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The  Story  of  the  Railroad,"  D.  Appleton  &  Co.,  New  York. 
Snow  on  the  Headligrht,*'  D.  Appliton  &  Co.,  New  York. 
Tales  of  an  Engineer,"  Scribner's,  New  York. 

_  ,.  f  Scribner's,  New  York. 

The  Express  Messenger,    (chatto  &  Windus,  London. 

The  White  Mail,"  ScRiBNBR's,  New  York. 
Short  Rails,"  Scribner's,  New  York. 
Frontier  Stories,"  Scribner's,  New  York. 


White  Elephant 

Cy  Warman 

Author  ol  "tht  Story  of  tho  RaUroad."  "TIm  Whit*  Midi,''  Bte. 

Vabllahca  by  the 
Canada  Pnblisliiiig  Compaay 

Xoiitreal,  Canada 

(Copjtlihttd  int  hj  Cr  Wumu) 




The  purpose  of  this  pamphlet  is  merely  to  give  the  views 
of  one  who  has  studied  th :  important  question  of  Govern- 
ment ownership  or  operation  of  railways. 

I  contend,  not  as  a  lawyer  who  is  paid  for  his  opinions, 
but  because  I  believe  what  I  say,  that  the  operation  of  our 
railways  by  the  Federal  Government  would  be  disastrous 
alike  to  the  railroad  and  the  country. 

American  railways  are  well  managed,  deliver  the  goods 
cheaper  and  pay  better  wages  than  do  the  railways  of  any 
other  country  on  earth. 

Private  railways  are  a  success.  Government  railways  are 
a  failure. 

A  Pullman  Palace  is  a  place  (tf  rest.  A  "  PriVlste  "  car  is 
a  workshop  on  wheels. 

Private  railways  kill  a  few  people.  Government  railways 
kill  a  nation. 

Push,  on  a  private  line,  may  put  you  in  a  Private  car. 
On  a  Government  road  it  takes  Pull. 

Somewhere  there  is  a  country  with  a  Government  road 
whose  Government  would  give  thanks  if  a  tug  were  to  tie 
on  to  the  line  some  dark  night  and  drag  it  into  the  deep. 

I  believe  that  in  nine  cases  in  every  ten,  where  a  country 
is  burdened  with  a  Government  railway  that  country  would 
like  very  much  to  lob  the  road. 

I  believe  the  people  should  study  this  question  from  every 


side,  that  private  linet  ihould  be  compelled  by  law,  where 
competition  fiuii  to  do  lo,  to  treat  the  moving  and  thipiMBg 
public  decently. 

The  average  big  shipper  regards  himself  as  a  gentleman 
at  all  times,  a.  traffic  manager  as  such  only  when  off  daty. 

In  his  office  he  stands  for  the  "  soulless  corporation  "  with 
no  rights  the  shipper  feels  called  upon  to  respect. 

The  attempt  of  the  demagogue  to  set  the  public  against 
the  railway  and  railway  employees  againit  railway  officials 
is  damnable. 

In  America  you  may  ride  three  days  without  changing 
cars.  Between  Dresden  and  Karlsbad  they  rifle  your  trunk 
three  times  in  four  hours. 

The  large  system,  the  consolidation  <^  a  number  of  small 
linet,  tends  to  cheapen  the  cost  of  transportation  and  makes 
for  wise,  economical  management 

The  private  railway  is  a  great  field  for  bright,  amUtious 
young  men.  A  Government  road  is  a  haven  of  rut  for 
nephews  and  second  sons. 

Presidents  of  ^railways  are  well  paid,  work  hard  and 
die  solvent.  Honest  politicians  die  in  poverty,  others  in 


OF  THE  G.R.R. 

Now  th'  thrack  lays  clear  an'  tunny  an' m-  life  is  'asy 

An'  th'  Virgin  sinds  me  iver-ry'thin'  I  pray  forr  ; 
Yet  there's  no  wild  bir-rd  that  fills  me  wud  his  melody, 

ur  thrills  me, 
Like  th'  music  uv  th'  whishtle  ahn  th'  Pay-Caare. 

Shure  we  have  no  cause  to  worry,  an'  we  have  no  time 
to  hurry, 

Forr  iver-ry  day's  a  Hollyday,  a  Hayday  ; 

An'  if,  betimes,  I'm  lonely  I  can  light  me  pipe  ;  I  only 
Do  be  waitin'  her-re  forr  Sundown  an'  forr  Payday. 

There's  a  broken  rail  near  Lc^an's,  an'  an  tngin  off  be 

Sure  these  be  things  th'  Minishter  grows  gray  forr. 
While  I  sit  where  its  shady,  waitin'  forr  Sundown  an' 


An'  th'  music  uv  th'  whishtle  ahn  th'  Pay-Carre. 




|HE  Hon.  Fred.  Peters  was  Premier 
of  thi  sea-girt  Province  of  Prince 
Edward  Island  for  ten  long  years, 
and  when  he  tired  he  passed  the 

"Crown"  to  his  brother. 
Fred  is    a  Canadian  by  birth,  a 
gentleman  by  nature,  and  a  politician 
by  force  of  circumstances. 

Also,  he  is  a  good  "Grit,"  if  such  a  thing  may  be, 
which  I  very  much  doubt  after  reading  the  opposition 
papers  for  seven  years,  knows  to  half  a  hair's  breadth 
the  exact  elevation  at  which  one  should  take  an  English 
black  cock  on  the  wing  or  a  Scotch  high-ball  on  the 

Among  the  assets  of  the  island  when  the  versatile 
Premier  took  charge  he  found  a  government  railway 
measuring  400  miles  on  an  eighty  -ile  island.  He 
found,  also,  that  at  the  moment  of  '  ifederation — an 
unguarded  moment — the  cos  of  the  ..ilway  had  been 
charged  to  the  Province.  The  saddest  part  of  it  all 
was  that  a  Cons—vative  "g  -  vernment  at  Ottawa  was 
running  the  line  ai.  '  lat  the  Premier  of  Prince  i^^ward 
Ifland,  being  a  Liberal,  was  a  sweet  bell  out  of  tune. 

By-and-by  election  day  came  round,  and  to  the 
amazement  and  chagrin  of  the  good  Grit  Premier,  the 
Conservative  government  officials  ran  all  the  Liberal 
employees  out  on  specials  or  work-trains.  To  be  sure 
there  were  not  many  Grits  on  the  road  by  this  time,  but 
they  were  needed,  and  needed  badly. 

In  spite  of  this,  however,  the  Grits  held  the  island, 
and  when  the  local  House  of  Parliament  met,  Mr. 
Peters,  the  Premier,  brought  down  a  bill  disfranchising 
all  officials  and  employees  of  the  government  railway. 
Despite  the  flow  and  overflow  of  righteous  wrath  from 



the  Conservative  tenches,  it  came  to  pass,  and  was 
woven  into  the  scheme  of  things,  that  car-hands 
employed  on  the  Government  railway  were  barred  from 
the  polls. 

By  the  time  the  faithful  were  called  upon  again  to 
fall  in  and  vote  there  were,  of  a  truth,  more  Grits  than 
Conservatives  on  the  line,  but  they  were  not  allowed 
to  vote-not  yet.  Whether  this  Grit  majority  was 
brought  about  by  religiously  employing  a  Liberal  when 
a  Conservative  was  killed,  or  whether  it  came  about 
through  the  reformation  of  the  latter,  the  ex-Premier's 
friend  failed  to  inform  me,  but  it  came  about  and  it 
worked  ultimately  to  the  great  advantage  of  the  local 
Government.  Indeed  it  stands  out  as  about  the  only 
mstance,  so  far  as  my  observations  reach,  when  a 
Government  railway  was  really  a  good  thing.  Try  as 
they  would,  the  Dominion  Government  was  utterly 
powerless  to  cope  with  the  local  politicians,  and  the 
Grits  in  the  Island  Province  held  on. 

Now  it  came  to  pass,  in  the  general  upheaval  of  1896, 
that  the  Liberals  landed  heavily  on  the  National  Con- 
servative body— it  stiffened,  stared  stonily  up  at  the 
silent,  pitiless  sky  and  succumbed.  The  election  judges 
counted  it  out. 

Premier  Peters  of  Prince  Edward  Island  consulted 
himself  and  concluded  that  he  was  suffering  from  in- 
grown  conscience.  He  could  not,  try  as  he  would, 
forget  the  arguments  of  the  local  Conservatives  who 
fought  hard,  and  to  the  last  ditch,  against  the  dis- 
franchisement of  the  railway  employees.  "The  burden 
of  taxation"  (the  white  man's  burden)  they  contended, 
carried  with  it  the  right  to  vote.  Like  the  foreign 
missionary  and  the  merchant  from  the  same  country 
they  should  go  hand  in  hand,  and  the  more  Premier 
Peters  pondered  over  this  and  the  large  Liberal  majority 
reached  on  the  pay-roll  of  the  road,  the  more  was  he 



convinced  that  Government  railway  employees  were, 
and  of  a  right  ought  to  be  free,  and  he  brought  down  a 
bill  to  that  effect. 

When  speaking  to  the  bill,  and  indirectly  to  the 
Opposition,  the  Premier  could  scarce  control  his  emo- 
tions, so  overjoyed  was  he  to  find  himself  in  full  accord 
with  the  Conservative  side  of  the  tent.  He  even  went 
so  far  as  to  apologize  for  his  stupidity  in  failing  to  see 
the  wisdom  of  their  argument  at  the  time  of  the  pass- 
age of  this  mischievous  measure.  Late,  tho'  it  might 
seem  to  some,  he  was  now  ready  to  make  amends,  and 
he  launched  his  little  bill  to  repeal  the  bad  law  disfran- 
chising the  employees  of  the  Government  Railway. 

Now,  to  the  amazement  of  the  politically  virtuous 
Premier,  he  found  that  the  Conservatives  had  also 
changed  their  minds.  They  hissed  and  stormed  and 
stamped  their  feet,  but  the  bill  went  through  Parlia- 
ment like  a  cat-boat  through  a  cataract  and  in  due 
course  became  a  law. 

When  next  election  morning  dawned  all  the  Conser- 
vative employees  found  themselves  marked  up  for  the 
road.  Only  a  few  Grits  went  out.  Just  enough  to 
mix  things  and  see  that  none  of  the  trains,  regular  or 
irregular,  got  back  before  the  polls  closed.  And  that 
is  the  way  the  Blue-nosed  Brotherhood  of  Political 
Dissemblers  worked  the  Baby  Elephant  down  by  the 
sobbing  sea.  When  the  employees  voted  wrong  they 
took  away  their  franchise,  when  they  reformed  they 
gave  it  back.  And  that's  how  it  happened  that  the 
Honourable  Fred  Peters  was  Premier  of  the  sea-girt 
Province  of  Prince  Edward  Island  for  ten  long  years. 


HEREVER  I  have  pushed  my  inves- 
tigation   of  the  question  involving 
government  ownership  or  operation 
of  railways,  I  have  found  in  the 
fore-grcund  this  fact:    The  people 
of  a  country  afflicted  with  a  Govern- 
ment road  are  not  sensitive  about 
the  matter,  while  the  people  of  a  country  where  the 
unhappy  are  -ioning  after  that  sort  of  thing,  especially 
those  persons  who,  for  various  reasons,  favor  the 
change,  are  sensitive  to  the  point  of  insolence.    If  you 
fail  to  agree  with  the  agitator,  you  have  been  bribed 
to  believe  what  you  write.     But  where  they  know  the 
joke  they  only  smile,  and  the  more  Ihef  know  about  it 
the  more  they  smile. 

Among  the  delegates  to  the  International  Railway 
Congress  held  in  Washington,  D.C.,  in  May,  1905, 
were  many  men  who  had  had  experience  with  the 
White  Elephant,  but  not  one,  so  far  as  I  am  aware 
showed  the  slightest  enthusiasm  in  the  matter.  Mr 
P.ckenng,  Comptroller  of  Accounts  of  South  Australian 
Railways,  declared:  "Politics  play  havoc  with  the  eco- 
nomicaladmmistration  of  government-owned  railways." 

In  Australia,  where  they  have  the  benefit  of  a  man- 
ager  used  to  the  American  methods,  a  former  official  of 
the  Canadian  Pacific,  they  are  not  happy.  One  of  the 
delegates  said : 

"The  government  is  willing  to  allbw  companies  to 
build  new  lines,  and  there  is  a  standing  offer  of  a  big 
land  grant  to  any  company  which  will  connect  North 
and  South  Australia  by  building  2,000  miles  of  road." 

Some  ten  years  ago  the  writer  of  this  sketch  was 
commissioned  by  a  New  York  Magazine  to  visit  Europe 
Asia  and  Egypt,  to  ride  on,  and  write  about  the  raili 
ways  of  other  countries.  With  the  aid  of  our  Embassies 



and  letters  from  American  managers  he  was  able  to 
secure  a  front  seat,  to  "Mount  and  Circulate,"  as  the 
French /r^g  passes  read,  anywhere  from  the  locomotive 
to  the  tail-lights,  but  he  did  not  regard  these  favors  as 
a  bribe.  He  painted  the  thing  as  he  saw  it.  The 
French  lines,  with  their  state  help  and  hinderance,  were 
handled  roughly,  but  when  his  book  was  published  a 
high  officer  in  the  employ  of  the  Chemin  de  Fer  Du  Nord 
wrote  the  author  to  say  that  the  article,  "with  the 
exception  of  a  few  petit  details  "  was  the  truest,  the 
most  comprehensive  account  of  the  situation  that  had 
ever  been  published. 

This  is  significant  and  shows  that  the  more  men  know 
of  the  evil  influence  of  Government  interference  with 
railways,  the  more  tolerant  they  are  when  the  railroad 
is  being  criticized. 

I  find,  too,  that  the  railway  is  efficient,  or  otherwise 
just  about  in  proportion  to  the  amount  of  meddling  with 
its  management  by  the  State. 

At  Smyrna  I  found  an  English  line  with  a  Scotch 
manager  making  its  own  cars  and  employing  Native 
labor,  which  had  become  skilled  in  the  shops  of  this 
private  company.  The  officials  were  smart,  alert, 
affable  ;  anxious  to  answer  questions,  proud  to  show  a 
stranger  about.    The  premises  were  neat  and  clean. 

The  Jafa  and  Jerusalem,  a  French  line  with  a  Turkish 
flavor,  was  the  reverse  of  all  this.  An  adequate 
description  of  one  of  its  terminal  stations  would  be 
absolutely  unprintable.  To  be  sure  the  Government 
had  but  one  finger  in  the  pie  here,  but  that  was  enough 
to  spoil  it.  The  road  was  demoralized,  like  an  army  in 
retreat,  and  untidy  as  a  Coxie  Company  on  parade. 
To  a  man  really  interested  in  railroads  it  was  a  pathetic 
joke.  It  reminded  me,  in  some  respects,  of  one  of  the 
alleged  "  Railway  "  plays  seen  in  our  theatres. 

The  play-acting  was  never  more  apparent  than  when 


the  General  Manager,  who  happened  to  be  going  up  to 

old  Jerusalem  the  day  I  went  up,  stepped  from  his  little 
hatbox  of  a  compartment,  smiled  and  opened  his  arms 
to  welcome  the  Che/  tie  Gare,  the  stationmaster,  who 
came  prancing  down  the  platform,  wearing  a  red  fez 
and  a  rose,  and  picking  his  way  through  the  filth  like  a 
chicken  in  a  muddy  lot.  I  wanted  to  shout  to  him, 
H  ;y,  Revolutionist,  drop  that  boky  and  grab  abroom," 
but  at  that  moment  I  saw  the  G.  M.  with  his  flower 
and  fez,  advancing.  A  collision  was  inevitable,  and  I 
stood  by  and  saw  them  come  together.  There  was  a 
soft  "  pudd,"  a  gentle  hug,  the  G.  M.  kissed  the  S.  M. 
first  on  the  left  then  on  the  right  cheek,  after  which 
they  walked  arm  in  arm  down  the  dirty  platform.  It 
W8'  extremely  funny,  to  a  man  who  had  no  interest, 
financial  or  otherwise,  in  that  particular  railway.  The 
hopes,  aims  and  aspirations  of  the  men  and  managers 
of  such  a  line  reach  up  to,  and  touch  but  two  towns — 
Sundown  and  Payday. 

Any  man  who  has  knocked  about  knows  that  this 

picture  is  true  to  life.  Here,  in  Canada,  where  they 
have  tried  it  and  can  look  upon  the  dog,  dying  by 
inches,  they  will  not  resent  it,  but  below  the  line  the 
demagog,  measuring  others  by  his  own  standard,  will 
say  this  article  was  "inspired"  by  the  railways. 

This,  the  falsity  of  which  can  easily  be  proven,  is  not  so 
much  to  be  damned  as  is  the  studied  effort  upon  the 
part  of  the  enemies  of  the  American  railroad  to  array 
every  man  who  has  an  idea  and  the  courage  to  express 
it  upon  the  side  of  the  officials,  against  railway  em- 
ployees, and  so  to  open  a  gulf  between  the  management 
and  the  men. 

No  man,  save  the  editors  of  magazines,  ever  asked 
me  or  employed  me  to  write  upon  this  subject.  I  write 
because  I  believe  I  can,  and  because  I  enjoy  the  novelty 


of  telling  the  truth  about  the  American  Railway.  It 
ought  to  be  refreshing  and  vary  the  monotony. 

But  if  any  American  cares  to  verify  what  I  have  said 
and  see  a  Government  railway  in  action,  he  can  h; 
his  curiosity  gratified  on  this  continent.    The  Canadian 
Line  is  marking  time  up  in  the  Land  of  Evangeline, 
with  the  usual  amount  of  stumbling  stupidity. 

One  day  an  officer  was  apologizing  for  the  ragged 
appearence  of  the  road  when  his  guest  asked  if  any- 
body ever  got  the  Grand  Gaff.  "  O,  yes,"  said  the 
official,  "  I  fire  •  a  locomotive  superintendent  once  and 
the  next  day  found  him  signing  himself  superintendent 
of  bridges." 

"  How  did  he  get  back?" 

"I  believe",  said  the  railway  man,  wearily  as  the 
engine  whistled  for  Sundown,  "He  had  some  pull  with 
the  Member  for  Pewee  Junction". 

It  would  really  be  a  good  idea  for  Uncle  Sam  to  send 
a  Congressional  Committee  up  here  to  see  for  them- 

Granting  thai  there  are  eviis  that  ougnt  to  be  reme- 
died  the  law-makers  should  inform  them  =elves.  As  it 
is  Congress  and  the  country  gc^  but  one  side  of  the 
story.  The  people,  who  will  be  call<*d  upon  to  take  care 
of  the  "deficit"  when  Uncle  Sam  goes  railroading, 
have  a  right  to  know  the  Elephant  in  which  they  are 
asked  to  invest  their  money.  And  how  are  we  to  come 
at  the  truth  if  no  man  has  the  moral  courage  to  tell 
the  truth  ? 

Let  us  glance  at  Canada  and  her  White  Elephant. 
If  ever  a  Government  railway  had  a  show  for  its  life, 
the  Intercolonial  of  Canada  has.  It  has  been  tried  by 
both  brands  of  the  political  family  and  each  in  turn  has 
failed  utterly  to  work  the  Elephant  profitably.  One 
Minister  of  R:  ilways  is  rated  an  expert ;  moreover  he 
favors  Government  ownership. 




Those  who  oppose,  under  all  climes  and  conditions, 
the  operation  of  railways  by  the  State  will  charge  this 
to  a  want  of  honest  effort  and  earnest  endeavor,  but  the 
men  who  have  been  in  charge  of  the  Elephant  here 
have  been  for  the  most  part,  men  whose  honesty  has 
not  been  questioned.  They  have  tried,  as  an  able- 
bodied  policeman  might  try  to  play  golf,  and  have 
failed,  as  he  might  fail,  for  the  same  reason — they  did 
not  know  the  game. 

And  when  you  take  into  account  the  fact  that  a 
government  line  enjoys  favours  that  other  railways  do 
not  enjoy,  and  often  at  the  expense  of  the  independent 
lines,  the  utter  absurdity  of  the  Government  Ownership 
of  Railways  seems,  to  an  impartial  non-political  man  in 
the  street,  so  manifest  that  even  a  socialist  ought  to 
acknowledge  the  folly  of  it  all. 

The  Intercolonial  Railway  cost  Canada  $70,000,000, 
in  the  first  place,  and  it  has  had  some  $2,000,000  worth 
of  hay  since.  The  people  have  never  had  a  penny  in 
the  way  of  interest  on  the  capital  invested,  and  the 
country  has  been  helped  very  little  by  the  construction 
of  the  line.  The  people  lose  money  on  every  pound  of 
freight  the  Elephant  moves,  and  the  more  it  moves  the 
more  they  lose. 

As  often  as  an  independent  company  comes  before 
parliament  with  a  proposition  to  build  a  railway  into 
some  undeveloped  part  of  this  vast,  empty  Empire,  the 
first  Act  of  the  Government  is  to  consult  the  Elephant. 
How  will  it  affect  the  Intercolonial  ?  And  when  public 
opinion  forces  the  government  to  legislate  to  relieve  the 
people  who  are  clamoring  for  more  and  better  trans- 
portation facilities,  the  original  bill  will  come  out  of  the 
arena  so  disfigured  by  amendments,  riders,  and  sub- 
stitutes, that  its  own  father  would  fail  to  reconize  it  as 
the  original  bill. 


Here  is  an  example  : 

The  Grand  Trunk  Railway  bought  a  controlling  in- 
terest in  the  Canada  Atlantic,  which  would  give  them 
almost  an  air-line  to  the  great  lakes  from  Montreal  via 
Ottawa.  In  passing  the  necessary  legislation  to  enable 
the  new  owners  to  take  possession  of  the  property, 
Parliament  saved  running  rights  over  all  the  acquired 
property,  and  a  part  of  the  Grand  Trunk  proper,  as 
well  as  any  extension  or  addition  that  may  hereafter  be 
built.  To  read  it  all  through  you  would  say  the 
Elephant  would  profit  immensely  by  this  new  arrange- 
ment, but  when  it  is  working  is  it  probable  that  the 
Grand  Trunk  is  going  to  turn  over  its  business  to  a 
competitor  ?  The  whole  scheme  is  wrong.  The  people 
are  simply  feeding  the  Ek,  hant  that  eats  its  head  off 
annually  and  earns  nothing.  One  paragraph  of  the 
bill  reads  : 

2.  Such  running  powers  shall  consist  of  the  right,  in 
perpetuity  of  such  period  or  periods  from  time  to  time 
as  the  Governor-in-Council  may  determine,  with  the 
engines  of  any  such  government  railway,  to  run  alone 
or  with  trains,  passenger,  freight,  or  mixed,  as  fre- 
quently, and  at  such  times  as  the  minister  may  see  fit, 
each  way  daily  or  otherwise,  over  the  said  lines  or 
tracks  and  shall  include  the  right  from  tir  e  to  time  as 
the  minister  may  deem  desirable,  to  use  any  or  all  of 
the  terminals,  buildings,  stations,  tracks,  sidings,  fix- 
tures or  appurtenances  in  connection  with  or  appertaning 
to  or  forming  part  of  said  railways,  lines,  or  tracks,  to 
which  running  powers  extend,  as  aforesaid,  as  the  same 
may  now  exist,  or  as  they  or  any  of  them  may  be  here- 
after extended,  constructed,  or  re-constructed,  and  any 
terminals,  buildings,  stations,  sidings,  fixtures,  or 
appurtenances  in  addition  thereto,  or  in  lieu  thereof, 
which  may  now  or  hereafter  be  owned,  leased  or  used 
in  connection  with  the  said  ra''wflyc  -.-•''''b  said  run- 
nir'  f  powers  extend,  or  hv       (loverment  ra..vvay. 

;  .  "In  exercising  any  such  running  powers,  the 
mil  istr.-r  shall  have  the  power  to  do  a  through  freight 
and  passentrer  business." 



Because  an  independent  line,  having  in  the  beginning- 
some  Government  assistance,  prospers,  certain  discon- 
solate souls  say:  "The  people  built  the  road."  The 
fact  is  the  railroad  has  prospered  because  of  wise, 
economical  management,  and  the  fact  that  freight  is 
carried  on  this  continent  at  a  lower  rate  than  elsewhere 
in  the  world,  proves  that  there  is  close,  keen  compe- 

I  have  heard  men  say:  "  Canada  made  the  Canadian 
Pacific."  My  notion  is  that  just  the  reverse  of  that  is 
true:  the  Canadian  Pacific  made  Canada,  that  is,  if  you 
are  disposed  to  count  Canada  finished  at  the  birth  of 
this  century.  Perhaps  the  dertermination  of  the  present 
government  to  give  no  more  land  subsidies  is  wise,  and 
yet  if  the  Conservative  government  had  not  given  the 
Canadian  Pacific  25,000,000  acres  of  land  the  west 
might  have  remained  the  wilderness  that  it  was. 

The  average  citizen  takes  a  narrow  one-sided  view 
of  this  matter  of  land  subsidies  to  railways.  The 
popular  impression  is  that  if  a  road  receives  an  acre  of 
land  from  the  government  and  sells  it,  often  years  after, 
tor  five  dollars,  that  the  transaction  represents  a  net 
profit  of  five  hundred  cents,  whereas  a  careful  investiga- 
tion of  the  history  of  some  of  the  large  land  grants 
shows  that  from  $2  to  $2.50  have  been  spent  in  direct 
advertising,  another  dollar  in  indirect  advertising,  such 
as  taking  Missourians  out  and  showing  them,  and  say 
50  cents  more  to  make  up  the  difference  between  a 
profitable  and  an  unprofitable  rate  on  homeseekers.  In 
short,  they  spend,  and  expect  to  spend,  almost  the  en- 
tire revenue  derived  from  the  sale  of  lands  in  peopling 
the  Empire.  After  all  what  is  a  few  hundreds  or  a  few 
thousands  to  a  railroad  when  compared  to  a  home- 
steader or  new  settler  along  the  line  ? 

The  first  aim  is  to  settle  the  country,  and  in  many 
cases  the  entire  price  of  the  land  has  gone  in  that  work. 



The  Canadian  Pacific  are  still  spending  a  quarter  of 

a  million  a  year  advertising  their  Western  lands.  And 
they  spend  money  in  other  ways  to  the  same  end.  For 
instance,  the  rate  for  immigrants,  New  York  to  St. 
Paul,  is  $26.50;  from  Halifax  to  Winnipeg  the  rate  is 
$17.00.  Why?  Because  the  American  lines  who  make 
the  rate  have  no  lands  and  no  direct  interest  in  peopling 
the  West.  They  make  the  rate  as  low  as  it  can  be 
made  profitably.  The  Canadian  lines  have  lands,  there- 
fore they  are  willing  to  carry  the  people  to  the  promised 
land  at  a  loss.  Here  again,  in  speaking  of  the  immi- 
grant business,  we  are  reminded  that  the  Elephant 
carried  about  2,000  of  the  22,000  immigrants  that  have 
come  up  from  the  sea  so  far  this  year.  When  the 
Grand  Trunk  Pacific  and  the  Canadian  Northern  are 
connected  with  the  Atlantic  at  Halifax  and  St.  Johns, 
the  Government  line  will  have  a  hard  time  holding  the 
train  crew. 

Lately  the  provincial  Government  of  Manitoba  has 

been  selling  land  to  the  Canadian  Northern  Rail- 
way. These  lands  are  valuable  to  be  sure,  valuable 
because  the  railways  built,  building,  and  being  surveyed 
have  m  ide  them  so.  The  Canadian  Northern  will 
settle  its  country.  The  Grand  Trunk  Pacific,  while  it 
receives  no  lands  from  the  Dominion  Government,  got 
some  help  in  the  way  of  guaranteed  bonds,  but  it,  too, 
will  open  and  make  valuable  vast  fields,  and  in  the  end 
it  will  cost  the  country  nothing. 

And  where  it  does  receive  Provincial  lands  it  will  not 
only  settle  this  narrow  strip  of  territory  but  open  up  a 
vast  region  hitherto  unoccupied  and  so  help  to  make 
homes  for  the  homeless  and  settle  the  silent  places. 

Railways  ask  for  land  not  to  exploit  for  revenue,  but 
to  be  used  for  colonization  purposes.  I  understand  the 
Grand  Trunk  Pacific  Company  had  a  proposition  before 
the  Provincial  Government  of  British  Columbia  for  u 


grant,  the  company  agreeing^  to  sell  this  land  at  Govern* 

ment  rates  to  settlers.  Ii.  all  probability  they  would 
spend  more  than  the  price  of  the  land  advertising  the 
country  and  showing  "  people,  but  they  would  in  the 
end,  people  their  district,  and  do  it  much  quicker  than 
the  Government  can  do  it,  and  so  help  to  make  a 
nation  of  this  "  far-flung  "  colony. 

This  proposition  the  Provincial  Government  rejected, 
and  probably  for  no  better  reason  than  that  the  principle 

of  land  grants  to  railways  is  unpopular.  Thus  do 
"constituencies  "  make  cowards  of  us  all. 

Twenty-five  million  acres  seems  a  lot  of  land  until 
you  have  seen  the  Canadian  West.  One  can  form  no 
idea  of  the  utter  worthlessness  of  these  lands  before  the 
advent  of  the  railway.  I  stopped  one  day  at  a  little 
hotel  in  the  Saskatchewan  Valley.  "  I  know  that  half- 
breed  driver  of  yours  "  said  the  hotel  man.  "  He  has 
a  relative  in  Parliament.  His  Uncle  was  a  bishop.  A 
few  years  a^o  my  father  was  commissioned  by  the 
courts  to  dl.  -ose  of  30,000  acres  of  land  that  belonged 
to  ihis  boy,  but  he  had  to  get  $15,000  for  it  and  that 
was  impossible  at  that  time."  Fifty  cents  an  acre  ;  but 
nobody  wanted  it  at  any  price.  Land  was  as  cheap  as 
dirt.  People  were  walking  in  those  days.  The  half-breed 
probably  traded  it  for  a  white  stetson  or  a  buckskin 
suit,  beaded,  and  with  saw-teeth  on  the  salvage. 

But  things  have  changed.  The  railroads  have  made 
these  lands  worth  five  to  twenty-five  dollars  an  acre, 
simply  by  settling  up  the  country. 

Consider  for  a  moment  what  the  railways  have  done 
for  the  developement  of  America,  in  a  single  generation. 
Gen.  G.  M.  Dodge,  the  principle  Pathfinder,  and  "Jack" 
Casement,  the  principle  builder  of  the  Union  Pacific, 
are  still  with  us,  while  the  pioneer  Pacific  route  is  grow- 
ing, until  to-day  it  is  probably  the  greatest  "Line"  if  we 


consider  only  the  myriads  of  whirling  wheels,  under  the 

The  Imperial  West  of  to-day  would  still  be  a  sleep- 
ing wilderness  were  it  not  for  the  great  civilizer — the 
railroad.  Could  the  State  have  accomplished  this  in 
fifty  years  ?    No,  not  in  a  hundred. 

The  large  land  companies  do  a  good  work  in  this 
way  too.  One  company  some  two  years  ago  secured  a 
million  acres  in  one  district  north  of  Regina  on  the 
South  Saskatchewan.  The  Canadian  Minister  of  the 
Interior  who  contributed  a  quarter  of  a  million  acres 
was  severely  criticized,  first,  for  allowing  the  Ian  J  com- 
pany to  settle  such  a  poor  district,  and  later  for  having 
sold  such  rich  land  so  cheap. 

The  first  thing  the  Colonization  Company  did  was  to 
spend  between  $30,000  and  $25,000  on  a  single  excur- 
sion into  the  "Bad  Lands." 

I  saw  the  country  two  years  later,  when  the  silent 
waste  was  dotted  with  farms,  the  fields  filled  with 
stacks  and  stooks,  and  steam  plows  stealing  away  over 
the  prairies  fading  on  the  horizon.  This  land  that  cost 
the  company  less  than  $2.00  sold  as  higfh  as  $5.00,  but 
something  like  from  $1.50  to  $2.00  per  acre  must  have 
gone  for  advertising  of  various  kinds — to  keep  up  free 
hotels  and  livery  stables  in  the  district. 

But  they  people  the  plain 

A  majority  of  the  millions  of  acres  of  land  sold  by  the 
Canadian  Pacific  people  has  been  sold  at  about  $3.00 
an  acre  but  they  have  practically  spent  the  whole  of  this 
amount,  directly  or  indirectly  as  near  as  I  can  come  to 

What  was  not  expended  for  administration,  immigra- 
tion, advertising,  etc.,  bas  been  devoted  to  paying  off 
bonds  and  for  developing  purposes  in  their  efforts  to 
make  a  nation. 


1^— — — 

The  more  I  study  the  situation  here,  the  more  I  am 
convinced  that  Canada  should  forget  any  pipe  dream 
she  may  have  suflered  of  a  vast  system  of  Government 
Railway,  and  help  a'l  honest,  deserving,  independent 
companies  to  lengthen  their  lines,  even  to  the  extent  of 
granting  lands,  and  when  they  have  two  or  thr*",  'nde- 
pendent,  transcontinental  roads  there  will  be  competi- 
tion, and  the  railways  and  their  employees  will  be 
bound  to  do  their  best  to  oblige  the  moving  public. 

When  this  happy  condition  has  been  reached,  ail  that 
remains  to  be  done  is  the  Oslerization  of  the  Elephant, 
and  Canada  will  become  a  great  and  prosperous 

Note: — The  only  persons  who  profit  by  the  Intercolonial  are 
a  few  >ihippers  who,  through  political  pressure  secure 
unremunerative  rates,  the  balance  of  the  country  pay  the  differ- 
ence i.i  the  shape  of  an  a  <nual  deficit. 

Note: — The  latest  report  of  the  Minister  of  Railways  shows 
that  the  Intercolonial  will  cost  Canada  nearly  two  million  dollars 
more  than  it  earns  this  year. 


|N  th"  general  rush  during  a  Russian 
riot  hundreds,  if  not  thouunds,  of  in- 
nocent people  are  injured.  In  the 
popular  uprising  against  trusts,  many 
deserving  industries  suffer  because  they 
are  "trusts."  Just  now  it  is  the  fashion 
to  fire  on  the  railroad — no  matter  whose 
road  it  is,  where  it  is  going  or  where  it  ends.  The  leaders 
in  this  crusade  are  the  advocates  of  state  ownership,  aided 
by  those  interested,  directly  or  indirectly,  in  some  alleged 
safety  appliance.  These  latter  crusaders  work,  for  the  most 
part,  in  the  dark,  as  the  idle  non-union,  non-working  mob 
incites  to  riot  an  army  of  strikers. 

Then  again  the  cause  is  helped  along  by  writers  who 
are  seeking  the  sensational  in  literature,  and  certain  govern- 
ment officials  whose  business  it  is  to  rf '>>rt  upon  railway 
accidents,  and  these,  too,  consciously  or  unconsciously,  help 
to  swell  the  cry.  The  daily  press,  catering  to  a  clientele 
trained  to  expect  something  tragic  or  exciting  at  least  once 
a  day,  parade,  usually  at  the  top  of  the  column  next  to  pure 
reading-matter,  the  annual,  semi-annual  and  quarterly  re- 
ports of  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  which  give 
only  the  bare,  bald,  grand  totals  of  the  "killed." 

It  ought  to  be  obvious  to  any  sane  person  that  the 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission  can  never  be  effective,  or 
Ije  of  any  real  benefit  to  the  public  who  pay  for  it,  until  it 
can  be  made  to  work  harmoniously  with  the  railways.  At 
present  the  General  Managers'  Association,  the  foremost 
railway  association  in  America,  and  the  commission  are  out 
of  tune. 

The  reports  sent  out  by  the  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission are  so  notoriously  misleading,  to  put  it  mildly,  and 



SO  universally  unfair  to  the  railways,  that  no  man,  unpre- 
judiced, can  fail  to  arrive  at  the  conclusion  that  tliere  is  a 
studied  effort  upon  the  part  of  the  literary  end  of  the  com- 
mission to  make  out  a  case  against  the  railways,  if  it  can  be 
done  with  figures.  The  reports  of  the  Interstate  Com- 
merce Commission  have  done  more  to  inflame  the  public 
mind  and  to  damn  the  American  railway,  at  home  and 
abroad,  than  all  other  agencies  combined.  And  it  is  not 
so  much  what  they  print  but  what  they  fail  to  give  out, 
that  hims.  For  instance :  "Increase  in  number  of  pas- 
sengers killed  annually,  in  sixteen  years— per  cent.  32." 

That  ma  be  perfectly  correct,  but  it  would  be  only  fair 
to  add,  for  the  information  of  the  president  of  the  United 
States  and  the  general  public's  peace  of  mind :  "Increase 
in  number  of  passengers  carried  one  mile,  same  period — 
per  cent.  93."  Every  honest,  patriotic  American,  proud  of 
his  country  and  its  institutions,  would  be  gratified  to  read 
that  the  number  of  fatalities  had  not  increased  relatively  to 
the  number  of  passengers  carried. 

In  the  matter  of  employees  killed,  if  the  truth,  the  whole 
truth,  and  nothing  but  the  truth,  were  told,  the  railways 
could  be  congratulated  again,  for,  while  the  increase  in  fif- 
teen years  in  the  number  of  employees  killed  has  been  62 
per  cent.,  the  increase  in  the  number  of  men  employed  has 
been  86  percent.,  while  the  increase  in  the  number  of  tons 
moved  (which  also  increases  the  danger)  was  152  i)er  cent. 

Take  the  following  figures,  for  example.  They  represent 
the  first  and  last  report  of  the  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission : 

Here  it  would  only  be  fair  to  say  something  about  these 
"other  persons."  Who  are  they?  They  are  trespassers, 
for  the  most  part;  sleighing  parties  and  tallyhoers  who 

Killed  in  Railway  Accidents 

Passengers .... 
Employees  .... 
Other  persons 

1888  1904 

315  420 

2.070  3.367 

a.897  5.879 



drive  upon  the  track  in  front  of  the  Limited;  absent- 
minded  beggars  who  sit  on  the  end  of  a  tie  to  smoke,  bums 
who  are  beating  their  way,  deaf  people  who  walk  on  the 
track,  and  suicides.  But  who  ever  saw  an  explanation  of 
that  sort  tacked  to  the  tail  of  a  rieport  ?  I  saw  one,  but  it 
was  from  an  English  commission,  or  rather  a  chief  inspector. 
He  said,  in  conclusion,  as  if  he  would  not  excite  the  travel- 
ing public  unnecessarily,  that  it  should  be  borne  in  mind,  in 
reading  the  figures,  that  more  than  50  per  cent,  of  the 
people  killed  had  no  business  upon  the  railway  or  its 

A  report,  sucli  as  suggested  above,  showing  the  increase 
in  the  number  of  people  exposed  as  well  as  the  increase  in 
the  number  killed,  might  properly  include  some  such 
general  statement  as  this  : 

"  We  find  that  the  average  number  of  passengers  killed 
annually  for  the  five  years  ending  with  1893  to  have  been 
i35>w*i'lefrom  1900  to  1 904,  inclusive,  the  number  averaged 
159,  or  an  increase  of  17  per  cent.  However,  despite  this 
increase,  the  railways  and  the  country  are  to  be  congratulated, 
for  the  average  passenger  mileage  increased,  during  the  same 
period,  53  per  c«it." 

It  is  not  too  much  to  suppose  that  if  the  Interstate 
Commerce  Commission  had  followed  the  practice  of  send- 
ing out  full,  fair,  honest,  and  impartial  reports,  the  presi- 
dent, instead  of  referring  to  the  increasing  casualty  list 
upon  our  railways,  might  have  said  something  like  this,  only 
he  would  say  it  better  than  I  can : 

"  While  it  is  a  fact  that  the  number  of  fatalities  upon  our 
railroads  have  not  increased  proportionately  with  the  volume 
of  business  moved,  the  increase  in  mileage,  the  speed  of  our 
trains,  and  the  comfort  of  our  cars,  the  casualty  list  is, 
nevertheless,  a  long  one,  and  nothing  should  be  left  undone 
that  will  tend  to  its  curtailment,  and  it  is  to  be  hoped  that 
the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  will  continue  to  work, 
as  it  has  in  the  past,  harmoniously  with  the  railways  to  that 

Alas,  the  Commission  have  not  been  in  the  habit  of 
telling  the  whole  truth,  and  so  the  president,  alert,  fair,  and 


honest  as  he  is,  was  misled  and  said  only  half  what  he 
should  have  said  and  did  an  injustice  to  something  like  two 
million  men  and  women  who  are  equal,  in  human  ten- 
derness, intelligence,  honesty  and  industry,  to  any  other 
two  million  of  working  men  and  women  in  America. 


Perhaps  .\e  have  been  generalizing  too  much.  We  shall 
specify.  In  the  course  of  a  recent  magazine  article,  the 
secretary  of  the  Commission  makes  this  inexcusable  state- 
ment : 

"  There  are  67  collisions  and  one  derailment  noted  in 
these  bulletins,  resulting  in  270  deaths  and  734  injuries  to 
passengers  and  employees,  which  might  have  been  avoided 
had  the  block  signal  system  been  in  use . " 

The  next  sentence  runs  something  like  48  per  cent,  of  a 
whole  truth,  viz.  : 

"  Twenty  collisions,  resulting  in  70  deaths  and  391  in- 
juries to  passengers  and  employees,  occurred  where  the 
block  system  was  in  use." 

Now,  his  own  bulletins  showed  that  35  of  these  collisions 
occurred  under  the  block  system,  while  a  careful  inquiry 
reveals  the  fact  that  the  actual  number  was  44,  instead  of 
20,  killing  106  people  instead  of  only  70.    It  is  also  inter- 
esting to  note  that  during  the  period  covered  by  the  report 
from  which  the  secretary  was  quoting,  only  11  per  cent,  of 
American  railways  we-e  working  under  the  block  signal 
system.     Practical  railroad  n;en  are  agreed  that  the  block 
system  falls  far  short  of  eliminating  the  railway  accident. 
Close  observers,  men  who  make  it  their  business  to  study 
these  things  and  their  effect  upon  the  men  who  man  the 
engines  and  others  who  give  signals  to  these  brave,  faithful, 
semi-public  servants,  are  aware  that  the  moment  you  put  a 
safety  machine  in  the  shop  there  is  a  disposition  to  lay 
everything  to  the  machine.     The  moment  you  relieve  a 
trainman  of  the  responsibility  he  has  been  educated  to 
carry,  that  moment  he  begins — without  realizing  it,  perhaps. 


— to  grow  careless.  It  may  be  accepted,  as  a  general  pro- 
position, that  the  block  system  and  other  safety  appliances 
tend  to  reduce  the  danger,  but  from  the  sum  of  this  you 
must  deduct  what  is  lost  through  negligence  on  the  part  of 
the  individual .  You  remember  that  Jersey  wreck  of  some 
years  ago.  There  was  a  complete  block  system  in  perfect 
working  order,  and  yet  the  driver,  for  some  unaccountable 
reason,  drove  through  the  blocks,  past  green  lights,  red 
lights,  swmging  signal  lights  and  on  to  destruction. 

A  favotitc  pastime  of  the  critics  of  American  railways 
is  to  compare  them,  to  their  disadvantage,  with  English 
lines,  and  yet,  auy  comparison  between  American  meth- 
ods and  the  English  system  will  be  to  our  advantage  seven 
times  in  ten.  If  an  Englishman  who  knows  nothing 
whatever  about  railway  management,  at  home  or  abroad, 
comes  over  here  and  criticizes  American  railways,  his  re- 
marks will  be  published  from  one  end  of  the  country  to 
the  other.  A  few  years  ago  one  of  the  North  Pole  hunt- 
ers, whose  American  lecture  tour  was  a  frost,  went  over 
to  London,  yawned  and  remarked  *'iat  he  was  tired. 
"  Travehng,  you  know,"  said  he,  "  is  nut  at  all  comfortable 
in  America." 

However,  there  was  published  in  London  las.  year  the 
official  report  of  Mr.  Neville  Priestley,  under  secretary  to 
the  government  of  India  railway  department,  who  was 
sent  over  here  to  see  our  railways.  It  is  a  pity  those  who 
are  so  unhappy  because  of  the  bad  management  of  our 
roads  do  not  buy  and  read  this  expert's  report  Mr. 
Priestley  says  of  American  railroads  : 

"  The  railways  of  America  are  commercial  undertakings 
on  a  gigantic  scale,  and  are  oi)erated  under  conditions  which 
are  to  be  found  nowhere  else  in  the  world,  since  they  receive 
no  protection  from  the  state,  and  have  had  to  fight  their  way 
to  the  front  by  sheer  ability  of  management.  If  T  have 
appeared  enthusiastic  at  times,  it  is  because  I  was  greatly 
impressed  by  the  courage  with  which  the  railroad  officers 
have  faced  their  difficulties  and  the  pluck  with  which  they 



have  overcome  them.  American  railway  men  are  quick  to 
see  a  new  idea ;  they  are  quicker  still  to  try  it ;  they  take  a 
great  pride  in  their  profession,  and  are  all  striving  to  get  at 
the  science  of  it.  That  their  methods  are  not  always  perfect 
is  what  might  have  been  expected ;  but  they  have  managed 
to  do  what  no  other  country  in  the  world  has  done,  and 
that  is,  carry  their  goods  traffic  profitably  at  extraordinarily 
low  rates,  notwithstanding  the  fact  that  they  pay  more  for 
their  labor  than  any  other  country." 

Many  of  Mr.  Priestley's  conclusions  are  interesting- 
some  of  his  stitements  are  startling.     Like  these  : 

"  Railway  rates  for  goods  traffic,  judged  as  a  whole,  ^re 
lower  in  America  than  in  any  other  country  in  the  woriri, 
India  not  excepted.  The  present  i)rosperity  of  the  United 
States  of  America  is  to  no  small  extent  due  to  the  low  rates 
charged  for  transportation." 


From  the  editorial  page  of  a  New  York  paper  which 
refers  to  its  neighbors  as  "yellow,"  I  pluck  this  paragraph  : 
"Why  are  passengers  treated  with  less  consideration  than 
is  shown  to  cattle  on  the  way  to  the  slaughter-house  ?  " 
And  from  Mr.  Priestley's  report  this :  While  the  closest 
check  is  exercised  over  passenger  trains,  goods  trains  seem 
to  be  no  one's  special  care."  Again  he  writes  :  "Safety  is 
the  thought  uppermost  in  the  mind  of  every  employee.  The 
sense  of  individual  responsibility,  the  strong  esprit  de  corps, 
the  spirit  of  emulation,  careful  supervision,  the  judgment 
of  every  employee  by  results,  a  Judgment  which  is  not  lax 
or  wanting  in  severity,  are  all  factors  which  help  to  minimize 
the  risks  which  are  taken." 

To  illustrate  the  breadth  of  his  view  here  are  some  of 
his  observations  : 

"  Under  the  process  of  amalgamation  better  service  has 
been  given  to  passengers  by  the  introduction  of  through 
trains ;  and  the  reproach  can  no  longer  lie  against  them 
that  they  are  indifferent  to  the  safety  or  interest  of  their 
customers,  the  people  The  confidence  placed  in  the  good 
faith  of  the  men  engaged  in  railroad  operation  is  very  great ; 
and  the  mutual  trust  is  still  greater.  Each  man  does  his 
very  best  unrestrained.   The  American  Railway  Association 


is  a  great  power  for  good  in  the  American  railway  world, 
and  has  been  of  great  assistance  to  the  government  on 
more  occasions  than  one." 

The  chief  factor  in  the  cheapening  of  tran5[)ortation  on 
American  lines  has  been  the  big  fifty-ton  steel  car,  with 
correspondingly  large  locomotives.  American  managers 
have  demonstrated  that  even  the  old-style  engines  could 
haul  300  tons  more  in  a  train  of  modern  cars  than  they 
could  handle  in  the  former  long  trains  of  light  cars.  To 
make  the  line  physically  fit  for  this  heavy  load  and  tlie  still 
heavier  locomotive  to  draw  it,  one  American  railway  has 
spent  a  million  dollars  a  month  for  the  past  five  years 
Another  road  has  been  spending,  for  a  like  purpose' 
$9,000,000  annually  for  the  same  period.  In  a  word,  the 
verdict  of  this  English  expert  is  that  the  American  railway 
is,  on  the  whole,  admirably  managed. 

The  men  who  manage  our  railways  have  borne  in  silence 
the  slings  and  slurs  of  their  critics,  not  because  there  was 
no  answer,  but  because  they  were  too  busy  to  reply  to  them 
and  h -cause  they  hate  newspaper  notoriety.  To  buy  and 
distribute  in  America  a  million  copies  of  Mr.  Priestley's 
report  would  be  a  good  investment,  only  the  men  who  wil- 
fully or  willingly  misrepresent  the  American  railway  would 
not  read  them.  These  do  not  care  to  be  informed.  But 
you,  my  dear  reader,  who  are  honest  and  patriotic,  ought  to 
remember,  among  other  things,  that  for  the  sake  of  speed 
the  American  railway  spends  64.66  per  cent,  of  each  dollar 
earned.  It  costs  the  British  lines  in  India  only  49^  cents 
to  earn  a  dollar.  The  following  table  shows  the  comparative 
monthly  wages  paid  to  railroad  men  in  the  United  States 
and  India,  where  Mr.  Priestley  was  familiar  with  the  situa- 
tion : 

Firemen  ... 

...$115  20 

Si  3.00 






Common  labor  with  us  costs  $1.25  and  in  India  4  cents, 
sometiines  as  high  as  eight  cents  per  day.  An  American 
laborer  can  ride  nearly  3,000  miles  first-class  for  a  month's 
pay,  while  an  Indian  can  go  but  300  third  class.  Remem- 
ber, too,  thai  "  the  ever-increasing  casualty  list  upon  our 
railroads "  is  due,  not  to  the  indifference  of  officials,  but 
to  the  still  more  rapidly  increasing  passenger  mileage,  to 
the  increase  in  the  number  of  persons  exposed,  and  to  the 
gait  we  are  going. 


While  no  passengers  were  killed  on  the  22,000  miles 
of  English  rails  in  1 901,  it  was  not  because  there  were  no 
accidents.  In  that  happy  year  passenger  trains  got  to- 
gether 55  times,  and  suffered  65  derailments.  Also  there 
were  29  collisions  with  buffer-stops,  and  476  persons  were 
injured  in  train  accidents.  For  the  same  year,  upon 
44,000  miles  of  American  line,  moving  seven  and  one-half 
million  people,  only  nine  lives  were  lost,  which  shows 
that  we  are  also  lucky — in  spots. 

Almost  every  American  who  can  read  has  read  about  the 
English  railways,  with  22,000  miles  of  road  as  against  our 
200,000,  upon  which  no  one  was  killed  in  1901,  but  not 
many  of  you  know  that  the  last  British  repor :  shows  t-u 
there  were  156  passengers  killed  and  3,413  '  red;  ,  - 
employees  killed  and  14,356  injured ;  589  .ler  per 
killed  and  788  injured  during  the  year  ending  Decembe.  , 
1903.  The  grand  total  of  1,242  killed  and  18,577  injured 
you  have  not  seen  mentioned  in  any  American  magazine  or 
newspaper,  not  even  by  the  secretary  of  the  interstate 
Commerce  Commission,  who  api^ears  to  like  long  lists  of 
"  killed." 

In  a  single  station  in  Boston  1,666  train  movements  are 
made  from  dawn  to  dawn.  "  This  traffic,"  says  our  English 
critic,  ''  is  handled  without  any  confusion  or  delay,  and,  I 
may  say,  almost  without  an  accident,  practically  in  eighteen 
hours."   An  American  locomotive  shuts  off  st  the  sight  of 


danger  with  one  movement  of  a  throttle-lever— quick  as  a 

pistol  shot.  An  English  driver  closes  his  valves  by  grind- 
ing in  a  wheel  like  an  old-fashioned  hand-brake.  I  presume 
90  per  cent,  of  our  cars  are  equipped  with  quick-acting  air- 
brakes, while  a  like  percentage  of  English  carriages  still 
carry  the  slow-moving  vacuum  brake.  An  English  driver 
drove  his  engine  into  the  bumping  posts  in  a  station,  in 
broad  daylight,  slaughtering  sixteen  persons.  Our  Westing- 
house  air-brake  would  have  saved  these  lives,  even  though 
the  absent-minded  beggar  ran  wild  almost  to  the  last  rail- 
length,  so  light  and  easily  held  are  the  Englisli  cars. 

Finally,  when  you  read  the  long  list  of  the  dead,  done  in 
red  ink  by  the  secretary  of  the  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission, cheer  up ;  it  may  not  be  true. 


Interstate  Commerce  Gommtssion, 
9Mce  of  tbe  Seccetatv. 



March  23,  1905. 

Editor  Public  Opinion, 

New  York  City,  New  York. 

Dear  Sir:— 

I  have  read  Mr.  Warman's  article  with  some  interest, 
though  I  am  a  little  at  a  loss  to  understand  the  object  of  it, 
unless  it  may  be  to  put  a  stop  to  the  increasing  adoption  of 
the  block  signal  system,  and  to  prevent  interference  with 
the  hours  of  labor  and  periods  of  rest  which  railroad  men 
are  subjected  to. 

The  personal  attack  upon  me,  coming  from  the  quarter 
that  it  does,  is  very  pleasant,  because  it  shows  that  I  have 
been  doing  .ny  duty  sufficiently  to  arouse  antagonism.  The 
facts  concerning  the  operation  of  such  legislation  . ,  I  am 
credited  with  being  instrumental  in  securing  are  sufficient  to 
form  a  complete  answer  to  any  criticism  that  has  been 
directed  against  me  from  the  interest  that  Mr.  V/arman 
evidently  speaks  for,  namely,  the  General  Manager's 
Association  of  Chicago.  I  have  ample  evidence  to  prove 
that  the  increasing  use  of  the  safety  appliances  required  by 
law  has  brought  about  a  great  increase  in  safety  to  railway 
employes,  and  the  recent  order  of  the  Chicago  &  North- 
western Railway  regarding  regulation  of  the  hours  of  labor 
of  its  employes  is  sufficient  to  show  that  the  danger  to  the 
public  from  overworked  employes  is  being  recognized, 
which,  coming  from  the  quarter  it  does,  is  pretty  good 


evidence  that  the  matter,  requires  effective  regulation  in  the 

interest  of  the  public. 

Mr.  Wartnan  makes  the  common  mistake  of  critics  of  his 
class  :  he  forms  hasty  and  ill-foanded  conclusions  and  does 
not  take  the  trouble  to  verify  his  figures  ;  his  argument  is 
built  upon  superficial  and  insufficient  data,  and  he  advances 
very  erroneous  judgments  concerning  both  actions  and 
motives.  A  great  deal  has  been  said  by  the  interest  which 
Mr.  Warman  represents  about  the  difference  in  the  factor  of 
safety  between  British  railways  and  our  own.  That  is  a 
question  that  has  been  raised  entirely  for  the  purpose  of 
diverting  the  public  mind  and  obscuring  the  real  issue. 
The  only  question  for  the  American  public  to  consider  is  : 
"  Are  American  railroads  as  safe  as  they  reasonably  should 
be  ?  "  I  do  not  believe  they  are,  and  I  intend  to  stick  to 
my  text. 

Very  truly  yours, 


Publio  Opinion,  New  York:  April  2gth,  1905. 

Editor  Public  Opinion  : 

I  see  by  your  last  issue  that  Mr.  Mosehy,  secretary  of 
the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  says :  "  I  have  read 
Mr.  Warman's  article  with  some  interest,  though  I  am  a 
little  at  a  loss  to  understand  the  object  of  if,  unless  it  may 
be  to  put  a  stop  to  increasing  adoption  of  the  block  signal 
system,  and  to  prevent  interference  with  the  hours  of  labor 
and  periods  of  rest  which  railroad  men  are  subject  to." 

I  am  not  opposed  to  the  adoption  of  the  block  signal 
system,  never  wrote  nor  spoke  a  word  in  condemnation  of 
that  system,  and  never  heard  one  of  my  many  friends  who 
are  in  the  railway  service  say  he  was  opposed  to  that  or  any 
other  safety  appliance.    I  merely  stated  a  well  known  fact 


when  I  said  the  block  system  would  not  do  away  with 
wrecks.    I  believe  in  a  short,  honest  day's  work,  and  good 
pay  for  the  men  who  ride  the  rail.    With  my  limited  equip- 
ment I  have  done  my  best  to  set  forth  in  song  and  story  the 
heroic  deeds  of  the  grim  heroes  of  these  highways,  and  at 
the  moment  when  I  was  writing  "  Safety  on  American  Rail- 
ways" (Public  Opinion,  Marcl.  .8th)  Mr.  Moseley  was 
complimenting  me  by  quoting  befoi  a  senate  committee  one 
of  my  eariy  efforts  to  immortalize  *'  The  men  who  have  died 
in  their  overclothea."    No,  Mr.  Moseley  and  I  are  in  tune 
when  it  comes  to  short  days  and  reasonable  rest  for  train- 
men ;  and  I  can  echo  his  splendid  addrrss  before  the  senate 
committee  in  favor  of  extending  hero-medals  to  land  sailors. 
That  suggestion  came,  I  believe,  from  Brother  Roosevelt, 
and  I  am  proud  of  him.    We  belong  to  the  same  lodge.  If 
I  mistake  not,  the  president  and  I  comprise  a  majority  of  the 
honorary  membership  in  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  Brother 
hood  of  Locomotive  Firemen  of  North  America. 

"  The  interests  that  Mr.  Warman  evidently  speaks  for, 
namely,  the  General  Managers'  Association  of  Chicago." 
Against  this  charge  I  wish  to  file  a  most  emphatic  protest. 
I  never  have  been,  am  not  now,  and  never  expect  to  be  in 
the  employ  of  the  General  Managers'  Association.  Doubt- 
less some  of  my  acquaintances  sit  in  that  council,  but  if  I 
weie  called  upon  to  name  a  single  man  who  is  a  member  of 
the  General  Managers'  Association  at  this  moment,  or  lose 
my  life,  it  would  be  simply  a  guess.  I  never  had  a  word,  a 
letter,  or  a  line,  directly  or  indirectly,  from  that  association. 
My  article  was  not  even  suggested  by  a  general  manager  ; 
"  the  object  of  it  "  was  merely  to  tell  the  truth,  viz.,  that 
American  railways  were  well  managed,  paid  better  wages  to 
their  employees,  and  carried  freight  cheaper  than  the  rail- 
ways of  any  other  country  under  the  sun,  and  that  if  both 
sides  of  the  story  were  told,  the  showing  would  be  by  no 
means  a  bad  one . 

It  is  coming  pretty  rocky  for  the  journalistic  fraternity  if 
one  must  be  regarded  as  having  been  bribed  if  he  happens 


to  have  an  opinion  which  runs  counter  to  the  kicker. 
However,  it  is  well  that  we  know  where  we  belong.  Hap- 
good  goes  to  the  Standard,  Speerman  to  the  Santa  Ft?,  and 
Warman  to  the  G.  M's.  But  this  is  not  the  fault  of 
Mr.  Moseley,  it  is  the  fault  <rf  the  age.  Unless  you  use 
yellow  ink  and  froth  at  the  mouth,  you  are  insincere. 

I  speak  for  no  "  interest,"  no  railway  or  railway  associa- 
tion. What  I  say  represents  my  personal  opinion.  Every 
railway  expert  whc  has  visited  America,  so  far  as  I  know, 
has  returned  with  a  high  regard  for  our  roads  and  the  way 
they  are  managed.  For  my  i«rt  I  am  proud  of  them. 
When  I  travel  I  experience  a  thrill  of  pride  when  I  go  over 
to  the  head  end  and  find  a  Yankee  locomotive.  I  rode  one 
into  the  Klondike,  another  in  Jerusalem,  and  haven't  used 
any  other  since. 

Cy  Warman. 

NOTK— "  Saf.  ty  on  American  Railways"  was  written,  as 
scores  of  other  articles  have  been  written,  because  someihitie 
suggested  it,  and  in  this  case  it  was  Mr.  Priestley's  report  and 
the  recollection  of  the  past  reiwrts  of  the  Interstate  Com- 
merce Commission.  The  article  was  submitted  in  the  usual 
way,  first  lo  the  "  Saturday  Evening  Post,"  was  returned— 
sent  to  "Public  Opinion,"  accepted  and  published.    That's  all. 



Among  the  delegates  to  the  International  Railway  con- 
gress, which  met  in  Waihington  in  May,  1905,  there  were  a 
number  of  o(lici;iIs  who  had  been  connected  with  railways 
working  under  Government  control.    The  opinion  of  the« 
disinterested  railwaymen  upon  the  subject  of  Government, 
and  Independent  roads  was  both  valuable  and  interesting. 
The  writer  spent  considerable  time  with  the  delegates,  tra- 
velled with  them,  ate  and  drank  with  tliem,  but  he  is  unable 
to  quote  a  single  sentence  or  syllable  favorable  to  an, 
form  of  Government  control  of  railways  or  railway  ratib< 
in  America. 

On  the  contrary  he  could  quote  columns  in  condemnation 

of  any  and  all  forms  of  Government  control.  \o  country 
under  the  sun  has  tried  harder  to  solve  the  rate  problem 
than  have  the  sturdy  Germans,  and  nowhere  has  the  utter 
absurdity  of  the  scheme  been  more  conspicuously  demon- 
strated. In  their  fruitless  effort  to  adjuil  the  rail  and  .i\cr 
or  canal  rate,  the  Government  have  choked  the  commercial 
life  out  of  one  locality  and  boomed  another. 

The  slow  moving  Government  machinery  is  loo  tardy  for 
the  age  in  which  we  live.  The  wine  crop  fails  in  France, 
the  people  want  Spanish  wine.  They  ask  the  railways  for 
a  special  rate  to  meet  the  emergency,  but  by  the  time  the 
Wine  Growers'  Association  has  seen  the  Minister  of  Railways 
and  the  latter  has  taken  the  matter  up  with  his  Govern- 
ment, the  next  crop  is  ready  to  be  harvested,  and  the  neces- 
sity for  the  low  rate  has  disappeared. 

Once  there  was  a  long,  dry  si)ell  on  the  Plains.  The 
cattle,  mad  with  thirst,  drove  headlong  through  the  desert 
dust  until  they  dropped  dead.  I'he  late  Jay  Gould  was 
running  the  old  Kansas  Pacific. 

"Down  with  the  rates,"  said  the  little  Giant.  "Rob  every 
road  in  the  west— steal  stock  cars— get  the  cattle  out  trfthe 

And  they  did. 


They  stole  stock  cars,  bored  holes  in  box  can,  and 
carried  the  famished  cattle  over  into  Eaitern  Kansaa  and 
Missouri,  and  saved  the  situation. 

Later,  when  min  came  to  western  Kansas  and  Colorado, 
the  old  K.P.  carried  other  cattle  west  at  the  r^tUar  rate 
and  re  stocked  the  deserted  ranches. 

We  uke  no  note  of  such  things  here.  We  are  used  to 
theno,  but  the  thing  would  be  impossible  in  Europe,  and 
equally  impossible  here  if  the  rate  had  to  be  regulated  by 
tiur  Government.