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Full text of "An account of Prince Edward Island in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, North America [microform] : containing its geography, a description of its different divisions, soil, climate, seasons, natural productions, cultivation, discovery, conquest, progress and present state of the settlement, government, constitution, laws and religion"

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\Dirva  P* 

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aUlPII  of  St.  lajvrence, 



III  Geograpli),  a  description  of  its  different  Diviiions,  Soil,  Ctiniate.  Srav)!)*, 
Natural  Picduiiiona,  Culiivation,  Discurerjr,  Conquest,  Pro^rcsa  aud 
preteiit  State  of  the  Settlement,  (juTernnieut,  Coiutitutiou,  Lawf, 
aiid  Jlelij^igu. 






1«  ^uOiUam  prodire  lenui  >i  nan  duhtr  vttra. 





Printed  hy  W.  Winchester  and  So>-,  Sinai. 









HAVING  resided  many  years  in  Prince  Edward 
Island,  and  being  much  interested  in  its  prosperity, 
I  have  ventured  (though  conscious  of  my  want  of 
abilities  to  do  justice  to  the  subject)  to  print  the  fol- 
lowing account  of  that  Island,  which  I  trust  will  be 
found  just  and  correct  as  far  as  it  goes  :  the  object  is 
to  make  the  Colony  better  known  among  those  who  are 
interested  in  its  prosperity,   or  on  whose  judgment 
and  determinations  its  future  orospetts  depend,  and  I 
flatter  myself,  that  the  acuj^nt  which  I  hare  given 
of  the  progress  and  state  of  the  settlement,  will  shew 
that  any  disappointment  which  has  been  experienced 
in  regard  to  its  colonization  and  settlement,  is  fairly  to 
be  charged  to    the  neglect  of  many  of  those   into 
whose  hands,  the  property  of  the  lands  unfortunately 
fell,  and  not  to   any  defect  in    the  climate  or  soil. 
The  accounts  of  the  Island  which  were  published  soou 


P    .  ih«  ,ho„  !„,.  g^,„  „,. 

•okeconveru-d  i„.o  val„al,l,.  .„..„,    .      .,     ,  "'" 
and  PY^rtU        r  «^si»ues,   by   the  labour 

ex.rl.on.  of  people,  who  thry  exn.^.tcd  «     I.  . 
fp'opted  to  retnrf  *  ^  ^^P'-ctcfl  would  be 

P  w  w  retort  to,  and  settle  in  the  Island  i  • 

^•^--nts,  ».a„out   any  .v.^ncn  "'    '"' 

p«rt.  ^     ^      '"  '"'  *""«'^«    o«    their 



»CTllurcr«   an<l  .1..,  "  "'  "'- 

«««  ,  ' '"^  """"■■'-'"iSraeins  „,  „,ei,  „„„  ^^  . 

"ca,  Konid  Mtarally  ,o«,„  ,„  .  ''"■'- 

*  "  **  ""'  '»  <"«»"■  land,  fr„™  Gov<.,„n,e„,  i„ 
l«T«'"i(y,    rather   .han   ,„  .  ,  '"""•»^«<^  "> 

'    '^^'   and  .„  „hieh    ^ 

P«.pl.  ,rho  rlttm«lv„  were  .«aH„j  „», 


Ii  in  TcghTd 
lie  coiuitry* 
never  snw 
't    wns   to 
T'lcnco  «f 
»  on  their 
uids  were 
lie  labour 
Would  be 
»  as  their 
on    their 

f'  vvhic'i. 
of  arl- 
wn  ex-* 
n  Amc- 
h  thej 
ent  in 
•e    the 
tie  ag 

S  n», 





exertions  for  the  benefit  of  the  co«ntry»  or  coorri- 
butiiw;  in  any  respect  to  alleviate  the  dithcaltie*  iitci* 
dent  to  itD  sttiMftion  imd  uireunMt«nce». 

To  this  unfortunate  inistuke  in  the  conduct  of  the 
proprietors,  in  to  be  attributed  the  slow   progress   tiie 
colony  made  for  many  years ;   but  tlie  priucipal  diffi* 
cultics  of  a   new  settlement   being  now  surmounted., 
better  prospects  seem  to  open  upo0  its  future  pro- 
gress, mony  of  those,  by  \vhone  eonnectiun  with  tiM 
colony  its  settlement  was  so  long  iin[»ede<l,  have  re* 
tired,  and  have  been  succeeded   by  others  who  have 
more  activity,  and  jiister   views  of  their  own  interest^ 
and  the  value  of  the  country  j  and    should  the  mea- 
sures which  have  been  in  contemplation  for  the  be- 
nefit of  the  colony,  be  carried  into  effect,  there  can 
be  no  doubt  but  its  future   progress  to  coujplete  cul- 
tivation and   settlement  will    be  as  rapid,    as  it  hoti 
hitherto  been  remarkably  slow. 

Since  the  following  pages  were  written,  I  have  seen 
two  recent  publications,  one  entitled  "  Strictures  and 
"  Remarks  on  the  Earl  of  Selkirk's  Observations,  ^c 
"  by  Robert  Broun,  Esq,"  the  other,  «  Remarks  on 
"  the  Earl  of  Selkirk's  Observatiom,  Sfc.  (anonymous/' 



1  am  no  "  trader  in  emigration"  but  in  justice  to  my 
feHow  subjects  in  the  British  Colonies.  I  cannot  avoid 
taking  notice  of  some  things  contained  in  these 

If  the  state  of  the  Highlands,  and  the  prospects  of 
improvement  under  the  judicious  system  of  management 
notr  s<4d  to  be  pursuing  for  that  purpose,  is  such  as  these 
writers  represent  it  to  be,  I  cannot  conceive  any 
necessity  for  that  vein  of  misrepresentation,  tliat 
runs  through  these  books  as  to  the  state  of  the  cor 
lonies,  and  the  prospects  to  be  expected  from  settling 
in  them  ;  hey  have  their  difficulties,  that  is  certain, 
and  any  man  that  emigrates,  under  an  idea  that  he 
is  going  to  a  country  where  he  is  to  live  without 
labour  is  most  grossly  deceived  :  on  the  contrary 
every  man  who  expects  to  thrive  in  a  new  country 
must  work  and  be  industrious,  they  are  not  calculated 
for  indolent  dissipated  people,  such  will  find  it)  old  coun- 
triesmany  substitutes  of  which  they  w  ill  here  be  entirely 
destitute,  and  we  think  it  sufficient  to  say,  that  the 
natural  and  moral  state  of  things  in  the  colonies  is 
such,  as  promiscs'to  every  industrious  man  an  ample 
reward  for  his  labour,  with  a  certainty  of  leaving  his 
femily  if  not  wealthy,  still  with  such  prospects  as  will 




istice  to  my 
Einnot  avoid 
:d  in   these 

jrospects  of 
uch  as  these 
iceive  any 
:ation,  that 
of  the  cor 
om  settling 
t  is  certain, 
idea  that  he 
ive  without 
e  contrary 
lew  country 
t  calculated 
ii)  old  coun- 
i  be  entirely 
y,  that  the 
colonies  is 
I  an  ampje 
leaving  his 
lects  as  will 

divest  his  mind  of  all  anxiety  on  their  account :  I 
do  not  mean  to  make  any  comparisons  ;  I  am  no  way 
desirous  of  holding  out  incentives  to  Highland  emi- 
gration,   and  I  could  appeal    to  very  distinguished 
Members  of  the  Highland  Society  on  that  subject ; 
but  as  a  colonist  I  cannot  help  saying,  that  these  gen- 
tlemen have  taken  most  unwarra-*9ble  liberties  with 
their  fellow  subjects  in  asserting,  chat,  a  system  of 
espionage  is  established  in  the  colonies,  to    prevent 
letters  giving  an  unfavourable  account  of  their  affairs 
from  reaching  this  country  ;  and  that  letters  purport- 
ing to  be  written  by  emigrants  to  their  friends  in  Scot- 
land, giving  a  flattering  account  of  the  country,  are 
manufactured  there,  and  transmitted  for  the  purpose 
of  deceiving  others  :  these  are  heavy   charges,    and 
should  not  have  been  hazarded  lightly ;  I  have  been 
five  and  thirty  years  acquainted  with    the   colonies, 
and  will  venture  to  assert,  that  no  evidence  to  justify 
such  an  infamous  charge  can  be  produced  :  any  per- 
son   acquainted    with    the    state  of  these  countries 
^    be   satisfied  that  the   first   part   of  the    charge 
must  be  unfounded,  as  the  greatest  part  of  the  letter, 
.ent  from  thence  to  this  country  are  by  private  hands, 
and  merchant  ships,  that  load  in  the  different  ports  • 
thee  cannot   be  all  «  traders  in  emigration;'  or  in-' 



ttr«l«d  m  deluding  Adr  fellow  ^Uec   .  a 
Po«"m.i«  of  Ai.  kind  o«„r  J,  "''  '"^ 

ftom   „cl.  .   vriet,  of  ri  '^°™*''  *»* 

POT  p.„ple  ,1,  e.„„„,  „.!  "'""  "' 

«".-.>-««„ed..„,.,..„„^j7  ;-'- 

IWrpOM  whew   better  «,.,„     ■  '^-Porary 

■«' "*=«<«>uni  which  these  nnhii    .• 
*^  »-^?e„t  «^e  of  th.    H  1    .  "  "'"  °' 


ttec^ssarv  •  th^  .  '  ^"'  become 

.  '^  •  ^'^^  account  which   f  hav.^  N 

^uuct   ot  the   proprietors    of   FV;.,       i^^ 
^J-ncl,  «5iIJ  shew  how  lil  f       T  •  '  ^^"^'^^ 

^-  -pp.«i„,  ,,^.  ,;j"^^  '^""'^--  ^^^ere  can  be 
«  ^uy  or  them  connected  with  o.,  u 

<-sf«,„,„s„„,,,         J;     ch>>-- 

concerned  i„  oarrvin.  «  .i„„,  "■*■"  "«» 

'-"d.  and  with  res;ec;,„  ,     *     '""'^™"'  '■™"'  ^^"'- 
respec*  to  tl»e  coaimoii  «^tf] 

•»a'>y  of  .be;a  are  s„  f„  ft„„        ?    ■"""'  "  ?«-« 


ect»,  and   tp^ 
equentljr,  and' 
^   make    such 
criminal  trick 
the  name  of 
themselves,  1 
« is  possible 
»nd  therefore 
*  temporary 
hand,  but  1 
ispired  tvitk 
econd  sight," 
"s  give  of 
"ot   better 
-  cobnists, 
rJ  verydif- 
^'I  become 
^  given  of 
e  £dward 
-re  can  be 
^ch  prac- 
hem  was 
om  Scot- 
'  a  great 



etHilgr.aion  to  the  Island,  thiit  they  do  every  fhmg  la 
thuBtr  poner  to  prevent  it:  every  man  that  cornea  to  tfe« 
colony  is  looked  upon  by  fnany  of  the  old  settlers  as  a 
roisf'urtune  to  liiem,  as  it  lessens  the  chance  of  getting 
the  lands  escheated  for  non-performance  of  the  terms  of 
settltinent ;  an  object  which  they  have  long  considered 
as  much  more  interesting  to  them  than  any  benefit  to 
be  expected  by  encouraging  their  ffieods  in  Scotland 
to  become  their  neighbours.  I  have  more  than  once, 
witnessed  great  chagrin  and  .disappointment  among 
them  on  any  accession  of  inhabitants,  particularly 
among  the  Highlaaders,  who  being  more  addicted  to 
raising  cattle  than  agriculture,  require,  according  to 
the  custom  of  their  country,  large  bounds;  which 
makes  them  often  think  thatatownihip  is  Utile  enough 
for  thejn  when  it  does  not  contain,  perhaps,  twenty 
fomilies :  these  are  facts  well  known  jn  the  island,  and 
^ill  account  naturally  enough  for  the  dismal  letter* 
"which  Mr.  Brown  states  to  have  been  received  from 
that  country. 

Charges  of  a  criminal  aiv^isgraceful  nature  against 
a  distant  community  of  our  fellow  subjects,  who  are  so 
situated  as  to  have  no  means  of  guarding  against  or  re- 
pelling such  attacks,  till  after  they  have,  probably,  had 
the  full  effect  intended   by  tiieir  accuiers,  does    not 


tended.  '  "'  ""«  Publiclioiw  i„. 

^  "'«»"«  more  authentic  evident   ,. 
P«l>Iisb  to  .he  world,  that  „.  "'  ""'°  ""*  "o 

•""---".r,,  dirlTed'"'"^  "'"«•-  "•— 

•'■opurions  are  held  ou,  ,o  oar,!    7'  ""'  "'""^ 

•ccounl,  of  the  ,.a,e  „f ,,.,     ,  '  '"'' '»  «''»  »»ch 

f'-e,„igra.i„„.  S«ha„r     "'""""^"^'"o*- 
'"gge„e«,  offence  Id  „  "  ""'"  ■""  «"'  «-- 

«1"am.,d  With  the  „,„«,"  '2"'""'  '*™''  •""•  » 

-••  "  ••.,„«  i3  talke,  of  a„on.  t  "^'  *" 

"»'  «.ch  .„d  such  "  w,„    °         '"»'"•<«*«,  or 


-"  au,h„ri.^.  do  t,^  ^„,,  «  '  «»«  ^",  ju,.  on 

'-"""C  to  in,p„,e  eouallv  „  .  P^'fo^ance. 

"^  to  a  discus- 
9ects  the  veiy 
Wications  in- 

h«n  can  be 
"Dan  were  to 
%ed  in  the 
'  that  come 
•ich  may  he 
very  strong 
■  who  have 
give  such 
eter  others 
t  fail  giv- 

>n  who  is 

'  say,  that 
rders,  or 

bad  as- 

jnst  on 

to  their 



^  great  noise  has  been  made  about  Highland  emi- 
gration, and  the  public  mind  has  been  agitatec^  on  the 
subject  by  various  publicatiops,  calculated  to  alarm  the 
nation  as  if  there  was  an  absolute  danger  of  that  dis- 
trict of  the  kingdom  being  depopulated ;  and  under 
the  impression  of  this  alarm.  Parliament  was  induced 
to  pass  an  act,  which  under  the  appearance  of  pre- 
venting emigrants  going  to  America,  from  suffering 
any  hardship  or  inconvenience  on  the  passage  to  that 
country,  enforces  a  number  of  regulations  to  be  ob- 
served on  board  ships  carrying  emigrants;  which  on 
the  whole,  rather  more  than  doubles  the  real  expence 
of  a  passage  across  the  Atlantic  ;  this  mode  of  making 
emigration  so  expensive,  that  it  must  be  out  of  the  power 
pf  the  very  poorer  class ;  1  take  it  for  granted  was 
adopted  in  compliment  to  the  constitution,  by  which 
the  power  of  going  to,  or  settling  in  any  country  not  in 
an  actual  state  of  hostilities  with  our  sovereign,  has  al- 
ways been  acknowledged ;  but  I  very  much  doubt  whe- 
ther in  ten  years  it  will  be  found  to  have  diminished 
emigration,  It  will  certainly  have  a  considerable  effect 
towards  preventing  people  going  off  in  the  way  that 
would  be  most  comfortable  to  tJiem ;  men,  women  and 
children  together,  two  or  three  hundred  in  a  ship  at  a 
moderate  expence,  that  would  leave  them  something 
>yherewith  to  make  a  comfortable  beginning;  in  their 

*>  our  own  col„„i„  ^J         '  ""'  ""^  »'  g-"ff 

'^-"4  will  „     "'  i""""'  ""  *"■'  "  "«'  ".^  .oo„ 

•«■•  ■»<•  .l.e  ™„,be,  „f  .hi  7""''°"'  "'"" '"" 

fi"!-  of  Cfyde,  and  .h«        .  ""  '^"'  '"  "* 

^     '  and  the  north  ©f  Irolan/l    «  n  •.    . 
P"fe«.,  e,„.,  .„  ,„^  ^„  ^__,    ;'»-•"■«  be  f„„„d 

«o»fide„.i„vi,uo„„.pp,., A ;  r'"^'" '»"•'- 

""  '0  .be  ^„eric,„  S,„,e..  ,„.  ,      "u  """■ 


Po-er  and  r«omce,  of  o-rh  """'^  ""' 

''-'■•«•    I.iso.,r  •"'  ""'  '»°«  i»votera,e 

-''eob„„u::'"''°'.'™'''''""- ''■'•''>».  bee. 
'"""""'«"'-'■  f"'»»ot™o  pa.,  a. 



ntitge  o/«  jfce 
"*  ^  compeljf d 
'stt'ad  of  goinj 
'f*  to  be  their 

0  which  alone 

1  the  great  in- 
he  wesf  coast 
'  'v^iJl  be  soon 
-an  be  done 
'  of  the  late 
POft*  \n  th* 
f»n  be  found 
as  much  so 

J  and,  J  am 
'ate  act  has 
►  our  colo- 

on  for  the 
'2'WnA  of 
'6  United 
J^ease  the 
las  been 
pasf,  at 


ftie  same  time  that  nota  wordissaitlof  theernigratiou 
from  this  end  of  the  island,  which  is  of  so  much  more 
real  consequence.    Yet  upon  enquiry  I  am  confident  it 
will  be  fourd,  that  fuil  as  manj  people,  and  at  least,one 
hundred  times  as  much  property,  has  been  carried  to  the 
United  States  by  emigrants  from  the  ports  of  London, 
Bristol,  and  Liverpool,  within  the  last  ten  years  as  from 
all  the  kingdom  of  Scotland  in  double  that  time.     As  « 
coj  nist  I  may  be  permitted  to  say,  without  offence  to  my 
countrymen  in  the  north,  that  we  would  have  willingly 
parted  with  our   share  of  highland  emigration,   for  a 
\fity  small  proportion  of  the   English  capital  and  in- 
dustry that  has  been  carried  to  the  United  States  in  thU 







Situation  and  Divisions    j 

Bays,  Harbours,  Rivers,  Headlands  or  Capes    4 

Charlotte  Town,  George  Town,  Prince  Town 9 

Face  of  the  Country    f gj 

Soil  and  natural  Productions   37 

Forrest  Trees  and  other  Vegetable  Productions 36 

Native  Animals,  Birds,  Fishes,  Reptiles  and  Insects. .  59 

Climate  and  Seasons 03 

Cultivation  and  Rural  Affairs jgj 

Discovery  and  Settlement 147 

Administration  of  Lieutenant-Governor  Fanning. . .  .233 

Constitution,  Laws,  and  Religion 266 

Fisheries g^^ 

I^age  9,  Line  20,  for  d.fu^  road  aghti,-fo„r 
^^ge  12,  Line  15.  for/>v.zi«.  read 

^age  22,  Line  15,  for  i;«.A  read  Z>«.yl-      " 
i^age  25,  Line  7,  for  /.a^5  road  keep 


Page  71,  Line  10,  for  «.^./,«  read  ;,^c/,«    ' 
Page  103,  Line  14,  for  ^chen  roud  uhere 

Page  187,  Line  2,  fo,/i.W,-,y  read //,W%. 







J-  RINCE  Edward  Island  i,  situated  in  the 
Gulph  of  St.  Lawrence,  North  America:  Char- 
lotte Town,  the  capital  of  the  Island,  is  in  lati- 
tude 46-  12  north,  and  longitude  63   decree, 
west  of  the  Royal  Observatory  at  Greenwich 
AH  the  south  side  of  the  Island  is  in  sight  of 
the  Continent ;    the    distance  between   Cape 
Traverse  on  the  Island,  and  Cape  Tourmentin 
m  New  Brunswick,   is  only  ten    miles,   and 
between  Carribou  Point  in  Nova  Scotia  and 

theoppositepartofthelsland,  about  twelve 
•m  es.     From  the  east  point,   a  very  consider- 

able  part  of  the  west  coast  of  Cape  Breton  is 
»een  at  from  ten  to  twelve  leagues  distance. 

f'  i 

Tlie  Noi  til  Cape  of  the  Island,  is  one  hun- 
died  miles  due  south  of  Cape  Rosier,  at  the  en- 
trance  of  the  river  St.    Lawrence.     The  sea 
between  the  Continent  and  the  Island,  is  known 
by  the  name  of  Northumberland  Straits ;  the 
length  of  the  Island,  measured  along  shore  from 
the  east  point  to  the  North  Cape,  is  about  one 
hundred  and  forty  miles ;  the  greatest  breadth 
being  the  division  line  between  King's  and 
Queen's  Counties,  is  little  more  than  thirty-six 
miles ;  towards  both  extremities  the  Island  de- 
creases  much  in  its  breadth. 

Prince  Edward  Island  is  divided  into  three 
counties,  and  sub-divided  into  parishes  and 
townships,  which  last  are  distinguished  by 
their  numbers.     The  divisions  st*:.  ! ,  .  Hlows  ; 

King's  County  has  St.  George's,  St.  An- 
drew's,  St.  Patrick's,  and  East  parishes,  sub-divid- 
cd  into  twenty  one  townships,  besides  the  pro- 
^  0  ;ed  town  and  Royalty  of  George  Town  and 
several  Liands. 


Queeifs  County  is  divided  into  five  parishes 
named  Cluiilotte,  Grenville,  Hillsburgli,  St. 
John's,  and  Bedford  parislies,  sub-divided  into 
twenty-three  townships,  and  the  town  and 
Royalty  of  Charlotte  Town,  uhich'is  the  capi- 
tal of  the  Island,  and  three  Islands,  two  in 
Hillsburgh  Bay,  and  one  between  Harris  and 
Harrington  Bays. 

P/ince  Coupty  is  divided  into  North,  Eg- 
niont,    Richmond,     Halifax,    and   St.  David\ 
parishes,   and    sub-divided   into    twenty-three 
townships,  and  the  proposed  town  and  Royalty 
of  Prince  Town,   this  county  has  also  several 
islands  in  its  bays.     The  townships,  of  which 
there  are  sixty-seven  in  all,  generally  contain 
twenty  thousand  acres  each,  some  contain  one 
or  two  thousand  acres  more,   and  lot  66  con- 
tains  only  ten  thousand  acres  ;  the  total  con- 
tents of  the  Island  stand  as  follows  ; 

King's  County 4,  igooo  acres 

Queen's  County    4,94000 

Prince  County 4,71000 

Total....   1,381000 

Besides  the  Islands  scattered  in  the  dif. 
ferent  Bays,  which  probably  contain  about  ten 
tliousand  acres  among  them. 

Says,  Harhoun,  Rhers.  Headland,,  or  Capes. 
This  Island  is  much  intersected  by  water  as 
may  be  seen  by  loolcing  at  the  map,  the  prin- 
cipal  bays  on  tiie  south    side  are  Egmont 
Halifax,  Hillsburgh  and  Cardigan  Bays,   all  of 

great  extent;  on  the  same  side  we  have  also 
H.Ilsburgh,  York,  Elliot,  Cardigan,  Montague, 
and  Brudnel  rivers,    all  of  which  will  admit  of  the  line,  where  they  will  be  completely 
land-locked    and    sheltered   from  all    winds  • 
Dnnk,  Vernon,  and  Murray  rivers  also  on  the 
south  side,  will  accommodate  vessels  of  three 
hundred  tons  with  safe  and  convenient  har- 
bours ;  beside  which  the  whole  extent  of  the 
coast  from  West  Cape  to  the  East  Point,  pre- 
sent, a  succession  of  smaller  bays,   coves  and 
creeks,  many  of  them  forming  s.fe  and  conve- 
nient harbours  for  trading   vessels.     On   the 
north  side  of  the  Island  we  have  Holland. 


Richmond,  Grenville,  Harris,  Bedford,  and  St. 
Peter's  bays,  all  barred  harbours,  and  not  fit  for 
large  vessels,  except  the  first,  which  is  safe  and 
convenient,  its  bar  being  much  protected  by 
the  land  stretching  to  the  northward  towards 
Cape  Kildare,  and  having  a  sufficient  depth  of 
water  for  ships  of  five  hundred  tons  burthen 
on  its  bar :    Richmond,   Harris  and  Grenville 
Bays  have  occasionally  been  frequented  by  Ships 
of  from  two  to  three  hundred  tons,  and  in  a 
Country  where  good  Harbours  were   not  so 
common,   would  certainly  not  be  thought  bad 
ones ;  many  Harbours  in  Europe,  the  receptacles 
of  an  extensive  commerce,  are  much  inferior  in 
every  respect. 

These  Harbours  areseperated  from  the  Gulph 
by  high  sand  Hills,  narrow  cuts  through  which 
form  the  entrances  into  them ;  they  have  all 
much  the  same  appearance,  and  resemble  greatly 
the  entrance  of  Shields  or  Newcastle  River  in 
the  North  of  England,  they  are  all  of  them  ex- 

tensive-  branrliinf*  rtMf  I«4-^  i: •  i 

.TV, j„^  „„^  ..^^Q  nucuiaisana  creeks, 


with  from  two  to  five  fathom,  water,  ,„d  aft„ 
carry,„g  that  depth  for  a  considerable  way, 
-me  of  them  approach  so  near  the  heads  of 
"vers  and  harbours  on  the  south  side  of  the 
Island,  that  it  is  believed  there  is  not  a  point 

on  the  Island  which  is  not  within  eight  mi^  of 
navgable  water.  Harrington  Bay  and  S,vage 
Harbour  on  the  north  side  also,  though  bad  h^- 

bou.,  are  extensive  sheets  of  water,  and  admit 
small  schooners  and  shallops ;  they  afford  many 
fine  situations  round  them,  and  enable  the  peo- 

pesettledon  their  banks  to  enjoy  the  benefit 
of  fishing  .„  the  gulph.  Bedford  and  St.  Peter's 
Bays  will  admit  vessels  of  an  hundred  tons,  but 

he  channel  of  the  latter  has  been  subject  to  al- 
teration for  some  years  past,  and  it  is  said  not  to 
have  so  much  water  on  its  bar  as  formerly. 

The  principal  Capes  and  Head-lands,  on  the 
north  side  are  North  Cape,  Cape  Kilda,^.  Cape 
Alesbury,  CapeTryon,  CapeTurner,  Shipwreck 
Pomt.  and  East  Point;   on  the  south  side  are 
^y^t  Cape,    Cape  Egmont,    Cape  Traverse. 

,  and  after 
able  way, 
heads  of 
ide  of  the 
t  a  point 
t  miles  of 
id  Savage 
I  bad  har- 
nd  admit 
'rd  many 
the  peo- 
e  benefit 
.  Peter's 
ons,  but 
:t  to  al- 
I  not  to 

on  the 
.  Cape 
)  wreck 
de  are 

Point  Prim,   the  Wood  Islands,  Bear  Cape  and 
Boughton  Island;    the  navigation    roun<j  the 
Island  is  in  general  very  safe ;   vessels  in  Nor- 
thumberland Straits  should  keep  a  good  look- 
out for  the  Indian  Rocks,  which  lay  about  three 
miles  south  west  from  the  Wood  Islands  on  the 
Coast  of  Township  N".  62,   they  are  of  consi- 
derable extent  and  dry  at  low  water:  Vessels 
drawing  above  nine  feet  of  water  should  not 
approach  the  coast  between  the  Wood  Islands 
and  Point  Prim  nearer  than  a  mile  and  a  half. 
From  Cape  Traverse  to  St.  Peter's  Island  there 
is  a  shoal  which  is  not  accurately  laid  down  in 
any  chart  yet  published  ;   large  vessels  should 
not  approach  that  part  of  the  coast  nearer  than 
two  miles. 

The  North  Coast  of  the  Island  forms  a  deep 
bay,  in  which  it  is  dangerous  to  be  caught 
near  the  the  center  of  the  coast,  with  a  north 
east  wind  ;  if  it  blows  hard,  vessels  will  not  be 
able  to  clear  the  land  either  way,  and  if  the 
gale  continue  must  be  driven  on  shore;  ships 

in  this  situation.  whe»  they  fi„d  they  cannot 
clear  the  land  nor  Iceen  nff  ,1.     .. 

tempt  one  of  the  large  barred  harbours  tho.    ,. 
the  sea  breaks  on  H.„  i.  '       "Sh 

probablv  Tt  '  "■"'  '^'y  """W  ™ost 

'w2e,  IT  ;^  -:• "- .%  .m 

.  ateiy  be  in  smooth  water  in  whicl,  th. 

The  nnf^r.1    •  -^      "^'^  anchors. 

casioned,  rises  the  water  so  n,     i 

«f  1  ®°  ^"ch  on  this  narf 

of  the  coast,  that  vessels  will  i  •  ^ 


-hver,htt,ensk;h;LT     r^'"^ 
the  coasf  ;  .  ^''■^^^^''  P^^t  of 

coast  ..  a  sandy  beach  and  where  the  coast 
rises  into  cliffs  there  is  hnf  . 

"^  -an  extent,   T^^        "^  ^^  '''°  "'"" 

-ydifiieuItyinJtinVo      /"'"'"• 
o„,  I.      ,     i         "      ^  °"  ''""•«  ■■  vessels  of 


charlotte  Town,  George  Town  and  Prince  Town, 

Of  the  three  towns  which  have  been  named, 
Charlotte  To-  ;n  only  has  yet  assumed  the  ap- 
pearance of  a  town,  it  is  regularly  laid  out  on 
the  banks  of  the  Hillsburgh  River ;  by  looking 
at  the  map  it  will  be  seen  that  the  situation  is 
both  centrical  and  convenient,  having  a  safe 
internal  water  communication  with  a  very  con- 
siderable part  of  the  Island,  by  means  of  the 
Hillsburgh,  York,  and  Elliot  Rivers,  which 
meet  in  its  harbour.  The  ground  is  well 
adapted  for  the  scite  of  a  town,  rising  gradually 
to  a  moderate  height  above  the  water,  and  is 
generally  sound  dry  land,  the  ascent  from  the 
river  is  very  easy,  the  streets  are  laid  out  at 
right  angles,  those  running  from  the  river  are 
one  hundred  feet  in  breadth,  the  cross  streets 
were  originally  laid  out  at  eighty  feet,  but 
have  since  been  reduced  to  forty  feet  in 
breadth.  The  building  lots  are  eighty  feet  in 
front,  by  one  hundred  and  sixty  in  depth,  and 
many  of  the  inhabitants  having  several  con- 
tiguous lots,  are  thereby  enabled  to  have  larg« 
gardens,    by  which  means  the  place  already 



•ecupfe,  a  co„siderab,e  surface,  though  it  Joe, 
"ot  contain  more  than   seventv  hn 

though  many  of  them  1  "'  ""'' 

vet  th^  ,„        •  ^"y  '"different, 

yet  the  town  vie>red  from  the  harbour  or  the 

opposue  shores  has  a  very  pleasing, ppej;;;; 
THe  only  puMic  yet  erected  T     la 

aer::-,."'""'''^— o^o-ehunL 

^^^r^::z.t '-''' "^ ''''' -^- 

'7  '  ,        *"  *'  '*°^^"^'  "  ''-'  of  seven 
thousand  acres  so  callp,i   ,.  i,-  ^ 

townandcommotAal  ""''""'' ^'^ 

both  on  Hil,  K      I  '"  *"'""''*'«  fro-t 

"th  on  Hillsourgh  and  Yorlc  Ri.ers.    Many 

of  these  pasture  Int^  i.,       i  ^ 

pastuie  lots  have  been  purchased  from 

the  Grantees  „y  a  fe.  individuals  on  specu 
lat...n,  and  some  progress  has   been  made" 

:::n:rr  —-'-.there  b::^^.: 

ve       small  farms   within  the  Royalty     The 


---essthana^uarteror:   Xr^ 


Vessels  of  two  hundred  tons  go  up  the  Hills- 
burgh  River  fourteen  miles  above  tlie  town, 
which  itself  is  three  miles  from  the  harbour's 
mouth  ;  the  entrance  is  narrow  and  is  suscep- 
tible  of  being  strongly  fortified  :  after  passing 
the  narrows  the  harbour  opens  into  an  exten- 
sive bason,  which   receives  the  Elliot,  York, 
and  Hillsburgh  Rivers,  each  of  which  have  a 
sufficient  depth  of  water  for  the  largest  ships 
for  several  miles,  where  they  will  be  completely 
sheltered  from  all  winds.      The  tides  are  so 
strong  as  to  enable  ships  to  work  out  and  in 
against  a  contrary  wind :  at  full  and  change 
they  rise  about  nine  feet,  neap  tides  rise  be- 
tween four  and  five  feet,  the  bottom  is  either 
soft  mud  or    strong    clay.     The  greatest  in- 
convenience of  the  harbour  is,  that,  the  flata 
run    ^ut    a    considerable   distance    from   the 
shore.      Wharfs    to    receive  ships  where  they 
would  always  lay  afloat  must  be   run  out    to 
the  channel,    which  is  near  six  hundred  feet 
opposite    to   the  town ;   there   is   no   danger 
however  in    allowing  ships   to  ground  upon 


the  flat,  as  they  are   all   deep   mud,  and  ti.e 
.hores    n..e   either  sand  or  soft  flat  stone,  on 

-h.chhght  vessels  or  small  craft  can  be  laid  perfect  safety.      The  town    is  protected 

«      at  the  west  end  of  the  town  is  mounted 
"'    "'™"   ''^'"'y  g"ns,    so  disposed  a,  to 

command  everypartof.he  harbour,  the  other 
"paced  on  the  bank  of  the  river  i„  front 
of  the  town  and  mounts  four  guns.  „hi,h,,,„ 
pomt  to  the  harbour  and  the  opposite  side  of 

the  nve.,  the  entrance  of  the  harbour  is  de. 
ftmled  by  a  block-house  mounting  four  guns, 
.nfrontofwhich  is  a  stone  battery  mounting 

fiveguns  with  a  ditch  and  freezing,  the  whol! 
well  stockaded,  where  these  works  stand  the 
Narrows  are  scarcely  half  a  musket  shot  across  • 
here  ,s  also  a  battery  on  the  eastern  side  of 
hena,  "ot   at  present   in  repair :  from 

he  block-house   all    vessels  approaching    the 
harbour  are  seen  at    three  leagues  distance, 

«  crcumstance   of  much  consequence  to  the 
«^fety  of  the  place  which  has  immediate  no- 


^f  and  the 
stones  on 

■an  be  laid 

sed  as  to 

the  other 
in  front 

hich  also 

B  side  of 

ur  is  de- 

►ur  guns, 


le  whole 

and  the 

across  ; 

side  of 
••  from 

"g    the 


to  the 

e   no- 

tice by  signal  from  the  block-house  of  every 
vessel  that  appears  either  by  day  or  night. 
The  whole  of  the  works  in  their  present  state 
are  intended  against  shipping;  should  it 
ever  be  adviseable  to  fortify  the  place  the 
situation  is  such  as  to  admit  of  its  being 
done  very  effectually.  The  barracks  are  situ^ 
ated  at  the  west  end  of  the  town,  and  con  - 
sist  of  two  separate  ranges  of  buildings,  each 
260  feet  in  length,  which  front-  each  other, 
being  divided  by  a  spacious  parade  ;  they  are 
calculated  to  accommodate  upwards  of  three 
hundred  men  with  their  officers,  a  handsome 
colonade  runs  along  the  front  of  each  range, 
the  whole  are  painted  white,  and  though  flat 
roofed  have  a  respectable  appearance,  and  in 
point  of  accommodation  are  not  surpassed  by 
any  barracks  in  North  America;  within  the 
same  inclosure  are  an  Hospital,  a  store  for 
provisions,  and  another  for  the  ordnance,  and 
a  wharf  in  front  of  the  town  248  feet  in  length 
is  also  a  military  erection.  There  is  a  reser- 
vation of  a  trdct  of  land  called  the   Fort  Lot 

on  th.        t  ,,,   „,  ^^  ,^^^^^^^^ 

from  the  e..t,a„ce  of  the  Narrow,  ataost  tl 
the  mouth  of  E,h„t  Ri,er,  on  .hi.  tract  Fort 
Amherst   for.eri,  stood   o„  an  elevated  spo 

three  hundred  yards  fm™   fi. 

yiTaa  trom  the  water,    it  was 

"ected  immediately  after  .h» 

Island  conquest  of  th? 

,      "f'   ""»   '^  '^'S"  ^q'-are   redoubt  with  a 
cannon,    and  contained   handsome    barracks- 

by   the  Rench    and  their  Indian   .Mies,    but 
they  faded  rn  both  attempts.     The  sit  ation 
s  commanded  b,  higher  ground   at  a  sma, 
'"7;  °:  ""'  — t  the  Fort  was  dis- 
untied  and  destroyed  by  Governor  Patterson 

soon  after  his  appointment  to  the  govern::: 
an      here  being  near  three  hundred   acres   of 
fertd     clear  land  within   the  reservation,   «- 
tremely  beautiful  in  point  of  situation,  th;  Go- 
vernor was  temptol  to  make  a  grant,  of  the 

01  Kent  then  commanding  Hit 


almost  to 
tract  Fort 
vated  spot 
5»*,    it  was 
est  of  th? 
►t  with  a 
pieces  of 
fies,    but 
a  small 
*vas  dis- 

sres   of 
•n,   ex- 
he  Go» 
of  the 

ling  Hi* 

whole  to  a  person  who  re-conveyed  it  to  himself, 
and  on  this  place  he  built  a  handsome  fann-house 
and  extensive  oHices,  and  laid  out  large  sums  in  its 

The  amusements  which  Charlotte  Town  can 
yet  afford  are  only  such  as  may  be  expected 
in  a  young  country  thinly  inhabited :  in  Spring, 
Summer,  and  Autumn,  shooting,  fishing,  riding, 
and  sailing;  water  parties  are  frequently  made, 
when  each  family  taking  their  dish  en  pic  wic  force,  in  the  Nova  Scoti.  district,  «d  the  same   w«  «,. 
aft«  vacated,  and  the  place  was  for  wme  time  considered  a.  a^ll^j 
ground,  but  iniaoOHia  Grace  the  Duke  of  Portland,  then  Secretary 
of  State  for  the  Coionie,.   wa.  pleased  to    direct  Lieutenant-Gonem, 
Fanning,  Lieutenant-Governor  of  the  Island  to  grant  a  lease  thereof  t« 
the  late  Monsieur  Calonne  the  French  Minister.  «ho  the.»  proposed  to  settle 
on  the  Island  with  a  number  of  French  Royalists,  reserving  to  the  Crowu 
.uch  a  rent  as  the  Governor  might  think  rea«,nable,  which  was  fixed 
•t    «51.    per  annum.     The    building,    «.d    improvement,    m«le   bj 
Governor  Patterson   had  previously    been  suffered  to  go   into   dec.,, 
having  fallen  into  the  hands  of  soma    of  his  cred.tors.  who    not  being 
^guine  a.  to  the  solidity  of  their  title  did  not  think  fit  to  be  at  any 
expence  about  them.    It  i,  a  fine  tract  of  land  and  the  situation  «,d 
Mpect  extremely  pleasing. 


.  ".arquee  i,  pi.che.I  at  ,„....  of  tl.e  many 
charn,.„g  ,pot,  „„  the  bank,  of  the  adjoini„! 
"ver,,  and  many  happy  ,,ou„  ,re  thul 
peasantly  .pent.     X„    .;„.„    .„„^    .,    J 

.hoot-ng    but  it  is  often  atte„.,e.,  With  nTe 
f-gu.  than   most    people   would    think 
'vorth,    a,    it   i,    generally   „ecessarv  to 

~oe,  whenever  we  go  Off  the  UT 
«'e   forest.     Driving   carioles  is    a    ft,„„i,, 

.musement.t  this  season,  they  go  with  grea 
P.<i.ty  when  the  roads  are  well  beaten:^: 

he  r.vers,„  fine  weather  when  the  snow  is  not 

tl>.    d.vers.on.     There  is  an  assembly  once  a 
fortnight  in  winter    »i„„i, 
.h-    r^        .  "^  ^"""ences  with 

the    Queen-s    birth    day,    and    the  party    i. 

.h  atncals  were    attempted  for  two  winters, 

but  some  of  the  party  being  only  tempo,,,; 

"'  ents,   that  amusement  has  been  given  up 

for  the  present.  ^ 


George  Town,  situated  in  King's  County  on 
a  Peninsula  between  two  navigable   rivers  or 
arms  of  the  sea,  is  yet  as  a  Town  but  in  embrio, 
there  being  but  a  f^w  lots  granted,  and  only 
three  or  four  built  upon;   the  situation  is  very 
fine,  and  the  Ilaibour  one  of  the  best  in  North 
America  ;  like  the  Harbour  of  Charlotte  Town 
it  has  three  large  branches,  v/ith  depth  of  water 
for  the  largest  ships,   besides  two  fine  basons 
completely  land-locked ;  in  front  of  the  whole 
there  is  a  capacious  roadsted  open  only  to  the 
south  east,  a  wind  which  seldom  blows  hard  on 
this  coast :  An  island  on  each  side  of  the  bay 
makes  it  very  remarkable,    and  the  access  is 
perfectly  safe,  being  quite  free  from  rocks  or 
shoals ;  in  many  parts  of  the  harbour  the  water 
is  deep  close  to  the  land,  there  are  several  situ- 
ations in   the  different  branches  where  large 
ships    can    lay    within    their  own  length  of 
high  water  mark,  on  the  south  west  front  of 
the  town  in  particular,  large  ships  may  lay  close 
to  the  shore  perfectly  protected  from  wind  and 
sea,  and  the  situation  large  enough  to  acconx- 

s . , 


modate  an  extensive  commerce.     It  is  generally 
believed  in  the  island  that  if  the  capital  luid 
been  fixed  licre,  it  would  have  been  before  this 
tmie  a  large  town,  as  the  situation  possesses 
many  advantages  over  Charlotte  Town,  it  being 
much  nearer  the  ocean  and  of  much  easier  access! 
as   any  wind    that  will    bring   ships  through 
the  Gut  of  Canso,  will  carry   them  into   this 
harbour  with  ease,  whereas  the  westerly  winds 
which  prevail   so  much   on  this  coast,  render 
their  getting   to  Charlotte  Town  more  tedious, 
particularly  in   the  Autunm  :    its  lying  very 
little  out  of  the  tract  from   Canada  to  Nova 
Scotia  and  the  United  States,  and  its  contiguity 
to   the  fishing  grounds   would  probably   have 
made  it  much   frequented   by  shipping,  if  it 
had  been  settled,  and  could  afford   them  such 
necessary    assistance    as    ships    usually    want 
coming  from  sea,    as   matters  ^re,    they  will 
find  fresh  provisions,   vegetables,  wood,   and 
water,    with  a   safe  harbour,  that  is  of  such 
easy  access,  that  they  may   enter  it  by  their 
^barts,  without  the  aid  of  a  pilot. 


The  lands  round  all  the  branches  of  this 
extensive  harbour  are    remarkably  well  tim- 
bered, and  as  yet  in  a  great  degree  untouched, 
which  with  its  other  advantages,  render  it  a  most 
eligible  situation  for  ship  building  and  the  timber 
trade.     Building  lots  in  George  Town  contain 
about  half  an  acre  each,  with  which  is  granted 
a  pasture  lot  of  ten  acres  in  the  Royalty  an- 
nexed to  the  town,  and  any  person  proposing 
to  settle  there,  on  application  to  the  Governor 
in  Council,    will  readily  obtain  a  grant  of  a 
town   and  pasture  lot,  the  fees  on  which  will 
amount  to  about  forty  shillings.     Besides  the 
Town    and  Royalty  of  George  Town,    seven 
toM-nships    of  twenty    thousand    acres    each, 
abutt  upon  the  waters  of   this  harbour  ;  the 
-oldest  and  most  forward  settlement,  is  situated 
.on  Township,   No.  59,   two-thirds   of  which 
is  the   property  of  Sir  James  Montgomery, 
His    Majesty's    Lord    Advocate  for  Scotland, 
whose   father,    the  late  venerable  Lord   Chief 
Baron  of  Scotland,  was  one  of  the  few  pro- 
prietors to  whose  exertions  at  the  beginning  of 

B  2 

■the  settlement  tbe  colony  is  „„der  any  „Wi^,ab.e  „..„ber  of  people  on  To  J 1 

No.  53,  one  third   of  .,iel,  is  hb   ,„Xt 
property,  and  settlements  are  „„*  Ju        ^" 

Earl  of  Westmoreland,  and   thr  H 

°'-  ^'*'  ^^'  "•«'  61,  those  on  the  twn  i  ! 
mentioned,   a-e  settled  without ..  ''* 

ofth^;r,  .  """"  "'e-nten-ention 

of   he,r,espect,ve  proprietor,   by  „h„„.^ 

-  t       '™  '""'^'^  "^^'^«ed  hitherto  •  Towl 

:  r.  T- "  ^^  ^^'  -« -"^  -r 

«mall,    „,   comparison    of  the  extent  of 

'.arbour,    the  vacant    front  on  which  woufd 

oommo<,,e  five  hundred  families  mo..::! 
of-h-eh  would  bound  on  navigable-watr 

any  obK- 
:  settled  a 
aking  ou 
».   by  the 
ese  por- 
wo  last 
•m  they 
;nt  of 
5f  the 

■    PjihccTown,  situated  on  the  north  side  of 
the  Island  on  a  branch  of  Richmond  Bay,  is 
yet  like  George  Town  little  more  than  a  name, 
though  there  are  perhaps  as  many  people  within 
the  Town  and  Royalty  as  at  Charlotte  T^wni 
but  thinking  that  agriculture  should  precede 
town  building,   they  have  neglected  the  town 
lots,   and  by  accumulating  a  number  of  conti. 
guous  pasture  lots  each,  have  formed  a  number 
of  small  farms,  which  are  in  a  considerably  for- 
ward state  of  improvement. 

Richmond  Bay,  though  a  barred  harbour,  is 
the  largest  on  the  north  side  of  the  Island,  and 
has  from  twelve  to  fourteen  feet  water  on  its 
bar:     It  has  two  principal  entrances  Jbesides 
smaller  ones ;    it  is  very  extensive  and  some 
parts  of  it  are  much  exposed  in  bad  weather; 
there  are  however  several  arms  of  it  that  are 
well  sheltered  and  perfectly  secure  in  all  weather' 
that  on  which  Prince  Town  is  situated  is  a  safi 
harbour  for  trading  vessels.     Before  the  Ameri- 
can War,    Richmond   Bay  was   the  principal 

Station  used  by  the  NnvEnglandpeopIe,  for 
carry,„g  „„  the  cod  fishery  in   the  Gulph  of 

St  Wence,  it  contains  six  islands,  three 
of  wh,ch,  have  above  five  hundred  acre, 

llere    are    seven     townships,     containins 
among  them  one  hundred  and  forty  thousand 
acres,  abutting  upo     Richmond  Bay,   it  has 
=^30  a  .afe  inland  water  communication  with 
Holland  Bay,  by  Cavendish  Channel,  affording 

great  convenience  in  the  transport  of  produce 
from  one  harbour  to  the  other;  two   roads, 

neither  of  them  much  above  two  miles  i„ 
fcngtb,  connect  it  with  the  lands  lying  oa 
Halifax  Bay  and  D„rk  River,  situated  on  the 
south  aide  of  the  Island.     There  are  very  co„- 

».derable  settlements  on  Richmond  Bay,  which 
aremcreasmg  ve,y  fast  in  population,  the  land 

bemgan  general  very  good,  and  abounding 
With  fine  timoer,  ^  * 


This  Island  is  in  general  level,  having  but 
few   hills,    and  none  of   them   very  high  or 
^teep,   probably  the  highest  spot  on  the  Island 
does  not  rise  above  five  hundred   feet  above 
the  level  of  the  sea,   and   the  soil  on  the  hills 
is  in  general    the  best  on   the  Island,    being 
moister,  and  less  apt  to  be  sandy    than  the 
low  grounds,  the  timber  on  them  is  in  general 
hard  wood,  and  the  tr^es  are  larger,  and  stand 
at  a  greater  distance,  than  on  the  low  grounds, 
a  sure  indication    of  their  superior  soil :    the 
highest   land  on  the  Island  is    on    the   road 
between  Charlotte  Town    and    Prince  Town, 
stretching  from   the  head  of   Harris  Bay    to 
the  head  ^)f  Grenville  Bay,  and  is  intersected 
by  several  streams  which  run  into  these  bays : 
There  is  also  a  considerable  hill  towards  th« 

»-«    of  Em„.t  Eiver,    on  the  road  f™„, 
Cha  io«e  To.„    eo  T.,o„    Settlement    an^ 

abontirr?'"''^""-"-^'- ground 
about  the  head  of  Hillsb„rgh  Eiver,  particu- 

their    h  •  ,  "P"'  ^  ">   P^"«t 

he.r   being    cultivated    with    ease.      Though 

departs  of  the  coast  have  alow  flat  look 
the  greatest  part  of  the  face   of  the  countr; 

"  "-•"  -aived  and  often  rises  into  beautiful 
-«s,    and  being  .uch  intersected  ,^th  a™, 

of  the  sea.  creeks,  and  rivulets,  present,  eve,y 
''here  .  vast  variety  of  fine  situations  for 
•'"'  and  improvements.    The  heads  of  the 

"vers  and  the  creeks,  are  all  more  or  less  bor- 
^jed    by  «,t  mashes,    producing  annually 

-ge  crops  of  strong  nutritive  grass.  wi,ho„^ 
trouble  or  cultivation,  which  makes  excellent 

%.  on  which  the  greater  part  of  the  cattL 

the.e  n^arshe,  when  dyked  i„  f„m  the  sal 


tjrater,  make  the  most  valuable   laniis  on  tht 
Island,  this  however  is  a  work  in  which  no 
great  progress  has  yet  been  made.     Springs  of 
the  clearest  and    purest    water,    abound    all 
over  the  Island,   and   which  not  only  do  not 
freeze  in  the  winter,  but  the  runs  from  them  into 
the  sea,  keeps  i  channel  open,  though  the  ice  on 
both  sides  thereof  will  be  a  foot  thick  or  more 
on  the  salt-water.      Fine  water  is  also  obtained 
by  digging  wells  at  a  moderate  depth,  it  being 
rarely  necessary  to  exceed  twenty-five  feet,  and 
there  is  very  seldom  an  instance  of  being  dis- 
appointed   in  getting  water.     There  are  not 
many  swamps  of  any  extent  in  the  Island,  and 
still  fewer  lakes  or  ponds  of  fresh  water  in  com- 
parison to  the  extent  of  the  country.    Travel* 
Jing  is  not  difficult  through  the  woods,  even 
where  there  a'-e  no   roads,   there   being  Very 
little  underwood  to  what  is  generally  found 
in  most  other  countries  covered   with  forest, 
nor  is  it  in  the  least  incumbered  with  rocks, 
like  the  neighbouring  country  of  Nova  Scotia. 
The  want    ©f  stone  is   perhaos  the  ereaiesA 


ofa  ,0ft  sandy  nature,    and   i„  ,„„,e  p,,,„ 

'^'^"'IX ''"""'""'''""■  ^-^"^ 

has  yet  been  discovered  in  the  Island,  though 
there  are  strong  indications  of  iron  in  n,afy 

P'aces.  I«  looking  at  the  face  of  the  country 
every  pe.on  wiU  he  a.  once  struck  with  t,^ 
great  difference  in  appearance  between  it  and 
the  neighbouring  continent,  it  having  every 
where  „,uch  the  sa.e  appearance,  without 
a  y  .mpednnent  to  tl,e  cultivation  of  the 
w  ole,  no  rocks,  no  impenetrable  swamps,  no 
extensive  pi„e  barrens  to   separate  the  settle- 

-nessh,,  there  need  not  be  a  waste  acre 

n   he  I. land,  a  very  uncommon  circumstance, 

-d  which  must  finally  enable  it  to  maintain  a 
■""ch   greater    population    than    most    other 

countries  of  ,be  same  extent.  Koad,  are  very 
easily  made,  from  the  nature  of  the  soil  a„.I 
chmate,  and  very  considerable  progress  has 
been  already  made  in  that  respect,  considering 

the  great  extent  of  the  Island,  and  the  smaU 
number  of  inhabitants,   there  being  tolerable 

roads  between  the  capital  and  all  the  principal 
settlements,  wliich  have  been  chiefly  made   by 
the  statute  labour,    all  males  from   16   to  60 
years  of  age,  according  to  their  different  cir- 
cumstanced,   being  obliged   to  perform    from 
four  to   six    days  labour  on   the  high  roads 
annually.      The    facility    with     which    roads 
can  be  made,  is   a  circumstance  of  the  most 
interesting  nature,  and  when  viewed  in  connec- 
tion with  our  many  navigable  rivers  and  creeks, 
affording  a    safe  water  communication   to  a 
great  part  of  the  Island,    cannot  fail  to   be 
highly  advantageous    in  every    stage  of  our 
progress   and   settlement.     The  laying  out  of 
high  roads,  erecting  of  bridges,  and  appoint- 
ing   and    regulating  ferries  is   vested    in  the 
Governor  or  Lieutenant-Governor  for  the  time 
being,  and  His  Majesty's  Council,  and   a  re- 
servation   is    made  in    the    grant    of   every 
township,    of   such  parts     thereof,     as    may 
be    wanted  for   high   roads,    so    that    there 
can    be  no    part   of   the    Island    in    which 
a  just  and  reasonable  claim   to  a  road  can  be 


refund.    Tl,e  Governor  and  Council  are  how- 
ever reatricted  from  pul,i„g  down  house,,  or 
destroying    orchards,    gardens,  n,i||,,  or  mill 
da™,,  ,n  laying  out   road,,  and  doubtless  it 
mil  also  become  just  and  necessary  in  the  pro. 
gres,  of  the  settlement  a,  road,  multiply,   to 
grant  a  reasonable  compensation  to  the  pro. 
Pnetor,  and   occupier,   of  all   inclosed    and 
culfvated  land,,    though    which  it  may  be 
found  nece,sary  to  lay  out  ne,.  road,  for  the 
PubLc  accommodation,  which  compensation  it 
W.II  frequently  be  proper  to  levy  on  the  dis- 
trict  for   tlie    benefit   of  which  the   road  i. 
claimed,  i„  order  to  prevent  the  wanton  abuse 
too  common  in  new  countries  on  the  subject 




The  soil  is  in  general  alight  red  loam,  in  some 
places  approaching  to  a  tolerable  strong  clay, 
but  in  most  districts  more  or  less  sandy;  but 
even  where  the  soil  may  be  called  sandy,  if  it 
incline  to  a  dark  color  it  is  very  fruitful,  and 
with  tolerable  cultivation  yields  good  crops  : 
where  white  sand  predominates  the  land  is  poor, 
and   wants  frequent  manuring.      The  quality 
of  the  soil  in  its  natural  state,    may  always  be 
known   by  the  kind  of  timber  it  produces  ; 
the  best  land  growing  together,   large  maple, 
beech,     black     and    yellow     birch,     mixed 
with  the  different  kinds  of  pine  and  fir,  the 
trees  will  stand  at  a  distance,    and   the    roots 
do  not  appear  to  run  along  the  surface,  which 
ill  general  will   be  found    covered    with  the 
dwarf  yeiv,  or  as  it  is  commonly  called  giound 



spruce,  ,vl„c),  is  always  an  i.ulicatiun  of  .ooj 
1"<I.     Tl.e  next  best  kind  i,  .|,,t  «,,,i^.,, 
d»c«  large   l,a„l  w„„d    of  the  kind,  above 
™ent,„„ed,    nnnnxed   ,ri„.  an,  evergreens  or 

softwood,  if  .,,e,,,es  stand   at  a  g,.eatdis. 
tance,  and  push  their  roots  ,vcll  „„t  of  si»hr 

and  the  surface    is   covered   with    the  d.^ar; 
yfw,  tins  land  is  very  li„|e  inferior  to  the  fir,t 
mentioned  ,ind.    The  next  indication  is,  .hen 
the  land  eovered  with  hard  wood,  and 
the  roots  run  much  along  the  surface,  and  that 


.nconrparison  to  the  others,  the  upper  stratum 
of  the  sod  wiU   be  found  thin,  and    the  sub- 
«o.I  cold    and  hard.      The   vvorst  land  i„  i,, 
^atural  state,  is  that  which  produces  nothin. 
but  spruce,    .„all   white   birch,  and  scrubb^ 
pmes,    this  land   is  generally  very  hght  and 
•^■iy,  and   requires  too  much  manure,  ,o  be 
profitably  cultivated  in  the  present  state  of  the 

Tbc  lvalue  of  the  swamps  or  low 

wet  grounil 

31  . 

is  not  yet  nnich  known  by  experience,  few  at- 
tempts  having  yet  been  made  to  reclaim  any 
but  such  as  by  producing  in  their  natural  state 
abundance  of  grass,  promised  an  immediate  pro- 
fit with  very  little  expence;  the  management  of 
these  has  been  merely  to  drain  them  a  little 
where  that  was  required,   and  to  cut  away  the 
trees  and   bushes  with  which  they  are  more  or 
less  encumbered,  and  then  to  throw  some  timo- 
thy grass  seed  on  the  surface-;     in  this  way 
Avithout  further  cultivation  large  crops  of  that 
grass  have  been  obtaincu.     Tiie  low  grounds 
which  produce  strons;  aliier  bushes,  large  annual 
weeds,  particularly  nettles,   are  also  fine  lands, 
and  will  produce  large  crops  of  the  same  grass 
without  any  other  cultivation  than   grubbinj. 
up  the  bushes,  burning  the  surface,   and  then 
bush  harrowing  the  seed  upon  it. 

.  Of  the  swamps  which  produce  nothing  but 
small  black  spruce  trees,  or  those  which  having 
ityv  or  no  trees  of  any  kind,  are  covered  with  a 
80ft  fog  or  moss,  .in  which  a  man  wi^ink  to 



his  knccsj   nothihg  is  known  of  their  value,  nd 
attempts  having  yet  been  made  to  improve 
them ;  under  some  of  the  swamps  beds  of  strong 
white  clay  have  been  discovered,  the  same  ar- 
ticle is  also  seen  in  some  districts  in  walking 
•long  shore  between  high  and  low  water  mark, 
it  is  said  to  be  very  fine,   and  is  preferred  at 
Halifax,   by  the  regiments    in   garrison,    for 
cleaning    their    accoutrements    to     wliat    is 
imported  from  England,  which  is  the  only  use 
it  has  ever  yet  been  put  ta 

In  some  districts  large  tracts  of  the  forest 
were  destroyed  by  fire  near  a  century  back, 
the  soil    of  these  tracts  is  not  esteemed  so 
valuable  as  that  whereon  the  original  gw>wth 
of  timber  is  still  standing,  many  parts  of  them 
are  without  useful  timber  of  any  kind,  and  a 
great  deal  is  overrun  with  strong  ferns,  dwarf, 
laurel,  and  other  shrubs ;  the  ferns  are  diffi- 
cult to  be  got  the  better  of,    they  grow  in 
some^es  six  and  seven  feet  high,  and  push 
thetr  flps  very  deep  into  the  earth.  The  burnt 


e  same  ar-^ 

lands,  as  tlicse  tracts  are  called,    were   long 
thought  of  little  or    no  value,   from  an  idea 
that  the  fire  had  in  a  great  measure  destroyed 
their  fertility.     It  is  prohable,  that  in  general 
they  never  were  so  good  as  the  other  parts  of 
the   Island,    the    very   circumstance   of  their 
original  growth  of  timber  having  been  destroyed 
by  fire,    shews  that  the  predominant   species 
upon  them  was  such  as  indicates  an  inferiority 
of  soil,  as  we  now  know  by  many  years  ex- 
perience,   that  though  the  fire  will  sometimes 
in  very  dry  years,  in  the  months  of  May  and 
June,  kill  and  partially   burn  the  timber  on 
our  best  lands,    it  never  acts  so  severely  on 
them  as  to  injure  their  fertility,  on  the  con- 
trary, the  finest  crops  are  procured  ly  burning 
all  the  timber  upon  them.     From  the  appear- 
ance of  the  burnt  districts,  and  the  number  of 
old  pine  trees  and  stumps  still  remaining  upon 
them,  it  is  evident  that  these  lands  were  covered 
chiefly  with    pine    and  other  resinous  woods, 
and  therefore,    the   soil  in  its  original  stat^' 
could  not  have  been  of  the   best.     There  is 

^  BOW, 



now,  however,  good  reason  to  believe  from  a 
variety  of  trials,  that  the  greater  part  of  the 
burnt  lands  will  pay  very  well  for  their  culti- 
vation;   I  have  lately   been  surprised  to  see 
parts  of  them  which  had  been  long  considered 
of  little  or    no    value,    brought    into    culti- 
vation  at  a  much   smaller  expence    certainly, 
than  it  is  possible  to  cultivate  the  forest  lands 
for :  still  it  must;  be  confessed,  that  in  general, 
the  lands    on  which  the  original  gvowth  of 
timber    remains,    and    is   such    as    has   been 
noticed,  as  indicating  the  best  soil,  are  much 
more  to  be  relied  upon,  though  the  process  of 
bringing  them  into  cultivation  is  more  expen- 
sive,  and  the  necessary  time  greater,  than  is  re- 
quired for  the  burnt  lands.  A  settler  in  indigent 
circumstances,  who  relies  from  the  beginning  for 
the  means  of  subsistence  on  the  produce  of  his 
labour,  must    not   at  first   meddle  with  the 
burnt  lands,  he  should  cut  down  and  clear  away 
the  forest,   which   will  never  disappoint  him. 
Let  him  but  get  rid  of  the  timber,  and  scorch 
the  surface  with  fire,  whatever  seed  he  com- 


tnits  to  the  earth,  will  produce  him  a  good 
crop,    though    the  stumps  of   the  trees    still 
remain.    A  settler    who    is  farther  advanced, 
has  a  stock  of  cattle,    and  a  capital  to  com- 
mand labour,  may  find  it  profitable  to  cultivate 
the  burnt  lands,    large  tracts  of  which  he  will 
be  .ble  to  render  tolerably  productive,  in  much 
less  time    >  an   is  required  to  get  rid  of  the 
stumps  oi  iiie  trees,  in  the  lands  which  he  clears 
from  the  forests,  a  circumstance  which  forms 
no  trifling  temptation  to  their  cultivation  ;  at 
the  same  time  it  is  universally  allowed,  that 
our  forest  lands  are  much  easier  cultivated,  than 
the  forest  lands  on  any  part  of  the  neighbouring 
Continent,  the  surface  being  much  easier  k- 
veiled,  and  almost  totally  unincumbered  with 
rocks  and  stones,   so  that  when  the  stumps  of 
the  trees  are  got  the  better  of,  all  the  diffi- 
culties  to  complete  cultivation  are  overcome. 

c  2 




It  >'i 

I  regret  much,  that  my  knowledge  of  this 
part  of  my  subject,  does  not  enable  me  fo 
treat  it  scientifically,  but  feeling,  that  in  a 
description  of  the  Island,  at  least  an  attempt 
to  bring  its  natural  productions  into  notice  will 
be  expected,  I  must  enter  on  it,  though  with 
•diffidence,  Sensible  that  my  knowledge  thereof 
is  very  imperfect. 

Beech  (Fagus  Sylmticd.)  This  tree  grows 
in  great  abundance,  probably  better  than 
one-half  of  the  Island  is  covered  with  it,  in 
some  districts  it  forms  nine-tenths  of  the 
forest,  in  others,  it  is  more  mixed  with  other 
trees,  its  mast  is  produced  in  vast  quantities 
in  some  seasons,  the  cifects  of  which  shall  be 


mentioned  hereafter,  it  is  a^  large  handsome 
forest  tree,  the  timber  is  sometimes  exported, 
but  the  chief  value  of  it  at  present,  is  for  fire 
wood,  for  which,  no  other  wood  exceeds  it. 

.  1 1' 

Birch,    of  this  we  have  four  species,    1st.. 
(betula  alba),  of  this,  there  are  two  varieties,, 
one   is  the  tree  common    in    parks  in  Eng- 
land,  and  in  the  Island  is  called  grey  birch,, 
the  other  is  a  much  handsomer  tree,   and  of 
quicker  growth,    has  a  glossy  smooth  white 
bark,    which   divides    into    lamina    as    thin 
as    cambric     paper,     and    answers    well    to 
write  on  :  in  ihe  forest  this  tree  grows  to  a 
large  size,  the  Indians  forming  canoes  of  the 
bark  of  a  single  tree,  which  will  carry  five,  or 
six  people,   the  bark  is  also  used  for  making, 
various  useful  articles,  such  as  buckets,    bov/ls,. 
and  baskets,   they  are  chiefly   made    by    the 
Indians,  and  are  sewed  when  cut  to  the  shape 
intended,    with  small  slips    of  the  roots   of 
black  spruce  trees,  they  are  made  to  hold  water, 
are  light,  and  will  last  a  long  time  :  it  is  per- 

haps  the  only  bark  which  is  less  liable  to  decay 
tilMi  the  ,.ood  which  it  incloses,   when  the 
trees  fall  ir.  the  woods,  the  bark  will  remaio 
entire  many  years  after  the  tree  is  completely 
Totten ;  it  is  very  inflammable,  emitting  a  strong 
vmd  iiame,   and  a  very  thick   black  smoke, 
which  might  be  easily  condensed  and  collected 
«  the  form  of  oil.     Many   fine  white   birch 
trees  grow  in  the  old  P,e„ch  cleared  lands 
.n  snch  situations,  it  is  often  a  very  ornamental 
tree,  growing  to  a  considerable  size,  and  havin.. 
=«  large  spreading  top  with  bright  green  leaves." 

2d.  Black  Birch  (heiula  nigra.)  This  is  the 
largest  of  our  deciduous  trees,  it  is  common 
all  over  the  Island,  where  the  original  growth 
of  t,mber  has  not  been  destroyed  by  fire;  it  is 
much  used  in  all  the  northern  countries  i„ 
America  for  ship  building,  it  is  nearly  of  the 

colour  of  lightmahogany,  and  takes  as  good 
''Pohsh:  it  makes  handsome  bedsteads  and 
Chairs,    but  does  not  answer  so  well  for  tables 

being  apt  to  cast  in  that  article.    Theexporta^ 


tion  of  this  timber,  has  long  been  common 
from  all  the  neighbouring  countries,  and  a  few 
cargoes  have  recently  been  exported  from  this 
Island,  it  is  chiefly  sent  to  Liverpool,  and 
other  ports  in  the  north  of  England,  and 
also  to  Scotland  and  Ireland,  where  it  is  much 
approved  of,  several  attempts  have  lately  been 
made  to  introduce  if  into  the  London  market, 
but  the  timber  merchants  appear  to  be  against 
it,  and  they  Ivive  too  much  the  command  of 
the  trade,  to  render  it  practicable  to  introduce 
a  new  article  without  their  concurrence.* 

•  A  gentleman  who  Jately  imported  a  cargo  of  timber  from  tlie 
Island,  consisting  chiefly  of  this  article,  being  informed  that  it  was  very 
lit  for  stocking  fire  arms,  had  a  few  musicts  and  fowling  pieces  stocked 
with  it,  by  an  eminent  tradesman  in  that  line  in  the  City,  who  making  a 
fhvourable  report  of  the  timber,  it  was  offered  to  Government,  and  these 
articles  weie  sent  to  the  Horse  Guards,  for  the  inspection  of  His 
Royal  Highness  the  Duke  of  York,  who  was  pleased  to  refer  the  matter 
to  the  Board  of  Ordnance,  who  sent  tliera  to  the  Tower;  here  the 
butmess  turned  out  vecy  different  from  what  was  expected,  none 
of  the  customary  means  to  secure  a  favourable  reception  had  been 
resorted  to,  and  a  report  was  made  against  the  justice  of  which, 
thousands  can  bear  testimony,  the  timber  being  represented  as  inferior  to 
common    beech,  and  too  soft  to  hold  the  sgrcwR  5  at  this  time  walnuf 


ii-w,^)t>>  ^  T'Hfflw^.sapT^- 


3d.  YelW  Birch  rAe/«&  fe«„.;    t1„.^  ^^,^^ 
grows  to  a  large  tree,  and  i,  also  used  in  ship 
b"   It  i,  strong  and  elastic,  which  .a  J 
"much    -ed  for   n,any   domestic    articles; 
lands  on  wh,ch  the  original  timber  has  been 
destroyed   by  fire,    frequently  g.ow  up  with 

ye.  ow|,irch,  these  tracts  afford  a, rea'td:;; 

of  th,st™ber,   of  a  si«  fit  for  making  hoops, 
for  wh,ch  it  is  very  proper,  .berever  it  grows 

m  th.s  manner,  it  indicates  a  better  soil  than 
when  the  young  growth  consists  of  white  birch  • 
yellow  birch    trees,    growing  single    on    old 
Cleared   lands    are  frequently  very  fine  orna. 
mental  timber. 

4th.    Alder    Cietula  alnus.)      This    seldom 
grows     into   a  tree    of  any  value :    Us  bark 

»-e  wood.  .,,ch  i3  co™„,o„]y  „.ed  fo.  th«  purpose,  was  not  to  h,  .  . 

^   nearly  equal  thereto  codd    have    been    sun!,'. 

the  Horse  Gnard..  regained  there   thev  ^"-^'"S  P"- sent  to 

officer,.  a„,  ,,e  stock,   Je  .  "'"^  ""  "''""*'  "^"*^-<^ 

Winced.  .h,the  Jl         .^""'"^^'"'^  ''"  ^"''-^  ^  -  -, 
he  bcgon  hi,  apphcation  at  the  wrong  end. 

his  often 
in  ship 
h  makes 
irticles  ; 
as  been 
ip  with 
at  deal 
il  than 
birch  ; 
I    old 

bad  at 
(J  the 
ent  to 



<lyes  a  good  dark  brown,  it  grows  in  low 
rich  lands,  and  along  the  sides  of  creeks  and 

Of  the  Maple  we  have  three  species,  1st. 
The  White  Maple  (acer  negundo)  it  is  firm 
and  smooth,  and  takes  a  fine  polish,  and  is 
fit  for  many  common  purposes,  it  also  affords 
sap  for  making  sugar,  but  not  so  rich  in  quality 
as  the  rock  or  curled  maple. 

2d.  The  Red  Maple  (acer  rubrum.)  Tliis 
tree  is  small  and  of  no  value,  and  is  generally 
found  growing  in  swamps. 

3d,  The  rock  or  curled  Maple  (acer  sacchari- 
num.)  This  is  frequently  a  large  tree:  the 
butts  of  many  of  them  for  six  or  eight  feet  from 
the  ground,  being  finely  curled,  renders  this 
timber  extremely  beautiful  in  cabinet,  work, 
as  it  is  very  close  grained,  and  susceptible  of 
a  high  polish:  what  is  called  the  bird's  eye 
maple  is  a  variety  of  this  tree.    The  chief  value 


ofthe  maple  at  present,  arise,  from  the  qua„, 
trty  ot  sugar  annually  manufactured  of  if  sap 
the  making   of  which   generally  commences 
aboutthesith  of  March,  and  continues  through 

thefirstten  day,  i„  April;  .he  quantity  made 
vanes  much  in  different  years,    and  depends 
greatly  on  the  weather  at  this  period  :  the  more 
«now  there  is  on  the  ground,  the  trees  run  the 
greater  quantity  of  „p,  dark  or  rainy  weather 
.s  unfavourable;  the  sap  i,  produced   in  the 
greatest  quantities  in  bright   sun  shiny  davs 
after  a  frosty  night:   To  procure  the  sap  a  gap 
>s  cut  in  the  tree  with  a  common  feUing  axe 
th,s  is  from  an  inch  and  an  half  to  three  inched 
deep,  and  from  six  to  eight  inches  long,  slantin.. 
>n  the  form  of  the  letter  V,   and   should  face 
the  south  west;  the  sap  will  run  freely  from 
this  gap,    from    the   lower  end   of  which  it 
»  guided  into  a  trough  placed  belovv,  by  a 
chip  driven  into  a  slight  cut  just  under  the 
gap;  a  full  grown  tree  will  sometimes  run  up- 
ward, of  two  gallons  a  day;  the  person,  em- 
ployed m  the  bu,ines,  visit  the  trees  frequently 



to  see  that  the  sap  runs  fairly  into  the  troughs^ 
and  to  collect  it  into  barrels,  which  arc  placed 
conveniently  for  that  purpose,  in  them  it  is 
drawn  on  hand  sledges  to  the  boiling  place,  or 
as  it  is  called   the  sugar  camp:  the  apparatus 
for  boiling  generally  consists  of  three  kettles, 
the  largest  double  the  size  of  the  second,  and 
that  rather  more  than  in  the  same  proportion 
to  the  third,  these  are  suspended  over  a  large 
fire  made  in  a  temporary  hut  in  the  forest;  the 
sap  is  first  boiled  in  the  large  kettle,  and  re- 
moved into  the  others  in  succession,   as  it  is 
reduced  by  boiling  to  the  quantity  each  can 
contain ;  when  removed  into  the  second  kettle 
the  first  is   again  filled  with  fresh    sap,  and 
boiling  is  continued   in  all  the  kettles  which 
are  filled  up  from  each  other;  the  liquor  requires 
to  be  frequently  skimmed  ;    to    prevent    its 
rising  suddenly  over  the  kettle,  a  small  bit  of 
tallow  or  butter  is    occasionally  thrown    in: 
when  the  syrup  in  the  smaller  kettle  appears  of  a 
proper  consistency,   it  is  poured  into  wooden 
moulds,  the  kettle  is  again  filled  up  from  the 


second,    vhich  is  replenished  from   the  larger, 
,  and  that  is  filial  witJi  fresh  sap;  a  small  quan- 
tity of  lime  water  is  sometimes  put  into  the 
smaller  kettle  to  promote  its   granulation.     In 
every  stage  of  the  work  much  attention  is  re- 
quired to  make  good  sugar  :  before  the 
sap  should  be  strained  to  clear  it  of  chips  and 
other  adventitious  substances.     The  sugar  thus 
produced  is  by  some  rendered  as   white  as  the 
finest  Muscovado    sugar,    but  that  is  by  no 
means  generally  the  case,  much  of  it  being  made 
in  a  very   slovenly  manner,  is  very  dark   co- 
loured, extremely  hard  from  too  much  boilin«r 
difficult  to  break,  and  takes  a  Jong  time  to  dis- 
solve the  manufacture  upon  the  whole  is  in  a 
very  imperfect  state  in  this  Island,    though  it  is 
certainly  improving.      When    well  made   this 
sugar  is  an  agreeable   sweet,   and  answers  all 
the   purposes    of  common    sugar;    very  good 
vinegar  is  also  made  by  boiling  three  gallons 
of  sap  into  one,  and  then  fermenting  it  with 


The  sugar  thus  obtained  from  the  maple  is 
all  clear  gain,  being  made  at  a  time  when  very 
little  other  out  of  door  work  can  be  performed. 
Three  smart  lads  working  tc^^cih^r,  will  often 
make  one  hundred  weight  -ach  in  i;»e  course  of 
a  fortnight,  and  sometimes  :u  ;i  fa-  )rable  year 
more.  The  trees  are  found  m  more  or  less 
plenty  all  over  the  Island,  where  the  original 
growth  of  forest  remains  ;  the  greatest  part 
of  the  inhabitants  supply  themselves  with  all 
the  sugar  they  consume  in  this  manner,  and 
many  have  a  good  deal  to  dispose  of. 

The  maple  tree  adds  much  to  the  beauty  of 
our  forest  scenery  in  the  Autumn,  as  the  leaves 
of  a  tingle  tree  will  assume  every  tint  from 
green  to  rich  crimson  and  bright  scarlet  colour. 

Elm  (ulnus  americana)  of  this  tree,  I  think 
Ave  have  only  one  species,  and  that  not  very 
common,  nor  in  great  plenty,  in  any  part  of 
the  Island. 


orB^nl""'    ''''"'    "^'y'  (l«'rcu,  rubra) 

ce.  on  the  neighbouring  Continent,  I  L 

Pect  fro.  the  difeent  appearance  of  it  : 

omedutnctsfron,  other,  that  .e  have  .ore 
than  o„e  variety  of  this  specie,,  the  value  of 

Poplar  or  Aspen  (poputu,  trmula.)    Uis 

t-e.s,„  some  districts  of  the  Island  i„g„at 
P-y,  it  is  not  an  indication  of  good's^ 
the  wood  when  green,  is  soft  and  white,  it  is 

»uch  used  for  fencing,  for  .hieh,  when  spii 

"to -is,  u  is  .ore  valuable  than  any  otL 
wood  produced    i„  t,,  ,,,„,,    ^^^^^ 

and  hght,  ,.d  is  very  fit  for  so„,e  kinds  of 
turner's  work. 

Swamf  Willow  (sali..)    This  is  a  ve.y  use. 

*  rubra) 
le  Island, 
J  is  said 
ame  spe- 
»  I  sus- 
of  it  in 
ve  more 
^alue  of 
lite  oak 

1  great 
cl  soil, 
£}  it  is 
1  split 


is  of 



less  tree,  never  grows  to  any  size,  nor  are  its 
twigs  of  any  value,  being  very  brittle,  it  is 
the  first  tree  that  blossoms  in  the  spring,  and 
its  white  flowers  are  to  be  seen,  when  all  the 
other  trees  retain  their  winter  appearance. 

Ash  of  two  species.  1st.  White  Ash,  or 
(fraxinus  excelsior.)  This  is  a  valuable  tree, 
but  in  no  great  quantity  on  the  Island,  it  grows 
only  in  good  land,  is  strait  and  tall,  and 
sometimes  found  of  a  large  diameter. 

2d.  Black  Ash,  or  (fraxinus  Americana.) 
Tills  is  a  wood  of  very  little  value,  the  cL>ief 
use  to  which  it  is  put  at  present,  is  the  makiwg 
of  baskets  and  brooms. 

Pine,  of  this  we  have  several  species.  1st. 
The  White  Pine  (pinus  strobus)  which  in 
point  of  size,  greatly  exceeds  all  the  other 
productions  of  the  forest,  being  fouad  three, 
four,  and  five  feet  diameter,  and  of  a 
great  height,   I  have  seen   one  made  into  ft 


mi„ma.t  for  a  64  gun  ship,  without  any  ad- 
ditions;  but  the  number  of  large  sticks  fit  for 
the  navy,  i„  any  one  district,   is  not  so  great 
«»  to  make  them  an  object  worth  the  attention 
of  government:    the  quantity   of  pi„e  up„„ 
the  Island  is  not  abundant,  it  is  no  where  to  be 
found  in  large  groves  unmixed  »-ith  other  trees 
as  IS  frequently  ihe  case  on  the  Continent.       ' 

2d.  Yellow  Pine  0>/»« ;»«.«;  i,  harder  and 
heavier  than  the  white  pine,  but  never  grows 
to  the  same  size:  the  quantity  of  this  wood 
on  the  Island  is  not  great,  and  is  chieflv 
confined  to  two  or  three  districts  of  smaU 

Sd.  Pitch   Pine  (pinus  tmda.)    Of  this  we 
have  very  httle.   and  of  very  inferior  value,  no 
attempts  to  extract  tar  from  it  have  ever  been 
made,   that  I  am  acquainted   with,   its  knots 
and  roots  being  full  of  terebinthin  oil,  afford 
a  fine  light  when  burning,  and  are  sometimes 
used  instead  of  candles. 


4th.  Larch  Cpinm  larix.)  This  is  the  only 
tree  of  the  terebinthine  kind  which  sheds  its 
leaves  in  autumn,  its  turpentine  is  said  to  have 
powerful  medicinal  qualities:  I  have  seen  it 
have  very  good  effects  in  colds  arid  coughs. 
The  timber  is  valuable  on  account  of  its  dura- 
bility, making  the  best  knees  for  ship  buildfog, 
and  the  best  trunnels  of  any  wood  which  grows 
in  this  climate. 

5th.   Fir  (pinus  baisamia.)     This  tree  yields 
a  fine  balsam,   contained  in  small  blisters  ttn 
the  outside  of  the  bark,    (commonly  ktloWn 
by  the  name  of  Canada  balsam)  it  is  uM both 
internally  ^nd  externally.    The  timber  of  this 
tree  is  coarse  and  brittle,  and  is  seldom  used 
whete    pine    cah'  be    obtained,    ^hcre*  the 
grain  of  a  fir  tree  does  not  twist- ^o  much  as 
to  prevent  its  being  split,  it  mak^s  good  rails 
for  fencing,   for  which  it  is  much  used,  and 
also  for  lath  wood. 

Sth.  Spruce  (pinus  canadcmis.)    Of  this  we 



have  three  varieties,  1st.  the  black  spruce, 
which  often  grows  into  a  large  tree,  fit  for 
masts  and  spars :  of  the  tops  of  this  tree,  the 
spruce  beer,  now  so  well  known  in  England,  is 
made.  2d.  White  Spruce,  this  is  a  wood  of  very 
little  value,  but  being  light,  is  sometimes  used 
for  spars  and  rafters,  where  that  quality  re- 
commends it.  3d.  Red  Spruce,  this  wood  is 
not  oo  valuable  as  black  spruce,  but  much 
superior  to  white  spruce,  it  sometimes  grows 
on  old  cleared  lands  which  have  been  long  out 
of  cultivation,  in  which  situation,  it  forms 
very  ornamental  groves,  its  figure  being  regu- 
larly conical,  and  feathered  to  the  ground. 

7th,  Hemlock  (pinus  abiesj.  This  tree  in 
size  is  next  to  the  white  pine,  to  which,  how- 
ever, it  is  much  inferior ;  its  chief  value  is  for 
making  wharfs  or  buildings  in  the  water,  w 
which  situation  it  is  more  durable  than  "ny  other 
timber  of  this  climate;  the  bark  is  excel- 
„  lent  for  tanning  leather,  and  the  tops  yield  a 
medicine,  which  has  been  found  very  powerful 


in  scorhutic  complaints ;  some  make  a  decoction 

of  them,  boiling  them  in  the  same  wanner  as 

the  tops  of  the  black  spruce,  for  making  spruce 

beer,  others  bruise  them  and  pour  cold  spring 

water  upon  them,  which  is  allowed   to  stand 

twelve  hours,  and  then  poured  off,  when  it  will 

be    found  thick  and  ropy :  I  have  seen  this 

taken  thres  times  a  day  with  great  effect ;  a 

jill  before  breakfast,  the  same  quantity  an  hour 

before  dinner,   and  the  like  going  to  bed ;  it 

agrees  well  with  the  stomach  and  gives  a  power* 

ful  appetite. 

Wild  Cherry  (prunus  virginiana,)  Of  this 
we  have  several  varieties,  which  have  not 
yet  been  properly  distinguished,  but  none  of 
them  are  of  any  value,  the  only  use  ever 
made  of  them  is  to  put  them  to  spirits,  for 
which  they  are  said  to  answer  as  well  as  the 
best  cherries,  making  good  cherry  rum  and 
cherry  brandy,  the  trees  grow  in  great  num- 
bers in  land  newly  cleared,  unless  kept  down 
by  its  being  cultivated,    and  are  particularly 

£  2 


fond  of  situations  where  the  original  timber 
has  been  destroyed  by  fire,  they  are  of  very 
<juick  growth,  but    never    grow  to  a  size  to 

'  '   '  i     [  ^  ■  ■' !     ■'•!**■        ,   '.      , . .     , 

make  tljejr  timber  of  aty   vaiue^    and   do  i.ot 
J  live  oboye  fifteen  or  twenty^ears,      *^^^  ' 

}Vhu  Cm-dr  (ihuja  pccidentalis.)  Tliis  ?ree 
is  common  only  in  the  north  west  corner  of 
the  Island,  where  it  occupies  a  coirslderabie 
district,,  it  is  a  very  different  tree  from  the  red 
cedar  of  more  southern  climates. 


.,.f,  Having  gone  through  the  catalogue  of  forest 
trees,   I  think  it  proper  to   obset ve,  that  the 

_  .timber  of  the  Island,  is  allowed  to  be  much 
better  than  the  like  species  on  the  neighbour- 
ing  parts  of  the  Continent,  being  of  a  finer, 
and  closer  grain  and  texture,  not  so  subject 
to  shakes  and  defects,  the  pines,  black  birch, 
beech,  and  maple,  are  also  larger  th  ,r.  they 
are  generally  found  on  the  adjacent  ^iu-s  df 
the  ContJ  ci.'t. 


It  is  not  in  my  poww  to  describe  with 
scientific  accuracy,  the  indigenous  shrubs  and 
vegetables  of  the  Island  ;  many  of  them  are 
only  known  to  me  by  trifling  names  which 
can  convey  no  information,  I  shall  there- 
fore only  briefly  take  notice  of  the  mOst  com- 
mon. .      w     ; 

.>  »     1*  J  ;  t .  * 

The  Black  Curtant  (riies  nigtuih)  is  very 
common  in  low  rich  moist  land,  and  in  its 
native  state,  is  very  harsh  and  '  disagreeable; 
whether  it  is  susceptible  of  improvemeiit  by 
cultivation,  I  am  not  informed,  no  trials  that 
I  am  acquainted'  with,  havitig  ever  been  made 
to  cultivate  them.       ' 


Wild  Goos'el)en*y  (ribes  grossularia)  is  klsO 
very  common  'in  the  borders  of  the  forest,  and 
is  often  found  in  the  old  French  cleared  lands, 
they  improve  very  much  by  cultivation, 
though  they  are  far  from  disagreikbleih  ttwr 
liative  state,  and  cbmin'g  i^arly,    we  have  thein 

'  "     ■'    '   '  ^  tUtH  'iUi    r-  ii'V 


for  baking,  for  which  they  are    very  good, 
before  any  other  fruit. 

The  Whortle  Berry,  or  Blue  Berry  ('vac- 
cinium  eorymbosum)  grows  in  great  abundance 
in  many  districts,  and  is  very  good,  a  gallon 
of  spirits  resembling  gin  in  flavour,  has  been 
distilled  from  a  bushel  of  them,  in  some  dis- 
tricts they  are  in  such  plenty,  as  to  furnish 
the  swine  with  their  chief  food  for  several 

The  Cranberry  (mccinium  qjn^coccos)  grows 
on  a  small  low  creeping  vine  close  to  the  ground, 
in  the  edge  of  marshes  adjoining 'the  upland, 
and  in  low,  wet,  poor,  sandy  land ;  the  berries 
hang  on  very  slender  stalks,  at  first  they  arc 
white  but  turn  red  as  they  ripen,  and  when  full 
grown,  are  nearly  the  size  of  a  common  cherry, 
they  remain  without  injury  on  the  vines  a|l 
winter,  though  they  lose  somewhat  of  their  acid  ; 
They  are  much  sought  for  cxportaUon,  as  they 


keep  a  long  time ;  as  a  sauce  for  the  table  they 
are  generally  preferred  to  any  other  acid  fruit. 
There  is  another  species  of  cranberry  not  so 
large,  nor  so  pleasant  a  fruit,  but  growing  in 
clusters  on  a  very  pretty  looking  shrub,  it  is 
very  ornamental,  the  fruit  remaining  on  long 
after  the  leaves  are  fallen,  in  large  bunches  of 
a  bright  scarlet  colour. 

The  Raspberry  (rubut  idaus)  is  found  in  tlicf 
greatest  plenty,  M^herever  the  forest  is  destroyed 
by  fire,  or  the  timber  cut  down,  and  the  land 
left  uncultivated,  the  first  thing  it  produces 
is  the  raspberry,  which  soon  covers  the  whole 
surface  of  such  places,  the  fruit  is  equal  to 
any  I  ever  saw  in  England,  though  growino- 
wild,  I  never  saw  the  white  species  produced 
but  in  one  spot  of  small  extent,  at  first  I  was 
inclined  to  think  they  had  been  imported,  but 
upon  enquiry,  I  was  convinced  they  were  like 
the  red,  the  indigenous  production  of  the  soil, 
though  they  ai.^reired  to  be  as  fine  flavoured, 
and   large  as  any  I  ever  saw. 


The    running  Brambleberry   (rubus  moluc- 
emus)    are    sometimes  fn,ir  '    '      cold  moist' 
sftnations,    but    are    not  very  common,     nor 
any  where  in  great  plenty. 

The  Strawberry    (fragana  vtica)    is  very 
common  in  lands  that  have  been  long  cleared, 
without  being  cultivated,  and  are  also  found 
in  open   spots  in  the    fore' t,   they  are  all  of 
the  scarlet  kind,  and   though  small,   are   well 
flavoured,   and  in  some  situations,  grow  large 
and   in  great  plenty  ;  it  has  been  remarked,^ 
that  wherever  the  strawberry  grows  before  the 
soil   is    cultivated,   it  after  vards    throws  up 
white  clover       gre.;.  abunc.ance. 

ThcHaJeNuc   {cort/lus  a. cflana.)  is  com. 
mon  in  many  parts  of  the  Island 

The  Baybeiry  (mj/rica  er  a)  is  a  small 
shrub,  seldom  lising  above  two  feet  and  a  haT, 
it  yields  a  strong  aromatic  perfume,  and  froni 
the  fruit  which  clings  together  in  little  green 


clusters,  a  fine  green  wax  is  extracted  by  boil' 
ing  which  makes  excellent  candles. 

The  Ginseng  (panax  trifolinum)  is  found  in 
great  plenty  in  the  forest,  wh^'re  the  timber 
IS  large,  and  the  soil  good,  no  attempt  that 
I  know  of,  has  ever  been  made  to  ascerlaia 
its  value. 

D  -arf  Flder  ( 
mon  in  nch  deep  soil. 

)  is  very  com- 

The  Maic  Hair  (adianthus  pedatuus)  is 
very  common  m  the  woods  among  evergreens. 

The  Sarsaparilla  (af-alia)  is  found  in  great 
abundance,  and  from  the  warm  nature  of  the 
soil  is  said  to  be  much  better  than  any  to  be 
found  on  the  Continent,  within  five  degrees 
of  the  same  latitude. 

Pigeon  Berries  (  )  grow 

in    ttle  clusters  on  a  sn.all  plant,   are   of  a 



bright  «carl  t.  and  in  some  districts  are  in 
great  plenty,  they  have  a  mawkish  sweet  taste, 
and  fatten  common  fowls  very  fast. 

The  Night  Shade  (s^lanum  nigrum)  is  much 
too  common,  and  has  the  same  poisonous  ef- 
fccts  here  as  in  England. 

Besides  tliese,   there   are    several    kinds   of 
wild  fruit.  n,any    slirubs,   and    a    variety  of 
plants  that  are  not  distinguished  by  any   but 
trifling  names,  some  of  which,  arc  mucli  better 
known  to  the  Indians,  who  frequently  cure  their 
disorders    by    means  of  herbs,    without    the 
assistance  of  any  medical  person. 



WE  have  no  animals  on  this  Island  but  what 
are  met  with  on  the  neighbouring  continent, 
and  never  having  been  accurately  examined  or 
properly  classed,  neither  a  perfect  catalogue  nor 
a  complete  description  of  such  as  we  are  enabled 
to  notice  can  be  given ;  some  of  the  names,  I 
imagine,  are  adopted  from  the  resemblance  of 
the  animal  to  those  of  a  different  climate,  and 
are  sometimes  so  erroneously  applied,  that  it  is 
to  be  apprehended  they  may  often  mislead. 

The  following  catalogue,  arranged  in  the 
order  of  Linnaeus,  is  intended  to  give  an  idea 
of  this  branch  of  our  natural  history. 

Seal  (phoca  vitulina).  This  animal  .s  very 


common,  and  is  to  be  seen  in  all  our  rivers  and 
harbours;  it  is  hardly  possible  to  cross  either 
without  seeing  them  ;  upon  the  setting  in  of  the 
winter,  when  by  the  general  freezing  of  the 
creeks  and   rivers,    tliey    are  obliged    to  quit 
them,  they  assemble  in  great  numbers  on  par- 
ticular parts  of  the  coast,  where  they  know  by 
experience  that  the  surface  will  continue  long 
open;  they  often  quit  the  water  at  this  period, 
and  lay  in  great  nunibers  carelessly  sleeping  on 
the  ice  :  from  this  habit  a  curious  circumstance 
happened  a  few  years  ago  :  on  the  setting  in  of 
the  winter  1797,  a  great  number  of  seals  had 
assembled  in  a  part  of  Hiilsburgh  Bay,  where 
the  strength  and  rapidity  of  the  tide  had  pre- 
vented the  surface  from  freezing,  though  all  the 
rest  of  the  bay,  the  harbours  and  creeks  which 
run  into  it  were    completely  frozen,    and  as 
«^ial  great  number  of  them  were  laying  on  the 
^ce,  wlxen  the  severity  of  the  frost  increased  so 
rapidly,    that  the   whole  of  this    opening,  on 
which  they  depended  for  a  communication  with 
tir -ea.  was  frozen  up  so  strongly  in  a  few  hours^ 


tliatwhen  they  observed  their  situation  they  could 
not  penetrate  the  ice,  and  as  there  was  no  open 
water  in  sight  of  them,  instead  of  going  seawawl 
on  the  ice,  they  took  to  the  land,  and  attempted 
to  cross  the  Island  to  get  into  the  gulph  at  the 
north  side  thereof,  but  this  was  an  exertion 
for  Avhicli  tliey  were  totally  unquahfied,  and 
few  of  them  got  above  two  miles  into  the  woods 
before  they  were  completely  exhausted,  in  this 
state  they  were  discovered  by  some  of  the 
neighbouring  settlers,  and  several  hundred  of 
them  killed,  proving  a  valuable  booty,  as  many 
of  them  were  vfry  large. 

■  .-v.  . 

Besides  the  seals  v/hich  constantly  frequent 
the  waters  of  the  Island,  there  is  a  larger  kind 
brought  on  the  coast  annually  in  the  month  of 
April  by  the  floating  ice  from  the  northward, 
which  are  often  in  great  numbers,  and  the 
taking  them  is  constantly  attended  to,  and  is 
frequently  very  productive  to  those  who  follow 
the  business,  the  oil  is  generally  carried  to  Halifax 
or  Quebec,  where  it  sells  from  twenty-five  to 


thirty-twa  pounds   per    ton ;    the  method  of 
taking  the  seals  is  by  following  the  ice  with 
schooners,  tlie  success  depends  on  the  quantity 
of  northern  ice  that  may  be  brought  by  the 
wind  on  the  coast;  sometimes  vast  quantities 
come,   other  years  Uttle  or  none,  wlien  the 
fishermen  meet  with  the  ice  they  either  fasten 
their  vessels  to  it,  or  if  from  appearance  they 
judge  that  to  be  unsafe,  leaving  part  of  their 
crew  on  board  to  manage  the  vessel,  the  rest 
go  upon  the  ice,    where   they  find  the  seals 
asleep,  frequently   many    hundreds   together, 
and  being  an  unwieldy  heavy  animal,  which 
can  only  move  very  slowly  out  of  the  water, 
they  are  easily  killed,  a  great  many  are  shot, 
some  are  speared,  others  are  killed  by  the  stroke 
of  a  heavy  stick  on  their  ijoses,  in  these  ways 
they  frequently  in  two  or  three  days  get  as  many 
seals  as  their  vessels  will  carry  ;  sometimes    the 
number  taken  is  very  trifling,  either  from  there 
being  little  ice  on  the  coast,    or  the  weather 
being  so  bad  as  not  to  permit  the  vessels  going 
among  the  ice ;  it  is  a  precarious  business,  and 


attended  with  a  considetable  risk  of  the  livei 
employed  in  it. 

Red  Fox  (cams  dlopex).    We  have  also  the 
grey  and  the  black  fox ;  the  numbpr  of  foxes 
taken  on  the  Island  is  very  considerable ;  some 
years  ago  before  bear  skins  were  so  much  used 
in  England  they  bore  a  much  higher  price,  and 
were  more  in  demand  than  at  present ;  foxes  do 
no  farther    injury  than  killing  a  few  fowls, 
they  never  attack  sheep ;  they  are  commonly 
taken  in  steel  traps,   sometimes  they  are  in- 
veigled to  a  particular  spot  in  the  night  by  a 
bait  placed  for  them,  here  a  person  is  con- 
cealed with  a  gun,   at  such  a  distance  as  to 
make  sure  of  them ;  in  this  way  five  or  six 
have  been  killed  by  one  person  in  the  course  of 
a  few  hours. 

Wild  Cat  (feliv  lynx)  called  by  the  French 
Loup  Cerrier,  this  is  a  large  animal  standing 
about  two  feet  and  a  half  higii,  the  head  and 
body  of  a  full  grown  one,   will  be  about  three 



w    .     ^    \ 
I     '*(I  "I 

■j"      '  t      I 




feet  in  length,  the  head  is  the  only  part  of  it 
that  resembles  a  cat,   the  tail  is  only  about  an 
inch  and  a  half  in  length;  the  colour  a  light 
grey,  the  feet  are  very  large,  spreading  much 
to  enable  it  to  run  on   the  snow,  it  is  armed 
with  strong  claws  and  looks  more  formidable 
than  it  really  is;  it  lives  upon  hares  and  par- 
tridges  which  it  takes  by  surprize;  they  are  some- 
times seen  crossing  the  rivers  on  the  ice  in 
winter  ;   when  punned  in  that  situation  by 
dogs  it    sits  down   quietly,   until  the    dogs 
come  up,  when  it  seejns  much  surprised  at  their 
hostility,  and  in  return  generally  knocks  the 
first  dog  down  with  a  stroke  of  its  fore  paw 
and  then  runs  off,  if  it  has  above  half  a  mile  to 
run  before  it  reaches  the  woods,  the  dogs  will  ge- 
nerally  come  up  with  it,    when  it  is  easily 
Jellied  even  by  a  single  dog,  if  it  escapes  the 
dogs  until  it  gets  into  the  woods,  it  immediately 
runs  up  a  tree,  when  it  is  a  certain  mark  with  a 
gun,  very  few  of  them  have  been  known  to 
attack  sheep  or  Iambs ;  they  are  chiefly  caught 
m  the  winter  in  snares   and   steel   traps ;  tlie 

skin  is  sold  at  from  ten  to  fifteen  shillings ;  the 
flesh  is  as  white  as  veal,  and  has  been  frequently 
eaten  by  epicures  and  much  relished. 

Otter  Cmustek  h'Jra.)  These  have  been 
very  plenty  in  the  Island,  and  are  still  caught 
in  considerable  numbers,  some  of  the  skins  sell 
as  high  35  six  dollars. 

Martin  (mustela.)  This  is  a  very  shy  little 
animal  and  is  seldom  seen  in  the  woods,  though 
some  years  in  great  abundance,  it  is  taken  In 
the  winter  by  means  of  a  small  log-trap  baited ; 
its  fur  has  been  out  of  fashion  for  mutfs  and 
.  tippets  for  some  years,  which  has  rendered  k" 
less  valuable  than  formerly. 

"^^^^tl  (mustela  martes.)  This  little  animal 
is  common,  and  often  destructive  among 

Ermine    (mustela  ermhue.)    This  beautiful 
iittle  animal  is  red  like  a  fox  in  summer  and 



'■  •'}  i 


white  in  winter;  it  is  distinguished  fom^the 
common  weasel  by  the  tip  of  its  tail  which  is 
always  black  ;  it  is  not  common  but  is  some- 
times seen  in  making  roads,  when  it  is  necessary 
to  cut  and  remove  many  fallen  trees,  in  the  bodies 
of  which  it  makes  its  nest. 

Bear  (ursus  arctos.)  The  Bear  known  here 
is  the  black  species,  though  they  arc  distin- 
guished by  their  muzzles,  some  having  them 
red,  others  white,  the  latter  are  said  not  to 
do  any  mischief,  living  upon  berries,  ants, 
small  fish  which  they  catch  in  the  creeks,  and  a 
large  insect,  which  they  obtain  by  tearing  the 
old  wind-fallen  trees  to  pieces  ;  the  former  are 
sometimes  very  destructive  among  the  cattle, 
and  will  attack  the  largest  ox  or  cow :  the 
quantity  of  black  cattle,  sheep,  and  hogs, 
destroyed  by  them  annually  on  the  Island  is 
very  considerable,  but  like  other  evils  which 
settlements  in  new  countries  ^'•c  subject  to,  it 
will  lessen  rapidly,  and  in  less  than  half  a 
century,    I  have  no  doubt  but  the  bears  will  be 


entirely  extirpated.      When  we  coinpare  the 
fiiischief  done  by  them,   to  the  ravages  of  the 
^volf,    in  the   new  settlements  on  the  Conti- 
nent,   it  is  trifling  indeed.     The  bear,   unless 
surprised  and  closely  attacked,  almost  always 
runs  away  from  a  man,  and  except  it  be  the 
she  bear  with  her  young  cubs,  is  very  seldom 
dangerous;    in    upwards    of  twenty  years  re- 
sidence on  the  Island,    I  do  not  know  a  single 
instance  of  any  persons  losing  their  lives  by  a 

Ground  Mouse  (sore^v  murinus.)    This  is  the 
lUtle  animal  whose  ravages  have  been  so  much 
spoken   of  and  exaggerated    to  almost  every 
person  who  has  ever  heard  any  thing  of  the 
Island,  being  often  represented  by  those  ^hb 
are  disposed  from  interest  or  otherwise,  to  de- 
preciate the  value  of  it,   as  attacking  us  pe- 
riodically;    and   destroying  every  kind  of  ve- 
getable production,    than  which  nothing  can 
be  more  groundless,   or  unfounded.    In  thirty 
years  I  have  been  acquainted  with  the  Island 

F  12 



'"■  ».l 


and  upwards  of  twenty  years  actual  residence 
there,  I  have  never  known  mice  do  any  injury 
to  the  crops,  two  or  three  years  only  excepted 
and  then  partially,  and  by  no  means  general 
through  the  Island.  Yet  I  am  sensible  it  is 
often  mentioned  in  Nova  Scotia,  as  what 
frequently  happens,  although  it  might  be  ex» 
pected,  that  the  quantity  of  grain  which  we 
send  them  annually,  ought  long  ago  to  have 
induced  them  to  desist  from  a  representation, 
so  palpably  erroneous  and  unjust. 

The  same    species  of   mice    are  frequently 
to  be  met  with  on  the  adjacent  parts  of  the 
Continent,   where  they  occasionally    do  con- 
siderable mischief,  in  those  particular  districts 
which  happen  to  be  in  the   neighbourhood  of 
tracts  of  beech-wood  forest.     Though  the  mice 
may  sometimes  partially  injure  the  crops,   yet 
there  are  many  years   successively   in  which 
none  are  to  be   seen  on  the  Island,    and    no 
person  who  is  well  acquainted  with  it,   is  under 
any  serious  apprehension  of  injury  from  them 


and  as  the  beach-wood  forests  are  dimi- 
nished, so  will  the  number  of  the  mice  de* 
crease.  It  being  well  kno^n  their  increase  is 
owing  to  the  great  crops  of  beech  mast,  pro- 
duced  occasionally  in  certain  districts,  as  a 
proofof  which  it  is  observable,  that  in  those 
parts  that  are  remote  from  any  quantity  of  that 
wood,  no  injury  to  the  crops  has  ever  been 
known  to  happen. 

Hare  (lepus  timidus.)  Hares  are  in  great 
plenty  all  over  the  Island,  they  are  chiefly 
taken  in  winter,  by  means  of  long  fences  or 
hedges  made  of  brush  wood,  cut  down  and 
piled  so  closely,  that  they  cannot  easily  get 
through,  and  in  every  fifteen  or  twenty  yards 
of  this  fence  a  small  opening  is  left,  in  which 
»  snare  is  placed. 

The  Musquash  (castor  zibethkus)  Guilds  a 
cabin  of  mud  and  sticks  in  fresh  water  ponds' 
he  is  not  very  shy,  being  frequently  seen 
swimming  about  the  ponds. 




The  Mink    (  j    is  an  amphiboq* 

animal,  and  burrows  in  the  earth  by  the  side 
pf  rivers.  Its  fuf  is  more  valuable  than  the 
musquash,  it  is  a  mischievous  little  animal, 
making  its  way  into  out-houses,  and  destroying 
poultry  and  cggf. 

Of  squirrels,  we  have  three  species.  The 
red  squirrels  (sciuru%  Jlavus.)  The  striped 
squirrel  (sciurus  strUtus.)  Theilying  squirrel 
(sciurui  'loir^m)  this  is  a  beautiful  lively  little 
animal,  it:,  fur  is  extremely  delicate  and  fine, 
but  it  is  nt .  jo  common  as  the  two  first  species, 
squirrels  increase  vastly  in  number  like  the 
mice,  after  an  abundant  crop  of  beech  mast, 
particularly  the  striped  squirrel. 

The  only  mamillary  biped  which  we  have  is 
the  Bat  (vespertillie  murims)  they  are  to  be 
seen  in  great  plenty  on  summer  evenings  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  houses  and  at  the  edge 
of  the  woods. 


*rhe  following  catalogue  of  birds,  though 
tiot  complete,  is  the  fullest  I  believe  that  has 
yet  been  collected, 


Bald  Eagle 
Brown  Eagle 

Large  brown  Hawk 

Hen  Hawk 

Pigeon  Hawk 

White  Owl 

Speckled  Owl 

Barn  Owl 

Bird  Hawk 


Blue  Jay 

Crow  Black  Bird 

Falco  kucocephalus. 

Falco  fulvus,  not  often 

Falco  hudsonius, 

Falco  sparverius. 

Falco  columbarius. 

Strix  myctea^ 

Strix  aluco. 

Strix  pasaerina. 

Lanius  canadensis* 

Corvus  corax 

Cforvus  cristatus. 

Gracula  quiscula. 

Great  red  crested  Wood 

Picus  piUatus 

Picut  erythrocephalus 


Red-headed  Wood 

White-back  Wood 
Pecker  Pkus  auratus 

Speckled  Wood  Pecker  Pirns  macutosus 

King's  Fisher  Alcedo  altyon. 


t  M 

















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Ii25  i  1.4 



—  150mm 







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Humming  Bird 
White-head  Coot 
Black  Durk 
Brant  Goose 
Wild  or  Black  Goose 


Trochilus  lolubrls. 
ylms  spectabili3 
Anas  nigra 
yluas  bernicla. 
Anas  canadensis. 

The  last  is  the  largest  bird  of  the  goose  kind, 
it  is  a  bird  of  passage,   and  gregarious   by  the 
mixture  of  this  with  the  common  goose  a  mon- 
grel is  produced,   which  is  a  much  finer  bird  on 
the  table  than  either  of  the  parents,  but  will  not 
breed  again.     Vast  flocks  of  geese  arrive  from 
the  southward  towards  the  end  of  March  and  be- 
ginning of  April,  they  stay  but  a  few  weeks, 
passing  on  to  the  northward  as  the  season  ad- 
vances ;  a  few  of  them,  however,   breed  in  un- 
frequented places  on  the  Island,  and  are  some- 
times  caught,  both  old  and  young,  in  the  month 
ofJuly,  when  neither  can  fly,    they  sometimes 
chuse  to  lay  their  eggs  in  the  old  deserted  nest 
of  the  bald  eagle,  on  the  top  of  a  dead  Pine  tree, 
eighty  or  ninety  feet  from  the  ground,  to  which 
they  bring  their  young  when  hatched  ;   when 


they  build  on  the  ground,  if  they  find  their  nest 
has  been  discovered  and  their  eggs  handled, 
they  will  immediately  remove  them  one  by  one, 
flying,  with  the  egg  grasped  between  their  bill 
and  neck. 

The  geese  begin  to  return  from  the  northward 
about  the  1st  of  September.    In  October  and 
November  they  are  in  great  numbers  in  all 
the  harbours,  creeks  and  rivers  on  the  Island ; 
when  they  return  they  are  at  first  very  poor, 
but  in  a  few  weeks  become  very  fat  and  fine  by 
feeding  on  the  roots  of  the  salt  grass,  which 
every  where  grows  along  the  shores,  and  which 
they  dig  up  out  of  the  sand  and  mud ;  they  are 
never  strong  nor  fishy  like  the  European  Wild 
Goose.     The  Brant  is  a  still  finer  bird,  and  are 
also  in  great  numbers,  they  do  not  leave  us  so 
soon  in  the  beginning  of  the  Summer  as  the 
geese,  staying  generally    till   about  the  tenth 
of  June,   when  they  collect  in  prodigious  large 
flocks,   and  go  all  away  in  two  days,  the  noise 
they  make  for  some  days  before  they  go  off, 


when  the  flocks  are  collecting,  may  be  heard 
for  many  miles;  they  return  about  the  same 
lime  the  geese  do,  and  stay  till  about  the  end 
of  November,  when  they  go  off  to  the  south- 
ward, but  not  with  the  formality  they  observe 
in  their  migration  northward,  they  never  breed 
on  the  Island,  nor  any  where  round  thcGulph, 
but  are  known  to  breed  in  great  numbers  on  the 
lakes  on  the  Coast  of  Labradore,  and  on  Sagany 
River,  which  runsjnto  the  River  St.  Laurence. 

Sea  Duck 



Sea  Pigeon 

Blue-winged  Teal 

Grey  Duck 

Red-bellied  Sheldrake 

Pyed  Sheldrake 




Anas  moUisiima^ 
Anas  albeola 
Anas  penelope. 
Anas  histriomca» 
Anas  discort. 
Anas  sponsa, 
Mergus  serrator* 
Mergus  castor. 
Alea  impennis. 
FeUcanus  graculus. 
Pelecanus  eassanus. 
Colymhus  immer. 


White  Gull  Larus  canuL 

Grey  Gull  Laritsfu^cut. 

Mackerel  GuH  Larus  ridibundus. 

Tee- Ait,  or  fishing  Gull  Sierna  minuta. 
Crane  Ardea  canadensis. 

Wood  Snipe  Scolopax  ftdoa, 

Grty  Curlew  Scolopa:»  tetanus. 

Luge-speckled  Cu'lew  Scolopax  lapponica. 

Beach  Bird 

Black-bre£L3ted  Plover 

Pyed  Plover 

Tringa  arenaria. 
Charadrius  hiatkula* 
Charadrius  ^ocifcrus. 
Charadrius  apricarius, 
Tetrao  marilandicus. 

The  partridge  is  very  common  in  our  woods, 
and  like  the  mice  and  squirrels,  become  very 
plentiful,  the  year  after  a  great  crop  of  beech 
mast;  they  are  considerably  larger  than  the 
English  partridge;  the  flesh  la  as  white  as 
that  of  a  pheasant,  which  it  resembles  more  on 
the  table  than  a  partridge,  when  disturbed  the 
whole  covey  fly  upon  the  nearest  tree,  where 
they  often  sit  quietly  till  they  are  all  successively 



ihot ;  in  the  months  of  April  and  May  th6y 
are  easily  found  in  the  woods,   from  the  mult 
bird  making  a  loud  noise,  by  beatinjg  with  his 
wings  on  an  old  log,  which  is  heard  at  a  great 
distance.     It  has  been  found  necessary   to  pro* 
hibit  the  kiUing  of  partridges  between  the  first 
ofApril  and  the  first  of  September,  by  an  act 
of  the  legislature;  any  person  convicted  before 
a  magistrate  of  trespassing  against   this  law, 
forfeits  the  sum  of  ten  shillings  for  every  par^' 
tridge  so  killed,  one  half  to  the  informer  or 
prosecutor,    the  other  half  to  the  treasury  of 
the  Island:  with  this  exception,  every  person 
IS  allowed  to  shoot  when  and  where  they  please, 
which  with   the  liberty  claimed  of  fishing  in 
ponds  and  rivers,  measured  into  the  different 
townships,  and  for  which  the  proprietors  pay 
quit  renr  to  the  crown,  is  complained  of  as  a 
hardship:  restraining  people  in  both  cases  to 
lands  owned  and  occupied  by  themsehes,  or 
to  those  totally  unsettled  and  neglected  would 
certainly  be  more  equitable. 


Wild  Pigeon  {columbn  migratoria.)  Wild 
Pigeons  come  in  the  spring  from  the  southward 
in  great  plenty,  and  breed  in  the  woods  during 
the  summer  months :  some  years  they  are  in 
much  greater  number  than  others,  when  the 
com  is  cut  and  in  shocks,  they  come  out  of  the 
woods  in  greater  numbers  than  could  be  wished, 
and  are  particularly  troublesome  in  fields  near 
the  wi'ods. 




Robin  {turdus  migratorius).  This  bird  cornea 
from  the  southward  in  April,  they  are  in  great 
numbers,  and  are  about  the  8i2e  of  an  English 
black -bird  ;  they  stay  till  November. 

Snow  Bird  (jsmheriza  hyemalis).  The  snow 
bird  is  about  the  size  of  a  sparrow,  .has  a  beau- 
tifully variegated  plumage;  they  are  to  be  seen 
about  the  houses  aod  barn  yards  in  winter,  ia 
small  flocks;  they  are  very  delicate,  and  said 
to  be  equal  in  flavour  to  the  European  ortalon. 

Yellow  Bird 
Winter  Sparrow 
Spring  Bird 
Cat  Bird 
Yellow  Crown 
Blue  Bird 
Common  Wren 
Blue  Titmouse 
Bank  Swallow 
Whip  Poor  Will 
Night  Hawk 


Emberiza  oryzivors. 

Fringilla  tristU. 
Fringilla  gris€a 


Muscicapa  carolinenm. 
Motacilla  sialis. 
Motacilla  Irochillus, 
Parus  americanus. 
Parus  virginianus. 
Hirundo  riparia. 
Caprimulgus  europans. 
Caprimulgus  amerieanui 

There  are  many  other  birds  whose  name.  I 
am  not  sufficiently  acquainted  with  to  enable 
me  to  include  them  in  this  catalogue. 


Pond  Froff 
Green  Frog 
Bull  Froff 
Crown  Lizard 


Rana  hufo, 
Rana  occellata. 
Rana  arboria. 
Rana  Boons. 
Lacirta  punctata. 


Brown  Snake 
Green  Snake 
Striped  Snake 


Coluber  sipedon^ 
Coluber  saurita, 
Anguis  eryx. 

None  of  these  Snakes  are  dangerous,  or  their 
bite  in  the  least  poisonous.  That  there  is  no 
dangerous  reptile  in  the  Island,  must  be  con- 
sidered as  a  very  pleasant  circumstance,  as 
people  can  traverse  the  forest  every  where,  and 
sleep  there  without  being  under  any  apprehen-. 
sion  of  injury, 

Dog  Fish  Squalus  catulus. 

Shark  Squalus  carefuirius. 

Sturgeon  Acipenser  sturio. 

Sharks  are  not  often  seen,  however,  they 
are  to  be  met  with  on  the  Coast  of  the  Island, 
but  have  veiy  seldom  been  known  to  come 
into  the  harbours.     Sturgeons  axe  very  com- 

V     ' 



nion  in  the  summer  montlis  in  all  the  harbours, 
the  Indians  are  the  only  people  who  catch 
them,  some  of  them  are  six  and  seven  feet  in 


Eel  (murana  anguilla).     Eels  are  in  great 
plenty  here,  and  in    no  other  country  finer, 
they  go  into  the  mud  in  the  winter,  many  feet 
under  the  surface  ;  they  are  found  in  greatest 
plenty  in  the  harbours  on  the  north  side  of  the 
Island,   where  they   bed  in  the  muddy  flats, 
they   are  also  knoWn  to  get   under  the  salt 
marshes  in  some  places,  and  are  particularly 
fond  of  situations  where   there  are  springs  of 
fresh  water  issuing  out  of  the  earth,  they  are 
taken  in  vinter  by  cutting  holes  in  the  ice, 
and  driving  a  spear  into  tht  mud,  these  spears 
have  five  prongs,  the  extremities  of  which  are 
all  turned  up  inwards,  ending  in  a  sharp  point, 
when  they  happen  to  strike  an  eel  in  the  mud,  it 
is  held  between  the  prongs  which  being  elastic, 
open  by  the  pressure,  and  when  pulled  up,  the 
sharp  turned-up  prongs  prevent  the  eels  escaping 


till  they  are  shook  off  the  spear  upon  the  ice, 
it   is  very    laborious  work  taking  them,    but 
they  are  well   worth   the  trouble,    being  ex- 
tremely  rich    and   fine,    a  barrel    of  eels    is 
reckoned   of    as  much  value  to  a  labouring 
family  as  one  of  salted  meat,   they  are  also 
taken  on  the  flats  in  summer  nights  by  torch 
light;   the    calm  nights  which   so  frequently 
happen  in  the  months  of  June  and  July  afford 
many  opportunities  for  this  kind   of  fishing, 
which  is  not  an  unpleasant  amusement,  various 
other  fish  such  as  skate,  flounders,   trout,  tom-  . 
cod,   bass,  and  plenty  of  lobsters  are  taken  at 
tlie  same  time,  the  whole  is  done  by  spearing, 
except  the  lobsters,  which  are  taken  by  put- 
ting a  cleft  pole  over  their  backs,  and  pressing 
it  down,    until  it  takes  sufficient  hold  of  them, 
when  they  are  lifted  into  the  boat,     by  this 
means   the  shell  is  not  in    the  least  injured. 
The  fish  seem  infatuated  by  the  light,  and^keep 
swimming  round  the  boat ;  the  torches  used, 
are  made  of  the  white  birch  bark  tycd  up  in 
a  small  bundle,    this   easily  takes  fire,  burns 



with  great  brilliancy,  and  lasts  a  considerable 
time,  the  only  apparatus  is  a  cleft  9tick  of 
seven  or  eight  feet  in  length,  which  is  stuck 
up  in  the  bow  of  the  boat  or  canoe,  in  the 
top  or  cleft  the  torches  are  stuck,  and  when 
nearly  burned  out,  are  replaced  by  a  fresh 
one.  The  Indians  are  the  most  expert  hands 
at  this  fishery,  and  their  light  bark  canoes, 
which  they  manage  with  wonderful  dexterity, 
give  them  a  great ,  advantage  over  a  person  in 
a  common  canoe  or  skiff. 


Gadus  ccglesinus. 
Gadus  morhua. 

Cod  are  perhaps  no  where  m  greater  plenty 
than  on  the  coast  of  the  Island,  all  the  principal 
fishing  ground  in  the  Gulph  of  St.  Laurence,  is 
in  sight  of  our  shores,  the  Afnericans  at  present, 
reap  the  greatest  advantage  of  the  cod  fishery 

Tom- Cod   or    Frost  Fish    (Gadus  luscus.) 



This  fish  is  in  great  abundance  in  all  our 
harbours,  in  flavour  it  much  resembles  the 
whiting  of  the  British  seas,  they  come  into 
the  creelcs  and  rivulets  to  spawn  in  vast  num- 
bers in  the  month  of  December,  wlien  they 
are  easily  taken. 


Gadus  molva 
Coitus  quadricornis. 
Pleuronectes  Hippoglossm, 

This  is  a  very  large  fish,  and  though  often 
eat  is  very  coarse,  the  fins  only  are  very 
palatable,  they  are  sometimes  got  of  300lb. 

White  Perch  Perca  lucioperca. 

Sea  Perch  Perca  undulata, 

^^^8  Perca  ocelata. 

Perch  are  very  fine  here,  and  are  found  ia 
all  our  rivers  and  ponds  that  have  a  com- 
munication with  the  sea.  Bass  are  in  great 
numbers  in  all  our  harbours,  they  are  frequently 

o   2 


got  at  the  narrow  entrance  of  the  north -side 
harbours  on  moon-light  nights,  with  a  liook 
and  line ;  the  line  and  hook  baited  with  the 
tail  of  a  lobster  is  coiled  up  and  thrown 
into  deep  water,  and  drawn  on  shore  quickly, 
in  this  way  many  arc  taken,  they  are  also 
speared  on  the  fiats  in  the  bays  and  harbours  of 
the  south  side,  where  they  are  in  great  plenty. 

Chub  H       Perca  philadelphka. 

Bream  Perca  chrysoptera 

Mackerel  Scomber  scomber. 

Mackerel  are  in  great  plenty  on  this  coast,  and 
come  into  all  our  harbours,  in  which  they  are 
caught  from  July  to  November. 

Salmon  (salmo  salar.)  Though  salmon  are 
found  in  ail  our  rivers,  they  are  not  in  such 
abundance,  as  in  the  great  fresh-water  rivers 
in  our  neighbourhood  on  the  Continent,  in 
some  of  which,  are  perhaps  the  greatest  sal- 
mon fisheries  in  the  world,  on  the  north  side 
«f  the  Island,  in  all  the  harbours   they  may  be 


seen  leaping  out  of  the  water  frequently  in 
the  months  of  June  and  July,  particularly  at 
St.  Peter's  Bay,  where,  aud  in  the  Rive*" 
Morell,  which  runs  into  it  a  great  many  arc 
taken :  they  do  not  come  into  the  Hills- 
burgh  River,  and  the  other  rivers  on  the 
south  side  of  the  Island,  until  the  latter  end 
of  September,  and  the  beginning  of  October, 
when  they  are  on  the  point  of  spawning,  and 
are  not  good.  The  old  French  people  on  the 
Island  say,  that  salmon  were  formerly  in  much 
greater  plenty  than  they  have  been  for  many 
years  past,  as  a  proof  of  which,  they  relate  that 
two  brigs  of  considerable  burthen,  used  to 
load  annually  with  salmon,  caught  in  the 
harbour  of  St.  Peters,  for  Rochelle  in  France. 

Trout  (salmo  fario)  are  found  in  all  our 
rivers,  harbours,  and  ponds,  and  having  access 
to  the  sea,  are  extremely  fine,  and  often  very 
large.  Trout  fishing  in  the  bays  on  the  north 
side  in  the  latter  end  of  May  and  beginning  of 
June,    affordr  fine  amusement  to  such  as  are 


fond  of  it,  the  method  is  to  anchor  a  boat  near 
the  edge  of  the  channel,  where  there  is  a  con- 
siderable ripple  occasioned  by  the  tide,  here  an 
angler  is  not  incommoded  with  any  thing,  and 
he  has  room  to  display  his  skill  to  the  utmost, 
and  is  sure  of  abundant  sport.  In  July  the 
trout  go  into  the  fresh  water,  and  in  some 
places  are  taken  in  great  numbers. 

Smelt  (salmo  epcrianus.)  Smelts  are  in  great 
abundance,  they  are  finest  in  winter,  and 
are  easily  taken  by  cutting  a  hole  in  the  ice, 
on  the  salt  water  close  to  the  shore,  where  the 
water  is  not  more  than  eighteen  inches  deep, 
they  bite  readily  at  a  little  bit  of  white  meat. 
In  April  they  go  into  the  fresh- water  brooks 
and  springs,  in  such  numbers  that  they  may 
be  taken  up  by  a  scoop  nett  in  bushels,  they 
are  much  larger,  and  finer  flavoured  than  any 
I  ever  saw  in  Engiand* 

Herring  (clupea  harengus.)    This  fish  fre- 
quents the  coasts,  bays,  and  harbours  of  this 


Island,  in  immense  shoals ;  in  the  latter  end 
of  April  and  beginning  of  May,  they  may 
literally  be  said  to  fill  them,  particularly  the 
north-side  harbours,  and  the  harbour  of 
George  Town ;  there  is  no  difficulty  in  taking 
them  in  any  quantity  in  which  they  can  pos- 
sibly be  wanted. 

Alewife  or  Gasperaux  (clupea  serrata,) 
This  species,  though  not  so  plentiful  as  the 
common  herring,  are  found  in  great  numbers 
in  many  parts  of  the  Island,  they  go  into  the 
fresh  water  to  spawn.  In  the  beginning  of 
June,  great  shoals  of  them  go  up  the  Hills - 
burgh  River,  towards  the  head  of  which  a  good 
many  are  taken  annually.  • 


Raid  hatis. 
Rata  ciavata. 

There  are  many  other  fishes  not  known  to 
me  by  such  names,  as  will  enable  me  to  arrange 



Crabs,  Lobsters,  and  Shrimps.-  (Cancer), 
Lobsters  are  in  the  greatest  plenty  in  all  our 
harbours  and  on  the  coast,  they  are  seldom 
sold  for  more  than  sixpence  a  dozen,  and  are 
often  very  ne.  The  crabs  are  of  no  value. 
Shrimps  are  found  on  all  the  flats  in  our  har- 
bours in  summer  and  are  large  and  fine. 


Sea  Clam 
Hog  Clam 
Razor  Shell  Fish 
Long  Shell  Clam 

Sepia  media. 

My  a  arenaria, 
Solen  etisis, 
Soliti  radiatit. 

Oyster  (ostrea).  Oysters  are  in  great  plenty 
in  all  the^  harbours  on  the  Island,  in  some 
places  beds  of  them  of  several  acres  extent 
may  be  found,  most  of  the  lime  hitherto  used 
in  the  Island  has  been  burnt  from  their  shells, 
and  it  is  commonly  the  practice  to  burn  the 
live  oysters  for  that  purpose,  putting  many 
hundred  barrels  of  them  in  a  kiln  toffecner. 

-  o 


They  are  preferred    to    any  other  American 
oysters  by  all  Europeans  who  have  eaten  thein. 

Muscle  (mytilits  edulis).  Large  beds  of 
muscles  are  found  in  most  of  our  harbours, 
which  are  never  used  for  any  other  purpose  thaa 
making  lime  of  their  shells. 

Horned  Beetle 
Lady  Fly 

Fire  Fly 


Scarabcsus  simson 
Coccinella^   several  spe* 

Lampyris  lucida. 

Grasshopper  (grillus).  Several  species  which 
are  often  injurious  to  our  grass  lands  and  pas- 
tures in  dry  summers. 


Butter  Fly 
Dragon  Fly 
Adder  Fir 

Cinex.  several  species. 
Papilio  numerous  species 

^Lihellulaf  several  species 


VespOf  several  species. 


Bumble  Bee 
Wild  Bee 

Black  Fly 
Brown  Fly 
Horse  Fly 


(Apis)  several   species 
(Formica)  many  species 
>  Numerous 


(Tabanusj6e\txBX  species 
(^ulex  Pipiens) 

Mosquitos  and  the  small  black  or  Sand 
Fly  are  very  troublesome  in  summer,  but 
they  decrease  much  as  the  country  is  cleared  ; 
they  are  worst  in  the  neighbourhood  of  salt 
marshes  or  wet  ground ;  in  open  clear  lands 
that  face  the  south  west  they  are  not  much 
felt,  except  in  calm  moist  weather. 

Upon  looking  over  this  account  of  our  na- 
tive animals,  I  found  that  the  sea-cow,  formerly 
so  plenty,  had  escaped  my  attention,  as  many 
people  think  they  will  again  become  so,  and  as 
tliey  still  exist,  though  greatly  reduced  in  num- 
ber, it  is  hoped  the  following  short  account  of 
them  may  be  satisfactory. 

Sea-cow  {trichccus  viatuitiw).  This  large  am- 
phibious animal  was  found  in  great  numbers  on 
the  north  coast  of  this  Island  thirty  years  ago, 
but  they  have  now  become  very  scarce,  and  are 
seldom  seen  on  shore.  From  I770  to  1775, 
they  were  annually  caught  in  considerable  num- 
bers near  the  north  point  of  the  Island,  at  that 
time  Governor  Patterson  assumed  the  right  of 
granting  the  sea-cow  fishery  as  it  was  called, 
(though  the  whole  business  was  carried  on  on 
dry  land^  by  an  annual  licence,  upon  which  a 
considerable  fee  was  paid,  and  sometimes  it  was 
very  profitable,  as  great  numbers  were  then 

These  animals  were  accustomed  to  resort  to 
one  or  two  particular  spots  near  the  north  cape, 
and  several  hundreds  would  sometimes  go  on 
shore  at  once ;  they  were  left  undisturbed  un- 
til the  wind  blew  oif  the  land,  when  the  people 
got  between  them  and  the  sea,  and  probed 
those  that  were  next  to  them  with  sticks,  whose 
points  were  brought  nearly  to  the  same  degree 


b  \ 




of  sharpness  as  the  large  tusks  of  these  animals, 
this  set  them  in  motion  towards  the  woods,  and 
they  probed  on  those  that  were  beibrc  them, 
and  the  whole  flock,  said  sometimes  to  exceed 
three  hundred,  were  soon  in  motion  and  pro- 
ceeded into  the  woods,  where  they  were  easily 
killed  with  long  spears.    It  sometimes  happened 
that  without  any  apparent  reason  they  would 
turn  back  towards  the  sea,  before  they  had 
got  so  far  from  it  as  to  render  the  attempt  to 
begin  the  slaughter  safe,  and  if  still  in  sight  of 
the  sea,  on  their  return  they  kept  in  a  body  to 
which    nothing   could    be  opposed  with   any 
effect;  but  when  gota  considerable  way  into  the 
woods  they  appeared  to  loose  their  sagacity,  and 
scattered  in  different  directions,  seeming  at  the 
same  time  insensible  of  danger,  though    the 
slaughter  of  their  fellows  was  going  on  close  to 
them.     I  have  been  informed  that  some  of  them 
would  weigh  four  thousand  pounds ;  their  oil 
is  said  to  be  the  purest  of  all  animal  oil,  and  the 
French  inhabitants  of  the  island  eat  it  very 
readily ;  some  parts  of  the  skins  are  an  inch  aid 


a  half  in  thickness,  and  prodigiously  strong  and 
valuable  for  making  many  useful  articles,  which, 
if  kept  dry,  are  very  durable,  even  without  tan- 
ning or  dressing  of  any  kind  :  the  large  tusks 
fyroduce  a  species  of  Ivory  closer  grained  than  the 
common  Ivory.  These  teeth  are  evidently  given 
them  by  nature  to  enable  them  to  dig  the  shell  fish 
out  of  the  bottom  of  the  sea,  on  which  they  appear 
to  live,  no  other  substance  being  ever  found  in 
their  stomachs.  They  are  not  found  on  any  other 
part  of  the  eastern  coast  of  America,  to  the 
southward  of  Hudson's  Bay,  than  in  the  Gulph 
of  St.  Laurence,  all  the  southern  part  of  which, 
is  of  a  moderate  depth  of  v/ater,  seldom  exceed- 
ing 2i  fathoms,  and  the  bottom  generally  san- 
dy, and  producing  vast  quantities  of  shell  fish. 






The  coast  both  to  the  northward  and  south* 
ward  of  the  gulph,  for  a  great  distance  is  every 
where  rocky  ground  with  deep  water,  which  is 
supposed  to  be  the  reason  that  these  animals, 
who  require  only  a  moderate  depth  of  water, 
and  a  sandy  bottom  for  producing  shell  fish, 


are  not  found  on  this  coast,  but  in  the  gulph  ; 
beside*  what  were   taken    annually    on    this 
Island  in  the  manner  above  mentioned,  great 
numbers  were  taken  on  and  about  the  Mag- 
dalen Islands  in  the  summer  months,  where 
they  resorted  much  at  that  season  of  the  year 
with  their  young,   of  which  they  are  so  fond, 
that  they  will  run  any  risk  for  their  preservation  ; 
and  though  they  were  supposed  to  have  de- 
creased much,   they  were  still  found  in  con- 
siderable numbers,  till  after  the  American  war, 
when  80  many  New  England  fishermen  poured 
into  the  gulph,  and  attacked   them  about  the 
Magdalen  Islands  in  summer,  that  in  two  or 
three  years  the  species  were  nearly  destroyed, 
few  having  been  seen  for  several  years  after, 
however  the  breed   still  exists,  and  they  are 
now  known  to  be  increasing  fast,  and  if  the 
killing  them  was  but  under  proper  regulations, 
they  might  again  become  so  numerous  as  to 
be  an  object  of  great  consequence,    but  this 
never  can  be  the  case  while  the  New  England 
fiishermen  are  allowed  to  come  into   the  gulph 
and  destroy  thcrn. 



5> ' .' 

The  climate  of  this  Island  partakes  in  an 

eminent  degree  of  the  well-known  healthful- 
ness  of  the  neighbouring  countries  of  Nova 
Scotia,  New  Brunswick  and  Canada,  to  all  of 
which  it  is  in  some  respects  superior,  being 
in ti rely  free  froni  the  fogs  by  which  the  two 
first  are  so  much  infested,  and  unincumbered 
with  lakes  of  fresh  water  which  so  often  gene- 
rate sickly  seasons  in  the  latter,  producing  in- 
termittent and  other  fevers,  happily  unknown 
here,  to  which  we  may  add  that  the  cold  is  not 
by  many  degrees  so  great  in  winter  ;  for  which 
our  insular  situation,  and  distance  from  any 
high  land  will  naturally  account ;  it  is  a  common 
expression  with  Canadians  who  occasionally 
visit  the  Island,  when  they  see  the  houses  of  our 


new  settlers,  "  Jf  we  were  not  to  use  other  pre- 
caution* against   the  winter,  we  should  be  all 
frozen  in  our  beds :"    Canadian  houses  must  be 
all  warmed  by  stoves,   here  stoves  are  by  no 
means  common,  houses  tolerably  finished  are  as 
completely  warmed  by  a  common  fire-place  as 
in  England,  not  that  we  can  compare  the  tem- 
perature of  the  two  climates  as  by  any  means 
Mmilar,   but  our  fires  have  only  a  dry  elastic 
cold  to  get  the  better  of.    English  cold  is  a 
raw  damp  obstinate  intruder.     In  Cuuada  the 
severity  of  the  winter  otherwise  healthyj  often 
produces  the  pleuresy,  which  frequently  carries 
off  the  young  and  healthy,  here  the  complaint 
id  almost  unknown. 

The  seasons  here  have  been  variously  de- 
gcribed,  often  as  has  suited  the  humour  or  views 
of  the  relator,  and  accordingly  falsehood  has  not 
been  spared  either  in  exaggeration  or  deprecia- 
tion :  if  we  ]ia  had  sanguine  individuals,  who 
overlooking  th^;-  f    ».t>va;..ages  of  a  winter,  of 


above  four   months  continuance,   and  all  the 
dilficuitics  incident  to  a  new  country  in  such  a 
climate,  have  injuied  themselves  and  deceived 
others,  the  Island   has  equally   suffered   from 
disappointed    unprincipled  adventurers,    some 
of  them  speculators  in  land,  others  on  the  pub- 
lic  offices  of  the  colony,    the  one  wild  and 
eytravagant  in   their  expectations,    the  others 
turbulent  and  flagitious  in  their  schemes.     The 
former  disappointed  bj    their  own   folly,   the 
latter   by    the  good    sense  and  spirit  of  the 
colony,  have  in   revenge  equally  contributed, 
and  often  united  their  utmost  endeavours   to 
misrepresent  and  depreciate  the  Island,   bcch  in 
respect  to  its  natural  qualities,  and  the  admini- 
stration of  its  public  affairs:  hence  the  various 
r'coirnts  in   circulation   of  the  climate,   soil, 
<• '•     circumstances    of    the     country,     than 
M'hich,     nothing    can     be    more     contradic- 

The  winter  of  this  climate,    is   the  season 
which  has  created  the  the  greatest  controversy 



among  those  who  pretend  to  describe  it,  I  shalt 
therefore  begin  with  that  season,  and  as 
far  as  my  experience  will  enable  me,  en- 
deavour to  give  my  readers  a  clear  idea  of 
its  nature  and  duration.  In  the  first  place, 
I  must  state,  that  the  changes  of  temperature 
in  our  winters,  are  much  greater,  and  more 
rapid,  than  any  thing  of  the  kind  ever  ex- 
perienced in  Great  Britain,  without  however 
producing  any  ill  effects,  that  I  have  ever  ob- 
served, on  the  general  health  of  the  inhabitants. 

The  commencement  and  duration  of  the 
winter  varies  much  in  one  year  from  another, 
the  Hillsburgh  river  opposite  Charlotte  Town, 
has  been  crossed  on  the  ice,  as  early  as  the 
first  week  in  December,  and  on  other  years  has 
been  open  as  late  as  the  20th  of  January,  and 
on  several  years  successively,  as  late  as  the  8th 
or  10th  of  that  month,  and  in  tlie  spring  w& 
have  the  same  harbour,  sometimes  not  clear  of 
ice  before  the  20th  of  April,  and  on  other  years, 
open  at  the  same  time  in  March ;    these  are 


varieties  of  such  an  extent  as  to  furnish  the 
means  of  deception  either  way,    to  those  who 
are    not  very    scrupulous,    and    accordingly 
accounts  are   to  be    met  with,   which    state 
our  winters    to    be  of  six  months    continu- 
ance,    whfle    others    will  allow  us    to  have 
little  more  than  three ;    but,    it  is  to    be  ob- 
served,  that  with  respect  to  the  temperature 
and  character  of  this  season,  nothing  can  be 
concluded  from  the  circumstance  of  its  com^ 
mencing  early,  as  experience  teaches  us,  that  a 
winter  which  is  early  in  its  commencement,  is 
often  mild  throughout,  and  on  the  other  hand, 
winters  late  of  setting  in,  are  commonly  severe 
in  proportion ;  our  hardest  winters  however, 
have  a  great  deal  of  mild  weather,  even  during 
that  part  of  the  season,    when  the  most  severe 
cold  might  be  looked  for.     The  following  cir- 
cumstances, I  think  will  be  readily  admitted 
by  all  who  know  the  country,  as  pretty  ac- 
curately describing  our  winter.    The  last  half 
of  November  and  the  first  half  of  December, 
— Q-jsii    wiUvti    wCaincj,    someiiuics    raming 

H  2 


sometimes  freezing,  sometimes  snowing  with 
gales  of  wind,  not  often  however  so  hard  as  is 
common  in  Europe  at  this  season,  but  this 
period  like  the  whole  of  our  winters,  varies 
much  in  one  year  from  another  ;  sometimes  a 
great  part  of  it  is  real  winter  weather,,  in  other 
years,  the  whole  is  quite  mild,  the  ther- 
mometer often  rising  higher  than  it  ever  does 
in  England  at  this  season,  sometimes  the  first 
part  of  this  period  is  a  little  winter,  and  the 
last  mild  autumnal  weather;  on  other  years, 
the  weather  continues  uninterruptedly  mild, 
till  the  middle  of  December,  and  then  the 
winter  sets  in  steadily  at  once ;  from  the  mid- 
dle to  the  latter  end  of  this  month,  we  gene- 
rally have  the  winter  set  in  in  earnest,  but 
in  other  years  it  is  quite  mild,  till  after  tlic 
commencement  of  the  new  year ;  for  two 
years  successively  I  have  ploughed  all  the 
last  week  of  December ;  this,  however,  is  the 
natural  time  to  look  for  our  winter,  and  in 
which  it  will  be  both  beneficial  and  agree- 
able, ,  there    cannot   be   a  pleasanter  contrast 


in  regard  to  winter  weather,   than  between  ou^ 
dry  clear  bracing  cold,  and  the  raw  moist  un- 
steady v/eather  which  sometimes  precedes  it, 
and  which  is  so  common  for  a  great  part  o# 
the  winter  in   many  countries.     I  may  here 
observe  th^t  from  our  latitude,    we  of  course 
have  the   sun  considerably  longer  above  the 
horizon  than  inEngland  at  this  season,   which 
added    to   the  general  clear  state  of  our  at- 
mosphere  gives  us  at    least  two  hours  more 
day  light  than  in  any  part  of  Great  Britain  at 
this  period  of  the  year. 

^  In  January  and  February  we  look  for  a  great 
deal  of  steady  cold  weather,   yet  it  often  hap- 
pens,  that  after  fifteen  or  twenty  days  severe 
frost,    the  weather  changes,   and  it  becomes 
mild  for  as  long  a  time,    the  mercury  falling 
only  a  few  degrees  below  the  freezing  point, 
and  sometimes  by  the  winds  coming  to  the 
S.  W.  for  several  days  together,   the  weather 
becomes  so  wai-m  as    to  form  a  very  extra- 
ordinary contrast  to  the  surface  of  the  earth 











and  the  vaters  all  covered  with  ice  ;  and 
though  we  generally  have  the  deepest  snows  in 
these  months,  yet  in  some  years  we  have  much 
bare  ground  at  this  time,  which  is  by  no 
means  desirable,  as  it  interferes  with  our  win- 
ter employments,  by  preventing  the  use  of 
sledges  on  the  roads  from  the  want  of  snow 
for  them  to  run  on,  whereby  the  getting  of 
timber  and  fire  wood  out  of  the  wpods,  and 
hay  from  the  marshes  is  much  impeded  ;  the 
want  of  snow  at  this  period  is  also  injurious 
to  our  grass  lands,  by  exposing  them  too  much 
to  the  severity  of  the  frost  when  it  happens 
that  after  a  thaw  or  a  tract  of  mild  weather 
the  cold  again  becomes  severe  before  any  snow 
falls  to  cover  and  protect  the  surface. 

Though  the  weather  is  never  so  severe  in 
March  as  frequently  happens  in  the  two  pre- 
ceding months,  a  great  part  of  it  is  some- 
times boisterous  and  cold,  and  that  most  fre- 
quently happens  when  the  preceding  part  of 
the  winter  has  been  rem.arkably   mild,  but  in 

what  is  called  a  natural  winter  this  month> 
produces  very  pleasant  weather,  the  days  are 
now  long,  the  sky  in  general  very  clear,  and 
in  the  middle  of  the  day  the  heat  of  the  sun 
very  considerable,  dissolving  the  snow  and  ice 
rapidly  ;  it  is  generally  in  this  month  that 
most  of  our  timber  is  brought  out  of  the 
forest,  and  also  a  stock  of  fire  wood  laid 
in  for  the  remainder  of  the  year.  About 
the  middle  of  the  month  the  sap  begins 
to  rise  in  the  trees,  and  towards  the  latter  end 
of  it  the  business  of  making  maple  sugar  com- 
mences. The  mouths  of  the  harbour's,  channels 
when  the  tides  are  rapid,  the  heads  of  the 
livers  and  creeks  which  have  been  frozen 
during  the  preceding  months  now  open ;  and 
aquatic  birds  begin  to  return  from  the  south- 

In  this  and  the  two  preceding  months,  a 
freezing  rain,  or  as  it  is  commonly  called,  a 
silver  thaw,  sometimes  happens  on  these  oc- 
casions, the  trees  are  frequently  so  incrusted 


with  ice,  tliat  many  of  tlie  smaller  branches 
break  with   its  weight,    as    the  smallest   twig 
will      retimes  have  an  inch  of  ice  round  it, 
this  state    of    the    weather    generally     takes 
place  in  the  night,   and  continues  but  a  few 
hours.     If  the  sun  happens  to  shine  while  the 
trees  are  in  this  state,    nothing  can    exceed 
the  splendor  of  the  forest,  every  branch  seems 
enclosed    in    diamonds,  and  reflects  the  rays 
of  the  sun  with  the  utmost   brilliancy ;    it  is 
impossible  to  describe  the  effects  of  the  scene 
that  this    state  of  tiie  weather    occasionally 

The  month  ofAprilis   often  more  varip.ble 
and  unsteady  than  its  predecessors,  frequently 
exhibiting  summer  and   winter  alternately  in 
the  course  of  a  week  ;  when  the  wind  is  to  the 
soutliward   or  S.  W.   we  have  always  genuine 
mild  spring,   sometimes  indeed  very  warm  for 
many  days  together,  exhibiting  a  most  tanta- 
lizing contrast  to  the  surrounding  objects,  and 
when   lye  are  expecting  that  a  few  days  iijofe 


will  secure  us  against    the  return   of  winter, 
perhaps  the  wind  suddenly  chops  round  to  the 
northward,    and    it  becomes    as    unnaturally 
cold,   with   considerable    falls   of  snow,     but 
which  seldom  lays  on  the  ground  above  a  day 
or  two  ;  sometimes  there  is  much  easterly  wind 
in  this  month,  which  on  this  coast  is  always 
damp    and  disagreeable,   and  often   attended 
with  rain  :  in  other  years,    the  first  part  of  the 
month  will  be  cold,  aiid  all  the  rest  fine  steady 
spring  weather,  the  snow  disappearing  rapidly, 
and  the  ground  getting  dry  very  soon,  plough- 
ing often  commences  about  the  middle  of  the 
month,     and    in    warm    sheltered    situations, 
there  is  a  considerable  degree  of  vegetation 
towards  the  latter  part  of  it.    In  some  years 
the  spring  is  so  forward  as  to  enable  the  far- 
mers to    commit  a  good  deal  of  seed  to  the 
ground  before  the  end  of  the  month. 

The  month  of  May  is  subject  to  easterly 
winds,  which  are  always  damp,*  chilly, 
and  disagreeable,  and  we  have  still  occasion- 




ally  Might  f.osts  after  a  N.  W.  wind,  but 
Mhen  the  wind  is  to  the  S.  W.  the  weatlier  is 
very  fine,  and  vegetation  advances  rapidly; 
hy  the  20th  the  fields  will  generally  be  green, 
and  towards  the  latter  end  of  the  month 
the  trees  commonly  get  into  leaf :  from  the 
middle  of  the  month,  the  weather  sets  in 
dry,  little  rain  falling  from  this  time,  till 
towards  the  end  of  July  :  rains,  with  a  wind 
from  the  eastward  in  this  month,  are  cold  and 
injurious  to  vegetation;  when  they  happen 
with  the  wind  from  the  westward,  they  are 
highly  beneficial. 

In  June  the  face  of  the  country,  assumes 
ihe  most  vivid  appearance,  and  the  air  is 
Jijost  delightfully  perfumed  by  the  blossoms  of 
the  trees,  and  the  flowers  of  various  aromatic 
.^lirubs  and  herbs,  the  atmosphere  is  so  loaded 
with  the  farina  of  the  trees,  that  great  quan- 
tities of  it  which  fall  on  the  water  is  driven 
asliore  by  the  winds,  and  collects  at  high 
•-'U-.i   nuiK,    In  liie  rorm  or  a  Deautitul  yellow 


powder  :  from  tlie  middle  of  the  month,  the 
S.  W.  wind  sets  in  steadily,  and  the  weather 
then  becomes  nearly  as  warm  as  in  the  two 
succeeding  months  :  it  generally  blows  a  fresh 
breeze  during  the  day,  but  at  sun-set  the 
wind  dyes  away,  and  the  nights  continue  calm. 
In  a  forward  season,  a  few  of  our  wild 
strawberries  will  be  found  ripe  on  a  southern 
aspect  about  the  end  of  the  month  ;  and  I 
have  more  than  once  seen  gieej;i  pease  at  the 
same  time. 

In  July  the  weather  is  very  fine  and  steadily 
warm,  the  thermometer  standing  generally  be- 
tween seventy  and  eighty,  sometimes  it  rises  as 
high  as  eighty-six,  the  wind  blows  almost  con- 
stantly at  south-west  a  fresh  breeze,  and  coming 
immediately  off -the  water  serves  to  temper  the 
heat ;  when  the  wind  fails  in  the  evening  and 
the  night  continues  calm,  the  heat  is  at  this 
time  more  disagreeable  during  the  night  than 
in  the  day,  the  weather  often  continues  dry 
tiiFougb  the  greater  part  of  the  month,  but  we 


are  generally  relieved  from  any  drought  by 
heavy  showers,  though  of  very  short  duration, 
which  accompany  thunderstorms ;  these  storms 
very  seldom  do  any  mischief,  they  are  always 
over  in  two  or  three  hours,  and  the  weather 
immediately  becomes  clear  and  steady.     From 
the  middle  of  this  month  most  of  the  vegetables 
common  in   England  at  this  season   will  be 
found  in  great  abundance  in    our    gardens. 
About  the  20th  hay-harvest  generally  com- 
mences, and  by  the  end  of  the  month  early 
3own  barleys  will  often  be  fit  to  cut. 

In  August  the  heat  generally  continues  the 
same  as  last  month,  but  commonly  more  rain 
falls;  heavy  dews  are  frequent  when  the 
weather  is  dry,  which  are  very  beneficial ;  by 
the  middle  of  the  month  the  harvest  is  pretty 
general  over  the  Island, 

The  first  part  of  the  month  of  September  the 
weather  in  general  is  nearly  as  warm  as  in 
August,  but  about  the  equinox  the  winds  be^ 


come  more  variable,  being  sometimes  to  the 
northward  of  weat,  which  soon  cools  the  air 
and  also  veering  to  the  eastward  with  rain,  high 
winds  are  common  for  some  days  after  the 
eqi/mox,  and  after  the  middle  of  the  month 
frosts  are  frequent  about  the  heads  of  creeki^ 
rivulets,  and  low  springy  lands:  upon  the 
whole  the  weather  is  now  more  like  the  weather 
in  England  at  the  same  season  than  any  other 
part  of  the  year. 

October  though  sometimes  wet  is  often  the 
pleasantest  month  in  the  year ;  the  heats  are 
gone  and  the  weather  generally  fine ;  the  gales 
of  wind  which  happen  about  the  equinox,  and 
the  frosty  evenings  and  mornings  which  arc 
common,  seem  to  purify  the  atmosphei^  and 
the  air  is  remarkably  pure,  elastic,  and  exhi- 
larating. The  same  kind  of  weather  often  con- 
tinues through  the  first  fortnight  of  November; 
sometimes  it  is  so  mild  that  the  native  straw- 
berries come  into  blossom  on  southern  aspects, 
as  Uixuriantly  as  in  the  month  of  Mav:  on 






i-lr   ' 


other  years  it  is  wet  and  variable,  witli  frost 
and  showers  of  snow,  but  which  does  not  yet 
lie  on  the  ground  more  than  a  few  hours.  The 
leaves  fall  off  the  trees  during  the  last  part  of 
October  and  the  beginning  of  November. 

I  have  aheady  observed  that  we  are  in  a  great 
degree  free  of  fogs,  which  will  appear  the  more 
surprising  as  we  are  in  the  vicinity  of  countries 
known    to  be  extremely  subject  to  them,  so 
near  indeed,  that  many  people  may  be  inclined 
to  doubt   the  possibility  of  our  being  so  per- 
fectly free  from  them  as  I  have   asserted,  to 
such  I  can  with  great  truth  aver  that  I  have  seen 
two  years  successively  pass  without  producing 
one  foggy  hour,  and  I  am  confident  I  have  seen 
more  fog  in  one  month  of  November  in  London, 
than  I  witnessed  in  all  the  time  I  have  passed 
in  this  Island ;    I  have  heard  many  attempts  to 
account  for  an  exemption  so  singular,  but  none 
of  them  perfectly  satisfactory.     Some  account 
for  it  from  the  high  land  of  the  Island  of  Cape 
Breton  lying  between  us   and    the  Banks   of 


Newfoundland  and  tliose  on  the  eastern  coast 
of  Nova  Scotia,  which  are  tlie  great  scene*  of 
fog,  and  from  which  it  spreads  over  all  the  sea 
coast  of  that  country,  New   Brunswick   an(J 
the  coast  of  New  England,    particularly   the 
first,  where  it  prevails  much  in  all  the  summer 
months;    if  the  intervention  of  the   Island   of 
Cape  Breton  between  us  and  the  Banks   is   the 
only  reason  of  our  enjoying   a  clear   sky  and 
dry  armosphere  while  the  contrary  prevails   so 
near,   it  seems  difficult  to  account  for  a  circum- 
stance that  is  constantly  observed.     By  looking 
at  the  cliart  of  this  coast   it  will  be  observed 
that  the  Gut  of  Canso  divides  the    Island  of 
Cape  Breton  from  the  peninsula  of  Nova  Scotia, 
the  eastern  end    of  this   strait   terminates    in 
Chedabuctou  Bay  on  the  coast  of  Nova  Scotia, 
it  is  often  observed  in  the  montlis  of  June  and 
July  that  this  Bay  and  all  the  land  around  it  is 
frequently  enveloped  in  fog  for  eight  and  ten 
days  together,  and  that  the  fog  seldom  comes 
entirely  through  the  Gut,  which  is  only  twenty 
one  miles  in  length,  for  several  days  together 

'1  'f 


it  will  not  come  above  two  or  three  miles  into 
it,    and  sometimes  not  at  all,    when   it  does 
come  through  the  Gut  it  seldom  lasts  above 
a  few  hours.  It  is  also  observed  that  the  mouth 
of  the  River  St.  Laurence,  and  the  coast  from 
Cape  Rosier  to  the  Bay  of  Chaleur,  though 
not  so  much  subject  to  fogs  as   the  coast  of 
Nova  Scotia,  has  a  good  deal  of  foggy  weather 
in  the  spring  and  the  first  part  of  the  summer, 
yet  the  wind  blowing  directly   from   thence 
over  the  Gulph,  does  not  bring  the  fog  to  this 
Island.     It  has  been  often  said  that  we  are  to 
attribute  our  freedom  from  fogs  to  the  nature 
of  our  soil,  which  is  warm  and  dry.  and  also 
to  the  small  depth  of  water  in  all  the  southern 
part  of   the    Gulph,    which  seldom   exceeds 
twenty  five  fathoms.     It  is  probable  that  an 
attentive  consideration  an4  comparison  of  the 
circumstances  by  which  we  are  favoured  with 
so  fortunate  an  exemption  may  hereafter  enable 
Naturalists  to  account  in  a  more  satisfactoiy 
manner  than  has  yet  been  done,   for  tiicse  fogs 
which  are  so  injurious  to  some  of  the  neigh- 


boudng  countries  :  intailing  on  them  ttie  utt 
pleasant  prospect  of  continuing  for  ever,  sub- 
ject to  the  necessity  of  relying  on  the  im- 
portation of  bread-corn  for  their  daily  con- 

The  north  east  winds  are  always  attended 
with  rain  from  May  till  the  middle  of  No- 
vember, after  that  they  generally  bring  snow, 
all  our  heaviest  falls  of  snow  come  with  them. 
After  a  fall  of  snow  if  it  comes  to  blow  fresh 
before  the  surface  hardens,    the   snow   drifts 
much  on  the  cleared  lands,  and  on  the  ice, 
which  makes   travelling  difficult  till  the  wind 
subsides,  it  also  fills  up  the  roads,  which  must 
be  beat  again  ;  in  a  populous  neighbourhood 
that  is   soon  accomplished,  by  every  person 
turning  out  with  their  sleighs  and  teams  for 
that  purpose.     In  the  forest  the  snow  never 
drifts,  which  makes  travelling  thete  more  com- 
fortable  at  this  season. 

the  light  frosts  which  have  been  mentioned 




commence  after  the  micUlIe  of  September,  do, 
not  affect  the  high  open  lands  for  many  weeks, 
after  that  period,    being  chiefly  confined  to  the 
heads  of  creek^,  the  neighbourhood  of  springs, 
and  low  wet  land« :.   near  the  sak  water  in. 
places  open  to  the  W.  and  S.  W.  it  will  often  be 
the  latter  cad  of  October  before  the  potatoe 
tops  are  affected  by  it.      It  is  not  till  after 
the  middle  of  September,  that  afire,   evening 
and  morning,  becomes  a  desfrable  companion, 
atid  it  does  not  come  into  constant  use  till 
November.     In  April  it  is  not  steadily  attended 
to,  in  May  it  is  often  allowed  to  go.  out,  and 
early  in  June  is  generally  given  up,  excepfe 
during  a  north-east  wind.     Cattle  are  seldom 
regularly  housed  till  the  beginning  of  Deiem^her, 
and  hy  many  not  till  the  latter  end  of  that 
month,  and  some  remain  out  in  the  forest  a 
great  part  of  the  winter,  which  season  they 
frequently  survive  when  strayed,   living  lik« 
deer  by  brouzing  upon  the  young  wood. 

In  the  summer  a  white  mist  rises  in  the 


night,  upon  the  creeks  and  runs  of  fresh  water, 
which  is  always  an  indication  of  fine  weather 
for  the  ensuing  day  ;  when  these  mists  do  not 
rise  on  the  creeks  at  this  season,  rain  may  be 
expected  in  the  course  of  the  ensuing  day : 
they  do  not  spread  above  a  few  yards  be- 
yond the  water  from  which  they  originate, 
and  are  always  dissipated  before  the  sun  is  half 
an  hour  above  the  horizon. 

The  Aurora  Borealis  is  observed  at  all  sea- 
sons of  the  year,  and  is  commonly  the  fore- 
runner of  a  southerly  wind  and  rain :  this  lumi- 
nous appearance  is  sometimes  extremely  beau- 
tiful, and  in  our  pure  atmosphere  is  seen  to 
great  advantage,  it  generally  begins  in  the 
north,  runs  up  to  the  Zenith,  and  sometimes 
overspreads  the  whole  concave  with  streams 
of  light,  variegated  with  blue,  red,  and  yellow 
of  various  tints;  in  a  calm  night,  the  sound 
caused  by  its  flashings,  may  often  be  distinctly 


I  3 



Many  people  will  be  apt  to  conclude  that 
the  great   and   rapid  changes   to    which   our 
climate  is  subject,   must  have  a  bad  effect  on 
the    health  of  mankind,  yet   I  think  I  may 
venture  to  assert  that  it  will  be  very  difficult 
to  mention  another  spot  on  the  face  of  the 
earth,   where  the  inhabitants  enjoy  more  un- 
intevrupted    health.     The    fevers    and    other 
diseases  of  the  United  States  are  entirely  un- 
known here,  no  person  ever  saw  an  intermit- 
tent fevT  produced  on  the  Island,  nor  will  that 
complaint  when  brought  here,  everstandabovea 
few  days  against  the  influence  of  the  climate 
I  have  seen  thirty  Hessian  soldiers  who  brought 
this  complaint  from  the  southward,   and  who 
were  so  much  reduced  thereby,  as  to  be  carried 
mi  shore  in  blankels,  all  recover  in  a  very  short 
time ;  few  of  them  had  any  return  or  fit  of  the 
complaint,    after   the  first    forty-eight   hours 
from  their  landing  on  thclsland.     Pulmonary 
consumptions  which  are  so  common,    and  so 
very  destructive,    in    the  northern  and   cen- 
tral States  of  America,    are  not   often  met 


with  here ;  probably   ten  cases   of  this  com- 
plaint have  not  occurred  since  the  commence- 
ment   of   the  settlement.     Colds   and    rheu- 
matisms  are    the  most    common    complaints, 
the  first  generally  affects  the  head  more  than 
the  breast,  and  the  last  seldom  proves  mortal. 
A  very  large  proportion  of  people  live  to  old 
age,  and  then  die  of  no  acute  disease,  but  by 
the  gradual  decay  of  nature.     Deaths  between 
twenty  and  fifty  years  of  age,  are  few,   when 
compared  with  most  other  countiies ;    and  I 
trust  I  do    not  exaggerate  the  fact,  when  I 
state,   that  not  one  person  in  an  hundred  (all 
accidents  included )  dies  in  a  year. 

It  follows  from  what  has  been  said,  that 
mankind  must  increase  very  fast  in  such  a 
climate,  accordingly,  large  families  arc  almost 
universal,  six  or  seven  children  in  as  many 
years,  seems  to  be  the  common  rule,  and  few 
leave  off  without  doubling  that  number.  We  sel- 
dom find  a  pair  without  a  family  where  they  have 
come  together  under  such  circumstances  as  to 


give  them  a  reasonable  ground  of  hope  on  that 
subject,  and  instances  have  sometimes  occur- 
red when  •'^ople  who  had  given  up  every  idea 
of  the  kind,  by  removing  to  this  Island 
have  had  large  families.  Many  people  here 
grow  to  a  large  size,  perhaps  in  no  other 
country  will  the  proportion  of  men  of  six 
feet  high  be  found  greater  j  the  countenances 
as  well  as  stature  of  the  young  people,  whose 
families  came  from  the  highlands  of  Scotland, 
often  exhibit  a  remarkable  contrast  to  the 
hard  features,  and  low  stature  of  their  parents ; 
plenty  of  wholesome  food,  as  well  as  salubrity  of 
air,  no  doubt  contributes  to  this  difference. 
Industry  will  alM'ays  secure  a  comfortable 
existence,  which  encourages  early  marriages, 
the  women  are  grandmothers  at  forty,  and  the 
mother  and  daughter  may  frequently  be  seen 
with  each  a  child  at  the  breast  at  the  same 

.  People  determined  upon  going  to  America, 
^yili  do  well  to  compare  this,  wilh  the  lepre- 




^ntation  given  by  that  celebrated  writer  and 
traveller,   Volney:     Speaking  of   the  climate 
t)f  the  United  States,   under  his  third  general 
head,   he  says :    "  Autumnal  intermittent  fe- 
"  rers,   or  qaotidian  agues,   tertian,   quartan, 
"  &c,    constitute    another    class  of  diseases, 
that  prevail  in  the  United  States  to  a  de- 
gree,   of  which  no  idea  could  be  conceived, 
^*  They  are  particularly  endemic  in  places  re- 
**  cently  cleared,  in  valleys  on  the  border  of 
^'  waters,    either   running  or  stagnant,    near 
*'  ponds,  lakes,  mill  dams,   marshes,  &c.    In 
**  the  autumn  of  17^,  in  a  journey  of  more 
"  than  seven  hundred  miles,    I  will  venture  to 
"  say,  I  <lid  not  find  twenty  houses  perfectly 
*'  free  from  them :  the  whole  course  of  the 
**  Ohio,    a  great  part  of  Kentucky,   all  the 
^'  environs  of  Lake  Erie,  and  particularly  the 
"  Genesee  and  its  five  or  six  lakes,   the  course 
**  of  the  Mohawk,   &c.   are    annually  visited 
by  them.     Setting  off  from  Fort  Cincinnati 
on  the  8th  of  September,  with  the  coiivoy 




*'  Hi  the  Pay-nuisicr   ucndcii  or  inc  Army, 








Major  Swan,  to  go   to  Fort  Detroit,  about 
two  hundred   and   fifty    miles  distant,   we 
did  not  encamp  a  single  night  without  at 
least,   one  of  the  twenty-five  of  us  in  com- 
pany,    being  seized    with    an    intenijttent 
fever.      At    Grenville,    the  magazine  and 
head    quarters      of    the    army    that    had 
just  conquered  the    country,  of  three  hun- 
dred and  seventy,  persons,     or  thereabout, 
three   hundred    had    the  fever;    when  we 
arrived  at  Detroit,  there  were  but  three  of 
our  company  in  health,  and  the  day  follow- 
ing, both  Major  Swan  and  I  were   taken 
dangerously  ill  with  a  malignant  fever.    The 
malignantfevcr  annually  visits  the  garrison  of 
Fort  Miami,  where  it  has  already  more  than 
once  assumed  the  character  of  the  yellow 
fever.  These  autumnal  fevers  are  not  directly 
fatal,    but    they  gradually  undermine  the 
constitution,  and  very  sensibly  shorten  life. 
Other  travellers  have  observed  before  me, 
that  in  South  Carolina  for  instance,  a  per- 
son is  as  old  ^t  fifty,  ^s  in  Europe  at  sijj;ty. 







five  or  seventy ;  and  1  have  heard  all  the 
Englislnnen  with  whom  I  was  acquainted 
in  the  United  States,  say,  that  their  friends 
who  had  been  settled  a  few  years  in  the 
southern  or  central  States,  appeared  to  them 
to  have  grown  as  old  again  as  they  would 
have  done  in  England  or  Scotland.  If  these 
fevers  once  fix  on  a  person  at  the  end  of 
October,  they  will  not  quit  him  the  whole 
winter,  but  reduce  him  to  a  state  of  de- 
plorable weakness  and  langour."  Lower 
Canada  and  the  cold  countries  adjacent, 
are  scarcely  af-  all  subject  to  them.  They 
are  common  in  the  temperate  and  flat  coun- 
tries ;  and  particularly  on  the  sea  shores 
more  than  oh  the  mountains,  if 




J  View  of  the  climate  and  soU  of  the  United  State*  of  America,  tran- 
slated from  the  French  pf  C.  F.  .Vohey.  London,  priiited  for  J.  Johnson, 
9U  P{kul'«  Chofch  Yard,  1804.    Page  S85. 



Agiicultare  and  raising  cattle,   are  the  ge- 
neral pursuits    of   the    inhabitants    of    this 
Island,     before    the     commencement   of  the 
last  war  a  few  were  engaged  in  the  fishery ; 
at  the  first  settlement  of  the    colony,  therl 
was   unfortunately  too  great  a  propensity  to 
engage  in  the  cod  fishery,    to    the   neglect 
pf  cultivation  and  improvements.     At   that 
time  all  the  necessaries  of  life  consumed  by 
those  engaged  in  the  fishery,  [were  necessarily 
imported  from    other   countries,    at  an  ex- 
pence  the  profits  could  not   bear,    and    ac- 
cordingly most  of  the    adventurers   in   that 
line  failed.     In  the  first    seven    years   after 
the    commencement    of   the   settlement,   ten 
times  as  much  money  was    thrown  away  on 
fishing  projects,  as  was  expended  on  the  cul- 


tivation  and  i  nprovcment  of  the  lands ;  the 
American  war  during  its  continuance,  com- 
pletely stopped  these  schemes,  and  so  far  at 
least  was  of  some  benefit  to  the  Island,  as 
after  the  people  were  accustomed  to  agricul> 
turc,  few  of  them  had  any  desire  to  abandon 
it  for  the  fishery  :  before  any  country  can 
supply  itself  with  the  necessaries  of  life,  to  hold 
out  incentives  to  its  inhabitants,  that  must 
in  their  nature  operate  against,  the  cultivation 
and  improTcment  of  the  country,  must  surely 
be  the  highest  folly. 

Wheat,  barley,  oats,  rye,  and  pease,  are  cul- 
tivated, and  produce  good  crops,  the  wheat 
is  however  mostly  summer  wheat,  but  winter 
grain  is  also  raised,  and  by  many  preferred  to 
the  summer  wheat,  and  will  probably  become 
more  general :  both  kinds  are  heavy,  weigh- 
ing from  sixty  to  sixty-four  pounds  per  bushel ; 
the  produce  is  various,  depending  much  on 
the  industry,  skill,  and  management  of  the 
farmer,  I  will  not  say,   that  we  get  as  many 

:  ;^» 






;  Uiilffi 


i  lll^^li 

1  ijniMfjHii 







buabel,  per  acre  as  i„  E.g^nd,  b„t  j  fi,„,, 
Mirve,   ,l,at  «-ere  tl.c   cultivation  equal    th, 
average  pro.luce  per  acre,   mouI.I  „„t  fall  much 
short  of  that.     .Barley  and    oat,   both   yield 
fine  crop,,,  and  are  readily  bought  up  on  the 
Continent,     at    from   sixpence   to   .  »hillin? 
per  bushel    more  than  their  own  produce,   I 
will  venture  to    assert,    that   no    person  ac 
quainted  with  this  Island  will   contra.lict  me 
wh.n  I  say,   that  it  i,  the   first  country    i„ 
North  America  for  both  :  I  have  seen  the  best 
oats  sent  from  Mark  Lane  for  seed,  compared 
with  the  produce  of  what  had  been  sown  two 
years  on  the  Island,  which  upon  being  weighed 
turned  out  to  be  full  a,  heavy  as  the  English 
oats :    people  who  have   seen  American  oats 
upon  the  Continent,  can  say  how  contemptible 
in  comparison   to  this  they  are  generally  met 
With,    nor  do  I   think   either  barlev  or  oat, 
under  proper  care  and  management  liable  to 
depreciate  by  time,   though  no  doubt  here,  a« 
every  where  el.e,  a  judicious  change  of  seed 
will  be  found  beneBcial. 


Kye  produces  good  crops,  and  is  a  very 
weighty  grain,  particularly  the  winter  rye  ;  it 
is  a  very  sure  crop,  and  l,ardly  ever  suhject 
to  any  accident. 

Pease  tl.rive  very  welF  though  they  are  not 
so  much  cultivated  as  might  l,e  expected  • 
beans,  except  the  kinds  for  the  tabic,  are  not 
cultivated,  though  it  is  knou-n  they  do   very 


Hops  grow  remarkably  well,  and   as  f.u 
I  can  judge,  do  not  seem  liable  to  fail  so  fre- 
quently as  in  England,    though   as  vet  they 
are  only  cultivated  by  a  few   who  a.'e  beginl 
ning  to  brew  malt  liquor  for  domestic  use. 

Potatoes  are  raised  in  great  abundance,  and 
>n  no  other  country  better.  I  have  had,  three 
Imndred  bushels  an  acre  with  cultivation,  very 
short  of  what  is  generally  given  them  in 
England,  they  grow  very  well  in  the  forests 
lands,   when  first  cleared,  and  though   not  so 










m^        ^^1 







large  a  crop,  they  are  in  such  situations,  more 
delicate,  and  much  £ner  flavoured  than  any 
I  ever  saw  elsewhere.  Land  that  has  been 
manured  for  a  crop  of  potatoes,  is  next  year 
sown  with  spring  wheat,  sometimes  red  clover 
is  sown  with  the  wheat,  which  will  keep  the 
ground  two  or  three  years ;  though  no  grass 
seed  is  sown,  if  any  thing  like  common  jus- 
tice has  been  done  to  the  land,  it  will  throw 
up  an  abundant  crop  of  natural  white  clover 
of  itself  the  year  after  the  wheat,  an  advan- 
tage that  makes  people  less  solicitous  about 
red  clover,  which,  though  more  productive, 
is  not  so  much  esteemed  for  hay. 

Turnips  are  universally  raised  as  winter  food 
for  cattle  and  sheep,  though  not  to  such  an 
extent  as  might  be  expected  ;  the  seed  is  sown 
from  the  twentieth  of  July  to  the  tenth  of 
August,  and  by  the  latter  end  of  Octobei, 
they  are  a  fine  crop  though  never  hoed ;  this 
circumstance  alone  will  shew  how  little  the 
agriculture  of  the  Island  is  calculated  to  do 


jnstice  to  the  soil :  as  the  manure  made  in  the 
winter  (un^er  our  present  defective  system  of 
management)  is  expended  in  the  spring,  the  prac- 
tice is  to  cow-pen  and  fold  sheep  upon  the  laad* 
intended  for  turnips ;  the  effects  of  even  a  slight 
dressing  of  this  kind  are  very  great,   tolerably 
done  it  communicates  a  fertility,   that  is  very 
evident  for  several  years,  under  what  in  Eng- 
land would  justly  be  thought  the  most  abomi- 
nable management,   as   three  crops  of  grain, 
each  with  a  single  ploughing,  are  often  takca 
without  rest.     The  turnips  are  taken  up  m 
November,    and   are  housed  or  laid  in  heap* 
in   the  fields,    and  covered  over  with  such  a 
quantity    of  earth,    as  to  exclude  the  frost* 
of  winter,    and   afterwards  removed  into  the 
house  as  they  are  wanted,  taking  a  mild  day 
for  that  purpose.      The  Swedish  turnips  are 
found  to  answer  very  well,  even  when  sowed 
as  late  as  the  common  turnip,  and  in   situa- 
tions  where  they  are.  covered  all   winter  with    , 
snow,  stand  out  that  season  with  very  little 
loss,     and,    under  a^more  perfect  system  of 






management,  I  have  no  doubt  will  be  found 
to  afford  a  most  valuable  supjify  of  food  for 
sheep  in  the  spring,  when  it  is  of  most  con- 
sequence. '        ' 

Many  people  yaise  some  Indian  com  or 
maize,  which  generally  grows  very  well ;  it 
is  of  the  short  or  Canadian  kind,  and  though 
not  so  productlv.e  perhaps  as  in  the  United 
States,  it  is  of  a  much  richer  nature  than  tlic 
southern  corn,  which  is  .flinty  and  harsh  in 
comparison ;  it  is  certainly  a  valuable  grain, 
and  the  cultivation  of  it  for  domestic  use, 
may  be  very  proper,  but  it  can  never  come 
into  competition  with  wheat,  for  which  the 
climate  and  soil  of  the  Island  are  much  better 
suited  in  every  respect. 

'  All  kinds  of  garden  vegetables  that  are  com- 
mon in  England,  grow  here  with  very  slight 
cultivation,  but  from  the  length  of  the  winter, 
are  of  course  later  in  their  season  :  asparagus 
from  the  middle  of  May  to   the  middle  of 


June  according  to  the  age  of  the  beds,  green 
pease  are  not  in  plenty  until  the  middle  of  July, 
cabbages  and  savoys  about  the  middle  of 
August,  and  new  potatoes  about  the  same 

English  gooseberries,  blacV.  red,  and  white 
currants,  grow  remarkabh  veil,  are  large  and 
well  flavoured,  and  the  bushes  produce  in 
greater  abundance  than  I  ever  saw  any  whert 



Apples,  cherries,  and  plumbs  also  grow  weU, 
it  is  probable  that  the  winter  i,  too  severe  for 
the  finer  kinds  of  stone  fruit,    but  as  yet  no 
trials  have  been  made,   on  which  a  judgment 
can  be  formed,    A  great  many  old  apple  trees 
left  by  the  French,  are  still  alive  and  bearing 
and  though  it  might  be  seen  by  them,   whal 
the  chmate  was  capable  of  producing,  it  was 
long  after  the  commencement  of  the  settle- 
ment, before  any  attention  was  paid  to  this 
branch  of  husbandry  :  it  i,  chiefly  to  our  late 


worthy  Lieutenant-Governor  General  Fanning, 
that  wc  are  indebted  for  spreading,  by  his 
example,  a  taste  for  fruit  trees,  which,  though 
not  so  general  as  could  be  wished,  is  increasing, 
and  enough  has  been  done  to  thew,  that  per- 
fect reliance  can  be  placed  upon  our  climate, 
for  producing  abundance  of  valuable  fruit, 
when  I  state  that  some  of  our  fruit,  the  natural 
produce  of  ungrafted  trees  is  superior  to  the 
produce  of  any  trees  we  have  yet  imported  j 
fruit  gardners  will  be  able  to  judge  what  may 
be  expected  from  our  climate,  under  a  wdl' 
directed  system  of  management.  J 

Horses,  black  cattle,  sheep,  and  swine,  are 
in  great  abundance  considering  our  long  win-^ 
ters,  which  render  the  procuring  so  much  dry 
food  necessary  :  the  horses,  are  in  general 
small,  but  strong,  active,  and  hardy,  and 
being  seldom  subject  to  any  complaints,  live 
to  a  great  age  ;  it  is  a  common  thing  to  take 
them  off  the  grass,  and  ride  them  thirty  or 

t  Mr.  Beers  of  Cherry  Vallty,  is  said  to  have  alrcadj  five  huudred 
)b«aring  trees, 


forty  miles,  dming  v  I.ich  they  have  to  swim 
three    or    four   times  perhaps,    across  broad 
creeks  or  arms  of  the  sea,   and  after  perform- 
ing  such  a  journey  with  great  spirit  without 
being  once  fed  on  the  way  they  are  turned  out 
to  grass  at  the  end  of  it,   and  probably  per- 
form such  another  journey  the  next  day  equally 
well,  and  without   appearing  to  be   hurt  by 
such  hard  usage :  before  the  commencement  of 
the  late  war,  they  were  commonly  sold  for 
eight  and  ten  guineas  a  head,  but  during  His 
Royal  Highness  the  Duke  of  Kent's  residence 
at  Halifax  in  Nova  Scotia,   he  purchased  se- 
veral of  them,  and  was  pleased  to  approve  so 
much  of  them,  that  they  are  now  in  request  in 
that  country,  which  has  raised  the  price  of 
them  to  twelve  and   sixteen  guineas :  but  un. 
less  some  other  market  is  found  out,  they  must 
soon  fall  again  as  the  increase  is  much  greater 
than  the  demand  for  them.     In  some  parts  of 
the  island  they  are  allowed  to  run  out  all  win- 
ter, when  they  are  not  used,   and    maintain 
themselves  by  scraping  away  the  snow   with 
their  hoofs  till    they   come  to  the  grass,  on 


which  they  live,  and   keep  in  tolerable  order 
till  spring. 

Many  of  the   farmers  have  large  stocks  of 
rattle,   and,   indeed,  it  is  too  common  to  see 
them  keeping  more  than  they  can  winter  well, 
it  must  be  acknowledged,    however,   that  the 
want  of  an  adequate  market  is  often  the  oc- 
casion  of    this    apparent    bad   ^lanagemcnt  ; 
oxen  are  used   in  agriculture  and  for  drawing 
timber  out  of  the  woods  more    than  horses, 
and  when   the  mode  of  working  them  in  har- 
ness is    introduced,    they  will  be  found  still 
more  beneficial ;  though  the  cattle  are  in  ge- 
neral small  in  comparison  with  English  cattle  ; 
oxen  have  been  known  to  rise  to  one  thousand 
weight,    seven  and  eight  hundred  weight,    in- 
dependent of  the  hide  and  tallow  is  common 
enough.     Our  cattle  will  no  doubt  improve  in 
size,   when   the    farmers   are   more   generally 
enabled  to  keep  their  stock  in  proper  inclo- 
sures  as  owing  to  the  necessity  they  are  now 
under  of  letting  them  run  at  large,  the  heifers 


commonly  produce  calves  at  two  years  old, 
a  circumstance  which  must  evidently  hurt  the 
size   of  the  cattle.      The  quantity  of  butter 
and  cheese  made  in  the  Island    bears  but  a 
small  proportion  to  the  number  of  cattle,  from 
this  practice  of  permitting  them  to  run  in  the 
woods,     by   which  means,    it  often  happens 
that  a  great  part  of  the  milk  is  lost,  as  they 
cannot  always  be  found  to  be  regularly  milked, 
this  is  an  evil  which   time  will  gradually  over- 
come,   hy  enabling  the  settlers  lo  get  enough 
of  cleared  lands  within  their  fences,   to  main- 
tain  their  cattle,  without  being  under  the  ne- 
cessity of  allowing  them  to  roam  at  large,  as 
is  too  much   the  case  at  present.      7he  but- 
ter is  in  general  very  good,  but  there  is   very 
little  good  cheese  made  in  the  Island,  not  from 
any  natural  defect  in  the  climate  or  soil,    but 
truly  because  there  are  very  few  in  the  Island, 
that  know  how  to  make  a  cheese  properly,  the 
greatest   part  of  the  inhabitants   having  ori- 
ginally  come  from  countries  where  the  art  of 
making  cheese  is  not  understood. 



■^ffiflF  Ij 





'  The  mutton  and  lamb  are  allowed  to  be  very 
well  flavoured,  the  sheep  very  commonly  pro- 
duce two  lambs  and  are  never  subject  to  the 
rot  nor  to  any  other  disorder;  they  are  in  gene- 
ral small  seldom  rising  above  sixteen  pounds  a 
quarter,  yet  there  are  people  who  by  care  and  a 
superior  mode  of  management  raise  them  to  a 
much  larger  size.  I  have  seen  the  four  quarters 
and  kidney  fat  of  a  weather  not  quite  two  years 
old,  weigh  one  hundred  and  seventeen  pounds,  and 
the  four  quarters  and  tallow  of  a  lamb  six  months 
old  weigh  sixty-seven  pounds,  and  these  were 
the  common  breed  of  the  Island  :  that  so  many 
of  them  are  small  will  not  surprise  any  body 
when  it  is  known  that  the  ewe  lambs  are  al- 
lowed to  run  with  the  flock,  and  that  they 
generally  become  mothers  by  the  time  they 
are  a  year  old  :  The  n-ool  is  soft  and  fine  but 
short,  the  fleeces  weigh  from  three  to  six 
pounds ;  stockings  made  of  our  native  wool  are 
universally  preferred  to  any  imported,  and  the 
coarse  cloths  the  produce  of  our  domestic  ma- 
nufacture in  point  of  warmth  and  durability, 


ekceed  any  thing  of  the  same  appearance  I 
ever  saw,  though  they  are  not  properly  dressed 
or  even  dyed  of  a  good  colour.  The  proper 
management  of  sheep  has  hitherto  been  little 
understood,  the  general  practice  has  been  to 
house  them  in  the  winter  which  not  only  hurts 
the  quality  of  the  wool,  but  renders  the  animal 
delicate  and  less  healthy:  feeding  them  in 
sheltered  places  out  of  doors  has  been  lately  in- 
troduced and  is  found  to  answer  much  better : 
Though  nothing  like  the  large  flocks  of  sheep 
kept  ill  England  will  be  found  here,  the  num- 
ber of  sheep  on  the  Island  is  very  considerable, 
I  believe  greater  in  proportion  than  will  be 
found  in  any  other  part  of  America,  many 
farmers  have  ten  times  the  number  that  Mr. 
Parkinson  states  General  Washington's  flock 
at,  upon  his  celebrated  farm  at  Mount  Vernon. 

Swine  are  in  great  plenty  on  the  Island  and 
thrive  well,  particularly  the  Chinese  .breed 
which  has  been  lately  introduced  j  they  run  at 


I.  L         


large  in  summer  feeding  on  grass  and  fern  roots, 
in  the  autumn  they  go  into  tlie  woods  where 
they  feed  on  the  beech  mast,    which  in  some 
years  is  so  plentiful  as  to  make  them  completely 
fat  without  any  other  aid,  but  pork  thus  fed 
is  not  reckoned  good,  being  soft  and  oily;  the 
beech  mait  is  however  of  great  use  in  bringing 
forward  the  store  pigs  that  are  to  be  kept  over 
the  winter,  as  it  makes  them  grow  very  fast 
and  they  are  easily  wintered  after  a  good  run 
in  the  woods.     Pigs  are  seldom  kept  more  than 
two  winters  and  many  kill  them  at  a  year  and 
a  half  old,  and  where  the  winters  are  so  long, 
it  is  perhaps  the  most  profitable  practice :  when 
put  up  to  fatten  they  are  first  fed  with  boiled 
potatoes  and  finished  with  broken  barley,  oats, 
and  pease  :  for  many  years  past  pork  has  been 
sold  at,  from  three-pence  to   four-pence  per 
lb.   being  about  the  general  price  of  beef  and 

Domestic  Poultry  of  all  kinds  is  raised  in 
great  plenty  and  perfection,  and  sold  at  a  rca, 
sonable  rate. 


Cutting  down   the  woods  and  putting  the 
land  into  cultivation  is  differently  performed, 
some  cut  down  all  the  wood,  pile  and  burn  it, 
others  prefer  grubbing  up  the  smaller  trees  and 
bushes,  and  kill  all  the  large  trees  by  girdling 
them  in  the  beginning  of  the  summer,  which 
prevents  their  vegetating  the  following  year, 
this  last  is  the  easiest  method  but  as  far  as  my 
experience  goes  I  prefer  the  first,  as  the  labour 
of  removing  the  branches  and  trunks  of  the 
dead  trees  as  they  fall  is  more  tedious  and  ex- 
pensive in  the  end  than  getting  rid  of  all  the 
timber  at  once.     A  good  axe  man  will  cut 
down  an  acre  in  eight  days,  pile  all  the  brush, 
and  cut  the  trunks  into  ten  feet  lengths :   these 
must  afterwards  be  rolled  together  and  such  of 
them  as  are  not  taken  away  for  other  purposes 
burnt;  when  the  timber  is  heavy  this  part  of 
the  business  will  be  but  glowly  performed  by 
one  man  alone.   The  months  of  June  and  July 
is  the  best  time  for  clearing  land  in  this  way  as 
the  leaves  are  full  grown  and  the  stumps  of 
trees  cut  at  this  season  decay  soon  and  are  not 


1  f'm 



so  apt  to  throw  out  suckers  as  those  cut  at 
other  peuods :  tlie  leaves  will  not  drop  from  the 
timber  cut  down  now  hut  remain  on  all  wiii- 
terj  and   greatly  assist  in  burning  the  timber 
the  following  year,  which  is  generally  done  in 
May  :  if  there  has  been  a  considerable  propor- 
tion of  evergreens  mixed  with  the  other  timber 
their  tops  and  branches  will  now  be  in  such  a 
state  as  to  insure  the  burning  of  the  whole,  the 
larger  the  piles  the  better  chance  there  is  for 
getting  what  is  called  a  good  burn  ;  where  there 
has  been  few  or  no  evergreens  mixed  with  the 
timber  about  to  be  burned,  greater  attention 
will  be  required  in  heaping  the  piles  of  brush 
close  and  rolling  the  logs  together.  If  the  wea- 
ther has  been  dry  for  some  time  before  this  ope- 
ration, care  must  be  taken  to  prevent  the  fires 
running  into  the  forest  among  the    crowino- 
wood  which  it  will  often  do  at  this  time  of 
year,  and  kill  the  timber  for  many  miles  ;  many 
people  will  be  apt  to  suppose  that  this  may  be 
an  advantage  and  aid  in  clearing  the  country, 
but  that  is  by  no  means  the  case,  as  in  general 


it  only  scorches  the  trees  or  burns  tliem  s6 
little  that  by  far  the  greatest  part  of  them  is 
left  standing,  and  become  so  hard  as  to  make  it 
more  difficult  and  laborious  to  cut  them  down 
than  if  they  M'ere  still  growing ;  and  if  the  h\id 
is  good  and  not  brought  into  cultivation  j,  jon, 
a  growth  of  young  timber  will  spring  up  u:  a 
few  years  among  the  dead  trees  that  will  soou 
render  such  land  more  difficult  to  clear,  than  that 
whereon  the  original  growth  is  still  intire  :  the 
first  year  after  fire  has  run  over  a  piece  of 
land  and  killed  the  timber,  if  it  is  not  cultivated, 
a  very  large  annual  weed  called  fire  weed, 
springs  up  spontaneously;  this  plant  has  a 
large  succulent  stalk,  and  long  jagged  leaves, 
it  grows  the  height  of  four,  five,  and  six  feet 
according  to  the  strength  of  the  soil,  it  bears 
a  white  stinking  flower  and  disappears  after  the 
second  year  which  is  very  lucky,,  as  it  is  a 
great  exhauster  and  injures  land  much.  Besides 
increasing  the  difficulties  of  clearing  and  bring- 
ing the  land  into  cultivation,  these  fires  often 
destroy  a  great  deal  of  valuable  timber  which, 









if  left  growing  would  soon  come  into  demand 
for  exportation,   and  the  want  of  which  even 
for  domestic  purposes  may  become  a  serious 
loss,  for  though  the  trees  will  stand  many  years 
aft«r  they  are  killed,  all  except  the  pines  soon 
become  unfit  for  use,  upon  the  whole  I  am  per- 
suadcd  that  no  man  who  understands  the  pro- 
per management  of  wood  lands  will  ever  wish 
to  see  the  timber  on  them  killed  by  fire  until  he 
has  a  prospect,   of  being  able  to  bring  them 
into  cultivation. 

Aftir  the  operation  of  burning  a  piece  of  new 
land  is  completed,  expert  cultivators  manage 
to  plough  among  the  stumps,  this  is  done  with 
a  short  one-handled  plough,  with  the  share  and 
coulter  strongly  locked  together,  and  drawn  by 
a  pair  of  stout  oxen ;  they  dont  pretend  to  make 
a  straight  furrow,  the  object  is  to  stir  as  much 
of  the  surface  as  possible,  they  are  often  stop, 
pcd   by  the  roots,   some  of  which  the  plough 
will   break,    others  they  are  obliged   to  cut 
with  an  axe,  which  mu.f  always  be  at  hand  on 
these  occasions  ;  an  expert  workman  will  cdn^ 


trive,  in  this  way,   to  turn  up  more  ground 
than  could   be  believed  by  tlitse  unacquainted 
with  the  business ;  in  some  lands  this  method 
of  ploughing  at  first  is  impracticable,  from  the 
roots  of  the  trees  running  so  much  along  *he 
surface  :   such  land  must  be  stirred  with  hoes, 
first    sowing    the     seed    on    the  burnt    sur- 
face; in  other  places  after  what  is  called   a 
good    burn,   the  surface  will   sometimes    be- 
come so  soft  and  mellow,   that  the  seed  may 
be  covered  by  means  of  triangular  harrows 
with  wooden  tines,  taking  care  to  stir  such  places 
as  the  harrow  does  not  touch  with  hand  rakes. 
If  potatoes  are  to  be  planted  in  new  land,  round 
holes  are  made   in  the  surface  ten  or  twelve 
inches  in  diameter,  and  t^ree  inches  deep,    the 
holes  should  be   two  feet  apart,   three  or  four 
sets    are    planted    in     each     hole,     and    the 
surface  mould  returned  upon  them,    they  re^ 
quire  being   twice  well  hoed  in  the  course  of 
the  season,  and  will  produce  a  fine  crop,  and 
leave  the  land  in   good  order  for  a  crop  of 
wheat  the  ensuing  year. 

klit   " 


It    ' 






People  unacqu^n ted  with  clearing  woodlands, 
are  apt  to  be  frightened  with  the  apparent 
difficulty,  and  an  idea  has  been  propagatecf, 
that  Europeans  who  are  mostly  unused  to  the 
axe  in  their  native  country,  seldom  make  good 
axe-men,  and  no  doubt  but  some  continue 
long  aukward,  and  so  they  would  at  any  other 
employment  to  which  they  were  not  early  ac- 
customed ;  but  so  far  from  that  being  gene- 
rally the  case,  that  I  have  seen  many  young 
men  from  Scotland  on  this  Island,  who  would 
lay  wagers  before  the  end  of  the  first  winter 
with  the  most  expert  axe-men  in  their  neigh- 
bourhood, and  before  they  were  two  years 
on  the  Island,  would  earn  as  much  money 
at  clearing  woodland,  as  any  American  in 
the  country.  It  is  this  terror  of  encounter- 
ing with  the  supposed  difficulties  of  clear- 
ing woodland  that  induces  so  many  people 
from  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  to  prefer  the 
American  States  to  our  own  colonies  in  Ame- 
rica, expecting  from  the  more  advanced  state 
of  improvement  and  settlement  in  the  former 
that  they  will  be  able  to  get  into  lands  already 


cleared  and  cultivated :  but  for  such  lands  they 
will  pay  very  high,   and  will  often  find  them 
worn  out,   and  not  worth  the  occupying;  so 
perfectly  is  this  understood  among  them,  that 
it  is  generally  accounted  more  profitable  for  a 
young  farmer  settling  in  life  to  go  upon  new, 
than  to  remain  upon  old  cultivated  lands,  and 
this    change  they   are   frequently  enabled   to 
make  to  great  advantage,    by  the  avidity  of 
Europeans   for  old  cultivated  in  preference  to 
forest  lands  ;   Volney  in  his  view  of  the  states 
which  has  been  already  quoted,  puts  this  traf. 
fie  in  a  very  clear  light. 

Very  little  use  is  made  of  any  manure  except 
stable  and  cow  dung,  penning  cattle  and  folding 
sheep :  on  the  north  side  of  the  Island  most  of 
the  inhabitants  are  so  situated  as  to  have  a 
great  abundance  of  sea  ware  in   their  power, 
which  is  driven  ashore  in  great  bodies  all  along 
the  coast  in  the  autumn,  and  considerable  use 
is  made  of  it  with  great  advantage;  but  not  a 
20lh  part  of  what  comes  on  shore  is  ever  used, 
indeed  the  settlements  along  the  coast  are  too  far 
apart  for  that.    Dung  is  seldom  juffcred  to  re- 

''I  m 






tnain  in  a  heap  over  the  summer  to  ferment  and 
destroy  the  seeds  of  weeds,  but  is  taken  every 
spring  from  the  cow-liouses  and  stables,  and 
either  spread  on  the  ground  and  ploughed  in, 
or  put  into  the  drills  for  potatoes,  the  conse- 
quence   of  such   v/retched  management  is   an 
abundance    of  couch   grass   in    a  few    years, 
Avhich    few  have   the   resolution    to    attempt 
getting  rid   of  in  any  other  way  than  letting 
the  land   out    to   pa:sture,    which    in    five  or 
six  years  will  destroy   this  powerful  obstacle 
to  cultivation.     Compost    heaps    are    seldom 
formed,  though  many  districts  abound  in  valu- 
able materials  for  that  purpose.  Besides  the  im- 
mence  beds  of  shell  fish  that  many  of  our  bar- 
Lours  contain  presenting  a  most  valuable  manure 
lo  the  adjoining  lands,  the  flats  in  all  our  rivers 
are  composed  of  a  deep  black  stinking  mud, 
consisting   of   decayed  animal   and    vegetable 
substances,  which  have  been  accumulating  for 
ages,  the  quantity  of  it  is  inexhaustible  and 
easily  obtained,    and    though    very  little  use 
has  yet   been  made  of  it,    enough    is    known 
to  ascertain  that  it  makes  a  valuable  manure. 

l;     '  f 


Flax    and    hemp,   particularly    the    former 
thrive  well,   and  every  farmer  raises  a  patch 
of  it  yearly,  which  is  manufactured  into  lineu 
for  domestic  use  ;  hemp  is  also  raised  in  small 
quantities,    tlie  inhabitants  in  general  cloath 
themselves  in  their  ord  inary  and  working  cloaths, 
most  families  »naking  between  woollen  and  liue^ 
from  two  to  three  hundred  yards  of  cloth  a  year. 

It  is  much  to  be  regretted,  that  so  few  of  the 
inhabitants  came  from  countries  wh^r^  agri- 
culture is  understood,  an  intelligent  cultivator 
will  at  every  step  have  occasion  tp  remark  how 
much  more   might  have   been   done  by  the 
same  number   of  people  had  they  been  ac 
quainted  with  husbandry  39  it  is  practiced  m 
England  ;  when  I  state  that  not  one  farmer  in 
twenty,  ev^r  thinks  of  cither  raising  or  pur. 
chasing  grass  seed  of  any  kind,  my  readern 
wiU  be  able  to  conceive,  bow  little  our  soil  if 
indebted  to  our  system  of  management ;  at 
present  I  firmly  believe  that  the  simple  alter*, 
tion  of  every  farmer   in  the  Island  seeding 



properly  such    land  as  he  lets  out  for  grass, 
would   have  the  effect  in  a  very  few  years  of 
doubling  the  quantity  of  agricultural  produce  of 
every  kind.  Indeed  the  conduct  of  our  rural  affaini 
inmost  respects  is  ex  j-remely  defective,  there  are 
few  cultivators  an  :»xig  is  who  theorize,  and 
still  fewer  who  read  ;   ver  agriculture  is,  and 
must  long  continue  to  It  the  chief  pursuit  of 
the  inhabitants  of  this  Island,   if  they  attend 
to  their  true  interest :  every  tree  which  is  cut 
down  in  the  forest  opens  to  the  sun  a  new  spot 
of  earth,  which,  with  cultivation,    will  pro- 
duce food   for  man  and  beast :  as  the  country 
becomes  more  and  more  clear,  pasture  for  cat- 
tle will  increase,   and  the  manure  of  our  stocks 
will  enable  us  to  enrich  our  lands,  and  extend 
our  cultivation.     It  is  impossible  to  conceive 
what  quantities  may  be  produced  of  beef,  pork, 
mutton,  butter,  poultry,  wheat,  barley,    oats, 
and  pease,  articles  which,  from  our  maritime 
situation  and  the  wants  of  our  neighbours,  will 
always  find  a  ready  and  p'-o^table  market, 






the  absi 

Naval  C 

first  Ian 

land,   ii 


have  sec 

cape  of 

leagues  ( 

land.    I 

of  the  di 

the  Eng 

the  esta 





This  Island  was  first  discovered  by  the  English 
Navigator,  Cabot,  in  1497,  June  24,  from  which 
circumstance  it  took  the  name  of  St.  John;  from 
the  abstract  of  his  voyage  published  in  Lediard's 
Naval  Chronicle,  it  appears  to  have  been   the 
first  land  he  met  with  after  leaving  Newfound- 
land,  it  was  probably  foggy  weather  when  he 
entered  the  Gulphof  St.  Lawrence,   or  he  must 
have  seen  the  Island  of  Cape  Breton,  the  north 
cape  of  which  is  high  land,  and  only  eighteen 
leagues  distant  from  Cape  Ray  in  Newfound- 
land.   No  claim  to  the  Island  in  consequence 
of  the  discovery  seems  to  have  been  made  by 
.he  Enghsh  Government  of  that  day ;  upon 
the  establishment  of  the  French  in  Canada, 

i ' ' 

,ir     " 

'  ,  1"! 

r.  ik'i 


I      I 


it  was  claimed  by  them  as  within  the  hmits  of 
New  France.     In  1663  it  appears  to  have  been 
granted  in  fee  by  the  Company  of  New  France, 
together  with  the  Magdalen,  Bird,  and  Brion 
Islands  to  the  Sieur  Doublet,  a  captain  in  the 
French  Navy,  to  be  held  in  vassalage  of  the 
Company  of  Miscou.    The  Sicur's  associates 
were  two  companies  of  fishing  adventurers  from 
the  towns  of  Granville  and  St.  Maloes,   and 
nevermadeany  permanent  settlement  on  tha 
Island,  or  any  improvements  beyond  the  ne- 
cessary establishments  for  their  fishing  posts, 
which  were  very  trifling,  and  confined  to  two 
or   three   harbours.      From    the  best  infor- 
mation it  does  not  appear  that  any  settlements 
with  a  viet«r  to  cultivation,  were  made  by  tht 
French  on  the  Island,  till  after  the  peace  of 
Utrecht ;  and  it  is  said  their  government  never 
encouraged  the  settlement,  and  refused  after 
the  Sicur  Doublet's  patent  was  vacated,    to 
give  grants  in  perpetuity,  to  the  people  who 
had  settled  upon  the  Island,  with  a  view  to 
force  the  settlement  of  Cape  Breton,  and  ta 

the  dif 
Con  tin 

It  is 


from  tl; 


could  h 

of  them 

tinent  o 

in  Novi 

to  the  I 

fiiey  CO! 



part  of 

besides  a 

the  Fren 

for  colle( 


liver  «t  ^ 

pleased  t 


draw  as  many  people  as  they  could  round  the 
the  diflFerent  fortified  posts  they  held  on  the 

It  is  said  that  there  were  near  ten  thousand 
people  on  the  Island  in  1758,  but  it  is  evident 
from  the  appearance  of  the  remains  of  their 
improvements,  that  the  greater  part  of  them 
could  have  been  but  a  few  years  settled,   many 
of  them  were  probably  driven  from  the  Con- 
tinent  on  the  loss  of  the  French  fortified  post! 
in  Nova  Scotia  in  1755,  and  1756,  and  retired 
to  the  Island  as  a  place  of  security,  from  which 
?^iey  could  fit  out  privateers  to  cruize  upon  the 
English  commerce.     At  this  time  it  appears 
Ihat  the  gairison  of  Louisbourgh  drew  a  great 
part  of   their    subsistence  from  this  Island, 
besides  an  officer  who  was  called  the  Governor, 
the  French  had  two  commissaries  on  the  Island 
for  collecting  cattle  and  vegetables  for  LouU- 
bourgh,   which  the  people  were  obliged  tode- 
liver  at  whatever  price  tliese  g?- ticmen  were 
pleased  to  fix,  eight  and  ten  dollars  was  the 



value  generally  allowcti  for  a  fat  ox.      The 
French  had  never  erected  any  fortifications  on 
the  Island,   and  had  only  a  few  guns  ;uounted 
in  an  open  battery  at  the  mouth  of  the  harbour 
of  Charlotte  Ic^rn,   which  by  them  was  called 
Port  le  Jflie,  i'wm  its  safety  and  beautiful  ap-* 
pearance  ;  thty  had  also  a  trifling  breast-work 
on  the  north  side  of  the  Hill&burgh  River,  nine 
miles  above  Charlotte  Town,  where  the  cinnnel 
of  the  river  is  much  contracted  by  an  Island  ; 
this  situation  commanded  the  access  by  water  to 
iheir  principal  settlements,  which  lay  round  the 
head  of  this  river ;  and  at  St.  Peter's  eight 
miles  distant  on  the  north  side  of  the  Island ; 
there  being  at  that  time  ^^o  road  from    the 
harbow  better  than  an  Indian  path,  which  led 
along  the  south  side  of  the  Hi^^s'  urgh  thro- gh 
the  forest.       The  French  seulements  round 
Hillsb*rgh  Bay  on  what  now  forms  the  town- 
ships, N".  45,  50,  57,  and  58,  were  a,,  >  .«r^ 
8idera,ble  and  exte  ded  from  the  mouth  of  lue 
harbour       Point  Prim,   both  sides  of  which 
being  a  very  fine  piece  of  land,  and  also  part 

r  ■< 



of  lot  60  appear  to  have  been  occupied  ;  th« 
quantity  of  cleared  land  in  this  district  was  very 
considerable,   though  a  great  part  of  it  is  now 
again  grown  up  '.vith  wood ;  from  the  remains 
of  their  improvements  it  must  have  been  a 
beautiful  settlement,  and  the  people  are  s^id 
to  have  been  in  good  circumstances,  and  had  a 
great    many    vessels  ;    from   the    number  of 
creeks  and  small  harbours  in  the  district,   al- 
most every  settler  would  be  enabled  to  have 
one  at  his  own    u    ir.    The    other  principal 
settlements  were  in  '       district  which    now 
comprehends   Towl  hips    *  »,    26,    17,    and 
28,    between    the    two    fti^t    h>s   the    fine 
harbour  of  Bedeque  or  Dunk  River,  on  the 
two  last  tiierc  are  considerabe  tracts  of  marsh 
land  along  several  beautiful  creeks  that  run  into 
Iheir  fronts  ;  the  lands  in  all  theseTownships  ace 
remarkably  good  and  well  timbered.  Townships 
13  and  14  had  also  on  their  fronts  a  large  tract 
of  cleared  and  cultivated  land,  which  was  the 
only  considerable  settlement  to  the  westward  of 
Richmond  Bay.  1   e  north  fronts  of  Towi  ships 
34  and  35  seem  to  have  been  well  settled,   par- 

•  * 

'a  V  '    ' 

r  ^   I 









ticuUrly  near  the  entrance  of  Bedford  Bay, 
where  there  was  a  handsome  aettlemcnt,  the 
•oil  and  situation  being  both  very  good.     In 
general  the  oktas.  and  most  considerable  of 
the  French  settlements  nrlM  be  found    in  the 
neighbourhood  of  extensive   tracts  of  marsh 
grounds,    where  they   could    easily    procure 
food  for  their  cattle;  the  fine  harbour  of  George 
Town,  seems  to  have  been  overlooked  by  them 
from  the  circumstance  of  there  being  very  little 
marsh  ground  in  its  vicinity  :  their  only  settle- 
went  on  it  was  on  the  point  between  Brudnell 
and  Montague  Rivers,   which  is  said  to  have 
been  made  at  the  expence  of  their  government, 
upon  some  scheme  which  was  afterwards  aban- 
doned,  the  situation  a  fine  peninsula  of  sound 
land  lying  between  two  navigable  rivers,  with 
deep  water  in  both,  and  the  ground  very  com- 
manding, on  this  there  seems  to  have  been 
about  200  acres  of  cleared  fend. 

In  1758  tlie  Island  was  surrendered  to  Great 
Britain  by  the  capitulation  of  Lwiisbourgh,  and 


a  detachment  under  the  command  of  Lieute- 
nant-Colonel  Lord  Rollo,  wai  sent  by  General 
Amherst  to  take  possewion  thereof,  on  which 
occasion,  it  is  said,  that  a  considerable  number 
ofEngUsh  scalps   were  found  hung  up  in  the 
French  Governor's  house;  the  Island  having 
been  for  two  preceding  years,  the  head-quar- 
ters  of  the  Meekmak  Indians,  and  it  is  not 
denied  by  the  old  Accadian  French  stili  re- 
sident  on  the  Island,  that  they  were  very  par- 
tial to  this  savage  practice  of  their  Indian 
neighbours,  with  whom  indeed  they  were  very 
much    assimilated   in  manners   and  customs. 
It  having  been  found  after  fifty  years  expe- 
rience, that  no  dependance  could  be  placed  in 
the  Accadians  ever  becoming  good  subjects 
to  Great-Britain;  they  were  by  order  of  Go- 
vernment,  removed  from  this  Island,  and  also 
from  Nova  Scotia;  some  were  permitted  to  go 
to  Canada,  part  were  sent  to  the  southern  Co- 
lonies,  and  a  good  many  were  sent  to  France^ 
where  they  were  very  ill  received,   and  much 
blamed  for  their  obstinate  hostility  to  theBritish 


J'  ■ ', 



Government  This  measure  was  not  executed 
so  strictly  as  was  intended,  and  a  good  many 
families  by  concealing  themselves  in  the 
forest  escaped  this  transportation,  and  were 
afterwards  allowed  to  remain  undisturbed  in 
the  Country,  in  confidence  that  their  di- 
rainished  numbers  would  oblige  them  to  desist 
from  all  future  hostility,  and  the  conquest  of 
Canada  soon  after  removed  all  apprehension  on 
the  subject.  ' 

At  the  conclusion  of  the  Peace  in  1763,  upon 
the  arrangement  of  the  conquests  made  ftom 
France,  this  Island  and  Cape  Breton  were  an* 
nexed  to  the  Government  of  Nova  Scotia,  but 
no  plan  for  the  settlement  of  either  was  im- 
mediately adopted  ;    In  I764  a  general  survey 
of  the  British  Empire  in  North  America  was 
begun  by  order  of  Government,  and  an  annual 
estimate  to    defray  the  expence  thereof  was 
granted  by  Parliament,  which  was   continued 
until  the  commencement  of  the  American  War 
•topped  the    further  progress  thereof.      The 


vey  was 

sary    to 


Cape  Bn 

gland,  P 


the  Surv< 


Summer  c 

tions  by  ( 

of  this  Isl 

In  the  me 

for  the  cu 

among  o 

first  Lord 

it  on  a 


divided  in 

held  of  hi] 

or  Castle, 

and   with 

and  servii 


immense  extent  of  Country,  which  this   sur- 
vey was  intended  to  embrace,  made  it  neces- 
sary   to   divide    it    into    two    districts,    the 
Northern    including    Canada,    Nova    Scotia, 
Cape  Breton,  Island,  St.  John,  the  New  En- 
gland, Provinces,  New  York,  the  Jerseys,  and 
Pcnsylvania,  were  allotted  to  Captain  Holland, 
the  Surveyor  General  of  Canada,  and  his  As- 
sistants,  who  arriving  in  America  early  in  the 
Summer  of  this  Year,  commenced  their  opera- 
tions by  order  of  Government,  with  the  survey 
of  this  Island,  which  w^as  compleated  in   1766. 
In  the  mean  time  various  schemes  were  proposed 
for  the  cultivation  and  settlement  of  the  Island, 
among  others  the  late  Earl  of  Egmont,   then 
first  Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  proposed   settling 
it  on  a  feudal  plan,  his  Lordship  to   be  Lord 
Paramount  of  the  Island,    which  was  to  be 
divided  into  a  certain  number  of  Baronies  to  be 
held  of  him,  every  Baron  to  erect  a  strong  Hold 
or  Castle,  to  maintain  so  many  Men  in  arms, 
and   with  their  under-tenants  to  perform  suit 
and  servictt,   according  to  the  custom  of  the 


ancient  feudal  tenants  in  Europe ;   it  seems 
hardly  necessary  to  say  that  his  Lordship»s  plan 
could  not  have  answered  his  expectations ;  the 
time  for  reviving  feudal  estabUshments  was'even 
then  gone  by,  and  whoever  will  advert  to  the 
state  of  the  neighbouring  continent  at  the  time, 
will  ftnd  in  it  circumstances  that  must  have 
rendered  success  in  such  a  plan  almost  impos- 
sible; and  it  appears  to  me  a  very  fortunate 
thing  for  his  Lordship's  family,  that  he  did 
not  obtain  a  grant  to  have  enabled  him  to  try 
the  experiment,   which  could  not  fail   being 
attended  with  an  enormous  expence,  unless  his 
Lordship  should,     like   the    greater  part  of 
those  to  whom  it  was  finally  granted,  forget 
after  he  got  his  patent,  that  it  was  necessary 
to  perform  the  terms  and  conditions  on  which 
it  was  to  be  held. 

Upon  the  rejection  of  Lord  Egmont^s  scheme, 
it  was  determined  to  grant  the  Island  to  indi- 
viduals upon  a  plan  recommended  by  the 
Board    of  Trade  and  Plantations,    and  there 


being  a  great  many  appHeations,  it  wag  thought, 
proper  that  the  different  Townships  should  be 
dmwn  for  by  vr»y  of  Lottery,    which  took 
place  before  that  Board;  some  obtained  a  whole 
township,  to  others  half  a  township  was  given, 
and  in  some  instances  a  Township  was  alloted 
among  three,   but  the  whole,   with  two  excep- 
tions,  were  drawn  for  by  way  of  lattery  ;  f 
many    of   the  grantees   were  officers  of  the 
army  and  navy  who  had  served  in  the  pre- 
ceding war. 

Tli€  terms  and  conditions  of  settlement 
under  which  the  lands  were  to  be  held,  are 
expressed  ia  the  following  resolutions  of  the 
Board  of  Trade  and  Plantations,  which  have 
been  introduced  into  the  respective  patents  by 
which  the  different  Townships  were  granted. 
"  Resolyed,  that  a  quit-rent  of  six  shillings 

t  The  two  Townships  not  drawn  for.  were  40  and  69.  wUich  were 
then  partly  occpied  bj  a  «l,hi„g  company,  who  had  sat  down  «p«n 
»I«!»*>  with  the  consent  of  Gorewnieflt. 

i'l  I'M 




*'  per  hundred  acres  be  reserved  to  His  Majesty 
"  his  Heirs  and  Successors,  on  townships 
"  Nos.  5,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  24,  25, 
*'  26,  32,  33,  34,  35,  37,  39,  40,  54,  55,  56, 
'*  57,58,  59,  63,  and  64. 

"  That  a  quit-rent  of  four  shillings  per  hun- 
"  dred  acres  be  reserved  on  townships  6,  8, 
"  9,  10,  11,  12,  21,  22,  23,  27,  28,  29,  31, 
*'  36,  38,  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48, 
'■'  49,  50,  53,  61,  62,  and  65. 

"  That  a  quit-rent  of  two  shillings  per 
*'  hundred  acres  be  reserved  on  townships 
*•  Nos.  1,  2,  3,  4,  7.  30,  30,  51,  52,  60, 
"  and  67.      , 

*'  That  the  several  foregoing  quit  rents  be 
•*  payable  on  the  feast  of  St.  Michael  or  within 
"  fifteen  days  after  in  every  year,  to  commence 
"  and  become  payable  upon  one  half  the  lands 
"  on  the  said  feast  of  St.  Michael,  which  shall 
*'  first  happen  after  the  expiration  of  five  years 

*'  from 
*'  able  ( 
"  or  wit 
**  quant 
"  hke  qi 

"  Tha 
"  his  He 
"  each  t 
**  been  si 
**  necessj 
"  tificati( 
"  yards, 
**  venien< 
*'  of  the  ] 

''  That 
''  part  of 
**  for  the 
"  a  Minis 
"  for  a  scl 

''  That ; 


«  from  the  date  of  the  grant,  and  to  be  pay- 
"  able  on  every  ensuing  feast  of  St.  Michael, 
"  or  within  fourteen  days  after,  and  the  whole 
*'  quantity  to  be  subject  in  liko  manner  to  tlie 
«  like  quit-rent  at  the  expiration  of  ten  years. 

"  That  there  be  a  reservation  to  His  Majesty 
"  his  Heirs,  and  Successors,  of  all  such  parts  of 
"  each  township  respectively  as  have  already 
"  been  set  apart,  or  shall  hereaftsr  be  thought 
"  necessary  to  be  set  apart,  for  erecting  for- 
"  tifications,  building  wharfs,  inclosing  naval 
*'  yards,  or  laying  out  highways  for  the  con- 
*'  venience  of  communication  from  one  part 
**  of  the  Island  to  another. 


'*  That  there  be  also  a  reservation  in  a  proper 
*^  part  of  each  township  of  one  hundred  acres 
*'  for  the  scite  of  a  church,  and  as  a  glebe  for 
"  a  Minister  of  the  Gospel;  and  thiviy  a.  res 
"  for  a  school-master. 

**  That  in  order  to  promote  and  encourasre 







the  Fishery  for  which  many  parts  are  con- 
veniently situated  there  be  a  clause  in  the 
grant   of  each   township  that  abuts  upon 
the  sea-shoifc,    containing  a  reservation  of 
liberty  to  all  His  Majesty's  subjects  in  genera! 
of  carrying  on  a  free  Fishery  on  the  coasts 
Ihe  said  township,  and  of  erecting  stages  and 
othcf  necessary  buildings  for  the  said  fishery 
within  the  distance  of  SOO  feet  from  high- 
water  mark.       » 

♦*  That  there  be  a  reservation  to  **is  Ma- 
"jesty,  His  Heirs,  and  Successors,  of  all 
♦*  mines  of  gold,  silver,  and  coals. 

"  That  the  Grantees  of  each  Township  do 
"  settle  the  same  within  ten  years  fron>  the 
"  date  of  the  Grant,  in  the  proportion  of  one 
"  person  for  every  two  hundred  acres. 

"That  if  one-third  of  the  land  Is  not  set- 
"  tied  in  the  above-mentioned  proportion, 
*  within  four  years  from  the  date  of  the  grant. 

*'  the 
"  His 

"  be  I 
"  as  ar 
"  or  SI 



The  . 

the  Proi 

each  tov 

signet  w 

the  same 

to  the  gc 

ing  him 

ships  to  1 

above- re( 


Thus  M 
small  resei 



the  whole  to  be  forfeited   to   His  Majesty, 
His  Heirs,  .ind  Successors, 

"  Tiiat    the  settlers   so   to   be  introduced, 
"  be  Protestants   from  such   parts  of  Europe 
"  as  are  not  within   His  Majesty's   dominions, 
"  or  such    persons   as    have  resided    in    His 
"  Majesty's  dominions    in   America   for   two 
"  years  antecedent  to  the  date  of  the  Grant." 

The  Island  being  at   this   time  annexed   to 
the  Province  of  Nova  Scotia,   a  mandamus  for 
each  township  under  His  Majesty's  manual  and 
signet  was  issued   to  the  individuals  by  whom 
the  same  had  been  drawn,  which  were  directed 
to  the  governor  of  that  province,    command- 
ing him  to  pass  grants  of  the  respective  town- 
ships to  them,  their  heirs,  and  assigns,    on  the 
above-recited    terms   and  conditions.      These 
niandamus's  generally  bear  date  August   ]767. 

Thus  was  the    whole  Island,  excepting  the 
small  reservations  for  the  three  intended  county 



towns  given  away  in  one  day,  and  great  ex- 
pectations were  formed  of  the  effect  of  this 
plan  for  its  settlement,  the  reports  of  the 
Surveyor  General,  Captain  Holland,  concurring 
with  all  the  previous  information  given  by  the 
Military  and  Naval  Officers  who  had  been  on 
service  there,  respecting  its  natural  advan- 
tages, little  less  than  the  immediate  and  com- 
plete settlement  of  the  Island  to  the  great 
benefit  ot  the  adventurers  was  looked  for.  It 
soon  appeared  however,  that  nothing  was 
farther  from  the  intention  of  many  of  those 
from  whom  the  necessary  exertions  for  that 
purpose  were  expected,  than  to  venture  either 
thi^ir  time  or  their  money  on  the  subject, 
some  had  not  the  means,  and  very  few  of 
them  any  inclination  to  embark  in  such  an 
undertaking,  they  had  made  use  of  their  in- 
terest to  obtain  what  was  expected  to  be  a 
saleable  commodity,  and  accordingly  we  find, 
that  in  a  very  short  time  many  of  the  man- 
damus's were  sold,  without  even  taking  out  the 
grants  which  were  necessary  to  secure  a  com- 
pleat  title  to  the  property,  which  was  the  »ub- 

ject  o: 


but  so 

they  s( 

the  gr« 


have  pi 


of  settle 

to    the 

on  that 

very  rig 



ing  thai 



of   the  ^ 


rent  from 

terms    of 

payable  c 

from  the  ( 


ject  of  the   transaction ;  at  first  some  of  the 
townships  sold  fur  a  thousand  pounds  a  piece, 
but  so  many  of  them  came  into  the  market  that 
they  soon  fell  to  less  than  half  that  amount, 
the  greatest  number  of  those  that  were  sold,   fell 
into  the  hands  of  a  few  individuals  who  appear  to 
have  purchased  them  on  speculation,  without  any 
intention  of  fulfilling  the  terms  and  conditions 
of  settlement  on  which  they  were  held,  trusting 
to    the    general  forbearance   of    government 
on  that  subject,  there  being  no  instance  of  any 
very  rigid  enforcement  of  such  in  any  of  the 
colonies.     In  1 768  a  great  majority  of  the  Pro- 
prietors  presented  a  Petition  to  the  King,  pray- 
ing  that  the  Island  might  be  erected  into  a 
separate  Government  from  Nova  Scotia,  and 
proposing  that  in  order  to  defray  the  expence 
of   the  establishment  they  were  desirous  to 
commence  paying  the  one-half  of  their  quit 
rent  from  the  1st  of  May  1769,  wliich  by  the 
terms    of   settlement,    were  only   to    hecome 
payable  on  Michaelmas   next,   after  five  years 
from  the  date  of  their  respective  Grants,  and  as 

M  2 



to  the  other  half  it  was  proposed  to  postpone 
the  payment  thereof  for  twenty  years. 

This  proposal  of  the  proprietors  appearing 
to  Government  to  be  weil  calculated  to  ac- 
celerate the  settltment  of  tlic  Island,  was  ac- 
cepted, and  tlie  prayer  of  their  petition  in 
every  respect  complied  with  ;  the  oiVices  on 
the  new  establishment  were  soon  after  filled 
up.  and  accepted  on  t'^e  faith  of  having  their 
salaries  regularly  pasfi  out  of  the  quit  rents, 
according  to  the  propcs-ai  and  undertaking  of 
the  proprietors,  at  whose  instance  the  estab- 
lishment had  been  created.  In  1770  the  go- 
yernor  and  the  other  officers  arrived  on  the 

Island,  at  which  time  there  were  not  above 
150  families  thereon,  and  only  five  pro-^ 
prietors,  and  it  soon  appeared,  that  having 
succeeded  in  procuring  the  establishment  of 
the  separate  government  many  of  the  pro- 
prietors relied  on  the  operation  of  that  mea- 
sure for  the  settlement  of  the  colony,  as  few 
of  them  made  any  attempt  to  comply  with  the 

lield ; 
as  htti 
of  the 
more  t 
the  es 
tress  a 
*;he  set 


of  the 


were  th 

favour  < 

sell  ther 

usual  in 

to  the 

hold    tl 


in  the  I 

more  va] 


teiuis  of  settlement  on  which  tlieir  lands  were 
held;  and  the  payment  of  the  quit  rents  was 
as  little  thouglit  of,  for  in  five  years  after  the 
arrival  of  the  otTKcers  on  the  Island,  the  receipts 
of  the  Receiver  General  amounted  to  little 
more  than  would  discharge  two  years  salary  to 
the  estabUshnient,  which  as  may  be  easily 
conceived  brought  the  officers  into  great  dis- 
tress and  materially  retarded  the  progress  of 
*:he  settlt  incnt. 

What  were  the  reasons  that  induced  so  many 
of  the  proprietors  to  abandon  their  engage- 
ments it  is   not  easy  to  determine,  unless   it 
were  that  having  received  their  lands  from  the 
favour  of  the  Crown,   their  plan  was  either  to 
sell  them  as  soon  as  possible,    or  relying  on  the 
usual  indulgence  of  Government  with  respect 
to   the  terms  of  settlement  they  expected  to 
hold    them  tintil    the   exertions  of  the  few 
proprietors  and  others  who  had  or  might  settle 
in  the  Island,  should    render  the  country  of 
more  value  of  which  they  would  benefit  with- 



^Y.^  %^ 










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_^=-^  Rochester,  NY  14609  USA 
^^^  Phone:  716/482-0300 
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0 1993.  Applied  Image,  Inc..  All  Rights  Reserved 



out  expence,  risk,    or  exertion ;   be  this  as  it 
may,    it    is  certain  that    a  great  majority  of 
them   have  never  made  any  attempt  to  com- 
ply with  tlie  terms  of  settlement,     in  the  mean 
time  many   of  the  townships  in  a  totally  un- 
settled state  have  been  repeatedly  sold,  and  have 
passed  through  various  hands,  most  of  whom 
have   equally  neglected   the  terms  on   which 
they  are  held,  and  the  same  system  of  specu- 
lating on  the  exertions,   and  future  prospects 
of  the  colony  has  been  too  generally  continued. 
By  looking  back  at  the  terms  of  settlement  it 
will  be  seen  that  the  lands  were  to  be  settled 
in  the  proportion  of  one  person  to   two  hun- 
dred acres   within  ten  years  from   the  <late  of 
the  Grant,  and  that  if  one-third   of  them  v/as 
not  settled  in  that  proportion  within  four  years 
from  the  date  of  the  Grant,  the  whole  was  to 
become  forfeited   to  His  Majesty,  His  Heirs, 
and  Successors.     The  following  statement  will 
shew  what  was  done  by  the  proprietors  from 
1769  to  1779  in  compliance  with   the  terms  of 
settlement :    I  take  the  townships  numerica  ly. 


Lot  1 Nothing 

2 ditto 

3 ditto 

4 ditto 

5 ditto 

6 ditto 

7 ditto 

8 ditto 

9 ditto 

10 ditto 

11 ditto 

la ditto 

13 ditto 

14 ditto 

15... ditto 

16 ditto 

On  No.  17,  Governor  Patterson  as  agent  for 
the  proprietors,  settled  a  number  of  Accadian 
French  who  were  before  living  on  an  adjoining 
township,  and  were  part  of  the  inhabitants 
who  were  on  the  Island  at  the  conquest ;  how 
far  this  was  complying  with  the  terms  of  set- 
tlement, I  shall  not  pretend  t9  say. 



>  I. .  .i  i 

T;|   " 



No.  18,  twoof  tlie  proprietors  of  this  town- 
ship came  t )  the  hhnu\  in  1770,  and  another  in 
that  and  the  fb!lo\\ing-  year  sent  near  three 
hundred  people  from  Scotland  to  the  Island. 

Lot  19,  on  this  township  the  proprietor  set- 
tled a  number  of  French  Accadian  Families  in 
^773,  Avho  had  before  been  settled  on  a  dif- 
ferent part   of  the   Island. 

Lot  20,  nothing  done. 

Lot  CI,  on  this  township  a  handsome  settle- 
ment was  begun  in  1773,  and  carried  on  for 
several  years  at  a  considerable  expence. 

Lot  22,  nothing  done. 

Lot  23,  the  settlement  of  this  township  was 
begun  in  177.*J. 

Lots  24,  25,  2(),  and  27,  nothing  done. 

ment  v 

Lots ; 

Lot  ; 

Lots  ; 

Lot  3( 
ment  wa 
number  ( 

Lot  3^ 

Lot  36 
1772,  ah 
by  the  p 

Lot  37, 
this  iot,  J 


Lot  28,  on  this  township  a  handsome  settle- 
ment was  begun  by  the  proprietor,  iinmei 
<liatcly  after  the  same  was  granted. 

Lots  29  and  30,  nothing  done. 

Lot  31,    on    this   township   eight    or    ten 
families  were  settled  by  the  proprietor  ia  1773. 

Lots  32  and  33,  nothing  done. 

•^.  .  ^^l<J 

Lot  34,  on  this  township  a  handsome  settle- 
ment was  begun  in  1/70,  and  a  considerable 
number  of  people  sent  out  from  Scotland  by  the 

Lot  35,  on  this  township  nothing  done. 

Lot  36,  on  this  township  between  I770  and 
1772,  about  three  hundred  people  were  settled 
by  the  proprietor. 

Lot  37,  two  families  only  were  settled  on 
tins  iot,  by  the  proprietor  in  this  period 



Lots  38  and  39,  these  townships  belonged 
to  the  same  person  at  this  period,  they  were 
both  considerably  improved  by  the  French, 
tud  at  the  first  settlement  of  the  island,  offered 
several  advantages  over  most  others,  the  pro- 
prietor early  settled  on  the  last,  and  acquired 
a  number  of  settlers  from  other  parts  of  the 
Island,  particularly  from  among  those  brought 
to  the  Island  by  the  proprietors  of  Townships 
Nos.  18  and  36. 

lot  40,  this  township  like  the  two  pre- 
ceding, having  been  much  improved  by  the 
French,  the  settlement  of  it  was  early  begun 
but  very  few  people  was  ever  brought  to  the 
Island  by  its  proprietors. 

Lots  41  and  42,  nothing  done. 

Lot  43,  on  this  township  a  number  of  Ac- 
cadian  French  were  settled  before  the  date  of 
the  Grant,  and  were  permicted  by  the  pro- 
prietor to  remain,  but  nothing  else  towards 
its  settkujent  was  done  during  this  period. 


Lot  6 
sent  out 
s'-ttlers  i 
nately  cc 
to  a  perse 
or  so  I 
broke  up 
the  color 

Lots  5: 

Lots  6 
in  I775y 
to  the  t 
such  an  i 
obliged  t< 


Lots  44,    45,  4,6,  47,   48,  49,  SO,  and  51, 

nothing  done. 

Lot  52,  the  proprietors  of  this  townsliip 
sent  out  a  considerable  number  of  valuable 
settlers  from  Scotland  in  1775,  but  unfortu- 
nately  confided  the  management  of  their  affairs 
to  a  person  by  whom  they  were  either  neglected, 
or  so  badly  managed,  that  the  settlement 
broke  up  in  a  year,  and  most  of  the  people  left 
the  colony. 

f:  :■     ' 

Lots  53,  54,  55,  and  56,  nothing  done. 

Lots  57  and  58,  the  proprietors  of  these 
townships  sent  nearly  as  many  people  to  them 
in  1775,  as  would  have  settled  them  according 
to  the  terms  of  settlement,  but  like  the 
proprietors  of  Lot  52,  they  confided  the  ma- 
nagement  to  a  person  totally  unqualified  for 
such  an  undertaking,  and  the  people  were 
obliged  to  abandon  the  settlement ;    part  of 


■,;f'   !    '*»   J   -If    ; 


them  left  tlic  Islunrl.  and   the  rest  settled   on 
other  lauds. 

lot  59,  two-thirds  of  this  townsliip,  tlie 
property  of  the  late  Sir  James  Montgomery, 
Lord  Chief  Baron  of  tlie  Court  of  Exchequer 
in  Scotland,  was  early  settled,  ami  large  sum* 
of  money  advanced  for  that  purj)ose. 

Lots  60,  61,  62,  63,  6i,  65,  66,  and  67, 
nothing  done. 

Thus  it  appears  that  in  the  first  ten  years  after 
the  commencement  of  the  settlement  only 
nineteen  of  the  67  Townships  were  attempted 
to  be  settled,  and  of  these  only  the  proprietors 
of  lots  18,  21,  28,  31,  34,  36,  52,  67,  5S,  and, 
59,  ever  brought  any  considerable  number  of 
people  to  the  Island. 

'  The  people  settled  on  Townships  No.  17,  19, 
24,  and  43,  were  French  Accadians  previously 
on  the  Island. 

The  1 


Oiic  o; 
did  any 
icilicd  t 
Island  b 

by  the  p 

It  ni?)^ 
the  prop 
just  prof 
fact,  th 
fercrs,   t 


The  propri.K.u  u  23,  38,  30,  and  40, 
bioaoiit  biiL  very  fewneople  to  tlie  Island. 

Cue  of  the  pioprictos  of  lot  37  brought  two 
tiiun!  cs  Mom  New  Knthmd,  tlie  other  never 
dj.:  any  ihinjr;  the  ^reatu  part  of  the  people 
5.(  Uicd  on  tins  townsltip  vere  broight  to  the 
Uland  by  the:  proprietor  orro\vii>.hip  No.  36. 

Ct"  the  48  townships  whi-h  were  neglected 
duri;ig  th.s  j)eriod  by  thtr  respective  pro- 
priei;  rs,  the  Lots  13,  14,  an'  35,  were  partly 
oc-cuj>it^d  by  the  people  broijhi  to  the  Island 
by  the  propiietors  of  Lots  18  ud  36. 

'i'  4 

1 1 

It  may  easily  be  conceived,  iiat  so  many  of 
the  proptitrtors  neglecting  their  mds  was  very 
injurious  to  the  Island,  and  extremely  dis- 
couraging to  the  few  who  had  conmenced  the 
settlement  on  the  laith  of  the  wholttaking  their 
just  proportion  of  the  burthen  therof,  and,  in 
fact,  the  active  proprietors  were  al  great  suf- 
ferers,  though  at  this  day,  I  belief;  there  is 


't-  Sla 

(»!Hf  :J  : 


no  person  acquainted   wtli   the    Island,    but 
what  will  readily  admit,  that   if  the  whole  of 
the  proprietors  had    beei  equally  active,  all 
must  have  been  great  gainers  by  the  colony, 
which    by    this    time  would     have    been    a 
populous,  well-settle*  country :     it  has    been 
alledged  in  excuse  for  this  general  failure  on 
the  part  of  the  prc()rietors  in  performing  their 
terms  of  settlement  that  they  were  prevented 
by  the  American  var,    from  engaging  in  the 
settlement  of  th'  Island  ;    on  which  I  have 
to  observe,   thatby  these  terms  one-third  of 
of  the  requiredpopulation  wasto  be  settled 
in  five  years  froi  the  date  of  the  Grants,  the 
mandamus  for  which,   were  issued   in    1767 
and  all   the  Crants   were  or  might  have  been 
taken  out  irthat  and  the  following  year,  it 
will  not  thei  be  unreasonable  to  say,  that  ac- 
tive   exertJns    might    have    been    expected 
from  all  tfc  proprietors  immediately  after  they 
had  procued  the  Island  to  be  erected  into  a 
separate  ^vemment,   at  all  events  the  Ameri- 
can war  did  not  commence    till  April   1775, 



and  it  surely  was  not  more  difficult  for  the 
whole  to  make  a  beginninij  before  that  period, 
than  for  the  few  who  actually  commenced  the 
settleuient,    and  who  were  by  no  means,   with 
one  or  two  exceptions,   of  tiie  wealthiest  class 
of  the  proprietors,    at  tlie  same  time  a  great 
majority   of  those   who  failed  in   peiforming 
their  terms  of  settlctneut,  were  people  cf  large 
fortune  who  were  well  able,   had  they  bfen  in- 
clined  to  disburse  the  necessaiy  sums  reiuired 
for  that  purpose. 

This    very    extensive    defalcation    on  the 
part  of  so  many  of  the  proprietors   in  )er. 
forming  tlie   terms  of   settlement,   was    vry 
distressing    and     severely    felt    by    nw.L  of 
those  who  had  engaged  therein,  they  hadto 
begin  mostly  on  new  lands,  and   to  impor  a 
great  part  of    their  daily    subsistence  fom 
other  countries,   they  were  scattered  in  srall 
iettlements  at  a  great    distance  from    ech 
other,  in  a  country  totaUy  without  roads,  nd 


f     ''i\, 

t  ' 


many  of  the  first  settlers  cither  from  their  own 
ignorance,  or  that  ot'  those  hy  wliom  tliey 
were  sent  to  the  Island,  were  lautled  without 
provisions  or  any  means  of  supporf,  and  umiy 
on  that  account  were  obh'ged  to  ab^ndoji  ihc 
settlenieit,  which  hrouglit  much  unjust  ocUum 
on  the  colony,  for  as  too  often  happens,  men 
were  viUing  to  attribute  their  failure  to  any 
tiling  hut  their  own  misconduct  or  imprudence. 
Thou;h  a  good  many  people  were  thus  lost  to 
the  Hand,  industry  and  perseverance  enabled 
thos;  who  remained  gradually  to  surmount 
ther  difficulties,  and  as  they  acquired  expe- 
rieice  of  the  climate  and  soil,  they  becam# 
nwre  firmly  attached  to  the  country. 

iis  Majesty  having  been  graciously  pleased 
b>  His  Royal  Commission  to  the  Governor, 
iiiier  the  Great  Seal  of  Great- Britain,  to  grant 
a  omplete  Constitution  to  the  Colony,  and 
th«  Royal  Inptructions  having  directed  the 
Gi'crnor  to  put  the  same  in  operation,  by 
caang  a  General  Assembly  as  soon  as  he  should 


judge  llie  Island  to  be  in  such  a  state  of  set- 
tlement as   to   admit  thereof;    His  Majesty's 
gracious  intentions  were   caniel  into  effect  in 
1773,    by  the  met  ting  of  the  first  legislature 
of  the  Island,  since  uliicii    it   lias  met  re«ni- 
larly  as  in    tiie   olhcr   colonies.     Various  laws 
suited  to  the  situation  and  circumstances  of  the 
colony  have  been  passed,  and  a  foundation  laid 
for  raising  a  permanent  revenue  for  the  support 
of  Government.    One  of  the  iirst  objects  wliicli 
engaged   tlie  attenti<m  of  tiie  legislature  was 
the  failure   of  the   proprietors  in  paying   their 
quit  rents  for  the  support  of  the  officers  on  the 
civil  establisliment,  to  remedy  which,   an  act 
was  passed  to  regulate  and  enforce   the  future 
payment  of  the  quit  rents,   which  soon  after 
received    His    Majesty's    Royal   Assent:    but 
the    Governor     unwilling    at    that    time     to 
disoblige  tlie  proprietors,   many  of  whom  were 
people  of   high   rank  and   consequence,    did 
not  venture  for  some  time  to  execute  this  law; 
and  soon  after  returning  to  England  himself, 
meetings  of  the  proprietors  were  held  in  Lon- 


t  it 


don,  at  which  it  was  determined  to  apjJy  to 
Government  to  place  the  civil  establishment 
of  the  Island  on  the  same  footing  as  the  other 
new  colonies.     Accordingly  in  1 776,  at  a  time 
v'hen  moat  of  them  had  failed  in  paying  their 
quit  rents,  and  the  officers  were  suffering  much 
for  want  of  their  salaries,   the  proprietors  pre- 
sented a  memorial  to  Lord  George  Germain, 
then  Secretary  of  State   for  the  Colonies,  sta- 
ting therein,    that  they   had  paid   their  quit 
rents,  but    that  some  of  the  proprietors  had 
failed   in  such   payment,  whereby  the  distress 
of  the  officers  had  happened,  and    proposing 
that  in   future  the  civil  establishment  of  the 
Island  should  be  put  on  the  same  footing  as 
the  other  colonies,    and  provided  for   by   an 
annual  grant  of  parliament,  and  what  seems 
very    extraordinary,    the    said  memorial   teas 
signed  itidiscriminateli/^    as  well  by  those  who 
had  not,     as   those  who    had  paid  their   quit 
rents.     It  having  become  evident^    that   the 
establishment  could  not   be  supported   on  so 
precarious  ?  fund  as  that  arising  from  the  quit 


rents,  Government  was  pleased  to  approve  of 
this  proposal,    and   the    establishment  of  the 
Island  has  ever  since    been    provided  for  by 
parliament  upon  an  annual  estimate.     At   tliis 
time,   however,    large  arrears    of  salary   were 
due  to  the  officers  on  the  establishment  who 
had  been  reduced  to   such  distress,   that  f' 
Governor  was  obliged    to    make   use  of   the 
sum  of  three  thousand  pounds    granted   by 
Parliament  in  1772  for  the  erection  of  public 
buildings  in  the  Colony,  for  the  support  of  him- 
self, and  the  other  officers  :  that  this  sum  might 
be  replaced,   and  applied   to  the  purposes  for 
which  it  was  granted,  and  provision  made  for 
paying  off  the  arrears  due  to  the  officers  on  the 
civil  establishment.     The  Lords  Commissioners 
of   His   Majesty's   Treasury   were  pleased   to 
direct  by  a  minute  dated  August  7th,   177^, 
"  That  the  arrears  of  the  quit  rent  now  due, 
•*  and  the  growing  quit  rents  until  the  first 
"  of  May  1779,  to  which  term  His  Majesty  has 
*'  relinquished  the  same  for  the  benefit  of  the 
''  Island,  should  be  applied  in  the  first  place, 

N   3 

■(',:■  ^ 

.Va!  ■■*.-'■ 


",/o  the  payment  of  the  Officers  of  the  Civil 
"  Establishment  of  the  Island  up  to  the  first  of 
"  January  «rr/,J  and  if  after  discharging  the 
"  same,   there  shall  be  any  surplus,  their  Lord- 
*'  ships  »rder  the  same   to   be  applied  to  the 
"  making  of  roads,    and  other  public  works 
"  within  the  Island,  aiid  My  Lords  direct  the 
"  former,    as  well  as    the   present  Receiver- 
"  General  of   the  Island,     to  apply  all  such 
"  sums  of  money  as  shall  he  in  their  hands  to 
'•  the  above  purposes,   and  to  take  all  proper 
"  means  to  enforce  the  payment  of  themTcars,  and 
"  the  accruing  quit  rents,  and  recover  the  same. 
"  And  My  Lords  direct,  that  stick  of  the  Civil 
"  OJieers  as  shall  have  received  any  money  out 
"  of  the  sum  of  three  thousand  pounds,  granted 
"  by  Parliament  for  the  benefit  of  the  Island, 
^'  after  receipt  of  their  arrears  do  refund  the 
"  same,  in  >>rder  that   the  whole  of  that  money 
"  may  be  applied  to  the  purposes  for  which  the 
'*  same  was  granted  -    A  copy  of  this  minute 

t  Qv  wbich  day  the  estimate  voted  fcy  Parliament  sommfiie^d. 


was  delivered   to  the  Governor  for  his  infor- 
mation and  guidance,   but  iiaving  so  recently 
succeeded  in  getting    the  establishment  pro- 
vided  for  in  the  manner  mentioned,     chiefly 
througji  the  interest  of  some  of  the  proprie- 
tors, he  did   not  think  proper  immediately  to 
enforce  the  measures  directed  by  this  minute, 
nor  was  there   any  receiver  of  the  quit  rents 
then  on    the  Island    to  carry  the  directions 
thereof  into  effect,    so    that  nothing  was  at- 
tempted to  be  dbne  under  the  authority  of  this 
minute    till    four   years    afterwards;    of  the 
transactions  which   then    took  place,   an  ac- 
count shall  be  given  in  its  proper  place. 

Upon  Governor  Patterson's  return  to  En- 
gland  in  1775,  the  government  of  the  Island 
devolved  upon  the  late  Mr.  Attorney  General 
Callbeck  as  Senior  Member  of  His  Majesty's 
Council,  the  Lieutenant-Governor  being  aisc, 
absent.  Towards  the  close  of  the  year^  two 
occurrences  happened,  which  were  at  the 
time  very  distressing   to  individuals,  and  ir.. 

:»"  '^ 



jurious  to   the  progress  of  the  settlement.    In 
the   beginning  of  November  a  ship  valuably 
loaded  from  London,  with  a  number  of  settlers 
on  board,  suffered  shipwreck  on  the  north  side 
of  the  loland ;  the  people  were  saved,  but  their 
effects  and  the  cargo  were  almost  totally  lost ; 
the    small    part   that   was   recovered,   having 
been   long  under  water,   turned   out  of  very 
little  value,  the  effects  of  this  disaster  were  for 
a  long  time  severely  felt.  Soon  after  two  Ameri- 
can armed  vessels  which  had  been  sent  by  Con- 
gress to  cruize  in  the  Gulph  of  St.  Lawrence 
for  the  purpose  of  intercepting  some  ordnance 
store    ships    then     supposed   to   be   on   their 
voyage  for  Quebec,  having  failed   in  that  ob- 
ject,  thought   fit  to  visit  Charlotte  Town  the 
Capital  of  the  Island,   which  was  at  this  time 
totally  unprotected;   they  landed  before  the 
hostile  nature  of  th^ir  visit  was  known  or  even 
suspected,  and  immediately  made  prisoners  of 
Mr.  Callbeck,    the  President,     and  the  other 
officers    of  Government,    and    proceeded   to 
plunder  the  place,  taking  every  linng  that  was 

;■ .  M 


of  any  value,    they  also  carried  off  Mr.  Call- 
beck  and  Mr.  Wright  a  Member  of  the  Coun- 
cil, and  Surveyor-General  of  the  Island  :  upon 
the  arrival  of  these  gentlemen  at  the  head- 
quarters of  the  American  army  then  at  Cam- 
bridge in  New  England,   it  appeared  that  the 
rebel  officers  had  acted  in  this  manner  totally 
without  any  orders  from  their  superiors ;  they 
were  immediately  dismissed  from  their  com- 
mands,  and   told   by  General  Washington,  in 
their  own  style,  "  That  they  had  done  those 
"  things  which  they  ought  not  to  have  done, 
"  and  left  undone  those  things  which  it  was 
"  their  duty  to   have  done;"   their  prisoners 
were    immediately    discharged    with     many 
polite  expressions  of  regret  for  their  suffer- 
ings,   and    the   plundered   property    was   all 
honourably  restored. 

'^ir-  f:  i 

From  this  descent,  and  our  lying  so  near 
the  tract  to  Quebec,  it  became  evident,  that 
without  protection,  the  colony  would  become 
liable  to  many  such  visits,  to  guard  U9  against 


•vvliich  tlie  [uln)iral  comnianding  in  America  wa» 
directed  by  government   early  in   the   cnsuino- 
year,  to  station  an  armed  vessel    at  Charlotte 
Town,  for  the  protection  of  the  Island,   and  in 
jMay  the  Diligent  armed  '  -'";,  commanded  by 
Lieutenant,  now  Athuirul  Duud,  arrived  for  that 
purpose.    In  the  month  of  November  Mr.  Dodd 
was  relieved  by  the  Hunter  sloop  of  war,    Cap- 
tain  Boyle,    who   wintered  with   us,   and   re- 
mained  on   tlie    station   till  November  I777. 
This  ship  arrived  at  a  very  critical  period   for 
our  protection,  as  our  neighbours  in  the  county 
of  Cumberland  in  Nova  Scotia,  encouraged  by 
the  arrival  among  them  of  about  thirty  rebels 
in  two  whale  boats,  from  Machaias  in  Massa- 
chussets,  broke  out  into  open  rebellion  and  laid 
siege  to  Fort  Cumberland,  then  garrisoned  by  a 
newly-raised  provincial  corps  under  the  com- 
mand   of  Colonel,   afterwards  Major-General 
Goreham,    at  that  time  in  a  very  incomplete 
state.     By  these  rascals  a  second  plundering 
expedition  to  Charlotte  Town  was  intended, 
but  having  no  craft  to  carry  off  a  number  of 


of  Fort 

jects,  t 


the  inh; 

sion  of 



Island  1 

of  Verti 



tills  per; 

to  Char] 

bad  bee 

was  imr 

and  senl 



Verte,  f( 

the  rebe 


up  to  th 


dismounted  cannon  then  lying  about  the  ruins 
of  Fort  Amherst,  wliich  was  one   of  tlieir  ob-  ' 
jects,  they  first   paid  a  visit  to  tlie  Harbour  of 
Pictou  in  our  neigh bourliood,  where  several  of 
the  inhabitants  joining  them  they  got  posses- 
sion of  a  valuable  armed  merchant  ship,  then' ' 
loading  at  that  port  for  Scotland,    but  not 
knowing  exactly  in  what  state  of  defence  the 
Island  might  be  in,  they  stood  up  into  the  Bay 
ofVerte,  in  order  to  receive  from  their  asso- 
ciates,   then  engaged    in    the  siege  of  Fort 
Cumberland,  a  reinforcement  of  men ;  just  at 
tliis  period  the  Hunter  arrived,  and  in  her  way 
to  Charlotte  Town  having  retaken  a  sloop  wliich 
had  become  one  of  their  prizes  at  Pictou,     she 
was  immediately  fitted  out  by  Captain   Boyle, 
and  sent  after  the  ship  under  the  command  of 
Lieutenant,  now  Admiral  George  Keppel,  who 
coming  up  with  the  ship  next  day  in  the  Bay  of 
Verte,  found  that  in  consequence  of  the  defeat  of 
the  rebels  at  Fort  Cumberland  by  the  arrival  of 
reinforcements  from  Halifax,  she  had  been  given 
up  to  the  Male ;  the  rebels  making  their  escape 


'Mm  t 

•  u . ' 


■     .il 


on  shore.  She  was  then  brought  into  Char- 
lotte Town  by  Mr.  Keppel,  and  given  up  to  her 
commander,  who  not  thinking  it  safe  in  the 
then  state  of  that  part  of  Nova  Scotia  to  return 
to  Pictou,  she  remained  the  winter  with  us. 

In  1777  besides  the  protection  afforded  us 
by  the  Hunter  sloop  of  war,  Mr.  Callbeck,  the 
president,  was  directed  by  Lord   George  Ger- 
niaine,  then  Secretary  of  State  for  the  Colonies, 
to  raise  an  independant  company  for  the  defence 
of  the  Island,  but  most  of  those  who   were 
inclined   to  become  soldiers,    had  previously, 
enlisted  with  different  recruiting   officers  who 
Jiad  come  to  the  Island  to  raise  men  for  the 
two  new  regiments  commanded  by  Colonels 
Maclean  and  Goreham,   from  which  circum- 
stance and  the  small  number  of  people  then  in 
the  colony,  this  company,   which  was  always 
weak  never  was  compleated :  this  deficiency  was, 
however,  amply  made  up  to  the  Island  in  the  en- 
suing year  by  the  care  and  attention  of  govern- 
ment;   four  |;rovincial  companies  being  sent 


from  New  York  under  the  command  of  Major 
HieiHky,   an  old  officer;  and  at  the  same  time 
the  commanding  engineer  in  Nova  Scotia  was 
directed  to  erect  barracks  for  their  accommo- 
dation,  and  also  such  necessary  works  of  de- 
fence as  were  suitable  to  the  situation  and  cir- 
cumstances of  the  Island.     From  this  period, 
excepting  now  and  then  a  few  sheep  taken  at 
distant  parts  of  the  Island,  by  the  enemy's 
privateers  men,    and    the    robbery    of  some 
valuable  property  from  the  Harbour  of  George 
Town,   the  Island  remained   perfectly  undis- 
turbed during  the  remainder  of  the  war;  the 
frigates  which  annually  brought  out  the  Quebec 
convoys,  generally  spent  part  of  the  summer 
with  us,   by  them  and  other  cruizing  ships 
which  were  occasionally  sent  into  the   Gulph, 
several  of  the  enemy's  armed  ships  captured  in 
our  neighbourhood  were   brought  into  Char- 
lotte Town  and  their  crews  landed,  and  after- 
wards sent  over  to  Nova  Scotia,  and  marched 
through  the    woods    to    Halifax,   under    the 
escort  of  detachments  from  our  small  garrison. 



L"  » 






III  the  latter  end  of  October  1 779,  part  of  the 
Hessian  regiment  of  Knyphausen,  on  their  way 
from  New  York  to  Quebec  under  convoy  of 
the  Camilla  twenty  gun  ship,  commanded  by 
Captain,  afterwards  Sir  John  Collins,  meeting 
with  very  hard  gales  of  wind,  in  the  River  St. 
Laurence,  were  obliged  to  give  up  the  attempt 
to  get  to  Quebec,  and  came  into  the  harbour 
of  Charlotte  Town,  where  the  troops  were 
landed,  as  being  the  nearest  spot  to  their  place 
of  destination  in  which  they  could  be  accom- 
modated ;  there  was  no  barracks  for  them,  but 
being  a  veteran  corps,  commanded  by  Colonel 
De  Borck,  an  experienced  officer,  they  soon 
hutted  themselves  in  a  most  comfortable  man- 
ner, many  of  them  when  landed  were  ill  with 
intermittent  fevers,  and  I  have  already  had 
occasion  to  notice  the  rapid  effect  our  climate 
had  in  restoring  them  to  health. 

So  great  an  accession  to  our  numbers  not 
having  been  foreseen  at  head-quarters,  our 
commissaries'  stores  were  of  course  not  pro- 


Tided  for  tliem,  but  the  deficiency  was 
amply  made  up  from  the  produce  of 
the  Island,  whici)  was  purcliased  by  Govern- 
ment for  tlieir  supply,  a  circumstance  which 
considering  the  infant  state  of  the  colony, 
and  our  small  numbers  may  be  mentioned  to  the 
credit  of  our  agriculture  in  that  early  period  of 
the  settlement.  The  Hessians  staid  with  us  till 
the  month  of  June  following  :  both  officers  and 
men  were  mucli  pleased  with  the  Island,  and 
some  of  the  latter  found  their  way  back  to  it 
many  years  afterwards,  from  the  heart  of 

In  1780  Governor  Patterson  returned  to  the 
Island  fromEngland  ;  and  there  being  no  receiver 
of  the  quit  rents  on  the  Island,  he  appointed  Mr. 
Nisbet,  his  brother-in-law,  then  Clerk  of  the 
Council,  to  the  office  of  Receiver  of  the 
Quit  Rents,  and  under  colour  of  the  Trea- 
sury Minute,  dated  the  7th  of  August,  1776, 
which  has  been  already  given,  he  directed 
him  early  in   1781,  to  commence  proceedings 


iH'  [ 


ill  the  Stpreme  Court  of  the  Island,  a«rainst  all 
the  townships  enumerated  in  the  act  of  1773, 
which  were  tiien   in  arrcar  of  qait  rents,  and 
in  Novemher  following  brought  nine  whole,  and 
five  half  townships  to  the  hammer  ;  these  sales 
were  soon  after  complained  of  to  governmenf. 
and  upon  some  enquiry  into  the  transaction  a  bill 
for  regulating  the  future  proceedings  in  the  re- 
covery of  the  quit  rents  was  prepared  in  1783, 
and  sent  to  the  Island,  and  the  Governor  was 
directed   to  lay  the  same  before  the  legislature 
to  be  enacted  into  a  colonial  law;  in  this  bill 
a  clause  was  inserted,  making  the  sales  of  178I 
voidable,  and  allowing  the  original  proprietors  to 
re-enter  into  possession  of  the  lands  then  sold 
under  the  Qult-Rent  Act  of  1773,  upon  the 
repayment  of    the  purchase  money,   interest, 
and  charges  incurred  by  the  purchasers  and  a 
fair  allowance  for  such  improvements  as  might 
have  been  made  on  the  lands  since  the  sale 
thereof :    the   purchasers    on    their  parts  ac-     :•«:   the  original  proprietors  for  the 
receipts,   .s,..^s,    ^nd  promts.     In  the  recital 


which  which  led  to  this  enacting  clause,  tU 
circumstances   attending    the    sales   in   1781 
were  stated   diflereuLly  from  what  really  took 
place.      Taking    advantage   of  this    mistatc* 
mcnt,  ihc  Governor  instead  of  obeying  tha 
order,  and  laying  the  bill  before  the  Assembly, 
submitted  the  business  to  the  consideration  of 
the  Council,  who  were  equally  implicated  with 
himself  by  this   recital,  and  it  ^ras  finally  re- 
solved   to  transmit  to  the  Secretary  of  State, 
a  representation  of  all  the  circumstances  at' 
tending  the  sales  in  1781,  and  to  rely  on  that 
representation  as  a  justification  for  not  obey- 
ing   the  order    to   lay    the    bill    before  the 

This  representation  wlicn  taken  into  consi- 
deratio'  hv  the  Committee  of  the  Privy  Coun- 
cil for  Trade  and  Foreign  Plantations,  did  not 
appear  to  justify  in  the  opinion  of  the  Board, 
the  conduct  of  the  Governor  in  aith-holding 
the  bill  from  the  Assembly,  but  no  order  was 
for  some  time  niade  therion. 

,n  ••• 



•*In  the  mean  time  the  Governor  who  was 
resolved  to   make  every  exertion  to  retain  the 
lands,    determined    to   be  provided   with   an 
House  of  Representatives  if  possible,   such  as 
he.  could  rely  upon   for  supporting  his   views, 
in  case  he  should  be  again  ordered  to  propose 
to  the  Legislature  an  act  for  making  the  sales 
voidable;  accordingly  early  in  1784  he  dissolved 
the  Assembly  by  proclamation,  and  in  March 
following  a  general  election  took  place,   and 
the  Legislature  soon  after  met,   when  it  soon 
appeared,  that  the  Governor  had  not  succeeded 
in  his  object,   for  the  House  of  Representatives 
entered  into  enquiries  respecting  different  acts  of 
his  administration,  and  seemed  particularly  dis^ 
posed  to  condemn  the  management  at  the  sale 
of  the  lands  sold   in    1781,   although  neither 
they,  nor  any  other  perion  in  the  Island,  were 
then  acquainted  with  the  proceedings  that  had 
taken  place  in  England  on  the  subject,  which 
had  only  been  communicated  by  the  Governor 
to  the  Council  under  their  oath  of  secrecy  ; 
after  various  sharp  messages  and  replies  be* 

a  conq: 
in  prep 
by  Pro 

in  takii 
at  the 
more  fa 
the  obj( 
he  had 
ing  bin 
for  mak 
now  to 
which  t 
last  Hoi 
office  in 
would  h 
site  light 
and    a 


tween  the  House  of  Representatives,  and  the 
Governor,  that  body  resolved  upon  presenting 
a  complaint  to  the  King,  and  were  employed 
m  preparing  the  same  when  they  were  dissolved 
by  Proclamation. 

The  Governor  spent  the  remainder  of  1784, 
in  taking  more  effectual  measures  for  securing 
at  the  next  general  election  the  return  of  a 
House  of   Representatives  which    should    be 
more  favourable  to  him  than  the  last,    besides 
the  object  of  being  prepared  for  an  order  which 
he  had  reason  to  expect  from  England  direct- 
ing him  to  lay  before  the  Assembly  the   bill 
for  making  the  sales  of  1781  voidable ;   he  had 
now  to  provide  for  taking  off  any  impression 
which  the  charges  made  against  him   by  the 
last  House  of  Representatives,   might  make  at 
office  in  this  country ;  this  he  naturally  thought 
would  be  most  effectually  done  by  their  suc- 
cessors   putting    his    conduct    in    an  oppo- 
site light  in  their  addresses  and  proceedings, 
and    a    variety  of  circumstances    concurred 

i-^ii  * 



wliioh  -were  favourabJe  'to  his  Tiews  -and  in- 
terest:   in  consequence  of  the  evacuation  of 
Ne.w  York    the  preceding  autumn  a  number 
of  the  loyalists  .and  disbanded  troops  came  to 
seek  a  settlement  on  the  Island,    who  were 
chiefly  dependent  on  him  in   respect   to   the 
di«iribution  of  the  donations  allowed   by  the 
l?ounty  of  Government  to  enable  them  to  com- 
mence  their  new  settlements  with  advantage, 
he  had  also  the  direction  of  locating  them  on 
the  lands  on  which  they  were  to  be  placed,  no 
inconsiderable  part  of  which,  consisted  of  the 
lands  sold  in  1781.     From  these  circumstances, 
hy  far  the  greatest  part  of  these  new  settlers  be- 
came interested  in  his  support,  he  also  found 
means  to  divide  his  opponents,  and  to  buy  some 
of  them  off,  and  in  March  1785,  be  again  ven- 
tured to  try  the  success  of  a  general  election, 
on  wiiich  occasion   he  succeeded  in  securin'>- 
the   return    of  a    House  of   Representatives 
which  was  perfectly  to  his  mind,  and  ready 
to  support  all  his  measures,  this  was  not  ac- 
complished however  without  a  severe  struggle, 


Tnuch  illegal  conduct,  and  an  enormous  ex- 
pence,  considering  our  small  numbers  and  the 
infant  state   of  the  colony  f. 

s  •     ■  • 

The  Legislature  met  in  a  few  days  after  the 
election,   but  no  farther  directions  respecting 
the  lanv'.  sold  in   1781  having    been  yet  re! 
ceived  from    England,    the  subject  was   not 
mentioned    during    the    session,    which    was 
chiefly  spent   in  adopting   such  measures    as 
were   deemed  necessary  to  do  away  any  im- 
pression the  proceedings  of  the  last  Housp  of 
Representatives  might  make  against  the  Go- 
vernor,  who  was  represented  in  their  addresses, 
and  proceedings  as  the  best  of  men,  while  all 
that  opposed  him  M-ere  stigmatized  as  factious 
and  unj)rincipled.     At  the  next  session  which 
commenced  in  March  1786,  the  Governor  being 
still  without  any  orders  from  England  relative 
to  the  sales  of  1781,  and  being  now  secure  of 

t  It  wUl  no  doubt  lurprise  mj  English  reat^ento  be  teW  thtt  this 
ejection  cost  the  GoTernor  and  bi>  frieuds  near  t«o  tl,oui 



I'  ' 

I'll  !'*■'  « (J 




■  If' 


I  : 


the  unaiiimous  support  of  the  Legislature, 
determined  on  a  measure  which  he  expected 
Would  secure  against  all  future  attempts,  the 
purchasers  at  these  sales  ;  for  this  purpose  a 
1?ill  was  brought  into  the  Lower  House  and 
soon  after  passed  into  a  law,  entitled,  **  An 
"  Act  to  render  good  and  valid  in  law,  'all  and 
V  everif  of  the  Proceedings  in  the  years  one 
**  thousand  seven  hundred  and  eighty,  and  one 
"  thousand  seven  hundred  and  eighty -one, 
**  which  in  any  respect  related  to,  or  concerned 
"  the  suing,  seizing,  condemning,  or  selling  of 
"  the  Lots  or  Tozvnships  herein-after  mentioned, 
"  or  any  part  thereof."  This  audacious  at- 
tempt immediately  decided  Government  with 
respect  to  Mr.  Patterson,  who  was  soon  after 
superceded ;  His  Majesty's  disallowance  of 
the  act  being  at  the  same  time  signified,  and  the 
bill  for  making  the  sales  voidable  also  returned, 
with  directions  to  lay  it  before  the  Assembly. 
Before  the  arrival  of  Lieutenant-Governor  Fan- 
ning, who  was  appointed  to  succeed  Mr. 
Patterson,   the  latter  met   the  Assembly,  and 


laid  the  bill  before  them  which  they-  imme-- 
tliately    rejected  ;    it   was   not  indeed   to   be 
expected,   that  the  ^aine  men   who  had   only 
six  mouths  before  pared  an  act   tp   confirm 
these  sales  should  .so   soon   adopt  a  directly 
contrary  measure  which  would  have  deprived 
them   of    all  pretence   to  propriety    or  con- 
sistency of  conduct.     It  appears  however,  that 
Mr.  Patterson  was  at  Jast   seriously  alarmed, 
and  determined  to  make  an  effort  to  satisfy 
the  proprietors   of    the    sold    lands,    and    if 
possible  to  conciliate   government,   for  wliich 
purpose  a  private  bill  was  brought  forward,  stated 
to  be  at  the  request  of  the  purchasers  in  178I, 
and  passed  into  a  law  for   restoring  the  lands 
then  sold,  to  their  original   proprietors  :  but 
this    mode   of   proceeding    was  entirely  dis- 
approved of,   and  the  act  disallowed  ;  besides 
the  objections    to    the  manner  in  which   the 
measure  was   brought  forward,  the  provisions 
of  this  act  left  it  much  in  the  power  of  the 
purchasers  at  the  sales  in  1 781,  to  load   the 
property  to  be  restored  with  such  an  accu- 

'  I  I     i.'      i 

;;tii . : 

ii',:  c" 



mulation  of  expence  as  might  perhaps  equal 
its  full  value  :  and  it  also  confirmed  all  aliena- 
tions of  any  parts  of  the  lands  while  in  the 
hnuds  o^  the  purchasers,  whether  the  same  had 
.icen  made  for  a  valuable  consideration  or 


Thus   disappointed  the  proprietors  preferred 
a  criminating  complaint  to  His  Majesty  against 
Lieutenant  Governor    Patterson    and    others 
therein  named,  being  members  of  His  Majesty's 
council  ill  the  Island,  in  respect  to  their  con- 
duct with' regard  to  these  sales  and  their  re- 
sistance to  the  measures  directed  by  Govern, 
mfent  for  the  relief^'of  tlie  complainants,   and  in 
1:^89  an  investigation  of  the  said  complaint  took 
place  before  the  Right  Hon.  Committee  of  the 
Pfivy  Council  fo/  trade,  plantations,  "when  it 
wis  determined   ty   the   committee,'  that  the 
reasons'ariedged  in  behalf  of  the  respondents, 
dill  not  justify  their  conduct  in  the  transactions 
complained  of :  in  consequence  of  this  decision 
the  members  of  the  Colonial  Council  implicated  ' 



in  the  complaiiit  were  dismissed  from  their- 
seats  at  that  hoard,   and  the  Attorney  General 
of  the  Island   from  his  office ;  Mr.  Patterson 
having  been  previously  dismissed,   and  the  ob- 
ject Of  the  coniplaint  'in  regard  to  him  ob- 
tained, no  farther  notice  was  tai«en  of  his  con- 
duct.    It  was'  expected   that  this  proceeding 
would  have  been  followed  by  a  final  determina- 
tion respecting  the  fate  of  the  lands  which  wdre  • 
the  object  of  so  much  controversy,  yet  neither 
on  this  occasion  nor  at  any  time  since,  has  any  > 
directions  been  given  by  Government  on  the  • 
subject,    and   the  proprietors  on  thfeir  parts  ^ 
have  been  equally  silent  thereon.-. 

Butin  1792,  when  tlieCommitteeof  the  Privy  r 
Council  for  Trade  and  Plantations,  were  en- 
gaged in  investigating  certain  other  complaints  ' 
from  the  Island  which  I  shall  have  occasion  to 
notice  hereafter,  an  attempt  was  made  to  charge 
the  then  Colonial  Government,  with  beino* 
confederated  ^vith  their  predecessors  in  opt 
position  to  the  restoration  of  the  lands  sold 













ih  1791,  and  it  required  some  exertion  to 
repel  the  charge,  though  the  same  was  per- 
fectly groundless.  It  appearing  on  this  oc- 
casion to  be  still  the  opinion  of  that  fioard, 
that  these  lands  should  be  restored  to  the 
original  proprietors  or  their  representatives :  at 
the  next  meeting  of  the  Colonial  Legislature, 
an  act  was  passed  for  rescinding,  annulling,  and 
making  void  the  sales  in  1781,  and  permitting  the 
original  proprietors  or  their  representatives  to  re- 
enter into  possession  ;  but  as  this  measure  was 
adopted  without  any  directions  from  office  on 
the  subject,  merely  in  consequence  of  what  pas- 
sed on  the  above  occasion,  it  was  thought 
necessary  to  annex  to  the  act  a  clause  sus- 
pending its  operation  in  every  respect,  until 
His  Majesty's  Royal  Assent  thereto  should  be 
signified,  in  the  usual  form. 

When  this  proceeding  was  known  in  this  coun- 
try, a  petition  was  presented  on  the  part  of  sonns 
of  the  purchasers  under  the  sales  in  1781,  praying 
to  be  heard  by  their  counsel  against  the  pas- 

8mg  of 
tions,   . 
under  1 
to  be  It 
from  wj 
has  beer 
the  Isia 
royal  as 
nor  has 
the  subj 
or  the  o 
which   ^ 
ever  sin< 
1781  ;   £ 
rious  hai 
ber  of 

■I  t 


smgof  this 'law,  which  petition   with  the  act 
being    refenad   to   the  consideration  of    the 
Committee  of  Mis  Majesty's  most  honorable 
Privy    Council  for  trade   and  foreign   planta- 
tions,  Doctor  Laxorcnce  was   heard  before  the 
Committee  on  behalf  of  the  late  Mr.  Richard 
Burke,  junior,   who  had   become  a  purchaser 
under  the  sales  in  1781,   on  this  occasion  the 
opinion  of  the  Right  Hon.  Committee  seemed 
to  be  much  changed  with  respect  to  these  sales 
from  what  it  had  formerly  been,  and  the>result 
has  been  that  the  act  passed  by  the  legislature  of 
the  Island  in  1792  never  received  His  Majesty's 
royal  assent,  and  has  been  entirely  laid  aside  ; 
nor  has  any  other  proceedings  been  adopted  on 
the  subject  either  on  the  part  of  Government 
or  the  original  proprietors,  of  course  the  lands 
which   were  the  object  of  this  measure  have 
ever  since  remained  in  the  quiet  and  peaceable 
possession  of  those  claiming  under  the  sales  iu 
17s  I  ;   some  of  them  have  passed  through  va- 
rious hands  and  are  parcelled  out  amonff  a  num- 
ber  of  purchasers,   and   they    have  in  some 






instances  become  securities  for  ilebts,  and  in 
outers  the  objects  of  testamentary  and  family 
settlements,  in  perfect  confidence  that  the. 
claims  of  the  original  proprietors,  whatever  may 
l)e  their  grounds,  cannot  now  after  the  lapse  of 
so.  many  years,  be  again  brought  forward  >vith 
any  effect |. 

t  It  ippcars  by  the  different  proceediugi  before  the  Privy  CouncUte 
have  been  olways  the  iotention  of  Government,  that  in  the  event  of  these 
lands  being  re.tored  to  the  original   proprietors  by  any  legislative   pro- 
ceedingiiftbel»land.  that  they  or  their  represenUtivei  should  on  g,uh 
mtorati(jn  pay  to  tho  purchasers  under  the  eales  in  1781,  the  amount  for 
which  these  lauds  were  (hen  sold,  anieaiure  which  qecessarily  grew  out  of 
the  ciicumitance  of  their  havingbeeB  sold  for  the  arrears  of  quit  then  due 
on  them.    This  many  of  the  original  proprietors  or  those  acting  for  them,  do 
»iot  s«f  ra  at  any  time  w^iijing  to  have  conjplied  jvith,  and  it  would  appear  that 
since  the  rejection  pf  the  act  passed  in  179$  for  their  rehef,  they  have, 
given  up  all  ideas  of  any  farther  proceedings  on  the  subject,  not  thinking 
the  property  worth  their  acceptanc.  on  the  proposed  terras.    Of  the  lands 
sold  in  1781.  the  half  Tow.ship.  ^o.  18.   was  confirnwd  to  U.e  purchaser 
»t    these  sales   for    a    valuable  consideration.       The    half  Township, 
No.  26.  has  been  restored  to  the  representative  of  the  original  proprietor 
on  the  terras  of  the  bill  sent  out  in  1783,  for  malting  the  i.les  voidable. 
'1  he  Tpwnship,  No.  3a  has  been  restored  to  the  representative  of  the  ori,  - 
jjinal  grantee,  by  a  compromise  with  the  person  into  whose  hands  it  fell 
since  the  sale  of  1781.    The  Township,   No.  35,  has  also  bean  restored  to 
»i.e  orfginal  proprietor  by  a  private  agreement.    The  half  Township,  No.  48. 


As  these  sales,  with  the  different  proceedings 
to  which  they   have   given  rise  agitated  tho^ 
colony  for  some  years,   and  were  much  talked 
of  in  this  country  among  those  connected  with, 
the  Island,  and  having  also  hecome  an  object, 
of  inquiry  before  the  Privy  Council,  I  thought 
that  this  account  of  the  proceedings  to  wliich 
they  have  given  rise,   would  be  acceptable  to 
people  interested  in  the  colony. 

Having  already  stated  what  was  done  to; 
wards  complying  with  .the  terms  of  settlement 
from  the  commencement  thereof,  until  1779 
inclusive,  I  shall  now  proceed  to  state  what 
attempts  were  made  durin^r  the  next  twenty 
years,  for  complying  with  these  terms  as  th^ 

not  having  been  improved  by  the  purcha«r,  the  orfgina!  proprietor  finding 
.10  perwn  in  possewion  re-entered  without  oppowtion.  The  Tomwh'ip, 
No.  49  was  recovered  by  tie  original  proprietor  by  a  suit  at  law.  Tha 
half  Township,  Ko.  65.  has  been  coutirmed  to  the  possesior  under  th« 
sale  in  1781  by  a  private  agreement  with  the  representative  of  the  original 
grantee.  And  the  half  Townships.  Nos.  17  and  25.  and  the  Townships 
^^o.  24,  31,  33,  57,  and  No.  67  remain  in  the  baad*  of  propriatoM 
*!riving  tlieir  rities  ^ii^cr  the  sales  of  t?a*, 

*  i  ii 




•urcst  criterion  on  which  a  judomcnt  can  be 
formed  how  far  the  progress  of  the  settlement 
has  answered  the  exertions  that  have  been 
lAade ;  Cfiis  seems  to  me  the  more  neccssiry,  as 
oh  one  hand  the  proprietor*  are  said  to  have 
done  nothing  towards  settling  the  colony, 
and  on  the  other  some  of  them  have  claimed 
much  credit  for  expenditure  and  exertions, 
of  which  nothing  has  ever  been  known  in 
the  Island,  but  which  have  been  clamorously 
stated  to  Government  as  a  ground  of  farther 
indulgence  with  respect  to  the  payment  of 
their  quit  rents. 

It  has  been  already  shewn,  that  of  the  sixiy^ 
seven  Townships  into  which  the  Island  is  di- 
vided, th^jt  on  ten  only,  were  the  terms  of  set- 
tlement in  respect  to  population  complied  with 
in  the  first  ten  years  from  the  commencement 
of  the  settlement,  and  that  forty-eight  Town- 
ships were  totally  neglected  during  this  period 
by  their  respective  proprietors.  During  the 
period  now  under  consideration,  I  may  be  per- 


mitted  to  say  without  offence,  tliat  the  excrtiorii 
of  the  proprietors  were  feeble  in  proportion  to 
their  obhgationj,  and  the  length  of  time  the 
period  embraces,  and  the  opportunities  it  af. 
forded  as  tl^p  following  summary  will  shew. 

Townships  Nos.  1,  2,  3,  4,  nothing  done.     . 


Township  No.  5.     The  proprietor   of  thi»- 
township,  in  1783,  resigned  one  fourth  thereof 
for  the  accommodation  of  such  American  loy- 
alists and  disbanded  troops  as  might  claim  the 
same;   in   consequence  of  which  a  few  people 
under  that  description,    had  lands   laid  out  to 
them  thereon,  but  it  being  at  that  time  at  a 
great  distance  from  any  inhabitants  they  never 
settled  upon  them.     In  1 78(5  a  fishery  was  esta- 
blishcd   on  this  Township,  and  in  the  course 
of  a  few  years  several  vessels  were  built,  a  saw- 
mill was  erected  and  a  considerable  quantity  of 
timber  exported,  but  little  or  nothing  was  done 
towards  peopling  or  cultivating  the  soil,  whicli 
should  certainly  have  had  precedence  of  every 



other  consideration  if    compliance   with  the 
terms  oq,  which  it  is  granted  was  intended. 

Township  No.  6.  This  township  has  been 
claimed  by  the  same  proprietor  as  the  pre- 
ceding for  many  years  past,  but  only  three 
families  were  settled  on  it  during  this  period. 

No9.   7,     8,    o,    10,     11,    and    12,    nothin 

No.  13,  On  this  lot  it  has  beeii  already  ob- 
served that  a  few  people  brought  to  the  Island 
by  other  proprietors  settled  early,  but  nothing 
was  done  during  this  period  by  the  proprie- 
tor^ in  compliance  with  the  terms  of  set- 

No.  14,  On  this  lot  like  the  preceding 
nothing  was  done  by  the  proprietor  during 
this  period,  but  some  people  settled  on  it  of 
their  own  accord. 







took  u| 

and  the 

parts  of 

prietor  ( 

No.  ] 
French  j 
on  it  hsLi 
of  popul 

Lot  1 
having  ei 
dred  pec 
dual  advj 


No.  is,  Nothing  done. 

No.  15,  The  proprietor  of  this   township  fa 
1783,  resigned  one  fourth  part  thereof  for  the 
accommodation  of  such  American  loyaHsts  and 
disbanded   troops  as    might  chuse  to   settle 
thereon,   and  some  people  of  that  description 
took  up  part  of  these  resigned  lands,   but  that 
and  the  acquisition  of  a  few  settlers  from  other 
parts  of  the  Island,   has  been  all  that  the  pro- 
prietor ever  did  for  its  cultivation.      • 

No.  17,  Some  loyalists  were  settled  on  this 
township  in  1785,  which,  together  with  the 
French  people  we  before-mentioned  as  settled 
on  it  has  fully  compleated  the  required  amount 
of  population. 

Lot  IS,  The  proprietors  of  this  township 
having  early  in  the  settlement  sent  three  hun- 
dred people  to  the  Island,  its  cultivation  and 
improvement  has  ever  since  been  making  gra- 
dual  advances,  in  which  respect  however  it'has  ' 

i  1  ih' 

,}  t« 


"teen  much  injured  by  the  temptation  which 
the  neglected  state  of  the  neighbouring  town- 
ships have  offered  to  its  settlers,  many  of  whom 
have  removed  and  settled  on  such  lands,  with 
the  hope  of  acquiring  a  right  to  their  pos- 
sessions "by  time,  or  the  default  of  thp  pro- 
•pri^tors  in  performing  their  terms  of  settlement. 

Lot  19,  In  1783  one- fourth  of  this  town- 
ship was  resigned  for  the  benefit  of  the  loyalists 
and  disbanded  troops,  several  of  whom  took  up 
grants  thereon. 

.  Lot  20,  On  this  township  a  considerable 
number  of  people  were  settled  during  this  pe- 
riod, but  they  were  such  as  came  to  the  colony 
of  themselves  without  any  encouragement  from, 
or  connection  with,  the  proprietors. 

Lot  21,  The  settlement  of  this  township  was 
commenced  early  in  our  first  period  as  we 
have  already  seen,  and  though  from  a  con- 
currence of  unfortunate  circumstances  it  has 


not  advanced  in  proportion  latterly,  it  is  gtiK 
going  on. 

Lot  22,  Nothing  done. 

Lot  23,  Though  the  settlement  of  this 
township  began  early  it  has  yet  made  no  great 
progress  in  comparison  with  many  others. 


Lot  2^4,  This  township  is  one  of  those  which 
were  sold  for  non-payment  of  quit-rents  itt 
1 7S 1 .  and  though  the  uncertainty  with  respect  to 
the  ultimate  fate  of  these  sales,  for  some  time 
operated  as  a  discouragement  to  those  into 
whose  hands  it  fell  ;  considerable  exertions 
have  been  made  for  its  settlement  and  it  is 
now  one  of  the  most  populous  on  the  Island. 

Lot  25,  The  settlement  of  this  township 
wa^  begun  in  1785,  and  it  has  since  been 
making  gradual  advances.  Its  improvement 
has  been  much  retarded  by  a  dispute  relative  to 



the  .property  of  one  half  of  the  township  which 
is  not  yet  settled. 

Lot  26,  On  this  township  a  settlement  was 
begun  in  1785,  and  one  of  the  proprietors  ||  has 
advanced  large  sums  tbr  its  improvement,  the 
settlers  on  it  have  rendered  themselves  conspicu- 
ous by  raising  more  wheat  in  proportion  to  their 
nimibers  than  any  other  people  on  the  Island. 
They  are  chiefly  composed  of  American  loyalists 
and  their  success  proves,  what  might  have  been 
expected  from  that  description  of  people,  had 
any  considerable  numbers  of  them  been  brought 
to  the  Island,  instead  of  being  encouraged,  and 
in  some  measure  compelled,  by  the  over- 
bearing influence  of  a  few  individuals,  to  settle 
themselves  on  the  barren  foggy  shores  of  the 
southern  coast  of  Nova  Scotia. 

Lot  27,  This  township  was  long  neglected 
by  its  proprietors  ;  but  in  1790  a  settlement  on 
one  half  of  it  was  begun,  and  it  has  now  pro- 

H  Robtrt  Gordon,  Eiq.  of  th«  LIsnd  of  St.  Viaceit. 


bably  the  required  amount  of  population  on  it  • 
the  otlier  moiety  has  been  entirely  neglected, 

Lot  as.  The  settlement  of  this  township  early* 
begun  as  has  already  been  mentioned,  has  been 
making  a  steady  progress  in  improvement  and 

Lot  99,    On   this   township  nothing  dom 
during  this  period. 

Lot  30,  On  this  township  a  settlement  wa^ 
begun  in  1785.  but  has  made  very  hltle  pro- 
gress, a  circumstance  chiefly  to  be  attributed  td 
its  local  situation,  and  the  neglected  state  of 
the  adjoining  townships;  its  proprietor  thtf 
late  Lord  Chief  Baron  of  Scotland,  having 
made  great  cflbrts  for  the  settlement  of  his  pro- 
perty in  the  Island,  and  advanced  his  money 
liberally  for  that  purpose. 

Lots  31  and  32,^  On  the  first  of  theis  (owijr 




ships,  it  has  been  seen  that  a  settlement  was 
early  commenced,  and  it  soon  after  spread  to 
the  other,  but  as  they  were  both  included  in 
the  -rles  of  1781,  the  uncertainty  in  which  the 
property  stood  pending  the  proceedings  con- 
sequent to  that  transaction,  the  improvement  of 
them  during  this  period  was  much  retarded. 

Lot  33,  On  this  township  nothing  was  done 
during  this  period  more  than  permitting  some 
families  from  the  adjoining  township.  No.  34, 
to  settle  thereon. 

Lot  34,  The  settlement  of  this  township 
early  begun  at  a  considerable  expence,  has  been 
steadily  advancing  ever  since. 

Lots  35  and  ^6,  The  first  of  these  townships 
was  one  of  those  sold  in  17«1,  and  in  179-1 
restored  to  its  original  proprietor  in  consequence 
of  a  private  agreement  between  the  parties,  it  was 
early  occupied  as  has  been  already  mentioned 
by  people  brought  to  the  Island  by  the  pro- 


prietor  of  Lot  36,  whose  property  it  now  is, 
both  townships  are  considerably  improved. 

Lot  37,  This  township  has  been  many  years 
in  an  advancing  state  of  improvement,  though 
neitlier  of  its  original  proprietors  ever  con- 
tributed any  thing  irther  to  its  population 
than  the  two  families  which  one  of  them 
brought  to  the  Island  in  an  early  stage  of  the 
settlement  as  I  have  already  noticed. 

Lots  38  and  39,  These  townships  with  one 
third  of  the  adjacent  Lot,  No.  40,  were  at  the 
commencement  of  the  settlement  the  property 
of  the  same  person  (the  late  Captain  George 
Burns)  the  most  fortunate  adventurer  that  has 
hitherto  speculated  m  lands  on  tlie  Island,  for 
owing  to  the  circumstance  of  a  great  part  of 
the  front  of  these  townships  having  been  clear- 
ed by  the  French  previous  to  the  conquest  of 
the  Island,  they  soon  became  in  request,  and 
for  many  years  have  been  gradually  selling  off 


in   small   tracts  for  which  large  prices  hav6 
|)een  given. 

lot  40,  This  like  the  two  preceding  having 
fceea  early  settled,  has  been  gradually  ad- 
vancing  in  improvement. 

lots  41  and  43,  The  settlement  of  these 
townships  did  not  commence  till  1/93.  butthev 
Jiave  since  been  advancing  rapidly  in  popula- 

Lot  43,  This  Township  as  has  been  men- 
tioned in  the  summary  of  the  first  ten  years 
having  been  occupied  early  by  the  original 
French  inhabitants,  is  now  in  a  considerably 
advanced  state  of  improvement  and  papulation. 

Jot  44,  The  settlement  of  this  Township 
onty  c<?mmenced  in  I797. 

t6t,  45  and  45,  Nothing  done  on  these 
townships  during  this  period. 


Lot  47,  The  settlement  of  this  town^liip 
"was  begun  in  1784,  and  for  many  years  it  made 
little  progress,  but  has  since  advanced  rapidly. 

Lot  43,    The   settlement  of  this  township 
commenced  in   1784  and  has  been  gradually 


Lot  49,  The  settlement  of  this  Township  com- 
menced only  in  1792,  but  having  been  sold  off 
in  small  lots,  it  has  made  a  very  rapid  progress. 

Lot  50,  The  settlement  of  this  township  com- 
menced in  1784,  and  is  now  in  a  very  forward 

Lot  51,   On  this  township  nothing  done.    . 

Lot  52,  Since  the  ill-managed  attempt  that 
has  been  already  noticed  to  settle  this  town- 
ship, nothing  has  been  done.  ' 


Lot  53,    Nothing  done  on  this    township 
during  this  period. 

J 16 

Lot  54,  The  settlement  of  this  township 
oemmenced  in  1788. 

Lot  55,  Nothing  U'as  ever  done  by  the  pro- 
JiHetor  toward  the  settlement  of  this  township ; 
but  in  1793,  a  considerable  number  of  people 
sat  down  on  it  of  their  own  accord  without  any 
agreement  with  the  proprieior. 

l6t  56,  The  settlement  of  this  township 
commenced  in  1784  by  the  proprietor  giving 
up  a  fourth  thereof  to  the  American  Loyalists 
tod  disbanded  troops,  some  of  whom  obtained 
lands  thisreon. 

Lot  57  and  58,  The  unsuccessful  attempt  to 
3ettl^  these  townships  in  our  first  period  has 
been  already  noticed,  during  thi^  period  they 
i^mailifed  entirely  unoccupied. 

)-ot  59,  The  early  settlement  of  this  town- 
ship and  the  exertions  made  were  noticed  in  our 
ftrstpi?riodj  in  ITMvery  considerable  farther 


iiiclvanc?s  were  made  by  the  proprietor  for  t!iat 

Lot  60,  Nothing  done. 

Lot  6l,  On  this  Township  a  few  families  were 
«ettled  during  this  period,  but  these  were  peo- 
pie  previously  on  the  Island,  and  cost  the  pro- 
prietor nothing. 

Lot  6ii,  Nothing  done. 

Lot  63  and  64,  The  settlement  of  these 
townships  commenced  in  1788,  since  which 
very  considerable  sums  have  been  laid  out  in 
their  improvement. 


Lot  65,  The  settlement  of  this  township 
commtnced  in  1784. 

Lot  66,  Nothing  done. 

Lot  67*  Nothing  done. 



Such  was  tlip  state  of  the  diAerent  town- 
*hips  into  wliich  the  Island  is  divided  in  rc^ 
{»ard  to  population  at  tlie  end  of  the  year  ]7<)() 
thirty  years  after  the  commencement  of  the 
settlement,  and  when  I  add  that  by  far  the 
greater  part  of  those  who  settled  in  the  last 
twenty  years,  came  to  the  Island  without  any 
Cxpence  or  exertion  on  the  part  of  the  pro- 
prietors, some  judgment  may  be  formed  of 
what  might  have  been  done  in  the  improve- 
ment and  cultivation  of  the  country,  had  they 
been  generally  disposed  to  make  any  thing  like 
reasonable  ejcertions  for  that  purpose  ;  that  their 
failure  in  this  respect  was  generally  and  severely 
felt  by  every  intelligent  man  in  the  colony  may 
easily  be  conceived,  they  had  seen  in  this 
period,  thousands  of  their  fellow-subjects  from 
Great  Britain  and  Ireland  emigrate  to  the 
United  States  of  Ameiica,  either  to  perish  by 
the  effects  of  an  unhealthy  climate,  or  to  aug- 
ment the  numbers  and  strength  oi'  the  enemies 
of  their  country,  and  were  sensible  that  a  very 
little  exertion  on  the  part  of  the   proprietors 

Would  h 

land,  wl 

have  l)e( 

where   i 

tlieir    h.n 


netted   \ 

pcwer,  a 

a  return 

should  b< 

In  I7i 
which  I  1 
state  of  t 
for  some  i 

fveii  on  the  I'rui 
tlit'.V  liave  to  I 
«ppe»r  to  nrisp  f 
dCiivctlicir  oiigi 
society  is  rapidly 
fiiiwlly  ut  no  very 
'"■t  of  j:o!1i:-  hoM 
» resjjiie  (<.  om  thi 


IvouUl  have  sent  a  -reat  many  of  them  to  this  Is. 
land,  where  their  industry  and  prosperity  would 
have  been  highly  valuuhic  to  tlicir  country;  and 
where   In   a   niaiitime    situation   con<reniaI  to 
their   habits,    they   uouhi  have  presen-ed  the 
happiness  of  hc-ing  still  British  subjects  con- 
neetcd   uiih  ,hoir   country,    protected    by  its- 
pmver,  and  governed  (,y  its  laws,  and  to  which 
a  return  would  he  coniparatively  easy  ^f  they 
should  be  so  disposed.* 

In  1797  two  years  sliort  of  the  period  to 
V'hich  I  have  brought  up  this  summary  of  tlic 
state  of  the  hinds  in  point  of  settlement,  ap- 
phcations  were  made  to  the  assembly  praving 
for  some  proceeding  on  tl:  ir  part  which  shmdd 

:,''i^-  [ 

ianHW|Mjj|,,.s  ,1.  ;o«  .f  V  1  .ch  I  an.  c.nrulcnt  ore  poorly  con.pcnsa.ed 

even  on  the  ,>„«<,!  ha„K„.,  .ho  0,..o.  coupled  .ith  ol,  tl«  monificn.ion, 

tl'.7   Imve    .0   submit  ,<..   3n.u„g   „  people  whose    principal  c„jn;,ment, 

appear  ,o  nri.-  f:„,„  insul.i,,,  an.,  abusing  ,hat   country  from  which  they 

de..vetheir  o,i,l„  •  rf,,   ^hcre  a  «enera,  deterioration   of  the  morals  cf 

...cetyi,  rapidly  l„,„.,.h.  f„u,.„«,i„,„   „f  ,.ew  revolntions   which  „,„« 

/l..Hlly  a.  n<.  very  jeri.d  lay  their  tu,  bul«t  republican  LLer.y  at  the 

ie.,  of  son.  hold  ,civen,u:  er  .h„se  power  and  ,ucce«  may  prcu.e  aocc-y 

•  respite  fiom  the  miserie*  ol  a.iarchy  and  civil  war. 


bring  the  subject  under  the  consideration  of 
His  Majesty's  ministers,  tl>at  body  having 
taken  the  matter  up,  after  a  strict  enquiry 
and  mature  deliberation,  came  to  the  following 
resolutions  with  the  hope  of  putting  the 
subject  in  as  clear  and  forcible  a  light  as 

1st,  Resolved  that  it  appears  to  this  house 
after  having  fully  investigated  with  the  strictest 
attention  the  state  of  the  lands  in  this  Island, 
That  Lots  or  Townships,  Nos.  1,  2,  3,  7,  8,  9, 
10,  12,  15,  22,  29,  44,  45,  46,  51,  52,  53,  57, 
58,  60,  62,  66,  and  67  containing  in  the  whole 
458,580  acres,  have  not  one  settler  resident 

2d,  Resolved  that  Lots  or  To\vns]r:ips,  Nos. 
4,  5,  6,  11,  23,  30,  31,  55,  6l,  63,  64,  and  6,5 
containing  together  243,000  have  only  hc- 
twcen  them,  thirty-six  families,  which  upon  an 
average  of  six  persons  to  a  family,  amount  to  two 
han<lred  and  sixteen  persons  residing  thereon, 

and  that  these  lots,  together  ^vith  those  above 
enumerated  comprehend  upwards  of  one  half  ofi 
this  Island. 

3dly,  Resolved,  That  Lots  or  Township,  Nos. 
13,  14,  1^0,  25,  27,  and  42  comprehending  one 
hundred  and  twenty  thousand  acres,  are  settled 
respectively  as  follows,  viz.  No.  13,  nine  fa- 
milies. No.  14,  eight  families,  No.  20,  nine 
families,  No.  25,  nine  families,  No.  27,  seven 
families,  and  No.  42,  eight  families  calculated 
at  the  foregoing  average,  to  consist  of  three 
hundred  persons. 

4th,  Resolved,  That  the  following  townships 
are  settled  agreeable  to  the  terms  of  the  grants, 
viz.  Nos.  II  16,    17,  18,  19,  21,  24,  2(5,  28,   32, 

II  A  Township  is  uiideititoud  (o  be  settled  according  to  tlie  temii  oi'ttie 
grant,  wlitu  its  populatloit  amounts  to  uiie  hundred  souls,  tcv«ral  of  those 
«uuiuerated  iu  tlii*  resolution  contninsti  at  this  i>«riod  two  At  three  huAdied 
souls  each  ;  though  lonieof  them,  I  am  coniidfur,  were  short,  of  the  required 
number5,  ami  it  is  also  to  be  observed  that  the  state  of  each  townsliip  iu  re- 
tpect  to  population,  is  put  down  without  regard  to  the  ciicuuistauce,  thattlie 
«aiuc  was  obtained  bj  the  vuluntarv  resort  of  people  in  some  iiistauci'i  to 


i'    I. 


33,  34,  3S,  36,  37.  38,  39,  40,  41,  43,  47,   48, 
49^  50,  54,  56,  and  59. 

^th.  Resolved,   That  it  appears  to  this  house, 
that    although    the   Townships   No.    7,    half 
No.  12,   No.  30,  and  No.  51,  are  not  settled 
according  to  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the 
grants,  the  proprietor,  the  Rigiit  Hon.  James 
Montgomery,    Lord  Chief  Baron  of  His  Ma- 
jesty's Court  of  Exchequer  in  Scotland,   has 
been  ever  active  in  his  exertions,  and  has  ex- 
pended large  sums  of  money  in  the  settlement 
of  other  lands  in  this  Island.     Also  that  the 
following  persons,  Mr.  Edward  Lewis,  and  Mr. 
John  Hill,  proprietors  of  township,  No.  5,  and 
the  late  partnership  of  John   Cambridge  and 
company,  proprietors  of  Townships,   Nos.  6S, 
and  64,  have  made  different  attempts  to  settle 
them,    beside  expending  considerable  sums  of 
money  thereon. 

diffe(ent  towu.hip8.  without  the  interference  or  ever  the  knowledge  of  the 
proprietors,  from  which  it  will  evidently  appear  that  there  was  no  intcntiou 
ou  the  part  of  tl,e  J.ouse  to  exaggerate  the  e»J  complained  of. 


6th,  Resolved,  That  it  appears  to  this  house, 
that  the  failure  of  so  many  of  the  proprietors 
in  performing  the  terms  and  conditions  of  their 
grants  has  been  highly  injurious  to  thp  growth 
and  prosperity  of  this  Island,  ruinous  to  its  in. 
habitants,  and  destructiv.e  of  the  just  expec- 
tations and  views  of  Governu.ent  in  its  colonic 
zatiop  and  settlement. 

7tb,  Resolved,  Tha.a-  h  the  opinion  of  this 
house-,  that  the  various  indulgencies  and  Jong 
forbearar?ce  of  GoverAiment  towards  the  pro- 
prietors \iho  have  failed  in  performing  the 
terms  and  conditions  of  their  grants,  have  had 
no  other  eifect  than  enabling  them  to  retail 
their  lands  without  exertion  or  expence,  spe- 
culating on  the  industry  of  the  colony,  and 
the  .disbursements  of  a  few  active  proprietory 
in  forwarding  the  settlement  thereof. 

8tb,  .Resolved,  That  it  appears  to  this  Jiouse, 
^nd  seems  universally  admitted  that  this  Islanfil 
was  it  fully  settled,  is  adequate  to  the  imilu- 


'■>  I  ■  f 



tenance  of  upwards  of  half  a  million  of  infia- 
liitants  ;  and  in  which  case  it  would  be  of 
great  importance  to  the  mother  country,  not 
only  in  the  consumption  of  its  manufactures, 
but  as  a  nursery  for  seamen  from  a  very  ex- 
tensive fishery  which  might  be  carried  on 
around  its  coasts  independent  of  the  commerce 
which  from  its  other  productions  would  na- 
turally arise. 

9th,  Resolved,  That  it  appears  to  this  house 
that  the  progress  which  has  been  made  in  the 
neighbouring  colonies,  and  their  flourishing 
state  and  rapid  increase  in  population  since  the 
close  of  the  American  war,  is  chiefly  to  be 
attributed  to  the  general  escheat  and  forfeiture 
which  has  taken  place  of  all  the  unsettled 
grants,  and  the  regranting  of  such  lands  in 
small  tracts  to  actual  settlers. 

10th,  Resolved,  That  it  appears  to  this  house 
that  the  greatest  part  of  the  population  and 
improvements  in  the  neighbouring  provinces. 


are  situated  upon  l^ncjs  escheated  ^s  abprp-men  \ 
tioned,  and  which  had  been  originally  grj^nted 
nearly  at  ihe  same  time,  and  on  similar  terms 
and  conditions  with  the  land  of  this  Islantj. 

■    * 

file  facts  set  forth  in  these  resoliitions  yy^iQ 
stated   to  Government  in  the  form -of  a  peti- 
tion  from  the  Assembly,  concluding  with  4 
prayer,    that  such  measures  might    be  tai:eR 
as  were  necessary  to  compel  all  the  Proprietors 
to  fulfil  the  terrn^  ancj  conditions  on   which 
their  lands  were  granted,  or  tha^  the   same 
should  be  escheated,  and  regranted  in  ^iflal| 
tracts  to  actual  settlers,  on  such  terms  and  con- 
ditions   as  His   Majesty  might   be  grapionsly 
pleased  to  direct.  And  the  Lieutenant-Governor 
was  requested  to  forward  the  said  repreien- 
tation    and  petition  to  England,  an4  at  the 
same  time  to   represent   that    the    Asseinbly 
had   no  other  views  than  bringing  the  facts 
stated    in  the  resolutions    fairly    before    Hii 
Majesty's    ministers,    confident  that    all  His 
Majesty's  subjects  in  the  Island  would  che^r- 



fiilly  and  dutifully  conform  themielres  to  whati 
ever  determination  might  be  made  thereon. 

This  representation,  which  was  addressed  to 
his  Grace  the  Duke  of  Portland,  in  whose  de- 
partment as  Secretary  of  State,  the  manage- 
ment of  colonial  affairs  then  rested,  was  well 
received,  and  his  Grace  was  pleased  soon  after 
to  inform  the  Lieutenant-Governor  had  been 
taken  into  consideration  by  Hia  Majesf's 
confidential  servants,  and  that  as  soon  as  the 
state  of  public  affairs  admitted  thereof,  such 
a  determination  on  the  subject  should  be  made 
as  would  not  fail  to  remedy 'the  evil  com- 
plained  of. 

Though  this  proceeding  was  very  agreeable 
to  a  great  majority  of  the  Island,  and  became 
to  a  certain  extent  a  duty  upon  the  Assembly, 
judging  from  what  they  had  seen  done  in  the 
neighbouring  colonies ;  yet  it  must  be  confess- 
ed, that  the  cases  were  not  perfectly  similar, 
and  that  however   faulty  or  ipadequate  the 


plan  adopted  for  the  settleijientpf  the  co- 
lony had  hitherto    proved,    it    had   certainly 
made  too  great  a  progress   to  be  materially 
changed  without  greatly  injuring  the  proprie- 
tors  who  had  hitherto  carried  on  the  settle- 
ment, who  on  their  parts  were  decidedly  against 
the  proposed  change  wliile  any  other  adequate 
means  remained  In  the  power  of  Government 
to  compel  all   the  proprietors  to  comply  with 
the  terms  on  which  their  lands  were  held. 

.     This  state  of    things  placed   the  colonial 
government  for  many  years  in  a  very  disagree- 
able  and  difficult  predicament,   it  was  im^s- 
sible  not  to  feel  severely  the  extensive  injury 
arising  from  the  neglect  of  so  many    of  the 
proprietors  in  leaving  their  lands   in  a  waste 
and  uncultivated  state,  whereby  the  colony  was 
subjected   to  all  the  evils  and  inconveniences 
of  a  feeble  and  unnecessarily  protracted  state 
of  infancy,  at  the  same   time  any  proceeding 
whereby  such  lands  should  generally  become 


!■  i; 


"forfeited  for  non-performance  of  the  terms 
of  settlement,  was  liable  to  many  weighty 
^objections  which  could  not  be  easily  over- 
.iooked.  What  was  to  become  of  the  in- 
terest of  the  proprietors  who  had  hitherto  car- 
lied  on  the  settlement  of  the  colony  in  the 
event  of  such  a  proceeding  taking  place, 
many  of  them  had  invested  their  all  in  its  suc- 
cess, and  it  was  principally  by  their  perseve- 
rance and  exertions,  that  it  was  enabled  to 
overcome  all  the  early  difficulties  incident  to 
such  undertakings,  difficulties  of  which  it  is 
not  now  easy  to  form  an  adequate  idea,  and 
which  nothing  could  have  enabled  them  to 
surmount  but  the  most  enthusiastic  attachment 
to  the  country,  and  the  hopes  that  a  steady 
perseverance  in  their  object  would  finall}  be 
crowned  with  success,  whereby  they  would 
be  enabled  to  leave  handsome  properties  lo 
their  families ;  yet  it  is  evident  that  they  would 
be  the  first  and  principal  suffisrers  by  any 
proceeding  whereby  the  lands  on  which  the 


terms  of  settlement  have    not  been  fulElIed 
should  become  forfeited  ;  though  the  greatest 
part  of  such  lands  it  is  true  were  the  property 
of  non-residents   many  of  them  unknown  ia 
the  colony,  and  who  on  their  part  had  generally 
a»  little  intercourse    or  connection  with  the 
Island  as  with  Japan   or  Formosa,  and  who 
would   lose   little  more  by  having  their  lands 
escheated,  than  the  uncertain  prospect  of  being 
permitted  to  hold   them  without  expence  or 
exertion  until  they  might  perchance   become 
of  value  :    at  the    same  time  the  forfeiture, 
and  regrantingof  such  lands  in  small  tracts,  to 
actual  settlers  as  was  aimed  at  by  the  Assembly, 
would  have  been    immediately    and    severely 
felt  by  the  proprietors   whose    lands  were  ia 
a  course  of  settlement,   who  must   not    only 
expect    to    lose   a  great  part  of  the  people 
they  had   already  settled,    and    thereby   the 
fruit   of  much   expence    and    exertion,    but 
tliey    must    also  submit  to  the   prospect  of 
being  unable  either  to  sell  or  let  their  lands 

If  i; 

t :  I 


I  i    'iJ 


in  rdtjre,*  until  agrent  part  of  what  was  likely 
t6  C6me  into  the  hands  of  Government  by  this 
ppoceeding  should  be  regranted  and  occupied, 
ai^d  when  it  is  considered,  and  that  the  lands 
liable  to  this  process  comprehended  very  lately 
one-half  of  the  Island  ;  their  fears  with  respedt 
to  the  effect  of  such  a  measure  will  appear" 
very  reasonable,  and  their  opposition  thereto 
pbfectly  justifiable. 

Such  a  contrariety  of  interest  and  views  it 
may  easily  be  believed  would  occasionally  agitate 
the  colony,    and  afford  the  means  to  factious 

•  Because  every  man  will  naturally  prefer  taking  up  a  grant  of  lands 
/rom  the  Crown«  either  to  purchaiiog  or  renting  from  bis  fellow  subjects; 
it  t^as  beca  said,  indeed,  that  this  objection  might  iu  part  be  got  the 
better  of  by  confining  the  grants  of  nuch  lands  entirely  to  such  settlers 
ea  should  cotne  to  the  Island  subsequent  to  the  period  iu  which  these 
ImAdi  may  cotne  into  the  handsel Govemrocnt,  but  this  I  think  would  be 
found  a  most  inviiiiious  distinction,  as  it  would  have  the  appearance  of 
putting  those  on  whom  much  of  the  first  diiculties  of  the  settlement  fell, 
on  a  worse  footing  than  any  other  class  of  people  who  tnight  now  chuse 
fo  Mute  in  tbe  colony. 


and  unprincipled   individuals  some  cf  whom 
are  every  where   to  be  found  to  propagate  dis- 
content and  divisions  in  the  colony  :  poorly 
as  it  may  seem   our  public    offices  are  likely 
to  remunerate  any  man  of  common  talents  they 
hafve  been  as  eagerly  coveted  as  if  each  pro- 
duced ten  times  its  actual  income,  and  most  of 
those  who  have  held  them  iiavc  been  attacked 
by  every  means  that  the  common   routine  of 
colonial  affairs  affords   to  the  outs  against  the 
ins,     and    in   no    dependency  of  the   British 
empire  perhaps  li  we  such  things  been  carried 
to  a  greater  or  more  unjustifiable  length,   yet  it 
is  but  doing  justice  to  the  colony  to  state  that 
such  conduct  has  been  confined  to  a  few  ambi- 
tious turbulent  individuals,   and  that  by  far  tho 
greatest  part  of  our  population  have  firmly  and 
decidedly  supported   those   to  whom   the  ad- 
ministration of  the  public  affairs  of  the  colony 
has  been  entrusted  for  the  last  twenty  years,  and 
notwithstanding  the  noise  that  a  few  factious 
discontented  individuals  have  occasionally  made, 
I  believe  I  may  venture  to  say,  that  for  the 

u<yh  I 



Itest  part  of  thd  period  as  mucli  good  will, 
harmony,  and  unanimity,  has  prevailed   in  the 
colony  as  is  generally  to  be  met  with  or  can 
be  expected  where  the  most  perfect  enjoyment 
of  British  liberty  enables  men  either  to  indulge 
their  caprice  or  prosecute  their  views  of  personal 
interest  according  to   their  own  inclinationg, 
ind  with  as  little  restraint  as  is  consistent  with 
the  existence  of  society.     And  where  from  the 
circumstances  of  the  colony,  the  government 
thereof  was  deprived  bf  almost  every  means  by 
^hkh  such  practices  are  usually  met  and  re- 
strained  in  other  coantries. 

Having  thus  broiight  up  my  reUtion  of  the 
different  proceedings  cdnnected  with  settle- 
ment of  the  lands  from  the  conlmencemeDt  of 
the  government  till  the  end  of  the  year  1799, 
I  shall  now  proceed  to  notice  such  other  cir- 
cumstances at  may  throw  any  Mght  on  the  pro- 
gress and  present  state  of  the  Islands 

.  i^2(H     ,  ,, 

>   1 
■J  ^ 





During  the  last  years  of  Governor  Pu't  rsoli'/c 
administration  his  great  object  was  to  ^..  the 
sale  of  the  lands  sold  in  1781,  for  non-payment 
of  quit  rent  confirmed  to  the  purchaseiu  In 
was  always  very  sanguine  in  his  expectations  of 
the  rapid  settlement  of  the  Island,    and    ap- 
peared to  think  that  if  he  could   secure  him- 
self in  the  lands  acquired  at  these   sales,  the 
influence  arising  from   such  an  extensive  and 
valuable  property  would  give  him  more  conse- 
quence in  the  colony  than  any  Governor  could 
acquire  with  the  small  salary  and  patronage  an- 
nexed to  the  office,  and  that  he  would  in  effect 
continue  to  direct  the  affairs   of  the  Island, 
though  the  government  thereof  should  be  no- 
minally transferred  to  another.     He  had,  as  we 
have  already  seen,    procured  the  return  of  a 
House  of  Representatives  that  were  compleatly 

1'!     ;  :'-(• « 


i:  ! 



rferoted  to  his  inferests,  and  he  soon  after  con- 
trived to  get  rid  of  such  of  the  members  of  the 
council  as  were  not  equally  so.  In  this  situation 
upon  the  arrival  of  Lieutenant  Governor  Fan- 
ning from  Nova  Scotia,  with  the  Kings  com- 
mission in  the  usual  form  appointing  him 
Lieutenant  Governor  of  the  Island,  in  the  room 
of  Mr.  Patterson,  the  latter  affected  to  think 
tbat  his  immediate  removal  from  the  adminis- 
tration of  the  government  was  not  intended, 
that  the  appointment  of  Lieutenant  Governor 
Fanning  was  only  a  temporary  measure  to  pro- 
vide for  carrying  on  the  public  service  during 
his  absence  in  England,  to  which  he  was 
directed  to  repair,  that  he  might  personally 
satisfy  His  Majesty's  Ministers  with  respect  to 
bis  conduct  relative  to  the  lands  sold  in  1781 ; 
this  he  affected  to  consider  as  an  object  which 
he  was  certain  of  accomplisliing,  and  that  in  the 
mean  time  he  had  a  right  to  retain  the  com- 
mand until  it  was  convenient  for  him  to  set  off 
on  his  voyage  to  England  which,  owing  to  the 
advanced  state  uf  the  winter,   could  not  take 


place  till  the  next  spring.     On  these  pretences,; 
to  the  surprise  of  every   thinking  man  in  the 
Island,  Mr.  Patterson   refused  to  give  np  the 
government,  and  the  council  (then  composed 
of  members,   all  of  whom  had  been  nominated 
by  himself)   thougli  they  saw  the  madness  of 
such  conduct,  and  individually  did  every  thing 
in  their  power  to  persuade  him  to  desist  theie- 
from,  yet  as  a  body  they  had  the  weakness  to 
countenance  this   criminal    insult    upon    the 
authority  of  their  sovereign,  by  meeting  him 
m  council,   and  acting  with  him  in  all  respects 
as   if  he  had  been   still  His  Majesty's   legal 
representative.      Under    these     circumstances 
Lieutenant  Governor   Fanning    remained  for 
some    months  as    a    private    person,     con- 
fident  that  this  audacious  conduct  as  soon  as 
known,  must  produce  such  orders  as  would 
leave  Mr.  Patterson  without  the  shadow  of  aa 
excuse,  and  that  in  the  mean  time  the  peace 
of  the  colony  would  be  preserved,  and  all  ap- 
pearance of  farther  disobedience  avoided.     Mr. 
Patterson  had  met  the  Assembly  a  few  days 

p      i;- 
'•■     1  , 

('  ■ ;'  !?■ 


befoFd  the  arrival  of  Lieutenant  Governor 
Fanning,  and  they  were  then  sitting,  he  had 
kid  the  Bill  before  them  for  making  the  sales  of 
tiie  lands  sold  in  1781  voidable,  agreeable  to 
the  orders  of  government,  which  they  imme- 
diately rejected :  the  private  Bill  stated  to  be  at 
the  request  of  the  purchasers  was  then  brought 
forward  and  passed  as  we  before  mentioned ;  it 
was  expected  that  this  measure,  which  had 
the  appearance  of  being  nearly  the  same  in  effect 
with  the  Bill  sent  from  England,  would  satisfy 
government,  Mr.  Patterson's  friends  in  this 
country  had  also  found  means  to  divide  the 
proprietors  in  opinion  respecting  his  conduct, 
and  some  of  them  had  even  come  forward  with 
a  strong  representation  in  his  favour;  these 
measures  were  now  followed  up  by  equally 
strong  addresses  and  representations  in  his 
fkvour  from  the  Council  and  Assembly,  and 
upon  the  whole  he  and  his  friends  had  the 
strongest  hopes  that  he  would  be  continued  in 
the  command  of  the  Island.  On  the  other 
band  representations  were  sent  from  the.  Island, 


by  which  it  appeared  that  the  proceedings  of 
these  bodies  by  no  means  spoke  the  general 
sense  of  the  colony,  the  management  with 
respect  to  the  lands  sold  in  1781  was  clearly 
pointed  out,  and  other  acts  of  official  mis* 
conduct  brought  forward,  and  above  all  the 
dangerous  example  of  disrespect  to  the  Royal 
authority  in  presuming  to  retain  the  adminis- 
tration after  the  arrival  of  Lieutenant  Governor 


During  the  winter  addresses  from  various 
parts  of  the  Island  were  presented  to  Lieutenant 
Governor  Fanning,  requesting  him  to  assume 
the  command  of  tke  Island  according  to  His 
Majesty's  Commission,  and  eiarly  in  April  before 
the  arrival  of  any  intelligence  from  England, 
he  published  his  proclamation  notifying  his  ap- 
pointment and  calling  upon  the  inhabitants  to 
obey  him  as  the  King's  representative  ;  in  this 
measure  he  was  chearfully  and  readily  obeyed 
by  a  great  majority  of  the  Island.  Mr.  Pat- 
terson however  next  day,   thought  proper  to 



publish    a  counter  proclamation  asserting  his 
light  to  the  administration,  calling  Lieutenant 
Governor  Fanning  an  usurper,  and  commanding 
the   inhabitants  to  obey  himself  as  the  Kino-'s 
legal  representative;    no    tumult   or  disorder 
however  happened  in  consequence  of  this  ex- 
traordinary state  of  things,  every  one  saw  that 
it  could  last  only  for  a  few  weeks   at  most, 
perhaps  only  for  a  few  days. 

In  a  short   time  the  spring  Letters   from 
England  arrived,    when  it  appeared  that  the 
conduct  of  Mr,  Patterson  in  not  surrendering 
up  the  Government  to  Lieutenant  Governor 
Fanning  upon  his  arrival,   was  highly  disap- 
proved  of  by  Hi,  Majesty's  ministers,  and  he 
wa.s  commanded  without  farther  delay  to  give 
up  the  Great  Seal,  and  all  the  public  documents 
and  official  papers  in  his  possession  to  his  suc- 
cessor whose  appointment  in  the  Governmeuc 
ivas  confirmed.     This  change  was  extremely 
agreeable  to  the  Island  in  general,  and  would 
have  been  much  more  beneficial  could  the  latp 


Lieutenant  Governor  and  his  friends  liavc 
given  up  all  idea  of  his  restoration  to  the  Go- 
vernment, hut  that  was  an  event  for  which 
they  were  yet  determined  to  struggle;  and  after 
an  absence  of  a  few  months  at  Quebec,  Mr. 
Patterson  returned  to  the  Island,  and  set  up  4 
systematical  opposition  to  the  adminisiralioa 
of  his  successor  ;  having  been  long  in  the 
Government,  many  of  the  first  people  in  the 
Island  had  been  under  obligations  to  him,  and 
he  of  course  had  a  considerable  influence,  every 
effort  that  was  possible  in  the  infant  state  of 
the  Colony  was  tried  to  render  the  administra- 
tion of  Government  in  the  hands  of  Lieu* 
tenant  Governor  Fanning  impracticable ; 
a  prudent  and  steadily  moderate  conduci; 
however,  enabled  the  latter  to  overcome  every 
difficulty,  and  Mr.  Patterson  after  a  fruitless 
struggle  of  nearly  two  years  left  the  Island 
and  came  to  England,  where  he  expects 
ed  to  resume  his  old  influence  among  the 
proprietors  of  the  Island  by  whose  interest 
Jip   }M  originally  got    the  government,    but 




lif  re  too  he  was  disappoiakd,  the  hcATSng  .';f 
the  criminal  complaints  preferred  against  imy 
hy  the  proprietors  of  the  lanl'n  sold  m  )7a^^v 
lUFiicd  out  so  Hiuch  against  him,  that  he  lost 
all  influence  among  that  body,  aad  with  thai 
ev€iy  hope  o^  z  yestoralion   to  the  Govern*  • 
mtm  of  the  lAjarui  ^o  whiclt  he  never  after^ 
wards  returned  .•  i^r-l  having  fallen  intodistressy- 
hh  extensive  apd  valuable  possessions  were 
soon  after  sacrificed  for  not  a  fifth  of  their 
leal  value,    under  the  operation   of  colonial 
laws  passed  during  his  administration.     These 
laws  it  has  since  been  found  necessary  to  re* 
peal,  indeed  they  ought  never  to  have  existed, 
and  what  is  very  remarkable  by  a  concurrence 
of  fortunate  circumstances  very  different  front 
the  views  with  which  they  were  enacted,  it  so 
happened  that  while  they  were  in  operatiort 
very  little   other  injury    resulted  from  them 
than  what  fell  on  Mr.  Patterson's  property*.   " 

*  Bj  these  lawi  a  creditor  wu*  enabled  to  attach  his  debtor**  pr^  - 
ferfyatthetiaichelookftut  hi.  fi,  ■  . -qpess  against  him  without -waitiii^i  , 

fee  ittlgiBPnt;  and  lands  might  be  sc : :  .  v  execution  in  six  months  withov.> 
•w'v  ft^uify  of  ted«mption. 



Itn%ht  have  been  expected  after  the  de- 
cision of  the  Privy  Council  on  the  coniplainb 
against  Governor  Patterson  and  his  adherents 
in  1789,   that  all  farther  attempts  to  disturb 
U^e  colonial   government,     would  have  heen 
abandoned,    but    an    unfortunate    misunder- 
sUnding  between  the  officers  of  the  customas, 
and  the  merchants  of  the  Island  in  I791,  gave 
that  party  a«  opportunity  of  making  a  last  effort 
to  regain  their  influence  in  the  colony ;  by  their 
management  a    complaint  was    preferred    to 
government  against  the  Lieutenant  Governor, 
the  Chief  Justice,    the   Attorney  General,  and 
the   Collector  of  the  Customs,    which  these 
officers  were  obliged  to  answer,  and  the  matter 
was  lieard  before  the  Right  Honourable  the 
Committee  of  the  Privy  Council  for  Trade  and 
Plantations,  when  after  an  expensive  investigar 
tip?  they  were  all  honourably  acquitted;    as 
this  business  is  now  so  long  past  and  many  of 
those  concerned   therein  have  seen  their  error 
and  the  parties  have  in  general  been  long  recon- 
ciled to  each  other,  I  shall  not  now  enter  into 








-the  circumstanws :    some  things  have  since 
come  tb  light  by  which  it  has  appeared  that  the 
'real  complainants  were  not  entirely  without 
'bause  of  complaint,  though  by  no  means  such 
%  to  justify  the  extent  to  which  the  charges 
"wttr^  carried ;  it  was  one  of  those  party  stnig- 
^leS  t6  which  every  society  of  freemen  is  liable 
at  times,  and  in  which  all   the  factions,    the 
discontented,  and  those  who  have  any  thing  to 
expect  in  the  scramble,  eagerly  join  ;  but  which 
'bn  this   occasion  it  is-  now  well  known,  never 
would  have  been  brought  to  the  length  it  was, 
'but  for  the  Jesuitical  management  of  one,  who 
%as  equally  the  enemy  of  the  accused  and  the 
accusers,  and  who  not  being  entitled  to  inter- 
fere in  the  public  affairs  of  the  colony,  has  for 
'many  years  past,  employed  the  whole  of  his 
time  in  endeavouring  to  render  them  impracti- 
'Cable  in  the  hands  of  those  to  whom  the  ma- 
nagement of  them  has  been  intrusted.  * 

■•  ft*  As  I  am  certain  that  every  child  of  ten  yean  old  in  the  Uand,.  and 
e»ery  penon  in  England,  in  the  least  acquainted  with  or  concerned  it>  the 
aiTairs  of  the  colony  can  at  once  name  the  man,  I  think  it  unnecessary  t« 
do  it  here. 

■ '  ' 


'    Our  fislieries  which  had  been  gradually  re- 
viving since  1784,  promised  to   become  agaiji 
considerable,  and  afforded  the  meana  of  iecom- 
ineneing  a  trade  with   the  West  India  Islands, 
by  which  we  were  abundantly  suppHed   w^h 
their  produce  upon  very  moderate  teims ;-  5e^£ej:al 
cargoes  of  fish  were  also  annually  shipped  ipv 
the  European  market,  for  which  British  i|>a4Mi- 
facturcs,  salt  and  wine  were  brought  in  tetyrn ; 
besides  the  cod  fishery,  the  herring  fishery  was 
begun  and  promised   well,  and  our  merchants 
had  found  means  to  obtain^  considerable  share 
in  the  produce  of  the  great  salmon   fisheries 
carried  on  in  our  neighbourhood   on   the  con- 
tinent, and  upon  the  whole  there   was  every 
appearance  of  extensive  and  valuable   fisheries 
being  established  to   the  great  benefit  of  the 
Island  when  the  late  war  commencjed  ;  since 
which  the  fisheries  have  been  almost  given  up  ; 
and  our  articles  of  export  now  consist  of  wheat, 
barley,  oats,  salt  pork,  butter,  furs,  seal  oil,  and 
•oysters,  to^Nova  Scotia,  wiih  live  cattle  and  some 
timber  to  Newfoundland,  and  occasionally  a  few 

R  2 



-lit  i\ 


ctiigoci  Df  «quaT(  u  timber  <o  Great  Britain;  a 
feV-'people  are  also  engaged  in  sjiip  building 
•whwh.  arc  generally  sold  in  Nf  ...uunaiaudj 
Ihia  ISA, bu«in CM  which  will  probably  be  car- 
f«d  on.- $uft«  great  extent,  should  the  New- 
^QfUand  iisheriei  revive  on  the  restoration  of 
peac«»  a'^ifte  great  plenty  of  timber  in  levcrj  1  dis^ 
tifwtj,^n4  the  reasonable  rate  at  which  the  neces* 
Mu  of  life  are  obtained,  will  enable  u^  to  build 
•ft*  much  cheaper  rate,  than  they  can  do  in 
Newfoundland,  where  the  timber  is  now  geac;. 
v$l\y  at  such  a  distance  from  the  harbours  as  to 
make  it  very  expensive.  Since  1792  the  impor- 
tation of  any  kind  of  provi  jions  has  totally 
ceased,  and  the  export  of  these  ;  /tides  hm 
gradually  increased. 

.  In  1794  two  provincial  companies  were  raised 
Cor  the  protection  of  the  Island,  and  U.  Royal 
Highness  the  Duke  of  Kent,  wl.  co'  manded 
fi>r  several  yr  irs  at  Halilaxin  No  i  Scotia,  was 
f»le&«^  to  pay  the  most  marked  and  liberal  at- 
tetvcion  to  the  protection  and  security  of  theco. 


lony,  mucii  more  so  indeed  than  afty  other  gene* 
ral  officer  who  had  ever  commanded  in  the  dij- 
frict ;  by  His  Royal  Highness'scommand  o\irb»f 
racks  weu  rebuilt  on  a  more  extensive  scale,  «nd 
new  works  constructed  for  the  defence  of  th< 
town  and  harbour  of  Charlotte  Town  ;  «ad  hl4 
circumstances  permitted  His  Royal  Highness  t9 
have  visited  the  Island  in  person,  there  i»  every 
reason    to    believe    that    the    colony*  wouM 
have  reaped  still  higher   advantages  from  hi< 
patronage  ai.     protection;  the  general  feelhi^ 
on  the  subject,     fter  His  Royal  Highness  qaitw 
ted  the  command  in     at  country,   was  maftfa 
fested  in  a  circumstai.ce  which  I  shall  aro<m 
have  occasion  to  mention. 

During  the  whole  war  we  remained  per-* 
fectly  unmolested  by  the  enemy ;  besides  thd 
two  companies  already  mentioned,  and  it 
small  detachment  of  the  royal  artillery  ;  thred 
troops  of  volunteer  horse,  and  a  light  in- 
fantry company,  were  formed  among  the  in* 
habitants,  ho  were  handsomely  doathed 
and  mounted  at  their  own  expence  ;  the  armtf 




"  I 


and  accoutrements  were  given  by  government', 
besides  these  every  man  in  the  Island  from  six- 
teen to  sixty  years  of  age  are  mustered  in,  and 
lubjcrt  to  the  militia  laws;  and  when  the  natural 
difficulties  of  the  country  are  adverted  to,  the 
colony  may  be  considered  as  having  been  per- 
fectly safe  against  any  predatory  attack,  which 
in  the  then  and  present  state  of  the  British 
naval  power  is  all  that  we  had  to  dread. 

It  having  been  found  from  the  first  settlement 
of  the  colony,  that  great  inconveniencies  re- 
sulted from  the  name  of  the  Island  beino:  the 
same  with  many  other  places  at  no  great  dis- 
tance, to  which  letters  and  other  things  intend- 
ed for  the  Island  were  frequently  sent  by  mis- 
take often  to  the  great  loss  of  individuals  and 
the  general  injury  of  the  colony  ;  it  had  in  con- 
sequence been  frequently  in  contemplation  to 
change  the  name  of  the  Island,  and  the  subject 
being  recommended  by  the  Lieutenant  Gover- 
nor to  the  attention  of  the  legislature  in  1799, 
and  the  measure  finally  determined  ou ;  an 
act  was  accordinjrly  passed  for   rhanfrinor      ,e 


name  of  the  Island,  from  St.  John,  to  Prince 
Edward  Island  ;  which  was  chosen  by  the 
legislature  as  a  mark  of  respect,  and  gratitude, 
for  the  attention  His  Royal  Highness  had  shewn 
to  the  protection  and  security  of  the  colony, 
and  the  interest  he  appeared  on  every  occasion 
to  take  in  the  welfare  and  prosperity  of  its  in- 
habitants. This  act  soon  after  received  His 
Majesty's  Royal  Assent,  and  appears  to  answer 
the  purpose  for  which  it  was  resorted  to ; 
though  it  will  yet  be  many  years  probably 
before  the  use  of  the  old  name  is  entirely  dis- 
continued, in  the  mean  time  proper  pro- 
vision is  made  in  the  act  to  prevent  any  per- 
sons being  injured  from  ignorantly  making 
use  of  the  former  name  in  any  deed,  or  writing, 
concerning  property  in  the  Island  ;  a  mistake 
which  may  often  be  expected  to  happen  in 
conveyances  made  in  this  country,  by  people 
unacquainted  with  the  change  of  name  which 
has  taken  place.* 



*  la  1800  much  nitxhief  was  done  to  the  colony  through  a  A{f. 
Went  worth,  v|rho  wu  sent  to  the  Island  in  the  office  of  Attorney  General : 
whoever  lepommvuded  him  has  much  to  answer  for :  whatever  his  Dro< 
feisional  abllitieii  might  have  been,  cither  from  habitual  drinking  or  tl)n 

m.  i .. 


Iii*180l  the  Assembly  having  instructed  the 
colony's  agent  in  this  country,  to   make  such 

effects  of  disease,  he  ■ppfttred  to  be  insane  the  greatest  part  of  the  few 
iiiontfa»]ie  spedi  on  the  Island  ;  on  the  first  day  ke  made  Lis  appearance  in 
the  Supreme  Coiwt,  be  8ddre*«l  himself  to  the  audience,   and  informed 
them  that  he  had  been  pitched  upon  by  their  Sovereign  as  •  person  of 
distinguished  abiljtifes,  to  come  to  the  Island  to  reguUte  their  affairs,  and 
sfee  justice  done,  and  in  »  short  thne  he  told  them  rtjat  every  thing  ww 
wrong,  and  that  b«  wo»ild  unjfcrtake  to  clear  the  greatest  part  of  them  from 
paying  rent,  or  fulfilling  any  contract  made  with    he  proprietors,  most 
of  whom    he   said   had  ao  right  to  their  lands ;  the  Court  iind  even  tha 
Governor  he  treated  with  the  greatest  insolence,  no  body  seemed  to  know 
what  to  do  with  him,  at  the  same  time  it  was  erident  that  his  conduct  if  not 
checked,  would  be  productive  of  very  serious  evils;  so  fascinating  wa»  Ins 
aoctrine  with  the  ignorant,  that  in  the  short  space  of  two  months  he  rrceived, 
according  to  his  own  account,  four  hundred  retaining  fees,  all  this  however 
did  notsatiify  him,  wherever  he  heard  of  any  differences  existing,  he  con- 
trived  to  set  a  lawsuit  on  foot ;  never  perhaps  was  there  a  more  complete  in-  ' 
stance  of  popular  delusion  than  this  man  excited  fot  some  wueks ;  but  hap-  . 
pily  for  the  colony,  when  the  madness  was  at  its  height,  letters  arrived  ftonr 
tJie  Secretary  of  State,  announcing  to  the  Governor  Mr.  Wentirorth's  beinj 
superseded  J  this  he  was  by  no  means  willing  to  submit  to,  and  hit  behaviour 
on  the  occasion  was  so  extrt^agant,  that  his  greatest  admirers  could  no  ten- 
ger  shut  their  eyes  upon  his  real  character,  and  he  soon  after  left  the  Island, 
when  his  numerous  clients  lost  their  money.  Fortunately  for  the  peace  of  tli« 
colony ,Tc  has  Been  succeeded  by  a  gcntltman  as  remarkable  fdrdiscouraging 
litigation  a*  Mr.  Wcntwbrrfi  was  anxious  by  every  means  to  promote  it;  Ae  ' 
situation  into  which  h6  threw  tile  colony  for  some  Months,  is  a  strong  itl 
staijue  of  how  much  mischief  may  be  done  in  a  new  country,  even  by  oae 



farther  representations  to  Government,  as  mi'^-lit 
be  necessary  to  obtain  a  decision  on  the  sub- 
ject of  their  petition  m  1797.    The  si^ninsr  of 
the  preliminary  articles  of  peace  soon  after  ga.'vi' 
an  opportunity  of  bringing  the  subject  forward; 
and  early 'in  1802  the  affairs  of  the  Island  were 
referred  to  the  Committee  of  His  Majesty's  most 
honourable  Privy  Council  for  Trade  and  Foreio-u 
riantations,  by  vdiich  Board  a  measure  was  re- 
commended, and  soon  after  carried  into  effect, 
which  has  already  had  a   very  powerful   in- 
fluence on  the  progress  of.  the  colony.     At  this 
time    the    arrears    of    quit  rent    due   to  the 
Crown  on  the  lands,    was  £59,160:.   I7s.  and 
on  many  of  the  townships  amounted  to  more 
than  it  was  supposed  they  would  sell  for,  if  then 
put  up  to  sale  by  public  auction,  a  circumstance 
which  naturally  operated  as  a  discouragement 
to  thdr  respective  proprietors  in  coming  for- 




■r-  < 

imprudent  appoiutment.  He  waa  superseded  before  his  conduct  in  the  Island 
was  known  in  this  country;  to  whom  the  colony  was  obliged  o  i  the  subject, 
I  never  kMvr,  but  the  obligatioa  is  such  as  will  be  long  felt  and  remcm. 





ward  to  fulfil  their  terms  of  settlement :  for  tlu> 
heavy  arrear  of  quit  rent  government  determined 
to  accept  of  a  moderate  composition,  and  as 
an  encouragement  and  reward  to  the  pro- 
prietors who  had  exerted  themselves  in  the 
settlement  of  the  colony,  this  composition  was 
made  lighter  ta  them  in  proportion  to  the  ex- 
ertions they  appeared  to  have  made  ;  with  this 
view  the  different  townships  were  thrown  into 
five  classes ;  the  first  comprehended  all  those 
lots  which  appeared  to  liave  the  full  number  of 
people  required  by  the  terms  of  settlement  upon 
them  ;  from  these  the  amount  of  four  years  quit 
rent  only  was  demanded,  in  lieu  of  the  full  quit 
rent  from  1769  to    1801. 

In  the  second  class  were  put  u'l  the  town- 
ships which  appeared  to  have  one-half  the  re- 
quired population  upon  them  ;  these  were 
charged  with  five  years  quit  rent  iu  lieu  of  all 
arrears  to  May   1801. 

•  In  the  third  class  were  put  all  the  townships 
which  had  between  one-fourth,  and  one-halt  the 


stipulated  population  on  them  ;  these  were  re- 
quired to  pay  nine  years  quit  rent  in  lieu  of  all 
arrears  up  to  May,   1801. 

In  the  fourth  class  were  all  the  townships 
which  did  not  appear  to  possess  one-fourth  of 
the  required  population  ;  these  were  charged  the 
amount  of  twelve  years  quit  rent  in  lieu  of 
all  arrears  up   to  May,  1801. 

And  in  the  fifth  class  were  placed  the  town- 
ships which  appeared  to  be  totaHy  waste  and 
tiJi inhabited,  these  were  charged  with  the 
iimount  of  fifteen  years  quit  rem  in  lieu  of  aJl 
arrears  up  to  May,   1 80 1.  * 

This  measure  by  disburthening  the  lands 
of  a  heavy  arrear  of  quit   rent  had   an    ira- 

1  I 

i:,    M 

I  ] 

t  In  this  arrangement,  no  dislinction  was  raade  between  those  townships 
which  had  been  settled  by  the  exertions  of  their  respective  proprietors  and 
those  which  were  settled  by  the  voluntary  resort  of  people  to  tl,eni :  the 
■umber  of  people  on  each  was  Jhe  wle  criterion  by  which  the  townsW,.., 
were  classed,  a  cirtuawtauce  which  must  appear  highly  liberal  on  the  part 
<d  gorarnmeut  when  ■ 

--•adact  uf  laaay  of  the  propileioss  is  consid: 



fn^dhtt  effifct  on  the  pr6gress  of  tife  kttlemetit  i 
for  in  the  short  period  that  has  since  elapsed 
nearly  one-third  of  the   lands  §  in  the  Island 
have  been  sold,  and  transferred  ;  most  of  them 
from  the  hands  of  people  who  Avere   no  way 
disposed  to  ttiak<^  exertions  f6r  their  settlement. 
to  people  who  are  actively  engaged   therein, 
and  in  this  short  period  full  one  third  has  been 
added  to  our  former  number  of  inhabitants,  with 
a  prospect  of  a  farther  rapid  increase  ;  and  it  may 
be  mentioned   to  the  credit  of  the  country 
that  this  sudden   influx   6f  people    made  no 
change  in  the  price  of  the  necessaries  of  life, 
and  that  it  was  found  easy   to  supply  all  the 
new  settlers  with  provisions,  until   they  were 
enabled    to    raise  them   by  their  own  indus- 
try,   an  object   which   they   have   in  general 
accomplished  in  a  shorter  period  I  believe  thari 
ever  Avas  done   before  in  any  new  country  •♦ 

$  Townships' Numbers,  l,    10,    {IJ,  17,   23,  24,  31,  32,   S3,    ^37, 
38,  39,  |40.  41.  42,  43.  |4r,  t-M  of  53.  54.  S7,  58.   l-3ii  of  59,  60,' 
*ad  62,  beside*  &  great  ma  i^  sinalier  trausl'ers, 

*  This  is  a,  cireJiSBStaaet  rciyiawh  to  '^^'(n•oi♦l^gm}jt  j  it-jmi^a** 


much  pf  this  19  no  doubt  to  be  attributed  ty 
the  Earl  of  Selkirk,    by   whom  tbe  principal 
body  of  them  was  brought  to  the  Island,  aud 
by   whose  care  and   attention  all  their  wants 
were  foreseen  and  provided  for;    hi«  lordship'* 
setters  had  also  the  further  advantage  of  being 
set  down  in  what  is  naturally  the  finest  district 
of  the  Island,  and  which  having  been  totally 
neglected  by    its  former   proprietors  had  been 
lett   waste   and    uncultivated,   but   which  now 
promises   under  his  lordship's  management  to 
become    in    a    few    years    a    populous    and 
valuable  settlement ;   and  truth  requires  nie  to 
say,  that  I  am  confident  these  people  will  soon 
arrive  at  a  degree  of  independence,  and  pros- 
perity, of  whjch  they  could  have  had  no  pros- 
pect in   their   native  country  ;  and  that  thcv 
will  in  a  ftw  years    contribute  more  to  the 
general  prosperity  of  the  British  empire  in  their 

observed  in  the  Islaua  that  the  new  settlers  from  tuc  ■ .  //.l.nds  aro  mucl. 
jnoreludustrious  and  enlightened  than  the  orig; .;,.:  .h.ghland  colony  ^ ho 
$nt  settled  in  the  l,lHnd.  they  have  beside*  got  rid  of  more  of  their 
»ncient  prejudice!  and  customs,  and  appear  to  think  hiore  like  the  rerf 
«>i.theijJtHo«'  subjects  than  those  who  em'si-,vted  thirty  5 y,.  y-arsago. 


'i  '»fc 


!'  1 

i  i  I 



new  situation  than  there  was  any  prospect  of 
their  ever  doing  in  their  former.   * 

-♦  It  may  stiit  the  tIpws  of  particular  pmple  to  represent  the  connection 
tnd  depeudence  of  the   remaining  British  colonies  m  America  on  the 
niulher  country  as  looae  and  precarious,  such  is  not  by  any  means  the  light 
in  which  liio  subject  is  seen  in  these  colonies,  where  I  may  presume  to  say 
it  isas  well  understood  as  it  generaUy  is  in  this  country ;  neither  are  the  moraf 
nbr  the  institutions  of  their  republican  neighbours  tiewed  by  them  in  the  same 
__ favourable  aspect,   in  which  they  ere  too  commonly  represented  in  this 
coantry;  and  as  lo  any  probability  of  a  rupture  between  the  two  countric 
whereby  the  iccurity  of  the  British  possessions  in  America  may  be  endan- 
t«red,  I  txust  that  is  an  event  at  a  great  distance.     Mos    people  well 
•cauainted  with  the  situation  of  the  United  States  ate  convinced  that  not- 
vuhstanding  appearances  to  the  contrary,  their  government  has  no  serious 
idea  of  a  war  with  this  country ;  in  the  present  state  of  their  party  and  po- 
litical distractions,  such  a  measure  could  not  fail  having  the  mon  fatal  effects 
on  their  internal  slate  ;  and  far  from  being  in  a  situation  to  think  ol  conquests, 
they  woidd  probably  find  it  very  difficult  to  defend  their  own  sea  o.  sts : 
but  at  all  events,  I  consider  tlie  maritime  colonies  as  perfectly  safe  in  the 
prestnt  stirte  of  the  British  naval  power,  and  whenefer  their  real  value  be- 
comes well  understood  in  this  country  (a  circumstance  I  trust  at  no,  great 
distance)  such  measures  I  am  confident  will  be  adopted  by  government  as 
will  rapidly  raise  them  into  a  state  of  population,  which  in  a  few  years  wil*. 
leave  them  nothing  to  fear  from  their  republican  neighbours. 

And  when  their  valuable  natural  resources  are  geuerally  known,  and 
the  immense  extent  to  which  their  fisheries  may  be  carried  is  felt,  whereby 
n  great  body  of  hardy  seamen  will  be  forn.ed  for  the  national  defence^  I 
tliink  I  may  venture  to  predict  that  their  affairs  will  be  put  on    suth  a 


In  conseqiiem-e  of  this  great  accession  of 
inhabitants,  tl>e  Town9hif>s  Nos.  *29,  44,  45, 
53,  57,  58,  60,  and  62,  on  which,  a  few  years 
ago,  there  was  not  a  human  being,  have  in  a 
short  time  become  well  settled,  and  many  other 
townships  have  acquired  a  great  addition  la 
their  population,  the  only  lots  that  now  re- 
main totally  unoccupied,  I  believe,  are  those 
numbered?,  8,  9,  10,  15,  5\,  ^nd  52,  on  the 
greater  part  of  which,  it  is  probable  settlements 
will  be  conmienctd  in  the  course  of  tliis  year. 

The  very  liberal  terms  on  which  the  compo- 
sition for  the  arrears  of  quit  rent  up  to  May, 
1801  was  placed  by  government,  having  been 
disregarded  by  some  of  the  proprietors,  either 

/boting  as  will  8t  no  very  distant  day  render  them  the  most  powerful 
foreign  dependency  of  the  Britibh  empire,  that  uihich  wiU  yet  be  mat 
cherished,  and  last  parted  with.  Though  they  produce  neither  gold  ot 
silver,  nor  any  othe;  delusive  wealth,  they  enjoy  a  climate  and  soil,  how- 
ever  diversified,  which  wili  enable  tbem  to  support  in  a  ni<iritiine  situation 
an  extensive  population,  nhose  industry  and  lesource*  may  be  rendered 
«f  the  highest  conieciu«;ace  1:0  the  pareut  state. 








/KR  I   ! 



t('! ::' 

'■'■'I  ill 

II'.      ''-iii'     -iJ. 


in  hopes  that  it  would  not  be  enforced,  or  that 
better  terms  might  be  obtained,  it  became  ne- 
cessary to  proceed  at  law  against  their  property 
in  the  Island,  these   proceedings  were   com- 
menced in  1803,   under  an  act  which  had  been 
passed  in  the  pre  ceding  year,  and  in  1804,  judg- 
ments were  obtained  by  the  Receiver  General 
of  the  quit  rents,  against  ten  townships,   five 
half  townships,  and  one  third  of  a  township, 
for  arrears  of  quit  rent  due  to  the  crown,   and 
it  is  now  in  the  power  of  government,  either  to 
re-annex  these  lands  to  the  crown,  and  re-grant 
them  in  small  tracts  to  actual  settlers,    or  in 
order  not  to  interfere  with  the  other  proprietors, 
they  may  be  divided  into  tracts  of  a  thousand 
acres,  and  sold,  subject  to  the  same  rate  of  quit 
rents  to  which  they  were  originally  liable,  by 
which  means  they  will  not  interfere  with  the 
plan  of  the  colony,  or  in  any  respect  injure  the 
other  proprietors ;    this  is  a  subject  on  which 
people  will  differ,  and  I  am  aware  that  some 
will  say,  why  not  instead  of  enforcing  the  pay-* 
ment  of  the  quit  rents  as  the  means  of  com- , 


pelling  the.  proprietors  to  attend. to  the  settle^ 
ment  of  their  lands,  proceed  against  them  foe 
noB-perforraance  of  the  otiier  conditions  on 
which  they  were -granted,  as  has  been  done  m 
Nava  Scotia; :  to. which  I  answer,  that  such  a 
proceeding  would  not  in  any  thing  Hke  an  equal 
degree  answer  the  purpose,  the  only  condition 
in-theitocma  of  settlement  which. could  be  en? 
forced  with  that  view,  is  that  which  requires 
q^.«umber  of  people,  equal  to,  one  person  for 
every  two,  hundred  acres  contained  in. each 
grant,  that  is  one;  hundred  souls  on.  a  tract  of 
twenty  thousand  acres,  or  6700  inhabitants  for 
the  sixty- seven  townships  into  which  the  Island  is 
divided,  a  population  much  inferior  to  what  it  lia» 
already  attained  under  ail  its  disadvantages,  but 
which  in  such  a  country  is  a  mere  trifle,   and 
less  than  probably  each  of  the  Townships  will 
contain  in  half  a  century.*  Let  us  look  at  what 

■A  Xfc«  Bermuda  Island*  do  not  contaio  as  much  cultivatable  tuvface 
m  one  of  our  townsliips,  and  yet  are  said  to  have  80,000  iohabitanU 
«h«  dlioate  aud  situation  it  may  be  alledged  are  very  different,  but  acr« 
for  aere  we  eai>  raise  more  of  the  .nece«aries  of  life  than  they  ^an,  aud 
■i«jr  thcrefo:-  look  forirarJ  to  as  high  a  state  of  ponnlatipn 





1 1 1 

*  I J 

1 1 1 

KP  i 



had  happened  in  Nova  Scotia  where  no  quit-rent 
ha«  yet  been  exacted,  butM'here  the  terms  of  set- 
tlement have  been  enforced,  and  many  hundred 
thousand  acres  on  which  these  had  not  been 
f\ilfilled,  have  been  escheated,  and  regranted, 
often  without  much  public  benefit  resulting 
therefrom;  mostoftlie  landa  which  have  been 
eschesited  were  the  property  of  non-residents, 
and  justly  ♦  escheated  perhaps,  because  entirely 
neglected,  so  far  the  ihing  \Fas  very  ri^t, 
but  it  has  unf4:i\U«t^;itely  happened,  that  these 
knd»  were  *of>i^^\  ^eg^anted  in  large  tracts 
to  piBOple,  wha  being  upon  the  spot,  were 
cnabied  by  a  little,  personal  exertion,  and 
by  sacrificing  a  fourth  or  a  fifth  part  of  wliat 
tjieythus  acquired,  to  place  tomethiog.  like  the 
appearande  of  the; scan typopulatbn  Te«|uired  by 
Jihe  terms  of  settlement  upon  them,  and  when 
that  has  been  once  done,  no  farther  quesCions 

■  •  •>  I  ha««  heard  of  some  very  ImtA  cases  howsvei  which  made  th«  i^re 
Doisr,  tint  it  soon  appeared  that  little  more  was  effected  by  the  proceeding 
than  placing  the  lands  in  the  hands  of  a  resident  proprietor,  instead  of  a 
person  living  in  Great-Britain  or  Ireland.  • 

yujmiUU  ..mi* 


are  asked,  by  these  means  many  bundrcil  tbo\i- 
sand  acres  of  the  finest  lands  in  the  province 
are  locked  up  in    the  hands  of   a  few  indi- 
viduals,   to    the    great  obstFuction    and    in- 
jury of  the  settlement,  but  had  the  quit  rents 
trifling  as  they  are,  been  exacted  and  regularly 
laid  out  in  public  works  through  the  Coun- 
try, such  speculations  would  never  have  be^n 
thorght  of,  and  1  am  covinced  the  population 
and  improvements  of  the  Colony  would  long 
ere  this  have  far  exceeded  any  thing  it  can  now 
boast  of.     I  believe  I  shall  run  no  risk  of  mis- 
statement,  when  I  say  that  not  one  twentieth 
of  the    lands   which  have    been    granted  in 
this  Province  thirty  years  ago  are  yet  cleared 
or  cultivated,  and  the  evil  would  have  gone 
to  a  much  greater  length,   had  it  not  been  for 
the  general  instruction  issued  in  1790,    pro- 
hibiting further  grants  without  His  Majesty's 
permission,    That  I  am  well  founded  in  this 
assertion  will  be  believed,  when  it  is  known 
that   notwithstanding    the  difficulties   which 
this  instruction  opposed    to   such    practices, 

8  2 






L^M2.8      |2.5 




lj:25   i  1.4 






/^PPLIED^'  IIVMGE .  Inc 

.^a  1653  East  Main  street 
■sssr^  Rochester,  NY  14600  USA 
■JIS'^  Phone:  716/482-0300 
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0 1 993,  Applied  Image.  Inc. .  All  Rights  Reserved 


h    An 


there  is  one  man  in  the  Province  (If  I  'diix 
Well  informed)  who  has  contrived  to  procure 
grants  to  thd  extent  of  one  hundred  thou- 
sand acres,  during  the  administration  of  Sir 
John  Wentworth,  without  being  possessed 
of  a  capital  which  couM  have  enabled  him 
to  bring  one  thousand  acres  into  cultiva- 

It  seems  at  first  difficult  to  comprehend 
how  taking  money  out  of  the  pockets  of  the 
proprietors  of  a  waste  and  uncultivated  coun- 
try, can  contribute  to  the  benefit  of  that 
country,  as  it  has  the  appearance  of  di- 
minishing  the  fund  from  which  its  improve- 
ments  are  to  he  carried  on,-  that  is  ttife" 
iifst  view  of  the  matter  which  will  naturally 
present  itself,   and   those   unacquainted  with 

<■  ^*■^l^^^'r 

*  I  am  MiisiUe  that  what  I  have  said  on  this  subject,  will  not  be  ploaiitfg 
to  the  gieat  kudholders  in  that  couutry,  nor  to  those -^ho  have  large 
grsau  in  *iew,  hIwu  the  restraining  instruction  of  1790  is  r^callf^,  Jl|e 
eiaction  of  the  qmt  rf„t,  would  be  a  serious  cut  upoa  their  prospects  ;  fp,* 
roan  »|io  },o]d,  frc  h^-n<y  to  fortj  thou.atod  acres,  and  up^rards,  on  sp!}. , 



the-  subject  may  be  inclined  to  require  expla* 
nation  before  they  can  give  credit  to  the  con- 
trary.    The  thing  is  easily  explained,  the  lands 
M-ere  originally  granted    on   terms  of  being 
settled  and  improved,  whereby  alone  ihey  car^ 
become  of  any  real  value  either  to  the  proprie- 
tors  or  the  public.  It  now  appears  after  upwards 
of  thirty  years  trial,  that  a  great  majority  of 
those  to  whom   the  Island  was  granted,    have 
never  mdde  any  exertions  towards  improving  the 
country,  and  that  notwithstanding  such  failure 
they  have  been  enabled  to  retain  their  lands, 
and  to  speculate  on  the  future  prospects  of 

culation.  (which  in  tbe  mean-tioe  yields  nothing)  aud  many  luch  there  are. 
•  quit  rent  of  eveu  a  farihing  an  acre  regularly  exacted,   becomea  an 
object;  but  to  the  man   who  hold,  only  from  five  hundred  to  a  thousand 
WK*.  and  who  has  a  hundred  acres  in  cultivMiou,   such  a  quit  rent  is  a 
n)cr*  trifle  which  wonid  be  readily  i>.id  when  it  was  felt  that  the  con- 
•pquence  would  be.  effectually  to  cut  up  the  large  grant,,  ,vhich  more  than 
any  other  circumstanc.  have  injured  and  prevented  the  settlement  and 
OMtira-ion  of  the  country.    If  it  i,  expected  that  the  colowcs  in  North 
Amertc.  are  ever  to  enable  the  West  India  Island,  to  beconae  indrpondent 
of  the  United  States  in  the  very  necessary  article,  of  provision^'  fish  and" 
lumber ;  that  can  only  b.  accomplished  by  an  attention  to  tlri^  affairs  vcr^ 
^iStttat'rtorn  "  Ijat  they  have  hitherto  met  «'itj». 





ih,  i'  .1 

"^k  f.  i 

*    1 


the  colony  without  either  expeftw,  6r  exertion, 
in  consequence  of  the  indulgence  of  Govern* 
ment  in  not  exacting  the  regular  payment  of 
the  quit  rent ;  whereas  it  may  easily  be  con* 
ceived,  that  if  the  quit  rents  had  been  regit* 
larly  exacted,  that  the  proprietors  in  general, 
would  either  have  made  such  exertions  as  w^te 
necessary  to  put  the  la^ds  in  a  way  of  exonera- 
ting  them  from  this  yearly  expence,  or  that 
they  would  have  gradually  sold  them  off,  either 
in  small  tracts  to  actual  settlers,  ©r  in  large 
tracts  on  speculation  to  men  of  fortune,  Who 
might  be  inclined  to  adventure  their  money 
in  the  settlemt  what  has  happened  since  the 
composition  for  *he  arrears  of  quit  rent  up 
to  May  iSOl  was  adopted,  is  a  complete 
proof  of  this,  and  I  am  convinced  had  that 
measure  been  adopted  in  1792,  when  it  was 
firs;  proposed,  that  the  consequeace  would 
have  been,  that  we  should  before  this,  have  had 
fifty  thousand  people  in  the  Island,  and  that 
every  acre  in  the  colony  would  now  have  been 
worth  at  least  five  guineas,  that  is,  provide^ 

thcgroyringquit  rent  liadbcen  regularly  exact- 
ed in  the  mean-time,  and  faithfully  laid  out 
on  the  improvement  of  the  country, 

.  In  April  1805,  several  of  the  principal  pro- 
prietors resident  in  this  country,  presented  a 
representatiop  to  Lord  Camden,  then  Secretary 
of  State  for  the  colonial  department,  stating 
such  matters  as  appeared  to  them  to  require 
the  attention  an',  interposition  of  Government ; 
this  representation  has  not  yet  been  taken  into 
consideration,  but  tliere   is   every   reason    to 
expect  that  when  more  important  affairs  will 
permit  the  great  statesman  now  at  the  head  of 
that  department,  to  enter  upon  the  affairs  o^ 
the  Island,  such  a  determination  M'ill  be  made 
thereon,  as  cannot  fail  being  highly  beneficial, 
and  thereby  place  the  future  progress  and  pros* 
pects.  of  the  colony  on  a  certain    and    per- 
manent foptin^j, 

.-.^vjo  tlie  beginning  of  July,    Lieutenant-Ge- 
nial Fanning  who  had    been  near  nineteen 






years  Lieutenant-Govdrnbr  of  the  I«l«na,  *  Wat- 
supersededby  Lieutenant-Crovernor  Defebarreai 
who  has  the  advantage  of  commencing 
his  administration  with  the  colony  in  pcr- 
ftct  p«ace  and  harmony,  and  in  a  rapid 
state  of  improvement ,  far  from  mcethig 
with  opposition  of  atiy  kind,  he  has  be^A 
received  with  all  the  attention  and  respect  dif* 
to  his  office  ;  and  I  am  confident  will  meet 
with  the  most  liberal  support  from  his  prede- 
cessor and  his  numerous  friends,  in  every  mea- 
sure calculated  to  promote  the  general  pros- 
perity of  the  colony.  Upon  giving  up  the 
government,  General  Fanning  received  every 
mark  of  respect  and  attention  that  could  be 
shewn  him  by  the  people,  whose  interests  had 
so  lon^  been  committed  to  his  care  ;  all  were 
sensible  of  his  good  intentions,  and  the  diffi- 
culties he  had  to  struggle  with  as  governor, 
where  from  the  circumstances  of  the  country, 
and  the  property  thereof  being  locked  up  in 
the  hands  of  noh-residents,  he  was  deprived 
of  all  the  means  by  which  governors  are  usually 

•uabled  to  Contribute  to  the  prosperity  and  pro- 
gress of  a  new  colony.  ,y 



His  conduct  during  the  time  he  adniiuist«^rcd 
the  government,  hud  met  with  ilic  uniform 
approbation  of  His  Majesty  s  Ministers,  ami  .a 
provision  equal  to  the  amount  of  liis  salary  was 
nmk  t'ox  him  on  his  being  auj  erccded. 

'.'  J 

:   U3 




'hH    '■'11 

Hi  l| 

Iff- ■<?!/-  |>*i:r»«i-  »{:, 


'  ^(t^«>    ^b  I 

'];G4j^;i  :5t; 


I  ! 





This  Island,  as  a  part  of  the  dominions  of  th6 
crown  of  Great-Britain,  is  independent  of  any 
jurisdiction  in  America,*  the  government  and 

•  Bjr  Hit  M^t;'(  royal  procIamaUonin  1763,  regultting  the  division  and 
boundaries  of  the  different  countries  conquered  irom  France  in  the  preceding 
war,  the  Island  was  annexed  to  the  province  of  Nova  Scotia;  this  eircum. 
stance  has  never  been  forgotten,  nor  has  the  subsequent  separation  ever  been 
foigiven  bj  a  certain  set  of  people  in  that  province,  in  cons«iueuce  of 
which,  I  am  sorry  to  say,  that  the  Uand  has  been  subjected  to  much  ob, 
loquy  and  misrepresentation,  the  object  of  which  appears  to  be  to  prevent 
the  settlement  thereof  as  a  separate  colony,  that  it  may  be  again  reunited 
to  Nova  Scotia,  whereby  the  Urge  unsettled  grants  wonld  be  brought  undei 
the  operation  of  their  escheat  laws,  and  would  speedily  change  hands,  that  is. 
instead  of  being  owned  in  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  they  would  pau  into 
the  hands  of  people  of  influencf  in  and  abput  the  cupilal  of  that  province. 
This  project  has  been  constandy  in  view  ever  since  the  settlement  of  tht 
Island  commenced,  to  which  it  has  opposed  very  considerable  obstrnctigps 
in  various  ways,  nnd  is  now  more  openly  pursued  Ihap  ever,  the  attornej 
general  of  that  province  being  at  present,  I  am  infoimed,  in  England. 


legislature  thereof  being  vested  in  a  Governor 
or  Lieutenant  Governor  and  Council,  appointed 
by  the  King,  and  a  house  of  representative! 
elected  by  the  people,  who  meet  in  general 
assembly,  being  called  together,  prorogued,  and 
dissolved  by  the  governor's  proclamation.  The 
commission  or  patent  under  the  great  seal  of 
Great-Britain  granted    to  our  first  governor. 

mvowedJy  for  the  purpose  of  bringing  it  about ;  wtietliei  tuch  a  measure  will 
be  attempted  witliout  the  consent  of  the  Waai),  after  its  having  for  so  many 
years  enjoyed  a  complete  constitution,  remains  fobe  lecn  ;  in  the  mean- 
lime,  I  will  yenture  to  say  that  hardly  any  thing  short  of  the  conqaeat  and 
•ttbjogation  of  the  colony  by  a  foreign  power  oould  be  more  generally  dis* 
agreeable  to  its  inhabitants.  It  will  be  said  by  the  advocates  for  this  mea. 
lure,  that  I  misrepresent  their  views,  which  t.  ,  Till  say  aie  directed  by 
tery  different  motives  than  what  I  attribute  them  to,  and  it  wiU  be  pre- 
tended  that  far  from  having  any  wish  to  have  the  lands  regranted  in  the 
manner  I  have  alkdged.  that  ti.eir  object  is  to  put  the  Lland  in  a  way  of 
being  speedily  settled  and  cultivated,  and  therety  becoming  of  that  conse- 
1«ence  and  value  to  the  public  which  its  many  natural  advantages  in  point 
of  soil  and  situation  enable  it  to  attain,  and  tliat  the  speculation  I  have  at. 
trikuted  their  views  to,  may  be  prevented  by  an  instruction  limiting  future 
|f«iiti  oflaad  in  the  Island  to  one  or  two  hundred  acres ;  in  that  case  the 
following  table  of  fees  taken  in  Nova  Scotia  will  do  someihmg  towards  set- 
piBg  the  very  disinterested  views  of  these  people  in  a  clear  fc^ht. 

f    1 



.,:.  i\\\ 

ii  i  i 




wlwn  the  Island  was  erected  into  a  separate  go- 
vernment, forms  the  constitution  of  the  Island; 
a»d  the  instructions  received  therewith,  are  ex. 
pJanatory  of  the  patent  and  regulate  the  gover- 
lior's" conduct  in  almost  all  the  common  routine 
of  ;public  business  incident  to  his  situation. 
The  instructions  are  pretty  voluminous,  they 
are  changeable  at  the  king's  pleasure,  and  ad- 

Thecxpenceorfeesofacourt  ofeicLc.ti  and  forfeiture  on  an  in^neit 
of  oftce  are  ai  followi,  <i 

The  tecrefary  of  the  (^°  Conmimontt  of  Eicheats  and  *    *    ' 

Province,  who  is  Cora- 1     Forfeiturej    •    • S  iO   '6 

luiMioner.     hai    theie  jRegater i     «    * 

threcFee..  f  ^      ,       .  .  .  -13    4 

»»Xwo  Inquisitions    •-....      SOO 

The  Aftorncf  General  .  .  -  -  3  lo  o 
The  Solicitor  General t    6    Q 

TheJary.  lj«tJs.6d.  each  ...  j  jo  0 
^'>«'«'^k ,,,    , 

ThcSherifT 13    4 

'^^S'"''ev»rOener»IofLaiid.  -.134 
TheCryeroftheCoart  -  ...  0  5  « 
Advertisements  in  the  Newspapers,  ")  » 

giving  Botice  of  the  proceedings,  V«o    0    0 
Mi**  «o  cost  generaJJjr  about     .1 


cJitional  instructions  are  sent,  as  circumstances 
may  require.    The  council,  when  full,  consists 
of  nine  members  appointed  by  the  king's  man- 
^amus,  or  more  frequently  by  the  governor  dr 
lieutenant  governor  for  the  time  being,  subject 
to  His  Majesty's  approbation :  all  their  privileges 
and  powers  are  defined  in  the  instructions;  they 
are  a  privy  council  to  the  governor,  lieutenant- 
governor,  or  commander  in  chief  in  the  admi- 
nistration of  government,  and  he  is  bound  by 
the  royal  instructions  to  ask  their  advice  on 
almost  every  act  of  public  concern,  the  stile  of 
all  proclamations  and  acts  of  government  being 


These  Fee*  are  to  be  paid  b,  any  per.o,.  wli,  procecdito  cchc.i  a  graut 
of  land  whereou  the  term,  and  conditions  of  .ettl«„,cat  have  not  been  fuN 
filled.  V     ..« that  he  a>nj  get  the  whole,  or  a  part  thereof  regranted  to  hiu,- 
•elf.    g.p|,  one  of  our  townships  e.cheatcd  by  thi,  proceeding.  .„d 
th*  itii  tobe  r«gr.nted  .n  tr«:t,of  one  hundred  «:re.;  the  fee,  oiofli.ein 
Nova  Scotia  on  a  grant  of  a  hundred  acre,,  are  about  eighteen  pouad,  cor- 
reney.  b«ide.the  expence  of  surveying,  «,  that  the  a  ,ingl« 
tomuhip  in  that  manner,  would  produce  to  the  ofllcor,  of  government  in 
that  provine.  n»  len  -.  .u™    ,,«„   tkre.  rte«i«rf  rf,  hundred  pound,.  .oa^  kn«wJcdge  of.  tfce  .tAj^cf.  I  prcum.  to  ,ay.  that  it  w,ll  not 
be  difficult  to  briuB  hdflh.Und.  in  the  Idand  wl,hm  the  gripe  of  the 
Ctmrt  of  Escheat,,  if  it  i,  reunited  to  Nova  Scoiia.  and  fron,  what  ha, 
been  saiu,  ...y  reader,  niU  ,ee  that  th«  ,peculat.oa  i,  worlh^om.  e.crti.n. 




kilt  i  I 


**  Bjf  and  with  the  advice  and  consent-  of  Bis 
**  Mqjestys  Council."  Tlic>  are  conventU  by 
the  governor,  who  is  always  present  when  they 
♦it  as  a  privy  council,  or  upon  writs  of  error, 
or  appeals  from  the  supreme  court :  a  coun- 
sellor's title  is  The  Honourable,  and  ihey  serve 
without  any  salaries.  Upon  the  death  or  ab- 
sence of  the  governor  or  lieutenant-governor 
for  the  time  being,  the  senior  member  of  the 
board  succeds  to  the  government  of  the  Island, 
which  he  is  entitled  to  administer,  with  the 
title  of  President  of  the  Council,  and  Comman,- 
der  in  chie^j  until  His  M^j^^ty  shall  have  prp- 
vidcd  otherwise. 

When  the  legislatare  meets  in  general  assem- 
bly, the  council  forms  the  upper  house,  repre- 
.  seating  the  lords  in  parliament,  they  then  meet 
without  the  governor,  the  chief  justice  for  the 
time  being  is  ex  officio  president  or  speaker ; 
they  cannot  vote  by  proxy,  but  enter  their 
dissent,  and  their  reasons  therefore  at  large 
on  the  minutes;    the  council    never  publish 



their  legislative  minutes,  but  tlic  house  of'  re- 
presentatives always  print  their  own  journals; 
both  are  transmitted  to  the  office  of  the  secre-' 
tary  of  state  for  the  colonies,  with  authenticated 
copies  of  such  laws  as  pass  during  the  session 
of  the  colonial  legislature. 

The  house  of  representatives  consists  of  eigh- 
teen  members,  elected  by  the  people  under  "he 
authority  of  a  writ  issued  by  the  governor, 
lieuteuant-govemor  or  commander  in  chief  for 
the  time  being;  four  members  for  each  of  the 
counties,  andtwo  for  each  of  the  towns  :*  They 
meet  in  general  assembly,  are  prorogued  and 
dissolved  by  the  governor's  proclamation  ;  they 
chuse  their  speaker,  subject  to  the  governor's  ap. 
probation,  which  is  generally  a  matter  of  course : 
No  personal  privilege  oradvantage  is  claimed 

•  All  hou.ekcep«r^  U^„  of  J.n-  In  po«c.«o„.  «.d  propue.or.  of 
l«d.  bemg  Pro,e.t.nt..  .„  q..,ified  to  ..,c  for  lb.  ««„b«r.  of  .hci, 
*e.p*ca,e  co.ntie. ,  M.d  (o,  the  .own.  .11  housekeep,™  .«,  p,opri.n,r.  of 
f  town  or  putur,  lot  w«hi„  .he  ,ow«  and  ro,.l,,.  be.u,  P,oH».t,n.,,  «,• 
,ent.Ued.o.,o.c;  and  an,  per«.n  .o  be  an  eiec.or,  «a^  ^ 
<;on.e  a  ckndidate  without  ftftWrquafificition.       •  "     ' 






.ft"  T 


by  the  members,  nor  do  tliey  at  present  redeivd 
any  allowance  for  tlicir  attendance.  In  all 
Iheir  proceedings  when  met  in  general  assembly, 
they  take  the  British  house  of  commons  for 
their  model,  the  rules  and  regulations  of  which 
they  have  adopted  as  far  as  the. same  are  yet 
applicable  to  the  circumstances  in  which  they 
are  placed. 

The  colonics  are  understood  to  take  the 
common  law,  and  all  the  Statute  Law  of  Ens- 
land  antecedent  to  their  establishment,*  which 
may  be  applicable  to  their  situation  and  cir^ 
cumstances,  but  this  must  be  understood  with 
many,  and  very  considerable  restrictions,  many 
of  the  artificial  refinements  and  distinctions  in- 
troduced into  the  laws  of  this  country  cannot 
be  applicable  to  them  :  the  laws  pf  police,  and 
Teveiuje,  the  mode  of  maintaining  the  estab- 
lishtci  clergy,  tiie  poor  laws,  and  the  juris- 
diction  of  the  spiritual  courts,  and  a  multitude 
of  other  provisions  are  neither  necessary  nor 


t  BJsck,  CoTTi,  inr. 


convenient  for  them  nor  are  they  in  force;  what 
is  admissible,  knd  what  shall  be  rejected,  has 
hitherto  been  left  to  the  discretion  of  their 
respective  courts,  and  on  this  Head  it  may 
easily  be  believed  opinions  will  differ  much ; 
it  is  therefore  to  be  wished,  that  a  more  cer- 
tain iiiode  of  determining  the  length  to  which 
it  is  to  b     arried  may  be  devised. 

The   legislature  of  the  Island  are  invested 
with  full  power  and  authority  •  to  make,  con- 
stitute,  and  ordain  laws,  statutes,  and  ordj- 
nances,    for    tlie  public  peace,    welfare,    and 
good  government  ^thereof,  such  laws,  statutes, 
and  ordinances,  are  not  to  be  repugnant  to, 
but  as  nearly  as  may  be,  agreeable  to  the  laws 
of  Great-Britain,  and  the  governor  is  directeti 
by  the  royal  instructions,  not  to  assent  to  the 
passing  of  any  law  of  a  new  or  extraordinary 
nature,  without  the  same  has  a  clause  suspend- 
rngthe  operation  thereof,  until  His  Majesty's 
pleasure  therein  is  known. 

•  Hy  n.»  huj.,y,  n,„^i  p,^j„.f^  ^,jj^^  1,^;,  ^, 

ptfut  SeiiVof  Oreat  Brifaift. 


I'  :' 

i  If 

i      V' 

>•  II 

ili,  1  --(i  !l 


The  innovations  which  have  hitherto  been 
made  on  the  English  laws  are  not  many,  though 
some  of  them  are  important ;  I  shall  endeavour 
to  give  an  idea  of  them,  taking  the  subjects  up 
as  they  stand  on  our  statute  book. 

By  an  act  of  the  IS'*  of  George  the  3*,  Cap, 
V.  the  damages  on  protested  foreign  bills  of 
exchange  are  fixed  at  ten  per  cent,  and  the  in- 
terest at  six  per  cent  over  and  above  all  charges 
of  protest,  &c, 

By  the  SO*""  of  George  the  3*.  Cap.  VIII. 
For  the  prevention  of  clandestine  and  uncertain 
sales  of  houses,  lands,  and  tenements,  within  the 
Island,  and  to  the  intent  that  it  may  be  better 
known  what  right  or  title  persons  really  and 
truly  have  in  or  to  such  estates  as  they  offer  for 
tale.  It  is  enacted  that  all  deeds,  conveyances 
or  mortgages  of  houses,  lands,  or  tenements 
within  the  Island,  shall  be  recorded  at  full 
length  in  the  register's  office  within  forty  days 
next  after  their  respective  dates,  if  executed  on 

the  Island  between  the  first  day  of  May,  and 
the  first  day  of  November;  and  within  eighty 
days  if  there  executed  between  the  first  day  of 
November  and  the  first  day  of  May :    and  if 
executed  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland,  then  the 
said  original   deeds,   or  duly  attested   copies 
thereof,  shall  or  may  be  recorded  as  aforesaid, 
within  the  space  of  two  years  from  their  respec 
tiv^e  dates.     After  the  expiration  of  the  said 
forty  days,  eighty  days,  or  two  years :  all  such 
deeds,  &c.  if  not  recorded  as  above  directed, 
shall  be  of  no  force  against  any  bona  fide  purr 
chaser  who  shall  comply  with  this  act,  or  against 
any  other  person  whatsoever  except  the  grants 
or,  or  grantors,  his  or  their  heirs. 

By  the  25th  George  3-.  Cap.  I.  the  operation 
of  this  act  is  extended  to  all  leases  being  of  a 
longer  duration  than  twenty  years,  and  the  term 
of  two  years  allowed  for  the  registering  of  deeds 
executed  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  is  extended 
to  all  deeds,  *c.  executed  in  all  other  of  H,> 

T  2 


ii  ii 




Majesty'*  dominions  distant  from  the  Island. 
Proof  of  the  execution  of  all  deeds,  &c  is  re- 
quired before  they  can  be  recorded.  By  this 
act  an  option  is  given  to  the  parties  concerned, 
either  to  register  all  deeds,  &c.  at  full  length, 
or  by  a  memorial  thereof;  and  for  want  of  such 
registering,  all  such  deeds  of  sale,  conveyances, 
mortgages,  deeds  of  settlement^  or  conveyances 
of  what  nal^ure  or  kind  soever,  deeds- poll,  leases, 
or  agreements  of  longer  duration  than  ten  years, 
of  or  concerning  any  lands,  tenements,  or  he- 
reditaments in  this  Island  shall  be  adjudged 
fraudulent,  and  of  no  force  or  effect.  This  act 
not  to  bar  the  title  of  minors  femmt  couvert,  or 
persons  non  compos  mentu,  imprisoned,  or  ab- 
sent from  the  Island,  who  are  respectively  en- 
titled to  sue  and  recover  within  two  years  after 
such  impediment  shall  have  been  removed. 

By  an  act  of  the  20,^  of  George  the  3*.  Cap. 
IX.  Creditors  are  enabled  to  attach  the  effects 
and  estates  of  absent  or  absconding  debtors, 
wnich  are  thereby  rendered  liable  in  law  to  the 


judgment  to  be  recovered  on  such  proccw,  and 
subject  to  be  taken  in  execution  for  satisfaction 
thereof,  in  whoever's  hands  the  same  may  be: 
absent  dt'btors  against  whom  such  judgments 
are  recovered,  are  entitled  to  a  re-hearing  at 
any  time  within  three  years,  and  the  plaintPfFin 
such  actibns  before  any  execution  shall  issue 
on  such  judgments,   to    give  security  to  the 
satisfaction  of  the  court,  for  the  repayment  of 
all  monies  levied  by  the  said  execution,  in  case 
the  said  judgment  be  reversed  on  such  re-hear- 
ing.     By  an  act  of  the  25th  of  George  3*.  Cap. 
ir.  the  operation  of  the  above  act  is^o  far  al^ 
tered  as  to  restrict  creditors  from  proceeding 
against  debtors  who  have  never  been  resident 
on  the  Island,  and  security  in  double  the  amount 
is  required  before    any   execution  is  awarded 
against  an  absent  debtor,  conditioned  to  make 
restitution,  incase  the  said  judgment  shall  be 
reversed  on  a  re-hearing;  but  the  time  allowed 
to  absent  debtors  to  appear  either  by  themselves 
or  attorney,  and  move  to  have  the  judgment  by 
default  taken  off,   is  curtailed  and  limited  to  a 

I-  ffi ' 

I      »n 







year  and  a  day  from  the  time  of  entering  judgi 
ment  against  such  absent  debtor. 

By  the  SP*  of  Gedrge  3*.  Cap.  II.  the  estates 
of  intestates,  after  paying  all  just  debts  and  fu- 
neral expenses,  are  directed  to  be  distributed  by 
the  judge  of  probates,  one-third  of  the  personal 
estate  to  the  widow  of  the  intestate,  besides  her 
dower  in  the  houses  and  lands  during  her  life ; 
and  out  of  all  the  riesidue  of  such  real  and  per- 
sonal estate,  two  shares,  or  a  double  portion  to 
the  eldest  son  or  his  representatives,  and  the 
remainder  of  such  residue,  to  and  among  the 
other  children  of  the  intestate,  or  their  repre- 
sentatives ;  widows'  dower  to  be  divided  in  like 
manner  after  her  death. 

By  the  3I«t  of  George  the  3".  Cap.  III.  landi 
and  tehements  are  made  liable  to  the  payment 
of  debts  in  case  no  personal  effects  can  be  found 
to  satisfy  the  same ;  this  act  allowed  an  equity 
of  redemption  within  two  years  after  levying 
^uch  execution,  but  was  repealed  by  the  act  of 


the  S&^  George  the  3-.  Cap.  IX.  which  hiadc 
lands  and  tenements  liable  to  be  sold  in  six 
Jnonths  after  they  were  taken  in  execution,  with- 
out any  equity  of  redemption ;  the  operation  of 
tliis  last  act  was  found  to  be  so  severe,  that  an 
act  was  passed  in  the  35*  of  GeorgcS^  Cap. 
VIII.  by  which  it  is  enacted  that  no  lands  or 
tenements  hereaftf^r  to  be  taken  in  execution, 
shall  U  sold  in  less  than  two  years  after  they 
shall  have  been  so  taken. 

By  the  21",  of  George  the  3".  Cap.  XVII.  It 
is  enacted,   that  all  actions  or  suits,  either  in 
Jaw  or  equity,  to  be  sued  or  brought,  of  or  for 
any  lands,  tenements,  m  hereditaments  within 
tJie  Island,    shall    be  sued  and  taken  within 
twenty  years,  next  after  the  title  or  cause  of 
action  first  descended,   and  at  no  other  time 
after  the  said  twenty  years ;  and  that  no  entry 
shall   be  made  upon  lands,   &c.   but  within 
twenty  years  next  after  such  title  shall  have  ac- 
crued,  after  which  such  persons  not  entering, 
are  utterly  excluded  ;  with  the   usual  saving 


clause  to  infants,  fmme  eoutert,    persons  mm 
compos  mentis,  imprisoned,  or  bet/umi  seas.     The 
great  and  general  neglect  of  so  many  of  the 
proprietors    having   involved   many  people  iu 
great  uncertainty  with  respect  to  the  titles  of 
lands,  whereon  very  considerable  exertions  and 
expence  had  been  laid  out,  the  legislature  were 
induced  in  1795  to  passalaw  35'" Geo.  3"  Cap.  11. 
intituled  an  act  for  confirming  titles  and  quiet- 
ing possessions,  by  which  it  is  enacted,  that  all 
purchasers  or  lessees  of  land,  who  have  been  in 
the  quiet  and  peaceable  possession  of  such  lands 
for  the  space  of  seven  years,  and  all  persons 
claiming  by,  from,  or  under  them,  are  confirmed 
in  such  possession  according  to  the  right,  title 
or  interest  intended  to  be  conveyed  in  and  by 
such  leases  or  conveyances.    And  all  deeds  of 
sale  made  by  the  Sheriff,   Coroner,  &c.  under 
writs  of  execution  are  confirmed,  any  want  of 
legal  form  in  such  deeds  notwithstanding. 

The  lands  sold  in  178J,  for  non-payment  of 
quit  rent,  are  excepted  from  the  operation  of 


this  act,  and  it  is  also  provided  that  no  error 
which  may  have  taken  place  in  setiling  the 
township  boundaries  shall  be  thereby  confirmed; 

By  the  fi^'"  of  George  3".  Cap.  VJ.  It  ii^ 
enacted,  that  no  greater  interest  than  six  ^ 
cent  per  annum  shall  be  taken. 

The  severity  of  the  criminal  laws  of  Great 
Britain  being   unnecessary  in  a  new  country 
where  few  crimes  are  committed,  by  the  33<  of 
George  the  3"  Cap.  [.  a  new  criminal  code  more 
suitable  to  the  situation  and  circumstances  of 
the  country  is  established.      By   the  36*^  of 
George  the  3"  Cap.   Iir.   [t  is  enacted  that  all 
grants,  deeds,  and  conveyances  heretofore  made 
and  executed  by  any  married  woman  jointly 
with  lier  husband,  of  any  lands,  houses  and  te- 
nement within  this  Island,  whereof  such  married 
woman  is  dowable,  shall  be  as  good  and  valid 
III  law,  as  if  the  same  had  been  made  byafemme 
■sole,  or  as  if  such  woman  had  joined  in  levjying 
a  fine,   according  to  the  law  and  practice  of 


'I' is  I 


:.    ; 


W,  I 

:i  IS 


England  in  that  case  made  and  provided ;  and 
it  is  further  enacted^  that  all  grants  and  con* 
veyances  which  shall  hereafter  be  made  by  any 
married  woman  jointly  with  her   husband,  of 
lands,  houses,  and  tenements  whereof  she  is  dow- 
ablc  by  law,  or  in  or  to  which  she  may  have  any 
present  or  future  interest,  either  in  her  own  right, 
or  in  or  by  any  other  ways  or  means  whatsoever, 
shall  be  as  good  and  valid  in  law,  and  of  the 
same  force  and  effect,  as  if  the  same  had  been 
made  hy  z.femme  sole,  or  as  if  such  married  wo- 
man had  joined  in  levying  a  fine  in  manner 
herein-before  mentioned ;  provided  such  deed 
or  deeds,  &c.  shall  be  acknowledged  by  such 
married  woman  in  the  presence  of  a  judge  of 
the  supreme  court  of  the  Island,  or  any  justice 
of  the  peace  thereof,  by  such  married  woman, 
as  her  free  and  voluntary  act  and  deed,  and  to 
have  been  executed  for  the  purposes  in  the 
said  deed  or  deeds  mentioned,  and  that  the  same 
was  done  without  any  force  or  compulsion  from 
her  husband   and  a  certificate  of  such  acknow- 
ledgment, the  form  whereof  is  engrossed  in  the 



act,  is  directed  to  be  underwritten  or  indorsed 
on  every  such  grant,  deed,  or  conveyance. 

The  revenue  laws  hitherto  adopted,  are  but 
two,  a  licence  duty  on  retailers  of  wines,  and 
spiritous  liquors;  and  an  impost  or  excise  duty 
of  ten  pence  per  gallon,  payable  on  the  im- 
portation of  all  wines  and  spirits  ;  and  two 
pence  pdr  gallon  on   the  importation  of  all 
porter,    ale,    or  strong  beer;   these    are  the 
<4nly  taxes  yet  payable  in  the  Island,   and  the 
produce  df  them  has  cohstituted  the  sole  rt- 
venuc  by  which  the  contingent  expences  of 
government,   and  the  high  roads  and  bridges 
have  been  carried  on.    Taxes  are  a  subject  on 
which  the  House  of  Representatives  have  hi- 
therto  been  particularly   tenacious,   and  they 
have  yet  to  learn,   that  it  is  possible  to  err  on 
the  popular  side  of  the  question  ;  called  to  the 
«luty  of  legislating   for  their  fellow  subjects, 
without    much  experience    or   knowledge  of 
public  business,  they  have  not  observed   that 
Ky  giving  way  foo  much   to   the  prejudices 


common  on  the  subject,    a    considerable  re- 
venue,  which  might  have  been  raised  and  ap- 
plied to  the  public  service,  greatly   to  tlie  ad- 
vantage of  the  Island,  has  been  suffered  to  go  mto 
the  pockets  of  a  few  individuals,  have  hi- 
therto had  the   trade  of   tlie  Island   in   their 
hands:  This  is  an  error  naturally    to   be  ex- 
pected in  a  new  country,  but  experience  will 
teach   us  better,    and  all   will  soon   be    con- 
vinced, that  a  respectable  revenue  adequate  to 
tlie  wants  of  the  public  service,   is  absolutely 
necessary  to  the  prosperity  of  the  Island. 

The  only  common  law  court  yet  established 
in  the  Island,  is  the  Supreme  Court  of  Judi- 
cature,  which  is  a  Court  of  King's  Bench, 
Common  Pleas,  and  Exchequer ;  the  Chief  Jus- 
tice is  appointed  hy  -  -  vnt  under  HU  Majesty's 
manual  and  signer,  under  the  authority  of  which, 
letters  patent  are  made  out  in  the  Island^ 
t^ted  by  tlie  governor  or  commander  in 
chief  for  the  time  being,  and  under  the  Great 
Seal  of  the  Colony,  and  a  salary  of  five  hundred 



pounds  a  year  is  now  annexed  to  tlie  office  :  there 
are  two  assistant  justices,  who  aie  appointed  by 
the  governor,  and  who  at  present  serve  without 
any  salary.  The  departments  of  counsel  and  attor- 
ney are  still  united,  and  the  number  of  practioncjfs 
isyet  only  foui :  the  proceedings  in  civil  acUoos 
are  conducted  as  near  as  circm  stances  will  per- 
mit, agreeable  to  the  practice  m  the  Court  of 
Common  Pleas  in  Westminster  Hall.   An  appeal 
in  the  nature  of  a  writ  of  error  is  allowed  from 
the  supreme  court  to  the  governor  or  com- 
mander in  chief  in  council,  when  the  debt  ox 
value  appealed   for  exceeds  the  su  '.p  of  three 
hundred  pounds  sterling ;  and  an  appeal  from 
the  judgment  or  sentence  of  the  g<  vernor  or 
commander  in  chief  in  council,  to  Hjs  Majesty 
in  Council,   is  allowed  when  the  debt  or  value, 
so  appealed  for,  exceeds  the  sum  of  i  ve  hun- 
dred pounds  sterling. 

The  church  of  England  is  the  religion  of  the 
Island,  estabhshed  by  law,  but  the  free  ex  ercise 
of  every  religion  is  allowed  :  and  all  dissenters 



I'M 'I 



of  whatsoever    denomination  they  are,  have 

free  liberty   of  conscience ;    and   may    erect 

meeting  houses  for  public  worship  ,•  and  may 

chuse  and  elect  ministers  or  pastors  according 

to  their  several  opinions.     And   all  contracts 

made  between  such  dissenting  ministers  and 

tbeir  congregations    are   declared   valid,    and 

shall  have  their  full  force  and  effect ;  and  all 

dissenters  are  exempted,     and    excused  from 

the  payment  of  any  rates  or  taxes  to  be  made 

or  levied,   for  the  support  of  the  Church   of 

England  in  the  colony. 

There  is  yet  only  one  clergyman  of  the 
Church  of  England  on  the  Island,  who  was 
appointed  by  the  King,  Rector  of  the  Parish 
of  Charlotte  on  the  first  formation  of  the 
government,  and  has  a  salary  of  seventy  pounds 
a  year  on  the  annual  estimate,  voted  by  parlia- 
ment for  the  civil  establishment  of  the  colony, 
for  whicb  he  does  duty  for  the  whole  Island, 
making  occasional  tours  to  the  different  set- 
tlements to  perform  divine  service,  and  bapti^re 

the  children :   several  applications  have  been 
jpade  to  the  incorporated  society  for  propagating 
the  gospel  in  foreign  parts,  on  behalf  of  the 
Island,  praying  for  the  appointment  of  mis, 
sionaries,  on  the  same  footing  as  they  are  grant- 
cd  to  all  the  other  colonies  in  North  America, 
and  though  it  is  understood  that  these  appli- 
cations  were  recommended  to  the  consideration 
of  the  society  by  the  Bishop  of  Nova  Scotm  in  the 
first  place,  and  subsequently  by  the  Earl  of  Buck, 
inghamshire^when  secretary  of  state  for  the  colo- 
nial  department,  it  has  not  thought  proper  to 
grant  the  favour  requested ;  if  I  am  well  inform- 
ed, the  reasons  on  which  the  refusal  was  ground- 
ed, are,  that  a  numbijr  of  individuals  of  fortune  in 
this  country,  who  are  proprietors  of  land  in  the 
Island,  pontribute  nothing  lo  the  funds  of  the 
society,  and  that  government  allow  the  salary 
of  military  chaplain  on  the  garrison  staff  of  the 
Island,   to  be  held  as  a  sinecure  by  a   person 
who  never  was  in  the  colony,  instead  of  con- 
%ring  it  on  a  resident  clergyman;  after  what 
has  b^en  said  in  the  preceding  pages  of  the 



II 'I 


■  :'if 




.!  '■& 

■'.  Jf 


'1 15 


neglect  of  the  proprietors  in  other  matters,  it 
appears  hard  that  the  conduct  imputed  to  them 
on  this  subject,  should  also  be  injurious  to  the 
colony.    The  people  of  the  Island  liave  not 
been  able  to  discover  in  these  reasons,   much 
concern  for  their  spiritual  welfare,  or  any  great 
consistency  with  the  professed  o^vects  of  that 
reverend  and  very  respectable  society,  and  they* 
have  to  lament,  that  without  any  fault  on  their' 
part,  they  are  excluded  from  participating  in» 
the  important  beaefits  of  an  institution,  thaV 
has    been    liberally  extended  to  tlie   wighJ 
bouring  colonies  of  Nova   Scotia  and    ^seyy' 
Brunswick,  and  to  all  their  felloxv  subjects  iu 
similar  circumstances :    the  disappointment  is 
the  more  to  be  regretted,  that,  as  on  the  one^ 
handi  the  Island  is  yet  free  of  the  contag  ion  of' 
thitwisdom  which  affects  to  reject  Christianity,  so^ 
on  the  other,  has  it  escaped  the  visitation  of  t/iat' 
wild  fanaticism  which  has  overrun  many  parts 
of  the  continent,  greatly  to  the  injury  and  dis- 
credit of  true  religion,  morality,  and  industry. 
And  the  minds  of  the  protesfant  part  of  the  in-  ' 


>iabitants  in  general  are  in  that  state  wherein  a 
Jittle  aid  and  exertion  on  tlie  sniyect,  would  go 
a  great  way  towards  uniting  the  greatest  pm 
of  them  in  the  comnuuiion  of  tlie  church  of 
iingland.     Most  of  the  Highlanders  who  set- 
tlfcl  in  tlie  Island  previous  to  1803,  and  the  Ac- 
cadian  French,  are  Roman  Catholics,  and  have 
two  or  tinee  priests  of  that  religion,   whose  re- 
puted  zeal    for  making  proselytes  has  occasi- 
onally  created  some  differences;  I  believe  how- 
ever their  success  in  that  respect  has  not  been 
great,  though  the  want  of  Protestant  clergymen 
has  given  them  advantages  over  weak  minds. 

The  greatest  part  of  the  Highlanders  who 
have  recently  settled   in  the  Island,   are  of  the 
church  of  Scotland,  but  have  yet  no  chr^.vman 
of  their  own  persuasion,  thou^i^h  there  i,  reason 
to  hope  that  the  same  disinicrestrd   ca.e  and 
attention  which  induced  so  manv  of  tluir  opu- 
lent  countrymen  to  join  in  bringing  to.ward 
the  late  act  for  regulating  emigration,  will  in-  ' 
duce  them  also  to  afford  some  aid  on  this  more 







important  subject,  and  they  are  the  more  san- 
guine in  their  cx|)ectations,  because  it  is  known 
that  the  funds  at  the  disposal  of  the  General 
Assembly  of  the  Church  of  Scotland  applicable 
to  such  purposes,  are  in  a  vtry  flourishing  state, 
and  it  cannot  be  believed,  that  any  little  jea- 
lousy with  respect  to  em -ration  wi.l  he  allow- 
ed to  interfere  against  them.  1  he  sum  wanted 
In  addition  to  what;  they  can  do  themselves, 
inrill  be  but  trifling,  nor  will  it  be  long  wanted, 
h.  few  yeais  will  enable  them  amply  to  provide 
for  a  Clergyman,  and  also  to  establish  a  senii'^' 
nary  of  education,  in  the  mean  time,  however, 
^ome  assistance  on  both  subjects  would  be  vt  ry 



Having  several  times  in  the  preceding  page, 
mentioned  the  Fisheries  of  the  Island,  I  ,haU 
r.ovv  attempt  to  give  my  readers  some  idea  of 
their  nature,  and  the  extent  to  which  they  may 
be  carried.  , 

The  herring  fishery  is  the  first  that  commen- 
ces  in  the  spring;  the  bays  and  harbours,  par- 
ticularly  on  the  north  side  of  the  Island,  are  no 
sooner  clear  of  ice.  than  they  are  filled  with 
immense  shoals  of  these  fish,  which  may  be 
taken  in  any  quantity  ;    though  they  appear  to 
be  more  plentiful  some  years  than  others,   they 
never  fail  coming  in  great  abundance.     They 
are  not  so  fat,  though  generally  much  larger 
than  the  herrings  takaa  on  the  west  coast  of 

u  2 



Scotland,  and  on  the  coust  of  Ireland  ;  they  are 
more  like  the  Srwedish  herring,  and  properly 
cured,  answer  very  well  for  the  West  India 
market ;  they  are  taken  at  much  less  expence 
than  on  the  coast  of  Scotland  or  Ireland,  as  the 
whole  business  is  carried  on  in  the  harbours, 
and  no  craft  above  the  size  of  common  boats  is 
necessary;  such  a  train  of  nets  as  is  commonly 
used  in  a  herring  buss  of  70  or  80  tons  on  the 
coast  of  Scotland,  would  with  ease  take  ten 
thousand  barrels  in  a  week  or  ten  days;  in  ge- 
neral, however,  large  seins  for  dragging  them 
oh  shore,  will  be  found  a  better  kind  of  net. 
They  come  into  the  harbours  generally  as  socn 
as  the  ice  is  gone,  the  first  shoals  are  always 
*he  best,  and  the  whole  business  does  not  last 
above  a  fortnight,  and  if  shipped  off  imme- 
diately for  the  West  Indies,  from  the  shoi  .aess 
of  the  voyage,  and  the  nature  of  the  fish,  being 
a  large  full  fish  without  oil,  they  will  arrive 
there  in  a  better  state  for  that  market,  than  any 
other  herrings  that  can  be  carried  to  that  cli- 
mate.    Besides  what  may  be  exported   salt, 


great  quantities  might  be  smoaked,  or  cured 
red,  for  M-hich  there  is  a  great  demand  in  the 
United  States  ;   the  wood  necessary  for  smoak- 
ing  herrings  will  cost  little  more  than  the  trou- 
ble of  cutting  it  down  and  carrying  it  to  the 
curing  houses,  in  this  country  it  constitutes  th» 
greatest  part  of  the  expence  of  the  business. 
In    tlie   months    of  October  and   November, 
large  shoals  of  herrings  of  a  much  superior  cha- 
racter, such  as  would  be  fit  for  the  European 
market,  come  upon  the  coast,  but  do  not  come 
into  the  harbours  in  such  large  bodies  as  in  the 
spring,  but  they  might  be  as  easily  taken  by 
buss  fishing  as  they  are  on  the  coast  of  Scot- 


Ale  Wives,  or  Gasperaus  {Clupeaserrata)  are 
taken  in  many  parts  of  the  Island,  and  in  the 
adjacent  harbours  on  the  continent,  in  very 
considerable  numbers,  and  though  not  so  plen- 
tiful as  the  common  herring,  there  is  no  doubt 
but  many  thousand  barrels  of  them  might  be 
exported  from   the  Gulph  every  year,    thev 



generally  sell  at  a  doHar  a  barrel  higher  in  the 
West  Indies  than  the  common  hemng,  which 
is  a  considerable  object ;  they  are  taken  in  the 
months  of  May  and  June,  in  rivers  and  brooks 
where  very  short  nets  on  ly  are  requi  red. 

Eels  of  a  very  superior  kind  have  long  been 
known  to  be  taken  on  the  Island,  they  are  too 
valuable  for  the  West  India  market,  but  have 
occasionally  been  sent  to  the  Itahun  market, 
where  they  are  sold  by  the  barrel  for  double  the 
pitce  of  salmon,  and  the  demand  tor  them  is 
much  greater  than  can  be  supplied ;  soiu  judo-. 
ment  of  the  value  of  them  may  be  formed  from 
the  circumstance  of  their  selling,  in  so  plentiful 
a  country  as  Canada,  at  sixteen  dollars  a  bar- 
rel ;  the  onJy  method  at  present  in  use  for  taking 
Itom,  is  by  spearing  for  them  in  the  muddy 
flats  in  our  harbours,  and  even  in  that  way  very 
eonwderable  quantities  are  taken ;  there  arc 
many  situations  in  the  Island  in  which  the 
method  of  taking  them  by  placing  eel  pots  in 
the  rivers  may  be  practised,  and  the  only  at- 


tempt  that  has  hitherto  been  made  iu  that  way 
was  very  successful. 

Mackerel   are   in   great  abundance  on   the 
coast  and  in  the  harbours,   from  the  middle  of 
June  till    November;    taking  them  with  net* 
has  never  yet  been  much  practised  in  our  owa 
harbours ;  the  gut  of  Canso  which  divides  the 
Island  of  Cape  Breton  from  Nova  Scotia,  and 
the  adjacent  harbours,  are  the  places  where  thi3 
fishery  has  been  chiefly  carried  on,  the  distance 
being  only  from  twelve  to  twenty  leagues  front 
the  Island  ;    the  quantity  taken  at  these  haN 
hours  is  some  years  very  great ;    it  has  been 
known  that  at  the  harbour  of  Port  Hood,  Ott 
the  coast  of  Cape  Breton,  after  thirty  vessels 
had  been  loaded  in  a  week,  a  heap  of  fish,  sup* 
posed  to  contain  at  least  a  thousand  barrels, 
have  been  left  on  the  beach  to  rot,  for  want  of 
salt  to   cure  them.     Many  American  vessels 
from  the  New  England  states  load  annually  in 
these  harbours  with  mackerel. 

:  I 








i  ^^^B 



Cod  are  caught  in  great  plenty  in  almost 
every  part  of  the  Gulph  of  St.  Lawrence,   but 
more  particularly  on  the  coast  of  the   Island, 
the  1%  of  C:  aleur,  and  the  Straits  of  Belleislc; 
our  pricipal  fishing  ground  extends  all  along 
the  north  coast  of  the  Island,  from  the  east 
point  to  the  Orphan  Bank,  which  stretches  con^ 
siderably  to  the  northward  of  the  North  Cape, 
and  the  fishing  vessels  have  seldom  to  go  above . 
three  or  four  leagues  from  the  shore,    whera 
there  is  only  :V .™  ten  to  fifteen  fathoms  water ; 
from  several  parts  of  the  Island  an  advanta- 
geous boat  fishery  may  be  carried  on  part  of 
the  season,  as  great  abundance  offish  may  often 
be   had  at   little  more  than  a  mile  from  the 
shore,  and  sometimes  at  a  less  distance;    two 
men  will  at  times  load  a  boat  twice  in  a  day. 

The  fishery  carried  on  from  the  American 
Sta^es  in  the  Gulph  of  St.  Lawrence  for  some 
years  is  very  extensive,  and  is  known  to 
be  one  of  the  greatest  sources  of  the  wealth 
of  the  eastern  states,  from  which  about  tzi^ 


thousand    stliooTitis    of  from  seventy    to  one 
liundieil  tons,  are  annually  sent  into  tli»  V,n\pU  : 
of  these  about  fourteen   hundred   make  ihe^r" 
fish  in  the  Straits  of  Relteisle,   and  on   tlie  Ll- 
trador  shore,  from  whence,  what  is  intended  fur 
the  European  market,  is  shipped  off,    without" 
heing  sent  to  iheir  own  ports;  aboi  t  six  hun- 
dred American  schooners  make  their  fares  on 
the  north  side  of  th<?  Island,   and  often  make 
two  trips  in  a  season,   returning  to  tlicir  own 
ports  with  full  cargoes,   where  their  fi>h  are 
dried  ;    the  number  of  men   employed   in  this 
fishery    is  estimated    at    between    fiOeen   and 
twenty  thousand,    and  the  profits   on  it  are 
known  to  be  very  great.     To  see  such  a  source 
of  wealth  ami  naval  power  on  our  own   coast., 
and  in  our  very  harbours,    abandoned   to   the 
Americans,  is  much  to  be  rcgrette«l  and  wouli 
be  distressing  wcvq  it  not  that  the  means  of  re- 
occupying  the  wh3le  with  such  advantages  as 
must  soon  preclude  all  competition,  is  afforded 
in  the  cultivation  and  settlement  oj  Prince  Ed-    • 
ward  Inland. 



The  principal  advaiitaije  the  Ainerican.s  hnve 
hilhnti*   had  ovn  the  British  fi.iheries  on  this 
C  oasr,  ari.Ms  from  tiie  cheapness  of  the  neces- 
saiiesof  life  anionic   ihem,  whereby  they   are 
ei  ablid  to  huiltl,  fit  out  and  provision  thcii  fish- 
ing craft  at  a  small  expence  in  comparison   to 
what  can  be  clone   from   the   ports    of  Great 
Britain   and    Ireland,    which  enables   them  to 
undersell  us  in  every  market ;  I  believe  there  is 
no  person  acquainted  with  the  soil  and  climate 
of  Prince  Edward  Island,  but  will  admit  that  it 
is  as  fit  for  producing  provisions  of  all  kinds 
in  abundance,  as  tiie  eastern  states,  and  haa 
even  some  advantages  over  them  in  that  re- 
•f  ect,  as  it  is  well  known  that  from  the  nature 
of  their  climate,   they  do  not  produce  wheat 
enough  to  supply  ll.tmselves  with  bread  corn, 
which  ihey  arc  obliged  to  import  from  their  sou- 
thern  ncijihbouis.     Net   only  Prince  Edward 
Island,  but  a  great  part  of  the  country  round 
theGulph  of  St.  Lawrence  will  produce  wheat, 
and  every  necessary  of  life  in  great  abundance, 
and  from  their  extent,  situation,  and  natural 


TMOurce^,  are  calculated  to  support  ai  niiinef» 
oils,  and  as  poweiful  a  population  ai  the  Nim 
KiiLyland  States  ;  into  whose  hands  in  the  natu- 
ral course  of  things  this  fishery  0>nu^r  ou 
their  coasts  and  harbours)  must  fill,  to  the? 
excUision  I  trust  at  no  vQry  distant  ihy  of 
our  republican  neighbours  ;  and  to  the  "-reat 
benefit  of  the  trade  and  naval  resources  of 
Great- Britain  and  Ireland. 

Btsides  the  fisheries  which  have  been  men- 
tioned, oreat  quantities  of  salmon  arc  taken 
in  different  rivers  which  run  into  the  Gulph, 
particularly  the  Restigush  which  runs  into  tiie 
head  of  the  Bay  of  Chaleur,  and  the  River 
Miramichee  in  the  Province  of  New  Brunswick, 
from  the  former,  four  thousand  tierces  of  xhvte 
hundred  pounds  each,  has  often  been  exported  in 
d  year||  ;  the  salmon  fisheries  in  the  rivers  on  the 
Coast  of  Labrador  and  the  Straits  of  Btllidle, 

II  I  think  I  may  venture  to  say  ihat  ten  ihousand  fi-rcei  have  I'reqututl'r 
keen  exported irbrfi  the  Oulph  in  a  jear. 

'I  I 


are  at  present  chiefly  in  the  hands  of  the  Ame- 
ricans, as  is  also  a  considerahlc  share  of  the 
Indian  trade  on  that  coast,  both  without  any 
oliitr  right  than  suifc ranee. 

If  the  Americans  at   such   a  distance,  find 
the  fishery  on  this  coast    so   profitable,    what 
must  it  be   if  carried  on  from  Prince  Edward 
Island,  so  much  nearer,  and  where  every  thing 
necessary  can  be  produced  in  as  great  pcrfec- 
as  in  New  England  ;  there  is  nothing   in  the 
American  system  of  management  if  superior  to 
our  own,   of  which  tlie  knowledge  is  not  easily 
obtainedjtand  situated  as  we  are,  with  so  many 
fine  harbours  close  to  the  fishing  ground,   and 
ivith   a   country  in  which  the  population,  and 
almost  every  thing  necessary  for  the  business 
can  be   produced  and  suj)ported,     it  must  be 
manifest  that  the  greatest  part  of  the  fisheries 
in  the  Gulph  and  Straits  of  Bellisle,  must  fall 
to  the  people  of  the  Island  as   soon  as  their 

t  And  thoiuandt  of  th«ir  fi»<f«riiien  if  it  should  be  thought  prop«r  to  ea- 
ceurnfie  tliem. 


numbers,  and  the  cultivation  of  the  country, 
will  enable  them  to  attend  to  the  business,  and 
to  reap  the  benefit  of  their  local  situation  and 

The  principal  fishing  posts  in  Lower  Canada 
are  at  Gaspe,  Percee,  and  Bonaventure  Island, 
and  labour   under   the  disadvantage  of  bein^- 
situated  in  a  part  of  the  country  incapable  of 
producing  the  necessaries  of  life  they  consume, 
and  in  which,  after  the  fishing  season  is  over, 
there  is  no  employment  for  the  people,  who  are 
mostly  obliged  inconsequence  to  go  to  Quebec, 
in    the  autumn  ;  there   they   scatter  over   the 
country   to  seek  for    employment  till  the  re- 
turn   of  the  next    fishing    season  ;     they    are 
then    to  be  collected    and  sent  a  distance  of 
four  hunflred  miles  down  the  River  St.  Lawrence, 
and  from  the  prevalence  of  the  easterly  winds  in 
the   spring,    tliey  are  often  three  weeks  and  a 
month  on  wages  and  provisions  before  they  ever 
wet  a  line  for  their  employers,   and  sometimes 
lose  the  first  part  of  the  season  entirely,  which 

'  ij 

k  always  the  best :  the  Nova  Scotia  Fisheries  are 
also  tinder  the  same  disadvantage  of  depending 
on  the  importation  of  previsions  for  their  daily 
eonsumption,   these  are  cKiefly  brought  from 
the  United  States,  at  an  expence   which   has 
become  much  too  heavy    latterly,   in    conse^ 
qwence  of  which    tiie  fisheries  on  this  coast  are 
now  become  very   inconsiderable  to  what  they 
have  been  ;  and  the  greatest  part  of  their  pro- 
duce,   instead  of  being    directly   exported   to 
the  market  wliere  it  is  consumed,  is  sent  to  the 
American  States   to  pay  for  provisions  ,  from 
thence  it  is  exported  to  the  West  Indies. 

These  are  circumstances  of  an  unchanged 
ftble  nature  ;  which  point  out  Prince  Edward 
Island,  the  adjacent  coasts  of  the  Continent, 
and  the  west  coast  of  Cape  Breton,  both 
in  point  of  situation,  and  all  the  necessary 
natural  advantages,  as  furnishing  the  only 
means  by  wliich  the  entire  occupancy  of 
the  f.slievit's  in  the  Gulph  and  the  Straits  of 
)>eiii.slc,  can  be  restored  to  Great- Britain.  | 

+  '1  !ic  M!!„.:!ak-3i  Jsl.-.iuls  in  point  of -iluiUoii,  UicsWeilrujiciy  viiuabli,' 


I  have  been  informed  that  if  the  southern 
whale  fishery  was  attemj)ted  from  tlie  harbour 
of  George  Town  or  Three  Rivers  on  an  exten- 
sive scale,  that  a  great  many  people  from  Nan- 
tucket and  other  ports  in  New  England,  accus- 
tomed to  that  business,   if  encouraged,  would 
readily  settle  there,  to  which,  it  is  .aid,  they 
would  be  induced,  fi<m  the  consideiation  liiat 
they  would  be  enibled  to  eniploy  the  working 
part  of  their  families  that  do  n.t  go  to  sea.   in 
the  cultivation  of  small  farms,  to  have  cattle 
and  gardens,  whereby  they  could  maintain  their 
families  at  a  much    less  expence  than    when 
settled  in  a  situation  where  every  thing  neces- 
sary ix)r  their  consumption  is  to  be  purchased. 
It  is  said  that  the  want  of  the  benefits  of  such 
a  situation  was  the  chief  reason  which  induced 
the  people  who  had  been  settled  at   Halifax  hi 
Kova  Scotia,  in  the  southern  whale  fishery,  to 
abandon  that  place,  where  there  was  no  means 
of  employing  their  families,  and  where  every 
thing  they  consumed  was  to  be  p'!rch:is  d. 

I  (io  .lot  t„on-  whetUer  .hcjr  produce  whc.i.  but  lUvy   wm   mu,ul«ii»  a 
great  many  cattlr,   ar.d  Usve  iu  other  re.pcas  gt^M  uil.i^u^ei. 


If  the  Information  whkh  the  author  has  ham- 
1)Iy  attcmptetl  to  bring  forward  in  the  preceding 
pages,  has  the  eflett  of  attracting  the  attention 
of  those  to  the  affairs  of  the  Island,  on  m  hose 
judgment  its  future  progress  depends,  his  ob- 
ject will  be  completely  attained :  and  sh6u!d 
the  prospects  of  advantage  to  he  derived  from 
settling  the  country,  which  he  has  pointed  at, 
l>c  so  far  attended   to,   as  to  induce  some  per- 
son whose  abilities  are  more  equal  to  the  subject, 
to  enter  ti^ercon,  and  to  put  it  in  that  light  which 
its  importance   to  the  public   requires,   he  will 
not  doubt  of  seeing  in   a  short  time  a  consider- 
able portion  of  that  capital,    and  still  more  va- 
Juable  spirit  and   industry,  which   is  now  at- 
tracted   by  the  United  States,  directed  to  the 
improvement  of  a  British  possession  whose  set- 
tlement and  cultivation,  he  is  confident  "^will 
not  only  amply  reward  ihose who  may  adventure 
therein  but  materially  contribute  to  increase  the 
Naval  power    and    resources    of  the  British 


Fimtcd  ^>  W.  Winchciter  and  Soh,  fii,  flt»nd. 
