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IS v . : 

mxxD tOB I'd iv^.TOBK ourrsB, 

Bar Mo* •rat. b«r tins «;«•, 

Look ID Into mine. 
Am BtaA cmbca tba cap 

To lip Um Kd wua. 
Th« i^irn Torld. tha Drim world, 

X^woodwuul atan, 
liOt mo fMit on b«r boftnty 

AaA wtaM do 1 carer 

WboUdnr Abeantyi What mntef nMT 

A mnua poMMBd of all vonujnv.ehknna. 
With lbs art ol display log thoa^clunnfl at their best ; 
All bare th« taD I M Wi Hi i and ztMuided «hlt« arms 
lOta, dangaona boaom. oh, •hapalr >hlia atmo. 
What «n Ills with Ita tiiala, la iale<a and alamu, 
II oB*eonMlIsalmT*a>>ii>'>o>do7thoa«annB! 

Ko tor^te &ao vUl TOO And anTwbR*. 

Liu ihatiii llf ■ wnman mnm rmfnnT Than 1 — 
Da Tao nuffc how tba aonahlne I> eaagbt lab«r hair, 

jloTini aa tha nad Hpa Cuhloncd onTy to Uaat 
And UM oaatdmmj eyea, tba haana-bloe eyfla. 
WIiatsaari<B,«batpQlpoae. irtiatinaanlDC latliarel 
WooldanyoBO dare 

To dany that thlawonaD !a wuudioualy blrt 

ConliaBlBChn' beanty, 
B(T«i«oU» grace 

"1 beeomaa a mere doty, 


■by aboold f , why Bboold anyone try 
i book of her ilnT Were it wlsa 
Ta Bia tbnRUUx •all ol thoaa dnamy bine ayes 
iSn iBSBTiMdoplbs oT her amir — 
^Iffiitu •pMnainther»- ^ ? 

aoVnclK-yaaMeBottheghoal ^ : ' 

OI honM daapur. „, , , 

fio lone aa the ootwaid la beantlfnl only. 

Why maw her le«o fair 
By pabtlu the biddra a^wntfbad and kmalyl 

thU cmoatK white bnw!' 
18 there anght Inhfr laoghter'a eUTerr tone 

TotdntofaheanthatlatiirnBdtoatooeT . 

iXAeloae : Too wUl and. tboo^ bar aln be oonlbaaed, 
Ko bttebt.«ailet letter Is atamped on her bteait. 
Tet wTtaow what ebo la, yon and L Ah. wen, 

wStSa la. what iha WBi. and , a^ert of all, 
-Whatahaonca mUbt hare been. Who baa eoonn 
Ita Sd.a7a^ again of her IUI> ItoteU 

Jtiirt now. doytra kiww.tteweam to my ayaa 
A TMnw^KOmpaBor araan Beld and Moe ahiea. 
Of the old eonn&T.home and two children at pbiyr 
Ona a barefcot boyhnnUiw «ga ta tto h^ 
And tlx ocbar K>w«AU>lle art, with a Cue 
AUinihiae and dlaplas, all (reahneas aad Due. 
wil!rSiobm(oot»oii»grtBrlaberea«yoM^.iila, ; 
Awl the iTOt tlttltitrtTlhe pet Kid the pride 
or tha boma that ^ brUtatened are borne ahe focgst. 
That la ibe-ajid 1 would to Ood It were not ! 

Her1>hie tjtr, her true eyea 

liOOkoplnto mine 
(Ton win wonder no move 


The grim world, the prim world 

May atan aa It wlD. 
Ja the pore maiden soil I 




TuifSLinD T«oif TH» Pa«»oe roRTn H. T. Currn, 

aitaied In the Offlco of the Li braria n of Congrws at 
Wwblngton, D. C, by Fman Qms, In the year 1B7». 


The Baron obeyed wltb the eagerness of a 
man who has bad a mlncnlons esoape from 
death Hia myaterlons friend bad taken him 
b^e sleeve of the famous botUe-green oo^, 
and led b''" along as a mother leads her child. 
The Baron jndged from certain Indications 
tbathewos being led through the same pass- 
cee by which he had been bronght Into the 
„jmal conncU-ohamber, He was sure of this 
when he bad cUmbod twenty-flve broad stone 
steps and felt the fresh breeze atdke his heat- 
ed brow. Althotigh he knew they were now 
in the open air, his gnlde stOl dragged him 
along, and even aocelarated his galL At last 
his rescuer stopped, and with a qnick motion 
removed the silken handkerchief from his 
eyes Aymerlc gave breath to one startled ex- 
oUmaUon, and stood and stared in speechless 
astonishment. _ ^ . , 

It was broad day, and the rays of a pale 
■Winter sun olayed full on his eyes and daz- 
zled him at first. But when his sight was re- 
stored to him be saw a man standing before 
him, calmly leaning on a stout stick, and 
awaiting apparently the subsidence of the Ba- 
ron's ejqpeoted bewilderment. His astonish- 
ment knew no bonads when he found that he 
owed his life to Llardot— the very mas who 
had denounced him to the band. It was in- 
deed he with his broad shoaldeia, his gon- 
dola-hat,' his cold,, impassive manner, and 
his "executive powor."^ He coolly stared at 
Candeli, and seemed to eitloy his surprise. 
This mute scene transpired in a vacant plot of 
ground through which ran a pathwav shaded 
by a number of very old trees. A rubied wall 
was on the right of the space, through several 
breaches in which nould be seen sever^ large 
buildings with grated windows. and on theleft 
was the sldawalk of a boulevard bordered with 
shade-trees. Not a living soul appeared on 
the horizon of this desert spot, 'j-'here came 
to the ear, however, the sharp shrieks of 
fifes therolUngot drums and the occasional 
calls' of bugles, making altogether the martial 
<lisoord8 of a camp in motion. The defenders 
of the BepubUo were goingthrough their exer- 
cises on a field near by, and aoqualnting them- 
selves with the sounds of the "charge, the 
"generarand the "retreat"— the three grand 
harmonies of the Bevolutlon. ^ , ^ „ 

"MODeleur," said the Baron at laat, "yjrn 
have drawn me out of a very bad soraM. For 
this I am deeply indebted to you ; «id me 
hope you wlU put me under farther obligations 
bytoformlng mowhat is the meaning ol the 
tragic mas<jjKM,de whose cUmax you nave 

'^^ouooMlderita masquerade?' asked U 

ardot coldly. : • • ^, 

"Yes; a faroe-a parody on Oie secret trt- 
bunal of the govennnent of our fathers in the 

"Atoce? You are mistaken. Baron; It was 
something more awlous.'V ^ ■ _, , ..v.* 

"Do you mean to till tde seriously that the 
Black Band, whioh I dame to do a servioe, re- 
ceived me thus rougUy In earnest, and aotually 
Intended to hang.mer' . ^ 3„,j.^ v_ 

"I do Tonr ^te^ .had been decided by 
unanimous vote, and they were going to axa- 
cnte you there and 'ttm. Many ajlolator of 
oor niles lias snfTersd the summary inaiotlon 
of the extreme penalty In that same spot where 

L "Have they. Indeed? Well,a soolctyfounded 
OB eaoh stem prinolplea as thoee mustbe aU- 
PowerfuL I wonder, nnder the cLcuumstanoeB, 
& Dlreotory still exists," said the Baron sar- 
castloaUy. ''But now may I ask yoii to what 
lowethe flattering exception that has been 

made hi my oaaoT" , , 

"That's what I am ordered to inform you, 
mbiisiear. Toti owe your Ufe to^a mraiber 
Ol the band. At the last moment neoffeied 
certain licls in your behalf whloh_o\rra^ 
welghed^^our offense, and caused a ieq>llB to 

"'SSte man Is a friend indeed, and it. ijfr I 
ean be of service to him he may dep6aa otf 
me.1 But what did he say f or ine? I rojaaw 
I , ,'110 lAeaded the Improbability of the ' ' 
if"' against tne." ' ' . 

"Hedid&ot. Ontheoontraiy,nel 
'-- _ 'f'TTtiinhnnlng ftM*f that testimony. 

• hewoukL betiayi . . . _ 

" a lellaUe and '.ooiirsg9ouB"Oomiaae.j|He sep<' 
i^eentad thai; itl ini T'**""' "''*^^^*^''*'"™ Stuff were 
rare, and that his death w<> a,gi»at\om 

totheoouse.: Bnoh- a man as this, he argued, 
who stands' here ready to die tor a^ woiiian,, 
woiild not betray us thpngfa' oir ^nennles might - 
drag him to tli6,8;ulUj>tlne. : Xetus naidon'his. 
vanity and'hlscarel^saheas in bonslderatlon of 
his oonrage ahd devotion.".. . . . 

"ParUeiil I. should •nerter .bay e 'gneesed 
that So my judges agreed with my detender, 
dldtheyr. . • 

"Not at onceL They wished to Bubieot you 
to a final test; sothey had the noose placed 
about your neok to see if- ytmr -resolution 
would notgtve way at the last moment." 

"Ah ! Well, they found I wasn't nervous, at 
any rate." 

"The result of this test was deotelve. The 
Black Band admires courage, and It has had 
the best proof of yours." 

"Well,! thank them from my heart. Bat 
thelrdeclslon mtist have provoked that wretch- 
ed old prosecutor In red, who followed me up 
so savagely." 

"Oh, no, it did not," replied Uardot wtth a 
taint contraction ol the nazd Ups that might 
have passed for a smile. 

"What I You dontmean to tell me he fell 
in with the party in my favor?" 

"It was he, monsieur, who perstiaded the 
others in the first plaoa — It was he who de- 
fended you." 

"What'sthat? Oh, no ; Itfs impossible. How 
was It he should suddenly tail Into sympathy 
with me— a mom he did not know?" 

"He did not aottrom personal sympathy. 
He thouj^ht he was serving tbe oause of the 
Slnir by saving yon^that's oU." 

"Tbe motive matters Uttle to me. AU I need 
to know Is that he has saved my life, and I 
hope you will afford me an early opportunity 
of seeing him, and thanking him as he de- 

"Nothing could be easier, monsieur. I am 
the man." 

"Tou? Was it you, then, who wore the^red 
"Tee " 

•Tour name?" 

"I told you once. It is Iiiardot." 
'Uardot I I shall not forget It again, be as- 
sured. It my bead Is someUmee light and 
my judgment rash, my heart Is good and my 
arm is strtnig,and alllhave, or ail I am. Is at 
your service for llt«." 
"I aeoept," said Uardot gravely. 
"What a warning this is against one's being 
guided by first impressions," said Candell. 
'"Now, do you know. Ltardot. that when I first 
saw you yon did not impress me laivoraldy at 

f'And I too. I aeknowledge fnmkly that 
your halr-brained manners, your rash actions, 
■your love^plons, and your ToUy In rushing into 
tttebiswlatthe oate dlaga&teA' nie with yon. 
But now,' since I have seen with -my own eyes 
how you bear yonselt In the face of death, I 
.have gotrld of all my. prejudices." 

*!Iam.gladto'.leainIt.*'BaldtheBazon. "But 
Since we are friends nov^ peifaspe yoo. can tell 
mewhat situation I have tieen plaoed in by the 
'remarkable events of last night?"- ' 

'"I\flU do 'So. as ^ walk towards myresl- 
'dedce;''wlU be dangiaronB to stand here 
anylonje^r." . 

. "Ob, yes. We're too near the subterranean 
otaamber. . The Jfaooblns must not dlsoover 
that. .1 forgot about it altogether. It would 
disarrange the I>and if It should lose tb^ plnoe 
where It. can hang people so-oomfortablv and 

"Never fear — our precautions are too wall 
taken to permit of dlsoovery. It Is 'beet, how- 
ever, to move on, and, besides, you need re- 
pose." . 

"Not at an. Tbe exciting adventures I h nve 
bad have driven away all desire for sleep. But 
I do not leeoenlze this looallty. Would it be 
indlsoieetto ask yon where we are?" 

"Certainly not. We are on the grounds that 
were formerly the fair grounds of St. Laurent, 
and which were a part of the property ot the 
former monastery of SLLazare, which is now 
Government property, and is used as a barracks 
for troope." 

"Just as I suspected. A fair-ground where 
the grass grows rank, a monaatery whore 
bugles and drums do the offioe of holy chants. 
Truly, the Dlreotory Is giving us a charming 
rule. But may I ask furtner where are we 

"We are going to my houee. I live at the 
Quay Theatln, and my eetablishment Is large 
enough to afford you a comfortable apartment 
to yotirself ." 

"Hahy thanks," said Candeil;"but for ef- 
feoUveness In the future opeiattons I may en- 
gage in, I think It best I should occupy apart- 
ments by myself, and far removed from yours. 
I think I have found the accommodatiODS best 
suited to me already." 

"Whatr' said Liardot, greatly astonished. 

"Yea, indeed, and by the luckiest accident In 

the world. Last night " 

"I shall not insist on your lodging -with me," 
interrupted Llardotsuddenly; ''for that might 
hereafter prove very inconvenient to both ot 
ufi; but if you intend to dwell tn tbe house of 
tbe woman you visited last night, I must warn 
you " 

"Oh, have no fear on that score, my dear 
friend," said Avmeric, laughing; "fori assure 
you the lady would object. Besides, I have 
had a lesson In caution. But, by tbe wa.v. what 
Is to be the extent of my liberty here? If I am 
to ba spied on and watched like a schoolboy, I 
would much prefer London to Paris as a resi- 

"Tou will be free. I am responsible foryou, 
and you have to account to no one but me 

"I eouldnt ask anything better than that, 
I'm sure." 

"We are to meet daily, nnd I am to convey to 

?ou the progress of events and the instructfons 
receive. We -will put heads together and act 
in concert In all matters." 
"That suits me to a marvel." 
"As to your love-aftalrs, they're the only 
danger I fear," said Liardot -with a slight 
shade of Irony in bis voice; "butit -will besuf- 
ficlent for eaoh of us to pledge our sacred 
word of honor, you never to eilow a word of 
our secret to escape yotir lips In tbe hearing of 
your mlsiress, and I never to seek to learn 
either her name or her dwelllBg." 

"That's the -way to talk,"8alircandeaenthn- 
slastically; "and! promise with all my heart." 

"Well, then, for my part, I ehall never men- 
tion the subject to you agun,"Bald tbe guide. 

'Done I" said the Baron; "I am delighted 
that I have to do with no one but yon, for I do 
not deny that what I have seen of the rest of 
my tellow-oonspliatois doe? not Impress me 
with admiration. I have no great deeire to 
work in their company." 

"I dMit wonder that your first interview 
with them has impressed you onlavorably. 
They have beep a little rough, I acknowledge, 

and their proceedings " 

"Oh, don't suppose I am prejudiced beoauee 
they proposed to hang me. Not at all. I be- 
lieve In rules and strict discipline. The Band 
Is not to my taate for other reaaons. I do not 
like the paraphernalia which it employs and 
the mummerlee it countenances. Pray tell me 
what good to our cause are subterranean pass' 
ages, dim -vaults, masked Judges in red and 
blaok gowns, and midnight counoUs, except to 
frighten obildren? These things read very well 
In the fashionable English novels, but they 
are rldlonloas when yon tiT them in reality." 

"Ton would be right if our sympathizers 
were all of your mettle," said Lisfdot; "bat, 
antortanoteiy, these means are the most pow- 
erful and necessary to work on the vulgar 
minds that are engaged in our caas&" 
"That may be,'!sfiid_CtandeQ after some re^ 
flection. .''I -ynurermanza'dandy.enroUs him- 
self among the ltoys|Cn<iwi^pliwora to e^joy 
the sensanonot atteniMig: meetings at ndd- 
night In an onderKiaUi^r.'jrtUtr and swearing 
fidelity on an npUIteo^iiQalknl.. Such are Qui . 
romantio reorutts we are making." 
> Liardot nodded, in the affirmative, and the 
Baron oonUnned: 

^ery ^ell I Tou-fumlsh all the masks and 
swords ' and .daggets fnd 'nfystle rites and 
frippery ol-theatrteal show that" yop please tor 
i'^esetOBiantlc gentry; but, as for ma, lam of 
MtflMe^i^' BOh'ool altogether. -I 'believe there 
' ue only: twO'-ways to oombat the GovOThmenL 
lf(>< 'OKa^te'to-g^ht the open, field. isM j^ssall -It 

,.i - ',:.:f]$e oOier Istoaomblnayoailoraea' 

^„ — P&rtB; ail*1iq' ono'^boW -'stzoke, all In a 
alngreal^ . f ^p\ pf9JMiheviWjOcap^-l 
itr tlM man janaiy.oae ,6tt Utaa— wtio «onstl-? 
fate th»-ggoi^fag Otwutiiawnt-oalladtto.iH-. 

^ Dress Heheaksal. 

rectory. But you can never do this by wasting 
your time in holding midnight meetings In 
underground vaults. To succeed yon only 
need a thousand men, led by a*brave ctder, 
who, like them all, would be determined to 
succeed or die in. the attempt, Wbatdoyou 
think of the idea?" 

Uardot hod listened attentively to Candell's 
enthusiastio exposition of his plans as they 
walked along, but he did not seem very deeply 
Impressed by them. He shook his head douot- 

"Permit me. Baron," said he, "to tell you of 
a third plan, which is mine. I told you, I be- 
lieve, when we first met, that, owing to the fact 
that I am notol noble birth, I escaped all per- 
secution when the Bevolutlon broke out, and 
havd been enabled to engage In specul^ons 
and even make a laige fortune in these wretch- 
ed times." 

"Tou deserve to be ennobled by the King for 
your fidelity to the good cause under such cir- 
cumstances," said Aymeric. 

"I do not seek either compliments or hon- 
ors," answered Liardot; "I am honestly and 
in self-sacrificing spirit as much a Royalist as 
you are, but not from tbe same motive. You 
fight as a nobleman for your kind ; I, as a son 
of tbe soil, fight tor France. It was I who or- 
oanlzed the Black Band. I have enrolled the 
recruits, organized the system of work, en- 
gatred spies In tbe service ot the Qovemment, 
and, in my Influential position as a merchant, 
I have gained such power in the handling of 
stocks and In controlling the qnotatiooB ot 
gold that at this moment, almost, I might pre- 
cipitate the Government Into bankruptcy with 
a word. Everything is ready tor this explo- 
sion. I have the train laid and the match In 
my band. AU I tiave to d< is to light It, and 
the whole fabric of this usurping Government 
-will be blown to fiagments by an Irresistible 
financial explosion. I have no need of the 
English, nor do I need the Parisians, to go out 
Into the woods and fields to face the cannon of 
our enemy. Hy plans are secret, my power 
Is buried, but It is a power beyond the force ot 


"I agree -with von. Tonrs Is a splendid plan. 
I decidedly think yon are the man above all 
others tor me to work with. Bat you say yonr 

Blons are all ready, and you have only to give 
le signal to acnompUsh all this. 'Why don't 
you give It? Wiiat are you -waiting for?" 

"That I may be more than sure of aucoees, 
The last attempt to overtlBow the Government 
cost too many good Uvea , We cannot afford to 
move until we are doubly sure." 

"Oh, well, then, you may wait till doomsday. 
It oonspliators can't runa risk, they are pretty 
likely to let .their chances ran by, and strike 
feebly at last, when it is too late. 'Ton say the 
people are tired ot the anarchy ot the present 
rule. 'Vary welL Summon your Black- Band. 
Arm them and give me the command. I will 
march them on the Luxembourg, and my word, 
for It wS^will oapture the entire Government 
and drop -Barras himself out of the highest, 
window of the'palace." 

"We will throw him out and his four col- 
leagues otter him, all in good time, but a little 

"Bat what have we to wait for?" 

"We must bave the army . ot Fianoe on our 
Bide, or weoannot bold tbe advantage we gain. 
We must work iiirough friends and agents 
like you on 1£e officers ot the army in the field 
and In Paris, and through them on the rank 
and file to' interest them in the cause of tiie 
King. ' To this branch of the work of the o6n- 
BDlnoy I assign you." 

'•LwiUdomy beet," sold the Baton. 

"I n ord er toatte in this e nd, yon must be ee- 
tabtlsfied~tn'*Ptfis~ on a proper footing, bnt 
without maktng<H'dlapt^^-ttiat' -will di«w too 
muoh attention: to yoq:. W;e'MvtflrBtof'aU 
aoodunt for' yonr abeenoe firon jPads by. swne 
plausible story. You -may; represent,- tor lnj- 
Btanci^. th^ you left. Pran)9i,fd. I'm tor fnCer 
the'servleas of the '.FniCM /States . iQlAjn^grlca; 
and,' aftav paS8lngpome,|inie: ibsnintaSMoi/ 
and aftmprts In ■ jaem4*^ Wfl.' 
liava JMonied. to .yotir nMtv»,itifiU.,iti the 
Amerloans have a demoorettotoiVtoi M' 'aA-' 

.iiDei^'^)t^^^ot:m am' 

.mon.,oonBd«Di»a aa3«#aUta2aw%MaQiaik, . 

conversations you must never forget to pro- 
fess tbe loftiest admiration for tho French 
army, and pretend to desire to study Its con- 
duct, and thus facilitate your acquaintance 
among Its ohlefs." 

"Ob, thafs very easily done. Ill be acquaint- 
ed with the entire garrison ot Paris In a week, 
and in a month I shall have poisoned their 
minds against the Bepublic — every one of them, 
from the smallest drummer-boy up to the gen- 
eral commanding the post" 

"Then I shall rely on you to do this work 
faithfully, -without further instructions." 

"Tou need not trouble yourself about it any 
further; it shall be done. But, by the way, 
isn't it about time I transferred to yon the dis- 
patches and the funds which the London Com- 
mittee directed me to deliver here? Your 
bloodthirsty Black Band were so Intent on ttielr 
midnight masquerade, and so absorbed In the 
Idea of hanging me, that they never thought ot 
asking me to tolfiU the mission that brought 
me hero." 

"I am empowered to receive the funds in 
trust, if you wish to deliver them," said Liar- 
dot. "As for the papers, I know what they 
contain, and you need not trouble yourself to 
deliver them until to-morrow, after you have 
established yoatself and settled your aSiilrs 

"Hy lodgings -will not be far from yours," 
said Oandell. "so I shall not take long to es- ' 
tabltsh myself." 

"Tou are going to lodge with trustworthy 
people, I hope," said Liardot, with evident 
misgivings in regard to the judgment of his 
reckless, light-headed yoting friend. 

"Ot course they're trustworthy. Do you 
suppose I set no value on my head?" answeiled 
the Baron with a gay laugh. 
"Be prudent," said Uardot mistrustfully. 
"If I am not mistaken, here we are at the 
Pont Neut, and our journey draws to an end." 

"Tes," said Liardot. "At the bridge we wlU 
separate. It is important that I see you again 
as soon as possible. The best excuse to bring 
about this meeting without exciting snsplclon 

will be a dinnerparty ; therefore, I in-rlteyon to 

dine with me, monsieur, at six o'clock to-mor- 
row evening," 
"And I accept with pleastire." 
"I shall have among my gaests the Com- 
mlBson-'general of the French armies, and 
several oontiaotors who are In high favor at 
the Court ot the Directory." 

"Indeed? Then don't yon tear that my pres- 
ence at your table may occasion comment from 
thoee robbers of thepubllc revenues?" 

"Ot course not Have you forgotten already 
that you are to pass for an adopted citizen of 
the American republic? Bemember your las-. 
:son, qod come to-morrow at the appointed 
hour, and all irlll be -well. There is no need to- 
tell ' ybif iny 'number. I reside at the Quay 
Theattn. . Any of the neighbors will' point Ain 
my house foryou." 

'. ' "'Very -traU.- 'And after dinner we'll find time 
tor a Jlttle chat by ourselveB, and I wUI have a 
chance to deliver to you the documents I bring 
troni BnglandT?" 

' "Oh,' yes; well have '.abundant opportunity 
for that " said Liardot : 

"My dearlilaidot," eali 'Aymeilo, "I amnot 
much ineUfied to 'give oompUmpntB— I leave 
them to the JacobtnlawyeDr-rbnt-I. must aay. 
to yon before -we part-that the Baron Candeu 
wHi- never forget the servfae.^ti'. have done 
him; and yon may depend tipoa-^biin hsfoalter 
as jd^pbn a brother." - . 
- "Tge along the quay '.now, '.mansieor, and 
7oaf lBiippo8e,goon ta8L'8iiIpIee.^ ■• '■ ' 
<'Oh, no ; towards St Oermaln,^ i«plied Ay^ 
merle. ■ ; ._' , : 'y. . 

: .'.'firq inill part, then,jinUL-t&-mQRnw ^venipg. 
Let me onc^ more Imprass' upon yon tha-wfin- 
'l^^j^^tndence is the. first d^'et^con- 

' '^I' will-remember it, and piiotilce 'it until fam 
as wise wdas sly as ascirpeiit;"Bail't&e!:p^n, 
With ' the igajnaugh that deemed s6''liivp]pnf- to 
mB-moft^stNldoompanloiL;:'' <i .n'' ; t" '■ 

t- 'r^BUth'Stf youtUnk' I amaslmplcitDa?'? uld.' 
ttn '■ ■ ■ ^' .■ ^'„-.- o'.'.; ■ 
'^^AB#<iritft«>i»ight aall«8Bd«iatBtioa toUa 

frowalag oompanion Aymerlc walked briskly 
through the Rue Dauphlne. 


Aymerie had his reasons for hastening to ac 
cept the offer ol his new-found friend. First 
of all. It -was absolutely necessary that he 
should find some place where he could be 
alone, and where he could rest In quiet after 
the strange adventures of the last night The 
young oficer of the Republic bad impressed 
nlm -with a deep admiration, and he was anx- 
ious to know more of him; so otiriosi^as well 
as interest urged him to hasten to beep the 
appointment he had made with him. 

As the Baron hurried along, he did not faU 
to notice the passers-by and the peouliarities 
of tbe looallty he was in. Everything vras so 
changed and seemed so strange to him that he 
'viewed it with the interest of a man traveling 
through a foreign country at the antipodes ol 
his place ot birth. He was puzzled to find bis 
way when he had reached tne old abbey of St 
Germain. ' The old edifice had been given up, 
like many othere at the time, to the usee ot In- 
dustry, and was now tised as a sugar-refinery, 
Its being put to this use had. saved it from 
demolition, hut had not preserved it from the 
attacks of fire, for In 1791 Its magnificent libra- 
ry had been almost entirely desooyed, - A sta- 
ble tor post-horses had been made in one part 
ot the building, and the walls had been pierced 
In several plaoes, and small shopkeepere had 
eetabllsbea themBeUes and drove athrlvinf . 
tzade through the email openings In the soll( i 
black wall, which seemed like portholes In 
some gigantic stranded ship, Aymerlc Inquir- 
ed ot one of. these parasite merchants It he 
could direct htm to tiie dwelling of George 
Salvlao, he having forgotten the number. He 
found that the lieutenant was well known in 
the neighborhood by the arm he carried in a 

"George Salvlao? Oh, yes. I know him/' said 
a fat dealer in jags and old Iron, who -was seat- 
ed In his nltch emoklng a blaoK pipe. "He Is 
the son of a widow ot one of the most famous 
ot our patriots. It you -wish to visit her house, 
thm to the right when you get to the end ot the 
Street, and then It Is the seoond door on the 
left-hand side." 

"Thankp,'' SEtid Aymerlc. "But may I ask 
you offe worcl more?*' 

"Tee, four of them if you -wish," replied the 

° "'Well, then," said Candell, "alnce you aay 
the Widow Salvbo's husband -was a great 
patriot, Is'lt not true that he had his throu out 
In very bad company?" 

VOh, that's known well enough," said the 
sreasy faerohant;"and It you're a friend of the 
SalviaoB, 'you 'mtist know he died 'oh the 
'scaffold.' 'He wAs iiillie same batch with Don- 
ton when the natlonnl rasor shaved Off -his 
head." The mian madqrk^ilBcant motion of 
his hand across his tfaroat,.aiKlCan4ell turned 
on his heel In disgust - ~ ' . ' 

"Hum I" said. Aymerlc to himself as he 
walked oq. "The eon ot a man who was guil- 
lotined -wUh Danton. Here Is food for zSlea- 
ttoo, . Suppose I ' abandon this qaefitlonabie 
aoqiiaintaaoe and isaek my breakfast else-' 
WMraL *Bat where am I to flndlodfflngs, sinoe 
I have reiJeoted tlie.otfer of Liardot?" 

The . puzzled aristocrat rubbed blsear, Irait 
still, kept. .on In' the 'direction ot the Bue St 
Qerinaln. '. Biit h6 cOnld'iflnd no satlsbatory' 
anwB'er to Uib qu^tions he was'pibponndlng; to' 
hlmseU. • - - --- -.j . 

«BoLtiT'~SS'efiteIsanted snddenly-. "He la a- 
brav^'and-honeBtaoldiar, andisuamaUo'dt' 
the perfidy olbetzaylBg me.",: ., , cgT ". 
. Ha appcoeohed the-JtouEe boldly and wilhoiit' 
mia^vlngs. 'Tn.«.iio„t^—t»«-KSX:i^ 1:2^.1 

-indeed' A, fc 

buUdliig of , ._ 

peered to. have' been ' foimetly -a part :of the 
Abbeyof %' G«nttaia.--'Aymerla : raised 'tlie 
heavy iron knocker of the. door. And:capped 

londlyT -•— <-<>►■ ♦ .— 1 

- "VM a-.<Bepal)lleaa:;'iB: thowbWilhU SaT-' 
^ioslagraodlr todgv^c'^i (^Aq^;ifBre vlali--, 
tog & prebaodaiy.«ap<B h,j»wfafOifr.<>t VbjB' 

.^5^P^'i^,'=tiii 'd«di^ m 

Irttli radlMlSW iijfSISfi*'' •'— - 

"1 knew you -wbtild oome," said he Jpg^olly. I 
"Uy mother did not believe you would Jiut I 
had faith In yonr promise. She will be pleased 

: The allusion ot hIa )inotlij^ re- 
mlnfJed Aymerlo that she was tho- widow of a: 
trieiid' ot^oi^onV.'qftd thfs 're'mlnisoeneei wds 
by no means reassuring. He rettUned^hls 
friend's salutation vrarmly, however, for his 
sympathies were tuUy awakened by the frank 
ways ot the young omQer. ° ; - 

"Faith,. you have a royal -way ot rooelvlng 
your friends," eald^the Baron; "yon break 
the Ice at onoe. and one feels no awc\Tardnees 
In your houBO." ' ■'' ■■ 

- ''Hy friendshlpa are warm," answered 
Qeoige, "and loe has no ohanoeto form be- 
tween me and my friends." 

"Well, then," said Oandell, "well under- 
stand eaoh other marvelously well, tor I flat- 
ter myseul'm Incandescent, too, In suota mat- 
tere; and, slnoe both ot us are voloanio " 

"Hal hat a volcano I" cried George. "Tou 
were In eruption last nl^t when I met yoo, 

"Yes, Indeed; but that was nothing to tbe 
earthquake that followed and nearly overthrew 
me,voloano as I was." 
"How waa that?" 
"Oh, never mind. We are forgetting Madame 
Salvlao. I am anxious to be Intzodoced to 
your excellent mother." 

The Baron had just recalled the vraming of 
Liardot In >regard to pmdenoe In his speech, 
and otianged the topic in time. 

"She is waiting Impatiently for yonr eom- 
log," aald the lieutenant, "for I have told her 
ot - the service yon did me last evening, and 
she wfU doubtless embrace yon the moment 
you appear ; so prepare yourself." 

With these words he led Aymerlc into the 
house. Truth to say, the latter regarded with 
no little trepidation the proepect ot being 
hugged by the -widow ot Danton's friend. It 
was an awkward predicament tor a Boyallat, 
and a oonspirator at tttat. 

"If she knew for what purpose I have re- 
turned to France," he thougnt, "she would 
rather cut my throat than embtaoe me." 

"By the way, my friend," said Salvlao, "do 
you know that last night yon foigot to tell me 
your name, and I did not presume to ask it?" 

Aymeric was not ready tor this sudden ques- 
tion, and bis confusion would bave been visible 
had not the gloom ot the darkened house oon- 
oealed his teattiree. But the lesson tliat Uar- 
dot had given him quickly flashed across his 
mind, and he decided that thlai^ a good op- 
portunity to makeUs d^nt In hln new eliar- 
acter ot a eldzen of the Amerietm BepobUc 

"Tmet". he exclaimed. "I forgot it. and 
what Is unpardonable, forgot it after asking 
' route give IT eyonrs. I hastentomakeamendB 
1 or my unpollteneas by informing you that I 
am called Charles Fougetay. - My lather was 
Criminal prosecutor in a 'telUwiek in Norman- 
dy, and atter consuming 'pretty neazty all the 
IltUe fortune he left me I went to AmeHqa to 
seek my fortune; and in LonlslBna, wttere .1 
have resided for some yean, I have suoeeeded 
in ftmoBfllng a sum which I have retnmed to 
spend in Paris. Now, then, my dear George, 
yon know all about me." - 

"Tea; and what yon fell me gtree me the 
greatest ideBBue in the.wacld."Baid the offioer 
"Why?" askedOandelL 
"Because I imagined that you were a great 
nobleman, and that our revohitioo had ruined 
your tortnnee and perseented your life." . 

"Oh, I nndsiataad. . Tliat. idea come to von 
lost, night when I. told vou^L.-wasa Royalist, 
and asked yoa niot to Oall-me oiUzenL** 
"Xroar tfiat^a whaS gave me the Idaa.',' 
"Well, then, I ain a Boyaltstln senUment I 
do not like tbe title of citizen, but prefer to be 
called monsieur; but that does not make me 
a great nobleman. Hy family was of the mid- 
dle class, between nobility and tbe people, and 
could chooee between either with equal 
right I ohose to espouse the cause of nobil- 
ity when I saw the latter suflering on the guil- 
lotlhe, since my temperament is such as to 
carry me, -without oonsldeiatlon ot oonse- 
quences, to the elde of the weaker party." 

"I know that byyonr btave action last night," 
answered George. "I am delighted with what 
you tall me, and 1 see nothing to prevent our 
warmest friendship. But here we are at the 
soUe, where my mother Is -waiting to receive 

TO BE- ooiminTEO. 

LOFTY: :ANo ,:u)Wtx 

'BT ABTHtJB ir, #bbioh: '_'^ 

.' i aU la tbaahadaand \ii»AiJlcm,-:\ 
, andwatebwtUiTbaa^WfK* 

. Aa U aba In thacilttailuBace:^ 
For tho f aoe o< my rayat UV, 
- Tba atar of .lora'ahaloym wa. 
Tha aooa and tha dushtan of la>lilaB 
neat by m tba Btapa or tha daoea. 

And ay hoart wildly throha In Ua p iaa i a n 

Foriha etaht oC a waD-fcnown kUdo*: 
But tba lonlr aodjowly an>an<d 
Br the eold, craal Ongar 01 ohanob 

K wonder if ahe woald r 

Car love. In tbeaveAdayaot eW, - 
Bra ihe lived In the glMtw and aplMdar 

Otlhahloaandf(^aiidKOld— - 
Bra aha llred In Ita r Utar and •n' ~ 

Ai^ h»rbe«tt toned aoaoadld 
I \ao* «lth the a uuug e at or seamlBc ^ 
ToUDser aaatnbr faerMda; 

I wonder If aha woold bat — 

Andipeaktntboaemao^onaot pelda; 
For tba lolly and lowly an paitad 
On aooleiy*8 waTOtlnc tMo. 

In daollnf cannenu. mqilendent 

With leweUDonohandaotan, 
Hera my lady-lore comaa, aad ahe paaM 

with a ea14 and ao haochty a atara : 
Hen my lady-lore eooM, and aha pieaai 

A qnani In tne nnka ol the fklr- 
Not the leaat little nnUe of remeiB 

TDllatateo my eonowtBl heart 
Ah. aid waa the day wino I bowed 

In Ion to her madeal art; 
Bat tbe lolly and lowly mut enr, 

XJke baaTOB aod earth, be a^art. 

Amxodote Ain> Facetle. 

vBiiTBw vom m niw took OLimB, 

A ttfOet OF HOHOB. 

"Doa" AUen, proprietor, educator aad < 
orot the learned pig Btamorok. Oils tram I 
mer-resort to Bnmnar-resort and tram ooaatT- 
lair to county-talr, edifying "thonaands opaa 
tADSOt thoueands,*' to qnota blseloqnent BaveC 
ItnEoaae. One Autumn found "Doe." way dowft 
South In the land ot oottoa. ohllls-aod-teTar auA 
tried vhloken, moving by team from oi>e fair te 
another, gstherlng In theaortpand astonlBhlBg 
the natives by the axhlUHoa ot the eurpiUag 
knowledBO ot the nomeeaka ot arrmanjrs gieal 
Prime-mlolstar. Having closed a "nlghly aae- 
ccestnl engsgement" with the ptg-star, "Ooo." 
and the -young man eloquent who aooonpulad 
him In hIa travels made an early start aonaa tk» 
oountry to the next stand, where the agrlonltaial 
DMMiaats ot the region rotmd about were to be 
put on extillilUOD, -with the additional oUww- 
menta of savecal hose tiota and mule raJMO. 
Doa'a voting man held the reins ■•• they. ai>- 
proached a plantation down by a tord. As they 
neared the stream the driver slaoked the Bpeedvt 
his homes that he might Detnr- oalonlAe; the 
dMth ot water. ' . ■ . • . 1 

"Oood-meming, captain." sainted a atraaier. 

"OolE« down to V* naBlag their d wfl aa M s n , 

iSSel," responded "Doo.." th» 

'fiStouM yon give me a UB dowa-og tar 04 yerr • 

The driver acted as mouttpleoe,a;»afeiaie4: 
••Got too mueai load." 

"' Tothe astonlahmMitof both the.m«qbeis or the 

OMtPig Show, thalraM^ ^^PS5^?Si?J!*i,1S32i: 
Rasped a heavy stone, and '"tot d^lvftV-hHU"* 
STdrUw tn th^ «ldo.l»w and both 
bmlaABK aie flesh. Ho whipped apttejun . 
not remaining to dlsoiias matters, and pnaheoea 
towards town as fast as the ability ot tne Meeds., 
the weight ot the load and the oondltton ot thw 
■ hair-inadaroade would permit. . . . - ^ 

Jnat on the edge ot the fair-town— anA Inly it 
was anything but a fair town. literally spe^a*- 
Uietwaln heard the approaching ijallopofaJtoB. 
Tne noiroomer rodo up' In breathleaa hnt^ aad 
the driver, rightly conjeoturtng that th^ ^i"' 
In pursuit was a smnel to tho event ot the ford- 
Udo, uTsed Ms Jaded horses on towards tbatewn. 
now tall tn view. 

'Oood-momlng, major," ealled the monnted 
man. "Did yon meet a gentleman book yore at 

""xhe^ver pointed algnlfloantly and eUmtty at 
his wonitdad Jaw, and the atzanger apoIogetloaUy 

"^■^JT^aarty It oocurred, sir. The oolonel Is 
vwy sorry, air. I aastire you, oolonel's a perfect 
gentleman. Ho had no weapon. I aeanre yon, 
sir, he'd never Uuowwl the nek U he'd been 
armed, air." 


Tijinlitinin &ail, sajs an .cxdiange, lias a Claim 
aninst the United States OOvenunent, aet up 
nader a Bpanlsh gTMit. to 1.100 aaoore mnaaot 
amhnslBg twanty-toiu counties ot Hlasontl 
and Arkansas. Quess he will lay onhlsodn tiu 


There can be- no »««i«t»><iig the design ot the 
ai^st in the clever sketch which forms the sab- 
leotot thlB week's lUustratlon. The wandering 
showman, with his little company ot attendants, 
Istootamlllar a oharaotsr to need IntroduoUon. 
Bnt the mysteries ot a drees-rebeaisal are, per- 
haps, not so well known to the world. Here we 
may take a peep tMhlml the seenea and aatlaty 
our curiosity. The most prominent figure In tbe 
picturesque group appeaia to be the dog, dressed 
like a soldier and carrying a gun. Burely he un- 
derstands every motion of his master's hand, and 
we may rest assured tbat he Is a veteran at the 
business. They ore all veterans, even the amall- 
er dog, whose bnalneaa It Is to pick out whatever 
card may be called for. With what a mingled air 
ot pity and contempt he watches his teUow-per- 
tormer, believing, no donbt, that any dog can 
walk on his hlad-legs and carry a gun, while It 
requires oc^ial canine genius to distinguish a 
klngtroiii an aoe. 'It Is' pleasant to think that 
Jealousies Ot this kind are never known except 
among dog-pertormers. . Tes, they are all vet- 
erans, even to the little girl who leans upon the 
man's shoulder and watches Fldo march, tor the 
sight Is no new one to her. - She has followed the 
builnass from her eorlleat reooUecUon, and the 
dogs have been the only playfellows she has over 
known. And what ot the bronzs-Iaeed men who 
has wandered tor years In the companionship ot 
his dogs and child? ' Wliat ot him. Indeed? This 
drees-reheaisal might awaken some touching 
memories it the man were given to sentiment. 
But he Is not; nor Is the one spectator ot the 
scene which the artist has Introdueod. Why, 
then; should we not look with equal stolidity anc , 
even lees display et earal 

A stroUlng troupe, ot whom young Hortense 
Bohnelder wasone, announced "La Tour de Neele' 
tor their last performance In the little French 
townofAgen. An- overflow restated. The actors 
were In high spirits and full ot tun. MUe, 
Bohnelder, dtsoovering an old pair ot maset boots 
behind the scene, put them, by way ot a Joke, Into 
tne bands of Boridan as be wassolngon thoalage. 

Accepting ot the awkward handful, he plaoed 
the iMotB on a table on the etage and quletlj went 
through his port, when Philippe d'Aulnay took 
poaeeeslon, and made his exit with one under 
•ooh arm. In the next aet Horguerlte de Bur- 
gegne entered, carrying the mysterious boots 
and passed them to Oaultlerd'AIney; he turned, 
them over to Oratnl. In short, tMtore the curtain 
tell, the boots, though foreign to the pleoe, had 
been borne in suoceeslon by every personage. 
The audience watched lor their appearanoe, while 
wondering what it all meant, and applauded the 
players to their heart's contenL Twelve months 
afterwards 'another oempany set up their bUls In 
Agen, and"La Tonr de Meele" attracted every- 
body to the theatre;. bat betore the first act was 
over there were symptoms ot olsplesaure, whIoh 
gradually Increased until the uproarwas so great 
that thS' curtain toll on a halt-played piece; 
twnehes were torn np, lights put out. and only 
the anlval ot the |Iayor at the head ot a troop ot 
soldiers,, put an.ei)d to the tumult. ' Then the 
Vayor turned on the poor manager, who pretested 
his InabllltT to undentand . how the rlot come- 
abont. . •-•That Is all nonsense," returned the 
aiayor, ."Toaroonduatlsdlscraaetal. Ton have 
misled the'r^pleand mutilated a masterpiece. 
Vhere are me boots?"— Ctaiitav' .Kmnial. 

A OOLD-'wxATHXBBTOBT.— "Talking ahout cold 
weather," suddenly broke In one ot our oldest 
Inhabitants the other evening, 'Iwhy, you ought 
to have-been- out in Iftnnesota In "SS, ' I don't 
s'pa6e„toiut^n thermometers, spliced together, 
would a-gtren ihe mercury room to drop as low as 
It wanted "to go. One awtui oold mght^-oolder 
thha -twoot a«F widest nights oonsulldated— a 
[hunteraamad HOBkJng built an'eztrablg ilreln 
his log shanty to keep worm, aii' he kept a-pUlng 
on the wood until his shanty was all ablaze ; and 
-#hen a tawipemons Uvln' losnd there saw the 
light an' ran to his assistance, they saw Hoaklng 
asntttn'ln tbfr .uitilnt ot tb<9 flames a-shlverlB' 
an.* a rubbin' ot talshahdi as ihoagh heootUdn-'t 
get warm ; and when- the shanty Waaall hittned to 
aahM :aisyttraikd-*l«iln-thexa|na»-BUU9'6da' 
bl«-J>l«kn7 tog troaen. to-death:'' ..How .the Per- - 
.soaawho weht to HoaUng's asstttsnoe managed 
•loTtecape iL W lUii g to-deth- tswiit eacntd the 
'ihih'd^itftrt litliiii iilflMitlnhatiiranfn Vnutam. — 

n ..';•*».•,; .., ..: n ' ' 

Bi-:tai>.a(l4l)K.lUcMW wnt Iwr 

MATBOifi.T OLD woKA> (oddmslng young and 
inexperienced lewllng lady).— Ton can nayer ex- 
pect to be a star till you Iiave done something 
naughty. Then the pubUo will take aa Intorest 

In jou. 


qbook.- They say that that teller Sdwln Booth 
is a ptirty good card. 

OAIIVASKAIC.- 1 beared he used to leap five ele- 
phants and a oamel, but his knees an ^vlng ont. 

The manager wbo -wanted a "Inpleal sasw- 
storm" Introduced In a play Is hereby Intoimad 
that daring the past Bummer there were six feet 
ot Bnow ( Brothers) In the ring ot Ooup's Kquasonr- 

rlculnm every day. 


Not SO very lone ago John HoOullongh the ttOr 
gedton was tulBUmg an -engagement In a elty 
where the business did not prove so remtmara- 
tlve as the deserts ot that eminent actor should 
win. At the same time Frank Uttner was holding 
forth to crowded houses with hIa exhlbltton ot 
treaks known as "The HIdgets." two ot theamall- 
eet apedmens ot bnmanltr ever plaoed oil axhl- 
blUoB or recorded in the books. The toirarlng, 
"Oenlal John," as they delight w call htm on the 
PaclBo coast, noting the Immense sueoeas with 
Bometblneot unazement and chagrin, exclaimed : 

"I wish I was a mtdg etl" 

X£EPntO. , . 

Dan & Oo. Is the slgnldcant nams,bt ja flnh who 
make a specialty otcoUectlhgdebia. 


The last execution of a mnrderotis culprit is 
announced as "The Latest Hooee. " 


How can Oovrmment rations and arms aad 
ommtinltlon to slaughter whites be obtained? 

'When Is an actor like a 8tage.drtver} man he 
knows how to use his Unea. 

THE i.ATBr aoita-Aai>-DAaoB. . 
by the Ham Brothers, better knows as the Baxter 

"My baatt iar>aa.'batmy can rvmalaa" 
(Both stand on their heads and keep Oae with 
their teet.) 


The modem serlo-eomle has found wealth la a 
"BabyHlne." No strikes. 

. »OAS. 

Idle Is tbs lacy man's IdoL 

.TtatSn«4A.l)Mp«|0hiy a.tew.iji (ha p«ihW<mtUrifa.- 

Kan propeaes, and the girl dlspona. . 


Hapleson Batkt his talent around the oountry, 
and sees no Ail In IC 


Talmage says he has "found the lost eltviL"- 
Bomeons mtisi have him on a ttriaf, 


Jonee objected to his tailor's sog^estton et a 
suit ot /rieae^ as he wanted to keep warm. ' 

^ • ••tED ASTBAT." 

Deolen la spirituous creatnTe-aomtorta Sewn 
East are constantly hoimded and hauntad bymtas 
ot the several cold-water "Alliattoes".aad oraaa- 
IzsUons who constantly bring to trial tbe'biMk- 
en ot the oast-lron laws for the goig m ineat et 
the traific in the tfdent liquids thatstlmal^teaad 
Inebrtato. Bome ot the oversealons weiaraia at 
the blue ribbon at tlmeB overreach thnmnolrm 
and are outwitted by the taohnlealiyas ot Jaw. 
the shrewdness ot lawyera. or the smart tnota ot 
the proaoribed Uquor-vender. One VatniB^'kaa 
atn&t«ur detective with a very .coadTaaa* 
for one ot his ilk, devoted blmaelt aaaldnonaiy t* 
^^fc'.^g out those wtus without tha pooper uoos^ 
or government license, dispensed malt and ale»- 
hollo beverages to slack the thlist ot paOons, 
Waters reaelved many a" pointer," and ottea WM 
his toolstsps guided to the top ot the Salter' •alhe 
sly that on old grudge jnlght be paid o> with 
Interest and usury. It came to pass oajaOaj that 
a stranger approaehed^the "ap6ttts," aod wUk 
many a sly nod and meaalng wbik'aiid jnstare 
•'8M»«waF" » party ••whoaa name be did aota- 
aetly remarabar," but whose street aad -aoabar 
ha betrayed so deflnltoly and portloalarlr that 
mistake was Impeaslbla. - ■ 

■ '■Bplrttar • asked the spotter. 

"Dont know-^-ahouUn*t wonder," whlmcad 
^hointenaer. - ■ * m 

"Beerr' suggested Watem. ■ 

"Buret" exclaimed the mytterlooastnaaer. 

Away-Uedtte spetts, hastanUg that^w nsian 
xnlcht glow la the type otto-motiqw'a aowqiapw. 
Ba:r«iwh«l the atreet.the ^hmber, oaftiead A* 
sign In smaTt and gold: •r^.^— 

TMnorrowfe jtinrnill'uflii TTiiefiln' liirt 


NEW vaR) 

n£SS?U iSu^ InwulIuUtT which 7aUoir«I ud 
SSumthafl^tni not tmL H» sabsevuntij •mU/ 

tJSSowm. itSJtt th* ptoj«r irowB to BO » huii Mid 
JSm thiow» to tetter It, u In dj«w.pok«r. A« B got hl« 
KunhrdnwtsK.orbThla Momdthiov.hahaato lat It 
tIa a .^BuJiigthM a U*,tta«Th>Teto tbrow 

««Tjont.. _ 

- C. 11. 1L. ToBklHBDocjc^waio to 7. BlBm*. en^Bnod- 
njietwix. Fond^ Co.. S Union iQtBn, M«rTotk;liar 

S£ win TOD dijatt rtom this maihoa by uIowIbs 
tBwthiew*, joa doput tnoi aQ raJa^and « eu giio 
MdaolooUuttwa coald nuUIrmuln or Jnrtfy. All 
«■ anvil that It 11 common-aaiue tbu B eoold ctand 
SitSton hU"ttiU."«i»d iQloita A-," r»HjSL£*'S!!i 
tottaraw Mm osca to thilea nr yon plar to thnw Uu«a 

^SSaaooa, cinstaauL-Tha bat U Toid, ttia unna 
b*telSeaalI& nun I* taeholeanr no neh tMu ua 
bS?ooluSlrA table that may ba oaed lor ban poot U «lm- 
SfFSedapoohot-lahla. Sr tahia ui a ball-pool tabto 
v&lattU balwiuwl u mtb. and for ttaa umenunn It 
MM eauetoba a baU-poot labia while belnc mad lot the 
tSSRS TSi. tha old faaTban (ama, or (aa It oacaatonaUr 
SaSiAmiun*. aJiboogh U would BJU ba apoekat- 
Si^ h!S Xbictbat tbmaia tomeama thna t aU-poo l 
tililM to tbaBu^t * BooDi, ttra eaae woold han pi Mint 

•SwSrSttPwil. yroTld«iio».-L The foreed-off b^ 
bbk^oUoadai near aa poaaihla on thadaap-xed ipot, 
udlTwrntivtlw IlitM ttaacwvn poeketad, aadow 

eir. XIMae-ban baTtoa^ aSar ponk a tlna an oUeet- 
iLma in t a d tha cMhlan. coma In eoDtast with a plajar 
wfSwaalualsffaaalsit an CDdoftha table, andntonad 
UM^^SSdStlia tSbSTtba aHlkar loiaa the poekeud ball. 
VUAUIabatnatada* to tha flnt (iiMRloii, and be him- 
arif u baridaa, to bo mukcd. 

Bn-^MMaKl not nlar alona anlaat anoOiar pUjar 
•tnnlar andin and laln anything by It. Wbetlur too 
uSthiaatildtiorfiraaaalnit tha playar wbohadjnit 
SSSiadaloDahyoa woold ocBBttwoL 8Dehatbla«aaiay. 
tern voSTplay aloD*. altar tha d«ila-ha4 •iircind ■ 
T3naatDthaaBniB,la oat of tha qaaatton. Ton mut 
iSnmmta Mm«tS daalar ooold aay ha wbold go alone, 
ai^ Inp^^ag yon ibot yooxitii cot Iran any nmher 
■ mu a aato thatmsSL 

Jim*ttn&-t. AboatUBIL latti hj<b«tp>rt. 
& T«i amnl hAT«toDeb«l at aboot wlier* U U lowML 
a. rbm *wfm»f**iiMM Bothlnytodo wlOi tb« muter. 

»*• do aatmOm to knor tK< print* b nilng iof 
■ * " TBflT oa moan tt» ii»me • XnOn- 

WlH<b«'ttUrp«rtlCQluoanoBrD 41dordldnoC,«« 

snDotllkfllytabalnApoilUontokDOV. . . . 

gQia suUBa BoAoii.*Toar mitiamtcat Is nnml* oat 
tte *— <wiila..«« Bad .A. atopMd at boyloc tha 
bone back* ba woold bars flO aod cba bom, wbenu 
•Iter the flm aale be had flODandno bone. Tbat woold 
mako 910 winner. Bat In idling tbo borae for S96 be 
loea %i ot that $*Q, for b« baa now bot $106 when at tint 
iMbadBomoovT, bot aboneUiatwaawonb,andwti(cbbe 

•Did, ter sun. 

B. J. (L| Heoiy.— L Not knowlns what tbo card was tbat 
madeS we cannot aar* What 70a want to And 001 Is 
vhetbertbe last deQca,vblcb makes tblrtrone, coobts 
twoorthno. Itcoantstwa It nnaffected br tbe card tbat 
made & tbe tbree daaees plajed nnlntemiptedly coont 
rUbt. X Tbe balJd is *;flTS«.*' and cannot be altemL 9. 
Mireb.4 wld oaxt lall Sonday in iSSS Tbe time Ta4es 
tnm Ato to six Toara. 4»:0rJer tt tbroozb a bookstore. 

CMmiBCToa, Rewark.— b eoold not cTalm tbe eame be- 
came be bsd 006 sweep. On tbe other band, A coold not 
call oar, tbe game conslatlog of bat a stngle deml. Tbcre 
is no caJling-oac at Biiu(te-deal casino. The cards most all 
be played ont. and he who wins the balk of cbe points, 
whether the total Is 11 or 17 (ihroajb sweeps), wins tbe 

U.ABKT DCTTTT. EiRln.— 1. "Corkej^' boUIs the be't em- 
blematic ot the championship ot Ent^Uod at tbe loofr-dU- 
tancego avyoa-pIea*ecalc, and Is maiched wlUi Httuel. 
Bitmn withdrew hla deposlr, and we presome therv ar« 
good reasons forTanphan staylns oat ot the race. 2. We 
•oppose Bowetl Is sent twcaoMt be Is believed to be tlie 
Enxllsbmaa most llkelv to win the belt 

K6 SiC5ATtTU, WbcvUofc.— L All that A can draw hack 
Is whAt B cannot cover. tIz., twenty chips. !L The sons 
become full aUxus tbroogh tbe Dataraflzatlon or thelr 
, fisiher while they are yet mere chlldcen. X It Is oar Im- 
pmhlon tbat some one or more plscee bare iuaed aacb a 
iicensa. We keep no record of legal enaetmenta all over 
the cocntiy. c 

E. J. U —NO bnrlasQoe of '^e Sban^braon" was clayed 
Iirthe Olympic Tb«axce, bat one entitled **Thc 6klOD«ata** 
was prodoeed In the Theatre ComlqaeJan. 23. IS75. then 
managed bj Joatt Hart, and an m|anctlon to atop luper- 
lormanoe was sabseqnently eerred upon blm by Dion 

G: P.* gantf" City.— Tbe staodard aUe of bUtlard-table 
lor matches Is called AxIO. In wbioh the playlna sarCsce 
aomatime* Is Taried, aeoordlng to whether the table Is made 
. ' by ntaoBlaettirers In one section of the coantry or anoiher. 
OrdlnaiUr, tbe playing aonace of aSxlU is IIL Bin. x 9ft. 

Katt 0*B., CoInmboA— 1. Ko charm. 7. Will bear It In 
mbad In fotnra. a. 8be r«appeared In pobUc aOiw yeai« 
ago In on* of the variety ibeatzea In Philadelphia, aod 
aueetban has not been beard iiom. 4. Send on a pboco- 
xranb, according to alxe mentionsd at bead of drunatic 

J Kew HaTsn.— 8lx balia or knives Is aboat tbe 
Issgeat nmnbar that ona peraon can Joasle m pabllc, 
nalBg both bands. BigaorOamanl. it la said, baa Joggled 
lapnTacaflTO balls with one hand. Some very expavt 
— 'nnnan mar sacceed 1a ung el^t balls with two 

H&LiVAX— I. Jim Haea defiaatad Tdm Allan m a *"»*fh 
fcr the P. B. Cbamptoaihip of America. X Johnny 
Bbjsi Isnhamplnnnow. 1 No. ior the raaan that Edwards 
■ad Obamben are llgbt-walgbia, and Cobnm and 3boo 
T Hohodr. 0. Mo; Tom Allan li in 

bwAKD MiUJDL— When OXaary and Wsstoo walked 
— — leaobmanhadas^armtetraak. In ttoego-as- 
'unMtltumfitrthaAarlarbclt In Loadnatwo 
laid down, 0B« tor ftanlgoacs and ona tor 

Tha fbzmarwaa osad b70*I<aar7alo&a,all 

. hia coa p .■mora do inw tbelr wocfc wpoo the <wber. 

J. O. a uamffma , Bi si n il i w^Tha twovtao kfllad sera 
bfada mA attbar shoot off loreboioa ot tlrat and saeond 
lal iM eg p ut tba nunar together and dlvlda It, as they 
mar mnttia lly agree. Tbo man whs eoocad e lias no 
elalB noa atxhar prlsa. 

J, A., Boiltla— u ''boDdota*' eoants mora than taikdho. 
Ugooaootbafotetbelatur. Tbe same role appliea to all 
ttaolnoovatloQs, tneloslvaofpadra. Tbe old potnta—hlcb. 
lovjaek ud gams owint flztt, and to tba order bars 

towmm. Canton.— 1. Altar the deal and bafon tba draw. 
XlwanlaaraMto ba ahntDadat dimw-pokar axoaptby 
. TOteal ai^eement. X Tba dealer eaanoc be leqnired to 
taO bov maor cards any ochv plajar bat hlmsslT has 

B. B., Chicago.— L A b arlt oua volea is all rUbt for the 
■ataaa. & Oat np In aoma spaclalty, and than ahow soma 
«A tnsger what yoa on doi aod ■oUclt an enssgemeat 3 
ttaa oar adTanudnveoIomna icr addiassas or peraons who 
wrUaskatchas. The cost will be from ft» to fSl^ 

CXaixxHca Daria- In tha competition lor the cham- 
ptoosblp ot England belt In October last John Snnisflaished 
filth, with 410 mUaa 5Iapatohls credit. Ha anfferad from 
litnesa tbe llzat two days, and was off tbe track at ona time 
Hot nine hooia, we believe. 

AUAWT.— L Ueenan foogbt Iforrlney in 1SS9, and 
Sayars in 186 ). 3. Morrlney's last fight was with UeenaiL 

J0H5 Prxrs, IMtrolt.— we haven't tmie to search oar 
files and tali yoo **bow many times Banian's name was 
mentioned prior to the Centennial Be|tmct&** 

J. J. S.— 1. B coonis the game, be belog one of the non- 
deaUrm. IT A and B were partnera. there can be oodbi- 
pota as to their right to count for game, althoogh they lie. 
2. C doM not get game. Thac tier who was non-deal«rg»ts 
It-ln this ease B. 

P. P. MoL . Marine Barracks.- In foor serens and an aea 
there are twency-fonr; In loar loois and a seven, twcnty- 
ibor ; in lonr sixes and a three, twenty-foar ; In foor threes 
and one six, twenty; aod m four tluaes and a sine, 

PoUB.— L Between the deal and the draw no player 
can In^t npon the cards being »hutQe1. or mixed. :L The 
daa'erls never to tell how many cards have been drawn 
except by bmueli. aod there is a condiilon of things ander 
which be need not tell even that. 

Ca3dRio. Newark.- B could not call oat at riuRle-deal 
casslna The cards most all be played out. so long as there 
Is a chance for the low man to beat or tie tha high. CsU- 
Ing oat Is only done In eames conslrtloE of a given number 
of oolota. and ealllag for two or more deals. 

O. W. L . Sooth Boston.— 1. A Iose», not because be said 
B.*s cards were good, but becaoM be threw his baod Into 
the pack. He should have held his cards until he bad 
aeen B's alleged three Jacks. 2. That Is valoable for many 
imposes. There Is no book that Is a standard anihority. 

P J. W.— We cannot say when and where Josepb Jef- 
feraon first acted Blp Tan winkle: but be flr«t played the 
present version m tha Adelphi Theatre, London. Eng., 
Sept. 4. 1365. and acted It for tbe first time In this city In 
the Olympic Theatre Sepc TL 166& 

Hasdlt EviB, Detroit.— 1. None of tbe dramatic agen- 
cies in this dty will transact any buslncM for amatean. 
Apply to tbe manager of some traveling company for an 
angagemenL X Ton cannot get them. X So. 4. Yes. 
«. la this dtj- 

Isqcian, Anoapollji.- 1. We have not the seating ca- 
pacity ot the Academy of Music. Baltimore. Pord's Opera 
bouse. It Is estimated, will seat l.TJD: tbe GlobeTbeatre. 
BoatomMasa,2,na X HabasnotplajadlnTVasbingtoo, 
D. a. ahiee March U. IBM. 

EisoaNDOoLXXAV.Chlcaga- L Hones are not official- 
ly tlmad on tha numlng torf In Great Britain. X DonH 
know his present wbereaboats. We believe bis home is at 
NUea, MIrhlgan. a. His races having been mostly run 
froma flyingstartnoracordoftlme has been kept. 

T. B.. Deadwood.— L Na His raising bia cards before 
dlscovarlng be bsd too manv made bts hand (ouL 2 A 
player can never draw from the pot any money of bis ex- 
oaot so miuh aa some other player cannot cover. 

HuaBvr, SCreator.— In the flgbt between Mace and Co 
horn near Baj St. I^mls. Mlsa. Nov. 30. Mace was 
• than " 

. Tber did not touch eat^ other at 

thalr^meedog In Canada In May o( that year. 

thrown more t 

A BaanSB.— 1. A city In Bsqvland U aaaaUy. IT not In* 
yariably, tha aeat ot a Blihop or tha capital or the Sea. Tbe 
namtwr ot Jnbabltantfl does not daiannlne Ic 2. Tht 
Oreat Eaatern la about 69Kt. lODg. 

J. IL— AeooldcIalmoDttoTlitneorflTafar best tramp 
at anytime belora the last crick was lined or played, 
DntO then he poaobly coold cot tall that his 

W. H J., Lawnnee.— Jack and ac« ai, paztnais. Uo. 
leaa otherwiaa a iu e id npon, the nine ot cazds to catting 
rordaalandtothtowlDgaioandlor partneia Is the same 
ai in tha game about to ba played. 

J. M., Coonell BloOa— Tea; tha Oamella Brothers, wbo 
aio now to Earope. ona of them standing npon tba other*. 
Bhonldan, tom«a a donbia someraanlt and alighted opon 
his raot to hla orlgtnal position. 

B. B. &, NawllaTen.— L Jaly 90. 1871, was the data oT 
the Wastdeld eiplodon. 2. He has not been openly eon- 
neeiad with U in aeTatal weeks, and la aald to be not m any 

M. J. n., Miehlgunee.— In same gatetaen and the like 
the height ot Flke's Peak is set down as I4fi(nit.,snd to 
otbanaaabootl.QUHt leas. B wins, nnloas his opponent 
can ptore thatit Is not over IXQDtt. 

Caasiao, Baltimore.— L Can hare two bnllda 2. ho 
potot has praoadencooTer another. Sweeps can, by a ma- 
toal agreement Ignonog the mles and tha oitllnary pcac- 
tica of the game, be laa ont. 

DBJunn— -Tran tied Fast." •■Dennis Kearney," 
"Will Ton Sometime* Think of Me t" "Tha Time Has 
Been," *-ProlcaiUonal Pride," **Tbe Mlastrels are Com- 

T. K. O.— 1. Oen. Lea aarrendared at Appotomax 
Coart-honse, Ta , on or aboat April 9, 16W, and on the 
loDowlng AwU U Flastdant Lincoln was usas^loattd. 

0. bTf. , Waahinatoo.— The imce between Ten Broeek and 
XoUle waa fbar-niile beat*, for mora or Issa money, and 
Sta Bioesk distanced HolUe to tbe Oist heat. 

W. U. D.— In the aense that the gieatar cirds or clicora- 
CBnaca moM be oaolde of tha email ona within It, the 
nan ooes aioond the sqalrral. 

W. T. O., Fblla.— It waa so naiad. If at all. by toadrert- 
anea There are bnt fgnr triplets to roar nnmbeiai while 
thm are six palta 

Chiukt KosoLUf 1:1.— If yon an wUlIng to bat that 
amoont, dapcalt aoma money with yoor ohallanga and It 
wOI be Inserted: otherwise It cannot appear. 

But B. SawsT, Los Anitslaa— Tbe peilormanea was not 
'• aathentlcsiad, and Is notarccord. Tbe track waa pro ja- 
'' Mr coasldarably short, _ . , 

' a. A. Pbcob, WsshlngtoiL— John Poola, a brothn oT 
Bm Poola. who waa killed to ISiS, ra^es to the Ninth 
Ward, this city, 

& A. Towns, Newark.— We woold adrlse that yon ob- 
tain and read a copy ^ "Practical Tratolns.*' adrsvtlaed 
■by Wil januA 

T., Erie— Fleafostetewbetbtfyoaoiaan pain. doabto- 
aenll. or palr-oared enws; If tha lattaz, whether collage or 


. J. H. a. TaahlogtoB.— London, Bug . la the laigaiteltr 
Inthawqrtd \n. pouit of popnlanim it tias three and a 
jialf mUlloBaat IMSL 

W. H. B., Blmlzm.— Bxperta stm dliflBr to opinion, not- 
w1th<«n<1linlhat«eitphot«gr»tlilo««ii«if1nmia InSan 

C. K. P.. Detroit,— %r. P. Cody Is "BaBhlo BUI." Ji 

B Hlckok; wbo. was . ssinitnsisrt In Oaadwood Aag. Z, 
1874, by Jack ■oOan. was known aa"WUdBUL>' 

J, K. BanLia, If ontmL— The Chet of yoor having com- 
peted for money and run In open taeea daban yon Crom 
compedng to an amatsar cOTiteac Tbe rales era pUln. 

Ross Joins, BaltOL— Edward O'Baldwto and JLm Uaaa 
mat to a ring to Wast Tlrgtola Aag. 11, ISri, bat did not 

r. O. P.. Vvw Badford He Is an Amertean In one mmaam, 

and an Iruhmsn to another, and thenfore an IrUh-AmarV 
oan while yet a cltlioa ot tbe Unliad Btaaas. 

SoBsoussn.— A letter sddfssaed to him m ear* of this 
ofllee wonid ba adretlsed In the regnlai Uu. 

D. Z.— We haye no time to dlscoaR any oroblam that 
calls for the playing of a whole pack of caros. 

P. & H.. Caoaja.— "The Tale of a Itamp," by S. B. 

A. B. a B., Balam.— B's dlsaard was to the possible best 
ImproTsmeni of his hand. 

J.'P. L.,JewoaCltj.— Three atfUteen, and two at thirty- 
one. s . . . ' 

' Viwvt-m, Fhiladalpbta — ^At the ^^...j*.*. imma tlaa 
with the dealer aia a staad.olL 

Tows.Bau, Oermaatown.— Ina,l, I,3,3,thelaatlhrae 
makea no aeqonoa. 

J. H. p., Fhlto— Poor sams' and an aeaeoont twanty- 
foor. * -. ■ - 

K. P., New Talk.— Tout card will eoit TSe.. ona time. 
Por one month. 9X 

O. H., Iowa CUj.— Tha show taai notyateammaoeadthe 

D. O.. ficranton.— Addraas John Pltciaiald, 110 Cannon 
street. Kew Toik. 

M. K., Flttabnit.— Hona of tha panoni too nima 

THoa. J. MelL. Philadelphia- Wtlia to them car, of 
Brown's Brigade Band, Boeton, Mao. 

IX P.^otadOL—Siaia tha gamp, and thanwa shall know 
aomathnag aboat IL 

H. K ., miltaift— ToneoBldotdsrhlm apwtthoDt haying 
a ^nmp. 

W. P. J .Bt Idoii.— PithflhdarwonthalaTetpaoiaiaad 
Natloaal to I87& 

Tm 810TB. nttsboi^- Edward Hanlan Is ohanplon 
asalls 01 Amagtok 

J. O.. PhllA— Zfofaeoffd of tlna made in that wallnlgh 
datenot deaarlptlaB oTsport hia bean kept, 

R. H. J. BT.iMa. Chicago,- A **^'***'T Signed by the 
Jadgaa and seoiaia Is raqnlslta to aaah casea. 

TigBT STBin.-Caiuiot (tT* Toa hia tutan tuns fbr one 

J. B. T.. Camp Hsnork — H. B. Taylor, haad-^ngana. 189 
CTiilham stiaat. Rev Tork. 

p. Webstar.— llo answasa by maU. Tbe Belehe 
Broa.. Mo. at Chatham street, this dtr. oan sopply yoo. 
" ' ' — -ua of this ofica 

FiSAyoan.— A letter addiassed 
shoald reach blm. 

W. P. R.— L The game Is Oarnan, and IB C0T*i«d by no 
flzed rale. 2. Ac cnbbaga the ace has bat one nloe. 

Lonsy, Wichita.— sues are high at poket-dlca^ and 

BL ISO L., Albany.— L coold take both Jacks, either or 

J. R. P.. North AltIaboro.-Be«TEl CUPHB AuuaiO'a 
article on **FlanaaUoa. ol Gold Blaca lasu" 
Box. Chattanooga.— Only the player spcoUel has the 

Wstsontown.— Plimpton. Plimpton Building, 
Eighth street, near Second ayenae. New York. 

J. H. K., MltchelL— Hare no papen of that date to dis- 
pose oL 

Mrs. a. M. Haiutass.— Tbe letter* an 'n oar can. Wa 
don't know ber pmeot whereabouts. 

U. L. R., Screoton, — We do not answer qoeMlons coo' 
cerolng tbe orirate aflkin of profefifllonsi ladleH. 

AOTOB, San Francisco.— We would adrlje yoa to hare 
nothing CO do with iL 

OniiZ, lodlanapolls.— Write to them sgato. and noUly 
OS of the rcfiolt. 

lasoRAMza, W*ihmE*.on.— 1. Xo. 2. Two. S. Aboat 
lU. 4. Yea. 

Pns.MX, Clerflland. — In bis match with O'Ltesxy In £0^. 
land, Weston walked ftlO mlled. 

Wx. FLOwaa, Akion.— We hare not beard of Harris for 
some time. 

a. A. B.. Korthport— The man wbo walked OAy miles to 
the Bhort«fitt time won the money. 
Pkteb Weuiis, PlttsbutK.— Bead THE ClIPrxB AL- 

0. JaCKSo.T.— No challeDje tbat Is not backed iritb 
money can be lasened. 

Tbb Dacca, Ca<i,too.— A can take all four aces with a 

A.,GlOTsnTille.— Awlns. B had to make a shot, which 
means make a conntjDK stroke. 

H A., VooDgstoini.- Address the Goodyear Bobber Co. 
thb city. 

E. S , Scrantoo.— Tes; landsmen are sometimes taken 
la the C. S. Navy. 

D. T., PhUa —All the storekeeper coold bare lost was fire 
dollan and the boots. 

J. GTBCBD.— L Twenty per cent. oS. 2. We do not re- 
qaire It. 

J. C., Dayton.— James C. Hall's address does not appear 
to tbe directoiy. 

B F. B , Port Wayne— The gsme of crib "ones aronnd" 
consiit* of alxty.ona potots. 

W. C. O.— It Is a matter of todlTldual oplnloo. and erery 
man rides his own hobby. No answers by mail. 

H. W.,BTart— L TbeSL Lawranca Is aboat 1,000 mllea 
long. 1. The Mlssoorl. probably. 

TT B. BocBios.— Then has been no yerdlct yet. the 
Insanity of a Juror baTtogsnspanded prooeadlno. 

J. r. C, New Torfc.— The llnea an foond m Bobert 
Boras' dirge, entitled "Men was Msde to Monrn." 

AXaxauK, Chkaga—Aa we know notlaiig of yoor merits, 
we prefer not to eapraaa aay opinion. 

A. E R., FttU Blrsr.— No aoiwet* by maU. Addnas her 
or her manuar In can of thla offloa. 

J. A. P., Clyds.— We an not bmlliai with Stata-prlsoa 

Bbaoib, BalUmon.— Than luad to ba on* on Karket 
rtreat| abors FUieaoth, Flilladelphla. 

F. J. L, OflihaB.— Noanswan bymaU. 
m | ie g w of tbe noral. If yog like. 
K. T. &, BrooklyiL— See answer to another ootrvpond- 

ent aa to those matten. 
auL— At caadno a playar can hay* two bolUs at OBoa. 
J. P. P. , Lynn.— Olartnay headed Hanlan once only. 
B tr p — r'.iynf^ ^niyrt^t t1^ rt*^"""^"** ajip— 
Curm.— Ws bare no racoOaetloB of aach aa erant. 
O. VT . P.. Hammonloo.— Be Is thaldantleal neraoo. 
SlUbasr, Ctoctonan.— We know nothing ofolm. 
O. O. H , ttoofclyn.— Bee answer to 'Hogtaey." 
araayoBD. ct -4he hli^eat eochn card— lack. 

B. C— Kcamth landed Eare to Deeemb) 
J. li . ShrsTapart.— Too ballt ocRaetly. 

D. O. B.. Lynn.— ^ Is ont on Ills low. 
Cbicioo.— Sea CLfrrma AutABsn. 
J. P. Bbibb. HodaoD.- No laooid. 

E. 8.. Chlea— Tha js ~ 

a. W., flrfsnfon U 

a. C.-C deal*. 

T«i; yoa can 

W. B,— As neatly aa It la poadbla to daasdha tt la a word, 
Bwaany's Botal, which la oa tha math alda of Chatham 
■Baet, ts 00 the nortaaott earner of that stoeet end Ooana. 

B. W.. WaTatlr.— Ko aasweia by mall. That play waa 
wiUtmi for pgror m s n eea by th* O. A. & We kMp no 
tzaoa of snch mattna 

BKiir— L Itl* taamlcBllroallail "paiBmbalator," but 
tha word la ml——* X Tom Thumb was besD tn 1897, 

oiBFBB A>D PBiaK, Bay Ctty.— "Tha Pnetloal 
- Xaapar," (US, wtuoh Ed. JaBaa.whoadT«(tBaa,caD 

^"w. J.X.1L. PhllaiMiihtau— Tbay an both ToeallstB, ani 

toiuiaweraivqaasttoaa r*Iatli« to their domsatlaalklra. 
' .B.A.a.Attlabeto.-^ ATOThaiBoachreaiBd. XAay 
1 who walk* l«gnan«r (■»«•» Wt M^ lw ) aaimfta- 

KMnxxB. BiNiliaila TTntH h* ihowihattarttB* thaa 
-thMtftyra^caBDotb* callad battar than a thM.elaa 

^rSDBaaBiBD.Blgln.— Waan not awanthat i 
InK «i P. Bock datma to hold waa am ikBtM m 


Obaarratlon leads tiB to the kellef that a new 
diHeasft has of lata broken ont among. ii}en, and, 
in a milder form, among women also. In the 
phraseology ot the medical Imoks, ttato disaaae 
might tM described as nmia-manageria, A more 
Soxoa and perhaps simpler explanation would 
be eraz7-to-manage-a-tlieatre. We speak of the 
disease as new only In a reaMctod aenae. Doubt- 
less It has been In the blood tor generations 
past, bnt circumstances bave heretofore tended 
to bold It in check. Thoeo clrcumatancos appear 
now to bo wonting. The unfortunate person wbo 
la afflicted with tbe disease nowadaTS Is not to be 
beld In check by anything— unless, poeslbly. It be 
deputy-sheriff who Is bImsoK lo searoh ot a 
check. Uanla-managerla has come to be so 
widespread and so serious that it deserres critic- 
al attention. 

With regard to the symptoms, Urst, It may be 
aald that the patient, at a rery early stage, mani- 
fests an Inordinate Interest In things which he 
really knows nothing about. As on InsTltable 
seqnence to this condition, he neglects those du- 
ties tor Tbich he Is fitted— It, indeed, it eo bap- 
pens that be to fitted for anything. When the 
fever gets fairly Into the system, the sufferer may 
be found flgnrlng ont the Imaginary proflts ot 
his rose-tinted enterprises after this fashion: 
Bent, per week, fSOO; stock people, $100; printing 
and adverttolng, $200; all incidentals, $300— total, 
$1,400. Blx erenlng perforxnanoea, $500 each, 
S3.000; two matinees, $3S0 each, $T00-total, $3,T00. 
Clear to the management, per week, $2,300. 
From tbls stage ot the disease Its farther derel- 
opment is fatally rapid. The Tlotlm either bor- 
rows, begs or spproprlatea all the money be con 
possibly command, and, with the rosily lUusiTe 
flgnres dazzling his eyes, he plunges Into the tur- 
bulent waters ot theattlcal manncement. The 
chilling effects of that first plunge are Instantan- 
eous and terrible. If tbe reaction does not 
kill the patient, it to apt to cure lilm— tem- 
porarily, at least. He may suffer a relapse 
In cose he is eyer again able to borrow, beg 
or appropriate ; bat ao long as Ma affliction to 
known his chances ot raising the wind are en- 
couragingly small. This severe treatment, how- 
ever. Is too harsh to bo generally advocated. It 
may effect a permanent cure, bnt It does so at a 
terrible price. The victim wh* has smilingly 
figured ont a weekly Income ot •1,300, who has ex- 
pounded to circles ot admiring friends his own 
cherished views on the subject ot theatrical man- 
agement, who has repeatedly affirmed that any 
theatre can be mode to pay U it is only properly 
conducted— the over-confldent neophyte who has 
staked his fortune, or more trequently that ot his 
friends, on his nntrlsd abilities as a manager, 
who has rushed into print to point out to the pub- 
lic what the pabllo really wants, and who itotens 
wlthr undisguised contempt to the warnings of ex- 
Iierlenoe— ^thls viotlm, this neophyte, cannot be 
expected to undergo the plunge-treatment with- 
out serloaa consequences. The suddenness of 
the shock may sven prove fatal. At the end 
ot one little week his rose-colored Oguree have 
assumed this horrible shape: Bent, $S00; stock 
people, $700; advertising, printing, stage-bonds, 
gas, ushers, scene-palntetB, carpenters, nphol* 
Bterers, and a thoosand Incidentals wbloh he 
never dreamed ot in oonneotlon with a theatre, 
$1,000; total, $3,300. Six'eTenlng performances, 
average receipts $90, $H0; one mattnee (two 04'* 
vertlsed, but only three doUaM In the honse on 
Wednesday, and, accordingly, no performance), 
$17.60; total, $SS7.fi0. Blzty centa on the dollar 
to the UIostTlous star— etrange tbat the viotlm ot 
manlo-managerta should have forgotten all obont 
the iUostrloas star— $334.80; whlob, deducted 
from the total rsMlpts, leaves $233 wherewith to 
detrsy the $3,300 azpensas. Clean loss In one 
week, $I,8Tr. These ore the flgnree which were 
to yield $3,800 a week proSt. Bnt wone even 
than the showing are the loss of that 

glorious self -oonfldsnce which sustained the po- 
tlant and the bursting ot the bubble ot vanity. 
He may be cured ot his malady, bnt he Is rately 
cured ol the onre. IttMeomeathephOahthioplal 
todlseorer some leas seven cemedr Xo.c. JBBnlo- 
manogerla. • ■ ' - - ^ 

80 tar OS one otearvatton coes. Botkloc tint a 
^.Miiiny plunge Into the waters ot cxpertenoe has 
ever yet oonvlneed a man- that, U the ehonoe 
were given him, he eonld not edit a newspaper or 
manage atheatre. Theaetwoooonpatlonaappaag 
to require no special aptltiide.iio preliminary 
tralntns. It Is oonoeded, wa beltsre, that- to !>•• 
oomea Shoemaker a person must serve an ap- 
pxentleeahlp long ennngh.a* Isost, to learn the 
Aitr^m^^^ t,m*mm m » »«wa<t.a«i< aadalsst. Ths 
botobar. tlie lNkier,«ul em tlie pInralMr ate' 

•eoh priaeunea 

Phyal^^^andyftQd-MrrleiK.fra a^finU? ex- 
peots4 ,1»,.flt t^sttselvee tqr'iUielr ^^peoUve 
▼ocatteha; but tias>eUet . Iscgely obtains- that 
where a .man foils* as a merohont, mechanic, 
olergyioaii,. lowyer, phy^olaB or liod-oamer, 
he theiifiby demosstostae bis spedal -iltiiaea .to 
edit o.' paper or mosoge a,- -theatre.. This be-' 
Ilet Is fiMhded -upon o ratrvehlngly simple 
method. '01 reasoning. Beollr, there Is nothing 
for the edltorot apaper to dobot pylntwhathe 
ploaaas, and pookst the money Oiot Bows In trom 
sabeorlbera and .advertisers. . It' Is one ot the 
easiest callings In.'jlts, and anybody can flgure 
out a hondsome.prollt la the newspaper business 
so long aa be keeps ont ot It. Theatrical manage- 
ment Is.eloaaed In the some ootagory. What oould 
be almplar than to htxe a place ot omnsement, 
engaige a company, and cotint the dollars as they 
come rolling Into the box-bffleel What possible 
need Is there ot training, or experlenoe. or bnsl- 
.ness toot, or executive obUlty, in snch'oa nnder- 
taklngl Why should the atanager, who really 
boa nothing to do but stand In th«. lobby and look 
happy, burden blmsell with a knowledge ot un- 
important detollal Why should he kncnr any- 
thing ot diamotlo art, or pubUo taste, or stag* 
eoonomyt Why. In short. shotUd he waate-bla 
time In learning to Hirttnfpii.t. between a Voxed- 
end and a last, when It is possible to tnm ont 
•qnolly good shoes 'without any such knowledget 

To the nnlioppy viotlm ot inaTiln — T"n*g— 
who Indulges In some such argument as the 
foregoing. Tax Oupm would offer PanA't ta- 
moua advloe— Don't. Under the meet tovorable 
a>ndltloiis, theatrical management partakes more 
or less ot the nature ot a lottery. There are 
some tot prlBes, bnt there ore more blonks. 
When on Inezpertenoed band gets bold ot the 
wheel, the obaaoes are ten thoosand to one that o 
blonk will be turned. Bo, we repeat, to all who 
suffer ttom this strange disease, and to all who 
would be spared tbe severity ot the plunge treat- 
ment— Dont. Tlgure out tbe profits. It you 
plesee, on paper; bnt don't attempt to manage o 


The pedestrian fever fontlnues to rage with 
undiminished violence. Hatches are announced 
In pretty nearly every town In tha country, and 
challenges ore OylDg about In such numt>ers that 
it is out of the question tQ_keop track ot them all. 
The mania seems to have seized upon women al- 
most as fiercely as upon men. Indeed, there are 
probably more embryo Mme. Andersons Just at 
present than there are undeveloped O'Learys. 
As tor champions, we have them absolutely 
without limit. There is the champion of the 
Third Ward ot Keokuk, who is thirsting to 
measure strides with the champion of tbe 
Fourth Ward of Oshkosh ; and there is the cham- 
pion of Tumlp Comers, who to morally cer- 
toln that he can walk the boots off of tho cham- 
pion ot Potato Hollow. All this Is well enough, 
and TBS CUPPEB rejoices to seo the growing 
popularity ot any kind of athletic tserclse; but, 
IC we offer a word or two ot advlco In tbls cod- 
necUon, we hope that neither tho champion ot 
Tumlp Corners nor any ot his rivals will take 

Walking Is not only oneot the beat tonnsot 
bodily esert:lse, but It is also, under proper con- 
ditions, the most natural and enjoyable. To the 
man In robust health a five-mile turn In tho 
braclDg momlDg-air is tbe only tonic he needs. 
If he koeps bto eyes open he will find tnat hto 
Jaunt refreshee his mind as well as strengthens 
his body. It Is not surprising that the art of 
walking— for art it is— should possess a peculiar 
fascination for many persons who are not at- 
tracted towards other forms ot outdoor exercise. 
Its simplicity recommends It, to b^in with, and 
Its necessity. In a great many cases, oompels 
prootioe. And yet very tew penons know how to 
walk. Vbr tbls reason, tha Impetus which pubUe 
matches have given to pedastrlanlsm Is an excel- 
lent thing. The piotssslonal walker wbo, by 
awakening general Interest In bis performances, 
awakens also o general deetra among those who 
see him to master bla art, should lie regarded 
a pnbUe benelBotor. Bat Just here It 
strlkee us that a dtstlnrtton Is to be drawn. 
Because walking Is a capital thing In Itself. It 
does not follow that e> ai jhu dy bl ss s ed with sonnd 
lags shoald enter the arena as a profeaalOBal pe- 
deetrtoDu Becotise OXsary earns his bread by 
Indnsttloosly tmdgUig aboot a sawdust track. 
It Is not to be assumed that mankind at large Is 
to devote bis energies to a similar pursuit. The 
mistake which tbe champion ot Tumlp Ooraers 
mokea is In oherlabtng the belief that pedeecrion 
power la ot no oooount nnleee it oan be dtoployed 
before on admiring crowd in a public holL Hefolls 
to perceive the benefits ot knowing how to walk 
unless they lie la dtvldlng gstiKssoney. Be to 
Strang In the faith that he needs only the oppor- 
tunity to perform wonderful teats. He gives him- 
self up to spasmodic training, and perhaps under- 
takes a twenty-four-hours' Jaunt merely to ebow 
hlBtrlendswhathelscapobleofdalng. In this pre- 
liminary trial, on a track of his own measurement 
and according to the record of bis own tlme-keep- 
era. he to credited with covering more miles in the 
given time than anybody has claimed 10 cover 
before. On the strength of thto ollcged perform- 
ance he elta down and writos a challenge to the 
world, signs himself the champion of Turnip Cor- 
ners, and feeds his vanity on the thought that he 
is at last fully launched on tbe sea ot profession- 
al pedestrianlsm. If it eo hapi>ens that his chal- 
lenge to accepted, and if he finds backors among 
his unaopbtotlcated admirers, one pabllc trial to 
usually enough to satlsty the ambitious amateur, 
and more than enough to satisfy his backors. 
Put fairly to the test, hedlscovers that bto boasted 
powers fall far short ot the limit which he pre- 
sumably reached when walking for his own 
amusement. And be leams by bitter experience 
that feats of great endurance or strength are not 
accomplished without long training and patient 

While Tee Clifpeb would not for a moment 
be understood as discouraging walltlng-matches. 
It would honestly advise the champion ot Tumlp 
Comers to refrain from Issuing any more cbal- 
lengee. To make pedestrlontom the buslneaa ot 
one's lite to no trivial matter. The man who suc- 
ceeds in that line mtist be poesessed of rare 
physical etrength, remarkable staying pow- 
ei8 and indomitable pluck. To theee by 
no means cammon qualities mtist be added 
proper training and a due amount of ex- 
perience. Even then tbe ohances of achiev- 
ing marked success are not ovemumerous. IjOt 
walking be assiduously cultivated, and let the 
aspirant for pedeetrlan honore strive as iierslst- 
ently as he pleases to beat tbe best recorded per- 
formances; but at tbe same time let him con- 
tent himself with the aattofactlon which hto 
private elforts bring. Thto should be reward 
enough without seeking to get his bread and 
butter out of pedestrlontom. 

settling their differences In their own peculiar 
way, a few daya ago, in tke U. B. Benate, what 
would the assembled wtodom ot the nation have 
thought of it bod the police entered, captured 
prlncipato as well aa spectators, and toted them 
to the calaboose? -And yet the Senators were as 
guilty ot an Infraction ot the low as were tbe 
manly onlsu who were eo unceremonlonsly gob- 
bled up In this city early on the morning ot Feb. 
33, which, being tbe anniversary ot Washington's 
birthday, madethe whole thing more humiliating 
to them. We can see no difference tietween the al- 
leged offense ot the artists Cobnm and Qoodwln 
and those of Senators Conkllng and Bumslde. 
"Slog hey, the gallant brnisen tbat thay are." . 

yranx waleiho a thousand miles in o thou 
sond hours along the East Btver front one day last 
week we paused before o coasting- veesel under- 
going the operation of unloading. The boss steve- 
dore came ap Just then, and thereupon ensued 
this dialogue : 

Stntiare (lookliig down Into tbe hold).— How 
many ot ysi down there? 

Jl<m -BsZoio.— There's five of tiB. 

Slaedore.—'WtM, )>aV ot yez come up here. 

WHEN A wxaJLTBT MAK "shnffles Ot thls mor- 
tal ooU" under tbe Influenoe ot dellrlnm-lrem- 
ens. It Is politely mentioned In the local papers 
as a dispensation of Providence; bnt when a poor 
unlortnnole dies, struggling tn tba gutter, nnder 
K like "Inflnanes," the aame papers reeord th* 
event as "Another boirlble death tiom the teirl- 
We effects ot nwfu-fjtof' 

l»TT.T.Tt-»T» zxPEBiB are getting their game down 
to aa One a point as basebaU-pIayeis have sno- 
ceeded In getting onr national game; and, should 
the new code submitted by THE OLUPUtlost week 
to adopted in billiard aUoles, ths game will then 
posseM as much Inteieet tor tbe spectators as tor 
tbe principals In a-9atoIt.and that Is What we 
are striving tor. 

It's A wonKE that Boston Isn't swallowed ap 
by an earthanake, ths people are ao tembly 
wlokedthere. itto bow said that ssTetaltaml* 
lla have been serlonhly tnjored by eating pork 
and* toans In wtiuh some manlao had snbsti- 
tntad pAbblfrAooai tor Iwia, TUo, too, la an 
eniigbteMCl onuavBitrr 

Aptbb all the talk to theeflsot that "the Chinese 
must ge^'. It now appears that Jia ean slay, Presl. 
dent Habas* veto.l(Ki|bg glvat^S^^l^itsw lease 
et lite, aqit: saiaefclteilwaii fjiip.'-n/ssiinng that 
the beaBiiM>fghtliaTe.beed aii! Atghiat a Zuli^^ 
or a' FreikdCq^;,*<liiit gre at ly to h|y rgedlt, tor 
be.blmseit bosn^lt, he 

WHATXTBB.aiyqauf«||ement ;ve may have given 
to other agtAtla ivorta, we esnaot look with favor 
upon raoea.betweeo eanal-boots, itor In saoh trials 
ot speed tbe llvee ot passengers are serlou^fy 
jeopordlaed, and omelty to the horses to another 
objeotlanable feature. Better stop It. 

TEE pabtt Who sent us a treah mackerel, and 
tried to impoee it upon us as the first shad ot the 
season, "had better not do It again,' as he is 
known." We have not lived near an aquarium 
these many years wlthont being able to tell 
hawk from a heron. ^' 

la. vnw ot the-probable soorelty ot pesnbes 
next Btmuner, oansed by the coming deetraoUoii 
o; trees by the late tnela. It may be well for onr 
trlands to Imow that the oiUy way to preserve 
tnut Is to keep It off the table. 

Kew BooES— "Ancient Gnnners ^ter Women,' 
a sequel to "Koden Fishers ot Hen;" "Afloat In 
New York," a. eonUnnotton of "Drift trom 
Halne:"'«Hesds of ths People." by the author ot 
"Tales from the German." 

Now. while wintry winds are blowing and the 
toce ot the eorth ond the water Is covered with 
snow ond lee, to the time to moke up your mind 
OS to where you will spend next Bummer's vaca- 
tion. _ _ _ 

Whbb a febsoh makes np his mind to "take 
things as they come," It were totter tor the oanse 
of honesty and morality that be to atonee IB' 
terred In the silent Tombs I 

HoBE Oboxltz.— natural batterfllee, mounted 
on a spiral pin. ore need aa ornaments tor the 
hair. A socldy tor lbs prevention ot omelty to 
inseots Is now in order. 

AK AoniuuLXUHAi, PLOWKAK Of the raging main 
aasorea us tliat "while large ahlpa may safely 
plow the ocean, they would to quite useless for 
that puri>oee on a farm." 

Hb was a noble philanthroptot. and wouldn't 
cmsh a worm, yet he would go home and, with a 
thoughtless expression, crush the hearts ot hto 
wife and children, 

Fbom CALonrrA we leam that the Fanjaub Is 
greatly In need of rain. Horo Is a chance for the 
Paracraphers' Association ot Pun-Jobbers to get 
their work In. 

TBE AUSTBAXIAN cliamplon sculler, Trlckott, 
lost tlio trick at the lata regatta down there, and 
he wants anoiher pull agaloat hto victorious op. 

SIXCE the Pullman Palace-car Company de- 
faulter was sentenced to ten years' Imprisonment, 
t le small boy co longer wanto to be an Angell I 

TnEUE waaanollier dam burst In Kew Joraey the 
other (lay, end It may bo proper to remark In this 
connection that Wo "never use a big, big D, 

"OOB Jim" proiwses to eat one thousand whole 
pics In one thousand quarter hours. It anybody 
will find the i)les. _ 

DEAT H'a lM)INti». 

Weekly XtecorA ox tlie Deoeaae of 
X»r-oiiilxi«nt Xxicll-vl<luAls. 


' AKDERSON, Jama»-LeaK csaneeted with the National 
Bank of Yhrlnls Tflrhmonil. Ta_ Pab. tf. 

ASH. Dr. Josnaa W.— A ptsmtoeat pbyslelan of Phila- 
delphia, Pa. Hewasoaeofaiamilyof nmatsen ahUdren 
~then, Feb. 16. aged 78. 

AX.I. whan Ilia Ameer of -A/etaanlstan— Dlapsteh tnm 
Cabal Feb. II, seed M. 

A I.BB O^Patienee A eantanarlan- Poatar, B. L, Feb. 

"biSoKa, Dr. M.— la old and prominent physlolaa of 
MatfUoB, lad.— tbara. Pah^ XT. 

HROLAMD, P um a sot TIeior— Por nearly fhrty yaana a 
ri ii la ssi n as us I<yea* Chartemagna— raila, Piaaoa, FebL 
9. agadTS 

BABTI.Brr, J.— One of tbe aaalllilssl laal aslsis 
MMn la Kair HampsMr^llaiwheMar. IT. H., Pah. 19. 

BBoVlftBdwto I,.— A wan-fcaewB maaathetarai of Ru- 
ladatphla. Pa., and a pnmlnaat member ot ths Maaonle 
otdar-thaf% Pab^ jr, wad O. 

BOltOAUlNBB. Jaeob O ^ raUred iiismniil <d Phila- 
delphia. Pa.— than, Pabb, & 

BODniB, Or. Jaaa K— A wall-haawn pbyslelan ef PhUa- 

BOrtOllP. Mra. Bboda— A — at Kaw Washlag- 
tsB.nark Oonaty.Ind. It iBsald that aha always told 
bar ehUdnn that a&e would I " - 

- lllvatob*ahandr«dy**nold 
and tban die. and she kept bar weed, dying altar bsTlag 

— ■ ■ " - ana hoadndth birthday— 

ran twenty day* bavood bar 
tharsk rab 11, aged un, 

BLAtSDBI,LT7. R.— Aratlr. 

hill. Mssa-tbna, reb.ll ag«d at 

cf Haver- 

BBDFOBD, Oaom Aogoscoa— A British admlral-.8yd- 
eabam. Eng., Peb. 11, aged 70. 

BAILT. EBcr— A promtoanlraaldaBt or Wamn Onaty. 
Ohio, when b* had filled many oflloaa ol tnst— Waynsa- 
vUls. O.. FsK It, and 7a 

BOTH WELIh Judge Jamaa T.— A pnmlnaat Uwyar ol 
Angosla. Oa.— there. Pab. SI. agti a. 

BbAKK" Cbartea PMIao — ^eac-eemmaadar In tba 
Unltad fltatet XsTy- North Flatto, N*b.. Pab. 20, scad SS. 

BABODCK. Borase H.— Loogeoonectad with the Boston 
and •Ihany Ballrasd— Albauy, N. T.. Feb. ts 

BOTER. Mia. Maraant— A cantaaarlan— PhlladalDhla. 
Pa.. Feb. a, aged 100. ^ 

OLAKg. Alexander— One of the earlltst aattlsra ot 
Crown Point. lod.. where be bad slace oecuplsd a proml- 
neat iMauIon— there. Feb. 73. 

CAVBLO:). Ctasrles — One of the o1de«t membetm of tha 
Stock Bichaom ol PblladelDlila, Pa, and forbalfaoan- 
tnrr idannOeu with tba commercial and a..»-i«i interests 
of tbat city— there. Fab. a. aged 71. 

CADT, Coloael Wlllltm H.— The mansrer of tbe Siark 
Hnosa. Beuulcgton, VL. aod bad nerred witb dtntlDC 
ilou la tbe last war. He was a pollilcisa of considerable 
local repa'atlon, aod took a leadloir part In tbe Heoolnc- 
ron Ci'atenalal memorial ceremooles a year sco— there, 
Feb. S4. aged 40. 

RLiAU.SdN. Olio J.— A promlorot youog lawyer of tbls 
dtr-hne. Feb. 2S. sEed 3». 

DEKUARD, Cbsrles W.— Tbe Recorder of Deeds of La 
8a'l> Connly. III.— Ottawa, III.. Feb. 2«, aged 47 

DEL FBADO, Rlcanlo — A well- known mftniber of the 
8*T#ath R«wlment, N. S. N. Y., end of the Masuulc 
order ol lhl« city— here. Feb. 2S. 

DAVID.soN, Cnl. Charles A.— A proiolnant lawyer of 
Leilnrtoo. Va, who had HerrcO lo the Cwnfcderate srmy 
-riinon Rprln|:>. X. T.. Feb. 2i 

DAVIS, her. E. S.— A Bartbt clerpymsn of irtlca, S. V., 
wlio bad been for many yasrs principal of the Adrsnced 
School — there. Feb. 77. 

OETa:^ Col. Wm. S — A llnuteaint colonel la tbe 
Coofaderata Army, rlnloe IVom tha ranks as a prlrata— 
Wilmlogtoo, N. C, Fab. a, sgad sv. 

DE BHITO. Conitelheiro Joariultn Msrcelllos— An em|. 
neot lawyer ol Rio Jsnerlo, being PTesldaotof tbei>upreme 
Trliianitl of Justice— there, Jan. 27. seed 80. 

ELMS, William— An old railroad man, for seTeral years 
rosdmastar oa tbe Bangor sad Piscataquis Railroad— 
D-iTer. Me.. Fab. 34. 

FLINN, Jsmea— Ooe ot the pioneer aettlen In the vicin- 
ity of Cineiaaatl. O.— Co1amhla,0., Feb. 14. 

FRENCH. Isaac v.— A wall kuown lawyer of this city— 
here. P«h 50, aaad 34. 

FBEEBAN, WlllLsm— A well. known lawyer and author, 
and pmhabW th* oldest trrmdiiikto of Uarrard Cotlaoa— 

CheiryOeld, Me., Feb. II, aged 9B. 

OALLAGHBH. Cbarles— Aweil.kuown clllzsnol Clocln. 
nsti, O., for tbe past thirty yeani He was one of the 
fouodars of the Friendly Sona of St. Patrick of that city, 
and was well known in tarl-clrclaa la the Booth aod West 
— ibm. F«b. 14, aaad M. 

OUIDI, Cardinal Plllppo Maria-Ooe ofthe fire )ilah*at 
dlgnltsrlpa of tbe Rarred College ofRome, Italy— San Slita, 
Italy. Feb 2S, aaad 69. 

O ARBABRAKT, ComaUas P.— A pTOmloeut polltlclau of 
Morrlnown. N. J. , who bad held serara! odlces and rapre- 
rauted bla district for two tarma In the Lmrlslatun— there, 
Feb 23. scad U. 

HADtKXJK. Msjor William— The editor nf The Cham- 
paiffn Ttousff— Chsmpalga, Til., Feb. 37. aaad &9. 

OLBASON, Henry F — A wall. known citizen of Byracuee, 
N. T — tbare. Mareh i. 

HOTTBKISS, Ellaha D — An old and reapected elUuu ol 
Cioaopati. o , where his father was formerly Mayor- 
then. Fob. 21 aoed «7. 

BALLENBECE. Jacob R— Ona of the best-known men 
In Columbia County, N. T., where he bad held offlcos of 
public trust for nssriy forty yaara— Oreeoport, N. 7., Fab. 
24. aaedTD. 

HOOK. Henry W—K mueh-raspected oltluo of PhUa- 
delphla. Pa —there, Feb. V. 

HABKEtX, Aiansou— Thelanltorol Dattmouth College 
for forty yaara— Hanorar, N. H.. Fab. 25, aead 80. 

H46UB0UCK. Boo. A. Bniyn- A prominent lawyer of 
Etocflton. N. Y.. wbo npresantad bis district la Courreas 
In 1823, and to ISiO was elected president of Rntaer's Cel. 
t»ve. a position ha held for ten yean— Kingston. N. Y . 
Feb. a, axed 88 

JACKMAM, Oan. Alonto— A profeaaor of tba Norwich 
Uoireralty, and Its flist graduate— Norwich, Vl, Feb. 24 
aged 70 

KRIRB9. Captain neors'— Ona of the oldest realdants 
of Clarion Countr, Pa.— Beaver City. Feb. 27. aged 79. 

ERaPOTEINE, I'nnoe— OoTernor of Cbarkoff, Russia— 
th're. Fob. 27. 

KADLBACB. Rberlir- A wall.known citizen of Lnban- 
bun. W. 8.— Balicax, N. a, Feb. 25, aged 84. 

EOBN, Oeonte B.— A ntlrad merchant of Boston. 
Mass.- there. Feb 21, aged SI 

LOHMAN. O. P. — A wall.kBown Oermau drucRlst of 
demand, O.— there, Feb. 23^ 

MCDOWELL, Hamlllon— Aoex-trayor ot Bnrllngton, N 
J. He was a native of Baltimore, Md, and tor many yean 
was a leading practitioner of medicine In tbat city, wban 
be amassed a large Ibrtana He ntlied some yean ago 
and aclaeted a home In Burlngton, K. J., wban he waa 
alaeied to Ihe Common CouneU and to tbe chlef-maolstracr 
ot that cIty-Barlingtoa. N. J , Feb. Zl, aged 75. 

MOVE JR., Nathaniel B.— An ex-Clty Judge of Brook- 
Irn. N. T., wboM name was promluently befon the public 
dortog the Beeoher-Tllton tilsl— Brocjuyn, N, T,, Fab. 22, 
sgad 40. 

XULTE, Sabastlan— A walUknown eltisan of Baltimore, 
Md.— then. Feb. 21, aged 7». 

MABBDItT. Gilbert Jafk«m-A aon o( a wsll-known 
lawyer o( this city, who had been In the Dnltad Siatea 
Navy for many yean as captain's deik. He died of yal- 
low-fevsr-RIn Janeiro. Jan. 18, tg«d 3<. 

.S."!;''?^ ?i • wealthy merahaat ofthu 

city, but, havlog met with nveraaa In bnslneas. be had 
la-ely held a poaltlon to ths Oostom.boose— Brooklyn, N. 
T.. Feb. 17. ^ 

MoCLUBE.Dr. Dexter-One oltheoldeatand moat prom- 
inent Dhynelans of Scott County, Ind.. when ha had pnc- 
Ucad Ihr orsr thbtr years— Austto, Ind., Feb. M. 

MADBB. Leopnid-A JnomaiM, tdtmariy editor of The 
'"SiS^.^'V-^*""^ Neb., Feb. 11. ag«l aa 

MKTE^ Cu>t F J.-An old and respected eltlian of 
Canton. O —than, Feb. 23, aged Tit 

HcOBATH, Mn. Mary— A oantanailaa, who had navar 

dDnBgharloDg nie,prev1oai to a fottnlgbt ago.*xpatl- 
aooed an hoarra alcksaaa. She was a naan ol Iralaad. and 
had 1|^*<l uttt" daring the pait tiraniy-ilz year^ 

ISobiTAIN'.^uh^ promtoent dtlisn orPhDadslphla, 

FLfSBd pnudcnt of tb# Tj^im^^fwa^f n^i limxuiMCook- 
panyrtr^tetty-then. Feb. a, M«d 64. 

McCDTOBSN. Benry H.— A teaser ot eloeadon to thla 
eUrtor nearly forty yean, and who had giran elocnllon- 
ary tostraetloa to a long sneoemloa af towyos sad clern- 
m a o here. Feb . 17, aged 59. 

M^UTBlWH, AaroB-Depaty-eoUeetcc af Kewark. N. 
J.— there. Mareh 1, aged eo. 

lOLTIN, WUllam-A plonaarHttln ot WallivDI*. 0.— 
thaia, yw>. ■>, aaedStU 

MooABVET, Etyan— A eantanarlan. who had Dved loos 
aooahtDraa^avnge IM toeaehof tht*aeoantiie*-In 
land Am ~ 

laad, Sootland and Amsnea. He wkj aald to ba the oldest 
nae Mason to th* Cnitad ntsta* TimilinTla. By., icanib 
1, aa*d lis, 

tOOBOD. John M.—A. wiD-kBon ntrehaat of nUsdel- 
phlBiPo., wban h* had b**a ta baataaaaaaaaaddlarand 
maaaftataiOT ^nllltair Boeda ts ovac torty yaan- 
t han. P»h . »L sgsd Til, ■ 

BBWTOB, flelaBKm— A i ss u e uls d ettlita er imrocd. Flk 
HaleavaaSvasMiriand two liroth*n.whca* ages sgm- 
g«S™««S5-Mnted. Fa.,P»b.«,*gad7S. "^—^ 
_BBWlU aB,8a lgMa-A vataatoair angaea ef B*w>i*, 
I. J.. sM doiMtts IsK vsr vstalaaiT KiiscB4taSS 
ot B«w tmmr troois-Hmnik, B. f., Psb. aTacadlBi 


1 1 


- toTbSiSHlllllU 
, ^« ay. • --^ 

^__B.—Fa>'tety yaan a minuter of the 

er»a»>ip^fl>«p h — r u fsio wn. Pa.'Peh S. aaad (8. 
PAIiUSINB, AnbimaDdnt*— Th* head el the Baaatan 
acBlaataattsal mlaalepln Chhi^ Daring the many yean of 
h9 raridsDea at Pakla - ha la aald to tiave gained a m on th 01^ 
oaah hBsMadga of ths hiitary. pbUoaophy, and nllginni 
(rt Ohlaa than was poMssed by any other Bmspoan scholar 
— MaiaaOIaa, Piano*, rseastly. 

FUnUB. Peter J On* of tbe flnt settlen of Sonivaa 

Oamty. M. T.. and said la be 108 ysan old HI < brother, 
bahavad to be 110 yean old. Is still Urlng— White Laka. B. 
T.. Pab, sa 

PABKBR. Janea 8.— A walLkonwu hotel proprietor, 
formally conuected with tha Aator Hous* of this city— New 
Badfoi^ Mssa, Pah. B. 

POOL, OeoTge D.— A tnomtoent eltisan of Tniraha<h 
Cltv. M. O.— there. Peb JT. aaad M 

PB&liaoif. Qeone-Oneof thaoldeatand most la ei iae ta d 
dtii ana o f Ttoalaad, W, J,— there, Feb. & 

RATTBNBERT. WinUOn— A Ta<«rv> ot the War of IgU— 
Pnlat Plaassat. W. Ta , Fab. 14, agedSI. 

SHY. Dr. J. L.— A well.knowu pbTslclan of Williamson 
Coooty. Tenn. Ha waa a captain In th* T vaatleth Teo- 
naawa Raaimant lo tha lata war— than. Pab. 16. aiad IP. 

BHEPPABD, Dr. Hontlo Davis— An old JoamaIls^ Iwt- 
tarlnown aa tbe fonnder nf the flnt penny paper pab- 
llahad to this city— The jromtoo Rut— lu 18A ths publl- 
oanoD of which waa dhcoatlaaad with thafparteeoth nam- 
ber. ' Dr. Sbepnard was a man well known to many old 
New-Torkera. but the latter yean of his llfk appear lobars 
bean spent In eomnsntln povsrty and obscurity- hsn. 
FehltagedTO ^ 

SHBtAON. Willis 01— A wan-known yonna oncanlrt. wbo 
at an aarlv ace had maalfaatad ran mualcal talaat, aad 
made bis flrst appesr<aca at a pa bile cOnent In Soaton In 
ISM. balM than butflOaen yean old— hen. Feb. BLaged 23 

SQU1BB8, Bohmt— Tbe preaidaBt foraaranl yean of tba 
Thlrd-aavnaa Company of this'elty— hers. Fab. 

aa gadM > 

BAWTBO. JsKaa B. — A promlnant dtlsan of Dover, K. 
B., wban he had bean th* aeeond Mayor aleoted. and had 
npreaented bis dlatnot In tha Slata Lealslaton for alavan 
yaan and had held other offloseeftrnst-than, Feb. 17. 

BMITH, Miehael 0.— Well known ai a ipottnntn and 
backer of racing boraa*. and hia hotel at OiaanTina. N. J. . 
badbeea for a quarter ol a century a favorite raaart for 
aporting man. Tha title of "Oovamor" waa otvaa to htm 
nvaraJ yean ago at Tnntca, wbexa, aa a leader la the 
lobby, he tmarkably toflaeaoad tha taaaagement of lagls- 
latl V Mil s-diaanTlfls. N. J.. Feb. 17. 

SMITH, EsaUal B.— One of tha oldaat aad moat pmm- 
hunt lawycn of Chicago, TTL. wban ba had been practlo- 
tosiormon tban a qnaitaraf a eaatsry— tbata, Feb. a, 

*^BIBNBII.FnokM.-Tba1>*paty United Stotaa Cel- 
leetor for Marlon. 0.— there, Peh S. 

SUTTON. Dr. WHIIs B —A pnmlnant yomg physician of 
Aurora. Ind.— there, Feb. 14, aged SL 

BTODDABD. Susan R— An aatnss profkcdoeally known 
as Sosan Flood, and who flirt aapeand at lam Keane's 
Tbaatn, In tbiaeity— BostiMS. Masa. Pab. V 

SYMIliaTON. Rav. Dr. WUIIam-A diattoanlahsd Boot, 
ilsh minlater and pio l eas ot of thedoay at Olaagow Unl 
Teralty-Olatiw Anotland. Fab. 9. aaad (4. 

STeINER, John P.— A wealthy and iiiwanrtil Importor 
of Philadelphia, Pa., and trsasuiar of the Peim Oaa Coal 
Co.— than, Pab. 17. aged 69. 

8IPFA, Thomas F.— AwellkDOwnoHlaaBorFblladslphla, 
Pa — ihara. Pab. 34, aged SI. 

THORhTON. Austlo— A waP.known enlomd servaot at 
tba military baadqnartara, San Antonio, ^xas, fiir many 
yaara— than, Feb. 10. 

THORPE, Rav. Mother Antonloaa— 8nparioraaa of tha 

Domlpletn Convent ol thi Holy Bniry of this city— hen, 

TARTTAR. Carl Lnnia— A aaptrlntsoilent and asrnt for 
the PhlUdelnbIa, Wllmlnaton and Baltlmon Railroad 
Company at Philadelphia, Fa— there, Feb. 26, aged 47. 

TAILLANDTER. Sr. R*ne— An eminent French ednc^tor 
and Jnurnallflt. whore Ufa bad been paased In tha Inntruo. 
tlon nt youth flIIIng the position of profaf or at Htnuhiirg, 
Wontpalllar and Sorbnnne. r#«i>«>ctlva1y. aince 1841— Paris, 
France, cable dispatch dated Feb. 24, aged 6L 

TRANTER. R«r. WillUm— A eantanarlan. wbo ant*r«d 
th« W^layan mlnUtrr In 1601 and alnee that lima 
had labored aimoat Incessantly in diflerant circuits of 
U*>'hodl«ni— Salisbury, Eng., recently, ag^d 102. 

THURNAUER. Max— A prominent and wealthy cltl20n 
of rinrlnoatl. O.— there, Peb. 25. aged 59. 

TAN' KOSTRANn. John A —A raaldant of OreenTllla. 
N J., wbo U "aid to haro b*an tha oriTlnal ofj^ck la 
"Thi* Tnnoeantii Abroad" — Jacbaonvllla. Fla. Fab. M. 

VAIL, Beni\mla— An old pioneer of Aum-a, lad., where 
he op«o«.1 tbe flrat dniR atoT^— there. Fab. 33. 

TAK TL'YL, Abraham J.— A soldier ol the War of 1.';|2, 
w^o h«d licen In buvlnPM an a bajilcet.malrer f'^r manr 
raara In the suburos of FhUsdelplila, Pa —then, Feb. 26, 

WaFLH^. Jamea W. — A prominent marina engineer of 
rbllailelntiia, Pa., who had acted aa UnltM fita'p* lnxp<w^. 
or ol boll^ra and cnalocs at that port Cram lSS9told£d- 
tn>ra. Feb. 24 aged 71. 

WOOOCROFT. Profeaaor Bomat— For nearlT half ■ 
centnrv connected with the Eajtllnh Patent-office, and 
formarly prnlcaaor of machlnerr at Cniveralty Colleiie, 
l.onHon, Fnr.— London. Enr., Fab. 7, aged 76. 

WINOATB, Air Oaona— A marlatnta for BampHhIre, 
Eng., who had rendered great servlres lu aettllog upon an 
aqnltable basU the land.tai and landed tenures of the 
fiomhav Frealdancr- Farcham. Eng.. Fab. 7. aged 67. 

WRIOBTO.H. W. B.— noeol the oldest mamben nt tha 
Houae 01 Commona Bnaland, having repraeanted North 
AllertoB for thlrty^ne coaaecDtlre yeai»-London, Eng., 
Fab. 10. agad 90. 

WRIOUT. Netlah-(<ald to be the o'dent hank-note en 
greverin this coouQy. having heeu angaaad la tba buBl- 
neas over filty-two yaara Be waa tha treasurer nf tha 
Amertean Bank-oote Company for many year*— hen, Feb. 
26. aaad 7A 

WILLIAMS. Heary— 4 pioneer nttler of Milwaukee. 
Wla.. wban ba ainaaaad a lana fortBDa In marcantUa and 
t«al.astata ventnrea— theia, Peh S, aged 7^ 

YABNBLL. Mordeal— A profaaaoT conneeled with the 
Naval Obaarristary at Washington. D. C— Oeorgetown. D. 
O., Peb. 17. seed O. 


Detaila oftha aealien' raea batwaaa WllUam Blllott aad 
John HIgBlaa Itor the championship of Bioglaao, S4V and 
rhaa>aT<»m ehallaBganp.on tha Tyna. Feb. 17 (the 
raaolt of wlueh ha* already heaa gtvaa), an piaaented ba- 
law: Both men looked to splendid eondltlaa. especially 
Elllatt, wbo sealed only 157B, aad Hlggtoa wslghed aa 
naaily as poaalbla IttB. Then waa men flddlliig at tha 
Stan than usual, caossd thraogh BlUott's sanrsMto get 

away, and thisa tlmaa to a sssliai he brake away aloaa 

Then HInlna brake away, and altar another Ikin 
attempt thay flually etartad on avan tsraa, thoagh 
If aaythtog Elliott had tha boot of IC gstttog taBarhold of 
the water. In consaqosuce he dnre the ncea of his boat 
at ooea to the fon. and. rawlag 40 to Blgglus' 98, gatoed 
Inch by laoh. Blggtos stearad rather aa eiTauo eooisa 
Car taa fliai lOO yards, and the two beam wan soon 
wide apart, Ellloct rawing to midstraam light to 
the awlog of tha tlda. Blllott waa hall a length ahead 
befora thay had gone WO yards, aad thiabe tooMMd to 

a length at Wrlaa' " 


rora thay had gone WO yards, aad thiabe tooMMd to 
leo«tb_at Wylas' Qaay. From this potot to the 
Lanar Ban, Hlgaioa kept cloaa In ahora, and Blllott 
lead to 

aapt ' 



and a half, bat BIggtoa, sporting plncklly, onca'again 
Elllott'a laid to a laagth. Havaithalen, tbe 

Northeroer, laapoodlng to his opposent's effort, succeeded 
In naaalag uadar the Radhengh Bridge (a trtSa over half a 
mile from tbe siart>— time n>. 4(k.— a length and a half 

ahead. This advantage be aflarwaids tocreaaed. Cooper's 
Ruira wen reached In 4m. S9e , and the ralle-post (when 
Elliott had a clear length abead) lu Sm. 6a. to the stntch 
from Rlr William A iuisuuii g s Works, Blllott, although 
he bad prvrloosly reoelred the oflloe u "aaayl*' waa row. 
log S, and Hlgglas ooly 38, and having Increaseil hla lead to 
three leoathaL be raved ngbt in fTunt of HIagtns. alvtog blm 
the beneflt of his backwash. The race (hiinibla potot to ths 
nnlsh waa menly a procvaalon. and Elliott eveotuslly pad* 
died ouder tbe Suspeoalon Bndge at Scooiwood tba winner 
by aboat four leogtba Elllott'a time lor a mile and a half 
wasOm. 4a; for two miles, 12m. 16s.; to Pandlae Qoav 
I5m.43s : and for theentlredlKtance.ZIm. la — wonderlblly 
isHt time, though not tha bai*t 00 record. Elliott came In 
tor an orallon when he came 00 board tha umplre'aateam 
er, aud seemed highly pleased at his easy victory. A 
good collection was made for Hlggina, wbo counts nesr- 
ly as many fHen.l9 In the Morth aa In tha South, 
and there wsj; but one opinion expressed before the race, 
namel.r, tbat tbe bast man would win, and eneh undoubf. 
ediy waa the cane. lllgRina rowed, as ha always docmu 
splendid style, and persevered ricbt up to tba end, but 
was orermatched for pace this time trom start to OnWh. 
.should the two men meet again, which appeaiR rery un. 
likely, there In nothlae lo Indicate that the result would 
be rerrnvA Tlie illstaoce rowed wan about three miUs 
and a half^tralghlaway, wind and tide lu lavor of the man. 
Uanlan waa a (|>ecralor oftha reca. and was much pleated 
wlui the recaptloa he met with. Ruferec, Jobu Ireland. 

On Monday, Fab. 24. Capt. Paul Bojton atartad from 
ritubuTg. Pa., at 9 a m. on his trip to New Orleans He 
nached Rochester at 5 36 r. 31., and at 8 o'clock leclored 
at New Brighton, two miles diMsat. Be eacountered 
witrae Ic* In cba Ohio this day than any in tha Allechany 
and was much fatlKucd from hla Isborlooa erTurts. On tbe 
26th, St East Liverpool, thirty.ttre miles l^om Pittsburg, 
he was suddenly ckiight to a mass of heavy cakes of led 
and badly aqueezad. He tried to Are hla gnu and 
oiva tha alarm, hut It was covered with Ice and uUetly 
uwleas. He then began to aie a small axe which he 
always camea, aud aAer a aavere struggle he got latoclear 
water and waa soon oa tha bank. Ho was talcau to Wells- 
villa, tba D*u«at town, and irlTan madlcal traatment thar*. 
}o the 28th he was anffloieatlv recovered to proceed on his 
onruay. aud arrived at Wheeling, W. Va., at 3 r. X. Near, 
r two thousand peraons awaited hla arrival at the levee. 
""S lltarally ohokad with heavy lefrfloea. 

and the Capuin eiperleacsd mauy tlibt snoeetaa oa bis 
perllnua Journey. Ha lectured lu tbe Opera-house tbat 
nlgh^and was to have lelt far Bellalre, O.,at3J0r. u. 
HBlcb L 

Cbobob HosngR's BSnnr, at lusUtute Bail, Fast Cam. 
bndge. Mass.. Feb- 25, waa largely atteuded, many of thoae 
present being ladle*. Tbe aporting portion of ths enter, 
tainment embraced exhibitions ou the Heeuan patent 
rowing machines by Franchy Johnsou, Daolel F Sulllvaa. 
•'i- '"fP*°j.'' j?- Mahonay, Alex. Braley.and Boamerlu 
•loglaktBe Gooklas aad McOahey aud Hoemerto purai 
and the craws of the Ohalaaa. MIddleaex, Lakemao. Boston 
and Bast f^mbrldgeClubs lo loon Sloglug, dancliig. reel. 
taUous and a Ana fillao out the programme. 

EOWsRD Habliv, champion (caller, pravlooa to laav- 
log this olcy lor Biisland, reilgned bimaalf to the tender 
mercies ofihat rtHled photognphic artist Sarony. who 
has produced a life-like and flnely-exeouted bust picture, 
to clUzeas dress, of the Canadian wonder. It is totandsd 
for a frame 24x201a., aud U probably tbe flneai picture ol 
au oanman ever taken la thla country. 

Lavoocb vs. TRtcKBTT.- A dispatch t:om San Fnnela. 
ff' ?M ' f •*' '*' "V- "Advtoss trom Sydney sute 
that the ebamploo race, <hr the belt and a gold medal. 
SSVriSS.™"^^' and "Laycock was won by the latter 
The former aubaeqaenUy challenged Laycock to another 
contest for £ajo." Malf aUvlcea MntalaW^cS« S 
this raea wUI he awaited with mach toteresL 

Tag Cbicaoo qtt.) Tacbt Club held a meeting Feb. 
23, wbea Commodon Bredley took occasion to lectnre the 
memben upon the lax peiformaoce of their doUea The 
Tseancy caused by tbe reshmaUon ofS. H. Flamming was 
fliled by the electloa of H. P. GrUwoId. "•"'"^"aa 

illiV"^ y^^A"* r™"* S"™*"'" toafh 1» to beds 
•^.^y^^'f? " Jl^b 10. Both man ware reported to be 
well Feb^19, the date of our latest advIca^ and Rosa was 


A ntnra main of cocka between parties repteaentlug 
SchenectadvandTroy.N. T., was fought laapltlSatSS 
loanouMlitho-way piacaa few mUM lh)m the 
city on the night ot Feb. 27 and early moraing 01 the SSih: 
The conditions were that each side should^ibow Mtm 
f^" ^i2!"5 61b Uoz, and 41b 401.. and flght all that leM 
to for tlOO a battle and (600 the mala, aad imirlJie weigh- 
lEf .■Si""*'^ 'wnB'' throogh with It was toSbd 
that the mam was to couslst of eleven battles The ftl- 
lowing. reeapltulaUon tells tbe story of the nigbt's unig- 
gle to small space: ^ .■•—a 


1. Blackred.... 

2. <Iny 

& Beodom'k... 

t. Reddom'k... 

Dirkred. .. 
.Blackred. . 
.Hanny .... 

.Spangle ... 

6. BIteknd. Blackred 

6. Beddom^.. .. White dom'k. 
6. Llgbtred Wbltetall..... 

8. Qny Black.rad.... 

9. Grey LIghtrsd .... 

la Blackred. Benny 

11. Blackred Bleeknd. 

Behaaaetady. 7: boy.t. 

X*. Om. Wen bf. n>. «. 

. 6 10 Schenectady 11 OO 

. 6 12 Troy I to 

■ * }J,'n>y 1 18 

.\l gjSchenectady 7 00 

'{4 is I Schenectady 3 00 

. 8 OB Schenectady 8 » 

* 04 Ttoy. 24 00 

(6 071 
16 081 

|BchaaeetBdy 8 OO 

6 — Bebeneotady 8 00 

5 — Tny ■.. 1 80 

6 01 Bnhenectady 20 n 

«A S955°? "if* J*"?*' »t 'ensy City Haigbti Feb. 
B. PotUand, Ma, and Bogton. Masa^ batoa eombto^ 
agalwP«heater,NewHampshln. Tie^SaiU^TOS 
toahowUiIrtcea eoeks a ilArwelghta naatoir tein^S 
*>!. to 6» apx., ud fight an that feiTm. iWoTiSStiff »£ 
*S^3*'>S" 'HI?'' coiiplea m^itehad 
and taabt. Haw Bampahin wtoning nx, MaMdhnaeM 
and Mate thna. Tha battle* ware inU^eo^oudaS 
hard fbnght from flnt to last. "-u »uii.«i»b ana 

WBsnoBsnB Kbbbbl Club,— The third awraa) bench- 
i^ow udar the aasplesa of thla dnh to the meSwoUawui 
behaldatonmore's Gaidaa Ann C ST^IililbSS avan 
«gortwillb».made by th* mau^eLmt & mfSua'S^ 
ahen atvn to pnvloaa yeaiTTS azhlhl 
miyd Byth* rule* neantly adoptad^?^* ™^>jgu 
ud Wartmtostar Olab*.ud a sale* of mindni^if 
ttona, tafcoaatlca eosnatntog which naiStSS&^a^Si 

I wffl daaa_I(Bi^ 28. Than win be ninsty-two 



Through the eourteeyot the gentlemanly and 
nnaasnming young Engltohman who has been 
thought gtwd enough to send across the broad 
Atlanllo 10 try and irtn book the belt held by 
Oliampton O'Leary, we are thto week enabled 
to present to our readers a portrait ot ObarlBS 
Bowel], the aame being a reproduction of a 
picture which he. by onr reqnest, sat for on 
Monday morning, March 8. A sketch ot hto 
career before the public will be found npon 
anoiher page. As regards the result ot the ap- 
pmooblnjg contest, while evidently qnlte eonfl- 
dent as to the Issue, Bowell to tar trom boasttul, 
simply saying that It tslr play to guaranteed 
him, as he has no doubt will be the case, he feels 
capable ot doing a big pertonaonee: and It he 
can't win, he thinks he won't be tor behind the 
victor. His appearance and maimer cannot but 
Impress very tavorably all who meet him. 

Vpon another page appears on ortlole relating 
to the competition which to to take place at Oll- 
more's Oarden, this olty, next week, commencing 
at 1 A. Monday, March 10, and ending at 11 
p. K. 16, between Daniel O'Leur of Ohioago, 111., 
Charles Bowell ot Cambridge, Eog., Oliarlea Har- 
rlman ot New York, and John Ennto ot Chicago, 
the same belnir tbe third oonteet for the posses- 
sion ot the Astley belt emblematic ot the cham- 
pionship of the world. The articles of agree- 
ment OS drawn up in London, signsd by 
Buwell, and torwarded to the office ot The 

Tvrff t\tld ond flirm for O'Loary's oonalders- 
tlon, have Iain at that olDce ever since, and 
aro unsigned by any of the American prlncipato, 
wbo decline to attach their signatures, because 
certain provisions thereof do not meet witb their 
approval. The chief trouble llee In the fact tbat 
deQnlle provision to not made for the dividing of 
the gate-money between three or four contest- 
ants, neceseltatlDg some alterations in the docu- 
ment, which win doubtless be perfected at the 
coutercnce tbat will ensue upon tbe arri- 
val of Mr. Atkinson, the representative of the 
donor of the belt and RoAvell's advisor, wbo 
will probably reach bere March 1 or 8. It 
Is llkoly that the arrangement for the di- 
vision ol tbe receipts will be about as fol- 
lows: If only one man covers 430 miles, he 
shall take oil tbe money; It only two cover 430 
miles, the man traveling the greater distance 
shall take two-tblrds, and ihe other one-third ; it 
threo men cov<>r IjO miles, the winner shall have 
one-halt tlie receipts, tho second man 3u per 
cent., and the third 20 per cent. ; If all four cover 
4S0 miles, the wluner 10 toke one-half, the second 
man 2i per cent,, tha third 15 per cent., 
and fourth 10 per cent. It would seem that 
tbto should cover the ground, and prove ant- 
tofactory. In the betting O'Leary to of course 
tbo favorite, and among the larceet amounto wa- 
gered are f 4,000 te tl,000 that O'Leary tieats Har- 
riman, and {3,000 to $1,000 on the neld against 
Harrlman. Kelly t Bliss have opened a Iwok on 
tbe evcDt, and oCTer tbe following : 75 against 100 
on O'Leary, 100 to 43 against Bowell, 3 to I agaliut 
Harrlman, and 10 to 1 against Ennto. The 
scoring In the contest will be attended to by 
members of the several amateur athletlo clnba 
in thto vicinity, each day's work twlng per- 
formed by a separate club. So tar as now 
known, the following arrangement to likely to 
IM made: Monday, New Tork Athletic Club; 
Tuesday, Brooklyn Athletic Club: Wednesday, 
Harlem Athletic Olub; Thursday, Sootttoh-Amer- 
Ican Athletic Club; Friday, Manhattan Athletic 
Olub; Saturday, American Athletic Olub. The 
floor laid down tor the Arlon festival will remain 
In plaoe during the walk, eo the conpetltore and 
spectators will not be annoyed with clouds at stl- 
ning dust. Special provision will be made tor the 
aooommodatlon ot ladies and their esoons during 
the oompedtlon, a portion ot tbe bnlldlng tieuig 

set apart for them, with offloers stationed so as 
to prevent the Intmslon ot other speetatoia. 
Smoking will tw prohibited in this port ot the gar- 
den. The track will be laid ont to suit the oom- 
peutors, and a dty-snrveyor will msssnre it In 
their pressnoe. and tarnish the manogan with a 
oertiOcate regarding Its length. The ratreah- 
ment privileges ot the garden for the w4Mk were 
let on Saturday evening. The bids were opened 
In preeenoe ot the oompetttoie. the award being 
to the bidder who offered $1,628.38. The next 
higbeet bidder was tl,soo, and the loweat t*60. 

A cable dtopatch trom London, dated Feb. SB, 
says: "Weston, at halt-past eleven o'clock last 
night, left Windsor to walk measured mllee In an 
endeavor to regain hto arrears, havtng alxty-flvo 
miles to moke up. At twenty minutes past three 
o'dlockthto morning he had gained ntieen miles, 
wben he rested for three hoars for sleep, being 
overcome by fatigue. By ten minutes ot nine 
o'clock he hod added ten mllee to tito gains, leav- 
ing torty mUss ot arrears to make up. He will 
continue at bto task until four o'clock tbls after- 
noon, but it to not iMlleved he can encceed. Tie 
Standard says: 'There to no chance ot Weston 
flnlahlng hto pedestrian undertaklog on time.' 
A dispatch from Windsor says : 'Weston will lose 
by atmut five hours, but he will Onlsh walking 
2,O0U miles.' " Another dtopatch states tbat bto 
1,000 hours expired at 4.10 p. v., 28. when thedto- 
tonce walked was 1,977 K miles. 


The twenty.nix houm' walking conten betwnn Wm. 
lloirrs. Ueorr Vaucban and Waller Lewb tooa place at 
Agricultural Hall. Pomuoa, Manchester, Eog.. F^b. 14, 15 
Durlug tha early part ol the content Howes aod Lewis 
spurted against each other mile alter mile, and It was not 
until the ninlli mile thac lluwe;* 8ucca*Hled iagectlncany 
dLitance ahead. Finishing the tenih mila tlh. :^)mla. 
:tjnec.> Huwaa led by lOO yarda, Vaugban being two 
lapn and a ball behind Lvwls. aod U-iwes overlapped 
Vaoghao tor the third time Joat oefore compleilug 
the hlxtb lap of bl« eleven b mite, young LewL^ 
t>eiDg at this point 150 yatda behind. Almont dliMtly 
afterwards Howes went to his tent for a few seconds, 
thereby I05ine hall a lap. and It waa not until Just 
tiefoncompieilagliiftfineeath mile that he succeeded In 
orerlappiUK Lawla. Subsequently Howea led by a lap and 
a halfirom Lewis, but aoutiier short stoppage threw him 
back once more threa.quartcra of a lap. NavertbaUaa ba 
soon made up hii loat ground, and floiahed his eluhteeutb 
mile at lOh. 3dm. 57a., a lap and 100 yarda abead. Yaug^u 
at this Ume being three ud tbiee-quartcr tape behind. 
At tha aad of the Moond boor (10 r. M.) tha position of 
the three mao and tha distucan covered were: Howes, 
12 miles ^ of a lap; Lewis, 12 mllea. 6X!aps; Vsugbao. 
12 miles 4H laps; snd at II o'clock (three honre from tha 
•tart), Uoaea, 19 miles 1 lap: Lewis, 18 miles 6 laps; 
Vaughau, IS miles 4 laps, Howes appeatvd to have got 
bis two opponents "chained down," for Lewis begu to 
hang ont slgnsls of distreaa, twisttoghls neck repeatedly, 
as la nls wont when lo dilfleolties, ud Vaughu was oua- 
bla to make up lost ground. Each bour the veteran In- 
creased his laad. uutll at 2 a. u. (six hoara from the start) 
the Kon stood: Howtii,36 mUmiii lana; LewliU miles 
Slapa; Vaughan, 35 miles laps. Howea flnlsbed hla 
37ch mile a mite ahead, aud tbea took thioga easily. Juit 
befora 6 A. M. Lswhi became very queer, ud at three mlo- 
utes past six he had to lean the track, ud be lay to his 
tent doubled op with cramp for over two bourn. H* 
than came out ud triad to walk a mile or two, bnt 
oould only get along at a fiioenl pace, whereupon 
bla backers, seeing that ha had no chuca, thnw op 
the aponga. Thun early tha cont«st waa radooed to a 
match betweea Howes ud Vangbau. At 9h. 46m. SOs tha 
Oastrlu left tbe track for tba fiiat time, ud waa abaeat 7m. 
IDs. Meuwblle Howes poached sU lapv the score tbea be- 
Ing: Howes, 80mllaa; Vaughan, 77milee3lapa, Taughu 
never gained another TSid aftsrwanls, ud fliially, when he 
had eomplaiad ninety mUaa and thraa laps, ha went Into 
his tent and gave op thecontnt, alleging aa his reason for 
doing so tbat one ol his ankles had given way. Toe turn- 
stiles, thenfom, wen at once dosed, and the match 
was atu end, the aeon being: Howes. luOmllaal laps; 
Tanghu. 90 miles S tops; Lswis,61 mlln4lapa Befon 
leaving ths baUdlug, to ahow that he was not "ssulad." 
Howes agreed to walk a last mile, ud this be coveted 
(less twenty.flve sards) lo Sm. 45 4.5a. In no frevloua 
tweoty-elx boon' contest han- the pace tieea so fast, evaa 
(torn the start, ud to thU may be atirtbuied the breakdown 
of both Tugbu ud Lewis- Hoares' time nrem 61 miles 
no to 100 was some minntae fisier tbu uy thtog that has 
yet been achieved, ud it Is a pity that he loses the record 
through a mistake beiug made la the measunmeot ofthe 
track. TAaSiwrtlng H/t npresentlv*. halore lesvtog the 
buildlag, ru a taoe onr the track, assisted by "Choppy" 
Wsrbimon ud othats, and tbe clnult was found to be jyda. 
7In. less tbu the proper meaaonment. or witbin a trao- 
tlon of 26yds. for a mile, ao tbat tbe only recoid w* can 
rive Howes Is that he walked 93 mllee 740yda In 17b. 42m. 
iOR.— a performancs nopanlleled, ud which beats bli own 

rrevlous time (tbe beat hitherto doaa) tor S8 mllaa. viz.. 
7h. 44m 35s Tbe wluaer was bom at Falthorpe, near 
Norwich, Mareh 25, 16S9, studs 6it 41n., ud weighs uaih. 


Insteiul of anawarlag tha challanaw iMuad last wee'f br 
D. C Boea, ud which waa intanded for him and B. W. 
Johnston comhmed, PraC Miliar sends oa thetahjulnad 
deO, accompanied by 8130: 

BALvnOKB, Mo.. March 1. 1879. 

FRisg Qimx, Esq— Dear sir; Inclosad please flod 
SI(D for the followtog challange, which I lane to B W. 
Johnston, taaaher of the Young Maa's Cbrlstlu Aseocla- 
tlon Oymnaalom; John HeOraw. taaaher of twxtog; 
Mr. Needbardt, taaober of leaelng, Baltlmon Athletlo 
Club; ud Ihmean O. Boss, teacher of the Lafayette 
Tnraen* Gnnnaalam. 1 will eompete agaluat the four 
above-mentioned aibletes In the following six muly rxer- 
osaa: Oneco-Bomu wrestling; wrestling eatcb-as-cateh- 
ean. Oreco-Romu rolas, with the tiie 01 th* lot, trip- 
plug allowed; sparrlug, foll-fancing, aingle itick fencing, 
and heavy dumbbell-lllttag. Tbe wanner of the majority 
ot thee* •xerelsea (the foor aforaaald athletaa dividing th* 
above-mentioned exerdias among them, ud eompettog 
against me) to he declared tbe victor. As u luduoement 
for Messn Johastoa. MeOnw. Needbardt ud Roaa to ae- 
eept this challeuge. I will stake gSDagalast their SI9a I 
'wul also stake f 100 eveo money that I will defeat all theaa 
athletes to every exerolae. Youre respectfhUv. 

Pbot. W. Millbb, Instractor Wallls Club. 

Wa have recalval a letter from Roaa, la which h* says: 

I woold nmtod Mr. Millar that I bars depoaltad *U0 for 
his eonaldantlon, ud will make a match with him tor ai 
many athlstlufeatoaa ha Gu name on enn tarma" 

ATEUncs AT Yals.— The Winter athletlo eentasta at 
Tale aame off Satniday, March 1. to tha gymnaslnm. Tha 
axeRlna onthshoilismsl-harwen won^ W. W. Bawkea. 
>79. In th* vaaltlBC Mb, Jewett of the sdutlfla school 
came oat ahead, deutng th* har at Tit. O. D. Thompson. 
>7I.atth*hIteh.aiid-kle£n*eh«d9lt. lln..w)ilcb,lf talrly 
done, IS the beat kick on leoord. W. B. BeoOald. '60, 

B,, took the tint prli* at tombltng. In the tog-of-war '81 
won both haati, the flnt over >8crto Im. Ms., ud the aee- 
ond with >79 to thiae seconds. Jewatt and Tliomp**il 

^tlli^'mmln^ bigh'-lump at Sft. Sto. Inspaztlng, P. B. 

Tiaoy igl: and W. Parker, '80, won th* trhu-roandi, and 
Parker the flnaL Tbe trlala to tsnetogwan wooJV 
F, B. Smith. >79, ud Edward BoathwardT^, aad Bsatt- 
waid toak the flnaL B. H. aubart. '81. won thsn^ia 
elnh^wtnglng. attar a doae eoatest with W. B. HfflMtts 
ameolia. In wnatUgg. J, DuraBd. "81, took I ks ill 181 IS 
l]ght-w«lshts,aBdW. wrinxai.<Sl,ferhaav7. ^ \^ 
A TBS-iOLa WAix. oMS to all auiaUiUL aad gtW.WBS 
las*. open to naldaitt of WakafleM ad towaawtthma 
radtoac!flv*siU«s,antot«ks^a«* U WakaOsUi Boa, 
Maith 18. 

Boyd* atthalTr.A. c'lMiMas at Booth'a Tbeu^as 
hawas pNTSBtadby adsstt iB hk ftailly (HB tMBBg 

/uaip— iTg/'v'aUy, a. p 

F A.McUnnujSJiloal»S'A "miu^^^ 
aame dab, sitTiwE. iSi^S^L.'*''- IUjlT* I'.^Stt. 
for boya iron lotfu: V?iL^,i:piS''niS^ 
Wlarow and McOoom -Tif ^"byw.lEiISft 

ofthe olvmpica. Ti«rTO!?SS!5?t''».».uSS 
stilkiBadowa the laat hrSdk '^ySIKJ^hirSSSP 
taiwtEe bomestreujh, toSTiKSiT?^ nSSmSS 

a B. Bharatt with 86,S!a.^^J^»SS.1» 

CommlUM of 

Joaeph O'Cou mw. BSSS^iTrbk Sfe gk 5^ 

_^ CLUB. *™>*TIC 

Tha flrat Winter maatlw cr Udn .4^ 
mon-a Oarden, thla eEToa fSS.*5S. u (n 

yards mn. haSdEJ^ a MJST": SS 
Ids, I; S B. Pomeroy!l: umrof Si°hS 
5"il.,'^*i<", ""O" w\io lu? St'SSh*** 
Hoeklng. impln City OvmSJSa^TT 5^J» 

-...•■.■i,. iH uie loregolsg hauL 
!f *T*,n,'!'?H." acconled aiaria "i^i,"~:r™»ei 

ft"h »a4^;a:^"i-:.'!Tte & 

7lhR«gt..lo toe fini,lu ai^^i^r'S-^t"***' 

fcat'-'-H^'i rr53^; f i Thlt^ii 

lu Ini. lUa., and .V. Y. a c bnu a.-^ 
the tlual la 16m. uys^. The laat .f™—^i — t- t S 
It all the n^oph^,J?^JSSi &^LS2=' « 
detrated team, who swooned at ih."io- JJfS""'* 

HoKxaa Dbfsats JOHxsox.-Tbo^ ^tM±r\,M^ 
meu Frenchy Johnson and G. H.°BiS?*SS2S S 
Uitym mstcb. lor arcportad •UkaUlSja^BV 
v,re Hall. Boston. Feb. M. Bardi 1 Sa SfJif* 
acarted olT well, Uoimer takUat iSt Ini vSSS!?* 

abead. he then bavlug covarei 34 miles™ yJSSS 
miles Hosmertook amt atl.u o'doet<«i223 
a blister on hb heel. Hosmer was at to lUujSSS 
ahead, but Jobnun gained durtog the iSm^SS^Z 
avenge time nf each per mile wu ahonVl l£ jS^jS; 
am came on the track agaUi, buttiaTelalSyooa £u 
when he retired tor good. Hoamer kept onSShahS 
made torty mllea lu 9h. 47m. Is. The tmtm^iSi 
Havdock; the udcea. D. P. Solli»aB^>ioSi? 12! 
L Baffin; ud the thnakaeperjl^o. ChJfiT^ ^ *** 
PxDianiAn BXBBCtBaswaii to ante? 

» miles. A two-houi*' rauning racesaira toss^ 
known, who nrned out to ba Boimaa Taite Hiiliai 
coveiad betaw ISmUea and 4 lapa. Wiltar mSrs 
Obemlsal Engine Na 1 waa tba AvtcltabctkU^^ 
bla t/loida wen very todlgnut wbaa lhay ttSiS 
who the atiugar waa. * -'- himii' nl> aMaiaL7cj_ 
ft tUa, who wont 28 mUaa 16 lapa; Pnd aaltadaiS 

JOEX D. Wins beat C. X. HiVib 1b iirtta Mit 
for SS a aide at St. Jamaa' BuSw liailiiinhF 
MisA.MtrehL Blibop left thebad at tba adTS 
Blmh mUa. and altar golag twam Wajae aai oSbml 
Frtarto tha match batwaaa Wajaa aad nSiS 
Polay, Coyna. Barker and Stairwalkad a twrwSSi 
taarraeafora cap oflkndbrWayoe, n* nasasa 

^T^*^— thrnlhar ilin l iMS ^^H 

„A rauBsiBiAB TODBBBV wBs hsld at nttMLta. 
March L la th e C mile walk ter — < «iJJS 

batog O. L Tortla. to tha MoUe maldi. Botetf la 
waa the wtiiner. etoator at II o'clock, bavia oats 
lAli Sliawcf Plttafldd. ■crcs'a anpaaSr.alStar 

•xhaostod at tha 90th mOa, bat nturaad B SaM 
wban Norton waa making the 44lh mile, and mat ala 
flauh. Thetu.mlle nee waa wim byAP.Isarik 
lb. OOL 14a 

A.'B, SrBAOiTB unaaneaa adx^aji' |ii ii jia lisg 
eompatltloa. OFanonly toCma]aB.to1akBbbcaaa£ia 
maaagnnent at Balsar'a Hailam Blrar BULOn 
d cad aad Twantyalxth tfnst and Saaoad anena, eiwHa 
to( March Id the advartlaad nttaaa an «ai,tma 
ud SJOi ud Hi* anooBocad eBttlaB an Mian Mm 
O'Leaiy. Hattia Waldnm. Bella Bnaitoa and IfSltoriWa 

A 96-HorR go-ss-yoa-pleaae toonaDntlstoe^Baa 
a-. BalUmon, Md.. at &IS r. a. MaRh 14. a^Ma 
iai3 r. If U, la the Maaonlo TemiDe Amsietoatyaa 
elty off>ra as a prlia SIXI. ThaWlaalacalhlwabanw 
fa- enterrd : E. W. Johnston. J. p. Msckay, & W. naa, 
Prof. C. Washington, ud John West 

A wALKuo.jiATCB OU Satoiday evolgg. Kmli L a 
ITalon Hall. Liulaton. H. H . batwaaa Wallar L Luta 
of Lancaster ud Chaa. o. Locks of Poitracatb, tea 
purse ofSlOO, distance 23 miles, wss vonl^Iartlalalta 
alleged time 01 4h. 33m. Lockegavenpstthadaaefila 
20th miN on tha plaa of f Ictaieaa 

i'All COLLTBR is now working at his b>ds,iad,aibt 
couMidaia that battar than taklagcbaoeaa oa paMtriia 
tnatchea. ha cave no heed to tba challeaga laaed byDkk 
O <Hlwln. who waaat Tbb CurrSBoiEaf aa boaretB^ 
o 1 Feb. 2S, ud then, wlihdrewtngUidapali.leStaTl* 
Brown Jng," a dissppolnted man. 

TOR TOBgviLI.E (N T.IATnLKncCLCI bBcvc4an4 

• afuUnwa: Prvaldant. John T. Eauon; vice pwditf. F. 

Van Bentchotau; secretary. H. C. Nona; tnaanw.Et- 
ward Bnrke Jr.; captato. Hetuy Blrrell Jr.; flnt haafr 
enut, Henry Uagen; aeeond Ueutcnaal, 1h«a DovliDg- 


ten np by A. P. Bliven and others eoDmSBttd ll ta! 
Brooklyn Rink, L L, od Soodsy ennUg, UtRk 1 tt a 
tha Intention of tbe managers to keep it colagbme 
weeks; ud If the public back them waLtherHdalt 

ATLOFisriLLg, Kt.. Feb. 17, Gllmtn sad Lsism 
started with the avowed totanllon of walking tflBlwia 
lean) In alx daya, but after dolna ES mllea InUbmaCt- 
mu bad enough of It, and La Favre, wbo via taa n* 
mllea ahead, soon altar lalt tha tnck. 

Madaxb La Cbavsllb. after completing ber Sg d 
2,700 quarter mllaa at Ilr. ». Feb. s, at Um M^JJ* 
ti*. Colrago. Immediately startad on an •lliaSDflWw 
mllea every consecnUve ten mtontes vbleliibaa 
have accompllahed at 1 a. a. Feb. 2S. 

TwowuKLtoooTrxsrs took place at Si J»in«|' 8* 
Boston. Mass., F*b. 27. The flrjt. a tbne-aiila vlltv" 
won by D. P. iSulllvan In 29m. The 6'»'"'S'tt 
for which there wen ntoe entnes, vai woe by a- 
nson la 33m. IC-s. 

A T11.V HiLi UAKCB. for tS) a side, ni wkE^.^ir 
Herbert and Joaeph Brown 00 a swap oatkatdnTM^ 
tn Comiqne. Long Biuch, N. J., March L HjJsj™ 
lnlh.t;ni.3a. Bafane ud amakeepar, B. f. Wlka 

Jace Gomjiisa wiu be piaoaiw m aMvdsitap" 
bisaitantlna tn walken. roon«rsandoiheisnga«^ 
iwrviceaofatnlnar. nacu be (jmpd at th a B Isl inM 
A. C. Grouda, Eighth avanua ud PUtr-SIItll an* 

OS MOSOAV. March S. "Sport" CaBpm bwajj 
days' louraey la New Haven. Ct, "to tx U Mw ^gTL 

At the aame time "Maiiama" St. Clair im « . 

S,(,00O.qaait«r-h«i»"ai. ^^^1 

Mjia. AiroxBSO.v. under tha naBijem«lofA.llJ^_< 
n»lle, bagtoa bar feat of walkug 1,0» W"" "iriS ' 
the saine nombar of consacnilre ten nl««m « 
^poslUonBoUdlng, Chicago, Match a. ^ -mm 

Miss RsntOLoa, who atumpad the '^J'J?^ 
8,000 quarlor mllea In 3,010 quaitsr boon at Bej^^°2 . 
Bo itoo . Maas. , was token n« tbe track St t» A B. •» 
when sue had completed 861 qnsitar mllea j 

Joa RTA.'C. alias "Wraatlbic Joa."aad •J'JiSE'i 
Rondoatareuponnced to wtvrtla, co^iaT-an^'2J^ 
82.000 a side, at 71 Otaanwich street, this elly, • 
day, March S,|at 8 o'dock. _ 

A HATCH betweu A. Wilyn «iJ^SjW'Kl? 
Mventy-two boon, waa decided at TnBhia, *^'-^^^^, 
aMarebl. Tha aeon af 7W< boon oooa. wuaa-™ 
mUea; LoUaar.US)^ mllea 
Miss A»iB BABTXii caved In Fa*. ■i»|2«'^jdi»- 

W. ■^-_kll. a.»k V»w>1bm In IDA BRVW 

Uma Franklin took her place InJ'.'fffShiTpiai 
wben Miss Fannie Edwards u sdll walkh* 1« a i»~ 

.try to '^".^SiiSSeSi 
rte^bonia at Hoetltsk»<» "'V 

Mm. Anaxwa la to. 
miles to as many quarter-boua at 
Boston, eommendng at 10a. «. Manas. „ ^j^. 

axOROBA. EDWAvna and.MoiTls IJajay an "j^j^ 
tbelr collar-ud-elbowwrealJIog match at OU" . 
atrsat, on Monday aventog. Manh hi 

Thb BiviBSiDB PBDS emnloja* *™ J'^iit 
walklogudrnnntogracaaat Beacon Parfcixaw 

ouManhlA aMfaa^* 
It was CbarlM H. Freuaa. siid art OiuJJ "J^i,^ 
woo the champion bdt of New Jmsi *» ma »•"— 
nament. . iiwisHa 

LUI.D l««RCommeae«la«lh«<^'S'iS£S-v 
lo a Ilk* namber ot <inaitar-booi» at Aiwo" n-., 

Psraa Tas Nxas la Bill tramping tt a* »^ 
Heater street, tbls city. ^^^^^^^^S 


his reBld*n«a,Mai«1a Hm. o^r 
had ben enfliitog atoc* Cbitatmu ftmi»-^,^t»- 
tlon. but atormlna r°Vo^^^^u&aZ<*^Ji!Ii 
fore bis daatb, and than aeot* .^"^SmSn*"^ 
aalt of a walk on the tainc*. It umppojj ^^btrt 

tbe admlnlstntlon being to IWI. wi»» "^^^a. OJ 
father of ua pnseut «f,."?5^TiJa^»?^ 
eral Peel's oonueetlon HSL 1? IV *efJilfl 
befon this. bU name Jjuriog inj^jh^giirtvg 
early as 1890. wben bis h<«I«lJJ?'l^£«d segiSffi 
thon oftha Dak* of Bidimond sM JJTJ-ArtJaM- 
Ihoogb his stud was small, be had one m «UhPw 
thiltRSidad tha Two Themttod Oolnaum 
of Alglenhewon th« Chemr oy^^^^^^ 
manVnlnre h* bred telsirf J '«»55'^rtha«S5 
n« of the Derby on the dMosiuw^"^ ^ ortuns» 
BSSdnTSto to 1844. loli" nvSTtSt oLff 
SSK^^ud to 1648 bu colcn STiSBslJjfgS 
SSd oil Dada^aad *»S;"'5aiTor tM^Sf 
Orlaado broke down ^»'^,"itSMO^iS. 
Cop to 1846. and a long llnJgwjgjp^jjjBg 
dliuton. came ftom him at the "JfiiSfRrliltia" 

wSohls stnd was sold. <*^S?L fiSSSSr" 
ltnallndoverU.<i>ln..aad.theoaii^;^ ^ cva«[2 

MaboH 2'2 

Pint . . 

flxtf ■■iMlBiihi m not a dnst ox u* nueM ™ 
Sm Jm IM-lalBU iwrronDuce wu wi m ii l br * 
■t^LJ^Q^I lai^ninBt aadl«iic», who. tlttinv apoUboond 

at the imnliutlon of Mcb ut to- 
nflrd tlMlr approtatlOD br long- cODtioaed mppIliM. 
UdUI 7 mban ua dUj wma produced In lie entlxety. the 
lietee&ibov^K the cracmxIoD aad deeeent ftom the 
•«nomlttedlDde>CTenc«toUieie«<liic>"f tbepien 
Mr0. who diwmed It nok nacTlleiee, mad The pier 
lud vtth tbe naa la which Jeenj. bleedloK end 
1 wdlLUioiM. I> condemned by rondu Flleie to 
TlM -^eodaclloB of the pUr bee creeled ea 

^ ' teeUnii niDODf nlliclniia people, wbo bixienj 

dCDDnaoed and coadcmned tbe aothor and maoacer 
for daring to picenme to think of prndaciug what 
tbey deemed **a went/m anult . on the aanetlty of 
the holies mTHtalca of the CIxnMlan r^lWun.*' The 
SiiDerTlaoim called open tbv meDBa»r and nqa«eted 
bim TO ioppTcee tbe piar, and wen nfoMd the niqui^. 
They thereop<^n Intronaced a Dili maklfiff It a nl'de- 
meaoor to vxhlblt or lake any pait lne<hioUln(. Jaaar 
thca'ta or any other puee wb«T« nmary U cbanied (or ad- 
mb»lofl. eny play* performanee. or icp r>»*Dtation die- 
r'ayli-rnr luteoded to iil«play the llnanddeaih or .'e«u« 
CbTtBt,.or any play, prrfonnance or rrf M^w-tetlon ealca- 
Uted or tanalav ptotkua or dainda lellclon. and 
T n*fc'» r any penon Tlolatloa any proTi-lone ft rn« 
Older coUty of inch ml«d«meanoT« to be nmuhed 
br a fine of not more than $1,000 or. Imprisonment 
ofMnt'Bora than alz monthe. « b«ch ae tbe oer 
aoiM b.tbe preMnt eait of "Paarixa" are comptliad 
tn- iatoia to Baldwln-a 111 In oid« to nppqit MUa 
ETttDsoi and as the aathor RAuea to allow the pm- 
dae> loo et dU play wilb any other aflt. It «ni be prodoo^ 
for the latf time 0. The ca<t has been, the aameafcthae 
a»nt yon Id a Mrmw leua, «»»e tbe fobrtitotiaa^ar Kay 
WUkee ee the Vlrefo afarr for Him Soae Wttod, tn whom 

thanaitwiaoctdnallyafdciiad. Mr. OHell bad errty- 
tbtBC tn KM aM nothmff to tain byrlloeiciE hlnuclf to 
beraateOar3aTloar,.and bis Imperaonatlon baabeen 
T frir e a wfiyiw n ii T am n ari Irr ' — 'T TTf hlr Mmite P*r.' 
Harm InttGCI ere. Inoc to prndnce hliptnloa oUr In one 
er the Ewavnibea^e*.'*.... Barf ow, w.lienn, PrlnmeeA 
Weet*e M liia t l irt* b*re" atlracted but dim aedlcnc^ to 
Baidw1n*a Tbey win be succeeded 10 by lliss Bese By- 
tlBCBTVbo wifl makir ber appearance In cnarlre Beade a 
adZpmlloo o4 **tbal La«, n* Lowrle^a'* aopoorted by tb» 
tall •tnoatk of th* BaldwlB Company. '*Ssu Feyino." 
a dramattttfloo oP'tMdlai Oauot.*' will be pmdaoed 17. 
At the flDoelaalen of ber present eDemaement Mlra RnM* 
Wood will Hew York, allboojib an encagerornt 
forwKt eMisoQ was offered ber. Ueisra 0*Keli and Mnr- 
rlaon baye been ensaf ed tor another year at tbla theatre, 
to the aatlafactlOD of ibe itentlereen concf raed and tbe 
pnhiba. ulMBoaeCoehlan and Kloa Tarian have sianed 
orimac*a,aod win make tbeir Orst' appearance at tMa 

theatre at the eloee of tbe Apeva aeai o n The 

Nbw Torx Company made tbelr first appearaooe at 
the CSdlfumla £ m "Mother and Son." With 'he 
ezeapttoD oT Miss y^nny Morant and Mis. Marie Wll* 
ktnt'.lba company la conaideTed weak. *'Morher and 
|ion"'vUI eonilnae datluic the comloi vatic Tb> 
Hon, W. F.* Cody r'Beff*'o Bill**) win commei^ce 
a •two weekat epneement 24 with hia drama or **Tbe 
Kolaht* or (b« riams " April 7 this theatre will he 
do^ one week for lepalre. On lU reoMninir Dion Boo- 

acanit will play a brief encaaement Boalnaaa baa been 

only fair at tha Rnsta stieet Theatre, wheta the Weaihers- 
by*e riDliqnee are pi uduclua -Tlie itamolers " K-TtWi*ek, 
tbelaattf tbe aoi^wameat. "Hobblea** and *^e Ram. 
blei^ wm be offend aa fcrevell anraetlooa K. a flood 
win Jr. wilt take a benedt I9l Tbe Bycn Klxters win pre- 

eeol -*Oat ot Bondace" 17 Lent, raioy wealbar. partner. 

ship trooblcs and a poor performance bare been i he prlncl. 
pal naMoa Cor the slim attaodaoce at the Etendard narlnff 
thawKk. Zinellaappaaiedio tan IwhcninK ob«D;e«>iid 
ao<i|ta*aad waaieeBiTwdwItlieBCliaBlaain. Next week "Oiir 
Innocant Paator." Urlac Art Plcmrea. and the nnnhie 

P rlslan Cancan will twi ptoiacrd Bnnln^ ha« been 

TeiTJBWd at th^Bella Union, where the *'P,*niale Rclentlffc 
Boxera** MoUle Rwilanaad Je^e Lewie made their ifrsr 
appearance 3. Tbe oUo waa excHleat, as osnal. and cora- 
pn^d spcctaltlea br Charley Reed, Richmond SIvleia, 
Cnmmlnm and HarrlnKton, ValdIa Elstera, Pn'tl Bosa. 
Finn* Prmoha, Nera Vemon. the Ransonee, and a hni.t of 
mbior talent. Aa Jaaper Vandyke and Alice. F. <i 
Maed*i and- Mlsa Bena aava .pmoT of tbelr exeelleiiee 

la "Alice, the Sbop.tiil." Crowded audlen-os 

are nlitbtiy In attoDdaoce at tbe Adelpbt where the Vic 
tona I^ttna Troapa are atlll tbe aaeoae*. Tboa«h"Hiark 
eyed Bosan ■ baa taken wen. rbe manakement will 

Iirodoee **9ellm, orthe Bride of Ahydos." In (naod style 
0 iPrlor to eolnff Bast. MIsa Reee Wnod will rake a 

benent, appearlog In Bowbxt] P. Tavlnr^s oew play o( 
'The Secooa WUe ** He baa sold the lady a new aTe.scc 

domestic etory called "Plaeon the Torment.** Jean 

Bamxlde la bn'sily eocaced on ber domeatio cnmedy 
**6wect Bome»** which she expects to prodace at one nf 

onr theatree on Ua eompleuon Bob Kirk Is still an 

Inealld with pneumonia In the French HospltaL Kot 
withsrandlBc a relapee, be is mendinc slowly and aore^r. 

Oeonm Beynoids, O. w. Coain and Charles Kohler 

ate encased at the Oakland Orion Theatre. L^tcr. 

Maicb 9.~w. H. Fltuerald waaofl'eied a twelre weeks' en- 
gaaement with the Weatbersby Prolkiaea; but aa be bad 
jnatalaned aconttactto support the Florencca fora two 
weeks* ecBagement tbrooebnnt tbe Interior, he wsji com- 

pellrid to decline W. J. Florence ukee a pncketfol of 

Yellow Jacket stock East, which be t-jwh will be the 
comlnK borania. He Is oat and Injured In stock rpecn. 

latloos dariDc bis emy here Deeplte tbe fact that Mr. 

Kennedy atiU holds the lesse. the receiver of the Elandard 
Tbeatn has sublet itto Mean*. Locke and Learitt at a 
weekly rental of SVO. This procecdloir will only com- 
plicate matters the more, and render an smirahle settle. 

ment of the existing cnwMva still morediffieoU 

It la Mid thu "A Mather's Secret" wUl be perform- 
ed dtt'lov the lest week of the engagement ot the 

Xew Tork company at tbe nalUnmla Rose Ey* 

tioke betdns an eneacement In Portland April 7 

It la mated that Miss 'Jeflkeys Lewis baa tieeo olT-'red 
the poeltlon of leading Isdy at the CalifomU . . If ax 
Sinkoseh «UI open a setsoD of Italian opera at Baldwin's 
Theatre on or atKnit April 14. Litta will Ve prims-dODnn, 

and will make bar flrxt appearance la "Lneladl Lamner- 

noor.". BUlf Bmsisen vUl loin the Barlow. Wl's/in. 

Fmnmse A Wemv Mlosocla on thair retnm to this city. 

Owlna to the laiite andlencea pieeent at the matinee 

and eeenlnff pecihrmance jeeterdae. and ta deference to 
tha widely expivned deslie on the part of the maoy whom 
the Inclemency of the weather pie ie u teO from wlmerslDc 
"Tiie PaviaB.f that play will be eontlnaed at the Grand 
Opeta.taooseiiiitll U. and lonocr If tbe pabllc pstrooaae 
warrants tt,'thisrebypoetponl Of HIs-noae EytJnee*j ap- 
pe arapc e at BiMwln's nntn the company can leliira to 
soppoR her. 

ATTHBCoincrBQFikkTHzaTitl, Brooklyn, last week. 
Joseph Pnetor eppeared In VMIck of the Woods.** Thia 
week Clllton Tayienre's drema of *'Parted*' Is to be per. 
Ibrmed. with Mrs. Cliaiifrmn In Ibe leadlac character. 
"Plnaftore** lannderilned for XL 

AT m Paak Thutu. Brooklyn, th la week Mlae Fanny 
DaTenport Is to appear In "Plqofc** and "DlToree," assisted 
brcnamberaof the lare stock company ot tha theatre. B. 
Hacanley la to fbtlow 32. . . _ . . 

TBiPaonoacB (R. L) Onu Bousi haahad a Tery 
saccenfbl aeek, tbe attfacuoos belnc Fiank Mayo la 
■■DaTyCrockeU" March la II. U, and tbe Boston Mnaeom 
TtaTellog Company bi "Pinafore'* IS. 14. l«^..^.UoWe 

Opeia-hou* was closed the past week Tbe Olympic 

Korelty Combination Is snnoanoed for 19. 

\S I^T. !C. T.. tbe WUIIamaooa In '-Strndc All" are 
MDed tor March 34. tS: Tony Denler's "Hompty Dompty'' 
28, S; Panny DaeenportSI, April 1. 

XTTDMBTaoroLiTAjr TBaaTaa, Minneapolla. vino., 
"The Three Ooardsraen" was Klren Msrch 6. 7. 8.10. II. 
I>. losDodbonaea. Tbe piece waa prodored with three 
new scenee, and waa eleoantly dreaaed. "Onr Boardioc 
honae"wasp!syedU. 14,15. "Robert Emmet" la billed 
Ibr 17, and "H. X. & Floafore" 19. 

AJL'vk.iiLaxAX. a character lady, and a leader of or- 
ebertia are wanted by AIL Wyman, wboee address la care 
ol 'bis olDee. 

VLirt A TETTx*f aoax baean a fire nisbtst saaaon at the De- 
troit rMlcl ■ " 
bnslnem r 

troit (Mich.) Opera-house March 11 to a larse audience, 
bnsloesa rematolog good all the week. Her aopport, wItt 
the exception o< N w. nske. was not op to the mark... 

John A- bterens in "Unknown** Is snnonnccd for 17. IB. 
!9, 30. "Prla" Emmet Zi, C, Jaoaosehek ZL 23. 26, Lotta 

April 3. 4. 5 AttheOrand Opera-bona* Pen Thmnp. 

soa'cnmcs 17. 18, 19. SaTllle*s "Finafore" 30, 21.22. Man- 
attrr Thoa- W. DsTey lell Inr Bt. Lools 11 

A nWTvaaiosio'' "Code Tom's Cabin** waaclren at 
the Newark <K. J')nofia-honM Mareb IS. 14.13, <o llabt 
bnslnsHS. Boate: Jersey City 17. Booked; Irvine's 

Otest Double Combination 19. an, 21. 22 At the Park' 

Hall 21 are booked Mme. Clementine Laser, Hbu Minnie 
Mssnn, and A. P. Wentwortb In a piomls^ons entertain. 

meat. AtLheaiandOpeia.boase "Colleen Bawn** was 

hllird lerio. II, 12. b<it wss not pteseotcd 12. Btulnea 
llgbr. Holhinc billed at tbe Oiand. 

ATTHk Okka BOCBI. Boche»ter. N. T.. B. WaeauleT In 
"A MrssenRer from Janis BectlOD,*' wbo played at El- 
mlra 14. 15. openn a three niahca' cnoaoement March 17 

'TheConndl ot Ten. or a Tlslt 'n(he.<l»ns nf Malta," 

by iwo loealjniimallxts. will be prodacel 20. 21. 22, 

LsorcAao aHOTxa'A" BOAnniao-aona** Conai^anos 
plared to Kood bualneaa In Reeillnir. fa.. Kaivh II. Lao-, 
cvter. Pa., 12. Alleatown IS, Colombia 14, Bathlebem IS. 

Attdb Katiosal TBBATaa. Washloeton, D. C. Dion 
Booelcsult, rappArted by Manager Ford's company, ap- 
pasrsd In "The Shancbran*' tbe past week to mnderata. 
sliad andlencea. Onr eorreepondent remarks; "Mr. Bon- 
CTcsal*<s popularity in this dty seems to be on tbe wane. 
Tbe play, an far aa acenery went, was wsll preeenced, hut 
the sctfnr was not nearlr ao good as on other occasions 
wb*o prodocrd here Bobson and Crane commence a two 
weeks' eDgagement 17, and will be followed 24 by Joseph 

Magoic MrrcHStt and cntnpanT are billed In Richmond, 
ind.. March XI, Lozaofport 22, Lalaietta 21, Decatur, 

Thb Forbis Draxatic Covpast was In Madison, Wis., 
Marrh 14, IS. _ 

Tbb AkCBBB CoxiqCB COMFATT atatts (him Chlcasn. 
HI . March 17. the show consistlsic of a panorama of Ire 
land and a amall dramatic company. 

Tbb Bxlbs Bltx Cobpa-'tt wete in Ugimia, Md . March 

Frsdbrick FADLsiao Is to ftiinn enncemenu with Jobn 

A. EilMler to Cleretand. o.. and Pittabotr, Pa. 
Tbb Cbas. Tbortto!! Cohpa^t. now oiaulsad, com- 

Rrisce Cbas. Thomtfra, Gconce McIntoeb,*Ed, D Lank 
rr, J. U. O'Nell. J. D. O'Hars. B, J, ConnellT, Ibe 
Mines lAlwHa Granger. Prankle Dye, Harlan L. Kor- 
wsod. Lily Watklna. W, Flotenca, manager; Cbailea 
Rej mirar, acent. Tbe route la: Radne. Wla.. Mareb 17, 
18. Fond dn Lae 19. 20. Blpon 21. 22. They play "Simon 
Eenton" and "Tried forTreasoiL" 

Tn ivaw Boeio^ PAaa Thkatks, of which Henry E. 
Abbey la leasee and maoaosr. will be opened April 14 by 
Lotta and Abbey * EeboeffSPs company In f*La Clgale." 
Commnnicatlons rrlstire to encsgementi at theaitore 
theatre, or at tha Park Thestta. Mew Toik. shonld be ad. 
d i 'awd to Henrv B. Abbey. ss per catt]. 

Own FAWonr. oomedlan ot tlie Fltth-avenne 
Tlieatie. Iiu accared trout BHzrj WsU, the agent 
ot E. A. Sothem and Jobn 8. Clarke, the owneteot 
W. B. aubert'e oomedy of "Eogaged," the eote 
right ot pertormlns that piece la tbe Slate of 
Hloblgan tor his annaal Bammer toar. He will 
baye a flnt-olaes oompany, and wUl begin opers- 
tloiB at the cloae ot his seaaon'i engagement In 
thfe cliy, aboat June 1. ' 

The rtTT.Tj- A. Hoin Oompaiit were in HlUs- 
botongh. O., 1^14, IS. 

THK Wakdb k BABsnroBX "Diplomacy** Com- 
jmoyoloeed an enKagementln the Opersr house, 
Galeeeton- Texae, Uarch 6, which, aaya ooroor- 
respondent. "was both artlsUeally an<t aoanelaUT 
tar ttom beinc sntunstnL Bobort UeWode and 
compiuiy In 'Blp Tan Winkle' oocnplsd the hoiiea 
7. 8, si»lT>laTed to light bnalneae. The eapport 
was Irnllgerehy. Wj(n the es^ptton ot the past 
ireek.'tbe attendance at this house throaghout 
th»ae«con has been excellent." 

w. H- FowsB and Anna Boyle play In Oreens- 
bojg, Ind., M, U, as, ar, and Anron 38, 39, 

- ^-^sKpncAij. 

FLEX. ASAlo^doiibla-Iiaas and taba, advertises 
ror an eDgsgemnntC"" 

Tax Hiss Ofeba Tbodpx are to slug In St. 
Faal, Utnn., Kerch 30, 31, 32. 

Gbo. HOLiKBliX's new eong pnbllcatloiis are 
•Tell He Whei*' my Era's Gone," "My Darling 
Sarah Ann," aad f^NeTer Doabt, Uy Little Dar- 
ling-" They can be o >lned at his adrertised 


W. P. Spauldiiio writes to Thx Clippeb that 
his wlte, Oeotgta Dean Bpaoldlng, "did draw the 
•SOO pianoforte (mentioned In year post Issue). It 
was a eqaar« deal-" 

TbzBKBOKBs and Sol Smith Bnsaell are billed 
In Aarors, lit., Man^ 34. Irving 35, Hannibal, 
Mo., 2S, at. Joseph 27, sanaaa City 2B, 39, Law- 
rence, Eas., 31, Topeka April 1, Laayen worth 9, 
Atchison 8, Omaha, Hafe. 4. Cotudl Blntis, la., 5, 
and open In Ban naaelaoo. OaL, U, for toor 
weeks. . , . . 

Nxw BABio-iiusic Is pnbUshed by AL Baar, 
whose address and in another colamn. 

BooAS's BAKJoe, methods, etc, are tolly adver- 
tlsed in another oolumn. He hsa among his 
pabUeatlona a slmpllfled InstmoUon book, and 
he Is now oserlng his banjos at lower prlcee than 
beto re- 

plajets In regard to the qoallcy ot S. B. Biewart'a 
banjos are publish e d elw wheje. » 

pertorm In Bnliaio, N. TL, Match li^ 19, 30. ai 33, 
Zhey report Business aa gtxid. 

FBAHK 8TOWX, whose addiBSB find In another 
ooliunn, wants to engage a clarlanet and pteoeto 
player to play tenor a nd bar itone in brass, 

"THB Faxobs BnnaEHT," • new maieldiig- 
eong, has been lasned by Spear U DehnhnlL whA' 
haee "Old Wooden Bbcker," "Frettr Bunch ol 
VIoIeta" aulmtier attractlye songs tn their list. 
B ee car d. ,. ■ ■ . . 

Beula HEBmr. lady oonat-playar, la stlU aoo- 
ceapOij'jr-pwXoinl'V IB BukUjb, J{. J, 

^•DAVCora OBTBB GBnv," Tom Tomer'a'vong- 
And-danoe^ IS'iHibllabed |]T-Oeo,-lfoUneiiz, who 

OUMk" oia'lM oblBlMd 'ormdney Bnrt, as per. 
f^l^ V o V <«.««•. - • ' -• 

TebOimb Basjo Itinio Oowpaxt are Isenlog 
7%t WoUyBaMirs Cbijwefsa, esch niunber con- 
taining tonr late pieces dt mtiale at 10c per copy. 
They also advertlae elsewhere their lateet banjo 
tnnee. ■ 

Pbof. FaxD. TB Umra recently Joined the 
Dayton Opera Company In Auburn, N. Y., as 
moslcal director. ^ . ^ 

BATILLE'S Ooxic-OFZBA OOUPAKY opened In the 
Grand Opera-house, Toronto, Ont., Uarch 10, and 
eoDtlnued ail the week in "B. H. B. Pluatore.'.' 
The company Is good, the chorus being akceptlon- 
ally strong In Toloe. Tbe scenery and s'lage-set- 
tlog wete new and appropriate. Buslnexs large. 
Bouie: Ann Arbor, Mich., 17, Toledo, O., 18, 19, 
Detroit, Mich.. 30, 31, 33, Bullalo, M, T., 34, lor one 

HABBioAa A Habt'b new songs as suog in 
"The MuUlgsn-gnard Ball'* can be obtained at 
W. A. Pond Oo.'s advertised address. 

The Yousa apoixo Oldb Is to slog "Piiiatore" 
Varch 18, 19, In WilUamaborg, 31, 31 in Brooklyn, 
and 20 give a concert In Nyack. 

THB "Fboo OnBA" OoxPAlii Closed a season 
ot three nigbts and a matinee in tbe Academy of 
Mueic, Milwaukee, Wis., March 15. The house 
was crowded nightlar, the entertainment beidg for 
the beivflt ot the Industrial BchooL 

PUAfOBK". has lonhd anottAr publisher In 
Geo. A. Ireland, who advenlsea It complete for 
ten cents. 

U. B. PInatore" In the Grand' Opers-huuse, In- 
dlaDapolls, Ind., March 10, U. 13, Including mati- 
nee, to larjge bnelnees, Qlilng out the week at 
Terre Baiite 13, 14, OreencssUe.lS- .Our corres- 
pondent remarke : "It Is no breach ot confidence 
losfytUat Miss Jean D«Imar,'theie£dlng lady ot 
this party. Is Mrs. Florence' Ellis, A ;reeide'ot ot 
IntUaoapoils, and tor, 06:^0^ tluw a member of- 
the Choral nnlon. She studied her part in "Plna- 
fore" (Josephine) tor alx weeks under tne tutor- 
ship of Prof.' Ora Feanon, also at this city. The ^d melodious mntralto voice, 
and with ihore stage' experience'. Is destined to 
become -a popular artist, 'Her acting Is quite 
vlvaelons and natural." ' 

who played In Uuakeson, Mlrh , March 14, Grand 
BapldslS, are billed In Jackson 17, Detroit 18, 
Coldwater 19. Elkhart, Ind., 30, Lapone 21, Val- 
paraiso 23, Sterling, 111., 'M, Mendoia '23. 

FoiiD'B "PuraFOBE" Tboupe played In Fort 
Wayne, Ind., March 14, 16, thence direct to Balti- 

this week In the Academy ot Music, Moutreol, (Jan. 

T. L. WU/Ca a "Pinafore" Company, under tbe 
management ot Bruno Eennicott, played in Mad. 
Isoo, Wis., March U, Bnu Clair U. Lacrosse IS. 

CBAS, STOBMS, high barlione vocalist, Swiss 
woroier, luoo-player, etc, advertises for an en- 
gagement with a mlnsuel or concert company. 

AiacB Oatbu and her Opera-bouHe lAiuipauy 
began an eugAgement March 10 at the Arch- 
Birtrei Tueatre, Putladelpbia, in Le Cocq's "Little 
Duke," which woe then given for tbe Urat time 
in chat city, and which ran throughout the week. 
Itleuot H particularly clever work, aud is n>- 
markoble tor lis lack ol music, there being m< re 
talking in It than singing. Mis. Oatea soug 
very pleaelngly and scied with great vivacity 
as tlie Little Luke. Lulu Stevens as Blanche, 
tiie Little Duchess, was lacking iu anima- 
tion- She should study stage busiuees and 
facial expression- Jos. A. Ueode was very tun- 
ny ss' the Directress ot the Convent, and so 
was Jas. G. Taylor as Fremouee the Tutor; 
Edward Oonneli was a noble Montlandry, toe 
king's executive olUcer, and ssng artlsUeally, 
The minor rules were all well ILiied. Bualnf^e 
lair. Mrs. Oates and company remain tbe cur- 
rent week, playing "Olrotle Glrotia" Monday and 
Tuesday evenings and Saturday mailnee, "Les 
Cloches De Corneville" Wednesday oud. Thurs- 
day evenings, and "La Marjololne" for the Dene- 
fli ot Mrs, Uaies Friday evening. March 24 Mr. 
and Mrs- Geo. 9. Snlgnt in "Otto." 

TBE PaBK Theatbe. formerly the Arch-street 
Opeia-honee, Philadelphia, opened under the 
manogementot Geo. K. Goodwin Uarch 10. The 
aicrautlon was the Filth-avenue "Pluolore" Com. 
pony in "H. U. B. PInatore" and "Trial by 
Jury." Ati<>r the opening night the former was 
given Issc. The cast ot "PInatore" was given In 
last week's Olippbu. This bill was run during 
the week to moderate houses. March 13, George 
W. Howard, low comedian ot the Walnut-slreet 
Theatre, replaced J. H. Bnrnett as Sir Joseph 
Porter, and continued to play the part through- 
out the remainder ot the week. March IT, first 
production In Phlladelphlaot Edward U- Molten- 
hauer and O. S. Barnard's comic opera "The 
Wager, or Mask Ball," which will be given by 
Hiss AUcs Hosmer. Hiss Clara Aroand, Miss 
Edith Carleton. Miss Laura Booth, Miss E. H. 
C'jwell, J, F, Corliss, Hony Brasan and H. 

"U. M. 8. PiSAFOBE" began Its second cruise 
at the Broad-street Tbeatm. Philadelphia, March 

10. The crew Is the some as when tbe craXt left 
these wotetB. On the above ilate, however, 
Blanche Obapman waa unable to appear on ao- 
oouni of a severe cold, consequently Llzxle Annan- 
dale played Josephine, and Belle McKentde took 
Miss ' -Aohandale's part ot Little Bnttereup, 
doubling It with that ot Cousin Hebe. In the last 
a<!t, where Hebe and Buttercup are both on the 
stage. Miss Thompeon, one ot the chorus, took 
the part ot Hebe. March 11 Miss Chapman was 
well enough to sing, and things resumed their 
accustomed aspect. The stage is now graced by 
a very handsome new setting. Sotiuday evening, 
March U, a superb basket ot floweta was present- 
ed c» Bella McKassle by the employees ot the 
Western Union Telegtmph Company, with which 
her lather Is coimeoted. Btanohe Thompson re- 
placed Llaale Annandale as Little Buttercup on 
the 17th, 

delphia, daring the week ending Feb. is the ex- 
cellent renditions ot "Trial by Jury" aud "H. M. 
B. Pinafore" were continued. There have been 
no changes In the cast since last reported. Mile. 
Ella Moutejo continuing in the part ol Josephine, 
which she sings and acts very weUL Business 

To Givs 18 PBRrscr a renilerlni; as possib'e of Oilbert 
and Suilirau a new opera of "Tbe borcenrr." Ita prodoc- 
tlou in the Gaiety Tbtam, Boston, Maae , waa poMipwucd 
nil March l:i 'The CQimes of >'onnauJy'' belDj; suns 10, 

11, matliiee 12, to aeneral acceptance- MIsa HIcbmond aa 
Srrpoieitn wa4 In good voice and thorooghiy imDueU with 
tbe rplrit 01 the rule, while MIas Jennie Wlo»ton asGvr- 
tnaloe, W. U. Mauillton aa the Marquis, anil il. A. Mor- 
gsn as Jean Greulcheiitu llUed the vocal rvfialrvmeota lo 
a Ll^uljr aalbil'sctury manner. Ervoins uf i2 "Oirolle- 
Giroaa*' was sank, and on IS 'The Scorcerer" waa 
Riren for the drac time In this clly. Tbe music is ol a melo- 
dious turn, caiatilng aud tansAu.tbe dlalovne witty, and 
tbe cbance& I'ur aiolnjc were fully as gieataM iu "Pioiuorti.*' 
It wart more than reeMctab:y given, the Hijscs Eicbmond, 
Wln-toa and. May dylvie and Meaar^ Korean and Uatull- 
tijn being supplied with roles which are lull of song and 
comedy, ana all did their ntmoac to lortber the suc- 
ctp« of tola opora. Barry Bleb and M. A. H. Bell are 
notiioished vooiliaia, batthalr aeting waa staadlly aood 
and comical, in each uperm the luue chorus, aa belure, 
sbuwcU capacity lor their work, and aan; with excellent 
roles. "Pinafuie** was added to the bUl eeenlotf^uf 
15. and was wltoeased by a large house. The ^ii'ih- 
areuue * PlnaJoea** Company, nouer tbe management 
or Max Vareizak A J. O, FWer. open 17. "H. M. 3. 

rinstore" and "Trial by Jury** wijl be sung 

Tue eatraTaieatua of "Erangellne,** which was anouunced 
at the (ilobe Tbaatre tor the whole ot the week, waa per- 
formed In lueutirety only 10, IL and matinee i'.t, the re. 
maloderof tbe week being di:vou;d to a rerlval ol "H. 
M. S. PlnaJorv,** preceded by the Arst act of "ETan;;el- 
Ine" and the cUAactar skelcbee ol the lavorlte Sul 
bmlth KassalL Miss Llmle Webster wUI . be tandeied a 
comiillmenurybeneflt 17, it being ber last profrsstooal 
appearance in Boston prior to ber retirement iruni the 

stace, "Cootad the Uunalr" will be played "U. M. 

9, Pinafore," preceded by "A Cup of Tea,** baa been 
the prt^itramme at the Boston liu.«eum dnrlnir tlie 
week. exeepUfiir etening of 15, when, for the ikrewell 

..benedt ot tbe popular soobretta. Miss Llrzle Harold, 
"tlcbuol" end "Tilal by Jury" were performed, the 
benenclary appearing aa Naiiml TIghe m tiie former 
and the Uoonsel for tbe PlalntllTIn tbe latter. A croadeu 
and enthusiaade andlmce greeted the little lady, and 
regrets were expressed aa to ber proposed deiMrture for 
i^aiiiorcla at tbe close of the cnrrent season. M In Marie 
Walnwrighc beug 111, and unable to appear 13, her role of 
Josephine In "flnafore" waa aaanmed, at eery abort 
nouce. by airs Banlett, one of the lady ehorl<ure, who 
acquitted ueraeu admirably under the circumstances 
The last performance of "flnafure*' and "A Cup ol Tea** 
will be Eiren alteracoc or2t. In theevenlogofthatday 
Gvorae w. Wlbion reoelTtts bis annual beneflu presenting 
"The Cricket on (be Bearrti,** *Tllietcbea lo lodia," and 
Tbe Limerick Boy.** P. 8, CUmora and bU band, as- 
sisted by Inbel Stone, soprano; Levy, eorsetlat; and 
BembsFO Mollenbaner. ▼lolliust. aave a aoccessfol concert 

In Music Hall Itt A "Pinafore" company, made up ut 

Borttoa TiKaiiate, are rehearsing preparatory to a Western 

toar ..Mrs. Frohock. formerly well known in Hoetoo aa 

an orvanlat. and who has been smdylog abroad fur a num- 
ber of jcats,Aappean as a pianist at A. P. Peck's kimnal 

bencacaeat moocA Tbe third loktramental concert 

of the Euterpe was (Ivan la Meehasles* Ball 12: BIcbard 
Arnold and JuUoa Gcantabenc, Tiollnkaa; EmIJ Qramm 

and F. Bemman, violas; and Carl Werner, violoocello 

rhe cid folks' concerr, in aid of tbe People's Church was 

repeated In tbe chapel of tbe cbnrch 13 w./ii./w. 

Oorey nave a concert at the hall of the Boston Yuuug 
Men's Christian Afaodsllon 13, performiog on several 
AtutrallAB and UlnduetanI ln.<iirumenta to ttie de. 
light of a crowded andlence - The seventh con- 
cert in tbe Uarvatd Musical Association's conne wss 

given in Music Uall afternoon of 13 The con- 

cert in aid of the Hyde Park Matbodlat Bplaeopal 
Cbnrcb, given In Mualc Uall 14. was largely attended. 

A lartrwell harp ivcltal was irlren by Aptommaa at 

Mason A Ilim In's rooms aftarnoon of 15 Tom Karl 

liaa own engaacd by Halbaway A Pond for the Emma 
Abboit Opera Company next season. It la slso reported 
ibat itlsoor Csmpobello and Madame dinlco baveeon- 

tracuni for the same coupaoy Cbarles U. CUrka ioliu 

air opera oompaoy m tTblcago X4 B J, Lang's 

sacred piano cunesrt wUl be alven In xechanlca' Ball 

aAsraoon of act The Felrbaim Family of ,-^tch vocal. 

IsU give a ooncerx at tbe Prestiytertan tjburcti. East Hos- 
ton,aJ....>...,R. Llebling, anUiiad by Mia Laura Scblr- 
mer, Clarence E, flay, B, J, Lane, Albert Van Baaltn aud 
slamtlel L. l»todley, anuooneeahisannoalennccrtat Union 

Hall 21 Tba eooeert annouoc»J by Mim Jueepoine 

Ware at L'uloo Hall 14 baa been postponed till 2L Adrii 
dated March 16 

Thx Aoam Kictho.vo COMlo-oraitA Taocra appear m 
Providence, K. L, March 17, 18. 19, Tkuuton, MaUL, 20, 
•4rocklon 21, Lawrence 22 Naaotiatlonaare pending with 
Charles M. Drew, wbo wUl prxbably engage wltu ttie 

"11. IL 8. PisAroaa" win be nreasncei by the Boston 
Mnseom Oompany In Mdfiird. Mass-. March 17. Brattle- 
bofo. Tt.. 18. St. Albans 19, BarUng.on 3i), Keene, M. H., 

Tax Lvsa CoBSBT Basd give a concert at Lynn, Mass,, 
March J7- 

Tns BASS of bt. Mary's Faneblal school of crambrldna- 
pon, Mao., numbering twenty.fonr piscea, give an open 
air e.^noat on Boaioo Commoo "■*"** 17. 

TBB BsBTBOvaii Qfium of Boston, augmented to 
seven pieces, and Mrs, B. Hnmphrey Allen appear with 
the Cecelia Clab of Piu » i de m .», S, L . Match ItC^ 

TBB CHOiiAI. Daios of Lynn. Maaa, perform Cadt'e 
cantata ot "Tbe Crasadsis** Itateh 37. 

O. A- I>AOoaTT haa b n u n eo^iged for a concert to be 
ElvtBbvthsO. A. R. Poetsa. In Bralnlrea. Maaa.. April X 

Gioson BkT.voLDS has made quite a hit as Lltt'e Bnt- 
tereop In "H. M. 8. Pinafore.'* with McDootrtiah A 
Lamb's rnmhinailon Ctmpan/, while tzaveilng in Penn- 

TB> Vajramn Oma Oompast In "Jack the Olant- 

kOler" and 'Toodlea'* had thtesgoodhoaaas at theOrla- 
wold, TVoy, ^. r., March lX14,lAaadaniattoee on the 
latur data that rated amoog the best of. tha Wlutar. A 

alatarofManaaerD. 8. Tbomaa, a resident 01 BoBton.hsa 
WTtttan ma new third act lor "Jack the Glantklller.** 
wtilob waa prenentad lor the flrat time 13, and is a marked 
improvement It hitrodoees tbe prison song tnm "II Tro. 
TBtore** by Jennie Qolgley and Invisible chotua Adnural 
Dot. Jaiuua, and Col. On, tbe giant, are tbe stellar mem- 
bers of the tioape. Tbey go to Hontieal 17. for one week, 

A "FlWAVOBa" OOMTAirv la billed (or March 77, S, 29L In 
the Acad emy o f Mofic Minneapolis. Hinn. 

TBB voDBTB ODSCIBT Of the Btooklyn FbUhazmotric 
BoeleCy took place in the Academy of Music March 13. be. 
ftaae a ftall honsB. Minnie Hank and SignorGalassl were 
the vocalists, and aMlSi Bates a Brooklyn lady— the solo- 

TBB'Hoi.MAanrBAfBdiTFX. a'nhooscSI to open in tbe 
BkhaoodiT^lTbaatt* Mareb IOIn"a -M. 8, PtBafote,' 

arrived, but no performance was fllta that data, owing 
to tha Bon-anlnl of sisnsiy. bsagaga. ete.,' bet appeared 
11. Our eoneepondsntaaysi "Whilst.^ muoh may havw 

beea eipededby themsjtittty, itis equally ttos tbatthk 
Isrw assemblace'.preaetit were disappointed in both the 
opem and rompaor. Notwltlu4andlBg the aevaie eriti 
eLms of tbe enUte pn«s-and'of pnbiie opinion.: the 
o,-wa wu lepeatMl every Dlaht (save ISi and at'the 
matlBse to almost empty bescheC It b but Jost 
to the company -tO' say that a *dedded Improvement 
waa aoiieeaale the ' remainder- of the week; In 'both' 
sineina and sc'lng- They closed IS to a . mall e^ 
Undanee with "Lmi CIncbee de'ComevlUe**— an entirely 
different vet>lon of that opera iVoo any we have ever 
seen — wbeo the company, aa a whole, showed ' to tbe t>e-t 
advantsfe of the week, Boote; Korfolk, Va., 17. 16. 
Petrtabntg 19. Wllmlnitnn, y a, n, Chsriaston, 8, 0„ 
SI a. Ravaonab, Oa,, 24. 29 26 '■ 

STBAKOSCB Opska Trocpb appeared tn tbs Orand 
Opera house, Detmit,Mklh., Marrta IX IS, 14, IS, glvine 
"Alda ■■ "Luola," "Huneno'S,** "Muuon** (matinee) 
and "Carmen." ... Manaaer Dave.v ^ued Max Strakoaob 
(brbreaklng his contract ivltbtalm to appear In the De- 
troit Opera-ooosa.. Immediately upon bis amvai. IX (tar. 
Dlshsefug the box-btUce reservad.seatraoelpta and attach- 
ing tbe baonage. titiakoecb.Kave boedaior $2.400, and 
tbecaae will be eettled now by tha courts 

Tbb FirrH-AVBtruB "PiirAroast* Compaq sppesred in 
WietliB Opera- bonsaSyrsfosa. N.T . Han:h 14, IVitaAlT'. 
bushHu;: Tbf* pIsyiB aSlra 0. BuCiT^a. anTloShV 
remainder or Itas week. .Tlia Drnmn (pinafore** Tbbh^ 
annnstetd u/-;appear>bSfiucd:^«^veceaiSlB 
tbelr datsa. 

OxoBux PABLO FA5Q9S, euphnulnm playfr and. dram- 
mar, auvertlses for an eokaiteifient. 


FBOH Leasvillb. Ool,, a oorrespondent ssnds 
the following under dateot March 9: "TheOol- 
Isenm— Oaddlgan Search, proprietors, and 
Bngspcrger A Llnoell, .managers — is drawing 
crowded houses nightly. The show is flrst-olass, 
and tbe company Includes Boyd and Wade, song- 
and-dance; S^ Murdy, aged-negro Impersona- 
tions: Bobby Oaylor In Moiih-ot-Ireland eccen- 
trlcltlee: Ella La Bue, comet and banjo solos; 
Parker Bisters, eonge and duets on guitar and 
banjo; May Gaylor, Jigs: Baby Rhinebart, serlo- 
oomle; Huwiaud- Bisters, songs^and-danceo;-, MIBs 
Georgia.. Alma, hallada; Tlllle'>Bbutoo, •et1o-<f<i 
comic; Badle MelvIUe, Jigs. Departure: Sadie 

Melville, to Comlque At the Theatre Oomlaue, 

under tbe management ot Wm. XuitsI, tormfTiy 
ot the Bella union, Deadwood. the following 
people held the boards: Lew Spencer, Dutch 
comedian: Hd;ner and Hdliy, negro song-and- 
dance; Le OIalr and Uennell, gymnsats; Billy De 
Vera comedian ; Foy and Tbomaaon, negro eonge- 
and-dances: Boblnson Family— Lizzie, NelUe and 
Dick— musical specialties; Miss Faunie Garrett- 
son, operatic airs: Mabel Blvets, serlo-ooniic: 
Nellie Bruce, ballads; Georgia Brace, songs, 
dances and reels; Blaster Barry and Id Petite Liz- 
zie, soogs-and.duucee; Frankie Wbltoomb, aurlo- 
comlc Arrivals 6: Fanny Douglass, LolaCorra, 
Cora Walters, Departures S : Beasle Bell, to Den- 
ver; Foy and Thompson, to Ban Francisco, 10." 

AT THE Mbw If atiorai, TazATBB, Philadelphia, 
the following appeared during the week ending 
March IS : Ellse Eruger, formerly known-as Mile. 
Elise, donseuse, who appeared in a new line 
ot business and change act; Lizzie Uulvey, 
Harry G. Richmond, Acland Von Boy^e, McOul- 
longh and Oasey, Jeppeand Fannie Driaoo. and 
Dr. Landls, Horry Richmond benefits March 18, 
Among the listot volunteers are Alf. McDowell, 
who comes trom Butlalo, M. Y., by permission ot 
Manager Shelby, Jacques Eruger and Charley 
Reynolds, who come from Boston., Pa., by per- 
mission ot Welch and Rice: Helene Smith, Billy 
Carroll, Josephine West, Mile, Elise, Wm. H. 
Porter, O. E. Loder, and Dr. 8- M. I^ndls. Busi- 
ness good. The regtilar attractions tor the 
present week are Jas. F. Montague. Kear- 
ney and Powers, the Thompeon Brothers, 
Cbos. H. Grear. Bitta Keller and Horry Wal- 
ton. Lizzie Conway, soubrette, beneflis 21, on 
which occasion will be produced for the flrat 
time on any stage the new (our-oct drama 
"Bohemians," written exprtwsly for her, (Mist as 
follows: Nannette. Miss Llule Conway; Uothor 
Billings, MIsa ElBe Johns: Mrs. Levlson, Mies 
Florence Stover; Minnie Wynne, Miss Helene 
Smith ; Howard Markley, Jos. T. Fannin : Man- 
uel. W. H. Jones; Madison Green, H. O. Rich- 
mond: English, A. O. Yon Bnyte; Gen. Lawrence, 
Geo. Conway; Pat Cogon, F. Congers. The list of 
tbe Bpecialtlea Includes Frank I. Froyne, Mile. 
Elise, Wm. Belgher, Harry Walton, Dr, Landls, 
the Thompson Bros., Jennie Kendrlx, Keitmey 
and PowerB, Wm. Ueagher. Tommy Burton, Bar- 
ry Leon, Barry G. Richmond, Acland Ton Boyle 
and Bob Harrison. 

DOLLT DAVENPOBT, A. J. Talbot, Olark Olbbe, 
J. L. Manning, Nollie Edwards, John and Baby 
Goodman.Siewortand Price, Sweeny and Kenny, 
and Styles and Manning were tbe anials at the 
Grand Central Theatre, Philadelphia, during last 
week. All but the Orat four closed 16. "The 
Female Forty Thieves" was given, with a march 
ot the forty females around the orcheetro-clrcle. 
Business good. Frank and Minnie Baaaall, Lloyd 
and Parker, Bom Martin, Billy Standtord, Jobn 
Moron, tho Webster Brothers. F. H. Cheeter, Ada 
Morgan. Ella Sheldon, Percy Gamett, and tbs 
Atrlcan Mystery Tommy open IT. 


the attractions tor the week ending March 16 
were the Mortlnettt Family, Belle Gobrlelle, An- 
nie Fronds, the Devere Brothers, Millie Holm- 
bnrg. Eltty Sheppard, Joe Bedmond and Ado Clif- 
ton, Larry Tooley, John Bellly, Lonlae Murlo, 
and W, N, Orlfflth and Belle Morton- "H. H. 8. 
PInalnre" eontlnned to hold' the boards-- - Busl- 
neea lalr. The Bartorl Parlor Opera Troupe, Mile. 
Ellse Eruger, Conway and EagsB, Ward and 
Wells, and Joe Mack begin 17. 

Joe Bedkobi) and Ada Olittnn, Eugene Blitz, 
Geo. and Marie Nelson, Millie Maimburg and 
Larry Tooley appeared at the International 
Comlque, Philadelphia, to light bouses, during 
the week ending March IS, The two lost named 
cloeed on above dote. The Wellington Bisters, 
Oonw^y and Bagan, Ward and Wells, and Geo. El- 
wood arrive 17, Manager Thos. F, Hughes bene- 
nts 31, 

Tbb Cabills in their neat musical act are per- 
forming with success at the Front.etreet Theatre, 
Baltimore, Md. They open at the Grand Central 
Theatre, Phlladelphlv Pa., March 3i. 

Chables E. Emhbtt In the drama of "Doslitng 
Charley" constituted tbe chief atttactlon at Ker- 
non's Central Theatre, Baltimore, Ud. Sadie Go- 
mersol as May Howord, Annie Boyd as Mag, 
Charley Howard as Syphon, and H. W. Esganas 
Mendez made agood support. Our correspondent 
remarks: "Oharies H, Stanley, motto-vocaltat, 
Badle Oomeisol, serlo-oomic, Sanfordand Wilson, 
and for its third and lost week "Pinafore," made 
up the bill. Business good. Depsrtures IS: 
Sadie Gomersal, Tlllle Graham, and Minnie Wes- 
ner, to Norfolk: "Dashing Oharley." Bantord and 
Wilson, and Chorlee H. Stanley to New Tork. 
For IT : The Hilton Jasiwrs (^mbloatlon— Marie 
Jasper, Mrs. J. W. Benttrow, Clinton, Thomsa 
and Newton Jasper, J. W. Benttrow— C. A. 
Cuacy, Watson and Ellis, Wiley Hsmilton,Cami>- 
bell and Burke, P. 0. Foy, Bauer Sisters and 

Alice Sherwood On April 9 Baltimore 

Lodge B. P. O. Elks give their first aimnal 
beneflt at Albaugb's HoUlday-street Theatre 
This lodge gives a reception and sapper at 
Guy's Hotel 16 to theOrand Exalted Ruler, George 
R. Maguire. The committee having the affair in 
charge ore Doniel Kelly, Charles ^ward and R. 

8. Parker Business is steadily improving at 

the Front-street Theatre. The treeh cords were 
Minnie Farrell, who sings with teeling and ex 
pression, and her ooetiunes are rich, tasty and 
becoming: Master Bice In Irish songB-and-dances: 
Ida Forren, a pleasing change-artist: Jennie 
LIndsey, serlo-oomlc; and Hawkins and Rey- 
nolds, snng.and-dauce. Boy Leslie, Emma Bren- 
nan and Sam Bumell failed to appear- Departures 
IS: Master Rtee and Eugene and Gaston, to Phtlo- 
delphla; Minnie Farrell and Kew 
York; Jennie LIndsey, to Pittsburg; and Haw- 
kins and Beynoids, to Nortolk. For IT : George 
France, Harry Lavamie, Mile. Zoe ZeonettI and 
Mens. Bearle, Andy and Harry OablU, Mayo and 
Williams, Llllle Hsil and Belle Falimount. At 
George Nochman's beneOt, 10, people were turned 
away. This gentleman again becomes sole pro- 
prietor and manager IT, Adolph Nochman retir- 
ing after that date, with every debt ot his man- 
agement paid Belle Clltlon, tancy dancer; 

Crawford Brothers, song-and-dance; and Lou Ed- 
worde, serlo-oomic; opened at the <)deon 10. 
Grace Garland lies elok in Indianapolis, Ind 
Business good. Departures 15: Aimle Baymond 
Bad Tommy Adama, to New York: and Ada Stan- 
wood, no date. For IT: Kitty Gardner, James 

WoodvlIle,'and Emily Kendall Chris, Emerlch 

Is proprietor ot the Old Town Varieties, with 
Frank Oayton stage-manager. Tbe people lost 
week were Eltty Morton, Helene Beanlon, Jean- 
nette Lewis, Clara May Beld, HoUle OlUIord, Frank 
Miller, and Harry Golletti." 

atthz OOLiSBDii, Detroit, Mich., business hss 
eontlnned good- On Uarch 10 appeared the 
OlaireSlstetB— Minnie and Maggie— in trapeze and 
ilylng-rlng teats; Barlow Brothsrs In pleoaing 
plantation ecenea; Hons. Maont In fine Juggling 
act; Blanche Belwyn,seno-comie songs In female 
attire— later In the week, however, she changed 
to male costume; Ben Gllfoll made a hit la bis 
"Bootblack" act; the Freeman Bisters, tavorltes, 
appeared In musical sketches. Introducing musts 
trom "PInatore" and other relcnlDg melodies; 
and Delehantyand Hengler In their specialties. 
Departtiree IB : Blanche Belwyn; Ben Gllfoll, to 
Chicago; Delebanty and Hengler, Brooklyn 
Clalie Blstsrs remain at home there ; Mods. Maont 
Coming IT: Old, 0. France, Sol^artl' Sotr and 
son, Carrie Lavamie, Wm. H: Brent, Edward 
Rupert, Edward Hammond, George Lemming, 
and Harry Miner, the lost Ave to oaeist in 

the drama Harry Thompson's benefit at 

the Detroit Opeta-bouse, 10, was a success, A host 
ot volunteers, both profcastonal and amateur, 
assisted. A purse ot $100 and a sliver tea-eet 
were presented to Harry and Maiy Thompson^ 

At the Gomtque business has been fair. The 

arrivals 10 were Alice Gllmove. eong-and-danoe. 
making a good Impreeslon (having recovered 
trom her lllaess ol tbe prttvlous week) ; Turner 
and Maas as "The Ulster Brothers" were excel- 
lent: 'Van Zandt Brothers gave a gymnastic act; 
Laura Le Olair appeared In songs-ond-donces. 
Cloelng IS : Dollle Hamilton, Orand Baplds; 'Van 
Zandt Brothers, no destination. Ooming IT : Wln- 
netta Crayton, Henrietta Murray, Thos, Hedges, 
Thoe, Murray, 

AT THB National, Hartford, OL, "Ohrls the 
Blind Marksman," a backwoods drama. Intro- 
duced Den Howe and Nellie Kemp In teau ot 
marksmanship, which tor daring and precision 
were nmarkaUe. Among the trasbest teate were 
shooting eardrops trom the lady's ears and on 
apple trom her cheek while hec.head rested upon 
a table. Mies Kemp also did soma fine ehootlng- 
The new people were the Livingstone Brothers and 
John Munz, horizontal-bar performereol merit; 
UeVlcker and Saunders In Irish songs-and- 
danees; Ohaa, Tale and Wm-Oameron tn Ethi- 
opian acts; and the Sherwood Slstera, aong-and- 
dance. Olcaed March 16: Emma Bretto,IfoVlcker 
and Saunden, Livingstone Brothera and John 
UnrtE, to New York, and the Sherwood Slsteis, 
to Providence. Announced lor 17 : Baymond and 

Mnrphy, the Shorpleya and HUe. Etta The 

Infant daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Den Howe died 
10 In Harttord, and was borlsd 11. 

In astobia, Oregon, at tbe date ol ou Utest 
advloss— Feb. 34— at Smith's Hualo Hall, the oom- 
pany Inolndsd Hallet and Staley. song-and-danee; 
Charley Qordoa (colored), aorobat and ToeaUst: 
OnsBpragae, danoer; Belle Neal, vocalist: Hay 
Hughes, statusrartlst; Frank Meal. bollad-Blngert 
and Joe Fetty,''"Inm.]aw pertormer;"..and^ifs 
Leondid & bmea...... At, Hill's Yarlettea are 

Billy and Lydla West, clog-dancers; Frank 
Blanchard, contortionist; Sarry Wataon, general 
jgertonner; and Jpluiiiraartet.(ooloted),o«me- 

UAJOB BiTBS, whose' mUUaiTFMt lias-bpenBo 
wacosBstal dnnna his tdp , thintiglr 'Europe, at>« 
-BonnAsA Aat he^ls opiia for -^dgagemeAm, ' 

CiNcbiKATi VABiFrT HEW8 to Harch 16 Is f tir- 
nlshed as appended by our correspondent : .'•The 
openlac«ttEaetlanB at the Oollaenat;ip wore I*e« 
B.Wi«nlnhla BrmniUlftnBT Siama'-'OnTIme, m 
whicdt Hr; Wten assiuied with credit five dumt^ 
enrcharaeters; 'Idttle' Bosehnd, the clever cimd 
vocalist and dancer: FroL H. O. Doty and tioape 
of seven trained dogs; Oereni, Leslie and Oarroll,- 
tbe 'nondaacrlptB,' who do Bnavd and yery effeot- 
Ive tymnastio and groteaqap act iendtled <8oape;' 
and Marlowe a^ Healer In Irish sketchee. 
Business good. - Departures:' The ,.Vlotorellls 
and oil of the above opening cords. Com- 
meoclng IT: George W. Thompeon, In The 
Duke'a Uotto,' Emma and I<oiil8 Alfredo, the 
D'Alve SlsiBis, and.HatttS: and Bonnie Grln- 
nell. W. L. Gleason stars here, commenoiog 
24 In a new drerao called 'The Devll-doator.' 

The AleelA Diirand'a Blondes continue at 

the Vlne-etreet Opera-bouse to. good boslnsse. 
George C. Davenport, Phil Olbbons snd Lydla 
Yeamans opened IT; . .-.T At -I SBt ad i Ilsb Ihe-Mlobe* 
had again become 'Shlckllng's^^Aaadanr.SwUh 
Walter Southgate as mos^er.-r.a^iyiHaiiMnd, 
Oharley Gallagher, Burt Stowa^'.Sikya^Q^rleo,' 
Will E. Olark, Allte Hendel, IdsvWllllams', IBttle 
Marshall. Lottie Amann, ani}. the Dt^mon Sisters 
wen'bin«d'aftri«yS« thfcrv; >Iti*iBon<llett tor 
aolamtr^4l-,i'-r-Nb DOW appeantieef 10 at the 
Eldorado, iOlMlaaf:A Ohizlea.A.- TInaent': and: 
Oeorgft UorrenfMlwdakee: -Edith Taleilttne'- 
ond Wanning and J>rew. -OpeolnglT; Coiuion 
and Ryan and tbeOfeiin'Btaters.'Tl'. .-.De^me and 
Devonney, John Maxwell, and Frankie Sidney 
were the trwh faces at'the Whlte'Honsa..-. J.The 
Davenport Brothers were In town this week, and 
left for Chicago." 

Emiia Lxiboobbz; serto-comlc, who hss been 
singing for several weeks- post in the Adelphl 
Theatre. Terre Haote, Ind., was taken suddenly 
III HAny^ 13£ ata {Ilea In kfte* ni&utqi, as»4 3S 
years. She performed tip to' the day ot her death ; 
bat her physlolana state that ber disease— pnea- 
'raonla ot the heart — from whlehehe had SulTered 
for years, was Incurable. In.prlvate lite she was 
Mrs; George ' A. SAge. -Slw t»|pinetMe<],^«e pro-- 
fessIoDsl career In New^ork City |n 18T5. The 
memb'-ra ot tbe Adelphl. company defrayed tbe 
expenses of her funeral, and lier remains were 
burled In the cemetery InTerra Haute. 


Tnd.. MInnts Opcar Gray, Wm. T. Stephens and 
the dogs Romm and Zip appeared In "Saved 
trom the Storm" during the past wesk. Business 
was good tho nnt two nigbts, otter whioh It 
dropped otr. O. H. Fielding and Haggle Walker 
in an Ir sh sketch and Johnny Smith in banjo- 
lams were new In the olio. Max Sterns is now 
leader ot orchestra.- Departures IS: MIdnle 
OscarOray and W.T, Stephens, to St, Lonia; the 
Fleldlngs, to Kansas City; the Honleys, Johnny 
Max, Johnny Smltb, no date. New IT : The Peos- 
leys. Love Sisters, Josle Austin, Kelly and Haaley. 
. .Ben Cotton Is lo town. . .Grace Thomas, Virginia 
Boss, Oley Audley, Jeiuiie Ward, and Carrie Glenn 
are the currant attractions at Oreunert*s Hall. . . . 
Ned Oampbell, stoge-monoger at Orene's Garden 
Theatre, and Hiss Minnie Balotorth, well known 
In the variety profession, were married H&reh 
13, Justice 'Whitney performing the ceremony. 
Prof. Stems' orotaesire serenaded the parties at 
ibelr hotel in the evening. 

LADT SPECIALTT ABTISTO ore wonted ot the Vine- 
street Opera-house, Cincinnati, O. Address 0.8. 
Smiih, Uanager. 

Maiiaoeb John Howobth, proprietor ot tbe 
Hibernica. publishes a reply to John M. Burke's 
card, which appeared In last week's Clippbb. 

Tbe Bbazzibbs, leg-roanta artists, rest this week 
to give George a chance to recover from a 
sprained ankle, T 

ULLB, Faobos's Parisian Folly Oompany open 
m the Dominion Theatre, HnmreiU, Canada, tor 
one^week, begfunlng Morch 17. 

Tbb abbivals at Smith's Opera-house, Grand 
Rapids, Ulch., Uarch R, were Eva Bennett and 
John MorrlBsey In sketches, which were favorably 
received. Depaxturee IS: Ulss Llllle Howard, to 
Fort Wayne, and Eva Bennett itnd John Morris- 
sey, to Saginaw. Alice Hurray and Millie Homer 
annr-uDced for IT. Biz good. 

AN ATTBAOTIVE programme, fine weather and 
absence ot competition resulted In Shelby's 
Adelphl, Bntialo, N, Y,, being filled In every part 
every night last woek. Hlle. Lottie In leata ot 
Strength; Foley and Sheffer In a negro sketch; 
<2ueen and Bell, blgh-pedestol clog-doncen; Jen- 
nie Morgan In well.sung ballads; Wood and 
West, skatorlsl songsters; Tim Rogere, Irish 
comedian and vocoliat; Bryant and Bavllle in a 
musical act: snd Flora Moore in Irish comic 
songs snd Imitations, were the new arrivals, and 
all were rec: lved with marked favor. Departures 
15: Mile. Lottie, Queen and Bell, Wood and West, 
Bryant and Savllle, to Bradford, Pa. ; Foley and 
BhelTer, Flora Mnoro, to Pittsburg: and Jennie 
Morgan, to New York. Opening IT: James B. 
BlDghom. Marie Whittlnghom. Master Newman, 
Buydom Brothera, Topock itnd Long, Lynn Bis- 
tera. Time Antonio, and De Witt Oook, 

AT THB NovELTT TbeatBe, Loulsvllle, Ey,, the 
orrlvala March 10 were Vic Reynolds, who slogs 
with spirit, but her voice la thin, and Morris and 
Green In a negro sketch. Hiss Lydla Rosa, Clark 
and Edwards, the Gloss Brothera and Oon. Fred- 
ericks in their reepectlve spedaldea won well- 
deserved applause. Tbe Oloes Brothera and Con 
Fredericks close IE, deetlnotlon unknown, Sellon 
and Burns open IT, when a burlesque ot "PIna- 
tore" will be produced At tbe Metrepollian 

George W. Thompson in "Blp Van Winkle," with 
an oTio, has drawn a good attendanoe all the 
week. Olosnres IS: G. W. ThomiMOD, to Olncln- 
natl, and Ad. Oarlysle, to Plttslnirg. Billed for IT : 

W, J. Thompson Butt Clark ot Olark and 

Edwards was married 13 to Hiss Mary Golden ot 
Ogdensburg, N. Y., who came here to meet him 
by appointment for that purpose, 'She Is not a 
memt >er ot the pntessloiu Letter ot March 14. 

Vabiett PKBPOBiizBB and a npe-walkerare 
wanted by the Pierce Brothera, who odvertlse- 

EUBB KBCOBB, whose new change specialty la 
noticed elsewhere, can be addressed at the New 
National Theatre, Philadelphia, nnlll Haroh B. 

Tax attendancz at the Olympic, Fort Wayne, 
Ind., Increases weekly. The varied port ot the 
programme lost week was equal to any oltered 
this seoson.f Opening 17 : Frank Jones, Alice Mon- 
tague, Keating and Flynn, Llllle Howard, Lottie 
Gray. Deporturce IS : John R. Weaver and Chos. 
£. Helm, to ladiouapolls; Ella HeBlnond Nellie 
Howard, to Orand Rapids, Ulch. 

Jennie HttoHEs and company played In Paris. 
Texas, Harch 10, 11, Hope, Ark-, 12, 13, Hot 
Springs 14, 15, and are bUled In LIUle Bock IT, 
18, Duval's Bluff 19, 30. 

Mich., is to tM opened for the eeoson on or otwot 
March IT. Among the company wilt bethoFon- 
taluebleous, Maura and Leon, gymnas s, the 
Morris Brothera, Annie Clork, Louro Le Cloir, 
Annie Campbell,* Maud Gaston, Lily Vemon, 
Dick Barker, the Laverde Slstera and Horry Les- 
lie. busiUBM and stage manager. 
- The Ibwin Sistebs— May and Flora— and 
Frank Bennett and Goorgle Eone are to be 
memben of -Tony Pastor's Traveling Company 
the comlDE season. 


THE Hetbopoutan, MUwanke^ Wla,, with 
John aienaby proprietor and Uarah Adama man- 
ager, la to be reopened March IT with the tollow- 
tog people: Gibeon and Blnney, Dotinelly and 
Drew and Hons. Joseph, Hansger Adama Is In 

Cbleago, trying to engage female talent The 

Ullwoukee Theatre gave Its last performance 
Sbnday night; March 9. Hr. Swetland talks ot 

_ _ ^ ^_ _ ,re<»penlnglt34. Hr. Benedlctremalnslntheclty. 

sonBi^sirt)>eVlaior1a*Br6s.,Geo. Ndeaanfi JJ9j,'E IBosiniss bos been lair at the, Washington-. 
I , HeColganv and Hughes. >. pilM istreei Opers^house, Uemphis, Tenn, No nesr 

ithat he has a novelty for..the oliona, 
uddnmed ewe el tus offlco. 



Vabiett bcsiness is reported good in St.' Foul, 
Ulon. Pertormanoes at both theatres. have been 
given reoeotly on Sunday nights with autxees. 
At Oonley'S the arrivals Msrch 10 were Kay Cole, 
Kitty Carroll and Kltiy Hoy. Eltty Beynoids 01 
the company, who bos been daogemusly III, is 

rapidly convalescing At KnouB's Summer 

Garden tbe Dutch Hendels opened 10. 

thbpabkeb Bibtebb- Kittle and Haggle— are 
announced as having met with so much succees 
in their musical si>ecioUles through the West 
that tbey will hove to cancel all Eastern dotes un- 
til further notice. They pertorm In Leadvllle, 
Col., elx weeks, sod return to Kansas City, Ho., 
tor tour week s. T hence they go to California. 

Pbof. S. Bhineeabt publishes a card In refer- 
ence to his leaping dog Smuggler, and his desire 
for a oompetltion with the dogs ot Prof. Parker, 
He and his troupe ol dogs have been engaged to 
travel -with the Anderson Show this season. 

ATTHZ Thbatbe Cohiqoe, Leadvllle, (>>I., at 
our latest advices the chief attractions were Billy 
Klrby, John Jenkins, Uobel Riven, Jomce Le- 
clalr, the Howling Sietera. Homer and Holly, Fon- 
ny Douglass, Lola Cory, and MetUe and Oscar 

Bah Detebe wae the klng-pln ot the company 
at the Theatre Comlque, Brooklyn, E. D., last 
week, bat even his populorlty lolled to attract 
mora than fair audiences. The other new people 
were Emma Budworth, vocalist; Harry Bud- 
worth, whose negro apeclalUea were heartily ap- 
plauded; Howard and Sanfoid Inpatch special- 
ties: Vaye and Williams, aong-and-lance; and 
George Goodman, motto-voeallst. In tbe minstrel 
opening Bodworth and Hoyo appeared on the 
.ends, and Stage-manager H. J. Campbell as mid- 
dle-man. Tne sketch ot " The Baby Elephant " 
closed the pmgramme. BUled lor Uarch IT: 
Maurice and Lily Western, Ben Dodge, WllUam 
Mitchell, Kennedy and Olark, and Granger and 
Wee t on. 

at the Nobpolk (Va.) VARtETiBS buslnefs has 
been good during the post wesk, James Bellly In 
his character-changes being the only new taoe. 
Tbe following cloeed Uarah 16 : UlaBoydell and 
Alt Ulies, to Richmond, and theOoranfio Sisters, 
to Philadelphia. The new people IT ore TUIIeGra- 
ham, Badle aemersall and Reynolds and Hnw- 

Tbb OABBrriB, who Intend raturoing to this 
country In August neit, will bring with them aa 
a chief attraction a .Sock ot lourteen- highly- 
trained pigeons, which will ivrtorm under the 
direction ot Ulle. Oaretta. They were reoently 
playing In Hanellles, France. 

HiNis AND BLOSSOM are highly spoken ot by 
Honager B. 0. Hart ot the Theatre 0'>mlqae. 
Cleveland, O., as pertormera ot considerable 
merit, whose specIMtlee on attractive and origin- 
al. They have only Jnat Joined fortunes. Hr. 
Hlnes'ttelng formerly ot Oummlngs and Hinds, 
a nd H r. Blosso m ot tbe Blossoms, 

TBI GAiwrT Tbbatbb, New Haven, Ot, has met 
with suooeas since the opening. The press and 
pnbllo oooord it a leading place In the amuse- 
ments ot the dty. The company the past week 
included Oool Burgess, Habel Pearl, Bel Uenab, 
lone Lang. Jerry Cohen. Jones and Cresion, Car- 
rie and Sophie Duncan, Bob Allen and Harry 

ALLEN AND Habt, Sketch artists, are open tor 
engogemonts in their epeolalties, Inclndlng bone 
and b&ojo solos, songs-aodHlanoes, ete. Beeoord, 
J- ""BBHAK, ba»lng|been orreeted In Phila- 
delphia Haroh 10, as mentioned In lut week's 
CUPPES, wos arraigned before Judge Fell la that 
city and plead guilty to an Indictment charging 
him with. maintaining a disorderly honse and 
public nuisance. I( will be rememberBd that 
this Indlotment was found ogalnst him shortly 
after the police raid on the Ari'ade Garden, ot 
which he wiu the alleged proprietor, but he had 
left the dty. In order to allow the priMlnctlonot 
evidence to determine the degree ot guilt and 
the general character ot the defendant, sentence 
was deterred until the following day, Harch 11. 
when policemen tastlfled ostothedolngsat the Ar 
cade Garden, and teetlraony was produced show- 
ing Sherman's oonhectton with the plaoa. Defend 
ant WBB then put npon the stand, andteatiaed that 
the imnptlj known as the Arcade Garden belongs 
to Katie Stokee ol Brooklyn, and that all the con- 
nection he ever had with It was to rent it tor her 
to F. E, Land, and on one occasion to sell tickets 
In the box-offlce. His counsel, Jas. H. Heverln, 
said Bhermon had plead guilty because he want- 
ed an Inquiry Into the matter at 'once, and be- 
.csuaebe enppoeed that his having once sold tteketg 
In the box-offles would be regarded as proof ol 
his connection with the eeubllshment. Lettere 
were read trom several peisons In Brooklyn, atat- 
ingrflhermaa te bea^man ot goo<l'iepata.'and 
there waa^.t^.rnadacextsocate ttom a Brottlyn 
iphysTclan npreeentlng that detendont was sick 
tm that dty at aCtfine of the'tald- -Ssalanee was 
'again deleneatopemilt the ptodiiiitlan ot more 

peug adaitted to )MU| 

FABHI PBmox, Tonng Hennles, NeUle 
Thoree, Harry Wentworth, the Bcsan. Brothera, 
Hlle. Mradelka, Bury Blanohard, Hona. Leopold 
and Geone Traaoe appeared at Itox'a Amerlnn 
Theetre, Fhlladelphla, last week. Attendance' 
moderate. Holmes Orover Jr., Hay De Lome, 
the HonUo Brothera, Dan Mason and Lsooard 
andUooreare the arrivals for IT. There was a 
alight fire tn tbe highest tier at this hOnse OTan- 
Ing ot Harch IS, caused by the flames trom an 
oil stove at the Inncb-counter setting fire to and 
exploding tbe resarvoirot olL -Fortunately, this 
occurred Just after the opening of the doore, 
when thera were but few people present, wi that 
therewaa no panic. The flames were soqotckly 
extinguished by Doorkeeper Edward Anderson 
and Property-man Fred Smith that tbe audience 

downstain knew nothing ot the event 

Within a tew houra after the revoostlon ot Fex's 
license to sell liquora, another license was 
proeared by Buelneas-manager Curran, . and- 
the patrons of the house can now look upon 
the wliia .when- It la«ied without fear of mol- 
eetatlon. -,'A behefif^.tendered to Bobert Fox 
by a noot^r, ot-dllliEsng will take place March 
10. It Is announced sstlie flnt ho boa ever hod. 
The list ot vol unteecB Isoludes Hlle.j>e Graavl|le^ 
J.'B, ^l^pktrlak; Tnmkny Oranger. the ',Thomp-> 

son Brosc; tT" '"' " — ,» t w. 

Bavllle.' Hc^. . _ . . 

prietora ot the International Comlque, and Ur. 
Henry Miller, proprietor ot Miller's Winter Gar- 
den, 'hove volunteered the services ot both their 
entire companies, - Thrae,-tegether With the .qom- 
pony ot Fox's American Theatre, will make on 

nnnsnolly strong bill i. .-Harch 13 Fox's per- 

sooal property In his American Theatre, conslstr. 
ing of bsr-flxtnree, scenery, properties, eostnm'esi 
oud all the appurtenances of the stage, were sold 
at Bhsrlira sole to soUsty onaxfooaon tor4ICB9;4T,: 
at the suttot Htary Vah Ban, and'one fDT'n,000,^ 
at the snit ot J. O. Curran. bualnees maoag0r..ol. 
the honse, the latter bidding them In for'*l.E8ti.< 
He paid Van Bell's dalm, and that, aeulad the: 
matter. This maksaMr. Fox debtorto Mr. Our-: 
ran In the sum of $3,600, .tor whicli the latter Is- 
perfectly willing to Walton Indefinite perio < eo 
long as the Interest Is paid. There will bi> -o 
cbnnre in the relstloDs between Fox and Oun '.' 

Nealon AMD Oabboll. musical artuts, ha,, 
been meeting with success at Tony Pastor's. 

Jas. and Babt UcDonald, Ella Warner, Dick 
Stewart, Millie Leonetta, J. Kellev, and Tnpnck 
and Long were the specloliate at Enoohs' Varie- 
ties, Philadelphia, for tbe past week. A reenn- 
structed "PInatore" was a feature ot the bill. 
Topook and Long oloeed 15. Helen Beanlon and 
Stiles and Manning are the new faces IT. Busi- 
ness improving Manager Harry Enochs and 

his tormer stage-manager, Lou Frazer, were ar- 
raigned Uarch 13 on an indictment chorgib^ 
them with motntaining a disorderly honae and 
public nuisonce. They pleaded not guuty. The 
trial was postponed tlU March IT, ot the- radueet 
Ot Enochs, be belag ocoapled with the onange- 
mentB tor the tuneral ot the late Billy wright the 
negrooomedlan, whose death was an ""loced In 
these oolumna last .week. - The ewe " -i - uot called 
on the ITih, being Indefinitely postiKjned because 
the conrt was occnpled with more Important 


TBE HOWABD ATHENiBint, Boston, Masa., was 
necnpled tbe post week by the New York Novelty 
Combination, who preeented o arat,,c1ass' variety 
bin to large and lences. The comiuihy bos been 
frequently reviewed. March IT Dominlck Mur- 
ray opens in the drama ot "lochavogue," with 
variety acts by the king blgh-klckera Emerenn, 
Clark and the Daly Brothers, Robert NIckle, Bar- 
ney Fsgon. Walsh ond KIne, LeonoraBrodley and 
Sam and Harry Hume. 2<. Charles. Fechter In- 

"Monte Orlslo." The Jockey Club Female 

Minstrels opened, the hill at the Boylstnn Mu- 
seum 10, Harry Woodeon, Al. Decker and Jer- 
ry Oobon being bonea, middleman and toni- 
bo; Lilly Sargent. Misses L. ond G. Hoyden, 
Myrtle Eogler and Spray Arlington, vncAllsts. 
The olio presented John Pendy In Imitations 
ot London comics; Dick Sutds, clog-dancer; 
Mies JetTreye-Worner in original songs; Lyons 
ond Leary In songs ood sayings; Harry Wood 
son ss the representative ot the old South- 
ern dorky: Jerry Gohon lo Irish songp; Nellie 
Uontroee, serio-comic; and "The Nslad Queen," 
in which appeared, in addition to those named 
aN>ve, T. H. Plummer, HIsa Annie Monholl, 
MISS Maud Ednon, and Miss Lizzie Snow, A 
sparring exhibition was added 14, It being a 
testlmnnlal benefit to Professor J. J, Bagley. 
Business for week lair. Mew stare IT: Ida 
SIddnns' Female Minstrels, Kelly and O'Brien, 
Ida Phillips. Burt Watson, Mylee Unrrls, and 
Frank H. Nelson: 18, testimonial benefit to 
Moneger G. E. Lotbrop — At the Palais Royal 
Museum business wss fair. The variety acts in. 
eluded the Francois Brothers on the trapeze, and 
as comical clowns; George Oory ss a representa- 
tive ot the north ot Ireland ; the "Banner Song" 
of- Fred Mortimer, Juggling teats by Mile. Ade- 
llna, Ida RIvlngton'a serio-comic songs, Horry 
Kimball as a elelght-or-band performer, and 
Johnny Barker's Bouth-ot-Ireland speclaUlea. 
Fresh faces 17: Lyons and Loory, Wnf, Mock, 
Billy Roberts ond Alice Flsh- 

THE New Yobk Novbltt OOltBtNATION is to OPi- 
pear In Providence, B- I.. March IT, IS. Spring- 
field, Mass,, 10, New Haven, Ot., 30, Waterbury 
31, South Norwalk 33. 

Habsioan AND Habt ood the Theatre Comlque 
Oompany commence an engagement tn theBoeion 
(Haas.) Huseuo June 3. 

HABBtED ON TBB BTAOE.— In the Gaiety Thev 
tre. New Havea, Ct., Uarch IB, Stage-manager 
Montague annonnced to the audience that a 
pleasant surprise would take place at about half- 
post nine o'clock. After the drop-curtain hod 
been lowered the orobestra ployed a wedding 
march, and as the curtain again rose Jacob J. 
Jones ol Jonee and Oresion, rifle-shootera, and 
Ulss Josephine Blanchard, vocalist, were seen 
etondlng In the centre ot the stage, surrounded 
by thememberaot thecompony. Hugh Dolley, 
oJustloe-ot-the-peace. advanced and nulled Ur. 
Jones and Hiss Blaiiohard In morrloge. After 
the aondtialonoI-UMI.ceremony theoompony. oe- 
compaiited Tly the ordieetra; nng "Onr Harrlage 
Bells are Ringing," Alter the porlormances a 
euriper ond da ncin g ot a hotel were enjoyed, 

GtOBOiNA Shttbson Is to sssume Uie port ot 
Little Buttercup In "PInatore" at Tony Pastor's 
Theatre to-night. Miss SmItbeon's success Is no- 
ticed In her cord elsewhere- She hsa played tour 
engagements (at Tony Pastor's Theatre this sea- 
son, 'ond repeated engagements ot a number ol 
other houses. Her time la filled nntll next Octo- 
t>er, and she can be oddressed core ot this qtuce. 

Tax FtucKBAL 01 BUly Wright. Ethiopian come- 
dian, took, place Sunday afternoon, March 16, 
from 'ttS' reeldence of Harry Eooebs, No- 811 N. 
ITth street, Philadelphia, and was very largely at' 
tended, nearly a thousand persons during the 
day visiting the house to take the last look at 
thelr.departed Iriend, Tbe remains, neatly clod 
In block, with a bouquet in the lappel'ot tbe coat 
and a lily In one hand, were laid cot In a beauti- 
ful r-*eewood cofiln with silver ornaments. Horry 
Enochs deserves more credit than anyone can 
besi6w npen him, defraying aa he did all the ex- 
penses At tbe Tnneral, and burying his old pro- 
teaslonal comrade In his own lot. As be look his 
last loot of Billy Wright's remains Mr. Enochs 
WAS affected to tean>. Mre. Enochs, who Is lying ill 
with typhoid pneumonia, was onsble to be pns- 
entatihe funeral. Theservloes werecoodutned by 
the Rev. Anthony Altwood, who delivered an ap- 
propriate discourse, after which the nmalna were 
conveyed to Oddfellows' Cemetery, the pallbeor- 
era being Jim Flake, Lew Frailer, Wm. H- Jones 
and Tom Heywood, and ahoot one hundred per- 
sons tn double- file accompanied the tuneral cor- 
tege. Among the many professionals present be- 
sides those mentioned were Old Bob Sheppard, 
Bob Harrison, Billy Hort, Ad Collins, Joe Barney, 
Billy Porter, John Forbes, Paul Berger, Chos. F. 
Jones, A. Aleionder, Joe Enochs, Charley Devere, 
James Woodvllle, Jim Boblnson, Harry Staeetz, 
Fred Fellows, George Downing, Nat Davis, W. 
Bullock, George Freed, W. Outmlnghsm and 
Wm. W. Blncken. The deceased made hls-fltst 
apiiearance on tbe stage at Bheppard's Opera- 
house (Phoenix street, between Franktord road 
and Front street). Philadelphia, In January, 
18ST. Old Bob Sheppard was the proprietor, 
Horry Enochs stoge- manager, and Joe Bioketts 
treasnrer, and among the eomi>any was Jahn' L. 
Corncross, the now well-known vocalist and 
manager of the Eleventh-street Opera-houee, In 
that city. Billy Wright, on the occasion ot his 
debut, song a comic song entitled "Springfield 
Mountain." For many yean be enjoyed a won- 
dertnl popularity In the variety halls ot Pblla 

Fbbd Walduann's Newark (N. J.) Theatre did 
o fine buelneos lost week, ond Miss Whlttinghom 
and Master Newman, Mile. Oerlto, and Kelly and 
Ryan became liiLmedlate tavorltee. Chaa. E. 
worley, owing to "Indisposition," did not appear 
to his usual advantajte. Depairtnres IS: Avery 
and La Bite and Wood a-id Beosley, to BrtMklyn : 
Marie Whittloeham and Master Newman, to But-, 
talo; Fannie Davenport and Ada Forrest, to New 
York: Mile. Cerlto, Philadelphia. Kelly and 
Ryan Join Tony Pastor's 'iMupe, and open In 
Baltimore. To arrive IT: Quilier and Goldrich, 
Louise Mnrlo, Horrls and Fields. Lizzie Halvey, 
Ned Barry, Bnssell Brothera and Oharley Bum- 
bam, stage- manager Theatre Comlque Is do- 
ing a fair bnslneas, and Harry Shay continues to 
make lota ot tun 'tor the boys. Departures 16 : 
Bam Uartin and Joe Hock, to Phllsdelpbla: Fred 
Bobens, to New York; Uurpby and Hack, to 
Brooklyn; and Fanny Herring, idle. . Fred Wald- 
monn's benefit^ 13, was largely ottaiided. Hairy 
Bell has retired from the amniedfent manage 
mepi ot WiMdmann'a. TheUetropqllianlsaayet 
unocoapled, ■ 

AT Habst Williaws' aoadbktof HtTBio, Pitts- 
burg, Po., "Pliiatore"was glven'tor the flnt time 
In that city Horch 10 to a full house. Pauline 
Hartman appeued aa JosephlDe, Uorle Guerney 
as Baiteronp, Cool Burgees aa Sir Joseph Porter, 
Dick Gormou as Oaptaln Oorooran, Frank Lewis 
OS Balph BackBtraw, Jule Keene as Dick Deodeye, 
H.|W. Williams as BUI Bobstay, and Lltlie D'Alve 
as Hebe. Taking everything Into eonstderatloii, 
the opera was creditably presented, and received 
with favor by the patrons ot the Academy. Prior 
to the performance ot "PInatore" an olio was 
offered, those participating being, tbe D'Alve 
Slstera, Allle Smith, Alice Gleaeon, Uaude Hor- 
rlseey. Jule Keene and Sallle Adams, Thatcher 
and Hume, and Thomas Uorrlssey. Business 
tor the weekjgood. Oloeed Haroh 16 : Oool Burgess, 
to Mew Hoven, Ci. ; Hande and Thos. Uorrlssey, 
Morle Guerney and Pauline Hartman, to New 
York: tbe D'Alve SIstsn. to Cineionotl; ond 
Frank Lewis, to BuOAlo. To open IT : Oharlee L. 
Davis, Emma vonts Foley anil StwOar, rton 
Moore, and Ourry and HaU, 

Ohablbb L. Datib, supported by Xmrna YeniL 
has been repeating his Eastern success -wttli 
•■Alvin JosUn" In the West, ss will In seen by ex- 
tracts Xrom Kansas Olty, Ho., JonmalB, and an 
endorsement by Uanager Love ot the Theatre 
Comlque, which are pabllshed ln onr business 
deporcmeot. Mr. Dovis -Is now performing at 
the Academy of Hnolo, Plttshnrg, Pa., where he 
can be addressed. 

OOBBKonoii. — Onr PhlladelplUa, Pa-, oorre- 
spondent stated In onr past- laauB that Kate Bay- 
mond (Mrs, O. B, OoUIns) was "dylngot oonsnmp- 
tlon-" We are hoppy to state that such Is not the 
case. That ahe has anffered conaldarablyot late 
Irom acnte bronchlUa probably gave oritm to onr 
corraspondenCs report ot her physical oondltlon. 

PgBVOBMEBS engaged at the Athenmnm, Co^ 
Iambus, O., are notified through Oscar WOlls' 
card that their engagements ore canceled, and 
be oSen to play combinations , on sharing terms. 

FBor. H. O'BXABDOH, tumblennlcon pertorm- 
er, can Do Mdieased lor ODgsfeineBta caie.ot.thls 

olBoe. , : ^ 

TEE KXrBO«a(itTAJI-.TBBA3rB&-L0VlgMU, Kr,i 
having aeeattta*- oiipaalty.ol 1^. iHUt atsticai 
soenerya.«to../M bAgaBted f^xjUV'tluli ebmbl: 
nstlonB. U»nicer f. B. Whallen advertaes that 

M MB B go94 nock OTDpsDi tg BBpport atan. 

''S^',^" % »•) VABiDiw thede- I ADA LA BELLB the -WBter aa«en.wlto is now 
S52yriJ5^.."JI^ ^an, MUSL walking at the EaropiS«i&tSr*Stoolw, an 

fSil4.?155 "•21? WrankUn and Hts- aqiudespedalttea. HheBas ier ownSEiiS ' 

S?iS2?}}. Sftt Oaaer.— .The Arcade YarletleB wUl be asSSed by FroL Be«av&iS-tro£ 
opened 10 with tbe foUowlogcompanay: La Petite J card —mitrtiv^ ^TT 

{^"••S!^' Nellie Parker. Add Weaver, 1 John Hbbtz Intorma na that he will net ta^vd' 

U^^^'^^J:^^'""^^!'^, 'rtth the ttiSritS fttoSeSshSirTSit^Ju^ 

cuS;. mi?2??SiT^'''? _5harle*-Harry tinne to pertorm with the Livingstone bStt^ 
BiSSfL* Yn ^5Si!f^,a*^.l?!-^'^Vi","l,"'^ tSeewlll be memberaot W.W^SSS 

S BUlBtl 'OP IT: "Punoh" Olrons Oompany the oomloK season. "•'*^''.«» 

J«nV?rwl^; ^^i^if' ^"'S'"'"''^^??"* EIOHT CASES OF ASIKALS, Inoludlng Paul 
oS?™ SSnU^iifl^''"';.'^? Dawren, Frank Bohrora pertormlng Uobb, and pertormSig ele- 
FLrtSJ'gf^S.Al.if-T?"-..'^.? "oiSfor". John Phant are Offered tor sale- Seeoard, 

w22.'\i„l'JI*^?'°'5*' Bigney. I abdebbon ft 00. '8 Great World's Xenageilft ~ 

_Z,'S'.f?J'^ re-engaged tor another and Internattonal cicim^no Se eeiouaPff 

week at the New National Theatre. Philadelphia, peka. Kansas. April 11. All ffol^oSTmi 
Slh;. succeastul Chinese impereona- | are notified to be on hand April IsTmb oarS! 

esLLB* BBoraBBB Great European Beven-els* 
phant HllUonalra naiite^ Olrena and Keoagartb' ' 
t>eglna thesesson at OaInmbiis,0., April 14.. jUx,- 
their card elsewhere they notlrr all sartlea ea- / 
gaged to be on hand April 13, ,:..i<- 

••BUT," one of iha elephanis beloaglag 'te flooM^J 
Bailey A Co *a sh.iw. nor in Pbiladelphia, Pa , Is sMed «i» , 
belnaa mtetwUnc eoadliloB. and win In a 'ea'aoatlnC ' 
aeeudlng to the do^on, ineraaae ibe popalatlea or uB»" 
elephant world. A card ftora the mananiv. pubnabed *Ue-' 
where, fbmlabe e a no mtier of lntera»ting portloatars-* awU^ 

for sale by B. Oilvia, as per eaij. 
Liri.*io ccRioaincs are wanted fortbe rideihi^ir with 

J Van Ambomb'sClrena AUo a iratep-aaeen the oog^ 
I cert. . Bee w. Fomnan'a advertlaeraenL ,.' wlir 3f ASTIR HoWABDI.,AVA!r,cvnnasti,'aiBsBi < 
vaaeo for the comlnc tenting aaasoajrlth Tai ' ' ~ ^ 
A Cc'sfTlmaand Kensgerla. 

fdcasslncslastreport. ElIaBeldendcoed March 8, 
lAT the National Thbatbb. Vttea, N. Y.. good 
hbnaes were reported all last week. The iepaxt- 
uree March s were Nellie Clark to wilkesbarra. 

Pa., uiuan BsUa Conway, whe Joined Dnyton'8 , 

P(natore Company; and Mons. GmUon,to Plus- I Btsssrasa, cannon-ball MTfunnsr and trisk- 

i>nng- The new faces 10 were Badle ConnoUr. I n"!!!' 5?° ** •"^VT' £ir the tenilos aoa»o. seeoard. 
B4ng-and.dancs;MatUoBIlse.aerlo.cumIc; Minnie o.TOertS^o'c^taiV™'"''"'-""'^**^*'^^^* 
Sjoj^. tancy^dantser: Blanche Langley, serlo- ^AloK^tSS^SSSS'SixK.^. carpet. eti, u'ogol 
ojmlc; the DuceUo Slstera; Mastera Goes and for sals by M. Wilson. wb.> advartlj«er! ' -7^- 

Wade; the Leonda Brothera: John and Ulnnte I BAvoHB,LkaAI>oaia*ORBA«BAiLaoai>n(owh>a kaeC 
-Wright, and the phllllpa Brothers. Pertormera '^["''^ 'nm North Bast, Fa., to Ca:e«go, 1U.| to oadtrge 
cAnfliid enksgements by addressing as t>ar card. I ""'"^'"g*" *- ''" i 
- jPAtJLDlEUABKHAll'BOOllPAHTpUTedlnUadlr ' Bnaciiir s A Wwnna Hi 

tSii"^,-8u"£SS«"' ^"^-""^ TBE ABCB5'^N^\;*c5K*Lld ETl^i^S- 

ii4<-u«i IU Oh I ]9au,_ jreorgonlzod. started f*om. Ohloago, IU. 

{Vabxett news is sent from Chicago, 111., by 
oar correspondent op to Uarch IS thus: 

At the Academy of Mule there has been a fkir attend- ', 
ance- An excellent olio was given. In which Charlea T.' 
White, the veteran Ethiopian comedian, aldtfl br Little 
Man and J, .M. Freeman, gave tbe old sketch of '-The tr- 
kanasaTraveler;** Mclatyre and Hratb care plantation 
•nnss-and dance*: the S'. Felix SUters-st-lred Inentols- 
lie coaromea, appeared In quartet nonge and-dances; the 
Realaea— Sam and Carrle-ln tbelr act -■nie Servants* 
Holiday,*' preceded by the three-set drama ol "Wild Bill.** 
Inl wblcb Julian Kent amitalned tha tltl*.mle. Deoart. 
aces: Vclotyre and Heath, to Hamlin's; Bryant and Hoey, 
to Join Tony Pastor'aTroups at Baltimore; tbe Pea^-leya. ro 
Iqdlaaspolla; and Jallan Kent Arrivals 17: Heboolnait 
aadooce, Perry Broa, Sparks Broe.. Tommy TQmer and 

Haley and Weet At Hamlln'a the attendance has 

averaged good. Cbsx W. Yoong opened the bill In the 
sketoh of "Smoked Out;** Ella Mayo Ibllowed In serio- 
comic sonicB: Altivd LUtoa gavebia raealial apee1a]tl*a; 
Erba Bobesott hsrl>allsds: O. W. Barry eoaeladiagthe 
entertainment with bis drama of "Broken Fetter*.** 
Lsavinc: AltM Utton and C, W. Barre Coralna 17: 
SIg. QiovannI, Mclnt;f« and Heath, and W. T. Helvllle. 

At the Metropolitan btulners waa only tolerable. 

•Lsmont snd Docrow did not ap|>ear aa annoenced. The 
Iferd Blateta sang daets In the olio; Edwin Browne eon- 
tlnned In hIa drama ot "Qo^d as Gold-** Pope r.ooke r«- 
placloK Harry Ellis aa HcCune, snd Dan O Losoe J P. 
galllvan as Dodley. Edwin Browne coea to Philadelpbla, 
openlnff- at niimore's Grand Central Mamb 31. "H. M. 
a.'. Ploatbra** will be pat on here tbe comiog week, with 
IiB>z Sexton, A, A. Armstrong, J A. Barney and Anw 
Rennioott specially eoitaged. and tbe Davenport Brothers 
and tbe victorel'ia are aonoanced for the olia 
.■ 'Task" ADAMa, who biabeen pe: formlog h'a ft>at» of 
Soger bllMardi with remmrksble ancoam «c tbe TWoli The. 
Btre, I his city, can be enaaged tbroagh Frank T. Mairnlre. 
whose a<idt«.a And in adranUement. He has a new table, 
and gives new shots. 

Drahas sKtrrcnsis A:miioxoscta be obtained at N'ed 
Siralcbt-aadrertlaed addrera. 

Sai'L (tXRTREW. writer of variety acts and aketcbee, ad, 

-WisNarr'a VARjKTVAORXcv la noticetl In a rard else 
where, exnialnlne Its sdvsntsffes to the pcoteaUoo. A 
partner la wanted. 

nAOii! Coxs-aLLV aito MAvna Bun are tha teclnlenrt 
Of aatrt*njcc4rdtromMaDacer O Nachraao of rbe Froot- 
atreetlheatre. Raltlmoia. Md., who recommends them ss 
flrkt.rtaaa perlOTmeni. 

Ths TnSATRC CoillillTk. PrOTldence. R I,, haa h«4 Ita 
naaal mn of cond htialneaa. Perry and Maerew made a 
hit In tbelr act. and Cotton and Rnckley. Mile. Etta and 
Biilr CS"**- received, Tbe new faces for March 

IftreCmma Rica. DevHn and Traeey. Manehe«t.r and 
.Tfnninea. Marie Veatvali, and the fiharwnnd SUtsi^, A 
bnrlesqne ot "Flnsr<*re'' la ti> bs pat on. DepartnrealS: 
Frankie Christie, to Haven. Ct. ; rntton Slid Buck- 
ler snil Perrv snd Uagrew, to New York ; snd Jennie 
Bothern. to iv^nn, 

,IUHX M. BCRKX iDohlln Dani and hia comedy cnmpanv 
abow In Plioanlrrllle. Pa.. RL Patrick's nliht. March 17. 
CoatsTiUe 18. Poctatown 19, Norrlnown 20, fonabolincken 
Sl.aermantown 7Z, Gloneester, N. J., 2L H B. Shells Is 
tbe sdvanceaztnL 

At tbb Rcmxsr , nARDxa Vabibtiis, Hkineapolls. 
MlQn.. there were on arrlvala laat week. AnnI- Haz^lton 
left March 12 for Bl<marck. The EdRerton Blatera are 
billed for 17 Ruilnesa moderate At the Minneapolis 
Vadetirs llattle Ellis, with tronne of trained cnr-ilnea. ar 
Tired 10. The doea ate well trained, and their perform- 
ance is an attractive restore. Miss Vincent, vocalist, la an- 
oon**c^ 17- Btalneaa ifood. 

Two TRICK toller-akalera can aeenre encseements by ad- 
dre*>ln> Alf Wyman. aa per can). 
. THK raian APriAiuiiCis at the Theatre (Vinlqne. 
WashlBston. D. C, Harcb 10,90*0 Cmmley and De Forest 
lo Soniaand dances: Chaa 8 Rnmraand MattlaTlckera 
In amoalcal ake'eb; W J Thompaon and Lottie Forteet In 
the. drama of "Leopold," Depattnns IS: The Rlxford 
Hndhera. Baltimore: Cbaa. 8, Koiters and Maitle Vickera, 
New York: Wllliama and Rnlllvsn. Cleveland: Cmmley 
and De Forest, no data. Balla Rent's Female MInstrebt 
and therefntaroomiMDyortheComlqneaopear m Alex 
andrla. Va.. 30, 21. May Pbik'a Blonde Tronpe will oeenpy 
the' rheaira the preaent week. 

' Ar TBR Thsatrr CoHtOFk, Richmond, Va . tbaarrlvals 
taat week were Loolaa Oardler, song ani-dancet LInle 
Woer* and Kitty Hopklna Andy Bnott, Wm; ParTac and 
Haok May, clever jierf-nrmera. and a ittrODs addition to 
the companv, Ula Boydell Is annonoced for 17 I^part- 
nree: Blanche Dixon, to Wa^hlngtoii,:D. C. ; and Lonlsa 
Oardlar. to NorAilk. Baa inef a good. 

Marik Azcam, the tTar>*te performer who was so 
•everelv Inlnrvd In Detroit, Mich., reoentlv. haaao rarre. 
coTRivdihat she occnpled a private box in the Theatre 
Comlqae then March lA 

Harrt L, fttoccw. apaf laity anlat and enmedlan, rmb' 
llabaa hIa address In another eolnmn. and states that he 
laanzved tor the onmlnvaeasnn with Collins' Comedy Ca. 

Anoira NacmiAX pabitahas a card atating that he has 
sold his interest in the Fronl-street Thea^, Baltimore, 
Md . to O*orve Nachmsn- 

Varibtt PSRroRvsBS, a hand'leader snd a Pnoch-siHl- 
Jodv peribrmer are wanted by Daane Oarrett, who ad. 

— *Tti4ee. 

AT trr OLTMrlC. Brooklyn. thIa weeV. the new people 
lnela<4e Deletianty and Renvler. Frank W<>I1a,^arrT Bry. 
SBt. Avervanil lATie. Wood and Beaalav. Jnhn Winiam', 
tbe Belmonte, Bold Wart, Ca>aim and Frl*s, Kitty Bbarpe, 

4ndT and Ida Colllna. and Walter Flatchar At ttie 

Volfca* Theatre t>*e new taeea are Ram Darera. Par. Rnoney. 


TBI MiBaopoLiTAX^ TuaATBB, Newark. IT J., with 
voisa- -meaue t'<e new laeea are >wm uarera. rar. nnnney. | ataae parachemalia. bar. ete- an be ren^ thronrh il! 
renPla Morwan, Pell and Lewis, Levantine and Earl, and aPii?riai5rSii ' ' renteo tntongn L. 

Sfnrpbv and Worton. '* " 

FIBLDS AMD were th* onlv amvAta at the Orand 
Cenftal. Tmr. N. Y.. March 10. and thev aave some gen. 

teel IMah haltada and neat daoeea. and ssna In the ehnma 
of "c. R (t. Plnafhta.** Bsainesa wan mo.lerata to lair. 
Da^artorea: Soirle Rehntt. Dan Lnke. Emma Frennsn. 
WclVnnotr. e**«*ban. Callati and Raise, tn Pa*eT«no. V. 

Ith Mlaa "ehott'a " Pinafore;*' the L\ Venle Oirl« and 
Fields and L~'le, to Vow Tnrk. To appear 17: May Ver- 
non, Nina Millar. FItzveraid and Larey, Mile. Roslna, 
Moos. A. Neovllle and Tomer and Oeyer. 

and the performance was highly appreciated. ? «5?.,"ThJii'Xi,* i.*2X_ nSi^K^ 
Billy Emerson vrae at home on the end, and kept ,Va£ w?li k* a irfi^^Si^h, S?fe?r S^JS^^SSl 

the house In the beet of humor. The acrotiottc 
feats nt the Big Four were quite a teotnre ot the 
entertainment. Don Ferrayra gave a good Imita- 
tion ot the flute with his hands. Burt Sheppard 
mode a decided hit in his tsmale Impetsooatlons. 
HIB falsetto Is very pure and etrong in the upper 

Haveblt'b Uastodon MiNBrBgLS opened In 
Hscaoley's Theatre, Louisville, Ey.. March IS, 
to a packed hooee, stand lng-r<3om only being an- 
nounced before the curtain rose. Their business 
continued large li. 16. 

No OHAnoE In tbe bill at the Eleventh-street 
Opera-house, Philadelphia, during the past week, 
■■Henry Moses Shodboat PInatore" will ran till 
March 17, the end of the regular season. The 
bouses are still crowded. Saturday matlneeeara 

given during tbe run ot the burleeque Frank 

Uoran bad a benefit Hatch 13, making his flnt 
apiinarance there thla season, for that night only 

lolngon the bone-end Camcrnes' Ulnstrels 

ippeor at Ford's Opera-house, Baltimore, Marah 
U, one week ; In Washington 31, one week ; and 
return to Philadelphia April T, one week. Morch 
30. being the fiftieth performance ot the bur- 
leeque "PInatore," It will be celebrated by a new 
and handsome stage setting ot the craft, 

T. B. Dixow is reported as having left Beverly's 

Hatesly'S MUTQDON UlNeTBKLS. who played 
In MasbvUle, Tenn., Hareh 11. II, Lontsvllle. Ky., 
IS, u, IS,' are billed In Memphis IT, 18, IS, Ylcks- 
burg. Miss., ai, ai. New Orleans, La., 23 to 30. 

MAVRal.v'A ftR'^aoiA HlMSTRBLS were aaow.houod on 
he C. P. B. R, March S on tbelr way to nra«s Valley, and 
eoas<MineQtly lost thst night, Qnstave Frobman, tbe 

Uarch 16, on aSouthem tonr. '.The company bow 
includes Cbarled Archer, Yemle Vernon, Juliette 
Baymond, Harry H. Olark, W. H. Hows, Klsa&> 7 
Uoran. and Charles Watben Ohaoe, agient. '■ ''— ' 

TBE 8HBBMAM HOUBB, Westchester. Pa., offeiB ., . 
special Inducements to professionals. Hanagaif"- 
S. B. Bantord, who bos stopped, there with his 
company on several occasions, spealuot the h(uiM_. 
In terms of praise, and reoommenda It to praCeA-^, 
slonal travelen, • ' ' '■ » - i •. 

BOBEBT HAMXLTOK, oostumer, advartlsea thati 
he bos on assortment ot tbeatrloaL olratiB and, 
baUcoetnmee to hire. H^-ean nxuodreaseirdt'''' 
any description to order at abort nottoa. - ti --- 
PBOF, J. A. WiooiBS, magician. ventrUoqulBt, , , . 
and Punch-and-Jndy worker, can be engaged tog 
the tenting eeoson. Seacard. 
_HBS. SotyiT.SlIiDOHB le to read In Green Bv,- 
Wis.. Hatch 17. Oshkoeh 18.' Watertown 19, Eon 
Clalraao, Hlnnsapolls, Hlnn., n, ai, St. Panl M. 
36, Bocheeter S«, and HadlsoD, Wis., 3T. * 

Battebt Hall, Fawtucket, B. I,, Is annonnced < 
as having been renovated and tumlshed wltha 
new etoge, drop-onrtoln and scenery. It can Iw 
rented by applying to the agent, os per eacd; , 

tlsed for sale by o. W, Bachmann. 

Habbx Habbhall, buslnees or advanoe agont." - 
adve rtise s tor an engagement. 

UASTEB G. Paul SitrrH, boy-elocutlonlst, gave - 
entertainments In rulton-vllle, N. Y., Harch 11, 
Nnrinoh la. Pitcher 13, It, De Bnyter IS, and to 
bi^ed inSkaneaieles IT, Pulaski 18, Hannibal IS, 

The ambbioah Utisngi and School ot Trained 
Anlroola showed in Hfi 'Wlnons; Md., Horch la, 
13, li, IB, and is to remain this week. The com- 
bination consists ot ProL UUler, with edncatsd 
pig Toney; Leon Cowondo, iron-Jowed man ; Prof. 
Creamer, wizard and flre-king. On or otwni Jnne 
1 this show starts Weetward under a elx^-five 
by thirty-five toot canvas, under the proprietor- 
ship 01 Profs. Miller and Creamer. 

A LAST-BEADEB is Wanted to travel with a pano- 
rama by E. J. Spencer, who also advtrtlen tor 
roller.akates- -i: .1 , 

THE OlTY HALL. Ozford/JHaK. oaai be rented 
through Pettis k Btrowera, propcletaiB. It-has a 
stage, with scenery, and Is se^ed wlthLlour hun- 
dred chaltB. Tionpes are' given special rates at 
the Edwards Hotasd : Aee advertisement. 

BCLLABOfc OO.'S Mnoramaot New York Olty— 
Fierce Bros, proprletots— closed a anoeestttd 
season In Worcester, Mass., Harch U. 

BOBEBT NiCELZ, presUdlgltatsur. Invites reo- 
ognized artists to Join him In making arrange* 
ments to compete lor a "t^hamplon wand." Bee 

THX TINION HorsB, New Baven, Ct, olTen 
epeclol rates to the profession, and the proprle- ' 
tor In his advertisement relen to several wall> 
known people who have patnnlzed his hoteL 

a. W. Hall advertises lor onricsttles ot'all 
KlndB. He wants te heap (rem Oapt. Botss and 
wlte, John and Uary Powera, the Wild men ot 
Borneo, Bamum's Ooinnlbikls, Anna O. LMk a"'' 
Big, Lowande. 

OON RTAN JB. advertises far a poeltlon as treoe. 
nrer or ssMstant iflth a dreus or liall show. 

MED Tdbmxb'b Movzlty Tboufb Is bne In 
Johnstown, M. Y.. Uarch 34,aioveavUle as, Fonda 
as, Aiuterdam 37, Canajoharle 38, Fort Plain 39. 
St. JohnsvUle 31, Little Foils AprU 1, X ' 

PBOF. W. B. ANDBBS, ezpoeer of splrltnallsiii. 
sssloted-by Annie Clyde, mlnd-readag, nnder the 
management ot W. R. Watson, opeia In Leaven- 
worth, Kos., AprU 6; thenoe West' tor asesson ot 
six months. 

PBOP. a. B.OBOMWKLL -will present talBortlllns. 
tretlons In Toronto, Ont., this wsek. 
' PBOF. c. L. laoa la to lecture in Kew Onmber* 
land, Ud„ Harch 39, on "Swltserland." 

HowoBTH'8 HIBBBMOA IS to eshlblt In Oleao, 
N. Y., March IT, Jamestown 18, TltusvlUe, Pa., 19, « 
20, Oil Olty ai, 33, 

JsaoMB's KABionTTXs con bs pmcnassd by spplylng to 
thesdvanlMdaddteaa. f.™— i yanayingw 
TBoa. WiSBBTT's book ot reatatloos, sketcbM, an ~- 
ete , Is noticed tn bis card elsewhere. 

KlLLAB ASD CuXARO. Dloaloolaia, open for Ave nigbts 
and a mailoee.ln tbe Riebmond (Va) Tbeatn Mareb lA 
" '"' '' - Ford 'a Opera- bqnae, Wasb- 

JosB B. OaDB.v. havhigjost closed bU engsgemsnt with- 
Bair«lo Bill for tbe preaeot aeaaon, Ui now at Uberry to 
accept the rionltlon of boalness-mansaw, treasarer. sicent. 
etc See card. 

ALL ki.Mis OP uvixo ctmosrriBS are wanted for Van 
Amburab's Maaeum. Ihia city. See card In W-ilcb CoL 
Bieeta la teiinested to writs. 


iraQRO nmfSTRELiST'. 
dcEBSon's UnrSTBELs did a splendid biiBUi«^ 
In tbe Opera-bonB«», OalvAston, Texas, Harch 10, 
few Mats betofc vacant. The eompanr le strooir. 


I.*f PHnaAOcnnA the WbeaUvr Dimm&tle A&ioel*tloa 
pUyed 'Tne LoD^S rikfl" Mmrch IS. MllOa rtalm-r wme 
uk cxcelleot Jan* Lcftrord, tnA W, F. ClUtoa aoradlcabla 
MjDtrjpeao^. *Robarc Mauin*' ud **An Ambattador 
crom Ireraod'* Mareb 19. "Mac'a Diveraloa" and 
rr>Liif: Ic On** were ftlreo bribe Mlirar DmusUoAs- 
•oelatK'D 13. Vaffcle W«rdTonp« wnu very sood aa Xev 
Id tbe rormer piece. **Ladj Aadr«y*i Seerai" Uaich 2u[ 

tioDBor tbeeltj, tbe WtKailej, Mirror. Ebakeepean and 

BonelcaaU, aiarchZS pan v oT am«i«an known «e 

the SnlllTan Op«n«Cotnpan7 will riraat loautnta Hall, 
•West Pblladelpbla, aiarcn 2U. 21. and madnee 2^ perfoon- 
iaoc«aof * B. 3i 3. naafore*' for tbe beneflt of Lbe Instl- 
tn'e for which tbe ball le named. . ^ 

Tai U. a OF I, Dkaiutio olds o( Grand Baplda MUb., ■ 
reoeoUj aavA a enecsMlbl perAtraiaaoe of ''Aouina tba 
BreekeiB * aod *'Loan of a Lnter.*' 

CI5C1N5ATI Items — TbeCUoClabhadaaleBderandienee 
at Bobineoo** Opera-bonse II to witoeia '*Oiir Boardlor- 
hooea.*' which waacradlUblrRiidrreil. tbe Bleraior ol D. . 
J. Baldfldjre aod Qllllpod of w. T. Sbeehan belnjc notewor- 

tbT Toe Pbakeepeare Clab fnTe **A Leeaon in JLoto** 

at Vrlnd'OD Halt Utoalannanddellahud andleoee,. ... 
Tbe Davenport Clab penormed **The Tlccuna^* at lrike*B 
Opora boose IS. ^ 


Mb. CBirPBiiDALB'a Pabbwsll.— W. 

who ss actor and ataae.niansger was almost' 

known In cbia camncry as in England, took his Ibrewsk or 
the stsga on Msreb 10. when be received a beoeStat Ihh ' 
l,yc*um Thaaxre whlab nattad lilm orer JESUD. tbe mana- 
(•r, Ueniy Irving, placing at his dbpoial ths entire pro. 
eceda of the penormance or "Hamlet," In which the vet- 
eran beoetteUry sntfained the part of Polonlaa At the 
oonolulOQ ol the petf- rmtnee Mr, Cblppeodale wu led to 
the fooulabte by Mr. Irrtnir, and In r»-ponse to tbe cbeeie 
and damandsot the andlence spokeas follows: "Lsdlesand 
geotlemeo, I appear befoie yon now lor ths last time with 
mixed reeitnga— fcelinjp ot pride. t,r gratitude, aad t>f le- 
gret— rearat tliat - f am old. reanc that 1 atn ot oae 
no longer, raret that til I have tcqnlied with mnch 
labor and stndy will be no loogv available. BotregiaiB 
are useless. We moat all tend to tbe Inevttakle. and cniw- 
Ing old is tbe law of tbe oniveraa. I moat be tliaatftil 
that I may (Ood wUllog) eiOoy a Utile teat ere 'I tliiiflle oil 


m.°n"S«rairt;:d"th'. ■si-e-'dry t^^r^rw^^-ir^^:^ ^ss^or'^i{^^'ixiVss..'^.iS!i^'^ 

hsek lor Sierra valley thirty mils, disunc bnt not lost | 5?JX1ce2b?.'iX"'oSli"^h^^ 


In ^emrmntalna darios a heaee snowstorm, snd, after 
wawdeflog In the deep snow fbr eleven hnnis. he bmovtit 
no at Tmckee again at niafat in an exhan«c«d condition 
Re Joined tbe company tbeie as tbsv cama thronah. 
Ronte: 8al> T,ake March IS, K, Cheyenne, W. T., IT, Den- 
ver, ro>., 18 19.10, 

(Stuaca'a OiosoiA MimrRns perftrmed m Rodustar, 
N. T„ March 14. IS. to rood bnslneaa. 

HrrwooD'SNkWTORK RssBltADSRS blared In Lrens, 

. T.. Xarrh 10, Newark II, Palmyra 12, Falrport U, 
Bstavia U. NIasata FalU u, IB, 17. 

wii«a A Rtca'a TairLa (V>XRrxATi09 enjoved laim 
natMoaae al tbe 4cadam-, of Maalc Bearilor. Pa., Mareb 
13, II. Onr correspondent says: "Prank Cosbman and 
I3e«ne Rdwarda snstsined the end* oredliablr, R. E. 
Gordon ease 'Where Wt Rwe«-t Uli* Liei^' very erreet. 
Ively. . C. r. fiba-tnek vor.alliad 'Ooen the Door' taa 
plearinc manner. The N T follce Force.' iotrodDnnc 
the whnle company, wiih Frank Oaahman aa raptaln and 
Rllly Welch aa Reraeant Uorlarty. waa an amnMne flnala. 
T»eo- - • ' — ' 

l^a£tte saWairy 

theFror. JDnMoi, — 

Iton scene- aave Welch and ' Rice, Frank Coabman, 
and] Geo. Edwarda epperlnnlty to display their vpeelal. 
tieaj AIsx. Zanfretca Dcrftrmed nnroepias dUBcoU 
leal* on. the tight-mpe, Tba olio eonolndsd , wlih 
Jae^oee Eraeer'a berlraqne *IT-car M-e S-boot Flo 
afbre ' Inrrodacinr the t)est of the maslc 
leaqhinc the -maJortte of the acenes ot tb 
Altogether, tha •mertaloment IS aa pleasing salt II 
Tbey played at Korrlatown. Pa.. IS. and are blllad In AV 
lentnwn 17. Barton IS, 19, Bethlehem S, Hatrlsborg 21, 

BliLV VoAlUSTBh's Mlvstrbib will close a tr»v«lln« 
season nfiweatearTenw^eka In Plttaflaid. Hasa. March 
17. ' Manager Metlllster states that hs will reorganise 
hIa comp\ny In Repia'nber. and artists desiring engage- 
ments ean address as per card. 

Bat years creep on, and higher datiea oar* 
Borne apaoe betweeo the theatre and grava.' 
StIILonali occasions, Carawell Is a sad word, especially to 
the actor when called on to sneak It to the pnbils, ITiends ' 
and patraaa wtio have formed bts world ; vat mr ivgretJ 
in this Instanre are llgbuned by (ralllode aad prida— 
pride that I have been consideted worthy ot the uwhiII. 
moot, anberentlal oompllmeot, paid me Dy ixft aaemblcd 
otider tbis not to.nUht, and to whom my aarneet and 
alnceie thanks are doe— dae to the pobiieand fkiendslbr 
tue magnifleent botise I see before me-tboogb 1 sm bonnd 
to think my poor merits alone have not drawn yoa hitner. 
bat our Rreat mss er's neat plar. Interpreted as 111 Itsd- 
Ina par'a hare tieen to-olsbL. And nowoasbtlto thankMr. 
Henry Irving for his most lllMral and priooaly «Vt (I ba-: 
lieve, aa wn^reocdCTitetf oae from a yontig aeior to an old 
one), enhaaieed, aalc la, by ibedalicaxe aiHl graoelol way tbe 
Whole thing haa been Dsnsged. to aav. ma troobla and 

liooUo inV^noid Charley Reynolds la bUtaaalsaleiDoa. JJSi.^SiStiL* SKTl^ ■SStt"5?,2S ™T?ft,i;:! 
•iap.t Alei. ZanfW.ira'a pantomime 'Maleoho.' with Millie, S.^ f.S£2&7SSu,i;f- ^;""^^?^ 
a Fairy Qoeco, and Marter Leopold Caefretia aa | ^!SJ^!^5*f,!'~™'^ 
^DnMoga'^the oanioalms anjticfnsnt.QlaiitB- 

sn of the Lyeeam company, who 
bare, one and all, laneroDaly pieianted me with Ihalr 
valuable servicea oo t -lsoecaslon, and I imsti may bow. 
on this my last appaaranoa. thank ths gentlemen ol ttaw 
Preaa lor tike eunsl oration I have ev^r bad at tbelr tianda 
darlog a long career. To all and eveiyooe I lenlar my 
beartielt ibaaka— felt, indeed, ao beanlir that I irnninr 
M maslc 'and bor I oommand myaolf aniSelenily to sav mach moea, I esa 
ottbe trrtalasL I Ungsrno looaer; so, with sll good wiabeo. I bid yen tera- 
biai?VsjUi7?i«i w»\' >^-cEiDpendalevrashumUii8Pl,Ui8ooimIown, 

- ' itfondtnL 

Mas W, B. LiSTOX. who made her debet In London, at 
the Omry.Iaaa Theam, Dec IS, 18J8. obtd Mamh tt, la 
that city. 

Ubsbv Tivasb. aa aetor 'avorahly known in Inland, 
died at LIverpouL Bn^.. Feo. IS 
TBB aaJKAims of Jolm Clarke the comedian were oofr 


AM AMIMAL XAM and s good bnss.eaiivBBmBn 
can secure Bngagementa by addtenlng Bord fe 
Fetere, aa per sdvertlsemeni. Lem Mnnson, con- 
tortinntat: A- Vanaandt. bonndlng Jockey; and 
Trank De I,aney, Puneh-and-Judr pertormar and 
magloUn, have baen aogBced to travel wlUi their 

Ooofier & Bailey's Uenagerte. which have been 
wintering in Philadelphia, will soon take the 
road with the following offli^alB : Ool. 0. 'W, Fall- 
erj general advanoe mana 

pnaa agent; D.'K, TDwnseni , _ . 

H.'0. Hedges, general progTBinma agent; Qna- A. 
Benaxd, steteoptloon advertiser: ' OharleS Whit- 
ney, agent in ebarge ot decoratfons, etc ; John 
a. Foster, railroad excnrslon agent; W. B. Irv- 
ing, agent la charge ol billing railroad gtatlons; 
oTFnlver, larer-ont; T, B, Toole, general director 
of pabUcations, advertising, etc, ; a. B. Josepha, 
advancs agent; and a corps of thirty blllpaetera- 

OiBans MAirAOEBS visiting LonlsvUIa, Sr„ can 
'Odd acoommodatlon for 10,000 people and space 
tor a 4af t rtog In the Orand Oe;iaal OardenB, Bee 
g, H, Whallen's advertisement. 

signed to their Biial abode, in Ulghfaxa CemeteiT, 
don. Match 33, • 


'Lb Cbzvaukb Oastob." a new enmie ovsiai In one 
set, musis by M. Flsnqnatia, wanls by ln»n% TaroB, wu 
prodaoad as Monia cAto Feb. a There are only Itnr . 
eharaetars, which were Blled by ptoraioent aniata al tba 
Op«i* (Mmlqtm ttatn Fatls, Xadsms Oalll VarlBplaylBg 
tne Cb ee alter Oaaton; M. lanael. toe Vaiqnlade ConOfi 
MSilame Laeombe Dupres. tbe Manialsa tie Oaray: ana . 
Madame Inna-Mane, Llsetta, Aluioogh tlie mainad-. 
couple live on apparently eaoenent temui, tbe Maraola 
earrlea on a flirtation with a esnain Nloetie, "ana flUa ' 
d'Opera." and aceonnts to his wUb lor bis fteotMat a^ 
aanoes mm home b^ saying that be has dinner a 

g offldals : Ool. 0. W, FbU- | menu at ttw elnb with the Chevalier Oastoa, ol X 
manager: John Hamilton, I TV^t Dngeona, To disarm her snapleloaa. ha se^s 
irnaend. oontractlng agent: hbrnnlss msgnillemt baaqnea''m>mthe Cbavalterl 
l I ton,') nntll at length aha becins to ananeet that tba 

, — — _ , CbevantfQs^ 

Urn," nnt il aTle s-" - -.•--"»—- 

no locb pcieonj _ 

reeelTlot one of tbe onkBOwn admlrer>a floral atit^ 
tbe OberaUer Quton u ftiuMaoead. Than Iblloa Aft 
explanaooo on the part of tbe latter, opoo -wtJoh ' 
tbe BSlQ sctlan of tbe pises mts. Ahhso^ tha- 
Marqotaa fklla to raoocnlse ber Tlaltori x( tnm oot 
that from harlnc been knmvht np fffffrther be U 
bsr Jftre 6e lolt, or loster-brotfasr; aod. baelnc fhU 
knowledge ol berbnAttnd*s navhtr "Utile faiae^* ha 
eollfbteasbertbertoponLaordertouechmsphUiL. Tha 
Manole* aetonlahment on retamiiw bonu^bdfladlBC 
ths CbsTsUsr In sonTsnsUoa with hb wUsMQKiKtaa 
iiiia«ln*d« ca4 aa amoelna aoene loUowe, 
ChsTsUer loktt tba Msroela opon tbetr i 

on retamiiw bomi^Bdfladl 
kUoa wUh hu wUs #BkiM« 
tna aoene loUowe, In Vhtoh 1 

od Irish comedians, can be engaged for the I one of iiwtr snpneed daUx aintisenicnta. ThaOhavallsg 
intlni season wlthaclreiu. Address aa per card. I aad tba MarqiUMilMtwapon carry oo a -peetdbded iifc' 

tenting season with a clreos- Address as per 
' 'WiB lOmo antred in FhOadelphla trom -Ur* 
eif>ool Kami 13, 'With all tha tmportattons f<Hr»ta 
Fdtepaagh Show la good order. TUex irlUbo 
Inuaeiltatelr forwarded to Louisville, Zy. 

Dir>Ja l<. Tbjlteb renumis in SttMUff, Po., 
aeUlor Mt Atanu cuoi . 

ttigne, latf are cnptlsad at duuisrby thsntaiaef tta : 
Marqab^ who, pal off by Mlnstte, wiut whomnaliad 
■laUarsniiacaeat, laotuie nanplomed by ibatTbavallan,- 
hadlnsg* aid sang Inlil : and It Is net mtu rtmoAUr-''^ 
tondoas ol bis Ute that the provarblalsmlcahlagiplgBa* '"' 
" which brings tba place to a IsUinwiW-iyr- '''. 




-i,neM£par na^tMnnia noOcMtotaaln- 
aB& J^TVanmla mdsr th» bnd of 

£nuaaiU wrUos- MHwlliTi wmi nil Sport- 

I I 111! iiiiiaiin rmnTf IT" lliifl fnr each •ndarci^ 

ggPg ^-Ji.' SrBIliU« iiW wlxan wMto tto« 

t'Do^ •^f^^CnlBand (Uk>1w«i1 trpe tn ul- 

«actli«nme ntes for apAoe oocnnled. 
CASH-— AjlTwrUjomcnta to b« p«Id Toe 

Si^BiMiliiBiil nili'iii DDt UtB' thia Dom on Bfttor- 

Mlim il lll l llllllll III 1 1 I mill 1 1 II 

B cod flO Onttn linB^H** Ton. 
— M aumsii tat alela liOIIDOIt, KiroiiAirD, at 





MIUtai7, Sooletf, Circns and B^;alia Onuments, Gold, SUrer and TInael Trlnimlnga, Laces, Frbwes, Tosseta, Stan, Spanglea, 


~ BrmraBtrtM:Tta«ttiical JantiT, Faplar-mioli* Hmdi and ntnnt to order: Ooinbat 
in, Tasvla. Bioeadea, BmbrtDldarle*, ate e i iuf nnatr: CMton and Satin oomliMja, 
Ddala. ate.; Satin Opara fiUppom and TboaMftal Boots; Oold and Sllnrliaathw: Baal 

navk Bamon: Olom. Damai, Boar, Mankar, mc, and ottaar Bala; rxMlsn and 
~ ' ^ ' Baaida; Out, Flatad aM nna^ r iLia aa: laaoaa, Olmco. Bnldai Cozda, 8t 

ti; FoO ^kpOr Uld COPPOr POQ; Anntf> Hauiata. ; '*^l*** KooaaalB^ o* wo. ; m^l" upora ouppvn mna vnawum oaasmi WW BBU DiiTW ajHKw* AO*! 

SkelnoBs and ImtuHoB orrapls-iiuolia; iteoUig laUftaU; Wontol and BUk Fttscai, Taaali, (to.; Banner SHk anil Bantmc Bpaui, Ea(lM, (ta.; Braiy Fattara et Hat 
" ^ Cto^ Ooo4js aien^ O. O* Z>« S«iaA A>r Olfoulnr'. 

PBOP. T. A. wiooare. 



PUHOU-aND-J [JDT wohkkr, 
aan taa anitacad Itar ibo taotlac aaaaoB or ISJS. 

TWO luOIBS tiMiMliii flnt-claai Opantla and Scaa- 

atteabflln. "-■ T itai I'tTirtainiTni^ia JfaC 

Iw good dnaan oB and off tlia lan. n» iiia^nl «fr. 
taJnmoiTt onmawmolnt May ft. Staialowaat oalair. Ad- 
dnai MAKAam, 
ant« 13»g.Ot«an«>w«t.o5ja«a.lH.- ■ 


jrKH lor KNOAOEMnna. 

OBBSTEH, PA.— B. O TaTlOB, rrai>1( 

axtom Indaeamanti, and «t«it eonnaU 

MOfiwIuii Card to Atnti and c— -i-- on iba tmi 
TO a buiu ItmAyooBo aru : 1 ta>a plaaaonilnr Trn iiiii i ii id 
Inc tha tha praprlator at ABOTB HOUax^aa on* ot tka 

■toppad OB rov ooeaHoot to tbt latlittotlon 

eompaoT. BAM a BAMPOBD, Mr 

lonali, havtaiR 
km of IB tta 




Tba popalBr featoiea. of the piecedlng edl- 
ttais of THB AT.iTAigAn an ratalned In this, 
ta nspoBsa to ttODiamiB nquuBts, ws 
hETft npobUsbed the THEATBIOAL AND 
aFOKFIHa CHBONOIiOOIXS whloh appeared 
bi ttta adlUoiiB ot 1871 aiLd 1B7S, oaIe^aU7 le- 

TtMd and ampUfled. 



Jgryffl"""*'''- Ttnllrnm. MOTsliIe Faetlrals, 


Ooneco BagBtts Bacea. 

Oidlege Uatoh Bacea. . . 

KoithweBtam A. B. A. Be aa ttw WtimeiB. 

AmeitcBn oiuunploiialitp Boat Bocaa. 

British Beolllnff Qhamploiiahlp. 

Hatlonal Amateur Begstta Vlimen. 

Baiatosa Amateur Begatta Wlnneia. 
AKATKDB ATHIiKTICS.— Wlnnen ot American 
iBtaicoIIeslate Alhlette Sports. 

Amazlcan imatenr Champion Athletea. 

gw giuii Amateur Champion Athletea. 

^Ti^jtt«^ ATnatt"* Qhamplon Athletea. 
Br the Old Stream, flliiBtnted poem. 
Br aw Bea, UlnstEatad poem. 
BUEBAIX.— The Protsealonal Arena. 

Kodel Leagoe Oamee. 

The Intamatloiial Arena. 

Kodel International Oamea. 

Vlotorlea over Leagae Clnta. 

irotawortlirOontastBOt 1818. 

OoUege Ohamplonahlp. 
aaiODT.— Hlgheat Boom In America dnrlng 

flaT.K MI fcaWI. 

Ocean Btaamahlpa. 
.Blejcle Badng. 

■be Bogtnee, Hoee Oompanlea eta 

■iSalllng Yeeaela. 
. BlTer Steamers. 
-Prise Blng. 

■ftiowahoe Badng. 

Kotabia Periormanaea not Beconls. 
^ Sold, Apparent noctnatlona oL 

r of ^'"""'"'ATita In America from 16M. 
r Birds and Beaats are Groaped. 
t Tables. 
L Bonge Camella. Ulnatzated storr- 
L Time to Prominent Olllas. 
Moorish Halden. The— lllnatrated poem. 
Postage, Batea of, etc 
Baoelpta ot Seven Oreat Fairs. 
Rollglmii! Denomlnatlona. 
ffufff"'— Ot Popniatlon. etc 
Bcena-ahllter'B Btoiy, The 
Spring, trontlaplece poem. 
Bporttng Cbronologr from ITU. 
Btnamiililr BlsastezB. 

B KW f" ^*'''''™' 'WnX PIiABE OBDEB THBIB | 

' OF 

FOR e» A. JB on ItKWT XURT. 

U Oira. the beat In the woild. and tbe rBBPOBMIBa 



B-tf Detroit. Mleh. 

»X7W -EORK, ALAJCOU 11, 187». 
MT DOO BHUaOLBB la tbe leaplns doc tbat mttn 
aoeb a aeneatlnn arer^wbera. Uj don do no o(d etale 
tilftfc i m y own Idaaa, a nd no t eopled flrom anyone eta. 
BRDfBHABT TB. PABKEB. In reply to a Botioa In 
TBB CLIFFEB. I obalKBsed tbu woold be Rreat farter 
panonally. I now notliy tbe pablle tbacIonallennblBi 
to leap dOKlordos. He can me a ■piiniboard I wlU nie 
D one. W ow, oone np or staat np. ReapeetAilty. rB9P. B. 
RHUIEHABT. N. B.— Prol Bblnehart and dosa bavr 
been enn«*d by the Bella' Broihaia for tbe uaaon. wUb 
tbeAndenon Buow. U-lt^ 


BYA'S OONB,** fcraat **I7DCle Ton's Cabin** eoniti 
«t-lf QEO. MOIJMBOX. U Ponrth at., Bnx^yn. il. T 

Bf -r 


Oceatcat SoDff-aad-dasoa. byTom Tonv. 40Ma. 
«l-lt»l QEO. MOLINEUX «4 Poorth at.. Brooklyn, M. T. 

Oatob tbe galleTT and oonnlM tbe paraaet. M8& eooto> 
tleaiib.or»srorbotb. Addreaa 

aiDNBY BUBT. Humoroaa and Cbaneter Yocaliat. 
O-lt^ Boabojy, 


338 and 340 BOWERY, NEW YORK. 

^lASAuaovsa, pbice-lists, samples and estimates fob costcAes 



fcnu aeeof I Mlita ^orB ATDia. 




Wn^al trilii of rjebctL'itogiiih aad'oernun Bnrtar In gift, Una Ibnad. Wasad end nnttiw, latt Importatloo sad 
a^jreagjguiijiMtn ^ andM^laa an tn aaaat«t«^ gamat fSnr, and 



not auellad a*aB bp thoas BaUag elisvhare at aaoh blcbei latea 


> OOS'X'WBS, aatlqBaaadmod«,ol •ntpdaaalpaoa.Biadaon tba inn- 
laa. altar latest Paildanmndalt, at noatiiaaimlilitama. 

sta. , isit reeelyad, bl«fa lUTCUlaa. 
nsaaaeaddepaltaasllordenby mall. »— ,m»»m.-, j^.f |^ .ji 'i r—*"*^ 

* BX>OOB18% SaS anA S40 




TOrm or 1878 -AJTD 'VO 


B. jr. 0.AjacnsDrrr. 

J. W. ^*»wrtT.r. etas* IHreotOT 

J. W. HATLIR Boatoea. Acent 

" B. HATDBR g enera l Aj^i 

nt illlllia MS BBOADWAT. HSW 1 


THB 0U>B8T ABO MOST wwr.Ttnr.g H0U8K 




baa omaantly on band tbe most oomplaa i 
GOka. Battaa, TalvMa, Tarietani, nrnmlnatad Tiaiia. 
btoea, Floonalngi, I^ea Bbswia, nemuia. eta, Oold aod 
aunr AnurOSba, BrasulM, PMnsv, Bpuatoa, £nral^ 
EmbreUenas, eta., Ulk. Cotton, Wanted and Llale Tbnad 
' TIgba, Tmnka, iMtarda, eto., Olowa, Baa^ Moo-. 

J oaa.ate . FAJ 
nba. " 


Cruahiiig all Conceivable Chance of Contradiction ^! 
oar Correctness in Claining the Largest and 
Best Troupe in the World. 

laverlys Died Hastodon 

J. H. HATEBLT, PropFletor | WM. FOOTE, Manager. 



nusmi ui ninMi m oi mtm of in nni I 


COMMENCING MARCH 23. 1879 ^ f 


•raiOM^A TO. Qaiia,»r^ *^^ 1 


aus/n. ErarTthlngBmairy foraeomplataward- I ^^^^=^=^^^^^^^=^^=^=^^^ 

saT sasa^iro'segg^T^°L'^ '^^^ 0 R C H E STB A L PA RTS 




U-lt* Addiea eata of CLIPFgB. 




PIOTORI.A.XJ SBOW-BIUl-iS, wlilcli I will sell untU sold at 3 to { 
, sota. z>£:r 9xxjb£:t. 

Alio, havlnc porebajied nearly tbe enUie Ktock or WOOD COTS, late tba property or JAMES D. TORRT, wblob an 
now added to tbe naw block, of my own, I am prepared toofferrare Indacameattonhowmeo. and nizer pnoe. mnob | 
bahiv snal rata. Send for eatalocoa T. R. I». WLJBY, 

eo-ir Fropnetor Great American BnsraTiDg and Pnotloff Company, tt and M Gold aDeec, New Tone. 


will Ond It to tbelr lotareat to call on or addrsa J E. 
MOUNTAIN. City Paaeoger A«ent CHIOAOO, BOOK 
ISLAND AND FACIPIC B. R. No. 66 Soalb Clark atraat, 
Cbleago, lor redooed rsiei to San FlsadKO, Denyar, 
Ota.j.nn.. Omaba, Connoll Blafla, AtobUon, Laaro- 
vonb. Ksneaa Clt^.Jlei^Molnea, Book Ma nd. P eoria, or 
any point Weat. - - — 

I good abow town, on Ita llnA tban any orlta competitora. 
Weowneoraleepen. and cu.fiia onedollar leaperaee- 
tlon between Chleago and Coanell BloOi, Atcblion or 
LeaTanwoTtb, tbui any otber rootM. We alM ran tbe 
llnat dlnlnR and reetanrant ear. aver nted on a railroad, 
and nrra meala (torn bUI-ot-lare at ayentT-STe eenta 
Mcb, or pamogera can order lea. and pay In proportion 
No otber root, can gWe aa good ratat and a fif o mm od a - 


Oen'l Eaatam Paa>r Agent, New England Paia'r Age-it, 
~ " U WaiblDsum it . Boston. 

2ft7 Broadway, New Totk. 



tbla popolar Onrs. beaaUfhlly amoged, by B. M. CATLIM, 
tor 13 tnatinmenta, and elegantly printed on cboloe paper, 
nieeompleta amngementwill be ready for debTeiTMareb 
15, at tba niT low price or 119. net. Alto COMPLETE 
TOCAL AND PIANO SCOBS. Aill tfzt, at $1 eaeb. Bltbar 
of abore works not poatpald on receipt or price. 

THOMPdOlf A OOELL. Moaleal Pablubae. 
g l-Sf as Tremoat rtreet. Beaton. Maia. 




fOinlfheM erery reqaialce rortbeatrea,amatear cbeaowili, 
eia, Wlga. Baarda. SboM, Boota, Tlgbta, Sworda,etc. 
Uoodiant eyerywhsre. tS-Ut 

Woold like to bear from Capt. Batea and wile. Jofaa and 
Mary Powan. Wild Men of Bccneo, Banram'a flennlbeli, 
Anna C. Leak, and Slg. Lowmnda. Long or abort enBage- 
menta aa dealred. Anawv by talearapb, .tatlng l».)a 
lanna. Salary aare. OBO. W. HALL, allaa Popcorn Oeene, 
- Mgaeom, ai Main itoeetTMempbla. Tenn. a-W 

i Ti PARKER Sm i 




Tbe only la dy wb o raoeeufolly exeeatce 


young and brilliant artlata are meeting with u much nscea tbrouab the WeM tbat thay win beaompellwlle | 


UNTIL FUBTHEB NOTICE. BOUTE AFEaD: LfadTllle, Col., alx wMka; retom to Eaniaa City ror fonrweeka; 


at Ubarty. addrw. Btaanion, HL 


TbeuaarUoD In laM wrek'a CUPPEB tbat I am DTDCO 
WITH CONSUMPTION la, I am bappy to ny, en- 
tirely erroneooa. Managera wltb wbom I am twoked will 
pleaM note tbla card, and reet airand that I will be on 
Band wben adr eiUa e d . KATE BATMOND.» 1.811 Amboy wt.. Pblladelphia. Pa. 



WAMTED DfllEDIATELT— Two Lady Performers, good 
daneeia and aingera: alao twelre wine-room glrla. Moat 

■ the ooilneeA Addrea 

ax-it* Little Bock, Ark. 

nndentand thai 

TO BCAAA<0E3R8 XZUTJBS AJVT> "FtljOSSOM, tb. n» mm, op.n«] with ms ror 

one week. I itnmedlAiely RE:,JE:N<SA0£I> TIjLEIM. aattielract UaNOTELTT. Tber are ardnta. and 
dcatlnad to be ONE OP THE LEAOINO TEAMS of tbe country. NO LAMENESS about tbem, bnt OBIOINAL AND 
OOOD IDEAS In tbelr nadaltlea. R 0. HABT. Manager Comlene. Clereland. O. 
:anag"~ -~ 

Tbla ban baa been tbonmgfaly renorated and repainted; 
■taoe enlarged: new drop-eoRAln. entire new ifenarr- 
Addraa Agent of Battery Ball. B-Ut* 

— A flnt-elaa Beataorant and .Sommer Oarden, with a 
iaige atracbed. Vo. M Baa Baltimore Mreet, Baltt- 
moce, Md. Apply an tbe premlaa. 

61-lf g W. BACHMAMW. 


pearlan Beatala. Oreat 

^ At llbcty May A 




**Slnoa tbe opening of tbla new place of amnameDt alt 

Tbepeople flock te tbe Oa 

^be eoauear tbla wei 


BELW> ETT, nui 


"WA-l^Tmi> — A Clarlooec and Piccolo Flayer to 
play Tenor and Sailton. In Braa. MoBboaobw- Btala 
alarrOnttlma Mnitbelov. Trsyelwllh Boblsaoa. Ad- 
iFEAMgBTOWE.HanidenJnneUon.Ohia M-lf 


letber with the QBABD HUROABIAM BALLKT, 

(COMMUNICATION.) NBW HA7EN. CT., March 7, 187S. 

MB. JOHH VaFADDEM.— DBAS BIB: Haying ylHtad yanr OAIETT THEATBB. we wlab to Under our ibuika 
fbrgiylagtheattlieni of NewBaten scbuea toyliltsflrst-claayirlMyabow, sod wa promln oar atesdy mpport so 
**-w "r— ..p -I""-**—* ^^''^''^^ ym-" ^T^i"if r*..W.— — BeiipMUUly yooiB, 

a it* (Signed) WlLUAM R FOX. and many othm 




Aitlata or all kind., ladln eapedally. wUI do well to wnia 
jpaNNiB PHiLLira. 


Northern Hotel, Cuea, B. T. 

e m be add iia a ed ears of CUPPER M-W 

HILT Q FINAFOBE. eompletaJOi: . paMpakL 

M lt« 517 Market Mreet, St Lonle, Mo. 

of Playi, Dramaa, Csmedlee, Fareea, Btbloplan Draaas. 
Flaya for Ladja only. Playa tor Gentlemen only. WIa, 
Beards, Mooitaebea, Face Piepaiatlona. Bomt Oon, 
Jarley'a Waxwiska, TSMeaax, Obatartea, PantaaleMa 
Goldca to tbe Stage; and for4Amat«nra. Maka-op Bock, 
Msks-np Boxes. New Flays. SAM'L FBENCHA SON,^ 
38 East Mtb Btreet. Union •qoaie. New Totk 

AND-DANOBS. are oven ror datea after April 7. Addrea Ml Wen ad ureet. New Tork. Pine Wardrobe. St-lc* 


TOLEDO, O., for l^n. Beating capacity. Ha Nearly 
well loeabedln boalnea part of_ elty.^ _ Pop niat l o n, gOjMk 


Ncveltj Theatfe, 


08CAB Tf ILLIS ... Biialne88*Buiiager 




claa Slide Trombone and Eupbonlnm Flaya daalrea an 
nt. R LETKR 707 Walnntatieet, PbOa. Hi st* 


Addrea with foil partlcnlars. 

»l.It« R J. NOBTON. Mempbla. Tean- 


"«i~tt* SrHfB kOb'.Tvn N.'Srrenih et . SI. Loola, Mo. 

FOR s^a-iB-crRcus 

lUMt roond-M|). Fiu|ieily eompleta^ 



Oar yariety aaaaoa oloaa Marob U. Addrea at once 

nnov OSOAB WILLIS,> Tiiawiia ami niiilnea iiiiniiii 



PnhUBher and Proprietor, 
P. O. Box 9JB0, or 88 and 10 Centre St.. Hew Tork. 


btbacusb, n. t. 

Having leaaed tbla e1ci 

elaa cnmhlnellone on _ 

tnily eoalpped and Oistclaa m an Ita appointments 
targe exlta, and can be emptl«] In three mlnntr' 

tbla elCKant theaoe. It U now open U 
nllberal akarlng tenna. Tblali 

JAS. R WAITR Manager. 

"WAJSTED— A Sltnatlon In a Clrcna aa a WIBB- 
PEBFOBMEB; will naranieeeatwactlon. Addiea_ 
S-«ti Vm. MlMBgUnd«tbUl Coatta, Tt. 

plica. New Tork 

Addrea II CUntaa 


W. TOST. HOL a NottbTnnth BC. FblladaphlA. Ps. 4«-iat» | UU Market street, 

very On. minstrel aoDg.40cta. Dlaonnt to the profealoE 
5».It» QEO. MOLINEUT. «t Foortb st, Brootlyn, N. T. 


THOMAS BUBBELL Sole Leasee and Proprietor 

O. B. MODOMALD Baalneaa-manager 

(to wbom an letters abonld be addressed). _ 
Capaelty. LOOa Fsnrnet, DreesdRle and OsUery. Finest 
Teilsty Ban west o< Hew Tork. Opens Feb. UL Write for 

' 47-Ut 


, opposite Wanamaker'e Oiand Depot, 

. Philadelphia, 

PES8ION. aod U recommendMl by ^eooo's Opasm Oa, 
Ford'e ■'Pinafore" Co. Masra.Bat<ibener A Dotla, MIgbt. 
Ingale Party. Cooper A BaUSr and W. C. Oaap;a Btas~ 
S^cnlnm and otneia. J. K. TBAUCK, 

iS-gt Proptlatnr. 


F., BrC8XOA.Kj 
Addrea aa aboye^ e 


datea. Aniattaa answered. 

vattx>je;vu^i-<e; teu batre, 
ban antonio. te xar 
open the te ab roord. 


.Addiea l4S-Ut«l F. SFABEOW. Hsnsger. 

TO CriramASTs. 

FTTTED.Eta , . , 
Bend stamp for dtrolar. 


Tbla I 



.beantlftal balL eltnatad on PabUe eqaate, ' 

, IM»-o^^3rlorg|5^^^k^^^ 



C.13t» JBS8B JOBBPH. Proprletcr. 

■HOBS and Dancm dom made to amsr. A I<ACBOtt, ] 
W< Bowery, New il-ut* 

w>cuuK popKaTION.^»,ODO. . Llseneed. stage Si^DR. , 
aceoay. JOflLUT A ABWOLD. Proprtotoea. 4B -13t* 



, A ■pa-snn fr.TTgx TXVOJuI TH TOA- 
TBE. Eighth street, between Second and Third ar em e. 

i*y T. A^ i vABinErr' ' amtS" 'onlt 'lkSmSbb 


Tbe laiaatt and beat company in tbe dty. _ 
s> FIBST-CLaSs STABa Bnrlewine, Ballet, OUo. Oyaa- 
nestle, Fantombna. Flrst-elaa attlsU only dealrlnaaa' 
gagemenm, wldiea aa abore. fl-tt 

X>REW _ 


(In tbe American HoteU Borllogton. Tt.), and wtmldbe 
pleaudtoMeblaoId Menda,and aa many new oneass 


may fayor bun wttb their patronage. 


theatbical companiesi 

oddfellows' hall. 'tebsailles, kt,, to ^ . 

Beating capdn. HO. Oood eompanla well patnalsed. 

Fooalatlon. S.OOQ. Addrea _ 

<SlSg JOHN S. MINABT. Seew»tarT. Vaieainea, Br. 


Tba oolr Srst-daa theacre lA the Northwest. ■ 
HORAi^Opantheyearroand. WooId be plaued to | 

barftomtbepiuftialonatall tlma, B-it_ 


naeji Duiinw." PSnnie Bean. cSs. 

^rSttfui^Vrlfflnea." Bobby Neweomb Ue. 

"oidKome by the BUUlda" SMIr Se. 

•otannam and Ontera." valtz..^, Skelly. 3Be. 



166 and 167 Bowery, New Tork. 

_ AwmUyTblni" sangby BUly Bi _ , 

PBEDEHIOE BLUMR 951 B'dw'y.sboyemb st Jf XC-M* | 

■iSsan Cny, Indiana, {S mUaeast of CUogo, on tbe 
S^T^ Mlehtean Central. IndlanapoUa, Pern and Chi- 
SSoTaad Lndnffll New Albaay and Chicane BaOwsya. 
AaJldU^niwingdty of orer aeren tboosand popnJaBon- 
nSMd&tlanewand centraDy located; andlenre-toom 
1. iiiiiii "• - -r: donble entrance; and baa a aattng a 
- 'ty of SB to WBD, IndadlnK geUwy: 

BandnoayttM,aby«XL; drotHnitBln; flnt-elaa 

adutad^to the nae ot tbeatrlcal and mi nstrel 

eoDcarta or otber entartalnments. For tono, 

TwoSwijs be reasonable, addrea JOHN muoEB, 
; fgi**^!?— " City, Indiana. 8.»»ow. 

Bole Preprlrtor aod 



New Tork. 

-^riw^cf very tfsgant Dlnslona. VeobcUoQalal and P nncb - 
andJady Flgoea always on band. Also oar ImproTed 
•tMSSarSerrwisMd'a Cabuet, with MagtcUn's Open- 
ffS^StoSi aSSch, aoc: Tea of FtSraTsa Bp: Zo- 
wib?PleRrpotAtS|isir. *«>; Hindoo Olobs sod Tan- 
(SSm-biu; uuiSomily craamantad, 

Oiav. SSS. Sand (br prio..Ust or 
ihrSrinnsaatad9».ps«edCatalogoe. Addrea 
W. J. JUDD. m Henry 

oBAS. IX- oavert is at UB EiaV 
gS fcccmaj. a Csyert. 138 Hadson ay.. Albany. N.» 

m. 'tT w.iy 'A well-advanced BAND; 

Mewbe has a trade ot woold like to angaceln 
Tonng maa P'efsmdj^ cHABLBS O. TOND» TblTteentb Brigade Bend. Amsmdan. H. T. 

&ir»a.rOBOSaEB.»LstAyetteplaterB.T. M-m* 

■es rA'W TvsnTa-TBBATBB OOMIQUE. BuJunpnd. 
T^aSSfifiiftrtbe 1^; sbo specialty ar— 
hiiaialieiai w. w . rUTWAM. . . 

- - -a aeat ansMt. m ailed » Ma. 

rt^fOLTMlTE. « Pr ^Ml] 


ynw.ww w OPEN 


wmdawen to , 



^ BI.0SS01XE 





Sonth But PasMoger Agent, FennaylTaoia Paa'r Agent, 

4lh *it.. Oindnnau. O. Philadelphia 

R ST. JOHH. Q. P. and T. A., Ohle sgo. «8-8ai 


Managesi and trayeUng agenta ot tbeeon, ^erm and 
show eompanla will find It better tban gold In their poek- 
eti If they are going weat. north or nottbweet of Chicago to 
call npon or writs to E TLIET, City Faaaoger Agent 
I of tba 

Cbleago and Northwestern Ballwaj, 

This Is by all odds tbe best road between Cbleago and 
Omaha, Chicago and St. Paul, (^eagoand Mllwaokea. and 
Chicago and all polnta In the Wester NortbwasL Itdaals 
liberally as to rata with all show companies, and lipatna- 
Ued by th. bwt-p'wt.d mujigeim that ooaaa Wat. 
This Is the only line that rnna the 


weetot Chicago, tbe FULLMAM 8LEEPIM0-CABS north 
of Chicago, and PARLOR-CARS betwean Cbleago and Mll- 
wankee. Its lines reach all tba Important bnslnsa centra 

or tbe great WaL ^ 

Boston ollloe, 5 State street: New Tork offloe, 415 Broed- 
way; Ban Francisco oflloe.Slfew Montgomery etreet. 
' MABVIN HUOHTT T, General Manager. 

W. H. STENNETT. General Passenger Agent 
W. A THRALL. General Ticket Aaent 



lYank S. Converse, 

antbororthe foUowlojr staod.rd works; **BanJo Without 
a Master." "The BaoJoand How to Play It," **Complete 
Method for tba Banjo," and "The Banlolst.'' Ledtlmau 
Professional Baojoa. Addrea FBANK B. CONTEBSB, 
care W. A POND a CO.. g Union sqoare. N. T. g it 

To Circus Men. 

SM BEWABD will be paid for socb Information as will 
conviet anr partla maklor. selllog or nslng EIDD'S 

OEOBOE TATLOA Sole Agent and ManoIhetnreT. 



prices reduced, are tbe chapest and meet dorable. Bole 
Agent. QEO. TAYLOR. M Gold street. New Tork. 51-13t» 

Jcolantzee. DlmeBanloMoaloCo., 

'an Folton street, Bntttlyn, N. T. 




. ilmoa areyolntlon has taken place In tbumcal matters. 

SalstT with andlalniahed eBtbaaasm."— HEW HATBN UNION. Mareb II. 1879. 





THE MOrv A-RCHM OF Kl:;l-'irVi:i> HRl^XC:iJ AXiXlST'S 




O A. R 3>.''^ 

b&Tlo|r noilmd the canl Lo last we«k'a CUPPEB from the 
mAB«KviD»nt ol the VaudeTille Tbeatie. San AatoDlo, 
Teiaa, bega to state that ber aalary wai not "cot down for 
Jiut canae.** bat that It la tbe pollof ol tbe preaeot man- 
acvment U> enffags peoDle trom a dutaoc* at a talr ttliir, 
and then, wben tbej (at tbem there, cot tbem down. 
She alao wlabea to atata tbat aba played a alx weeka* en- 
sanment at tbiB boow laat aeaaoa for Hart k Martin, 
ana fonad them falr-dealloac men: the managvmeot baa 
alnce ebannd. She woold alao tafonn Imdr perttowneri 
tbat tbe7 RiTa a ao-called cud ball every other nUht 
alter tbe «bow. and they ara obliged to remalo aomeUmea 
till daTllgbt and danoe nltb Slexlcana, aoldleta, and oUnra 
Anyladr wbo won't daooe can't play then. Itwaa dna 
to mfMftbat I aboald make tblflexplautlOD;aad now. 
u I doD't «oart newapaper notoriatr, I will not ooUo* any 
mora attaebt opon ma. knowlnjc tbat I anx too well known 
In mr profeaalon for anything ot ibla kind Co bart me. 

We. tbe andefalgned. bef to atate tbat tbe aboTe la trae 
in arery respect, aa we know from npcrlenee. Wm. 
Qnlnatta. Mlaa Emma Henry, and the QolnetteCbUdren. • 

Madame Mersons 

1 FeinAle Hlppopotamaa. aboat IKyeara old : 1 Male Doabls- 
bonud Alnean Bhlnoeeroa. abontSyoars old: 4 African 
Blepbanta. 1 Female Indian Blepbanta, S GInAa, a Anta- 
looa. rollowlng soeda: I pair Onns, 1 Belid. 1 Ton. 1 
Carraeapra, 1 Springbok; I Doykerbok, 1 Aftlcan fbes. 1 
Wart Hog. 1 Nylahu. 5 Polar Bean, S BarcbaU Zebtaa, 
oolet to ride and driye: 2 AUean Zebos. Black and Whlta 
DionKdsnaa, t Roysl Bengal Tlgen 8 Fnll giowa Lions, 5 
X,^rg« Chacon. Baboons. 1 HenMer IMII, nale th. iugea 
and flnat_perlomilng amoial In Borope; pair A ftir a n 
Ostncbn, Emos. Uamsa, great qaantlty ot Monkia (all 
kinds), and small CamlTora; also 7J(BpAlt* Badgregara, 
I and MTeial tho*isand pair. Zebra Flnchea, and other Ana. 
ttallan and Indian Birds, yarlons kinds ol Snakea. etc.. 
Per price and partlcolare appir to 

MR C. RI>;R Menagerie. 
i3-4t 130 Commercial road, London, Rngland 



lite or Eolopean elieosea. can b. ragand ror the com- 
Inc season. A noyelty ast for tbe American elreoA 
M-lt* AdOiea care of CLIPPER 



J. BAUER Proprietor 

W. M. LTNN SQSiness.manager 

ED. CHRIB3IE Htage-manafet 

Ihe Host Popular Plats of Amusement io the Citv. 

OMn all tbe yaar roand- Baiy ol aocati ftom alJ 
polota. Good people waoted I mmed lately, ladlea ea- | 
pceUlly. Salarr moat be modaimte, u It la evrai. Crowd- , 
ed boaaaa nlsbtiy. Addreaa at onoe aa aboT*. and ae- 
oare an aany data. 4S-13t 

"1.B0: U-lnob SMtg-and-daaoa fTTinaa. — 
; Dutch Cloga, Pclgbt Wbca^gg; 

Cotk, par box,fiOBL ; ralee Xooa- 
-taobaa, BDil ; Boaawood 
JBonaa, 7Bd*L^^^* ^jl 

Faro Boxes, Layouti, Case Keepen, 
Cheok Baoki, Cue Cards, Card Ftona, 
Faro, Poker and Bonlette Tablai, Bon* 
lette, French Pool, Jenny and Heedle 
Wluwla, Faro and Poker Cardi and 
Cheoki, Keno Tooli, Monte noketi. ud 
diort eaniBB oi eTaiy deuription. 



M.lSt* ra Bterket St., VBileatso, HI. 






lUaatnSed. Prteeu,, 

W. woold eaU tbe a^a,^^ 
"Li"*"" IntereatedffTj: 

^.Jgedswe M» Bow^t1^ [- 

ipftrthe _ 
Frica lower than 


Sod for onr new rsisliwa. ■ 
IMpagea. 700 lllastiauSia*'-' 
Price, 10 eenta uvu . 

Feck & Sn yder, 124 Naaaaa s treet N. I, 


for aU artkda aad m Osmts d Chiaea. iiln.i,,. 
gida^Dla^EMoeM., PokaObecka aS^As^ 
Osrd r i f , Cae^rts.CbaekBSdsnLiC?TJS?S. 

Ohaeka. Ootba palntad to onteteamrnna^laS 
sndnnplsihsstmsDadftsa. Addrea , 
^Ti» BATfflepNAoa, 

. . 8INsaaas>is st,KswT^ 

Oamea Time to name. 

For partlealsrt sand stamp. 



Pelbam, HmpSSe Oo?&.- 


ADTANTAOB FUtok Carda. wltb key, Tta. pa pea- f 
packs.»L C.CONROT.SBtaMmbaa^.^'ngti 

loyeftm, read U- C. QUEEN. Btoniianfi^ o.B , 

PaCTO TinnNO CARIW-Now all tbe rage la Fsib. 
1 doien beaouial aUt-edsed .'roandonSiS 
r tsame and photccraph. only aOc : 1 daaf 
calsn and s»-— ' — •- " — - — - - - 
t,Now - 

With yoor name and 



»pi|e book baa E. iiiMKlc&^'; 

to derelop or ndoca any [wt ot tbe body. Bentpait^ 
on receipt of BOe., or postsge stamps. AOdrMPraLjSA 
Tialnere Instltnta. iS BtoadwaTTN . TT^ «.iSi7 

RARE BOOKS and Choice Pbotoa-Samiitol'liim.h. 
SI jS'*'*" •'• * Hobhard OoSt, oSaiS' 

RSSft. HAyAj.A Lurrmy.-qtand 
Drawl w. which will take plaoe Apdl A Wll^^ 

1 Grand Pme ct ,, 


8 Prlia ot UI.0CiOeaeb m!mS: 

8 Prlies ors.000 each SlcbbS! 

9AppToxlniaUottaor 4.(noaach SoBimZ 

9 Approzlmatlonaof ajODOeaeb SSiSe 

9 ApproximaUona of tsm each ULOBoM 

874 AppnxlinatlonFrlfaol UBOeseh..... mmyma 


For fturtberpartlealaia uUna 

M. A- MABTINB t COukaalaa. 
si-«t. MWan.trwt.BaaiaiBCMi^e«k. 


aCABCE BOOES aad Bare FhsUh. aBinnie,9ai 
tSOaU'Be. Sc. MJSanUt, MtOntailoat.Oble'e 

all/ N«me In gold. FTankunCOL. >crtbtord.Ct. »Ut 
eilSnosdase, aoito, eia; 
Oiy Cbromo Cards, lOc Na 

no 1 alike, a » aanit 
■■Card On,Hssira.B.T. 


^^17 a month and 1 i ie iiMoanarantaBd to A silA Oe^ 
911 flitlee. SHAW A 00. Aggesta. Maba. , 

$10 TO $1,000 sr^'"^*"'^''"^"^" 

ftae arpUlnlBg 
2S-Stt BaXTEB 

ijWVW lortt 
JTEB A 00., 

tort mi a c en tncotb. Doukaiel 
BukaaJTWaOa.. R. T. ' 

in DUflTAfi ofFeoiale B«aHa.ll]c,eTl 

iU rnUlUa J. «.IHeti.Bo»ag.AsMsnd.TK>W • 

PHOTOS t'SrS^fiiuy 

Booka. etc-. 3c N. L Whltnry, 

Grand Central Gardens, 


odatlona for 10.000 jpeopl.. and room for a 

in be IsttoCIBCnsBBat yery 


dardeea, with ■■iliii capacity tor l.ODD. _ 

BTAOB. well stocked with acenur. vnu Stan or 

loAtde tbe 

OoBbmaUona Woold Ilka to hear ' from SENSATIONAL 
STABS with HOBSB or SHOW PIECES. Hare a good 
apear. and will te open and mn In connection 
wltb the Mevopollian Tbeatie all Somma. It Is eentmlly 
located. Two hna of horae-cars ran direct to tbe gatea. 
ADOlyto J. H. WHaLLEN. 






L Bi-lt 

I tbereron pronoonce yonr Boa Baolo to be tbe 

that I haTO «T«r olayed on. I ehwtlaUr recommend 

anyone dalioas of getting a good Banjo for ettbet stags or 
home amoMment to pnrenaa one or_yoDTa. 

(Blgned ED. DE BABRA 

Cbampion Banlolst or the State 01 Loolslana. 
aDdTeaebO', Keller's Bow, New Orleans, La. 

We cbeertn^aj^proye ol^^ i^re atatamuL 

& H. STAFFORD. Banlolst. 

NUMA OLO HETT E, Ban|oiat 
. JOHN BENNETT, Baaloht. 
Send stamp for pilee lists c( S. a STEWABTS Banloa, 
MoMo, Sinnga, Baadi. eta.Sil Anb st , Philadelphia, Pa' 

itbOntana. 7Ba ; 1 

— . - .Fire: 

B.; He— 

from SI each; 
Jig. dog, and 


tM-Ptlca of lUnstrel , 
menta,eta. Bamltbr P. O. order or reglstsred latter to 
KD. JAMES, Clipper Bnlldtng, 
Ml 88 and aCeatte suueC New Tak. 


or to PbelBa A OoUaidar, 
P. O. Sea L8tf. l»tf J •788 Broa<lws.y, n. "X. 




all , pottttKld,! 

I Of sraPlSaul F80PIT-- 


WljpL tl each. Sand ttamp 
sLa Oooda, M nalcal laatra- 


InreRM>naatoaebaDeDveftamMme.iJid«TBon.wblehap- I 7 

In re^unaa to a obaDeofe tma Mme. inderaon, which ap- 
p«ar«d Id your laaafl of Feb. 8. 1 telcvrapbed an acoaptanco 
of tbe name to A R Samaelta, ber fanalneaa-masager, bnt 
have reealTad no reply. I wonld like to bear trom b«r at 
once, BO aa to eetUe tbe qa*atton of wbo ii really tbe Lady 
PedeetrUn Champion. MADAMB PRAMKLIN. 

M-lt* Par H. MARTIN. Boalneaa-manajcer. 



TBIB THEATBB la being tborooghly renoTated, painted. 
frBKoad. «an«t«d and aapplled wltb KEW SCIENBBT, 
OAS-FIXTUBEa and all the modem ImproTemeota, and 
will be open to tbe pabllc 


and repntatlon In all branchee of the Variety Profeaalon. 
Talent engaged to open with Weeteni manaoeraare re- 
qoeatad to write for datca W. H. euiTH. 

aa-iat Manaaer. 



Mnslo by Dst. Brabam. Each 40 centa. 
U tl Tf. A POND A CO., 3S Union Miaare, New York. 

No old oreecond-baad plecea. 
Oct tbe latett sonn. yarla- 
tioDi, msnhoi, 

ope. eta. etc. Poor new 

ologe In rti#nmnr knrs msjnr and minor— S eentseaab; 
71 oaoia lor Itis fbnr. For oatslocoai addtsii AL BAUB, 
Breokyllla, Pa. ^ 

. Brooklyn. N. T. ' 



na London Mnsla Hall <t America. 


a FAB Ii FAL B - -"^HES 

L T. onSELBBBa -r Maaa^ 

anaaRmoDta inort aand xn tMir ddbuwb ooa wa b aa- 
wySraiay win be er ased na n tbebo^ 
AuoonnnuaBiBaanawwwa. ^^jjj^ 


8x«j, $12-10x12, $20. 


AN D B O 8 B- 
UciaL eedi. Otbv gooda In proportion. All klads of 
the meat alniple and only method ot tbe kind pnbllabed. 
easbllM any person to nUy a tnne In Sye mlnuto. eon. 
ttlnsB tnnea,wltb all necMsary directions: orlo^ SI 

-WTTBODT A MASTER, eomprlslng Jig. CJog, Song-and- 
danee, and Usb Dancing com oleM. enabling any pmna 
to leam the ait ol dancing; priea. tat BANJO AND 
fbroew price-list. JOHN J. BOOAN. 

g|.lt» lOD Bast Hooston street. New York. 


BANJO and Aye 
tnnw for prac* 
, tlca. and a it- 



BOUND. FOB tL "The Wakly Banjolst's Companion". 
oDntalB. fbor late pleca In erery lane. Pnce lOo. a «>pT. 
linnmbaranowra:dy. Addrea the DIME BANJO MUfflC 
00., «B and BB Fnlton sneet. Brooklyn. N. Y. M-lf 




FINNEGAN'B BRIGADE. Irish mArehlng soog. 
Artists' copies or any of the above lent by mall on re- 
ceiptor ISctiL each, by tbepnbllBbets only,» SPEAR A DEHNHOFF. 717 Broadway. N. T. 



Treasurer or Assistant 

with strsyeling areas or ball show. In 1871 was asalstant 
with J. B Warner A Co.'s, and In '73 with Dan Sloe's. Ad- 
drea CON. RYAN JR., 
m-It* la HsJlson STenne. AlKany. N T. 





Kansas City, Mo* 


Artists playlni at this bona may bave tbe adTsntage or | 

Item '12 to 16 weeka, locludlog Qnlney, Dearer, Laad- 
Tl>le. Galraion. St. Jowph, Slonx City, and Yankton. 
AB'nSTS. VALENTmB LOVE. Pleprletor. 




Capaolty. 1,200. Heated by steam, lighted by gaa. Laiee 
stage, fine ecenery, cooTeolent dreeung-rooma. and every 
attacbment ronndm all Orat-elaa balldlngs. SIda will be 
received nntll noon April 1, 1879. Lmm may be for one or 
more years. Foeaonlon given April II. ISTS. 


gO-4t CbMtman Commltta. on Academy of Moalc 

Millett's Opera-House, 

I atjsthv, t'-f. tt a « - 

I Intormatlon addien C. F. HILLETT. 

ao-tf Proprietor and Manager. 


BANJO BOOKS, Strlnua. Mn- 
sic etc. Send stamp lor new | 
pnce-llsta. 1,139 Washington 
street, BoatoiL OlFtf 






Send for nias&atad Cataloaoa and Ftioe-llat. 


Aaioe Fowla, OOOKS AMD HHHa Alao earl] 
Stags and Pnlleta, Ikom strains ol my own linpartafloas 
Warxantad thoronabbred game. J. B ASHIOBD, 
S44>t* Sot Oatlowblll smat, Fhlladalpbla, Fa. 

nioaisbtp olT Ikie Worl,A 

J. BRrDS A. CO.'S 
PACKAGE, SI.O) pa m to AOBKia 

Cheapest in the World. 

Two aamola wltb jewtjry, by malLjinstpald, Me 

ae>7 Broad 'vray. NEW YORE, i 
BstabUsbed ISTa ' 
Favorably known tbroagboot the U. A l-lteow. • 

BMW Tear He'wadealer fbr I Ba.Baw 


vilvattae Name, Color, Pedigree, U redtad thsatksdBt 
or dead, or over 

1,000 Trotters and Paoers. 

Prloe, lOoenta, at all news sgenclse,' post-paid by tba 



_ phOadsiphla, Fa. 

WE SEND i^REE i^i^ 

BOOKS on Private Tbaatnoals, B .s d ra t l nn ., yia loiea. 
Home Amnsnnenla. Jok. Books. .8«omp«l)ad>«^a»- 
losltlons Beady ReckonaIa^Rsdpa and Oo«*J»S 
:*ttar-wilttaii. Cooitshlp, Pnnlea, EW>«<?- "JlSl! 
Oama. Maglo, Fotton.-i.llMa. DiMn booM, Acebusa, 
Dancing and Calltaig Flsorei, Dsbatlog, Banjo, Kims 
Books,eta Bendaddrewto 

DICK 4 PnZOBRALD, Pobluhera, ■ 
p. O. Bor t,m, Ig Ann scert. New Tott. 



nnder the management or A R. BamnfTls and J. H. Webb. 
FIBST PBIZR. a massive silver belt and SIM In cash. 
SECOND PRIZE, SH) m eeah. 
Any party entering tbla contest and walking three boa- 
died mlla wltbont obtaining a prise Is aoaranteed $S In 


Tbe prises vrtn be handed to TBE CLIPPBR one month 

frior to date ol ooDten. wblob will be GOVEBNBD BY 

All aooeptsncea to be rorwstded to 

" A B. SAMUEIjIA career OLIPPEBofBoe. 




AU pemo. eua MOd to bsvel the comin g s a i in n with AN 
INTBRHATIOHAL CIBCUS are hereby notlSed tbat tbe 
openlM wUI be la Topeka,Ksnua, Monday. April li. Be 

wia oaen tbe eeasoa at OolnBibaa, O., oa' Monday, April 
KoBlseagaaad areeipeeted tobe onbandb>yAr~^ 
JX ■ IM-tfT^ SELLS BBorr 



00»AOT.lU«h* iaail, ajBgWo^KT. A^ " 


and StareoptlcotuL all pdoea Views Ulostratlng every snb 
— ror pnbllo exblbltlona, etc A profltabia bualnaa for a 
1 with small capital. Also lanterns ror home amose- 



By mall prepaid, 00a. 


BANUAIs postpaid for 9)0. 

AND WRESTLIMO. fifty en. 
gravlnjj^prtoe Sueenta 




fv Bnnnlng, ^^aOdng, Bow 

UUTi Boxing, ata, SQa 



rorlnandoai door sports. Me 


Clipper Bnlldlaa. 68 and 00 Oantze 

D engravings. SOa. 

7<-vage eatalogne nee. 
tlolan, it Nasean street, N. Y. 



B<>Jk_l_c*G oriOVJEUS FOB 



by smiple method, $3. 
avenoe. New York. 

ten new Imptovemeats, 

K tented March t, ISTS. 
ate. O. D. New Book 

— 'nie TsteranMaster or Oeiemonlai, OLD BILL TOVZB 
will eend, on receipt oT X, S8. or SB lor the very bar — 
exprtaas snperlorut oTBOnNa OLOVES to any 
I n the U nion. Olova cleaned sod ispslisd. • 
^3E™ 'fHL'" SELF-DEFENSE tiS^t by MB. tOVBB, 
sUbetst hlsoira or tba papQ'i c2de~ ' ^ 



123 EIGHTH AVENUE, between I6cb and ITlh atneta. 
New York. Theatrical. Olrcasand BaUCoatomeamadeat 
the flhorteet notice. Coitamea to hire. tf-UC* 


Late of Moore A Bargea' Minstrels, LondOD, and Bocae's 

oL Is open ror engafement. In . 

Addrea care of CLIPPBB 

Minstrels, Liverpool. I 
minstrel companlea 

lent. In American 


B8-lf 10 Union sqgue. 



Lale of the B oHIn Ho ward C omblnatlnn, AT LQERTY, 
Addrea care of JERSEY CITY OPEBA-BOUSe, 

Jersey City, N.J. 



Mannlkstttrera ef Olreas and Show nsiiissa. FiiTi*i*g. 
Flags, eta. IM Ooiamenlal stieac Boston. 



TBEAU. a OABTON Manaaera I 

Addrea aa above. t2-t 


HORB, MD.. thirn mlnnta' walk ftom the Aeademy of 
Mnsle and Fofd'a OperB-hooM- 

I the table Aimiabed with tbe ueit tbeiiiarket afforda The 

Koprletor baa bad twanty.flve years' expezlance in tbe 
stboaswlntheeoantiy. r—— .a.. 

tf ist S. M. OIBBOHS, Froptlator. 

0l?;;5?e5Ss"5SKS^ FS,T,,tato mtou. 

Now ready, tbe Tblrd EdIUon, revif ed- enlamd. and lllas- 
trated, orBd. Jama' work, enutled PRACTICAL 




llalociua ouorad 

I^Tto lsao 


HAFPYHOUBflOO.f ^SSSSSH^mj f^'jt.Ui 

BANJO. iiiwz',s^^ MRS. R. BuNGE. 

JOS. BIOKBTr. — — f 

2,a» Hertt FUtb atieet, Philadelphia, Fa. 




The -best vanaty Show la iWWesb ArtMsor aekaov- 
ladaedabdl^ can find data at thla'plaaa. All Istters aa- 

[n4tl ^OHNOOONOE. 

firtt-clasa boardlng.hoass.with elegantly famished rooau 
eonvenlent fbr prolssslonsis, and urtleolar. attanllon 
tbem.- -Terms moderate. - -SO and m Mtdlsoa stMC^e; 
tween Race and Ylna. PbUadelphla. Fa._ ^MtP 

for Walking, Ronnlog, Boxing, Rowing, Jnmalog, Wiea- 
tllng, and all kuds otatbletlo contests, containing 

Of the world's most celebrated walkers and mimera. In- 
olodlng Howell. Harrlman. Enols aod O'Leary. 

Also cabinet photographs from Ule of Chts Bowall. Ctaaa 
A Harrlman, John Bonis and Mme. Anderson. Price, 
40 oentaeach. 

AddiM, jj-^f amoont by P. O. 
iaiur, , . . . .,.„ 

esandsi' — ■ 


spedtl able 
talogaa of r 

Pholia, Cfecla. 

TSTlis-nne I fin . msiiliisl. n 




Ibis eomiwand Issnpesla ta 
any prepsraUonbUhartolaim; 
adT combining m a very b"™. 
Sueotr«t^date the l~ 

thiiuepantloo enlojsoiasll 
other. U lis neat. poitaMtanb 
pot np In pots; thsoudsm. 
Sblcb'tt =»/S"jSE,''£S 
It and oonvsolsnt^J'*^ 

Dngglsts and Chi 


^ '^JSiSfi?'A'?0. ^ 
178 A » Oreenwtah It , N«2«™- 
RUOOISTS. lS-t«low_ 



stutaow jj 



Foartlt Grand I>«»*»^«'»"«5teA^"rt \ 

AT NEW OSLBANATri^^y^Br * ,„ j 


,aS!;o«tS"»^,^^l!^^!f'S!»^^ I 

In 1«8, FOR THE TEBX Of"Jg^ ^ ^ Stats IS ] 

to which contract the to»loWJJj;^^uj^ It ta,^ J 

pljkl««l with a OKrfUl ot SU •<=; 
addoda reserve tbndof sag"" 

1 Capital Prbis 

1 Capital Frne 

1 Capital FTlia:.. 

5 Priiiaof «a,IBO 

6 FUsact LflOO. 

SIFnsacr MO. 

lODPmsaf • BO 

SPSSS sS:::::::::: 

l,ODBRaao( ,_10, 

Or to. 

' All I 

■" u BiH.eddt»^«w . . 

.* Pxoprteror. ) 

IsTEW YORK:, Su^TXJRD^Y, MAJROH 29, 1879. 

I Piloe Ten Cemtm. ''■ 


■ Rlllta FOB TBB mr tobk ouptbr, 

Undenmih tb« dilRs of aow, 
UDtferneath tbe ftnm «aitli, 

Wben the son nhaU w«ni«r idov 
FBlir.foniu wiawBke to blith. 

Tbon aalecpt and ann-lii-Bnii; • 
Pusy strand SBowdnrpUa, 

Boh from enni mattes barm, 
WaittBc tlM iiwm.,l>7-aoiMiT«. 

B ^rand -tjre, when Tloter flJea 
^ From tae axdant gloir of Spxin^, 
Suuwiliuu frnm talfl [tst wfU ilaa, 

PB1U7 blnsli'ln tdaaaomlii^ 
Kalnra la a mother Und: 

Wben the Aatamn da js wvre nne 
She, touTeftvDi Winter's wind. 

Bid the flowvni la (craTea nn kuu w u . 

ButcdaUthelorely flower*; 
^Bmtod them, hat not for ; 
. 'AHedBstheae fomiB of ooib 
' .^^laep to rise another day. 

^■'3<a» where the llald Is tare. 
, T J tmn wtwra the 6*oole* ai^ nee; 

Hear the horled flowera them 
i .n WUaiietingor the mom to be. 

~ How th«7 bear old Winter's tread 
£Bd hue br Into the north ; 
BnrfUrfiprlnjrherplnlonfl Rpread, 
A^Bln to ralo and olesa th«,earth. 

And Abe wUI brine the April vtaowera. 
And nhe will oabtr ln.tlie May, 

And brUihten all the 
Thoa dath lUtls ~ 

with flowere; 

WaJcesv Snowdrop tTBprio^ bt caUlo^; 
^ wake I wa mnowaltep afotln : 

W We, w bei e ' s s hgOm^rc tilUne, 

Most he earilaatlaher train. 




BT EDWIN F. 18 ^(IHK. 

I BDtn«d In the Ofll«a cf the U hrari an'of Oragcram, at 
Washington. D. C br^un QOBor, la the jear 1879. 

I . 


! BaitUy had they reached the most dense por- 
! tlon o( the thlekwafiarB trees luid planlB, when 
. LiaidotsaddeniykBUMl Aymeric: 

"Were yoa everaoquahued with the.dnnglitnr, 
\ of the OooDt de UmenD?" 

The snaiQ was very artful, and very suddenly 
sprang. A IflBS"waiT and 'soBd adveisaiy than 
the Baron would .have been cani^^it and orer- 
thiown at oncebylJazdoif aqnesbon. Bnt Can- 
dell, who was' piepared for- something of the 
kind, pi^ented a nont of bress to this danger- 
ons atmcK. Bnt he did not orerdo his part. An 
excess of ifmoranoe has its dangers as well ^as 
an excess of emotion. IjiArdot was too well in- 
stmoted in the onstoms of the old regime not tA 
know that an tlie old families of high nobHitr 
were aoqnialnted, or at least knew one another by 

leTAn ateoliita daiiuLWoiild have been s\is- 

>as; bnt Aymerfo'pEissed through the dan- 
_ gallantly. 

'''Do you mean a noble gentleman of Ton- 
1 louse," i'aid he, "who had a magnifloent estsb- 
•■ Ushmentin Paris, and who held a liigh position 

I at coort in 1788, or theroabonts?" 

\, "Thosame," answered Llardot, already a lit- 

II tie disconcerted by the boldness of his gneat. 

II "Oh, I remember him very well," said Can- 
IfdelL "He was a tall, stnidy, vigorous old man, 
who waa never seen abroad without the cord of 
the Order of St. lionls about his neck, and who 

nsedanaSataterrfiiterata.'' ■. -y—^ 

"Tw yes; bat his danghter" intatmpted U- 
ardot ii voice sUghay tinpsd with impatience 
"Hisdauj^ter? I remember very little, if any- 

I tUng other. Perhaps I may have seen her some 
iwwhen I was in^ted to onool the Queen's 

' Tteceptionsat Trianon ; butshice the daughter of 
i so dfcanguished a nobleman was bvno means 
■ tn those oays an eUgible party for the youngest 
son of a provincial gentleman, she Mver re- 
ceived any attentlona torn me. I devoted my- 
aeU in those happy tlmas to Uadame PoUgnao 
and Uadame Latnhnlle. But, if I'm not mis- 
taken, I read In the Engllflh papere whfle I was 
abnak that the old Count was guillotined on 
the same day with Madame Elizabeth." ^ 

••Yes " said Liardot In a solemn tone ; "he had 
the honor of ascending the scaffold with a prln- 
oees of the royal bloooL" . ^ . , ' , 
"Tee- bnthlsdaughtar— what has become of 
her?" intralrod the Baron with an Innocence of 
tone and manner which drove away tte last 
lingering BuspiolonB of the ie^ous husband, 
^5£_Ido not "know eiiactly," he stammered , 
"IbeHevo she was pared for by the friends of 

^"Si rethought, when you asked me If we 
^eieaujualnted, that you had some news of 

""Oh. no ™8omo relatives of here abroad have 
rrttten me for Information conoeznlng her," 

II Bidied Uardot, "and I thought perhape I 
<i mtht get the information from yoo. 

•'I'm very aprry 1 cannot be of any service to 

(rhereabauts oi even my own tauueunua ra- 
kttvaa. '^But now that we an .albne, dont vou 
ff^ttSiwtmld be agood tlihe to talk a little 
about eerldnB afblis?" 

II "Tea* was my intentioa when I led you 
Iwav bom the rest of the company. But we 
tourt bo brief, for we have very UtUe Ume to 
^uselves. if we deslie thatour absence shall 

'^rUbeasoonoiaeasTaoltaB. Piist of all, let 
bU transfer to you the dlspa W i b ee from the I/on- 
Aa. Oommlttee," said CandeU, qnlokly drawing 
3)m bis pocket a lane package of papers 
Soring two large sealalkbla^ wax. - 
iPmSikB. I shaU read-tlifiae to-uJght," re- 
ried liardot. taking th« V>'^°>f^^^'^l 
^ it in a capaciooa Inner pocket of his long 

^^IS^^re to a bnndlB of bank-notes amount- 
S» to one hundred thousand Uvios, subecrlbod 

Aj, V nantrftff e- iuoj 
I a to retofai for my personal uoe two thon^d 
Stolngold. I hivVexpended a hundred to 
' jthe roysSi properiy, but I am ready. If you 
1 ah, to W the rest on the altar of my country, 

^'It would" be a useless saoriflco, ■ my .dear, 
iron." said Liardot. "The. money 
ib^er placed than In yowhand^ 

rse to receive the ,h«^>^?" S 
a responsibility.' ■' Bat tinus'TOei , 
how as briefly as paifSaao,1»hat you hai 

v^^SttlSgtas gone on isiiioothly. Ttonks 

iafrieidot,mtoe,I ^^^^0^,^^°^- 

fToa gave an assumed name there, 01 

K^^res; Charles Fougeiay. the name of the 
1 of a petty magistrate who used to Uve at 
uen,lSwhoTmlgratod to Louisiana some 

■^rVery good. Now let me ask yon a few 
[ona. Hm the woman vrtiofamlsheB your 
unnsa any chlldieB-B husband or relattvee 
'Swils? In ahqrt. Innreipn only her alone 

f^ ^ri iwj^r ireiitod the Baron 
- aeU^hesitstioalBUBTOloeL J 

-s: a splendid iuc ti titre , ■«Ak) works by the 
l' only had A^^PM^ «»d h^I" 
iSSaiged & v^^ kar.and proba- 

'2Si^1^*^¥*j»ji°«*l« ""Jte* 

^^SttSr litite to:.|5i*^ 'fifft" *f«!i 
had or had not»:a«itfWl^*!pt " '"'g . 

•S^emS^saW the chief of ^e oolwpuraj 
-If I remind you. my young friend, that 
o{£divSrybne-5r the plf*f -^t^fjir^^"? 
oomecnUvely toJI^ has been betrayed by a 

""l knpw that; and I .know, too, that on 
Vot women you" have not perfect con- 
b^ma. 1 Saknovdedgo that I need » 

tWwwtoSy.-ofion already know.'' 
•|-^ " f .««^f^ t-'the lady whoni jb* 
i S'lIeW-VeS'i'nl^t before yon wtiuld 

kit JOB Jiave seen thlajady agato sfiice you 
itol herthe ring yoffparohased for herat 
als Boyal that nljht?'' ^ ,• 
7 answered Aymerle, who began to feel 
I bv these queettons. , ,. , 
rely on y<rar pniflishoe'wnh.ber in 

the tntnra,'! Teaomed Uardot, "and shall' say no 
more abcMt^ltor, since I see it annoys'you. But 
I must 'oalr^tbn to give me the name of the 
friend- wKo got ' you the lodging In the ' Buo 
Blarais: ' By me way, what is ue numljer?" . 
"Number twdve. 

"Ton understand it is neoeasaiy I should 
know it, tor I cannot tell, at what hour of the 
day or pight-I, might require yonr'^arvlcee^" 

"I shall never atiaent myself unless yon are 

■Ttut the name of your friend?" • 

"Oeorge Salviac, lieutenant of the Twenty-third 
Begiment of the line, dettiahad as a Junior aide- 
de-camp to OoDeml Bonaparte. He is in Paris on 
sick-leave, having been severely wounded in the 
lastUttle affair -with the Auatrlans." 

"SaWiao t Wasnt there a member of Oie 
Bevolutionary Convention of Qiat name?'' 

"Tes; he was guillotined with Banton. 
Geojge -was his only son." '• 

"His son I" cried Liardot, starting ' like a 
wounded lion. "And you have relied on'hiis 
son to find you lodgings?" 


.^"Bnt this is Inexcusable tolly, monsieur. This 
Is putting the interests of our sacred oause at 
the mercy of one of our most bitter enemiee." 

"But George is a loyal soldier, and I believe 
him incapable of playing the spy, or belzsying 
anyone, and especially one who has done nim 
so great a service as L 'Why, I saved him from 
having his throat cnt in the Oarchy cafe. I 
wanant he 'will do as no harm ; and yoii know 
thiei life I have led for the past Ave years has 
given me a pretty clear undeistanding of men 
and character." 

"But you have not made the lieutenant of 
the upstart Bonaparte your confidant in the 
least degree, I hope?" 

"Of course not ; for it iB one of my prin- 
ciples never to tempt any man to do wrong. 
To Oeorge Salviac I am Charles Fougeray. 
Even his mother, a bitter Bepublioan, counten- 
ances me as a sort of half-'way, innocuous aris- 

"But there is great danger and no chance of 
proflt to us in this connection." 

"No chance otpcofiC? 'Why, this young officer 
expects promotion to a captaincy, and intends 
Immediately aaUng a transfer to the Qnord of 
the Birectoitr now on duty in Paris. He told me 
so hlmsdf yesterday." 

"If this is true, there may be some advantage 
in this ac<{uaint^ce, but " 

"Of course if s true, every word of it Why, 
he's engaged to be married, and he will move 
heaven and earth to get a transfer to the gar- 
rison of Paris. The Jacobins will not refuse 
anything to an officer on the staff of the general 
who -wins victories, depend upon it" 

"Very well ;■ but if this Salvlao gets a com- 
mand in .the guard of the Directory he 'will be 
more dangerous than ever as an intimate asso- 
ciate — remember that" 

"Excuse me ; I don't 'view It in that 'way. 
Suppose some day our Black Bond decided to 
carry off the five potentates of the Luxembourg, 
do you not thluR it would be interesting to 
them to be informed of the slightest movement 
of the Directorial Guard that would be the only 
body standing between them and the success- 
ful accomplistunent of their plans?" 

"And do you flatter jouieelf that a brave and 
loyal soldier, ss you say he is, would confide 
his confidential orders to you?" 

"No, I do not think anything of the kind; 
but I could get everything from a third par^ 
from whom he would be sure to conceal noth^ 

Liardot started and gnzed into Candcil's eyes 
03 if he would read his inmost thouf^ts. 

"His intended wife, you mean?" said he with 
a slight tremor in his voice — "his Intended wife, 
to whom he has been foolish enough to mtro- 
duce you." 

"Tes," said Candeil, thinking as be made the 
acknowledgment: "If he thtakslam bent on 
fascinating Therese, he will not suspect Chris- 

"I -will not deny," sold the speculator, "that 
there is a chance in that direction; but the 
means employed are very dangerous, and " 

"Come, now. you must adnut that our parlv 
stands ta need of forming some relations with 
a Republican general 'with tbe view of gatatag 
him over to the royal cause," said the Baron. 

"Of course, I acknowledge It" said Liardot; 
"and I will go farther. I will state it has be- 
come absolutely necessary that we should do 
so. We will never succeed until we have at our 
head a military chief ivlth enough renown and 
enough Influence to assnre us the support of 
the army. The experience of the Thirteenth 
Tendemlalre proves It Our men bore them- 
selves -well enough that day, but they were not 
properly led." 

"True for you," said Aymerie; "while the 
legionaries of the Convention had at their head 
a certain general, quite young and inexperi- 
enced, it & true, but one who has already 
made himself known tar and 'wide by no lees s 
feat of arms than the reoaptuie of Toulon from 
onr valiant friends the EngUah." - 

"Bonaparte, a beggariy seUlor of fortune, a 
man who arose from nothtngL .'who is nothing, 
and who has nothing but. hK sword and the 
mantle he wraps himself in.' It Is a sad reflec- 
tion, and yet it must be saldtliat to him we owe 
our defeat It was he who :n)owed' as down 
'withgrapeehot on the maiehes of St Booh." •■. 

"Well then, I see you are in a frame of mind 
to agree with me that if this same Bonspartt;. 
although a nobody, would consent to changtylth 
opinions, he would soon lead us to 'victory, a^w 
did the Jacobins." 

"Certelnly; bnt I doubt that this rough Oo«^' 
sican Is in the humor to put Mmtmif at our 

"Do you think so? Dont yon imagine that 
his ambition would be satisfled with a guaranty 
of five or six thousand Uvres a year from the 
Sing's treasnryT" 

"Two years ago that might havs been pos- 
sible," said Liardot, "but staoe he has won ten 
battles in ten months, since he treate 'with Aus- 
tria flrst-handed, armed 'with all powers, this 
adventuror is no longer approachable." 

"Bahl The King, can command his price. 
He can go as tar as oestowingon him theriiler- 
shlp of a principality In some of the territories 
he has conquered. Whatcould'hS desire better 
than that, unless he desires -winning a regal 
crown?" said the Baron. 

"And why not?" said Liardot gravely. "IteU 
you, the ambition of this man is greater even 
than his wonderful good fotttune; and it -will be 
nothing less than a mlredje'S- he agree to sim- 
ply servo the good cause oranv other." ■ 

"Uiraole or no miracle, it will do no harm to 
try to convert him. If 'we dont sucoeed, we're 
no worse oft; but it we do, then the Dhreotory 
-wUI not stand ta our way a long time." 

"Such a temptation would have to be put 
delicately to a man like Bonaparte; for It he 
should refuse he might oomproihisa our entire 
movement and I know ot>|io person whooould 
take so important a duty on nimselt 'with any 
hope of snccesa." ' 

"No person? Why, heream I," said tbeBaron. 

"Tou 7" repeated Uardot. 

"Of course, 1. Bavent;! been tor the last 
fifteen minutes tiyllig to got at-that point In ex- 
plaining the adfwages of my aoqoalatanoe 
with George Salvl«>r* ,. 

"But suppose BoD^aite does net oome to 
Paris shorUy?" 

"Then there's nothing to prevent me going to 
his oamp with a letter of introdnotlon from 

"Bnt 'Will be give you snoh a letter?" 

"Tes; he has already promised It I have 
professed the greatest admiration for the gen- 
eral, and expressed an a^ent desire to see and 
speak to him before I return to America. Bona- 
parte Isnt so great yet that he will refuse to re- 
ceive the homage of so abject a woishlpor of 
his genius as Ghariee Fougeray." 

.A long ailenae ensne<l. Liardot appeared 
deeply impressed by the atgumente advanoed bv 
Cbndeil, and he regarded his guest with a look 
of astonishment and apprehension. 

"Do yon know. Baron," said he, "I think yon 
were horn fora oonapirator?" 

**Or a dlplomiajlst, replied Aymerio gayly. 

••The otner night yoa proved yonr oourage 
under the extnme test; to-night yon manifest a 
BsmdlT that really aetonisbea me." 

■>Indaed I /Dian the moment his M^esty as- 
cends the throne I shall ask' for the position of 
ambassador to some bortatons oonntry where 
my aagwttyiand my'gotirage oan both:be put to 
the ten at once." 

"The Sing-oould not, surely, make a better 
choice.'*' . ' ' . . - . ■ ■ . 

"Ton approve of my plan in retard to.Bona^ 

''^^SsppAvoof itlir prindpla; but w« have yet 

Benjamin C. I*orter, 

Assassinated in Marshall, Texas, March 20. 

Maurice ^arrymore. 

Wounded in Maraball, To.\a8, Maroh 20. 

to settle the question of opportunity. But it it 
is decided that the chnnoe is favorable, will you 
undertake the mission?" 

"Of course. Why not?" 

A Btmnge light sparkled in Liordot's eyes. 
He lowered his voice to a deep whisper: 

"And you would have no regret In lea>'ing 

"Ah— ha I" thought CandcU; "I understand 
him. The old man is not yet perfectly satisfied 
ta regard to his wife. Now or never is the mo- 
ment to end his suspicions." Then he answer- 
ed aloud : "'Why, Liardot, I thought you had a 
better opinion of me." 

"'What do you mean?" 

"Why, you seem to suppose thiit I fall in love 
'nith every woman I meet, and that I could not 
leave Pons without tearing myself by force from 
the embraces of a score of jades." 

"I confess I euspooted something of the land," 
said Liardot 

"Have no fear tor me on that ^coro. then. I 
love women, bat only as you love^the rare flow- 
ere in your oonservatonr — or the rich wines m 
your cellar, it you find the first compikrison too 

"And that means what?" 

"It means that a pair of bright eyee, though 
they were drowned In tears tor me, could not 
tempt me to swerve from my slightest duty to 
the King any more than your floweis could make 
you theu- slave." 

"Good I I imderstond you now." said the 
merchant, evidently delighted 'with this profes- 
sion of fulth. "I trill lay your proposition be- 
fore my colleagues to-night" 

"To-night?" repeated Aymerie, to whom the 
thought at once came that if Liaidot Intended 
to be abeent from home he might take advant- 
age of the fact to have an Interview with Ills 
-wife. .... 

"Tes ; we meet at midnight, and some definite 
action 'nill be taken at this session." 

"Shall I be informed of this action?" 

"Without a doubt I should take you with 
me were it not that I prefer to state your plans 
andplead your virtues in your absence." 

"Tes, I prefer It should l>e so," said Candeil. 
"Bnt when shall I see you again?" 

"Perhaps at your lodgings to-morrow morn- 
ing. Perhape, though, I may be detained here. 
In that event you 'will oome to the storehouse 
which opens on the quay. Ton 'will meet a 
dark who -will olfer to show yon samples of 
merohandlsa. Ton will say you wish to see 
Monsieur Nicholas. Bemember the name." 

"Have no tear. I have an excellent memory." 

"Well, the ol«irk 'will show you the 'way to 
enter my office unobserved." 
.."flood I" 

"And you 'wlil be ready to start on the mo- 
mmt'lf snoh is the order of the Band?" 

"Without delay and without resret" 

^'Tour hand." said Liardot, and the two men 
esohanged a firm grip; "and now it is time to 
return to my gueete, for they may Iw astonished 
at-iny long absence." 

"Tee," said Aymerie; "we have had time to 
examtae all the flowere ta creation." 

The conspirators retraced their steps. A 
rustUng was heard among the tropical plants 
near them. Lisjdot raised his voice: 

"My dear Charlee," said he, "you must not be 
too critical with my little oollection of flowere. 
We have not a southern sun ta Paris, you know." 

"No, but you have enough gold to make ujp 
tor if said Aymerio, "tor it seems like a viigta 
forest iere." 

"Forest or not" suddenly cried a coarse voice, 
as Margoutta, the batter speculator, burst 
through the shrubbery, "you devote too much 
time to it" 

"True," said Liardot ; " we have lingered long- 
er than I had tatended." 

."'Why, smce you have been away I've emptied 
an entire bottle of Jamaica rum—your rum is 
decidedly good. Citizen Llaidot But you had 
better como back, for they are growtag boister- 
ous already. There is Oriffard, tor Instance, 
who has learned by heart Robespierre's blas- 
phemous disconise on heavenly things, and 
threatens to recite itto us from begtamng to end." 

"Mercy on ust" cried Aymerie. "Let us 
hasten to the relief of Madame Liardot" 

It -was time indeed, for poor Christians al- 
ready had the look of a poor martyr cast among 
savage beaste of prey. At the first sight of her 
husband she oast him a supplicating glance 
that -was full of meaning; but Aymerio songht 
ta-vata tocatoh her eye. This pereistent re- 
fusal to notice him seemed so strange that he 
was more flrmlyresolved than ever to pass 
through the Bue Bourbon at midnight to see it 
there -was not a light burning ta her window. An 
Immediate tatamew, it seemed to him was ta- 
dispensable, tor he'was very anxlousjto have an 
nnaeretandmg wlili her in regard to the new 
sitoatlon of affairs. ' Madame Liardot probably 
shored this desire; forjwhsn he' bowed before 
here in taking hie leecve she said, so low that 
none but he oould hear : 

"In on hourl most'^peak -with you." 

Otherwise sh^ did not depart ta the slightest 
from the glacial coldness which she had pre- 
served all the evening. 

Liardot shook his hand warmly and aooom- 
panied him to the door, whispering: "To-mor- 
row." The-menihant returned to his gueete, 
who did not seem taoUned to leave Just yet ; but 
Madame Liardot soon manitaBted a desire to 
retire to her own' apstments. This did not 
oooasion any eurtirlse, lor it was not often that 
the lady remained totne end of the entettota- 
ment. Truth to say, the company remaining 
were not displeased to see her going, staoe her 
preeenoo exeroised a great restiatat on them in 
both oonduot and topics of oonversation. 80 
this evening, when she arose to retire, the same 
sensation of pleasure spread through the oom- 
pany that ptevails ta'a sohoolroom when the, 
schoolmaster takes np' 1^ hat for a brief prom- 
enade out of doois. ~ 

Liardot himself was not displeased that she 
disappeared at so aariy an hour. Hehad import- 
ant projects for this ni^t Ferfeotly ennd of 
his Drief fit of Jealousy, and- Teby deeply im- 
ptessed 'With the views of the BarOBi ta' x^rd 'to. 
the polWral neeeadtlea of the oonapl c aoy.lie was 
very aiudoas to report to the eoaaplratore tiie; 

Slans Aymerio had devised. Heamlledamia^^ 
lerefore; as liis.'Rlfa arffe^andlook her hand, 
for he never tailed .to .Imprlnta kissjin. bw-tar 
pering Sngen wfaen'tlftfy werS'fiaJpeitaliMCIt Vfiet 

tor a brief time. Christiane, ta a dreamy, dis- 
traughtstote of mind, hold out her hand as usual, 
and uardot bent over to perform the favorite 
riteof politeness of the eighteenth century: but 
Instaad of salnUng the tapering flngere with the 
customary kiss, his lips contracted sternly, and 
a hoaree, hnU-smothered cry escaped from bo- 
tweenthom. Atthesametlmehlsfaoebluncbod, 
his eyes became bloodshot,.and his Umbs trem- 
bled under him as it his heart had been pierced 
by the sword of a foeman. Christiane, absorbed 
in thoughte of her lover, did not notice the agita- 
tion of her husband. She bowed giaolonsly to 
her guests, and left the banqueUng-hAll vrith the 
gmce of a goddess returning to Olympus after 
ha-ring deigned to sojourn a. few momenta on 

"What is the mutter, Linrdot?" cried Oriilord. 
MarRDUtin and the rest ot the company ta one 
voice, noticing the haggard and woebegone ap- 
poumnce of their host 

"Nothing— it lsnothlog,'>wtBA»ereltThcchl<)r 
ot the Black Band, pressing his hand to Ills 
heart, which was beating furiously. 

"That's the olTect of lovtag one's wife too 
much," said Margoutin. 

"True, tadeed ; it's ta the blood," said the tat 

"The blood?"' repeated Liardbt'wlth a bewil- 
dered air. "Tes. that's where the disorder is— 
it's in the blood." 

"I advise you to have youreelf bled ; and the 
sooner the bettor," advised Margoutta. 

But Liardot's malady 'was deeper than his 
friends hod any Idea of; for, as he leaned over 
to kiss his 'Wife's hand, he saw and recognized 
on her finger the ring, that the Baron Cnndell 
had t>oaght at the FaLsis Boyal on New-Tear's 
night as a prtssent tor his misDess. 


An hour after this convivial soene the guests 
had all teken their departure; and Uardot con- 
Bumtagwith rxigo; hastened ito Uaf study and 

Esve way to his emotions. Up to this moment 
e had Men on the rack, compelled to bmr the 
agony that was gnavring at his heart, and yet 
wear a smiltag conntahance before his loiteruur 
gueste. But nowthejOAsk of tadUference fell 
from his features. Nothtag oould ' give an ade- 
quate idea of tbe utter misery of tns tmhappy 
man. His agitation was such that he Ibund ft 
difficult to open the secret door that let^ tato his 
cabinet He succeeded after great effort how- 
ever, and, throwing himself tatoa ohair, buried 
his face in his hands and wept like a child. No 
one could witness his (prlef. for the sanotuaiy 
In which he bad taken refuge waa loAOOeaalUe 
to anyone after he had fastened the seoret 
spring of the door, or rather doors, tor then 
were uiree means ot ingress and egress to this 
apartment. The ' first throngfa wmcfa he had 

I' oat passed, led to the nwepUon-rooma ot the 
iou8e:«the second opened on a seoret stair- 
case which oommunloated with tbe open stotss 
on the quay, and allowed the oonspiiatore ot 
the Black Band safe aooeea to him: the third; 
permitted the financier to descend dlreotly tato 
the vast garden that occupied the space between 
the quay and the former Bus Bonition. Thence 
he could gata onobeerved the detached wing of 
the buildings, whlcdiwas theysxdlilslve haliHsaon 
of his 'Wife, aid the same means Chifstiane 
might secretly enter the apaitments of the man 
whoee name sh» bore. Of all the IssoWfrom 
1^ cabtaet, however, this -was the leastiiused, 
Vr.the husband and wife rarely met except in a 
sort of official way ta the parior and the dintag- 
room. All the doore leading from this apart- 
ment were opened by an ingenious mechanism 
kno'wn only to the great conspirator, iriio retired 
to the secrecy of ttus well-guarded threat to plot 
and plan ta pollUos and commwce alike. From 
whatever direction a visltor^pdght appcpaoh 
his oabtaet, Liardot was wanugdnong before his 
arrival by the tinttling of an automatic bell, :8a 
that he had time to frame an excuse for not re- 
ceivtag the newcomer, or opportunity to escape 
before tbe newcomer oould roaoh-.tho door. It 
is needless to say that the secret slgnsil an- 
nouncing a visitor approaching' by. Oe passage 
leading from the garden was nnerS- cause for 
his retiremant, and never, OS Butnavisttoraoud 
be butone pereon who knew thewcret way, and 
that person Christiane, her summons -was never , 
unanswered. This seoret labontoiy of con- 
spliBoy and meicantile speoalatl(m had also the 
additional idvantage of being tavislble from 
'wlthoQt Situated In a squaro-bulR 'wlng, or 
rather a small projection from the main build- 
ings. It -was Ugfated by only one 'wtadow, which 
opened upon a gloomy, shaded Itaden vralk, 
vviiere the monks nod been ta the habit ot taking' 
their melancholy promenades. From the Quay 
ToKaln-sr the street this wtadow waa not vIbI- 
bla, sdFBO one oould see the light that buraed 
in it^mtr night from eariy dusk till dawn. 
But . toooAr^hls 'Window was masked by the 
elooiii)rllnMn-trees,aai|JJaidot's retreatooidd 
not be S4Mi.'.fram wUiont. he could from Ua 
wlndbw oommond A view of , the vast gsxdan of 
the good monks. . . '• 
° How many times had the wteiy ploitiw .se& 
Christiane leave her ooMike dwelling ai£l ooniS', 
forth to breathe -the^ mgtaat air of -the earqr 
morning beneath themnMtoheetnat-trees, when' 
she loved to loiter 1 Bow often he had aboiP 
doned his -weary work to ' admire the graoiooS 
outltae of her figure unpercelved I How often, 
too, late in the night, .tHien he had returned from 
a stormy scene at thd meeting of theconspira- 
tois, hod be dlstnoti^ h|s mtad from Its tertl- 
ble preoooupatloii by simply gazlisthroadi tiie 
doAnees of the night -at tli^ - btjghtly Ughtefl' 
-wtadows ot her distant apartments 1 

This vras the only pleaisare, the onlyrelasa* 
tion, hl» aaoeUoapint perraiUad him. -This -wai^ 
apparent from the aln^Uelfy; which iirsvailed i|t 
the turiiteliing"oI'^e apartment -whereta weiv 
laid ' 'pla^'> thAt "Won mflHona -of - money, -an3 
whereUk'^raiia taventsdl )>]ata to ovetthrow-go^ 
enmiABCB^'aBdignloataii'.destinles of a greet 

iuiUoiu ..• i I - /p-i . ' ' ; " 

I «rtfbmtt^ahbSf',iH ttsTfaeatlnswoiiIdxtdt' 
UmMU-bamloiAid any bolt with -the buTfinHsa 
Atthe waUs.inor <fcs togmar and anoomfortsble^fitaIn^ Thftpwele -ymto Ot 

l>tat biacIOiiiea' wtOTage ; tbe few stocto ooA 
banheB acBttered-Mbovt?; might have dene duty 
lojig, yean- before, In '-the gnardrooni <^,'MiBei 
feudal eastt^>'': «id a' number ot sideboanl^jDad-i 

ed down-wiDi pUaa Ol, dusty poperej and *;«i9p*-ire ti<lry,^T«diH5rSii"oriSelDeSR' 

lection of solidly made trunks completed the 
fumituro of the room, if wo exdept Liardot's 
desk and hrmchnir, which were,- Indeed, quite 
in keeping with the rest. 

This retnuit, whom nothtag bod been sacri- 
ficed to comfort might very readily have served 
as the.oell of a Benudictmo. . But a number ot 
sabres and pistols piled In a corner of the room 
and several poniards lying about on the chalre 
and -writlng-tablo somewhat modified the sever- 
ity of ite religious appeaianoo. There 'were 
enough arms In the llttln room to have mata- 
tained a siege, and tliis night-au observer would 
have thought that Liardot was preparing to re- 
pel on assault on his stronghold, tor his com- 
pressed II ps and frowntag brow expressed a des- 
perate resolution. At Urst hehadglven ^-ay to 
grief and tnatu, but now he ralsod his head and 
ground his teotn ta rngo, and playing nervously 
withthehiltof a poniard on the table before him. _ 

"I will kill them— kill them .Mht^i^aalcl beln-t oailed •nrph ROyBter 
a terrible voice. ' — — '" 

Suddenly he passed his hand across bis brow 
as if to drive away the terrible thought^ that 
had taken possession of his bratn, and, rising to 
his feot, he began pactag the little room to and 
fro. The apartment was illumined l>y a lamp 
which his trusty servant lighted evoiy evening, 
and which bumod till the morning cnme. The 
dark shadow of Christiane's husband crept 
along the oaken panels after him like a phan- 
tom ot the night But the gloom of the situa- 
tion harmonized with the buck thoughte ti ^^t 
were besieging his brain, and the most torxible 
of all human passions to which he -was a victim 
— ^olousy. 

When CbrlBtlane hod oonsented to bear his 
name she did not love him, and he knew it 
But he, bom the verv flret loved Christiane, 
and$ 'was tbe sustaining hope of his Ufa that 
she woqid. I.eam to love' him ta time. Like all 
kind and^generoua souls, he bad deluded him- 
self with the idea ttiat love maybe sown and 
cultivated till it springs up from the pampered 
soil and flourishes from very gratitude to the 
boor who drives the plow or holds the lake. 
He had made the mistake of supposing that 
women give their heatte away from - gratitude. 
He did 'not understand that women expect ador- 
ation 08 a right, and never dream ot protesting 
af;aliist it uMriigh they are no more Ukelyto 


Blow, blow, March wtnda, bhnr; 
SUuc a aoiis to my darllnc ; 

Driva away care, 

Blow, biMiaa fur. 
To bring good gina to my rtwrilTig. 

Sblne, shine, Marcb aao, ablno; . 
Open tbe floweia ft>r mr darling— 
. Nartiaaoa wbJba— 
To maka a.oown Ibr mr darling. 

Pia^'pUy, Uinb>; 
- Wblnla. Manh birds, ror my darling: 
Lot tbe baea bom. 
And bauarcupa come. 
To brighten tbe meads llor my 

day, gay, be as ye inay, 
will not compare to my darlmg— 


Wltb golden hair. 

My llxtle Marob Iamb, my darling. 




grant the pfaysis ot their adorere than are the 
beauteous Idolslietore which enthusiasts devout- 
ly bow. ; , . 

So, ta theahnpUol^ ot his heart, Uardot had 
found everything: oontzibuting to sustata his 
error and to 'pnloiig the illusive hopes he had 
conjured up. ".OHen hod Liardot brou^ her 
tato the comjpany of the meet winning and 
polished cavUlen of the fashionable worid ot 
the time, but she had received their homage 
with greater ooldness than she manifested tor 
him. There was this difference, however; when 
JS worshiped, she listened, but did not reply; 
but when the gay tascinatora of the hea>t mtmda 
flattered about her, there was oontempt as well 
as coldness ta her replying looks. 

Liardot did not fall to remark the difference 
ta his tavor ot the treatment aooorded by his 
queen to him as compared 'with that given his bs- 
olnating visitors. Inspired thus by hope, he did 
not sWve to break down her aristooratio pride 
that she might descend to his level. On the con- 
trary, he secreUy strove to lift himself to her 
plane. He made himself the chief of the consplr- 
acytabehAlfofthe Eln^.'an'd 'devoted all his en- 
ergies to It His Me^eefy, onoe plaoed firmly on 
the throne by the offloere of t&e Blaok Band, 
could not refuse any reasonable favor to tto ohlef. 
That chief was Liaidot He was already fab- 
ulously rich, and money oould not repay him 
tor his serrices. 'What would he ask? A tiUe 
of nobility, to make him the equal ot Clirlstlane. 
Then be 'was sure she 'would be his. This was 
the ddnslon thatOie Stmple-hearted man had 
been huggtag to hla bosom.- .This was what 
he had been woiklii|r toRilBIrt and day. "This 
'was what urged hlm%> bia.'Ve^'B gutlloUne and 
make his life an agonyot tnfl thst he might be 
a nobleman- and poaa o ao the money to support 
as a nobleman should the high-born lady of his 
heart . ' ' 

If. lie had known that at the very time he pro- 
posed' to save Oiristlane from death by giving 
her his name, she had already been fortwo yeus 
the betrothed of the Baron Candeil, he migfatnot 
have been«o eager to speoulato for a proflt ta 
love matt«»as hehkAdone ; but Christlane'had 
carefully preaarred Iwc seoret and he had been 
spared the ^terrlblQijlMsenchantment up to this 
time. She bad be^n told that Candeil had died 
with his father' oh the guillottae. and she was 
too proud to explatathe secrete ot her life to the 
menial she had' wed. Later, when she learned 
that the Baioh lived, sad Siat he''stU loved her 
she had not thb courage to tell hei> husband ol 
the taata, but consoled heiseUWlththe oonclons- 
ness o t her purity of mtad and her faithful ob- 
servanoe of the honorable undetstandtag which 
Bho supposed to exist between her and the man 
whose name she bore. 

This warihS sttd^bn o^dbln vvhsh, like a 
kj/underbblt: to -the ontad of Liardot, came the 
Mock of the dlsooveiy of the accusing rtag. last the .poor stewaidoonld not doubt 
Iheoverthrow of all his ohertohsd hopes, staoe 
s onlrtsnt had shown the tadkpnt^>Ie proob be- 
fore his Very eyes. The 'shape and setting of 
the ring were geonllar, and did at*- nernatlilm 
toentertata forraSaoinent tBCWw ffiat"he had 

made a mistake: Be Bad Seen ue Banm buy . - .- 

it and he examtaed it Intthedteteiy after the pni^ >9aBtameiit of big Rae8t& Neither tbeir actUig nor 
Ak.^ n. » • » «»-- — ■- ■ — r. -'•tpci^piaj-wriangttid so rauctt for the prosperons 

in as their abaies ta the Olotie or some other 
ag London theatre, llie rams charged for a<l- 
mffiaace were fipm two te six pence. The play- 
WTuers seldom received over eight or ten pounds ftar 
ttaetrprpQaettoas, a Uttls later t&sy.tose totwenty 
and twentT-^vnpoonds, As tbe nambcr of thentras 
increased, tbe prices went np, and occasionally S' 
,°fbw pounds. were added IbT a prologue to some new 
pl4y. The anthora, howevek-, were iieiietally allowed. 

The hlstoTv of EnsUsh atage-plajscan be traced as 
Ihr back as the middle of the sixteenth centuiy, when 
they were llisttatroduced by the clerny, not toatntwe 
the pabllc, but te Instrnct them in the scriptoral 
stories as taught In the Bible. The miracle plays, as 
acted In the churches and oonvents, under the im- 
mediate direction ot the cIerB7. was the earliest form 
of the Eoglish drama. The parts choaen were the 
most Bcmdng stories, such as the cieatton, craoUx- 
lon, delaRe, uU of man, etc., and these were drama- 
tized with little regard to the sacred and awlhl nature 
of tbem. The actors generally occupied during the 
play a ktad of Qrlple stage, one built above another. 
The topmost one was occupied by those who repre- 
sented the Almighty, snrronnded by bis angels; the 
next, t>y those who personated the redeemed; upon 
the lowest were those who played the pan of the 
world, showing the deeds of men, and near by burnt 
a great Are, wlilch represented the lower regtona. 
All these ImlteUons were bad enough, tnit the worst 
remains te be told; for the veiy ones who gathered 
here to be taogbt woald yawn and sleep until ap- 
peared that which we now term the "star," who iras 
no other than the Piinee of Darkness, whose capere 
and rongh Jokes keptthem amuAcd. Instead of awed, 
as 'was tatended by the playeis. 'We see ftom this that 
the amount of morally learned b.T the audience who 
gathered aroand euch actors could not have been 
much; but we mnat reopect te oome extent the an- 
tbom who produced them, as they were doubtless 
HerlooH enough In their Intentloiui. 

Uut gradually theiie miracle plnys< changed Into 
what was called moral plays, which formed the sec-, 
ond Plage of the EngURh dromn; and. In.itead of 
Kciiptural charocteis, we find abstract quallUea per- 
Honlfled Htrutting about the stage ta varied gar- 
ments— Koah, Abnthnm and Darid had been super- 
seded by Josuoe, Mercy and Ylce. This second clasi 
of plays were genenuly acted by Btudenis, school 
boys and men-of-the-town upon pnbllc days, state 
occaalonn and the Ulce. An open BcalTold, erected ta 
some public place, served a.1 a stage, and upon It, as 
we read, such pieces as "Hit the Nail on ' the Head." 
"The Hog Hath Lost Its Pearl," etc, vrere acted. 
Tbe tun then moat relUhed consisted ta calling bad 
names, hitting the hardest blowji, etc.. In wtilch the 
Deril and Vice were often prominent charecteis, the 
former always proving triumphant at the close. 
And thus It Is that our two branches of Btnge-drama 
sprtag (torn the .same root Horalitv, broken In two, 
mipplfm the elements for both— Its Herlous part for 
English tragedy, and Its lighter for comedy. 

The first play deserving of the name of comedy 
that bLstoiy has ac4inalnt«^ n» -with was 'written 
about the middle of. Ihe-aUMntli eentniy.. . It wan- 
caned *1lBrph RByBterDoyWCT'," and Was a dmraatic 
picture of London 111^ The old British stoiy of 
"Fenex and Ponex," dramatized by SaclniUe and 
Norton, and acted In isei by the stodenu of the 
Temple, Is cunnldered the earliest treged.v In the lan- 
guage. Alter these fbllow others of plmllar charac- 
ter. In whlch the trne hnman character Ls dliitlncily 
portrayed, taxtead of those walldntr allegoilei thai 
trod the moral stage; and this forma one of the 
grand and distinctive features marking the progress 
of tbe Engllsb drama. The changing of the poppet 
for aesb and blood altered the tesnes entirely. The 
theatre ceased to be a place of duty, and liecame a 
place of icAort. The audiences no longer sat un- 
moved, but began to feel with the playem. wben 
marrlaiies were managed, crimes perpetrated, sof. 
rertags endnted, and difflcultles overcome by the 
actors, wbo hore tbe names and did the deeds of 
men. The audlencee were roused np and laughed 
and wept not 'with the performenee, bnt with the 
performere. And thus In a few yeare the rapid 
strides of the Btage-acter soon reached themagnlfl- 
cent productions or the Immortal Shakespeare. Not 
a half centnry later we find Elizabeth and her maids 
of honor assembled te laugh at the mislbrtones ot 
poor Jack Faislair, and te tremble at the Itaest 
scenes the stage ever saw. 

Bat while we see the grand strides the playwriters 
are making, we mnat not soppose that the stage 
kept np with the play; for even now, two hnndred 
yean later, at least two-thirds of our theatres are 
either too small or are badly arranged. On the con- 
trary, the stages on which the first Shakespearian 
plays were acted were simply little platforma. Often 
the stage 'was set np In the conrtjard of an tan, a 
wooden shed sheltering the andlence and players. 
The tnt licensed theatre ta London -waa set np at 
Blacktriar's In the year ISSl, and consisted of a sta- 
gle fence tacloetag the audience, the Btage being the 
only sheltered part, and that t>y a simple thatohed 
root The tret attempts at acejury at rach leading 
theatres as the Olobe and the Sose were very 
meagre. Some ihded tapestry or poorly daubed 
canvas 'was hong anund ue tlmheis of the stage, 
at the back of which ran a gaOery, eight or ten feet 
high, to bold those actors who might be snpposed 
to speak ttom castle-wtndows, wans, tilgh roeks, or 
other lofty iilaoes. A change of scene was denoted 
by hangtag out In'vlew of tbe andlence a placard on 
which the name of the plaoe— Rome, Athens, or Lon- 
doD— was painted. A farther Btietch of imssinatlon 
was required from the ssaemblv when the removal 
of a dtiwy thione and the aetttag-down of a rongh 
table with drtnktag-veaaels -was supposed tochaiige 
a polaoe tato a tavern; or the axchange of a paste- 
board rock fbr a thorn-banh -was expected to delade 
all tato the tiellef that they saw a pubUcahow, no 
longer Imt a leafy fbtest An exquisite comical mtiB- 
tiatlon of the acenle poverty or the times may lie 
foond ta tbe scene of "A HidBummer-nlght's Dream," 
where the tradesmen of Athens rehearse a play. 
Funny as It may seem, it Is no doubt a true picture 
nr drruDutancca ttiat snrronnded the first plays. 
The play of "Pyramna and Thlslie" requires tne ta- 
troducnon of a wall on the stage, that the ancient 
lovers may whisper throagh a chink ta Its masonry; 
so Snout the tinker la daubed with plaster, and, 
coming on the stage, announces to the audience 
that he Is the wall, and for a chink he'forms with his 
thumb and forefinger a cinle, through which the 
sppotatment to meetatKlnny-tomb Is made. Then, 
'wlih a lantern, a dog and a bush, ta comes one who 
calls himself the man in the moon, and proceeds to 
llxbt the midnight scene. An nnbelleriog American 
critic of the present day would probably suggest 
that It would look tiettar for the man to get ta the 
lantern, as the man canyOig the moon ta which he 
Uved was liable to cause a vonfuslon of ideas. Such 
Is the picture that Shakespeare has presented to us 
as one that he dally nitiesSed during his residence 
ta Londoh. !^ 

The Ume for pertbrding dUKred ftom the present 
ta - that it -was generally fixed at one o'clock ta the 
day, and a fbw momenta prior to It the play.fiag 
could 'be seeii daily, Sunday excepted, floating ftom 
the roof of the playhotue, and announcing that the 
periormanoe 'was abont M begin. Placard!) had al- 
ready told the public what the play -was to be. The 
theatre patrons, as no w, consisted of various classes, 
the gnnndltags and gallants hetngthe most promi- 
nent The first occupied the pit ta ttont wtuch re- 
semtiled a pandemonlnm more than anything else. 
There the soiapea of all classes met to amoke and 
drink; nor did the gaUauta, who paid their sixpence 
to alt on the stage, show much better breeding tnan 
the mthy, notay plt-fsllows. Tells and oaths, loteo-. 
co-smoke, and varioos other fames formed the main 
atmosphere which surroimded the oshertag-ta of 
onr noblest plsys tato fhme. The trumpet sounded, 
after which the pralogae 'was read, and uen tbe play 
began; and If Ite early seanes did not salt the &flte 
of the andlence a storm of nolHes srose. hisses, yells, 
caucalla, cock^ruwlng, and-wblstltag drowned the 
actor s voice and stopped the prosreaa of the play. 
The SctoiB were attired ta the costomes of their 
own day, and played ta masked wlgs,andthe female 
parte, rach as the Vlolaa, Portias and Rosalinda were 
fiUad ■ by smooth-fSoed yoang men in women's 
dros. The idays consumed abont three hours, 
and the audience went home to an eariy anpper. 
The BDCCSBS of an actor depended not entirely on 
blB acting, but also on his ability to writs: Such 
men as Ben Jonson and Ohapman earned many a 
nhuiing to buy their steaks and ale with by acting, 
as' well as by -writing for llie stage. The actors 
Went then, as now, ta companies; and they played 
qndef the patronage of some nobleman for the en- 

chase. Be had, too; trMta ae-IfainHl'B own fins' 
an - acknowledgment tint ttaHmUtttOfti- asa 
gift .to Ua mistress.. .And.nMctta«SS«IUotts 

,u5S^ 7= BBoiB,i«ni*ttnw»aai*r;tlie-lbUaw» 

5555"i5y-25^"^J?s£.."« wen oflijui iSaoL ; 

qmte fair win diy ostsi'^ug'grata hu a'arestnmd- 
2"» for damp, and wlll rm jUy absorb the lea*SlM i| 

7,^?°LF;!^a^'>I> «>« boioti»MVt^ 


uauer wltlM>athaMtenliiglt> uithe.manlnaaliBtai. < 1 j ■ — ■ 1 , ; 

ourop^c^ta^ndffiSg the-.feln .ta^ fifty ago, lolteiy-tlokete w^. 

the second night's. reoelplB as perqulaiteH. It 
;t)ie penntea of tbe groondmgB and the ganants' six- 
^aoat tlii^'enatried Shakespeare <o Imy his hoose at 
^itfrn^anffretlre to'diea rich man In his native 
■* "ipttthtwe exttavsgsntprlces that are now re- 
r autbon and playeia. - 


■•^ -•"'abmBMmesglveAagaebool- inlJ ea 



»i>d SertOBS 'WooBdlBg oT .' 


At the commencement of the nreaent diainaUe 
aeason P. n. Warde and Uandce Banymore onaih ' 
Ized a company to play "Diplomacy'' thnnghoame' i 
coimtzv. After traveling for some .moDtSs'ifniir' 
decided to engage a few additional peifbrinsis tSt 
diride the comt>lnanon tato two companies,' woh (6 
be known as the Warde A Banymore "DtplMgLaan'-.' 
Combination. One of these, under the personal di- 
rection of Mr. 'Warde, liegan a tour of the mnbarn : 
part of the United Stales; while the other, nnderme 
management of Mr. Banymore. toxued the nutii."' 
The last-named company closed a brief Beaaoa ta 
Manball, Texas, Maroh IS, and shortly after the ter. 
mtnanon of that-evenlng's periormhnoes the ladles ■ 
and gentleme'n of tbe com"3ny went 'tcflUie nil- 
road-ataUon to teke the 2 a. icnorthward-bound ' 
trata for Bot Springs, Ark.. ' when the*- wen ' 
billed to .periorm. that night (m.-Aboal mid- ' 
night Maurice Bairrmore, Ben &f-Ct>rter and 
.one of the ladles or the company '5 
retteshmente ta Uie White Bou-ie tanci 
by Nat Harvey. Almost immedlatalr Qierealtekl. 
James Carrie, a Texas Pacific Railroad detsottve, en- 
teied and made an insnlttng remark coBoeralng the 
lady, which led to an altercation, during whlob CaT^ ' 
rie shot Haniloe "Barrymore, tbe ptstol^bollet enter- 
ing his arm and coming out under the Mtshonlder; ' 
he then shot Ben O. Porter, ta the abdomen, Crom the 
eUBctB of which wound Porter died 'wlthta some fifty 
mtantee thereafter. - 


was held at'ao'clock on the Hioriilng of ao,abott two. 
hours aner tbe shooting, Nat - Haivey being the ptta^ 
cipal tritneaa. His tesllmony was aa folIoW%: 

N. A_ Tfarrej-, being d^lr pwoni. Jc pn aea and aaya, aftar 
looking at the dead man: I baTe seen that (keeCPartv^l I 
Haw thlaman InlUe at abont 12 o'clock or tbe nl|^t of tbe 
19th of March, IS7V. This man and another one (Ba ilflina e ) , 
who Is now over in my house wounded, and a laoy am« 
Into my lunch-room. Tbe man wbo Is uow In my boss 
wonndM called for beer and a Inneh. TtJa man aajdl *^ 
woot take beer. OlTe me a cup of coffee, r dont drink" 
iKave tbem tbe luncb— bc«r and coffee— that ther had 
ordeied. While they vera eatlnjc and drinUng, Jim ODRle 
came In and called for Afhmch alia I in>t It, and whu I 
went to fflie him rc^izne) bla ' change he nld: "Easp 
that; don't you want to buy a dogt" He thea walfeaS 
Into the baoc roDm,.wlie» my bar la, and callad a 
drink of Ice-water, Whkh'I'EaTe blm. ThenbeaaU: *7 

Euen I had better take a UtUu bodge with It." I toU Urn 
e bad better go alow, that be bad eooogh. He aald: 'Vk 
I muiit hare some; it is too good a thing around bwa." X 
imre him the drink. After takinrtbe drink be aald, DOipt- 
Injrdnvn into the ]ancb-i«om: 'There laaSnt-claa^^" 

or "There's la a hlch-toned ." 1 do not mnamhar 

whether be nied tbe exTtewlon "flntt-claas" or 'Ugb- 
toned:"'butIthlnkltwaa"flnt-elaaa." laaldtoblm: jK, 
I dont know whether abets a lady or not. Shehaahfhaaed 
herself, and I would rattier you wouldn't make a^ abch 
remarks." Then be aald: "That's all right, paitoer," and 
walked down out of tbe barroom. As ne walked to -tha 
front door of my t 
and aaid to the dei 

ITont door of my bouse (the Inncb-room). be tninnl round 
andaaid tothe deceased: "Here, you thiew your band up 
this way" (pattlnE hla hand op bMlde bla head) "wlual 

pafwed yoo, a wule aga Too caht alva me any nifeC 
that kind." .Tbe deceased aald: "Hy IMend, If yon have 
allode-l tn me, I hadnt thonj;ht of yoo. Z waa **r^v^K to 
tills lady bete." Then Ourrle said; "If yon aay that yooiie 
a d — liar." Deceased aald: 'Tm m company with a 
lady, and would pieftr that you wouldn't maka ramarkabt 
that kind In her presence; nnd If you want a dlfflcoltj, you 
can see me anywhere yoa like outside the house," oreome- 

thlng like that. Currie then said: "D flue lady." I 

said: "Jim, Jim, stop that," and. waa gettlng-up on tbe 
counter and about halfway orer. IL About that ttms 
the man wbo la now In my bouse wounded tjirned 
round and said: "I will protect a lady. anywtM 
bcpsn to pun oirhla.Qoat aa be got off nelo 

Juat Jiafbiethla the man wbo lleawoaaded tamy I 

■aldtoCurrle: "(>onway;therels^aIady^era." Towbleh 
Ourrie ans w er e d: "tfafbe yoo want to take It op, you 

d ." Just then Currie pulled out a pistol anabesan- 

shooting. He fired on the man wbo la In my booae wound, 
od. The deceased here Jumped off tbe atool to catch bold 
of Currie. Just then Ciurle fired on blm and aaU: 

"G . I can kill tbe whole lot of yoo." The- 

deceased threw hla hands across his stomach, and althar 
went out or fell out tbe trout door. He ftn In tha 
room, but I don't uow whether be reooreied his ftet 
before he got out or not. The man wbo .Is my 
house wounded ran tbroo^ the barroooi, biOke open the 
door, and ran out tbroogfa the kitchen Into the yard. 
When tbe dUBcnlty commenced T waa behind the oooAter. 
Abont the time -the shooting began I Jumped orer the 
counter, and the lady cangbt bold of me. .1 think Cnrtla 
fired three or fonrahota in an. He filed first at tbe wuosd- 
ed man. and then Inunedlatalj timed aod firad at tbe 
deceased. Tbe shots Memfd to strike lihn (Porter) about 
the middle of the atomach. Curria waa re^eloae to the de- 
ceased. Aa the woonded man ran through Iha^or Into the 
bamomCunie shot at him again. BefbreCgHapuUedout 
his pistol (when he put bla hand behind mv aa ttaotudi 
he waa going -to draw a plstoD the decMMd man aaU: 
'Ton needn't shoot me. pm an ouarmeaman, and dont 
waot any trouble." Tbe wounded man la DK)KsaB wks 
polUiiJc off his eeat at thU iiM T i fnr B» aala; ^'Fm'im.. 
atmed, but cn ptottct a lady aaybow." Thanwtaaoaoa 
In the lioose at tlie time of the cecDRunee ^inrrt the par- 
tie* I liave maatlaned. 


Fnrtherpiurtlcalars were gleaned ftom Mr. Bany- < 
more and the lody'or the company who was pnseot - 
Adltdnlng the restaurant where we want wtlti Hi. 
Porter to get lunch there Is a saloon, and nated 
thereto was James .Cnirie, wen known as aa ex-; 
army scout a desperado, -who had kSled two men. 
He Is a large, powarftd, rongh ttontienmaa, aod, 
being dmnk, was quanelaome and brntaL la a loud 
tone of voloe he uttered a rude insnltdlTectad at ttw 
lady, when Mr. Banymore replied: ."This las lady, - 
and yon must not insult her; she la imdtg ovr pn-' 
tection. We do not want any trouble 'witb yoo:'' - 
Then Curie aroee, -walked tato tbe ixilaiiiaiif and . 
asked Mr. Banymore If he "wanted to taka tt. mr" 
Tbe latter replied: "No; 'we do not want to taks If as - 
atau. Tfe are both unarmed; leave a alone." "I 
don't Uke to be talked to m this -way," said the des- 
perado, and.aMiinaf .hlng nearer, drew a i b« uI i « OBd : 
fired at Mr. Banxmote, the ball rmming tliroagh.bls ■■■ 
ann and comtag ont under his left Bhonlder, nak- ' 
tag a serioos 'wtrand. Mr. Porter at onee spnog 
ta ttont of Curie, and. potttag hb hand on his ; 
shoulder, Batd: "Oime, come, wbtb had eoMtm of 
this," Carrie loweted bis revolver directly tn itDat 
of Mr. Porter, and fired, tha ball paaatag thraoab his 
abdomen and ont at his hack, and Porter IMI to the 
floor mortallT woimded. Currie then drew another 
revolver, and kept the bystandsis— 'who bad eoDeet- . 
ed and now attempted to tateiftre-^ h», aadde- . 
fled arrest yet when a poUeeman aimearea he gave . 
himseir up and was loaged In Ian. Ostriewassab. 
seqnenUy brought Iwfore Jnstice Hanlaaln, waived -' 
examination, and -was committed 'wtthont boD. '.IBe .' 
District oonrt convenes May s, when he wm tie ar- , 


Then waa strong talk of lynching Onrrie. oaf the 1 

aflkir is condemned aa one of the moot axfeni 

bratal aod unprovoked that ever occored tal 

The people were doing bB In their power ftcOa 
comfbrt of the troupe. The clttans of Dslla& 
neighboring town, also evince feelings of synpotky, 1 
and Iiave decided to defYay all the nni i—iy ex- 
penses for a series of beneflts for the company. Bach » 
as tbe T«nt of the theatre, prtatlng. adTe r tis in g, Mil- ' 
posttagi licenses,' etc: and the ibuowlng call has 
been laraed, signed by hundreds of the most promi- 
nent busineBS-men and leading dtiaens: 

We. the underalaned dtlzens of Dallas andTlcliil^,,n^ ' 
memberfng your admirable performapee her« and tn ex- 
cellent personnel of your troupe, and In Tiew of tb 
calamHT and b e i e a ie m ent which baa so onto 

Tislted upon 1 — ■ — '■—'■ " 

beoefltatthe ' 
any number of 

pleasure. - , . ^ 

A rabdcrlption was started at tbe office of ^athj 
road company ta Marshall, and $140 w iuuasl S B df 
towards defisytng the fOnBial sxnnses tH tts^w- 
oeased actor. Throagh tickets tonew ToricCQ rlbr 
the remains and attendants, who left at K,aeA:lC° 
March zt were tamlshed. 

Beolamln C. Porter was bom In Boston, xasa., ApenV, 
UOBl wbeie Be IlTVd uatniiewBS about •n yeanefaa*, 
whan his paients mored to Worcester. ^'Shcatly attar set-, 
tllngdawntu lost hla falAer. BMursdng to ■ 
Bcatoo.Jieatlhsanor fourteenwas.Bugaged IntheMa- 

lloDeiT buslnesa, a* -which he coottaoed oulr ' 

InlOB he came to New Turk; not CndlE 
mentlnthe atatlooery buAieas.'he one day ( 
drop Into Jamea Oonner*a Dramatic Agency, and waa 1 
once enn«ed to tfanagar Fuiuy of the old Chatliaa VtaL 
tre. Bfi Ont expertenoeUi tbe show bnaliuaa waa aaaas- 
t«r of the wardrobe; trat lie abortly alter taraed Ua aaM#^-.' 
tlon to aetlsg, playing email parte with eeolda 
He remained at the Chirham only aoe 

and then Joined Jfckean Baehanaa, and 
ed' all throngb tbe West, playing aseood b 
He next appeared In New York at Sanium's, . 
senm, Broadway and Ann Street, aa master er jW' I 
wardrobe and as an actor. When O. Zi. Fox took taadM- 
Bowery Theatre, thU dty. Hr. Porter waa U the Meek fat': ' 
a seaaon, playing some JuTenile aod^ uieral b u i l i w He * 
next appeared at the National Theatre, Bortoa. Leavfaig 
tbeTe,heTialtedtb<pi1ndpaItowi>ataiNewBariSB¥lw1taa , 
emsn dramatic eompaay un der Id s own manage metit Be * 
metlianoompeUcdtDretliwfiTaiaelivodtitiealnctepn- - 
feaslon m couseqnenoa of an. faitemal a y sase.. Be r*-- - 
malnsd out of the proOaloa fbr about itxyean. Bert-'.. 

appeared on the stage at VWl<^OK«m,^on^«s^ T 
tfjTaammecof ISrar. On Jan. tun,be Jeta^ -• 
Wilton's Fifth-sTenne Oomblnatkn. and tw abaal ttne i 
montba played Capt. I/ynde tn ~Dlruroe," whleh eha i sater . 
be aftaiwanis ptayed OTer fir* hoadred tlmaai -mxm ip ' 
wlilch ha made quite a reputation. Be tvmalned wltb ■ 
roihlsb's Cnsblnatlon tbr ssren seaseos as Btigii liB- ' 
asrr and actor, and Tlsiied au thoeelnelFal ctUsi and 
towns in the west and South. Whan Hr. BeadSHdt ' 
waa. nsakliix up his "Sbaugbrami" Own WnstVafr tor 
ihTtraralliJi aiaon of lOT-W. be »cwr«d;llr£»5Uir - 
aa ^aataice.inanager. ooBsidcTlng hlmcae orlheBeatlB- _ 
this coonOT. Hr. YafUn had undentndled amr ■»■» 
'chaaetazin '■IMSIiaugl>iaoii,''aetha»beoDoldaDeB«a^ '; 
-pier any part In eSAe of tlia a lra iia M ef any a a»«tt^ eo».-^-r 
'pany.DutlDC the sataon lie played Oomi.OariyKlaebfl- 
laand FatherBolan. aa weU as two utDtty pato.- flBaa th« ' ' 
'BoudaaoK (kmpany closed Nr. rotter bis had DO ifgilV'.; - 
eogaeemaDt, bat baaappeaied at rarloa thcatiea |a and 

oatocttaetsy. -lAstSammerbewasL^. _.— 

ttoadway.-rbaatre, and. altaewsida atage-iiiiiiegia Ig liaa- 
Jeney Cby Opera^iogse. . Ha -also, maaajed ^A yn m^t : 
Tom's Cabin" party tbnub the East fbr.Btew . sBB tai v'HS ' 

JoUad tbo Barrymem' r^Mplomacy" n iii U Bl n llias ♦ hj W" '.■ 

weeks ago to play Onns OrUO, whkk waBhahs t'BiT ■ ' 

; Mr, JPortec resided daring his Msine tlBe-,aithU''% 
home, ta Famrapo, N, J- wm hlamothsr,-m>>r jaeSt^'^^.'. 
I.v trventr yean of ags<'.hls.wUe> vai. s lOWicaMa^^pr 
the daugnler of a deceased sister. 

■ jtlfeWTll 


Mabch 29, 1879: 

liiw vmk cuppeb. 

*JlkTx?Sui rraadad^ ir too wU uk the wttMs 

, ptirrtiM TOO ponhue at one time 

la adTrnm Or Um itiniu wad tlx flnt cm hnndnd 
e9BSLuaftaa>tntatIU^clkBt*A>r iDbuountcaplM, 
aai3£[ta^Uteir. a. ^<it«bl7 not, atthougta UtoDOt 

Ihn H«v\a(k to Mtttoo™. AofOmlU. Theje «« tb« 
Gks»-Hmk the Cap* af Oou . Ho« and the Piaama 
nSm. ftr laU trwD lim to Baa FnoeiMn, and thenoc 
taKSiomiirtt U about KUV mO<a. Tb* mUcalD aU 

,ef ctatntamDa to tba jstaaaor flftccn toann 

«u handled. In ttatnta mUea tba aborlMt dl Ba iiea b 
tS^Sbmaboot UJOD mUea. We ilwajd >dt|e that, pne- 

w n*.w« Bcadltac.— L Bafora flgtatlnc tba han Jlera 
•irtk others dosirith water taken in a iponse Boo 
.■ • CTiagtn^ taatatbe sponge In order to detect tb* 
Kl III* or anr polaoooni aobatanc* that maj bare been 
i^lSt^^i I-r:) Sgj:a— th. .i»im«L X If yen will look at 
tSaAuuais aaaln TOO win lee that It aaj* ten mlnntM, 
and not ooaitcr boon, both tn tbe a u ii u i i i ii gj and tn the 
SSmoT lS£5 neotdcd tlmea, eta. S. Open th* bllner 

™X»7BS£ii.— TonlOK. E.P. We«ton,whoUUita« 
fa, walked SIO mllea whan ha wai beaten bT 

(VLnnrlBa tlx din' mlktno match at Agilciillanl Ball, 
T>»iA» In AnrlL tor. In the am m un u tlth ip for the 
JK^TSoiabDlurBnalaBd belt, cnteetanta to goattkgf 
SeZeSma^ thelata cooteat at Oibnorv'i Oardeo), V. 
teknCrbB wtnner. corered SB VI mUr* In isn. Itai. 
JSnr. Kow^eCeVr mllea; and BomD, MB 1-7 mllea In 

"^."SomSs. 80. MandHertOT.-L KeKher Bowen nor 
W«tas waa amoos the oompetuon Ibr the Aatlrr belt 
■ hrull wMnallywiin \rf O'Leair. X BoweU mut 
— i iB noeaaloa, bete* h* can elalm 

win the belt twlc* mora, . , — - — .— i^-iii 

It aa hli own ptoeeitT, nnleaii, of eooiae, be ihooM not be 
ailed mm todeamd tt more than onee bete* the explnr 
Hen JrBm adpolated elchuen montha. S. e^amt>* ^ 
b*atBta>tteii<a[toaDpetltlon,orcninehewill haaethe 

^^K^Toranta— L Tom Kins waa bon In UK. and ap- 
MuM^tn the r. B. flTO tteel defeaUnK Tradde, Yoons 
Kome, Jim Mac* and J. C. Heenan. and belaa beaten by 
Kaa*. ^ He waa not edneated at either CambrtOfe or Ox- 
ford.: r We do not think be wu, but fiir jeanhe ™ 
fcoDwii aa a Thamt* waterman, and baa enfand Injerenl 
aaSwrnatcbea. 4. Atlaitf adrtoea hewaaCoOowinctbe 
eemaba of bookmaker on the tnif and elxewhere. 

rSiVreT.-L Bobt WatMO Bojd waa champtoo acnll- 
«ror%glud. BedeltatedJ. H. fiadkr for the ttti* and 
£nialSrandalM> beat John HMni fir the tJUe. £») 
ud « elampkiD cBiUengMap, TnTWI. Ho waarobje- 
qnanllr twIeeTettated bj,RI|i6ln< In matchea. Tfoowlll 
ii^ eiblca In TRS CurdZ: AUfASAC. Too loM. X Bard 
wmaaa Ttrkn lgfated. ,R No man or womu In Amencs haa 

r^rumta, ,Oila<a— Thoatlwho bet that Vadame 
ABdeBoawoaldlKUlmatelyattompUati the Irat the on 
deitook la Chlcan loae their moneTt aa, eTxn IT iha did 
In each and eTcffy ten minntea lor the 
. the Ihet that ihe reoelred aMlitanee 
9 tndc prarenta the peifonnanc* going ODon 
noDld, aa waa the caae In ber walk In BnaaUrn. aodaa lua 
' been UK caje, we belieTC, In all ilmUar perfonaantea or 

*8nS>aouiXB.— The eondltloni being that "the man 
norinx the neaioBt to the nomber of mllea made^ ahonld 
oka the POOL then the party who marked aa the 
total for Ronll, HaiTiman and Ennis la the winner. Had 
K been Intended that ftrndSooa] diatanoea aboold be eoo- 
aldeted. nodooht one or more of tboao Inter*ited wooM 
baTe ""Hr«<i lapa aim, knowing that It Is tiot autooiary 
fhreonteataatalnJooineTaor this kind to ftnally retire on 

.^euatao — Bhe nerar acted to •^Ibe.'raity 

IkWnV in Wallaek% Theatre, In thUdtr.andthUolcee 
haiB^nr been played thei«. Bba did aa in It at Mudo's 

I Bo^lAiL Uavit'mUe* la' 

jtt»i«ertpet|tM iE.lj> OU rt*«'a Oar.- 

br.twtfe?*^^'*** ^'^''^ ^^^ ^y" ' 

. PaBLBT Ooonatasiov, tthnl — » vman can win cti "a 
asm tUiv," aa It aned. aaleaa ftaad la on* ahipe or an- 
otksBia i ee m » J tolnoderto peocoia the bet; and this 
p*p*r baa oever deckled othatwlse. « 
' <L|L,0«nen.— L Ton damld hare stated th*b«t. X 
JohaB.O«aghwaabcni lo EniliiKl. a. Wedonotkaow 
atwhttaaelw cama to America, t. W* beUer* that bla 
mother died In thla eonntiy. 

H. c KaaTiTO, DanhcoT.^Bnnla and Hantman each 
tewBided fala eattanea ft* of fHD to The H>« i H * u LUt 
oOee. iMdon, Bnff., aa ^ the eondltiona goremlnc the 
beltthey wet* reqmredtoda 

L. H. EL, rroTldenoe.— Daniel O'Lcary In hla match wtth 
Weston In London walked farther than any other man 
erer did before or sfaMe. In theAstleybelt eompetlUons 
theeooteetantiiarenotreatjleted to walking. 

AJUTsra, Ke: ■ ■ " *- 

on sale- Bowel' 

here, and can . -^^^ 

directed in adrertlaement. X Oood. 

A. H- B. a, Ohio.— L They can run the cards to their 
beatta' content. X The tnracd-upjack counts befora any- 
thlngebw. a. The non-dealer ooonu the game. 1. Ton 
ne*d not play a heart. 

BKur, SprtoKfleld.— BonidDs shot samal r«-»f>f- «iih 
the repoted best shots In Kn gl snd , and woo aU except two 
with a "Mr. Wallaer," tberUt of which ended In a tie, 
and In the second BcBardoa was beaten. - 

W. F. Ai,sxanaa, Grand l(anan.-rJoe Wocmald was 
the only man of that name who gained any celebrity In 
the Pttte-rliMr. and he dirt In Quebec, Panada, In lan. He 
waa Mta In England. 

J. J., Baltimore.— riup e ili , when A boogbt tat three, be 

KtBout. Iflt was agreed to play auethiit-pltch lniuiui ier- 
so that points bid shoold not G* oamJedTtln Bit still 
out, as be held hlKb and bad but one to n. 

Oosman Rauxs:, Fblladelpfala.— "CalUng Ibr aee to 
assist" Is not euchre. It hi a foim of endue that Is owa- 
slooally played, however, bat there Is no reeogalied stand- 
ard method of playing It. 

FiBDUS, Indlanapalla.^ loaea. If be meant that he 
woold In some way win the eoont, he shoold nat hare bet 
mcRly that be "woold go domlna" In aO likelihood he 
really meant that he **wou]d go domlna" 

J. P.. fitreator.— Valentine's Day is so called tn honor of 
BL Talentlne, to whom Feb. 14 Is dedkated, and who Is 
Bid to hare been a bbfaop that soffered martyrdom under 
Clandlns II In Borne, Italy, 
c. T. B., Kingston.— L If yon place the baaket one yaid 
om the first stone, the 'l''*Tm trareled la picking ap 

CoLinuu, Ptalla.— 1. Gee Cuma Aufi:«ar. X We 
cannot aeoept that petfDnnaiKC lutu Ipreof of lu gen- 
nlneneas Is presented. His beet prerlous Ume win be found 
■nong the reeccds In Taa Autuac. ^ X We ,do not know 
ofaayatpteaent oatheupli. It Is doablftil. 4. acaUn- 
chy baa no claim on the tlUe. 6. Or cDoire not, prarMea 
that he waa taiown to hare competed for money, which 
him Inellclhle aa an amateor, no matter wneie the 

competlaon tookplice. . _ ^ 

W. & B., Port Bbwuo.— A few yean ago I.ake Poneha- 
tialn was salt water, bat suee the Boimet Canle CRTasse 
a great deal of water fhim th« XlBlalppI flnda Ita way 
Into the lake, ao much so that we are Inmmcd that the 
lake Is no loner dear, and that the water la decidedly 
ftcah. Aa to the water belnc salt at the Pilot Town, It need 
tobeaobefbrethejettlee, butnowlt Is donbtltal. owlwt to 
the Inovsaed current. If the salt water can reach nloc 

D amjii. — L C beta, the same as he woold hare to do ir 
B, the "age," bad remained IiL X A Jack-pot Is a pool to 
which ereiy player In a game or dnw-poker oontribotesa 
..Kip QBtD such ume aa in the original fire cards dealt him 
cretymad beholds eUher* palror Jacks orbetter. A 
player wte holds Jacks or better can open this pot by a bet, 
and it then la treated In the same wayaa the main pot u 
to raiilnf or calUnK. 

O- W.-'Boaton.— Kot haTtng a nine In his hand, C conld 
Bot mu* a pile of nine, unlets It was qieclally agreed to 
play that wayaa between partner*. The mere fact that It 
waaaparfiier<ame Is not enough to Justly such a play, 
which la In direct Tiolatlon of a rule that baa existed sine* 
caaalne was flnt known. Under that rale C and hla part- 
ner forfaited the game. . 

A BsAhaa, Plymouth-- L It would depend entirely upon 
the skni and reputation of the performer; aaybom (a 
per week opward. You could not pnbaMy secure engag»- 
nenta fior that act alone. X Beootds are not kept of such 
iiistifis When BIoiMlIn crossed the rirer at Niagara Falls 
In vat, the rap* waa estimated to be In some porta about 
aODieciahore the water. 

J. S.— It la possible that It waa one of the ocentrenee* of 
the draft Ttaisofthe week of JolfU tout IKS, when GOT. 
Se y mo ur addressed the people from the City Ball stepa, 
and Qenecal Butler waa in command of teoop* sent here 
la tianapacia aa a nlnOtvement. We ban heard that 
about that time be waa Uc. In the City Ball Park, by ois 
apple thrown at him, and that he peeled It and ate It. 

BaiutisT, Baltimore.— L Capt. Bogatdna waa nerer a 
contestant In any intoinatlonal rlfle-malch, nor a member 
of any American ride team. His weapon la the sbotgun. 
X That la a question which has not been satMSfforlly set- 
- - Md opinions differ, Bogaidna, Paine, Johnson and 

1 emch having sdmlnra who dalm for tLeIr choice 
aoperlcrtty In that style of shooting. 
Pniaroaa.— L Thomaa E. Hamblln was bom In Whlta- 

^apei, tbodon, Kng. May 14, 1798, and died m thla dty 
JaOL VUB. Mr*. £Umbeth Blanchaid Hamblln died In 
New Orleana^La., Xay 8, 1819. Cannot say when the waa 
b<n. X J. w. Wallack Jr. was bom In London, Eng., 
Feb. 34. 1818, and died In a sleepingxar, en route ftum 
Aiken. 8L C, to this dty. May 33, IRX 

8n.nL4X.— L Cannot clre you hla oomplete record. In 
the SB-hour walk at the Rlok, this dty. In May, 1878. won 
by C. K. Harriman, W. a O'Brien flnlabed thbd. doing ISt 
inl]e*lnSth-6lmrBs. X We beUere tae claims to hare 
ua i eiwd that distance In six daya at Kewark, but the 
peitfarmance was not anthentlecated- 

A Fooi^PLATU.— AbelsgSgttlUteeo-ballpooLBSBand 
C 4B^ wtth the one ban remaining on table, the nme la 
OTO", O being winner and B loacr. Flay is not to oe con- 
tinued for hontao' minutes npon the poaslblllty that A will 
^t^a mark; ore aerenl marks, and thua enable Btogo 

A. C- a. DaasTQle.— At "Little Corporal" the pin most 
be knocked down, to count. If It leans against a cushion, 
Itlsnotdown.' Ae case la the same aa at pinpool where a 
pin Icana- against a b*n. It Is one of uoae makeahlft 
games, bowertr, that are played la almoaterciyway poa- 

W. C- B., Soanton.— The partla* yon nam* bare played 
m "JoBas Oesar" tn Booth's Theatre. F. C- Bangs pUyed 
Mare Aatony: Mllne* Lerlck, Julius Cnar; Lawrence 
Basxwtt; Casstua; and B. L. Darenport, Brutua. The 
piece haaalao been acted then with other petaons In the 
chief chaiaeten. 

W. EL W- KOTfiA.— "Uncle BUI" Tore* waa bom In 
Fleet street, London, Wng. April 38, IHK and stands Slt- 
Sln. hi iMight He fnghtJack May and one or two others 
In wti|<-wi Qiot lecnued In **n<ulana'';, and has had sot- 
eret turns' nr and gloT»«neoonseca rtnring hla long r«sl- 
denee la the Statea 

JaJIxa WaiaOIT. — 1- Ed. Haolan^ thiee-mUe time was 
the best ontU It waa beaten by Courtney at Baratoga, If. Y., 
AnE.9kI8>7.deftetlnRllUeyandnals{ed. X Itwatptinr 
to that dase that Courtney and Biler were matrhed to row 
cm Greenwood Lake, and It waa Riley wbo rowed orer the 
omnaaad was awarded the priie. 

W. B.' &, Kansaa CUy^-I. We thtaik not. Too ban 
prebahir been tKinWitiy of the fkct that Dexter went 
against Bthaa Allen, and running mate. X S. There Is 
no aettlcdjnettoe as to that feature of 'Yreeis-out" 
noksr. C Ah: n then and Feb. 8 now are the aame. ft. 
HaT* sent paper eootalnlng notice. 

Jamaa, AulebowL- L Vt^ftlr. X The best ten-mll*- 
thiu walking by a lady Is Ih- 43m. 6s., by Mm*. La 
Chapene, at OiIcasoTjan- 10 last. X By sralklng for 
ey. 4. It mlgfa^^ut^ou an only find out_ by trying 

theopeiinienL &' 

who luajTBT* JUU an 

J. D.— He did not. 

1 band your letter to someone 
ileaetM the character of Xalor 

Oooaabeny In "Lemons." but while slaying Pony Mutuel 
la VLllis," which was produced In the FUtb-arenne Theatre 
Seat. 3B, 1878, and withdnwn JTot. 18, In the seoond scene 
of the tnird act he aremned tbe dlsgaise of a ballet dancer 
andlianeed a bnrleaone pas seuL 

HzaacsSK.— If tfbat was that BoweB wonld not walk 
more than MD mllea, A wlna; but If be bet that orer that 
M^Zw^^ would not be done In acootdanoe with the eondl- 
tiona garanln^ the match (eoDtestanta to go as they 
pleased), then be loses, aa Bowell did eorer orer eOD mllea. 

BKAfigB, CaienoTia.— B haTinjt tamed tbe trump down. 
A ooold only exchange Cor the deck-head, ce card enmed 
down. Mbre another card was led- This Is the way moat 
peoplsiUqr. Some allow the eaehange to b* made at any 

C S. M.. Bridgeport— A haTlBg combined aoe, foar, 
two and lhi«e, and called the pUe^TC," B could sepante 
those eazds and make nsc of any or aU of them. A shoold 
ham ailed the pDe "flrea," ana then neither his opponent 
nor Umaelf could bav* built upon tt. 

Od« Cnaaas, Fort Clark.— ^As Bohert Stlckney haa tt^ 
anently tamed three or aioreeomersanlusnoeesaiTely (not 
a ttipTe aomemult) while riding a principal act, it b 
^adulehe^d so when^ pcrfomung In Lent's Circus (th« 

j'ereareno flgurea that are tell- 
We are compelled to make the same answer In their 
- ouhlhaT 

^Ipn^itbeatron) In thla dur. 

srt. &, St. Louis.— L ■fill 

_ ATB to in cue •omcoDe were to Inouln 

oTu to yoar own wealth. 2. Nul Tba order !■ nigh, 
low, Ja^Ct BKinc* undifk, pcilrou 

jAsnviLLK.— B. T. CoQzmd (efterwmnU Jodgtt Conimd) 
orPhUadUplilA, rB^wwUic«iitbororUiadmDaor**Jftck 
Cade." He mbwiiaentir ntvrote and alt«nd portions of 
It fin* Edwin ForrcBC, ana U waa then called "Aylemerep" 
Fbrrm sabaraaently gare It tbe original title. 
Bio ACTDB, Tl^ribois.— When yoa Ivmni .that a com 
•la being formed In 5ew Orleanis La., gu there and 
baiimuerin penoo. teUblni what you vlnb to ae- 
^^and aak mm for aa engagvmsot to play general 

"^^^poKXK.'WaBbington.— It Lb a matter thai ahoold 
te agreed e^n at the aame time It U agreed to depart 
from tbe ord Jwry s^me and oompUcate mattera by mak- 
ing It 'ttcenMnte, a doUar to oome In, and Itve doUan 
limit." *v 

at.lL,FoctWai>e.— He waa aentaaeed OeL S, IffaL to 
foor yean* bnpelaonAent, aod wan taken to Btng Sing Not. 
1. In Deeember of uT4 heappUed to Oct. Dlx Tor pardon, 
and €0 Jan. 9, UTB, iK applied atmllany to TUden. We 
think he waa rateaMd aJVoat the beiclnnlng of 1S7S. 

X. &• FlttaburiE.— ThKLngoe's cbampunuhlniea_ . 
extenda mm, Mar ^ to (ana)M>anding) October 1. xh oNa- 
tlooal rtaww iirliin'M champSuhlp aeaion extcnda Ikmn 
Apdl 15to October lA, indoaliOi^ 

S. B., Richmond.— L Tbe cnA of tbe candy privilege 
vltbadicos laamacteroTprlvaBa aiciTviDent between tfi« 
manager and party porcbasln^ A Teiy titianoe. 
a. There la no Dook of the kind. 

GL B> K.* IndlaaapoUa.—K loaea. He did notoomev 
9 than C and U. The only man he gut rlgfat waa BoweU. 
Tba otbeca alao got ono man rigbt^-O'LeaiT, whom K 
plaecd third. i 
F. F., Fblla.— '1. Cannot glre yoa hla record for a mile, 
la la a loog-dlatapoe runovr. z. Yes; 'lliTr**^^Tif the bar 
tone cowua aa a try In high JumplEig. 1 Oonadlt the reo- 



onU la Tu C^Lirpi 

t Aui^aa 

J. W.-qpOMsi 1ftini>a wWe.baTe banded your lettar to a 
dealer^ ^k> will ''*^tt with jsas-— /-V -A 

W. I*. H., 




traretcd la picking ap 

kuigr *Law^«e w« jw avHi, «hi dcpOHltlog tliem Sepa* 

rmtelT In the banket. wDlMlmUaTnymida. 1. Noreoord. 

J. M.. Boflalo.— Aeeording to tbe omdal aTexages, SCc- 
Gonalck haa '-tbe best fleidlng record la championship 
^mea. Bpaldlng^ Guide gives tbe fielding areragea, not 
(]Dlylncbamploiuhlpcontcfti,batlnaU.otEerRame«. - 

Job X. T.— L The vanooa agents ch«g« duTerent feca. 
Inqalre at their (Aeea. S. It Is a matter of Indlrldoal 
tanc as to gaidentng, marble-work, etc., and tberelbre no 
dedsloo can be glTen. 

O. H.. Toronta— There were no prizee at the Boston Peace 
Jubilee. A oommemoratlTe medal waa atznek off and a 
copy presented to each member of the contesting banda. 
Tbe French Band baa reaerally rece i v e d tbe flnt place. 

B. J. D., KlnMCon.— we have no wish to arbitrate upon 
the difference oetween a tax andatarUt OardedMon, 
while riffht tn theay, mlsht be diametrically opposed to 
the prmctlee In OinaiHin ctutom-bouua. 

Tboh. WxLtsUuu, New Orleana.— Aa the dlfferenoa In 
tuie between New Tork and New Orleans Is lb. 4m., and 
O^Learr did not retire finally nntfl 0:S7 p. m.. yoo, having 
made the bet at A r. x. New Orteanii time. Ion yoor money. 

JAJin MCKBAT, Chlcaga— Tbe bet having -been made 
sohseqoently to the time at which O'Leary notified the 
Jndgea of us withdrawal from tbe contest, the money 
should be drawn. 

V. McC. Beraea HllL— IT the jM>e of flft«en-baU pool 
_aa two-handed, and McK. waa St wUh two acrattbei to 
K.^a U and no soatcb, tbe former can still win by pocket- 
tsiK the etgtat-balL K. cannot dslm the game. 

JACU3IIPB, ChleagOL— From all aeoonnta we bare re- 
ceived It U appar«ot that Madame Andenwn did not per- 
form the task she ondcrtook In ChlcsgD. Those wbo bet 
she would are losers. 

Xts. & B.. fian nmndneo.— 8be was with CbUrtnrs Clr- 
cas when we last beard from ber. That drcaa Is expected 
to be In yoor dty about May I. 

BowiR* St. LoubL— Tbero are nereral foch maeblnea, 
any vxt of which can tae supplied by Ed. James, aa per ad- 

W. a. H., Chtogo.— Thry played the four-ball game of 
bOllarda at tbe west-side Opeia-bouae, Qlobe Theatre, and 
KlngBboiy HalL 

Da Tkaux, NlagBim Falls.— His real name Is James M. 
flutberiand ; the uuivr has been used for profeaalona] par- 

O. G. P., Boston.— Write to Brown A Bsraes, 8M Broad- 
way; Horace WalL 14 Union square; or Morris aimmonda, 
10 Union squam, this dty. 

CoxsTAXT RKADaa, Almont.— At tbiee-banded bUllards, 
A and B against CL B should follow A In play. If A haa won 
the bank and the lead. 

Jobs Mcrpht, Ooonta— I. We do not know what Row- 
eU's friends d<dm he baa done In a private six dan* trla? 
1 Re* answer to "H. and E." 

W. P. D.-0'IietrT waa tuted by the Jadgea to hata 
walked SOD mOee inlOb. I7m. tbeHliki thbcriy. 
Aug. r-u, im 

Bern.— L Tom Bayers waa bom In May, lACl^ and fought 
Heenan In April, lasa 2^ "Brltlsb Flatiana" baa been oat 
of print for years. 

E. W.. Baltimore.— Had you read tbe very flrst letter In 
our vmrlety Bammary la our put uBue yoa would have 
known where he b*. 

A tiUBSCaiBEA, Bay City.— He may hare done m, sub- 
sequently to his tramp from Maine to Chicago. IIL. in IAS7, 
but we have no record ol bis having performed the feat. 

JOUrsMnxaa, BrooUnu- B wimi. RcnreU'M bent record 
for six dajs la SM miles IflO yards, made at GUmore's Gar- 

N B. Aog5T. Waterbury.— Ton can boy It to better ad- 
vutage at the manulactories In Provldcnoe, B. I., than In 

W. H. J., LoalsTille.— 1. He may have done so, bat we 
cannot tell, as iiucb business relatlous are often strictly 
private. 1. Not now. 

H. W., Svart.— If tbe matter Is of any Importance, we 
would advise yoa to write to the iState Department, Wash- 
mgtoa,D. C. 

PHOTO, Jersey City.— Different verstoos of tbe Ktory have 
been disseminated. As we were not present, we cannot 
decide. Neither was inhired, we beUere. 

Bobt. Hall, Troy.— you neglect to name any distance, 
but yoa will find tbe records fur all dlstancea In THE Al- 
manac, which has been forwarded. 

BLBBCKkk.— Norman- Taylor'a leoord for twen^ mllea, 
mnnlDg, IsZh. 9m. UfaB.»made at GUmore'a Gaiueo, this 
dty. Mmrcb XL 1879. 

Ten Pixa. Louisville.— Tbe rates of ten pins are pub. 
llshed in tbe "Manual of Sporting Rules," to be bad frum 
Ed. James, as per advertised address, 

Alt. OaJPFur, Kenosha.— Vou win. The (kstest time in 
which John Keen rode a bicycle one mDe, O^ing start, Is 
~ B. <Sfl.. at Wolverhampton, Ens. 

O. B. M.. Petersburg.- AU fuen companies, when travel- 
ing, have tbelr routes laid out and oootracta made so Car 
ahead that jou conld not hire their terrices. 

a. Lk B.. Jersey Clty.^Try again, and write on emm Mld£ 
of the paper only ; dusUy your items on sepaiate pieces of 
paper, under appropriate headings. 

J. W. W., Brooklyn.- Barnum's Museum, at the comer 
ofBioadway and Ann street, in this dty, was tMimedJuly 
13. UBO. 

J. Q~, Coboes.— I. We have no knowledge of such a feat 
being performed. 2. He ought to be able to secure en- 
gagemenu In variety theatres. 

A. 3L &, Minneapolis.— Do not review performances that 
take place earlier than the Monday preceding the date of 
yoor letter. 

Co^VTAxr RSADSX.— We do not know that Bonis posted 
a forfeit at the time mentioned, bat he Is now matched 
with Bowell, and has £100 op. 

CoxflTijrr RauiaB, Waverly.— Bryan McSwyny of this 
dty Is O^Leary'a shoemaker. Weaton la too lar away for 
us to find out wbo clothes his feet. 

MjjfCBBSTxa Bob.— L They eount 24. Z Patsy Reardon 
_ aa never defeated, but he foagbt draws with Jgick Aooke 
(twice), Shlpp and Geo. King. 

W. P. D.— 0'I<eary was reported by thejudges of bis walk 
at the BLlnk, thla dty. In VSnt to hare made 000 mllea in 
six daya. 

C. A. J.. Geneva.— The time mentioned is not the best on 
record, either professional or amateur. See Cupper Al- 

Job:* Tbbrt, Indianapolis.— We think yon are mistaken, 
but will be able to state positively at an early date, aa we 
have written for loformatloo. 

H. A^fO E.,BLnghsmton-— Consult time-tables In Curraa 

a. Baxxxxbbbo.— Tbe O^Leary-Campana walk-and-run 
fkroa commenced Dec a and ended Dec 28, 1878. 

Kbjb, WoonsockeL— 1. A counts two fur 3L Z In4,4, 
\ X there Is a run for tbe Z 

O. 8. B., Bt^ Thomas.- Tbe City of Peking |ls 5,000 tons. 
We have not the tonnage of the E^pt. 

CmcBBBZaASO, Md.— Addreaa Scott 
fltreet, thla dty, for a drcalar. 

GEO. W. 8Tiio:4iie, Phlla.— We can't undertake to find a 
backer for yoo. 

J. A. BBASOir, Keoknk.— We thank you, bat bare already 
made an appointment. 

Otn StTOTB IB HE.- Tou win, as BoweU covered SS mUee 

Ik B. Ifc— You could ascertain by ruling at tbe Tax-oom- 
tlsakmer^s office. 

H. C. J., Bridgeport.- Tbe Ciateet mile time on record by 
a runidng borse Is 1 ^i^. 

J. A. C,BcdaIla.—It Is ourrale aot to answer questions 
or dedde Hta aa to the relative drenlatlona of oewspapera. 

Mks. a. P.| Montreal.— We have heard of no such dis- 

M05TAan Gabriel, Fnvldenee.— See answer to "Bec- 

BAX.PB SooTT, Albany.— See reply to J. Thompson, which 
covers your eaae. 

laKXiHGTOsnA^.— 1. He caimot reooaunend It. Z We caa- 
aoC undertake to dedde whose method of Inatructloa la 
thebest. S. Tea; of Ed. Jantea. Pxioe. 40 eenta. 

W. B. S., MlddletowiL— Oar list of fUra (br laat year waa 
publisbed In Tbe Cuffeb dated Aug. 31. U78. 

W. W. W., Troy.— Write to Oeone nhvlor, mannfrLctor- 
er of Kldd's Patent CircasLlgfata,S Oou street, thla dty. 

AUBBT N. SnWAsnr, PhUadelfdila.— Blgiat band across 
the breast 

A. M. &, Peoria.- L No eudi conttet erer took placa. 
Z Na 

Habd Lccx. Buffalo.— Tbe blind does not alter tbe 
"agCt^rtdcbatUlbelonEStoB. ThereforeltlaC*aflratbet. 

X A. U., WestviUe.— Ua la atlU engaged at Tony Fastor*a 

Maa. N. E. D., Parker.— Address him la care of this 

W. E. 8., Bt. Louis.- There Is no such school in this coun- 
B., Boaton.— Jenny Lind arrired In thla country Sept. 1, 


J. B. P., Flint.— A loses. Then is a mn of five In 4. Z 

FiDEUTT.— Wbcn tbe conditions have been nude public 
they wlU appear In oar athletic department. 

Wbat. Baltlmoiw.- Vera can order It tbroagb tba WlUmer 
k. Bogera Newa Ca, 31 Beekman street, thla dty. 

Pxo, Tloonderoga.— Tbe man wbo bet that O'Leary 
wonld be as good as second at tbe finish lost bis money. 

EL O. B.— BoweU did not contend against O^I^eary In 

jAXum B. CABaorx, Boston.— We cannot publish dial- 
lengea that are unaccompanied by a depodt. 

DBCLmo— '*We*r« Two Old tmt Uappy Maids,'* "Plna- 
fore," **Aa Actor to Be." , . 

TBOa. Pbior, Newark.- T. K. wus, as SD mUea IBD yaida 
were e u v cr e d by RoweU In the contest at GUmore^a Garden. 

J. R., Ithaca.— Write to the Ubiailan of Congress, Indos- 
lUEStamp f<B- a reply, aod be wUl send you COlt Instractlons: 
W. C. 31., Harrlaburg.— Adidresa Ed. James, as jter adver- 

WELL-E50W9 Bpdrt, Buffalo.— WIU you pleaaa send tba 
InJbmtatlon of wbldi you spokeT 

F. C B., Wonestzrr.— Thank you, but we already have a 
eorrefpoBdent there. 

E. B. B.*, Springfield.- Thank yon, but we have all that 
we require m that line. 

U. F. P., Hampton.— If B dlacarda ftmr cards, and calli 
frw three and gets them, his hand la fouL 

WM. HABBIOAX, Wilmington.- Ton must send a money 
depodt la order to have the challenge pnbUsbed. 
Patbit FlECTO.t, Sbf nindnah — Have handed yoor let- 

Brothers, Fulton 

a C, PiTn-#TTrTli Twii hrrr* f aiiom In TXiSt 

fUa.. Don't bcllm fa* wacanrlni&rqala. ' 
Joe»T.O0CT«. f tagaIntMaw«g?laan*. 
a;a. Aiun--vmfiBi(,«ithitaaO'oLxr. < ' 
amumer. l< l < tr t » WUtcat»otthla<iglCT. 
L. B. It, Botbota.-Sn anmrto H. a U. . 
No SionaTtiu— Hartnv calM out, E wtna. 
r. B.—Tb« letter waa aent aa r«qu«(ited. 
Pam, Cur*ou>.— It la atlll In our care. 
L. L. 8.— Ha «ai|b*hlnd far aoma time. 
J. ma.— ^)>Ii*a with !<a 14, ToL 17- - 
J. W. F.,I^me.— AandCvlnonlow. 

Jack «e* rnlj to Frank Walnh. 

T. B. R, Norwidi.— Walt and ae*. 
O. D. R. NaahTHl*.— We cannot. 
T0B05IQ.— They cannot be haiL 
H. DATU0H.-41 ncelTcil. 
H.L.M. -CI<»iea. 


Socceas Is always pleaaaiit. Tbe dooMse of the 
opttanlat becomeii easj to accept where a man's own 
woric In Ufe tuns oD't Ibr the best. 'We are moved to 
gtre ntterance to tbls oomfottlng tmban bj a sense of 
gntltnde— a sense wblcb the lecnnlnKannlTenaiyor 
tbe loancblng of Tbb Currss nerer blls to quicken. 
.Twent74tz jon bare passed since 'we set fiirtta on 
our lint Tojnse in tbe nnoeitaln sea of joomaUian. 
Had we been swamped In thiU sea— as manj anotber 
c '■ft starting out under Ihr. more IkTorabie condi- 
tions bas been— tbe lemembiance of tbe laoncblng 
woold aflbrd predona little sattettetJon. Aa It Is, 
bowever, kwUng tiack npon tbe record of the \ag- 
txrak, and flndlng therein a measnre or sacceaa fkr 
exceeding dnr most sangnlne expectations. It Is only 
natural that our long To;age should seem eminently 

Inasmach as The CLTrrzi^ does not jnake a 
tioeor sounding ItSioVn prelflc^'it moj the 'more 
readily be pardoned for talking aboat Itaelf on ex- 
ceptional occasions. This lieslnnlng of a new tdI- 
mne furalshes ancta an occasion. That we aie--dn- 
cerely thankful for the favoring vrlnds that have car- 
ried OS Into tbe port of propperity we cheeifuilj 
acknowledge; but that we regard our success as 
wholly or mainly doe to fortiMtonB clrcomstsnces Is 
not true. Clicomstanoea are a result quite aa often 
as a cause. That pleasant record of the lug-book has 
not come thningh good luck alone. It haa been 
written largely with the pen of honest effort dipped 
In the Ink of unwavering patience. The Cutpkb 
did not glide at once Into the placid waters of snc- 
cesa, bot was guided there throngti tempestootiB 
seaa, and after breasting the Btormi of advetM lUe. 
Pluck and energy and perseverance -were needed to 
keep the vessel In ber course, and it is morally cer- 
tain that without these qualltlesahe woold have gone 
to pieces on the rocks of disaster. The success 
which has attended her ctrUae baa, pertiapm been 
due moie to this one teot than.- to any other — 
Tbb Cuppbb bas never lost sight of the purpoae for 
which it waa originally founded. It la tbU holding 
fast to a well-deflned aim that compels sncceaa. We 
entered a Held which had never before been occu- 
pied by »as Journal In this country, and for twenty- 
six years we have been content to labor In that field. 
At Omt there were not vrontlog ihose who confidently 
informed us that the soil we ondertook to cifltlTate 
was shockingly barren, that at best nothing but this- 
tles could be forced to grow, and that we would have 
our labor for our pains. Afterwards, wlien a modeiat e 
harvest began to be reaped, and some uf tbe tblsUea 
had turned Into golden grain, there C4me a small 
army of laborers Into the fleM to help In tilling this 
same unproductive solL As, In the case of those who 
prophesied fUlure, we thanked them and went atmut 
our woric, so when otbeni came to share In the IMts 
Of the field we bad opened up we never sought by 
Uhmably means to Injure tliem. If, at this riper 
age, they can look back opon tbelr efforts with as 
much gatlsbctlon as we do upon ours, it will cause ua 
not a twlDge of envy. On the contrary, we staafl re- 
joice In their protipcrlt;, Just as It would pleaK us to 
believe that they rejoice now la ouni. 

The time has long pa-ssed when anything Uko an 
apology was needed fur the C-Ylsicnce of this paper. 
Tbe objects to which It 13 especially devoted have 
emeiged nom that onjiut shadow Into which they 
weie cast by oarrow-mlnded bigotry. Xo htw of to- 
daly makes the actor a vagabond or the attilete a 
ruiuan. The . stage stands forth as an Instmment of 
civilization, recognized not only as a necessity, but 
also as a benefit: The Tttlmages and Agnews of our 
time may bray a little more now and then, but they 
do absolutely no harm, because they utteriy Ihll to 
renect public sentiment. As for the wlde-epread 
popularity which all outdoor sports enjoy, the tkct, 
we think. Is to be accounted fur on the theoty that 
common sense has Incteased amazingly of late. 
Else why do even cor strictest preacheta and onr 
gravest eollege-prafesson) often countenance and 
Bometlmea openly advocate those veiy sports which 
were once so openly coudemed? Xo; The Cup- 
per nee<ls no apology for Its existence. It U 
tbe recognized organ of the dramatic profes- 
sion, as It la tbe earnest promoter of all man 
Ij sports. For . mote than a wore of yean it 
has labored unceasingly to advance tbe Inter- 
eats of the stage, and at the same time to oilng ath- 
letic games Into wider public favor. How far Its 
efforts have t>een soceessftil we must leave for othen 
to decide. In the fonbcomlng volume It will be the 
aim of the editor, aa It has always been In the past, 
to make the' contents of tbe paper accurate, trust- 
worthy and entertaining. Beyond this simple state, 
ment we have no prellminaiy aimoiucements 
wherewith to startle our readers. The policy of 
promising great things has never been adopted in 
this ofllce. So far as It lies within our power, the 
twenty-seventh volume of The Cuppeb shall In no 
respect fall below the standard of Its predecessors. 
We may even entertain some Ideas aa to mawng it 
superior to any of the previous volumes; but If we 
du, we prefer to cany out those Ideas qoletly. In the 
full belief that all Improvement will be promptly ap- 
preciated. It may be safely ossmned that the caigo 
on the current voyage will be selected with as mnch 
care as In tbe past, that It will be as varied In Its 
character, and that Its weekly delivery -will continue 
to be onr pleasantest. If most exm-tlng, duty. In 
every department which has come to be a featnre of 
the paper the same thoroughness and accuracy wUl 
be maintained as beretofoie. Strict Impartiality In 
dealing with all questions, entire neeaom Itom per- 
sonal prejudice, and a sincere deabe.tovtvance those 
intetests wblcb It advocates will, as In tbe past, 
dlsUngnlab tbe paper. With a bomptete sommaiy 
of theatric events and all sbownetn^' there will be 
foimd the freshest Intelligence boncenilng baseball, 
pedestilanlsm, tbe torf, the oar, and ,gll other out- 
door sports. Billiards, chess and checkers wUl not 
be neglected; and these solid meats of the cargo wU 
be sea8onal)Iy spiced wldi fiction, poetry, and editor- 
ial discussions. 

Success Is always pleasant. Pettaps that Is why 
the futnre of Tbe CurrcB never seemed to us more 
fUll of promise than it does to-day. Buoyantly she 
sails forth upon her twenty-seventh aimual voyage. 
80 many are the friends that crowd her deck, we 
cannot hope to muster them alL Bhe Is manned by 
a larger crew than ever before, and one, perfaapst 
better fitted to make her sail her prettiest- If slie 
does that, she will not, we hope, disappoint hi.r 
thonsands of well-wlsbers. 


Two gentlemen and a lady— tbe words arensed 
advlsedly-entrfX™"!'^'*^ nlgWrliMs lpwi» of 
Kaiahall, TtxSitaA dPdttwv qotMy-toMther to 
loBch. ' A \atMl&eeaikkia*aoiaikfB 
ance'la The plaoii^ttBB hUil)tood with more whtikey, 
appUes Inanltlng *qitUHii^ >t6^ the lady, and,' In re- 
sponse to the proteatB <tf 'Her companUws, dnw* a 
pistol, abooiB one tfilHm ^eadand Bailoosly-wonnda 
tbeottter. Bad dW'':vlcilm of this hnitai and cow- 
ardly assault tieen as greata rufflan aa his mttrderer, 
the manner of his destb most stm have aroused pnl>- 
Uc Indlgnatton. As It la, instead of a rufflan, he was 
one of the moat 'widely popniar men In his profes- 
sion; so that his nntlmely Ihte has naturally excited 
Intense feeling, not only of resentment towards tbe 
murderer, but of sympathy for the Ikmlly and friends 
of tbe dead actor. . 

From all the teiwrts that have reached as of this 
most deplorable event. It appears that there was not 
a shadow of an excuse far the attack made by the 
desperado. It was a oold-blooded, anprovoked. 
oowanlly murder. Nor could any human' fbnalght 
bave averted, apparently, the Hlwyklng oectmence. 
Mr. Porter did not thrust himself Into danger. He 
did not Invite a qoaneL On the contrary, beseems 
to have done all that he could honoiably do to pie- 
veni a ooUIstoa with the rimian, whUe'he still sought 
to stand by hla- 'ilend Mr. Banymore, and .to. pro- 
tect tbe lady lipder their charge. If the patty bwl 
Seen In convtdil mood, U tberehad been boisterous 
hilarity demonstiatlons of any kind to attract the 
attention of omen; we can imderstand how the man 
Conle might bave been prompted to pass comment 
upon-the n^ranfleni; but aa It wa^ Ur: Fbri«r ahd his 
friends conducted themselvea with the strictest pro- 
priety, and, even after Currie had begun hla abusive 
attaok, did tbelr ntmoat to prevent the fatal Issue. 
It la natural, although perhaps nseless, to denotmce 
such 'wretches as this Carrie, and to exhaust the Eng- 
lish vocabolaiy In describing the bmtallly of tbelr na- 
tures. It Is eqiaUy natural, and by no means useless, 
to demand, lit Ol^niM^ that speedy punishment shall 
follow the crime; and tjiat the law shall be Invoked to 
Its fullest extent In bringing the criminal to Juatlce, 
If any lesson Is to be diawn from tbe tragedy, It Is 
one of warning. It Is a lesson for the public nther 
than for the profession. Time and again baattils 
Journal called attention to tbe Insults and groas mls- 
repiesentalluns to which women of the stage are 
subjected. The opinion seems largely to obtain, and 
that, too, athong many otherwise Intelligent persons, 
that the private aiDilis of an actress are as legitimate 
a matter for criticism as her elocution and acting. 
In other words, no distinction Is drawn between the 
artist and tbe woman. Between strictures upon ber 
Lady Teazle and praises of her Juliet we find sand- 
wiched an account of domeatlc troubles, or doubtful 
alliances, or personal peculiarities. All this Is as un- 
just as itIspemlutouM. Tbe moment tbe actress steps 
fTomthe stage and assumes the character of a private 
lady, she should no more be made the object of crit- 
icism than any other private lady. Her art Is 
sometlilng which the public has a right to dlscnas; 
hot her personal affhlts, so long as she does not her- 
self obtrude them opon the worid, sboald be held 
inviolate. It Is b«r pilsroitone, If you piewe, that 
Bbe most exett herself oh the stage to satisfy all 
rlamifn wbo pay their money to kc and bear ber; 
bot It is ber glory that, when she stepa off tbe 
stage and assumes her own character, she may 
bold bersdtf aloof IVom all poUotlng assoclatloua 
This la the Ihct which Currie and other radians 
of his stamp should be made to understand. In 
tils own coarse and vulgar way the Uatsball 
desperado availed himself of what, no doubt, 
he regarded as a lawlul privilege — the right to 
lusnll an actress. Others of a- trine finer grain 
would have offered tbe Insult differently, perhaps by 
a brazen stare, perliaps by an inslnuutlan, rather 
than naked speech. But the motive would have 
been the same. In either case. It would have been 
the duty of a gentleman to protect the lady under 
hLi charge from such giatultons insult. 

Here, tbeo, Is the lesson of Ihe trage<ly. In at- 
tempting to afford such protection, Ben Porter paid 
the penalty of bis life. He was shot down by a 
drunken desperado, wbo could not have harbored 
any ill will against a man be had probably never seen 
before— shot down because he presumed to question 
Mr. James Currie's tight to Insult a lady. Mr. James 
Currie, it la to be hoped, will learn before long that 
the ladles uf the stage are not proper subjects for at- 
tacks by rufilans of his class. 

a very high tt 
fortosea. South 
top*. and-Bltimal 

tv^T ^m »«nri'o°f 

th* O uulU ia at of 

wial i»li"liihrcil[«raln 


t^-^S^^Svo jtOa ac* ha ma «a*orth*anslian 
'^S'JT^.jiuMi CdiMilli Baifmcnt-liei*. Manh M. 

Anotcd FTendi arthltcct-OuuMa, 
\ aflvd 60. ' 

, Dr. Tbooiaa— A weU-knon phrndan of 

nklRL.N. T.— there, March U, ued M, , ^ . „ ^ 

admiral of the Brttiah 


_ Md., Jlareh 

*KOBOAlV<'oIonel *a»e« D.-FMuitidlr w*tW«nojra ^ 
thU cttT, whrra-hr had talMd a rr,lm»t. at th* outbreak 
of tha late war^hare, Mareh 20i aced ea 

NEWZfX, W. I..— An old oompomtar, who hi 
or the proprlrtont of na J naf o a Star. Ha 

mum in tt* John Hofiklna DnlToaltT, and mmi 
The^etlcan FhUolocfill Bodaty-BaKlnun. Md., 

waa Mibae- 

queotiir'raiviuan of the Ooveninient printlng-ofllee In Ube 
AmdwUi Wand*, and waa the Bret foreman of ne AUa 
MlVbrala of San Frandaoo-^aoamento, CaL, Marsh U, 

*^WTK, Major Chariea-On* of the oldeat BnslUhmen 
In the Auiitrlan army, and an acoomplMivu uosulnt ano 
antbor— Olmuti. Aoitria, Feb. lA 

FAVIOR, Joiathan— An EnaUah eratenarlan, who waa 
the o]d«<t InhaMunt of nxftard— there, Manh I, aceO 101. 

POWMfl,'J«Pl>— An a(|<d leiiaent or Plymouth, H., 
where he had held many uOlcca of truat-thece, March 9^ 

Bei^amln C— A well-known acto^ 
•Uutad at MamhaU, Texaa (nee elsewhere)— MaRh SI, 
'aired 40 ' 

FlIBLra, JefhTT O.— Formerly Judce nf the County 
Court, Bonirtmry.Ct.— there, MacThai.aftdflB. .. , 

PAOB, Profwuor David— hioftiwor of (leolninr In the I nl- 
▼eraltr of Durham, Eng.— N'ewcantle-on-Tyne, Enj;., March 
9, a«iFd6lL 

nOBERTM, Amo* M.— A promlnf nt eltlzf u nf Bananr, 
Me., when be bad held many poalHoaii of tiuit and re- 
apwiinillty-Btaitoa, Maa*., MaacH IS, aitnl'77.;- . 

RrA*<, Jaoic. D.-^ wfll.knowB atenasrapher of Waih. 
Ington. D. C.-thet», March It . 

RVEBSOy, llenrr O.— Eaecl«l notcwwlielj for th* pa«t 
thirty roan Clerk of MknebetaerTowuitlilp, PawaleCuuiity^ 
N. J., where he bad been a popular snatloneer fbr nearly 
half a eentoiT— there, March Is. 

ROBBBTSON, John L.— An 1 
th»re. Match tB. aged Tt _ . ^ _ 

STEEm, Rev. Alphoniaa M.— The paator ol the Church 
of tb* Imnaacniate Conoeptton. Montclair, N. J.— Newark. 
K. J.. March 18. a(ed 31. 

STEFHENlTRev. Jai<epb Rayner— Tbe leader for many 
veara or the Cliartl«lii In Vorfcahlie, Eng.— StaljrhrVlsr, 
£nir.. Feb. 20, aanl 74. _ 

STEVENSON, JudEe William— An old leildent of Ter- 
aalllea. Ky. -there. March 18, ajtrd 82. „ ^ 

TCRNER, William Wllbrrforor^A prombwDt Boutbem 
e ditor, author and itcholar- Putnam County, Ga., March 4. 

TITRKEK, John 1..— o.uofy Juilin* of Lake l/oniitT, IIL, 
and apromlnent and oM reiuacnt or ooonty— wanlre- 
gan. Iu./March 3^. 

TOH-WIIiLIflB.S. Oenrtal Wllhelm— Who maiir year* 
mftn obtalBTd p^oalln«Dct^ ai* cunimand^t-tn-chler ofth* 
luuiTectlonary movement In Hchlwa lB-HoUtel n Je a il il , 
UermaoT, March S, a(ed n. .. 

WOOIM, Dr. Jasob A.— For many yearn a apeelalty phy- 
•Irluinrthlaelty— here, March 21. airvd Si _ 

WEBB, Jamc* &— For many ream tieaiiurer of tbe St. 
nrorse Society of RiUadelphla, Pa.— there. Match n, aged 



Se"dutm.ia3fjE^^us in »j» 

belt oompetll^^^lfMBa. BoweU, EnnU udBarri- 
man. prindptM,M«Wt5^ their palmsltchgslnan- 

SS they were «lo«ted wi'l^S-J^ 
flnaneU transaetloiuwareproocalsd wtth. Vuais 
and hU backer, AL Smith, were not pnaeiit, aufeoagh 
In the building. Mr. Kelly, wbo was tlie manager 
of tbe contest, pieaented the following statement: 

Betelpta at box-oOo* 

Bar prlrilegeii 

Shootliut gallety 




{J^^ .^JJjalgaistis 

*vcnti««(* decided OB a track th^-eix ug, 
wareiuiBdtaoonstttnte-.amlle. " 

t5l,«M U 


. •54,S1<40 


. I3,SaR00 
817 74 

ter to a dealer, who win mmmnnlrat* with you. 

C. W. &, Grand Baplda—Fbotosraphtoolarge. Foroor- 
rect alia H* head of dramatic mmmary. 

F. O..W., Bndioa.— Inbis OistcompetitiaD (orth* Astley 
beU O'Eeaiy left th* tnck .at Sh. 9m. Ilk. r-x. Marchn, 
1B7& Tlai I (■iiiiiilliliin miiiiiiai < il at lh.Sin- a. M- March 
la. ■ . . ; : r- 

Tal- TiTujr.— 1. Vumdloqmata raoelve ftotn gS per 
weak upward, aoooidlng to lepuoidon and merit. 1. Itia 
dllllnilt to Bay .what la th* ace oftb* youngest vcntrllo- 
oniat now balbra th* Boblle. 

D. 8,C—L XhadMuM* nom th* Battery to High Brldce, 
biaal|alaiitlin^ia«hoitttenmUe«. Z From the Battery 
to Flil felg s U aa t, Btalfht. It is Ibur and aix-twentlath mllea, 
V one ModLonr Ihur and a quarter mUea. 

fltnKBinan. Boat o n -Three aiaea aod a pair ol flrea 
'vmhaatthnasUaaandanalr ofthrcea. Where th* hlsh- 
ect cards m-OQ* hand ae the hlghOBt in another, the tls la 
dataBnlncd by th* ™— »'*-|n[' caclta In each han^ 

C H. .M., Bridnpoit.- 1. £ See Clippib AUCASAC. & 
Wensverheard that anyone bat the p*rsaa to whom yoa 
xcAr .dlnotad it, and IT bo haa bet any monoy oi It h* 
IMS*. A Ko: except by Father Thna. 

T. a. mridencc-Jlm Mac* Otii orrind la thla eoun- 
ttySapC la, USjraOed Cor Eacland Sept. I«, ISia; cam* 
April IK, libit; and left CallUralaar AuAnUaFMt. 
9^ 107. 

Baotaa^— Th* gzeateat dlwranne auAauuBa hed by ap*- 

" ■ ■ ~" '■^InlJJh- 

lnslzoDa■oent1T*dHawaa ao 2.7 mllea 
Ba; by Wm. Cockay. O'Lcacy w i ai e d na!!^ nUaa In 
JSB. iim. tOB^ 

W. &, BlagtcB.— When th»ciw»-h*n is Aat to any other 
hanintMxecular tlue^hall carom fame, it haaoereto- 
Itanbcennsnaltoipatalltbeballi. Such bai alvays b(«n 
the nils. 

A.K. W., FroTldeneeL— IfoaaswenhraalL Alettarad- 
dresaad to berntalinirbar Una aTbaalnea tBtiWCBTtl- 

IB «m «( ttutBM iteoU i«Mii inr 

D. B. W.— Any player can demand that he be ahowcd to 
aee anr or all or the cauda Co the tilck laat tahen In. - 

O-^U.. Elliabeth-— It will be aiuounced in our circha 
aummary at the proper time. 

OLJ> Cocr.— AdOiewf Soott Brotheia, Fulton atreet, for 
cbe of their drctilara 

H. a A9II W. M.— Five slsaa on the higbeet throw with 
fire dice. 1 t 

a. W. N., VedfanL- Too caa-order It throoi^ th* WlU- 
mer A Bonn News Co., 31 Beekman aacet, thla city. 

G. E. Hi, Philadelphia So &r aa we can Judge ITom 

your statement. It waa a mladeal. 

J- D. B., Alton.— or Samuel French A Boo, 98 East I4th 
Btiect, thla city. 

D. C- v., H<inieIliiviUe<-L We received thoiketeh. 2. 
We know of nothuigjumnow. 

B. p.— F redW nilama of the Boaton (Mass.) Moaeum can 

**J.?M!fl&onto.— L We bellev* It la tl,Xn. 2. No 


U- X— 80 fkr aa th* mo* **snn thing" la oonoetned, yoa 
would win- 

STAKZHOLDBL— See answer to Jamea Munay ; also table 


PBa2fKWai.BH-—Tou are referred to the eorrected table 
In car athletic department 

M. BBomr, lluoaon.— Bowell now contended againat 
Cl^aiy In Bo^laniL 

Ko 8iosaTcaB-—U la Jniit about seven and a half tnlles 
Ikom Vo, 1 Broadway touarlefli Bridge. 
Buaa i Waa amHo w- — AddicMthemlncanofthlaao«a- 
B. ,A. KxsLxa.--ne SpoiWig aad DnmMe Nimti 

.—Heenan and fiajan ftmghtApdliy, 

Bouna OOBDOS, Ban Ftaadoca— Th* belt mut b* won 
thrae tlmea In a iK iM aa lnn . 
F. W. a, — ^Wm cndeavur to anawur yoa In our next iaau*. 
Tn N. T. C A.t<>r*enp(jbit.— B>a livtjaek put bfan out, 
B. 8, W., Terra Hant*.— W* liara no ramllecHop oTtt. . 
F. ASD M, Chleaga— 8e« anawer to "Jama* Msny.o.;, : 
laA Lianoir, jadnon — Be* report in laat weefc*a iaaa^. .1 
B. M.C..FhIladdphIa.-ge«TBS CuPPasAUUXAa. ■. 
LroxT MA2I.— Tbe prisoner waa the Tlaltor*a own boo. ' " ' 
F. J. BaaooLD, SanU Fe.— That lama la out tt trtnV ^ 
P. J. MimBaox. iroy.-4e« answer to "H and B." '-^^ 
H. A. Ksio, Maiden.— Be* answer to *'Aiaat*w.» 
Obo- Wbiobt, Wobnn.— B<* Cuma Auupaa 
CHB30u>.-<e*i«port in last weak'* CurrsB, '^1 
B, S. W«t CetwB, OMIB- i Jin JUce^ «L 8K1>>> 

A Weddino Down Soltb. — ^At the union of two 
hearts that beat as one away down in AlaUim, the 
following touching conversation was heard by a 
young man wbo was not an Invited guest. Look 

First RrFFiA>' ■■>Vbat a MoliUc face the bride 


Second RtrnAX.— "I Opellka"' 
F. R.— TH congretulote her firsr. Eufaula meP' 
Bkidechoou (kisHing bride).— "Let tbLs be an In- 
Decatur of future happiness." 

Tberb bbino no six-day mtematlonol petle«trian 
contest on the programme thki week, our theatres 
ought to do a tight smart business. Fifty thousand 
dollare taken out of their pockets In one week! 
Think of the absurdity of it! 

Tbe solid Kobth is tiiawcd out at lasL Old Sol 
did it, wlilch goes to show that Brother Jasper was 
right when he startled the world with his theoty 
that **the ann do move", things! 

Tbm m a good time to train those gentlemen wbo 
de»Ii« to run for tbe Presidency In I8S0. 

ex-Mayor ot Akron, O.— 


8tmps4>ii BBd Ttiylor 'Winners. 

About two thotuand penona wltneivd a ruunloK race at 
(•ItuioreV Garden, thla dty, on Katurdaj evrnlos, March 
92, ootaithKiandinit that the nieht waa utorniy and dba- 
rrveakle. Conalderlnc Ihe weather and the Cut that the 
all'air had been gotten up In a hurry and waa but poorly 
adTrrtlMd, the toraoot w«« utAnUhiiurly larRe. and prorea 
how firm a hold pedertrlanUm now haa upon th* public 
nimd. The partlea wbo prqfvctcd the race offered a prii* 
of fitO cash to the man who nhould Urit llnU h ten mllcf , 
and a like amount to the man-boIdlDS the*leaU at tb* 
end of twenty mUsa. Tbe affair was fbr from well 
'maniged, those lo cbajxe having neslKted to make 
prnper ptoTlalvn Ibraoocing and for keeping the apectatoni 
InrormeJ reear<llnittU'»Ni|Ci***Of the race, #nd the Iden- 
tity of the concaatanta, aa wen aa to keep the oouree clear. 
It waa only too arldent that the mle nhlect oftbonewbo 
got the thlDjr up and oiuHluftcd It In nich bad Ikablon waa 
to get hold of a ftw mora dollara of which they were not In 
need, and in return for which thry could well aifoni to 
have given greater uilafaellon. The coutenUnu num- 
bered Mven, viz.. John 8lmpM>u of Cambridge, Enir..oneof 
■ - . - fjju, T.. 


even, v 

em; John RaCi 

t Ottawa, Canada ; N'orman 

Taylor of Vermont; Jo<ephOwrnliorVligliila:Mlcha»IMc- 
Kultr ol Harlem, N. V. ; Oomlnlque Vemult^ French Can- 
adian; and llenr>- Naylor, of New Tork. The (tart was 
mad* about a quarter pvt eight o'clock, Ralne making 
the paer fniu the word, and leading the wav at a vla- 
mlnute gait, lap after lap and mile slter tulle, with Mc- 
Nuliy lalioalm ran wcood to the Canadian at the N. V. 

OnlMlunlan Club fCBtneK ImHt year) cI<b<« upnn faU herlH. 

Taylor a yard RWOj', with SlnipMD clone up. Vemult linh, 
Owenx i>Lxtb, and Saylor rapldl>- fauing behind. The Anic 
mile waa completed In this order, Raloe't* tline being Am. 
3Sfi. At the done of the next mUe Vemult left the 
track, having found the company much better than 
he was accustomed to, the ottirrv harlng maintained 
the same relative purltlnns, and they continued to 
hold tliera unlU the second liajr of tlie third mile, 
when Simpson moved up to second place, runolDg along at 
siKiu' " — . — — - . 

looked IIL,. a winner, tliouxh Simpson, wbo la a splendidly 
formed fellow, ran beautlniUy and with lictter Judguieu 
than the Canadian, who Is a less pvwerfkil man. On the 

who, attired In linen 
d" skirt, collar aud 

WoixD rr be lawful to say that a.mon shot by an 
atr-gtm i^uffered great air-gunny T 


Waelaly Xt«cord omiie 3>eo«ss« ot 


AKOBRMEN, Prof. Adolph— A celebrated cheas-player, 
who had gamed the dnt prize lu tlic tournaments held In 
London In JJBI and USZ, and at Baden-Baden In ISTQk— Brc«- 
lao. faioda; March 14, aged <1. 

BONTIABD, Fnncla A.— A weU-known Jonraallst. and 
tbe originator of Tke Stmdau rtoicj of this city, which un- 
der hli management united Its fortunes with Koah'i Jfei- 
«en«r— San Francisco, March 8, aged 63- 
-BfetADL£V. L. B.— An ex-Uoveraor of Kevada— Elko. 
Xev., March 2l,iiged 74. 

BLACKSTOXE, I>r. J.— An aged physician of extensive 
practic* In the vidnltj of Athens, O. — there. Match IS, 


in.tTket, we would remind the funny writere that 
some good jokes can he made upon tbe subject, aa 
thai: "What a melon-cboly result from eating un- 
ripe frolt do we Had In last year's siatlsUcs of the 
death-iate," etc Or "Ihe melon-chollc days have 
come, the saddest of the year." Upon this sllghf 
foimdatlon the Indoatrioos ItiiiitygTBphlst.iiiS7ply 
his wit u nceasingly.. -. ' ■■• ; -: 

Afteb opening the^- claiBtviuiil''Bhowiiig tis- tba 
skeleton concealed tttaefDv-afler exposing the do- 
mestic aflhlrs of a twenty-mmionalre'B ttinQy;' 
after crimination and recrimination, tnpetatlon end' 
TitojperatloD, and awful illsclosaies.9fA.piii^jf pri- 
vate nature, our Surrogate haa ded|leiI^iii,*lkvoT,Df 
the vaUdlty of tbe '\'anderbUt wIlL.; Blngh'eii-the 
men; maiden and .Cornell, 

Althouoh tbe American eatftfa; plnfeatbetB art 
trailing in tbe dust since RoweB inavtttt belt, thous- 
ands of tbe patriotic youth ofitUg'pftintiT are now 
going through a tegular coutBe'olrtaUiilng 'with tbe 
view of bearding the Uon in hla 'poi'.'Uii) causing 
him to cry like a whipped child whenfFUaiiBe la re- 
gained. Let tis liot derail;— "all Is ' not lost while 
t!Tinia lemaina." t.^^ 

APAU)Ftii.BtntOBieacbesaBta tbe effect tIAt the 
railroad and - stage campaniea threaten to combine 
for tbe purpose of potting an injtmctlon on alffti- 
ture walking matches. Let them li^nnk, if they can,' 
'-Otir Jim" Bays; but, should 'they enectied In their 
fen purpose, tear u>QZ restiU / Bnt the leg-manlaes 
have no ftarl 

Thebk Is this consolation left as: IT J. Bon beat US'' 
In walking far that belt, he can't come ap to as lil 
playing baseball for that pennant Thla may serve 
to lessen J. B.'s 'vanity In reference to having re-, 
gained possession' of Ur. Astley's trophy. Lettbe' 
American game^iiblekm 'With a wUte-backle crowl .. 

Tbb jfte-men .ot JUb eonntiy ai« conslderaUly 
exercised In inliul joat li^ abotit tbe proposed 
czcnrslon to,g%i}_]f*anels<ii>- to meet Qen. Grant 
'What tbffOiBlBtMBtntD know is, vrtiether it 
be a ttM^\^g^j6iniit iioj" to the bitter end; with' 


jeetof a leetnre hy B6«. DEfii8Bn In Fbiuddphla 
HarcblT. Thlsla.aaniBtl>lngiiewtotia,asweliave 
heard nothlngaboat.sooh Aiaee; and donbt wheUier 
oiar' Odito' mends tim any .ttoch peddrtzUn «ont^' 

UtlieV's . -■■ -■, ■ im i" , '" '" ■ '■ ' •' 

ir B FBOBABLB that While Hi: & Cameron waa 
wOUng totaka the 'Widow OUrei far boself alone, 
be had no wUh to eneomber hinueU with her alsten 
and tier coQdai gnd mr AQBts; u4 W IST we aOa 

JRtsncB, Rev. John Shenen— Late Professor of English 
■Utcjature at King's College, London, Eng.— ToppcaSeld. 
Basex, Eng., Feb. 16, agedS. 

BERNARD. Paul— One of the beet nench moBical critics 
— FarU, France, Feb. 24, aged 51. 

BATTLE, 'William Horn— An ex Jodgo of the Bupetior 
Court and afterwards of the Supreme Coort ofSorth Caro- 
lina, and a Pratgasor of Law In Lewisburw Unlvetsltr— 
ChTpel urn -N. C, March 14, aged 77. * ' 

CAMEREB, August- A leader m the Baden ravolutlon of 
U4S, and who eeeaped ITom imprisonment to this ctnmtrr 
— Newaric N. J-, March tl, aged n. 

CLARE, Edward— One ol the oldest aod wealthiest Iron 
manulhc mreia of Pfttsborg, Pa.— there, March IS, aecd 63. 

CROCKETT, Dr. W. T.— A well-known physician of Nash- 
ville, TennJ-thetVL March 7D, aged ea. 
CBUMBADOH, Or. Frederick— An old and respected 

■ ■ ' March leCagedaz. 

Jame*:-DeaB of - Racine College, 

Physician— Chlrago, III., March 1( 


Wla.. and for many yean one of the moat protnlnent men 
In the Proteatant Splacopal Church In tbla oountry— Ra- 

cine, WisL. March U, sgrd 49. _ 
ELDBEDOE, James II.— At one time the priudptl A 
tbe Baneock Grammar echool, Philadelphia, and for thP 

that dtr— there, March 19, aged 43. 

FOOTE, Frederick W.— A promhient dtlzen orEUialletb, 
N*. J., and the editor aud proprietor of The J>aUm Journal 
of that dty— there, March IB. a»d 02. 

FiSDAtL, MtOoT PhUip ll.--^tlie t'oltcd EUtea Marine 
Corps— Portsmooth. N. IT, Mareh 21. 

FAIBFANS, Pletn— On* of the greatest of modem 
Italian phllologtsu and lexloqgnphers, and a dbitlngulahed 
Journalist— Florenoe, Italy, March 4. aged 61, 
> TRAU*;' John Vreuerlck- Mayor or Bhrewsbuxy, Eng., 
aad a veteran of the English turf— Shrewsbury, Eng., re- 

General George P.— tnlted Sutes Marahal of 

Tenlont, a posldon which he had held since ISn. He had 
serfe il 'with distinction in the noted Vermont Brigade dur- 
inglh * l*f W a^-Burllngtoo. Vt-, -March 19, aged 43. 

.QQLDTBWAITE, George— An ex-Doited Statea Senator 
fraoi Atabam'^ '.B*-waa bora in Boston, Mass.. m IBB. 
ailA.<whU«ab<vweM to Alabama, when h* studl*d law 
andAt the age of geventeen began practicing hla profes- 
sion- Befora-tbe jwar be was Cblef-Justico ot t£e Sopremo 
Court of Alabama, And during th^ war served aa Adlutapt- 

Keral of the Htate. In 1870 he was elected to the Dnlted 
lea senate— Montgomery, Ala., March Imaged 7a 
QII-ES, William F7— Lately Judge of the United Statca 
District Court for Maryland, lie was adtnltted to the bar 
in BalUmoie tai 1829, and waa elected by large malorillea 
to the Maryland House of Delegates in 1637 and IsSa U* 
waa elected' to Congresa In IB44, hut dcdlaed a renomlna- 
tlhn. In ISO he was appolntedajudge of the District 
Ooort, and held that high post until a few a^ksago, when 
he resigned on account of adranced age and Inflnn health 
— Balthnore, Md.. March 21, aged 72. 

HODOSKIN, jomcs Block- A prominent dtlien of 
Brooklyn, N. r. fie «-as bora In London, Eog., and came 
to thla City In 18e6 as the repteaenlatlT* of Opponhelm A 
Co.. who were then said to bu tbe buvest fUr dealers m the 
wond. Anerwards he held for several yean the agency 
for tb* nle of Falier's lead pencils In thla eountrr. and 
woom the banking boaUieas. At the tlmr of hla death he 
held.the positions of prertdent oT the United Btates Roll- 
' — Company and ofth* Lake Erie and Louisville 
and vle*-pre«ldent oftb* Equitable Trast Com- 

'i'BJ.Bi^n^f ormtny yeam prindpal of an Acad- 
e nr at AhtaiBdun, Uarfotd County, Md.-there, March 20, 

I HARPEB, Ooner— Tbe mperlntendent of the American 
BiiRss Company lu Buffalo. Mk T.— there, March 19, aged 
S L' 

' BTODS, rani— An old dtiieii aiid weD-known manulhe- 
tniv of Pltuburg, Pa.— thertL March 21. aged S7. 

PEYDBKBEICH, R«r. Loula William— ALutheran mln. 
llto who during tbe last twenty-eight yean bad held the 
podtloni^pTOfeMorof languagea In educational hiatltu- 
ttooa tal Pennsylranla, Maryland, aiul Xorth '^-ttIIps 
Braokl]in,N..Y., March 18, aged 7A 

HOPKISia, John Wedey— nomlnently Idontilled with 
the •duatlonal Intereeta of Cincinnati, O., for nearly half 

a caatury— thercAMarch I& 

HOOASTH, Edward. M.— A brother-in-law of tha 
OiarlesDIdieu and. jnn known In the Uterairan 
drricsof London. BD|p:>4hete, Match 8L aged 4a 

MPHEKAN, Countesa-Tho widow SfTnnSAlbt.. „. 
Prwada, the Toungest brother «r the Emperor cfGexmanv 
•j -Dteadan . niusla, March 4. - 
MSSJS^^iS^SSSiSSSjWta th. Unlvehaty ot 

moKAM. Bev. Dr.— A ■mr aged mtailster ofth* Pre* 
Church or Bcotland. Ha im indamed Ai^^ 
end ecBtlnned to preach up to bia nlnetT-aarenth jitT. 
nkAther cf Dr. Infiam Uvfd to tb* aga of UO nai^and 
._ J doetorot 

hlagramUather to theagaof U& TbsSegte* 
diimilT was oonAired on him by tha Vntinnla ig Glai 
■«SU53*JtlP°«*'.8'«*'»»* Mareh ai aged St* ^ 

■Dta, Cutam Joseph M.-Aa oldabSibiat captain on 
M£iSw*a*Ed^e"' elty nnd WBtlxA-!SlSr<X. 
_ro^*Tj^gcA^ oM nidott '.^ Pi^^ 
KA^ Waltefw^ old *ad weaUfayJiioBeer or McLean 


sixth lap iif tbe eighth loDe Taylor, 
pants, with suspenders, a "bUed^ 
red necktie, aod In stocking feet, luid been ruimlDr 
stiffly but easily, scarcely lilting his feet tmm the ground, 
but seemingly gliding over It, unlckened his pace and 
dashed to the fnmt, Simpson following bllu. On the 
next lap Ralne, who lud determined to be flnt or 
nowhere, made play for the lead again, and ran past 
iiiopson; but lack of coudltlon told ben, the (»na- 
dlsn lalterinK In his stride, aud, seeing that he had shot his 
boll, one of bis attendsntfi took Mm nlf the track. This 
left the prizes at the mercy of tbe Englishman and tlie 
Yankef, as MrNulty was very much lallgued and drap- 

Klng back*. Willie Owens dldn t have a cltance, and Nay- 
>r. »bo In his style gave a feeble Imitation of Roweu, 
and made such a cnuilral appearance that be 

euyed guod-natuttMlly by the spvctattsrs. was dragginc 

himself alone miles In the rear of all. Bight In the 
rear of Taylor ran Hlinpson until they entered upon 
tlie dual lap. when lu niundlog the upper torn he got 
upon even terms, then went hy\ and. leaving Taylor at 
eveo' stride, aim easily by a good thirty yards. Time, I 
hour 30>4sec- Itaviog accvmrHslKTl what |i« lud set OKI to 
dn, Simpson left tbe (reck alter Jiigglaii around once more, 
after which Norman had it all to himself, as Owens, al- 
ihiiugh still persevering, was too lltr brhbtd 10 beat all 
Jaogrraus. MeNoltr had left tlie trark after going eight 
miles and a half, without any noticeable variation In 
speed "The New -England ple-Mter," aa Taylor was 
dublied because of bis fondness fur apple-ple as an ac- 
companiment 01 lea, continued to roll up mile after 
mile In his peculiar style until twenty wms reourded 
and he was (230 ricker. Time, 2h. 9m. Sil>i's. which 
Is his best authentic record for the distance. At the dose 
he did not exhibit any symptoms of fatigue, and when oc- 
casion demands he should be able to cut down these fig- 
ures by several minutes. The track waa the same as that 
used at the stx^iay wslk. fteshly cnsted with saadust, and 
was In flnt-rate condition. The curbing which waa there 
during the Interaatlnnal coolest had tieeu removed; butas 
the runnen kept well out wliUe going along the straight 
and K'ere prevented by obstades Irom getting too dose on 
the curve, it may be accepted aa a fkct that the winnera 
corered the fbll olstanees. Simpson,. Ralne and Taylor In 
succession came Into slight contact with the obstacle placed 
at tbe southeast comer uf the track, but the collision did 
nut throw cither out of his stride. 



Cash In Second Kattaial Bank 

On account of oounterrelt tickets 

Expenses of aU klada 

Caab 00 hand. 

Theahore was accompanied by a second state- 
ment, giving tlie Items in detalL The meeting was 
a atormy one— a luA resulting tRun tbe tcftisal of 
the other contestants to allow O'Lcaty anything, 
notwithstanding the Indlapntable IBcth tBM nis 
name was tbe loadstone wnlch drewtolheOanleD 
enoogh people to repieaent tai more than the two 
thotuand doUam which be claimed as bis diw be- 
caoae 6f an agreement which bad been algned by 
tbe representatives of the men early In tUe week. 
Uanager Kelly argued the matter very earnestly on 
O'Leary'H behalf; hut his aiguments fsUed of suc- 
cess In awakening the others to a sense of what he 
considered Justloe, and Anally the dlvtslon of tbe re- 
ceipts wasmade as follows: Bowell.; Ennhi, 
tII,03S.9e; Harriman. •3,eia.6S; Walton (Uairlman's 
liauker),' ts.8ia.6e; Kelly, t2,oaO'(compeniHtlon tor 
servicen). This left In bank t2.<ioo, which was to be 
•pnlled to the liquidation of any claims wh|ch might 
ofterwanlH be presented, with the i ml iiis l aiidlng 
that whatever aum may Htm remain attactha settle- 
ment of all dalms tihould be divided abong tbe 
three men on the basis of to. 30 and a> per cent. 
Then the curtain was rung down upon the last act 
In the onpiecedcntedly exciriug and proOtaUe pe les- 
trlan tliama for the worid's cbampluiwblp. 


In tb* tahl* of distanoea traveled at tbe end of every 
hour In the belt race, published hi TBI CLirrga oflaat 
week, the extra yards ov^ the even lap* were omitted 
flrom the 104th ana followinjr boun; and aa this la apt to 
lead toeonfbaloik. we herewith prceent a emnnlet* and cor- 
rect table for tbe boon mentioned, the toul dlstanoe be- 
ing that made up to the time when the contestants gave 
notice of tbelr Una] retirement, no note beUig token oltbe 
one or more laps which each man sabsequently covered. 


Charles Rowell is not to be permitted to long eiOoy un- 
disturbed the fruits of hla recent victory over tbe thn e 
American reoresenlatlres In the Interoational contest for 
the belt which was twice won by Daniel O'Laaiy, and la 
now to be taken back to London by the English athlete. 
We alluded last week to a cablegram tnm Sir John Aatley, 

May 5 had been set by the promoterfor the next contest, 
and expressed the belief that the latter>a wishes in tbe 
matter would be compiled with. It transpires that 
Eonls had verbally cbaUenged BoweU on the track, 
on Mareh 14. and on that accuont' claimed priority over 
Wetton: and, a* Bowell considered May 6 too soon to 
engage In another rach trying contest, cable dlspatchc* 
passed between Sir John and Mr. Atkinson, the upshot id 
which was that, on March 20, a meeting was held at tbe 
Ashland House, at which the rollowlstg agreement waa 
drawn up aod signed by Bowell aud Ennls, each of wbon 
posted tlie ncceaiary amount ofmooey with Mr. AtlilBBw: ' 

Memorandum of agreement made and entered into thla 
twentieth IBltb) day of Mareh, ISTB. between Cbatica 
Rowell of Chesterton, Cambridgeabire; England, nsity tt' 
the flnt part, and John Ennls of Chicago, flL, U. bTa., of 
the second part— Wltnesseth that whereas the party of the 
flnt part Is now tbe bolder of the Long Dbitanee Chompldo 
Beltofthe WorldjWOB by him at aiTmore'a OardervHev 
York, Mardi U. 1879. aad the party of the second part haa 
duly challenged bim to a pedestrian match therefor, pur. 
suant to the conditions upon which the said belt la held. 
Now, tii ci e fui e, thla a gi ee ia e u twitnessetb that tbe partica 
hereto lieRby agree to compete for the said Champhmshlp 
Belt and the sum of one hundred pounds (£I00! a side, 
which sum bas been deposlteil in Ihe bands at the editor 
of Tlu ^poning Hfe. The match to take place u London, 
Pnglsnd^ and to commence at 1 o'clock a- H. on Monday. 
June 16, and to termlaate at 11 o'dock r. M. on Saturday. 
June 21, 1879 (142 hours), tbe party oorerlng the greatest 
distance during that tone, either by ranning or walking, 
withootssslBtance.tohededaiedt)iewinner. Themaicbls 
to be subject to tbe same conditions aa tliat Inwblcbthesdfd 
belt waa won by the party of the flnt part, and tbe belt Is 
to tie held by the wtnner on the same terma and eoodltlons 
on wblcb It Is now held. Tike Stnrttng Ufe la empowered 
to appolot referees, tlmekeepen and scorers, but all mat- 
ten of dlspnu, or appeals upon questions not provided for 
by these oondltloos, to be relerred to the trustee* of tbe 
belt, whose decisions shall b> all cases be flnaL . Jn the 
event of any other person or penons Joining In tbe match, 
they must each deposit ttw sum of one hundred pounds 
(£ldn with tbe appointed stakeholder within four weeka 
prerioiu to the day fixed for the ootmneocement of tbe 
race, and be subject to the conditions and terms of tbe 
agreement- The gate-receipts, slter all expenses are paid, 
to be divided aa fullovs: 

If only one man completes 410 miles (or more), the whole 
of the gatc-recvlpts (less expenses) to be paid over to him. 
If twooompetlton complete 410 mUes (or more), the win- 
ner to receive two-thirds of the receipts and the **cotid 
man one-third. (•) If four men compfeta 4S0 mUc* (or 
more), tbe winner to receive one-balC tbe second 35 per 
cenL, third U per cent., and tbe tburtli 10 per cent, irave 
wen complete 4i0 mllea (or more), tbe winner to receive 
one-halC second 2S per cent., third l3pcrcent.,raurthSper 
cent., and flftb S per cent Ifsix men complete 410 nillea, 
winner to receive one-balT second 3U per cent., third 12 per 
cenL, fourth 8 per cenL, llftb 6 per cent., and aixtb4per 
cent. .Should more than six men cmnplet* 4fi0 milm, 
the winner to receive one-half, and the balance to be 
distributed among tbe other oompetlton In prapor-- 
iV" .."■•-.""FSyr of mUes completed as may^ 
SKf^^S.'" J^D- Aatley, Bart, M.V., the giver <* the 
belt The competitors to travel over one wide track, to be 
surveyed beforehand by a competent authority, tbe meaa- 
urement to be made eighteen Incbes from tbe biner edge. 

mSS! W"^ falling to complrwl'tb any of ttaes* articieato 
forfeit all mouer deposited- The stakeholder shall In any 
and every case be exonerated from an responsibility onon 
obeyhig the duectloos of the refereea. In the evenfof 

being unable to hire a suitable buUdlng for the match for 
the week oommendng June IS, 1879. or any other unfore- 
•een cause, the said Charles BoweU and John Ennia have 
power to name another day for the commencement of the 
match, or should they bo nnable to agree Sir John D. 
Astley to have power to name tbe day. sothat the match 
may not lUl thnugh. . CHxaxEs RowsLl, 

■'_■ ■ Jou:* Emms. 

Witnesses- f^orge W. Atkiiftbn, 

«»iinessea. ; Ynilllm H. UatchT 

i„li!.2I;*'.?* the dnft of the-ahoieagreement theframer 
inadvertently omitted a dause tnakRig provision forth* 
distribuuon of gate-recelpu In eaae of three men ctunpl^ 
tin, ^iOmiioL Thla wJU be remedied aa sooi aaajnll 
SKiSf i.*iS?* •renr. nnd doubtlssa th* hasU of divbrion wUl 
b* the same aa m the recent competltloo-one half to tbe 
irinner, thirty per cent, ta seomit and twenty per cent, to 
third. It Is probable that there wm b* In tbe neighbor- 
hood of a score go to the starting point and amongthem 
maybeoneortwoothenftom Ainericm. '"vui 

ROWBUi AMD Bunns. 

rJj!SlE.T?.'*'}'^.E**Si'*»'" '>«n th* Uons of the 
metropous since tS* bbtaweepoakea tae*. and have been 
5hif,*.'Si,^ <>ffi?«':"I'»<'r.,«>»lr slater*, tlolr cousins and 
ihJ?,52'K!-* ■^JSSrifiyS'TJ'S'* =»nagen of one or two 
tbeapea had proflted by flattaing tbemwitb the proffer 
ofa box ftom which the audlenceeonld%u£alooS riew 
ofthem, they were shown the InteriorofUiS ^Sk 
change (bi the worUnga of which, being now monl^m«. 
they are intereated), and they hila a hSd jS litl 
Ung away from the hero-worahlplng bolls and beara- 
Ennla leh for Chlcaco with his *ffiurMi itorShj!; 
and Bowell waa left to bear the %mt aatturf 

S^iftjR'^P' <>°t<* the flre-and had 5 
S^Tj5St5£."'?°iJ?''y-= J^l Invitation of a n>e^b«r 
ff.IS'jr*?"' • troupe, Rowdl visited Baltimore, Hd., on 
March 31 in company with-w. AsplenTand that iVen! 
te»„o«np!ej a twx at tte HtfflldayStrSt ThSaST 
b^ In&pdaccd to tb* aadlencetrom the stin ba Saa 
J^'5SS',.i'!fiS£.'''2' Sf"' 'be o^hStSTtrSSkTJ 
wS? mSt^.S**":" The toghshand American edoia 
wen mtntwiiMd over th* rw i^'^inlnm boxea.- Next 

is present at the ten-mOe race in which Shnnon cogued 
tbatnliht. OwUi* eventagorthe wthacOTpli™SlT 
haa«art was t«Bdend hun by th* Albion and fSi^^m. 

donbUem be made the victim of other weU-meaniug ieotSa 
heban his departure lor home daring the <WTentir«£ 
) WM ■ 

jjJgB SxoM 11 Jntrtolag »t UttOttiui<l,Ci!.,»e»- 

Moun. 1 




































































• • 





















































































Ql . 



































































































• Denotes resting, t blgnlflca «top|»4. 

No aJlownncc was made on the soon shee t for the dia- 

Unce hstt by the men who had to retrace their nepa to 
tlielr bouses at the time of the acddent and sutMnuent 
confusion, RoweU thereby losing 120 yaida and Uarrlitian 
27DysTds whldi shuuld have licen oedlted to them. The 
actual tbue In wblcb tbe contestants walked the distance* 
credited tu tlicm was: RoweU. WO mUes ItD yards. In 
U91i. 38in. Ss. : Enttb<. 475 miles 3D0 yards. In I4lh. ta. 49s. ; 
Harriman, 410 mUes SOU yards. In laih. 10m. Ua. : O'Lcaiy, 
215 miles 1,4UU yards. In 84b. 37m. Total lestfaig tlme- 
Ruwell, 37h, 37m. 40s. : Ennbi, 37h. 37m. 9s. ; Harriman, STh. 
13m. l(Si. : O'Leary. IGh. 4Stii- 2ft«. Actoal walking rime — 
Rnwell. UBIi. Km. aa. ; Ennbi, UDb. SBto. «K ; Harriman. 
I(ttb. 37m. 43s. : O'Leary, 47h. 51m. 38s. Average time per 
mile — itnwell, un. 18s.: Ennis, ISin. 20a.; ILurlman, ISm. 
3!s. ; O'Learj-, Urn. Sis. 

Rewla«cl DeflmitiOB and Kale*. 

At Ollmore's Garden, this city, will be held on April 4. 5, 
the flrst Indoor athletic meeting under the auspices of ihui 
club, when, bei^ldes interesting dueed events, thei 

competitions open to all bona-dde amateurs. 

With the ob- 

|cct orguanilnir saalnst the presence of those **amateun m 
name and professlonalK at heart wbo are toleiated In oms- 
teor contests bvcsuse the Interpretation heretofore given 
t(i the deflnltlon of an amateur has been held not to warrant 
tbelr exclusion." tbe dub publbibes tbe subjoined amended 

deflnltlon and rules, which Intending oompetitoreirlll find 

r profit to carefully read and study. We hope to 

see them. If not In tbelr entirety at Inst In the main. 

' )apa ef viQ^ 

MBB J^oaA.Ai Wa««« be~ , raoji^k,,^ 

tbe AgrioKnral Ron; TonntOh 

tlooahelnc to walk » hatf mUe ev«y balfboi^tasJTi 
>. to « r. M., aad 2» mBca every *v«*fo|c cramei^^ 
r.m. On the 2gih an amateur mal^^ niUe*,taSRir 

track. Sbac 
IB. Thes 



and Resenuo. 

■■ ' " " ,to th*»t>ntaa4 whining the 
4h.45m., Helfirnan coming hi abwt thirty lulniSi^bs 

Aon-Bn-s swamras^ fiDr-Tumeta, entrana rp^* 
aeeei>tanee.f^iX tow1)l«h«aajdded 2\ vo^^L2** 

Itlwl *« starten W. CammtagK Iklaley, leratcb : EDfck 
enaon. London, 2B ntda oart: H. Bristol. »Mn 
H«Udsworth Ml**t«r.4*v #.Duddl?, SSS, J?-' & 
Heacott L»jdoo, M; J. Melhw, OoeKm. aioSuntS; 

easily by ten yards In 4m. B4KS. ; leaeouseeoad. 

WAutiTO AT PiTiHrtBij, Mas^a pedestrian tooraer 
took place at this place Marth M Jamea Welch woTi 
twenty-mile rnnnlnk rao* InMijSh^, and Xelson Reyndca 
a ten-mile waDi hi Ih. 40nL Allea BenlTew won a tieuTr 
flve.mUe walk, bl*competltare-^v,Btnab.and Burrll 
won th* fourteenth, Blxte«th. and flfteenthmSr 
alvely. Warten Day. on trulchrs. wxiked ihni 
mllea In 44m. Its., aiulAlmon Basett with awooden^^ 
walked thn* mllea In 44m. las. "afc 

Cci^T. II. Mo.vimiaT'SAltKtlAi Bxaismoiattraeiala 
good many people to UiBBalled'Armes. on axth avmu^ 
on Raturdity evening, March a Tbe entectalBBen? 
which emhnead assaulta-at-armi with glovea andweanra 
or steel, was eiUoyed by alL These wbu manr— -- 
gloves were Reynulds and Rand, Morris and 

fioves were Reynulds and Hand, Morris and Xumy, and 
onstery and Doooey Harris, aUle Hoffman aad Frnif 
fenced with rolls and bnmdswaida, and XoBOerr aal 
Col. Belanooott with small swm* 
' Tax PBxaoBSHAL WAi.gaa 
Poughkeepsle. X. T.. hi the pe 
ray; who, the local ptee^ In al 
a proper vpredatkm or the. 1 
the feat' Infotms ua, aoeoniplii 

meet with the approval and mdorsemenc of sister organi' 
cations everywhere. In which case existing evils will be 
eradicated, and the annoyance resulting from the insuffl. 
dent stringency of tbe prveent generally accepted deflnl. 
lion be Bvuldetf, 

DBri:rmo5.— An amateur athlete Is one who practices 
athletl9 fur bis own physical improvement or pleasure, and 

not as a business or fur gain. 

A person wlio riolatea any of tbe following rulea will not 
be considered an amateur m the sens* of this deflidtlon. 

RCLE I. Xo aroatenr can compete In an open competi- 
tion, or for a stake, or for public money, or for gate-money. 

2. So amateur can compete with a profewlonal; but an 
amateur shall be held blameless for competing with a pro- 
fessional whose entry bas been accepted In a game or con- 
test open to amateura only, and given by a rr rngnlred 
amateur athletic club, provided that If aware of the 
status of the profrssional, he enten his protest liefore start- 

A Vo amateur can teach, or pnrvue, orengag* In athletic 
exercises aa a means of livelihood. 

4. No amateur can compvto In any public games not 
under the direction of or given by a recognlxed amateur 
athletic dub. * — . 

5. No amateur can compete in any public game* the 
proflta or any part of the profits f^om which an to be de- 
voted to any other ohiect than charity or tbe future en- 
coon^ment of athletic exercises among amateum. 

A So amateur can, as a oondltloa of bia oompetlng. de- 
mand the appointment or witbdrairal of any neclOed in- 
dividual as an olBoer at any amateur athletic meeibig; 
nor can he ask or demand, as a condltiou of hla competing, 
the refusal of the entry of any amateur; nor can he claim 
any prtvUc^s not accorded to other contestanta. 

7. Xo amateur can offer his entries for any games under 
on aAmmed name, or Aom a dub of which he is not a 

A No amateur when entered fur a handlrap race can re- 
fuse to give bU public record when asked for It by the dub 
under whose directhm the race Is given. 

■9. Xo amatetir can have hla expenses or any port of 
the same. In connection with any oooieat defrayed, ex- 
C4>i>t by the athletic dub of which he Is a member. Tbla 
rule shaU not operate where any reoogolied athletic cinb 
defnys the expenses of aU contestanta alike. 

10. Xo amateur can accept any compensation of any 
kind, directly or Indirectly, aa a condition of or because of 
his connection with any athletic dub or games, or for tbe 
use of his name In such connection. . 

11. Xo amateur can enter In any games In which th* 
prises are articles oT ooeichandlse or trade. 

12. No amateur c*lB sell or hypothecate hla priies,nor 
dispose of them for airy atalvBlent 

lA No amateur caaGec on any contest fbr which he bsa 
entered, nor recelra directly or mdlrectly tlie proflta, or 
any share of them, of a bet on any such contest 

lA Any person nDty of oonduct which may tend to 
hring amateur athletic 9orta Intodlareput* shaU not be 
deemed an amateur. 


John Hogtars called at TBI Clippxr olllce on Monday, 
Match 24. aud left one hundred doUan with tbeaublolncd 

_^ Xkw TOUB, March 24. 

FBA!fK QrBB5, ESQ.— Dear Sir: I hereby challenge any 
maavi America or fiigiand to run me a thlrty-niue race 
Ibr Itom BSD to BSOO a side, on any good Indoaed ground 
In Mew York or Immediate vicinity, tnree weeka from date 
of Mgnlng articles of agreement Aa there are aeveral re- 
poled flne-dlstance rannera, representing England, Can- 
ada aod the States, now In this dty. 1 trust someone win 
soon come forward and cover the tUO I herewith place In 

Soar hands. I leave tills challenge open two we«u from 
lareb 25. If no runner aoceots, I will be prepared to 
make a match with l>aalel O'Xeary or John Ennia tor a 

six days go-as-you-please contest Besp'y 

Col. Belanooott with small swotAl 

Tax PBxaoBSHAL ~i lliii S|i has liiiwls . 

Poughkeepale. X. T.. hi the pem of a man namod Miu! 

_'^_^. — ■ Uiall earnistaw. bnt wjBSt 

lb* uapneedf^te^ MtaUCii 

tbe feaf Infohns ua, aoeoniplislad tbe task of 1— --'-^•— 
mllea ami 27 lap*. 00 a thlrt>'-lap track. In 14 haa^ 
Mareb 2L Murray Is evidently nnas," or els* he^L— _— 
covered a procesa for sboctemlng mile* which doAle di». 
eounu Bart Mdler's method. 

O.tMARcaSaraes took plan between OeaBBsMBb 
and Henry HtraussortbeuUsey House, nos Twenty-nlath 
street and Broadway to Cannaasville and return, for tm 
a side and a dinner for six penoos. It was won by tha 
former, liealiog Stimns* Mmla. Referee, Jame* BnUet' 
timekeepers, Barrett aod Brodcway; Judges, r. B. casUn ' 
and P. Murphy. Bernard Bruaer acted aa coach 1m Bas. 
com, and H. Schmidt fiwBtfaani. T1me,2h.3tei. 

Tbe N. T. a. r. WILL orB5 the oatdoor aeaioa hi this 
vldnlly with a serisvi of handicap camev. open to aU ama. 
teun, to consba of I2D yards, 900 yards and aoO yam* 
runs, and a two-mile walk, fbr gold and silver med- 
als, at the dub grounda, Bott Haven, April la. Ea. 
tries, which can h« made to C. A_ Malmey, scaetaiT. f* 
O. Box AlOtX.V.CUy, dcae on April lA " 

DR. J. W. RA.v]raT wlU dellrer th* fourth of Us saris* ot 
intemaingand Instraetire Ifcturca, under tbeauintasof 
lb, ««"»—«>" Athletic Clol^alChiekerinK Hall tbb sren- 
nur, March & Bubjeel: "OmUatkB ofBlood." a ttea* 
which should pos s e s s great Inurest tbr our athlete*. On 
Thursday, April Ul tbe cMng lecture of th* serin wHIM 
given, and will be for gentlemen only. 

Tag San Fraxcisco (Cal) Iuobobsb (hxs have elected 
the lollowing olfieen fat 1819: Frealdent John Bioar- 

SuDlvan five mUes lo 45tn. 43a., 
I JaakOeaway went'he- 
erlng e^t .-mUe* an<rsians: 

WAUtlso ATltKAnnia.Ps ^The MUhler.EsterUne walk- 

iDg-niatcb was deckled at Music Hall, oomraeadns Mareh 
21. stlsbler walked on a track a Upa to th* mUe, and 
Esterllne's track measured as laps to the mUe. MUhler 
hod the advantage of good ttalnhig, and showed op In 
very Itlr fhrm. Alter a rather exdting walk teniae lud- 
deiuy retired, owing to severe indisposition- The condi- 
tions of the walk were that they should compete for 24 
booT*.'^' AAer the retirement of Bsterllne, who completed 
BO mile* 22 laps In 22 boors, MIshler, who In 23 bonra 17 mln- 
ntes had succeeded in scoring 92 miles, was declared the 
'^"^.''n'" "M*^ Edward Daris and Ed. Splen looked 
after Mlsbler, and the efforts of the former did much to 
Insure thesuocessoT bU prIndpaL The acosera were H- L 
Munroe, Chos. doldman, Billywalllng and AL 

TBs CoMi.No TocBXuana at OmioKB'a- Tbe attrn- 
Uon of aU walkcn Is dUaOad to tbe adrertlaement hi our 
Dusinna ttepartment <M tbe'two walking tonrnamenta 
whteb are announeedto-<ake place at oumtn's Garden, 
this dty nnder.tha Boanagementof A. R. Samuells. The 
flnt ofthese Is for ladles, and will take place during the 
ate days commencing at 1 A. v. on Monday, April VC The 
advertlaed prim are a champion belt valued at 11.000 and 
a lUte sum In caab to flnt, tlOO to second, 1230 to third, 
and tl30 to fourth; entrance fee, tM; entries dodng on 
April 9. ' The other Is lor men, and will commence atl. a 
>. April 21, continuing lulll II r. s. 29l Annoimcedprtie* 
—a belt of the value of tl.0UO and aa much In cash to flnt. 
tnoto second, tSOOtotblrd, and taOtofuurth; entrance 
tUO, entrie* dodng April 1& 

rcbtsnuAXiBK AT WoBDBit, MAa>.-«ieveral erent* 
took place at Lyceum Hall, here, March ZL on a track 
thirty-two laps of wMch were iaid to conatltut* a mile 
John <}nlnlaa of Rtonebam started tc^nm nine mllea in 
one hour for a purse oftSCl Gave Out alter completing fuar 
and a' half mllea; all((M tune. 'lO' Wdllam Dempsev 
wga stated to have wolkMamllaiBta. 4*., and Oeone 
Doherty lo Bra. 7s. ; pi^. =..ii._.?5™l.Trj. S?'?,!?'"!^ 
and John Oately m 41 ^ 

5 leased for one botir, cov*i_. 
Wafer, la the same tIiii«,^jMyet«d < eight miles and27 

AjlOjiiLK eoms^ ran or walk, for amateura, came off 
at St James' HalL-^ton; Mass., March 22, nS^ Muting 
on a thirtr-lap traa, and only one completing the distance 
-M. T. Curry, Middlesex R. C, whoM tiiSe was girenC 
2h. 16m. 30a. The othen went the foUowinir dlStancea- 
John Horan Nonpareil A. A. IS mUesJOUp^Tl. FaIson^ 
Y. M C. A..J6 mDea; A. McDowall. Y. M. a D A. C iiZ 
miles; E. W. McCaflrey, St James A. C, 10 miles: 'r P. 
Eulllrau, Bt James A. C, 7 miles 9 lap*; R. J. Kegel 7 
mUes I lap; John Kirk, St. Jamea A. C, 7 mllea: J. Btra- 
nan of Cambridge, 2 miles. "™ •--'-•<""=.•'- "leu 

Majtbatta^ ATHiBTic CLUB.— The opening >i«w<<i^p 

Emea of thla dub (open to aU amatennlwlirtak* iiiZ. 
.JP'^^iJ' *• «™» wm be a* folJoin: 

lOO-rarda run. on^mU* walk, half-mile ran. Gold medala 
wDI b* giv*n to first and silver to second In each event 
Aaentrenoe-fee (not returnable) of 23 eenta must oeeoD' 

pany each and every entry. Tbe right to ivfliae or strika 
out onv entry la reserved. Entries to doa* April S. and to 
b* addtessed to » c<je taiy Manhattan Athletic Qab, 8tb 
«a .. — The second annual Sprli^ 

avenue. Mth and arih stzeet& 
games take place June 7. 
„TB« Tgit.M.iii WALK tot the tmotsir chsmplou-belt of 
hew England, between E. B. Merrill, Union A. c, ud W. 
H. Belt Boston A C. wm take place at Muale USL bSC 
tojLMua, Aptll3(nistDay).hi ths avcnhig. it^wUl b* 
— - ■ ' - itwEl ■ 

fonowed by a two-mOe walk for boye, tot 

wUlbe given. In the. afternoon tbere wm be atwenty- 

nlch a medal 

mile contest b e t ae au lady vedeatiians, open toalL under 
tb*muLBgem<nt of Fred Engelhardt, who offers VO to 
flrst SSOto second and «30to third? Entrtea to ber«- 
calvadatAUstoaiUl until Mareh 29 UUIaTk 
' Bc*8 Ta.'MiixBB.— w* have returned the'fUDsentto 
n* by D. C. Boaa, wbo saya he haa been unaUe to atrang* 
athletlamotoh with Fret Millar, aod it in3d 

b* Jndldoua to enter into a walking nwtch with th* 
latter or anybody els* during th* eomlnc Summer. At 
th* same Hm* the fkct remaini that becEaneoged Miller 
to make ouch a match, and the latter coraredhla xnooav 
and la ready to mak* tt, so that UlSBStbaxiltMM which 
hM the toert ofth* argSmawr^ u4ai»n«Boiw«»w"w 

Eamt Boirron ASrruirra for pedalistleboaonwUlmr. 
tldpate Ul ateo-mlle and a twenty-mile walk te mooev 
prlirs, and a 24-hour mixed contest fur a cbomploo belt 
and muney prizes, at Bumner Halt East Boston. Msnh tt 
fg. OlBcere Brown (treasurer of tha Unkm k. Ci aad 
Harvey wm abw contend for agold medal, tbe lattei btlBg 
allowed amilelttseven. 

Miss Ada frbbokt Mt Frovldenee, R. L, at 6 r. v. 
Mareb 22.' with the avowwd^lntantlun of walking lo BoBtco. 
which she Intended makms-'oariy on tbe morning of th* 
24tb, when she was to he **e**ted bya bandcfmndeto 
the Boybuon Museum, vtMi&aba is to attempt the feu of 
walking until the night oftheSUl witbout test, eicepttt* 
mUiutes ftum each Dotir ...... 

CABBALrs REAGAa A^ HcgBT' LioocB walked tK^ 
mUe match at Musk Hall, St. alhsBa, Vc. March 13, Ar 
t2S a side. Besgan.«on In 10 hoore 30 miwwt^ Laeoor « 
wai obliged to quit on the 47tb mile. BeaaaBnsthewls- 
ner of a SB-bonr walk held tbere a few weeks a^ and tUi 
match was the result ofa challenge from Laanr. 
nno_Bqg 8TKvBxs and Samuel H 8ml|h ecBBuncada 

with in mDH to his credit to IN}; fur. Smith. The tntk 
Is said to hava measured thirty lap* to V» mile. 
A nnr-HiLB walk came off at City Hall, Holyotr, . 

Mass., March 23; only norl t es pa-ddpaxlng. Result: K«r- 
ton. I ; COoBnen. 3; O'l^ary, 3; SnnWan. A Hattnettn. 
tired at tbe end of I, mlle^ Gllberi and Ellion at St Cott. 
ley at SL and Botlerfleld at 4A Wlnaer'a 'alleged tln^ 
10li.4Cn. ■ 

ATot-BBBT was held at th* Tmn Hall. WakefieU,. 
Mass., March 22, with tbls result: Two-mile woIk-J. J. 
O'Kdll. 1 ; Frank Carroll, 7; lane, Ite. Fire miles, go-a>- e a se P. Tierney, 1; J. U. Maxwell. 3; time, i\vu 
Ive mlle walk— J. Boneb, - " " 


, 1; J. n. Maxwell, 2; time, Ubl 

Tbk coMMtVTBa 01 tbe Ctenadlaa Uniwraity Foothsa 
Association lor 1879 la ccmpoaed aalMlowa: President 
James Chtsbolm ; vl te - vi e s ldent, A. ^rrutben; secrete^ 
W. P. Freeman : treasnrvr: W. Laldlaw; J. McDouiall. W. 
F. Modean, F. &eefer, T. C MUllgan. A. Hals aod Mu». 

TUK MISSB) Cora Crauixo and FVaeaee Levanlon art 
to tie classed among those female pads wbo have acccm- 

fillsbed the trifling (In the estlmaiiuo of the prevaOlog 
emlnlne walklst) feat of walking AOOD qaarter-mile* in 
9L000 qoorter-houn, done In this dty— in tlie usual way. 

WlTUDaAW:f.— Xo acceptor having come forward, tL* 
mucey staked with the challange Issued by Cbas. Coimnra 
fortnlgfat ago was withdrawn on March 2t John Murp^. 
Oinnor's hacker, says h* Maods ready to mak* a bona.iu* 
match lor him with anybody of his weight 

jAMim MrraiB won his Sa.milego.aa.yoa-^ease raos \ 
Umtf W. Welch^ for |U a aide, at Kew ^edtord. Mi 
March 22, Welch gave out on tlie toth mile. Mutrie .— 
then two miles ahead, and went the full distance In life, 
9m. 26s., Indudlng Ih. Im. Shi. for reA 

A Hix-DAT WALKIXC covrxsT, tOt h poTseof 1900 In g«:A 
was to begin at the Connecticut Annor^- In New UamL 
Mareh 24, at U.30 A. It. Tbe ours* wlU he divided aa fcO- 
Iflws: First t290: second, tl£; tblid, f73; fooith, tU 
Entrance fee, ten per cent of pone. 

EXALE Rosissoxwon a Un-boorwalk at Market HtC, 
P ort s d a m , Pa.. March 21. The other eentestaots were L. 
V. Measlniar and John Gneey, the Ibnner tUUng out after 
going thirty miles and Gracey being beaten by oie mile. 
Tbe winner walked fbtty-«lx nulc*. 

TUB Nww ToBB itxCBoaaa CLea el e:ed tbefoOowinr 
offioenm Msrehtl: Preddent Uennatm Oebrlchs: Mcr» 
tarr, A. P. Montant; Heasurer, Wm. Patteacn: caplaia, 
E. C. LaMonlagae:<lrst-lIeutenant P. E. Randall; Mccnd- 
I cntenant Herbert Inman. 

A nrxT.xiLB WALRixo HA.votCAr, limit four mDes, f* 
pnaesof £30 andagold medal to flnt Ob andaallivr 
medal to aeoond, and £15 totliird.haa been promotcdby 
Tboa. Alden. and wW take place at Agricultuiul Uall, Lon- 
don, Eng., in a few weeks. 

MisaXaixiBLB Barr and Ed. M Bmith will walk SB 
Ihu Armory track, Aubum. X. Y.. March H, tbe former •(- 
tempting to walk 20 mUen while Smith doe* 25. The pie- ■ 
ceeiLi wUI be devoted to replenishing the tnaaurr of the 
4»h Brglment 

Wx. B. K050Lijr AX,aged ten yean. It la sold. Is staud to 
have walked 34 mUes in th-Ofaa. on a S7-lap oack as 
KoooUman's North Second-slreet Halt Brooklyn. E D.. 
Mareb 10. Tbls la lather bst traveling for ao young a at^. 

C: P. DA:nBU wiu walk 20 mllea against F. B. Breve. 
R. Weston. 4>ea Ooraa and Geo. ftbicev at Lvoenm BilL' 
Beading, Mass., Mareb 29. B. B. Mefrlll wm alao gM an 
exhibition of tast-walklng- merely fior sport and clorT, of 
course. ■ 

C. A. nASBiHAir has not made teowntons bia Intention 
In regard to Daniels' challenge since tte latter posted his 
•ne hundred doUara. Aa both men are now In Bofltfi, 
however, they may anouge matten then thia sreek. 

ATTHSLowKLLfalr munds. Fast Day. P.' 
destrtan and trainer, will offer a pun* of %m, to be nia fW 
In a 120-yard handicap race. The prliea will be B3DL tIA fl' 
andtA ^triea dose Match 17. 1» 

TUB I.taraiw Clcb of Boston, ICasa-. wm inaugaraw 
the season by a regatta on Cbarle* Blvee. FOst Day dilch 
watcn, betwcBB five four-oared wocklprboat crews cftM 

CBABiBsBBWABBa failed hi a fbolMh attempt to walk 
fifty consecutive boun without eatinc. drinkhuc resthig ot- 
recrtv^ a ssiat a it o * ot any kind, at LoneisurVPa., March 

RoacaT K. Hau. mad* U* debut on th* walking-lraek 
at Fawtncket B. t. Moicb Ul hi a mile malcb against 
ilm* for tat^ and Is saMialiav*ooveivdtli* distance la 
7mL 38s. -, 

Col. J. H. McLACOBLiB'atiao deposit In sapportofhla 
challenge to Owens aod iDuflir readied us ell ilgfat list 
week, baring been on theway when o«r post iasue-wentti 

S. P. PCTXAM. Ikoa. WDborandB. J. BrovB eanp«ts< 
In a Ave mUesgo-asTou^Icase eoMest at 119 SumMt 
street, Boston, March IL Bitrwu's tim* waa llmlnl 

MiasTox Blchd jralked a s uuuoMd twnity miles U 
Troy, N. T., March hi 4h. 4ta.Sariam* nVit looil 
Chevalier walked twenty Kile* In 4h. 17m. EOa. 

J Bdwabs ASS S. Anana'an matched to walk fbr 
a aide.' the fbnner tadoSD ndlca tothe Uttcr'a lA atth* » 
Jamea Riding Academy, BoBtoo. Mareh 27. - 

BAR.XS8 _DBruiBO CAkaimaBs hi a 73yd. race, fo 
•3ai,narToronta,Ont.HardilA Carvuthua stopped a 
Aty yards, and tbe altera tlm* waa 7,<iseCL 

RiCBABD J. Xaols tL* tMoman and GUchord Daly ar 
matched to walk 2A honra, E»r B35 "uate " at Lorv 
Hall. 8t John. 1I.bIjEcSH fir 

BOBBBT Caltib of th* EagI* Hotel, Brooklyn, says W 
wUI bet any port of ^300 tliat BoweD eov*» more grooB< 
than Weston for the Axtleyb*!t 

Jabcs V. McMiIXBS and Jame* Besain has* arrangM 
to walk from Boston to Lynn, Mass., andiMBm, Maicbit 
tbe winner to receive BUu. 

TBsna WILL SBamatch ra-se, SO mile*, on MaichS it 
riittabuiv K T.,roragoldmcda], between Tanthi*an 
Adama orthat place. 

B. BroBBT, with Uyonla o^ took th* qturtrr-ialle 
at th* <>sihrhlg« Cnlvenlty haadksp meetlns, BBfl 
M a rch 7, 6L In 4m. i 
Ed. MiiTLTbir has engaged to beat Bigger, th* CanidiB 
nptiner, five feet in a lOO-yard run at vi«i«"tnn, Odv 
A^wll I. * ' ' 

JoBX lk WA'CBBAjrDOLDRUcou.aratovalkteamUSi 
for a itaks ootf jtts-mr a«, at Lynn. Haia., March 39. 
Dallas Mw u b um bbB; ;» .Kew Bngland wrestkr, bnk 
rhiM (poH^os li« • a^otehwUh McObm- 


hUlegwh ^ 

vinuwat^t£e«er, fi^ILrMfet^ 11 . ' 

Oa:iibl,P'Lbabt lelk.lbla.flty Ir Chlago, m., MudiS' 

C. A_ HABB1BA5 la In' Boaton.' 

THB'wiLxiNq MATCH 'Jietvreen (Mir<^ the CUcBf 
a B. C. and Stovej of the Kew Bed AM (Ma*.) K 1 
C, at the latter place, Alarch 19, was won by Btovti - 
who finished '26 miles In tk. 3»m. 48s, While u br 
sixteenth mllo Gore fell and strained a cord In U 

A. L, ViNiKO deSeated C. H. Burt In a callar«sr 
elbow WTsstllng match, sold to be for t200, otMOil 
HaII. Uanchester, K H.i March lA He won the BT 
ond and third Wa, Sat mnlfft occupying Ih. lOm.. ■ 
A a2-HOi7B WALK betwBQaCarToU and Mabonej I 

nui River, , 

nlaht the former 
mile at llh. Xiia,^.. 

MitB Ida ', 

hundred mllerf'' 
UarchU. SI 
In 31b. 3m. 

John Dc^-N ^ 
Crispin, walked tl 

tbe town Ball, Oplnsvv l^M^ ■arch 
b«a Bhort'dlstBncvUjnb. dOa. • 

„ at 12 o'clock ml' 
Be finished his 1KB 
'walked US mOes. 

ted a walk of oB. 
^ Cambridge, MaA. 
aceomilllshed the Ul» 

eb. 31m, 8TS. 

fviawn, both amis of A 
iM^Tas manrdolKrf^ ; 

lA Clove** : 

> ~^Ainriib -t>HiiAii^-W-irtnbrted to ^y*J^Jt 
mllea IB Ih: lim:-MA;:Bt' 'tSa opera-house, KnpA'. : 
R. Lf Ibicb si; aniB deftuiig Albeit Wlon . 
whose llme waa UliId. Ml ' 
Jambs a. BiLBT tbe aeoDer waa detfeattd by Uuf : 
Beadle In k Ibrty-eisbt-boar 'walking match at S^* 
toga,N,T„llarchu,aa^2L Beadle made IS nM 
and BOey only 111 mllea. 'L- 
CampamaIs to be exhibited before thopeopM* 
Montreal, Canada, oome parties bavins "^Sa 
rangementa for a six daya' doiiteat between him iP> 
a man nonwi xinnachL 

Uiss Asa IFallacb wag. taken off tba 
New Bedford, HasA, Jfarch 16, anerabewui 
to bsTB ifBlked 9S mOca In STh. aom. 

A.H.Lt>BT BndotooKKo walk Mx mOcB ' 
Thomas Caty walked flv^t QbioB.ont^ KB.,'' 
la^ and iBiud to IiST« 'WOO. 

SaMon. PHiuirs detbated'zdiert TTOo oxtn ' 
mDe ranning race at tbe <Mm>Iioiia4 sewponf 
L, MArchao. Time, llC Ytali- 

WM. KXKBLBT iB reputed to bave oomp 
walk of 100 bonis wltboDt net ttvnmlngtoii, , 

Damixl SuuivAMTHalked lamllea, udi 
sh» lu muesila Wbi «m. st Bewpoiti &I- 


.{^■aui. Kotos.— To onxcspoodcBm wte» vcp(vt«parv 

' " r » csid of a UOBT-Bun ooioa,li»Tlint 

.«llTBatiM itiftoftlnBKD'mc /or^iors- 
• "■nd otiMtwue pRetelrOks tbecredni- 

iMlMSrtlanwiU bear data of Xut^I. im.and te 
(ood£v«laI>tiiun>tli<,explrlac Not. L Tbnr win not be 
pud ItorSmloicii totheiSa or other like places at 
aanmement. ■ 


- EjTetyttiliiff Beems to gtre piomlK or a very enc- 
ceoiftil tesebeH seuon for we Smnmer of 1879. 
Bostneas piospecta are Mgtiter Uian tliey have t)«en 
since tlie Hme prior to tlie panic of 1873; and encb a 
furor for athletic sports acDerallT ptevslla Uuongb- 
oat the land that the pnreealonal class of the lase- 
haQ tratemltr should reap their share of the peca- 
nlairpTollt which' is likely to accmefrem It. Un- 
dooMedJy the ataactive lleld-epoit of this coonar 
in Sammer Is the national game of baseball, and 
wbeierer or whenever It Is played in lU IntefTltr It 
will command a Qbenil patronage. There la not the 
least doatit that with more moderate charges for ad- 
mtoolon to professional gronnds, and the easnianee 
at ttumnsti honest; In play, there win come a le- 
tom of the liberal paiiDiiage bestowed on the gome 
when the old cttampton Bed Stocddnj^ of CfaKlnnaH 
were in the height of their career. In IMS. 

In glancing over the arransements made for the 
profeastonal campaign of 1879, it wlU be seen that 
moie complete ptepanuioiui have been made for a 
saccasafhl one by the several conte^lng dobs of 
the two assoclauons than ever before. As br as 
the National Association U eoncemed, the anaDKe- 
mentB for the pennant campaign of 1879 are £bx 
ahead of those or any ptevlona year since the Asso- 
catlon was organized. This year the dnbe entering 
the Bational champlonahlp arena possess strong 
teams, well supported by parties who win see that 
there is no such bacUng-oat process Indnlged In as 
then was lastseason. In this respect this yearsees the 
two associations on an eqoal footing. Hitherto— with 
one season's ezoeptlaD — the Leagne hashad adeclded 
advantage In having elate that tiave carried oot their 
programmes to the playing of the last games on the 
sebeibile. Thlswason there wm befoarlasaes to be 
deddad in the nroreslnLal aiou. First, the cham- 
pionaUp of the Leagne; secondly, that of the Nation- 
al Association; thlnlly, the championship of the 
West; and tonrthly, thatof the East. As regards the 
contest between the Esst and the West, in what 
may be called the arena of a "committee of the 
whole," that can scarcely be said to be an Issne, In- 
asmuch as the Eastern section has shown each sn- 
neiiotliy hitherto tliat close livaliydoes notezlgt. 
BoMon won the League championship In 1878, and 
Bnllalo that of the National Association. whUeCln- 
dnnad bore off the palm In the West and Boston In 
the EasL What the result win be this season is, of 
comae, an Bonnlse.' Though It cannot be said that 
the eight Leagoe-clnb teams of 1879 are as equally 
matohed at the start as the sis of .1878 were, they 
are 8tni of sufficient eiinallty of strength to make the 
animate iasue of the campaign jDstas much a matter 
of doubt as that of last season. There Is one pecollar- 
iqr, however, abont the teams of 1879 which makes 
them somewhat excepttonal, and that is the marked 
eqoaUty In aU the eaaentlalii of saccess of the three 
teama of Boston, Providence and ClndnnatL Hare- 
over, there Is a special and local Issue between two 
of tbeee three teams which makes their positions as 
rtval ooniestanB In the League arena one peculiarly 
excepdonal. and that la the personality of the rivalry 
between the teams captained by the brotheis 
Hany and Geoige Wright. From some canse or 
other the hsppy-Hunlly arrangement between these 
two noted bascbaU profearionala, which prevailed 
lh>ra their entree Into baseball profeaslonaliam 
imtO 1877, has been Interfered with to an extent 
which baa led them Into oppo8ti;g teams. Ofconne 
thla paisonal rlvaliy has Its following, Boston back- 
ing up Harry and Providence George. This has led 
to the special position which these Leagne-elub 
teams now occupy, and It Is one which bids fair to 
make tbelr local contests of more importance as to 
the final result than even their Joint stnuale for the 
LMgne pennant. In other wonis. Providence will 
be quite content to see Boston carry oir the pennant. 
If nwldenoe cannot do It, inrovlded that in the light 
for It Providence IndtvldoaUy whips Boston. There- 
fore, If the Boston team wins a majority of the 
Leagne games In 1879, and the Providence team 
wins six of the ten games they have to play with the 
Boston team In the peimant series. Providence will 
n^wtth their hats and shout as lustily as if they 
themselves had won the pennant The contests, 
therefore, between Hany'a Boston team and Geome's 
Providence team wUl be an exceptional series of 
matches and games likely to draw larger crowds 
than have before been seen on their respective 

Tlie season of 1879 wUI see the old Boston Clnb's 
cbamnlon team scatteted East and West, North 
and Sonth. The old team were White, Spald- 
ing; Bamea, UcTey, Soliaier, George Wright, Leon- 
ard, O'Roorke and "»""'"g Cincinnati in the West 
takes White, Barnes and MoVey: Chicago retains 
Spalding; Providence has George Wright and 
0*Roorte; and Albany has captured Leonard. Man- 
ning and Schafer. To replace these Uany Wright 
has an inHeld team which has trained together— 
with one e.^ceptlon— for a whole season, viz., Sny- 
der, Bond, Uorrlll, Burdock and Sntton. The others 
are entirely new men. and to this extent the team Is 
neoesKarUy weaker than Its predecessor. Provi- 
dence has a new team, which has been stlcngthened 
since 1878 Just where It was weakest, viz., captain 
and Bhart«top. Clndnnatl, too. has been greatly 
Improved ta a weak spot, end that was Its want of a 
team working In harmony together. AU three of 
these teams are to a certain extent experimental 
nines, but not to the degree requiring a whole seas- 
on's i))ay to get them Into working order, as all of 
the Leagne nines of 1878 were except the Boston. 
It may, therefore, be Ihlrly said that it is a square 
toas-np A to which of thefie three wOI take the lead 
In aie pennant race by next September. 

As for the other Leagne nines there Is Uttie to choose 
between fonr of them as to their chances for tilling 
op the gaps left by the three above named. Chicago 
has a list of strong playets, but the management 
does iMt promise a more succcssfbl issue than Hie 
dub reached In 187$, nor Is It more likely to be a 
team that wUl work lietter In harness than Its prede- 
cessor. That it wlU be closely fallowed np by the 
BoUhlo and ByrBcane, If not by the Troy, Is very 
llkdy. An fbr Cleveland, It has to be said that It Is 
the most expertmental team of the whole. 

In the Nadonal arena It Is not easy to point out 
the teams which promise to take the lead. The 
fiialngBeld Is kwked upon as the most promising. 
Tbowlsthlato be sold about them— this yearwUI 
see Ferguson their captain. In fbU command of the 
nine; and if he docs not succeed better than he did 
In Chicago lie cannot faU lack on the excuse he had 
last season, which was that the boss of the Chicago 
Club Interfered too much with his position as man- 
ager. The National teams are oU pretty equal In one 
thing, and that Is they are pretty much experimen^ 
a), requiring half a season's play together to get 
them mto lighting trim. Take It altogether, the out- 
look ror a brilliant Reason's play Is excellent; and the 
protBSBlonals may justly look forward to more satis- 
lactoiy Tesults than they have had for some seasons 

Manager Horace B. Phillips of the Troy City Clnb, 
who has been the past two months In Philadelphia, 
has retained to Troy. McManos and Caskins are In 
dally practice thex«. Bradley and ReDly report 
Apru I, and the rest of the team 10. Of the 
eight Xieagne clubs the Troy Cltys are seventh 
in batting and second in llelding The For- 
est Club of Bockford. m., wiU present the 
foUowlng nine for 1878: J. Kowe, catcher; D. Jtowe, 
pitcher; Goodman. Creamer and Coons on the 
oases; Redmond, short-stop; with Golden, Nlcol and 
Dorsey In the oiitlleld. The Rowes played last year 
with the Feorlas; Goodman, Creamer, Redimond 
and Golden were coimecied with the deftmct Mll- 
waukees; Ooons halls Itom the Athletloi of Phlla- 
delptda; and Dorsey Is aald to have played with the 

Aabnms dmtng their brief career last year The 

sharohoIdeiBof theTecnmaeh Clnb of London, Can- 
ada, are to be sued for the ontstandlng Indebtedness 
of the club. It Is exceedingly doubtful whether 
anything can be recovered, as similar stills have 
been prosecuted against the Baltlmores, Phlladel- 

pblas and Athletics with hot barren results This 

year's Chlcsgo team will present a veiy variegated 
appearance on the balt-fleid. If we credit the state- 
ment made by a local jonmal to the effect that "each 
player wlU have a dlllbrent colored cap, belt, necktie, 
and stripe arannd stocking at calf of leg. For In- 
stance: Flint's cap, belt, necktie, and Hlilpe win be 
blue; Larkln>B, brown; Anson's, gray; Peters', green; 
Ouesfs, black and yellow; Uanklnson'a, scarlet; 
Williamson's, maroon; Ualiymple's, white: Schaff- 
er*s, red and black; Gore's, blue and white; and 
Hurbldge^ red and white. The stripe on the stock- 
ing will be fluee Inches wide." Among the 

prominent dobs of last year which are gone to the 
sweet bye-and-bye are the Indianapolis, Hllwaukees, 
Lowells, Athletics, Crickets, Hornella, Tecnmsehs, 

I jre Oaks and Rochestera In the ofienhig match 

of the season In Philadelphia, Williamson of the 
Chicagos, and Richardson of the Bniiaios, greatly dls- 
tiugnlahcd clieniselves by their splendid catching and 
batUng, the flrsMiamedpnttlnKont ten men and be- 
ing credited with live clean hits, indudlng a three- 
)>a!ier, and Rlchanlsonpattlngoacfoarmen and tiav- 
iiuc foor clean hits, three of which were cwo-basers. 
WUey's ahortstopplng on a roogh groimd was also re- 
markahle, assist logos he did no less than ten times. . . 
Two prominent pool-sellers of Bostonare to maintain 
;i :>imllar establishment in Chicago this !%asan, where 
the moral atmosphere b) more congenial to their 

bu-slness Hicks Uayhurst, the veteran baseball 

manager of Philadelphia, was honored recently by 
the Wheatley Dramatic Association of that city with 

an unanimous election as president Harvard 

has wen the college championship four times in the 
last six years The uagne^ left-handed bats- 
men areoaliymple, George ScbalKr,Har1>li1ge, Gore, 
Jim White, Dldtlnson,;Ho(allng, JohnlVBbarke, York 

and Start Malor Bark, iha weS-known mlU- 

lary act performer, while on a recent professional 
tour through Getinany, Indnlg^'ln a game of 
baseball in Lelpslc, In mmjifi with a party 
of yoimg Americans tempoiaiftr sojourning In 
that ci^, the aeemingly-qaeer amons of the con- 
testants greatly astonishing the staid natives 

The Alhonys last year had the best batting and Held- 
Ing averages of the twenty most prominent profes- 
sional nines in the count^, being followed closely 
by the OUcagos In batting and the Boilhlos In field- 
ing April 3 has been designated as Fast Day In 

Maaaachtieeaii, and will be the date of the opening 
games of the Bostons, Woreesters and New Bed- 
fords The &cuUy at Dartmouth CoUege win 

aUow ttie iOndents a week'a vacation in May or Jime 
to enter into bBsehwII contest with other colleges. . . . 
Sonth Bend, Ind., is to be represented this season by 
an amatenr nine, indndlng Peak, catcher; Knrtz, 
pitcher; Staple, Bacon and Pciks, basemen; Johnson, 
short stop: and K. Deacon, Bockstrob, and John 
Deacon in (he ontfleld. AU commnnioattons should 
be addressed to Harvey Deacon, Sonth Bend, Ind< 
Harry Amndel and Bnahong have been prac- 
ticing pttcfilng and catching donng the laat three 

moouu tn Danvine, Dl. Both tialt irom Phlladel- 

Ehia, Pb^ Anmdel having nttcbed for the Bing- 
&mton Orieketa and Baltunoiea, and Buahong 

^tyhing for the Utlcas last season The 

Defianoea, who for the past three seasons have 
stnbbomly contested the Athletics' claim to the 
champlonahlp of Philadelphia, have lately been le- 
oiganlzed, and areofllceted as follows: Richard Mc- 
Cartney, manager; P. J. Lynch, James Lynch, John 
Wentsl and OwenHcGtath. Thelrnlne,Ulsdalmed, 
will Ik selected ITOm Deasley, Lomaa, WUey and 
Beuters of last year's Athletics, and Barber, Slater, 
McCartney, LandLs Firth and Qopeland. All com- 
monlcatlons for the Dedances should be addressed to 
1,3»CBdwalladerstreet,PhUsdelphla,Fa. Itshonld 
be meottoned that \ruej'B servtcea are claimed by 

two or three other ctnbe iBond, Monfll, Sutton 

and Burdock reported for dn^ at the gymnoslam, 
Boston, Masa., March 16; and Snyder. Honok, Jones, 
O'Roorke, Hawes and FMey— the remainder of the 
Boston*Bteam for 1879— an to report ApiOl.... The 
Canlial city canbtif Albany. M. Y., is ona firm finan- 
cial basta, aU reports to tbe oontrair natwUbatandlng. 
...oJIcKdvey, who was engaged toidaorlntlieAi- 

ba^ nine, In : a letter to Manager Meyers, says: 
I lost wrote yoii ' Important' Ranges Tiave 
taken place In all -my anangementa. ■Dioee things 
hAEve happened which Indaoe me to give Qppro&s- 
atonal bau-idayliie. On fiatnrdaynext I leave here 
for Salt I^B Ol&r, to' act OS derfc In the Walker 
Honse of that pIaoe.''.~.—TIie Boetoii Club wUl open 
play for the season — ^weather permitting — on Fast- 
day, Tbursday, April 3. The team play against a 
strong picked nine two games of six innings each. 
Bond and Snyder wm pitch and catch in the first 

Sme, and Fdey and Hhwcs in the second game for 
e Bostons. On Saturday, April 6, they are to play 
the Harvaids, and again on the following Saturday, 

April 13 At a meeting of the Bnfihlo Amatenr 

Association, at Bollhlo, March 19, the I>eagne play- 
ing-rnles were adopted, with the exception of the 
ru)es doing away with foul-bound catches, and 
amending the power of the imiplre so that he can 
only Impose a fine of not less than $1 nor more than 

ti upon a disobedient player The Troy Club team 

win be tmifanned with Ught-gtay (bine tlngelpants. 
caps and shirts, the latter with monogiam *T. C.;" 
cai4Inal red trimmings, belts and stocUngs of car- 
dinal red Manager Cammeyer, in a note tons, 

says: "Wehaveneveryetopenednntlltheinlddleof 
April, as onr clay bottom requires a longtime to dry." 
So tbe opening of the Union Groimdsfor the Spring 

toomey games may be set down for April 10 

The pedestrian mania has reached Washington. D. 
C, and Snyder and Honck are gerioasly contem- 
plating a tramp from there to Boston, Instead of 
•laiiroadlng'' It to join the champion nine on April 

1 The Fhoenlxs of Fhoenlxville, Pa., have re- 

orgaiilzed for the season The basebaU season at 

Galveston, Texas, was opened Ibrch 16 Secte- 

taiy Williams annoimcts that the entries for the 
championship of the National Association dosed 
March ao,_wlth the following nine dabs entered: 
Udcas of ntlca, N. Y.; Albanys and Capitol Citm of 
Albany, N. Y.; Sprlngflelds of Spriti^eld, Mass.; 
Holyoke of Holyoke, Mass.; Worcestera of Wor- 
cester, Mass. ; New Bedfotda of New Bedford, Mass. : 
Manchesteis of Manchester, N. H.; hnd Nationals of 
Wsshlngton, D. C. The Defiance Club of Philadel- 
phia has been admitted to membership In the Na- 
tional Association ^.At the regular aimnal meet- 
ing of the Mntoal B. B. C of Washington, D. C, on 
Mareh IS, the following ofllcera were elected: Presi- 
dent, W. W. Grymes; vice-president S. Burnettisecre- 
tary and treasurer, O. F. Brncc; captain, J. H. Smith; 
dlrectora, C F. Bruce, I. L. Brooks, C W. Whltton, ' 
W. E. Winston and 0. Ooakley. AU communications 
should be addressed to C. F. Bmce, 37 G street, 

Washington, D. c Diamond and McGrath. ihe 

l>ttcber and catcher of the East Hampton CUpi>er8 of 
1877, are practicing daUy in the gymnaalnm at East 
HamptoiL Mass E. P. Atwater, the change- 
pitcher of the old Red Stockings, pobUshes a card in 
a Chicago paper claiming that the ptesent short-hand 
system of keeplne tbe score of the game was In- 
vented by Chas. H. Oonld'inisas. Atwater Is mis- 
taken, as the writer of this paragraph nsed the pres- 
ent short-hand system of scoring as far back as 18M, 
It being the Invention of the baseball editor of The 
Cupper,! and ^ the first time we have ever 

heard of any rtval claimant Oeoige Smith, the 

manager or the BnfllUoes Inst year, was presented 
on Mareh 19 with a handsomely-ITamed photograph 

of the International champions At a meeting of 

the directora of the Albany Clnb, Mareh 29, at Albany, 
N. Y., J. EL Glirord was nnanlmonsly chosen man- 
ager. This genlleman Is weU fitted for such a re- 
sponsible posltloiL f. B. GlObrd may be remembered 
ftom hLicoimectlon as manager with the Champion 
Cl^ of Springfield, 0., In 1877, and the Utlcas in 1878, 

'X'lUS n jkum ^jg vwm. a tiip.¥.¥» T¥T a ^ 

The second game between proliefislonal nines repre- 
senting respectively the npper and lower sections of 
Philadelphia, was played March 20, on the inclosed 
ground at Twenty-fourth street and Ridge avenue, as 
a complimentary benefit to Charles Mason, a worthy 
young player who had guarded first base for the Ath- 
letics last year, and who Is now laid op by sickness. 
Tbe players Included WUIIammn. ScbalDir und Hor- 
bldge of tbe Chicagos; Richardson and Crowley of 
the BniliiiloA; HcGcaryand Hague of the rrovldenccii; 
Dnnlap and Rocap of the Albanys: Bnulley and 
Manager PhllUps of the Troys; Warner of the Clevc- 
lands; Knlghi of the Worcestera; and WUey of the 
AthleHcA. Of the announced nines, Fulmcr. LatT 
and Myers of the Downtown, and Stovey. Richmond 
and Creamer of Uptown were coniiiilcnoua by 
reason of Ibelr absence. Notwlth-ilandlng the ctillly 
aspect of the weather, the attendance was good, the 
giand-stand being fiUed. and the liveliest Interest 
taken In the game, which residted In a victory for 
Uptown, thus reversing tbe result of the first eon- 
test and necessitating an additional one. The ground 
was In rather poor condition, which wlU account in 
a measure for the comparatively large scoro made 
by each nine: the battinjr. however, bclnjr excellent 
throughout, Warner and Williamson exceUIng In that 
respect, the former being credited with a couple of 
two-baseis, one of which ttrought home two men In 
the first inning. Dnnlap's second-tiase play, Wil- 
liamson's catching, and a splendid nmnlng-catch at 
left-field by Crowley were the noteworthy fielding fea- 
tures of this game, the score of which we give below 

WIlllamMD, e.. 


, 3 3 6 C 

Knljclit, lat b. 3 2 II 

Mcueajy, s. s 0 0 2 

Bradley, p I l 0 

Hivae.Silb 0 1 I 

Ilarbldfte. 2db.... 2 0 1 

ScliaO-er.r. f. I 1 2 

Rocap. Lf. 0 I 1 

PhUlliia,e. f. 0 0 3 

Vowxmtm. icIaro.A. 
Rlchajdson. 3<1 b. . 0 2 0 0 

Dunlap, 2d b I 

Crowley, L t 2 

Devlin, p 1 

Womer, c. r. I 

Abadle, Im b. .. 

Kelly, r.f. 

Wiley, H. n 0 

Banker, c 0 

1 4 

1 S 

2 0 

3 4 
1 0 11 

■ I I 
0 1 

Totals 10 9 27 16 TotoLl. 6 12 27 13 

Uptown. 220-02000 4—10 

Downtown 2 0 0 0 0 0 O .t 1— S 

Ronn eanied — Uptown. 2; Downtown. 4. Two-boM 
hlt«— Wuner (2), RlcbardPon, Relly, WUIIanuoD and 
Knigbt. Umpire, Ur. Spajkefl. Time. Ih. Um. 

The National Association Bulletd.-.— The fal- 
lowing Is the latest from Secretary Williams: 

I bare i cce i ie d nottcv of the ccmpletlon of the ibllowln); 
CDntrafta for tbo Kcamn of 1879. to-wlt: Between the Vm^ 
tlonal B. B. Clab of Wafhlocton. D. C and J. 8. Holhnjn- 
hrid. a. II. I>ert>y, & W. Ttntt, J. J. EUlck, W. II. HcClrl- 
Un. JmJt. Farrell. O. Blelavkl. John Lvneh, Leon Dallu, 
and P. Baker; Mnndienters and C. J. Sweaty: and Utlcas 
antlJo^. I>unnlean. Spr1n)rtlfld hnj<.appo)ncei) Charles E. 
DanicU. W. B. Uorton. Apd O. P. Plchl -amptres for 1839. 
F. G. Mnlone baA reiOcned. and C L. Parrlnfcton haa been 
appointed a member of the Schedule Comnltfe. Very 
reepectAill*-, J. A. Wiluajis, Secretary I. B. B. A. 

TnK OLD State faik gronnd main building, Troy 
and Allany road. Is to tic used for early Spring base- 
ball practice by the Troy CI ul>. Thenewgrand-Htand 
on the Troy Club's ground Is to sent 3.000 people. 
The new uniform of the clnb will be light cordnroy 
pants, red side cords, scariet stockings, gray Oannel 
shirt, trimmed with red, and "T. C." In red letters 
on breast. Jacket and hat not decided upon. 



Below we publish an account taken from TheHuO- 
son (S. Y.) SemMtcan of a fifty-mile walk made 
there on March 16 by a young lady whom the mana- 
ger, J. T. Huntley, uforms us has been In this coim- 
tiy but two months, and who will prolnbly be seen 
in New York City ere loojr: "At Joat 11 o'clock on 
Saturday morning Miss Marie Le Fhrge started at 
City Hall to walk fifty miles In twelve honn. Miss 
Le Farge Is a plncky Uttle English glri, who has 
twice liefore attempted the ta/ik without snccesa, 
old Father Time having beaten her by six minutes 
In . her best effort. SatnnlBv found her in better 
tialnlng and In snperb physical condition. At- 
tired In a becoming walking costume, her feet en- 
cased In a serviceable pair of walkliig shoes, she 
stepped bravely off over the aawdost track, twen^- 
sbc laps of wbfcb meastued a mile, and. with occa- 
sional rests, she continued to roU off the miles at tbe 
rete of five to the hoar tin her task was finaUy ac- 
coinpllBbed. Miss Le Forge is at once a gracelbl and 
sttirdy walker, and shows great powers of endur- 
ance. Her progress was watched with deep interest 
by a large gathering of orderiy people, Ineludlng 
nnmerons representatives of her own sex, who loud- 
ly applauded each bnret of speed and each an- 
nonncement that the Uttle woman was ahead of 
time. Miss Le Farge had neariy half an hour to 
spare, finishing her task at ia31-.&4, having made 
eight stops for rest and refteshment, using up 1.18:06, 
thns leaving the actual walking time 10.13:48. She 
was warmly greeted at the close, and physicians 
present were surprised to see how Uttle she showed 
the effects of her arduous task. After bowing ber 
acknowledgments for her reception on the stage, she 
seated herself at the piano and plaved several popu- 
lar airs, and then, accompanied by Prof. Kelley upon 
the piano, sang several bsUads; but walking Ih Miss 
LeFarge's best forte. Manager Himtley kept the best 
of order, and prohibited smoking. Miss Le Farge has 
engagements at Flttsfield, Mass., and at Newbur?." 

WALEiNa at Bocton.— On March 13 two contests 
took place at SL James Riding Academy, Boston, 
Mass. The firat wos for a sUver medal, three miles, 
and was won by J. W. Wilson In 27m. 30s., W. Jen- 
kins being second in Sim. 2n.; C. E. Stanwood with 
drew on the second mile. The second conte.«t was 
for $2& a side, and wa.1 over a distance of twenty-five 
miles, but C. E. Starr gave np on the tenth lap of the 
eleventh mile, and after traveling twelve miles In 2b. 

llm. 308. J. Edwards was aUowed to stop At 

Wall's HaU, the same evening, Ida Blackwell was 
taken sick on her twelfth mile, and had to retire from 
a contest wllh U. E. Nutting, who was aUeged to 
have walked twenty miles in 3h. 3Sm. P. H. Moynl- 
han won a gold medal In a five-mile walk for ama- 

teoni, and W. H. Holt walked an exhibition 

Mareh 14, at St James Riding Academy. MLts Aimle 
Tweed and Miss Teimlc Chase walked a ten-mUe 
match, the latter wlthdraik-lng after walking five 
miles In fl6m. S33.. and Miss Tweed completing ten 
mUes In 2h. um. .Ma. 

n AKVARD ATBLsrES. — The memt>er8 of the Harvard 
Athletic Association held an exhibition in the gym- 
nasium Mareh lit, some fonr himdred persons being 
present, R. W. Ellis won the prize, a cup, for pro- 
ficleuCT in exercises on the horizontal-bar, defeating 
H. N. Fowler. In Indlan-cIub swinging, or rather 
Jnagllng, J. T. Howe again carried off the prize. W. 
Watson, F. F. Sueatlien and C. H. W. Fosler all 
vaulted over the bar at eft 3Iil, but Watson did his 
work the cleanest and won the prize. The entries 
for the middle-weight sparring coinpetltlon were 
Ramon Gulteraa, Cliffonl Brigham, E. D. Hawkins, 
w. A. Ga.ston. J. F. Burr Jr., and Sherman Hoar. 
The bouts consisted of three rotmds eaoh, three 
minutes toaroiud and a minute interval.- In the 
first Gtilteras beat Brigham, Gaston beat Hawkins In 
the second, and the third was won by Gnlteras after 
a determined battle with Burr, in which each had 
.hlH nusubled. 

WAifiKG tN jkbset Orrr.— The records mode by 
amateur walkers at the -l-honr tournament recently 
beld at the St James Blnk were as foUow, the track 
measuring 4i laps to the mUe: Angnst Fetter of "Ho- 
boken. 21 mUes 38 laps, his fastest mile being 9m. 27a. 
and tils average lom. 69){a. to a mile. Edward 
Ferine of Bergen, 23 miles; fastest mUe, 9m. 448-; 
aveinge, 10m. U)(b. Thomas Smith of Jersey Ci^, 
23 mOes 19 laps; fastest mile, 8m. 22a.; average, lom. 
14s. Chas. Brulckman of Hudson Ci^, 21 mUes 24 
laps; latest mile. em. 388.; average, llm. 31Ks. 
Henry Steele of Marlon, 12 mnea 12 laps tn ZIl 4m. 
41a., when he withdrew; fastest mUe, 9m. 189.; aver- 
age, ISm. 90a. Chaa. Dowling of Hndson City, 22 
mDes 11 laps; tutest mUe, em. 3SB.: average, lom. 
Ms. Tbe fiistprize, a sOver tea-set of six pieces, was 
awarded to Tnoa, Smith, and the ae^nd, a hand- 
some swinging sUver water pitcher and cup, was 
awarded to Chas. Dowling. 

Geo. H. Hosheb and Daniel F. BnlUvan engaged 
inafUty-mUe walldng-mateh in Revere Han, Als- 
ton, Mass., "for $100 and the scuUers' waiting 
championship," Mareh 17,16. It was. neariy three 
o'dook p. K. when the men were started, and after 
a rather nnlnteresttng contest the aeventeentli mUe 
of wtucb waa by motnal consent ran and tbe other 
mUes walked. Hoemer, at 1 a. ic, was dedared the 
Winner, he havliig gone 40 mUes 8 laps, and Sulli- 
van 40 mnea. The contestants were naturally ac- 
commodating, repeatedly leUilug irom and rettim- 
ing to the track at the same time, and otherwlse- 
oondnetlng themsdves In a manner calcnlated to 
Impress the spectators wlib the beUef that no stakes 
depended on the issue. Be'eree, John Haydock. 
Jn^<rea, Cf A. Dogan and X r. Buton. - nmekeeper, 
J. H Dyer. 

SrAiBM ISLAND -A. a— The annnal meettngof the 
Btaten lahind Athletla cmb was held at the noma of 
the Keptnne Bowing C1dI>, West New Brlj^toii, & L, 
Wednesday evening, Mareh 12. There was a large 
attendance. The reports from the treasurer, cap- 
tain and board of management showed the dub to 
be in a flourishing oaadUon; The election of omoere 
resulted as foUowa: President Wm: K. Sontter; 
vice-president, David J. H. WlUcox; recording secre. 
taiy, Henry W. J. TellUr; treasurer, Wm. A. Collins 
Jr.; corresponding secretary, Bobt P. G. Bncklln; 
captain, Oliver T. Johnson; first llentenant Clarence 
M. Johnson; second Ueutenant Frank G. Janssen; 
trustees— F. L. Rodewald, John W, Edwards, Hios. 
Chute, H. A. Ctesar, A. L. Farls and John H. Simmer. 

T. J. BABRTOf the Harvard Law School, In a 
match with Simon J. Fleming, at Walt's HaU, Sonth 
Boston, Mass., Mareh 14, accomplished the feat of 
walking five miles in forty-three mlnntes apd fifty- 
six seconds. The track measured 30 4-6 laps to the 
mile. At the finish Fleming wss eight laps behind. 
At the dose of the race a match was made between 
Barry and H. H. Holt to walk the same distance for 
$60 within two weeks at the same halL Barry is in 
Gaining with Tommy Drohan, who sends ns this in- 
formation, from which it wotild appear that Holt 
has cut loose from the amatenr ranks. 

The Caubbidge UNivEBaiTC A. C. having resolved 
not to expnnge either hammer-throwing orwelgb^ 
potting from the inter-nnlverslty sports, the Oxfoitl 
A. C on. March 3 oflbted Bpedal prises to all who 
reach 100 feet with the hammer and 33 feet with the 
shot; bntthegrestestdlstances coveted were: Ham- 
mer, Mft lOiiL, w. Lawrence; weight 31ft 71il, 1L 
Shearman. Unless the distances mentioned are 
reached at the Univeislty sports, Oxford win not be 
represented at the Inter-colleglate meeting on April 4. 

The Laeeman Club four-oared crew bad a benefit 
at Cockerel HaU, Boston, Mass., March 18, and the 
afihiryidded some profit Tbe programme consisted 
of songs, dances, instrumental music, Irish sketches, 
extUbldons on the rowing machines by Geo. Faulk- 
ner, J. A. Keimedy and the benefldaries, and boxing 
bonts between Jimmy oaUagherand Patsy O'Hara, 
Sammy Blake andTlm McCarthy, and Charley O'Hara 
and GalKr CotmoUy. M. F. Davis presented a set of 
his patent rowlocks to the Iceman crew. 

at QniKcr, Mass., on March 16, a ten-mUe walk, 
for tio to first and %6 to second, took place at the 
town-halt . Thomas Faircloth won in lb. 48m. 6&s., 
Wallace Cunningham second. A three-mUe race 
was contested by Wm. Carvey, Thos. Barry, and an 
nnknoTm. Garvey won In 27miii. A half-hour go- 
as-yoo-please contest for $6, was won by Michad 
Sweeney, who covered two mUcs and tblrty-elx laps 
(forty to the mile). 

Sao-WAS-CAE-MKiTK.— Geo. W. Bowlsby Jr. has re- 
sumed his poeltlan as one of the Sho-wae-cas-mette 
four-oared crew, Joseph Nadean retiring, and tbe 
composlUon of the crew for 1879 Is as follows: Hoses 
Nadean. bow and captalii; W. H. Dnrell, midship- 
forward; G. W. Bowlsby, mldshlp-aft; Stephen Ues- 
seau. stroke. The accession of Bowlsby has un- 
doubtedly strengthened the crew, besides bringing 
to It a fine alngle-scnUer. 

ALFRED ELSON, the New England pedestrian, de- 
feated Caleb Washington In a six days' go-as-you- contest at Poughkeepele, N. Y., coding March 
16. It bi said that the winner covered 413 miles 4 
laps In 143h. lOA., and tlic loser 392 mUes 1 lap In 
Mlh. 34m. We would Uke to receive full parUculats 
reganllng exact length of tiack, with transcript of 
score-sheet and certificate from the judges and 

Wniu Miss Ida Blaccweli. was walking her 
10a.mlle match ajtalnst time at Union UaU, Cam- 
bridge, Masa.. on March 17, during her absence tmm 
the truck E. E. Merrill Is said to have walked five 
mues ln40m. 8s.; H. E. Nutting two miles In lem.; 
and W. F. Green won a gold me<lal by covering five 
miles In 40m. 638.; C. Cashing taking second prize, a 
Bllver medal, his time being 47m. Sis. 

Eugene McCartdy was tne winner or a twentv- 
flve-mlle walking match with Feter Want at Saund- 
ers' Hon, Lawrence, Mass., March 16. Ward was 
token Alck, and gavo np alter he had walked 16 miles 
and 8 laps, and McCarthy was not required to con- 
tinue after he hod finished hbs twentieth mile, he 
havlmr walked that distance In 3h. asm. 37s. Ref- 
eree, M. T. NevlUe. 

AHTHint Hakooce and WiUlam Howes have been 
matched to walk for the 60-mllc championship 
chaUengc-cnp (held by the former) and £60 a side, at 
Agricultural UaU, London, May 17. 



It Is within the range of prohablli^ that the project 
for two tournaments in April and May next may be 
modified, if not deferred. There is one player who, 
as eveiy other expert Knoirs, wotUd not be allowed 
to take pan In them in any even}, and all sorts of 
plausible excuses have tieen framed for Jostil^ng a 
step that was Inevitable. But while the absence of 
Scbaefer would oBect at least the first of tbe tourna- 
ments, it would not prevent their being held, as there 
are playereenough to carrythem through successful y 
wlthont his cooperation. Even the presence of Vlgn- 
aux, which we have never deemed probable, was 
not counted upon, or at least It should not have 
been. It Is now certain that he will not come. The 
ap|>ended extract ITom a letter shows that Gamler'a 
mission In behalf of himself and Dan Straosa has 
been unproductive: 

I have been here, as 1 aoppoM you know, mnce last Uon- 
day night. Tueoday I went to see our fHend Mjniaux, Imt. 
to my sreat rctcret. It haa been ImpoMlble for mc to Induce 
him to retnra with me for the present I ofTervd lUm 6.000 
fVancM, whether he lost or won, and S200 per month alter 
the tournament This not to Indodo nlB expeniteft. I 
oITered blm alao the opportunity of playlne a match with 
Berton for $300, jon and 1 pultlni; up the money, and 
gtvlogtabs belt shonld he win. AU theK offers Culed to 
Induce hlfb to come. He nays tluit after tbe month of 
June he coold not make enough money In Amcrlea. 1 
told btm that ve ctmld pIav at Coney Inland and many 
AU theee taued to have any sacceea; HO I am 

otb«r4>lacn. , , , , 

greatly dlaappolnted. and do not imow what to do. Ite 
■ays be la vUlIng to sign an agreement with me to maka 
an cnvaccment to leave after the month of Anj^oat, I 
think be la a llttlo a£rald of ovMudn^ tlte water. Kow, there 
Is anoUier propoaltlon that I bare made to him. and which 
eeems to pieoae him xreatly— tills U, to play In tbe tounu- 
meat without the soard (rail). Vlfnuux, however, would 
play any way— that Is, we guaranteelnft hUD $1,000: but he 
would not play before tbe datea itiren abore. Fleaie let 
me hear from you at once, as I can make no amngementa 
without flint beaimg ITom you. 

It has taken a longtime to hear from Gamier, who 
left here on Feb. Zl. saw Vignan.T on March 4, and 
on the latter date might In ten words tiave cabled all 
thattho American public care to know. There Lt 
nothing alarmhig in Gamlcr's letter. That vigimux 
will not participate shonld not Interfere with the 
tournaments. But in what VIgnaux himself writes 
to Dan Strauss there seems to lurk a scheme that 
will deprive the tournament of more playera than 
Vlsnanx and Scbaefer: 

Kow, there laaitreat deal to he done m ParLi. OftbU 
I have frequently written to yoa; and In the Intervjit of 
Oamler I would advlae bim to remain here until Anguat, 
at which time 1 win accompany him to New York. We can 
tUl then play at the various duba, and give exhibitions. 

It need not surprise anyone to leam that Gamier 
will "remain there nntU August" It did not sur- 
prise ns to leam early on the momlng of Mareh 22 
that that afternoon Maurice Daly, in response to a 
cable dispatch received a few hours before, to the 
eOfectthat there was plenty of money for him to 
make tn France, was to saU for that conntiy. We 
were furthermore informed that whUe Daly was to 
co-operate with Gamier and VIgnanx on the other 
aide m a acheme that was not new to parties on this 
Bide, and whUe be was to go to Strauss' room and 
get Gamler'a ones and take them over, Strauss him- 
self np to this writing has no cognizance of 
the matter. How much of this Is tme will ap- 
pear later. The first step in the programme. 
If the programme has been correctly trntismltted to 
US, will be the deiiartnre of Daly. It was requested 
that his proposed sailing should not be mentioned 
by us until after four o'clock on the afternoon of 
March 22, by which boor he woiUd have saUed. 
vrbj he shonld saU so soon, when next week 
would answer as weU, la not dear, unless, liav* 
Ing been In commimlcatlon with Vlgiiaux and Gar- 
nler aU along, he bos been prepared to aaU as.soon 
as he received his cue — and Gamler'a. Nor Is it 
clear, Rapposlng that Daly goes, how any money con 
be made In France, where the "roU" woiUd not lie tol- 
erated for any length of time, by a player who without 
the "raU" coold not beat Gamier or VIgnanx even- 
up once In a month, except In a veiy short game. 

Kothlng bos been left imdone to break np the Col- 
lender tonmaments. There have been more schemes 
afoot than Mr. C, himself has any idea oL Some 
time ago he had his attention called to one, bat re- 
fbsed to ctedlt It Inasmuch as there was no direct 
downright evidence of it It may tnra out that this 
profenslonal project In France on the part of VIgn- 
aux, Oamler and Daly Is a scheme concocted on 
this side in order to keep Gamier and Daly out of 
this Spring's tournaments. Our advice to Mr. Cul- 
lender Is that notwithstanding he thinks that Slos- 
son. Sexton, Plot and Rudolphe arestUl left him 
OS a working field, he abandon oil Idea of hold- 
ing the tournaments in April and May, without 
giving even so much as a hint as to when he 
WlU hold them. He should, in fact keep his own 
counsel. Had he not announced that be woold hold 
a tournament in this city In January last there 
would have been none here In Junnary and FebmaiT, 
The tournament held here wa.s his, taken out of his 
hands and turned over to other partle.s. This Is of 
very Utile conseqnence, because he might have held 
hlH totunament fn spite of the turaltig-over; but It Is 
grimly suggestive tluit the tourooiiiunt that -was 
actually held appropriated not only Mr. a's rules of 
the three-ban game, speckUly drawn np hv Isidore 
Gayrand In 1873 for Challenge Cnp contests, but 
abio the ChoUenge Cup men, the only changes 
bcUig the liLxertlon of tbe words "Billiard Emblem" 
wherever "ChoUenge Cup" occurs, and the omls- 
!<lon of the Wonl "Ck>llender." Thus, amusingly 
enough, Mr. CoUender's on-n proiierty wss avaUed 
of to give force to a rival "champlonstdp of. 
the worid" whUe Mr. Cs "championship of the 
worid" series of games were still pending, the 
ChaUenge Cnp never having, owing to causes beyond 
the control of either Its donor or any American 
player, been held "for eighteen months against aU 
comers," as reqidred by the roles that nowgovem 
both tbe ChaUenge Cup and the BQllaid Emblem. It 
la onr further advice to Mr. CoUender that the $2,600 
he offfeiB as prizes would do him more good in 1880 
than in the Spring of 1879; and by way of inducing 
him to abandon his tonmaments at least temporarily 
we BhaU here teU him wliat he does not know. 
Notwithstanding that marked Uberallty as to prizes 
has already characterlned his hotise— the lowest 
sum It has ^ven In abont sixteen years being $1,600 
for six games, all playedin one week— yet as soon 
as it ahonid have become positively known that 
Vlgnauz and Plot would play In these tournaments, 
even With Scbaefer omitted, an attempt wotild have 
been made to force him to giveatwast $4,000 in 

Srizea One American player thought abont $6,000 
le proper figore, althougn bnt ab^n time ago 
eight or them played for three weeks and a idgnt 
for a total of $2,100. As Tignattx la not com- 
ing, Mr. (kinender win save at least $1,600; and if 
he takes our sdvlce as to the tonmaments he win 
save $2,600 more. Precisely aa the playen are 
rlgbc In aylng to get $6,000 when t2,600woald pay 
them well, so also would Mr. CoUender be right In 
not risking $2,600 oranyleas sum when tie otrald 
possibly snbeerve his own Interests as mnch by not- 
Instlbnrtng any tournament at this gloomy peiiod In 
ttieUfeof bUUards. We see something looming tip 
in the distance bj which more money can be inade 
In one night than a month of tonmament ought to 
realize. .And we are not the only persons who have 
seenit Afterthe skies brighten again wm bethe 
time for more tonmaments. 

lorons, Sonth street One membwofaisarg^ waBhlB 
brotJ&in-law, and was shot and kinod abontljf'- 
Of this honse Galvin was for several »"3SSE 
the manager, and he made some money there, woicn 
he lanedto hnsbond. oriateyearahohadbeenooii- 
nertSd with John T. BeevM' WlUMd^rooBjWlth 
BemsteUi's in the Spring of 187a, '™£.™iJ?2,S 
Stianss' later, and for thepast yap'^**~i!!r£i5 
samplMoom, In the Ninth W&rd. I^a "^e^SSSS 
many Ittends, and possessed the happy knac^ to- 
valuable toapubUtSiofbdng aUe » Jpgjdle ^ 
sorts of natarei, whether giants or V>et^^J^^ 
out engendering Ul feeUngor creating noise ordls- 
ttirbance of any kind. 

— M#M 

BOUTS AT VOOIt. _ _ . 
KaUcIkt the Iieader, IjMjntmt Heeona, 
mnd Wablstrom Koxt B«at. 

The fifteen-baU tournament aimounoed in onrlaat 
or money prizes was begun at John D. and Joseph 
O'Connor's Union-square Booms, this dW, on tne 
night of Matdi 19. TTie contestants were Ootthard 
E!^iSl^SS:samud P, Knight and Albert KLLmi- 
r rt: and the opening match was played t»y tne 
SHcde, who has become a trifle rusty In conseqnenM 
of lacking proper piacUce. and by I^fnJJfK 'J?' 

nn«r InHharan of Oie. OVJonnora' POOl-taWe, IS hav- 

DsATR OP AN OuvruB Pbofbssiokai.— John Gal- 
vln was bnrted last week. He had beenaUing fora 
year or more, bnt nevetthdess died mexpectedly, at 
his residence. In Bedford street He was about 
thirty-nine yean of age. had been a blllJard-player of 
lUr skfll In the days of "aafety" and the 8x12 table, 
and was vreU known to almost aU leading experts. 
He had been connected with many tooms in . this 
dl^, and about 1803-4 was employed in one tn Wash- 
ington, D. a lathelatteryearliebecamebaikeqier 
forOoIdlhwalt A OahUl at 186 Slztli avenue, where 
be also -played a bOUaid match or so. Promthat 
room he -went to the MtahUaliSMnt of Anon A 

now m charge of the O-Oonnore' pool-tawe, 
ing opportunities for good practice. The inittol 
bSio vras very close, Wahlstrom loalngit Jiy incnr- 
Fing a "mark" through pocketing the cne-bau. The 
second and third games were alro BOJied by Uim- 
bert but the next fonr feU to the swede, who In the 
ninth "heUed" all the balls. In the eighteenth Lam- 
bert "skunked" bis -opponent and at thetwenaetn 
they were "gamesters," with ten games u> the credit 
of each. EventuaUy umbert was victorious by the 
Lamhert.-!, 1, 1, 0, 0, a 0^ I. ^ 0; 1, 4 Ok 1. Ok 1, 0, I, 1, 1. 

••|fSitJii;.y;8;i:l:l:^,i.i, oii.a i.o; o. 

''Themateh'oi^tlio folloirtng night was between 
Lambert and the player who has ctasUenged Widil- 
strom for the champlonshla Lambert had won six 
games out of eight before Knlgtat began tofUIy re- 
alize that he was in danger. Thenceforward con- 
siderable "safety" was indulged In by both contest- 
ants, KtUgfat occasionaUy crossing his hands upon 
his breast and contemplatively surveying tne field 
of battle after the manner of hla ancestor Napoleon 
L As the dock stmck twdve Knight won the 
twenty-Keventh game, and obtained the lead for tne^ 
first time. When the match was ended, he was two 
games ahead of Lambert: ..... 
Kni«tat-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0. a 1. Ok 1. 1. 0, Ob 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 

'■i^WA}!},'. ?: J: ?: 1: ^ ^>Jk ..a o. i, t * a .. o. o. o. i. 

clo'nlck'^ahuinm 'capture Knigbt in the match of 
tbe Zlst a tie of three would result and the tourna- 
ment wotdd have to lie played over. The sport was 
not to be prolonged, however,. despite the dasbliur 
play of the Swede at the ontset ■ Hla pace would 
have disheartened a less phUosopblcal pool-knlght 
than he had before him on this occasion. As It was, 
Wahlstrom's brilliancy was his ruin, thtis again 
demonstrating that it rtsqulres something more than 
mere brilliancy of execution to be snccesafbl at haz- 
ards, whether the game is the old "Bpo^ball," or 
two-ball pool, or finccn-boU pool. Knight's steadi- 
ness saved him fTom defeat thoagh It was not undl 
the twenty-fifth game that he octnally secare<l the 
l;ad. A Uttle Inck in the way of "scratches" ena- 
bled him to keep at least level with his opponeut 
thereafter, and at un minutes to twelve o'clock the* 
announced prize-money had tieen disposed of as fol- 
lows: $100 to Knight. $40 to Lambert and $10 to the 
Swede. The score of the final gome i^t added: 

Knlgtat-O, 0. 1, OL 0, 0. >> 1. >. 1, 0, 1, Ok <>■ 0, 1. 1, 1, 0; 0, 1, 
1, 0. iri, I, 0, 1, 0, \,\ 6,1, 1-1& 

Wablstrom.— 1, 1, 0, 1, 1. 1. 0, 0. 0, 0: 1, Ok t >, >, 0, 0, 0, 1, 
1, 0, 0. 1, Ok Ok 0, 1, 0, I, 0; 1, I. 6, i-u 



The coming fiftcen-ball-pool champion Is a 
"shaver" employed atsexton'a room. Dan Straoas 
claims that he has the embryo champion billiard- 
player. . -. . .Tbe Haricm ' room opened by T. H. F>erTls 

Is now managed by Ferris A Smith Uenry 

Snedeker has vacate<l the Third-avenue room orig- 
inally opened by Joseph Qleoson The one-handed 

?rofe9eronal John Owen, who has made Nyack, N. 
'., his i^ldence for many yeani past, when not em- 
ployed elsewhere, was In tnls city on the I9th Inst 

C^pt James E. Boyle snggesta that when 

Ok balls are "frozen" In the Champion's Game 
the striker should have the ftirther option of 
spotting only that ball to which his own Is fast 
If tbe CDC-ball Is Out to both, both may be 
spotted, or only one. The Captain thinks that tills 
woold give the player a chance to exerck>e hh< judg- 
ment and BO fkr we agree with him The 

elder John Roberts was one of the conte.stants In a 
handicap tonmament that at last advices was In 
progress at the Faistaff Hotel, Manchester, Bng. 
There are no first-class experts In It an<l yet the 
man who up to nine yeara ago wns virtually cham- 
pion of Eiigland receives 35 points In 400 from 
"scratch," who is Fielding. It hi not pleasant to 
tnink that the great player Roberts was once cannot 

benowilviiig reUiedand In ease ItU deemed 

probable that the contest for the fifteen-ball-pool 
championship, between Wablstrom and Knight wUI 
uke place during the first week of April, at the 

0'(X>nnora' Rooms H. W. CoUender Is again III, 

hariog had a relapse on the leth Inst Sam F. 

Knight Is to open a room in Twenty-ninth street 
The location U that formerly occupied by Johnson's 

pool-room Maurice VIgnanx has recently lost his 

father by death Wm. Sexton and "Yank" Adams 

played at the Tlvoli on the night of March 20 and 

21 We have unearthed a tdce game for Tim 

Flynn. It U "Zhalrman" pinpotri. The strokes 
count all the way ITom one to twenty-nine, and are 
ns liable to count against some players a> (or them . . . 
The amatenr three-baU toumamentatB6xbm'a room 
Is protnesslng nicely. Thus f^ aljont twent? games 
have been played, and Pat Rooneytha vocalist Is 
among the wknners, though his great heft Is at fif- 
teen-ball pooL This Lq a handicap tonmament, 
and one of the contestants Is able to knock out ttom 
twenty-five to thirty-five caroms in sntcesslon, In 
utter contempt of 'tiK ralL " 

••TtTRN Aboitt is Fair Pvav."— The second 
game of the match between Walter R. Vance 
of New Bedford, Mass., and Jerry B. Sullivan 
of FUl River, won played at Greenwood's room. In 
the former city, on March 18. The victor was Vance, 
whose best mns were 32 and 22, while Sulllvan'H 
best wss n. The score was 300 to 179, while that of 
the first game was 300 to 328 in fiivor of Sullivan, best nms then were 20 and 27 against 37 by 


To CorrespondentSc 

Chas. Modu.— Tour method of solvlnii tlie besottfti] 
Eole. ],US la eminently tbe phlloeophical and aatlafactofr 
one: "newa"thankftal]yreoeived. 

"Far West. "—SuEgentoDa of date March 8 received : will 
(rive your end-pame aa noon aa Mr. Atklnaon'a mateh ut 
flnutbed; Mr. SM wbdi ahall be borne In mind. 

IL L. A.— 1. Kol 2. Your checkmate was perfectly ac- 

Latest Nbwh.— Under this very sKreeable head onr 
contributor C. Mohle write*: "On the 16th of April oar 
clnb (Manhattan C ClwOlfAwa^tatUoMvlmUfecluct' 
at tbe Academy of Muidc Tbe neceasary ftands have been 

made np by aubKilptloii. Everytblng la aolnjr along nice. 
ly;, ,aod promtaenaucaeea. Capt. McKenile anTMrTp*! 

will play tbe game Tbe match between D. Oraham 

Batrd and myaeu; $Z> a aide, la reduced to tbe fliKt winner 
of five itamea, and la about eommenelne. Several other 
maichea tiecwecn memben of oar club are talked OL Thla 
maken cheeM Urelj, and our qoartera are atMMit to be en- 

laned N. Gedalla headed the roU ofaan-prtze bearers 

In the recent handicap." rn examining the percentage ol 
the Ato leadem, not oountlnjr ftmctlona, we find a remark- 
able clownen and ananlralty of decreaie— 81, 79, 77, 7B and 
73 percent _ 

MiLDLT Spiced.— On aendlnic hla twenty-tbinl more In 
onr preoent name, Mr. Atkluun obwrredlo tils aauco- 
nlrt that be oonaldered It only a qneatlon of time. Mr. 
Walgbt answered that be "did not think the came ao bope- 
lera aa Mr. X. Imagined; that there was aocli a thlnVu 
countlni; cblckena before they were hutched: and some 
people'a natnral weaknem In tbia reepeet wa« prOTerbial." 
Thla covered hu own twenty.thlrd move, to which Mr. A. 'a 
reply la embodied In onr prveent problem. 

.UOTRKR OinioeiTii.— It la dear that neither Lord nor 
Relchhelm hitenda chen to be atlfledander the tnUofdle. 
nity, or to repnlae ita derotees br tbe chlu of monotaay-4it 
leaat In their day; no. may they longbe apared tia. 8. 
Lord, In last CIteu Jtecord, giveii thla: nace aU tbe 
lorces In battle amy; none but the Ktsare aUowed to 
more, and they ore nrtt to moke eaptuee. The second 
player mates In seven (7) mores. 

DeKtb or Praressor AndCTaseii. 

A cable dispatch announces the death ofthe celebrated 
cbcm.plAyer Proresaor Adolph AndFrraen, at Breslau, 
HUeala, on March 14. He waa bora at Breslau In 1818, and 
while teacblnt; mathematics tn Berlin be acqulml a bJffh 
reputation aa a cheaa-player, and in 1891 he went to the 
chesa tonraament In LoDdoti..wbere he defeated aU the 
Ensllab celebrities. Including the almcet luylncitlle Rlaoa- 
toa At tbla tonraament wyrlU took aeeond bonora, and 
the other prize-wiunera were Heaani. WlUlama, Btaonton, 
SzcD, Kennedy, llorwitz and Mucklow, The other com- 
Itetltorv in this fkmona tonraey- the flrat Kreat Interaa- 
ttonal gatberlmr of eheoa-playera— were Kleaeritzky, Low. 
enthal, Mayet Jaenlacb, Buckle, Bird and Lowe. In UB8 
Anderaen met a more formidable adTeraary m the Amerl- 
can champion, Paul Moipby, who atParlabeat the SUealan 
aevon ttamea to two. In ISSZ the player from Brealan 
anln came oot winner In the touroament at London, tbe 
otbcr prixes belnft taken by Paulsen (who In 1867 came 
next to Morpliy at tbe New York touraament), Owen, Mao. 
doDoell, Dabolaand Stelnltz. At the Baden-Baden tonr- 
nament In IStO Andeiaaen alao took the flrvt price ; at the 
Vienna Exposition In 1873 be waa third, BtumtzDeatinir 
Blnckburae after a tie, and Roaenlhal taking the foorth 
prlie. Andensen baa written many valuable articles 
upon the theoiv of chesa. and waa a fteonent contributor 
to The £efpi(c SeJuultteUuat. , 


JYoiR Mao Domlnttm mmMJOm. 


^ ^ i i k 

athlsBZ, K4, . QR3, QKt4, KB3. 

i k k k 

atblsRS, QB^ . 4Kt«, KRt4. KB& 
Wlilta annonncee mate In seven mores. 

Qataao Mo. 

Tblid asms ofthe IntetnatKinal eonespoidenea mateh 
between ooreoanUntorli. B. AIMnaon and H. Walgbt. 

Mr. AUdnaon, 
L.Pto K4 
S..KB-B 4 

Mr. Weight, 

B X KtP 
K Kt-BS 

iiiO^i P (a) K Kt X P 
lerS w ■ 

Wblta. Black. 
Mr. stainion, Mr. WalalK. 
13. .Q Kt to a a Q Kt toK2 
>berS Xt-KtS 
\KV-Kt P-KBS«9 


-KBStt) K-Kt3 

K B-lMime 
B-bome R-boDO (•> 
B-RS-i- X-Ktsq 
Bt-B4 Kt-K4, and 
problem abore. 

9..Q-her3(b} Kt-QB4 
ia..UierS KEl-KS 
I1..QB-R3 KB-Kaq 
U. .P-Kt 3 (c) B-Kt 8 W 


(a) Inf^or toKtxF, orQtoherBl. 

(6) Better than <t to ber S A ooea. 

(c) Maracbe's JfoHuat now gires White the better (ame. 
We think K Kt to Q 4 a good more; followed, perhaps, by 
KttoB B; or, ir BUck U..Q Ktx Kt B P X Kt, with 
Fawna well posted in the oeacre. 

(iDTIila, followed by Kt to K I, appears toglre Black a 
safe thoujEb aomewhat cramped pcidtloii. He may alao 
pUy 12..PtaQR3: followed byVto Q Kt 4 ; <)BloKt2, 
etc, obtalnlns aomethlng of a ooonter-aKaek. 

(^ ) Ven tiadl aJmoat oquiraleBt to string the jmioo Into 
Wbhe'a bands. Mr. Loyd otaeerres that he would hare at. 
temmed to tnra the attack by U..rtoq9:M.,K FX P 

(U), RKt to BS; 17-. KtP X Kt, <) Kt X P; 1B..<) toberB 

2. QBtoB4,and White has a mostdlflMUltaajoMtode- 
mnd. True enougb; tntt sapppee, Initeid oro to B 2, 

Wblta ia..KBXF+, K X K B: ll..q Kt to Kt t -)., bow 

can Black save the iiamar We snonld say U..PtoQRS; 
foUowed, at the proper time, by K B to R2: Q R to Ktaq; 
Pto6 Kt4; QBto Kt 2, etc' waa Black'aSeat plan of 
Cn P to QS looks better, 
(ff) Thla preronta tbe adranoe of Q P. 
(a) The olUect of the last two mores la not apparent; 
boworcr, with tbe best play we think Black must foae. 

* •• 



Up to three eveoiOAS ago such a tblu ma aebeqaer- 
boord wan never known In Hr. Oraltan'a nooae. Ho and 
bta aged partner have xnanagetl to pass the lonff eTenlngs 

very pleasantly, and heaoppdaed they were happj enoogb 
aatal a ftlend irom the Bain paid them a flying rlalt, and 
amerted orer and over again that the Kame oTcheiinen 
waa not only all tho n<e there, hot that it aecmed to 

ne of cheiinen 

Quicken the perceptive ocultlea. enlam thoinind, and 
render the brain more active. After giving the Bot^ect 
due thooirfat, Ur. Grattan walked downtown and par- 
chased a cheqaer-board, and when evening eame he aur- 
prlsed hla good wife by bringing it In from tbe wood-ehod, 
and mvlnp: 

"Well, Martha, we'll have a game or two before we go 
over to the eodal. I expect to beat yoa all to flinders, 

but Toa won^t care.** 

"Of eoone not; and if I beat yoa. why, you won't oare." 
she replied. 

They sat down, and he claimed the flntt move. She at 
once oblected, bat when ho becan to gnw red In the lace 
Abe yielded, and he led olT. At tbe fourtli move abe took a 
mao, chuckling aa nho rmhed him In. 

"I don't aee anything to grin at," he nieered aa ha 
movod a man backwaixla. 

"Here I yon canH. move that way I" Rhe called oot. 

'*Ican*t, ehr Perhapa I never played cbeqaem before yon 
were bom I" 

Bbc Raw a chance to Jump two mdre meD» and gave In 
the point; but an nhe tnovrd he cried out: 

"Put them men right ba^ there I I've concluded nut to 
move bockwarda, oven If Hoyle doe* permit It." 

She gave In again; bot when he Jumped a man ber nun 
grew red, and she oied oot: 

"I dldnt mean to move there ; I waa thmhlngofthe 


••Oan't help the nocial, Martha ; we mast go by Iloyle." 
In about ten mlnutea she Jumped two men. and went 
Into the King-row, ftbootlng: 
"Crown him I crown hlml I*vegota Klngl" 
"One would think by your chlldiKh actlona that yon 
never played a gome before t" be growled ouL 
"I know enough to beat you I'* 
'Vou do. tht Some foUu are awfttl mnart." 

'And some folka alntl" ahe snapped au ber King cap- 
tured another man. 

What Ln thunder ore yon Jamplng that way forr* 
'A King can Jump any way I" 
'No. be can*tl" 
'Ven. hecani" 

'DonH talk back to me. Vartha Orattan I I waa playing 
chequers when you were In y oar cradle!" 

"idon'tcarei I can lump two men whichever way you 
move I" 

He looked down on the board, saw that such wbh the 
caK, and roared oot : 
"Yoa*ve moved twice to my onoel" 
"I Aanm't;' 

"I'll take tny oath yoa have I" 

"I auat ploy ofalniit any such blackleg prmcttoeHl*' 

"Who's a bliu!klegr You not only ehtaled, but yoa tried 
to lie out of It I" 

Board and ctienuerH fell between chom. He eould get on 
bis hat quicker nan ahe coold find her bonnet, ana that 
was the oifly reason why be got out ot the boose flrsL A 
Woodward -avenue grocer found him sitting on a basket 
of cranberries at the door, as he was doaing op for the 
night, and asked him If he was waiting for his wife to 
come along. 

"Well, not eaacUy ; I stopped here to feel in roy pocket 
forthe key of thn houMe: I sliall sleep on the hay to-nUht. 
and see If ii wont cure thla oold Ln my head V^—DexnU Frtt 


Elehentb.— "As In Ute beginning." TaiCuprBRwUl 
coDilDue to set forth the first prlodpleB ofthe gome, and 
for the loiitruciloa of tearaara we give below the nooibefed 
board, which Is the key to all recorded games. As Hbown. 
plaoB the Black men bom 1 to Li^ anu the WhUe from 21 



$310 ORQM FOR $85. 

$1,000 Fuiromi255. 

{HXJTT STYLE, so. 20S3.) 


oeuoa. BeautUul fret deak. Vm<S^fiS^SSSSi' 
Heavy roaewood monldlnsamnod ttaeenUra i,S5 JSSB' 
:5WjrV^I£fS* SmtanTwhereoBhalf imSS' 
test trial. 0-No money nqalredtintllyaa hare r^toSad- 
the Planoatyonrown home. Order at on, Bronan- 
not entirely aatnaed with the InatnuneatTSTaiS iS&e'S 
obll^onawhotorer to keep It. ■aaafabu- feSTSS > 


Thoiitinds Now In Use that are 

Cpon my return irom Europe In leia i odTutiaail 

_ . Beatty'e offer for tbla month. Tbla boantltu I Plana Ud. 

tlCtat Pallor OinaiLetyle No. leSI. thirteen 6topii,two Knee^Swella, three aetaot Beeda, In aoUd black u-alnnt ea& wfik 
handaome Freoob renccrinfr, laid on eolld walnut. Welffbtwhen boxed, abont aao poanda: belaht, 68 lii.'deSb!MlBu^ 
lenfftb, coin.." etc. So srcat wnn tbe dcmanil for thla beantUnl Piano Upnght Parlor Oraan olir men at tbe faetanwovb 
compelled to work untlTlO o'clock I*. M. to Oil ordera. ■opepell.t** |,H4« r.rtUa iHirwBeat, ateat aa40.0Q. ««av 

In onlerto meet tbe pobllc demand thla DDparaDelad offer la 

BEATTY owcAN s^*.-"" 

MY PRICE, ONLY $85.00. s?s/s2s£;|s,Ste'ast.»,^^ 

.. ■ ? ■ . " , . I^"' «nilar» thna enabled to contlnne to aell tbla beantirnl avSiSl^ 

taewnprecedontcdpricoof only ordrratoncc,aaeTeryliutramentwhenintro«laccdlntoaiiewlocallt7aelladDMiw. - 
asttbecomcaactandlnir adrertliieinentfurmeln yonr own home. Thnalt lathatlamcnahledtoacUthlaiiutraBaS 
loomerto baTeltlntrodUCT.'d.attblavety lowprlm. -"i™*™— ™» 

ORDER NOW.L°fS£S,r^" ' 

aMa to do It only a single month or I may bo able to contlnae It six months or a year. One thing Is certain: the pricOMW? 
will be lower, and may at any tlmv h» hXgbert so if you have tbongbts of bajlnf a Piano or Ornn tn the i»arfttni«Taa 
~* orderDOwtoaasoreyunelfof theeesplendldoffem. |T""g-*"""~ — rTt-i ~nk ■■rkTiIsiMi Isfci^TlSi 

DANIEL F. BEATTr, Washinrton, New Jersey. P. 8. Ancrka. 

youncirthatroaennaecantheao annajaUeled otToraToa maat onlrrnow 
t euanuitee to keep them down thualow for any dcAolto time, i marbtt - 
obietocontlnaeltabcinonthaorayear. Onethln***-— — 

ADyANTAUE Flaylnir Carda, with key. Tic. per pack: " 
paeka,tl. C. CONROY, aolKniambera at., K. V. M. 

D I 

lu PAT to HcU our Robber Prlntlnic Rtampe. Bamplee 
' free. TAYLORBROB. aOO..Cle T eland.or l-20t»eow 
. lATAI/OaUE Of KAKIS NOVI£C¥i1S, 3CTS. If you 
\ ^ lore ftin. read It. C. QtlEEM. etoneham. Maaa. 1.3t» 

JilNLABUB and derelop any portion or the body by ualnK 
U "Perfbuonr." PrlceSI, postpaid. Reliable and aalb. Ad. 
diei» Dr. VAN HOLM, Zi Tremont Row. Boiiton, Maaa. 1-121- 


ARBY AND VtAl wlab lady and gent ooueanondenta. 
row. Sparta, 111. Mt* 

PiroMem No. l^sa. 

^ BLACK.' 

WULTK." . 
Wblta aBnoimead matain elabtmorea. 

— '■ 

OkMa IM FhUadalpIila. 
B. M. Nem BiTetb a wvoker bratbo' the q JXt, and 
abnaeib bfan la ftabtoB aa fMlontft-aa'aaltb Amatea» 

ClteaJournaltarrVinan. ■ 

Hr.Nem. JW.B. 

l.,PiaK4 /Pto.K4' 
1..K Kt-BS 'P-941 - 
S..KPXP P-Kt., „ 


6..KB-B'« ■ • (HlirBnj 
7.;P-«Kt* • QJtKtF 

Vr. STIolIL w. a 

8..0toB5+ PtoKKtS 

•..i-Uir-t- K-uiaa 

PUOTOt) OK ACTKIS^ES, 6 forzsc Special sablecta, 3 
for 2ac t^lalomie of PbotOri and Booka, 3c. 
l-a'eow K. P. TOBE Y A CO.. 238 SUte tt, Chicag o. 
UHmzivtiH Hirvnetlienn, eolargen and derelopa any 
part of the body. Prlec *1, postpaid. Addieaa Dr. VAN 
IIOLM.ZiTrepiont Row. Bot;ton. Maiw.(Copyrlght4al.) I-IA- 



EOYAL UAVANA LOTTERY. —Urond Extraonlmaiy 
Drawing, which wlU take place April 8, 1SI9. 

I atand Prize of 1,000,(00 peace 

I Grand Prize of aD,oaipems 

I Oiand Prlia of. VDJXO peaoa 

I Grand Pnzc of. otLOOO peaoa 

I Grand Prize of 23,aD peace 

8 Prlioi of 10.000 each.: 80.000 peaoa 

8 Prtxen of 0,000 each 40,000 peaoa 

9 Approxlmatlona of 4,000 each aLOOOpeaoa 

SApproxImatlona of 3,000 each Z7,C0OpeMe 

9Appn»lmatloD«or2,00aeach 18,000 peaoa 

e74ApproilmailonrrlzeBori,ooOescb S7l,00Dpeaaa 

TS 2,20^000 pesoa 

For further partlculara addreea 

11. A. MARTINEZ A CO., Baokera, 

10 Wall atreet. Baaement. New York. 


ajV A DPC Booka, Be: 4 duferent. SL Cancan Chromoa, 
ODWnWfc etc, ale. CHAa. RUPERT, Boaton. Maaa. 15f 

OOSIKDN BOOKS. Send lor catalocne. Addieaa 
1-a* WILCOX i CO.. Harerhlll, Maaa. 


aiBCK BOOKS aid Rare Photon. Samples, 9c. 

'ge, 3c J>,r. SHTOAIC 13S Ontario xLCblco 

' l-?t» 


a month and cxpenMagnamnteed to Acenta. Out- 
dtfree. eilAW A CO.. Aummta, MaloeT l-t«t 

^Ifl TO lovmtedlnWaUat. Stocka make 

#IU lU #ljUUU fortuneoereiy month. Booka aent 
tree eiplalulng evetTthlag. Addreas 

l-27t BAXTER A CO.. Bgnkcia, 17 WaU at, N. Y. 

WBIIOTAQ of Female Beantiea, lOc, or 30 for 20c 
I U« J. A. Dletz, Box 116, AahUnd, Pa. l-llt- 



In TBE HAnu between H. C. Prteatand O. F. Barker, 
the score at Ian advloeii stood: Frle4t,2; C. V. Barker, 9; 
drawn, ay t o t a l , 43 gamea. 

dilflTAO Actrewca, Oc ; apedol hubjecu, 10c each. : 
mUlUvS fur 29c; CataloRuex ol I■hota^ Choice 
Hoolas etc. He S. It. Whitney. 67 JockKon rt.. Chlcago.Mt* 

Snowdake, Motto, etc ; no 2 alike, or 25 elecant 
Ohromo Carda, 10c Naasau Cord Co., Kaoau, n. Y. 


Perfumed, Cbiomo, Lace, etc., CARDS, In Caae, name 
In a<Ai. 10c RAV A OO.. E. WalllngforJ. Ct. l-9t 

IJOHN e. BOTD, 1. H., H. D., B. C. L., 



llttanda to leral bnalncas In all State and United States 
[Tanrta, and gfrea apedal attention to wUl cawa, aettle- 
Dent of eataxea, and caaea Involving qaeetlooa of medical 
|»flgpniilence. l-tJ 

To CorrerpondeBta* 

Barkeb Biotukbs, Oambndgeport.— Thanks ior tbe 

J. D. AiiBROAa.— Thanks for reoent fkron. 

J. SnoLLKiT, RockfonL— 1. No replica by mail. 2. Ad- 
dreea Ed. Jamea for SweetM Elemenli^AOeta., poetpald. a. 
See numbered board. 

w. If. Kellet, Beaton.— Yoor dltldama are under eon. 

A. V. Btewart, 'Prisea— I. Pleaae send aolntlon to sonr 
pooltloo, and It will bo examined. 2. Solution of Enigma 
no. 49 la correct. 

As SOON aa the Barker Bnthen laane tbelr tiew book 
ihry wUl give a aerlca of eiblbiUon games, seleetlons tnm 
wtilcta win appear In Trb Cufpbr. 

Ramatrka by J. D. J«Bvier< 

EniToa CLIPPER.— I peroelre that Mr. Maadonald fd- 
lowa Dmmmond*a7 to 10 Une In aolutlon to Poaltloil Na 4&, 
Vol 26, preelKly as I pnmhetoed. I here gire my draw to 
No. 4& on the 7 to lO bne. Hr. Hacdonald'a soltitkn to 
copied ftom I>rummood*a aeoond edition rerbatlm : 

1.. 7 to 10 
2.. 9 13 
3.. S 
4. .13 
i.. 2 



z: toi7 

18 9 

23 19 

» 17 

17 U 

6 . 1 to 6 
7.. 11 U 
8.. 8 11 
9..U 18 


19 to IS 
a 27 
23 21 

31 at* 

3.. 13 22 » n \\..s 14 23 tse 

See 8paytb*a "Game of Draogbta," Variation 77. 

In Game UL Tot at. the 18 to 14 more at Black>i ehthth 
can be foond In 8nir|K«, Bay, Snnmiond, etc Tbe game 
la rerbatlm aa In Sturgca* Oaine 43; Valtauon P. 

As It la possible that "R and d7> of w»«iir.ii Hlch., are 
honcat mardlng tbelr InabDity to win tbe prtte p~l*^A". I 
play It out from where they leare IL 

Black. White. I Black. White. 

I..IItalS I to a 4..23to27 24 toU 
3.. 16 19(4 « 9 S..18 33 9 18 
3. .19 23 17 M I 6..23 14 19 U. 
and we bare Black men on 13 and 27, Blank King •« 14, 
on U, 21 and a. 





8 U 

n 8 

Black wlna. 

11 7 
, 7 3 
Black wins. 

Black wma 



and we hare Black men on 13 and IS, and a Black Kmg on 
^ Wblta men on 21, 34 and 28— an entirely different p<«l. 

tk»,Jbut lean win \i sulMantlall^tlie ttme wair, 

LkUU, Ol 


3. .23 
4. .18 

5. .12 

6. .IS 
7.. 19 

2.. 16 
3.. 22 







I would respecUhlly Inform 

10. .31 
II. .28 

a.. a 

13.. 18 
14. .23 

4.. 18 
8. .16 












30; and wlna. 

19 It 
M 12 
Black wlna 

Mr. ZIm thabi think Wbtta 

lost the gome by twenty.thlrd more It to 1), vhkfa brtnn 
np the "prize poaltloa." j. D. JajrriajL 

Jreucouie, irorcA 8, 1879. 


I..U toU 
2.. IS 

Osme Ho. I, Vol. ST. 


3.. 9 
4. .13 
A.. 8 
6.. 4 
7.. 8 
8. .10 
9.. 6 
10. .16 
II. .12 
12. .U 
13.. 7 
14. .30 




33 to 18 

~ 18 






18.. I to t 


17.. 3 
IS., f 

33 to IB 

19.. a 

2D.. 9 
21.. 7 
23.. 14 


36. JO 

~ t 












18 . 

5ons n oint oonuBmaB. 

2S 22 ^jis.. 9 

Thltf draws 
Vol 3, page 30 

36.. 19 
26.. It 

^ BlaA wms. 

and oorrects feoTtb etildtui. 



7 II 127. .26 
II It |2S..aO 



Bolatlon ofBiMlUeB Wo.Ba, Vol. M 



23 loU 

2.. 14 17 

21 14 

3.. 3D at 

a laa. 


M • 

«..3t 19 

18 M 

t..l9 U 

9 t 



19 to If 
14 10 
' Black Vina 

t I 
Black wins 

Bolatloii of ■nlgniB Wo. sa. Vol. Se. 


2. .9 29 

3. .30 a 



isto aa 

23 39 
39 It 


4..I4 to S 8 to 14 

t.. 8 a It • 

6.. 3 4 WhMowlBa. 

algaoB Ho. 1, Vol. NT. 

BT *'.amMouK." 
1 U, Uuid27. BUck KlBfi CO 1, 7 andll 
Mi >a> a* 29 and as, wuK Ktua on ibis 
_ andM. 
Bttcktomora and win. 

PoBitioB Ho. 1, v<a. m. 

BT Jl. BlnsaAW. 


,MSriMlBiB<i:riuii»tadrlts»<# J. 

so Gxan? 

MapUn (CO tlaa. Edaal la 
at one-tonth «>• 
eoatofothmaalramnta. San^ 
pla bjaaDfpaatpold, SS 

J. BRIOE A eo., 
tt7 Bl«t4BBy, Bfw Tark. 
New maslntad Cbtalac tt 


Sawing off a Log. 

Thla SAW MAUUINE la » wonderftil to- 
▼entloo. The welglit ot tbe man who Is 
aawtns does halt ofthe work. Itaawaltiga 
ftfanj-daeiaiid will saw off s g fi>ot los In 
8 mtaratea.' fSlrviiIsra tna, Adilxeaa, Wm. 
SIIrBq, e»6 W. 0Ui St., Cincinnati. Ohla. 



Game ITowIh, 00CE8 AND UENA Also eulj 
BtMgB and PuUcu, ttom Rtnlns of mj own ImportmUoiu. 
Wamnt«d tborouchbred gmm& J. R. ASHPORD, 


€07 CmUowtalU stmt, FhUadelphla, Fa. 

S03clnB Olo-vea tor 

TtM Tctenn Muter of Ceremonlen OLD BILL TOTEE 
wUl aend, od receipt of $4. S5, or C6 for tbe -nrj best, per 
umaiL a saperlor Ket ot BOXniO OLOVES to any State 
In Ihe union. Olores cleaoHl and repaired. 

•Alier at his own or the pnpU'a reiddvope. on reaaonablo 

Mjrrtle aTenae, Plank road, Baahwick, Brooklyn, L. L 
P. O. addrens. Box 836. Brooklni. 
Tbe De Kalb avenae cars, FoltOD FenTi take yoQ to the 
old Bentleman's re«ldenc«. l-tf 

* GcLiues rr^me t<f INctmeo 

For particalan send Stamps T. UURLBDRT, 

Breeding Farm, 
1-J4t» Pelhani, Hampsh ire Co., Mass. 

X*liy«lcal dalt^wr«* ~ How to develop or 
redoM any part of^be body. Bent po6t-pald on receipt of 
COc, or postaee-ciamps. Addreas Prol. Jodd, Tmner's 
Insdtnte, l,3a TBroadway, N.Jf.^ 


for sale. Fnil.bIoodedl Eicbteen months old: welghtabout 
120 poonds; tnooght np with and kind to children : a p«r- 
Act watdi^deff; will letch and carry; the beat of^ waler- 
dcca: In pop (four weeks) by a Newfooodlaod Aog weigh- 
ing 130 pounds ; has had bat oae Utter of papa, which con- 
alatad or eleven. Addnaa C. A. GLYN, 

l-lt» F. O.BoT 7R Sooth Orange, N. J. 

Oookera. 'X'aikce iVoUce. 

einBl* OockB . below 6n, •4; over 61b, tt; Staggs, SS; 

WfTlBather fancier need apply. 
Wananted all dead game and Igbters. 

Mt» . Hanlsbois, Fa. 







BBnJ tot nias tiBtod (^talOKoe ind rrtes- Ust. 1-tlt 


Championship of Ameriea 

OOMMENCDltf APBiL 14, 1879. 


. BAllP BLLa 



Succeaaor to Phelan A OoOender, 
F. O. Box 1,617. [l-U] 788 Broadway-i JX. T'* 

mnMgt the iiANAOEaisnr op x b. BAifD|ajA_ 


oiruY s'o» :F.Ajat wa-mt 


w wfwp ^ w.oar gw OOU> AMD BH^VJUfc. 
lCTaLuX tim, ASD (UBH 

- . BELT. rAAiU 






CommencUiK April ai, 18TO« 




i m im TODRIUHT 




BELT, taXue «i,OOD, and CASH «I,«ap 




Entrmoce.fee, SlutL and aU entries to eloae April lA. 

Honey to be deposited with THE CUPPRR. 

Address A. R. 8AJIUKLL8, Manager, 

I'lt care of CLlFPBB. 





Olvatemtod. Price lOe^ 

We woold call tbe attentlwi 
ol all those Interastsd In all 
sports, snch ss Walking, Btm* 
iilog. BoatlBqp, Oymnaslius. 
Boxing, Baseball, etc, to Iha 
large stock of Worsted and Oot- 
ton Oooda we are now maWnc 
op for the eotnlng tonmainitfUn - 
Prloca lower than ever te 

Send for onr new catalognev 
innages. TOO lUostratlona. 

rnSiiooeou. i-tf 
Feck & Snyder, la^jyaaaan gtreel^ N. T. 

Now ready, the Third Edition, revlMd. enlanted. and IQaa- 
trsted, or Ed. James' work, entitled FRACTtCAL 


for Walking. Bonnlnz, Boxing, Bawta(b. Jinnplng, Wre*. 
tlliur. and all klnda ot attiletic coatcets- eaatattdns ' 

of the world's most celebrated walkeia and ranneis, 
dudlng Rowell, Harriman. Ennia and O^sry. 

Also cabinet photographs tmm life of Chaa. Rowelk Chas. 
A. Harriman, Jotiu Bnius, E. P. Weston and Mme. An4sr- 

son. Nee, 40eents each. 

Addresa, Indoalng amoont by P. O. order or nglscaied 


63 and to Centre street. New Teak. 


AT BEimcsi) psiim 

Faro Boxes, Layouts, Case Keepen^ 
Cbeok Backs. Cne Carda, Card r re t s. 
Faro, Poker and Bonlette Tables, Bon* 
lette, French Fool, Jenny and Heedle ' 
Wheels, Faio and Foker Cards and ' 
Checks, Keno Tools. Monte Ticketi, and 
short trames of every detoription. 



1^* 9aM«.rj k et »«.,Cltl ««go, HI. 


By maU prepaid, SOc 


MANUAL, noatpald for SOc 

150 X IMG 



for RnnnfaBK, Walking Bow. 

log. Boxing, eto. lOc. 

0)rln|ud ootdoor sports, Mb.' 


AND WBBBTLTNq, fifty en- 

ftia t hiM , prteeflDoanla. 3 0 en graTliiga BDa 
Address EX). JA.1tCE:S, PnbUaher, CLIPFBB Bnlldlng, 88 and «D Centre street, M.y^ 

Single Cocks belowC», S3; orer «B. V, Siagga, SUO; 
Hens, SZ. 
No fkather Cuoers need apply. 
Wanaated dead game and net tghtera. 


THO& F. MUmtA, 
aso North stieet, Barrlahon; Fa. 






He iiopalar lestnies of the prBOBtllng' sdti ' 
tlons of THE AUIAITAO m retained in. iUM, ■ 
and; in responsa to nmusitHis requests, we . 
have reptiUIahed the THBATBIOAIr ABi>- . . 
SPOBTINa OHBONOIiOaiEBwlileh appcani^ v < 
In the edlUons of 1874 and 1ST5, (lareftillyjte;^',,^ 
vised and ompUfled. ^ V' . -iMij 

AOENT8. . : -■ - . ■' 

OOFISi M«" »'> FBOM THIB OFHCK 0||.': 
BEdEXST-OF ■■ ; ' .-i'^': c- • • •.■• •'« 

PRICE, ljf Cg|VT%^ 

FobUabar and PiD(irietor, i i ''I' 



a? n E isr E 


^ttiirFncAL RECORD. 

I , . . C[tJVPKR.FOaMIWI0X. 

loS«d te «Mh mad armr letter, ud tte Up« d teilKU 
ft^ kiw^aijiMttgjiLity mddiomt iboold tn glmi. in onler 

*^CTi^^ii<l»lMnT» ud <>U>m,>h<i<ildjMar In mlDd 
atl:.braUtaefau»In tte potBl-Unjill Icttni^en^ 

sOlbcnilnttan'annattiimidca. „ 
nSSiSftrmkfwUncsr. llosi>AT,l(«Rlit4. 

AUrn, 0«arvl« (to- 




BueUaghiiB, An- 
- nie 1«- 

jjtxktam, Mn. C. 

HiiBil ymti'T 

CMM^r Mn. raa- 

PotcDs, 'Belle _ 
OarlAiidt Ontt 0> 

Oi — 

Hertmnd* Bimb 

H*'**"'*! 3fAnde<|L 
Bowmid, CaiTlQ(of 

OomJqoe, Clerfl' 

Hlndla. Annie 

Jerome, Bertie . 
Knlabt, ruiil*<of 
Howvtli'* Hlb.) 


. Fe*rl 

BUfimiis, Urn- _ 
IMtkinioaj^nBa E 

rej^Jade crecel- 

FW dln ic, Kra.~]fa^EU> 

Fieinoat, tUnde 

TfixTCn. Ida ' 


en, CUlle 
I^nn, LdCtle ■ 
Sder. Tt»T 
■ (eluuigo«rtlct) ' 
Llndeej, Jennie 
LeCleir, iMxm (of 
' Olympic, Fort 
SCerton,' Emou (3) 
Hmdden. S(Us tp.a. 

iw T^wiilwn , Exi|L) 

XonCMpie, Annie 
(orHM? Op. Cal 

Uenhall. Fteniee 
Mortal, Tinie 

AnUn, Oeo. (etb- 

Aimee* CUlToid 
AMemOenL D. A. 
Atkln*. Wn. A. 
Andn*i,'W. B. 

Xuimr, 3fim. Alice 

afcenn, Jennlt 
^ Croeallit) 
JUnluIL Xn 
XeCelL ZjIbTc 
Xejer, Bonnie 

Xorrlmr, 3 
N'ereombe, Ada Ii. 
XovrlH, Mr*. Cbae. 
Nevalr, Jennie 
Parker, Kittle 
Faiker, Uole (of 

Parker BUten) 
FlMoe, Marie 
- n.Londo^EBC.) 
R^rnoldi, TannT 

Boae. 3tlle. 
BajDond, N'elUe 
Baynham, Kate ^ 

Bar, Jennie 
BernoMa; Vie 
Rabford, Alice 
Ht, Clair, Leanora 
SmHb, ■ ABIe (or 
Dird, Pa.> 
St. FeilK. Madam 
fltooe, Mta, Amy 
Sherwood', ~FTor.' 
(or SherwoodSUt.) 
Stanley, Mable 
aanboome. Ada; ' 
Sebon, Aajtle 
Tbompaon. I«nilan 
Vestrall. Marie Sc. 
TeDoa-A AdonlB9e. 
Wallace-TUla, Ac- 

Wataon, Bertha 
Wa11ac*-vuia Co., 
^WUton. Mrs. Marie 
(ol Zanltena, Mn. 


tffTaiWUT,W.B. ^_ .. 

Jmttnpf, H. (fH Onnt, & H. 

Hart*aCa) Glbbooa, Wm. (o( 
Adama, Tommy Tolkee (lanL , K. T.) 

Adama, Tommy 
Ama<,W. H. 
Aniar, K.H. 
Brrant t Smtttia 
Bitaiier. W. P. 9e. 
Boyd t Peten 
BanTmon, -Man' 
rice H. 

BInnhaDU J. W. 
Batler, Bd. 
BovmaiLGeo. B. 
Bryant, U. J. 
Brmbu BDJa 
Batch>U«r t Doria 
BUa,FTanoolB R. 
Barlov. M. a. 
BrafrW. H. (2) 
BooUkee'k Comb. 

BcMlcr.B. J. 
Brook. Tom (with 

Barrr, John (eons- 

Brem. B.C.(stage- 

B^nel?.(ofDon]e[Iloworth, John 

BldweH'aCb.) . " ■ 
-Brown,— ( m a n i g 
Bingham, — (ren- 

Borke, John M. 
- rier.L. P. 



Bd. (the- 
Bariow Broa. 
-BdrkF, M^. John 

Cummlnjca Bllly(p. 

Coefcr, Tboa. (or 

Cooper Bxo«.> . 
Chue, Chaa. W. 
CodJ^ Hon. W. F. 
Ctaike, Kl(CB) 
Coope, — (of Tan 

Ambonli*a Clr.) 
Coop, W. a 
rra»trie. W. C 
Coney, flan. W. 
Calioe. Myron (O 
Chanbnn^F B. 
c£)(KW. (ofMc- 

AUUter'a Mlnit.) 
Chambeis, Aithnr 

Dnm. Co.) 
Cilrk. W.J.(ofBay. 

Cllik, Del<»(maal- 

Conlla,Bat> (rope- 

Clan, EUae P. 
Clailu Jaa. W. 
Cattor, O. U. 
Coaler, Joa. 
CerinU Hany 

C^BaU. Mamnl 
Carlton, Flank 
Cla»,0. (ofOatca' 

Op. Co.! 
Cdti W. W. (2) 
Canard, — (caic 

Dod«e, Ben 


« DeBar) 
Dar.aH. _ 
DeLonne, A. C. 
]>Dpre% C. U. (& 
Do?*, J. Arthur . 
Dal)-. Wm. (ol 

DiUoa. Jaa.A fiorie 
I>DhKin.P. a 
XHDon, Jaa. 
DrlaaoL Jeme 
Edwaida, Lealle 
Kmcrson - & Clarke 
EUUeek. RE. 

Lyona A Imr 
MoTpby.Coo T. 
£«a(tA .Uarcy (o( Maeoeri Fnnk C 

llowv*a drcoHj 
EmiL C. U. (gym- 

£01llfl,' Jobft ~ 



Forabnit Hanld 

Fogb. P. a driah 

t«iMr> 0) 
Fieldlnc- . H. (n( 
Fielding « Walker) 
Fursman. <3eo. (Z) 
Korbea, Cbaa. . 
Fllcb. T. {at Cole> 

Fortiee, Kcd iMamoler, Barney 

Flomnee, G. A. * Mottta, W. (or Cal- 

Gormnn. MHn 

Gaylor, Chaa. 

Olbba, Clarl^onliu 

Glbnoy, Prank 

Qenter,Max (mual. 

Oaatoo, AJbert 
Garland. Jan. (9 
Olhaon, Frank 
Goodwin, Blch'd 
aiiaid Bioa. 
Goo* Fox 
anhert, Wm. J. 
Ormnger A Wcntoo 
GlM«wd. A. C. 
Uoy, Sr., Gea 
Hall, J. Oakey 
HIcka. Chaa. (or 

OeomiB Mlnm.) 
nQgtiea, Robt. fBob- 

by Newoonihe) 
Hyland, W. H. 



Homer A HoDy 
Rail ft DeBar 
Hogan, Wm. (lead 

Uaniaon, Eugene 

Hamilton, Wiley 

Hodgca, D. B. 

Harrla, Chaa. (or 
Barerly.J. H. 
narxlaA Wood 
Hanler, M. W. 
BaBetL I«w (com 

Howe^a London 
Circna, Manager 

Hen, O. D. . 

Han, H. F. (ol 


Hayden, Joe 

HUdnth, F. D. 

Harrhnan, C. A.fS 

Ho«wd,Bllly (late 
otRenn Uoiiae, 
K. T.) 

Ja ggu e ^ Andrew 

Jonea, J. (oT Jones 
A Cieaton) 

Jerome, C. (oT Jer- 
ome A Cameron) 

Kendall, Ed. 

Kent, Frank 

--.a^, BUUe A Mln- 


Knight, Geo. (ma- 
nager) . 

Kelly, Dan A. 

Kotuer, Loula 

KelleE, Uany 

Ketchom, G. F. 

Keena, A_ (or Ken. 

Llley. C. A. 

Liawton. Happy 
Jack (9 

Lewlfl, J. B. (ma- 

L^ft^C. M. 

lcnkea,)L U. 
I<oreIIa,J. C. 
Ungaid, W. If. 
Urlntcatoo, P. (oT 
XJvlnEntoa Bran.1 

Leopold A Nellie 

Lynn, W. V. 
Lrofiold, Mona. 
LncT. Chapln (mo- 

Hldan) (» 
LaBatte. Chaa. 
Leach, niineaH 
Lyona, MUton P. 
LorvUa, Tom 
Logrenla. — (raa 

Mai^m, Waster Ed 

MtDooald, C. H. 
' (manager) 9c. 
■nyo, Fnnk (31 
Man^n. Frank L. 
Mack. Bob (manA' 

VcDonald, Jaa. A 

Baby . 
Maait, Fr*d (with 

Orrln Brw.) 
MonlBey, John (of Wyman. A1L(2> 

lender'a Minn.) 
Miner, F. (or Ten. 

ncwMe Co.) 
Mack, Haiiy(ritle- 

Mtnebeeter A Jen- 

Mealey.J. (of Kar- 

low A Moaley) 
Hnipby, Joe (of 

Kerry OowCo.) 
Mocgmn, W. A. 
Mnnr. Jake (oTK. 

O. MIntit.) 
McMlab, Frank E. 
MarM«, Ed. 
Moony, Ed. A. 
Manly, crhaa. A. 
Mocrfa, W. W. 
Maaten, J. E. 
.Mack, J. (or Woodn 

A Mack) 
Marlow A N'eair 
Mactigan. E. H. 
MaycW. (or Mayo 

A Faiih) 
ManrimiH. Chaa. 
Monroe, Frank 
KauntuB. A. 
Nubleis .MUton 
NelMon. fThaa. 

(IrlKh ."bll'T 
O'Learr, Daniel ' 
Orrln Broi^ 
(Men, J. E. 
O'Brien. Thoa. (of 

O'Brien Brw) 
Omohondro. J. U. 
rttllte. ChuL (csr- 

Peody. John 
Potter. .W. J. 
Palmer. Joe 
Plckert. WUlUt 
<2ueen. C.(orQaeeD 

A Bell) 
Rvao. T. J.(ofKelly 

A Ryan) 
Renard. s. F. 
RonnelU, Bumcn 
Ryan. J. (nf Con. 

non> A R>'an) 
Itow, D. C. 
Raymond. J. T. (2/ 
Ring. Ceo. R. 
Rice. CoL J. II. (SI 
Riley. J. J.(or Oill- 
Rowell. Cliaa. . . 
Redmond. Joe 
Rngby. Oeo. (of 

Oate*' Op. Co.) 
Rcdpach, D. C. 
Robldiao, Bllaa F. 
Rlchardj«on, John 
Bwoocboume, C.lf. 
Sell rck AGO. 
Starin. J. II. (S 
flmllb A KeDy, AlC 
Samuehi. A. R.«i 
ShleldiCJohn L. . 
Sliepard, B. (of 
Emet70n*a Min.) 
Spragne'. — (o(Spn. 

goe'a MInm.) 
Smith, Nell 
aamoelU, Mr. 
Sanford, J. L. 
Sklft M. T. 
Sandford. J. J. 

Seel, L. (or Cay. 

lord'a Mlnnt.l 
' aue'a-Mlnnt.) 
Sliennan, Jerome 

«ehmln. n. (of 

Mapleooa'n Co.) 
SulllTan, Mark 
I^ieppanl. B. 
Shaifer, 0. 9c 

IflvalD, M. C. 

Strong. Rod. (com- 
Tryon. W. P. 
Thatcher A Knme 
TIeice. LoaU 
Tnmer.U.(of Tuxn* 

er A (»eyer) 
Tayltnte. C. W ® 
Turner A Welch 
TreTlIle. Walter 
Thome, Chaa. (or 
Bnitklo BlU'iCo.) 
VUla.S. 6. (»3c 
WlUlama A Sully 
Wood A We«t 
Woodward. Geo ft. 
WatKOD. Wm. (of 

Pastor*!! Co.) 
Ward. F. (Of Ward 

WyirUtd, W. (Of 
Bond A Wylfurd) 
Wylle, Billy 
Wentworth. H. 

Wllry. L. H. 
Wiwda, J. U. 

MoTTlacy. Thoe. 

date ofFlttHlHiiiD 
Morton, J. W.(eod- 



Wentworth. Walter 
Walton. Punch. 
Wall. Uonee 
Wagner, Cal. 
Wandena. C. H. 
Wood. <;eo. II. 
CauUg. rnd 
Altner, Grimaldl 

FoateOe^Ctaaa. ■ ^oanagei) 

Thxhi 'wzn LBima in the Burlington (Iowa) Poat- 
•tlc* on -March mat V.i. Miller, Madge Butler, Sid. 
UldsandJ. W.lAnnogan. 

,. . HONDAT, Uarch 3A. '10. 

This issne of Tob Kkt Yobk Cupper, the great 
Ameitean tlieatittal and pportlng aatborlt;, begfna 
tlie tweoty-wvantli annnal Volume of ttUii popular 
oiunal. To glw addttlonal Interest to the occasion, 
ana to appear, before our readers in Ijeflttlng^^o^ 
tome, we bav«Sloniied a complete new salt of tj-pe, 
er^ijtlUnKlielngftcali and becoming, and gl\'liig ns 
a tnl^t''&td dteeiT look.fknm flgnreliead to stem- 
P'M, ' We ftel' aasoied, dear readers, that yon wUl 
Hbaie otir joy as yon behold ns atttied In ou- new 
atcte-ctDtlwa;: and Umt yon wm give vent to roar 
DnHlngsln one long' peal of entha.<>la.<itic approvaL 

, Had we the piDPCTlensth of hand to reach yon all, 
wc^honlil experience the great-joT a warrior fcete In 
glTlng Toa.tbe grasp of teu^mnlp, and mnkliigyoa 
ic?ltze°tha« we are an as one bind of brothers, with 
Dot a single link mbntng to Jeopartllze the nnlon 
which has no long and so plea.«antlr eicbtetf between 
no. 'WrtTQSt, however, that yon will accept the will 
for ttie (teed, and believe ns when we sav that we 
have a heart Ihn of respect and good reeUng for 
onr friends in all parts of the civilized world, 
thonaanda of whom we have never seen, bat 
wlio, nevertheless, ate cherished members of oar 
barmy family. . And so, with theK few remarks, 
'we iinU np anchor, and once more nail oat npon 
wtiai ' we tnut mav prove to be a.<> calm and 
pe^cetDl waten as those we have tnisted onr cran 

npea for the past six-«Dd4wenty yearn Lent Is 

approaching Its end, and with the coming-in of the 
aeaion of tssflvlttes we- maj look for corresponding 
changis for the Itetter in the theatrlcal and mni4cal 
woit£ The choTch^^holr •^Pinafore'* partv now en- 

. giMed at the Bioaawaj Theatre are coming forward 
wwi a mail. Tbeyare generallv acksowledged to 
be the best and most complete slnsen that have as. 
yet been heanl In the popnlar comic opeia In this 
coaiUJ7.w,£wlL.iBeintier of the tiDnpetsaTocallgl 

. or the bigtiest oit;«r, and whether In solos, in daeta, 
In MOH, In concerted pieces, or In fnll cbotTia,'tbev 
are one and all deaeivltig of the nnstlnted praise 
which has been acconlctlttacm. Their li«sln«<s has 
steadll.v Increased Itom week to week, nntll the Broad- 
way Theatre andltorlnm, large as it Is, Is "hanllv 
ever" large enoogh to accommodate the lovers of 

Eld jmoc who seek admbiston. We coiunatnlate 
nasctn Edgar A Fnltnn on their Rnccam In engag- 
ing a crew that can not only -"ham a bit," as Ralph 
Rackstraw says, bat. can ontidng all other "PIna- 
Ibre" ctewis who are already feeling the dtsastrons 
lesoits df oomlhg Into oompeUtloo with the ploos 
coiaiaAy ttom the goodly eny of Philadelphia. The 
Staaiord people are becoming seasick, while the 
layOMni and Olytapto crews are (fearftil of going 
ash^. Lines atioat 

At the Bnmdwiiy 'Tlnf Ploafore*' 

All people mneb admlrr; 
Too can buy tbe mnidc by 41je rmn. 
But It'n nir^ there by the choir: 
....^..\Vhae ma.-«lailly incllnetUwe cannot reftaln 
Itom expressing onr opinion of Georglana Den- 
mood. the vuDOg lailj who Is CDdeavnrlng to walk 
twelve htuMlred half-miles in an eqoal nnmber ofhalT- 
koars. PerTonDBSceaxd this Und reqnlre cbeerthl 
DDiic^t 'lnlhses ftesh life into the limbs of the 
'weaQ' walker, and assists one very -materially In 
BnoCeaandly accomplishing the ffeat aimed at One 
njgbt last week Ceotslana got vexed at the German 
IHdMsot who -wag imflinj awsy at the piano In 
Otto Cottage, Hoboken, where the walk Is oanspir- 
Ing.' It seems that the Professor persisted In piay- 
. log folemn pieces, mora in accordance with foneral 
•ernoes. than with pedestrian efforts. <ieornlana 
mUOr remonstrated with' the sad-hearted one In his 
•eleotlon of accompaniments, and kmdly reqoested 
klig* to clonge his pn>graiame and perform some 
mqiSatep in the place of the minor chorda. So 
ONiliilaiiB got npon the track again and began to 
ttep ont in a llvtiy and Insplrltiiig manner; bnt 
wMfc- was her snrprlse and dlsgnat and mortl- 
flcaaon 'when' she heard the monmltil player 
strike np "Hee as a Bird." Tou know what 
It Is, denHjonT 'Why, no soldier or sodetrmanls 
ererxmldeRd property interred if the band doesnit 
plar^'Pfee as a BM," as a sort of deplorable mrt- 
bgMBd-off of the deceased to the happy lanil be- 
jond. aeor^anacoaldnt fesep step with u at an; 
It Jnqitaledperaplna heap, thrsw ner off her bel- 
aoear'aa R weic and Anally bronght her to a regnlar 
grfffifcittiif siielooked Bttlisinuliu a BOrt ordls- 

aaOrileit'niood, hot'WM in anptoni 
at Ua wnk/rnpt <m as If he eakiyed.tb ^wime- 
thtng a tUOt more Uv^,". ahe said.. <^I>ara ole 
rtghf," lie nqnnded; "I vas now gstf yon some- 
dUigsTat make ytm shnmpi" Bo ooce more she 
toed'the maifc, and began her chserthl tiamp to the 
ezUHantlng mmdc of— what do yon think t—<The 
DeM-Kaich- In-Saol!"- Hien-ahe grew angry, 
crimson dushas mantled 'her cheeks, and she 
qnletly .lell the track, bat presently appeared 
on the platfiirm wliere the musical nndertaker 
was going on with bis iaolemn stiBUu as if 
he rather e u)uj e d the eternal lltneas of, things. 
Then (^rglana drew forth a whip, and commenced 
to lav It on nnmercUhlly, ontn the sorrowftil cortege 
hoirledaway from the Otto Cottage, as lie ought to, 
In donblMinlck time, with the lively corpse a-slash- 
Ing away In nnmblakable 2:4 time, the Professor 
howUngUke a bbed moomer at a fltst-claas foneiaL 
Whether he slnmliers In the silent waters of the Zny- 
der Zee, or Is wrestling with a pianoforte In Chtystle 
street, Georglana knoweth not. The lad,v has onr 
sympathlesandoarapproval. Letotherdead-march 

chaps take wsmlng There is another thing 

where the parties Interested didn't chime in together 
harmoidoosly. It was In Baltimore where It hap^ 
pened, and a menagerie the scene. It seems thatthe 

Erapttetorof the show was the possessor of a little 
imb and a large lion. Being of a plons tnm of 
mind, he proposed to Improve his opportnnlty, 
and Inenlcate a beantlfal moral lesson. In showing 
In reality what the Holy Bible only mentions as a re- 
mote protabUltr; so he' conlUlently approached the 
csge wherein a hnngty lion was a-rearlng and a- 
roBilngaaheluid been prevlonsly Instmcted to do. 
Then: he. tenderly took op his tender little lamb, 
which seemed to be llv to the racket, and liever once 
winced as it gazed throngh the bare at the angry 
one. The showman smoothed and patted the Inno- 
cent oreatnre In his arms, and then, taming to the 
andlence, remarked that he proposed to show the 
Uon and the Iamb Ivlng down hwether as If they 
had been friends aU 'their lives. The man looked 
very beantfhl while maung this brief speech, and 
there was a sort of benlgimess ahont his Ihce that 
showed that his thooghta were "In that h^py land, 
far, Ihr away r* and that he longed for heavenly rest 
and peace, rtv'e wonld here tske occasion to 
say that- OS showmen are not natarally 'wicked— 
that now and then we come across an angelic side- 
show man or menagerie man whose every look de- 
notes peace 'with all the world, and an abiding fiUth 
In the merits of his show and in the conlldence and 
"sappott of the press and the pnbllc" This Balti- 
more . man was one of that persoasioii Ed.] So 

when he had aroosed the Interest of the spectators 
as weu as of the Uon and the Iamb, and seemingly 
t>reathed m silent praver or something, he lifted a 
single bar of the cage and passnl (n air iambi and 
everybody expected to see It chawed op in a minute 
or two ij the raging king of the forest; bnt the 
lamb didn't mind It a tAt, seemed to know aU atioat 
the real statos of the fetodons creature, and gave- 
the lion "a bnck In the ribs that sent him tremliUng 
'With fear Into a comer of the cage, where he 
moaned himself hoarse with fear," to the great sar- 
prise and wonder of the entire assemblage! It was 
not nntll the small sheep wns lifted ont that 
the Hon resnmed his warlike and ferocious aspect. 
We have since learned that some wicked person 
lad tampered with the pen wherein the peacefol 
lamb reposed, and snrrepiltlonsly changed it for a 
Ogbtlnglamb. Hence the nnlooked-for discrepancy 
In the performance and the faUare of the toactdng 
scene representing the Uon and the lamb in real Pres- 
byterian close commnnton En.] It Is pnlnfOI 

to note the strange effect the saccessfUl "Pinafore" 
has upon the legitimate stage and the eqoau.v leglQ- 
mate old-ntagers. We propose to make a few choice 
rhymes showing 

N'ow doth the baagbty actor man In town and "on the 

Rhe op and euiK hU deaHny becauM be cannot alng: 
Xow doth the merry chorlKter hhi time with glee eroplor 
In warbUng aln In "Pinafore" and coanttng caah with Joy ! 

..Gerster Oew the track at the Academy on Sat- 
urday afternoon last, In the first act, and the mun- 
agerapologtzedifor berfnrtbernon-sppearance. We 
enter onr protest against this Infraction of operatic 
rules, becanse there was no ph.vslclsn'.s certlllcate 
read to Indorse the lady's plea of Indlspositlun. \ny 
omit the certificate when It conld have l>een pro- 
cared without any trouble, or by merely selecting one 
from the disabled bureaa In which such thln^ are 

kepty Getster owes ns an apology Theoddplaybv 

Stanley McKenna, to be prodaced at the FIRh-avenoe 
Theatre on Tharwday, miut lie of the same class ss 
PanlBpvtoiL Wbyt Because It's "Whims." (Usre- 
till of the rights and privUegeo of nur readers, we 
may make It plainer by saying: "U svlnar'—Eo.), . . . 
"Onr Jim" wishes as to inquire of Jenme Hoptdns 
whether "Samnel," his newopera, 1h In any wav con- 
nected with the lad of "Utile Samuel Wuke" renown. 

The Coimt Joannes, who ia really a better actor 
than the mischievous habltoes give him credit fur, 
is to Imitate S4ithera this week In Dandreair. The 
Jim hoy, on reading the announcement of the' per- 
formance, in pn^Jed br the doMlng line, which 
reads: "The Connt worw ns Sotbem.'* It should be 
The C^nnt vereos Sotbem.". .....In one of the 

Salibath papers someboilv advertbes for "a party 
with flft>- dollars to Invest In a flixt-clsKs dramatic 
company." Why not make It a hundred* Fifty 
dollars won'tgofarwltha !<econd-cIas.s company, let 

alone a drat "So Awfully. Thin" Is one of BUIy 

Birch's favorite ballads. Now, what does BUIy know 
sbont (Afiipeople T— we should like to know. Make It 
"Awfally Thick," 'NVUUam, and then sIag......Uian- 

ager Duff did remarkably weU whUe he gave his atten- 
tion to his <'Plnafore" party, and mustJiave realized 
a good many trade-dollara at their fltandain valuation ; 
bnt his venture with •■The Little Dnke." at Booth's. 
IsnotlUkelytosddtohlsstore. In sest^ring langtuge 
we might say to the manager: "In The Unle Duke' 
you wUl not, probelil.v. find a ■sugar' plum, DniT" 
Wouldn't It be sad should the profits of "Pinafore" 
he HwaUowed by the "DnkeJ'' When we remember' 
how quietly JIanager Henderson went forih from 
the Standard Theatre and made no sign, we "Deel 
■Ike one who treads alone some banqnet-hall de- 
serted,*' and so fonh: and our great grief L<i by no 
means asynaged when we think of "t\'hat mioht 
have been." ire wonld Mn Indite averse of po- 
etrv to 

nnr who ■wah left. 
O II«nden>on ! O Hrndervon : on you It'M really rough. 
To tliink that yoa refused with scorn a pametwhlp with 


For nightly was the Staodard thronged, although the scan- 
on'rt Lent, 

Yet fhjm 'The Flnafure^' sacceiu von only got your rent. 

Handsome dresxesand much real Jewelry do 

notattncr such attention a.4 they formeriy did, nn- 
letui they flgnre en a pretty face and fom. Calico 
ilresKCK and dollar Jewelrv are snfflclent to earn; 

along the posvies.'or of plimlcal charm.x C. KT 

Gardner having endered his resignation ss bnsliiej>.«- 
manager of the Arch-street Theatre, PhUsdelphIa, 
Mr. Mendnm hHA been appolnteil In hii^ place. It 
thought tlut. If the afliUrM of the house have not been 
verv prosperonsof late. Uis. Drewhopesto make the 

new manager Mendnm Tony Pa.<ttor seems to 

have a rich bed of Bnttereupa In hl.<i iMin.oerratory on 
Brmdwa.v, as he has alteadr favored his patroiiK with 
four, MLv AUce Seldler being the current biunl>oat 
woman. Tony's burlesque "Pinafore" shonld be seen 
and heard by all tboK Who have taken In the opera 
In Its comic presentation ...It Is with a feel- 
ing of pride we point to the great American ple-blter 
as the winner of the twent.v-mlle mnnlng race at 
GDmore'B Garden last Satnnlav evening. The rosHt 
tieef of Old England helped to pull Simpson through 
on the ten-mUe go, bnt pies helped TsvloV along for 
the long distance, which goes to show the snperioritv 
of American pies over English beef, rare. Hooraw. 

If the clas.<>lcal JanatLochek no longer finds 

legitimate tragedy remoneratlve. might she not Ira- 

Erove matters In- adding the roleof Mother Frocbanl, 
I "The Two (Orphans," to her repertorr? The char- 
acter offers a wide scope for the ventUatlbn of heavy 
Imsliiess. ...... 

M»^^ : 

It 1.H Stated that Bob Hart the minfltiel "has been con- 
verted, waa baptlxed on Sunday. March 16, and will be- 
come a clergyman." It la oar Impresslcm that the Sena- 
tor stood In no need of oonveralon, aa he had done a httle 

bit In the way of preaching before he took to the stage 

The piepaiatlona for the production of Rubinstein's **Fera- 
mora" recall that flfly yearn ago a drama, also derived 
mm ■'Lalla Rookh," was performed at the Berlin Coort. 
The present Emperor— then simply Prince William of Prus- 
sia, baring bnt little chance of ascendlnwthethrooeorbla 
Cither^-jilaycd a prominent role Jointly with his cooaln, tbe 

Prince Loola Radrtwlll RoweU, Eanls and Harruoan 

ocapiedprinte boxes at the Lyceum Theatre on tbenhtbt 

or March 18 Miss Elenora Kopp. who is a pnpU oTBlg. 

AllUi of Chidnnati, and goes to Eorope shortly In qneat of 
final moslal tramlng. was the recipient of a luvweU con- 
cert in Melodeno Hall, that dty, March 19 iMoard 

Appleby, a New Jemer rollllnnali^. and fiatber of Remien 
Appleby, proprietor of the Central Park Garden, lUed at 

SpottswotM, K. J., March 17, afnd 81 years Rubinstein 

Is In a tnrmoU over alleged uotair treatment by Baron Htd. 
sen, manager of tbe Royal Theatre at Berlin. At one of 
the reheaniala of Rablnstein's new opera "Fermmors," ■ 
Fran Malllnger, tbe prima.d(mna, who liad to sing dorlng 
tbe baUet. suddenly refused, fearing ihat her voice might 
be affected by the dust arising tnm the performance ot the 
dancers. RnbliistelnbecamesoeacltcdBt herdcclaratlon. 
fdven In accordance with a pterloua agreement with the 
Baron, that be threw down the mnsic andmbniptlj left the 
hotuie, denoondng the theatre aa a barracvs wherebi 

there waa no apinedatlon or icnod oompoaltiona 

Mme. Boaslnl's liqi u e at Ibr an asylum fcr French and Ita|. 
Ian musldana at Passy amounts to 2,3Bi,aD fVmnc*. It Is 

In accordance with ber husband'a wDl.. Sig. Muslo tbe 

imprvmrio Is (o aan for Ennwe on April 2, in the steamer 

Labrador MIm Avonia Botmey of Boston baa recently 

achieved a noteworthv soooeaa In Italy, In Tetdl'a **Er- 
nanL" She is a gmndoangtater of George the Coont Joan- 
nes, has been stadylng abroad for ureral yeara, and tbe 

Italian ptTss praise her voice, exccntlon and acting 

Henry L. Abbey, In order to bring Alm«« and her troupe 
oot on April 7, naa leased Booth's Theatre (Tlan Mor- 
ris cootemplatea a renewal or her atmgglea with Lady 

Macbeth- next aaaaoD ..Die Bun Is again going to Bn. 

rope, and annoonces one or those "fkrvweUs" fiDT March 

U. at the Academy of Music Brooklyn Lotds 

James la not going to San FrandiW aa leading-man. 
... ...To.nlg1ie, at -the- St. Jamea Theatzv, the Count 

Jiannes beguu hia loDg-promlsed "sqaring'' proceM 
with E.' A. Sonera by munldng the. latter In hIa ten- 
dervst spot— Dondreaiy Miss LQlan Nortcai, who ac- 
companied GUmore'K Band to Europe, was a few days ago 
to have made bar debot in (vera In Milan, Italy, as Zerilna 
in "Ikn Giovanni," underlie psendonymot aiguoNoidlca. 

.-The achooBer John N. Colby was cliartered -onder a 

monthly rate In November. IBTV, tocatry Murray's Cliaia 
ftam yew York to the Wert Indies and Sooth America ftM 
tfiD per mooch.* The vessel was ahaent five months, and 
fen than flJIDwaa paid. Bbewasseventydayaatsea.and 
the rest of tbe time she lay at rartons ports whUe the drcua 
was perlbrmlng. While li'tirr In Flnxhlng Bay tbe cargo 
was libeled Ibr lbs money dne on the contract. Among 
the things 84ixed were foarteen hotaes, the dahxianta or 
which IxutUted that they were not caiga Judge (Tboate 
tias decided agalnsi the fiilmanok and ordered a rererenoe 

to ascertain toe amount dne, which wiU be aboot SZJflO 

Miss .Adelaide Lennox began a oonrse of readlni^ In this 

dty on tbe zlst Inst Hermann Llode, Hliakespearian 

reader, sailed for Eorope (Vom here on the Qd Maurice 

Xevllle, Shakespearian actor. Is In this cHy W. E 

KherMan, who leaves the <7heetnut-i<trwt Theatre, Fblla- 
delphla, at the doae of this season, wiu enter u^oa a star- 
ring coarse next Autumn Rose Oshlan Is to play tn 

San Fnndiw next Summer Slgnorina Tereslna 

Singer Is rewaided m Nice- as an nnoommoo singer. She ia 
to replace Clant Louise Kellogg In the Strokosch Troupe. 

A revival 'or W. P. GITbert's "Palace of Trutb'Ms 

among tbe probabUItlea at oor Park Theatre befbre the 

dose or the season At the rnion-Ieague Theatre, this 

dty, on the afternoon of March 22, Geo.'Vandenhoff gave the 
tliud of his readings from Dickens— "Martin Chnalewit." 

Haydn'a "Stahat Mater," with a eholrof tbbtr voleaa 

and an ordaestrml aooompanlment, waa simg at tbe Chnrcb 
ofSL Maiytba Tlifln. (his dty, on Sunday night, March 

S The Paris Gmfofj, according to a cable dispatch. 

from -l.oiidoo. Eng., imder date or March 32, annonnoea 
that Sljc Mario, tbe once Ikmous tenor, has become in- 
sane. Mario in hlB old age has been the sport of all' 

sorts of rumors, and this may be another. 

A Bbagolar performance recently crowded the Immenaa 
bonding- or tbe American (^rcns, Paris. It was' a 
lecture by M. Kaguet on "Divorce." The Icctnxer has 
long been legally separated from his wlf^, and wishes to 
obtam a (Uaaolatlon of his marriage, which is notpoisDiIft 
tmder the exuting French code. Ju his vast andlenee was 
composed of married men and women, there Is a snspldon 
that ae Is not tbe only Frenchman who Is In fkvor of dt 

voree "Fflgrlm's Prcgress," dnmatlud by the Bsv. 

Dr. ^gfeqtoo,lstobeperiormedln blat^bnichorcauistlan' 
Endeavor, Brooklyn, Y -Adelaide PhDIIppo la an In- 
valid in this dtv O. Fawoett Bowe has dramatlxed tbe 

novel of .'<Tb« Leavenworth Case." It la reportadof 

I7U: CJVittiau tnteatgatcer that It has so fkr yielded to 
sound sense With regard to tbe Stage as to asnrt 
"th,f wb^ men or women aro bom with drmmatlo 
taleioB, those tAlaats most be regarded as divine en- 
dowments, and Christian Kopla shoald treat icpotabte 

actota as thar treat artists." Mlia Teresa Ksmnnda Is 

to lead W. J. Coihett's historical poem cf "FOotenoyat . 
tba Biocfelyn Academy oTMuslo March 2S..':... Henry. 
IrrlncdUsrhegeta through with "Bvnlet" attheLon- 
doifLyceiuD, la-|vdoublcui>ai"Il>e Condon Bnihictx.^ 

....wnhahnl baa retnmed totbla dty, andfbrawliUa 

in "hang op.ds' fUdle and de bow." A Son- 

day-fU^t osDcert ths, relltf ^ the, nlKnm 

tbe ffiemdln catastrophe la aaiURiiieed for Match 
at onr Academy at Mnale. Gerater, Bcce, Hank, Farodi, 

" 111, Del Pusnto, Foil. (Masai and n.m|i.,ih.i arete 

aid. In. oontnncttos with Aidld'a ofcheatrs Of 

8nlUvan.wbo recently ventured upon King Lear at 

FnnoUl, Del Pusnto, Foil. (Masai and flamitanhil are to 

be-Ee«Jj^ " -— ■— - — 

^e'^heatn^IfoyBl, Edlnburgtu .a oltie rccfuua; "Hla 
performance waa carefbl and interesting, Imt not Im- 

8reaalre." At (Alckeiliic Hall, sftcrnooo ot March 
r, A. P. Buibank ia to lecHe "Rip Tan Winkle" 
IVom memory... '...At the same hall, on the night 'of 
Match S, a lady who takes the name ;of Marion 
Talbot is to mako ber first bow In recitarions, 

In BlemorlmiB— B* C» Porter < 
To onr hearta tbe sodden tidings 
With a palnttal awUtaeas Hies; 
Once again the ranka are beokeo 

And a t» dies : 
Brave and ktnd and genlal.hearted— 

victim of a vlUaln'a daed— 
Crime so heartless that our natnres 
Cry for vengeance aa we read. 
The Intelligence of the mnnfer of Ben C Porter 
and the wounding of Maurice Barrymore, an account 
of which may tie found on onr flrrt page, when It 
reached this city late at night on March ao and 
spread from theatre to theatre, aroused a fetilng of 
deep indignation in proHanlonal clreles. After the 
petTormances at onr theatres were concluded ttiat 
night an Informal meeting was held by a nnmber of 
actorn, and It was rest^ved that proceedings be 
taken at once to raise a snm of money suffldent t& 
defray the fdheiai expenses of tbe deceased actor, 
and to aid pecuniarily nis immediate relatives, who 
were dependent upon him fur suppon. More espe- 
cially was this necessarv because Mr. Porier had dor- 
Ingthepaat year ormore been rather anfortnhate with 
regard to' engagements, and what sialary he recei\-ed 
was Immediately eaten np in dettaytng his household 
expenses in Pamnpo,. N. t. On the foUowlug morn- 
ing a letter was published In rTie Herald from Wm. 
E, Sinn, manager of the Park Theatre, Brooklyn, 
suggesting that a lienefit be given for the purpose of 
raising fands to defray the expenses of bringing Mr, 

Poner's remains to this city, and the balance, if anv 
to go to the fiimUy of the deceased. He ahio stated 
that he bad that morning telegraphed to Mr. Barrv- 
moreln HarshaU, Texas, to draw on hlmforflf^ 
doUara to be used In defraying the expenses of trans- 
porting BIr. Porter's remains hither. A second 
meeting of professionals was held Saturday after- 
noon, Blarcb '.£2, but, owing to the matinee perform- 
ances engrossing the attention of manv acton and 
managers. It was not largely attended. OoLT. Allston 
Brown was appointed tnalrman, and a formal 
meeting was caUed In Clarendon UaU Sunday 
afternoon, at three o'clock, which was largely 
attendeiL John P. Smith sras>cha«en chairman; 
<^L T. Alhiton ' Brown, secretary; and Andrew 
Dam Jr., treasurer. It was decided (o open sul>. 
scriptlon-lUtH In tbe variuns theatres to raise a 
flind. and a list was opened at the meeting with 
the foUowlng result. [A. M. Palmer had sent a 
letter to Col. T. Allston Krown, at the meeting oii 
Saturday, regretting hU InabUltv to be present, 
and Inclosing his check for $M, and therefore his 
name was placed at the head of the llst.1 
" " " — Mr. and Mrs. Mortlannt.. f 10 

•■ 10 


A. M. Palmer 

Morris Simmonds 

John J. Sheridan 

Tony Pastor 

E M. Holland 

B. Nathan 

Nelson Deck«rr 

G. fLSprague 

J. W. Rh.tnnon 

Richardson A Fo*m 

J. G. Hagan 

G. W. Farrvn 

J. I.. GoNiln 

Ilarr)' Dutlleld 

J. J. Spies 

MUnes L«iick 

Charlei* S. Dobson 

Josepli Wh(^eluck 

Mr. and Mrs. Carlwrt.. 

. S90 




Frank W. Sanger. , 

.Sill Smith 

John P. Smith 

E C. CbaraberUn 


.signer MaJcronI 

BartOn Hill 

James H. Mead , 

Cljarlr* J. EdmonJit. . 

A. P. Merrill 

Thomas Jriferson 

W. 8. Harklns. 

(ius Heckler 

Kavmoud Holmes 

Krank A. Tsnnviiili . . . 

Welsh Edwards 

J. K. I'etem 

A letter was read from Mrs. Marr Porter, the mother 
of the murdered man. to T. Allston Ilrown, re(]utMt- 
Ing him to take charge of her son's trunk and all 
propt:riy lielunglng tu him, Kndlng her lils private 
papers, pocKetiKxiK and ke.vs. A telegram was re- 
ceived from R. E. Stevens, who was ba>ilnei<.<uniniitt- 
gerof the FurtiUsh Fllth-uveniie Ckimpany during the 
seven years that Mr. Porter was connected with it. 
and al.<io with the Bouck-ault "Shaiighraun" Com- 
bination, of which Mr. Porter was stsge-manuger, 
expreiUliigblH sympathy with the meeting and sub- 
scribing fli towanLx a fund to lie raised to secure 
the conviction of the murderer, Currie. A dlnnatch 
IVom J. W. ColUer. In PhllRdelphIa, pledged Sis to 
tbe general suliuriptlon. \V. E. Sinn of 
telegrapheil hLs reudlness to co-operate. Managers 
Lester WalUck, Henry F~ Abhe.v, 1>. H. Harklnsaud 
Harrlgau A Hart, through respective representa- 
dve.o. stated that thev were reatlv to do anything In 
their power to aid In carrying ont the purpose of the 
meeting, which had their bearilest appro\'al. 


Bsnon mil of the (^Ufomla Theatre, San Francis- 
co. CaL. offieml the foUowlng. which was adopted: 

Resolrfd, That wedesire to offer our sincerest thankii to 
the citizens of Marsliall. Texas, for their Hymjiatliy and ns- 
slKtnoce to the dranialic company or wlilcli Mr. Porter was 
a memheron tills ssd ocaiioo. and that we flrmly liellerc 
they will do all In their power to bring the wauln before 
the bar or Justice. 

Col. T. ^llHtun Brown then offered the foUowlng, 
llrhlch, after bebigread by Mr. HUl, was alKoailopteil: 

ir^mw. By the ruthless hand or an assassin we have 
lost a beloTtfd frieod and associate, and whereas, srhilr se 

bow Willi humility to tbe behests of Almighty God, we nro- 
(buodi.v regrrt the loss of such awann-hrartedcompanldn, 
genial geoclenian and true loan. .The iotetVKt lie «r«r 

msnlferited for the profession commanded the respect and 
regard uf thtkie with s-hnm he was surrounded, and iMtiind 
hini to them br tbe .Mrongest ties of unalloyed Iricndshlp 
and 4n«term : th^reftm-. 

. Rtmlvtd, Tlmt wo e.vtend our heartfelt sympathy to hU 
nnrros'lng family In their hour of bereavement, whoKe loss 
we know cannot be llKhtened by ordinary expressions of 
oondolenoe, but hope that the svmpathles of sincere friend:! 
will oot be an Intrusion on their grief. 

' It wasdecldinl to form an organization fur the 
securing and ilLiposlngof the flind. tu ronsIM of the 
managers of thU city, with Lester Walbick as presi- 
dent nnd John r. Smith' vice-president, with huIi- 
commlttvcM which should Include the maasgers 
throughout the conntrv. A committee c«nRl.'<ilnir or 
T. Alhiton Brown. James H. Mead, MurrlK Him. 
inomLs, J. W. Shannon and Hartryratkbis wasap- 
pnlutnl to get up a benefit. Anoihercummlltee was 
selected to wait npon the ladles of the prof(^4.■dun 
and wllclt their aid In the movement; and after 
electing J. w. Shannon, (George W. Farren, Chas. 
E. Pnrtrfsh. F. A. Tannehlll, Charles Ftister. T. A. 
Brown and Frank Sanger a committee to meet the 
body on Its arriral in Jersey Clt.v, tbe meethig ad. 

In response to the following telegram: "n.\RRi.4- 
Binr. Pa.. Mareh 23, 3 o'clock p. M.— Meet me at Jer- 
sev Citv at 10 to-night. Ilnve charge of Porier's 
btMlv.— .\ijiERT Mi'RDDCH.'' the Committee ohove 
named and several other professional gentlemen 
asiiemiiled In the Pennsrivanla Railroad depot 
at ten minutes paisl ten Sunday niglit. w-hen 
the train arrived. As tbe colIln. Inclosol In a 
white deal box, was removed fTOm the beggage-car 
to a track the bystanders ancoveretl tbclr heads, and 
81 it was wheeled down the platform they followed 
It In a procej^slon, many of them shedding tears. The 
remains were conveved across the Ueslirorises-fltreet 
fbrrv. thence to stoltz's. tbe undertaker, -JST Bowetr. 

is to take place on Wetlnesday morning, March 2a, 
at II o'clock, from the Chnreh of the Transfiguration 
("The Unie cniurcb Around tbe Comer"). T. All- 
ston Brown, James H. M(^ and Morris Simmonds 
have charge of the funeral arrangements. Tickets 
of admbslon. without which no person will be per- 
ffiltted to enter the chnreh, will be Usned. The 
iLshira 'Will be Owen Fawcen, Ovane C. Davenport, 
<>Uver Wren. Kelson Decker, E. Holland, J. Alex- 
ander Brown. Frank Lamb, H. s. Uuineld, J. F. 
Petere and Wm. James; doorkeepers, E. C. cniam- 
heriln, Welsh Edwards, John Sheridan, T. E. Mor- 
ris, CJharles E. Furbish and Frank A. TannelilU. pall- 
hearers, Charles E. Fnrtilsh. Lew Barker, Wm. 
'Thompson, James Barnes and Frank E\'ans. The 
mnsIc wiu be fhml-shed by the Church Ci|Olr "Plna- 
fbre" Company, now at the Broadway Theatre, and 
Miss Anna Sanger (a sbter of Fnnk Sanger, an Inti- 
mate friend of the deceased) wUI sbig "Nearer my 
God to Thee." Dr. Houghton wlU waive the luual 
(fee for opening the chnreh. The Internment wUI 
take place, in the (Jemetery of tbe Evergreens, where 
a lot has been purchased, adjoining that owned by 
the B. P. O. Elks, a deed of which wlU be presented 
to the mother of Mr. Porter. 


Hr. Murdoch, a memtier of tbe tVaitIc A Harry- 
more "Dlplomacv" ComldnaHon, who accompan- 
ied the remains' of B. C. Porter from Marshall, 
Texas, to this cirv, savs that the ladv of the com- 
panv who was Insulted was Miss Ellen Cummins, 
and' not MLsa Josephine Baker, as had been tele- 
graphed. Mr. Murdoch, at the time of the assanlt, 
was In tbe hotel about flfly feet distant from the res- 
taurant, upon the steps of which John Drew stood. 
As the last turned ran Into the restanraot, Currie, It 
Is said, aimed his pistol at him, bnt as Mr. Drew 
begged for quarter his life was spared. After shoot- 
ing Mr. Porter and Mr. BariTmore, (Carrie pointed 
hhi pistol in MlKS Cummins' face, saj-lng: 
a mind to shoet von too." - She, trembling with 
fear, pleaded for her life. Currie fired four shots 
In all: the flrst one, aimed at Mr. Banrmore, 
and tbe last at Mr. Forter, inlK9ed, Tbelnstdt to 
Miss Cummins was addressed to the proprietor of 
tbe restaurant, and Cunie tried to force n>th Hr. 
Barrrmore and Mr. Porter to resent It. When Car- 
rie di^ his pistol Mr. Barrymore rose and said he 
was nnarmeiL but told Carrie If be wonld lay down 
hbi pistol he would give hlra aU the aatlsfacdon he 
wanted, and then commenced pulling off his coat. 
Carrie fired Instantly. Although he iras nnder the 
InflaenceofUquor. Carrie was not deeplv Intoxica- 
ted. It Is tald that the foUowlng day Carrie told his 
keepers tliat he regrett^ he did not kUl the whole 
lot of them'.' so there wotdd have lieen no wltnessei. 
Ur. Murdoch leatbe cltr on the night of U to rejoin 
tbe Ward i Barryniore Company In NaahvlUe, Teni^ 


Uanrice Herbert Blythe, professdonaUy known as 
ManrlceBarrvmbre','Isa taatlve Of England. He waa 
giltdtmled at Cambridge University, and sebsequent- 
lystndled law. ConilngtoAraerica, hemadehlsfirst 
appearance tn thls-dty In the FUlh-arenue Theatre, 
Sept. IB, 18'&, acting Talbot Champneys In "Our 
Bovs," and he continued under tbe management of 
AngnstlD Dal.v, either, as a member of the Flfth- 
avenne Theatre Company or as one of his traveling 
oiganlzatlonB, untu Mr. IMy retired tnm manage- 
ment.' On Dec 31. UM, he mauled Miss Georglna 
EmmaDrewlnPhnaddphlSpPa. Last Fan, with Mr. 
Warde, he organized '^e Diplomacy" Combination. 


To-dav (SJ)— lAwrence Barrett, tSO; T. Henry 
French,' fjO; and Cha riea Abb ott, tS. 

f'LOBA WBrroN ot tbe Weston Slstera arrived from 
England In the steamsldp Canada March 21. and la 
stopping at the Didon-sqaare HoteL She Intends 
sbbnly retnmUig to ^'glahd. 

^BOROR McDonald, who went to England to. play 
I7i|cle Tom vrith one of Jamtt Ic Palmer's com- 
panies, returned during the past week. 

Tbb Olympic Thbatrb Is to let from March SL 
Sei U. C MeineD'a card. 

GBacib-Euier, -walking ladles and tesponslhle 
boainess. Is open for an engagement See card. 

W. tv. BlAiTiucB, late stage-manager and comedian 
of Urn. Chaniraa's CombmaUon, has been engaged 
fbi; like poaldons tiy John T. Raymond Ibr his tour, 
Joining blm In Pittsburg Mareh SL 

Thb Westebs Tsbatu Compant played in Platts- 
bnra.Mo., Blareh IT, 18, U, 2D, Lathrap 21, 22, and 
are to open in BamUton St, for one weelc. 
'"Dick Ralfe can be engaged to appear in bis 
drama of "Our South." He opens at the Bowerr 
Theatre, this city, March SL He can be addressed 
throiufa his agent; J. w. Jackson, as per card. 
: a. Rakdolph Oamdjsbb exhibited to na the past 
week a copy ofihls letter to Mrs. John Drew of tbe 
Arih-street Theabe,:FbIlade]phla, Fa., resigning his 
position as bnslnesB^nanager of that theatre, tn con- 
sequence of hla Imalneaa at his Kew York agency 

'^~ig his nidlTlded attention: and also li copy of 

fs acceptance of tUsrealgiiatlon. Mr. 

kntuue to act far that theatre In a 
fe Vaaine as he does for other 6nt-of- 

to replace 'Thro' , the DartL" in the 
L-arcnnc Theatre ifarch n. 

At To:vT PAsnm'B Tbsaibb LotOc Wataon dis- 
played her strengtli of Jaw In a dUferent manner 
from that nsnally eidployvd by . the maiorily of her 
sex; there -waa no "ffiboee,'* bat during bnpresslve 
alienee (be performed a series of interesting ffeats, 
sastainlng tbe weight of varioua ponderoos oltlects 
by her teeth, aivl meetlag with blrsuccess. Alf and 
Lulu Wyman, who made their metropoUtan debut In 
a sketch caUed "Kari and Gretchen,^' proved to be 
capable exponents of the broken-English school, the 
Dutch dialect of both being good. Mr. Wyman has a 
clear and powerful tenor voice, which he nsea to 
good sdvaqtage in bis mnsl^selectlons; bat Ltdn. 
owing to severe hoarseness, -was nnaUe to display 
her vocal ablUtTes at their besL UoUle Wlhion sang 
a nimiber of popular songs tai a dnshlng manner, ana 
ber -welf-roimded, petlteflgare, tastUy attired, aflbid- 
ed pleasure to the eye. That tbe I^wrance Slstera 
have lost none of their grace or daring was exempli- 
fied by their startling performances upon theliigh 
trapeze, their laaiwTor life, from hanif to band and 
from a fl,ring bar to a single cord, eUclllng Uberal ap- 

Slause. Smith and Byrne mat with their customary 
Ivor daring their phtylng upon a variety of mnslcal 
Instruments. Oeorglna Smlthson sang a nnmtier of 
descriptive stings, making rapid changes of costume 
appropriate to each, which received the emphatic ap- 
proval of the spectatotB, and she acted Buttercup in 
the buriesque of "Pinafore" quite eOectlvely. A 
troupe of marionettes, skUlfully maiUpnIated by 
John TUI; afforded mncn pleasure, and the animated 
skeleton'whlch scattered Its bones about the stage, 
and subsequently replaced them In their appropriate 
positions, completely mvetUed the lookers-on. Har- 
nr Woodson, wnose Impersonation of tbe aged pbin- 
tatlon negro we hare frequently commended, was 
warmly received. These coinprlsed the arrivals of 
March H. - The sketch of ' '"The Cooper's Appren- 
tices" opened and "Pinafore" closed the show. Jen- 
nie Satteriee has recently been playing Hebe quite 
satlsfactorUv. Oas WUUams keeps the Interest In 
Sir Joseph ijiger up to fever-heat by frequent Intro- 
dnctlons of itesb Jokes and witticisms. Business 
was exceUent last week. 

"PiNAFOBB" saUed Into Oerman watera in this city, 
reaching anchorage In the Oermanla Theatre March 
22, where "I(mperbl) Mfajegtr's) Ship Pinafore" was 
sung for the benefit of EngenlerSchmitz. 

Fbxo F. LxvAKriNB, a skUlfhl equUlbrist, who 
with his hands aitd feet, whilerecUnlng upon a small 
elevated platform. Juggled three Urge globes quite 
deftly, and snbaequantly perforraed a series of did), 
ctdt feats with a' table about seven feet in length, 
terminating his performances with rapid erolatlons 
of a barrel, all. eUdtlng frequent applause, was 
among the chief attractions at the Theatre Cteinl(iae 
last week. Miss Minnie Farrell, a 'comely vocalist, 
sang popular airs, attired la the garb appropriate to 
her .sex, and after a rapid chaiige of attire reap- 
peared, made-np as a young man of the period, and 
gave farther eVIdeiXce of her musical abumes, 
making a hit; 'Ilemiey, Cronln, |iester and Allen re- 
appeared after a short absence, giving their pleasing 
negro eccentricities. These comprised the new ar- 
rivals IT, when an extra matinee was given In honor 
of Ireland's Patron Saint. Performances npon mu- 
sical ghisses by A. w. Sawyer; Reynolds and WaU- 
Ing In a musical sketch called "Onr OIil Armchair;" 
and tbe sketches of "The Live Indian," with Johnny 
Shav In tbe chief character, "Iteke It and Don't 
Take It," acted by John WUd and BUIy Gray were 
the other featuies of the programme, and "The Mul- 
UBun-guard RaU" concluded the tenth week of Its run. 
BuHlness continued large. 

''SrANDiNO-ROOM OSLT" was dLsnlaved in the vesti- 
bule of NIhlo'B (ianlen during the entire expired 
week, "The Black Oook" remaining the atlractton. 
Vie are as.snred that the advance sale of seats con- 
tinues large, and, an It Is the intention of the KlrallV 
Brotherx to Introduce from time to time fresh speclal- 
Ucn and new scenerv. It Is probable that this popular 
spectacle will have another prolongeil nin. 

'-TnRo' THE Dark'' held posseKslon of the stage at 
the Fifth-avenue Theatre the past week, and, as Us di- 
alogue hSH lieen pruned and compressed to some ex- 
rent, the performunces terminated at a more season- 
alile hour Mian hitherio. The altenilance, which was 
meager during the early Psrt of the week. Increased 
sllghtiv towurd.s Its close. On and after Wednesday 
I'eier Van Slink, 'hitherto Inipervonuted liy Frank 
Hardenlierg, was acted liy Steele Mackaye, the author 
of the drama. In quite a respectalile manner: liut 
Alired Mertun, who replaced Cieoige U. Chaplin as 
Harr\'firalmm, was nut lu all respects Katlsfkclor)'. 

phof. w. \. F. Dr LEAi'HonNY Jolueil the San 
FrancLocn MInstreN March IT, appearing with his 
face corked and pla.ving upon the dther, an Instm- 
ment Uiirequently heaix) Ui places of public amuse- 
ment in this coiinti?-. "Lkiten to tbe Hocklng- 
liInL'* with v-arlatliins, was so admirably performed 
that be was recalled, when he gave a iKitpoiiri of 
more chiMilcal muMic, wtilvh enabled hlni to more 
hilly dlsnlay hbi wonderful manipulation and com- 
mand or the Instrument. The other changes In the 
programme Included "A Handled Fathoms Deep," 
snng I>y H. W. Frillinan: "Little D-Jisr," by D. S. 
Wambold; "Solid DUheK to the Front," BUIy Ulrch: 
'Tlie Valley of Chamounl.t.'' J. G. BusseU; and. for 
the finale to the flist-part, "I.a Maijohilne." Attenil- 
ance large, on some nights vtamllng-room being In 
brisk demand. 

Tub kxtha matinbb. performance of "Rugageil," 
given by Henry B. Abtiey In the Park Theatre Mareh 
•JO. for the accommodation of tbe ladles and gentle- 
men engngcd In other theatres In thU city and 
\1clnlty, was liberally attenderl l>v them as well as 
by non-professlonabi. An excellent biislnesK was 
done during the entire week. 

MANAdF.ns Chariea E. Locke of San FranclKcn. 
Qui., and J. II. Haverlv of Chlcagti. III., are In town. 

Ni:n Bahhv. Juhnson nnd Rruno. Ilarr\' nr\-anl, 
the Siiydsm Brothers, Lulii Delmav, arid II. R. 
Archer are the arriv-ats at the Theatre Comlqne 
March 24. A new sketch liy E. Harrignn, entitled 
The Great lB4oe-nstural tl alklng-match." Is tu lie 
acted for the first time, and -The MullIgan-guard 
Hall" Is to continue a feature. 

The ciii-RCH-cnoiR "Pinafore" Company continue 
at the Broadway Theatre this week. 

JdSEPH Toocrai has relumed to tdwn'and resumed 
Ills position of business-manager InlUnnth's Tlieatre. 

Pat Rimsm-. Clias. Kogeiw and Mattle VIckerH. 
l.aro- T<Miley. J. W. Binghnm. Harrnr llnilwonh and 
Louise Hontsgiie are the fresh appettrHncei< At Tonv 
Pastor'ri Theatre lhL« week. The iHirlesiinc of "Ploa- 
fure" enters upon the sixih week of Its run. 

Franx Mayo and combination are to net "Davy 
Crockett" lu the Grand Opera-house this week. 
Some .veam have elapwl since Mr. Mhvo actcil tliere. 

"E-N'OAiiRn" wlU continue to amiLse the patrons of 
the Park Theatre until fhriher notice. 
J. w. CoMJim I.1 reported Ul in Philadelphia. 
"THE OcTOK(»N" was the attraction at the Uower\' 
Tlieorre during the second and last week of F. !>. 
Chanfraii. wli(K« Salem Scndder ns a lilt of "char- 
acter'' acting ranks among bLs happiest linperwna- 
tlonK. The IilII wils lengthened each evening by 
the stock company sncceivilvelv appearing In the 
dramas -Brian Horolhme," "Junatlian Ilradfard" 
anil "Slxtevn-string Jack.'* Charles Harriman the 
pedestrian was tendered a compUmeniary lienellt 
March 21 bv Manager Hofele. and was greeted with 
loud cheering when he was Introduced to the audi- 
ence. Harriman, having declined to accept tbe re- 
ceipts or that evening, was pnlillcly prescnteil the 
•lay follow-lng lit- Manager Hofele With a handsome 
gold watch suitably luscribetl. Wm. J. Fleming 
commences 2t In the realistic drama "Custer,'' fol- 
lowed on 31 br nick Ralph In "Snimv Sontlu" 

At Hakrv Minwr's last week the 'features deserv- 
ing of commeniUtlon were ninnle Beane and 
Charles ailday's sketch "When the (3ntv Away the 
Mice will PlBv;" the Courtland SLsters' duels: Wood 
and West's skatorlal songn-and-dances; Joe and. Vn- 
nle BuigesM' sketch "Trouble m the FBmUv:" Living- 
ston Hrotliera and John Murtz's gymnastic fkats; 
Frank (Errand Lulu tVentworih'ssketch 'The Happy 
Pair;" McCauley and Howe's double harp Hongs-anif- 
dances: and Hiss Uarrie Durell'H vocalUm. Arrivals 
'24: The ZIg-Zags, Lomont and Ducrow. the Wtinans, 
Nellie Thome, Awata Katsnoshln, and the Ainerican 

At the Ttvoli the entertaliiment provided last 
week pleased large audiences. John and Maggie 
FieldUig In Irish sketches; Billy Mahonev and Miibel 
Gray In songs, duets and sparring: Emlle and Fan- 
Ibie Ames In character sketches; KUes and Evaus In 
their act "Comedy Mixtures;" and "Yank" Adams 
In his peculiar digital blUlard-shohs met with well- 
deserved applause, and the pertbrmance conclnded 
with the burlesque "Walking Tournament." Sand- 
ford and WUtMin, Chariey Banks, Peter Lnwior and 
HtUy Madden, Emma Brettij and the Springen open 
Ma roll 24. 

The Vous Garorn continues to cnlov a good at- 
tendance. Tlie new faces last week Included George 
and Nettle Wood In 'The PoUceman's JubUee:" Miss 
I. O. and . SIgnor Elviro in their trapere-lialanclag 
act; Pettit and White In songs-and-dances and as 
■The Two Extremes;" Prof. H. J. Campbell In feats 
of magic: Mile. LuclUe In her original songs; Ben 
Dodge In Impromptu vocaUsm; Minnie Lee In Ed. 
Hurrigan'u latest songs; and Mlnide Clyde In serio- 
comic songs. Oiwnlng 2t: John McVeigh, Kate 
Montrose, UcNIsb and Kay, Ada (;astleton and tbe 

Tbe London eamed a fair share of patroiuge last 
week. The novelties Incluiled Murphy and Mack's 
"O'ShaaghnesHy Guards," Constantlue and Law- 
ton's "Sublime and Rldlcvlou8.'t j. w. McAndrews' 
"Watermelon Man," PoUy Daly's serio-comic songs, 
Satsuaa'H balancing, Lizzie Daly's clog-dances, the 
GIrard Brothera' songs-and-dances, and the after- 
piece " Murphy's Dream." Fanny Herring. Seamon 
and Somers, Viola Clifton, Harry Beimett, and the 
Carrolb are bUIed here March 21 

J. w. Collibb's "Celebrated 'Case'' (^mlilnatlon 
constituted the attraction at the Grand Opera-house 
the past week, drawing good-alzed andlences. Tbe 
company, which has bean fNqnently reviewed In 
The Cmppkr by our respe e Hve eorreapondents, gave 
much satisfaction. Keuan Decker snpplle<l J. W. 
CoUler'8 pUce, he being detained in PhUadelpbla by 

' R. J. FiLXi.s'S, who caUed at The Currira ofllce 
March 32, informs tu that Manager J. H. Haverly Is 
to open tbe -Lycenm Theatre March si with Alice 
Oates' Qpera'Tronpe In "Ihe Utile Dake."' Mean- 
time the ftont of the theinre Is to be painted white, 
and a profOalon of gas-Ughts win he pot In position 
to niumlnate the Immediate ndghtnrbood. 

Franc JUbdks'bbrg and MUs Laura Don left for 
Boston, Mass., tbe past week, to support Charles 
Fscbter during hb forthcomhig engagement In the 
Howard Athencuffi. ' ' - 

Harrt C. Fbakck la rapidly leeovering from his 
recent illness. 

' Hraicai. NORS.— The Italian opera at tbe Academy of. 
Music gave tu "La Sonuambnla" Mmnh 17, "B Flanto Mag- 
Ico" Ut^'Buy Bias" IS, "Faust" 31, and tbo Brat act of~l 
Poritanl" and the third and fburth acta of "n Trovatore" 
at the matinee 23. Mme. Qerster at tbe matineo nerfbrm* 
ante waa compelled to retire "In coosequeuca ora senre 
oold" after the first act of "I Pnritanl," and Mme. Roce 
was snbstltnrcd In "H Ttormtore'' to fm out the perTorm. 

ance WlOlam Courtney gave hla second ballad concert 

March 20 at Chlckering Hul. having Mme. Loolse Gaoe- 
Cooitney, Mta. J. L._Rotyitaon, Carios Florentto*. the 
'^'^J'S't' T**'*^ «b* planut, aa the perform, 

era. H. O; J arvis waa the conductor, and B. Paine preskled 
at the organ. Thepngrammewasqnlteanattractlveone, 

Intndncbig many of tbe better-dasa ballads. Max 

Plooer and Dr. Damrosch gave tbe fuorth ot their 
aerie* of concerts at the UnTon. League Theatre Mareh 
20. Dr. Damroach'a riolin and -Mr. PUiner'a piano 
pUylng -were the chief Afatores. To these wero added 
Um aUigtng of Mra. Sarah De Land and C. F. Tt«t- 

bar, and Fred Berguer's 'eeUo Interpretations Cb. 

FrlhKb, the Unor popular with both the profession and 
irnbUe, offered an exceUent but at hla benefit concert at 
g2nw» BaU March 22, enlisting the aervlcea o? aT E. 
St odda rd. Miss A. Heane, Mra. Imogene Brown, XlasDrcha, 
Mcaara. Prahn and Beraio, vocallM; Mme. Helm, O. Wal- 
ter, E; Agramonto and Fnna Bnnnnel, pianists; and L. C 
Kapp,vloUnlst; besides appearing himself. .. .The Sunday 
(March S) concerts hiclnded one at Booth's Theatre, in 
which SIg. D'Auila and bia orchesttm appttred, supported 
bvBIine. Teresa Carreno, Mlas Gertrude Frankuo and 
Edouard Bemenyl; one at the Grand Opera.houae, Mme 
De Munka lielng the principal attraction— SIgnora Pas- 
calls, firom tbe Harana Opera Tnmjie, made ber Snit ap- 


pearanoe In this dty on this occasion— beskle* the above 
artl.-4a. TagUapletr*, Sualnl, Boenatl, Kapp, MliaMark- 
steln. Hill and Colb^were In the programme: and one at 
the Broadway Theatre,_w1tb Clara Ismise at^t, mono, 
sopcanovocalut; Miss H. Beere.cootiaJio; SbrTMarato 
baritone: J. Graff, tenor: and A. 8. Carrlngton In drom- 

Bolo<'. Manager B. B. Abbev opens- Boutb'a Theatre 

with Almee and an op•ra.bollffatIOopeApllll2.:..'...Le- 
eaDq's conde opera 'The Uttle Dnke" teoelved itii first 
pieaentvtlon in tbl* dty Maroh 17 at Booth's Tbeabp. The 
oftn has not been saooeaaftal In drawing other thaamaU- 

Biaod aniUenoea OottboM Cplbenr's fifth sympaonr 

concert took place at Chlckering BaU IbRh a OermSe 
Fniaklln and Josephine Bates, HUln, her fint appear- 
aasehen.wenthe NloMa, >T™'' ™ 

de AU-rlgfat, are to appear la BtacS CTOOt" 
Nlblo's Arden, oommendng Maicb M. 

dlfferlar entirety »Qo aU otben hHberto issued fkom this 
StBcaThave been sent to every ACTBoamo ooaaiarpas- 
UTof the New Toax Currn. Manageri, agents,;doar- 
keepen and others an respeetftdly requested no* to ^a>d 

whk:h lire hi IbUo fbrm. of BED Moaoono. having on the 
outside an engraving of Tea Curran BciLDiso printed 
In cold, and oa the hislde, npon tloUT-OREXX.rAPXB, 
the names or tbe dty, correspondent, etc., signed bj th; 

Stopnetor of the paper, and the stamp of the oOlee, dated 
[ardi 1. 1S9, affixed. A pbotocnphU: Ukeneaa of . the 
correapondent la attached to tba lower left-hand corner. 
Tb«e oedentlals are not trafMfenihtc; and, if they an 
pieaented by any person other than the one whoaa name 
and portrait they bear, managers wUI confer a fhvpr if CA<v 
wdi niafn tAeai osd return »m Dtmail to (Ate oJIof. 
Manaaera can aave themselves from imposition by de- 
manding npon aU occasions an exhibition of these ere- 
dentlahL Applicants for the poalclon of correspondent 
should Indose a photograph, not mounted on card board, 
showUur head and bust <mly l ira of bead, ftve-elgbths of 
an InS— and If no reply Is sent they wUI plesse consider 
sUenoe a negative. Taa Curraa neveremploya tratvUntt 

At MACAtTLBT's TUKATHB, Loulsvllle, Ky., last 
week, Uendeiaon's New York Standard Theatre (Com- 
pany in "Almost a LUe" drew only fair houses, 
Utbough the business Increased steadily alter the 
flrat night. AstlstlcaUy, however, the engagement 
was a complete success. The compaiyr playa In Cin- 
cinnati week of at, Ihiyton 31, Springiield April 1, 
Columbus 2, 3, tVheeUng, W. Va., 4, t, and Plttsbnrg 

weekotT McKee ranMn and Kittv Blanchard 

In "The Danltes" open 24. for one. week W. S. 

Schmlu has returned from his Western tour highly 
gratified with Its result. He wUl play a three nights' 
engagement at Macauley's immediately after the 
close of Lent. 

CHARunTBTHOMTSON, snpported by her company, 
opened a season Ui 'Wheeling, W. Va» appearing 
successftdly in "Jane Eyre" Mareh 20, 'The Hunch- 
bMck" -a, "CamUle" Xt, matinee "Jane Eyre." The 
audiences -were large. Charlotte Thompson was 
warmly applauded, and admirable support was 
given by \f. H. Cooper, N. W. Gregory, J. L. Wooder- 
son, the Misses Hattle- Baker, Ida Lewis, Little EOle 
and Mrs. Louisa lA'atson. The company bi blUed In 
Cleveland, a, '24, Buffalo, N. Y., 31, Rochester April 

7, each one week. The ColvUle Folly Company 

occupied the Opera-house IT, 18, presenting "Robin- 
son <5nisoe," with selecUona from "Pinafore" and 
"Babes in the Woods." The attendance was large 
onthefiiHC night, tiut on the second wasofsmaU 
dlraenslona. They played In ChlUlcothe, 0., IB, Day- 
ton 20, Columbus.21, 21 

t^ARH AMD coaaiSATiONS desiring dstes at the 
Grand Opera-house, thla city, are referred to the 
(sard elsewhere. 

A FOiit-ACT DBAMA 18 oOfered for sale by w. F. K., 
who advertises. 

HiNSix Ci'MMiNGS wUl msVe a tour through the 
West under the management of O. H. Van Wormer, 
with Harry -Weston as bnslnesx-iDanager. Her 
repertory, published In her card In thla Issue, Is re- 
ferred to the attention of managers. 

Pbtrolei-m V. NASBY'a (D. R. liocke) new Hardcal 
comedy, "^Vldow Bedotte," Is to receive its first 

Sresentatlon on the stage in tbe - Providence (R. I.) 
pcra-house March 28, 2>, with Kell Burgess In tbe 
title character. ' 

Mus Mart Anpersos and company, nnder the 
management of John w. Norton and S. M. Hlckey, 
are to perform tn Ponsmontb, N. U., Mareh 24. Sa- 
lem, Mass., 2£, Lowell '26, Lawrence 27, Lynn 28, Chel- 
sea 2B, New Uedfonl 31, Fall Hl\'er AprU 1. 

AT THE OFBHA-HUltlK, St. LoUlS, MO., (iCOrge C. 

Uonlfacc has drawn fslrty since March IT. 'The 
Soldier's Trust" was played the entire week, and 
deeplv Interested all who saw It. Our com^ipon- 
ilent °8a>-s: 'The character of the old corporal An- 
tulne is really the best piece of acting Mr. Boniface 
has done In SL Louis. Ktpeclally was thbi the case 
In the second act, where his pantomimic action was 
more eloquent than words. Young George BonUhce 
ranted too much. He bus imdoubted talent, and if 
he wUl only tone down the force of bis delivery 
somewhat he will find that his acting will give more 
sutlsfacllun. C. L. Graves' traveling company far- 
olshes eltlcleot suppon. Dion Douclcanlt and com- 
pany 23 At the Olympic Urge aadlences nlghtlv 

greeted Maihime Mudjeska, who appeared In 'Ca- 
mllle' IT, 18, 'Frou-Frou' is, 'Adrlenne' 'iO, 'Romeo 
anil Juliet' 21, 'East Lynne' Denman Thompson 
and coin pan V begin 24. 

AT TUB HcrKupoLrTAK TOEA'TOE. Minneapolis, 
Minn., "Kolwrt Enimett" was given March 17. The 
Theatre was closed 18, (br the flrat time In sLx 
months, to admit of a dress-rebeanial of "H. M. S. 
Ploafure," which was produced for the flrat rime 19 
tu a large liuu.-<e, and will be ountlnuetl untU farther 

TUK Dbmji Golden- Thoite pla.ved In Te.xarkana, 
Ark., March 18,'ie, -S). 

EMILY Mav.nakd, Juv-enlles, walking ladles and 
singer, can be addressed care of thhi ofllce, for en- 
ingements. The lady has latterly been with a 
i-oiicen party as reader and vocalist, and was for- 
merly vonuectal with Wood's Museum, this city. 

At the PuKTuuiD (Mb.) Theatre Salsbnrv's 
Traulmiloura dellt^hted a fine audience March IT, a'nd 

they propow returning April 10 Man- Aniler- 

sun made her firet appearance In that cltv 21 in 
"Inguniar:'' -it, at matinee, "Romeo and 'JuUet," 

evening "R\-adne." Iliuduewi good Geo. A. IIIU, 

supported by J. C. Myera' company, h« to plav In 
Music Hall 24. •& The company comprises tS'. T. 
DiilHiiey. Geo. W. Shicldi, C. B. Rhodes, Edwin Mur- 
phy. Waiter Cr>-stal, Hurry Blanchard, May Wyncoop, 
and Sadie Dulunev. 

GE0)u;e Fawcctt Rowe. supporied bv E. A. Mc- 
liuwell's company, Ls bUlt^ In Muntrval, P. (J., March 
i», 'is, 28. 27. 

"llKNHY ^■"■waa presented at the Royal Opera- 
house. Turonto, Ont., March 20, with James Green, 
a native of that city. In the title-role, to a bouse 
crowded to the doom with tbe personal friends of 
tbe star. Our correspondent says: "Mr. Green Ls 
little more than an amateur, this lieing only hLs 
ihlnl appearance on tbe dramatic stage. He gave a 
furellilc representation of the character, his elucu- 
lion licing clear and dbitlnct and hb< reading <»r- 
rect. Hbi defects are few, the principal one being a 
constant shaking of the head In onler to emphasize 
hhi word. Tlie support liy the company was, with a 
few exceptions, only fair, W. C. Ilunalibioii's Fluel- 
len, Adelaide FUnt's Rumor, and Mrs. J. K. 
Vemon'.s Dauphin being the oulv ones worthy of 
commendation- The scenery and effects were' all 
new nnd appropriate, the wardrolie being expressly 
liiiponed from New York fur the occasion. Th'e 
company Intend to make a tour of the Province, 
opening In RellevlUe 24.'' 

SMAi.i. AiDiENCBi were drawn liv J. C. Wllllamsnn 
anil Maggie Moore at the Wuln'ut-Mreet -Theatre, 
Plilhidclphia, last week, where thev paveil "The 
ElucruliI Ring" (by permission of lira. Bamev WU- 
Uams) and "The Fool of the FBmllv," in which Liz- 
zie Creese reappeared after he'r Ulness 

Tlic connection -with the theatre of Harrv Mer- 
etllth, heavy man, closed snddenlv March 'la, the 
parts fur which he had been cast being plaved by 

Charles Walcot and J. P. Deuel B. W. tamer. 

second old man, had a benefit on the afternoon of 
March 'JO, presenting "The Marble Heart" and "Fam- 
ily Jars." Mm. Charles Walcot, who had been orig- 
inally cast for Marco, was sick In bed, and, out of 
compliment to her as well as to the beneficiary, M:b8 
Glover kindly consented to play the part. She re- 
ceived a lieautlfUI basket of fiowera fTOin Mra. Wal- 
cot. ThLs was the only Incident that occurred dur- 
ing the benefit F. C. Bangs begins a week's en- 
gagement March 24 Florence Iravenport, daugh- 
ter of Mrs. E. L. Davenport, has recovered ITOm her 

recent Ulness John T. Raymond appeara March 

31, foUuwed by the New York Standard Theatre 0>m- 
pany In "Almost a Ufe" April 14, and by Mrs. Bar- 
ney WlUlams May S, who irUI then make her flrat 
appearance since the death of her husband. 

A. C. Irving, agent of Texas Jack's Combination, 
was taken severely Ul on his arrival at the Reed 
House, Erie, Pa., Febk 8, and was conflned to his 
room ten days. Our correspondent vrrites: "Al- 
though'he was without a cent to pay his bUhi, the 
kind-hearted and generous CoL Ealsw-orth, proprie- 
tor of the Reed House, gave him tbe best of care, 
and he was attended by Dr. J. L. Stewart, one of 
our bett physicians. The' troupe having left here 
Vkib. IS without leaving him any moneyTne was, by 
hht own request, removed toSt. Joseph's IIosplul, 
where he remalaed untU convalescent, a few days 
ago, w-hen, stUl being -without money to pav bla -way 
home, Juhn S. Dunn, superintendent Erie' Traiisfer 
Compaay, and C. J. C^ugney, manager of the Opera- 
house, took the matter in hand, and raised tbe re- 
quited amount and sent him on his way rejoicing." 

Maggie MrrcHEU, played In Fort Wayne, Ind., 
March 21, and Is blUed In Loganspon 22, I^fhyette 
24. Decatur, Dl., 2i, Bloomlngton '2a, Peoria 2T. 

Mr. and Hb3. GEa S. Kkight and company ap- 
peared In the Opera-house, Pittsburg, Pa., the past 
week, In "Ono," to Umlted patronage. Our corres- 
pondent reports: "The pUy ran smoothly, the acting 
was even, and altogether tbe entertainments were 
enjoyable; but aU these commendable fi-aturea wonld 
not draw a good week's business. 'My Sun' wlU be 

Srodnced March 24, 25, 28. 27, 'Risks' 28, and 'Col. 
eUera' 29, -with John T. Raymond In the leading 

Jobn McCnxoroH closed a successful engage- 
ment In the Memphis, Tenn., Theatre March IS. On 
bis last night be was escorted to the theatre by the 
Chickasaw Gnatds, headed by a brass band, as an 
acknowledgment of tbe counesy he extended (hem 
last Fall WhUe In <»nctnnai1 by inviting them to at- 
tend Ihe theatre at which be was then playing. 
Warde A Barrymore's "Dlplomacv" Combination are 
bUIed for 24, 2S. The klllliig of & C. Porier and 
wounding of Barrymore may possibly cause the 
canceling of tbe engagement. The (SolvlUe FoUy 
party appear for four nights, commencing 20. 

The fi-nerai. op Jams PiLoniM, the well-known 
actor, dramathit and manager, took place tram his 
late residence, I.mT Spring Garden street, PhUadel- 
pbla, March 19, and -was very largely attended. The 
corpse -was neatly dressed In a suit of bUck. The 
floral designs were numerous and beantUhL Host 

Kimlnent among them was an anchor, the gift of 
, PUgrlm'a chUdren; a harp, sent by Mra. Robert 
Fox; and a cross ftom Mr. and Mrs. Jos. T. f^nliL 
Tbe fUneial services were conducted by Rev. L New- 
ton Rltner, pastor of the Eleventh Baptist Chnich. 
The paUtiearera weie J. P. Johnson and w. H. Danvera 
of Fox's American Theatre; Alex. La-wrence, late 
doorkeeper of tbe same house; and Uob Harrlaon 
of Ihe New NatlonaL The Interment waa at Cedar 
HUI Cemetery, near FrankfonL Many of Mr. PU- 
grim'B professional flrlends and associates were 

W. E. Powxa 
March 28, 2a. 

OLtvKRDom Btbon foUowed tbe. swimmer Bov- 
ton to LonhnlUe, Ky., from Cincinnati. O- In a sUiL 
He opens March 24 In BellevlUe, DL, with tbe Slm<Hi 

Manaoxb Steblb of Clnolnnati, O,, managed Law- 
rence Barrett, sapported by the St, Louis Olympic 
Company, In Terre Haute, Ind.. Mareh IT, U, Maya- 
vUie, Ky., 19, ao, Lexington a, 22. '-^ 

TOKY Dkkibb's Pantomime Troupe In "Bnmpty 
S^'"/.'^"*'™^ * •■!?• attcndaniw to Martin 
HaU, Albany, N. Y.. Thla, company ranks 

among the best of Its Und. Ooo. H. Aduaa tfM- 
maldl) la a llretrclass Clown, O. P. Fox an amnstng 
Pantaloon, Wm. Eunice a sprightly HarieqnlnTand 
AdaBoeheU a beanteons and gncefOl (^dnmblne. 
The Tule^ people are aU good, and comprise Vic- 
toria North, eerio-comlo; PhU Heath. ventrUoqulst; 
Lester and. Williams, .eong-and-dance; CaUfam and 
Fox, acrobats; Emma Motuton, clnh«winger: Venus 
and Adonis, velodpedlsts; and CbariSI^Dlamond. 
known as tbe MUanese Minstrel. Route: Hudson 24. 
Sarat<^ 2i, Cohoes 28, Schenectady 27, Troy 28, S 
S'L'^Ar^^^iS?* ^Pf" ? • Itochester 3, 4. .77. . j! 
0. and Hia. wuuamaon in "Strack OU" appear In 
Martin HaU as, 2T. ^vir^ 

.nrtT„I?!LJS?S°¥'''6P^'Pl^ during the week 
ending March 22, Joa. T. Faimln appeuS to moder- 
ate andleneea aa BUI SUr-em-np in ^^Stclp by Step, or 
Ihe Cone of Drink." Mr. Elannin's teiiaitlon ome 
W'^'^,^S>mhleone,»aihe waa ably supported. 
March 24 Oeo. U.,Sh\'B adaptattoa of fia 5S 
dnma "Onlaare, or The Lite ofii Fireman," iS 
tbe cpmeiir of "Delicate Oiotuui". wiu w£ 

bUJed to play in Aurora, Ind. 

Mabov a JfOBOAN'B "Uncle Tomt; OofflUnatlon 
are tiavelingthiongb the West andareajjd to be 
meeting wlOi a Sir dagiw <rf aiwoMa. T*or w 
SBoOTua, O., March 24,28, Shel^ 87,3 Tlflto », 
31, Mdai» booked In Aubuiii, ImtAprtL H.A. 
a WlUlams hi In advance. ^ 

PBILHABMONIC HALL, which is fitted Op With 

scJ?e"^Sd Ughted by gas, to aie mMt poptgar 
amusement resort in Demerara, w. L Weaclmow- 
ledgetho receipt of a liamed pnotojpaph of Itt in- 
teriM-, by which we see that tbe lower floor U supplied 
with cane^eated chairs, and the stage piMents a 
roomy and comfortable appeaiance. 

Dbsman Thomtson and company pentfrmea in 
Grand Rapids, Mich., March 20, 2L Ann Arbor 22; 
thte week Uiey are In St. Lonls, Mo., 24, thence to 
Chicago, ni.. 31, one week. . ,^ 

Ha(Wib HrrcoBLL and company acted in Rlcb' 
mond, Ind., March 20. Fort Wayne 21, Logansport 22. 
They perform hi Lafavette 24, DanvUle, IIL, 2S. De- 
catur 20, Bloomlngton 2T, Peoria 28, Springfield 29, 
Jacksonville 31, Chicago AprU 20, two weeks.. - 

Chablottb Tboupson's Combikatiok performed 
In zanesvllle. lU., March 18, IT. 18, 'WbeelUig, W. Va., 
■20, 21, 22. and show In Cleveland, 0., 24, one week; 
Boffbio, N. T., 31, for a like periotL 

■Thb Damitbs" Is to be played In Nashville. Teim. 

March 24, 3S, 28, by McKee RankUi'e company 

Warde A Banymore's "Diplomacy" company Is bUI- 
ed for 27, 28. 29. „ 

J. H. Slatik Is requested tocommuidcate with w, pervard. 

A oOMBiNATiiiN Is Wanted by C. J. Sherman to plaj 
about April I. See advertisement. 

Auox Oates and conipanv during their second 
and last week at the ARh-street- Theatre, Philadel- 
phia, sang "Glrofi.p-Glrofla" March it, is, and mati- 
nee 22, "Chimes of Normandy" la, 20, "La Maijo- 
lalhe" for benefit of AUce Dales 21, and "La Peri- 

chole" evening of 22. AU to light bnaliieas Mr. 

aud Mtx. Oeorge S. Knight commence March 24 In 

"Otto." Chaa. A. Mendnm to now-managerof 

tida house; John Goldberg to manager's agent. There 
to mnch feeUng over the recent aawamnted attack 
npon tbe late B. C. Porter and Maurice Barrymore, 
w-ho to the son-in-law of Mrs. John Drew. The Ut- 
ter's wife, Georgia Drew, who for sometime past 
has lieen Ul at her mother'a bonne, to 8ei\-erely 
prostrated by tbe news, though on March 22 
a dtopatch was reealved' ftom Mr. Barrymore stat- 
ing that hto. wound was so jdlt^t thai he shoald 

play in NashvlUe, Tenn., on tbe 24th March 

•a the foUowlng notice, which explains Itseli; bear- 
ing the slgnamres of W. E. Sheridau and Geo. Hol- 
hind of tbe ChestOnt^treet Theatre, was! posted in 
the green-room of all the theatres in the city: "A 
meeting of tbe todies and genttemen of the dramatic 
profession wUI be held at the La Pierre House, Broad 
street, on Monday aftemoon, March 24, at 3 o'clock, 
for the purpose of arranging a benefit for the family 
of the late B. C. Porter, nie ladhs and gentlemen 
of thto theatre who may desire to asstot the project 
are Rspectfully regnested to be present.'* Manager 
GemmUl of the (^estnnt has oflhred hto theatre 
for tbe proposed beneflt. 

"tsoAUBD."— W. 3. UUhert's Tet^■ fanny burlesque- 
comedy contlnnes to draw crowded bonsea at the 
Cniestnnt4itreet Theatre. Fhlkidelpbla. and will ran 
Indeflnltely. There was a fire in the cellar of thto 
house on the night of March 18. caused by a lighted 
cigar-stump thrown throngh tbe iron grating on 
Chestnut street Ignlthig a rabbtoh heap Into which It 
feU. There was a large audience preient at the time, 
and, the smoke ascendbig Into tbe auditorium 
throngh the furnace leglstem, cansed a slight panic, 
which was quickly suppressed by Manager Geromlll, 
who steppei! 10 the front of the dren^^Crcle and told 
tbe audience to keep their seats, as ttiere was no 
danger. Tbe Are was promptly extingiUshed and 
tbe ptoy proceedcL At tbe end of the act Hr. Gem- 
mUl came before the cnriain and exphilned tbe oc- 
currence. On Thuiwlay, Mareh 27, a special matinee 
of "Engaged" will he given, to w-hlch Manager (Gem- 
mUl Invites nil membera of the proftaolun. The cur- 
tain w-UI rise at 1.30, to accommodate professlonato 
ITum New York. 

Tony Demer's Pantomime THorrE. with Geo. H. 
A(Ums (Grimaldl) as clown. Is now- In tbe twenty- 
ninth week of a successful season. The company 
will he reorganized fur next season, beginning about 
Aug. 2&, and propositions for engagements can lie 
sent to Manager Denier, as per card. 

SALSBcntY's TNoraADOins are bUled In New Bed- 
ford, Mass., March 24, Taunton 2S, Lawrence 20, Man- 
chester, N. H., iJ. Conconl 28, Biirilngton, Vt., 29. 

JoBNKY Barker, comedton, has had vrritteo for 
blm by Fred R. Johnson of Maiden., a three- 
act comedy called 'Trouble on tbe AVlic" 

CHARiJai H. TUAYTK'H Dramatic Company to to ap- 
pear la 'Manchester, N. H. . Mareh -U, Htchbn'rg, Mass., 
28. New Be<lf6nl 27, Taunton 28. Brockton 29. 

Lawrkkcb Barrett commences a New England 
tour In New Hedltird, Ha.<«s., March 23; thence to 
Providence, R. I., afternoon and evening 20, LoweU, 
Mass., 27, Pontond, Me.. 28, 29. He wUl appear In 
"Harebell" and "RIchellen." supported bv the fol- 
lowing memtiers of the Boston Museum (!tompany: 
Georgia lyicr, Sadie Harilnot. H. R. Graham. Alfred 
HndHoo, James Nolan, Wllltora C. Cowper, W. Nor- 
rls, J. H. Pitman, Frank Curios. G. A. HUl and M. 
Dunn and J. A. Smith and T. j. Martin, specbUlv 

Tbe company which Manager Aliliev of the Park 
Theatre. New York, has organlzetl fo'r a tour with 
"Engaged" performed last week at Tlieall A Car- 
ton's Novelty Theatre. Drooklvn. K. D.. to fair bosl- 
nes-s. As smooth a performance as that given 1^ 
the New York company was not tn be expected, and 
some of the artists sllghtlr marred the eflWct bv at 
times forgetting to treat the •.■fhrclcsl snhject In a 
grave and earnest spirit:" liut we should Judge that 
when the company liccome more tbmlltor with tbe 
iiuslnesa of the play they wui appear 10 much better 
advantage. Katharine Rogers' conception and de- 
llneatlnn of the chnracier of Belinda Treheme to 
deserving of high praise, espectollv as It to not a 
.senile Imltatlun of Agnes booth's ponraval: but 
a further etoboratlon of dvtaU wonld make It 
yet more enJo.vable. Anv criticism of George 
Parkes' Cheviot HUI would tie unfhlr. because of a 
severe hoarseness and cough which troubled him all 
the week. Frank Monlannt was an excellent Bel- 
vawney; but Jame« Dunn did not baniUe Mr. 
Svraperson forall he was worth, and John Manhews' 
Majur MacgUUcudy might be Improved upon. WU- 
llam Heriien's tearful Angus MncaULster was fairly 
snoil. Emily Delmar acted Minnie verv wen. and 
Mrs. Bratone and May Rowere were seen to ad- 
rantage as Mtw. MBcmrtane and Parker. A ftirther 
study nf Scotch dialect and a more dLstlnct enuncto- 
tlon would have made Genevieve Rogers' Maggie 
more enjoyable. The company ptov In Allenv thto 
week, and Collier's "Celebrated Cs-oe" Cominny to 
the attraction at the Novelty. 

ABoiT the theathki In Boston, Mi>s.s.. our corre- 
spondent senite the following, dated March 23: 

Miss Llpir Wrhsterwas itTeetrdbya larnr audience on 
the occasion of her fsniTcll hrneOt and last appearance 
on the Boston stage, at the Globe Tlieatre 17, wlien "Con- 
t?.'' Corsair" rraired its flrxt and onlj- prtfonnanco br 
Rices Extravagania Ooniblnatlon. noraIofft>rincs,JeW. 
eiry, silvemre and books were presented tbe lady to Ihv- 
Uh prolhslon, and she villcarrywlthberto ber new home 
thebmt recanls of hosts or Bostoii fHends. Rice's (tar- 
prlse Party, fresh (Tom an unpreeedentrdiv lone engaae- 
mi-nt In 8an Ftanctsco, and tlirre nrvks of success in 
riilcsdo. came to us l^ and pmented for the Srst time In 
Risiton the extravRgBDia by WlUlam OIIl and Willie Edou- 
}n wiled "BorToni." -Hie thread on which the story 
u hune it veir elastic and frmoile: but It Is com- 
posed of no much hin, nonsense, glitter and song as to 
mslceltTery eidoyablc. and, with the pfTsent compAnr, 
prollfle In comedians and slnfem. can hardly (aU to please 
the man astute amons us. WUlIc Edooln Is of course the 
central flirore. and Is Inderatbcablr whether aa tbe sleepy 
courtier, amateur ssUor, or drunken traveler. In each of 
these characters, «-hlch are assumed dtirlas the trarlrsque, 
nothing strikingly novel Is pivsented ; but his own Innate 
and spontaneous spirit of fim Is predominant, which car- 
ries Ihe audience to thaextremeUmits of mirth. Miss Alice 
Atherton was severely ill IS, and was attended by a phy- 
rk: ao Ihroaahout the perihnnance ; ber Fnnoe Aehmet did 
no snfferoa that acoount; beractlngWBslirrlyand grmce- 
ftd. and the aoug "Nauabty Clara." given hi the true Lon- 
do I mosle-ban style, was received with ocotinned appnba- 
thin. Wm. A. Mestayer has a Sua sense flfihe ridiculous, aa 
was exemplified by an exceedlnj^ humorous characteriza- 
tion (>t the .Paxsee aatrologer: hla catch.words "Keep It 
5"* A'^."*"y become one of oor popular phrases. 
"•PlA"^*!; 'Tf ortdnal as the gouty RIbenlan BAlah. 
and with LouU Harrison as Zoio. a JeMer, In adon. 
'"M'T """'-^*'"*' ""n several encores. Louisa Baariea' 
abllltlea as a vocalist are weU known, and ber songa were 
well rendered. Miss ElU (Aapman, with her petite flmn 
and wlnnhig ways, Is as much of a fkvonte as ever, andher 

dance with a skrpphig.roM eiKlrcled In Sanies was 
fully ezecutrd. Marion filDKcr hi endowed with art 
musical voice, which U used to great advantaite, and her 

Klrcled In flames was grace- 
r hi endowed with a rub and 

S,'^?2*S.'! '"^SfV I^JolIe Housekeepahewero enjoya- 
£*' 'l!J?J^?'V'.»»^ni ore and Una Merrme have parts 
beneath thelrablUties— every opportunity Is fanprovedTbut 

jtla hoped they wm be better prarided for m the Itature. 
The remalnlnacharactera are well done, vocally and dmm. 
atlc^lly, by tbe rest or tbe company, who add materlaUy 
to the enjorment of tlie burlesque. Loula Harrison to 
credited with the authorship or most or the wonls rnr tbe 
twenty.ieven mnslcal nnmbets, and Dexter Smith, Wool- 
rf Childsand Edward R Bice lorthemnsic 

Itself, the Utter gentleman wirldlns the baton dnrinic the 
entr acte, when a new march or his own cnmpoaltlon called 
"At Sunrise" was played by the oiohestra. The attend, 
ance lus been very large, and "Horrors- ' has been «o suc- 
CTwlUl thus (kr that It win be conllounl a seoond wvek. . . . 

Andre rortler" has been continued at the BcMiton The- 
atre to bushiess not at all oommenanrate with the merits 
JiiT.TP'"**' •?* manner of lu production, or the aetinr. 

It will fie continued another weeC WItS tbe afteroMn 

performance of a, at the Boston Museum, "H. M. 8. Plna- 
fore^Mrcelved its elihty.thlid and last pert-ormaniv^ a rm 
dS?J?^'SJ,T?JW"*,?57- ."wasprewled by the come. 
sl"lV-'* ISf- On the even ug of a, for the bene. 

?4?I.?K^r'i.'T,""^'.v'^ """be iSSirth," 

.^t."^*^ Indto" and the Ut« Jamea PUsrim's "Umcr- 
Ick Boy," together with hnltatlona or aetota byjCTwil- 
son, were Riven to a crowded boose. M. for seven peribtm • 

s?!S.»J?i'-7^ ^s"*' oFMi»rj5SiScuS. 

Medea" and the quarrel and screen scene* ftom "The 
School for S<9udal:» SI. "C'UTla,'' for sU perftraaoon^ 
April 7, "My^:" 14. the fall}- musical spmaelTadap*- 
edrrod "Le Chat Bone" (Pass In BootalTfTTxSa. Fecb- 
ter commences an extended eufcagement at the Howard 
Atheninim 34 to his own dramatliatlbn at "Monte (Msto," 

SKS!I?'f5;U J5""? <^«" tT» "ew Vort 

S^JV^S. Company oommenoe an enaanment at the 
S«!;t^T^treai ;'Wl,lm».J' ^Amon^tS;topaSj^.ar? 


itob_._, ^ 

T>,i.ii^-n??'^-'-'-^T'" Tompkins' of. the' BoMoo 
KSllSS'S'**"^?'^''"''!" oneatofDOTeltlc*.... 

SlTJS? 5> ^t"!?: '"•n connected with Manager 

2!Ji:21iJ.'V.i,°"** " bashie«^mana«er aloce the «£. 
S^2*^?"" the pteient season, assume* a like poaltkn 
with Manager Abbey of the nSt Park Theatre timor 
row. M.. .... Manaaer R M. Fields of tbe Boston 

il'JI^H.'" tieen oimflned to hU houebynineas the 
T*"twe*»----- -Louis James has been re-engaged as lead • 

n«maaatUi«BortoBlb«tpe Co- neitSiSE:. . . . .The 

teL'tt"' 7!^ benefit to a week-a perform- 
ancra at the Oli^ Theatre, eommendntc April at- 

H!?2^n'^i?^Jl'' ■'• ITolenSe and Alhi 

Harrison In "The MIshty Dollar." .Mlsa Geonila 

tl..?' *5? ,Ho«on Museum baa received aJ^feJ 
'«^'"tfi»»S'»" " «b; Brooklyn Theatre next ae^ 
^-.j-.L!a:'1'?*'S!» "arttaot has received a beantlAd 
!2i5Si*'5?5*"25!r.^'*'"' ?L!^ Boston MSSSilS 
C*SE"$l'^"*L'*^,""T!^"' Pe««»mta« tbe (hre« parta 
'^ili"'.?' ^ Flnafcre," owtoc to the inoeaa of tbe ladle* 

orWoally onnignced IJltl* loo Tnttio of tbeBonS 

V'^^SLS^^Jl^. to "Dnclo Tom s Cabin" at Ke^ed? 

S!JJ;1?*" ^SSSi- ^»** '"«'>« Prerioils to the 

K!?*™'51!L?'^J""5?° Museum eiening of Sthe 
efKlsiT, OMBie W. WUson, was tariSl tT TioSrs 
where a dlimer was spread, and a nnober of 
_ .v*'"-**^J'^""'' through harry A. MoGlenen 
gave UiB astonished comedian a handsoine iioM waMi 
and ■ chain, ws ma aiiu. th. — r_i.;rr nrrt.^V™ 

Bote), . 
frienos ^ 

a aj_ B ..— .......iiiTT Kon WBICn 

OS- £i T^P^Ot at t'C^hSSS 
.new sUk Itat and an elegant aoufoto 

SSS^St'JkfSSlffS.'iif ""■'««i»n with tfiTBoWWid 

wSSS^SJiHSif'** of the ptesont seaaoo Madame 

r'S'St,."^ oompauy. Mra. John Drew, Mr. udMn 

- -riven at our new ^rk 


Pl<« for AUc« Harrlaon Sol Smith Bwltbure: 

omed the.Berger FamUy An oper».£«!SfcJindSd m 

stars at the Globe Theatie. 
br a Kew York campany,wUl bo' k1\ 
Theatre in Jm»,.;.,.B. Woolftas completed a thm~ 

KIm^SP^JS?" nnder the ut« Henrf 'WUUrd, Thiira- 


SSfSSSi^SalSS.^' whkaSiSS 

the staae In a traly nugniflcent manner SmS^,^' 
storm of pniteat and denunciation It has txdted^!?:^' 
is conceded to be one or the moat snocefMtUI and tell 
eveTpresented.andlttothe uncontradicted t 

FROM THB PAomo sum oor eoReu 

npon amusementa, dated Son FranctocBw 
to aa appended: 

Aathoaervlcaa of tha east engaged to <^ 
were Tequlred at Baldwin's to nppoR Mha iSa 
that-wonderftd ptoy waa beooghf to a ootMarhsi 1 

tmnhiaHm after IM l e pi ese n totioo U.- Itwasua 

termlned by ttw management to pivaent It ii^uS! 
Ueenrioattyand totereat to th* pUrhad hemfhS*^ 
ated: but. aa Miss Bittoge wm unwmtasr tSStSS"*; 
longer her appearance at Baldwin's, as ant25iS.S. 
Morse, Rltasrl to aUow the piodactlon at hU MCl',?Sa 
withdrawal of the original cast, and aa James K^!<3^' 
in personatlnttlboBavlonron the drat pradoetkiEr!^'!!* 
ptoy tommd the wroth of the press andpolpiLu^V 
oblected to baring any other actor aisnme tbe ^iSsT 
It was at the last moment dedded to be the beiti!r!9^'' 
to withdraw the pUy for tbe present. la rieLfTi 
ever, ot tbe Immense attaiMlijMe. the merit t.^^- 
and norelty of the preduettoa. It wUI, with a 
added, be a^ato produced on Easter Monday, ted pSm 



slTwfio witn wed It that no <mer<nristbin or'S!£!£^* 
see and listen to "The Passion" wlthoot behnuS il9*: 
for it. Before many mouths Mr. Mors* totends rf ^'Wtir 
the play to New Yorii, where seetagwni be belleriS*"' 
Mtos Boie Bytlose was dotUillesa {be happiest 
SanPtanelscoonthe occasion of her flnt anoeiju!: 
Baldwhi's, the eventog of UL Long before thethSirrfifl. 
curtain tbe house was lUled In every part by a tulEIiffi 
and:fHendly andlenoo, whoon Miss EytlnsevrSSSS- ' 
Kteeied her with the mort enthusiastic appiausTsSH 
most smothered the lady wit h the floral oB-erinn tn£2b 
showered on ber. She displayed her tilrnUandaSK 
dnbOi to tbs very best adrantsge as Joan LmS??- 

Pesde c 

Derrick, James U'jieii; xian uivne. James A. -BmS^ 
"Ovid" Craddoek. J. W. Jenninits; Sydoey BloUmSS; 
Forrest Rnblnsnn; mderhin. F. Brooks; Sam W1lHnIlr& 
Redley ; Bob ^les. J. W. ThomoM ; Jodson BswilISS' 
Ravel: Aniee Barbolme, Oiler Wet; Lix DalhocsSS- 
Ineroicnrsn: Mjg. May WUke*; Ssl. N*;iy WetSertTli 
presented at Baldwin's, thto ptoy wUI hardly prove a -tiii ■ 
salt is heavy, alow and tiresrms, and contafan tan nS 
trdk and too little acrion. hotwIthitandtoK lUmaulKin 
however, the theatre stoce lu first prodankmiZu 1!= 
tbioniied at every perfannance. a hxppy state oraflalnS 
which Mr. MaenlTe can thank the talent of the ladyut £ 
excellence ofthe support more than the merit oftbetaa? 
As "Owld" Ctaddoelb Mr. Jennlnta had a part la wUaw 
fairly reveled, and his Imprrwwatlon was, next to tS7 
Miss Eytlnge, the feature oftbe ptoy, and the one thuiZ 
reived the most applause. Dan Lowrie. thornoehlr nltS 
Mr. Herae's talents. - and his make.up and pimiomuS ' 
were Intelhoeut and well.nlgfa perfect. rmittSSi. 
son portrayed Sydney Elphlnstone, a yoonc nuaSr' 
Kood actions, with an easy and QUlrt coiue^n. r*' - 
seediedexaetlrtofltblm. andbis antog was loe' 
as to wUi hhn a recall beCm tbe cnrtato. J. w. Tb 
portrayed Bob Style* In a very able manner, and r,^_ 
an unexpected round of apptonse. Mlsa Mnin*^2.' 
surprised everyone by her neat and artistic lam!! ' «a 
snnatloB of Judson Bate*; and aa on eridenetir & 
the appreetotton of ber talent she bos since tttuJ SS 
an offer for a iv.<n|iacement at this theatre tOr next aZ', 
on at an Increased satory. MLw Olive Weit, a t«M -f. 
debnlante,wasonwIselycastail AntoeBaihobne.Berai.'' - ' 
ceptloo waa decidedly unsatlstkctocy, and ber jniSm - 
amarrorlsh. For Lewis Morrison's benefit, 17. 'The BaS 
back" wiU be acted, with Base Bytinge a* Jolla. Bow wS . 
AS Helen, L. Morrison as Master Walter, and James OnS < 
as sir Thomas CUfford. after which "Robert Eaw? 
"The Honthback" will remain the otttictkm uiai> ' ' - i 
when, at Miss Eytlnge's requeet, "Love's SacnScei* wink'- . r 
presented for two eventog*. "Oliver Twist" witl be jil. ■ ^ 

sentedSi. Tf hqidness shoold ramaln good- it Is mjmm JUL 

pnihable that Mln Eytlnge wiu extend ber " niiiiiiiM ' - 
another week and produce "A Mother's Heart." Ajia]n3 
stated to The Cumm, Miss Hose Oichlan. leadiAh^ - 
Wallack's, and ber sbiter. Miss EUyCdtfalan.and MIse'^qK' ' , 
Varton wUl be membem ofthe Baldwto 
Muoa. With the ric«ptloo of Butt BoUItu, vIid bia : f ^ 
prumlJied to app««r mt tbU theatre darliiK tbe jiulj. 
yrar.Mr.MainiuedorsDOtlDtendlDthefhturetoiMvatlS- l^J 
«ith any more utam. Ue iDtendA to wcun a fliA-daa-' f^" 

cmnpMnr Thr Nrw York FDloo-Mtumrv OomtHnS^- h^K 

the Oallromla hare not prored to be the wwcewfr wd ilfi -ZS 
ed. and nxr ikr ftvm belojr all that the pobllc tkucy jmSi^' sC 
them. Tbe tnanafcem^nt haT« done erriTthlnK in OiteN '^ 
power to make **Motber and Son" a uneeew^ ereik-to-->:>'!2E 
nendlDff their much^abiutedKtock company on atripthn^;<> 
the iDterlor, bat ulim attendAnce hiw been tbe nE 
durtoK the enttfv week. Id their efforta to plmw «Bd ^'^ ' 
attract the pnbUe. the maoaircment ban Indacvd JOm ' 
JeffreyB-I,eww-3f aitland, a denerred fkTorite m thu dtr, |b- 
conitent to an en«»|ieinent an leading lady for the iMt ■ 
week of tbe eniputement of tbe Kew Vork Company^ ■ 
sifted artliTt wm appear In **FerDaode** 17. U, **MaL 
Froa'' 19, 2D. and "The Mntber> Secret" 21. a, and ndL 
nr^. Harcli Si BuflUo BUI appeara tor two we^lu^ . 
which. AprU 7. thlA theatre win cl<«e for one wrfk In m$tt ' 
to undenco a tbonmjth porlllcatlon and teftaniphlnir: ni 
14 Plon Boudcault will commence an ensn^ment of te 
week*. Fanny DaTenimrt wtU follow Mar 12 firt- a twm 
weekn' enitagempnt, during which ahe win be rappactii 
by oar old :^Tor1te, T. W. Keene. Lawrence Banttt 
fnllown 2K, fbr three weekA. and daring bin enjcam^f . 
will pmdnce Bayard TayIor*« drama of **Don raifaHj* - 
which Willie Seymour hai^ been tor many week* boaW, 
enftafced In prantnv and revmns. • iMter Walliofc 
U poHltlrely ensajred for the CalUbrala Theatre, a^ 
WlU make bin flmt appearance Jtme 18, Almre tm' 
been enieaced. and wUl dmibtleM make herflwt "pw- ■ 

ance an **Patlnlta**Vto July .The clever and em- 

comic Weatheniby'a FroHqnea; with Nat iloodwlu. hn ' 
had ODlyaMlIm aitetHlaDoe dorinir tbewe^k to ■iriif 
**nobbleR** and *lUmblem** at the Buf^-Areet Theatm 
The uble tmupe known m the Hrerp SUtent, cnmprtite 
Madah Hyprw. LoulM Hyen, WaUaee Kfnir- BUIy 
Nuidit, J. W. Lnca. Ura. Dora Klnjr. WUlIe P« Ljle.lto ■ 
Grace Orerall. Mbw Celeatine O. Brown, and J. J. fawff^- 
make their apprarance 17 In "Out of Bondaice." Wns • 
Peace, who made a rerr plea^lnir ImpreMnon u.tms 
ilurlnff the occnpatton ol ihU theatre by the HamlT^ 
Mlnjitrela about a jrear aoo. U now engaoed la n* '- 

box-otnoe The nanrbty cancan waa produced ta* 

the flmt time dnrlnf; the preaent enicasement of tke • 
Bentz Mlnatrelii at the Standard Theativ. and Alaee'lte- 
9ih the theatre ha^ been entirely too umall to aecacno- • 
date the many hundreda who anend tblanew pamooDiv. 
Standlnjc-momonly biolithtlyannoonced. and In orwrb ' 
obtain eren a jdlmpiie of the atatfe. In lieu of a mwnH ■ 
eeat one mart attend at an early hoar. In cooMqataBt : 
of ItaeoormouiiimcreMi, the cancan will remain ai* tbe tf* 
traction for next week^ On Uarch 14 M. B. Learltt. Xabd 
fUntley, Llda Kenyon. Hattle ForreA, Rom Lee.Etft. 
RaTHham, the SIcDermott BUtera, Zirtena,Ada WencS, - 
Lnln Mortimer, and Flora FllmaoU were arrertfd m x-. 
chance of TlolatlnirpabUc deeencr and moralx Tbfy.vfrt - 
brouvbt before the pollee-coort tnl« morninc bnt. ai tbv 
demanded a Jurj tnaJ, were celeaaed oo ball, bondi 

filed for SSm each for tbeir appearance. TM . 

Maeder and MIm Rena have attracted lame erowd* totbe 
Bella Union dnrlnjr the week to wltn««a their aHi ' 
imperaonatlona of the Pioneer SoOQt and Haxel Eyr la Ibi, 
Maeder*a melndrwma of **Klt Canon." Pattl RoM^li: 
KaUor'H hornpipe and new aonfct. and CnmmlnjDi and w- ■ 
rlnjctoD In a new fon^-and-danee called 'The DUappoiaM • 
.Mai^lient,*' with new ntedaltieit bribe other membecM 
the Tarlety compasy. bare contributed to the en)onwi< '■ 
of their andleneea. The female tioierawlDcootinQeta^v 
for a few nlffhtd durlnjr next week ; and Cturley Be*d|tte. 



^. sti 

Richmond iilUteni. the VaklU SUtem. rofflminoand Har- 
rlnjtton.and Florm Frwnkawfnappear lD«peclaItl(«...rLn . Jr-j 
tlie AUelpht Sarony. Watera and Kelly hare nudeabttu ' .>j 
the three danrlnfrCnaakent. MUw LottaEntan lobrn^ . 
plmr-rope dance Ktln remama a prime fkT orite . lAvaaae ^ 

Bromlwthe appearance 17 ot the MUaeo WDUam^ J 
[avandN*ormWe*>toa....IftATBit. MaRCS MathUdf 
treily. the &Torite aoobrette ofthe German company, 
Take ber fiireweU benefit IS at the California Theati^j 
lady, for one performance each week, l e u t l re a $av.. 
month, two clear benefltn durinjr the year, and baa aBL _ 

expentte^ paid to and ftom Germany Katie KubM,- . 

wUl arrlre here fttmi the Eaat ld......F>ed W. BatVa^ .^X 

ihbi city petfectlafcarranjeementK to take a Aiaogti^*- /; 
panythmujrti tbe interior to perform "Tbe PaMloa^pIv- j ->'-^ 

.J. KSorrldfce han donnK the week flgnred tajat : : 

rvt of the cancan at tbe Standard Fred Ljat er ■ 

buxU>- enoaved In preparlnfc tbe laat London veBtBTt- ; 
"aSew Babylon.*^ for an eanr pfodncilon at BaMttnft.- j.:. 

OyrU Searle win acoonipanjr MLm Eyrioce ta v X - 

AUidralla by the tfar ateftmer Harry roartuH 

and wire win take a fkieweU benefit In tbe Gnbd V.-. 

Opera-hooKe April e. Aa Mbw Eytlnge decitaM - 

to perform oo Sunday nlffhta. 'Tnder the OasLUiji^ t ' -' 
with tbe rvfCQlar member* of 'ttie oompuiy In tm v; 

c««t. wiu t»e HobatftntTd Ibr *Tbe Miner'* Zkancbttr." ~ r'.. 

JulloB Kahn. a atave^tmck youth of elffhteen. CHajt : 

Shylock at Baldwln*a S The F1ar«ooea are doisf » 

xpfendld banlneiat throuirti tbe Interior Joe Mnrpoy I;. 

bM been In the dty for the paat three or four darA. >v 
**<;uAaTnn AdoIphoan*'«nd**A3lldwlnter'a-nIshtDTTam'' 

are Che tltlntot twoofMnal dxynaa of p ow er Ai l Inten«t. J;:^ 

Which Ralml florae Is In bopei of prouudnic In thUettr 

Hior to birt departure East It waa imnewbat of a «»■ < j'^ 

nddenee that JoiHe Manafleld and Edward 9toke« tthoola ^ 
hare been prewnt laat Tneaday erenlnjr at tbe CaUftinila *^ 
Theatre, or which Ftank LawW U one of the manacm.- 

The manafcemeDt of Woodvmrd'a Qardeni aa- >cf< 

nounce the enfcairement of Del Maaarto, the modeta- .ii^f) 
ijjg appwaatt 


18l They hare - alw re^iuDMi^ the Bnlalar Family. 

MUe. Therve, Leon BamweUand the Vamplrea. hTX V"* 

Clapham, boplnem-manacer ot tbe Barkrw, WIIm^ -j'- 
PrimrrKe k Weat'a lIlnatTeUi. aalla 19 for Portland. Or„ 

where hlfi company appear for one week, canunenclnRSL -<* 
They are enoa^ed to appear In Victoria, B. C April U. 

Boee dabome, on >be comp letio n of her preae nt n- 
^ nent. propoae«rolnsto AoBtrmUa on a wau l ug xtm 
with (Teorne D. Chaplin .The California Tbcatve, wbb * 

of nineteen hundred, can ooml 

a aeatlsir opadty of nineteen hundred, can oomfortat^ 

hold a Si^aaD audience Tbe Itallao-opera aeaMma 

Baldwin^ will be Inannratcd duilnir tbe Boqclqnlt *r 

fcaitement at the Callfarnla *t)llTer rvtat** wm bi . 

prenented at Baldwin*^ 21, with Nancy dykea t>y Roae^' 
tlnire: Bill Sykea. Jamea A. HerDe; Puln. J. W. Jennliip: 
Ariftil Dodger, H. A. Brown: Charier Batea, Mollle Ratri; 
OUrerTwlfit. Ida Aubrey; Bnmble, C. B. Blahop: andXA 

Bedwtn, Kate Denln Harry J. Dam, a local poctna 

theatrical critic of oonalderahle Ikme, U bnaUy emplOfM - 
writlnjr a comedy. 


ttaiu« reported: 

At Harerly'fl Mr. John VcCulloogh, apedaUy rap 
by Charle* Barron and a more than ordinary food _ _ 
pany. ^yed the nawt week to fair Maemblam. H.A 
and matlne« 19 **OtheUo'* wma vtren, ^TharleeBamn 

peariu aa lajco and Mlna ^mUy Garln aa Emilia : 
matUiec C***!;'^*^*'^ - - 

ippitrrtlny company only appeazTd la 
^'XaTal Enmementa.^* They coj^ 
nmtQffton. ItL, and Mllwmokee. wlk 

-- fodieaka and company bi ' 

Bflpment of two weeka hen M. oftenlnw In "Ci 
Mcvlcker^a company were la Qiuncy, DL, 20. 
Tub 2<atioxai. Tbkatiu, Waahtnxtoo, D. C, 
' week. Stuart " " 

;ed by tbelr own comuby, appeared tbt ^ 

ttieDromloA u 'The Comedy of Erroci-j g« 

comedy wma preceded each erenhur by the fcio» f St 
Cup of Tea," In which John Marble appeared to 

— - 'nnlnlas"and"ABll>- 
larnx-,"S, "Blchard Illr' a, "lUcholleo." The em- 
nany Indodes John A. Lane. H. A_ Laogdoii. JoU: 
P. Aitton. WlUhi B. Faite, J. H. BboweU, H. C Bsitn 
N. MeConnelL J. Bobertaon. a W. Vance, H. G. Uak, 
Robert AUen, Fnnk Lane. A. J. Ollllan, the MLueeHi- 
tens WiDen, Aonista Footer. Tlridnla Thome. Emat . 
Stockman and Ella Wren. McCnlloogfa and company i*-. 

nialn another week At Hooley'iiXocU presented'!* 

Chtale*' all or the past week to a rery food attendaatt, . 
with tbe exception of th« matlnn 19 and erenlnit peritm- 

ance22,when the sop ■' ' 

"Sweetbeaits" and 

Sprln^eld and Bloomtoffton, 

the comlnir week. Modfeaka and company beitln an t 
• ■ — ■- -CamDle.-'.." 

. did a foa*. 

boslneaa the past week. Btnart fitobaoa aod Woi. 8. 
Crane, snpponed by their o«i 
entire we«k as tbe l>romloA in 

"A < . „ 

adfantage. Joaeph Jetfemon waa a freqnent rMtor do- ^ 
Intr tbe woek. and seemed Kroally to enloy tbe perfo» ES 
ancr. as dkl ereirone else who wltneased Ii. IK^ 
ahead; Clndonatl H. one week, Rt. Loots 30, rro ^ 
Joseph Jeffenion eommencea a week's enaagemecl H>* 

24. Camems' MlnsneU open for a WMk sa H 

"BSOAOU!'. was siTen at Ford's Otand OMn-ho^ KTi 
BallhnoR, Md., the past week. Owim to t^ Iieoae gi. 
Mosom the boslness was not so remnnentlTc as lu mMia Bj 
demandadL Thaeaat waa one ofthe strongest this (sUA &] 
embraclnsT. W. Keene aa Cherlot Bill, Geoii^ Hoeyai », 
BelvBwnoy, M. Ijnaaan as ^inpenon, James A. OtO^ 
way as Midor MicsOlkiiddr, diArtM WnTedern.^ 
MaealUster, Henrietta Tadm aa Belinda Trebeine. K->» 
Rtnart as Minnie, Mra. Oeimoo aa Mra. Madiarlane, r^'l 
^ adrra as Mann*, and May Wallace aa Parker. -I 
role was so finely itim that It may seem InrK- 
spediy the Mantle of Bmrnn Vaden; tnt, tbe -•'S! 
romparatlre sfiaqier there. It U bnt dne to her to uyom 
the character waa olyen In a mcMt winning and KialS 
manner, with ■ nalrete, tAo, that was reiy pleailsf j^l- 
AT THE Brooklt:! Paiic Tbcatm last week ^5 
Fanny Davenport appeared to good booses bi "n4'^ 
and to fair booses only In "Dlrorce." Tbe mathxtta 
both ptaya were, bowerer, oowded. She waa «P 
assisted by Messrs. Hardee, StnaR. Edeson, ami Do 
of the late stock company at the Park, as also V*? 
Rand, Mra. Prtor, and Miss Tuner. This week a 
ley appeani as Undo Danl. assisted by his own c nmp i 'a 

and fi to be ttallowed by Joe Jelfeiaon SI At-.^* 

Coort^mare Theatre Mra. ChanAau and the company^ : 
n«« Clifton ITaylenie appeared hi "P*!"? _!5 
"Aonrm Floyd" to onb- modetsie boshieas. This 
Mrs. Cbanftan appean to "Flnalbte.'' . . li. 

M.\ooui MiTciULX.andcompany^ayedlnCoIamtnij*3 

March IT. 18 The ColTtDoFodyCtmipany jplM«i 

and ma ll IMC B, and open In Memphis. Tenn.. SS, »» 
rest of the week : thence lo Kew Orleans, U. 

McDoziocoH A Linn OD1IM5ATIOS hnTO been e^-^ 
byMlshlerAMUIer to produce "M-Usa" In WUaM^ 
Del. 24, Bnrllncton, N. 5.. Bi Trenton 3S, Konf»t<'"^Jp 

enion jo, flor™*^"ji,i 
icasterSI. Lebanon Apnii| 
' pUyed March 11, I* |? 

2r, PottarUle BcadlnKSVLan' 

KiTX CLAXToir and eompanr played 
IndlanapoUa, Ind., to large DuiuieiB. 

AT the OrBKA.nocBB, Bocbeater, K. T. — 
Micanley.and company opened a thniMiIabU'e|ua«»S£ 
to "A jtesaenger bom iarrls Sectln^ A IL 
ConncUofTe^ oraTlslt to the Hons of Malta," <**S2- 
doced; Itwas written bytwolocalJoainAllsts,and^^.. 


, -_ kwu uj *„*J iw,i»l jw m i. "" —^ -~ 

qolte amnslog. Mar^ 27 Fanny DoiTeDpott opeiv 
three nigbta. -uiii 

Kick BoBEns' "Hnnpty Dnmpty" Combloaiun 
In Syracnae, K. T.^arch £l and matloce to IhiebwivS 
RonU: ntica M, Watertown S, Oswego SS, Loc«P«n "' 
Dnnktik a. Brie Z>. m 

Bnuacis' "Undeigronnd KallTOAd" 
In BeMt. Whi., ManbV, RacUie S. S, MUwaakseSL. ^ 


p.,.MaKh M, s, UbilchirrlUeft "•'V . 

nowuuDvnujwn, v.. Mann u 

rhlUdelphU sas, Cadli ai, April L 

Tux POBTKn BCSETIT U t.~.. . — — . ■ - 1 m.™— - ■ m 

held Match X«, vtiencammtlteca on ■dTOtistng.e^^^'S 
menta, fhiance and mcado vere appointed. m^^-n 
pliee and attncthni were toltui the nrtina '■n^s^' 
Mr. and Kia. Ooant B. Kalght TOlonteeted thett' 


|iiiU.Tu:, t«ke the rand April U to Pl»X "Tbe Ki'^>f^| 
Vwo or three weeki thfoogn PennayirBnla. ^^ tM^<^| 

CoxBtnnoATioss icUt^re to eug n e o ienttat tt^Am 
BgSon pnrk Theetie or the IttST^ thtw"^.?!; 
Mditued 10 H. E. Ahhey, u per CMd. 


Scanned from the microfilm collection of 
Q. David Bowers 

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and 
Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley 

Post-processing completed as part of Project Arclight 
( }. a Digging into Data project 
sponsored by SSHRC and IMLS 

Coordination help from the Media History Digital 
Library ( http: / /mediahistoryprojectorg }