is  chiefly 
found  about  Hudson  Strait  and  Bay,  and  the  valleys  of  the  Mac- 
kenzie, also  the  Pacific  coast  and  Alaska. 




{Falco  rusticohts  obsolctus). 

This  form  is  still  darker  than  the  above,  almost  entirely  dusky, 
and  extreme  eases  are  solidly  black.  Its  home  is  n(»rthern  Labrador. 
At  Fort  Ohimo  it  is  said  to  be  abundant.  One  was  taken  at  Long 
Point,  Lake  Erie,  and  two  are  recorded  from  Manitoba.  The 
characters  of  the  White  Jcrfalcon  will,  except  in  color,  describe 
the  others. 


(Falco  mcricauns). 

This  bird  seems  confined  to  the  prairie  region  near  the  south- 
ern boundary,  extending  its  ranges  southward  to  Arizona.  It  nests 
on  the  faces  of  cutbanks,  and  preys  on  gophers,  grouse,  and  water 

The  upper  surface  is  grayish  brown,  the  feathers  with  lighter 
borders.  Top  of  the  head  and  nape  ligliter.  Tail  brownish  gray 
with  white  tip.  Lower  parts  whitish,  marked  with  gray  and  brown. 
Length  about  18  inches,  extent  about  40. 

Its  smaller  size  distinguishes  this  from  the  Jerfalcons,  and  its 
lighter  color  from  the  Duck  Hawk. 


(Falco  percgrinus  anatum). 

In  southern  Ontario  we  see  this  beautiful  and  spirited  hawk 
only  in  the  fall,  but  it  breeds  in  northern  Ontario,  as  well  as 
Quebec  and  the  maritime  provinces.  It  is  common  about  Hudson 
Bay,  and  nests  regularly  in  ^Lnnitoba  and  northwestward  to  Ed- 
monton and  Alaska.  In  British  Columbia  it  seems  more  plentiful 
inland  than  on  the  coast.  The  Peregrin"  was  the  most  highly 
prized  of  the  trained  hawks,  and  still  exhibits  its  powers  at  the  ex- 



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pense  of  our  wild  ducks  and  shore  birds.  These  it  follows  in  their 
southward  migration. 

Upper  parts  bluish  slate  color,  black  on  the  cheeks  and  down- 
ward, creamy  throat,  and  breast  spotted  and  barred  below  with 
black.  Tarsus  feathered  only  at  top.  Toes  long  and  powerful. 
Length  about  19,  extent  45,  tail  7  inches. 

A  still  darker  form  is  described  from  British  Columbia.  Eggs 
laid  on  rocky  ledges  or  in  cavities  in  high  trees. 


(Falco  columharins) . 

Distributed  across  Canada  from  Newfoundland  to  the  Rocky 
Mountains,  and  north  to  the  Arctic  Ocean,  this  fierce  little  falcon 
nests  throughout  moist  of  its  range,  though  preferring  wooded  to 
prairie  districts.  Its  nests  and  eggs  ha  v'e  been  taken  in  Muskoka, 
Manitoba,  and  from  near  the  Arctic  ("oast.  Like  its  larger  rela- 
tive the  Peregrine  it  follows  the  flocks  of  migrating  birds  in 
autumn,  and  levies  toll  on  all  it  can  master,  and  some  of  these  may 
be  quite  equal  to  ^tself  in  weight.  Beside  birds,  it  captures  mice 
and  insects.  Its  common  name  is  given  because  of  its  dashing  and 
pigeon-like  flight,  as  well  as  its  pose  when  perching. 

In  plumage  it  closely  resembles  the  Peregrine  of  which  it  is 
almost  a  miniature.    Length  about  12  inches,  extent  26,  tail  5  to  6. 


(Falco  cohimbarius  suckleyi). 
This  is  a  dark  form  of  the  above,  common  on  Vancouver 
Island  and  in  the  lower  Eraser  River  Valley,  also  in  Washington 
and  Oregon. 

The  general  color  is  al'  st  black  above,  and  strongly  marked 
with  brownish  black  belo\, .  The  light  bars  and  spots  of  the  Pere- 
grine and  Pigeon  Hawk,  can  scarcely  be  noted  on  the  wings  and 
tail.    Size  same  as  last. 





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(Falco  sparveriiis) . 

This  is  a  smalj  but  well  marked  and  well  known  hawk.  Its 
habit  of  hanj^ing  or  hovering  over  an  object  which  it  is  examining, 
and  then  suddenly  pouncing  upon  it,  has  given  it,  or  its  representa- 
tive in  England,  the  name  "Windhover."  It  is  com]r»on  from 
ocean  to  ocean,  bx:?ding  in  woodpeckers'  excavations  in  the  dead 
tops  of  trees,  often  quite  near  to  frequented  roads.  Its  eggs  are 
nearly  spherical,  creamy  white,  and  usually  four  or  five  in  num- 
ber. It  should  be  protected  and  encouraged  because  of  its  beauty 
and  beneficial  character.  Its  food  is  almost  altogether  grasshop- 
pers, and  mice,  both  of  which  we  can  spare  to  it.  The  male  is  blue 
gray  above,  the  tail  having  a  white  tip  following  a  broad  black 
band.  Dark  shaft  lines  mark  the  top  of  the  head,  while  the  back 
and  nape  are  chestnut  spotted  with  black.  The  female  is  mostly 
reddish  brown  with  black  sti-eaks.  Length  about  12  inches,  tail 
about  61/^. 

In  British  Columbia  the  larger  and  lighter  colored  form, 
known  as  the  Desert  Sparrow  Hawk,  is  found  spreading  north- 
ward from  New  Mexico  and  Arizona. 


(Pandion  halietus  carolinensis) . 

The  Osprey  is  found  in  every  province,  and  as  far  north  as 
the  Arctic  Circle,  but  more  plentiful  where  forests  and  lakes 
abound.  It  is  still  to  be  seen  following  the  gentle  art  of  fishing  on 
many  of  our  small  inland  lakes  north  of  Lake  Ontario.  It  works 
industriously  to  supply  the  hungry  mouths  which  may  be  seen 
reaching  above  the  edge  of  the  large  nest,  itself  often  a  very  con- 
spicuous object.  The  common  location  of  the  nest  in  Ontario  is 
the  top  of  a  tall  dead  pine  stub. 


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On  the  seacoast  it  is  said  to  nest  in  colonies,  and  often  on 
rocky  ledges.  He  has  no  regard  for  the  close  season  on  any  fish 
he  can  catch,  but  as  Mcllwraith  says,  "In  Ontario  I  feel  sure  that 
the  vote  would  be  to  let  him  take  all  he  requires,  in  consideration 
of  the  additional  attraction  his  splendid  i)resence  gives  to  the 
scenery  of  many  a  lake  and  river." 

Plumage  dark  brown,  with  some  white  on  the  head  and  nape; 
tail  gray  with  six  or  eight  obscure  bars ;  under  parts  mostly  wliite. 
Tarsus  naked,  feet  very  large,  toes  all  of  same  length  and  scaly 
below,  claws  very  efficient.    Length  about  24,  tail  81/2  inches. 




(Strix  pratinicola) . 

A  few  records  exist  of  visits  of  this  southern  bird  to  Ontario, 
— at  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Hamilton,  Toronto,  and  Kingston,  and  as 
it  may  visit  us  again  a  description  of  it  is  given  below.  The  writer 
has  just  seen  a  beautiful  specimen  that  was  killed  at  Kingston 
Mills,  a  few  miles  from  the  city,  in  December  1911. 

It  is  rare  in  the  northern  United  States,  its  home  being  in  the 
south  west,  although  it  breeds  as  far  north  as  Massachusetts  and 
southern  New  York.  This  is  the  kind  of  owl  which  is  most  likely 
in  America  to  haunt  towers  and  ruined  chimneys,  as  do  its  near 
relatives  in  Europe.  Hollow  trees,  and  even  holes  in  the  ground, 
are  also  utilized  for  nesting  places.  Its  food  is  chiefly  vermin, 
mice,  rats,  and  gophers,  and  so  it  deserves — as  do  most  of  its  family 
— our  protection  and  encouragement.  Instead  of  this  the  Owl  race 
have  for  centuries  been  the  object  of  superstitious  fear  and  dis- 
like, probably  from  the  association  of  their  unpleasant  cries  and 
silent  flight  with  the  churchyards  they  often  frequent. 

Plumage  of  delicate  texture,  tawny  and  blackish  browTi  above, 
finely  clouded  and  mottled  with  gray  and  white,  and  spotted  with 
black ;  several  bars  of  spots  on  the  wings  and  tail.    Lower  surface 


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whitish,  or  tawny,  or  even  blackish,  mottled  with  small  black 
spots,  facial  disc  usually  dark  and  triangular  or  cordate.  Length 
about  16  inches.    Extent  about  44. 



{Asio  wilsonianns) . 
Like  most — ^^though  not  all — of  the  owls,  this  species  does  not 
thrust  itself  upon  our  attention,  and  so  may  occur  unnoticed  in 
many  districts.  It  hunts  only  at  night,  and  spends  the  day  usually 
in  dark  evergreen  thickets,  in  which  it  hopes  to  be  unseen.  It  is 
widely  distributed,  being  found  from  Newfoundland  to  British 
Columbia,  and  probably  breeding  throughout  the  forested  part 
of  this  range,  as  well  as  in  all  the  remainder  of  temperate  North 
America.  "It  frequents  the  shores  of  Hudson  Bay  in  summer." 
For  nest  it  is  usually  satisfied  to  use  the  deserted  homes 
of  other  birds,  such  as  crows,  hawks,  and  magpies.  Like  the  other 
owls  its  eggs  are  nearly  spherical  and  white  in  color.  Small  birds 
are  occasionally  eaten  by  it,  but  rats,  mice,  frogs  and  insects  are 
its  chief  food.  Its  upper  plumage  is  dark  brown  with  some  yellow- 
ish, all  finely  mottled  with  buff  and  white.  Below,  less  of  the 
dark  brown  but  in  large  markings  and  streaks.  Eyes  in  the 
centres  of  circular  discs,  which  are  nearly  complete,  and  mostly 
yellowish  brown  with  blackish  border.  The  ear  tufts  are  long  and 
of  8  to  12  feathers.  When  raised  they  stand  vertically  above  the 

Length  about  15  inches,  extent  nearly  40,  tail  5  to  6. 


{Asio  accipitrinus). 
This  can  scarcely  be  claimed  as  an  American  bird,  being  very 
like  the  Short-eared  Owl  of  Europe  and  Asia.  It  is  a  more  norther- 
ly species  than  the  last,  and  though  breeding  all  across  southern 



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Canada,  it  is  more  plentiful  in  autumn  during  the  migration.  It 
might  well  be  called  a  marsh  owl,  as  it  is  very  commonly  seen  over 
wet  meadows  and  marshes,  and  even  nests  in  such  places.  Jit  is  an 
expert  killer  of  mice  which  it  hunts  hoth  by  day  and  night,  and 
for  this  useful  habit  it  should  be  protected.  Its  nest  is  poorly 
made,— on  the  ground,  in  or  near  a  marsh,  and  the  eggs  number 
from  four  to  seven,  laid  usually  in  the  first  half  of  May,  in  south- 
ern Ontario,  in  June  in  the  north. 

Plumage  above  dark  brown  or  yellowish  brown,  the  feathers 
having  creamy  or  yellowish  margins.  The  lower  surface  is  lighter, 
but  broadly  streaked  with  brown  on  the  breast,  and  more  finely 
on  the  belly.  The  ear  tufts  are  few  feathered,  and  inconspicuous. 
The  facial  disc  is  pale  and  unmarked,  except  by  minute  dark 
speckles  and  a  dark  patch  behind  the  ears. 

Length  15  inches,  extent  40. 


(Syrnium  nehtdosum). 
This  is  a  large  bird  but  so  retiring  as  to  require  search  to  find 
it  in  the  da}  time,  in  evergreen  thickets.  It  is  becoming  less  com- 
mon, as  thick  swampy  growths  are  being  destroyed  near  the  settled 
parts  of  Ont<ario,  but  is  still  found  in  the  lake,  rock,  and  thicket  dis- 
tricts so  common  on  the  crystalline  rocks  of  the  Laurentian  plateau. 
It  nests  in  Newfoundland,  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick,  Quebec, 
Ontario, — especially  Muskoka  and  Algoma, — and  as  far  north  as 
Hudson  Bay,  also  in  Manitoba,  but  rarely.  Its  chief  range  is  rather 
to  the  south  than  to  the  north  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  St.  Lawrence. 
Its  food  is  found  on  investigation  to  be  chiefly  mice,  shrews,  moles, 
squirrels,  rabbits,  and  smaller  owls,  but  very  seldom  grouse  or 
poultry.  It  may  be  heard  more  frequently  than  any  other  hooting 
owl  and  its  loud  and  clear  voice — especially  on  cool  bright  nights — 
is  audible  for  a  half  mile  or  more.  It  nests  usually  in  hollow  trees, 
but  will  sometimes  make  use  of  an  old  nest  of  hawk  or  crow. 



Feathers  of  upper  surface  grayish  brown,  each  barred  with 
white  or  buff.  Breast  and  belly  paler,  with  similar  bars  on  the 
breast,  but  streaks  on  the  belly.  No  ear  tufts ;  eyes  deep  brown  or 
nearly  black. 

Toes  feathered  to  claws.  The  disc  around  each  eye  of  alter- 
nately light  and  dark  concentric  rings.  Bill  yellow.  Length  about 
19  inches,  extent  about  44. 


(Scotiaptex  cinerea). 

This  is  a  very  northern  form,  occasionally  coming  south  in 
winter  to  the  maritime  provinces,  Ontario,  Quebec,  and  the  south- 
ern edge  of  the  forested  portions  of  the  prairie  provinces.  It  is 
a  common  resident  of  Alaska,  and  is  seen  in  British  Columbia  in 
winter,  but  is  always  considered  scarce.  Southern  migrations  of 
these  birds  occasionally  occur,  and  for  the  one  season  they  v  ^i  be 
quite  plentiful,  but  may  not  again  be  other  than  rare  for  ny 
years.  Its  nest  is  said  to  be  built  in  high  spruce  trees,  of  twigs  and 
moss.    Eggs  two  or  three,  white. 

Plumage  very  loose,  almost  shaggy,  giving  it  the  appearance 
of  great  size.  It  is  in  fact  the  largest  in  measurement  of  our  Can- 
adian owls,  but  its  body  is  notably  smaller  than  would  be  expected 
from  the  appearance  of  its  plumage.  In  weight  also  it  must  yield 
place  to  both  the  Snowy  and  Horned  Owls.  Ashy  brown,  with 
wavy  white  linos  on  back,  tail,  and  wings,  breast  paler  and 
streaked,  belly  and  sides  barred,  legs  and  feet  hidden  in  feathers. 
Bill  and  eyes  yellow,  length  24  to  30  inches,  extent  about  60  inches. 


(Nyctala  tengmalmi  richardsoni). 

As  this  bird  breeds  only  in  the  far  north,  and  migrates  south- 
ward to  a  less  distance  than  even  the  Snuwy  Owl,  it  must  be  con- 



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sidered  our  most  northerly  owl.  It  has  been  seen  rarely  in  Nova 
Scotia  and  New  Brunswick,  more  frequently  in  Quebec  and  On- 
tario, having  been  taken  at  Ottawa,  Kingston,  and  Toronto.  In 
Manitoba  it  is  a  regular  and  common  fall  and  winter  visitor.  It 
npsts  on  the  Magdalen  Islands,  and  from  Great  Slave  Lake  north- 
ward especially  in  Alaska.  Nest  in  hollow  tree  or  woodpecker's 
hole.  Back,  wings,  and  tail  bro\ATi  with  white  spots,  these  spots 
forming  almost  a  collar  on  the  nape  and  bars  on  the  wing  coverts. 
Under  parts  whit^,  thickly  streaked  with  brown.  Legs  and  feet 
heavily  feathered.    Length  about  11  inches,  extent  20. 


(Nyctala  acadica). 

This  is  a  widely  distributed  Uttle  owl,  found  in  the  wooded 
portions  of  all  the  provinces,  but  scarcely  plentiful  anywhere. 
Its  note  is  unpleasant  and  penetrating,  and  heard  most  frequently 
in  spring.  It  seems  to  move  toward  the  southern  boundary  of 
Canada  during  severe  winter  weather,  at  any  rate  its  presence  is 
more  frequently  noted  at  such  seasons,  as  it  comes  to  bams  and 
sheds  of  lonely  farms,  when  food  becomes  scarce  in  its  usual  haunts. 
Specimens  have  been  obtained  by  the  writer  in  the  neighborhood 
of  Kingston.  There  is  little  doubt  that  it  breeds  throughout  the 
southern  as  well  as  the  northern  part  of  its  range,  but  being  active 
only  a*  night  it  is  not  readily  studied.  While  likely  to  be  shot  by 
the  igii.  it,  the  Saw^het  has  a  right  to  our  protection  in  con- 
sideration of  the  large  numbers  of  mice  and  insects  it  destroys.  Its 
nest  is  usually  a  hole  in  a  tree,  sometimes  those  made  by  the 
Flicker  are  used.  Five  to  seven  eggs  are  laid  and  incubation  is 
going  on  about  the  20th  of  May  in  southern  Ontario.  A  very  dark 
form  of  this  is  known  as  the  Northwest  Saw-whet  Owl.  It  is 
found  in  southern  British  Columbia. 

Head  and  back  yellowish  brown,  the  former  streaked,  the  lat- 
ter spotted  with  white;  tail  marked  but  scarcely  barred  with  light; 



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under  parts  pale  but  thickly  streaked  and  dai)pled  with  buffy 
brown.  A  dark  ring  around  each  eye,  then  a  white  disc  bordered 
with  black.  Bill  black.  Legs  and  feet  clothed  with  yellowish  un- 
marked feathers.    Length  7  to  8  inches,  extent  17  to  18. 


(  Mvyascops  asiu ) . 

This  misnamed  little  ow!  is  more  likely  to  be  seen  and  heard  by 
citv  dwellers,  than  anv  other  of  our  native  noctunial  owls.  It  is 
not  averse  to  human  neighl>ors,  nesting  in  orchards  and  on  thickly 
planted  lawns,  preferring  a  cavity — natural  or  artificial — in  a  tree. 
The  range  of  the  Little  Horned  Owl  or  Gray  Owl,  as  it  is  often 
called,  is  confined  to  the  eastern  provinces,  especially  Ontario,  as 
it  is  rare  in  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick  and  Quebec,  and  extends 
westward  or  northward  not  much  beyond  the  Great  Lakes. 

Its  cry  is  a  quaint  and  melancholy  ululation  often  ascribed 
in  error  to  the  raccoon.  I  have  frequently  heard  it  from  the  trees 
in  the  parks  of  a  great  city,  and  from  the  orchards  of  fann  houses. 
It  occasionally  nests  in  a  hole  in  the  wall  of  a  building.  No  senti- 
ment but  good  will  should  exist  for  this  quaint,  little,  night  wander- 
er, because  its  food  is  very  largely  mice,  in.-L'cts  and  frogs,  with 
occasionally  a  small  bird,  or  crayfish.  It  lays  from  four  to  eight 
eggs,  usually  early  in  ^Liy.  The  writer  had  a  pair  of  young  birds 
of  this  kind  in  captivity  for  some  time,  and  fovmd  them  very  en- 
tertaining pets,  after  they  had  overcome  their  initial  terror. 
Earthworms  were  welcome  food,  and  were  seized  with  an  amusing- 
ly ferocious  manner. 

While  a  general  gray  coloration  is  common  among  the  birds 
of  a  district,  there  are  at  times  and  "among  those  of  the  same 
brood"  (Chapman)  bright  rusty,  reddish,  specimens  perhaps  out 
numbering  the  gray  ones.  All  gradations  between  the  two  colors 
are  found  and  the  shade  is  not  related  to  locality,  season,  age,  or 


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The  ear  tufts — placed  above  the  eyes, — are  one  inch  long  and 
conspicuous;  upper-parts  finely  dappled  brownish  gray,  with 
small  and  irregular  streaks  of  black.  Shoulder  and  wing  bars  of 
white  and  black.  The  facial  disc  is  finely  mottled  and  bordered 
with  black.  Under  parts  white  with  black  shaft  lines  and  wavy 
bars  of  black.  Feet  not  heavily  feathered.  Length  about  9  inches, 
extent  about  22.  Three  slightly  different  forms  are  reported  from 
British  Columbia. 


(Bubo  virginianns). 

This  is  the  most  respected  and  detested  of  the  Owl  tribe 
throughout  eastern  Canada,  but  in  a  region  infested  by  rabbits, 
gophers  or  field  mice  its  great  ability  and  enthusiasm  in  destruc- 
tion are  virtues.  And  a  "valuable  ally"  to  the  western  farmer  it 
is  considered  in  several  states  and  provinces.  Lacking  the  length 
and  extent  of  the  Great  Gray  Owl,  this  species  far  surpasses  the 
other  in  weight,  strength,  and  ferocity,  and  must  be  classed  with 
our  greatest  predatory  birds.  In  plumage  varying  with  the  region, 
it  is  found  in  all  parts  of  Canada  as  well  as  throughout  the  United 
States,  It  is  our  only  representative  of  the  Eagle  Owls,  of  which 
some  form  is  fovmd  in  every  continent  except  Australia.  In  On- 
taiio  it  visits  the  poultry  house  with  disastrous  results,  as  it  has 
the  malignant  habit  of  killing  more  than  it  requires,  and  merely 
eating  the  heads.  Hens,  ducks,  geese,  and  turkeys  are  taken,  and 
the  next  night  is  very  apt  to  find  it  returning  for  another  supply. 
This  often  proves  its  undoing.  The  farmers  have  learned  that  a 
post  ten  or  more  feet  high  in  the  vicinity  of  the  poultry  yard  is 
very  likely  to  be  used  as  a  perch  while  it  decides  its  method  of  at- 
tack. On  such  a  post  a  trap  is  set  and  attached  to  a  pole,  which  will 
yield  but  cannot  be  carried  away.  This  arrangement  is  often  suc- 
cessful.   One  instance  of  this,  within  my  knowledge,  resulted  in 



the  trap  with  chain  and  drap:  being  carried  bodily  away.    The  drag 
was  lost,  but  for  a  month  the  rural  population  was  terrified  by 
the  frequent  trailing  of  a  chain  over  the  roofs  of  their  houses  in 
the  night.    At  the  expiration  of  this  period  the  persevering  robber 
was  caught  in  another  trap  well  fastened,  whiU  trying  to  carry 
away  a  dead  turkey  placed  as  a  bait.    I  cannot  agree  with  Venner 
in  describing  this  as  a  thoroughly  nocturnal  species,  having  seen 
it  abroad  and  quite  at  its  ease  long  after  daylight.  In  the  full  glare 
of  day  it  is  doubtless  at  a  disadvantage,  as  is  seen  by  its  retreat 
before  a  mob  of  crows  and  other  smaller  birds,  which  never  fail  to 
point  to  this  arch  enemy.    Of  wild  creatures  serving  as  its  food 
there  is  abimdant  evidence,  as  mentioned  by  Mcllwraith,  that  it 
often  attacks  skunks,  several  skins  that  I  have  preserved  bore 
reminiscences  of  such  an  encounter.    Mice,  rats,  muskrats,  rabbits, 
grouse,   wild  ducks,  crows,  and  hawks,   in   fact  anv  bird  less 
powerful  than  an  eagle  may  fall  a  victim  if  found  on  its  roost  by  a 
hungry  Buho.  It  nests  in  holes  in  trees,  in  clefts  in  rocky  banks, 
in  old  nests  of  hawks  or  crows,  and  probably  in  nests  of  its  own  con- 
struction, but  nearly  always  in  a  place  difficult  of  access.    Its  eggs 
number  seldom  more  than  two,  and  are  laid  in  February  or  March, 
being  occasionally  frozen  by  a  return  of  severe  weather.    As  no 
other  species  of  similar  size  wears  ear  tufts,  a  detailed  description 
of  its  plumage  is  unnecessary. 

The  distinction  of  being  calleu  norned'  rather  than  'eared'  is 
probably  due  to  the  fact  that  its  ear  tufts  are  considerably  wider 
apart  than  its  eyes,  appearing  to  rise  from  the  sici>  s  rather  than 
the  top  of  the  head.  The  plumage  of  this  bird  is  subject  to  vari- 
ations, and  these  with  slight  differences  of  size  have  led  to  unneces- 
sary splitting  off  of  three  subspecies  as  follows:— (1)  The  West- 
ern Homed  Owl-^  grayish  prairie  form.  (2)  The  Arctic  Horned 
Owl,  approachmg  whiteness,  sometimes  as  light  in  color  as  speci- 
mens of  the  Snowy  Owl.  (3)  The  Duskv  Horned  Owl,— the  tyiie 
of  which  belongs  to  the  dark,  moist  woods  of  Oregon  and  British 



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Columbia.     Specimens  of  this  large  dark  form  have,  however, 
been  taken  near  Toronto  and  Montreal,  and  in  Labrador. 

Another  revision  by  Oberholzer  makes    six   subspecies    for 



All  the  southern  parts  of  Canada  are  visited  irregularly  by 
this  denizen  of  the  northein  plains.  The  stress  of  winter  bri»ig8 
it  within  our  range  at  times,  occasionally  in  large  numbers.  The 
winter  of  3880  and  '81  was  notably  one  of  these  occasions  at  Wolfe 
Island,  near  Kingston.  The  preceding  summer  had  witnessed  a 
plague  of  field  mice, — their  runways  seemed  to  co\er  every  foot  of 
meadow  and  marsh,  and  the  harvesters  strung  dozens  of  them  on 
the  tines  of  their  pitchforks  as  they  walked  to  and  from  the  barns. 
Bv  some  'wireless'  method  the  Suowv  Owls  learned  of  the  harvest 
awaiting  them,  and  promptly  responded.  In  driving  along  the 
roads  I  frequently  counted  the  owls  to  be  seen  quartering  the 
fields  on  each  side,  and  found  that  on  cloudy  days  an  average  of 
about  three  to  the  mile  were  usually  to  be  seen.  Sunlight,  however, 
was  not  sufficient  ^o  incapacitate  them,  although  probably  causing 
some  inconvenience.  At  any  rate  ^  successfully  stalked  one  from 
the  west  near  sunset,  as  he  returned  again  and  again  to  his  perch  on 
a  tree  after  excursions  across  a  meadow.  His  mounted  skin  decor- 
ated an  office  in  the  County  Court  House  for  several  years.  Many 
others  .vere  shot,  I  am  sorry  to  say,  because  the  boy  with  a  gun 
can  scarcely  decline  a  safe  chance  at  any  large  wild  thing. 

The  food  of  this  large,  active,  and  fierce  owl  is  said  to  bo  mice 
and  lemmings  almost  entirely,  but  as  it  is  able  and  willing  to  cap- 
ture birds,  it  is  quite  certain  that  the  many  forms  of  water  and 
shore  birds  which  nest  in  the  north  furnish  in  themselves  and  their 
eggs  good  hunting  for  this  strong  marauder.    Its  nest  has  been 



taken  only  on  the  Arctic  coast,  four  to  seven  eggs  Jxiing  found  in 
well  lined  hollows  on  a  knoll  or  other  elevated  giound. 

It  is  without  ear  tufts,  and  in  color  varies  from  nearly  pure 
white  to  grayish  yellow  or  brown.  Usually  the  white  is  barred  freely 
with  grayish  brown.  The  eyes  are  yeliow  and  the  legs  and  feet 
are  fully  feathered.    Length  about  24,  extent  55  to  60  inches. 




(iSurnin  ululn  cnpnrorh  ' . 

Sometimes  called  !the  Canadian  or  Hudsonian  Owl, 
this  species  seldom  wanders  south  of  the  boundary  line 
except  into  Maine  and  along  the  Rocky  Mountains.  It  is  found 
from  coast  to  coast,  and  up  the  Mackenzie  River  to  the  Arctic 
Ocean.  Iv  Newfoundland  it  is  reported  the  commonest  owl,  or 
most  frequently  seen,  because  of  its  regular  habit  of  daylight 
hunting.  Elsewhere  in  eastern  Canada  it  cannot  be  said  to  be 
common  except  locally  and  at  very  irregular  intervals.  In  north- 
ern Ontario  and  Manitoba  the  .ame  conditions  prevail,  but  in 
northern  Saskatchewan  and  Alberta  it  is  frequently  seen.  Its 
food  is  said  to  be  small  rodents,  but  it  has  shown  great  courage  and 
fierceness  in  attacking  a  man  who  approached  its  nest. 

Its  eggs  are  laid  in  cavities  in  trees,  the  nest  being  merely 
chips  of  wood  mixed  with  feathers  from  the  mother's  breast  and 

No  ear  tufts;  eyes  lateral  instead  of  frontal  as  in  other  owls. 
Upper  parts  grayish  brown,  with  w^hite  spots  on  the  head  and  neck 
and  bars  on  the  wings,  back  and  tail.  The  tail  is  long  and  rounded. 
The  face  is  ashy  gray  bordered  with  black.  The  throat  is  whitish, 
streaked  with  dark,  the  remaining  under  parts  closely  and  finely 
barred  with  white  and  black.  Feet  and  legs  well  feathered.  Length 
1'    0  16  inches,  extent  of  wings  33,  tail  7  inches. 


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(Speotyto  cunicularia  liypogaed). 

This  remarkable  owl  seems  to  be  spreading  northward  into 
Canada,  being  found  now  in  suitable  places  in  Manitoba,  Sas- 
katchewan, Alberta,  and  British  Columbia.  Its  home  is  a  de- 
serted burrow  of  a  badger,  fox,  or  gopher.  The  latter,  with  rabbits 
and  other  small  rodents  and  insects  form  its  chief  food.  Its  nest 
is  placed  at  the  end  of  the  burrow,  and  usually  is  formed  of  buffalo 
chips  i.  e.  dried  cow  dung.  From  6  to  9  eggs  are  laid.  The  bird  is 
able  to  excavate  cavities  in  loose  soil,  and  the  Florida  variety  does 
so.  Its  legs  are  nearly  naked,  and  are  long  for  an  owl,  and  its  feet 
well  adapted  for  walking  and  digging.  Habits  diurnal.  It  has  no 
ear  tufts.  Upper  parts  are  dull  grayish  brown,  plentifully  spotted 
with  white,  which  tends  to  fonn  bars  on  the  wings  and  tail;  chin 
and  throat  white;  other  lower  parts  except  thighs  regularly  barred 
with  brown  and  white.    Length  about  9,  extent  23  inches. 


{Glaucidium  gnoma). 

This  with  its  darker  variety— cflZt/orntcMm— are  found  in 
southern  British  Columbia  and  are  most  interesting  and  bold  little 
hunters.  They  prey  upon  birds,  attacking  some  as  large  as  them- 
selves, such  as  robins,  p'^-osbeaks,  and  towhees  (Coues).  Insects 
and  small  mammals  als.  are  captured.  Their  note  is  a  low  cooing 
sound,  and  they  nest  in  woodpeckers'  holes  in  trees.  Several  species 
of  the  Gnome  are  known  in  tropical  America.  The  tail,  back, 
wings,  and  head  dark  brown,  marked  only  by  round  dots  of  white. 
Throat  and  collar  whitish;  a  band  of  mottled  brown  crosses  the 
breast ;  the  remaining  lower  parts  white  streaked  with  brown.  Iris 
bright  yellow.   Length  7  to  7^2  inches,  extent  14  to  15. 




Between  the  birds  of  prey  and  the  singing  birds  are  several 
groups  not  closely  resembling  each  other,  but  in  habits  bridging 
over  the  gap.  These  are  the  Parrots,  Cuckoos,  Woodpeckers  and 
Goat  Suckers.    No  parrots  reach  Canada,  except  in  captivity. 

The  Cuckoo  family  is  very  numerous  in  tropical  countries  all 
round  the  world,  and  many  of  them  have  unusual  nesting  habits. 
The  British  Cuckoo  is  thoroughly  parasitic  on  other  birds  for  incu- 
bation, and  rearing  her  young.  Her  eggs  are  laid  in  the  nests  of 
other  birds,  and  a  remarkable  feature  of  this  process  is  that  the 
eggs  are  often  adapted  in  color  to  those  with  which  they  are  placed. 
This  means  that  a  certain  bird  has  adopted  some  species  of  smaller 
bird  to  be  the  foster  parents  of  her  young,  and  lays  eggs  so  like 
theirs  as  to  have  them  pass  unchallenged.  In  India  an  instance 
occurs  of  a  young  Cuckoo  wearing  plumage  closely  resembling 
that  of  the  young  of  its  foster  parents,  but  not  at  all  like  that  of 
its  own  parents.  Besides  this  enslaving  of  other  birds  to  rear  their 
young.  Cuckoos  are  believed  to  destroy  the  eggs  and  the  j^oung  of 
birds  whose  nests  they  wish  to  use.  All  the  kinds  live  on  animal 

The  two  Canadian  species  are  of  somewhat  better  habits 
than  those  of  other  countries,  usually  building  a  nest,  al- 
through  a  poor  one,  incubating,  and  feeding  their  own  young. 
Instances  are  known,  however,  in  which  they  have  laid  their 
eggs  in  the  nests  of  other  birds.  Dr.  C.  K.  Clarke  observed  in  the 
vicinity  of  Kingston  one  nest  of  the  Yellow  Warbler  and  two  of 
Chipping  Sparrows  thus  invaded  by  the  Black-billed  Cuckoo.  Need- 
less to  say  the  young  of  the  foster  parents  are  always  ejected  from 
the  nest  or  starved  to  death,  through  the  greed  of  the  much  larger 
adopted  bird.  The  Ami, — a  cuckoo  of  the  West  Indies, — is  com- 
munistic ;  many  lay  their  eggs  in  one  nest  and  take  turns  at  incu- 
bating them. 




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{Coccyzus  americanns) . 

This  is  the  more  southern  of  our  species,  and  seems  to  be  ex- 
tending northward  from  the  United  States.  It  is  known  to  us 
chiefly  in  Ontario,  being  rare  elsewhere.  Like  the  others,  it  is  a 
shy  bird,  heard  frequently  but  seldom  seen.  It  slips  from  tree  to 
tree  in  orchards,  flying  near  the  ground,  but  in  passing  between 
groves  it  rises  high  above  the  trees.  Its  gurgling  note — from 
which  it  takes  its  name — is  heard  most  frequently  before  rain.  If 
its  morals  were  better  it  would  be  a  bird  to  be  encouraged,  because 
it  is  almost  unique  in  its  fondness  for  the  tent  caterpillars,  gorging 
itself  with  them  whenever  possible.  It  has  also  been  known  to 
feed  greedily  on  the  larvae  of  the  potato  beetle.  It  nests  in  a  low 
tree  often  among  vines,  laying  three  to  seven  pale  greenish  eggs. 
Its  upper  plumage  is  a  beautiful  satiny  'quaker  gray,'  with  yellow- 
ish brown  on  the  wings.  The  side  tail  feathers  are  black,  with  large 
white  tips  and  white  outer  edge.  Throat,  breast,  and  belly  pure 
white.  Bill  yellow  below  and  on  the  sides.  Length  about  12 
inches,  extent  about  16. 


{Coccyzus  erythrophthalmus) . 

This  is  a  summer  resident  from  the  Atlantic  coast  across 
southern  Canada  to  Saskatchewan.  Like  the  Yellow-billed 
Cuckoo  this  species  seems  plentiful  nowhere,  but  its  softer  note  is 
heard  regularly  about  the  time  of  plum  blossoms,  in  all  parts  of  its 
range.  Plumage  above  satiny  olive  gray;  below  pure  white.  The 
lateral  tail  featliei-s  have  small  tips  of  white,  the  wings  have  no 
reddish  yellow  and  the  bill  is  from  almost,  to  completely,  black. 
Size  about  the  same  as  the  other,  and  nest  and  eggs  similar. 




(Crr/jlc  (ilcifoii). 

Tliis  is  the  only  Kingfisher  known  in  Canadn.  over  whicli  it 
is  widely  and  plentifully  distributed.  A  few  other  forms  are 
known  along  the  southwestern  borders  of  the  United  States,  while 
many  others  belong  to  tropieal  countries,  esj)eeially  to  the  islands 
of  the  East  Indies.  In  Canada  tlie  Kingfisher  is  found  along  every 
considerable  stream,  and  even  some  so  small  as  to  furnish  only 
'fingerling'  trout.  Every  lake  border,  i.ijge  or  sniall,  hears  his 
peculiar  note,  to  be  described  only  as  'rattling.'  He  Is  iui  excellent 
guide  for  a  holiday,  leading  the  way  to  the  quietest,  most  peacefid 
reti'cats  of  trees  and  v.'ater  in  association.  Tlis  W).  d  is  chiefly  fish, 
ca})tured  by  pitching  into  shallow  water  from  ten  to  twenty  feet 
above,  where  he  had  poised  with  rai)idly  beating  wings.  He  seldom 
Uiisses  his  aim,  and  whether  successful  or  not  utters  his  loud  call 
as  he  flys  to  his  perch, — a  dead  brai:ch  overhanging  the  watei'. 
He  is  said  to  eat  fi'ogs,  snakes  and  insects,  and  at  times  to  live  far 
from  water.  They  nest  in  burrows  in  cutbaiiks  id'  (arth  or  sand, 
the  excavation  being  usually  their  ov/n  work,  although  they  may 
enlarge  the  holes  made  by  swallows.  The  eggs  may  be  within  two 
feet  of  the  entrance,  but  are  usually  as  many  yards  away  from  it. 
and  the  nest — if  it  deserve  the  name  —is  a  small  handful  of  fish 
b(jiies  and  scales.  Its  feet  are  small  and  zygodactyl,  that  is — the 
outer  and  middle  toe  are  joined,  having  a  conuuon  sole.  (Jrayisli 
blue  is  the  general  c<»loration  of  the  upper  parts,  and  r'orms  a  band 
across  the  ui)per  breast.  The  tail  is  spotted  and  the  wing  feathers 
slightly  speckled  with  white.  Throat,  band  about  neck,  lower 
breast,  and  belly,  white.  A  Jiarrow  loose  crest.  Bill  long,  sharp, 
black.    Female  with  chestnut  baud  on  belly. 




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This  group  serves  to  connect  the  perching  birds  with  the  birds 
of  prey.  Like  the  kingfishers  and  cuckoos,  the  Woodpeckers  are 
not  guiltless  of  destroying  other  vertebrates,  although  usually  con- 
fining their  attention  to  insects.  They  live  chiefly  on  animal  food 
but  occasionally  eat  lai-gely  of  berries  and  cherries.  Woodpeckers 
are  found  in  all  wooded  parts  of  the  world  except  Australia  and 
the  Pacific  Islands,  and  it  is  doubtful  whether  our  northern  forests 
could  successfully  withstand  the  att  jk  of  their  insect  enemies 
were  they  nut  garrisoned  by  efficient  and  industrious  Woodpeck- 
ers of  ail  si^ets. 

Their  feet  are  zygodactyl,  two  toes  directed  forward  and  two 
backward,  and  their  bills  are  long,  strong,  and  chisel  pointed.  The 
tongue  is  flattened  and  barbed,  and  attached  to  a  greatly  elongated 
hyoid  bone  which  curves  around  the  skull  behind  and  passes  for- 
ward to  near  the  eye.  By  decreasing  the  size  of  the  curve  of  this 
bone  the  long  tongue  can  be  projected.  The  tail  is  short,  of  stiff 
elastic  fcatliers  acuminate  at  the  tips.  With  their  peculiar  equip- 
ment they  are  able  to  walk  up  and  down  the  trunks  of  trees,  chisel 
away  the  bark  and  wood  to  uncover  the  larvae  of  insects,  and  ex- 
plore the  tunnels  with  their  barbed  and  sticky  tongues. 


{Dryohates  villosus). 

This,  with  its  larger  northern  and  smaller  southern  forms,  is 
distributed  from  Texas  to  Lake  Athabasca  and  the  Yukon,  and 
from  Nova  Scotia  to  British  Columbia,  in  wooded  regions.  The 
upper  parts  are  black  with  a  red  band  across  the  back  of  the  head 
in  the  male,  and  a  white  stripe  dowTi  the  middle  of  the  back. 

White  spots  form  bars  on  the  wings,  and  the  outer  tail  feathers 
are  white.     A  white  stripe  above  the  eye  and  a  longer  one  below 



M,\n<\'  WOODl'l  t:KKK. 
I  Driiiliiiti  s  vMldsus.) 

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it.  Under  parts  all  white.  Length  from  9  to  11  inches,  extent  16 
to  18,  and  bill  IVi  to  1^,  inches.  The  form  of  this  known  as  Harris' 
Wood])ccker  is  found  in  British  Columbia  and  southward.  It  has 
fewer  white  spots,  and  the  under  parts  are  smoky  gray  instead  of 
white.    Otherwise  exactly  as  in  viUostts. 


I  : 


(Dryobates  puhescens). 

Our  most  familiar  tree  woodpecker.    This  little  bird  frequents 
orchards  and  lawns,  excavating  its  nests  within  a  few  paces  of  our 
buildings.    It  may  seem  wrong  to  imply  that  one  pair  excavates 
more  than  one  nest,  but  it  is  true  that  more  than  one  excavation  is 
made  by  a  pair,  and  that  an  excavation  is  equivalent  to  nest,  as  a 
few  chips  and  feathers  are  the  only  additions  to  the  cavity.    These 
different  holes  are  often  within  a  few  inches  of  each  other,  and 
one  is  thought  to  be  occupied  at  night  by  the  male  bird  while  his 
mate  is  incubating.     Apple  trees  are  carefully  searched  by  the 
Downy  Woodpecker,  but  this  investigation  does  no  harm,  but  al- 
ways good,  except  to  the  insect  inhabitants  of  the  trees.    All  wood- 
ed i)arts  of  Canada  are  familiar  haunts  of  this  friendly,  harmless, 
little  bird.    Both  Dryobates  signal  to  each  other  by  tapping  separ- 
ately on  a  dry  resonant  branch.    This  form  produces  a  long  con- 
tinuous roll.    The  plumage  of  the  Downy  is  practically  the  same  in 
coloration  and  texture  as  that  of  the  Hairy  Woodpecker.    They 
ai-e  readily  distinguished  by  their  difference  in  size.    Length  of 
this  forai  less  than  7  inches,  extent  under  12,  bill  about  2/c  of  an 

The  Oairduer  Woodjxjcker  is  exactly  like  the  Downy,  except 
that  it  has  fewer  wing  spots,  and  it«  under  parts  are  grayish  in- 
stead of  white.  It  is  a  Pacific  coast  form. 


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The  Batchelder  Dowiiy  Woodpecker  occurs  in  the  interior  of 
British  Cohimbia,  and  differs  from  the  type  only  in  the  lack  of 
white  spots  on  the  wings. 

The  Nelson  Dowaiy  Woodpecker  is  the  northern  form,  slightly 
larger  and  more  inclined  to  be  grayish,  in  place  of  jet  black. 


(Xcnopicus  alholarvatus). 

This  woodpecker,  of  unique  coloration,  is  found  only  in  the 
mountains  of  California,  Oregon,  Washington,  and  southern  Brit- 
isli  Colunihia.  Its  plumage  is  uniformly  black  except  a  white 
patch  on  each  wing,  and  the  completely  white  head.  The  male  has 
a  red  patch  on  the  back  of  the  head.  Length  about  9,  extent  16 


(PicoiUcs  arcticus). 

This  is  a  resident  bird  in  Newfoundland,  Nova  Scotia,  New 
Brunswick,  Quebec,  Ontario  north  of  Ottawa,  northern  Manitoba 
and  the  I^'ocky  .Mountains.  In  southern  Ontario  a  few  are  seen 
nearly  every  winter,  and  I  have  received  it  from  several  places 
near  Kingston.  It  is  generally  called  the  "Black-backed  Wood- 
pecker," by  those  who  notice  it.  Its  flight  is  a  series  of  deeper 
waves  than  usual  even  with  woodpeckers,  and  its  cry  is  loud  and 
piercing.    Eggs  four  to  six,  laid  in  May  or  June. 

Its  plumage  is  strikingly  marked,  the  male  has  a  golden  yel- 
low patch  on  the  crown.  Both  sexes  have  a  white  stripe  across  the 
forehead  in  front  of  the  eyes.  Otherwise  the  upper  parts  are  en- 
tirely glossy  black.  The  sides  and  the  undersides  of  the  wings  are 
barred  white  and  black.  The  lower  parts  are  white  from  chin  to 
tail.    Toes  two  in  front,  one  behind.    Length  about  91/2  inches, 

extent  about  16. 


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g  Life-Size. 




( Picoidcs  nmt'ri<nnns). 

This  is  a  niorp  noHliorn  form  tli.iii  iit-rticiis,  Wwvr  rdiiiul  in  all 
wooded  ])arts  of  Canada,  and  oofasionally  coniinL,'  in  winter  into 
sonthern  Ontario.  Tts  lioni(>  sconis  \o  bo  the  districts  where  tire  has 
killed  the  ]>ino  and  s])riieo  forests.  Here  it  lives  npon  tiie  insects 
that  infest  the  dead  trees.  Tt  is  fretinently  called  the  Ladder- 
backed  Woodpecker.  The  male  has  a  yellow  patdi  (»n  the  back  of 
the  head.  The  back  is  black  e\ce]»t  a  whit(  stripe  down  the  middle, 
and  this  is  re^ndarly  liarred  with  l)lack.  Winus  with  ])aired  white 
spots.  Tlie  fonr  middle  tail  feathers  black,  others  pnre  white.  The 
followini:'  va'-icties  of  this  are  disti)!t;nished: — the  Alask,:ii  Three- 
toed  Woodju'cker  has  more  white  in  the  middle  line  of  tlie  back. 
Confined  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  and  Vanconvei-  Island.  The 
Alpine  Three-toed  Woodpecker  has  a  clear  white  stripe  down  the 
middle  of  the  back.    It  is  also  a  Rockv  ^Mountain  fuim. 


(Spli!/ra/)ici(s  varius). 

Found  all  across  Canada  in  wooded  parts,  from  Nova  Scotia 
to  the  Rocky  .Alountains.  The  Sapsucker  is  more  plentiful  in 
n(.rther>,  Canada  than  in  southern  Ontario,  but  some  remain  and 
nest  in  tne  Kinj?ston  district,  beinj?  found  all  through  the  summer 
in  cei-tain  favorite  localities.  They  are,  however,  much  more  plen- 
tiful in  spring  on  their  way  northward,  and  at  that  time  their  at- 
tention to  maples,  white  poplars,  rowan  trees  and  others  on  our 
lawns  is  apt  to  excite  unkind  acts  on  our  part.  They  deliberately 
drill  a  series  of  holes  thro^igh  the  bark,  to  the  cambium  which  they 
eat.  These  holes  are  sometimes  vertically  above  each  other,  or  they 
may  be  in  hoiizontal  lines.  A  number  of  trees  are  thus  tapped,  then 
the  bird  goes  its  rounds  sucking  the  sap  from  one  little  cavity  after 



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another,  incidentally  capturing  insects,  especially  ants,  that  try 
to  share  its  treat.  The  trees  thus  opened  continue  to  yield  sap  for 
some  weeks,  and  are  thereby  weakened  by  the  loss  of  food  required 
for  growth.  Probably  more  serious  is  the  break  in  their  protective 
armor  against  infection  by  fungus  spores.  Certainly  many  young 
rowan  trees  are  killed,  and  other  kinds  injured  in  this  way.  Where 
the  Sapsucker  establishes  itself  for  the  summer  among  white  pop- 
lars— Popiilus  alba — this  process  goes  on  all  the  season,  and  in  at 
least  one  instance  the  Ruby-throat  Hummingbird  is  a  constant 
though  unwelcome  visitor  at  the  same  fountains.  I  have  counted 
six  Sapsuckers  and  four  Hummingbirds  feeding  day  after  day  in 
this  way  on  a  group  of  four  large  poplars.  The  Sapsuckers  seemed 
stupefit'd  by  theii*  drink,  at  any  rate  it  was  possible  for  me  to  knock 
them  down  from  their  feedin^^  places  with  a  short  pole.  The  food 
they  supply  to  their  young  uisder  the  above  conditions,  is  prob- 
ably ants,  as  these  are  very  numerous  on  the  same  trees,  and  were 
found  in  the  stomachs  of  those  killed. 

Their  note  is  an  easily  recognizable  *' cheer,  cheer,"  some- 
what hoarsely  delivered. 

The  crown  of  both  male  and  female  is  scarlet,  the  throat  black, 
but  enclosing  a  crimson  patch  in  the  male,  and  a  white  one  in  the 
female,  i^  ck  barred  with  black  and  white,  or  yellowish.  Wings 
black  with  white  spots  on  the  quills,  and  a  large  white  patch  on  the 
coverts.  White  lines  from  the  eyes  liackward  meet  on  the  nape. 
The  black  of  the  chin,  throat,  and  breast  is  bordered  by  white.  Belly 
yellowish.  Tongue  not  very  extensible.  Length  about  9V1>,  extent 
15  to  16  inches.  Two  varieties  of  this  species  are  found  in  Canada. 
The  Red-naped  Saj^sueker  has  a  band  of  scarlet  on  the  back  of  the 
neck  behind  the  crown  patch.  The  red  throat  patch  is  larger,  and 
the  yellow  of  the  belly  is  whitish.  Its  range  covers  the  foothills  and 
the  Rocky  Mountains  in  Alberta  and  British  Columbia. 

The  Northern  Red-breasted  Sapsucker.  In  this  form  ''The 
whole  head,  nock,  and  breast  is  carmine  or  crimson,  in  which  the 




markings  of  varius  are  more  or  less  completely  dissolvt'd"  ( <  '<nu\s). 
The  ran{»e  of  this  is  oorifiiied  to  the  coast  from  southern  Alaska  to 
lower  California. 


{C'eopliheus  juhutus  nhictirola). 

This  is  the  largest  woodpecker  found  in  Canada,  and  is  pro- 
perly named  Log-cock.  It  is  distinguished  fwm  the  great  Log- 
cock,  of  the  Southern  States,  by  its  black  bill  and  less  size.  For- 
merly it  was  resident  in  all  the  heavily  timl)ered  i)arts  (.f  (^anada, 
but  now  it  is  seldom  swn  south  of  Muskoka  in  Ontario.  Its  great 
ability  as  an  excavator  in  wood,  the  persistence  with  whi(di  it  will 
cut  a  tree  into  pieces,  and  its  loud  call  note  make  it  notable  even  in 
a  family  of  enthusiastic  and  noisy  carpenters.  Nest  usually  high 
in  a  dead  tree.    Eggs  five  or  six. 

Whole  top  of  the  head  covered  by  a  scarlet  crest,  lengthened 
toward  the  back.  A  narrow  \Vhite  line  below  this  is  succeeded  bv  a 
broad  black  line  from  the  eyes  to  the  nape.  Then  a  white  line  wid- 
ening from  the  forehead  and  passing  down  the  neck  is  yellowish  in 
front  of  the  eyes.  A  scarlet  stripe  on  the  cheek  is  lacking  in  the  fe- 
male, which  also  has  the  front  of  the  crest  black.  P,ack  brownish 
black;  wings  partly  white;  under  parts  blackish  with  some  yellow. 
Length  about  18,  extent  about  27  inches. 


( Mela ncrpcs  crijt li roceph aJus ) . 

Although  rare  in  the  eastern  provinces,  this  is  a  conun -n  resi- 
dent in  Ontario,  but  rarely  spends  the  winter,  except  in  d  ■  south- 
western peninsula.  Jt  is  found  in  all  the  provinces,  but  doon  not  "-o 
very  far  north.  It  should  be  able  to  make  itself  at  home  in  every 
part  as  it  is  very  adaptable  to  its  environment. 



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While  apparently  able  to  capture  wood  borers  as  well  as  do  the 
other  woodpeckers,  this  bird  may  often  be  seen  catching  flying  in- 
sects in  the  manner  of  the  Kingbird,  and  every  owner  of  cherry 
trees  will  testify  to  its  ability  as  a  fruit  eater.  It  nests  high,  in 
large  trees  usually,  and  lays  its  eggs  in  June. 

Observed  from  the  back,  its  plumage  is  a  bright  sequence,  of 
one-fourth,  i.e.,  head  and  neck— crimson ;  the  next  fourth— back 
and  shoulders— glossy  black;  the  next  fourth— rump  and  wing 
coverts—pure  white ;  remaining  fourth— ends  of  wings  and  tail- 
black.  Chin,  throat,  and  upper  breast  crimson;  lower  breast  and 
belly  wliite,  sometimes  tinted  with  pale  red  and  yellow.  Length 
about  9  inches. 


(Mchnicrpc's  caroliyuis). 

This  is  thought  by  many  to  be  the  handsomest  of  our  wood- 
peckers. The  south-western  part  of  Ontario  is  the  only  part  of 
Canada  in  which  it  nests,  as  far  as  known.  It  is  said  to  occur  in 
south-eastern  Quebec,  and  to  visit  Montreal  occasionally,  and  one 
specimen  was  taken  near  Kingston.  My  only  capture  of  this  was 
made  near  Ingersoll,  in  Oxford  County,  in  1890.  Its  range 
stretches  southward  to  Texas  and  Indian  Territory.  Back  and 
wings  rc-ularly  and  closely  barred  with  black  and  white— zebra 
color.  White  spots  on  bases  of  ]>rimarios.  Top  of  the  head  and 
nape  bright  scarlet  in  the  male,  some  scarlet  with  grayish  in  the 
female.  Sides  of  head  and  under  parts  ashy  gray,  becoming  red 
on  the  belly.    Length  9  to  10  inches,  extent  16  to  17. 


{Asyndcsmiis  torquatus). 

This  is  a  remarkable  woodpecker,  unlike  any  others  in  plum- 
age, but  somewhat  resembling  the  Flicker  in  size  and  shape  of  bill, 





and  attitude  on  trees.  Its  Canadian  range  is  the  interior  of  south- 
ern British  Columbia,  thence  it  extends  southward  in  the  pine  for- 
ests of  tlie  Rockies.  It  catches  insects  on  the  wing,  as  do  the  Fly- 
catcliers,  and  flies  steadily  by  reguhir  wing  beats,  instead  of  trac- 
ing a  festoon  in  its  path  as  do  most  others  of  this  family. 

"Upper  parts,  including  wings  and  tail,  flanks  and  crissum, 
green  black,  with  intense  bronzy  lustre,  especially  on  the  V)ack. 
Face  dark  crimson  in  a  patch  around  bill  and  eyes.  Distinct  col- 
lar, around  back  of  neck  and  breast,  hoary  bluish  gray,  gradually 
brightening  behind  to  intense  rose-red.  Feathei-s  of  under  parts 
and  collar  bristly,  hard,  and  loosened.  No  white  on  wings  or  tail. 
Length  10  to  11, "extent  20  to  22  inches"  (Couos).  Eggs  5  to  9.  Nest 
found  near  Similkanu'cn  River,  B.C.,  June  loth,  in  a  live  poplar 
tree  about  five  feet  from  the  ground.    It  often  nests  in  conifers. 


(Colaj)tes  anratnft). 

The  above  common  names,  and  over  thirty  others,  indicate 
that  this  l)ird  is  noticed  by  many  people  in  widely  separated  dis- 
tricts. This  is  in  fact  the  best  known  and  most  popular  of  our 
wood]»eckei"s,  as  well  as  the  most  plentiful  in  southern  Ontario. 
It  is  abundant  in  the  southern  parts  of  all  the  provinces  east  of 
the  Rockies,  its  place  being  taken  in  British  ('olumbia  by  the  Red- 
shafted  and  Nortii-western  Flicker. 

Forests  are  not  necessary  to  the  Flicker,  as  he  obtains  much 
of  his  food  on  the  ground,  his  esi)ecial  business  being  the  reduction 
of  the  i)opulation  of  ant  hills.  In  this  he  is  highly  successful,  and 
deserves  his  popularity  for  being  both  ornamental  and  useful. 

Back  and  wings  grayish  brown  with  l)lack  bars ;  rump  white ; 
tail  black  above.  Wings  and  tail  quills  golden  yellow  in  under.  A 
scarlet  band  on  the  nape,  and  a  black  pectoral  crescent  in  both 
sexes.    Black  moustaches  in  the  males.   Chin,  throat,  and  breast 








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like  the  sides  of  the  head,  grayish  brown.    Under  parts  brownish 
with  black  spots.    Length  about  12,  extent  18  to  20  inches. 


(Colaptes  cafcr  coUaris). 
This  is  a  western  Flicker,  very  like  auratus,  except  that  wher- 
ever a  yellowish  tint  is  found  in  the  eastern  form  it  is  replaced  by 
reddish  in  the  western.  The  under  surfaces  of  the  wings  and  tail 
are  thus  orange  or  vermilion.  It  is  found  on  Vancouver  Island 
and  southern  British  Columbia. 


{Colaptes  mcricanus  saturior). 

This  is  a  dark  form  of  the  Red-shafted  Flicker  and  is  com- 
mon in  British  Columbia. 

Hybrids  of  the  Golden-winged  and  Red-shafted  Flickers 
wearing  all  sorts  of  combinations  of  their  ancestors'  color  peculi- 
arities are  found  in  the  prairie  provinces,  and  even  as  far  east  as 
Toronto  two  were  captured,  one  of  which  had  half  the  tail 
orange  red. 




The  large  fissirostral  mouths  of  these  birds,  and  their  habit 
of  flying  close  to  the  ground  in  pastures  in  chase  of  their  insect 
prey,  have  no  doubt  led  to  the  accusation  which  is  expressed  in  the 
name.  They  all  live  on  insects  captured  on  the  wing;  the  great 
gape  of  their  wide  open  bills,  aided  in  some  forms  by  stiff  sur- 
rounding bristles,  enables  them  to  take  in  even  large  moths.  Many 
species  are  tropical  in  range,  some  are  closely  related  to  dark  for- 
ests, while  others  arc  quite  at  home  over  cities  and  treeless  plains. 





(Antrostomns  caroUnensis) . 

A  specimen  of  this  bird  was  taken  in  Nova  Scotia  and  another 
at  Point  Pelee,  Lake  Erie.  Its  home  is  from  North  Carolina 
southward,  and  it  is  merely  accidental  in  the  northern  states. 

Its  plumage  is  com2)letely  mottled  and  streaked  with  black 
and  yellowi'"'  '  "own,  with  chestnut  bars.  An  incomplete  Whitish 
band  crosse.  apper  breast.    The    stiff   bristles    which    grow 

around  the  of  the  bill  have  hair-like  branches  on  the   basal 
half.    Length  12,  extent  about  25  inches. 


(Antrostomus  vociferus). 

This  bird  of  the  dusk  and  early  dawn  is  frequently  heard,  but 
rarely  seen  except  by  those  searching  for  it.  During  the  day  it 
sometimes  is  to  be  seen  perched  lengthwise  on  a  shaded  branch, 
crouching  close  to  the  wood.  It  avoids  the  sunlight,  and  when  dis- 
turbed slips  with  silent  and  bat-like  flight  into  thicker  woods.  The 
clear  loud  call — which  is  well  rei)resented  by  its  name — is  heard 
only  during  the  breeding  season.  It  builds  no  nest,  but  lays  its 
eggs  on  the  leaves  li  dark  swampy  forests,  and  trusts  f(n'  conceal- 
ment to  the  harmony  between  its  own  colors  and  those  of  the  sur- 
rounding objects.  The  eggs  are  dull  white  with  grayish  mark- 
ings. In  colors  it  closely  resembles  those  given  for  Ohuck-Wills- 
Widow,  but  with  less  chestnut.  The  white  throat  bar  is  narrow 
but  complete.  No  hairlike  branches  are  found  on  the  bristles 
about  the  beak.  This  difference  and  the  smaller  size  distinguishes 
the  two  forms.    Length  9  to  10  inches,  extent  16  to  18. 


1 1, 








(Chonh'ilcs  virginianus) . 

Throughout  Canada  this  well  known  and  much  observed  bird 
nests,  and  raises  its  young  on  the  Barren  Lands  of  the  extreme 
north,  on  burnt  hills  of  the  forest  region,  on  bare  plains,  or  among 
the  pebbles  on  the  flat  tops  of  lofty  houses  in  the  centre  of  great 

On  summer  evenings,  when  all  the  world  possessing  doorsteps 
sit  about  them  to  enjoy  the  cooler  air,  the  Nighthawk  performs 
his  graceful  airy  evolutions.  Wo  do  not  quite  understand  his 
meaning,  but  all  enjoy  watching  hiui,  and  tolerate  his  umnusical 
and  peristent  cry.  During  the  nesting  season,  the  bird— probably 
the  male — after  emitting  his  cry  more  frequently  than  usual  as  if 
to  call  attention  to  himself — shoots  almost  vertically  downward, 
but  checks  himself  and  glides  upward  again  after  coming  quite 
close  to  the  earth.  Just  as  his  course  curves  to  avoid  his  dashing 
against  the  ground,  a  i)eculiar  booming  sound  is  produced,  no 
doubt  by  the  vibration  of  the  air  through  the  stiff  wing  and  tail 
feathers,  which  check  and  change  his  motion.  The  flight  of  de- 
sirable insects  and  not  the  sunlight  seems  to  time  the  Nighthawk's 
hunting.  Aloths  and  such  insects  as  fly  on  cloudy  days  or  during 
the  morning  and  evening  twilights  seem  to  be  the  food  desired,  and 
we  have  every  reason  to  think  the  Nighthawk  a  successful  pur- 
suer. As  stated  above,  they  nest  anywhere  in  unfrequented  but 
open  places,  making  no  nest,  but  depositing  their  two  grayish  mot- 
tled eggs  on  a  flat  surface.  I  have  found  the  bird  incubating  on 
flat,  hot  limestone  rocks  in  a  bushy  pasture.  Plumage  much  the 
same  as  that  of  the  Whip-poor-will,  but  the  white  bar  is  across  the 
throat  rather  than  the  upper  breast.  There  are  no  bristles  aljout 
the  beak,  and  there  is  a  large  white  spot  on  the  five  outer  primaries 
at  about  mid  length.    This  shows  from  below  like  a  hole  through 



the  wing.  In  the  female  the  white  marks  are  merely  whitit;h. 
Length  about  9  inches,  extent  a]x)ut  23. 

The  Western  Nighthawk  is  a  variety  of  the  above,  belongs  to 
the  prairie  regions,  and  like  other  prairie  birds  is  more  grayish 
or  even  yellowish  in  tone  than  the  eastern  or  northern  forms.  It  is 
found  in  Saskatchewan,  Alberta,  and  British  Ct)lumbia. 

Nighthawks  move  southward  in  late  August  in  large,  loose, 
leisurely  fiocks,  hawking  as  they  go,  and  return  to  southern  On- 
tario earlv  in  May. 

!  i 


These  are  fissirostral  birds,  as  are  the  Goatsuekers— that  is, 
the  mouth  extends  back  far  beyond  the  horny  boak.  They  are  also 
characterized  by  their  very  long  wings  and  small  feet,  being  evi- 
dently adapted  for  catching  their  insect  prey  on  the  wing,  and  not 
for  walking  or  perching.  In  some  the  tail  feathers  are  stiff,  and 
end  in  firm  bristles,  which  aid  them  in  clinging  to  the  vertical 
walls  on  which  they  nest.  They  secrete  large  quantities  of  glue- 
like saliva,  which  is  used  in  nest  building,  either  for  cementing  to- 
gether the  twigs  com})osing  the  nest;  or  forming  practically  the 
whole  nest,  as  in  the  East  Indies,  where  the  edibU"  birds'  nests  are 
obtained  for  the  Chinese. 


I    II 




(Chaetura  pdagica). 

Very  often  called  Chimney  Swallow  in  this  country,  the  com- 
mon Swift  is  familiar  to  all,  ranging  from  the  Atlantic  as  far  west 
as  British  Columbia.  They  have  adopted  the  structures  of  man 
as  preferable  to  those  provided  by  nature,  and  now  are  more  plen- 
tiful in  the  neighborhood  of  houses  and  in  cities  than  in  forest  or 
plains  regions.  They  nest  in  colonies  t,l  t.^mcs  in  unused  or  seldom 
used  chimneys,  often  in  the  middle  of  cities.    Old  chimneys   of 









burned  houses  in  the  country  are  favorite  locations,  and  the  inner 
walls  of  lofts  or  attics,  in  barns  or  houses  are  frequently  used.  The 
nest  is  roughly  like  one-half  of  a  hollow  hemisphere,  the  straight 
side  fastened  by  their  dried  saliva  to  the  vertical  wall.  The  ma- 
terials of  the  nest  are  slender  dry  twigs,  broken  from  the  trees  by 
being  grasped  by  the  l)ird's  feet  as  it  dashes  downward  upon  them. 
These  are  glued  neatly  and  strongly  together,  forming  a  bracket 
or  shelf-like  structure  about  four  inches  wide  and  projecting  about 
three  inches.  Little  or  no  lining  is  used.  They  lay  four  or  five 
white  eggs,  and  return  year  after  year  to  the  same  nest,  or  at  least 
similar  Swifts  use  a  nest  during  successive  years.  In  flight,  food, 
tittering  notes,  and  location  of  nests  they  closely  resemble  the 
swallows,  but  in  structure  they  are  related  to  the  hummingbirds. 
Being  entirely  harmless  in  their  habits,  and  very  useful  as  insect 
destroyers,  Swifts  should  be  encouraged  and  protected  every- 
where. If  not  desired  in  a  chimney,  a  screen  of  wire  may  be  easily 
adjusted,  and  will  be  perfectly  efficient,  as  vertical  walls  alone  in 
dark  secluded  situations  are  the  only  places  satisfactory  to  Swifts 
for  nesting.  They  reach  Ontario  early  in  May,  and  go  south  early 
in  September.  Plumage  brownish  black  with  a  greenish  gloss 
above  and  paler  below.  Throat  grayish.  Wing  as  long  as  the 
body — about  5  inches.    Extent  about  12. 

In  British  Columbia  two  other  Swifts  are  occasionally  seen. 
The  Vaux  Swift  {Chaetiira  vaiixii),  is  thought  to  be  resident.  It 
resembles  the  Chimney  Swift,  but  is  smaller  and  paler,  the  rump 
lighter  than  the  back  and  the  throat  is  white.    Length  4i/^  inches. 

The  Black  Swift  {Cypscloidcs  nigcr  boreal  is),  has  been  seen 
in  numbers  near  Douglas,  British  Columbia,  and  is  thought  to 
nest  there.  It  is  much  like  the  others,  but  has  a  grayish  forehead 
and  belly,  and  measures  7  inches  or  more  in  length. 





Tliese— the  most  minute  of  feathered  creatures— all  belong  to 
America,  but  most  of  the  450  or  more  species  are  found  only  in 
Mexico,  Central  and  South  America.  Only  five  siKicies  are  known 
to  reach  Canada,  and  of  these  but  one  occurs  east  of  tlie  Rockv 

They  are  as  a  family  readily  distinguished  by  tli  r  very  small 
size  and  brilliant  coloration.  The  bill  is  awl-shapec.  and  usually 
longer  than  the  head,  while  the  iongue  may  be  protruded  nuich  be- 
yond the  tip  of  the  bill.  With  these  instruments  thev  collect  in- 
sects in  or  about  the  fiowers,  and  often  the  nectar  of  "the  flowers. 
(See  under  Sapsucker).  The  wings  are  long,  narrow,  and  point- 
ed, and  m  the  smaller  species  vibrate  so  rapidlv  as  to  produce  a 
buzzing  sound,  and  to  be  only  indistinctly  visible.  Their  feet  are 
very  small,  but  are  armed  with  long  sharp  claws.  Some  are  said  to 
have  a  little  song,  but  usually  their  only  vocal  production  is  a  weak 
unmusical  chii-p.  In  temper  they  are  very  irritable  as  well  as  cour- 
ageous, attacking  an  eagle  as  readily  as  they  do  one  of  their  own 
kind,  which  they  suspect  of  evil  designs  on  their  nest.  They  are 
quite  fearless  of  humanity  and  will  eat  sugar  from  the  fingers  if 
not  offended  by  careless  attempts  at  capture.  Their  nests  resem- 
ble knots  on  the  upper  side  of  branches,  and  are  beautiful  little 
hollowed  cushions  of  down,  covered  outside  with  lichens.  Two 
pure  white  eggs  are  laid.  The  young  are  said  to  be  fed  bv  regurgi- 
tation, as  are  young  pigeons. 

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(Trochilus  coluhriH). 

This  is  the  only  hummingbird  commonly  known  in  Canada 
ranging  from  the  maritime  provinces  and  Labrador  to  Saskatche- 


■■  t 

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wan.  It  nests  throughout  its  whole  Canadian  range,  and  in  favor- 
able phices  is  quite  plentiful.  It  arrives  about  the  middle  of  May 
in  southern  Ontario,  and  remains  as  long  as  large  deep  fiowers  are 
open — say  the  middle  of  September.  The  sexes  differ  in  lustre  and 
in  brilliance  of  coloration. 

The  male  is  lustrcMis  green  above  with  metallic  violet  on  the 
crown  and  puri)lish  on  wings  and  forked  tail.  Throat  and  sides 
of  neck  brilliant,  lustrous,  rul>y-rcd,  otlu  r  under  parts  grayish 
green.  Female  cntiivly  jirceuish  .ibcxc,  no  red.  but  whitish  on 
throat,  and  otherwise  green  and  white.  Length  3^/4,  extent  about 
5  inches. 


(TrocJulus  alcrandri). 

British  Colum])ia  alone  of  Canadian  territory  is  visited  by 
this  relative  of  the  l|uby  Throat.  Its  range  is  the  Pacific  coast 
from  Lower  Califcu'uia  northward  into  Canada. 

The  male  has  the  tail  doubly  rounded  l)ut  not  forked,  while 
the  female  has  a  simply  rounded  tail.  In  ])luniage  and  size  it 
closely  resembles  the  Kuby  Throat,  but  the  gorget  is  velvety  black 
in  front,  and  blue,  green  and  violet  on  tlie  sides  of  the  neck. 


(SclaspJionis  ri(fiis). 

The  most  plentiful  lumimingbird  of  British  Columbia  is  this 
species  of  the  Lightning  Hummers.  It  is  conunonly  called  the  Red- 
backed  or  Nootka  Ilununingbird.  Throughout  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains region  from  the  foothills  in  Alberta  to  the  Coast,  and  well  up 
into  Ahiska  it  is  found,  as  well  as  on  Vancouver  Island.  It  nests 
early  in  April  while  the  nights  are  still  frosty.  It  is  the  most 
northern  as  well  as  the  most  extensively  distributed  Species  of  the 




The  tail  is  wedge  shaped,  neither  rounded  nor  forked.  The 
central  tail  feather  is  broad  and  tapers  abruptly.  The  next  on 
each  side  are  notched  on  the  inner  web  near  the  end.  The  color  of 
the  plumage  in  general  both  above  and  below  is  cinnamon-red, 
deepening  to  purple  on  the  ends  of  the  tail  feathers.  Some  green- 
ish shades  may  be  seen  on  the  back  and  whitish  on  the  belly.  The 
gorget  is  glossy  copper  red,  and  ahnost  becomes  a  ruff.  The  fe- 
male has  no  gorget,  and  the  cinnamon  color  is  overlaid  largely  with 
greenish.    Length  3V1>  inches. 


(Selasphorus  allcni). 

This  form  is  closely  related  to  the  last,  but  may  be  dis- 
tinguished by  the  tail  feathers  and  gorget.  The  central  tail  feath- 
er tapers  gradually,  the  next  pair  are  not  notched,  and  the  outer 
pair  are  almost  awi  shaped.  The  back  is  golden  green ;  the  belly 
and  sides  cinnamon ;  and  the  gorget  brilliant  red,  edged  below  with 
white.  The  female  is  like  that  of  the  preceding  species  in  colors. 
Length  31/4  inches.  This  species  has  been  taken  near  Revelstoke, 
Sicamous,  and  Penticton,  British  Columbia. 


{Stellula  calliope). 

This  is  the  smallest  bird  known  in  Canada.  It  ranges  from  the 
southern  part  of  British  Columbia  south  into  Mexico,  in  the  moun- 
tain regions.    In  appearance  it  is  unlike  the  other  forms  described. 

The  tail  is  doubly  rounded.  "The  crown  and  back  golden 
green.  All  tail  feathers  dusky,  with  rufous  at  base,  and  slightly 
pale  tips.  Gorget  of  violet  or  lilac  tips  of  feathers  set  in  snowy 
white.  Sides  of  throat,  and  crissum  white.  Below  white,  glossed 
with  green  on  the  sides. ' '    (  Coues) .    Length  2%  inches. 


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T'lie  order  Pnsscrrs  is  by  fa"  the  lar{>;est  group  of.  birds  i)Iaced 
tof^cther  because  of  siniilai-  elrai  ei-s.  Some  of  these  characters 
we  shall  uieution.  Tlie  feet  are  adapted  for  grasping,  by  the  fact 
that  the  hind  toe  is  always  jiresent,  and  so  placed  and  developed  as 
to  be  readily  opposed  to  the  other  toes.  The  hind  toe  never  turns 
forward  or  sideways,  and  none  of  tlie  front  toes  turn  backward. 
The  ))ill  is  variable  in  form,  but  always, — either  largely  or  alto- 
gether— hard  jmuI  horny.  They  are  altricial,  the  young  being 
hatched  weak  and  naked.  They  are  nervous  and  sensitive  crea- 
tures, with  rapid  res])iration  and  circulation.  They  reside  above 
the  earth,  in  the  air  and  amongst  the  plants,  and  they  include  the 
song  birds  of  the  world.  Few  are  cosmopolitan,  except  the  snow 
birds  which  pass  between  the  continents  in  the  northeni  polar 
regions.  Taken  in  all  their  characteristics,  they  represent  the 
highest  grade  of  development  reached  by  the  feathered  race. 

The  fii"st  family  to  be  noted  is  that  of  the 



This  is  an  American  family  of  birds,  usually  considered  song- 
less,  as  their  vocal  organs  are  less  highly  developed  than  in  the 
other  families.  Some  of  them,  however,  produce  loud  and  fairly 
musical  notes.  They  are  very  numerous  in  the  tropics,  about  350 
species  being  known.  Only  about  sixteen  of  these  reach  Canada. 
They  are  distinguished  from  Passcrcs  by  having  the  tarsus  round- 
ed and  not  reticulate  behind;  a  bill  hooked  at  the  tip,  and  with 
bristles  at  the  base. 

.    162 



( Musciiuiru  foifirufa ) . 

Alth()Uf?h  a  l»ir<l  of  tlio  SdutluTii  States,  this  beautiful  i\y- 
catelier  has  wandered  into  Canada  and  may  do  so  ajjain.  It  has 
k'en  reported  from  New  JRrunswiek,  Ontario,  Manitoha,  and  York 
Factory  on  Hudson  Bay.  In  the  first  and  las»t  two  instances  speci- 
mens were  secured.  It  nnist  l>e  et)nsi(h'red  accidental  however 
north  of  Missouri. 

General  color  ashy,  heconiinj;  ahuost  white  below.  A  crown 
])atch  is  scarlet;  the  sides  at  the  bases  (►f  the  winys  are  deep  red; 
and  the  under  i)arts  and  crissum  are  often  tin<ied  with  the  same. 
The  winj^  and  tail  are  blackish,  with  whire  <»r  red  edj^ings.  The 
tail  is  very  deei)ly  forked  and  over  lli  inches  lonj?. 

THE  KlNUBllfll) 

( Tin'oinius  tynnmis). 

The  Kingbird  is  known  also  as  the  Tyrant  Flycatcher  from 
its  habit  of  fiercely  attacking  any  other  bird,  no  matter  how  large, 
which  comes  near  its  nest.  It  builds  usually  in  a  hawthorn  tree, 
making  a  sulxstantial,  deep  nest,  compactly  woven  of  all  sorts  of 
til)rous  matter,  with  little  attempt  at  concealment.  The  eggs,  usu- 
ally four  in  numlx?r,  are  whitis'h  or  creamy  with  l)rown  dots  and 
splashes  on  the  larger  end.  From  its  favorite  perch  on  the  to])  of 
a  nnillein  stalk  the  bird  darts  for  i)assing  insects,  of  which  it 
destroys  great  numbers,  among  which  may  ))e  an  occasional  honey 
bee.  Its  note  during  the  breeding  season  is  not  uni)leasant,  wliile 
its  value  as  a  sentinel  against  crows  and  hawks,  at  that  time, 
is  undoubted.  The  colors  of  the  Kingbir'l  are  not  striking,  ex- 
cept a  flame  colored  patch  on  the  crown,  '.  ually  li'dden  except 
when  the  bird  is  in  warlike  mood.  The  crown,  beak,  and  tail 
are  black,  the  latter  being  broadly  tipped  with  white.    The  wings 



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are  dark  with  whito  edsin^s,  while  the  breast  is  gray.  Length  about 
eight  inehes.  It  nests  tliroughout  southern  Canada  from  coast 
to  coast.  The  Arkansas  Kingbird  is  found  from  Saskatchewan  to 
Vancouver,  associating  with  the  eastern  form,  and  having  similar 
eggs  and  nesting  habits. 






(  My  in  nh  ns  crin  it  i(s  ) . 

The  shrill  note  of  this  active  bird  is  heard  in  all  the  provinces 
from  the  Atlantic  as  far  west  as  Manitoba.  It  should  scarcely  be 
called  common,  although  a  few  may  be  seen  in  almost  any  district 
visited.  Their  calls  may  be  heard  in  May  in  the  Lake  Ontario 
district,  and  the  bird  may  usually  be  readily  found  standing  at  at- 
tention, with  crest  raised,  on  the  toi)most  branch  of  a  dead  tree. 
All  their  motions  are  full  of  suppressed  onergy.  They  build  a  new 
nest  in  a  hole  in  a  tree,  and  seem  to  always  use  a  discarded  snake 
skin  as  a  prominent  part  of  the  arrangement. 

Their  eggs  are  three  or  five  in  number,  and  bear  the  unusual 
distinction  of  lengthwise  markings  of  brown  on  the  ground  color 
of  yellowish.  "While  living  through  the  summer  on  insects  almost 
entirely,  they  are  known  to  eat  berries  and  other  small  fruits  in 

The  back  and  wings  are  light  brown  with  olive  green  shades. 
The  tail  mostly  light  chestnut.  The  throat  and  breast  are  pale 
gray,  while  the  belly  is  bright  yellow.  The  loose  crest  feathers 
of  the  crown  are  brownish.  Length  about  9  inches,  extent  about  13. 


(Sayornis  phoebe). 

Central  Canada  from  Montreal  to  Manitoba,  but  especially 
southern  Ontario,  seems  to  be  the  favorite  Canadian  range  of  this 




Phoebe.  It  has  been  found  about  Edmonton  and  northward  along 
the  Athabafeo :  River.  l*robably  of  our  native  birds  no  other  is  so 
common  about  our  d\vellin^:s  in  southern  Ontario  except  the 
Robin,  the  Song  Sparrow,  and  the  Chipping  Sparrow.  It  makes 
its  liome  of  moss  and  mud  and  grass  under  our  cornices,  on  the 
gables  of  our  houses,  or  in  verandas,  sheds  and  outhouses,  also  very 
commonly  under  bridges,  on  the  beams  supi>orting  the  floor.  Its 
eggs  number  four  or  five,  usually  white,  but  sometimes  slightly 
spotted  with  brown.  While  not  musical,  the  note  of  the  Phoebe 
tells  of  quiet  and  home,  and  is  i\t  u  ^  me  among  the  earlier  spring 
migrants  returning  to  their  previous  haunts. 

A  monotonous,  plaintive  reiteration  of  "pee-wee"  is  the  usual 
utterance,  but  occasionally  one  is  heard  to  produce  the  s<ime  sound 
very  rapidly  as  if  bubbling  over  with  joy  beyond  ordinary  ex- 
pression. Its  food  is  insects,  captured  very  expertly — but  with 
little  display— on  the  wing.  The  back,  wings,  and  tail  are  olive 
brown,  the  head  blackish,  the  under  i)arts  are  whitish  or  yellowish, 
darker  toward  the  head.  The  length  about  7  inches,  extent  10  to  12. 

h     i\ 



{Canto pus  horcalis). 

This  flycatcher  belongs  to  the  wooded  rather  than  the  open 
country,  and  is  found  from  Cape  Breton  to  Vancouver  Island, 
being  uncommon  in  southern  Ontario.  Like  the  Crested  Fly- 
catcher this  l)ird  frequents  the  top  of  the  tallest  trees  to  be  found. 
They  are  said  to  live  among  the  conifers  and  to  build  their  nests 
higli  on  the  evergreen  branches.  Eggs  usually  three,  creamy,  and 
spotted  with  reddish  brown,  especially  at  the  larger  end.  Back 
dark  greenish  brown,  wings  and  tail  blackish  brown.  Throat 
white,  and  ..  narruw  white  line  down  he  middle  of  the  breast. 
Other  under  parts  stre  'ky  with  blackisl  A  yellowish  white  tuft 
of  loose  dow^1  »n     ifh  flank,    i  ,.'Ugth  about  7i/^  inches. 


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(Sayornis  saya). 

In  Alberta  and  the  open  parts  of  British  Columbia  this  is  the 
bird  which  takes  the  place  of  the  last  described.  Its  nesting  habits 
are  much  the  same,  utilizing  the  beams  and  walls  of  houses  and 
bridges  where  possible,  but  also  fastening  its  nest  agamst  the  moist 
walls  of  cliffs.  Its  note  is  of  one  syllable.  Plumage  similar  to  the 
last,  except  that  the  tone  of  the  upper  parts  is  grayish  bi-own,  and 
of  the  lower  surface  cinnamon  brown,  paler  toward    the    head. 

Length  about 

rVo,  and  extent  11  inches. 

(Canfopiis  richnrdsoni) . 

This  form  takes  the  place  of  the  last  from  Manitoba  to  the 
Pacific,  but  favors  thickets  rather  than  the  dense  woods.  It  has 
been  found  in  Alaska,  but  is  not  connnon  there.  Its  note  is  said 
to  be  more  abrupt  than  that  of  the  last,  and  its  nest  is  placed  usu- 
ally among  small  forking  branches,  rather  than  saddled  on  a  large 
limb.  In  appearance  it  is  so  like  Cantoims  virens  and  Sayornis 
saya,  that  the  one  description  does  for  all,  except  that  this  is 
somewhat  darker  both  above  and  l)elow.  Size  the  same  and  eggs 
not  distinguishable  from  those  of  the  Wood  Phoebe. 


(Cantoi)us  virens). 

Found  in  Prince  Edward  Island,  Nova  Scotia,  New  Bruns- 
wick, Quebec,  Ontario  and  Manitoba,  probably  most  common  in 
southern  Ontario.  It  frequents  hardwood  forests,  and  places  its 
beautiful  lichen  covered  nest  often  on  the  upper  side  of  a  branch. 
It  lays  usually  three  eggs,  creamy,  with  bro^^^l  markings  especially 
at  the  larger  end.    Its  note  is  less  abrupt  than  tliat  of  the  common 


T'-k^,   '■■•  I  ^ 


i  Life-ai^e. 

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COrvKIOHT    <».iO,    tV  A.    W.    MUMrOND,   (  MIC«r.O 


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ph(»('))o, — souiidiii.u'  more  like  "pee-a-wee,"  and  to  us  very  plain- 
tive. Like  the  Olive-sided  Flycatcher  its  wings  are  longer  than  its 
tail,  and  when  standing  erect  it  does  not  usually  keep  them  closely 
folded  to  the  body,  hut  hanging  as  though  -^specially  ready  for  an- 
other dash  after  insects. 

In  coloration  it  is  extremely  like  the  connnon  phoebe,  but  in 
length  does  not  exceed  Bi/^  inches,  and  extends  under  11.  The  tar- 
sus is  not  longer  than  the  bill,  while  the  wing  is  about  one  half  inch 
longer  than  the  tail.    The  toes  a-  d  tarsus  are  very  slender. 


{Empidonax  flaviventris). 

Found  in  Newfoundland,  Nova  Scotia,  Now  Brunswick,  rare- 
'  A  western  Quebec  or  southern  Ontari(j,  but  occasionally  in  the 
"thern  parts  and  Manitoba,  plentiful  nowhere. 

Nest  on  a  mossy  log  in  a  damp  thicket,  eggs  four,  creamy 
white,  with  reddish  brown  Idotclies. 

Plumage  clear  olive  green  above,  paler  on  the  sides,  and  bright 
yellow  on  the  belly.  Breast  yellowish  olive  green.  Length  5  to  51/^ 


{Empidondx  trailii) . 

This  and  the  next  form  are  so  much  alike  that  only  experts 
can  with  certainty  identify  a  single  bird.  Its  range  is  cliictiy  from 
Manitoba  to  the  Pacific,  in  moist  woodland,  especially  willow 
thickets.  Its  nest  is  built  among  the  forked  twigs  of  shrubs,  and 
is  not  very  com[)act  but  deep.  Eggs  three  or  four,  blotched  creamy 

Plumage  dull  olive  brown  above,  darker  toward  the  head.  Be- 
low whitish  with  olive  on  the  sides  and  across  the  })reas't.  Lc:  fj^h 
51/2  to  6  inches,  extent  9  to  91/0. 


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(Empidonax  difficilis) . 

This  is  a  British  Columbia  form  very  like  the  Yellow-bellied 
Flycatcher,  but  the  .coloration  is  not  clear  olive  green  above  and 
bright  yellow  beloTv,  but  dingy  on  both  surfaces,  the  belly  being 
buff  or  ochre  colored.    Size  same  as  flaviventris. 


{Empidonax  traillii  ahiorum). 

This  is  the  eastern  fonn  of  the  last  described,  and  is  to  be  dis- 
tinguished only  by  its  brigiiter  plumage.  Its  range  is  from  New- 
foundland to  British  Columbia,  where  it  probably  merges  with  the 
preceding.    Size,  nest  and  habits  the  same. 


(Empidonax  m in imus) . 

This  is  a  common  little  bird  from  Newfoundland  to  the  Rocky 
^fountains,  and  it  goes  north  to  Fort  Simpson  on  the  Mackenzie 
River.  The  haunts  of  man  are  not  objectionable  to  it,  and  the 
orchard  and  shaded  city  streets  are  often  visited.  Its  nest  is  built 
in  an  upright  fork,  and  the  eggs  are  usually  four,  white  and  creamy 
and  unspotted.  Its  note  is  written  "che-bec"  and  its  nature  is 
much  more  lively  and  sociable  than  that  of  its  relative  the  Phoebe. 

lis  plumage  is  very  like  that  of  Traill's  Flycatcher,  but  more 
grayish  than  brown  above.  Sides  and  breast  with  a  tinge  of 
yellowish.    Length  5  to  Syo  inches,  extent  about  8. 


( E m pido nax  ha m m o n di ) . 

This  is  the  western  form  of  the  Least  Flycatcher,  its  range 
being  western  Alberta,  British  Columbia,  and  Alaska.    The  chief 



distinction  is  that  its  coloration  is  olive  gray  both  above  and  across 
the  breast,  the  belly  yellowish,  the  bill  very  small  and  narrow,  and 
the  tail  decidedly  forked.   Length  under  6  inches. 




About  100  species  of  larks  are  known,  but  in  Canada  we  have 
one   of   these   species,    with,   however,   many   interesting 


(Otocoris  alpestris). 

This  is  the  type,  of  which  most  Canadian  larks  are  varieties. 
It  occurs  from  the  Atlantic  to  the  western  part  of  Ontario,  but  is 
rare  in  southern  Ontario  west  of  Kingston,  "i .  is  common  in  Lab- 
rador and  about  Hudson  Bay  and  is  occasionally  taken  about  Otta- 
wa and  Georgian  Bay.  Homed  Larks  are  plentiful  in  winter  and 
spring  along  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Ontario,  but  I  believe  all  that 
I  have  seen  to  be  the  i'  -airie  form, — variety  praticola.  In  winter 
they  associate  with  the  Snowbirds,  but  in  spring  they  are  usually 
in  pairs  flitting  along  the  roads,  gleaning  from  dropped  seeds  and 
from  wayside  weeds.  They  are  not  alanned  by  the  approach  of 
horses  or  men,  and  often  run  for  some  distance  just  ahead  of  a 
team,  then  rise  and  swing  bacxv  to  their  interrupted  feast. 

The  crown,  neck,  back,  rump  and  wings  are  grayish  brown 
with  a  pinkish  tint,  especially  on  the  nape,  wing  coverts,  and  rump. 
The  throat  patch  and  a  line  over  the  eye  are  sulphur  yellow.  A 
black  band  crosses  the  breast;  there  is  also  a  black  patch  below  each 
eye,  reaching  from  the  bill  to  the  side  of  the  neck,  and  a  black  bar 
across  the  forhead  extending  backward  as  erectile  horns  over  each 
eye.    The  lower  surface  is  white  with  brownish  on  the  sides.    The 


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bill  is  short,  the  hind  claw  long  and  nearly  straight.    Length  7  to 
71/.  inches,  extent  13  to  14,  wing  4I/4  to  4"?4. 

The  following  varieties  are  separated  by  systematisits  but  are 
found  to  grade  into  each  other.  Pallid  Horned  Lark — Otocoris 
alpestn's  arcticola.  This  fonn  belongs  to  Alaska  and  British  Col- 
umbia, but  may  not  be  confined  to  those  regions.  Prairie  Horned 
Lark.  ().  a.  />raticola.  This  is  the  commonest  form  in  southern 
Ontario  and  differs  from  the  type  in  the  lighter  tone  of  the  plum- 
age. The  upper  parts  are  gray  rather  than  brown,  and  the  yellow 
patch  is  pale  or  replaced  by  white.  In  size  it  is  slightly  smaller 
than  the  type ;  wing  under  4y>  inches.  It  nests  with  us  very  early 
in  spring,  as  soon  as  the  ground  is  bare  in  March,  and  the  first  lot 
of  eggs  may  suffer  freezing.  The  nest  is  of  grass  and  fairly  well 
hidden  on  the  ground  of  a  meadow  or  pasture.  The  eggs  are 
bluish  or  greenish  white,  evenly  speckled  with  brown.  Like  the 
Skylark  the  Horned  lark  sings  when  flying  upward,  but  more  usu- 
ally when  perched  on  a  lump  of  earth  or  a  knoll.  Its  song  is  sel- 
dom heard  in  Ontario,  but  quite  freciuently  on  the  prairies.  The 
Desert  Horned  Lark  is  a  still  paler  form  with  less  black 
about  the  head  and  more  white.  Its  range  in  Canada  is  along  the 
boundary  of  the  United  States  from  ^Manitoba  to  the  prairies.  The 
Dusky  Horned  Lark— southern  British  Columbia  and  the  forested 
regions  south  of  it  are  the  ranges  of  this  darker  and  smaller  form, 
The  hair-splitting  divisions  of  which  the  varieties  of  the  Horned 
Lark,  are  a  type,  may  have  some  value  to  the  professional  orni- 
thologist, but  certainly  none  to  the  general  student  and  bird-lover. 




This  well  known  family  includes  the  inajjpies,  jays,  crows, 
and  ravens.  All  have  loud  and  unpleasant  voices,  and  most  of 
them  are  persistent  in  utterinj;  their  calls.  In  general  intelligence 
they  rank  high  an  -ng  birds,  and  some  show  considerable  courage 
and  adroitness  in  stealing  food.  They  all  possess  long,  sharp, 
strong  bills,  and  are  onmivorous  feeders. 


(Pica  pica  Jntdsonica). 
Although  occasionally  wandering  as  far  east  as  Montreal,  the 
magpie  is,  as  yet,  a  bird  of  the  western  plains.  It  seems  more 
numerous  in  Alberta  than  further  east,  and  is  described  as  a 
conunon  I'esident  in  British  (Vdumbia  and  in  Alaska.  No  clear 
distinction  seems  jmssible  between  this  and  the  European  form. 
They  nesit  usually  in  a  thicket  or  low  tree,  the  structure  being 
about  as  large  as  a  bushel  basket  and  built  of  strong  sticks.  A 
roof  of  sticks  is  also  provided,  the  entrance  to  the  cup-like  clay 
nest  itself  being  from  the  side.  Eggs  from  six  to  ten,  gi-eeuish  or 
gray.  Like  the  other  members  of  the  family  they  are  blamed  for 
carrying  away  for  food  the  young  of  other  birds.  They  eat  car- 
rion, insects,  mice,  and  seeds  as  well  as  fruits.  Plumage  glossy 
black,  with  green  and  blue  lustre,  especially  on  wings  and  tail. 
Lower  part  white  from  the  breast  to  the  tail,  also  a  patch  on  each 
shoulder,  grayish  on  throat  and  middle  of  back.  Bill  black,  wings 
short  and  round,  tail  nearly  a  foot  long,  of  graduated  feathers. 
Length  18  to  20  inches,  extent  about  35  inches.  Female  like  the 
male  but  slightly  smaller. 


{Cyanocitta  criatata). 
Like  the  othei's  of  the  Crow  family,  the  Blue  Jay  resides  in 
considerable  numbers  through  all  the  year  in   southern   Canada, 


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anv  migration  that  may  occur  being   to   a   region   but  slightly 
south  of  the  nesting  district.    This  species  ranges  from  the  At- 
lantic to  the  plains  of  Albei-ta.    Among  the  mountains,  even  m 
Alberta,  Steller's  Jay  is  more  likely  to  be  seen.    Wherever  found 
the  Blue  Jav  is  the  same  noisy,  busy  thief,  quiet  enough  however, 
when  actually  robbing  you.    The  eggs  and  the  young  of  other  birds 
are  likely  to'suffer  from  his  appetite,  the  nuts  of  oak  and  beech^ 
the  fruit  of  hawthorn  and  domestic  cherry  tree  are  all  welcome  t» 
him,  while  the  corn  crib  or  a  piece  of  exposed  meat  will  always 
claim  his  attention.    His  beautiful  coloring,  his  reckless  manner 
when  not  feeding,  and  his  pi^sence  through  the  winter  give  him 
however,  a  strong  claim  on  our  sympathies.  Jays  frequently  trave 
about  in  small  bands  and  seem  to  greatly  enjoy  ^^x)rrying  owls  and 
hawks.    Their  notes  are  very  loud,  clear  and  varied,  and  some  even 
claim  for  them  powers  of  mimicry  and  ventriloquism.    A  nest 
which  I  saw  in  the  spring  of  1912  occupied  by  the  bird,  was  on  a 
horizontal  hemlock  bough  about  twelve  feet  from  the  ground.    The 
tree  stood  on  the  edge  of  a  swamp  in  Frontenac  Oounty,  and  within 
a  mile  of  Lake  Ontario.    The  nest  was  made  of  sticks,  moss  and 
irmd     Thev  lav  four  or  five  eggs,  gray  with  broNvn  markings. 
Wings  and  taif  rich  blue  with  white  tips  and  black  bai^-    ^ack 
crravish  blue,  lower  surface  bluish  gray,  almost  white  on  belly  and 
crissum.    A  black  collar  crosses  between  throat  and  breast  and 
reaches  on  the  hind  head  up  to  the  crest  which  is  dark  at  the  base 
in  front.    Tail  rounded.    Length  11  to  12,  extent  16  to  18  inches. 

(Cyanocetta  stelleri). 
This  bird  belongs  to  the  Rocky  Mountain  region  from  Cali- 
fornia to  Alaska  being  especially  related  to  the  Coast  Range  al- 
though  I  saw  one  in  Crow's  Nest  Pass  on  the  Alberta  side  of  the 
summit.  Color  soft  black  on  head,  neck  and  back  but  Passmg  mEb 
dull  blue  towards  the  rump.    Tail  and  wings  dark  blue  with  black 


h  ', 

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bars.  Size  alwiit  that  of  the  eastern  Blue  Jay.  The  variety  of 
Steller's  Jay  ki]o\vii  as  the  Black  Headed  Jay  shows  whitish 
patches  about  the  eyes,  and  bluisih  streaks  on  the  forehead,  such 
as  characterize  the  Long-crest  Jay  of  Wyoming  and  Mexico.  It 
niav  be  a  hvbrid. 


{Pcrisorcus  canadensis). 
All  of  Canada  east  of  the  Rocky  Mountains  and  as  far  north 
as  the  forest  ex-tends  is  the  home  of  the  "AVhisky  Jack."  It  nests 
in  Alberta  in  March,  the  young  being  hatched  sometimes  while  the 
temperature  is  below  ze-o.  The  nest  is  thick,  deep  and  well-lined, 
placed  in  either  evergree. .  or  broadleafed  trees.  The  eggs  are  four 
or  five,  pale  green  or  gray,  dotted  with  brownish.  The  notable 
characterifftic  of  the  Canada  Jay  is  its  fearlessness.  The  oamp 
fire  of  the  lonely  traveller  is  visited  apparently  in  a  spirit  of  com- 
radeship, but  no  opiwrtuuity  of  taking  food  is  allowed  to  slip. 
The  notes  of  the  bird  are  in  many  tones  but  few  of  them  are  musi- 
cal. Its  food  is  varied,  nuts  forming  the  staple.  The  plumage  of 
this  northern  bird  is  very  fluffy  and  fur-like,  not  at  all  close  fit- 
ting but  almost  shaggy;  the  front  of  the  head  is  white,  the  back  of 
the  head  and  nock  black.  The  back,  wings,  and  tail  are  gray,  as 
are  the  under  parts  except  the  neck,  which  is  white.  Lenjrth  11 
to  12  inches.  ^ 


(Perisoreus  canadensis  capitalis). 
This  is  a  variety  of  the  Canada  Jay  found  throughout  British 
Columbia.  It  is  said  to  be  easily  distinguishable  from  the  eastern 
form  by  the  lead  gray  instead  of  ashy  gray  color,  with  blackish 
wmgs  and  tail,  the  feathers  tipped  and  edged  with  whitish.  Lower 
surface  paler,  shading  into  whitish  on  breast  and  neck.  The  fi-ont 
of  the  head  distinctly  whitish.  Length  12  to  13,  and  extent  17 






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THE    NEW    CANADl  \X     I'lH)    BOOK 


( l*('risontis  fn  in  if  runs ) . 

This  is  a  darker  t'  cf  the  Canada  Jay,  '  -and  .  nly  in  the 
coast  repion.  Tt  has  little  whitish  ..n  the  hea.l,  while  the  wings, 
back  and  tail  are  slaty  hlaek. 


( Prrisorciis  h  i(j  tied  pill  k-s)  . 

This  is  a  form  said  to  be   l..eally   eoniinon    in    northeastern 

Labra.lor,  brc.edin,ii  at  Ungava   Hay,  and  also  resident  in  New- 

fonndland.    It  is  .listinguishe.l  by  the  greater  eontrast  between  the 

white  of  the  forehead  and  neck  and  the  bla-k  of  t..e  head  which 

c( tines  forward  to  the  eye. 

All  other  parts  tend  to  be  dark  slate  rather  than  ashy  grav. 
The  nests  and  eg!,^s  of  the  varieties  are  not  distinguishable  from 
those  of  the  type. 

(Pcrisorcus  ohscurns) . 
Southern  British  Oolumbia  shares  with  Washing!  n,  Oregon 
and  northern  California  in  entertaining  this  smaller  my,  which 
differs  from  the  Canada  Jay  in  having  a  brownish  i.aher  han 
lead  grav  cast.  The  back  feathers  ha  white  shaft  st  npt-s  anc  the 
lower  surface  is  altogether  whitish.  Hood  black,  for.  e;id  whre, 
Length  10  to  11  inches. 

{Pcrisortus  (jriseus ) . 
This  variety  is  said  to  be  wmimon  in  some  distri-      <■?  Brr 
Columbia,  and  to  be  distinguishable  as  beii  -  like  the  la&x  bu^  n.n,^ 
gray  instead  of  brownish,  the  under  parts  -rayish    whi 
brownish  white. 



{(■oi    lis  vi,     .r />ri    'I'lutlis). 

Til.   Ii;i  -en  r.ui.  cs  fi     11  the  Atlan     •  to  the  l*ac,tic  inni  A 
but  is  scI.Imiii  seen  m  sou  hem  (^ucImv  or  Ontario.     It  lir< 
th-  far  jn.rtu  as   \  -11  as  in  iiortiiern  L.ihrador  .uk'  Briti  h  < 
bia.     Its  first  is  .Ic  -crilwd  as  well  nradc  of  sticks  .uifl    ... 
with  urass,  hail- and  wool.    Jt  is  usually  j. laced -s     i,    jnac. 
ledi,"   of  a  eliii.  i>iit  tnay  be  built  hi<:h  in  ;in         -.rreen.     \ 
ever  ;.<»ssi))l<    its  food  is  of  animal  ii,,tur'     a 
a  rack  any  vunng  or  weak  creature,  such  ;     v( 
try,  etc.    I    roos  tra    <  of  the  bait  or  the  ca] 
hea-ily  hat-d  l)y  tl      idiabitants  of  the  fai 
the  r.^en  is  well  knoun,  but  like  other- 
j>rod    •••  a  va  '-iety  of  loud,  hai-sh  sounds. 
1  Mie  1   Hections.    Throat  feathers,  '     <;, 
ol  i)ill  ill   ny     dm<  ■,  tiireo  inches,  de] 
22  to  2".     icii*      expanse  50  inches. 


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(Corvus  iuiK   Ic      IS). 

From  the  Atlantic  to  the  Rock  ountaius  the  crow  is  found, 
but  not  mucli  farther  north  than  Y(,jk  Factory,  Hudson  Bay.  in 
southern  Canada  they  are  very  plentiful,  I  reedinj;  in  trees  some- 
times within  ten  feet  of  the  ground,  but  more  often  up  twenty  feet 
or  more.  The  nest  is  strong  and  well  made,  auu  i  hey  lay  in  March 
or  April  five  or  six  greenish  egg-  thickly  mark(  dWit'h  dots  and 
splashes  of  brown.  They  arc  decidedly  sociable  before  and  after 
the  nesting  season,  roostin-  u.  '  cks  in  some  quiet  evergi-een 
grove.  I  have  counted  i?i  agust  609  crows  flying  towards  their 
i"oost  from  one  particular  direction,  and  as  '  tii,.i.  flights  centred 
toward  the  same  pohn,  tliere  must  have  beei  several  hundred 
birds  in  that  rendezvous.  In  autumn,  every  mornu.g  sees  a  large  de- 





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tachment  directing  their  flight  toward  a  certain  hunting  ground, 
where  thev  do  excellent  service  in  destroying  crickets,  grasshop- 
pers  mice,  ar>d  other  vermin.    Just  before  sunset  they  straggle 
home  for  the  night,  the  flight  lasting  about  an  hour.    Apparently 
about  ten  per  cent,  of  them  remain  about  the  north  shore  of  Lake 
Ontario  during  the  winter,  visiting  the  garbage  dumps  from  abat- 
toirs the  edges  of  open  waters,  and  every  place  that  carrion  or  other 
refuse  mav  be  had.    Although  willing  to  raise  seed  com,  if  any- 
one will  plant  it  for  him,  also  willing  to  eat  chickens  and  other 
voung  birds,  and  in  fall  to  strip  away  the  husks  and  gather  corn 
from  the  ear,  we  must  confess  that  the  mischief  done  is  confined  to 
onlv  a  few  weeks  of  the  year,  while  during  all  the  remainder  he 
works  untiringlv  for  us  in  the  destruction  of  small  rodents  and 
harmful  insects.    We  agree  that  the  crow  is  not  decreasmg  in 
numbers,  but  is  well  able  to  care  for  himself.    Plumage  entirely 
black,  with  blue  or  pui-pHsh  reflections.    No  lengthened  feathers 
on  the  neck.    Length  about  19  inches,  bill  under  2  inches. 

■  1  ' 

R    •    r  ■ 

'1  < 

{Corvus  caurinus). 

This  small  Fish  Crow  belongs  to  the  Pacific  Coast  from  the 
Columbia  River  north  to  Alaska,  being  especially  plentiful  on 
Vancouver  Island.  In  the  interior  of  British  Columbia  it  is  less 
common.  Eggs  4  or  5,  like  those  of  the  common  crow  but  smaller. 
Its  food  is  chiefly  fish,  and  the  eggs  and  young  of  such  birds  as 
nest  on  the  shores  and  cliffs. 

Plumage  black  as  in  the  common  crow.  Length  14  to  16 
inches,  bill  1%  to  2  inches  along  the  cuhnen.     Tarsus   under. 2 





(Nucefrage  columhiana) . 

Throughout  British  Oohunbia  this  crow  takes  the  place  of  the 
form  common  in  the  east.  It  is  distinguished  bj-  its  color  which  is 
gray,  almost  hite  on  the  head,  and  with  black  and  white  wings  and 
tail.  The  bill  is  more  slender  and  acute  than  that  of  the  eastern 
crow.  Its  home  is  among  coniferous  forests,  and  its  food  is 
largely  derived  from  the  pine  cones.  Its  nest  is  built  on  a  hori- 
zontal branch  of  an  evergreen,  of  sticks  with  strips  of  bark  and 
fibrous  grasses.  The  eggs,  2  or  3  are  grayish  green,  blotched  with 
brown.    Length  of  bird  about  12yo,  extent  about  22  inches. 


(Family  ictcridac). 

This  group  resembles  the  FringUlidae  or  Finch  family  in 
many  particulars,  such  as  angulated  commissure,— that  is  the  in- 
ner angles  of  the  opening  of  the  beak  are  drawn  down,— also  in 
possessing  only  9  primaries.  In  beaks,  however,  they  are  more 
like  the  Crows,  the  bill  being  not  strictly  coneshaped,  but  usually 
as  long  or  longer  than  the  head,  tapering  to  an  acute  point,  and  ex- 
tending up  on  the  forehead.  The  feet  are  large  and  strong,  and 
fitted  for  walking  on  the  ground.  The  Bobolink  is  most  like  the 
Finches,  and  the  Grackles  most  like  the  Crows. 


{Dolichonyx  oryzivorus). 

The  range  of  the  Bobolink  is  that  of  a  bird  whose  home  is 
chiefly  to  the  south  of  our  boundary.  It  is  not  plentiful  in  Nova 
Scotia  except  in  the  southwest,  but  abundant  in  New  Brunswick, 
southern  Quebec  and  Ontario,  the  prairie  districts  of  Manitoba, 
and  southern  Saskatchewan.    Rare  west  of  that  province.    It  is 




^•1  1 


very  abundant  in  every  clover  field  and  meadow  along  the  Lake 
Ontario  shore,  nesting  freely,  and  making  tlie  June  atmosphere 
jingle  with  its  joyous  overflow  of  song.  The  female  is  careful  to 
run  some  distance  before  rising,  so  that  the  nest  is  not  very  readily 
found.  Eggs  5  to  7,  grayish  with  brown  blotches.  Although  eat- 
ing seeds,  it  is  not  considered  destructive  in  the  north,  but  when 
the  young  are  full  grown,  and  the  male  has  adopted  the  quiet  plu- 
mage of  the  female,  it  returns  to  the  southern  states  where  it  be- 
comes the  "reed  bird"  and  attacks  the  rice  and  oat  fields  in  flocks, 
doing  much  damage.  Becoming  fat  on  this  good  fare,  it  attracts 
the  attention  of  epicures,  and  is  killed  in  great  numbers  for  the 
table.    Served  as  "reed  birds"  or  "ortolans"  it  is  considered  a 


The  plumage  of  the  male  in  spring  is  very  different  from  that 
of  the  female  or  ^-oung,  or  of  the  male  during  ^■h  summer, 
autumn,  and  winter.  The  head  and  under  parts  a.e  black,  the 
back  of  the  neck  light  yellow,  the  middle  of  the  back  striped  black 
and  buff,  the  shoulders  and  lower  back  whitish,  the  tail  black 
with  pointed  tips.  The  female  is  olive  brown  above,  streaked  with 
black,  below  brownish  yellow.  The  crown  is  dark  with  a  central 
stripe  of  brownish  buff.  Young  similar.  Length  about  7  inches, 
extent  about  12. 


(Molothrns  ater). 

From  New  Brunswick  westward  into  British  Columbia  we 
have  records  of  this  reprehensible  bird,  but  it  seems  not  to  visit 
the  far  east  nor  the  far  west  of  Canada.  Thi-ough  southern  Que- 
bec, Ontario,  .Manitoba,  and  Saskatchewan  it  is  plentiful,  arriving 
from  the  south  in  early  April,  and  in  small  groups  they  are  soon 
exploring  the  meadows  and  pastures,  apparently  for  insects.  So 
far  as  known  these  birds  do  not  pair,  but  the  female  accepts  the 









K  Life-lite. 

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attention  of  any  convenient  male.  With  an  equally  debased  moral 
sense,  she  builds  no  nest,  but  sneaks  away  from  her  comi)anions 
only  long  enough  to  drop  an  egg  into  the  nest  of  any  smaller  bird 
that  can  be  found.  This  is  a  case  of  true  i)arasitism,  the  hosts 
being  called  upon  to  incubate  and  feed  the  changling  offspring,  al- 
most alwaj's  at  the  cost  of  their  own  whole  brood.  The  young  in- 
truder hatches  eaxlier,  grows  faster,  makes  greedier  appeals  for 
food,  and  usually  monoi^lizes  their  entire  efforts. 

In  this  way  large  flocks  of  these  Cowbirds  are  reared,  because, 
with  uncanny  knowledge,  the  foster  parents  are  desei-ted  by  the 
young  when  no  longer  needed,  and  their  own  kind  is  recognized  as 
proper  associates  for  the  autumn  months  of  ])lenty.  A  long  list 
could  be  made  of  the  names  of  birds  known  to  be  the  victims  of  the 
parasitic  habit  of  the  Qmbird.  Davie  lists  several  Warblers,  the 
House  Wren,  the  Vireos,  Indigo  Bunting,  Sparrows,  Goldfinch, 
Phoebes  and  other  Flycatchers,  Bluebirds,  Orioles.  Tanager,  the 
Kingbird,  Towhee,  Horned  Lark,  Thrushes,  K'ed-headed  Wood- 
pecker, and  Mourning  Dove.  The  facts  are  not  well  known  con- 
cerning all  of  these,  but  it  is  certain  that  many  birds  of  many  kinds 
waste  their  paternal  care  to  inerease  the  numbers  of  this  "ac- 
knowledged villain"  in  feathers.  Eggs  various,  but  usually  dull 
white  with  brown  dots  or  blotches.  The  male  is  glossv  black,  ex- 
cept the  head  and  neck,  which  are  brownish.  The  female  is  small- 
er and  brownish  gray,  paler  below.  Length  7i/.  to  8  inches 
extent  13i/£>.  *"  ' 


(Xanthoci  phalus  xanthocrphahts). 

From  Manitoba  to  the  interior  of  British  Columbia  the 
Yellow-head  is  found,  being  most  abundant  in  southern  Saskatch- 
ewan. Accidental  stragglers  have  been  taken  near  Toronto.  Its 
habits  seem  to  be  much  like  those  of  the  Red^winged  Blackbird, 
with  which  it  often  associates.    Its  nest  is  hung  among  the  cat- 



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tails  and  rushes,  which  are  woven  together  to  form  it.  While  light 
in  structure  it  is  well  able  to  carry  the  eggs,  usually  four  or  five  in 
number,  grayish  or  greenish  w^ite,  speckled  obscurely  with 

Plumage  of  the  male  black,  except  a  white  patch  on  each  wing, 
and  the  whole  head,  neck,  and  breast  which  are  bright  vellow,  ap- 
proaching orange.  The  belly  is  also  yellowish.  A  black  ring 
around  the  eyes.  The  female  is  dark  brown,  with  no  wing  patches, 
only  dull  yellow  on  the  breast,  throat,  and  a  line  over  the  eye.  In 
length  the  male  is  10  to  11  inches,  extent  about  17,  while  the  female 
is  only  8  to  91/2  inches  long,  with  extent  of  14  or  less. 

h  -f 


* '  I- 


(Agclaius  phocniceus). 

Rare  in  Nova  Scotia,  but  plentiful  from  New  Brunswick, 
through  Quebec  and  Ontario,  and  especially  numerous  in  all  the 
marshes  near  Lake  Ontario,  the  Redwing  is  one  of  our  most  wel- 
come harbingers  of  spring.  The  males  arrive  in  small  flocks  as 
soon  as  the  ice  begins  to  loosen  from  the  shores  of  the  bays,  and 
from  then  until  July  these  arc  the  most  numerous  and  conspicuous 
inhabitants  of  our  marshes.  Three  calls  are  readily  noted— a  short 
1 1  chuck,"  "chuck";  a  high-pitched  expression  of  suspicion 
'*chee-e-e-e,"  as  he  flies  about  warning  off  intruders,  and  a  satis- 
fied long-drawn  ''o-ke-lee"  or  '*con-ker-ee-e,"  from  a  treetop 
when  the  danger  has  passed  away. 

The  females  come  later  than  the  males,  and  during  early  May 
nest-building  and  housekeeping  are  the  order  of  every  day.  The 
nests  are  usually  built  in  the  bushes  bordering  or  among  the  reeds. 
The  eggs,  three  to  five  in  number,  are  pale  bluish  or  greenish,  with 
blotches  and  scrawls  of  blackish.  Upper  wing  coverts  scarlet 
lower  coverts  yellowish  or  whitish.  Otherwise  the  plumage  of  the 
male  is  black.    The  female  is  blackish  brown  with  paler  streaks, 



below  whitish  with  black  streaks.  Wings  blackish,  with  yellowish 
and  s(»nietinK'S  reddish  on  the  coverts.  Length  of  male  about  10, 
of  female  iii/L'  inches. 






(Sturnella  magna). 

This  bird,  belonging  to  the  blackbirds,  not  the  larks,  is  rare 
from  Montreal  eastwards,  and  extends  its  range  but  little  north  of 
Ottawa  and  Lake  Huron.  It  is  very  common  in  southern  Ontario, 
and  occasionally  winters  here.  Few  meadows  near  lakes  Ontario 
or  Erie  are  without  one  or  several  pairs  of  Meadowlarks  during 
th(;  summer,  and  its  peculiar  flight — a  few  rapid  wing  beats,  then 
a  long  glide,  to  be  repeated  until  with  a  curve  to  right  or  left  it 
alights  again  on  the  ground— singles  it  out  from  all  our  other  field 
birds  of  eastern  Ontario.  This  is  the  method  of  the  Bobwhite  and 
the  Ruffed  Grouse,  but  the  Meadowlark  entirely  lacks  the  speed 
with  wliifth  the  game  birds  dash  away  for  safety. 

Its  earth-loving  habits  are  sliown  by  the  awkwardness  with 
which  it  alights  on  a  fence  or  treetop,  often  nearly  falling  forward 
as  it  strikes  the  desired  perch.  The  nest  of  the  Meadowlark  is 
built  in  a  tuft  of  grass  or  weeds,  woven  of  stalks  and  le;ives  of  the 
surrounding  grasses,  and  often  arched  over,  even  for  some  dis- 
tance from  the  eggs.  These  latter  number  four  to  six,  w'hite, 
speckled  with  reddish  brown  or  purple.  Its  food  is  largely  of 
animal  origin— grasshoppei-s,  beetles,  spiders,  moths,  snails — as 
well  as  grain  and  weed  seeds. 

The  plumage  of  the  back  is  black,  but  each  feather  is  bordered 
witli  yellowish,  and  tipped  with  reddish  browm.  The  neck  feath- 
ers are  of  the  same  pattern  but  finer,  the  erowii  has  a  central  buff 
line,  on  each  side  of  which  is  a  dark  line;  outside  of  these  again  is 
a  light  stripe  over  each  eye  and  ear.  The  throat,  breast,  and  upper 
belly  are  bright  yellow,  with  a  large  black  crescent  on  the  breast. 


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The  sides  and  lower  belly  are  light  yellow  with  black  streaks.  The 
female  is  similar,  but  with  duller  black  and  yellow.  Length  of  the 
male  10  to  11  inches,  the  female  1  inch  less. 


(Sturnella  magna  neglect  a). 

This  variety  of  the  Meadowlark  is  the  form  found  from 
Manitoba  to  Vancouver  Island  in  all  the  open  country,  but  does 
not  extend  its  range  north  of  the  Saskatchewan. 

The  nest  and  eggs  are  said  to  be  indistinguishable  from  those 
of  the  eastern  form.  Its  note  is,  however,  very  loud,  clear,  and 
sweet,  and  may  be  heard  from  the  tops  of  trees  and  telephone  poles 
even  well  within  the  sub-divisions  fringing  the  western  cities. 
Like  the  typical  form  the  parents  share  with  each  other  the  duties 
of  incubation,  and  are  very  faithful  and  gentle,  in^lustrious,  timid, 
stupid,  and  harmless,  like  good  average  citizens. 

In  color  the  blacks  and  reddish  browns  of  Sturnella  magna 
are  reduced  to  grays,  the  yellow  of  the  breast  extends  to  the 
cheeks,  and  tlie  bars  on  the  wings  and  tail  are  blackish  and  gray 


The  Orioles  are  a  bright  colored  race,  and  we  are  glad  to  have 
in  our  somewhat,  sombre  northern  trees  such  brilliant  flashes  of 
color  and  music  as  are  furnished  by  the  three  species  that  come 
to  us. 


{Icterus  spurius). 
This,  the  dullest  in  color,  is  a  most  excellent  musician,  and  a 
very  generous  songster,  as  are  all  the  Oriole  family.    It  has  been 
taken  in  New  Brunswick  and  Maine,  and  reaches  south-western 




!l  Lilf  sue. 

COrvKIGMT    MOti.   Iv  A.    W,   HUMFOMD     CHICA60 


Outniio  regularly,  but  its  home  is  Kansas,  Nebraska  and  Texas. 
I  have  seen  it  only  near  Ingereoll,  in  Oxford  County.  Its  nest  is 
said  t(«  be  a  masterpiece  of  weaving,  in  which  both  birds  partici- 
pate, usin--  the  long  stalks  and  leaves  of  grass,  which  remain 
greenish  for  some  time,  and  so  assist  in  concealing  the  structure. 
The  nest  is  not  always  completely  pensile  and  is  fastened  gener- 
ally within  fifteen  feet  of  the  ground.  The  eggs  are  usually  five 
in  number,  bluish  white,  sjuxtted  and  blotched  especially  near  the 
larger  end  with  blackish. 

The  male  lias  the  liead,  throat,  neck,  and  upper  back  black, 
the  rump,  shoulders,  breast,  and  belly  dcip  chestnut,  wings  and 
tail  black,  with  white  edges.  The  female  i^'  yellowish  olive  above, 
dull  yellowish  below,  wings  and  tail  brownish  with  white  edges. 
Length  about  7,  extent  alx)ut  10  inches,  bill  slender  and  very  acute. 


(Icterus  (jalhula). 

The  centre  of  abundance  of  this  beautiful  st)ngster  is  Ontario 
and  Manitoba.  It  is  found  somewhat  rarely  in  the  maritime  ])ro- 
vinces  and  eastern  Quebec,  but  from  Montreal  to  lidmonton  it  is 
plentiful,  apparently  extending  its  range  into  northern  Ontario. 

Throughout  southern  Ontario  few  birds  are  more  i)lentiful 
or  readily  seen  and  heard,  the  elm  trees  of  lawns,  parks,  and  road- 
sides being  very  frequently  the  sites  of  the  sacklike  nest.  Hung 
from  slender  tough  branches,  twenty  or  more  feet  up,  the  young 
orioles  are  literally  rocked  "in  the  treetop"  by  every  wind,  and 
are  fjuite  safe  from  cats  and  boys  whose  attention  might  be  drawn 
to  the  noisy  youngsters.  The  usually  five  eggs  are  white,  spotted 
or  blotched,  and  always  scrawled  with  tracings  in  black.  This  is 
a  very  useful  bird  to  the  farmer  and  gardener,  destrcying  prob- 
ably more  caterpillars  than  any  other  bird  except  possibly  the 
cuckoo.    Beetles,  bugs,  and  grasshoppers  are  added  to  its  good  re- 


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cord,  and  these  very  far  outweigh  the  brief  attacks  it  makes  on 
berries,  peas,  and  grapes. 

The  head,  neck,  throat,  ui)per  back,  and  wings  are  black ;  the 
bre  »st,  U'lly.  rump,  and  upper  wing  coverts  reddish  orange;  a 
little  white  on  the  edges  of  the  wings;  the  outer  tail  feathers 
orange,  middle  one  partly  black.  Female,  olive  black  and  dull 
orange.    Length  about  TV^  inches. 

E.  T.  Seton  has  found  that  a  nest  will  support  a  weight  of 
30  pounds. 


{Icterus  hullocki). 

Alberta  and  British  Columbia  are  the  only  Canadian  pro- 
vinces in  which  this  bird  is  at  home,  but  specimens  are  known  to 
have  wandered  much  farther  east.  Its  habits,  manners,  nest,  and 
eggs  art  very  like  those  of  the  Baltimore  Oriole.  Like  the  others 
it  Jives  among  trees  wherever  possible.  Its  colors  are  orange  and 
black,  like  the  last,  but  the  orange  extends  over  the  neck,  forehead, 
and  sides  of  the  head.  The  middle  and  greater  wing  coverts  are 
white.  The  female  closely  resembles  that  of  the  Baltimore.  Size 
somcwlu*;:  greater  than  the  last,  the  length  averaging  8  inches. 


(Scolecophayus  caroUnus) . 

As  a  migrant  in  spring  and  fall  this  bird  is  common  from 
Nova  Scotia  to  Edmonton  in  Alberta.  Its  breeding  ground  is, 
however,  in  the  north — Labrador,  Magdalen  Islands,  Fort  Church- 
ill, Mackenzie  River  at  Fort  Good  Hope,  and  Alberta  near  Edmon- 
ton, are  localities  where  its  nests  have  been  foimd.  It  builds  in 
hushes  or  low  trees,  often  over  water,  and  lavs  four  to  six  gravish 
green  eggs,  marked  with  blotches  of  reddish  brown.  In  autumn 
it  associates  with  our  Red-winged  Blackbirds  and  Cowbirds,  and 










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feeds  on  wild  rice  and  the  gleanings  from  grain  fields.  It  is  the 
most  northern  of  our  blackbirds,  and  doubtless  collects  insects  for 
its  nestlings,  but  lives  as  a  seed  and  worm  eater  while  south  of  its 
nesting  range.  The  adult  male  in  early  summer  is  lustrous  black, 
with  green  metallic  reflections,  the  head  similar  to  the  other  uppei- 
parts.  Iris  creamy  to  lemon  yellow.  In  fall  the  adult  male  is 
glossy  black,  with  brown  edges  on  the  under  feathers.  The  young 
male,  like  the  female,  is  rusty  brown  above  and  grayish  brown 
below,  with  a  light  line  over  the  eye.    Length  9  inches,  extent  141/2. 

(Quisculus  quiscula  aeneus). 

Though  rare  in  Newfoundland  and  N.iva  Scotia,  the  Bronzed 
Crackle  is  abundant  in  New  Brunswick,  Quebec,  Ontario,  Mani- 
toba, Saskatchewan,  and  Alberta,  and  extends  its  breeding  grounds 
north  to  Hudson  Bay  and  Lesser  Slave  Lake.  This  is  so  prompt 
an  an-ival  in  .March,  after  a  few  days  of  warm  sunshine,  that  one 
musi  tliiiik  tlic'in  waiting  anxiously  for  signs  of  the  retreat  of  win- 
ter. They  tak.-  possession  of  city  parks  and  lawns,  as  well  as  coun- 
trv  districts,  ouilding  in  vines  and  coniices  about  railway  stations, 
churches,  and  all  other  kinds  of  large  !)iiildings,  unci  here  their 
creaking  notes  are  heard  all  day  long.  The  !iests  are  of  nnid  and 
vini'S,  lined  with  horsehair  or  other  fibrous  waste.  Eggs  l)luish  or 
greenish,  with  purplish  tracery  and  blotrhcs,  and  ger.<'i-:illy  five  in 
nuuibiT.  The  Bronzed  Crackle  will  apparently  eat  anytiiing  that 
contains  nouri'^linient,  and  certainly  attacks  tlie  rggs  and  nestlings 
of  smaller  birds. 

Adult  jnale  in  spring  with  shining  bronzy  black  lM)dy,  head, 
neck,  throat  and  the  upper  bresist  steel  blue,  while  the  wings  and 
tail  are  purplish  black  witliout  iridescent  bars.  The  iris  is  sulphur 
vcllow.  The  IVniale  is  duller,  with  l)rouiiish  on  the  back  and  belly. 
Leugih,  about  13  inches,  extent  about  18. 


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(Scolecophagus  cyanocephalus). 

From  the  Red  River  westward  to  the  Rockies  this  is  the  com- 
mon and  characteristic  blackbird,  and  in  the  open  districts  of 
Dritish  Cohimbia  it  is  quite  frequently  found.  Its  northward  dis- 
tribution seems  to  reach  not  further  than  the  Saskatchewan 
River.  It  nests  on  the  ground,  and  on  logs  or  in  low  bushes,  usu- 
ally near  a  pond.  The  eggs  number  five  or  six,  and  are  of  the  com- 
mon blackbird  type— grayish  green  with  brown  spotting  and 
blotching,  sometimes  resulting  in  a  nearly  brown  egg. 

In  food  and  habits  it  closely  resembles  the  Rusty  Grackle. 

The  adult  male  is  glossy  greenish  black,  with  blue  and  purple 
reflections  on  the  head.  Iris  creamy  to  lemon  yellow.  Length 
averaging  10  inches,  extent  about  16. 


Th-  laige  number  of  species  and  the  intergrading  forms  in 
this  ^  ,iily,  together  with  the  regional,  seasonal,  and  sexual  dif- 
ferences in  i>!umagc,  make  it ;»  very  difficult  group  to  analyze.  The 
following  key  is  largely  an  adaption  of  Ridgeway's  Kev,  with 
omissions  of  southern  forms,  and  additional  characters  where  it 
seemed  jxtssibie  to  make  the  distinctions  more  definite.  The  bill, 
feet,  and  other  parts  not  readily  changeable  are  used  as  far  as 
possible  in  describing  the  genera. 


1.  The  mandibles  Ix.tli  strongly  curved,  and  crossed  at  the  tip. 

Crossbills,  Loxin,  page  194 

2.  MandiHtes  not  crossed  at  tip: — 

2u.  Head  witii  a  iiigh    crest:    bill    nddsh,    very    large,    with 
stron-ly  curved  upper  rirlgo;  i>liniuige  red,  or  red  and  gray. 

Cardinal  (Jrosbeak,  L'tinlittaUH,  page  190 

f  I    t 


2b.  Ht'.ad  not  crested;  bill  j?reenish  yellow,  very  large,  ;*b  deep 
as  long;  plumage  yellow,  white,  and  black. 

Evening  Grosbeak,  Coccothrausfes,  pjige  151 

2c.  Head  not  crested;  bill  less  in  length  than  length  of  hind  toe 
and  claw : — 

3.  Length  over  8  inches;  nasal  tufts  covering  basal  third  of  upper 

mandible Pine  Grosbeak,  Piniroln,  ])aff('  192 

I3a.  Length  under  8  inches;  nasal  tufts  absent,  or  covering  nnich 

less  than  one-third  of  mandible : — 

4.  Gonys  with  curved  profile;  jduniage  streaked  alM>v*'.  Imt  not 
below;  no  red,  no  yellow  or  blue,  but  black  throat  and  v^hite 
wing  bar Donicstic  Spai-nuv,  Pasftcr.  }»aj^  193 

4a.  Gonys  with  almost  straight  profile : — 

5.  Primaries  longei-  than  secondaries  by  the  length  of  tlw  taraus : — 

6.  Wing  five  or  more  times  as  long  as  the  tarsus: — 

7.  Wing  more  than  3i/o  inches  long. 

a.  Length  of  bird  8  inches;  plumage  ch(»colate  hro^-n  with  red, 
especially  on  the  tail  coverts,  tail  i'eath»*rs  witltout  white, 
head  black  or  ashy  ....  I{(»sy  Finches,  LenroHtiHe,  }mge  196 

b.  Length  of  bird  under  8  inches;  j)luniage  rm-rttly  vrhite;  no 
red,  hind  claw  nt^arly  as  long  as  the  bill. 

Snowflake,  Fumk^  ritw ,  j>age  300 
7a.  Wing  less  than  ^y*  inches  long;  tail  forked: — 

7al.  Nasal  tufts  nearly  one-third  the   length  of  the  bill;  tail 
feathers  without  white  or  yellow:  <m'o\v!    red  in  adults. 

K('d{>oll.  AcaHthis,  j)age  197 
7a2.   Nasal  tufts  short  or  wanting;  tail  feathtrs  with  white  or 
vellow,  adults  with  nuich  vcllow  but  no  red. 

Ainrri<'an  < Joldtinch.  Axti'iKjuli^us,  page  198 
m\(\  Pine  Siskin.  Sjtiuun,  pag*"  199 
6a.  Wing  not  five  tinw^  .»  h-ny^  *«  UJi'sus: — 

Gal.  First  devehtpcd )  primary  )n<t  shorti-r  *han  die  fonrth: — 


5      ]{ 


THE    NEW     <.A>fAmAN     BIRD    BOOK 


6b.  Depth  of  ^11  at  base  aHi»ut  ciinal  to  ex|>»)sed  ciilmen;  mis- 
trils  with  small  tufts;  pluinajje  streaked  above  and  bel&w; 
maJ#  reddish,  no  yellow,  m>  while  on   t:\\l  ■    female   olive, 

hr 'Wi!.  and  white Purple  Finch,  Cm  ttodarns,  ])a^  192 

6bl.  Depth  of  bill  at  base  h's.v  than  les^h  oi  euliaen;  j^uaaage 
without  red,  Imt  with  white  oa  faua^ — 
6c.  Middle  tail  feathers  shorter  than  outer,  and  narrow  and 
pointed  at  the  tips:  hind  claw  lonsj  and  nearly  -straight:— 
6el.  Gonys  shorter  than  hiiul  tut-  with«)ut  daw;  male  wcith  chest- 
nut collar,  and  obli(|tu'  white  -|Mtts  on  tail. 

Lapland  Luiurspur.  '  'alranus,  page  20<i 
e2.  Gonys  longer  than  hind  to<'  with**ut  claw,  bifi  swollen;  no 
collar:  transverse  white  siKits  on  tail. 

Black-breasred  Loncfripur,  MhtmHlio/tltf^m      paire  202 
d.  Tail  rounded,  middle  feathers  not  narrow  and  |M..iiited,  init 
white  tij)ped:  hind  claw  uoT  long  nor  srraiirht. 

Lark  Siparrow,  ('m-HdeMes.  pacE^OS 
6a2.  First  (  d«\'.'1oped  )  primary  shorter  than  tBe  fourth;  bill  very 
stout;  male  with  rose  or  orantie  breast;  fenmleii  with  yellow 
under  the  wings. 

Tiose-breasted  (TioHW»-aks,  Hnhia,  page  190 
5a.  Primaries  but  little  longer  tkm  seccmdaries: — 
Sal.  Tail  feathers  narrow,  middle  ones  sharp-pointed: — 

5b.  .Middle  toe  with  claw  short<'i-  than  tarsus;  outer  tail  feath- 
ers white,  bend  of  wing  chestnut. 

Vesper  Sparrow.  Pooecctes,  page  203 
5bl.  Middle  toe  with  claw  not  shorter  than  tarsus;  outer  tail 
feathers  not  white;  bend  of  wing  yellow: — 
5c.  JJreast,  edge  of  wing,  and  li?ie  over  eye,  yellow;  throat  with 

black  patch  or  stripes Dickcissel,  Sinza,  page  225 

5d.  Breast  without  yellow;  throat  without  black,  bill  some- 
what slender. 
Beach  and  (irasshojiper  Sparrows,  Ammndmmus,  page  205 



5a2.  Tail  foatliei*s  not  narrow  nor  shar])-i»ointe(l: — 

b.  Hind  claw  decidedly  longer  than  liind  toe: — 

bl.  Bill  tapering  rapidly  to  an  acute  tip;  nostrils  concealed 
by  feathers;  pliiinage  streaked  above  and  below. 

l''ox  Sparrows,  Passcrella,  page  219 

b2.  Bill  tapering  gradually  to  an  ol)tuse  tip,  nostrils  ex- 
l>osed;  plumage  mostly  black,  chestnut,  and  white,  but 
not  streaked Towhees,  Pijiilo,  page  221 

c.  Hind  cUiw  scarcely  longer  than  hind  toe: — 

cl.  Inner  secondaries  nearly  as  long  as  any  of  the  primar- 
ies; large  white  wing  patch. 

Lark  Bunting.  (Utlamoapiza,  page  226 

c2.  Inner  secondaries  not  nearly  as   long   as   the   longest 
primaries : — 

d.  Outer  tail  feathers    white,   })lumage    slate   or   ashy,    not 
streaked Sn(»w  Sparrows,  Jum-a,  ]nige  215 

e.  Outer  tail  feathers  not  xvhitf>: — 

el.  Liiwer  mandible  mikrii  deeper  than    the    .ipper;    male 
bliu*  or  greenish.  .  .  .  Indigc*  Bird,  Ct/anos/n'za,  paire  224 
e2.  Lower  mandiljie  not  deei>er  than  upper;  phmiage  not 
blue,  but  streakefi  al»ove: — 

f.  Tail  forked  somewuat;  phunage  without  ytljow  and  not 
streaked  behnv  .  .  .  .rhipping  Sparrows,  Spi:ell(i,  page  211 

fl.  Tail  rounded  or  slightly  doubly  rounded: — 

g.  Primaries  longer  than  secondaries  by  more  than  length  of 
bill:  he;ul  (diestnut  in  young,  but  strii^'d  with  white  in 
adults;  jduniage  not  streaked  below. 

Oi-owned  Sjjarrows,  Zonofricliia,  i>age  209 

h.  I'rimaries  longer  than  secondaries  l»y  not  more  than  length 

of  bill;  crown  chestnut,  or  the  plumage  streaked  below;  no 

yellow  anywheic.  .  .  .Song  Sparrow.«i,  Meloapizn,  page  216 


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This  is  a  name  applied  to  a  number  of  birds  which  have  larger 
and  more  heavily  built  beaks  than  those  of  our  ordinary  seed  eat- 
ing birds.  They  belong  to  the  FritujiU'ulue  family,  along  with  the 
Sparrows,  Finches,  Buntings,  and  Crossbills,  all  of  which  have 
stixjng  beaks  with  the  gape  turning  down  at  the  inner  angle.  In 
length  they  vary  from  seven  and  a  half  to  nine  inches. 


{CanVtnulis  r(inlinalis). 

The  Cardinal  Grosbeak,  or  Cardinal  Bird,  or  Red  Bird,  is  the 
most  brilliantly  colored  of  these  found  in  Canada.  It  is  common 
in  Kentucky  and  Ohio,  and  occasionally  crosses  to  Ontario,  where 
it  may  nest,  but  where  at  present  it  nnist  l>e  considered  only  a 
casual  visitor.  The  Itcautiful  cardinal  r<'d  plumage  (»f  the  male, 
his  jjroud  attitude  with  erect  liead  and  crest,  and  ('si)ecially  his 
loud,  clear,  r(»lling  notes,  make  him  a  most  attractive  and  desir- 
able neighbor.  The  female  is  grayish,  with  yellowish  shades  and 
lighter  below.    Length  H\^  inches,  extent  11  to  V2. 


(lid  hid  I  ml  it  V  iv  ia  h  h  ,s  ) . 

The  K'ose-breasted  (irosbcak,  with  hih  black  head,  back,  tail, 
and  wings,  clear  white  rMmp,  win-r  bars,  and  under  i)arts,  and  ex- 
quisite i-os«'  red  breast  and  undi-r  wing  coverts — is  also  a  l)ir(l  to 
catch  the  eye.  His  son-;-  is  remarkably  clear,  loud  and  sweet.  The 
female  and  young  are  less  decidedly  black  and  white,  while  saffron 
yellow  takes  Hie  jtlace  (»f  carmine.  Although  usually  feednig  <m 
seeds,  berries,  and  small  nuts,  this  sjM-cies  is  knt^wii  to  eat  fretiy 
of  the  Colorado  Beetle  or  Potato  Bug,  and  thus  has  another  chiim 
ujion  our  gratitude.     It  inhabits  the  Cnited  States  and  southern 


■A  f 


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Canada  from  New  Brunswick  to  the  Ritcky  Mountains,  n'achinR 
Ontario  early  in  May,  and  mij^ratinj;  southward  about  SeptcnilKT 
first.  Its  nests  are  found  alonj^  the  wooded  hanks  of  streams,  in 
hushes  and  low  trees,  and  the  e<;^'s  are  dull  i,'reenish  with  dark 
brown  niarkinj?s.    Length  abcmt  8  inehes,  extent  about  12>  -  inches. 


( Ha  h  id  m  via  n  ocepJi  aid). 

The  Black-headed  Or(».-^beak  is  f(»und  from  Saskat<'hewaii  to 
Vancouver  Island,  l)reedinj,'  throu^iiiout  this  ran<;e  in  woodlands. 
It  mij?rates  to  Mexico  in  winter.  Its  head.  back,  winfrs,  and  tail 
are  black  but  the  back  often  has  brownish  slia<les,  and  I  lie  wings 
and  tail  have  clear  white  spots.  The  neck,  the  runij),  and  the  under 
parts  are  ;.ran:>e  brown,  changing  to  yellow  on  the  belly  and 
under  the  wings.  Size  about  that  of  the  Rose-breasted,  of  which  this 
is  the  western  repr(>s<'ntative.  It  builds  a  poorly  constructed  nest 
in  trees,  and  lays  three  or  four  greenish  blue  eggs,  spotted  and 
blotched  with  bro\ni. 

i   :        i   } 


I       ( 


(Coccatlirau.stcs  rcsi't  ttinu ). 

This  is  a  bird  of  uinisual  coloration  for  our  northern  regions. 
Its  crown,  win^s,  and  tail  are  black;  the  iimer  wing  coverts  white; 
the  forehead  iine  over  the  eye,  the  rump,  and  under  parts  behind 
cleai-  yellow;  while  the  back  a lul  breast  are  a  dai-k  greenish  yel- 
low. The  beak  is  very  large,  being  about  three-<iuarters  of  an  inch 
both  in  length  and  in  depth,  and  ck-ar  greenish  in  color.  Length 
11-2  to  9  inches. 

Its  food  is  the  seeds  of  ma]>les  and  coniferous  trees,  and  its 
home  tlie  evergreen  forests  of  north-western  Canada  and  the 
I'uitt-d  States.    It  is  frequently  met    with    in   maple   groves   in 





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Spskatchewan.  Occasionally  a  few  small  flocks  are  found  in  win- 
ter in  Ontario  and  Quobcc,  but  its  usual  line  of  migration  is  the 
valley  of  the  Hed  K'ivcr.  A  western  form  occurs  in  British  Colum- 
bia. Tbo  nest  of  the  Evenin<r  Grosbeak  has  been  found  only  in 
California— a  sliirht  structure  in  a  low  tree,  containing  three 
brownish  green  egcs. 


(Pinicola  enuchator). 

Tlie  Tine  Ciosbenk  is  peeuliiirly  Canadian,  nesting  so  far 
north  that  little  is  kunwu  of  it.s  breeding  habits.  In  the  winter  it 
retreats  frcmi  Labrador  and  Mneken/ie  KMver  to  Nova  Scf^ri.i  and 
all  across  southern  C^iUitda  tn  the  lioeki«'s.  At  that  season  small 
flocks  of  them  are  ii  reguhirly  found  fciding  on  mountain  ash  ber- 
ries, beechnuts,  and  buds  uf  tr<vs.  Length  S  to  9  inches.  Its  song 
is  sweet  but  not  loud  or  brilliant.  The  adult  male  is  a  beautiful 
bird,  the  outer  feathers  being  suft'used  with  carmine,  paler  below 
and  streaked  with  dusky  on  the  back,  l^ie  females  and  young 
males  are  slate  uray  tinged  with  Ijrowni.'^h  yellow.  Rocky  Moun- 
tain. Alaska,  :iii(l  Kadiak  forms  aiv  distinguished  from  this  type. 


(Carpodacus  purpurcKs). 

The  Purple  Fin-h  is  closely  related  to  the  grosbeaks,  and  to 
the  bull-finches  of  Europe.  Its  length  is  from  five  to  six  and  a 
quarter  inches,  and  the  beak  is  less  than  half  an  inch  long.  In 
color  the  adult  male  is  rose  red,  lighter  on  the  lower  parts,  and 
darker  on  the  back  toward  the  tail.  The  females  and  young  are 
greenis'!  brown  with  dark  streaks,  britrhtly  olivaceous  on  the  rump. 
Their  song  is  very  sprightly  and  pleasing,  being  heard  in  Ontario 
mostly  in  .May.  They  are  then  preparing  to  pass  to  the  north, 
where  the  majority  of  them  nest,  although  a  few   breed   in   the 



southom  parts  of  Canada.  Their  nosts  aro  built  in  trees  and 
bushes,  and  their  epgs  are  pale  greenish  marked  with  brownish. 
It  associates  with  the  Pine  Grosbeak,  with  which  it  is  said  to  hy- 
bridize. The  range  of  the  Purple  Finch  e?ctends  from  the  north- 
em  United  States  to  Labrador  on  Lake  Athabasca.  During?  the 
spring  migration  it  destroys  buds  of  fruit  trees.  The  California 
Purple  Finch,  and  Cassins'  Purple  Finch,  both  resembling  the 
above,  but  less  brilliant  in  color,  are  found  in  British  Columbia. 


(Passer  domesticus). 

Tills  Eun 


was  brought  into  the  United  States  first 
about  1850,  and  other  importations  during  succeeding  years  were 
so  successful  that  it  now  is  familiar  from  the  Atlantic  to  the  Paci- 
fic. In  Canada  it  has  reached  nearly  to  the  Rockies,  and  will  soon 
be  in  every  town  and  \'inage.  Like  other  assisted  immigrants  it 
has  prospered  amazingly,  and  for  some  years  there  were  grave 
feai's  of  its  proving  an  uncontrollable  pest.  T  believe,  however, 
that  in  the  eastern  provinces  there  is  now  little  danger  of  its  be- 
coming more  than  a  persistent,  troublesome,  non-musical,  house- 
haunting  bird.  The  native  sparrows,  bluebirds,  and  swallows  are 
possibly  less  plentiful  near  our  homes,  and  the  nesting  of  the 
Purple  Afartin  is  undoubtedly  less  common  in  southern  Ontario, 
but  the  House  Sparrow  is  no  longer  dreaded  as  an  invading  army. 
An  equilibrium  seems  t<.  ht  gradually  appiv.aching,  and  this 
ad.iptMble  old-world  form  seems  likely  to  find  its  ]»lace — no  doubt 
a  large  one— among  the  birds  living  under  Hie  conditions  of  our 
civilization.  As  well  said  by  Cones,  **Tt  nests  aiiN-wliere  about 
buildings,  uses  any  rubbish  as  materials,  and  constructs  a  bulky 
untidy  object,  in  which  it  lays  from  five  to  nine  dull  whitish  eggs 
marked  with  olive  browTi  sparingly  or  ])lentifully."  During  the 
nesting  season  it  gathers  insects  of  the  grasshopper  and  cricket 


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(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 


race  chiefly,  to  the  extent  of  more  than  one-half  the  food  of  the 
nestlinj]fs  while  the  latter  are  young.  Soon,  however,  the  partially 
digested  grain  gathered  from  the  droppings  of  horses  are  the  chief 
food  of  the  birds,  and  the  adults  are  proved  to  live  almost  en- 
tirely on  grain  and  weed  seeds.  The  upper  parts  of  the  male  are 
ashy  gray,  streaked  on  the  back  and  shoulders  with  bay  and  black. 
A  reddish  brown  extends  from  behind  the  eye  to  the  side  of  the 
neck.  A  white  bar  bordered  with  black  marks  the  brown  wings. 
Tail  plain  dull  brouai.  Ohin,  throat,  and  upper  breast  jet  black, 
breast  and  belly  grayish.  Bill  stout,  blue  black.  Length  about  six 
inches.  Female  slightly  smaller,  with  no  black  throat  patch,  no 
gray  on  the  head,  but  streaked  brown  above,  and  brownish  white 

t    i,4 


(Loxia  ciirvirostra) . 

This,  the  Red  Crossbill,  is  very  erratic  in  its  home-making 
habits,  having  apparently  little  attachment  to  any  particular  re- 
gion. It  is  found  all  across  Canada,  from  Nova  Scotia,  Newfound- 
land, and  Labrador  to  Vancouver  Island  and  Alaska,  but  it  can 
scarcely  be  said  to  make  its  home  regularly  in  awx  known  region. 
It  has  been  found  nesting  in  southern  Nova  Scotia,  and  in  Labra- 
dor, but  it  seems  satisfied  to  make  its  nest  and  rear  its  young  wher- 
ever the  breeding  season  finds  it,  so  long  as  coniferous  trees  are 
plentiful.  Mellwraith  says  that  it  nests  from  Georgia  to  Alaska. 
In  Ontario  it  is  usually  only  a  winter  visitor,  but  its  wanderings 
at  this  season  take  it  along  the  mountain  ranges  far  to  the  south. 
Plentiful  during  one  season,  it  may  not  l)e  seen  again  in  that  local- 
ity for  several  years,  then  may  return  in  flocks.  They  lay  their 
(.ggs — in  southern  Canada — while  the  snow  is  still  on  the  ground. 
The  tijis  of  the  mandibles  are  crossed,  and  this  peculiar  shape  of 
the  bill, — which  seems  a  deformity, — is  apparently  of  service  to 



them  in  cutting  away  the  scales  <  f  the  pine  cones  and  extracting 
from  tliem  the  seeds  which  form  their  chief  food.  In  the  spring, 
the  adult  male  is  hrick  red  in  color,  with  blackish  wings,  and  tail 
without  "White  markings.  Lower  belly  grayish.  Females  and  young 
are  greenish  olive,  yellower  on  the  rumj)  and  head,  but  much 
mixed  w'th  gray  and  brownish.  Eggs  three  or  four  in  number — 
pale  greenish  with  maroon  markings.    Length  about  6  inches. 


(Lojrin  hucoptcra). 

These  resemble  the  Red  Crossbills  in  habits,  but  are  known  to 
breed  in  large  numbers  in  Alaska.  Their  range  seems  to  be  the 
same  as  the  last  named,  and  they  have  the  same  erratic  manner  of 
coming  in  flocks  to  a  locality,  and  then  remaining  away  from  that 
district  for  years.  About  Kingston  they  have  been  seen  and  cap- 
tured (piite  frequently,  but  it  is  not  possible  to  be  sure  of  finding 
them  in  any  particular  year.  In  sugar-making  time — usually  the 
middle  of  ^Farch — they  are  to  be  noted,  if  present,  on  spruces  and 
hemlocks,  singing  a  gentle  little  song  resembling  that  of  the  Am- 
erican goldfinch.  They  flit  busily  from  tree  to  tree  investigat- 
ing the  cones  and  scattering  the  scales  on  the  snow.  Their  nests 
arc  made  in  Alaska  in  low  spruce  trees;  "of  si)ruce  twigs  extern- 
ally, and  of  a  black  lichen  internally,  closely  felted  and 
with  a  scanty  mixture  of  feathers  and  bits  of  grass." 
The  eggs  are  described  as  "bluish  white,  spotted  at  the 
larger  ends  with  brown  of  various  shades,  l)lack  'ud  lilac  gray." 
Their  flight  is  undulating,  like  that  of  tlie  iVmerican  (Joldfiuch. 
The  characteristic  feature  is  the  beak,  of  which  the  tips  are  crossed. 
This  condition  is  not  complete  till  the  birds  are  mature.  The  male 
is  dull  pink  or  rose  red,  with  white  bars  across  the  wings,  and 
whitish  on  the  belly.    The  female  is  olive  green,  yellow  on  the 


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rump,  grny  on  the  belly,  and  blackish  on  the  head,  with  whitf,  wing 
bars.  "\  ung,  like  the  female,  or  partly  red.  Length  about  5 


(Leucosticte) . 

These  are  sparrow-like  birds,  with  small  conical  acute  bills ; 
sexes  somewhat  dissimilar;  coloration  usually  brownish,  with 
more  or  less  rose  or  carmine;  terrestrial  and  highly  gregarious; 
laying  pure  white  eggs  in  nests  on  the  ground. 


(Leucosticte  griseinucha) . 

The  Canadian  range  of  Brandt's  Rosy  Finch  is  the  Coast 
Range  of  British  Columbia.  This  finch  is  liver  brown  from  the 
neck  and  back  of  the  head,  both  above  and  below  as  far  back  as 
the  rump.  The  rump  and  under  tail  coverts  and  the  primaries 
are  carmine  red.  The  forehead  is  black,  while  the  sides  and  top 
of  the  head  are  grayish  ash.  Sexes  nearly  alike.  Length  about 
7  inches. 




(Leucosticte  tephrocotes). 

A  native  of  the  higher  parts  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  this 
finch  occasionally  wanders  as  far  east  as  Manitoba.  They  breed 
on  mountains  above  the  timber  line  as  far  west  as  Lake  Okanagan. 
The  plumage  is  as  given  above  for  the  Aleutian,  but  that  the  ashy 
band  across  the  head  is  narrow,  not  descending  below  the  eye. 
Length  about  6%  inches.  A  variety  with  wider  ashy  band  is 
known  as  the  Hepburn's  Rosy  Finch.  It  is  known  in  Alaska  and 
Vancouver  Island  and  the  mainland. 





{Acanthis  linaria). 

This  is  another  northern  bird,  leaving  its  customary  haunts 
onh'  w^hen  the  snow  of  winter  covers  its  food.  It  evidently  has  not 
learned  to  fear  mankind,  as  it  visits  not  only  the  meadows  and 
pastures,  where  it  feeds  on  the  grass  and  weed  seeds  above  the 
snow,  but  also  comes  into  gardens  and  lawms  in  the  cities,  eating 
freely  of  the  remains  of  vegetation  remaining  unburied.  The  tem- 
perature of  our  latitude  seems  kindly  to  it,  as  to  the  Snowflake, 
and  our  snowstorms  are  often  enlivened  by  the  passage  of  flocks 
of  these  little  gray-coated  waifs.  They  remain  till  early  spring. 
All  the  country  from  Newfoundland  and  Labrador  to  Vancouver 
Island  is  likely  to  be  visited  at  irregular  intervals.  They  breed  in 
Labrador,  the  Magdalen  Islands,  and  about  Hudson  Bay,  as  well 
as  Alaska.  Tlieir  nests  are  built  near  the  ground,  of  roots,  grass 
stems,  and  lichens,  and  lined  witih  feathers  and  plant  down.  Eggs 
pale  blue  \vith  brown  speckles.  The  male  has  the  throat,  lores,  and 
forehetid  soft  black,  crown  bright  red,  the  entire  foreparts  below 
are  sometimes  tinted  with  red  over  whitish  with  brown  streaks. 
ITpper  parts  brown,  streaked  with  pale  yellow.  The  rump  lighter 
and  likely  to  have  rosy  tints.  The  female  with  yellowish  instead 
of  red  below  and  on  the  rump.  Length  about  SV-j,  extent  about  9 

A  varifty  of  this  called  Holboell's  Redpoll  is  found  in  Labra- 
dor and  northern  Quebec.  It  reaches  6  inches  in  length,  and  has 
a  longer  bill  than  the  common  foim. 


(Acanthis  liornemanii  axilipes). 

■piis  Redpoll  occurs  from  southern  Ontario  to  Labrador, 
Manitoba,  and  Alaska,  and  so  may  be  considered  to  visit  all  of 
Canada  east  of  the  Rockies.    It  is  only  a  winter  visitor  througL- 




!  HJi: 

t  t-  - 


out  most  of  the  region,  nesting  along  the  Arctic  Ocean,  and  in 
Alaska.  Tliose  are  sociable  birds  even  during  the  nesting  season, 
building  their  nui'series  in  numbers  in  the  same  thicket  of  willows 
and  alders,  l^liey  lay  four  or  five  eggs,  pale  blue,  with  scrawls  and 
irregular  markings  of  purplish  ai  d  brown.  The  plumage  of  this 
is  somewhat  like  that  of  h'nana,  but  paler,  w-hitish  rather  than  pale 
yellow  forming  the  edgings  of  the  feathers.  The  rump  13  snow 
white  and  rosy,  unstreaked,  in  the  adults.  Bill  and  feet  veiy 
small.    J.cngl-Ii  about  5VL.,  extent  9  inches. 


{Acanthiu  linaria  rostrata). 

This  is  a  foim  of  the  common  Redpoll,  apparently  dii^'ering 
only  in  size,  which  occurs  in  Hocks  of  linaria  visiting  Ontario  and 
Manitoba.    It  nests  in  Labrador  and  Greenland. 


(Astra<jalin «s  tristis) . 

From  the  Atlantic  to  the  eastern  foothills  of  the  Rockies,  and 
extending  its  range  to  the  northern  boundaries  of  the  provinces, 
may  be  said  to  he  the  Canadian  territory  known  to  the  Goldfinch 
In  southera  parts-Prince  Edward  Island,  Nova  Scotia,  and  On- 
tario— some  of  them  often  remain  o\er  winter,  making  the  thick 
arborvitae  and  spruce  swamps  their  homes.  Thev  are  familiar 
and  welcome  birds  about  houses,  lawns,  and  pastures,  cheering  us 
with  their  sweet  clear  notes  and  bright  plumage,  and  destroying 
for  us  the  seeds  of  some  of  our  worst  plant  enemies,  especially 
attacking  the  thistle.  Their  nests  are  built  sometimes  in  bushes 
or  low  trees,  broad-leafed  or  evergreen,  in  other  oases  twenty  or 
more  1  et  from  the  ground.  The  nest  is  a  well  made  structure,  and 
the  eggs  are  three  or  four  in  num-ber,  pale  bluish  white,  usually 



,    f! 




(Spinus  tri>ti>). 
Ji  Life-size. 

CO^vWIfiMT    1'».,ij.   It   «     A     MUMFOND     CMKiOO 




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The  male  has  a  bhiek  crown  patch  and  bhick  wind's  with  white 
edges,  and  white  or  yellowish  bars.  The  back  and  under  i^irts  are 
bright  sulphur  y<dl(»w.  The  female  is  grayish  ».r  greenish  brown 
above  without  the  black  cap.  The  under  parts  are  pale  yellow 
shading  to  brown.  The  male  wears  this  plumage  during  the  win- 
ter. J.cngth  alxtut  5  inches,  extent  9.  A  paler  variety  is  found 
from  Manitoba  to  British  Columbia. 


{Spituis  i>ini(s). 

This  inconspicuous  little  yellowish  brown  bird  is  seldom 
noticed  except  by  bird-lovers,  and  so  it  may  be  more  frequent  in 
any  particular  part  of  +ihe  country  than  our  records  sliow.  So  far 
as  my  observation  goes,  it  is  an  irregular  winter  visitor  along  Lake 
Ontario.  J  have  seen  them  in  flocks  among  the  cedars  early  in 
April,  but  never  after  the  middle  of  that  month.  It  is  reported 
as  common  and  resident  in  Nova  Scotia ;  a  migrant  in  Newfound- 
land ;  rather  common  in  New  Brunswick  and  eastern  Quel)ec ;  a 
winter  visitor  in  Ontario  at  many  points,  and  resident  at  a  few. 
In  Manitoba.  Saskatchewan,  Alberta,  and  British  Columbia  they 
are  seen  in  such  numbers  and  at  such  times  as  to  imply  their  nest- 
ing, but  except  in  British  Columbia  we  have  no  breeding  records 
from  the  west.  Their  nests  are  described  as  made  of  dark  "moss," 
probably  a  lichen,  and  placed  ti  .  the  upper  side  of  a  branch  uf 
spruce  or  balsam  near  the  outer  end.  Eggs  four,  pale  greenish 
speckled  with  brown.  Bill  very  acute.  Plumage  yellowish  brovni, 
streaked  all  over  with  black,  but  yellow  is  more  prominent  in  the 
spring.    Bases  of  quills  and  tail  feathers  sulphur  yellow.  Length 

4-'m4.  to  5  inches. 



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It  ^f  4  I         *     f:- 


(Passerina  nivalis). 

This  is  t?ii'  true  Snowbird  of  all  parts  of  Canada,  seldom  ap- 
pearing in  autumn  until  accompanied  by  a  snowstorm,  through 
which  it  frolics  in  evident  enjoj-ment.  While  with  us  the  snow- 
birds are  always  in  flocks,  sometimes  of  great  numbers,  but  usually 
of  about  twenty  to  thirty.  They  came  to  us  only  because  their  food 
of  weed  .seeds  has  been  buried  by  northern  snow,  while  our  com- 
paratively mild  latitude  furnishes  them  with  plenty  of  projecting 
spikes,  enabling  them  to  be  always  fat  and  jolly.  As  soon  as  the 
snow  wears  thin,  they  carefully  precede  its  retreating  margin 
northward,  as  though  aware  of  being  too  conspicuous  in  a  dark 
?audscape.  On  the  islands  of  the  Arctic  Sea,  and  of  Hudson 
Strait,  and  in.  Greenland,  they  breed  in  great  numbers.  The  nest 
of  moss,  grass  and  ]jlenty  of  feathers  is  usually  built  on  the  ground 
dose  against  a  huimnock  or  boulder.  The  eggs  are  pale  greenish 
or  bluisl!,  variously  marked  with  browTi. 

The  spring  plumage  c  the  male  is  very  beautiful.  The  head 
and  body  are  pure  white,  ^^-ith  the  back,  wings,  and  middle  of  the 
tail  variegated  with  black.  The  winter  plumage  has  the  white 
clouded  with  brown  to  a  greater  or  less  extent.  Female  similar. 
Length  61/,  to  7  inches,  extent  12  to  13. 


{Calcarius  lapponiciis). 

Like  its  neighbor  and  associate,  the  Snowbird,  this  species 
seldom  does  us  the  honor  of  wearing  for  us  its  finest  suit.  That  is 
reserved  for  the  courtship,  which  is  usually  postponed  until  they 
have  returned  from  our  too  warm  regions  to  the  bleak  western 
shores  of  Hudson  Bay,  Hudson  Strait,  Greenland,  and  the  Barren 
Grounds  bordering  the  Arctic  Ocean.  They  come  southward  only 
under  arcss  of  hunger,  caused  by  the  deep  snows  of  the  northern 


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winter.  Ap  .  oon  as  the  breast  of  mother  earth  is  again  bared  to 
theni  they  haeter  northward.  Th'  :r  range  may  be  considered  cir- 
cumpolfci-,  a?  they  are  knovrn  in  I^urope,  as  here,  during  their  win- 
ter miirj  ntJOh.  From  Nevvfoundhind  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  they 
or?  ia]:'.}  common  in  winter,  and  are  reported  as  very  plentiful  on 
the  open  j.hiins  north  of  tlie  forest  regions  durinij  summer.  Nest 
of  grass  on  the  ground.  Eggs  greenish,  shaded  over  with  brown- 
isli.  The  male  in  breeding  plun  qge  has  the  head  and  thn.a 
black,  bordered  by  a  i.  le  of  wh:  or  buff  beginning  above  and 
passing  down  behind  the  eye,  thei ..  do\\Ti  the  side  of  the  neck  and 
in  front  of  the  wing  and  li-  ifeing  with  the  white  of  the  Lides  and 
belly.  Tlie  sides  -  -.d  bren.  ■  ,«re  streaked  with  black.  A  broad 
chestnut  collar  se^  .ates  the  black  head  from  the  black  and  yel- 
1(;\.  ish  streaked  back.  In  winter  the  male  is  similar  to  the  fem.ile 
in  summer;  little  decided  black,  but  brownish,  and  with  the  chest- 
nut collar  dull.  The  hind  toe  nail  is  as  long  at  least  as  the  toe,  and 
together  they  are  longer  than  the  middle  toe  and  claw.  Length 
about  ey^  inches,  extent  lli/o.  The  Alaskan  variety  is  known  to 
visit  Vancouver  Island. 


{Calcarius  pictus). 

Occasionally  this  bird  is  plentiful  as  a  migrant  in  Manitoba 
and  is  recorded  from  Saskatchewan,  but  is  apparentlv  not  so 
common  as  any  of  the  other  Longspurs. 

The  collar  and  under  parts  are  bright  fawn  color,  the  crov/n 
and  sides  of  the  bead  black,  bounded  below  bv  a  white  line.  A 
white  spot  on  the  top  of  i\j  head  and  white  line  over  the  eve  and 
ear  break  the  black,  and  relate  it  to  the  stronglv  marked  bark 
and  wings,  which  show  white,  dark  yellow,  and  black.  Outer  tail 
feathers  mostly  white,  others  unmarked.  Legs  pale  or  flesh  col- 
ored.   Length  6I/2,  extent  lli/o  inches. 


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(Calcarius  ortKifus). 

In  this  species  we  have  a  resident  bird  of  the  prairies,  from 
Manitol)a  to  tlie  mountains,  and  as  far  north  as  Slave  Lake.  They 
rear  at  hiast  two  broods  between  the  middle  of  June  and  the  end 
of  August,  and  go  south  as  far  as  Mexico  in  winter.  The  nest  i.s 
of  grass,  in  a  depression  under  a  tuft.  Eggs  four  to  six,  grayish 
white,  clouded  with  bluish  or  purplish.  They  sing  while  soaring. 
The  belly  is  bright  glossy  black,  the  collar  bright  chestnut.  The 
crown  is  black,  with  a  white  spot  on  the  nape,  a  white  line  over 
the  eye,  and  another  bordering  on  the  collar.  Wings  white  in 
under,  l)rtiwn  above.  Tail  With  outer  feathers  white.  Length  51/2 
to  6  inches. 


( Nil  yncli  oph  a  iica  ni  ceo  ir  » ii ) . 

This  is  another  prairie  species,  confined  in  its  Canadian  range 
to  southern  Saskatchewan  and  Alberta,  reaching  the  foothills.  It 
may  bo  extending  its  nesting  area,  but  at  i)resent  it  seems  to  be 
somewhat  more  westerly  in  distribution  than  the  Chestnut-col- 
lared Longspur,  with  which  it  associates  in  the  middle  region,  but 
it  seldom  reaches  the  valley  of  the  Red  River  in  ^lanitoba.  Ex- 
cept in  breeding  plumage,  the  two  species  are  much  alike  in  ap- 
pearance, but  this  is  the  larger,  and  is  also  distinguished  by  the 
rectangular  white  area  on  the  tail,  and  the  lack  of  chestnut  on  the 
nape.  "Upper  parts  slate  gray,  streaked  with  dark  gray  and 
light  browm,  no  chestnut  collar,  but  a  patch  on  the  wings.  Crown 
jet  black,  bounded  by  a  white  superciliary  line.  Throat  white, 
bounded  by  black  maxillary  stripes.  Breast  jet  black  in  a  broad 
crescent,  shading  behind  into  slate  color,  then  gradually  into  pure 
white.  Lining  of  wings  white.  All  tail  feathers  white  except  the 
middle  pair  and  the  bases  and  tips  of  the  intermediate  ones,  the 



white  area  ending  squarely  across  both  webs.  The  female  and  the 
male  in  winter  have  little  chestnut  on  the  wings;  the  crown  and 
the  breast  crescent  are  slat(»  gray,  and  there  are  no  maxillary 
strii)es."    Length  about  6  inches,  extent  11  or  more. 


T:^se  are  inconsi^icuous  little  brownish  gray  birds,  living  in 
open  fields  or  prairies,  nesting  on  the  ground,  feeding  on  weed  and 
grass  seeds,  and  in  many  instances  are  sweet  singers. 


(Pooccctcs  gmmincKs) . 

This  familiar  little  songster  is  found  in  southern  Canada  in 
sununer,  from  Nova  Scotia  to  British  Columbia,  singing  to  us 
from  the  top  of  a  fence  post  or  of  a  low  tree,  and  showing  its  two 
white  outer  tail  feathers  as  it  fiits  away.  With  the  Song  Sparrow, 
and  the  Chipping  Sparrow,  this  forms  a  trio  of  the  best  knowTi 
and  best  loved  of  our  native  sparrows.  Its  dainty  warble  at  sun- 
set, its  grass  loving  habits,  and  its  modest  gray  plumage,  give  it 
the  names  by  which  it  is  known  to  all  country  dwellers.  It  builds 
a  strongly  made  nest  of  grass  stalks  and  rootlets,  which  it  usually 
lines  with  horsehairs.  This  is  well  hidden  in  a  hollow,  screened 
by  grass  or  weeds.  The  eggs  are  grayish-white,  clouded  or  spot- 
ted with  reddish  brown. 

U^per  parts  brownish  gray,  streaked  with  black  and  a  little 
buff.  The  bend  of  the  wing  chestnut ;  tail  grayish  brown,  the  outer 
feathers  mostly  white  and  the  next  with  some  white.  Under  parts 
buff  to  whitish,  streaked  with  black.  Length  about  6  inches,  ex- 
tent a  little  more  than  10.  The  western  Vesper  Sparrow  is  found 
from  the  Red  River  to  British  Columbia.  Its  nest  and  habits  are 
as  above,  but  it  is  paler  and  grayer  with  narrower  streaks,  the  bill 
more  slender  and  the  tail  averages  longer. 



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(Passerculus  princeps). 

This  is  an  interesting  bird,  breeding— so  far  as  known — only 
on  Sable  Island,  off  the  coast  of  Nova  Scotia.  Its  distribution  is 
limited  to  the  Atlantic  coast,  from  Nova  Scotia  to  Georgia.  It 
resembles  a  long  pale  Vesper  Sparrow.  The  upper  parts  are  gray- 
ish with  sandy  hrovna  stripes,  a  little  chestnut  on  the  wings,  a  white 
superciliary  line,  and  a  yellowish  white  maxillary  stripe.  Below 
white,  changing  to  ashy  on  the  flanks,  and  with  narrow  streaks  of 
sandy  brown  on  the  breast  and  sides.  Length  6I/2  inches,  extent 
11  inches. 


{Passerculus  sandwichensis) . 

This  is  a  bird  of  the  Aleutian  Islands,  but  is  also  found  on  the 
British  Columbia  coast  and  Vancouver  Island.  It  is  similar  to 
the  Savanna  Sparrow,  but  its  bill  is  thicker  and  the  upper  plum- 
age grayer. 


(Passerculus  sandwichensis  savanna). 

As  the  Sandwich  Sparrow  is  a  western  form,  this  belongs  to 
the  east,  nesting  from  the  northern  and  New  England  States  to 
Hudson  Straits  and  Bay.  It  is  not  found  west  of  Lake  Huron. 
It  breeds  throughout  Newfoundland,  New  Brunswick,  Quebec,  and 
Ontario,  nesting  on  the  ground,  and  having  the  habits  of  the  Ves- 
per Sparrow.  Eggs  bluish  white,  marked  or  washed  by  reddish 
brown.  The  plumage  above  is  everywhere  thickly  streaked.  The 
general  tone  is  brownish,  the  centres  of  the  feathers  being  black, 
which  shades  at  the  edge  to  gray.  Wings  blackish  brown,  without 
chestnut,  but  with  the  edge  of  the  wing  yellowish.  A  yellowish 
line  over  the  eye.    Tail  feathers  narrow,  pointed,  dusky,  and  with 



whitish  edges  on  the  outer  webs.  Under  surface  whitish,  streaked 
with  black  spots  edged  with  chestnut.  The  spots  run  in  chains  on 
the  sides,  and  are  wedge  shaped  on  the  breast.  Length  about  5i/2» 
extent  8l^  to  9i/^  inches. 

A  paler  form,  found  from  Manitoba  to  the  foothills,  is  called 
the  Western  Savanna  Sparrow. 


(Passercidtis  hairdii). 

This  is  another  grass  sparrow  of  the  prairies,  especially 
favoring  the  flat  alkaline  plains,  with  discontinuous  wiry  grass. 
From  the  Pembina  mountains  to  Calgary,  and  from  the  Saskatch- 
ewan to  Nebraska,  and  to  New  ^Mexico  in  winter,  is  the  range  of 
this  inconspicuous  little  bird.  The  plumage,  colors  and  marks  of 
these  gray  birds  are  so  much  alike  as  to  make  their  distinction  by 
descripti^•(■  terms  almost  an  impossibility. 

Baird's  Sparrow  resembles  the  common  Savanna  Sparrow. 
The  to]>  of  the  head  is  streaked  with  black  and  brownish  yellow 
on  the  sides,  with  pale  yellow  as  a  median  line  and  on  the  nape. 
The  back  is  gray  streaked  with  brownish  black,  and  with  chestnut 
edgings  on  the  wings.  Lower  parts  j)ale  yellowish  white,  with 
sharp  dusky  streaks  on  the  breast,  and  forming  vague  parallel  lines 
from  the  angle  of  the  bill  downward.  In  autumn  the  plumage  is 
darker  with  more  chestnut ;  the  spots  on  the  neck  are  larger  and 
closer  together;  tail  dusky  with  slight  edgings  of  white.  Upper 
mandiblo  mostly  dark,  lower -one  pale.  Length  about  51/^,  extent 
rathor  over  0  ir;;hes. 



{Ammodramus  savantu   urn  passerinus). 
These  are  very  shy  little  birds,  haunting  the  weedy  edges  of 
the  meadows  and  marshes,  rising  only  when  closely  approached, 


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and  quickly  pitching  into  the  grass  again,  where  they  hide  with 
great  skill.  Their  feet  are  adapted  for  clinging  to  reeds  and  grass 
stems.  "It  has  a  peculiar  chirping  note  like  the  stridulation  of 
a  grasshopper,  which  made  me  give  the  name  Grasshopper  Spar- 
row to  the  group"  (Coue^?).  In  Canada  this  species  is  known  to 
occur  in  the  south-western  counties  of  Ontario,  and  probably  fur- 
ther east.  It  is  resident  in  the  southern  States,  and  must  be  con- 
sidered a  wandering  inmiigrant  when  it  comes  within  our  terri- 
tory. The  type  is  found  in  Jamaica,  While  on  the  mainland  we 
have  the  two  varieties.  This  one  is  sometimes  called  the  Yellow- 
winged  Sparrow,  while  the  other  variety,  perpallidus,  or  Bleached 
Yellow-wing,  is  found  on  the  plains  of  the  south-western  United 

The  upper  parts  are  black,  gray,  and  yellowish  brown  in 
short  streaks  and  specks.  The  edge  of  the  wing  is  yellow,  and  the 
wii]^'  coverts  greenish  yellow;  a  yellow  loral  spot,  and  a  light  yel- 
low line  over  the  eye.  Back  of  the  neck  and  the  rump  chestnut  and 
gray.  Bill  stout  and  brownish.  Length  about  5  inches,  extent  8 
to  8V1>  inches.  The  nest  of  grass  is  built  on  the  ground,  and  is  often 
arched  over.  The  eggs  are  pure  white  with  flecks  of  reddish 
brown  or  black.  The  western  form  is  grayer  in  tone  with  less 
brow-n,  and  the  yellow  is  paler.  Size  and  habits  the  same.  An- 
other doubtful  variety  is  reported  from  British  Columbia. 


(Ammodramus  hcnslowii) . 

This  is  another  little  and  very  shy  sparrow,  which  has  been 
noticed  su  seldom  in  Ontario  that  we  know  of  its  residence  in  only 
a  few  places,  and  elsewhere  we  have  no  records. 

It  belongs  to  the  eastern  United  States,  wintering  in  the  Gulf 
States  and  spreading  northward  barely  into  southern  Ontario  and 
probably  (,^uebec,  and  as  far  westward  as  the  edges  of  the  prairies. 




The  head  and  neck  are  olive  gray,  with  a  greenish  yellow 
tinge ;  sides  of  the  crown  black,  breaking  into  fine  streaks  on  the 
back  of  the  neck.  The  back  is  chestnut  brown,  with  narrow,  black, 
wedge-shaped,  central  streaks  in  the  feathers.  The  bend  of  the 
wings  pale  yellow.  The  tail  feathers  are  very  narrow  and  sharply 
pointed,  the  outer  ones  much  shorter  than  the  middle.  The  whit- 
ish under  surface  is  marked  with  pale  yellow,  and  streaked  with 
black  on  the  breast  and  sides.    Length  5,  extent  7VL»  inches. 



(AmmodramKs  Iccontei). 

Like  most  birds  which  live  on  the  ground  in  marshy  places, 
this  little  sparrow  shows  a  great  tendency  to  run  and  hide  among 
the  sedges  rather  than  fly  away.  Its  range  is  southern  Manitoba, 
Saskatchewan,  and  Alberta  and  southward  on  the  plains  to  Texas 
and  Florida.  Occasionally  it  wanders  to  New  Y  •^'  and  Ontario. 
It  breeds  in  marshy  places  in  the  northern  part  v  liis  range.  It 
has  no  yellow  on  the  bend  of  the  wing  or  before  the  eye.  The  bill 
is  slender.  A  broad  yellowish  line  over  the  eye,  and  a  buff 
central  line  on  the  blackish  crown.  The  nape  and  back  feathers 
have  black  centres  and  chestnut  to  buff  edges.  Tail  grayish 
brown,  of  narrow,  shari)ly  pointed  feathers,  the  lateral  feathers 
much  the  shorter.  Underparts  yellowish  white  with  black  streaks 
on  the  sides  fading  to  white  on  the  belly.    Length  5,  extent  7  inches. 



{Ammodramus  nelson i). 

This  and  the  eastern  variety  are  frequently  known  as  Sharp- 
iiiled  Finches.  Nelson's  Finch  has  been  found  from  Peace  River 
Landing  and  Edmonton  to  Winnii)eg,  and  a  few  more  are  recorded 
from  near  Toronto.    It  has  the  thin  voice  which  is  associated  with 


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the  Grasshopper  Sparrows.  The  nest  is  built  in  a  tussock  of 
marsh  grass  near  water.  The  type  form  is  the  Sharp-tailed  Finch 
of  the  salt  marshes  of  the  Atlantic  and  Gulf  Stai;es. 

The  general  color  of  the  plumage  is  olive  gray,  sharply 
streaked  on  the  back  with  black  and  white,  the  rump  having 
no  white.  The  crown  is  darker  than  the  nape,  with  brownish 
black  streaks.  The  sides  of  the  head  rich  buff  or  orange  brown, 
with  olive  gray  auricular  feathers,  and  no  yellow  loral  spot. 
Below  white,  the  neck,  breast,  and  sides  tinged  with  yellowish 
brown,  and  sharply  streaked  with  dusky.  The  tail  is  brown  with 
wavy  cross  bars.  The  tail  feathers  are  narrow  and  acute.  Bill 
short  and  slender.  Eggs  three  to  five,  grayish  white,  evenly  mark- 
ed with  brouTi. 

The  Acadian  Sharp-tailed  Finch  is  found  in  Prince  Edward 
Island,  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick  and  southern  Quebec,  and 
differs  but  slightly  from  the  above.  It  is  described  as  paler,  gray- 
er, with  less  conspicuous  streaks,  a  longer  bill,  and  slightly  greater 
size.  Its  habits  and  song  are  very  modest,  and  the  bird  itself  is 
noticed  only  by  those  looking  for  it. 


(Gliondestes  grammacus). 

While  as  yet  reaching  only  south-western  Ontario,  being  confin- 
ed to  the  counties  along  the  shores  of  Lake  Erie  and  Ontario,  it  is  to 
bo  hoped  that  this  well  marked  songster  may  extend  its  range  anJ 
become  a  familiar  bird  with  us.  It  is  known  to  nest  at  Toronto, 
and  occasionally  near  London.  Probably  if  other  observers  as 
earnest  and  knowing  as  J.  H.  Fleming  and  W.  E.  Saunders  were 
available  in  other  parts  of  Ontario,  we  should  soon  be  able  to  add 
much  to  our  knowledge  of  the  birds.  The  range  of  the  Lark  Spar- 
row is  from  Texas  to  Ontario,  in  the  ]\Iississippi  Valley,  and  oc- 
casionally as  far  east  as  Massachusetts.  It  sings  sweetly,  nests  in 
the  grass,  using  hair  as  a  lining,  and  has  many  of  the  ways  of  our 



Vesper  Sparrow.  Its  eggs  are  white  with  scrawling  zigzag  lines 
of  purple  or  black.  The  crown  is  chestnut,  with  a  median  white 
stripe,  and  one  over  each  eye.  Forehead  black,  a  black  line  through 
the  eye,  and  another  below  the  eye,  enclosing  the  chestnut  auricul- 
ars  and  a  white  border  under  the  eye.  A  black  maxillary  stripe 
separates  the  white  of  the  neck  from  that  of  the  chin  and  breast. 
A  small  black  spot  in  the  middle  of  the  breast.  Upper  parts  gray- 
ish brown ;  under  parts  v  hite  shaded  with  brownish.  Tail  very 
long.  Outer  feathers  with  white  tips.  Length  6i/^.  Tail  about 
3  inches. 

The  Western  Lark  Sparrow  is  exactly  like  the  above,  except 
for  the  usual  paleness  or  dinginess  of  the  prairie  forms  when 
compared  with  those  haunting  the  woodlands. 



"These  are  our  largest  and  handsomest  sparrows,  with  round- 
ed wings  and  tail,  sexes  similar,  nest  on  or  near  the  ground, 
peculiar  to  America"  (Ooues).  Some  of  them  are  very  pleasing 


(Zonotrichia  queruld). 

The  Mississippi  Valley,  the  Red  River  Valley,  and  northwest 
and  westward,  is  the  district  in  which  this  well  marked  sparrow 
is  found.  It  has  been  found  nesting  at  Crescent  Lake,  Saskatche- 
wan, and  at  Great  Slave  Lake,  and  as  far  north  as  the  forest  ex- 
tends. Its  nest  is  described  as  "made  of  grass  and  fine  bark,  lined 
with  dry  grass,"  and  placed  at  the  foot  of  a  small  tree.  The  eggs 
are  polished,  creamy  white,  spotted  at  the  larger  end  chiefly  with 
brown  and  lilac.  The  bird  itself  is  the  largest  of  our  sparrows, 
reaching  to  71/2  inches,  with  an  extent  of  11  inches.    Crown,  face, 


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and  throat  jet  black,  sides  of  the  head  ash,  with  a  dark  line  around 
the  dark  ashy  auriculars.  Uiider  parts  pale  ashy  in  front,  then 
pure  white,  and  brownish  behind.  Sides  with  dusky  streaks;  back 
with  long  streaks  of  blackish  and  reddish  brown.  Female  similar, 
but  less  black  on  head  and  throat.  Both  in  autumn  with  crown 
grayish  black,  chin  pure  white  edged  with  rusty  black. 


(Zonotricli ia  Icncophrys). 

This  is  a  common  summer  resident  in  Labrador,  Newfound- 
land, New  Brunswick,  and  northern  Quebec.  It  is  a  migrant  from 
Montreal  westward  to  the  Rockies,  but  nests  about  Hudson  Bay 
abundantly.  In  southern  Ontario  we  expect  to  see  and  hear  it 
about  the  middle  of  May.  Its  song  in  the  very  early  morning  is 
sweet  but  plaintive,  well  repaying  the  effort  sometimes  necessary 
to  reach  a  park  or  grove  at  the  chosen  hour.  The  nest  is  usually 
on  the  ground,  made  of  fibrous  weeds,  grass,  and  rootlets.  Eggs 
variable,  but  usually  pale  greenish  blue  with  brown  cloudings  and 
spots.  It  is  distinguished  by  having  no  yellow  or  white  in  front 
of  the  eye,  nor  on  the  bend  of  the  wing,  and  by  having  a  broad 
white  stripe  on  the  centre  of  the  crown,  bounded  in  front  and  on 
the  sides  by  a  black  stripe  of  about  equal  width.  A  white  line 
starting  above  the  eye  passes  backward.  Back  grayish  brown, 
streaked  with  chestnut,  wing  coverts  tipped  with  white.  Below 
pale  ash,  lighter  on  chin  and  belly.    Len.?th  6-^4>  extent  10  inches. 

Gambel's  Sparrow  resembles  the  above,  of  which  it  is  a  va- 
riety. The  lores  is  gray  or  ashy,  not  black,  and  the  streaking  of 
the  back  is  sooty  black.  The  edge  of  the  wing  is  yellow.  Its  range 
is  from  the  eastern  foothills  of  the  Rockies  to  Vancouver  Island 
and  both  northward  and  southward  in  the  moimtains. 





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(Zonotrk'hia  coronata). 

This  bird  belougs  to  the  Pacific  coast  from  Ahiaka  to  southern 
California,  nesting  in  the  north  of  its  range — Queen  Charlotte 
Islands  and  perhaps  Vancouver  Island,  certaiidy  in  Alaska.  Its 
head  markings  differ  from  those  of  the  W^hite-crowned  in  having 
the  front  of  the  crown  patch  dull  yellow,  and  the  back  ashy  gray. 
A  yellow  spot  over  the  eye,  and  yellow  on  the  edge  of  the  \\ing. 
Below  ashy,  becoming  white  on  the  belly  and  brown  on  the  tlanks. 
Length  7  inches  or  more,  tail  over  3. 


{Zonotrichia  alhicoUis). 

From  Newfoundland  to  the  Rockies  and  as  far  north  as  lati- 
tude 66°,  this  beautiful  sparrow  is  found,  and  it  breeds  through- 
out the  northern  part  of  this  Canadian  range.  It  reaches  the 
Great  Lakes  about  the  middle  of  April,  and  passes  northward 
after  a  stay  of  a  week  or  more,  but  some  remain  in  dark  cool 
swamps  to  nest.  Its  song — "peabody,  peabody,"  is  welcome 
to  all  lovers  of  birds  and  spring.  The  bend  of  the  wing  is  yellow, 
and  there  is  a  yellcwisb  ^'-u!  in  front  of  the  eye.  The  centre  of  the 
crown  is  a  narrow  wl  %  with  a  wider  black  lino  on  each  side. 

Throat  with  a  squarit,.  white  patch.  Back  reddish  brown  with 
streaks  of  black  and  white,  under  parts  grayish,  shading  to  white 
on  the  belly.    Length  about  7,  extent  9^ ;  inches. 



This  group  consists  of  small  sparrows,  between  five  and  six 
inches  long,  having  long  forked  tails,  made  of  broad  feaihers.  They 
have  no  yellowish  anywhere,  and  when  adult  the  under  parts  are 



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without  streaks.    The  sexes  are  alike,  the  young  more  streaked. 
The  nests  are  usually  built  iu  low  bushes. 

{Spizella  monticola). 

With  the  habits  of  the  Suowflakes  and  Redpolls,  this  little 
sparrow  comes  to  southern  Ontario  iu  October,  and  some  remain 
here  all  winter,  while  others  go  further  south  to  Oarolina  and 
Kentucky.  In  March  they  go  north  again,  nesting  from  Hudson 
Btrait  to  Great  Slave  Lake,  and  in  the  shrubs  o^*  the  Barren 
Grounds,  i^'rom  Nova  fcJcotia  to  Alberta  they  are  known  as  win- 
ter migrants,  but  nest  only  in  the  northern  part  of  the  range. 
Sometimes  before  they  leave  for  their  nesting  grounds  they  give 
us  specimens  of  their  honeymoon  mus'c,  and  this  is  described  as 
finer,  sweeter,  and  not  so  loud  as  the  song  of  the  canary.  Eggs 
pale  green,  evenly  speckled  with  brown.  Nest  of  grass  and  weeds, 
lined  with  feathers.  Crown  chestnut,  no  black  on  the  forehead, 
the  chestnut  bordered  by  a  grayish  white  line  from  the  lores  over 
the  eye.  A  chestnut  line  from  the  eye  across  the  auriculars.  Back 
streaked  with  chestnut,  black,  and  pale  buff.  Rump  brownish 
gray.  Wing  coverts  tipped  with  white.  Breast  grayish  white 
with  a  small  black  spot  iu  the  centre,  sometimes  indistinct.  Sides 
pale  grayish  brown;  bellv  white.  Length  about  six  inches,  extent 
about  nine  and  a  half. 

From  Indian  Head,  Saskatchewan,  to  the  Pacific  Coast  and 
northward  into  Alaska,  the  variety  known  as  the  Western  Coast 
Tree  Sparrow  is  found.  It  migrates  south  in  winter  as  far  as 
Texas.  It  is  paler  above,  with  fewer  and  smaller  streaks  than 
the  type. 

{Spizella  socialis). 
This  sociable  little  sparrow  is  found  from  the  Atlantic  to  and 
among  the  Rocky  Mountams,  and  as  far  north  as  Moose  Factory 



and  Oxford  House.  Wherever  possible  it  attaches  itself  1- 
to  the  extent  of  living  near  buildings,  residing  in  the  ornan  ntal 
shrubbery,  and  using  the  hairs  of  his  horse  to  line  its  nest.  It 
trustfully  gathers  crumbs  at  the  door,  and  sings  its  plaintive  and 
monotonous  ** Chippy"  song  close  to  the  household  activities.  The 
House  Sparrow  has  been  a  factor  in  making  this  and  other  native 
birds  less  common  about  our  homes.  The  forehead  is  black,  the 
crown  chestnut,  the  bill  black,  and  the  feet  i)ale.  A  white  line  over 
the  eye  and  a  black  one  below  it  through  the  eve  and  across  the 
auriculars.  The  back  is  strea^.^d  with  black,  dull  chestnut,  and 
gransh  brown.  Under  parts  unmarked  grayish.  Two  incon- 
spicuous white  wing  bars.  In  the  winter  the  crown  is  striped  and 
not  chestnut.    Length  5  to  5VL*  inches,  and  extent  8  to  9. 


(Spizclla  social  is  ari  zonae). 

This  variety  is  common  in  southern  British  Columbia,  and 
between  the  mountains  and  the  coast  southward,  and  differs  from 
the  adult  socialis,  b"^  resembles  the  immature  birds  of  thr  sj«.-3iw. 
Instead  of  black,  the  streaks  on  the  back  are  grayish;  ti>r  ore wu 
is  streaked  with  gray  and  brown,  but  with  some  chestrur,  Mil 
brown  above,  pale  below.    Size  same  as  the  type. 


{Spizclla  pallida). 

The  scrubby  parts  of  the  prairie  from  the  Red  River  to,  and 
among,  the  foothills  of  the  Rockies,  and  southward  into  Mexico 
are  the  regions  in  which  this  ''Chippy"  is  to  be  found.  It  nests 
as  far  north  as  it  reaches,  that  is  Great  Slave  Lake.  It  builds  in 
a  low  bush  or  at  the  foot  of  a  shrub,  often  in  the  wild  rose  bushes. 
Like  the  common  Chippy  it  uses  horse  hair  as  a  nest  lining  wher- 
ever possible,  but  sometimes  lacks  it.    The  four  or  five  esss  are 


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light  dull  green,  sparingly  and  unequally  speckled  with  different 
shades  of  brown.  The  crown  and  back  are  yellowish  gray,  streak- 
ed with  black.  The  nape  is  ashy  and  less  streaked,  while  the  rump 
is  a  grayish  brown.  A  pale  median  stripe  on  the  crown;  a  white 
line  over  the  eye,  and  a  white  breast ;  and  the  belly  washed  with 
clay  color.  Wings  like  the  back,  with  white  tipped  coverts. 
Length  5Vi,  extent  ly^  inches. 


(Spizella  hrcweri). 

This  is  like  the  above,  but  paler  and  duller,  with  indistinct 
markings,  continuous  from  head  to  tail.  It  is  found  in  British 
Columbia  and  southward,  especially  in  Arizona  and  New  Mexico. 

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{Spizella  jmsilla). 

From  Nova  Scotia  to  Lake  Huron— but  not  certainly  west  of 
Ontario — is  the  Field  Sparrow  known.  It  is  recorded  from  near 
Kingston,  Toronto,  Ottawia,  and  London,  and  may  be  resident  else- 
where, if  qualified  observers  were  present  to  investigate  the  mat- 
ter. It  is  of  the  size  of  the  common  Chipping  Sparrow,  but  its 
plumage  ret  ibles  rather  the  Tree  Sparrow.  Its  chief  distinc- 
tion is  its  bill,  which  is  pale  reddish.  The  top  of  the  head  is  red- 
dish brown,  nape  slightly  gray,  back  like  the  crown,  but  finely 
streaked  wuth  black  and  ashy,  wdng  coverts  tipped  with  white, 
forming  bars.  The  lower  surface  is  white  unmarked,  but  tinged 
with  pale  brown  on  the  breast  and  sides.  A  gray  line  over  the  eye, 
but  no  black  nor  white  about  the  head.    Feet  very  pale.    Length 

51/^,  extent  8  inches. 





Those  are  beautiful  little  sparrows  without  spots  or  streaks, 
but  with  definite  areas  of  solid  colors.  The  bill  is  white  or  yellow 
with  a  black  tip,  and  the  lateral  tail  feathers  are  white. 


(Jnnco  hycmalis). 

This  is  another  oi  the  si)arrows  found  from  Cape  Breton  to 
British  Columbia,  but  not  reachin*?  the  Pacific  Coast.  Its  breed- 
ing? ranjie  includes  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick,  Newfoundland 
and  southern  Labrador,  northern  Quebec,  and  Ontario,  the  Hud- 
son Bay  region  as  far  north  as  Fort  Churchill,  and  the  prairie 
provinces  and  North-west  Territories  so  far  north  as  the  limit  of 
trees.  It  is  also  known  in  Alaska,  As  an  early  si)ring  and  late 
autumn  migrant,  it  is  common  in  southern  Ontario  and  Quebec, 
where  some  stay  all  winter.  In  fact  it  is  often  called  the  Snow- 
bird here,  being  associated  with  the  first  fall  of  snow  of  the  winter. 
The  Juncoes  are  sociable  and  fearless  of  man,  coming  close  to  our 
buildings  in  country  or  city  to  gather  crumbs  or  waste.  They  nest 
usually  on  the  ground,  and  preferably  With  some  large  object  as  a 
shelter— a  stump  or  log  or  broken  treetop.  Grass  roots  and  stems 
with  a  lining  of  hair  are  the  important  materials  of  the  nest.  The 
eggs— three  to  five— are  white  or  very  pale  bluish,  evenly  speckl- 
ed or  spotted  with  reddish  brown.  The  bill  is  flesh  color.  The 
upper  parts,  with  the  throat  and  breast,  are  grayish  slate  color, 
with  a  brownish  cast.  Belly  white;  tail  blackish,  the  two  outer 
feathers  white,  and  part  of  the  third  also.  Length  61/4,  extent  [Y'Yx 


{Jnnco  orcganiis). 

This  is  a  Pacific  coast  form,  especially  common  west  of  the 
coast  range,  and  on  Vancouver   Island.     "The   head,   neck   all 


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around,  and  the  fore  breast  are  sooty  black,  ending  sharply  against 
white  on  the  breast,  with  a  rounliid  outline;  middle  of  the  back 
dull  reddish  brown;  feathers  of  the  wings  much  edged  with  the 
same;  below  abruptly  white,  tinted  on  the  sides  with  pinkish 
brown.    Bill  white,  black  tipped"  (Ooues). 


(Junco  hyemalis  connectans) . 

This  form  connects  the  two  former,  and  is  found  from  Ed- 
monton through  the  mountains  to  Vancouver  Island,  nesting 
throughout  its  Canadian  range.  In  plumage  it  may  have  the  red- 
dish back  of  oreganus,  with  the  ashy  sides  of  hiemalis,  but  oftener 
it  has  the  ashy  black  of  the  latter  and  pink  sides  of  the  former. 
The  coloration  is  less  vivid  than  in  oreganus,  but  in  general  re- 
sembles the  latter.    Wrongly  named  shufeld  and  montanus. 



These  are  sparrows  of  middle  size,  with  short  rounded  wings 
and  long  rounded  tail  of  wide  feathers.  No  clear  yellow  is  found 
in  the  plumage  of  the  group,  and  brownish  yellow  in  one  species 
only.  There  are  no  bright  colors,  and  no  solid  masses  of  colors, 
but  the  upper  parts  are  all  thickly  streaked,  and  the  low«r  parts 
streaked  across  the  breast,  and  usually  along  the  sides.  The  most 
common  of  them,  and  one  of  our  most  popular  birds,  is  the  Song 


{Melospiza  melodia). 

Common,  and  nesting  from  Nova  Scotia  to  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains and  as  far  north  as  James  Bay.  While  often  nesting  on  the 
ground,  it  is  not  confined  to  this  situation,  but  frequently  builds 




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in  low  shrubs.  The  nest  is  of  the  usual  sparrow  type,  of  grass, 
roots,  and  other  fibrous  material,  lined  with  fine  grass  and  haii-s. 
The  four  eggs  are  grayish  or  greenis'  .vhite,  spotted  with  brown 
and  other  shades.  Coming  to  us  as  soon  as  the  rigor  of  winter 
yields  even  temporarily  to  the  sun's  rays,  singing  sweetly  even  in 
chilly  and  showery  weather,  this  little  sparrow  well  earns  for  it- 
self its  titles— ''Everybody's  Darling"  and  "Silver  Tongue." 
Moreover  it  seems  to  enjoy  the  society  of  mankind,  and  builds  and 
sings  close  to  his  dwellings,  rather  than  seeking  sechision  in  for- 
ests and  fields. 

Crown  dull  chestnut,  with  an  ashy  central  line  and  one  on  each 
margin  over  the  eyes.  The  streaks  on  the  back  are  black,  with 
chestnut  and  ashy  edges.  The  nape  and  rump  are  grayish  brown 
with  few  chestnut  streaks.  Wings  like  the  back ;  tail  pale  yellow 
brown  and  longer  than  the  wings.  Under  surface  white,  shaded 
with  brownish  on  the  flanks  and  crissmn,  and  streaked  on  the 
breast  and  sides.  In  the  centre  of  the  breast  the  dusky  streaks 
form  a  characteristic  blotch^  Length  6i^  inches,  extent  9.  tail 
3  inches. 

Among  the  varieties  of  the  Song  Sparrow,  the  following  forms 
have  been  recorded  in  Canada : — 


{Melospiza  melodia  montana). 

This  \  •-  been  found  along  the  international  boundary  in 
southern  British  Columbia.  It  differs  in  being  of  a  grayer  tone, 
the  streaks  having  less  black  in  their  centres,  and  more  brown, 
with  paler  gray  edgings. 


(Melospiza  melodia  morphna). 

This  is  also  called  the  Oregon  Song  Sparrow.  In  British  Ool- 
imibia  it  is  very  common  west  of  the  Ooast  range  and  extends  in- 




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land  as  far  as  Revelstoke.  Its  peculiarity  is  that  the  streaks  are 
of  dark  reddish  brown,  without  black  or  gray,  and  are  almost  con- 
fluent, giving  a  ruddy  tone  to  the  plumage.  It  also  averages 
larger  than  the  type. 


(Mclospiza  melodia  rufina). 

This  is  a  larger  and  darker  form  of  the  Rusty  Song  Sparrow, 
found  along  the  British  Columbia  coast  and  southern  Alaska  to 
Kadiak.  "The  tone  of  tne  upper  parts  is  sooty  or  smoky  brown; 
streaking  very  dark.    Length  6V2  or  more"  (Ooues). 


{Melospiza  melodia  juddi). 

The  distinctions  between  this  and  the  type  are  very  slight  in- 
deed. It  is  the  form  found  in  southern  Saskatchewan,  and  can  be 
separated  from  the  common  eastern  Song  Sparrow  only  by  spe- 
cialists, and  with  great  effort. 


{Melospiza  lincolni). 

This  little  song  sparrow  is  notable  for  shyness,  and  because 
Of  this  we  have  to  report  it  as  not  common  anywhere  except  along 
the  foothills  of  the  Rockies  from  the  Yellowhead  Pass  southward. 
This  lack  of  records  is  no  doubt  due  to  lack  of  observers,  because 
its  range  is  from  Cape  Breton  to  Vancouver  Island.  It  remains 
mostly  on  the  ground  and  creeps  along  more  like  a  mouse  than  a 
bird.  Its  notes  are  a  sharp  chirp,  and  occasionally  a  peculiar  song 
"suggesting  the  bubbling  guttural  notes  of  the  House  Wren  com- 
bined with  the  sweet  rippling  music  of  the  Purple  Finch."  Its 
nest  is  built  on  the  ground  of  grass  and  rootlets,  and  lined  with 







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fine  grass.  Etrj?s  four  or  five,  i)ale  jjri'eii  or  white,  thickly  spotted 
with  reddish  bix)wn.  The  phima^e  of  LineoUrs  Soii^  Sparrow  is 
streaked  on  ui)per  parts  with  bhiek,  f^ray,  and  grayitJh  brown.  The 
lower  parts  are  white,  finely  streaked  with  l)lack.  A  broad  band 
of  yellowish  brown  crosses  the  breast ;  the  sides  and  a  stripe  on 
each  side  of  the  throat  are  tinged  with  the  same  buff.  The  tail 
feathers  are  narrow  and  jiointed,  the  outer  ones  shortest.  Leng'th 
5y^  to  6  inches,  extent  8.  i^'all  sjn'ciniens  show  more  of  the  buff 
or  grayish  brown. 


{Melospizn  ycorgiaua ) . 

The  Canadian  range  of  this  sparrow  is  from  Cape  Breton  to 
Great  Slave  Lake.  It  is  to  be  found  in  the  marshes  of  all  the  pro- 
vinces east  of  the  Rockies,  but  is  seldom  noticed  except  by  bird 
students  and  sportsmen.  Its  nest  may  be  in  the  grass  of  a  tussock 
or  in  a  low  bush.  The  eggs,  3  to  6,  are  grayish  white,  speckled  with 
reddish  brown. 

In  perfect  plumage,  the  crown  of  the  male  is  bright  dark 
chestnut,  but  is  often  somewhat  streaked,  especially  in  young 
birds.  The  forehead  is  black  with  an  ashy  line  over  the  eye  and  a 
dark  brown  patch  behind  the  eye,  otherwise  the  sides  of  the  head 
are  ashy.  This  color  spreads  over  the  breast  and  under  parts,  with 
white  on  the  throat  and  brown  streaks  on  the  sides  and  flanks. 
Back  and  rump  brown,  with  black  and  gray  streaks.  Wings 
strongly  marked  with  chestnut,  as  is  the  tail  also.  Length  about 
5i/>  and  extent  Ti/o  to  8  inches. 



These  are  large,  handsome  sparrows,  reddish  or  slate  colored, 
with  the  lower  surface  marked  with  streaks  and  triangular  spots. 


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While  all  the  true  sparrows  are  to  a  great  extent  ground  birds, 
these  are  notably  adapted  for  scratching  away  leaves,  etc.,  in  their 
search  for  food,  their  feet  and  claws  being  unusually  developed. 
The  bill  is  strictly  conical.  They  nest  on  trees,  or  in  shrubs,  or  on 
the  ground,  and  lay  speckled  greenish  eggs. 


(Passerella  iliacd). 

This  is  another  bird  which  ranges  in  Canada  from  the  Rocky 
Mountains  to  the  Atlantic.  It  is  known  in  Alaska  as  far  north  as 
Circle  City,  and  in  the  North-west  Territories  to  the  sixty-eighth 
parallel.  In  eastern  Canada  it  passes  northward  quickly  and 
quietly,  being  heard  in  its  beautiful  song  only  for  one  or  two  days, 
and  only  by  those  who  seek  for  it  in  remote  shrubby  pastures,  and 
the  .southern  edges  of  groves,  just  when  frogs  begin  to  "peep." 
Its  nesting  has  been  difficult  to  study,  but  it  has  been  found  breed- 
ing rn  the  Magdalen  Islands  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  on 
the  Barren  Grounds,  and  the  delta  of  the  Mackenzie  River.  Most 
of  the  nesrs  were  found  in  trees,  but  some  on  the  ground,  made  of 
grass,  coarse  and  fine,  and  lined  with  deer  hairs  and  soft  moss. 
The  eggs  are  described  as  greenish  white,  speckled  and  blotched 
with  rusty  brown. 

The  general  color  of  the  plumage  is  rusty  red,  the  feathers 
are,  however,  bordered  by  a  grayish  brown.  The  rump,  wings,  and 
tail  are  bright  ferrugineous  red.  The  middle  of  the  belly  is  white, 
but  all  other  under  parts  are  heavily  streaked  and  spotted  with 
reddish  brown  on  the  white  background.  Two  whitish  wing  bars. 
This  is  a  large  bright  sparrow,  not  closely  resembling  any  other 
found  in  eastern  Canada.    Length  7,  and  extent  about  11  inches. 

A  niunber  of  varieties  of  the  Fox  Sparrow  are  recognized. 






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(Paaserella  iliaca  townnendi). 
The  Pacific  coast,  from  northern  California  to  Alaska,  is  the 
range  of  this  variety,  but  its  nests  have  not  yet  been  found.  Its 
plumage  is  a  ruddy  olive  on  the  back,  becoming  foxy  or  rusty  red 
on  the  rump,  wings  and  tail.  The  wing  bars  are  scarcely  visible. 
Under  parts  marked  thickly  with  streaks  of  the  color  of  the  back, 
])roducing  almost  uniform  instead  of  spotted  coloration.  Size 
that  of  P.  ili'acn,  but  appearance  quite  distinct. 


(Passerella  iliaca  fuliginosa). 

This  is  another  Pacific  coast  form,  confined  almost  entirely 
to  the  Coast  range  and  the  islands  of  the  coast.  It  is  said  to  nest 
on  the  summits  of  the  Coast  Range.  Its  plumage  resembles  Town- 
send's  Fox  Sparrow,  but  is  sooty  brown,  instead  of  olive  brown. 


(Passerella  iliaca  schistacea). 

This  form  is  found  in  the  interior  of  British  Columbia,  reach- 
ing the  eastern  foothills  and  extending  southward  to  Kansas  and 
California.  Its  upper  surface  is  uniform  slate  color,  with  dull 
rusty  on  rump  and  tail.  Wing  bars  obsolete  in  some  but  visible 
in  others.  Under  surface  thickly  spotted  with  dusky  brown,  form- 
ing a  blotch  on  the  breast.    Length  from  7  to  71/^  inches. 


These  are  birds  of  sparrow-like  habits,  but  ai  o  larger  and 
quite  different  in  coloration.    They  have  conical  bills,  large  feet 
for  scratching,  mngs  short  and  round,  and  a  long  tail.    The  sexes 
are  quite  unlike  each  other  in  nearly  all  our  northern  forms. 



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(Pipilo  erythrophthalmus) . 

Of  shy  retiring  disposition,  the  Towhee  or  Marsh  Robin  may 
be  r-u-cnt  in  many  districts  without  attracting  the  attention  of 
others  than  students  of  the  birds.  A  recently  cleared  field,  groNvm 
111)  with  voung  trees  and  brambles,  with  brush-heaps  ana  stumps 
eueumbei-iiig  the  ground,  this  is  the  favorite  home  of  the  Chee- 
wink  Even  here  the  male  alone  is  likely  to  be  seen,  and  then  for 
onlv  a  few  minutes  while  he  scolds  us  for  intruding  on  his  domestic 
affairs.  If  undisturbed,  he  may  sing  his  "Pill-a-will-a"  song, 
prefacing  it  with  a  peculiar  gurgling  note.  Otherwise  an  ener- 
getic almost  fussv,  repetition  of  his  name,  with  flirts  of  his  long 
tail  are  all  that  he  furnishes  by  way  of  entertainment.  The  female 
meanwhile  slips  away  through  the  shrubs  without  rising.  The 
nest  is  usuallv  on  the  ground,  but  may  be  in  a  shrub  or  heap  of 
brush.  It  is  rather  a  rough  unfinished  structure  of  bark,  fibres, 
grass,  weed  stalks,  and  moss.  Three  or  four  eggs,  white  with  red- 
dish brown  specks,  are  the  usual  complement,  and  a  second  brood 
is  not  uncommon.  Nova  Scotia  occasionally,  southern  Quebec, 
Ontario  and  .Manitoba  regularly,  and  part  of  Saskatchewan  are 

its  Canadian  range. 

The  head,  breast,  throat,  back  and  tail  are  black,  except  that 
the  outer  tail  feathers  are  edged  and  tipped  with  white,  as  are  the 
outer  primaries  of  the  wings.  The  sides  are  chestnut;  the  crissum 
dark  brown,  and  the  belly  white.  The  female  wears  brown  where 
the  male  has  black,  but  the  white  markings  are  the  same.  Length 
81/2,  and  extent  about  11  inches. 


(Pipilo  macidatus  oregamis). 
This  and  the  other  forms  mentioned  below  are  varieties  of 
the  Mexican  Towhee,  Pipilo  macidatus.    The  Oregon  variety  is 



most  like  the  eastern  species  described  above.  It  is  common  near 
the  Pacific  Coast  and  on  the  islands  of  British  Columbia,  spend- 
ing the  whole  year  there.  Its  range  extends  southward  along  the 
coast  to  southern  California. 

Its  coloration  is  much  like  P.  crijthrophthalmus,  but  on  the 
shoulders  are  large  roundish  white  spots,  with  smaller  ones  on  the 
coverts.  The  primaries  and  secondaries  have  little  or  no  white, 
and  the  spots  on  the  tail  are  very  small,  while  the  outer  feathers 
are  white  only  at  the  tip.    The  female  is  dark  amber  brown. 

(Pipilo  macidatus  arcticus). 

From  the  western  boundary  of  the  range  of  the  common 
Cheewink  in  Saskatchewan  to  Calgary,  this  variety  is  found.  It 
does  not  extend  far  north,  but  is  found  among  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains in  the  United  States  as  far  south  as  Texas.  Plumage  like 
that  of  the  Oregon  Towhee,  but  olivaceous  on  the  back ;  spots  on 
the  wing  coverts  larger,  while  those  on  the  scapulars  are  larger 
and  become  streaks.  The  quills  and  tail  feathers  are  marked  as 
in  the  eastern  form. 

(Pipilo  maciilatus  megalonyx). 

This  is  the  variety  most  common  in  the  mountains  of  Cali- 
fornia and  New  Mexico,  and  it  has  been  found  to  be  conunon  in 
southern  British  Columbia,  nesting  there  in  May  and  June.  Its 
plumage  coloration  resembles  that  of  the  Arctic  Towhee,  being 
slaty  black  with  an  olivaceous  shade  on  the  back.  The  female  is 
quite  similar  to  the  male.  Its  note  is  said  to  be  very  much  like 
that  of  the  Catbird  when  wishing  to  repel  intruders. 














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This  is  a  group  of  birds  with  smaller  bills  than  those  of  the 
Grosbeaks,  but  still  clearly  showing  their  relation  to  the  seed  and 
nut  eaters.  Most  of  them  have  brilliant  colors  in  masses,  blue  be- 
ing especially  common,  but  others  have  green,  or  purple  or  red, 
on  various  parts  of  the  body.  Most  of  the  group  belong  to  regions 
nearer  the  tropics  than  any  part  of  Canada,  but  one  form  occurs 
in  the  east  and  another  in  the  western  part,  not  extending  their 
ranges  far  to  the  north. 


(Cyanospiza  cyanea). 
This  bird  has  a  limited  range  in  Canada.  It  is  not  com- 
mon east  of  Montreal,  and  not  plentiful  in  eastern  Ontario. 
Quite  common  in  the  western  peninsula  of  Ontario,  and 
recorded  also  from  Manitoba.  Like  the  Towhee,  this  bunting  pre- 
fers shrubby  pastures,  or  raspberry  and  hazel  thickets,  rather 
than  orchards,  lawns,  or  groves.  The  female  is  very  retiring,  and 
must  be  driven  out  of  cover,  but  the  male  during  the  nesting  sea- 
son, and  even  during  our  hot  July  days,  sings  from  the  top  of  a 
small  tree.  Their  feeding  habits  have  not  been  thoroughly  studied 
yet,  but  we  know  that  beetles  as  well  as  weed  seeds  are  eaten.  They 
build  a  compact  nest  in  a  thicket,  well  hidden,  and  within  two  feet 
of  the  ground  usually.  Their  eggs  are  nearly  white  with  a  pale 
shade  of  green  or  blue,  varying  with  the  light,  and  occasionally 
somewhat  speckled.  The  plumage  of  the  male  renders  him  con- 
spicuous, especially  when  in  the  sunlight.  The  head  is  dark  blue, 
the  back,  rump,  and  under  surface  bright  blue  with  greenish  re- 
flections in  the  sunlight;  the  wings  and  tail  are  blackish  with 
greenish  blue  gloss,  and  deep  blue  edges.  The  female  is  uniform 
grayish  brown  on  the  upper  surface,  and  pale  grayish  brown  with 



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indistinct  streaks  l)elo\v.    The  winjrs  and  tail  are  brownisli  black 
with  blue  markinj!:s.    Length  about  -H /,,  and  extent  81/-  inches. 


( Cya n ofipiza  a m ociia  ) . 

From  the  eastern  foothills  of  the  Rockies  to  N'ancouver  Is- 
land, across  southern  British  Columbia,  and  southward  in  the 
Pacific  coast  rej^ion  to  Mexico,  is  the  range  of  this  finch.  It  dif- 
fers fr(»m  the  Jndigo  Bunting  chietiy  in  having  two  white  wing 
bars,  and  chestnut  brown  breast,  with  white  on  lower  belly  and 
crissum.  The  female  is  grayish  l)i'own  above  and  brownish  white 
below,  paler  on  the  belly.  Size,  nest,  and  habits  similar  to  those 
of  cijanea. 


{Spiza  amcn'rdHia). 

For  a  numlx^r  of  years  these  birds  reached  Ontario  and  bred 
in  Essex  county,  but  they  are  now  thought  by  W.  E.  Saunders  to 
have  derserted  western  Ontario.  One  has  been  collected  in  Mani- 
toba, and  in  the  hope  that  some  reader  may  find  and  (observe  the 
habits  of  the  bird,  its  description  is  given.  Its  range  is  the  eastern 
United  States,  south  of  Massachusetts,  west  to  Kansas,  Nebraska, 
and  Arizona,  it  is  not  likely  to  reach  Canada  excej^t  at  the  south- 
ern extremity  of  Ontario.  It  is  a  beautiful  bird  of  very  smooth  and  pleasing  colors.  Above  grayish  l)rown,  the  middle  of 
the  back  streaked  with  black.  Sides  of  the  head  and  neck,  and  the 
nape,  ashy.  A  yellow  line  (ner  the  eye,  and  one  on  the  side  of 
the  throat.  Chin  white,  throat  with  large  black  patch,  breast  yel- 
low, l)ecoming  white  «»n  the  belly.  Edge  of  wing  yellow,  wing 
covei'ts  chestnut.  AVings  and  tail  feathers  blackish  brown. 
Length  (iV^  niches,  extent  lOl/o.  The  female  has  no  black  throat,  and 
less  yellow  on  the  breast.  Nest  oii  th(>  ground  or  in  a  low  l)ush.  Eggs 


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usuallv  ..reonish  white.    From  its  coloration  it  is  sometimes  called 
"the  mtle  meadow  lark."    A  poor  but  earnest  musician. 


(Calamospiza  melanocorys) . 
Southern  Saskatchewan,  Alberta  and  British  Columbia  are 
the  only  T)nrts  of  Canada  where  this  peculiar  finch  is  found,  and 
its  ran-e  does  not  reach  far  north  of  the  boundary      The  great 
plains  of  the  Missouri  and  Milk  Rivers,  and  south  to  Calif orma 
and  Mexico,  are  the  home  regions  of  the  Lark  Bunting.    ^^  rom  its 
soaring  and  singing  while  on  the  wing,  it  was  associated  with  the 
lark  but  its  form  of  bill  relates  it  to  the  Grosbeaks,  while  its  plum- 
age changes  recall  the  Bobolink.    In  Canada  it  ner,t«  in  colonies 
and  always  under  sagebush,  Artemisia-hemg  distinctly  a  bird  of 
the  plains.    Its  nest  is  on  the  ground  in  a  hollow,  and  made  ot 
grass  stems  and  rootlets.    Four  pale  blue  eggs  are  laid,  and  it  is 
brooding  as  late  as  the  middle  of  July.    Its  song  is  said  to  be 

^  ^^  The'  plumage  of  the  male  changes  from  the  brownish  black 
with  white  tips  and  edgings— which  is  the  fall  and  winter  cestume, 
—to  clear  black  with  a  white  wing  patch— for  the  nesting  seasoB 
only  This  change  is  brought  about  not  by  moulting,  but  by  the 
brownish  and  white  wearing  off,  leaving  the  black  inner  structure 
visible.  The  female,  and  the  male  in  fall  and  winter,  are  as  notec 
above,  white  below,  shaded  with  grayish  brown  and  streaked  witl 
blackish,  except  on  the  throat  and  belly.  The  tail  feathers  ar< 
blackish,  and  except  the  middle  are  tipped  with  white.  Lengtl 
about  GV-,  extent  about  IQi/o  inches. 


This  family  of  :iOO  or  more  species,  belongs  to  America,  an 
is  mostly  tropical.    Three  species  reach  Canada,  and  in  some  place 




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are  fairly  common,  if  the  observer  knows  where  to  look  for  them. 
Sometimes  they  nest  in  orchards,  but  usually  in  hardwood  groves. 
Their  feeding  and  breeding  habits  are  much  alike  in  all  our  species. 
Their  food  in  spring  is  largely  of  animal  nature,  wasps,  ants,  and 
beetles,  but  in  autumn  they  eat  often  of  wild  berries  and  occasion- 
ally visit  the  gardens.  Their  nests  are  loosely  made,  shallow 
structures,  placed  on  a  broad  horizontal  branch,  near  the  edge  of 
a  grove.  The  eggs  are  dull  greenish  blue,  with  spots  of  reddish 
brown.  All  the  family  have  brilliant  coloration,  with  marked 
sexual  differences,  and  changing  greatly  with  the  seasons.  The 
bill  is  thick  and  swollen  above,  with  a  notch  near  the  tip  and  a 
tooth  on  the  upper  edge  near  the  middle. 

(Piranga  ludoviciana) . 

This  Tanager  belongs  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  and  Pacific 
slope.  It  occurs  from  Edmonton  southward  and  westward  to 
Vancouver  Island, 

The  middle  of  the  back,  the  wings,  and  tail  are  black,  the 
wings  having  two  yellowish  white  bars,  the  head  completely  scar- 
let or  crimson,  the  same  color  spreading  on  the  breast.  Other 
parts  bright  yellow,  especially  clear  on  the  rump.  The  female  is 
olive  green  on  the  rump,  darker  on  the  back,  greenish  yellow  be- 
low, olive  on  the  sides.  Tail  and  wings  blackish  brown  with  olive 
edgings.    Length  about  7  inches. 


{Piranga  erythromelas) . 

This  is  the  Tanager  best  knouii  in  eastern  Canada,  where  it 
IS  sometimes  called  the  War  Bird,  not  from  its  habits,  but  entirely 
with  references  to  its  red  coat.  It  is  rare  east  of  .Montreal,  but  a 
regular  summer  resident  throughout  Ontario,    as   far   north   as 


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Muskoka  and  Algonquin  Park.  It  is  known  in  Manitoba,  and 
even  in  eastern  Saskatchewan,  hut  is  not  a  prairie  fonn,  being  al- 
ways closely  associated  with  ui)land  groves.  The  song  of  the 
Tanager  cannot  l)e  called  nuisical,  hut  one  cannot  expect  every- 
thing excellent  in  itiic  individual,  and  his  beautiful  colors  are  quite 
sufficient  to  make  him  a  ve^  welcome  visitor.  Like  many  other 
strongly  marked  birds,  rlie  Scarlet  Tanager  avoids  advertising  his 
position,  kee])ing  himself  well  screened  from  the  ground  by  stay- 
ing in  the  thick  foliage  of  the  tree  tops.  Nest,  eggs,  and  food 
habits  are  similar  to  those  of  the  Crimson-headed  Tanager.  The 
plumage  of  the  male  is  scarlet,  wiHi  black  wings  and  tail.  The 
female  olive  green  alxive;  clear  yellowish  green  below;  wings  and 
tail  dark  with  olive  edgings.      Length  a))out  7  inches,  extent  IV  U. 




{Pinnujn  nibrn). 

A  few  si)ecimens  of  this  brilliant  bird  have  been  taki'U  in  On- 
tario and  Nova  Scotia,  and  others  have  been  reported,  but  we 
must  consider  it  an  accidental  migrant  here,  as  its  home  is  south 
of  Connecticut,  in  the  eastern  States,  wintering  in  Cuba  and  South 
America.  The  male  is  a  beautiful  rose  red  or  vermilion,  includ- 
ing wings  and  tail,  although  the  wings  may  be  dusky.  The  female 
is  brownish  olive  above  and  brownish  yellow  below.  No  wing  bars 
in  either  sex.    The  young  are— as  usual— like  the  mother. 



This  is  a  natural,  well  marked  group  of  birds,  with  represen- 
tatives throughout  the  world.  Living  entirely  on  insects,  and  ex- 
ceedingly well  qualified  for  catching  them,  the  importance  of  the 
Swallow  family  to  agriculture  can   scarcely   be   over  estimated. 




From  early  sprinj;  till  autumn  they  spend  the  lonj;  days  inees- 
santly  eapturinj;  insects  over  jj;ardens,  (treliards,  tields,  and  ponds. 
Examination  (»f  their  stomach  contents  has  shown  that  the  chi«'t' 
kinds  captured  are  wasps,  tlies,  ants,  weevils,  and  hectics,  and  the 
quantity  taken  in  any  district  can  he  estimated  only  in  tons. 

Swallows  seldom  walk  on  the  ji;round,  and  perch  (»n!y  wheit; 
they  can  readily  j^rasp  the  support  with  their  weak  feet,  hut  their 
win^  (h'velopment  is  i-emarUahle,  and  on  this  they  depend  for 
catching  their  prey.  Associated  with  this  method  of  capturinj; 
tlyinj;  insects  is  the  fissi-rostral  c(»iulition — the  mouth  cxtendinj^ 
far  hack  heyond  the  weak  hill.  This  we  noted  in  the  Xij^hthawk 
of  the  Goatsucker  family.  A  well  devel(»i)ed  tail,  often  louj;  and 
forked,  assists  the  lonu;  strong-  wiu^s  in  the  rapid  evolutions  re- 
quired in  securing-  their  food.  Many  sjx'cies  are  sociahle  with 
each  other  and  with  man,  ne-vtini--  in  colonies  under  the  cornices 
and  on  the  rafters  of  our  l)uildinj;s.  Tlie  destruction  of  the  for- 
ests, and  with  them  the  hollow  trees  suitahle  for  their  nests,  has 
forced  the  Martin  and  the  Tree  vSwallow  to  make  use  of  bird 
houses  and  boxes  jmt  uj)  for  their  acconuuixhition. 


(Proi/Hc  s/ihis). 

This  is  a  southern  si)ecies,  but  breeds  in  Canada,  all  across  the 
southern  portion,  esi)ecially  where  encourajied  by  beinjjj  furnish(,'d 
with  houses  or  boxes,  and  w  here  the  ILnise  Sparrow  is  diseouraj,'ed. 
In  appearance,  graceful  flij;ht,  and  dear  gui-^ling  notes,  tlie  Mar- 
tin is  a  most  attractive  and  welcome  bird,  expressing  in  an  unusu- 
ally perfect  way  the  bright  busy  si)irit  of  summer,  rejoicing  loud- 
ly in  unceasing  and  satisfactorx  lal)oi'.  The  male  is  lustrous  ])lue 
black.  The  female  is  grayish  brow,  with  so?ne  glossy  bluish  back 
on  the  head  and  back,  the  lower  surface  wincish  with  much  dark 
gray.  Young  like  the  female.  Length  about  8  inches,  extent  15. 
Eggs  pure  glossy  white. 



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{Petrochelidon  htniftons). 

Tliis  bird  is  very  familiar  to  farm  dwellers  from   its  some- 
times troulticsome  habit  of  buildiiiy;  luiij;  ranges  of  flask-shaped 
nests  of  mild  under  the  eaves  of  barns  and  houses.     If  its  value  as 
an     insect     destroyer    weie    well    known    it    would    be    pro- 
tected, but  in  many  districts  it  is  now  seldom  found  about  barns, 
where  formerly  hundreds  were  reared  every  year.    This  is  due  to 
persistent  destruction  of  the  nests.    It  reaches  southern  Ontario 
about  the  middle  of  May,  and  starts  for  its   winter  quarters  in 
Central  and  Soutii  America  about  the  niichlle  of  August.    In  the 
absence  of  hospitable  buildings,  it  constructs  its  nest  against  the 
face    of    a    cliff    or    cutbank.        From    the    Atlantic    to    the 
Coast  range  of  British  Columbia,  and  as  far  north  as  the  Arctic 
Circle,  it  has  been  recorded  in  Canada.    Its  nest  is  of  clay,  lined 
with  feathers,  straw,  and  wool.    P'ggs  four  or  five,   white   with 
brown  sj^ots.    The  sexes  are  similar,  and  the  young  merely  lack 
the  chestnut  throat  patch.     The  forehead  is  whitish,  the  crown, 
back,  and  a  spot  on  the  throat  are  steel  blue;  the  throat,  sides  of 
the  head,  and  the  rump  are  chestnut;  the  breast,  sides,  and  a  collar 
around  the  back  of  the  neck  are  grayish  bro\\ii.    Belly  whitish. 
Length  5I/2,  extent  12  inches. 

(Hirtmdo  erythrogaster). 
As  the  Cliff  Swallow  nests  outside  farm  buildings,  this  species 
nests  inside,  against  the  rafters  and  alon„^  rl  -  roof  beams.  I^s 
summer  range  in  Canada  includes  all  parts  south  of  the  Arctic 
Circle,  its  nest  being  especially  common  aboui  Imildings  of  either 
white  men  or  Indians.  Like  the  other  species  noted,  this  bird  lives 
amicably  witli  its  fellows  in  colonies  of  many  families.  Ii  is  very 
fond  of  momentary  plumage  baths  taken  while  on  the  wing,  and 



may  f,'enorally  be  woeii  Imimtinf,'  4uict  on  siumncr  cvcnini^s. 
Its  nest  is  always  insido  hiiildiiifrs,  and  whilo  larj^cly  made  cC  inudi 
tho  stucturo  contains  nindi  more  jjiass  and  straw  than  tliat  of 
tho  Oliff  Swallow.  It  is  lined  freely  with  jri'ass  and  feathers. 
Ejrjrs  four  t«.  five,  white  with  reddish  hrown  spots.  I'pjK'r  parts 
of  the  phnnaffe  jjlossy  steel  l.hie,  lower  j.arts  pale  chestnut:  tore- 
head,  chin,  and  throat  deep  chestnut;  an  imperfect  collar  of  steel 
blue  across  the  breast;  white  spots  on  the  inner  webs  of  all  the  tail 
feathers  except  the  middle  two.  Tail  d<vply  forked  in  the  adult, 
{sexes  alike,  and  the  y(,un-  similar,  but  j.aler  I)el<,w,  Length  G  to 
t  inches,  and  extent  abon   i.  . 

VIOL  l^:'i'-( }  R  E  E X  SWA  L LOW 

( Tarh/jcincta  thalassinu). 

This  is  a  species  confined  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  and  the 
other  Pacific  ranjjes,  from  Banff  to  Vancouver  and  southward, 
and  up  through  Alaska  to  Circle  City.  Jt  nests  in  crevices  in 
cliffs,  in  holes  in  cutbanks,  and  in  crevices  between  the  loj^s  of 
cabins.  Its  winter  home  is  south  of  the  United  States,  probably 
in  Central  and  South  America.  This  is  one  of  the  most  beautifiil 
swallows  reaching  Canada.  The  plumage  of  the  under  side— 
including  the  sides  of  the  head  below  the  eyes— is  pure  silkv  white. 
Upper  parts  soft  velvety  green,  mixed  witli  violet  purj.le."  This 
latter  color  is  especially  i)rominent  on  the  back  of  the  neek  and  the 
rump.  The  wings  and  tail  are  blackish  with  violet  and  i)urple 
gloss.    Length  about  five  inches,  extent  about  twelve. 


(Tachycineta  bicolor). 

This  litt]e  swallow  is  a  summer  resident  of  all  soutliern  Can- 
ada f r.  m  Nova  Scotia  and  the  bou-idary  line  as  far  north  as  Hud- 
son Strait,  York  Factory  on  Hud>       B.'iy,  Fort  Good  Hope  on  the 



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Mackenzie  Kivor,  and  Chilcat,  Alaska.  AVhile  naturally  independ- 
ent of  man  and  his  structures,  the  disappearance  of  hollow  forest 
trees  has  made  the  Tree  Swallow  willing  to  build  in  woodpeckers' 
deserted  nests,  hollow  posts,  fence  rails,  and  even  empty  boxes  and 
bird  houses.  This  is  i)ro))ably  the  most  numerous  of  all  our  swal- 
lows, and  is  also  the  earliest  both  in  arriving  and  in  leaving.  Their 
flocks  are  made  up  early  in  August  and  roost  at  night  in  cattail 
marshes.  About  the  middle  of  the  month  they  move  southward, 
flying  during  the  day  often  at  a  considerable  height. 

Their  nests  are  made  of  grass,  straw,  and  leaves,  and  are 
lined  with  feathers.  The  eggs  are  pure  white  and  from  four  to 
eight  in  nunil)er.  The  upjx-r  i)lumage  is  lustrous  steel  blue  or 
green,  the  under  i)arts  pui'c  white,  outer  tail  feathers  longer  than 
the  middle  ones.    Jx'ngth  about  (),  extent  about  13  inches. 


{ClivicoUt  riporid). 

Bank  Swallows  are  rare  in  Labrador  and  Newfoundland,  but 
plentiful  in  southern  Nova  Scotia,  and  especially  so  in  Prince 
Edward  Island,  also  connnon  in  New  Brunswick,  Quebec,  On- 
tario, Manitoba,  and  across  the  plains  of  central  British  Columbia. 
Northward  they  are  found  to  the  mouth  of  the  Mackenzie  River, 
and  to  Dawson  in  the  Yukon,  and  Circle  City,  Alaska.  Every 
bank  of  sand  along  river  or  lake,  railway  ballast  pit  or  sand  pit  is 
almost  certain  to  have  many  tenants  of  ihis  species.  Their  nests 
are  placed  in  holes  excavated  to  a  depth  of  two  or  three  feet,  often 
with  two  entrances.  The  nest  itself  is  made  of  grass,  but  is  slight 
in  structure,  and  the  three  to  Ave  white  eggs  have  very  thin  shells. 
These  nests  are  often  in  hundreds,  and  the  population  of  one  bank 
mav  bv  August  be  a  thousand  or  more. 

The  plumage  of  the  upper  i)art  is  a  brownish  gray,  and  a 
band  of  the  same  crosses  the  breast;  the  throat  is  white,  as  are  the 



other  under  parts.  There  is  a  small  tuft  of  feathers  above  the 
hind  toe;  and  the  outside  of  the  outer  quill  of  the  wings  has  no 
I'ecurved  hooklets.    Length  about  5  inches,  and  extent  lO'/ii. 


(Stel(ji(loj>ti'rifx  sirriju'tniis). 

In  habits  and  appearance  the  Rough-winged  Swallow  resem- 
bles the  Bank  Swallow,  but  is  not  known  further  east  than  Ontario. 
It  is  found  from  Toronto  we  ward  to  the  Paeifie  coast,  but  may 
have  a  wider  range  than  n<)\  .nown,  bc^cause  the  bird  must  be  in 
the  hand  in  order  to  be  dist-  ^uished  from  the  preceding  species. 
It  builds  in  holes  in  banks,  or  walls,  or  stone  bridges,  almost  al- 
ways over  water,  and  the  nest  is  said  to  be  lined,  not  with  feathers, 
but  with  willow  leaves.  More  careful  observation  is  needed  re- 
garding both  distribution  and  habits  of  this  bird. 

The  upper  plumage  is  brownish  gray,  with  a  paler  shade  (»f 
the  same  on  the  throat  and  breast.  The  belly  is  white.  The  marks 
which  distinguish  this  species  from  the  Bank  Swallow  are  the  re- 
curved hooklets  on  the  outside  of  the  outer  wing  quill,  and  the 
absence  of  the  tuft  of  feathers  just  al)ove  the  hind  toe. 



These  peculiar  l>irds  are  apparently  not  closely  related  to  any 
other  group.  Three  species  are  known,  two  of  which  are  often 
seen  in  Oanada,  the  other  is  peculiar  to  Asia.  They  are  gregari- 
ous and  migratory,  weak  in  voice,  and  fearless  of  man.  The  pecu- 
liarity which  gives  them  their  name  is  the  narrow  horny  ti^),  look- 
ing like  red  sealing  wax,  which  terminates  the  tail  feathers  and 
the  secondaries  of  the  wings.  The  plumage  of  the  Waxwings  is 
in  general  fine  and  silky,  a  i)laiu  brownish  drab,  with  a  sharp 
pointed  crest  of  the  same  color. 


'  II 



,1       5 

i     - 


H    ' 




(Ampc'lis  garruU(s) . 

This  is  the  larger  form  known  in  Canada,  and  is  common  also 
to  northern  Europe  and  Asia.  With  us  it  spends  the  summer  in 
the  north,  from  the  latitude  of  Fort  Churchill  and  Banff  to  Great 
Bear  Lake.  Near  all  three  of  these  points  its  nests  have  been 
found.  In  Europe  its  nesting  was  a  subject  of  great  interest,  un- 
til found  in  Finland  by  Dresser.  Their  food  is  chiefly  berries  of 
the  Vacciithim  or  Huckleberry  family  during  the  summer,  and  of 
the  Red  Cedar  or  Juniper  during  the  fall  and  winter.  In  spring 
they  catch  insects,  and  no  doubt  feed  them  to  their  nestlings,  and 
during  their  winter  visit  to  southern  Ontario  they  live  largely  on 
the  frozen  berries  of  the  Rowan  trees.  Its  range  seems  to  cover 
most  of  Canada  and  the  northern  States,  although  very  irregular 
in  distribution  in  all  parts,  except  possibly  the  eastern  foothills 
of  the  Rockies.  Every  observer  describes  its  appearance  as  er- 
ratic, several  years  often  intervening  between  the  occurrence  of 
the  flocks  in  which  it  travels.  Its  home  seems  to  be  the  uninhab- 
ited wilds  bordering  on  the  treeless  Arctic  plains.  When  it  is 
driven  south  by  lack  of  food  in  winter  it  is  quite  free  from  the 
caution  learned  by  the  birds  of  "civilized"  regions,  and  will 
perch  close  to  windows  and  sidewalks  while  it  gathers  the  fruit 
left  by  our  more  southerly  migrants. 

These  beautiful  birds  may  be  thought  of  with  the  Evening  or 
Pine  Grosbeaks,  and  Crossbills,  and  Arctic  Owls,  visiting  this 
part  of  the  world  only  under  stress  of  deep  snow  and  zero  weather. 
A  flock  spent  about  a  fortnight  in  Kingston  during  the  winter  of 

They  nest  usually  in  evergreens,  at  twenty  or  more  feet  from 
the  ground,  laying  four  or  five  eggs — pale  bluish  gray  with  spot*" 
of  brownish  black. 






1"  i 



■   II 






Ill)  \I<  \V  WWIM. 

:  -i/f. 



The  sexes  are  alike  and  seasonal  changes  are  very  slight,  the 
plumage  is  smooth  and  silky,  a  brownish  gray  on  the  upper  parts, 
brighter  on  the  tail,  rump,  and  wings.  The  primaries  and  second- 
aries have  bars  of  white  or  yellow,  and  the  tail  a  yellow  band  at 
the  end.  The  under  tail  coverts  are  chestnut.  The  breast  is 
brownish  gray,  like  the  back,  the  belly  being  paler,  but  not  yel- 
lowish. The  forehead,  chin,  and  throat,  and  a  bar  through  the 
eyes  are  velvety  black,  while  the  sides  of  the  head  and  the  fi'ont 
ot'  the  crest  are  often  chestnut.  Length  between  7  and  8  inches, 
extent  13  to  14  -nches. 



(.1  mpclis  ccdrorn m ) . 
This  is  much  better  known  than  its  larger  and  more  beautiful 
relative.  It  ranges  all  across  the  northern  States  and  Canada, 
coming  into  Ontario  about  the  middle  of  May.  They  go  about  in 
flocks  in  spring,  nesting  quite  late,  of*  n  in  July.  Until  the  young 
are  fledged,  insects  form  the  chief  food  of  these  birds,  locusts.  May 
flies,  and  elm-tree  beetle  larvae  being  found  in  their  stomachs,  and 
they  are  believed  to  destroy  canker  worms.  Their  nests  are  built 
in  apple  or  othe.  broad-leafed  trees  or  in  evergreens,  seldom 
higher  than  fifteen  feet  from  the  ground.  In  the  fall  the  birds, 
young  and  old,  in  small  flocks  devote  their  attention  to  fruits, 
juniper  berries,  huckleberries,  cultivated  and  wild  cherries,  and 
later  mountain  ash  or  rowan  berries.  Their  boldness  in  taking 
possession  of  cherry  trees  under  the  immediate  supervision  of  the 
o\sTier  results  in  the  death  of  many,  but  they  are  slow  to  learn  shy- 
ness. The  small  injury  they  occasionally  do  to  our  cherries  should 
be  overlooked  in  view  of  their  destruction  of  insects,  and  their 
general  confiding,  gentle  ways,  and  graceful  beauty.  Their  eggs 
are  four  or  five,  blue  gray  with  spots  and  blotches,  and  are  quite 
like  those  of  the  Bohemian  Waxwing,  but  smaller. 




.  I 




The  coloration  of  the  Cedar  Bird  is  very  like  that  of  its  larger 
cousin— a  qiiaker  color— plain  grayish  brown  on  back,  wings, 
tail,  and  breast.  The  end  of  the  tail  has  a  yellow  band,  the  lower 
belly  is  yellowish.  There  are  no  white  spots  on  the  wings.  The 
forehead,  chin,  and  a  line  through  the  eye  are  black.  The  second- 
aries, and  sometimes  the  tail  feathers,  have  the  red  wax-like  tips 
in  many  eases,  although  sometimes  wanting,  and  their  presence 
has  not  been  j)roven  to  be  due  to  sex,  season,  nor  age.  Length  about 
7  inches,  extent  lli^,  to  12  inches. 



This  family  has  the  peculiar  structural  characteristics  of 
weak  i)erchiug  feet,  associated  with  the  bill  of  a  bird  of  prey — 
notched,  toothed,  and  hooked.  Their  characteristic  habit  is  that 
of  impaling  their  prey  on  splinters,  thorns,  or  barbs  of  wire 
fences,  aj)pareutly  for  convenience  of  feeding  ui)on  it. 

Jn  (Canada  only  two  species  are  known  to  occur  regularly.  In 
plumage  our  Shrikes  are  uuich  alike,  and  strikingly  resemble 
the  :Mocking-bird  of  the  south.  All  are  carnivorous,  living  entire- 
ly on  mice,  birds,  lizards,  snakes,  and  insects,  in  varying  propor- 
tions, depending  on  the  lociility  and  season. 


(Laiiiiufi  bon'ctlis) . 

In  southern  Canada,  from  ocean  to  ocean,  this  bird  is  found 
in  winter,  but  the  summer  is  si)ent  usually  some  distance  north  of 
the  boundary.  It  nests  in  Labrador,  Quebec,  and  Ontario,  also  in 
Manitol)a,  Saskatchewan,  and  Alberta.  The  nest  is  large  and 
rough,  and  built  within  ten  feet  of  the  ground.  The  eggs  are  usu- 
ally four;  greenish  grfiy  with  brown  and  purplish  spots.  In  spring 
this  hawk-like  bird  is  said  (E.  E.  Thompson)  to  sing  as  well  as  a 










•  in 
,s  a 




Cat-bird,  but  few  seem  to  have  heard  this  snrprisiujj;  pei-fornianee. 
Its  food  ill  winter  is  ehietly  small  birds,  especially  the  house  spar- 
row in  the  vicinity  uf  villages  and  t<»wiis.  In  winter  the  Hutcher 
Bird  is  known  to  kill  various  other  birds,  mostly  f»rain  eat<'rs. 
However,  durinj?  spnnj?,  summer,  and  autumn  its  chief  food  is 
such  as  to  offset  its  winter  crimes,  if  killinfj;  Ikhisc  sparrows  can 
be  called  a  crime.  It  then  feeds  larjjfely  on  mice,  crickets,  jjrass- 
hopj)ers,  cateri)illars,  and  lizards. 

The  plumaji'e  of  the  upiier  part  is  f>;ray.  with  winj^s  and  tail 
black,  excei)t  the  ti])S  of  the  secondaries  and  of  the  outei-  tail 
feathers.  Forehead  whitish,  lores  ni-ayisii,  ear  coverts  black. 
Under  parts  white,  usually  with  fine  wavy  lines  of  black.  Lenj^th 
about  10,  extent  VS\(>  to  14VL'  inches.    Tarsus  less  than  1  inch. 


( L((>iii(s  li((l(n-ici'(nms). 

From  Nova  Scotia  to  Manitoba  this  is  the  well  known  Shrike 
of  southern  Canada.  It  is  common  as  far  north  as  (leor^ian  i3ay, 
nestintjj  in  hawthorn  trees.  Its  j>i'asshopper  larder  is  frequently 
tlie  barbed  wire  fences,  which  may  be  seen  decorated  with  insects' 
bodies  in  consideral)le  numbers.  It  catches  small  mice  and  small 
birds,  but  is  not  so  stiMiig  or  well  e(iuii)ped  for  slaugiiter  as  the 
Butcher  Bird.  As  the  Lof>;fj;erhead  u'oes  southward  in  winter,  its 
food  while  with  us  is  almost  entirely  such  as  we  can  well  spare. 
Caterpillars,  crickets,  grasshoppers,  and  mice  are  its  principal 
victims.  Its  note  is  not  musical,  but  is  i)ersistently  uttered.  These 
birds  show  little  shyness,  building  near  the  ground,  and  allowing 
an  observer  to  approach  close  to  them  and  their  nests  without 
displaying  alarm.  Like  the  Kingbird  and  hawks,  the  Shrike 
perches  on  the  top  of  a  tree  or  stake,  where  its  vision  enables  it  to 
note  moving  insects  or  mice  at  some  distance.  Coloration  in  gen- 
eral like  the  last,  but  the  forehead  is  black  and  the  lower  parts 


:i  I 




are  withoiu  dark  wavy  lines.    The  rump  and  «^-P^"^^^^ 
white  markings,  and  the  primaries  a  short  white  patch.    Length 
8  to  81/2  inches,  tai-sus  1  inch  or  more. 

(Lanius  Uulovicianus  excubitoroides). 
From  Manitoba  westward  to  the  mountains,  and  in  the  mid- 
dle United  States  this  is  the  common  form.    In  habits  this  variety 
dosolv  resembles  the  other,  but  being  a  more  southerly  fo^-m  than 
?he  Butcher  Bird,  its  food  seems  to  be  more  of  insects  av    less  of 

^'"""^The  distinction  between  this  and  the  Loggerhead  is  largely 
the  proportion  of  white.  This  has  much  white  on  the  rump  and 
slpulak  and  a  long  white  patch  on  the  primaries.  The  young 
of  all  thi'ee  forms  mentioned  have  the  black  wavy  lines  on  the 

lower  surface.  ,      -    .  v 

From  southern  Bri^^sh  Columbia  we  have  a  record  of  the 
capture  of  one  specimen  of  the  California  Shrike,  a  variety  of  the 
Loggerhead,  darker  in  color  than  either  of  the  others. 


(Vireonidae) . 
We  have  used  the  name  Flycatchers  for  one  group  of  insect- 
eating  birds-those  which  dart  out  from  their  perch  to  catch 
paSlg  insects.  Examples  of  that  group  are  the  Kingbird  and 
Phoebe.  Tliis  group-the  Vireos  or  Greenlets-are  as  truly  in- 
sect-eaters, but  their  hunting  grounds  are  the  leaves  and  bark  of 
trees  These  they  explore  most  carefully  in  search  of  eggs  or 
larvae  or  creeping  forms  of  insects.  Their  structural  peculiari- 
ties are-  (1)  bills  like  those  of  the  Shrikes,  hooked,  notched,  and 
toothed;  (2)  toes  stout,  mth  sharp  claws,  and  united  at  the  base. 
These  feet  are  not  used  for  catching  their  prey,  but  for  their  acro- 





ba'  e  needs  when  <  lin-  ij?  to  1  aves  and  1  i^s.  In  color  they  are 
olivi"  jii-ccn  org  cv.  a  ins;  •  they  arc  i  .ally  between  five  and 
six  inches  i  len^^fh.  '1  iie  se.\  are  alike,  witli-.iit  seasonal  varia- 
tion, and  ih.  youi  :  are  similai  o  the  parents.  Th.  v  uihl  a  pen- 
sile lest  <.i'  tibrou.v  materials  and  lay  four  <r  fi.e  rj-s,  white  or 
siiiflujy    I  totted. 

rii<    Vireos  have  decided  musical  abilM    smi,  them  hav- 

ing' \<  'v  pleasinjf  sou^s,  which  tiny  rr-     late  at  s\v       intervals. 

As  iiulHMted  above,  they  are  ^  "ictlv  ai 
cliinl'  111.'  and  searchinj";.     They  ar    ki 
for  is    -scai      insects,    leaf  hop])e 
joinr-wonu  i     s,  ants,  :May-flies,  ca 
mnst,  tnerefo     .  be  reckoned  anioncr 
son  of  our  forest  and  fruit  trees 

'!.  and  ol.  lin  prey  by 

i-         eat  the   following 

ink:      s,   saw-fly,    larvae, 

d  l>eetles.     They 

'  lie  winged  garri- 



THE  KEl  El     ,  FKEO 

(Vireosyi  a  oUvacea). 

'"he  summer  range  of  this  ongster  is  the  whole  of  the  wooded 
pt>rtions  of  North  America  fi  >  Cape  Bret(.n  to  Vancouver,  as 
far  north  as  Lesser  Slave  L  k  nd  south  to  the  <Uilf  of  Mexico. 
In  some  places  the  Ked-eyc  Known  as  the  'itreaeher,"'  and  it 
certainly  sets  an  example  of  clear,  persistent  reiteration  of  a  state- 
ment, during  the  midday  heat  as  well  as  at  the  more  usual  and 
"convenient  season"  of  matins  and  m  ~]uy».  Its  nest  is  closelv 
and  smoothly  woven  of  bark,  tendrils,  twigs,  wasps'  nest  pa?)er, 
and  plant  down,  and  is  saft  y  hung  in  a  fork  of  small  hrancfies 
usually  high  in  a  maf.le.  '?'!■:  ,.ggs  are  three  or  four,  pure  vhite 
with  a  fe\  reddish  own  .ots  near  the  larger  end.  The  erown 
of  the  head  is  gi  ,y,  oordered  by  with  a  shni-i,  white  line 
over  the  eye.  Tpper  parts  olive  greer  under  j>arts\vhite.  No 
wmg  bars.  Line  around  the  eye  red.  ?  ngth  about  -v  inches 
extent  about  10.  ' 




( Vircosylva  philadelphica). 

The  range  of  this  bird  is  not  v.ell  deftued.  because  the  close 
resemblance  it  bears  to  other  Vireos  has  prevented  its  bemg  ti^- 
nuentlv  recorded.  Only  expert  observers  distinguish  it  trom  the 
^receding  and  the  next  species.  It  has  been  taken  as  tar  north  as 
James  Bav  and  as  far  west  as  Edmonton.  It  is  known  to  occur 
as  a  migrant  near  Ottawa,  Toronto,  London,  and  Guelph.  It  is 
reported  as  breeding  in  Leeds  County,  Ont.,  in  Manitoba  and  in 
Saskatchewan.  Careful  observations  are  needed  to  knit  together 
these  scattered  records.  Its  nest  and  eggs  are  similar  to  those  of 
the  Ked<'yt^d  Vireo.  The  distinguishing  peculiarity  of  its  plum- 
age is  the  fact  that  the  grayish  crown  is  not  bordered  by  b  ack- 
isli,  and  that  the  entire  under  parts  are  pale  greenish  yellow. 
Length  usually  5  inches,  extent  8  to  SV-i- 


{Vireosilva  yilvus). 

This  and  the  Red-eyed  Vireo  are  our  common  and  well  known 
species  From  Nova  Scotia  to  Vancouver  Island  we  may  hear  the 
bright  sweet  warble  of  this  bird,  especially  in  the  maples  and  elms 
of  citv  streets  and  parks.  It  seems  to  prefer  the  vicinity  ot  build- 
ings, and  brightens  every  daylight  hour  with  its  clear  strong  song 
persistentlv  repeated.  It  hangs  its  nest  often  from  the  highest 
branches  of  tall  maples,  and  its  eggs  are  similar  to  those  already 

To  distinguish  this  from  the  two  preceding  species  we  must 
notice  that  it  has  very  little  yellow  on  the  lower  surface  on  a 
white  ground  color.    Length  about  o^Vx  inches,  extent  about  9^/4. 

Some  ornithologists  distingush  the  forai  found  in  the  Rocky 
Mountains  and  British  Columbia  as  a  variety  to  be  loiown  as  the 



"Western  Warbling  Vireo,  but  the  characteristics  are  too  slight  to 
enable  most  observers  to  appreciate  them.  It  is  said  to  be  smaller 
and  paler  than  V.  gilvus. 


(Lanivireo  flavifrons). 

This  bird  may  be  more  plentiful  than  we  think,  because  of  the 
ease  with  which  it  may  be  overlooked.  When  seen  close  at  hand 
there  is  no  difficulty  in  distinguishing  this  species  from  those  pre- 
ceding it,  but  it  stays  in  the  tops  of  the  trees,  and  resembles  the 
Solitary  and  White-eyed  Vireos  in  its  markings.  It  is  known  to 
occur  infrequently  about  Montreal,  Ottawa,  Kingston,  and 
Toronto;  frequently  at  London,  and  rarely  in  Manitoba  and 
southern  Saskatchewan.  It  nests  throughout  this  range.  Chap- 
man describes  it  as  a  contralto  singer  with  rich  notes,  and  more 
expression  than  most  of  the  others.  Its  nest  and  eggs  are  similar 
to  the  others  described 

The  upper  plumage  is  bright  olive  green,  with  gray  on  the 
rump,  and  two  distinct  white  wing  bars.  The  eye-ring,  throat,  and 
breast  are  bright  yellow,  belly  and  crissum  abruptly  white. 
Length  just  under  6  inches,  extent  10. 



(Lanivireo  solitarius). 

New  England  and  the  northern  tier  of  states,  and  Canada 
north  to  Georgian  Bay  and  to  Lesser  Slave  Lake,  and  west  to 
southern  Saskatchewan  seems  to  be  the  range  of  this  splendid 
musician.  It  is  thought  by  many  to  be  the  best  singer  of  a  gifted 
family.  It  builds  its  hanging  nest  quite  low,  often  within  five 
feet  of  the  ground,  and  lays  usually  four  eggs.    In  southern  On- 



;   ■     ' 


tario  we  see  the  Solitary  Vireo  only  in  May  and  September,  as  it 
builds  usually  further  north. 

The  peculiarity  in  the  plumage  of  this  Vireo  is  the  blue  gray 
on  the  top  and  sides  of  the  hrad,  giving  it  the  name  Blue-headed 
Vireo.  From  the  nostrils  to  and  around  the  oye  is  a  whitish  line. 
The  back,  wings,  and  tail  are  olive  green.  Two  white  wing  bars ; 
sides  and  crissum  yellowish ;  belly  and  breast  pure  white.  Length 
5l/<;  inches,  extent  SYi ;  body  stout. 

In  British  Columbia  a  dull  and  more  brownish  variety  of  the 
Solitarv  Vireo  is  found,  and  is  known  as  Cassin's  Vireo. 


(Vireo  novaboracensis). 

Shrubby  pastures  of  the  eastern  United  States  are  the  sum- 
mer home  of  this  bold  and  sprightly  singer,  but  it  has  been  collected 
in  New  Brunswick  and  Ontario.  In  winter  it  goes  south  to  Central 
America.    One  nest  is  reported  from  the  vicinity  of  Toronto. 

Upper  surface  bright  olive  green,  with  two  distinct  white  wing 
bars;  lores  and  eye-ring  yellow;  iris  white;  throat  and  belly  white; 
breast  and  sides  ycllt)w.    Length  about  5,  extent  about  8  inches. 


(Vireo  huttoui  obscurus). 

This  variety  has  been  taken  on  Vancouver  Island.  It  is  a 
dusky  form  of  Hutton's  Greenlet  which  is  found  on  the  Pacific 
Slope  further  south.  It  is  a  small  bird  under  five  inches  in 
length,  with  plumage  like  that  of  the  White-eyed  Vireo  except 
that  the  upper  parts  have  a  bro\\  cast  and  the  lower  surface  is 
almost  entirely  yellowish. 






wiinr.  F.\  I'.i)  viKi  II 

(\  irco  inivrrH>ran'n>i^. ) 
.\;iuui  Lilesiif. 

*Jr     *    J 

■  ! 







beis  mav  be  chaiia-pfl  l.v  «.-.,.^        i  "opicai.     ihese  num- 

3..rin«  '^^nJ^i^2^:^t:Z^  ^y, observer.    The 

K"ili!,'  on  within  ,Ioors   ont^irl^  f  ^     ,    <i,.sturhmg  process  is 

-"»  «ith  eves,  hv  the  d'.ilvr,hU  Zt  """"•'  "'"■'"■•"•'  '^  *"« 
overhaul  o„,  ,n  „  .nd  fnVit  '%  ""  "™-~' "'  '"'^I«^-=to'^  "'"t 
twi^s.  Of  all  elL  i  !l7  ♦  r?  ""  '"'"'  •"  '™'>k  to  tip  of 
crevice  and  examine  everJ  hole\„d  tw  I  -     '"""''  '™''^' 

One  day  the  ,«a,,oritv  of  ihos    ir,tS  tm  VT^^"'.""-'"'  '^'''■ 
white  hirds,  c-eenins  „„  nnd   .         ,  ^  streaked  black  and 

.-t  da.v  „,;,  ,;S     ' :  f,    ;:- ^'-  ;-ks  ..d  branches,  the 

..■on.  — ;v^::er^i:t:riaVt":"orTr '-- 

anion-  ()„r  best  songsters.  ^'^°  B"-d— rank 

In  southen,  Ontario  «'e  ex, "ec    t  l!*^  ?'"""''^  fm-ther  north. 

A,..-il,  and  fron.  that  uI^X    t,     ™d  ."vt'v  t  l"''  r''  '" 
«l.o>v  everv  da.v  new  and  ver,  interestlnSlIeL'.  """  '"■'' 


■I  ■ 




U  3S 




(Adapted  from  Coues). 
1.  Length  7  inches  or  more,  Bill  very  stout. . .  .Icteria,  page    267 
1.  Length  between  5Vo  and  7  inches : — 

Bill  ordinary,  tail  feathers  unmarked Seiurus,  page  263 

1.  Length  under  5^4  inches: — 

2.  Wing  equal  to  tail  or  shorter,  head  ashy. 

Geothlypis,  pages  264-265-266 

2.  Wing  equal  to  tail  or  longer.    Head  not  ashy: — 

3.  Tarsus  shorter  than  middle  toe  and  claw;  plumage  streaked, 
black  and  white Mniotilta,  page  247 

3.  Tarsus  not  shorter  than  middle  toe  and  claw. 

4.  Riotal  bristles  reaching  far  beyond  the  nostrils.    Tail  greenish, 
plain  or  with  white  spots Wilsonia,  pages  267-268-269 

4.  Rictal  bristles  not  reaching  beyond  the  nostrils: — 

5.  Tail  feathers  all  unmarked: — 

5.  Tail  feathers  blotched  with  white  or  yellow: — 

6.  Bill  not  over  y^  inch  long : — 

7.  Wing  not  over  2^^  inches  long.    Bill  very  acute 

Uelminthophila,  pages  248-249 

8.  No  rictal  bristles.    Whole  foreparts  yellow. 

8.  Rictal  bristles  evident:-  '  Protonotaria,  page  247 

9.  Back  blue  gray  with  a  yellowish  patch. 

Compsothlypis,  page  250 

9.  Coloration  otherwise. 

Dendroica,  pages  251-253-254-255-256-257-258-259-260-261-262 

1.  Tail  feathers  edged  with  yellow,  head  yellow. 

1.  Tail  feathers  blotched  ^vith  white :-       «^«^*^«'  P^^^^  251-252 

2.  White  spot  at  base  of  primaries : — 






o   ix^'^'V-^'"'  'f  I'u'^ caendesccns,  page  253 

^.  No  white  spot  at  base  of  primaries:— 

4.  Wing  bars  not  white : — 

5.  White  below,  sides  chestnut,  streaked,  crown  yellow. 

K    v^ii       ,   ,  . ,  pennsylvanica,  page  255 

5.  Yellow  below,  sides  reddish-streaked,  crown  chestnut. 

s    v^ii       11  . ,  palmar uni,  page  261 

5.  Yellow  below;  sides  black  streaked,  above  ashy. 

c    v«,,       ,   ,  . ,      , ,  hirtlandi,  j>age  260 

sTreakI  '  '      '      ''^  '*'''^^'^'  ^^^''"  °^!^^  ^'^^^  ^^^dish 

^    TIT-      1- ,' ." discolor,  paire  262 

4.  Wing  bars  white— sometimes  fused.— 

6.  Crown  blue  like  back,  below  white,  sides  and  back  streaked. 

6.  Crown  chestnut  like  the  throat,  and  under  parte  and 'sTdes^of 

neck  tinged  with  buff  . 

f.    f^  f  '    ,     ^ cmtanca,  page  255 

0.  Crown  clear  ash,  breast  and  sides  black  streaked;  under  parts 

and  rump  j^llow mac./o.r/,  page  254 

b.  Crown  blackish,  median  line  and  ear  coverts  orange  brown. 

nmip  yellow %n««.  page  251 

6.  Crown  perfectly  black,  throat  black,  with  a  small  yellovv  loral 

spot • 

..    A  ^'\\'\\": ntgreaccHs,  page  258 

().  Crown  perfectly  black,  throat  not  black;  no  vellow;  foef.  flesh 

color '  /  •  X 

f.   ^  -^i      -i. striata,  jiage  256 

6.  Crown  with  yellow  spot:— 

7.  Throat  flame  color,  rump  not  yellow.  . .  .Uachhurma,  page  257 
7.  Ihroat  white,  rump  and  sides  of  breast  yellow. 

7    m       i.      „  coronata,  page  252 

/.  Throat  yellow,  rump  and  sides  of  breast  yellow. 

an  J.-,        .  auduboni,  pasre  253 

6.  Crown  otherwise  than  6:—  ^ 

''  vellow    ^''''^'  ^""'^  '''^''  streaked,  rump  ash  colored,  crown 

•  ^  ^^ occidcntalis,  i)age  259 




y'  " 


'-  i 



7    Throat  black,  back  olive,  crown  olive virem,  page  258 

7    Throat  black,  back  olive,  croxNii  not  olive,  .townsnidi,  page  -o9 
7    Throat  vellow,  back  olive,  head  withont  ashy  or  black. 

vigorsii,  page  2w 


(Copied  from  Cones). 

Bill  verv  acute  with  decurved  tip,  rump  generally  yellow. 

tiyrina,  page  2ol 

Wing  bars  and  belly  yellow  dineolor,  page  262 

Wing  bars  and  tail  dusky,  edged  with  yellow.  _ 

aesfiva,  pages  251-2o2 

Wing  bars  yellow,  belly  pure  white,  .peini.siflrmiiea,  page252 
A  vellow  spot  in  front  of  the  eye  and  nowhere  else. 

nigreseens,  page  258 

A  white  spot  at  base  of  priniai-ies.  . .  .enende.seens,  page  253 
Rump,  sides  of  bvea.«t,  crown  and  throat  more  or  less  yellow. 

(luduhoni,  page  253 

Rump,  sides  of  breast  and  crown  with  yellow,  throat  white.  _ 

(oronata,  page  252 
Wing  l)ars  white,  tail  spots  obli.iue,  and  only  at  the  ends  of 

two  outer  feathers  vufoi-m,  page  260 

Spots  at  end  of  nearlv  all  tail  IVather.s.     No  definite  yeUow 

anvwhere '•"'•^'^  P'^g*^  "'^^ 

Wing  l)ars  l»rownish,  tail  spots  s(|uare  and  at  end  of  the  two 

outer  feathers  only  palmanuu,  page  261 

Wing  bars  n(»t  very  conspicuous,  wholly   underpart   yellow, 

back  with  no  green" kirtlmuU,  i)age  260 

Spots  at  middle  of  nearly  all  the  tail  feathers;  rump  and  belly 

yellow ' maeidom,  page  254 

Throat  yellow  or  orange,  crown  with  some  trace  of  central 
yellow  or  orange  spot,  and  outer  tail  feathers  white-edged  ex- 

Urnallv hlackhurnia,  page  257 




(Miiiotiltn  varia). 

This  is  more  likely  to  bo  called  a  ereeiter  than  a  Warbler,  as 
it  runs  up  and  down  and  an)undthe  trunks  of  trees  befor?  the  leaves 
are  fully  exjjanded.  Its  note  is  thin  and  not  musical.  As  a  sinnmer 
resident  it  is  found  in  Nova  Scotia  and  New  Bi'iniswick,  also  near 
Quebec,  Monti-eal.  and  Ottawa.  It  is  a  conunon  inijirant  and 
breeds  in  considerable  nund>ers  in  Ontario,  a  mij;rant  also  in  Mani- 
toba, where  it  occasionally  nests,  but  it  is  seldom  found 
west  of  that,  although  a  few  have  been  taken  in  the  foot-hill  coun- 
try of  Alberta.  It  makes  its  nest  on  the  ground,  among  trees,  or 
lo<is,  laying  four  or  five  eggs,  creamy  white  with  brown  spots 
uear  the  larger  end. 

The  plumage  is  everywhere  black  and  white  striped,  except 
the  middle  of  the  belly,  which  is  white.  Two  white  wing  bars.  Ear 
coverts  black.  No  yellow  anywhere.  The  female  has  more  white 
below.    Length  about  5  inches,  extent  about  Sy^. 


(Protonotaria  citrca). 

This  is  one  of  the  Golden  Swamp  Warblers,  nesting  in  cavities 
in  trees  or  logs,  and  partial  to  shrubbery  and  thick  swampy  growth. 
Its  home  is  the  southeastern  United  States  as  far  noi-th  as  Vir- 
ginia. Any  reaching  Canada  do  so  as  accidental  wanderers.  Its 
eggs  are  five  or  six,  creamy  white,  spotted  with  brown  or  red. 
The  beauty  of  the  bird  is  accentuated  by  the  dark  background  of 
its  usual  home.  The  head,  neck  and  breast  are  golden  or  orange 
yellow,  with  greenish  on  the 'back,  and  paler  yellow  on  the  belly; 
rump,  wings,  and  tail  ashy ;  bill  large  and  black.  Length  Sy^, 
extent  9  or  more  inches. 



^'  •  t 

^       THE    NEW    CANADIAN    BIRD    BOOK 

(Helminthophila  chrysoptera). 

These  are  of  the  so-called  Worm-eating  Warblers,  having 
slender  acute  bills,  and  wings  long  and  pointed.  It  is  known  but 
rarely  in  Canada,  but  has  been  seen  in  the  Magdalen  Islands,  in 
New  Brunswick,  in  Western  Ontario,  and  in  Manitoba.  Its  pro- 
per range  is  the  eastern  United  States,  wintering  in  Mexico  and 
Central  America.  It  is  reported  by  W.  E.  Saunders  to  make  a 
bulky  nest  of  leaves  among  the  stems  of  shrubs.  The  eggs  are  as 
usual  white  with  reddish  brown  specks.  The  plumage  is  beauti- 
fully colored.  The  back,  wings  and  tail  are  slaty  blue,  the  crown 
and  wing  spots  bright  yellow.  The  chin,  throat,  and  upper  breast 
are  black,  as  is  also  a  stripe  on  each  side  of  the  head.  These  black 
patches  are  bordered  with  white.  The  lower  parts  otherwise  are 
white,  but  sometimes  yellowish.  The  black  markings  are  obscure 
in  the  young  birds,  which  also  show  some  yellow  on  wings  and 

Length  about  5  inches,  extent  7i/o  inches. 


(UdmintliopJiila  rubncapilla). 

From  the  Atlaitic  provinces  to  Manitoba,  probably  about 
Hudson  Bay  as  it  was  taken  in  Greenland,  and  through  the  east- 
ern United  Sitates,  wintering  in  Mexico  and  southward,^^8 
quietly  dress(  d  and  inconspicuous  warbler  ranges.  It  keeps  to 
the  shrubbery  of  wood  borders,  and  among  second  growth  and 
scrub.  Its  nest  is  built  on  the  ground,  its  eg^s  being  white  or 
creamy  with  reddish  specks  chiefly  at  the  larger  end.  hs  song 
is  not  very  musical. 

The  back,  wings,  and  tail  are  olive  green,  the  top  and  sides 
of  the  head  gray,  with  a  somewhat  concealed  chestnut  patch  on  the 
crown ;  under  parts  bright  yellow,  paler  on  the  belly. 



Length  41/^  or  more,  extent  about  71/2  inches. 

A  variety  of  the  Nashville  Warbler,  named  the  Calaveras 
Warbler,  but  considered  by  some  good  authorities  as  identical 
with  the  above,  occurs  in  the  Rocky  Mountains  of  both  the  Unit- 
ed States  and  Canada.  It  is  described  as  somewhat  more  brightly 
colored  both  above  and  below. 


(Helminthophila  celata). 

This  is  a  westerly  foi-m,  being  rarely  taken  east  of  Ontario, 
nor  commonly  in  Ontario,  and  found  breeding  very  seldom  east  of 
Manitoba.  It  is  known  to  nest  in  Manitoba  and  Alaska.  Being 
of  quiet  coloration  and  not  notable  as  songsters,  these  may  pass 
us  unnoticed,  but  their  chief  migration  route  seems  to  be  west  of 
Ontario.  They  build  their  nest  in  deep  grass,  in  shaded  and  often 
moist  places.  The  eggs  are  not  different  from  those  of  other 
small  warblers. 

The  upper  surface  is  dull  olive  green,  biighter  on  the  rump, 
below  they  are  greenish  white,  pale  on  belly  and  throat,  and  some- 
what streaky.  On  the  crown  is  an  orange-brown  patch  partly  con- 
cealed.   Length  about  C  inches,  extent  about  7Vo. 

The  Pacific  Orange-crowned  Warbler,  variety  lutescens,  is 
found  from  Edmonton  to  Vancouver  Island,  and  differs  from  the 
type  in  being  more  richly  colored.  It  is  bright  olive  green  above, 
and  greenish  yellow  below,  with  dusky  streaks.  It  nests  on  the 
mountains  from  California  to  Alaska. 


(Heminthophila  percgrina) . 

Across  the  continent  from  Nova  Scotia  and  Anticosti  to  Cen- 
tral British  Columbia,  we  have  records  of  this  warbler.  It  breeds 
from  the  New  England  States  northward,  but  is  not  noted  as 
common  except  near  the  At'rabasca  and  Lesser  Slave  Lakes.  When 



,    I 

f^;  ■: 

it  is  better  known  it  may  prove  to  hv  more  plentiful  than  our 
present  records  indicate.  It  nests  on  the  {(round  under  old  grass 
anions?  shrubs,  and  the  white  eggs  are  thickly  speckled  with  brown 
at  the  larger  ends.  Open  woodland,  and  shrubby  fences  are  the 
favorite  haunts  of  this  inconspicuous  littk  bird.  In  plumage  this 
resembles  the  Nashville  and  Orange-crowned  Warblers,  but  the 
adults  may  be  distinguished  by  notinu  rliat  this  warbler — while  i>ale 
greenish  yellow  below, — is  not  streaked,  as  is  the  Orange-crowned 
Warbler,  while  the  Nashville  is  bright  yellow  below.  The  tail  of 
the  Tennessee  Warbler  is  only  2  inches  or  less,  while  the  wing 
is  2-'  I  or  more.  The  upper  parts  are  bright  olive  green  with  bluish 
gray  on  the  top  and  sides  of  the  head,  and  no  crowu  patch  of 
different  color.    Length  about  4*'^,  and  extent  T-; 4  inches. 



(Co>ni>sofhlyi>i.s  americaua  usncae). 
This  beautiful  little  warl)ler  is  a  southei-n  bird,  but  those  com- 
ing to  southern  Ontario  seem  to  go  on  northward  to  nest.  It  is 
recorded  as  resident  in  Nova  Scotia  and  New  Brunswick.  In 
May  it  is  quite  i)lentiful  just  north  of  the  Great  Lakes  but  it  is  not 
known  to  breed  there.  In  the  southern  Tnited  States  it  makes  its 
nest  in  the  'long  gray  moss' — Tillandsia, — which  is  a  flowering 
plant  and  not  a  moss.  In  the  north  it  uses  the  Usnea, — a  hanging 
lichen,  but  often  called  moss, — f(»r  the  same  |»urpose.  Our  north- 
ern form  is  said  to  be  slightly  larger  and  with  shorter  bill  than  the 
type,  but  this  is  scarcely  sufficient  distinction  to  make  a  new  name 

It  is  seen  chiefly  in  tall  treetoi)S.  The  u])per  parts  are  gray- 
ish blue,  with  a  greenish  yellow  patch  on  the  back.  Two  white 
wing  bars,  and  two  outer  wing  feathers  with  white  patches  near 
the  ends.  Throat  and  breast  yellow,  but  with  a  dark  or  chestnut 
band  across  the  breast.  Belly  white.  Length  4-;4  or  under,  extent 
about  714  inches. 



1'  \l^l   I. A  U  .\KI;i,|  K. 


t  l.ifrniie 



{Vcudroica  tiyrina). 

Tbis  is  a  beautiful  mfe  i.ini^but  -^^^VHs'^^itane" 
fact  it  seems  t„  be  »"-'';;7/-™™'^- J  ^Quci^e,  Moi.treai,  and 
are  known  fn.n, .  an,es  »^'  •  ^^^^^^Vw  Bron»«iek  andtbe  Mas- 
Ottawa.  Its  nc«t  bas  been  l""'^  ■'  '"  „  ,,„.„  niigrant,  but  in 
dalen  Islands.  In  «'  K»  '  '  .j' i"s„id  to  nest  tbere. 
eastern  Manitoba  .t  is  nio.v  1*"\\  "  -'^  ,5,1,,  ,„„„tr.v.  but  it  is 

A  few  s,,eein>ens  have  l«en  «"';'  '  "       ;'"  \  ;,  ,,„„i  „f  ,all  eve,- 
„,ovelikely  t"l.eseenmvv«,     1  _^  .^,    ^___^ 

^J:^l^::^U^l:':^^^^-    ..  is  tbi.  and 

01-  siiots,  and  rump  yellow      1 1'>^  <-"ov  ^_(^ 

,i„;and  ear  -ver.s  of  oranRe  b.wn  Jbe^ull  .         .^^^^^^  ^, 

deeurved  til-,  and  the   •'•*'"•; ''^.fre  vlb-w.     A  black  line 

and  the  sides  of  the  bead  ^."^";\,;.,^t;a„d  sides  are  streaked 
thronsbtbeeye.andtbehnverth  oat    ...  .St,.  ^^^  ^^^ 

with  blaek.  The  white  wm«  '"'^  '  '^^  ,"„; "^e  i.  ner  webs  near 
onte,-  tail  f.'athers  have  a  large  « '  *'  P'  *";  .;"'^;,„  „f  ,ail  feathers 
the  ,i,..    Fen,ale  with  -'"'^  I'ateh    n  .nn.r  wc_  ^^^^^  .^ 



{Dcndroicn  arsiivn). 
.hisisour— ,n.VellowBi.i;ar.;<-au^ 
latter  name  is  also  ^nveii  t(.  the  Am*^^^'  j^,  ^,-^^^  ,,i,d  likely 

iar  species  of  tlie  Warbler  group. 




r  I, 
i  . 



From  Cape  Breton  to  Vancouver  Island  it  is  common,  and 
throughout  all  the  wooded  and  shrubby  parts  of  North  America,  as 
far  north  as  James  Bay  and  Great  Slave  Lake  it  is  a  plentiful 
and  well  known  bird.  Its  nest  is  built  in  low  trees,  of  grass  stems 
and  leaves,  lined  with  feathers  and  willow  and  poplar  down.  It 
frequently  happens  that  the  parasitic  Cowbird  drops  her  egg  into 
the  nest  of  the  Yellow  Warbler,  and  thus  destroys  a  brood  of  de- 
sirable birds  to  secure  the  life  of  one  undesirable.  Occasionally  the 
AA  arbler  rises  to  the  occasion  by  building  another  nest  over  the  egg 
of  the  intruder.  Its  song  is  a  iai)id  repetition  of  "Wee-chee" 
ending  in  *'chee-chec-cliee,"  i)r.)duce(l  with  evident  pleasure,  but 
little  musical  ability. 

It  is  greenish  yollow  all  over,  the  crown  clearer,  and  the  lower 
parts  brighter  yellow,  streaked  slightly  with  dark.  Length  under 
5  inches,  extent  about  7K  inches. 


{Dctidroica  ncstiva  rubiginosa) . 

This  ..s  tiie  variety  of  Summer  Warbl*  r  most  common  in  Brit- 
isi  •,  .olumi>ia.  It  differs  from  the  tyj.ical  foi-m  ..nlv  in  being  more 
unifonuly  greeniwh  yellow  all  over, 


(Ddiidriora  coroudhn. 

This  is  a  well  known  Warbler  from  Cai)e  Breton,  Newfound- 
land, and  Labrador,  to  the  coast  of  British  Columbia,  and  north- 
ward to  the  valley  of  the  Mackenzie  River. 

Favoriiijj:  tiic  northern  part  of  this  ranjje  as  a  nesting  ground, 
it  IS  however  known  t(^  breed  sparingly  in  eastern  Ontario  and 
in  Manuoba  It  builds  usually  n-ithin  twelve  feet  of  the  _i,'round 
11/  evergreens,  and  the  nest  and  eggs  are  o''  the  usual  Warbler  type. 

The  adult  male  in  spring  is  grayish  blue  streaked  with  black 
above,  and  the  belly  and  throat  are  unspotted  white;  while  the 




M  1  !• 

KItl  I  K. 







.#<^/  raVLnr^-:'%MIR':iWU^HI^ '\°^<MHS»l!Ufif 


sides  of  the  head,  the  breast,  and  sides  are  mostly  black.  The 
characteristic  marks  are  the  sharply  yellow  rump,  crown  patch, 
and  sides  of  the  breast.  The  eye-lids  and  a  line  over  the  eye  are 
white.  The  male  in  winter  and  the  female  in  summer  are  brownish 
blue,  and  the  breast  is  merely  streaked  With  black.  Two  white 
wing  bars  and  w-hite  spots  on  the  outer  tail  feathers.  Length  about 
51/0,  and  extent  about  9  inches. 

Tn  British  Columbia  and  Alaska  a  variety  of  the  Myrtle 
Warbler  is  quite  common,  brooding  as  far  north  as  the  Arctic 
Circle.  It  is  scarcely  sopara))lo  from  tlio  tyj>e.  but  has  been  called 
Hoover's  Myrtle  Warbler. 


{Pcndroica  caerulcscrns) . 

■^he  male  of  this  species  is  one  of  our  most  beautiful  warblers, 
and  tlic  birds  are  not  unoonnnon  in  Ontario  in  May  and  September. 
East  of  Montreal  they  seem  less  plentiful,  and  west  of  Ontario 
they  are  not  recorded.  While  the  northern  districts  are  its  favor- 
ite breeding  grounds,  a  few  bof-ome  resident  fi'om  Montreal  \  est- 
ward  through  Ontario.  The  aest  is  built  within  a  yard  of  the 
ground,  of  fibrous  bark,  and  grass  and  lea^os. 

Upper  parts  of  male  gi  ayisii  hluo,  sometimes  with  a  few  black 
featheis.  Breast  and  bolly  .vhito-  white  sp«»t  at  the  base  of 
primaries,  and  on  outer  tail  leathers  next  the  tips.  The  sides  of 
the  head  and  throat  are  bii*«k,  and  this  extends  along  the  sides  of 
the  body.  No  wing  bars.  Female  dull  olive  green  above,  pale  yel- 
lowish below,  but  with  white  spots  on  the  primaries.  Length  about 
5,  extent  about  l'-]^  inches. 


{Dendroivd  aitduboni) . 
The  Rocky  Mountains  and  their  oastoin  foot-hills,  from  Cen- 
tral America  to  and  through  British  Cohmibia,  are  the  homes  of 
this  beautiful  bird.     It  spends  the  winior  in  the  south  and  the 




summer  in  the  northern  part  of  this  range.  In  British  Columbia 
it  is  a  very  common  resident.  Like  the  Myrtle  AVarbler  it  prefera 
for  its  home  an  evergreen  tree  near  the  water.  In  plumage  it  re- 
sembles in  general  the  last  named,  Innng  bhiish  ash  colored  above, 
streaked  with  black.  The  rump,  a  central  crown  spot,  the  throat, 
and  a  patch  on  each  side  of  the  breast  are  rich  yellow. 

The  sides  of  the  Iicad  are  shite  color,  and  the  eye-lids  white, 
but  no  white  su})erciliary  line.  Breast  black,  usually  with  some 
grayish  or  yellow.  The  sides  are  streaked  with  black.  The  belly 
and  undertail  coverts  are  white.  Wings  with  white  blotch,  and 
outer  tail  feathers  marked  the  same  way.  Female  nmch  like  the 
male  in  summer  but  the  colors  not  so  clear  or  sharply  defined.  In 
autunm  both  are  brownish  above  and  all  yellow  and  brown  mark- 
ings are  obscure.    Lengtli  over  Hy^  inches,  extent  about  9  inches. 

WAHIUiEK   {Drudroicn  macuUmt). 

Through  eastern  North  America  this  bird  is  known  as  a  resi- 
dent of  Canada,  and  as  a  migrant  in  the  United  States.  Near  the 
shores  of  Lake  Oi.tario  its  nest  is  seldom  found,  but  further  north 
and  in  the  maritime  provinc«'s  it  is  a  connnon  migrant,  becoming 
less  numerous  westward,  and  found  only  in  the  .astern  part  of  the 
mountain  district.  It  lays  four  white  or  crearuy  .'ggs,  strongly 
marked  or  blotched  with  reddish  brown.  The  nest  is  usuallv  near 
tlie  ground  in  low  evergreens.  Near  Kingston  ir«  northern  migra- 
tion is  late  in  May. 

The  hack  is  black  with  souh'  olive,  especiallv  in  the  female; 
the  runij)  is  yellow.  The  erown  is  a  bluish  gray:  the  <'liecks  and  a 
narrow  forehead  sti'ipe  are  })lacU.  The  eyelids  and  a  strij.e  behind 
the  ('ve  are  white.  Cnder  parts  entirely  yellow  I'xcept  the  crissum 
which  is  white.  The  breast  and  sides  are  heavily  striped  witu 
black.  The  white  win.:,^  bars  are  fused  into  a  patch.  The  tail  is 
blackish  with  square  white  spots  on  all  the  feathers  exce}>t  the 


li.  ,  „ ,1 

I. it.'  -\y 



.    Ill  -  I  SI     1    -!lll   I  1    .'.    vh|.l>  I 



middle  pair.    The  foiiiale  is  similar  to  the  male,  and  the  young 
have  the  same  rump  and  tail  marks. 
Length  about  5  inches,  extent  IV^. 


( Dcndruira  castdnca). 

The  range  of  this  bird  is  similar  to  that  of  the  Chestnut-sided 
Warbler, — the  United  States  and  Canada  east  of  the  plains  region, 
and  north  to  Hudson  Bay.  A  few  stragglers  are  se'^n  west  of 
Manitoba,  but  it  is  like  the  other  warblers — tliuroughly  arboreal — 
and  finds  little  satisfaetion  in  the  treeless  prairies.  In  southern 
Ontario  it  is  not  eomnion,  but  seen  chiefly  as  a  migrant,  its  bi*eed- 
ing  grounds  being  mostly  further  north.  Evergreen  coniferous 
trees  are  its  favorite  haunts  both  for  food  and  nesting.  The  nest 
is  of^en  rear  the  ground  among  twigs  growing  from  the  side  of 
the  trunk  of  a  tree. 

The  crown  is  bright  chestnut;  the  chin,  throat  and  sides  of  the 
body  are  also  chestnut,  but  not  so  bright.  The  back  is  streaked 
with  l)lack  and  grayish  green.  The  forehead  and  sides  of  the  head 
are  black,  with  light  buff  i)atch("S  on  tlu  sides  of  the  neck.  Two 
white  wing-bars,  and  white  i)atches  on  outer  tail  feathers.  Lower 
breast  and  belly  buffy  white.  The  female  lias  an  olive  green  crown 
patch,  but  otherwise  is  like  the  male.    Length  about  ')\U  inches. 


{IJandroica  /icn . 

Til"  eastern  and  northern  middle  states  and  Canada  from 
Newfoundland  to  Manitoba  are  the  home  of  this  Warbler,  which 
is  not  found  north  of  James  Bay  nor  west  of  the  forested  regions. 
It  nests  in  low  broadleafed  ti'ces  or  bushes,  near  the  ground,  and 
is  quite  c()mm(m  through  the  provinces  of  eastern  Canada. 

The  back  is  stiraked,  black,  olive  green  and  white,  the  crown 
is  bi-ight  yellow,  cheeks  black,  ear  coverts  wiiite,  separated  from 
the  crown  by  a  black  line.    Wing  bars  yellowish  and  often  fused, 


1 1 



-i  n 

i  I 


taU  spots  on  the  outer  feathers  white.    The  under  parts  are  white 
the  sides  with  bright  chestnut  streaks  the  whole  length  of  the  body' 
The  female  is  similar  though  less  bright,  but  the  young  are  differ- 
ent being  yellowish  green  above  and  white  below,  but  recognizable 
by  the  yellow  wing  bars.    Length  about  5  inches,  extent  about  8. 
{Dendroica  rara). 
The  home  of  this  little  beauty  is  the  valley  of  the  Mississippi 
especially  the  wooded  .astern  portion.    From  this  it  comes  hi  o 
ou  hwesiein  Ontario,  but  rareiy  is  seen  in  the  eastern  portion 
It  IS  known  to  nest  o.H^asicmallv  near  London  and  Niagara 

•  .1,  ^'Jf"'^  "^^^'''  '"''^''*^^  '«  ^"^^>'  ^^l"^"'  ^^itii  --ome  blac/.rreak^ 
in  the  midd  e  of  the  back.    Th.  crown  is  deeper  blue  and  may  hav; 

nT./;    rT\  ^'''^  P'"^'  "^^^^  ^^i^  and  side  marl' 

r  11  bu"^t    ;  'T  "'''^:  "^"^  '^^'  ^^^  «^«"  -^^^  '^^  spots 

on  all  but  the  central  pair  of  feathers.  The  female  is  dull  green 
above  with  some  gray  blue.  The  eyelids,  line  over  the  eve  and  the  under  parts  white,  with  a  yellowish  cast.  L^ng^h  41 J 
inches  or  less.  -"c*ij,iu  t^j 

{Dendroica  striata). 

ada  Jr!!f  .^^^'^^.f  '"  ^..^^^^'^^^  migrant  all  across  southern  Can- 
ada and  the  northern  United  States,  and  breeds  sparingly  in  tfie 
eastern  part    Its  nesting  ground  is  Labrador,  about  HudL  Bav 

o    h/ W  ^Y^}'^\^^  so  northward,  and  is  seen  from  the  mid  llo 
to  the  last  of  ^lav  in  southern  Ontario       Ti.«  .     ^u        j  ""ocno 


1 11)11  \1    ,>  ..  JtlJII. 


',  Li:---'!.'.'-. 

•  "I'  l.v 
Niiliiri'  -ilmli  I'lili  I  II  ,  inT.  (  hiriiuii. 




(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 



>   IN 


streaked.    Le.„„  „„o.,t  5%  inches.  SeTabo'.tf^!:.''""  '^'^ 


(Demlroica  hlackhurniac) 

t-l  America,  t^d'  :  "     'a"  ™  ^nj  ^^fke" ^^'"  ""'  ^^"- 
dent  in  Xova  Scotia  iiid  v„„    ''i"''"''.°f  "'"'^e  it  a  common  resi- 

recorded.  Its  favoritTh  nZ t  h  *  '"'7  ""■'*  "  '""*  »»'  ^eeu 
itsnestisusualirin  nne".  f„  '"  "^  "*  ''"«"''''  "■'■<■«-  «nd 
the  sronnd.  The  " st rcomn  cM  f 'u"'™*-''  "'■  """■»  ^'<^^  f''"™ 
Like  the  home  of  t le  othei T  hi  '''  T^  ''"'*  '^''''''■''  ""  »  '™l'. 
is  often  used  bv  le  Cowbird  ■  ''  T''  "'  ""^  Blaekburnian 
os.«s.  The  four  egg^  a,et  vi  ,  T  "'•'"■"?  'T  ''"•  "'-'""''««" 
br..«n  and  lilac.  This  il  nsl '  m  ^T^'f  "■''"''  ^P"""'  «"'' 
the  wai-blers.  The  back  is  bhei^  T,^'*™'"  *'"^  ">"»'  brilliant  of 
front  of  the  crow     riine  n       h  '"""  "''"'^  f<'»"'<^r'-      The 

«idos  of  the  n    k    ;;  a  hri! IN,   ;:  "''' '^^^  *■"■""'•  *""  >'-"''  -d 


257  ^ 


•1  f  1 

II  t- 



bars  fused  into  a  white  patch.  Tail  feathers  largely  white.  Fe- 
male, olive  and  black  strnked,  throat  and  line  over  eye  clear 
yellow.    Two  white  wing  Lars.    Length  dy,  inches,  extent  81/^. 


(Dendroica  nigrescens). 
The  Pacific  Slope  has  a  few  Warblers  of  its  own,  never  found 
east  of  the  ranges.  One  of  these  is  tlie  Black-throated  Gray.  From 
Mexico,  where  it  spends  the  winter,  to  British  Columbia,  the 
shrubby  growths  on  the  mountains  are  the  home  of  this  definitely 
marked  bird.  The  crown,  sides  of  head,  chin,  and  throat  are  black. 
A  yellow  spot  between  the  eye  and  the  bill.  A  white  stripe  behind 
the  eye  and  another  from  the  lower  mandible  down  the  side  of  the 
neck.  Upper  parts  bluish  gray  with  some  black  on  the  back.  Two 
broad  white  wing  bars.  Lower  parts  white,  with  sides  streaked 
with  black.  Length,  5  inches,  extent  7%.  Female  similar,  but 
grayish  on  crown,  and  some  white  on  the  throat. 


{Dendroica  virens). 

This  bird  ranges  from  the  Atlantic  Coast  to  the  plains,  reach- 
ing occasionally  to  the  foot-hills  of  the  Rockies.  It  is  a  common 
resident  in  the  maritime  provinces,  and  nests  in  dark  swamps  in 
southern  Ontario,  but  most  of  those  seen  go  further  north  to 
breed,  probably  to  the  Hudson  Bay  region.  It  builds  in  ever- 
greens a  compact  round  nest,  placed  near  the  end  of  a  horizontal 
branch,  and  made  of  shreds  of  birch  and  other  bark  and  spruce 
twigs,  and  lined  with  hair  and  fine  grass.  The  four  eggs  are  of  the 
usual  warbler  style.  Its  food  is  obtained  among  the  highest 
branches  of  the  evergreens,  and  there  we  must  look  for  the  birds. 

The  crown  and  back  are  bright  olive  green,  the  forehead  line 
over  the  eye,  nd  sides  of  the  head  and  neck  are  bright  greenish 
yellow.    Chn.,  throat,  and  breast  jet  black,  the  sides  being  streaked 




with  black,  while  the  other  under  parts  are  white  with  yellowish 
tinge.  The  wings  have  two  white  bars;  otherwise  blackish,  with 
gray  edges  to  the  feathers.  The  tail  is  dusky,  the  outer  feathers 
mostly  white.  The  female  lacks  the  clear  black  on  the  throat. 
Length  about  5  inches,  extent  T^li. 


(Dcndroica  toivnsendi). 

This  is  considered  the  western  form  of  the  Black-throated 
Green  "Warbler,  and  is  found  between  the  Rocky  Mountains  and 
the  Pacific  Coast  from  Alaska  to  Central  America.  It  breeds  in 
the  evergreen  forests  of  the  northern  states  and  British  Columbi.i. 
Occasionally  a  straggler  of  the  species  is  found  in  the  east,  prob- 
ably accompanying  its  eastern  relatives  from  winter  quarters. 

The  upper  parts  are  bright  olive  green,  streaked  everywhere 
with  black,  especially  on  the  crown.  A  black  patch  around  the 
eyes  and  on  the  ear  coverts;  otherwise  the  sides  of  the  head  are 
bright  greenish  yellow.  The  chin,  throat,  and  upper  breast  are 
black,  lower  breast  and  sides  yellow;  white  wing  bars  and  tail 
blotches.  Length  about  5  inches,  extent  about  8.  Female  yellowish 
over  the  black  of  the  throat.  The  distinction  from  virens  is  the 
black  of  the  crown. 


{Dcndroica  occidentalis) . 
This  is  a  form  confined  to  the  west  between  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains and  the  Pacific.  In  winter  it  goes  to  Central  America,  and 
in  summer  it  ranges  north  to  tiouthern  British  Columbia.  The 
tops  of  the  tall  conifers  of  this  region  of  tall  trees,  are  its  favorite 
feeding  and  nesting  place.  It  is  as  yet  but  slightly  known  in  Can- 
ada. The  following  description  is  from  Coues :— Above  ashy  gr-iy 
tinged  with  olive,  especially  on  the  rump,  and  closely  streai  ^d 
with  black.  Top  and  sides  of  the  head  rich  yellow,  the  foraier  spot- 
ted with  black.    Below  white,  central  line  of  chin,  throat  and  upper 


II  i 



breast  black,  ending  on  the  breast  with  a  sharp  convex  outline, 
contrasted  with  the  adjoining  white.  The  tail  is  like  that  of  virens. 
The  female  is  more  dusky  above,  and  the  throat  is  white  spotted 
with  dark.    Length  just  under  5  inches,  extent  7'>4  inches. 


(Dendroica  kirtlandi). 

We  have  only  one  record  of  this  Warbler  in  Canada  and  this 
comes  from  Toronto.  It  is  said  to  be  the  rarest  of  all  the  warblers, 
and  to  have  as  its  range  the  Bahama  Islands  and  the  eastern 
United  States.  Its  nest  and  eggs  are  as  yet  unknown.  Mr.  Hughes 
Samuel  describes  its  song  as  quite  powerful  and  pleasing.  A  de- 
scription from  Chapman  may  enable  others  to  identify  the  bird 
and  perhaps  give  us  facts  regarding  its  breeding  habits.  A  dozen 
specimens  have  been  taken  in  the  United  States,  as  far  west  as 
Michigan,  and  we  should  find  it  in  Ontario,  as  it  probably  nests  in 
our  northern  districts. 

Head  bluish  gray,  sometimes  spotted  with  black;  lores  and 
sides  of  the  throat  black ;  back  brownish  ashy,  spotted  with  black ; 
no  white  wing  bars;  outer  tail  feathers  with  white  patches  on 
inner  webs  at  the  tips ;  under  parts  pale  yellow ;  sides  streaked  and 
spotted  with  black.    Length  51/2  to  o%  inches. 


{Dendroica  vigorsii). 

This  is  a  plentiful  bird  in  winter  in  the  pine  forests  of  the 
southern  states.  In  summer  it  ranges  as  far  north  as  Manitoba, 
Ontario,  and  the  maritime  provinces.  We  lack  in  southern  On- 
tario the  necessary  atti-actioii  for  a  bird  so  closely  related  to  the 
pine  woods,  so  it  is  rathe  rarely  seen  with  us.  It  finds  both  food 
and  home  in  the  coniferous  trees,  nesting  high  in  pines  and  cedars. 
Its  song  is  an  improvement  on  that  or  most  of  the  warblers,  re- 



sembling  the  song  of  the  Chipping  Sparrow  in  the  north,  but  it  is 
said  to  be  more  musical  in  the  southern  part  of  its  range.  The 
Pine  Warbler  is  one  of  the  largest  and  most  plainly  dressed  in  the 
group.  The  upper  surface  is  uniform  yellowish  olive,  sometimes 
grayish.  The  wings  have  two  white  bars  and  the  two  outer  pairs 
of  tail  feathers  have  large  oblique  white  spots  near  their  tips.  The 
under  parts  are  yellow,  which  is  paler  or  grayish  toward  the  belly. 
The  female  is  similar,  but  duller,  being  sometimes  brownish  green 
above  and  grayish  white  or  yellow  below.  Length  about  5-!4  inches, 
extent  8%. 


(Dcndroica  palmarum). 

P^rom  its  winter  home  in  Mexico  and  Texas,  the  north  bound 
army  of  this  Warbler  spreads  between  Maine  and  Manitoba.  It  is 
not  so  plentiful  near  the  coast  as  in  the  interior;  in  fact  it  is  most 
abundant  in  Canada  in  western  Ontario  and  Manitoba.  It  reaches 
Great  Slave  Lake  and  Hudson  Bay,  but  seems  not  plentiful  so  far 
north.  This  is  the  most  terrestrial  of  the  group,  being  seen  often 
with  the  sparrows,  haunting  shrubby  fence  rows.  It  also  remains 
in  the  north  until  the  snow  drives  it  to  other  regions. 

The  male  is  brownish  olive  above,  with  yellowish  olive  rump, 
and  chestnut  crown.  The  back  is  sometimes  obscurely  streaked 
with  dusky.  A  line  over  the  eye,  the  throat,  and  the  breast  are 
bright  yellow. 

No  wing  bars.  The  sides  of  the  throat,  the  breast,  and  sides  of 
the  body  are  streaked  with  chestnut.  Belly  yellowish  white,  cris- 
sum  yellow.  The  tail  spots  are  peculiar  and  characteristic  in 
everv  plumage.  Only  the  two  outer  pairs  have  the  white  and  this 
at  the  very  tips  of  the  inner  webs,  and  squarely  cut  off.  The  fe- 
male is  like  the  male  and  the  young  may  be  known  by  the  tail  spots 
and  absence  of  wing  bars. 

Length  5  inches  or  more,  extent  about  8  inches.  Brighter  in- 
dividuals are  by  some  called  the  Yellow  Palm  Warbler. 



i  i 

I    J 




(Dcndroica  discolor). 

This  beautiful  Warbler  belongs  to  the  middle  and  southern 
United  States  as  far  north  as  Massachusetts,  Michigan,  and  West- 
ern Kansas.  A  few  specimens  have  been  taken  in  Ontario,  all 
in  the  western  part,  and  its  visits  are  likely  to  be  repeated.  It 
frequents  thickets  and  scrubby  evergreens  and  builds  its  nest  near 
the  ground.  It  captures  flies  on  the  wing,  in  the  style  of  the  Fly- 

The  upper  plumage  is  bright  olive  green  with  spots  of  chest- 
nut or  brick  red  on  the  back.  The  wing  bars  are  yellow,  as  are  the 
forehead,  a  line  over  the  eye,  and  the  entire  under  parts.  The 
lores,  a  crescent  below  the  eye,  a  narrow  line  through  the  eye  and 
streaks  along  the  sides  of  the  neck  and  body  are  black.  White  tail 
blotches  very  large,  especially  on  the  outer  pair  of  feathers,  which 
are  mostly  white.  Female  very  similar.  Length  4%,  extent  71/4 


(Seiurus  aurocapillus). 

These  thrush-like  Warblers  differ  from  the  others  in  color- 
ation, in  habits,  and  in  nest  building,  as  well  as  in  their  great  vocal 
powers.  The  Oven  Bird  is  quite  common  in  secluded  woodlands, 
and  its  song  may  be  heard  frequently  during  the  nesting  season. 
Later  in  the  summer  the  birds  are  so  silent  and  unobtrusive  as  to 
be  very  seldom  seen.  Its  note  is  very  clear  and  ringing,  and  is  by 
John  Burroughs  translated  into  English  as  "teacher,  teacher, 
teacher,"  becoming  stronger  with  each  repetition.  The  common 
name  is  given  it  because  of  its  peculiar  covered  nest  with  a  side 
entrance,  somewhat  the  shape  of  an  old  Dutch  oven,  placed  among 
the  leaves  on  the  ground.  The  materials  iised  may  be  twigs,  leaves, 
and  grass,  or  pine  needles,  and  the  lining  of  leaves  and  grass  or 



J   ,- 



hair.  The  eggs,  laid  in  June,  are  yellowish  or  pinkish  white,  marked 
with  lilac  and  brown.  From  the  Atlantic  to  the  Rocky  Mountains, 
north  to  Slave  Lake,  nesting  in  all  but  the  most  southern  parts, 
and  going  in  September  to  Mexico  and  Central  America,— may 
be  given  as  its  range.  It  is  in  colors  that  the  Seiurus  group  most 
near'y  resembles  the  thrushes.  The  Oven  Bird  is  bright  olive 
green  above,  without  markings  except  the  golden-brown  crov\^) 
with  its  black  lateral  stripes.  Around  the  eye  is  a  white  ring. 
Tiower  surface  pure  white,  spotted  on  the  breast,  and  streaked  on 
\e  sides  with  dusky.  Female  and  young  similar.  Length  about 
b  inches,  usually  more,  extent  about  10. 


(Seiurus  novaboraccnsis). 

The  range  of  this  bird  is  practically  the  same  as  that  of  the 
Oven  Bird,— Newfoundland,  Labrador,  and  the  maritime  prov- 
inces and  westward  to  thf^  plains  region,  extending  into  Alaska. 
South  of  Canada  this  Wau:-  Thrush  is  known  chiefly  as  a  migrant, 
but  it  nests  from  our  southern  boundary  northward,  except  per- 
haps near  Lake  Erie.  It  does  not  cover  its  habitation,  but  builds 
on  the  side  of  a  bank  or  among  upturned  tree  roots,  near  streams 
and  swamps.  Like  some  of  the  sandpipers  it  has  the  habit  of 
nervously  jerking  its  tail,  as  it  walks  along  the  edge  of  the  water. 
In  the  east  it  sings  from  an  elevation,  but  in  the  west  it  hides  in 
low  thickets  for  its  excellent  musical  performance.  It  is  not  very 
shy  with  us,  and  may  remain  on  our  lawns  for  some  days.  Its  en- 
tire upper  plumage,  including  wings  and  tail,  is  brownish  olive.  A 
whitish  line  over  the  eye.  Lower  surface  pale  sulphur  yellow, 
marked  everywhere  with  black;  smaller  spots  on  throat;  a  streak 
on  the  breast.  Bill  half  an  inch  long.  Length  6  inches,  and  ex- 
tent about  9.  The  western  form  from  Manitoba  to  the  mountains 
is  said  to  be  larger  and  darker,  and  is  called  by  some  Grinnell's 
Water  Thrush. 


•  { 




( S(in  nts  m otacilla ) . 

This  is  tlio  Lar^e-billcd  Water  Thrush,  having  the  southern 
part  of  the  eastern  United  States  as  its  range.  Massachusetts 
and  southern  Ontario  are  its  nortliern  limits.  It  is  occasionally 
found  near  Toronto,  Hamilton  and  London,  and  is  more  common 
along  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie  in  rocky  ravines  where  streams 
flow.  Its  habits,  nest,  and  eggs  are  like  those  of  the  novabora- 
censis.  Few  know  much  about  the  bird  because  of  its  shyness, 
and  the  speed  with  which  it  retreats  into  thickets.  Its  song  is  de- 
lightfully rich  and  clear.  In  idumage  it  closely  resembles  the  last 
described.  A  clear  white  line  over  the  eye,  and  the  buff  instead 
of  sulphur  yellow  of  the  lower  i)ai-fs  are  the  chief  characteristics 
to  be  noted  at  a  distance.  The  bill  is  longer  and  stouter.  Length 
about  6V4  inches,  extent  lOy^,  bill  over  \(>  inch. 


{Gcotlthji'lH  af/ilis). 

This  bird  is  rarely  seen  in  Ontario,  but  is  a  common  summer 
resident  of  Manitoba.  Otherwise  we  have  no  records  of  it  in  Can- 
ada. Its  usual  summer  home  is  tlie  eastern  slope  of  the  United 
States,  while  in  winter  it  reaches  South  America.  The  head,  neck, 
and  l)reast  are  bluish  gray,  lighter  on  the  throat;  narrow  eye-ring 
white;  other  upper  parts  olive  green;  sides  olive  green;  under 
parts  yellow.  The  female  lacks  the  bluish  gray  on  the  head  and 
neck.   Length  514  inclics,  extent  8i/^. 


(GeothJypis  formo 

This  is  an  accidental  visitor  as  yet  in  Canada.  One  has  been 
recorded  from  Quebec,  and  one  from  near  London,  Ontario,  but 



the  northern  Ixmiulary  of  lU  \v  ax]  rniijic  is  Coiineetii'Ut.  In  the 
west  it  cecasionally  reaches  Niichij^an.  It  makes  a  lar^e  shallow 
nest  of  grass,  leaves,  and  rootlets  on  or  near  the  gro'  id.  The  egi?8 
are  bcautifnlly  white,  sprinkled  with  dots  of  reddish  brown  and 
lilac.  The  plumage  of  the  male  and  female  is  similar,  Ijeing  clear 
olive  gieen  above;  pure  bright  yilow  below;  crown,  cheeks,  and 
sides  of  the  cr(»wn  black;  a  yellow  line  from  the  bill  (tver  and 
around  the  eye.    Length  about  5-;>  |,  extent  abouc  J)i/i  inches. 


( (rvolli li/jH.s  jili iladrlftli in ; . 
This  is  a  shy  bird  that  may  be  more  ciOhriion  than  we  think. 
It  is  found  occasionally  in  the  mari  'm  '^  jirovi.i'  i-s  and  (Quebec,  but 
is  fairly  conmion  &'  :i  migrant  in  si.uihern  Ontario  and  as  a  resi- 
dent throughout  the  greater  part  of  the  province.  It  breeds  in 
Manitoba  and  eastern  Saskatchewan  also.  Its  winter  home  is 
esouth  of  the  United  States,  and  its  chief  migration  route  is  the 
Mississippi  valley.  Its  nest  is  built  among  weeds  and  ferns  near 
tlic  ground  or  in  a  low  shrub  and  is  not  easily  found.  The  eggs 
are  variable  in  their  markings,  sometimes  being  but  slightly 
speckled.  The  descriptive  name  comes  from  the  crape-like  band 
of  black  on  the  throat  and  breast  of  the  birds  in  the  spring. 
The  head,  neck,  and  throat  are  bluish  gray,  blackish  on  the  throat 
and  breast  in  perfect  plumage.  The  eye  ring  is  not  white.  Other 
upper  parts  plain  olive  green,  and  the  lower  surface  yellow.  The 
distinction  between  the  Mourning  and  the  Connecticut  Warbler  is 
the  short  round  wing  of  the  former,  and  the  long  pointed  wing  of 
the  latter,  in  relation  to  the  length  of  tail.  Length  about  5i/i 
inches,  extent  about  8. 


(G cothly pis  tolmici) . 
This  is  the  western  representative  of  the  Mourning  Warbler, 
being  found  from  Saskatchewan  to  \'ancouver  Island,  and  through- 



out  the  forested  region  of  the  Pacific,  from  Central  America  to 
British  Columbia.  The  nest  and  eggs  are  as  in  the  others.  Its 
differences  in  coloration  are  the  absence  of  black  on  the  clear  ashy- 
head,  neck,  ind  breast,  the  white  eye  ring,  and  the  black  lores.  The 
size  is  the  same  as  that  of  the  Mourning  Warbler. 


( r 


(GeotJiIijpis  trichns). 

This  bright,  active,  and  brave  little  bird  is  quite  common  from 
the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific,  and  from  Labrador  and  Lesser  Slave 
Lake  to  Central  America.  It  bi-eeds  throughout  its  Canadian  range, 
and  also  in  the  northern  and  eastern  United  States.  In  southern 
Ontario  we  hear  and  see  it  from  the  first  week  in  May  until  Sej)- 
tember,  the  wave  of  plenty  of  this  as  with  most  of  the  Warblei-s 
being,  however,  from  the  10th  to  the  24th  of  :May.  The  nest  is 
built  just  above  the  ground,  and  well  concealed  in  a  clump  of  grass 
and  weeds.  The  eggs  sometiuK^s  number  six,  and  may  be  quite 
sparingly  marked ;  but  in  both  size  and  markings  the  eggs  of  Warb- 
lers show  great  variation.  The  neck,  back,  wings  and  tail  are  dark 
olive  green;  the  chin,  throat,  and  upper  breast  are  bright  rich  yel- 
low; under  tail  coverts  dull  yellow,  belly  grayish  white.  A  broad 
black  mark  extends  across  the  forehead  and  sides  of  the  head,  and 
is  bordered  behind  by  grayish  ash.  The  female  has  not  the  definite 
black  mark,  and  the  yellow  is  paler.  Length  41/.  to  5  inches  ex- 
tent 6i/o  to  7. 


{G.  t.  Occident alis). 

This  is  slightly  longer  in  the  tail  and  more  richly  marked.    Its 
range  overlaps  that  of  the  common  form  in  Alberta. 




1 1 


1   I 


.      1 


-^    ii^ 



{Icteria  virens). 

The  Chats  are  better  known  in  Europe  and  Africa  than  with 
us,  but  we  have  one  species  which  well  exhibits  the  peculiarities 
of  the  group.  They  are  closely  related  to  both  the  Wood  Warbler 
and  the  Thrush  families,  and  probably  to  the  mocking  birds.  All 
the  Chats  are  noted  for  their  singing  powers,  and  for  their  acro- 
batic performances  during  the  nesting  season.  Our  species  is  very 
shy,  and  long  quiet  watching  is  necessary  if  one  is  to  see  the  strut- 
ting, soaring,  tumbling  and  other  displays,  usually  accompanied 
by  a  great  variety  of  utterances,  with  which  the  male  entertains 
his  mate.  The  range  of  the  Yellow-breasted  Chat  is  from  the 
Mississippi  River  throughout  the  eastern  States,  a  few  reaching 
Ontario.  In  winter  it  retreats  to  Mexico  and  further  south.  It 
inhabits  thickets  and  half  cleared  shrubbery,  l)uilding  in  bushes 
near  the  ground  a  bulky  nest  of  fibrous  materials.  The  eggs  re- 
semble those  of  Warblers  in  general  but  are  larger.  The  character- 
istic Warbler  coloration  is  well  shown  in  this,  the  largest  member 
of  the  group.  Upper  parts,  wings,  and  tail  are  olive  green  without 
marks  except  a  white  line  over  the  eye  to  the  bill  and  around  the 
eye.  Throat,  breast,  and  upper  belly  golden  yellow,  then  abruptly 
white,  posteriorly.  A  white  line  on  the  side  of  the  throat.  Lores 
black.    Length  about  71/2,  extent  about  10  inches. 

The  variety  known  as  the  Long-tailed  Chat — Idcria  virens 
longicauda— is  found  in  southern  British  Columbia  and  south- 
ward. It  is  grayish  olive  above,  and  the  tail  averages  longer  than 
in  the  eastern  form. 



This  is  a  small  group  of  three  species  and  some  varieties,  char- 
acterized among  the  warblers  by  the  length  of  the  rictal  bristles, 


•■   ! 


which  in  these  reach  decidedly  beyond  the  nostrils  Jh^  bills  are 
broad  and  depressed  at  the  base,  and  like  the  Fly-catchers  they  cap- 
ture  flying  insects. 



RanKO,  eastern  Noi-th  America  as  far  westward  as  the  plains 
only  and  north  to  Connecticut,  southern  New  York,  southern  On- 
trrfo  and  Michigan.  Onlv  an  occasional  visitor  in  Canada  It 
nes's  in  low  bus  fes  and  lays  four  eggs  of  the  usual  kind  for  WarV. 
fers  The  upper  plumage  is  clear,  olive  green,  with  black  crown 
and  nape  forehead  and  cheeks  bright  yellow.  Two  or  three  oute 
taU  f  Tth'ers  blotched  with  white.  Throat  and  -ck  black;  br^^^^^^^ 
and  bellv  rich  vellow,  shading  into  olive  along  the  sides.  The  f t- 
xnale  and  voung  show  a  less  clear  black,  and  it  may  be  much  less 
extensive.^  Length  about  5i/,  inches,  extent  about  81/.. 


{Wilsonia  pusilla). 
This  species  with  its  western  variety-the  P";»l»te;i  Bla^- 
capped  Warbler-is  found  in  the  wooded  regions  of  No  th  Amer 
ca  both  east  and  west,  and  occasionally  during  -'8-  ^  ""  «^^ 
nlains  also.    All  of  its  Canadian  range  except  southern  Ontario 
!id  One  e    is  breeding  ground,  even  to  the  Arctic  Ocean  along  the 
Mackenzie  valley.    The  nest  is  built  on  the  g'»™d  by  the  eas^  « 
form,  but  from  one  to  four  feet  above  the  ground,  by  the  western 
variety  (Davie).    The  sexes  are  similar,  while  the  young  differ  in 
lacking  the  black  cap.    Upper  parts,  including  wings  and  tail 
bright  olive  green  without  wing  bars  or  tail  blotches;  forehead 
aniline  over  the  eve  yellow,  and  the  crown  bluish  black     Under 
part   all  bright  veliow;  with  olive  on  the  sides.    The  western  form 
werrs  brighfer  yellow.   Length  nearly  5  inches,  extent  nearly  7. 



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(Wilsonia  canadensis). 

This  beautiful  fly-catching  warbler  is  found  from  Nova 
Scotia  to  Saskatchewan  and  through  the  eastern  United  States 
especially  the  Alleghany  region.  It  has  been  captured  as  far  north 
as  James  Bay.  When  settled  in  its  nesting  range  its  favorite  home 
is  moist  thickets  and  wet  woods,  and  there  it  nests  very  near  the 
ground,  frequently  in  the  upturned  roots  of  tr  'es.  The  eggs  are 
described  as  clear  white  with  a  rosy  blush,  and  the  coloration 
orange,  rather  than  reddish  or  brown  (Kells).  The  sexes  are  much 
alike.  The  upper  parts,  wings,  and  tail  are  bluish  gray,  without 
wing  bars  or  tail  spots.  The  crown  is  spotted  with  lanceolate 
black  markings,  nearly  solid  on  the  forehead;  lores  and  sides  of 
neck  black,  continuous  with  a  necklace  of  black  spots  across  the 
breast.  A  line  from  the  bill  to  the  eye,  the  throat,  and  under  parts 
are  clear  vellow.  In  the  voung  and  the  females  the  black  is  of  less 
extent  and  not  so  bright.  Length  about  51/w,  extent  about  8  inches. 

■  I 


(Setophaga  ruticilla). 

Many  of  this  group  of  warblers  are  found  in  tropical  America, 
but  only  three  reach  to  United  States  and  but  one  is  known  in 
Canada.  The  name  is  derived  from  the  German  words  for  red 
uiil  and  is  in  Europe  and  Asia  applied  to  the  genus  ruticilla  which 
frc(|uent  lawns  and  parks  and  is  a  very  popular  gi-oup  of  birds. 
In  Canada  and  United  States  the  Redstart  is  generally  distributed, 
being  found  from  ocean  to  ocean,  breeding  from  the  international 
boundary  northward  to  Labrador,  liiulsoii  Bay,  Fort  Good  Hope 
on  the  Mackenzie  River,  and  less  commonly  in  British  Columbia. 
In  southern  Ontario  it  appears  about  the  middle  of  May  and 
again  when  going  southward  about  September  1st.  It  builds  a 
beautifully  neat  and  compact  nest  of  fibrous  materials  in  a  fork 






If ' 


.   J' 





of  a  young  tree,  within  twenty  feet  of  the  ground.  The  Redstart 
is  probably  our  most  brilliant  Warbler,  and  has  a  sweet  song  also 
to  win  our  delighted  attention.  The  upper  parts,  throat,  and 
breast  are  shining  black ;  the  belly,  flanks,  and  crissum  white,  often 
with  a  pinkish  yellow  or  salmon  color.  The  sides  of  the  body  and 
the  lining  of  the  wings  deep  flame  color.  Bases  of  the  wing  quills, 
and  the  tail  feathers  except  the  middle  pair  orange  yellow.  Fe- 
male olive,  instead  of  black,  and  yellow  in  place  of  orange  or  flame 
color.    Length  nearly  Sy^*  extent  nearly  8  inches. 



We  have  now  reached  a  group  of  terrestrial,  walking  birds, 
insectivorous  and  gregarious,  building  on  the  ground,  and  like 
some  other  groups  marked  by  the  habit  of  moving  the  tail  up  and 
down  while  walking  or  standing.  The  group  belongs  chiefly  to 
Europe  and  Asia,  and  of  the  true  Wagtails  only  a  few  are  known 
to  have  reached  Greenland  and  Alaska.  The  closely  allied  Pipits 
form  perhaps  40  species  in  tropical  America,  but  only  two  reach 


(Anthus  pennsylvanicus) . 

These  birds  winter  in  the  tropics,  and  are  known  throughout 
North  America,  as  a  migrant  in  the  United  States  and  southern 
Canada,  but  nesting  in  northern  Labrador,  about  Hudson  Bay, 
Great  Slave  Lake,  on  the  mountains  in  British  Columbia,  anH  in 
Alaska.  In  southern  Ontario  they  are  seen  in  flocks  in  April  and 
again  in  September.  They  sing  sweetly  while  soaring,  and  have 
many  lark-like  habits.  They  lay  from  four  to  six  eggs,  which  are 
bluish  but  stained  with  brown. 

The  upper  plumage  is  brownish  gray  or  olive,  a  line  over  the 
eye,  and  also  the  under  parts  buf f y  white  streaked  with  dusky ; 

270      ' 



wings  and  tail  blackish.  The  end  half  of  the  outer  tail  feathers 
white,  the  next  pair  with  white  tips.  Fentale  similar.  The  hind 
toe  nail  is  the  longest,  being  at  least  as  long  as  the  toe.  Length  of 
bird  about  6-^4  inches,  extent  nearly  11. 


(Anthm  spraguei). 

This  bird  has  a  notable  singing  and  soaring  lark-like  habit, 
rising  almost  out  of  sight  and  returning  to  the  same  place,  singing 
constantly.  Its  range  is  from  the  valley  of  the  Red  River  to  the 
Rocky  Mountains,  and  in  winter  southwards  to  Texas  and  Mexico. 
It  is  a  common  summer  resident  in  the  dry  and  treeless  plains  of 
southern  Manitoba,  Saskatchewan  and  Alberta. 

The  upper  parts  are  brownish  gray  with  v;ell  marked  dark 
streaks.  Below  dull  white  with  brownish  on  sides.  The  two  outer 
pairs  of  tail  feathers  mostly  white,  others  dusky.  Length  under 
7  inches,  extent  about  101/2. 



This  is  a  remarkable  group  of  little  birds  combiiiing  many  of 
the  characters  of  the  Warblers  and  the  Thrushes.  They  are,  how- 
ever, peculiar  in  their  habits  and  plumage.  The  body  is  sturdy 
and  full  of  energy.  The  teetering  motions  of  some  water  thrushes 
and  sandpipers  are  here  seen  combined  with  the  power  of  walking, 
running,  and  apparently  flying  under  water.  Stagnant  water  is 
avoided,— only  rapid,  cold,  mountain  streams  are  satisfactory,  and 
in  these  the  Dipper  finds  its  food,  collecting  it  on  the  bottom  of 
the  rapidly  flowing  water,  and  walking  into  and  out  of  the  stream 
in  a  peculiarly  casual  way.  The  bird  does  not  dive,  but  merely 
runs  into  the  water  and  along  the  bottom,  gathering  its  prey  as  it 
goes,  then  walks  out  with  dry  plumage.  Only  one  species  is  known 
in  Canada. 



•I   . 

■i- 1 


(Cinclus  mexicunus). 

The  range  of  this  most  interesting  little  bird  is  the  Rocky 
Mountain  region  from  Alaska  to  Central  America.  In  Canada  it 
is  found  from  the  foot-hills  in  Alberta  to  the  Coast  Range.  I 
found  it  plentiful  in  the  Crows'  Nest  Pass,  wherever  rapids  and 
waterfalls  gave  it  satisfactory  conditions.  It  is  said  to  winter  in 
Alaska,  and  certninly  it  seems  quite  indifferent  to  the  tempera tui-e 
of  glacier  water.  The  song  of  the  Dipper  is  well  described  by  F. 
M.  Drew,  as  "sweet,  sparkling,  aud  vivacious  like  crystallized 
spray — the  very  embodiment  of  a  mountain  stream."  They  build 
an  oven-shaped  or  domed  nest  of  moss,  with  au  opening  in  the 
side,  and  this  is  usually  placed  near  a  waterfall,  often  on  a  ledge 
behind  the  curtain  of  water.  The  eggs  are  three  to  five,  plain  and 
pure  white.  In  appearance  the  Dipper  resembles  the  Catbird.  Its 
fine  compact  water  proof  plumage  is  smoky  grey  or  slaty  in  color, 
lighter  below,  and  sooty  brown  on  the  head.  In  winter  the  lower 
surface  is  paler  than  in  summer.  Eyelids  white,  bill  black,  feet 
yellowish.    Length  6  to  7  inches,  extent  10  to  11. 


(Troglodytidae) . 

This  group  includes  two  sub-families  which  may  be  disting- 
uished from  each  other  as  follows: — (1)  Mockers  or  Miminae: — 
size  large,  length  8  inches  or  more,  appearance  thrush-like,  inner 
toe  free  to  its  base  from  the  middle  toe,  rictal  bristles  evident; 
represented  by  Mocking  Birds,  Cat  Birds,  and  Thrashers.  (2) 
Wrens  or  Troglodytinae: — size  small, — under  8  inches  in  length, 
rictal  bristles  not  evident ;  represented  by  all  kinds  of  Wrens.  A 
few  species  of  wrens  are  known  in  Europe,  but  this  whole  group  is 
chiefly  American.  They  like  brushy  thickets  where  the  heavy 
timber  has  been  removed.    There  they  fuss,  and  scold,  and  sing, 




workinj?  without  rest  from  rnoriiiiij?  till  nif,'Iit.  Tho  thrashers  aro 
also  dwellers  in  thickets  rather  than  hij?h  trees,  and  rank  fii-st  of 
all  American  songsters  for  brilliance  of  execution. 


1.  Tail  broad,  fan  shaped,  each  feather  widening  toward  the  end. 
Length  about  6  inches.  Tarsus  scutellatc  behind:    Lateral  toes 

of  unequal  length Saljtinrtcs,  page  214 

1.  Tail  thin,  of  narrow  parallel  edged  feathers: — 
2.  Large;  upper  parts  uniform  in  color  without  streaks  <»i-  bars 
except  the  tail : — 
'.i.  Tail  not  longer  than  wing,  and  all  its  feathers  brown  and  dis- 
tinctly bai-rcd  Th,jrofl>on(.s,  page  214 

.3.  Tail  decidedly  longer  than  wing,  and  blackish,  not  barred  on 

all  the  feathers T/ti/ronninrs,  page  1275 

2.  Snuill;  upper  parts  not  uniform,  back,  wings.  Hanks,  and  tail, 
with  crossbars: — 

4.  Tail  about  equal  to  wings.    Feet  when  outstretched  reaching 
not  beyond  the  tail Trofjhdi/trs,  page  275 

4.  Tail  decidedly  shorter  than  wing,  feet  outstretched  reaching 
far  beyond  tail  [tiorflun-a.  page  276 

2.  Small ;  upper  parts  not  uniform,  back  w=        ->gthwise  streaks 
flanks  scarcely  barred: —  ' 

5.  Bill  not  more  than  half  as  long  as  the  head;  crown  and  back 

,  ^^^^^^'^^ C,-,tof/>on,s,  page  •>77 

o.  Bill  two-thirds  as  long  as  head,  crown  plain,  back  streaked 

between  wings  Telmatoiliftis,  pag(>s  277-278 


These  are  lively,  courageous,  little  birds,  of  which  the  common 
House  Wren  may  be  taken  as  the  type.    They  are  impudent,  fussy, 


TlIK     NKW     (^VNADIAN     H\U\)     IJOOK 





i    ■ 

i  H 

and  (|nan-«'lsoim',  scttldinu;  viu<n'nnsl_v  if  they  rliiiiU  anyone  nu-ans 
to  intrude  on  premises  wliieli  they  liavo  taken  nn<ler  tiieir  pro- 
t<'etion.  'I'liey  sinj;  (»r  ri^li'  with  Mpial  <lash  ami  persistence,  at- 
taeUinj;  much  hir^cr  birds,  sj.a nous,  martins,  and  hhielfirds,  w'mse 
homes  they  often  take  for  themselves.  They  aic  never  at  rest  «hir- 
iiij;  daylight  hotirs,  and  an-  <'sp<"ei.dly  persevering;-  in  eaitturiny;  iii- 
stM;ts  for  themselves  and  their  Uahies.  They  nest  in  cavities  in 
houses,  trees,  and  Ioy,s,  of  build  bulky  nests  of  reeds,  moss,  and 
;;rass  h'aves,  with  hoh  s  in  the  sides  foi'  tln'ir  entrance.  They  lay 
several  sets  of  cuus.  and  raise  many  \nun,u;  i-adi  summ<'r. 

Tin:  KMX'K  wmiN 

(  Sill Itilich  s  ohsiilihls  :. 

This  is  a  western  form,  .-ontined  in  (*anada  to  southern  Sas- 
katciiewaii.  Alberta.  aJid  llriiish  Columbia.  Krom  Iowa  to  the 
Pacific  and  south  to  Central  Aineric;:  it  ran};('s  in  ntcky  |)laces.  It 
is  a  restless,  noisy  bird.  I)uildin,i;'  in  a  ci-evice  amont''  rocks,  and 
layiu}?  from  five  to  ei^^ht  enus.  white  with  reddish  brown  dots.  Its 
upper  plumau'e  is  brownish  ^-fay  with  small  sharp  spots  of  Itlack, 
borderinu-  spots  of  white,  and  often  wavy  lines  of  dusky.  Wimis 
with  spots  like  these  on  the  back.  A  white  line  over  tin-  eye,  ami 
tan  colored  rump  are  characteristic.  Middle  tail  featlu-rs  like  the 
l)ack  with  e.|ual  black  and  white  on  outer  wel)S.  All  tail  feathers 
with  tan  colored  tips  following'  a  broad  black  zone,  Hel<»w.  whitish 
with  broken  streaks  of  dusky  oji  the  throat  and  breast.  Leitutii 
about  51/.  iuches. 


(Tlijirotlinriis  liiiloriridims). 

A  few  sjjecimens  of  this  wren  have  been  taken  iu  Canada,  all 
in  .southern  Ontario,— St.  Thomas,  Forest,  and  Point  i*elee.  The 
more  southern  of  the  eastern  States  are  its  home;  and  Mas.sachu- 
.setts.  Ontario,  and  Michi,n-an  are  but  rarely  visited.     Its  outdoor 



iirst  is  usually  rootVd  ovci-,  hut  it  frequently  liuilds  iu  holl<»w  frees 
or  stuiui»s,  or  in  outhouses.  Its  white  v^t^^s  aiv  thiekly  spotted 
and  Motehed  witii  purplish  l)r;»\vii.  The  upper  plumai;e  is  uni- 
form reddish  brown,  below  pale  buff,  (U'cpeninj^  l)aekward.  A 
lonj;  whitish  line  over  the  eye,  and  whitish  spots  »tn  the  edj^es  of 
the  win^  (piills.  Leiij^th  alxuit  (>,  extent  about  7' j  inches.  This 
is  a  shy,  thieket-lovinji;  bird,  with  a  elear  loud  sonj;. 


(  Thurotniim  s  h*  iv'n-ki ) . 

One  speeiinen  td' tiiisspeei<'s  has  been  taken  l)y  \V.  K.  Saunders 
in  western  Ontario,  but  the  western  form  is  abundant  in  south- 
ern British  ( -oluinbia.  The  luune  of  Bewick's  Wren  is  tiie  interior 
of  the  eastern  Tnited  States  fro  intn»-  coast  to  the  jthiitis,  but  it  is 
scarce  near  the  Atlantic.  Tlie  western  fonn  ranges  from  Mexico 
to  j^ritish  ("oiumbia.  Above,  the  plumau'e  is  dark  ;,n-ayish  bnuvn; 
bejov.-.  it  is  ashy  white.  The  rump  has  concealed  white  spots.  The 
tail  is  decidedly  longer  than  the  win^s.  A  white  line  over  the  eye 
from  the  nostrils  to  the  najie.  The  r  'ddle  tail  feathers  liave 
iiiaiiy  fine  black  bars,  the  others  liave  whitish  niirkinus  on  outer 
webs  and  ti|)s.    licn^th  about  .')1 ._.  inches,  extent  Cr''\. 

llorSK  WIJKN 

(  Tnttfhxliflcs  (KfloH ). 

'IMiis  is  the  familiar  wren  of  the  eastern  Tnited  States  and 
Canada,  and  is  represented  by  the  variety  parkmnui  iu  the  Pacific 
Coast  region,  and  as  far  east  as  .Manit(»ba.  A  lar^c  loose  nest  iu 
anv  enclo.^ed  space  is  the  home  chosen  by  those  familiar  and  brave 
little  birds,  jiiul  havinj;'  decided  upon  it  they  fij^ht  for  it  a^^ainst  all 
comers.  Year  after  year  if  luidisturbed  they  return  to  the  box, 
knot  hole,  cornice,  old  hat,  empty  can,  or  bleached  skidl  which  satis- 
fies th^'     iesire  for  a  ])osition  of  strength.     They  lay  seven  or 



■    ! 



eiffht  eg£?s,  whitish,  spotted  with  brown.  The  song  of  the  House 
Wren  is  pleasing  although  brief,  and  is  persistently  repeated  with 
peculiar  tiltings  of  tlie  ridiculous  litth"  tail,  which  is  such  an  ex- 
pressive part  of  the  bird's  makeui). 

The  upper  surface  is  brown,  brighter  on  rump  and  tail.  Be- 
low it  is  rustv  or  gravish  brown,  or  even  whitish  brown.  The  back 
has'darker  bars,  the  rump  has  concealed  white  spots  The  wings 
tail,  and  under  parts  are  all  barred  with  blackish.    Length  about 

5  inches,  extent  about  674.  .,     ,     1     1    wi 

Parkman's  Wren  is  more  deeply  barred  on  the  back,  but  the 

variety  grades  into  the  type.    (Coues.) 


(Anoftlmra  liicmalifi). 
This  is  the  American  form  of  the  r:uropean  Wren.    It  differs 
from  the  House  AVren  in  having  the  wings  longer  than  the  tail. 
The  outstretched  feet  also  reach  beyond  the  tail.    The  usual  winter 
home  of  this  bird  is  south  of  the  internati.aial  boundary,  but  a 
few  of  them  remain  in  our  dense  arbiu-  vitae    or    white    cedar 
swamps,  and  luav  hv  seen  on  bright  days  in  midwinter.    The  breed- 
ino-  of  "the  Winter  Wren  are  the  Alleghany  Mountains 
froin  Carolina  northward,  and  throughout  eastern  Canada  from 
Nova  Scotia  to  Manitol)a  and  north  to  Labrador  and  James  Bay. 
It  is  more  plentiful  in  the  maritime  provinces   than   in  Ontario, 
except  during  the  migration.     Its  song  is  a  delightful  and  sur- 
prising melodv.    The  nest  is  of    ;  built  among  the  tangled  roots 
of  a  fallen  tree  in  a  dark  swamp,  and  is  usually  a  spherical  mass 
of  moss  with  an  entrance  on  one  side.    Six,  seven,  or  eight  eggs 
are  laid,  white  with  pale  markings.    The  plumage  is  very  similar 
to  that  of  the  House  Wren,  l)ut  the  relative  lengths  of  wings,  legs, 
and  tail,  noted  above,  will  always  distinguish  them.    Length  about 
4  inches,  extent  about  614.     The  Pacific  Coast  form  is  slightly 
darker,  and  ranges  through  the  mountains. 


I  wi 


KiNt.mi.I.l  I>  M  AK-ll  \\  KKN 

(Ci?>tuth'irn^  (..ihi^tri>-  ) 



( Cist  oth  o  rii  s  st  ella  ris  ) . 

Eastern  North  America,— breeding  in  Ontario  and  Manitoba 
and  probably  the  New  England  States,— may  be  considered  the 
range  of  this  very  interesting  but  shy  bird.  As  it  never  leaves  its 
mai-shy  home  it  is  not  at  all  familiar  to  many  who  would  enjoy 
hearing  its  bright,  sweet,  little  song.  Its  nest  is  built  of  c.iirsi' 
grass  and  cattails  woven  together  to  form  a  spherical  mass.  On 
one  side  of  this  and  possibly  elsewhere  the  materials  are  so  loose 
as  to  permit  easy  entrance,  but  no  chnir  open  passage  is  formed. 
The  excess  of  domestic  energy  of  these  bustling  iUtle  songsters 
usually  results  in  the  construction  of  several  nesis,  only  one  of 
which'is  used.  The  object  of  this  is  not  yet  apparent,  perhaps  it 
is  to  fool  the  water  snakes,  which  without  doubt  take  all  the  young 
birds  they  can  find.  Eggs  five  to  eight  usually  pure  white.  The 
upper  surface  of  the  plumage  is  streaked  with  brown,  black,  and 
white,  the  wings  and  tail  are  barred.  The  lower  ])arts  are  pale 
brownish  white,  darkei  on  the  sides  and  under  tail  coverts;  flanks 
barred  witli  dusky.  Length  4  to  41/0  inches,  extent  under  fi.  Bill 
less  than  one-half  inch. 


( Telmatodytea  paliistris). 

The  range  and  habits  of  this  form  are  very  like  those  of  the 
preceding.  It  probably  nests  further  north  and  is  certainly  more 
unif^xmly  distributed  in  southern  Ontario.  The  cat-tail  marshes 
along  the  St.  Lawrence  and  Lake  Ontario  seem  to  be  alive  v.'ith 
these  little  settlers  about  the  24th  of  May,  and  their  globular  nests, 
about  a  foot  in  diameter,  may  be  seen  all  along  the  quiet  sluggish 
waterways.  Birds  near  you  are  anxiously  enquiring  your  busi- 
ness in  their  neighborhood,  but  those  more  distant  can  be  seen 
":"ing  to  the  height  of  ten  feet,  apparently  carried  up  by  the  burst 


I,  yt 









THE     NEW     CANADIAN     F^IKI)     BOOK 

of  melody  which  ripi>l('S  from  their  oju'ii  l)eaivs,  then  siiikinj;:  and 
inmiediatcly  sinj^inj;'  theii-  way  up  a<;ain.  Each  pair  builds  several 
nests  hesi(h's  the  (»ne  selected  for  occu})an<'y,  and  these  may  be 
SvUne  yai-ds  apart. 

The  crown  is  ]»hun  olive-iirceii,  bounded  by  a  white  line  oxer 
the  eye.  Tlu'  back  is  black,  streaked  with  white  between  the  wings; 
rump  brown;  tail  and  wings  barred  with  dark.  Sides  grayish- 
brown;  undei-  i)arts  white  alnn";  tlie  middle  line.  Length  "»  inches 
or  more,  extent  about  ()i  o,  bill  i  ^  inch  or  niore. 


{Tdmatodijtcs  paliusfris  pahidicoJo). 

This  is  the  variety  of  Long-billed  Marsh  Wren  found  between 
the  Rocky  Mcmntains  and  the  Pacific  Coast  from  Mexico  into  Brit- 
ish C'ohnnbia.  It  is  said  to  have  a  slightly  shorter  bill,  and  to  be 
more  distinctly  barred  on  the  tail. 

The  Western  Marsh  Wren  and  the  l*rairie  Marsh  Wren  are 
names  given  to  forms  found  resix'ctively  in  southern  British 
('obunI»ia.  and  in  the  })rairie  marshes  <(f  soutln'ni  Alberta  and 
Saskatchewan.    The  descri})tion  of  the  tyi)e  will  sei-ve  for  them  all. 


(JhiriHirhi/itrliKS  nifus). 

The  eastern  Tnited  States  and  Canada  to  the  foot  of  the 
Rockies,  form  the  I'ange  of  the  Brown  Thrasher.  (}roun(l  Thrush, 
or  Sandy  .Mockingbird  as  this  is  called.  It  winters  in  the  .south- 
ern States  and  nests  as  far  north  as  the  Saskatchewan  River  in  the 
west,  but  only  in  Southern  Ontario  and  alxmt  .Montreal  in  the  east. 
The  habits  of  the  Thrasher  are  retiring  except  when  in  the  Innmu' 
for  singing, — morning  and  evening.  Then  he  takes  a  prominent 
position, — the  top  of  a  small  tree  usually, — and  gives  a  finished 
performance,  loud,  clear  and  brilliant.     But  even  in  a  (piiet  and 









1^  - 


i  5-  X 

?  i"  ^ 




^  1 


■ « 

1   - 


\    ' 



.»                 n 










I'KUCUlNd  r.lKDS 


(Miniiis  ixilinjli'tfo^)- 


„,„,  kn..w  th,.  l.inl  ".'ll.     He  nmnnt..!  ..  ,-.,vl  .::>.  .mhI  H"  sp." 
,n,.|i  is  Mt  i.nsciit  in  tlir  |.nssossi..n  "I  Ins  l.>i"il>- 

■n,,..,.  must  Ml!  In.  ,„nsi.UTe.l  .,ricl™t:>l  visitors   a.uluo  .-an 

m.aflvn.tfSlifik.Ml.ananyotlu.i-..f  .mf...,„„„mliif(ls. 

T1.0  ttlM-f  |,a>1san.  ashy  R.ay :  «i„ss  a,.,!  taillthK-ktsh  wtth  a 
„.l,it,  l.t  ...  t,..  ,..i...afi<.s.  Tl...  onto,-  tail  foath.Ts  a,v  larfjely 
^vltito.  llwof  sttt'fa.,.  gfayisi,  whit...  l.^nt-th  t,b,  10  tnehes, 
extent  about  14. 


:  ! 

.  n 


( GoJcoscoptes  caroUnensis ) . 

All  the  wjiy  from  Nova  Scotia  to  Vancouver  Island,  and  from 
54  depfrees  north  latitude,  or  about  the  Saskatchewan  River,  to 
the  Southern  United  States,  the  Oatbird  is  resident,  moi-e  plenti- 
fully however  in  the  east.  Ewoptinc?  his  cousin  the  Brown  Thrash- 
er, ho  has  no  rival  as  a  nnisieian  in  Canada,  and  the  friendly 
nature  he  shows  in  living  near  our  houses  and  sin^inf?  his  dclij?ht- 
ful  melodies  for  us,  makes  him  one  of  the  best  loved  of  wild 
creatures.  The  vagrant  cat,— and  all  cats  are  vagrants,— is  his 
especial  abominatiftn,  and  deservedly  so,  because  his  nest  is  certain 
to  be  visited  when  the  young  family  ))ecome  well  worth  eating. 
During  all  but  the  fall  months  the  Catbird  lives  on  insects  alone, 
thus  protecting  all  growing  fruits  and  vegetables.  When  the 
raspl)eri-ies  and  strawberries  are  ripe,  he  claims  his  proper  share, 
and  he  certainly  has  earned  the  right.  His  nest  is  built  usually 
within  six  feet  of  the  ground  in  thickets  of  elioke-cherry,  sweet 
briar,  or  other  dense  shrubbery.    The  eggs  are  greenish  blue. 

Plumage  is  slaty  gray ;  crown  and  tail  black ;  under  tail  coverts 
dark  chestnut.    Length  8V1>  to  9  inches,  extent  11  or  more. 



This  is  an  Old  AVorld  family,  except  the  one  species  and  its 
varieties  named  below.  The  mark  by  which  our  Creeper  may 
readily  be  known  is  its  stiff  tail  of  acuminate  feathers,  used  as 
the  Woodpeckei-s  use  their  similar  structures,  as  a  prop  for  the 
body  while  the  bird  climbs  spirally  up  the  trunks  of  trees.  The 
bill  is  very  long,  sharp,  and  decurved,  and  by  its  use  the  bird  lives 
by  picking  bugs,  beetles,  and  woinis  out  of  the  crevices  in  the  bark. 


,     >-i    '""n  ■ 



i  l,i(e-si?e. 

II  fj 


.< . 

i  ■  : 







( Ce  rth  ia  fa  m  ilia  ris ) . 

Eastern  North  America— as  far  north  as  Xcwfoundland  and 
as  far  west  as  Manitoba— forms  the  ran^e  of  the   type    form   of 
the  Brown  (Veeper.    It  is  common  in  few  jjlaces;  always  confined 
to  wooded  districts,  and  is  partialis  .nigratory.      In  southern  On- 
tario we  occasionally  see  it  in  winter  and  in   sunmier.  hut   more 
fre(,uently  in  si)rin,i;  and  fall.     It  nests  in  hollow  trees  or  holes 
made  by  woodpeckers,  and  lays  from  five  to  ei^ht  sjie-kled  ej^ss- 
The  custom  of  this  bird  is  to  start  at  the  bott(»m  of  a  tree  and  climb 
it  spirally  until  the  branches  bec(»me  somewhat  small,  then  it  lloats 
off  to  the  foot  of  a  neijfhborinj,'  tree  and  beijins  aj>ain.     It  ])ays 
little  attention  to  observers  but  attends  strictly  to  is  lifeloni;  busi- 
ness.    IMumajie  on  the  ni)i)er  surface  brown,  streaked  and  barred 
with  bl.ick  and  white:  rump  clear  brown;  lower  surface  white  or 
brownish  white.     Wintjs  dark,  with  yellowish  and  whitish  sj)ots 
and  bars:  tail  brown,  of  stiff  sharp  ixunti'd  feathers.  Lenijih  about 
.')i/L'  inches,  extent  7i  U  to  S. 

The  Rocky  :Mountain  rree])er— 6'.  /'.  m(»itana~ifi  found  in 
central  British  Columbia,  and  is  said  to  differ  in  beinj?  j?rayer, 
with  contrast!.  >;  tawny  rump.  It  is  tlioui^ht  to  average  loiiger 

The  Tawny  Creeper,— ^7.  /.  Occident alis,  is  another  variety 
found  (mly  on  the  P.-  ific  slope  from  California  to  Alaska,  and 
is  darker  in  tone. 


This  family  of  small  birds  is  related  to  the  Wrens  and  Creep- 
ers, but  is  distinguished  by  having: 

(1)  tail  about  as  long  as  tlie  wings: 

(2)  tail  feathers  not  stiff  nor  acuminate ; 


TlIK     NKW     <  AN  A  1)1.'.::     HI  in)     liOOK 

{ ;>  >   frmit  toes  iiiiiiiil  ;it  the  \k\sv: 

{  I  I    hill   ••nin|iirs>r<l.  stuiit.   stl'ilitillt   ;in<l   lllllrll    sllorli-f    tli;iH 

rlu'  Ih'.uI. 

'rinse  rliiilMi-lcrs  licjuiin  ;ils(i  |u  tlu'  .l;i\s,  Idlt  (till-  .l;iy.s 
nw  tivcr  seven  iiiclics  ioiii;-,  while  all  tuir  Nuthatches.  Chiekadees 
and  Tits  aic  under  se\'en  inches.  They  helnnu'  tu  the  ni»rfhei-ii 
heniispJH  re,  and  ar(  ainiosi  indiri'ereiu  to  luw  teiu|iei-afures.  al- 
thnnuli  sli;L;htiy  nd,ufati>ry  in  the  nui'thein  parts  nf  their  i-ani:-e. 
They  ai«'  adixc.  (  nel'u'etic,  I'eai  less  id'  eatinu  alnmst  anythinL;'. 
and  sevei'al  nl'theni  lia\-e  pit  asinn'  iitth   smms. 

Nuthatches  p't  theii-  name  fi-oni  theii-  hahits  id'  wedn'in.i;  a  nut. 
-as  (il'  the  heeeh  in  a  crevice,  and  then  npeuinn'  or  hat(diinti-  it 
with  IiIkus  id' ilieir  hill.  They  cliiuh  d<>\\-)i\vard  as  well  ,is  upv.ard 
on  the  trunks  of  trees,  l)ut  unlike  \\'oi.d,...cke:s  and  Creepers,  do 
not  use  lilt  il'  tails  as  supports.  ( 'liiekade^  •  oi*  'I'itnnce  seek  their 
prey  rather  anionu-  the  Iwi^s  and  outer  hrauclKs.  hut  are  very 
aceoinniodatin^'  in  their  appetih.  and  u'really  <  njoy  a  hit  of  meat 
oi*  suet  in  winter. 


(  Siffti  (-(iroliiK  usis  ). 
!"roni  the  (iuif  (d'  .Mexico  north  and  eastward  to  Laliradoj' 
and  dames  l>ay.  this  ;,,tei-estin,n-  little  acn^hat  raiiu'es.  nesting-  in 
the  iiortliern  part  and  in  the  mountain  reyidiis.  In  .southorn  On- 
tario it  is  more  jdeiitirul  in  fall  and  v.inter  than  in  sunuuer,  heinic 
only  )>artly  nuuratiuw.  Its  food  is  e!ii(  fly  insects.  i»ut  it  also  eats 
nuts  and  hai'd  fruits.  Its  calls  are  scaively  nmsical.  hut  the  pe- 
culiar hahits  of  the  l)ird  make  it  always  interestinti'.  It.s  nest  is 
made  in  a  natural  or  artificial  cavity  in  a  tree,  often  far  fmm  tlie 
lironnd.  very  fi-ecpiently  in  a  litde  made  hy  themselves  or  hy  a 
woodjiecker.  It  lays  from  five  to  eiyht  e,u-«;s.--  whitish  and  sjieck- 
led  with  hrowni. 

The  pluma.iic  of  the  hack  and  the  ceuti-al  tail-feathers  are 
clear  hluish  uray.  the  top   d'  the  head  and  the  hack  of  the  ne-ek  and 



I'KI.m'IIIm;  i{|i:hs 

ii  l»;ni<l  ;icr<iss  the  sliniili!rrs  licih;:  uli'S>\  l»l.;i-k.  '\'\u  MiMt  r  l.iil- 
tV';itlu'i-s  jiiT  l»l;irk  with  white  hinicho.  Tlu'  -idc-  i>r  thr  hcjul  .mil 
the  imdcr  |»;iiMs  ;iic  white.  iMcumint:  iii.-»i\  hrn-vn  mi  ilir  lower 
l»elly  .111(1  cpissiiiii.  I''elii;ih'  >  I»ill  vith  some  ^IMV  iiiised 
with  the  l>l;iek.  Leimth  ;ihoiit  (I  iiielies,  <  \t(  lit  .ilMiiit  1'*':..  The 
variety  of  this  ealhd  the  l»o,-k\  )!(.iiiitai;i  Xiiiii.iteh  i-  r<'>idyiit 
ill  I{rili>li  ('uhiiiihia.  and  fe|iurt(d  I'li'iii  .\lanituli,i. 

I'Ki.MV  Nl'i'IlA'ICII 

(  Silhi  iii/'iinin  II  ). 

'I'ilis  Nllthateh  is  emiriiKd  lo  the  I'aeit'ie  shipe.  l»eiii^  fuillid 
ill  ('aiiada  •»iily  in  sniith-wi  steni  IJriiisii  ('uliiiiil)ia.  'I'heir  nesiinu 
ha  hi  Is  are  like  tiinse  nl'  t  lie  dl  hers,  hnt  tliey  are  deserihed  a--  "caiilk- 
ip^-  i!|>  tlie  hoh's  and  s<'aiiis  in  t!ie  trees  anniiid  their  nests  with 
hair."  (  Sprcadlxtrou^-h ).  It  lays  six  or  seven  white  enus  thickly 
s|>eekled  with  ri'(hlisli.  The  einwii.  tile  nape.  ;ind  tiie  si(h'<  of  ihe 
head  tn  hclow  tlie  eyes  are  (dive-hrnw  n.  a  Idaekish  line  aioiind  the 
eyes  forms  a  hoiih-r  to  tlie  crow  n-|iateh,  remainiii.u-  uppi'i-  parts 
ashy-hliie.  Central  tail  I'eatlier  like  the  hack,  hut  witli  a  Iniiu' 
white  spot,  others  blackish  with  white  marks.  I'mhT  >iirt';ice 
sliadiiii;^  from  a  dusky-white  in  front,  to  sinoky-hrow  ii  or  even 
hlackisn  towards  the  tail.  Si/e  the  same  as  that  of  th(  Ifed- 


(  Siltii  (-(Uidih  lists  I. 

This  little  Nuthatch  is  found  iii  Lalirador  .md  Newfoinidlaii(i. 
and  is  resident  in  Nova  Scotia.  New  Brunswick.  (Quebec,  northern 
Ont^ii'io,  in  .Manitoba  and  westw.ird  to  the  Pacific  in  wooded 
iTii^ions.  and  north  to  Alaska.  It  is  a  common  mi.urant  in 
sonthern  Ontario.  They  often  exca\ate  their  own  n<'stin'4-i»laces 
in  rotten  ti'ees  and  stumps,  usually  not  more  than  ten  feet  from 


i  It 

I  ! 





-  i  i 


the  ijround.  An  interesting;  peculiarity  is  the  fact  noted  by  sev- 
eral observers.— tliat  tliey  often  i)Iaee  around  the  entrance  to  the 
nest  a  rinj,'  of  i)ine  sum,  whicli  is  sui)i)<)sed  to  be  either  a  trap  for 
insects  or  a  defence  aii:ainst  mice.  Everjiji-een  trees  and  their 
cones  are  favorite  objects  of  investij,^ation  by  this  nuthatch,  and 
tliey  probably  cat  the  seeds  of  pines.  Their  note  is  thinner  and 
more  nasal  than  that  of  tiie  AVhite-breasted.  They  lay  about  six 
e.utis,  embedding  them  in  liair  and  feathers.  B<"side  the  crown 
strij.e  this  sjx'cies  has  a  wide  black  stripe  through  the  eye,  reach- 
in.i?  back  to  the  nape,  and  widening  .m  the  side  of  the  neck.  Back 
and  tail  like  those  of  the  White-breasted.  The  throat  is  white  but 
the  breast  and  belly  are  yellowish  brown  or  almost  chestnut 
Lensjth  rather  over  4U  inches,  extent  about  814. 


( Paras  atricdpiUuH). 

The  forest  regions  of  eastern  North  America  from  North 
Carolina  to  Lal)rador  and  James  Bay,  are  the  range  of  this,  our 
common  Chickadee.  It  is  a  resident  in  all  the  provinces  east  of 
Manitoba,  but  there  its  place  is  taken  by  the  long-tailed  variety. 
They  nest  in  holes  which  they  excavate  in  rotten  stumps  or  fence 
posts.  They  lay  from  six  to  eight  eggs,  white,  speckled  with  red- 
dish-brown. In  southern  Ontario,  we  notice  these  birds  more 
frequently  in  winter  when  they  come  near  the  houses  and  barns, 
showing  no  fear  of  man,  singing  their  "chik-a-dee-dee-dee"  very 
cheerfully  when  the  days  are  bright.  During  the  summer  they  re- 
main in  the  cool  evergreen  swamps.  The  back,  wings  and  tail 
are  brownish-ash ;  the  crown,  nape,  chin,  and  throat  shining  black; 
the  sides  of  the  neck  and  Head  white :  wing  and  tail  feathers  border- 
ed with  white;  brf-ast  white  and  belly  brownish.  Length  514 
inches,  extent  8  inches 




{I*(trns  atricdjnlliis  sc/ih  nl riomilis). 

From  Manitoba  westward,  csiti-cially  in  tlic  IJocky  Mountain 
region,  the  Cliickadecs  arc  somewhat  lariicr  an<l  tlicii'  tails  are 
longer,  suri>assin5i  the  winijs  in  length.  The  (*(il<iiatinn  is  the  same 
as  that  of  the  ]»re<'edinn-,  hut  clear  and  shai-p.  the  l»lack  more  ex- 
tensive on  the  na})!',  and  in  front  rcachinii'  \n  the  breast.  The 
feathers  of  the  win«>s  and  tail  are  stroni;ly  edged  with  whitish. 


(P(tn(.s  atrial piUiis  occidt  iifalis). 

This  fonn,  belonging  to  the  Pacific  coast  region,  is  dark  in 
tone,  with  very  light  whitish  edgings  on  wing  and  tail  feathei's,  and 
a  brownish  wash  on  tlie  blue-gi-ay  of  the  sides. 


{P((nis  (/(imhcli). 

From  the  foot-hills  of  the  Rockies  in  Alberta  to  the  Racific 
Coast,  and  southward  to  California,  Gambel's  Chickadee  is  a  com- 
mon resident.  Its  upper  sni-face  is  unshaded  ashy-gray,  and  the 
under  parts  grayish-white,  nearly  pure  white  in  a  median  line. 
Sides  of  neck  and  head  white;  throat  and  to)*  <d'  head  black,  with 
a  narrow  white  line  over  the  eyes  and  across  the  forehead.  Length 
about  ')  inches,  extent  about  SVi;. 


( Pa  r us  Ii  u (I HO uic u s ) . 

This  bird  ranges  from  northern  New  England  and  the  CJreat 
Lakes  northward  in  the  coniferous  forests  to  Hudson  Bay,  and 
westward  to  Alaska.    It  is  common  in  the  maritime  ]n'ovinccs  and 


•PIIK     Ni:W     CANADIAN     Him>     HOOK 

\i  M 

is  occasionally  seen  in  soiirhcni  Ontario  as  a  winter  niij>rant.  Its 
note  isdiircivnt  from  that  of  the  connnon  Chickadee,  and  its  color- 
ation quire  distinct.  The  two  slides  are  often  associated  in  their 
winter  wanderini>s.  The  en. wn,  nape,  and  hack  are  ashy-hn.wn, 
small  throat  patch  black,  sides  (»f  the  head  Ik'Iow  the  eyes  white, 
under  paiMs  whitish,  with  l)rownish  on  sides  and  flank. 


( l*<uiis  ri(f( .sc(  Hs). 

This  species  is  connnon  in  the  Pacific  coast  rei^ion  from  Ore- 
i^on  tliroujih,  British  ('olund)ia,  and  southern  Alaska. 
It  haunts  shruhhery  and  coniferous  f<.i'ests,  and  nests  in  hollow 
trees.  Its  coloration  disti nun ishes  it,  heinj;-  chestnut  (.n  the  sides 
and  hack,  dark  brown  on  the  crown  and  nape,  black  on  tlu'  throat, 
with  a  larn'c  wliile  patch  on  cadi  side  of  the  neck.  Its  h'n.LTth  is 
about  1  ■"■  I  inches  and  its  extent  7'  -  inches. 


(  Sijlriithi)' ). 

This  uroiij)  contains  the  Old  World  Warblers  (d*  which  \\v 
have  r.o  records  in  .\merica  except  of  one  species  which  has  been 
taken  in  Alaska, — also  the  Kiimlets — h\'(/i(Iin(ic,  and  the  (5nat- 
catchers — roli<>iiliIiinii .  of  which  we  have  a  tew.  Tliey  are  all  re- 
lated to  the  Thnislu  s.  but  nioult  twic<'  a  year,  wliereas  the  Thrushes 
moult  but  <mce.  Coniieclcd  with  this  is  the  lack  <d'  spots  on  the 
younj;  Sijlriidnc,  which  are  so  marked  a  character  in  the  Thrushes. 

The  Kiuiilets — licnulhutc — are  active  and  ele^^ant  little  birds 
of  olive  j^reen  coloration,  jiale  below,  and  with  i-ed,  black,  or  yel- 
low (-rown.  Two  species  and  one  variety  are  known  in  Canada, 
an  additional  sjx'cies  l)ein.u,'  known  in  the  l^inted  States,  and  about 
seven  other  specie-s  are  inhabitants  of  Kui'oi)e  and  Asia.     Some 






( >r('- 
th  is 

ll    \V(> 


11   IV- 


•  y.'l- 



l'KI{(lilN(;   I5II?1)S 

of  tlicsf  iirc — next  tn  the  Hiiiimiiiij;'l»ir(ls'  tlic  smallest  rc.-itiici'cd 
(M(';itnr<'s  kiinwii.  'I'lic  tarsus  is  Wonicd.  \cvy  slciidcf.  and  Inii-^-cr 
lliaii  the  middle  1i>e  and  claw. 

(iOLDKN  (IJOWNKl)  KINdLl"!" 

(  It'i  fiiihis  stil  ni pa  ) . 

This  is  a  l)ear.tii'nl  iiltle  bird  willi  a  pleasinii-  soiur,  and  is 
I'Ciiown  in  all  parts  of  Noi-tli  Anieviea,.  It  seldom  breeds  snutli  of 
llie  (\'niadian  boundary  except  on  mountains,  hui,  uidess  in  south- 
western ()ntai-io.  it  is  a  i-esideiil  in  all  parts  where  there  are  plenty 
•  ••'evergreen  eonifei's.  Durinu'iuild  winters  it  I'emains  in  Ontario, 
but  it  usually  nnu'rates  a  shoi't  distance  southward,  it  l>uilds  a 
bulky  partially  suspeiided  nest  of  ^reen  moss  ajul  all  soi-ts  id' 
fibrous  vegetable  matei-ials.  lined  with  fine  rootlets  and  feathers, 
'i'his  it  fastens  jiear  the  end  of  a  bi-aneh  of  an  e\erureen.  td'ten  hi^'h 
in  the  tree.  The  e^'.iis  tuuubi'r  sometimes  ten.  and  are  er<'amv  or 
j>ale  iii'ayish  yellow,  with  a  few  bi-own  marks.  The  erown  is  red- 
dish oi-anu'e  bordered  with  yellow  and  black.  In  the  female  the  i-ed 
sh;ules  aie  abseiU.  Tiie  forehead  and  a  lijie  oxer  the  eye  are  whit- 
ish. A  tiny  feathi  ;■  o\-ei-  <'acli  nostril.  Tpper  parts  othei-wise 
olive  u'reen;  winus  and  tail,  dusky.  Lower  surface  iirayish  or 
yellowish  white.  Leti^'th  -I  inches,  extent  (>i  ^  or  in(U-e.  The  i'tu-in 
found  in  British  rojuiubia  is  l)y  some  called  /»'.  v.  o/irdccoiis.  or 
\V(stern  (iohk'U-ci'owned  Kinulet.  and  is  "said  to  be  of  ;i  livelier 
coloration  than  the  abi,\-e."  (Cones.) 

Iv'  r  BV-(  Mx»( )\VX Kl)  K  I  \(;  LET 

( I}*('!/iihis  ((tlouhiUi). 

The  iiistribution  of  this  bird  is  practically  the  same  as  that  of 
the  (ioldeu-Crowned  Kinulet.  with  which  it  often  associates.  Tlie 
l?uby-er(»wn  is  however  a  brilliant  unisician.  his  "mellow  flute- 
iiko"  warble  boint;-  of  surprisinu"  streui;tli  and  .(ualitv  for  such  a 



m  IV 



)    ■! 





diminutive  bird.  Mis  song  is  heard  in  perfection  only  in  spring, 
usually  early  in  May,  ai.d  the  call  note  of  autumn  <,nves  us  no  suj;- 
gestiou  of  the  bird's  ability  as  a  singer.  It  seldom  nests  in  south- 
ern Ontario,  but  docs  so  in  Xova  Scotia.  The  distinction  between 
the  birds  is  in  the  crown  spot  and  wing  bars.  In  this  species  the 
crown  has  a  jjartly  concealed  rich  scarlet  patch,  the  rest  of  the 
upper  i)arts  arc  greenish  olixc,  more  yellowish  on  the  rump.  The 
wings  have  two  whitish  bars,  and  the  under  parts  are  a  drab  white. 
Length  4^  U,  extent  7i/L»  inches.  Its  nest  and  eggs  are  very  similar 
to  those  <»t'  the  preceding  species, 


( P(>liof)tila  c(t(  ridc'd). 

This  is  one  of  the  birds  whose  northern  limit  i)ractically  coin- 
cides with  our  international  lx)undary.  A  few  specimens  stray 
across,  but  so  far  they  must  be  classed  as  accidental  visitors,  except 
in  southwestern  Ontario.  It  has  been  taken  at  Montreal,  Ottawa, 
Toi-onto,  and  London.  Its  home  is  south  of  the  northern  tier  of 
states,  and  it  breeds  from  the  east  coast  to  California  in  well-wood- 
ed districts.  Its  nest  is  one  of  the  most  ])erfect  known,  being  deep, 
compact,  contracted  at  the  mouth,  and  often  deeorated  with  lichens. 
Tlie  interior  is  beautifully  lined  with  dt»wn  and  feathers.  This 
structure  is  usually  fixed  to  twigs  so  as  to  be  susjiended,  but  may 
be  saddled  on  a  high  horizontal  branch.  The  bird  has  a  thin  but 
pleasing  song,  and  stays  in  the  tops  of  tall  trees.  The  upper  parts 
of  the  plumage  are  grayish-blue,  brightest  on  the  crown,  with  a 
black  forehand  and  line  over  the  eye  in  the  male.  Under  parts 
whitish,  the  outer  tail  feather  is  white,  as  are  two-thirds  of  the 
second  and  the  tip  of  the  third;  the  others  are  jet  black.  Length 
41  ■.  or  more,  extent  6Vi>  inches. 





The  marks  of  North  Anicricaii  iiicinbers  of  this  family  are, — 
hooted  tarsi,  10  primaries, — tlie  first  si)iirious, — and  win;;-  dver  :» 
inches  \o\vj:,.  This  W(»nld,  liowever,  iiiehi(h'  one  hird — the  Ameri- 
can l)ii){)or,— which  (hies  not  hehtnj;'  iiere.  The  fusion  of  the 
scales  of  the  tarsus  into  a  l)(»ot  is  complete  only  at  maturity. 

The  Fly-catching-  Tiirushes  oi-  Solitaires  ar<'  confined  to  tropi- 
cal America  except  one : — 


(Mijiadcstcs  toivnscndi). 

The  Kocky  Mountain  region  f]«om  New  Mexico  and  California 
to  Alaska  is  the  home  and  hi'eeding  ground  of  this  interesting  and 
remarkable  singer.  Jt  feeds  on  insects  during  the  summer,  and  on 
fruit  in  the  cold  weather.  Its  nest  and  eggs  have  been  taken  near 
Banff,  the  nest  built  on  tlie  ground  usually  on  the  side  of  a  bank. 
Eggs  three  to  six,  bluish,  speckled  with  reddish  brown.  The 
plumage  in  general  is  brownish  gray,  paler  below,  especially  on 
the  throat,  belly,  and  crissum.  Wings  and  tail  blackish,-  the  former 
with  a  tawny  spot  and  blackish  bar ;  the  tail  with  white  on  the  outer 
feathere.    A  white  ring  around  the  eye.    Length  alM)ut  S  inches. 



Many  species  of  Thrush  are  known,  and  they  are  found  in  all 
parts  of  the  world,  being  especially  well  represented  in  tropical 
America.  Six  species  with  several  varieties  reach  Canada,  while 
about  twelve  species  are  known  in  the  United  States,  All  are  in- 
sect and  fruit  eating  birds,  inhabiting  wooded  regions,  and  travel- 
ling in  flocks  during  migration.    The  young  are  streaked  and  spot- 



ted  in  tlicir  first  feathers,  liiit  s»miii  Wecoine  like  the  parents.  For 
sweetness  of  voice  and  expression  these  birds  tieenpy  the  firsl 
jdaee,  althongh  others  may  excel  in  brilliance  and  power.  The 
Nij;htin^ale  of  Enrope  beh>n|;j;s  to  the  same  f>n)np.  At  present  this 
gronp,  including;  the  Blnebirds,  is  j)laced  at  the  head  of  the  divi- 
sion of  animal  life  known  as  birds,  Thev  are  believed  to  represent 
the  hiy'  point  in  bird  structure,  althouyh  this  is  o})en  to  (jues- 


( II ylorirhUi  niiislt  h'lui). 

The  Wood  Thrush  winters  in  (Vntral  America  and  ranges 
over  the  eastern  United  States  and  southern  Ontario.  It  breeds 
as  far  north  as  Georgian  Bay,  l)uilding  a  firm  cuplike  nest,  similar 
to  that  of  the  ^Vmerican  l\obiii,  and  phicing  it  usually  within  ten 
feet  of  the  ground,  often  in  a  young  broad  leafed  tree.  The  eggs, 
usually  four,  are  light  greenish  blue.  The  note  of  the  Wood  Thrush 
is  significant  of  peace  and  rest,  and  while  too  short  to  be  properly 
designated  a  song,  it  is  one  of  the  most  pleasing  and  satisfying  of 
Nature's  evening  voices.  The  markings  of  the  Wood  Thrush  are 
more  i-eadily  distinguished  than  those  of  any  other  of  his  retiring 
and  forest  loving  family.  The  ui)i)er  surface  is  yellowish  brown, 
brightest  on  the  head,  shading  to  olive  brown  on  the  rump  and  tail ; 
a  light  ring  around  the  eye;  under  ]>arts  white,  thickly  marked 
with  large  round  blackish  spots,  except  the  throat  and  middle  of 
the  belly.    Length  about  H  inches,  extent  about  13. 


( Hylocich la  fii.sccHce n s ) , 

The  eastern  United  States,  the  maritime  provinces,  Quebec 
and  Ontario  are  the  range  of  the  V^eery.  Ft  goes  further  north 
than  the  Wood  Thrush  and  is  also  a  much  more  common  resident 



in  eastern  Ontario.  It  places  its  nest  on  the  ground  or  near  it, 
on  a  bush  or  stmnj),  ninkinj:;  it  of  grass  and  weed  stems,  hark  and 
other  tihrous  materials,  but  with  little  nuid.  The  eggs  are  similar 
to  those  of  the  Wood  Thrush.  The  song  of  The  Veery  cannot  well 
be  described.  "All  the  wondrous  my.sterit's  of  the  woods  find  a 
voice  in  the  song  of  this  biid;  he  thrills  us  with  emotion  we  cannot 
oxi)ress."  The  upper  plumage  is  uniform  reddish  brown.  No 
light  ring  around  the  eye.  IJreast  and  throat  washed  with  brown- 
ish yellow.  Lower  breast  and  belly  white,  sides  grayish  or  olive. 
Chin  and  middle  line  nearly  white,  and  unspotted,  while  indistinct 
brownish  spots  mark  the  throat  and  Jugulum.  Length  7  to  TVii 
inches,  extent  about  12. 

From  Manitoba  to  the  (Wst  Uange  t»f  British  Oolund)ia  in 
all  well  wooded  places  the  Willow  Thrush, — //.  /.  salicicola, — is 
found.  The  upper  surface  is  less  yellow,  more  olive,  the  lower 
less  yellow  also,  than  in  the  type,  with  few^  or  no  spots  back  of  the 
dusky  breast. 



{Hylot'ichla  alieiac). 

Range,  'i^astern  North  America,  breeding  in  Labrador, 
about  Hudson  Bay,  in  Manitoba,  Saskatchewan,  about  (Jreat  Slave 
Lake,  ..nd  to  the  mouth  of  the  Mackenize  Rivei".  Rarely  noted  in 
Ontario  excei)t  by  a  few  skilled  observers.  It  is  a  shy  bird,  diffi- 
cult to  distinguish.  Its  nest  is  placed  usually  in  low  trees  or 
bushes,  -md  sometimes  on  the  ground.  The  eggs  are  greenish  blue 
sj)eckled  with  brown. 

The  upper  parts  are  uniform  olive,  no  buff  around  the  eye. 
Middle  of  throat  and  belly  white,  sides  of  throat  and  breast  may 
have  a  faint  wash  of  creamy  buff,  and  "with  wedgeshaped  dark 
marks  on  the  throat,  and  half-round  spots  on  the  sides  of  breast." 
Length  about  734,  extent  about  13  inches. 


•■  { 



{Hylocichla  aliciac  hickncUi). 
This  is  a  smallor  and  l)i'i<(htc'i-  variety  of  Alice's  Thrush. 


belongs  to  the  White  Mountains  and  Xov;  Scotia,  nesting  near  the 
mountiun-tops  in  scrubby  evergreens. 



The  range  of  the  Russet-backed  Thrush  is  the  Pacific  coast 
from  Central  America  lo  Alaska,  nesting  abundantly  in  British 

Upper  surface  russet  olive,  as  in  the  Willow  Thrush.  A  buff 
ring  around  the  eye.  The  breast  and  throat  are  thickly  marked 
with  dark  olive  spots,  which  extend  back  of  the  buff  area  of  the 
breast.  Sides  shaded  with  olive  gray.  Length  T'y^,  extent  12  to 
121/2  inches. 

(Hylocichla  guttata). 

This  is  the  Hermit  Thrush  of  the  west  coast,  especially  of 
Alaska  and  northern  British  Columbia.  The  more  southern 
part  of  British  Columbia  has  the  variety  auduhoni — Audubon's 
Hermit  Thrush,  while  the  Eastern  Hermit  Thrush  or  Swamp 
Angel,  is  the  variety  pallasi.  As  the  latter  is  the  best  known  we 
shall  notice  its  characters  and  the  differences  among  the  varieties. 
This  is  the  commonest  thrush  in  many  parts  of  the  east  and  is 
found  in  woodlands  in  Manitoba,  Saskatchewan,  Alberta,  and 
British  Columbia.  This  bird  winters  from  the  latitude  of  New 
Jersey  southward,  and  nests  from  Massachusetts  and  Michigan 
northward  to  the  latitude  of  Lesser  Slave  Lake.  It  comes  to  us 
in  southern  Ontario  soon  after  the  snow  disappears,  and  remains 



till  lale  t.ill.  Tlic'ir  Umd  is  pn.halily  Inr-cly  -atlu'ird  from  the 
.ground,  as  we  usually  see  them  t'lyiu.u;  up  frcm  the  -round  as  we 
approach  the  thickets  in  which  they  make  their  homes.  While  not 
a  timid  l.ii  d,  the  Hermit  Thrush  prefers  to  live  in  secluded  idaecs, 
and  is  deeidedly  averse  to  beiii^-  eonspieuous. 

Its  son-'-  is"  plaee<l  hy  many  at  the  very  top  of  the  eatalo-ue  of 
Amerieaii  bird  nmsie  because  of  its  sweetness  of  tone.  It  builds 
iisuallv  on  the  ,ui'ouiul  a  nest  of  moss,  leaves,  and  j-fass,  lined  with 
fine  rootlets,  and  soir.etimes  leaves  of  conifers.  The  site  of  the 
nest  is  nsuallv  verv  secluded,  a  dense  shnibl)y  thicket  far  from  the 
hauiits  of  meii.  boys,  or  doL-'s.  The  jdmna-e  of  the  upper  surface  is 
olive  brown,  beniniif.t;-  reddish  l)rown  on  the  rump  and  tail.  Tliroat 
and  breast  tinj-ed  with  Iniff.  middle  <d'  the  belly  white,  sides  of  the 
throat  with  wedoo-shaped  black  spots,  the  breast  with  rounded 
spots :  sides  l)rownish  gray.    Length  al)out  7  inches,  extent  about 

The  variety  known  as  Audubon's  Thrush  is  a  little  larger, 
reacliing  seven  iind  three-quarter  inches  in  length.  The  l)ack  is  in- 
clined to  be  olive  gray  instead  of  brown  and  the  tail  not  so  bright. 
The  Kadiak  Hermit  Thrush  is  smaller,  scarcely  seven  inches  long, 
the  colors  being  the  same  as  those  of  the  eastern  form. 

I  ii 


ilhflociclila  Hsfidttid  sirainsoni). 

This  is  the  eastern  variety  of  ustuluta,  and  breeds  mostly  in 
Oanada  and  Alaska.  Its  western  limit  is  the  Coast  Range  of  Brit- 
ish (N)lumbia.  while  it  is  common  in  the  maritime  provinces  and 
Xew  Enuland.  It  is  said  to  spend  the  winter  in  the  West  Indies 
and  South  America.  Its  eye  ring  and  ears  are  buffy  yellow  and 
iis  upper  surface  lacks  russet,  teing  a  uniform  oL  -^ceous;  the 
lower  surface  is  white  with  brownish  gray  on  the  sides.  The  fore 
j.arts  except  the  throat  are  marked  with  many  large  dusky  spots; 








the  sides  of  t\\v  throat  with    wi'dj-L'-shaiiod     hlack    feather   tips. 
Length  about  7,  extent  12  to  12'/-^  inches. 


{Mcnila  migi'dlomi). 

Our  liobin  ranj-es  over  Nortli  America  at  lar^;e  except  the  ex- 
treme northern  phiins  and  tlie  western  part  of  Mexico.  The  form 
in  the  Roci<y  Mountains  and  I'aeific  slope  re^'ions  is  perhaps 
slifi-htly  laryer,  hut  otherwise  is  praeticallv  icU'Utieal  with  the  tyi»e. 
No  otiier  bird  is  better  known  or  hived  tiian  this  dieerful  Red- 
breasted  Thrusli,  sini-inj*-  vocifentusly  under  ehei'rU'ss  .March  skies 
before  the  snow  1ms  disappeared,  stayin.y-  with  us  till  it  comes 
again,  and  in  southern  Ontario,  not  infrequently  all  winter  long, 
iji  the  vicinity  of  <lense  cxx'igreen  swamjts.  It  is  known  lo  rai^'  its 
young  from  near  the  border  (d*  Mexico  t(»  the  Arctic  Ocean  in 
Alaska,  and  under  favorable  circumstances  four  broods  in  a  sea- 
son. The  nest  is  half  grass,  leaves,  twigs  and  hair,  held  together 
and  lined  with  clay.  It  is  a  fairly  deej)  cup,  and  the  eggs— usually 
four  or  five, — are  greenish  blue,  usually  plain,  but  occasionally 
having  brownish  markings.  The  deep  chestmit  i-eddisli  <d*  the 
under  parts  exce])t  the  throat,  is  a  sufficient  mark  of  identilica- 
tion.  Tlie  female  is  less  bright,  and  both  in  the  fall  li.-vc  whitish 
tips  on  the  reddish  feathers.  The  young  birds  are  for  a  short  time 
after  leaving  the  nest  s]iotted  and  streaked  with  black.  Length 
from  9Vl'  to  10  inches,  extent  16. 


( Ilfi.speroriclihi  xacvia). 

This  thrush  ranges  from  Mexico  to  Alaska,  being  (|uite  com- 
mon throughout  western  Ri-itish  Uohnnbia.  The  ui)])er  plumage 
is  dai'k  slate  color,  wmgs  and  tail  blackish  or  i)lackish  olive,  two 
wing  bars  of  orang(  browni.    The  sanu'  (U-ange  forms  a  stripe  be- 


.  n 


I'.i  iKiuun.    M/.-. 



hind  the  eye,  and  covers  the  nnder  parts  to  the  lower  belly,  where 
it  fades  to  whitish.  The  breast  is  crossed  by  a  broad  l)lack  band 
whieh  extends  ui»\vard  round  the  orange  brown  on  the  sides  of  the 
neek  and  head.  Th<'  female  is  more  olivaeeous  above,  and  duller 
l)(.],,w,— rusty  rather  than  oranu'e  ))r<»wn.  Lenijth  about  })-'V| 
in<'hes.  extent  about  !(>  inehes.  Very  rarely  a  si)ecimen  of  this 
thrush  \van(h'rs  to  tlu'  eastern  I'nited  States. 


( Sd.ricola  oounitlic). 

The  stone-chats  are  birds  of  Europe.  A  .a,  and  Africa,  and 
this  can  be  cdusidered  nu  rely  as  a  circumiM'lar  v>,!nderei-  which 
(.ceasionally  mi,urat<'s  soutliward  throuu-h  Canada.  It  possibly 
breeds  in  northern  Labrador  and  (Jreenlaud.  A  few  specimens 
have  'oeen  taken  in  Ontario,  l^)uel)ec,  autl  New  Brunswick.  It 
nests  in  holes  in  the  juround  or  crevices  in  rocks,  iayiny;  ;4reenish 
blue  unsiiotted  e,uj>s.  The  adult  male  is  ashy  j^ray,  with  a.  white 
line  over  the  eyes  and  jicross  the  forehead,  and  the  under  parts 
white  or  washed  with  (Uisky.  IJump  white:  winj>s  and  end  of  tail 
b];)ek,  but  m(«ie  than  one  iialf  the  upper  portion  of  the  tail  feathers 
white.  Female  brownish  ,!;i'ay.  Lenuth  alxiut  (»' •>  inehes,  extent 
alioiit  V2  iiiclies.     Sonu  pleasiuL!,'  and  somewhat  imitative. 


{Si alia  xi(tlis). 

Krom  Newfoundland  to  eastern  Manitoba,  and  from  the 
.southern  States  to  Hudson  J^ay  is  the  ran.ue  of  our  common  Blue- 
bird. It  is  not  nearly  so  plentiful  in  the  maritime  provinces  as 
in  western  (Quebec  and  Ontario,  where  it  is  abundant.  Like  the 
Hobin  it  enjoys  the  conditions  of  auricullure,  ami  prefers  hollow 
rails  and  jjost.s,  a  woodpecker's  excavjition  in  a  tele;;raph  pole,  or 
a  )»ox  or  birdhonse.  to  the  hoUow  tree  t>f  remote  woodlands.     1'iie 


1 1 



}^cii*(leii,  orchard,  and  farm  uut-biiildiiii;s  are  favorite  breeding 
gi'ounds.  It  is  welcome  everywhere,  and  in  sprinsif  its  early,  sweet, 
plaintive  call  is  the  essence  of  loving,  gentle  cheerfulness.  "Pnr- 
i-ty,  pur-i-ty"  is  its  admonition,  given  in  the  spring  with  joy- 
fulness,  and  in  autumn  with  sadness. 

The  egps  are  jiale  blue.  The  upper  parts, — head,  wings,  and 
tail  are  bright  blue.  The  throat,  breast,  and  side?  of  the  body  are 
reddish  chestnut,  beliy  ai:d  crissum  whitish. 

The  female  has  a  brownish  cast  over  the  blue  of  tiio  l)ack, 
while  the  under  parts  are  rust^'-brown.  Length  about  7  inches, 
extent  about  121/^  inches. 


(Sialia  mcricuna  occidentnUa) . 
In  southern  British  Columbia  and  southward  to  New  Alexico 
this  bluebird  is  common,  fts  habits,  nest  and  eggs  are  very  simi- 
lar to  those  of  "he  eastern  form.  The  rich  blue  of  the  back,  wings, 
and  tail,  also  includes  the  head  and  neck  all  around.  On  the  upper 
back  is  a  ])arch  or  two  patches  of  bright  chestnut.  The  breast  and 
sides  are  chestnut,  the  belly  and  crissum  are  l)luish.  There  seems 
to  be  either  hybrids  or  intergrading  forms  between  these  blue- 
birds.   Ijcngth  and  extent  same  as  the  last, 


(Sialia  arctica). 
From  western  Manitoba  to  the  Pacific  Coast  especially 
thntughout  the  mountain  region,  and  from  Alaska  to  Mexico  this 
is  a  conunon  bird.  Its  nest  and  habits  are  the  same,  but  its  eggs 
are  larger  than  those  of  the  eastern  bluebird.  The  upper  plumage 
is  a  palei-  azure  blue  than  that  of  the  other  species,  and  at  times 
has  a  gi'e(>nish  shade.  Below,  the  surface  is  a  pale  greenish-blue, 
fadii'.g  into  wiiite  on  the  lower  belly  and  crissum.  Length  7  inches 
or  more,  and  extent  13  or  more. 




^\^ticM      .  .  .l..'>n  o,-  hatched  in  an  immature,  n.iflodpjed, 

'*'^'  luMi.lcss  c.ndition,  and  ro-  ninns  protrctum 

;mh1  f'p<.d  from  the  parents  f(.r  some  time. 
A,n/,(1afed I'-'vinc?  a  Hinn-e  in  direetion  in  tlie  <M.nnnis- 

siire  (see  lielnw). 

\rhorcnl living'  in  trees  or  shrubs.  .    .  ^^    ^ 

Bend  of  u-imj the  nn..l,.  fornud  wheTi  tlu>  wm- is  to  ded 

Booed.  .     . Imvino.  tl,e  seal* .  of  the  tarsus  fused  into  a  unmarked  cnverino-  as  in  th.e  robin. 

Bristle  m  stiff  hair.  „   ,     ,  ^  i.i 

Celr  .     tieshv  .,r  skinli'e  eoverin-  of  the  base  of  t  he 

l,ill   in  portain   birds,  cspeeially  the  hawks 

and  owls. 

Ce  rclatinu' to  the  neck. 

(yj,  tl)c  si)aee  b(>tw(>en  the  two  branches  ot  the 

Idwcr  ))ill  or  jaw. 
Commissure tlie  line  on  whicli  the  mandibles  <.f  a  bird  are 


Compressed flattened  sidevvise.       .     ,   .      ,.  .,,    .. 

Cou/rostral bavin-  the  beak  corneal   m  form   with  the 

commissure  aimnlated. 
Coverts                    . .  .small  feathers  hidint,-  the  bases  of  the  .|iiills. 
fy,.ggf; Ici'.tithened    feathers    about    the  top  of    the 


Crissum     under  tail  coverts. 

Crop an  enlarsemeut  of  the  gullet  of  bird. 

Culmni  the  middle  lino  or  i-idire  of  the  upper  man- 

dible of  a  bird's  bill. 

Deciduous fallinu'  off  after  a  season,  temporary. 

Decurved curved  downward. 

Dentate with  toothlike  notches  or  plates. 

Depressed  .' .  tlattemd  from  above  and  below. 

Depth  di;',meter  in  a  vertical  direction. 

Bistal  '.'. the  (>nd  furthest  from  the  i)oint  of  attach- 




Ecological (U'peiident  on  suirouiiding  cdiiditioiis. 

hmarf/iriafc liaviiij,'  .1   portion  cut  out,  resulting  in  the 

.ihrupt  n.-uTowing  of  quill  feathers,  and  the 
.  sliglit  forking  of  the  tail. 

Lnctilc ;|i,](.  to  ])(>  raised  or  erected. 

^/'^'^^ I)(  longi  'g  to  tlie  face  or  front  of  the  skull. 

tuivitti long,  r.iicrow  and  curved  like  a  sickle. 

tism-ostml having  tlie  hill  deeply  ch'ft.  heyond  the  base 

of  the  lioruy  ]»art,  as  in  tlie  swallows  and 

Furcate forked,  having  the  lateral  tail  feati.ers  long- 

ci'  than  tlie  middle  ones. 

'  -'/'^ the  opening  of  the  luouth. 

Oomj.s the  middle  lin*^  of  the  lower  surface  of  the 

lower  mandible  in  birds. 
Oorget the  throat  i»atch  of  peculiar  feathers,  not- 

ahlc  in  the  luunmingbirds. 
Graduated Itccoming  progressively  longer  fron  the  out- 
er toward  the  central,  as  in  the  tail  feathers 

of  the  magpie. 

\^iV hclonging  to  the  throat  or  upper  fore-neck. 

^Jf'^V'J in  hirds,— the  hind  toe. 

Uyout       belonging  to  the  tongue. 

imbricate    overlapping  like  shiiigles  on  a  roof. 

imperforate „ot  i)ierced  through. 

J_^W»liim x\\v  lower  throat. 

^"'"^''"^' plate-like  ])rocesses  like  tliose  inside  the  bill 

,         ,,.  of  a  duck, 

l^ametf, rostral i,.,,.i„„.  p]atc-like  or  tooth-like   projections 

T-    .       ,  along  tlie  edge  of  the  bill,  as  in  ducks. 

Yy''''' toward  or  on  the  side. 

furnished  with  membranous   flaps,    as    the 

_  toes  of  the  coots  and  grebes 

i^r^*'^'" the  space  between  the  eve  and  the  bill. 

■J/'/''' the  back  of  the  neck. 

^"'^ff  ' relating  to  the  nostrils. 

'^^^'"'i i)ertaiuing  to  the  nape  or  the  back  of  the 




Obscure  ... scarcely  visible. 

Obsolete scarcely  to  be  found. 

nhtu<ip  . .  .blunt.  „  ,,      ,       , 

Om>7fl?' .helonsin-  to  the  l)ack  of  the  head. 

Ocellate  with  eye-like  spots. 

Palmate   '  •  •  .having-  webs  between  the  toes. 

PcH    nto l^-^^'"^'  '•  '''^'  *'**  ^^^'">'  ^''^'"*' ^^^""^  ^ 

as  the  toes  <.f  the  orouse  in  winter. 

Perforate pierced  throni?h. 

Pifjment coloring  matter. 

Pimnbeoiis lead  colored. 

Pohiqamous unitint;-     ith  more  than  one  female. 

Precocial al>le  to  run  and  feed  themselves  as  soon  as 

Primary one  of  the  nine  or  ten  longest  stiff  quills  ot 

a  bird's  wing. 
Pn'man/  wing  rov^r^.^.the  coverts  overlying  the  primaries. 

Punctate  .  .  " dotted  with  small  spots  or  points. 

Quadrate nearly  S(|uare.  „  .,        •  i.„;i 

^,,,7/ ,)iio  of  the  stiff  feathers  of  the  wmg  or  tail 

of  a  bird. 

Rachis the  shaft  of  a  feather. 

Reticulate marked  or  divided  by  a  network  of  lines. 

Retractile able  to  be  drawn  inward,  as  the  claws  ot  a 

cat  an(.   >f  some  birds. 

Rctrorsc turned  backward. 

Rictal lu'longing  to  the  gape  of  the  mouth. 

Rnstrai l)elonging  to  the  beak  or  snout. 

Rudimentary uudevelo])ed. 

Euff ' a  collar  t>f  modified  feathers. 

Scapular relating  to  the  shoulder. 

Scntellate having  broad  shield-like  plates  regularly  ar- 
ranged, as  on  the  tarsus  of  certain  birds. 

Secondaries the  shorter  quills  growing  on  the  inner  part 

of  the  wing. 

Semi  palmate half-webbed,  toes  connected  at  the  base  by 

a  wel). 



1^  ( 


Septum a  i)nrtition. 

Serrate notched  like  a  saw. 

Shaft tlio  axis  of  a  feather. 

Speculum a  s])eeial  colored  area  on  the  flisjht  feathers 

(if  many  kinds  of  ducks. 

Sternum the  breast  bone. 

Snhnhite awl-shaped. 

Supra-orbital above  the 

Sjjiulactyle l\:!vii!<i;  two  toes  welded  tojjjether  for  some 

distance  as  in  the  kinirfishers. 
Tar.sus tl'c  ankle  bones, — or  the  shank  bone  between 

the  til)ia  and  the  toes. 

Tarsi ]tlural  of  tarsus. 

Terete cvlindrical. 

Terminal at  the  end. 

Tihia the  bone  above  and  jointed  to  the  tarsus. 

Tominm the  cuttinoj  edire  of  the  bill. 

Torsi plural  of  tarsus. 

Toti palmate havinj;  all  four  toes  connected  by  webs. 

Transverse crosswise. 

Truncate cut  squarely  off,  abrupt. 

Ventral pertaining  to  the  abdomen. 

Versatile capable  of  being  turned  either  way. 

Zygodactyle liaving  the  toes  in  pairs,  two  in  front  and 

two  behind. 



















-SL*     ^ 



Aca(lian  Shar|>t;iiU>i|  KiiKli,  208 

Acanthia  linaria  nistrutu,  198. 

.Iraiithi^,   1ST. 

.lcn)ithii  hnnii  imiiui   ii.rihi>< 

AranthU  limirio,  197. 

.Iccipitf,  H. 

Jrcipitnx,   114115. 

<'ooppr's  IFawk,  II.')  120. 
(iiwhawk,    n.")120. 
Sharp-shiniiod,  11.' 119. 
.Icciintir  alricai>illiiK,  120. 
Airipittr  cooiuii.  120. 
Jccipittr  rt'/ox,  119. 
Aftitix  macula  rill,  90. 
Actodroinas,  75. 
Arfhm<>i>liorii.'.  itri-iihittuliA.   11. 
Aegialitit,  76. 
Aipialitin  mdoda,  95. 
.1.   iiulaiioccphnia,  90. 
A.  miloila  ririKiniiiitta,  O.^i. 
Acflialitix  nnnipalmiiia,  95. 
Affiiulitis  rofifira.  94. 
.IcsJiid,  244-216. 
Atjelaius  phornicu.i.  180. 
.I'ljr.  40. 

liji  spoiisii,  47. 
Alaiida,  169. 
.lJaH(JiVJ(r,  8. 

.Vla.«k!in  .Tay,  171. 

.Maskau  Siimtiipr  Warbler,  252. 

.\Iaskan  Thrcc-tucil    Woodppi-krr 

.Vlbatrossos,  2-4-:{2. 

Albatross,  Short-tailc'l,  32. 

Alca  torda,  19. 

Alcidiiiid(t,  7. 
Ih-idi'.   :!-16. 

AldeJ  Flvcirfhii.  168. 

Alieo's  Thrush,  291-2!t2. 

AUe  allc,  20. 

Allen's  Humminghonl,  161. 

Allen's  Ptarmig-an,  104. 

Aleutian    Lcvcostirte,   Brant's    Hosv    Fi 

Alpine  Three-toed  Woodpec«er,  149. 

American  .\vocet,  78.  Bittern,  63. 

.Vnierican  Barn  Owl,  132. 

American  Black  Tern,  31. 

.\meriean  Crossbill,  194. 

American  Coot,  Water  Hen,  Crow  Duck 



.  73. 

.Vmi'ricaH  Crmv,  175. 

.\merican  Dipper,  271-272. 

.Viiicrii-an   K:irci|  (irobe,  13. 

.\nicri<-an    Kidef,  54. 

AincriiMii  (inldt'ii     Kye,    WhintliT,    51. 

Auii'riiMii  (ii>ldcn    I'lover,   93. 

American  GoUlfiinch,    187  l!t.'>198. 

Aiiii'ricaii  (iosliawk,    11.~>'120. 

American  Green  Sandpiper,  88. 

American  Hawk  Owl,  141. 

.Vmi'ric-an   Herring;  (iull,  27. 

.Vmerican   Kestrel   Sparrow    Hawk,   131. 

Anicrican  Lonjj-eared  Owl,  133. 

American  .Magpie,  171. 

.Viiiericaii      Merganser,      (ioosander.       Shell- 
drake,"  42. 

Anicrican   I'ipit,  270. 

Aincrii-aTi   I'ocliarcl.    Kvilheiul,   48. 

American   Redstart,  269. 

Aiiiericaii   b'oliin,  294. 

American   l{oiigh-l('jr)jeil   Hawk,  11()-124. 

.\merican  Scoter,  55. 

American  Three-toed   Woodpecker,   149. 

.Vmi'rican  White-fronted  (ioose,  58. 

American   Wiiite   Pelican,  39. 

Amerii'aii    Wiiljreon,    Biildpate,   45. 

American  Woodcock,   78-79. 

Ami.  143. 

A  iiuiiuiiruiuus,   IMS. 

Ammodiamii.t  lit  iikIoiiH.  206. 

Aiiiiiitiilraiinis  liciiiitci,  207. 

Ammiidramux  nelsoni,  207. 

AminiHlriimun  muannariim     pn.incrinus.    205. 

Ampi  hdir,  i>-233. 

Ampclis  ridronim,  235. 

Ampilix  iiarriiUix,  234. 

A  nan,  41. 

Allan  hoschan,  44. 

Ana.%  obsriira,  44. 

Aiialida.  40-41-61). 

Anatiiiir,  .5-40-43. 

Anorthiira,  273. 

Anorthura  hiemalis,  276. 

Aiisir  alhifrons  gambeli.  58. 

Aii-ytrin,    2-5-40-.')7-60. 

Aiixtriiiir,  't. 

.\nthony  V'ireo,  242. 

Aiithus  pi  iiiixylianii'u/i.  270. 

Anthus  spraguei,  271. 

Antrostomus  caroUnensis,  155. 


THE     NEW    CANADIAN     BJKl)    BOOK 

"""  I 

I  i 



Aiil rDsloiiiiix  I oii/'frim,  166. 

Al'lirizida ,  ti. 

Aiinihi  lUriiMiliix,  125. 

Arthihiilio   li  rn:iiii!i.iix,   124. 

,lr(  luhiihii   liiiioi>iin   siiiiili-jiihniiiii.s,   124. 

Arctic)   Horned  Oh  I,  139. 

Aretii-   Moiuitiiin   Hliicliir.J,  296. 

Art-tic  Uwlt,   l';{4. 

Arctio  Tt»ri;.  31. 

Arctic!  'Ilirt'e-tocl  WoDiljicckiT,  148. 

Aretiii  'roHlici'.  223. 

Ardea  In  rniliiin.  64. 

AnUiilir,  ,)-62. 

Ardrttta  txilis,  63. 

.Ininiriii    iiiti  i/ins,  96. 

.1.    HK  IttlliiCi  idlllht.    96. 

A.  moiiiiilUi,  96. 

Aripiulilla,  75. 

Artriui.siti,  L':.'tJ. 

Artificial   Key  to  Orders  ani(   ^'aIllilie^^,  3. 

Artificial  Key  to  Species  of  Canadian   rniile 
Dendriiic:!',  in  any  pkim.tgc,  244. 

Artificial    Kcv    to    the   (iencra    of    ( 'aii.adiaii 
Warl.lcis,  244. 

Asia  acripitriitiiit,  133. 

Asia,  133. 

A8tra<iaUiui.t,   1S7. 

Astnijiuliiiiis  Iri.sti.'i,  198. 

Asyiidvxniiiy    ttinniatus,    162. 

Atlantic  Herrin;;  Gull,  24. 

Atlantic  Kifti^vakc  U':i-25. 

.\udub.)n"s   Hermit  Thnisli.  292. 

.Vitdiilion's  Tlirii«h.  20;(. 

AudiiKon''*  Warbler,  253. 

Aiikn.  2  .1-11  1619  20. 

Auk,  Great,  20. 

Littli-  A'lk,  Dovikie.  20. 
Razorliilled.  19. 

Avocets,   74-77-78. 

Aytlvia.  A\.  , 

.Viiioric:iii   .Vviii-et.   Hhie  Stockinj;.  78. 

Ajlthiiii  unit  riitina,  48. 

Aylhiia  coUaris,  50. 
Aythya  marila,  49. 
Aythya  valltni  ria,  49. 
Azure  Warbler.  256. 
Baircl's  Snndi)iper.  84. 
Baird's  Sparrow.  205. 
Bald  Eagle,  113-125-126. 
Baldpate,  45. 
Baltimore  Oriole,  183-184. 
Bank  Swallow,  232-23:!. 
Barnacle  Goose,  60. 
Barn  Owls.  2-7-132. 
Barn  Swallow,  230. 
Barred  Owl,  134. 
Barrow's  Golden-eye,  61. 


.Nelson 's     Sharp- 

parts,  :!()l. 

lull  I rii mill.    ",'(!. 
Hi:  il  III  milt  liiiifiicauda,  90. 
Bartramiari  S'indpi;pi'r,  90. 
Haiilu'Mif  Ddrtiiy  Woodpecker,  148. 
Bay-breasfe  I   Warhlcr,  235. 
Beach  and  (irassliopper  Sparrows,  20S. 
<iras-.n'i|i(irr.  205. 
Ilen-lm\  ■«,  206. 
I.ark.  208. 
l.e,(ii;iii '-i.  207. 
Nelson's  S[>;in-ii\\   ,11' 
tailed  Finch,  207. 
Melted  Kiri.,'lisli,.r,  145. 
Belted  Pipiii;;  I'luvci'.  li.'i. 
Pewick   Wren.  275. 
Bicknell's  Tlirnsli,  292. 
Bird   l)rawi:';j,   <hinvin;; 
Birds  of  Prey,  2-7-112. 
Cuckoo:<,  143. 
Kajrles,  118. 
Goatsiicker"^,  154. 
Ifawk'.  118. 
Ifiininiinjliirds.  159. 
Kingfishers,  145, 
Owls.  132. 
><.vif(.',  157. 
Viilfnrcs,  116. 
Woodpeckers.  146. 
Bittern.  2.T  62. 
American.  63. 
T^east.  e^ 
niai-k  Brant      lO. 
Black-hackeci     .nil,  24-26. 
Black-backed  Woodpecker,    14S. 
Black-hellied    Plover    or     Bull-head     Plover. 

Blnck-I)illed  Cuckoo,  143-144. 
niackl.irds.  2-S-177186. 
Brewer's.  186. 

Crow  nr  Bronzed  Grackle.  185. 
Ked-winj;.  180. 
Knstv  Crackle.  184. 
Yellow-headed,  179. 
Black-breasted  Longspur,   188-202. 
Blackburnian  Warbler.  257. 
Black  Cap,  268. 

Black-chinned  Hnmminsbird,  160. 
Black-crowned  Night  Heron,  66. 
Black  Duck,  Dusky  Mallard,  44. 
Black  and  White  Warbler,  246. 
Black  and   Yellow   Wnrbler,   \fagnolia.  264. 
Black  nnillemot,  18. 
Black-headed  Grosbeak,  191. 
Rlack-headed  Jay,  173. 
Black  .Terfalcon.  129. 
Black  Marlin,  130. 
Black  Ovster-catcher,  96. 



Avcii'et.  78. 

Hlaikpoll  Wnrbler.  256. 
I'.liick  Kail,  71. 
Black  Swift.  158. 
Black  Soa  cot,  r,'}. 
Black-throatod  Blue  Warbler.  253. 
Black-throateil  Buntini;.  Uiikcix-ol,  225. 
Hlackthroato.l  dray  Warlilcr.  258. 
Blac'k-tliroatiMl  lircen    Warbler.    268  259. 
Black-throated  Loon,  16. 
BlackvciitiMl  Shearwater,  34. 
Ftlack  Vulture,  117. 
Bleached  Yclluw-wiin;,  -•'"'■ 
Illm-liill,  (IreatiT  .Scaup  Duck,  49. 
Bluobird.s,   lo-  IT'.i  21tO-295  296. 
■Vri'tic,   Mdiiiiliiin.  296. 
Mexican.   Tciwii-i'Mil 's,  296. 
Bliiii  Darters.  U!*. 
Hliui  (ionso,  58. 
BUu!  (irav  Onatcatcher,  288. 
Blue,  Dusky  or  S.i.'ty  C.n.ii-e,  100. 
Bhio-hoaded   Vireo.  242. 
MUui  .Tay,  171-172. 
n\\u<  Stocking',  .VniiTJcaii 
Blue-winfjed  Teal,  46. 
Bluo    Yellow-backed,   or 

Wlarbii  r,  250. 
Boatswain,  22. 
Bobolink,  177-l"<l-22(i. 
B<)b-Whit.>,  98.  ,.,. 

Bolu-miau  Waxwiii;:  «r  Chatterer,  2Si:.<.> 
BoM-ipar!e--i  (iull.  2:'.-29. 
Honiisii  iimbiUit  iomtta.  101. 
Booby,  :U). 

Hotiinr.H  hiit.ft'iwsuf,  63. 
Brant,  60. 

Black,  60. 
Hroiita  ()i  ri'ichi.  60. 
lUdnta  ftiii(id<-i.-ii,  59. 
lirniitd  ronadtiisis  hutchii.^i,  59. 
Brant  Ooo^e.  Barnacle  (i'o-e.  60. 
Branta  niqruaiiK.  60. 
Brant,'<i    Hosv    Finch,    .Mciiti.-ni    l.eiiro-;ti 

Brewer's  Blackldrd.  186. 
lirewerN  Sparrow,  214. 
British  Cuckoo,  14:'..'cd  Hawk,  llfi-123. 
Bron/.od  firackle.  Crow  B^nkbird.  185. 
Brown  Crcoper,  281. 
Brown  .Trrfalcon,  128. 
Brown  Marlin,  Marbled  Godwit.  86. 
Brown  Dclican,  39. 
Brown  Thrasher,  278. 
Brunnich's  Murre,  Thick-biUe.l  •.uiUomot, 
Bubo,  139. 
Bubortidce,  3-7. 
Bubo  virginianus,  138. 
Buff-breasted  Sandpiper,  91. 

BiiiJU'-hrud,  Butter  ball.  52. 

Bullock's  Oriole,  184. 

Bull  of  the  Boi:.  <i-.  ,,  ^„ 

Buntinns,     17'.t  1^!"  I'.H' 200  221  224  225  226. 

Toweo  BuutiuK8,  221. 
.\ relic,  223. 
Oregon.  222. 
Spurred,  223. 
Towheo  or  Clieewiiik,  222. 
I'aiiiteil  I'Miclie-i,  224. 

[i:ditfo  Bunting,   Indi^to  Bird,  224, 
Lazuli  Bunt  in;-,  225. 
ISur^'oMiastiT,   I.e,  or  (ilaucous  (iull,  '.\  io- 
Burrowin;;  Owl,  142. 

Bulclier   Bird,   Norllieru   Shrike,  236  2:17 
BuliuH.  :;  Ib'.-IH  116. 

American  Kou^'h  lenijed   Hawk,   116-124. 
Broad  »intf  Hawk,   116-123. 
Wed-«l,oullered    Hawk,    1  ltil22-123. 
Hcltaili'd   Hawk,    1  lt512112:t. 
Kusty   Kou(;li-h"_'ired   Hawk,   116-124. 
Swaiuson's  Hawk.  116-122. 
Biiho  IxiniiliA,  121. 
Bull  II  liiunldf,  122. 
la       Biil'ii  jiliiiiiili  Ids  liili.'siiiiiis,  123. 
But  CO  suaiii.ioni  122. 
Biiloridi  ■•!,  iirisci  iig,  66. 
Butter-ball.  ButU.-hcad.  52. 
Buzzards,  :M1J11h. 
t  ackliu;;  (ioos«>.  59. 
('iilililii.<  iin  nil  rill,  86. 
Calaveras   Warbler,  24i>. 
Ciiliimosiiini  nil  hiiiociiriin, 
(  alearius.   l^s. 
i'oUariiiK  liiiiiiiiniiii".  200. 
Cnlrariiis  oiiiiitus,  202. 
I'lilrariiis  ;>(( 'I'.v.  201. 
Calliopo  liuiuuiiii:;biril,  161. 
<  anada  Goose,  59-61. 
Canada  <iro,i.e.   S|.r;iee    Barrnd-e,   100. 
Canada  .Tay,  S!l. 173-174. 
te       Canadian  SprM-e  c.r.mse.  lOOlul. 
Canadian   Warbhr.  269. 
Canary,  2.01. 
Citiiliiiiii--<  hi>riiiU.<.  165. 
CdiitniiiiK   rirliiirilxoiii.   166. 
Caiitopu»  VIII  IIS.  166. 
Canvas-back,   White-back.  49. 
Capo  May  Warbler.  251. 
Caiirimubiida-,  8. 
Cardinal   Bird,  190. 
Cardinal  Grosbeak,  186-190. 
Cnriliiialis.  186. 
19       CnrdinaVs    ciirdimdii,   190. 
Carolina  Rail,  Sora,  70. 
Carolina  Wren.  274. 
Carpodacus,  188. 
Carpndanis  pvrprirfux.   H^'i. 



,  "a  1 





THK     XKW     OANADfAX     HIUk     Hook 

•  'iirri.m  Crow,   1 1 ;, 
(':iHpi»ii  Tern,  30. 
Oa«»in's  Purpli'  Kirn-h.   IH.'! 

•  .■nVniN    \"iriMi.    Jli'. 
('.illiir.l,    111  I'l;:;-:.',',;  •^:-^  •_';!»  280 
Citlhiinula  iiruha,  117, 
Colhiirtin  iiiira,  118. 
('afhltrllllif,   ,17. 
CalhtirliitiH,   111'. 

Cnt  Owl,  (iro:it  l|.>niis|  ');,;.  iag, 
<V(liir  Hir.l,  or  (  hi-irv   I',  nl.  23C  L' " 

rrnjlhU)"'    f.lhilh'S    nil',  I    ■■1,1,1,    101, 

l'il>l)liii.:   iiri/ll,-,  18. 

Criliiii    liniiiliiiris.   2H]. 

<'.f.  rno!i!:iii:i,  'JMl. 

<  '.t.  ocriili  ,iliili\,   ■_'■»  I . 

Cirlhiulii-.  280. 

<'i  iitriii;  I)--    iii',),!,,,,^,,!,,,!.,    107. 

'■prillcri!!   Willi. !ir,   .\/iir>   WnrMcr. 

Chit  turn  I'l  liiiii,,:.   157 

Chnliim    iiiii.rii.    |."S. 

ChariKhiiihr,   li  7(1. 

Chiirnilriii.'i  ,hiii>iiii,-ii^,  93. 

Chariiilriiit,  7fl. 

Cliiiridiii  till,    il. 

Chat-,  267  295. 

< 'trittiTcr,    I!  'h    -irMii    W.i  \  ..  ■  ii^'.    234, 

CUiuili  liisiiiii- 


Chefiwink,  nr 

riiiTrv  Hinl,  'V,|ir  I'.jnl    .r  i  ,.  i.., 

r/)(  (I  fit  nih  .si; 
(III  n  liiipi  rl,i,i 
('hen  rnn.ii,  58. 

nicxtriiit  tiai'kcl  '  liic-kii.l'-',  :'Mi. 
rii('stMii;-i-i)ll;iriMl   l,on;,'*|Mir.  202 
I'liritMiit-M  h'.l  rlrck'i.lo,..  28(5. 
ClM"';iui!-sii|pil   Wiirlilor.  250. 
"'liick.-iiliM',  2Si;  284  L'S.-i-L'SC). 

irii.N'iir  iM,  2».'">. 

!.on;r-t.iiloi).  285, 

Wo-ftcrn  nr  Oregon,  285. 

NTomitiiiii  or  (!:i!iili  ! '-.  285. 

Olioslniit-backol,  286. 
riiirnney  Swiillow,  157, 
''hitiinpv   Switt.  157. 




II,  rns,  U 

II  w 




ir  1! 

inl  ■. 




I  liipjiitii;     Sii'irrmv^ 

RrpnorV,  214. 

rhippin-;.  IT.iir  Hir.!.  212. 

Clay-colorp.I,  213, 

PipM.  214. 

Trcf,  Wii'icr  rhippv.  212, 

Wp.^tern,  213. 
I  hippy,  213. 
Clmnihstm,   ISS. 
Chovilrsli X  iirnmnuifiix,  205. 

|li.->-]S!l-20:!  211  JM- 

CUniii,  iti.i   ririi.iitinuK,    l')b 

rliiickwiirs  Ui.      ..  155 

Ciiirh.l.r.    271. 

i'hirtii.i    nil .riftti, II*,  '^7'J,. 

I  inimiiiii'i    H)lit^irN     Siitiilpjp.  >-,    -d. 

t'liiii.i,   :\, 

Cirfun  liiiilxiiiii,    1,   118. 

I 'istiitliiirii  ■.   L'?  . 

Cl.lliithiiins    shlllir,.s,    277. 
''l:iiijr,||:i.    11  r,o 
Clihiiinlit     illi,  1,1,1,    52. 
I'liiiiiinhi   ,1,11,  rii  II:',,,  ,51. 
I'litiiiinlii   ixliiiiil  III.  51. 
''I;irk'-i  Cr  r,v.  il.-irk'i   Niili-r  i    k^r    IT 
I  l;i-i-ii(iriitii>ii  .it'  W'tA-'.  1. 
I.:iii.|  MirN.  6. 

Hinls    nf    I'l  -v,    J  7  111  I  i:'.  1  H. 

K.-irtli-HiT'iN'liiii;;   Hir.l-,  G 

(iii-it-iiirkcrs,  Suifts  nil. I    liiiiiiii'' 

Pcr.liiiii:  Hii.N.  8. 

Pit;.    HI,    ;|t|.l     |)|,\|.    ,    ti. 

W.ii.r   liir.N    3. 
Divinu   Hir.Ii.  3. 
r.fiMirIlirii>;lr:il   Su  i'lincr-.   ""i. 
l.iiMi;  u  Irii^r,.,!   Su  i  |.;r!cr-.    !. 
\r;irtli  I'.ir  '-.  ,5, 
Slion.  Bir.N,  6. 
T.iiipiihiiiifi'il   Swiiiiiiim.    < 
Tuln'-im^i'il   ^i\  iMiiiiir-.    I 


il(irf|    S 


■  ■.  v.n 

I'HIT  Su,i!lmv.  230  -1 
I  'ifriilliniii.'  Il  .'■   II  .\ii, 
roi'i'ysrpy,  L'  7143, 
r'ocri/ri/.^  iiiiu  rii  iviis,  14}. 
t'  I  nilliniiilitliiihiiii.-i,  144. 
Ciiltiplis  nil  minx.   153. 
Cnliijil,  V  ,71/',  r  iiilliins.  154. 
CfiUijihs   I'll .Tifiintin  .lalnniir,  154. 
Ciiliiiii.i   I  ii'iiiiiiiiiihi.  98. 
I'dUniihir.   L"  6  109. 
novii,  109. 

Pif,'.'..!!.,    109. 

Cohimhiihr.  6. 

('nil/ mil  11.1  iiiiritii.-.   12. 

I'lihmilni.'i    liiilliii  l.'ii.    12 

I'lihliiiliii.-:    II iiirirtiHi.v    ,     lii,.r,i,-iis,    l.*{. 

I'liiiiiiiiiii   FnliiKir.   St.    Ki!.l!    Pefri'I.   33. 

f'oiiiiiiiiu  (iiiilli'iiiiit.   Mi.rrr.   18. 

<'. .111111..'!.  <i-eat  Slic-iruntiT,    IT:!;;,  33. 

'■|)Tiunoii    I'niliii.  16. 

('(Hiiiiion  Skuii.  Sciiliiiwk.  Hiii.\i:i.  21. 

''oiiiinoii   S^tiiriny  ',  35. 

Ciiiniisiithhipi.t,  i'  I  1. 

(  DiniiKiillilfiiii.t  null  III  It  nil  ii.-  ...,.  250. 

Cmiiif.'tii-iit    \\';irlilpr.   264-L'fi."i. 

fonpr    •>  Unwk,   11."  I  1^  119-120 






<'oo'     2-5-53-66  tir  73 
Cormorant,  2  4   sii  37  :'.">«, 

I>e!ih!,>-cr,wt--.|.   3i 
Sini;l.--cr.-.!c      *U:    .  37 
Violof-gr.iii    :!8. 

Corvidii'.  ■<  171 

Cor  I- UK  II"    '  . .'  .        I7f) 

CnniiK  n,       iiiis,   176. 

Corvii.H  (-     .!.r   1^-11"     '■■'•       175. 

Corv'n  |„  ■>!    Uitti 

Corthlnl,   178  !7!ll-  ,  j 

<'oK  lipon.   nlil   S.|iia       l>Ui-k. 

rrHij(  -   •_' .'-fires  ii'.' 

1,1     ;..  Ilr.irtn     68. 

Whi-'.    V       iipirii.'.  US- 
Crpcr-or-    280    s^l  i"*'-'. 

Itrii    n,  281. 

ifoi'ki'   .Nfiniiifi.ii.   281 

Ta\\  tiv.  281. 
('n.H'oil   FlMMtclicr,   li  i  IH.'i. 
f^riN iiih-IiomIc"!  Tan.'iiTi-r.  -Jis. 
I'r    >k-'l-hi''       Stiipc.  s." 


■lil-.    1-*.: 

•0  l;»M;>r) 




A         iivin.      T.') 
'•li.--    ■'.  177 
"JHl,.  176. 
N'ori hvvi'-it.   id 
'■■^    ^    F.'riiiiv.   iTl 
I'r  lis.  175-17^ 
.hivs  171-172  1       .    t. 
Nfa-iiii';.  171 

.,v   Rl.ickliii-.l.  I!r..iiZ'-l  Cr.T.-klo.  18!>. 
-  lU-  DiK-k.   A  i|pric;ni  ''not.   \V:iti'r  Tlon. 
wno.l  S'M     aus   ls|i209. 
fJnliloii-iTinviii'il,  211. 
Harrii'  or  Hhi:'k-h'.  ■  lo.l.  209. 
Whito-oMwriP'l.  210. 
Whlto-tliror.t.'.l.  211. 
Cuckoo,  2-7143  144  14fi. 

ni;u'k-i.nif.i.  nt. 

Vpllow-l.illr.!.    144. 
CuckO'm  .nul  l\in','fi>lu'r-i.  143. 
Cuculidir,  7. 
'■urloiv.   74-75  86  91-92  ii:;. 

K-ki'iio.  92. 

Ilnilsdiiiiin.  92. 

T.ons-billeil.  91. 
Cyane.a,  225. 
Ciianoi'ifta  ciixtatn,  171. 
Cu'ittot^itta  i-lrlUr^.  172. 
Cyavo.ipi::(i.  lSil-224. 
Cyann.tpKn  iimn  iia.  225. 
Cynnn.ipirn  ryanca.  224. 

,1    I 

V,     1.'." 

.    101' 

h.M-iinis.  lOf^. 





f  J,  »■,  ,7  60, 

fill      I'nttiH   ni'''  •    '"'I' 

iW         hivk,    r      I  Mil.' 

/'  in, 

l>u        Ill-Ill  u.     7. 

I»:ik   ::i   H.inn         irrnw,  218. 

Dartt-rs,  :t. 

Di  iiilritiiii/i'ii   .       ■nil  n.\, 

III   lllfllimil:     -       /       .■lllillll  .. 

/><  iiilrililillni      I. 

fhnilriiiril.  2)  ! 

//,  nilriiuil   II  ^1    I  II 

/).  nilriiini  ii'ntiiii 

III  iiilriiirn  iiiiiliilin 

III  iiilroii'ii   liliiikhii 

fli  ndroiiii  III    'ill Ki-i 

t)i  itilni'i  ii  (■(         III  II, 

III  /■./)•(., I'll  ifi. .     iilii. 

Ill  fiilniifit  tlisriiliir. 

Pi  iiilrtiirii   I.  irlhltiili 

III  iiilrnii  n    III  III- ii\  I  SII 

III  nilniirii    niifi'i  s  'i  h 

lliiiihiiiin  nviiili 

III  iiilriiiiii  I'lihiiiii 

lit  iiilrii'iii   III, III,. I  .  2r>.' 

1U  iiilriiiiii    rurii.  _ 

f)i  iiilroii  I'    ■  '  'Hi'' 

Pi  iiilrniiii  1. 


Di  iiilrnirii 

l)tiiih'i'i'-ii    I 

IV'«<>r'    Spnri 

I>i.-ii,'ri!ii   '.I'   1: 

Dick.'iss,.!,   Hl;i 

l')iii:iii"li:i  'ill' 

|)i])I«T-i,  27]       ■-'. 

A^M.      -         "2, 
73.       Diviner  1       '  U  !"• 

Auk      V 

(in->         ii, 

lionii       13. 
H.1,1.1,   W.I. 

Diilirliiiiiii.r  I,    r.inir-        177, 
Do'iii-itic  Sj,, 
Hoiisi'  Sp-irr 

Ml.  -zry^ 



!Ali.     11.'.  131, 

iliiiuini,'   p:ir|i ).  301. 
k-tliroriti'iriVrntiii!.'.    1>*><  225. 
!■.->.  .32, 

■  1 


i    '     iVOi*, 


!i.,    it. 


'.  193. 
ri'-^tC'l  <  'onnoraii'lc   Auk.  20. 

u\,,:.    Ill, 

.   <?o.1,  81 



licUio  i    Snii"'.    81. 

ihMvny   WoO'lpt'ikiT.  147  14>>, 
llniuliiiU  .\  jiiihisri  iix,  Ii". 
/)..-,,,, /,,i(,  y    !■'■""«'"•■.   146 
Uiicks.   :;  ,7  »(l. 

Key  to  tliP  Suh-f:i'nilv 
.iiintiiKr.  River  nu^'k> 

f  Ducks.  40. 



i  ! 




s,       . 



^    H 


FuUgulina;  Sea  Ducks,  40. 
Mert/ii  (!',  Mergansers,  4U-42. 
Key  to  Species  of  AnatiiKr,  River  Ducks, 
American   \Vi>;foii,  Jialdpate,  45. 
Black,   Dusky  Mallar.l,  44. 
Blue-winged  Teal,  46. 
Ga.lwall.  (iray  Duck,  44. 
Green-wingi'J  Teal,  45. 
Mallard,  44. 
Pintail,  Sprig-tail.  47. 
Spuon-liill,  Slioveller.  46. 
Wood  Duck,  SuiiiuiiT  Duck,  47. 
Kev  to  Sjiecies  of  Fiiliiii.itina'.  Sea  Ducks, 
'  41. 

American  Eider,  54. 
American  GiildiMi-cyc,  Whistler,  51. 
American  I-Dchar.!,  K'fd-hcad.  48. 
.\nu'rican  Scoter,   Black  Sea-Coot,  55. 
Barrow's  Gollen-eye,  51. 
Bluc-liill,  (irciitor  "Scau|)   Duck,  49. 
Bufflp-h.-ad,    Buttor-bail.   52. 
Canva«lMck.  Wliite-h.-ick,  49. 
Cowhoen,  ()1  1  S(|ii:nv.  52. 
Eider.  53-54-55. 
OoMeu-eycs,  50. 
Greater  Scnnp,  49. 
Greenland,  Xortherii   Eider,  53. 
Harlequin  (F.ord  anil  Lady").  53. 
Lesser  Sc-iup,  50. 
Little  Blue-bill,  50. 
Pacific  Eider,  54. 
Red-head,  48. 

Ring-necked  Sc.nun.  IJin<;-bill.  50. 
Rudder,  Ruddy  Duck,  56. 
Scoters,  55-.")fi. 
St-a  Coots,  55. 

Spectaided  Eider,  King  Eider,  56. 
Surf  Ducks,  55. 

Surf   Scoter,  Spectacle-billed  foot,  56, 
White-winged  Scoter.  Velvet  Sinter,  56. 
Key  to  .U<  niiiKr.  The  Mergan^rs,  5-40-42- 
'  4.^. 

American,  42. 
GoDsiuidor.  42. 
Hooded.  43. 
Little  S:.w-bill.  43. 
Red-breasted,  42. 
Shelldrakes,  42-4,'?. 
Eagles,   2-.S-7-111-112-11.3-118-123-1 26-127. 
Bald,  126. 
Golden,  125-127. 
Eagles  and  Hawks,  ]  1.1-118, 
Eagle  Owh,  1.18. 
Earth  Scratching  Birds,  2-6-97. 
Grouse,  99. 
Turkeys,  108. 
Quail,  2-6-07-98-99. 


Eastern  Fox  Sparrow,  220. 

Eastern  Hermit  Thrush,  Swamp  Angel,  292. 

Ectopistes  miiimtoriiiD,  110. 

Eel  grasi,  49. 

Egrets,  2-5-62-65. 

Little,  65. 
Eider,  53-54-55. 
.Vnierican,  54. 
Greenland,   N'ortlurn,  53. 
Pacific,  54, 

SjK'ctaded,   King,  55, 
ICiii/ii/loiiax  difficili.i,  168. 
i'.mpidomix  fhiciii  utris,  167-16S. 
Kmpitloiiiijr  hominiiiidi,  168. 
Empidoimx  miiiimii.f.  168. 
Empiiliiiiiix  Iniitlii,  167. 
EmpidoiKix  traiUii  ahioriim.  168. 
English  Buzzard,  11.'!. 

English  Sparrow  (see  House  Sparrow),  193. 
ErcHiHtt.'i,   7.5. 
Ertiiiii  ti  .■<  luixillitu,  S.l. 
Erisnuitiini,  41. 
Erixmatuni  jamifcnxix,  56. 
Eskimo  Curlew,  92, 
Evening  Cirosbeak,  lS7-191-2.'i4. 
"  Evi>rvbodv's  Darling,"   217 
Faho, '-.',.     ■■ 

Falco  (iiliimhiiriit!!,  130, 
Fah'o  fohimhariiis  .<fi«7,  (<  i/f.  130. 
Falco  ixliiiidii.i.  127. 
Falco  nHj-icainix.   129. 
Fnlcoiiidw.  :',-7-112  113. 
Falcons.  :!-113-114-127128. 

.\iiieric.iii   Kestrel,  Sparrow  H.awk,  131. 
Black  MiTlin,  130. 
Desert  Sparrow   Hawk,  131. 
Duck  Hawk,  129. 
.Terfaleons,  127-12S-12!". 
Black,  129. 
Brown.  128. 
Grey,  128. 

White.  Ireland  or  Greenland,  127-129. 
Peregrine,  129-1. '10. 
Pigeon  H.Twk,  130. 
Prairie  Falcon,  129. 
Falco  prrifiriiitix  (iiKilitm.  129. 
Falco  nixticohix,  128. 
Faho  ritxlicnhi.t  J<  rftiho,  128. 
Falco  rii.ilii'iiliis  ohsnii  tiis,  129. 
F<ilco  spuni  riiix,  :'i-131. 
Families  of  tli<-  Falcoiiida\  113. 
Field  Plover,  00. 
Field  Sparrow,  214. 
Finch.  9  177-186, 

.\le\itian   T^eucosticte,  Brandt's,  196. 
American  Goldfinch,  198, 
Black-breasted   Longspur,  202. 
Ch<»str;ut-collared  Lonjjspur,  202. 


Dickcissel,  Hlaek-throated  Bunting,  225. 

(irav-iTinvnpil    liOiipostiote,    Swainson's, 

fu'liiT'i  nmiting,  rmlign  Biril,  224. 

Lai>lMinl   l.onfcspiir,  200. 

Ijark     Hiintiii;;.     Wliito-win^jcil     Ulack- 
hinl,  226. 

Lazuli  Hnntiiij:.  225. 

Paintpil,  224. 

Pino  Siskin,  199. 

I'urplf.  192  21S. 

Reapoll,  197. 
Crci:.';,  198. 
Ho.irv.  197. 

Kosy.  196. 

Smith's  I.()iis;-;pur,  201. 

Sni)\vl)irJ.  Siimvflikc  or  Snow   Bunting. 
Finohr<!.  ('■roshoak-!,  ami  Sparrows.  186. 
Fish  Hank,  O-^iircv.   1  ll'-n:M27-131. 
Fishing  Kaglcs.   127131. 
Flicker,  1. -.2-153-154. 
Flnriihi  i-n  iirlin,  65. 
Florida  Turkev.  lOS. 
Fl.irida   Oalliiiiilo,  Mud  Hon,  72. 
Flveateher-!.  2-8  1621631f.4-165-166  16716S- 

.\ldrr,  168. 

Crc^ic'i,  164. 

HaniniomlN,  168. 

Lca-^!.  168. 

Olivfi-sided.  165. 

Phiphc.  164- 1H(). 

Say's  Phu'hi'  or  Flycatclii-r.  166. 

Scissor-t ailed,  163.  " 

Traill's.  167. 

Tyrant  or  Kngliird,  163. 

Wpstorn  VpIIiv.v  hrlliod,  168. 

Yellow-bJlied,  167. 
Fly-catching  Warblers,  267. 
Fool  Hon,  100-101. 
Forstor's  Torn,  30. 
Fox  Sparrows.  lSH-219  220221. 

Kastern.  220. 

Slate-polored.  221. 

Sooty,  221. 

Townsend's,  221. 
Fra.iiklin's  CM.  2:'.  28. 
Franklin's  Spr  i  •,>  (Jrouse,  101. 
Frati until  tiri'ticn.  16. 
Fratcroila  cornicnhild.  16. 
FrhiiiillUhr.  9-177186-100-242. 
Fulirn  in:urii-niia.  73. 
Fullinilinir.  ,')-40-42-48. 
Fulmar,  4-;!2-33. 
Gadwall.  fir.ay  Pui-k,  44. 
Galrn^COp'C  mrnliiiiiixix,  280. 
Oallinaecous  Birds,  97. 

(ialliniv,  2-6-97. 
Gallinago,   75. 
Gallinafjo  dclicaln.  80. 
GaUiiiuUi  palxitit.  72. 
Callinulcs,"  2-.-)-67-72-7:!, 

Florida,   Mud   Hi-n,  72. 
Purple,  72. 
Cambprs  Chickadco,  285. 
Oannets.  2-4-36-.!7. 

White  or  Solan  (iocwe.  36. 
fJarefowl,  20. 
(larciltii  riiii(iir'(li.ts{itii\  65. 
Oiivio  (idamsii.  15. 
(laria  arilii'it.  15. 
(Ini  in   iiiihi  r .    14. 
diiria  hiinnir.  15. 
OaviiiUr.  ;M3. 
(ieeso,   2-.--40-.^,7-r,l-<t2. 

.Vinerican  White-fronted,  58. 
Rlaik  Brant,  60. 
Blue,  58. 

Brant.  Barn.iele.  60. 
("'aiiaila,  59. 

(ireater  Snow,  Comaion   Wavey,  57. 
Itutehin's,  Little  Wild,  59. 
Lesser  Snow,  Little  Wavey,  57. 
IJoss'  Snowv,  Horned  Wavey.  58. 
Grothhipi^,  24;!.' 
Geothhiiiix  o/;i7i.<,  264. 
Gmtldiiiii.t   formasa.  264. 
Gtfilhhipis  philadrlpf''"-  265. 
«:  t.thhtpis  tolmiei,  265. 
I.I  iithlii]iin  trii-hiix.  266. 
Gliiucidinm  finoma,  142. 
niaueous  i.ull,  25. 
fJlaaeouswinged  Gull,  24-26. 
Glossary  of  Technical  Terms.  297. 
Gnatcatchers,  10-286-288. 
Goatsuckers.   2-8143154-157-229. 
Godwits.  86-87. 

Tludsonian,  87. 
Marbled,  Brown  Marlin,  86. 
K'cdlirrasteil  Ooilwit  or  Ring-tailed  Mar- 
lin, 87. 
Golden-crowned  Kingli>t.  287. 
Golden-crowned  Thrush,  dven  Bird,  262. 
GoMen-crowiicd  Sparrow.  211. 
Gol.len   K.igle.  li:!-125-126-127. 
Golden  eyes.  50-.->l. 

American,  Whistler.  51. 
Barrow's,  51. 
Golden  Plover.  93-94. 
Golden  Swamp  Warbler.  247. 
Golden-winged  Flicker,  154. 
Golden-winged  Warbler.  248. 
Goldflnch,  170-1R7  198. 
Goosander.  42. 
Goose   (see  Geese').  57. 




*     * 

Nelson's  Sharp-tail 

Bird,  Vesper  Spurrmv. 

Goshawk,  115-120. 
Grackle,  89177-184-185. 

Bronzed,  Crow  Blackbird,  185. 

Rusty,  184. 
Grass  Bir<l,  203. 
GrasshopjMT    Sparrows,    188-205-206-207-208. 

Grasshopper,  205. 

Henslow's,  206. 

Lark,  208. 

Leciinte's,  207. 

Nelson's   Sparrow, 
ed  I'ini'h,  207. 
Grass  Snipe,  83. 
Grass  Sparrow,  203. 

Baird's,  205. 

<irav  Bird.  (;ra< 

Ipswich,  204. 

Sandwich,  204. 

Savannah,  204. 
Gr:iy  (';iiin'l;i    Tav.  174. 
Gray-checked.  .Mice'-;  Tliiiisli,  291. 
Grav-erowned    Leiici).itic'e.    S\    .iiKniri    Kosv 

Finch,  196. 
Gray  Duck.  (!;i.hv:ill.  44. 
Gray  Fork-t.niled  Petrel.  S,""!. 
Great   .\nk,  20. 
Great  Bl;ick-backed  (iiill.  26. 
Great  Blue  IIeri>ii,  64. 
Great   Diver,  lioon,  14-1.">. 
Great  Gr.iy  ()»I.  135  l.i7. 
Great   Ilnrnel  f)\vl.  ('at 
Great  Shearwater.  33. 
Great  Wliife  Owl.  ><iiowv  Owl 
Greater  Redpoll,  198. 
Greater  Scaup  Duck.  Blue  Bill,  49. 
Greater  Sni)wy  Goixe.  roninion   Wavy.  57. 
Greater  Yellow-letrs,  S". 
Grelie,  2-311-12-i;f-7;:. 

.\niericaii  Eared.  13. 

Dah-chick.  13. 

irolbneU'x.   12. 

Horned,  12. 

Pied-billed,  13 

Rod-necked.  12. 

We-itern,  11. 
Green  TTerun,  66. 
Greenland  .Terfalcon,  127. 
Greenland,  Northern  Kider,  53. 
Greenland  Wheatear  or  Stonc-ehat    295. 
Oreenlets,  238. 
Green-winged  Teal,  45. 
Grey  .Terfalcon,  128. 
Grinnell's  Wafer  Thni'^h.  2(>.'i. 
Grosbeaks,  !1-14L'-186-19;t  22fi-2.14. 

Black-headed.   191. 
rnrdira!.  100. 

Kveniiiy    18? 


Oul.  138. 


Pine,  192. 

Rose-breasted,  190. 
Grouse,    2-6-7-97-107-125. 

Blue,  Dusky,  Sooty,  100. 

Canadian,  Spruce   Partridge.   100. 

Franklin's  Spruce,  101. 

Norther     Sharp-tailea,  106. 

Pinnated,  105. 

Ruffeil,  101-102. 

Sage,  Sage   H<'n.   Spint'-laileil.   107. 

Ptarmigan,  103. 
Rock,  103. 
White-tailed,    luicky    Mmintain    Suo» 

Grouse,  104. 
Willow,  103. 
Cnddir,  .^-68. 
llniA  (inn  licdiKi.  68. 
Gni.1  canaihiisis,  68. 
Oru.i  iiitj-ic<i:i(i.  G9. 
Guillemots,  16-17-18-19. 

Black,  18. 

Common,  Murre,  18. 

Thick-bille  I.    Mnnniicli's    .Murre,    19. 
I  ill  11,  2-4-20-29. 

.Vmorican  Herring,  27. 

.Vtliintic   Herring.  24-27. 

Atlantic   Kittiwake,  2.'i-25. 

Black-bicked.  24  26. 

Bonaparte's,  2;i-29. 

Burgomaster.  Fee,  2f-25. 

Calif(ir!iia,  27. 

Franklin's.  2:!  28. 

Great  Black  backed.  26. 

Glaucous,  25. 

Glaucdiis-winire  I,  24-26. 

Herring,  24-27. 

Fee.    jviiry.   Snow,  2.'i-24-25. 

Iceland,  24-25. 

Kittiwake,  25. 

I.aughinu.  2:!-28. 

Pacific   Herrin-;.  24-26. 

King-billed,  2:1-27. 

Short-hilled.  21  28. 

Western.  26. 
Gulls  ami  Terns,  22. 
Tlahia,  IS'-ISS. 
Ifahia  hKlnriiiunii.y,    I'.X). 
TTahia  inehinocfphtiUi.  191. 
II(Fm<il(>p(iilii1(r.  6. 
ITcrmiiloptix  linchwniii.  96. 
Hats,  33. 
Hair  Bird.  212. 
Ffairy  Wcioilpecker,  lt()-147. 
ItalitPtv.t  li  Htorrphalii.f. 
Hammond's  Flycatcher,  168. 
fTarleqnin  Duck,  T,or-l  and  T,a  ly,  ,53. 
fTnrpnrhiinrhus  riiftm,  278. 


Harrier  Ha«k.  1 14-118-1 1'.i. 

[Tarris',   Hlack    Hooileil   Spa  mm.   '.'Oli. 

llanUla,  41. 

llaviUUi  InicmatU,  52. 

Hank,  J  :!-7 

Aceipiters,  IM  1:;-114-11."  1  1'.'  fJn. 

<'oo|icr"s.   11.")  120. 

Oushank.   115-120. 

Sharp-shinned,  115-119. 

Hiitpos.  :!  ii:!i  14  115-1111  ii;iii;l'  ;l'.;  im. 

Atnerii-an  Roiigh-IeK;;eil  Hawk,   116-124. 

Hniail-winKf'l,  IKi  123. 

Reil-^houlilereil,    1IH122  I'J.;. 

Hed-tailo.l,  116-121-123. 

Rusty  ''.Mii;!!-!!';:;;!'.!,   1  11M24. 

Swain^Hii',,    lltil22. 
l-'alcdris.  114. 

Duck.  120. 

.TiTfali-oii.  114-127. 

Ainoriiviti    Kpftrcl.   S[>-iir(nv,   V.  15  131. 

Unnvii.  128. 

(irpv,  128. 

Prairie.  114-129. 

Pere^'rinp,   114  129. 

Pigeon   H;n\k.   115-130. 

Do-ort  Sparrow  Hauk.  ll."-131. 
Alarsh.  Harrier.  114-118. 
Osprpv.  Fish  Hawk,  Fi^liirii.'  F.ajrl''.  131. 
Hawks  an.l  Kaglo-i,  3-7  112  118. 
Hoil-. liver,   l.'i. 
ITflmiiithoithilii.  244. 
rrdminlhniiliila  ,;l,it,i.  249. 
Hflmiiithuii      I     ■•hriisDfIt  rn.  248. 
rfdminlhti  ■  ihru-iiiiiUn.  248. 

fTrlmi'ithn  •  .regrinii,  249. 


Ilclixiroiniix  ,^.  '  .lorlii.'^.  88. 
Hen,   10,-j-l.TH. 

Prairie,    lii.". 
Hen  Hawk,  US  1:2((. 
Henslow'-i  S|inrrii\v.  2(Hi. 
Hepluirn'-t  Ro>»y  Finrli.  1 
Hermit  Tliriisli".  292-293. 
Hermit  Warblrr.  259. 
TTfroflioiKs,  2-5-62. 
Herons  an.l  nitte-.n-s.  62. 
Herons  2  5  62-64-65  66  67. 

niai'k-i"ri)wnpi1  Ni. 

("Sreat  Hlnp,  64. 

r.r(>en,  66. 

liittlo  Blue,  65. 
Little  Kgref,  65. 

Snowy,  65. 

Vellow-eniwnpd   Ni;;li!,  67. 
Herring  Onll.  26  27  2S. 

!fi  <■>>.  rnrir!)!,-!    ,•!((  jifl.   294. 

Higiii.l.ler,  153. 



II immilDiiiiii,   74. 

Uininihimliv.  9  228. 

Hiruiido  t  rj^tliriHiii.-'li  1-,  230. 

II istridiiifiis   hint rl<)ii:ri(y.  hS. 

Hoary  Redpoll,  197. 

Ifollio'irs  (irebe.  12. 

llollxell'i   hN'dpuM,  197. 

Hooded    MeiMMii-er.      !,i  •;■■      Sawl.dl,    MIipI; 

drak.'.  42  4«. 
ilood.'d   Warliler.  268. 
Hoinpr's    Myrtle   War'i  ir.    V't-''. 
Horned  tirelie.  12-i:i. 
Horned  I-ark,   169-170-179. 
Horned  Owls,  :i-7-i:!5-l.'!7138-i:i!t. 
Horned  Piiflin,  16-17. 

Horned   Wavey.   l.'i--"   Sn.r.v;    (;.,,„•.  58. 
Iloii-e  Sparrow.  193-21::  'J21I 
House  Wren.    I  7!' 21--27:;  275  L'Td 
Hudsonian  (  hiekadee,  285. 
Hudsoniati  Turlev.   92-it:'.. 
Hndsonian   (ioluit.        Rei.ireasted       (iotlwit, 

Ringtailed  Marliii.  87. 
Hndsonian  Owl,  141, 
Hummingldrd.  J  ><  l.'ii  !.■,>  L"«7. 

Allen  "s   161. 

Blaek-ehie.-:.'  I.  160. 

('allioi>e.  161. 

Rnby-!hr  latel.    l.-|i  159. 

Rufou<.   160. 
Hutcdiin's  Ciiasi-.   l.irrli'   Wild   'Joose.  59. 
Hutton's  Oreenlet,  242. 
Ifvdrochcliiloii  rtiiiii.  31. 
IfitUiciclild  iiliriii.  291. 
II <IOii,-hUi  iili<i<i-  l.irl.iiilll.  292. 
H'.lhiriitiUi    lii.-;s,;  „.-.   290. 
Ifnlmichla   iintlnlo.  292. 
UylociMn  miixU  ln'o.  290. 
ftillocidilii   iish^liitd.  292. 
II flliit-iihUi   ii.'^l iiUitii  xiriiiiifii':!.  293. 
leelaad  127. 
Trtiriit.  L'4I. 
Iftcria  rirtiin,  267. 
Ictirin   fin  II.'-  hniiiiini'iii  .  267. 
IctirkUr.  8-177. 
li'UruK  182. 
IdfTim  hiillorti.  184. 
Irtcru.i  fiiilhiilii.  183. 
Ictcnii  spiirhts.  182. 
Fee.   Ivory  (i;ill.  L':i-24  2.". 
[llustr.'itioiis.   List    nf    (  v'  , . 
Index.  303  318. 

hiiligo  Bird,  In  liiri,  UuntMi,',  17!'  1SM224  '225 
Innnnii.i  mnrtiiiicn,  72. 
rp«wieh  Sparrow,  204. 
fvarv  (!::!!,  2:;  21. 
.raek  Snipe.  S:!. 


fi.  f 




.Taijfer,  21-22. 

Long-taiied,  22. 

Parasitic,  22. 

Pomarine,  21. 
.Tays.  2-8-S!l  171-172-173  17 1 

Alaskan,  174. 

Blue,  171. 

Canadian,  173. 

(Jr;iv  Caiiailian,  174. 

Lahrailor,  17-1. 

Oregon,  Obscure,  174. 

Roikv  Mountain,  White  InM.hil,  173. 

Steller's.  172. 
.Terfalcons.  114-127  128  129. 

Blaek.  129. 

Brown,  128. 

Grey,  128. 

White,  rcelauil,  (Irccniaiul,  127. 
.Tunco,  Snow  Sparrows,  1S9-215  216. 

Oregon,  215. 

Shufeldf  •>■.  216. 

Slate-colored,  215. 
Jvticii  hii(  iiiiilis.  215. 
Jnnco  hj/cmnUs  cotinirtans,  216. 
Jvnco  on  11(11111.1,  215. 
Kadiak,  192-218. 
Kailiak  ITermit  Thrusli.  292-293. 
Kentucky  Warbler.  264. 
Key,  Artificial,  to  the  Order  an.l  Families,  3. 
Key  to  B'rd<!  of  Prey,  112. 
Key  to  certain    Warblers    in    any    Plumage, 

Key  to  Families  of  Finches,  Grosbeaks,  and 

Sparrows,  186. 
Key  to  Families  of  Shore  Birds,  73. 
Key  to  Genera  of  Canadian  (iulls,  23. 
Key  to  Genera  of  Canadian  Warhleri,  244. 
Key  to  Genera  of  Shore  Birli.  74. 
Key  to  Genera  of  Wrens,  273. 
Key  to  Species  of  .1  not  inn,  Hirer  Ducks,  40. 
Key  to  Species  of  FiiUmiliiKr.  Sea  Ducks.  41 
Key  to  Species  of  Gulls  in  each  Genus,  23. 
Key  to  Suh-f.-miilies  of  Ducks,  40. 
Killdeer   Plover,  94-9.'). 
Kintrhird,  152-163-164-1 7n-2."?7-238. 
Kingfisher,  2-7  143  145-146. 
King  Eider,  Spectacled  Eider.  55. 
Kinglets,  10  286  287. 

GoMen-crowned,  287. 
Ruby-crmvned.  287. 
Kin;r!cts  and  GnatiMtchor-i,  286. 
King  Kail.  70. 
Kirtland  's  Warbler,  260. 
Kiniwake,  2.''.-25. 
.\tlantic.  2.T-26. 
Pacific,  2.3-26. 
liabiailoj'  -Tin .  174. 

Lor/opiis   lafjopux   .tltrin.    10.'!. 

Lagopus  leucurus,  104. 
Lagopus  ptanniiian,  103. 
Lagopus  rupfstris,  103. 
l.amellirostral  Swiminers,  2  5  40. 

Ducks,  41-43-48. 

Geese,  67. 

Mergansers,  42. 

Swans,  60. 
Land  Birds,  6. 

Birds  of  Prey.  7. 

Pigeons  am!  Doves,  6. 

Earth-scratching  Birds,  6. 

Perching  Birds.  8. 
Latiidw.  9-236. 
Laniiis  borealis,  236. 
Laniur  ludovwiaiiu.i.  237. 
Laiiius  ludoviridiiiis  iscuhitdioiili .-..  238. 
Lanivireo  flavifrous,  241. 
Lanivireo  solitariu.i,  241. 
Lapland  Longspur,  18S-200. 
Lapogiis  u-elshi,  104. 
I.apuijux  lruairu.1,  104. 
Large-billed  Water  Thrush.  264. 
Larida",  4-22. 
Larks.  8  169- 170-181- 1S2. 

Horned,  169. 
Lark    Bunting,       White  winger       »l;i.-khird, 

L.ark  Sparrow,  18S-208. 
Larvi,  23. 

Lams  ari/rntatus  f!mitli,sii)ii(tnv.y.   24  27. 
Laru.i  iitririlla.  23. 
I.arus  harroriaiivs,  24. 
I.arus  hrnchnrhynchu.t,  24-28. 
l.arns  voUfornicux,  27. 
I.arun  deletvarensis,  23-27. 
Larus  franlclini,  23-28. 
Lams  glaurrscrns,  24-26. 
r,<iniii  glo tints,  24-25. 
Lams  leucnptems,  24-25. 
I^ams  marinus,  24-26. 
Lnms  orcidcntalis,  24-26. 
T.ams  Philadelphia,  23-29. 
Laughing  Gull,  23-28. 
Lazuli  Bunting,  225. 
Leach's  Fork-tailed  Petrel,  35. 
Least  Bittern.  63. 
Learnt  Flycaichcr,  168. 
Least  S,indr)iper.  Little  Stint.  84. 
Least  Tern.  31. 
T/econte's  Sparrow.  207. 
Lesser  Scaup  Duck,  Little  Blue  Bill,  50. 
Lesser  Snow  Goose.  Little  Wavey,  57. 
Lesser  Yellow-legs,  88. 
f.imitoUr.  2-6-73. 
Limiisa,  7h. 
f.imosa  frdna,  88. 




Limoxa  hu'iiutMticii,  87. 

Lincoln's  Song  Sparrow,  218- J 19. 

Lightning   Huinnior.-i,   160. 

Little  Auk.  Doveki",  20. 

Little  TJluc-hill,  Losser   Duck,  50 

Little  Bine  Heron.  65. 

Little  Brown  '  rane,  68 

Liftlo  Egret,  Snowy   Heron,  65. 

Little  Horned   Owl.    Gray.    I'M. 

Little  Stint.  Lfast  Samlpipor,  S4. 

T..ittlo  Wavpy.  T^esser  Snow  Ooi  -io.  .^7. 

Little  WiM 'Oonsp.  Hntcliin's  Ooose,  59. 

I.tiiicstictc.  187-196. 

Lcnroxtifte  nrinciinirhn,   196. 

I.cvro.itict)'   ti  phrocnti.t,    196. 

Lewis '  Woiipoeker.  152. 

Lofj-eock,   l.")l. 

Lnjrjrerhoail  Shrike,  237-L'.".S. 

Lonji-billeil  Curl.  .v.  '.'1  t>L'. 

Lons-hilk'il  DnwiNlier,  Heil-bellieil  Snipe,  "i. 

Long-billo.l  Marsh  Wren,  277-27S. 

Lonff-cro-it   .Tay.    17.">. 

Ti0ni;ipennP3,  2-4-20. 

LongspiT,  l>5S-200. 

Black-breastoil.   202. 
Chpstnut-i-dllarcl.  202. 
Lapland,  200. 
Smith's,  201. 
Long-tailed  Chat.  267. 
Long-tai'ed  Chickadee.  285. 
f.nng-winped  Swimmers,  i!-4-20. 
Oiill»,  22. 
.Taggers,  21-22. 
Skaiis.   2-4-20-21. 
Sea  Swallows,  29. 
Terns.  2-4-20-22  29-30  31. 
Loons,  2.111  13  14  15. 
Black-throated.  15. 
Creat  Diver.  14. 
Ked-throated.  15. 
Yellow-billed.  15. 
Lord  and  Lady,  53. 
Lophodi/tcK  cunilhilus,  43. 
I.itphnrtjix  californica,  99. 
Louisiana.  Crimson-heided  Tanager,  227. 
Louisiana  Water  Thrush.  264. 
Loxia,   1S6. 

Loria  ruri-irostrii,  194. 
Loria  Introplrra,  195. 
ifnerochircx,  2-8  154. 
^f(l(■rorham|lhvli,  7(). 
MacrorhampliuH  firitu  tin,  81. 
^fai^rorhat»phu.^<  niolopareus.  81. 
Maculosa,  24.5-246. 

Mairiiolia,  Blaek  and  Yellow  Warbler,  254. 
Magpie,  171. 
Mallard,  44. 

.Man.x  Shearwater,  34. 

.Marbled  Ciodwit,  Hri.wii  Marlin,  86. 

Mareca,  40. 

Mareca  americnmt,  45. 

.Mark.s  of  certain  Wlirblers  in  jinv   plumage, 

Marlinspike,  22. 
.Marsh   Birds.  2-5  67. 
Coots,  73. 
Cranes,   68. 
CiaUinulcs,  72. 
Kails,  69. 
.Marsh.    Harrier,    Hawk.    ::  1 14  118-119-124. 
Marsh   IJobiii.   222. 
Marsh   Wren,  277  278. 
Martin,  l'ur|)lc,  229. 
Maryland   Yellow-throar.   206. 
Meadow  Chicken,  71. 
Meadow  Lark,  181-182. 
Meffakstrm,  21. 
Megalestrig  skuas,  21. 
Ml  i/asrops  asio,  137. 
Mtiaiu  .pes  carolinua,  152. 
Melaiierpts  erythrocephalus,  161. 
M(U":iris  iKill'ipdio.  variety  /in/.  108. 
MtkaqniHT,  7. 
M<iospi:a,  18!)-216. 
MtUispi:a  ijcorf/ianii.  219. 

Mtlospf.a  tiitriiliii,  218. 

Mi:lospt:a  mclodta,    216. 

Melospi:a  mtlodia  jiuldi,  218. 

M<lospi:a  viilndia  iitoniunii,  217. 

Melo.-ipUa  iiitioiiia  ituirphita,  217. 

Melospizn  milodi.i  riilina,  218. 

Mrrijiinr.  ,'5  40. 

Merganser,  5-40-42-4;i. 

American,  (ioosander,  Shelldrake.  42. 
Hooded.   Little  Saw-hill.  Shelldrake.  43. 
Ked-breasted.  Shell  Irak.'.  42. 

Uerfianscr  anuriraiius,  42. 

Mtraans'T  .si  ri'iitor,  42. 

Mcrttla   mitimtorid,  294. 

Mexican  Towhee.  222. 

Mexican.  Townseud's  HliU'liird,  296. 

Mexican  Turkey,   lUS. 

Micropalama.  75. 

MicriipaUuna  hinuinliipiis,  81. 

Micrapodidir.  S 

Mimino-.    10-272. 

Mimus  pnliinlottos.  279. 

Missouri  Lark,  Sprague's  Pipit.  271. 

Mtiirtiltn  lariii,  247. 

MnioUHido',  9-242. 

Mockers.  272. 

Mockingbird.    10  2."6-2':7  27  2  27'<  279. 

Mololhnis  OUT,  178. 

MotariUid,r.  10-270. 




I  1 



Afother  (Hrey's  Chickens'.  35. 
Moiint:iiri  or"  Arctic  Rliiehird,  296. 
Mountain  or  (iainlv!  "s  Cliickadeo.  285. 
^^ollnt.^in  Sonj:  Sp.irrow.  217. 
Mnuining  Dove,  111-179. 
Monrnini;   U'.irWcr.   265  1'06 
Mnd  Hen.  72. 
Miirre,  18-19. 

Brnnnich  's.  19. 
Munciinra  forficita.  16.''. 
.\fiii(  toiriinvndi.  289. 
.\f;iiiirfhiif>  rrinitus,  164. 

Mvrtlp  Wrirlilrr.  Vi'  252  L'.'..'.  254 
N'ashvillo  Warblor.  2iJ8-250. 
Xelson's  Downy    W.iolppcker.   148. 
Vels'in's  Sparrr.w    ,,■•    N'.-Isoii 's    SShnrii-iMiliMl 

Finch,  207. 

X'ltini,.    41. 

Kitl'.Di'  i-iiriiliiii  N.Kis,   IC). 
Xisrhtinjrnle.  290. 
Niilhthawk.  1561.T7-22II. 
N'ii:li-    Hen. II.  66  ()7. 
IMoc'k-crownerl,  66. 
VelliHT-crownpil.  67. 
N'oofkn   TTifii'iiiiiirlMriN.  160. 
Northern  Eider.  53,14. 

XortliMiii   ['anila,   Blue    Vellow-backed   War- 
bler, 2'>0. 
Xorthern   Phalempe.  77. 
Vorthcrii    I.Vivcii.  175. 
Vortbern  Sharp-taile.l  Oroiiw^,  106. 
S«rU.-in  S|,r;k...   HM;.-lior  Bir.l.  236. 
N'ortli-no^r  ''row.  176. 
X.>rfh-\vp--:,-r!.   Plii-ki-r.   1.5.'^.154.  cnhimhuiiia.  ItT. 
Nitminiiis  horraUf,  92. 
Kumeniux,   ''i. 
Svwt  niux  liiKhniiiaiiiim,  92. 
Sumt'nnix  lotiriirostrix.  91. 
Vnr.T3.k(»r-.  I  lark's,  Clark's  Oin-.   177. 
Xnfh,ri'he>;  .in.I  Chipkaclces.  281. 
Vnfhat,!i.    10-281  282  283-2S4. 
I'iiT'i'v.  283. . 
Hp[  lireti-itcd.  283. 
\Vh:;r-hrpast,^i|,  282. 
Xiidiiht  iiiiKliro.   136. 
Xiictiihi  ti  niiriiilmi   ri'hardxoni.  135. 
Xi/fttn  iiiirtfa,  140. 
Xiirtirnruj-   iivrticnrar    ntrtitif:.   66. 
X iiriirnriu   rwlacra.  67. 
Ob-,-iirp,  Orpcfon  .fay.  174. 
Ormintrx  nrrnvicux,  35. 
ik-faiHtdromn  furcnta,  35. 
fjr'-rai)tiilroma  Irurorrhoa.  35. 
milemia.   41-55. 
Oidrnud  nmcricann.  55. 
Oiiirmitt  ilti/lanili.   56. 
Oidemiit  perxpiriJUitn.  56. 

DM  Hijuaw,  Cowhen.  62. 
Old  Soiith-MDiithprlv,  52. 
(•I  1  Worlil  Warblers.  286. 
Dlive-backed  Thrush,  293. 
Olive-sided  Flycatcher.  165-107. 
Olnr  buccinator,  61. 
Ohir  volumhidiiK.i,  61, 
Oranj{e-cro\vnoil  W.irbler,  249-2.")<i 
Orchard  Oriolp.  182. 
Order  I.,  2-.'!  11. 
Order   11.,  2-4-20. 
firder   FFr..  •_>-)  32. 
Order   fV..  2-4-36. 
Order  V'.,  2-5-40. 
Order  VI.,  2-.'5  62. 
Order   VI f..  2  .1  67. 
Order  VI 11.,  2-»i  7-73. 
Order  IX.,  2-6-97. 
Oriler  X.,  2-6-109. 
Order  Xf..  2-7111. 
Order  XII..  2  7-143. 
Order  XIII..  2-7-146. 
Order  XIV..  2  S-154. 
Order  XV..  2  7  S-162. 
Oregon.   Wp-tern  Chicka.ipp.  285. 
Orey-on  .l;iy,  ObscMirc  .I,ay.  174. 
Oregon  .Tmucu,  215. 
Oregon  Robin.   Varied  Tlini-li,  294. 
Oregon   'luv.  Inc.  222-22.'!. 
Oreortyt  piclux.  99. 
Oriole.  2  S-179-182  183-184. 
Baltimore,  183. 
Bullock's,  184. 
Orchard,  182. 
Ortolan.   7M7S. 
Osprey,  Pish  Hawk,  Fisljlng  Kagle.   112  1 1: 

Otocoria  (iljuntris,  169. 
Otocorix  alpistiix   nnt'cdla.    17(1. 
Otficiiri.-,  itii'if-tris  pnitirnlii.    17(1. 
Our  Cooil   Xeiglibnrs.   xiw 
Oven    Bird,    Colilpn-cro-vned      Tln-u-!i. 

<>v\ls.  2-7-111-142. 
Barn,  132. 
Barred,  134. 
Burrowing,  142. 
(ireat  Grey,  135. 
Oreat  Horned,  138. 
Hawk,  141. 
Long-eared,    l,*!:!. 
Pigmy,  142. 
Richardson's.  135. 
Saw-wliet,  136. 
Screech,   1-37. 
Sliort-earcd.  133. 
Snow.   140. 

2  4: 



Ovstorfatchcr.  G-74-96. 

Black,  96. 
Pacific  Coast    Yellon-throat,   266. 
Pacific   Killer,  54. 
Pacific,  ('.(.Mpii  Plover,  9». 
Piu'ific  Herrinj;  OuU,  24. 
Pacific  Kittiwake,  j:!-2."). 
Pacific  ()ranj;c-crnwiicil    WTarhlcr,   24i'. 
Paiwphiln,  2.'t. 
rufi'iiiliihi  nihil,  2:1-24. 
I'ainteil  Finches,  224. 

riiili;;i>  Hiuitinj;.  224. 

Lazuli  Biintinji,  225. 
Pallid  Horned  hark,   170. 
F'alm  Warbler,  261. 
I'liliiiiiiolii-,   2-5-67. 
I'liniliiiii  liiiliitiix  ciiriiVnii  131. 
Parasitic  .l;i;riT.  22. 
I'nrhlir,  10  281. 
rariiiiT,    10. 
Parkmani,   27.". 
F'arroti,  !43. 
P:irtri  !;;.<.  !tS  99100  KH. 

<  .ilil'ornia,  99. 

I'hiMip.l.  99. 

Spruce.  100. 
j'lini.-:  iitriiiipillus  orcidentalis,  285. 
I'lini.i  (itrwiijiillii.'i  Hi  /ill  rntriiiiiiilix.  285. 
Fanix  iKimhtli,  285. 
Pani\  liiiil.ti>i(i(  un,  285. 
I'linia   niftuft  n.%  286. 
I'ani.^  (itririipiUiix,  284. 
Paxxf,-.  1S7. 

Pnst!i  ,■  itomt'Slirux,  193. 
Passf  rr.^,  2-8-162. 
Pasxcrculns  hairdii,  205. 
Pa.i.itn-ulii.i  iiniKi  IIS.  204. 
Pa.i.iircuhix  siiiuliiiihiiisis,  204. 
Pa.isi  riuhis  soiulirii'lit  iisi.i   savanna,   204. 
Passcrclla,   ISO  219. 
Pa.'<strclla  ilian:,   200-221. 
Pass(  rrlla  iliaio  fiiliiiiiiosa,  221. 
Pa.isrrfUa  ili((i<i  scliislacva.  221. 
Pas.srriUa  il:iic<i  tdtrnsindi,  221. 
Passrriiia,  187. 
Pasesriiia  nivalis,  200. 
Pa^osngcr  Pigeon.  110. 
F'cacoek,  97-108. 
Pedi(r(i-tcs  phasiaiulhis.  106. 
Peep,  85. 
Pelicans,  2-4-:!6-38  39. 

.A.mcric:ui  Whih",  39 

Brown,  39. 
P<  hcai.iiln'.    1-38. 

Pehraniis  i  rtliiinhilni  Ims,  39. 
Pelt f anus  fiisii's,  39. 
Perchinjr  Birds  2-8  162. 

Blackliir.l^,  177. 

M!ncllird^^,  289. 

rhickadcen,  281  284  285. 

CrowM,  171. 

Pinches.  186. 

Klvcat.lier-.  162. 

•  ■•rosl.ciik-*.  186. 

(iiiatcatcluT-.  286. 

.rays,  171. 

Kinglets  286. 

I, arks.  169. 

N'lithatchPS  281  282  283. 

Orioles,  177. 

Pipit.i,  270-271. 

Shrikes,  236. 

Sparrows.  186. 

Swallows.  228. 

Tanagers,  226. 

Thrashers,  270-27 

Thrushes,  289. 

Titmice,  2.Sl-2S2-2^4- 

Vireos,  238. 

Wagtails,  270. 

Warblers.  243. 

Waxwings,  233. 

Wrens.    270-273-27S. 
Peregrine,    12!t-i:!0. 
Peregrine   Falcon,    IH. 
Pcrisiin  r.        niiiili  nsis,  173. 
Pirisun  IIS  iiiiiiiiUiisis  <'iipilalis.   173. 
Prrisoriiis  fiiivifroiis.  174. 
/Vri,so)<  II.!  ji rim  iix,  174. 
I'l  rison  IIS  iiiiini-niiilliis.  174. 
Perisiirt  IIS  uli.-i-iiriis,  174. 
Petrels,  2-4  32  33  34  35. 

Black-vented  SlicaiuMnr.  34. 



Common  Fulmar.  St.   Kilii 
<'o!!imon,  (Ireat   Slicarwater. 
Manx  Shearwater.  34. 
Sootv  She!irwater.  34. 
Stor'my  Petrels,  34  35. 
Common.   35. 
(iray   Foik-tailed,  35. 
lA'ach's   Fork-tailel,  35. 
Wilson's,  35. 
PttroihiUdoii  liiiiifriin.'-.  230. 
Phaiiophila  alhn.  24. 
Phalarrororiiciilir,   4-37. 
I'halarrororajr  lurlm,  37. 
/'hahirroiornx  diUiph.ns.  38, 
Phalafrni'oui.r  jh  laiiuiis,  38. 
Phalerope  family.  74. 

Mag.  33. 




I'hahropps,  2-6-7;i-76  77. 
NorthiTii,  77. 
Uo.l.  76. 
Wilson's,  77. 

I'hiih  ropod'uhv.  6-74. 

I'luiltropiiD,   74. 

Phali  rnpiix  lohdliis,  77. 

Phah  ii>iiux  fiiliriiiiiis,  76. 

Pheasant,  ilT. 

Philailclpliiii  Vircd.  240. 

I'liilohcia,  73. 

I'hilolula  minor,  7S. 

Phoi'lic.  164-It).")-166  i()7n;;i--':;s 

Pici,  2-7-146. 

/'/<((  jiictt  liiiil.iiiiiicd,  171. 

Piiiiiih.^  iimi  ricuiin.'f.  149. 

PicniiUs  (irrtictix,  148. 

Pectoral  Sandpaper,  83. 

Pieil-hilloil  Orehp,  13. 

Pifreoiw,  109-110. 
Pigeons  and  Doves.  12-6109. 
>roiuning  Dove,  111.;er  Pi^^'con.  110. 
Pigeon  Hawk,  ."1-1 1.")-130. 
Pigmy  .Viith;iti-h,  283. 
Pigmy  Owl,  142. 

TMIpolated   Hlack  capped    Warbler.    268. 
Pileated  Woodpeekor.  151. 
Pin-tail,  Sprig-tail.  47. 
Pine  Ornslieak,   1S7-192-1J).".-2.'M. 
Pine  Siskin,    187-199. 
Pine  Wi;irtilor.  260-261. 
Pinicola,   1S7. 
Phiicnhi  1,'uchator.  192. 
Pinnated  Nroiise,  105. 
Pipilo.  ISit-221. 
Pipiln  rn/throphthnhiui/i.  222. 
Pipilo  tiuii'ultitnn.  222. 
Pipilo   Wdi-iilalii.':  (irclicii.i.  223. 
Pipiht  iimrii},itii.i  mipalotiiix,  223. 
Pipito   liiiiciildliis  on  tfaini.'i,  222. 
Piping  F'lovcr,  95. 
Pipit.s,  10-270-271. 
Pirnviia  t rtithroimJa.t,  227. 
PiniiifKi  Itiilniiriii.iii,  227. 
Piraii'Ki  nihro,  228. 

Pllll'fll'i     il!lllf,ll''>l,     2(1. 

Plover,   2-6-73-95. 

.\merican  fiolden,  93, 

Hlack-hcIIi.,!.  Biill-heado  I,  93. 

Killdeer.  94. 

Piping,  95. 

I'iim  'i('i-k.  S,Mii-pa!mii,tcd,  95. 
Plover  Ka'  Illy,  76. 

Plumed  I'artridg,'.  .Moiinrain  (^uail,  99. 
Poch.ard.  Aimri.  an.  Ke.i-head.  48. 
Porlicipiihr,  .'ill. 
PddHjimhux  pntlirepg.  13. 

ir    I.'oi'k.i-    Mountain    Snow 

I'olhptila  rwnilca,  288. 
Polioptiliiiw,  286. 
Poinarine  .Ta'ger,  21. 
PooeceUs,  188. 
Pooti'ctis  iii-tiniiiitiix,   203. 
Popiilu.1  aiha,   \r,0. 
Purcnna  inrolina,  70. 
Porcaiia  nov(  horaci  iiKi.t.  71. 
Por:nna    itnuiiu-cnsia,  71. 
Prairie  Cliifken.    10."i-l(l(i. 
Prairit.  Falcon,  11  M29. 
Prairie   lien.  lOo. 
PrairiB   Marsh  Men.  27<s. 
Prairie  Wa.rl)ler,  262. 
Preacher,  23!t. 
Preface,  xv. 

Prince  of  Musician.s,  279. 
ProrcUarin  pcliiiicn,  35. 
Proijnc  mihi.i,  229. 
Prothonotary  Warbler.  247. 
Protoiiotnrin,  244. 
Protonotaria  citira,  247. 
I'tarmigan.  103!(:4. 
Rock,  103. 

Grouse,  104. 
Willow.  103. 
Puffins,  16-17-1!». 
("oininon,  16. 
Iforneil,  16, 
Tufted,  17. 
Puifinuf,  33. 
Pnffinii.t  iinni.-.  O.I. 
Pujfiitim  fiilifjihvxn.t,  34. 
Plifiidis  fpixthrimclns;  34. 
Puffinux  puffiini.i,  34. 
Purple  Finch,   1 88-192- I9,'f-2 18. 
Purple  Oallinule,  72. 
Purplii  Martin.  229. 

Purple  Sandpiper  or  Rock  Sandpiper,  82. 
Pyfiopndts.  2-3-11. 
Quail,  2-6-97-98-99. 
Rob-white,  98. 
California  Partridge,  99. 
Mountain,  99. 
Plumeil  Partri<lge.  99. 
Valley  Quail,  99. 
Qurri/itrthda,  41. 
Querqucdula  dixcor/t.  46. 
IJw.iriiliif!  iiiiixriiln  a  mux.  185 
Kails,  2.5-67-69-70-71-72. 
Rlack.  71. 
Tarolina,  70. 
King.  70. 
Sora.  70. 
V'iriginia,   70. 
Yellow,  71, 




Pallida:,  5-60. 

HalluH  clegaiis,  70. 

KiilhiA  rirt/inianus,  70. 

Raptores,  2-7111- 112. 

Ravens,  170-175. 

Razor-billcl  .Viik,  19-20. 

Hccunirustra,   74-77. 

Recuriirostni  (im<  ricaiiii,  78. 

Ht'CUT}irontrid(t,  6-74. 

Iteil-bai'keil  Samlpipor,  85. 

Red-belliivl  Snipe,  81. 

Red-bollipil  \Voo,l|).>.'ker,  152. 

Red  Bird,  190-227-228. 

Red-breasted  Dowitcher,  81. 

Red-breasted  Godwit,  87. 

Red-breasted   Merftanser,  Slirllilriikc.  42. 

Ifed-breasted  Niitliatcli,  283. 

Ri'il  ('n)ssbill,  ISMIO"). 

I?ed-eved  Viron,  239-240. 

K.-.Mirad,   .Viiierifan   I'ochar.l,  48-4!). 

Red-headed  Woodpei'ki  r,  15117it. 

Keiliiaiii'd  ."^apsiicker.    \'>i). 

Red-necked  "r  Ifolboe'l's  Grebe,  12. 

lied  Phalorope,  76. 

iiedpoll.  197  198. 

Greater,  198. 

Tlonrv,  197. 

Ilolboeirs,  197. 
Red-shaftel   ?'liiker,  154. 
Ked-shoMldere.l    ll;iuk,    1  U;-122-12:!. 
Redstart,  269-270. 
Red-tailrd  U.Twk,  116-121-12:!. 
r?ed-tnil,  26!). 
Red-tliroated  Loon,  15. 
Red  winged  Blackbird,  17!t-180-is  !. 
Reedliirds.  17S. 
IleijuliiA  rail  iiiliila,  287. 
h'epvlax  .s(i()V(/)((,  287. 
/.Vf/i'/iiKP,  286. 
IHiiimophiiiuA,   ISS. 
I,'liiiiiili<ipii!ii.t  inrcotcnii,  202. 
Rirliardson's   Grouse,    100. 
Richar.lson's  Owl.  135. 
Ring  Bill,  50. 
i,'  Gull,  23-27. 
Rint,'-i;eck  Scaup,  Ring  Bill,  50. 
Riii;  r:iile<l  Marlin,  87. 
Rio  (;r;iiide  Turkey,   108. 
lUssa.  4-2.1. 

Iii»iia  tri'hu-tyla,  2.1-25. 
Ttismi  tridactyla  jioUicaris,  23. 
River  Ducks,  5-40-42-43-48-49. 

Ameriean  Widgeon.  Baldpate,  45. 

Black  Duck,  Dusky  Mallard,  44. 

Bliie-wliijfid   Teal,  46. 

Gadwell,  ((ray  Duck,  44. 

Green-winged  Teal,  45. 

Mallard,  44. 

I'intail.  Sprij;  tail,  47. 
Spoon-bill,  Hliov(>ll>'r,  46. 
Wood  Dii.k.  Sinnmi'r  Duck.  47. 
Robin,   89-142-16.1-294  2i».". 
Robin  Snii.e.  82. 
I.Viik   1  tiinnigan,  103. 
Rock  Sandpiper,  82. 
Rock  Wren,  274. 
Rocky   .Moiititaiu  (rccpcr,   2H1. 
Rocky    Mountain    .lay,     White  lir.ideil     .lay. 

Roeky   Mounlaiii  Sim\    (Irouse,   104. 
Ro'e-brcasted  Grosbeak,    1S8-190. 
Rose  Tanager,  228. 

Ross'  Snowy  (iuo-e,   Ilornel  Wavey,  58. 
Rosy   I-'ir.clics,  187-198. 
Ifosy  Gulls,  28. 
Rough-legged  Hawk.  124. 
l>ougli-witi.^e(l  Swallow,  233. 
b'ubycrouned  Kinglet,  287. 
Ruby-throated    llumurngliird.    l.'iO  ?159160. 
b'udder  Duck,  Ruddy  Duck,  56. 
Ruffed   Grouse.    100-101  Iil2-10;M81. 
Rufous  Hummingbird,  160. 
Russet-hacked  Thrush,  292. 
Ru^ty  Grackle.  184. 
Rusty   Rough-legged   Hawk,   116-124. 
Rusty  Song  Sparrow,  27-218. 
Iv'uticilla.  269. 
Sagi'  (irouM>,   Sage    Hen.    Spine-tail    (Irouse, 

Sago  Hen,  107. 
Salmon  Dipper,  13. 
Salpiiictrt!,  27.'!. 
Siitpiiiitc.i  <ih.ti)litH.i.  274. 
Sandorlings.  7o-86. 
Sandhill  Crane,  69. 
Saiulpipers,  (i-73-!n. 

Mairl's.  84. 

Hartrtimiati,  90. 

Buff-breasted,  91. 

Knot  or  Robin  Snipe,  82. 

I.,east,  Little  Stint,  84. 

Pectoral.  83. 

Purple.  Rock.  82. 

I{e<l-backed,  85. 

Semi-palmatPcl,  85. 

Solitary.  Amoriean  Green,  88. 

Spotted.  90. 

Stilt.  81. 

White-rumped,  83. 
Sandy   Mockingbird,   278. 
Sandwich  Sparrow,  204. 
Sapsucker,   149-l.'i0-l.')9. 
9a\'nnna  Sparrow,  204. 




>    - 

■;  \ 
V  1 


|r  ' 

Siii/ornia  phrbe,  164. 
Sui/oniis  xaiia.  166. 
Say's  Pha'bc,  Klvi-atchcr.  166. 
Sawbill,  41!. 
!Sa\v«-|iet  Owl,  136. 
SajriiDln  <i  iiniillii,  295. 
.Scarli't  Taiia^fr.  227l'2s. 
Scaup  Dufk.  49-50. 
Sci<siir-t:irlc.|   Klvi-.U.IitT,  163. 
.^(■ri/(C(>/)/(((<//f.s  turiiliiiiiK,  184. 
Scoli  iiiiilii  iiii.i  nitiiiiit ,  iiliiihin.  186. 
Seutorx,  55-56. 

.Viiii'ririiii,  55. 

Surf,;irli'-liil!,'i|  (•(ml,  56. 
Vflvct.   Wliiti -wiii'.'id.   56. 
Sfiiliiimi  iilir.  (i-75-78. 
Sctitidiih  ,,■:  fiiiii.<.   IS.'i. 
Scoiitv  .Mli'ii,  22. 
Scrcf(-h  ()«!.  137. 
Sea  Coots,  55. 

.\nu>rii'an  .s.ii;,.i,  55. 
I.'iiililir  or  Diiek,  56. 
S|ici>r;iclp-l.ill,.i|  Coot,  56. 
Surf  SrotiT.  56. 
Vt'lvcr.  Wliiti'-uiiiiicl 
Wliito-winjicil  Si'oriT. 
Sea  Diieks,  o-40-4:?-4.'5-4S. 
.\inprii-an  lOiiliT,  54. 
.\iiioric:iii  •Mihli'ii-evc, 
Anioricati  Scotir,  55. 
I!:irrovv  's  (ioliliu-oyi', 
Black  Sea-coot,  o.!. 
Mliif'-hill.   (iri'ntiT   S,-:iiiii,   49. 
HiillV  hiuil.  Miitter-liall.  02. 
Canvas-bark.  Wliitebark,  49. 
Ki  br,  5354  55. 
(!oliIen-eyes,  50. 

(Jrpciilanil  Ki(br.  .Northern  V'Mvv.  53. 
irarle(|iiin.  (  an<l  53. 
Little    Hlui'-liill,    I,pj-;it   St-auo.   ."jO. 
Olil  S(|ii;i\v,  Cowlii'i'M.  52. 
I'aciti,'    Ki.b.r.  54. 
Red-head,  .Vinerican  I'ocharl.  43. 
b'in<.'.iiri-kc>.l  Si-aiip,  Ring-liill,  ,50. 
Kiiddcr.  i;'i,|,lv  Di.rk.  .%. 
Scoters,  55  56. 

Spectacb'd   Kider.  Kiric  Kider.  55 
Surf  Ducks,  Sea  Coot-!,  ,".-,, 
Surf  Si-.iter,   Spectacle-biilcd   Cm.:,   .<J6. 
Wiitc-win;,'i'd  Scoter.   Velvet  S.'oter.  56. 
Seahawk.  Boiixia.  fornninti  Skii:i.  21. 
Sea  Parrots,  16-17. 
Sea   Pigeons,   17. 
Sea  Swallows,  Terns,  29. 
SiiiiruK.  L'44-2(i:i. 
Situru.i  iiuriicii/iiHti.i,   262. 
Seiuriin  mntacilla.  264. 
Stinrii.*  )(oiohomr(ii.ii.i,  263. 


Whistler,  51. 

Selwtphoni*  alleni,  161. 
SelaniihoriiM  rufug,  160. 
Semi-palinatp  1  Plover,  KinKneck  Plover,  98. 
Semi-palmated  Sandpiper,  85. 
Setophayu  riitirillu,  269. 
Shag,  Single-crestPd  Cormorant,  37. 
Sharpshin  Hawk,  115-11S-119. 
Sharp-tailed  (irouse,  105. 
Shearn!iter<.  ;i  4  32  33-34. 
Black-vented,  34. 

('innnioii,  (Jreat   Shearwaiir,   llaj;.  33. 
Ntanx,  34. 
Sooty,  34. 
Shelldrake--,  42  43. 

Ifoodel    .Mer;;anstr,  Little  Sawbill,  43. 
Keil-breaste.j   Mei),'!in»er.  42. 
Shore  Uird^,  2  6  73. 
Key  to    Kami  lies,  73. 
Key  to  (iericra,  74. 

l"'li:ileropc   Family.  74-76-77. 
.Vor!liern,  77. 
Red,  76. 
Wilson's.  77. 
Siilt    I'arnilv,  74-77-78. 
.Vvorrts,    77-78. 

nine   Stocki?];;,   .\iiiiTiraii.  78. 
Stilt.  74. 
Snipe.  S;indpiper  and  Curlew  Family,  75 
Godwits,  Tattlers  .and  Curlews,  86, 
'  urlews,   74-7.')-><(!-91-92  i•.^. 
Kskimo.  92. 
Ffudsonian,  92. 
Long-billed,  91. 
C.idwits.  86. 

Brown  Marlin.  M.irbled.  86. 
IfuiNonian.      Keil-breasted.       Hinjf- 
tailed   M;irlin,  87. 
T.'i'tlers.  or  Vcllinv-fogs,  87. 
<ireater  Vellow-lei;s.  87. 
Lesser   Velio"  !ejjs,  8b. 
Plover   Fii'uilv.  ij     73-74-76  78-110  93-94- 
.\iiie;-i  ■■in  (nilde!  ,  0.j. 
l!!a,k-be!lied.  Bull-headed,  Golden,  93 
Kilbleer.   94. 
I'ip'ii^,  95. 

Kin;;-nfi-keil.   ■■*etni-pal:u:i'e  I.  95. 
Sandpipers.  7><-82-91. 

.Virii'rican  (Ireen.  .•^nlitarv,  H8. 
Baird's.  84. 
1;  irtramian.  90. 
ButT-breasted,  91. 
Knot.  Rob'ii  Snipe,  82. 
Least,  Little  Stint,  84. 
Pectoral.  83. 
I'urple.  Rock.  82. 
Rod-backed,  85. 
Semi-palniafed,  85. 





Solitarj-,  88. 
Spotti'il,  90. 
Stilt,  81. 

Whiterumped,  83. 
Saii.liTliii;,',  7."i  86. 
D.iuitclicr.  80. 
Kcil-breasted,  81. 

l,un,i,'-l>ill.M,    [{.•.|-!,rll',sl    Sini...,   81. 
Oystoreat.liiT,   M!;uk.  96. 
Snii).!<,  i;  6  7.1  71  7."  7S-80  81  ^J  s:;  <.m. 
l;.'il-b-li;..  I.    l,iiMi;-!.ill..  I    l).i>i     .  h.  r. 

WilMiiii's.  7'  80. 
'riirnxlc)!!!',  OC. 
Willet,  89. 

V.''Dck,  AiiiiTicMi'.  7'>7i. 
Slort-billed  Gull,  24-28. 
Short-hillod  Marsh   Wr.-ii.  277. 
Sliiirtcarcl  Owl,  133. 
Sliort-tiiili'd   .Mbatrois,  32. 
Sluivfllor.  SptuMi-liill.  46. 
Slirik.--,  !»  236  237  238. 

Hul.-luT  I'.iid.  Niiitlioni.  2'M. 
I,.ii:i;.".-lii';nl.  ijnT. 
Whiterumped,  238. 
Siiiifolilt'-;  .I'liir.i,  216. 
Siiiliii  (inliiii,  296. 
!<i(lli(i    iiiijriniiiit    Mil  i(/,  )tliilis.    296. 

Sialia  sinli.t,  295. 

• '  Silver  Toir.'ue. ' '  :!  1  7. 

Siiii,>-le-iT''-itc.!    Cor!!!  'i  Milt.    Sli;iir.    37-.'tS. 

Silld  ciiiioilt  nsis,  283. 

Siltii  riiriiliiii  iisin,  282. 

Sittr,   jiii(inii' i:.   283. 

SiiliiKt',  10. 

Skaiis,  .Tiijiers.  2-4-20-21-22. 

Common  Skua,  Seahawk,  Ronxia,  21. 

I.onj;  t:iile.l   .l:i-."-.  22. 

rarii^iri.'  ^■■.■■^■>■.  22 

Tomarine  .Ispger,  21. 
Sl:ite-ci)!ore  I   Piix  Spurrnu,  221. 
Slatc-pdlorpil  .Iiinc'i.  215. 
.Small-bille.j    Writer  ■|'hriisl,,  263. 
Smith's  T.ongspur,  201. 
Sn'.jnw,  Wiiodcock  iiml  S:iii(lpipers,  78. 

Ameriean  Woodcock,  78. 

DDwitchor^.  80. 

Long-billed      P.iwiN'her,     Bed-bellied 

Snijio,  81. 
Re  1  breasted.  81. 
Snii>e-i,   L'-t>-7;t-!tO. 

Red-lx'llied,  lionjj-billeil  Dowiteher,  81. 

Wilson's,  80. 
Snowbird.  Siuirt  liiiii: in;;,  Smm  llakf.   l(i'.l-lS7 

Snow  (inll.  Ivory  Gull,  24. 



8nu«'  .Sparriirt -1.  .Iiii     les,  l">;'215. 
Oregon  .Iimhm.  '<il.'). 
Sbufeldt'!!  .run.v),  216. 

Slate  <'ol»re.|  .luncj,  216. 
Snowy   llermi,    Litll.-   I'-fcTel,  65. 
Snowy  Ov\l.   (.re'it    White   Owl.    l:;.'i 
Sohui  (i(n>-^e.  White  <lriiiiiet,  36. 
Solitaire,  TowTi-eiid'>,  289. 
S.ditiiry.    .\iiierii:in    lin ■!!.    S;iiidi>ipi 
S,)lifaire.  H19. 
.Sooty   Fox  Sp.irrow,  221. 
Sooty,  Dii-ky.  Blue,  llron-^r 
Sooty  Slic'irwaler.  3-1. 
Sooty   Song  Sparrow,  213. 
Siimatiria,  41. 
Soiiiiilt  rill  itri  sn  ri,  54. 
Soiiiiil'  nti   imilliniimi  hiirmt 
SnitKtIi  rill  .s/f  I  hihilis,  r>5. 
SiiiiiiitirUi    I'linifii,  51. 
Song   Sparrow,    lti.1  IS'.,  jo  ;  31G  :;i;i. 

l>;ikot:i.  218. 

1  ii.'oln'...  218. 

Moiiiit:iin,  217. 

KuHty,  217. 

Sootv,  218. 

Song,  216. 

Swamp,  219. 
SoTii,  Carolina   Rtiil.  70. 
S.iree,   71. 

Sparrows,  2-S-'.t-H:;  I7'.t- Isti  L'til. 
Heaeli  and  ( ira-shoi)|ii'r  S[irr-:     > -. 

(irn-shopper,  205. 

ir,Miihiw''-.  206. 

I. ark.  208. 

I.eroiite'-:.  207. 

Nehon's  Sparrou.  NrNoii'^  SUar 
Pin  eh,  207. 
I  hipping   S[iarrows,   2Jl. 

Mnwrr'-.  214. 

Chippiii_.  Hair  Hir 

Clav-eolored,  213. 

Field.  214. 

Tree,  Wiiitir  Calpp 

Western.   213. 
Crowned  .S[)arrows.  209. 

Colden-rr  i,;:ie  1.  211. 

Harris',  lila.khooded.  209. 

White-erowned,  211. 

White-throated,  211. 
l>om(>-<tic  S)i;irro\v.   Is7. 
Fox  Sparrows,  219. 

Kastern.  220. 

Slale-i-olur.d.  223. 

Sooty,  221. 

Townsend'-i.  221. 

!:!!•  140. 








THE    NEW     CANADIAN    BlUl)    BOOK 


I  u* 

Or:!"-!  S(>:irrin\».  203. 

UainlV'.  205. 

<ir:iv  Hiril,  (ir;is<  Bird.  \fs|i.T,  203. 

Ipswich,  204. 

Hnmlwith.  204. 

Saviinnii,  204. 
Ifimsn  Si.,.rrii\v,  193. 
Snow  S!i;irrip\v-<,  .liiiu-  "•■<.  21.'i. 

()rpi;iiii,  2iri.'-,  216. 

Slntc-ralortMl,  216. 
Song  Sparrow s.  216. 

Dakiifii,  218. 

Kincoln'n.  218. 

Nroiint:iiii,  217. 

Kiistv.  217. 

8un^',  216. 

Sooty.  218. 

Swatnp,  219. 
Sparrow  Hawk,  ill  15-131. 
Spatula,  Af>. 
Spoliihi  fhiimihi,  46. 
Spri-taclt>lr:ilc.l   Coot.   Surf  Si'Ot«-r.  56. 
Sppi'taclP'l  F-iilor,  Kinj;  Eider,  66. 
Spiiihjlii  iiiiiiriiUiria  hiijioima.  142. 
Sphi/rapuiiK  niriiis',  149. 
Spinptail   (trousp,   Sago   Grouse,   Sajje   Hot, 

SpiniiA  ni II  11.1.  199. 
Spica.  is**. 

Spi:a  am>  rirmiia,  225. 
Spiza  montiioln.  212. 
Spicilla,  180-211. 
Spizillii  hrmiri,  214. 
Spizilla  pallida,  213. 
Spi'dlii  pii.silln.  214. 
Spicdia  .iociaU.i,  212. 
Spicclla  .voct(i/i.«  nri^onir,  213. 
Spoon-bifl,  Shoveller,  46-.57. 
SpotTptl   S.nmlpipcr.  90-!)l. 
Spr.Tpiu' 's  Pipit.  Nfisso\iri  T;ark.  271. 
Sprig-tail,  Pin-tail,  47. 
Spruce  Partridge.  Canada  Grouse,  100-101. 
Spurred  Tos^liee.  223. 
SiinatarnUi,  7fi. 
SijMitdroln  xiiiiattirola,  93. 
Stake  Driver,  C:!. 
Sti'ifanopodr.i.  2-4-36. 
Stepaiwpus,  74. 
Steiianopun  trimhir,  77. 
Steiler's  .lay,  172. 
Stelffidopteryx  .scrripennis,  233. 
Stellula  calliope,  161. 
Stervorariidte .  4-21. 
Stercnrariu.t  lonf/iauidus,  22. 
Stercorariun  para.iititcvs,  22. 
Stercorariux  ponuirinus,  21. 

.SItriiii.  4. 

Stirna  antilliirum,  31. 

Stirnit  iu.ipHi,  30. 

Sl/riia  fdrstiri,  30. 

Sti  run  hiruiido,  30. 

Stiiiiti  piirniltnati.  31. 

Stilt,  6-7.1-74  81. 

Stilt  Fainily,  74. 

Stilt  Sandpiper,  81. 

St.  Kilda  Pi'tnl.  Coiirii   ii  Kulinar,  33. 

Stone-ehat,  (in  .  i  land  Wln-jitear,  296. 

Stormy  Petrels.  34  35. 

('oliiuioii.  30. 

(iray  Kork-tailed,  33. 

loach's  Fork  tailed,  35. 

Wilson  "k,  35. 
Striuea,  U:'.  132. 
StrifiiiUr.  2-7-132. 
StriJ  pniliniiolii,  132. 
.Sluriiilla   mn'iiiii,  181  1S2. 
Stvrnella  I'luima  iiriilccln,  182. 
ShIii  liii.s.'tnitii.  36. 
Siiltdiv,  4  36. 

SuMiuier  ])uik.  Wood  Duck,  47. 
.Suninier   Ked    Mini,   Summer   Tanajjer,    Ho^e 

TaiiaL'er,  228. 
Summer  Warbler,  251-252. 
Surf  Duek,  Sea  Coots,  55. 
Surf  Scoter.  Spectacle-billed  <'oot,  56. 
Siiriiia  iiliilii  rapiirorh,  141. 
Swainson's  Hawk,  116-122. 
Swallow.s,  8  !»-  l.-)7-228-22!i  230  231-232  233. 

Chimney  Swallows.  Chimney  Swift.  157. 

Swallows,  228. 
Rank,  232. 
Barn,  230. 
Cliff.  230. 

Purple  Martin.  229. 
li'ough-ninjted,  233. 
Tree.  231. 
Violet-green,  231. 

Sea  Swallows,  Terns.  29. 
Swamp  .\ngel.  2'.>2. 
Swamp  Song  Sparrow,  219. 
Swans,  2  .^-40-60-61. 

Trumpeter,  61. 

Whistling.  61. 
Swainson  's   Hosy   Finch,  Gray-crowned   Leu- 
cost  ictt;  196. 
Swifts,  Hummingbirds  and  Goa „.4uckers,  164. 
Swift.^,  2-8-157-158. 

Black,  158. 

Chimnc-V.  157. 

Vaux,  158. 
Rylviida;  10-286. 
Symphemia  xemi-palmata,  89. 








Symiitm  iiihulDxum.  134. 
Tachifrintta  birolor,  231. 
Tachyniitta  thalitssuin,  231. 
TanaKert,  226. 

Lotiisiana,  CriiuiDn-hcaile'l.  2!27. 
atarlct.  Rp,l  Hira,  227. 
Summer,   Tiit<>e,  SutimiiT   Ri"l,  228. 
Tanni/riilir,  !)-226. 
TaiH',   Kol  (iniss,  49. 
Tattlers,  Yellow  l.iTM,  '4ti.87'88. 
Oreator.  Yelloiv  lojf-i.  87. 
I^esser,  Ypllowlejjti,  88. 
Tawny  ('reoi-  ■   2S1. 
Teal,  45-46. 

Blue-win(tea.  46. 
Oreen-wingt'il,  45. 
Teeter  Snipe,  90. 
Telmatod'  tes,  27.3. 
Telmatniliitin  jialu»tris,  277. 
Ti'lmntodi/trx  palustrix  paludtrohi,  278. 
T<Miiiesseo  Warbler,  249. 
Terns,  2-4-20-22-29-30-31. 
American  Black,  31. 
Arctic,  31. 
Caspian,  30. 
Porster  'g,  30. 
Least,  31. 
Wilson's,  30. 
Tftraonidce,  7. 
Tip-up,  90. 
Titmice,  or  Chickaile 
Thiek-billeil  Guillemi 
Thrashers,  10-272  27 

Brown,  278. 
Thrn.ihps,  2  810-179-267-289  ^95. 
Thrushes  ami  Bluebirds,  289. 
.\meric;in  Rcbin.  294. 
Bluebir.l,  295-296. 

.\rctic.  Mountain,  296. 
Mexican,  Townsend's,  296. 
Oreenlanil  'Wnicari'ar,  Stmn'cha!.  295. 
Townsend's  Solitaire,  289. 
True  Thrushes,  289. 
Bicknell's,  292. 
r. ray-cheeked,  Alice's,  291. 
Kadiak  Hermit,  292. 
Olive-backed,  293. 
Russet-backed,  292. 
Wilsan's,   Veerv,  290. 
W..X1,  290. 
Varieil  Thrush,  Oregon  Robin,  294. 
Thyromanif,  27."?. 
Thyromaiitx  htwirki,  275. 
Thyrothnrux.  27,1. 
Thyrothoms  ludoiuutnus,  274 
Titlark,  270. 

,  10. 

.  Brunnich  's  Miirre, 



Tit*,  2x2. 
Titmice,  2S2. 
Tolmie's  Warl.ler,  266. 
Totanux  fluviiHu.  88. 
Tolanu.1  milnn()l<U(u:<,  87. 
Totipalmafti  Swimmers,  2  4  36  .'17 
Cortiiorants,  37. 

Double  (Teste  I.  38. 
Single. iTe-;te, I.  Shaj;,  37. 
\'ioIet  );roen,  38. 
Oannets,  36. 

Solan  (loose.  White  (iannet.  36. 
Pelican,  38  39. 

American  White,  39. 
~r.  TD,  39. 
TfiwtiK  v     .  •2l7iilH!t-222  223-224. 
r  ivih'i.  I.  iifinifs,  221. 
Ar  ti.,  223. 
"!*;•  n,  222. 
iipurreil,  223. 
Towhee,  Cheewink,  222. 
Townsend'.s  Bluebird,  296. 
Townsend's  Fox  Sparrow.  221. 
Townsend's  Solitaire,  289. 
Townsend's  Warbler.  259. 
Traill's   Flycatcher,  167  16S. 
Tree  Sparrow,  Winter  (hippy,  212. 
Tree  Swallow,  22'.»-231. 
Trinpa,  7.5. 

Trxnfia  itlpiiia  imrifica.  86. 
Tringa  hairdii,  84. 
Tnniia  canutus,  82. 
Tringa  fuscicollis,  83. 
Tringa  macuUitn.  83. 
Tringa  maritima,  82. 
Tringa  minutilln,  84. 
Tr(H-hilid(F.  S-159. 
Trnchilux  alcxandri,  160. 
TrochiluK  rohibris.  159. 
Troglodyte*,  273. 
Troiilndytrs  iidon.  275. 
Troglodytidcr,  10-272. 
Trnglodiitiiia-.  10. 
True  Plovers,  74. 
True  Thrushes,  289. 
Trumpeter  Swan,  61. 
Tryngitrx,  75. 
Tryngitr.i  .mhriificollin,  91. 
Tube-nased  Swimmers.  2-4-32. 
Albatrosses,  32. 
Fulmars,  32. 
Petrels  proper,  34. 
Shearwaters,  3S. 
Tubinares,  2-4-32. 
Tufted  Puffin,  17. 
Twdidce,  10-289. 
Turdina,  289. 




\  \ 

Turkey*,  2-6-7-97-108-138. 
Turkey  Biir.zanis  or  Vultures,  116. 
Turkey  Hiizzard,  117. 
Turnstones,  6-74-96. 
Tympaniichug  am(ricanus,  106. 
Tyrniiiiiilii .   '^•162. 
Tyrant  Flycatcher,  163. 
Tyraunu*  (.i/ro/i/ic-   163. 
Dria  lomvia,  19. 
Dria  troilc.  18. 
falisitfria  Kpirnlis,   i'.\. 
Valley  Quail,  99. 

Varied  Thriwh,  Orpjr<>n   Knhin.  294. 
Vaux  Swift.  158. 
Veery,  29n-2!M. 
Velvot   Diii'k,  ,">(), 
Velvet  Scoter,  56. 

Vesper    Sparrow.    lSS-2(t2-203L'n4-20n. 
Violptgret'n  ('onncrant,  38. 
Violpt-(jree:i  Snallow,  231. 
Vireos.  2-8  !»17ti  238  239-240  241-242. 
.\nthi«iiy.  242. 
Blup-he'riiled,  211. 
Philndelphi:!.  240. 
Rdl-eve.I,  239. 
Solita'rv.  241. 
Warlilini'.  240. 
Wliiti'-pycl.  242. 
Vpllinv-tliroatiT.  241. 
I'lrjo  huttoiii  nhscurii.t,  242. 
I'irro  voniljfiriKi  iixis.  242. 
rireonititr,  9-238. 
rirfou'lra  fiiliiis.  240. 
rircos>ilia  olitnrrn,  239. 
I'irtotiiiha  philnddphnn.  240. 
Virijinin  Rail,  70. 
Vulturp,  .'i  7. 

Vnltiirp  Family.  lU'  116  117. 
Vultures.  Kagl'fj,  Hawks,  am'  Owls,  111-112. 
Black  Vulturp,  117. 
Tiirk'.'v   Biizzari,   Vuiturp.  116. 
WaJers,  2-5  62. 

Bitterns.  62  63. 
Egrets,  62-65. 
Herons,  62  64  CD  66. 
Wagtails,   10-270. 

.\meri-an   Pippit,   Titlark.   270. 
Spragup's  Pippit.  Missouri  I>ark,  271. 
War  Binl.  227. 
Warblers,  2  817!)  242. 
Wood  Warblers.  243. 
Alaskan  Sninner,  252. 
.Xineriran  Reii«tnrt,  269. 
Auiliibon  's,  253. 
Azure,  Cerulean,  256. 
Biiy-breasterl,  '254. 
Black  Pap,  Wilson's,  268 

Black  and  White.  246. 

Black  and  Vellow,  Magnolia,  254. 

Blackburnian,  267. 

Black-poll,  256. 

Black-throate.l   Hlue,  253. 

Black-throated  (iray.^SS. 

Black-throated  (ireen,  258. 

Blue    Vellowliacked.    Northern     I'arula. 

Canadian,  269. 
«'aj»o  .May,  250. 
•  hestnut  sided.  265. 
('<)nnectii-iit,  264. 
Fl-<'afchinB,  267. 

Ct(>ldenrr(nvn"d  Thrush,  Oven  Bird.  262. 
(iolden-winged.  247. 
Hermit,  259. 
Hooded,  268. 
Kentucky.  264. 
Kirt land's,  260. 
Louisiana  Water  Thrush,  264. 
Maryland  Yellowthroat,  266. 
.Mourning',  265. 
Myrtle,   Yellow-ruuiped,  252. 
Nashville.  248. 
Orange-crowned.  248. 
Pacific  Coast    V'ellowthroat.  266. 
Palm,  261. 

Pileolated    I'.lark  c.ipped,  268. 
Pine,  260. 
Prairie,  262. 
I'rothiinot.iry,  247. 
Sniall-liilled"  Water   Thrush,  263. 
S'lii.mer,  Vtdlow,  251. 
Tennessee.  249. 
Tolmio's.  265. 
Townsend  's,  259. 
Vellow-breJusted  Chat.  267. 
Warblin!»  Vireo.  240. 
Water  Birds,  3. 

Diving  Birds,  311-1.1  19. 
l.amellirostral   Swimmers,  5. 
I,ong-wingei|  Swimmers.  4. 
Mar-h  Birds,  5. 
Shorn  Birds,  6. 
'rotip.ahnate  Swimmers.  4. 
Tube  nosei!  Swimmers,  4. 
Waders,  5. 
Water  Celery,  40. 
Water  Hen,' 71  73. 
Water  Thrush,  263-264. 
Waterwitch.  l.'i. 
Wavey,  57  58. 
Common,  67. 
Horned,  68. 
Little,  67. 



WaxwioKs,  9-233-234-235-23«. 

Bohemian,  Chatterer,  234. 

Cedar,  Cherry  Bird,  235. 
Welcome  to  the  Birds,  iii. 
Welsh's  Ptarmigan,  104. 
Western  Chipping  Spnrrow,  213. 
Western  (tlaucous,  Oull,  24. 
Western  (rolden-urowned    Kinglet.    287. 
Western  (ioshawk,   l;;0. 
Weater.i  Grebe,  11. 
Western  (iull,  26. 
Western  Herring  (iiiU,   26. 
Western  Horned  Owl.  l.W. 
Western  I..ark  Sparrow,  200. 
Western  Marsh  Wren,  27S. 
Western   Mealonlark,  182. 
Western   Nighthawk,   LI". 
Western  nr  Oregon  Chickadee,  285. 
WVstern  Ked  tail  Hawk,  121. 
Western  Savanna  Sparrow,  205. 
Western mated    Sandpiper,   86. 
Western    v'esper  Sparrow,  203. 
Western  Warbling  V'irco,  241. 
Western   Wood   Phmbe,  166. 
Western   Yellow-bellied  Flvcateher,  168. 
Whip-poor-Will,   155-156.  '  • 
Whistler.  51. 
Whittling  Swan,  61. 
White  Rack,  49. 

White-breasted  N'lithatch.   282-284. 
Wiitecrested  Cormorant.   US. 
Whitc-rrnwtu'd   Sparrow,  210-211. 
WHiite-eved  Vireo,  241-242. 
Whiti>  (!ann<'t.  S<-lan  Goose,  36. 
White-headed  .Fay,  173. 
White-headed   Woodpecker.   148. 
White  .ferf.ilion.   Iceland  or  Greenland  Jer- 

falcon.  127-128. 
White  or  Whooping  Crane,  68. 
\Vhite-rii!ni>ed   Petrel,  .15. 
White-niTiiped  Sandpiper,  83. 
WhiteriiMiped  Shrike,  238. 
Whiti'faili'd  Ptarmigan  or  Uocky   Mountain 

Snow  ('.rouse.  104. 
White  fhroate<l  Sparrow.  211. 
White-winged  ('riissbill,   195. 
Whife-winsji'il   l{|;ickl)ird,   226. 
Whiff. win;;ed   i^coter,  Velvet  Scoter.  56. 
Wild  Geese.  57-61. 

American  White-fronted.  58. 

Rarnaole,  Brant,  60. 

Black  Mrant,  60. 

Blue,  58. 

<"ana.|.T,  59. 

Greater  Snow,  Common   Wavev,  57. 

Hornc(l  Wavev,  Rn«s'  Snowr.  68. 

Hutchin's,  Mttle  Wild,  59." 

I,es«er  Snow,  Little  Waver,  67. 

Wibt  Turkey,  108. 

Willet,  89. 

Willow  Grimse,    I(i4. 

Willow  Ptarmigan.  103. 

Willow  Thrush,  •.'".•1  292. 

n'Unoiiio,  24-1  267. 

ft'ilsonia  ranadtiimii,  209. 

li'iUonia  mil  rata,  268. 

tVihoiiut  pu.silla,  268. 

Wilson's  I'etrel,  34-35. 

Wilson's  Phalcrope,  77. 

Wilson's  Snipe,  75-80. 

Wil«)on's  Tern,  30. 

Wilson's  Thrush.  Vwry.  290. 

Wilson's   Warbler.  Bla.k  Cap,  268. 

Windhove.-.    l.'il. 

Winter  ('hi[ir>v.  Tree  Sparrow,  212. 

Winter  Vv'r.'n,"276. 

Woodcock,   73-".")  78-7!i. 

Wood  Oiick.  Summer  Duck,  47-53. 

Wood[M  ck.r,    2-7- 14'2-1.54-280-281  •288-895, 

.\nierica!i  Three-t^ed,  149, 

Arctic  Three-toed,  148, 

Blick-backcd,    I-,S 

Don  III'.  117, 

F'licki'r.  Vellowhariimer,  Highol<)er,  183. 

Hairy,  14C. 

I^wis',  l.'J2. 

N'orth-wcvt.Tu  Flicker,  164, 

Pileated.  151, 

Re  I  bellied,  152. 

Red  headed,  151, 

Red  shafterl,  154. 

Yellow-bellied  S;i.psiieker.   149, 

White-headed.  148. 
Woo.  I   Phcpbe,  166. 
Wood  Thrush,  290291. 
Wood  Warbler.  0  242  267. 
Wfirme.-vting  Whrblers.  247, 
Wren't  and  'I  hnishers,  272-278. 
Wrens,  2  S  10  272  27S  2S1. 

Be.vick's.  275. 

California,  278. 

<'nrolina,  274 

House,  275.  Marsh.  2^. 

Rock,  274. 

Short  billed   Marsh,  277. 

Winter,  276. 
Xituthiiii'ihnlhn  xmiiliiicij-hiilux,  179 
Xennpu  «.■(  nlh'ilorvnUi-^.  148. 
Yellowbe'lied  Flycatcher,  167, 
Yellowlx'llieil  Sapsucker,  149. 
Yellow-billed  <■'   koo,  144. 
Yellow-billed   \.(,   n,  16, 
Yellowbirii.  Yellow  Warbler,  261. 
Yellow-breasted  Chit,  267. 


<  .1 


TeUow-erowned  Night  Heron,  67. 
Teilow  Ebmmer,  Flicker,  Highold«r,  163. 
Yellow-headed  Blackbird,  179. 
Yellow  Legs,  Tatlers,  87  88-89. 

Greater,  87. 

Leaser,  88. 
Yellow  or  Summer  Warbler,  251-252. 
Yellow  Palm  Warbler,  261. 
Ydlow  RaU,  71. 

Yellow  Kiimped,  Myrtie  Warbler,  252. 
Yellow-throated  Vireo,  241. 
Yellow-winged  Sparrow,  206. 
Xenaidura  macrmira.  111. 
Zenotrichia,  18i>-209. 
Zenotrichia  albicollis,  211. 
Zenotrichia  coronata,  211. 
Zenotrichia  lencophrys,  210. 
Zenotrichia  <(uerula,  209. 


Thirty  Nature  Study  lessons 



G.  A.  CORNISH,  B.  A. 

Lecturer  in  Scien.*-.  Faculty  of  fid 

ucatioii,  University  of  loronto. 

The*  le.«ons  are  basal  on  tl^  cla^ro.^  ^^  of  th.  author    a,^ 
•oe  found  both  .utere,t,ng  .„d  he.pfn,  to  the  teacher. 


That  the  farmer  should  k«ow  th«  birds  becaime  <x  tlieir  iueatiniftble  value 
in  relation  to  agriciiltare  is  no  longer  disputed,  hence  there  is  an  increasing 
demand  for  definite  informaiioii  ui  regard  tutheio,  and  tor  a  well  defined  method 
of  studyiiin  their  lialnts 


III  •'Tliirt)-  Lc'i^oiis  on  HinN  the  author  has  presented  in  outline  form, 
ooj.venient  fur  studyinij  the  most  common  birds  of  Caaada.  euipliasizing  their 
economic  >ni|>ortaiice 


riicse  outline  lessons  are  not  hare  headings  hut  contain  tte  facts  whKh 
enable  the  student  to  answer  the  <|ue?»tioiis  found  -n  «uch  '.essotr  For  fuiier 
detail,  however,  the  student  i-  leferretl  tu  the  Nets  Cau.idiaa  Hird  RtKaK  iv  Prof . 
\V.  T.  MacCleinent,  M.  A  .  I>.  Sc. ,  Oneeu  >  rntrw^tv.  K.iii4;stou  In  this  Bird 
Book.  Prof.  MacClement  uives  a  concise  and  readaiite  descnpticm  of  every  bird 
of  Canada,  tlealiiig  witii  the  subject  from  the  Cuuailian  ;>oiiit  of  view.  He  has 
made  the  work  more  vahiahle  hy  the  aiiditiou  o!  many  careful! v  selectetl  full 
pai^e  pictures  of  hinU  true  to  life  in  m/c.  posture  ami  color. 






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