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Vol. IV.-Nft 52. 


Four Cents. 


I in ixir Tou oumii, 


' 'I BHAU. nivti forget mj feellngB, vhen yoaog, when I 
'flnt.Ieoraed the game of oheoken. It was a veiy fashion' 
atilo game in my natlre oommnnlty, and even the minis- 
ter of the pariah was said to eqjoy It in hia domestlo olrole. 
.^0 he Bure tiiere were etraight-UMed Hanhahe, and Iaak< 
lialred Johnathans, who raised their hands In ploos horror, 
and called It a speoieB of gambling,' bnt the minority of 
ilw good people Uioaght It hn. ad' inn'ooent amnsement, 
Old wlled many an Idle hoar away over the checke>hoard, 
I It Is somewhat riognlar onder these clrcnmstances, 
'that I did not leam tho game of cheoben, nntil I was 
'eighteen years of age. Tme, I never had-mneh predilec- 
ilon for of sports any sort, and even In boyhood, spent 
more hoars over my books, than I did upon the play- 
groond. Bat where the game was so common and anl' 
Tersal, It seems odd, that I never played. I may say, 
too, that by freqneat observance of others' playing, I bad 
learned the general prlnolples of the game, and when I 
'did set down, one evening, to play with a flrlend, he 
'tnoaght me a very apt papU at my fli-st lesson. 

Vat . there seems to be something pecallar about tho 
game of checkers. It Is purely mathematical and makes 
a stronger impression npon the mind than billiards, cards, 
or any other game with which oar experience hWhroaghtl 
M inlcontaof f eicepting oheM._Q£.comM..ghlxih-i».upoft 
the same prlaolple). After olaylng oa hoar, aad having 
obtained some kaowledge of the game, I went oat to see 
a friend upon business. I found myself incapable of 
transacting it. The ohecke>board was stijl before me, 
with its array .of black and white " men," with here and 
there a " king," chasing the rest with all a king's prerog- 
ative. I went back and played another hour, and then 
went .to my study to read. I took . np. Byron, and tamed 
over the leaves, from poem to- poem, bat Manfred had 
.lost. Its fascination, and Don Jaan was a sickly sentlmon' 
tiJian. Lara was a blaok man on the checker-board of 
fate, which I endeavored to capture, by moving the white 
CItio^ Into the middle column of destiny. 'Awhlteyna 
and a black Oiour oooupied separate corners, and the dark 
UDg, Sardampaiii, was ohaalng a fair i^Ara for her life, 
. ' I :threw down the book in despair. - My brain was a 
Chioker-board, and all things— thooghts and Ideas— 
toned to " men" and kings. In sleep, the diagonal lines 
appeared, covered wIUi their white and black armies, and 
I moved my men to battle, always with certain victory, 
'I'became, la fancy, a master player, and althongh I 'was 
frequently beaten the nezt^ay, yet I had worked but in 
my mind, by its constant presence, the. whole philosophy 
aad policy of the game. 

But I am wasting too much time upon this Idlosyncrooy, 
.and shouldhave told you long ago what first indaced 
l^e'to leard the game. It certainly, w^ not o^ account 
of its common practice In the cpmijianlty, tox that had; 
existed for several yean. Mor was It tlie interest I really i 
took in playing, for In truth, it was to me but dull and 
nnproStable amusement, and the fact of my brain being a 
eoatlnaal'cheoke^l)OBrd; was-actually palnfal to me. 
' 'Bat' the jnost noted player In' the village, was Olara: 
May'-^ lovely girl of - slztieri, whoie ' sparkling wii, 
enperlbr intelllgenbe, and enchanting beaafy,'- made' her 
thi oljeot Of nnlvusal admiration. Clara had beaten '. 
«iel7body In the village, from the minister down to the 
whobl-glrliri, and mlde het boast, that the was the cham- 
pion player, capable of beating any and every one, who 
dared to pla/wltii her.' Ind[eed she carried her enthtialasffl 
Ibr tlte game so &r, ''as to declare; that her heart andhaiii 
ooitid' only be' won,' I7' beating her at a iet' game'of 
oheoiiers; and suadiy love^ioni individuals^ with whom 
had play,^ the sat, thfongh. 9aprIo^,,pr a.momentary 
..^feeling. of (}oqaeti7, b9re,ey^ejioe t^^the.;ftiihfiik^^ 
iief iqteotioa. Theybiad'los^ui.were^r;^,^^ 

Let me confess at once, that it was Oiara Hay, ancl my 
love for that sweet girl, which prompted me to learn'the 
.game' of cheokere, and follow it wlt|i that .hervoiu and 
oomtant application) which made' It, for a time, the alK 
flozldipg Impresalon of my 'sonl.' , 
*■ 01^' ,^d 'I' h^ ' been ' whOoVmates together; had 
•tadled qiit pf the same bo^.b^n rivals, for the honora 
'<of the aanie olasKa^ and kept nezt td each , other in the 
plays on the gieen. And wiifni a few years later, the 
■ohopl-boolc) were laid adde, and ^ej'tnet .|n the formal 
olrole of aoeiety, t^eiie Mened io be 1I.0'- ooniventidnalliBi; 
b;ou oopiinajBloii, al^ ^re 1;^ Itlll 1^ djiijple^anjll hi^' 
feoted,iBi wlim sohool-eWdiin.^ I was viain encngii' tOi 
helleve tliat, I WfuU^irin.^OUia^i ltlV^;.'|id'"rar':the pfit,' 
7eac,'had. hee9,''int]&raitq}r''o^^ 
«n her footsteps, 

I did-only we were bappy. Nor shall I teU 70a of the 
Intervening golden yean that ripened oar heaiti Into a 
ripe consammatlon of our dream. I torn my eyea from 
the Uble where I write, to lbs opposite aide of the room, 
where ^Ikr^^mowhat older, but atlll fUr and llpomlng, 
sits apoa the sofa, by the wli^ow. The oheoke^b6•rd la 
on the mantle.-I will close thlsdmple, tratbftil siietoh, 
aod go and play her a game, bnt not fbr her heart tod 
hand ; thoy have been mine, long, long ageil 






And thos, when I sat down to play a game of oheoken, 
always saw Olara Hay at the end of the board^atd 
seemed to clasp her as ny reward, as I swept the laqt 
man frvm tlie table. Clara 'Was .not a little astpalihed. 
when, on a calm summerfe evening, I asked her to pUy a 

" Vhy, meroy, Carl 1" she aaidi "when did yon leam 
to play oheoken t" 
" 0, sometime since," I replied carelessly,' 
"Aod why did yon' not let me know it before T"- she 
asked reproachfully. 

" I am afraid to play wllli you," I said, half mlscblev- 
ously; " I learned to play cbeckcn to win'yonr heart 'and 
hand, and I am not yet sofflciently expert at the game, to 
run so great a hazard." 

Her cheek flushed, add her eye dilated, as d^o looked 
up Inquiringly Into my face, as though to say: 
"Ineamest?" ' '• ' 

Then finding that my face remained serloun, and per- 
haps reading my love in my eyes, she broke out in a 
clear, ringing laugh, and eald: 

' IVell, Oar V I mast say, yon play the lover admira- 
bly, bdt yoa can't .deoClvcf me 1" Then chatighig her tone 
to' one of 'deep seriousness, and 'fixing her dark eyes' ten- 
derly In mine, sh'e took niy hand and added-:-" yoa 
wont deceive We, Carl .t" ' 

I BDblied in .faiy heak, iholigh the .tears camt'ln my 
eyes ; for all this' okly told m'e 'tliat Olara loved, me> 
thongh she doatitlesB did not Intend to let me;')mbiv it, 
tot her serlioiiis loo^ and; words were bat ih'e' mb^entaiy 
ibnkltlonaof her iieaift, 's6on drowned in the iiaf\tral gaiety 
Wtof exuberbntsplrlti' . ■ ' ' ' '•' 
Tfhen she brqbghtthe ohccker-boiard, ,81)4 MtM/y said: ' 
" Tills 'game .irtll''bniy tie Voir aihiiaemeilt; C^l." ' '" '[. 
" As you wHi,'' t rep]l'ed|' ''''you'''Wbnlld'a(t^>'iiabr, ihe 
by tho'prlViledge'ii'plaJr^g with yobjis a '^^'^ 

Again she lifted 'ihos^', eyea V/^t''^^^^^ 
tnine/and a keen pugof tte^ jiearl^'f^ 
to liii'r fbce. She toned paIe,''Bs' alitj 'aaidr^ ' : . ■ ' , ' 
" If yoa wish to play ftr my heart, Carlf do not p^lsy, fpTi 
it nowj a few .months ezpcri^ce tncheekerplayin'g u'n^i 
sufflblentr-^well, well, what tii this nsoT-^iet us play a soeial' 
'game fb^ amusement.'.' BlieJi^glied.'again. , V ' ' 

1 cinijs^'the g^e,wiUi tlie.jexprMi dfterpiinatfon of 
beating heri'abd moved iveiry mad with'u mubb caotloii, 
as if tha fate of empires depended .pppn m^ aqcoeas. Bat' 
~)|ii9'b{tw''6r th'e'ottin,' I'ljoni^'h^^^ kej!p.^'.ey,M'OTa|i; 
ie^tln'jr tiioN oif Olan'f^ itod'eVir' ah^ 'ainoi<,.otts to 
darhr coria 'irqald/fitU . be^wilen tlie ' nieli' aad blind 
dght Hor small Wliite haada 'Mmi' ib be ' a ilriKud'ii 

waiid,'tOtbOBfase and misdirect my 'movemeota; and ia 
b^ hU'my core and watcbfa1nes8,'ilbe' boat'dw, 'gttti 

'MfwA^' i»U^Sly> half seHons; " I 'wDl 

gPfym me- month to. improve yooml(;;iat the .eq^.qf 
ikmt time, I will play you the eerlona same yoa desira:; 
you see you are no match for me now." 
.,. And<if ever.poor mortai hang his hopes «f 'iifeio&.«ae 
baicard, I did In'thelabbra of thatibbnUi; I bommenced! 
pii|)r)ng cl^cclcera in tii'c nipmiog, and plia^ed 'them' nntfi 
';b^4p^0''^ 'i^Pi ^ power, to 'jafitreot me 

Ikom the boardL . I. play.«l .wlth eveiy..bodyi and played 
etoy game, ' Cfaecken became the mllng passion of my 
ElBtnre.''' If f miked ont upon the hllls,'la (he Morning 
BilEt>llgiit; I'bdhverlied the grbvca into mefi;|f and the 
laadsoapc into a chccke^boetd, At Atght, I played with 
tte stars, and mode, b tony 'Venus oaplure Mara, and' 
J^piUit cancel SatnnL 

.t length the. anzloas, ali-linportaot.lumE arrived, 


that ny passion for Olara inbreasMirit& 'flie itvidlty! 
ith which I strove to prepare mytolf for tbexontest 
The mora desperate the chaaceal>oeame, the dearer became 
the object fbr whlchl pUyed. 

Clara leemed somewhat excited, whea l called, on the 
evening proposed, and seemed loth to begin the game. 
Wb sat and talked over onr bhiidhood, and, all thaioW 
Venlng incidents of our lives, nntil Obura almost wept, 
and I thonghtre^etted the foolish vow she bad made 
aboat this game of checkers. ' Bo^ die was a. determined 
I glr],.and I knew woald oairy oat her ^lan. One thing, 
^hbwever; afforded me great aatisfaotloiL I 'knew ihji 
loved me— I know It as plain as looks, actions, I had> 
alAiokt said, 'wor^'cMld tell nle. THiatevcr was to-be! 
the rbsidt of the game, this gratUying thcugbt'wonld be 
some consolation fbr my blasted hopes; 
;.;^t;/^'Iai^;'^h'm ciiira, with^^ a woid, 

produced the cbockerboaid, and wa proceeded to play.; 
I moved oaatlontly and calmly, bnt Clan played with noi 
sp(ri(';'i&ef 'irail bohftiscd' and necha'iitcal in'her move- 
BH&t&'''6tiU batman ilfler'a)aother waa eaptt^cd, 'and 
bttf fbree and aldvaatago remalnbd 'eqoitL ' ' lit ia' oiiedian 
ladiaeribe the game, ' it 'is needlcail to'telt my^aiixlbtr', 
'lis wt d^4r'near itheolbse/and I'flniiDy'lbft ii^ailtagonlat' 
-irlth' bat bili filing wiile I had 't#6 reiAaliilni.' It is; 

' ' An lagenlous Frenchman, long resident In Afrloa^ haa 
conceived the idea ' of turning the romantic bird of tlie 
desert, the myatcry of middle ages, the decorator of 
royalty, and tho wonder' of our childhood, Into'a sort of 
t)arp:door foal, but of an Importance, in an -econprnlo 
point of view, proportioned It its stse. Tho long-leggtd, 
Ibng-ncokcd ostrich; as we aco hind in zoological oollectlons, 
ia certatnly an nngalnly object.' He is, however, a llir 
more agrccablo.looking creatoro In a state, of fhsedom, 
and net wlthont that charm whkih attaches to . power and 
speed, and by no meana tht stupid bird which popnUr 
Ignorance believes him to' ba Els Ihstinot Bcrves him 
welI,(though Itmaynotboofahlgb ,o(der, Vfi, inay say, 

'"''^i/^iSv'Ji^^^''^^'^'^^^''*''^^^' to. destroy two 
mamrimiw^ nod idaapon aooa 

very clever slffllllei) sod niulTf^saylag*, that the oetrioli 
docs dot hide Its head In a Iinab, ndtl^er does ilfabandpil 
i^t|ffB, albeit nature has, by a powerfU son ud an arl^ 
sand, rendered the ordinary incubation of the.pareqt bird 
iiqperflqoas. The ostrich, Indeed, is not the|nt nnoanth 
and partly nnintclllgent being who iias poawbsed: valoabla 
a]id 'ainlablb''(iii«lltles. He'is'a vigfla&t senlbel,' kli^ 
.wimia, wlih'ldtelllgent qnlpktiHs, otheif graciiog'adfiii^ 
cf'tiie approach pfmui < ))e|i4a of prey{ aiid«!laiii)|'i 
the ccqrage, la defence ot Its aggi :and yonoft' whloh-tt 
displaya, is ofaomsan order,' Hov«v«r,MU^anlmatB 
as We ball onrselvet, it will be more to bar tailba .tb 
Inqldre into the edible, tbo clcthalSle, the pn'a^ebtal, and 
'tbe^pecnnlary profit of the patriob, than to .dilate on; its 
lostloots and its manners. The speed of the ostrich ii 
lonlethlDg wonderttal 

U. AdamaoD,in his "TravelBiaBene'gal,"liaiiapaaage 
ba'thttte1jMt,'UpbnHbas fbr omlodbii, ." Twoibatrich^" 
B|k^'lije; ^".whlph'iiad boea tamed ai;ld„brbagh|npln'.the 
,4isi^of of .Pedpr, gaverqo a sigli(,w^|pli wasjtoo striking 
.tO:eaeape.mentlon,'i Theaa gigantic bizda, «f irhlch I had 
.only baaght 'glimpses ' hi ny tnlviUi; flii<(rti{(ti the paNhed 
;and^'S^'ay pldni t6,ttie laft'of 
tb;yy''ptp8{i' Inap^plilon, ..TJhey'w^rb; ?o'tam?,..that .twp 
jlitlp blaok'lM>yi|.Kat/i;i^q,jn»'iuit4d on the back of the 
larger bird.: iNa.soonei .-did lie .become aware of their 
weight, than he ran off^'at ■ftali stride, and carried the 
youngster^' several timet complbtely ronnd the village 
before it' Wbi pMslblo to stop bim, and then only 'tnr 
getting In'front of Urn, .aiad.Bhoatlng, Tp.teit the strenjlth 
of these two birda, I.apked a full grown negro to mongt 
the smaller onei He did ao, and two others got on the 
larger bird. This ioid, to' my great astonUiment, did 
Ad^Mem too maoh fbr their strength. -Atfliat, tbey wbat 
at a 8«rf "bir RiTldldg' ''IrlW V aiifim^il('']«lku^^ <^ 
spread'thelr wings tp. .t)|6 wind, and want .off (i{t,.iiuV|i 
tarprLdqg^pige that thty hardly seemed' tp,'°^iiue the 
grouad, I foel oonrlnoed that the best rauJwnsb wonid 
have been distanced at the pace,? . ^ Only;. Inuglae. a 
trial of speed at the OenlrevUle/ValoB or Vaahton ooniat, 
of these two-legged racers I Who' Icnows bot we may 
yetseeitf " ' ' .. ' . ' \'r ' 

Tna cry of the ostrleh s> greatly rMeniblpil tbdt bf itu 
lion' u'fccasionalfy.t^' deceive evep'tlie'iiati:^^' A ^'gle 
lilow from ,lt8.giganUc feet (It always etriki^forwiaird) is 
sofflolent 'to proatnta, nay, tpUll, many beasts of prey, 
snob as the hyena, tbo panther, the wild' dog, the Jaekal, 
and others;- The oitrioh Isexeeedlcgly'sWift of (bot,'tin- 
der ordinary clroonutahbes outruoniog a fleet horae. 
" Tiniat time ahe llftath lierstlf oa high, she aooreeth the 
horse and tho rlder.'^ Ob special occasions, aod tot /kilt* 
tance, Its speed is tnly marvelloos— perhaps not, much 
lea than a mile In half a mlsate. Its feet appear hardly 
to touch the ground, and the leogtb between each ^de 
is not untireqaentlr twolre or fbarlcen f^i lodaed, If «e 
an tci credit the teatlmbar of Mr, Adaibson, who says ho 
witnessed the feat In fioaegal, taoh is the rapidity and 
nhtibflter power of thaoatnch, that even with two men 
-mounted on Us baok ha will oatstrip an English horse b 

^1 jLLlijt.; 'iti i i ■^^Y.'i ^ . ipeali Th«oetrlobimoreoTer,lalong.wlnged,Jf wemay 
needlesB to detelba tbb 'confused; down^Jait look of,- ase the expression ; ac that It Is a work of tlmo to«. 

.batfrt thf . :The fpc^of the ostrich In Its wild state. 

oimiH» :^t- ipeda iona aod buds of variooa shrabe and 

ptbbr plaqta,! bat It {■ dtatcqlt to oonceive how It can livp 

at ul I for tae not anfreqaently meets with it in region* 

apptieotty destitate of rcgetatlon of Any kind 

CJIai^as I ehvbf h«r last king into a c<Q7ier and " penned" 
li;'T^''l^e; lifted^ h^^^^ 

eirtended her isnds,— ' 
Kii, wMl-^1 will not toil yen what'aiib did, nor wliiit 



Bierolsel SiexolBell Eierofielll 

nn BBceoiiizBD fiPOBTiiio jodbiml of aibbici, 

isp iiiToun or fbvbicai, am hental lucBKATioNa 

Kb popalar inokaa QpcfttDi Joiira(l,Mirln tlx flnith ytv of 
M»««uJiiii« iid« «ii i mmMi^ fiff n'-"", "'*"'''"! o™**" (BurqUT- 
lncrib*|MtM. ItMQomglTMftiUudiiiUieDUoreporUartTMT 
•nolofkinirtlDgBiUin, tachw-Old'el; CtatM: Drug tila: Ttctat 
" fi BUI ,tUj: PodaMrknlm; Boxing; Hon* Badot: TnulDg: Pa- 
; Ma or BtrtpgOi : RoiriUi Ouloe Bporta ; Blllo BbooUiv: 
■uf; VlfUl Sboottiic; aua»Vni\\ WraiUlsf; COrUsg, fea, ta, to. 
CuflB iHo glTM two or mon 

Id MAb niuDbtf • 
n llN dtitotci oouiMonbla nacs 10 

I Isltonuuion on gtneral lotKo, bnt iportlnf miUui In ;W' 

Jbrnapondnli uwweml tttt of tipcnM, 

Bm Ckinn ia ll>< orgin of no jvUguIit olui, bat darolM Hi nar> 
ria lAd lalatnM 10 the Impraremnit of the pbyilcil ind nMstil 000 
owea lb* paopi*, u well u 10 making mon«7, booMtlr, Ibr Ui pro- 
frM)n> On noeeatf UuCurrn, unipoHliif ptptr, It wttlioat 

'ml In una or uy oUin' eounuy. U li now balled u ■' llu re- 

S fportlng laUiorllr In Amtrka." 

L-Agia copla, « oanu etch. By mall— 11.00 Ibr tii monllii; 
ttOO teoMyoir. Qub of (bar, 17.00 per tDsam; elab of algbl, 
IU.0O ptr unam: dab of Iwalra, tU.OO par tBnan)-4a all CMti In 
tdTueii AdTatUacsumti, t oailj par line Ibr each tad tT«7 Inttr 

tlOIL pobUmlon, Ihandt y cf ea ch week. 


No. 80 Am ttreat, Kaw York. 


SATDBDAT, AFBIL 18, 1867. 

rSAIX 091IV, Editor. 


Bo* fe Tonn, IDS Stmta it., N. T., and 2t Otrk it, GUctfa 

MiDDB k OimnmL, 21 and 23 Ann itraeL 

BiMOB T^na^ 23 Beofantn itiati. 

Loo BonJ^ 83 Ann itreal. 

A. WncB, no Cbaanal (traet, FUladalphla. 

Bnaiia,FDiiaBifeCo., OandlSOMntlrtttiBottc^ . 

loa i. Dm kCo.,U Coarl SQuare, Botan. 

Hm IiiunLBun Balldlng, Baltlmofa, Hd. 

A. 01 Biam,'anotiinaU. 

Wiiuo, AumiR k Bm, CUeago, HL 

'A.k&BmB, TEiobaaga Place and 123 raydniiiLKtwOrliant. 
U D. (ItMnrii 10 King atreet Watt, Toronto, Qinada weaL 
-Bu kUmaitiaiB, SU ttttdw^r, Albany, N. T. 


(t. 0:, VtUlBiton, D. 0.-^lad to latin that yoa are not " ttaga- 
■knck,"ftir, If yoa were, wa wall know Ibat til " tdrlca" woold be 
4bnwn away. IT yoa art ainoerely dealroat «( going ipon the itaga, 
yoa iboold aeok tn IntradBctlon to lome member of Ihe tbaalrlctl pro- 
taalon, and be wooU doobUea bror yoa wllb a kef or two of bla 
apeilanoe. After maUng allowiaoet for bl^pecnllar preTloia Uitory 
•ndpreaentalateof mind, yoa will atlll be mach' banelUed by the 
gmeral parpen of bit ramarld. At tbe ttma time yoa iboold take 
le ti f i n i from lomB dnt-claii aloouUonlit, and he will motl likely be 
qnaUllad to prepare geoUemen for tbe alage. . Ton iboold alio take 
letaona In fiodag, dancing, and moral deportment generally. In year 
own aptrtmenta yoo aboold acoaatom yonnelf to Tarlooi eoetamea, 
(WOTdi, weapona, bafaneta, plnmea, eto. In addition, yoa will roqalrt 
• medical adilacr for tbe coltlratloD of volea, memory, ilamlia, and 
that inrplat nerrooa powar wblch electrically enablaa ooe Indlvldoal 
to embody the eiprenloni, the ienUmonla, and the obaractarliUa of 
tnoibtr. We wbh yoa well, and hope to record yoa ta bmooa. Re- 
mimber to begin at elocoUon. Start lUrly ttom VuU point, and then 
let eipedlenoy abape oat yoor coona, wUhoat too mach adherence to 
any gevenlnmtrki.llka-otn-al-ttaa iiratenl. iBa.aart.yon b«gln 
right, and then go ahead. Item Demoetliaoei to the elder diarley 
Katlhewi, donvet aloeallon tlwtya overcame OTOry deftct or mliftr- 
tane. Tbe proAolon to noble, and Ua requlremenla can Ibrih all the 
BObUlly Of time nobleman. Fire yoa wtU. 

r Fiiina Brgnmra CUm, Ballbnore "In yoor Fktorlal Ibr the Cbrbt- 

nu and New Tear boUdayi, It It reoordid that 112 yarda la the great- 
eM dliUnoe a ball wai ereralrook. I beg to Inform yoa Ihat that 
dManca baa boon boalen, and batten badly. On lha 2Mh of Uucb, a 
yaugmeobaDlooflhtoollyilnckabaU UO yarda firom ihe ' Town,' 
the game played being wbal we call ■Tbwn Ball' Tbla ptraon wbhea 
tnetOBtatolliatbeGan, alanytlma,'bealll2yardi. Tbe ball uod 
wii traiall India rubber one, end lha btlaoommon broomatlok," 
Oar oorretpoptot baa net noticed Ihat wa referred to a cricket ball, 
which la quite ■ dUbrent thing frpm the ball ho alladee to. If oar 
friend hat not icon a crloket btU,wawooldadrlaeblmtaget one, and 
let bli friend try how br he oan itnd it with a broom-handle. Wore 
.ooeof oor balamen to have a "iby" tttbat "imall India robber 
ball/' It to probable that would be tbe last of ll,fi>r lie wbereaboola 
woold never be dlicoTerad, anerwaid. 

" B. A. B — ".Fleaae ttata.Ihe time and dale Ben Otunl and Fyeeman 
left Ihia coanlry tbr Biigland— alio, the time of the light botwoen F^- 
man 'and'the Slaiher." We cannot give the pradie data of tbeir de- 
partare from ibU coanlry, bat Judge Ihey most have lodiome time In 
nbruaiy, aa they arrived In Liverpool on tbe lOlh of Uarob, 1842. 
Vreimtn wu 'matohtd wllh the Slaaher on the 2Wh ol September, 
1U2, and on.lbe 14th of Docembor, . aamo year, they met and Ibugbt 
70 roundi. In 84 mlnolaa, whoa darknosa put an end to tbe balUo for 
that day— they mot on tbe leita, but the poUco Interfered, and It was 
agreed to pal It olTlllI the 20lb, when they again met, and alter flgbt- 
Ing 18 nanda, in 80 mimitea, Flroonun waa dcolarod tho winner, Ihe 
Bluher having gone down without a blow. 

Pbu, Onelnull.— 1. A player making a mtodeal in AH Iburt doaa 
BOlkaebtodoaL,a,niorea(«threo lien of bozoi In Ihe Arob ilreet 
Iheatie, Phlliddpb^ 8. We know of no other thcatra la the Cnllod 
Blata than the two opora houiei pf New York and Fhlladolphia Ihat 
wOlktatai many iptctalonai Ihe Ballon Theatre. 4. AaDorderod 
It up, be baa lha privilege of going alone, If be to obooiea— A may play 
alcDe agalnal B, but bo oonnol do more than euchre hloi. ■ 

Ilui or nu Cmm.— A oorrespondent alatoa that he baa all of Ihe 
llnl volume of the Curm, oicept from No. 2 to 10— oil of the aecond 
and third, and the Oral 81 nunbora of thelburtb, which be wllleelllo 
U)e gentleman of Bnlhwark, or any other penon wbblog them, by 
addttaing a nota la Oeorge Weaver, Long-lane, below Buck-road, 
MUidelptatoi, MaUng price they win give, fto. 
) K :Wi'<^l- A note; with a phyaldan'a addraaa, will be forwarded to 
7«a.N'li ftatbewbeie. 8. Harry Orlbbln'a flghtlng weight to aboal 
I||l),|bi.i,beA!n! ba came lo Ihto coanlry ha foaght Oaika, Uorloa, and 
Breoka; he wu siatobed lo Ogbl Jem Farker, a tbw yean ibioe, bul 
owbg to a mlraodenlandhig in regard to the ground. In OuMd^jlfio- 
thing came of U ; •;• , . i ■ , 

L JL, BallUo.— Ihto comtpondont itatea Ihat he hu wrHltn to 
Hr. Boetl, Ibr Ihfae 170 ledpea, adverttoad in oar paper, bit bu ra- 
odvti no rtply, t^lboofk oonildtrable time baaelapaad. Other oor 
letpMidlmta'baTe been humbugged In the aame manner. iWbapt 
.IhlanolloenitFlMlheBeantof prertBllngothera from being treated 
jq n ^iwu» manner. 

. J, A. P., Mbfi, 1. 1>— The and range of Ihe Uole rUe baa not 
btaa aaoartalnal. Wo awllreeoidtd reoiallylhat loae laldlen 
Mng at a target hear Higdaburgb, on the Dbo, at lha dtotanoe of 1000 
*paaM, Borlally woondad a laboter at work wllh lome oompanloitt 700 
fteea beyond. 

1,3. p., Boflkte.— Ihotoland cT BnaUn laln the Ray of Sondnru, 
and,iwanly.ilx mlloa flroin the main land. TtuilIIotoonihe' mabi 
land, about thirty mllti todUt-etal, There nted bene Ignbmiot of 
lha gMgrtpby of OinliBl America now-a-dayi. 

Two Vkmia,CbUteolba, Ohlo.-Jnitrt art twopoiaci wiyi oa Iba 
maiita.iDipapiIai.brldgat one being M private vehMea, tad Ihe 
«lhir,ovir'lli«.lnt,fciiallr«tdtiahii Foot patingeri aancw m 
(Hbar. ■ ■ ■ j ■■■■■y 

Fu Jicte, PbOail'a.— Teiy eorreol,'ao doitbt, W a leeUa' too 
ili«og, jmd caleoUtad to ouit nnphataat Mmth «blcb H to dadirable 
rcrlhe|iood irf all conotnud topuM.- lUiikl At the lafbiniUot 
•oBlataid In'fosrWItr.' ■ .' . 

X W. Bfoni— Wa eaanet lod Ihe namt In any of lha papait «r Al- 
btay— ttm be mty ba Umt*. If tny oT ear ratdtn la Albtsy know 
wbalher a. B. Butoo to playing U lha Albany Ttmln, Omj will prob- 
ably Inlbrm ot. > 

niiDsao B tJimaiaa .— The DalUo, of IheOoIUa tlBe,hBiBida 
Ibeqakktttpiaitga from Ilverpool to Ihto eoantry. Sea antwvio 


D. LiNlaeaiaFalli.— 1, JtmFtikerlilhtntaeof Ibtmtnnalebed 
16 light dribUn la 1813. X If n«h, that finghl and klllad EcUy, to 
not In Ihto-oonntry it prettnt 

Tim Ou> RiM'a Bais, PUIid'a.— The ballto and. alakaa wire award- 
td to Horrliaiy on toconit tt StUlvin gatllog mlitd ip la tnolhtr 
Ight, tnd not reapODdtog la leaaon to Ihe oall ofUmt. 

Joaa BiRTOir, Botlon.— By "Couiaeror," tnI8(S,wba be made 
lOOmllealnSboan, BSmlnnt«a,andt3Meonda. We bava illndad 
to the Fbnny Janka feat" In another part of oar paper. 

Ois Bnar, BL looto. Mo.— Bava baolid yoor letter lo If , fc a, who 
will rtplyloyoa. Will thank yoa Ibrartport of whatevtr takoa 
plaoe of Intarcit to Ibe aporting world. 

BuonWiiino.— A Cleveland ooneapendent irMwi to. pnrchaae a 
good badger. If any of our New York frieiito hava osa tir lale, they 
can oblabi Ihe genUeman'a addreat, and further parllealan. 

Niw CounrompiwT, Cleveland, 0.— 1. Wintry and look np'aatl l>r 
yoo. X Of lha three, wt prclbr Ftddoek. I. We cannot lay whtra 
Br. J. 0. Arnold to at pretanL 

B. Bun, Buiford, CI— Tbe revtoed rain ibr the govarameal of 
lha game of Bate Ball wlU be pobUahtd la aweek or two. In. Ihe 

W. T. R.— Jehntan waa not ezeeoled— he wta itat to Iho SItte prl- 

Cufiiu.— Pry or. In our oploloo ;batdonotbelntoomaohoft hurry 
ta tnvett— there to plenty of lima yek 

B R— The Fenla bit made ttia quIokHt paaaga (e Liverpool from 
New York, bul mA/nm LIvtrpeoL 

Ax Ou) Rama, Wilmington, Dal.— The flrtmo of Ihto dty do not 
receive pay Ibr their tarvlcea. 

a JOD J., Ckmbr1dga.^B Aicn- Where there to a tto b ooonthig 
ftr game, a point to icored by the non-dealer. 

A JiBDT Bor.— If yon hava made lOO'/aida Inlliaoondi, yoa have 
made eicellent time. 

Auxf.— Ihto correapoodent haa a lie of Ihe Curm, from AprD, 
IIH, to Ihe preaent time, which be oOlin Ibr aala. 

Akitiob, Albany.— Yon wUl lea a'noUoe of the matter In another 

a A.— 1. Jack Randall wia never defeated. 3. Tbm Olbb waa 
beaten by George NIchoto. 

Yonma.- Aa Ibe caae to alatad, II to a eul; but yon ihoaU hava 
taken care Ihat the carda played were not placed on the top.- 

O'Ciiuaau, Cincinnati.— A nmmary of Ihe mattara refhrred io 
will prove very acceptable. 

J. W.,Toroolo.— Aaaoonaawe can prooire a oopy, tbe ralea will 
bo pabUabed In the Curna. 

J. a, Chicago.— Thanka, Wa have naed your Itami. 

Aimiooi.- Do, If yoo pleaie. Bee ehewbere. 

L, a, BoOUo.— lUmi of newa will be ibankAilly rtoalvad. 

0. U., Fhllad'a.— Biglaid ta not an toland ; Gnat BMIaln to. 

a W, C—t, Troy.— Tbanki for your letter, tnd Ito ooottnto. 

J, B,, N. Y.— WUl eipliln neit week. 


Tois to Ihe title of tn orlglntl tporUng itory to beoomhnneed In our 
neat It will renew oor tcqutintanca wllh muy a friend of Ibrmer 
yeara, and Inlrodoca tA our nousv aome~w«n-inio«a • h w n e n w of lha 
prettnt day; aceiea will Iw vividly deiolbed, of wblob mtny of oor 
readera will doabUeta have a remcmbraace. Ihto iloiy.wlll be nioa- 
lialed, and may probably nm throogb ilz or dgbt nnmbera of the 
Currm, beginning with Ihe Int No. of the new volume. 

Nona.— OorreipondentowOl pleaie take notloe that we golapreaa 
on Tneaday evening of eaah week bi order Ihat paekagea for dtolani 
parte may reach their doeUnallon aome Vme during Ihe oorrent week. 
Our (Henda, therelbra, ihould mall their hvoii at aa early a day aa 
poealbla lo aa to enaure tboir publlcalkmln good gtaaon. Wefre- 
qnenlly receive llama on Wedneeday and Tbunday monloga, (loo 
lalo for that week'a Isauo,) wblch might Joat oi well have reached ua 
on Bonday or Tneaday. WUl our coireepondenta bvor ua In Ihto 
reaped, aa Ibr aa mayault their own. convenience f "And wa will 
ever pray," to. 

Lfsn n Vouma IV.— In Ihto week'e kaue, tho lait of Ihe preaoat 
volume, wlU be found a earelbUy prepared Indoi of evento that have 
bean recorded In tbe Cuma during the year. TUa table of contonla 
triu bo the metna of aavlog our readera many an hour in their " pur- 
tail of knowletlee under dUBcoltlea." 

4^ Another Intareatlng oommunlcatlon from "An Old Yorhahire 
T^irftnan," reached ua too lale Ibr publication In Ihto nupitKr. II will 
appear In our noxk ■ 

Cun lnaB— " WiBmROTaii Cub."— At lha laatmeeUngof the above 
AaaoclatloD, held at their Qub Bouio, No, 8 Dnloo Place, Br. Thedore 
a Balherway waa unanlmoualy elected Tlca Prealdent fbr tbe enauing 
year, In place of Ur, John F. Uorrlem, reelgned. Ueeara. John 
Donnlngton and George Oompland were elodad lo Bll vaeandea In Ihe 
Flnaaca Committee ; and Beaart, G. W. T. Lord and WlUbun F. Wor- 
rell were appointed by the Prealdent lo make complete Ibe Uaoiglog 
CommlUco. Ihe principal olDcci are ai foUowa >-Johii W. Warrin, 
Prealdent ; T, a Balherway, VIco RreeUenl ; D. B. EoMrodgo, Drea- 
lorer ; J. B. Loonabery, Bocrolary. ' 

Bnncia Toa Cuma.— Several correepondento have made Inqolrlee 
aa to where tbey can have Iho Curm bound, price, ko. To tboae 
who have no choice of their own aa to binding, we would attta Ihat 
wo can bava them bound In ololh, wllb leather bask, good and atrong, 
Ibr 11.10 per TOlomo, 82 numbon complellDg the volume. By leaving 
the nombera wllh oa, we wlU attend to the matter. 

Ak Ou namua At Rot.— Died hi Pblladelpbto on Ihe 3d IniL, 
Jacop Trlpplcr, Esq., la the 80lh year of bto age. Ur. Trtpplar waa an 
acllTO member ol tho " Fire Department" la Fbllodolpbla Ibr eeer 
i<i4l-JIiie yeari, faavbig been during that time Preeldent, Director, and 
an active member of " United Slaiee Fire Engine Oompaoy," and run 
wllb the apparatua op to. a Ibwdaya of hto death. "Feaca to bto 

k HoBsa WITH A OoBK Lro.— We take tho foUowliig 

ftom the Adelaide (Atutrella) Eeglater 

We have recenUy leen Br. Oolllna' nare, Jeweaa. ' It win be re- 
nombared (bat abe broke bor near fore leg on the race ceurae In April 
laaL while ruBDlng lor the town plale, AmpoUUon wia perlbrmod 
by Br, Grabb, under whoee oare the hui oompletoly recovered. ' fler 
oondlUon to exceUenl, and lha cork fbot leema to anawor the porpose 

Bbootinq EmaosDiNAKT.— Under thla heading, the 

Hansfleld (De Soto ptilah) Demooratio .figlo, cf the 27th 

ulL, baa the following paragraph; 

Our fellow-townaman, B. L Boat, wblto on a banting eioortloa, a 
(kw days ahioe, bad the good luck to kill Ibur large fUU-grown deer at 
one ahoU " Uemory of Nlmiod I" gan ihto be eqnaledf 

Dbatb of a Raicr.— We learn from the [Oolanbiu 
Sun that Frankfort, . a yerj promldng colt, owned "bj 
Hi, HoDanlel, died Immedlatoly after the great four mile 
(no^loed In par Turf dopartnent) in which he:waa 
engaged. Blxteon mllea wcre toa bofore. tho. race waa 
.decided.. .Qharleiton won tho tat, Fraoklbrt the leoond, 
aiid, Sae Waahlngton the third and foor.lh hoatd 

^'Thi Hondbu Hom Raokbs Aoam.— It li stated In the 
Albany Tnnurlpt that -Dalton has oSbred jo.tftit the 
Ta/Iorhona flfly mUci over a tonne, for $1000 a aide. 


A correapondeat of the Boohoatar Unloii, In apesking of 

the hondred mile raee, layt : 

I nelloed In your paper of April let, IU7, an arUeto fVom Ihe Albany 
Batceman, beaded " The one bandred mile raee-the grealatt feat on 
reeord- nnparalleled tpeed," fee., to. ; tbt writer cf which I thlok 
nuat be toborlig under t grott mittake. On tbe Bib dty of Bay, 1818, 
"Fanny Jenkt" waa matched agalnit time for Ive bnodred dulton, 
lo trot one bondred mUei te ten boura, over Ihe Biill^ Bead Coorae, 
near Albany, N. Y. Sbe perlbmed Uie enUre dIaUice la aloe bonn, 
Ibrty-Sve minulee and twenty-aeven aaconda. Eioluilve of Ihe Ume 
cf (lopplog for refreabmenla— elgbteen mioutta and tweoiy-aeven ae- 
condi the perflmcd tbe dlttinee In nine bonn, tweoiy-fbar mhiutet 
tnd thirty toconda. Immediately en Ibe eomplelloo of Ihe matob, and 
wlUioot alopping, tht wu trotted once round Ihe oooita, and tocom- 
plUbod her lOlat mUe In foor mlaDtea and twtnly-lhree aeoonda, 
maklog one hundred tod nu mllta In nine boura, fbrty-eeven mlnntM 
and twenty aaconda. 

To wbloh the Staiennan reeponda aa followa : 
The writer dtotlneUr raniemban tht nee mtdt br "Fknoy Jenkt," 
todconaldtra there It no oemptritoa between the Aitt taeompIUbed 
by her tad Out by tbe ]kyk» tnd Dalian honea. It wUI be remem- 
bered that "Many Jenka" iroUtd on a coarte whkb wot In excellent 
ooodltlon, wbUe Uie race Ital week waa over roada alooat Impttiable 
on account of the mud tnd tnow drUla : tnd, yet, nolwIUiatandtog 
Ihto, tber nude elghlr-lbur mllet tnd t half hi eight boura tnd Ian 
minulta frtnd would have trouod Ihe one bnodred milea In leee Ume 
than "Iknny Jehka," had Uie Dalton borte kept bto feet Thedlflbr- 
•use In Ibe aoodlUon of Uie tracki waa equal to at laaat one hour. 

[We moat pnt a stop to all Author dlaotualon regarding 
faat time In trottbg one hundred miles by stating that 
New Tork Ib atlll at iho " bead of the heap." Some time 
la the latter part of the year ISfiZ, a match Waa made In 
thla Tleklty that no horae In tho Northern part of the 
United States conid be produced within one year, that 
coald trot one hundred miles In nine boura I The wager 
wae 03000 to 11000, the odda being on time. On the 12th 
of November, 1863,. Conqueror, a ftiU-blooded gelding, 
waa brought to the startbg poet, on a Long bland track, 
and started on the long and trying Journey, under the 
guidance of Menara, Splcer and HoHann, alternately. 
Between S and 6 o'clock, P. H,, the feat was conoluded, 
the noble animal having trotted oiu hundred mla In the 
eztraordlnaiy time ot tight hourt,J\fly-fiM mnuiu, md J\fiy- 
tkm tttml*! Including etoppagee for water, spouglog, 
Ao. Thla Is the most aetoniahlng performance of the kind 
on reoord. Our neighbors of the rural districts will now 
please atop their bragging. When they have conquered 
the " Conqueror," It will be time enough for them to boast 
of their fast time, but not till then.— Eo. Clip.] 

Olosino op Biilubd Saloons.— We see It stated that all 
the Billiard saloons hi Louisville, Ky., have heen closed 
ia puTsnance of a State law. We have no anthentlo In- 
formation as to the truth of this statement ; bat, If correct, 
It only goes to show, tbe pnrltanltal notions entertained by 
some old fogiet lu tbe great and growing West, where snob 
{qjarjoas Inflaences, It was hoped, would not be suffered 
to find much favor. What is there In the beaatiful and 
recreative game of billiards to call forth such opposition t 
If It Is urged that the game leads to other matters not 
quite up to some people's Ideas of morality, let us ask 
those pretended advocates of moral reform where we may 
look for pure sanctity, undeflled morality, and all that 
sort of thing T Let us go to the supposed fountain head 
of morality, the church ; let tis tear the veU from the 
" pillars" of that ohorch, and what do we behold t Cor- 
TupUon in ita wont torn, . Uecent developments in the 
OBseofthe'Bev.Ur.Eallooh, of Boston— one oftheehlning 
lights of that city, and one whose opposltlou to all amuse- 
ments and manly pastimes has been of the strongest kind— 
convinoe us, In oonnectlon with other dlsoloenres ellolted 
In ahnllar trials, ihat tbe ohuroh haa Its full share of wick- 
edness, though It Is carried on beneath a moral garb. 
There b no such bypoorlsy abont our bllUaid saloons or 
other places of amusement — what Is there done, b done 
openly, before tbe world. 

If the Great West desires taput an extlngnisher upon 
Its rapid growth, let It Inderdiot all eports and pastimes 
for the people. What would New Tork be without lb 
theatres, lb billiard rooms, Ib bowling alleys, and other 
elmUar plaoesT What would that " Little Giant of the 
West," Chicago be, were It not that It b » fao slnille, 
almost, of our own great Empire CItyT Crush out the 
people's pastimes, and yon destroy the vlbll^ of a com- 
munity. It will not do. It b time that all such old fogy 
and puritanical notions of propriety and morality were 
consigned to oblivion ; and If Lonlsvilb hopes to contend 
sucoessfiilly with other sections of oor western country. 
In the great race now going on, she matt encourage 
rather than oppose popular amusements. If there is snob 
a law as that referred to above, we hope It will be speedily 

A Foor-Tkir Old. — ^We arc growing apace. We are 
beginning to look npon our " little craft" as a " mighty 
giant." With the present number we have attained the 
position of a fouryear-old, and we feel our strength 
Inoreaslng with our years. But then, .part of the credit 
for our healthy and prosperous condition b due to those 
many Mends who have so. nobly stood by us— who have 
assisted us by their patronage and advice— who have 
pointed out tho many ehoals and quicksands that seemed 
to obstruct our onward course— who have kindly reproved 
us for errors we may have committed, and applauded us 
when we were deserving of praise. We say, to our kind 
patrons, subscribers, readers, coneepondents, and all, we 
are greatly Indebted for our present proud positioa In the 
newspaper and sporting world. In the oosduot of on]/ 
journal. It Is a diffloult matter to please all readers ; but 
In the guidance of a ipmting newspaper It b almost 
ImjKissIble to cater eueoessfhlly ibr the varied tastes of 
the readera of sooh a Journal. We nifiy ofcnd one class, 
unwittingly. In ihe very effort to please another. Again, 
our etrlotores, npon .oerlain occaalons, may seem severe 
and undeserved, but were onr readers with us, "behind 
ihe soenes," they would at once acknowledge that Instead 
of being harsh or severe, we are far too lenient We are 
loth to condemn, but when the Interesb of the entire 
sporting commanlty demand It, we consider It our duty 
to expose ftand, and to hold the perpetratora of It up to 
publio Indignation. . If we err b Judgment, we are willing 
and aozlous to have our faulb pointed ont to tia In a 
courteous manner. With theso few remarks, we again 
offer onr sincere' thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed 
upon the present volume of the Ouffsb, and hope our 
next may meet with equal fkvoir. " All abowd 

Ota or ma Oldin Tnd,— Wease Ik stated in a Spring- 
deli journal that "Jehu Crloket," a florae "well-known 
Ib that oitj^," died reoently at the extraordinary, age of 
llfiy years. Poor oU horse, let hlin, die." 

Niw Bica luattM NnrTouL— Tbe bill ftr the hnprovtmeBl « ^ 
bread or heiaea pataed lha Senate Anally, on MoBday lal ; tt lad 
voaalypaaaedtbtUeata, It anlhoriiea Edward FeanaU of Ne4rert 
dty, Banry Ltoyd of Qoeem, LoveD Purdy oT BMuBosd, Ardll Bay. 
mood and'Bobert Vorrlt of Weilchetltr, tad Ibeir aaMotota, ta tork 
a company for Ihe purpote cf ratotaig, bretdlng,' tnd Improvtaiga^ 
breed of horaei, intOcct lo Uio provblona of " An Act Ibr the Incorpon. 
lion of aaaodaUona Ibr Improving Uie breed of bonet," paM Ajril 
U, IStt, tioeptlng 10 lliraatho aame may be IneoBtlateat wUh l^ 
pnvtoloniofthtoaoL U aba glvea lha aaaodallon power lo pnrA«| 
or' leaaa a aulUble tract <t land, to be telcoled by oommhaloiuii 
aanoed in tho bill, lo ba naed u a coune Ibr teaUog the rtltUve tpett 
efbonea; to erect toUable bnUdlnga, Ibneee, to, ; bul Ihto provtolta 
ahaUnotbeoooatmedto allow the radog of honea or other aatmah 
Ibr any wagera oonlrary to Ihe preaent pravtoloni of lha raiked 
atatutet. The AaMetoUa may bold two nuttlnga, Jnne and Ooiobar 
In each year, andattheee aeiil-annaal maeUnga may oikrpriiaala 
be awarded u the maaagan may dtotala, Iheoourtemnttbeloetlad 
wltbbi one of Uie OnmUea of Ebigt, Qaetni, SoBblk, New Tork, «r 
Richmond. lha Sheriff of Ihe oooaty In whkh Uie ooune than be 
etUbUahed, or hto depaly, tbtU ttland Um itml-tnnail'meeUn^ to 
keep Ihe petof tad remove lO gtmbUng Implemtnli, Ibr which tn- 
vIoeeUie AnodaUon ahall pay blm IS per day. B Ihe *««~-i»t | < B 
permit gambling <t any Und wlttUn Uie courae, tbey thereby fcifett 
Uielr charter and aU Uie powera and prlvUegea conftrred by Uilt aaL 

Itto to bebopedUiattbanew aaaocloUoo irUl telecl a alia men 
convenient lo the dty than Ihe raoe tracki on Long latond. It bw 
alwaya been a great otOeeUon Uiat Ihe meant of reaoUng tboae plaoei 
were not inSldest ; benca tbalr unpopolatlty. We may hava somt^ 
thing more 10 aay bi reflnanoe to Ihto labjeot In our neil, . 

Prssebvation OF Gake.— The bill for the preserw 
tlon of game in thbSbte, which haa Just passed thoLegi^ 
lature, provides as follows : . 

"That no person ehall, wlUilo Ihto Stale, kUl any wild deer at aa* 
Ume during the moniha of January, . February, March, April, Bay, 
June or July, Every portion who anail expoeo to uie any green deer 
akin or freanventooD, or who ahall bava toe name In btocnitody at 
any Ume during Uie monUi ipeclOed, ahall be deemed to have violittd 
the Uw ; and whoever aball eSbnd agolnat the pr ovtolona cf ilie ael 
ahall Ibr each oOiaeo Ibrfelt tbe torn of twonty-flve dollan. All penal- 
tlea Impoaed by Uie act may be tued tot and recovered, wllh Uie cost 
ofaucb anit, before any JuaUco of lha peace In Uio Elate, by or In Ihe 
name of any person making complaint thereof, one half of tho fine go- 
ing to the oomplalnasL" 

" AnoUw blU, relaUve lo Itoot, haa alao paaud. It provldea thai 
no peraou ahall at any Ume take any tront lo any of tho Inland pobSo 
walen of Ihto SUle wllh any net, eebie, wier, baaket, apear, grappto, 
nap or any other dovloe whatooever, except a book and line, mo. 
ever ahall olfend agalualthe provtolona of the act aball, for each ollhnot, 
forfeit the tum of tweotj-flve dollaia. AU r'''»'tit i Impoaed by Ua - 
act may be lued Ibr and recovered, with the cosia of aucb eull, befbrt 
any JuiUca of Ihe peace hi tbto Slate, by or lo the name of any penen 
making complaint thereot one half cf the flue Unnsed Bdni to ttil 
complainant" » • • 

TuiniFia Fight.— A Winston, Ud., correspondent of ths 
Baltimore Argns states that a mlsnndentandbg recently 
took place between a man l>om Chicago, named Drab, 
and another named Pendleton. A challenge was glvoi 
by Drain to Pendleton, and what followed is thus related : 

Be accepted the cballengo, and accepted fbr weapon! bowie knives. 
They aotfed Uemieha dnm to a two Inch oak plank by Uio pobta, tnd 
fought unUI Drain waa mortally wounded. Young Pendleton wu eat 
nearly la plecea, and to now lying In a crIUcal oondlUon. Bvt 4 
Pendlelon'a knlfii la lUII In Draln'a bead. There to no hope of hto re- 
covery. The Doctor Ihlnka Ihey wUl both die. 

Wonder If Ib true, or only a " penny-a-llner." 

RoLss OF Sfobtb.— With oar new volume, theflrtt 
number of which will be Issued next week, we Intend to 
commence &e pnbllcatlon of the different rules for the 
government of sporting events, such aa Crloket, Base 
Bali, The Turf, Pigeon Shooting, Quoits, Ac, Ac. As ths 
sporting season of '67 b now about commenobg, thest 
laws will prove Interesting and valuable aa records for 
reference, decblonB, Ac Let those who wlah to preeervig 
dies, procure their CLiFPEB»at as early a day aRer pohll- 
cation aa may be convenient. 

Bboatta of the New Tork Tacht Club.— The annual 
regatta of the New Tork Club takes place this year on 
Thursday, Jane 4. A large number of yachb will take 
part In thb Mendly contest 

Tho largest yacht of ihe squadron will be the " Wan- 
derer," (owned by Ur. John D. Johnson,) now hulldbg 
about sixty miles up the Sound.* She is 241 tons, and Is 
buQt both for speed and accommodations. 

How TO Talk.— Thb Is an art not to be despised, and 
Uessrs. Fowler & Wells have done wisely In publishing ■ 
cheap hand-book to teach the proper expression of ideis 
by words. As the darkey b said to have said of a spring 
shower, " De Lor knows it b needed I'.' We are pleased to 
welcome Fowler A; Wells In this department of Ilteratuis, 
for tho logical expression of a olear mind b one of the 
best proofs of sound health. Everybody should have this 
amusing and instructive little guide for private consulttr 
tlon and pabllo Improvement. 

Out for a Dat's Sfobt.— Now b the time to provide 
yourselves with Ashing tackle, and other articles of a like 
description. An abundant and varied assortment may he 
found at the esbbllshment of Mr. John Warrin, Na 48 
Ualden Lane. Our Fhllodelphia flrlends may abo be 
nocomipodated lu like maimer at' the' store of Jamea 
Golohcr & Co., where may also be had cook spurs. See 
advertisement elsewhere. 

' SuARP BHOOTiNO.-^ohn J. Bshleman, Esq., of Lancaster, - 
Fa,, on tho Sd Inst, In the Shooting Galleiy of Hears. 
Hudson and Wame, In Fulton Hall, In that plaoe, shot 
off-hand with a rifle, a dbtanoe of thirty yards, bitting 
the button every shot, twelve times' in succesdoa. . The 
button b (iM bches In diameter, making, b the aggregate, . 
dgU Inohes, string measnrement, from centre to centre. < 

Tiibnbbb' Fbbttval.— The Turners of New Bedford are 
to have a celebration on the 30th. A number of Tnmai 
of thb olty and elsewhere are eopeoted to partk^lp^^^ 
and will he received on the 29lh. ., \_ 

Faridb or Phxluelfhta Firehen,— This Impwia^' 
event b sot down for the ISth of September next, that\ 
being the fortieth annlverniy of the organleatlon of .the | 
Department ' , 

CBiiuaoa.- Boxbury, Vaai,, AprU Oth.— The Mendt ttjtmt 
Orlmet, of Roxbary, trt willing to btck him tgahut yoong OoBiry or 
Johnny Uorria, of BcatoD, at 180 ponnda, Ibr SlOO or 1200, In alx wetki 
rna the Aral depoelt. If tbto don't tult Ihem, I wlU ight lay 110 
ponnd novice in MtniohoaeUi br Ibe ttme tmounk' An titwtr 
through ttieCurrBwUl In qnhiklyatlaaded to, and a match can bo 
made. B. am — 

PioaaaB or " idi An" n m Wte.— A prln flght took plaoe rt- 
oenUy between John Ijiak and Fbrgo, at O'Oonneu bland, hallway 
between the Iowa and Illlnob banka of Um Bteatoalppl. Twenty-Uute 

roanda were Ibugbt, ocoipyUig JoM ana hour. Fkrgo won tbe btUll. 

- ijjo a aide.. 


by tbe ntme of W. W. Buah, of New Tork Bute, I hereby nol 

The ilako wai.tzU a aide, 
Gkiiuma.- Having bad a illght mtoundenlandlng wlOi a 

w/ Hto SMaiav wa ivt bmbii. vb Aistr a a»wiW| a uwvw/ atww/ — 

Uvtt I will flgbt Um tald Buah a lUr aland up flgbl Ibr SlOO, or mm. 
If aeoepuble to hira, Be may tbrward to yoq Itaimedtotety, and I wu 
tend to Uie aame. Joaa Duan 

Gevelfnd, 0., April 10. ' ■ 

Ciiuxtoi.- David Line, of Ntopn Fklto, alalet' thai be will SgW 
Umt Barry Grlbbto or Jen Parker, id U7 Oa., ibr ItOO or fion a 




BuBBora nauwial— Fnmwoi or Oua—Cttrpt Badlsffi 
i&-7Du> nun i FannU nf,Uino|h UMntdlaffloT ihtOir- 
tm, lo yfl yonf »ltaBlloB, mJ Held •porUnuB iBgownl, loamoO 
■(fab «til«h tfipMn' ti Uu FhlUdtljiik Horth Amiileta ud VnUai 
aitfiaii«IU,criprUIUt nwwUoldnqiiartOBlilDladtdtapaff 
kUBd^fMrtMr 0ilIaii(q«r<aMii,udlkalbeiU«er Otlr abulia. 

' H Foor ■nllmncn at lUa dtr retained joterdty tnm t lbr«a dara' 
■poitlDStov, Mme MTsn miles boloir the dif , barini kllM Itt 
■Ipt, 8 woodcock, 2 MUdeen, ud U duolu. Oae of the ijiorUmeo, 
Mr, Riuar, 19 orer H jttn of «■•■ ud t remvlul)^ good mwlu. 
Bin. w* Tentore to my there to no other northern tiij which hit 
■aoh in ibanduce of gime la oloa* proxhnltr. The fene of Ounden 
ad the nunhet below on the Delaware all teani wllh blrdi In their 

^•lUl II not la Oalh t Fnbllih U not la the atreela ot Aikalon I" 
four feoUunen killed 8 woodooek hi tha moBlb ot April I aad one of 
the naUemen orer M yean of an I Bbune, abame I wharo li Oij 
bloibr Do the /bur ontteoi belogg to Ihe Philadelphia Aeaodallon 
nr the preaervaUon of gamer Ifthojrdo, weask— doeathatdlnlOed 
body coentaDanoe the ahooUof of woodcock daring the aeauo of Uioa< 
bMionr ir the genllomen are not membert, and the AuodaUonto 
Mill In eilelanoe, and oppoaed to the dlaxracerul, dulardlj and India- 
grimloale dtslmotlonornmaoatof leaeon, wbj don't the oOoen lake 
oognlnnea of the hot that foar gentlemen klllod 6 woodooek In the 
. Booth of April r The aboTO loleiTOgalerlai we opde demand an la- 
•wer. Some Ume ego, eeTcral partloe were broogbt before the bar of 

el and publlo opinion, on the charge of eipoeing for ale prairie 
and grouae, the penal coueqoenoea ol which tbej had lo loBir. 
n WM hoped, altar toe Aiendallon had made auoh agood beglnnUg, 
tint III onward career woold answer Ihe azpeotatlona of the ime lor- 
•nofsporl Whether oar hopes are to be realiied or blasted, remains 
tobeseen. ITAdiatoHltlmSwoodoodcf 
' Kr. Editor, It It not Uma that thsee eportamen who look open nam- 
bars as a test of inooess shoold belaogbtscme olher lesson r The UU- 
lag ofklUdeer at* Umo when thef axe mallng. Is wanUm cmeltr, end 
at aa7 Ume a disgraos to a sporttman'a bag. )t»a, therelbre, who 
will Bsll7 forth In niosds, and bug away at erery UvUig Ihing which 
auy beaet their puh, ws do not dab with the appellsUoi of iporta- 
Bta, bal bold them In soTerelgn soom. No doabt there are among at 
(In Old Berks) chandan who oonld sbike huds wllh Ihe Ibor Pblla- 
dalphla (uUemcD, ud make good oomjamlonshlp, bnt we etU them 
fclHiiiif ii i la iclai Jq>r »fnfffn n nwortay to assoclata wllh bona Ids 
inoflamen. When they commit onlragMsgalDat the pesos ud dignity 
(llhsOnnmonwsaltfa, brvlolallng the game laws, or setting at nought 
Ita* laws of honor, whion It a Unng actlre principle among Reoulne 
iBSrttmiin, they do II nndv eiroamtluoe* whlob almost ittr com- 
pista eiposare. Lot them, or uy of them, dare to pnbllsh that they 
sr bs on Ihe 8th of April UUsd woodooek, the itrong arm of the law 
woold Tlodicata Itself, and the gilUypartlM meet their Jott deserts. 
10 may It be wllh tho " loar lentlemea," la Iha desire of 



cm Bamx— Jfr, BHtor i lost always acceptabi* paper oamato bud 
this week with morsthuordloary saiUhdktn ; ud, altboogh hupilllat- 
lag lo see bow low a hnmu baing cu maks blmaelf, It to, nevartheleia, 
well Ihat the pobUo sboidd know ud careTully avoid the ealanulaior 
who algna hU scrawls ■■ An Old ^att" Ko nun, howsrer despersia 
hit est* may be, to JastlOable la aatlllog by decspUon ud btoebood 
the oharsoter ud repulaUon of another ; Ihli to the category of yoar 
qaasi oorranaduL It will not be ny parpoea to eibame Us noant 
form beyond tho porlato of Its nnhallowed Sepolohre Ikrthar thu to 
bold II lo the gats of Its reflsotlons: the rest! loare Ibr the Coroner. 

The oommunlcalico dated Uarch 3Mb, ilgnod " An Old Sport," to 
beyond the pale of criUcIsm ; there to scarcely a line wriuu intelllgt- 
blr or grammatically ; It to a cbtotlo bus of mltrepretulallon ud 
tstoebood, u 1 will proceod lo ihow. 
tfrU I An Old Sport says he to not Ihe adrocato of ellker party. 
Second > He says on enlerUig the pit, ta. 
TUrd: Be (|uot(a what he would.make appear my exclamallon. 
Aurtt I Be refers lo a challenge aimed at me alter I bad declined 

propcsed lo light a Stag In \piett3ii way agalnit uylhlog the Sorew 
Do^ party owned, ud which wu nao' scoepted by them. 

'' A DiT'a 8mn Snoorao D Iinnui.— Indlanspclls, la., April 8, lUT. 
ntst.f)iam,aitBTOUtirir—DtarBlTt Fsnonally unknown lo yon, 
bnt a rt^ulor reodo- y your pajxr (Ihto lait oluta I belloTe all oonai- 
oondanto lut In their oommnnicatloaa) I wonld ixj that till within the 
hit year I haro Ured In tho dty not onknown aa the residence cf 
but good knigbtt of the trigger, called nuitdilpbla ; I had ocoulon 
to Tult Ihto part of Ihe oouiry on a bailneta tonr, ud on arriving 
htralbnndpartofmybiggsaetaadbeenloattnd so have been com- 
pellad to wtltj here tui It to fbrthconUng. Well, Ur. Editor, being the 
■a of as good a ahol as srer palled at either blpe. Woodcock or Quail, 
Ithoaght I would take a walk oat of town toaee what birds freouent- 
•d these regions ; I had probably got a mile from the Hotel, ud was 
nmbllog by the aide of a little alream that woond Ito ooane ihiooih a 
grtBd eld for<et,'When-^-oould I be mtoUkent skeek, tkesk— right 
InB under my feet got u BigUsh Snipe- Now thto bird lo ua on the 
Delaware b a luxury, ud I hare heard my llitber say he would walk 
tn miles lo get a toot at one ; so I marked him down about 80 yards 
»head, befbre Igot to the pitso, 1 had started no lass than all others, 
■dd In the ihort disluce or htlfa mile I most have seen thirty at least; 
a UUle fluther down I saw a rippis In the water, I (bond about eleru 
fteu-wlngcd Ttel enjoying themselves ; they saUtoed me to get quite 
oar thuD, ud I etood for some time watching their gracefal more- 
Btola, till I found myself hilf belloTlog thit Uiey wore tame-bnt I 
Ihrew up a tlone ud up they got beullfully ; It was worth Uu walk 
toseolhem rise. Uy blood was np ; I had seen some o( the gtme of 
Ihe West, ud I dotermloed to have a shot at them ; ao I went 
home and after some trauble borrowed a little doable gan, ordered 
the porter to " call mo early In the morning," and at six o'clock I was 
beud gun In bud for mr little stream ; wbu I rssohed It, I loaded my 
gun, ud nutting a small (f Ed.) — — ... 

. . , . , . golnmyKtriyomaplslolwhose 

Tsry smsU was rerlrlng, letraok the oorders octhe stream. I walked 
some thirty or forty paoai, and up gotapolr of beautlfolenlpo- Whugl 
whang I went my gun, bnt I am not u old un," ud I ooly dropped 
my flrsl bird— however, I had boauurul sport, ud by eleven o'clock, 
I had killed tweoty-sevu aa fine Snipe ai ever graced a iportamu't 
big. no Teal, too, were quite thick la the stream, but I wai content 

pnbllcly to aooept a ohalloDge or make a nalob, exoept the one where 
iproposf" * . •- 

.artyL , , 

fyikt He says, I bought one Cock Ibr Ihe express purpose of llghthig 
Out malob, Shake Bu. 

SUk I InMead oflgbbng, I took him Is Ihe State Fonltoy bhl- 

SrshA I And I Ihere sold hhn. 

In order lo show op Ihto standerer, Uul be may bo lashed naked 
through the world,^! propose the fbUowlog, vis : 

I will bet lint : Ton dollars, I con provs him the sdvocate of one 

Second I Ten doUars, he cainot prove that ha ulered Iha pit at UsU 
Bosk's the time he names. 

Third I Tu dollars, he osmiot prove I nttersd Ihe exalamallon he 

Iburtki TendoUart, he ooniMt prove I bonghla Oock fbrflvadol- 

jyUi Tudollan, he cofHNt prove I boogbt a Cock for the purpose 
of making a match. 

SUA I Ten dollars, he eoiuut prove I exhibited poultry cf uy kind 
at the tota Stole Poultry Exhlblilon. 

SaeiA t Tu dollars, he conuf prove I told a Ibwl of any kind at 
that exhibition, or uy time either prevlouily or ubeeqautly. 

BtMK I Tmaij doUan, he dart not accept the above beu. 

Jfuilk I Tu doUan, he dan not aooept uy two, 

niun Qoxcr, Eonon Curno— The author of the above has Ihto day 
depoelted In my huds twuty-flve dollaii u IMUt ; hto propcalllons 
or betote remain open until Saturday, Ihe Ztth Init 

Wm. A. Jom B. W. cor. Fourth h George, ISUi Ward. 

FhUadelphla, April 11, lUT. 

Hr. Jonea to be flnal stakeholder ; I lo appoint one Judge, Ihe acoept- 
Ing party uolher, Ihe two 19 iele«t » referee. 

na nnomu Min I 

lUs toperannnalad sport, ansr admitting that six onlofnbis of Ibeir 
cooks run away, (u., adds, " Wbu a mu vriihas to pnetloe dlsho- 
neety, he always practices honesty." Oood Uird, what a speso h t 
He further says, polnlbluk, the Horewdock ptrty's cooks wsr* rub. 
bed ; hear him—" the next morning I called to see the oocka (Sorew- 
docks.) bat whst a sight met my gu»— cooks that ware able to Ight 
anything the day before, now were shown with their months burnt to 
aertopwilAapnpanHoKirilAicMiAUqfltad hammUoL" Oneiocil 
dead, another mnt blind, the baluoeieni somewhere else. Hesrhim 
again I " I (Itel JostUIed hi saying thoy never would have made the 
maUi, had they not had things uod wllh their hudler, who to the 
only one bi the city Ihat would sloop to sncb dlrU" 

As It to thus expresaed, he says In to muy words It was the bud< 
lor of the Sorswdock fowto Ihtt old ths whole of thto dirty business. 

Now u I happen lo know Intimately that penon (ud a akllAil one 
he to,) I lake It upon myself to duy In tolo Ihe bate allegation, ud 
will vouch for hto noaosty ud upright desllogs; Ihto I do Ibr the ufar- 
mallon of the readers of the Cuma who ire not 

to watch them get up ud Oy away ; If It had been mld-wlnlor I 
shonld have tried my lack at Ihem. well, I was heartily tired ; I had 
not touched a gnn before fCr some months, to I mtds a short cut 
Orough the woods for Indianapolis. All at onoe, ontof some decaying 
bianobes, rose a huge wild Turkey— to bring my gun lo my ahouldor 
wu bnt the work oru Instut, ud I fllcktrod awsr at him Itoth bor- 
isto ; down cams a sbowsr of leatheis, but the bird kept on hto course 
Si If he teemed number nine shot ud Butem iporlsmen. AI noon I 
fcaohed the Bales Houae, where a good dinner wu waiting— ud 
long ihall I remember my day'a aport In Indlui. Knowuf you loved 
iiort, I thought I would writs yon thto hasty line, ud will only add 
anould you ever come thto way yoa will And at the "Bilaa House" 
nil Ihat to good Ibr Ihe body, ud should U be April, If you will vudir 
down my tlulo ilream In the iroods, you cu yourself have A Dajfi 
Stiff SMing. Tory respeclAilly, Ftnm. H. Coom. 

Base Balu— IBxoblbiob Olub of Albant.— At a re-- 
ffoliLr meeting of the Albany Eieelslor Base Ball Clab, 
neld April let, 1897, the following Officers were elected 
Ibr the ensuing term: Walter C. Osbom, President: 
Thomas J. Goodwin, 1st Vice do. ; Geo. W. Dawton, ind 
Yloe do. ; Fred. P. Oloott, Secretary W. A, VanRen- 
aelaer, Treasiirer. Board of Managers, T. B. Cutter, G. 
P. a GlfTord, 0. W. Glbbe, Jno. tV. Bankln, and R. U. 


BoBPRT EimTAMD Gbaob Dabuno Boat Clubs. — ^At 
the oldoe of last season, a ohallenge was put forth by the 
latter olub, of Boston, to the Robert Emmet Clnb, of same 
pUme, but as the season was too far gone to allow of a 
match being made at that time, the matter was dropped. 
Kow, that boating sports are In the ascendant again, the 
Emmets have renewed the snliJeot of a match with the 
Graoe Sorllng, as will be seen by the following chaUsDge 

Em BoeioR, April Tth,lBtT. 

nOuMaKbtnefOuQnetDaiJingBoalCbib—QaMtmtai With re 
nrd lo the ohallenge put forth by Ihe members of your Club, In Octo- 
oar. lets, we have lo Inlbrm you that It came open us unoxpoctod, is 
at that time tho season bad to Oir advuced Ihat we had glron up tho 
Idea of boit-raclng, ud laid up our boat In winter quarteni : but now 
that the seaton toagahi open, ud all will have ample time to prepare, 
we will be happy to accommodate you wllh a race Ibr the amout spo- 
dOed In your cnalleoge^ Yon propotod Ihat the rioe might be fbr 
8U0 ; Ibat, we anppose, meut VSH) a elde— ths race lo lake place vn 
orabouttheltthofnext Hay. If you are now st eager for a race la 
you appeared lobewhu the harbor wu covered with Ice, hereto 
your oluaoo. You will Ond a committee duly authorlxed to arrugo 
all prellDlnariis at Hr. D. Putnam's, lUohsUeu Hall, Hnryatreet, 
Bast Button, on next Saturday evening, Ihelllh Intl., belweulhe 
boon of 1 ud B o'clock. 

Signed to behalf of Iha Bobert Bnmtl Boat Club of But Boeton. 

TwMja 1. laviET, Stcrdat]/. 

OomBNOBimn on thb Sohutxehl.— In Philadelphia 
ihe boating season was daly Inaugurated on the 9th, (no ; 
the 11th, as had been stated) by an aqnatlo prooesslon, 
oomprlalng a number of Schuylkill barge olnbs, with their 
barges decorated In tasteful style, whllo the various crews 
were dressed in their newunUorms, altogether preaenUng 
aa, interesting sight The Imp, Irii, and Phantom, die I 
not take part in Uis ceremonies— why, we have not been 

The Keystone Barge Olub have Bold their boat Atalanta, 
to the Fenn^lvania Barge Club, a new olub, who have 
changed her name to the Oarioco. This makes eleven 

Oonuao Rioatta.— From what ^e can gather by a 
perusal of our correspondenoe, we shonld Judge that the 
proposed regotta In Ohioago, on the coming 4th of Jul 
a ureadv making astlrtoong boatmen and others L 
uat looallty. We have not heard flrom Ullwaukle lately, 
out we have no doubt the olnbs of that place will see to 
It that their oltv is well and ably represented at Ohioago 
pa the 4th, Let ns hear bom you, on the subject, ye 
boatmen of MilwanUe. 

, Match Raoi— On the Ith of May, a raos will take 
•tlace on the East River between Oommodbre Ebliog's 
> yacht " Webster," and Ule,;" KIrby," owned by Tfio- 
>abBn, of Brooklyn, fbr ${00. Both yachts belong 
^ri*m Model Yacht Olnlj.' " ■ ■ 


Clds<— At a Deetioff of the 
lob, held on the 7th Inst, Mr. J.R 
lodore for the ensning year. 

Jbi Puan'i bmnr.— The burflt of Mr. Parker cuia off on Mon- 
day avuing, u announced, at Eerrigu't Ball, and, aotwilhsunding 
the Indemont weather, was lUrly alluded. Ibo udtonos wu a 
modal of pfoprlely, ud we have aeldom aeu better order ud more 
peaceful enjoyment wllhin Ihe walto d uy plane of amusomnk 

About 8 o'clock, the perlbnnuoe ooomuoed, by Wm. Tovee, that 
veteru bexsr, Inlrododng Young Tbve* and Young Notao Ibr Ihe 
Brst set-to;— 

A bir spar, In wUoh Young Ibvee cot the odd Iklto, ud Noton, per- 
haps, the odd licks. Beth mu tbow One ntrve, ud give great pro- 
mUe for the Ibture. 

aidf Young Bandall aad Hike O'Brtoanext took the ring, ud Imme- 
diately wul to work. Randall to ths smaller, but studs flnely on 
hto pint, ud itrlkee with grace ud preolsloB. O'Brlu wu rather 
wild, but ponderous and strong. 

Sd. Young CSeal ud While Headed Bob appeared next, ud sUrted 
at a game of gtva ud lake, which did not suit Bob, so he Boored hto 
mu. In the aAer rounds. Bob oot-generaled hto ultgonM, by lUp 
ud dodge. That geltlDg away of Ihe Wblte Head's vru meat admlra- 
bto. Both men ahared the apphose of the audience, uddiiarved II. 

dtfa. Item HcQowu ud Young Bamia nut look the atags. Thto 
wu a beauUdil itt-to, Tbm belog mulAatly the beat boxsr, ud 
Barnes lbs most dugerous msn. It wu a ohoarflil ipsr, dcHrvIng 
greu oredit on both tides. 

1th. Youg Annstreog ud Jobuy Aarona . A good match, dto- 
pUylng oxeellenl soiuoe, but rather rough and hard hltUng for Ihe 
exhlUtloo room. 

eih. Youg Cole, ofQevelud, 0., aged about elgbteu,wu brought 
Birward aguntt Jack Adami. We ware attonltbed at the young 
mu'e temerity at Ural, but our amaiamut wu turned the Mher way 
bctoe Ihe mill wu over. 

7th. Johnny Boub ud Hike Traber. Pretty tparrlng, ud a few 
rough hlu. 

sib. Ulohul Huly ud Young Shiner— two boyi of twelve yi 

gavent a pretty ptoy, In which Shiner did all Ihe boxing, ud the 
other teemed only dauroua of ihowing how Afonly be could be In hto 
uduruoe. If thto youg gentlemu abould ever get hi the P. R-, he 
migbt gain tho battle, u Oen, Taytor won Buena TIsta— by behig three 
or four times whippsd, ud not know II. 

SIh. Jem HcOarty ud Du Oallagbsr. A verdict upon thto malob 
depuds open drcumsluoes. If lbs psrllee Intudsd It u a tkrospls 
lUuatrals Ihe awkwardneta of tdutlOa Bghtors, they suooeeded to 
perfection ; but otherwise, It wss a most signal OUIuro. It wu a bad 
spedmu of school boys, hlttlog eaoh other In the bee, dtoplaylog 
ndther sdenee, lUll, nor dltoretlon. fioyi, mud your guards. 
10th. Johnny Farren, ofthto city, ud Jem FblUlps, of Nova SocUa. 
le latter gentlemu diaplayad rather Ihe tUppery-neu of u eel, on 
^.it enlariog, but ran Ihrougb the tsnd In snort order, thto match 
iru esrir broogbt In a close, from some cause unknown, 
lllh, Jtck Adams — Dsnato Horrigsn. A beuUful set-to, of 
isrse, wUh square begin;, good dod^og, ud merry hltUng. A rare 

12lh. Of ooursslhe programme would not be oomplels without a 
sst-to wllh the old vetersa. Bill Tovee. Be chme Into the ring wllh 
Young Uoonay, ud gave us a marry spar betwera Old ud Young 
America, which every body eiOoycd. May Ihe veteru never grow 
older. ° 

18th ud last. Jem Psrkar, the beneBdary, appeared with hto 
fritnd, Barry Oribbto, to wind up the perfbmuoe And a good 
wind op It wu— a conclutlon snob u we hope to tee often. Ws like 
to wltoen mm of their ttotore, square built, ud good boxers, contud 
Ibr tho palm to the arena. It It needleaa to uy, that Parker, desplle 
Ill-health ud physical debility, to sUU the same In sdenee ud nerve, 
ud wu the sdmlraUon of bU hirads. 

The aSitlr closed up with ths nuncsl psaca ud order, ud everr one 
wu groUBed to the extreme. The crowd diapersed, wishing Jem a 
BucoMsfal combat with all hli Uto, a victorious conqneet through Ufe, 
ud Us mu down at ths doss. Bo mote U be. 

wlUi the partv In qnesUon, Where be to known, be need»'no commeU' 
dotlon at ths buds ol uybody ; ho to of quilo a dUferent stripe from 
you. Old Sport, very dllbrent ; ho - to iruthnit, you oro uot. The Idea 
of a potooned main U dmply ao rldlooloas u to bo almost beneath nO' 
lice. The Screwdock party would be but poorly compUmontod Indeed 
wbu dofbat U to be ascribed to their Ignoruce of the art of Oocklcg ; 
could It be possible that ot all the men luterestad In their bebslf there 
wu not ose Ui discover /out .' No, no, tlito cannot bo : they know too 
much to be iwUidled with their eyes open, at least to thto butlneu. 
Poisoned mala, Ibnooth ; I have taken some pains lo toqulre Into thto 
matter, ud loarn from experienced cockers ud otbors present at 
tho main, that the whole charge to a gross libel, there to no truth In 
It ; and the rcasont given for the aupirlority of the cocks of tho oppo- 
Bile party were, that they wero In the beat condllloo, ud were, as the 
sequel provu, the beet cocks ; thoao representing the So'rewdiKks bs- 
Ing ruk dungbllto. I am nol much surprised because the Screwdocks 
loil Ihe main, but I must admit my ulooltbment that lo many of their 
cockt ru away ; probably all Hut could, ud I dare uy the other 
three would have run off too had they got a cbuce. 

Poisoned main, (Unaoiii'; '«vsry expentaced nua~r Dave spoksn to 
upon the subject eays, Ihat when In condition, no Ihoroagh-bred game 
cook will run away from uoUior rubbed with uythlng. 

Lot It be undoralood I lake sides wllh nclUisr parly, nor to It for me 
to say whose IknII It wu Ihe main of stsga referred to wu not /ought; 
I leave thto matter whore It beloogs ; there are guerallr two ddea to 
a quesUon. There la one thing, however, I wtoo, and that Is, things 
shall be called by Ihdr right names ; donghUl to the name by which 
Ihat remarkable main shall hereafter be denominated ; yea, verily, 
JIV im nDXaxiu tua I 
For the true lovers of sport, (I know there ore muy,) to order to 
elevate the lone of our amusemento ud give Impetus lo the propaga- 
tion of the game fowl, have I devoted some Ume ud no little trouble ; 
Ihe motlvo at lout I trust will be appreciated ; ud while I may ooca- 
donilly raise a Blag that flgbto ud ,runiaway, let others be not dto- 
courogcd. To your muy uUgblened readera, u wall u yourself, 
Hr. Editor, do I apologise Ibr thto lengthy ud perhaps untoterestlng 
arllde ; but with the asauruoe of my conllnasd eObrte In behalf of 
that noble bird, tho blood horse of tho lesthared orestioo, 

I remain truly. Wan Hicsoa. 

FhUadelphla, April II, 18(7. 

Oiu.— FkiMi Qunir, Buna dims— Havtog seen from time to 
Ume In your valuable Journal challenges over thoilgnature of "Screw 
Dock," " Game Cock," or olhen, to light a abake (br one hundred 
dollars, I embraca the present occulon to say that I met the cetenslbis 
owner and backer of Ihe Shake Bag benny, ud offered to matebhlm 
Ibr one hudred ddtors, sppdnting a ntobl fbr the meeUng to poet 
the money and make-Bnal arrugemente for Ihe match ; ud observed 
at the asms llms tbst I would not allow Aidicn l\flen 10 uter my pIL 
In the course of a few days I reoelved word that thoy dedtoed the 
notch. The reuon for their thos backtog down I leave for Ihem te 
exptoln ; uUl that Ume arrivu, your toaders will draw their own 

N. B.— I am tUU prepared lo match thi buoy with a much tmaller 
Oock, White Backto at that, for 8t0 or 8100 a ilde, to Bght In ten dayt 
after the money to posted, ths match to be lulject te the sUputoUons 
named above, Ibatls, cMdroi l\flen not admitted. I may be found uy 
time at the south-west comer of Fburlh and George streete, Blxtewlli 
Ward. Youra Truly, MinBUS lUnx. 

FhUadelphla, April 18, 18tT. 

Aiuic VS. TBI Rbu's Lwi Pinv,— Norfolk, To., April 11, IWl 

B. BuioR : In your valuable sporting aboet of Ihe lith Inat, we no- 
ticed an arlJolo' noaded " Cbcking In Virginia," parporUng to have 

bcu communicated by R. H. Allu, of Rlobmond, Vo-, who ctolms te 
have backed down Uie Rhea's Une parly, of Hoifolk, ud all Norfolk 
Ingueral. We have only te ssylhat htorsport to uUrely beyond 
tho orbit oftruth, ud we stend rssdy at uy Urns te flght Hr. Allu's 
main of cocks, ruling out foul gaffa, or be governed by the North Ckro- 
Uu ud VIrglol'i rules, from 8100 te tlVn. Mr. RIohard Dudley went 
to the expense <>r going to Rlobmond for Iha purpoee of ckieuiglbe 
main with Mr. M\m, but he (Hr. Alios) would not- oloso lbs mshi 
without BghUog foul gslQ. gUOwM "shocked" st bim, ruling ou 
these fbul goili (which wore so dedded by ourompire,) but he backed 
down ; so Iha boot to u tho other leg, ud wa atud ready ud opu 
to flght hto mahi u above propoaed. Yours, 

Bnu'a Lull Coox-noBiBto aid Noamc a GBiiaii. 
P. B.— Ur. AUen hu no more money thu a horse cu osrry down 
bUI on Ice anyhow, for on hU own dnnghlU, In Richmond, be wu two 
houra ud a half getllnf WO to put no u Ibrfilt, to dose a mahi Ibr 

HoHB AND HoHi Cbibbaob Matoh.— A few weeks since 
we published a johallenKe from the New England House 
players to those of the Pittsburgh House, both In Phila- 
delphia, for a home and home match at Crlbbaga The 
ohallenge was accepted, for suppers for ths party, six 
on each side. . Monday evening, March 30th, was appointed 
to play the Urst match, at Mr. Hill's NewEnglaiidHonse. 
The following is the result of live games eaoh : 

New Englud Ftoyeri. 

AinredBUl 11111 

R.BICO 11110 

W. Buoook 00011 

aE.BItoey 00100 

E. Bmim OllOI 

E. Halthewt 11001 

Totol . 

18 gi. 


LEiwIsy 00 0 00 

Jtmu Walton 00001 

E. Uncutor 11100 

Mr. Bardsley llCll 

J. Smith 10010 

T.Eeywood 00110 


12 gs. 

: The following is the return matoh, played at Hawley's, 
Pittsburgh House, April Olh : _ . 

BDOU or uooSi 
■ New aiilud Hoots. 

Alfred HHl 11101 

John Qropper 0.0100 

R.IUCS 00010 

K. Ustthows 01111 

John Qirpulor ,.' ; 01111 

Hr.But .01111 


18 gs. 

Plltobnrgh Honie. 

Hr.Bawley 00010 

T.Eeywood.... 1101' 

J.Bolth 1110 

Jaincn Walton 10 00 

E. lancaslor lOOOC 

V.Hlddlsteq 1000 



i ;Tb.a New England Hpnae oompany proving the vleton 
on both occasions, ... 

ttuii.— In lbs seore ofthe OhidnniU Clnb, poblbbed In our kil, 
ths flf orss attaohed lo Qdten's name, to the Bnt toning*, c( Ftmyw 
Bid*, ehtald M U IhHewl of 18, u lut ns sad S« pubDshiid. 



BBonnaNa or tbi Bfrdio Baoh.— CHAiTAHOoaa 
CoDRSB.— The . annutl meeUng over the Ohattahoooh* 
Oourse near Oolnmbiu (Qa..> commenced on Taesday, Iha 
8 lat ult, with a oocd attendanoo on the part of those nnl 
of those (ports ofthe torC 

Fast DAT— OoLT STAiks— Miu' HiATS.— Tho (joll 
Oharleston, Don Joan and Birdoatcber, responded to Um 
sound of tho bugle. Charlestoa took the Ibtt heat, atnio^ . 
ly oontoated by Don Juan. Tho leoond was a doad heu ; 
Dstween Obaiioston and Don Joan. The third heat WW 
won by Don Jnan, and the fourth I7 Charlestoa. 

Parrear's Charlerton 10 8 1 

HoUaslers Don Joan ; S 0 1 S ' 

Bsilon'sBlrdoitehsr w 'I > 8 8 

11me-l:48 ; \M ; MSM ; r , 

Second Day.— There was a very good atteadanoi at 
the traok, and ths sport was dsllghtftiL Ths ooBtMt Ac 
the purse was animated and the wagen plenttftiL.'<Thfe 
stakes were taken by Kate Hunter, she winning n 
slvely ths (v^firtl heats. 

Boaiin niv— TWO mu buti.— sdioubt. 

HoDutol'a Kste Banter 1 

Pryor't Frank AUu 1 

oSor'i BattyBswklu 8 

Tlme-S:U|8:II. .v 

TniBD Day— JoosHT Olsb Pdbbb |800.— The oonttnl > 
Ing hones were D. UoDanlel's oh. h. Frankfort, and 0. S. 
Pryor's br. h. Moldore, 

Frankfort was very largely the favorite np to the atarti 
when the betting got even, and In some oases odds wtfa 
given on Moldore. 

At the tap of the drum, Frankfort, who drew tho laaU* 
trabk, sprang off with the lead and maintained it throurit- ' 
out the heat with apparent ease : Moldore nnnlng on UM 
outside of the track to avoid the mud, whlob waa aalta. 
heavy, on account ofthe rain on Wednesday nl^ TliMb,: 

The second heat was a very flne one, Moldore leading 
the entlTB heat, lutil some two hundred wards flrom tba 
score, when he struck a stone or snag ana broke hiahoof 
badly, thereby loehig the bett, beyond » doubt. JliUh , 

Last Dat.— FodrpMilb Hbaib.— Edtbiis.— Oharlesiftii," 
Sue Washington and Frankfort A crowd went out to M 
this, the race of the aeason. Oharleston wu rather the flk" 
vorlte, and the betting was about .even between him aod 
the mare. There never was a better oontated race ova 
our eoniss, A good deal of money was staked and bet 
The pons and Delongloga, 92,250, looked very serioa% 
and tne folk put In very savage. We do not know whoi' 
bet or who didn't, bnt we do know that there ntvtf , 
hsa been In the Sooth a more heartily contested taoe.^ 
Not baring time to enlarge, we refer to the IbUowlDg.' 
statemont : - 

Ezbdition ni Botfalo.— Harry Lazams and Chicago 
Jack gave a Sparring Exhibition In Townsend Hall, last 
night, and, notwithstanding the weather was very cold 
and blosteiy, the Hall was well filled. Quite a number 
put the mlttons on, and a good deal of sport was made 
for the audience. Old Izzy had a sot-to with a stranger, 
who, after a few rounds, made the old gent puff like a po^ 
poise. The wind up was to have been between Harry Laza- 
rus and Johnny Roberts, but Johnny wasexcused In conse- 
quence of bis face being rather disfigured, the doctor having 
lanced It only a few hours before. Bobertstoldtbeaudlence, 
however, that as It was announced on the bills that he 
would appear, he would do so if they wished. Of course 
he was excused by all. Tho wind np wos between Hanr 
and a stranger, after which the audience retired, well 
satisfied with the night's sport So, br Harry's nstng the 
pnbllo well, the people nse blm well. The bills for bis 
fast ezhlbltlon, some six weeks ago, bad the names of 
Uackey, Parker, and a host of others to set-to ; but ths 
people fennd out that Mookey, Parker, and tome of the 
others were n(>t In town j ths result was, the exhibition 
did not par expenses. The bills for last nJght were plain, 
and told the truth, and there was a good attendance. I 
hope It win be a lesson to all boxers. Tbev should bear 
in mind that if they try to deceive the people, the people 
will deceive them. Buflalo, April 7, 18(7. L, E. 


Crioxrbr'b Gossip.— The Tonkers Club will open the 
ball for the season on Saturday, the I8tb inat. by playing 
a matoh between the American and Engllsn players of 
the club. This clnb Is progressbg fast, and will be much 
stronger this season than It was last : such being the case, 
those clubs that contemplate maton-maklng with them, 
win please to take heed, lest they get beaten. 

An a^Jonmed meeting of the New York Clnb will take 
place at Fontln's Hotel, SO Read-street, on Wednesday 
evening, Uth Inst, at 71 o'clock. It Is requested that 
all tiiose members who can possibly make it convenient, 
will attend. 

The gentlemen of the Newark Clnb seem determined to 
keep pace with the times. They have engaged Bailee, 
the fast bowler, for the jcason ; and, iVom tne cricketing 
spirit manifested, stsnu' a good chance of retaining the 
laurelB they so nobly won during the last campaign. 

Ths Knights of St Qeorge met at tho banquet table on 
Wcdn -iday evening, 8th Inst They bad quite a grand 
time, and seemed very sanguine of the result of their 
sevenal matches to be played during the ensuing season. 

Albany Cbiout Clob.— This club met on the evening 
of the 6th Inst, for the parposo of electing oBlcers for the 
ensuing year/when the following gentlemen were chosen ; 

Pit$idtnl—Wm. Lacy. 

VUfPrttUtnt-'V. R. Cutter. 

Aerd^— Ferdinand Blob. 

JVeaiHfir— Wm. W. Cooper. 

Onund Ommitbe—Ylm. Lacy, Jaa. Smith, W. A. Van 
Rensselaer, Jno. Haghes, F. L. R. Cbapin, 

ibuh OoimUUt—vfm. Lacy, Ambrose Rose. John Hobbs. 

PiMnot CbmmUUi— John 0. i.ustln, Rob. Baby, H. March. 

The contemplated matoh between «lghteen of the clubs 
of Albany and those west of that city, in the State, and 
eleven of ihe olnbs of New York, was referred to the Match 
Committee. In this matoh toe olnbs of Cohoes, Am- 
sterdam, Johnstown, Utlca, Rochester and Syracuse will 
be reqncstcd to participate. 

There are other matches in contemplation. In which it 
is expected the Albany dab will be called on to partici- 
pate, vie : eleven players selected from clubs ontslde of 
New York City vs. eleven players of the New York olu 

The North of England vs. The South of England. 

Eleven English va eighteen American. 

The United States (English and Amerioan) vs. Canada. 

BueWuUnglon 1 8 11 

Fruklbrt. 8 1 S S 

Charleaten 1 a 8 dr. 

A hard race all the way throngb, and the time wu 
1st heat, 7:39; 2d heat, 7:40; 8d beat, 8:00:: 4th heat, 
8:lSi, and Sue having takon the last two heats, won tha : 
race, with great gloiy and a good deal of noise. 

MOBILH BaOBS— HAaKOLTA CooRSE— Matoh Rioi<-^A*' 
match race between Ferrle Henthaw's Ellen Tree and^' 
James McLane's Oor. Dorr, was won by the ths fonntr In 
two straight heats, in 2:57 and 2:68i. The sammaiy is M 

MaohouaOouiisb.— Monday, March 3Sd— Matoh Btoi-' 
Trotting— Mile heats. 

ForrlaHenabaw'ib.B. man Tree 1 l-': 

Jimas HoLana's s. f. Oor. Dorr S S 

TlmM:tr I i-Mft. 

MAOiroLU CoDRSH, MoBiLB, Moroh 26, 18S7.— The Knaap 
Stake-Purse 9100-Mllo Heats, 3 In 0-ln bamesa. . 

Wm.Skllllni'ab. g, Old John 1 1 1 

W. OotterslPs gr. g.Bpaw ill ' '' 

J. UoUns's ch, f . Cor. Dorr , 8,1 t ■•• -r, 

nms-SrSSM ; tM)i : 8ML , 

SiooKD Raob— Tborivo.— Mile Heats, 8 In'S^Fiirao' 
9I6O, with inside stake of AUO eaoh. Purse, to,, tftn. i 

Bllohcodc's b. g. T. Hsck 1 11 ; , 

B. OoUerell's bay mars 1' 1 '9 ' ' 

W, OottereU's gr. m. Qasu , 8 (dr, ■ir.-'. 

Chambers's oh. m. Orsoe Walton r, eul> , 

TIme-3M ; iMH ; MIX' ' ' '' 

Mbtaire Jooxkt Club Raoxs,— Sfbino MiBnuo— 1857 ; 

The first races under the auspices of the Metaire Asso< . 
elation oame off yesterday, and although the promised 
sport was all that we had predicted, the attondanoe was' 
limited. The ladles's stand presented a plsailng array of ' 
beauty nod fashion, and thoy were evidently dsllghtod. ' 
The members of the dob were In full force, and their , 
numben were apparently greater than tiioae In tho pabllo 
stand, which showed comparatively >> a beggarly ooconat 
of emptv boxes." The course was In a fitir condition, and 
although not In that elastic state in which it Is generally . 
fonnd at this season of the year, on account of the pro 
tracted drr weather. It was aafb and In order for a rapU [ 
race. A little rahi would greatly improve it 

The first race— a dash of two miles, oronght out Releasa^ 
a haKalster of the renowned Lexington, Bill Fisher, Fir- '. 
Ing Datchman; thb first named, the favorite against ue. 
field, the betting however quite limited. 

At the tap, the Dutchman took the load, evidently In - 
hand. Release In waiting dote by him, and Billy Fisher 
a little way behind ; as thoy rounded tho turn and got , , 
fairly into the back stretch, the poc^ increasod, and at u« , 
half mile they were In a bunch, and a very pretty sight It' 
was indeed. In rounding the turn (br the home stntob,' '' 
Billy made play and took the lead, which he kcpt.thiondi. - : 
the renalnder of tho first mile. At this point little $Uu , , 
Bash on the Datchman verv shrewdly took a pull on bU 
horse, and let the two take a tilt at each outer, whlok' : 

Sentlj looreased the interest of the race. The pace op ' 
e back stretch of the second mile was apparently aevero, l 
and they opened a gap npon the Datchman. In rotindlnH - 
the tarn for the run home, however, the Datchman was U ' 
good position, and tnm the head of the strcoh toih« 
Judgef' stand, we have rarely witnessed a more eulting 
contest, which, to the equal delight and astoDlshneot of 
" " " the 


Union CBioxn Cldb.— At a regular monthly meeting 
ofthe members of tho Union Cricket Club .of Amsterdam, 
held at their rooms on tbe ovoning cf . the 7th Inst, the 
following cfflcers were eleoted for the year cnsulns :— 
President, Isaac Jackson, Jr., re-elected 1 'Vloe Predaent, 
Samuel 0. Beldlng ; Secretarr, Harvy Bell, Jr., re-olectod ; 
Vice Secretary, Archibald W. Young ; Treasurer, Arthur 
Warnick, rc-eleoted. Eight new members were proposed 
and elected, making eleven In all daring tho present 
season. The best of harmony and good fedCig prevailed. 

Mancubbtbb OBidxET Cun.— Cricketers In Now Hamp- 
shire are already a^tlr. Tho Manchester Club held a 
meeting on the let Inst, for the purpose of electing ofll- 
eers, and trapsactlog .other boslneas, when tbe (bliowlog 

Uie flefden, resulted in the Dntcbman's getting to the 
money place in advance of the party. To lay that ths 
riding of Billy Bash won the raoe, u but expressing ths 

opinion of nearly all who saw It 
toe lion of the day; 

Tbe ieoond race— a sweepstakes, two mile beat*— , 
Minnehaha and Molse were the contending naga. The ■ 
former the favorite before starting 00 to 40. Munshth* ' 
took tbe lead In eaoh beat and maintained ittbiongfaoat^ 
the race, leaving the paoe to be regulated by Molse, whloh 
was quioker the second than ths first heat The sumotry 
will explain the whole affair : 

Satubdat, April 4.— J. C, parse $2S0—two .mile* oaf 1 
A.X. RIchtrd's b. ftcwn brdhir of Flybif Dntehnas, Srtsi*. ' 

[Wm. Baahl... 7i7i.y I, 

Thomu .J, WsUs'a b. g. BUI Fltbsr, by Imp, BOTerdgn, «nl of Har-' 

garelEdna, Srsara , ,,,, 1 1' 

A. CaooDte k Ob.'t br. m. Itoleaie, by Belhuas, out of Alio* (kr. t 
nsal, Syesn , !''< 

lint mils, 1:81; second mUs, 1:81 Total, 8:44,' '' ' ' 
Sams Dat.— Sweepstakes for B years, oldi; Sabsorlpi' ° 
tloneilOO, forfeit $100-1600 add^ by the.olab.' ,lliro 
mile beats : . 4- 

D. F. Xouer'sb, .HhiBehaha,bytIihoBM,oal cf Ktlelit* " 

bray. , «,,.i«».f, **,.•««,••. 1 1 

Thomu }. Walls's b. g. Holts, by Oapi. tlt«t, dtih by Huby I . . . 3 t . 
a F. Co^le't b.f. Harlwmaii r ^ ,pd a"- 


named gentlemen were elected for. the enduing year;fep«iiidllU(','. 
Fresideat, Bobert Allen ; Vice-President, John EUworth | 
Treosnreri Edward Eltworlh ; Scoretsry,' Horatio Fradl 
We learn that our friends of the Manchester Olub #111 
tnm out for a day'a play probably loma tlae dnrlng the 
presefat week. 

Tint tale , 


. 1:81K 

'''' ''Bteae'dHesk 
nist Mile , 


' Total 

.Ita. v. 

I tha nleafor the p^ne, three islle heals, will come off, 
on Tseaday next, and tho sport will oottlnrfa'tbrOajtbont 
tbe week. . [New Oblbani FioiTiteB, April 0, 


NEW YORK clipper: 

; ; BATOBDAt, AFBIL 18, 1M7. 


OonovRiov ud eod>Uver oil are often combined In 
oonreiMAD, bnt we are oov ationt to ahow the relative 
laflnenoet of c<^ flabtn;. TlilBis tbe , time of year for* 
demomtniUon towards the BdilDg gronodi, in aeatoh of 
good haolB and InpNf ed moaole, witneatlog onr national 

In the flntplaoe, aconnimpUve tendency In tlielaogB 
need not tie looked . npon u abeolately, eaaentlaL WUt 
we^pire abopt topropoae will generally prevent, aUerlate,' 
or 'oTireiOonmunptlon, bat Is Eore to bnprove the Iiealth 
•Bd'iUeAiInen of any mad. 

We will rappose that one of our dlaclples wlahcs tc> at- 
tain at none active and endorlng condition of health— 
ooninm'ptton or no connunjptlon. Let Um follow the ad' 
Tlce hoe given, If he realty contemplates a trip for the 
boieflt of Jill health. If not, hewlU flndmach Initrac- 
tlon In merely reading abo'at what others perform. The 

called the riding nil, for, by the aorangementa thoa made,' 
the veaael'a head can be kept In the eye of the wind and 
she Is steadied from rolling. In a gale of wind, when all 
Ithe cable b oat, It may part In the night, and the former 
style of . bosfaieis was to call all bands to heave in the 
nmnant; bntnowthe " patent purohas«" ha8snpetBeded 
the old^kshlmied Job of heaving np with handspikes. In 
oaie the cable does part, the vessel shoald be hove to 
nnlcr a double-reefed foresail, when the will ride more 
easily at this point than at anchor. ▲ aallof'B life ohght 
to be better nndentood. 

When flihing Is to commence In earnest, a barrel of 
salted dams Is taken on deck and opened for the crew to 
nso as bjdL Each man detailed for haollng takes two 
ftiU-rlgged lines, each of which comprises foor of the 
twenty-eight-fathom ahotsi Two hooks shonld be attaob- 
edto each lead, and while one line Is nmnlng oat he 
■honld haul In the other frequently. The current Is 
generally strong enough to require flftcen or twenty 
folhoms of line in addition to the depth, In order to reach 

Now the new flahennan begans to find the literal mean- 
lag of the term a "raw hand." But, as the salt water 
Immediately heals the flesh, a man made of the right sort 
of stnff does not mnoh object to this method of being In- 
troduced among the hard-handed. Hauling In the flab Is 

e^erlenpe la practical, and may be depended npon. 
: Start right off to some nice Uttle Yankee seaport, stfch I ;;;;^i;iy '^nch moreirke hard work thim fashionable 
,A T«^|.or«»>o"V *l»'i*7-fl'«.t« as well own np the truth about 

Mven'ty-Sye tons u.generally the most comfortable. The 
oiewfiriil 'tiien probably consist of the skipper, six man, 
and> the cook. The nshal feed on boat'd Is tffo barreli of 
mess^rk^'ft'klddf /iresti beef, onebatre'l of flonr, akld of 
Mpe beff, ,thli;teen barrels of pilot bread, twenty bnahsle 
of potatoes, thirty gatlons oif molasses, and a good allow- 

It,. But, look at the glorious health the flahennan begins 
to Inhale and accumulate. To, heave, ho 1 . Bear a hand, 

The ceremony of hauling In has its perplexities as well 
as labor. Sometimes the winds and the currents enUngle 
the lines so muoh.tbiat sin hour islos^ In getthig.themclear. 

aice bf't^'coflfee, sugar; ground ginger, dried spples, The flahcrmen make long days when, they aro at work. 

eggs^.eream of tartar,'- spices, pickles, butter, ralalna, tn4 
such. llk:e, siqaU stores. 

liopy ; r^ert will be enrprissd at this style of living, 
ln«ddltIon to tbe nsnal dellolous cooUnga of flth eijoyed 
ott ^ach renelB.' ' Bdt, we are Inside of the trut)i, for ttiow 
cdji-jl)ai (iimter«n6w i^ye all the knlok-knack small stores 
In. abundance, with medlohia chests,- books' to read, , etc. 

and after enough flah have been haaled to employ the 
time Until dark 'In 'clearing away, the Itne's must be 
snugly colled away, and each man then takes his station 
to '■ dreas down." 

This Is the time for greenhorns and dandles to get such 
a " dreaslng dovrn" as they never had before. To a man 
who has been banling hll day It seems like a relief, eape- 

all weathers, wlnd^.or,cn^feu^B, ana lienoo the wear and 
tear of laila and rigging. But iho fldiing goes on with- 
ont any Intempttou, and onr seaboaid people should 
leom to becone a maritime oomnmnlty. 

July Ib made up of hot sonshhie and.thick fogs, bnt al-' 
ways healthy for flahernen. Abont the middle of the month; 
the dog fieh begin t«i appear, and they, are the greatest trial 
the flahermcn have to encounter. They come around the 
veisel in thonssnds, and on a calm evenbg their dbnal 
flnajnst break Uie aoifaco of the water ; and, on hauling 
in a line, both- hooks are frequently miaaing in conae- 
quence of the nibbllngs of those saw-teeth intmdera. Then 
again, the nets for bait must be hauled in and picked 
every hour during the night, or else the " dogs " will be 
sure to spoil them with their merciless teeth. By the 
middle of August the dog flah may be conaidorcd masters 
of the ".grounds" and a smart crew ought to have their 
their second trip's buaineas done by that time, ea was the 
case with the party afores^d, who passed Soltnate Light 
on their way home, Aiigusi 16th. 

Tbcae hints and reminiscences may be of service to such 
persons as would like to try a trip " to the banks " vhidi 
ntver fail We read much abont the degraded condition 
to which poor aallore have been reduced by the selBtlmesB 
of their employers. This need not be so. The real tiuth 
Is, that Intelligent men will always look out for their pro- 
per treatment, no matter what bardahlpa business may coll 
npon them to endure. See what our Yankee fisher- 
men have done. Every consideration of health, wealth, 
policy, and petrlotkm, combine to attract us to the flah- 
Ing banks and learn a little salloring. 'What aaj our 
young men I One trip of cod fishing is worth a hogshead 
of cod-Uver oil. Let the aedentary or weakly try it 

Thi lart ton jetmt or even five ywrs, have made a great ^^^g » meal as his now genuine ap- 

Improv^ment in thlsreapcft The mackerel fishery, has will suggest "Dress down I" Is the command, 

bten so puccaisful, and ofifered so many Inducements to gt^y^ns are occupied by the cutter, the header, the 
ftnner8forafldilngtrlp,that only superior veasele, with 144^,^ (^„aUy U,, coptain,) and the Salter, with their 
agreeable iBtlons,.could get any crews at all. Formerly, „gigtontB. If the crew has hands enough, it Is a good 
any old dredger that conM carry saU wss considered good ^ ^^ four other men, to make up a " relief," hour 
enough "to go to the banks." Now. they employ only .nd hour out GIvo poor Jaok a chance for the fair 
good vessels, worth from about $3000 to $7100, before ^^■^^g 

thelrbutat In the former hlatoiy of this boidneaa, (and The fjah tabs are supposed to befull. The cutter takes 
not very long alnce.) thehonds.hod a proverb among L^j y,, tgn^jj ,]pg abj, jj^^ breaks the vertebro of 
themtelves, based upon the fact that the fieh they caught acroesthe edgo of the tub, and posses his codehip 

would bo their only food-" gohig a fishing at the halves, ^^ takes out the Uver, (which Is 

and finding yourself." Thelhct Is, that a anperlor class L^^j f„ neoU manufacturers,) throws the head 
Of men oflfering, (stich as farmers and mechanics, beeideB ^„jj,,jg ^anj kid, and than eUdes his codahip 

those profeodonal men who.olso wished to have the bene- L^, jhe spltter la provided with a knife 

fltofsnch a trip,) has caijsed quite a favorable revolution L^g^yy^^ea for the purpose, and then cuts ont the 
in these mattors, and hence we wlah to show onr readere ^,one, after whlob he throwe hta codahip to tho laltcr. 
how to (pIn * destaWe 'qhango.of employment at sea, and ^he sailer's place Is In the hold, and he salts hla victims 
goto fcfaoomftrtoble time generally. downlnheaps Ukecocksof hay across the wldBi of the 

No doubt the' Iwuntles on the :mackerel flaheiy lave ,g^]_ u the fisherman's harveat 
done much to Inproyo. the 'general oharactor of " flaking The bones are saved Iii a heap until the flah are dreased, 
on the banks." Indeed, there Is . some dagger lately of Lij tii^nau hands commence to cut out the sounds, which 
ha7il>g|tbliigB a " Uttle too.nloe" m board these veaabls. Lje to be scraped; washed, and aaltod In a barrel. The 
Oertalnly^^thoae parUe^ American or Brltlab, who are far ^ proportion of salt used by the saltor Is a very iin- 
mlliar With the bnritcas. And that all their bounty money p„tant consideration 

ioaroely: nleetB their now increased, expenses. Let the 1. " gnrry kid," what Is that t This InatiluUon is a 
best veBelthalioviEir was once get a bad name on the sub- rough bin extending the width of about flve feet clear 
ject of provisions, and neither Yankees nor Britlehers wlU gorpas the deck, and about the height of the vesael's roU. 
go'nwr her to do a'hand's.tnra, or g^vo her a llh anyhow, it to a repository for the heads, entralla, bonee, end other 
The owners call good flahermen who stipulate for the best jtffti^ ,hloh, If thrown overbdatd, would apoll the ohancea 
protons. '.'tfiarp shooters." No matter for that; the if^j flahlng in that berth for a week at least Consequent 
" sharp ahooters" • look out carefully and regulate their jy^ the gurry kid Is not to lie empUcd until the vessel re 
afUrs befire submitting ttemselvea to, the dUolplhie of Loves to a fresh berth. When flsh ore pleutUbl, a vessel 
th?. service, LuckUy, the Tenkeo crews are generaUy Lay not be obliged to change Its onohoroge every day. 
iM^?.,np,of good feUowB who are mutually acquainted xhe gurry kid Is therefore a very useful InsUtatlon, os 
where they belong, and any ". almighty mean man" jong ^ the vessel remains " tied up by tho nose." 
would stand but; a imaU'chance fOr success among them. About Uie middle of May the hening shoals begin to 
Th^partlCulan are atated In order to ahow that although ^ly^^ and then the flahermen require deeper water. Not 
fhtigne and labor are oertolu, suitable provlaloue and good jegg than ninety or a hundred fathoms would yield a eulta- 
treatmint are equally sure, although, of ooune, (ason kj, berth. Now the "green hands" begin to find ont 
shore,) employers and situations moy vary for the better ^^at la what The accompllahment of turning out at day 
or the worse. 'Why cannot we aU fraternize morevrith Ught Ib aomethlug ; and then to remain all day hauling 
thpjolly tars at sett t In note agoinat a fourkuot current, rain or ahlne, with wet 

A lesfof experience Is worth volnmca of theory. A feet, ia moro plcosout to talk of and look back upon than 
gaitleinaa 6f pur acqualrilanoe, formerly reaidlng In Boe- to experience. Sometimes the lines and nete got snarled 
ton, ^6k a notion once, with some other profession- 
alii,'io try " a trip: to. the banks." A (Mend of his, at 

to about the size of a HIngham bucket, and then there Is 
a nice chance for the cxeiclso of patience. Sometimes 

Soltoate Harbor, was just about starting on his spring haddock and skate get into the nets, but they are worth- 
trip in a little beauty of a craft, measuring obout thirty at that season, and do not "count" 'When night 
flvdtona Her equipment was a first-rate hemp table, Lomea, a two-hour dog wateh forms a rovlvhig commeii- 
abqnta hnudred and ninety fathoms long, and five Inches tary for a tired and sleepy mauto think about-ot any rate 
and a half In cironmlferenco. The three onohors were 120, ^ gives him a decided opportunity for reflection. This 
IfO; and lep.iwunds each, There were aix nets, to oateh gort of Imitation of the irregular honrs of fashionable Ufe 
b^lwlth. Besides these, were flve dozen cod lines of LonorollylastountU the middle of June, when tho skipper 
about twenty-eight ftthoms each; threo dozen .leads of gocg homo and lands the flab ho bos caught 
riiOTtflye pounds each; twogrbasof odd hooks; anltoble la tho example we have mentlonwl, the hauls ware very 
ffle» Jatpenlng the cod hooks; with anoh knives as gatiefactory, and tte i»arty got home to Solthate Light as 
come hamdy l^ cutting the bait or dreaaing the flah, proper Urly as the Iflth of June. The while crow, voiimteeted 
^.for the nete, etc, eto. 'In tho hold waa a etout hoard- f„ tho eecond trip of th6 season ; bnt, after returning to 
«*P??'',«"'.W« thirty-Bye hogsheads of LIve^ Boston, two of the profeaalomilgenUemen Were unwllltog- 
pool i«lt •aajrovlalw wood, and water, were soon ly detained by ImporUht buelness, while all tholf Henda 
brought on boardj.ihe- kida, tubs, and oil casks, lashed Lompllmented them upon the hardy. health and uiei\il 
aa(Uy.ondeckj the fishing gear ail rigged andready fbr Lauhood they had attained. 

nse; and yarlpuB other eniplpymenta given to the now cnpt Bam T having a sultuable depot on the 

comers, BO as to "break them ta";for active service, and beach at Scltuato and a sale agent In Beaton, was able 
pKparethelf soft white hands fot salt-water hauling. If to set sail again as soon as he could unload ond refit; Und 
any.ouewhihed to back out of the bargain, nw. tfa Ly the 20 Ih Of Jane Ho headed up again on that famous 


The assertion that " the death of a great actor eclipses 
the gayety of a nation " was said of and by two of the 
moat endeared names In dramatic history. Undoubtedly, 
all who can boast of any fair share of Hamlet in their 
compoaltlon would be euro to join tu the gratitude which 
comes with the remembraoco when we say "Alas, poor 
"Yorlck I ". of any performer whose aOiilitles may have de- 
lighted us in foruier days. 

By the recent arrivals from Europe we grieve to learn 
that the well-known Ton Bany is how In poor health and 
reduced clrcnmstauccB. " Poor Tom's a-cold,'' and on a 
bed of sickness. A benefit had been arranged by bis friends, 
and the 26th of March appointed for It at Aetley's Amphi- 
theatre in London, where the accomplished lessee, Mr. 
William Cooke, has done the handsome thing by ref^g 
to accept any remuneration whatever. 

The name of Barry is so associated in our minds with 
talent of every kind that perhaps the general reader may 
require to be Informed as to the particular Tom cat we are 
apt to speak of We therefore begin negatively to " ex- 
plicate," as foor Ton used to say. It la not the Tom Bar- 
ry who eo ably managea the Boston Theatre. Heaven 
forbid I Nor the Barry SnlUvan who stands confessedly 
one of the best elocaUoulata on the British atage. But 
poor Tom Barry, the mortal performer of immortal jokea 
and humanizing Inflnencea, whose sayings and dohigs' as 
" Brother Bongs the Olown " have " many a time and oft " 
not only kept "the teble hi a roar" but "brought down 
the house " in uncontrolable fite of laughter. Harry Bo- 
leno, and some other pontomhnlc friends in London, have 
johed In thia movement bom the first, and we expect to 
see Brother Bunge once more get " started" wlthj" a loud 
report" in his ihvor, enjoying the glories of his ever- 
green ahomrocka amidst tiie snnahlue .of friendship and 

To auch a man of noble Impulse and genuine humor, 
111 health la ruination. We know how well' pride and 
gentleness are balanced In hla noble heart, and can assure 
ttio public that there la not apartlole of beggarly depend- 
ence In Tom Barry's organisation. - Bis voice, bis 
strength, his deportment, his good spirits, are the tools he 
works with. Unless he bos them, he must, (like miany 
another brave man thus situated,)' temporarily appear in 
a condition of helplessness. Dnriog a meethig lately held 
at Harry Boleuo'a, for the purpose of arranging the bene- 
fit to Poor Tom, the iollowing lines were contributed to 
the adverllacment adopted:— 

Itae ahaUsr'd rend, rOIllDg on Uio tock, 
In psrll (Ushcd by every uipy mve, 
Looks to Uit beach it eacli aucceedUig sbock, 

Jiut as a dying sun would cry " Qod aavo I" 
Tom Barry's bulk no mnro can bravo the sea 

Unloet vie Urobott, sweot Vhllontbropy, 
Puis olT woU oanntd, lo ply tbo willing oar, 

And nrlog.lila brtaklng timbers salb lo sliore. 
OlLcoata moogbt on Uiote dopnrlad houie, 

wbon, full ornealth and all omnsbig powera, 
Hounled on cbalr, ducaiUDg 10 the nation, 
Tom gave bis Oomto Parliament OmUon. 
Itemooiber all bb voggorylnd Aid, 

gUsh brethren IhUt talent is cosmopolitan and good tc- 
Uons univereaL We merely throw out' tlie hlntj wdL 
knowing the ge'noal disposition of the.Press aa such mat. 
ten. Wo may aay, however, that K T. Smith, the leaa^ 
of Dmry-Lone Theatre, has been appointed treasnrtt <(f 
the fund for the beneflt of poor and sick but talented aijl 
noblo Too; Bany. 


Still another evidence of the publio feeling in regiid 
to the Cuma's health doctrines. Is evinced in the fact 
that a swimming Khool Is about to be establidied hi this 
city by an enterprising individual, named Sledenbnrg, t 
Gennan. The liibune stetcs that lit. S. proposes to opai 
B(jiool for the purpose of teaching ladles and gentlemed 
the art of swlmmhig. For this purpose ho will erect a 
building abont 60 by 80 feet, in which will be alaigt) 
tank about SO or 10 feet square, and of a sntSclent depth 
to admit of the performance of all the iavolutlons of the' 
most accomplished swhnmer. This tank will be Ul^ 
with Croton water, which will be warmed to a oomfortable- 
temperature by means of steam pipes, so that the estebllcb>: 
ment will be made available in winter as well as hi hot. 
weather. Female teachers will . I>e .employed, to instruct 
women, and certain days, or' certain hours of each day,; 
will be devoted exclusively to them. Ur. Blcdenburg 
claims that In a abort time, va^bg i^om two weeks io^ 
three months, according to the capacity and amount of, 
practice of the learner, he con teach a pupU all that Is' 
actually neceesary to be- acqnlred, to that he will hav^, 
perfect command ofhlmself in' deep water. Any number 
of fantastic antics could of . course then be learned eaeiiy,: 
No one will deny that swimming should be an accomt)lldr 
ment of every gentleman, for even If It is never called 
into requisition to rescue him from perils by sen, it la al- 
ways a pleasant and healthful .'recreation. 

If properly conducted, i|n lnatItutIon' of this kind cannot^ 
ff^l to prove remunerative to (he projecter. Let us haver 
the swimming school, by all'means. 

(tnu. But tho Boston party were not to be, biofl'ed 00". 
Thbt liked raa adv^ntdrb: CtpL Sam T-— wan I 
^ust thofflon to lead good fellows, andon the 23d of April, 
(SL deorge's Day,) the Utile Tankee craft beaded for her I 

" notalat coorse " which has become so famous. The Bay 
of Fundy Is nsually preferred to'tiio Bay of St Lawrence. 
In tho first place, Uie flsh are not only larger but of a bet- 
ter quality ; and there are maby other reasons. It la true 

nor aUt coorso" towards Capo Sable, with a St George that tho rouUno of bualnesa causes moro wear and tear, but 

flag at tho forced the ate^Bpangl«d banner on. tho git- tho advantoges more than compensate. This wear and 

topsail peak. By helping sailors we help omwlves. tear are caused by the strong ourrento In tho Bay of Fnn- 

Thi southward of Cape Sable is geuerally prefbrred on dy, which compel the flshermen to keep their vessel on a 

the flrst.trip of the season to the " banks atid grounds." drift, . . 

Sixty fathoms Is the depth usually eelcoted for a berth, "-On a drift," what is that t The ' object ia to have the 

aifd the craft is then brought to anohbr. The saili (with vessel held In a stationary manner by the notion 'bf her 

the excepillon of tho mahiaati) are Ibrled. The mainsail owp sails, to do this, tho mainsail Is hauled ont by a 

is'tlmr olose reefed knd holatcd np tsnt, as posalble, with tackle to an angle of about thirty degrees, the Ibre th'eet 

Iteboom lashed exacUy amidshlp. This atyle of trim b U eased off, ond the jib hauled down. This holds her Id 

Uow Ibo pity endea; bow Ibe bne begun ; 
How from the sawdust nog, In Baily's ago, - 

torn won tbo sbamrook cnanlet on the Magt. 
For none could touch blm In bu naUre parts ; 
He pourtrayed Irish whim, a))proTod by Irian heatis, 
Tben lei tbo Isle gurrounded by tbo billow. 
Send rorih bor sons to soothe poor Carry's plUov : 
A Bhipwreck'd aaUor, driven on bor oout, 
OM Erin's bospllallly bo'd boast. 
Should be be tuilobed from grim Death's hollow Jam, 
He'll thank bb frlendt who've so woU worked hla cauao. 
But It tbo Fates dopreo poor Tom must die, 
Ho'U bless ye all, and wlUi.bIs bitcst slab, 
Breathe forth a prayor In gratitude 16 Vbose ' 
Wboaa frlendihlp ended only wllh his llh-ttanti close, 

Wheb wielremember what Bailie fflcol Joryle' calls " the 
mutability' pf human afllaln," these Unes have an eapeclal 
recommeifdatlon to the beet feelings in our'nsture. We 
may romeintier also that' although the quotation, " poor 
player," hasdbmmohly been used hi reference to the the- 
atrical profeaaloU, Sbakeepeare and Uoobeth use it in re- 
lation to all'manldnd, and that such Is its true Import, 

"Out, ont, brier candle I 
Ulb't bat a waOclig ibadow ; a poor player. 
That stmla and ITeu his hour npon the alage, 
AndtboDlsbatrdnonore: Itlaatalp . . 
' ToU by an Ulol, (oU of 'sound and (dry, 
8lgnlI>log notUog." 

We have plenty of parfj^s around who never told 
muoh truth in all their lives as may be found in these 'lines 
of ShokCspearo'a ' But we cannot stop to ngtlce sniih eon- 
oema now. . tniat - we wish to '. Impreas npon - the public 
that Tom BB:rty is an " ol^jcot.of Intercat" jitiat now, more 
than ever; and, as many persons in this 'Country baVe for- 
merly witnessed Tom Barry Is performances' upon the 
etage or. met with him In private llfle, nd doubt they would 
like to make some token of their gratefblreliembranoe. 

Some of onr city managers would probably like to make 
arraogcmenb for a benefit which would prove to oar En- 

QruMisrios.— The annual exhibition of tiie Provident 
Gymnastio Club came off on Saturday evening, Uarch- 
the 2eth, 1857, at their rooms in the rear of the 'Whit 
'Cheer : building, which wis densely crowded' by the.lit:' 
vited Mends of the Club. Atleight o'clock the performeni 
made their appearance, under the management of T^'i^ 
Goldsmith, when the exercisea took place in the followhig 
order : 

lit. FouIMiv-— Ih« principals tai Uila Itel wore Hessra, GoldmHh 
and Feeler. 

2d. Pa /Tola One of Ibe most dUBonIt ftitia connected wllh the ei- 

erclscs. 'fhla iras bcauUIUUy acoompUibed by Ueain, Ptine and Cbih- 

S± IUngt.—Vu perfbrmera made their appearance In this eierdw. 
After making lome featfUl swinge u> the top of Iho roof, Uosre. Gold- 
smith, Falne and others performed some snrprttlog feats ; QoldimUi 
toppUig off wlUi awloglng high in the air and turning fearnilly, wbkb 
created mnch applause. 

M. Atpo.— This eterclae was well executed by Uessis. Cuhatai 
and Bowen, 

M. WetfUi a*d Duni SeSi.— Tbeie solid (oya were pUccd b l<n 
middle of Uie loor ready Ibr nse. The elrength of the perfbrmat 
nude their appearaaoe, and after handling the 46 and ti ponnder, 
Paine and Hun raised the 16 pounder above their heads, which cres- 
ted great applause. Ur. Oolosmltb, the young Hercules, made bis ap- 
pearanQo, and wllb great oonBdence aelied the one hundred and elgfr' 
nund dumbbell la bis left band and np It went above ha bead, when) 
le held It lor aomo time. . Be than took a S3 In caoh band, and btu 
them out at arms' length: and after 'going Ibtongb wllh many otbB 
snrprlalDg foals of ilrengtb, he lopped oH with raising a SZ-posndeir 
on his lltUe floger above bb head. 

tIK Pcnendintar Pots— Uesare. GoIdsmlUi,' Foster and Paine, wb» 
performed some surprlalng (bats, when Qoldmlth'went np ibel Snt 
and came dows bead trat. 

lOi. SintiM IVopee was weU perlbrmed by Uenrs. QoldamlUi, Ra- 
ter, Falne and Cusbman. 

SIh, JI<gk ean.—lh'j exerdae was well exeoutod by Messrs. Qnh-' 
man, Foeior, Poino sod Bowen. 

MA. Ittddat.—lht principals In. this eierclso were Uestrs. OeU- 
smltb, Foster and Paine, Foster Jumping up akipptaig two roDga ea^ 
Umo, erosalng ororiaod oomlag down od tho oiher aide ; CoTdunlUt 
skipping up to the lop and bangUig by hla fbeUorsone Unie, cambg 
Ihmi there on to tho under side of \b» horlionlsl ladder, marcblDg on 
all fours, (kclof Uie floor for aoiile dIsUnoe. . 
lOlA. ,S£nfIeAir.r-6omeBgrprlahig feats erstrengthandagUllywif* 
pertbrined by OoldimlUi, Falne and Cranston. ... -i 
llfA. PanxhtZf on.-^mo extraordinary feals, each as grassbopptr. 
umping, Ac, welch created much applanio, QoldsmlUi uklogUia, 
oad In tnb exercise, he making lome extiaordlnary loaps, and tuning 
and tumbling about on the bars, which created great applause. 

At the close of the exhibition, Mr. Goldsmith and cue 

of hla pupils, Ur. Hunt, gave a flue display of the art of 

self-defense. This concluded the evening's entertsinmont, 

and the company retired, apparently well pleased with 

what they had witoessed. 

FBBumis FOR Staluons — Pioiiauixa Hatch. — ^An. 
agricultural exhibition Is to commence at Woodstookj' 
Canada West, on the 17th Inst, when a number of pre-' 
mlnms are to be given for stalllone, thoroughbred, as wall 
ae those for canlage and agricultural purposea 

A ploughing mateh Is to take place in a convenient fleld^ 
In which lote will be laldoutof about a quarter of an acre 
each, which will be numbered ; the Secretary will hav|i 
corresponding numbers In a bag, flrom which each com-, 
petltor >iW draw one, and will thereby know the lot of^ 
land which falls to his share. The competltora, exc^; 
the boys under eighteen, must be' snbecribers, or peifoni: 
in the regular service of Eobecrlbcrs, and must be reedy to' 
commenoe their work precisely at nine o'olook A. U. UK 
judgea win make known the rules for ploughing on thi 

. lU aim Plwghnu».—To be composed of those that h»v» 
won the ilrat priee heretofore, and' all otters who naf. 
wlah to enteiwiBt priae, XI lOa.;' 2d priise, £1 ; 3d pili^, 
10s, Entrance fee, flve ahllUn .,, ^ 

; id Clou Ftoushmeh,— To be ccUippsei of those that hirtf 
not won the flrst priee heretiJlbre— let ,plze.,*l ; « 
prbse, lEa; Sd priee, 10s. Entmthoe fee, fivd Ahllllngi ,.; 
: 3d Clou rioughnm.—to be composed of boys under H 
years of a:ge^lstpHse,£l ; 2dpr[Ke,Ifia; Sd prlae, lOM- 
4th prize, fis.; 6th priEO. . 2& 6d.-7-nb, entcaqoe fee. M- 
second or third prize Will be given un)<ee4i. there are.mnjo 
than two competitors In each class. Open to all who wlat 
tocompete. ... " 

Raob H011BI8 iKD ViniR WiinnNaB.^A London.writer,,' 
hi giving a d^criptlon of ' th^'.saleif opms'.of iteasia Tat-n, 
tersall. In that city, says ; 

"The value of the property which passes under the : 
hammers of tbe Hessn. .Tatteniall aeems IiAmfioMi 
wo conalder the number of lote:put *p for sale ^"^"1 • 
year, and the great price paid for aome of them. Mame- 
luke sold for four thousand guineas; Bay Middleton re» 
llzed threo thousand flve hundred; Plenlpo Aw """S?^ 
whilst six thousand flve hundred gulpeae were paioi" 
Hobble Nobble." "One may cease, to wonder aUi. 
prleea,'! says ito Birmingham J«umli.\ " wheni^ 
that the Flying Dutchman won Us owner neanWnr 
In aUkes alone, and the winnings of himself, yr' 
hrother.'Von Tromp, who belonged to^Kou' 
amounted to £8i,04iO. Cotberitohejpr 
old £12,166', West Anstiall^ £r y J 
£10,878." ^ yC f 



ti eneotcd^^^^^ivat^bet th^htco^teoofflpUr' 
iht dltUnoe t&twohoon, oDmoUag the aktMnth roandt 
fell from eibtoitton. •nd ww obllg*a to bo carried home, 
having ooonpled Ml hoar, ud k-hwf In completing .thai 
portion. Ur. Awdry, more pndent than Ui Mtno, took 
It rerj lelBorely (no time befog ipeoIOed In which it ma 
to be done,) ud (Qcoeeded la Snldilng the diftuce' wll^ 
oot ftellng uj the worw for the ondertaUng, with tho 
oxoeptlon of rather lote f)!et,ooaieqaent apoabardnea 
of the path. 

Liwrr AMD FoDNBT.— It ia gently to be rcgreltad 
tbot tbli match for the 10 mile ohamnlooahlp between 
:theao celebrated rannen baa been declared off bj 'tho 
forfeltore of Levett, who was Ino^iaoltftttd from ronnW 
at the time epeclfledthroaBhhla lata Moldeat Weitated 
lest week that an oflter on his part of £10 to have the raoe 
poatponed had been refilled : that oflbr he thla week 
doubled, but Padbey itUl fblt laatlOed in k refttaL Ko 
obbleo therefore remained bat toe forfelti Ibon^ w« ai« 
iglad to lajr that Lovett la to far recovered aa to do able, to 

go Into training again in a flaw daye, and a flrMh match 
aa been made between the two aaplirata iUr the ohafflplOb- 
eUp to ran the eame dittanoe, for £20 a aide, on Ajptu 10, 
at Cki^tl-lanei Wandaworth. 

NBw JPaDESTBUN UaTon^Lsce rwiltlng the above, 
we have received tho following :— Jamea Hancock (of 
Salford,> the Champion Sprint Banner, Is matched' wltb 
Jonph Horrocks (of Bnry,) to mn 440 yards oTet th» 
Salford Borough Conne, on the 6th day of April next, 
for £26 a side. Ur. James Eolden baa rcoelved £A ^ni 

WniBTUNa MiTcn.— Last week a trial of atriiDgtb 
tookplaoe between two well-known aembera of the 
Betttog Ring, Vessra. JackMn and BaiVer, the (bmer 
laying the latter a bet of £200 to £100 thai be did'fiot 
throw him. After a long atrhgsle fortinie pmoiled in 
favor of the owner of Polly FHohdm, who throw his 
opponontln voty olevor r^le. 


Emros CJliffxk— Haying recently noticed the interest 
jm bare tokep In tbe 'morements of the Fire Department, 
f'^onld oall atMntlon tfarongh you iridely clronlated 
'jtarn4 to the ineonvenlenee which the deportment In the 
lower districts labors nnder, and which shonld be attended 
to. We have, In the lower part of the city, twelTa engine 
companlea, as follows : two OistKilass and ten second-class 
engines, and when on duty they require at Uad two hydrant 
itreuns eaA; the flntolass reqnlrlng (Arai Now, It will 
be seen that it will require (uaifyiiz bydiant llnea to give 
tfood sopply of water to the engines to be of any service 
whatever. We have only nineteen hose companies doing 
dnty, and, as It will be seen, we have not enongh hose 
companies to sopply the engines properly, cMn if every 
<^e. of them shonld have a hydrant, and reach to on engine, 
which cannot be done on account of the .hydrants being 
nearly. If not qnite, 300 feet apart, and the hose carriage 
ndt being able to carry over EOO feet, In the first place we 
are Mwn hose oompanles short; in the second place every 
hose , company cannot take a hydrant and reach the fire, 
because some companies have to t^e a hydrant from 1600 
to 2000 feet away fnm the Are; those nearest bekg taken 
by companies arriving first at the fire. This has not been 
fbr a month or a day, but it baa been for years, and I hope 
tliat"the preseat Chief will remedy It What is the good 
of an engine wlthont a good supply of water T The cry 
among the engine men is, " Give ui plenty of water and 
T|;e will pat oat the fire before It spreads further;" and 
tb(9y hava good cause to speak thus. I have often seen 
some of our best engines, well manned, throwing water 
Ooniparatlvely no higher nor stronger thou a hydrant 
stream; and the first thing yoa would, hear woold be, 
when spoken to by a rival company, " Ob, onr engine Is 
out of order 1" The conaeqnence would be, that, next day, 
tiie engine wonld be sent to the hnllder to be overhauled 
to see what was the matter, and the engine would be taken 
to Spikes to ascertain the cause, and notiimg would be found 
wontlag. Where was the fault T Water was wanting ud 
nothing else I One half of the engines are put out of order 
by this long-continuous want. 

I was veiy much gratified to see some of the hose com- 
panies of the app9r districts coming to onr assistance, but 
imagine my surprise to see engines coming too; It was 
making matters worse. This waa no remedy. The only 
way to do It Is to send - the hose companies down town, 
and keep the engines in the districts where they lay, and 
I will vouch for the engine men of the Seventh and Eighth 
Districts. It will be seen that in the Seventh District 
there are three engines and four hose companies laying 
in the Sixth District, and those.companles laying In the 
Fourth District, now doing duty, which makes flfleen 
engines and twenty-four hose , companies in the Seventh ; 
and by giving each engine toe hydrant streams, which 
cannot be done, there will be five engines without water, 
and by giving them all water tiiere will be ribu engines 
with a fall supply and nz with a half supply; thus wast- 
ing time and labor. Now, in the Eighth District, we have 
fifteen engines, two coming bom the npperdlstriots, eigh- 
teen, hose companies in the lower, and three flrom the 
upper districts, making twenty-one, and leaving us in the 
same predicament If our worthy Chief wants the engines 
let him order enongh hose companies to give a good sup- 
ply of water, and thus not cripple '*but give the " down- 
townen" a chance to show what their machines are made 
for. Tours, . Index. 


mtm CUPTES— Tliare Is bo psrtr Ikolliig kindlad upon the ulUir of 
bimiu alltacUaos, Uiu a Hreman's pure, DicoDtimliutad lovo for his 
tiroUicr Hrenun. ItbaallktdlottiarafltetJogt; BOdliaaimoclediillh 
■eUab MDSiulltr; lo grett In lla dgTelopmonb; lo dlgnlfltd, ud jul, 
wlfi^ soltad, aodavolad, Ildtbll>gcu■II«rl^n<aOvta»lUl]llUl<(. 
ItM.worldiaa/itvolTo, udlla evoInUou efftoi cbaogea In ttaelbr- 
imm. In Uu ohanctsr, and In Us dltpoelUonor a OrcDun, jel, If h« 
wut), vboso hnnd wUl ao apcodlly elretcb out u tbit of a brother 
flraminr and, irUa ohaiuler Is.mallgiod, whose volet will bo readily 
■well In bis advocacy? Next to a lUher'a nnqnenehablo lore, a flro- 
inin's b prO'emlnent; It reals so excluilToly on (ho Ilea of constn- 
gilnlly for lla amteoasco; It Is go dlvcatad of passion, and spring) firom 
anob a deep receas In the human bosom, that when a flreman once 
fimdly and deeply regards hb cenpaiiy, that afloetlon Is blended wltb 
his aibtenco; In all the annals ofcrlmesU la coneldoredaonielblng ano- 
malous to find the hand of a lliemon raised against his brother llro- 
manj or his heart nnrturlDg Uie seeds of hatred; hi all affbcUon of 
flreihen there ia a doTotmlnesa whioh caanot but be properly appreci- 
ated, bi tboeo regarda where the paasloni are not at all nacoeaory In 
tnoreaalng tho itroigtb of the aSbcUons, more sincere truth and 
pcre fefUng may lie expected than b> such aa aro dependant open each 
other (br tboir duration as well as their MlclUea. A Creman's lore, bi 
this respect, Is pecoUarly reniarkablo. nerola no soiHah gratlUda- 
Ubnln lla oul-pourlogi; ItllTa.t^omthenatniallmpnlse; andpetion- 
il ebaroia are not In the allgbttst degree necessary to Its birth or du- 
ration. I can Ouoy genoratlona yet uiliom rising to prove a flreman'a 
Iqva and grcatnoaa. Qboboi FBoid. 

miadelpbU, Aprll4,lUT. 


Tp following Is a summary of the different apparatus 
in use by the fire departmont of San Francisco, Ocdlfomla ;. 
nis Kvacna 

Empire Ko. . I.— Flnt4lass.englDe: Worth, builder, San FTanolsco; 

D. Bcannell. Ibrtmaa;.lUty-Blx mepiten; eoiino, city property: tbur- 
whMled hose carriage, coDMny property; nine hundred feet of hose. 

Manhattan No. 2.— Flrat-olaaa aDglaai Ibrhoos, Vjllder, Kow York; 
Ira' Cole, foreman; sixty-tbreo msmbors; engine, olty property: Ibur- 
wheeted hose carriage, compioy property: eight hundred root of hose. 

Edward No. 8.— TblrdKilaaa engine and (wo-wboolod bmo conlago: 
Bondelsan, builder, Beaton: city property; W. T. Oube, foreman: 
alny-flve members ; elx hundred (bet of beae, 

CuUomia Ko,<.— Third-class eaglso and two-wheelod buae carriage; 
Bonnemad, builder, Bcatou; company property; W. B. U'Brlan, fore- 
man; Bfty-nlne members; six hundred reet o( hose. 

Xnlokorbockcr No, 6.— Second-doss engtse and two-wheeled hose 
carriage; Bmllh, builder, New York; dlr properly; E. Troeland, fore- 
man; alziy membnrs; four hundrod and ntty feet of hose, 

Honumenlal No. S,— FlrstcUas engine and two-wheelod hose ear- 
>lag«;'Rogon, builder, Baltimore; company property; OeorgeH.Bos- 
salltoss, Ibrenun; sUly-flTO members; tlx hundred foot of hose. 

Tolunlcer No, 7.— Third-olsas eoglno; Tbayer, builder, Boston; two- 
wheeled hoso . carriage; ongbie bolongtogto Cut. Baoondray; hose 
carriage the properly of the company; John 0. una, foreman; flfty- 
nlne members; Ova hundred (bet of base. 

FaolBo Ko. 8.— Tblrd-olaaa engine and two.wbeeled hose carrlaga; 
Bmllh, builder. New York; city properly; U S, Neefus, fl)remanr%- 
ty-<Jgbt membora ; three hundred and flOy fbct of beae. 

TlgUailtNo. >.— First-olaaa engine and two-wheeled hose carriage; 
Jeflbra, builder, Fawtuokst, R.I. ; dly property; W. B. Boree, fore- 
man; Oltylre momWira; nine hundred feet of boae. 

'C'eiwnt Ko. 10 — ^Thlrd clast ooglne and two-whooled hose carriage ; 
Bom, builder, New York; city property; James Borbort, foreman; 
membtri; Ibor hundred feet of hose. 

ulumblan No. 11 Second-olaas engloo and two>wbeeled hosa car- 

nsgo' Van Keia kTorboaa, bonders, Hew York; dly property; WU- 
nsm^H, Breanao, foreman; fmy-lhres members; eight hundred net of 

' l'!?'°*''7^>'<>-I2— Beoond-elaaa mglMaad Ibor-wheeled how 
ie: Agnew, builder, PUladelpbla; company iiropatty; John 
tbreaun; forty-eight nemben; (Igbt tanndrecffeel of base. 
■u[ America No. 18.— Tblrd.claas engine and two-wheeled hose 
IBmllh, builder. New York; elljr property: IL Hayes, fbr*. 
■ffm^rs; alx hnodred and filly feet of hoes. 

T'-^'caad-olauaDgbw and two-wheeled hosa oarrtagt; 
"LWorccater, Uaaa. ; engine, prints proptrty ; has* car- 

riage, cUy properly; QdebClapp.ftiromaa; slily-flTO members; throe 
btrndrsd Oetofhoas. ■ . 

_ • ■ Boei iSD UDSB nooa.' 
a. Fluda No. l.-Book and Uddar inck; 3. L, Benr k Oa., 
bolldera, San nandieo; digr property: L. Bobla, tbraman; brty-Ave 

Lalkjeus No. 1-Book and Udder track; J. L Berry k Ox, build, 
en, San Frandsco; dly property; Henry A. Cobb, Amman; flny-ftmr 

Bansoma No. S.— Book and Uddar track; J. L. Wetb, ballder, Ban 
mnclsco; dty property; Wm. Adrian, (brsman; flny-toor members, 
xxuD mnm an> bosx ousuom. 

One enghie, need by Manhallan Oo. No. S, In good coodllloo. Oiie 
engloe, koown u 'Hild 9." hoosed by Duward Go. No. 8, In IUr con- 

diuoo. Ibrse others, ly(ng Ui the old corporation yard, useless and 
not worth repalrlnr. - One loaned to MarysTllls; In (kir order whoa 
leased. One smaU cnglM at the CUy Hall, hi good order; need fbr 

fiurpoaea oTlbe bulldmg. One boss canrlue, now hi uss by Tiger Oo, 
0. 14, and one at J. L Berry's machine snop— both In good order. 

"Old largtant Cook" aa "WUU HaaUa." 

Ms. EsnoR:— I see by your valuabls JosnuU of llsrch 28, that 
" Whits Hackle" la ont again " urging ho* war." open your ootro- 
pondents, on the subject of Uio Game Ibwl ; and ba goes at It, too, 
with the laTagencss of a hyena, venting his rancoroua spleon upon 
all '■ old Ibglea, " IrrespecUva of the penonal claims of any. He lua 
certainly been lokhig a large dose of Brandreth'a pUls, alas be conld 
never bara purged himself of thla rrfute naUtr. 

I thought he would haTo been contented allsr preaching the ftiaoral 
,orallon and wrlUog the epttapb'fiir myself and Ibwla hi I8M ; but so, 
even Uils does not isUsfy Us voradouanesa I Ho moat kick a poor 
follow after ho Is dead— ao pronounced by his own Judgment and 
writings. Yet, allow me to auggeat— with this commnnlcaUon oa my 
backer— that ho may have given one, kick ■■ too many." There la a 
jposslblllly of a person being in a iranco, and coming to Ulb again I 
Such Is my case. I am not dead, aa ho had eopposed, but alive aid 
kicking, and willing to do battle wlUi him to the enl - 

lu his laat communication ho very modestly advises the Screw Dock 
party "to Udc oat Ihoao Inlrndon, and if yen havo anything to say, 
say it yourselves ; keep dear of each prelaiai Crlenda as " flame 
Cock," "SuewDoek," "Old Bport," "Old Sergeant Cock," and all 
other old fogies ;— their communications show them to bo dunghills. 
In vain have they essayed to depredate Uiebeststock hi the country ; 
thoir motives were malicious— so, at least, I havo concluded." 'WID' 
my friend "White Hackle," nUoi "Fred-eo," tell mo when and 
where havo I drer said one word against ai^y man's' breed orit(wla,'ln 
any of my Ibrmcr commuulcallons t I deiy hbn to point me to a sin- 
gle Instance where eucb raeana wero employed, by mo. Bo farther 
says Tbo honest portion of the Screw party, I linow, wet's 
disappointed at ihsdleastrooB result of tho main of cocks Axigbtsome 
throo weeks sgo, when their breedbig cocks ran away pell-mell ; they 
hardly stood half a flgbt.. I a^mpaUUse with Ihem, and know Ibll 
well Uiatirthe conne adopted tiy.ono of . them bo followed oat, they 
may propagala fowls that may regohi their lost laurels. It Is tho 
Ollly Dcu-d stock ho has rosorled to, knowing this breed to be the 
ibCEt." Bear, me I what sbrowdness "Wblto Hackle," olloi 
■' Fred-ee," exhibited Ui the above Uuls qnotaUon— leaving out the 
White Hackle lo connection with tbo BUly Beard— oxx and Ou aun 
bral I Wby, FVed-ee, hare you become tired of the name of White 
Hackle— the name whoaa moglo sound and pulTed-np worth bos canaed 
many a gold-drop to jingle In your pocket? Had you not belter scars 
up another clutch of tho atarch house fowls, of a little dUbrent Und, 
and agohi send to Nova Scotia (br Bruiser No. 1, to cross— not a Bil- 
ly Beard, but a Blue Beard, a Black Beard or a Bod Beard ; but, for 
heaven's sake, do not oi^iCn give us a Aumrinp Beard or WKiU 
Haelle I 

I have bocomo mors gciinnlnlftrt with your history of late, and. If 
correctly Infbrmod, you are not the man whom you would have the 
people believe you aro. In a commnnlcaUon, published In the New 
York Cunsa In 1898, you said you had fifty hens, and that you wore 
oObred 1200 Ibr ten of them, but that you neither sold, bartered, nor 
wtmid lond them. Host Iraly disinterested individual I you merely 
wished to advise limners and sporlhig men where they could " get 

m»b nu amid bo>r«U*d-n,u .. wW-^nui «t- Ihjl Wl>l>» Ibdit* 

slag you traded with a gentleman not one hundred mlica from Uncas- 
,tac7 Little things wUl leak out It la already woU koown— bence im- 
Deceesory (br me to tell yon. If tho BlUy Beard, altai Whits Knckla, 
ore the tiest breod In the country, why do tbey got whipped so oflsn t 
"Old ^iort," and numerous others, testily that they show the whits 
feather often.- Now, cor aporUng; gentlemen of old Uneaator are of 
tbo Tight alripe ; they never squeal If they lose their money ; and a 
great m^rily of them would not touch a White Hackle with a ten 
foot pole. They know that It la something remarkably alogular that a 
While Hackle will aland to the deaUi In the honda of their present 
owoen, but that when othen get posssaalon of them, they will run 
away. Truly, ■■ there ii something rotten in Denmark." Terbniis 
" Fred-ee" can explahi. 

In answer to "Inquirer," you gavehlm tonndenland that the geo- 
graphical position of tho consoUdalod dty did not extend quits to West- 
cheater. I would be very sorry If It did ; for the One game fowla I 
loft there might be contaminated by tho White Hackle. You say 
further, " I therelbre can have oo allusions to a Dr. J, W. C, box 188 
iF. 0. of that remarkable village." No, but you can havo reference 
to a Dr. Wm. B. Cooper, of the aforesaid "village," who baa, as line 
a lot of game (bwls sa was ever produced hi America. I boll from old 
Uncostcr, where Uitro are as preUy a eel of girls, end a goodly 
number of sportvnon, as any town hi the Union. We have all kinds 
of sport lo " Iheao diggings,"— a mognlOcenl shooting gallery, kept by 
Ucssra. Warne li liudson. The former b a true marksman ; and the 
latter glroa leasona lo tho art of manual defence or aystem of Boxing, 
They ore true gentlemen, and men who folly undontond tboir profes- 
sion. Ibis gallery Is dologathrlvlng business. Itlaft'OquenUyvlallsd 
by the iUr sex, and some of them aro excellent marks— — ladles, both 
with rlOo and pistol. Oui EznozixT Coot. 

Inscoater, Fn., IBtT. 

Tame Deer scooDd, Ihe Vborth Btaihlal BHkaa «mt to Happy Uod, 
wUh Tbo Merry SmahhM ssoeid. lU Ihlrd Btsnnlal Etakas went 
lo7aoller,wlttilfarUialseoo«ML nsatyBowllkUloUdy (tayaf- 
ham, wllh the Ben) f. ssMed. 

00 the Uth, tha Boulb-Weatsra Ballway Flats; want to Mr. W. Dv'> 
t by WeoUierbll oat of Bobgostseo, with Br. Boward>B Haitlaol 
seoosd. Tbe Looglbtd ChsUo Blakss want to a w. o. by Mr. X Htw. 
Ufa Ttaa Many tonsUns. Th* Baadleap Plats woDt t» Hr. 0.' Di««a's 
Tbo Dope, wllh Br. .Adkins's Eardrop ssoond. The Rett's rials wai 
won by Ur. T. Fan's FUberman, with Lord Rlbblesdale'a laraca too. 
ond. Tbe wmoa Fuk Slakob wosi to Lord Blbbleadale's lbs Happy 
Und, wlUi Ur, E. Hall's Lady ainbelb aeoood. The week wu cold, 
and Sallabary colder Ibaa Dgocaster. 

This week ws bavs hod a very Uvdy Ums M thrsa days at War- 
wick, warmhig op Ihe'vary heart of Old Englaad. Tbe Am b«pu oo 
nesday with tha Oly Bandkap wbkih fall to Lord Nolaoti, with Birly 
Bird second. Ilie TVlal Slakea went to Flshemao, wUh Oenuna dl 
Vargy seconl The Bwcepalakca of B aovs. (bll to Coditail's o., with 
Auricula saoond. The WUlougbby Handle^ was woo by Byslarloos 
Jack, with Foodls ieoond. TltoParmera' Flats was lUtad by WarwlaK,. 
with Jenny Jooea second. Bo, foo see, there la a Jenny Jones here. 
< On Wsdaesday; thsiWsltor.Handlcap wsa haadsd by l>lnes of 
Oraago, with Tipton second. Tbe Two-Tear-Old Stakes went to Oresa- 
jwlch Fair wlUi FaUaooi asocod, Tbs great Warwlokablr* Haallcap 
waa beaded by Ttioe Dear, with Oaody ascend. Tbe Debdais Bokw 
Aill to Boyally, wltb Brigadier second. Tbo BwsspaUkM of tliovs. 
wont loChstaway, with lanraSellnaaaoond. Tbe Handicap PMo wis 
won by Lord Nslsoo, with Oetarla'seoond. j 

On Thuraday, lbs <40 Handicap Plato wool to Plaoslble, with Osniet 
second. Tho Annual Btseplo Chaae was won by Weathetccdl wltb 
Blnerra aeoend. The Hoidlo Sacs waa won by Jean do Qoeso^ (tho 
Krcndmuii agtln 1} The otber Itoms of yesterday I have oot yet ob- 
tained,' but they ara of but little Importance exoept tha 100-gnIneaStce' 
pie Chase. lIsL Tib, Is ihe minimum weight, and only horses which 
have been outhuotlog can bo entered. In bntloeas of this kUid tho 
Baglla& are SOTS IS wbi groat laurels ; ss tho old aoaff Bays— 

" All hall to lhs,land whare the foxes are flyers, 
' Wliorc the Ibnces are larger Uian anywhere else ; 
Where nooe value their necka, and If the horse tires,' .1 
- Dedlna for tho aoUnal, ligt Air themselvos." ' j 

' The yousg Prince of Wales li taking leaaons In tha art of nm^liig a 
iiono '1 aeress coontry," and Binlro Cbnrles Davia Is his later; His 
Hlgbnosa promlssa to bo a hlghdyer. ) 
' The banting aeason haoga on-well, and the alsepio nh assa are yot 
nameroua. At Birmingham, next Tataiij wUI be a alaahcr. At Oalos- 
borough and at Uandlllo, on Wednesday. AtUorelon-lil-tho-Banb, 
on Thursday. And at Cbarlbury, on Saturday. Some of the " aearlot 
ooats" arenow auvaaalhg for a parllamootary "aeat." 

In Ireland, tie ateeple olaaes are beUsr as welt'Si moia ao. 
mcroua. On Uooday, Uiero will be a dub at Ballymore, Monday 
and Tuasdny, at babel. Tbe Irish Uelropolllaa meet la on Wedntsday, 
and thbris Is sure lobe a lal|ge field at EUmalloch on Thursday, nere 
are ten prlies.(itO0)'lh the Klldaro Meeting IbrEagtar Kooday.' 

1 maiiiloii Iheso lo abow how loth the scarlet coats are to give np 
their sport In coiustaig Itsms a similar tsnaelly may be iMUced. 
^oie if tlie. Scotch and Irish nccUnts are aet down (br aa UOe as the 
second week in Hay, when ws usually have warm weaUier here. 

AmoDg tbo best bunUng niss ol tho aeason was ono by the Duke or 
Beaufort's Ibihounila near Dorlzes,' and another by Baran Rothachild'a 
near Newport Figaoll, The stag buallog Is now more general oa Ibk 
hontlog comes to a close. 

Tho aogUog (ktterolly are preparing to quit tho salmon pools Ibr the 
trout Btraama, Pretty soon they will lUid cusiomen worthy of all their 
oiU ' 

At Cambridge and at Oxford tbo Dnlvertlty man are Irjlof Uielr 
Bcratch-IbDr races and Ainnhig dlvbltas fbr prscUce amoag the 
various dubs. The Univenlly Boat Race Is act for the Sd of April; or 
tho next day aflei the BetrapolllaD,' being guided by tho weather, 
. A very amuslog oontroveny Is now going on aa to whether tbe term 
■ ' a rook " or " a crow " means tho same bird, One good thiDg retails 
ftom Ihe argnneats, aa they tend to ehow Uiat tho crow Is a good 
filsod •"'^ no eaemy to lbs nrmer. ■ 

Some of tha " Tip draiomlty " advertise Is " sxscols comnitalons" 
lo ths names of the moat respectable members ofTUIorsalls, and ther*; 
seems to be no remedy for this oioept patting the flats alltUe on IhoU: 

Prospects are brightenliig In Franco. Tbe Paris Spring Raesa ore to 
come off. hi the splendid new course at Longcbaopa, between the Beta 
do Bodogne and Uie Seine, and aet Air April 26, and Bay 8, T, and 10, 
Tbe Spring races at Chantllly aro act for Hay IT, 21, and M. 

Tho TSn Broock aidtemoot keeps InoreaaUig, bat I give no wgn- 
menia this tkne^ not knowing but what yoo would prelbr these llom. 


' CocBi«> m ComaoncnT,— Bridgeport, Oonn,, Uarch 28-— I am glad to 
Inform you thatour good old dtyofBrldgeport appcan determlDcd not 
to be behhiA the thnoa next winter as; regards cock flghllog. <]alto a 
number oTgentlemon havo goiie lA with a detormlnatlon A>r raising game 
fowl, and to all appcanncoa wl)l not ilong, bo behind FoDbsylvaola, 
lAog Island, or anywhere alee, as regards good and fine fowl I look 
timo a few daya ago to walk round and aoo what was going on, and 
was surprised to find bkxxla In tbo field with game oooks, and all seem- 
ed delsrmhiod to ouUdo each other \d good and bendsomo fowl. I 
called hi at Ur. George Bright'a, having h'cnrd considerable about bla 
ftiwb, and he certilnly has aome very fine birds. Two breeds bi par- 
ticular, that struck my fooey, ho lorormed me had biioa creased with 
the beat atock ofAiwl, until thsy bad bocomo true fealherod; they are 
ccrlamly very noble and bandaoma, and are regarded aa ttua marked; 
as tbe dd aaybg la, they are truo to a ficaUier, both broeda, Ono la 
Silver Duckwhig and tbo otber Ucoly Oray, and uo doubt but they 
will show Ihemaelvea next wtater. I nndentand they are open for a 
match lo tho IbU, weight about i}i lo 8 lbs, Thoro ore aevorai other 
very Uno apedmena here In Drldgeport. As Ou> Ooona. 



Loxoox, Uarch 20, 18ST, 
FSnBin Qmr— As statsd In mine of Uarcb (tb from tbia dly, I wu 
a llulo doubUhl (after leaving NoWngbam) Uut I could atleod tbo 
meetings at Ooocaatar and Eallabury during the enanlag wook, and 
when mhie of the 18lh left I had not any aulbenllo Items ftrom the 
Uends who attended thoae plaeaa Ibr me. In Cut, It was Impossible, 
withoal tdegrspblo dd,'and I had my osoal oompletnoot of paper illleif 
np with oogltatlona about Br: Tta Broock'a Chances, which I hope yoa 
have received. 

At Donoastsr, oo ths 10th, lbs tiUl Stakes went lo Odd Triok, with 
Bourgeois seoaod. Ths BSpafal llakas wsnt to Fully Peaohan, with 
Poregrlao seoond, ni Doacaster Handlrap waa wod by Uary, with 
Pantomlma aeoood. The Uusldpal Slakes wonl.ld Polish, wllh BuUodc 
ssoond, . The Chealsrflold Plate (UI to Hyststlous Jack, wllh LordNel- 

Oa the lltb, tha BtUkig-RooiD (lakes, want to St OIUs, Willi.. Admi- 
ral lyons ssooDd. Ths J\iveolle BelUng Slakes went lo l^eeS of Ihe 
bles, wUhlM. lUI's'o. ascond.; Tho .Oiti^ NallsBSl Stespla Cbaao 
*U woo. by J^ do .(iaesas, (iraach,) wilh Bla^. aaoond. 'tbe 
Bcitfry Suiua wenlto Admiral Ifoos, wltb Flsadble second. 

AteailabW7,«olhal2lh, ths Oravsa Flal* was llflad by Sahrk, 
tkthlba Daps seowd.' Tha WllllUrs Blakaa went to'Apalhy, with 


Asa AO's U/t WXMKton, March IB, 1867. 


Toddy Riy and LncKY. Moobe.— A party of Cbatham- 
Ites who were thrown oUt of their endeavors to lo see the 
mill on Tuetday, between Tyler and Haiielthie, got np an 
extempore aBTalr for £5, between Toddy Bay and Lnclcy 
UooTC, of Korwlch. It took place on the banka'of the 
Medway, and was a merry little affair, lasting SO minutes, 
during which 36 rounds were fbughb Mooro proved him- 
self a game bit of stuff, but ho could not stona against tbo 
superior tactics of his opponent. In tho lost round he waa 
thrown Into a dyke, mm which be waa extricated' wllh 
some dlOcnlty, and bad a narrow escape item drowning. 
Uc wlabed to oontlnue tbe encounter, but his fMends would 
not permit It, and Ray was proclaimed victor. 

SuLuviM AND Jkhuy NoiiTON.— A uovol matohbasbeen 
mado, between Young Bnlllvan and Jemmy Norton. The 
latter stakes £10 to £6, and backs himself to win tho bat- 
tle in half an hour, or to bo declared vanqnlshed. 

Uaddbn and Bbbitlb.— We have received the following 
from Hike Hodden ; 

<■ Hr. Editor : Tour valuable paper of tho week before 
lost, contains a challenge ftom Bob Breltle, of Birming- 
ham, to llnd a novice to fight mo at 10s. Alb, Now, tlr, 
after all tho bombastic pumng which has appeared In year 
pqlumns from that worthy for tho kut elMit months,. with- 
out any rcsalt, I think I shall be JustlOcdln taUng no flir- 
ther notico of hla remarks, unleat they are supported by a 
< liver ' and articles. Brettle well knows that I will flgbt 
any man In the world at 10«t 41h, for £100 a side ; .«Bd I 
think It would be much more becoming of him were be to 
cease .this ttseloss nonaenso and proceed to bnalnesa. Once 
for all. If tbe BIrmlngbain hero Is.not a{>ftid of domtgh 
bis beantlful phiz with an encounter with a man who wL. 
give him a day's work, both he and hli noTlce can be ac: 
cobainodated with lOst, 91b. or (lb,, for £106 a slde oich 
—master first, and bis man two or three inoDths after: 
Hfe to be stakeholder, and appoint a referee on the 
ground. Upon these and no other terma Will i coonint to 
appear within the P. R. Brettle can send arllolei fdr tho 
double event; with' the name of hfs novlco at pnco, and If 
a deposit Is placed in vonrhan^s, it wlll be Immediately 
covered by, "Venn, dx)., UiiBHiDDnr." 

OnARLES Lynod was snnirlsed that Gilbert wonld not 
take £8 and go on with their match. Lyndi wUI fight 
him for £10 a aide, caloh weight, of Will codObb blnaieir 
to 8st, and allow Gilbert to weigh 9>t, for £20 a side. 
Man and money ready at Mr. UasMr's, Anchor and Hope, 
Oharlea Street, Back Rood, St. George'a East, on Monday 
evening next 


Fbdbstbiamibu ExfBAotiDiNABT.— Oxford.— On Wed* 
nesday list Messrs. Meshom and Awdiy, both members of 
Btetor' College, Oxford, the formir being known ss one of 
the best mnners in the TJniverslty, undertook the extraoi^ 
dlnuy ftat of running round Ohrist^Drab me^ow 
twenty tlmM without onoe stoppiog."'Th< distance to ha 
performtd ' would ' In the aggn^Se amount to neadr 
iwenty-^ nlleai the meidow meaanrlnjl'a mUt and- i 
quarter^ with aome few yaidpTronnd. Mr. Mtthui, who it 


/h(» Dr. itaii'i Ifamttit. 

DoBiira ' the famine at EUb. last winter, i^heii 'i^e.'t^oc-,- 
solves were as much distresied for fteahi food, two of mjr 
friends, Awohtok and Myonkj determined to seek the wal> 
ms on the open ice. It was a perlormance of tho greatest 
donger ; but it was better, in ,tocir ayes, than the saorlfloo 
of their dogs, and tbey both possessed, to tho itallest'ex- 
tent, ftat apathetic fatalism' Which ' belongs to the lowly-' 
cnltivated races. Tbty sn'ccieded Ih klUlog a large male, 
and were in tbe act of reluming joyfully to their villager 
when a north wind broke up tbe Ice, and they fontad jtheUr 
solves afloat. The impulaeof an European woiild'haivo 
been to seek the land ; nut thoy knew that the drift wa* 
alwayamoit dangcroua on tbo coast, and urged their dog» 
towaraa the nearest loeberg. They reached it, after ^' 
struggle, and, by tbo greatest eflortsi maido good their 
landing, With their dogs and tho half-batohertd oarttase Of 
the walrus. Poor My onk, as he told th4 story to Pil.t«i;- 
Bfo, made a flrlghtful picture of their snfferlngs, the more 
BO from tbe qmet, stoical manner with Which be detailed 
facts. It wos at tho close, be said, of the moonlight of Dt> 
eember, and in tho midst of the heavy stiirm wnlcb held 
Petersen and myself prisoners at Anoatok. A complete 
darkness settled arodnd them. Tbey tied tho dogs flowta 
to knobs of Ice to prevent their losing their foothold, and 
prostrated thcmeelTcs to escape being ' blown off by the 
violence of 'the wind. At Bitt the K» tMke over uiem^ 
but they joined a higher leve),,and built, a sort of Mreeni 
of ice. (M lAa/i^A n^U (t/t(r«iri<,'Jhdgliig as well aa thl^ 
could, M^ouk froze one of hla feet, and Awahtok loi| bu 
great tM by ttoat-UU.' Bul thoy kept heart of grace, and 
ate their walma-meat aa they floated slowly to tbe eonth. 
The berg came twice into colilaion with floes, and they 
thought at one ttnie they had passed the Utlaksoak, the' 
Great Oaldrbo, oi^ had entered the North Water of Baf- 
fin's Bay. It .tm towards the oloae of tbo Koond moon- 
light,' after a month's imprisonment, : living as only these 
Iron men could llv.e, that they found the berg bad ground- 
ed. They liberated their dogs aa sogn as the. young ice 
would bear their weight, and, attaching long lines to them, 
wbtoh they out flrom tho hide of the dead walroi, thejr stio- 
c^eded' in hauling tiieniselves through -the woter-ipaoe 
which always surrounds an Iceberg, and reaching safe ice. 
They returned to their village like men raised {torn tho 
dead, to meet a welcome, bat to meet.ftimine along with 


TDB AtaOTIO HAha. ' 

Hero is lomo interesting bformation about the Atotlo 

Thoy wero very beantiftaV at white aa swan's downi 
wltb a orescent of black marking the ea^tIps. Thoy feed 
on the bark and catklna qt the .willow, and aflieot the stony 
sides of the worn-down, rocks, where tbey dnil protcotlon 
iflrom the wind ond snow-drifts. They ao:not burrow like 
lour hares at home, but sqnat! in orevioes or under larbe 
stones. Their average weight Is about nine pounos. 
iThey wonld havo entered largely into onr diet list but for 
our Eiqulnanx dog8,.who regarded . them with relishing 
appetite. Parry found .the laro at Melville Island 'in' 
latitude 7S deg.; but we have traced'It flrom Liitletbn 
-Island, as far north as 70 deg. 8 min., and Its range pro- 
bably extends still farther north towards tht Fofai Its 
structure ond habits enable It to penetrate tbo snow-otuits, 
'and obtain foodwhero the - reindeer and the musk-ox 
perish in ..consequence of the glased covering of their 


During the long and terrible winter irtilch followed, » 
relndjier occasionally fell to the gun of the akllftil flans,, 
and was regarded aa a Qod-aend. ^ ;! 

' thi Esquimaux call the deer when he is wlthont ai^ilers' 
abooDos-oak. ThegTeatcrDDmberoftheteanlma1sr«ah» 
tboir kntlers till the early spring, beginning to drop.uemc 
about! tho return of sunsUno ; but some of the stromest 
lose tjicm before the wintor sots in. They aro gregonous 
in their habits and fond of particular localities. Wocre 
they^ave been gathered together ySor after yoarrtho- 
accuiRmulatlon of discarded antlers is Immense. Tbey 
tell me at Holstelnberg, where more than . four thouand 
relndiersklos And a market annually, that on tbe favorite 
hnnting-grouttds these fatfms aro fonad in vast piles. 
They hrlog little or nothldg at Copenhagen, but I suppose 
would; find a ready sale adioog the nttton-workeu of 
England. t 
I Farther partlcnian respecting tbe relodeoi' arS snlv- 
pequently given : 

I This deer was among ths largeat of all the floribeni ' 
specimens I have seen. He. measor^dj/Ive feet ono Inch 
in glrlb; and alx feet two loolies In leogtb, and stood as 
largeaa atwo-yedrold heifer, We estimated his weight 
at 800 pounds gross, or ope hundred and eighty or 
The head had a more than asnally onmbrons Atnc*' 
and a loqg waving toflof wbTte hair thatdependej^"' 
tho throat gave an appearance of excent^e welgbi^ 
front view.; The rem^et It In do reqieot ifill!™.'' 
animal. Thire Isao abparent want of proportti'fliTjr!^'', 
bis combrons ahbddeis and light haunclie a.^^ 
galnlyeven In bla rapid movements. 'tidaunifT.^ 
for all bis defects of form when be pieio " »" 

arltdo of diet _^ - 

BioH.BtoHwo Qtuiamt^thn ft/tJfJU^^if* d '. 
Bsberman, ftom the Kn\ 

■laumuwij, iiuui »M»,jtn r«wiw ".ni u he wu^i?' 
Ute one Satnrday afletnpbb, h^i uti'tor ttmLmuu 
fully "eisaybg fiie wII^bS*!'' - ^ ^7 
"Halloo, there I Oota-^l Idar 
/'Got anything l-^fo^ tfag p,, 

Wednesday I" m/tbr 


TEE « 

OF CBB88. 


iu W. VDU, BnSUa, M. T^mita Umiolf wlU hurHablr tx tuM 
n * (bw ISOTM, In yoor IiM : iDl If sot, »OQr lolaUa <* liiiPPlw" 

K. J. W., aq., Bortn.— Brnr tton «( toot kit Mt«r If wtVmu 
MdTihtblt. Autrtab, U 7oaau,wha»Ma<«slsn>«u<>lc^ 
ud 'MM ai' for vWUig Ui« bet of ou bdnf Infbrowd of Uia UmA 
upoo the <itad<r. Onr ipus It qiiiu too crowded wtUi orlglul ud 
Tilaible ooBlflbaUcu, to bo Impoud opca by nch pbMlat. 
Wimzoo, Vtrtbun, Uin,— Bl(l)ti ^ '**>'• 
& Lois, N. T.— rcH m not onao etnibt otpplii wtth doobla tela- 
Htma ; both out ooolilbalcn ImI uiwircd wh* " THok o* lh» Tindt" 



B IsttrpOM 

t..KlXP mita 



L— bniu No. BS, BlMksw«r«bMt«B pill all bope, 
ud wbNinth » enoioilai li rMob6d,oouolUUooiui«oo(blu 
ooostabamlfMd. Kwu. WodoaotkMwIbdpouUoaofUiokU 
^me Hood «, E. blch. Toor oballoiie not wtak. 

b FiBi, N««vk, N. J.— b ptrtleepi erlmlnli. 

Amoo^ Sdtin, Uui.— fioIoUoiu rli bl Uuij ihiiiki ftir Tvor e*r- 
4UL wvm-btwtad comnModtUoni ofoai (ObrUlapUueua lulract 
OUT itoduti, and Ibnrud " oar nobU gimt.'" Socb tpprecUUoD m- 
cooifm at Indaed. All year •Dcomlont «f " PoMiai jirfnenril/*- 
ra" tre rally metUtd, ind umuymon wUbUMiD. 

Oi tafoiuii^ Fhllidtlpbto^A leol imnfamtal ; ttxrj It ool 

IbnuR, Bnteota, N. T.— Balb BL I^jd udWiDUieo dtDUB' 
■bal* uotbcr tolaUgo t» Froblaia Mo, M, lb* F ntj b* Qoetatd. 


ODnorPiwa^TvD Hum, 
lbs foIIowtai( lutnknt mod* oi pUyliii Um " Ftm tod Two-mon" 
OpulDi bu jm bteo oontrtbatad to nt Mra by CkpL Ktnatdy. II 
will proTt paonUiily nlotbla, tod, we Untt, MMpubl* to (bow <t 
oaritadtati-wbo btrt ; illilaed Iba nikoT mdTlof botlUttddi 
firom Ihtir ttroocatt ftltBdi. 

i^awTt lb* E B F trom tba amy of tbt DefaoM.) 

«..Q-SBi ^ 

Attaak. IMhDOt. 


I..QEt-B8 PXQP» 

t..0f^f4 QxQEiP 

10..iKt-BS QXQR-f 

U..K-bliS QxER 
It. . Ei X Q P| tod Uw Mbnot 1^ 

4-btrB4 4- 

. E-Qaq 

peanlobaTolbraedUbrtBtmodaiof pioeadan; tae below, 
a 4 Et tO'B 8d It tomaUoMi played fiera. 
Mb«iDeT8tortbaIMl9Doa,aplolUt polDt,are IbOMvUehwtra 
(raqotDlly adopted by Da la Booidoasali. Formerly, at tb* AUaok't 
ffb 'mart, Et tot) EtMhwu playad, bat OepL Eenaedy •a(|«rt( 
Ibtt Iba mora IB Um tail teadt to a better reanlt 
Ptaq4 |U..QIaES+ StoBS 
QMI I«..Kt-EtS4- E-E1( 
BxKt . I lT..()-barl 4-,mitaBtxlmsTa. 
QEItaBS |U..Etlot)« EloQtt 
OxEtF l«..Et-EB1+ Eboma 
ExQ__ |lT..KVtJ«ina«a. 










O E EtS 4 
Q-EtT + • 




lt..B-EB4Ui, tod tba |ima la 


' (Oo U b« poaalbia that theta oddt giTe, Ibaoralleally.iaob to OTtr 
wbalmlDi attack at caooot be boma up igalmt loogartbaa tbli F - Wa 
do not beUtTe It Da la Boardonatla It 1 great sama, bat tbara matt 
betomtttroogarBatbodoropaalDglbrlbeDerasca, Certain It It oar 
atKngatt playan bare woala sot obaak at tbs <Ui Dora. VIU not 
Miae or oar atrosg analyitt glra ut tbair Ideal on Ibli aatOaotr— 
MoDouiall'i malbod ofglTlog tbeia oddi.wu ufoUowi: 

O. Wtlkar. 


O. Walker. 


PER 4 
Fx P 

Draim game la VD moTtt. 

S.iP.g4 - 

Q B-E t 

Xba Ibllowbig ti anflntntly PhllMor'a bvorUa atyla: 
Hr. Atwood, , , Fbllldor. Vr. Atwood. Fbllldor. 
-im-. ' a_IEttoa8- qtobarXtt 

F414 8..Q-berEI8 P-QBt 

p4B4 8..Qxq Pxq 

qEt-B8 • muipalaly won by Fbllldor. 

• FbUldor't eoatam'porarlet ware all Ibsd or making tbli nora, bst 
UwUlnol do. Ooobianabuabo'wnbiblalreatMUiailtatonoailret 
np eoa oflba monTand placaa tba Attack ptaolaaly la tba p«ltlon of 
itoalTtag only tba oddt cf Pawn and moT*. 

': ; ^tvnov of fbobuih ho. va, 

'By 'a mitnndenttndlngwhlob' wouldn't intereat onr raaden, tblt 
problem wiiipat'iip wrong. PImo ffUlafamiMlkeratta ITkiUX 
Mandf, and jNtf Mm an Q £ to. 

/ irobimoE or FROBum HO. Bft. 

1..PXB + 
3..ER-bll4 4- 
B.'.E R X B ■ 
4..B-EB + 


orSjKi]i>( own ottUt (enn bit '■Barcopbagat." 

Wblta. Blick. 
B..EttoqBe4^ PxEt 

(..RxR-l- Et4)4,f 
T..BxKt'f PxR 
>..Et-qBemila, and tba ntni 


Wblta. Btak. I Wblta. Black. 

l..EtloE8'f EtoBSBiri 8..RlaqB44- EloqO 
a..K'Be ' Eblit |4..p.q4mila. 


;Wblle. Dlaak., | Wblta. Btaek. 

l..BtoqB4- EXB 8..RtaEtB4' PxR 

a„F-E4't- PxPOTiMV. 4..P-B4dlaabmtto. 







' ' ' iTin outBr, 
Hr.— s 
Pta K4 


"raiHAM 40t ■■■.011 riaiT." 
atqBT: OUbarBiqi BatqBe- El'a «t Q 6, tad E B 
B; PaitEB(,udqB8d. 

BbUB-E at q 4: R'l tl q 8, tod E B T; Et'i at E 4, and E B T; rt 
tlEB8,q9^tntilb. ' ' 

WbHa to play tad mata In Bnr moTOL 
TUt to lb* problam wbloh, not ulrabla lo tba way Hr. Eealay pro. 
poaed, tott blm tba 0tit prda, Tbara<iafbnr.moTa toIoUoo loffl. 
dtaUy dlOeolt, no doobl, totai oar conlrlbatcn not a Utile. 


WUIa lo play and mtlo In tbraa mOTif . 

' ' OAKB RO. as. 

,.BatliMtioUfeonlrflintor "Btimfflt,"or Brooklyn, andaTatralioni 
^arcflbaNewTotkOlob. ' < -o 




«iinii K B 8d wonW t>a <*B0 

14;,Et X El F 4- 
IT.iPxPmptm Et-q4o 

I8„KBXK| ' 

1S.,B4BI9 , 
ai..BxK BP 4- 
Sa.,B.KBT 4- 
q-barB 4- 

■ HIOBA HO. B«. 

From tba /OoMrii Ziifiiiv-lbroogb Tht Bra. 
Wim-KatqBKi QalherT; BatE B S; Etatq4; P'tatES, 
Q 3, Q B 8, and O R 2d, 

i!ui>-katqBB:qitKRia: RatqBiq; BUEB8: EtatqR 
l|F'«UEEt8,EB8,t)8,qBtraod4,qKt4,aodqB4UL (Vary 

Wblta to play andmita In fiiar morat. 
j^Wbto any or oor eomapondania aolra tba abot* problemi, 
plaii* taod la tba aolollona. 




EB toqEtS 
E-bliB Bl 
E'Ktiq I 

p.q 4 



E-bli B8 
E-Kt 4 ' 


to !4, bat perbtpa I am " cronff" bars. ItaUy, It h ao aellraly new 
dodrlne to ma, that tba " mora" out be "aant^dartd", or Iran^torad 
wltboot to exobanga ; tba vary ular* cf tba " fDOrt" Ibrblda IL I 
will aif aolbtig agalnil bla anandalloo of lha kw ef Irao^ at ft*- 
MBl,uItoBtldarmbiatbacltirtit;bot whaa mlnatopiOTedtoba 
lUliioloaiilwlUadfflllueraaly. Tosntnly, ,D.a.B. 

I, AprflS, IIBT, 

Xb. SwBT— Sear Br : Uy noTO In mate wtlta Iba noknown U 31 
a. Tbagtmewllb BirryBolaal tbonld Uka to Innalbr lomallir 
tsraaable, la wa can bring II to a ipaadler raaoU, bMldea ptaytsg two 
or Bore gamaa. HaTlag more laltnia lima tbtn I aipwliid a weak or 
iwbago,! cao attend to It ballar, bealdai, I Iblnkltwin pr0Tt,by 
eorraipoadlog, ■aooioaor amuamantlototb. IT Bury tgrooa, tba 
ipiotaoiBbepabllibad. Fleaie nddno D, I. Bant, Boilan. 

Toaralnly, B. 


Ibuim.- WamikatbeoerTeoUoo. 0(barmttltr"aMngbL» 
Bia Tiairm— Hora oo bud. 

Db. a D. EBBa.-rWa pnbllib one or your poBlUaat tbli weak, tba 
otbartoon. Lot na bear fMm yon. 

&, oTBoitaa.— Wa pabllab yonr latter. 

/. a— BalUodenoagbto <<Bltok op, and BotTtaroat aamacb>w 
rope," rriend J, a Wa aay to yoa, at we biTa oHen aald to olban, tU., 
wa anall mika oor own dedtloaa In all eaaoi. 

H.B.,1brosto — Wa bare InTormad Uncle. Bolnllou 0. E. 

a a— Will attend to yoa In oar nazL Wylla or Andenon on 
I)iaD|bla, U yoa can prooara tbem, wblob U doobtftiL Nait bett— 
Btuie'a work. 

Uaoa Bix.— M. B. tblnka that tba eolation or FcelUoa No, 80. New 
Bortea, contaloi an error. Bawrltae— «FromOlo2Slntla«16r33lo 
36, 1 ilioald tblnk Wblta woild win.'' 

,_1banki (br yoor game. Hqfalik" wlibei yoir private 


UkoNwi,— Let It bur bom yoa. 


0,8. k 

qpx Kt 


qs-Q 9 


Bliak, WbHe, 
Cunbrldga. 0. H. B. 
2B..PxqBP EBP + q 
28..P X q Queeriu qR X q 
2T..RXKP/ ER-B4 

81..B4)B a 
S3,.P^)R S 
84.. RE 8 
40.. KB 3 
44.. PES 
47..Pqaeani ■^■ 

BKB8 4- 


R-RBt 4- 
P R T, and 


Wblta to play and mate In Omr morei. 

OAUB HO. se. 

Between 001 Boataa eootrlboton "Ckmbrldga" and "0, B. E" 


I. .PI0E4 



II. .qB-R8 
U,.q^barR4 + 
18..qbor KI4 
16,.qberEt8 e 
31,.qber Et4 

Black matat by rorce In roor moYea. 


a In mmmUaBDliI* '"■ijiMoTihu ap.pi»«fW«iim>Myi;-."Anwr 
'8^.iBloqiUlboy uaDetsnca, roUowad by t..Ckstle9,onlhepartor 
the Attack, Ibe Defence may take ap a a<ourenaalllon by <..PIoq8d 
or K B to q Kt Id, raoolrlng Ibe'gama Into a elmllar clan oT poalllona 
aair blaBtb mora had baenEBIoqB4tb; or ha may elmply play 
B. .K Kt to B 8d, wllb ai eqaally aoand poelUon." II U at (bli point, 
nndertble form oT attack, Ibat CoL Xaad'a DeTenoa, E Et to E 2d, la 

^ Not to good at q B to Et id, to which the aniwar Bboild be, S Et 
loBSd. . y 

e Black't Mh, tboogh apparaiUy attacking at tba moment, now r»- 
oolle on blmieir, Ibwartkig oli own progreaa. 

d EtMesUy a nlactloultUoiL It moel oorlilaly bo that he bae eoma 
move at oomnund to teoora mora eOtelually loma oT hit adrantagea. 
WIUO. B. E.Iryltr 

, a KRtoEtq, lalbor, Ee la illU In condition vlgoroaily to play Ibr 

/ And Ihe game li redaced to a dead eqaallly. 
a Throwlcg Ihe prtpooderanca Into Black'a bondt at once, wblob be 
nerv oeaaaa to retain and gradually to Improra, to. the end, 


Kmons On.— SoonB OiXBi. 
White— Beaten. Blaek— Phllad'a. 
B..BIakeaqEleh PUkeeB 
B..Ptakeaq2dP BtoQKlB 

10..P10ER8 qstoqRS 
KaaB Tw».-^in auBz. 
' WbUe— Pbllad'b Ebck— Beaton 
8..PtakaiP BloqKtS 
•..qBtoKta EElloBS 


While— Do FretbnUlDa. . Blaek— Lopa& 

u..qioKBa EEiioEa 

1B.,BI0EB4 QuUeB with E R 

18..Ettoqi EEllohliS 

BlaA— Btamma, While— Udnlght 
B..qKttoB8 Ckalloe 
10..qBloEB4 EBtoElf 

WhUo— BiPiiie, ' Black— XT. Z. 

U..qBtoKB qBtakeiKEt 
ao..BUkaaEI qtakeeB 
ai..RtaketB qtoERS 

3.. a 


. 30 


S., 4 




4„ 0 





18 a 




. IS 



7.. > 






Wa embraoe Iho preeeni opportaolly to axpraat oar gratllade to ear 
namerout contributor* to tba Dranghldaparlmcsto( the Cuma. Ihe 
■leadlly Inoraaaing Inlorait minireeled ror the game Ibroogbout the ooDa- 
try, UaobaerlogaTldaDcatbat wadonot labor In vain. The Bold It 
by no meant rally eiplorod ; new oombloatlont are conitaally artiing 
and the tcleaoe oT Draogbl'plajlog, Initcad or being " threadbare," to 
oontlantly looreattng In lnlares,t and daTolopmaoL In Ihe Brat nam- 
bar or the new rolamo, we ahall commence pabllahlog tba " Theory o( 
IbeUoTeandllatSunges," byjohnhtlaraon, an eminent malbema- 
tUanoT Scotland. Tba irtUla aboro reTarrad to It Ineorportlad lo 
« Abdeiton'a Treallae." lb oar readonwewonldaay, ouraSbrtato 
plaaao and bitlruol,.abill be Inirtaud, lalher Itaan loaiened. " All 

4^ <'Uq|alak" wtltae at Ibllowi— "Mote (d) In my IttI gtmoU 
wrong ; is lo IT would win Inatead oTbalng drawn." 


NiwTou, April nth, ISBT. 
DiiaSB— <<CluU«rbnok"oaneadownon me "llkeawoiron the 
fold," bat Id my homble atUutlon (kUt to make good hli polnla, or to 
proTO that I am "all wroog,'! .1 wl)l pott by.hlt analyalt oT Iho Oral 
IwelUon quolod In my'ooDibunliiaUon, at I am not at all itranuoat aa 
lo which moTact WUle Ulbe nie gabiod. 7 ir, bowoT«r(Wel6okAt 
hli eitmple, White Eingi on < and ,S, B, KIngi on 18 and IT, bo It at 
rkall by nit own ibowbg, nnloia the more oT 6 lo 1, It the move gain 
od. In Sfr^nmp)*^ , " W. EIngi tt 1 ind 8, B. Euigi US and 10," 
I am totally at a loa'lt^ -tot bow aq adinve eaa.'be, DhcoJ, or «von 
made ai all by playMv 8 to,^.-> ^ait, " Wbllq Emga at 10 and 21 ; a 
Elnga at Bud 14," Whlte'a'fU^ SI lo 13 la a myalory to mo | I 
•hoqld tnppoM ba.^voiild haira lo mV* ar^ eajilBring BUck Ebg 



It lo IS 

a..u IT 
s..». u 

4..IT 14 

18 tots 
11 18 
10 IT 

B..3T lo 81 
B..ta 38 
T..81 SS,aadwlai. 

1 to 10 
U 38 


1..90 lo 18 
3..1t 38 
8..34 38 

19 38 

WhUe. y 
4..81 to 8 
B.. S 1 
8.. 1 B, aadwlni. 

B to S 
S 14 

OABB HO. ai. 

Ulely played batwaen Enow Nothing" and a Balblo Amataar. 


1..11 to IS 

A TiBUTiQir or : 

Wblta, ' 
Enow Nothing, 
28 to 10 

B.. 7 to 14 

».. i 
10., 0 
11.. T 
12.. 13 
18., 18 

aava Ihe game. 



Enow NolblDg. 
38 to 24 
24 IB 
38 22 
22 ITc 
3T 24 

ThtatrltaltH^BUBB-BthlepUB Wutnlqr, At, . 

ind aU other poblkhad Ptayi, Ibr aale by & FRENCH, UIHibS ' 
alraet, New York, -price 12M oanta each, tea Ibr tl: boond r-'^^^ 
BL. A new play pabllabed every week. Oonplala iWa teat 
fm, when raioaled. 

J9>1beprDpatttl0B>tartadby Ihtapaper topobUah alltteralltba' 
plaoeacrpablloamaaamant In America aeani to meet with gaitnli 
tpproballon, and wa are amlont to make tt aa complale et poMtblt, - 
Tboeemanagera who have not yet reported tbenaalvea and thatr la.. 
lUtoUoD at " the Ciptaln't oOce," will pleaie do to wUbonl hrlte ' 
detay. Send a imall playbill. 

To ear oalgbbon, aad brethren of Ihe Freii |«nanlly, we art na. 
der great obllgalkat br the tkvonble manner bi which ihaybaT* 
already BoOoed oar llal or "Ihe B)gll^Tbeelr<e," and Ibr Ibelr Uat 
aid hi (brtbarlngthe preeent dealgn. Let at ihow "the OUIUka" 
whether we [Btionlta or neglect amuemeota In Uilt land of pleo^, 
Oammanlcatloni iboald be addnated lo " Tba New TorkCllppar, New 

TBI varltUcat obaervable between an andenl and a eompenUvtly 
recent Mate oT aodely, or between older eialled ilandarda and medera 
nnanllied eqaallllee, aObrd moch reflection asl laggeitive nimaik. 
m theatrical oauan, Ihit aort orpraTerenoe (br prevloua rembltcanoti 
or Ibr preeent glorlDcaUoni generally brUiga oat tba prlodpal Itetna 
Intereat In convaraallosal dleouailon. Soma mlnda are inch lUofclan 
Ibr tba pail that they ehaka their hetdt when BDeakuigor Tomg, Un. 
Qlorer, Cooko, Eendenon, Ilia O'Nell, J. F, Eemble, and othen tt 
their dayi, eolemsly aaaertlng Ibtt wa ehall act aea their "Vk» 
again," Other mlnda epootaneonaly lake op eooe booby bompUna or 
pert madama who have net jet aoblavad even a prelbnliiary ooarat tt 
eloouUon. and IniUt upon nnlvenal admlralloa on accoant o( " no- 
Burpaiaad and nneurpaaiabla uceUenoa" to begin with. Weiearoaly 
know which olaaa oT exiremee to olaaliy u the -moat roollih, bnt ear. 
talnly tbe latter It the meet dugerout. 

Wnen, however, tbe ranlnlacanoei of the pail are broagbl Ibrward 
In tba aoclal iplrit or a detira to ahara tbe reclprodly oT teolhnent 
with regard to acme Ibealrlcal aventa or peraonaga, the eiprtaalon 
la perTeoUy natural, and bu a (endenoy fbr tha righl Und ^ oonrer. 
tatlonal duouialta, toch aa hannonliee Ihe mlad whUe tbe argiuuat 

Among an Imnonia matt cfthctlrted oorretpondence receirad lUi 
week, waaragUd lo welcome a commanlcallon from "Amarloat," 
who writee In predaelr Ihe right vetai of provocative coarteay lo ec- 
anra a Brat-rate Iniartlon and laeare soma Bnt-rale repUee, tor ha 
teemt 10 be a fliet-rata rellow all aronnd. Bear blm :— 

IlB. Ebmt: Permit male drop Aom-CoR Ibr a while, and eaU tba 
atteallon or your readen to an "old ramlobcence" In a Iheatrtcal 
way. I wllneuod Bherldan'a Comedy or "Tbe RIvate" ai'Wallaok>a 
laat evening, and eajoyed tbe treat Immeniely ; and I bare no doebl 
bat all or oar old Ibealrlcal people (Ibr I aaw many woU-known beadt 
or Ihe old Park pit oaya there) experienced the aame pleaaore, Tbe 
caat waa Immanie, elronger loan any oilier Ui America, and I antll 
doabt whether at Ihe preeani day It can be eoniled In Eagtand. 

The caat lilt nlgbt-waa aa IbUOwi, and la deaarvedly worthy «f 
being placed on Ihe record Ibr ralara rererenea I— 

Sir Aithony Abtolale Mr, Blaka. 

captain Abwlate 

BlrLocIoa Oltlgger.,.., 
Aoree .................. 



27, and Black cannot 

a 11 to 18, with tho Intention or pityleg from 14 to IB, lookt InvlUng; 
but u Vbllo can reply 28 lo 21, nothing would be gained, 
b Black tppoara to be nearly "ashore" br moral, 
e A " letter." 

OABB HO. S!8. 

Kiw Toix, Aprlld, IBBT. 
Ha. L D. J, Swnr— itair Sir: Will Hirry, J. B., H(||alak, or acme 
other or year nomerooa correapondeoli, analyia tha IbUowlog game, 
aAar Whlla'e 12th move, and aay which winj, or Is II a drawn game t 
I believe tho movee beTore the 12tb, are all t^malt. 






1..3t to IB . 

11 to IB 

T..3T la 2S 

t U 14 

3,.18 U 

8 IB 

B..2i 21 

< « 

8,.3I 21 

4 8 

S..34 2* 

11 M 

4,.S« 28 

8 11 

10..S8 IB 

11 IB 

8.. 33 IS 

- S 13 

I1..81 28 

IB It 

« IT 

8 8 

ia..3a IB 

I haartny agree Ibr one to that anggeitloa or barbg a mee)hig or all 
Drmughl ^y'en . Pat me down aa ooe. Toara, Bxnsa. 


FoamoN NO. 8I.-0LD sEUEa 

By Ooontryman. 
Black men at 1, 3, 3, 10, 11, 12, 28, and 30. 
Wblta man at 8, B, 18, IB, IT, 20, and 82. WhUe Etaig it It 
White to play and win. 

FOamON NO. 82.-0U> I 
By Hairy Bolt. 
Black men at 2, S, IB, IB, and 28. Black Elnga at 8, and 21. 
Wblla man at 18, 24, and 81. While Elnga at B, 2S, and 31 
Black lo move and win. 

POUTIOH HO. 1(13. 
By Dr. B. D. Eeeler 

rosmoH HO. loft. 

By A. R. N. 
Dedicated to D, F. F. 

White to play and 1 

White lo pity aad win. 


' BItok— Sam Twalvei. Wblla— Alonio. 
».. B 14 18 8 

30. .10 IB — — 


Whtte-J. & BomBaoia. Btaek— UnoIeBim. 

8,.ST IS T 10 

«,,8» ar 


White— VnOle Bam, Baek-J. & 

T..82 28 10 14 

S..28 . 24 ... 
WbU»—B or Beaton. Black- Unknown. 
1..21 to IB 10 10 14 

3..2B 33 


While— a 
l.,23 lo 18 


Batwcon Bttlalak and Eipraaa. 
. BLACK, (Eipreea,) 

Black— Berry Bolae. 
11 lolB 


Between Thiiton and A 0, 
BLACK, (Truzlon,) 

WlflTG, (Uqjeltk.) 
mack to more 

wunE; (A, 0.) 
While to mora. 


.. " BrODgham. 
,. " WalooL 

. " Dyott 

., " licvere. 

JuDa Ibi. Eoey. 

Lydia laogolah vi« Uary Cannon. 

Hra. Uataprop .Un. Temon. 

When Wallack ronlad tbe National Theetro, corner or Leonard and 
C%urcb atreeta, many years ago, ho collected erousd him a remiika. 
biy iLroog compeny, ud opened with the lama comedy c( " The 

ar Anthony Abaolala OldBaroea, 

Ceptelo Absolala Ur, WilUck. . 

' EIr Luetua OTrlggor " Henry WaDack. 

Acrea " J, 8. Browne. 

David " W. n. Wllllamt. 

Falkland " Abbott 

Fog "J, Waltack, Jr. 

JuUa Uia Emma Wheotey. 

Ijdta Langnlsh lira. Rogera. 

klra. Uataprop " Ruaaall. 

Which U Ike bdlerpidure or the twoj remains for your readen la 
decide. Four oTthlt number have "eheOIed oir their mortal ootL" 
Til., Old Bemee, AbboU, WlllUma, and Ulae Onma Wbeatley, altar 
warda the wife oTlIr. Jamea Uason, oryourclty. I hareloelaO track 
oTUra. Rogoreaod Vn. Roaaell, and know not wbellier they have 

deoeaaed, or are ellll In the tand or the living— pcrhapa eoma oT yonr 
IbeaUIcal readen can laform me. I ebould be pleaaad 10 know, Ibr' 
the cherished rccolloctlona I have or Ihu great cast. Old Bamia wot 
very One In cbaractare like Sir Anthony ; while the Captain AbtoMe 
or Mr. Wallack waa voftdim Itaeir, ae can very readily be Imagined. 
The BIr Lucius orEAry Wallack wet one oT his beet perTormanoei ; 
and the Aorea or Browne, or Robert Bacalre memory, cannot, hi my 
opinion, be enMled oven by Ihe great Burton hlmaeU. To make tM 
caat at completa aa possible, Br. J. Wallack, Jr., now playing at Bar- 
lon'a In tbe " WInler'a lUe," took the part oTFag. 

Without commosUng apon Ihe oxcelleiicea oT the varloaa piila M 
admirably ptayed last night, whlcb I ehoold be pleased to de U It did 
not treapaas too mach on year columna, my " with will be entirely 
anawerod and my ond gained" ir I have at all directed tha attention 
oryournwmeroaa readen loan ^^(UtheakiteWcmlnljccnce." 

Raspcct/^iWr vouis, AMUiaoB. 

New York, April T.ieST. 

" Are you there. Old TTaeponny T" or, ai Poor Tyrone Power aald, 
(when ha made his " flnl aeamd appeamnoe" at the Park Theatre, on 
hto return from Eorope,) <> b II there ye aref" The mention of wal. 
laek'a National Theatre, at the N. W. oomer oT Leonard aad Church 
atroela, (where Ihe Indomitable Drnty-Uner canted on an agreeable 
oppcaltloo lothe "Ckmp-Heetlo Church,") we might have borne with. 
oul wlncloi; but that allualon to tho old FItltoa at tha Park wu a UUIa 
loo much for our usual atook or nonoommlUal philosophy. Tbcae 

well-known heads" have now noarlyall Joined the vecenble eodely 
or "Old Tope;" or, Unot, Ihey are very likely lo balbllyiiaalUleditir 
memberablp on the aeore or baldnaaa. 

SitUsUcal readen, who con remember Brolbor WalUck'a eorapa- 
BylnLaonBTdalrect,would no doobt be able to tell nt "which U 
Ihe better picture oT Ihe two" In Ihe above cssti, and we ahonld be 
gUd 10 have their coolraaled oplnlona. At a general rale, we alwan 
avoid meotlonliig tho namea or contemporary perfbrmen In any de- 
gree or bvldlout comparison ; but, perhaps Ihe preeent dtacotalon 
might yield a jusllDcatlon Ibr aatpondlog each a role. 

Dogberry 'a Idea or comparbona abooM alto be remembered whan 
comparing whatever In art bae eo changed lit reltUvo poelUon it to be 
viewed In a dllferent light We mutt consider Ihe many changca alnce 
that "Italian Opera Bouao" waa Brat attempted al the corner of Loon> ' 
ard and Church alroel; how Huiagar Wallack ahelled oul bta meant, 
and tried bis natural poUleneaa wllb pump-handle prime donnei how 
Sandy Wilson lelt his daffy-down-dllllee and hot-houiee to rebolld Ihe . 
National, and all he got waa a loea, to whiob waa added the aboie c( 
Jamie Gordon Bennett, or the Herald; how W, B Burton broagbl Ut ' 
Brummagem Ideal (e<a " Vltechapel" and Philadelphia) to the re|. 
cue; and bow Iho ralea, Ihe furies, and Iho Ores, Anally triumphed la 
Ikror or tho darkneaa, too alupldlty, and the bigotry, on tha lower cor-' 
nor cr Leonard etroet Wemuat also remember that the Brcadwar- 
Theatre haa einco coma Into Ihe Bold; and, on towering tba price cfaa. 
mlaalon to Ofly oeota, the old Park gahied nolhlDg by endeavoring lo 
follow ault A cost for " Tho Rlrata" In Ihta dty twenty yean ago 
parlakeaorthoiodllTereneea which are always obaervable In ezpen- 
enco, when equalising changea have leveled down enlled atandardl. 

We ere Inlbrmod by good aulhorlUoi that whenYauihall Oardeniln 
London ware opened In 1739, Iho price oTadmlmlon waa a guinea, and 
fburhundred peracna attonded, within our own ramembrance, we 
have aeon ten thonaand persons In those girdena, and been Inlbrmed 
tbat four hundred guineas would not begin to pay for the ham aand. 
wichas and obampagao.callod for In ino reiyeahmenl arbon, TUt 
generallilng of audlencea prodncei a gen'erallzbig of perfbroara— a 
mutual leveling, we may aay. Luckily, Ihe attndards erartcannot be 
ohangedwIlbibeebangesorpaaalngohvumstaBces; and hence we Bnd 
that Ibe mtailon and provlnoe of tba'tniocitUeremahi In oonalant nao- 
rulneea. Indeed, the praienco oT medloorliy polnu oat and nxinliei 
the eontervatlve tnfltencas orirue orlUdam all the men. 

There to no oooaslon, however, lo alt down like Yoloey among Ibe 
nios, and give vent to reflecUont at mounfril at Sooloh tbeolonr or 
tbe North British Ravlew vroald aoggeet on the approach or a oomat 
ThBre to a hopeful Ihllh among the, tnio k>ven of art which carrlea nt 
throogb all Iranalent changea; and, aa ire aee cor IHand " Amorlooa" 
hat Ihe right kind oreplrll, no doubt a Tew rtmarka may bo aooeplabit 
lo Ibe reaoor. 

On comparing W. R. Btake'e Sir Anthony Absolate with that oT Jack 
Bamaa, we mutt admlliha Oiolorwballbo dorgycall "a deelonalon," 
In that particular. We have great reapoct for Ur. Blakd) bat Ibel cer- 
tain Itiat be to out oT plaoe In auoh oharaclen at Sir Anihony Absoluta. 
or any aaob poUahed gentlemen aa can say to their aona" yoa dog I" 
00 Ihe atage, and still not appear lo any way dorogitory to dignity ' 
or good breeding. We do not mean uat Ur. Btake'e own mannait . 
tack ooarlly dignity, Ibr we well know bolter then that; baiyolba . 
doea not aaaamo the abaolutltm or Sir Anlhdoy with the grace of action 
or tho uooUon or repose which Jack Bamae readily aaaumod the me- 
ment he took up bij cano to " go ou" In that character. It ta with ac- 
ton aa with vocallsis— the epoaking pilch and Iho alnglog (acUiig) 
pitch may vary ocnstdorably In tha samo Indlvlduil. Wonareseoa 
DowtoD, Bortloy, Jaok Fawoolt, OldFarren, ond auoh liko, play Sir. 
Anthony Absolute; and iheao niampica have also boon enjoyed by 
both tlio partlQS wo are now apooklng of.' Wo rather think that Ur. 
Btako himself would not like lo compero blmsolTwllh slerlieg old Jack 
Baroaa, Jock waa oca of thoao men who never bullonod or unbutton- 
ed his coat Hltlioui giving forth tho eiprosslon of some (bollng or seme 
sentiment— either of- bb own or eoma other obarector— and all wou 
worthy of nrUsUonoUoa. Like John Philip Rcmble, If bo tookaoor 
with tho lefl band, be had a raaaon lbrlt,whlob Iho world might cr 
might not noUcc— lor he never cared, belog wollJusUlledbyhta owa 
genius, Mr. Dkike would, no doubt, try hto beet; but he could no 
more give at a gontiomanly paaalonale Bir Anihony Abaoluto than he 
oan give a good air Haroourl Cburtly. Aa Joeaa Auml he would oe^ 
aura to please, end that to tho dau of chtr4otam Ihta gentlemanly pef' 
Ibrmorgoneraliyoxoetoln. - 

I In aayiog ibit much, we lake II Ibr granted Hut oar eorreapon 
"Amarloaa"u correct In bis reoembraaco aa ragarda Old / 
ptaylog Sir Amboay Abaoluto on ibe oocatlon mentioned. Wf 


v- op^f or tlx dmiuUt eoBpur a 'V«nuk1 MiUoul, bal 
SoMt iSSiM Jtek BusM betog lliet*. HoweTar, we but imd 
« flfit nUbli ,» Uitt w« do DM udtriik* 10 ba poiUlTa, ud 

l^^rSelkn Uul wo ouDOt dbUiiniUi wild '«U Um Sr. InlbODjr of 
SmmMd. W« bw "BUly VlUluM or Ibe TtUi'Mfomt H it ibi} 
£Xu«iui 111 lbs old-Kbool floarisbct, md tbe reiqtAbruca of tbat 
konlioclnr. WowtUramembwutbg JickButrnvltySlrAst^ 
• «» hi IWHH dorlDg tho «»rlf i»rt of 1887, *X. Cbo oM U>e»lf«J" 
%uaii«l •trett, ud It wm ■ glorloua crMlloil ofuL Um b»p«0M 

. . .Ibeitra ud drcntot irt ill doloi wtll In 
Q)ptBba|M,,,,lluiifer Ooppli'i biblon of raiUlDg Ihrag tbaira 
ud ODiy occnpjlsg oat In Bjtmj, N. a W,, li ruliUsg tba diumllo 
protpKM of that Aoorlibliig dtj. . . .Ibore tn about •bnndrad ulon 

ud levtDlj-flTo utnum dow Id Aoilnlla, ud Ibora tra Ifteoa 
tbuira In t droult of tbonl two tbouua miNi.. ..NottUsg soir on 
Ibo Eoroptan Conlltient duilEg LuL 


Me'imoBloiloro. For y»rtou» re>wn».i»lDO««<«»7to particular- 
Sabm, we wort lare to " get Uwelher" U pae"'"- " ^7*"'T 
SuSSltT for Mr. Buiw we •houTu not let It J^oe"ce our pubUo wil- 
{bg,ud have MlntenUon of dlspnraglM 

OflbolwoCkptaln AbsoloU*, we p>«5 •I*' prefer that of Mr. J. 
•Sacklothatofllr.LMter. 'rwttitttmn^ lUo no dlapongo- 
milto Ibe lauor named vuij.fUht "youni 'on" nuit have Umo 
2!5i » ST lis." jS Ui5n»l»«Wori>d. Mr. Leeler b In aJvuoe of 
^&^JS^lZtif^^«^l^'<''^r^'''^<i' bU "Uluililou. 

.^'itlEJtoo two GIr Uxi^ OTWggare I and aooh a pair I " Bore neb 
. ^ •'^.^r^»^ Harry WalUok In anob a character, almost 
iBTMTftrmcr'iMt ^7 ""O compartem la long aa Harry Uvea to 
mca the And yet John Broogham la, perbapa. Ibe neareat 

Kl^iim^noDocandealre WearegrtatBdmlreraofKr. Broogbam 
ly^aiwt, When apeaUsg, bo aeema equal to Harry Walltck| 
riiZiiot gpeaking, there la tbe nanal lank of repose which mara the 
Sodam school, ud bla by-play la oODWmUvely deficient In narraUre 
power ud paatomlffllo amootbneaa. Who else could approach aucb a 
teader as Barry Wallackr Longmay hellre I And "eke also" John 

''to^dglng of the two Acres mentioned, we most rtmenbtr that tbo 
character luelf Is a matter of ooolroTerey. Mr. Browne vas a |ood 
.Acna, aoconllog to bla coscepUoaof the fbaractar; but, as u actor 
who prided himself on apedallUea, (ancb as tbe followleg of Lomtltre 
In BoVert Macalre, for eiample,) we ratber Iblnk that Ur. Walcot de- 
lerTM the meet credit. Somehow Charley seems to delight Ui the 
mystarloos. Ho cerlalnly Is a very promlalog potformer, ud we hare 
gr«i hopes Ibr ha ftturo. Acroa remains like Falatalf, a aiwlyfor the 

or Ibe two Davids, Otorgs BoUud ud "Billy VllllamsoriheVolla" 
woold be as near alike as tbeir agea. \T. U. Williams was bolter 
ffnaUBed for Sir Anthony Absolute, ud he knew It; Qeorge Holland 
woold prefer dressing up for tbe noachman, ud no doubt bo known 
that.' Both perftrmen woold ondcaTor to do Jnallce according to the 
Higg manager's cast, but we are euro tbtt Mr. WllUims waa the meat 
(Uldloua ud electric. By the way, It b our goeea .that " Blly VU- 
llama of Iho Tells" did not come to tnU country until IBU, ud that 
bla Srstappcaruoa at the KaUonol was as BIr Anthony Abaolote. 

Ibe two raikluda probably noTor bad better auatalnara aa aontl- 
moit-uUeren. In tbe elocutionary ud all colloquial relattons, Mr. 
Dyelt la truly praiseworthy; ud, not knowlog of Mr. Abbott, one need 
BOtlooklbrabcllorFnlklud. £|1U, AbhoU had the adrutagcof that 
aleginca of acbooUsg whlcb experience bad taught him among the Or- 
landos, Foregrlos Mcklea, ud Wince Claudlos of tbu Loudon etage, aa- 
Iblad by Jack FawccU's frludablp ud George Butley'a adrlco while 

Ibe FSga are nottobeoTorlooked, apcclallyaucbas J. Wallack, Jr., 
and Mr. Lovore. Fag waa Ibe youthnir Jim'a choice Ibr hla flist light 
ta New York, and he ablyahowed hbuaJnlog iloco the dayi when 
••Oora'achUd" In Philadelphia. II waa a bnlllut triumph fortbe 
nameof Wallackandthemuager'a "noTvy." Inhct, "Uncle Jem" 
had a right to be proud. There waa n fresb, top-booty, tigory, witer- 
Ing placy kind of vitality about the Fag of J. Wallack, Jr., which waa 
tore to please Ibe odmlren or Bherldu. We missed aeelng Mr. Lovcre'a 
peiaooallon of the character laatwcek, but liare been hjormed that II 
waa Tory creditable. 

no two JuUaa— Emma Wheatley ud Mrs Iloey— are both favorably 
known to Now York theaire goera. Ibe former lady waa aa example 
of every virlae, wllta many mertia as a uorruroer. lb apeak as a cilUo, 
we must award the preference In this cose to the most modem ac- 
tieea, Mrs. Uoey. Emma Wbcatley would no doubt have attained 
great eminence bad aho remained In the protcealon, ud her reasons for 
retomlog to It fbr a short period were of tbe moat honorable character. 
Ear deaib on Long lalud left a moumlbl void In Now York aodely. 

In the other two cbaraetere—Lydla LooguUh ud Mrs. Ualopiop— 
Ibe Imperaooaters at Wallack'a In 1857 are undoubtedly superior to the 
two previous ladles. A belter aclreia tbu Mrs. Vemoa cunot he 
Ibusd, ud wo ehould becomo loo uecdolol for our limits iroUemptlog 
to apeak of her ud the other membeti of the Fbbcr family, to whlcb 
aba originally belonged. No doubt "Aocrlcua" or some such " Old 
ntlte at tbo Park" would tnit us with their vlowe. We now proceed 
wllh our dalles. 

Cm Bduurt.— Unra Keene has acblevod uother triumph hi tbe 
prodacUonof Charles Gaylor'a "LoTe of a Prince," whlcb la one of 
those blatorlcal dramas that are anre to please If well rendered,.,. 
Hw liallu Opora has "gotBtsrled"alNlblo'a, ud Madame Qaizsnlga 
baamadea good lDpreaalon,...TboPyneud Harrison Troupe are 
doing the alternate at Borton'a... .As " The Money Question," by the 
Junior Dumos, la ta be adapted at Uura Keene'a, we may now aipect 
a sudden Incroaae In the abominably Ignoiul attempts at putting a 
ftoncbmu'a name Into tbo Engllah poaaeaaWo caao,,,,Dempalerla 
trying to put aome aoul Into the tabemoole , . . . That comedy company 
at Wallack'a la better tbu all the' atar people that ever kicked up a 
AisaUi the papera.,.. Various atlcmpla are now made to keep the 
Academy of Mualo alive ... . The Oermu Theatre In tbo Bowery glvos 
a very leaaonabls ChmlUe by tbe aid of Mrs. Hohm aa the Germaelzed 
beroUio....R. Johnston succeeds to the stage muagement at tho 
Bowery, , . .The Broadway will aoon have Mr. Mllea'a " Bo Soto," ud 
£ L, Utvenport «U1 ablver hla hmben as tbe hero, . . ,Mr. B. C. Jar' 
lett Is not going to put the dgUab atage lo rights Just yet., ., Tbe rO' 
port that > certain down eaatadventarerbas taken the Bowery for the 
(Dsolog aummer lsalltadgo....The J. R. Scott Dramatic Club have 
very pleasing rehearsals.... Who the dogs ore the BchmcUEerst. 
Brful's Hloslrela continue lo prove Ihomsolvea tbo most allracUve 
oocj^!' ici Mna ><«Ch<ngnewbom tho other losUtullovs. 

Madame Blvlu Tall'a ooncorlot Heboken cauaod Odd Fellow'a Hall 
to bo flUod with a (Isahlonablo audlenco the other evening, ud the 
perlbrmaooaa give great aatlsfkcUon, for the lady's splendid voice In- 
dioatasthoblgtaeataucceasas uacoompUabed vocalist, ud she was 
■adated by other talented porlbrmera-.. ..Ada Robinson's expected 
concert UNlblo'a wUI be vrortb kwUogVler. ..." I'll Toll Your Wile" 

If you neglcol going lo see that played at Wallack'a One report aaya 

that Mrs. MoUohon Is golnito Bigumd, ud another ea'ys tlut she wlU 
have tbe Chamben-StreetTbeatre for the summer. Either report may 
be believed, with similar consequences.. ..Manager Stuart will hove 
hla Summer Garden In full bloom aoon. , , .People any that Irlab Collins 
Is comlog to Burton's .... Lola Monies had her last flnro up la Louisville 
opon the carpet queatlon. . , . Joaeph JoQ'crson leads tho bualneas at tho 
HolUday-Slrcot In Baltimore. . , . Wvmin Is doing tho magical in Tioy, 
..The new thcalro hi Worooster, Mass., Is quite a favorite there, aa It 
should bo.... Maggie Mitchell Is at Norfolk, Vs., ud gocsUicncato 

Baltimore. , , , Don't Blwbi Booth's agent pile 'on Ina agony 1 Mr. J. 

Wallack'a engogemenis In Qnclnnallud in Chicago have been cucelod 
anacoountoruloaaa In thovcteru manager's fiimlly...." Neighbor 
Jackwood" la soon to do Ibe neighborly at our Museum .... A ■■ Yukee 
Notion" ploce ailed " Ttio Oireer of Crime," etc., la talked about at tho 
Bowery,... Froftaior Harrington la at Lowell., ..lucaaur Hall, In 
Pnrllud, haa been enlivened by Udwoll ft Manilon'u DranutUo ODm. 
nuy, one of the beat m tboU. B....JoeProotor IsalUovelind, 0.... 
. W.,jL Fleming la reaping a Ine harvest In Qklllbrnla. 
■/^^tnnsvMimijL — ^The National Cbcos b cloaod for tho prcaeni, Mr. 
LenI Is on a tour of aucceaa, ud John Drew Is to open the house In 
Mav.. .,At Ibe Arch, Muagor Wheatlaj has produced "The Sen of 
Ise" aaoccsaruily. ud will aoon bring out "Tho Nalod Oneon." The 
people who Ibuna (kult wllh Mr. Norton on tbe nighl of uie benelt Ibr 
the £>mlly of J. Ingles Matthias were a Utile loo quick on tho trigger 
. . . .John Drew has wound up hta Irish cbamctcra at the Walnut, ud 
la DOW auocoeded by Peter BlchlDgs ud Charlotte .... Eanford'a Opera 
IVoope oontlnuo very suceeaafUl, . , .The Irat oporailo aeason (twenty- 
nine repraenlollons) at the Academy of Musk) has closed with every 
proapeci of a safe ibotlng In publlo opinion .... Do the *■ Sona of MilUi'' 
ever drink beei't.,.. Mr. udMra. E, U Davenport are engaged at the 
Arch Ibr the enanlng aeason. 

Bonos.— Mlaa KImberly boa been dcUgbtlng elegut audiences In 
the nelgbborUig towns ud Ststes wllhSbakespoareu ud olhor poetic 
leadings. We eipect aoon to find " Sbikospearcu Readon" among 
the regular claaslllcaUona of dly directories. - Mtes KImberly has Im- 
mr tod a higb degree of ortlitlo consldoratk>n to Ibis olaaa of oratory. . . . 
The National Is rapidly reaching tbe dregs of vulgarity. LItUodldwe 
lUnklauehalhlewaslaBlorelbrlhal ttne theatre when sealed In a 
rallrod corner wllh W. 0. Etton, tbe author of the "OpeulngAddras," 
on the Bight the hooae opened . ... Edwin Booth will commenoe at the 
B(alon OD,the20lh,ud Matilda Ueron on May 4th,. ,. Tho Ordways 
are on tho move, as stated laal week.. . .Cttthedral musk ud utlpho- 
nal choirs are algna of tbo good taste of Boaton, ud the Tremoni Am- 
ple haa been "gladdoned" with them,. .,E)liaI«gu ud tbe Musenm 
are proaperons,, ..Blooding Ksnsai Is done on cuvas at tho Molodeon 
. . .Three newspapers In this oily have consolldalod tbdr dud stupidity, 
ud nowcillll "nowapaper onlarprlae,"...,Thall)erg'a gonlus ud 
Boaton Juatlce have triumphed, nolwlthiludkig the bad ladimcnlof 
hb " manager." 

St. Loob,— Mr. Eddy bad asuccossnil Ume at tbe People's, ud Is 
lew In dndsnaU.. ..Mn. Maeready made a good Impreaslon with hor 
J*dhigs,ud b yel In BL Louts... .The Marsh Ciuidren wUl com- 
nuoe at the People's In Hay.. ..TheKellen are also eipeoM. . ,.Tbe 
Old Oirlsty's MlnatreU are at Wynu's BaU,...Wood b making a 
'*,**hlianoe lo his house on Fourth Bueel, ud hi future It la lobe 
au^ " The Fbunh^reet Theatre" . , . ,A Qsrmu oompuy wUl keep 
lhaTsrl«UasopeDimUItheat<f May. 

h^Si'^"''?^'* ^PWUitl" wlU be oloaed for s oonpla of weeka, 
u order to redooonle, ud on the 4th oT May Mri, Bhaw (HambllnJ 
WUl opmnunoaanaagigimaDt Ibr two weeks. Then Agnes Robertson 
Sa olcairThSil,*^" ' • ^ ^ BoocaBfUl at 

[noa 001 cm oo sssnmiun B,] 
OJarlei Pitt ud wife are U llochdalo....Ibe KaUonsl BruiiUo 
jrao Dave been very sueoosarbl at Ibea-Jamoa'a, In LoDdpn....Tbe 
aSS^i? I[«rt'orBancea at AaUey >a are now among the meat popobr 
oSJJi2!.i° -Ibe privilo thdUldb In the Aldarshot 

«np kaoplmprovlna, and ire made noble uaos of for oharlloble pnr- 
SnltasSSSL S?** '5"'ff ^» BlTon tba Ilallu Opera 

Owi^mi °^''?'S^'iS'',?* P»Pnl»rllyUian ever.. ..The London 
SSir "f^a*^ 8hemold....fha National Optra Oompuy Is at 

bi.?'55IS?.,T",i"''.if« ™ •» UTtipool, Otaagow, Ddhi- 
""lb, Kawcoatle-Upon-Tyna, BrJgbtoA, ud PiymOTlh....rroft«aor 


THE ORIGINAL udonly BBYANN' tUH8IBE l8-^bf bast Band 
Id eiWenM (jiuuoaed at tbo Ibllowlog unkqn* pernapns: Ji>Ty 
BrmLtfiO BrraiL Dm AjoU, T. a t^nderjirt, P. B. lawa, 
a Slbi, W. PrEaLr. J, Svorirk. Howard, a KalkrtT, t H- f^- 
ohell, uiiL Uwla. New Burlouuei ud OomKaUUcaarery nlibL 
Admlaslos 2t eenu. Oommence ai 1M o'eloek. U-M 

FioBT IN Clbtblanu— A light took place In Cleve- 
land, Ohio, on tbe 7th Inrt., between T. f. Andrewt' dog 
Jaok, and Ur. Brewer's dog Watch, for JIOQ, Each dog 
made four scratches ; bat on the fifth, Watch leflued to 
face the music, and Jack waa pronounced the winner, after 
a well-contested battle of U mhtutcs. Considerable mosey 
obanged bahds on the occasion, and all present at the fight 
were perfectly satlsfled at the manner in which It was con- 
ducted and concluded. 

Our " Mew Correspondcot," who sends ns the above, 
says : " We consider we havo some as good dogs la this 
city 08 can Iw scared np in any part of the country ; New 
York, Boston or Philadelphia not excepted. Wo are pre- 
pared to make a match against any 2S-pound dog (give or 
take a pound) for ttom $100 to $600 a-slde. Shotild any 
of yoor Mends think this a sufBclent iudocement, or have 
occasion to visit ilie West on baslness during the coming 
summer, they can get a match (by informing ns previous- 
ly throngh the Clipper) or by oalllDg at George Speed's 
saloon, No. 16 Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio, or at T. F. 
Andrews' saloon, Pittsburgh Street 

P. a-Watoh died on the lOlh Inst. 

FiOQT IN FaoviDEiios.— The match between John Snl- 
llyan's dog Spot and Castleton's dog Turk, for S2O0, 
caioe to a focus on the list Inst, at Prentls'e, Rhode 
Island House, Providence. The dogs appeared at the 
scratch at a little after 3 o'clock, both looking In good 
Condition, although Sullivan's dog was somewhat lame la 
one of his fore legs, the result of a previous tnm-up with 
another dog. Ou gettlug to the scratch, both went at It 
with a will, Spot playing on the legs and nose, and Turk 
fighting at the throat At the end of twenty minutes, 
Turk turned. On the 2d round. It being Turk's scratch, 
he went in, and was well met by Spot, both playlog atthe 
same point as before ; In three minutes, Spot turned. It 
being nis scratch, he went at Turk like a shot, and got a 
telling bold, which he kept for two minutes, when Turk 
broke bis bold and turned. On time being called, It 
behig Turk's scratch, he refused, and the battle was 
awarded to Spot, after fighting 26 minutes, 

BiLLT ON Hand.— In our last appeared a challenge, sign- 
ed by Wm. Gouldlog, offerhig to fight hlsdog Tigue, agalnit 
Mr. Roome's 28-poaod dog, for $200 a side, ' Mr. Mome 
has since called npon ns to state that be will accept the 
challenge, as given, with tbo exception Uiat a toss ^all be 
bad for the place of fighting, itr. Gonlding can be ac- 
commodated as soon as he likes. If a match is made, the 
contest between Roome's Billy, and Gouldlng's Tigne 
will be a spirited affklr. A match can' be made by calling 
on Ur. Roome, at 110 Church Street 

Matob IN Cbicaoo.— Johnny Uackey has matched his 
Dog " Lion," against Shermon^s Dog " Jaok," for $2iS0 a 
side, to come off on Uonday, tho 2uth lost, ' The fight to 
take place at the Garden City coarse. Each to fight at 48 

Uatoh in Pawtucset.— Ulchael Graham's dog Niggar, 
Is to fight tbe Pawtncket dog Touch, on the 26tE Inst,, at 
Wm. Prentiss' Rhode Island House, Providence, at 2 
o'clock, P, U., for $60 a side. Graham's dog has hereto- 
fore beaten all his competltoni, but the Pawtncket boys 
think they will fetch blm this time. We shall see, 

Glasoow Billt,— UcAnnlty's dog, Glasgow Billy, can 
be matched to fight any dog in the United States or Cana- 
das, at 30 pounds, give or take half Si pound, for $100 or 
$200. Apply at 107 East 13th Street ^ 

Frank.— Heniy Drennan will match his dog Frank, 32| 
pounds, against any dog of that weight, for $100 or nlore, 
Ir required. A match can be made by calling at No, 110 
Church Street 

CnALLENOE TOiTBB WoBLD.— I will fight my dog Spring, 
26 i pounds, against any dog In the world of the same 
weight, for $200 a side and upwards, Jacob Boome, No. 
110 Church Street 

TtaUOTO vs, RoansnR.— Toronto, April 11 As Mr. Burt Kelloag, of 

Rochester, wbhes 10 make a match with me wllh a 381b, dog, he Is 
JuBl Iho man I hare boon lookUig for, u I have a dog his welgbt, that 
Das been at real loo long. I think If Mr. Kellogg meant Ui make a 
malob, ho would not ask mo to go lo hb own door to Bgbl ; but aa I 
am uxloas Ibr a match, I will loss up wllh hid to cboose tbe place Ibr 
the boulo. I Inland to go to Rochester. In a tbw days, when we oui 
moke further arrugemoiits ; If ooL answer through the Currxn. 

Jasim Nbiix, Sportsman's Homo, Bsyer-streeL 


Ca» oldest catoblbhed Band ki Ibe world,) 
Itom m Vntiwtf, New York, 
ObmprUng Twelve Hnskbas, Tocsllsb, ud Ogmadbiit, 
J. W. RAYNOB t B B. PIERCE, ProprMan, 
an now making their Annual Ibur, ud wilt appear U ill Ibe Frlie^ 
aUes of the Union daring Uia Spring and Soinmer, hi a 
choice aelactlon o( Geos of Mkulrsby, 
iMm J. T. DONNOLT, Afol. 


01, MBRIlflU An ASD 
Iiplalntd ta io easy a Bsnner Ihii uy ptitoa Boy^ 
na^Ark Oaalaliilng di seripUoBsa C 

ooRRGCi rnoiLDiio Ainnirait 

M pnstked by Ibe moat oelebnlad Boxers «(lBa 
met UK oents, mailed froe of posUga. ' JbiL, 
U4m F. BRADY, PntUgj 


hud, which I am done breeding from, I oShr them fbr lalo (tor 
a pair— color of tbe Oocka, dark red ; lege ud back, dark j weight, 
siflba. Hona, dark brown, wllh jelkiw neck, a good slao. I warrul 
tbem lo suit uy man that Andes gome Ibwta. For partknian drop i 
line to the Custom Bouse offlcor, ForUud. I;mb tirom the same Ibwls 
•B per dozu. I have a few One Elaga left Ibr U a ptec*. 
Dover, April 14. L. B LEGO. SIS 


Wbbrb'b That Craok SuotT— Detroit, April 6.— Ub. 
Editor : I have Just seen a challenge in your paper IVom 
some unknown lover of the trigger, to sboot a match at 
pigeons against any man in this State, at 26 birds each, 
for $100 a side. If this crack bad let us known bis nsine, 
perhaps he might have been accommodated upon hla own 
terms. As It Is, nothing can bo said ; but should this 
nameless aspirant for fame think proper, to come out bold 
and say what he means, he shall be met npon tho most 
flrlendly terms ; all that Is wanted Is a fair field and no fa- 
vor, I can assure you, Ur. Editor, there are several 
sportsmen In this city anxious to have such an opportunity 
to decide which Is the most expert shooter In this peninsu- 
lar State. ' Tours truly, Baiihod, 

Lambert and Hendlbt'b Raoe.— The last deposit of 
$26 a side, for Lambert and Hendlcy's flve-mllo foot 
race, was made on the I6th, at Ur. Grace's, Cambridge 
street This match, which has created much Interest In 
pedestrian clroles, tabes place over tbo Lawrence raoe 
track, on the 1 6th. 

GHALLBNOB,"Ohestcr, April IS.— I will run Tom Chance, 
of Marcus Hook, or any other man in Delaware County, 
a foot race of 160 vards, for $26, Uad and money ready 
at Ulrob k McCall's segar store, Chester, The race to be 
run In two weeks after tho match is made. 

Larry Wood, alias LIghtfoot 

QmoK RoN<— The barque James U, Hicks, of this city, 
recently made the run from Boston to the Balize, below 
New Orleans, In eight days, 

Piamif Booonro Matob EniuoRDiMiiY.— Between Mr, John Ibylor, 
of Jersey Qty, ud Mr. FVucea E. Weeber, to aboot at 100 birds each ; 
Mr. Tbylor lo shoot out ofa shot gun— quuUtr of shot unllnutcd; Mr. 
Weeber toshootoutof arUs-baU gun, with ball: 21 yards rise, N 
yards boundary; the gun to be held below tho elbow, aooordlog lo 
rules; to shoot on Friday ud Saturday, 34lh ud Utblnst., on Mr. 
Tavlor'a ground, Jersey Qty: H birds to bo ahot each day; the maloli 
to be Ibr UOO a side, 1100 being now deposited ; ahooUog to oommenea 
Inch day all o'clock. 

We are Informed that Hr. Weeber haa lately relumed :t<m Callforj 
nlo, ud b reported to bo a flnl-ralo ahot, ud at prosonl Is slayloi 
lbs Oregon House, 264 Fulton streeL 

Dobota: with DIrecUona ibr Acquiring a Oram — — 
QroocfulStyre,embracligtho Origin of.Luguage. 
tory of UieEngUsh Luguage ; a Pnctlcal . EspcelUon of the Firli of 
Ppeccht ud Uielr ModlOcaUona ud Arrangement Into Bantenoei ; 
Ulnis on PronundsUon ; the Art of COnveruUon ; DebaUog, Reidtaig, 
and Books. With more tbu Five Hundred Erroca In Speiklng Cor- 
rected. ' Price, In pipor, SO cents ; mosUn, W cents. F«r lale by all 
bookaoUers. ■ . , . 

HOW TO WRITE : A New Pocket Hunal of OompOsUcn and LoUer 
WrIUng. Paper, 80 cenia ; muslin, H conta, 

n nni^ to bs rusuBiD moMAmT. 
HOW. TO BEHAVE : A Hioual of Republican EUqnetla aid Guide to 
CorrectPeraonal Habits : with Rulea for DibaUng eocletles ud De- 
Uboratlre Aaaenblles. Paper, SOc : muaUD.'SOo. 

BOW TO 00. BUSINEES : A Guide to' Euctcaa In FncUol life, ud 
Hand-Eook of Legal and Commercial Fbnna. Paper, lOo. ; maalln, 

One dollar will pay for the four vrorka In lapcr, or •! 7i In muallD, 
ud they WlU bo aont to subiorlbere as faat u publbhed, 
62-21 By FOWLER AND WELIB, 308 Broadway, M. Y. 


FH. LILLYWHITE reapedfully Infomu the C^lckeUng lyatemlly 
• thatbehaajuat Imported a large ud oxcellul laaorunent of Bala, 
Balb, Elunpe, Leg-guarda. BalUng ud Wlckcl-koeplng Olovea. ta. 
which ho Is prepared to sell at the lowest roealble pricaa. Eaob u( 
every arllolo b of Ibe beat muuCurture, uo warruted. A letter id. 
dressed lo lbs Post Ofllce, New Brlghtoo, will bo Unnedlataly aUuded 


TGOLCHER b CO., 118 North Eeoond Street, corner of New Street, 
, Muutscturera ud Importers of Guns, RIQea, ud Pistol ud Gun 
Locke. Powder, Shot, and Ckpa of every vorlety. Cock Spnra, to., al' 


PBAIRJcO*., < '\ 


Xrarr da*erMloai of TUa ud OmlmenUl Job Printlnt l 








iMDCniHBATKDPRni'A'.j^^j^jj^ _ 

OriBueomtor lUtbe PriM UUea tJ^^Stt uditanar 
days ft figi and Brongbun lo tb*f*'4ea betweea 
muy other fine and ntawtf^JJn 11mm, 
flnt-nts PugUbU of uolsi^„4 ^ 

ODDpOed from '&B'| W <i» '"'^^''^S LONOffif 
LimdoD: FnbUabed It "Bell's Uf^ 


Price Two DoUin ud a 






POWUB, eomprtaUig C""--"""' 
wild iDdb, Bumaln, ud 
ant by Bipreas to uy juit, 
41-4m JCii 

lO THE »i!j?J[fl08DPPLYT0tHK BFOimira 

TBB IINDDISIOKEDm g<£l oomplete aasertmsnt of Ibe SMSl 
community oribeCr^2f%rlcu Playing Chrds, alkiw itUi, 

res, Betloaa, Irish, Bargenta, 
er th« above bretdt 

ft WART, l ABCsstsT CUy, Pa. 

modem palleroaor Inii^ 
poatpslt Advutif™' 


lipuk, ftesofi 



ileomer . , 
DOW reidy to 
guuulee the,, 
ud beintr.n; 
FnnD, It 

the Uta Oeorgo Stean' 
' mlbeVDlledt 
ateaner idrlatti^ !■ 
:d YACUia of every deaerlplJOD, and wQ 
ahill Dol be iDfeikir hi speed, alraultt 
k-iir. Bleet* ever oonatrsdad. Apply to fir. 
^utungton aUeet, belweao Bind I a li aH S, 

GEO. W. FRIRb, B-oor of the lata Oeon 
paUems atoSi fl <i>>*^ <* ^T^t down 
Yiohta, ud wb( .ne mammoth OolUna ate 


HE nf^ hfound only at No. 888 Broulway.— Pluoi to lo^ 
DGOIfgd tVirobase; for alia oo mooUily pavmsnli, Bascoi' 
ud renlAj^U to Bieo ; Makideona, MO to %VU. ^ 
hudPt^hrifOn Intelligencer: "Tbe Eonoa Walaw Plano i, fcr 
Bays oon/ucUon, auperior depth ud aweelneBS of Ions, war* 
I bv^petenl Jndgti at the Crystal Falora to be la SB 
—^uuileces of mechukal sklU. Havbig lunetod a Um 
of ih Horace Waters Fbnos, we cu spMk of their maitt, 
• knowledge, u betog of lbs very beat <iuaUty." dl«B 

vraya on bud.. .Fbblng Tscklo nude to order, each aa Rods, Recbi 
LIuas, ArtlSclal Files and Bills, Blk Worm, Qui Bnooda, ud beat faa- 
Uly of Hooka— sold wholesale ud retail. 

N.a— Pigeon Guna casL Steel RIOea, with hicrtaaod tiriat, mads 
order, of tbe best matcrbl and workmanahlp. 
Repairing done In the beat mauer ud at the ahortoat notice, 


61-8m BAMUEL BIRr 



or TIEB 



Td Sobacrlber has constutly on bud a tbll supply 
mut of every article Ibr 

lo uy Reol now In use. 

AO. ; abo 

AND SPOON BAIT, with Qusrd to fbh among/ 
gUng the Hooka, 

REELS of every descT)plk)n. DfOUBH, . 
FiaAL FUS), la great variety, sultoblo 
NEHS, BAMBOO, and REED POLES, by Iho/ ' 

GRASS LINES by tbo caddy or cose. L York, 

w arn JOHN WABHIN, "'^ 







I IwoJCtavo volumea, Slath edlUo n. 84 .00. 

INOIS. In one ocUvo volume, nflb edlUon, tsvbed. 88.00, 
ud field Sports In jienerel. Prolbaely llluslnted, 81.60. 
IINES AND MAYHEW ON TBB DOG, WUh practical SDfiavtap. 
SI 28. 

OLD FORSr RANOIB ; or, Wild Qiorta InlDdlo, WUh stsalSBi 

''sOAFYBroNaE'BBPOBTmGTOOB, WUh coloied Steal esfnTtaa 
from drawlnga by Lcocb, ILeO; _„__~„ 

PabUabed by RBINaBR k TOWNHEHD, ' 


N.B. MiUad bee of poatsg* ea raeelpt of piloe. 

■8, BVJID3, 

6AN. BBAEa and 
,YD<a, ta, ARTI- 
easona. Itogelher 

Cricket Club," Boston.— M. I 
large stock of well aoasoned WlUow, 
aUenUon of all lovers of Cricket, 
Urge stock of Bats and StumpSi 
ud Guila Percha hudles, whlon, 
be surpaaaod. 

All orders forwarded to the i 
Boston Bazaar, 802 WasUoglon a 
The Trade ud Cluba auppllei' 

. having Just Imported a 
:ullybega leave 10 caU the 
tcket Unba ki lenenl, to hU 
bbrly Ibeae with Whalebone 
gtlcliy tnd duisbUIly, cannot 

letory, No. 7 Ohio Pl»o<VO' 
• lotmi A*™ 

In proparaUon 

avely f 





for Subicrlbora, 
, loady^^ 



Hnrn WaiuK HnsiiT, 
ikForater'aFleldSporia," "FWiJb. eta.' 
^els Muual for Young BpotUmen^'j^^ 
Imperial ocUvo volumea of Jiib palnUngs ud 
!ieoI engraved original rorlrallay;,rollowbig cela- 
Ihemwt dbUngoUbedirUsIa,-^ 
m, carefully printed on Indl 





HAY, AO., 

Title Pagea, from original daalgn, 
Bnbellbbsd wllV'F. 0. 0. Diuxr, 

Iteol by tha moat emlnul Bggravan; In- 


^id}D^mboasedotolb,glll extra. Bold only by 

HIOBABL rUMLUP*. Mtf BBS4 J l S i » , l > ■ » . .TATOf- ' 

Tbaae Tkblea combine the nloesl malhemattoa^ aoenarooy of wort 
manSplrilh eleguce of daalgn, udpoueas sU Ihequa^^ 
^tMrnedbvlhasdeotiaopbyai. They have muy advutogea not la 
JSf (5Sw ^ta MuS«£r4 Ibe Cuahkma havtog • nloely«UosM, 
taval ud ore very kiw Jinl to oonalnoted u to praveni oU boppbg 
SlJiJSgrf^SalL W«renownsrttapre^5eaootoaUo(K» 
Z, the nIncliBl Boteb ud PubUo Billiard Boons In N«w York, ud \i 

•«irbe"sfflt'r»a-a,AELraELiK.„, ./ 

BalesroonalMud 188 Broadway, N.T.i 

jror poBLBHED-paid %\, "thb GAME or nijujj^ 

lis Theory ud PnoUce, with nomsiw DIustniUons. Z*"*^ 
SeSioulbor of "floS* VilMaMa^-" ^-^^ 
SS" receipt of prioe, by p'OOHNfflA OpL 
Bt-8m. I ; 


wllh Hammer Uje, Tom Bocor, Marry BelL J 
John Morrbaey. TogJUierwIUi a synopsis 01 bis w Also, lbs bat- 





er One IrotUng bones; 

TUB «wT*ij,*w— - ,n w uuv wuiuuh wiwmt 
Aporlcu triUng horse, MQuesU oj, stilHons,) wbosa 
(ana others poaatalng valubls troUlo|£e,i',„g, obeoorily, t« sand 
btotoiy ud portfrmuccs they wbh_|,, ^ u„i, anlmsb u cu be ' 
Wm If pracUca1[e as complolo a blO" ^ - ,.— 



Price 810. 

obShicd-taclJlDg u acMunt of Jb,,.. v»«.-,^ 

Jpearod on lh/turf-(ogolhor WlUg,.), u,g tnou ir deemed eip*, 
*pe llkeneas,lihlobcubesedt,„,|,],o„u ilvsya accompujr 
dlenL Where^ pedigree ain/b|] whether tbe hone be Ihoroagfi.. 

irformucea when they have 
er 00 eognvM) or daguerrso. 

the blognphyf It being ImW^hned at. GenUemon who are not 
bled or not,— Irnib aloge b^'^^ fijaablo InformiUon, (aa well as 
ownen of hoikca, hot who j;,), ^^ |q h,, (uu usorueo tbat their 
ownen,) are requested t^, Py thb meu* we shall be enabled ' 
conlldcncowlllnoibeml\„|on, ud domonalnla to 1 nicely tha ' 
to irriveot corredi cii„|„i,. j) ^lo Amorksu troUlng hone haa 
aourcea lyom which thr*^ ' • ■ . 

bem derived. up to a alyle worthy of the anbbct, eontalo 
no work will be ^ important matter that can be nmd n> 
much curious, toler(m^|^ not by fknoy aketchct. bnt by angiiT- . 
where; ebe, and ^SmrtiAivt llkeneaaes of ovary eolobreUid troUlng 
toga taken from ^ centory, If obtainable— logelher wlUi portralU A 
bone of ihepriiQ 1 gentlemen conneoled with tbe turf. It wIU also 
celebnted drlvj ehapier on the feeding, Iralntog, ud driving of tret- 
Gootam a ptad,u jggl,]g lurncaa.' All comnonlcallona on UM 
HiSeVt'SSa? tt 8,, Curro Omc^ No. 80 Ado (tnd, , 

New Yoric, ' 


have Juat token peeaealon of their new ud ateaalT* 

l!L,^d real service, 

ifoot of 119th sUeet, BsalRlver, where they are prapsiM 
ll orden to the Bealtog and Yacht Una, with .U sye I* 

n remlUJDf direct to thspiblbhan, win racers 
oipoDse. ' ■ 


_ _ -Competent ud r^b^'J^SkXlSU^-^'^-^^^ 
, cuvisa for aubaorlban to every Suia lo tha tnlon, ud t> 
Froyl«:as. TbeProapeclaaooDUfaitogapeclmmbortbawo^ 
gensnlOroolin, will bafUmbhadwIUiout charge. t^f 

Movini.— May-day wlU aoon be here, with all lis itlendaij 
conaeqaent upon our ibaord ooslom of mortog, or ohangi 
or residence. By thb rjnwbs ayalem, old frlenda are /<^*'i ^ 
algbt oi; perhaps forever. II b a eonsobUon to kno/vuartan in 
our respected friend. Dr. Goaraud, wlU romato il *l>lch Ibey 
Walker street, so that Ihose wbo have snpcrPOKtor, purohua 
wbh to rid IheBaelvas of, hive only to call «>«>on lUiload. Or, 
some of hb Foodres BubUls, ud the dolrwl^ileb, 'Iba Doctor's 
Ifyoadsslraiohave a eleir ud brUIbr^ yoa to 1 twtokltog,. 
well-kDown Ilalba Medicated Soap ^ttoge of roaaala hie, and 
while Uqnld Bonge Jual gives the itaaUon. II may be that yonr 
coDplaKa the almple procaa ofUM color ahould be^rwall,:* One 
hair ta nol np to your Meaa of tsiinod, which changes red, light,, 
article of Dye b prepared bs; n Jet black. So II b a good tbbig. 
or gray balr lo a beutUWAoto at Us popnlor iieod (nartan, '.bT. 
that tha Doctor lamM/Utm Broadway, whcra lhaae and Boay 
Walker alreet, In'Jbd. SotdabdbyT.R.OsIlendsir, 88 ftootti 
other oosmeUa <^£^ilTf- B> Bates, 128 Watbli«t(n strati, 
Third atrtat, " 


QonnssaEMCB of knowledge 
roi aanaua too wan n now, 
dothOUt, , PrilS, ONE DOLLAR 



A BatooLMAsnn, 


«U pages, 


snd^Uolranal Golds loiUUndscf OMUtld Faosy IkDployaMat, 
imeDli'Ud MODer-miktor : " - 
Pnblbbed by 

nliUdMoDey-Biktog. . ■;. 

•-• . OARltett DKB k FITZGBIAtSL 

Ko. 18 Add street. Maw Yolk. 
ilaoArtalsbriUBdeklelbntolJibplioa. ; 
a «f ttia ihova Book SMil|^^Ball|MraO(lp« af II, 10 U^ 

tia Aftals wiatad to euvaas Ctr "'iNQOIBI WnBIV." B 
- OHbOrtestolhaPabUabaii, , IM 

'Si,,"SSS::S2ieriii:'SS^ Bosiicrdiuatt; 

bnllltoorder. . , 


TNVIGOBATTNO GAME OF O'O^-'Of-^lS^'S'^J^i'^,.,??'^! 
1 TAN BreWABT rsaptslftUlr WWf" Hl%2tS!t''"(PSl^^ 
£ hu flilad OP 1 DMnlesdld dry BEnTLE<)BODND, whert patta. 


iTHYXruaMfooklyn, two AlScht.ftom FiUlaDandOtlharta 

'ITB-Ata. Wtoet. Bnodlea, and Sspnof the tKrtqjJlX; «2; 
ud Beaks cooked St tha ibortattDsUoa Good ooolbrtabls bad notta 

by Ibe nlsbt or week. ' 

BeU'B Ufa to LoDdoD, and sn the tporthifpiptn taken. AlaoaBM ' 
qlasdldooUscUon of ptetsrasta tba Dtr room sad parlor, . 


pabUo generaUy, at bb new salooo, lha " Bawdnsl Boaaa," H«, M 
m etrMi, wbart tha best of Alas, Wlosi, Utaon,8agtn, 


W of Us Progressiva ImprovaaiaM. *»^i»*SSS^ 
lbs rnattsa sod¥uy cr tbb Muly aol AthlaUo Biarebai Iba wM*.' 
SibvA0OMPLBIXCSICBItIR'Sat)D>B;io»Usb It added aUlM 
ilBMrtaDtar"Jtitaaalka£A" ^ " 

Frt>h60e(BU, Addt«ttairriBoa6t,K««.T«rtb 


CUouo olab 


CbuDPloa rac« It ir-:v' 
CUUi n.'TWaila)IA<iUe, 

<kiU«rvi. IlM]r.,..V" 
Oommssoomont od Um ■ ■ , 



StUhUCoomU y*ii 

BttMoBtuk va. Bott.n-^H 
But Ume b7 Ftuvlom . . . . f 
fatUmaln nnriM.......^ 

Bktet TB. Clupmu S 

Hirkm YtcblQab Ban. /,-■*- 

BOWlrth TB. OoiiB , 

BAym m CkrnU _ 

aill&kfi.a. Jpba...83, 80e, 824 
In4USi«Wii ,TI, BL jQbil, ,m, m 

■'\v\ :■■ ai,m,m 

LDLBUdwla br'.-OlbMo, tb. 
Iub«l b7D.P« 

Jfilfunn. Etrm...., IN 

mHir UoKlimr : ... ,17 

ytIlUbMn..aUr ..171 

"tt'Hoaal.ruht Pub 18 

in.- Brown 82 

h Sounin^iw, a|F«UeLlM 

«. Imj..^ .248 

ilnAotlnlla 248 

Itpwn.Bovor 181 

Ntw Yorlt yi. Bt. John... 178, 807 

MfTiVotk Xwlt Clqb. .887. 

miSfm---'<.--' 8,18 


owing , 



BtyilTlumaarachtolub ravo.lOS 
fi07Al TNMcaTMbtolubnc&in 
fijt^iAohil Ta. .v^iahlDgton .... 123 

appabunock'TS, Saw 181 

B>c« boala, Ibolr Jilatorjr 108 

Kowlog uidBcQlllDg,...23, 40, 44 

Baco at Ullwaukla .101 

Bio* Ti. Wado. 808 

. Badu OS Ibo Oslawiro 138 

BIM Mtireon Totr boata . . . : . .207 
Itobert BDnaU and Oraco 'Du- 
tBf bdiil dub . . . ... .. , .~;4ii 

ai-oaiod bpat raco 148 

SMWni vd-Bul Bint ........ 183 

aaUpg nutcb at Tror 172 

aiHigdil tba Delawarol . .89; 172 

aHLug at BolUmoro .87. 

flaUlgg at OrtrgU. , , . ... ;. ; . 87 
A. O^orge'a y'tobt clab Tac«..117 

fibafloo yt. Quaj ;;271 

^alolng or boats crow 6..1S 

r-i^i.» •••••• .V. i-, 418 

UgbUbot 247 

Vl™»..'... .-..74 

H. ..... J.MJ»P«lc» ,107, 

ViflMis *t PolhtBuMO 107 

UllrwUlava. Mluiilao 244 

LowMIVa. B(M0D 24T 

Haeh'a or Mewart m Tom «r 

.FaMonoo... IB.tS 

MMbaBha Tt. lodtpeodenl. . . .101 
Hatob In BaoiUtai 118 
ll«(ib'aT.Kawirk,148, 181,1(7, 239 

Marylibono va. Boglaod 148 

lUoohtaUTTa rawwckal.174, 204 

Hatdi In aoctaaaU 187 

Valcb Eitraardlnar7 187 

Uatcboi In aDOlDiuiU.213, 3M, 388 

Uauh 10 Pblladtlptala 181 

Hatoh In Sfncoaa 108 

UaDobejttr CrIckolClub 411 

New York va. Newark. ...48, 118 
New Bamuebiro and Oblo .... 71 
Now York va. St. aoorgo.128, 187 
New York va. Uoglatand m,in 
Newark -n. Pblladelpbla. 203, 238 

Newark vg. ManbatUn 211 

Nemoan va, Fytblan 211, 244 

Oibrd VI. ,AU Biglanil 81 

Olympian va. Oermantown.t8,220 

Old Country vi. .Canada S3 

Olympio vt: St. Qeorge 218 

Oblloary 140,181,380 

PbUad'a Boya tb. tbo Oak.. . . 48 

Pelarboro' va. Coburg 101 

Farla a Ooelph va. Eamliton . .108 

...ParbTB; Oall...... ...127 

'"^Poagfakeep8le va. Wa>t Fanns.lSS 
' '..wla va. Londoa .',..188 





va. ^plr«.., 
,TB.. Bansony-, 

BalUo. ...... IMl jii 

09lutDblkv;.:ie8, 211 
.E»oll)or .89, 88, 88 


Columbia FfijS-— V • •.•j- ■ "? 
DSSSi^^"> ••180,219 
Eiealalor Ti 


Bflefpttoo v». Ndftf ■ 
mtopHse va. stuV^"lK'289 
OoUaiBva. KnIokoirV '^'> ?H 
OdlhamvB. S^elBeWf W 
Harmony vj. VtoUnoiA 
InatrooUon In Baae BaX") jSi 
EDicktrboeker va. EmplV • 
Nuwaik va. ColamblaijTX 'Sx 

M^lfii^.va. Union 

NWlopal VI. OonUnaotal,. T^*- Oraan Uoanlailr'' 

' Va'. '6aiilnVDUU\^8tA 

ila VI. Olympian 189,378 

invi.Qrean Lake 89 

VI. OreonSeld.. 101,127 
ranVlllov.Ullw. 143,174 
cn oloalog oT aeaa«n.2S4 
,Uirrledv. Btogle.. 83 
va. NewBrlgbtdo.. 78 
Sie va. Bridgeport . 80, 189 
Newark.. ..88, 211 
Yonken ..107,187 
va, EaDlllon..,182 

illa«r 81 

ly 71 


wn 189 

Ell 203 


KDgUali 51 

A ngbt in I 
Aleok VI. M 
Blrtb Eitraori 
BuU va,( 
frlUnn VI. 8pi 
Bill/ VI. Barlem 1 
Bony VI. linker. . 
Benva, Tinker., 
DIokvi. Waliaco.. 
D(« FIgbt In Now HaV 
Dog FIgbt In ProvldeaC 
Erin va. CbarbUa.. .. ., 
Rill River va. Yoiikora.\ 
Fill Rlvor va. NewYork\ 
FIgbt In Cleveland... 
Jaok va. Jack. 

Vita and DoDkayllaalDr.. . , , .Vt 

Halasca .20 

tfotlraal.AarUog Hatch 8n 

N4W XorttCbtaa idafan.. .', . 57 
KaUonaintauUBtBuleffl... 89 

0rvUle0ai£ar,.7.... 18 

Oannien «r\Naw Bniniwlok,.3l9 
Oaramen of MttropeUlan aab.289 

Fbanlon uanoDgbt '.. 41 

Partridge Sbiotiog ..; 72 

PbyalcalBea^aUonlllagraoia. 98 

Princa'a BayL. ...i.81S 

PbeaiantSbooling 281 

Prize Game Fowla 257 

Qneeo VIctorla'e 8lialaa......2S8 

Rorol Tbaoce legiUa 181 

Rafclog for Oyal«ra 820 

Room ror ImproTemenl 388 

Rabbit Eilraordlnary 384 

RaUrod FbyildaLT. 802 

Sam TTrigbt, Iba Cricketer. ... 104 

BlagHatandi,...j.... 112 

Bpanlab Bull Fight 233 

Scnilnrent Balmoral Palace.. 272 

StagaOay .....278 

Skating.. 812 

Sparring' Dlagnoii, 338, 844, 380 

Shocking bepravllr 


IbmOaynor 73 

TomCnbb 120 

Iba RUIng Partr 162 

Three Celebrated Crlckelera,.201 

The War Hone (a (tody) 321 

The Bottle Fsat...'. 858 

U.-Slatea'igricaltutml Bcalety.208 

VoogesBce 241 

Woodocck aboetlDg 192 

Ighl-carrylDg Huiilar......J08 

dDuek BboMlig 118 

VUd Indian OamaCMk &Uen.271 
Yankee SuUlvas 88 


Advanlagn of FeduManlam . . 171 

AaaaaltonBlatam 84 

Amateurs at Oifbrd 887 

All aigland natdlcap 7, 181 

Aaton n aielhooae 

Aabby EiOUmaa ., 

Amateur tfalklag Ualcb..., 
Boalon Book u Halcbenoo 

BrowDn Uarch. ., 

Bnnaella ti Sbannon 

Brpckaoo a Cooke. „i 


Barney n Orlndall 

BuUor a Andetaon 

aTajkiri (Jumplsg)., 


Brooklyn Rover nOomell ., 

Barlow n Price ., ., 

Beaton Buck n UoKeaver . , 
Baker tt Clin* ...... 

Badger n a horae.... 

Ben Perley Feorv.... 

Buckley « Headle/.. 


Boyd n Time 


.. 3 
.. 8 
.. 8 
.. 7 
.. 27 
.. 48 
.. 61 
,. 89 
.. 88 





Buckley a llorcb 407 


AftanyTi.tUia..., 85,174 

■Jl^fPJ.yii' k.,.. ....... 101 

Albtny,;n, fiphott 319 

Aipaieanvp. aullib..,. ....204 

4pallenirbrl857, 218 

!a|la«a vs. America. .283, 818 
Utaglanil ya. pnltad All Big. 

.lufl Eleven ,..891 

AV«tagia brCMckelara...230, 314 
.,1.,-r.,., 34T, 254,283, 2fld, 371 

Albany. Criokel Qub ,411 

Sm/mfaa va. 0. Weit4m.l82, 158 
|W*6n VI. W. BrlghU)n.l86;i97 

«(»|(r»phyorciarke ....301 

^MOlt VI. Dniled Blatei, . 107, 178 

Otb(, Amiterdam .174 

fnowa VI. TVoy 197 

Ooalog or Uanbatlan Club 320 

Oloabg or Long laland Club ... '.219 
■Orlpketiln SL^ohna.. ....... .319 

.dd . , Intbs W«at 284 

.do . In St. Louli 287 

AO,.. hiNloelowq ...264 

do ' In Pblladelpbls. .... 254 
,lu BaardvlUa. 
.W/.i ia,aBrqaMavn. 



In aeveland ..;84, 188, 840 

In Columbia. .828 

In New York 368 

In FrovMeaoe 

lathe South ,.„. 878 

New Jenej vi. Long laland.. .383 
Richmond a. HenrlcoOo,..,,. 88 
Blplon va. lendlgd... 61 
Webb llMlayt. Hagple Oeok..216 
t ■ ■ 


Annie Lonadia aa Otpt. Char. 

lolte.i.V.A ' 40 

Arabian nor>« , 68 

AndreW'SlarkrBulat) 84 

American Sleahiblp AroUo. . .217 

American YaeUSylvIe 9> 

American Equelrlonna lis 

A Steeple Coaat'... 41 

Amerioan ool Fiendahip Cup.MO 
A Royal Race Belt. ... ... . ,;.329 

A Serenading Paiy 400 

\A Fcolbor-bcd Sbrt8man,...<00 
■4 Foep.Bahlod Ih) Scenoa. . ..4)1 

.Hone Group..; 408,40) 

^ "1orv.....\:: 'n 

Table andplagrema.. 2f' 
In bla Let oTUuttoa 

Br*ak-v ...........S!l 

J va. Baysial *46 

10 Race Boat l*d^ 

Canino Ft- •• ,,J 

CbarloUe *™ • • • 'A* V ?If 

- — ^usan Ou0hman.l58 

178, 300 


OonttablemWbeaUay.. 7 

Ckaildy n UcKeorar 11 

Oookti'A'inare 15 

Oonglon Edwards .1.. 48 

Cooke nBrookaon.. 77 

Jack VI. Wan."!,", !!!! !X.^£haHoy Barney n Sleepy Joe,. 99 
Jack vi..CbarIoy XS'fy t» Donnidaon 116 

Sodger VI, Uon |v[lpnleMfbr cbamplon'a belt. ... 133 
ATI. Crlbb \V«ldy ta Newark Cblckonl47,187 

Llllr va; Bounce Woii u Jenna 189 

.UoDva.Dger Jft aShuliz... 284 

liicky vi.Tfelaon 2881" Jlo"""'-". 286 

taw va. BUIy an'lylgoin Hancock 271 Brandy... 65 

Uatch la Chicago 415 

Hatch In Pawtueket 415 

Nelaon ve. Nalion 211 

Now York vi. Troy 219 

Suncb va. DlHy 191 
at Klllisg, 8, 7, 11 22, m- 86, « 
86, 83,83,108,161,111,199,219 
■ . . Ztt, 268,286, 808 
Skelper vi. Crlbb....i,.. ..;.876 
Street iralker,.a great flgbt.. .269 llbse..,.. 191 

Dinner V8,.0laaa-eye..., 379 

Tonoh vi. Fly 295 

Tom HyervB.' Jack 837 

Whiakey va. Crlbb 91 

Vhlakey vi. Jack 208 






Bolton .61 

.36, 61, 89 -JJ 






tW| kil* e*i 

Oflckelen Abroad „, 

Oriokeltra or OM .824, 832, 889, 840 

_ , ., jt, 848,867. 

IMpUaa Vii Ofrmanlown .v ' 8 
BUdt Chib/Kawark,. i364 
SMarlakloAva. a John. ... .188 
Fradaiiatcn vs, UUtalry . t ... ,188' 
O^ffautli VI. PbUad'a;n, 191: 319 
<}aniuva>va. Y'g ;Amer<aa; . , 75 
OeaUemen vi. Pbyera or Q)g.l67 

aHbyamrdhiary 81 

BaaatdvlUaQub;..; ,,101 

BaoUlon vi, Ibronto isi 

Baantilllets. iJUywblta...,18a 

Bamlltonvi, Orient >,189 

BamlllODvi. Unplra 378 

luUaoUoa and Uwb or Ciloket. - i 
j,Wf ^1,71, M.W, 109, 118, Isi 

filMljta VI. Orient \V,:m 

Cricket IT 
Col. Coll. 
Chrom on ^ 



Dredgliig for Oy 
Deer Slajklng. . . 
Doddy, the EiqDii 
Doer Hunter and 

E. H. Plorco _ 

European Cheaa PlayA 
BigUah Hone Jookejtl 

BigUah YaohtBi. 1 

ElUngtcn, Winiterertho 

EngUab Eollpao,. 

Forrest ai Hamlet , 

Frederick iriUlam Utiywhlto^ 
nahlon Oouraa, I. I 

Florid Temple... ., 

Florenoe, tna Irtati OomediaD , . II 
FIro Boglna. , 


Elllaon . 
Four mll( 
Fbat In Rus_ 
Foiled taBcg( 
OwlnnotTlroe. . 
OUllogbam n Brial 
Orindell t|. Smith. 
GrliDdeU n Cbok. . 
Grlndell a Oeek m 
Orindell q Boston Bui 
fl«?«<iap.... .'..... 81, 

HawkeitiBsaiell ... 
Hagbei, feateitnurdi 


gudicap In England m'i 


Uerro«ka n LenthaU 



Harm Hoe.... 

Hlll'a FIDeen Mile Race. 
Ironaldta nllme.. 
Indian Smith ti Two beiuj.' 


Jobnaon a maaiiy . 
Kennovan a Tfalnor a itaiV 
fll - 

HBW 187 

SulUfUD Unknown 318 

SivlUa m Boa pool , .971 

Ibomptonaauy..., : .'69 

ncoiaanisTlms 317 

TTalnot nllaM .....888 

Tanartallma ,,347 

Tcathall, Ntwman, Bmioo, Je- 

ED. and Woedatotk 15 

Welch t« bla brother 18 

WiDrownSbephordBoy 43 

WerthanaReta 63 

Walaoo « Tucker 58 

Weathaliallartin 63 

Walib, Uaaen'a Novice, aUar- 

grtta... 68 

Walaen, Reed, Uartln, Welsh, 

andHarka 63 

Whlt«a IndlBDS 187 

Wheelbarrow Feat 269 

Walking extraordinary. ... .78, 314 


AgricuUnral Ode 260 

A SleddlDg Reminlacence 209 

A Fkntaay 288 

A Theatre Addreaa 380 

BlD^on: a nautical lay 48 

Bear, Ape, and Fig: a fkble. , .208 

Bocka Have at Ye All 188 

Calom'QooUm. .. . . . '. 282 

Carom 00 the Koaa. . . .'. 20i 

DIacrlnibukUng Courage. 18 

Ducking the 8cheoImaMar..'.'.844 

EpIgTam 144 

Eqaallty , 841 

Fallen Angola 888 

Great EObrl or the Huae 184 

Hurrah I Ibr Tkcooy 120 

Hurrah 1 for Pet 121 

He Waa a Trump 138 

Hamlet In Tone 218 

Homing 8osg 298 

II la Hard l« Begaln Bapgtalion 8 

I and We: a bauUcal lay 18 

Impromptu lines .268 

lines onCheaa^.. 66 

My Dog.'.............; .267 

Nellber Won nor lost........ 851 

One FUlblbl Friend Still Len..218 

Old Dog Tray...;..' 820 

Pnbllo Poetry. 67 

Beat ft>r the Wicked 488 

Rconey'a <U ;..876 

Shaky, 186 

Spring VI. lugin 173 

Boog or the Fanoy 200 

ShylecklaVene 217 

SignaorRahi..... 301 

Spertaman and bla WlTa 813 

lhal'a So... '.188 

The lion Grown Old 162 

The Poor Uan'B Friend. 178 

The Criala, or the Ancient Fk- ' ' 

' Irlot to his Countrymen 180 

The Horao 193 

The Bwlopior .208 

The Belt which the Champion 

Braced., Jitt 

The Two Feralana .370 

The Doable Plot 281 

Ibeldiet ..388 

The Suunmeren 828 

The Felon 838 

TtaeFbzChaao 884 

TbeLapDog ..892 

The Indian Door 400 



at ^7lllam3mburgh 42 

.atTacooy 43 

New 'York Yacht Club 69 

New York Orcat National . . 74 

• at Charles Rlvor 83,91 

atHartbrd... 91 

atNewburgh 91,207 

alLOweU 91, 100 

Ekoneattles Yaoht Glob lOa 

at New Haven 123 

.RtCor1c,Irebind...'. .... ....126 

Delaware'. ; 
at New Bedford, 
at Newborvpoit. 

at Toronto 


'Rhode Island.;', 

131, 183 





207, 228, 251 
, ,......,207 

,211, 210 

Apprenllcea ooTtlamcs,BDg.218 
YaleCoUetre.;. ....288 
CbaniilealuQiglahd 268 


In CInctnnnU: .47, 311, 320 

UJUoblgini 283 

In St. Clare 287 

U Ulddlecreek 2«7 

la Delroil.... ...287, 289 

la Newark 378 

la Oamden 287 

VI. TlplonOaahsr.... 8B 
vs. Orma. ,-, . , . , , , .44,' 83 
doktl.iyi»r,.... 4T 
BretUe'vi. Simmon..;..;'. 71,'8S 
Bnfapby or Yankee BdUvta. 68 

Breoksv<.WilUama..;. 154 

Butcher Boy VB. Inlknt Jos, , , ,311 

Bromley vi. Ihorpe. 318 

Baffertyva.Janaa.,, ,.„... ,318 

Broome vs. Bahnan 246 

Bradley va, Gardner. , ..',250, 28T 
BeaOamln BralD, bla careor....800 

BsUleln NewOrhiaoa 369 

BaUlotnOUo'... 883 

Baltli In Maaaanbuaotts 871 

Oaunt va.:Bendlga 4 

OarevB. Curry.,.,. 86 

Cory VI. Bnman . . ; 86 

fteokera, Swalo 88 

CoogreaaleDal Prize FIgbt..,. 133 

Gain va, Adama 141 

Cbampleo'a Belt! (Ehg.) ,.,.167 

Coiran va. Tttland ITl 

Oobley va, Travera .-176 

a«i:keU VI. Holroy 181 

ObmboUvo OeplouBneea 204 

Oolllns VB. Duly, ; 213 

CUa.VB. Adams. J. , . , 268 

Career oT Hallon. 826 

Oookaey va. 'Wlagfleld, 844 

Cr'utchley va. Lane.,' 891 

Career or Solloo.,...,..808, 317 

Charles Xynoh 413 

Campbell vi.Haltoo 415 

Oobley va. Crockett 415 

Challenge....' 411 

Cbanmie 411 

Death or Jemmy ITharlon.... 31 

Dimple vs. Baaaon 51 

Doyle VB. Lewla 90 

DuITiiy va. Irvin 90 

Do>thorYankeeBalUvui,62, 83.92 

Death of Gcorga Kenaett ,227 

Dg Hon vi. Plerpoint. 280 

Dutoh San VB.'Oaynor,;', 281 

Death or Jack Oldham, ., .t ,. .889 

Doeatlckaaod the Fancy 897' 

Edwards vS, Ball, .,,,185 

EccleatOD VB,' Cordwell 296 

FtMsharva. Birch 188 

Fknoy va. Police . . , ; 149 

FU^g if Yorkshire 817 

Flannery vs. Nelau..,; 416 

Oomanvi. Baxter..; 69 

Glint vs. Keene 220 

arundyvs. Ikylor, 28 

Hayes va, Maaasy 94, 95 

HIcka vt, Brooke 53 

HUlvs.'Fruer 69 

Hart.vs. Honahan 107 

Bjrer vb; Bradley. ,'. .138, 147, 154 

Hemmenley vi. Perks 167 

Hopkins V8.'Dals;.,.,,.,;...189 

Hayes va, Uaddcn 329 

Hammer vs, Evans 395 

Herrlgan vs, lAzoraa 887 

Hayea va. Travers 416 

Ingram vi.' BrOokf 205 

Ingram va. Wbltem 277 

Jonnson vs. Sheebas ,. 99 

Kelly vs: Lynch 179, 187, 189 

Knife vs. Bunch orFlvra 188 

Ijncb vs, Derry Youth ...... 86 

Longmore vs. Newton 77 

lAlTerty vs. Ford 90 

langworlhvs, Halagan 116 

Morris va. Smith 16 

Uackey VB, Davis 27 

Malpaa Vs. Fleet...... ., ... 31 

Mackle vs. Roborla 75, 85 

Uulroy vs. MoiBeld 77 

Uorloh v>. Moss 93 

Hlllard va, Ko«re 124 

llollneaux va. Kammorliiao..l33 
Huaole, or Tho Uanly Art... ..193 

U4S3 vs.' Lovccock 337 

Maoeva. Thorni:,.,. 888 

Hod us Openndl afPrizo Figbta.e*! 

Uaddoa va. Brellle, 

Newton TI. BIrmlagham. 

Norton vs. Sullivan 

O'Neilva.'McOlane.,.. ., 
Orme vs. Langhom. .... . 

Fries vs, 06bum,.., 
Paddock va. Broome .... 

Price VB. Bllslon .... ... 

Price va. Terry 

Paddock vs. the Slasher.. 

Preeton vs. Newey 

Prior vs. Androvrs 

Perry .vs. Foalor, 





,.„ 69 



165, 219 




.. 7 
.. 11 
.. 69 

In Horrislown,.,,'; 

la Reading ,., 

Is St Johns;,,, ,'., 

la Eoaton 

In Philadelphia,... 
~ New Jersey.... 
Newcastle.;.. ., 

Aluna, . ,'. 


" Iter.... , 
vs. 'Wohdera . 

...,399, 831 
, ,.....,.299 









JiUrrtni.Oa»/.,ii.,.,i'.j;i, t9 

Utowhtte UMt Balaafbrd vi. V 
tJSHS*' ¥^ Tyie.vA ,; „ 184 

MwaUvi. lavrreaoe 166, 183 

1*01 Uaad vs. fitooUys . .'. . . 199 

Flair Nell, (he Irtah Nare 187' 

QuaUvua 'V. Brooke, Tragedian 48 
Qolog to and retomlngftom (he 

•H««>«... 80 

Grouae ShooUog iQg 

Geo. Browq, Ton-mile 
Qymoaatlo DIagrama, 114, 298, 287 
■ " 304 

Game OooVi..i,l.,.. .'348' 

Harrlaon.lheBuongiatMan.. 16' 
Hughes, jhoPedeatrlan,'.;,.,, 80 
Hobbs, the Look.plcker......881 

Bewy^Wilaon ....,;893 

Hone Racing too 

Borae RaolDg In Japan ; 105 

Improved Fire Hook 853 

'•""Sllaby,. .'.; 68 

J/J;Wallaoki„, ,. 248 

Jonny Jonea...,,! :,;126 

Japaneie Wreallera, 121, 138, 139 

James Bmllh, Pedestrian 160 

John Jiokion, iho Oentlemkn ' 




legna rKp' PbUadolphla1P6 
LowUand ......824' 

lUUlaryOfflcaW* ;...41S 

MaytsDooglai.v 16 

Varoh n Boston bk- 48 

Uulr n Slepleaen ..} 107 

>'-s. Free HI Time, , . \; , . . . 185 

. .1, Bontley:; ..\...189 

ManaTlBie;..' ;,.187 

Han MA bone ''.189 


Uoon n Hunt 

Uoonia Vountjoy.,. 
Uargeua.a Uorrook 

Novel Wager 

New Pedcatnon Hatch, 
Oaabonrroca.;... ... 

Offidala la FIttgburgb...., 

One hundred mile walk'gmateh4l6 
iMdneyetJbrgotUw..;.,..;. la 
Pedeetnanlam among JuvonUts 37 

radpeyiaSyddnU ,,.53, 

ey,UarkS,PricoaOoek,. IS 
eyaJankiaQaa mare, .,88 
leairlanlitai In Iowa ,. , .91, 13S 

-w Barlow... .'..., ,167 

stT1me,238,^, 265,28t 

-•nWOrevca .' 346 

|?JVwJackBon 317 

f «»luilun In Boalon. 883 

^ , lrilldla.'.''.;,''..M9 
reseairl^ai Eilraordlnary. 413 
Fodney n£ L,y,u ro-Dia«oh»a418 

?<2ij?""VMtoon, * Wood. 

AOentloman 377 

Taylor 370, 870 

, Holland 307 

>thig,19, 28, 150, 239,244 
• 293, 848 

ig.... 170,l9tf 

irdl'y.8, 166, 325, 388 


^??{};»»{B»ah Blva»: 
.Snipe Shootibt'iijana'. 


Barney Ford'a,,,.\^.. 


1, 276 

.,.,,,.74 Sl'rt'IjI!?;'-! V«.1KM0 

3 A,.'..\.. 61 

»|«?'«--"'-- X...^,34j 

4o»r[!7'': 78 


I'Ah'w' «■••;>•. .4.188 

'Wy... .200 

86,167, 18» 275 



Bdket;.....,.....,....., 168" 
KingCharles Spaniel;;......, 40 

UntemandBui..;;- u 

liOweatoffRanUa :;,;,, 146 

Maeretdy aa llaohelh 9 

Hw^omsty . and till' ^DdUb , < 

Man eiHIngte'lhVAir'.iltillilu 

uuituy iaamvTe.v..v sn 


Seed t( niwihn 
Howe a HUlonX ' 
Baolog lo.Brodkl 
Baco bet wtaati 
Slobardaob 'n L_,„ 
BohluseiiM NaMuS 
Bobloaoh t« Neirion 
BeUrenldst er.6M«soD..\ 
8weepe|ake« on the lee.' 

Anoaer n aims 



ammons is Rider.,., 
bnlla a Byddall ,. . , 



. IB 

PdgllltUo Occorrenoea., 389 

Powora' Flallo Qorcer: aakotob.286 

Progrcn or the Art; ; . , . .411 

Quia vs. Ikylor 211 

Roberts vs, laverty 3 

Riley VB, Skonwright; T 

Deed vs. Sharp 210 

Reunion or the Fkooy 338 

Bay vs. Hartley ,,.,.197 

Stnlth va. Kelly .... 23 

8win VI, Hammer Lano 80 

ewtetnun.vB, TbompeOn 195 

Stanley vs, Elward,,.,; 277. 

Salt vs. Walab 837 

Sayors; vs, Jones 831, 378 

BwUt vi; Lanrna 77 

Sullivan vs. Jemmy Norton ,.413 
Tipton Slaabor vs. Porker..,, 13 
TlpUin Blaiber Va. Paddock. . 38 

Travera vs. CrockeU 60 

The Greek VB, Pray.; 

TSddy vi. Colter.. ...v.. 181 
Tan Broeok y. U. Uurray, 311, 231 

The Prize Ring ; ,.328 

Trial or Baker 226, 258, 288 

Tyler va, Rnblnaob., 244 

iiyierva; 'White;,.,,; 244 

Travia vs.' deghom 361 

'Teddy va. Baggy Wllaen 406 

>T>ler va. HaielUne ;,;..400 

Toddy VB. Lucky Moore 418 

.Tipton Blasher va, Tbm Sayen.415 

Vinoent vs. Gardner 122 

Walah va.. Downey 188 

WIlUamsvB, Claroy, 307 

WUllama vs. Pilot.,,.. 7 

Yankee SulUvan va. Sknmong. 43 
TankeeSulllvan v. Ham'r LuelOl 


AwTuI vs. Lantern 278 

lAtlanta vs. Time 88 

Black Maria vs. Long John.... 37 

Blood Block, gale or 84 

Butober boy. vs. Bylown 103 

Buchanan va. Channlog Blily. .107 
Boalon Girl va. Iady Bherman.122 
Backing out, or TailBnl.v.'s . .186 
'BilOiilo Bin VI. Bauoy Kate. .'.'.167 

Bull vs.LadyHonU 183 

Buckskin vs. Palmer 163 

butober-boy ni Jeaals Fre'nioDtno 

Bull va. Fashion 191 

Bl'k Morgan vs. BIr Walterai8,2Sl 
Bliok Hawk, death or,;.: ....268 
Black Warrior death oT'., . , . .288 


Di*isend\V'; ••'S 

DavU'a...^'" " 

EihilbiUon In 
Giidlner'a. ., 


Harrington and Horrigu'ii 


Horflgan's , 107, 

Hotrlgan and Adams's 811 

Jobiuiy Haekey'a 87, 879 

Johnny RublD.son'a lOT, 121' 

James Lavorty'a 147 

Kell/'i..,,j':,,'. .,.',;.,,,.., .147 
Ken(tteky,-Bparrlng In. ,,;.,',.' 70 

Hollaeaux'a 183 


Mlke'Ward'a ;..;.;;., 

OtUgDOn and Montg««iary>«, 
etewart'a... .;;/.;;;...... 

Traoy'a.,,, ;;,,,.<'..,. ,..1 


Wallaoo and HeUlyM't.,.i 

Conway'a sorroU BUly va. Hana- 
. fleld'a Black Hawk Maid.... 11 
Cooper va, BIranffer. .163 
(bmmodore vs, John WandB„199 
iOopgo.vs, Dandy. i,.,..378 

Chauaboochoe Courae 416 

Dwarr vs. Nelly..;. 23 

Daniel Wobatar, aale oT. 883 

ponoaiter. Jleeilog , 197 

Danand lAotorn ya. Banlogs 

I BoUeand Jolin Irwin 
bnma Jane va. Fear Not , 


igllata Eollpiu, history or, 
~ ' uii ra, Rosabel 

, ,therin6. 

Adillniva. Oardnar,.',.,,.,. 

Aaron vt, Roblnton ,. 

AflghUng Taller,,. 

^•ndQla of Uendfia . 

,ibl«U va. Daley 

Balu vs. ra|e <..t 

Benitlgo va. Pidisck 

L Balemuii 

. 23^ 
. 73 

Ootfrso; Pprlng'MoeUng 79 
)nplo 'va, Cblosgo Jaok 98 
Bainblor..,. ....166 

FUnr A!'- Tiacony 183 

Ewhlon09tl»nw» »» 

GenaeeO ooaMMwUng. ,191 
Uoodwdod Raod^ ^-AVi 
Oen..Tkylor TB. HekilVH? 
OeniftylOf »s: Raia82''5*i 
Hornet vl. Nubhina. . rJk'S? 
BfmlllOD Ragea. ,, , . ^kJ' 
Uooeal Patervl. li. Woodrit? 
Hbaeet FMef liidy BntylOl} 
H«#ley Vs. Ja«k'FDUar..llO,' 

B. Woodroirva, Joe ...;33l 

Uawley va. Shanghai ~~ 

Hundred Mile Race.. . . . .896, 

loU vs. Boaoai John. ..'..,;;'. M 
Iniomar va, -Wloked lUIy.. .. ;167 

lob va. Ellen; 131 

loU va. JobiL Wands 131 

Jiffl Slow vs. lady Dyar 71 

Ja(kfMlsrvf;j|iielIorgia,, 93 

J'eanDot vs; Maria, . ; no 

Jake Caklay t, Ben* of Baratigiin 

Jendy Jooei, pedigree or 228 

Jamet Irving vs; Ton .376 

SMir Ndtblacv'. Chicago Jack 43 
Bale Miller, BdstOBairT, Udy 
■ Bharmao, a Marjr Taylor 88, 103 

iMtem VB. Bon 33, 26 

Lady Cudoer va. Peter 81 

lady ShannoD VI, Daveneugh. 83 
.Lady Lawrence, UUlo Nell, and 

ReedOolt 83 

Lancet VI. Flora temple.;. ...199 
iMdy Irvine vi: Bky Socket, ..109 
lady Moscow VI, Taceny. .'. . .199 
Udy Moacow vs, lantern, and 

Roeket ....215 

Little John vs, Jim 320 

lady WoodrulTvi. IadyBuIIbik231 
Lady Riley vs, Wbelpley's bay 

mare .,..168 

Lady Long vs. -Wbelpley's bay 

mare 163 

lancet vs. Brown Dick 286 

LadyRlley vs. Beeswing.. 93, 179 
lady Rogera vs. CapL rotera. 93 
Leiugton the ehaaplosi..l08, 183 
Lady laogloy va. Flying Dlck.118 
Lady Boyle vi. Lady Scott.. ..167 

lady Hsacow v>, lola 237 

Lady Ellen vs. Fkooy Fern. . . .244 
Hary Deniard vi. Poa Fenla. 0 
Mary Taylor v. Lady Staermanl03 
llald orOerard v. Akron I,aaa,167 
Maid or Gerard V. Wller Fc>« :I6? 
Meld or Gerard v. biradeld. . . 157 
MiOor Wendell, Lady FbUUps, 

and Ben Boll ........: 183 

Hllwaukle Stallion Match.... 191 

Mcae vs. Milkman 231 

Mule Race...: 261 

HaUan at Home 

Mobile Races ; 416 

Hrtil no Jockey Club Bacta .... 415 

Newmarket HetUng 216 


Pryor vs. Leeonpto. ,' 6, 11 

PuasFarrli, Tbm MoOuffln, and 


PolnlBreeteTmthigPark.... 88 
Flfltoimare v. Woodrafl'a aul.lCS 

Prince vs. lantern 179 

Phllad'a New Baca Oeone .... 244 

Radng In QdUbmla 7,244 

Quebec Racoa 167 

Queen Udo v, lady FIimore..237 

Booketva. lola.... 244 

Royal Plate Wisnere 281 

Beed Bird va. Uountjoy 270 

Rurlo, sslaor.. 204 

Bcoket, Brown Dick, and lady 

Mdscow 171 

Rose or Wash. v. Chicago Jack 179 
Red George vs, Akron tasa. .;167 
Bad George vs. Buchanan Ma|d,167 
Bed George vs. Wllor Puss. . . .157 

Docket vs. Brovn Dick 79 


In Indiana 11 

hi N. Orloana a Savaiinah li: 819 

InTbledo 71 

In Old Dorks m 

in England.; 172 

in Soboyiiilll Haven.; 172 

InMllwankio 216 

in SouUi Ovdlna .-279 

In San DIcgo 1 Taa Angoloa;.3e3 
Sully UlUer tb, Fleogbboy . . . .237 
do Ts, Lady Sonlag.. 231 

do TB, Reindeer 163 

do va. Freeport Girl .170 

do Ts. DikorBey 179 

Sao WoijblogloD, sale or ; .276 

Steeple Cbajo la England . 317 

Spot vs. Draltlcborougb 281 

Saldlnava, litUeEimo :.167 

Seboatopolva. (Vinny Ftrn.... 23 
Trusti>o^^. lady Reilly;...43, 63 
Tib Hlomon v. Ulllef's Damsel 93 
Tkcony 'VS, 2ao Ibyler; .350 

TtcupiBeb vs. Unknown 93 

T\ursiitlstlc9 109 

Trustee, death or 157 

'I'orr lu Qgiaoe ■/05 

Touch-and-go vs, lamor Coll.. 278 

Teeumseb vs. Uncle Sam 270 


. :ln Miohlgen 881 

InEogbmd ...897 

in Chicago. ., .179, 109, 244, 215 

on the Ice.,,. -. 819 

In San Franciaco .....319 

In Canada 844 

' In Pennsylvania ......383 

In the South 863 

in Warwiok 199 

at FOhil Breeze 103 

In Rochester 179 

In Calllbrala 179 

at PorlJcrvls.,.' Ill 

atProvldenco Ill 

Topeyvs, BlUy 109 

Dnkndwn vs. Atlanta 93 

Wolverine va, BntUeborough.261 

Yankee vs. lady langley 37 

Young America vs. Duchess ..179 
Young America v.Das Webstor363 
A Novel TrolUog Match 92 



.... 17 
.... 49 
. ..172 

Answen to Correspondoola, 
eaoh number) 

Aballuehce Eitraordlpary . , 

An Agad Actress 

Air and Exercise 

Alru-Inand OutoTDoora. 

Agrloultural Sodellos 

American Bowb , 

Artist and Dog Stealer... 


Autocrat and Ibo Aclor. , , 

An Eulogy on CLainpagno 

A Curioua Bel 

A Monster Bird 

Advice to Boxora 

A Baco for a Bride ;193 

Anecdote or Burton,., 80 

An Inlereatlog Chess Letter.. .100 

An Immonse Cbeaaboerd 180 

Ages qf FDmlnent Men 257 

AOreat Doer Hunt 253 

A Military Dinner Parly 184 

Anecdotes or Dogs, 8, 9, 40, 58, 89 
108, 121, 113, 173. 197, 318, 220 
225, 240, 249, m, 269, 308, 320 
836, 880, 8(S, 876, 881, 386, 387 

An Amnaisg Duel 

Agrlculluni Exhibition. 

A nee Fight 

An iDleroaUng Fight .... 

ASUDgular FOb.. , 


A Polite Judge..; 

A Meas or a Msmage. . . . 
Arabian Bone vs. Bigliah....l40 
Arabian Borib, bis Inllaenoa on 
modem breeds,. ..:.,.. ...366 

A Report on Ropbrters. . ; 196 

A Sharp Shooter 841 

AnlmoeoseOx 83 

A Weddbig'Bace:: 886, 

AKannlDgMiteh 40l! 

A Fireman's Lqvo . .;,.;;.;... 413 
An Old Fireman nt Rest .... ..410 

AFburYenrOld 410 

A H«ne wllb a Cork Leg; . . ; ,410 



, 50 






Bilb used lu AngUng 09 

BickgommOD 6 

Badger and Bear' BalUng. ' A 

. dUlogne.;,- 301 

Baltls between Two Snakea...285 

Ballebna, their UUlory 277 

Boar Well Balked 204 

BeU Bloglog..;.. ;,.808 

BUIIard wmepondenoe 108 

BlIllanM, Ila Ftogrpia 374 


Ikbley vs. Jonathan t...,.> 81 
France va, America...... M 

Fhelanva, Ftadlck....,,.'47 

Greeft Vl. R4aaa.,...,,.,10S 
Uahour va, I« Bno;..',-, ,165 
Jerry Dare vs. Jack Bogers 

187, 194 

Ity'lmd Heilal Oilluro.... 10 
'w CvisspoDdeooe, 189, 146 
* ,78, 196, 303, SW, 348 
^,'828 886, 889, 847 
A<KcleaiiCII|>petB. 10 
943, 260, 190 


DnU I 

BoUnghU 383,186 

BnU Ftahitta ef Bsvllle;.v,.'i. .897 
Stack Bole cr CkIontta;,..'.:;.it9 

Beneflti orOaacbig .192, 473 

Ban MaDory;..'.. .,.,7. • 8 
Borleaque on BanUog.....„.284 

Baneflta oTSUtlag Upright 241 

B«*o,t«U.. ...„,...." UO 

Cinbat between a BM and Bar- 

C(£mWke:aekaiob!.'!,'.'i!! 72 

U)achIIoruB:adla]ogae 76 

Crhaeaad M Antidote 880 

Oocodlie Bbouing 889 

Qirllng, 76, 271, se, 382, 208, 819 
^ , „ 324, 840 

Qirrler PIgeona ,;,.,.,., 885 

Card Flaying, Ila oriald,- to., 25 
101, &4, 281, 816 
Cheas Match: stale, 128, 187, m 

Cheerlog, Ila effect 891 

Clipper Crew en a Crnlao 821 

Clcanllnoea or Person 162 

ChnnoDB oT Puglllam 248 

GorreapondenceonMilk 138 

OMklog 406,418 

Ood-UverOII DIatanced'. 413 

Cleanliness— Beallh— Amuse- 
ment. 413 

Cooking b> Conneolknt 418 

Closing or Billiard Saloons ,..,110 

Cui bono 4U 

Allen va. Rbea'a Lane Party 411 
Card :.411 

Distances Across the Atlantio.,252 
Deecriptlen of Penny Theatrea 

In London i 

Dead-beads, lhabrgrlevances..388 
DondDg— alter va. Brown.. .,150 
DlamondCDtDlamond:aBkel«h 78 

Diver and tho Shark 191 

Dinner: aakelch 808 

Dog Fancier: a tale; 239 

Dog— Man'a Beat Friend, 816, 824 

Don Glovanl and Faost: a com- 

parlaon .344 

Drama, Ila hifluencea..'..'.'!!.'. 58 

Driving the NaU 82 

DrivUig In Ancient Times 209 

Death of C. Feist 133 

Daring Feat or Horaamanahlp.. 17 
Death or Robert LSterena.... 8 

Death oT George Bteen 188 

Death at the Toilet 41 

Death or Firemen's Dog 170 

Death oTa Racer .410 

brl H. Fierce , o 

Eierclae wllb Dumb BeUd 83 

EogUih and F^ncb Weights.. 113 

Exhibition or Poultry 291 

EITccta or Bad Temper 288 

EdltorhilCorrespondenoe 124 

ExercbohiBlncallos... 208 

Exerdae and Health 140 

berclse with the Bayonet. ... 211 

E^ymanl In laughing 273 

EiiMrience cfa Lunallo 389 

FIgblorHellEeUle....: 1 

Fcata In Beer Dressing 169 

Foot Ball lu Philadelphia 291 

Fast Young Han m a light 

Place 337 

Fencing 309 

FIreaIn London 29 

FIromon I& Wlsconaln 42 

Firemen's Rirade at Lowell ... 108 
FIromen'a Contest In lloblla ... 132 
Firemen's Foot raco. 111, 171, 238 

Fun among Firemen 157 

Paradoor Firemen. 170 

FIrcmcn'B Moster at tOUbnl ... 180 

Fireman In Boston. . : .183 

Firemen In Lowell 311 

nremen'a Election oT OOcera. . 370 

FUh Story...;.; 188 

FbhlDg Exuaordinary, 108,' 252 
' m 863 

Franklin Expedition....; 329 

Food ror Singing Birds 208 

Fcata In Swlounlog 309 

Foals bi Tan Fins, 109, 268, 298 
335, 861, 863 

Held Sports in India ....401' 

Felix Mendelssohn Barlheldy.404 
FIro Department San Fran- 
cisco .413 

Female Eoneatrlanlsm, 193, I80, 

Grand Jubilee hi Fhllad'a.l89, 203 

Getting Bqnaro .204 

Greeley on Sports 182 

Grand Tournament 192 

Gymnaatle E^hlblllena BO 

Gymnaitio Exerdsea .297, 304 

OymnasUo Fkmlly 144 

Grand Tour or Vocalists 898 

Gymnastics 411 

Greyhound Leap 415 

Band Ball . J 70, 155, 172, IBS 

Bumore or FUconbridge 231 

Hamlot'a Grave 21 

Bow to Preserve Heallh, 49, 67, 85 
192, 473 

Heave; In Horses 84, 131 

Bow to Obtabi Boallh....281, 283 
Bones — 
Anecdotas or B, 11, 40, 56, 72 
98, 113, 151, 176, 184, 310, 241 
318,: 2)0, 253, 266, 257, 845 
381, 472. 

ElhlblUoos, 188, 198, 211, 218 

Premlnma 210, 315, 343 

Menial OondlUon or...-. 77 

Feadm'g while TVaveUhig,... 96 

Jockey In Georgia 81 

Cmbrellaalbr 108 

A IVade.;. 121 

Shoebig leS 

Exportation or 181 

Bis Rider,,... .200 

To Tell tho Age or 116, 318 

Matching Ihem... 101,210 

Bcnichcs In 261 

Sale or...... .370,379 

History or Thoroughbred Race 

Horses. 118,178 

Borsoology ! ... ..366 


Uerolam oT Woman. 330 

Homtf and Home cribbago....411 

InelinotorSpldera,; 2 

Invenllan or New Steam Qigine 30 

Importanoe or Recreation -81 

InrirocUon in nod Corranond- 
enoc.on Cooking, 39, 61, 84, 92 
100, m, 140, 100, 164, 260, 370 
384, 833, 830, 310, 840, 856, 888 

InstlnokorBlrda 6; 193 

Ice Water 152 

InlellecUial Flev.thelr Italoiog 160 
Indian Impostors and Jngglen.160 
Inslruotlon In Skatlog, ie., 343 
' 389,307,^313,843,860,843 
Important to BtakeihelderB, Ml 

Journalism vs. EieMse; .283, 384 
Jugglery or Juetlce. .;.'.. ;.'. . .173 
Jumphig Malob, Bowarth vi. 

Carroll 181 

Jumphig SUUaUOB ..317 

Kentucky Sharp-Sbooters ... .8, 10 
Kentuokun'a Account oT a Pan- 
ther Fight... 29 

Laat Appearance or Hean ; 8 

Leaping Extraordinary,, 11 

Lite in New York TB,.Iifo in 

Washington 864 

London Hoguci 48 

Ibve, Luok,aod Borsemauahlp 81 

LuDga ror the People 84 

Lager Beer, ila orlgta 865 

Lager Bear Dena, their influ- 

enoca,,; ...800,814. 863 

Lesions in Swlmoihig, be., 18, 30 
103, 310 

Mozart'sNoae. ki>.;.i -9i 

Mango Ui Dogs 80 

MoDogement and Diet hi llraln- 

ing...;. 31,38, 83 
Managerial BlnmbUog Blooka..871 
Menial Power vs. BotUly Health 310 

Mereanllle Morality 270 

Memory oTMankeyi 240 

■onsoooa ..801 

Mowing Match 167 

Mode or Training Arabian Hone 283 
Musical Fractloe among BMa, .316 
MeeUng of FVench Noons' and 

My nntaall: alale,..,.^^S 
lUlse Bdf(«iarTiRUM;;i;;;3{ 

NeoaaallyoriimMaenla.,; ui 
Ncoriabmsnthi Biiad... 
NcvelModeorBierolaa..;;;" 5 
Number of laagnaga.-. ... - "S 
Negra Mloatraiay, in iki^™ 

New Torlc'aaie'Fsir '.'.!.* ^ 

Norr and Spell 

New Style VlrgfaiU Beal 
New York Fin MaUera. 
Novel Feu.; , 




Opera and Sable Hhiatrria... 
Onl-door Amnsemenla.;..,' 
On Peisplralleo. . mi 
Out-door Sports, their valneli'M 
Onl-and-out Oalrasca.....;. -']JS 
OyalsrEonae CriMoei...,"'«g! 
On Tnlnhig Race Bones. ... '.'(to 
orSummerRecrcalloo;..... ' u 

OitftraDay'aSport .'11! 

One «r Ihe Olden Time. . . ; . . . ,4]j 
Fhyaksl lUcreaUon, with Olo^'. 

traUona.. .,,..„ ' m 

Popular Reorewion ""iS 

Persian Hoisemeti. ""im 
Prizea at Barnrd OUiege '""m 
Philadelphia OorreapoSi^ii^' «: 


FhlUdor, tho Chosa Player...'.^ 
Fhyalcal Power or 
Plantsl'a Propositions m 


_ S 

Frlxe Flgbling va. DnelUng, IS&IM 
FreUy All, or the LotnacUy oT 

Police: aaketch.. 

PoUce Oourta and Crime... 
Foetal Reform., 

PreaervBllon erOame, 830, 876. Sn 
Phyalcal Exorcise.. . , . . ., . .,' « 

PhUesophy oT Exerdae. jog 

Preaervauon oTGame m 

Perils or GambUng ^ 

Fowar or TVakilng 2lt 

Fyrenlan Ponies ggg 

Polar Skelcha 411 

Premluhas Ibr Stallions..;. ...411 

Preaervatlon oT Game flj 

Parade or Phllad'a Firemen ... .414 

Quick PaaiageorthePtraia..., u 
Quick Run .4ig 

Bemorka on Inlomperanee.... 14 

Race for IJlb' stale;... 177 

Racket Match ..IS 

Raffllog.., 283,260,111 

Remhibcences oT Thespian, 45: It 
186, 144, 146, 153,^11 
Race Honea k their WbuUnga,!!! 
RegatU N. Y. Yaoht Qnb; . . , ,411 
BnTesorsports (]| 

Sporthig Matlan Abroad (aee ait 

BpeaUng Jackdaws u 

SpecnlaUon bi the West M 

Siwrtaman aad the DevU II 

Swimmer Extraordinary x 

Sporting Dramatist 8| 

Sports In BalUmore 0 

SuckUng Colls M 

SwUnmIng Matchea. 2i U| 

Speed bo HaOroada 20 

Sdence or Sound Jf) 


. hi Old Berifs, 61, 71, 64,163, lit 
190, 229, 230, 264, 279, 311 
291, 803, 311, 328, 331, 80 
347, 365, 307, 370, 319, !» 

.894, 4« 

in Canada , 

In MlUvllle 

IQ New Orleans. 

In Newark 

In India 

In Chicago 

In MhiDeseta.'. 

in America, popularily 





.344, sn 


...; 11 

Thdr Onward Course . . 

Principal BupportetS oT. 

orinaecls;. ..;.;..,:.. 


among tho ATghans... 

ScoUlab 28ij57,m 

Sporting and Stocks. ;;;.:;...M 
Sporting Literature .3N 
SwlndUnt In' Stoke-boIdUg. : . .IH 
Scene on a Weatem Steamer: a ' 

tale :; .......:.,....::« 

Shanghai Sell.. ...... ::;..'..;M 

Sharp Practice.;...' 
Shaw,' the lUb Guardsman. 
Elate AgrlcDltural Show, .. ;; ;.ll 
Slago-Blruck Udlv1duab...,:.l| 
Strength or the Ostrich... 

Speedoriho Oslrloh .40 

Eagadlyhia Hen ;:...21) 

SIghIa and IhUiga hi New Yerk.SM 

ShoUand Ponlea M 

aUmon Fishing t,tlt 

Theatricals (see each nombD) . 
The Gome or Chosa (aeo each He) 
The Game oT Chequon (seeea* 

To Make a Balkay Horae Draw. 1 

TheCcDstua I 

The SIgna oT Weather I 

The Bag or Gold - I 

The Baromster U 

TheOameorAlIFVrara .11 

The Uonsltr Steamship; . . ;. .. II 

The Jookey V 

The Fawn Broker ;. B 

The Lion.. K 

The Bowie Knlfo A 

Tiger and Stag Meeting O 

The Gondollor'a Story M 

The Poor Player J| 

Tbe Classical Squirt w 

The Game or Billiards 34, M 

The BUllard Sharp ft 

The Pigeon Express 

Tho Gome or Qnolla, 181, 197, W 
219, 390, 293, W 

The Man Demon 

Tbe Desperate Blako: a tale 

Tl^a Firealda 

The Firemen.., .- 

The Fox Obaao: a talo W 

The Lager Beer ManU.... ..,.S 

The BaOi JJ* 

To Lovon or Trout >* 

Tb tbe Lovera oT litigation. 

The Magical Mango -„ 


349, 860, 308, 376, 384,.«91,ff 

Tbe Head-ache W 

Ten Broeck and Hla Horses, W 
^ S78,884» 

Trolling aad TVoUen. 

Trolling SlalUooa.,;...'....,..U( 

The Hunllog ' Season ;....■ 

ToEipelBala...' ■ 

The Smith 6r Ragenhdck m 

ThctRefbgees: stale, ,B 

The Lost RUig:°a UI0 ,Z 

nUes oTSbakespeare'i Flayi;,B 

The'Slage 25 

Triala^ Speed » 

ThmUg Birds.... ........".".l." 

Tkrget Eicunlons, their bun- 

enoe; '••'•^ 

Tiger AdTcnlure .;..:.. 9 

Theatres la BDgbuid.,'..,....'5' 
Theatrical Anecdotes, 301, Mgj 

357, 205, 289, 378, 286, 

318| 820/828, 848^^853; M^'J2 

Trot. FMenda. .....;...; .I?..}:'!! 

TMals or Fin bgbiea, 7, SMIl" 
Ihe RlOe.... ....,.;,,,'' 

.The WoirSlayar. ....:;.•' 

The Wrestler: a legood .^^ 

Ten Bfoedt ksd hla Berael.,..]" 
The Poof Pttyer...;;...'"T!!Jf 
The Hone Race: a iketob. 
The'greal hundred mlla laoi 

Usanilneas or FugUlam 

Wihler Anhlngi 


Wonderflil Btorla 


Wohderi ta Nilore,^,. ... —rill 
Whese'a that Oraok Bu*..,.^ 

Wreatnng Malob 
WaaUsgion Qub, - 

ZaIriUologloa] UNellanyi "Ifjfl 


Scanned from the microfilm collection of 
Q. David Bowers 

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and 
Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley 

Post-processing completed as part of Project Arclight 
( }. a Digging into Data project 
sponsored by SSHRC and IMLS 

Coordination help from the Media History Digital 
Library ( http: / /mediahistoryprojectorg }