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ZVUtor . wacl Proprietor. | 




raifn roa iu nv tou curm. 

' Tb«n nur IM othor fmlln non brifkl, 

'Tb«n m»f be Uiom is ftir; 
. Anoibv Uuih mon 07 ftod ll«ht, 
■ ' ■ 'And ftaoler Aiber ulr; 
Ab4 «/MOf ll|bUr, lorellorbliM 
*'' TbulblMnrebsacBiurbfr— 

Bol BOBO wttfi httrU non nnd iiul irae, 
. .'lad you're tU Ih6 world to oe r 

TboDib maD«r fflndi ibolr loTB 1U7 ukf, 
* JturortoaaoQiufrewD, 

. Well ilrac^o for ttcb oibar^ uke 
- ft lire tod Ud|h 11 dowo. 
Aod iheufli brUbiardeji will oone a«rUfi, 
Andupfrter ooora wlllbe, 
- Jnjoyorvovnnr, beellherialB,. 
. -M. . xoa'ntUtbeworidtomel J. H. B. 

■ I I ^1 » 


■r m AVTHOE or "nohAi" "ani wosls bb in wnssa," 
40., 4c. 

' tai Lin wnHZBii-TBa ioqi/Titai^tiii ihitdio, 
Tie anence In tbo court wu profound as Uoniy And- 
l«y described wttb a concleo deaniess U"- eTenu ,iiar- 
lUti In tbe preceding cbapteis, luid Ue excUemenl' 
' wsa Interne as his etor; drew to a close,' and. still ttie 
. DtyiteijwIBcbslunndcdtlKOaae was not dispelled.. 
^TbetrliuophaDtlqo^wasyMuponiilsfiiceai he .de- 
pleted the gndiul letnm to Ufs of Hugh De Creasey, 
or which bo was awltness.andbe spoke tapldl; aa one . 
who bad yet more Important matter to uoflild, and witbal 
ms ascd to describing what bo saw. - He looked ftom 
timo to time at the ptuoncr, who listened, without mov- 
' lug. to his etoi7, until the quesllon:— - 

"WIS llr. DuCrcsseysulnclently recovered to speak 
: wheir you left T" was put by the prosecuting la«Ter. 
.'.Tes," was the reply, ana now the eager ezcllemoDt 
In the coQtt reacbed lis cUmaz. 

AO cyes wero fixed upon tbe witness, and, amid a 
bosh as profiHind as U (be crowded court were a cbam- 
. b«r of death, tbe assembled hundreds learned what 
none bad ever suspected, that the dark myiter; of the 
night wblcb hod snread such a honor orer the netgh- 
kothoM, and ttullled so many hearts with fisar, woa not 
■ moider but an attempted soldde, prsTentea at the 
.ilsk of her UAi by the btare girl who stood there fhdng 
Afliat expectont mnltltudo, ready to sacrUlce bettcir 
. ntbei than there should be attain open tbe memory of 
' bu miher. 

Tbo eheere wbloh rose In tbe court were pitompUy 
nuessed br the ofllcetiL that the remainder of the 
endonce might be bean^ and now all looks were 
tuned upon the prisoner, whose stony aspect had 
' paaaed away, and who was weeping with a mingled 
° boat of filings wblcb she could not control. 

. Ibe Frenchman (I^nay) looked at herwlthaaln- 
■ ggjar ezprcesleii on nls llioe, as U ho was not altoge- 
aer saUsfled with the result of tbe eiamlnatlon, yet be 

SKked his way towards tbe dock as If bo dcslied to bo 
b flitt to congntulate her should It end sftHsfhctorlly 
fbr her. }fr, Smmons was tbo only witness who re- 
,BaloiedM!bs caUedkand he oonobotsted la every point 
' tkanamnve of Heni; Aadley, and produced wou was 
' ■Dia Important Ibao alL' a statement signed by the dok 
— J"- J^-- tt Is tnfctatt^wrtUng 

f^MhugllOWW 'IWbaUed thOT^tokeiiBoir £9, 
pilaonetJi , 
, Handapn aU sldea were stretched out to clasp those 
>-orthe pale glrL who was fhi more agUatad now than 
' When ne bid ni«dlbe crowd a suspected murderess, 
' aiidtbe gentle words of coDgtatobtlon addressed to 
bar by tbe presiding maglstraia fell upon nnbeedhig 
ean. PauUue had nlated, OTerwbclmed by tbe lusn 
r of contending emotions which the avowal of tbe troth 

"Fetch my mother to her," said Benry Andley, who 
was by her side In a moment, and gMng an attendant 
poUeemon the proper address, he ralsea tbe Insensible 
Ibrm of (he lovely giri In bis aims and bore her to a 
prtvato room wbloh his worship placed at his dlspoeal. 

Un. Andley was soon on the spot, and had the aatls- 
action of seelnir her open her ayes and ask (eebly after 
btrtuher. , 

"Sleeping when I left, Hln de Cresaey," said the 
widow; "bnt yon most be very cautious bow you speak 
to Urn; the sUgtatest emotion may bo dangerous." 

Ihe magistrates aQdoffldals took a kind lueweUof 
tkelr late pi1soner,^taom socb onfoieseen clrcym- 
stancea bad oonvatted Into a heroine; and a cab drove 
(UTwlth ttie widow and her bewildered charge, fol- 
lowed by a shouting crowd of delighted boys, who re- 
garded the establishment of Pauline's Innocence and 
Hie consequent noise and bustle at part and parcel of 
an exblbldon gttt up for theb* speclaigratlBcation. 

Thoughtless crcannea I Wltnont a thought or care 
beyond tho animal wants of each successive day, they 
would have ezulteiL the same bad It been some poor 
condemned wretoh who was borne away to tbe gal- 
Iowa. We will not attempt to desoribe the meeUng oe- 
twecn Paulino and her Ihther, each snatched from a 
death, how terrible. 

Tbe one who bad easayed to reach "tho bonme 
ttom which no traveler retoms" by bis own rash act; 
. and the other, who would have hdd down her pure 
yonoglUb rather than let tbe world know there bad 
been the taint of shame npon her father's memoiy. 
Mm. miUns was all smiles and congiatulotlons. "She 
had never thought tho poor dear guilty, not she; the 
. kDOwed all along It wonid come all right," and tUsied 
and Idgetted, and whlspei«d about Pauline as she lay 
.\ on tbo aolk till Mrs. Audloy was obliged to ask her to 
leave bor In qnlet and lot her rest 
- uow.ncacelhl seemed the night after all the exclto- 
' mentcr.'vi{|.|}ay. Ibje wounded man slept soundly, 
and progr e B e d slow^ botsUtelv towards us roeovety, 
aid nil daughter watched beside him, too agitated for 
aleep, with a thanktOl heart that the trials of tho day 
. wew so well over. 



. . ooviBiD oiMD-^rai rL0T-4Bi naa-ras HOSiMa 


Five years bod rolled away— five yeara of hope end 
Joy, of sorrow and deepalr— bringing ruin to some, su> 
oeas to others— deaolallng many anobie andliriiigloa 
lovely children to'bleaa many a nonsehold. lime, witn 
tta nobelees step, had stolen on alowly and surely, leav- 
ing Btnnge fbotptlnts on the sands oibuman life. 

Ifany a whitened head andfturowod brow told of 
tbSt silent proBTcas; many ^ youth grown Into a nan 
■book oft IJhe billhesome spirit of boyhood, and entered 
Into the world to share In Its cares and troubles; 
many alhir girl expanding Into blooming womaQhood 
looked back five yeara. and wondered how they bad 
flown, while lovely chlldien sighed to find the tuno of 
,teyi gone by never to return. 

The lununer sun was gblulng In all Its biUllanoy, and 
pouring a flood of rays Into a little room In a pretty- 
villa near the small town of Slanoburet, onthesoutn 
ooast of Cornwall * The room iMtokehed comArt 
ratber than great wealth; It was apparently furnished 
forJheoocopatloDOf a lady, as was evident from the 
varloos artToloa of feminine- luxury wblcb were scat- 
tered about. Ths predominant colon wbloh met tbo 
eye were green and white, but they were relieved bore 
and thereby bUi of coloring which showed tbat tbe pre- 
siding genius of thb place had tastes of no mean order. 

Onlfe walls bnng pictures in what stlcklora for the 
strict rules of flimlsnlng would have deemed profusion, 
but any such appearence was prevented by tbglr 
•xqulslie anangoment There was a copy, and a good 
one too, in water colon, of Horlllo's "Spanish V^mr 
Boys," (ho brown Unlrol which barmoiuzed well with 
tbe pale green oflbe paper. Opposite li^lt was eno bf 
Blr Josbiu Boynolds' groups of children at play, whose 
, sunny tuies and bright gefmenls contrasted well with 
the (awny Ihces and sombro clothing of tbe pair op- 

PilDtt ol nre exoellonca.' witb some sketches In 
oolor, tiled up tho remaining space, and altogether 
made a'ddlghuid whole, Boots wore not wanting; a 
book owe, fllled with an eiooHent selection of apth 
gnvo end tight reading, stood la a cenvonlont reccn, 
and many volomcs lay on tho table, mostly new and 
■ome ulcut, A plane ocouplcd one comer of tho 
laom afid an embroidery frame another: a canary 
■aiur Ilia gilded oago suspended In tbe window, tellliig 
■by Els Joyous notes ihatibls little bolter, so freeh with 
■nea weed, was adorned by a loving hand, and a dny 
dog lay Kllrd upon tho mot undemeatb bimbiqulot 

Tbe . only occupant of tho room was a gentleman, 
who >f oM In a bow window looking out upon the sea, 
whloh'naiklod and danced binder the glottdhs son- 
sblno like a living thing, Ho held In his band one of 
the lawbooks and a paper knife, with wbloh he bad 
Rdtttthig tho leaves, and' eve-? now and then he 
rllb a smile, half nnad, h ill sanatUo,' it the 
'ilfih boro OB tb* Qtle pago the nsmo of "011- 

"I btv» Waited Itog for Vbi^ignniiMM), '^tlt 

the seoofld Ume tbafUgkt her nunlafs day. I boat^ 
Into the room and aaw what It ta ImpoMhCtbatlf^ 

bar. 1 

tbne °of>memofy can sflhsa. ah<«iiMiilM 
wildly wonblped nllgUlng hat 1r ' 

ooabfhave Ullad lilm; botl dkl net; ths J^^ ttt 
stayed myhand. I swore to have nvenga, Ibar* 
Ea tt and wIU have U sUU." - 
' Pauline tromblod at the look oil hi* Am, ■ ' 
"What have I to do with tUa r aha «k«^ 
.*o M oonmiBi ' ^ . 

X ▼*- as snta - 

BT aanuiL ». 

II<Ak«r.bsit«rlB%|alBVtraWlflML ° 
OriSaMAiOtnooriiihiikiiai'MailiriSIt ' 
Htf iwHtirairiipiriaaaaeiwadieML . 
Or If T« bar a lertBS tas f dad eanaa ' ' 

' IltniMr,lton<>4BlSaaMkB«rwar, ' 
f Mlb«UDUsn>,lsfru>aSI«4l«; ^ 
flb«laTeeB3,Ik«ow, r&ritaefll«MMI«k . 
■otwkaiX MtaSiwIa&nTlllmjiWflHk 

Wkea Ike Ur wtlh Ika rarv upn • ifat M, 

i 414 nM n uu b« to owl kar io*i>4i 
hi MDtror B« ODOLaiS IbUlMl H tilr, 

Ai4 wa«n t earn* oM, Mat a loef»( b« kilr, ■ 

Al lul abt 4<p*iM ko ittfi wtuT U/« 

Ai4wwtU>kUn4li»kuiHasl«tMi(ik; ' 

kl Uv£[s«t».<dikJeMgH>na3ora. ^. 

a Ik* ekona iwS, 4owb tT4kii oMjniUa I 
m'l m mve oralBMIMvllh boOr uj ft 
ma biiadoM nra>-"Sa41a>>-' Wlwskr^u rial 
AB4 Uu Sowon tn ¥M«n4 tMb ur «l^^ UM 

InikeriDfon mrSnier, Ihil ■iBftlaAofl 
' riodk mugn, \h»t I DunaubwiAa Ikl7 
And u iba 4ara flr I aoll oanr rornt 
■Twu ooea a tUk ouri ikal haof 'oealh k«r aaL 
ProfUaBcr, i^^fci j ' ' ' *' 

AMoivG •Tns ° vxiirTrszifir 

Being Stray Luvm frotn'a Privat* Journal. 

We went yealerday l« the Moise BortKntoo. The eeDs*- 
Uon of palDtlnas did not pleaaa 'me aa maeb u I had aa- 
tlelpalel, bnt the marbres are nperb. I expect to sea 
nothioi daer in^Rome or Flqnnee. Among a boat eC . 
VeDOKS la the Venus Oalllpyge~sliewhaiaceeadhUTdli- < 
pntcs the pretenslona onhe Bedld— and a aweat creatloa 
she Is I Not tbe modest, startled, Umid, norloe that osdIbb 
dtUghia to reprewnt bar, bnt the saaoy, warm; lavtuac 

auaeo of love, whose IllB wu one volopioons seadf aaa- 
:on, and whoaa oboiacter was neither iliy, IHMiHiI. nor 
InicUectual. I have aeea teltrably comet oopMs of Iba 
Hedldandtbo VooDsoftaeOapllol. As tmboaligeBIa of ^ 
lha porely Ideal Ibejr iaem perfent. Fhuj) OMns Mvar 
blessed die Ikoor. Iney are (he veir MeaSflsve'i yeoac '' 
dieam, bnt aUll not toe Venus of Oypna-^o wtsZ 
ttauig to teed o&-an every day eqjeymeat— a real wonaa I 
•ntij are mere Kynphplenlea, and oonld Fygmallon gtfw . 
Un lo tho Venus Ue uedjcl to-morrow 'US paaslon woold 

calm llselT lo alcep under tbo gaze ot bar oold, miaaitbly. 
Intellectual ftce. 8be looks the easenoeotporsFlitoilBk 
whose saronliy of soul sp emotton eoold evat nflle, and 

yet thaycoll her the repreaeouUvo of a goddess wL 
ooUrely and complelilr *i woman, wlin all a woi 
oharms, bcr (knits, haFnIUea and her fetUBit. - 

that deUcalo head ol tbo V " ' ' ' 

nnsenioal lip, thalahrtnfc, 

oooveya a oonoct Idea of bar who < 

Jrlth Malt and ravished AdOQla As the " 

has oome at last, and my Ihther's memory Is nnstalned 
even by the shadow of dishonor. I swore to myself 
when ho died a bankrupt that I never would bear 
bis name till I could blazen It forth to tbe world aa- 
that of an honorable man. I have tolled for It through 
long, wean years, in poverty and obacurlty, but It Is 
done at last The name of UUbert Bettrtun Is here tm- 
snlUed," contlnned he, with a look of pride at the book 
bo held. "Already bais It mode a aensaUon; hundreds 
flock alter the author^ book, little thlnklog It ts the 
same struggling hand and weary brain tEat have 
wiDogbt so manv years for a bare snbslstenoe." . 

A pair of soft bands were suddenly laid on bis eyes, 
and a silvery voice oried In bis ean:— 

"Who am I r' 

"No one but your own sweet self, my Blanche," wu 
the reply, and the apeaker pulled down tho IU17 flngen 
with a loving band, and tbe questioner was>n>Ided to 
tils breast 

"7ou bavo been long away, doar one," he con- 
tinued, carcsshig the golden curia tbat fell ovorhls 

"res," the young gld replied, "a visitor baa airived, 
and grandmamma sent for me, and who do you think 

"How should I knowr was the answer, end the 
speaker bent an Inqulnng glance upon the ftilr young 

"Somo one who would like to be In your place," con- 
tinued tho blushing girl "fou need not oe orrald," 
said ebo, seeing the brow of the young man was 
clouded, "all tbat wu gone through long ago; the 

gentleman rucclvcd his eongte, and wo ore very good 

"Long ago," said OUbort Bertram with a laugh. 
"Wby, my uly flower, what an old woman you must ue 

"Well, six months ago thon— before I saw you," ebo 

Dlancho de Cresaey was, at this time. Just seventeen, 
and wu u loToly a specimen of budding womanhood 
u wu .eversoen. Of middle height and elegantly 
formedi- eho apbrared ' to a oataal olnervor older than 
she really was, lor she bod been early accustomed to 
all heallhy oxerclsos, and so bad obtained a flnnness of 
caiTlsge and case of deportment which ate seldom' 
seen hi one so young. 

Her Ikce, in Its bewltcUng loveliness, wu tbo tbome 
of universal admiration; she had a clear, vaiylng com- 
plexion and a bright blue eye, and ber hair, ofa rich 

S olden brown, feu about bor ahouldets In nmp] ouris. 
be bod boon brought up in strict seclusion by her 
uncle and grandmother. In acoordanco with ber 
mother's dying wish.- Her grandAitber, who had 
amassed a fine proporty In trade, had lieon dead many 
years, leaving bis widow an ample Jokiture aad Us son 

Ibis Mr. Hilton (such was bis ruuae) had tripled by 
fortunate specDiatlens, Oil at ttaetlme cfournarrallve 
ho wu by mr tbo richest commoner lo that part of the 
county, Hla mother, who wu a simple, fhigil woman, 
had laid by, from year to year, btrge sums out of her 
liberal allowance, and to all this Blancho wu the ro- 
puted bolrtisa. 

Of course some wore qnlte toady to woo and win a 
young lady of such raro attnctlonsi but Vr. Hilton 
guarded bis tieasura wisely and well, and, while allow- 
ing her complete liberty In her oholco, bo took care to 
shield ber from rortone bnntera. Gilbert Bertram, an 
author of no small ropute, visited Slonehnrst with bis 
mother, for the benedt of her beallb, and, having a let- 
ter of IntrodueUon to the uncle of Blanche, wu soon 
on terms of friendship with him, 

He had not long visited tbe house ere he wu atruek 
with tbo rare obarms of Blanche. Admiration soon 
deepened Into love, and at the Ume of our story ho wu 
tho aOlanoed husband of the lovely heiress, with the 
ftill consent of her prudent relations. 

Ho possessed no great amount of wealth, bnt ho wu 
rising rapidly to onunonce In bis profession, and, uHr. 
Hilton observed, "Blanche hod plenty," though bo 
wisely resolved that his darling's proneity shomd be 
strtotly settled on beneir. Bepott sold that bis sister's 
husband bad been a spcndlbrilt and a roii«, and tbat 
her flno Ibitane had been wasted at tho gaming-table. 
Of this, however, he wu novor knbwn to speak, and 
the name of Blanobe'a mother wu rarely mentioned In 
her oblldhood's home. Mr. Ullton Intetrupted the telt- 
(Me of tbe loven by his entrance with the gentloman. 
of whcao arrival Blanche bad boen tolling Ur. Bertram. 

He wos toll and slight, with tho bearing and maonon 
of ono moving in the Ihshlonable world. Ills fhco wu 
regular and generally consldorod handsome, but Iboro 
wusomcthlbgln the anake-Uke gllUor of bis blaok 
eyes and tbo nalsler oiirl of his flnely cut Up that ipoke 
oTaflercoandcracldlsposltloo, ood a cbaraoter not 

to bo trusted. 

Ills hidr vru short, and by close to his head In abort, 
orlspourlsof sojettyablaek as to apnear unnatntpL 
Tho new confer was Introduced lo Ollbert u Hons. 
Laumay, Ho seemed ratber a tolerated than a welcome 
guest, aad Dlanohe, fotllng honelf sqmowbat deCrtiii, 
left tbe room lo seek hor'grandmolber. 

She did notaoe tho mntiial start of recognlUon that 
attended the bitiodttctlon, or boqr the muttered oath 
that rose to Lanoay's lips, aq he bowed and stalled with 
the utmost politeness. Her undetohiod them In con- 
versation for a Tow minutes, and then, apologlzlDg on 
tbo soon of business, left tbo two geoUomon logolbor. 

OUbett Bertram looked at the new comer for a minute, 
and then quietly sold:— 

"So we meet at last" 

"Tes, at last" wu the answer; "and here we are 
rivals, It seems." 

"TherivslTTJsnotof mv seeking," said OUbert; "I 
have no amblitbn to rival Mens. Lannoy." 

"Nor I to emulate the great OUbett Bertram," wu 
the sneeiliw response. "1 have no sympathy with your 
bsggartr caUIng. t marvel much at Mr. Hlllon givUig 
bis peail of price to any but a rich man." 

allbett's fkce'lnshed, but be did not speak; secure 
In Blsnbhe's love be fbrbore to quairel wltli b«r nude's 
invited guest, so be meraly^d:— 1 

"I do not know why you should despise ne, nor ny 
calllBg ellbor, Uotas. lannay. It hi not generally con 
addteed a degradation to be an author." 

"Hu your Illr flower— u I Just now beard ber uncle 
call taer-rconaluerod wh jt an author's life may be to 
share: suppose any accident deprives her of her ibr- 
tnu," said Lannay, with a snoor. "Even If be Is sao- 
cealul,wbatlshet TbeUonofanevenbigpaity may 
be tbe pet monster of a dozen silly women, or he may 
be tbat Idol of tbe public for a single night, the author 
of a ploy, who comes forth to, bow and scrape, and 
thank toe cheering audience for their pralso, who goio 
npon him and go home to bed, and, era tbe momhig 
breaks, fbrget his name." 

Bright and clear ahone Gilbert Boitrom's eye u he 
looked upon the man bofora him. 

"So you despise on author, do you, sir V said he. "I 
SCO you do; your high patrician blood rises, and bolls, 
and fonnents when you touch an author's haodi Yet 
you would warmly press a gambler's palm, end ball 
nim friend; vou would alt at tne table with a swindler, 
and diink nls wbio and call him friend, too, while Us 
Ill-gotten gains luted. But on author— ono who spends 
his llfb In striving to ennoble and to cheer bis fuUew- 
men— obr bo's too low, too humble, too degraded to bo 
tho friend of Hons. lannay. I tell you, air. If I do hut 
write ono sentenco that shall bring a tay of comfort to 
a dcsoUte home, or help one etruffgllog heart to boUlo 
With' tbe wortd, I shall not bavo used In vain tbe talent 
beaven has given me. Hubert Lannsy, beWorol I know 
your ." 

And he left the room bending a speaking look on hbi 
companion, who shrank beneath It Thero wu ono 
remarkable trait In tho manner of Hubert Lannay. He 
never cordlany held out bis band to any one, and. In 
shaking hands, hla i|asp was light, ss [f the will wu 
wonting or the act wu p'ahiflil. 

When Uds wu ramarked be accotuted fbr It by say- 
ing that whan a young man ho had boen run through 
the band bv a lul on soiao splkos, and that tbe wound 
bad never been thonugbly cured, Oind, u If In conflrm- 
adon of his statement he wore on tho plam of bis 
right hand a black patch. Ingeniously secured to tbo 
fltioare and wrist so u lo bo hardly seen. 

He looked with mingled fear and hatred after Hr. 
Bertram, and muttering:— "Can he know?— does be 
suspect r opened the window and walked Into the gar- 
den. Tbe early dinner of tho IlUtona was over by doy- 
Ught for they bod not arrived at tbe fhshlonablo sre- 
tom of dining at bedtime, and Blancbo and OUbert bo- 
Ingln tbe gardon, end Ur. Hilton napping, LAunay 
sauntered out for a stroll, taking caro to let tbe serv- 
ants see him go. 

Ho walked slowly down tbe Uttle street of tbe quiet 
town, raising great admiration andwondetmonlamoDg 
all the old tnalds, who always swarm In country towns, 
by the elegance of bbi dress and appearance. When 
olear of tho main street and at tbe outskirts of tho 

Bloce, bo turned down a narrow lane, and knocked at 
10 door of a squalld-looUng hou^e at tbe end of It 
"Who's thoroP* wuukedfTOm within. 
"Plorro," wu tho answer. 

Tbo door was opened by a young man of sinister ap- 
pearance, and Idnnay enterod tbo bouse and caroAilly 
barrod tbo door. 
' "WeU F said the man. 

"It Is net well at all," said Lannay, or Pierre; "I 
dent get on at oIL" 

"I dontknow whatyon call getting on," returned 
the other. "Are you not In tbe house an Invited and 
honorod guest r" 

"Invited r To8< Honorod 1 Ko,'* was the roply. 
"Tboy suspect aomething— tboy don't know what Do- 
aldce, that ouncd Bertram Is there,'* 

"Why, what can ho be to you, or know of you r* 
uked the companion of binnay, who boro Iho name 

"He Is everything to me Just now,'' responded Lan- 
nay, "and I am afraid he knowB overytnlng Into tbo 

The other started up with an oatlw 

"By the bones of my Hither I — " 

"Which yon sold to the snrgeoai, mr boy," Inter- 
rupted bis oompanton; and they wth laiuncd, but 
tbolr laughing wu more like thai of (wo floads than 
hman belngi 

"What by the bones of your Oither, my boy V pro- 
coeded lannay. 

, Tho young man Uld his hand open a pistol, wbloh 
huiig. by the flteplaoe. 

"Dead men leO no tales," saU ho, 

"No, no; It to too Monjbr tbtt,"wuths anvrer; 
"besides, a mntder makes cdob a noise In thewtrid. 
Irattslblv*tbogin,aadlbe will loo, and yon mmt 
holp me." . • ' , 

"What good will the will do you r wu the next 
question put by Gustavo, "The old gentleman will 

"I somehow tbbik he would not be alive , to moke 
ono after I receive tbe ono already In existence," said 
Lanny,.wlth a dlaboUcal laugh. "Then all the pro- 
perty goes'^ Blanehe-ni]/ Blanche, u she will be 
then— and throngh her to me." 

"Of course, when she fs your Blaneha," said the 
other, "Bdf what If she wUl not have year, 

"She win have but one alieroatlve; oltber to bo 
thrown upon tbe worid u my cost off mlitresi, or to 
bear my name litwAiUy," answerod Latmay: ''ond.I 
tblnltshe will ohoose the latter altornaUvo,, ill keep 
ber Ibst enough till I gain bar consont, ni irantaiit you. 
Arejou sun ypu know tbo way Inf ' ' ; 

"rerftoUy,'*Vnsworod Quatave, "I wi^a tber6my 
self ono night on a little husliless; but tbat old man; 
they keep wuupole&nhignlate, busUiess had 
to be posmoned." . (1. ■ 

"Well, dent pfstpon'e It' siny longer, than- to-nlgbt 
Isallreadyr' -■■ . 

"Oh, yes I Anil the first class oarrioge'taken for 
my master and the Idiot lady to travel In— ha, ha, ha 1" 
and tbo two worthlta obuoUed again In Udoous mirth, 

Tho little houaohold of Ur. Union kept eariy hours,' 
and about the Ume -When the Ihshlouidile world are 
wheeling through London, streets to balls and parties 
they woro rotinog to test assigned to GU- 
belt Bertram wu at tbe end of a long eonldor, and ad- 
joining that of lAimay'& 

At the oppoalle end wu the obambor of Ur. nilton, 
ond midway between them . wore tho bod-rooms oL 
Blanche and her' gnndpiolhcr, wblcb had a door of 
communloollon between Ibetn.- Gilbert wu wgbclbl 
that night! he wu so happy l^ihlB new-won troasure, 
and mucd wItb that IboUngB of doubt and apprebOn- 
slon ID-denned, butsUII oi^Ung, respecting I^nay, 

AVbat could ho want Iboro anor being reAised tho 
hand of the hcbms r Ho ^t the window look- 
ing out Into tho night after .ho nad oxtlngulshod hjs 
lamp. The moon 111 orery object. In view with almost 
u dear a radiance u tho noonday sun, and twice ho 
aaw a man look out fTOm -behind a large treo which 
marked tbe turn of tb°o rood near tbo vUIa, and gazo 
long and anxiously at tho bouse, though not It seemed 
to him, at the window whero ho aat 

"Pshaw I" ho .mutmuiod, "ftnov I Wby should I 
sit hero Imagining like a allly girl that evetr man I 
see Is bent on nibiehlef P and closing tho bUnd, he re- 
tired to rt»L 

He dropped asleep almost Instantly, aa Is often the 
coab after doop tbongbt; and though his brain hod 
been busy to the laist moment, bis sleep wu dreomlcss 
and profound. Uedld not hear the stealthy footstep* 
whlcn touohed the oatpetlng outside bis door, nor Iho 
stincd vxolamatlon In a fsmalo voice wblcb came fTOm 
ono of thoae centre rooms, V - 

He heard notbhig, felt nothing, tUI he was roused 
wlthaahoekas If a. cannon hod bden dUcborgedby 
Us bedside at the wild on of "Fire I flre I" 

Starling tTOm his bed bi wild terror, throwing on 
some clothes, be soarto knew how, be doitted from the 
room 10 see— what r Smoke poutliig In denao volumes 
from Ur. Hilton's rooin, the door of which stood open; 
whilo— oh, horror I red flames were already thrusting 
their fleiy toaguos under tbe door of tho apattmont or 

Ho rememborod tho scene ledg afterwards; tho te^ 
riaod,scMamlngserraats and their equally Irighlened 
master, who wu Ailly dressed, u Ibougb be had never 
been In bod, OUbett saw at a glance wat Co enter the, 
room by tho door In tho pasaaga would bo nadnMa, u 
thollro wu evidently dose on tne other skle. ' 

Ho sprang throiigb Ur. IlUtoo's. tobm, 'saying'.- 
■Look to your mottier, sir;" sod Aontlng "Blaifciis 

Blancbo I my darling, I am coming I" tushdd Into tho 


Fhn. wu evorywhcre In tbe Hitler ohamber. Bed- 
hangings, window outtalns, all wero Id a bbuo, and the' 
(olty like toilet table wu npldly becoming a mass of 
shapeless oinden. 

Ollbert wu almost suflbcaled. Willi one spring be 
bounded aeroas tbe room and gained the wlnaow; one 
vigorous thrust shaUared the whole of the lower patt, 
and the esespo of thoaUfllng.soHlk* made bieatnlog 
somewhat easier. <W; 

Agah) calllnic wildly on Blanelie, whom be feaisd 
wu suflbcallilg, be loro tbo sitcady blazing coverUd 
from tho bed and praporod to lift bet tbm Into poror 

'Twice, thrice be plunged hli arms Into tbS homing 
mass, heedless of tho flety flakes wUoh foil thiokly 
about him, AU hi vain— no Blanche wu there-. 
nolUng hut the burning bod; and with a choking 

dread In bis heart he staggerM back hito the pasasge. 
Just u tbo door of Lannay's room opened tnd bo s] 
peared half dressed upon ibe tbreabold.\ 

"What Is tho matter 1" said he, 

Tfli suma-nn wTurm('Fsoins«*jrna 'nnnha nmr 
— m BTOBT-TBf nasr lo«b-4u OATisinorm— 

' TBI SOHIIIX. >. . 

The last njH of tbesMUog sun were gleaming hi 
bilgfat radMUco Into a splendid dtwrtng toott la the 
nelgbbothqod of Hyde Park, 'Evety artlelo tbat 
Isxnry ooill;l Invent or wealth pnrobsse wu thereto 
add to Us splendor. 'Vabiablo palntloga idoned the 

walls;' a costly camt eoverod tho floor, and the 
gleaming of gilded lundtaro met the eyo at every turn. 
Baro flowen bloomed In a small consorvatety, and 
the windows, shrouded byonrtalns of the flnest lace, 
opened on a garden kdd out with tbe exquUte taste of 
a oonnoitaeur. Books and articles of eetfu wete scat- 
tered about on this tobies, and amid all thla nugolfl- 
cenco sat Paulino de Cressoy.' 

Not the Pauline of five yoara ago; no longer the pale, 
qhlet girl whom erery'ooo levedfor ber very humility; 
not tho Paulino who In ber nobis purity would bavo 
sUoldcd ber fktbor^ name from dishonor atthosacri- 
'floe of bar Ufa; but a selPpouessod woman of the 
wortd, with a look of wearied enniri on her Ihco whiob 
many women would bo a lUe^lme In attaining. 

This Is not the Paulino who osod lo trudge wet and 
cold to her dUlv work^and^rctutned at tOght, woro 
and happy, In tho thodmt that her hand* were pro- 
viding (heir dally bread; but a haughty heiress, proud 
of hot matoblosf'' beauty and Asxuiung hi hst-Mpeoted 
wealth. lAWkliig she sits on alow oouoh, 
near tho open wmdow, she fbrms a loveljLptcture. 
She Is o( the pe«(« order of beauties, wltli ezqusllely 

ermed Aiaturos; ber bee, of rather an Eastern diiape, 
lighted by apiUrof splohdld dark eyes, and bar bab\ 
of raven blackness, which used to bang hi such pro- 
IVudoD about her.'ls gathered up Into a luiot at tbabai^ 
of hbr head, and conOned by a comb of gold and oonl, 
leaving only a low stray curls lo (bU (oosely on ber 
neck. . 

Uer ean, wUch aro romarkably small and well- 
fonnod, are onuunenlod with drops to match tbe comb. 
Tbore lira restless expressloa' In bet bandsemo tue, 
and a mounifUl look obobt bor eyes' wbloh sposk of a 
mlDd ill U efase, and sbo IwHehos tb» 
tassel of her* Inn, u'lf mooory woro troubllog her' 
with tbougUlB sh'o would fltin bo rid of. . 
• Bbo hi dressod-fbr B diimer-partyVbut Is ready early, 
and Is whlUng away the time u best die caiL Sho 
woaii aVblto watered silk drnu with cotnl ornaments, 
which Contrast wcjU with the dOucoto brilllaooo of the 
mttetial, and give a warm glow to bet dark, olear 'oont- 
ploxion, Allgbtfootstopmadibor look Dp, and. she 
started sUgbtly^uHulierl liannay atpea before bf r. 

"You aro veiy lovQly thhi ovotung, Pauline," said he, 

"Thero Is no nood of 'cofflpUmDotSi" wu Iho roply. 
"We are alonp.'; " • •. , • 

The outtlng>sonlempt with wlilob.ihe<fow words- 
wero spoken would bavo^wqd many a bolder or 
bonosterman. Not's4 Lannay. He ropUsd,,wlth a 
smllo:— . ■• ' " ' 

"I see It, and I am very glad of It I wont somo quiet 
talk with you." ' ' ■ ■. 

Paulino shuddered, but only lald:— 1 

"Well, sIr,_go on," ' •- 

"When wUTyou give mo your prsinlao— when flx tho 
day fbr our marriagor' uk^ hi^ with a' ponelratlog 
glance. • 

PaullDO raised hor eyes to bis fliot with oq appealing 
look. ^ ' 

"OhIVhy aro you so bar^-to orot^' said sbo. "Tou 
know I cannot lovoyou^-ournianiamwUl not henodt 
you. Lbave me at poacK" ' ■'" ,■ , • 

"Leave you at pcacdt" be saU, wltb'a sneer.' "Why, 

foil an aoiually growing aenUmonbil, Ukotbclimdcent 
aullnevf formordaya," ' , 
"Of fonner day^P^e lepoated, with a sigh. '>Ay, I 
wu sn Innocent and hsp^y girl thon. And now — " 
■ ''And what aro you now that needs suoh sighing' 
over r* said he. - • . . ' 

"I am— what you bavo made mo,'* wu tho response. 
■'Cold, heartless, calculsting, upfuellng, Ukeyonnell,' 
caring fbr nothing In this world and hoping lor nath- 

L" lannay 'ropUed, "and do 
' , I havomouldod you to my 

In the next' 
.^Touaroan apt pui 

ore'dlt to yonr master. .OL, , , 

haadi Ton wUl make an oxcelleht wUb-a helpmate. 
Is not that the Word r * ^ 

• "Oh, ceossi" said Panllne; "I will not marry you, I 
win dip first I I cannot think wny you punuo me thus. 
WhatmOtlvo have you f" 

likDnay, with a alight muscular movemont ot ths 
ftae, which bo vainly endeavored to control, fixed his 
eyo on his victim with tbe gazo o^a serpent about to 
inUio Its last spring, and In a deep tone ropUed:— 

"Uotlve r— the same motive which bu 'prompted me 
lor flvo yean to lead year fUber on fl-om lault to fkult, 
from cruno to crime; to pUe up proof upon proof ot hla 
nobitouftnnsactlons, till, wl(b u single Ireath, I could 
hurt him ITOm bis pUinaclo of boulcd wealth and con- 
sign him to a felon's cell. ' Ton; Paulino, with enp word 
I oonld make all your vaunted splendor fade away Uke 
aoilst andlcavoyou friendless bomolees, pennlloasi 
Uymotlvo— wDlyouhavo ur llavengol"' ' 

iiRevengol'' said Paulino. "What baro I done lo y{U 

"Ustdnl" said Lannay, drawing close to her ond 
looking In hor fitce. , ' „ . 

"Uany yean ago, when I wu lltUo moto tlian a boy, 
I Idved a woman— with no boy's love, mark yoiL but 
with a wild, passlonalo ardor which nolUng oonld con- 
trol or subdue. She was betoUAd. and to me ever lov- 
ing and afl'oetlonatOi and I tt;ongbt, like a Am, .the 
wwslncero. I parted fMm her one evening with ber 
kisa warm npon my cheek, hor last word a pranlse to 
be mine on a given day, '■ - 
"I niorned nnoipeetedly an bonr after, and, beai^ 
g.tStcei, . - 

ices, Usteiiod-Ustened to bet sUveiy voice 
bugblng at the young tbotberdups, andllilBg Ibr 


- V. -_i — —JaenslbUlty,!.. 
you woo belbra wlu. Tbe right breast and' ahouldert^ 
bulyoballenge ruimre. Bor Is daarieal eorraetneu^ 
, nsrewuayonDgPrencb gulltOkUu ralbsr noendU- 
pnsu at tho legs, uV she eoold prtMof a better pafrUal- 
lowedlo meant the pedesUL BntsacbeonpstliODWoald ' 
be dangetou for any legs that have let ooms onder lar 
observation, and I have seen not a few Rood^mes In aj 
tune, ne gem of tbe colIecUoD, In dv poor opinion. Isa 
mulUsled bead of Psyche. There u UtUe Wlaare the 
face— bat snob a <koe I It hu tbe veiy exnigsalon wlUoh I 
always thonght Impoaslblo rot the aeolptor tSgtvS to nar- 
ble— wUch Ihare never btlOre aseaandwMNi never ex- 
pect to sgsbi. The rsyctae alone embodies Ibe Idsa of Iba ' 
pore, strong, earthly love. Sho alone BtasMaea that on- 
nitenble gsDUeaeas— that ihonghifui pRieooo of emolMa . 
wUeh ooght to accompaoy li; the downcast took, IM- 
aoftly veUed aulely, tbo daieoted bend of the bad an 
there; Ibejoj tbat was, ths eadneas that la, ths aonow 
that may be, are all blended In exqnlalle harmony, and yon . 
pause to wstoh her aonl awake fKm IIS aleeb ThehlsleiT 
ofearth's most beanUAit paaslon, In all Its puses, breathsa 
la that sleouent frigmont' I shall oertalidr have a bSBd 
In the next revolution lo Kaplea, if It Is only to take ad- 
vantage of tbe ooBmotloo to alesl Fayobe. 

Thqi tkr tbe Italian women have dlsappoloted me. Wllh 
thasaoopUonoftlioaenoeasUarclse, I nare not seen a 
dsoldsdiy handsome womoi. They have btUllanl eyaa and ' 
hair Uke midnight, but they don't took clean, an badly 
dressed and have oleerabio limbs. There seems to be no 
middle claasofsocleiyaoioogthem, over dressed Udkaaad 
ander dressed aloveu arejhs whole extent ct.'l&e dlitalon. 
Tliey have but two ocoopaUoBs— loro and tfevoOoo. Ibe 
DonUly of tbe upper olasats I know niKtilng abont— ramor 
makes It. bad enough; tbat ot the lower olaasea la below 

I called, with an Italian friend, upitB tte Stat donasust 
of the Ban Oarlo; after aacertalnlng my mieatlou the de- 
clined ibe honor, but reoommeoded me to htr aMer, Ihli 
almost rivaled Oato-but It was ontdooe by a Hsltesek 
who, after sovehu attempts to please nyfaaOdloutasteL 
presented me to a yeong girl or acaroely (OntMen, wbS 
apoke three laniuages, ana wu dcsliouof flnUblnt her 
aocompllahments br becoming a mlatresi; ofterpronoime- 
Ingupon her meriial asked bar origin and ths terms oa 

fiDiVihase; theitrlwuher owndannterasd ibseqaln- 
ant wu alcbt napoleons. I amlled u I ibooght of ear 
ralaslonarfes converting tbe heaiben. last avoutng, near 
the pelsoe, I met a bUsd man, led by a good Bpeefmsn 01 
ItoUan beauty— dork complexion, stealthy en, all fln'oad 
softness, prombient breast and msgnUoent head of Iialr- 
Partly from pity, moro from admlnllon, I ponred a M ot 
amalloobi Into ner extendeil band. She looked at them a ' 
moment with aparkUng oyea, tbenamUlngmostpacloaSIy. ' 
aaked me when I would oome to see her; so maoh Ibr lay. 
own expertenoe of Naples' morality. Ferbags a vam maa 
might an* some jMUIatlon for ancb oondaotuiblsownsa- 
■uslutuig qoAlules; bnt excess of OatUry woold bsrfir 
dan to rank me jkeyond the dencedly gsnlealor the QiMIV 
Inslnnallng. . ^ • 
NATUS, 1 M-. . ' • 



If linn rofe nM nv Toh^oilmi. 
- . ' -r-7>- ^ - ■ ■ .-. ■■; . 
The fltst time revsr entered a Usalis wu In Otaet* 
nail, In tbe spilkg otisaa It wu sltoalad 00 OwnmMi 
slreel, between Kala and Sycamore street^ and wu bbt 
der the toamgeiAent or.aunuel Drake, no. Ae eoi-r 
pany consisted, u near ss I ean leeeUsot, of Ittpsta 1^ 
aey. Page,. Bendereon, Bdiarton, Anderson, abter,Mt' 
aad Dam Bntllb. AlexanOerbrake, and Bamoal Ditke, Jr.; 
Masdimes A. Drakai.Foedlok (lln. A. . Diike's ststatW 
parter, Hendeaon, B. .Diakd, ana "the little jrodlgy,". 
Hka carter. The bUl for the evwing.wu "tia aM 
Jeirr," and the ihrca of tho "Pane, or the Benetolaak 
Sir." .During that and tbefftUowing sessoir I freqnenl^ '' 
vlalted the theatre. II wu there Iflistnw the oalebntsa 
Bsotlsh tragedian, Ttomas A. Cooper. Itwaslhssuomar 
ot llir, aad I wu lnlbme4.that he wu ihraaJMar aetar 

abois named company. 

Seme Uneaner thero came to OUi( 
oonsMoraMe aagnltade— Use Xeliy, 
BngUahaottea^whomadaa pronaalonal 
ted States. During hor atw Infllr^-""-' 
Drake play Bonedlcl to Mr ncatrloe. 
Holhlng," and In.lbe afletplece 
bar Harlan llamaay. Soohwu 
tbat he could play a — - — 
I have seenbtm Wi-- — - -i 
the farce ptaf Dr.o'XoOl* Af 

(r<aoenU^t6alngAlle'B0t«.'"U)ve anti Baaaa(«s,"v^ 
was Very popnlar at tbo Ume. Kr. Fowov-who | 
since boooms soolstuigblahed u ar acnlplot^-prepi . 
"conntertall ptesentmont" b> atfltnde, bok t>m aad c«Si 
tume'ofMr. Drakeln obaracter, abigmg "Lore'isd Boa-'. 
" and placed it upon the stag* one evening- when It 

wSiannonnced tbat Ur. Drake wonM, tMtwasn, tie play 
("Loveand Baassm;" when the enitahi 
OS, there etood-aiihe andlenoemi pu ose a 
the vsritable "Aleok," bnt nbW, laimedtata^ afteii^ 

came Hr. Drake, and took hla poelUon along aide the tray 
flgun and began to «lng, oiery one ^•■*ni<<'f>,^<™£ 
fled, and, u a taallor of rouse, It broogtt mwn tt» 

hotlM, •> 

Hr. Fred. Henderson, hi bis line ttf,"old mat" wu t«r 
popular, Mr. Keliey, the leadmg %isn,- wsrt ve 
generslacw, and often plajfed ^of^f^inM^ 
comedies aidiarces; wfiafbeoaineofb|faIteTethjarttlg 
wu ayonhg gentleman of 
ratdealsmarklf he' 

'ifu^apendsBt ?tlm.'*J 
in MM — — — 



. isaullm ana Ttalna** 

Hs^feoi^^itoir, iiek, lou oal bt/dM tWi, n"'. 

tiftoM, itliuiiTfiMlitoiraila liMW«*n SU 



TO will tfirntui'r hfot^^ 


1. 1. r.Mmt— 

Tb. D. T. B»lon.^«ir. IHtUwu .Wl4«.t«f Cllil«»,I«»» 

J. a R, «iehn»ikl-l. WBitlU i«i>luh Imbtn ipM^pem* 
X Br in nrutUbL 

W' B. H.-tiU Im^lbla to Igel^a "W 
w»nplarlBglb«dimwurtlMbllKlLpm& ..j.. ika^fmiB. 

Buf tuVrrwrn, 0.-n«™ la no pot wl «"'"' i»««"™- 

"S°!fw., rHlidel(bla.-Lnll.'a anprmMl 
maura em ib« ISib ot Ai^ll an* irrmliiMiM uu Iba WIV,^ ^Vwi 
Imniitn-Wc don'i baow or ujr lad/ 1> iM »™<aaaioii or iMi^ 

"oS flmniHt, Yotb.-A rod bud bi^U > alnHbl, « 

1'c. B., Jobimm, fk-A pmoa torn ot Jtwiah t^"*. 

WE;5;^sa.ia?u"»'btiV.w. --i^ii-ri. 

''j(."oS'r»mbnt»(..iWa kara »o» ial ;a«f««d wbo biVi bWD 

RtaiinOLsaa, ftil HL I/»ila.-A lixfalbabel, for H iHdrt* «• 
buiulim •ova, wUcli loclialra l»mly un. _ ^ 

KiuiDa, Cairo, IIL-Hoiuioiir a dwlol nwlortlr lo K« '0'» 
aUlr. at (b« b» l^ical^rnllal nUcllMi, n->i 9.M4. . . , « * . 

r. C., Paorla.-l. »ooi» oT Hal nil, atH I«al »»'«« *P"' "i 
came uihand u tax u ha or atrrlM. i Wc ilo DM laaua *}«";^, 

A. Z., Ukii»«»l, Ia.-Applcuo 1 Ca, ihia clir, oi»7 bt al^e lo ror- 
DUh roti vllh aiub a worL ^ ,,.».. -i.vmii • 

Ttmok, HnnklTD.-Tbmanbooliaon ibe aulijrel, bol miiosi • 

P. T., r/iiil«lll''-lil AUrli1ir,lbeail«i»lliuc<ll«n, dloil 10 ro. 

""ll! it'ifif liauSroo win Ibo Irloba ir joor opponeol nrura lo 

Mici O'nuin, HI. Ix>iila.-lte mnu abow Ibe pair be baa on, 
baa ntt rigbl la iwwliHr aauher lalr. ^ . , _ 

J. n.— 1. Wf ilo nol kau« ho» iimcb, iraiif, be Id tba mattb. 
BrwaaiDCIrti-bnilallaal«.l>l««. i ■niallanuloroorlln'. 

0. W. R, Tdlcarllk, N. V.-l. lie U eonnreltJ wilb no Ihoii™ 
be™ al proeoL 1 II na ao aulnl. bul ll neter tame "•0J'»'"«-, 

Junerowa.-Tbelemciif. Inajtoeial leoae, <mn be applied lo 

«( eip«rl«nee«i« 

fors WDi 

?«or K«i a d.rfactb)«<>L"«!?»«Pl>» ' 

Jm <M 

; TWSiSSffoiiViwfiaOMa™.^^ 
f} JbkataiMoabailpUoK Bntcium if 

jftt T*aM ourm. 

.. I 11 #a»«KMaltiB 

.~ to 

ilba.. I a 

made tnm 

Id Oaaad* and tbe Bmlak 

• asd Uooaid ainelA . 
BoiS,MUKewToikr. 0, 

i , ' ' KoncE. 

' tJwtim* eouacud eilik ibk «r or aiber depuiDCDi pf Uio 
«BinSi* wp-tfaHf ni" * H "» oddrailbalf faronioUie 
•Mk'ail lailplallil. u4 Ibenbr omllaloDa, nliutra aM 
■BMea <kkk atvnkalr UtowwbiB «ek eoBmuDlaim an 


_jBgai teal Is OtlrrbTonberont o'clock on Uobdt/ 

- ^iSEftlBOrtcr la bate 1^ appeal In ibalTOb'aliaiia, 



■oloalavin pnbablr open plaren Iba IbM 

^SjSJSS^oa'Xe Onion freafia, wa'bafeVe. '1. tbcabori 
.!i ■•lo'baxoniuopoljaj - . . 

1 or Iba too, w bo baa ri 
■" aoa Iba* 

riMokaUr 10 oc, 

■ar^^^'ttrtjaoaUlona — ,— — -- - 

r mwa fnnadiSn ij olbcr ptajef In Iba niaa 1 
Ua AlbBlk Olalk bal, inalJf la bUanmrln, baa bcea 
_BTaBltuba,walblBi. L Blart and fillla an abaiil 
: 'nil ai4 Ibe beat Tke laa data eter bad, and or ooerae cacb 
bwVltonlnbBoribeBastuaorblaoiraeluh. Aaamal- 
a(3aia beiweaatba im we abould pierer Blutror ibe pMl. 
JbStS^StSoM u a imenl pU]v. S. Wolleindcddallr. 
■d, we nS Wollen aa one or (be moal eireMIre plukcia or Ibe 

^Munrm-t. Mr. W. B. Barriian, now ela|loi, 
VaBkna, la tbe mm one Ibal ian| al Canlcrbun Tl 
& Mi nil Ibolfinr nimr prrformcd al 4U itoOoranrc 
^Mahiaawn. Tbatawaaaaiaa aaaicd nurbe vb^^pUjcd a abort 

, al ibaTfiaalro 
liIMn iblaelir. 
ahr olbcr Dane 

' Saawllh NaaiwblleBailbolomi 

fietaaeSnUhMadaiTledla natiT Btaxtooiil. „ . 
' Mdk aawlbewireornanb Krma. 4. Addle Le Brun waa a tloa- 

viti pLiTing at Waablagloa 8L 

' ItlODdiroiir, bul (Ot 'DdUom, 

MM ud i*Ted auil Wiu kl HuhubU Uumudi, comer ot Aqd 
PAU. TkuriB.— Br^Ull pi 

a— .a—. Tb«flr«lMll prwattd tl ibo «M Puk ihmln 

"Al Ymi Llk*- 11," lo 17U under DunUp IIodiktnaoD'i 
tmmgtmmL VJUobird Tbli^' vlth Nr. Ponnell ts HIcURl.uid 
^Eh^vT •fl«t« "PriM : or a; a A a," mm prfprawl «o *>o- 
- iMtrBtbalSML llr& WbsUrr pUm t«djAnoa,lD '*H(chud,"0D 
i hT**™ i Voon cpcoed ii o r. H , wd pmonmiKva cam* 
■irrimil' X lu bji CDQ(U«nU«D ortdnrd on Dc«. I6tb, IMS, 

LAD«s, "B^^^rtBr. Kr-— IVr* no Ulk of k 

„,^Dat«rsB4L«ilr Tbom, for t^OOa kal falL Tba 

Biul bftTt onitDiWd from ib« fMi UutMr. Bonnrrofffrtdto 
•uaoa)Airurbf«MthAt«oatdperfofm Deiler'* feitai Fm- 

Kii. wid<xp ' " 


JUrnlktuni. , 

wxUMffwTCTfe, tACbeoMnBlbetioMxlir. , « , , 
" Amn Hull NswOrtaiBL— I.JoBBmmHivwbom lD0t. Loolt, 
VflCatf Intb buvoUa Dta f«tber wu Adcmndmi of Robert 
'.■■MtL- BUtn It ntoui (w?oir-«maL Ilewu Adnunnorfti- 
' 'u'oMorib«HLLo«li rK<Benu durlnx Ibe wVpUdwtal 


r omtarlT alnillir eooilliloni, of inHilnxsmlloioA 

^ V w«i|h1sffSU(bt., la lUliL wlihoui a brakor 

i^ftlWniktBxalluw v>J from hU tiwu lo Twenlr-MTfou 


'* * itow ttaow^uadcnuad mutla & Bmmeu Udcddedlj Uin 
«, MMroriMBrrtibm: iboluloiMwann-erbnnL _ 
x "•"■Xlfc BrnemA, N. r.— Tbo loncntniAQinf Jumn on mnd li 9 
. ^sftM 7 tauMB, nndebr Jobn Howard, of BruTonl, Kdc., frcni nflna 
ik of WW. two fert la Irojilb, yodg»thayed. ntiMt f oar bKbCi In 
Umk op Obaihcr mw oourw. Pnm lorr] (rotind he oouhloet 
r twcair r«el; la Act, DO mu crrr emtd clear iwrotr-cli feet 
.ntlbaaHliUoctor a polf. board, or block oT wood iliaJUr lo 

i fn» wbkb HowkrdJoDPM. 

Momr turn, BrooUra.— **1n miUh beiwm AlhlcUeand AUan* 
«0 at lb« okpHoltne omindt, Sth of Jul/, IM, H beU lhai lb« flrvt 
nnlatb«AiU«iJeiBul«boca«ruD«; ti oeU dntfuacotouLand 

daad IbM ntfd« b«mo nna Plcaw dcdde." BoUi aro 

-CaUbertBads aboao ranon iliaAlbMkaht* OQ Ibeflnt 
i,aDdPBuaaDd Bmall IMoff wltb homtruuoD iboAUaae 

< PlkialMnHfawoDa. 

Varnisr.— 1. "OilUib Oinot" wu ptayt^ Tor lb« BnL tail and 
fBtv Ufsa, al tba Hew. Bowetr Tbeaini, on Pwa m b ei 17ib, 186& 
rMuldj labora" OlUof up ibo pnwnramPu Tbe ihraln woa bumed 
fcauon tba Belt etrBlof, DowaiKr ISib, beraro peTfonnaooo be- 
eooMqaRKlr'^rUDiK Oaut"asd tbo "Middy'' wcrt tba lait 
perfonocd ihm. 
un^ Obia— **A, B aod 0 ai« ptartBii oem-ap, A hu fln 
1 aad B ali; tha canUare tbea dcaiiasd Iba »x\ hand Ii 
d oBiIl A MTea bla Jatk, wban ba obawt tba oca and elalma tho 

bQt BboldifMaoddttmiooL Wblcfa winat** B'ahnr 

gdreaDtmibai^nr, aj Jack doei not count uniU aflar low, noka 
Mit tamodapaitniap, when tllaaaortdaioDca, 
■ Aflu, Kov OritaniL— L Fadwln Pomil appeand en iba oUfS, 
.^rhon ha wai ntaoulieQ or elerea ymno( afo. X Ho waa pUrfai 
' akr coMenoota bffore ba wu H reara of aca 1 Tbe iaiafx 
^wwy oepBPd OP tba aertuof ibe pertorufrj a alranfor would not 

I VIM UIO wi ura |iviiv(UBr(a ■ •iimu^w weuw uw» 

acbaon noleoa b« auU unnoca B>anaf«n of hlf 

^flf)orfl^eror rtndraif , 

.(Olloion, Mloa— L It la Ml prap«-for a dealer to dad 

ttneouditoblaadrenafTaod two lo blaualT, or off* 9am: aa 

ralBuab«roiaatbo(irm«Mhplar«r oo arpir mod. 1 John 
Beenan feaUcd'lo nawOrkana foraoBeiuDL - - 
' ilaMfwToAdir. 

. w> 

A Loiu wia 

' J.a a.-Eoatoo, lftafl.>1. Aba nkkn b«t CartleH, nawler, 
W«MoB, reltowea and Pelo If antra (ibe latb^r In tbia cmiatiyj; waa 

* '^'lfouibiditwa wltbUle ibaOmlan. Bob 

'elnMaihilJlma«UacC«r. X BriUab VbllaaawlUmtToa 
onlciod bf Wm. Clark hare sot JM arrltrd. 
1. Joe Hack «u, Ib BaShlo the tail we bard of bin. 

!r«mre; to 
lor, IcvD 


% TMoU7Rmed7apoorTol«baalatoprmctkeBodmr«e 
.-aflad OBl IT no can impran it aar, ko to nBa mualc Cacbi 
- a^di^ got Ua comet aoaad of ooiaa and Ihoa nlilrtu yoi 

■^di^gttUaeomctaDaDdof ooiaa and Ihoa nlilrtu your toIco^ 
■ad joQ wUloooB ud oQi whether joa wOl orer be a alafv or noL 
~, BL in D.— Alto wbo dona t£« qnlcheat ebaofn, Wawart or 
' " J. 0. Bwvart, beller kaowaaa faUla Biowiart, baa tbe 
.-jf the qoicfciaichanici on ruonl, lakbtioir obb oobx- 
. ^.^ >■ poUJ y OP anoibar. and blacking bU ftco, Intba ahorta 

■ JmSi iSi 
V|M« dnoiipoi 

, hare owr W anf of tb*« In bo* 

an^ iMfeJowB. 

tftjcTan'sofi CliidnMli oilft-V ilTii aofl'Ouf report waa 

u.' T., llaectbUl, 
X FirucDrenuprrUoe. 

■1. AllfD waa bom al BuinlOBbain, 
a. You had beller leant a Irade. 

"tStimmn.— Tbe/ aremuTM lo pnUemn be H»|ln| lo tbe 

"TrX"J'., Blteilon, OouL-II doca Dot nad omoolb cnon|b for 

"TKiiirS'blledclpbla, Pn.-lhe fnauet lOO/uda' Unoon ctoort U 

ALUOnnrr.-Bmile and Mice foojbl cacb elbf r Iwljr, BreUM 
wlnnloK Ibe liat talUe and Haaeobtalnlnii Ilia elcMT In ibo aeonod. 

LoranorfunTaairaL— irjoitcnn cumuli lo menofTaniinn 
In Ibe line autedTou will do very weJL , < . ,1. 

1. K. P., CliitlnnaU, a-Dan'L U. Baodnun plared al Ibe 

Lrttom Tbealm, Ix)ndon, Eng., bul DM nl Ibe lla/marbcl, 
UUIL— We than be pli«acd ta bear rrom TOU. 

D. C.-Utia la DotmaiTled. 

Hfoo, OeortelowD, D. C.-Lotla 
"CltaooaaV' I%lladelpbla.-We 
Bio Jib.— Declined. 

01 c a. clocJituii.— ToaareferetgnablA 
"J. li. R"-TMnkm. 
W. J. n., Eile, ra.-ne Inrapabditended, 
tORDOn.— Your beller plan waoM belaadrertJaatbe& 
. Bhbu. BOAL—ObailaiB, ETUoO, QneapolAli U L 
Hapa,»D tmj laan Aioerloan. 
"Tn TtgM."— Kaaanapealedirronplhaa, _ 
J. a avIraiUad, MUk-S'a bnr (oa out befota (Ta bigb, glM 
"Tn«ra.*i~wo aball be glad 10 ann ooiealTca or TDor ofltf, 
Epoaa, B*nBawaod.-^>w«a il&gOL 
Edwubt. a, BalUmore, Mt-Oallle CniUa ^ , 
Pln'ca, aaraiUl!,llaaa,-Teai baroutbl alllaBballte 
B, J., Pratldenoara L-<t« aoawerla D." 
I. a. DL, Oeorvtown,— Will be aotked aeil weA. 
O. F. a, Beaton.— Ilbae not taen pobUabcd yet 
J. A. Idtwaav.— Will appear la our oaiL 
M. ^ a, foMos,— Wa do not ttqi beoba for ■)» 

What's r Vunr— Dia /ndldn MaO, In neUclng tlie 
detUi of a too eonilvlil EogUiliniiii, ujti— 

"A frtead flaDed 10 aaa blm oa tbe rollowlog navBlof iDd roond 
bhn aoArlDff reir iDQCb. Ur.U. ariemida wast oat far a walb 
and Ibraw hfmf^ir don a kbud, Tbe ^ at tbe dawbbaa. 
gtow^rompUnDtajampanawlaeatblntogalba, Ontbenjba 

IVt in pills enoosh U 700 mideiituid 11 But d« joni 
If oot vfn loiTj for you, bit litTen't Umt to eInoMtu 
UunMUtrJoftiioir. ' 

lODBioinOiBBwiBlNiaM Id tti« Ooortor Common 
Fleu, FUlnHelpliU, on Itia Ttta tngc 0. P. F. Kajacr gned 
H. }L DkTld inl Samnd VUUima for wtgu u editor of 
nuaaetstHa siautr, Itt defknoo wu tint bo did 
notdliobirgalili'datj. Tbtjorj, taowerer, tbougtit tbst 
bobtd anfflclmUrlnlMed tbo EUMSer, and tbejiccor- 
dUflyniraidMlUm HTeot;r-nlne dollui, 

.Butrrmn, Birator,— Ona-of ov ezehangos bu been 
blbTlng an "uvontnl" irttb a ooalomponir, bntdliclalini 
pononalltr, and after ftruig an ozMaet, aaji It fotbean to 
gaytbat tba iaolallon "roTtala tbe manntn (if a black-, 
gnud, Ibe retsclty of • ebimploa Uar, and tbe monli of 

jMMwft ' y- AUUar aeal' 
ilaAtU C wm nek Ibmi. 

■ eocfarei A andO being part. 

inrAnBaa,BI.Xonla-l. IbeOnlaa . 

and wllb a wbUe alar to Iba caalia or tbe 
andwbJlaalwiaaF- --- ' • — '• 

Oag baa a nd iHanglaat 
jielrwli^, witb alilpce or 
a we do not iDow 

' .aadwparyraaeaplngl 

u^SLooTTtUa, IIL— L Atnm JoDtabehlBobWad& 
"ni Vt UanrOraOt Ton Padlock (iwlee), Tom Bayeii ana 


Uanr Onae^ Ton Paddock (iwlee), Tom Bay en i 

naWj dowloaoiil of It I ,^ - , 

«teiib«lri«ialarttaUomli,Qrinanaabcroi oca thof haTo In 

As Ou eoncum, Cbkaia— Aa no boar wu mctded for pot> 
1— ao tba balanee oftbo aUkri^ wj tJne boTora U o^lock, P. H., 
«3 la ttB& If Toa pat op your toooo; before tbal and Buaaar 
fHadaToaaraooUUedlotbororfelL BuwaybaanocUlniwbaUTer 

' SoLUTJjr.-l. Tankte flatUnn bad aorsnl aWi, bat It ti aaani* 
' M~lkithii me ntme wbj Prank Ambme, wbleb ha waa conpelled 
'- splog fnia penal oenltudo. L lUiOnl opponent In 
ii ' — 

S&^lSiStel^ and roiii bra*dM 
wpUeb nnmban roa detlio lo obuln. 

■an Pmr.— L Raaaan and UonlMBy roQibt at LMf Poloi 
" Id, <kBada, Oct aOk U6& & l|«^aaiidaijref«roii«biBtF»ra< 
lOfh, B^t April 17, Uaa & Ita Sjcr wu born Id New 

'X^B. W.,Indlanapo)la,Tod.— To«l(tcdtoibrlerr«eNiforrealor 
"- f^tbalBpeimtlra demanda ofulon (a abiiird, and the nffne'i 
nihu to fraQtlBf oald reeeai wia qulia lo order. 
Bitua— Year oppoaant cannot tklm map Judflmant In Ibo way 
. '-wn nMDlloo. Tawa Bul flnt' boa nulul afneaaoi foriha 
' aMeaBtor oiakia pU]«d for, amount of forfoli, llna aod plana of 
Srlai, Ola, bafoi* asr forfeit can be elaltptd nf ibo be« of |2&, 
■^T. ir%., Atlanta. Ol-I. Pbi'a TbeatraTo PblkdolpbU wu bn 
4anoaJuaoI9tb,Uar. t Iihadawtwnomwbenflratopca -. 
. vbtofc wu anarwarda ckaod, Uko atiniUr placea In that diy, oy tho 
MtbarlUHpOwlBf toaibootinaaaape. . 
ViMrann.--4lwaaHlNlId«BlfkrtitawhoappMr«d u Lnrllaa 
lEa^Halad Qmo" at ICaiulre'a Opera llooae, Ban Prandmh on 
fiatdluL HermolbtrlartaldealaiTalayOiOrln ibatpartof Oil* 
nnktWaamflTniioundaniaivd. . 
. ConriVT Bum, WaimibBrg.— 1 Vr, Boonrr'a borae, Joe Bl* 
flML ll aU yean etd. 1 lie hu bo record of oue ntia and a half. 
£Ha Ib Iff lUJor WlnOcU; tba pedlj^ of bla dam wa wUl gtre you 

' Ja, V 0.-1. Cobnm welibed 1 SI Iba. In bla llgbl flfht. 

L Tha nlea nqulro tba Bten to 

W. BaaiBa.— L 
la Loadoa talMII 
Varlaty. L Jernr < 

Oaa BL', MaocD < 

■0.4 d 

tHi&uiedaTliarouchilteCooleL , 

MWMgbod wU^ tbalr dravon^ aloeklnit and aboae on— not aatlraly 

* ^So^BalUoum— The ptepanlloa aiad by mlulnta for *'Uaek(nf 
Ml of eoaoKin oork. burol aod powdeitd, of whloh a 

Mie la nada and applied with lu handa. 
^Bumi AID Oaaana, Waal TK>y, V. Y.— L The Baynukon' nlna 
tad not bean dallnllely arratwed at Ual adTlooL 1 Bend ui your 

' fit 4 oOkan and wa wUlpoUlab tbnn. 
\ lb E BL, Bdt&a. Ala.— Wo belliro Iba Ilaabni were iba.flral to 
fttoduoa tba aaaplUaerautioD act hen; they appeared la It at 
tta Attdtny of H uak. 

0. 0. R— L HUaDtTenport Ubladao|bl«r. t 0. L and Robert 
Vn an not related. & Mr. Daly la tba prtaaot leieaa uf tba Fifth 

, Soan,EaacaTOIa.— ItballulaoBlor data for eona ot Ibaarmla 
■KntWDod: 11 la pnUy |ood, howerar, and yon nlfhl dlab It up with 
(nabar BkBUrlaL _ 

t>. L, Baltimore,— Tbe rale oara Ibataculnual not bo leaa tban 
(nr eardi from tbe top, oor muil Ilba made eo u io leara leae than 
finr earda at tbe boUom. 

,— L Jerry Bryant performd wlU) DumboUon'a mrty 
"48. X ire wenl^ Chllforvla.ln UN with B.I>. 
V died (D ibU eliy ob tbe Ah of AprU. ML 
WW. n, MBuvD CbuDh, Pa.— 1. Tbey oould not aciae upon a refa 

S X tbe beiahtorTnnliyBteoi))oUSl6fHt,and Ittoua tbora 
WBltf Inel S0 fee L 
Urns- or Brocr, Jobiulown, Fi.— V n« waa In Now Orleana 
_ 1 waUat board fron bla. l.Boo our dmmalloaaUBiaiT. B. 
feu|htlloiTlaa*f,UaTenand Kloi. 1 It narer cmqui off. 
"oui AHD Niwaouui, Obcahirv, Ol— In bloliaBloeu 
.with na. be hu alwara behaved honuily, and youn la the 
'tifhlra. TMl iba parilea ID nwrlta him. 
A. P. T. Darnum baa glrsn tbrre dnmalio 
ua Huaeum. 2, UnilUh la a laoguace. 

I -iOBlL a^'lapwhlat'Ma note mularornoomhed 
an^aatheraanootawa corenlogll, we axo unable to 

^a ae. 

VAiDaBneUyn.— 1. a. L. Fai wuCheOntalanminanroribe 

^iMSP'^'ihX: ^ ""■ 

UUi far, Mo; R 0., Cunberiaod.— Tba thn« abela or 0, being all 
«nln Um latgel, an ktter than A'a and B'a, bolb or wboaa Uilid 
AeUDlaadjba board cnllrelr. 

e' TaniiiL BaatAtL-Tba geaulee Olarbome bleed of fowla cannot 
Iboogblbara. Tbaial|biniattt1;bepiirebaaedln NewOilana, 
itwatidakllIar»rrdoabiruL ^ 
*. J. a a, Pblladelpbla.— Alier DuantHia Inonlrt'aaaeng Ibe trade, 
' «aandlbatJobiri;niaon'aBoDal>i.,arrUladelpbU,ate Ibelaiieal 
AaleniawbuberlalbeOalledBulea. * 
. W, D., Pblladalpbbt, Fa.— ■■fbraleal BlFfclaea,"a iroik on win. 

^&S*;*i^l7"'V<olO'j*>r<'l"'*°> "><■ "Plbln wbal 

Mlal^fullf.. TeuaueddnealbeaulhArlaeuroata. . 
>,I. M,^aiurait.— Tbaie are no ralaa ror ibo vme: lllaanlnnon 
voaon the fnnilar nne er Enebn,andaTa>T pUjar mabaa bb own 
taMiaanllhlBownliiieRaL ■ . ; 

'■alat _ 

eooslaijl we bare bad of bl 
W. a ll7noibbeepila-I. P, 
rfomaa^a In one daj al ola l 
Tea, maar von, 


■i . y|v 

;\".f. ^ _ _ 

.■ i- ; . .'..^OtilSwToaiP 
— 'AvWblabdDiTofto"-' - 
V JtutTir, Bni 

jTW^ aad Jie wUI glre^u ^haloruroiatlOB. IJtoad- 

Bvaet'a Uolel, Pulloa Fi 
.Mmh anired 

Beorortl^iraa ebamjdon of Bngland wbet 
In tbat eonnliT,andlieboldal£alpeelllen 

IMhItS ^""^ U"- 
Piaa'aAa.— We do not nmeober Ibo date, tot 
... end out lo lime ror our naitluua 
,jBon}a.llla,Ala.-TwelM for palMujiI, ud alibib; 

i:7*in)t^ * <««»"» a aa. 

• J- SKE'B* """■"•'oaeDOIInUndla leara tba 
^ a Bee luanatlc aunniatT, 

/L— LJ, a Ueaala In Bngbad. 1 We anut lootle Ibe 

■ ^^5^ll'»'»^ " 

•la.T'iP-TSfiSSfff'i"'''"™,."^?^ "•"Tot* abool U 
"j f^'"- } tumi Ibe Hatrapollua llelel about 1 o-cleebTp, £ 
■OBDjort ernenpolat.-B iiuildnwaU tbe ple<M,and i'li 5 
<«Md la Uenllreeonni or B'a band after doing iOL 

Xii liwi^^a-A bUUen to ifund wlih a one and nine 
rA/.Twaahlafion, D. a-Itaib ron, bul we hid a nportln K^'^^ 

xiJted'i-.jiS'j^i? j-p.»«u» 

^ Ipflagleld, UL-ItaU jDai Bivi ll«u traalwafaio. 

& SJ!?"**^ '"''^ 

Pomi, Kawlit. (Ma-Ill, n tvBloaloatben^ 

Bnor— A dtj paper aa;i:—"Hlia Uande Bmeat la to d«- 
Urer a aploj Icotore," elo. Ig tbe ladjrin eamcit in ttali 
gploy Unat Uoat ladlea wall ontu tbe^ art married beforo 
(oiug beutllyUUo tb« lectnitng tmalnca, fortbentbay 
bare lome one to practice on. 

ATtuuHonaOoHTOiniD or\bmta and bnmii 
_<miBW>d' tf-JteWUTHjinra Wt% bA 
Asia a ftif!^ 8(0, bot ikUed in tbe attempt, , Jim 
blm an unaom-pnlona rogue. ' ' « ' 

An GnxiKa Papib wenta to'knoir "bow long U win be 
bcfort an American bnllt ocean atcamcr will be eont off 
thewaya." Before It goea on lla way, of conrae. (Copy- 
rlgbt lecirad^) 


Weekly neoord of tho Dooeaae of 
X>M>mliient InOlvlduala. 
• ooanuD nnlULT roa rai mw roai currai. 
Blown, Uon. Prank P.-ErMiinv^l Otlaw^ Ul^n Oetlh Inil 

Birnan, Betb-lnTanlor-OllnloD, N. J., Imn Tel, aged 81 
Ooluiia, T. a— Well known pilnur-FUUdalpbla, April aib, 
aged ef. 

Oimft, Oalen— PbraklaD— Hew Torb, April 3d, agfd TdL 

- laH. Aa— Actor " * " 


ctor and ataga maaacei«-New Toit, April Bib. 

DafiauHuaa, noL P. W..-Pr0olnaBtlaw7ar. flaiTedBonlb Obre* 
Una both In Ibe leolabtbiiaor btoatale and In tba Unltad Sbiea 
Congnaa-Oolumbea, 1. C AprH 8d, aged TV. 
OoUDl Otarire Fotbeade l^ran— Anlbor, Pollll- 

Ibe leolabtbiiaof btoatale and in tba Unltad Slaiea 

JotumbeTP " '—"OH ._an> "T— 

Db KoNraimnr, Oounl , 

dan, prnuinant member or Loull Kanoleoa'a Leelalalurei do. 
nouoead bf Loula Blane aean aocom^tea of "the oelr or Boo*, 
parte"- FaiiB, Martb Xlb, aged O. 
Oat. WOL p.— TkaPiealduiloribeMnlual Lire iDiuianeeOoi, and 
fomeriTaiDambereribeSlliabelhllai^t Ellabetb,K. J., 
Apiiiei)LOf beartdliaue,agad>l - 
rouT,llon. IL H.— Al Mmcee, Tlanada, anddenly, April 8ih. 
Ooauna, mdiaid-One of tbe iwonly-rour wbo oiipiDtied the Brick 

I VrindMb 

adttkoflandwlcblaltnila. ^ . 

— A ■tgrebainetl Abram reneBy trtM ^JSSS^vi^ 
wbiie Man yean old, In Ibe wood ?5'W<?5?™; 
• lewSayiilDci. Tbe wpe held, and M"™*""'*'*^ 

Hid. no okrdn. . 

— SI, Unia policemen, going on boat »*,nWb«, "JP^ 
wltbetiyebntocil bccfaandwlcbeBfoi r»lj«jl^, °<H^afc^ 
newly.appoUiica polloenon mlitoob bli W'a Inncn no 
-eUier nlghi. There U a vacancy In tbe poUca force, 

— Wbea a Mormon la lent abroad on reornliing ijm». 
mabain appolniaa nun to act aabieyet bS""™?"'" 
.JUaVaiB. If tba wl»ea are gooO Iwblng Brig, appolnu 
tlmaeit ' 

— Mr£loe<ber Btowe, ba»lng retired from tbo 
banded, Copi, Hgyne IU!l.l, inolber wrlltr of Ocllon, jro- 
poace to tacklo Lom Bfron, ind abow liUn np In bli own 
ityle lo an Intareileil (iDbllo, . 

— A Toledo mlnlater kai wlHi^n ten "KSs,? 
oonple, bapilicel their chiu, Drenched lb?„^,b',51™'! 
fnnenl aeniion and minlad the widow. "WbauoBTer 
tby band ODdcib lo do thai do wlta aU tby might." 
, , P»nldeCaggamao,lbe«4lioroMjl^ WW M<' 
tba'Bon celebratcidaeUMof the dinfi pale, >■* Jf**; 
pieitlDreyn,aetnngaaillyclOM logelber, and wean a 

-Aain named Hawk wu tntMajteOft 
IIantii)Qrit^.Pa.,fiA' gtaallng cMckena. Onr Jim wiri It 
■errci mm Hgbt, be had no bnalncia to go "hawking" 
other pcople'apnperty abool, 

— 3,3Mpn>i<ectiil«iiaoccorTCd In Moaiachiuetli Ibe Jul 

annncr, 2,U| fw llnuor Mlllog. Flnca oinounted to 
u,0O9, and expeuBca KAOOt. UoeaMiOOOproBtpayt 
—The aoremor or PcnntflTanla vetoed twelve Will 
week before laat, including ooe for "John and Aona ■iry 
Cotnpo to ulOpi Ibe clillirca ol rclcr and Mary FerrclL" 

— A Mlawrarl gcnilenan eiiHce about wllh him a mc- 
mcnlo of a loot brother In llio iliipe of a cane cot nrom iiio 
lice on which that relnilve wta linngtd for liorav itcaiing. 

— A Bonthcm negro Inalili ibtt his rice wee moniloncil 
In the Ullile. He aalU ho heard tbe pttacber rcail bow 
"Nigger licniDii wanted to be bom again." 

— The lliilo girl who wu wnt to hnnt for bone' emu 
thonglil, u ahe illd nol nnd aor, ItwaaBlrangc, furibeaaw 
"Ion of hen* iianilUig iboulooliig nothing." 

— A Wleconalnfnmerioeiforadlrarco on the gnnnd 
that hli wire can't chop the imonnt of wood that eho 
booitcd sboot prevlooi to rumace. . 

— A Rirat Roman Ampbltbealra bu been dUcovercil In 
the excaviilona at Homt Bt Oenertove, raiji. AnUqua- 
dang arc In extacle*. ^ , 

— Jeiremon'aisetbblrtbdarlito ba celebrated on Iho 
letb Inst, by the JeflCnon auaid |2Btb Regt.)of this dly, 
who are lo be reviewed by Miyor UalL 

— Tbe dm potato of tbe year, a peacbblow, grown In 
Lexlogton Co., N. T., Uon aiblbltlonbiWiBblngtoo street 

— Emperor Nop. Ii reported to have bad a It on the lib 
InsL.bnitvu belter naxt day, and Tinted a poliUo OZ' 
hlbltlon of hones. 

— AMgar tblrty.«lght taiehos long, fooriMn incbu In 
cIrcDuforenca and welgWngili poanda. Is comUigfrom 
Bicnmento, Cel., as a present lo ITeaiilcnt Grant 

— A hotel at Bprlngdeld, III., lately hid is gncels at 
ono lime, 11 fly tnvellog ogenls icprcicoiing u many wesv 
em mcrtantlle honscs. 

— Borne of the itrong-mlnded-wonen dcnonnce matri- 
mony becauK tbey ear^'there U eometblng childish In ll." 
II does have a sonKwnat Uiflntile sqninl, we admit, 

— nil drat sleao engine ever pot np In Lekbigton, Ta., 
wurocootly erected, and ciaalcd conilderoble Intertit. 
Tka world morea, 

— TbeEmpreuof Franee hagactnilly appeared twice 
In pnbllc In the laoe dreas, which la oonslrned aa the 
beglinlng of court economy In Farla. 

— A PKini, Ohio, chap dilnka over twenty enps of coffee 
at a meal, we aro not inftimied of the sue or tbe cops, 
nor bow nnch tbey charge blm for board. 

—The BrIUsb llonae of Lords bu fonr hundred and 
leventy-fbnr memben— otwhom only thirty-one aro Bene- 
dicts, . . 

—The Connty Court Blenognpher of tbe City of 
Oharchea bis bad bis aUary raised to 11,000— Itoo leu 

— 11,000 cords of wood have been cut and got out of the 
woob-, byonemanin Iowa this wUiter. Wonder If he's 
"Ibroign tbe woods" yeu 

— Chief PoUco Bowen, of New naven, has been aeonltlcd 
of the charge of TlilUng a boue of Ul-mise wltb a female 

— Tbe Frlnco of Hobtnlobe bu worn a golden bracelet 
on bla left leg for twenty yean, Ui folillment of n promise 
to some yonog bidles. 

—Many of Chicago's eltlEeiis Indulge In opluo, and an 
eicbange says Ibe pipen aracoDtlnuaUyUntlUi 'em there- 
for. < 

. it Bwaniea, Wales, on the lib of ApiD, tbe bllUanl 
champion, Mr. w. Cook, mide an extraordlnaiy mn of 

— nere are TS lights and beacons on the American 
shoreiaf the laKea Bupeilor, Michigan, Buon and Bk 
OlAlJ, V ■" . -x-- 

— A len year old yonth waa fMghteied to death at West- 
bon'. Mail., on the M Inst., by another boy weiring a 


1, • ;■ • no, M MlKDhs AHD 80 hgCOHna^ 

IM great boat rwo hnwecn tlahl-oited a«3'|WIJ}- 
acioBg Oxtort and Oambrldge Onl^llea, "Wch *n. 
niuaurscla an England 'lg<« wllh dnllcmont, waiil^ 

aniiaicefonongs,'on Walncsday, April etb, tennlnaiing 
if UiSiTc-Sil ofW"llgbt l.luM'.'^tbeli antrotogrtnoo 
IMO. Blncotbolnl«rnauoiialcoUcgUteMnWI(tfla*mr 
the people ot tho United Htaia <«»»J»4«5«,'{K 
theaelntcr-Unlvenlty racoi lb" JSpoW' "? 2fi,2ull 
of ibepnent encounter wu cageijy I«£j»*j2"t™ 
aenerariecling weioed lolwene *nOololM 
bridM bid Mcured the liurcl wreath so long worn by ox- 
fonirwclicrewlib present tbe dlOercnt telcgrama con- 

"iSl5f»!''AiiIirb,ljip. !«,-»• lnler.trnl«iill» heal ma» b^ 
uSTlo p.TSd aid^.mb,Mn_.?gb,^-r^J^^^^^ 

• waa do. 

ible point and bunding w«l 

tnming with pnpla. ' Tba Vldgn were alas eiawdnl lo ibrif 

diidlng alauiitnau and bugea. WW* tMO^d along eatbbu' »' ">■ 

laeen Iho oiioiu ana wBDmga ngai-wreu *t.-- r- 
a(inD>«ra,ll*aidoeb, on theTliamea, ibe eanije bring tiwn 
l^HonHtaabaolYoitraod a quarter nllaa l** >•<»'»" 
llghtfoi73<llbl weelerlr blrtio l""IW., "''"i'i,'',rfML «a 
tie tanka of Ibe riten ererr arallable point and buiMIng w" 
tnralu with pnple. Tba Vidgn were alati enwdnl lo ib'lr 

diidlng alauiitnau and bugea. WW* tnoo^d along eatbbut or tbe 
rircr,wbldiwaateplelar bj tba^U""!""* •'■f^S'.'SiLlli 
Lord.ttrtbeTlieuieaCrmenmncT.ilnd a Bo&enxia body orpellee, 
AU»De nimea waa ab^lale^ pn.blNl.d foTTVo toi^ ae 
'latueiaa daring Iba Oarotd and ll.rraid "onto* UaJKimmj. 
Tbe nemaa or Ibomwa, lagelher with ibeir welgbu ud Ibe eaOege 
In wbleb Meb mu h*u,,w-.i aniaa ftdlnwa :— 
to wnien eaca aua uhlVB RBITT. 

a MUebnoH (bow) . 

A.O. P. Uwla 

T. H. Ilibcr 

T. KdnmcaUou... 









, UalUol 

—An Iowa clergyman bu been dlamUMd from .bla 
obuitb becanie bis wife nied bis name to advance ber 
■owing michlae salea. 

— ThoMayorof OibkotbyWla.,lt li said, lately vetoed 
an ordinance appropilatbag tWO to blmselt Wonder If lis 
Itnof ' 

\ forwcenisabaml. ^ f . ' ' CimbHdie 








H II. WMdbouK 

W. I>. Benion 

U. D. l>a>M.bln litnttX 

A. a Hall (cguwalnl Otrpu 

KamiL aihat. 

K. a K Handolph (bow) Trinllr. 

J. W. Dale Udy BaiiareL 

K. A. A. Bpeocer 

W. II. Lowe Cbttare 

a Pbrlpa Sldnrr. 

J. F.RInichin Tllnllr UaH.... 

J. II. Kldlrr Jcaua 

J. II. UfiUllr (ilmkc) Udy Margaret. 

11. (lerden (niiaaaln) Trinllr 

Tbe rraultor thence waa In TaToror the Cambridge eiew. wbo 
won br one Icnglb, alter a abarp eonlot, lo nloalrrn minulea lalnr 
aeennda, Ibua bmllni tba Oiroida, wbo wrre Ibn rarorllce al odda or 
elercalii elghl, wbkb bul hnn rieeir ukto br Ibo fricnda or the 
llfibt Mue. Tlila la the fnl time alnce UdU Ibil Cambridge baa won. 
Tbe odda amoDg lh,< erortlng mm during Ibe moinlng vcen elcrcn 
u rigbl on ilie tliruNa, vblcb were eegerijtabrn. Mr. John Pbelpe 
waa Judge or tbe race. , _ 

N Losnoa, April S, BTOl 0 o-clneb P. M. . 

Owing 10 tbe Utebonrfllcdlur Ibe race. It waa ooaaldrrablT peat 
neon briiire the luul liading to ll,e Krnn of acUun prvaeolcd anjr 





wore UD Ibe alRAQi or Trhlcka of 
IrniKy. r " ■ " ' 
llcrally chi 

ly bridge I -- 

Mg atmd, wbleb wu nttutr more aelcci ibiin thai un iba bink», uw- 

uniiaual aninrMnof. 

__ . _ . _ ' lily 
brldccaHTtecrowde^L^ODtbe Bamrs Railway bridge llirrr waa a 


oIlMirla, iMnntflial.pidiuilly lDrrmic<1 In drnilir. BrSc 
IbeKulaanand Unottncrtmlih n«da wrre literally chnifO. 

Ingtoibeblib price charted Tor admUatun UckMa. 
meniamadeortbo Tbamea Opnaerrancy lopmcrre 
were idnliiUe. Twottcamar'^>aoooinpanled ibe cod 

Ttio arrange- 

_ __ contrauntaa »lr., 

CIlUenT. fortbeunplm aod VnJrenliroaiiman, andCMlico U. 
for the reprrarnlatlTn of tbe pmo. ^ The Dnlmvltr boat duba were 
nol allowed lo acQonpofiy Ibe race la a aleaoer. Tber waUcd tbalr 
rlalnawbcn liwai ivtfrarciinl that if one other airamerwunl- 
fc>wrd to aurt there wnald bo fratdimcnliy In kenttDfltliecourte 
clear. Tbabetllngwaal0to7on tbe OironlboaL The cnwa went 
down to Ibe boat yarda trnm tbrlr beadfiuartert aoon artrr 3 o'clock. 
At tbe Dnk«*a Uead wen^ two Ugbtcn aod a anwil boat, made fui lo 
each other, for Ibe crcwa lo itartrrooL Cambridge von iho tou 
fvrnotlUwa and look tbe MldUletei akdo. Ttala waa not much ad- 
Tanu(r, bManie tbe baaia rrom which theaiafiwu lobe made 
wera moored loo dooe In to the lilddlrai bank of tbo rlrei^ 
far too flMii 10 thai Ibn bad much Iru tide than ibeIr 
««ponenia. AtLoe P. hL the aurter laie iba word tofo, and 
Ino Uolvf rally Boat Baoe of IBTOonaiBeDOtd. Tbe oan of ibe 
two oewa caught the waier aa nearly u poaalMe al ibe aaae InatanL . 
Tbeto waa tbe moat energy In Ibe OzforU dghL Aa aoon, howerer, 
u both beaia were both under way, the CanUbi palled a alia hUr 

Jiulcker alroka than Ibo Oifonla, and at ome abowud lo froDt, lead- 
Qg by a qurter of a length at Iba l4iodon Bowing Ckib Boat nouuu 
.The Oiforda lo their torn pullad well, and at the LeandcrCIub 
Booma tbe boau were about ereo. AtCraTtDColtagathaOaaibridga 
crew ateadlly, ihoufb alowly. gained ground, and IheeotbualBaDand 
eicltcntenion the bankeortherlvfrwere iDtenar. AtibeCrabTfte 

eoavtm wini ipw »iBM!|i< at p<woHMmiis- 

The neglect of wS»**in»i» tS;pay fiW bI**""*"*;*' 
fair and Dianly vNActiU «•?• »JL."' -iJS^uSS 
John Hekecl huloirii* ehaaplODiblpan open m^on, 
bntltlsnotlongtoi«iabiio,uwlll » 
peidcd dxuniciit. wbetein Ooiltter rorllcs 
propomton of Uckeel In our linio of lut 
EetweeD these old and mnaie deiling « 
iraught wllb great Intnesl to Ibe boating ptiWlo,»J* we 
lioobtnottbnllhoKowTortaiwm •Pt'^gweMJ* do. 
pofltlcflbyOoallorat Ibis ofllee and 
OTidoptiuehoUier airangemonta u will iiulokly ollnoh 

tbemalcb. lleadll:— - lam 

Auuam am, AprO ilk, intL 

Id TOOr laal laauean accepunea of n>r «banonge fiOT rnv ow, bonor- 
Ufa o»Iuaeo^ John McbeeJ wbeiiln be aulea Ibal bewUl row Boa 
fl»emTtrac»7«tPoo|hke«p.lf, for Ibe aum or «"otbou»nddolJua 
aeUeandgliane dot for oipeniea. W Iboot wleriBl InW •»» 
Dewaiawr rentmteiiT on Ibia pulot, f win aute Iball will nw blm 
a Btr mile laea for tl,IU) a aWe, on the Pougbber paleeomaf, ood u»a 
•ID rurrit.n.e.;thc race » be wwed In ateardaaeo jrt^ Iba aril 
claa 01 Ibo (Saika BlTcr R/galla, the ,I»T or Iboiaulo beJubeWb, 
ISA Iho aame d»r on which IJniwo anf I were JJWj,, 
ba Bribe earn ahora menimncd and ibe undiapnled «l'o 'C"''J^ 
!*» Sculler or Anertca." Tbta, I Iblnb. In all ralroeji baougiu 
ac<«plirbem<«iaboalnea«,aalD thafaJor-S I t"*;!" ffP-IS!^ 
cipinaca to eouie brre and tow mo ror ibi aame amouoL wreiw, 
>l.'kehol,lcr aod lima ot niaklogdeiwlla InbamuluMT e^ "PJ; 
H r. DnwTi bavloa aulfd Ual Ibe Uon. Joko Mortaem wewM Ml an 
■uhrholdcrluwCldi 1 agired) lo our ileelbiaiUd nM»eo^^ 
woald xieieat tbe aame giallcman in thU laja laeetla JJe "Jt"- 
pB<lty,irbewllltaklnd r noiigb Ip do aa. Tke J™P;,J«,',a<>!'jJ, 
McSe: m Iblllog u. do ao. tl then boopmee i«J;'J»fS? •S 
it»»el«ldertoalpp<«lntorart u lafeieev. Ktbe ob"! abiwld iiacl 
llie wlibca or MrMabcel, ho will cover Ibe emonnl depoalltd Inyour 
Guide, iben we wiu proceed 10 builntii. *''""'5Jgf„(j„utt 

Amimo TicDT CLra-A meeting of tbe memberg of 
thli Brooklyn clob wu held at ihclr roomi on Ibe cventaa 
of April 1th, at which II wu decided that tbo annnil re- 
gnitaihould take place on Jnno M, and amngcmcnia 
Uicrcror wcro mitlc. A Regsua Cnmnltieo wiii chosen, 
roniliillng ol W. H. DoobIu, J. J. Bparkmon, 0. J.Llppl t. 
11,11. lloElni and CI, II, OmnhlM. It was docldcdto hold 
tho rcgattu on Tuesday, June W, tho eourec to be from the 
DelapTalno Home; for icliooncn and nrst-clus uooni— 
orouml Sly Bpll to and sroiind Ibo llglitehip, bock lontn of 
OciicoB on Ilomcr's ehoili; for lecond ind third piiia 
Blooiw-aroiind Uoulhwest Spit to Outer Day buoy, tetiira- 
Ing south of Iho Beacon on Homer's eboole; forjonrtb 
diss iloon<i— 10 ond around tbo North to \\C8t BpIt and 
bock. Tbo race to bo iiibjcct lo Iho samo rales of lUow- 
onccs u the icgatta of lost year, and to bo ullod In elgni 

It was alio resolved to chortcr two slcomen for the oc- 
casion, ODO of which will bo devoted lo the use of tbo 
indgcs and memben of ibo press, following tbo eouiBO of 
tbo competing yochia ouisldo the nook, while tho other 
will bo protldcd for tbe accommodation of spcctaton, and 
wUI remain Inside the Hook, so that the dear crcatnrea on 
board will hare no came to dread sea^lckncsii. Tbto Is a 
mwtoxccllcot airenscment, alfonlbig, ns It docs, fhclllllcs 
loihoso whose dutyTt Is lo see - lbs coolest ftom start to 
flnlsb, and It Is to bo hoped that other dobs will follow tbe 
oximplo of the AUantlcs, thereby consulting tholr own In- 
terests. Ban will also be excluded from both boats. On 
tbelBtprax.,the club will occupy a suite of handsome 
rooms. Including; apartments for lUllanls, chess, rcidlns 
and boslocn pnrpooea. The erection of a olub-houso is 
alto bi conlempliilon, and tbo Idea will be carried out aa 
■000 u a permanent anchorage Is second. 

iTEiis FBOH Fatsrsox, N. I.— Tbo devotees of rowing st 
rniciwn, N. J., are making active preparations for the ip- 
prouclilng icawa Tbenow boithouseef the U. M. A. Aa- 
soclailon, cosiliigln the neighborhood of $3,000,11 almost 
coniplcied, and wiu compare favorably with any la tbe 
couulry, save, perhaps, Iho elegant stono booses of toe 
Bchnylklll Navy. They have liuposcd of IbeIr slx.oond 
gig to a dob lately formed at Fassslo Vllbige, and Intend 

tioii(>fV ixbRtf^ii^^ 

bli emanated Itm 
tcrma for i conteat 

MO ■ 

rata for 1 coDteat at Ihc three hiii French "SS*^ 
» l«)lntiop,wltbJ>iln. ball!, for |Mo7ii5o,5?k2S,»J 
CoMcnact carom labia, lo lake place in tbfi cli? whJff ^ 
BloD will iccept ornot Is not yet kiiwn hi^wa?"^'* 
Bbais OP A NOlin Bii.ijAHnsr.-JohD Rem abiniaM 
|taycr, died of nmlo fover on tin isth Lut^Si^So^ 

M°l!Sk;d amoF'*^-* 
' Jobs Boberta, t' 
-porttal nilchc 
LUrtrt Two Ej 
ItoMrti, Sep., a< 

Cuibtidge^kil br hair a lenptlL At the Am^ Worba wharf Iho Oam^ 

noDltb brIdgQ aearlj ooe I 
tbe brad ol Ibe rtrrr, oppoa 

M her lend. On naaalna 

Bit. . _ - 

nod Ibe alrole oaranuD or the two contendlni 

bridge crew waa ibrve qaartere or a Icngih 
under Uamneraaltb bridge aearlj ooe length before 
nrlea. Bound tbe brad ol Ibe rtrrr, oppoalle the Dorea, (Sambridre 
ceotlooed lo boM her lend. On paealog Ibe oil mlUa Iho Oiroraa 
aonewbat ^nc.1, and the etruole now coamcnerd In eamrat, 

hoala pulled Tlgor- 



,.T7 38 H 8« 




Cbuieb Beclety, and tbe leal remalolng nembarortheaan 
Bechealer, N. Y., April Kb, aged TO. 
nona, A. P.— A wall known lurtmaA— Waablogton, B. 0., April 2d, 
llnuT, Jobo-BUUardul-Ohagew, Bcelland, Mereb Ulb, eged Id. 
Jouaaoa, Cbattoa-A London reporter, and connected wltb aoma or 

our watern iapeie-8L Loula, Ha,- April 71b. 
jAlnuT, J. a— Menberor the prominent dry goodi fljm of thla 

cllr— lADdDB, Eng., April lib. aged U, . 
Laainaa, Obarlee-Acror—eUlad by feUIog 1^1 window while 
enSerlna tram rerer and aanll poi— rarla, Uoieb Slat, egad SO. 
Hoacnaui, fgnai-M n al r la ti a n d oompoaei^-Lelpefc PruaalOUicb 

McOonau, UoL WoL—BoUler In the Meiltanwarand prominent 

Oenocimt-Pblladelpblh April 3d, egad U- 
0091*1 Jamee De Perater-rrealdent tJ Chamber or Commeira, 

Mew York, and pramlneol matehanl— new Tork, April 7tb, 

■geden. ' 

FlTDaOH, Joaapk Bald— Idle aiilatui enfloMr V, 8, Dm— 
Phlladelpbia, April Ttb, aged U. ' 

Bowns,Augeit-Huilclan-A1 Peoria, BL, Vaieb Sib. 

Braiia, J. J.-)IInllter of Iba Ooipel-Iancular, F&, April lib, 

Wiirrut,Hia.— WireerBtobopWblpple,now U Buropa^t Blar- 

rUlown, la. , Xaieh Ual, aged A 
Wiuaa, Ilea, Jamea A.— premuioal pdltlelu and ex-poalmaelaiw 

KaUmaioo. Bleb., April etb. 
*""S&b^'aM'* <I^V.B.umt- 


Thli dnmgllo Icnple, of which ws give an szcelleot en- 
gnnng on oiir Dnt page. Is located on the B.B. corner of 
Twenty-third atreot and Sixth avenue, Ibis clly, lis front 
■nd grand cnlnuice being on Twenty.tbird street, and Is, 
without a donbl, an ornament to Iho clly, and lis stylo of 
irchlteotuniupenor 10 thai of say other theatre In New 
York, It being In tlie Renobianoe Uylo ,with Hannrd roof, 
It Is 10 feet blgb, from grouad to cornice, and lig feol i In- 
ches ll the fronlige on xweaty-thlid alrcet, Theraantwo 
VMilbules, 18 feet wide, on the Ont and second doors, ex- 
tending aoron the ividib of tlio tbenlre, 18 feet e laches. 
There are tbreo iialleilea tnm wblch can he bad an unob- 
■tnotod view of tbe itags, convenient to which. Oiled up 
wllb allconvcnlcnces for itagebualncss, are dressing-rooms 
on the south Mde, work-room for eeamilresses, llre-proof 
wardrabo, scene palulcr'i room, lud a mechanics' work- 
■hop, which extends over tho ciiliro lUige and audllorlum. 
Tne etage appobitracnis are of tho moil convenient kind, 
111 modem loprovementi taevlng hccnavailoilor, Uioludlng 
Inslanlaneoui light hy electilcliy, and sleara appllonceafor 
moving bulky nccucry, as well u to force abundanoo of wi. 
tor In cosoor tn. Tuocoatof llioedllloe and anpobiiments 
hu been estimated u not lois tbsn half a niUllon dollars. 
Its eoatlng oipoclty Is: orehtslra, U8: orcbcslnolrcle, 828: 
balcony, ill, and ilrcss circle, Bll. It wu fonDallyopeneil 
on Feb. 8d, ino, wllh "noineo nnd Juliet," and ah audiees 
wu distributed on the pity-bllls, wriitcn by Bdinund Fol- 
eoner, formerly manager or liniry Line, London, Eng, 
As, however, we gave a dctcrlptkin or the event at the 
time. It Is not now neccssarj to Indulge In rcMtlilon. The 
structure, wllb IM extemsl and Internal appeannoo, lis 
■logo •ppolntmcnts, tlie talent thit hu already appoorcd 
Ihera, and tbe blgb clou of lis enlcrlalnmciils U a lislUia 
monument to tbe credit of Mr. Edwin Booth, and an ornZ 
meni to the City of Now York. fio* 

FiorossD JimnMo MATon On the tib Inst, we'recelvsd 

•niclei of agreement fori Jumping mnieh between A, V. 

lllll, of Illnsdnlo, N, Y., tnd Ned Searlcs, of Sing Hlni 
signed by the former and ncconipanlcd by |ia u rorfel 
The termi of the propoaed natch iro u follows :— lo Jump 

one single Jamp, snltlt level, each party to have twelve 
tilaht, and tbe one having tbe best Jump at tho ozplrotion 
oftholwelvotilils lo taiuihe money, |2M a side; the 
match to be decided at BInghamplon on the llth of June, 
Ontbe lthlnaU, Bcirlts, having beenlnforrood that arti- 
cles had been aont on, called upon na and read them over, 
nioy suited him well enoogb, save that a clause banlna 

ffir^og■boet! tad been omltled, ud nnlll a allpulillon to 
It eseot Is imerted he ilocllncs to sign the protocol, 
allbongb be has covered Ilill'i money to show that ho 
means bnalneas. Wo wrote lo Hill's backer the same dsr. 
noiir;lngblmoriheatato of ailhlia, but up lo tbo hour o( 
going to pnisa no aniwer bad been received. 

TniT Trrz^nTiKO OnaujiKoa-aeorgs Arenibeni 
walled upon ua on tho lllb lust., In rabiUon lo tho chal- 
lenge from Coon la our lui, whlob he cousldon rldlenloni 
fir na allowaiicebclDu mode fordlirercuce In raplillty la 
" typo until 


wH." The onlv 

match bo will make is one In which the sukcs go to the 
manssuiogtho groiier lumber of ema In arMaonabls 

— AnewlnstUntlon bu lately sprang np In WoaUng. 
lon-a ooUiied lobby ring. 

^ Among tbe oserattvei Ui a BIddeford, He., taoiory Is a 
110,000 belrtn who works for $1 a week. 

— A man wu Instantly killed on tbo lib of AprO In thb 
city by the basting of a grlnditone, 

— Iowa employs her female coavlcts in breaking atone— 
Just tbe same u "any other man." 

— "Mice pie" wu one of tbe dishes named not long ago 
on tbe bill of fkre at one of our fiablonable bolcla. 

— A mUier In Arizona lately feD down a abaft 123 fket 
deep and wu not mucb loJnieeL 

— Mr. Veehan, wbo wu shot by Dr, Keenos, of tblsolty, 
not long since. Is uld to be oat of danger. 

— Ten dollan wu tbe wager which Induced a ConnecU- 
ent womaa to eat a bushel of oyitere.^ 

— Women prisoners In lom have all Ibe ilgtils of men. 
They an set to breaking atones. 

-The Fat Men's Aaioclatlon have several bonorary 
memben In "Onece.'' 
, — AO exchange piper soya:- "Trnth" Is In type, bat la 
orowded onthy ''fflon Unportast matter." 

— Qauway BpilgbUy la lbs llgbl and Uvaly Dime of ono 
of Kanau' leglalaton. 

— A bell wu recenlly stoleii Oram the ateeplo of a chorcb 
at Pliu Point, Ky.» 

— Two tbonwnd tons of bccawaz,' valnid at over 
$9,000,000, an annually eouumed In EnglaLd, 

— nien were elghty-nlne fires In this clly during tbo 
put monlh, 

— 8W,ooo tons of lc« were taken trom tbe Eeniebeo tbla 

— Ohio hu a ■eptnagenailan wbo hu kept a diary for 
the put mty yean In veme. 

— A man In an adjoining state lately sold tbe clothing of 
bis deceased wife at anaion a few days alter her fonenl, 

— Millions of passenger pigeons have swarmed In the 
woods aroiuid Fftisburgh for aome days put. 

— A few dijB ago a Kevada Judge lined hlaielf Ire dol- 
lan for being lale, 

— San Franclico lately bad on acqnliltlon tn tbe ihape 
of live Ohlneu prtntera 

— Tbo government piUttlng oSc* at Wuhlngton em- 
ploys fonr colored girls, 

— An Iowa minister aays bla pirlsblonen an all nnder 
oonvlctloD. Ue'achaplauiatlbeBtate prlioa 

— The Kentncky glrla are so rudnttlng tbat tho v 
blno grass region nu but one bachelor. 

-Then an thirteen dlallllerles In Chicago, In ^-'lUch 
■even thousand husbela of grain ire consumed da!!; , 

— The old Becauons tnck, al or near Uoboken, Is being 
cut up into building lota, 

— Fnncabu 13,000 schooloaslen, and Napoleon calls 
them his "picUlo army." 

— In 18M, 310,238 eolgraots arrived at this port, wklch 
Is tbo largest number In any oue year. 

— Then an two hundred ana forty Fnncb mrrlvon of 

— Russia hu ordered three bnndred and llfty railroad 
locomotives from Oreit Driiabi. 

— A barkeeper In a western city wu lately lined tai 
for soiling liquor to a alxteen year old loss. 

— New naopsblre uses ten thousand Blblea a year, 

— Now Rochelle wu Ut np with guontbe Sth of April, 
for tbe flnt time. 

— Tbe Chinese alphabet contains eight basdnd lolton 
and corablnatlona or vowels. 

— An opium entor, wbo Macs at dawn, named Cant, 
Lahthuab, a Now York resident, b In his iMih year. 

— A woman Inl^nioo, 111,, received a bran newooae. 
lul week, formed of aesh frem ber fonhead. 

— When a bone falla bo la more frlgblenad than bis 

— Fonr young Rutland, TI., glrla cowhlded a youthful 
swell the other night for "talking about them." 

— Tbe lost aleamer Olty of Ooaion la suppoaed to have 

— Many bones, ire midevldois Itom cruel tnilment. 

— Tho population of Paris Is set down at l,«io,ooo. 

— l,8M papere were pnbllebed In Onal Britain In 1848. 

— CInolnnall gains l,ow votes by Ibe leth amendmonl. 

FfnkHm'a Coxrism-At a meeting of the Board of 
Finmen of New Orioina, held recently. It waa resolved 
that the two offered lo Ibe Mechanics' and Agrioultural 
Fair AsHoclatlon be divided Into two prises of Iiio oich. 
to be run for by band anglnes and trucha u followe:— 
Hand Nigbics wllb twenty men, to run hsif a mils and 
Ibrce wafer threugh nily feet of nose In tbo nulokest timo- 
track raee, with twenty-lhrce men, to ran naif a mile anii 
atrip the track In the quickest lime. This la tbnim open 
to oil the doiiartmonls i f tho Slates, bat of conrae the 
sraount offered la not lamdenl to wamnt any componr 
frem adUilanco making Ihe lonraey. The pnsi orcin' 
dnnallbavobfonigllatlngtho lahject ofoatrUig prima 
for a almllir trial In thai clly, butwhelber annunBirtl 
bs doue In tbo matter nmabis lobe aeon. 

, , „ SS .irvkra wlbeiDloola, 

which tbey kept np until Ihey rrucbcd Kew llradowa,aod ereaacd 
by the Bag boat one leogib abrnd In leDlonteaudaOaccooda. Tlila 
la tho Brat Ume Ihc light Mile baa been ilcloriotie aloee 180), 
when, curieualy moagh, tbey woo by ibc nme dbtance. Tbe win- 
oere rawed lo a new boat by J. U. Clupcr, or Nemaadc-upoo-Tyne, 
which waa unlvernaHy acknowledged lo ba ooe of Uia Onaal modda 
of a rados boat ercr bunt 

LoRooiv, Aprlia— KolwIdiaUndlns the great preaannbianght la 
bear upon iho Conaenancy or the Thanca to nitow prtmle Meamera 
to rullow tbo boala, none bul tba twouHcUl deam^re were pcnnlltcd 
todoao. Aa on Derby Day, Loudon poured oultia taiindiexla or 
IhouMndaor pcolila lo wIlDCaa Iheivnirei, aotl tbe numbcn were lo. 
eieaeed hy eicuralon panlearron* ILi. eeunliy bnughl hy Imlnarrvn 
ell direellona Amoog the epetuu,re were the I'rioce or Walea, 
PrinceTcekJboaan of the Vaaba or Egypt and manv I>>rde end 
Diamberaof rarilaniniL The tela, wbkhaiune time were II ioSod 
Oiroid, weraao eagrrlr Ukaii by the rricnda or (;embridfe, tbal 
ahorlly herora Ibe atari tbo odda bad receded tn 3 to 4 oo Oaford, 
Tho eicdcment of tba walling multllodea became lolenee aa ihe hour 
farlbeatartappiaacbed. At etaeily S o'clock tbe Oioulanaabolout 
mm their boai.booae at Pulaar, end recelred an oration rrom tbe 
epccwhifa almoet equal lo that gireo ibeOi/ord ronrwhen lhayoaae 
out aalnal tbe iran-arda laat year. Tbe mca iialed on their oara lo 
mblaueam aeariy eight mlaulce. when the Cantabe nude their en. 
pearaoce and look up a pealuoa on Iho HlddlceeK aide or tbe 
rirer. Tbey alao had a moal colbnelajllcrecaplleD from IbSmnl- 
Uiude, ud aeemed la be B epiandid modllloa. •'An cren alajt 
wta efleeled, aad Uia beau went oflT wllb a etnog, " 
tbetr rarer. At tbe Aqueduet tSriy yarda), tbe OaDlaba' 
pto, and when Ibej reacbrd Craren Coltaie (Ibiaa^nar 
mhe) Ibey weie half a leogtb ahead ITer^ Ike Oarorda 
and kept II up for aoma dlalaoeo. Tbelr r/lcnda oa ain 
— ' tbem 0n.-JlULJl1lhalt cffceL Ue momeolaiT 
murfil tSaXNiift thoagk^B laiur brre t, 
illhin Hheir alie^^t and al llAnenmllb Biil 
„e wee dear or iboOtreiil beaL lAder tho arch l ^ 
onlanaacilnapurtedacd auceeedcd In reduWog tbe ipln of their 
rnla U> haU a lenglh. A abarp airun)\ ruUowtd In ~ 


. — , . ^rp alrun)\ fuUowtil In Corecy 

^eb. bulaa they paaai-d tbe Iile of Alt (SSfwiUea^ tbe Oionlue 
he^n 10 rade, and tbe Canute, who were iil^ rrrah, rapidly draw. 


TBLOCiPBniKO.- There Is lo be a gnud Telodpedo Car- 
nival at the CaplloUoo Daso Ball grounds next Fridsv. 
April lllb. at 4 1>. M. A number of Ito old vdodpode "ao 
It nacefula" will nartldpate In tho enlertalumcnC There 
will be a aorica of recea given. Among lbs conteatonls 
will be Frank Bhaw agolnat Yonog Naylor, 

A.-Cauoo Ball, for tho benellt of Onmbria Library Aeeo- 
riatlon, Johnstown, I'a.. It to tike place Ihera on Euler 
Monday evening, April uib. 

_!!? S.'IfT'P-.r''' ' "C? S"' Bivertislbg oolunni It 
will be noted that oni- Ned Dnnis, of Baltimore, chal. 
liaio* aoyhody to oompete with Blm in gifta^folntif. 

'poncDln U> nair a lenglh. 

- ih^ 

Inlrontand wonlhemce tbeaaumlabmcnluill rnihu'i'iaam'oTtbe 
apeeUlore round eipreealon In a alorm or ai ffaini and cbeen aa 
Cambridge reaebed IbeatakeboiL Tba lime or Ibj race baa been 
Tarlouily rciiorlcd, bul ll la now aulburttnllrely alau^ lo be iwenly 
minutea and thirty aeeonda The Cambridge crew, un the noralng 
or Ibo race, weighed elcTcn peunda more than tho drorda. Tbe 
wlnnera owe lo no email degree tbelr ancocm to the adrloe or Hr. 
Horrtaon. wbo '^ooadied" Ihe Okfoid four bai year for tbelr malcb 
wllb the jlerrerda. 

It Will be seen by the lul dlspsleb tbat the onclil time 
wu 20 mfnura nnd 80 snnnds, whicb bu been beaten 
once only. In 1839, when the "dark blue" won the day in 
20 mbL 90 see. we give below a complete record of all the 
contcsis which have taken place between tho rival col- 
leges up to date ;— 

~ " Woni* 

many Igibi 

K or e Irin 
two lenftba 
maay Igtbi 
bra leogtb 
a ace 

Oamb. ook 
one length 
IS are 
alx IrngTha 
Sre lengthe 

Deoly, amIo.srar... 
Wcaunal'r lo Pmney. 
Weaunafr u> Pulney. 
Wcnlmat*r lo Pnlney. 
Weatmat'rio Putney. 
Wealnial'r ui Patney. 
Pnuiey lo Mortbke. 
UonhAo U) Puloey. 
Putney lo U orileka. 
Putney lo Horlbke. 
Putney to HoriUia. 
Putney to Morilaka.. 
Uortkkolo Puloey.. 
Pulney lo Hmtbke. 
Putney to Uorihbe. 
Pulney to MorUake- 
Pnlney 10 Mortbke.. 
Futoey lo Hoitbke. 
Mortbke u> Puuiey. 
Putney lo Morilaka. 
Putney lo Morilaka, 
l^iuiey to Mortleke. 
Putney to Monbk... 
Pulney to Mortbke , 
Folney lo Mortbke 
Puloey to Mortbke. 





t^ bridge. 



(!am bridge 




Oirord... . 







, Cambridge. , , 

la addllloD lo Ibe ahore, Ibo Uolreralllea hare conlended kigelher 
ftTellmearortheOnnd CbtlleogeCupat llulcy Resile, on which 
otenalona Olford hare been Ihrea llmee Uie rlctoia, rla:— Id 1317, 
ISl and UU3, and Cambridn twice, Tb:-ln lUSud UlS,udOl. 
r«r\l bcnLCambrljIge at the Boyal Thamea Regalia In 1341 
The nret Unlrrrally race rowed In onlrigim, 
tTbe flnlrnce In whkb ellher Uolraieriy rowed InlhepitMol 
alyle ol elgbu wllLoul keel; alao tbe Biat lima either nwMwIUi 
round oara. Doth uaed Ibe lame kind of onia udbonla. 

Tbe ridlowlng Ual glvte Ihe name or tbe elalloa frem wbleb Ibo 
winning boaihaaalailed ror lha but Iblrteea yean;— 
isiif. MlddleKL • 

llmlo. aoaec, 

33 mla 

31 mln 

asmlo. aOaeo, 
aomlo. iSaee 
25 mln. Sdaeo. 
II Bin. Oaeo.. 

a Bin 


21 mta.23ac«. 
24 miD- BOaee, 

2fi mln 

amiu. Tfaee. 

H BID. 40100. 

XI Bin. Oaeo.. 
21 mlu.43ace 
21 mln- 23aee. 

11 mln 

S mln. naee. 
O Bin. 30 aae. lone leogtb 

tbe craw wnlcb npreaentiid tbe dub In conlesle lutyeir. 
Bolb these clubs wera Incoipontcd during tho put mnler 
byspedslsctiotthe Leglalalura. A new club hu also 
been organized and now poesesi a fOur^ared gig. 
' A BiOAiTA AssociATiox,— We kavo hentofora alladctl 
to Ibe fact that efforts wera being made to organize a re- 
gatta association at Pinsbnrgb, and we have now the 
pleasure of aononnclog tbat such organization has been 
effected. ItepresentaUves IMm nearly alltheleadlugboat 
clubs of Alleaheny Connty assemblea at JUumy UamUI's 
■alooo, the "Comtltntloo, "Market alley, on tho evcobig of 
AmU 2d, at which tbe fdlowlog gentlemen wera elected 
onicen for Uio enanlng year :— Frasldent, Ilenry Coulter; 
Vice-President, Iloben Kennedy; Secretary, John Usz- 
well; Trcognrcr, R N, Flannegan. Messrs. Flsnnegon, 
Forcra, Swsltzer, Cummlngs Maxwell and Allison, were 
appointed a oommltice to draft tbo customary constJiaUoD 
and by-lawa 

BOATCio IN Niw Ekoland.- A Crowd of nearly ten 
tbottssnd people wltneiaed a couple of races on Uysuo 
river, Charlestoim, Uaia, on Tbunday, lib Inst Owhig 
to Ibe amsU force of policemen detailed for duty upon tbe 
river, tbe competing boats were Interfered with some- 
what, but no collisions took place. Ibe McLaoghllo 
Brotbere end KIngaley Brothera riv^l boatmen on tbo 
double skull, eeitlcd a match for IIOO, Ibo dlstaoce being a 
mllo up tho river and nturn. The "Macs" proved Iho vic- 
tors, pulling past the Judges' boat In 11:80, tbelr opponenis' 
lime being 18:43. Tbo second nee wu a sweepilakes of 
tiso, between fonramatenrduba, In four-oared lapstreaka; 
dlaiance 2 mllea Tbe boats wera named reipecUvely, 
Bhoo-Fly, Hamlet, Qeorn Fnlkner and Fort HIII Boy. The 
race wu well oontested, tbe Sun Fly completUig the dis- 
tance In 17:80, besting tbe Hamlet by three lengths, and 
Seorge Faulkner by doable tbat dlatance. 

A Niw Wblnklk— Tbepnprieton of lbs Wuhlngton, 
D. 0„ Bkatlng Park, wltb a view to ralrlevlng the loaus 
iDCarred tbrougb tbe "etbercal mildness" of tbe past win- 
ter, have resolved totnnsform tbo concern hiio a beathia 
park for the anmmer season, where ladlea and cbUdnn 
may enjoy asnsilo pleasurea without danger, tho depth ot 

waterhemgjnitgnmclenlfomwmg, Itls contemplaled 

to Inangnnte the season about the 1st proximo, and tub the tatler oaiUolpadng It^u 
yacca„eta., *Tf'" ""flBMHTm W t' y-*!--" — • i-'^p— f^f-r 
mlghTbe mltafeawtai^(lBa|e (Uunuun. iTWFnnd Ball in their home 

TBB BT. JOHN'S atew"Bif»8lgBe4 tbo arddeafortbelr ""■* """" " """"" 
nee wllh the Tvne fOnr, and tko document bu been for- 
winlcd to Iho latter, whom It will soon reach. Tbe St. 
Jobnen ehangcd lha date originally llicd to August 2lih, 
telogmphlug the same lo Ihe lynceldcis and requesting a 
reply by cable If the dale didn't suli. As no responie has 
been r<K;elved It may bo taken for granted that tbo time la 
agreeiblD to ibem. 

TUB ATLANnc Boat Olcb, of Uoboken, N. J., have 
elected a good corru of offlcen for 1870, via., Josepb Rus- 
ssll, President; Oeorge Courveiler, Vice Fretldent; Mr. 
Unngiton, Recording Beorelsry; niny mors, Corres- 
pondlng Secrauiry, and Mr. Tottle, of tho Ilndsoa Navy, 
Treasurer. They are antldpatbig lively times this sea- 
son and ora moklnii preptntlons accordingly. 

TBB COLOMBIA Yaobt Cldb Of tbls dty hu elected tbe 
followUig oiTlcen for the ensuing Mason:-43ommodore, 0. 
F. TompUns; Vlce-Commodofe, John & Page; Becrcury, 
William W. dog;; Treaaunr, Geo. W. Oaborne, and Mets- 
urtr, Bonjamlo ir. Adan;a 

ied& Midiiicaei. 
ua. Mlddleaei. 
1840. BorTuy. 
ISai. MMdlcaei. 
Another diepatch 

13S1 Mlddleaei. 
laa. Mlddleaei. 
1304. Mlddleaei. 
UO. I 

1837. Mlddleaei. 
lata Surrey. 
ISO. Mlddleaei. 
I37D. Mlddleaei. 


1363 Mlddleaei. . 
Slates ibat the ancient clly of Cam. 
bridge wu Ulumlnnted on Ihe night following the nee, Is 
honor of thesucceiaof theCintabi, anil a general popu- 
lar Jublloe took place, the eirocli being inronged wltb 
people overbollUig wlih enthnalum. 


The aquatic atara o< the east an about betimes Ui their 
aquatic cxerclios, and have commeuoed the season early, 
u on the Sth Inst tiro races took place oa tho Mysllo river, 
at Charieilown, which drew a crawd of ten thouiand ner- 
oon^, the bridge, plcn and wharves having been crowdeil. 
The water, fortunitoly, wu amooth, and the temperature 
modcnuly warm, which inado the light garb of the oara- 
nenaufflclent to keep thera from catching cold. 

iTle First Ann wna between tho McLaughlin and Kings- 
ley Brotben, lu Whileliall boats, distance two miles, for a 
price of tioo, which the former won, their time bebgil 
alnutcs 43 secondR, ngalnst tho KIngnlejs' 18 minutes 
soscconila. As soon is this racewu concluded prcpira- 
tioni wera promptly mido for 

Ttie Secona Knot, for fonr-oartd lapslreaki, same dis- 
tance, for pri7.ea of tloo to Ibo Ont, fto to Ihe second and 
tso to the (bird, Tbe cnlrics wore:— 

llamlcl— T. Ubrke (/kk), T. Leonard, M. MoNiman, W. Baria 
(ainikex Uoironn bloo. 

Oeorte Faulkner^. T. Mclnlyre (bow), D. W. Maek, B, Kick, L 
F, Mack (attoko). Unlffum wliilo. 

Shoo FlT-Nobn (how), Uobert l^llon. Aba Houie, J. Bowd 
(alrebe). Unirormnlnk. 

Fort lllll Boy-M'.F. kelleylbow), M.DempierM. J. Voouy, 
I. Kellay (aiioke). Unlfonnginy. 

The hoaUl were all lamironkB, and the distance to bo 
rowed waa two mllea. The Judges for the race were An- 
drew ConnonandT. Bcanlanatihe etirt and Charica Hu- 
gan and Charies Bunting at tbo stake, T, a Bullcr acting 
u referee. As soon as ilio different craws were lu posF 
Uon tho word was given, and they went off In good sljle. 
At Ibo end of Ihe drat half inllo the Qeorge Faulknor draw 
sllghtir ahoad of theBboo Fly. The Faulkner kept thla 
advantage but a abort time, however, tbelr stroke oar be- 
coining somewhat Urcd. The Blioo FIjr then took the lead, 
followed by tho Hamlet, Faulkner third, and Fort lllll Boy 
lut In tola poaltlon tbe Bloke was turned. After Ike luc 
boat bid rouuded Ibis point Uioy wera ranged along tho 
ooursestncsrlv equal dbtanoos apari, about a boat'a length 
of clear water being between each of tho conlesianls. TUs 
relative position wu raslnulned until Uie ond of the race. 
The Shoo Fly reached tbe suirtlngpoint In 11:30, Ibe Ham- 
let being about ouee Icnxfis In their rear, the Faulkner 
aboot the uma dbnance nehUid tbem, and lbs Foil UUl 
Boy abOBl u much beblud, 

A NOTBITT IN BoiTiNO.— Aid, Stephen Roberts, Uie 
widely known boat-bnildcr of this city, hu nearly eom- 
nlcletl a new apedes of craft at his up-lown citshllihraent 
It Is 31 feet long, 8 foot wide, 3 feet deep, will carry 8 loos, 
and Is worked by two loven aud a 3y-wnccl. Two men can 
propel It nvo miles In an hour, and two boya ten yeare of 
nge, on capable of innniglnK It Six men can work It at 
tho sonMi Uinc, end It draws lint ten Incbca of water, Hr, 
Rohcrls liu bulll It OS an oziicrimcnt and eonilden It a 
perfect anccesa He thinks no can oonitruct onoformoing 
purpoeoa upota the Bamo principle, which can be propelled 
nanpldlriaaslxoarcdboat with osn. Thoao dcilring- 
to Inapccl tho now crad can dn lo hy colling at Hr. Boborta' 
boat-house, Ibe location of which will befouodby nfercnco 
to bis odvortlscmcut In another columa 

TDB niTERSiDB CLVB, Of Bprtngfleld, Haas., hava sold 
their fuur-oarod ahell boat, formerly the Jinea H, Tlomp- 
■OD, toWlllumBJakle,now«fWaaU£gt«D,D. 0. 

-^P.^ 16. 1870. 


welcomed Is not to be doubled, si Roberts' nrevbrna^IkS 
will partly corroborate. •'"vwia visw 

Thb Nbw Knolind OnAMnoNsinr li one of Iheavmu 
>r thefntora for which ncgoilallona ara now nendina wZ 
informed, by Melvln l-'oeter and Edward Banlclt ' 



April ll-OfulK prlio came of lha Uoloa Chib, at Ttainl, al 

aVh) I3^lar Nine ro. Field, ni Ibe CapllollaegrenDdi,al 4 P la 
April la— pnenlpg maieh un Capltollna frauode, Atbniie 'vl 
BDluOj, at 3 F, If , 
AprO Id— Oponing day of tbo Hoboken dnba al the Bljdu ridda 


Below will bo found the names and stcietarieB of levtnl 
bue ball clubs for 1810:— 

Union of Horrlaub-Jaraai A Lyoo, Cor, BbL, TRmeaL We* 
chealcrcD., N. T. _ _ .- 

Albleila— Alfred D, Wright, Cor. Bea, Sunday Metcnre o8Ic«l 
Pbttidebbb. . . 

Kcyaune-J. U. Maboney, Oor. Sec, oan of Bonday Ifemr* 
oSce; rblbdetpbU. _ J '^tj 

Olympla-ILcodore A. Wcaaelli^ Bea, Ko. aiValnul a, PhDa. 

Inlrepld-Wm. UeKlbbln, ilea., Sol 310 Walnnlil., Pblladalphlk 

AUanlls Brooklyn— J. a ChapnuD, Poal omeo, Bnoklyii, 


The champion Atlintlcs have taken the dold, and oit- 
Thunday, April 1th, tliey opened tbe ball for the seuoa ot 
1810 by playing tbelr dnt practice game ol tho jeor. The 
occulon attracted a numerour concoune of Iho friendi of 
tho dOb to Iho Cspltollno grounds— the Ailnotio head- 
qnarten for tbo ycar-and u Ihe weather was tderahli 
pleasant the ipori wu much enjoyed, Although It had 
nincd lor lOnr gncccsiilve dayi pravlons, tbe grounds were 
snoideotly dry to play nn, and u a strong deld party wet» 
piBcetl In oppoHtloa to ilie dab nine a good game was Iba 
result The nlns Included the regular leam for 1310 with 
the exception of Bwandd, wito vru niucoonolahly ab. 
aent, aad ramor safs that the reason wu tbat he had r» 
Jomed tbo Mutuala If this la to Pearce will be wasted 
ror bla old poaltlon, that la If ho will uka It after being aet 
ulde. Y'oong Hall occupied Ihe place of Oreue, al cenlm 
Held, ond Mann ployed at abort Add. On the Belli aide 
Feorcocaptamod tho party, and wltb OnlTbi to vlUt and w 
fair supporting floid, they gave the nine work todo to earn 
bases by dean bits. In fact, but for some Important or^ 
ron by Boas and Bevlua and olbora of ibo twelve flelderir 
tbe Atlintlcs wonid not bave icorcd a dozen nnsim- 
deed they did not cam more ihsn eight or nine, tbelr oat- 
Ung being raiber weak. Uf the noteworthy play on bolb 
aldea tbat of Plka aod Fergnson of lbs nine, and of Pearce, 
Oalvln, Jackaon, Devyrand Yorke of tbe. deld waa ezcel> 
lent Pike's hose play wu a featon of the game. Tht- 

lull score gives aU nirther panlcnlaia -■ 

ATUana d-i. t. la. t. ft""- 

suit, 1Mb 1 S 3 4 Peaiea 

Mann, al., 1 ill Qalrln 

Chapman,lC....l 8 3 8 Deryr 

Plke^Idb 3 14 7 Kemwn 

llcDonald,rr....4 4 4 7 Johnaon.... 

ZeuldiLp 0 ill Biaa 

IIall,e?.;. 1 IBS Yuril 

SmIlb.Ub 3 10 0 Kenny 

FeiguB0D,0 3 13 3 Berina 





, a 

ItlUIa 17 B- M 13 

_ 41b etb 6U 7lh 3tb Sth _ 
1 3 8 I 4 0 
0 3 0 1 9 0 0-8 

Ply calehea-Perguaon, 4-. Pike, I; 8Bllb, I: MeDonall, l| Mum, 
I; HalL 1—13 Tork, 4; Johnaon, 2; Berina, I: Eemaen, l| P«raa. 
1: Jacknn, 1—11. Fool bouudeatcbee-Blart, 1; Paaioe, L CUebea 
oa alrikea-Feriaaoni 1, Pearc*. I Baae ptoy-Pul oal br He- 
Donald,e: eurC4: pike, 1: Umlll.L Aealaled by Pike, 3 llmest 
ZetllelD,S: Ferguwa, I; Bnilih, 1: Mann, L Pul ont by JacktOB, 
IS; Oalrio, 1 Aulated by Deryr, S llBca; Oahlo, 9; Betlaa, 1| 
Eeaay, 1; Ptaiia,!. Doublo pbji by Pearer, Galrin and Benor 

Onu OB (onl balla—AiUnllr, 1: Field, B, Ubj" " " 

donaJd. of Ibe Bur Clob. Time of game— Two o . _ 

On llonilay, April isib, the Atlantlca win play tb 
opening mitcn, un which occulon the new nme of tba 
Union Club, of Momaanla, win put in an appearance on 
tho Capitellne grounds as the friendly opponents of th* 
Atlantlca In a grand pnctico match. 

pIxD— Mnl 




Ta FixLn. 

Tbe bau ball season of 1810 wu fhllj Insngnnted la 
this Tidnity list week, lint by the opening game of tbe 
Champion Atlantlca of Ihe proresslonu cjaaa or lbs frater- 
nity, and mora recently by the'gnnd pnae game wbleli 
WU played OB iheCipliolbiegraundsonAprfl Mb hetweeia 
the liaamplon amateur nine of lbs Star Olub and s Field 
nme of atnng playen of the EroeWor, Alpha, Fowbst- 
tan, Edcfbrd, and Atlantic (;iabe,aveof the lliit|ilnso( 

ether i 



TnaFORUEn TKmniocs-ScoBE i,3oa to i,133. 

The queallon of the bUllard supremacy of Wuhlngton, 
D. C, which has for aome tbiio been agtlated by the re- 
spective adiolrtra of HeseraJsmes Bavls and W. a Iia- 
bcll, wu decided on Friday, tbe sth lust Tbe game 
wuthe resDltofn mulch made on tbo 3th Inat, ana the 
atakcs 330 a skle. No inalob that hu ever token place In 
Wuhlngton bu cnaietl a more general Intereit, aod 
WUlanl's bllUord bsll on the night of the coutcsl wu 
crowded with epectsten, wbo watched the prococdloiB 
wllh laxloty, augmentttl by tbe evident oqnoUty of both 
players. Tbs gomo wu l,alO points up, ou a caron table, 
puili and crotch barred, and tne umpires were Mr. Wor- 
rell for fiabcll and Mr. Hazel for Davis, wllh Mr. Ileyer 
for referee. Al eight o'clock precwely the ceniestante en- 
teretl the roped arena amid vociferous cheering. Choice 
oflialla and position falling to Hr, laabell, the latter akot 
Us ball Into the lower right hand comer, Davis foUowctl 
by a carom on tho dark, and, by Jndlcloua round the table 
nluvlng nlletl up 18, flnlshlng tho ran by a narrow mlaa. 
Isabcll then uiaile a single count and gave way to Davis, 
who stopped al 24. Isahell, by excellent play, ran np 13, 
leaving the score m to 18. Tne game pnwrdsed wlibro- 
markuole ovenueas Ihim this tbroughoul^Bntoue end then 
lbs other forging abesd, several Isrge nns being credlied 
to each one. Considerable exdtement and angry dlscns- 
alon were occniloned by tho decltlou of tlie referee when 
fouli vera cinlined by either party, bul that gentlcniin 
evlilcnlly aclcd with honeat luienllons and to The lieei of 
his Judgment nnd at 11.80 P. M., jmine was oallctl, Mr. 
DavlH going otii In a run of 81. The score at tho dose 
alood 1,200 to l.ics. Next day Mr. loibcll, Inued a 
cliallcngo to Mr. IHivIs to jdoy s gome under tilmllar con- 
ditions, for any amount from tloo to |l,ooa. Appendtil 
will bo found ilio score:— 

Ilavli-71. 11, (, 7ZS, A 8, 80, 3, 13), 31, CB, n, «, 3, 17. 71, 17, IT, 

Imliall-3, li. 12, 12, 3, 101, 138, 41 B, 13, 38, 13, 3, 30, 1(1 8. S, 19, 

J^o, i7| 2^ a, 0, a), 3, 3, ^ p, e,l4>, 43, 0, 4, a, 3, 61,'oi il,^!; «: 

(tewMintr.— Mlaaea, Davla, I; brgeal riina, Darla, 73,73,193,13, 
IB, 147. AreragOi Darli; 0J<|L>ieiV, 

llOlImbell, 7S, 103, 131, lA 117.' Areram Darb; l/l 
17 4-43. Time or 'punc, ibne honra Iwenly ninulea. 
1 l»i I 


On Ihe evening of Monday, April 41b, Jacob Oairelt, 
chainnlon, and ATox, McOracKon contended for tho cknm- 

f lonsnlp of IllliinU and ^3M, 1,100 pnlnis, at Wuhlngton 
loll, ladlanapollB. about four huudrcil apocteten being 
prcKiit. Clinrica Tyler wos chosen umpire for Oarrelt 
while John Origg oniclaled In a smilnr capacity for Mc- 
cracken; Ohaa O. Comstoek acted u roforoo and Qeonre 
Paucnon was the marker. Beforo ccmmendng play, John 
Ilucglo, Treasurer of Iho Indhins Billiard Association, 
read a cballonno to the winner from P. A. Byon, of Ia- 
tsyette. Wo give Iho aeon of the game below:— 

0«rrTll-«J& a, 11, B, 11,31,11, 13,14, 114, 0, IS, al, U, 801 8,81.0, 

I zlli.*^ ^ ^ ' "Vrour Tnnlnga. Iimia 
Tbno of game, three boon and a hair. At tho end of the 
thlrilelh Innings, after McCreokcn had mode Ibo largest 
ran made during Ihegame, bo aakcd and waa alloireiillf- 
teen mUinies rest Tito sympathy of the suoctaton wu 
manlfeitly In favor of UcCraoken, who wu In bod health, 
and at Ilie close of the game a snbacrintlon wu mads for 
blu by bis frienda amounting to lllo, which wu pra- 
senled lo him al Unegle's bliuard room on the following 
day. < ^ 

JOB BiOB'a FoamoN,— The alatemeni wblOk hu ap- 

SBarod In varioos Journals te tho effect that Joo Dion hod 
eelarcd bis readiness to accept of the ohaUenge Issued by 
A. P. Budolnh^ champion, provided the latter would leave 
It open u nil, hu brouiht tbo anbjolned card from tho 
Oanatllta, which we dniTln the HonliaalMus:— .» 
^ Bia.— mod, thieogh themetllure of Uie prea, tbal mynaae ll 
breuiliirorwnrd lo cooneellea wllb Ibe nuck laJked or natch be- 
tween Ruuolpke and Rdicrla. Permit me to aaaure you, Hr. Bdl* 
lor, Ibnl no uoclbn or mine waa erer given lo wnrnnt tbe report 
dreubtld. One thing, bowarar, I mar any, Uill ir tbo oonlampiated 
grand tournament ror the cbnBplonabIn or tbeworid ahouldtaka 
plneei I ihnll leel ll my duly lo enler fnlothe IbLand oueamore 
eaairtorroTemyaeiraecoDd to Bonih.-oo mailer rramwhettoon- 

allteymay came. I canaMcr, lo Ibo occnl or Ihia tournament 
lug pliCT, II will be nn eieeption to ordinary cootcala, ud I think 
the henon of lucceu would mora than eounterbabnea tho iroubla 
for apin Biting myaaif lo ulor Ibe publloaiau of blllbrda. 

Joiira Dion, 

EiQiBrnoN OAMia at Balbm, HASdi-R, R. wumirth. 
late oliamploa of UaasaohoBetls. and Walter DIgnon, of 
New York dty, played a couple of games at Naumkeag 
Hall, In Bolcin, Maas., on tho ifigbt of ibe 3tb InaUint The 
drat lilt was agamo of lOO poUtlB, carona, which waa won 
by Bignon. This wu fouowod by a French three ball 
caton game, of (o polals, In wUoh Wlloarth bora off the 

and Oalvhi to play third baie, , 

thoao strong flelden, Don Channoey, Rsmaen, and Yorke. 
and the oldllntual player, a Hani, In the nine. On the 
other laod, the Stan wen nnoble'e preaeat their fbllnhie. 
owing lo tbe absence of Uonlz anu Worth, the latter lakUis 
pait only towards the close of tbe game, Mort Rogen, ^ 
the Lowell Club, pU)'lng at third base on the Star aide un- 
til Worth came, when ho wu pliced In Unnf i noallloa oa 
tho Field aide, ihe utter retiring. 

The Idea or these pnie oirenngs la simply to glra an 
Impctns to tbs game In the urly part of the season; and 
also to repliet Die oireleasly played club practice game*, 
rrom which no beneOt Is derived in tralnug those games 
lo wblch eancsi efforte are nude to Held aharply and to 
play earacaily. In fact, pnfeaUonal duba oould not do ■ 
better thing than te put up prizes In their piaoUce games, 
"Nine vs. Add," once a week, until the acaaon la rsonlsr- 
ly opened by mateb games; and even then a neat UlUa 
prize ol some kind or other, for the best catch and the best 
score ot bales on bits, wonid be no imall inosntlve for sx- 
tn exertion. We are glad te ace that the Atlandca and 
Dnkina Intend doing tbJb on their praetloe days, fonrnrlies 
of bats and balls being offered for Ibe best scores otDaaea 
on bite and beat catches on bolb aldea In tlie forttteomlnc 
mateb of April 18th, on the Oapllolhie gnnnds. 

Tbo weather on Saturday, eih, wu ul that ooold bavA 
been expcclod at this season of tbe yesr, it beuu qnlta 
warm and pleasant, alike te spectalon and playen; aofl 
tbe groondi were in excellent condition u for as a drir 
Held wu concerned; but we were SDiprlscd u and that 
tho dleld otherwise wu not prepared for play; the bases 
were not tutened, nor the reporten' stand In Itaidaoa. 

It Is to be hoped that everything will be la trim for tha 
grand opening match of next Monday. Theiewuqiltean 
eager desin manlfeaicd by the playen present to enler tbs 
llBM on tbs Field Bide, but ubnl nine could be ehoien, of 
courae those woo were dimippointed thought tbe aelected 
team oould have been made stronger, u It could bave been 
In fhot for Ihey bad no flnt bauman or abort ■top, ■nd no 
regnlar pitcher, Uunt playing pooriy at llret base, Obonn- 
cey ihnwing too itrougly trtmi short, while (napman's 
pliohlng did not prove u edtcOve u it wu expcolcd lb 
would havo done. Tho Field side, however, bad a qlendhl 
ont-neld, and olio the catcher and second bosd pliuen of 
the Aitmllo nlno to help them, with a good man at thlril 
base, but they dkl not prove a inmclenUy atrong oomblna* 
Uon to lake a ball from Ihe Sure on this occulon, ^Ihongli 
tho amitent chunpiona wore not out In tholr full atrenglh. 

Pbiy wu called nt 4.20 T. U., vnih Mr. Jones, of 
tbe Alphas, as umpire, and though he illscharged 
tbs duilea of bis puslilon Inpanially, he did not 
nmplro the game In accordance with Ihe new nles^ 
It should be borne In mlud tbat Ibore la nothing neap 
In tho nlea In the way of nmplring except In re- 
gard to oalling bolls i^nd strikes, snd tbe feature of tha 
change, In this respect, is, that no inamino is fioio n- 
oiifred to be given to the pitcher or bdtaman oefore oalllna 
bulls or strikes; and alio Ibnt the pitcher la now onlr 
otillged 10 deliver iho b:m within the "legltlmau" or fttw 
rtaen of tho atriker's list and not within a fow In^M of 
any parilciilar spot Iho halainan may chance to call for, as 
lie waa lut year. Kxceptln Ihe case of tho (ist hall de- 
livered, too— which Is now a dead hall aa Ihr'u cflUoti 
balls or strikes Is concerned— all unfair balls mist ba 
colled after "repealed" dellvei7, and all fklr balls— that 
Is, balls pllObed wllhin ftlr leaob of the bal— most ba 
strock, or, alter "repoated" refnubt to bit at them, 
"strike!" ohat ba called. The duty of nmplriof nnder 
theao rules, therefor*. Is simple enough aa far aslndglnK 
oftlioplay Is concerned, anil wean ourprlaed that ao few 
are u ;ci to bo found who acorn te have on Intelligent 
Idea of IHO changes made. 

Tho Field side opened play in the gams, FergnsoD lead- 
ing off by giving a chance te Bevlns lOr a oaten, wblob ha 
duly accepUMl. Obipnan fallowed vrltb a boil to Here 
Rogen, but Hon. nnObd It and John made hia baas. Plka 
then sent a safe bounder te Ion llold and sacnnd bit base, 
and u two good bale wera to follow him, a good aoore for 
tbe drat Innings' iday wu looked for; but Oununlnga 
caught Chnoncoy's nigh fool ou tbo ily, and Oalvln tlppah 
out: the Innlnira dined lor two runs, nogon opened at 
the bat on iheBlarshlo, wllliasofogroander, on which ha 
miilo his base, after whiob Jewell took the bat, and send- 
ing a blgb ball to len Belli, wiiksh Yorko attended to band- 
somely, and be retired, Oummlogs snd Uort Rogen theia 
batuilanfdyforbaaea, and Bevlns did, too, after glvhiB 
Ferguson a chinoo eu a foul Up, which he misssfli Dollara 
also secured his base by a good hit, but he fell a <Vldlm to 
Plko from aalrln's good flddUg, Packer being pot oob 
aftorward al home base In trying to run In on a passed 
ball, the Innings cloitng with a aeon of 4 lOr tho BCua, a 
lead ol two on the Field side. This wu a good beglonliig, 
and the large crowd of spoctaloi^ began to watch the pro- 
ceedings with Inwreat In the two following Innings lbs 
Field ptgriy were bondsomoly whltevrasbed, excel- 
lent oalchei by Rogera aad DoUard, well taken, 
(Oal balU by JewoU, and beauUfnl fielding ir 
Beams aad Packer In tholr poiitlona marking lha 
play of the Stan, while on Ihe olkeraldo tho abhnhlia 
mode b; tbe two Rogen', lowell, Oummtngs ahi) Olyne^ 
together with gelding erron by Plka, 0. Bunt and Obann* 
cey, led to an addinon of cuht riiu to Star aixirs, tha 
telols attbeolose of Ibe third Tonlnga standing at IS to 2 
In their favor. Thla wu an eoilraly nnexpeoted rsanlta 
and II hid quite a demoralizing effect on the Flebl party* 
By way of ollket In these two innlogs wa have to name » 
aplendid catch of a fool ny ball by Qalvln— which gave hlia 
a prize— and good catebes by Acmun, Hnnt and Obsp- 
nun. In UioTourtb Innings Oalvln, by a good bit, aeoand 
bla base, and evenlually ola run; bul u ObaunooT pn- 
vlously itnck out, and DulUird, cummlngs snd Bevlns 
gelded out Uunt and Yorke In prel9 style, aalrln's na 
proved to bo the only one ecored. Thla was, however, 
one mon than tho Bun obtelned In the same Innings, 
Chnpmau'ailowtoaaea-a (a cricket— proving as tronbie- 
■ometo the Burn u Uioy were lut year. .Faaaer alona 
gelling a baie on a bit, Uio'oihcn giving ohanoaB for eosr 
oatdies. I n the nfth Innlugs both s'du Rtlied with bUnK 
Boaros, and ilmoat In snocesilon, nelUier party beug aois 
lo punish tho pitching of tho other, Uio close of Uie nitn 
InnUigs leaving the totals at li to 8 In favor of the BtgjK 
and bat for a wild throw to Bnt bass Ihe Field slds 
woold not lisvo scored a nin sJlor tho lint Innings. . 

In tha tUlh Innlnga Worth wu added to the Bter nine, Ud 
Mr. Rogen look Hunt's place at lint baic-whloh wu 
weak spot of tho Field sldc-on tlie oUior aide. IntmBU; 
nlngs tbo Field party wcro sgaln whitewashed, Mjardj 
pTolJV fleldUc to f acker, • good ottoh by WoiU^ (UT 

jiptu le, 187G. 


If: on 

-Tta ll»«nrUier.progfa«. In tb* lot Uire* Inning 
- - - ■- -"J4 iTO r 

6?^ made a bwi\m t^iimKm^ n» 

JS&f?2u2 in JuSo n«t tio SUn vrlll t4«k« » tonr o 
WiSlMSnfor » wntk'e pl»j,»nd irUI enter Ui« Hold 

K"5Si«Tho eiperti or IntrcpW. of Mulidelphlo, tho tat- 
JSof MUBon, «nd ib» KnUooaa anJ Oljniplca of 
WuSfiitoS Below we giro tie mil Bcoro of ihe game, 
Ttoreoortof tie batUng Indndcs onU, rone, »nt Oai» 
u4 loUl bua on bli«, buo bjr errors, and loft on basea 
StarSeao blta. The record or tlio lleldlog abowa iba 
Bambar ofopponcnta pat oni bjr oacb pUoror on (he baaea, 
Sr u^tobea— fair and foul-bj foul-bound catcbea, the 
totafeaabDntoDl, Iba Umea eaata aaaUted and the toul 
{tiding arrofi ofeaclL Tbla la ibe regulation record for 
-fooiva of mitoh gtmoa adopted bj the aaaoclatlon:— 

- - —niiitg. — . 

r, u. T. 1. M. 

1 a a I « 

- - - - 0 

U)Hi BTid «. IfeiBUUL— ntM elobi plarad k nme, 
Uia aame Mf.m aa IMIaahaUs groaada, New Otioana, 
Heaia. Soon, CoiMoii ud Sottwaru canrlng oir tbt bon- 
on. TIiefoUawiiiggiraaUioranaliaaslilonlDga:— 

r' lu W U M Mb Mh 7|h lU 

LoMgiar... .:4 f * a II ^ T ts-s 

FmriM 0 iiiio>o-e 

TIM of HIM IhiiK twin. 

Tui noBoiim auMTiomnr.— Wa hara rccelrcd the 
fallowing lelter In loganl to tba tbora cbainplon^p 
UUo:- . ^ 

Editob N. T. Ourm— Diii Bia.— 1 bet lun to loform jm 
that ibo Biialo B Jli n. hu DO <Mm whatonr la lb« wblo Ptaanl 
or ibe BIjoUd ruidai doriii Um hudi oT IM Um OoQiuu ud 
EmIm pU>^ bsl two pmao, luBaalM wlsnloa ibe antud Miif 

jlheni br aiming amdca, and InoreaiUnglSie amount of llio guo«niii«i,To^ 

;ufS?li'J'dSS'if'S!S£i, £iS"hS&,l?IS,''25!15iSnt'K LeB«wnla.ol<Iie naeiOTtrinilbeaeUftfTOtUie 
?L hntfn' thf?^fJ» nSt STlTnt^rSESSd ittoS lor (t« !»• balinuii, wlilcb an to b« oGaenad tbla aaaaoB, 
iKSilon^M^ iltioTai5^d'o ^^^^ 

inglhcmlollibtatcaich' " — "■ 

noxt, Iftr Billoa from Uia I 
to bo In Iho ring between 
dopoalt waa looreaaiil " " 
npi the aecond dr — 

~>aid'a, II Grown 

ihln). of like amount, 

AprtlUlb, and iliofo..„., _ .. . . 

tutilr agreeable), at Oougtailn'a, tba Adima Iloueo, ta 
Dnion Binct, on kar lltb— each dapoalttobeatakod not 
Utor than ten o'clock P. U., or a forroll onauca. Tua 
money to bo tbernner forwarded to tbla onice, and aub- 

aoouentlj Innatarred to the final atakeholdor, wbo mn«t , li. -.■•ii _h.> . m 

beohoaen at tba last depoalt, when toaa for cbolM of JImj^ JJ^wen. J^'"Jf;i«5?°j "{jL'Jg^^^^ 
ground wUl lake place, Uialoiar tooalTlDg ton daji noUoa ftJ to S'^.^^.to wlialjhajaa to a? when ho lakea 
of tbepUeeaelacuid. 

Joi Coaoui wu up Ibr ■ fhiawell beneSt on Rondar 
evonins, April id, at Hagolro'a Opera llouao, San Inio- 
olaco, Oal. TDmuijObandlomdDliUDwTer were to act- 
to for tha list time alnca they ippcarod logetber In the 
roped anna. Jamea Doughsnjr and Edward Helarnor 
were to aot-to togolhtr, and Joa Oobum waa to wind up 
with Dan luce, a pugilist fonnorlT of New York. There 
were to be ma^r rolanieera, fadtiding Jig ana clog 
dsncera, Add ~ ' ~ 

tlonlgt. Joa 

takea thia benallt „ . — _._ .- - - - ,. 

Joe waa to leara ban Francisco on Hondar, April 4ln, 
alopping at Virginia Citr.Nerada, for (wo daja, Ohicmo 
ooe orlwo da;a, and eipecta to reach tUa city on or 
about tha lith Inat. " ■"" ""' 

looDmpula iiaii^inUn 

. . . u 8 zr B . 

lib eih gib Tib 81b tib 

■ 0 0 18 1-8 

' 8 »-V 

Ku.:.::...:. a a a o o 8 a 8 t-ir 

"apiro-Wr. Joom, of tbt Alpha Oluh. toiM-Ilr. BUri^ 
OaUbH 00 •Irfkw-Jawall, I. OuU 00 fouU-Flold, 8; 8Ur, B. Rue 

^aUbH 00 •trfkea-^owalL . — - - 

ouj^IIall br Boilu. Tlmooraaoo— One boor uuttblnjlDUiuui. 


TheaeaaOD opened In Doslonaa Fait Day, Apill tIb, hi 
• Terr Ural; manner, sevcnl of the prominent daba par- 
tjalpatlng in their InlUal game of Ihe year. The Trl-Houi. 
gain dab engaged a picked nine opon Boaton Common, 
Ahdr opponimts being mombcra or the Bloueham, DptoD, 
Savsra And Sheridan Clubn, the three letter bclnjg Junior 
onnlzatlona. Ttio ball ground waa In toit poor con- 
diuon, the ont deld pudculnrly so, and small hlUocka or 
oi^giaTellolcifercd grcntlj with floldlog. The picked 
■dne pnred a very atrong toim In this, their flist game 
figcthar, and both nines exhibited strong bsKJng. Ouljr. 
aaTan inninga were played, ud ihe game rtnltedln faror 
of tha Ttl'lloantalna by a score of B( to 2L Sotdolncd la a 
•gQpn ot (ha gamo>— 
' Tat-NoojniiM. ill a. 

a rlibi 10 dUffl tha Whip romiant uoin (h« Srd fiaio u vhjtL 

Ouuai A. llnia,a«lbiBOIoti 
BtBi Bau n INDUNI.— The annual neetlag of tha 
Fianklln Base Ball Olab or Franklin, lnd„ waa hold iUnh 
Both, when (he following offlocrs for thoenaning year were 
eleoted:— Frcsidoot, aeoio Lambcrtaon; Vioo-FroaltaDt, 0. 
Rdwarda: Secretary. Baninei HcOIollan;Treaaurtr, ColUa 
UUier: Dlractois--). Bamott, Geo. HoOaalin, nanr llenl- 
ken. Tbla olnb Is ready looomeaeo tha season as soon u 
ball playing boglna. The nine wlU ha tbont theaaBteaa 
hist year. 

TBI Union Olob of UoBaisiMU.— Thla dob wlU open 
play on Wcdneaday, I8th Inst., on thdr groondi a( Hoiru- 
anlA, on which occaalon an ezperlmental contest wUI bo 
played In order (o «s( the nerlia of (be soToml appUoanta 
for poaluons on (he new nine of (be C\\a>. All playom do- 
slnnsofentetlngthollsta will ploase nport to Hr. Ford, 
on (ha grounda al Tramoot, by • P. IL, on wodncaday. 

OiKoiNNATi Initt-loe DoylMha l»«t<>no left the 
prorcaaional Duokeye nlno of 1888, and r oaplial lint bast- 
man. oarUcnlarly on gronndcn, haa Joined tho Poran city 
Olub^ of tookforS, III. Joe la a good hat aa woU fs fcldor 

bnl la rather a alow runner The Bed Btocklnga have 

their opening on Bitarday of (Ms wook, ISth Inat, They 
bare aomo thoughts of a BouUiem (rip aoon after. 

OBION OtDB.-The offleera of tlUs Mow York elnb for the 
ensnlns year are as followa:— President, Uan'l W. retanon; 

_ 'oler 

first nine, Peter Downey. 

BtOBOANnATioN— Tha^toaOlub, lanlor, or'WUlchall, 
N. Y„ rfrorgaulzcd on the lat, by (he election or the follow- 
Ing i]mura:-Presldent, J. MulhollRnd; Vico-Pretldcnt, 
ajo.DeUBoi " " ■■ " ■■ 

Kodd; Captain, 

Vice-President, Ohaa, U. Fcoble; HeconllngflacrelaiT, Vd' 
Tld 11. Van Banr; Corresponding Bocrolaiy, Thou. J, to: — 
kins; Trflasurcr, Chas.A,l!«lor. Board opHrectorirn 
Downey, Edward Jooning and Bdwanl QoodaU. 

BnirrABD ABB fKOUBH ttATOHio.-Aeodrdlng to "P- 1 ;i;'ln'ffh''it5iWif?tf,,7*I'i 
polnlment, Fataoy fiheppard and Uiko KnglUli mot a« oor | ila'Sff ii,)17,'l?lWtS!"'J'jt 
offlce, acoomnanied by a nanibar offrteads, on tbeaiur 

not nriM In Toi^la iVlll AnoK 

noon Of the lllh Inst, to dloch tbearnmoot between E,g,u. 

^ _ ititr maflbrob 

ftiMl will ihcM fti ■ rorinlclii'i nMkc. . Hy ainnji nr wrtllniu rMmfu 

- .. — ^.j 

k M*ii«boldrrui4 pnlUDU ui* ■ farfHl'ln any im|aiii4lblAi«nll<Miun'i 
' ft tf%icii«nb« niiuiltiiy-ilaie ftiUonJunlH Ulochella*^ 

E^S^Uf for MM fHldM m?n Kt iTwlU not be out of pUc* to allQdo to thit ityle qt 
S fl Sy^o r M T .S Jliloa Uw ish in b«e taU wUdiietlu consUtotM good 

mil aeTUupmcufcui »u wo umuij Kunouivaui u uva, 

ortDoe, nerve, aetlrlty aod coongs Is the pratilca or 
game, that It la Umo that rules ahonid be laid down 

r also to derolope (ha mental powen minlalla to 

r excel in (he game, as hare boen la regard to tha 

SAx-,imANci«oo u-merrnsaciB, 

"CUIiAM-OE.t^.CnBAlt'' or MIHinUMT. 

fnanr roiDnieera, laciaaing jw duu ciun 
1 Woaver, and Forreatolla (ho female coutor- 

Iiaa been niher unlbKonat* of la(o, and 
mailt (0 s(art him and his wifo for New York, 

from (he ' 

He Informs us that be roiunu 

iBO! BMrotSfT, A. H. Dohcrty; Trcoanrar, J. H. 
-^,taln, W. HUtStl?; UUectom-J. E. SonMTord, 
D. a. Murray and U, ThomU. , . 

'BaBlTaa, o, 

f«ll«r.of J 

^oMi, r r a 

Bani>w>,adb 8 

— MB, at 

i,iub 1 

Ai,8<lb 1 



„ 8 

i I 



a. Wlaa, M b 

BqoU, r r 

Ciiirfer, I o 


Blerona, If 

r. Wlaa, 1Mb 







Tblal UJ TkHal 31 

Iinsiia. lit Id in 4ih Mb lib 7ih 

tlt-VounUlo .....3 8 < 1 B a 8-^ 

HdsaNloa 1 8 0 1 0 8 8-S 

ns picked nine bays since organized as s senior dub, 
under the noma of the Rerere Cmb, end Its proapects are 
bTorabla. In ttie abora game the Trl-MonnUtns played 
without their pitcher, O'Drlco, and 1st baseman, Record: 
tto Fntt brothen being substituted for the abtenleea. 


OsAerUilb aoma l.eoo 
n»k of the Louisiana Slate 

.... assembled at tha new 
le Ball Park Association, at 

bualhvUis, towitneaa the opening contest between the 
CoBthcma aud It. E. Lees. Both presen(ed strong nines, 
althongb the Bouthema wera two short of their rtgnlar 
iiBl nine playen. The fleldlng ofMeaais. Lerl, Laudon 
and Lansr waa good, aa waa lit. Bertel'a play behind the 
fcaL In(baSouthemnlne, lles8n.Brandenberg, Budden- 
Horf and Boltzman carried off (be honors of the day. Be- 
(ween the foanh and Uib Innings both oluba found It 
naooaoary to Changs tlielr catchers. Wa subjoin (he n- 
ioUof (he gama>- 


BoUnao, 8db 

Obaadlcr, of 

Baddaadorf. !db.., 

DouTaa, If. 


BimDdfBbcrg, lit b. 






R B. La. 

Ddqotbo, p 

"3lnL" Mb 

PnliUlcr, Sdb 

Bood. 0 

Pcuoa, Ulb 

Laiiftr, r r 

Laudon, of 

LOTT, ir 


. .a 






^ TOIal ... , ,. 

M <ih aih <ik lib aa 

I S ! t l .-^ 

SWtnuh, .TQaoorci'BS— Tw4 

oi ihe 8d uitTit the same gromds, • matoh took place 
between (he 8ooiherD,Jr,, and Oamm, Jr., doha, which 
the former won by 48 to ix. 

The nembere of the Initiatory and practtal department 

played a gamo-of base bill on the Star's grounds, April 
fib, the former winning by a score of 2B to 18. Wo sppend 
the soon 

«)DoeIIOB, laib 2 
obfr, e. 

7bamaa,af. ... 
'Gftflbiy, Id b... 

AUeo, p 

Jahaaon, rf..-.. 

Valab, 9d b 

'flolof, ir 




PaaonoAL. ill a. 

O'RmTv, aa 4 I 

Uanfch, e i 8 9 

JnnciL or 4 0 

Dobob. Id b 1 1 

Cabn, rf J I 

Rua,3db 4 1 

DtmM, If 8 I 

McOuIn, D 4 1 

II 1 8 


UlUe, lul 


Tola! , 

IM Id id 41b mb eUl llh ilb Bib 
.18 10 4 4 10 7-S 

J 0 0 8 0 0 0 J 6-14 

Bcorrr— Ur. 0. Wlnr. of the rnetlol DornrtneoL UnplR— Sir. 
■ J. H. Cliapmao, or IbolnlUBlor/CoraniacaL 


EoTAW Oldb.— This Pasaalo club held ihelr first annual 
imaionenido ball on Ibo evooing of Thiinday, llh Inat, 
whlcu proved a rery enjoyable and iwAerc/ia oOhlr. Tha 
csatnmea were numoroua and railed, and, aa a genoral 
thing, the wearera well enslalncd tho charactcra reprc- 
. itntod, especially Ur. Iloblnfon, who waa attired aa a 
Ilighland chieftain, and entertained the company with 
.Btreral Soottisb dances Inclnding hla Damons bnud- 
awcnl dauce, which has so often gamed bim laurcla at tho 
. nearly fcadvals of tho atolwart Chifcdonlans. A very pleas- 
ing feature of (ho occasion was tho prasenlallon to (ho 
clab of an clogaut sllrer ball, Ihe gift of Ur. Jacob Forlctt- 
bach, cn honoraiy menilicr, which was received by tho 
Vice Frtddent with an appropriate speech. Tho ball la of 
.ngolutlon alz^ and Is nn cxao( model, In frosted allvor, of 
those manufaeturcd by reck A Snyder. It bean the fol- 
lowing loscilpllon:— ''Presented (o the Eutaw Base Ball 
'Club aa a mark of frlcndahlp, by Jacob P. FortOBbach, 
April T, ISIO." The worknitnanip la ezcaedlngl; fine and 
' la • crodU to tho artisllo aUli of the engnrer, llr. Joacph 
A. Iiowls, or the American Watch Couprny, The club 
nay well bo proud of auch a gin. The organization Is 
DOW In a prooparouB oouditlou and la oOlctred as follows: 
— Prealdont, L. L. arcar; Vice l>r«ali1en(, 0, H. Coraiack; 
Beoielary, Chas. Uotlie; Treasurer, John U. Biiggclon. 

BALL llATrsRS IN ViHOisiA.— At 0 nicollDg Of the Old 
Point Club, held Anrll 8tb, tlie followlog oOlcem wera 
elected (0 acrra for (no eDBuIng nix montha, y1z.:-4o1. 0, 
w. Thomas, PxeaUenti Vf. B. Preacoit, Vlce-Pnaident; 
Bobt. W. Uughoa, Seciottry; W. J. Bodell, Opireapondlng 
8ecn(ary; J. A. walkins, treasurer. Board of DInofon, 
John Baolch, eholiman; 8am Bacon, Geo. B, Bllioit and 
W. F. Wlune. John Z. lierlner, acorer. John J. Banlch, 
Oapioin lat nine. Tho 0, P'a hare been considerably 
atreogtbened this year by (ha addition of sorciol prominent 
biiUsu, among them, w. 6. Beche, a noted EngUab crtok- 
eler. Se«be,MsldesbelDg a lightning pitcher, la said (o 
be a a(roEgba(amaii, and n rciuarkably awUl and accurato 
thrower. Banlch, (no capinlu, nnka as a pnifcational. 
Tho Aolires have not bodi liliolnDrfltniiing, and will pre. 
■eot a much stronger playing nlno (hla season than utt. 
They have aecare<f Ihe sorrlcca of Iirlakwater, fotmorly of 
the I'Heiry nine." Albert u. Van Donaos, Prealdont, and 
Drlnkwa(erosCaplalnlB(nino. The Aotlves ololm lo be 
tho atroDiest batling club in (ho Bia(e, and (heir nconl o> 
last ycar'a games abowa each to bo (be ease. 

A Novel Base Ball Ouib.— It bos been proposed to ln> 
Induce a iltllo fhn into llio pmctico games of (ho Chicago 
OInb, and, with this viow a novel gome la belogtalkad 
of, which, iri( (akea place, la liable to rcanit in (bo dofte( 
OI the nrofcaslonal dub by a bevy of (ho poorca( players to 
be picked no anywhere. The plan Is (o match a oino, 
4iompoa<d or people who have never played ball, against 
the proficaalonahi, wKb (ho oondiiinns Qui (he latter shall 
throw and ca(eh wit the loft homt, with (he exception of 
FhUham, who, being lon-liandc<l, must pitch with bis 
right band; ihey roust strike wUh (no small end of (ho bat, 
irhlla (he mnlUiia are to bo allowed a "bnm-door bat" it 
thoypiooso, and are (o throw, catch, ran, cla. In dollanoo 
Of all aouied ruloo. WUli (hc«o slight tdTan(agea It la con- 
fidently hoped (ha( the proreaalonals will bo sorely beatoo. 
The muniu nlno baa not yet been aelaelcd, 

Tdb JnnoR National association.— We havo racolred 
the following communication from tho Preddeut of tho 
Junior National Asaodatioo, w. n^Kel^, Jr.:— 

Poraual 10 nollOD adopltd al Ibo Ulo nmllni bfhl^u Nair Vofk, 
BtTammaoy Ball, III. berrlir nnlriiNl lhatibo drifaatMlntbo Mil- 
annual ooaranlloa of Iba NaiIomI Aiwclalloii or Junior Sue Dall 
FUjora, meet al Itio "Etniilni Hooni,'' Nrwark avonuf, Janpy Cllr. 
a.t.,m Wadnuday, April 3Ilb, at tJ,', r, U. » . • •"'■J viij, 

, WiiuiM. II. Knur, Jr., PruldeoL 

All loDlor oluba ofiood aUodlns Ibreiiahoal iba UDllod 8t.lfa an 
aiUlbla to mrcMnUIIOD, and 41* IntIM In ooopmu In er«TaUi>s 

-^0 oatlonariama" byjolnlnf ibUiucicLiUvn oriniroloreja or baio 
Ball and non-profootliuial pUrna. Ulflanl dubf,wuo (mnnoluiid 
Im dolosala^ mav bo adoilllfd upon wrliun apptkaUon and rnnll- 
(aaoeor on. jroar'a duaa and Inlihllon n», anwunlina lo lbr«odol- 
Bn .Ooiomunlalloaa ehaerrullir aniworcd IV Iho coimpondlog 
aatnlaiT, wunam T. Walah, w dnnd aiieol, Xonoy Cliy, 

Bbnwa B. B. 0. Jns.— Tho BenAcas have eloctod the 
lollowlng omcen for the ensaing^yt^r:— Prasldeati^Uar- 
ahall Freeborn; Vice PresideiitrBonJaniin Lyons; Seoro- 
tWT, John Boolt; Ulrocton, J. Cudllpp. W. Myers aud A. 
A. Bonner. In regard (o A. A. Bonner belonging to (he 

'.NtUonals(as stated In last week's Oupm by (liom), (ha 
Benoeaa say (hat he played with them all iut aeason, la a 

.ntmber or their dub, aud haa opened play with them (tho 
Benaoasj thlaoeason. r- r / 

Taa JoipttOLbBBBASON.— The Joniora of (his city ap 
PUf !« MMlUog ready for (lie Held. Tho Union Star Boao 
i"y.A*^9{^i'*n navo iiluccd tho followlui nine in (ha field 

'to do battle for the Junior ohanipionalilpThis season:— Sto- 
Phepsoa, .«atoheT| Byrnes, 1st bosej Connolly, 2d base; 
falienob. Bd base: tfcUeo, pitclior; Lonnlnn, abort atop; 
BteUi, left field) HoKonny, centre field; fioDowoll, right 

'«t lEa bULu"'^^ " Oerrtspondlng Beonuiy 

.v?f?'(*'!-~^ Seneca Olob, of this dly. laoantly aleotad 
Jhsfojlowlng offlceni-Prealdent, II. tneCorn; Vlce- 
nmdent, B, Snica; Traaturer, W. IlamUltni Rseordlng 

Hndderi (Mnetpondlng'Seiffstan, f. 

IIABTABD TB. LowiLL.- The LowcIl ofil ItarTert] Olabs 
played (heir opening march of (bo season upon Jarvle' 
Field, Cambridge, on the 1(h insU Tlie gome was quite in- 
toresUog, allhoiigh a good deal of mufllug took place, and 
$e acoro al the ilnlsb stood In favor of the ooUoge boya by 
O to 20. 

Junior Plat in UASSAonDSBrre— Tho Excelsior Club, 
of Ooslon(lauior),TlBltod LyunouThureday, 1th Inst., and 
vanquishcO the Osceola Club of that city with groat case, 
the Bcore being S3 (o 8. 

WASniMoioii TS. PiuoAH.— neae oiaek dnbs played a 

Erne on (he grounds of the former, New Orleans, on the 
Uist, when (he Pelicans proved tho viclots by a aeora of 


TDK FiSR, Jr., Is the tldo (o bo adopted by a club now 
Incouiaeof orgiuiuatlonat (ho Orand Opom Uousc, (hla 



The only fresh piece of Information which we have to 
communicate to oar leoilera (hu week, aneot (ho DBtoh 
between Tom Allen and Jem Usee, Is that (be former has 
commenced real work, having gouo Into training ooartsn 
bear (he Crcacen( City on Ihe 7lh Inst, to remain there up 
(0 the day ofba((le,punulng that rlgoroua course of ex- 
orcise and dltf ge^j^ar/ to tpt^Ielilfa to cope wldi a 

SU of focn vast enaurlog power as our piosant eham- 
on. lie will lake bis brea(hlngB under (he watchful 
urea of that eneilenced tutor, Jim Ousick, who tnincd 
Ueenan Bhd oohnm, and his conaln Pooley, wbo nn- 
oenlAAds pteclaely wliat Jem's reqnlrtmeaia are. Al- 
len Is a willing worker, and under the care of Jack 
Ooniding, be la doing honl work and plenty of it, 
and repldlT dlmlntohuig the amount of nnneoeasary 
Beah now ologglng the machlneiy of his oignnlzailon. lila 
trainer Informa ua lhn( he wclghed 2M pounds on tho 2d 
but, having reduced himself ten pouniuslqce ho waa Ui- 
stalled at waah Home, which proves that he la not ollow- 
Ing the gross (o grow nnder bis feet We are mqutally 
osxed ir wo think they will fight s( all by (hose whom pre- 
Tlous fizzles have rendered skepUcal, especially in (heoase 
of ma(chea for so largo a sum, (o which iniiulry we have 
Invariably replied anrmatlvely. We are convhiaed 
(hat both men mean fighting (our reasons for so 
beUtvliig were given some woeka ago), and if anything 
outside of maglaterial Ihlerfeitnca oocun to bring 
the match to an unsallafaetory JInalt, we shsU feel 
dispoaed to a(((lbule (be same to tha .Instrumen- 
(alliy of one or other of those who find'Iha money 
for them. However, we do not anticipate any sacn 
result as this, and we cannot perceive any grounds 
fortheenteitslnmentofeach conjectura by any one. Aa 
time rolls on, and evoirthlng perdilning (o (he mated is 
seen to progress ao smoothly, tho nnbeUoveis, who were so 
plontlAii at first, arc npldly becoming fewer and fewer, 
and consequently (ho intereat exhibited In (he aOklr Is 
belghtcned In a corresponding degree. As is slwan the 
case, opinions upon the Issue ore totally at Totunce, 
thongb there appean to be a growing belief that tbe ed- 
vaoiagea poeaeased by Allen will oointorbalanoe these of 
the accompllahed man from Norwich ; atUl Uaos la the 
greater fitvonta at alight odda, and ihat atockaof green- 
Gaoka wUl be wsgored upon tbe result Is an aasondraet. 
Tbe nazt and final depoalt, one Ihonsasd dollan 
• aide, u due at this ofllce on Filday, the sad al ApHl. 
Th* ban bBratAfon ''l^ilaAAflT" being ^l4eD npi by tha 
IHenda of Allen la St. LonSTror presentation to mm sa a 
mark of esteem for his manly, stralghUorward conduct 
and gallant bearing in past conteataoo our soil, wlllt we 
loan, ahoitly be finished and presented to Tom. HesBis. 
Jaccaird, lewelen,aro (ho manufacfnrer*, and that It will be 
a splendid afflalr may be Inferred ftomthoetatementtliatit 
win coet Allen Informa os that be will not scale 
lesstbon iTtlba. on (ho day of the battle, as he haa grown 
audi larger since bis lost fight. 


As we pen (his prepnnilons an being quietly mads by 
the apons of the metropolis and vicinity to Journey to the 

Etiund selected for tho milling encounter between Jim 
errigan, of (he Fourth Ward, and Ed. Touhey, of the 
Dry Dock, which Is to toko place on the morolog or Tues- 
day, iith Inst, about three acore miles ftem this city. 
Thoae deslrlDg to attend will bo cenveyod to tho gnnad by 
two steamore chartered for the purpoao, the tarlif impoeed 
being five dollare per head. TOohoy had an o-ihlbltlon at 
Oontlnentol Hall, V.litbth avenue, on Saturday evenliu, Mb 
lust., and bis appearance stripped, togsthor with his clever 
displsy, Unnreeaed all favorably and caused his badcere to 
bcconio entnualasHc in bis supporr, odda being repeoiedly 
offered (ha( he carries (he day. We have no( seen EerrT- 
gon or late, but we learn that he hss been brooglitlnto 
very dearly as good comllllon as his opponcnl nnder the 
eye of "Skinny Bill." and hu adborenla speak veiy conO- 
denUy of hU proapecls, while (hoy are ready to back up 
(heir opinion with gnen paper. Wo undentnud that Tou- 
hey will bo waited upon by Owney aeogboghau and Bill 
Clark, while his brother Dan and Johnny Uonaihan 
WlU eaqnlro Kerrigan. The gentleman chosen final bui1<o- 
holdcr, a pniiilnont Brooklyn Bpert, received the al^ea 
last week, / 

"Paolfio Slope" eiprcsiily to witness the coming 
right bctweea Usee andtlcOoole, andaathethMlclllI' 
iMjathjir^M,- r-M": ' ^ 

AUONO TUB TBOJAXa- The i«8ldenUi within the walla of 
Troy were favored with a more than ordinary fine display 
of sparring and athlollos on tlie evaning of the eih Intl., 
when PioL O^Ndil, of the Troy aymnsalnm, gave an e.v 
hlblUon at a prominent halL Tbo entertalomontcoiulstcd 
of suarnog, dub awlnglug, dnmb bell exentse and sing- 
ing lijt the ProCnsor's pupils, Ur. Iioc putllng up a dunib 
bdl weighing IM lbs, with great apparent esse. The clo- 
sing display was the feature of tho ereaing, bringing into 
vvvO:!!!"!! wjlh tbe siyyw yvUIIgm rjjyt, of New Vj:'; 
(who badgoil j up'Cy ^u(il 'eq^oUlly U soUo], 81111 Hr. 
U'Nelll, Which waa one of (he fineat llluttratlons of the 
manly art which (ho people of (hatoectlon ever wllncsaeil. 
and drew forth loud applause. The atteudanoe was large. 
Prof. Clark expresses blmsclf well pleased with hhi vlsil, 
and desires (0 return, throngti ua, nis sinoero thanks to 
OoL O'Brien, Ur. O'Ndli, and Ida aoholais, for the kind' 
ncaacs extended to him while thore.^ 

Bnooii Kbllt^ Nionr.— Thla feather-weight boxer gave 
sn exidbitlon at Dnlon Hull, Dnlon Avenue, Oreenpolut, U 
I., on the 8th insk, (he house being ftill anil the conirony 
orderly, Tliosets-lo were between RouseandTunniii, Steve 
Allen and Shcnny, Bill Fox and VoungOmcalla, JackJoyca 
and Young Oarr, (a tremendous glove fight, hot aud boavr 
all (ho (Imo) Teddy NeaiT and Uan Kerrigan. Young Ed- 
wards and Bowoni, Teddy Neary and Enoch Kelly— wlnd- 
up-iho lauerbelog a very predy seMo. Fez andOmealla 
llkewUe made a very sdentlUc display. Tovco was 
master, as nsnal, and wishes ns to express his thanks to 
Kelly for hU llbcrellty, which, though nothing more than 
the hard-working okl gentleman deserves, shows well by 

Ed. RtnSBLL, tbe champion dnb twhiger, called upon 
us oue dor last week respecting the cballenao Issued 
by John Cotter, and whioh particularly alluded to 
bin. Uo dcslree ua to say, In answer thereto, that 
he Is not a profeadonal awinger and will nut en- 
gage In a match for money: but ir Ur. Cotter wishes 
to test his abillUea, ha will meet him alouy time that 
may bo agreed upon at the New York Atbletio Ulub 
Booms, Holro's Oymnaslnm, BL Mark's place, and give 
him tho desired opportunity. 

SirrrLB Hatob.— Oo Eaa(er Uonday, isth lost, a match 
at akittles for $W, 21 ehalks up, stand fair, will be played 
between (hoae oxperta, W. Hoon and T. Price, of Cock- 
ney Lane, at the quoit and akKtle groonds of Hobert Cal- 
vin, oUos "Uanchealer Bob " Eagle Uotel, CarrdI street, 
near Third avenue. South Brooklyn. Hoora hi opon to 
play any man In (he oouo(ry for a alake, atsnd fair, with a 
twelve pound boll. Theoe gnouda have been put In good 
Older for the soaaon and two new aklttle tueys added. 

Off fob tub wist.— Duly Edworda end Dooncy llarria 
wen to leave this dty for a weslem trip on (his (Tuesday) 
morning, (ntending to vtstt and give exhibitions in nil Ihe 
principal dtles (here and In the aouth west. They will 
make their first atand at lYoy, and &om thence proceed to 
Albany, Byraouse, Rochester, BnllkIo,(neTeland, Chicago, 
Detroit, dnclnnad, Indianapolis, St. Looia, and down the 
"Father of Watera," making their caioDlsUons to wbid op 
(he (our at New Orieans In aeason for (ho Uace and Allen 
ohamplonahlp battle. 

DxAin or Bill Lass.— Weiegretio find noorded Ui our 
San Francisco exchangee (he decase of Ihe well known 
spordngmsn and fireman, wbloh took place In that city on 
Unrch 23d, of apoplexy, lie was fonnoriy foreman of Eu- 
gtneSS, ofNowYork, before tbe paid department oaino 
Into existence, but for six ysan past hod realded In Ooli- 
foroia. Ills many friends In Ibis olty ftlU hear with sor- 
row of hb unexpeetod demise. 

IlARBv IIioiiN Is now Installed at No. 84 East Beuston 
street, this dty, where ho will be prepared to give tessous 
in sparring to gentlemen desiring such Inslniotlon, u alao 
attend to their requir<UBenta Inwardly, See bla advertlae- 
meat In another oolamn 

Bo. WiuoK haa disposed of hla saloon. No. 100 Blcecker 
atreet, and u at present oaaUng hla optica about with a 
view to finding an eligible sue np tows whenat to le- 
embark In tin bodBcas. - - 

Jul TUBNBi, ittM whanahonta wen leeanUy Inr 
tBtred for by a eodeapondoiliia at present m^ 
leana, having ntdnied ftom s aojonrn of nearly three 
yean u Oentnl Anieilea. 

In hand to assnme the ofifenslve In a contest for tha 
nof toperiority. Of course hla main objeot Is to soon 
in, hot (hero Is something (o be considered betides Iho 
M bet of obtaining therun,andthatisto aeeure It with 
least tBilgoe. If the batsman hits tho ball over the 
da of tha ont-Oelden he geta hU run at once, but at 
It cost? Why, at the exponae of runnfnff one hundred 
I liMnfv innli a< ht> ulmosi apeed, the rcantt being that 
irrlvea home out of breath and entirely nnfit f or ftinher 
r without real. If this wen contlnned by each player 
•ch Inolnga the result would be that tho atrongest nine 
Ud be broken down beforo they had got through half 
game. Now, if thla atyle of batting u correct in one 
AltUlnall; butltlsnot aklllul batting at all, for It U 
Ually charasteriaUc of (he lca8( aklirul elass erplayen 
he whole fniemlty, viz., the "Uufflna;" for this claaa 
atsmen can hit balla for "home rans" Juat as well as 
I nine playen can. Again, too, given a party of muacu- 
nien,,wlili long, h^yy_ bal8 . ^d a lively, etatlfo h al^ 

LODisiANA vs. kBNTubt?,— ^iie groal main iMlwoeit 
tho above alatea, whlcli came olT In Now Orieans ou the 
4lh, eih and eih Inst., wea iiMldud in Atvor of Louisiana 
by aacoroof fourteen'fighu to six. Tho victorious auie 
woe roprosenled by tho well kuown aportliig man, Ur. 
John Frankbn, romierly of Ibis city, and Kentucky ihe 
voteron fooelor, Tom O'Neill, of Loulavllle. Tho comllUous 
wen to nhow Iblrty-ooo birds on each aide and ilitht all 
that wclKhcd In Ibr wa each liattleaiid S-SOCO on tho main. 
It proved B ytyow rictery for the Loulilaua divUloo. 



RORanllng tbo proposed mill between tUcso Ilght-welaTita 
wo riBvo received tlio followlog cofflmaDlcatlon in rcpif lo 
that of Ulko Coboni^B, wlUcb ippoared lo oar Iut:— 

flr^ Loots, April 8,1170. 

FnuiK Qtmr.— DiiH BiL—Prom Iba Curnit Jtui ncolrod I 
tnni ihiii Cobum bai euTFml mv dopotli rorvrftrdcdl 
BtlHibcrortbfl ' •- » - 

ho CDTTnOB of 

_ . rUWer, wb* 

•rrr mnnl <o flibt dm, or no would b&TO uoepled U» wiuant 
illloD oonuln«riD tbo communlttUon. rtfemd to«lKTO,MB0 ti 

crtd mv dopotli forwAnlcd Imi wwk, byl 

dcolucimrtilof metlHibcrortboplHoi ■ilpuUicdIo Mr. RAcb's 
eomnuDlatlon. -Tho CDTTnog of Qio 910Du mfnlf «"makaDe- 
UCTtf'ODUio|«rtorlJlckeri wbo^ lamMtUOcd, doctnoiwUli 


imlly irlditi 10 Ootl, I vlll >lla» him 

tloojor oipepari to accl me Id diMr of ilio loalldn nirnlloiud by 
r. RoKb. ]riSlid«catioliDllCotrttrB,bliri1CD<UmiiitUilDhhliii 

hAid lo plrftM, ind my challanso irlU Tu.jb 10 muilQ open rtir lome 
(If rittlilloua llaol-iTotAliL nc«pc«(rully jxun, Oiopoc Bidwiq. 
Jim Cobnrd called in since the above was In type, and 
slates thattho baoken of UlckoywUiaot agree to bu going 
woaU Ue oObraSeddona (hocholcoof ground iUOhillcs 
from New York d(y, and as different men have already 
gone west from thla city to fight (notably, Joe CVibnm and 
Dick UolUwood) ho thinks Qeotge has no plauaiMo excuse 
for not accepting thhi, as ho bos no danger to fear. Ulckey 
leaves his |loolnourhanda,andif Seddons don't accept 
he'll fight any man In the country, at llBlba., upon the 
samo toims he last week offered him. 

Fatal SeoonKo aftbat in PoiLADBLrnii.— Padst 
WiLLiAMSTnaViom.— Tho city of Brotherly Love was, 
during the past week, the scono or another desperate 
affnr. In whIoh oroel lead performod a murdoroua part, 
depriving of lUb one well known to the sporting ta- 
lernlty. Tho dreumatanoca of the affair are aa rollowa:— 
On the evening of Wednesday, 8th Insl., Paddy M'illians 
(formerly of PlusburRh, where, daring tha war, a mtteh 
waa proposed between him and Johnny I(aokoy,bntitnav- 
er came to anythUiD) and Frank UoDonald, alias UcOoy, 
ados "Dig Frank,'' metal an early hour In tha bsr-room 
of (he Continental Hotel and becamo Involved in a diapate 
concerning a lots sustained hy ona of them at faro, buck- 
ing tho Uger being the method adopMrt by them to gala a 
livelihood. Tha altercation waxed warn and they were 
about dlnchlDg, when mutual flleuda Interfered and sepa- 
rated them. About nlno o'clock the aame evening tssy met 
again at a uloon located on tho B. H. corner of Eleventh 
and Sanson aueeta, when (no quarrel was renewed. From 
words (hey speedily oame to blows, and MoDonsId received 
a severe cu( on (he head. The la(ter now drow a revolver, 
fired upon WUUams, (he ball taking enecl in (ho groin sikI 
causing tho victim to sink to his knees. Anothorshol was 
fired while he was In that position, tho missile penolmling 
tho Ion breast, doss to tho nipple, passing obllqnoly 
through the lung and lodging In the btdi, having severed 
In Its coune one of the prlndpalarierics.oanslngacoploas 
hemoVrhage. Two more shots followed In rsnld succes- 
sion, but neither touched Williams. HoDonold then left 
the saloon, pistol lu hand, but was anhseqnently arrested 
about a dozen blocks oir, having been followed by a police- 
man, who, not possessing sumelent courege to allonipt bit 
arrest hlmteir. wsitcd until be met a brother olllcer vbo 
wss not arroid to nerfhnn bis duly. The wounded nan 
waa conveyed lo the Fonnsyivanfa Hospital, where tba 
phyddan In diarge probed his wounds, expreaslng tba 
opinion that thoy were fatal. BhorUy afterwards Aldoman 
Horrowwas aent for (o lake his anle-mortem sta(en]en(, 
hut upon lellhig WllUsms the object of his visit, tbe 
utter said;— "1 Eavo no charge to moke against any eaei 
If you ore here. Alderman, to ask me who did (he ahoot- 
Ing, I will not tell you. Ifoiglve tho man who abet me, 
and 1 hope that be may prosper and live a thouaand yean; 
to punlah him would do me no good, and If 1 ahould illa 
It would only be Inllldlng on hhn a poulshmonl of wlileh 
ho may not be deserving. Ue may have been right hi Iba 
naUcrand I nay have boon wrong; anyway ifuntlve him, 
and will not under any dicunislancea divulge anything 
that would lujun him.'' no (hen said (bat bo bad boi 
ono nqneal to make, which was that his body be sent to 
his ftuior, Jamaa Williams, No. e> Elghtecnih stitet, 
Fittshnrgh, A Oathollo priest was sent lor end admhiis- 
tered tho saoroment to hlia during tbo night, end Alder- 
nah William VcMallln, William Whilnoy and several 
other frlenda called lo see him. Uo lingered onlll alx 
e'dook on the evening of tho 7th, when ho expired, per- 
alalenUy rotaslng to giro auy Ififoiraallon relodve (0 ihe 
aOhlr. On (he momlug of tho llh UoUonald's oonoiel, 
Mr. L. 0. Cossldy, allempted lo secure a honring in Ibe 
ease, bnt no witnesses of the oocurenoe being present, 
the Aldeman eommlttod the prlaoner and ordered a beai- 
Bt two e'dook on the eih. 

Wa Hati Umsgfoc Aim HUet Hd Falser Sb«- 


The pigeon ehooiUig contest for the obtmplonahlpof the 
Dnitcd Slates aud an elegant badge, besides tIMtothe 
winner, tloo to the second man, and lilo to the thurd, took 
place on Tbnraday, >th InsL, at Hark Rock, near mvl 
deuce. It- 1., on the groonds occupied by Ed. W. Tinker, 
Tho trophy was oObred by tha Rhode Island Sportsmen's 
Club, uuiler whcee aisplcestheshoollog took plaoe, nod 
about dx hundred penous paid their passage money oa 
board the ateaner What Uheer, which had been chartered 
to convey the contestants and spectaun to the grounds. 
The entrance fee was fixed at |to. and the entries were 
six lu number, viz.: Ira A. Paine, New York: E. W, Tin- 
ker, I>rovidence; Ulles Johnson, New Jersey: JohuTsylor, 
Jersey City; Percy Aldrioh, Erovldenoe, and J. IL Brown, 
Dufiluo. On the way to tho ground pools wen add by 
Ur. Uarahall, an old hand at the hnahieaa, Tinker 
being the favorite and Belling In all but one pool, 
as luat oholco, Taylor being landed next and John, 
ton third. Dinner wu partaken of after the arrival of 
(ho parly a( Murk Rook, and at one o'doek the sport 00m- 
monced, etoh man shooting at 88 aingle blrda, 91 yards rise 
and 80 yards boundary, ftom U and T ground traps. Al 
the beglnnlug Taylor mlaaod hla bird, and ontbe (hird abet 
Johnson mlased a bird, (he othen shcothig easily and 
surely. At (he end of (he fint ten birds, Taylor had lost 
throe, Paine three, TUker and AJdrleh two, and Johnson 
and Brown one each. Fool soUlng waa resumed, Johoaon 
and Brown aelllng about ttvanly, and Tinker atlll ahead, 
By tho time tho filteeuth bird bad been ahot at Brown had 
gono to the lead, and money was put very freely upon "the 
stiunger," as he waa called. Those who had bought him 
very low before In the field looked cheerful, and those who 
hadn't soRowfUlly wished they hsd. ErenTlnker'sbscken 
"hedged" on Brown. His star was In the ascendant, 
and BiilnUig brightly. At the twenlloth shot everybody 
thought that "tho BtiBnger" was certainly walking away 
with tho "cbamplooa." Johnson wss stcond, and tho 
othen wen bunched together, Tinker htvhig leat three 
birds, Paine five, Taylor five and Aldrioh five. Berowas 
a turn— the longest lano must have one— snd Brown miss- 
ing ihreo birds In suocesslon leat him tho matoh, and 
mado Jolmson'a chances very favorable. From this point 
to tho close of tho shooting Johnaon kept bi the load, and 
easily won the conteat, loshig but three birds oat of the 
thirty-five. No ono would buy a pool against him, for 
none were so foolish aa to aend "good money after bad." 
Taylor, who had been shooting very badly at Sis(, rallied, 
and (0 auoh good purpose (balho was awarded (he second 
money. Tinker (aklng (he (hlrd money. The unlucky 
ahooling of Aldrlch at (ho mlddlo of the match nther dia- 
ceuraged him, but be alfo made better acorlng toward 
the dose. Falne waa very nnlorlonate with his birds, 
and hardly did himself JnsUce; while bad luck seemed to 
stare Tinker oontinually In the Dace. The dotpest Interest 
was taken in tho affair by tho apectaten, And wbllo at 
times then was much exdtemen^ (ho beat of order pro- 
vailed. Tho beat eonaeeutlve shooting waa done by John- 
sen and Aldrich. We append Ibo acore:— 






_ iiiiioiuiiiouDiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiio-ir 

The birds were, in sporting parlance, "heavy," nearly every 
ono on being nleaacd requiring Ihs nerautslon of a itone 
to Induce him to take wing. Boms of them abtelately re- 
fused to start. On his fourth ahot Tinker had two of tbla 
character, and both being barred, a third, a lively fellow, 
was trapped and killed. At tho dose of (he matth I'aino 
oballanged tha winner, Johnaon, to make a match any- 
where, at any time, for 1100 a shlo and Ihe badge, escn 
Dsn to Bhoot al one hundred birds, the time aud place to 
bo at tho option of the challenged party. Under the rales 
by which the badge Is governed, the winner is not obliged 
to accept ohsUeiiges oKener than once In four months, 
though he may accept for a less time if he chooses, New- 
ton Uexier, Proddent of tho R. I. S- 0,, wss nferee. 


On tho 3IHb nit. Joseph Taylor and James Want, both of 
Toronto, not for the fourih (baa la b (rial of skill with lha 
trigger, the match reaaliing from a ehalloiige leaned by 
Ward, who wu dlssatiaacd with Ihe defcau previously 
ausialned and dealred 10 tost hla powen once mora 
against the champion. The contest took place at Lesllo. 
vnio, 0. W„ and wu for gto a ddo, II and T ground tra|is, 
M single birds cooh, Zl yards rise snd 80 ysiils boundary, 
with Dfoz. shot. Itlehsnl Vareoe offldated u luilgo (or 
Ward and Itobort llodgoon did liktwlM for Taylor, while 
Alex. Uulr filled the noeltlon of relSiee. The weather wu 
favorable and eveiythlug gavo promln of an exdting con- 
teat. However, nelthsr man made u good a display u 
(hey have previously dene undor leas adranlagccns dr- 
cumslaucea, u (be score below auesta:— 




•Fell dead out oflmBdj. 

Ur. Taylor having kdd the chamnlon enp lha required 

Kriod, one year. It now beeomu bIb personal properly, 
hla five eonlealj (or the ehanplonahlp, he hu snot at 
318 birds, scoring 183 1 aolnally klillnglBB, and only mitiing 
18, making an avenge ahooUng of B 8.10 out of every it 
birds shot ab Wa have racelvcd the followlog ehallenge 
from the loaer, which ahows that Ihe retail of the put 
hu not caused him (0 lose oonfldenee:— 

_ Toaono, aw., April llh, 1870, 
Fusi Qsiai.— Dais lia— I mil nuka • luidi lo iIimI bi any 
i1o|le pi|«oi)j eieh i^nil Mr, Jo««pb Tiylor, or Tonnio, n>r obb 
haaOlM dollAn.of BDrUB«nBlup loBUOa tidai or I will pol up 
'm ••UoBi CuUD IDS ibool al & doBHa blida twb| wli |irtr Is 
aeiuir Ib«^rd«,wbl9h BralobBmludoo IhBmoraliif oraboel- 

SSH'U'ASiS!!^ "I'-t-f «><"""•» XOOBRTUoSrriBBL 



Habrib AND Pbrrt.-J. Walker, Incker or the "boy 
nerzog," narrls, says he will match him agalnol Poke Fer- 
ry, of Trenton, N. J.. lo his own race, 'l yards, flir (too or 
tl.OOOondtho championalilp or tbe East. Harris is es- 
pecially desirous of running Pony. Tlio race lo come off 
at Fateraon, where Perry will be oeriain or a rolr show. ' 

Jack OouLoiNif, at iircaont training Tom Allen, will per 
form lUs feats at tho latlet's qunrien, tho Washington 
Uousc, near St, Louis, on Suuday next, iTtli lust. 

An ATiTLina Olits wu organised at Uonireal, 0. R., on 
tho id lust., the purpose of which Is to eneourego and nro- 
Diote athletle sports. About foriy names were enrolled on 
the membereiuji list that evening, and a committee ap- 
pointed 10 dralta cousiitutlon. 

TOR OnioM Club, of PlUladelpkhi, give an Invitation ball 
In (ha( d(y on tha lllh Inst. 


uippodhomx] paiitsiisn. 

Will luunirolo Umi Mn*iB ot 1870 by pteMHUIlua 

(Doon OPAO QBO bottrpntlMB.) 

Tbe muuienirat tDnoaoaoi Ihs preianUUcD or oal oaly 

Inflndlng Hla jMooauo WaUoo aiiil MII& Zerllas LofcUs, 


ud IhBt epllami or Uenl sad beanlr, 
ERSAULT EQUIUTBIAtr, from Obaua NapilMa, Vw\m, Bnl ap- 

Eanum la clihlyoan. LA JEUNE UUKT. Iba loln ahl UuiiUa 

BotBrl JehBjoD, FnahUa, Laulla, Sbfrwood, Uonalis losclhorwllh 
adoubtacomr ' — 

Bwaj or Oynouu, AfnlauL 

TnuaxUli, Aa. 

BI each perfonBaoea and aaaaola 


wllblha OoldeaObarloUBOdlhaUTaUaB laoto In tba alneli^ wU 


(iralhar ptnollUas; If uoIaTaraUa. Iral dalr davl, laTlai Iba 
HammoUi RIak al 10 A. H., and pam davD llare. IsNlh iL, utnaa 
lo 3d ur&, dans 3d BTb. la fiowarr, lo Oiiial, lo Bn«d*aT, up Biaod. 
war M Sdlb il, la 8d ava, iheaao lo 8<lb at; Iba plica at atblMlbn. 
No BnaraoaD parfomaiKa vlu ba ilTea as die day of mndo. Tba 
flmparfanBaaaBwlUbetlmionHaBdayeTeqUia. t-ll 


Re4npMBnca of 







_ tit BlIOAUWAT. 

BI7TLED AND QfliHORK Itiaann and Fraarllloit, 







PurhI'Itbu iR'niT 

N. 0.— PflTfamera or ickaawlrd(cd lAlaalloaU lirlncbra or Iba 
Tarlrtf builaeaa cao obula iteaOy eontafflaala by amtlylni lo 
3-U ^ W. BDTLBB; llaBBur. 





Insi la trap, haadla and piill lha trap a«aiBil eacb^aiBef, or Sad a 
penoBlo doll. Thla onailaaaati loft open f« Hr. Tailor for (va 
w>Bba,BBd, IfBolaooaplad, IMlilioMB BoaichaalutisyiDta la 
-^—-^ iatarmB,raraayamauolupla oaauouaaoa 

Oaoada, uodar 1I 

doUaraasldei BntpiwbsVlsBoalloae/SuUoluUaaiiLlba'naloh 
uieeMtM^tySitwndtaeCOtpdklMpiit^^ Uihe 


Lul week oI 

IN jvDioiAL ODBiosrrna 


In bla ireal Sou aad Act, 




oiiiNo onoo BL 

liomaa cnwded nlabUr la lao ihl^ 

WlU paalilrtir be nmoved afier ihli uttk, u oB Uegday, April IS, 
ve produoa Uio mat Miuallonal burWiiiio 


LeaUMaadHaBapr. JAUBB B. nATCS, 

Diulaen Hiaaicr DAM BYHONS. 


Hr. FOX'B f raal uarronnaace or 
nuilbewllbdiawn foran nnUirir 



H0.1DAY, Urn INei,, 

wlUi ill Uia orifbal Voal Uuiki 

HAODETn ........Mr, OBO. L. FOX, 

6(ali Kcorol TIVO WEEKR IN ADVANUB at lb Boa oOcx, and 
^t ua Thcaua TIckol oflcc. Ill Droadway. t-li* 

Twenlr.thlnl alrwl, balwa^a Kinb anil Slllh araaoaa. 


laHbakfopeara'aiubllnoTrwdy or ibat name, aad on TBDBS- 

Id Laid LvlUHl'a bcauUrul nkir or 


Will make bla Bnl appmi«nen in Naw York In Bto yrara. In Ibe 
irrrorncd by blmSD titnra In Ihll dly. 

'BnlliKURdlVrO WEEKS IN ADVANCE, al lha boi ancaof 
lboTbf«ln,oratltabnnoli llckat offloe, at tba HuiloilanorO. II. 
Dillon A Ca, 711 Bn>adwiy. 3-11 

Fnprlclorind HiBager MR. LEBTBR WALLAOK. 

will be praaaaifvi Tom Taylor'a laii saw romodr, 
vnduool wllb nawandappnifiriala mnrir, nair piaalo and aairap- 
ulBloipnla. and a mil or chinirion ItKfudlai Mr. J. W. Wallael:, 
fir J II.eloUanl.Hr. n. T. RIonnM.Mr. f.b. Wllllireion, Mr 
Cbiiirlriltncbiioll,Ur. union Holland, Mr. Ptct, Hr. guliley. Hr. 
Oornn, Hl>a HidtllCo llrnrlauaa, Mlu Emily HaalayBr, Hri. Jobo 
8irioo, Hll. UiimPbllU|a,.MIia Ro»L 
' Inrahnaml, 


whkb will t)f Biran 
In pTBnai«lh,n 



DORST oixinoaiiB, _ 




U BoBSB and.Daoeei 





AOAi>xiMrr OP MrNSTiuaiisrs' 


IHuagen ...JABiaiT A rAUlB. 


. BitUlanl ao«l uoouaailOBed ulunipb at tba 


av VBB 

MEW TOBK rtmuo. 

MONDAY, 7p~RiL II, m 
wUl be piwanud Uia buiUaqis 



Tha nlKaDTotlucpd vrllb 


iinvAi«rr« MiNBrrniiXia. 

flIoriouaSatcaaaor 0. W. II. llrlaln'aBuf1a*ieaor _ 



O. W. II. nRirPfHiallia 

Lrrri.E uaoi 








BlunAltAfh Milk nnnn/iB •«au.V.T '"wr^teWi 




Theraara Teiy few lenllemcn wbo, at ioa»UffleoroUiar,bare 
Bol bad Ibelr 


OB PBRRAPa RtnHRD, ^ „^ 

or an; olhar cnmlad iiUa, rram Uia vary fbcl Ibat Ibare la bb plaoB 
lopullloiorrlon - 

^l|p_ PKUP — 

will Hod li gfaslV ioirieir i^lnnuco'in'laok'i^ u II wUl 


By Ibli almplo nmDsauionI raamad undn- lha aaal, lha hat la 
aatlly puloul or tba way and aaouraly baki In lu plaie oalor daager 
aiidnolnHiblalsUisownor. • 


For cimilara, larva, addieaa 
B. M. DEDAN, PalBBtaa, . 
ff BouUi Blilh aliaal, PbllaJalpbta, fa. 

OB tha WIncboalerand rouuao BaUicqO, bluu of Balllaof* aod 


DIHKNBinNll ei BY >l FBCTl 

3lt» JAB. LAW. IIOOFF, Proprlelor. 





DnoBTisTi mpoirrANTi ihfobtant{ 
The United States Confeotlon Ooitipany, 

and all BarllM wbo liaraBOl aliaadv ' , 
OF JEWELRY UBBb. _ _ . , , 
Ml' BAM'L BLOOD, OoBtiael A|enl, 


*****"'°"'* PRFmiFpOTANDAintlB,, ..* ^ 
ooBsandducai TIIIRTY.FITB OENTB EACH. Beat IS Bay ad- 

drcM, pool paid, onrtcelplorprlco. „ _ 

^ll• . FKAWgLINWlHNS,WBieaawBy. 

A I^AXt-S* 
fine eoMBUoDll Dl*m 


wilitoBtoBcnvIr ror oor, W14-. 

rIOBMdastal. AddloM ELLA A. EilW, FMIa. fr. 0. 3W 


bar, wiabaian Skpe. 
■ - Til' 

PROS'. noDunxs nuMovjiio 

Is Tea Broadway. Pkluicioua Drpami oT UluilaD, PoaUal and 
Baileiqaa, SeaiaUoBal DaraoDa, Pbanlona, Bkelalma and etbar 
Ttiloaa For OBjaawBOnU or ptttikaalni of appaplBa 
BvBd ilamf for tenaa, pnisiamma or oalaloauA * 

LaiHPB.niiiiaBa. «< 

B A OBAlfe,« MiBae 



i^St"^ edstya*!? opiaitA 






Addnia f R.U(K BTRBLB, BlanaManaiar, 
t.3t' ^^o^(8<oKO|lelalloBa^ " 

nnss MCA'sr onrponD, 

ulo ODOodlan, cbaraclar nanlqua aod itnerml arUil, are opcB for oo. 
paamanlB hi Brat claaa DalU. Addmaa 

8.1ia IfSCeBlralarcona, OInolnnall, 0, 


Thla copy la rciT liko iba ono 

and Ma all ihn 
Alaoof IbevaialoBpirpBrodrorHUa. Uoairloe In l.oodoB. 




ni fo uxoiazisioii nAN joist, 






AND Borxia 

311' AddUM NEW YORK 01.1f PER. 

sroxMSiio'w iron saxib oit 

DRNT.~Hiiao.ii.m maugeiB, doB'^yon wanljli^ ^.'ei' 1°**, 


L A. MONBON, BlterUiD, CoBB. 







DONNA, liaiB Bin 

cnn be oopfod by reiponil. 
bla maiuMrai boat IVaaala *TnOIA 
ID Iba B Uiloplap aiige. Add naa eire Oflppcr Oflle 

oiiARXiiias AJUiorrrr. auorws. 

Abboll'a Olowii Uatuocfaa. Uia paBlonlroa la food and blaaym. 
naatk) nerronnancoB am aicallenL and the fmiaaiiua maBoar |a 
wblob IBoy are dODe roitlbly reoiloA uaoT Ibe BlanUU.— OopubU* 
OBD, Haici Slh. 

AlitMUwaapartkularlyoictlleat. Uia Bietoqanla eoold nptba 
bouorad, wblla hla symnaallo rMU are parreolly Buvaloua.— Joiu^ 
DBl, Haltb 3Wj. 



entore.— Fmi, Uutb 39lh. 

iir. Abboll, lh6 down, U T017 fuiiDra tnd wIlbtL tcit ulla In bU 
Ttaa Olqinit jMdstjrick U a woodorfut tel, ud rectlred u 
Ourm Orrvm. 




B«rio Oomla Voaillri, uU DnrUinua iod Pretain Aelnn, mo m oi- 
mwlfcTlM April Ifl. AddrauJOllMDHNIBn. iJllppWofBw. jll* 


TlisahOTeutUtai. iMTlncwIliiNMd and dulj antredatad erarr 
UdrandfenilafBaauoufalo Tthimo perfunnara Id AmarlrN, haf* 
roHlTOd.inarconaldeniloo. loiljloUiomwIrciTUB CUAMriOANB 
ortb«DnnMaTnip«xr,lac1iic1lRKBi«r1cJ of leap*, ind mean (o up* 
ItoldibeilileagBlDilalltoDMn. Anjnulaand fomalt doubta Ira* 
pqia narfoniian objetling tu Ihti od do to thrauih thaOllppar, 
wban we win al min nuika amrqnmenia ind dcrlda 11 In publla 
S.U OLOItUK tUOVOhU, FrvuiUimiTh«aiia,UaltJniora. 

. OAIlI>.— EmTOTl NEW 'S'OIiK 

OLIPPEIL-DKAR HIIL— After liia|«c(tiiiT Ui* noltei from iba 
BInIm preu, Uwailirr wllb ■ ktlcr rnrm Ibe prnprialor of -iba 
OpemllouMlo laslollrt ffr" f*|ll •dmil Ibrra bu Imcu mb* ml*- 
npnaeuUilonponewbera On ibo Oni olabl or our perfonnaDm, 
apar»o_praMaiod blmialfai (hedomi rorfrtoadniuloot ■laUni oa 
wai Iho Rimin rrpurif r for U10 New Vork OLirraa, ud whan aded 
lo glra a pnoT of bli balnR lO, nf uaad, and, aa a natuiBlconaaquonoe, 
ma decllDad lo pau ihe donrkaapen Tbil aeoouola for hla lauar lo 
lbs UurraM of Uta 2d of April Voura irulj, 

WiUJiH Ilouci liuaiui 
OLWioTouTRai SL Loula, alo., April SiL 

Only on raro andunaaual oocurona li ao Urfe anaadbmeaal- 
lraolikllQ.thoOpermlloHMiaatfliiiraMd Iba Qniappmranoioriha 
LlmardTroiiro lo ihUdij, laii eTealnjL If lionfr Ibaanoonooa* 
mrDioraleciurobjUougii, KitStf or OkhlnaoD. or a aarnwaby 
Bccrhar ibai nn oall wii aiicb an auillanca, iind II li onir a lootura 
Inr Oonah, Niihror DIoklnnni or a aannoo or B«ecber thai oao 
alDinl to much MiUracilon u an ind(«Dcn, did lha enlcrtalnmani 
oriut orMiloii. Tba fMt thai Iba peoptoof HlmlmrooofDliaaad 
ap)>rectalalbeiilflbnucnboiifaeu n rirat udt«cDDdcUuaDlar*alo< 
mrniUauillclcali7appuTutli7 Iba «|JOtrTncalo ttaoaudlonoa, both 
In cbanictaraDd DUinurr*,be(wc«a lulof lailoTcnInfaodibaarc- 
ntni proocdloff ll> If poHUl*. bowarer,lha dlUbiroca waa mora 
marl*) In IbocDlorUlnmrnl Iban lu Ibaaudlenra. lobtaipeeul. 
llB« Mr. Un^inl hiinoeniMl«,biiUbaaie«llenc>Qiorthaaoiaruio< 
tnotii nra b/ iw mcana conilnrj to bloi, bl« ln>upa beuf compotad of 
OftHtlaiu aolora In ororr dr partoicoi. _ 

Anolhrr torn and nnicbuHiiillcooa amtad ibaUniirdlroiipa 
■I ibalr Kconi) aod Uai npptaimoM In tbu dir. al Iba Op«n Uouaa, 
UMlavcnlna, aod iba wbolvooinDiDj opprnmllo ballaradraoUfa 
Ihaoon lbapr«vloui0T4Alnf, wlicn Ifaalr aDlerUlouanl nre tba 

SiONlonmplabiKQd prrfrci uU«rKi1oo. Tba Ininductorr tana of 
ffboHp«akaFlriiit'< fira Mr*. Alka Diioolof LInpnL Hr. Babart, 
Hr. Ullllna*, Mr. DArmiiaml HIM Wood aiioicallcnlopportuiiUr.lo 
riUntar Ibalr ■uuorforntlllllM ri nclora, whkb opporlnnllr waa fultf 

a ' - m<_ A il« lii.n>.lB>a t.lnHt^laa anlMBitlil wnmntiaUl 

ImraOTld. Mm Alloo Uiionloi Llnpltflaa aplanlU woroaB-U 
look unon-BoO a caplul acliraa lo aca and Imr. Mr. LiBfaid pail 
BavaliliioDsaaodcUncu>r.keloboa, wblch omlM a world or dft- 

lu ' — 


Iihlaodamaicnienlwllb LliaDdltora— drll|hl bMaaia bla Dilnlcry 
r..nmnilnsindr.lih(itl, and amuarniriil bcraiinor Iho repldlly 
.filbwblebboalapptdrroin ono chandrr loanoiher, (oainme ana 
all. Ilia illlno ImprraonlUmaare aiconlinaly cnloyal'laaBd dlapUy 
Ibe iklll ol an arlUl IB makaup Tba oietUciicloa of Ua OBlarlaln. 
nonlwoiauullnurd, an.l Ilio .unrloilly or lha mnMy allll fur- 
Ihtr BiaoirMlrO, In lha doling plKo, wllb which Iba audlaiMS wu 
more Iban wril iilm«<d. Inland ellln an laldoia tlilud by aacb 
aopailoraad world nnownnl aolora, and, iBbrbaireroorBrilelau 
oluuna wbo era able la rtoofoUa and ippnoliu |o«d iailB& ws la. 
TlIB Mr.aBdMiB.LIasanl aod Ibtir liOooled oompipy u rbll our 

Tlio I 

Ibaa Of uiga 

i.Lbiflanl and Ibelr lalooled oompapy to TUll our 
early a day aa wlB auH ibalr eoaraalattOBL Biauruf 
and ipprtalallf a BBdlaooaB wbaBarar luyauUap. 

will p^ ijg^b^,Ud>MB IB UABBT onimiaBAlle 881 Brait. 

Pat Ilea wialiias to Boof pi Ibis wlBplMaa BOBTBr ibroBSh U«( 
nii.orlo nNOBTll OATCrrSilT, 
Vll* BaJUMB^Bt 

XSDT^lUr BOOitfil • ■ v 

ThaonlycorraaleopTOf IhUsraalklBBBr lllaildr. In till WOlMlaifti 
ImpenoBBiloB ' ™^*' 

A eopy of Ih lanaal kiK 

or 'flAHLfn-' ^ 
rfoirrEB, u " 

- BB, u '<1Iiib].|." 
0. 1. F0I(DBn|4FDnnjijj^blitiaaipllMlati«)<af' ^ 

FilaB A. Mo:^ 'P'^.l^iSt lAaatai*^ 


LTDIA TuoMTsoN, uba- wjBBii ;:ui!;« «*5^!'yi 

nOBK MABHRY 'LlNAE0WlXaLiriA%8lL*nim% 

andall nniBlnaBlicton BBdldnaae^ in or onloT otaiaeto Ik 
ajh./ror8l, poalpBM. IT?. RlCHAaDBoSlf^' * : 

floie,aw,Naw toitdlr. ■ 


WANTED FOBTHlU. ^■>'>"i hs^^iR^^Jj^ 


8.111 BUANNON, 

LEH A CBANB, IB Haldea Hal, It T. r 

_TO SCDXieiio'W MEBf' ' AMto* 
iSlMrfwHS,"?"'.''* OWpiNAIi OlABB DLOWBB,A>S 
UTILITY HAN (lau al Bamum'l HuaeaD) la opao to luanaM 
guomaBl,orwllliiiikBaloakrorlb«5ndaorOlS8bowa DSSr. 
•■II* WBWTOW N;t«BsrilaBA, WawTotB. ' 

Addrtia W. T. nOELUR, taiaorCllpparoalai. 



M. MORI , 


eiy r--- 

„ ^ PniLADBTj>HIA. 

HaiuteiSBlBba aoppllnl wllb Iba bealor UlaalOB akortaolllA 
r«rronBer« wIiblossooAcDsl«tiDaBU win ptaaaa aaad namaa, biaS* 
Dna and apiary lUI Immedlaldy. TTh. HOBTIMik 

S-ll* D'BBMII'AseBty.SirWalBulBliMl.KlladaliiiW 


WTTif onojtna 


Vajlad npoB laoBlpi or pito, Uoi^ 

Tiaanopl aL, BoBlao, Maafc _ 

AonNT WAKmro. 

ALITB MAN, wllkarawbUBdraddsllan, lo aat u XIABDIBB ft» 
a weUorjulud and popular TiileiycoDifuy. AddiBaiZ.^^C| 



(TBOH BUBOraj • 

Oia ba aanml by (ibI clasa bbbmiuoI^ 

roifrAll MaAOBHBNTS^ 
of l»o (0 •roBlia or hnfir, la appear In bla oriital '. 






OomedUn. Oan bo rnjafnl Innibar or aaouablT on £^InSS ' 

A pAirrxY 01R1:., ■ 

or nnillllalun and quick ofurcaplloB, a profllaMoilloalloBwia 
boil«B 10 ABBIBI i FIBBtBtASll PABsfioioffATEUBSi w! 
Ulualona. Hull nol bo under li or oyer M yean or a«i 

AddiiaLE8TBB,CBnof IMeoOoe, aulloi wbera an Idlnrla* 
may ba baa. Ml^ 

QniBd Bapld., Hlob. P. O. Dahlia 

OF iMiiaAxnmsa 


- -I Iboo I 



MINHTHBL COMPANIES, Aa., alilllBf Bpiioi 
(be EVEHKTT IIOUBE OBO of Ibe Inl In'i 
DOWE knowiwhilprort ' ' 
loolloo. J. 11. dfiiA ffTj 

ihowmiB(B' — 

Ibem a call. 

WBNTZ BROTtlBBB BIB 4ba renkr Oily BID Poilart. ud all wati 
antiuf M 10 Uhd wlU iw ralllluir^iinSiyi!i ^ 

8.IP BualnaaBMaBSfB'rorMoKMj^^uclwBThaUTleUCft 

lald,''Dl.,'wtll |a«A^' 

„ J eoanlry.'.OAFT?'^- 

lOWE knowiwhilprerualonilanoulraindBbowilbaa BfaRab" 


«mK»T''pir» tS'.SWTI?**" Wilhloilon and Hulbern. .. • 

Now «p«D BB(1 In lbs roU lido or auooeaa wlUiBtaUBIadaS^ 
pBoy or , - ; 





UEO. g THOifPBUN.aiaiaMaaaiar. 


'Urlhlot Kady Ui |0 f Isbl oE . Addirai or call In Uia Bear BImL . 
"I* 87* MynlaaTaBoa, RrooklyB. 

BOW UHcllna wllb lha LISA WEBER I 

INFORm, - 

. _ , ADunSeiiiBB ■ 

«B Badrord alwat, BMUiB,Haaa 



Boil ho B (ood laltor ami a lempmio nan. Addma JOBIYX 
ASON, 81. OhaHra Uolal, 188 Bnidway. New VBrtT^ " fur*, 


WAHTBD-Two |ood I^odas Udlea and'B'Blniloa lodr. 
wanted al all tine.. u. MAB^wUP. Pnailaior. 

rlilLL. DIBFtNBAOH, BU|a Hl»a|or*^^ ' 


irotloo to Oaso Rnll Doolon and 

WabaTBlMoadlwoabeialiriil ralored aoanvlnaB or 1 
Belu, Oapi,BhoraaBd DatisoTcr Bny(IO)dlffennl.lyla.,belBf aa 
ouclfao-aliDllaornodL Dmlaia and OInba akoiild aaoa and pf» 

eurelhem. PricoLlalagdI!nsia*ln|.wntrroohvaiilL 

IVa Bia matins Iho Aabk BALL BTOOKUO, wblch wawB. , 
runllh to dull at Whataalo Pilcai. 


■" ■ ySa 

Nanuracwrar% n Okunh at, Tbih, 


For aiaialaa, plaaiurak raclof, Inrallu and haB(lB|L.. Bearfil- 
Dodelaror youns lidlaa, ladi, lourliu aod^apoiuoiaa, D aa ril pl l f 

olreullrBlBdDrloellaleMloRappllalllon, — ..V|' 

8-81 WATEIwrSALOIl A OO.,l08 BiTtr ll, n«y, R, %. . ',1 

XtKooIalop Sanajplo Ro(nn« 

OnOIOE ALFA W^N^^Iutui^uTteaAUU Iks •» i 
FBltAIB LBBHOilfl IN 'l^^'^<'^^f^S!SELS;^St!B& 

0«BllaBiaBall«ld«lB(lbelrBWBt«iMBBoeirmB|'»l. .' 


rro UqUOB DEALERa-ror 8018, Bt • bifgalo, d 
JL MapirratoBaolpugrawcUbBowBU4o6rllaBnlkatan^wE% 

(au Ir ■'— 


alrneUona for dialllll&f, rcdirj. 
Uo.«n, Ultem amipa, wrdl^ j 
i,«to. For puwuliia iddriai LIQI 

aipBBBO, BBd amni 
and Blimp. Add w " 

PAWa-A Bodpe ftt.Kaalo WttDJ 
nnwoaairornraniaadoldi oalladnrHSgB , 
■ iraadT.,BlallOBA.Bome, Ma» Mf 



Iks bear* Is 
■d, .lhl>t awl 


^I>ril 16, 1870. 

[(KnciB TO gCBSfmiBEns. 

" H Mwiriww to to Hw cum*- 

-J*"* "':?" " I " fotJoimllu.. I ■ 
taror'am • <<^<<<*IM«I MmuwIllM mife fram 


I Mlttn «na«ctad vlih ikto «r ttUcr depaHment pf !>• 
jwn?^ iwpaUollr ii |n <i l U •MitMltalr ftTOTioUM. 
iMitiul rrtntoiv, tod Ikmb; imd oalalosi, nbukra >u 
wkkb m HMr (• «m «k<o tack ccoBunlaUou m 


t miMioMU nsilhu4 la IMr ftTonlaron I o'clock on Hoidtr 
tr5Sg;1s Older lo ban Item tvf* lo tkii vorVi 1hu& 

■ 1 ' ' 1 

' Vo Oonaaptmdbntab 

■ mm T«B.— L Till Mniub win pnteblr open pl*r oa iht tbiid 
"^^^ TaMur Id April, oa ui Ualoa cnaadi, wn b*1iore. 1 tlioft 

: , aS^UBmiBmlUlof ItaWoTaa ha lua rm^ 
••l.lll 4m'Mer«lkar«ranMnMooioa lhaU>ca,aa4MUalnn- 
an« aoi* iniBinba aar otter i>u;er la II - 
n la >llk Ibo AltuUa Claty Iml, inallr la bla lanirli 
3lMBG4;'»aUuka,«allilok, <. Bun aad filiJ 
Ik nirantbabtal ualmdaMC*-rrtia<l,aad or< 
•bail !■ ika ofloloa oTiba nateft or UiowD dvih. 

ifeAB ur Other purer Id ibeoloa. & 

^- ■»BUuk«.ir*UilBk. A. Bun uid Hint Miboui 

I tka btfl ua (m doM t**cT ti«l, ind of OMrw oeb 
. _ otiBkMi m Um BMmten erhiiowD dub. Ai » dmi< 
Srtholdi MwfM ^ two we should nrarcr Huit for ib« pmI* 
tl SnI bu& «Bd Jnils u « pBCnl pbjv. &. Woli^n dreMcdlr- 
Mtf^w W^llai M ow of ibe noii effectirt piubcr* of tht 

laSniTrm^. Vr. V. B. lUrrtm, mnr tliiflni ti ti« Tbaitr* 
oKlm, to Iht MM OM iboi M«| ki CoBiertun Trill, In ihU clij. 
t Mr. Btfl*Bli*w tt«ttf pntbnnfd al 444 onderAnyoibfr name 
-ilubtoon. nurtWMADun aoB>«4 BHrta who pUred a ahort 
' &• wlih Mafll while BmhohKBtw jna pUylni ai WuungtoD. S. 
fi«laattftallbwiaatontodt0 Fufrr BkwIcorHT, but coi'adlrom, 
MdM Mv tba wl/9 of FABk Xem^ 4. A*MI«Ca Dniainaad««> 
■Mi^aadDUred.aaU puuai lUnium'a Muacoa, corttcrorAoQ 
iMiandfiradnv. l. 0'Brt«u . 
Film TUATU.— 1. Tha trUbUl praaanM at Iha oM Ftrk tbair* 

pom apeaod^ all r. U , and pcrft 

amed allK. 1 lU Ian conflijrmllon (Keorrcd on Dtc 101b, IMa, 
&• dtMoT iM taM apptaruM at iba ICoai^UUU uvopo. Tboi. 
Battoto wai Ibao Bunaavr. 

' ~ lun KtiDwieMlbTTfUf, K7*~Tbm waa no Ulk of ft 
btiwaBBltoilaraod l«dr thers, for tVXfL laat fall Tba 
itiat have oriffiutM from tbe faci UuiMr. BonDcrolTrndlo 
DO Jbr aor bone that mid parfonn J>eiler'areatatFn» 
under pnda(4r Umiur oooillikma, of iroiilaxamllaioa 
irtlfti - - — 

hlWUDOJbraorbocie that mid perform J>eiler'areatatFn» 
iinrv, under pntiatlT ilmiur oooillikma, or iroiilax a mile lo a 
tP«'«Bd difrer wfiahb«9l«1bi, In IrSlK wiUioul a breaker 
A aftar «aU1n||aU ua ny fnm bU BiaMN lo Tiraatx-aeTeolh 
mi, lajfow Tort, la the ooorae iba suae day. 
jRfUi HAiM, KawOrteaaa.— LioeBtamfUvaabomlDSL L«ula, 
ef Irfab pu«tac& UU father waa a dcaeendcni of nobtrt 
~MUL'-HUaM to ahoui ivrnir^ertn. newM adnunnerat* 
dlobMOfllMflL ImU rvctotou durlnji ibe war,an4wtnt 

i. two feel to Iractb, WedfMbapnl, ralMS^otir birbra In 

,„Cbeeierneenun& Vnra terel (round be could not 

r iwto^reei; to<|kci,no oui arer eouM clear t«nitT<«li feel 

'jitlboallhaaadaiattceor a pole, board, or Uxfc of weodinnltortc 
' mix fmrn wbkb Bowvd JompM. 

■oirnTrMi, BroDkl/n.—'Un natch hetwmi AthltUeasd AIUd< 

inafnuida,lhb afjulr, lAO, H beuUiaiibeflnl 

twtotbeAiLuUaawaJtolwineniBa; U beto BnlmaacoloaLand 

aoliliM made bom rani Fleue dcdda." Bw are 

Ceibbamuto a haoe run oo ihe AUtleUe aide oa iheflni 
, and riMfte and Small tod cff wfih bOBM rune OB lbeAUaD< 
Plbe abe laHtafoaa. 

L 'tliUHb Oaoat" wta pUjed for the flnl. Ual and 
JowefT TbeaMT, on Dreember 17ib, ML 

RW time, at Ibe Ner Jo 
' AawB on the neii eT^alni, 

theprofrutm^ The Umtre was bumH 
maini, Xtoecmler Uib, befora naformanee be* 
**anaihaaaoi"ud ibe'-MUd|r^'wm Um Um 

eerfemMl ihen. 

"^^lin, Obia— *,<JL. B and 0 an pUrlae aeren-na A haa Are 
-'1 and B aU; Ibe ardaan then MUand tbe neii hand to 

and nlfl A aarca bU /ari, wbea be abeva tbe ace and datma the 

BBe: balBMdalMaodeklmaeat. Wblcb winat" B'atoir 

T•abt^llb«^^u Jack doea not cotini tinill afiar low.oaku 
to toTDCd op aa tramp, when li li aooml at onto, 

Vfw Orieans.— L Edvlo Fonvel appaand on tbe ataM 

1^... -(,,,or t Ue waa pUjinc' 

tl rean of an. & Tie aaUry 
perfonnrr^ a alta 

. jgvCau «u about tea or ekreo laate of aje. t Ue waa pUjinc' 
..^tor CBMCDUiU^baron be waa tl rean of an. & Tie aaUry 
' vobU dasand oo um merito of Uie penonnrr: a attmonr would not 
•toMutoed a chanee valtaa be cdoUI eaoTtncs manacara of hto 
MHKldrnf orer naidentf. ^ 
OllDioo, Him— L IllaiwlproperYor n dealer to deal 
CNVamrdilDblaadrerwurand two lo blmaeir, or tin eo-mr an, 
MiiU number BOM pU>ar oo or^jr nMod. 1 John 

CBMun RiU^d In newprleaoa for Mmei£a& ^ei LoUa waa 
tan lo Hew T«k eliF. • . — 
I J.a«ti;Bo*«. Mm-L Abe flkkev benl Oattloi, nawler. 
WMffLfUtona and PatoXanlnObeUikr In tbUenuoirrJ; waa 
jmimv ^ Majwr.aijkl fMBlidimwa wfih MIe tiw Ofvdan, Bob 
SKS*>&?*"*^^;»i'?J%P4|*'-> ^f*^^ PUlUoawlUooalTOU 
fUO. neeeordered by Weil CUrk hare not Totarrlred. 
J^iut.-i. Joe Mack waa lo Bufklo the Uai we bmrd of hin. 
&TMdUrivmedrapoorT«l4baatotopiv(keaDdpcfMTfn; to 
<>flld o«l ITron mo Uaprora il aax, co to aone nuale (mcber, kam 
' B^O^ l«iLb« oamri aoiiod of notea ^d (b«a nlUrau your Toleei 
Md jwi wttl aooD dodoQi whether nu will ever be a ilnfrr or neL 
_.W. B, 10 wbodoea the qolcheai cbanniTBtowart er 

Mr, J. a Biewan, betier known u faitlesrewart, baa the 
A^Jt^Sf}}* flBlckratehaDra en rword, Uhtofloff ooe com- 
dMB^Utorm anfHher, and bUcklOf bU^ £m, In tbb abort . 

"fffTV^ T.-Tt«>>« aea Ua Borapaau chi^UM 1 


mf^lM rorfatiaad MlUwIr 

'a^*i^u4.>'W• our a« t Motii«MM>°°>i 

.•tW mi onlrbrlai Ub«f«»«»Tni»"^ •» 
Uw, jack, loei ool btfoN'Mfh !'•"<• 

«( n^arleoaaai* 

_ b mo 10 an. 
ana, N. T.-Wlfn ao 
-^■» lib mat liunmllf 


luwand vbn iba,t,lod 

rpa win . ... v>"' ' 

H.yu,ti.U^-tiw(nU biraauwand 

'•uiJSplsSS'lK^Jto-Tao imi aaa Ika mint ai«Dd*a i^.ir 

J. J. I., -4ll»ir.-Wa hara gotu latood aor of Una ta,«o« 

V a D. T. Ito«l«ii.-Jrir. IHTl«w«a arxMralof Cllaloo, 
whmbcrfl«»<»rl«Ilbalaul«ln Iba U. ». liroalj. 
J. B. B., »khoioiid.-l. WoalU puNUb li«bcD apaaaraimin 

* w.'i"l!'^'|-mp«iu. lolcdd. -tUaml kao.l.|»beih« fa 
wcni>kilo|lbadraavrlbaUockomr. .j— ik.rfima 

BuTDi Vr'sakm, a-Tban to M pM o»l ondar Ikaelinua 

"a^W., PhlMtlpbla-Lolia'c Mjurmtnl lo Balllwia tm 
mntn on Ike Ulb of AmII and imalruM wi !»« •njr „, nui 
IoToati«ci.-Wo doii'i bnoa o( aiij ladj ID ika prefamw 

"oiS HDaniaia, San Toit-A fuH hand baiU a •»ltl4hl, II 

'i'c. B., Jobuiowa, ra.-A panoo bom of Jairlak pamia.l* 

''lt.'*^V>makmi*.-Wa ban Ml j«l lanad »bo ba»» b«ao 

wen ^4 fcr neii araaon. ■ - * 

Bniaiiouiaa, m I/inU— A l<»»a ib« bai, for n i««lr«a«oa 

Eiaiaoa, Qlto, IlL-HarbKiur'i oBoUl laalorilr la Ntw Toil 
■lalMlllieliiirnuUanlUJrIirlljn, n«>,tM. ,^i«< 

F. C, I'corla.-l. Toura of Jlii nil., ami jrtl Diarkcd April U, 
amalobandlooUUIoWarurrlcf. 1 W« do not luno Ikon. ' 

A. Z., Olniwnod Ii.-An>lcM A Co., ikn cllr, maj be aUa lofur- 
filth jou wllh ittcb a work. . , ... . 

TVKOlf, flrurihlrn.-Tbciaanboftkloo Ibt aDtOHI. bsl wllkool a 
pmllal kaoaMio Ibpr wnuU b« of mil« afrTk^ m m., . , 

P.Tu I/nl>ilm\-lrm AUrlitr,lh«Ci.loi«dliMc<lUo,dlod la Po- 
Uod Auaiul 7. IMS. 

n. n.Tlli. IXKila-Toa win Ibo drioki It 70or oppooMI rtfuici lo 
Uinw. . , .J 

Nie« O'Daan. Bl. I^wla-Ba wnil ikow Iba ;alr ba baa on, aod 
ba»nnrialil(aitfiiJti«>aaMkeriBlr. . , 

J. B.-I. ITa oo nol know hm ipnch, Ifanr, he baJ lo ibl nalcb. 
BflwailoOTrbariitbitKiMra. 2. Thai liouiorourllai*. 

O. W. H., WeUeirlllc, K. V.-l. He la eonnctleo wllh no ihwiia 
ben at prtariiL 1 II wia lo laKd, hnl ll o'tc r tame (« anylbint 

JuBrowH.— Tbownamj. roaieocnl Moie, can boapplbMlo 
aor Urn bma. 

0. U" r, Uaftrblll. 

Boa 1 rirtceo cenia rrr Hoc .—^ , 

irinnaBor,ClodoLaU,olla-l. lleliooi. lOvnTonwia 

Tirnmuix.— Tb<r aromuiM lo itollonen b(b»fla| lo Iba 

"SJ^i., nireKon, 000O.-II doea nol read aaioolb onou,b ftr 

ULaara, HiDadtlpkU, Pa.-Tbo fuwil lOOTarti' Umoon leoord U 
tH ttvtndt, by Ofvrtt Bewanl. 

AIXIORDT.— Bi«ula and Mice fotif hi *a*b other Iwler, «nW9 
wlnnlof iba Omkallloind MioiobulnlnalliefklMTlolbccijJjnd. 

LoriaorrvaTaaima.— irfbiran commU lo o>eoior7M)luiM 
InlbellDiaiutMTonwnldORrywcIL . 

J. E. P., ClarinntU, O.-Ikn'L B. Bandoiana ptared al Ua 
LTceuD Tb«m^ I/>adoa, Enx.bul nol al iba lUyoiarfccT 

a-l. Alira wti bon al Biniloibaa, 
1 yon bad bcllar learn a liade. 

Iftaa.— Va ibal) beplfoacd in brar from Ton. 
Ilooo, OeorialrtwD, D. C~Lolu la nol mairlod. 
■ noala.1'r " 

_ *D,D. 

"CluiioaaV'' rhil2delpbU.-Wa bara Boi iboaa saabn 


0. c a., ciotinnaii.— yonanTarTtmHbl& 

"J. II. B."-Th9llkT01. 

«. J. n , Erie, Pa.-no Iraopo ll dlitaadot. 
LoHPOK-Yeur belur plan wooM be la adrerllao lb<& 
Haau BoiT.-<:bailaaB. EDIou, Oreeofoiol, L L 
HiDn— Decrr la ak ^Inerkaa. 
"To Tin"— Xa«oaapoau4irrmpllaa«, , ■ 

3. B. aTlraTlanOlkk^-B'i hnr aoat oul bafora (Ta bl|b, | 
**ri«Ta"-Wa iball ba jiad to atan ewaalru of roar offar. 
EooAB, laTaoawood.— Owaa ll&KL 
EMrin r, D., BalUnore, Ml— OalUa Coilla. 
Pu't a, UararblU, MtK-Teai barowhl alllw tallUft 
& r., Protldaacc, a I.Jeo uawar lo^, D." 
1a O, Di, QooiialowB.- will ba noUoad nail weak, 
a P. a, Boaion.— II bu nol beao paMUbcd rtl> 
J. A. LaloaanoL— Will appanr In our nail. 
N. 1. a, Boaion—WaZTiwi k< ' ' ' 

>i keep boofca for aal« 

WBATig R ViAHf-Tlit /lUUan Mao, la noUclag U« 
duthof itOOMnTlTUI EsgUaliniu, utn^- 
^AfriendeaUodioiea biJB CO ibo foOowiocn^nffandfaQBd 
blaa anfartpa vetr mack. Mr. IL afterwarti wani onl for a walk 
aadlhrewbunielfdonabbui Tbe k&anaamak al ibe dawkboo* 
Ba^^jronpU/tolajainiwniMaenlhlnloKalka. Onlbcwajbo 

It's in pitia enosgti ir tod imilmttgil ]t, Bit do joii r 
irnotwCrtMnrnrTOn, but lum't tune to eloddMo 

tlmiBlltCTjMtBOIf. ' 

A OVBioiTB OABi wii decided In Ue Oooit of Common 
FIeu,rUltde1plili,onUielUi Inib 0, F. F. KiTMr ned 
H. It. Difld tnd BkDDCl WUUuu for wtgea ai editor of 
IbeFMfaiUtpnta BUmtr. Ttedefenn wu thitbedM 
notdUebugehirdalT. Tlejait, Itowerer, tbonghtllut 
bebidniiBclentljlnllaled llie maUer, tnd tliejiccop 
dlnilr iwudod Um leTenl^-nlna dolUn. 

.BiXonm. ExTiior.— Ois'ot onreioluniu luu l>een 
hiring an "Mgnment" wlUi • eontemporair, bnt dlicUInu 
penoniUtr, end after fttlsg an extract, taji It foitean to 
ear Uikt the iaotatloa *^Teal8 tbe mtnnen of a buck., 
inanl, tbe rencltT nt • olitiEplon Uar, and the moiali of 

BrtoT— A cllTpaperia7<>-"Mla Hande Emeit Ii to de- 
llTor • iplv Icolore," alo. Ii tbe Iidjr In eamut m tbli 
iploj line I Meet ladica wall nntll thej ai« married before 
going beanilT Into tbe lactarlDg biilneai, for tben Ibej 
bare tome one to ptaetleo en. 

, tfola- L Tbe^uEan Oaa baa a ltd Ulanitle al 

Bnd wllb a wblla alar In Ika canlia of Ibolmnala, wllb uriRa of 
aodwhllaalumalalr Bowlofonl of IL 1 wo do nol know 
libjUJUptr itjolar onlfoim la, orua oBmbtr of men Ikor bate In 

Av 010 BowalBn, Obloua— Aa no boor wai ipedfied for pau 
Haj op Iba balance of Iba alalea,inr lime bafora u o'clock, P. II., 
wm In llalb If roo pal up roar toooer before Ibal and Buaaar to* 
. fnaafroaaiacolUlulolurorfelL BuaHrnunoclalanrhaUTar 

' ' ^OUtrlll— 1. Taakea BnlUran had aoreial oHatn, bul II ll Mam- 
- «' «a IMI hu ma OAmowia Prank Ambnees wbleb bo waa compelled 
~ Kplsi from penal ier*llud& A niaflnlopponeolln 

ha ftai.iiia Uammar Lane. 
A. Xnr Busa^aiaarTiDe, XIL— 1 laron Jonea beat Bob Wade, 
vubaa^^%7 Harry Onae, Ton Padtak (iwleo),Tom Bajera and 


SSaSaSate, and rog«bl adnw wllh fiayan!' ' I'^erhapa 
' vMeh Bombm yoo deain to obtain. 

■in Pmr— 1. neeaao and Hi , 

,^od,(knada,OcLJ0i,18M. L Ueenan aod Bari 

X E. W.,ZndUaapQ)U,Iad.-T^ot4eiltoabriorf«eeaarerrealoT 
' fbrtbelflapcrailTe demaada of Baton to absurd, and Uta refcne'a 
nBpl In cmBUsf «Id teeaaa waa quite In order. 
Biuio.— Yoor oppontbi eaonot etoln anapjudfoenlfolbeway 
"vea nafiiton. . There nasi flnt ben mniual aincaneoi for tbe 
imoBBi of Btokaa ^ayed far, ameuot of forfali, ilote and pUea of 

r-r^ -lieaabecUdpedof ihebe*of|5l . 

Tbmtra Id Pbliadalpbto waa bnni 

neeoao and Uenlaaey foajbt al Loaf Point 

"* '■" ■ " ' Bajrcra roufbialfBni< 

— wu bon In Kaw 

■liylDi, «4fta before any forfeit e 
•'^wrK.,AlUnto,UL-L Pbi' 
-«meDJaDe19Ui,im i n 

vhlekwu aftorwanto cloanl.U: , 

•^ori Uaa, owtof to ft abooUna acnpn 
JbMrann.—I[ waa HUeDelen Marble who appearvd aa Lorllna 

Ip Uto^'Katod Qoaea" al ICafulM'a Opei» Ilooae.^'-^ ' 

aSdtnaL BcrBaotbarUrealdeoli 

. _ Jt badftwiHrooni when QnioHn -, 

■vhlekwu ftftorwftida cloa(d,UkealBilarpbcealDlhaidt]r,iiyi^9 

ATlLLAlHOinOoicroimi) oTvbraU and boflunltfMV -wtIiot an J 

[ouM % flnHS^I M0| bint iuied In Uio anampt, .Jim 
Um an tifucru-polooi fogoa. 

AM EmiKo Papib wants to know "how long It Mil ba 
befora an American baUt ocean itcamcr wUl be lont off 
tbewojB." Befora U ffoas on Ita way, of coone. (Gopj* 
i^taacaia a.) ^ ^ 


'Weolcly noooTd of tho Dooeaae of 
Prominent InOlviauala. 
- ooinuD axranaLT ton ma nv tobh cuma. 
Blown, Mod. Piank P.-Ei.Mcror-al Oiuwa, UL, on Ibe 81k toil. 

Batpo, BeOi-IoTanlor-Cllnton, N. J., Anril ir 

OOUJI'I, ^ a. " 

Batpo, BeOi-IoTaolor-Cllnton, N. J., April 111, aaed O. 
- - .WeU known pilnurwI-klladalpSia, AprU M, 

Oinva, Oakn— Pbnklen— yea Tork, April 3d, a|ad 7& 
Onunur. Am— Aelor and lUco maniiiiwKew Toit, April 81k. 

SlfiAvuuai, ITon. F. W.— PmlpanlUwror. BorredSonlk (kip. 
' ' lib In iho Iridilaluiaof bU lUle and lo Iba UoIM ~ 

lloa bolb In the lf|^luraorhU lUle and In Ibo I 
Oen i il a a Oolmaooa, B. Oi, April Sd, ajed TP. 
^ ' ePoi^ " 


Di Hdxriuunn.'aii&nbiarica'^ Pollll. 
dan, promloanl mcrnbor of louU Kapeleon'a Leatilaluro: da 
nonofad br Louli Bkne ai an aceomiulee of "Ihobeir of Bona* 

n. P.— Tin PraiUul or ibe Mulotl Life Toinraoco Oa, and 
foraiertr -v^^-"..-.-.^ i . 

Four, llop, 

Kfr DainMibwchi Hmiletla, a'iSla'W '"JfLSpfel 
fifieJehTPfclB time, wmi dUsnifl <>'}!» S^S^I^, 
lltoN. ittaaWtbelicotiude betwean sa Fi»n«»«> 
BdHtMBaiidwicb lalindi. j.' 

— A aeirnlitined Abram nooKllT t*d Wl«»n«trirt » 
While onTflre jean old. In Uie wood^nSLSSE''"*^^ 
« lew data ilnct. Tlw rope hold, oui ¥«™«'*»»I*^ 
bMjh* No eardii, "iv . , 

— St. Loob policemen, going on bolt "^P'^*'*'!,^^ 
wltbalrrobKned beoriandwrcfceariir jwljow, /""ff-jj 
newlMPpolntcd policeman mhlook bU W>a^ luncB i»e 
«lh»rnlgfit. TiiereUavacanorlntbepoUcerorce, 

Wbea a Moitnon la Mtil abroad on ne^'ilMSffll 
Brigham appulnn a men lo act ae iiieyei J"t«2'?»\" 
.ffi^tB.^ Uie wlree are good looking Brig* eppolnia 

--ffl^Bee<!liir Blowe, hiring retired from «h» Jj'"^!!' 
banited, Cupi. Ila;ne Iiel.l, another writer of dctlon, pjo- 
poan to tackle Lord Djroo, and abow him op in Ui own 

— ATotodo'nlntoterbaswUhJn ten raWO^'JSHjS,? 
eonple, haptlxoil their child, prwhcil *>»,^°SSJi 
fnnfial aernion and mimed the widow. "Wbaiaeeier 
thr band flndelh to do tkat do wlUl aU tbr mIghW 

r-'PanI da Caaaagnan, tneediuir ot^tl* Farii ud 
tba'moit ccietiiiMddnelliarof ihe dari1a pal^ kai datk, 
plerclngefta,aetiinDnul^cloao togetbar, and wean a 
Mack mooilaoke. .. 

-ABia naoedHawk waa iiwatediie otter dar in 
llemahnne, Pa., f* iteallog ehlcksna. Onr f rn ajra It 
serrce hin right, be lull do baaUeaa to go "biwUng" 
othcrpcople'i^proportj abont. 

— 3,340 proaecnilonaoccorrcd lo Maeaacbaaetia the laat 

Jiiartcr, lltl for llijiior aellloK. Vinea omountcd lo 
46,009, and expeuaci 14^000. liooa|a,ocoprol)lpaTt 

— The (iotemor of Pcnnajlranla Tclocd twelve hllla 
neck before laal, Inclmllng one for "John and AnuNaiT 
Corrigin 10 adopt the djlldicn ol rclcr and Marr ytmu." 

— A MIMoartgcnllciTiBn carrien about wllh him ante, 
mcnto of 0 loei brother In Iho ahape of a cane cut from iiio 
tree on which llini relative waa hanged for lionu aicallng. 

— A Sonmcm negro Inalata that hia race waa moiiiloncil 
In the Ullilc. lie aald he heard tlie prcoclier read uoir 
"Nigger Iivmoa wanlol lo be bom again." 

— The mile (rirl who woa aent to hnnt for bene' cnm 
thooghl, an Bhe illit nut flndaor, Itwaiatrenge, furabeaaw 
"lolB of hciM aiandUig about (loUig nothing*" 

— A Wlaconelnfnmierigeaforadlrorce on the inoniid 
that hie wiro can't chop the amonnt of wood Ihot eho 
iMoalcd aiiont prcvlona to marrlace. . 

— A ureal Roman Amphitheatre haa been diecorercil In 
ibeeicavAiioiiaatlloiuitBt OcDerlere, raila. Anilqea* 
rianaaro In exladea. - 

— Jeiferaott'alSWbblithdajlalo be celebiated on the 
latli uut, by the Jefltnoo Onard (»tb H^gt) or thin cli;, 
who are to be raviewad bjr Major Uan. 

— The nm roiatoi of the jear, • pcachblow, grown In 
Lexington Co., N* T., la on exhibition In Waahlngtonatrcei, 
M, Y. 

— Rmperor Kap. la reported to bare bad a fit on the lib 
iDau, hatwAk better next dij, and rlalted a pnbuc eX' 
blblUoo of honca, 

— Aaegar tblrtT*elgbt Incbea long, fonrteen Inches In 
clrcninfeience and welgblogatx poonda, la coming from 
Hacramento, Cel., aa a preient to rreiddcnt Orant 

-A hotel at HpringHeld, III., lateljhid aa gneala at 
one time, Oftr iraTeUng agesia reprcscniing aa man j weat* 
em mercaaille honau. 

— Bomb of the ttroog-mlnded-women dcnonnce matri' 
mooj becauae Ihej aar^'thcro la aomeltalng chlldlih In 11," 
II doaa bare a aonewnit infantile aqi^t, we admit. 

— The lint aleam engine ever pot ip In Lexington, Va., 
wureconujerecled, and created conalderable Intertat* 
The worid morea. 

— The Empreaa of Fraaee haa actoallj appeared twice 
In pobllc In tbe aadie dreia, which la oonairned aa the 
begtimlng of court eoononij In PijrU. 

— A Plqna, Ohio, chap Mnka over twentj cnpa of coffee 
ataneaL we are not Inftrmed of the alze of the cnpa, 
nor bow mncb thej charge him for board. 

—The BrlUah llooae of LoMa baa fonr bnndred ond 
aerenlj-lbnr membcte-of whom onlj thinj-one arc Bene, 

— The Conolj Conit Blenognpher of the Cllj of 
Chnrchea baa hnd bin aalaa railed to |2,ooa— |too leaa 
than It "oaedtowaa." 

— 11,000 cordi of wood bare been cat andgot out of tbe 
woodi br one man In Iowa ihla winter, wonder if be'a 
"Ibrongn the wooda" jet. 

— Chief FoUce Dowen, of New Ifaren, hna been aoqnittcd 
of the charge of TjalUng a honae of ui-ame wllh a renulo 

— The Prince of Hohanlobe bu worn a golden bracelet 
on hIa left leg for twentj joan, In foUlmeni of a promlte 
to acme jonng lodlea. 

— ICanj of Chlcago'a clt^na Indnlge In oplnm, and an 
exchange aaja the papeis are coniinualljlandlo 'em then 
for. 1. 

— At Swaoaea, ITalea, on the Mh of April, tbe binianl 
champion, Mr. W, Cook, made an exinordlnarj nm of 
Ml poinla. 

— There are n Ughta and beacona on tbe American 
abotta of tba lakea Bnperior, Mlchlgao, Boron and BL 
CTalr. V ■ 

— A (en jear old jonlb waa Mgbtened to death at Teat- 
borD>, Miaa., on tbe trd inaL, bj another boj weiring a 

— An Iowa dergjman' has been dlimlaaed from hli 
ebnrch becauae bhi wife tiaed hla name to adrance her 
aewhig machine eelca. 

— TheMajorofOahkoah, VhL, It la aald, iatelj veloed 
an ordinance approprlaUng isoo to hlmselL Wonder II lie 
tmeL 1 

ulaunKlMn ABBt Cltr>>4be wella 

ifwatSr^tt ifSbaiirwiK-TimM 

for 40 cenia a banel. \ . ' ' 

—Anew butltntlon baa latelj aprnsgtip In Waahlsg* 
ton-a colored lobbj ring. 

— Among Ihe operaUTea In a BIddeford, Ho., fkotorj la a 
tlo,ooo holraia wno works for |e a week. 

— A man was Inatantlj killed od tbe Itb of April In thia 
citj bj Ihe buaUng of a grindstone. 

— Iowa emploja her female conr Ids In breaking stone- 
Jut the aame aa "anj other man." 

— "Mice pie" waa one of tbe dlibes named not long ego 
on the hill of fan at one of our faablonablo botols. 

— A miner In Arizona lolelj fen down a abaft 1211 feet 
deep and was not much Injured. 

— Ur. Ueehan, who was ahot br Dr. Keenan, oftblacllj, 
not long mnce, la aald to be out of danger. 

— Ten doUan waa the wager wblcb tndnoed a ConnacU' 
ent woman lo eat a bnabel ol ojaten^ 

— Women jirlaonen In Iowa hiTO all tbe rigbU of men. 
Thej are set to breaking alonea. 

— The Fat Men'a Aaoelatlon bare seTenl bonoran 
memben In "Onece." 

. — An exchange paper saja:- "Tmlb" Is la tipe, bnt la 
otowded oni bj "mora Important matter." 

Jponlluoie.'Ban PimnclMb,on 
uTalaro, orin lbalpartorOll■ 
BornM, weanitren to ondwaund. 
.' OolorakT aaaoaa, Warreoibar^— L Nr. Roaner'i bota^ Joe El. 

nil lU rean old. 1 liehunoitoont of one mile aod a half, 
I la bTKalor Wlnadd; Ika paUpaa of kU dam wa wUl itro joa 
■ail week. 

' I>in,BL LooU, Mol— 1. Cobnin walabed ID Ibi. In hla ll|bl n<hu 
iuilaihadarbarouibiMeOoolo. LThornlei nqulro ibe men lo 
HwJiibaj trh^ Ibeir diawtra, ilockbiai and ahoaa on-nM aallrel/ 

■ MtM, BalUBon.— Tba preiuilloo and br mlalUnta for "Uacklag 
«*t coaaliu of eommoo cork, bonl and powdeiod, of wbtoh a 
' aMtoUmado and applied wllk Ibe handa. 
*SuanB in OuMSB, Weal Trer, K. y.-l. Tba narmatam' nlaa 
tadnMbeea deamiel/ ananaed it lul adrlaea. L Send uarour 
' HI or oSkero and wa wliipabnih IhRu. 
'. aaa,8alBa,AkL— Wa bdlete ibe naalona wai« Ibe Sm lo 
Mnjiooa Iba umMUaanalaUon lel btn; Iha; appealed la II al 
Ba Amdamr of Muik, ' 

a-I* MUaOaTcnpcrt llbUianabUr. t 0. L. and Robert 
_ nolnklod. a Br.Dalj U ihi prtaenl leeieo of Ibo Plflk 

v; . , BoauJaaanUlo-IlliaUlUeealof dauforaomiof Ihearenls 
SS^MliSi^ boworar, aod ron mlibl dlib II np wHh 

jSTL', BUllmonl-Tke mle lari Ibilaeulmuil nolbeleialban 
Cnreaidafronlbolop,noriuailllbanadoioulo IttroleMlban 
nor eardi at Ibe boiion. 

W. BaaaiBk-L Jernr Brranl paTemed wllb Dumhellon'e n 
t> Loodoa IniaiA a. Ua weol 10 Oallfornla.ln ISH wllh 1 
ttrfilr. IJerrr died lo ihu elu an Ika Sib of April, uai. 
010. ajlanoS Ohupk, Pa.-1. Tkercould nu aiiao npona... 

grniM^oiefSe rJei ' ' . ""''^ 

UmopBrai^ Jebiiil0wn,Pa.-L-na wu loNowOrlmi 
iwolwbaantriDm bim. I.Bco oar dramalloiitmmarr. a 
■aanan roaabi Monliaar, Sajera and Kina. 4. Il oetar came off 
.. g ooi liTiai AM Nnwaofiua, Cbuhira, OL-In kli bnilneii 
'•^SS^iknababaaaUara bikarad bobtallr.androunUUu 
• imom^lnim harabad erhlm._iwi lEa pirib u lowriio him. 

W. M. M„ PooihkeepU-I. TJ. Oamum haa {iven ihire diamallo 
|llforDagepaln^daraltlilfuioiini. 1. Eaillab la a Un(ua|e. 

-J^iSS.S??^^-'''*'''?'*''''' "'.•'«*^'*'»'™»>l™lied 
BWI Ihiiifon, 11 Ibenin no Un lonmlni A, weaiouuble lo 

™ V!t£SSSn-r'' •■•J' S"-!"* II" hnl ilMe manaier of ih» 

aTnJsij^KS'ib'LS:- r^'^ •> 

_21ff'i?''."*' ."• OiOombertani-Tbelkreoikouof 0, btlnaall 
SEi'(5^Sfi>Sld^» A'landD'vbolkof wboa. 
. »»»•<••. «II10!!.-Tba aUDlna Claiboma bnod of fowla eaoi. 

ibl^oulMr (a puRbaaodln Mew Oilcani, 

''i''KJ!f5i";*£'*' oooMoni Inqolriraanoas Iho liido, 

- . iSfr-ilfKs&sja&iSt " 

Phiudelphto, Pa.-"Pbr>lnl EtenlHi," a work oa liain* 
iuU<i,ro«lns,alo..b7'nillkm WoS; will eiplai wbu 
four.. Toooanad<reiilboaiiUK)rInouri»i». 


.il**-«''aait«T0l.— Tbeiaara no nloa for Ibo sane: Ilia an lonora 



"'^^^•^i^^ii'ilis;? if.°s S"'-^^ 

''\ f ^n'AASlwn.-^BeaBanrerlb.waaebamnlea of lulud wban 
.-, ^ '"tl »«oUT. an^e b(!ld1lLiiJorii8S 

iuv ■ ..iS^.^i' " Piai'uK.— Wa do Ml nneabir Ibi dale bul 
lCfc»v'"a«»«g'»t.'<i eodwlln una for oar neil u?u"^ 

^ ^HSfilmSjll^ ». f 4 ^ «, Un Ullet a don'l conni In 1 » 
''•.V aK£»u!SS^ 4.-.M lnla" 

aiJrtpSti Uowili InBoiUid. I We auinol lodu Iki 
. I^^t^^S*''"^-*" *> "<* »»«««rUackwof dot 


jJS^S! wtropolol— B mail dnw aU ika plaei. and A. Ii eo. 
■^'iW.'* tf**??™ bead aJlifilolo/Sr 

>*Oi;iiIf^_V?E-.Tf"',*""""»t Conij wioi Udaarbrlka 

»SPt)Ju'4T,M«y fo. ik. lam, of 

■ ^*|ftl«n^lta*-A bUJion u epirad wllk s ua and nine 
!3^^JWaikln|lon, D. C-lhaik roi, bat wa hid 1 rqnrl In hand 

' '■jt'Sfe^'iJ-SS'jiif'^'* ««««*J«-^onU« 
^ Spilqrtold, ni-Tbaak jMl am [mu analwiraao* 
^3 SlSf'"'**^ rwjAet Jaijiham'ahill bo plaind lo 
jOonaa Kawut, taa-Ii la tm l« Mob ika n» I 

triramemharof IboElliabaUi Oar—al EUiabalh, l/. J., 
eh, of beartilUoue,und&l 

j>. M. II.— Al HImcoe, Canada, aadlmlr, April 81b. 

Ooiuna, Rkhaid—One of ihe Iwooir-foitr who onmoiud Ike Brick 
Churvb Boclety, and tba lul renulolna soenborof Iboaano- 
Boeberter, N. V., April 61k, a|od 71 
nona, A. P.— A well known tirfman— Waablnaton, D. 0., April 3d. 
llaaar, Jobn-BUUardUl-OUacDW, HcolUad, Maieh Ulh, and 21. 
JouiaoR, Ofcarlea— A London rtporur, and connectod wllb aomi of 

ourfaAlomnapira-8L Loali, Ma,- AprU 71k. 
Janrnir, J. B — HemberofUia ptonUienl dry noda firm of tk[i 

cllr-Undon, Bo£,Apri:llh,a|edaL * 
Luunrni, Oharlea— Aclei^Uled by feUlos fnm a window wblle 
aafl'erlqa fnm ferer and imaU pox— Parli. Maitb aiiL laid SO, 
MoooHtn, lanai— Httaklanaid compoaei— Lotpale, PniulOfaitk 
ISlh, BfedTa 

MoboBuo, CoL Wm.— Soldier lolbo Mealou war and preoilaeol 

. Dannenl-Pbllulelpbu, April Sd, and <& . r 
Odnajfi Janea Da PiTilen-PfcaUenl of Obambar of Conneno, 
Ifew York, and pronloaal noRkaat— New Tork, April 71k, 
ofcdeOL ■ . 
Fmnioii, Jeaepb Itald-lAll auliUol enflneor 17. a sarT- 

FhlUdiipbla, April7lb,anll4. ' 
flcuiTB, Aogoii-HuilciaQ— Al Peoria, UL, Varcfa 391k. 
Biiuii, J. J.-HhiUlar oflho " 

wed 77. 

) tkapel-lAaautar, Fa., April 41b, 

Waimi,M(«.— WlfoorBlahopWllpple,now In Eonpe-al Blar* 

rlltowa, fa., Maiehllil, and71 
WlLna, Uoo. Jamaa A.— nnmuoal pollllelan and ax.poatniailoiw 
KaUmieo, Mich., April «b. «t,v.u»»»u- 

^"^i^ilflSt^" ""^Brnlno, ft„« 0. a «»T- 


This dramatio temple, of which we giro an excellent en* 
graving on our hnl page, U located on the B.B. conior of 
Twentj*thlrd alreet and fiuth avenue, thUi eltj, lis front 
and grand entrance being en Twentj*thlnl atreel, and U, 
without a dooht, an omaraeni to the dtj, and lis alrle of 
archlieoture auperior lo that of anj other theatre lu Keir 
York, It being In the lUinalniice aljle .with Monaanl roof, 
It la TO feel high. Item ground to roralce, and 149 feet 4 to* 
cbca la the fionlage on xiventj.thlrd alreet. Thcrearetwo 
veallbulea, 18 feet wide, on me Orel and second doom, ex- 
tending ai;ioaa the widih of tlio Iheolre, n foot a Incbea. 
There are ihreo galleriea, fraro whioh can bo had an unoh* 
atrnclod riew of the alage, convenient to which, mied up 
wllh nil cosvenlonces for augebusliicsa, ate drcaalng roomi 
on the Bouih aide, wotk-rooia for aeaoalreaaea, nn-proof 
wanlnbe,'aceiie palntor'a loom, and a mcchnmcs' work* 
shop, which exieuda oror Ibo oiiiiro abige and audllorium, 
The etage appohitmcnis are of the most convenient kind, 
all modern imnrovemonli having bcennvailcd of, Indudlui 
Inalanianoona light bj clectridij, and aleam appllnnceefor 
moving bolkr acenen, as vroll as to force ahuudanco of wa- 
ter Id coaoof Are. TIio ooatof Ibo edidoe and aiipolnlnionlB 
baa been callmatcd as not leas than half a million dollars. 
Ha aeatmgoapacltj la: orchcsiis, 248: orchcalmdrcle, 328: 
balcony, ill, and drcaa drde, 611. II waa fonnillyonened 
on Feb. 8d, 1800, wllh '•Koineo and Juliet," and an aildreaa 
waa dlatribnted on Ilia plaj-bllla, written bj Edmund Fal- 
coner, formerlj maangcr of lirurj Lane, London, Em. 
As, however, we gnve a dcacrlptlon of the event at llio 
time. It la not now necoesarr to indulge in reeeutlon. The 
structuro, with lis exiemal and Iniomal anpeanncc, Ua 
atage appolntnionia, the tnlont that has nitajulj appeared 
there, aod the high diaa of lis rnierloliiiiieiila la a laillni 
monument to the creditor Ur. Edwm Uoolb. and an ornZ 
ment to tba ClVj of New Voifc, ' ^ 

FBorosBD JuHFiKo HATCn.-On Ihe tth Inat. we'Tecelved 
anidea of agnciucnt for a Jumping match betwccu A, V. 
Hill, of Illnadnic, V. Y., and Ned Hearloa, of Ming Bini 
Blgned by the former and noconipanlcd by 180 as forfe 
The terms of Ibe proposed match are as fellows :— to Jump 

Igbtl J Is tbe light and Urslj name of one 

pno Blnglo lamp, anfrit level, each pnrty to have twelve 
•■"'"«> eno haring the boat Jump at the oxplrallon 
of the twelro trials to toko the money, t2U n aldaiUio 
maldi U( he dcdde.1 al Dlmliampion on (lie llih of yune. 
On the 7th Inat., Beatles, having been Informed thatartl. 
oles had been sent on, called upon na and read them orer. 
They suited him well enoucb, nivo that a clause batrtni 
aprfng Bhoes had been omiiied. and nnUI a allpulallon to 
t&t eOMt la inserted he dec^lnca to algniho prouxol, 
altbonRb be has covered lllll'a money to ahow lhat ho 
means linslneaa. We wrote to lllll'a hacker tbe asrao dai. 
nolUyUghlmofthoalalo nr aimin, but up lo the honr o> 
going to prtaa no answer bad been received, 

Tntr TTPE-StrriNO OniLMKop.-acoii(e Arenebera 
wnlicluponusonlho Utb Inau, In nhiUon lothecH! 
lonae from Ooon In our lul, which he considers ridlculoua 
as Tar as jllowanco being niario fordllttrcnce In rapldliv la 

" ^^'.•"l." Profneslo inaacaa great onduiance 
SfatWi b"lon« "loalmnieoirilila uioriA coll." TbTSnlj 
SJ^J.^f.*".'..'""" *■ wlilcbthaBUkesgo to "he 
S^f'l".?""' nnniberof ems In a reasonable 

I to?|!iiWS'h«r,"'^ * """^ 1« 18 ready to p,t np j 

— Qaaawaj Bi 
of Kanaaa' leglslal 

— A bell waa reoentlj atolonftom tbe tteepla of a ehtinb 
at Pltu Point, Kj.» 

-Two tbonaand tona of beeswax,' valaad at over 
$9,000,000, are annuallj conanmed In England. 

-There were elgbtj.nlne Urea In tbla dtj during the 
past month. 

—800,000 Ions of Ice were takes Itom tbe Kennebeethla 

— Oblo hue aepttiagenailaa who has kept a dlair for 
tbe paat Uiy jean In vene. 

— A man In an adjoining state latelj sold the elothlng of 
bis deceased wife at anetlon a few dajs after her ibneraL 

— MUlIonaof passengei plgeons have awarmed In the 
wooda around ritlaburgh for some days past. 

— A few dajs ago a Kavada Jndge fined blmteUllTe del 
lara for being lale. 

— Ban Fnndaco latelj bad an acinlslUon In tbe ahape 
of Ire Chlntae prtntere. 

—The government pilnllEg ooce at Waahlngton em' 
ploys four colored girls, 

— An Iowa minister aajB bla parlahloners are all under 
oonvlctlon, He'a chiplam at Ihe BUte prison, 

— The Kentncky girls are aofSadnallng that Ibo whole 
blue gnus Rglon haa bnt one baotaelor, 

-There are thirteen dlaiuieriea In Chicago, hi which 
aeveu ihonsand bnahels of groin are conanmed dally, 

—The old Becauoua tnck, at or near Uoboken, hi being 
out up into buUdlng tola. * 

— Fnnce haa 48,000 Bcboolmaslen, and Napoleon calls 
them his "paciao army." 

— In 1884, 818,333 emigrenis arrlredat this port, wblcb 
Is tho largcat number In anj one jear. 

— There ate two hundred and forty French turriTois of 

— Huaala has ordered three hnodred and Sftj railroad 
locomollvcBtrom Great Orilaln, 

— A barkeeper In a wealem city waa latelj lined 
for aolUng llqnor to a aliteen year old lass. 

— New nampahlre uses ten thousand Bibles a year, 
.— New Rochelle was Ut np vrilh gas on tbe eib of April. 

for the flret time. 

— TheChlneae alphabet contains eight bnndred lelten 
and combmatlous of vowels. 

— An opiam cater, who riaca at dawn, named Cant, 
Labrbuah, a Now York realdont, la In hla 104lh year. 

— A woman In Canton, 111., received abnn newnoae, 
last week, formed of oesb Itom bcr fonhead. 

— Whan a bone falla be Is mora frightened than hla 

-Four jonng Rutland, Vt, glrla cowhlded a jonlbfol 
awdl tho other night for "talking about them." 

— The lost steamer Olij of Doalon Is supposed to have 
mn Into an Iceberg, 

— Hanjbenea.aremadeTlcloaa from ornel treatmonl. 

— The popnlallon of Farla la ael down at ],MO,ooo. 

— 1,880 papen wore publlahed In Oraat Britain In 1848. 

— oinolnnatl gains I,oeo votes by the Kih amenOmonI, 

FreEMBii'a C0KTE9iB-At a meeting of the Doaid ef 
Firemen of New Otiaans, held tecentlj, it was resolved 
that the leooosered lo Uie Hechanlcs< and Agricnllnnl 
Pair AaBoclolIon lie divided Into two pritea ofuM each, 
to be run for by hand anglnaa and trucks ss li)llons:— 
Hand englnca wllh twentj men, to run half a mile and 
fbrce water through llflj feet of hose In Ihe qniekesi lime: 
truck race, with twentj.ihree men, lo mn naif a mile ukI 
strip the tmck In the qnlckeat time. This Is thrown onen 
to all the dopaitmcnis if tlie Biatea, but of ccnrao the 
amount oRbnd Is not anffldenl to wsmnt anj comnanr 
from a distance making Ihe Joninej, The press of no* 
einnatlbavo bean agllatlng the auUect of offering Drtzea 
foraalmllarlrial In lhalollj, but whether anjIUnsirtj 
bedoueln tbe matter romaJnalo be aeon, 

VatooifiniNO.— There la to be a grand Teloclptde Car- 
nival ot the CaplloUuo Daae Dall gnunda uexl Krlilar. 
April Kill, at 4 P. M. A number of the old velocipede "go 
It oncefula" will partldpate In tho entenalnment. There 

IL, S!S'"L'?,J'' f'^"' *•>• oonleaunia 

will be Frank Bhaw agolkal Yonng Najler, 

A <;Aiica Pali, ibr Iho henellt ot Cambria LIbntj Aeeo- 
riailon, Johiutown, Pa., la to take place there on Eailcr 
Mondaj ereniiig, April lllb, "—►u 

To otranim-Bj a card in onr advertlalng oolnmna It 
wiu be noted that one- Ned Dnma, of Baltimore, cbal- 
langos anybody lo oompele with blm In iwlaglngolnbs. 

'> THE*«NiVER8|-n BQ^T RACE. 

- > Tntaj » Htiioria ahb bo BaooxDa. 

TM oreat boat race Wtween (Ighl^arcd crews, MpiJ* 
BoHlna Oxlbtd and Oambridge Unimnliles, wbich an- 
nunlir Bcla an Eagbuid agog with <»y.>'«">«;b 
DidMon the Thamea Obaraplon CouiacJialMM ftjr rouea 
aniltki«efurlongs,'on Wcdncadoj, April 8th, tennlnatuig 
In the tncceaa ofthe "Ught bloefi"-ihelr Hnl "cjoty anoe 
laoo. 8locolbelnteinauonalcolleKUteMnieslolU«n»r 
Ihe people of the tlniiecl Siatea Uko a Ugi'SiS 
these Inter-Unlvetaltj racoi than fonnerij, and <M ;aewa 
of ibopieaent cnconnterwha eagerlj perMa^yhUl™ 
BcncreT fedUig sceued to Iw one e< raJoWag-Utat^'OBJB' 
bridge bad aeeured Uie laurel wreath ao long worn by or 
foul" Wc licrewlib present the dUfereni telegiama con- 
ceridng the creni: — 

I.o»nSii, April «b,B)j:P.>r-T»o »»|«^5;l•2•»f, '"'J«,t£ 
Iwoeo Iho OifordaodOimbrMse rlsbt^aied cRwa look pMelhla 
anmoirn,taSo>dock, onUir tlKOKa, Ueeoanobelnf froni Poiner 
lo MonlluabOQI foarand a quartor mtle& Tbr wealb^r waa di- 
MabUol?T7Slrtl w>aURlp brKiepreralkd. MulUludra IbrWBld 
Ua iSte e'So ri.o»|?TciT aTiilablo polol and boiw "8 "«• 
awaralos widi pennla. Tbo kridcea wen aleo crowded u> ibrlr 
!>lm!ile!pac1>r,udereir kind oTcnfl ibal oouldbo abUlpcd,1n■ 
c<lldlosllslmbl1aunadtarBea,waa moondilont each book of Ibe 
riicrrwhlch waekeplclrar br Ike idnbiHo irnnKmonii of Mr. 
Lotd,of IbeTliauifaC'miorti.ntj, Hid i nMneimiiTMdr or polb* 
AU mlo on IM llanea wai a^lelelr pn,blblud for Ibe lime, ai 
niUweaudoriof Un Oifoid and narrard oodImI lui rimiro 
Tba oamu of Uio crewa, lofMher wllh ibeIr wel|buasd IklCDUcfa 
10 whkk each nun bilonca, em aa folltiwi;— 

a Ulr^bonao (bow) . 

A. 0. P. Uwie 

T. K lukrr 

T. Kdwoncl.Uui. . 




F. Pnroa.. 



W. 0. Banuin 

a D. Uartrlebira (tlnkeX. 

E. a U Randolph (bow), 

J. W. bale 

E. A. A. Bpcncer 

W. II. lAlao 

E. I'bclpa 

J. F. SIrachan 

J. II. HMkr 

J. II.OoMk(ilnke) 

II, Uaidon (roliMtn). 


. .Jnhn'l 




CAMBBlDOli ilNlvSlUlTy. 



Lady MarfareL, 



TYInllr UaU 


Udv Marnlrtl 














. _ - rlnl^ - 

The rrauU of ibo laoe waa In faror of the Cambrtdri crew, who 
won br one lesitb. afiera abarpeonieat, In nlnciMO mlnulea Iblrty 

nun VT v(W imf id. Biirr ■ ma^t ywa*ntt »■ nincwra inuiuiva >wii •/ 

aeoonfa, (hiia bmiloi thaOiforda, who were the rarorltfe al odiU of 
rlMTB lo elghi, vhlrb toil been freely uken by the frlcnda of Uie 
lifhl Mua Tliu U tbr Cnt lloio alnce Isaj ibat (XimbrURO has woo. 
Tnoodda smouUiQaponlna men during tbr rocmlDg vera Heren 
-'ii^went^fijtakca Mr.JobDPhelpi 



to Hcbibn itie ffirurdk, vlil 
waa Tudae of tho race. 

LosDOJt, April MSTO, « o'clock P. K. 
Owlnxto Ibr Mle bfinrfliedlur Ibe nci*, ti waa ooosUrnblr past 
Dnnnbcii>rfl (he riad IvOillng lo IbeaccDo of acilun prracaieO any 
iiniiaunl apixamnw. Aitbrday vnro uii ifar atrtamorTrliklcaw 
■11 Mirta, tbin Rl drat, craddatly liKrwfil lit itciullr. By S o'ckwk 
Iho Fulaan ami llammmmlih nitda were lUrrallr chiiird. Tbe 
brldjxa wrre cnrwded. Oaihe Bamra Hallway brHge thnr waa a 
big cmrd, wbkh naniher aera leltti ihAn inai on ibe bankf, uw- 
log IQ (be Blab prke ehuicdfor adnUikin Uckrii^ Tuo amiBiie- 
meDUmadebrtbe TbAiDca ODBacrraney loprewrreaclearcvurae 
wereadmlrBbu Twoskamcn aaeonpinltd the cooicaunta, 
ClUuD T. fOT the umplrta aod UnlTeralivoamnaii, ftodClilieoU. 
for Iho reprraeDtotlrtfl of tbo prtsa. Tbe uolTejtUv boat cluba were 
nol aUovtd to acmnpnay tbo race In a atcamer. ntj watved thnlr 
cUlnawben It waa n-pmrnird Ibal If one oiber alramrrwual- 
lowrdlaauilihenwould bo great dilTciiUy In kceplo* ibecoiirse 
clear. TbebeiUaiwta MtoTuu the Oaf'tnlbnat Theerowawenl 
down to the boat jmrda fmm tl>elrbead/)iiariei« anonftfierS o'clock. 
Al Ihe Duhe'a Ucad werr two Hiblcra and a amall but, made faat to 
each other, for itM crctra to aurtfrom. CanhrldM won the loaa 
for poalUooaaBd look Ihe MldUlciei eUa. TUs wu not much ad* 
ranlafe, because tba boau froin which Ibo atari waa to be made 
wen moond too doaa In to ibi Ukidlesu bank of tbe rirer— 
far too close ao Uial tbn bad much leas Udo than Uiclr 
oppODcntft At &(a P. K. Ibe aUrler gare tbe word lo go, and 
tbe UnlTtnliy Beat Bate of 1870 oomncBOed. Tb« oara of Uie 
two crews caught lb* water u iieoily u paaslUo at tbe aune iDslaoL 
Tbere wis tbe most energy In Uie Oaforu eight Aa aoon, bonerer, 
aaboibboato wen both under way, tbe Caatoba pulled aallablJy 
gulokpr alnke iban Ibe Ocforda, aed. al oik« abowixl la fronL Itao* 
fng by a quarter of a leBgili at the London RowlDg CMbBoai Ronar. 
.The Oiforda In ibeIr inrn pultod well, and al the lender Club 
Boons lb* boau were about eren. AiCmTenCouageibeOai^rldge 
crew atcadlly, though alowly. italotd grauod, andtbecoibuiUcm and 
eidUinent on Uie baoks orthe rlrrr wern loienar. At ihe Crab Tree 

a length tn front, aod they fuaed 

lanmersnlih bridn ncaityooo length befora ibrlraaTcr' 
BonnO Ibe brBd oflbe rirer. orpealto the Oorw, CamMtlge 
ed to bold hrr Itari. Oo puslog Uie oil nlUa the Oifortfi 

Cambridge Icil by half a length. At tho Soap Worka vharf ibe Oam< 
br1d|ocrew wu thrre^iQarbnora * • -* - 
under llanmersnlih brid, 
nrlea. BoBnOibebrBdof 

CMllDnedioboId hrr Itari. Oo pus'Ibg Uie oil nlUa the OiforSs 
•omewbat niocd, and tbe sirngile now commenced In eanieei, 
and Ihe alroke oarsman of the two contending boato pulted rigor- 
oualr. Dar^ahlranudoabrlllUnlefronio rttruro (be fonuoeaof 
Ibe day. lo whkb he wna pretty well ^kcd up br tU crew, and re- 
ducnl the lead fif Uie Caubrlitffe. Cambrllte, tboogk bad (b« lead 
Mr aUiu I • leoaib aa tbey mued Ibe Crab free, and tncrraiMl Uielr 
kwd. aiid puted Baraea Bridge, puiilnB S alt«kea tAthoralouto, 
whkb the; kepi up uBUJibeymichrd Rtw Kcadowa,and croMc3 
by the Dag boat one ItBgib afiead In 19 mlnuiea and 3D etconda Tlile 

whkb ibey kepi up untU ibey rruhrd 

'^^ the Dag boat one Ungib afioadlnIS 

Iho Qnt line the llfht blue has been rktortoBi alooo IBflS 

wbeB,ciirtoualynoagb,lbey wonbythemme dU(aac& The win* 
oera rawed In a new boai by J. If. Ctupcr, of Newca*U^upon•1Vnr, 
whkb waa unlTer»)lyackjiow)ed|MtobeOBeof the aamraodeU 
of > ndBg UbI cTcr buDL 

LARD0iv,'Apr11&— yotallbelandlnji Uiagreai prcaaanbnutht lo 
brar npoB tbe Contmasry of the Thamea lo nllow printii sieamen 
to follow the boitA, none hut the two viOrUI ateamen were nennlited 
(oiloao. Aa on Derby Day. Loodon poured out lie biinilivls of 
iIiouMndaor peoi40 lo wnnna theninirai. and the number* wera Ib- 
ereaeed liy CKuratoo pariieafiom iLe country br^uahi by irilnsfr 
all direc^fona AraoDg tbo aprcuiora were the Prince of Wai 
PriBce Te<k. (be aen of ihe Vaalia of Egrpi.and manr Lords a 
nenberaefPartUmrnL Thebeu,wbkhaiono (Imewifv U to8.- 
°Jl^2^*•.7^•'^.'^i^ t*^'5>J^.*'>.* ^•o'*" of OarabrWn, that 
ahorlly before Uio surf Uio odda had, receded to ft lo 4 on Oaford. 
The Mcftement of Ui* walilof nuluiodea became Intaoee aa tbe hour 
r>rUiiiaUrtapprmched. A(ei>tUyflo<cloek(ba Ounkuaahotoul 
ftamlhefrboai-bonae at Puiser, and rwclred an ontton from the 
ape«ialonalmoa( nitultotbatglreD tbeOifordrourwbeo thejcase 
out aAlnat the nairanto Uit year. l»e men raetod on ihelr aan In 
nttdamm nearly eight mlBQ(ea, when theOantaha mailetbelrai>> 
pcaraooe and took up a poeliton on (ho BlddleaoK aUle of tbe 

rHrcr. Tbeyalaoba' . ... 

Uiudcaad aeemrd 

Hrcr. Tbey also ba«l a mc^ enibuslaaiknierpUoa fnmThtfmol* 
" bo ■ apUndld randltioD. " 

- _ 'Ao CTcn alajt 

waa effected, and Um hgaia went off with a atrDSg^deTo 
tbelrfaror. At tbe Aqneduet (Afiy yBrda)Ubo CaniabB ™ 
pin, and wbeo thcf reaebed Craren Coiuio (UtrtMBar 
mOe} Uiey wen half a leogih ahcvl. ner7 the Oifor^' 
aod kcrvi It up for sooie dlatanro. Tbclr ftknoa oo si — 

T^lng within Hhelr sire' jwV and ai llAmenmlib 
CambrKRo waa clear of (hoOifonl boat Iwer the ai 

imenmlib BrVTgo (he 

ootonaaAlnapurUdand aucrccded lo redMof tbe jbIq of Ihelr 

apooentolobaira kngth. A aharp alrunll fvUowL-d Id Coracr 
aeb, but aa they paiat'd tbe lale t>{ AU (S^Vllea), ibo OiodUoi 
heru (0 fade, and tbe t>n(aba, who wera aiiB freih, rapMly draw 
In Irani aod wub the raca Tbe aat«Ubmeot oAl eaihuilmm of the 
aneoutorafouBdeiprraalon In a slorm of arAaaa and cbcera aa 
(^nVrtdge reaobed the auhe bttaL Tbe time ofibe nor bu been 
nrloualy reported, but li la now aui^utlrely aui/d to be twenty 
nlnoiea ■(>(( thin; arconda. Tho Cambridge crew, oo Uie mora Ing 
of tba race, weighed elertn poundi mora than the OifordiL Tbe 
wlDBon owa tn oo anaU drgr*c their anoona to the advloe of Mr 
Morriun. who "Deacbed"tbcOKfonlfourUal year for ibelr match 
wllh the Uarrarda. 

It Will be accQ tj tbe lout dlspaUh tbat Uie omclol Ume 
wBaaomfmifasaruS to woontb, whlcb baa been beaton 
ODc« oDlr, In 1M9, when tho "dark blae" won the day in 
30 mln. do sec. AVe glvo bcloir % complete record of all tbe 
contests which have taken plaoe between the rival col- 
leges np to date :— 






aaol7,ani1e. tfnr... 
Wcilmirr le Fnlnejr. 
Weunarr lo Pumey. 
Wcilmil'r lo Putoiy. 
WcaitDil'r 10 Piimey. 
PuUiev 10 NortUka. . 
Monlde 10 Fauer. . 
Puloer lo MorUake. . 
Fuloej 10 MorlUke. . 
Puloer 10 Honlahe. . 
HonuieloFuinej. . 
Putney k, HnrlUke. . 
Puloer la Honuke. . 
Pulner 10 HorUake. . 
Puloey lo MorUaki. . 
Pnuiey lo Monlake. . 
Pulner to kloiuake.. 
Puior; uHoniaki.. 
Pniner lo MorUake. . 
Putney 10 Monieke.* 
Puloer 10 Monlike. . 
FumoyloMenlaka - 
Fuloey 10 MorUake . 
Fulner 10 Monlake.. 


Olford. .... 








Olford., , , 

- _ Olford 

nua MorUake to Fuuior.. Oafori] 

leti Pulir; UHonlaki.. Oifonl 

1840 Pninor 10 MorUake. . Olford 

laea Putney m Monieke. * Oiloid 

18S7 Puloey 10 Monlike.. Oiford 

lies FumoyloMenlaka . Olford..... 
isa FuloeyloMorUake . Olford..... 

1370 Putney 10 Monlake.. CainbrMae. . 

loadtlllloumlke Ibon, iho UnlTrnlllea have contended uwelher 
STetlmraforlbeOrandOballenseCupai llenbiy JVciila, on wblcb 
ocouloni Olford kava been IhrTollnre the vldon. Tlx:— In 1817. 
1881 and 18&3, and Olmbrldn Iwlc*. fli:-In ISISaod UU,and Ox* 
fonl b«akCatnbriil|0 II Ike Boyal Tbainea Rcgaiu lo 184L^ 
•Tho flnl Unlrerahy ne« nwcd In oulriliMi. 
tThe flrelmco In wbkk either UolveriUy lowed iDlhepnaeol 
Mrle of elsbta wllhotil keel; alaolbe Sni lime elUrerroTM wllb 
round oara. Both und ibo Mmo kind of oara and boila. 

Tbo followlna lUI ilvfi Iba naiae of Ibe italloQ from wblcb Iko 
wlnnina bcAiliu elaned for the Inn iblrleen ycui:— 

U mln. Site. 


Jl mln.. 

J2mln. SOiee. 
SDnlo. IS Kc. 
a mln. aoieo. 
II mln. a see.. 

23 mln 


llmln. ISaee. 
2a nilo. 80 aeo. 
ZSailn. U) ICC. 
21 mln. 23 aco. 
Z4 mio. Be ato. 

20 mla 

amiu. 77 Me. 
M mln. Mice. 
amiB. Beoe.. 
31 mIo. 48 aco 

21 mU). a acc. 
amio. <8aec. 
amio. a aeo. 

31 mlo 

Dmln. n ace. 

many l|tka 
1 mla 
1 minis MO 
kcJ alslk 
Imlnl ' 

30 HO 

Iwo leaglba 
□uny Iftka 
37 KO 

a MO 

Qamb. unk 
one Icoeik 


IS aeo 

bf alooatb 

3D nin. 30 aeo. [one Icnsib 

1»f. Mlddleati. 
lua. Mldilkan. 
UU. MlildlcKi. 

itoj. Burrey. 

HS5 IS"- HIildlcMl. 

180. MUdltiei. lees. Suiroy. 

Uej. UMd CKl. leo. Ulddlrui. 

lesa. Midiiieici. Ign. Ulddleaes. 

„ Uaa MUdkaei. •ixucica. 

Another diapatch slates thai the ancient dtj of Cam- 
bridge was liluuiluntea on the night foUowloi the race, in 
honor of tbe Bucceaa of Ihe Centaba, anil a general popu- 
lar Jubilee took place, the siroets being thronged with 
people overboiling wUnenlhnalosm. 


The oqnatle stare of the essi an about bellmea In their 
equotlo exerclKiB, and have commenced the season earij, 
aa on the Bth InsL two races took place en the Hystlo river, 
St Cbarlratown, which drew a crowd of ten thouoand per* 
•ona, Iho bridge, plin and wbarvea having been orowdsil. 
The water, fortunatelj, waa amooth, and Ihe temperntnra 
modcmtely warm, wblcb mode the light garb ol (lie oan- 
menauncleut to keep them from caichUig cold. 

Tlu Firtt Ran waa between the McLnuglilln and Kings, 
lej Brothers, in Whitehall boats, dbtance two miles, for a 
priee of 1100, wblcb the fotTuor won, their ilme being n 
minutes 48 acconds, ngalnat the KIngaleys' 18 minutes 
BOseconils. Aa soon as this race was concluded prcpsra' 
liona were promptly made for 

nt sttoni Haa, for four-oared lapatrealu, aame dis- 
tance, for prir.ea of tlM to the llrai, |io to tbo aeoond and 
|30 to the ihlnl* Tbo entries were:— 

llanilcl--T. Clorka Om ), T. Leonard, V. UcKuinil, W. Darli 
lltroke). Unlfona bluo. 

*•"'!"')"»<'*'"■''• W. Mock, n. Mack, 1. 
F. Miek (moke). Unirorm wlitlo. ' 

Bbiio Fir— NoUn (bow), Boberl lAllon, Aba Ilouae, J. Dowd 
(•Iraki). Unlfomnlnk. ^ 

FortlllllBor-l/.K feller (how), H.DempMy,lr. J. Hooney. 
T. Keller (Blrohe). Uniform amy. ' 

The boats wore all lapalrenlis, and tho diatsnco to be 
rowed WBB two mile*. The Judies for the nee were An 
drew ConnoniandT. Bunion atineatark and Charles Hea- 
Ran and Charlta Duoilng at the aiske, T, 0. Builor acting 
aa referee. As soon as the diifcrent crews wore In posr 
Uon tho word was given, and thej went off In good aivie. 
At Iho ond of (he Iret half mile the Ceorge Fanlknor drew 
sllghUr shood Of iheBboo Fly. Tlie Faulkner kept this 
sdvanlage hut a ston time, however, their elroke oar be- 
comliigBomewhat ilrcd, Tho Shoo Fij'lhea took the lead, 
followed by tho llamlot, Faulkner third, anil Foil lllll Boy 
last In Ihla poaltinn Ibe etako was turned, Anerlhelast 
bent had ronudcd tbli point lliejwere ranged along tho 
coune alnearlj equal dlsiano«B apart, about aboat'a length 
ef clear water being between each of tho contestanta. TUa 
rolaiive lawltlon was maintained nntll the end of the race, 
Tlie Shoo Flj reaabed the atarilngpolnl In lIM, ibe nam- 
let being sbentttne Icnrtis Intfielr rear, Uie Faulkner 
about the same distance behlud them, and the Fort mil 
Boj aboal as mnoh behind, « — u 

A NoTiiTT TV DoiTiNo.-Ald, Blephen Roberts, the 
wldclr known boat-bnllder of ttils cllj, ha* nearly com* 
?-".5T '^'i^ ^ bf-lown cslabllahraent. 
It ]M 31 feet long, 8 feet wide, a feet iftop, wil catry 8 ions, 
and la worked br two lovera and a 8y-whr el. Two men " 
propd It Ave inllcs In an hour, and (wo boys, ten yenn 
iige,Brocanablo of managing It. Blx men can work '■ 
the same iline, end It OrnwB but ten Inches of wator. 
Roberts lissbnllt 11 as an oxpcrlmont and eonslden it a 
perfect success. He tlilnks ho can conalruct oncforrndng 
piirpoa(!s upon the aniao principle, which can be propd cS 
iiB rapidly us a six oared boot wllh oars. Those dcSmnS 
tolnapccllbenow crall cnncloBobvcalllngatMr.noberts" 
boat-honse, the location of whlchwrilbofoundbyrofcrenM 
to his advorllaemcnt In anotbor column, •"""■"•^ 

Ttti RtvEMiDS otUD, of Bprtngfldd, Uaaa., have sold 
Ihelr loiironredahdl boat, former^ tbo Jamoe M. TbomS 
BOD, lo William lUUi e, now ef Washington, D.S. 

. at 
It A 


The neglect of WglistMowii to.'jei SI •''li^i£?£!fl 
fair and manly piapoUl add* WL.""1 J5 JSiS? 
John Mekeel has folt'lbe obsmplansblp sn eiKp WJJUon, 
bnt lib) not lung to lemato ao, lawlll be noy*"?. »?S5; 
pended document, wherein Oonlter rcpllea l«v2»WF«*[,"lS? 
propcaltton of uAed In onrlwio of last wwl^.^f SfS 
between thcae old and iquan dealing, »""«»;'•'• jff'f; 
iraagbt wllb great Intenat to tba boaUngnniSEl, «S 7. 
donbt not thai Iho New Totkorvrlll sne<a&«T«MJtde^ 
poBltleftbyOoallerat this olBce »nd app<ttl»«««^^ 
or adept such other armgomoatsu will lUKUj ellnon 

tbemalcb. Readlt:— ^ ._j,oii, iiin. 

AiuomwT Oirr. Apiu elk, isiu. 

BDiio»Cimmi-nu»8».-Iwii MT««kl{l»lSf3}'jSo"r! 
In Toor tail leinean uoepunca of my ckillenanJlOT lar ew, nooor 
Shi osponenl, John Beked, wborebiboiulMltalbowlHrowBioa 
aramTi»nc^alFo.iihki«p.le, forlhoiurn of "oSj°"'',lt''''S; 
aridoindrfVame tU for ei|«eei. W l""' W'SiVi^ hK 
oewii»i«:r rontm.enr on ihu p*", '^'L'TI' 2S uR 
a are W lo raoi for »1.«0 a iWe, on Ike PowbkefWliooinK, and uka 
S3U0 fwrij»n»i;lbe laM loborewodlnacB>rdan««rtl^^^^ 
cue Of Ibe (ibarle. Hirer B/vUa, ibe dnr of Iho w bo JoneSOlb, 
I878L Ibo Hme day on whkb Urown an,f I wei« to row. able race w 
bilorlheioBitmemenlloncdandihe undltpulod mle of ^>>iii. 
SiiySllJfff AiSirir..'' Thil. I Iblnk, b. Ill ff"""*.''!;*?',!! 
empi If ba meani bmUicM, aa In Uie f«i) of 'tf I 8»'o Mm fl" tej 
cipenm locnne brn and row ms for Iho aame •'»,?>'»ijf '"S 
lU^rhelilcrand llmiof roahloldrpMllitoboniiilMllyifmdnpl^ 
Mr. Dmwn hailal lulfd Uial Ika bon. John Mowllioj ^■'S^^Sr . 
lUkeholdcrnowlildU I aarrod) la oor M Ibu dU nol OTl o^» 
would iiinMl Uia Bmo uenlkman in Ihla ra«i 10 Win Jbe ■«» »; 
par lly. If Vo will bo kind cnouib lo do {oTbo J;"*!", *, 
nfeiw: in falllna ui do m, tl Ihon btcraei '•'elulj ct Ibe Ona 
■Ukotaiderloalipilnloraci aa refono. Iflbo 'SSm,?"! 
Uio wlibm of Mr. Mekeel, bo will cover Ibe inwnnl depoilled IB your 
liaiida,iben we wUl proceed 10 builneM. 'Jjf^iin Ooouia. 

ATtJirmo Yicnr Cioa— A meeting of tbe merabeis of 
this Brooklyn dub was held at their rooms on tbe evening 
of Arnnih.atwhlchliwnsdeddedihat the annnsl re- 
Bulla ahould take place on Jnno 2d, nnd amiigcmenis 
therefor were made. A Regatta Committee was clioacn, 
ronMallng ol W. II, DougloB, J. J. Simrkman, C. J. LlpPltt, 
11, II. lIOKlna and Q* II. Oranlilss. It wns docldedto hold 
tho rcgaiui on Tueadnj, June M, tho conne to he from tho 
Iielanlalne llooae; lor achoenere and flnit-claafl aloopo— 
aronml BIj Bpit to and around tbo llglit-shlp, bock aonth 01 
Uencon on Komcr'e shonis; for aecoiirt and Ihlrd class 
sloopa-arotiud southweet Bplt to Ouler Hay buoy, rolnm- 
lug south of tbe Deacon on noraor'a shooln; ror fourtb 
doss iloop»-to and oronod the North to West Bplt and 
back. Tlie race to be subject to tho anme tulca of ollow- 
ances aa the rcgatia of last year, and to be aallca In eight 

It was also lesolred to charter two atosmctB for the o«- 
csslon, one of which will be devoted to the use of tho 
Jndgee and memben of tho press, following the couno of 
tho competing yachts outside tho Ilook, while tho other 
will bo provltlcd for the accommodation of spccuiton, and 
will Rniuln Inalde Ibe Ilook, ao that tho dear crealnres, on 
board will bare no canse to dread sea-slcknosa. This Is a 
moat excellent arrangement, affording, na It does, fodllllcs 
to thou whose duly It Is to see Ibe contest from start to 
llolsb, and II la to bo hoped that other dobs will tdlow the 
example ot Ihe Allantlcs, tbcrebf consulting their own In- 
teresia. Bare will aleo be excludea fnm botb boats. On 
the 1st prox., the dub will occupy n snlto of taandsome 
noma, Indndlngaparlmenta for bllllsrdii, cbcas, reading 
and business purpooes. Tlio eredlon of s olub-houso is 
elBO In contemplBllun, and the Idea will he carried ont as 
Boon as a permanent anchooge b) secured. 

ITEUS FHOM Pavebson, N. J.— The devotees ef rowing et 
Pntenon, N. J„ are making active proparatlona for the ap- 
proadilng ecoMn* The new boat booae ef the IL M. A. As- 
aodailon, coating In the neighborhood of $3,000, la almost 
completed, and will compare favorablj with anj In Ihe 
country, sore, perhaps, the elegant stone houses of the 
Bchnjlklll Navy. Thej have dbposcd of Ihelr slx-oared 
gig to a club latelj formed at Faasalo Village, and Intend 
purehaalmr an elgat^ated harm and aovenl doable and 
alngle scull paper boats- Tbe Dnndees have added a new 
four-oared mg to their fleet, and a change will be made In 
the crew which rcpresenled ibe club Ui conicsis laat year, 
Botb ihese dnln wera Inconoreted during tho paat winter 
bj apedal acts of tbe Leglslatnia. A new club has also 
been orgonlied and now poeaess a four.oared gig. 
' A HBaATTi ABSonATioN,— We have heretofore alladed 
lo the faa that esorts wera being made to organize a re- 
gatta association at Flttsbirgh, and we bare now Ihe 
pleasure of annonndng tnal sneb organization has been 
eoecled. Repivsentauves fnm nearly all the leading boat 
dubs of Allegheny Comtj aaaembled at Jhnmy Uamlll'a 
salooo, the "ConsUtuUon, "Market alley, on the evening of 
April zd, at which tbe following genilcmci wen elected 
olilcen for tho ensnlng year :— President, Henry coulter; 
Vlce-rresldeal, Kobert Kennedy; Becreiaiy, John Uax* 
well; Treasurer, R. V. Flannenn* Hcssn. Flannegan, 
Fowere, Bwellzer, Cnmmlnga Maxwell and Allison, were 
sppointed a oommlttce to draft tbe cnstomsir consUtallon 
and bj.laws. 

DOATtNQ Nbw Ekolam).— a CTOWd Of nosrlj ten 
thonsand people witnessed a conple of raees on ujstlo 
river, Charlestown, Uass., on Tbursdsy, lib Inst Owing 
lo Ihe small force ef policemen deuilled for doty upon tbe 
river, the compeUng boaU were Interfered irlih some- 
what, bnt no collisions took place. Ibe KcLaughUn 
Brotben and Klngilej BrolbeiB, rival boatmen on the 
double skull, setllnl a match for (lOO, me distance being a 
mile up the river sud return. The "liac*" proved the vic- 
tors, nulling paat the Jndgea' boat In 11:30, their opponenta' 
tbne being 18:48. Tho second nee was a sweepstakes of 
$180, between fonramatenr dobs. In fonr-oaiedlapstreaks; 
distance' 3 miles. Tbe boats were named teepectlvely, 
Bhoo-Fly, Hamlet, aeorge Folkqst and Fort Hill Boy. The 
race was well eonleated, tbe Sboo Fly compleilng the dis- 
tance In 17:80, beating the Hamlet by tbne len^bs, and 
aeorge Faulkner by double tbat dlitanoe. 

A Mxw WBI.MILI.— na pnpilelon of tbe Washington, 
D, 0., Bkatlng Park, with a view to relrierlng the loeses 
Incurred through the "ethereal mlldnesa" of the past win- 
ter, have resolved to transform tbe concern Into a boating 
park for Ihe summer season, where ladles and children 
may enjoy aonatlo pleasures without danger, tbe depth of 
waterbemglnatsnOldenlforrowUig. Itla contemplated 
to Inangnnle the aeason about Ue 1st proximo, and tub 


TBI Sr, JonM's erew'mit*'(lgne4 tbe artldee for tbclr 
raoe wllb tbe Trne fonr, and the docnment bas been for- 
warded to Ibo latter, whom It will aoon roach. TboBt 
Johnen changed the date originally fixed to Aagnstntb, 
'teltigTOphlngthe same to iheTyncsldcre and requeatlnga 
.reply by cable If the date didn't ault. Ae no responae has 
been received ll may bo taken for granted that tbe time Is 
agreeeble to them. 

Tub Atlaktio Boat Olob, of Hohoken, y, l.. have 
elected a good corps of offlcen for 1870, vli., Joseph Rus- 
sell, FresldenI; Oeorge Courreiler, Vice Prealdent; Mr. 
Uviogston, neconllng Beoretary; narry Ulcis, Cotrca- 
pondmg Secretory, and Ur. Tuttle, of Iho UudaonNary, 
Treasurer. They aro anlldpatlng lively times tbla sea- 
son and are making ptepanilona accordingly, 

TBI CoiOHotA VAonr Club of Ihla dty bos elected tba 
foltowUig omcen for tbe enanlng season:— Commodon, 0. 
F. TompUns: Vloe-Comnodore, John B. Fage; Secretary, 
wilUom w. (lage; Treaaunr, Oeo, W. Oaborae, and Heas- 
urer, Benjarabi F. Adams. 


Tub FoBuen VicroBiocs-Sconi 1,900 to i,ieg. 

The qncallon of the billiard anpremaoy of Washington. 
D. 0., which baa for aome tUno been ngitated by the re- 
spective adinlrere of Uessn. James navbi and w. D. Isa- 
bell, was decided on Friday, tbe Sth last The game 
was the resnll of a match made on tho ttb Inat., and tbe 
aiakea tto a aide* No inaloh that has ever token place In 
Washington bos cnnted a more genenl Interest and 
WUlanl's bUUard hall on the nlgha of Ibo content was 
crowded with speciaton, who watched Ihe proceedlogi 
with anxiety, augmented by tbe evident oqnauty of botb 
plavcm. The game was l,2O0 pelnte up, eu a csrom tsble, 
push and crotch barred, and the umpires were Ur. Wor- 
rell for laabdl and Mr. Hard for Davis, with Mr. Uejer 
for referee. At eltht o'clock precuely Ibe contestants en- 
tered the roped arena amid vodferoua cheering. Oheloe 
of balls and noBllleu falling 10 Ur. Isabdl, the letter shot 
Us bdl Into Ihe lower right hand comer. Davis followed 
by acaroroonlhodark, and, byjndlclousroond the table 
flujlog rolled up 78, llnlelibig tho run by a narrow mUu. 
lanbollthen iiiailo a aingle couni and gave way to Dnvls, 
who stopped at 24. Isabell, bv excclleut phiy, ran np 78 
leaving tlie score n 10 78. The game progressed wlih re- 
markable ovenncBB from this throughout, Ont one and then 
the other forging ehoad, aeverel Inige runs beloir orcdited 
to eaoh one* Conalderable excitement and angry dtscua* 
alen were occnaloned by the decision of the referee when 
fouls wero clolmeil by either tatij, bat that gentleman 
evidently acicd wllb honcat Inienilona and lo ihe beat of 
hla JiiilRmeni, and at 11.80 P. U., jiamo was eallcil, Mr. 
DavlHgolngoniln a run of St. The score at tho close 
stood 1,'JOO 10 I.ICC. Next day Mr. laaboll, bsued a 
challenge to Mr. ilavls tojilay a gamo nmler elmllar con* 
dlllene, for any amount from 1100 lo $1,000. Appended 
will bo found tiio ecore:— 

Davll-7», 31. 8, 718, M, 8, 0, 88, », ISS,«1, O. 81. », S, 37, 73, », tT, 
a !l.l?TjJhlSl°'^' ^ * b, 6, IS, A, l,^' 

IhMI-8, 7^ 13, 13, 3, 108, ua, 43, B, IB, 89, 18, 1, .V, lat, 8, 9, 38, 

a^^ 37| ^4J^^*,(^3^3,3,s.o,u, 8,117, If a, iJ, ? Jsi^oi ii,M; S: 

Soaa'inr.— Vluea, Davli, 3; laneil rnni, DotIi, 78, Ti, 188, 71. 
12«; iBbell, 7^ lus; lu, lb. 117. Arema^ OarC n't!; liiiolT 
37 4.43 Time of puae, ihree bnaia Iwooly mlnuiea 


On the evening of Mondnv, April 4ih, Jacob Qamlt, 
chnmnlon, and ATox. McOrackon contended for tho cbara* 
plonsmp of lillnali and $300, 1,300 points, nt Waahlngton 
llall, Indianapolis, oboul fonr liuudrcd apeebitoni being 
present. Clinrles Tyler was chosen umpire for Qamtt, 
whIleJolinUrigKomclaled In a smilnr eapadtyfor Uc- 
Oracken; Chas. 0. Comstock noted as roforco and Qeorge 
Pattemon was Ihe marker. Leforo commcndng play, John 
llueglo. Treasurer of tho ludlana Billiard Aasoclatlon, 
read a challenae to llto winner ITom P. A. Dyers, of La* 
byeile. We givo the score of the game bolow:— 

(lamlMlll&e, 31, 8,^13. M,0, 18,24, 134,0, It, 81, M, 88, t.BLO. 

Jj^B, 4, 84 4 4i ft d, 2«,ljrf. ^VfJur ToDloJiriTenio 

TImo of game, three boon and a half. At Ihe end of Ibe 
thiriletli Innlnus, after McCnoken had made tbo largnl 
run mado during the game, bo aaked and waa alloweiTflf* 
teen mlontea rcat The aymrathy of the siioclaton waa 
manifestly In favor of UcCracken, who was In bod health, 
and at the close of the game a subacripllon was made for 
him br his friends, amuuntlsg to $1(0, which was pre- 
sented to blm St Uuegle's blUlord room on lbs foUowlna 
day. ^ 

Job DION'S roBinoK.— Ths atatereeni wbiek hu ap- 
pearod in vartona Journala to Iho eobol that Joe Dion bad 
dedsred hla readlucas to accept of ths challenge laiued bj 
A. P. nudoljphs,ebamploo, provided thelalUr would leave 
It open to an, has brought iho snbJoUied card from tbo 
Csnaillaa, which we And In tho Uonireal New:— t 
. Bin.— I end, ihrnugh ibemeillum of Uie prrm Ibal my name ll 
bnuRliI forward In coanecllon wllh Ibo muck talked of match b*. 
Iween Rudolpbo and Roberta. Pemll mo lo auure you, Mr. Bdl* 
lor, Ibal no uocllon of nine waa ever given lo warrmol ibe report 
cIreuUltd. One Ibloi, however, I mar aay, thai If ibo oonlomplated 
grand leurnimcnl for Ibe cbamiiionihin of Ibe world iboiild lake 
plioo,Iiliall feel limy duly lo enter fnlolho Uil,and onoomore 
oaMyioprnremyMlfiecond lo cono— 00 rniiler mmwhaiooon* 

a (hoy may come. I cnnildrr. In Iho oecnl of Ihli lonnixmeol 
Ins riacr, ll will be an eicopllon 10 ordinary conlcela, and I ihink 
Ihe henora of aocceia would nmro lhan connlerbaUneo iho Imublo 
for i|ilo OlUnf myaeir 10 eaior Iki pubUo aiani of bHlbrdi 

Joiira Dies, 

EioiomoN Oamis at Balbh, UAe«,-R. B. Wllmatib, 
late ohamplon of Uaasadinietts. and Waller Iilgnon, ot 
Mew York cllj, plajcd a cooplo of games at Naumkeaa 
llall. In Salem, Hosa., on Ihonlghtof tliecililnatant The 
flnl till was ajgnme of 800 pomis, caroms, which waa won 
by uignon, rlils waa folfowod by a Fnnota tbree ball 
carom game, of w poUils, In wbjob WUmartb bore off the 

loaed with a guat ef aaa 

^ Ubltv Fonm CoM'AKtnrttT AmorBB.— a oii.n_-. 
baa aniAnated from Uelvln Foster to bilS JossnbSSSJC 
tenns. for a conteet atlhe three ball French rnrai mf S 
100 iiolnts np, wllb Ji.-ln. bulla, for leoo aaide. ST&Jf?."! 
CoMondet oaromMble, to lake plaSin thfi dtJ wS'JffiiS 
Plon will accept iw not la not y7kiiVn hefiiwar^*"''' 
: DlATS or ANOno nil.t.iasDisT,— John Rent ihini.M 
jbiyer, died of pstrie fever on Uio I8th inVu^ SliSS? 

jsan'fifa'iaisr' ""^.y'^-^- « -"•is.f.fv'si'a: 

L. JlfOrt Two l« 
■ -in.,s4 


iiiiar' K*.'"* •'nngeioenis to 
That (hey wilTbiwamiiS 
welcomed Is not to be doubted, u Robana' prevb>u«SS 
will panlj corroborate. vrwus run 

TBI Nzw EKOLASn CnAunoRBinr la one of the avmiw 
fbr the future for which negotiations sra now neodlni n 
aro Informed, by Molvln I'oeler and Edward DoSlclsT^' 



^ April IJ.— Opentif priiocanieef lkennloB.OInk,ti TTtmeil, a| 

A'pili l&-4lar Rloo ra FliM, on Iba Caplloilne grnnnda, al 4 p Ifc 
April 18.-^penlog naleb un Cepllolino grounda. AUanlla'eia 
l'alun,aiap. M. ' "* 
Apru 1&— Opening day of Ibollobokea dubi al IkoBtyelin PICU4 


Below will bo found tho names and secretaries of several 
base boll clubs for IBTO:- 

Unloa ef MorrlanU-Jamu A Lyas, Cor, Ban, irtmouL We» 
chriterca, N. V. ^ 

AUilcJo— Alfnd n. Wrisbl, Cor. Bea, Bondiy Uarcarr oOlte. 
Pblliddphla. - • t 

KeyMdno-J. B. Maheney, Oor. Bee, eai« of Bon^y Uanr* 
0B<»; FblladelpbU. . J "nvnij 

Ol^mplo— Theodore A. Wciaella, Bea, No. 333 Valnul iL, Fbll% 

''jnlRpld-Wm. IIcRn>bln, Ilea, Xo. BlOWnlnnlet, PhlUdolpbtb 
AllanUo Bnoklyn-J. C cbapmin. Peal oBloe, Braoklyn. 


The champion Atlnntlca have taken the Held, and oa 
Thundoj, AprU lih, they opened Iho hall for the season of 
1810 bj playing tbalr flrat practice game of the jesr. Tho 
occasion atlncted a nuiueruiia concourse ot tho friends ot 
ths dub to the CsplluUno grounds— the Atluntio head. 
qnarten for the jenr-and as the weather was tolerable 
pleasant the sport wa.> much en^ojed, Although It had 
rained for fonr succesiilve days pnvtons, the grounds were 
Buoidcntly dry to play nn, and us a alrong deld party were- 
pUced In opposition to the duh nine a good gamo waa the 
reaulk The nme Included the regular team for 1810 vrnb- 
the exception of Bwandcl, who was nuacconntablj ab- 
sent, and rumor sajs thai the reason was that be hod re. 
Joined the Unliials. If this is so Pearce will be wanted 
for hla Old podtloo, that Is If be will take It afltr being sat 
aside. Toung Uall occupied tbe place nf Onne, at centre 
Add, end Uunn played at short Add. On the Add dda 
Pesrco captained tho party, and wllh Qnlvln to pUdb and » 
fair supporting Add, they gave the nine work to do to earn 
bases by dcau hits. In fact, bul for some important sr- 
rore by Bass and Devlns and oihen of tho twelve flelder*,. 
Ihe Allantlcs would no: have scored a dozen miu:hi< 
deed they did not earn mora than eight or nine, their oat- 
Ungbdnffrotherweak, Of the noteworthy plajonboiti 
aides that of Pike and Ferguson of tbe nUie, and of Pearce, 
Oalvln,.Jackson, Dsvjr end Yorke of tbe. field waa excel- 
lent Plke'a base plaj was a festore of tbe gome. Iba- 
fall scon glvci oU ranhor partlcnlati. > 

Avunia D.u 

Bian, lllb 4 

Muno, IB 4 


Plke^tdb 9 


ZetUdo, p 0 

Uill.or.r. i 

Bmllk, Sd b 9 

Ferguion, 0 9 

1. la t. 




.37 18 33 88 




Deryr 1 

Memien 1 

Johnaon. 1 

Ban *I 

York 1 

Keony -9 

Derlne 8 

Jickion a 

CurUi .9 

Brown 1 

,^ AilaJa JJ. 8 11 U 

111 Sd id 4ib eik eib' Tik eih 

S 0 19 8 110. o-a 

..r„ 0 00801l0»-i 

Flyeilohes-rertoaon, 4i Plk^ 3; Bmllb, 1; HeDonflM, 8; Uana, 
1: llall, 1-13. rork,4: Jelinion.3! Beilnl,t: BamMnTll PMinl, 
It JaeklOB, 1— 11. Foul beuuaoaubc**-.fltart, f ; Faane, L Oalckci 
on ilrikea— Fennion, 1, Fcaic*. L Biae pUy-Pol oil br 
Donaid,a; Sun, 4: Fike, 1. Hmlii.L AialiWby PUe,aiIma| 
ZelUela.8: Fennion, 1: Bmiib, 1; Hunn, 1. Pol oul by Jaekloo, 
10; Oalrlo, X Aaililed br Deryr, 8 llmea; Oalrb^ 3: Bevlna, 1| 
Keoor, lirinra,!. Douhio pUji by Pearee, Oalvln and Benni. 
Oauon nnl kalla-AUanllc 1: VUU,t. Umplr»-Mn Ihu. Ili» 
dooald,oriboBlarClab. rime of aame— Two bour& 

On uondaj. April isih, tba Allantlcs will play tbelr 
onenlnamatcn, un which occasion the new nine of tba 
union Clnb, of Uomianlo, will nut In on appearance oa 
the CipitoUne grounds as the friendlj opponents of lb* 
Allantlcs Ui a grand prictlco match. 


A nm FBI11 OAHi m bbooxliwwA NonwotiHT Tte> 



The base ball season of isio was fbllr luangunted la 
this vicinity Isst week, Ant by the opening game of the 
champion AUonllcs of the pranrsstonai daas or Ibe inter- 
nliy, end mora recently by tbe'gnnd pilxe game whlcti 
was played on the Caplwllne grounda on AmO Mb betweci* 
the Ohamplon amateur nlneoftbe StarOIub and a Field 
nlneef strong playen of the Exoelslor, Alpha, Powtaat- 
ton, Eckfoid, and Atlantic Onba, Ave of the AittiUne ot 
tbe latter partlolpatbig liulhegamejogetber wttklbur e' 
"•^11 — r^f — •"" ^mBBMB— Naa ~ 
Pllwond nail In their borne poalUoBnmafnunIo i«raw 
and Oalrin to play third baae, an}l bealdes, there wera 
tboso strong Adders, Dan Clianne*y, Remaen, and Yorke. 
and tbe old Hutnal player, 0. Hnm, In the nine. On tbe 
other band, tbe BUin wero nnoble'A presentthelrfuinlne. 
owing to the absence ol Unnlr onu Worth, the latter taUns 
port only towards tho doao oflbe game, Hort Rogen, of 
the Lowell Club, playing at third base on Ibe Star aide nn- 
tll Worth come, when ho was placed In Hunt's poBinon 00 
the Field side, the laller retiring. 

Tbe Idea of these priae oirenngs Is simplj to giro aa 
Impetus to the game In the early part of the eeaaon: and 
also to nplaee the cnrdesaly played dab practice gamea. 
from whIoh no benedt la derived in training those games 
In which earnest efforts an made to Aeld aharplj and to 
play earnestly. In foci, pnfesdonal dubs could not do • 
better thing than to put up prizes In tbelr ptacUee games. 
"Nine vs. pleld," once n week, unui the season Is tegular- 
ly opened bj match games; and even then a neat Uttla 
prize of some kind or other, fbr Ihe best catch and tbe best 
score of bases on bits, would be no small Incentive for ex- 
tra enrilon. We are ghid to aeo that tbe Allantlcs and 
Ualoos Intend doing this on tbelr praotloe dajs, four prizes 
of hols and balls being offered for the best scores of bases 
on hits and beat oatobes on both sides In the fottboomlnc 
msteh of April leth, on the Oapltollne grounds; 

Tbo weather on Baturdaj, Mh, was all tbat conld bXTS 
been expected at this season of the jesr. It being oulis 
warm and pleasant, alike to apectaton and playen: and 
tho grounds were m excellent condition aa Ibr u a drw 
Aeld was concerned; but we were soiprlaed to And that 
tbe Oleld otherwise was not prepared for play; the bases 
were not fastened, nor tho reporten' stsndln Its place. 

It Is to be hoped that everrihmg will be In trim for tho 
grand opening match of noxtUonday, There wasqnltean 
eager desln manifested by the plajere present to enter tbs 
llats on the Field side, but us bnt nine coold be chosen, of 
coune those wno were disappointed thought the selected 
team conld have been made stronger, as It could have been 
In fact, for thej had no flrstbssemon or short stop, and no 
regular pitcher, Uunt playing poorly at Ant base, Obann- 
oerthrowuigtao slreugly from short, wblle Chapman's 
plMbbig did not prove OS caecQvo aa It was expcoted 10 
wonld have done. The Field side, however, hsd a splsndid 
outAdd, and also the catcher and aocond basd plsjen of 
the Atlantio nine to help them, wllh a good man ol third 
baae, bul they dhl not provo a suffldently strong oomblna. 
lion to take a ball from Ihe Sure on UUs occasion, olthongli 
the amateur champions were not out bi their niU strengUL. 

Flay was caUed at 4.91 P. M., with Mr. Jones, oT 
tbo Alphas, as umpire, and tbongb be discharged 
the duties of his position Impartlallj, be did not 
umpire tbe game In accordouce wllb the new mlea. 
It ahould ba home In ulud that there is notblna new 
In tho rales In the way ol umpiring except u re- 
gard to calling bulla i^id strikes, and ths feature of tho 
change, In tbbirespect, bi, that ns mxmina (a nou 
oufred to be given to Ihe pitcher or biltsmsn before calling 
belbi er strikes; and also thnt tho pitcher Is now only 
ohllged to deliver Ihe bMI wlihin the "legitimate" crjMr 
rtach of tbe etrlker'a bal, auU nol within a few Inches of 
any parilciilarspot tlio bslainnn may chamce to call for, sa 
he was last year. Except In the cose of lbs flnt ball de- 
Uvoreil, too— which b now a dead ball as fkr as oalUna 
ballB or alrtkea la concerned— all unfair balla must bo 
colloil afler "repeuled" delivery, and all fklr balls— tbat 
la, balls pltobcd withia fair reach of the bat— most bo 
struck, or, alter "repeated" refbaals to hit at tbem, 
"strikes" nraal be cslled, The duty of nmplring under 
these rules, thenfon. Is slnipls enough ss far aslndglnis 
of the play Is concerned, and wo are surprised thatso feiw 
an OS yot lo be found who seem to have an Inlslllgent 
Idea of tho changes made. 

The Field sldo opened play in the gome, Fergnsen lead- 
ing off by giving a chance to nevlns for a catch, wbliii bo 
duly accepted, Obapmnn followed with a ball to Herb 
Rogcn, but Mori, mooed It and John made bis base. FIko 
then sent a safe bounder to left Add and socored hla base, 
and na two good bats were to follow blm, a good aoore for 
tbe Aret Innlnga' play was looked for; but Oammlnga 
caught Chauncoj's hitih foul on tho Aj, and Calvin tipped 
out; tho UiulniB cluacd lor two runs. Rogon oponod at 
the oal en the Star side, with a aufo grounder, on which bo 
made his base, after wiiloh Jowdl took tbe bat, and send- 
ing a high ball to left Adil, wiilob Yorke uuended to hand- 
somclr, and he ntlied. Oummlngs and Hort Regan tlien 
balleilsafolj fur hoses, and DevUis did, too, after glvlDS 
Ferguson a chanco on a foul tip, which he mused; Dollard 
also secured his base by a good lilt, but be fdl »<Vlctlm to 
Plko from Calvin's good floldlng. Packer being pnl out 
afterward at home base In trying to run In on a psssod 
ball, Ihe Innings cloMni wllh a aeon ol a for tho Bun, a 
lead ol two on the Field aide. This wss a good beginning, 
and the large crowd of spoolalorri began to watch the pio- 
oeedbigs Wllb bitorest In the tworolloiring innings tbo 
Field party were handsomolj whitewashed, excd- 
leot ostetaes bj Rogon and Dollard, well taken, 
fool balla hj Jewell, and beauUfol Adding by 
Deams and Packer lu tbelr poBitlons marking thv 
pisj of the Blars, while on tbs oikersldo tbs stunblia 
made by tbe two Rogen', Jewell, OummlBga and Olyne^ 
togothoT with leldlngerron by Pike, C. Hunt and Ohanne 
coy, led to an addition of euht runs to Sbir score, tbo 
totals at thsolose of the third Tnnlngs standing at 19 lo S 
In Ihelr favor. Ibis was an enilrelj nnoxpeolcd result 
and 11 had quite a demoralizing cllbot on tho Field party. 
DjwayototnutlnttieaetwolunlnRS we have to name» 
splendid catch of a fonl Ay boll br aol vln— which gave blm 
a prize— and good catcbea by nemsan, nnnt and Chap- 
msn. In the fourth Innings oalvln, by a good hit, seeured 
bis baae, and eventuallj Ills run; but aa Ohanncey pre- 
vlonaly atruck out, nnd Dullard, Commlngs and Bevlna 
Added out Uunt and Yorke In prol^ atyle, aalvln'i ma 
proved to be Ibo only one acored. Thla was, however, 
one men than Iho Bian obtained In the same innlogSe 
Chnpman's dow tosses— a la oricket-pnvlng aa trouble- 
some to the Stan as thej wen lost year, Fasker alono 
gelling a base on a hit, Ihe othcn giving obimee* for easF 
catcbea. In the ARIi Innings both aides reUred wllb blanK 
scores, and nlmoatln anooesalon, nellber partj bdogaoiv 
to punish the pitching of the oiber, the dose of the snn 
Innlnga iBHvlng the totals at utoBlnfkvor of Ihestanv 
and but for a wild throw to Ant base tbe Fldd Bide 
woald not have scored a nm after tho Ant Innings. . 

In tbeeUlh Inulnga Wori h was added to tbe Star nme, an<t 
Ur. RogeiB look Hunt's nlaoe at flnt heee-Whloli w» <b" 
weak anol of tho Field otdc-on the other side. Inl""]?, 
nlngBlho Pleld partj wero again whitewashed, WJJWJ 
pretty fleldlag to Packer, » good catch by WofU< *K 

w^ptil 16; 187G. 

n«Uiod or lautns Ui< iiow 

I itukai. MnanMiararur. On 

iniMfflcd togtl ulo Uiepraptr 
owtcociiinil bTKDMl UCs tfiOT 

[•d that Mi&diiir la, tV,*uoor elihtipiu, (nuon 

I inKiMt wu 

ilD lu fDrtber ^pnorcM. 
Held DM iddod 9v* r 

niiu to ttuit ton. 
hia DtMlDf bj s Bi>len4l4 «•»<* of .» hlfix 

as •Samae t bnoilfDl oitoh after ■ long rvD. TBe 

nrof DnTeiSoDil talent oppoaed to Mum, tboj naj waU 

SSSI and woSJdtHi Mppj to moot tuo Uobokoo doba at 
2?oarlrd»K loJononixt mo Stan wlU taka » tour to 
?f,ffi&S>D for a wKH'a plaj.and wUI oolerUio nold 
liSlSniie Exptrta or InlreplUa of FhUadtlpMo, ths Pal- 
BiMaof BtlUmon, and ttao Natlonata and Oljnipica of 
vruHUutton. Boloir wo KtTttbo nillacoroof Uiesune. 
nereooidof tb« batting inclodce oata,nina,flnt boao 
and total baa<a on Uta, baacs bj errora, and loft on baaea 
Star olaan hlla. Ttia record of tlio flaldU; ahowa tba 
nunber of opponcnu pot ont bjr oach pl^ar od tbe iMati, 
bT OT-calotiea-Iklr and foul-b; fonl-bonnd catctea, Uie 
totafMob pat ont, tb* tlmta aaob oaalated and tbo toul 
Satdlnganora of eaeb. Tbia la tbe rcRulaUon record for 
•ooiw of mitoli gimoa adopted b7 tbe aaaoditton^- 



_ lanaoa. 

Ill ai u <Ui 5ib «ih nh 

,.3 0 0 1 0 0 - 

..,.* 9 a 0 0 > 



I- a 


Undn-Hr. Joora, of Uc Alpba OloK Seorar-lCr. BUrlliit 
QattiM OQ itrlkw-^mll, 1. OuUoo roDlt-rttU, »; B(u, a Bua 
ont ■ llill ^ BoTlu Tlou or Oaibo— Ono taeur tod Ihlilr mlniltt. 


neaeaaon opoued In Boetonaa Faat Day, April 7tb, la 
• Tai7 UraiT manner, aoTcnl of tbe prominent clabapar- 
tfelpatlng in tbeir InllUlgaoie oflbe year. Tbe Trl-lloiui- 
tain dob ODiitged a picked nine open Dostoa Common, 
(balr opponenta belngr membera of (bo Blouebam, Uploo, 
Qavare^dSbertdan Clubs, tbe tbree Utter being Jonlor 
onanlzaUoiia. Tbe ball groond waa lo mr poor con- 
diuon, tbe oot-fleld portleularly ao, and amall blUocka of 
-oMTOMiravel'lDlcrfercdiirtotljrwItbfleldlag. Tbeplcked 
BlM fcoredaTerratrongicani In tlila,tbelr flrat gtuo 
wgtlbar.and both nlnea exblbltod atroog boUlog. Only 
Mran Inninia were played, ood tbe guno reaoltcd la Ikvor 
«TlbeTil-lIoantaln8byaacoioofUto22. Bobjolocdls* 

'' Tu-MODBUUr. 

'JqIUtu. 0 


■JoaM, r f . 



nutiuis, II t. 




... I' 





. Pican Nm 

0. Trua, U b 


Ciimer, •■ 


Slertti, If. 

r. WIH, tub 




IbUl 95 J Tula). 

binna. lit U u <(b Kb Ctb 7ib 

fMadNbM S a 0 S 0 ' a l-S 

n* picked Dine bave aince organized aa a aenlor dob, 
under Uio name of tbe Rercre Cmb, aod Ita nrgapecta are 
bTorable. la tbe abOTO nma tbe Tri-Uoooiatna played 
irllboat tkelr pUcber, O'Drlco, and lat baiemaii, Record: 
tbe mit brolMia being lobitltated for tbe abtenlees. 


Oa AptU 4Ui Boma l.aoo people •asambled at tta sew 
palk or Ibe Loolalana State Biue DaU Park AaioclaUon, at 
Biiiatb«Ule,towUo<aa tbe opening conteat betircea till 
eoatbema and n. E. Ltca. iloih preaented alroogDloea, 
anhongii tbe SonUierna were two abort of tbeIr regular 
ant olne ptayeia. Tbe Holding ofHeaBn, Lerl, laodon 
aotf Uoar waa good, u wia Mr. Bertel'a play bcblnd tbe 
bat In tbe Bootbem nine, If etaia. Bnndcnkcrg, Diddao- 
iloif and Holtznan ca med off tbe bonon of tbe day. Be- 
(weantbe foartb and onb loalnga botb dobe round It 
aaoeaaary tocbange Ibelrcaicbera. We BubJdn ttie te- 
■lit of Iba game:— 

~ B.I R B. Laa. ILL B. 

g Sntelii. 8 > 

4 I DODOTU, p 8 

5 "SluL" idb s 

- cll, - 

HoliniB, 8db... 

CbuOkr, of 

BoBdiDdorr, U b. 
DouTu, I r. 

Bnndcobcn, til b.., 


O'Snfe, 11 











■*6l8Rliffii __, 

\ Ontbeadlnat,, atUieaaDeiroanda,ainatebtookplaee 

Frelclltr, Ub .8 

fioEu], 0 a 

rellni^ lllb 3 

Lau«r, r r 4 

Laudoo, c f S 

Lny, If a 


_ 401 aib aik 7ib M 

ii II I ? , 

between tbeSootbem, Jr., and Oomei, Jr, olabe, whlcb 
iby«toli . — , 

tbe fOimer won t 

Tbe mcmbon of tbe Inlllalorr and practical depaitnent 
«f Bryant, Btimtton t Clarko'a Drooklyo Bualneaa College, 
played a gtme-ofbaae ballon tbe Star'a groanda, April 
ltb,lliafOmierwInnlDgbyaacoreof3Stolt. Wc append 

tbe BOOT*:— 

AmdcIIoo, Ulb. . 

wobrr, 0 

TbOOUh^ of. 

•^8^, 3a b 

Alko, p 

Urlofiloii, II 

JahlUOD, rf 

trillb. Id b 

Tlnliil, I r 










u'Reirr, It. 

ainlcfe, e.. 


Dubob, 3a b 

Cibo, rf. 

Rou, ad b 

Dcnilll, if. 

HcUuIn, p 

UlUl, Ulll 







, 8 


I.' 1 

TbUL 3 

Imiiiaa. lit 3d 
InlUiUrr 4 3 

'rncUoT 3 0 . . , _ . . . 

Scorer— Ur. 0. Wine, of (bo rncltsl Donutmeol. I7lDplre— M] 
• J. M. Clupmaii, of lfa« IDlUilory DcfKrtiDroL 


td 4lb eib eib Tib Sib 
4 0 4 8 10 
0 8 0 0 0 3 



EoTiw Olobl— TbIa Faaaalo clob beld their flnt annnal 

inaaaoerado ball on ibo evening of Tliureday, 7tb Uut, 
wblcli proved a very enjoyable and revArrcK aflblr. Tbe 
coatomea were nomoroua and vairted, and, aa a general 
tblng, tbe wearere well Bnatalncd Ibo characlere reprc- 

iaent«il,e4pedally Ur. lloblneon, wbo was aitlrctl oi a 
HIgbland cbloflaJn, and cnicnalned tbe company wltb 

.aareml Booltlah iltnccii, Including bla Ibmoni braid- 
awopi douce, whlcb basao often caloed bim laorclaatlbo 

. Yearly rcauvals of tbe atalwart Caledonlaoa. A rciy plcaa- 
Ing feature of tlio occailon iros ttao praaenlailon lo Ibe 
dab of an elegant allrer ball, tbe gift of Ur. Jacob Forlcn- 
bacb^n boDoraiy neoibcr, which woa received by the 
TlooPrcBlilcot with an appropriate speech. Tho ball It of 

. legobtllon alie, and Is no cxaol model. In Mated Bllrer, of 
tboao Diaonriclnrcd by I'eck A Soyder. U boars tbe fol- 
lowing Inscription:— ■'I'rcsontcd to tho Eouw Daie Ball 

'Cliib aa a nark of itlcodeblp, by Jacob P. Fortogbach, 
ApiU 7, ISfO." The workmanship Is exceedingly lino >nd 
U a credit to tbe artlBilo eklll of tho engnTerTHr. Joaeph 
A. Lewla, of Ibo American Watch Coupaor, The club 
may well be proud of auch a gllL The onnnlcailon ts 
now In"""™"* — — - 

LONi Srid «. nua^-ntM dob* puyM a game, 
the same ilay, oo Oie DalaohalM grouide. Mew Orloaos, 
Heaan. Booti, CondOD and Bohiraria earning otr tbe hon- 
oia. nefoUowlngilTeajtoTanj^nnobl^ 

LooaBur..; -.4 • 3 S 8 II T' t lt-o 

K<iii»r:.;.: o a i i e o. o «-l 

Tliiio iif BiiBB Ibiiia honii 

TBI noBOiiN cnmioNKiir.— Va tm recelTod the 
following letter In regard to tb««aboTe championship 

BDiTOi H. T. OumB.-l>i<a Bio.-! txf l»n lo Inform rwi 
l^libiBiila B.B.abuaoelilmwhaliTtrK Ibi Wblp Poaoul 
or Ibo El;ibii rialdi: darUillM awiii of ua8Uio(Mhuu ind 
Biflei plajnl bal two nan, u« Biab* wlialot Ibe aralud IttdBf 

tbOMCQOO,Alld lbl«AHlQ|IIOOI«U7lil001Bpl«a 1 MflftI, «l blf* 


Obibui A. llnB% aMUnOlBb, 

Dm Ball in Indumi The annnal meeting of the 

Franklin Oaae Ball Olob of Praokllo, lad,, woa keld Uareb 
Mlb, when the following oMccre for thoeaaolag year were 
eleeied^-Frealdont, QenloLanbertaaniVlco-Prosldent, 0. 
Rdwarda; Secretary, Bamnel HcOlollan; Treaaoicr, Collla 
UUIer: Dtxecton— I. Bamett, Qco, MoOailln, narry nenl- 
ken. Tblaeloblaready tooomenoetbe leasoa aa aoon oa 
boll playing begUa. The nine wUl be iboot tbe same as 
last year. 

THiUNioHOLiTBOPMouiiaiMU — This dob will open 
play on Wcdneaday, I8tb Inst, on their groonds at Uorrls- 
anla, on which occaalonan experimenul contCBt will be 
played In order to teat tho moriu of tbe aoTonI appUoanta 
fbr poaltlona on the new nine of tbe Club. All playon do- 
alrooa of entering the UaU will picaae report to Hr. Foid, 
OD tbe groonds al TremoDi, by s P. IL, on Wednesday. 

OiKCiKNin Iriiia.— loo Dorter the Iitt one loft of the 
prorcaalonal Dnckeye nine of IWI. and n capital flnt baae- 
mao, partlcDlariy on groondcn, baa Joined the Forest City 
Olob^ornookfonl, 111. Joelsagocd^taaweUaaflelder, 

but la rather a slow ninoer Tbe Red StockUiga haTo 

their opening on Sitorday of this week, itth Inat They 
have aomo lEoughta of a SoDthero trip aoon after. 

Obion Oldi.— The omcen of tlils Mew York dob for the 
ensolng year are asfollowe:— rresldcnt, lian'l W.reterspn; 
VIcc-I-resldent, Ohas. U. Pcoble; HecoidlngBacreWry, p«- 
Tld II, Van Baor; Correapondhig Becniarr, Tboo. J. torop- 
kins; Troaanrer, Chos. A. Eslor. DoaidoIUIrectOik-Fcltr 
Downey, Edward Jcnnlog and Bdw«i4 QoodtlJ. Captain 
flntnbie, I'etcr Downey. 

RBOROiNizinoN— The £tna Olob, lonlor, of Whitehall, 
N. Y., ro-orgaulzed on tho let, by tbe dcdlon of tbe follow- 
log oniccn:- Prealdonl, J. UulhollBOdi VIco-Prvalilcnl, 
aco.De l^o; BMlOlnry, A. M. Dohcrty; Treasurer, J. H. 
Hodd: Osptalo, Vr. Biuiub|ai Ulrootors— ). G. Scrofford, 
D.O.MomyaDdn. TromU. - . • 

IliiiTAiiSTS. Lowell.— The Lowell and Harrard Cloba 

flared tholr opening match of tho acoaon upvn Jarvls' 
leld, CombriUgo. on iho 7Ui InaL Tlie game was quite In- 
torcaiing, allhoiigh a good dcol of malUuir took place, and 
the ooore at tbe unlah atood In taror of tbe college boya by 
3] to 20. 

JuKion Flit in ILissioaosim.— The Eicolslor Club, 
ofOoalon (Juolor), vlsKod Lyun on Thursday, 7ih Inat., and 
Tanqoltlieil the Osceola Club of that dty with groat oi ~ ' 
tho score being 23 to 8. 

WisDUioio.x T& PsuciH.-Tbeao creek cinba played a 
game on the grounda of the former. New Orleans, on the 
8d lust, when the Pelicans proved the Tlctora by a score of 

Tna FiSK. Jr., la tho title to bo adopted by a club now 
In conno of orgaulzallon at the QreniJ Opcre Uouao, this 


The only fresh pteoo of InfomatloD which wa hara to 
comnoulcata to oar reatlera tkla week, aneot tho match 
between Tom Alleu and Jem Uace, hi that the former has 
commenced reo. work, having gone Into trslnliigoiunen 
near Iho Crescent city on the tth Uwt., to remain Ihore op 
lotbedayofbauie, ponolngthst rlgorons coone of ez- 
ardseanddltdietQnjrr to {ga^lelilBi to cope with a 
tug of men vast enduring power as oiir pieaant cham- 
pion. He will take hIa Ircalhlngs under the watchful 
eyeaof that experienced tolor, Jim Cuakk, who trained 
UecDsn and Oobon, and hit coatin Fooley, who oo- 
deHiUflds Ueclaely what Jem'a reqniremeoia are. Al- 
len It a willing worker, and under tbe care of Jack 
nooldlng, ho Ui doing honl work and plenty of It, 
and repldiT dlmlulahlng the amount of uuneceasary 
aeahnowclomlngthemachlneiTorhltoignnliaUoiL Dla 
trainer Informa us that be weighed 204 pounds on the 2d 
Inst., hoThig reduced himself un pounds ilqce bo was In- 
Btalled at Woah Dome, which provct that he Is uot allow- 
Ini tbe gtasa to grow under his feet We are frequently 
asked IT wo think they wUl flght at all by tboee whom pre- 
Tloue flzzlea have rendered BkeptlcoLopeclallyla the eaae 
of maloheBforsolaigoaBum,U>whlcta Inquiry we have 
Invariably replied afflimallvely. We ore convinced 
that both men neon flgbthig (our reasons for ao 
believing were given aome wools age), and If anything 
oulalde of maglaterlal intaifORDce ocean to bring 
tbe match to an nnaatlafortnry firuia, we ahall feel 
ditpoasd to attribute tbe tame lo the .Inatromen- 
tallty of one or other of those who flnd'tha money 
for them. Uowever, we do not antldpate any auch 
result as this, and we cannot percclv- —-....•- ■ 
for the entertainment of aoch conlecture 
lime rolls on, and evorrthlog pcttalnhig to the match la 
seen to progrcas ao smoothly, the nobellovcn, who were so 
plentiful at llret, are rapidly beooming fewer and fewer, 
and conseuoently tho inleitst exhibucd In tbe oflhlr Is 
belghlcnea lu a correspondbig degree. As Is always the 
case, opinlona npoo ttao Issue are totally at variance, 
though there appean to be a growing belief that the ad- 
vantagea pcoseased by Allen will ooanteibalanoetboeeof 
the accomplished man from Korwiob ; atUI Haoa la the 
greater mvorita at alight odda, aod ibat atocks of given- 
GaokawUlbewagoieiroponthe result Is oo assured fact 
na -nazt and final depoalt, one thonaaad doUan 
'•tfda,,la'dae at tbIa offloa on Friday, tbe 3ld ef Apilt 
nebttthmtofora """ilBiliif 1" being v>ttcn opt by the 
frienda of Allen In St LooUTlbr preaentallon to bIm as a 
mark of esteem for his manly, ttrolghtfCrward condnct 
and gallant bearing In past contcstaon our aoU, wUL we 
learn, ahoitly be finished and preiented to Tool Uenia. 
Jaccard, lewelers,are the mannfactureni, and that It wui be 
asplendldalllalrmaybolnfeiTed from the ttalcnient that It 
wlO coat tl.OOO. Alleo Infoma ot that be will not ecole 
less than I7tlba. on the day of the battle, as he has grown 
mach larger since bis last fight 

1 SmrriRo ami RNOuaR iCAnmiD.— Aoebrdlng to ap- 
Ipolnunont Falsoy Sheppard and Mike Bngllsli mctatoor 
lolllce, acoomnanled by • number offrieodii, on the after- 
inoonof the llth Ion., to diaoh thearanmcot between 
them by signing srtlclea, aod Inoreaidiig tho amount of the 
depoalt for IheIr maloh. - Dosnall/, lanatohesof thia kind, 
jthereisadoaloraselessialk bonn on agreement hi or- 
,rlrod at, bat In this case not a pobit prcseoted Itself for 
'disciuslon, aod wllhoot any ado artlolcawen scaled, blml- 
Ing them to fight at calvh-weliht on tbe 27ih day of liny 
next. Any miles from the BImOlty, fbr tsoo aside, tlio inrii 
to bo In Ihe ring bclwoen e and 10 o'clock, A. H. Tlio 
deposit was Inoroaacil lo 878 tnm each, making llto miw 
op; Ike aecond deposit, tit a side. Is to be made at Shop- 
pard'a, 81 OrowD atrcet New llavtn, on April Uth, the 
third, of like amount, at Nr. Dorton^ 1« Onwn street on 
April 2ttb, and the foorth, t7t • side (or 8278 a aide If niu. 
tually agreeable), at Oooghlln's, the Aoama IIodbo, 80 
DoloDBtncton May 17lh— each depoalt to be staked not 
later than ten o'clock P. H., or a forfeit enauea. Tho 
money to bo thereafter forwatdcd to tbla offloe, and Bub- 
aequeotly trauBferred to the dnal stakeholder, wbo niuat 
bechoseo at the lost depoalt *l>eo tota for choico or 
ground will take place, the loaer lacalvlng tea days notice , 
of tba place aeleofed. 

Joa OOBDiui wuop tbr • fhnwell benefit on Sunday 
evening, April Sd, at Hagnlro'a ODtra IIoubo, Baa Fran- 
cisco, OaL Tommy OhonOlor and Billy Dwyer were to pet- 
to fi>r the fint Urns amce they appeared logather In tho 
roped arena. Jamea Dougherty and Bdward Molarncy 
were to act-to together, aod Joe Oobum waa lo wind up 
with Dan lUoe, a pugilist formorly ef New York. Thi-ro 
were to be many velantesn, fodudlng Jig and clog 
danceia. Add Weaver, and Foirastolla tho female ccnlur- 
tloulst Joe haa been rather unrorlnnate of late, ouil 
takea Ihia benefit to start him aod tila wife for Mew York. 
Joe wu to leave boo Francisco on Uonday, April 4ih, 
alopplng at Virginia City, Nevada, (Or two days, CMcano 
oso or two daya, and expects to reach thla dty on or 
about the llth Inst He InTorma us that bo returns 
rrom the "Paolfio Blope" expressly lo wllnots tbe comlug 
flght between Maee and McVovIe, and that be sUaU obtr 

loBjathjirinatfr r-M -: ■ * 

iuoNOTOBTROJiMa.- Tbe resldenlswlthlD the walls of 
Troy were thvored with a more than oidUiary Kno display 
of sparring and alhlollce on the ovonlngoftbe eihlnst, 
when ProC OVelll, of the Tioy Oyinmiafum, gsvetne.v 
hlbltloo ot a prominent boll. The entcrtalamentconslttcd 
of sparring, club swinging, dumb bell exercise anil sing- 
ing by tho ProlMBor'B pupils, Mr. Uo putUng up a dunib 
bell weighing ISO Ilia, with groat apparcnt ease. Tho clo- 
alng display waa Iho feature or tbo evening, brinnlng Into 

(wCTarjonli up^ fequIR, eiSolKlly'a Mtlol, niiirMr. 
O'Neill, which woa one of the llneet llluMratlosa of ttao 
manly art wbicta tho people of thot section ever witnessed, 
and drew forlli loud applansc. The attondanco was large. 
Prof. Clark expreaacs himself well plesBtd with his visit 
55? is?'']" to return, throogta ut, his sincere thanks to 
Col. O'Urion, Ur. O'Ndll.ond Ills soholaro, forthekhid' 
neascaexicudcd tohiu wldlcthore.^ 

Bkooii KiLLrs Nionr.-Thls fcathcr-irtlglit boxer gave 
on oxIillilUoD at Union Hall, Dolon Avcnuerarecapoiul, L. 
I., on the eth Inat., tbe hnuso being nill and the company 
oroerly. ThoBcls-towcrebotwecunooieandTnnnlii,Bleve 
Allen and ahcnuy. Bill Fox aud Y'oungOmcalla, Jack Joyce 
and Young Otnj (a tremendous glove light, hot and heavy 
oil Uio time) Teddy Near/ and Uan Kerrigan, Young Ed- 
worda and Bowera, Teddy Ncary aud Enoch Kelly— ivlnd- 
up-the latter being a very prelly acHo. Fox ondOmealla 
likewise made a very adenlUlo display. Torco was 
master, as usual, and wishes us to oxprcaa his thanks to 
KoUy for his llberalliv, which, thoogh notbing more than 
the baid-worklng oM lenUoman deserves, shows well by 

Ed. Bussill, tbo champion olab tnloger, called opon 
oa cue day laat week itapccting the aiallenge lisuul 
5f ^"llP *>!'*'■• on* »hloh parUcularly alloded to 
him. Ho dcalres na to say. In anawer thereto, that 
ho la not a profeaalonal swinger and will nut en- 
gage In a match for moaer; but If Ur. Colter wishes 
to test his ablllUea, he will meet bIm at auy tine that 
may be agreed upon at tbe New York Atblello Club 
Reoms, Ualro's Oymnatlnm, St Mark's place, and give 
him tho desired opportunity. 

BuTTLi UiTOH.— On Eatter Uoadsy, I8lh Inat, a natch 
at BkltUee for $<0, 21 ehalka up, aland fklr. wUI be played 
bolwoeu tboao experts, W.Moore and T. ^rtce, of Cock- 
ney Lan^ at the qaolt and akltUe gragnda of Robert Cal- 
vlo, altos "Uaochcster Bob/' Eagle Uotel, Carroll atreet 
near Third avenoe, South Brooklyo. Uoore la open to 
play any man In tho country for a stake, aland fklr, with a 
twelve pound balL Theuegronudt have been put In good 
order for the season and two new skittle alloys added? 

OFP FOR Tn« WasT.-DUly Edwards tod Doonoy Harris 
were to leave this city for a western trip on this (Tuesday) 
moraing, intending to visit and give exhibitions In all tho 
prindpal cities tliero and In the vouth went They will 
make ihslr flrat stood at Troy, and Itom thence proceed to 
Albany, Byracose, Rochester, BuOaio, Oleveland; Oblcoeo, 
Detroit Ondnnatl, Indlannpolls, Bt LoulB, and downtbo 
"Fattaer of Waten," maklog their caloolaUona to wind up 
the tour at New Orleans In season for tho Uoce and Alleu 
cbamplonablp battle. 

Dami OP Biix Lu)D.— Weregielto find leeorded In our 
Ban Francisco exchanges the decaae of tho well known 
Bporllngnian and fireman, which took place In that city on 
unrch 23d, of apoplexy, lie was fonuorly foroman of Eu 

obill«ii|in li 

tbetniir!! ismydiy 

^iT^S^f !»i «<'hvi M Jmdiit, t wni ihMi 
r In oimt. ihf/ nkf Ihbik pitiprr ts mrnllon, 

SAW- imANCISCO TMl wH 'I' H .mTiiL 


^ ^9?R*T.i ""PI. ' W -Bt JtUBBN aiidVmt 



_ jonnr nbwcom&'snhw bono and dInuu--- 



.BrfU|ul^^uojiu«llr>m4_' ' 

tTSu Taol 

. 1 trliifflph or Ih4 

or TaiiB 


MO.HDAT, TFriil II, WOl 
«hl bi pnuoMI Ibo bvtliiioe 


THE KiKa or rYl^ft ooio MiNBa 

. ...^ . « Tb« P'rw pruducrd wllb- 



^, ovea iMiH muiiT or biioo flti 

aiwfciuiBoMMiof 0. W. II. flriao'i Buriaqil of 


LrrrtEutci tueutki^- u.«i 

81100 rtl I OL* »»:.flr"' BB00Kri'^ K/i?' 

'ivew ^onds i Sine as, of'Nowrork,' before the ■pnhi'demlMut'auno 
re by aiv ooo. As Jnlo existence, hot for jLx yean past bad resided lo UoU' 

_,.„,,. „ ... . _. - - meollog of the Old 

Fobit Club, held April tlb, the following ofilcera wen 
elected to aetvo for the eoauing six mouths, vb.:-^l. O, 
y.Thomss, Proddeot; W. E. Pretcolt Vlce-Fresldent; 
Bobt W. Hughes, Secrctoiy; W. J. Bodell, Oprresponding 
Beontary: J. A. Walklns, 'heosnrer. Board of DKotoi? 
John Daolch, chairman; Bam nacoo, Ooo. H. Elliott and 
w. F. Wlune. John Z. Uerhior, aooror. John J. Btnlcb, 
Oaptala 1st nine. The 0. P's luve been conildorebly 
strapgUiened thla year by ths addiucn of several prenlnent 
balUsu, omong them, \f. s. Pocbc, a noted EniUtb crtok- 
cter. Beebe, besides bolog a llghining pitcher, Is said to 
be a strong hataman, and a rcDiarkobly awlft and acconto 
thrower. Utulch, the caplelu, renka aa a profcaaloiaL 
Tbe AcUvea have not beou Mlo In oroanlilng, and will pre- 
■entamnchatrengerplaybignlno tola season than last 
?.?*f.J?" "orvlcea of Urlnkwater, formerly of 

the ^'Ucrry nlue." Albert a Tan Deoaoo, Frtsldoni, and 
Srinkwnter as Cantalo Ist nloo. The Aoilves claim to be 
tbo strongest batllngcliib 111 tho atote, and Iheir rocenl of 
last you'a games ehowa such to bo tbe oaae, 

A Novel Bibb Ball aiUB.— It boa been proposed to In- 
voduce a Utile hiil into tho practice gomes of (be Ohlctoo 
2°£'i.?Il?*i,?.'f J*"* » '» helogtaltod 

SM'i'?'''.H'f'*V»,P'.?f*'" llaWoto result In the detiAt 
SJ.ri'frS'"*'"""' "J"'' 0 '•o'J of tho pooroet playen to 
SS.SSS'.SJ'-!!!^,"""!"' J*^ P'*" ■» "> matcli a nine, 
composed of people who havo never played ball, anlaai 

Jh!l,H°.'??l°'l*^'r.''.'i thelottorshall 
mKIJ',5''£SST'.' hand, with the exception of 
£5,. if"'..'.^?' len-handci), must pilch wllh bis 
nght hand; they nintt strike with tho small end of the bat 
While tho mnniua are to bo allowed a "barn-door bat" U 
tharploaao, and are to throw, catch, ran, olo., Id doDaaoe 
Sd!L'i?f'il>1i'P'.^. .Wl'1'lhcaiBllghla.lviSSi^lt IseSs: 
5J?jSJm2'^ '5" profoaelonalswillbo iwrely beaten. 
The mullln nmo baa not yet been selcotcd. 
tilVJSSiS! A?*""*™"— Wo have received 
the fol^wlng comrounlcailon irom tho Prealdontof Iho 
Junior National Aaaoolallon, W. n. Keljy, Jr.™ 

.1 tKSSIIIS'H"! "L"" '•i? ""fe&M^n'liTn !5k, 
■I Tuireiny Utll, li li borrbgt nrdrmi ibilibo dAcnlnlnlho iMnl 
UDial aBTlnllon of U» Nallouil AlwUllon or .Rolor Bm n2u 
ruTin, mM al lln "Eoiilro Himidi,-' Ntnrk •TuueTjim? otr. 
W. 1; OD Widowliy, ApAl I7lb, u Tk, r, M. ••"T wiy, 

.,f^i''P'<'"'<'^°f<°o'*l"<lla| Ibreiiiboul IhoUalbl Buin ira 
n«R«!niiiloii,oiid uilorluSui <o«imiX iKiiUiii 
Ibo li»UoiiirB«lni" by jSlnlni IbU •■ucUUon o( pura lof en of luS 
BUIiojl aoo-pnrenlviul |ik7m Iililuii duW. «bo aonolMiid 
wodolvloa, lusta admlilro unon nrllirn ippUaUoii ind renll- 
S"<*%™iy>u •.'■"a loluilloii rbo,uiuunliu lo ibm dol- 
Slili.- SiVi9'*'Jf",l^''5«'"l'I •»"'«'»|' by ibourRipoadkii 
aiwiUry, WUIliD f. Wilib, 313 diud Uitcl, /ci».y Oliy. •~™"" 

J™?"* 2; ^ Jbb-- Tho Sonbooa have ele 
.ii?i?'!£L1''"»''„P" oniolnB ytor:-Pro8ldcntLlUr- 
ahall Freobom; Vice Prcsldeut DotUamln " 

, J. Ci - 

foRjSlf?* -S-HL":./??-— ITw .Sonboas hove elected lhe 

Hal _ „ _ „ 

Jtj; John Beott; blreciorir j"'l'udlipp!"w. Kyi 
• '"."Bard lo A. A. Donncr belonging to the 

£.iISS?I<".v*'?!?'"°'«W"'''<' OLirrBBbyiheml, Ibe 
2fiiS?Si*Ki*.'* ^ '"•yo'' "th them all lut season, Is a 

SSSu) this • """"^ 

lonjamin Lyons; becro- 
"Tjere aud A. 

IS?i2ri£?i"'''"8iA80H.-The Jonlon of thlsclly sp 
M HSA.'*'"? the field. Tho Dulon Star Doao 

iSn'TfATSSffc'R ,°'T° '!""'<«l follonloR nine In the Odd 
jSjJiSr'JJ'^ obamplonsliln VlilB season :-aio- 

BhgBoa, aicheri Drrnes, 1st base: Connolly, 2d bote; 
iJSj^ftM'i.Mo: iTotiee, pitchori iannlMoTehortttopj 
oiidL* vV^' Vo""""!' oonlre floldi AoUoweU, right 
of tie aSi^^ ' ^'""^ " Oonwpwxiln* Betnetarr 

naiMsht D, Braes; Treasurer, W? HamUWn: Reooidlsg 
■JSl'^AJ? Rod'hr; Oorresfonding Blerettiy, t. 
;5J^,jJjg^J^^^|raiiytiunCoX^ HarIWD()lal>. 


As we pen this propnratlons are being quietly made by 
the sports of Ibo melropolls and vidnlly to Journey to the 

Evund selected for the milling oncountor between Jim 
errigan, of tho Fourth Ward, and Ed. Toubey, of the 
Diy Dock, which Is to take place on tbe oorohig of Tues- 
day, uth Inat, about three eeore miles from this dty. 
Those deolrtog to attend woi bo conveyed to tho groond by 
two Bleamore chartered for tbe pnrpoeo, ths tailir Imposed 
beUig five dollsn per head. Toahey bad an exhibition at 
Oontlaenlal Hall, EiRhth avenoe, on Saturday ereolng, Mb 
lost., and his appoaraoce strippeil, together with bis dsver 
diaplay, Impressed sll favoniblyaodcaaacdhlabackento 
become enthusiastic In his support, odds being repeatedly 
ofitrcd Ibnt he carries the day. We haro not soon Korn- 
gnn of late, but ire learn that be has been brongbt Into 
very dearly as good condition as bis opponent under the 
eye of "Skinny BUI," and his oilheronis speak very confl- 
dentlyof bis prospects, while Ibey on ready to back up 
their opioloo with greoo paper, we anderatand that llou- 
hey will bo waited upon by Omey aeoghogban and Bill 
Clark, while his brother Dan and Johnny Uonoghan 
wlU eaqoiro Kerrigan. Tbe gcnUeman chosen Bnel etako- 
holdor, a prominent Brooklyo (port, received the at^iee 
laat week. / 

furula. Ills many friends Ui this dty imi bear wlitasor- 
row of bis unoxpeoted demise. 

nannv Uioxen la now Installed at No. 88 Bast nonston 
street this dty, where bo will be prepared to give lestous 
In sparring to gontlemeo desiring sooa loairactloa, aa alao 
attend to Ihdr requir^iaenla bowanuy. See bis aSvenlaa- 
ment In anolheroolomn 

Bo. WiuoN haa disposed of his saloon. No. lOO Blcecker 
atreet and la at present easting hia optics abootwlth a 
Tlewtoflodingon ellglble nt« np town whereat to le- 
embark In theboilness. 

jni Tdwob, it^nae whanatMota wen leoantly In-i 
qaked for by a oodaepondaMtibt U>n9ei|it ib new iM 
leans, having retijraed ftom a s«Joarnl^a<ariy Uuee 
yean In Central America. 

LODiBiANA va. KBBTUoKf-^ho gTOnt main botwocri 
tho above elatoB, whldi cane off In Now Orleans o« the 
4lh, tlb and 8Ui lost, was ilocldod In fhvor of LoiUalona 
by a score of fourteen -flghU to six. Tho victorious aialo 
y«» foptOBeiitcd by tho well known sporting men, Ur. 
John Frankbn, formerly of this city, and Kentucky the 
veteran fonder, Tom O'Neill, of LouIhvIIIc. Tbo conillUous 
were to show tblrly ono birds on each ijilo ami ilulit all 
that welxbed lo ftir ftio eachlialtleaiid$.'>,000on the main. 
It proved a IitUow victory for tho Louisiana division. 



Erinnu AND raRRT.— I. Woikcr, backer of tbo "boy 
"orris, says be will match him niiulnat l-oke Fer- 
ry, of I'rentou, N. J., In his own rncc, 76 yuril^ fur $400 or 
ttooo and tho champloniblp of tbe Kost. ilnrria u es- 
pecially desirous of running Porry. Tho ruoo to come off 
at ratcrson, where Terry will bo oertalii of a fair show, 

Jack OouLDiNtf, at present Inlnlog Tom Allen, will per- 
form Ills rests at tho latlcr's quartcni, tho Washington 
House, near St Loult, on Sunday next, Dili Inst 

An ATBLmo CLUB was ot Montreal, 0. R., on 
tho 2d Inst, the purpesa of which Is to encourage anil pro- 
mote athletio sports. About forty names were cnrelled on 
the memborahiji Ihit that evening, and a committee ap- 
pointed to draft • couatltntlon. 

Tni: Orion Oldb, of Philadelphia, give an InvllaUon ball 
In that dty un tbo lllh Inst 


_<iiuNU AimNio BxrusmoM. 


ooAaBooii uippoDBAiiATiapXaBAirr 





(Ooon owQ 000 bourpnvloua.) 
10 ccrtti. 

Tboniaiieoooiiiiooomai UoprwonUHonofootoaly 


IndodloiMlMjouMlloWHUoauu] MUa. ZorlUia L1MI0. 
. Fj™i •ppeumart la In jmn or Ibi 
,,..„„ „„aadlbilailU>iiiioriilNituidboiilr, 

BR3AULT EUUESnilAN, fmni Oniuo Napiino, Parla,ar«ap- 
Bfi!;°"JS''jlf.7S'J. }^J?!i?' "OHT.'lbo Inlrrpb; Uuidb 
Bider. MB. <llll:RIJ!g CONBAI>indTAllE.NTRD SONa 

Bobirt JobOKW, Fnnklln, I^lo, Sbnooodibaiula, Unlbvwldi 
adoubia eomw— « — ^ 


Buoy or O71DOAAIIL AcnbaljL 
Trauoilau, Aa 

**'!i.,V2'iS.4i!Riy''"^ AYMAR. owwi 


at each perfonBauM lodououli 
...... „.>*'WELODe rSATSt 



wlib Ibi (Mdra ObarloU aod ibi Un Uoa Imo la Uu'alreMii, win 


{.aACT nralUlDS; If uahvoiabto, tru doAr day), Imtloi Ub< 
UDIoolb ftlok al lb A. U., and paaa dowo Idm. Io^IuTSl, lEm 

■rlo9tlbil.,lold aTr.,UionaUe4lb ill, Uio pteu ot aiCuilUoa^ 
{loanaremiporrormaDawUlbaslTnoiit itdaT ol miadA ni 
ampgrofmapowUlbatlniionftoiUaroTvilns. |.k 


exam as ohnts ■ j ■-..■y- ■ 


THE mm. 

tb.d«.plo. aoditaiStS"" "OMLD, 


taS"\^!:.°fiS; ""^ oMROBLBorouTsiISS;^ 

zoi^mcA aoraT 


, qiiAMJBjvaE. 


Tbornnra tery ttw gentlemeo wbo^ at lonitbDeoroUMr, have 

ihA bad Ibolr 



nv iiiKT OR mnAono jinoB, 

ON TUB noons or UIIUltUllRH, turatrrd, 
oranr nlb«rcn}iri1e.l|>bm, fnni Ibe vary fbct Ibal ibort la oe pteci 
louul llni««nlon Ihe rtmr. 

WUI flad II gmlly lii itiolr mlranUeo ui bwk w«U lolo IbIA u It WIU 
By tbll almpio arraDiniiiout fulaoid uiidor Uio Hal, Uil bat la 
eunj pul oul or lb« way and iC«iiraly bold In Hi plan onlof dabger 
aod no txwiblo lo Ibi oirnir. Kor cittulan, lamtL On, addma 
B. H. OWAN, Falaola^ 
t-ll>nw 27 joulh Blilh iliiil, FbUadilpbIa, p». 

T.nn TIAT^^ILi, 

ouAULBirrowN.JBrFBngOKao., w. ta., 
oothi Wlacbeiiiriod rouoiacRaUna4,biu«b of Ballinors end 

nRinni or koom,i«pebt: 


Ml' JaIi. LAW, lloorr, FiopHotor. 




mroBTAiiTi mpoin'AOTt mroitTANT { 
The United States Confeotlon Oompany, 


wrrn oihouheb and menaobribs , 


_ andillpartloawbolLavfOolal 
MADBTI1BIR aSr, ; """r - 


or JBWBLnr oa: 




OOP, ooitnetian. 

ON Tim iii7i>soN nrvxow. 

Krtoeoialo lou. ^■ 

■ODSiaddaoeai THIRTY-riTir OBNn BAOa Bait Is toy od. 
droM. poll paid, ou itrclpl of nric& 

•■t« . rliAjmLniwiNMB,8e8Bniidwr. 

8nA SeoaUonal Diana wrillAafeipivaBlr for bar, wlsbuia lipe- 
rimad astnl. Addr(aa ELLA A. ElILIB, Fbtla. P. O. sTl' 

pitoc. Bomsnrre xix»iovm> 

10 748 Broadway, ricliimou* Dr««Dta of llliialon, Poallal and 
Burleaqno, BooMllooal Doniooi, Fbanuiiaa, Bkilouna aid olbar 
vUloaa, For iDsaimMiiuorpuRhMlDiorappaiiUaaDdpleliiraa. 
BindalainprortoTBa, pffogrammioTaTaliipii. ■ t4P 

0. I. rOZ (lIuDply 'Sf.^^} ||!* *"* >pUWn( nil If ' 


IX (IIiiDpty Dunj 
for rrambf 1 1 >'j^p?<J([; 


^ AND bBtmKTnsi 


poalpald. .. ._ , 

" Bo«tmKiwtiikdlr . 

v<MJAtfdif«; < — 


. E9?L''.9l''qio«i ANi 


.... ..FADDiNne, srvBTaiEB, all rAniBnsa 

Mil SUANKON. giLLER a CiaiiKrM gldSBS^)): r." "j 

uSnTfy^'n"?*'.''*. OWOWAt OiSsMOWKbTaS 
BU^DUI, or will mail ««» for lb. IJad, „ olll Bbowriaa^. 

AUdrtaa W. T. nOELLBB. aiaofqippfroOKa. 




wrm onoRUR, 

„„^ ''"AOIO OABTEB." 

Killld upon raolpl or prto^ as ola, L. P. aODLLAIfllL 

A LITE MAN, wllh a fiw billdi»d doUaio. Is l«t>lA».ui.j 

|^TIIlk..CB' , 


craoH BUBoraj 

THE TRt66£Ra 


negnrdlng tho proposed mill between these Ught-welghls 
wo have receiTCu tho following commnnlcatlon In reply to 
thai of Ulko Oobum'o, which appeared lo our lost;- 

^ _ « „ , Br.Looia, Aprils, isra 

Fun QoiiiT.~DtiB 81a.— Fran Ibo Curnn lull imlTOd I 
iMrelbalCobumbaaeoTfrvdniTdopoaU rorwaidM Ian wnk, bul 
dee.'mei nrcllog no al f liber or Qio nacoa illMilalcd lo Br. Roacb'a 
oommuDkalloa. Tho oonrlog of (bo $100 u manly a "maho So- 

IIOTO"onlborarlorUlckoy, wbo, lam aallaflrd, doc« not wlab or 
•Tvr mciBl 10 Ojbl me, or ho would bare attepled Ihe aquan pruno. 
•Ilton eoDlaloM In Ibo ommunleallon itTentd loabore.aabo li 

wvll awan ibal It la almidy iDpoaalUo for mn 10 go «aal wl'Uioul for- 
felilDs my llbrrly. If Ukioy rtaUy wUhea 10 figbl, I will allow bin 

tlOQJor ojpenwa (o mrcl mo In dihor of ibo looUltlra montlonrd by 
r. Boacb. Irtbla doca nol tolt (Mxiro, bla rrlcodi mual iblnk bin 

bald (0 piroM, and my cballeogo wUI Jbari to 
'--lldlouallabl-wclqhL ItcapMlhilly you 

juril called In since tho above was In type, 
stoles that tbo backere of Ulckey will not agree to fib g 

Jim Cobm 

ilo open for aome 


■ ■ I, and 

west lie oOcniSeddona tho choice of groond 2SOTolles 
frem New York dty, and as diserent men have already 
gone west from this city to light (notably, Joe Cobnm and 
Dick Uolllwood) ho thinks acorge has no planslblo excuse 
for nol accepting thUi, os bo has nodnnier to fcsr. Ulckey 
lenvos bis tlOO In our hoods, oud If Siiddcns doo't accopt 
ho'll dgbt any man In tho country, at llSlbs., upon tue 
same toims he last week ooered Urn. 

WiLLUMBTnE ViiTmf.— Tho oily of Dreiherly Lore wss, 
dorlog the post week, the acono of another dctpcrate 
affray, in which oroel lead performed a murderous part 
dsprlvlog of llfl) 000 well known to tbe sporting tra- 
teinlly. Tbo clroumstanoea of tho aooir are as follows:- 
On tbe evening of Wednesday, eih last, Faddy WUUama 
(formorly of FlUsbuigh, whore, during the war, a match 
was proposed between him end Johnny Uaekey, bntltnev- 
orcametoanythbiii) and Frank UoDonald, alius if cOoy, 
alias "Dig Frank,'' metal an early hour In the bar-room 
of Ihe Continental Hotel and became Involved In a dispute 
conceraing a loss sustained by ona of them at Ikro, buck* 
Ing tbe tiger being the method adopted by them to gain a 
livelihood. Tho aliorcatloo waxed wann and they were 
aboot ellochlng, wboo motoal fMendi Inlerforod and aopa- 
raled them. About nine o'clock Ihe name evening Uay met 
again at a aaloon located on the S. H. coroor of Eleventh 
aud Sanson atroots, when (he ouaml was renewed. From 
words they speedily came to bfovs, and McDonald received 
a severe cut on the head. The latter now draw a nvolver, 
flred open WllUama, the ball taking effect In tho groin ami 
causing tho victim to alnk to his knees. Anotborsbot was 
flred Willie he was In that position, tho nisalle peneireling 
tho left breast oloM to tho nipple, passing obliquely 
throogh the lung and lodging In ths badt, having severed 
In lis couree one of the prlnclpalBrterlee,oanslngacoplous 
bemolThage. Two more shols followed In rapid aucces- 
slon, hot neither touched Wllllama. McDonald then lolt 
thosRlooD, plalol In hsod, bnt was subsequently aircsKd 
about a (lozoo blocks oir, having been followed by • police- 
man, who, not posscsslog aamclent coongn to atlonipt his 
arrest himself, waited uutll he met a brother oOlcer who 
was not aireid to perform his duty. Tho wounded man 
waa oonvoyed to llie Fennsylvaofa noepllal, where Ihe 
ptoslclan In charge probed Ills wounds, ezpreasing tbe 
onlnlon that they werefatal. Shortly afterwards Alderman 
Uorrow waa sent for to take his ents-merteni statement 
hot upon tellhig WlllUms Ihe object of his visit the 
Islter soldi—"! hove no charge to mako agalnat any onot 
If you are here. Alderman, to ask me who did the ahoot- 
log.IwIUnottellyou. I forgive tho mtnwbo abot me, 
and I hope that he may prosper and llvo a thoosond yoan; 
to punlBb him would do me no good, and If I ahooid die 
It would only be InOlotlng on him a punlahmentof which 
ho may not be dcsorvlng, Uo may have been right In the 
mailer and I may havo been wrong; noyway Iforelve bIm, 
aod will not under any circumstances divulge anything 
that would Injure him.'' He thou said that no lud but 
one request to make;, which was that his body bo sent to 
his fhuier, Jsmes Wllllsnu, No, 88 Elghtecnih street 
Fltlsbnrgh. AOatholloprtestwas sent for and odmlois- 
tered tho saoromont to blni during tho night and Alder- 
mah Wllllom VcUulllo, William Whitney and several 
other Mends oollcd to see him. Uo lingered nnlU olx 
o'olook on the evening of tho 7th, when he expired, per- 
slttenttyreroBlogtoglvo any l.nfomatloa relative to Ihe 
affhlr. Oo the morning of the lib UoUonald's ooonsel, 
Mr. L- 0. OoBsldy, attempted to teouro s honring in Iho 
esse, bat no wlinoases of Ihe oceorence being present, 
the Aldoiman oommlltod the prtsonor and ordered • beor- 
tt two o'clock on the 8th. 
Wa Oatb umaifoi JunM Mllei Hd F»ti«r Bhep- 


The pigeon Bhootlog contest for the obamplonship of the 
Unltcif Stales and an elegant badge, besides glM to tho 
winner, $100 to the second man, and |iM) to the thlid, took 

Slaco on Tborsday, 7th Inst., at Hark Rook, near mvl- 
ence, IL I., on the grounds occopied by Kd. W. Tinker, 
The trophy was oOhied by lbs llbode Island. Bportsmen'a 
Club, uuiler whose auqilcea tbe ahootlng look place, and 
about alx hundred penoua paid Ibeir passage money on 
board the stoomor What Oheor, which bod been chartered 
to convey tho contcstanis and spectaion lo the Broiinds, 
Tho entrence foe was llxed at tee, and the entries were 
six lu number, viz.: InA-Falue, New York: U. W.Tla- 
ker. Providence; UUes Johnscn, New ioisey: Jobn Taylor, 
Jcrser City; Percy Aldrlota, Erovldenee, aud J. It Browu, 
Dullkio. Ou the way to tho grooud pools were sold by 
Ur. Uarehall, an old baod at the bualneaa, Tinker 
bebig the favorite and selUug In all but one pool, 
aa luat oholco, Taylor being lonolod next and John- 
son third. Dinner was partaken of after tbe arrival of 
the party at Mark Rook, and at one o'clock the aport oom- 
moDced, eaeb maoibooUngataislngleblrdt, 21 yanlatlse 
and 80 yarda bonndarr, IMia U and T ground trapa. At 
the begjuuibig Taylor mlasod his bird, anti oaths third thot 
Jobnaon mined a bird, the otheia abooUog oosUy and 
aurely. At the end of the flrat ten birds, Taylor bad lost 
three, Fslne three. Tinker and Aldrleh two, and Johnson 
and Brown ono each. I'ool selUag was resumed, Johnson 
and Drown selling about evenly, oud Tinker ttlll ahead. 
Dy tbo time the flitoeuth bird hod been ohotatDrowo had 
gone to tho lead, and money was put very freely upon "the 
stranger," as he wss called. Those who bad bought him 
voir low before In the fleld looked ohcarfh], and thoee who 
hadn't oorrowfuily wished they boil. BTenTUiker's bacten 
"hedged" on Drown. His star waa In the ascendant, 
andslilolog brightly. At the tweatleth shot everybody 
thought that "the stronger" was certainly waUliig away 
with tho "champlooa." Johnson wis second, aod the 
othen were bunched togoUier, Thiker having leal three 
birds, Palne five, T»lor Ave and AlOrlch Ave. Uere woa 
0 turo- tbo longest lono must hove one— and Brown miss- 
log three birdi In suocestlon lost hhn the match, and 
made Johnson's chsneos vera fsvoiable. From Ibis point 
to tho close of the shoolUig Johnson kept lo the load, and 
eoBlly won tbe contest losbig but tliree birds out of the 
tbirty-flve. No Ooo would buy o pool sgalnit him, for 
none ware ao foolish as to seod "good mooey oiler bad." 
Taylor, who had been shooting very badly at flnt, rellled, 
and to Buob good purpose that ho was awarded the aecood 
mooey. Tinker taking tbe third money. The imlucky 
shooting of Aldrleh at the middle of tho match ntherdls- 
ocunigcd blm, but ha also made bettor scorliig toward 
tbo close. Palne waa viry nnlortnnate with bla birds, 
and hardly did blmtelf Joatlce; while bad luck saomcd to 
stare Tinker oooUnually In tho ftce. Ttie deepest Interest 
waa taken lo tho aflhir by Iho speoloton, Snd while at 
times there was much excitement the heal of order pre- 
vailed. Tho best ooaseoutlve shoolhigvraa done by John' 
son and Aldrleh. We append the aeon:- 

Joboaoo lUlllllllOIHIIIIIOIHIIIItlllHII-Sl 

Tkrior OlllOllHIItellllllOIIIIIlllllIIIII^ 

Tlokcr. lIllIOHIOinilllOIIOIO|lllllllllll-aO 


BiDWD nioiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiooeii(piiiiuiil-3r 


The birds were. In sporting parlance, "haavy," nsailyevery 
one on being nieased requiting tbe pennsslon of a atone 
to induce blm to toke wing. Some or them abtolutely re- 
lOaed to atart On hiB fonrth abot Tinker had two of tbla 
oharaoter, and both balng barred, a third, o lively follow, 
was tnpped and killed. At tho olose or Ihe match Folno 
ohallsngcd the winner, Johnson, to make o match any- 
where, at ony time, for |800 a side snd the badge, etch 
man to aboot at one hundred birds, tbe time aud place to 
be ot tho option of the challenged party. Under the mica 
by which the badge Is govoned, the winner Is not obliged 
to occcnt challenges onener than once In foor menlha, 
though no may accopt for a leas time If he chooacs. New- 
ton Uezter, Froildent of tho R. I. B. 0„ waa referee. 


On tbe 30th oltJoaapb Taylor aiul James Ward, both of 
Toronto, mot for the founh time In a trial of skill wllh Ihe 
trigger, the match resnlllng from a oliollenge bnned by 
Word, who wu dlesstlsllnl with the dcfoals provlously 
sustained ond desired lo test his powcn coco mora 
against the champion. The conteat look place at Leslie. 
vDlo, 0. W., and wu for |80 a aldo, 11 aodT groond trope, 
80 shigle birds each, 21 yards rise and 80 yoiiu boundary, 
wllh lj<oz. shot lllohord Varcoa oOdaled u luUgo for 
Ward aud Robert Uodgaon did llkewlae for Taylor, while 
Aloi. Uulr ailed the poallloo of rafOree. Theweathor wu 
fovonblo and eveiylhliig garo promise or ou oxolling con- 
test Uowovsr, nsllher man mode u good o display oa 
they hove provlooaly done under leas advantageona clr- 
enmstanccfl, u the acora below attosia:— 

88 OUInf to. 

out of aft 
•Fall dead outofboanda. 

Mr. Taylor kavlng held Iba champion enp Itio reiialied 

Krlod, one year, It now becomes nis pemonal property, 
hla Ave oonleala brtheohamplonthlp, hehuanotat 
318 blrda, sooTlDg 182 1 actually kUllniits, udonly missing 
18, making an ovonge ahooiing or • s-io out of every 10 
iirdsBhol at We have roctlved tbe foUowlog challenge 
rrom the loser, which shows that the rasnll ot ths past 
hu not caoaed him to lose oonfldeoce:- 

ToBono, a W., April 4lb, UltL 
raiBK Qmv.— Dbib Sin,*l wiu mahaomalcb loihooUiany 
- • ^ ' — - * iMr ..v-.— — V i 





BnUUad ■ 


LEagBT AND allenT^ 






bli OnoADWAV, 



Bim.BB AND nnjfOIlR Haamnand Praarialn^ 



mis M0N8TBB TllJuPE OpTdB W0wl»°* 




BRilrrrBD iiriib. 

N. O.-rcrfonamor acboowMipd lalwllaaa brlDcbnoflb* 

variH; bualoeia can obtala ileidy oi 



Lul waak of 


In hla cml Sou and AcL 





logla plgCdnieaeb aninti 


a^ntl Mr. Joaoph nylor, or Tprento, for ooe 
aoyanoiiBtup 10 88000 aldai or 1 will put op 
) and abool al IS donblo blida each) «aeb rarty lo 
wblob antobemliidon Ibamotnlojortboot- 
laodpnll Ibo trap •galul atb olb<r,or Snd a 
ill <ba]l;li(»U Unopan ^ Mr,Tbjlor for Iwl 

laeki, tod, If nol loeapUd, 1 mil ■hiol 
^— *- uDdorlbo MueUnna, foraoyamouol 

. BncplwbtluiaqtlndhitUai 

by ua otw niaseCCa^Ma nrpUato 

Mr.rajlor for (wl 
iialDM aoy nan In 
Ohio OBalhwiaano 
BtttStaMoi. Ulks 



Will poalUraly be imoTcdaiur (hia wnk, ii on Hondir. And IS. 
■« prodi« iSogltll aeoallODal burltanna ""■"■ri Apni IB, 

Ilonaai eiowded nIabUy lo aeo ibti, 

"~ Tdrrfc0MBINA9fO 

OIIINO cuoir UI 


' TINSEL LAOits. qmrs. rnitioL, 

^Ut BnAitNO N, MILLaik OIUlfe.A Mai 

]b -oivT sctyiA^ oramiA 






AddlWB rSANK BTERLB, Rla|oMaiia|<r, 

Fori Broil Opeim Uouaa, Kanii 

■nnl br Sni daa 

_ .OAaBMBNl!^*' 

of two A wiaki or loBcfr, 10 tppiar hi hla arf(h«B 



SpHiMId ' 



irlc cDmtdlaa, cbanckr comiqaa aod gaouii arttal, are open for ea. 
gagamaolalollnldaiallalla. Addraii i~ v. ... 

»■"* l7tC«omlaTeon^Oll»lnnall, 0. 




ami haaall Iba 
Jao of Ibl viraloo ortpard for Mllo. Baalrks Iq LomlOB. 

AdiInH W. IIKI'BUllNlf, . 


Tiua xixoiszision HAM joisrr. 






Addieaa NEW TOBK'oljp'rER. 

eroxitniaw iron bauh or 

"I'tn-"""'!"."." manage™, doa'J^yoo want lit Trma low. 
Ml' Addwaa 8. A. MPNBON, RlrerlM . Conn. 




cao bo Mgiged bj remooal. 
Ui naugtra; baal (inula 

. T^llIA . H» laaoagwa; baal li<maia VtOI* 
8gur«aaldn«a«i)»D IboBHtotliii ilagg AddimawUllpiicrOBIcii 




Leaaoaad Haoacer. JAMES B. HATES 

Bolhiea Maaager nAH rii^'-^n 


nsa L FOX'S uaiilet. 

. Mr. For8^r«iig^nnaue«(S ■ 

mutlbewllbdiawn for an asuitir 


lOCDra^PoaL Maivb SUl 

wbl«b will be prodQ«4 on 



Wllh .l,raS#iS M^'S?'""^'™' 


8fila««lrt<ITIV0 ITEEKS IN ADVANoS au[ilCi o(te.ail 
H liia Tttairo Tltkel onto, lit IlniaJwaT. g.'^a 


VJ^'aHSV't.^Zt^X"''' ""lb iTenuo 


... MAOBKtll, 
loShakcapean'amibllmaTrwndyor lhal namr. lad on THURO. 

Ui Lord Lylloa'a brauUgil ^^of 


Will mako hla Bntannoininco In New York In 8ri tran In lha 
tbawlol. or MAJOR J*BLLIK(1T0N OE BOOll IoJ TObllLMt 
pFrformidbrblmaOKmala IblloKr. .vu^/u.™, 
SmliiMuctdTWO^EKKH IN ANOYANCE, at Ibo boi i ~ 

AUoll'iOlowiiUaniocVM. llbipuibiBinu Ugoodand bllcm' 
naillo prrromianua are aicallaol, aid Uia gif>&ai|uo maonar Ir 
wbkb Ibey aro dooe fonlbly remlni uiof Iba lUuioUli.— Bopobll 

..■iV'!51"^1.fV."™'"'rei«ll«l fill tniU9i|D«<i eooM not bi 
boluu«l,wbni blagyunBaUo feauan iwrMly' manihrao-jSoiC 
nal, Haica Ma. 

»lr.Abbot!.lhoelown,Ut;rr fanny, aitl wllbal,TefyagllobibU 
bllilnoaa.-Tril>linL March 9lii. ' /"a""""""" 

Tho Olowna laddor irtek la a vronderfiil real, aid ncelrtd as 

real, aid ncelrtd aa 
OuTFia Omoi. 




Sarlo Oomla Tooallal, lad Dorlaanul and Proloan AcIiwl can boon 
g. g<»lanar April 107 AddwiaJ(<IIN DBMIBn. ullppar^lSi. - - 




ThaahonanUlM baTlngwIumaad and duly appndalod erarv 
lady and ganlbniao Double Tni|«£o mrftinnera In Amarlui, hara 
fiaolvod,an«rconildarallou, iDalylllliomulrnTIIB CUAMrlONB 
oftbo DoiiMoTrapair, lo^liidlnga aarlea or leapa, and mean lo up- 
hold Ibe llUoagaln*! all couera. Anrmaloaod faoula douUo ira^ 

Xlierfomian objeellng (o ibia mn do ao Ibrouih Ibe Clipper 
a wo will 11 onto make aminionienla and deride (I In pnblla 
2-U OEORUB LkOKULU, Kivol HInol TbmUe, UalUmMm. 

Ibo Tboalre, oral lie brmncb lloketo 
Dllaon a Co., 711 Brriadway. 

', al Uie Uuak iiore or 0. u. 


FnprKlor and Manager MB. LESTER WALLAOK, 

DOORS OPEN AT^,^_^^ MS"""" 

wlU be prnnDlnl TMa Tulor'a tail new conody, 
produced wllb new and appreitrlAla acenitiy. new pinilo and now ap. 
polnlDixnIi, and a call of ckaradcri iDcTudlni Mr. J. W. WalUcL 
Jh-.J. Il.iloditard. Mr. n. T. Rlncsild.Mr. jfo. Wllllamlon, 
Charin lliKkwoll. V'. Mlllon Holland, Mr. I'crk, Hr. Quigler 
Oiinan, MIn MadrliCe IlrnriouM, M(a Emily Meilayir, irii. li 
Saf (01, Un. Uurm Pbllllpa, H laa Rowa. 

. CARD.— XmiTOIl Tixrw YORK 
OLII'1'ER.-DIiAR HIIL-Aflcr liu|«(lo( Ib* aoUm Itom Iba 
Elnlra pma. loanher wllk a Itilar rnm Ibo pnprlelor of Ibe 
Opera llouM In Ibal oily, joii wlu admit Ibne boa belD aome ml*. 
reprearnuilon aoroewbern. On Ibe Bral olghl or our perfomancau 
wia Iho Blmlm rvporter for Ibe New York Ourm, aod when uied 
loil'oapmirorbli bolna ao,n>f aaad, and, aa a oalunl nuKiuenoa. 
waadoollned lo paia Ihedoorteoner, Tblaa«coonu rorblalollarin 
2d or April Youn (roir. 

Ibo Uurraa or tbe i 

Toura (ruly, 

^ _ „ . . .. WiLUAN IIOBIOB T.,»^.«|^ 

Oiviirio TatiTu, 81. LouliL Mo., April aih. 

mm U< Dnlly UdrirHBr. Kant OU. 
Only on mm andiinoiual ocraalona le ao larse an audience at- 
Iraeud Is Ihe Opeii llouie, aa wlineued Ibo Biilappaannnorihe 
LliifinjTniiinilndilacllr, bal ertaUijL II laonrylbeannouots. 
rarnl of a Iccliiro by Uoii|b, NAaby or Dlckloaon, or a a«rinoD br 
Borhor lhal mn nil oul aiitb an audlano^ and II la nnir a Icelure 
I, by Oongh, Nail,y or Lletlnwin, or n asmon bjr Bmber lhal nn 
'. alroni ao much aalhrocilon 10 anaudlenr^.aadfd uaenterlalnmenl 
of la>l oionlng. Tbo fail Ibat Ibe peopleiir KlDlnrengolMand 
--'iredal*llieiliacraucabo(weeD a Oral andwcnadclaaaenlarlalii. 

to rehr»ml, 
In nnjMf«(lon 



WM. D. KRELTnll 















JEW or Botn'ntrARK. 

IS SOBLga and Dan oca. 




AOAJ>sMY ucNerrnxix^s' 

Lnlo,Oleg; Jlg,BM*ooe.SoBgaadD*oea Ungbtbyoaronaqulid 
-olbM, andpuplla 811*1 for tba lllga. Bonn Oeimi^ Fnlau 
Ada, Blemp Bpeacbii, Oan A&, Aa, vrluaii forlbi'proraaalon. 
Olopt WlatanaCealginaa acat I»bU pwaia. Bad aump (br ibta 


I aump (br ibva 

DMni an by no Bictni oonAncl lo blm, faU iraupt beloa fftmmaij of 

Si^a_Ald*H BflalAM Baa mMMmm m%mm*MW* wwt^^t * ■ 

rnaDaflrtlclAURudknee ■mlad " 
It) tnd \ux RpiKMrino) Inibli dir, % 
anil lbs wboIecoinpiDj »ppeuTd 

_ jreTtouiwonlng, wbfn Uioir eol^r 

mMl annip)«w iDd Krrm MilirMikiD. ne InlroOuctorr nm 
''vrhoBpmki nrall'' d** Mr*. AIko Ouonlog LInvinl, Mr. Bibei 
Mr. DIUIpii, Mr. Diirrciiantl mIu Wond anaintlfDlopmriunlir 
rttopUj Ihilr aupaiiorabtlliiriii* aelora, whkli oppnrliinllf^^ — 

AitothrrbrnaDdflrtlclAaaaudknee aroelad Iba Uncart THidm 
itlbelra(«on<landltatap|KMrano)lnib(adl7,ai Iba Open Uouh, 
j«l«Tciiln(,aiiil Iba wboIecoinnDj appeurd la botUradraaUM 
Ibanun IheunTlouidvorilng, wbfn Uioir eDl«rUloneDl nrc Ua 
— -'siuind p^rrm MiurMikm. t^e InlrodaciMTTarca or 



Imurored. Hix Alloa UiiDDlog LlDfanlUa iplandld wonuD— la 
look upon^Dd a eaplUl aclrtaa lo mo anil boar. Mr. LIb^hI nail 
nrehliaoDMandebaraeier A«lch«% wblch crraM a world of dm 

fHrebiiaoDManL . _, 

lUbl and amiHmMi wllh bUaudliDn— dHI|hl beoiUM bit mlmlcrf 
tr«inmua)niand ulthfiil, and ainnarnivtit bcrauMor Ihe rapUUf 
TtlUi wblob uoatepped rreoi ono ch»metrrioinniit«r,miqmoaDa 

alL lilt aiaiuA Imprnonattonaan eieoAllnilrcnJnjaMeaod dlqiUj 
Iba ahUI of an artlii In nuko-upi Tba einOoBclof of Iba onlanaln* 
mailt woraoonlluurd. and IhH annerlorliror the umpan/tUllfur- 
tber DitDtreiird, fo Ina ctoilAf iiltct, wllh which tba aoolanoa waa 
mora than wellplMaed. Inland dika aniAUom vlillad br auch 
aaparlor^nd «orhlreno«ofdaciora.»nd, Inbebiirofoorflrlldaaa 
cldiana wbo an ablo lo rreofpiliA and appmiaia lood acting wa to* 
Ttlo Mr.aodMraaUufpitd and tbtir laieDUd eanpanr lo viui pur 
ehf a^iln alaaaarljadtT aawlll auli tbair cooTanlam^ aatqrug 
Ihoai or km and appmbtlro audJaooaa whtnarar Iba/ ahall a^ 
paar. I-U 


^SS9i MoBiart, Pfemrar DaDmm Brilo Mouvl 


anDtlor, ■ 

Ohanclct , 

Goanllan, Oubn 

larma. AdJma 

A PRirirrT omij, 

wbcra an Inlertlaw 

Uluflooa. Miial nal be nodar 11 or orar U mn ar m" 
Pay lie had. • 


Omnd Paplda, Mich. F. O. Bn« IIS. 


3NTS OP "nxEiAXRras. 

itSPSW.SI?**' *••» T!f"l5« 8pitn«ield?5rrwin 8o4.' ■ 

'S"?.* ^l!*ijf'2&H!'"'*'' x*"!™ ind ihewaTbun'aTanraC 
tenllon. J. IL a«iifi STANLEY UlheObpl'e ngblbSwer ueM 

*-■>* BoitolaltaBagirforMoKlan Buobaoag TbmWmH^ 

vic«eiinnDM3 concert nAxXb 

inEELKB SrtniTSWj?'*" Wublnglon and Mnlbtn^. . ? 


0I._. _ ... 

Now open 
piny or 


AMnM ^ (lEO. 0. THOlf Fj«iM.llUmU.»j.. 


Ibl ioli lidi'ir inocaa;Vriiiia'^^ 

- — -iifrii 

w..»il,i..i'!/.*'""!TP''*''*8IIOW BUBIMESR ' 
BTomlllogmdylugorlgblor Addiworeall IMbiscgirSloni - 
JLii. 378 MtrtleMuoa. Bnohlra. 


now (laTolh 


BynieavMoa. BmeBlra. 


_ 'HI''* 

'J!!)L°l»?i'i'»'i*JU'* WBBKR YuRLRsquBreobrx, ' 

i!!! «B Bedtord alreil, Boi(ob.1Iii«, 


a'^ixt ..1^ '.'"fr * Iraprnll man. AddlMJOIIR' Jt 
A80N, B(. Oharira HoOl, «a Rniadwar. Now Yort i^ -jLTf*; 

MAnsix>Rara varixitteesv 

WANTBD— Two good TlimS^'^^* 
winladalall umea. 

- — -rEi 

FUILL PIBrENBAOIf, Blago Mawger? 

maad'o'AlnjIoglAdr. lUeai. 
. U. MAESDiJlff, ProprtflorV. 


Notloo to Ilaso IlnU I>oaloi« and. 

Webavilmgedlwoenbeanliral cetornd loanrlnp of BaaaMI 
Della,Capa, Bhora and Balis orrr SnrmdirrranlalfloAbaluia , 
liaci puMlollaoraoodii Dellaia and Oluba iliouU iiulaiifm ' 
ourelheni. rrlcollilaod KoBnilniaienllmh.mall ^ 

Wo arp inablns (ho flAUR BALL STOOKINO, wbllb wa w*;., 
fluntab 1* cluU al IVholawila Pilraai ^; 


»UI HuuIacUiankMObanbsLiFbllb 


For eilKlaei plauun^ radng, Inrallrii and buBtln^ - feMllI 
modela for young ladim, lada, tourlad ancrapoimaDTMcaUni 
""ivttlanandorkallilaeiiloDapplknllon. v,\ < 

g|l WATBKS, OALOa A CO., SM Blm ll, ItaT. M. T. . ■;• /' 

Xlzoolalor Bamnlo Room* 

18 BART UIJUfrrON ST. ■ ^ f. 

,ES, ViNBir Uvl'URS ud SBOAla ai Iba Ba» 
l»01IBlNgl'A»inNUIjOjnllr MjBtt ^lw[ny:..' 



Sparrloar OToualie 1>y Fvor. Oortoltl 
Tir maibbV oyhnasiuh 


OtBtbneoallandidattbllrewniiiidaiioBifiHnliwL ' "t-V 



rro LIQUOR DBALERa-Tor Biilo, U » 1 

JL Ibl mftal* Biolpci of a wrU knowo Uenor M ann fl MDil 
tnl Isuhielloiia Tor dtadllinf, ndirilog; mltlng ua ta . 
wIncB, Ufloora, btllafi^ lyrupi^ cordlala. eolorlois imibm Ban 
aniiiaa,eHi rorp«iilculare»iariiaU<UOBfDkiPaieii«8 

. cinoMLaodamnfRBonlfornnngandoldi 
andalanpi AddicaaM. andT.|BUUooA.B«l(oo, 

^ IBkllM 


fT Mr Hagll tumpnai 
mUMt Ibo^or Sir <a ik« 




B(S%lu tiuofi bid IXKMI4 bin. 

j^fvpOdS ofbUbaia iBUa D»mlii4." 

Wa IbnibL u n loebid bin uconlr IBi 

fkaiS^bO Mit Bom'voiM IUm brtter U> blB 
s nuM c(> nbolo ocan MIU». 

UtitobttblBkief tih* 



la< Mw tel «r M«B41f Uik wu doM 
■ VttiioubtoorMlmwnilriiif. 
■UwtSS'OH ctab In Ui< ■uwU (UUu OM," 

i«n ted rut lb* 4oor n kaew vtn tr kl> a 
Ij ii« BonlBf b*'4 b« inu MV. 


■Tod wAoldnt tUDk It, u look tt btr now, tlr," uM ite 
m vSn. H U Ibook tiM uha oot of Ui bhcktoed cImt; 
«igtStdim wu onee u htoilnm* a womtn u Toa'd §a 
fttnUj^tloigdaj. Itwuan.aMiaenC tbat tpout Inr 

^rSnatkn wu iUteheil to » Ilia* eiinumiii codiimdj 
irtth irUat I fbneo in dulsg ■ rammer lUj'sneda- 

_ , . hi wuwkkabln. Tlie treap« tad bblted it » 

' nidM<lim,wliu«IwudiWdUiigovernir dnpit mid- 
d»nMl,ii>dbTUioUiiieIliad imoked mj dnr In hia 
rauuianihlp ttig olown ud I wen npoo i TooUng of 

notbtem a UtUo •tnck bj tbt womin of wbom be 
nok). BbtwuUUtodtUm.uidbidioinclhUifOf afor- 
^ralook, u I tbombt Hcrniiewu cbleOj renukable 
ArilMpunnil Impraalon wblcb II g«n to » atnnjitr. It 
wutbelboeof ftwomiDwbotad nndeivone some grett 
Una. TbeideklTialorof (HettlnwumidgooBnlcaoDi 
. bitlulieeUobil^tnoaoniie luge buck area, ud on one 
cMaklkenwuaicai— tbemitkortamtdeadlj bait In- 

"MamrVSdandltaidtlnllada UUlo war IMm tbe 
tmrvbenllM itat or ib« coopanj wan lUll oocapled 
'wttnUielrfriuildlnBW. Aatnicborianu ooaunonlar 
Monaa-andaeemadtotBTltoanmbK. TbedowaDUad 
HtttpaTaad walked on, medluU*elT- I took oot anotber 

"^altafUlMmlionebaokUiatgaTabtt Uiit Karl" 

"Akllftombonebaekl Hadame DelaTantI I Mo, all, 
ttutnamoBbereMekwumade b; tbeelawtoi a Unr. 
'U>i nUiei a cmlou aoft of tUaj, and I don't BUnd teUlu 
ILIf m^d like to beat 11; bnilOribeLoTd'a aakedontlet 
■ iirlDawl'rabeeiiialklatabaat joo ilioald bap- 

BaWwnnaonalalancawttkberwbenToa go backto 

)i«itilwiiia a dinike to being talked aboatr> , 
InUerUilnkibebia. Ton aeeibe'a not 41111a nght In 
' the appaitoiT, poor wnl; bnt ibe ildea beaiitliu;^, and 
dovn't know what feu meana. You'd acanelr believe 
how baadaome ake looka at nigbt wben abe'a dmacd for 
.« »»-«in g Her Lue tlgbia op alnoat aa well aa It need 
- 't0wiainana(o,b^onahebadtbe acddenL Ab,ahe 
wtaluiidaoinalnlnoaeOmandoaedtoba mn afur bj 
alltlNaenUenenllkeinai Bntabenererwaa abad lot, 
DtreN-wUd and aeir willed, boi nerer a wicked woman, 
aa 111 Blake my lift. I'to been ber fnend tbrongb Iblck and 
tiiiii wben abe needed a Mend, and ITe nndentood tier 
beacrtbanotlieii. _^ . 

"SbawaaoniT twelve jeaia old wben ant alie oame to 
na with ber (fcUier,g noted Uon tamer. Ue waa a nan 
tbat diask baid now and tben,andwaa Ten acren wllb 
koMBnckUnua; bottbealwaja bad a bnveaplillfaDd 
lUTtrkiiawbeTtoQnallbeforablmorbefonthe beasla. 
Bbeoaedtolakeberabanln all tbe oM man'a peifonn- 
lamM, ud «beo be died and tbe Uona wen aold off oir 
ptnnetcr kept a ileec for ber to perform wIUl Be waa 
(MeleTarealofailuie tnlmala,bDt a «iieer temper, and 
tt seeded a spirit Ilka Oarolliie DelaTantl'a to face Urn. 
Bbe nda In Ike drcoa aa well aa perftmnlng wltb tbe tiger, 
andabe wuallogeiber tbe memTalaable member or tbe 
eoapanr, and wu Ten well paid for ber work. Bbe waa 
algnaen wben ber Iblner died, and wltblo a fear of bla 
daaib Um mauled Joaeph WaiUe, oar acene palnitr. 

•Iwunlkeranrpnaed at (bla marriage, for I Dueled 
atraUaeraltbt bare done better, ioewas iblitj-llTe If 
hewaaadaj— a pale, aandj-halred fellow, not moeb to 
look ak andbynomeaaaa aeolna. Bnt bawea awfbllj 
toid of Carolina. He bad followed her abont Uke a dog 
OTd Aice Bbe came among oa, and I tbongbt aba married 
bio nun out of pit} tban loT^ . I told bei ao one daj, bnt 
abeonlrlaofludand aald:— 
"•He'atoo good for me, Hr. Watan; tbafa tbe tntb. 
I dOD't deaerTe to be loted aa be loTea me.' 

"Tbe newlr oaiiled ooople did Indeed aeem to be reir 
klfpj together. It waaa treat to aeeJoa stand atttae 
wlig and watcb bla wUs tbroocb her perfonnanoea, nadj 
tomaahawioTerber pretij wblto aboolden when Bbe 
had done, or throw bimaelf between ber anil tbe tiger In 
etae of nlaoUef. Bbe treated bin In a prett;, patronLdng 
aeita(waj,aBlfbebadt)eeneTerBo much yoanger iban 
^k«r, tamed efilxteen lean bar aenlor. Bbe uaedlo aland 

_)iBe a 

Matt tbe tope of ImproTlog bla poalUon aa be ImprOTOd 
IB bu art, and be tbongbt noulng too good for bla beaoU- 
iumngwllfc. narnidTeTTComftiruble lodgings about 
ball kule Horn tbe manolkctailog town wboiv we wen 
■uuoied for tbe winter montba, and lived oa well aa 
MmueroUiBeed Uto. ..... 

•'oar manager waa sroprlotor of a second tbealnata 
aaapoittown, ffitr miles awaj mm tbe place Wben we 
watemailoned; and, wben pantomime time waa coming 
OD, poor Joseph WajUe waa ordered off to point tbe scene rr 
lor this otber theatn, macb to bla grief; u bla work 
waa Utelv to keep blm a month or six weeks awav from 
Mswlft. It was their dnt parting, ond tbe hosbaidfNt It 
deepUr. ne left OsroUna to the care of an old woman who 
toot uo moneTLUd wbo ntoCeaaed a ver; warm attaoh- 
mait for Hn. wjUe, or Madame DelavonU, aa ibo waa 
calMIn thebllla. 

"Joaepb bad not been gone mncb more tban a week 
whin I Began to notice a jromig offlcer wbo was In front 
areiT aTenlng, and wbo watched Caroline's perfbrmance 
wllh evident admlnuen. I saw blm one night In vcrr 
close Mnvenatlon wllh Un. Hoggleton, the monej taker, 
andwii not over pleated to hear Uadano DelaTaoU's 
name menUoicd In the conrae of tbelr conveiaatlon. On 
the next night I found him lollaring about the siaie door. 
He was a voir handsome man, and 1 could not avoid taking 
nolloe of hiD. On Uiulr; 1 found that bla name was 
Jocdji, and that be waa a captain In the regiment then 
tlMoned In the town. Ue was the onlv aon or a weallhf 
manabctaier, I waa told, and bad plentx of monej to 
throw ahont 

"I had inlahtd mj performanee earlier than nsnal one 
night loon alter this, and waa waiting for aftlendatihe 
stage door, when Captain Joceirn camo up tte dark bj- 
stnat. Booking bla cigar and evldenllr waiting for lorao 
one. I fall baa Into the ahadow of uio door and waited, 
feeling prellr son tbat he waa on tbe watch for Caroline. 
I wu finb Bbe came out pnsonuv and jolnod him, pnu 
ting her sand under his arm u if It wen 40IU a usual 
thing ftir blm to be ber eaeort I followed tbem at a little 
dlatanoe u tbej walked off, and walled till 1 saw Joe's 
wtik Bale wllhln ber own door. Tbe captain detained her 
on thadoorstep, talking for ofew mmutas, and would fhin 
have kept her then longer, bnt aho dlamlased him wllh 
that pnllr, Impertoua way she had with au of ua at tlmeo. 

"NOW, u a veiT old friend of Carollno'a, I waao't going 
to itandtbia sort of thing; aol toxed ber wllh It plainly 
neit day, and told her no good could come of any ao- 
f nalnlaooe between her and oaptaln JocalyiL 

41 lADd no barm need come of It ellhor, you allly old fel' 
low.'sheaaU. Tva been oaed to that aort of attention all 
mvUto. Ihtre'a nothing but tbe moat Innocent girtatlon 

" 'What woalAlMlliliik of noli aq Umoocnt (UitaUoo, 

•"loo mult learn to put up wllh such UilngB,'ahe an- 
■wered, ■aalonguldomydaly whim. I oan't Mvo wllh- 
ontezottement and admuatlon, and that sort of thing. 
Joe ought to know that aa well u I do.' 

" 'Ilbonld have thought tbe tiger and tho horaea would 
kaTeglnn yon enough excliemoni,aanllne,' Itald, ■with- 
nt numlnghila wono dangen than the rlak of your life.' 
' 'Bat they dont give monalf enough excitement,' ahe 
iniweied ; aodthenshetookoutaUttle watch, In a Jeweled 
eaat, «admk«l-al Uaail ttaenatme,ln a half boastful, 
- half anzloiu way* 

"•Whj,wbalapratty watch. Carry l> said I. la that a 
praesl from Joe V ^ ... .. 

■"^ if yon didn't know bettor than that!' ahe said, 
*ooonli7 scene palmare cant afford to buy diamond 
walobea for their wlvca, Mr, Waleia.' 

"I tned to lecture her, but she laughed off my n- 
preachea: and I saw her that night with a bncelet on her 
aim wbleh 1 knew moat be another gift from the captain. 
He wu In aatags box, and threw her a bouquet of oholco 
towen after htr aceno with tbe tiger, itwaa the pretileat 
sight la tho world to wo her pick up the nowen and offer 
them to the imn-looklog animal to smell, and then snitoh 
them away with a laugh and ntira, oourteejtlug to the au- 
dleneeaon glandngooiiuettlihly toward the uoz wben bor 
admUtr ut applauding her. 

.'Three weeks went by like this, tho captain In (nut 
nttj nlgbt. I kept a oloee watcb upon uie pair, for I 
thought uat, however she might carry on ber Olrtatlon, 
Jofa wUb waa tree at heart, and would not do blm onv 
deBbemto wrong. Bbe wu very young and very wilful, 
hstllfeiKlcdinT Inlncnoo would go a long way with her 
In any deaptnle emenrcncy. 80 1 kept an eye upon her 
.' and her adsilnr, and Uicn wu rarely a nlgbt that 1 did 
not see tbeoaplaln's back turned upon tbo door otMn. 
WoyUCa lodglnga bcfon 1 went homo to my own supper. 

■ voe'wu not expected borne for another week, and tbe 
legUBOitwu to leave town In a couple of days. Caroline 
told me Ihia one raornlig with evident picasun, and I waa 

^.■,.^«.uiathaiuweB«Med,htatto man took do 

"Sgyaataoftoiwaid I wuIwaglBg la»«!;!2«iIiS 
rtngwhSSioUnewebtttomgh l»r«5ia^,P«£™»S«; 


tbTDltUwuJuepliWayUo'a face, uhy pale and Oxed 
udeMb-«fMe that meant mUchlet . .... 

'"ShulSTtd sSnetblngagalnat hU wife,' I thooghu 
TU na round toblmditoctly Icangel oot ot the flng 
Ud make mauen Bfluate. Some coafoanded icondal 
nong™hiagotholdorhlm and bu been polMOing bla 
SutfahoSeSiSuieandlheeaplalD.' I »»•»«{[«" J2« 
been a good deal of talk In the theatre about the tw»- 
talk which I bad done ray beet to PUt down. 

"Captain Jocelyn threw hla bouquet, which waa receivM 
wliha ccqnetuah aralle and a biliiht upward glanoo that 
seemed to eipros pcofound doUghl I knew that thia wu 
SeSwge pftyVbutbowmuatll hare looked Wtbc jcal- 
"uam^oTSlarlng with mod ey«a P 
back of tte pit I I tamed w look at blm u the curtain 
l3l\ilH)B tho stage, but he wu gone. lie waa go^ug 
SioiS^toapeakto hU wife. no doubt. ' •««■, 
mediately and went to prepare ber for tbo interview, and. 
If needful, to stand between ber and her hnaband'a anger. 

"I found hor at the wing, tiUlng with Iho Imiquet In an 
BbecntwaT. , ^ . 

'"MavojonaesnJoer iMked. ,_ ^ w.. i 

•'Ho,' ihe anaweied. 'lie bun't come hack, hu bet I 
didn't eiMclhlo for a week.' , , . 

"^1 know; my dear; but be wu In front Jual now, look- 
ing u pale ua ghost. I'm afraid somo one hu been talk- 
Inff to urn about yoQ*' 

••She looked reier frtghtonod when I "M iwa, 

" Tbev cant uy any harm of me If they apeak the trntii,' 
ahe aald. 'I wonder Joo didnt cone atnlahl tome, though, 
^^were both wanted In the ring. I helped Carolina 
tbionih ber eqoealrian performance, and uw Ital ahe 
wuallUlenerrouaand anilooa about Joe'a retoni. Bbe 
did net favor tho captain with any more amliea that eve- 
ning, and Bbe told me to be ready Ibr ber at tbe alago door 
icninlnulas before tbe performance wu over. 
-••I want to «1ve Oapiain Jocelyn Ue allp,' ahe Bald 
'but I dare uy Joe will come to me before I'm twdy.' 

"Joe did not appear, however, and ahe went home with 
me. I met Iho captun on my way bock, and be asked me 
U I had been seeing Mn.Waylle home. I told hlmree, 
and that her burhaod bad come home. Joo had not ar- 
rived at tbo lodglnga, however, when Caroline went In, 
audi returned to Ub theatre to look forhhn. rioatago 
door wu abut when I went back, so I inppoKd UiatJoe 
bad gone home by another way or was cut drinking, i 
went to bed ttat lught very uneuy In my mind about Caro- 
line and ber buaband. 

"nerewuaneailynbeanalora new inlerlude next 
memlmr, and OaroUoe came Into the theatre live minotea 
afterTgot there. She looted pale and UI. Uor buaband 
bad noi been' home. . 

"'I think It must bare been a mloUke of yours about 
Joe,' ahe aald to me. 'i don't Ihlnk It could have been blm 
yon aaw In the pit laat ulgbL* 

"'I aaw him u surely u I see you at Ihli isomcnt, my 
dear.' I anawered. Tbon'sno poesibllliT of a mistake. 
Joe came back laat night and Joe wu In the pit while yon 
were on wllh tbe tiger.' 

"Tbla lime she looked really Mghlened. She put her 
band to her beail auddenly and began to tremble. 

■"Why dldnt be come home to mef she cried; 'end 
where did he hide himself laat nlgbt f 

•I ii>ai afraid he mul have gone oal upon tho drink, my 

•< 'Joe acTer drinks,' ahe aafwered. 
"While ahe stood looking at me wllh that pale, soared 
Itoe, one of our youoff men came running toward us. 
" 'You're wanCedTwaten,' he said, aborUj. 

" 'Opetaln In (he palntlog nam.' 
" 'Joe'a room P cned CaioUne. "nun he bu come bock, 
in n with yon.' . .... 

"She wu following me u I croaKd tbo stofo, bm the 
jonng man tried to atop her* 

"^ou'd heller not oome Just yet, MniWaytle,' be said 
In a hurried way that w^ straop to blm. 'It's only 
Walen that's wanted 00 a mailer of bnslnesa.' And then, 
u CaioUne followed dote upon ua, he took hold of my arm 
and whispered, 'Dont let ber come.' 
' ^I Wed to keep ber bsck, but It was no use. 
' 'I knew It's my buaband who wania yon,' she aald 
They're been making mischief about me. Von aban't 
keepine away from blm.' 

"We were on the narrow Btalm leading to tbe painting 
room by ihla Hme. I cooldnt keep Caroline off. Bhe 
puhed paat both of oa and ran Into the room before we 
could stop her. 
"Berve her right,' mutleied my tompoolon. 'It's all 
• domg.' _ 
I hean ber scream u I came to the door. Then was a 
Ullla crowd In tbe paluthig room around a quiet figure 
lying on a bench, and then vru a gbaatlv poolofbTood 
npoo tbe loor. Joaeph WayUe had cut his ibroat. 

"<Ue moat have done It last night,' said tbe manager. 
Iherat a letter fOr hla wife on Ihe table yonder. la that 
yon. Mia. WayUet Abadbualneas, lan'tltr Poor Joseph I' 
■Caroline knelt down by the side of the bench and 
atopped tbei* on ber knees, u still u death, till the room 
wu clear of all hot me. 

'■ They ihtnk I desene this, Wateie,' ahe aid, lining 
her while face from the dead man's aboulder, wben ahe 
bad hidden It; "but I meant no harm, aire me the 

" 'You'd bettor wall a bit, my dear,' I said. 

■■ tlo, no; give )t to me at ones, pleaae.' 

"I gave ber the letter. It wu nrv abort The acene- 
pointer had oomeboek tolbe Iheatre In time to hear aome 
portion of Ihe Interview between OapL Jooelyn ud bis 
wife, lie OTldeolly had beUcTed ber moob nongullly 
than ahe waa. 

" '1 think yoo moat know how I loved yon, Caroline,' he 
wrote: '1 cant face life with the knowledge that you've 
been lUae to me.' 

"Of coona then wu an loqucat We worked It 10 that 
the Jury gave a verdict of tomponry IntanltT, tuid poor Joe 
— 1 boned decently In the oemeuty outside the town. 
__MBM0l4.the wauh and tbebnctlettbat oapt, Jocelyn' 
had'glTea heNn order to pay for herhoBband'afUneial. 
She wu Tei7 qn:;t.and wont-on with the performuoea u 
usual a week after litt death; but I could see a great 
change In her. The test of Ihe company were veir aard 
upon her, u I thought, blaming her for her hnsoand'a 
duth, and ahe wu onder a doud, as It were; bnt she 
looked u handsome u over, and went through all hor 
Ktformances In her old daring wi^. I'm aore, tbongb, 
bat she grieved slnoerely for Joe'a death, and ttat she had 
nerer meant u do him wrong. 

"We tnroled all through tne next summer, and lato In 
November weat hack to llometalelgb. Caroline had 
aeemed tapplor while we were away, 1 thought, and when 
we were gofog back she confessed u much to me. 

" 'I've got a kind of dread of seeing ttat plsoe again,' 
she said; 'I'm alwaya dreaming of the painting room u It 
looked that January morning, with the coM light itrtamlDg 
In upon tbat dretdtgi figure on the bench, The room's 
scarcely been out of my dreams one night alnca I've been 
away mm Homeislelgbi and now I dread going back as 
lf-«s If be wu abnt up there.' 

"Ihe room wu not a partlcolarly oonrenlont one, and 
had been used for lumber aftor Joe'a death. Themaawho 
came alter him didn't care to paint there by hlmielf all day 
loog. On the Snl morning ofonrietnmdarollue went op 
and looked In at the ilaaly heap of diauaed stage fUmltore 
and broken propertlea. I met ner coming away from tbe 

"""^h, Mr. WBton,<the said to me with real feeUng, <lf 
he hod only waited to boar me speak formyaelfl Tbeyall 
Ihkik I deserve what happened, and perlitpa I did u f or u 
It wu a poDlahment for my ntvollif ; but Joe didn't de^ 
aerve auoo a fate. I know It wu their malldona talk did 
the mischief.' 

1 ttscted after thli that her looks changed for the worse. 

ovadcyed to Did aho did not reaUy can for OepL Jocelyn 
"Wot a bit, yon aUly old man,' ahe aald, <1 like hla ad 
miration and I like his prooeols, but I kuow thoro Is no one 

I'm vey^d the regloont will 

in Ihe world worth Joe. 

be gone when he comes back. 1 aholl tavo had my bit of 
ftu, na know, and shall teU Joo all about II: and, u Oapt 
looeiyn will have gone to tbe other end or tbo world, he 
oaht object to the prosenla-lrlbuica oOOred to my genius, 


-A^pril 16, 1870. 



l ai ii u loaiaaaiw veuama, 

BT joegra J. duiiT. 

Mtibeubtbnr aiock s^iMta did iw™*''!. 
■3S|SSrt.««« wlUi aMwaeumlieO but.! 
WlibuolnlUm vB Dir aoul to UimNei 

Bbe looted m nml r, r> •ananMI diluil, 
BttSTwbWi fMll cmid 1, ir •b«„wm BIDO- 

Ueea iutoeaa mr mlad ww iDOrt rdlw, 
"wl» ber y* UiU enr), «> d"la«l 


an lad DB 00, tad r •> •>B|>ld,MlBd,l„ 

la the oaplalD oaya'ln his noto.' 

t by 00 meana sure that Joseph Waylle would con- 
Bast to his wUfa ntalnlng iheso trlbulcs, end tdd ber u 
mnoh. ' 

" ■OL noaaeue,* ahe said; ■! can do what I like with 
Joo. IieU be tnlte sauslled when he acca Cspl. Jocclyn'a 
lenedfulleltere. I couldn't part with my darllug little 
waba for the world.' 

en I went to tbe theain next night I round the 
lalandlngtaltlngtoCarollnoJoit In^e the atoge 
Be aeemed very eameat, and wu bnglDg ber To 
' do aooatUng which aba saU wu Impossible. It wu his 
last nlttt Ui the town, you see, and I have very little 
doubt nut he wu uklughcr to run away with blm, for I 
beUoTS the Bianwu over head and eon In lovowltb her, 
and that aht iru pnltmg him off In hor laughing, oo- 
qoBUtih way* 

."'1 w«'{ toko loor anawer now,' bo ttW, veir aerl. 
OBilp 'iBtaU wall for you at the door to-iilghL Tou 

and that tbo had a ncrvona way In gnng through her 
equestrian performances, u U then wu afOTernponher. 
I couldn't Judge svwell how she went through (he tiger 
act, u 1 wu never on the stage with her, but the bruto 
seemed u submlislve u ever. Ontbelaatdoyof tbeyoar 
aho uked our manager to let her off for Ihe next night. 
■It la tbe UDlToraary of my hnaband'a death,' ahe aald. 

" 'I didn't kDjw you wen eo prooioua fond of Mm,' be 
auwered with aaneer, 'No, Hn. WayUe/we can't aSoti 
to diapcuie with your serTlcee to-morrow nlgbt. The 
tiger aot la one of our atreog foatorea wllh the gallery, 
and I eipeot a full bouae for Hew Year's night.' 

"Bhe begged blm vtty bud to let her off, but It wu no 
ate. There wu no rehearaal on New Tear'a morning, 
and the want to the llttio cometery when Joe wu burlod 
—a three mllea walk— In the cold and rola In the eve- 
lUng, when she come to the wing, tar eyea were brightor 
than nanal, and she shivered a good deal ffloie Ihta iTlked 

■<I think I mutt havo caught cold la the cemetery to- 
day,' Bhe aald to me wben I noticed this. >I wish I could 
taTC kept this nlgbt sacnd-thls one night— to my hus- 
band's memory. lie taa been In my mind ao much 

"She weat on, and I etood at the wing walchlag her. 
The aodleuce applauded vooUenuly, but ahe did not 
make her accnelomed conrteay, and aho went about ber 
worklnallalleu way ttat wu very dunnnt from her 
nsual spinied manner. Tbo animal seemed to know this, 
and when she bad got about talf way through her tricks 
with him he began to ropond to her word of command 
In a sulky, unwilling manner ttat I didn't like. This 
made her angry, tad she uod ber light whip mon freely 
than naual. 

"Oao of Itat tiger's oonolodlng trlcki wu a leap through 
a garland of flowere which Oarollne held lor blm. Bhewu 
knoeUnglotbecentnolthe stage, with tbla garland In 
her honde, ready for the animal's spring, when tar eyee 
wandered to the IToul of the house, and ahe rose auddenly 
wllh a ataiUl setcam and hor anna ouialretehed wildly. 
Whether tbe aniky bruto thought tbel she wu going to 
stnke talm or not, I don't know; but ho sprang lavagely at 
ber aa ahe rote, and In the noxt moment sbo wu lyhg on 
tho ground, heMess, and tho audience Bcraamlng with 
terror. 1 rnthed upon the stage, with half a doaenothen, 
aud we had the brate muailedaad roped In a few breath- 
ICBA moroeoto; tmt not before he bad Com OarolUie'a check 
and ahoolder with hiaclawt. Shewulnienalble when we 
carried bor off the stage, and she wu confined to her bed 
for three months aftor tho accident wllh btalu fever. When 
ahe came among u unin aho had lost every veallge of col- 
or, and licr face hid init set look which you mutt have ob- 

"Tho fright of her oocounler wllh tho ilicr gave her that 
look," 1 aald. "1 don't moob wonder at II." 

"Mot a Ut of It," anawered the down. "That'a tho curi- 
ous pait of tho etory. She didn't think anything of tho 
akinolih with tho tiger, though It qolto apollt her beauty. 
What Itightonod bor wu Uio olghl of her buband dlling 
In tho pit, u be tad eat there a year before, on tho nlgliX 
of hit iiealh. Ofoouraeyou'lluyltwuedolntlon, and ao 
wy I. But she dedarea she aaw him Bitting among tho 
cnwd-amons theui, and yet not of then, aomehow, wllh 
a tort of ghastly light upon his face ttat marked him out 
from tbo rcaL It woatoo tight of him ttat made hor drop 
hergotlandtndglvetbat ecrcam and ruth tbat frtghtonod 
the llger. Yon see she had been brooding upon his death 
for a Ring lime, ud no doobt aho conluied up his Image 
oot of her own brain, u It were. She's never been quite 
Ibo same Usee Itat fever; but she hu plenty of pluck, and 
Itan'a soaroelT uytbing she can't do now with Baber, Iho 
llger; and I Ihlnk she's fonder of him than of any human 
creatan, In aplte of tbe scar oa her chock. 

If I am correct in bcllovhig Uul Uilt house la u much 
HISS oarraway'a u your own. If not more so," anawered 
Philip, with a studied Insolence which Increased Hiss nap- 
plaiaii's rage, u fanning a fire augmenU the blue, "I feel 
Syselfjutillled in appealing to Iflss Oarraway to nnrtect 
ne from your vlslence. I am a wdcome If not a favored 
visitor, and yon arrived at an opportune time, wben the 
dear girl wu about tocenltulhe continued exlitenceof 
tbat lovo for me which wu once on all-cotaumlng ptttlon 

with her." . ^ 

"la Ibu true, Fanny t" oaked Hits Happlnian. 
"It It, Indeed, dear mend," antwcred Fanny, covered 
with bluahea. "' ' — ' ' ■'•—'■• ">—- • 
making the c 

alMe to deny to j — , - 

complaint hi tho peat, but when PhlUp expresses hlssor 
sow, and Is sincerely penitent — " ■ 

■■That ror bla peniteuoe," Inleirapled Hlaa Uapplmu, 
snapping her flngera. 

"iud promisee to make me bla wire," continued Fenny, 
Rgardless of tho Interruption, "all my reseotment melts 
away like ice before the suoBblne, and I am irUUng to for- 
give and forget, and become bla wife." 

'■Kever, with my oonaenll" exclaimed Wm DapMnun, 
wllh eoeigy. "Tnla la modneu, Iniataatlon; call It wtat 
you will, exooptaaolty. This la tho waygtrlaaaerUloe their 
iiapplnett to nllaloa who betray the sacred trust eonllded 
to tnen, and give the silly creatures causa to regret their 
folly u long u they live. I caU upoo you, mychIld,bT tbe 
memory of my brother, wholOTedycoubbiowndauglitcr, 

A featfUl conleet, which may be deacribed as one be- 
tween love and duly, now took place la Fanoy's breast. 
Mlas Happlman wu really grand In tone and manner. 
There wu a malenial majeaty hi tbe attltode she assumed. 
At lost fanny gave way. She could not reatot tbe appeal 
to the memoir of her kind friend and benetiotor, wbo 
night to looking down from heaven upon her with ittytng 

" Philip," she aald. In a atomer voice than ahe bad yet 
employed wben speatlog to blm, butwblcb wu not whollv 
deprived of toadeneas, " yon moU go. Oblige me by of- 
fering no rcaltunce to my wish on (hit occasion. I will 
commuotcato with you In writlag." 

"Tell roe, Fanny," exdalmedPblllpDuhwood, who bad 
retreated from tar dde, and wu now standing near tbe 
fireplace, ahowlog by tbo uneasy, rcsUen expression of 
hlB face, how much onnoyed he wu by what had tap- 

Eincd, " tell me If you beUeve ttat I am the (Use, ahillow- 
earted fonona-hunter which tbla lady haa thought lit lo 
call me. If I have your good opinion I shall go away 
tappy, believing tbnl I may yet trluopb." 

" I have not so bad on opinion of yon," answered Fanny. 
" I believe ttat your regret Is tlocen, and your peoiunoe 
true, and In your absence I will Bghtiour utile, and en- 
deavor to reroove tbe unhappy prejaolca which my dear 
good Mend bu conceived a^ilnst yoo; bnt yon must not 
slay. It Is Usa napplman'a desire that you abould not re- 
main here, and 1 b^ you will go without any further com- 
ment on wtat hu taken place." 

"Certainly," he replied, "you have only to command 
for me to obey, and while we are separated I ihall know 
Ultle peace unlU I bear Itam yoo." 

With a bow to both ladles be took op his bat and stick 
and went away, rage and denalr fighting for tbo msateiy 
In hla heart, lie could have laid Hus Happlman dead at 
hla feet without the allgblcst compunotton. 

Fanny hod declared uat she loved him, and his only 
cooiolailon wu the hope ttat her love would In the end 
conquer her duty, which, when appealed to by Hla Hap- 
plmon, tad proved aoannoylngly vlctorlont, nehadeal- 
eulated upon a triumph and a speedy mtrrlaga. A dan- 
destine one without any prepanttoo. pomp, and parade 
would tave suited blm, for In a few abort days the terrible 
Mil which he bad forged wu coming due, and ruin, dle- 
groce, exposure, with apeedy pualihment following In 
their track, wu at hand. 

lie most tare money, ttat wu a settled tact, yet he did 
not aee how be could obtoln It, unleu he made himself 
master of Faany'a fortune. Thu Hlas napplman's detor- 
mluod oonduot and aagadty had rendered Impoaalblo for a 
time. Certainly, If be could aee FUmy again ahortly, he 
nagbi mtka uu apptial in Dbr for mtiey, though this wotbd 
lay him open to a charge of being mercvury, ani '.^ogh 
he might obtau wtat ho wanted. It woulininuaps Inlura 
hla prospects and throw Impedbnenis In the way of hla 

Ills mind wu a ctaosof Ideu u he wended hla way 
back to hla friend, Uany Barton's, ohtmben. Barton wu 
out, and ho threw himself Into an arm choir, lighted a 
cUar, and amoked aavagely, lUnklng now of Fanny, now 
orthe forged MU, had the probable nge of Sir Ocrvaao 
Fanatawe when he bad discovered the Illegal use which 
had been made of bla name. 

A dead allenoe followed Philip Dashwood's withdrawal 
Inm the apartment. Fanny wu IncUnod to ciy, and a 
few lean old force themaelvca Into her eyes, but aahomed 
to show her weskneea, ahe checked bar grief and drove Ito 
lean back. 

HIat Uapplman paced Ihe room resUealy, u If deep In 
thought, but unable to moke up her mind rcspectUig a 
matter of tho laat Importance. At length she stopped and 

■ Yon believe, my dear, ttat this man's love for you hu 
nloreed. IbeucvenotnliigortbeBoit,andamofoplnlon 
ttat ta Is a bate fortanobontor, u I told him; and I am 
further of opinion that he would ooon apend Ihe money 
my poor brother left yon. If M had the command of It." 

"I with 1 had no money," ejaculated Fanny, peevlihly. 

"Shall I tell yon how to have, andyot not have anyr' 
aokcd Hlaa Happlman. 

"If you will obligingly explain to cunningly devised a 
riddle I am sure I thall to grateful (or your klndneasei, 
rtjolne;! Fanny, looking up wllh Interett with her tear- 
laden eyes, through which she saw wllh dinoolty. 
. "Two hundred a year will be snfildent for your wants," 
oonttoued HUB'Hspplman. "Hoke over the remainder of 
your fortune to ma 1 will reaadgn It wben the danger Is 
put You can trust me, 1 hope, and acquit m^ door, of 
any Intention to Impovoiish you. When this Is done let 
tbe young man call again. I will see him lint and prove 
to blm that yon only have two hundred a year, which I 

Her InuB, fair, aoileraiUoUy I twilxl, 

B>i lad DB 00, iDd fn •'■'l''^' Ml''*,!,,—-, 
BvdBv, by «ie«'. b« f«uin» •J*' 
Ibpt wllblotaeb wbtn«'rr tbs did ippsr, 

I roui&K wutioltcr'B UMran dart 

Why Slo/onn na of the miit? boir nida I 
But tin aba na ao unlaotld ror na>P>lon, 

■•SuSd«»rfo»lJeiidl iun4afl"etled.l;cirllbw«r, 

"untbtbTakulll I'll o<aba iby bnla a pood I 
ttmv, I BBy, Ibou DlDdBf, rbrmla dlnw I 
Pn atMlaTboopui lilillBi bBoda I" 
Eorruo, Ha wbi Wit , ■ ^ , , 


waimii roB tub nw vou curm, 

Sight Stfilni; In Pgrli.-No. 23. 
rniJiantii Dts Pukt£»-Th» Winb MiaiFr-Cpiron 
BrToniMAiH lu PBU-TDBABcn or Taiunra- 
Toi Uirrooaoai-TBa Bois !)■ BOULOOjiE-TaB 

VAB1BT1B3 TUBiTBk— Sr. VtOiiS. . 

The Jardm dee FUntes, a bounlal, loologlcal, inlnerd- 
oglcol and geological muteum.and having a cablnel of com- 
MnilToanatomy,elc.,wuthenext place TlBlled.LouU the 
Kurtecnth founded it, and Boffon, thonatutallBt, wu the 
flret superlntendcnt Aa a menagerie the Janlln 
Plulei docs oot companwiib tbo 2odoiilcal Oardeu In 
the Regent's Fart, London; but as a Duteum It u muca 
aupertor and rants sbove every other place of the kind n 
theworld. TOattompttodescrito only ita most valutMe 
cbledt of Intoreet bore collected would fill a volume. The 
mnieum of companllvo anatomy contains a number or 
eteletona of remartablo penons: one of a dwarf, ihe 
skeleton of tbe Syrian who ataaatlnaled Qeneral Klclber 
In Itept, alto the completo akin of a men unned. 
The ohlnet of anlhror 


Qolden aieMtaB»-H«rr7 Thooghte-Wtoe 
Pi^Tcrbi— Fan and SratlouBta 

A TCHnaiRoi BnoxT Foilid.— Tbe Auburn ifnu tolls 
agoodetoiy ofBamnm, Ihoahowman. It tappenod aome 
yean ago. Bamnm, wbo balea Hquor, wu gong by nil- 
road from Auburn to Synonao, and noUosd an do man 
dilntlog from a bottle. Bamum begged for tho bottle 
tard. Tbe dltpnle grew hot. rssatogenerowded around 
to see Ihoiuort. Tho old miuwu getting hilarious. Final- 
ly, Just u llio train loacbed Bennot itallon, Barnumgot 
the homo. A pint of whlakey remilnod wllhln. In more 

pay to yoo, and which you can abedutely call your own. 
Vou get fihy pounds a quarter from me and no more. 
Orer tbe principal you have no control wbatover. Then 
you ahill aee him, and II ho does not slier bis tone and 
endeavor to tack out of this oObr of matrlags, I am egre- 
gloualy mislaken hi the esUmato 1 have formed of the 
gentioman'e character, that it olL What do you any to my 
plan now that yon an aoqoalaled with lit detallar' 

"I am charmed with 1(" aald Fanny, "and agree to It 
without any tunber detaw, As to my mlitmsting yon, 
bow coold yon toroor aooh a thought; you wto aro my 
beat and only friend > Let PhUlp to put to this test, and {t 
be dooa not come out of the oideol like gold Itom the 
crudble, doubly refined, I shall think blm unworthy of my 
love and dltmlsa blm nom my thoughts, however muea 
tto itniggle may pain me." 

■'Excellently moken. Tou an (till my own darling 
cUldi" cilou Hits Happlman, much gntlflod, u ahe 
embraced her. 

Ho time wu lost in earrylng out the detain of this 
scheme. A lawyer wu ooinmonloatod vrtlh, wbo In tho 
oonne of tbo following day hod Ihe necessary deeds dmwa 
uy, and uw thom duly eiecated by tbe ponies thenu. 

ranoy nllnqulahed ber tight M the three thousand a 
year which Hr. Dapplmen tad to geboroualy led her, and 
beoame dependent on hla alttara bounty tor anything 
more than the two hundred ponnda per annum which Hits 
UappUnaa oovenantod to pay her, Bhe wu an helitu no 

A letter wu wrinen to FbUlp Duhwood requesting him 
to tall upon Hlaa Uapplman, which he, growing more 
despento day by day, and eager (or any onance of obtain- 
ing money, gladly did, hoping that his aUrwu about to 
shine with Uioreaaed brighlneea. 

of a pnulon than Iho gnnt thownian wu ever belbre aecn, 
he duhcd Iho boltio Wdcnily throngh tho open window to 
the gronnd, FAcrybody looked coilottiilr out, sxpooUog 
■,^.^^ wivw luj uiwn, uuvuuoj 100 uuwor muai to eeo iho bolllo slilvercd Into a Ibonsancf pleecs. But ao* 
h,.w._. .. ''•''dltadedonBeotlBiiot, andJuetQlttatmomontasoii 

broke away from him hnnledly, 'Hark,' aho aald, of Ertn.patdng by, spied il rcpodug between the ralla vf 
I* the overture, and hi half an hou I moat bo open ! n bnneh track. I'al pickcil It iin, uncorked It, tattod of 
in..„«,.i. 1 .1. . ^ . . I ""ytontonls, and, wfthBcomloully JoyftilaadwondcriDR 

I Ihe captain in tta dark passage and a few grin, carried It oirinirlunipb. The oor wot lunrraror 
,^HStff!t!S,'i''^l!SfS'*Xf'''* ■aotfitor at tliounoxiieolcduiiihoi of the mailer, and Bir- 

T'i"5?*'Jf*^ brsathlag sounded lUe. num, with a tl«h at tbo prevalence d Iniquity In Uio 

a penon %ho hod been manlni;. Wo bruthod wofld, tubilded enUrtly for \ho rut of tho Jonrno/ 

Uls Jannty air wu gone, however, and hit ordinarily 
handsome lace wu careworn and haggard, lie aloopod 
In hit walk, and his drtte wu not so natty and tutetnlly 
arranged u uul. Hit aflkln were coming to a orldt, 
and ho teemed u If ho did not can who know It, 

On ontorlng he looked tmni the room u IX expecting 
to tee Fanny, and evidently wondered when ane wai. 
MlH Happlman divined tbe motive (Or Ills rcellcas looki, 
and leUovod hla anxiety by saying;— 

"Ton will have tbe pleuun of teeing Mies Oanaway 
pneenlly. For tbo pretent, Hr. Uoshwood, you mutt 
ooolent youratlf with my lodety; and I want 10 have a 
little leiKUt oonveraallon with yon," 

The dviuty of her manner, and llio conciliatory tone In 
wtloh ahe apokc, romadtated hla dying hopce, and he to- 
osme mon animated, auwenng Ihnlhcthoulahave much 
pleosun In plodog almeelf at Iter aorvlco for u long a 
polod OS the olgbl doslre. 

"Thank you," said Hlu Happlman, drily. "Yon an 
right In suppcBlog tbtt Hlu Oarrewoy — " 

"Fanny— call ber Fanny, If you pleuc," ho lulemipled. 
"It Is tbe nmc I tave alwaya been accuatomod lo udareu 
ber by, and I love II." 

"At yon please. Fanny Is sllll dltposcd to regard you 
wllh favoring eyes, in splto of your crnel and despicable 
betavlor. Hxcuto me II I make use of strong language, 
but my IndlgnaUon ruu away wlib me when 1 Ihlnk of 
the crudty w which my IMcnd and ward wu tubledcd by 
you. However, she laya on oxamlning her Uoait ttat ahe 
still loves you.'' 

"I will give her no cauae to repeal ddog to," he aald, 
Bisnmlng a conlrtto air. 

"I irutt not; but I tMnk It due to yon, Hr. Doihwood, to 
Btato the'ulnre of Fanny's real poiltlon," 

"I know that yon are prejudiced agiljiit mc, and bcUere 
thai I am In quott of a wife wllh money,'' aald I'hillp. 
"BUll, It Fanny had not a talX-pcnny I ihuuld love her, I 
should lBdoed7' 
"And merry herl" queried Mlas Happlman. 
"Oerialuly. Fovotty would make no dlOhrence la my 
afibcMoo. lamnotwdloffmyialf, u yon have doubtlets 
hoard, but I am young and conld work In some way. Blnoo 
Pinny and I pailed 1 nave reproached rayaolf continually 
for being weak enough to be golded by my father; had It 
not been for klm I should nellhor have deceived nor dt> 
acrtedlier; but It la useless to talkotthopnti, TV) tho 

E resent, If youpletu, Miti llspplmtn, which la the hat- 
Inoer and fbna hope of 0 hoppy tnion." 
Ills cyea lighted up once more, and he was ovldenlly 
congratulating himself upou tho favorable turn aoain had 

"Will yon oblige me by reading Ihoto dccdat" said Ulu 
llipplman, drily, u aho placed befon him tho doonmenls 
wblub tbe had Jual nicclrcd from her lawyer, 
TO IE ooimxDiii. 

muieum contains a large colleclion of gaol 
mtLt, Indodlng a piece of metoortc Inn welgblng 1,304 
pounds, which Tdl neir Paris. There Is also a fine marble 
ttatue of Cuvler, U tho costume o( Otancellor o( the 
Unlrertllor. The menagerie of living anlmala is a fine col- 
lodion from all parts of the world, Including alllgatore, 
crocodiles, llzarus, chamellons, anacondaa, boa constnc- 
tore and several deadly serpents. Tho horllcultaial gar- 
dena are very carefully atlended to, are well worth seeing, 
and ore open every day, admittance free. 

neHollBauz Vina, or wue market, came next In order. 
It coven an Immense space of gronnd, laid out In streets, 
wheraall tbe wine ttat Is used Is Parltmuat tobrought 
and dnty paid. A little hirther on briogi ut to tbe Abbey, 
or, u It la sow called, the Chureb of Bl. Oermam dcs Pres, 
a monument of tbo greatest Intorest to the atranger, u he 
now looks upon all that remains of one of the largest and 
most andent monosllc eslabllshmento In Paris, dstloii 
from the year 1,000. In one of the chapela Is tbe tomb of 
Jsmu, EailotDoDglas, wbo died In in4,B0d wbou figure 
In marble Is redlnbiif on a uroopbagnt. In another 
ctapel IS a monument uthememoryottbe Earl of Uougiu 
and Arran, who died In lUI. The dlmenslou of the 
church aro 200 by u feet, and 00 feel In height Letvlog 
the church and turning to the ten we reach an open apace, 
where stood, odUI a few yean ago, "The Prison of Ihe 
Abtoy," where, during Ihe firet revolntlon, Ihe daughterof 
a noble prlMuer went to petition for ber Ihther'a life, when 
tbo miiiaton who nt there ac Jodgee offered u thdr 
tcnns uut. If she would drink tothe health of the republic, 
to a glau of human blood, tor Dtlher ahould be lltontcd, 
otherwise he wu to to guUloitoed. Tto bnve girl pre- 
foned to drink of tta fearful cup and thua saved ner 
fother'a life. The stones tofore this prison at ttat time 
wen nearly alwoyt covered with brood. In Febroary, 
l(M, tta mob broke It open, lltonted tbe priaonen and 
dotied ihem from Ihe ehope in the neighborhood, and 
when payment wu naked presented s knife or plstot 
They also broke the tore from the wlndovrs, and, taking 
out every movable thing, Ht fin ttonto, and all wu 
burnt the Louvre, we once more pau through 
the Champa Eljaeea, at the end of which beauUfUl avenue 
la tho Arch of Triumph, one of the great monnneolal 
worka of Napoleon the Flni. The flnt auna wu laid oa 
the Itth of August, INe, the Empcror'a birthday, bnt-the 
suuctun vru not completod until July, Itae. The central 
areh la M by W feet, the transvetsail tl by Si and tbe 
height of the whole building lU feet long by U> broad, and 
depth M feet Oo the Internal aides of toe plere ntoely-alz 
vicwrtea an recorded, and under the transvenal are tta 
names of genenla. Four gronpe of sculpture grace the 
pien, each figure In Ihe proportion of eight feel. One 
repreeents Ihe departure or the army In irn, another the 
rolalance of tbe Frenoh to the Invaders In 1914, and a 
young man Is represenlcd In Ihe act of defendhig his wife, 
children and father ; another greup commemontes tbe 
peaceofiait, In which a warrior Is shealhlng bis aword, 
whlM anottar la tamhig a bull for the purpoees of agrlcal- 
tore; also, a mother, with ber children at ber feet, while 
Minerva Is shedding her loOoenco over them. Then then 
an dhen Rpreuntlog tto paaaage of the Bridge of Areo- 
la, tto taking of Alexandra, tho death of Qeneral Uar- 
ceau, the Battle of Jemmapea and the Battle ot Auatorltte. 
A filibt 01 3tl Blepa leada to the top, from iheplatform ot 
wbloi aOnevlewor Faria may to obtalnedi The Place do 
I'BtoUe, In which the Triumphal Arch la/altuatcd. Is tbe 
aaltn> •ointof tamrsvBnue^ one of wlaob, the Avenue^ 
de I'lmporetnce, la neariy to a line with theubamps Dyteci, 
and ilmoat eqnala It In bcanly. It la 1,300 yards long and 
100 yards wUe. A short distance from ben wu the Hip- 
podrome, a large, open anna, noed for equestrian epecto- 
det and mllluty shows, but this Immense bnlldlng wu 
destroyed by fire stout a month alter we left Paris. The 
Avenue ot Ihe Orende Armce contlnnea tbe line of the 
Otampa Elyicet toyond the Arch ot Triumph, Nearly at 
the end of It la a railway elation tolonging to the line 
which makea the drcult round Paris, Juit within the Une 
of foftlficatlonB. 

We now psu toyond the walls of the dty through the 
Porto IMupblne and entor the Bole de Boalogne, where a 
scene ot splendor bunts upon the view that u totally In- 
poolblB to describe. Thirty yean ago this wu a wilder- 
neu overgrown with rank vegetation and a few apologies 
forlieca. How it U one of the most superb porta In the 
world: long avenuct, shaded walks, splendid drives, lakes, 
waterAilla, cascades, cafes, restaurants, aflneraoeoooiae, 
the pte^talan, a place ot mualo, and other moltlfatloua 
resources ot refiethment and out of door amoiement 
Wllhln tbe prednctsot the park Is Ihe Oaidcn Zoologlque 
et d'Accllmttloa, the grounds of which an thiny-Tbree 
acres to extent and buutlfnily laid oul, wben allroRlgn 
animals an brought to to tamed and acdlmated, and 
those who visit this place law In tto afternoon tave tbe 
pleuun ot seeing tbe animals and Urds enticed Into their 
variout reeling puoet tor Ihe night We now ride down a 
beautiful avenue, at Ihe end of which la a beautiful wtter- 
tall lasolng ITom a gntto and taiung Into tho lake below. 
At this enchanting (oot a neteon can llogcr for boun and 
then to loth to tear hUnself (Tom tbe enjoyment of aucta a 
scene. We next camo to two toautUUI lakea, where a road 
croeaes tbe space that eeptnus them, and when iton u a 

Eretly tuttlo Swiss ocltage, at which ntiesbmenta may to 
ad, and the eiquldu beauty otthe sylvan acenery In tbe 
vicinity of the lakee cannot to aurpaased. All threugh tbe 

I ear, wlntor and tpring, summer and autumn, whatever 
no weather, the afttmoon'a most important rmuteniout 
mutt Invariably to the Bdsde Boulogne, whereon to be 
seen the gay, dublog, elegantly attired French woman In 
all tar glory. It It from three until five, P, H., that tto 
ftshlon of the nation ibows Itself In the park, wben the 
ruth of vebldei, ot all slice and stapes, goes on, from tbe 
close csrrlage of tbo nobility ol the court and camp ot 
Louis Hapoieon, the park phcton wllh lu duhlng pair, tbe 
pretty Uttle chariot driven by a lovely female, down to tbe 
modest one horse llacra, hired by the hour by the humble 
pleaiun seeker. In the evening we vlailed the Varieties 
Theatn, on the Boulevard Montmartn, a pntty little the- 
atre, which will bold about i.eoo pemle. The antortaln- 
ment conalated of light moaical burlcsquea, vaudoTlllea 
and oppcrettu. We apent atout an hoar there and then 
went tothe FantalsIeaParmennca, on tto Boulevard des 
Iioilena when they give yon comic opera, vsndoTlllo, 
oomlo tinging, pantomime and burlesque. This place Is 
mneh frequented by atrangen, u tbe enlertoinmont is 
lively and Bometblngon tho variety order. The baUdlaa 
great fOature In the French tbcatrca, u tho Frenchman Is 
very fond of diadng and delighta la the plourelles and 
poaea of ttolffmlere danteute. 

The next day we alarted tor St Donia, elluoted on the 
'Montora Railway, atout Ove mllea from Pans. This Is 
one ot Ihe oldest towns In Fiance, celebrated tor lit Abbey, 
the (brmer Htutoleom of tta klogt and qnceu o( France. 
Itlsaqnletioldfaahloaedphice, and with the exceptlou 
ottbockurch there la nothing worthy ot now to to teen. 
Tta Abtoy of St Dealt dates from A. D. 1144, and elands 
upon the site of tho ctapd of St Denis, founded A. D, m 
Asaspcdmen ot archltocture ills greatly admired. Ho 
sBoteif builillag la all I^ce wu more fearnilly desecrated 
or Injured during the flrstyeanof the rovoluUooary period 
than this. The national Oonventlon, July 31, ms, having 
decreed ttat wherever tta tomb of a klig of Praace ex- 
Uted It should to Inunedlatoly demolished, the work of 
tavoo wu Immediately applied to St Denb, which, tolog 
wllhln a then distance of the capital, draw tho whole pop- 
ulation of the lower ordon to the npot The enibsltned 
bodies of many ot Iho klnp were torn from their graves 
end labl atout the streets for several daya. The bodies of 
Henri ibe Fourth, Louis tbo Thirieeuth and Louis the 
Pouitccntb, having been embalmed, won lu a good ttoto 
of prcservaaoD, but the body of Louis tho PUtoenita, how- 
over, wu to trighlfully decomposed, ho having died of 
smsll pox, lhal it conld not to emtalmed, The 
bodies of many of iho earllor kings and queoua 
wen but Utile decomposed, and Ihoir features were 
without much difflculty discerned. Tho lend ot tho 
cofflaa, OS well u a largo portion at tho roof, wu 
melted down Into bullete, and the bonding wu 
converlod Into a gonarol ruin, but wu partially restored 
by Louis Phlllippc, and acvoral of the monomouts replnced, 
but workmen aro slUI engaged on It and to this day It Is 
unOolahcd. Tho magnificenoo of Its atmcturo will be per- 
ceived wben It is aaldtbat the entire length la SM feet, 
breadth UI, and height H. In tho Interior are tho tombs 
otcbaricmagne, Dagoberi, Louis llio BIgbtoontb, Charles 
tho Itntb, and toveral of tho old Frenoh nobility. In tbo 
aacrtttv 11 Ibo crown ot Utariemtgne. The throne ot Dsg- 
obeit, (ho crown ot Marie Antohiotto, the crown of Loub 
tho BIghleonth; the sacred vessels used In the chnrcb 
oereinonlea, ot solid gold and sliver, sinddcd with prcdons 
stonu; the orioammo, or ucred banner of Oh&rlcmagne 
and hit successors, wu kept hero, and no oiher church In 
France at one Ume wu so rich Ui sacred ornamenis and 
relics, It wu too Inieniion lo place tbe Rmalns of Napo- 
leon the Flnt here, but iho tomb In Ihe Invalldea harug 
ccet to much, and It bdug more appropritw for blm to to 
among bla old companioua lu arnia, tho change wu never 
made, nor la It llkdy Iteverwlll be. In my next I will give 
a dcwripllon of Bi, Cloud, Vcrullica and yontalnbluo, 
Hons. LaTbokiii. 


Wmrli Udla mompsoa like a eelebratod ngt per- 
former! Because the Is a bloado-lawalUag. 

WET It an ear of wheat and an oak almllar la criglnl 
Baetnao Ihey toth tpilag flom a com. 

WaTltawomtnwhohuloither lover Uke a whale* 
Because the Is a se-crelsr ot great Blghs (alls). 

War Is tbo letter 0 like a geoeroos fklryr Because It 
tarns uh lato cash. . 

wniTlsgoacnlly thofikvortteaoto of a pubUo Blngtr' 
A wnor (tonner). 

WaiT docs a hnitond't promise atout giving up tohooeo 
end Inr Why, Inimoke. 

To FiMn tta height of amUHon-Veuora Ihe man. 
A CI.VT1UL ATTBionoK— Tho pannier. 
Tu DaOAOWAY BCBC— Tbe paeumtUo lunnd. 
OmM A LioDT RkriST— Menial food. 
Lost it Bu— It found ubore. 
Um mn Aobb-IIow many acres to a man t 
to SOUND the depth of tto mind-Bore a hde through 

TBI girls atandoned tbo Oredsn b«nd tocaue It never 
brought a Oeau. 

He that tath rovcage la hit power aad does uot uto It It 
a great man, 

BVHBT man mtgnWet tho Injuries he hu nM:cl7€d and 
leticni thoic be hu Inflicted. 

Wb Bbonid uot forget ttat life Is a Bower, which Is no 
sooner Mown than II beghia to wllher. 

A oTKio saya that modem women oaat off tbelr guments 
and their bnsbondt with equal ItcUity, when theygethlan 
of them. 

PiBAWxia are Irrecondtablo. A lady Intormtnt ttat 
otter giving her hotbond a piece of her inlnd, tbe hod mon 

Oirm.BHai('8 spring bats will to very large Ihlt year, la 
order lo accommodate the constantly Inereaslng numtor 
ot "iwellcd beads." 

BtUEVB your friend honut to make blm to, If be to aol 
honest; shice, U yon dlalruat hhn, you make his falsehood 
a piece of Juilce. 

To nlte and then diuppomt reaiotable cxpectallont, It 
a degree of cmdly which no terma of ladlgnatioa can 
auffldently reprobate. 

It la utonlahing with wtat fodlity our feelinia aceom' 
modato themselves to our situations, and catch their tone 
from sumundlagobjecta. 

BBiimas often die old mslda. They set tuch • value 
on thcmtdves, ttat they don't Bnd a purchaser before the 
market Ui dosed. 

Eorroaa, however much they may to biased, an fond 
of the word "Impartial." A ConnecUcut editor once gave 
an "Impartial account ot a hailstorm " 

A UiHMtsoTA land speculator, hi describing a lake In 
that Sttto, Bays it is so dear and ao deep tbat by looking 
uto It you can see itam making tea In China. 

A LtrrLE toy who was praised for never taking bis eyes 
off the preacher, auwered with all ahnplldty:— "1 wanted 
10 SCO how near to wu to the end." 

Tnx woman wto Is bent upon marrying a man because 
he Is a lion, Rhould rememtor that it does not necessarily 
follow Utt she will tocome a Uoneu, 

WniN a soldier Ui tho raata Is the firet over the enemy's 
breastworks. It Is a spedmen ot prtvau enterprise; but 
when a commander-la-chlef wins a tattle. It Is a geaeral 

IT Is a common saying that the lower order ot animals 
have not Iho vices of man, yet It Is certain ttat some ot the 
Insects are teckbllore, and all the quadrupeds art tale- 

"All monlug blUere tavo a heating Undenoy or ef- 
fect," said a doctor to a young lady. "Ton will except a 
bitter cold morning, won't you, doctor!" Inqoltcd the 

A PBiBMD once told RufusCboate that a certain lady had 
a terrible eye— "an e/e," be said, "ttat would pcMtnto a 
two-Inch plank." "1 tee; you m 

A OitTnoN TO Ypuxa Mbn.-^To a lady embonpoint In 

figure, and not good looking in fhce, yon ahould be careful 
of Baying anytbing which one might coaalder "plimp and 

mem iodlbs, roixiEs aid FurcOi 



Bbe WBj ptaufBily muc, 

Aad tbB lovad my Ullla ibisMf 
For our uataa wan BynMiSauT 
In iba Old tad btpn oSS ' 
Ob, Iba bBlkda I ban wiflSn, 

And bare Ingbt my lora le ales 

And ay baait'B ■ ball ot BlriBg. 
Would ab« llaUo 10 mi offer, 

Oo my koaeB I woofd Imowt 
and or mi " 

Of myba 
Aid Maw 

mr bearl 



DicmoN and 
man may err for want of due 1 

, even tbongh sometimes a 
Idlteretlon, will, In Ihe long 

run, more oftoa coaduct to success, than a dow judgment 
ttat comes too late. 


RiTDxa AwxwABO.— gl(p<Me Toung JUOiOor (miking 
call)-"Wdl, Master Fred, yon don't know who lam." 
Ibo Canam TounQ jropvuL— "Oh, but I do, though I 
You're the otap ma says would to such a gooid catch for 
our Hary." 

In Araick, U any one cemee before a king wiihoot a full 
dress cosiume-ttat It a straw tat and a ring to tta nose— 
hit head net Into the watto basket baton be can wink 
twice. This must to sharp work for the eyea, at the old 
woman told when the can wheel ran over her note. 

Woin.nN*T Btdid It.— a aman old weatem lady, totog 
called tow conn u a wluess, grew Impatient at the anes- 
riona put to ber, and told ihejiSlge that she would quit tne 
atand, tor he wu "raly one of the most inquisitive old gen- 
tlemen she bad ever teen." 

OLoenio RBHiBks.— Tho following remarta wen ottered 
by one Morgan, who wu recently banged at Tern Hauto, 
Indiina, and appear to to a very aullable doalng for a 
"valedictory." well," said he, "Idon'tknowthttltave 
much to uy, except ttat I had totter to going." Ue 

A DmoBBOt^s Btr.— When a Chicago womtn wonto to 
getamanona breach of promiu case, ahe makes a tot of 
a kite with him and loses. She pays him tho kits in the 
presence of a witness, then sues him for breach ofpnmlse 
and trUUng with her affeeilons, and ao forth. Look out for 
'em when Ihey offtr to tola kiss. 

Anvsimauia.— Some one uked Lamartlne whether he 
wu not spending too much money In advertising his pub- 
llcatlou, "No,'' he is reported to have auwered, "ad- 
verllsemento are absolutely necessary. Even divine wor- 
ablp" (in the original, la oon Dieu) "needa advertising. 
Otherwise, wtat is tbe meaning ot chureb tolls." 

MiTWBONT vs. SiMOLB Blbbuniss.— Young buaband: 
—"Formerly, wben men would stare at yon like that, yon 
would drop your eyea and appear to to annoyed by It but 
now — ." Young wife,— "But now I can stan back, tor 
Iftheygotootarlnthelradmlntion, why, I tave a bua- 
band to defend me. I should so Uke to tave yon fight tor 
me; it would to so romantic" 

Monox Obakteii.— At the Decemtor term ot tto Bu 

Enme Court, Judge Barnard presiding, one of Ibo coouel 
I an hnportant case rou u make a motion In favor of his 
dlenl, and thus commenced:- "Your honor, give the devil 
his due," Whereopon thejndge Italantly replied:— "Mo- 
tion grontod." And the bar and the audience JoUied lo a 
hearty laugh over the Judge's willy response, 

A Fiooiis or BrBtOB.- "Tommy, my son, fetch In a 
slick ot wood." "Ah I my dear mother," neponded the 
lootb, "tho grammatical portion ot your education hu 
been aadly neglected. You ahould tave aaid:— "Thomas, 
my son, traupon from ttat recumtonl colleclion of com- 
busilblo material upon Ihe thtettald of this ediflce one of 
Iho curtailed excrescences ot a defunct log.' " 

Dnole Diva's Oon '^at's a good gnn of youta, 

alraugcr, but Uncle Dave bere bu one ttat beau It.'' 
■■Ab I How tar wlU It kill a hawk with No. « shoti" ■■! 
don't use Bhol or tall cither," anawered Undo Dave for 
himself. "Then wtat do you use. Dude Dave r" ■■! shoot 
salt altogether. I kill my game ao fhr off with my gun 
that, without tail, the game would spile befon I could get 

An Akbcdotb Is nistod of H, Tlvler, who wu recently 
tovlled by the Emperor to pass seveitl daya with hUn at 
tbe camp at Ctalons. On the arrival of VIvlcr the Em, 
penr toned to hU aldo-da-camps and aald:— ■■oentlemen, 
hen Is M. Vlvier, lake him and Irut blm u It be were ai 
home!" H. Vlvier leeponded-,— "Pardon, she, I would 
ntbor not to treated u 1 am at borne i" H. Vlvier Is evl' 
dcnily a married man. 

Dauaa— To dream of policemen Is a sign of the bluea. 
To dream you are a monkey la— auggealive. To dream your 
head la toing "punched," and on waking to dlaeorer tbat 
such Is not the case, la lucky— for you. To dream that you 
tavo eloped with a wicked femato gboat la a sure dgn you 
have taken bad spirits (the over nighl). U a "gentleman 
of the press" dreams or donkcyt. It IS called s "neddy-to- 
rlal" vision. To dream ot auct tnows a fat-uoos mind 
(don't do II again). 

A Pulsation SonEwnEBE.— A short time stoce, in Alba 
ny, Ibo wife of a ccrtoln omdsl entored hit offlce oulie nU' 

HATonLBSs AiT-A "Boroili" woU palntod. 

A NiooBB's Idea or TBE Ilbotbio TBLEaBAPD,— At the 
railway depot In Lowdl, not long since, "Look a hea. 
Joke," said Bambo, hit eyes dllatlug and hla rows ot shin- 
ing loallbProtrudiDg like a nglmonl otpetrls, "look a hea, 
Jakci what you oairdem ar !" "What ar )" rejoined Jake. 
"Deni or I It polniln tot" "Ucm ar 11 pcatov' sold Jako. 
"Whit I" iifd Stmho, lentolUiig hit head; "dem are 
postCB nld do glue !" "let, de tame kluHoij," returned 
Jake; "Ah, but you acos dem ar horzonlalwlrts!" "Well," 
obMrvcd Jake, ■'do potto suuporis de wires." "Ocsh ( I 
totca you, nigger," dacnlalctl Hanibo, olapphig his sMcs, 
und both selling up a loud ■■Yah, yah." "But what'i do 
wires for t" sola Bamto, ifieraptuse, "Do wlret," i«- 
pllod Jake, couiplolely atnggercd tor a moment, and at a 
uonplut for a reply to tho nhilotophio curiosity of 1 rolliir 
Btqibo) but suddenly lighUng up wllh more itaa Dhiger 
Are, he told "dt tofret (« ibr to hetp dt poiln up /" 

cxpecledly and caught tho naughty man In tho act of klsa- 
tog a young and Intcrctllng female, ■■Why, Judge, what 
aroyoudorngt" she uked, "Why— ah I bieae my toull 

You SCO, my dear, tUs young woman wu token tuddenly 
III, and 1 wu Jutt feeling hor pulse." "Well, Judge," said 
that oxcellent tpoute, "you feel too high up for toe polio. 
It's bl her wrlai— uot oa her lipt I" 

CaowniNO HiH.- ■■Whcroliyonrbousel" ukcdB trav 
eler In tbe depths ot one ot Iho old "solemn wlldomcttcs" 
of tbo west "llouBo! I ain't got nobouBol" "Well, 
where do you live!" "Illvelu the woodt, sleep on tbe 

Smmment purchase, eat raw boar and wild turkey and 
rtnkontof IhoMltalsilppl. And," ho added, '11 It get- 
ting too thick wllh you folks about here. Ton'n the 
second men I've aeon this lut month, and I hear Itat 
tbcre's n whole tninlly come In atout any miles down Ibe 
river. I'm gdn to put out In tho woods sgaln." 

FsiiiNiNE BNDUiuNaB.— A sludcnt at Ann Artor, Mich,, 
having nmarkcd tbat men hud more enduranoo than wo- 
men, a lady present answered that she would Uto lo aoe 
Ihe Ihirtecn hundred young men In the Unlveraity laced 
up hi Bteel-ribtod ooreots, wllh hoops, heavy skins, mils, 
high heels, panniers, chignons, and dozens ot talr plus 
tuoklng In their scalps, cooped up In Ihe house year alter 
year, wllh no exblUratlng exereise, no hopes, aimt, tmbi- 
llona in life, and ate if iney oonid itand it u well u tho 
girit. Nothing, uld she, but tho fkot that women, like 
cats, have nUie Uret, enables Ihem to aurvlve the present 
regime to which custom dooms Iho sex. 

Tub FsMoiD-iN HoLB.— The tand-masterof the Academy 
at West Fdnu previous to a concert, sent to the si)|ulant a 
manuscript of the pieces to to performed, Itat copies might 
to oode. Tbe flnt on tbe pregrammo wu the overture 
■■Fdtenmuhle," the EngUth oT which It "Mill on the Kock." 
The adjutant a man with a certain contoopt for Oerman, 
trtntlaled ■■Fdsenmuhle" Into English, that the audience 
might know what Ihey were Uttenlng to. Imagine Mr. 
Band-mastor's disgust when the prlaled copy oflhe pro- 
gramme commenced:—!. Overture, "The Feaoed-Ia 
llul^" Itom DesBlager. The adjutant probably thought 

I woQld fli »wedd)og riof— 
Bat ny leva aba U a klltco, 
Asdny baBrt'aabellofiuini. 

Take a wanlDg, bam lorar, 

Fran Ibe nani lull Bbow( 
Or too lata you owy dlaoorar 

Wbal I leaiMd a noBib an. 
Wa an aenlebad or wa tie bituo 

Br tbe peta 10 when wo chef, 
Ob, nyloveabBlatthlaa, 

And ny bearl'a a boll of autn^ 


In the Court of Divorce on Thursday, uyt thaLeMen 
Bnaday rirrut of March nth, the cats of WalUni at, wot- 
klna wu heard. It wu a wifb's petition for a dlstdnHsB 
of her marriage, on the gronad of her huabosd't adulloy, 
crudty and desertion. The jgetlUoner, a ttyllthly dretsed 
woman, depoted that at the time of her marriage with the 
reipondent she wu b widow, and possessed a loigv 
amount ot moaey, and soon after the weddhig eta set- 
tled tan per annum on tho respondent He retUM 
to consumnuto the marriage, slating ttat he hod 
made a vow that be would not do so, and ttat ha 
loved another woman. He kicked tor oot of bed,' 
struck her lepeatedly, and on one occasion tbrear 
a glau of wine over ber. He never would lake herouL 
and when he dUied wiu ber he went outof thehonta 
toon afterwards. Once witoess found a woman's poilitit 
In ber husband's pocket, and, on sneaking to him about 
the matter, be struck her aad aald he never wonld to a 
husband to her. One evening, when at the Strand Theo-' 
IR, the noticed Itat one of the actresses (Miss Lydla Thomp- 
son) wu wearing some ot her Jewelry, and on her teuing 
Iho respondent what she had obaervM, he got a ring hacr 
agato for Mr. wiiUam Waton aald he wu vdet to the 
t^nndent He knew Mlu Lydla Thomnson. Wlineuwia 
Inrcxpoadent's service on theSd of May, 1801, tadwia. 
to tave gone with him to America, where nls muter waa 
golag, u wllneu believed, vrtih Miss Lydli Thompsoa. 
Wtswllh Hr, Walklta In Jermyn ttnet, sad Hits Thomp- 
son used to come to tee him, or the retpondent wonld 
fetch her mm Ihe Strand Theatre. Had known Hlaa 
Thompson come to tbe bouse wllh somebody else. Th» 
reasonto dkl not go wllh bis muter to America wu be- 
cauie ttat person Slid he might to a ipy on hit (Hr. Wit- 
kita') acuoni, and wiueu left wllh a very tbcrt noUce. 
Miss Thompeon lived In Haddox street Mary Ann Kor- 
ean, a workgirt In the employ of the petlUoner't mUUney, 
uld that la Juae or Jdy, itw, she wu In Middoz stteet 
and uw Mr. Watkint go mto a house. She went and tdd 
her mlalrets, who communicated wllh tbe pellUoner. Ihe 
respondent came out of the house with a lady, and w«at 
wlihbortoKuhn'srestaunnt, In Regent sinet A eet- 
vant named Honoo, formerly in the employ of Mrs. Dong- 
his, wllh whom 11 wu alleged the rtspoadent commltled 
adultery, atld that WaikUis used to sleep with her nla- 
treea. Dr, Dcane, who hod not croaa-examlned any ot the 
witoeaaes, said he could not reoiat the evidence. Deen» 
nisi with cods. Lord Penzance saying there wu eridenee 
of adultery with Mn. Douglas, but not suffldent u to 
adultery with Miss Thompson. 

Thureday the caie of Walklta vs. WalUna wu heard. 1h« 
peUiloner wu a widow of contldereMe meant, and settled 
£300 a year on tto respondent on ihe marriage. After the 
ceremony tbe butana perelatently Rfused to consumoMla 
tbe menioge, and frequently UI tnaled hit wife by besHng 
and kicking ber. Tbe retpoudent's valet proved ttat Mlu 
Lydla Thompeon, the well-known actress, wu In the tahit 
or vltltlug hu master, and toat on many oecaslons he saw 
long fair hah' on bis master's face aad coat oiler Miaa 
Thompson'a viBlla. The r^pondent IcftEniludtogoto 
America wllh Hln Lydla Thompson, and ditmlased wit- 
ness, u he said he wonld to a spy upon him. Evidenoe 
wu also given ot his adultery wlin Hn. Donglia, whkh, 
behig mon coudutlve than ttat tgahist Hits Thompson, 
thejndge Ordinary granted a decree nM on that gnasa 
with ooeta.— London Wtaiv rimes, ifarcA St. 

Thepabllcallooofthe atove hu caused a letter and at- 
fldavlt to to published, from which we quoto:— 

Tba naaUoo wblch la nada lo the vikle of a«n« Jewelry bavlag 
bwo ncalTed by na «bU« In Eoalaod, aa well aa tba mlfgirioa I* 
lbacaaelalbaLnidoiina<<orHuvb»<k,la«blcb II la nld, "n. 
aflamrd eana 10 Ibo knowleilsa or tbe aclitaa tbat tbe Jawcliy wu 
ibe prapalT of art. WaUloA aad aba Immcdlalaly rvlurud It 10 ber 
wllb a Ulter.i' btf a ncallad 10 my ivmrabiweB corlaln diniai* 
auaoB, which ar* ambodled lo my aaneud aflldaTiL Tba Mala- 
meala uanlD Bade can be abaodanUj aubilAOUatcd by farllao la 
Bo^lABdandlBlUaceanlry. ' 

A Oesa ItxHOTas.- A New Hampthlra divlno condnded 
a funeral eermou Uitaly:-"Why, my fellow Chrtsllons, he 
kept hosBca, sad run 'em; be kept cooks, and flt 'em; snd 
u^o wImmiD, Itt his wldder, who I see a-iettln' In a (nut 
pew, tfsUfy. In ihort, aftor a dlUgeal Inquiry Inlne Ibo 
perllckeriara ot hit korriktor and oonduot wnllo ho resided 
In this village, 1 bev come to the conolualon ttat atout Iho 
only good thing that kin to ttldof him at all It ttat he 
wu an aoUvo mcmtor of tbe engine company end occo- 
oloually good at flees. Tho pall bearen win now proceed 
to boor out Ihe corpse, while tho oholr will sing, u aa ap- 
propriate hymn, llio thlrly-tblrd hymn, second boot, ihort 
moire, four verees, omitting, it yon please, the Sd aad fid 

IMIaTlnA wt relolat 
... ToaeoibeaoaaranBTBd,' 
With the final Doxology," 

Ilea iHoanoM'B Amnim. 

CUtatid Camtti of Jlem IWt, Lydla TiMRDpaon, bdssdoly 
awoni, dtpoaes and aayai— I am ibe mjuaftnaa or Jhe 'lydia 
ThompaAO Boricuue TToup^aod amal pftaeolRaldloi la lhadly 
ar NawVark. lo Iba year IsB, while perfonnlos ao rapsenant 
at the SMad Tbealiv, ID Loodon, I mvfTCd a prtBant of aoaie j«w- 
cItt rram A pcnon unhoowo 10 or, wblch wu ImnadlAUlT Riarwd 
10 tba addreaa of Iba donor. Sabac^uenUjr aome lawtl/y waa aol to 
meaa"aoDmpllnKnlloByn)ei1laaaaartUL" ihla piuut I ac 
ofpM, and Bllboaab Iba nana oT the finr, with Iboaa of Buy 
olben wbo bava GboacB t« dUUoauUh ne br atmUaralUolionj^ had 
rorlbamomtBltuacdcDllRlroulor nr irmcmbiafic*, t barBDAW 
BodoabL rnn Iba nawioaparafltdca whlcb haTaapr — 
Boaleiplldlof wb|ctaluvr ' — ' — * — 

, ibkbl 


bappeoad thai after iba mctpl of iba pmenl II came lo my kaowl 
cdtBtballblaJcwelrrbctootcdliia Hn. Walkloa, aad I Ibaiifon 
iBDodlalclj aeal II lo tbe lady by ny alalcr, logtlbcr with a Itt- 
laroreiplaoaUw. To Ibia letter Hn. Walkloa replied la arair 
bind 0014, wblcb la now In ny poaoeaaloo. 

lonffaidtallr, WaUlaa, I would mj tbat 1 aaw vent to bla 
raoau. nor wu I ereralooe In bla oonpaoy, aor do I know anythlag 
wbAierer about bbo. funher tban 1 bare auted abore. 

Lvvii Tbodbow. 

SwaratabefoiBmetbUTtbdayor April, IgrOi— Uaui IL MASav, 
KotuT Public for tba city and county of Maw Vork. 

The trial of Daniel HcFariand tor ahMlIng A. D. lUch- 
srdson lut wlntor, la now In progrou before Reieorder 
Hackett, in this city, and, u may to tupposed, hu elldted 
a great deal of luiereit and curlotiiy, so that the court- 
room bi crowded dally. Frollflc evluence has toen pith 
duced In tbe defence, Lndnding the tollowlag letter froai 
Rlchardaon to McFarland'a wife, which canted qiiiu an 
exdtcment and aympathy for tbe prisoner:— 
aiOBAxnoN's iHTEacEmD LErrsa. 


I lecalTad two boan afo, dArllog. touib of yeat^nhr. AI naoa I 
^aUed TOO Iba AlluaNc Tor Haitb w Na n Tbla I land lo care or 
Mr. a, faoplDi that you Bay |el It lo-Bonow. Don't ba dlatufeod 

mailed too lha AlAiartc f 

, BoplDi that rou laay f 

about your famDy, IllUa |lrL FaBlllea alwaya itapoct aaompUahad 

racUL (Hy Lobby, you know.) I ooca outnccd mioea srealdaal 
wona Iban you arar can youra, and Ibay are Uie ilnltcil a«et ar 
PurttaBa,bulUBaBadaltallc«incL Bo you couldn't 10 to Hn. 
IL'a till Monday, and couldn't bara mj noa. Ba paUent, UtUBftH, 
aodyou BbmU bare lo|1re, not lake, ordaraaboul nriwa. Fsatfy 

about Ullle and tbo yauoy lady lam aopcBd la itr-' 

By theory Uul you and MoUle 

onler your aenp book on Moaday, 

larlAlandccnuau or Iba oaw book wIlbiA the oral few wackj 


Lmra all you cmo aboul Iba ma. 
LwllbiA the oral few wackjL for 
we may want to anno UDoa II in mj book. Pltaio raawmborual 

lleaoklfoAncrplaolyorbuDor.aiidtballtnkaf bareaoBo bofm& 
If yoB iBooll rram lAm you abaU not do Ibaa. 

Oarllns, I anikd at ny belag "ptnlof and burL" Why, lam like 
a nan wbo baa |0t rid af bla alepoanL I weigh 29S, aod an llthler 
heariad IbanI bavabeaoraryaaiB; Indeed, iTeltaa Ifn weltbl bad 
b«(o lined rnm ne, eren l<i«rtyaur awrai lota cama to awMtea aad 
bleumyure. AU Iba troubia waa lhal abe tboutbl aba could not kt 
maea l^ntato, wben aba and 1 Oral nmatoselbar, I aald 10 bar, 
wewlllBakaooTOwaloloToeacboibaraliiaya— or that wa cannol 
loU. I wUI only aaact tbal you icll mo ibe ptr/ta iruib, wbetbir II 
kctpanaug«l|^roraeptjiuaua; andsbe itplled, "OodbelploiBBB, 

I will" 

■ ■ " bar bta , 

complain... . „_ 

llwoaldbaTaBadBnodlObiTDce tbare;lAul aceaa na ended 

abe did bar beat, and wu vaiylaiidarandloTlns, and 1 hara 

In tba world 10 complain ar. ir — " - 

II woo" 

aao. I 

Uka II In Uia end. 

„ ^lag 

you bad not coma 10 mc, lltUe girt 

1 tbare; lAul aceaa i^a ended long 

IlwlllnibtrittnlaHii,a, woa'lll,d<rllo|l 1 think abawul 

lo; out Iba leopard conld ool cbaofa In apel^i 

■ ' Tanoihl 

a not coma lo me, 
lAul aceaa na t 
Hl,d<rllo|l llhli 

. .. .. ..inccrul and kind, 

very tlad yoo fa for It will do you mncb (ood. II la a srrmt, bnesy, 
realf u placa. wbataiooalalllaabDutniycomlotboBe. O/eowaal 
Ihall como wbanOTcr ny buabieu coapala or wUllalma. What 
JudfBcnlabaUyoufaar, dolntoo wnn|f Tbo dretuMlaBau nabe . 
It ri|bl and uBaolkeabla, and I wlU oolalay awnyforllMIOOMn. 
Orvndya I wUI oot BHiaclworfc lo cook, but It la qallo paaoltto I 
may bara lo cent nait weak. IbavBoolbcaa walUnt for you,dar. 
Ilof, all Ibeaa loot yeara, 10 wear hair doUi and aoni icven yean 
BOW. I want yoQ altraya. 

A bundnd Umea a day By anna aeen to ilrelcb OQl toward yao, 
I never aaek my pillow wllboul waallof lo (old you lo my bean, far' 
a i«od nitbt klaa and bleatlnf, and Uio few moolba bar ora you ca& 
openly be mtoawUI bo long enautb al louL Jio giaaa abaU grow 
uodernyreet;bulI aerer l«l pnbllc oploloo bnuy maablLoad 

" ao, Boobeam, I abaU eoBo wbenavor I can, and alay 

.., IwUldKldaaboBltbaaanincrJaal 

, ^ Can probably aumlia l^ Monday or 


Uarlliu, I ahoold bo iVWd If you bad faadBAtcd ma In a day or a 
week. TB« (reel whkb flow loan hour bare DO deep root. Oanl 
bellcTB to be DO lore ofa noooday hour, but (or all tune. Only oaa 
lore arar nvw ao alowly Into ny bean u youn haa, and ibol waa ao, 
lender and bleaaad tbat bcaron needed aod look 11. My daTllns.yoa 

have yoo, Innuid,. 

BorerBcan ul ao, Bonbeam, 1 1 
aa tons aa buauaaa will perailt. 
u aooo u I ao, darllof. O 

bellcTB to be DO tore ofa noooday hour, but (or all tune. Only 


aro all 1 would baro you, aurilyvrbal 1 would bare yoo, w uuw,,. 
body aod eatala, aod nrUrvd bcnrl floda lo you laOnlta ivalasd 
rlebea and awtoloeaa Qoodalfbt, nylove, myowD,my wife. 
Bum Ud»-wlll you nolt 

Lift Btema to be a burden to thoae fair bnt (tall oaea 
whole virtue hu been stcrlflccd by hearllett man, u is. 
evluced by Ihe frequoooy of auicldca by femalet, whloh we 
are too often called upon to recon), and of whloh the fol- 
lowing it only anotber tad example. It appeim Ibit AUea 
Feobody, who commltled suicide in Boston on the litList, 
had a lover named Fred. W. Dlrch, who became ooquiUited 
wllh the lost ot Pord'i taloon,on Trtmont street, atout three 
months ago, tolag bilroduced to her by a mutual Mend. 
Uo tad undeniood that prevlou lo meeting her ahe hod 
lived \D a not very reputable house on Phillips slroel, and 
according to the beil ot his toiler hor career had been 
tomewtat checkered during the year before his acqutlot- 
onoe wllh her began. At her nqoest be said he procured 
a room (or ber at the bouse where aho thot hetselt, and 
nied to call upon her wllh cotaklsnble trequcDoy. Eo 
alto thloktthe hu been actuated by Jealousy for some 
time, aiul be knows she had set her aOectlons upon blm 
and entertained for hhn a passion whloh ho did not fhlly 
redprocate. The fervor or ner feeling wu sometimes ex- 
prcaicd in lean when reproaching him with Inconttoioy. 
A day or two ago, heiaji, thoy had a ■■liltlejaw,',' when 
the told him she trlthod ho would leave horithat be did 
to and went home to lOs house at Ihe South Gad, Oa the ' 
Bight ot Ihe a«Ui the seat him a letter, of which the tOUow- 

Hv FaiMa— WDI you coma down U> the bouae tbla aveolof, Ibr I 
waBtlaaeeyouboraraltDbomol Fred., I abould think yon nlfbt 
bavB come down lulay. Tou mlfbl bars Inld mo ibal rou wu In 
innblowUhafttlbcrorayoudonowbalyoudld. Pnd, bowdoyou 
Uilnk 1 leal, allualod Ulan, lo bare you leaTomeuyoudldl ir 

•— peoa lo mt, rBBOfmbar, Frad., you aio lhaenuao or JL 

you would |o baak on mo lo tbla wny. Wben ibr 

aoylbUix bappei 


rcacbu yau 1 may be gone to ny long bomr. 1 know you wlU foi^ 
fiTo m^ tor I an llrod of tbla world. TbenUDOouatlit niM f» 
BB now. I bare Uinwn my Ufa away. I eannol bo aa I waa onoa. 
InyyouDfglriUiallaiood-Byadrlca la ibtl abo keep ao. andtiat 
10 ua way Sal I bata Maa. I doao by wlablo) Ibai yoo will cm 
and aee no aa aooo u yon set tbla. From Aata Wiluass, 

tt Eaaai itraeu 

The name alinod to tto letter wu tbo glrt's ojloijju 
Blreh uis, aal he alto itotcs tbtt her r . it name wta 
Alice Pubody, u botora mentioned. Upon ncelvhiglhe 
lettor atove quoted, Bireb, fearful that tho girl would nauie 
away wllh Herself, and hoping to avert tuch an not, hat- 
toned to hor tide, and wu wlRi her from ThjirsdM after- 
noon up to tho time ot her death. On Thuradoy mghj 
WM tolklng about shooUng benolf, and had prevloumi 
talked atout poison, but Birch says ho had iio Wt» 'Jl*; 
rtouBly oontcmplatod suidde, On Ihe lit !"««••;?„'','■ 
packed up a bundle and had her Jaokot on, apparcntU u- 
hodhig logo out, when abe asked him to go and get nei 
tome wator, whloh be itsrted to do. But he sort "'haMJ , 
the report of Iho pistol almost Immediately, MtLrutuag 
back to thdr room, (bund things u bofon ilMotlhjd. Tw 
glrlhadlhiownoirhot jacket and torn open hor d""' M, 
plying themutile ot Uie pUtoL to Uu Awh. " JS^WaJ 
bsmlta hlickuiod appeamnoe la the ndghboihood gl u» 

April 16, 1870. 

THE ]srEW York: clipper. 

ika OoUM BUM U not ftM ftom cum olwdnoUo". 


ton of ttw criinj 2' *"»i,'51IS^^ wiour of 18« ihe 
S;5S!Kl.'iS;Srfi SliiSainilwent Into th« funlij 
laft «««'*'«'<''''<?»LSS in the cipirttr of prt»Bl« 
Of the jonng m»t wiSolScw. tbo'^eMert 

'^^•Sii*I£/. fi^(?^ sSe Sie to b«r. tnd that 

SSSKuS' mm iSroonaiUon becaniB the nibjojt of 
SSSS" Sa nSLlT oS the noooiniondiUoD of her 
SSS? iho went to 8»nt» Olun, where eHe wu to 
^e fo? » Aort tiSS: and where he wonld mjriT 
bS^M be ooulSnot do eo In tlile cltr, tn few of oppoer 
aOTftomfflpSnntt For. few weete wrote to]ior 
SSd Sa umwtni hie lelten: hat, eftjr s whUe, he cetMd 
initio, w ihe o*ma back here end foond him; hit he 
ISayBSepHoalbleoxonBO, and \" " "J"" 

ftnm wbenw ahe came, and pnmlicd In a ttaoft time 
M#oSd meet her and miai bla promiae of mantaoe. 
TMiUna to his honor aho retomed, and In time hetane the 
^otherof a female child. Cp to that Ume he had not come 
to her. and aha aaw henelf betnjed bj the oniT man ehe 
had erer lored, diagracod In tbt ejea of the world, and for 
• time her only thooght waato deatro; henelf and babe, 
aodthna leave this wicked world. Dut she bore hereof. 
ikiuun In alienee, and when well ononah, returned here to 
aoeiSefttherof her child. A letter brought him to her 
Bld^ and for the third Umodld ho^ PremI" «• 'If* Jj^.^? 
tbe altar within a epeclllod Ume; hot bo herted not hto 
Droniln. and deaerted her for another, to whom be Is to be 
wedded In a few weeks, and now abe wished to have Um 
aiieatad for aedocUon. Bhe told ber atoij with tears In her 
eres. and aeemed anzloos that her betrejer ahonld be 
DoolMied for tbe great wrong bo had done her. When she 
had conclnded, ehe was Informed that eedootlon was not a 
otlme In caUfomla, and thai ber onlr nmedr wopld be to 
oommenoa a drll suit agalnat him. Bbe then left the omce, 
and in a few daje, nnlcsa tbe matter la cOTpromtacd there 
will piobabl; be brought. In oiie of the Dleolct Oooits, a 
eolt lOr breach of promise of marriage. 

Several weeks ainoe an adreitlaement waa pnbUshed br 
a acapegraoa named James Stewart, lor a ladr corRepond- 
enthav&c matrimony In view, giving bhi address as at No. 
J AmllT a&eet, Oila cfty. Among the ackle air ones who 
reiDonded waa a Ulia Kate Busnelm, a dreasmaker, real- 
dlMwlth ber parents In Toledo, Ohio. Several letlere 
nasaed between them unknown to tbe yonng ladj'a friends, 
tnwhJoh Blawart pnreaaed to have great love ud anecUon 
re her. ending by making a propoelilon for marnage, which 
was oeoepted. Btewar^ pTeadIng hla boalnesB detained 
him from vlalUng ber for the purpoeo of having the mar- 
ilue ceremony perfonsod at Toledo, prevailed opon her to 
leSvo her friends and Jom him In this city, and upon her 
arrival ooanred ber he wonld taUll hla promlae. Undertne 
pretence of oomlng to this city to ODgage In her trade abe 
orocond her parenta' consent, and left home on the Wlh 
OIL She arrived la Ihla dty next day, and was met at the 
depot by her acddentol correspondent, who procnred a 
carnage, and, attending to her ooggoge, ordered the Jehu 
to drive to the Bplngler Uoase, wVcra he raglatered bla 
name as "James btewort and wife, Toledo, Ohio." A room 
was assigned the yoong lady, who, after making her toilet. 
Joined her companion In the reception room, and proceed- 
\n<t to the dining room enjoyed a aumptnoos repast. After 
ner Btsw>;t oalned permission to accompany ber to her 

□WvU W UJ kUQ I 1,111 III lU - 

onthe fouowlng day, abe anally c«ti»CDttd 
Ured. Btowart accompUahed her nUi 

Oq the following momlog Btowart, Inalead or keeping 
hla promise of marriage, oleared oot and left her with a 
hotel bUl of seven douan to pay. The nnfortnnate wo- 
man was In a quandary what to do, ea ehe had no money, 
nor any trlenda In the dty, and the proprietor ol the hotel 
refused to deliver op ber trnnk nnlll the board bill was 



JACK raTndaIjL, 



Hls lUie* and Battles In tlio 
Prize lUnff. 

At OawLBT Uoasr, in Bosaxi, tt Hiua noif I<OM- 

DOM^^fOB lOO auiMUS X BIOB, ON BlTimsaT, DM. 

Ko'pnglllaUo contest tincotlie days of nnmi^a and 
Mendoia-Tttm Belcher and Dutch Ham--and Ctlbb and 
Hollneauz, It appears, io animatedly exolled tbe tatsMl 
of the aportlng world, as the battle pwweon Bandrtl 
and Turner: in fttot,mBnyof the oldest t^<i*n tatrt, 
that. In point or betting anil staking, there U nothing like 
It npou lecord. ^ « 

The ages orthe men dlier bnt Torn" was born 
Welch^rents In London, Kovember 4, l™. "J "JO'S:; 
also in^ndoa or Irlah parents, Noveinber a, IIM. The 
latter was In hd^it t feet « tochea, and Turner was also in 
height t feet rinches; thdr weight nearly alljs. For 
weeka prevlona to the flght the rortljy tonses we^ 
crowded evcrr evenUig, and upon the day belna anally 
K\Set\ht lnuiSlSS{aiita rnrtdly. The todaira hd 
To (Sancoto reach the place of aellon, and even spaie 
roalnsnto, hacks, and rsgged dmya, were not lo boaeen 
SSSlberoad, fSrltwaaaTuig-upMtontaltogeUicr. Oto^ 
nnmbets of the female sex viewed the "t"*'^/* ''"S"! 
before one o'clock Randall appeared In ">» ft!J JSm^ 
op hla bat, attended by Us acconds, Tom Oliver and Whcio, 
gneteil with loud chcota, and In a 'ow mlnotea sfterweija 
Tlimer threw np hla hat In turn, and Owen and Rlchinond 
waited npon him, amidat the loodcat actlamatlona Itom 
the populace. Twelve to eight npon Randall. 

tb«suDUiiiiia of HiMi im»l«ui» on Ihe oombtUBl ilutlMbwKlii. 
ThB wlllodMOf huhlht mtnwm lotereillos lo Ibo jjinlreri or 
puiUlan,Md nelilHjror ibtnuonwe wmnllni loconilliloii. Tun 
nal ocb oibtr wlUi HI UiiicuKprctUIODOtTeiKlUDUItr^ u>i 
Honnl ixalllvtlT u look Inlo nci oUier'i beiru. I[wudod|lD|, 
dodalu. aoil doiilos apl". "o mlmoa b*' <l'l*'<l ^''l* ' 
biowbU IMO nudt.lnicbliMilbo ittior oeb othtr >ll Unlink 
(Tiw cbBmplon of BoaUadbpn rou«4 ouLwbowu rmmnta io 
bmllDiouribartof, ''what, five nlnutcatod ooblow I") Atreoflh, 
■fur Bme f cUla, TiinitrbuSnUwbtatbainlme Irlth bov Uii|1>c<l 
ud sotanr. The Uuer, bowevcr. waj Dot loei lo oealoi • re- 
lun, and bo |>Te Turwr • Jiwer aod a riHier, eul oot bnvllr 
Hora fctota aoj dodffloa Turn tr bll ebofi wtib bUrlffatbaod, vfbeo 
RAOdall nuhcd loeod weot lowork. lie tried loOb bleopjMneat 
upoD bli old ferortlo •juen and a lann ilrunlo look pUoo for the 
Ibiow. Both dowo. but Turotr undcnnotl. llr~ ~- 

TDMrwaa Immedlitely canted tram itaegraoadlvBal- 
tea. In g Teiy dlsUesaed itaUt, to anelgfaborftglhim house, 
lit to bed, and every attantton and asalstane* admlnla- 
arad to hla wants that boDanltyoonldsugiMt. It la wan 
known tbatbsavT u the blows were, added to the exinm- 
Ityof palnhe mostbaveieit Dram the aevertiv of pnnlali- 
ment hahad reodved, wen "UUes lUht u air," in oom> 
panaon to the aogulib of defeat He was vetr III, hot 
oomplalned mostoi tbe body blowa Randall, lo the ooune 
of the Saturday evening, anlv^ In town, anxious to meet 
bis better-hau and eon, Ibo latter about two yean old. 


0. W. Wmraul.— ne bcoki end eola aaTelr lo baad. 
Ibuibi for the nalob giiBta. Wni ibortlr wriuto U 

Ovia. Jl aiutas.— NaiodoljreotlTod; Umnllaaeoiuly wlih ihli 
wo npir br BaiL 

a w. r.iN. v.— AifOodalanjIhlDglo Bnfllik le "rrera'i Obea 
BaDdbo«k,"publUb«d br T. w. Elmf. Bumf roueaa rad Oer. 
man. far WHcTla Neaeoaiu'e "&AaeAtrM wti Mf«« ^torlm**— be* 
•IdMagrcal deal other ao« and Taluablo DBller, wbolber jou can 
nad nacb OemaQ or not 
II, Ilo«»a— Weleomoectlni the 9iM ibill bare duo ill«niloo. 
Can, Ponaa,— Your inool ttabonU eObrt, fa r« Bolf. 7CS, bw 
bero "Inlmlowod" and fonarded Is Ldpilc Blil;,aro vtriailono 
indTMnovealaalll Tbo like oenr w«t before Kco lo Obtoa 

Oooa Boots,— To IboM wljbing to oorleb ibolr Ob««i Ilbrarira 
wo would oar wo bave now lo oar poueioloo a lot of foKlfii— moellr 
Fraodi and Ocrmaa— worti, of whkb wo will lead a Uel oa lo^ulry 
lodablbUogiapblaldcaertpUoaof laeh as capeeliUy altiaci iluo< 
llso, ^ 

Correotlons of Alexandre,— No. 30. 

tva La 

Tho BIwkRooboD QRItbloerUeDllruilolrDden but afler Ito 
mnoval nato can be flrea la two morn, Tbe foUowlof li a nr- 

— '^,uccoolbcrBd; RookttE B 6; BUfaopa 


Ihe patllioni 00 bolli ildea. , ... 

X Tbo tamo eauiloD wao oianlfcol od both met oa cooiniefKiof 
ible rauDd, aad loog rpirrlog ialD oocumd, BandtH cue a bel- 
Her aod aol owaj.liewas DOIlong la repeallDl II aod eddloaa 
raeer, Loai learrlDS, Tuner endcarortdlo fire a ifeBcndoui bll 
wlib bto lefl biod, but Juk wu learr, aod Jumptd book two roida 
Ver> looi nanbu; In ficL II appeand eo ltdlouo lo iboet wbo wtn 
onlr food oldowDriabl mUllnt, ibil miD; nmoni called out, "Wbra 
•hall wo Bl hooio I* Tomer, wlUi mucb deiUiJlr, P«i Jo a nod bit 
belweto liandill-efilaid. (dnal o»lauie-"Oo II XtUf.y) Tbe 

UlUriaTe Iwo rwaro, end phioied ffiwar m wotiL ,Tbe fioUb of 
UiU round wa< inly oet en, Siblni ud MniiiUog lUI bolb west 
down, T<onlTinlouu;ibad eUpeed, „ . .v 

S. Tbo moutti of Toraer Itemed lo.ibow eOBO llo|e of the cuni. 

nor any trlenda In the dty, and the proprietor of the I 
refused to deliver np ber trunk nnlll the board bill 
paid. Almoet broken hearted she made ber war to the 
Jefflmon Market PoUoe Coort In the afternoon and related 
the story of her mlaTortones to Bergeant KUUtea, who con- 
veyed her to Justice Fowler, acting mtglslrete, wbo pa- 
tiently Uatened lo her plUlol story. As ahe knew nothing 
of tbe rascal who bad effected her nun, nor his where- 
abonta. tho Justice loformed her he could do nothing for 
her. 1 purse was flnaUy raised to porchase a ticket to 
sand her home to her menda, and retnra by the same 
train ahe had arrived hen on the »th. So, full of anlldpa- 
Uon for tbe fotoie, ahe left for her home a sadder If not a 
wiser woman. 

Tax Mioaoia Divobob Oasi.— The Notmegen of Brldge- 

Srt have recently bad ample food for Idle goealp elicited 
the divorce anlt by A. R. T. Nlcbola vs. Charlotte B. 
Kicbols, which doaed on the !Stb ult. Ur. Nichols was 
tnm one of tbe tust famUlee of FalrHeld, and the wife, 
whose maiden name waa Obarlotte B. Been, was a young 
helreaa of Newtown. The wedding took pUce In Uar, 
ises, wasooeor the most brllUaot that ever occorred In 
that aeodon, and waa the aenaatlon In sodal life for a long 
lime after. After a abort wedding tour the happy ffl couple 
went to New York to reside, stopping at the Bt. DeuU 
Hotel, where the respondent bccamo aoqualnled with Ed- 
ward Oebbard, with whom she eloped, going with bim to 
Bonpe, and with whom ahe la now living as bis wife. In 
lta» ahe obtained by freudoleut meana, thraogh the aid of 
Qehhard and othora, a divorce OomNuBola, In the Bnpreme 
" w Yort which divorce was aliarwiida aet 
sroond that It was ob- 
Tn the meantime, how- 

married, and ever ataice 

lived together oa man and wife. The petition on which 
thla loat decree la foonded waa brooghi to tho pteaent 
If arch term of the Superior Court, and allegea the adultery 
of theaaldCharlott4L herdeaertlon of tbe petitioner and 
elopemeoi with Oebnard, ber conspltaoy to obtain the bo- 
gua divorce, the ravenal of tbe asme by the same court, 
ior mud and Impoeltlon, and all the other eaeenilal tacts 
which make op this singular hlstoiT. The petition was 
personally served npon Hrs. NIchoM, alias Qehhard, but 
ahe made no appearance to defend. The facts claimed by 
the peilUonerwcre all aubstsntlstol hy oral teatlmooy and 
a nomber of depoaiuons and the judgment rolls of the 8o- 
preme Oooct or New York. . 

A IficHiaiN ooim^ who bod tired of each olhen' 
caresses, latdy agreed lo disagree connubially, Tho con- 
tract being doly aloned, the ex-husband forwarded it to 
the county dert with the following explanatory note:— 
"This agreement has been maid ana dnod up betwixt my 
Self sno Wife and I doant now wether It la cordon to law 
or knot and I want you Sod record II If It la lawltil aod If 
It Is knot drew won that la." 

but Ibero waa doubl about II, lie, bowerer, apparad lo breiUie 
refTaolcLandralherdlilRaMd, Tbe laclka of both ibenunwere 
roilly of lbeantocderefaclento,andllwai Tlewtd eautonUhlni 
by moel of Ibe old imalenra; In foci, II waa eipnaulu Jeaullful." 
Indeed, bolb of the meo wen ee well prepared, ibot If the ellsblul 
mlilakewai madellwu not oteilooked, and IbU out laoinl for 
IboclUemocaolloaoobolblMn. Beodall badnererudanjlblni 
Uke eucb • cuiUmrr lo deal wllb befon, and Tunar bad no borer.lo 
10 bmloff band. Tbli nnnd UMk iblnecn mlnolei, and ihe pauiet 
wen 00 Douinellr loof Uiat ioino of ibe Jokcn idfloedTem Owen lo 
bare a pipa. Cribb wlibed for bu oI|bi cap ud talked of pepper. 
Old Caleb odvUed Uiem lo (« lo work tod bit cacb olher*l nobo off I 
Afur oumerauo felQUk Ibe nuod wai Qnlebod well, Tuneruodcr. 
inMl,ood Randall fell orerbin nlber awkwardly npon bla neck, 
is 10 11) wu offmd on Ibe latter, 

4, Pretn ibeilTleof OthllOfdUplarodbr.boUi of lh« eombaluill 
llwaacTldent It mualpravealonf egbL BolbaotlouotBdoD Ibe 
wok out pot 10 flvo btu a cbaoee away, BaodaU pul la two boor 
blowa Tumer'a Irfl baodaleoloUoo bUoppoornl'e moutb. The 
bltUna end ilopplo| on both eldea waa mumr. Tuner^i nou wai 
now bltcdlns cnpiouslj, end BandaD'a face ' 
[Sboute of appUuee.) 
a Id Ihli round Rai 

wuplokel Both down. 

... .u ..nUll look Ibe lead, he Ibbod bU omoeni 

■mreir ond then fdt upon bIm bearU; In |oln| dow d. "W«I1 done, 
Jaet.tbat'elhewtrlowlalL" .^j _ 

a To allcopi to Jeanibo nlnulcly Ibe fetnli, the pauo, dodglifo, 
Sc. would fill a volume, lod Ihcrelore we muil oooSne ourvlvte to 
in eipllcll but abort epiuioo. RandiU ipll ume Mood out of bli 
mouth, when Tumtr'e left hindau(hl bli opponcot'l neM •ndthe 
daitliaA down iDIo bla mouth. (Owen Toclrcnud, "I'U hare Tur- 
ner for aai," end "Bian, Noddr.") 1 veiy Ions paiiionnotd,tnd 
II alami leenud that ntllber or Uia eombaiaata wUbcd to make a 
hit, ■« much caution wai uatd. Fifty mlnutei bad eUpMd. Turner 
made a trancndoiii bit wllb hli letl band, but Randall ilopoed in 
effecl wlUi SniUIIL Aneichuinof bb>wa Tuner timed lodo 
BmelbloiwlUi bunabtaod lefl haada, but Ibo blowi wen illtbl. 
Randall aot away, ■uaioi up bli Mood, wbkh appeared rather 
Iraubleame to bin, fnm bli noae. Trillns eichiofea. Turner 
uemedUitd ud puldowo bla hinda,Mtlberweraioonup aaln 
on AaadaU olferlni lo hIL Tomer threw two biowi away, when 
Randall pullna eerenbodyNow, Inotber loni pauie. Bandall 
now pul down bU bandi,luil for a momenl'o laM, wbenTunarraa 
lo, not to loaaaaopportunlljr, but Bindall lauibed ud wu PRfUtd 
for htm In an lottuL Loni nau, 8«enl felnit, but no bftUns, 
(Owen called oot (or • chair, that he Dlibl ill down, lo view Ibeie 
■denlllo men.) Bindall rutm a hiary body Mow, but |0t • uarp 
bender lo mum. Tbe Konpittll leonad to bo ebaiiclni hfi oodi 
of tuack ud UTlls lU forlho body. ILood nlei of 'SOo to work," 
from 111 puu of Ibe rln|.) Tuner iloppod a bean bIL Tbo latter 
waintulF 11 tbo rope^ when Uia iiKculon cried oul'Thil'l nol 
nlr, Jlck, 10 IM bIm Into a coraer," Turner, bnwef er, bit Bandill 
on Ihe had, end ilM eodeiiored isllDIo uiehto left band wllb 

round, aad "Well doni bolb," rnm Jf paiU of tbo ilnf- 
7. Tbia wia • mmeadoua nuBd, and Turner loaned much dla 
InM In nalnslo Iheaaaleb. ^r a few eicbuaca, Bondlll 
eloaed, aad weal ebarpl; u work on Iho weavlnf oyuem, UU they 
both went down. 

& Tbtawaialoa • nabllos mud, aad Tum^ ten hud iM lata 
hla oppoaul■•fac^bnl RudiU In tun pul In aihupbodler, Io 
cloilns, Turner wai Ibnwn. 

9, When tune wia aUtd, Tamer wu oboullo commence play on 
Raadill'a etdoof Uioriof, when Iho latter bIJ, 'Kicp your own 
•Ida** TbIa wu a ^bol nund, tod bulb fibbed CKb other hi lom. 
Id lolof down, RandiU bul Uie beil of iho fell 

111 TbU nund wu fuh at Kltneo, tbe bittinf end elopplnsonbotb 
■Idea bdni of tbe tnni order of Uio ut. Toner complelned thil 
Baodallbid Ind beatlly upon bU toe, and uld, 'Do you call that 
fair, Juki" Bandall, lo reply, aotwrred, "I did noL" Inilrui- 
■Una for the throw, Tomer Ihrew Budall onr bIm. "Bnro, 
Noddr, thil'o Ibo Ume of div. Thon'o a un-jiid for you, ud Ihe 
Bennoodioy bora wUl an II for rou," mya Owen. 

II, Thalieal ludpiwen itlll belwnn bona and fan uoon the 
lubJecL Bandill lecmcd lo haro Uie but of It, but Ibo loodneu of 
Turner wu ao will known Ibal ho did nol now even want for 
lacken Bandill fatToracrtotalboiunind putlnaucmendoui 
bll on hli left eye, ibat midehlm wink isilo. He, bowerer, R- 
cDvertd blmiclf, end aire bla opponent a aremoneanlhebrad, 
baakcL In aolos down. Tuner nalrcd a hit, wbkh Owen uld wu 
rOul,and oiled out to Iho umplire rtepccUns It, but-nonoUeo wae 
taken by the unplieaind II went off: 
a. Turner hithli opjgocolrlshtaDd lefl, but Ibey^ldno^ 


Offer to Back yfm, B. CiirllB Agaliut iaj Man 
UyIiik for 810,000. 


Borne weeks since an artlole appeared In onr colomos, 

givUig a akeloh of the New York AthleUo Club, lo conoec- 
00 wllb which we preeooteil a tabular alalemeot ot feata 
of atreogth credited to certain memben of that organiza- 
tion, OS Tlkewlso othere nooennected therewith. At the 
head of the list stood Wm, a Oarlta, who was recorded aa 
having elevated a dumb boll weighing iMiba, lined 
l,aoiha. with tbe bands alone, and aitOOlbe witb the old of 
harness, which Is Motba. more than any one else Is credited 
with, Ur. Wloship having. It li said, UAed iMOIba., aod Dr. 
Butts 9,7a71bs. with hsrncas. The nnbllcallon of said artl- 
de created Quite a breeze among tooae who lay claim lo 
superior muscular ability In this section (as It hasdonbUeas 
done elsewhere also), and we are Informed that the 
Brooklyn heavy-welgbt, Fat Kelly, coosldered that his 
powen had been underestimated tbereUi. At all events 
a ohallenge was published over his signature In ao 
eveolng paper ot thla dty, oDbilng lo make a "lest 
case<nbr money with Ur. Ouitia. to thla II. A. Buer- 
meyer, a member of aald club, responded on behair 
or Curtis (who was abecnt from tbe city), and deposited 
I7M 10 make a match, leaving the money up tor a week. 
No notice having by that Ume been tokeo of Curtis' card 
of acceptance, the money waa withdrawn and Mr. Bner- 
meyer called npon Mr. Keller In person, when the latter 
ataled that he bad never aothorlzed any one to Issue a 
ohallooge, that It had been done by tho reporter oo hla 
own reaponslblUly, and that be did not wlah to make a 
match with Onttla. All thhi naturally hod the effect of 
Increasing Ihe irarmth or the dlocuaalon upon the aobject 
In athleilo drdea, and with a view to potting ao end, cnce 
and rorever, to the queatloo In dlapnle, Mr. Buermeyer 
walled npoD os od tbe 7th mat., and left tlisxhallenge 
which appeare below, at tho same time placing a 
depodt or one thonoand dollon In our handa to make 
everything tegular. In order that no one may have 
any plausible eiouse for deellnlng lo aocept this bold 
<l<n, or allowing It lo pass In sflence, Ihe challcDger 
leavaa tt open lor one month from tlie date of our 
pieaent Issue, which Is aumclent time to odmltof every 
one becoming cognizant of It; he Ukewlae expresses a 
wUUngneas to compete for a sulUble prize with any person 
wbo may be opposed to staking money opoo tho usoe, so 
that, If no 000 comes forward to plok up the gauntlet, oni^ 
OS wm be rully deserving or the ttUe of ■■Ohanplon Ath- 
lete," However, we trust that eome one aniong (hose who 
claim extroordlnaiT physical powers wUI see lit to back on 
their pretensions with sometblog more aubalantlal and 
eonvlndng than mere worda, ao Ibat the pnbllo may be af- 
forded an opportunity of witnessing a compelltloo which 
oannot hot prove highly Interestbig to all who advocate 
tboee exercises whiob condoce to the derelopment of Ihe 
human tnme, Read tbe challenge:- 
_ •• i«»w voM.Apruaib, wm 

„,'i"* Qonw.-Dua8iR.-AninldeonlhoNew York Alhlotio 
"'HV°. '!!'" ollllon of Ibo Ulb nil,, conlolnlnga llil of unos men 
anil ibelr feau of einisib, le creailoa coniulenble ulk ooons ilh. 
lowouuiwboralbebonorof"Ohlef*i belonti, Ao oo imouot of 

cbin" will ietllo Iho mauer.pleaielnien In rour paper Ibo ocoom- 
ponylna cballeofe. In Riuitn open one moolh from dale of vouroeil 
laiue, tail wul or Umo may be oo eicueo for nonaooenlinca t will 
maleb Wm, B, Curlll eaatnd any ma fn (Ai worfir fori Irill of 
•InnaUi ii ibo four follawing fata, forai,Wor«>,oaOailde:- 

ULTutllna upono dunbbelL 

Id, PulllDs up two dumb belli al tho umo time, one In ach bind. 
Sd. Llfllni with handa ilone. 

lib, lirtlnswlUibameu. 
^^^jrtlu locepUi^jbe nboro will namo_ 

Ire or take ei< 
10 four oiemeM 

Utnwllk I hand rou • forfeit of ILOOO. 

simedanriBUlirtaill iihletei, ronDlnaalmoilapfrfeatleitortbo 
itnosihof ibeeotln bodr, ihoua h If ooy other or better onaanbe 
'"mtodlheywUlboconildered. Sbouldinr one wUblni b> con- 
Loblocl lowaiormoner.aprlKOef al^eT■lu^ln fonnofa pleoo 
plalo or other appropriate meranrtil, will boisreeable. fwlll 

lit to 
ofa 1 

•lintodlheywUlboconildered. SI 
iMToblecl lawacrmoner.aprlioof 
or plalo or other appropriate meran..., «„. 
wasor Ibeume inouot lut Hr, W, n. Curtli an perform all Ibo 
S"f,f "O.™*"' "> 1^0 itrooa mra In Iho artlole before allodod to, 
Hf^T. I' Dr. 0, B. mnibTp, Prof, A. B, Bulls, or my cOur Kan, 
WU; S*'£a mUh al hiratu llfUni, I will wunr lb« same imounl 
thai Mr. OurUiwIII lake bUoompelllor'ibullMpulhlffl (oru e^ulr. 
altnlUibliwelibUonlopof llindlinbolbloierber. Ilnull ihall 
bar from the "muMulir Cbr1illina"pnmpllr, 
Yonn mpeelf uUy, II. k 

Bvaaaani, M U unay IL 

^^•T- ■ .r..«,» .. »w Huiv alvo lla Sret i4uwh, 

• ... 'omindsdmsof aatory, never kelbre printed, U- 
inttrative or tbe nnOanlng loyalty or patriollBm of one of 
the iheatrloal nrofeealon. Tlie late N. T. Davenport, 
known among hla frlenda as 'Nick,' was ploying an on. 
gogeinent in Bt. John's, XB. Dis wile was Tn the condU 
ton Ibat those are who love their lords. UU brother ao- 
lors twitted him with the probabUlty of having a ohild 
bora bn Driiuh sou. This led to a beU But 'Nick' iru 
not to be outdone, lie sent to Bssiport, Mains, sixty 
muee dlatant, and reodved by etcamer a basket of Ameri- 
can Bdl, This ho placed between the maltrcsa of Uie bed 
oocnplcd br his wife, over which he sespsndod an Amarl- 
gBdag, In duo time the event arrived. Kick' won his 
net; the child was bom 'on Anertoan aoU aod under tho 
AjMiicaD nag.' This beats Mark Smith's perfonnance all 

_ ... vb 

._j poeltkn of Bandill, orrtducehliiUrnftl - 

Uoworenli w»i muldetpenlc round, 7 to don RandaU, Both 

heavy enoufh to alter 

down ud binl milling, . 

li Randall pul lo a dnpente uoner, Ibat Knlbli nob back, (sd 
thoclanlfollowfedin tomntii ho repealed liand Tureerwentdowa 
Raodill hid now tot upon Iho had work, lod Itfi plohlna al the 
bodj, TbIa wu the Dm knock down blow, and treat abouOog fol- 
lowed IL 

K It wuiaillyulonlablog towllocu Ibo coolnea wllb which 
Turner came up to tho eoatcb after ibe iremeadoui punUhment he 
bad recelred In the Uit round, lie ilioblloul tigbland left, ood 
umo ocvere eichaogce occurred between Ibcm. Io doalos. Turner 
Obbed RandiU wllb lome elfccl, but Ihe former wcot down. Bindill 
forflOO. TboraUindcnalliniiiyiilf FiddiCoorlraarbid been 
playtns bliplpco lalheot. "By do powen, Juk an't loielti but 
jel Turner li a Doe fcUow," , . , , 

lA AvetTibirsnunl flood efbling on bolb ildea lodoilog, 
TurnvrgolBandalldownondalMundermoiL _ 

I& A oMilderaUe pauu before n blow wu made. Turner at 
leniiblei Or with bla Icftbindon the bodr, but Randall pul In lo 
bearr a blow on Turorr'i mouth neirly to dlilolgo hU Ivoiy, lod 
the duel Sowed pnfuKjy, In clMlo|, Turner Obbtd hU oppontnl, 
bui bo fell dowo rather weak. , _ ... 

17. InlbUnuod.ln iliustllog for Ibo Uinw, Timer Ibrew Ru, 
dalloutoflhoringind ilood up, tanlog OTcrtnonpa, "Btarol" 
indgmtippbiuir, . . , _ 

lA Till nund wu Ibe mat nlllinlni during the billlc. Turner 
tried to UK bla left band dnpenulT, but wu tloppod. Rindall 
ruobed Into fiolabbli mania ilyle,hulbe mliocd bla ottjoeL At 
length tbor bolb sot to work, lUI Turner went down eihauatcd. 

\l In tbli nund Turner — " *" — '^" " " — ' 

"Oood. mr boy, every lltuo 
out with m»h rocrcy- '~ 


To CorratpondanU. 


Wuim-Klng al Q B B) Qu 
Duck.— Klof u bU 4; Quee 

QueentlEDa: Rookttq B 3) Bishop al 
' k Xliqi XoItbUilKT.ADdK K(6lb. 

wblta u> pU7 aod giro laaui In ihna mora. 
PBOBLBU No. 114. 
ror"IK)fTQ«c,*<nad D'Orrlllo. 

PBODLEU Na ll0.-U)Blf. 
Bee nola ob Ko. O. 

FBOBLBU Na 116.-I0Eir. 
Wm-KlDcalQRavQuMoaberB un Knlgbu al Q Rt ^ aod 

U. 6: nwot al QS, aad K B Sd. 
Buoa.— Kiog al Q 4tb. 

Wbli« mtn Id ibmnorei. 
Ms* be ncatir wired rvUnri:— l-.P io Q 4:S..QloEElt: 
3..Q to KlB,BUl«. For "MilcaS,'' nad— "JTufnB, atm npfn.' 

WoiTB.— RiBf al Q aq; QaecD alK B Kalfbtaal K 4, and K Kll; 

PawDilE iL 
BU0S.-Kli«at1)4lh. , ^ 

Wblla mal/i In ihrw moret 
Oommn tbe "Baoond PotlUon" of BlauDloa'i "OhuaPlajw'a 
Ilaodbook," bT an "Analaurof India":— 
Warn.— Klof alQB«4;QuMoaiberaiEBlcbUalQ B As and 4 
Favu Kl Q B 2, andlC filh. 

BUOL- Kliu al Q El S; Pawo al E Bd. 

WbllAoululB Ibrea taoraa. . „ ^ 

(Wllb Ifo. 119 compan Ma 83 ; ind No. m I* (deaUttl wllb No. 9a) 

FBOBLBK No. 12L-DX)RnLLB. . ^ 

For "Ha «d S. nad "JTai *m S. amt U r-'** " ^1* ebaofl* la Iba 
eondiilouUnneMarTlopnreoliDatabelafglreDla aaraial njt 
In iwomoTu. 

17vm.-KlofalbUfl;QuceaalbcrK3i FawoalQSd. 
BucL— KiDgai q Alb. 

whllo main to Ibm mowta, 
AalmplebalniDarkabteUIiulnUonorBuiolDibfl mUdla of Ibo 
' 7ba Imliailons or ibli poslUoo an vcrr oufflcroui. 


Eji la a tbirp boJIcr, wbca Owen tald, 
r)H;"wbeD lUiMUll'aoM fortobnUe 
^ ^ Id chwlog, ho peppered ibe fioo of hla op- 

SODroi.lIko aroutmaD'ailylltbkDOdikiadoor— It wu ditto, dlilo, 
liio, duio, tUl Turner went Uoiru eovertd wHb blood. One hour 

aod thlnj-llTo minuter . 

S. Turner, boworer, ouDO lo bla lloie uadlimajed. aad bit nil 
»nd right, wbttb RaBdall ool oolr iiopped, but lain plaotcd a 
Hvcro raoer, Ibtt broughl forth iho cbnt lo torrcob. Io doitflg, 

XL Turner bit wllb htalofi bind on RaDdaU'i now, and bo alto 
went down frvm tbe fora of bla ewn blo«r. Bandall aeemed a llllle 
CKbaualed Tioai tbe work be iMd tad topcrfom.ond a-aialao Mctdlof 
It Ibo mouth, la fici, thla How aceuied to bivobad noro cOtecT 
Iban any bo bad rcttlrnl during tbe llghL 
XL Haodall no Tumtr dcwn, tfitV ao cicbanio of a few blowa 
a FlbtMog, aad Turner a bod fall. Tbo laticr ippennd getiloa 
weakibQiotUI full oTooumgr. 

94. Turner, bowenr, aioo flnl lo tbo ocntcb whh undlmtoUbod 
eooildcDco oDdputIn aimaH, rlght-baoded bit on BandaH'imiir. 
'Ttut*a It," uld Owco; "you koow bow to do It; foltagalnl" In 
Iho itrvBile, Turner alioaitiprlml iho •pociatora «Ub Ibe alitojith 
thai ho poaraaed, loibroalDg Randall wlibfrmt violence. C'Bm%-o, 
Tumrr— you ore not Wat rotl") Tho boun bad now ebtpoml. 

SO. Turner lautoUhcd Iho rlog by blaoomlogop ao cbevrru1ly,aod 
•omooftbo good Judra did oot anow what to think of II, thL7 uhl, 
aod that It waa nol aliofetbor to Mfo ao naoy mlgbl Unactoo, Ban< 
dall planted a al^bt bUaad alipptd down. 

aOb Tumerwu flnl at ibeacnicband bit IlAndaH tlgbtand loil, 
but Iberwen ooi heavy. Sparrlni— Randall garoaaetvnd hoock* 
downUoiT, [TumultuouiappUuM. Aiidoomeof thepaddlcailng. 
Iflg out for Joj. "*Tina oo a itrrel May nioralni," ic] BAOdui 
lookod atlilaTailto Toe and aloopetl down, wluklug to bli menda, u 
It were, Ibat be thouiht u all rigtt. 

— -i. fli.rouabi rooD 

Randall «-u u _ 

ig dapacd, It wu iruir 

dloaiy to wllneaa aucb eicrthoaoo Doib ald(> Turner bit Randall 

37. Tola waa awcll-rouabi roood aod TuMtrpol lo lomo good 
lia. Io golog dowo, Randall wu UDdermooi. At thlaalage or Ibo 
wu truly Mlraor- 


battle, upwiraa of iwobouri harloj 

rlfbt away mm bIm, but tbo lailer followed Turner up till a lerrlMo 
•trunlo u»kptac« Intlodog. Turner alio aiopnod aiereni blow 
aimed al bbn by Randall, and Id return ht plautM a abarp bit oo tbo 

sTror'nef acila nobbed bla optnoeol wlth^ bla lefl haod, bul be 
wu floored from a tnun^ndoua bal] 

oQlragtoua lo ^Ibolr ahouU^ and 

hit. The padilln wcra now 

, ^11 jour' own, Jack. Only 

one more luebiand ibe balllo la orer" Jho Tallet now loohcd 

>lT hit. 
it'a ■] 

lalhir Mue, and long facea were tbo onlcr of tbo day amoneat tbcDL 
39. Nolwltbalaodlng tbe bcivy flooring bliTnracroi|Krlencc4 lo 
the lul round, bo ttmenp to the acratch u oool aao encumber. 
Tumor alao commeoccd Sgbilog, andendcaTored lo do lomo eiccu. 
iloawlth bla letl band, bul Randall iioppcdblm. tuacloBC,bolb 
dowo. Two boun and un mlnulea bad oiptrcd. 

30. Turner loflthekneeof hlaaroDndOni.and qgllouiUOed the 
liog that the Oihi wu ool oul of bin. Uo made aomo good ei- 
cbanfoa, till both weal down. 

31. Tbo run of Tumor wu ditadful—ll wu one mau of claral— 

bol bla area wan open, and be fought aa cool u If ho had only oom* 
neoctd the OgbL ^Tuke bIm aw>y— bo'a too pme,*' wu the cry. 
"Ue'aan aocleot Brltoo,'* aaya Tom Owen; "wo won't leao It, be^a 

III wiiivui atiiwui anj* *< - , - — - - -- 

oaly got a eoratch upon hla face.'* "Ilo'a ao bonor lo bla oouniry," 
cieUrmedagallBQirrlah Colonel. "And bore*a Ibo tight lltUa Irlab 
boy,"obeerTed Tom Oliver. "Doth Noapanlle," from allpKrUof 
Iho riog. Turner wu agalo Oooradfrom a aeTerehli InlhoboOyi 
Jo ihli round a dreuinitaooo oooamd whtcb mlibt have proved tbe 
oToriaraw of Bandall, If II had not boon preTcoud. Bailor oSbrtd 
to bet CS upon Tumor, whoa Ollter warmly oboirrcd thai be would 
lay bIm £|Q lo £6 three (Into orer, aod waa iMvlog hla man to come 
aod aisht, but ha wu oailed upoo by HaodaH'a palno ool lo quit 
him for an laitaoL Jam Belcher loat the light with Oribb la oonie- 
quenoo of hU aomnd alaklDs Ihe money, tbua giving llnu for OrIbb 
lo rwTor hla wind. " " * . 

31 TbobnTO Turner, aodlamared, agalo met hl«maD,bulweol 
down fnm a blow. WUleonbIa aooood'aka««,be wuidvlied to 
aire lo,bul hlamanlybMn woulduol anllbr hitnto lay NO; bif 
bnfue nfoMd lla uttonsea. 

U. Tbeitaloof Tomer dow appeared ao pfteoiia, n • ' Iibnrary 
■0 much the pntte of Ibe tpeetawa, that aoveraln'nua* eriedoul— 
"Do ool let bim Bahl anr mon^** , <^l>oo'» aay thai, coollamaa," iv 
piled Oweni "bo w worth iwooly beatea aeol" tuner, bowartr, 
wral oowo fVom a fknr. ,. .. . 

M aad (a>r. The admlnlloo of all Ibe penooa vreaant wu ei* 
pnaaed lo Tlewlnt Tumoraaloeometo ttoaeralofii and, although 
loa alatooroihauatlon,riin>uchleool,oolloelad,aadugtine ua 
pebbla Alter m\e other hlU, a Mow oo the wi aide of Tumer'a 
bold doond bbn, that he eonld ool eome U lime. Two boun, olne- 
tetu mlnolra aod thirty aetonda had olapeed. . ^ 

Tbo flret act or luadaii, oa being proDooaad Ihd vlotor, 
waa to puih Uio orotrd awa/ from him BOd to cUn Uiq 
bond or hla fWlon braTo few, witb muoh seal and fneod* 
BtUpt Hbllo Turner, Dobljr dlsdalDlng oDltDveUri gentlj 
pBtud the priiuo IrlBh boj on hla back, In token that bo 
waa tbe bolter man and bad won ibe battle nobly aod In 
cnllanc aijlo. Tbo amaioura applaudod both of tbom, and 
proQonnccd them tbotvo beet Dltaoruinff,orthelrwalgbt, 
10 tbo couDtrr. 

Tomer, on bolog rcpeatodlj nrgod to glTa H lo, Indlg- 
nantlr enamed ncti odvloe, aaafirtlnff toat ho oonld nt 
win tbo battle. Ilia brother (Ur. Baxter) atloogtli Inal^tsJ 
that bo BhoQidflgbt oo longer, wtilob put an end io tho 
oontcat. Oo TloTory bebig deotarcd In rhror of lUndaUi 

TO nt coirnHOEO. 

Enigma No. 719. 
"Anailerptcc« of CbfaaUmlegr."' 

ir I. LOTO. 


^ ^ ^ i 

QlliljRiil, bcrB4, EBB, KBTIta. 

^ ± i 1 i 

tllillRu), QBS, EKI3, KEl^ KRftl' 
Wbllc U) pUy ind gira rail. In Ihito mofc 

Problem No. 719. 

w M 1 

^ y//////M 

BUck 10 plarl 

I mm. " 

rBodgiremif t*f 

Game No. 719. 

Tba elMlupordi orihttUlo "ChunDCoTbunay** In lh« Braok- 



I. .Plo\4 


(..BKX >■ 



II. .P-Kt 
U..BF X Kl(t) 

IB..EB y R-4- 


E-iCt 3 

BUB a (III • - 
Kurt, am, 

after a few morea, Ur. 0 libera rttlgoa, taking acoond booon, &Ia ao> 
tagoolil winning the ObUieoe gbeaamcn, the prime otjeel of oootiv* 

J7ote«— by Ifr. Brtnilogor. 

(ft) ThlamoTOwu not well oouldartd;1iloaca al leaal a I^wo, 
and glrra Ibe Delenee the belter OLne. 

(M Obvloiitly be oould not lake Kt wllb Q. 

(') A^bi tbe Aiiach don not pUy cormuy. B lo B 7 4, and Ibco 
P X H, would liaTobfen fkrhclicr. 

dO Gocma enUrvly demonllced; thla loeea a 2d P. 

(0 H to K iq looha to be tbe only more to uto Q Si P a few moru 




TM new nU. «rths (ime lOTnnlnff tha daUrcir oftto 
bBll V» in. M'tirin. wtucb m to b« oEteired tbli Muon, 
necealUM . l«w waidi of tMat In nrennet to Uu itjl. 
or b«tuni tMj wUl call for, ud la oooneoUon wllb tlU. 
BoMMtuwlU not iM out of pu« to tlliule lo Di*t Mjla <|f 
hiDdUog ilie ub In bu« ball wblcb ntliy couUidu. lood 

Bua B.n U so tongtr ( men guns for fan tai eierdM 
ODiT, tboogb, of eoone. It la u muob avtlUbIa for tboM 
■Implsobjccuu aver; battbanln baTtbetn m> ancb 
ImpcoTBtf, Uld n mocb bia been doBe to iflbtd a laM for 
tbtfnllilaTClapmentor tU Uie nasljattilbateaof pDOk, 
endartooa, nerve, acUv Ur and ooonaa In tbe practlM ot 
Iba gam*. Ibat It U line Ibat nlea iboold ba laid <1owd 
falmiUtan alio to derelopo Ibe mental powai* nqoldla to 
talis excel In tba Rime, ai bave been In regard to Ibe 
pbjsloalpowen. Latia ace, then, wbat a plajerbaa to 
atndjlnblimind aa lo wbat be bu to do wben bo takes 
bet In band to aaaome tba oObnalTa In a costeit for Uia 
palm of anperloiltr. Of coona bla main object la lo aoore 
a mn, bnt tban li aomctblng to bo conaldired bctldcs tho 
metefkotofobtaJnlDgtbonin, and that laloaeoaio It with 
tbe laait tatlgna. U ttie baUman blu tha ball OTor the 
bcada of tbe oatoeldera ba gate bla ran al onco, bol at 
wbatocatt Wbf, etihoexpeDaaof runnfn<;oneAundmt 
and taaauvantal Mt titnuuc nerd, Iba reanlt being that 
ha airlTea home out of bnatb ana cnllrolr nnlll for hirlhor 
liar witboat raL If thla were conUnacd br each pUrcr 
o each iDnlnga tbe roault wonld be Ibat the atrengot nine 
would ba broien down before Okj bad lol tbrounb half 
tbe game. Now, If tbla atjria of balling u ooiiect In one 
eaaeltlainall; bntltlanot akUhil batting at aU. for It Is 
specially eharaeUrliUo of tba least ukUful data of plajora 
In Ibe whole ftatcmltr, tU., the "Uumna;" for thla class 
ofbalsmencanbltbolla for "bone rnna" Just as well aa 
llTBt nine plareta can. Agalo, too, given a pany of mnscn- 
far men, with long, heavy bals and a lively, eiasflo ball, 
and the game they play isalmply a contcatsa to which can 
make tbo moat home mna nom heavy bllUng, wblla In 
ancb gamea akUfui fielding— which la the aluacllva (ealoro 
of base ball— isof but UlUe aeconnt. The adence of bstilng, 
lnIact,Ueslnthalekll(Ulaaoof ibe bat which ylehlatbe 
batsmon bis flnt base witboat any silia aSbit m running. 
In order lo attain tbla icsult, however, be most bring lua 
bialna Into pla; ao aa lo outwil bla opponents, by sending 
tba ball 10 tbe field wllb la little expenditure of forte as 
neccaaaty, but la such a manner aa to render It nearly Im- 
Hnalblo for tbo flclden to Held It either on Uie ly or to re- 
nin II in time to put playcn oat on Ibo bases. 8up- 
poae each player of Ihe niao wore to accurc bla flnl base 
on bis bit ovary time ne went to Uie bat the result wonld 
be Ibat Sve nua would be acored, and thiao men would bo 
on the bases when the ninth man was at Iho bal; and 
Ibeae inas, moreover, woold have beoo obtained wllbout 
any fiOlgne, and each man at Ibo cloao of Ibe InnUiga 
woold be OS ready for leMIng aalfhobadnotnin a baao. 
Bnt anppoee, Inalead, that tbe drat Iva Dlaien bad Kored 
home inns from long hits to tbe outer field, no moto runs 
wonld bavo been scored Iban In tbe diat Inatance: but In. 
alead, Uieie wonld bave been flvo meo half uaod up by 
their Tlolant running, and ao fatigued as lo be unlit to go 
lo tbe field wlUionc a good reat. Dut It la nnncceaaaiy to 
aigne tbe qaeaUon funneri saoice It lo aay, that Ihefrator- 
nlty In general now recognize that alyle of batting which 
aeeaica the Bnt base by "clean" hits the greatest nomber 
ofUmea aatbeosly true ctllerlon of aklUnl and adenlUo 
play at the bat. And keie lot ua aay a few worda on tho 
anbjeot of aecuilng basea on hits, a bataman makes "a 
base on a blt'< wben be aeeucs Uie flnt base (rain a bit 
which sends tbe ball cither •■aafo" Item a catch, or It be 
hit ao Ibat It cannot be alopped and flelded lo tbe base In 
Ume to put Iho player out, or so oa to send It towards any 
oneofuiolnfleldenwlthoat tboli bcUig able lo rtaohli. 
Tbe batsman does nol makes a baae on a bll, however, 
wben be sends np a bigb ball and gives a cAnnoe for a 
Caleb— whether taken or not It does not matter so long as 
Uie cbance Is offered— nor wben a ball Is bll to any one ot 
the Inlleldcn, and It is palpably muffed; or If In each 
case It be flelded well but badly Uirowo to Iho Iiaae- 
man; or If It be both flelded and thrown well bul 
nol neld by Ibe baseman; or If two floldera bcsltale 
as to which man ahall Add the ball and tba atrlker in Ihe 
Interim makes bis bate, or U a ball be flelded to put a 
player out on aecond or third or borne baae, wno la 
"forced" oir, for In all ancb caeca the Oelder can as readi- 
ly put out a player atflreiboae aa at the base be may deem 
It a point of play lo throw to. In all Uieae Inalancea Ihe 
BlrUter mokes his base elUier by the errors of hla oppo- 
nents In the field, or at Ibo expense of the baas runner 
be fortea off, and in each Inaianco ba U to be charged 
wIUi obtaining a baae by an error. Neither ahonld a 
boso be credited to the batsman wbo gala hla base 
owing to the excesalve eleeUdty of tho ball In ro- 
bounolng over the bead of Uie Ui-flelder, for It la 
not Ilia balUng afcUI which cnablea blm lo make his 
base, but tho extra qaanUty of rubber hi tbo balL All 
balls hit "fUlr," and yet no doae to Ibe font ball Una and 
ao near home baae as lo be dioicolt lo get at In time, are 
lo bo credited as yielding a baae on tbe bit. A naid 
bit boll, aent direct to Uie pitaiber, and which be Hops 
but cannot fleld In time, alao glvea a baae on a bit. All 
theao Inslsnoes refer to the earning of tbo flnt beao by 
Bkllirul or poor batting, and In legard to judging ot Ibis 
class 01 "bases on hits," tbe scorer will save very lltUe 
difllculiylnjudghig correctly whether Ibo base baa been 
earned or given. In regard to Ihe total nomber of bases 
earned, however, It la tar more difficult to form a correct 
eaUmata. Theonancesforerromby wblchtheeecondand 
UUid baaes can be made on hlie an greatly malUpUed, and 
hence Uie dlfflcully of jodglog la greater. For laslance, 
me bataman may have earned hla Orel baae cleanly, and 
by a bit wblcb, with ahaip running, might also have 
Bjven blm hla aecond, but hy a mlifudged throw to the 
wrong qoanerha maybe oflordoa a chance to make bla 
tblrd on the aame ball, thereby apparenUy earning two 
baaes by bla hit, It not Uiree; wben, In reality, he bad 
earned hut one. In Judging of tbe total baaca on hlla, or 
wbether tbe bataman has earned mora than bla flnt baae, 
tbo aocrer ahonld take Into ooosldeiatlon Ihe character ol 
the bit, and only give tbejinmberofbaaea which Ihe bit 
oenauiiy yielded, and nol toe number It yielded from lack 
of efficient fielding. Certainly no bell aent to any U>-fleldor 
can yield more than the flnt baae, and very frequenUy 
ground balla sent lo Inielllgent and active oat-fielders onl 
allow a alngle base being earned, "around" or "bound 
hig>.> balls sent near Ills foul ball Ihie and to tho out-field, 
however, hivailably yield two basea and aomeumca three, 

Mat the ngkt nsll ksd not been hit oa Uie beadTiunanii 
aatbe boll was capable of behigmadeu eSSb^Sf?^ 
owing to tbeia being no reatrtcltve ngnlaura lon^ 
Uw amaut of ribbcr which II ahonldconlaS "iSmTS 
Dodoabtof ihanicttbatlhe preaaot ball, u reaSfflu 

elMa; ttaefhct Is eqnally apparent, however, to all dUn^ 
!f".'*^*lSf Ponwaea or a mil develop 

meat of Iheheantleacf onr game, Ihe ball, In Us cooKh 
slilon, hi Ibe very reverse of the right iblng. The opsor. 
tsnlUea the ralo governing lis composlUonallbnls for min- 
ing It hanl and oxcecdlnaly elastic Is sncb as to ma- 
terially Interfere wlUi good fielding; tho present elasUe 
ball aflbrdlng poor bat Aeritv hlttere excellent chances te 
scon rnna by meana of men nnacular power, and to ren- 
der Irneaklllln balUng aomotblog almoet nnneoeaaarv In 
nm getimg. What bi wanted Is a ball bard and elaatlo 
enoogh to be hit well, bat not one so elssUo aa to bonnd 
over the heads of the In-fialden when hit to the ground la 
tbe Infield; end also a ball which cannot be sent from tbe 
bat with ouch force as to render broken fingers or split 
bands aim results of any efforts to atop them. 

To. PBOsrscre in WisniNoroN, D. 0.— Otueomcpon' 
dent, writing Irom Waahlngion on Ibe atb hiBt., aaya:— 
■Tbe proapect now la that we ahall have three clnba about 
evenly matclied, dnilog tbo season, vlx., the Olyinpio, 
MaUonal and JeBbreon. The former clalma to bo a pro- 
fcaalonal— the other two amateoia. The Olymplca bave 
made alreniioaa cxetUona for the scasoa'a play. In the way 
ofgetllnanntclan players, hut bave mado oul noUilng 
yet. Ualoiio baa loft them weak, and now Finkbam taaa 
revolved Clilcago-ward, Indebted lo the club, HcLoan has 
alao lea tbem. Their only acqnlslUoo Ukcly to sUck Is 
Barroagha. The Hsilonsis are close mouUicd, but say 
Uiev bavo a good nine. Their gronnds are In condlUon, 
aod will be naed two daya in the week by tho Jeflfenon 
olub, Tbe Jefftrsona bave a long needed acqolalUon— a 
pitohcr— Tumbull, of Ibe PasHmcs, of DalUmore, Is the 
man, Tbcy have a good field and will give Ihe otberdoba 
some close praetlce. Kail UMSlog haa Men Indalged hi to 

a ulU! an extent already, and practice games wUI bei' 
lla week on boUi groands. Tns Olympics have elecL„ 
tbe followlogofflcere to serve durlnatne next six nonUis:— 
President, C.1I. Alexander; Vice President, R O, UewlU; 
BocordlaiBecreUitT, 0. A, 0. Hmltb: Correapondhui Score- 
tsry, N. B. Young: Tressurer. J. B. HcCoy: Bconr, J. Mil. 
Icr, it.; Hoard oMllieolon, C. E. Coon, A. 0. UlUs, R. a 
llewlu and A. Leech, The address ol Ibe CorrespondUig 
Becretsrv Is N. E. Young, Id Auditor's Office, Waablngton, 
D. 0. Too club Is In a flonilsbing financial condition. 
Oco. Fox, of National fkme, baa Joined the Olympics. 
Then la a bitter feeling hero lowaid rovolven, and a da- 
umlnatlon lo abun dlsrepulahla men andoigasuauou In 
the Iblare." 

ELionoK.— At tho annual elecUon of tha Unoaa Olnb, of 
tbla city, tbo followlog oftlcers wore chosen lo aerve one 
yoar:-«aplaln, J. II. llume; Beerelaiy, 0. Ilaaa; Tteaxi' 
rer, C. Uagnera. 

THE Tai 

AMERICAN lihiPi'' 


^ Our Trettm-Huf«m iittiib 
irpoaofe proolCMBt dgn of ttTpra 


A eomspoDdent, writing ftom Oteveland, sends as tho 
foUowlDg intereeilDg goaalp about tba cmck club of Olovo- 

Tba ForalCllyClttb'aafmjumxeala for IbffaMaooorUTTDan al 
pnaeatlnanuDBCtUeUaute; bowcTrr, 1 ean alveyouenoulllno of 
baae ball pro^Kcia In Ibla rlrloity. TUo Forval ClUea wlU prrarnl a 
airongernlae lhao ever bcretororr, and one tbai will tnako It Inter- 
caUu for any club Ibat oihy happen thU way. I ootkoJ In yourbl- 
ognpoleaorihelcadlacduboorihoeouotn thai tbo Forcol Oltlea 
wtnitnatd^pie/tuiimalttuk. Toaecnaln eiicnt they wcra laat 
araaoD, baring had ikru paid moa lo Uw nine, the reroalader or Bie 
nlno being aHufnir Tbla acatoa It li ue lotaniloa (o hare 

more of a piofeaalooal oine, retaloinc, howorer, aomo homo taU 
eot Jamea L. WhlU>,our old oalcbcr, haj iaou|hl better of 
tbe "roTolvlofl bualntaa,** Inving decided to rcinatn inio tohlaeolori. 
UobaarefuDdednoneyedfmneod blm by tbe "Chkago" dob, and 
will bo beard rnm Id ibo Von»i City Dine Uio oonlog maoo. 
Wblta baa aet a gDOdeiampIo for rnofcer/, and It la lobe hoped otben 
wllirol)owauliroiUodlngbyihclr«nirud/. Whtie will probably 
reiDilo bcbtnd tbe hai, wLue bo la ptir nttUmet with tha eicenllon 
of hie Ibrowlng, although tben la uUk or E. WbtleLOoualo of Jim, 
_. 1.1-^ _ ..i_ .1 Ybli would bean 


age lhaa ttia marked Innrovstasal hi onr 
and there M no place on 
world, wbate iO man? »wm mMKu^ ^ 
seenu on Harlam Lane. RaeUig bu sTtfbaas*! 
work In ihls conitry, Uie Immnn onUay auanS ■ 
;>B('^t the utter woiUilasosa of tta tunaar- 

thUiTPfi.^S?.'" ?MihIy alias ftom tbo nSSi 
SS£]£?''S!l.S" «• •olllbejimsdSiA 

rSSl5i!2I?f *• prominent faalnres of UefiL 
keo Paradise and ibe ptopla, itch and DOor.Toansa^^ 
aeein to have an InbornlMeWJito geniSe 1^^ 
E'l'Ja.'^C'f" """! «4n>l»aHon fortbe>oldho™eSI 
brought about marvalon* resnlUi. patent to ibemort onS 
2>««""-_ThoprIcea which liiit^aiiuiSimMn 

tbronihont the conniy, aad offer ample Indo^enlate S« 
"»f J 'xpcnii in bone cnn to aconrlbc lana fnfjnnmtom, ii ^ 
whieh promise well, aaUafled they have a rea^ retJfftS 
nattataed colt provea a woqder. Bome olthMTtaiiMS 
wonden have been Jogged over nanem Une dai^Jtt! 
I«»''Uiter,bataltlraeawbcn not oven a calwu 

I!^?M.£l'ni*'E?.''','r' fi.^^"" '"o <""«•• that ima 
■■chlelUHngnotM" might peaalMybe bidden bchhiaS 
fcnco and apol tbo colt oa be was opened for a aly biub. 
Though the winds ore sllll chilly and Uie dost at tines a£ 
noyhig, the carnival for 1870 has begun, aid Iho old tnu 
Mia are one aner another pawng Ui an appeannooS 
ttckle their former nppoaenU hi a frlcndly^niah; h« 
Uielr driven ke«p a sharp eye an the new recrnlls, mittty 
esiefiil before tboy nak ihclr Iannis of tbe Dosltfor the a& 
of Uarlom lane la Uilck wllb rumomlbat one or twoeseclal 
nnknowna an laying In wait for a obance to pick Ibem on. 
They may doBo, and we alaccrely hope ihey wiu; pragrcai 
la the OurriK'a moUo, and we aide wllb the colla, thoniS 
tbe odda agafaut thaD aeemed fsaifhl, aa ws lately feaatea 
onr eyea on tbo throng wblcb laiily tew np and down tba 
lane, For an boar ws watched a scene worth hnndnda 
of miles of tnvel to wllneaa, If for no other pnrposo th.n 
te nolo the marvelous dexlerlty of tho genilemra wba 
fmlde tbeso flyen, which. wlUi bat tow excepUons, aio 
Uioronghbreds, blghnncuied and pampered, but evince ■ 
sagacity and docility which ipeaks well for Ihe American 
aysum of training. Dexter, KtngofOit Tur/, whowaSL 
not long since, pronoanced nafii for the roid, vicious and 
unrellaole, swong Ibroogb Uie crowd gtnile as a lamb. 
Donnor looking theplcton ofoonfldeace and complacenay. 
Dnll Una, another wiry specimen of the 3:20 typo, mabed 
bytmder perlect contnL Honntaln Doy, Bateber Boy. 
nrkwoed. Idol, Wasp, Shark, Rockelt and a host of oihen 
whom w« ahall noUco aa the aeason opens, ipan post, all 
behaving with propriety, demonatralbg that blood 
wilt tell In bonea as well as tn man— In nuilty aa 
well as In abow. Ilomhient la Ihe crowd we nouced 
Queen Dido. It Is nol considered eUqnetlo lo mention ags^ 
and we might possibly offbod tbe gay queen ahonld wa re. 
mhid our readen bow long Ibe lady baa displayed bar at^ 
tractions on tbo road. Sbo alone Is lo blame U, after ont^ 


Tho lonicxpceted main between Pat Carroll, ot Fhlladel' 
pbla, and if . Oarney, of Jersey City, (wlUi a confedeiate of 
Now York): the former representing tbe Biato of Pennsyl 
vanla, and the latter New York and New Joiaey com 
blned, came off at tbe favoilla resort at Union IIIU, N. ' 
on Tuesday afternoon and ovoning, tbe tlb Inst. For eome 
Ume peat ihla mala had created quite a aonaaUou among 
tbe loven of oockfightlng, and there was a numerous gath- 
eilng of tbe aports fromFhlladolphla, Doalon, Providence^ 
Troy, Albany and other dllca, aa well oa WlUlamsbargb, 
Brooklyn, Jersey City and Now York, to witness (he 
IntcrtsUog contest. Tho terms of Uie mahi wore W 
show fifteen cocks on each aide, at weights from Ub, Uov 
to Mb. «oi., and fight all thai foil hi for |100 each bat- 
tle, and liooo the main. The Fcnnaylvanla blida were 
bred by Bailey of Honlgomery County, and Wood of 
BchnylkUl Conntyi two breodera noted for tbe oxoellence 
of their stock In ibatstelo. The Now York end Kow Jer- 
sey birds were bred In part by Csruey blmsell, and partly 
hy olbcn lo New York and odlolnlng ataio. Bill OFackcr 
handled and heeled tor tho combhicd alates, and Ed. Uaok- 
ey for Pennsylvania. Tbo BgbtUig commenced at 8 o'clock 
P. H., and laatcd six boun. DolUng on the main was 
about even: Now York aud Now Jcney having lUghUy Uia 
call before (he finl tilrda wore nltlod :— 

rtril Ba0t.—Vtn York pradiKad a tfni looklos tpiDaltjaad 
Peouitr>Dli i brown nuir, cacbUte. lot. Th« bclUos na IS l4» 

Sa OD New York ud Jency. II m a Ions mS moM etolUlu nshi, 
etpansLfiiUlnssbadUirail cut in«l lining in ly^ bul M eon- 
llaonl UwcDolMt wdh unfllafblnj ameneM, inasnilll tildoulbit 
PeoQijlTUl* rival, wbo ^wa. pouowd lod oouoMout. Tba., S 

Srmil HoBIr.— TbeConredenlaBuuu pnduud ibtiokanrvid 
PainiTlnnUbluliral;weIshuSII>. Uobouh. Ballliif, iSoufU 
on PmnijlTiDli. but lb. Uf.n looked Moo when In Ibo flnl By Iba 
fiTorllaiollbiil Ibronl cul, lod In Iho flflb inolhcr, whloh kM 
blm low. He VI. pounded and eouDU^ out Tin, Onlaulw 

nfrd Jbtfi.— Two nabU rorMiw York ud Jan>y,*nd tlOOlo 
gTOwucuntntanlhioonrederBlea wInnlDf ibenufo. 

. ...... _J — ^ . , . 

mlnuuik'7fwo wlQs for Ibe Oonfademcy ud od« for Fenaayli 

fbwiA SatUf.— Tbe Coorederaica pitted a Alb. Sol pyleaaloata 
Ptanaylrania blach rtd, aune welghL Betting, 9l)lo lldoolho 

KkiJ>utaaInwm Iho r^Jda nooreJ, for In the third Dy 
e black Hid aeol bla apuMu'rotigh Ibo ravOrU?'* bad, and OaUbad 
tba flabl without furtber delay. Time, 1 minute.'^ 
#VU Baiiif.— Anolbar pylo ror UMOoDrederalM,an4 a 

PeoojijlTanla; welgbi, 410. Uai. aaoh. Odda war* Uld o 

amUOlolUandtbfn t2Uto il& A capllal Ogbl wblle 
bolannlablow Dniabed the Peuoaylraiila ropieuQiatlre. 

£{ca Baidr.— The nranowalood ihree Ogbla for Tofki r»dte> 

aaod iworerlhe QiukerBUla. Tha latter ■aotln a blaokgfn 
Itoa., and the OoBredcralea abraaa bach, eamo wvlihli ibeWUr 
Ihe raroflteal faioSlO. Ilprorad a deaporately oootetled atbtr 

aod laated U mlnulea, ondlog In U"- * ' -' ' 

winning Ibe DtbL 
fimiiu Jbttir,— 1 _ __ _ 
Innia ablack, red, ftUia Sot. _ Boi'Uog |7oo tkepyla.' tbe 

rlaylng la that poaltloo, with Jim oo accood 

oicellcnt anaDgrmroi.rorJIm pMseaaea oL _ 

cood artood baHnun, he borog very llfely, covering aa tnudi 

oicellcnt anaDgrmroi.rorJIm pMseaaea all tbeqoallfltatlona for a 

. . ^. ' very llfely, i ' *■ 

iirong b 

3lleber»i , 

- - , - , - rrgularltr 

knowledge or bow iho poaltlon abould bo Dlled.phKoIilmlntbe 

ground la any In Ibo pnrculon. lleiaaairongbatlor aa wdl aa a 
aareonc. AloertT. I'ratl will remain In plleber*a poaltlon. Pntl la 
a Tcry iwiri piicbtr, which, combined witb hla rrgularlty and bla 

Came No, 2, 

-Vol. XVIII. 






1..I1 10 II 

23 U> U 

11.. S lo 


1.. 8 




IS.. 9 


13 a 

].. < 




I)., to 


4. .12 




■7.. I 


IS 2S 



24 (u) 

18.. U 

21 w 

2S 31 

t.. » 



11.. 17 


31 17 
20 ll 





a. 11 


a.. 7 




21.. 19 


11 T 

>.. ) 




21.. IV 


7 2 





23.. IS 


a IS 

II.. a 




31. .12 

3 7 

11.. u 






17 14 

IS.. J 



14 ('■) 


(tl Anylblni elM lOKi. 

(^) T;ie beet more on ibe 

botnL (0 11 

IS will DOtinvo tbopnie. 

(ti) tlopclculy toiL 

Solution of Poeltlon No. l.~Vol. XVIII. 

1..2I Is IS 
2..S! 37 
8..U It 


Wbtie. I nutck. IVhlia. 
a Ui 14 4..II lo 3 28 lo 34 

,31 14 a.. 8 II 34 IS 

31 11 Is., 2 7, nndwlnt. 

Position No. 3, Vol. 18. 
ar B. B. ana. 


Position No. 4, Vol, 16. 
ar D, BOUB. 


Wblto lo more and win. 

White lo move and win. 

Aaccdote of Sol Sniith on Ub Trarols. 
* * Wo next proccct](>d to ParlD, Ky., uid 
opened nUh Uiq "lloDejroooni*' I obsorvctl a countryman 
enter (ho tboairo bcforo ttK candles wero lit, and placo 
himaoiron tho front bcDcb near tbo centre. l*rcflontly. aa 

tbo audlODCQ ticgan to coDgrcsalo ho bocamo Burroundcd 
br ladlCB, who fluatod ibemfKivea each eldo of hinii Ho 
(Jill not torn bla eyes to tbo rUbl or tbe left, but kept tUcm 

Oxcdon ibcporformer*. Wben I camo on aa tbo Hock 
Dote, I obacrved him sitting In tbo manner described, 
with Ills race leaning od both hla hands. Wben I seated 
myself to hear tho t^mnlalnt of Juliana against borbos* 
band, bo and I wero ootmoro tban tbrco fool apart, facing 
each other, lie leaned hirtber forward tbaii aaoal, strain- .k-i 
log bis eyes to take a still closer vlow of my teatarca; all of jBr 
a sudden, aa ir he bad become convinced of somo very Im* 
portont net, Jumped up. and strlklDft hbi bands togoth* THE QUESTION 
er with great force, oxclalmod aload~"l>ll bo d-d If It's 
wax I" Tho uproar tbla occasioned among tbe audience 

causcU mr genlloman to look round— bo seemed to be son< 
eible for tbo flrat Umo whore he wan; hbi Indlorous appear- 
anco on making tbla dlacovcrr made the people laugb still 
tbe moro, till ItlacrcanoJ Info a real JTontuofci/ i/eU, and 
tbo uproar did not subelde tlU tbo caoso of tbla uUtb made 
ft retreat. 

WhUe performing tbo same play at Port aiboon, In IStt. 
wben tbe Duke, la answer to a knook attlio doof, bids his 
wlflB to "see wbo It U that knocks," a geatlemao who hap- 
penod to be standing near tbe atage fioor. very compoaedly 
opening It and peepug out. turned round to toe Dtue ana 
answered.'— "nts tiobbdi/ bia otid tAtf ao(ors." 

Id NiQholsonvlllo, a Tow wceka an«rwardji, wo were por- 
forming the fkrco of "Jjover's Qaarrols." Tbo theatre waa 
In tbe ball-room, and ttio landlord waa in the habit 
of going bdAfnd IA« soirut (o wlinoes Uie perform* 
anca: oo ocoount of Afs Monging to th$ oAuroA, 
?u dt4 not vitih to be iten in frouU In tbe Hret 
Bcsne, when Oarloa waa makiag a prtaonlof his watch, 
porae, Ao., to Jaolnta, for bar uood nowa, I (as Banobo) ad- 
TisodblmtosavosoDidthlng 10 pay his board. At this 
monent onr rollrUiua landlord popped bli bead on the 
stage and lall "ilr. BmlUi, don't muid your board-go on 
wiin the ptaj lust aa yoa wouldt if- you bavooa tbe money 
at Ibe ^nd of [he week, t will wait." Ue was honored 
wlitaatbuoderlDgrauadof BbplaoM and bo backed out, 
OTonvbelmed with hla rcceptloo. 

HOd aoeuiata 

Ir HOd 
I) bo U 

bo li a «wrfl AitfA, bavinc mliMd out two Bjr bolU 

lo 23 gtmca lul tcaaon: hn lo plucky In riclon hoi batted btlla, 

Elcko up gnundcn wiih caw, aod la a iicadr " 
inmcr; it tho bat fitiough bvlng a amall 'ub; 

blailyloUllkoDkkejrl'earcc, bclni HiltOed with aaifoOnibaM 
fttfokc. Pnli la ii good a (rrarnir pUycr ai there ijlotboDlnf, 
and Id 18^ pitched fur Iho ''AllcfihaDbiu" of PllUOunth, brlnff a 
PlttAburah boy; InlS&tbo Dlkd the lama pokltlon for Uio Rlrcr- 
■tdnof Portimouib,0. At Ural two will be found Arthur JlllUan, 
formerlror Iho aoary Club ori'hIUdclpbli, bo tUTloa Joloal tho 
K. 0.*a ID tbo wlntProT IBOl AlHion la a «un atcb, wt — 

Kluiblo to 
nd nol 

itand and tako in 11 heavy throwing aa any of Umob, aod _ _ _ 

KtlculiT that tbe baU iboutd como ''Juilao,'* havlDgjKOved Uiat bo 
btu lolakotfatm tnywbrro tlnl ilia Uw illowa. On a tir bo li 
lure death. Aa an ouldtlder ho li luperlor to anyoDo In thli 
ficlnlty. Tbltlawh«roAlliioB «Am'J ho bolog m pQictf/tJu 
well io an accurato Ibronrer, but ol pmcnt no cmoooi on iijarnTrrem 
OnibaM. llela a fcarleu pUyer, rtclog witb Impunity aorlblng 
ibatoomfahtiwar. AiibetMiholi lAi moNOf lboDln«,beroflibe 
heaTleii boiler. Our third bo*o li, BiTcL mnL Than li, now. 
OTor, a proUbllllr thai It will bo nilcd by £b T. Hoilib, ourlail 

teara thhri ttop. Eb li Tonnerly or tbo "NolloniU" of Waohlngton, 
0 having moTcdloClereUodbti ipriof, lo go InlobuilontEere. 
Knowing or bliramoniabilllit be wai proralled opoo lojcrfniho 
P. 0, olno, glTlngiuch tlmaaa ho bad lo tbe Intartatioriiieclub. 
Ub wKigm«raJf«ffMoof the ntoo tut louon. aod prorrd hinicir lo 
be iborouably compclcot lo nil iliat rtaponiiuo poiltloo. Ai a Italrd 
baamanua would ifO good If ha bai thi Um 10 dovolo lo kcopbia 
bmnd in. Ilo la a good otop, a aukk, iwlfi, aud ttty aocuiate 
Ibnivrr. lie ilwayadlcplaye good Judgment, bclog vary tvi htadtJ, 
aa well n» qukk 10 aco nolnii. Ao a bailer he lo geoerally good, bul 
nol heavy. John Warn will uctuuy lAort «(i)b'« pooUloa. Juklian 
old BcklMil boy. Jo 18tt, we nnd him with Iho Nttlooala or Waib> 
lOAtoo. InlhoaprioiorlStS lie ilopcd outwt«luponinurR>>nlln< 
vluUon rron tho K. C.'a IaoI aaion Ward Oiled tbo poetUi 
catcher vci 


cry crtdltaUy until Wlilto nUolnod.wben bewrnlloice* 
uini wr. where bo ako did rf/|/ well. Jack li a thorough balllai, 
bflognbttloOUanv poalilon (eitfptpllctarr}wltberGdlL Upon hit 
"plu"be fa oiothlncd Uio KroTfrHiny Intbaolne, roverloiwltb 
elroelagreat amouol of gnuod. He plofct up rroundeia wllb a 

. — _ ___ . up rroundeia 

facllllyatlnnlahtniiugrouiidbitlera, and {i ohraM tobttftntnJtr 
j«tf,orwblcbapmatoraaiy"hcao>tnlihaU' Jocklaagoodbulool 
a bravy tbrawer: ha laaptiiilotoellbaUmea; hedoraallhta balling 
with bla wriiij; fili no more of an eienlon Tor Ward to make a third 

tsacatrokolhan foronenrourlleldanto eat a "nunl Irffv.i* If 
Jack Win! don not bniuy the rwutallonor belntonoorour beat abort 
BtopN al the cloto of Ibo mmo of 18701 Ibero wlltbe a great nany dla- 
appointed frlrnda, of whom tbo "tlivt cwf" baa a jtreaiabun&nca. 
In left field wlllbcrounil Kimball, ronnrriy or (be Alerta, orRochea* 
trr. Klmbdllvanodnraltei^fflao. oftfo Ollina thai poaltlon In 
thoAlrrij; aaaacldcrhelafuod, bolog a long ihrewer andaauro 
CMUb: bcwaaiho Alcira at/nnfRat baW, aa w«n aa one of Iheir 
bcfltpUyrra; bo laa now acqiilAiloD lo Iho oloo and a vary rahiaUo 
000. Cirnire fleld lavaoinl; Ihli |ilaco will be flllod br aomo of our 
bomo talent, bul It U not deckled vol by whom. John Hilar will May 
Id rifhi Drill, whvrc ti« hu preved bimaoir an eiTlctoni nvtn. Rllor 
ta a tolerable cbnnge i>ltchcr aod due a well on (Iral and aroond haara; 
ho Io good on nira, and la porfedly willing lo have them kai, aa John 
la kovwntobavo aralllog for "•nirniAuva*" At the bal bo dopa aa 
well aa tbo avcrago. HUey fonncrly pUytd with tbe Railway UbIodi, 
of Ihla place, bul for Ibo pail two acaaona bo baa bcona mcniberof tbo 
P. 0. nine. Aa far aiibaUUitra, wo are abundantly iiippllcd wllb 
moil uni>a Our annual olectlou Uikca placo lu April, Von will un< 
doubtrdlr havein opportunity tbo oomlng aaaun in Judgo oflfao 
mcrlia or the F. C.*a youncir, aa they will froinUy vUll Hw Vork 
ihlaaeaion. Wo ahall alao rUltUhlmaaltackrurd, Cliicttmalland 
l*MtAbun:b. Wo liopo tbat all raitem duM Tialtlnfi the weal will nol 
ralltoglvc uanimll. ChiveltrKlla (huruughly liilDn-auii In bane ball, 
nod iiim DiitMr uivoour gatDro. We are annilrlcntwo canmako 
any ami all vlnltluf duba' aiay ptniaaul, aa well aa ruDiUDorallvr, and 
win tnr aod give tnem a gxad Kamc. Tbn K. Co, Die piai atvwn, 
played tMeoty-dTOptnea, winning olnclc^n and loalna alf.mikloa 
In total VID ruoi lo opponenta* AiM. Uaan tall amna tu bnvc died oul 
In Ihla vidully, MpccUlly lu Iho cuuniry, lo «c harn to depend upon 
tialilogcliibf rornll our ganu-a. It la our liiknilon tu fonnnf/e^J 
aecond nine tlio coming acaaon. Wo bavo pltniy ofaioek, indvcry 


V0. "DEAD" 

During tbo early years of base ball. In tlio days when tbo 
Kntckorbockcr oad Uolbam Olutw wore tho craokornn* 
Izallons of Uio motropolla, iho leading ball makorof New 
York only used an ounce and a Ao^of rubber In tbe oom> 
position of the balls be man u fact ured. At that period tbe 
old rule of tho bound catch was la vogue, and U was do- 
sirttblo that the ball sbould not be so elaaUo as to bound 
OTer tho heads of tho llQiden.oepeclatly of tboee occopy- 
Ing poslUons In tlie Uifloldi Afterwards, aa heavy batting 
grow to bo popular, and large scoresneemed to bo regarded 
aa a criterion of good baUiug, more lively and olutlo baits 
wore deroandcdi and wbeu Uio bound cutch wba dono 
away wlih tbo era of very elssU^ balls set In, and scores of 
a hundred and odd runs to a match, lu placo of thirty or 
forty, iMJcamo fk'cqucnt ocourrencea In loaloh games. Tbo 
result of this waa that aeason after aeason saw tbe olub 
avoragcflof individual playere Incroaso (Vom 3K and 8 m 
1B0O, up to Sand ein 1807, and danag 1808 and 'CO the 
avongo won sUII furtbor advanced. Vfiih tbis loorcnso of 
runs, consequent upon Uio gouomlusoof ovcrelustlotmlls, 
camo a proporllonato Increose of ssTon IqluriCH to fleldors 
arlelDg from broken fliigem and split bands; besides 
whifdi thoro woa Uio tolloui prolongation of niiocs caused 
hy large scores and home ttioa, and nlao tbo otTior noccsiary ■ 
bonsoqueocei uf errors lo tbe Hold causotl by tbo diriioaUy 

anddangor of alonpliig and Oeldlng Iho over welghtod - 

and exceedingly clasdg balls which wero Ibo favorites of aaoh batUo aud |000 Uie odd. 

1 tbo fkTorlta bylac oul Uu gimy and 

TbeOonredenUa pilled a pyIe,Blba los, and Penn- 
avlnnla a black rtd, alba Sot. BoiUna $10 W f7 00 iLo pyle. Tbe 
black red hadlhebcalor Ibo flgbUng Trom IbealanaBdwoD In 7 
mloutra, kUllog bla rival Tbo aoore waa now four wloa Tor York 
and Janayaad ibree Tor PennaylTanla. 

agkik StU/c— Tbe bettlnx oo die main at tbla tlagowu llODto 
UDoB Ihe Oonredeiaoy, wbo, for Uila ndit,abowadaniblnredbroaBt, 
llbaUoi; PeooBylvanlaa4lballoibkuknd. TbobetUogwaae\-eD 
aod Ihe bghl a capital «oe, uotll tbo black red icolrol a taoadout 
and went uader. Time 13 mluutaL 

Arta(A Ajiir.— The ooore nowalood Ore wloi for tho Conroderalca 
and three for Fcnoavlvanla. ThoUilerabowcdadlho Uoiblackred, 
and Uie foraer a41ualloillghiRd, wbo wai tbe farorito at 130 lo 
•IL It waa aaeicltbgllghr, buitbe renoayWaoU fowl woo ooa 
pooQd and oouni. Tim**, 4 minatea. Tbo bandlrr of the loaer 
etrenuooalyoppooed Ihejudgca' declalon, bultbaloBlclal waa Brm La 
malDtaloiog bU oplnloa. 

nnih ifaiwr.— Tbo UonredeiilM had now woo flvo out of nlno 
flgbia; Ibny pitted a 4lbi2ot brown rod agalooi t'oBnajlvanla'allba 
Soi black red. Tito latlrr waa the ravorite al gao to %U, and be did 
nol looB learo hla backrre Id auaponae, for ba culdowo hla bnwn 
red rlral lo 8 mloutea 

EUnmtS 3iUU.—Tbo ooort* bow itood oreo, for racb bad won Hto 
aifala,aod Ihla waa the decldlag one or llio nula Peonijlvanla 
alMwcd a dtba. lAox. blaok red and Itte Cunrodeiaoy a tlba. 14ob. pyla 
Tbo bflUof waa even aod Iboeidtomenilnleoaa It waaa longaod 
uDcertalooontrtl and Iho betting varied freru aide to aide ult pro* 
graacd, acoonllaa aa one or tho nihergot tbe advaDUgo. Bolb wen 
a«TwalynuDlBbed,buiatlaai tho Peonaylraola bird aDranechculand 
loat hla alghi, wblcb ulieriy drmomlUad blm and ba no. Uo waa 
pnuuded, oottotedoul and New York and Hew Janer dedand Iho 
wlnnrre of the main and mtincy. Time, 19 mloulca. thii 

Bal. YarkkJrriru. 


a..U1ieiL Urof.. 
8..t^ht Red... 


a.iBreaa Back.. 
7..Blaok Pyle.. 
8. .Robin Hirau.. 

...Brewo had., 
...Dark Red,., 
...UUck Rod.,, 
,..Uark Ibsd... 
.„Black Rod.. 

WtiaU. Kom bu 

...NbaT <ot If. Y. A N.J. 

..SIba. 130L N. Y,AN. J. 

...Ilba. Ooi Pood. 

...Uba. 2ui Fonn. 

..(Iba. UoL N. Y.AH.J. 

.rer..., _ _ 

Black Red. Uba. loi. l^enn. 

niack Red Ilbe. ISoi H. Y. A N. J. 

ll..Llght Ital Bliok lied Obi. Itox. Peno. 

lO..BiuwQBod Black Rod 4lba. 2oa Peno. 

II. .Pylo UUck RrJ...,..4lba. Itot N. Y.AM. J. 

New York and Mow Jmoy wonO; Pcouylraola wonflc 

Ono of tbe beat oontwted and most oidllng naina of tho 
season oame oir at Union illll, M. J,, on U onday afternoon 
and ovening, the 4Ui hisL, bolween Long Island and New 
Jersey. Tbo former waa loprosentcd by WllUsm Walton 
of Bast Now York, and the latter by Ulohool Doyle of I'ao* 
Balo|. N. J.; both welt known breedciB and feeders of game 
fowia, Tho conditions of tbo main wen as follows:— Kaoh 
side to show 15 cocks and oblckons, at wolghts ranging 
ftom ilba. to 41ba. l4oz. forchlckons, and from diba. boz. to 
Mbo. for oocka; and to Ogbt all that fbll In for Uo eoob 
light, and lUMtasldoonlbo odd flgbt deciding too rasln. 
On the day appointed thoro waa a lorgo auendunce of the 
oiutomary pairona of tbo sport, aim botUng was brisk, 
Long island bavlog tbo call at iloo tu $00 fur Ibo main. 
Thotwo veterans, Ed. Uaokoy aod Dili Otacker, liandlod 
aod boeled tho birds; tbo tbnnor for Long island and Uio 
latter for Now Jorvcy. Tho parties showed firtcetj birds 
etiob, nvs cooks and Ion ohlckens, of which olovou un oaoli 
aldo nil in on weighing. 

JYrai itaU/r.— lioag Idand pitted a btaok red co^ aod Hew Joney 
allfbtrcd,eadiwolghlngAlba.2oi. Tbo belUng vaaettn. llwaa 
a afiarp ooU aavero Oght lur 7 mlouUta, wben iho Long taland rrproa* 
CBlailve, having received a deep body blow, autcuiabcd aod waa 
pounded and eounlod ouL 

Hitmi Uaiilf,—Uow Jeraar ahowcd a gingor red, ami Loof TaloDd 
a black itd, both oookai welglil, 4lba. Cot. uch. UelUoi, W to #14 
OD Now Jaraor, and Ibe odda wore afely landed, furaneradmln. 
ulta oimo Ogai, tho daik rod went under aod waa oouoUd oaL Two 
wlua Tor Now Jcreoy. 

TAtni AiftEr.— Karh aldo produced black rcdf, cocbik wolgbl,4lba, 
Toi. BeltlDgeraoaiihealarl, but ibu Now Jerooy bird ntiltua 
neck cut In Iho Oral Oy, tbo odda became 10 to aaulnatbloi. tho 

laviu «uk III iiiD iirsa uji uiw wiwa vtm, iium av >u * PifaiiB, laiaaa. iita 

glorlouaunitnaliityerUieBpuri waa now atrlklnglr Itluitratad, for 
al Ibo fourth ny the l^g falanUcr rccolrod a brain oat and fell 
down dad on UMOoor. Tlmo,) nioutca ThrwinghiarorJeraay. 

fbarfA /fcitt!/.— Loofl faUnd aoni In a hraaa back, (lla. Tea., and 
New Jerw^r a black rod, 4lba. lOui. : both oocka. TboadraBtagela 
wel|bt cauaod Hie belMng to be li) lo •SonlboJanoyUrd.bul 
arier flabtlna 16 mlnulea hn aliowftl iho wblle featber and no. 
KIrat wlD Tor Long lalaad a^ln»l throe Tor Jwoav. 

IVU» lUiU.—TtuhrUloMon Ibo main waanuwflOOlo 180 on Now 
Jrn^. Hulbalil^BihowL-d blaok irda, chlckona, wolght 4lba 14vt. 
UoiiIofl|2u toilAoti NotrJonoy, bnl bu proved a dunghill, forarier 
a robiutea aharp lighting bo beoame a imvolcraod waa coudUkI oul. 
Two wUio for liODfi labiod. 

HUifi JJattU.-A Cluo red cblehon waa a«nl In by laong laland, and 
a Idaok a-d mur for Now Jetitiy— bolb 4 pouitdera. The odda 
wero now rovened; $30 to 910 being laid ttu tho Locig lalander, (i 
waaa reaping hard flgbt TorB mlnulea, when tho Jeracymaa received 
alhraalcutand fell dead In bla tracka Tbo aoun waa now oven, 
oaob having woo three fljihta. 

&nn.'A Jia/il'.— Ixini laUnO waa now Ihe favorite Tor Ihn main, 
tho bcltloji belnfi giw lo |W un Waliou'o wloiilna. Hnih aldra 

loa Hlna „ , „ 

ahowcd black fRUi, ehlekon*, woIkIiI 411m 801. AtiMiblrdfly the 
Jeney bird gave hla rival a lalal brain blow, aod bo dntppod doad In 
bla ttacka: umo 1 Tolnute. 

aBifhtA Ai/i/r.— The nioln beUIng waa now even, Joranj having onn 
[bt tho beat of It, Itaving wiao four (o Loua Uland'a- Ibrco. Two 
ack lada again, chlckenji, 4 Iba Soil A harn Oglit for 11 tnlnutra, 
when a Ihroal cut laid oul the Jciaryroan and pre tbo Ogbt lo Long 
lataod, making the aoore ngain erau. 

NMh Aittff.— Long laUod onco mora fkvoTllaforllH*irulnat flOO 
lofW, with loUor hedtliiRaolnson. Loor laland ahowod a pylo 
chicken and Jciaey a bhch rod, ^*'|||||t| 4 Iba 1 ot. Tlir beiUo^ waa 


even, and In the Prai thmier four 

, — - , -ha iijIb i*nl hti fllT. Ihraiub 

1^0 bnio or Ih. if enwy Unl, biylng blm ouC 4tt<L TIniCi I mintib, 
Od wilahlog iba pj). wi. round ov«r wtlgbl, aod Iba rartfo. il.* 
dind uo duil btnl Ibo winaer or tbo 

_ _ 

nmA AiUfe.-Eron bcllliit on lb« miua, iMhouah Jtrttr ono 
fighuhmd. A blue red ror f/ina Iilind and m bliok red lorjeriovi 
boUiehlckrn.ilbaof. AHor a ihini OibMulloa Stalnula., iBo 
JerMjr bin] rmn awor and wu counIM ouL Tb« KoraijBln or.n. 
HUtmlS AiWr.-Tbla wu Ibo docMInf aibl, ind tWU tO wu 

Uld Ml Long likod Tor Itio main. Jeriof ibowod a pri., 4lba 3oi, 
.nd Ijoai libod • blaok rod, <IU aoi, cbfebcaa Oollbig ,9 1» «l;l 
on lb« buck rod, ind ho (inkklj decldod Iho taiKlo ind milu, (ur la 
liDloulA boivjit bliauar Ujniuiih Iho JoflOf blid'i bud. billing 
bin loiununwUAlr. TMi Mvo un iDilo u> Luna ItlutL Tbo Jer- 
M7 binl. wen or ibo UIU Ilum itrjlo, wbllo lb. Long Iikadeii 
wvn or Uio Wlltoo lunl, aod wero ralMd by Ur. Wrigbl, of HoiTU. 
loWD, N. J. Kumuirri— 
Jimlm. loiiil likml. t/o0 Juin. iri/ykL 

' .1.14)11 rod lirnlol.., 

.Ulngrr red 4lbfl5of,.. 

.Ulns red iVmltl... 

.DUok m\ 41b. lol... 

.Bkok ml 4lbi 1401.. 

NUck red Diuir..llbiOoi.., 

Blick rtd IIImBoi... 

HIick ral 4lbi3m... 

Bbckrod 41b«lot,.. 

tD..Bluon<l BiHk rod 4lbl^ 

II.. r ■ ■ 

e. .Blub rod... 
e..Bluo ni ... 
8. Hlaokred.. 

Iran by 
...Now JorMjr. 
...Now Jrroo/. 
...Now Jemr. 
■ - ilioi. 



..Lbntf Uliad. 



New . 


, ^ iliDd; 

,Loos IllAOd. 

AUAmotohlokanaanacoolil uto bo fiiaalil at BtUla 
Oceck, Uluti., on Uio Xrth liiat, botiroon BitlTe Crock anil 
Uoxlar ninclen^ to abow u blrda oacb tod Bglil Ibr |M 


IlvlDi til Uia comptnlooa of bar f oatb, aba auil coDUnnaa 
to mlnglo In tbocomDanf of raoog Amartca, an4 coDtood 
Inctt br Incli Uio dgbt or waj; bar das lall canlnl blub In 
Ibe tIr, alter Uio borao faaliloa of tbe paal, uvlillr rtcalli 
Tblrd trenao, tbo aoeno of bar eanr Irlampba, oc 1 time 
vbcn Harlem lane woa llttia more (ban a cow patb tia 
Oldo'a Umo, i-M. woa Ujibtolin; tbo pride or Tblra tTcnna, 
when drlvon br llatbom, theiomrorsttlcn laland, wbtn 
owned tj Dank Heed, tho old mart atlll wavaa berflag In 
doflanix at the /onnK llamblolonltna, wbobtra bard 
acralcblngtoboidtbclT ownwban Uldo, olil enor^ ' ' 

grett (nuid.dani to tbo crowd, gralM tbe bit and ( 



A Om nuKORiD HiLB Raob.— Wo ait InTormad Itait Kn 
Cbaa. French of FannUuton, H. H., baa matobed Ui blood 
mtra BaTal, brought Ron Richmond, Ta., lo go on*' 
bnndrod muea from tun to ton, toniotlma doiug the 
mentbofjuna. UeaUkaa tftlntl a like tain tbu 
abo can tccompllah tbli wtit to bmoaa In a trotUif 
auU^i weighing M poonds, 

A Joctar Clvb baa boon baea orgmlzodatcoloaa, Ot)., 
ot which John Bogga la Freallenl, Uarrr FOTton, Trea- 
gnrer, and a D. Bellowt, Sooiotuj, TbaT- are lo bira a 
now nca oourao. 

A BAOi. ono DiUe and repeat, for HiOOO, took plaostt 
HooaloD, Texaa, on Ibe lat mat., betwetn Ptt ChitatUnt ■, 
ScoUAndenootnd John Greer'tKeta BlcIiard«,tlM>Ut- 
tor winning Id 1:47^, dlaiaaolng hit eompeUtor. 


The Warwiek fiprinc M«*tlnK. 
Tai BimNo ooxnoTiasT iitwibi aduibal Ron Art 
BIB Joeira IIawlbt— TBI Bali or Blub Oown ntra 


The rtdng leaaon la now Ibirlf under weigh, aod on*. - 
meeting aooceedtanoUier In rapid anoeataloo. The Wuv 
wlek apiing rtcca commenoed on Minb iM, ind iHlta 
three dtra. TUe mealing will long be rememtiered by 
btcken of fbrorlloa for ine nnpreoedentad anoeeaalon 01 - 
dereala wblch U107 mot with, (Or, oot of twonlTMino ncm, 
two onl J wero won bj the Urorlio, Theaportoommeneed 
with the Racing Plate, tor which Ftrma, who bad won tt 
LInrpool, waa made tbo tkvorllo, bat btd to aaocnDbto 
Venice br t hetd onlj. The Trltl BtakM wia looked for- 
ward to with great Intoreat, ta Kr. Menr'a Two Thonatnd 

tmplon, annllght, wai to be atilpped for II, he- 

' saranco III hu three jetr old (brm, Totbe 
ilntmeot there wia nolblng found cooia- 
Btarttgaloat him, and be Ihereloie wu-. 
_ walk orer. Hit Menda wore cntbniltaUo '..LI '■y'i 
appearance and improved moKular i»ftl]ji^"/£l 
bnt bll ene mlet^t taer t thtl he g "'**™ 

nee last teoaon, and mtj aenonalf aObot bU'cbiQCta 
noceat at Nowmarkot and Epaom tbla rear. WIlA x -' iii^il! 
tbe odda oft to 1 agalnat Um, Ventnor, Iho high brea^-'-^i'^ 
aon or Dnoctaeer and Uald of Derweni, won too WU- 
tonghbj OuB clorerlr from Obimpigne Obarlle br a 
neoK, opaetUng a great pot on Brambrldge,' who waa 
backed at oven agalnat t Hold of four niDnen. Tba 
Hooae waa made tho fkvorlto for tha principal event of the 
meellng, tbe Corentrr Steeple Ohue, while 4 to 1 waa 
(Tool/ offered agalnat The Doolor, who waa aecond In Iba 
Uvoipool Orand National, bal who had loal caato after bla 
anba«(|uent defeat at Ootienham h^Prlmroaa. Uo, how- 
ever, camo twar bj blmtelf at tbe and of two miloa and 
won br ton lODiAha Itom Flo, who beat tbo favorite fOt 
aecond place, the owner of the winner thought 10 little 
of bla bono'a ohanco, afier bla repeated defeata, that be , 
aetuollr loat uioner over tbe race. BUr honea atartedfor. 
tbo gioal Warwickahiro Uandloap, for whkh tbo WU- 
loughhr Cup winner, Ventnor, wu made tbe favorite at T 
to 4, wllb 810 1 agtliiatHldablpnito, 4101 Curio and > to. 
1 lioarle. Tbe race waa won bj tn ogtildor, Ur. 
Pivne't Threatener, about whom be took 1 row 10 to, 
10 Mia WhUe tbe race waa being no, the malorllr of- 
Ibo bookmakera never lajlog abel aoiiliut blm, anil 
conoeqaentlr "aklnnlns tbe lamb" on uo race. Sixteen 
horaea alaned ror tbe union Ilunt Cup, ror which Pluogar - 
woa ao bighlj Ibougbt of that 00170 to t waa laid agalnit 
hla winning, Tbe race, however, waa won bv one of tbe 
10 to 1 onliwlora, Pnrlbrook, a aon of Enlgbt of Kara, wbo 
dirocur hla Jockey, Oapt. Tempeal, let him oni. ebot away 
to tbo front, and defeauxl the bvorlle with Ibe grtateat 
oaaob/tlxlengtha. All tbo aloek or Enlgbt orKtntp- 
pear to tako nalurallj to Jumping, ror be liueeire or mors 
oroat coantrj winnen than an/ other alalUon, tbo Urar- 
pool Orand National winner, tbo Colonel, being one of 
Ilia tont. Tbe onljr olhor ercot worth noting waa tba 
Orand Annual Bleople Ohaae, Ibr whloh aoven attrted 
and wUlob wit won br Toiotltniun ror tbo aecond 
jear In auceeaeloo, tbe limoaled bonemtn, Ur.,, Ed- 
warda, having altered blm on Ibe Brat ocogalooi Sir ' 
Joaepb llawlor baa publlthed t repU to Admiral Bona< 
atrlciotea on tho Xonllab borooet'a propoalUona for 
turf reform. He ralU completeir, however. In hla allenft 
to controvert the argumenia of Ine neitor artbelurfui 
favor or pUr nr par betilng, tnd bit tateitlon that "after 
a loogtbened racing eiperience be haa arrived tbe eon- 
olualoa that earlj two roor old ncea, abort nuea and ban- . 
dlcapa, are Incoullvoa to gambling and mnil bfput down," 
cornea with a verr bad grace ftom one who bnt tbla epilDg 
Juat cnleiod hla homea In the Oltr and BnbarlMn, tho ureal 
Hetropolltan, the Bt. Uz llindloap, the Nortluioptonahlie 
Btakoaaodthe Cheater Cop, all bandlcapa, and two of 
tbem abort dUianco racea. Sir Joaepb menuona a cnrtona 
Inaianco to diaprovo tho Admlral'a aaaortlon that tho 
Jookor Club never lake cognizanoa o( or inlerfero with 
belt or belling. Ilo ntra tbat In Iho rear 1M4 the 
colobratcd beitbi^ man, Ur. Orookfonl, died, after 
tbo Derbr bid been run and won br Orlando (al- 
though Ituonlng llcin oamo In Oral), but bcroreihe eeltUng - 
dor atTnitoraaTl'H. Uanr penooa having beta wKh Ur- 
Crookrord, nlmei :g par them lo bla exoculnn. A meet> 
IngoriUoJockorOluliwaaheldatUoodwood llouae thot' 
aame roar, Admiral lUiua being prtaeot, and It wot de- 
cided uial oiir penon who did oot par hla dlanulol beta 
to Hr. Orocklbrd'a exooiilonon thai raco ahould he do- 
chirsd a riortulier. Bilil Iho bolt were not paldj and in ' 
the Houghton HcoUng at Newmarket In the aame rear 
aontonco woa pronounced br tho Jooker Clnb that avoir 
ono ahonld nay lhcaii,biilalH(Oro tho lal of December, pr '. 
bo at once ilecUrcd a denuKor, and at a natural conae- 

3 uoDce be warned off ovorr race oonree ondcr Ihe lurlg- 
IcUon of tho club. "Uvon at the preaent time," Sir 
JOKOph aorn, "Mie practice of the Jockey Clnb la to declare 
ta ilomultoia, anil to warn off Ihe Newroarkoi Uealh, all 
peraona nbnae namca are aent op U> Ihom br Ibo Com- 
iolUeo at Tauoraall'a ta nut having paid ihoir belt," 
Tho conlrorcnr betwoon the two dlatlngnlahcd taifmen 
la creating grout Intcrcat In racing cirelta In England, bat 
Die general feeling appean to bo inot Sit Joaepb Ilawiort 
aticuipt to refonn Iho turf la hlgblr QuUolIo and uncalled 

The Pnualao racing coofedoraor, wbo have (Or aomo 
Umo pant bceo Irrliig to purobuao Ine Derbr winner, Bine 
down, liavo at liHtsecnred blm ror >,000 oulnoaa, Ibo price 
Sir Joacph llawler flntputopon him. Uia nowpoaacaaora 
bavo bought bin wllb the prinarr objeol of winning the 
Knot racct at DeonvlMe, Baden-uadou and olhor nlteea. - 
Tlio price that Sir Jmeph llawlor obialncd for hun 11 a 
practical roiutollon o( hit charge that Ihe preeent aralem 
ur racing la calculated lo deterlorale Ihe breed o( hento, 
lie Mn alx tlniea na a two rear old, winning ibiico; eleven 
timet aa a three roar old, nliining eight racea, including 
tho "llluo Itlbanil," anil alao ran aecond lo Seeiaw la Ihe 
Ctinbrlilgealiire, the aomo rear, wllb iheononnoua weight 
or lioiba on hira; and laat year ran eleven racea, or whIob 
ho won elgtil, aa ho hail done the preceding reor. Thougb 
ho hat boi'U on iho turf ao manr rotn, Sir Joaenh sever 
boforo had n bono Hint lie coulil nave aold forbiir aomnali - 
monoy, wblch le 2,000 ouliicoa uioro than waa nallzcd for . 
Ihe colobratcil Weet Aualralloo, and 1,000 galnoat mora 
Iban Block well lolil for. 

Tbe Two Thouaand Uiilnoua belUng hla not been tMt 
aotlvo rocentir. Klngcrad woven between 11 lo 4 and 8 
to I, at llio latter price olwava flndlng menda. AitoUb. 
la atallonary at a lo 1. Sunlight (alnceWarwlch) haa been 
In cooalJemblo iloiuind, and 0 to 1 It taken about hlnu 
Stanley la aupimrtcd Ormlr, ror, aflerlll to 1 had been lakea 
ror all that could bo got on, 100 to I waa ftecly accepted.' 
undgowaler haa been undor a cloud, and now to IS. 
It oaercd tgalnat tUm. For the Derbr Klogaeraft mala< 
lAlna tabipMillon at Ihe head oflhe boning, t to I being 
taken; Bnnablne la at 0 lol, ono bet orflS,«O0 to |i,hB 

htvlugboentakon at Warwick Ui one band, ller atabia 
oompanluu, UacUrogor, baa advanced (torn a) to 1 lo 30 to 
1. Camel la aletdr at s to 1, and Blarney at 100 te a. 
Drtdgewoter hnagone to 1,000 10 so. It being rumored that 
Uo eanuot aland a Derby prepantton. All tho Dilbetr 
family have been dinioult to Iralo, for St. Albana oould not 
atari on accoiinl of lainonoaa ror tho Dotby, when Tho^ 
inanbr woa, aud Aloe Taylor had Ihogtealoai dimcaltTln 
bringing Bavoraako all right lo the poal (Or the IMiby and 
St. Loger. .c* 
Ur cable itiegiaph wo learn that Earl Spencer'a Platti at 

the Northamptoiiahlre Ueouog, a Ave (nriong daah (bt di 
aget, wu won br Ur. J. Aailey't br 0 Dotworlb, ihc Aitu' 
ranth colt aecond. The Rtdnf Plate, half 1 nllo dtu, , 

wit won by Ur. DrlDkrowfblhTljilliorpe, lyn., by Vi 
Ugenr, beailng Ur. Alexindart ohTFIubi 8 r»i' wor' 
tnd Lord Colihoipe'i b f Fompano, 4 yn^ IblM." _^ 
Bell'ib(Fazec, B m, by Uaiayia, won iier UaIciBi 
Plata, 1 miles, Freo naiMi tyii., leoond.-nndOompiDaM 
tyra-.thlrd. .TT- •. . ' 

A-jn^l, 16, X870. 


Ucinrti * auu tl Ikt tUMI don, wl M, »U M : 

unhnwllkfuMmnbUuliortlo bt-wuk (■ u4 Ml'r"_1 


■MtnlMBlDllsulktOurm, urna Uak, . 
wuu; ta Ul Ika BU ir li< gin y« «4 Tonb;™ • jui; ro 
hlalamriioulchiiflD Mm noUiln: ibb U>r»l Pi'M •Jl>.- 


oiNTtimND un. 

Fffwlfr. W, W. 

Bui, mt 


airii • Bmnl, Chu. It 
humbv. UlUi 

nai, cm. A. _ 

DuBu, RIoM. 
HualkT, n>nr 

Jtaa>, Ju. U. 

JraM,J. A\nTit 
XDfClual, Nal 


i, 0. 
_ .toTO*. Mao*. 
UraUr. W. H. 
lAU iee 


Mania, J. C 


&H«l<k OUti A. 


Najtor, Pnd. ■!■ 
Karoa^'tf. 17. 

LOMi W. 


Pocni, On 

Patkkaa. (M. 8. 
Pnvrr. Wm. IT. 
RRkuil, Ckv. n. 
ttoMium, TalkM (t 
Rabert^ (TO. , ^ 
BiuaaU, Boi. aalik 
Blonn, Obu, T. 
HvimloAoi, W. P. 
B4. Uoa, Uuir 
Bufort, Hr. 
BIrtekltlKl, JM. R. 
Blmfi,J.O, _ 
Bbavtn. Aii4r 
Tuner, Jlai 
Tmnlu, A.r. 
njlor, Jai.... 
Vlah, P. 
Wart, J. W. 
wait, Bkbd. 
WaabDum, ^ B. 
Wbllat Obaii 
WUltama. DiTt 
WaranTlI. a 

wiiiunKn, J. i. 
wiuls, Vm. L. 
Wuian, Ufa 
WlUUoia, Baner 
Winiuia. K. 
ITbralir * Coikllf 
Wall, a 
Wla(,nbBi. L 
WMKr, Bon 
WIOIui^ B. M. 

pMMnlbnircw wer» ot Ihe t'w « »re "cf JJ''"'';' I" 
■coitittiolctillni<aUbWtiacnlA The ou'. of chtrutcn 
cmUnKil itio fSfl "iS * iS) Bdwlr otioKteca (roup. 
wu «ii followd;— 


•unnla^'. ahraaa |«c«blliiri 
lU nnas. llafla now cm Iba " 

lawolk aoaa. llarta now cm un l&lua for >"™ •'Ji'SL^' 
l*Utmaka•BJIa^lbalU,pa,lUM ban Fb lora aUrt, Ibaawl la 
riinalakll, picabli jiktoaiaaUo; la tka alawl, 
■Ian. aa 3mb'i fau all va inabarar; ba fai« onm Uabaar, aa 
^onirarSlluSjHliaT asa but ika paUlA pna, M ra f>> 

mibt maka Jla^ Ikal U, pai Uia ban, 

■Ion, aa L_ 

IITm pra ! fSnimS'SiilmSI" iSliIiwiiJl Srt'of U Imi^^ 
■aatolaloniniiT: laatadn? P«I"«T".'« """"""'i'^l'JXr-T 
!Slbad4a^(laaal;a Oo Ikor II ulol """i ASiiJiSI 
Jaacf. Ta llal uta i«ni ai»ll»«l boia br iba bad, an bab bta la lua 
ruatnnlalalrra>aau>i1,aa Ib^aban I"™, •S'Vr* 

oallr,allTlolltabMl»llb bUhfl "are bla Ula m*"«J* 
blaiHr for irt a abo a/on I eoia l» Ibo Curraa, aa 
abauaalbatlhanilM; b«l«llknllwaalbUb«r. Wanla,va 
wa aboda' ta Pallaiaoa, Halaia.* a "»'«'»«f*™fli"'Ju 
ran bona wa bad aoM mik oar aineooa boiK aaaaind iba alaMwlu 
MbHUkIubaualbarblulaamlnlaa,brakado«a Ibe alort, aaaofllad 
!bw5dSfilbSi?T;db.a, bla^lba o««l Wi ""'^^ 
Iba maa wol ba|> iVa |>laa^ an waal rar ma, bol 1 "•'J'S"'^ 
•aaLanlolarf wlUioul no uUiar dammlda IbaatbnAiailJaaM 
duiokulila OT In arJ ur Ba aliolad.ii, an IhalW 
bl>nr> Ma ainplnjf r wm nJa oolo a lala, an afl»r Ibaj d ur<l him 
Iba pllcbl blai laur anaaaadailo- alirma, aa aa rani aal>to Udnia 
na,abuukwud«aananna<oaa at lUiinUI »oniln Tilk!! 
awd II no lanor, anba dida or draaadld I doaal no abkb. Ila baa 
a?^ wn Inwr Ibi abo Mata lalkia wurU Hala. aa nalbrr bar I. 

Bal IbanFa nuaaarlnlar m ir in kapa awa '"'» fj'^™";?" ^ 
a arf al rair i>Ura. Tbu lauanaa la walbta l« «rt .bj™ "»b I" ~ 
IntfrlhawuBdKfM bonMaaCir /f<a<rla-«i-<MlallTih«ra 
oofbcdibaarvnoaa tnabmr, an awold Pallamn. 


IJIUkan.Mlu Bl'«»««'flS5J 
OiandiolIlber....Mr. Jebniwno 
Bannraaaiaila.. .Nln IMlatoa 

FllOCB PiMllB.;... • 

TlW l.jdUTkanlM 
PflBeaIMUna..Mlaa IdaaElwIa 
nana Hawlli.,.Mr, W. nraloaa 
TwItilMUi. . mIm Alica Albniaa 


Mr. lUirrJaitaM 
P1aurliBBpaa...Mr. T. 
PnultlnAntjr ' 
PnitWIn Klu«oipll«i. 

tK bntliSSirail -bMa builiOBelr P«»"<1 ",52fnmM 
•U«.wllbi«m«T«rT bWncMro ""t'T. ««>J»2 
uSsoo) •DBominwnW moerallT. mere *n nn Mcncs 

tba beit or whleli *ro mc uami ud IDurtlL. Tbo bor- 

JukioB Ditkti biB eiurn ud rM off lonio apllal Imlia- 
UonaorPKbtur; liia»e<I.W» mtto-nptn wnD"ninej U 
t ooonUrfHt pruentiBent of "j« "nlnm'.f IJ*!!!; 
LTdltud Elui tlaopot ID inipptutDnutbliKm, 
latlio ;obii nwiD, wbo mtkc* ■ ctptul irnnoT- ^ 
nait Heoe iruipoiu ot to the pal>f« of the kuf, 
b«n w« behold cdiill u FipslD. In (II hit iiloi;, 
w« Hod ounelTet looking Bi the 

tlie Ikiworrli 

•eBorimldjn,»n4Mii_W._o.«nMM^^ (lr»ini onUUea "l><>r«,'' tna 



IlO.MDAT, AprtI It, im. 

' .THalJhoI;wt(k,bntw*mDchn!tTUiallt wUl n ot be 
ktptc«rvliol7bj UieiealileatB or llili rislbl u4 conupt 
tttf. ' Onr Uustrfotl ninigen miitt not look for hetTj re- 
cellKt, taowertr, for the clinntici will noiiopoUu, toioer- 
lilB extont, jnuj of tbe plj^.8iiliic oaniunltj, bectoie It 
HIMvlsl-up o(tli«LeBt(Bte*ion,kBdttlin'e«eBtiTto 
tMaeenitc&mhttleut ones t vetnofnoou 
at olher Umei tolbt ttMint, tba mlutnl operm home* 
aas M niietr bant mut nObr a UUla, tod minajan 
..^■jiiltbBttfiiiltarthattiBe betas, from oontnc their trO 
aliiij tai npast ttaffl of Uuir tlni Or thli ttna oolj, Id 

tiMaiilgUitiidliaihea Wa im hid tloUjr ud ax- 

Mtofwaekoru. Rrtlwahtdtn«l,old.|iaUoDadnoir 
•toiBit .which Biidaonrplani muugm bUiphama mora 
janaaiatiiinialUult cane Joatbefoia opening time on 
IbiMaj aranlnf, and UiostuDdiOtdolUn wen kept at 
Ijnaa.vUchclherwlM night bare fbnndaelrwajlntatha 
ggaaatUia"miiiig«ilalrlng;'< botttinogood to com- 
. ^hbinow. iDdtbaneamanawaof Uiapaaagootooriiaw 
4U7Cfti>t<r,0Qr old ehlpotetala, which bid praTlonalT bean 
op Bir tab or cAorter, haTliig tbeRbj made arerreood 
iooktl% CBBDOD, whltkej, and oUier fliawotka 
I bionght Into plaj liv honor of Tweed and other 
■ntloita tt that doth, and great waa lha r«|oiolng 
M tlM ban who mada tba "^elklB ring" In honor 
tt Ua poUllcal rtng. Xaxt cama the opening of 
4ta MoPanaad WaL and at apler deTelopmcnta weia 
lookad lor, In the abape ol lore Mttaia, tender toenea 
«f amotona paaafcrn, and all that aott, tba court hooia— 
aa lhaatitcu otika ara la tba babit or aarlag- 
**waa aowded from pit to dona, and bnidrada inmed 
•wtjonablatogainaanutiaBca." AndUiatcenalncooit 
vta not onllke a dnmailc repittonlailoo: there were the 
•ltjaiilBthapenooaoriIeaan.Uackett,aimn, Onhim, 
Bptnoar, Dana, HtFatltsd and the twelie nnfortontte 
Jaiiinan to tapreaent Ihe "mort' potent, gitve and nrcr- 
au aalgnaui," Ihcaa gentlemen, br the way, look mot* 
UkapilioDci* Ibin the party on tila], Tbci ctmo Frtdtr, 
and that bnngbt thooaanda ol people to the porttla 
.or aa "TOmbe," within the wtlla ot which an nn- 
fertonata hnman being wu to "ba hanged bj the neck 
BDIU ha ba dead." It aeenii ilmoet natirtl lor mtnklnd 
to gloat orar the Dltfoitonca or othan, to wltm 
amagleaofaatranaUag fellow being, and to balif^i ii,, 
daaS, no mtltar now bomble tbo end risrS. ngt 
' .•«tiiilBglbrinnrdcrlnKawYotklinolaHjTy,.,aj,niii 

■ iirp''iT-'ii'Mi H iiJiiflrirriif "n" I 

.' trtiii UN leirtbla apactaela wu gottannpu alteaBhow, 
'and tta popniaoe repaired to tho icena or axacnuon u 
thoogb uer were going lo a oerrr naklog, Intuad of 
vltaetalnga malelbotor mtkeaconpulaorrleaplntodottb 
airi alarmtr. Tba mob ooUlde the clij prlion waited pa- 
tlantlr, mbl near ten o'clock, wbeo, "hirk from (he 
SMnba a dolaftd aonnd" told ibe knall ol a departed eonl, 
ind awar rnabed the anxlooathronga to braak the tldlnga 
tootbenwhowcranotao ronnntteu to have been near 
thaplaea'oteieoatlon toott the dreadfnl ntwi rieab from 
tbaonpplDgaof tba gallowa And then wo had aim an- 
othannow, tbli tine a ftee ezblblUon, In Iba tbape of a 
ptoecBlon of "tbo colored iroopa who ronght bmrel;" da- 
nng tba war. and theli co-labofcn In Ibe regeneration 
ud redempllOD ol a laco Imm bondage; tbia taat and 
panda wu In celebniion ol the "FlfteanUi Amondmenl;" 
rat It lookad ont of place "to a mm op a tree" to aea 
vblla mualdana playing for tbtae Fineaitiicrs, and while 
nan drlrtng tbam, which wuqnlleanoUiereoitor during 
to that which manj or tbemwcre accniloned to "down on 
the old plantation." Tmljto them "Ibe yeoror JnbUo" 
bueom^ and well might they exclaUnln Ibeir onlhntl. 

•'Bon and lell muab la bony Bp P«Bh 
AndnrtI nabi rbacuBlrMdowoby ibaavuBm 

Aad wake Mkfaodflaaa l»^7." ^ ^ 

nerebubcenadlTorcacawgoUigonlnoneot Ibo 

London oonita, and when the cable Cubed the teenlt lo na 
tbatonoot them "bad got II," and that one of thapaitlea 
Mentioned In tbo aolt wu oonneoted wllh Ihe bydla 
.Tbomnaon luUe, ererybody wot anzlona lo lean wbo 
the Iboala "felltb" waa, for If there la anything tba 
Pelican people delight In It It eoandtl, criminal eon- 
Tanallon, etc; and wa aay tblt ont of no dltrcipect 
to the Amarlean peapl^ ftir we are on* ot them, and 
etnally gnllty wllh the retL Ve aj after aedikilon 
caaea, dlroroe anils and the Ilka tender nuhlnga. Jut u 
we do alter the mil detolla or tba latew "btuiaf prtio 
flghli" tba Ittt dying apeeeb ol " tho mim tblt wu hang," 
tta reiT ireahett paitlcalaia or an alrodoni mnrdcr, and 
Miet like beaniuni lomlly reading. Take a ploni father ot 
aicUglooalltnlly.gtTatbatploDB pirent the nonlng pa- 
'ParoontabilngallntclatB eeducllon caae, i real homble 
nnidar commlltod In tba moat bloodthlnty manner, and 
alteaniuniaormoa by oneofonr moat eminent dlrinca, 
androa may beta "bone toaben,"yen, tbe>Tblte Uonie 
at wiublnnoa to Mickey Frtot abuty ortr la Jeiacy, that 
Iba plana ulher will "go thioniih" the nnt tromMglQ. 
ning to end, and "wade In" lo tho deepest deplba or the 
Bolder before be will delm to wute a moment In duaect- 
tngtbo aeimon. Ifa eo the world oror ; i/oii know It, pl- 
.onareader; vou cannot deny It, adrocatetot moral re- 
form. Bat what wean driving al la tbla: One of the wit- 
aaana In the ValklnadlTorce aultreierred to, in ginng Ua 
arldailca, told that long, raU hair wu aten npon the 
face and coat ofrlho man after a woman bad been 
tben.and Ibli woman, they alleged, mtut bare been 
Ibetalrboliedliydla. Koir,uthlaU!allmonywcnadmlttc<l 
aa oondutlTO erldcnce or a nan's gullt-ir long, fair, or 
ally other colored bur, fooid open a man'acoat, la lo be 
taken uproot of hit gnllt, where, wc would like to know, 
U there an Innocent man, and who amoijist ot "ahtll 
ascape.vhipplngi" For mo wenoi ell Il3ble,ui ibcaedaja 
odbablonnble oxtrevaganco m hair dreeabig, lo geta etny 
.lock or two ot osr oliter't, or eono other fellah^ aliiet'a 
bair npon at, wafted by eoma gcniletopbyT, ind noiln tbo 
ngnlar way' llhr It won't do, and we an glad to and 
that the noble Judge took a proper Tlow of II, and decided 
that the mere lacl of a long ralr hair being foood npon the 
man's ikoo and coat wu not conclUBlre eridenca that 

' Iiydla nompaon bad been Ibere And, talking abont 

woxian. It la eald that a young lady, a imbUo performer, 

' lecentlr loal bor roloe from the effbcit or the inrphur used 
In making Ibo Ughta In (oMkiuz, In which the look part, 
■lynr Jim," who aoema to have a great dread of lbs feoale 
TMce, loyt "tbla hero will be a good pint for bnablnda to 

knohoouhu cackun wiTca." Wo will now compote 

a Teiae on Ibe tnbject or the poor player, wbo, wo aro tony 
to aay, doea not lire ao aweelly oif the etage u Ibo glided 
MttpoenuiUa of Jhe thcniro would denote blm to exut on 


All acton do nol lire aUkr— 

Uood onu liom oare an frtfr^ 
IndlObrtol acian ofirn fed 

Tba paoca of paycxJet; 
Oat or emptor ll'T oTIca are, 

ttriUi 001 a c«BI tn band— 
Bnall rUk a dar ot jajr-ilof nmii 
. Ua'aa/MvalA denuul. 

.Ti It ai good 01 Ton thooght It would bo t Bonellmaa we 
^gatolTinchetuibeJnitueaiyaaaaoldelioe— ir you can 
Bodeialbnd the coupailion, and ihon ogoln — liowovcr, 
' aaHlatarBhakcaptareaaya, "every dorg muet have hia 
'day." btit that mnat not be taken ucallmg the Indolgont 

laaoer a dog Wo think Iho TcotrUoqulat at Tamniny 

would italno lo mnch boiler BdTMilDgo In ODOlhcr sphere; 
la ftot. bo would prove a vnlnable acqnlalllon lo a dnt 
'ClaaaoMaa,ba'aenohacApllaiyetlcr;audaliliunj|h he It 
. . angiged u a hand to talk for Toumony, ho alto hia a 
jiand that lalki tor lilm;ao honors, aa the tportd aay, ara 

•aay .Tboro'a another cnnonty onus travcia, Inongh 

Bot iltegolber aew: li'a tbo "bono wllh hbs head where 
Jilt tall ought lobe," Ttalaborao head aOblr drawa very 
wall la cooutn lonna, bnt It duca not go down ao 
.iraUlnoltle* where the peoiilo aro oloror In dlecoreilng 
aaili, biTlng bad a good deal ot experience In being aold, 
tj lha way, oalbr* Uiey become oxperta. "Our Jhn," who 
sot "lakon In" by llUa bono oxblblUon while "In tbo 
conntn" onoe npon a Ume— lan'i It queer that New York- 
am will peitlit m calling Phllailolphla Ibe oonntryr— 
knpoatatoftinlahour roaden wlita a reclpo tor mulog 
onieairltbboadawhon their lallBoashtio be, and then 
•Tiny man oanbohlaownahowman. Tbla la Jbn'a 


BV "ova JIB." 

Vut 0t ahon-far yareaiai ao« nQllilo wllboul a ban In Ihit 
aaer/tt^-lldaaBt Osaka no dldrraa wol bind orannUnclHIa, aoaa 
bvabeni ranklaalla be, or ana, or a blak, oraipollcd wun; a 
speltad oaaabar wud do bral pnUy. ma Ibrin'a Iba aarllba yuao for 
BbrUaanaBdabaaallkalbna ibaraj bul Ua Imal nual bar a bed. 
Ilkawla^ la, a lalaj Uiraa'lwark IrrufllabonwuboolBO lalca 
BOr bada, baoan Ibam tbarta wol nukca Uia abat daani yu atl no 
aaaala banan ir ru euni help It: but If than balnl nan that vu kin 
aMrTlblalaalkilkact, M tbeuktnnlber Ibangltakeatoreoia 
n faatalwaaa ibal ptptta aoaa for The lab>a, ao lottka, Ifarin' 
anna yBnb<n.Britgllaalaliltloput hln Intuit, far wllhoal no 
■wUniearBI Btaka Ibe ibo miriiiila; and In bjln' a itabu doaal vu 
au wllboolBoalOTl lata 1l ir tu pioa«i bar vuraalarlJIatblJieBuff 
alBlkabmliyuharotlUicUllnta ur Ibo alaUl lo takala Ibe 
'*"papU,p«nildtntbaabodrani TUDOwbarriiraapotiadUrlB 
1 laal aubtl, and fan atari. [rOiaMp— rtoaB'l yn put no 
-BiBatarL Bylharddao'lbaroaolca bate lt-baraa«a la or. 
waa tab mti et«K aad waaa'i ntvrar Mtad altbaai 

City Summaryc 
*' Wbxk Tunitir, under Ita new management, and with 
Ua now oonnaoy, opened lis doom lo the [.oNIo on 
Monday eTenlog, April 4Ui, It wu doting a heavy snow 
■term, yet oolinlhattnding the ontaToitDle condlllon or 
the weather then wu a very Urge audience la attend- 
anco; hut Ibe elements loalde gave early orldenoe ol being 
alraoat u turbulent u Iboee without, the reauli evldciiily 
or drinking and aoioklng In Ihe andllorlum, tbo Uiiuor, 
••Our Jim"' Infoma u, Del og very quarrclaorae aud Ul. 
naturod, and the aegais of a Jelclcttous compound. Auld 
tbla aasemblegn ot men, whiiiky ond tobacco, might have 
been acen all tomolea wbo probably wen not awtre of Ihe 
chango, or they would not have been Ihei*. Vie made 
menHooot the now company, "ftlaleya Corablniilon," u 
It It called. In lut wook'a Currtn. There wu evidently 
a dctennlnabon on tlio part ot a portion ot tho audience 
not to bo pleaaed wlib the new coroer^ ana eevcral oi 
thorn wen blued and gnycd in a manner not at all 
ctodltable u> an American audlonca, for ibno people woio 
itrongcn hero, and thould bare been treated lenlenlly on 
thelrllret appurance In tbo melropolla of Amciica, not- 
wllhetandlngtbcydid not come up lo the oaiwiuilona 
toimed ot them by tho annoooccment ot iho wonderful 
abumea otihe lUiiley Troupe. That Ihoy do not u a whole 
Iblflll exnccMUona, ta true; bot tbetO are Individual mem- 
ben of tne troupe who are really rcry clever, ana whose 

Krformanfcs are doscrvlng of all the applaiuo whicb hai 
en showered upon them. Among thea* are 0. w. Jester, 
the ventrtloqalst and Ur. Aagoustc, the JURglcr; these 

Entlemeo excel In their re^«ctlre Unca ot bntlnesa. 
ella, the female grmnut, bu also i^tpcarcd to advan- 
tage; the platlorm la now hdd down In nvo minute*, and 
the pertotma her varlout feats capitally; tho aoraemnlls, 
while pualog through tbo air from tmpeio to inpczo, 
being a remarkable performonco. AzcUala a pretty little 
woman with a good llgtii*, and her appoaraoca Is pre. 
possessing Tht Spanub doncen do not luiprtss the 
tpeemton ftivonbiT, we an tony to ur; neither do tho 
Tocallila meet with much applauie— Ulaa Alfonlt dan. 
dng It Ikr better than her alnglng. Sidney Frank, 
thecomloelnger, hubad no hill work of It: on Iho open, 
log night Ihe goda wan riiner rougb on Sidney, hissing 
bim nnmcRlftilly; ho Is striving to win hit way to public 
favor, and wo Unctrely hope he may aucceod, Thellvbig 
pIcluRa art not put upon tho elage la auchawayuloald 
them; auTDandlngs of liees, etc, not being In kecpmg 
wUh ibe subjects repiesented. Aagonite, tho Juggler, bis 
Mgsooceas; smongths eeveial utoolahbig tblngi bo doet 
IS tbst of tossing In the sir, sad keeping In moUon with 
kit bands, an Iron boll of twelve or Olteen pound* weight, 
probably, a champagne bottle and an egg: tbla la a very 
difflcult real, yet It teemt easy to blm. Tanner nod hit 
dogs and monkey we have net been In early anonghto 
aee; (they open the entertainment:) therefore we cannot 
apeak ot them ftom obscrratlon. If mcrtt la lo bo Judged 
bj the applante botowod, then Cool Burgeaa, the 
"nigger mlnatrel," Is "up besd," for he Is ntghtlr the 
radpltnt ot the most marked tokens of popular mvor 
lUam, the appianao beUig of the most hosllby descrip- 
tion; dODMs snoom greet him In each of tall ado. 
Meaaia. noward, Carter and Oole, alao ot the coloied 
pennalon, come ta for Uka endenea of appnbatlon. 
On tho Kcond night the atlendnce tell oir, and at no 
time during the week bu lbs houu bean full, altbongb 
the aadlencea bare been qnlla large; the orcbcatit and 
paiauetdnlebavo been pretty fall eoobblgbt; tba upper 
drcle bu been divided Into H and U oontaeata, and 
while the 39 cent portion bu been full, tba to eonl section 
bu been nearly empty on soms evsnlnga, and at no time 
ont third nuL Bo much for that. Nowawotdoboit the 
managemenL ItMr. Onrtr'a management wubad, the 
present la wone. From the time when the new regime 
took possession nntU now a great lack ot Judgment 
tnd sneigy bu been monlfeiled. On lbs opening 
night there wu not a light displayed In Itont oicspt the 
street Ughtt; no InvluUons won eiundcd lo the press, 
which may account for the wonderful alienee which the 
papenbave manlfeeKd eoiicamlng the place; tben wu no 
aitncuve postsn not op, ilo pictures st (be entnace; 
the big heavy doon being kepltiCJMlUlil sTC:;!:;, Noth; 
logaeems lo bs'3 been dono to awaken entnnalum, 
or to Pitta Tha new company In a proper manner before 
ihejicbuo. What la tho result of sll tklir Dlstrastsnd 
„ _ among the panlea Intsretted b> the spccolallon, 
and dltuiltraetlon smong the nerfcrmen. A Mr, John- 

iton, ot Ilniiland, Inveatcd heavily In tho epecnlaUOD of 
aenillng tho Rlitey CoobmaUoo to Amertca; not being able 
to come here hinucif, bo appointed two other genuemn, 
alao ot EngUud, to accompaoy Ihe Innpe, and look out tor 
blaloteteau; eo dlaaalltlled are these gentlemen wllh tho 
way matten an managed at Tammany that they liatweck 
lelcgnpbcd to Mr. Jobntlon to start for New York Imme- 
dbiloly. In order to gnard Ma rights and the rlghu of bit 
people, and that genUeman la now on his way, and may be 
looked ror here next week. We sre surprised at the apa- 
thy oxhiblled by the new Tammany management, tnd can 
account for It In no other way than under the suppotttlon 
that certain latarests arololMi ucrUced tor ulterior enda 
of a prtvata nslure. A week or two longer will solve the 
proMom, until which time let us posicu our soula In pa- 

■Tng TwiLTB TxuPTAnoKB" itUI holds the boards ot 
Iho Qmnd Open Uonae, and what with the grand ocenlo 
elfecla, the splendid coitnmes, the brtlUsnt dsncbig, etc, 
It It a V0I7 enlertaming reproacntallon. Although reeling 
tbo deprewlng eOtetof the Lenten eeaaon,tbebouact have 
been fair. 

"3noo Flt" shows what a Ullle pnth will do. Alltaoogh 
tUi now popnlir long and danco was given by Delehanty 
and Uoogler at Dtyont'a aome tbne heron Daniel and 
David eauyed It, It orealed no cnihuilasm; neverthelen 
It wu axceodmgjy well done. Daniel saw In It the ele- 
ments or ancccis, however, so when Delehanty and Qon- 
glcr closed their engsgtmonL Dan Bryant and Davo Iteed 
adopted the "Shoo fly" u tbolr own— It wos ihoronitdy 
odteniaed in the papen and by pictorial poaten, and Tt at 
ones became the eeniallon ot tbo day; Qenerel Benjamin 
F, Duller even condcaccnding to introdncs It bi the V. B, 
Senate It It still on at Biyant't. . 

Tna Ktw Y'aax Ctaoua will ond the aeaaon In 14ih 
street on Saturday evening, April IRh, and the oleamg 
entertainments will conilit of a number of dirtug ciiuct- 
trlon performancet. In which the great Melville, H, Bllck- 
ney and Mile. Hollaude will aiipev. The concern will not 
ntnn to this city ontu next fall. 

"FnoD-Piiou," at lb* Fifth Avenue Theatre, nus u 
smoothly u a ship gliding oir the waya luto lis destined 
elenisnL Not to have icen "Pnn-Fron" sevoni times 
would placo yon out ot the pale of fashlonablo and civil- 
ized UIc Gushing girls weep over tho fall or Ullbcrte, yci 
give them the soma opponuolly and they would punue 
Ibe ume evil Une of conduct. Ob, lore, lore— but we'll 
talk ot this anolher Ume. 

EowiN BooTO cloaea blaperfomaneo at bla oim theatre 
on Batniday, Apitl Itlh, when ■■Macbeth" wiu be given 
tor Ihe Uiaf time at the molfnM, On Thnradsy, Prl. 
day and Balutdoy ovenlnga heappean u Claude Melnotte. 
On Ihe Hondfiy following, Apni llih, J. a. Olsrke, luit re- 
tuned from England, opeu an engagement in Wellington 
doDootaaod TVxxllea. 

■■OiUKO CnoD 111" and the wonderful Japanese Tnnpe 
wUl be ibown op by Kelly A Lcon'a Ubiiirela for tbo lut 
Ume on Ibe iMh. On Easier Monday, isib, the new bur. 
lesque ot "Fron-Frou" wUl be pRscnied. 

LxooETT uiB Allxn oto auiong tbo newappcirenccs 
at Tony Fulor't, where also a now drama esllcd "Jack 
Sheppard't Lost Dreim" It to be given. 

ILU. CiUBOiL, Jig dancer, etc., leaves hen the Utter 
pan of Uie month tor California, where he pnpcsei re- 
maining tor a year or twa UewlU take hit ItmllywIUi 

'■IIAHUT," Ihe doleftil, u dAlnctted by 0. L. Fox, will be 
for tho lut Ume at the Olympic Tiiealrc, on Ibe lotb 

at, and on Monday, isth, ■■Macbeib" m cqnolly gloving 
colore, will be alven, This promlica lo be a couilcnl caii- 
ealnra, and will no donbt attract large audlcucd ttt s 

MiNAoia n. C. Bans, ot Uo Loulavlllr, Ky., Theatre, 
wu In tba city Ihe put week on bnalneu connected with 
next aeaaon, when ne wUI have the management of the 
NaUonal, CinclnniU, u well u Uie LoulivlUeThealre. 

A CoBruMENrinrTESnuoNiiLUlobe given lo J. F. 
Dillon, at Union Iltll, Broadway and Twenty-third itteet, 
on Monday evening, April isih. 

Louisa A.<ni J>.s!<r Assor ore oxpecled lo arrive In tbla 
city next week overland Item Call/omla, for tbo pnrpoio 
ot obtolulng en opening at some of our city theatres. 
LouUa does lesdlng bualncas, while Jenny la a soubiWM 
They were formerly or Uio Mareh tronno of comedians, but 
ol Uile have been In Chins, Japan, Auslnlla and Caliromla. 
l,onua la the wire ot littry BarUne, the acrobat, and 
Jenny married a Victoria gcnllomnn. 

TUB Burn OnnieoM Fund Cosobrt wu given on AprU 
Clh, at AnoclaUon Hull, Tironty.lhltd atreet and Fourth 
avenne. Tho hall wu well nllod anil the programme, 
which was varted and well scleotod, wu performed In a 
pleasing manner by Iho artlaia; Ulis Bcebe, tho sopnno, 
giving cspccUU tailinictlon, 

Mn. TAMI3 LEWIS, lo refcrenco lo tho slstcmont mide 


_ Anon, 

, mm' aceno-ite thlrd- 

whlcbUquiiaaplcloteMoe ooe. In ibis Jackaon again 
makes tome telling hlls In burto«inelng Feebler In 
Ugtdere; Indeed, bit imltaUooi of the pecuUtrlUea of 
the lUoitrlooi Cbarlta, are among the best feature* or 
the batleaooo. Beoket, too, put* In ago©d appeannce 
Ul Ibis seine, and In mak^np and acUsg la ready 
artbllc: be cat ut In mind ortbe leulor Wilcoit when he 
52d u! iltylB the light burlesques at Wicbeli'a O^nple 

Icon a«<^ and that, by the way. It no small eoDpUmcnt 
> Mam 6, for Walcott w«a an actor u wu an actor. 
The touHb scene help* on the plot-vvhat lilt e ot Ijoi «iein 
l9taUi*bat1«quc-and gives n*a Ullle piece ot "Shoo 
Ay" bmlneMiin which JscL liuon and LyJla try loouuio 
Mn Bryant and Bradder Reed, and elicit great applauM. 
But we forgot to mention the fact that Panllno-lfcerMi- 
llne-ls Intmlnced u the rrlnccu estly In the plu. The 
tact bi. however, that we have been ao accustomed to ace 
the model limbs ot the fair Markbom on tho itage. thnt bor 
dbignUe In long clothes led ua to think abe mutt bo some, 
boily elM until she sang, and Uien w« recognlicd that 
voli^lie "wocsl welwei" ot "that tn wglcc," aa Dick 
Unnt oils IL Wo mlwi] t^Ve model pedcalals ter- 
rlblv; and ranllne heraclfKfmeo to be out of her element 
In h°er netucoals end lengthy tnln. There was alio FrUice 
I>olllni-tbe festive LIna-whoto llllle feet, floe lege and 
rosy chtekt help to mkenphcritock lo imde u oneol 
the troupe. We thonld like lo describe the plot of Iho 
piece, bul tor Ibe iUe ot us we cannot rtmember It Im. 
sglne, however, that Prince Arthur, Vlctom'a-aon wo 
ra«<n, of conno— had ftill<:n In love wllh cno ot onr N9ir 
Rngland Ihctotr girls, and that bU ipvlttcr M got las 
*iow nbont II, and had come over uere lo lie now the 
land lay; and Ihst Dnslly the wu Uiduced to consent to 
the marrlsge on condlUen that the Atabama clolma were 
teuied In her favor, and that the mlglit help hcreelt to one 
of our llitle piles of gold In Montana, aud you will have 
stxinl thi right liiea ot the plot of ■■Plpiiln." Lydla played 
Arthur; cabin, queen Vic; and Use wcatberby the nc- 
lory Olrl, tho othcre flUIng up things. A fcaiuro or tho 
ipcctocle la the umbrella dance m tho second act, and also 
ins proceailon. The last U, bi ttol, Ibe beet iceno of Ihe 
piece Aa attempt la made In the proccaalon to gel off 
tome allcnt hita at the young democraoy, for a port of Iho 
long train following the King Pippin, In hU erUrM Into Iho 
olty, are two rooetcn, the one In crowtag order, with 
feaihen ot the Tweed color, whUo by the nile ot mother, 
with hU loll down and walking lome, elalka a itago rcpro. 
tenuUre of what one might take to be the Hon. John Mor- 
rlttey, an emblem or the condlllon of the young Uomo- 
erat*. Ot the scilng but UUls can be said ot a commcnda- 
lory chancier onuHde of the parts ot Docket, Jackson and 
Donn, CahUl Is only so-so. and u tor tbo blondes It Is 
wlib them as with other bloudes, lllllo else than less. 
Lydlt'a TOloo la rather weak. Msitham tang fairly. 
Eliza the fair appeara u sprlghUy u any ot them, 
and Lydla doea aomelhbig lively la Iho dance Uao. 
Aa we aald before, however, Becketts caplial acung u Uie 
Dame, and Jsckion'a excellent ImliaUons of Fechter. are 
the redeeming foaturea ot the perrormancet oultlde ot the 
icenloegecls. The crowd wbo bow down andworehlpst 
tho ahrLie of lha blondes, bowevsr, don't troobls them- 
ulvu shout tho quality or the perfotoaneos u regaida 
Uie acting; they go there to see legs and bnsu, aud to 
llsUintadODblisnttndiwandall that kind or thing, and 
10 aee the "Shoo Fly" atyla ot dancing, with all Its vsila- 
Uons. lTdla,Una and AllceibowtbelrllmbsandFaallna 
and Wealbeisby dliplay other charms when they come for- 
wsrdto sacnre tbo doraloowtngaof tbclr wonblppere: 
and thereby hanga a uie, lot an opbtode occurred 
on Tueiday night which gave qnlla an InlereaUng 
vailauon ui Uie performinces, A mighty "medlcta* 
man" ot thli dty hu a ton, and that ton u like hit 
father. On the nigbt In queiUon a couple of bit 
yontbt had Mata In the onhestra, and one, who 
had been Imbibing ikeoly, wanted to give Lydla a 
bukel of Howen, so ho got a handiomo one and placed It 
on the slags, and beckoned for her to come for It ; bnt the 
lady dhloHaee It— tu buket-and so then U stood. Of 
ooune the gods ot the golleiles smelt a mice and Iher took 
up that bukot— metaphorically— and bad so much fun 
over It that soma parUea bsck in the cansln oonstmed It 
Into a "can," so TIncont cam* beforo Uis cnrialo and 
apologlBed tor Lydla'a abtence, when the crowd wen not 
Ihlnking ot her al OIL Finally Ihe butatwudlaposedot, 
bul the Juvenile medldnlst lost hbi point and got euohred. 
Cannot tbeoe youths take the htat I>dla gave Ibtm In her 
andavlt about the offttlngsahe used to recoire whan sb* 
reigned In London I "Flppln" hu drawn laigoly ihrongh- 
out the week and prombu to trucUty for soms time lo 

TOM TATtOR't Niw OOMinT, "Hen and Aobis," wu 
produced at Wallick'a tor the Hist ume in tbla country, on 
Wednosday night, nth Inst,, lo a full hoasc; but Uioagh no 
phiy hu been phiccd npon Uie tisgs In Oner stylo, tnd tew 
with acait otoharacten to suited to Its mtelllgenl Inlotpre- 
taUon, the diamahunotdnwn Uie crowded ho oiesiumer- 
llsdeaerrc "MenandAoret"laacspllalplay. LlkeRoly 
ertson's dramaa, however. It Uqiends for suoceu chleOy 
npon lis performance by a talenlod cut of characters, and 
an approDrialo atags monnung of the set accnea ot the 
play; and these lequUltea an lortbcomUig at Wallack'a to 
n degree of excoUenoe rarely met with oven In theae daya 
of aplendid dremtUo npttaenlaUona. Indeed, we have 
never aecn a cut ot chonoien given a play, even at Wal- 
lack'a, which belter suited tbo demands of tho drama than 
la this Instance; and u for the scenery and lUge appoint- 
ments, a roaUsllo ancceu bu been schlevcd oT tho moat 
noteworthy chancier, Uie scene Rprcsenilng lbs rnbis ot 
Clovo Abbey being one ot ihe handsomest slags plctutea 
we have over wlinetaad. The cut otcbotauen embraces 
the following array of WaUacklan Udeni:— 

Mr. VaTaaaour....CbaB.BaekiTen " 

aunuti DpiWB....J;W. Walbok 
Btitia nil Una...B. T. Blainld 

Mr. BuBli-r J. ILBMibrd 

Bart bold Blaaaalaljj. 

Ma Olio. nTEB, lafe Of Iho Acaderayf HnrtcA bany. 
uaiea oi n. v., bis become Icuee and niipsgjr <>(ih« OPffi'SS 
Titlh* i tt mUBcy, DL, and intends maklM- Ha ?«I?"S5V„¥ w! 
4. ..vL ! 'r ..«ni7,:„>ni Ila ntuuiad on uis lib lut., and tor bis 

Dhts. lUod's putonU 

soauBonmiage,snofiB. iT,u..u"~— -|-^^ drami 'entlUed "IKira," and Uio langliible tares. 

Then lollowcd an yllo .•?!«rK^„"~n°uLtu?7KS5 Onrr i the ••nough Utomond.'' Onr oorretpoiidoat, "HUnrod," 
conchiu li""n",',,l»»'«,n*f'S'SS",V?iildiM l."yi:-'^tb pieou ware well osrt and gate enU'eu'u- 
Uons. Beynoh, M'lle BitUui »"« '« "«™2Sb wu "a Scilbn. Never hi tito opera honse been cwwdcd with to 
uuUo feau on the Invpoze, In which ""W? 1 ISo and aolcet an oiidlonce as on Uila oceaalon. bvcir 

SSS ' Efer'^orw-uW^^nr Kspu« 

!^S!iS^ePo%M».«"S? ^^^^^^^^^ 

Troupe apMar. The dnma ot lbs "Jew ol Soutliwntk'' 
U announced for ptoducUon durlog Uie current week, as 

UilseslabUahmant ore vary exacting, »"* "Jt.^fSl^S! 
tor much for Utile an now being aaUifled by Manager 

"curroK TATtxoai relumed last wesk Horn hU tonr 
with Leater Waliack. 

LowBiLABiiiMOsns dnmallfl wnta, «0» Diosdww, 
oontbwo to attend to the warns of manogen and tne pro- 
tetalon. Their card wui he found In another column. 

UBATm among prefesalonala havs been qnll* nuroanna 
ol lata, acoroely a week obtpslng without our being called 
upontortcordtho decease of wnewell l»own»*'',?I 
aarea. On Friday morelng, April Mb, AaaCuihmaa died 
alter a abort Ubicas, aged tblrty^^x. He wu bomln 
Providence, R L, and commenood bla profcaalonal giter 
under Ihe raanaaement of Mr. 0. 0. Ilowanl Jn the city or 
his birth, nmaming wlUi him through bla Troy msnsge- 
meni, wbeo Mr. Howard wonlatatrtng with bis wife and 
daughter. Mr. Oushman then cinio to New Tork anil 
Jolneil the company at tho NaUpnil; ITomUiere he went 
west u sisgo manager for Hr. (leorgo Wood, tne pieeeni 
preprteiorot Uie Museum ot Broadway; hooulwcquontly 
relunicd 14 l|ili cltrnnl *as engaged at the New Bow- 
ery, under Ihe nahigtment of Fox and Llngnrd. Aiior 

enca for their Und nssenUon «' himself and rompany. 
Mils Jonnia Loes acqsltUMl herself well u Mary Uonlson. 
Heun. Morumor, lieUey, Pardey and Mnnay gave good 
aupport in thdr reapocUv* ohanwere. In the ftjM Miss 
JoerFaidey gave a happy concepUon of Kargerr. ner 
Boigs look irell and lecolred a Idouble anoora, Oaorgt 
FuSe^made agoodOonala Jae,and got off aomofuiny 

ISoKBiHDooniHAN played at SprlngJeld, III., on the 
Ilk Inst. The Ballu 3m» Journal, ot the tUi, speaks 
u follows ot His performtnce:-"MoKEAi( Docdakah.- 
Thls smlnentuagcdlansnd aolfhod aetor appejrtd b^ 
ton a large anddeUghtedaudlenoeatiheOHia Uouio 
aal eTenffg. in the cbantttar of <Rlo»ar.ri I.' Wa 
never uw She character so lalUiMllT rendei«<l by any 
aclor. Mr. Buchanan fully suitalnod bla well oarnod roon- 
taUou u a tragedian. The cnUiusluUc applauie which 
xreeted blm during each oot well alMsted taa high sppro- 
aSlMbrthraSdlenceothbiaoUng. Mr. B. Is snaaor 
of Ihe old school and learned to plsy »!>«» ihera were 
great mutcn In this art The support woi good." Ths 
ioUuMcipitl, ol Decatur, III., otHarch lW, uyi:-'Tho 
tact b, la our opinion, Mr. Forrest U far nterlor lo 'lUrte- 
llou' to Hr. Bochonon, aud seeing them m tbcaan* char- 
acter so closely togeUicr, w* think we bid a good oppor- 
tunity toludge ot Their respecUvo merits." 
OH WtoiiSdat BrxNiKoiAprll 7ib, sTity •«c«M«ftil 

5~rwS^s.S;S ^^^^^^^^^^^ 

ttS lEie 5 hSi du^f waa iliirma. Jger ot the Oljmplc, whiob an to be spproprialod lo tbo Female Indualilil 

QuM?l5Th'.°bimmu°.S"ll'SSt^^^ |XSRTiaoARriiT,urtaledb,MI>8lottl.KalcmO^^ 

^iMTOrrAwr to DaAHAnfn axv HAHAOna-A bin 


uu vuv aiuHo "M uu oBtuiuK/ v,«*i"f*, «-.— — --■ lip ^y®]! 

of heart dlKcaiic ue leaves a wife (Ulnnlo Jickton) tnd 
three children. ... 

Tus EiJaorxiN CtncoB Insngnrtte their sesson at ihs 
Empire HlnV, comer or Third avenue and Sixty-fourth 
street this evening, wbcro they will give n mattnn each 
day at half past i o'clock, and an cveuing performonco at 
8 o'clock. Thoy will also give a street pageant on thij ftrat 
Clear d"" when iha mc""" nt'*'no»iiee win be omitted. 
tSe Mra'il^y lIn*aS o?re?nTo^7il8Sn, Mi- 'i^mj^ 
rolto, oquesirtonnea ; Big. SobMlInn, barcblck cillieililin, 
and Ills dim Romeo ; Frank Paslor, lomcnaulteqiieiitrtin , 
La Jcune Burl, butille rider ; Chartes Conrail aad bliaou, 
tho Dcnzer Family, acrobats ; Oborlea lUvcn, four horae 
rider; Hobert Johnson, FrankUn, lazelle, Sherwood, e- 
mils, Bam Long and WUIlsm Aymsr, clowns ; Pierce, tbo 
lion performer; and Waller Wsurnnan, equestrian dlrco- 
tor. Tho prices ot admission are dxnd at s popular nte 
and good andlcncos ought to be tho resulL 

JonN Okougdam Joins WaUack's regular company nexi 
season. He itkia James W. Wsllack'i iMaltlon, the latter 
Joining Selwyn's Uicatrical company In Boston. 

DXN Haoinlit, who hu been engaged st Iho Olymplo 
Theatre during tho present season, appearing Ul the bur- 
Ictquo or "Hamlet," cloaed bit engogemeat on the Mb 
bill, prepantory to entering upon hlanewduUesuequee- 
trlan director of the George F. Bailey * Co. CIrcni and 
Hentgerie, which oommenoes the seuon at Danbury, 
Conn., on the lain Intt., and thence proceeds to the dir- 
rsrenttownaand clUeamthe New England SUtu. The 
dona which wlU bo occupied by thoinlDalsnow at Wood'a 
Museum IwcntosttrtlTOmDanbniy on Ibe utb, and re- 
torn on Uio iKh Inst. 


WBims roB TCB nw ToiB oiirrs^ 

BY 0. a DOtrABO. 
Our iBiBiorlal poat'e page 

Telia ua whal la tne: 
Tbat tba worM b eU a ilaCB, 
Maa bnt pbyan loo, 
Pkiuilas Ibmgb arery ags 
Lira'l areairul pafe. 

Walcb Ibam vaolab rraa Ui« not. 

Baa Ibem paaa rrMn alibt; 
Oono, aa ir tbay ne'er had baeo, 
TO eternal BifhL 
And the oionlUmba lbs buhl 
Wlib a feverlib pain. 

In tbe pitnla walks at life, 
Tbeea wbo aara ao alms 
Tbtok Ibe areao-nom always rira 
With a ebecif ul Bona 
Tbaosb Iba boaida may llrely aeea, 
Duty^mUaa haro aiaa balwaao. 

One baib qolaUr dliSl^red 

Aa a player wall waa biard 
lo Iba mlmto abow. 

Maaenjtar Mr. Ounu 

u^v Matilda Taraaaonr.. 

MUa Emily HollAyer 

Mlaa Mad«llBe Daoiloaes 

Mn. BonUr Uni Jobs Beilon 

FInBT BunterUn. Lann Fbllllps 
Sin. BrlU NlaiCls;U>a 

UetisBttioa brlBs nllar 
To lha widow'* quiet grteC 

. Hark Iba aiUal'ialiiralorellB, 
Tbes aflletad lora. 
WbOa eacb ibousbi la Uaged wllk p*la 
Baa] aomwa bon. 
UUla do Iba BBdleaea kaow 
Wbta tba Bcian BBflbr woe 

Haw Ibe laala dlmlolab banl 

Iba pnreaaloB'a sraKral laar 
Deeonta Ibalr naU: 
Aad Iba pnbllo rlaU a al|b 
wbeo Ibalr raltUulberTBala dla. 
Niw Toil, April lib, im. , 

At AiKXN's Mimxuii, Ohleogo, Ue put week com. 
mtnced with the benont 'of Hiss Ksne nnew. TMs wu 
her Dnt beneot end the auditorium Vros lllled, detplto the 
ttnng aUrocUont at oUier plaoea. iTbe bUl (ocludcd Ibe 
comedy ot "Fatal Ueart Never Won>Falr Lady," wlUi Hr. 
Alkona, Mm Mayhew, Mn. Allen and Mta. StoneaU sns- 
Uilnlng tbe principal roleii followed by ''Asmodeos, or Ihe 
UovU'sBhan,"ln which HUB Uayhew and Ur. Bloladell 
look the loading chartcten. Tbe performance ended wlUi 
"Mlaohlot Making," Mln Mayhew appearing u Muelle, 
with songs snd dsnces, which were neatly nndored. On 
Tuesday ovenlnp, Mb, "OUver Twlit" wu given, and on 

by land U) Htaden, La., Camden, Ark., and dosm to Daton 
Rougs, lA., where they pUyed Mircb Mlh and 30tb. From 
thencs tbey will go Uiroogh Mlaslsslppl, Teiineaaeo and 
Kentucky, to sojonm tbe summer sesson In Indlsnapolls. 

Op Dbamatio Appaibs ta Albuy, N. Y., oor coirtspond. 
cnt, "Beppo," under date of April stb, sends us tho ap- 
pended euromoiy:— "At Uie Academy ot Knilo^Uiellolf s 
bencflt on Ihii Isl was nnt largely ancnded. The perform- 
anco commenced with tbo tarco ot ■Lovo Ui Uvcty,' after 
which tbe hurteaiiuo ot 'Lacrelli Dorgla' was glvcu. Ur, 
WnU, M Lnorettn, enncUsl bis part ta sn admirable man- 
ner. HUB Molt, u aenatro, ung several of the popular 
tongs of the day and wu deecnodly enoored. 'Lucrctia 
Domla' wu repeated on the 9d, and ■Nip' woa glveo for a 
niaftneeonUie 2dto a full honie. 'Fjoo-Prou' wis pro- 
lontcd for the flnt Ume In thli city at Iho Academy of Hurto 
on Ibe 4lh, end mot vrith a grand raceptlon; It hu bold the 
boirdt all the week thus tar. ailberte wu rendered In nn 
exteUent manner by HIti Fanny Davenport, who Is a 
charming actress and hu a Une lace and tBOie. ,Loulio 
WOI admirably given by Hits Emily Rlehl. Mr. D. H. Ils^ 
kins ossumedtbopartotHenrido Sartorri In a truly onuUe 
mtooer. Mia. wllklnt u Baronno Do Ctmbrla wu exccl- 
lonL Mr.Crosblehsudledtbe part ot Baron Do Cambria 
snccenftilly. Mr. BawteUe u Oomte Da ^ Ureu did not 
teem to havs a correct conoepUonot Us pan. Mr. Keeble 
aDpearcd u Brigard, Hr, llllyard u FlUni, MUs Dnoks u 
Paul Inc, Hln Vincent u Tho Ooveracsa, and Hits Vlvla u 
Qeorgle. The drama Is mignUlctnUy mounted, Ibo dress- 
ing also betag very One. Mr, J. w. Albaugli appcin at 
ihli theatre next (thli) week. Lefflngwell It the atar. . . . . . 

Mr. K. Kddy la tbe attracUon at Ihe Trimble Opera Uobm 

neiilibli) week 'Ixlon' enjoyed a very good run allhe 

Trimble dpera nonae; U wu given for Ibo ilxIsenUi Ume 
on the ftT^Onttietlh Mr. iTtny OUitOtd had abeneSl. 
Tbe bill oomprlied 'Jack Sheppard.' Hit. O.J. Edmondt 
volontsered to snpesr u Jack Bhepwrd. She poueueaa 
She Hgnre, and bu a dear and dlatmc| deUTujy) 
she wsi DtquenUy ipplauded, Hr. Clifford u Jos 
Blueekta wu til Ihsl could be detlrcd; tin Ont move 
on Iho aisge wu a signal lor dealenhig applauae. 
AlUiongbllr. OlUTord hu beei) wlUi na bnt a abort Ume 
he bu made hlmult a gsnirel nvorile. Mr, Fonburg 
appeared u Jonolhsn Wild, and 0. J. Edmonds u Thames 
DaneU. Al tbe end ot Ihe piece Mr. Clifford wu called 
befon Ihe cnrlata and deUvered a speech. Tbe ■Moun- 
lata DevU' wu next on the bUl, Ur, CuffoM u Blnpado 
creaUng oonsldeiablo fun; Jennie Clllp>i4 appeimd to ad- 
vantag* u JnUeua. Tbe performabte doaed wllh ■Rich- 
ard the Third,' ta Dntoh, wlUi iho imVMairt in tho Utlo 
roll. Altogsuier tho performance gaTogtnenluUabo- 
Uon. Tbe altendanoa wu large On Ihe lib Ulu Ilon- 
rislla Irving bid a benstt, when the slisndince wis not 
veiT Isrga. The blU wu ■Bindsomi Bnibsnd' and 
'OUrsr Twill,' wlUi Hits Irrtag as Naney Bykes, Ur. Al- 
baugh u Fsgin, Hr. Fonborg u BlU Srxia, Ilirry OUt- 
forduTheDodgar, Mlu Seybrookt u OUverTwliI, On 
lb* aui Heun. Fonburg aid Firgnsin were the r«- 
■ ' ■ ■" jsvei 

A\ dlOCSdSyt «a Va a (»u|^at* ww» ta wvateaiia asiu 1" "Q' 

embraced ''UtUs Em'ly,' wbloh wu given with the old 
cast, Ihe beneHdaiy repeating bis excellent penonatlon ot 
Uriah Ucep, concludtag vriita the Ikrce of "Ths Fearftd 
Tragedy." On ihe Bth, "Lost at Soa" wu to be produced, 
forUieVonolIt of JohnMolr, the tnaanrer. On Monday 
evening, lllb, "Dnde DIck'a DarUng wUl be produced 

At MoVlcker's, Joseph K. Emmett oommenoed his 

second ongagcment on tho lUi Inst. A large hoqae vru ta 
atlondancs to give hUn a cordial grcettag, "Fritz, our 
Couain Ocrmon,'' deala Uigely In Btiiigs ana dances. The 
largo audiences thnt have greeted Ur. Emmeu proves that 
ho wu a tuccesi on his Ont sppearence, Bo ivrilet our 
corretnondent, "Amusement." 

Or Fnn-ADELriiiA Dravatio Appims we an advlaed 
by our correspondent, "John Duck," u foUows:— ■■■frou- 
mu' wns a eucccaa at tho Arch Blrcet Theatre, and wUl 
remain on the bills. A series of leglumate comedies sreta 
preparation, among ipem ■TbeOoodNaiuiedMaji,"Uncb 
Ado About Nothing,' 'Wives u Tbey Were and Ualdi u 

They Are,' 'School for Scandal' and Tho Wonder' At 

the Wnlnnl, on the Ith, Ohsnfran produced 'Joe,' tor Ibe 
lint time In this cliy. ii may be a veiy good play, but the 
poople tailed to appreciate lu 'Tbo Dcouiante' wu given 
lor an aftoriilece, ta which Ur. Chanfran utho Frenchman 
wu ftinny to an Intenso degree. He closed on tbe lihirlib 
■Moeo' and 'Solon Sbtngia' Monday, iiih, beneOt of Un. 
Chu. Walcolt, 'llelr at Law,' 'Bob Nttllcii' and ■Euslacho;' 
Tuesday, banefll ot w, 11. Bailey, 'Old lleada and Young 
lIoarts'nnd'JobnalhaoBredfora.'wUb recliallons and a 
banjo solo by Ur. Joo Mortimer ot the 'cork;' Wednesday, 
beucQI ol J. J. Hemphill, 'London Auonuca' and Iho 'Sc- 
rioni Family;' Thursday, Ur. Simon llnasler, loader of the 
orcbcslro, laxca his, with 'Speed tho riough,' Tbo Rcn- 
devous' and a concert in which ho will bo assisted by the 
best musical latoat ta the city; Saturday, Tuarro' and 
■Jn«k Sheppard' tor the benellt of Hr. Leivls Morrison. 
Monday, l*tb, Ur. and Un. Barney Williams commence in 

engagement, opening Mlh the 'Emenld lUug.' Atthe 

Chciinut, Iho lull week of Prof. Rlsley's Bloplisllc Tnupo 
has been fairly aucceasftil, IhoughltwuagroaidlBappotat- 
mont to mony that the Pntessor's promises vrere not kepi. 
It vru annonncod that oil tho troupe taiportcd by him 
would eppoar, which they tailed to do; novortbeless Iho 
performance ot tlio tow who were hero was well calculated 
toplcaic. Prot. Schmidt ond his three puplU gave what 
ho called a drawing room entcrulnmeni, consliung 
ot tumbling, postures, etc Tbe ubioanx were ar- 
anged in the highest stylo ot art, tbough Ihs cObct 
would have been greater If the background hod 
been composed ot drapery Instead ot old wood 
Oati. '1110 Lute Flayer,' 'Venu surrounded by tbe 
Qoda and Qoddcsscs ol Olympui,' and 'Faith, Dopo and 
Charity,' wore loudly applauded and nicoivd. Tho 
Lanri's pantomlmo o> tho 'Pire Fiend' was given, tho 
whols concludtag with a prismatic fountain dliniay, which 
eclipsed all former allempls In that lino ta this city. Ou 
tholiui, tho'Bxllo's noium,' wllh Uie 'Field ot Ihe Cloth 
of Gold,' one ot tbo most htughsble bnricsqucs over writ- 
ten, and which drew crowds lut scoson at this eeiablbih- 
ment, wUl bo given, with neatly tbe lamo company, Ucs. 
J. A. Oatcs announces a bill far exceeding that ol lut aea- 
aon, anil that Is saying a fnreat desL Among Ihe now al- 
iiactlons an the Tictoreul Drothen and a magnUceut dis- 
play ot dogi. Including In the coUocUon Cuban dags cap- 
tared from the man of war, Cuba, and purchiaed by Mrs. 

Oatea. Hr. a E. Rolllna' DramaUo Company, with 

Alice Flacklo u autrLlett hereon the Tib, to play tbreo 

0. Andnws, D, 
Ults Atklmon 
II, with fir, and un. 0. W, Conway, 
At Fox't Amoncan Theatre Ihe maaogoment ihow a 
deal ot aoUvlty ta gcutag up performances to sail the 
people: Ihst glvon this week betag axcelloni, both In 
qunntlly nud quallly. Always a change or the newest end 
bostu dealt outtoihopiibllollberelly. Tboncgnaelsan 
laughably rendered, In theoponUig act 'Old Time Rocka,' 
John nortbi u Henry Jake, and Wm. Dart u Rocks, wen 
very ftinny. This wu toUowed by some tsncy dancing by 
Uaiy Fnzler, a llnl-clasa banio solo by Jolm Forbes, a 
long and danco by Uulor deorge Warron, and Mile 
EUlmyer'a national medley. Then comes Larry Tooley's 
Dutch sccouiriciucs, U'llo La Roaa't Shoo Fly dtnco, 
Mulor Mtrtta'i Essence, and Uis Carlo Drothen lu 
their comic tumbling acts. Robert DuUor's performnace 
of Peter Lollypop, lu Ihe hrco of 'Dodgtag for a Wife,' was 
a oredltoblo ono, ond shows him to be a good comodlan as 
well u clown. Andy Unghcs slUl rocclvcs the usual ip- 

811010 for his club act. 'Looking for a SlloaUon,' by 
laaan. Dtnven, TOoloy, Hart and Denkor, Is not icul of 
tho tonny sols given, nouk Wood la here, wllh bis sotgs 
and dances and lambonrine solos. The panloinlme ot the 
Duller Tronpo for this nook wu 'Jocko, or the OrszUkin 
ApOi'wIlh llobert BuUoru Plpo, and UoslorUsrita u 
tho Apo. Dlok Clorko, song and danoe man, opened on 
tho 4lh,bnt only played a lUght or two. For this week 
anoUier^goodJbiiris op. Ui»srs.CoUtas^dDalsey^Piuicb 

Padgett took a benellt. Tho programme 

by our Dosioo cetresnondent that he, Lewis, wu to be on. 
gaged tor Solwyn's Theatre In ease Hinart Robson could 
not be retained, wiehes to toy that Ur. Lowla retuied Mr. 
Selwyn'i offer aome tUc weeks ago, ho havtag already 
algnod arUdea with Mr, Daly tor next tcison. 

TniMOORa Muss, ueniuror ol Wallaok'i Theatr^ hat 
been conhucd to bla bouio by tadammatory rheomitUm, 
we regret to bear. 

Tut MAHTiNrrri FAuar ot panlomlmiala aree.tpccted 
lo onlvo ta this city ovcriond mm Ciilltorubi on tbe 90lh 
lull., u they were to have left Ban FrauchKO on tbo lUh 

Tn BTniATnx coaiqui announoes onnauaoallyntlracllTs 
programmo for tho current week, when. In addlllon u> Iho 
largo company conuocleil nlih tho cstsbUahmcnt, Lew 
Slmmona and Qcorge Does will appear ta lomo or their 
laughable sols. Mr, J, a Stewart wUI mske hia marrol- 
loua ohangcs. Hiss Jenny Kimball will show u tho youth 
tblt never uw a woman, and Muter namoy will display 
hissglllty. Mons.LaThone,who atlends to Uio suige, 
gels up a very tatercaUng ontertatamont, and nover por- 
mils tho porforminoo to Bag. 

Olx BullUIo give a ooncert oi Saturday afternoon 
next. Alexander DuU la bb manager, nought to be a 
Bully aOhlr. 

"I'lri'iN; on Tax Kixo or mi aou Mtxis," wu pro- 
ducod for iho Ont Ume at NIblo'a Tbcairo on Monday, Ihe 
Ith loat,, Uie occatlon being tho ilret appearnnce oi the 
Lydla Tnompton troupe ot blonde bnricsquen tlnce thoir 
return ftoni the bttue llclda ot Ohloago. "I'liipin," ac- 
cording to lite iirogremme, la "a grand epeelscular bur- 
lesque exlnvaRUiia, In two eots, rounded uiran ouo of the 
celebrated sU)ncs of tho Urtmm Droihora, and specially 
wrilbm snd adapted for the American tinge." The troope 
wu welcomed by a very large audience, dosplls tho norm. 
Ws dropped In daring Uis week to tee the fair Lydla and 
found the houaa ftill, Ihe fair tex forming a very ipgall 
aiioitiy «l the aMembltge oa lha oowbIod, and ot utm 


Backer — MUlOBllolbnd 

Oantrr — Mr. Pack 

MontoanBcy Mr. <]iililcy 

The aynopela of Ihe scsnerr Is u tollowi:— Act I.— Tnlertor 
of Cleve Abbay. The Ancient Home of the VtvaBSonn. 
FalntMbrMr. QeorgeErins. Actll.— ItioCroquetOround 
In the rums or Iho old Abbey. FulnUid by Mr. II. laher- 
wood. Act IIL— Interior ot Oeanmanolr Park, Ihe modem 
and gandy bomo or the Bnatera. Potaled by Ur. J. lUU- 

tard. Tbo plot ot "Men and Acres" Is neither new nor 
•tricale, but It u tatottsltag nevertheless, and, u ror the 
language. It decidedly mrpuaei that of any ot Tom Tay- 
lor's previous dramatic prodncilons, Ui onr opinion. Tbe 
Ilret scene Introduce] nt to tho home ot the srtstocreUo 
Vavatiuura, wbo ore llnnncltlly ta trouble, tnd who, Uke 
othen ot ye noble tsmlllei of England, look to in ailvan- 
lagaou marriage of a fair dangliier to extricate them- 
•elvcs from their difflcniaes. Flnt ws baTO Rockwell 
u Iho noble parent, tben cornea ta his lidr, Mlu 
Mestayer, who admirably peisonitei tho ertilMraUo 
manocnvertng EugUih mother, who Ihtaks a weU made 

Siatcb tbe iie jKvs tilira or tbo pleunree ol Ufe. Anon 
imes Walleck eolen upon Ihe scene In hli favorite 
rold of tbe rough, houcit, self made mm of the day, this 
time u a Liverpool merchant, who holda a mortgage on 
the aililocnilo bouaoof tho Vavaaioure, and hence be- 
comei cUglble ta tbe eyei of Ihe Lady ot tho Abbey; and 
Bustcrly u wshaveacon ihli duo actor penonaie char- 
actere, we never uw bin to gruter advantage than In 
this. Then we have UL's Ucnrlqnes u a part she can pr^ 
sent ta the best style of the art, wllh ono excepUon Ul this 
Usunce, tndtbatlsshe U not quite EngUih enough ta 
her speech. She, however, gives us the true pathos, wo- 
manltacu and depth of feeitag tbe character calla for. 
lu tbu chtrscter— UUlan Tavononr— we have a reprcten. 
tttlve yonng lady ot the Uteit achool of bor clou; and in 
atiUlng though not nnpleaaant contnsi, comes In the 
character ot Fanny Oonter, u a silly seullmentalUl of Iho 
school of weslihy jMrrmiiej, a character which Mn. 
Phillips pcrsonaiea vrith artistic ikUL As a represenlallve 
man or the wealthy anob school, or what we call "ahod. 
dyltes," ta this eounitr, we hsTC, ta Ur. Burner, Just tho 
siyle of chancier, and Bloddatd la fully at bomo ta Uio 
part. Dunter, by ihe way. Is one ot those tlnguUir mix. 
lurtaot worldly Blirewducis tnd plout professions, ot men 
who wear buslneu ta ibclr hearts on week dOFS and 
religion u a Sunday dress, who aro to bo seen 
In dally Ufe by Iho Uiouund. llanler Is a nightly 
cxagKcraled specimen of ibis class, and Stoddard does 
not Iciten Ihe contiaat between Uio pnollce and pre- 
cept of the chtncier; on the contntr, ho cnbancct 
It, and to please the ihongbtlcaa, tacrtOcei a good 
point ho might olherwue have made, Bnt the pari bt ono 
of bit best, neverthcleit, tnd he It ably aaslaled by Mn. 
Scfton, who knows how to pcnonats tbo vulgar parrenus 
to tbe life The character of Blsaenbalg, by wllllamion, li 
decidedly tbe best effort we erer uw that aclor make; 
both ta and acting Is Ihe poraonsUon oriliUe, 
As we before remarked, the whole plot of tbe playtnrnt 
upon the Inandal iroublca ot tat vaTiasonr family, and 
on tho efforts made by iho Isdy of the houia to exiriceto 
themselves by mans of a weallby marriage tor their 
daughter. The under cumnu ol the plot an sappUod by 
tbo dejdre of Bonier lo get hold of the ncna ot tho Vnvas- 
aour estate, on which he hu dUcovored Iron ore, and by 
the alruggies made by Ihe vulgar wealthy man to Imitate 
tbe alylo or tbo arlilocrallo owner or the old acrca. In do- 
Tclopmg theae pluiaea ot chancier the honealy ot Ihe self 
made FjigUsh monbont Is made to aland ont In bright col- 
on, sldo oy side wllh tho womsnly feeling ot the arlslu. 
onUo girt; whUe by eonlrast ws have tbe dtobonostyot tho 
■peoulaliro snob snd the manmuvring ot the fOahlonablo, 
worldly molher. "Men and Acre*," ta brief, U a charming 
pUiy, ndmbably performed ond placed upon Ibe itige ta 
Iboblgbcataijloof tbodromaUoart Ii wUl be oonUnued 
ihU week. 

The Sbaiox op Lbnt hu hid Us effect apon tho San 
FrencUco HInairela bnitacsa having been only moderate- 
ly Ihlr with tnoin, wm, Uwyor, iho now tenor, made hli 
obolsanc* on the lib Init., and wu weH received. Ill* 
voice Is clssr and swoot of good compssa, and bis render- 
ing of "LiUlo Ones al Uome" and "Nonh, Uie Pride ot 
Klidare," ftiliy meriUKi the .lenulno applauio besiowcd, 
He bi s dcslrulilo acqulslUoa w Ihe company, tbough tact- 
pable or oiling tho veld created by Wambold's temporary 
withdrawal. In tbolr various acts Iho mcmbcn ot the 
tnupo were all excellent, but the prognmmo wu devoid 
or iny thing fresh. Charity Dsokns wu unable, through 
Illness, to sppear after lb* nh, and his place on the ond 
wu oiled by John HulUgnn very acceptably. To.nlghi 
Rollln Howard, hnrieaqne prima dontio, commeneos an 

Ho'Lix llBiiNi DBHEnuir, prenifers etnietlrttnns ot 
Jamca Iloblnson'i Qroat Clnus snd AnImnI show, arrived 
In Now York on Thurtilny, tth, fromMadrid,wllhiorbaro. 
back and nenagt horses "Hon Carlos" aad "Joan D'Arc" 
She proooodcd Immediately loClnclnnatlto Join tbt troupe, 

Miu. BEDUiir Bbown is to receive a benellt st Wallack'a 
on uie aitb. 

Tbb Aubhioan DntniBrnts ippear to have proved more 
ttUacUve at AYood'a UuMom Ibin the Eoillita Blondes; 
tbo nighuy performance ot the "White cat," Uie nut 
week baring drawn better honsei thin "Sappno" dltiby 
tho Bloudos. This wsok tho Hand Slston exhibit tbolr 
"While Cat" at Uis tnarineeperronnances, and the Ulondes 
areto essay a bnrltsque otths "Dohimlon Qlrl" ta the 

ToBonAHQB In the ttylo or enlartatanent ooerod iho 
patrons ot Uio Old Dotvtry Tbeoln ot tola hu openled 
baoeflclally npon tho treunry, Ihe tllnutlons ot dnmo, 
hn* and Tariety boibuBi haTbig drawn good heuei 

nlghla ta Trenton, N, J., supported by II, 0. Andrews, D, 
U. Smllh, Occ W. Hblelils, 6. It. Onbam, Ults AtklmoD. 
and HUs_Mi:Donslil, with Hr. and Un. 0. W, Conway, 

. _^ »- — r«/,fUllVU 

and Jndy pcrformois, put In an oppeirtnce, and Andy 
Ilngbea, with bis Uilonud pupils, Hackln and BnlllTan, do 
a clog. Lorn Tooloy's Dutch sketch, entlUcd Tho Dnieb 
Emigrant,' will conclndo tbo show, Hr. John Forbes, ot 
Ibis Ibcotre, plays hon but ono week longor, having been 
engaged to clown vrith Yankee Robinson's Clreos, sod 
leaves on Ihe loth tor Hudson, N, Y. Tho Duller Traupa 
oloecd on the Mb, opening ta Uoeton on the nth," 

Frank Uayo, tragedian, wu aiuounced lo perform 
Ilnmlot at Omaha, N. T., on the 1th Init, aided byFraaK 
Weaton u the Ktag, J. M, Ilardle u tbe ahost, E. T. Oluko 
u Laertes, J. L. Biowart u lloretlo, T. K. Mills u Polo- 
mns, Mn. Do Bor u Iho Qiieon, and Mlu Cappoll u 
Ophelia. "RlchoUen" wu nuderitaed for Uie eib, ''Blreeta 
of Now York" ror Ihe Mb, and "namlefaltba mollnn. 
John Bchaobel la Hr. Mayo's agent. "minm. 

A. U. Uoi/r, or LetUe'a DnmiUo Tronpi, It ncoTeriiii 
ftom Us prolraoled Utaeas al hu homt ta^faonlon. Mui.. 
wo an gUd to Isan, ' 

TniniinB ortbe Uia Wtber Blondt Biriiaqae Tnupa 
to u tollowii-Pnrtdmoe, Aprtl nui, lJih^?nd uS; 

United SUMsScnau "for tUtaoaatmimSSiSaVL^ 
tlon of diamatlo oompoalUojsJbJiioSK" Sja'n'Sft 
and pronrioton ofUisaanie'' ftetlSaortMMivs 
tv Uienln tbr Ui* Issm et l«a yeaSa ProSSSon la'^^Er^ 
lU Ibe bill Bhtu not abrldgo My rlghtMii amiJ,'i" 

erto himnnditr us preri6u o^riAi lit- b« uu 
ndod ejMeliUJi to pnlact Wm In the owiS.a SJf; 
arc not pnbUsbed, The bUl provMia ftir tho nnlriiiiiS! « 
a printed UUe uoga wlt^e'u. B^bwSoJSft rtfi^k? 
same feea u af pn»)nt-« oobta tot origtaalreoordlSd i2 
conu tor avoryoopy under aooL U thea provWosSfitf 
"any manager, sotoror oUier petion, oner u^ln^ 5 
Uebue, ail,wlUUn Ibe PerBd ot tS^eSs^iSS^ 
pcrfcnn or represent, or oaus* to be copied, Mtod' iS\ 
or in part, orU any nuineraia ta lheumrT;M,"?S5 
manner useor appropriate, orcauao to be osod aruA!L!£r 
ated, me lUM of such dramaue composlUon, bv tmf^il 
toanyoUicrdnmaUocoapealUon, wliboutUioconaurot 
Umud States Oonit or any Bute Oomt bavtag^rUdK 
Uon." These damaguaT^taaU caaea, to bo UMfaiithua 
tun for Uie Drat oObnca and tW tor ovsry snlnca^ 
offonoo, and u much mon u the court consldera lusL it 
Is ftirther provided that Uu manager or other naraoD af 
offsndlng shaU be ludged gnUty of a mlsdemesnorTsublut 
to tadictment, ami to a One of not liaa than |ioo for «S> 
offence, or Imptttonment for not less tbtn ten nor mom 
than thirty days, or both One and fanprlsonment, ta tba 
dIscnUon ot ths court. AcUon brought nadet Ihls aS 
may ho commenced any Ume vnlbta two yean after iba 
offence. The bUl wu read Iwloe, rafomd to Uie Commiu 
lee on the Ubnuy and ordered 10 bo prtalod. It now Uta 
In commllice. 

Faknt Bubt, toubroUt of the Academy of Untie it 
Duflklo, hu received $1,800 from Uie Lake Shore and Michi- 
gan Sonlhera riUntd, lor UUnriea ausiataod by Uie tola 
accident at Huron. 

BiDWBix's DXAKAno CoMPAMT prodnced lha Bontoa 
Museum version or "Froa.Pna" at Lowell, Uaaa, on Apm 
3d,wltb Dolllo Dldwell u Frou-Fnn. Manager Oldwell bu 
purobaoed tho right to produce this pleoe In tho provtaciu 
dUei and tonus of New England. The company opened 
ta Salem, April llh, ror ono week. 

OwiN Fawcett, who hu been Orel low comedian at ths 
Walnut SUcet Theatre, PhUadelpMa, tor eevorel setiona, 
and who lost anmmcr ployed wliti uogtnl at the Tbeauo 
Cuinlque, N. Y., and ta BoeMo, odverUacs that ho la dlsla> 
gaged unlU Ang. l, 

UHADY ft Cu's TiipuPB, who performed at Eldoro, Is., on 
tbo 3Ut ull., eonsbis ot I'hUlip Urady * Co., monagen; It. 
U, Hlohsrds, stsge monager; Wm. Marble, IL U. Buck, T. 
B. Holland, W. unmutag, K L. Daunonbuig, L. Wilson, 
Rddy O'Connor, A. Johnson, A. Carur, Ulss Lotlie buck, 
Ulu Waldron, und AniUo SmIUi. Tbey arc to do front 
thence lo Uinboinowo, Iowa, with Ulss Jennie Booth u 
tbo star attncllon In "ftmobon," and from Uience to Ce- 
dar lupldL Ihia Muon has loll Iho company, 

Tbb Kimoslbit Dbamatio TBOurR commenced Ibclr 
Mcond and lut week at Uloomlngtoii, 111., on March nth. 
to bsd business, rendering "UjicIwUi" on tbat evening. 
Onthe-J9UiMr. W. IL Oray, the stags naniuor, wu up 
tor a boneOt, produdng "Uedsa," wlUi Hiss Jean Bosmor 
In tbo UUe role. The rest ot the week no performancea 
wen given, on account of tho Kmbly rainy weaUier. 
They left Uien on April 3d, tor Dubuque, Iowa,' opcnUig 
there on the dihtaat. An outrage wu commiued on Mr. 
Lltllo, the leading men, on hoar twforo train Ume. An st- 
tachmont wu sued out agotaat Hr. Ungaley'sbaggago for 
bill poetlogta Sprtagfleld, lU., but Klngsley and his ef- 
fects had "vamosed tbe nnchc," to Uie conslablo seized 
Mr. UUle's Ihtagt. Mr. Llltis penuaded In vain, bat 
anally threalenea a suit tor damages. The oOloer then ro- 
leucd aU bul a box contalntag photographs ot Mlu Ilta- 
mer, which hs carried off ta trlnmph. 

The VXMmaaSlsrxusadverUM that thoy can be en* 
gaged for general dnmaUo bnttaeu and duel and solo 
staging. ^ 

HB.BDinii FoBRxar opaaed at Uu Aoadony of Moaio, 
Bloomtagton, Ul., on the Ith tast. 

real u Ihe star, wss announced to ptrffriD tl Rouse's 

and iltb 

dplentsor a Joint beneflt; they gave 
'Six Degraes ot CrUno,' an olio, with nui. ou auui u ■ 
'Seance DIaboUqne,' Hany cuffbid In a 'Comlo Raftata,' 

R. V. Fatgnion In oharactST akelchea, Jennie OUffbrd in 
long and danc*, Claia Setbreoke In HIgiUind dtag, 
Pblllpt and Whil* ta double cleat, U. W. MlleheU ta llg; 
Ihe whole endtag irith .The TwS Conricti. ' Ihlt OTenlng 
benellt and last appeaiance of J. W. Albangh. Tt* bUI ta 
■Enitocba' tnd 'Ixlon.' A few dija back Hr. Albangh 
went to Hr. Lawlor, ot the Academy of Uoale, and so- 
Udlcd tb* latter to play OlheUo. Hr. U eoniented lo pbbv 
for a brother aclor al a rival eatabUthment, altbongn it 
would have hurt hia own bnataeai for thatevenlnji. On 
Honday Hr. lAwlor racelved lha fouowtag tromitr. Al- 

Paaaa LawxOB,Baa.— Tbaaaelaaadeola ap*ilutbrllaal£ It*. 
greiaiceMlnily IbaircaaaataTBllDyaaU ar yanrinTkea. 

JoBxB. Aiaiuoi. 

Tha enoloaad note read u toUoiTB:— 

Ma ALBioon.— Mr. LawhvcaBBot play lalhl* bnlldlagiolaBgai 
luamanaiar. Ton muatebaBierourblll. LacnaBAaaaa. 

Uatame Bcbilleb hu given two Oemtn pcrformincts 
at Sin Jose, OsL She wlU open Uie new 8sn Jose Thea. 
tre wlUi tn EnglUb Company ta Jane. On the Sd the was 
u> sppear UMaUie ta Weber's " Der Frelschntx," at the 
Mctropollun Ihealro, Ban FrtnoUcOisnd on ibe lib go np 
to SacramenM vriUi Charies Thorne, Walter Lamas, and a 
company under T.Magnlre'amanigement. Tbe "Lady ot 
Ijon'a" la the oi>tntag bill : foUowed by " Dreams of Oe- 
lualon,""Bniealine" tnd "TheChUdof Uie negbsent," 

DtmiKBs IX Ba-v FBAMnsao may be summed np u fot- 
lowi :— " The Doke'a Motto" at the OaUforala dnwi splen- 
dldly ; tbe Bpanbih Open at Ihe Metropollun, woll : nwnk 
Drew at Uie Alhsmbra drew nothhig ; Mognlte's closed. 

Joa.vB. LamobisubIs bnildlnganew Tnettn at Cedar 
Creek, Montana. 

Am SroMi wu to open at Boll lake on the aih ot April. 
Ibo new movement Mormons taland lo biUd a new Thea- 
tre ta SaU Lake, ft Is eold. 

TOB ZATisTowsxts haro been doing well at Saetamento 
andBtocktoD, and opened ngota nt tbe Alhnmbra, San 
Francisco, on tbe lUi or AprU. 

HiaoiB HiTOnEiL commences, ApiUlBtb, a three weeks' 
tonr ot the New England dUei, under Ihe mintgemoht ot 
Messrs. LowoU and Sbnmonda. 

A PEW RxsroisiBui pEorLB ore wanted to support a 
fliBtcIass Blar. Additaa J, n. Jones as per odvorUsa- 

Uia. w. 0. OLAinrAMils tbe next star at the duitor 
nia Theatre, San Francisco, commenctag on AprU Mtlt. 

F. 8. OnAKPRAU, who hu be«n scoured for a star en- 
gagemontattbeCiUfemla Theatie, Ban Francisco, com. 
mences late ta May. 

Fbane dbbw proved a tailon at the Alhaobra Iheatre, 
San Francisco. 

JoftN E, McQauonan, manager ot the Ot^lfcmla Thea- 
tre, San Frouolsco, tatehds TlslHog New fork esriy in 
Jone, and will make a lengthy visit, no wUl be followed 
ta July by John T. Raymond, big low comedian, who hu 
a leave of absencs ot six weeks. 

Dabtom's New Opkba Uotsx, Syracnse, bsi been leaaed 
for a drematio teuon, commenctag with Ita iQipgnral 
night, May ttb, by thoso esieipitilng minatirs, Heun. 
Lowell and Slmmoids. 

Josspo JgrPEBsoM opened a two weeks' engagement tt 
tbe iiollidaT street Theatre, Boltlmoro, on Mondsy, Ith 
Inst., ta "lUp Vsn Wtakle." A critical and s fUhlonsble 
audience-Immense ta qnantlty and mostrelnod ta qnaU. 
IT— iroetcd Hr, JoObnon't Rtuni lo tho Uonmnenlol City, 
Illp Van wuikle Is a character whoso popularity cannot be 
ImpaUed by Ihe Upee of ages, and which, like Uie onaUons 
olBbakespeare, wlu ever be witaessed with ardor and 
aridity by overnowtagaudlencca. Ur, JclTonon wu ably 
supported by Isabella Trctlon u Dane Vau Winkle, Lltllo 
Ilendrick and HmbIo by lAPetlio FloroacoBionley and 
De Von, Derrick Von Beekmaii by P . A. And erson, nlcho- 
lu Vcdilcr by B. E. Knapp In the aniflllrnil In tlio tblrd 
act Yanderhoot ot Uendrtck Vedder. LllUe Eldrldgo as 
Hoenle, and Dowerd u Cockles. Up lo dit«, BIh, no dim- 
inution ta the thronged atlemlance. Tbe "Rivals," "Ilelr 
at Law" and "TlckeMt-Leave-Uon" will be pioduoed this 

Op Br. Lonia TDEATHrous wo nrc advlstd by onr cor- 
respondoni, "Uonnd Olty," u folioirB:-"AlDeBar'iOpom 
UouBO, tbe weimacl Aillel and FaulomimeTreupe broimht 
their nniuccenftil engagement to a cloae April 3d, The 
tnupe had been engaged for two weeks, bot owtag to 
some misnndontaniung between Uem and Uie manege- 
mont ot this house, It lulcd bnt one week. Tho ngular 
company, under the management ot 0. D. Chaplin, relurn 
after a abort vlall to tbe sumnndlag bnrglo. On Monday 
ovonlug, lib, Uio comedy ot 'Schoo!> wu proentod to a 
fair but ontoaiuiitio nudlonco; tho ohsroolor ot Cipialn 
Jack Poyniz wu ably sustained by o, D, OhipUn. HUB 
U, A Fennoyor, u Bouo, played bor pirtwdl. Hiss 
LeulM Sylvester mode a pnlty Naomi Tlglie;thls roong 
lody, during Ibe entertainment, ung 'Uor Bright SmUes 
Usoni Hs Still' eobotlvely, and eUctted merited spplanss. 
Having a pretty foco and wlnsorao tmUe, tho U quite a fa- 
vorite with thestn goers. Hllo. Ventunll, dnntsuss ot tbe 
Wcsmael Tnnpe, having been engiged for six evcntags, 
appeared ta her shadow dance, and wu tbe redploni 
of repealed applause The performance oondndcd with 
Ueso kept iho audience In a roar of laughter, as alto did 
CbsrileltogerSiWhoappeareduacorgo. OnTncsdoy 'Nick 
or tbe Woods' wu produced tea house oboot two-lhlrds 
fllleil. Too Much tor Oood Naturo' wu given for the aftc^ 

Elece,wllb Charlie Rogen u Romoo Jalllor JcnUns and Htat 
oulse Syhcaier u Betty, On Wednesday lUgbl Measn, 
Slophon ConUah and Robert Oridio, doorkeepers, look a 
lomt beneot, and It is only neocssiry u> itale Ihil Ibe 
house wu crowded. Tho comedy of 'Hidden nind' and 
tho bnrlesqua of 'Norma' conitllnled tho bllL Mr, B, L, 
Darenpert wu to have commenood an engagement, bnt 
owlngto slokneeslthu been poslponod. John coillos, 

comedian, U tho auracllon for next (ihU) week The 

Olympic Theatre hu been doing an humense buitacsi with 
Wm. Horace Ltagard and Alice Uuuntag. On Monday eve. 
ntagUie cemedloua ol 'Oapiotaof the Watah'wu given 
to a large aadlence, and abinding room only ooold bo ob- 
uioed, Mils Alice Dunning u luiiLtaa wu obaimtog, as 
also wu Annie Wood u Kslryne, after which Wm. Uonca 
Ltagard sppesnd ta his dlfforenr chsraotor sketches and 
pereonailoni, which took tho house by storm. The enter- 
latament concluded wllh tho sparkling oxlravagania ot 
'Plulo,' which vvlll mn for the nitotlbeweeil. Next 
(Ihit) week Kale Uelgnolds U annonncod to ippear," 

Tub Katie Putnam DraLESQUB Tsnura commenced a 
brief ssason on the lit at JaucivUio, Wis. Tbe oompsny la 
large, comprising Iwonty-tbree people and a -brass band, 
They wont ftom there U> oololl for two nlgbls. 

BiDbLB'B nnAUATio TBOUPB opened at JaiosvUlt, Wis., 
on the vui of March, irilb the "Oron ot Gold," and "Iilsh 
Emignnt." Tho company It very good, Ttio Mleaos 
Walls appeared ta idvantago. Edwin Ouffbnl wu good u 
tho old Sorgeaut. John Durion, u tbo Rmlgrant, was Inf- 
monsc, and la a One Irish eomodtan. Tbey were to to-ot- 
ganUe and start on Iho eth ot April, Edwin CUffbrd and 
HUa MIlUo Bridges were married on Uio stth of Mareh. 

AT na OLTMPia Dbooxltn, t aanUeal tpMlaels 
oalled "Ihe Doonty Jomper," Is tao teatnis of Uie pitibnt 

Bust UoiT and troupe are Uio aUraoUon at ths Pllla- 
burgh Opera Uonae tae oumnt week, opsntag ealhaUUi. 
tor0Aiil|hii, Thtyvidb«na«««deabyOliaiiMii. 

Opera House, taorta, lU., on tbe Tib- r,a, iith 
Inat, "Jack Cade" to bo tae opapJnS piece It Is 
rest's flnt appcannce ta ljta> city, 

PiTOxm'B Caitjiiii.'UTioH performed at Slarlbig, ni., 
wsf 1^ Htfor* \iai, and on the ad luL Haoager Pluokett 
uau a "rouatag benelL" From ihenoa Iboy wont lo 
Dixon, Freeport and Rockfocd, openhig at Ihe lut named 
place on the oth IniL Charles Jordan, their slogs man- 
ager, la to have a beneOt while there. 

SInk'i Open Uoum, Rome, N. Y., on the ISlh taiL 

E. Daeraoloi'ob and Mlu Melllt Denta Jotaed the Katie 
Putnam Troupe on the iSth nit, at Fon da Lao, wu. 
They wen lo open ta WaterfOrd, AprU stb, JanearUta, Ith, 
and Bockfoid, luh. 

AT THB AOAOxiiY OP Uiraia Omaha, Nab., Leo Hudson 
mads her last appearance on Ihe M liut, and lha Rita 
BaogaUl taUet mnp* wen to follow u the star Mlraeuoa 
ailaalhouK. Stan and stock oiUalt an wanted by man- 
agerCoTTL Be« lulvtrtigtrntiu. 

ABUOBT Hall, Ban Jote, OoL, ued for thialrlcal eg. 
leilalnmants, wu partly duinyed by fln on March nib. 
whUe Ihe etMbllshminl wu nodcigolng npsln. The 
roar porUon of Iho hall, Ihe tiage, eceneir and aadltartaii 
ware dfamyed. i < 

A KEW tAatbi la lo b« •reeled Ui Sail Lak* air, Utah. 
OD Ihe cooperative plan. 

OaUfonUa Theatre, San Frandaeo, Ibr Ibe gipsy aceno ta 
taa apeolaole of "The Duke's Motion" terminated Ihelr en- 
gagement on AprU tth, and were lo have started overiand 
for NSW York on the nth Inst, stopptag at Bnnaio, N. Y, 
whan ihiy an under engagement to open on tbe Mth insl' 
In Nbw Ubuans, aaya onr corrtspondent "Cresoant," 
irriltag on the 4th>-"Bnstaca8, under the stUnnUUon 
of uoraaasd attroeUon al Ihe Tsrtous honsea, hu bn- 

Kived during lbs past week, alUiongbta tho middle ot 
nt Atthe Varienet Theatre, MIssOharlotlsThompsoB 
and Ihs company engaged at this honia bare drawn large 
aadlencea, Mlu Tnompton having appeared u Nell 
Qwynne Ul •Oourt and Stage,' and u Tlenleue de r 

M iKrk°u5; sss^^'&w-^ ' 

tilgnca of Rlchcllan'a Une. -In bolb chiraelstv 
Thompaon wu splendidly eoppnted. Bota- pkL. 
wen weu pat on Ibe auga, Iho formture and appomi* 
mania being ftiUy ta accord irilb tbo pertoda np- 
resenled. On Tbnnday and Friday evenbigt, and at liSt 
Saturday maKnn,Mn.T,&Cltaeappeai«d u Oennd* 
ta Ihe pnlty muilcal foroe of The Loan or a Lorer.' ThU 
ovenug, Mro. Cowloy'a celebntod comedy ot The Oelle'a 
Btralayam' wu produced for tae flnt Umeta sevsralyesn, 
with Hlu ObarMle Thompson u LeUtta lltrdy, Mr. byron 
u Doricoart. Mr. J. D. FuDer u Hardy, Mr. Morton u Sir 
atorgo TOuohwood, Ur. Pawman u Flutter, Mr. Oobay u 
SarilTs, MUa Bella Patoman aa Lady Fiancta, Mn. Jamtaa 
u Mrs. Raokett Mra. Annu Vaogh u Mlaa Ogle. On 
Tueqday eventag Ibo will appear u FatUieaU In 'logo- 
mar,' wita 'SboBloopa to Conqoer'and 'RonicoandJulMU 

ta Ttbeanol At Ihe Academy of Hnalo Ihsattsndano* 

hafbeen very lug* all Uie weak wllh Hist LoclUe Weatom 
tuthe star, ihehtvlngdono'Eut Lynne' ODUondaT,Tne*. 
day, Wcdnoaday snd Thundayavealnis, and at tho Baloi^^ 
<ayniaHiwt. On Friday, her Oral benetil, she appeared tn 
Leah;> on Saturday and Sunday eToninga as Nancy Sykee . 
Ilia Western hu been well supported by Mr. Uems. This 
iTintag the oomedy of 'Frou-non' wu produced tor tbt 
nt lime ta tbla dty, drawing a large and fnablonaM* 
udlcneo, who leaUOcd tkclr appreciation, both of Miss 
' I'eatem'i pertormince ot (lUberte tnd theelegantmanner 
Ihe comen wu placed on tae alagt, by loud and con. 
Unuod applauie. nopliy wu strongly cast and wu weU 
plsyod by all, Mr. J^ Uernoappeitftia* llenrtSartoija, 
llr. UavUu Brlgatd, ta tbe placo ot Itr. Bosworth, who 
wu taken aick ebortlr before the cuneln went up, Mr. 
CogswoU u Comts ds Valnaa, J. a Wallioo u the Daron 
de Oambri, Mra. Dan Myron u Loulae, UUu Andrews aa 
ths Baroneaa de Cambii, and MUa Annie Uoeten u Fau* 
Unc Of Ulu Weatem'a rendering or the dimcnlt rnu ot 
OUberte too much prolae cannot be given. She will bring 
her engagemout tu a close on Sundty evening, April lOlb. 

On Ihe lltb Ur. and Un. Ilany Waikbia will oppcar 

Al the St Obories Thestn, ibo Uorlacobl xtaoel Troupa 
have been dotag a big bustaeu with their spectacular 
extnvsgonia ot 'Undtao,' ta which Ur. 1. Wesloj 
HUl appeared u BIMlnbcri, Ur. Ashley u Banilsle[ 
Hr. uscello u the Baron Locbiusin, Ur. J, a! 
Ilodgu u Amphlblo, Hist Ktta O'KeU u Dndtao, Hlu 
Bonllac* u Idex, HUa HatUe Vallee is FlavUt HU* 
Neuie Taylor u Mra. Bridget and Hra. J. A Uodgu u 
lady Una. The ptay wu splendidly put on ths lUge, 
and the several totigt and oaomici won woll sang, bni 
ths main feainn ofthe work U the beauiUUI dancing of 
Ibo Uorltcchi and her troupe, their Unngartan qnadrllla 
and Oan-oan betag both tlsgantly and Snely rendered. 
This STsnlng 'Dndtae' entara Its sMond week, iriUi 
Bevtral new Aaturts. On Monday evening, Hann 2Mb. 
the oceulon of Hr, Charies Fope'a beneOi, hs wu the 
rtolpleni of a very elegant gold watch, which waa 
prcsenUd him by bis many friends ccnoocted with tha 
varioua nllroada oonnectlng this cl^ with those of Ihe 
weeten italaa. Tho watch bean a rory handtoms ta. 
serlptlon, with ths name ot the donee and donon Itael* 
engraved. It appeara taal Uien hu been some error la 
Bgureslorwardedbymsaa iho amount otreoelpu Ibr tho 
mouths ot January and Febnuty at tbla house, althougli 
Iskon from ths Intemsl nvenne books. Ii ahould M 
January, |23,MS.M; Febrnair, t2a,t43.;5." 

AT TBE HBMrnis, TEHV., TiuATnE, thbigs aro "Oat, sUla 
and unpnfltablo." Our correspondent writes that "HUi 
Kate Bolgnolds' engagement bu proved atalluro, lofka 
u Ihe box onoe U concemtd— no laull of tlUa ReignoldB. 
She hu mot with tao tame fate that has attandod ntao- 
tenths otths Stan that hare plued bore Ihli sesson; vriUi 
Ihe exception of Jefferson snd Mrs. Bowen, but few bars 
gone away with any money Ui Ibalr punes. ThU olty will 
nol support a dramallo company but tor a ahorl eoason, 
and then lb* alttaotlon mutl be flnt oltu or have a gnit 
metropoUltn repuutlon. The aauiu of Ibo noaaunport 
ot tho logltlmau ar* the**— our flcaUng panuutloii 
ta imtU, and oui reaideni play-go«n can not affonl 
to turn oul more than one or two nlghls ta the week, 
and I am sorry to say thai oar young moo snd onr DrlondB 
from Ibo rural dittriota prtttr the 'Cin-can' tnd 'Shoo 
Fly,' and the oUier ontenatamtnu that can be tonnd at 
tho variety htlU, ot which we have three In tnll bluU 
Then Bgata, ktno and thro game* are Uccnied by Ihe tu- 
thoriUes, and are nightly Ihrongod by lha obus of peophs 
thli formerly sttendid our theatre. These Uilng8.tBva 
tended u> ritlali Ibe luto for tteritag toUng." 

Tub IrKOABD Teoppb werslo appear iTlhrllomphli 
Tboatn on tho llth. 

Lisa WasBn'a DDiit.Eii)i)i Troopi show la Froridonoo, 
R. I., April nth. latb and iSUi. Tho party now comnrtaea 
LUa Weber, Edllb ChalUs, Clara Fisher, A. CmwlbrUi, 
AUco Lnmlop, Haggle Dumond, Annie Wood, Don Her- 
bert, Lena Slndolr, Edward lUghUiu, W. J. Hill, norrr 
Trevor, Lewis Osynor, A. 3. Lawrence 7. Drodonck, lU 
Barton, Dolchnnty and Hongler, Ulia Siiaie Snamerneld, 
Hlia BalUo CUnetop and tho Dronnans. 

TBB ST, LosiB MspuMionn hu a New York oorrMpond. 
ent who thus prophecies for the ftiuin otBfflo Osrmoa 
and Jome* Lewis:— . _ 

IbmannoaetonyotTlelUa on tha tbeatical boima wbe ua 
falrtoor<reiicRedb>tbeUBreUor JabitOllben aad ar. Staddart, 
lo Bflla OennoB, Panor Dareniiort and Maria Longmora, paepja 
lo nad mnhrtU44 eaoal la tbo lored a<!d^lo*} BajZ 

aFaBByManBtaadEmllrHeauyer, ' 

will ba ably enoc««ded. Oerulaly Ibe Pirib Ataaao 1 

Sar leas oapod lo nad aoMrtUta equal la tbo lored ana ion 
annaa. InMluFaBByManBlaadEmllrMeiuy<r,Mit. van»a 
will ba ably encmded. OerulaliUie Pirib Ataaao Tbaaua num- 
benAnoBBllUpnaeBt amnpanya nntlwun wbo will yet ee <w 
ramou«aBjairbr*DOorOweBa,or01ait& TbBllaJameeMWU. ai^ 
Lewta came ben rrom Iba Baal wlUi tba burlea^na mupa of BiM 
nqlliaBdwaatbaliaadandrnnl or Ibalr p<rromaB«4 ASM* 
erilba Borila, and RabMa In Innboe, ba na InmaBaalynieoaaani. 
Mr. Daly, wllh aieallnAjudinnanl, aalturedblra far^bla new enter. 
priie, aud u>Ur.LewU baoan aurlbula mucbol Uia laoaeaa lba> 
baatlunded hU abarmlag IttUa ibealn. Tbla nan U analuru 
bclDi runay uian "ma.pomjJlaBS 

Mr. D^,'R?Ih aicallaiA Ju 

Erlie, aud lo Ur. Lewla ba 
ualunded bU ehAmlBS little ibealn. 
actor; be caa ao piora nelp btloi runpj 
can l»lp bains BBfunny, Brair ana pndlela lbi> 
or JelhrBaB wOl mil upoa Mr, Lowla' aiionldara, U hi dMf°9 
cnataBBUiaentor bia own, eupntor to artD tbat Bupanor aaaowa 
baadarlMt. Ilnl when ara Ua ambfya Jabo .Odbartal waaa 
aball 10 laui nouralog, ooBvlneed that onHiU Uta I tkaU i 

''LorrAoommenesd an sngagamenttt Uie ?»i';5'l«M?i 


strt WuhlDgton, 6. 0., onlh*4Uitatt, and wu antaj- 
ilulloally noolved. It betag hor Ont appeannee U Wun* 
tagtonta Biz yoan. Our oorresDondent Inns .nnrs ■« 
hsr:-"Sh* opened ta ths 'UlUe fieteoUTe," MiWilul 
geinlnehlti aocordUigly. Ihe bill wu not dhnoged nniu 
Ihtavenlniof iheith, ihe oooislon other Inl h*n«ob 
In tae UUidaot Lolta gave the song tnd dino*, 'neu in 
UUla Bolte,' and 1 1 wu Ike nealtat UUsg wo hare Uduu 
letKo. n» appuiw mt dMfMioci u4 iw« •n"™ 


^lipril jl6,: 1870. 

irafw' '^tik ctlippeIi. 

SSSSMWItb large and niricTotis aiorea on tto gmvai 
Sf^it iMr and • pronilnant New York Boniwer U 

Jimd a« S» OB Men noilored tlie manimeniciit." 

■5m cLmiN Wroaa and 0. B. Blaboparo to open »t 
th?^*™ Uoilw. ElmliV"- Y-i 'or a .hort aeoton. on th« 
liui inatT Snder Jolin TrVoidJamanamnient. 
>"= .7V>Ir._. udmi an Twiiiraii were "billed" for 

^a;".^&;SSiVlDSi^UO' TCiSTgir were •'bUlcdM 
n^kDoH. lU.. Ibc 4111, Itb, and 6th Inst. . _ 

nomloH'i'Knw Opib; Jlorai, Lynn, Maai. Inwra- 
7 i»S iti lltrt remlar (Iraraatlc waaon JTondar, APHi'*! 
' Sa nilwWtanaing Ilje Icarfnl alom tbo Uoiijo waa well 
Su*I...Tbc opanlng p ec. w^^^ "lUp Vjn WlnWC." w^th 

WuKj/DSnowe, uiwea Emrna nalU nello MonlrMo, 
UtUe kormy, Mis. D. Konn«, M " ^SfJil,*;:' 
wltb Jobn Vorroy oa niana«er and Cborlet A. wing agent, 
on -AniwST evening, 71*7 the tonao wria pacjcd, and 
SUSnSSra wmSabla'to rnln admltu^^^^ 
BkaweU and Joale Orton open lot alz nlgtila on llie lltb. 

OraAJricJslSiSoinclSnaU, dated the 8lh Inat.. mn 
■a IoUowa:-"PdwlnAOaraBbaa teen plnjflng Ibe Bicond 
ZaSii week of a gncocaami enBsgement at Wood'a Thca- 
iS: ^ocb Aiden' waa not only run tjio cnllro opening 
Veik. bit Monday and Tneeday of iwa week, ft haa been 
weupntonand weU awtd, and deamcd the encceaa It 
mt wli. on Wedncaday evening, 'glhc o" ™,Blvon, 
wuiMr Adanaaa lago, Sottnold aa Othello, wwrngoii 
Oiaalo, Annie Wall* na ixadcmona, ud CTiariolteJiiinip- 
tonaaEmUla. Tbe lago of Edwin Adama la t Je oneTjam"- 
ftriTcn. wlioM >1Uilny was ao arpareBt that OltaolDlvaa 
ixiramoly blind not to we It; bnl It won a vorv erfldlvo 
rtMoof acUng,and pleaaod everybodv. 'Miwbcm'lfaa 
aSienthe following (lost) ercning, and probably w«Bbn 
S. wfile rreaSUclo'ry. To-rngbt iKrid jy) for Ijli bon- 
eai.Mr.AdannwUI npocaraa Hover In ttlldOam,' foL 
loVcd by 'BreiunB orDcluilon,' In wWcb AdoiM plBw 
Bemaitrnarlclsh. To-monow (Salnnlay) the bill la lucb. 
■nl III,' The auuport of Annio Wolte in tbo leading fcmalo 
raJu hai been excellent Kext(Uila) week Hadamg Sfin. 

Tcab, (be ByoinjBt,la lobe Ibo aUrocUon Ur.CL, 

Davenport mllcd to open nt Ibe National this week, being 
coollncdin niisbnrgb by an attack of goat, ao accident 
wblcb waaa genuine diaappolntmont. In conaeqnonoe, Lit- 
tle NeUlo wiB ic-eniiajTed, lOgetticr wKli aome other attnc- 
tlona. TnoTonc8brothen,(LcoDardoandEnilllo) irapeie 
ptrformeia, bnre bxn perronnlng here all the week. 
•Katlierlne and rctrachlo' and 'Ireland as It wai' were 
llrtt given, with E. >'. Thome oa reinicblo, Cloia Horrla 
u (Ee Bbrow, and Llltio Nellie ns Jsdy OTrot. On 
Wednesday evening ll\is Kallo Tllston appeared aa nam- 
.lel, inalnvesile on that tragedy, Tlth Edwin Wight as 
Ophelia, and Ada Dow as notatlo. Hamlet lookedprfde 
and pretty, and was enacted wllh Bplrit. It has been kept 
ooall the rettofihe week. In addition to the barlcaqne, 
Uitle Nellie has appeared In a Bnccesslon of farces, and 
also In banjo solos, and the Torres brothen have given 
thtlrgymnaiUe eznlbltlons, Hr. Davenport aUll remains 
ULandtliomanagtmcntlsrathcrpnt toit for allnctlons 
for next week, utuo Nellie wUl piDbablj be r&engaged, 
Ihongb this Is not certain." 

IiAimii Kum will appear In niehnond, Ta., on Hay 
3d, and among other aiiracUons wUl prodncs "iroi- 

Hiss Fimrr D. Fnci'a residence near Elmlra, K. T., 
being nnocctiplod, was entered by bnnlan on the zrnh 
nit., and a large amoant ofpnpertyaloren— direr ware, 
caipeia, beds and bedding, trunka of dothlngi Ubniy, 
Ac This Is a Iisavy loss to the yonng arffsM; woo Is now 
flillog engagements In the Bonth. Bus oonunenoes an en- 

Sgeincnt ai Baton Konge, La., April IStb, auppoited by 
s Vlckibnrg Opera lloose company, 
Tns Lisi wEBBa DLOifDX BcHLEsquzTnocra appeared 
at New Haven, Conn., April 8ih and Mh, and created qnlle 
a Mnsallon In that city; Ibe blondes were well received 
and drew two Immense honaes. "Ixlon" was presented 
on the opening night, after which a variety oUo was 
gtreo. In which Ur. and Mis. Biconan appeared In their 
aong^ and were enoored. Neil appeared the song and 
dsDco attlsis, Dclehantr and neiigler, who were called 
oni llva Umea. "Dora Dclli" waa given on the following 
nicht. In which RIghlon appeared In the title rolf. 

WOOD'S Stir Coubinition opened at Stamford, Conn., 
April 4tb, to a poor house. Thoy were to have played ai 
Norwalk on AprU 6th, bnt the organization disbanded. 

Edwin FORUsrwas annoonctd to appear atDurtlng- 
ton, la., on the lib InsL aa Hamlet, anil on the 8lh as 
Richelieu, aided by UKs LUUe and w. Oarrls, under W, IL 
UoUanil's management. 

Hiss Auce Piacids opened In Trenton, N. J., on the Tlh 
Inst, with "Fllzaboth," toacnod honse. She waa to opto la 
Boidcntown, N. J., on Ibo llth inst. In "Elizabeth." 

At BraiKonaLD, Ilu, Edwin Forrest drew erowdcd 
booses on tlio Isl and Sil Insb, and UcEean lluohaoan and 
Iroupo did good bnsLneea there all last week. 

Lleam thiengh onr 
.silL a oomplk 
'-n, ftrjrUch ofr 

'iS9 wat^utaeat 
chain by the preali 

, — , — ...^ codndlL _ _ _ 

dUuns of Utile Ilock. To-night la fortbs'BMMnaiaie 
,fuia>gcnen(, when 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' Is Bs HlL'f ' 
J/ Tub PiBi TOBiTBE, Brooxltn, did a rood lm___ 
lest week. The opening nUbt wis Conwan baneflt, and 
despite tliQ morm lbs attendance was flattcrliut. The per* 
rormance was the "School for Scandat" inib ib. and 
Hn Conway ss Sir Peter and Lady Pearroalioll u Joseph 
finifticc, and Bales as Charles Surfaoa. Ori Toesday, 
Wedncwlay end Thumlay "llncif. Tnm" played to 
lUi bouses, end on Friday and Saturday "OHvuTwlst'i 
drew crowded houses. On Friday Mr. QwnU took his 
bentlt, and "atsndhif room only" was' lM Older of Ibe 
evening. Ue played fagm In ''Oliver Tvlsl" tot Onely. 
"The Hake's Progreos," one of the lenMltMul a jiool of 
plan," la snnonnocd for this week;/ Hn. Boweia will 
ahortu appear ai the Park, ,' ./ 
, A KBw PLtr entitled "lllnnle>ildek; otiha Upa and 
Downs of city Life, " has been wilMoldr Xeona Cavender, 
by John Drougham, end wlU akgstl; M piodnced In the 
neighborhood of New York, z, . ■ 

ANNU V0R.SF0BT1I, tiiiilramii iilif.' now traveling 
with the Lisa Weber Trsnpe, eaa, be tddreiaed as neraa- 

Owm Fawcnr, lev «a«(idlaii. laU of Ihs Walnnt Street 
S.Vi^.'*l,"^,V'2'"^;*'>»» •» «»• HaUonal nealre, 

I BOBIDN are thns cbronlOed by 
v_ilolaans," under dateof Aprtl nhi— 
I muted effort of Ucssra. Donelcanll 
'leed at Selwyn'a Theatre on Hon- 
II Is a play which, In a Ulenrr point 

Vaahlogton, D. 0., 
TniNoe Tmii~"' 
Mr coirespondi 
"'Lost at B^a; 
aid DyroOi'i — 

day cvcnmt, n _ _ 

f/^iliiSWll? eltbefgcntlcnian'einglyVbntSe'lng 
J!'Ji!!SP..rr''**'0*'^ns,lsadl8iiracelothon. Infect, 
afi^Jdu'^-'ary merit whatever. Tlio plot la not new, Ibe 
ejjjUinjnran all of the alandard typo, and the dlalogne Is 
■UvUrU'weaki Yet, with the sdluncu of Hue aodng and 
■NMuUI aeencry-both of which It has received at Bel wyn'i 
-j^ltwanaien to achlere qolte a ancccsa. As you have had 
IbepltflnNcwYorklllaanneceeaaiyfor me to raoount 
le plot. Thecatt al Uelwyn's draws upon the best strength 

of ISO company. Frcdcrlo Hoblnson acts Walter Coram 
admirably, pluylng with a quiet dignity and reOne. 
neni. w. j. Lo uoyno has a part alter file own heart 
as Doctor Jcssop, sad li Is needlcas to say that his 
performsnco was as near perfect as one could well 
wish, Stuart Kobson os Jim Bmyley was vary funny 
' and very artistic In acting and make np. Daly plaTed 
■awUngs In llret class Btyle. lira. Danywss very pleas- 
ing and natnral as Xaty Jaasop, though the part doeis not 
affoM very great opnorlunltles for displaying her Ine 
tdenu. llcKce llatikln aa Lord Colcbrouk was only fair: 
Haiy Wells gave another of her admirable character act- 
ings ss Hia. Jcaop, and Virginia Buchanan dU well 
anongb as Unra. The rest of tlio osat was alsowoll done, 
but Dceda no espechU mention. The aoenlo eObcis wire 
flist class, as everything la al this house. Espedal men- 
tion Is dee the gienl Oao scene, which waa wonderfully 
lesl and thrilling; also the pier at the Hungerford Bridie, 
which wns a perfect gem in lis way-a most natural 
and llfe-Uko pTctare. Tlie banUng room of Hr. Frank. 
Un was another admlnble aceno— but. Indeed, the 
whole play was completely and magnlOcently mounted. 
It deserves for this alono a long run. Barry Jo- 
■tphi IB to rejoin the company next season, I hesr, 
At the Hnseum, 'She Bloons to Oonouer' con- 
tinues 10 drew crowded houses. To night, Qeorgo M. 
Baker, an amatenr with several amatonr aaalstanisof lo- 
cal note, will give hlB original sketch of 'Dos Dooa,' and, 
as he baa given the samo sevoral times before quite so- 
ccplably, he wUI doubllcss have a good andloooc; I omit- 
ted to mention above that tho farce of the 'Widow's Vio- 
Urn' has preceded 'She Stoops to Conquer' at every per 
lonnancc, la which Uatdcnbcrgh Imllates In a capital alTle 
aeveial noted actors, among whom were PoncslT Fechicr. 

5SSlSfi«^?Jl""°\. •'"'..»"'"'«• (thirtwcrt 'Bhe 

Sloops 10 Conener' continues Its attractions. Un. Howard 
Paul IB to appear hero on Saturday evening, April iwh. 
asUdyUacbothand Hecate in 'Uacbolh'..Tr. .T£oOi™' 
•ite was opened Paat Night by J. D. Booth, with a porilon of 
nu'iShf,?''"'" fy^rany. the play being 'fcuilerthe 
Ojs UghL' to see whioh a very fair audience was gather 
M. Loula Aldrlch was only moderately encccwnil oa 
SiSf'STl notreally dolns hlmsoU JnsUco. As for Frank 
Ji^|[.*-"»;Tr«iroid, It looked about as mnoh like one of 
XBO Mw York bloods as a Cbhuunan would; It llict. It was 
sjraply an absurd perforrasDco. Weaver did very well aa 
Byke, uUngurelUUy and with tsite. Hagalnneas mods 
a fair Hantrdl, Hn. J. D. lootb looked ehannL^lyu 
uun Cortland, and acted Uio part capitally. Uolen 
2Jacj looked prelilly as Pearl fcirtland; ind that Is 
about all that can be said about her, lUoficI Noah was 
•dmlnue u Peach Blossom, acting with great vi- 
vacity and humor. The pcrformanoe closod with the 
Iitoh farce of the 'Happy Han,' In which D. J. Usffnlnneaa 

4kl very wall aa PadSy IlnrptiT Charles Feckter to- 

ooy completes Us second week at the Boston moalre. Ilo 
juajed on Monday evening the 'Lady of LyonB,' acting 
ajaada Hehioue. l mut any, although I know llU horcar, 
•J!,'J'"'.''J"""'^""«f' ToraeWs gestures an mcah- 
ingless-thero are altogether too many of them. He do- 
uven bis apeeehes al the audlenoa-never, or seldom, 
ISj''"?'.v<"' *' *'"> Witness at tho 
SS? *t' Panllne dlaooven that 

'>^i deceived and Olande tells the story 
'Wleng lore for her, ho never once looks al hir-hls 
'Peech la deUvored like a soboolboy's declamaUon 
iowards the audience. But of conise It Is only bad taste 
!"i!!f' '".'J''* andlonocs fnily appreciate him, 6n Monday 
SSL f-lf? "'l?'' ""' together with Hiss leciercq, 
».iSL??J f'i"" eot, end then rose In their Beats, cbeorSl, 
)iJ!L.V.!i''''''''''>dkercblefS, and so on. TUs Hiss UCIercq 
BSriJSJr?" 'X. 'echter. ut has nellhor the form, voice 
SmiS £.'..f?"5SJ P""-""" exqulilie. Inovorsawa 
"Mier Pauline than hera, and I may lafcly any 1 never 
wSm.t; J' Parfeolly aplcndid, and I con linrdly nud 
W**J'"- Dange mcdo a vcij good Bcauscani, 
Soil*! Hi;uil'''5j5 »'!'«?'»'''« W'luf Mol- 
Sa a;.ii,I '"'r2S''"'.7" " Ola*'»' " Murdoch 
(toin.S'^l '''*"° A«<n was Ten good Indeed as 
SSffiJf ""W^tnt Un, Mono wu nS at ill an" 
SmTi.lSKr'^""" Deschappellea. On Tuesday Feebler 
BSm'!?Sl"«J!™wi»llon of 'llaralct,' which Sewavery 
OaytMSitL^Z" Pcrt-otmnnce Ihroughont 

oBineln fora remUUon.and 
^LiuSlP^ well nndeied. UIss telilorcq araln 

'kwsetntsa, • gesUeneaa dellgbtfal to see. OnThnndat 
gvenlng 'lady of Lyons' waa pven again, and last night 

iBamlsl' was npeaied. 
aacdot udref_LyoBa 

Thlaaflenoon another perfcm' 

. Lyosa.' Reit Monday, lltb, 'Boy Blaa,' 

On Fast Day aflemovn the stock company gave 'Not 
OnUty' with iha aaalstsBce of the Harrington Qnarda and 
aiunors's Hand, and the aana Is to be given to-nliht, u It 
la qnlle popular. Joe Jeotnoa follows Ferater on 
Monday evening, April li. In hla apcclalty, 'lUp 

ran Winkle.' At TJeorge W. Blatehfonl's benefit at 

the Musenm. on Batuday evenkig last, 2d Instant, 
an exceedingly large audience was aucmbled to witness 
the eighth represenlallou of 'She Stoops lo Conqner'— a 
worthy trlbnie to the aervlcaa of a man who for Ihe laat 
eighteen years— Ont aa assistant and niterwardsu full 
tfeunrtr-hss dons his duty well and falthltlly. Ue waa 

K resented with a handsome gold watch and chain— on the 
nt of which was tsseribed "0. W. Blateblbrd, Dosten, 

from his friends, April id, ino.' It is mmoied that a 

troupe of French actora la soon to visit ns for the pnrpoae 
orprodiclng <Fion-Ffon' in Ihe original— when, I can't 

Lio nmsoN, one of the Miaeppa huolnea, eonelnded 
her engiflement at the Academy of MusK^ Omaha, N. T., 
on the M Inst, and had the mlsionsno to loie two nights 
through sickness. The consequence was that It waa not 

In LODumur, Kv„ the Opera noose for tho past two 
or three weeks has been doing oomparatlvcly a small bus- 
iness, hot notwlthstandhig,the dimunltlvo andlencea, and 
the nsnsl Inll la amnaement matlcra during Ihe Lcnloo 
season. Manager II. o. Datea has nightly presented at- 
IracUons which at any other neriod would have fllle<1 the 
hoose. Our correspondent "Aenraw" writes:— "On Mon- 
day, April 4th, 'EuMh Ardcn' was given, Mr. E. T. Stet- 
son appealing In the title roU; Harry unOold as Pldllp 
Roy, Mr. Pierce as Orammelt, Mr. Nichols as Den the 
Boniswaln, Miss Minnie Monk as Annie, Miss Ada Monk 
as Mlrtanijelo. On Friday night, Mr. C T, Nichols look bis 
beneflL The bill for Ihe oocaslon was 'London Assurance' 
ud Spectre Drtdegroom.' The .Intermission be- 

tween the pieces waa enlivened by a ballad sang by Mr. J, 
W. Parson Price. Aner tho comedy, Mr. Nlchou was pro 
sented wlihapnneof greentiacks, and we are conllileni 

that had lis bulk been double. It would not havo been ap- 

iiredated aa much by the andlenco as Ihclr 'Nichols,' Next 
this) week Buckley's Ulnstiels have posacsalon of the 
^l^erallpuse, the company opening Ibe peilbnnance with 

KusB noLT, Buppoitad by narrr Ward, began a week's 
engB«enicnt at tho Oriewold Opera House, (Troy, N. T.), 
en the 4lh, opening In "LnaellaDcrglB," which held Iho 
boorda fonr nights to good honses. Hiss Holt's appear- 
ance on the atage la veir "taking" In her tight auiiig cos- 
tume; she pUiTB with a great deal of abandon, ana her 
style Is mudi like Lotta's, only that Miss Holt Is a little too 
"lend" foraoaudicncocoropoeed mostly of lailles. Hntry 
Wall made an Immense hit as Lucratia Borgia, ami was 
nuornf several tunes In his songs. Miss Fanny Preallgo 
made a success oa Onloa; Hr. B. A. Eberie was excellent 
as JubetU, and the Utile |iut down for Hr. Harry Evcritt 

to do aa tbo Dock was well done Manager Evcria's 

farewell benefit on the 4th was a ronscr. Tho bill disbed 
up for this occasion had tho efltot of calling oat one of the 
loneat housca of the seaaon. "A Son of the llcpubllc," In 
which Yankee Robinson appeared; the buheeque of 
"Lncretla Borgia:" Indian clnb awlngUi«byProf, O'Nell, 
Bluging by a local bvorlle, and a dance by UtUe Siiale 
aoodwlneenaUUitedUiebUl, So writes onr correspondent 

TiRiSniD niKen broken for the new Opera noose In 
PlKsbnrgh. ■Peompany for Its erection has regnlarly 
organized nnder the act of Incorporation. When com- 

Eleled, we are told, It will be one of the finest theatre 
uUdlngs In the conntry, and lla coat will probably be'lo 
the neighborhood of |4CO,oao. Mr. a D. Ueas, present 
Manager of tho Parepa Koaa Opera Company, will proba- 
bly lake the Initiator; manaiierial control of the opera 

M3. Corrra of "Fron-FroQ" can be had of W. nepbnme, 
who odveruacs. 

Euiu ORiTTiN WIS In Detroit last week on her way to 
Ban Franchico, OoL, where she has an engagement. 


Toi DiRon Faxily Swms rill RnoiRS an still 
pnaljing southward, and at last accounts were meeihig 
with considerable success In the principal towns In Ala- 
bama. Tbcy were In OreenvlUe In that atate on Ibo 28ih 

Sdnthaiu, and, belog the Int troupe of bell rlngera 
at ever visited that town, they naiorally met with a 
good recepilon. Tbey closed with a thieenlghls' engage- 
ment it Edwards' Opera Home, Belma, Ala., on the 3d 
Insk, where they an said to have been favored with the 
best bnshieis that baa been seen In that hoose alnce lis 
opcnlnf. Concerning their Ont nliht'a performance Ihe 
DaQu lima of that dty aa;B:— "Tne weather was very 
nnpromlslng lost night, bntwo have seldom seen a larger 
and never a more teOned and Inleiugtnt audience In tnla 
city than was aasemblcd at Ihe Open Houao on the occa. 
slon of the Irat appcanoce of the Bcrser Family. And It 
the Individual and coucctlve opinion of the audience la to 
be taken as ao evidence of the quality of tho entertain- 
ment, the Bergen may congnlalau themselves on having 
famished the most elegant andpleasing performance ever 
given In the boll. We nave never seen an enteruinment 
where there was so much to commend and so little chance 
to Had feulL Tho selections of music, the behavior of 
the petfomere while on the itsio and the wbole perform- 
ance evince Ibe most rcflned taste andlodgmont. We can 
honestly assure onr readen that if they fall to see and 
hear tbcni they will miss an cntenalnment the like of 
which will not be met with afilu hera soon, If aver." The 
aame paper of the Id Inal. speaks as follows conccrolog 
their second night:— "AMMhcr largo and fashionable au- 
dience greeted the Deiger Family last night. It Is scarce- 
ly necessary for us lo repeat what we have already aald 
about the entertaliunentii of this' company. Each member 
of It IS sccotnpllshed la bUor her line, and, alloge'Jicr, 
thev fom one of the most perfect maalcsi combinations to 
be leuad anywhere. The lovcn of dnemnHo, either vocal 
or loitmmcntal, win mlaa a rare treat If they fall to hear 
Iham daring their prtMnt visit to the dty." The Selma 
if as si w of the 6a says;— "In closing their engagement 
inlhki city the Bei«en can carry with them the aaaurance 
tgat their entertainments have gtvenmoragennlna oatu.. 
■btlon and elicited more hearty and aincen encomlnms 
Han any troopo of whatever ctiaracler thathaaever before 
visited Ibe city. And well do they deserve It, for tbey are 
almost nnlvciBol gculuies In whstever department they 
are placed. They form altogether a party the most varied 
and entertaining of any that we have ever met with. We 
have already angken of the Individual merits of the mcm- 
bcre of this ooropiny, but not In half such terms of com- 
mendatloa as they deserve, and this morning wo merely 
wish to recoiamend them as Indlvlduallv and coUecHvely 
poBsesslng rare mnalcal acoompllshmenia, and to advise 
the loven of chaste snd elegant Instrumental mnalo and 
sweet snd dellcloas vocallzallon to never let the oppor- 
tunity paaa to hear the Bcrger FSmUy. We commend 
themtoallmaalo-lovlng peoplo as a combination of ran 
moalcal artlsta." Thia company waa billed for Marion, 
Ala., 4lh and tth; Meridian, Mlsa., tth and tth; Maeon 
Mh: and Columbus, Hiss., llth and Uth. Afteradefour 
northward u far aa Jackson, Tenn., they resume their 
travels towards the OuU of Mexico. 

AnamrBcaiim, late of Spencer's light OuatdBand, 
ofPebria, III,, and fonserly with Qran'a Opera Troupe, 
died at Peoria oa March 2>ln. As ha was a good moslcun 
and much liked, Ihe band gava hla Ounlly Ihe benedl of a 
oonecrt on the evening of the (th Inst. 

A MDBiciiN, who can play twth string and brass and 
who Is capable of leading a brass band, la wanted by Lord 
& Wilson. Bee adveniaement 

OuBciLgaveaooooertmWaahlngten, D. 0., en Ihe 
nh Inst, snd wssssslstcd by HatUe Baftbrd, Wm. McDon- 
ald and Edward Hodman. 

Thi Parbpa Oriu tiioun commenced a week'a en- 
gagement at the Opera Aense, Pittsburgh, on the 4th, 
opening to a large, bot not onwded andlenca Dalfe'a 
open of thtf "Bohemian Olrl" consUtnted tho bill, with 
Roae Hence aa Arllne, B. 0. Campbell as Coont Amhelm, 
n. Moidblom aa Thaddeoa and l{.Scgnln as Eevllshoof, 
Our coirespondcnt "J. B. U." says:— "Miss Rose Uenee 
hss Impreved since her visit here last faU. She haa be- 
come an oxcellcnt actress and at times ainga exquisitely. 
Her rendering ofthe song, "I Dreamed 1 Dwelt In Marble 
Ualls" was BO satlatactoiy aa to elicit abundant applause 
and an enoorr. Hr. Campbell acquitted hlmselt admira- 
bly. Uls alnglng of The Heart Dowed Down' was wann- 
Ir applandcd and a rcpoiltlon demanded, Mr. Smoln'a 
DevlUhoof was thoronghly artlslla Mr, Nordblom mads 
an acceptable Thaddeua As an actor, he waa not snc- 
ceafni; bat he beantunuy sang Then You'll Remember 
Me.1 The choruses and orehestn were ftill and emclent. 
'II Trovaiore' was prcaentcd oa Ihe 6th to a much laiser 
audience than on the preceding evening. As Leonora, Pa- 
repa Hoea was accorded an enihasiBstro reception. Both 
her vocallzaUon aad sctuig brought forth gener- 
ous applause, Mra. Seguln waa very happy as 
Azuccna. At vanous times she was most cordial- 
ly, applauded. Her doelt with Casus In the fburth 
act waa one of the gems of the evening. Mr, 
Caatle'a Traubadcnr was a delightful penonatlonT^ Ho de- 
aervedly ahaied with Panpa thehononof the oecaalon, 
The operewaa very acceptably pat upon the atage. Flo- 
tow'a 'Martha' composed the bill on the ath. The audience 
was one ofthe most fashionable and critical of theaeaaon, 
Tho opera throughout was capitally rendered. Faropa as 
Uartba, Mn. Bagnln as Nsncy, Hr, Oaaile u Uonel and 
Campbell u Plonketl, all gave the ntmoal satisfaction In 
Ibo representation of their various parts. Parcpa's alng- 
hig of The Laat Rose of Sumnerr wss londly moored. 
Tho English fair scene was pleasingly prcaenUd. A 
crowded and brilllani audllory assembled on the tth lo 
vllnese Mozart's master work, The Marriage of Figaro.' 
Parcpa's Interpnlatlon of tno character of Bassnna 
charmed even one. BcaldOB slnglngsplondldly, she acted 
with avlvacllv that seemed lo take all preaeni by aur- 
prlae. Huso ilenee acquitted henelf creditably aa Ibo 
Countess, and Mr. Seguln, aa the page, Cherablno, was 
exoellont BaKe's opera of tho *l<ose of Castile' wss given 
en the Blh to a hvge and appreelailve andlonos. Tho 
■Dohcmlan OIri' will be repeated for Sslniday'a nuiffner, 
and, by general nqneat, 'Msrltana' will be aubsututed 
for 'Dcr rnlaobuti' on Saturday svoning, Bth." 

At DmoN Hill, Tauntea, Mass., a concert waa givsn by 
the Mcndelaaohn Quinlolle Club oi Boston on the flh Inst., 
wblrb was well attended, 

'TUI McOuLLucu and Drlgnoll Italian Opera Troupe ap- 
peared three nights In lUchmond, Vs., commencing on Die 
4th Inst., when thoy prodncod 'II Tnvatoro,' Ths business 
was 00041, notwlthstiindlng Lenten seaaon and Inolomoot 
wontncr; Ith, 'Luda dl' Limormoor' was aung to a aehict 
audience. It la proper to state hero that tho Iroupo ten- 
dered only Parlor Operoa, greatly lo tho disappolnlment of 
the people who witnessed them, and who expected, ftom 
tho toneof theadverttsemenis, tooeoaraod (Moras. On tbo 
eih, 'Lncretla Donria' was glvon with markca Improvement 
In Ibe singing. Big, relrllU as Duko Alfonro did well. Ho 
singer and a clever actor. SIg, BrIgnoll'a voice haa 
lostagreatdcal of ila wonted awceineaa and clearness. 

IB a fair singer and a clever actor. SIg, Brignoll's voice has 
lostagreatdcal of ila wonted awceinesa and clearness, 
MISS McCulloch sings but fairly and her aellng Is tedlonsly 
tame. Mlsallednelsgood;sheaaDg'Oialnl'wlthuro, Tin 
company dhband In thla clly for awhile; Miss McOuUoch 
ODCS to Olisiloslon, S. a, and Ihe rest go to New York. 
Alter Easter they will n-ergoolM and travel throngb the 
South." So Writes onr correspondent, "J, D, B." 

Oli nnu, gave a concert iinthatUilnst. at ibeConcotdIa 
Openi llonae. Dnitlmora. Tho veteran violinist waa re- 
ceived with Ibo ninost cordlalliy, and his perfonnanoe In 
oertslnselocuonselloltcda Irlplo enoors-^la "II Trillo 
Del niavolo" (new) waa auperb. Hr. Edward HoSknan ren- 
dered some plosBlng piano aclecllons, as also did Mr. Wm. 
Macdonald some vocal onea. Hlas llattle SaSOrd, mnso 
s:4>riiflo, snog a earaUna Item Ihe opera of "LucraUa Bor- 

Ba," and alio the romanzaof "pen alor D'Amore." Mr, 
acdunnld's singing of Ihe "Fair Enchantress" wss warmly 
applauded and rop<»tcd, 
At TUB Orani Ilousi, Chlcsgo, the "Msgtc FInte" wss 
Ivcn by Ihe Concordia Mannerchorlastwcex. Noexpenss 
ad been spared In placing It upon tho stago; the sccnerr 
was now, and the cioalog tableaux very Hue. Ihe ahulng 
and aeUng showed care and study, snd wen qiula credit 
able for an amatenr performance. The operettas nnder 
tho illrtcUon of Mr. QroaBCulih, Ihe now IcadOLorUie (k>n- 
cordla, anil it gave him an opporinnlty of displaying his 
mnsloal sblllUes; hla deOul has made his high position In 
musical elrclc& Tbo last pcrrormanee of this open was 

toi rau, Bi., Vxmr BVTti Bka R»aiia ^open in 
riun^ino, FiL, April nilL and arobUltdfor Koffuown, 
llMlloBaiBeny, K. J., IKh and ltui| BnrUnfton, iMh; 
Boidantowa, lUi; Prtoeetown, itth, and Maw Oruns- 
wlck, iMh. 

' FR1N0I8 U, ODiLunr, mnsle teacher, of Philadelphia, 
was seotenced to three monlba' Imprisonment en tho tth 
fotaassnit en au tueglri. 

'Vnrloty I3billa< 
A BAD OlSi has Inst como toonrnotlce, thopartlcnlanof 
which are sent na by an niuulu of the Cumx now In Han 
Fnndsco, Cal. Writing on ihs 1st mat. he says:- "By a 
sensational and qilte romanUc notice In the Momtna van 
of Uds dty on Hanb ath, I learned that a female member 
of the theatrical profeaslon had, the day befon, been ad- 
mitted lo ths county hospital, sick, and without money or 
mends. As no name was given I visited the hospital to 
see wbo It was and give the CLirria roadcn the parilcn- 
lan. On entering a small room conlalnlng three Iron bed- 
steads, I found anon the one In the left nand oomer Ihe 
tnhleet of thla notice, who proved to be OraoeDsriey. Uer 
feeUnga overcame her at sight of me, and It waa aomo 
Une befon ahe spoke: when ahe did, It waa In a voles ao 
pltuai, and her words wen so feeilBgly expressed ss 
10 mors ths most hardened, ntr story la a aad cno. 
She wu bom In Inland In 1I4S, and appeared at 
tcverel of tho provincial theatres before ate visited 
London. Then sue appeared as a serio comic vocalist at 
Doilon's Music Hall. Shortly slter this she Was engaged 
at Ihe Lyceum, playing small parts, snd did well In light 
comedy. When Ceorga Ucagle vlBlted Europe, lale In 
llM, In Bcareb of talent for his Varieties Theatre, St, 
Louis, he seeiirod this lady, and arriving In New York she 
at once visited St. I,ouls, when ahe appeared for about 
three months, but ths climate not agreeing with her shs 
revisited New York for the impose of relnmlng to tng- 
land. Iteo happened lhatflhern Corhyn, who was In 
(his city at Ihe time In aeerch of talent for Ollbert and 
Dort'a uirmnleTheatio, Ban Fnindseo, engaged horror 
the Pudllc Slope, whither she went, and at which place of 

amusement ahe opened abonlJuly, iet7. Thereshoplajed 
In Ibe variety company three raontha, dnriDg which ilrae 
ahe appeareu for one night only at Ihe Hetropolllan The- 

atre, Bon Francisco (her dnt appeornnce on tne boards of 
a lepUmate theatre In thla country), with the fall variety 
company of the Olympic, for tho bcncllt of Mr. Derf. 
Mnlalilng her three months' engagement at Ibo Olympic, 
she look a mp to Sacramento, where tlio remained a low 
weeks, bnt did not play, Hon aha met a prcDilnsnt Sen- 
ator from Sacramento county, who fell to deapcnuely m 
love with her that bo w|s anxious lo marry her, but she 
received hb prtscDta and kept single. She rotumcil to 
Frisco for two weeks to ilie Olympio, and phiycd In Pocn- 
honlas. At this time Bhe was an Immense favorite with 
the public. Ucr company was sought alicr by the snons 
of the town, and no one connected with Uu> Ban Fran- 
dieo stage at that Urns hod more thvon bestowed upon 
her.' Unt like a great many olhen who are antrounilcd 
wttn tampttUon, aho partook of late auppen with friends, 
drank tteely of the sparkling champagne, and this wea 
kept in nlait aflti night, nntll It cemmeoced to ten upon 
her.' Leaving Frisco ahe went to Virginia dty to play an 
eaogefioaitiU ripcr's Opera Uousck but opBurnl only 
obfr'nlght, as'tSat fdl .desiroTcr )rhlc(,«ade her 
her own wont enemy caused her to lose her engagement. 
She noxt appeared at a Helodeon eallod Tbo Black Crook,' 
In Iho samo clly, a pretty hard 'dive' Hero aho grow 
from bad to worse, nntU she hod to leave. Hetomlng to 
Ban Francisco, she was er.gag«d at Iho Delia Colon, and 
ftom there went to Iho PncUlo Helodeon, both concert 
haUt, where ladles are not admitted excepting behind the 
curtain. Ondually she commenced to fall Uf cgllipa. 
lion o\ qeowfip Mid ffulillc, dwlog to ber 'iTeakDiM,' 
nntll She was Eompcilctno earn a living In those lemble 
nndergnund 'dlvet' whore pcrformen get from I2.W to 
t< a night, and what tbcy can make In the wine-rooni. 
When a woman ouce eotere these places she leaves sll 
bone behind, and It proved so with Orocc Darley, for, after 
eking out a miserable existence In these places, she ap- 

Biared for the last llmo In public at Brooks' Canterbury, 
arch llth, and sang several songa. She waa then taken 
ao slrk that she took to her bed, and the doctor attended her 
until what llltle money ahe bad was gone, when aho was re- 
moved to the County Uotpllal on Frandsco street, on March 
3tlb. The physician at tne hospital Informs me that she 
ban got chronic pneumonia ; that one lung Is entirely 
gone, and that ahe Is In rapid consnmpUon. Hs enter- 
talnanohopesofher recovery, but thinks ahemayUvos 
couple of weeks. When 1 flrsl looked upon her I could not 
hdp remarking 'nhstawreck,' ibr she is bnt Ihesem. 
blance of what ahe was, and Ibe curtain la fast falling up- 
on the last act. Excenling Dick and Kilty CNlel, not a 
alngle professional liaa called npeu her, or offered to assist 
ber with a dollar, or console her dying houn wllb tliclr 
presence. The profession all know It, out Ihe excuse Ihcy 
give for not BcelDg her Is because she had lethendfran 
down BO low. The doctor has told her that she has but a 
short time to live, and then she lies on ber Bolitary couch 
forgotten and nneared for by her brother and slater profes- 
sionals, excepting Dick and Rltiy O'Kell, who vlalt ber 
dally andtake her many llltle daluties." 

TUB HoNZERT FiuiLT, Variety artists, advertise thai 
they con be engaged together or scpantcly. 

TiiB VioiSBinui OOMCKBT UiLL, vlckBbanr,Mlas., Is now 
open, wllb Qeo. C. Thompson aa stage manager, and a 
company conalatlog of Frank Lynch, Billy Simmons, Kitty 
Diveaport, Itosa Dunnd and other anlais. Talent la 
wanted for this hoose. 

lI.iaHir MicinniT opened at the thcaln, Tlckahurg, 
Miss., on April 4ik for four nlgbta. 

J, M. MoimuBR, variety agent, Philadelphia, Pa., In- 
serts his card In another part of the paper. 

0. W. Hi nniY left on the Mh to Join stone and Mumy's 
Circus, snd that's one less at UcOryslal's Vsrlcilcs, I'hlla- 
ddphla. Hany KumeU leaves soon, and It Is reported 
Tom Homy Is In his Uist week. 

Tds Bowasd ATnBNAUMTHOurEwaaannoBnced to per- 
form atthe Aiheueam, Taonton, Mesa., on Ihe mb mat. 

NlUJl AvnxBSOM made bar dchut at the Vartellea The- 
atre, PltUborgb, on the llh; NelUe Taylor re-appeared 
on tne same evening, Mlaa Andsnon sings a ballad dov- 
eriy and la the redplent of a fair ahara of applaoae nightly. 
Marls Zcel haa greatly Improved In dog dancing wlihin 
the last fortnlgnL Sae has Introduced a noaber of new 
.sisnsandnowglvM uttatkdlODiiA-'be na*^ «k* .prM 
man Blsien ana warmn liaten continue and their various 
acts seem to plcaso the andlenocs. The balance ofthe 
oompany Is as folk wa:— Mile. EmeUne, Viola BowanI, 
Messts. Conelanllnc; Dan Horrla, J, J. Dougherty, 0. W. 
Uernan, Cbas. Benedict and Chas. Whllton. 

OUB OiKanWATi News, uplo the Ith, bi famished aa Ail- 
lows hy our correspondent:- "The opening of Ihe now Tlie- 
airo Comlqne, on Sixth street, hss been SMSln delayed nntll 
to-moiTOW evening. The hall Itself will occupy tbecround 
door, where a very nest stage hss been flited up. On the 
Door above are a billiard room, wine room and drtsalng 
rooms, while the basement hall will probably be occupied 
by a bowling alley. The design la to make ibe place as at- 
tractive as possible to farmera At IheAlhambra, the 

only changes thla week were Ihe departure of Lew Cavana 
for Nashville, and Ibe engagement of Annie C!avana, 
vocallats, Cavana left on Wednesday, Inatead of Batunlay 
u orlglndly oentemplaled. J. P. UlU took his vacant place 
on the bone end, faced by Tom Adams aa lambo, with 
Mareh Adams In the middle. May OUrion, Lulu marten, 
Annie Biaddon, Millie Angnsta, Bobby McKown, and 
Henry Vlctorelll (gymnasi) still remain. The proprietor, 
Mr. John Ryan, Is now at work on a buse brick summer 
thesiie, in ibe rear of his present hall, which la promised 
lo be dnlBhed in about two weeks, thoogh there Is llltle 
pnbshUlty that It could bs opened before the Dnt of May, 
.The Academy of MaHo on Sixth streethas been closed 

milium JUD* *wku,u«u .iwu wai^Hio, u,^U4f 

among the latter Maggie and John Fielding com 

menced ihelr second engagement at Ihe Race Btnei Vart. 
etics on Hondsy evening last and have met wllb a cordial 
receptloa Sevani of the old company have departed lUa 
week, vis., Ndlle Belmont, vocalist, for St. Louis; Harry 
Watson and Uzzle Sherman, for Loulavllle, and Annie 
Florence, who la still In the city. The rest of (he company 
la nndtanged. A picca called ihe 'lUndoo Princess' Is to 

be played noxt lUiH) week, Dlz. contlnuea good 

Charley Bhay'a (Inlicnplexal, a very various variety 
troupe, opena for a week at PIke'a Hall on Monday next, 

llth MllUe Basoure, who haa been dck for a couple of 

weeka hss been tendered a boneQt at Iho Albambra (o- 
nlght. Bhe and Charley Bartlne have enraged with the Van 
Ambuigh show for the tenting season, which beglna at Cm- 

neravtlle, Ind,, about the jaih Mr. Rran'anaw variety 

theatre, tho Amambra, will be the largeal variety Iheairo 
ever opened In tbis dty, Its dlmonskins being sixty by one 
hundred and lirty reel. He fnllr expects to open by the 
Uth, and will want a fWl Irat claaa company," 

AccioiKT TO Birrr lUou— On the anornoon of Ihe tlh 
UiBL, aa Hlsa Betty RIgl, danseiusat ths Adclphl, Boston, 
wu going through her performance she mode a misstep. 
In consequence of which she fell heavily to the stage, 
striking on herlefi hip and elbow, dislocating ths Isiier. 
AssUitanco was rendered, after which Hiss RIgl was con- 
vercd to ber resMcnco at the Wul End, Tbo accident 
will probably prevent her appearauce for aome time. 

WutLa TOB Liai WisiB party were In Boston a young 
girl became enaniored of Henglcr, and followed Ibe com- 
pany 10 Uartfoid. A Boston dolcdive was Bent on by tho 
girl's pannta, and he found her about as toon as aho lonnd 
her lover, end took her back to her home. A Kartfunl 
paper Bays:—"IIenglcr Introduced her hero aa his wife, 
and had aecurcd rooms for herst the American Hotel, 
where tho detective found ber on the nlgbt of ber arrival 

Wasn., CnABLB and wiluah Antonio left Chicago 
with the B, A. UoKlnslo party the pest week, for Oolee- 
Thoy play hi all towns (torn there to Albany, thence 

Andlcs," takes well. It Is Hie flntiieio aoog and donee rar 111111, r.riL-, ru..uu uiu oui, miu mo recvpiiDaQiiacHe 
that has been given there In some time. Dody Zenrrcua Hivorltes was nil thoy could dcslra. Tlio l.nricsqna alnglng 
and Uagglo Wcsnoraro among the favorites, Afunnylll-' " ' ' "" " 

tie akeich called ihe "Jolly Coopers," in which LcbIIc, 
Porter, Hart, Haggle Nichols and Ndlle Bdwanls sppcer, 
IsvoTTgood. Tho entertainment conoludcn Willi the pan- 
tomime enililed "Kathleen Carvonla." Chrissle Uorrcll 
ajipean on tho llth, Jeunlo Do Mara, In hor vocallam, Is 

EiKiEsiA Ri'ssEii, comloBlngtrsndbaoJolst, advertises 
that lie con bo addrcascd at Bt. Louis. 
''^^Bour 0 o'clock on the nigtal of the tth lntt„ patrolmBu 
McCarthy noticed a yououaan, atlire djn [c iaafo apparel, 
about 10 enter Moiart llall, finnaia^boguardlBn uf 

Rubllo Donis took the supposed offender to Ibo station 
ouse. when It tnnsplred that the party arretted was 
Art Uglstcin, the "female charador" performer, Hol- 
adtolald that, at the close of one of Iho acts, a Mcncl 
asked hlin outside lo talk lo hUn— hence bis sppeanuice 
In female costume, and that he was about returning to the 
hall when arreated. The captain ordered hla release. 

In KisnviLLi, builneas at tbo Academy of Music contln- 
uea good. The company consists of Ihe four Msraltaa, 

grmuosts; Joe Davldaon, only C. Hart, Fred Shaw ami 
an Griffln, comedians; Fnok Dillon, facial artist and 
eonle vocalist; the Foy Bisters, Hiss Minnie Italnfonh, 
Miss Fnnk Draw, Hist Maud UeLaaco, Hetty Parker, Ihe 
wonderful child artist La I'eUle llensley, and HUs Lizzy 
La Qrangb For Monday, llth, live new fkces, never lie. 
fon seen ft Nashville, wen nromlaed, vie,. Tommy win- 
nelt, Bong and dance arllst|Lew Oavanna and Mlsa Csv. 
anna, from CIndnnall; Miss Kate Atwood, bom Atalants, 
Oa., and Miss Lewellen, from Memphis, 

Lanr VooALisre, conio slogen and vsriety talent an 
wanted by IV. 11. PauaelU, who advertises to Uiat ORhct, 

Louis BnuiBn, chancier, protean aud mudcal artist, 
desiiea star engagcmenta for two weeks or longer. Bee 

advertisement _ _ .„ 

attub FaoNTBmzErTDBiTiiBCMiiiqDi, IialUmon,tlia 
cry Is, still they come— an acquisition of six mora wu 

CVil-nstropho" nnd Ihe "Siamese Twins." Mens, Btpllstsn 
lias nrived tUc ".Shoo Fly" iMilet, and also inindnced 
sndber cnliticil "l£s Ooriands." In the former Ihe dan- 
cing It good, but Ihotinging is not. "Lcs Uariands" Ui 
very hniiiltomo. Tho 'llansvondimaergropengcisenSon'. 
of 0. A. OsrdUicr it one of the most amusing Ratorcs In 
the prooramme, and Iliok Parker, In his banjo aoios snd 
hllaatilio limes. Is popuUr. So writes OB ccmspondcnt 
"Don Juan." 

CANn.— Atthe eondnslcn of the neiro Bkelcb, eotltM 
"Old Jell at Home," at iho Howard Alhcnicum, Iloaton, 
on Ihe night of the Id Inat, as Charles Howard, who per- 
aonaitd tno nndcnl darkey, was shout reilnng from the 
Rtage, he was called back by Ohariea F, RIehatds, who, In 
behalf of a ftw pcisonkl friends, presented lUm wllu a 
riohly wrought and valnablo gold headed cane. It was a 
coniplelo sarprlKo to the recipient, who expressed hia 
thsnks for Ihe handsome gIR In a neat speech. The Icttera 
"0. II., 1810," ato engraved npon the need of the cane, 
and npon the plate aupi Aratne following inKripUon}— 
"PnsenUiil le Charles Howard, Ihe ackpowledged cham- 
pion Old Nig, by hiB Boston Mends." 

Dbatt iNO IfraiLCT's Female Nlastnli wen an- 
nounced fbr three nights ihe put week al Roekford, UI. 
The grnnssls, Antonio Brothen, and tho Iferd Slstera, are 
wllh tne tnnpe. 

Ada Wrat wu not able (0 ting at the AmtrieaD, Phil- 
adelphia, laat week, owing lo Ulnoaa. Bhe doses her on- 
gsgement there on (ho leui, and opens at Front atraet 
Theatre, Balilmora, on the llth. 

U. 0. Dates la on Ihe look ont for talent for next acasen 
for hla ihsaircs In CIndnnall and LonlavlUe, and atara aa 
well u combinations are referred to his card among onr 

At Dnook's Opeba Roubi, MemoUs, bnslnaas Is bettor 
than It has been for six weoka Tne company (Ihe lady 
lonlon of It) Is snporior to onv that hu ever been at ths 
liouse. Among them are oeila Berrr, Tllley Beaumont, 
llelene UoVere, Ulllle Bonnetl, MUlie Lolla, Olivia, Fanny 

Vera and Banna. Tin male memben ore acceptable 

JImny Schools bu opened the old thestn (Vsrtetles The- 
atre) and Is doing a nubing bualnest wllh Aline LaFavro 
and party. He haa the laigtal hoose In the clly and every 
venwille company, and his place is nightly attended by 

admiring crawda Johnny Thompaon'a Faricr Mnaia 

Hall la not biliind tlio age In attnotlon or receipts. 
Johnny titaup all uighl "pulling op Jobs" 10 gel the beet 
of Iha other variety nianagen. 

Lady AmiBTs, voonllste and other talent la wanted fbr 
tho rnrlor Uoflc UeU, Memphis, Tenn. Address u per 

TWO DAKdKa I.ADIR3 and a tinging lady are wanted for 
UnmlorPa Varieties, Ktmlini, Pa. Bee aildress. 

THE Palace VAinmca, Toledo, hu nover since Its open- 
ing had such nn nrny of lolcut. In the Iroupo nro Harry 
Wooii, fomole penonator and Imrlesqne actor; Ulaa Kate 
Leelle In mnalcal genia; Johnny McVeigh, song and dance 
man, and olhcra. 

ATTUiTnuTHBCoutquz, Detroit, Mich., Horr noltnm 
opened Aprtl 4th. He uoca aome seemingly lupoadble 
feats with Ihe alxly-lvo pound cannon balls and throwa 
Iho thirty-two pound bolla aroond u though Ihey were no 
heavier than base bnlla lilt Indian club swlnglnE Is ulso 
One. Fanny Archer cloae<l on tho tth lust. She Joins 
Blllcy'B drcus, witli nhuui she hu traveled sevcrsi sea- 
tons. Tho perfomianoc closes with tho threo act drama of 
'Nick Whines and His Dog Calamity." Emma Clifton re- 
anpcan April llth, Bbo hu Jut ncovercd from a sevoro 
altnck of Bickncas. 

Mat OiPFoan, vrtmitr aanstiue, and Johnnie Weaver, 
eccf utrto comedian and chancier comlquo, advertise thai 
thoy can be engaged. 

AOORBEsro.MDESTivritlng (Irom Fort Scolt,Knnias, nnder 
dateot April eih.aars :— "Tho (}pcni Ilouaela aim doing 
well. Tliu week It baa changed luinds. Messre. Hart and 
Dayno are now tho propneton: Frank Bleelo remains ss 
stage manager. The latest atiractloiis ore Mlaa Maggie 
Hagulrc, Miss Lilly Mdvlllc. llnny Aminr, Elhiopinn 
cemcdhiii; Joanuctio lla^ Mllo. Siillle and Aunio, Julin- 
ny llawlcy. Hatter Fnnk, P. II. Scuman, Prof, Cook, 0. 
V. Uribrecnl, Paul Fisher and James Conn nn among tho 
company, iicliultz Ferguson, violinist, has Jutt recovered 
mm a six weeks spell of sickness, anil the company have 
ralseil n liberal purw loscnd bim to his friends. William 
Smith, the former proprietor, Intends soon to orgaulze a 
variety tronpe to trevd under canvass throngb ths In- 
terior of Kansas. Wed A lnsley, song and dance and gen- 
erel perfomer. Is eflmeil for tho Opera Uonse." 

Joim Ubmku, gymiual, comic panlomlmbit, elo,, and 
Maihile Wlllclt, aerfo^ulo voeallat and protean artist, ad- 
vertise that Ihcy cau be engnged after the 10th InsL 

NcBPO AUxistroIsy. 

Hoanis Dbothers' Minsthru gave a perfonnanco at 
the Opera liouse, Einiin, N. Y., on the 0th Inst, to a large 
sudlencc. Hr. li. Alnsley Scott Is middle man, and also 
docs changes, while nillr Sweutnamaud BHIy Morris ore 
on the cikIs. Tlie)' wenl to Ithaca from there. 

InBanta Fix, New Mexico, a correspondent Inlbrma ub: 
There la at preacnt a Iroupe of mlnalrcla performing known 
uihe 'Kiioo Kllcs.' Thedlrectorandenaman,wltnbones, 
M.T.DavIs, la an excellent performer. Tbebnnlolaslsoons 
ofthe ^CJt fciiiurcs of tbo 'outllt' M, P. Boyle, fonoy 
dancer. Is 'Ducno tauililcn.' The olhen an) ftlr. Mln- 
Blrel huslncas 'don't pay.' If they could apeak the lan- 
guage (Bnanlth) hH would be wcH for rocka.'l 

ARC.'ibTUEn'OPEnA llausL— This It tlit name of a ttruc- 
lure eboui to be erected in Philadelphia, and to bo occu- 
pied by a iroupe now forming called "Blmniona and Slo- 
curn's Ulnstrela" Hessra. Lev Simmons and E.N. Bio- 
cum, llie nronrletore, were, fur the post six or seven years, 
connected wllti Canicross and Dixie's Mln.sirela, In thai 
city, bnl lelt mat troupe a few wccka dncc, and nro now 
pcrniruilng at the Theatre Coinlquo, Ibia diy. The Arch 
Bircet Opera House will bo erected In Arch slrcel, above 
Tents, a vrrr One locatlou, iiy-tlie-by, nod will bo com- 
menced vrlihm a week or two, posscasloo of tho premises 
having been niarantced them by tbo 18th Inst. Tlie size 
of the lot Is Uiy feet frontiige on Arch street, with a deptli 
of one hundred and sevcniy-Ove feet Tbe plans nud epe- 
cUlcallons are already In tbe hands of Ihe bulldcia, and 
Ihe work is to be pushed through wlthoni the leul delay. 
The entrance will be alxteen fact wide and forty feet deep; 
on each side of Ibis entrance Ibero is to beastenotlBo 
samo depth. The auiUlorium wiU contain a parquet and 
two elr<«i«a, M«tlo0 about. out Iboassnd petions. The 
slag* WUl be ttreniy-ali feet irkle and thirty feet deep; 
height of pneccnlum, thirty feet; In the rear of the atage 
will be drcaaing rooms, property room, carpenter shop, 
etc, andeveiyililnals to be provided tbenln for the con- 
venience of the pernmneis. The auditorium Is lo bs llted 
op with sll the modem Improvements, snd nothing will 
be left uudont lo Insure tho comfort or the pstrons of Ihe 
establishment The Ifont cleVstlon of lbs bnilding will 
present a neat and Imposing appoarancs, and tho entire 
siruciurc, both In Its exterior and Intertor, will compare 
favonbly wllh any similar houe In the country. Thear- 
chliect fa Hr, E. F, Iiunng, under whoae anpervlslon the 
coDlrtcls will bo carried out. II la expected that the cs- 
labUshment will be ready for occupation the lailor pan of 
.^ignsL Messra. Slmsiona and Blocom aro now engiigal 
In looking onl for talent, It being ihelr Inteutlon to preaeni 
a Ont clBAd company lo every respect, and to give an eU' 
tertalnment thai cannot tall to please, 

San,^ Sanfobd, the veteran mlnalrel manager, hu 
temflorarliy given up that oalimg, be having accepted a 
podilon with nanlnaL.aDd Forapangh'a Clreua for Ibe 
summer aa writer and nowspaper correspondent A now 

Slace Is to be opened, huvever. In Obeslnut street, Phils- 
elphls, In Notcinber aoxt, we on Informed, of which he 
is lo be msnsger. 

Dam Sublbv's MiiumBU sre reported u doing s good 
busbiess in Illinois. Tlicy were at Morris, 8lh; Ottawa, 

eth; " ■• 


liAno _ . . . 

aim Troupe, Bdvcrliscs for a number of people. He would 
also like to hear from Ucu Drown. 

LoN. MoHiiis, we undereiand, liu leased the PlUsburgb 
Academy of Music for one year, commcndng next sesson. 

Bah Cole, song anil ilsnce mno, wu to leave Chicago 
In a few days, snd reach Kow York on or about AprU 20tL 
A teleohau reached San Frandsco, 0al„ on March 30lb, 
annonudiig tho denili ufJoe Murphy, the well known inln- 
Binl pcrfonucr. The report wu false, u Joe came down 
from the muinitnlns and rouchcd Ban Francisco on Mareh 
mih. Ho hud been very sick wlUi the mouutaln fover for 
four days, but he ralllol, quit tbal dty, and aa soon u bs 
reached "Frisco" the diange of dlmuto cured Mm. Mr. 
Murphy Informs us that be liu qull tho minstrel business, 
and will iieroaftor ap]icaron tho legitimate boards in white 
fkce. He InteuilB Icaviug Ban FraucUca on April ViUi, for 
New York, In order to have some pieces written for him. 
He purposes taking a trip to Europe. 

Thb Drabdoiin Teuplb of mlnstrdsy, Ohlesgo, com- 
menced the past week to an oversowing honac. On March 
3lBt Dob Hart was the recipient of a handsome benoflt 
Tho andlenca was one of (he moat fuhlonable ibat hu oa- 
scmbled In thollicnlresloco Us oiicning. At tho end of 
Hart's stump speech, tir. J. R. Kouible stepped fonvard 
anil presenicd lilin with o msgniflconl watch and chain u 
a token of ealccia Item Mr, Manning, manager of this 
Ihcnlre. The evening was a pleasant one for the audience 
ns well u the mcinbenof tho troupe. On Monday eve- 
ning, 41I1, It I> Manh, Iho trouuier, took a benoilt, and 
had a aplcndid house. Tho two notable evonis or the 
weeks' pioiromnie wero tbo re-anpeannce uf UUlaL_E<l- 
.. . . ... . Ho docs 

isbiess in Illinois. Tlicy were at Morris, 8lh; Ottawa, 
h; and they play at Kowanee, llth: nolvey, lltb; and 
en go 10 Ua Moines, Is.; Omaha and Kansu Clly. 
Lard Williabs, who Is organizing Ihs Souniern Mln- 

dlc and ^udxilcKee, tbe song ami 'dance man^ 

nut posscraaa good a voice as Knienou; hut what ho 

lacks In aong lie cxccI.h in grotesque dancing. The bur 
icsque of "ilubert Make Alrn" wu prwluccil, with J. It 
Keiuble oa lloliert, and Hon Cotton u Jake Strop. 

Culuns, IIUI.11ES AND HoicmEn'sHliistrols and Brats 
Band, with their iiveat snecially, "Hang Chang Iho 
Uieni," wero at Belfilchcni, Va., on AprU tlh. Harry A. 
D. Wllllamalstho adviuice npent, and Is visiting, for tho 

to flow York dty. Tho Antonlos have been pleylug at 
Wbiteraardcn, (Jhicogo. 

Akteh an absbnck of fonr or Ave months, nariy Hart 
re.appcared at tho Metropolitan Hall, Waahlogton, D. c, 
on tno Ith Inst stage manager Porter hu now resumed 
lilB position ns Interrogator, and Ilsny Leslie and Harry ii 
Han have the ende The "Slioo Fit" duet and "nrcclan ^ 
Bend" act by Minnie Ony and Nellie Edwards la elill on 
Ihe bill, and tho comlo Ocrman duct by Harry Lcsllo and 

Miss (Iroy Is one of tho best thmgs offered. Uagglo - - - , - , 

Nichols, la her ncrfonnnnco on tho slack wire, la well re- J6th of April. 

cdvod, Harry llnrt In the song ami dance "Utile Ucm do' r Ahi.isuton's MiNSmBL't hod a crowded honae In Far- 

flfteeiith time, the towns of tho Lehigh VgJIoy, 

In AUDITION to tho rognlar minatnl performance at 
Hodey's Opera House, llrooklyo, I'rof. Sylvcstor will ap- 
pear tnls week In hUi voadorfnl Illusions, 'The Talking 
Lion," "Uasksand Faces," 'The Aerial Suspension," etc., 
assisted by Hiss Angollque Bchott 
> MUN ii's UiNnrKKiji, composed of five bo^i aged flrom 8 

ive an oxiilbltlon In Toledo, o. on lie etk Inat, but 
, . . jred lieloro empty hciichea, 
Bwcoun'B Uinstheu wen booked In Toledo, 0., fbr the 

loiiiB urvu ueiu lag moflicai iwiiTsii ino rug 

e beta kept lo dsUy praotlce, while the per- 
ive been geltlns In oondlUon. This oraanliallpn 
) u follows;— Lclhy, lAiko, Baker, and John wll- 

rarlliili, V.tio, l'a.,un tlio eib,luid the receptlonoftbeBe 

of ArlliiRKin, snd Lnnbsrd's "Dcauiitui Louise" were 
gnoted with espedal favor, "Lay Mo In my Lluio Bed," 
by Hatler Auiouolll, nith full dioms, wu effcetually 
eung. in Iho second part Ibe dondng ol^ Morion and But- 
ton, "Shoo Fly" by the company, and Arlington's extra- 
vaganza of "New Year's Colls" olldled hearty enooreii. 

1- HANCis Viou, Boprano^nd burtesquo urtmn ibmiui 
can be eogngeil by respensiDle mansgais. uls addreu Is 
care of ilils unico. 

LEW llAHDV, banjolsl, who hu several specialties, In- 
cluding his original old undo Ben, can be addressed u 

Aslikoton MiNsrans are billed lo appear at Ihe Open 
Iloiito, Detroit, Hlcb., April 18th and I4lh. 
JuuNNV liiiioiT, Ethloiilen performer. Is In town, 
BnvAxn' Cauet or uvsioal Obiui' a oheap colleellon 
0; Iho music and words of ineenaengs bubeen pnblUh- 
ep by U. M. Uo Will, of (his city, 

IlAHiiv CAiiFBNTRn, who IcR Nowcomb's Mlnstnls so 
unceremoniously at Mew Haven, Is not to assist Mr, Hed- 
ges, agent ol Arliogton't NUutrela. Neither Mr. Hodge* 
nor Ihe Arlingleu know anything about tuch apeneo, and 
certainly do not wish Us services. 

Allen and I'sttinuill's ConrANT will give four per- 
formances St Uocnrt Hall, Cincinnati, commencing on tbe 

18th Wood's Tlicetn bubeen engaged for tae entire 

month or June by BUly Honnlng's company Oharlos 

A. Morris was In Olndnnatl the put week. Ills Intention 
wu to bring Ills company there In Juao, but on learning 
of Msnning^B engagement he dropped the Idea; for the 
present, at leut 

TutRBWAS anyqnanUlTof aUnclive acta, Ao,, ontho 
bill St Uuprcs A Denodlcl'a Opera liouse, FhUaddphIa, 
the pant week, Ihe "Paris Hnilnor," "Scenes at the Con- 
llncnial," and "llunky Dory," being Iho most prominent 
Mr. Chss. Uleason gave snqther now banlo solo, "Jogiing 
Tnrough Life," ana Frank Kent made n nit In (he "uash- 
i big Belle." 'The Aflemoon We Met," wu given In their 

open wu made on Monday, 4lb, to tho compuy, vis., Sam (Xillycr uanal neat manner by MiMrs-PagkhuntJUift CelUna Mr, 

to be given on Friday eTenlog,8Ui, when Iho Opera HouH snd his sons, BaracyAsron and Jas, B. Edwarda, and Dick Frank Dumont hu been mado oirvdlout amnsimcuts. 

will be dosed for one wcok, end tho Parepa Open Troupe ' Parker, EUdopIao comedian. Bam Cellyer and his boys, In Mcuis. Reynolds and CUloy have a Joint beauiit on the 

will tpenil.Ihe coming week In rocmlUng, when thoy wUl thebr triple dog dance, nightly elldt a doohle snoorv. Bam Mlh,,,,,lOamcioss and Ulxey run on Ui thelrsmoolh, 

open al this honso on tho Itlh of April. . a'to sppesn wlui Barney Aaron and Ihe cntim tronpe In a even aort of war, giving atlraeUve bills, bnt natiiing cs- 

BLiNU Tun, Ihe mnalcal proillgy, drew Ihll honaes three grand sparnng match, wllb Barney In Ihe ehaiactcr of peelaliy new, Mr. Kennedoy, a promlmcnt member oTiho 

nights of last week at Bimpson't llaU, Ooulia, H, T„ and Joe KIdd, a champion prize lighter. Edwards and Parker oompany, wu to have been nUddlo man, but at tUe ptti- 

wu to go thinea to Counclisinix I have totrodnced two (uiiaj ttttobti. called "Cbt-tlepuc enl utrng J, UWuncrwi tccnplea Uiat pMiUon. 

.KRwomh'i HbrnTfoaM-min to ikov tt MMdlbll, 
nnnmi, Mtsa., on Ihs llth Inst ■ • • » 

..AH-SJ.*?" 'j™oiiL's MmsnEU opened ai Vuenio 
llail,.mtbargt, ontheOlh,loa crowded house. Tkken 
u a wholt Ike wopany alve a gnoil entenahimtnl, nt 
qoartat, eontlsUng of Messrs. Jukton, Tyrell, BMkau 
and Otrard, is Iklly up lo Ibe standard olltlnennt mlutrel 
companies. Dlileanx, Ihe bartlone, sings very devenr. 
bntfiia Tocainuilon Is sadly impaired Ihim (nclttlon: 
Alirn and FelftngUl an utlsroctory end man, and there 
is aomelhlng dccliledly ninshing la Allen's olio perform- 
ances. UtUe and Wllkea danceacoopiabiy, and the coBile- 
nlltles of Campbell and Ctnrd didi hearty applause. The 
troupe hu played every night to faU bouae*. 

Linrr, Ltn Jt Co. 'a oriat ovirlaiid onotm and 
MRNAaiBui, now tihlbltlng on the old drcus lot on Jack- 
aon street between Monlgomeiy and Kearney slresls. 
Ban Francisco, Is one of tho largest and most coropltle 
organizations on Ihe read Ibis saraDer. During the past 
few months the stock hu been qnartercd In tho old drena 
pavlUon, comer of Peal and Stockton ttntts, when regu- 
lar elROt perfOrmtncu wen given lut winter by John 
WUson's Orsnt World OreuR. In this nammolh bnllding 
(on tiMsimcslte oomer to the Mechanln' Fair Dnlldlng, 
where (nilnllla Urso held tho mnslcsl festival) the rioig 

Block have been kept lo "-" 

formcn liave " 

lamadeap , , , 

eon, proprtaton; J. It Marenall (who wu manager of ihe 
"Japs,") advertlilDg manager; Mr. Ldhy, tieuurer; Abe 
OgdcnandBlilyOreen, paste brigade; K. D, Boone, ben 
canvu man: D. D. Acker, boa oatler; Omar KUiieley Jihe 
orixbial "Ella Zorara,") eouestrtsn manager: Julo Kent 
and Oeorge ConsUble, clownai Ihe lUzarelll Brothen, 
MUe Fnnkco, U'lle VIctorinc, the Mohammed tronpe of 
Bedouin Arabs, IL OllUan, three hone rider: Mr. Williams, 
hnnlte rider; the nravlao nrolhen, tno Bsmwells Bro- 
then, Muter Homeo, tumbler; Mssior Ferdinand, pony 
rider; Hester Cooke, the Infant Momus; M, Tremalne, 
Droderick, Jonoa, caNcs and Tonson, acrobats and gym- 
nuts. There are one hnndrod ring and baggage horses, 
twelve ponies, a camd, Mma, (ins Isrgest ever seen 
In Araarlca), and a don of Urge performing Hons, for- 
merly the properly of Aveir Smith. Thero aro twenty- 
four of u giMd pail, bare bock and trick hoisea u 
can be found In any conoem lo this country. Tho proces- 
sion maile In Ihe Bircets by theeoncora Is pronoonccil vety 
Impoelug. FInt cemu the golden chsriot,,maiiaCactnied 
o.xprcsaiy for them by Klmunll A Oo., of Ban Francisco. 
Ulaa bcaatlfni nouir, twenty feet long, acala nve feet 
wido, and onn comfortably bold llltcen peonlo. Stretch- 
ing over tho Itont an two uvago looking dragons band- 
Bonicly glided. On each side Is a lion's head heavily 
can'eu, ami two hems of plenty, white projecting from the 
renr aro the teibi of iho dngons, also heavily glliled. Tno 
bond alls In thla chariot, ilmwn by twenty liandsomoly 
caparisoned white horses. The tableaux car cemu next, 
npon whioh Is perched the large lion, then follows the pri- 
vate carrlngcs containing tho pcrformore, Ibe luggage vans 
ami anlinnl cngts. .The band chariot cost t4,si)0, and 
weighs l,a!is pounds. Oroal preparations have iiecn mode 
for Riving Ihe nliow Id an attractive manner. The canvu 
Is a r:o foot round-mii, with a 4t foot cmitro plec& lb 
order to (Tlve plenty of hdght for Iho lUznrelll Brothen to 
do Ihelr Bitliil buMiicss, ihcra haa been pitched tlio highest 
canvu ever seen in this country. Thero la a 60 foot liuk, 
and M qnartcr polca. Tho BIdea of the canvnn aro 18 feet 
high (double (he nsnal height), with I cenin poles, 
and both in ootsldo of tho ring, just over the cart;. 
This Is a great point gained, u the ring Is kept 
clear of ell obalracUons, A wooden fence has been 
erected around Ihe rtog curb and drapery coven It The 
Intertor of tho pavilion presents an inviting appeannce. 
Tho quarter noloa aro beauuyiilly decorated with hanging 
llowere and ban nets, whUe tho nine hundred Jets of gu 
make a plctnrcsqnr^ht A raised plstform hu been 
bnllt on one side, and chain flU thlsspacolor iheaiidlenco, 
Willie a drdo of private boxes, hnndiBomdy tlite<l up and 
numboriag thirty, occupy tho oiiromohickoftho circle. 
On the other shlc Is Iho legulnr upright and plauk ecnts. 
On this aide Is Iho cose or performing lions, which seta 
back and can bo seen by the audience. Directly over the 
passage rroRi Ihe dreaslog room to tho ring, when the com- 
pany enter, Is a ralacd pratromi, eleven feel high, for tlie 
orclKBlra. Aronnd the enUre canvu and lo Ihe rear of aU 
tho soots Is a promenade eight feet wide, Evetytbing be- 
tokeu comfortand elegance. This oonceralntenosnmahi- 
Uig in San Frandsco unUI about May 10th, when It darts 
for atrip through thomonntuln towns and ovoriandto 
Neia York state. The concert party Is under the manage- 
ment of Add.Weavcr and Fred Sprang, and consists of 
Fanny Weaver, J, 0. OampbeU, Charios onarles (brother of 
Uco. Charles) and several others. They will perform under 
Iho blgcanvss. The sideahowie under Iho direction of 
Hike Dougherty and Chris. Dristte. This party consisis of 
Anna Swan, tho giantess. Prof, Joseph, the glaut, a dwarf 
and Clrcatslan girl. 

A lOu TiiL'MB OABRiAai, a pod hone and a pod saddle 
aro advertised for ade by J. Hnichbis. 

'OAnDNBHANiiVoREFAiian'sCinoui pitchcil tent In tho 
(luakcr City on the 4Ui Inst, aud bail a )I(0 houso dcepllo 
the unaeaiHioable snow storm. From tlienee tbey started 
for Pltisburgh on Iho tui of Aprtl, and next go lo Cleve- 

D, BARBER hu become proprietor of the Central Skating 
Park, located at llroad and Wallnce streets, riillndolphia, 
a birge and sparious eiiclosuro well adapted lo dreue per 
fOmioneos, and which hu been used for that purpose hure- 
tofiire during the snmmor and fhll scoseu. 

FiiANK lUVEiLi, one of tho oldest tud most experienced 
showmen in tlio profession, hu been engnged u advcrtlaer 
fur l-'reudi's Circus, aud will alert out on his mbnion In a 
few days. Hr. Iliirora hss been many yean bcforo tbo pub- 
ilo, boUi ss nianiger and agent; he hu seen nil sidesiiftlio 
show bnslucas, tbo hrighl u well u Iho dark, and like 
moil of his doss lie hua bad hla npa and downs, Ue ought 
to be of great service In hla preacut eupadty. 

Tub ItnAHBL).! Drotuers, gyniSBsts, anlTld In Bon 
Fraudsco, Cal., ovorland, on Kaieb to, nnCet eagu (ement 
to Lelby, Lake and JobnWUaok'i^rnnna. 

TaBrEaroBHBBa engaged fiirc. W<^Oyes'01icasan 
requested to report at Now OrlMa oaths Uta loK 

Mad. LioroLD and Ueo. Le«peH,OMaitt:;Mro been 
engaged for Jos, T, Johnsoa '•MSW'VldMl'Iimus and 
Menagerie. • '.. •? . 

YANKXiRoBiNiox'aBnow la to exhibit at Ohlcagd',nL, 

on Uio glorlons Fourth of July, on Itanddph street, 

the Wost Bide lUnk. 

OUR CiNONNAii CORRDPONDENTlafoimina that "Adam 
Foropaugh hu atarlod his menagcrte and dreu wllh veir 
OatierlDg omens, u he hsa been plarlng here aU Iho woei 
with splendid weather, giving exhlbltlou each altonoon 
snd evening, and having lila canvu well lllled each Urns, 
Ue bu a big menagerie end very good cinros. His pro- 
cesdon, led by a haadsomo band wsgon ud lbs Elephant 
Itomeo, makes an ImpcaUig appearance." Iliey open In 
Loaiavllle on Monday, llth. 

Oeo, W. Db HAVEK'sdronswubUledforOammUiavUle, 
Ohio, a subnrb of PorkopoUs, for llslurdar, April tlh. 


BiE wu at Loulavllle, Ky„ during the past week, and 
allows In Loxlnglen this week, 


alter exhIbltUig a week biOtnclnnaU, commendng about 
the 20th Inst, goes immedlaloly serou Uia CuoUneni lo 
CaUfomla, showing al Ihe principal Intermediate staUons. 

Ths contracts un all made with the rallwaya, and the com' 
luihly organized fbr a succcsof 01 lour. 
Btonb a HoniuT's OiBoua show st Now Haven Ooan., 

on the Itlh. 

Lent's Cimiob shows at Now naveo on the 21st and to 
be fallowed by Oeorge F. Bailey * Oo.'a Olrous and He- 


W. J. MRonEAR A Co. win be Ihe proprleton of the 
drcus which staru ftem Boston on May Mlh, and not W, 
J. Metchear alone, uataied Ui ourlut Isaue. 

Van Ahburou's OiBOtni and Minaobsii open In Oen- 
Donvllle, lud., on Uie loih but 

Notes' Cresoent Citt Oibodi opens In Qalveaton, 
Texua, on April llth, for four days, ITom whonoe It gou to 
New urieans, when Uie company wlU lay up for a couple 
of weeks. 

llBUHiNos, Cooper ams Wnrnv's OROtia bu been 
ddng a line bnslncsa In Loulsvlllo, Ky. On tho eui there 
wss a largo crowd present lo wHneis the naming of the 
baby llona. 

OUAS, ASBorr, down, can be addressed can of this 


MlsooUtUk oouo. 

Martini, the wizard, oBhlbiled during the week endUg 
on the 'U Inst, at Peoria, III. From tncneo be wont to 
CanUin and Keokuk, and la to appear at Burlington on the 
IMh Inst, after which he will travol In central Iowa. 

ANNA SWAN, the gUmtees, J. Bean, Ihe giant and Major 
Oroen, dwarf', arrived in San Fraiiolseo, Csl,, by tho over- 
land route on March lllh, Tbey wero lo be put on exhibi- 
tion In I'lBU's Hall on April ith for a llitio wbUe. 

TiiaN. Y. CoiJ-oASALOirp Snow opened in TToy, April 
1st, for tliree nights, when It re-orgunlzes and goes out 
uuiler cunvu. 

w, HEED, biuilness manager and advance agent, adver- 
Uscs that lie can be engaged after tho nil Inst 

JaursTaylob, couIo vocalist, and Itobt Nlokle, pres- 
tlillultnteur, aro traveling through Canada, Thoy wero at 
Ht Mary's on the 8lh and tth, and appear in London on the 
llth, I2lh and I3th, Bundu, I4tb, itth and letb, 

BLIND Ton perfumed at Nebiuka Clly on the eth, and 
appoan at Ht Joeoph, Ho,, llth aud Utii, mm whence ho 
goea through Kansas. 

Uniswoiji'a OrsnA House, TVoy, N. T., Is advertised lo 
rent for llrel dUB operatio, theatrtcal and uliistnl enter- 

VLAunn Db Hatbn, oontnoUng and business sgont for 
tho doubio-hoadcd girl, will be at liberty after tho Itth Insi. 
and desires an engagement Address u per advertlso- 

A SIDE Bnow Is advertUcd for tale or nnt by S. A. 

Piuip. John ITAnT,eloeuUonlatsnddromsUo reailcr, and 

fidllo Johiitten, vocalist, gave anonlerttlnmentatNew 
Idiand, It., on tho eth Inat 
Tub Faxir or Ispadan waa to havo opened at Padncab, 
v., Anril lat, bnt detenllon on tho trip fram llendenon 

.uscda disappointment to those aasemblcd^ 

..1 Iho 2d for (our nighls, go 
town. III., Mount Vcroon, Ky, 

k Tu 


, Ho oiieneil 

[onr nighls, goUig Itoin Ibero to Shawnee- 

jnt Vcroon, Ky., and ao on up tlio river. 

Tub Uiisaanr Pabilv are nt present In San Frandsco, 
Oal., preparing for tho tenting seaaon, Tbey raaohed that 
city eu Manh 28lh, from Portland, Oregon, oRer a senes 
of (roubles. One evening during their ongngoinont In Port- 
land, Mr, Orogorv hapnenod to atep on a bag of oxygen gu 
used for Uio culcluin llghbi Ui the shadow panloinlino bu- 
sloess; a terrible oxplodon followed. npeelUng Mr. Oreg- 
ory, knocking a Hal upon hlin, and liOuring his right 
leg and fuel so Umt bo bu been laid up for some Umo, 
nnd Is now slowly recovering. At I'orUand ho touk the 
steamer Alax with hlBfamliyfor "Frisco" on Mareh llllt. 
Tbo trip u generally made In less than fear days, but 
on this It look nine. A gale struck tho steamer, and 
thoruddor and rudder-post were carried away, A Jury 
rudder wns riraed, and after going Ibrough conBldorabia 
rough ecu and enduiliigBomo suffering, the patty reached 
"Frisco" safely. 

Tub Katblbbn O'NEiLTnotm start from BanFiandsco, 
Oal. April 2>Ui, for a tnvelling tour, stopping at Eureka, 
Humboldt county, OaL, Snl, and playing In Ihe new 
Iheatra for two weeka. The party goea thence l« Oreteent 
Citr for one week, llitn erora the mouoUHu to Jaekson- 
vlHe, and lake in oU the towu on tlie way, to Portland, 
Oregon, and Vlcterta, Drilish Columbia, returaing to Ban 
Frandsco by the old rIacervUie route over the mountsius, 
Tho party coodatsofKlttrO'Ndl, Uule ShelUin (fonucr- 
a Peilto Loulso), Charles VUicent, O ogulll Md Ooonor, 
..— J, denceandclogi Koto Vincent, DlcnrROiraild three 
pieces of mude. 

AT rni Martland Injtitdts, Ddtlmore, on Ihe tth 
lut, John n. Oongh lectured to an orerflowlng audience 
or8,aoopenuuonlho "Lights and Bnodows of London 
Ufe." On the tlh, the Sabbath lehoel of the UnlveisoUst 
ehoroh again packed tho houso with an exhibition of re- 
cItaUons, siniring tableaux, etc, 

F. Hoimnn, protnaer st 

tlmor, elalivoyaal, an ttirel 

with a gift ihoir, TUrweie at <ri 
Init. . , ^ ' 

ZotiWA Adu, ontaaatsn lidy, U 
Frank Cffber u per sdrsrtlsemenk 

PowTaatnor leading theatrical 
P. Rlehardseii jrno inserts his eanvm auuines 

Lu HALty Obailcstown, W. Ta., wni tett.-L 
hnndred-people, and Is advertised to rent J\i HieimuillBr 

TiiiMiuONiAN TAEtHAdx Wen lobs aulUt«ia^Ei 
sen's Hall, Onaha, N. T., on tho Mb Inst, . ^1*^, 

„AL» BinnnRTrmclsl contortionist, iiMad to BaUk- 
Naah, comedienne, and J. w. sharpiay^- tobottOaMLBSf 
good honiMa at tU Ibegtre, Omaha, H, T-Te* OMMTli 
and eth mat .v^. 

Dr. a, O'LBAHThuodBUiiBneedaialeiQf tsBlMlBaNli 
atB nilngteld, ifu "^^^ ■ 
..flZ"?*'?? ■HboB and taaWkilaeegarrtaiBtae 
•••""'nt at Buimrotrt, Conn., April Olb. • 

Tna FrntBmon Mtriuit is eiiloylat • He ran of bdris 
neas. The prindnal ttiraetlou uil^fiw AnarwS3' 
tho mammolh glrTj Prof. Rlcharda, the mxnfllh: Mr, dTS 
Redmond, champion glan blower; John Ololi ud itt 
ednoited trick dogs and Utiklngplg; guu iBlttmiNiitt£ 
anlmd happy roaily, AuttailaD TtlElng Unl akOwT^ 
caaa or llvfng anlinala, and boa Donsti&oia, ^iMndu 
and auigatora. Besides thou menuoncd tbn« hi a Im 
number of obior cnrtoaltles. Malor Butnell wu IsumS 
at when ho announced his taitenlion oT estshdsSSra 
mnteum in ntlsburgh, but his eObrlshave been nriiisafil 
and DOW ha hu a museum aad parlor menageria thai data 
that city credit 

Mr. Job Mobtiheb, rhRadelphla draioatle agtnt,' baa 

completed dl hla dreu engagauenls snd hu mads ea- 
gagemanis (or people who have already become ntvoittea 
there. Mlaa Blaodie Stanly at Valar'aand JohaHaitM 

al Fox's, have bees avccennil. 

TnEOERMAN BiopLisno Taocn gire two moN atw 
rmanccs at OonooMla llalL nilsdeiphia, on Ika'lSl 
and Itth, Ineonjunctlon wlihWm, Heyntn, agiaaiaSn 
HtlOD 75UK — 

maa wrealttr, wbo Uivitea compsUUon Car tlie tmn titft 
handled doDan. ' . 

AN Aoint, wiui a ftaw hnndrod douan. Is waittaf iotft 
variety company. See X. L. 0. K'l adverUaemtat , 
010. M. LioNAJU), blU potter, Qraod BtuST UySbJ • 
^^niiSnowDoouEipiBUadriitiied ftrbjrJskalf^' , 

Bim Hat's Indiana trodti appealed In WHmUittiL'- 
Del, OB thetlh; Cannsniown, Mh; and (meatar, tth,* - ' 

Had. Leopold and Oeo. Leopold have styled uamielTet 
Ihe "Chsmplou of tho Double TTapeza," aad itata lai 
card that they an prepared to conletttha title wllkani 
other performers. , 

AN AaEXTlaailvoniaedfarbyBlaA.EUU. 

Poop. ItoiEim, mannXacturcr of dreamt of UIosloB, tt,i 
hu removed lo 7U Broadway, N. T,- 

E.M.D10AN advertises for uls a hat rut, which man* 
agora of places of pnbUo amusement might do weU to lo- 
troiluce. , < 

TuiWooDwoRTn Simaa appur In BanUngtoiL fi.; 
on the 12lh of April. Tlio troupe conalsts of fonr sMtn-^ 
Alice, Etta, Ella and Utile Belle. 

A PEriTB PBirrv 01 bl Is wanted to aulst a prtstUlgUat ' 
tear. Bee Lester's adTcrilsemeot 1 

A Partnib Is adrerUaed for to take an Interest tn a Dnt 
ulass show biisiucsa, 

TtiEsR IS NOW on exhibition In Toledo, O,, a woman 2S 
yean of age with a heavy beard, aoft as lUk, bnt, stnngai 
lo ny, mustachca never grew on her facsb 

Tni LAunt Familt of pontoffllmhtls, alx In nnoberi 
have aiarted for Ban Francisco, overlaad^' They open al 
Ihs Alhambm next week, under ths management of W. 
II. Bmltb, for a season of six weeks,- and ibtn go to lai> 

Lewis Baomiu' Grand ODUtntATtoN shows at Als< 

Sin, Mich., on April llUi nnd itth, and go tnm Ihenc* to 
rand Rapids, <n nniu fbr the Lake Buperler reglona. 
TnE Banjo and dandngla taught by Fred. OUiroid. Bit 
adverilHmiiit . _ 

Tub BnAStspRARi imAMAno Association of Fhll•de^ 
pbia preseplsd "Cute" en April Tlh, with Ur, Veraoa u 
Hawlree,-Mr, Dartnun as Ecdes, Mr. Brisbane us D'Alriy, 
Mlu Baydoria Folly, Uu Everott u the Mainalse, Mka 
Hughes u Esther, and Mr, De Oonrsey u Bam Osr- 
ridge, "Tho Loan of a Lover," the afterpleee. wu weU 
played, wllh Ihe cxotpllon of MUi Sovdcr u Eraestlns. 
'■Caste'' waa hndly cut and poorly played, Bertram and 
De Couruy bebig the only onu deaervlng of credit 

Tns BuoTUKNiAH Dramatto AssooiAnoM, of Fhlladel* 
nhia, on Ihe Tth Inst, played "Kobcrl Macaln" and "Tha 

itouih Dlsmond," In Ikd former Mr, Uayhurat apt 
u Hacalro, Hr. Roberts sa Jocones, Mr. Borah uDoDonl, 
Mr. Hackell u Ohnriee, Mr. Johnston u OeraeoU, and 

icqnes, Mr. Borah uDaDonl| 

nr. nn(BC,» H i/iiuiii-d, -jar. JohnStOn U OemeQll, I 

MISS winten as Clementine. 'The Rough Diamond') 1 
well played, Uf. Hoboru doing Joe, ad Mlu Winter* 
Margeiy. - . 

Tub AMATicRg of Three Riven, Mlob., In coDDesUoD 
with Anier'a Comet Bend, gave enleitabiments on April 
1st. sad 2il, under tho monsgement of. Oeo. Hitchcock. 
Tbey produced Daly's "Dndor the Ou light".- On ths 
tth, a complimentary benellt wu extended brlha-dtt- 
p.ens 10 Mr. liltohcoek, and/klso lo Ihs Bcenle antada^ 
Messra. Fuhtcson nnd Saxten, open which occasion ths 
houso wu paokcd. Mias Keltey's Lann Ooitlsndwua 
lino pioce of acllng. Hlas Bnroh laalao deurvlng of credit 
for hor Peach Blouom. Mr. Kdsoy u Traffbrd did Ibe part 
Justice. Oliehcock's llyke brought down Ihs hooM. Wil- 
cox u Bnorkey wu alac good, 

Forolsm Bbow N<s^m. 
Inn London TuEAvnES.- WlUi the cxceplloo of Iha 
Adelplilsnd Bmnd, no change bed taken place In tho 
programme of Iho vartoua Londni Theatra during tha 
week ending March 90tb, tho Lenten aeason operating 
dlsadvantageontly upon the dioerant establishments ana 
not watraotlag the producUon of anytl)Uig fresh, bat 
Buter Is detuned to witneu ths bitroductlon of nain»> . 
rons novelties. The new fonr set domestic dnma, bjli\ 
Mr. n. J. Byron, anllUed "The Prompter's Box, a Btonj 

of '*« W^Jllirtl* «-1 thn Wwrin. fi wj. hMnjtil niiM 

At ihe'AdeMmToo th# 29d iilt......"8lstertjr Servloe>4 

and' a nawa.elia act icomedlelta by Messrs. JobD Oxen- 
ford and Horace WIgan, called "Wldowa' Weeds>/pr 
were being performed at the Strand, The Istter Is • ' 
very lively Nt, apparently uken from tha French ana 

rueaMUig many, playa by Bcrtbe and olhen IK 

Ohaalham's new drama "Devotion," wlu MUs Marrtott u 
tbe heTdn^ had met wllh snooeu at Sadler's Wells, where 
It wu produced for tho Oral time, for Ihe mansger'a>ben- ' 
ellt on Uie aitt nit Tho estalillshmont doieil for Ihe isa> 
sononthsMUi.. — "Formou" wuthe main atlnelion 
at IheBtaadaM, followed by the burlesque of "The Vottj 
Thieves.". Mlu JuUa Hatnews wu shortly to make her 
anpearanoe In a new buriesqne, "Ooy Faux," the produc- 
tion of which wss to eclipse all the manager'a previous 

efforts for dlaplay "Slio Bloons 10 Conquer''^ wu In 

Its Iwenly-ftinrtli week at the Bt James .Mr. IL Reeca 

hu written for the Olympic a melrtcsl dnma, or diamaUo 
romance, which wUl be prcdoced at Euter. It Is a nov- 
elty U the drama and will be rapreaenled with daborala 
tpeetacnlar arrangements. ' 

:MiS8 Pools, tho well known voeallat, recenUy met wlUi 
an aoeldeni which wlU prevent her appeortng open Iks 
staoe for tomo Ume, Bhe wu driving ont In a poai 
ehaue near Blongb, where the hu been long resulng', • 
when Uie hone took fright and the vehlde wu upset wlih 
great force. Htat Poole, who wu thrown tnm the scat, 
received some severe contndons, and her medical atiesd- 
snis stale that a month must elapse before the can fnllD 
any professional engagenenla, 

TBS vnuiT rapresentallon of R, Wagaer'a optit ef, 
"Lohengrin" took place at Binltttioa lEo aid ulk, laa' 
obtaUoa a brIIUaot anoceas. 

Mr. Stranob, of Alhambn renown, hu obtained pas*, 
sesdonof an esiabUshment In Pails, which he Inteniu to 
devote to similar purposes. 

Ubrr R. Waoneb wHl not, after aU, direct ths a«> 
proachlng Beethoven FesUvu at Bonn, Ihe eommltlos 
having nnanlmonslysdooted nerr FenUnaod HlUertoflJI 
that pealUon. 

Oahbt Sullivan bad tppoared m a roniid ofSbakst 
speerean ehanelen al Ihe Theatn Royal, Blrtnbigham. • 
Mlsa Susan Dbrih wu playing at the BradftndlTorlt- 

shire) Thutro Royal, hor engagement belnjg for tw» 
weeks. On tho llth ult ahe wu tendered a beneflt nndv 
the patronago of the 8tth Royal Baux, the bond from tksi 

regiment aliendlns. ' Bho penooaled Clauds MelnoUe, 
and en the auocecduig evening nppurod u LncreMi Boi^ 
gla. On tho 9lst, 2£laDd ISd I'Medea" wu given, fell 
lewod by Uie "Uunter of Ihe Alps." 

OrriNEAODis lut open txngt la enUUed "IiS Oitnd 


aiiAvm opxinA botKsb, 

Ccmw at TveolrUilrd ilrvtl and EI|bUi aveoae. 


iibiiii 'mw f ratdbeS' ' 
tkotii week 

of tbedlminatierrnilnrihoan,lbo 


tivki.vk teuptatioks,^ 

wliiiMffd from Ftbmvy TIB 10 A^l tlh (N npraasBlAUoai) hya^ 
wards of 

It4,(ni I 
tlelllhliid TI1II41V, being lbs UrgMl audleocci orsrAiaambled la a 
■Um or MDuanniMit lo Uio aKiM iiunbar vt eoumuUvs BlsbULV' •: 








TBRPsiaiionRAR .oBoarAnca 

anotIish RHNBATION. 

... .„ . IMt Wl, 

A Naw BONO ontlUed "Uy a Clear and Rippling Btnam- 
let or blue Ejed Lotus May," It advortlud foriale by F. 

snAKNON, AND Obani, dealen In tlieatitoal 
goods, 40 Mslden Ijuie, H. Y,, an prepared to fhmlsB ths 
leveral wants of Iho profession, For futUti' partlonlaia 
road thdr advertbiomeola. 

ARoniBD'a Panorama of Rhode Maud oi^tiladalFreTl- 
dence. It I., on AprU Itli, for oue week. 
' Till srniusfsaiii gave two perfonnthOM la ttw Ooayt 
Uouie, AUenlowo, Ps., Apru ith and Ml 


•nilfllr - 

, ' enjCMel . . _ 

ipptaimim will be dulr aunouDccd. 

. SOPS, coptlitag of 

•li Premten ■nilfllly Corrtibmi, are now enpne Ibr Ibe uulsa 
Huue, uBitrr enjcMeiH nl 10 Ihn UrtDd Opeia llouaa. nelr Bnt 

Mxiw vonK cxaave, 

Pourieeaih iireel, oppoalle Acadeiar of Moskb 

L, B. iBHT .."!Tr siiedsft 




FimiT WEEK OP R gnOKNIiy _ . 

oa Sll Btftbttk Haiats 





Adaalaalnii.ia out Olilldiia ooder Its, IS Uai 
TIeU Bfsluati. 


, Raw Orrnulo, BeeeaUimsl, SporuAltr BuilatqatL with gpltslll 
oeiierr, UoaluDcs and nffecti. enllUsd , 
Inlxododof u eililttU and aonl Fair Baca& wlls s aaaktfct 
w1» win perrona a Tsileir of ibrQllBi faala 
In eir« of nraiprlaol IrmtDan. 

A SraOIAL WniTB OaV lUTlMBa . ■ 

_ _ BVUTBlAi; 
ThtBnil ■ 

_ ON TIBW AT AUi U0UH8. ■ 

ThsUrioiWlMAnioiaU. _ TbeBMiiirslBMa.. ■ 
TbaObBBbefolUonwa IksliiniiiaOni1<»lllafc..Mlj, 


j, ' Ui ' j, ' H. ArvxarvjB re: — 



ItTuo^ pirchtsedef sUenlkapttalaleMwmMlbatseaBlsgur: ' 



April 16, i8T(|a 

>«lk*r AtmSanrnX etmUf an 
iStTorwb tad nuT << 

unit mu 

tTMiUcsMaUU bf aU ' 

M Ike Ubii 

for lk<n mmllii « l»Di«r „■ 


^ "V^^SftlM, FLOinS, FBATHBIIS, »oi . 
«.nt ■ gaflwoiMllLLB«YcRiUIB. 4«¥lU«n UB^ H. 1 

;"t»lrlSMWlillt>«<t»rwti|iMli Of fiitg Ajjlq* , . 
■ ^lir^'airBBOWIWOit Jt-.Boil.lg.Pabii^M.Towl. 


•f"'"-''-S'pi&'iri5ff^'A31'fi\*B*«oi.. „„„ 

■ ooimuonno amd nusmKM AnSm 

orTUBTno i:r.AiJEO oiu „. 

•bobhlMt ttow In lh« kl). will MolllbtllrU) MnlUu, vllb 
■ IKSSKSnyi cull, .fur Aoml«lb,o»lMfo or CM- 

"tTSili ibiiboTeitfnctloa. fefeiiwllh *Miini to «r..D. H. 


If.: BiTtaf nm of oipmi™* wlih imim, »""I«P"!>,J"?! 

a:.! M~.iw^ .11 ill. »ntlll»rii« UHI Uti to ma««ll MWl lOTj). 

Syi«b«ouMUfhsUtarM"boouboU werd>"lbraiifbotilUio 
' VaSl BUleo: «bOMcOBlii| la bllM wllb wtkoMOfdolAl br lb« 

'"TS""*"-- nr 




Ol^Upg DB HATBW, Bl. Looli. Ho. 


»4|f ^Orgll AT TDE VAllllAMt IWi IWIfT. 



Parisian Sensation 


OnSAT S1700SS8 
or rnB bbiboh. 


Fifth Avenue Theatre. 

IB low raBrABEO to foinub 

mrm m or rno BnBETi, 
riitui la < Mion, 



FOR SAUB. _ , 

A TOM lUDIIB OiBBIAOB. Alio cu «oo4 ptjl nji; ui« (ad 


Mt> m Boildolph ilmt. Room I, CMamo, HI. 

. AOADxntrr OF* mrvBic, 


Bnnca ajtd sdhhbb bbasoTt. 

I ou««.o '^g^BOANIIAnON OPCOMPAJtr. 
WutodlmiiudUlilT.ulbu of ilrlcl iibrklr uJ nod dnatra. 
BuucincolJ alM opto for fkll ud wlolor uuon. Bun and oom* 
' m3QSucu1U Ifaao U idfUlita. A rew dalM nloui. id- 
«w [tdlj M. OOBBI, Mmnr. 

eiS^VSON OF 1870 AND '71.' 



.TAiw, com , 

. ndolbtrftUnclIon^d4lmD|Untlllellbcr of Iba ibor* ThMIra, 


, wlUDiOMoaddm. Ibe eodenJfiKd, an 

. U. .0. WTBS, UaMUBiI 

'Btj. Ka KS Bmdnjr. 

*' ' ^bk Huaitr vlibn ll l«bo oodcnlood tbat U li Ui dolre lo nukt 

I ioihor IbflaboTolbMtm . 

/ . ortbo Wultnd HonlA. An 


dalitof 01 


will be OQKed for ILo mulirmioo. 

•lock eajMflBtau will plou tddtcuuiborr 

X MoakknoDiDpotfol lophT let E fiuConietito lead BruaB*n<1, 
; ud lalTMInln^rebnlnL AddreuIiORO A WILBO.N'B DBAH- 
'.AnO CO., Uirofblll, Km. HI* 


Avvir la 1. W. TDOMPBON, Pnuleur, 
W Or J. WT BEBiaBT.BIn« lOnnw. 

' nikT PATBMT PARLOB AHD 8TA0B BANJOB, bwo no anna 

^ oaqna 

Id lb« world for tond.iwaet ud frrllllul tone, ud ita anir Inaln. 
masto Ibal wlU aoond u wall la wel aa drr weathtf. Boaewood, 
■aatlfullr poUabod, Iwenlr afltrer aortwa, mniparal bead, Ilallu 
•trianalfrarUUpleta, am., price 130; No.! H)rraa<Tbaidoa,ieil^ 
^Aaad BIOL Mg bow baj^o loftructloo book will Icaca fou toplar 
..larfbd wllhoul a naaur: nrtoa, BA Book and Banfa aeal a 0. o. 
b all pana of lb« Dolled Blalta, aemnu ir dalradT^ 
Hf UBNBY OTdOBSOK. Ma Bewerr, W. T. 

' M ba eopiad for Onit and BoloBloaloaawl f«tnrfal Dnmallo bua(. 
J^av Add rat w Bomb CUito aWoT. Cblcaio, LL Hi* 

T-lll BBAJtHOW, MILii^B A^BAWErtl«»ld»oLaBe.W.y. 





■ ■ - men ■ 


■ telanlaapanlaou rwealra 



tih VIoUnlita.aTIo- 

.iBadlfra, aBRal Coraeinaf< 
l,»NaL Baijo P' 
' ud a Dnaaj 
ipaj Ma 

Addnaa . 

. 6B Manm fUMI, If dopbla, Taan. 

. WIBifnBaB Bnnra A bli HlaiT.— "Doc'* 75 fool Bound Top 
^Cbaraawulad ooapUla. Addma u abora. CBab ondallTaiT. Mi 

ileBliuor ai 
>3d. ffUp 

In, a B Plai CoiBoi rlarar tih> VIoUnliu 
. Buld Plajar, Iwo nod-DoobIa OIoaDbi 
I a Dnaajr, Me. 1 Bloitof and Dandna \ 
' MalaauHtalonodgooHa andparbiir 

Dbow^ a 
'ran 10 




aaala aon paopla Ibak uroibar ball in Mioacaola. 
OBflUM B. DODQE, Bap't 

'UaBIT1ID,a«Balolnr AMAOOMDAB, MONRBYB, do., at J. B. 
; BQlXIlB'BBIrdud AalMal81on,T» PultoBaL, KewTart:. l-at* 


} ■■ ■ ■ ■ • /OUMBTOWN, PA., 

, «nad PabrnaiTi UA. Bandjomaal Opan Kooao or Ita ilu In Iba 
- BUl^ rornol, DjrlbadajrorwealLforOnl daia tiiatlrlcal eaun 
,la|naaBta,coBearuud lactuieo. nia new brkA 

1^ — r — _ — I — J Mbtumb IB,, u.i/ brlcA buUdloj ta BOW 

' talabsd ud flitod up lo mod^m aiyle, wllb paj^ucl, dnaa aad 
t lualtrclltlo, foar prlralaboiaa and will 
..Ana boBdnd ana ebalniB parqnel; baa aitaga tiiS real, wllh 
: Mipali alan rorallun, fool and border Uabtaj 


«DaBM&mm, walardoarit wal«r lo dj«aaln|-itoni^aadboaeeo»- 
wf lain nn lleae; alio, drqnriiililn uda 


ag^tou^^y njraiiUlaleJ, eelllai Iblrtrlhna faat hl|k, wllb loe 


4a,aaabora. JobutowoeonlalnalllOOOlnbaMlaatoandlaallualtd 
IB Ud Paanajlranla Ballnad.TB mluaaalor PlIlaburilL Tanaa 

'mrr'"'. [aetudlna 


• VMoaea^UlaBTapbandJebpflnllnioflltta wllblo IwntfaUpeof 

• uaOpanHouaa. PrlTaieenlnnGolaiboalaioanddrtaaloinonu 
. Bm poaUr eonneclttl wllb ibo bouac Addrtaa 

• l-lSi JOUN PABKB, Prepiitlor, Boi Ml 

'Iboaaladlaaand aenllnBcn wbo bare bonond ma wllbappUtalboa 
' tar enpiaaento Tor Ibo e r aeon or U7D-T1, an barawltbrajpeatrullr 
; kifonned ibat 1 baradeddtd nol to rvaew mr pitaanl leaio of ibo 
BaltalltaTbaaln, wblch aiplrea Jul; lal, ail 

New Orleana, Mant 18Ui, Iflia j.ii 





OABFEKTEB, ud cUtnlo| Ulka, N. Y.. u hU botn& btoir Kb* 
' mwl«drramour«mdorinaBLUUD|wli& bin, or dliuilog of a 

B .i...r^.^i.. .-J' 1 Tirtoui lumi of nwoijr 

, conlniT iooureipreu or> 

iuutlirorulauai, •nd bomwlof Ttrtoui lumi of now 
[o(el nopnslonud DDI Potim, er-' — ' ' 

' 'ifbnnnlbj IHein 

, — .bjcblmlogUi toour «ciDL Tbli pcnoD, 

Injlni itei w« wm m bli in£k, icltcrtphMl u UDmlU^itiT rio lo 


Uffllatof LAndlAida, Ac, bj 

I toaUII,uwaarelnrbnnrdbr Itlnimma melrod hj tit. Tie- 
atnj UndlAida,Ac, b/cblralngto baour aganL Tbla pcrMO, 

Ing ibal wa war« on bla ira£k, ickcnpbed u unmlUaltiTllo lo 

IbaaffnlUial bla Bolber bad died and to would rtlura la ibno 
.dlqpk TblawaaoaHaluidar, Manb jgih. Blan ibal dau be baa 
.ajafulljaroldadaa, and Inm tolciiaini wblcb no an dallr rt- 
Mrt^^r^nd ba la aim punnlBf bla old lame. 


Mjaallbladlabonealman, wboilioi btmaolf 
••iwatn > " 




Inlaf paid aU tnndulenl dalrea up lo atora dala Indualra. 
Hlf N. D. WOBBBTB, MiBagr Newnmb'a Blnalrela 




. . . AddRu ANNIB COBELU. 

•« Pare of Ollpper oHo, K. Y. 

^ i^S^im^oaS^ *" I""!-** leauag «u.b . 

- OAm>. 

£l!!K!f*iiiP wis mk!* \S P™""*" ! Bew ud conplda Uuu. 
jnlplor BIF VAN WlNlQ£cudoMbTaddiTaflIni' 


r a-OuBol boaawad by anj Oopnilbl Law.°"'°° """"Js 

baanptedaflarApillliMi. Addnaa 3QDBMBBURUII. M. Y. IJl' 



■*?^a^!lSH?*'''*"'"'""**«l, If arolled ror launedlalal/, 
traddiaaalog vrtf. J. UETOIIEM. 

.' Biehufa lloloirprotldcBw. B. L 


__ 'MB. JOUN oaLLuiaT" 

Si aS&lW^'ifWK"""* '? 'h^Sii ell »anib?Tb™,h 
JJJJJflfJd.WM.l, wlUi l£o OMt dRided luxaai. all hia aoan 


appear He«» and aonfi. 

SjablniUiunllalawllbllr.ColllnaeaBaddrtaabla al Ibo abora 
T»«tn,or»Boiiili«ibain»Lri,iWfi,hi: Si,i 

LOWELL A BliuiOhuOcSlri A«nl^. 
: • «a)Dnadw>7,VtwTort. 


ROMB, N T ' 


era unpnrcincata. 

A. J. BINK, 



"St ' 


«;60 IjAT l>0\m AND DIXL" 
, nW aAMfO BOMO, potaoU/ BED IIOT. Prtautuk 
• . aAllLBBBTBBW, 







Oombining 6 Separate Cats In 1. 


a eoExrr roemm, 


IB addlUoD Id iba abort, wa bara a naak lUsilnlad pampUal of 
II papa, cutolBlBf as lUiuMUd aloiT el 


wUb aorar, od wblob eaa ba prialad Iha adrtnlanuBt of Ibc 

'""''^ ^I, OBDBBS 10 BB AD0BU8U0 10 

J. E. JACKSON, Builness Maniger, 



FBB9I0N, li U rtara old; IblDba be ODUIddouUIIljbualocaa, wlllinf 
to make blma^lT caarnllr uaerul ai low aalair. Addnaa D. w. 
OAHB, LouGTlUeTBr. 14 

•'CN UOMME cesser.'* 

Win Rlum io America la a few wc«ka, UBder eofOBtneai Id R 
POX,_Eaa., PbUadelpbla. 


In abort VlrbBTcDtnica toVouchufe Ibal bU Vivid, Vlracloua 
aod Vcraallla Varlrtb-a, Vljaroutlr VenUd la Veniflaalloaa ud 
TaraUana, an Venlllatcd rnm all vulrulama. la aow oo a rair- 
well toor of U real Brflalo, aad la ernr VIclnllf bo Tlillj be la 

Totod Vkurioua. 



WUl acAlTOOpenona. AdJrrta^ 

T. n. BIIELDON, Acrni, 
|.1SI« Boi I.(PT, New Harm, Conn. 


Cu be rented ror flnl dua CDtmalomrata onl;. It baaaatagelo 
br M, wllb a rull aci or accneiT. root and boiler llf bta and drtaalng. 
noma Addreaa A. WOLl'K. 
Mlfir Pruiirlfetor. 

sx. cuAiii:.i3s uoxjai^ 

One bundrad good noma al II per day. note] Iborougblj rtoo. 
Taird ud meali aerred al all boora. 
|.7l' OBOBOBaLELAND, Proprlalor. 

Ou gira a eoDpIela ouUll, Oanraa, Polea, ObalDa, OUTa, PUo, Ac 
PrfcalUiaulltaa. -a- 



lU OomiBeRlal at., Bcalon. Matf. 

TEJkEPE R A>rCE ttat.t. 

Botlnlr now, wrll loealcd, nicadid aew Beaaeir. Dm log 
Boooa, Bide and Fool IJahla. 

Far fuilber pankulan addnaa.ljLIAWM. WAITNAIUUT, 
Hi* ^'IT^ Fbcanlitlile, Pa. 



Parisian Sensation 



WAMTBD-Tba addnaa or 

waallBga flnlclaaa aofR^iHiL Blalaaalarr. 



«d Eui llarrlaoo ainel, Oblcago, m. 


K/B.— Wolb DUdo la ibe beat of alylaaadaoai parXipraaa, 0. 0. 
P., toallpartoof lhaoouBlJT. _ l-»a 


R. FOX PraprktorudHaaagar 

I. B. BOBBRTB Acilag ud Btago Manager 





Arilata la all bnBobea daalrona or Qegottatlng applj in 

R. FOX, 

l lf Aaarlcan Tbaali». Pklladelpbla. Pa. 

Mewlr rurulabed, witb aorarrTeoBplrla: aaauoDpaoplet onlloaa 
of Iba a R L A Fulla n. B., W. U, A & R. L A SI. LoulaBallroada. 
PoF'.tlatloo 7,in)L For rut on rttaoaabia l«na& Addnaa 

aU' ; TllOa DUMW, mprlalor. 





al rcaaoaablo rataa, ob aiiplteatloQ lo 
!*• W. A McCLUBO. 



B. H. NASD rnpiKlor 



aa low aa ai uy other bouaa la Ibo countrr l.dta 

SmACUSS, N. Y., 

nawly lunodaled ud coolnlly tecaled. cntnnco Poll omc« Anada, 
la now open and caobeoBgurd ror nntelaia onicrutnmula. ll 
comprlaea four Boica, Uroaa Clrde aad Oaltorr. Io pdut or decora. 
Uonaud appolBlmenu It la aeeond to nooo In Ibnatatn or New Yark, 
andbaaaacatlDgapacllror 2,StD; a fuUaciorficaoarT, wbteb baa 
DO equal, aod Ibe Ducat dran curtain In iba aula. 

Tbia acanetr waa palBled bf Ibo celebratod aecDla minlar, T. P. 

Hlie or ataga, forty reel deep, tklrly feci wide 
Acouallcjimperttcaand renUbllon unaurpaiaod. 
Addreaa for iema aod rnaigonienia, 

0. T. SOOTBT, HaoblolaL F. 0. Boiai, Sincuao, N. T. 


Tbla aplendld Hall la now compkto In ararr part! 



for raipcctabte aablbiuoaa. The Uall la u bjr 6S red; Oallary IS by 
U fcal: wUI acat 1,000 panaoa. la looalod oa oomrr of Buto and 
Pearl alneia, opposlto tka BbiioOapltoltaad one dcorweaiaf Dew 
City UalL One of ibe Bnaal bulldlnea In IhR waaL 

0. A. WAONEB, Proprielor. 
1-71' Oolumbua. Oblg 


Iinporlcn aod Daalen lo 

CLOTHS, 8PAH01E8, Etc, 1-I0t» 

omous PBOFx:ssioNc 

Ptni daai artlita dealrtng eawuencn to nay ai»ly by lotlar or altaar. 
wlaa b !} "HmKoBI" ar iba aitaToiamplu ClrauaT 

. „ . TBatb and OallowblU aineu, Pblladelpbia, 

alaHngllAaefbgalBeaaud lowaalaalaiT— aOMeaane^raL Mi* 

M0T1CE.--Blattonar7 or Umrallni Manaaaia (aioanllng mloatnli), 
wlln Ini elaaa allraallOBa enly, oan acoura Ibo aburo btauUfel Opoia 
Uouaa on raronblo uma ror lU nmroer aiaaoo, comneadog June 
ntbloBapl, loth, wbUalwaanaulonaabort inrdlag tour; lila 
Iba bael rutllaiad ud oodaat bnuie In tba oouDtrr. 

c<aa(ortably, aiid at our regular prloo*-7^ M ud » cento admU- 
MBB ~ <aii arowd la Biou 

nrfal) parllcalan apply u CUAB. D. OUPREZ, 

XO KE2SFONsnii.a3 cmcrus 

, . ^ _ DLANOllB AND HARIB, 

Juai Rvn Barepa, cu bo copged far ibo tcnIlDi aeaaoo of [S7a 
Llae or bualBCaa— 

-.?.'!!i?.9f''Al;.''""Nq. wim hoops amd balloonb 
riiiNpiPAL RioiNa, ^iTii strkambrs and dannem. 

BALLOONB-Vcn aUrtllna; noirpr done In tbla ounUr. 
_„ . . _ BCENS BlUlNnLvAltlOUB AOTa 
!!";"?? °'''"'' "I"" "''B"V'"PP'"«a; Baking In all 

Ibo leading foatURa for a Ont claa drciK. For lonna, Ac, 
' If Addnaa can of OurfiaOirici, N. Y. 

TROUPBB.-A loung man wllb aomo aiperitnce on Iba alaga would 
like In OBgagu wllb aoma Ini elaaa iroDpe. Forrurtlier iDrormallon 
_ lo.W. NEWMAN, 
BaiTlDgton, Cook Co., Illlnola 



™a whouDdonluda Iba wntoia auntryi to bo alriclly tempo. 


loBiuaaod BtrtDgBaad. Addreaa, auUng aaJair, P. 0. Boil,MI, 

ualeaourg, IIL 


BDANNON, MILLER A ORAMB, M Maiden Uoa, N. V. Hill. 
laiT, TlienUlnl, llrgalla, Cireua ud Uoatunon' Trimmloga, or on 

":a£fc__ ; ^111 



"itKyonjuamattt la maBagen ibai'be la dlamgaged fcvm data 





aitpftparad lafdnlak 

Two Sheet Show BIUb 



SlatltiMandllinioribaaaina. , 
WaanlheOBiaiNALaDd oBlr ealablUbaaul Id Iha world ^a^ 
dIauai uu 

Now ond VolUibWe Stylool 

alwafi on baed i 
Addreaa crdtra 

„ aaaartmaai of TBEiTRIOAL AND BBOW 
I on baed aad aolttB on to arter. 
vacrdtraaBdoomnDBlailloBa w 







OFBBA iiouB^r „ opeia Uouael la u mil by 

OB abarlai larnw. Apply at 
0. T. RBBDgB.n'tr 

lbeBlibt,weakor mootb, ror nab or oi 
Bi.JunenlIoUl.N. Y..IO 


171 WaablnitOB Binet. BoaloB. 
ISAAC B. Rioa 1 .VJOSB Builnaaa Maaiger. 

And «ni elaaa anbu In 
Cualwaya obtain aBsucmania by addnaabi JOBH. BART, Baal- 
mliuaag«°wourodyautbor&edageBl ll riTlOBRALp, 

" All utttanj. 



TIIRATRinAI.TlOOOT or inf J dfjilpiloa. 


noodaamiCO. D., to uy part of ibe UNITED BTATM or 

lAwanAQ ■ 

hauxz'S MAaiqATi 


aadtoBneal»ictlwaBly4r«e«B^ - 

iSaoYbeaauriilly Ulaalretod. 
prtndral Meka. AraiT gnalr 
imfeaalonala, aomo of \be arttcU. - 
Ruierub«sdiai(od n IbU enuBtry. 


MraUlZIEPalOE,ronnartyllna^wBar»^^ or 
wbalotar be, oan,. Jjlfej^* ffi,'?'*' ^ 

earyaooD. By Lif aiTba wlU h«ar of aomaiblBf to bar adnn- 


lOdA Addn«^tfj0NBa.71Baik'fl^5?>^^ 


1I30 DcnplMbPn St., Cliloo«o. 111. 

OEonox: e. xiiuudbh. 

OOBTUMEBB'aBdallklndaorUOLU aud S'^^l^.v™? pSiS: 
Iba hat aad laneat aaaonment erer acen wcaior New Vora. rnaaa 
SuSdeiSwr Open Sbaaa, Bandali, and Tbeatrieal lIeal»T. 
SbmrtftaTor PaddlSl. Dancing Cloga. tongl* tonnrea, La^ 
SU^,Ta^i, Bead^I'5oiD'Kaplgn^ AmorCWhJIlbliOaUM 
nSea, BciS, Poll flionea, Biitloni Ordera, Bwoida, Bione Sol 
uipLTlbannua. Ooatum. FUtea, Jmltollon DlMaond Jewtl^, 



SATTLi sEnxniiw, 

Bonga, Bartea^aaa, ProHan Ada. Aa '•*** 

ghay's haxjj, 

TUa a»lan4ld ball U Bow eonplau la e»«T PJrttoular, ud will b« 
forTbaalricalBnIertalnmenu. OoncarU ud UMuna. TbUbaUla 
U brBolalldtTUbyia Baaling eaaadll, IjOOa 
•rttoplSlanuSiMbTMIeirllrCMllt . „ 
TBB piao la — Jjj^ OBAY BBOa. Bocaec. Mkb. 


omcxrs fbofimexohs 


FRANK J. DOWBBcanbeeoMad for ibe coming teatlng ajaaon 
2E^«trinWnrt«rudBln«y^ "^"SS Si^SS l?.';!! 
prln^pal Double ud Soena Act^qutalilanui alao Ibrea Fad IIOfM 
udlboai>l»odldF«rfonnlog Hone of ba>iilT.,aaa. anakudlbM 
Soall POTMei Yukoo NollMia. Illnm aod Diamond. WUlfuniub 

aa^^ormaBoea. Addnaa FRANK J. ™{WB^ ^ 



oBtbaCB.AQ R.Il.,Mmltoawe>l Mm Cbleagt. lA^IAiiU 
Flitau Tbouaaad. TbobraiaDd 

BnotObyH raai. Btagn aud groaeaualm. It laai dnp 
aeenery oomplalA. _Addr«ia 
— — * ja 

A>rtlBdra<illk*aiB)MDIaaBoaDl Oaidi- 
pajtjr iba i» BaGT. .A BInaa SSt^^ l 


lOID ROOO^ POUDBB BCBnitOEnKrii *,?J> >Oul 
\f at lU BraSway, le bow al OBIBNTAL OaBAffSI 


77 Naaau atn«L « Y I 

CoBdudad by tba Bfanlab Onrereoienl 
Pitieacaabeclud Inronnalloa ruislabad: tba bliheai .u- J 
for DouUoona ud all kloda or add ud allrar; alaTror i1i7£H 
manlSocuillloa. TAfLOBACO.BANKjERa ''*<n| 

,., llWdlatnii 


TBOB. TOmtET, AgODl, Abiwi. lU. 

It. B. KENT'S Xhootrltsol Uoelcpya 

No. intlata jm BOWERY, N. .Y.„,.., 
atoatly oo bud ud made to order. ■ 


rABRAlt UALL, (Ueroaed by tbe yoarl. 

wllb blab calllnji. cillarT, ud brtow Iba tblid ileor. 
wluiBlgBcauu»,~jjj^ FRONT ENTBAKCE ^ , 

OD Park Bow, wllb irar CBlntnco on Pirib a WeL flood drea» ng 
rona: aiaie, id bJ «>7«> andanetol; roll eeiettneiy; aeallng 
EapS!iy,ljS). POPULATION, iCprX Addrcaj, 

WM. J. HELL A CO., I*a«<a,708BtotoatntL 
p. 0. BAOEUB. Clly Bill Poater, ataamoplacr. l-M 


In point of aU^ beauty and oonrcoloooc, Itauriaaaea manylni 
larnrdllea. Oantoola thn moat Importaolinaaiiradurtofldly 
iwora Plttabnr«b and Cblnp, °a P. PL W, and Cbkngo ft B., 
AppHmntownl addreaa Ito proprietor. l-et 


MU 8DANK0N, MILI.EB A UKAWB, 41 Maiden Une, N. Y. 


on Eaatar Monday Nlgbl, April Ulb, ISIO. at ibe American AcaOenty 
of Nuala, Oarda oraJniailon.BA l-3<' 


Tba elenni, ceol and capadoua Halle aitacbcd lo Ibo "Academy 
or Muak'* an now nady for appllcailona ror Cooccrta, MIoatjcl 
BttllBl capacity aliDut Vlt) olgbt hiiadrvd. 

Addnaa JUUUB L MOSES, AtanL 

l.eia Ohariaalon, B. 0. 



eoo WOOD cuxsi 

DKbrCDldaalgDa, aullabia lor 

Dramatic Cireu*, MenasBrle, Ntgro MlnrtrBlf, 
MaglelanB, Juggtars, Vamtlst, SIda Shows, ate. 

OalalogaeaconlalolBgadeacriptloo or ibe aevenl cola, with p;1ee 
llJl ud Unaa, ocot lo eider. Spodmeaa of MUa to be atea al Ibe 

A NBW STYLE OF SHOW BILLS for OlmaeaaBd Menageriea 
lalualDnlabed. to wbkb Iba atleallon or Maaagon udAgenu la 
oapedally Inrliod. TbabonoaudaiurealotboaobUlaaraalldnvD 
ruUllfa-aUe,wllbaDoreat,ud calored In a atylaof brilliancy far 
aunaaaluguyihlngoribeklnd orcraeca lo Ibto or any other coun- 
try. .Fkaao addreaa TOBRBY BROTHElia, 

13 Spruca aL, New York. 

JODN TRYON allendato all aiblblUoaonlan glean to Ibe abero 
named aatabllabnenL Lit* 


BOENic ARTiarr, 


wni do wall to aaad tbdr oidan to 

Balabuahad U4L Alao Ctof Duoan' aulto of orary daaertpllol 
made at ibe abOTe. Bead alampfordaaertptlTaprleellat. l.fiH* 

rmmLondoBlbaaiudobeajMal _ 

Ooada aaai O. 0. D. II Baat Hooatoa aL, N. T. Boom 11. Hi' 







ud all atyka or rariely laleaL t 
Noaabnt SiaictaaaartUueapged. One weak'a allaaoa a bc^- 
lira. Balariea low but aura, 


FOR LADIBa l-tt* 


Wa alwara ban la alock 
ud a laria aaaortmul of lullu and Bagllib Opcraa. Alae, all 

l« order. Bend for a eataloanei Orden aaai by mall rna or poet- 
agai B, BUBNTON, W Fourlb atoBua, K..T. l-lU' 


8PB0IAL TBRM& Bead for a eatal 

ilogua to 

Clyde, 0. 


Tba largtat, beal localad ud ooly ball wllb acaBerr Id Ihadty. 
BaatooBO tboeaaBd; na; fbeUlebta, dnaalog looma, tiexetollcc, Ac. 
GcaneiT recontly ranalnlad. wllb aalt pleeca ranplelc 
Orden for bill poatlngpnmaUyaitonded to. Terma reaionablc 
Hit AdKaa B. HUNTSMAN, Proprietor. 


To lani ror flnt elaaa enlartalomoBU only. New acoBcir aad 'Bate, 
tighl drop curulB, ataga caipeia, foot ud batdcr llgbla. paj^ud, 
droaadntoaBdgvlaiTi ralaad^aeatoj.MiJpg^eapwl^ l,Aa Op- 


ceoadRaaaBdpllaiy: imlaad aeau; aaalioe 
poal to^^bllo aqiaan ana paal olDoc 11 larga^bl 


TbealiantlonoftbopnreaaloB la reepeclf ally called to ibe ana- 
rtor radllllia of UaloB BalL Paturllle; capable of aocoflUBOdatloi 
l.BJO people, la well alocked wllb aeaaeiy. a good alnga ud wcu 
llgbtM ud ooaled; bu aaraeal eanrealaol 

ud one of Ibo beat abow tawoa lo Ibe Btato. PopulailoD, M,000l 
1-Mf Addnaa I. F. WHITNEY. Tnaaurtr, PalUrllle. Pa. 



(U Broadway and Na. 3 Baal Boaaton alrael. 
with Umo wBI flad It to Ibalr loloreal to eommaokato al ooce. 
wHI^Ieaaa glre mo a call 






Balabllabed Uta 
est BROADWAY, Room No. A cor. ol Prioea aL, 
OacabounrromlUA. M. toBP. M. ||.at«l Mew York. 



........ AMD NBW 60ENERY. 

WANTED-A few Bnl daaa Aden (arilata). Beaaoo will com- 
meaae AprU Mtb. 

pleaae addreaa T. E. MILLS, Boi UO, 
1-Jl« Omaha, NeblMka. 


_L** l,m Caipac aL, Phlladdpbto. fa. 




JAB 0, BDRMBTT A CO PnprieUn. 

_ IS DBARBOnN SmitET, OIIIOAaO, ILL. ™'™"'™- 
Tba bualaaaa of Iba abaia will ,bo oanled on aa uaual, and It la 
wsed that cba liberal paieoBagebeauwed 00 ibe lau JAB. 0. BUB- 
Ml?rr wBI allU be oooUnued. 

Bualaaaa of all kinda wUI to promptly atltniled lo. Oo band a 
One atoab of 


. . ....... MINSTREL PBIMnNO, 

from lie Pblladalpbta Mger, al PhUadelpUa pricta. 
1-31' Haapeatlully youra. OBO. a TBUBBER 

yro-o-asM. ADoriPiros, 


HAUL BBBTBEW, 76 Amity atrw. M. T. 



OAPT. HAMM, Praprldor. HILLY OBAY, Stage Iksagar. 
Open all Ibo year. Flnt daaa Ulut alwaya waalcl WIna-nmn 
atan nul Deeded. 



CAPT. nAHM. Pnn. 
or BILLT Bray. Suga Manager. 


WITHOUT A HAVrER. New Billlk>n,a<>oulnln| a atopa, rully 
eiplalned. Anyoac, wllb or without a preTloua hnowladge, can 
loalD. Mailed, Woooto. MBH. J, S. BUCKLEY, 
1-bl* »7» llBdann aInwL Now Yotk. 






l-ll' SAUL SBRTBBW, 7ljAmlly atnd. 


_ . . FOB BALE. 

LEOPABDjODOBBOpalmfBAUBBD 0Vl3. Tbtao IblDp nual 
I ba Mid. Aildna a KBBOITAb! Bt Boweiy, N. Y, oiiy "^i*- 



Tbk oonpinr.aa ortanlird for lfl0.7D, eon.htaor the tolrnted 
COMB. "Amrrica'a llarpUl;" BIBS BAUB iTANLRY. Vo- 
callil;Fnr,J. H. nARDNBILOoraclBololal, aodOEO. U.MAB8II, 
wbo will appear In a nnw ana 

embodied In uy BELL llINnlNO TROUPK IN THE U, B. 

Mlt W. W. FOWLBR, ActdL 



B.D KRALL, Praprietor. Hualdoentnlly looaled lal<m«,rla| 
made, eyeiithm complete .al 
Alao, will accommoda to abowneD. "O' '■t' 

- '-y.^ 


Tcacbcror PliBO and Vlalln,and rianlat lor I'rlrato Panleaud 
Bolraaa. Sanaa and diQcoawitlloa far ibe pinleailon. 
[.pi Nc Idl DIftaloB atncL eoraer JaBtraoB, N. T. 



"PABRAR IIALL," ERIE, P^, , ^. . , ., ' 
with oinwi aestlag capacity. . Tenaa. »U pot »lgW, IndudlBf 

.j^jcaiorcurlato ouo ud uaber. aad loal Ikeoac ^d 




SatoSn aaUeiT,Boiea,Scuery,Ac,aUcamalaU.^^ 

^tOENSk AMD *Axks FAlE" . _ ,. 
1.18l» Apply to DATE A KBIZZELL,^. 0. Boa U. 


To let for Bella, CounrU, Mlaatnla, Leol* 


led Cyi 

Ac It U ibo only 

aultablehall lo'lbe idaac,'aBd la auriounjod Cy a pepulailog duD' 


' OneppoloL N. T. 


O Sudyaor addreaa and He foraamplaudealaloaiM I 
ploaaa, Addnaa OHAft MANOgBa. TO Sreadwar. Illy' fen 

. booealbualneaa, wbkb will par Bla day. Pank^r^l 
i)loa,tL AddreaaJ. L0RATAO(}.,yortbfcafirt!H y|''»l 

THE "ORIOINAL 8H00 FLY."— Copies ra^x 
tdeeBUandaatanpi AddiaaaDnwer 10, BImln. iTt / 



VBeftUthettleatloQorKllBporUng Hen (oora putlaihrirv.a.1 
DoAlon) to our Immsnu ilock oT SponlM loplemeou. laf ftJl 
' ' " B dnronJercorort to iUDd.^)ir -w^v^^ 
HETZUER A CO., 90 WMbloiMn Blml, Cbloap^ ^ 



14t> MEIZOBBACO.,IOWaablngloDdraat,ObS|e,a 

TEBNTH STREET, New Toril, oopoalto new Taau 
Ball, and wllblo the Immadlato riclnlty ol iba Academy ar^ 
iBrnou' Mlaatnla, New York Clltiia, Bulnaay Uall , 
other faahlOBablepUceaoIamuianenL , 
HOI OEO. P. WOBDBN, Pronleiw I 

C0B.7ta BTRBF.T A PENN. AVENUE. Waabloaton, D. O. 
la reeommended to the Prafr.alon. Hmrd r«r day B9 fiOL 
1.131 J.SO. a BCOTT A D. miOUUIITOM, Pfopiletora. 

L W S E A V E Y. 

ForTbcatfca, Piiblle Halla, etc Kodoae atomp for Dcacriuilre 
Catalogue FAINT ROOMS, CI Btnaditay. Mew York. l-ii' 



For termi uJdmi 09 UatIO mtmi, ClncloiutL l-9t 



105 N ,\.S ,SAiJ .S .N,\'. 

Skdcbea made fnm Sceoea or Acta— Foaltkna la Cbamtor or 
fromMuuaeripL I-IT 





Olty Bill Poalar, Janitor. 



__ , _eetuna, CODcertaa 

ueoaeioeptTheatrinla Will aaai 1,000 peraoDa, It bu 
dnaatog ruoma and ataga. 

GantnllocallOB— orer Ibe Foal Ofllec 

Addnaa DATID P. LABU, AguL 
I.7t» BTBLL A CO.. Oly BlU Poator^ 


AddituaU bodoeaa ooBmuokailoaa to ber ageoi. 


OHA& T. PARSLOB, Ml Broadway. N. Y. 



A competoBl ud eaeicetto youog maa. of good dlapealtloo, bablu and 
addrtaa, cu aecunu enrlabloud perraueDI poallka,ai a lair 
aalary, aa plulat, ror Iba laoat roBaad aad drnBtaalcrialDmoBl now 
ooibaABierlcualagc Addroaa B. FBANKWALKEB, 
IJt» Manball.Mlcb.. BoiBlt 




(UccoMd bf Ibo rou-.l 
TfaUyo^tir pboe oiamaiomenl. compltlad (a AuiutUiU Unow 
opoB for ODgucDcnU. It U coninlly locaUd, oppome tho Foil Of* 
On. BlB^ 9 BO reotj wllb fulim of Momi^, t good drtulog 

Btaao,Sb7BOreot.wlib ruiim or Momir, _ „ 

1, Willi pa, witcr, Aa l.tnoohiln In ftudllorium, on u ID' 

cMocd pUoo. FopuUllon. S^OOp. 



D. K EnSION k CO., AftalL 

Brawn** uoul Blook. 

1-at* • n.T. BTOLBT. LlwDKdOHy BUI Potior, >t mio pUoe. 


BUn iQd Combliuilou «d Oil tlmo In Lou[iTin« lo cood ftdnnlAge. 
I bsro a row on«n dates to OIL PIoom addntu, iiAtlu dau aifd 
tens* doAlnd, lo IL 0. tfATBS, 


The fill and winter aoaaoD, Jtul over, hia boon Iba motl luoeenful 
OTtr known lo LouIitIU^ l-U'' 

not. cKtxismxjEi zopha.i«, 

Hanaimwublili ID co(tg« Ibe abora namodarlbl for Ibo moli 

iooUu stuno^onnmcnt lo oonmencB May lal. 15;ti abould 
dnnbim al Mo. I,n4 BouUi Booood airat, FbUUoIpbla. 


WANTSD, AU f DngtmttBt Uio coTOlni icAaoo. Can nlarTlolin or 
darlonol In oittafsiiw, and B Oai alto or B Oai faariloneiDDraa band. 

l ai' Whlto Plg<on. MkhtffD. P. 0. Doi 


l-lf ClarotidoD noitl. New Tort Ctiy. 






2g3 Halo alrael. Bear Feat OOec the Flaeat ud meal Bltaoalro 

Tie pmprietor lakaa tbla oeeaalao to ackaewledge bla ebllgatlooa 
to Iba Bur Irianda aad palrwna or tbla aatabllabmeBl, who bare en- 
abled bim to balld up,oalabIUi and maintain It enUnlyrnm bbi 
own earalnga, unaided by uyouuldo backeil With fadlllloaand 

Oar ulmoai axcrtlona aball bo put forth to atlll make Ihla 


the ravorlle iTaorioribapcopIo ror PBINTINO OP ALL 0LAB8SB. 
The work eieenlod baa alwara been admitted aa 
to that produced by uyoatablbbmooi In Ibo Stato, aad lo ourana. 
clallka ' 

by aay cOBcern la the Ualted Btaiea or aru ibe world. 

OUR PRICES will be roood aa low na ibo Qoallty or Ibo work will 
admit, and all In want of printing will dod that at no plane can Ihev 
TElIHa Addreaa all ordera, 

, „ ,.„.2ft''l"""''''"'""'<'WOEKS,Uartfoid,Ceno. 

J. UoFARLAND, Beenlary. i.if 



. '♦"W YORK. 




n,io WORLD. 
Paya parilenUraltentlfrn to celling upall klnda of 
FortnTcnogcoBpontea, and haroonbaud a larinud aplendld aa- 
BOrtment or large nod email 

Siiluble ror Clreaaea, Menajcriea, Uthloplan Pcrforrnon, Oyniniula, 
MaglelAna, Ac, Ac, whicb can bo printed In ODO or Doro colon, to 
aull cualomera 

A depoalt laqulrtd on all work ordered. Mr 

ararnntalreaaanablo nka for the uaa or Iboaircji, tonccru, leo- 
lurea, ud all reapMlable cntcrinlomcito; la pn>Mi>l \rilb olghl 
bundtod aaala, a terga auga, and eomplme eda or Kcnerr. 

Addnaa D. J. FRANK, or 

DBUWN A OABB, Alloipeya, Kaaaaa City, Mliaouri 




PopDlalIOB«,00a „na]| otauan.Daoploj Ugbled by gaa; warmed by 
ft"a!«|wenie«llktad. Slaga ifrMI i(aap| anrta'lnll)? fSl wide 
''''.'.°J1'**' '"<l>l rwKIIX* Ud ibaadnrrmma. Prieea ceaabnab" 
AddnaT. a DHOWNIMU. 

Krinj 30,000. 


auchaARadMen,noneral Pcrformcia, Comic HIegen, Tllpeteand 
Bpcdallka ol all klnja aultabic for Vollcty Hall, alwayf WMited. 
AildrcaaaaabOTC l-3t* 


Tbe uroeat Hall 10 the city. LiicitcJ lo Iba rcry ctom or popuU. 
tlon. TbeBlai;ehu all the apVllafxeaof a flnt-claaa tbeatrr, wllb 
eight now uil coinroriablo dmalng.reoui atucbod. Tbfco llnca of 
atrect can paaa ibo door. Addrcax 

J. M. BpaOi^Agrnl, 


nt ffuUlgcr ILUl, I^utoTllle, Ky. 

Then laablg cbanca for a flnt elaaa amill Mloatrrl Troupe to nuke 
» — - -• - - " 

money In tbla city. 



Tbla rarorlto calabllUimcnt cm be nnud by Ibe Blsbl or week r, r 

TBRTAlNUENTi! by applying to - 


Troy. New York. 





wmi BUBPRurNO hesoltb. it is tub best TRINn I 
KNOW OF ror Senlsbca, Borea and Wonnda BVEHY CIBCU8 

e. C. POSEY, SnpM. Hone D<p'L, 
J. 11. Prencb'a Cirtua. 


A. J. DOPKIliS A CO, Proprirtore, 
Prorldener. Rhode laUod. 




GLLINO OUT I— Goods glvoD owav I 
_i rorpricBllata, Addreaa ai ODca, 0. O. BBI 
lord, M.U 



York City. 

me ror damp, AddnaR FOXACO,, "SlaUenA" 


«Xbo lA^st Is tlio Cboapcst.*> 

'..irniA STANDARD 


BHnRroniUucicilwIih rrtanl to adrnllOo aocurafr, arc uMdh^ 
iMiaor ■kUlby iho bc«i piAjmlo iheaMinUTaDd In all Bnid 
clul« and botoU. Illtutnicd caiAlcguea of eTorjiblog r ' ' 
DlUUido tCDlbj nulL 



I>on't Duy Yowl 






New iDalnieUona to Umplrca, Pltrbrn, Ac Aljo oonlala 
oroewatyleorOapa.Bdta,6blrla,PutoandBtocklaBa. PrieaU 
by mail Catalogue aent free FECK A BNYDBRr;^ 
I-tr ^ nAiiuatr«el»l 

Raocsl RaocBl 





TbaroUowtagBweepalakeaarDnowopOBitoDana ud oloaaB 

» laak. 

(Oar Ooiq4al9 ^;ln Uil nol ob afpacalti 

eiuu wiuNu, ^ Oepuni Rpllii^ tla.. eompM*. 
MaIb tno.mili lDoh.kaer lUB M 

" M.M 1 1 Ml " •• W.N 

Ms IseraioBd !• aor daalnd Bsate. 

FaroBaxn. s*™^'"**'! BUT<rFUM,io.o«. 

• aaa » aru Ami. l«»imt»»y7pIiiad(oiO«nBioBbTBi,)|S8, 

Faro lay Data »-«"«^ tS'U?pa!5!.g S- 
OaseZeepeis. IJs;^^^SSiV<^ r^n-iSTfiSJit 

$50 QA Will ponhua WW 1^ lack tin obacU IhU «U| 

ComUnatbnBouB. ?!!33:°u?Sli%.WiS: 

ccuvvoauB. •• u Bn»j»ii»a..., 10.00 par Isiaa. 
^,00 WIUpnchaMAMBplgUHlorrAratoolL 

Chedc EoldsnL 5»Aa. ....».».. Medium ti.w. 

wit«t» AAiMUWBa i»u«Ur^, j.oo. BdtoU uwed, 8.W. 

Coo Oardfl. "."S^J*".:'" > . uw«gui* 

WUB WAiUBa ^ , ^maj VaM. BunplM aanl ttt», 

OardPnsses. £L'i.r.!lLt?'io"(K"'*'^*''-r- 
Seno BetSa ««jiWA"'.ih »#•;...••.•.•«».«. 

Kitn Ou4l, Bang, Tallj Boirdt, tU., tlwsjioB kABd. 

Poker ChedkL f*"'*f!!i.'!Ji.'Hi.!'>"''."i>">M' 

A wiAWUi xtmj tl lib, lU, |U, taA |I8 pet 100, 

Poker Cards. i^^}Slt<i^''*' ""''^ 

Ronlotta. bUek, londo, Ohoek Imk, Onr tB4 

anataavmn Under, Bona Bead, OIco SprBtdi, u« eraQ 

nod or dtiUof , iDUUf, or iboit games. 
OOOSS 0. 0. S. '••f»»**'«i^ Willi th«pt)Tll<!g»ol 

aavvA/ai W, Vl «fa enan » aaA uanlnli.. i^rjiT^I^^ 

openlD( ut aiamlDlBf gbodi bd/on 
' oriftwlth order 

•ii ' f. : — ~...,wh«r«» depoalld 

IM will bo rcaslnd. k wrif.;n gHrutoo from tK Ei 
pigi^^^p«tUiAt|«oJgwlll feaUkoBwiU unrwlbAguiiu 

MASON A 00., 
laa Dewpltorn St.. OliloMO* 

pajing tiluse to BipnHOo.roB rtoalpt 
IIS'^'.H* utr«ffl«;iolDM o; U» Tanluirlea, whan * di 

Faro Tools—$100 per Set. 

T,b.lP)tkxf'^\. comprUlna 600 Com. Obecka, Palnlod Uroula, 
Pbtpl Deallojt fioi, 6ua Snpor, Chwk llolder, Cart Pnai eoo: 
Ulnlngili paoia HDrt'e b«ai aqurcd doiHni carta, »Dd20D^ ' 

*> . .a . . . 

' ''gaa5°;£g.!'a'i5i.{orif'.Hb^a;.^°''i.ffl 

Compressed Ivory Faro Checks 

0. 1.-PIB8T DAY.-sA ewofmlakvt for ibrao r«aroMi,;i^| 
tnUabeai^ Tha OvaUneotal Uolal wUf 

sax a pk. daah or IW mlloa: $l,aCO 

SobacrtpUoD IflO^ b a T woi 

pnraa ar (IjUD^jti jroJ^b ISOD^to •ea»d bom. 

If 0^ 4.. — - — . . . . - 


. Jed '^^e'ijMC^ 
kuf. Id.— A flw«epatakea ror 8 i 
nulea. na Kauloo Bouao ir 

X iljODO, oL , 

N&4.~TBIBD DAT, Aog. 3d.-A flwoepatikea for I 

ubcrfpltoD, UO, p. dl Ono mU& Tbe Bieiara Douaa wOI ^1 
puna or llidn^or wbkb 1300 lo aeeond horae. 

llBBBOt aiiVinh W< *WUi\U WW WKWIIV aiWiK. 

NcA-FOUBTB OAY,ABg.dUi.-TbaBoblaa Slake, fori 
ddc BubaeripUoB. $10^ pi p. Haauortwomlaa. Pune.1*' 
wblcbBTUOtoaaoOBdbeno; tntolbltdbona 

Nc A— LAST DAT, Aug. ttb.— BaaunttoB Bukea for aO lu 
BubaalplloD, SlOO; p, p. fleala of four mllaa, Fnrae, 
which fLgaO to aacDDdud (100 to iblid bona. I 
.Flffoars-oeaaabeoriberatoanaaobalaka. TDDama and akai 
April lAlb. T 
Tbe further dlatribuUoD of Iba ponei wtllbeaDBOBBeedaft«l| 


NomlDatloDa to be ^ddreaaad to 

. WM. a BATMOa Sociy, 1,110 BraadI* I 
MMwYoii.llanb lftfBra. , U| 

Horse XamLiuz 

A aew ud Improred edition, cc-alalalDg Mr. Baiay'a wbolo a 
aubduing andbtaaklng ricloua l>onea, togaltaer wllb bla la 
plu of manaatog young eolto an\l breaking Ibam to aaddla, b 

and aulky, wlin 11) e 



iulky, with ID engnrlnin. 
err penon wbo bcopa a boiaa ab:Auld hare ono. 
lata avaiybandaoBObookofGaWtgec Banlea 
Addnaa — n.»w >. ~. 

,-_ ^IplalN 

I A 00 , P 
iSartbtibat, Pblla„k 

Huso Rail ]3mpoTluiDi< 



A larga aaaorimeot of New BaUa ud otbar 
DOW on band, and ror aala at the towcat prie^ 
w » , . . RBAOII. 
Cluba ud Dealen lend ror price lltL MOt* 



Baring Ibo eielualre control of Ibau Cbecka for ibo WeaUrs 
SUiia ud TerritorlcaL wa will acllal the roUowlog rtducod pricca:— 

lU loeh plain I 7 per ICD 1 lU fach ranoy. ( t per 100 

'* St 'l! 8 per W 1 18 loeb raney. 'lo pS 100 

«b Pbi n « per lOO I iS lacb laney II per 100 

loch plain 10 por lOO I IK loab rann 11 per UO 

> m Vdh FARO, witk citn (Socka^ 

-—- ii pibat* 11 


vpdra, Splltaand Markara, cnmplela. 

|li>^J>uin MO|>H plain...... 

It lanor 

iia7Kij;;;,-;":;;:;'B|ia issia^-v;::;::":;*?? 

Inch animred nil)] incb engnred ..! to 

m- Aa Iboao Cbocka cu only ba ebtolned Ibnugk ua, panlea 
will urn both Umo and money by aandlng tbelr oiden to ua direet 
l-H lag .Doiuboni St., CMoago.' 





Tbto compoand la euparior to uy pre- 
L nanllcn bllkerto Inrenlcd, oomMnlng 
t In a TOT blably ooneuintod aUto ibo 
n medical profanlaa ol ibe Oobeba aod 

K One recomToeodallon Ihla prepanllon 
I enjoya orer all olben, le lu oeaTporta. 
n Dlo rorm, put up In pota; the Boda 
y In which ItouybaUkeBlabolbplHnBl 
aad eoacenieal, being In Ibe rorm or a 
mate, taalelaa, and de.>a aol Imielr ibo 
digiullon^ pfloijl. PnpandoBlyby 


Druiglala A Ohoralato, 

TTB Qrooowlcb and 
FOR BALE BT ALL DRrnn,l»n '"™> aL, NewYo* 

MAGIC PlIOTOOnAPHS—Wondortlil and omus- 
York '"fcS^teiila a package. W. 0. WEMY8B, B Aator Place, Now 


rj.OODyiN, CODU & CO,, CominJffilon Papor Dflttl- 
rSl .?Jh,''^ •» READS ATREBT, belweoB Broadway aad 
SS.a^i:''!!!^ .^"f*- „»'«<'aaDd PrtBtlng Paper Muulholundto 
on er at ibe ahorteat Botlcc . 

Ker.Tcrk Offloe, 27 BIEDIAH flij 

XIko Aj*1>oux. 


Alaa, Wlaee, Llouon and Olgui. BarreahBWI, BHIIaid 
Bgarrlog BooDC fioilBf Uugbt by PBOF. CLARK and aMa^r 

Roxlng Olovoa fop Salo. 

Tba VatanBllaal 
on recalpt or U, or 
or BOXlNO Slotbb to uy 

bla own or Iho pupll*a italdanee, on reaaoaab 

^MynlaaTonuo,PUakBaad,'Buabwlei,Bt«oklyB, Ll 
^0. addreaa, Doi IWRnoUrL 

TbeDoEalbaToauooan, Fulton Fcirr, tohe lOlto Ibe eldp 
tlemu'a naldaaec 


DUUK uioiroa lor bhuo. 
VetonBliaatororOanBonleiL OLD BILLIOVSI, wlBm 
elploriAorBdfortborery beat, per eapraa^ a aoperiM 
XlNO OLOTEB to uy Btou la Ibe Voloa. OloVa cImbiI'' 

laloa. Oloveac 

Mr, TOTEB, allbll| 

Bbell, etub,atll, WbltokaU, metoUe life baatoaul mODoarolWl 
allbooldeaUkllBhmeBlor STBPUBN BOBEBTa „, f 

l-ir Mc BA South al ud llltb al and Bariam Blrcr. N. >. 

Game Fowlo. 

Their OrigiB, Blatorr. DaaeTtptlan of all Braada, Btnlaa aad Cni*l 
Uew to Bnod, onaa, Balaa, Feed aad Heel f 

TDRNBR^ CCPubllahen, Pblladclpbla.n; 
n. Baal frae of Doataan. l-*^ I 


Price Fire DoUara. SeBifneof poalaga. 

dipper Sliadoa> No. 

WAY, ooraer or Baat UaualoB elreeL 


WM. ~ 




a fnBDorUffl 

a;uib,ouludweaLand cordially lorllea the sibllo Ui|<al']r| 
droblmasll. Halcbaa tan ba made bera. I 

K>u upcD aporiing malien, '^Radlly" 
weloomo ud eDiarlalo frlaBda from 




Alea, Wlnaa, Lleiim and Senrc 




RoxlnB CUoveA 

BKAT UAnOAlN3l-FBio Boxes ana (UU sou ol 

loala. Ml 0. 0. D. Bloalacaid boi,BIO| two card, Bltj 10 
p:r ccnL depaft required. W! raoBT, W Naiaan alrwi. l). t, 

EnnUah . 

IMPORTED, ud Ibiiteal Araeriaan Oloraa manulaalund, bl 


^ rARIB.-Saojnleand Calalogue aanl forXI ooala, by ^ ' 
Mita OAltEnoNAOo!lU Ble»ckef atnatK'ewTork. 


P. a-Ooodi aool C. 0. D, erarywbere > 

•'OlrtL OF THE PEBIOD."-Tlio OtOBt Dor . 
w V _„■'«"' Bn»™f'n|.«Oc Addrtaa 0. FOX, Bt Tariok atf«eL 1 

■A. "OEHUINB Falso Hoiutoobcs, 760. oaob; ox- ' 

!!rr».v'?.S"'''*'' Addrm dI FOI, "SIaMobA," 
new York Clif iA\* 




OoxIdb aiovoe. 


„ PEOK A bAdB] 

n Add iliaat, Dear Ibi Bi 




Bob SnUtti bos taken Uie 0al<! 

The beat or ALBa WINllM<IQ<>OBrMri> BHOaBB « 


Scanned from the microfilm collection of 
Q. David Bowers 

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and 
Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley 

Post-processing completed as part of Project Arclight 
( }. a Digging into Data project 
sponsored by SSHRC and IMLS 

Coordination help from the Media History Digital 
Library ( http: / /mediahistoryprojectorg }