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Full text of "The Hamilton Bridge Works Company Limited [microform] : engineers, designers and contractors for railway bridges, railway turntables, electric railway bridges, electric railway power houses and running sheds .."

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Collectian  de 

microf  ich^8_ 


Th«  Imtitutt  hat  «mmpn<  to  oMaMi  Mm  bait  orifiMi 
cigpy  avaitaM*  for  f  Mmmt-  Faatufai  of  tfm  < 

of  dM 



9f  Wnwvf  fiwvy  ^ 

o4  fUnMn^  w 



Covart  rastorod  ani/ot  lammatad/ 

Com  titta  miaiini/, 
La  titra  da  i 

aColoufad  mapf/ 
'Caite*  ftograplii 



Colowrad  ink  (i.a.  ottear  ttian  Mua  or  Mack)/ 
Encra  4a  coiilaiit  (i.a.  autra  4v>  Maoa  oo  noiral 

platas  antf/or  iikittratiom/ 
^landias  at/ou  iNvftratiom  an  coulaur 

Bound  witit  othar  malarial/ 
Rali4  a»ac  d'awtrat  doowiantt 



alon^  iivfarior  margin/ 
/  L«  raliwra  tarrAa  paut  ctbtit  da  rombra  ou  da  to 

diilonion  la  long  da  la  marfli  ini<riaMta  /* 

□ Blank  laaw 
wittiin  dM 

laavat  addad  during  raster ■1*9(1  may 

HtaiMutquacartainat  pagt*  b^ndiat  afout^^i 
ton  d'una  rattauration  apiMrainaAt  dans  la  taxM, 
mait.  loraqua  mt»  Mart  paniMa.  «•  pg|n  Wont 



Ca  dectMMiit  aM  fun*  ao 

mis  I 

,  4. 



L'Imtitwl  a  mictofilni*  la  HwiNaMr  aMinplaira  qu'il 
Nd  a  4tA  poniMa  da  ta  ptoliil^/  Lot  ditadlfda  cat 

I  qui  torn  pautltTt  mrimm  du  point  da  «ua 

w*t  paut  ItTt^MiggiM  du  t 


Quality  ol  print  varia*/ 
Qualita  intpli  da  I'iniprMiion 

Continuous  pagination/ 
Pagination  continue 

Indudat  indax(as)/ 
Comprand  un^das)  indaM 

Titia  At  kiadii  takan  froaa:/ 
La  tHfii  da  ran-tMa  piwaint; 

□ TitIa  pige  of  iiMia/ 
Pagt  dt  titra  d*  la  Hvraiien 

Cafrtion  of  mua/  ^ 
Titt^^  d«pan  «•  to  liwiiaon' 




a.  a  ;  «  

W9  M  ffivffWHm 











ptolr*  flNii*  flit  wyroduH  frAca  tia 


'  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^mA  ^^^^^^ft  ^^^^^^  A  ^^B^^^^^^^ 


•ban  em 

TINUlO").  «r 

tymbol  ^»  (mMning  ;'CON- 
■ytnbol  T  (mMn(n«  "INO"). 

ptatMt  elMfttt  Ms.'>  fiMy  b#  fNiiMd  m 

WTTWH  fMUmOfl  WINM>  t  nOM  lOO  Mrfpv  lO  99 

^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^Aa^^^^^^^A  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^A^^M 

fiflht  and  top  to  bottom,  as  many  framat  aa 
fOfuiM.  Tho  foNowIm  dtoframa  Muatrata  ttia 

OM  Mi  raprodttitot  avfc  la' 
irand  aoin,  eompta  tanu  da  la  condition  at 
da  la  iwttotd  do  loaawplaira  fUmd.  at  an 

Laa  aaaWiplairaa  arifltnauM  dont  la  couvortura  an 
papiar  aat  Imprtwda  aom  flimda  an  aommonaant 
pof  la  pfomlof  plat  at  aii'tafMliipRt  aoH  paf  la 
darnMra  poM  (Hd  aowporta  una  amp^nta 
dImpraaaioiVvM  dtdiiatratlon.  aoH  por  lo  tocond 
plot,  aalon  la  aaa.  Taua  hg^ptttraa  a«awplairaa 
•''•'•jiiMi  aont  Mmda  on,  pBtinnoi^^iMit  par  la 
Pfondlra  poga  ltd  aompfrtk  imo  owpralnta 
dlwpioaalan  oi  dlduatratl/^  at  ati  tarminont  pit 
la  domMra  pafo  4Mi  eomporto  una  talla 

auiwowtB  apparahra  aur  la 
dawddra  Imapa  d#chaqua  iwieroWcha.  saion  la  9 
la  aymbolo       aifnifia  "A  SUIVRE  ",  la 

Laa  cartaa.  planchaa.  tablaaum.  ftc.  pouvont  ttra 
flimda  d  daa  taua  da  rdduetion  dHfdronta. 
'^taragua  la  dpaamaiit  aat  trap  grand  ppy  tm 
raproduH  an  uR  aauf  alMid.  H  aafMmd  d  paftir 
da  I'anpla  aupdrlaur  gaucha.  da  gaucha  *  drdito; 
ot  do  haut  an  baa.  an  prartant  la  nombro 

raiMflDfl^^  IBifMi©  W(S)irlks  Compamay 

V  ■' 

■  / 

E>toiNEERs.  Designers  and 
;  '    Contractors  . 

,  Rrtilw-y  Bridgi...  I<«,l*..v  I  urnuhl.-.   Kir,  i„.  R; .v' Bn.l«r,  ,  Kir,  In.  Ka.lw«y  ' 
I'owr,     H..„.e,   Hn,l    Kunn.nK    .Sl.r.U.    HiKl.way    Btul^rH  .    BuildlLK*  KcMfej^ 
S.ruclur<.l^^  orl^o(allk.nd^.  Slrc^  I  owr«  (.„  * -In  wo/k,.  Kailw.y.' .„d  Ob«t».  . 
•lon^i  S««el  P**,.  fM  TctmiMpl..  Tfitipkone  im4  Efccfm  Power  Tr. 

Dralrrs  in  , 

i^tn  Bltam».  AliKlr-..  (  Iiannrln.  PUtrn.  Btn 

•nd  ollirr  src  lioiis.  Rivrt».  Bolln,        .  J}-.' 
I  iv^q^uc^lrs  and  Citrvitra 
'    carried  in  *tork 

/I  ^ 


■ ' 


Announcement  .  ^ 

SI  hfCK  oo^  iMt  catalogiM  mm  iatted  m  imw.  •■•y  ami  icmrt  cImmr«^  h^v  e  t«ken  placv  itt  iNidRr 
and  Mructurai  itMl  business  anfl  thisr  chango  are  priiu  iiwllv  in  (ir»if{nN  of  Mructiimi  an'd  ia  the 
improwl  faciliticil  for  the  niaaufactiiie  of  Meel  and  for  the  faliricalion  of  sanie  in  the  l.ridKe  shafw 
•nd  pirticuUrly  ii»  the  enormous  increase  iw  ihe  (J^^inid  and  uMMf  Mich  mtaterial,  and  in  ,thc 
fnllowlns  iMgM  will  bt  fonud  tXamplMof  ow  work  eimcd  m  ewy^inw.  from  the  AtUnV-  to 
the  Pacific.  Bridges.  Structures,  etc.     We  have  Micce«ifnlly  rainpletcd  over  foiir  llMIMMid  nii.<«celtal^it» 
o»utra^.>ts,  in  0»na<la.    All  large  an<l  many  small  man u fact n ring  plants  arv  now  designs!  to  ujk-  a  niaximnni. 
of  ale«l  and  «  nijnimum  of  timber  or  otlier  huilding  materials,  and  when  cunihined  with  concrete  for  foniul 
ations,  walU.  etc,,  •tmctum  cconomicai  in  coat  are  ^the  result.    A  few  years  ago  a  ateel  roof  or  steel 
building  was  considered  an  expensive  luxury  and  porUibly  a  curiuait}-.  Ham  the  rcvww  ^  tiM  caae.     A  few 
years  ago  the  majority  of  highway  bridgp*  were  l^ilt  of  w««il,  whereas,  now  steel  is  almost  exclusiveh  u«ed 
Several  years  ago  the  majority  of  steel  bridges  ha<l  wood  floors  resting  on  timtier  joists.    A  gradual ' 
ImprowmAi^  in  Qped^Mtkifi  U»M«c«  MKT  Med  jdrts  ««» iatrodiKcd  sad  after  that  the  concrete  floprs 
so  that  now  the  aliteat  aaiveraal^a^tafc  ia  to  use  atari  Joiirta  with  ctwcntc  floon  and  ti^vt  all  bridges 
(Icsign^l-for  a  reasonable  concentrated  load  and  in  o«ir  opinion  this  is  the  caily  proper  nietho<l,to  pttnuie  as 
sotmer  or  later  it  will  \tv  re<|uire^l  that  all  bridgea     co\vre<l  with^nnancur  fl^»rs  of  concrete  or  soine  other 

1^  1 

...  w    •luslily. 

\U.UU-  ,.u,  v.rx  .Icu-k-l  »,.nn..,.^  ,h...  all  l.„l,«.n  Kn.lK..  1..,,!,  t,.,,,,  „..,v  i„.  sl,o„I.l  W 
#»iini^<l  f.^  l..rn,  icon.  «.<!  «...«,. inuul  I.m.U  ..|  „oi  1..,  ,1..,,  ...  u,us  ..„  ,«..  axU-.  ,s  n't 
■.ce.Mr>  ,1m.  .1,.  l.ri.lK«.l*  „«.eml  JH  tl- ,i«.Srf  ei«il«,ctkw  yrith  ,^,B,a«e«l  floors      ti^U  r  cun  U- 

us,..!  „,  ,1,.  „..  ,,„„„,  „„,  „,,  .  j^^jj  jj^^  ^ 

..l.t,,i„j,l  a„,l  .,1  v,nK-  nine  ,n  ilu- fimf/^c  Huh  il..,.  ,„a>  li,^V,r|»lw«l  ' :;  i  ftnn|niK  uia  '* 

s  I.»"kP^  a.  ..I.UX.  „u„non.,|.  ,..k:,|,.t  Ki^t  increi^  that  ha.  pl.« i«  «dkU-r 

Jll»d,«l.h...m.  ,o  .„.|„Mr,«l  piano        r..ih  :n  .11  yau.  ..f      .  the-  ^r. ...  i,u  r...,>e  ili  Ibe  mi!^  of 

«...i«K  mllwiiy.  a.,.|  ,h«  l.n,l.i.„K  „r         .....s   U..!.  s,..n. .....I  dmr,c  ,  h,>  .  r.  ..c.i  an  .uonnonH 

for  ,,«H»tr«<m^«f,.,,^and™.»y.,i«K.„,.a  U  «a.  .vvar>  uko.  an.l  ...  nu.'.  mkI.  .U.nand 

luvo  en..rd>  rd.u.l.  n.!  u....Kli.lle.l  o„r  w*k-.  and  ackM  UfK^y  lo  ,K.r.  ..p^Hy,  M 

Ins  Irvii  nu-reaNwHriMe  what  it  wa.s  fiv«  yesrwaietf.    .  ,  X  , 

■■'    ,       '  '  '  ■.  '  ■  \      '■  ' 

UV  ».ave  ,,k.aH«rc  in  yo..' thi.  rie*  IAuIor...  wiMell   w,-  W  «.«l«iVO«d  tc,  ,„.k. 

a.  om.prclu.ns..  a„.l  o.n.pK-.c  as  .k.^^.M.   a  hi,,  i,  a  ^y,',  anu-.u,!,  f  toformati^  it  by 

m.  jans  ewers  all  .Ik-  .km.Us  ...  oonnec.uH.  w..h  .lu-  .r.a.c.l  of  ^V.  ,„vr  a  larfee  an.l  .xperienm^ 
s..ff/«f  «.,.„«.r....«d  w.  «t  willi„K  ami  will  1.  ,„...  ^laU  a.  a.^  .i„u  ,o  g.v.  a„>  .„  WftUi«  «.r 


WT«n>  pro|io*!drtrjicittrwillu>  iii.ix.  liavi  111 

;Ve«*fc,«,,rl.dg.wUhgr..iu.dcll«.v;r,  lilH..r^  „^„^.^  .„.,  • 

«o,k.  have  ,  uv.,r..|  to  k.c,,       wiH,  Ihi  ,lein.m.U  ol  ..„„  cuM..„u-,s     U  ,  .,i.U.,w  to  our  work 
M  >U..,lar.|  ..^^„c.  i„i.l  claim  In  U  MV'.n-.lispnu-.l  U.,..l.r.  in  \t^^^)nv.n  Uru\^,  l,„s„  ,„  ' 

..n«i«.  a,.dprm»„,  «...l  >,„„.Kvorl^  a.j  >.rv.  >  .m,  a.s  |«v,.ralH>  .  promptly  a.ui  efl.CKM.tly  anyolA 

••"^#i#iK  .leiiiaiHl  «rf  onr  mrrrhnnrbiiMitMwi  y>*fnn  i  .n  vihk  in  Htmk  al  all  tinu->^"'        t«  ciial.U-  IIS  I.,  inakt  |<r««mpt  w«I  .(iiick  idii|Mnentii.    W«  (mwm  n 

'"^'S  I'f^I''"^*"''  to  >;ivi  lnannf.i.  tim  rs  wli.iUsaU  is  and  otln-rs  pn((s  oil 
K  am  >taHil  |<ri<Ml  of  U'liu         pii-.  proves  t*o  h«?  a  vrry  sati-slactory" 
rs  away  with  wiany  dflavs^p  niimtTo^js  emiuirie-*  and  saves  considerable 

^nr  oJjl^i 

I  order  t*  Bi«el 
a  lar^e  (onnii){e  of  hk. 
reKlllar  stwk  Ii>.i  |i 

mribuit  clM!«q^  ui  _ 
niMiner  of 
JLimt  and  MpsiuK. 

Alllliese  f.icts-are  |> 
.patrckiiaKe  in  the  futnrt 

l«l  as  Kood  reaiioiw^liy 

\-e  yott  should  tuA  will  (j^r  on  wftb 

/  W«  ir„,i  you  «iU  i,M  &  i..lMk  il„oa,h  ilu,c»l.loi(iW.iKl  (or  (muKiue 


OMcripttM  af  Woito  and  Ptant 

OI  R  new  works  an-  lucated  in  the  north  w|:Htern  portion  of  the  city  on  tlie 
•ite  the  oM  otm  have  occ^ed  for  nearly  forty  yearn.  Thty  c«)ver  alt^il 
ciitht  MTM  with  twq  tlMlMwnd  «e\'en  htmdrHt  and  aevcitty  feet  atrtct 
frontaRi-.  The  main  work-*  an-  served  Uy  double  tfack  Hidings  into  tlir  ahippiiiK 
yarda  and  the  ^hon*,  and  the  Movk  yards  are  nerved  by  independent  sidinj{,s  on' 
Our  own  property.  Oor  unloading  and  .shipping  facilities  are  unMirf 
Canada,  bdtw  awvcd  1^  fonr  largt  atari  dcKftrk  tnwriltteg  craiiaa.  loca 
the  unloadinK.  «irttaf  and  ai|iM>inf  jnHift  9m lilt^ll  age*  for  vityaoli 
and  stockyanl.H.  ^  •    •  m-^  • 

The  works  anr^ptlMa^  hf  alMiifeitjr;  iWipiiMwd  tit  and  natural  «m 

thruugboat.  '  «      '  " 

.  .  '  ,  INTERIOrt   View  MA 

.    .  .  •  THE  HAMILTON  BRIDGE  WOl 

BUW.T  or  STtEL    CONCfntTt  AND  OLAM      '  nzt.  4M  PttT  LONG  « 




4a«  nWT  LONQ  SV  tM  FttT  WIOK        CAPACITY.  86.000  Tokl,  MR  A|I«UM 







Genera/  Ktei.  o/  If  or*,  o/j       '  «s 

Tirfttnnation.,Esttinates,  ,Sk^h€S  and  Plans 

AkCHITKCTS.  iingiia-ers  ami  C«..tract..r.s  i„  preparinx^ plans an.l  c^Mi.naU-s. 
for  vanons  hn.Iges  an^other  structures  often  desire  prelimiwry  sketches; 
mfornrntion  and  plans  from  the  Bridge  Con,p«ni«,  givinR  general  infor- 
.nan..,.a„d  approx.mauprices  f..r  various  clavs,.  of  vvork.  have,  a  hrge 

staff  of  Engineers  and  g^naters,  an<l  ire  in  a  ,H>sition  to  furnish  oUrfri^ndsan.l 
customeTs  w,  h  any  advance  or  preliminary  infonnation  they  desire.  '  We  "have 
the  plans  of  alT  kinds  of  work  executed  by  us  in  the  past,  and  are  usuallv  aI>le\o 
pick  out  from;>„r  records  any  information  of  this  kin.l  rcKjuire.l  U  almost 
...  k.nd  of  work.  W  e  hope  Engineer*.  Architec  ts,  a.^l  other  i«ter«,t«r  parties 
will  call  upon  us  wljen  they  require  informati«n  of  this  kin.l.  a..,l  whether  w. 
have  .h,ne  bus.nt*.  with  yon  in  the  past  or  not  we  hop..  ,o  do  so  ,„  thv  future 
and  will  give  you  any  aamstance  we  can.  .  - 

V\  e  are  always  pleased  to  have  visits  fronv^any  parties  h,tereste<Kajitructural 
steel  or  bndge  work,  and  we  iK-Iieye  a  trip  to  Ha...ilto„  woul.l  wdTrepaid  In' 
an  examination  of  our. works,  and  with  interviews  with  our  Hngincvrs 


Tenders  for  Brid^ 

In  asking  fi)r  tetulers,there  is  certain  itiformatioti  whith  should  be  given,  in  order  that  iiridge  companies 
^    may  lie  in  a  position  to  prepare  .the|^  estimMeti  properly  and  on  a  nnifom  (iMis.     Tht  following* 
particulars  should  he    veil  as  fully  as  (lossible  :  ,  ■ 

"*«.         '  I— Tlu- s|K-i-ificati<)ns  ill  ai-i-oKUnce  with  which  the  bridge  is  111  l(e  crectetl. 

,a  The  le^i^th  of  hriiiKe  or  of  each  tpM  ffom  centre  to  centre  'of  tiiariagi.  m  timi  (ace  to  face  ol  ' 

ahiitiiients  or  piers.  •  .  f.  .. 

.  3  — The  clear  wiiltli  of  roailwjiv  rei|iiire(l.  ' 

M  4— The  live  iMaiU  for  which  the  trusseii  an<i  floor  syHtent  are  t«  lie  (kt^neil.      *  /      •     •  '  ' 

'    Jt-     5 -The  kind  of  floor  to  he  uiie<i. 

,~  ,'  ■      '   ft^The  nearest  railway  sta.tions,  ami  length  of  haul  to  the  alle  of  Vhft  bridge, 

,       7— The  character  of  the  river  be«l,  ilepth  ol  water,  speed  of  ihirrent,  and  heiRht  fnJin  the  lied  of  the 
j;^  .  ^   ■  river  to  the  floor  of  the  hrirljje.  <  ■ 

,  »— The  rtyle  of  l.ri/lKc  to  he  erected,  if  there  is  any  preference  i»  respect  to'Mml  aridi^heiuht  «»f 

",  riveted  or  pin  connections.  ,  •  . 

9-If  the  I.ridKe  jis  skewed,  the, necessary  auKles  made  by  center  line  of  rowlway  with  face  erf  ■ 

I    -  ahutiiient  should  Ik-  given.  ^  •  • 

'  10— The  iiunilier  and  stze.of  piers,  if  any.  ~         •  ■ 

,t  r        _    II— Niimber  and  width  of  fo(A  w^ks,  and  kind  of  haad,nrita.  .  '  ' 

•    I  a-^wiien  the  worit  is  to  be  completed. 

I.',    TUne  to  which  tenders  ^ill  be  receive<I.  and  to  whom  they  will  he  i»d<lress.d.  . 
^-;4ate  when  and  where  tendeis  will  he  opened,  and  if  the  work  will  lie  awarded  at  the  time 

Holders  arc  opened,  and  if  not,  when  it  will  be  awarde<l.  *♦ 

//  shoii/d  t^kt  f>l  ill  iiihid  l/ial  tin  coiitK^f  ts  J01  bridgt  s  tUighl  to  bt  iH,  at  least  thrte  motUhs  btforr  they  are 
retfHin-d  to  ^  io»if>lelid'.  .  ,  * 

It  is  possil(le  in  many  instaiices  to  complete  contract  iu  considerably  less  time  than  this,  but  there  iiiitfk 
be  delays  in  obtainitig  material,  ih  manufacturing  due  to  the  crowded  omdition  of  the  shops,  in  tnAisit 
dctfiaatiim,  or  due  to  «>eather  conditiooiL during  erection,  whkh  should  have  coosideratimi.  .  '  • 

•  \        -  .  •  =■  " 

\  \         '  ■  >' 

-       -      K  .■   •  ■ 

 ;  V   .-'-^   I 

Riveted  Warrai  Truss  Highway  Spans,     *  ' 

■  ■    ^  .         m  . 

{ '  I  'HK  illustration  on  the omjosUe page  is  that  ofa  Warren  TrussSpan.    Thisdesinn  is 
I       particularly  weU  adapted  for  hiRhway  bridges  of  nitdiiini^paiis  in  lengths* 
from  30'  to  105'.     The  nnniber  of  (lanels  will,  x>f  cburse^  vary  y/ith  the  length 

of  S|WS1."  .  •     t  '"  V  i, 

ThiH  desigtHs  economical  in  first  cost,  and  requires  little  or  no  attention  for  repair?- 

It  is- an  all  riveted  bridge  without  pins  or  nuts,  and  with  reasonable  attention  will 
last  lojiger  than  any  other  tyjx;|||n)ridge  that  can  l)e  used  for  highwax  purposes. 

This  illuKtratjon  is  taken  tpni  a  span  erected  J>y  us  during  Ufe  suniuier  of  lyiis, 
and  we  would  calf  partidilar  attention  to  otir  method  of  .aw*y  bracing,  whiclAve^ha^-e 
no  hesitation  in  claiming  is  the  l)est  on  thje  market.  With  thii  t'jrace  we  claim  it  is 
next  to  impossible  for  the  to  sway,  and  this  is  not  the  case  with  ordinarx 
mn^le  bracing.  It  is  swfayitig  of  this  kind  that  very  shortly  weakens  the  tarrying  * 
capacity  of  the  bridge,  and  time  causes  the  rivets  to  become  loosie  and  theirheads  to 
break  off.  ■         .  S. 

•       The  cut  shows  the  i)ridge  with  steel  lattice  railings,  but  tubular  railings  of  gas 

pipe  can  be  used  and  u  somewhat  less  expensive. 

•  •  -  ■'        .  • 

'HE  tlluHtnitioti  on  the,oppo«it«  p«Ke  in  alao  a  riv«t«i  Warrm 

Trii8.H  Siwii.    This  i>4  ihi-  saim-  typv  of  hridKe  as  ilhis(rate<l 

(Ml  (Mge  13,  and  we  draw  attention  to  the  fact  that  tlicK' 
spmM  can  he  dMigBld  to  have  iteel  lattice  railinfii,  or  two  or  morr 

lines  of  pipe  railinKs  on  each  tniss.  Also  if  |>articular  attention  is 
paid  to  the  illustrations  it  will  Iw  aetrn  that  the  roadway  is  supported 
on*  Hleel  joists,  and*  on  side  of  the  floor  air*  ttcel  curtM. 

Concrtte  curbs  c^n  be  fomieft  on  the' outer  ed^es  of  the  roadwax 
which  would  do  away  with  the'Steel,  but  ai^  these  are  liable  to  break 
or  crack  away,  it  seems  diesiralil^  to  uae  steel  dthough  at  sliKhtly 
greater  expenar.  1  ' 

Concrete  Floors  * 

•  *  .  •  ■         •  .  ,.  ' 

THIC  ciifoii  the  ojipositc  pat^e  illustrates  (ileii  Morris  Bruise  of  six  spans,  hiiirt  t)y  ns  iii  ti^nS,  for  the* 
County  of  Brant.  This  illustration  shows  what  we  believe  to  be  the  longest  continuous  concrete 
floor  on  any  highway  bridge  in  Canada.  The  use  of  concrete  doors  is  now  almost  universal,  and  we 
strongly  recomnietui  every  municipality  to  have  their  bridges  built  so  that  concrete  floors  may 
be  used  at  the  time»the  bridge  is  ere^ed,  or  soarrang^  that  concrete  floors  may  be  put  on  any  time  in  the 
future.,  It  is  a  great  mistake  to  build*bridges- of  stich  light  capacity  that  timber  floors  must  be  n.sied  forever, 
or  sucl^  bridges'will  retjuire  to  be  reinforcetl  or  taken  down  altogether  There  are  several  very  goo<l 
specifications  for  concr.ete  floors,  and  ii)  particular  the  Ontario  Ciovernment  sp^ification  is  reconuuended  for 
your  consii^eratron.  It  has  also  becoliie  the  custom  of  many  municipalities  iW  cjilliug  for  tenders  for  high 
,way  bridges  to  make  it  a  part  of  the  agreement  that  the  Bridge  Copipany  shall  put  on  tlie  concrete  floor.  We 
consider  this  a  mistake  for  tlie  reason  that  most  bridge  companies'  workmen  know  little  regardiug  concrete,  and  ' 
are  not  familiar  wfth  the  handling  of  same,  and  it  would  bewise  to  make  a  sef>arate  contract  for  floors,  and  pre- 
ferably the  man  who  takes  contract  for  the  .sub  structure  should  also  take  the  contract  for  the  concrete 
floor.  We  believe  that  you  couW  get  concrete  floors  cheaper  if  built  by  the  man  who  builds  the  sub-structure 
for  the  reason  that  he  wiyj^havealiof  his 'material  there  and  plant  for  handling'  same,  and  also  having  ex- 
perienced men  he  should  certainly  be  able  fb  do  a  better  job  for  less  money  and  in  less  time  than  the 
inexperiencetl  men  of  the  Bridge  Company.  The  cost 'of  6"  reinforced  concrete  floors  varies  from  25  cents 
to  40  cents  per  square  fodt  jiccording  to  locatidn  of  bridge  site,  t       '»     '  - 

.       _  r 


Riveted  \J5fren  Truss  Highway  Stens 

THE  ciit  01/ the  oi>i)osite  pajje  is  another  illtiStr^tioi^A^the 
Glen  Morris  Bridge  bpilt  by  us  in  the  Summer  ofip^, 

•^       for  the  County  of  Brant  and  is  a  good  ilhistration^f' a 
fii»  hjghway  bridge.    The -total  over  all  length  of  the  fl.«r-^i 
this  bridge  is  460' and  the  clear  width  of  the  roadway  id'.  TR^; 
bridge  consists  of  six  spans,  one  each  6o>,  -jn'  and  js',  and  thre«| 
Ns'each.    This  bridge  was  built  to  comply  with  the  Ontario' 
C.overnnient  si)ecitications  and  w  e  believe  it  to  Ijc  one  of  the  very 
l»est  highway  bridges  in  Ontario.  .  ' 

Page  21 

The  above  is  an  illuatratioti  of  steel  Warren  Truss,  sMn  loo'  long,  erected  by  ua  in  the  Town  of  Petrolia  thtpc 
years  ago.  Thia  is  a  good  illnstration  <^  i^nother  Ipng  span  Hi§hway  bridge  built  as  a  low  truss.  In  tliis  case,  it  was  desireit 
to  have.a  low  truss  to  ptrmit  the  moving  and  handling  of  oiraerricks  without  interference  with  overhead  bfacing. 

Riveted  Warren  Jruss  Highway  Spans 

T\{V.  cut  on  the  opposite  pane  is  one  wliicli  apjK-areil  in  our  previous 
catalogue  issued   several   \ears  a>,'o,  and  represents  the  simplest  and 

 chi;apest  steel  bridge  that  can  l>e  ^-rectcd.     You  will  note  that  it  has 

w-oodeit  joists  and  wtxiden  rails,  and  also  that  it  is  placed  on  temporan-  wooden 
ahutnients.  While  we  do  not  1)\  an\  means  ajiprove  of  sncli  a  eheap  strnetuu 
as  this,  we  arc  illustrating  it,  as  we  seek  to  jx)int  out  that  if  >ou  are  limited  to  a 
certain  sum  of  nioney,  you  will  see  that  you  can  get  a  stet'l  stmcture  which  can 
he  place^  on  almost  any  kind  of  temiM)rary  ahutnients,  and  if  snflicienf  attention 
|ion  of  these  temjiorary  abutments  it  will  last,  a  reasonable 
more  mone^'  is  available  with  which  to  build  more  per 
a  very  ,sim|)le  matter  to  jack  the  bridge  u])  in  the  air 
artic  at  all  while  permanent  abutments  are  l)eing  i)nt 




4.  % 

Beam  spans 

THH' illustration  <^^Hpp 
bridge  and  of  ^ffv"^ 
years.    The  st>l?show 

}pOsite  page  shows  a  design  for  short  span  highway 
ve  l^ave  built  a  great  number  during  the  past  'five 
'shown  is  suitable  for  bridges  in  lengths  from  five  feet 
up  to  thirty  .five  feet,  the  type  for  all  lengths  being  exactly  the  same  but  the 
number  of  beams,  depths  and  weightspf  ^ame  being  governed  by  the  length  of 
spans,  width  of  ro«iway,  and  the  load  to  be  carried.  The  iUtutration  shows 
a  wood'  floor,  but  the  majority  of  these  spans  are  now  built  to  carry  concrete 
floors,  and  iri  a  great  many  cases  the  concrete  is  applied  at  once,  but  in  other 
cases,  a  temporary  timber  floor  is'used  in  the  meantime  as  it  is  economical. 
By  referring  to  page  No.  28  you  will  note  a  concrete  flooi-  of  another  type  wlii^ 
is  equally  applicable  to  either.  '  * 

\       Beam  Spans  \ 

OS  tlic  opposite  page,  we  ilfiistratc  imotlier  lype  of  short  si>aii  hiKj^iay  l>ri(l)'e.  Tliis 
hriclge  can  he  designed  for  either  woixl  or  comretc  floors,  hnt%f  strongly  advise 
(ksiKninv;  it  ht:a\^  ciiongh  for  concrete  floors,  altliotigh  wood  flooin  cai^  be  lised  in  the 
nicanfinie.  This  type  of  briSge  is  suitable  for  spans  from  20'  to  40',  and  the  design  remains 
practically  as  Ahown  in  illustration,  except  for  spans  up  to  say  v^'  When  one  floor  heani  only 
may  l>e  n«*fs4ary:  l)nt  in  longer  spans  it  is  more  econoniical  to  use  two  floor  beams  ;  The  size 
of  the  niatp  girders  aud  Hoor  beams  and  nunil)er  of  joists  is  naturally -^verned  l)y  the  length  of 
spans,  width  of  roadway  and  loads  to  he  tarried  The  plan  for  the  l)riHge  shows  the  ordinar> 
reinforced  concrettv  floor  which  \ve  recommend  putting  on  the  bridge  immediately  after  it  is 
erected,  but  wootl  floor. can  be  usetl  in  the  meantrme,  if  desired.'  We  also  show  a  crgs-s  section 
of  a.  similar  bridge  illu.strating  concrete  floors  placed  on  corrugated  steel  troughs."  .Some 
I'lngineers  and  Officials  of  s<«ie  Mui)icipalities  prefer  this  style  of  floor  rather  l|ian  the  usual 
reinforced  concrete  slabs  shown  on  plan  for  the  bridge.  It  is  immaterial  to  »w  as  to' the 
design  of  floor  used,,  but  from  an  ettgineering  point  of  view,  we  consider  the  coiiin-ete  slabs 
superior  to  arches.  '  ,  ^ 


— a: 

Riveted  High  Truss  Spans 

K  iljM|g|{,>itiuii  sliowtt  oji  tJii;  DpiMisitf  pajcf  is  from  a  iihotogfiiph  nf  a 

and  is  the  thinl  span  Imilt  in  two  years  from  tin-  sniii^  plut||i  bnd 
Npecifieatiuns'.  This  hridjje  was  dcstKne<i  for  nst|al  hifjhwav  Irtfllc^nd 
has  rei<lforiLMl  i-oncrcti-  llcxtr  and  sttt-l  latlict-  railings,  and  is  an, fxcfllt-nt 
ifUwtration  ot  a  first  clasK  lii){liwa>  bridge  at  a  ri-asonulile  cost.  HridKes 
of  this  style  are  hnilt  in  llnj^ths  from'  to  250*,  the  only  diflFeretice  in 
dfsinnitiK  ln'iiiK  in  tlu-  ninntior  of  pani-K  and  increaso  wi'iv;lit  and  si/o  of 
metal.  Wc  stronKlv  reoonnnend  this,l>ridgc  as  l)t.'inK  first-class  in  design 
and  economical  in  co«t. 


4 — 

■1  # 


Pagr  31 



Riveted  High  Truss  Spans 

THK  illustration  s'lunvn  on  tlu-  opposite  page  Ls  laktn  ti;oni  a 
pliotoRtapli  of  two  spans  receuth  fnrni-.lied  by  iis  in  luistern  Ontario 
and  is  known  as  the  rivtted  i'r:ftt  truss  type,  and  isof  the  same  out 
line  as  the  old-time  pin  comiected  spans.  This  tyi)e  of  .lesion  is  recon.niende.1 
for  hi^h  truss  sjians  in  lengths  of  S..  to  120'  and  makes  a  first-class  brldKe 
and  is  neat -and  pleasing  in  apjiearance' tind  ecoivojiiical  in  cost,  ft  is 
iwssihle  to  Imild  WMe  spans  in  greater  lengths  than  120'  and  it  sometimes 
becotifes  a  question  as  to  wiiether  this  type  of  .k-sign  i,s  more  economrcal  for 
spans  say  itp  to'  than  tile  type  .shown  on  page  Xo.  ^i.  \erj)*  often  it  is 
a  question  of  preference  on  ihe  part  of  the  engu.eer  or  commissioners  in 
charge  of  the  w'ork  as  to  whether  this  design -will  he  limited  to  and 
for  spa-ns  over  that  length  to  issue  a  design  as  illustrated  on  page  No.  \\, 

h  > 


The  above  illustration  shows  u  span  recently  built  liy  ns  in  the  Town  of  I'aris.    This  span  was  to  replace-one  washe<l  away  in 
a  flood.    The  photograph  shows  this  bridge  with  the  floor  located  several  feet  alxjve  the  hdttom  chord. 
In  the  origioal  deaign  it  .was'  evidently  found  economical  to  do  this,  as  there'WiRi^  not 
9^*'.  >  '  fe'  sufficient  head  room  for  a  det-k  span  and  the  additional  coftt  uf  masonry  to  .  ^ 

,,  make  atji  ordinary  through  si>an  wuuUl  have  been  considerable. 

Pagr  as 

-  I.- 


The  af5i)ve  illiistralioii  slii)w>  tlu-  steel  hridnu  Imill  by  us  several  ytarsXa^io  for  the  ( '.ovirninent  of  the  North  Wesi  Territories,' 
ami  is  ijwr  the  Helly  Kiver  at  I.i  thlirid);!-.     It  consists  of  fourXips'  I'iii  Connected  Spans,  and  two  80'  Riveted  *• 
Warren  Truss  spans  4II  with  a  16'  roa<lway.-  »l)n  pajje  No.\i2  \Vill  l)e  found  ag  illustration,  sliQwinj; 
Paiic  41)  '     the  very  batKlsome  concrete  puM  use*  for  this  .bridgs. 

The  above  illuslraliiin  sliow>  a  l)ric1>;e  huill  l)v  lis  for  the  North-Wi'st  (•.(iveriiiiient  stveral  years  ago,  across  the-  Old  Man 
River  al  Mi  I.eo<l.    It  consists  of  two  175'  I'in  Connecjled  Sjwns  and  two  So'  Riveted  Warren  Truss  Spans,  all  with  a. 
16'  roadwav.     On  jMiKe  No.  42  i^M  illustfation  showin^.the  very  liandsome  concrete  piers  used  for  Belly 

River,  at  Whhbridge.tnd  m^undereta^d  the  substructure  for  McI,eod  bridge  is  practically  the  same.        i>age  «i 





ThealKJve  illii^lratioii  r»liows  Ihf  vt-ry  liHiiilsoiiie  an(l  siil>Ntaiitial  concrete  Siuhslriictiire  iiseif  lur  Old  Man  River  Hridnf  at  Marl.eiMl 

•ml  similar  sultHtructure  wa^uMed  for  Belly  River  Bridge,  at  f^thbridge.    The  supcrMrtu-tiirr  (or  tbeM>s)hin* 
fagr ■        '  (built  by  us)  are  shown  on  pages  No.  40  ant!  44. 

.  V 

Swing  Bridges 

THE  reqiiirenieiits  for  Swing  Bridges  are  not  very,  sreat  in  Canada, 
lieing  confined  principally  to  the  various  canals  in  difTef^it  parts 
of  the  country.  Occasionally,  however,  it  is  necessary  for  a  city 
or  rural  municipality  to  build  a  Swing  Bridge,  and  as  almost  every  case 
requires  a  peculiar  design  ofjits  own,  it  is  rather  difficult  to  illustrate  so 
many  different  types,  but  those  shown  on  the  following  pages  will 
prolMbly  be  of  interest. 

jf  * 

,    .     r  yallc,  canal.    The  bruige  .lU.strateH  was  recently  conJ^l.tcl  l.y  u.  at  C.len  .Miller,  o„  the  Trcnt^t  sec,i..„  of 
tins  caiMil,  and  H  one  of  elex-en  similar  spans  e^ecte.l  at.lifferent  points  on  the  Sin.coe-Ualsani "  - 
Lake  Duision  and  Honami  RivWand  Trenton  sections  of  this  canal.  ' 

Fane  48 


This  cut  .illustrates  a  light  highway  swing  bridge  erected  by  us,  several  years  ago,  at  Clienioiig,  being  part  of  the  lloating 
•    bridge  at  that  point,  and  is  very  similar  in  design  to  that  shown  on  page  No.  49,  wltli  the  exception  that  T 
7  overhead  bracing  is  omitted.     this  makes  a  very  good  type  of  fight  highway  swing. 

This  cut  illustrates  a  Iwb  tail  swing  bridge  built  by  us  over  the  Welland  Canal  at  the  Town  of  Wellanil  several 
rears  a^o  and  is  a  very  good  illustration  of  Government  practice  in  canaV  swing  bridges.  .^i 
This  is  known  as  Alexandra' Bridge. 



'Ills  il1U>trdtioii  sliowN  tlie'itterl  wgrl;  of  I  la  wke!tf>urr  lufulKe  in  course  of  er*cli6ii.     Tliis  stnictiire  ig  iM»  llif  liUf 
of  tbt  CaiiHilian  Niinlivni,  KaHwHy  m-i>r  the  (Hlkwa  Riyer.  iit-ar  MawkrHburv,  ()nt..  aml-«^  *  ^ 

of  sevfii  j>iiM'<>nnecle4.<h"t'k  spans  ea<;li  2o6' long  from  iientre  til  reiitre.'  ,. 

l-aur  v. 

ion  in 

THE  niustration  on  the  oppo«te  .how.  our  ..ethocl  of  erectu 
re-buUdinK  trestles  o.,  the  i^n^dian  Pacifu-  KaiKvay  near  loronto.  On  . 
The  work  consisted  of  douhlln,  n,.  the  hrac,n«  and  struts  .n  the  towers, 
...K,  ;,h.c.nK  OKI  girders  with  new.    In  o,.e  tres.le.we  had  ten  tower,  a-.d  two 
rl  r  hent  .wit$g|av.rage  fieiKht      no.,  and  eleven       K.r  er..  s.x  V 
and      JfTdm.     Another  trestle  had  eleven  towers  of  an  average 
St  of        and  had  thirteen  .o'  girders.  si"x       .irders,  and  three  «.».ers^ 
WhertresUe  had  five  towers  withanavera«ehe.ght  of       and -had  ^^n,^  . 
,  and  three      girders.    Ahother  ^restlcf  h.d  4  tower,  and        ^>  «  • 
•  L  average  height-of  83.  ahd  had  five  30-  girder.,  four  40'  g.nlm.        o«e  60  ^ 
girder."  .     "  ^      '  ^^^fSI?" 

The  talking  out  of 'the  old  girder,  and  placing  of  the  ne*  was  done  entirely 
with.«tK^el  erection  car.  all  g.rders  ^^^''.  -^X^ 

'  ones  dropped  i.>  place  as  shown  All  work  of  cnttin^-ets  m  the  tower.^. 
drUhng  ;,ew  hoL  and  replacing  rivet.^l  ri.ety,g  of  new 
•girders  was  performed  With  conip>es5«d  air.  y 

'This  illustration  shows  the-two'iiiaiii  girders  for  Government  Street  Bridge,  on  the  line  of  the  Intercolonial  Railway,  near 
.  lAvis,  yuelwc,  and  erected  by  us'  several  years  ago.     This  bridge  was  lij'  long  over  all,  and  is  an  exceptWnally 
heavy  structure.     The  total  weight  of  the  bridge  was  about  260,000  lbs.  .and  the  weight  6^  eaoi 
individual,  girder-about.80,000  lbs.,'  and  we  beli^^^thest  to  be  among  tl^  heaviest  girders  ever 

handled  in'^; 

believe  tt 


in  Canada. 

This  illustration  shows  a  peculiar  condition!  an<r'it  ii^ilit  likely  a  ^niilap 
In  a  v^ry  short  distance  there  are  n6  leas  than  five  brid^,  Ml  so  close  tog^U' 
a  stone  from  any  one  bridge  toauy  other  one.  Tlie  Jar^e  arch  span  in  th»  fore->ti 
carriet  the  main  highway  over  the  Desjardines  Caqal.  Immediately  untler 
the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway,  between  Hamilton-and  Toronto,  and  standin)^ 
the  Lattice  Girders  for  150' span  which  was  later  er^ed  on  the  main  line  of  thfrCMadian  Pacific  Railway,  at  Streetsyille,  a  few 
miles  west  of  Toronto.  In  the  distance  will'j)e  .seen  a  plate  girder  span,  carrying  the  double  tracks  of  the  main  line  of  the 
Cfand  Trvink  Railway,  Ijetween  Hamilton  andjiyogjnto.  it'hy  looking  closely  at  the  illustration  and  lookii|pthrougli  the 
members  of  the  Street.sville  (iircler,  tlfe  top  chords  and  upper  portions  of^the  end  posts  and  verticals  of  an  old  highway 
l)i;idge  ftiay  be  seen.    Tliis.c\>t  has  been  illustrj^tid  in  tj^vefal  of  the  leiading  Bngineeriiig  papers,  and  it  is  admitted  by  all  tSut 

ion  exists  anywhere  else  in  the  world. 
1^  it  would  be  almost  possible  to  throw 
nd  is  known  as  the  High  L'evel  Bridge,  and 
$:rossing  it  diagonally  is  the  main  line  of 
t  bridge  are  four  cars  loaded  with  "one  of 

this  IS  a  unique*illu4tration  so  far  as  bridges  are  obncerjie<l. 

Faifc  it 

tration  represents  a  bridge       the  line  of  tlie  Caiiailiaii  Vacific  Railway  at  Ari)osti)ok  Jiiin  tioii,  N.  K. 
in  which  our  contract  covered  the  renio\  al  of  four  tlirough  plate  jjirilei'  steel  spans  and  replacing 
three  of  them  with  deck  pl«te  girder  spans  and  the  removal  of  the  fourth  to  the  far  cn4 
»      ef  the  bridj^,  and  also  putting  in  several  additietial  girders. 

'  f  if 


The  abovt;  cut  illustrates  a  bridfie  on  the  main  lint  of  ilicCattadiaq  Pacffio  Railway,  near  Weston,  oilt.  The  oriKinal  stnictureV* 
•'   consisteA  of  wou<Wri'spans,  and  our  contract  covere<l  the'* removal  gf  the  old  work  and  7^' 

the  placing  of  the  ii«w  Without  interruption  of  traffic. 

Fame  Jt_/ 

This  cut  iNustrates  one  ^Ppe  largest  single  span  Arch  Bridges  in  the  world,  atu  was  huilt  by  us  on  the  line  «f  ih.  r.„.^{ 
Pacific  Railway  over  Stoney  Creek,  in  H,e  Selkirk  Range  of  the  Rockv  Mo.  ntsins.'    It  win  t°e  seen  that  the  Lrfc 

,t^gth  of  4«3'.    Tlje  riilk  of  thearch  IS  loo'.    The  weif  ht  of  I^e  ste«l  in 

Vttge  lit 

the  structure  was  about  1,51x1,000  pound 

THKciitoii  the  oppositf  puni-  illiixtrate^  h  .i)<)rti(iii  ol  ilie  erection  of. large 
brid^  o\-cr  the  gorge  of  th»f  St.  ' Maurice  River  at  ShwiniRan  TaTfi. 
Prevince  of  Quebec,  and  erected  on  the  line  of  the  St.  Maurice  Valley 
Haillw;i.y.  Wjhicli  is  operated  l>y  lite  t'onadian  Pacific  Railway.  This  work  con 
.sist*  of  two  I  SO'  s])an».  one  end  of  each  resting  («  concrete  piers  and  the  other 
<^s  on  a  {ttecl  ben^  tjo"  hl«h.  A*  weH  an  this,  Iher^' arc  two  6<V  deck  plate 
girder  approach  spans  at  one  end.  and  a  similar  ai>pro.Kli  span  at  the  6j)|«)site 
Z^'''  '^^^^  lattice  span  was  etrected  on  falsework  as  shown,  and 

the  iliedond  span  wan  erectedTM  a  cantilever,  also  as  shown.  This  work  wajt 
erected  under  very  great  difficulties  by  reason  of  the  intense  cpld  and  the  heavy 
and  frequent  falls  of  snow  :.  and  owing  to  the  limited  time  allowed  in  which  to 
complete  the  wwrk,  it  wa.<^  necessary  to  have  dax  and  night  forces  for  .seTrrai> 
weeks,  and  the. bridge  was  completed  within  a  few  hours  of  the  necessary  time 
to  enable,  th*  Railway  t^jmpany  to  earn  the  subsidy  which  Iwl  been  voted  fo* 
the  line  under  certain  conditions.  This  bridge  is  one.of  sev^  bridges  erected 
by  u.s  on  tlie  same  line,  one  of  which  was  at  l;es  Cres  Crossing,  consisting  of 
seven  fiof  deck  lattice  spans,  one  '.'(Ki'  through  pin  connected  span  aixi  two  uo' 
riveted  through  spans  Another  interesting  bridge  erected  by  us  on  this  railway 
was  a  I  jo'  through  plate  girder  span,  which  is  firpbably  one  of  thtlargest  spans 
of  this  kind  eyer  built  in  Canada. 



TW.  illuitratioii  on  tlif  opfxtsitT  pajji;  shows  ii  portion  of  tin-  erection  oi 
ScgiTlR^Tadnct  on  the  Tbronlo-Sudhury  l>ranch  of  the  Canadnnr  PacH^ 
Railway  at  Parry  SouIh.  which  is  tiainiecl  to  lie  one  ot,  the^rgiH  rafl- 
way  bridge  structures  in  Ontario.  Hid  is  nmloubtedly  one  of  the  best  steel  struc 
tures  to  kK  found  in  America     The  arra^enient jfni  c  1  ass ifi canon  of  s^ans  is 
peculiar,  "bwing  to  the  unusiM^&iditions  Of  the  location yU&ilftpecessary 
iross  two  highways,  one  stean^biilwa> .  and  tin-  ScKui"  I^Hp|**l  "'^'''K 
heigM  of  liM  structure,  long  approaches  were  fptjuired  at  Cafljj^WF  ^Sh*'  .stTuc 
tiire  insists  of  36  s|>afi«  «f  various  lengths,  niade  tfp  of  ^^a^R^^pRpb  ginler 
spans,  two         <lfck  1  at tio#  spans,  two  165'  deck  lattice  3j'iM#i liffc^ t|ii  river. 
The  spans  rest  on  ten  ateel  towers  varying  in  height  irofif  |^W«Wai>^  the 
whole  structure  is  supported  on  40  pedestal  piers,  two  abutments  andTour  large 
"piers.    The  approximate  height  frohi  the  river  bed  to  the  top  of  the  steel  i.s  about 
120'  an(l  .^he  weight  of  metal  in  the  structure  is  aboiit  3,.soo,Ck)<>  pounds.  An 
intcrleSt,ing  <fiict  in  connection  with  «recting  this  bridge  is  tli4t  20  s^wxis  out  of 
26  were  placed  in  iK)sition  with  steel  erection  car  without  falseworljJ^ftafTi)ld 
.  ing  of  anj^  kind.     Two  125'  and  two  165'  deck  lattice  .spans  ^'JHK'^'^'' 
sections  with  the  ateel  car  as  showt^n  the  illustratibn,  two  t25'$ji^|^nd  one 
(f>5'  span  being  erected  from  falsework  in  the  usual  manner,  and  the  other  165' 
span  was  erected  as  a  cantilever  without  tht  us*  of  falsework.    The  total  lenKth 
Of  the  bridge  is  about  I,  yoo".      '*  .  * 



a.  • 

-I  It 

fx  I 

o  •  z: 

2,  — 

a  3  2 


.  The  above  is  another  illustration  of  Canadian  Pacific  Railwg^-  Bridge  at  Grand  Palls,  N.  B.,  showing  315'  span  connected 
and  with  falsework  and  traveller  still  in  place.  This  span  is  a"^!  lot  of  fouc.  100' deck  lattice  spa^^fb^lr  ico' through  lattice 
spans  and  the  325'  pin  connected  span  erected  over  the  St.  JohnTiiver.  Owing  to  the  lateness  of  the  season  and  the  liability 
of  the  river  breaking  up  early  in  the  spring,  it  was  necessary  to  make  the  quickest  possible  progress  on  this  work.  The  .span 
weighs  approximately  1,000,000  pounils,  and  the  erection  of  the  stefel  was  started  on  the  5th  day  of  March  anil  the  last  pin  or 
connectioninadeon  the  iTtbdayNof  March,  1908,  being  13  days  for  (Re  work.  Pagr  n 

The  above  is  an* lustration  of  one  of  the  several  bridges  bnill  bv  us  on  the  Toronto- 
Sudbury  Branch  of  the  Canadian  I'acific  Railway.    The  illustration  shows 
Our  stee!  er«ection  car  placing  the  second  girder  of  the  90'  span. 

Hag*  7s 


I   .  « 

The  alwvecnt  ttluiUrates  steel  tn'stle  hiiilt  tiy  lis  for  tlie  Niltioiial  I'ortlanil  Cement  Company,  ;il  I)iirlii«n,  (nitartQ  aiicl'i 

pjirt  of  our  general  contract  for  steel, buildings  eomjjlete  for  this  pliipt.  \'         '  ' 

THE  illustration  on  the  ot>  page  shows  a  portion  of  the  steel 
"suiHjrstructiir^  of  the  Canadian  'Northern  Uailway  over*  the 
Si»%itche\van ,  at  Prince  Albert,  Sask,  T?he  bridge  consists 
of- five  iso'  single  track  thronglvrivfte'd-a^ans  and  one  230' swing  span,  and 
on  eaqh  side  of  the  bridg*  there  is  provided  a  12'  roadway  for  vehicle 
traffic.  The  cut  shows  three  of  tli^  spans  erected  and  partly  assembled; 
Under  ordinary  conditions  ^his  would' be  a -coifiparitively  simple  piece  of 
VvoTk,  bnt  owing  to  the  fact  that  the  coiiditions  necessitated  this  bridge 
being  ertcted  during  the  winter  time,  the  work  was  very  difficult  and. 
expensive.  For  weeks  and  e\  en  months  at  a  time  "the  temperature  was  very 
nevere,  for  a  great  portion^  t|ie  time  being.  30  below  zerp  and  goiog  as  low 
as  50  and  60  degrees  beTow'  «ero.  ^  -  ^'  '  ■ 



■-  •« 

Canusliaii  S'orlkfrii  KailWay  llriil^e,  I'riuce  AllMirt.  ^ask*.  ^. 



■■■  / 



TJ,..  ilHivr  rut  illu-lriitis  slrH.  lur.l  »lr«l  for  Ow  n  Hmrth  Huil.liii({  for  the  l^ke  Superior  C<.rv..r«ti..n 

niclil  .liow»  »Ufl  platform  sup,«.rlinK  furi».t*.  ana  Ihr  varn  f..r  hamllinK  tii«tenal.  «Hi  tlw  l*R  MM  IMie  a 
a*4llqpMtioii  .rf  the        ITwIw-r r  HuiMiHK  ••W«-t««  «•>  «>»«■ 

rret-tvil  l>y  u» 
ilh  ^t«f  1  roof 
iliviilr<l  into 
tllhl  on  ttif 
IS  pit-turc  is 

The  aliii^  fHt  h  an  iHuHtration  i4  otrvX  ttn>(  lrn^M'>  iiii 

lli^in'llun  Drill 

Arinourirv.  oltuwitiK  nirUWMl  of  riv<-ti»<ii 

iHivi-  illll^lratluu  >li<>w>  Mrfl  ti»>l  new  IMill  Hall  ailil  Ailimuiie»  l«->rllll>  t-i«-.l..l  iii  Ihr  Cm  ..l  liuliillt'iii  Thi»  "Irrl  i»  llrnw 
i>l*u>iiia  in  uollin'r    Thr  »|iaii  i>f  Ihr  i<«>r  i«  \3W  lat-r  lu  fstT  with  a  loul  Iriivili  III  IHf  iiiiil  the  hriithi  from  Ihr  iiniirt  .aid*  al  Ikr 

laillam  t  hpnl  at  Ihr  i-enlrr  i.(  lb'  lru»«  lo'lh*  floor  of  Ihr  ball  i«  ftS'  <rU    Thr  nriiiiiK  <hcmn  al  ihi  IhjIUhii  '^ki-  illiolcalinn 
M  i«  piyp^     pyyiiiit  thr  ijiaying  uf^ii<1tM*T  l*n^l>all  Mill!  i^hi«  h  i<>  nr«r^)«i\  !•>  pr>>lr<  I  Ihr  cl*>  II  it  Uiii|>- i^^^bimlowii 

'"'''''i^:'':^u!::zr^::^^   L  

Thf  aUiVf  cut 
Company,  of  dalt 


slriii-tural  st 

„  Ti      11    .    .  J  ''™"<^^v  "'''l«li''K  f<'r  the  MiC-.regor.  r.oiirliiv 

M,       .1 '    .   ,  T  -."  "9^  'lluxtrates  tlie  |ate«t  type  of  construrtion  lucd  in  buililiii|{s  for  fc.un.lry  purposfs    It  will  Jie 

noted  the  steel  trusse.  .re  tii^portea  on  steel  colUnsaM  th«t  theK  are  steel  rnnwavs  to  fupport  heavy  travrflhJ^ 


rjiir  luu 

Tlir  abo»4-|lt  illllstr.iU  s  simDl,  roul  trn«ec  a.,.1        i  i 

)  » 

The  alxne  is  illusi 

llustratioii  of  steel  roof  triKo'.;  i 

I-mHniw,  ,V,«.er  ^  Tra.,s,„issio;^'!;:;;;:;i^,S'ii  '-ower  House  for  th. 

e»Kt  lUl 


■  V 

'HK  cut  oil  the  opposite 4)age  illustrates  th^tructural  stetl 

of  tW^i 

2  the  a«w  Head  Office  building  of  tW^raders"  Bank, 

erecft-d  by  us  in  the  City  of  Toronto,  four  years  ago. 
At  the  time  this  building  was  er^ted  it  was  the  ^rst  genuine 
example  of  what  is  known  as  a  "Sky  Scraper  "  to  be  erected  in 
Canada.  Tlie  buildiM  is  if,  storeys  high  and  wa.s  erected  by  us 
in  exactly  four  nionffls,  or  at  the  rate  of  one  floor  per  week. 
The  iltn-it^tion, shows  the  steel  work  about  completed  and  it 
also  shows  the  fire  proof  floors  Win^  placed  in  position  and  the 
outer  walls  being  erected  foUowing  after  the  .steel,  all  operations 
bcini;  C6nd\icted  at  the^me  time. 

cut  <>»  tlif  opjK)site  page  illnstT^tts  steel  frame  of  new- 
Head  Office  Huildiiig  of  the  Feclerql '  Life  Assuraure 
'   Coiiipaiij' recently  erected  iri  the  City  of  Hamilton.  It 
will  be  •ieetii  tl'irt"  the  steel  is  practically  completed  and  the  fire' 
j)toof  floors  art^being  placed  in  ]>osition.and  the  walls  under  con 
'«fructio,n  at  .s|ib«' time  as  steel.    The  completed  huiUlinR  is  a 
very  hiindsoriiisl  structure  and  was  the  first  example  of  thi*  tvfie 
of  l)ui]<iinj}ei*(^te<Un  the, City  of  Hamilton. 

•  ». 

.  »"ltli.  125  fell 

^HH  lilt  oil  the  .opptwile  pane  illustraleh  >iet  )  in  tin-  .  oiirst- 
-of  crbctjon  for  tlie  new  htte  I'roofC.ran.l  Stand  crftttil 
l.\  UN  Un  the  Titrpnto  K\lnl.itinJ^!i.Hociation  in  k^o;. 
This  is  the  nioMt  muiiern  example  ..f  a  (".raiwl  Slajd  in  fhc 
fkmihiion  of  Oimwla.  and  w  far  as  is  known,  is  ,mk  of  Tlie  larRest 
(WamI  SlaiKls  in  tin.  «ni|pi.  Thi*i  stau.l  is  7.-.'  Iomk  ail.l  h>H  n 
xatiiiK.  caiuiiitv  of  i.s.;)...  people.  Tlir  wiixht  of  steil  in  this 
Htnictnre  is  i.,...,"  tons,  ami  notwithstaiKliiiK  that  the  nuiiiUr  <.i 
indivi.lnal  pitcis  ip^ed  in  the  constniction  of  tlii^  staiid  waii 
245,.«...  11  was  hiiilt  and  erected  in  recvd  time.  The  or.ler  was 
placed  With  us  on  Dccemlwr  jNth.and  we  conipkutr our  contract 
on  Jimc'Volli.  •        ,^  .     .  •  • 

Tliv  a^{KrcKate  length  nf  all  the  |>iec\s  of  sfi-el  tiited  in  thi* 
Xraml  stand,  if  place*!  eiid  to  end,  w.Mild  ecjiial  mIkmiI  miles 
and  llys'stcel  wouhl  »)e  'cpiivalent  to  ahout  2jv><k.'  irf  steel  rsrils 
an.l  wuuld  construct  a  standard  railway  track  e<|ual  to  alwnt 
ii>,j  miles.    Th^total  uuniberbf  riveto  used  was  about  2<.fi.'cj<R). 

.      1  he  a/^v,-  cm  ,s  an  illiistrali.m  sl.o«       an  i,Ueri.,r  view  of  .k,„k  .-reotr,!  l.v       in  the  Town  „l  Herlin    s,„„e  a^n 

si,U.    k.nU.van  acunlniR  to  length  «f  s,»b.  le«Ktliof.lmUdhiK  an.I  various  ulher  comlitions. 

,-  l-aR.-  113 

The  above  cut  illustrates  the  steel  r.K)l  <,f  Drill  lUW  aii.l  Armourv  in  c.ui-se  of  erection  in  the  Gitu  of  IVtrrlw  r-.       .  • 
..Uliilkr  in  cteign  and  SI/*  to  seyeraf  Drill  Halls  built  by  us  in  „ther  places.    We  have  f^niX    siefc  I)rm  H  n  I 
C«hann«.  SherbrooK^.  Pet^rhbro,  ..:s,ui„.alt.  Hran.K.n,  St.  Th,'  ,„«erso»,  (-.uelpl.' Wi^^ll^^Vr^^JJoi  anllo"^ 



The  aW  cut  .hows  an  *"»fi°[,J7«*  of         Im^^^      for  Open  Hearth  Plant  of  ll.e  Hamilton  Stee\&  Iron  Company-  Since 
-  J  »he  erection  of  Urn  bmiaing.sevettiiad.lkiom  have  been  ad.led  at  etch  end\ 

_  i;iit«:  i^ustrate  small  Toot 
l)riclj;e-.  ii-i?TTM(>r  roiiiiiiiiniiatioii 
lielwet  ii  \'aric)iis  f.u  torv  liuililiiigs. 
Till-  two  liriil^fs  slioAMi  oil  the  lop 
•  cut  were  l)iiilt  l)y  iis  for  the  lii}{er- 
soll  PackiiiK  Company,  loKersoIl-, 
Ont ,  ami  the  bri(l|i;e  shown  in  the 
lower  cut  was  Imilt  by  iis  fw  the 
Raynioiiil  Manufacttiring  Company. 
("'iiel])li,"(  )nt. 

These  are  the  only  ilhist'rations 
we  have  of  the  very  large  num* 
her  of  tliese  bridges  built  by  uk 
^n  .  various  pai;ts  of  the  country ,- 
a  few  locationis  lieing  t'enniaii  Man- 
iifacturingConipany.  Paris  ;  Maple 
Leaf  Rulil)er  Company,  I'ort  Kal- 
liunsie;  Canadian  I'urtland  Cement ' 
Company,  I'ort  Colhorne  ;  I.ehigh 
Cement  Company,  lielleville,  and 
various- other  locations. 

»     The  alx>v«  cut  show*  ste*l  inlet  v.lVte  furnislie,!  l,v  us  f.,r  use  i„  the  WVIIan.l  Canal  a,  Pnrt  ' 

The  above  cut  shown  a  shipmenl  of  steel  tubs  manufactufe.l  by  us  f„r  a  firm  cf  ContractOM  anil  us«l 
connection  with  Steam  Shovel  work  on  (lovernment  Canals.        '       "  > 


The  cut  .lluMr^tes  a  shi,..„.„.  ..f  two  oar  of  ro.l.s  U.  J.e  Use.!  in  the  constrnction  of  woo.le»  howe 
r  ss  s,a„  for  the  ca„a..,an  Pacho  Railuay,  ia  the  Rocky  Mountains.   We  have  s,«cial  ...achinery  for faScauIg 

iilwavs  and  Coqtractors  in  the  Weat^  .  ■  . 

Til.  ilUisiriKioM  sliaws  oiu-  of  a  iiiiiii)>er  of  steel  hopoers  tiiilt  Uy  us  for  the  Canadian  I'ortUmI  Cviicnt 
C.inpanv,  I>e.rt  C. .ll.oriie.  ( )n(^aticl  weliavt- also  huil^a  number  of  similar  hoppers  for  \he  National  Portland  Cement 
Coniiiany,  DtiHiHiu,  Ont..  I.ehiKh  Cement  Comjj^My.  Iklleville, forothcroompmiieiiin  varidcm  paatoof  Cana<U. 


1  > 


1  4' 

L  ^ 

Tlir  illustration 

nIiiiws  our  ol     niiiiilier  uf  stt'i'l  t;iiffi»jrfri  iitly  Imilt  liy  lis.         luiild  t 
*'  or  ileaigii,  (or  use  in  brclwies,  iliKtilleries,  foundricK  and'ii 

tanks  of  this  pattt  rii  or  of  iiiiv 
'her  piir|>oaes.    •  ^ 

Water  Tanks  and  Towers 

O^the  opposite  pa^e  we  illustrate  steel  tower  and  steel  tank  for  use 
in  connection  with  Municipal  Water  Works  or  manufacturing 
establishments.  This  shoCi  the  latest  design  for  work  of  this 
kind.  .We  have  built  a^number  of  towers  and  tanks  in  various  parts  of 
Canada,  and  of  many  different, designs,  heights,  capacfties,  etc.  We  can 
build  reservoirs  or  tanks  resting  dirtct  on,  concrete  foundations  or  can 
build  steel  towers  with  steel  or  wood  tanks  on  top  of  .same. 

The  illustration  shaws  a  tank  with  spherical  bottom,  and  we  can  ^Iso 
fitiild  them  with  flat  bottoms.     /t  ■       '         ,  * 

.  Th^  illustration  shows  a  steel -tank  with  wood  roof  resting  on  steel 
frame ^vork,  and  mair  holes  are  provided  for  entrance  into  the  lank.  .\ 
laddtr  extends  fr<Hi\,the  ground  to  the  top  of  the  tank,  and  insicfe  the  tank 
from  top  to  bottom.  • 

A  balcony  and  failing  is  provided  at  the  top  of  the  tower  and  may  be 
of  any  width  required,  and  the  flooring  ftiay  be  of  steel  or  wood,  and  the. 
balcony  railing  may  l)e  of  pipe  or  lattice  work  and  of  any  height  or design 
required.  *• 



Rods,  Bolt&tllivetsrTumbuckles 

WE  inaiiiifactufe  t\p<ct  ro(ls''5  8*"diameter  and  up  tli»  diameter. 
These  rods  (ire  upset  at  welding  heat,  and  we  guarantee 
greater  streiigth  in  the  threads  thawin  the  body  of  rods. 

^  We  inanufacture  hexagon  ij^ts  lor  bridge  rods  in  all  sizes  up  to 
We  have  a.  large  stock  of  square  nuts  and  hexagon  nuts  of ' 



We  manufacture  round  head  rivets,  couutersunk  head  rivets,  and 
bolt^for  every  purpose.  '  ■^  . 

Wfe  carry  in  stock  steel  turnhuckles  and  devices 

Beams,  Angles;  Channels,  Plates,  Etc. 

QX  pa^LS  No.  i.^oaiid  are  illustrations  of  Stock  VardsNo.  i  and  2  in  connection  with 
Lower  and  I'pper  shops.  It  is  cit.stoinary' for  us  to  carry  in  stock  at  all  times  about 
.5.000  V>"s  of -steel  of  various  sections  suclria%i  Beams,  Channels,  Angles,  Plates,  Tees, 
Zees,  Bars',  Rods,  etc. .  etc.,  and  our  many  years  dfperience  in  carrying  a  stock  of  this  kind 
enables  us  to  select  the  moat  suitable  sizes,  weights  and  lengths.  OiVr  stock  is  at  all  times  well 
assorted  and  covers  all  the  standard  sizes  and  weights  of  Beams  from  3»  to  24"  in  depth  and 
standard  .sizes  and  weights  of  Channels  from  4"  to  i,s«  in  depth  and  practically  all  the  standard 
sizes  and  weights  of  Angles  rolled  by  American  and  Kuropean  .Mills  This  material  is  in  lengths 
•  varying  from  a  few  feet  up  to  60  feet. 

Our  sitock  of  plates  is  very  complete  and  covers  material  from  8«  in  width  to  96"  in  width  and 
in  thickness  varying  from  316"  to  i"  and  in  some  special  cases  plates  up  to  1)4*  in  thickness. 

Wliile^  we  do  not  «^ake  a  practice  of  carrying  in  stock  Zees  and  Tees  We  ha\'e  at  different 
times  a  fe\^  odd  sections  that  will  be  shown  on  our  fortnightly  stock  lists.  ■  < 

As  well  as  the  sections  mentionetl  above  we  have  in  stock  at  all  times  a  considerable  as,sortnicnt 
of  Round  and  Square  Steel  Bars.  ^  ■ 

We  steely" gas  pipe  I*,  1 '4'*,  I '2*  and  2*  diameter.' 

We  issue  a  Stodc  List  Twice  a  Montli  and  will  put  you  on-Our  MaUing  List  if  you  advise  us  you  would 
I     .   -  liicelo  liave  itoclcUst  KgDiariy.     '  • 

'   *  Girdere 

TH  !•:  two  cuts  shoAjrn  on  the  oppoMte  page  illustrate  beam  girders  of  which 
a  great  many  are  used  for  various  purposes.  In  remodeUing  the  fronts 
of  old  buildings  an<ian  arranging  the  fronis  of  new  buildings,  it  is  found 
necessarx  to  use  steel  girders  to  support  the  britk  work  above.  The  use  of 
such  girders  enables  a  large  clear  opening  to  be  i(r4)%'ided,  which  would  permit 
of  subsequent  alterations  to  the  front  of  huildinW.  without  interference  with 
the  builduig  proper.  The  illustrations  show  girdtrs  consisting  of  two  beams" 
which  "IS  usually  found  sufficient,  the  size  and  Weight  of  the  bekms  being 
governed  by  the  leflgth  of  span  and  the  loads  to  be  carrietl.  The  upper 
illustration  show*  a  bfeam  girder  in  place. 

.  In  the  fronts  of.ordinary  store  buildings  it  is  usual  to  have  a  clear  open 
•space,  but  if  necessary  columns  can  be  provided  at  the  ends  and  any  number 
of  columns  can  be  provided  at  intermediate  points,  in  fact  the  girders  can 
be  designed  and  arranged  to  suit  the  conditions  tiiat  exist  and  to  meet  the 
viewsx)f  the  proprietor  or  contractors  having  the  work  in  hand. 

On  page  No.  135  will  be  fouml  illu.stratioiis  showing  cross  .sections  of  .simi- 
lar iK-aui  girders  consisting  of  two  and  three'  beams. 

('•irderS  lilce  this  may  1)^  made  of 
one  or  .more  beams,  geuefally  two 
heama  are  necessary. 


I     'I      I  I 




dirders  like  this  can 
be  made  any  length  and 
"forany  thicktiessof  wall, 
gild  can  be  used  in  new 
or  old  buildings. 


Paxe  133 

Roof,  Trusses 

Can  1j€  n'ladeany  length,  height  or  design  ; 
can  l>e  arrailf^  to  rest  on  steel  columns  of 
any  heiglit,  capacity  or  design  ;  and  to 
cafry  travelling^cranes  or  any  other  loads  ; 
can  also  be  made  to  rest  on  walls  o>  stone, 
concrete  or  brick  :  also  may  have  purlins 
of  steel  or  wood  and  arrangjd  for  slate, 
corrugated  iroa  or  other  roof  cof ering^ 



The  above  cuts  show  cross  sections  of  girders  consisting  of  two  beams  and  three  beams,  a  full  description 
ofwhicU  will  be  found  on  page  132.  Oitders  of  two,  three  or  more  beams  and  girders  of  various* other 
cxmstructioiii  to  meet  special  conditions,  can  be  deiligit^,  bnilt  ond  shipped  promptly. 

We  have  a  table  sliovving  safe  loads  nnifornily  distributed  for  standard  and  special  beams, 
this  tal)le  win  be  sent  to  any  p^rfion  to  whom  it  will  be  of  service.  . 

A  copy  of 


Columns  " 

.       :     ••  •  •   .  ^. 

Wh  hav*-Si  larR^rtock  of  various  sizis  of  l.road  nai.j;..- U-ains  wlm  1.  arc  manufaclurul  ispci  uillv  lor 
.oliinm  i  ()iisirii.  ii.,n.     V„r  ..nIT.iarx  o .ii,liii„„s  {\us  type  ,,f  .  oliiniii  is  vi'ry .  ecoiioniical  owhij;  to' 
lilt  siiiall  ainoiiirt  of  lahof  t<)  iiiake  hmatl  llaiigt  liiaiiis  iiit(i  i()liimiis.    .'I"lu  ' short  tiim-  lucissary 
for  manufacture  of  these  lieams  into  columns  enables  lis  to  ship  l)«;am  cdltiuuis  Ih  a  vi  ry  short  time  aftci 
order  is  received.  *  -  -  •        ,  ' . 

III  tlR-  loiistriK  tioii  »f  steel  frame  TOildings  and  where  very  KnaV  loads  are  to  he  supported  it  1-  lllo^l 
cyoiu)mual  to  use  columns  made  of  chaiiiieN  and  cover  plates.  The  ;("((vantav;e  of  this  ly|H.  of  coiinnns  ist'he 
eiimouiical  dislrit)ntioij.of  inaterwl  iii  llie  coliunn  and  the  comi)arativtlv  low  voM  of  lal)or  in  nlanuf'actnre 

VVc  make  columns  of l)eamsftn<l  channels  for  special  conditifHiii.  ImfcohiHuis  of  this  t^jie  are  not  as 
economical  as  either  of  the  commiis  descnlied  above  A 

Cast  .Iron  Coluinns  fpr  huilAng  fronts  ai)d  interior  store  construction  are  scnnetinies  s[)ecified.  We' 
have  Iwttems  for  the  mannfacttir*  of  cast  iron  columns  of  various  designs.  Cast  iron  c()linnns  fnrinshed 
l>y  us  are  made  of  best  quality  irdn  for  tlWs  {nirpose.  We  ^ive  special  attention  to  .appearance  of  ^Itiinnn 
and^^jpvnriably  we  machine  theei/dsof  columns  in  ordej  (o  obtain  a  perfect  bearing  for  cohitinis  on  their 
foundations  and  Jor  material  restShj?  on  tops  of  columns.  We  consider  the  machining  of  ends  of  cast  iron 
columns  the  most  iniporfant  detail  in  their  nmiuifacture...  HaviuK  men  who  are  conslantly  enRaned  in 
moiildiuK  cast  iron  colunms  wc-;  re  in  ;v.j>ositjon  (o  guarantee  best  results  and  shipments  in  the  shortest  time 
necessary  to  execute  orders.      i  '  *  '  - 

For  special  conditions  we^  ca 

mamifacture'inanyi(nher  types  of  steel  columns.    We  are  glad  to  design 

and  manufacture  special  columns Vo  meet  eroprgencies  that  occur  occasionally  in  building  construction 

Pngr  m 

Sdme  Important  Engineering  Works  Uuilt  by  Us 

1!4^«»lers  Hatik  KuijdinK.  Tontntti,  Ontario.  ^ 

St.  Clair  Tutind,  for  Grand  Trunk  Railway,  Air  Locks  andl^iapliranits,  uaed  in  construction. 

Stffl^^li'  Whi-el  .Sti'amtr  Cliipj>e\va,  ,^m'  over  all,  '>7'  lieani^-er  xiiartls. 

yiu^Aiv  Criik  Arch  Hrid^f  i"  the  .Selkirk  Mountains  for  Canadian  I'aiific  Kailway. 
Total  li  n)jr4^,i'.  .\rrh  .Span  ,^.',(>',  \M  i){ht  .Soo  Kins. 

The  Rouge  River  Bridge,  n  double  track  span  140^  over  all,  weight  265  tons,  for  tho  (Irand 

Trunk  Railway  SvNtcni.  if*- 

•  » 

The  tire  pnH)t  building  fur  R.  Simpson  &  Co.,  Toronto.    The  weight  of  steel  in  aaine  b«ing 

j,5(io,iKx«  ]M>nnds. 

,  Steel  roofs  for  Drill  Halls,  at  Montreal,  Hamilton,  Brockville,  Peterboro,  Wind.>»or,  (iuelph, 
Sli'Catharines,  Sherbroake,  Brandoii,  Esquimau. 

(Irand  Stands  for  Ontario  and  Fort  ICrie  Jockey  Clubs,  Toronto  Kxhibitii^  Aa^tatfon. 

.Steel  and  iron  work  for  Sault  Ste  Marie  and  .Sonlanges  Cknal  Locks. 

Hiirlinj^ton  Canal  swin^  Nrid^e.  Iir^t  hnilt  in  Canada.  ^ 

Steel  roof  for  Western  Hloik  Departmental  finilding,  Ottawa,  Out. 

Bank  of  Hamilton  Building,  Hamilton,  Ont.  •    ,  ! 

Federal  Life  Assurance^ilding,  Hamilton,  Ont.  I 

yWterl  sill.  IhKk^,  f..r  V-rmd^unk.  C.  I'.  Railway.  Uke^,rie  atid  Detroit  River  RailwavH, 
and  MicliiKaii  tVntral  Raihv!^^^^ 

«letl  Water  Towirs  and  Tanks  for  St.  l^iinliert,  nuiUe,  C.ranil  Trunk  Railway,  Si  Clair 
TiimielyCu..  and  Aniherstburg.  diit. 

OtMervatioii  T<)wer  at  Luiitly's  I,^»e. 

Inrlitie  Railway.  Hamilton,  Ont. 

Round  HottMcs  at/Three  Rivers.  Trenton.  Port  Arthur  and  Sherbruoke. 
Gas  TankN  for  Berlin  Gas  Cu.  , 
W^slteye  ajjil  .tupiiied     foUowii : 

Tiiriitahles  fAr  Canadian  I'acifK  Railway,  Central  Ontario  R.iilwa>.  I laiiiilloii  &  North 
Western  Railway.  >;ortiiern  iS:  Pacific  Jnnction  Railway.  Ontario  &  yneln-c  Railway.  Ti.routo, 
^amilton'&  Buffalo\Railway.  ^. .  ;i  jj 

Bell  bupys  for4)^minion  Government,  fbr  Owea  Sound.  Sauk  Ste.  Marie.  Brock vilie  Im-^^^ 
tlie  Maritime  ProviuceSi  «  'I 

>  .■  - 

Cement  Mixers  for  $1.  Clair  Tnnnel  Compauy  and  other  contractors. 

*  *  . 

Rivete<l  Steel  XyiUer'iPipe  for  Cataract  Power  Cothpany  and  others. 

Steel  Cranes  for  London  Steel  Works,  (iartsliore-Thoni.son  Pipe  Compaiiv ,  Ontario  Rollin 
Mills  Company,  Haoiiltotf  Tool  Company,  Vulcan  Iron  Company,. Ontario  Car  Works. 

We  have  coustructcd  a  large  miiiib'er  of ^jridges  for  many  of  the  trunk  liura  and  take  pleasure 
ill  presenting  a  list  of  Companies  for  whom  we  have  done  work  :  "  > 

Berlin  ft  Waterloo  Railway 
Canadian  Pacific  Railway  Co. 
,  Canadian  Northern  Railway 
Canada  Atlantic  Railway 
Central  Ontario  Railway 
Canada  Southern  Railway 
Crows  Nest^Pass  Railway 
Columhia  iS:  Western  Rjiilway 
(Irand  Trunk  Railway  System 
Great  Northern  Railway* 
f'.tielph  Junction  Railway 
Hamilfon  &  North  Western  Railway 
Hamilton  Street  RailwayCo. 
Hamilton  Radial  Railway 
Hamilton,  tirimsby  &  Beamsville  Railway 
Jnnies'"Bay -Railway 
Kingston  &» Pembroke  Railway 
Lake  Krie  &  Detroit  River  Railway 

Lontlon  Street  Railway 
Mackeii/ie,  Mann  &  Co. 
Michigan  Central  Railroad 
MidlaJid/Railway  ' 
Metropolitan  Railway 
NortlVShore  Railway 
Niagar^sCentral  Railway. 

|alls  Park  &  River  Railway 

yuelxjc  Railway 
f.lectric  Railway 
1i  Sc.  Windsor  Railvvay 
Toronto,  Gr«y  i\:  Hrnce  Railway 
Toronto,  Hamilton  iS:  Buffalo  Railway  > 
Tilsqnbur^,  Lake  Erie  <S:  Pacific  Railway 
Waterloo  Junction  Railway 
Windsor  .ft  ^tnherstburg  Railway 



Department  Public  Works 
Crown  IJ'and^ 

Department  Railways  and  Canals 
'1        Marine  and  Fisheries 

We  have"  also  constructed 
A  partial  list  of  Municipalities 


City  of  Branlford 

"  Chatham: 

"     "  Guelph 

"  Mnnultoii 

"  London 

"  Dttawa 

"      "  (Juel^c'C 

"      ''.  St.  Catharines 

"  Toronto 

"  Winnipeg 

Town"  Ayr  ;  • 

"  Ailsa  Craig 

"  Hrami)tyii 

•'■     •'  Blair 

"  Breslau 

"  ^"  Barl)ers  Mills 

"      "  Cote  St.  .\njtoine 

*.'     "  Crysl^r  '^N 

"    ■  '•'  Dundas 

hundreds  of  City  and'Highway  Bridges  for  all  parts  of  theconntry, 
for  who.hi  we  have  d#ne  work  js  given  below  : 

Town  of  Louisville 
'  Maiiotick 
'  Napanee  Mills 

'  Norval 
'  Paris 
'  Palermo 
'  Platt.sville 
'  Kegina 
'  St.  Marys 
•  Selkirk 
'  St.  Chrysostom 
'  Tceswater 
'  Trenton 
'.Terra  Cotta 
'  Tliorold 
'  X'ienna 
'  Vittoria 
'  VVhite\'ale 

County    of  Waterloo 

^"  York 
Township  '•  Hiiihrook 
"  Blenhfini 
f     "       "  Pentinck 
"  Brant 
"  Cape  Breton 
'■       ■■  Chinguacousy 
"  Camden 

•'  Down 
"       '■  Hsquesing 
.  '  "  Etobicoke 
"       "  Harwich    .J  ' 
"  Malahide  • 
"  Manitoulin  iMland 
"  Markhani 
• "  Niagara 
"       "  N.  Fredericksburg 
.  "       "  Nelson 

fafj»  141 


Town  of  Druuiquin  County 
"     "  Dawn  Mills 

■'  Ednioiitoii 
•     "  Gait  " 
■  "     "■  Goderich  ." 

 Graham  Koad 

^"  (irinisby  '  " 

"     "  Hamburg  " 
"  Hespeler 
"     "  Hunters  Mills 
"     "  Hanover       .  ■  " 

"  '  ,"  Ingersoll  " 

"  Indian  Head  .  "  ' 

"     '•  Kemptville  "  >^ 

"     "  Koihoko  /  " 

■  'i.    "  Lynn  Valley  \ 
"    "  Lakefield 

Government  of  Dominion  of  Canada  . 

"  "  Province  of  Ontario 

"  Province  t)f  (Quebec 
"  "  Province  of  Nova  Scotia 

Hrant  Township  of  Oneida 

Hrncc  ■  I'ciiibina 

Klgin,  ••  •  Pickering  - 

Essex  jif;^  •  "  ^•*-Rainham 

(•rey  W     '•  Raleigh  ' 

Hal4iniand  j^^uth  Finch 

Halton  " •■  Saltfleet 

'Huron  "  Toronto 

I^ent  "  "  Towsend  ' 

Lincoln  "  •  Trafalgar 

'Middlesex  "  •  Walpole 

Norfolk  "  "  Wilmott 

<^xford  .  ••  Woodhouse 

Peel  ••  •■  Willougby 

Peterborough  "  "  Waterloo 

Wellington  *  ,  ..  York 

•Wentworth  - 

Government  of  North.  West  Territoties 
V        "  British  Cohtmbia 
"  Alberta  . 
.      "        '*  Saskatchewatv 

building  Work 

for  the  following;  con)<)MitioiYs,  companies  and  other  firms,  will  serve  to  i 

wtrfk  in  that  line  : 

Bell  Telephone  Co., 
Berlin  (las  Co  ,  ' 
Berlin  Machine  Works, 
Belleville  Portland  Cement  Co., 
Canadian  (leneral  Electric  Co. 
Canada  Life  Assurance  Co., 
•Canadian  Copper  Co., 
Cataract  Power  Co., 
Chaudierc  Electric  Light  i\:  Power  Co. 

Canadian  Pacific  Railway  Co,,° 

Cbanibly  Power  Co. ,  . 
Canadian  Shovel  &  Tool  Co. , 
Central  Presbyterian  Chnrcli, 
Canadian  Niagara  Power  Co., 
Corby  Distillery,  " 
Canadian  Portland  Cement  Co., 
Canada  Foundry  Co., 
DepSartment  of  Public  Works, 
Dundas  St.  Centre  Methodist  Church, 

.Montreal,  P.  y 

Berlin,  Ont. 


Belleville.  Ont. 

Peterboro,  Ont. 

Hamilton,  Ont. 
•  Sudbury,  Ont. 

Hamilton,  Ont. 

Ottawa,  Ont. 
,  \  anconver,  B.  C,  Montrtial 
(  Toronty,  Port  Arthur,  et^ 

Chambiy,  P.  .Q. 

Hamilton.  \ 

Hamilton.,  \ 

NTagara  Falls,  Ont. 
.  Belleville. 

Port  Colborne,  Ont 

Toronto.  Ont 

Ottawa,  Ont. 


BUILDING  lWORK-(  oi,/ni,„;/. 

Doiiiitiioii  l'o\vcr&  TrtMi.snii^ioii  Co., 
Electro  Metals.  'i"^ 

Klectric  Light  I'laiit.s, 

I'ort  Ivrie  JocCey  Clul),  C.raiul  Stand, 

Frederick  W.  Watkius, 

(iartshore-Thonison  Pipe  Co.,  .    '    -  _ 

( las  Coiiiiiaiiy, 

(iiand  Tr.uiik  Railway, 

(irand  Trunk  Railway. 

r.alt  Water  Works, 

Gas  Works, 

(irand  Trunk  Railway  System, 
(lospel  Tabernacle,  ^ 
Hamilton  Jockey  Club,  C'.rand  Stand, 
Hamilton  Elevator  Co., 
Hamilton  Collegiate  Institute, 
House  of  Refuge,  -  > 

Hamilton  Strett  Railway' 
Hamilton  &  Barton  Incline  Railway  Co. 
Hall  (Richard)  &  Son, 


Welland.      ,  ,  \ 
j  Hrockville,  Belleville,  Berlin. 

Hamilton,  London  and 
j  St.  Catharines,  Ont. 

Fort  Erie,  Ont. 
J   Hamilton,  Ont.     °  7 
Hamilton.  Ont. 
St.  thomas,  Ont. 
\    Hamilton,  Out-; 

•  Toronto,  Ont. 
C.alt,  Ont. 

Berlin.  .Stratford.  Belleville, 
(  Hamilton  and  St  Catharines,  (Jut. 
Stratford,  Ont.  '  . 

Hamthon,  Ont.  * 
Hamtltenv  Ont. 

•  Hamilton,  Ont. 
Hamilton,  Ont,  ^ 
Simcoe;;,  Onl;  ,  . 

'     Hamilton,  Ont..'       /    '  • 
.  Hamilto(i,  OnU 
Peterbord,  ©tit.        *  ^ 


0  ^ 

BUILDH^C  WORK-r»«//««r</. 


Hamilton  Gas  Ccf. , 
^  High  Schools.  •  , 
Hamilton  Steel  «:  Iron  Co.. 
Hosm^r  Mines. 
,In.tefnatioual  Harvester  Co. , 
Jacques  (jartier  \yater  Power  Co.. 
Kenleilh Paper  Co..  .    '  ■ 

London  Water  Works, 
London  Market  Shelter. 
London  .Street  Railyvay, 
Ivondftn  Savings  &  Investment  Society, 
Lehigh  Portland  Cynent  Co. , 
Montreal  Drill  Hall. 
Montreal  Street  Railway  Co., 
Metropolitan  Railwiay  Co., 
Michigan  Central  Railroad, 
M.  Btatty  &  Sons, 
McKiniion  &  Metal  Co., 
McGregor,  Gourlay  Co., 
Xiagata  Falhs  Park  &  River  Railway, 
National  P€»rtl>nd  Cement  Co.. 

Normal  Schools. 

Hamilton.  Ont. 

Paris  and  Pcterboro.      •  - 

Hamilton,  Ont. 

Bankhead,  Alta. 

Hamilton,  Out, 

St.  Gabriel,  (jue. 

St.  Catharines,  Ont. 

London,  Ont. 

London,  Ont.    *  '  • 

London,  dtit. 

London,  Ont. 

Belleville,  Ont. 

.Nlontreal.  P.  O. 
«  MontreaL  P.  y.  • 


St.  Thomas.  Ont' 

WelTand.  Ont. 
St.  Cathartbes.  Oyt. 
.  Gait,  Ont.  ' 

Niagara  Falls,  Oht. 

IHjrJiam,  Ontario. 
(  Hamilton,  Peterboro,  North 
(.  Bav  and  Stratford • 

BUILDING  WORK- (  oii/iHii,  ,/ 

Ottawa  Street  Railwax  Co. , 
Ontario  Rollins;  Mill  Co., 
Ontario  Jockey  Clshdrand  Stand. 
Ontario  I  ron  &*Stecl  Co.. 
Ontario  Portlanjl  Cement  Co.. 
■  Ontario  Power  Co., 
l'o.-,t  Office.  •  ^ 

Raven  Lake  Cement  Co  , 
St.  Jean  Hapti.ste  Church. 
St.  Clair  Tunnel  Co.", 
Shennan  Avenue  Presbyterian  Church, 
St.  James'  Presbyterian  Church, 
Seagram  Di.stillery. 

Savoy  Theatre.  •  .  - 

.Sun  Cement  Co. , 
TIh;  R.  .Simpson  Co., 
Toronto  Railway  Co. . 
Taylor,  Forht-s  Co.. 
Toronto Hartiware  Manufacturing  Co.. 
I'liion  Station. 
Wilson  Carbide  Wqrks,  i 
Walker  (Hiram)  &  Sons'  Co... 


Ottawa.  Out. 
Hamilton,  Out. 
Toronto,  Ont. 
Welland.  ■ 
Bine. Lake,  Onl. 
Niagara  Falls,  Ont. 
Hafliilton,  Ont. 
Ravenlake,  Ont. 
•Montreal,  P.  O..  . 
Sarnia,  Ont. 
-  Hamilton . 
Waterloo,  Ont, 
Hamilton,  Ont. 
Owen  .Sound.  Ont. 
Toronto,  Ont. 
Toronto,  Ont. 
Ouelpli,  Out, 
Toronto,  Out. 
Toronto,  Out. 
St.  Catharines,  Out. 
Walker ville,  Ont. 




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Page  147 

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Wei^ts  of  Steel  Channels 

Dtplh  i>f  ,• 

per  Hool 


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\Vt;tglits'iii  heavy  priiil  are  xtanilard, 
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STRUCTURAL  SHAPES.  Beauifc'  Channtls.  Angles.  Platen.  FOR  PRO.MPT  SHIPMENT, 


