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City Document—No. 17. 




A City Physician. 


City of Roxbury. 

In Common Councit, May 21, 1855. 

ORDERED, That a Joint Special Committee be appointed to consider the 
subject of appointing a City Physician, and that they be instructed to report 
by Ordinance, or otherwise, as they may deem expedient. 

Sent up for concurrence. 


In Boarp oF ALDERMEN, MAy 23, 1855. 


JOSEPH W. TUCKER, City Clerk. 

In Common Council, JUNE 11, 1855. 

Mr. BumsTEaD, from the above Committee, submitted the following Re- 
port and Ordinance, and the same was ordered to be laid on the table and 

printed for the use of the Council. 

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Tur Jot Special Committee to whom was referred the subject 
of appointing a City Physician, have attended to the duty as- 
signed them, and respectfully submit the following 

That the interest of the City requires the appointment of a City 

Physician, inasmuch as there are no available means by which the 
poor of the city can receive the benefits of vaccination free from 
charge ; and as so terrible a disease as the Small Pox should be 
prevented, as far as possible, by the adoption of so simple a safe- 
guard as vaccination, it is a duty incumbent upon the city to place 
within the reach of the poor and destitute, and of all who may 
desire it, the benefit of vaccination free from charge. 

This duty has become compulsory on the part of the city by 
“An Act to secure general vaccination,’ enacted by the past 
Legislature, compelling all towns and cities to be at the expense 
of furnishing the means of vaccination to such of their own citi- 
zens as may be unable to meet the same. 

Other considerations suggested themselves to your Committee 
in favor of establishing the office of City Physician, which have 
been duly considered ; all of which they have inserted in the pro- 
posed Ordinance accompanying this Report, which they herewith 
submit, and unanimously recommend its adoption. 

For the Committee, 




Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Roxbury, as 
follows : 

Srctron 1. There shall be chosen forthwith, and hereafter 
annually in the month of May, and whenever a vacancy occurs, 
by concurrent vote of the two branches of the City Council, a 
City Physician, who shall hold his office until he is removed, or a 
successor chosen in his place. He shall be removable at the 
pleasure of the City Council, and shall receive such compensation 

as the City Council shall from time to time determine. 

Sect. 2. The said physician shall attend, at his office, or at 
such place as may be designated, at such times during the day as 
the Board of Aldermen may direct; and he shall vaccinate any 
inhabitant of the city, who shall apply to him for that purpose, 
without charge; he shall also give certificates of vaccination to 
such children as have been vaccinated, to enable them to obtain 
admission to the public schools: provided, that no person shall be 
entitled to the benefits of this section, who shall wilfully refuse, 
or neglect to return to said physician when requested so to do, for 
the purpose of proving the effect of the vaccination, or of renew- 

ing the supply of virus for the use of said physician. 

Sror. 8. The said City Physician shall always have on hand, 
as far as is practicable, a sufficient quantity of virus, and he shall 
supply the Consulting Physicians of the city, and the physicians 
of the Roxbury Dispensary, with the same without charge. 

Suot. 4. He shall keep a record of all cases of Small Pox, or 
other malignant diseases, attended by him under this ordinance, 


and make a report thereof to the City Council, as often as once in 
three months, or whenever the Board of Aldermen may direct. 

Sect. 5. The said City Physician shall examine all causes of 
disease within the city, and inquire into all sources of danger to 
the public health; and in case of an alarm of any contagious, in- 
fectious, or other dangerous disease, occurring in the city or 
neighborhood, to give to the Mayor, or either Board of the City 
Council, such professional advice and information as they may re- 
quest, with a view to the prevention of said diseases, and the 
preservation of the health of the inhabitants. 

Sect. 6. The said City Physician shall likewise perform all 
professional services required at the City Almshouse, when called 
upon by the Supermtendent of the same, the Overseers of the 
Poor, or Mayor and Aldermen ; and shall likewise perform such 
duties as are required in “‘ An Act to secure general vaccination’”’ 
as the Mayor and Aldermen may direct. 

Sect. 7. The said City Physician shall attend to all cases of 
disease that may occur among prisoners in the “ Lock-up,” and 
perform such other professional services as may be required at 
the aforesaid place when called upon by any of the City Police. 

Sect. 8. This Ordinance shall go into effect on and after its 

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