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Full text of "Catalogue [microform] : exhibition of paintings, May 7th -May 27th, 1920"

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I   i    I   I    I    I   I   I  I 






 i  L 




Th«  copy  filmed  hare  has  b««n  raproducad  thanks 
to  th«  g«n«rositv  of: 

National  Gallery  of  Canada, 

L'exemplaira  filmd  fut  raproduit  grica  A  la 
gAnirosit*  da: 

Husee  des  BeauK-Arts  Ai  Canada, 


The  images  appearing  hare  are  the  best  quality 

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fiimlnfl  contract  apocif icatione. 

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Original  copias  in  printed  paper  covers  sre  filmed 
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originaux  sont  filmia  en  commenpent  par  la 
premiere  page  qui  comporte  una  ampreinta 
d'imprassion  ou  d'illustration  at  an  tarminant  par 
la  darnitra  paga  qui  comporte  una  taila 

The  last  recorded  frame  on  each  microfiche 

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Un  des  symboles  suivants  apparaltra  sur  la 
derniire  image  da  chaque  microfiche,  salon  le 
cas:  la  symbola        signifia  "A  SUIVRE  ".  la 
avmboia  ▼  aignifia  "FIN". 

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Lorsque  la  document  est  trop  grand  pour  dtre 
raproduit  an  un  seul  clich6,  il  est  film6  ^  partir 
de  Tangle  supArieur  gauche,  de  gauche  A  droite. 
et  de  haut  en  bas.  en  prenant  la  nombre 
d'images  nicessaire.  Las  diagrammes  suivants 
illustrant  la  mathode. 

I  II  i*i-liniw>MMrii 



j-IE  i.-y-p  of  seven  artists  whose 
-  :'.-rci  arc  here  exhibited  have 
I  :cr  several  years  held  a  like 
•.-Isicr  concerning  Art  inCanada. 
Tr.iy  Lre  all  imbued  with  the 
idea  ih-t  an  Art  must  grow  and 
f!ov?er  in  the  lar.d  before  the  country  will  be  a 
real  h&-  e  for  its  people.  »^ 

^  That  this  Art  w.l!  difier  from  the  Art  of  the 
r.Tst,  ar.d  :rc—  the  rrtscnt  day  Art, of  any  people; 
-  ;erEed;r.g  r.othir.g.  cnly  adding  to  what  has 
i-n  dcre.  A'-SO  i:  ietrr.s  inevitable  v.-hen  some- 
t'.y.-   vital  and  d;s-.:r.c;ive  arises  it  will  be  met — 

(:)  by  ridicule,  ab-se  or  indifference, 

(2)  The  SD-called  Art  lovers,  having  a  deeply 
rooted  idea  that  Art  is  a  matter  of  picture 
bcyir.g  lhrcj.;h  -.he  medium  of  the  auc- 
tior.eer  or  dealer,  v.'iil  refuse  to  recognize 
arythir.g  that  does  not  come  up  to  the 
ccTT.mercialired.  iraported  standard  of  the 
picture-sale  rooa. 

prefer  t: 

en-ich  the  salesman  than 
actions  by  artists  native  to 
the  la::''.  \'.b.rse  wcrk  is  more  distinctive, 
tdviial  -   *  - 





.  and  of  greater  value  to  the 

ic)  The  — c-e  sc;hi::icated  v/ill  n;tet  it  with: 
"If  >  &u  have  r.o  traditions,  no  background, 
no  Art  is  rcssibls."  Howthen  dotraditions 
arise?    Or  they  will  tay  that  anything 

produced  wiD  shortly 
seded — which  is  to  si 
been  .  '  ever  w.-1'l  te  woi 

will  say  ir.y:h:-. ;  th 
patting  their  c.-.t.  taci 
Art  and  country. 

Finally:    A  very  small  i 
ir.di\*idua!s,  realizing  tl 

s*.-  derends  upci 
Vrcrd?,i:s  Dfeds.  a-.d  i 
ing  that  Art  is  ar.  es»tnt 
existence  th*y  \vi'A  we 
any  form  cf  Art  expre: 
interprets  the  spirit  of 

5  The  artists  here  represei 
tence  of  being  the  only  one 
significant  work.  But  they  d( 
hc!d  that  their  work  is  sigi 
value  to  the  country.  Th 
A.  E.  Russell,  the  Irish  write; 
can  ever  hope  to  rise  beyond 
where  there  is  not  unbounded 

Its  humanity  can  do. 


do  not  believe  they  can  eqi 
stature  of  any  hunianity  wh 
this  world,  then  they  had  b 
becosse  servants  to  somiC  su 

^  A  word  as  you  view  the  pi 
invite  adverse  critidsm.  ] 
greatest  evil  they  have  to  cc 
they  would  ask  ycu — do  yo 
contain  only  what  you  alread 
they  argue,  that  you  should  1 
pictts-es  that  thaw  you  what 
see  for  yoorsd^wt. 


I  shortly  die  dnd  be  super- 

3  is  to  say  that,  nothing  has 
•in  bs  worth  the  'doing.  They 

■thin;  that  sounds  erudite, 
D'A-n  tacks  at  the  evpense  of 

y  small  gro-jp  of  intelligent 
sa'.Lzir.g  that  I'r.i  greatness  of 
ends  upon  three  things:  "its 
eds.  ar.d  its  Art."  Rccogniz- 
ar.  ei-tr.tial  quality  in  human 
•  wi'H  welcome  and  support 
^rt  expression  that  sincerely 
spirit  of  a  nation's  growth. 

represented  make  no  pre- 
only  ones  in  Canada  doing 
I'jt  they  do  r.iost  emphatically 
:k  is  significant  and  of  real 
tr>-.  They  also  hold  with 
"Ish  writer,  "that  no  country 
c  beyond  a  vulgar  mediocrity 
sbounded  confidence  in  what 
3."  And  that,  "if  a  people 
r  can  equal  or  surpass 
anity  which  has  been  npcn 
ey  had  better  emigrate  and 

some  superior  people." 

ew  the  pictures.  The  artiste 
icism.  Indifference  is  the 
ave  to  contend  with.  But 
: — do  you  read  books  that 
oj  already  know?  If  not, 
I  should  hardly  want  to  tec 
yoa  what  you  can  already 



MAY  7th-. MAY  27th 
19.0  . 







Frank  Cakmichael 

1.  Sprir.f  .  

2.  Auvjmri  SurJiiiit  

J.  November  

4.  An  Au'.umn  Lar.4«ei^  

5  ,  6.  Sk«tch«t.   ««ch 

*  7-14.  8k«tehc*  ••eh 

L'  .  Harris 

15.  Portrait    

16.  Portrait   

17.  Portrait  

18.  Po.-tr«i:   








Wa'.erfii;  fl.QOO 

Shacks   I.COO 

Wet  Day   500 

In  ibe  Ward   400 

Saturday  Morainf   400 

Falling  Sr.ow    500 

Decorative  Lsrlicare.   .  .    600 

26-29.  Sketches   not  for  aate 

A.  Y.  Jackson 

30.  The  Northland   |«00 

31.  Night— Georgian  Bay   200 

33.  A  Summer  Cottage   200 

33.  Storm— QiorsiaTi  Bay   200 

34.  A  Nova  Sco'-ia  V.Uags  . .    250 

35.  A  Fishing  Vi"i^e   350 

36.  Three  Rock  F^V.t   250 

37.  A  Storm  i.-.  .March   300 

33.  The  F.-ed  ly  Chi.-.r.el.   200 

39.  Cagna^chens  Lake  ;   250 

40.  Spring  in  Llevin   3C0 

41>47.  Sketches    not  for  eaJe 

FRAr;:<  H.  Johnston 

4'*.  Canyon  Aig-j-.a    $  50 

49.  Ref.eclions— Aaa*a  Caryon   75 

50.  Froth,  P*stera.  Be'.ow  Rapids   100 


SV.  Near  Beaver  Meadow  

SS.  VosdlaodT^enry  

53.  Rjpi4«  on  the  Afawa   

54.  PaUicg  Lcavea  

55.  A'^trmn  Impresalon  

56.  Beaver  Mead   

57.  Fa::en  Tree  

53.  Wdd  Cherry  Live  Forev 

59.  A-'grma  

SOi  Bald  Rock— Algatsa  

n.  Aatofltt— Algoma  

n.  Sproca  Taag!*— Xlgeiaa  — 
C3.  Bigt  of  th«  Portat  

64.  Fire  Swept— Algotsa  

65.  Beaver  Hatwta— Algottta . . . 


68.  The  River  Driver*  

57.  Ltgg'.ng  

U.  Ka:ir'a.T  Harbor  

09.  S;rLr.g  in  Nova  Scotia  

70.  Spriagtimc  ofl  the  Farm. . . 

71.  Viater  

77.  ThaVaUay  

73.  Caaoufiage  

74.  The  River  

75^1.  Slcetefaca  

J.  E.  H.  hlAC 

82  The  Tangled  Gard-n  

83.  Pu.— ;'-dr.3  and  Pump  

54.  A  Laurer.tian  Village  

85.  The  Wild  River  

!«.  The  Little  FaU  

87.  A  Beaver  Dxm  

S3.  0::c:<r  A.'terr.oon — Laures 

£9.  B::ssc-i  T;!r.e   , 

SC.  Bc'jghs  

91.  W:r.i  Clouds   

92-^-  Sketches — Lake  Simcoe. 

S7.  Sketch — Algoma  

M-:OL  Skctehce  


JO  KNSTON— (CoAtteiMd; 

idow   |1» 

ry  ». . :   18* 

•wi      UO 


on   IM 


 ,   153 

Live  Forever   L50 


!E«   140 

a   UO 

!llfoa«   130 

n   UO 

B(sa   730 

Alcona   7M 


r»   fece 


 ,. ..  fiCO 

kotia   MO 

t  Farm   360 



 •.   100 


 neb  » 

H.  MacDonald 

■d  »n  not  for  sale 

^?   $153 

Uage     250 

  not  for  sa!c 



sn — Laurentians. .  . .  250 

   not  for  iz-'.t 


kc  Simcoe  tacli  2S 


 not  tor  sal* 


in.  PorjT^?  -J  Mr.  V'aeer.t  lAf>'.*r 

Lo»r-«.il  by  M.-.  M»3»«y  a- i  iv  c--r-«iy  of 
lh«  Ti.-iia  ar.i  StewjrJi  cf  Hirt  H:a««. 

103,  Portmt  c'M.s*  Winlfreil  H:aJ   

IM.  rertraJ:  '.f  J.  E.  H.  MaeDanalJ,  A.R  C  A  

MS.  Ch«r«c*er  SV*:ch— Prof.  Barker  Falrtef  

too.  Tb«  Sssicsa  Ro«4— Acguit  1311  

107.  Th«  0.4  Ba»   $300 

too.  Farxa— Scath  Camp,  Se.^.'srd,  Bas.   130 

tOO>tt4.  Kuteoea  

R.  S.  Hbwton 

lt3.  Th«  Bar:;7a.ii   1200 

ttO.  The  W:-.:t«  Couaje   200 

tt7.  PoBt  Nesf— Pa.-:a    JOO 


tU.  Noociar-        Buataehe   1*0 

11».  Tb«  YeU«w  Tr««   «0 

ALBERT  Robin soN 

120.  Retur:;;:  J  to  Boaeberrill*   $SCO 

131.  Orawlss  Ice   KO 

Frank  Carmiehacl 
A.  y.  Jatison 
J.  B.  H.  .MacDoaa^d 

Sluiio  B-j;:i:.- 
Smrs  Street  T:r:r.:a.  Ostsna 

Lawren  Harrle 

Arthur  L!sai«r 
P.  Hiraaaa  VarJey 

Prank  H.  jDhr.stsn 

club*  tai  ti*.     Fir  f.;rd:«r  paftcu.*.-!  ass  y 

J.  B.  H.  Mas&iialJ.  3  Sewn  St.,  Toracto. 

R.  S.  Kevr:.-=. 

R.  Pilot 

Albert  Rciiaaoa 