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Omili>f».lJm, bj na Fnsk Qomb pomuiiIiis compuj (UmlM). 

Founded by i 


(VOLUME XLII.-No. 39. 
I PriM 10 C«ntti 


ruiTTii roa tbi umw >obx OLirrm, 

He mnden ap, be wuden down, 

A pbutom on Ibe scene; 
He UIki to none, he doea bla work 

WItb oointeBaDM serene; 
Htbongb bla pone Is aerer lal, 

TIs like bis llgort— less. 

Wbai la tbere be nnoot conmrooir 

An elepbsnt lo bim 
Is bot a tlinple pllgbt, or eke 

A dragoa terce and grim, 
And golden goMeie all begemmed, 

Tbat nenr will grow dim. 

Be bnllda a ablp, a pwadlse, 

Wber« angela mailo apeak— 
Brlgbt angela wllb a atUrj 

Of ]aat dve bones a week; 
And jet, lo aplte ot genliis, 

HIa acUosa are lo meek. 

Tanks are bla special workmansblp, 
And bozz Bwa meelbls line; 

And cottages and otber tblnga— 
At tbeae be'a ittj fine; 

And be can make a tbimder clond, 
And moona tbat more and abloe. 

Bnt wbo applanda bla m;aUc artt 
Tbe baas dram wouldn't nod 

At blm, wbUe on bla dall/ rounds 
Tbe carpenter dolb plod; 

Tbe manager t He knows blm not— 
A stranger in tbe fold. 

I wonder It be ever tbinka 

Wbo cleverlj will make 
A little box for blm, eome daj, 

Tbat will not be a take, 
Wben LIfe'a laat scene on blm aball close 

And HeaTon'a J07 awake I 


vunan ArnBTDB oirjuk ron Tia .mbw tori olippbh, 

Hr. Portman Dlbba waa an elderly EngUsb gen- 
tleman of consldeiable meaoa, a pedant tbrongb 
and tbrongb, and for manr }eara aconstomed to a 
ragalar mode of llrlng. A amall and tmated circle 
ot tttenda satlsded bis social needs. Oe concerned 
bimselt aa llUle aa poaslble abont tbe dear nelgbbor, 
and belonged to tbat rare class ot people wbo are 
able to lire next door lo esob otber all Ibeir Uvea 
wlibont even knowing one anolber bj ilgbt. 

TO one of Hr. Dlbba' ateadf practices belonged a 
jearlf trip to tbe Continent, wblcb be, bowover, 
unlike most people, was fond ot undertaking oTorj 
Spring, Instead ot In tbe Bnmmer montba. 

So It came about In doe course tbat. In Harcb, 
I8M, be made tbe naual preparaUona for Olgbt, and 
Bw on tbe daj preTlons to bla departure bis friend 
Hr. aoldamltb again aa guest at bla dinner table. 
Sbortlj before sepaiailng from blm Hr. aoldsmltb 
drew a Ultle Jewel case from bis breast pocket, and 

"I aar, mj dear friend, aa jon will also stop at 
Luiera tbia time, jou wonld do me a great favor U 
7on wcnid dellrer tbls Utile case to mj brotber, 
wbo Uree tbere. The diamond It contalna poa- 
aesaea. as too wUI aee, sued a bigb value that I 
mnat try to send It In the anreat way- The Utile 
packet will put yon to no Inconvenience whatever, 
and Ton wlU not run tbe least rbik In carrying It, aa 
no one wUl know tou have lach a valuable Ibing on 
lonr penotL" 

"Wltb pleaanre," replied Dlbba. "Ont ot friend- 
ship tor Ton I would even take the taoona koblncor 
asa tiBveUng companlont" 

During tbIa convenallon tbe two men stood lean. 
Ing against the window, wboae ahadewaa not low- 
ered. Aa be waa about to pot tbe little Jewel caae 
into bla pocket DIbbs caanally cast a glance over 
tbe street, and looked, as be did so, directly Into lbs 
tsoe of a passing man— or bad be been standing tor 
some time under tbe window t— into a tace brightly 
lighted by the street gaa-a strUung, dark com- 
pleiloued bee, with along, black moualacbe. 

Tbe stranger, apparently, proceeded quietly on 
bla way, wbUe Dlbba uimed haellly to aoldsmltb. 

"Do« any one besides yonraelf know ot the com- 
mission t" bs naked. 

"Not a wnl, my dear feUow, except yon and me. 
Hy bookkeeper la tbe only one, in tact, wbo baaany 
knowledge ot tbe present none-" 

"The man hasn't been with yon lung; how does 
be look t" 

"LUe yon, like ms-at any rate, very respecuble. 
What kind ot tboogbu are running tbrongb your 

"Doea he wear a blank niutacbe t" 

"Black t No, bla mustache la gray-almost white, 
ant what's tbe matlar with yon t Did you see any 

"Wben Ton banded me the Jewel cass a man 
•lood close under Uils window. I tbink be obeerved 
ns; and be mlgbt have beard ns uuilog." 

"Tbenbe must still be visible," said Ooldsmlth, 
openUig the window and looking ont Dlbba also 
leaned ont; bit tbe street waa deserted; not a aoul 
■as to be seen. 

"InaU pnbabUltra nelgbbor or ■ servant, who 
went Into a booM," said Ooldamllh, soothingly, to 
bis trtsnd. "In any case, be coold not have beard 
ns; and I aiB,inoieover, qnlle oertaUi be dldnotsea 


Tbe next day Hr. Foitman Dlbba started on bla 
trip to Bwlturlattd, by way ot BmaseU, stopping 
Arst, u wu bla wont, Ui Oatend for a M daya. 
Then bs bought atloket for tbe express naln, and 
■Mk a seat, wtm a contented heart, In a Oist cUaa 
i^artlage. ^Almoftan bear mlgbt have gone by be- 
("te DMS folded np bis paper and took a cursory 
v'-oc/ft the ooospanta ot tbe oompartmaot. Bla 
iJI'Sgbta were tanylng mote wlib tbe doings of 
/'ntUamant, which he had been readbig, than witli 
bJs fellow travelen, wben bla glance met iba ejea 
01 a genutman iltong opposite to him, wbo was 
lookbig at him anantlrely. Eaob ot tbe two be- 
came aware, at the Bme Hme, of the observation ot 
me otber, and toned qnlohlytfdaw»ri. BBtIHbbs> 
b>iet«M vBi aiousd. Bid be aot alieady iMleed 

tbls face oncer Was the traveler really a stranger 
to him, as be u llrat tboogbir Had he not aeen 
bimsomewberet Andwhenr Wheret Suddenly, 
the remembrance aune back to blm iiulck as light- 
ning— tbe face ot the one oppKslte to blm was tbat 
of the man ha bad caught sight ot on Ibe evening 
before bis departure, b> Darloy Street, under tbe 
windowl There waa no doubt abont It. Tbe fea- 
tures, complexion and black moD>taohe were too. 
striking. InvolnnlarUyDlbbafelttbe breastpocket 
that concealed tbe Jewel case; .v bo did so bis 
giaace once more met tbe r je ot ibe stranger Oxed 
on him with an attenllvo expression, and tbls coo- 
templaUon caused blm an oncomtortable feeling of 
anxiety and care. Under tbls Impression be made 

by this renewed meellng. That tbe suangor was 
following blm was now certain, and, whoever It 
might be, be knew ot the secret ot tbe diamond, 
wblcb through chance or design bad come 10 bis 
knowledge on that evening In Barley Street. 

Wlibont temporizing long Dlbba decided to leave 
Bails aa biatllT as Bniaaela, In order to rtd btniself 
ot the care ot tbe precloua diamond, lie did not 
teel In acme measure quieted until tbo moment for 
tbe departure on tbe morrow bed come, and no 
trace ot bis pursuer waa to be eaplcd at tbe slaUon. 
lie remained on the plattonu uniil tbe last minute, 
and not till Ibe algual tor departure vma given did 
be take lilj place as the only pauucnger, with a aigh 
ot relief. 

But the noise hemado In so doing had nottscapod 
the stranger; tor Ulbbs became aware ot a oautlou< 
movement on tbe otber aide ot tbe compartment. 
The fatal moment bad come; the man vras surely 
preparing 10 make Ibe attack, and, In his mortal 
terror, DIbbs let bimielt sink softly down and crept 
under bis seat. 

How long he remained In this poaltlon, halt 
■ulfocated, and not daring to move, the poor fellow 
was notable to tell later nn; ancb •liuaUcns know 
no time rcokcniog. An unexpeoted drauiht of air 
made bis heart at drat stand still, and then sent his 
blood boiling through all bla veins. Tbe second 
door bsd St all evenia been opened. Buniethlng 
most have happened— bat whatt nia strained ears 

up bla mind, after natiire conelderaUon, and al- 
though ashamed of his fear, to excbango bis usual 
stopping place In Bmssels, the Hotel Bellevue, lor 
tbe less known Hotel NaMan. In tbe preaa ot the 
arrival DIbtoloal sight ot bis fellow traveler, and, 
having become much more tranquU, be let himself 
be driven to tbe Hotel Niaian. 

But deep tooled baUla are not slighted without 
anything further. The traveler felt nncomtortable 
In the strange hotel; Indeed, merely because It vras 
called Hotel Nassau, and not Boul BeUevue; and 
disaatlstaollon with himself and his whole sur- 
ronndlngs were the conieiiaences. "How could I 
toiment myself on acootint ot the tellowt" be 
thought, while enjoylng'fels after dinner cigar. 
"That ha waa In tbe mmi naln was certainly only 
anaccldenL I must drive tbe nonsense oat ot my 
hMd I" With tbls IntenUon he left the room, and 
gtaied In tbe doorwy a belated dinner guest. In 
whom he rcoognlxett, with secret dismay, tbe ob- 
ject ot bla tedeouons, 

The next morning the Itst train carted Hr. DIbbs 
to Cologne from Brnoels. This waa again a 
change in bla pfogramme, which regularly included 
a stay ot bom one to two daya In the beantUnl 
caplkl of Belgium. In spite of the greatest atten- 
tlca bs could discover ui the train no tnoe of bis 
bngbnr, who. Indeed, did not spring up again In 

A quiet night In irell known aorroandlnp gave 
Dlbbi bis ordinary menial eqalllbnnm sgaln. Fol- 
lowing ont the original traveling plan, he took a 
■U np tbe Rhine In tbe ateaabcat, spent a short 
time Ui Halnii, and found blmsslf soon aflerwarda 
Ui the "Tbrse Itueens," In Basle, the Ust testing 
point before Luem. Bitting alone on the betel 
teirace, which aoorda a view ot the Rhine, be en- 
joyed tbe ohaimbig plotore of the spreading laad- 
sape Ui the bright oconahlnei Soddenly be be- 
came conaolens ot the pteseaoe ct another person. 
Close beside blm app«Mod the tace and Ibim of the 
nan with thablacfc Donaiaehe, and bla acanaly 
qnlaM fMis weraaioused Ui Ibe hlibes* degiee 

Slowly the train act Itself In mo'lon. Ot a sud- 
dsn the door of thn carrlsge was torn open, a 
breathless man quickly threw In lap rugs and bag- 
gage, and assisted an equally breathless man to get 
In. Tbe doorwaaehntagaln,tlie loromoUve gavea 
shrill whistle, and the train left Bulo HtaUon. In 
one coner ot tbe compartment lat DIbbs, In tbe 
otber, the turtheal, leaned tbe man with tbe black 
muslacbe I 

A long Jonmoj tsy before both, and Portman 
DIbbs possessed no kind Ota weapon. Uls courage 
sank below lero; Instlnctlfely be drew bimselt 
back as tar as possible In bis corner, and apparent- 
ly became abiorbed In tbe study ot his guide book. 
Ills fellow traveler did tbe same. In spile of tbst 
tbe snspenie waa frightful to DIbbs, and tbe forced 
tnaouvit) almost Intolerable. Lite an IniplraUon 
the thought came to bint, although be was not 
aruied, at least to appear so. Tbs manmuf re lulgbt 
prove effectual, might Induce bis pursuer to post- 
pone his evil design, or at least to beallate. Ac- 
cordingly, Dlbba assumed a cold blooded, dedant 
mien, tolled bla eyes, tbrsw threatening glaueee at 
bis neighbor, and thnst bla hand Into bla pocket, 
as It utendlgg to draw a weapon. With Inexprt*- 
ilbls delight be pctoelved tbat bis brick was at 
once ancotsstnl. His teUow traveler became un- 
easy, and diew back doea to the carriage window. 
Bnt kov was tbe decepUon to be keot opt What 
vras to be done neitt Tbe whistle of tbe engine 
trtgliiened IHbbe out of bis deep medltaUcn. Great 
Cud I he bad not reckoned on the long tounel, 
which they were now approaching, and be iuvolon- 
tartly looked at Ibe lamp. It was not UL Oaugbtl 
U>stl The wildest tsnclea ebsssd through bis 
brain aa, with a last piercing whistle, the locmo- 
dve now dashed Uito tbe tunnel, and all the rail- 
road attacks he baa ever beard ot flew like a flash, 
in el their shocking deUUs, before his mind's eye. 
A horrible fear took p os s ession of hUn, and, aUnost 
nnconsclotti, scarcely knowing what his aim waa, 
he tiled cMUonaly lo opea the oanlags door. In 
vain I It.wlibstaod sU his elMts. 

heard no other aound than tbe roar ot the train In 
tbe tunnel ; In the carriage liaelt Ibe stillness of the 
grave rtflgned. In unspeakable excltonient and 
meaaureless tstonlsbment be waited In bla hiding 
place nntll tbe hope tbat bad scarcely venlored 
to silr In his breast was roused to new lite, lie 
round himself really alone; be was saved. Uow 
this wonderful deliverance had come about he did 
not Imagine I 

Tbe end of Ibe toiuel was almost reached, a faint 
light broke through the window panea, and Itliiba 
crept cautiously from under tbe seat. Tbe stranger 
had left tbo oompartmenL 

At Olten Station, which lias ImmedUtely at tbe 
end of the lonnel, Ulbbe changed bis sent for one 
Ina waU oconpled second class carriage, and a few 
bonra later the troublesome diamond lay In lbs 
hands of Goldsmith's brotber In Lnxern. 
• •••••• 

DIbbs' adventnie oauaed, on bis relun Ui Lon- 
don, no sad ot surprise In tbe olrcle of bis friends, 
and made him the hem ot the day. Whether he 
alwaya gave the acoompanymg clrcnmslancea In 
tbs same way u la ben related ta niumportant. 
ne that sa It may, his fnend Bodkin, among others, 
got np a dinner la his honor, and wlUi th* nsoal 
puootoaUly Dlbba put In bla appearance as Iba 

"I mj, Dlbbi," said Bodku, JesUngly, as tbe two 
tnsnda stood by tbe Ireslde chatting, "take can 
Ihat your lanreU are lot dl^nied lodayl Do yon 
know Liroy, your isigbbor, In Barley Btieeit" 

"God torbldl never saw the fellow la all my Ufa. 
What'a the matter with bin, prayf 

"lie protesaea to have had anadventateslmliarto 
yonrs. Tbe thing also takes place In BwlUerland, 
aadRacbeaitsclUnaxlBatnnael. Itaseaulome 
ssU It wse In the Olten tuusL" 

"Zooksl atouveolnclden'oel*<laogbedDlbbi. 

"In Lenj'a story, bowavsr, there's do nbber, 
bnt a maolae," eonilnnad Bodkin. "Unj waa 
foUowed bya man la hotels aod mini. Ton will 
bearltibowersr, bsMtiomhls ewa Upe. llMeBd 

Is trlgbitul. lie Qnds hlnsolt all alone In a railway 
carriage with the madman, who carrlea a revolver; 
a long tunnel swallowe Ibe iwo up, and the goard 
has torgotien 10 Ilgbt tlie lamp. Leroy hears how 
Ibe maniac glides towards blm In tbo grave like 
darkneu; ho has enough presence ut mind to open 
tbe door ol the compartment, apparently In order 
lo anring out, but. In reallt;, he conoeals hlmsell 
under the soat, ille stratagem saves his life, He 
thinks he beosine nnconclcas In bis palnfnl posi- 
tion, tor when he la again al>le In think clearly tbe 
tnin has already left Olien aiaticn, and he Is alons 
lo tbo carriage, The madman bad disappeared 
without leaving a trace lieblnd." 

Uodkin had spoken so anienlly Ihat the Im- 
prcaalon bla narration made on Dlliba allogolhet 
escaped hini, 

The servant now appeared, and anncnuced: 

"Mr, Lemy," 

liodkiu iirMti'il tbo new oomer with the greatest 
vivacity, and led him, beaming with Joy, to his 

"Yon two niuatinakontehiiihor'a arqiuiluuinco," 
he said. 

Bnt they already knew caub nther, and their re- 
cognition WM mutual 1 

Ulaoonrencd, In apevcljlein aaliiiilahnif nt, Dllihs 
beheld Ihr man with tlin black mnnalache aunding 
before blm, wlillo l.or»y, tcrrlfled, tuiLCd Into the 
face lit tlie uanlanl 

Was liom Is Albany, N. r., IWKnty one yeitn ago, 
Hhe made b»r prorcsslniml dolnit In Hoslnn, Mass,, 
Nov. 10, laoo, In 'The llolls ol llMleiiiere." Iloring 
the fniiowing season, IKOI-S], alio was a inoniber ot 
llobt. Hsoteira Cotnpaiij, pUylng Ingenue and 
comedy rotfti. aud upon one oecaalun pUynl Dcs- 
deinona in Ur, Htnloll'a lltliellii, bla leading lady 
having auddonly licen laknn III. In tbe Kail of litn 
she Joined Dharles Frohnan's furoea, drat playing 
under his managomout In "The New Whig" end 
"Horrendcr" corap-tnles. I,aat year she was a 
memlicr ot thn "Uliarloj'a Aiiiil" company and 
played Uie npptialle part ti> Irfinl Kaiirnurt Uablier- 
ly. While Ulta lliiali'T has nvi|iiltlcd heraolf with 
credit In ovory nito In whliih site liaa appeared, her 
great nppnrtonlty to prove hor ability did not ar- 
rive anill this acoann when alio was cast fur the 
role ot Nancy lUiaoli, In Ur, Ktohtnaii's priiduotlon 
ot 'The New Uoy" at the Standard Theatre, tbla 
city- Hlaa llualey then anrprlKil and delighted 
her audiences hy the presentaUon ot n strle of 
roropisg girlliund now to the stage. She is sUII 
playing tbo mie and winning all wbo ace her per- 
formance. Ilor Nancy ihiach la lugenuoiii, franki 
trollcanmo and enttroly devoid of onananeaa or 
atoglnuw. 1 1 la Inlonacly natntal, the einbodlmeni 
ot thn nioal rivacluua. Innocent type at girlhood, 
caroleaa nf conacqiiencpH, iMicaiiae Ignorant of 
wrong, Hlaa Uuslny lias tuuch poraonal atlracUva- 
noasand laeicoedlngiT winsome. 


A family dnigglat In North niilngo liappened to 
liKik up Iram Uio liili ot fnilt ayrtip be waa com- 
pounding, aod was aatfinlflhod In see Ibe ahaltered 
wreck ot a man enter and throw Itaolt upon a ohair, 
Tlio wreck was In an awtiil condlilou, bleeding, llks 
Uol. Marco DaumH, si ovory vein. 

"What in the nsuio ot HIr Walter Hmtt has hap- 
pened to you t" cried the dnigglat, 

"I'uur a (aw i|uarts iit arnica on me," reapondod 
the wreck wearily, "end I'll tgli you," 

The druggist nllicbcd him up and auakcdhlmln 
healing dulda and llaiened for tbealory. 

"I live nil uilflou Avonuo,"Bald the wreoh, "I 
havo lately liecn rcaillng tip on lion tamers, and I 
came Ui the dincUialun tliai the human rye would 
aiilHino nnT lieaat that walks. I tried It nn all the 
animsia In tlio nclgliliorhooil and It seemed lo work 
all right, for two or three weeks I went areund 
niibilulngihlnga with my eye. Then I got Into an 
argument with a nelghlwr on the iinoatlon. He 
held llist a rtelly flerce animal didn't can a red 
cent tor the human eyo, I olTered tii lict 110 tbat 
hecouldnt prnducoan animal that I couldn't con- 
i|uer liy looking at." 

"I can guom tbo real," asld the druggist, "lie 
trultrduiitalilR laaitlg with a mouth as large aa 
the ArcUo rcglnns, anil yuii tried to aulidiie It, and 
It wouldn't aulHliie to amiiuiit to anything; and In 
the grand iiympoaliim tbattiiUowed the dng tried Is 
make a record at plain and fanRT'-hewIng and ano- 

"That aounda reaaonalilo eiioiigh," rc|illod Ibe 
wrcrk wearily, "but It waaii't tlio way It happened. 
Hy nolglitiur took rae intii a atmnKO yard hy moon- 
light and aakcd me In hypuutlioa Idg sorrel hull- 
dug tbat waa altting nn thn porch. Several atran- 
gem were there lo aee thoexiMrtiiient, and I wentto 
work. I atarrd Ini/i the orlia ot Ihat lieast for It- 
tcLii minutes, and It didn't seem to move a muscle; 
then, u> show that 11 waa Ihornughly aulidiied, 1 
wont upand placed my baud un Its bead. It waa a 
cast Iron tmlldog, and waa auMned when ItllrsI 
came from the foimdry. While the spectators were 
biugblng I akllcd luUi my neighbor, doiennlned to 
whip him all ronnd the block and up and down an 
alley, and you see Uie result. I wish thai you wonld 
pour a pint ot oil of aaasafraa down iny neck."— 
OlilcoQO Dalit/ Triixmt. 


Tbe shoirman, Uamuu, was alwaya equal to a 
siwatloo, laid a Santoga woman, tbe otber day. 
Tean ago, wben Tom Thumb was his only aUm». 
Uon, he came to Baialoga and attempted u> give an 
enlertslnineut. Tbe Tillage Cathen, however, scared 
blm awsy by the price at their llcenae, end be went 
to Hsllslon, tbe neit town, and advertised tlis psr- 
fonnsooe. A special train was ran from here, and 
agreat many of us went down on It, When the cur- 
tain went up, llarnnm came out and made a Utile 

"lAdlea and gentlemen," he began, "It waa my 
drat Inlenllon to give ihia enleruinment In Bar*, 
toga, hot I aoon discovered there wen soms men 
In tbst place su much auiallsr than my famona TMa 
nomb tliat It wuold be useless to attempt oompetl- 
Uon with them." 

Tbe Saratoglans langbed ae baril aa the BaUsteg 
folks, awl tbe bit was niaUsd for many a day. 


* v iA h \ NEW YOBK OLIPPEaR. 



Klght't OpoJais la an tk« 
Bis Bhev Towaa. 


Th» Kandalt, Katie Emtnstt, Dan Sully and 
Laonvd Crover Doing Wall-OBlly Mat 
Ihmi at Stoekwall't. 

(SpMlft) niiptuh to U« Hew Tork Ollpp«r.1 

Bam Fuhouoo, Oot. so.— At Ui« Bildwin nwin 
Mr. and Un, KeDdil begin Uia wcoid wnk ot 
tlitir eDgsRammt Iwt ev«nlDf, wbon "Tho Iron' 
miitar" WM piaatnlad (or Uie dntUma bere. "A 
WUla Ue" and "AU For )I«r" wlU b* preaontad 
dnrtsg tbo week. 

OiuPDBMA.— Katie Eaimeu, u "ElUamer," rO' 
malm tke altcMUon at UiU taoaae. 

BTOOiwiLL'a TaaaTiia.-"Mr Son In Law" waa 
pieaentad Here laet enalag br Leonard Qrorer'a 
oompaoj. Atteraoon o( 31 Mr. Qioier Inaninrtltd 
• leHaiolTandeTUIa matlasea. Tbe maUaeea will 
be glren ereij atiernoon. Toe InltUI one cooalilad 
ot apeclalilea bj Maj Oook, Lena Crowe, abenUler 
Bdo Martini, Florence Tbroop, lUberto Bianllnl, 
Alloa UUmond, tbe Blanleji, Ooroellug UakU, Wm. 
D» VasU and otiioia. Leomrd Orovcr Jr. ap- 
pealed In Uie farce "Uuie Jobo h." ttj Blal la 
boalneai manager. 

aaoTB Utbut TauTDi.— Daniel Bnllf, In "Tbe 
Millionaire," began an engagement at tbia bonae 
hat erenlngit popnbtr prtoea. 

OaroaUM.— Joaepiilao Babel, Dote Broa., Max 
PelUngUl, Ueir Zeltong, Laolano Titlall, Beverua 
BobaffCr, Aroand and Qmnrllle, auil Lillian Uaaon 
appeared to Immooaabnalneaa lait week. Uaverlj'a 
Minairela made their Imt appainace to B. R. 0. 
laat nigbt, a, wben tbe appiAoaa and recalla 
denoted tbe faruralile Impreaalon made. 

TiTou.— "Japlur," bj llarrr B. Bmlita, waa pot 
cn lut eieolng. 

WiowiM.— Tbe Darcrlj Qoartat (Evana, IlaW' 
tbome, nolbnok and Sllnr), Uie (jolglej Bra- 
tben, Ploard Brolben, Lola Roae, Ward and Mar' 
Un, Annll Ploard and limnu fnnola are tbe people 
tUa week. 

Nam.— Beiema Bobarrer baa made a bnalneaa 
arranieoent wltb Zando, tbe maglolan, and wUl 
take taerotdnezt week, un.ler Ida manageisentor 

Joe MaiUn Uoolej and Ounpbell bave gone lo 

tbe ImpariaJ, Loa Aogeloa. 


N. C. Goodwin Producaa "Oavid Girrlck"- 
"Mra, Othello" Acted (or the FIntTlma 
In America-Garden Theatre, St Louli, 

IBpMlil DlipalcliM 10 Ttt Htw York CII|>por.] 
OBiOloo, UcL M.-Na', u. Qoodwm scored tbe 
■Rstaat locceu o( tbe weck^ opoolnga ni Uoolc/'a 
laat night, when be made bla drat appeamnoe on 
anj aiaga In the ilUe role or "Uavld (urnek." Tbe 
honao waa peeked to the atandlug room limit and 
the entbualaain waa ooniaglooa. Mine onrlaln oalla 

marked tbe perforuaoce Dtlla Fox atagcd 

■^e LIlUo Trooper" at the Unlumbla wlih a good 
boiiae InalKndanoeandwontalriuorcaaupoubcr 

local aleUar deuut Felix Norcla began bla Ual 

week at the HoUUIer In "Tbe U«t Uan" wlib a good 

bonae In line Bnndaj nigbi "Hnab oil;" be 

fan a two aeeka' autj at HoVlckcr'a wlib the 
npper balooolea packed and lUe lower Door well 

■lied "A Ilevlew" Ollid the Uhuago to Ita 

oapaoitJt but waa Tigoioualj irlmiuad up bj Ike 

eilUoa Ucnuelljr and Cllrard opened at the 

Orand, Id '-The lUlouiakera," u> a top beai; torn- 

cat Ward Mill Vokea iianed "A Uuo on tbo 

Bank" at the Uayniarket and drew a rair turnout. 

"The BUU AUrm" at tbo Albambra, "Tbe 

nodlgal Father" at Iho Acadcnij and Ueo, Ulzon'a 
Bpeolally Uompanj at ihe UhirK Htreet comprlaed 
Manager Jaooba' OdUiribuUoQ to ihe wcot'allalot 
oonunonplace oiTorluga, all (aitog cxiremelj well. 

The KenlaUaiiUejr Oo. packed the limpira 

Bnnda; night At Bam T. Jaok'a Opeis Uouu 

the Uteolo llurlca<iueni had two big huuaea. 
noronce Blodlej, in "Tho Uaptaln'a Uau>," liued 
lUTUCa couipluwijr, and won a raTonble Impiea- 

ilon "Laudot tbo Hldnlgbl Bun" aiuavied a 

good big bouae lo tho Llocuin Knuik Uall'a 

Olroua waa llboiallj patronliod, likewlao Frank 
Ball'a Oailno, where Ibe ouilomurjr bill o( contlou' 

oua mlei7 bold awa; Tuo lluio lllll Uo.opened 

Mrl} well at the lo'coum jeguirday, but the per 
tonnanoe waa nut up lu Iho ilandard catebllibed 

bj thla Gompui; At tho Ihirt, Ualct;, Eugcl'a 

and Ihe Unuolu Avenue tbe week began 

well Bouaa'a Band ojieuod a Ibrco iilgbta' ch' 

■agemeni at Ibe Asdiiortum laat uigbu 

ruiLADau-uit, Uo'. M.— Tbe Drat uigtaier bad no 
complaint to niate on the acore o( new atiraoUooa 
laat nighi, nor bad the nunageia anj complalnia 
ttom a box oillce point o( viow. Urowded houaea 
wen the rule all over lonu, tbo B. 11. u, aign o«D' 
Unually alarlug one In Uio faco. Au ImuicDao aodl 
ence wlineaacd thu Orat Auicrlcau produoiion ot 
"Un, Qlhollo," a tnrco, bj t'nii L«allo auil Arthur 
Bhitle/, at tbe Qlrard Avenuo. Whilo ibo huuior la at 
Umta deoldtdlj broad, and thetltiwi luna luipiobably 
■biurd aud tidlouloua, olevur acting and a oerialD 
burtloaiie Uka ispldltjf o( niuveuiont carried It 
Ihrougb. Tho leading roln were ciccUouily car' 
ried b; Wiltred UUrko, Juaepb J. Uoiuud, Uarioion 

Maor and Harle Kuowlce Tbu Diceuni com' 

panx. In **Tbo Amaxonat" couiplutcly filled the 
OhMlaul Blicot Upon Uoum, aud prouilMa tu do a 

big tortnlghra bualuoaa Auoihor big audience 

ONWded the Fark, whero Hadle Hanluut aud Mux 
Flguao, Bupportrd bj a nitbor uuevcn cuiupaoy, 
gare "^e I'aaaporl" tor Ibennl time In ihliolty, 

The aiara wore onlhualaalloally reoelvod Amy 

Lee and Frank Uoaoo, who have ui>t been aeeu lu 
Phlladel|>tala aluoe leaving the Olrard Avcuue Block 
Oompany, were given au ovailon at iho Kiuplre lu 
"Fawn Tioket Mo." Tbe bouaa waa crowded from 
pit 10 dome, aud Ihe audlcuce waa moil ontbual- 
Htte. P. Aug. Audoraou iharod tbe houori. The 
•dvanoe aale (or tho week U Ibo largeai in the 

hlBU)ry ot the houM The reiura ot tbo Bb)ok 

Company lo Forepaugb'a, In "Iho I'lungor," waa 
the Blgnal for a big Jump lu bualocaa, and two well 

filled honaei mulled Tbo Uuaion Bynipbony 

Oroheatia drew a fair bouae at ibe Academy o( 

Mnilo The BoalonlaniaiwKjadoablg bualneaa 

In Pllladelpbla, and tbtir prtaent engagement 
proffllaet to be no excepUcn to Ibe rule. Tbe Breed 
«*■ weU filled laat nigbi, wben "llobin llood'' 

waa given A (air audience gneud nobeit 

Manlall, In "Monbara," at tho WaJnul With 

the addition to Ihe bill ot Ibe new bu^ 
leatne, "Broken Bobemlaoa,'' builneai wu Oni 
elaaa. at Ihe Blevtnib Bireet Upent Uouae. Lew 
Bnlly'a leappearanoe btoogbt hia old admlrera out 

In (nil toice "Ihe Uobemlinoirl"andagood 

vasdevUle ahow reinlled In a couilnuonaly packed 

bosae at tbe BIJou FairlolUm ran rampant at 

the People'a, wben "Old Oloij" waa played to good 

bnilnna The Prodigal Daughter" filled the 

Mallonal to the doom II lake* a lot ot people lo 

fill tho audllorlum, but ihc SiRht owla did ibe trick 

tirtoe yealerday "Tbe Qlrl I Left licblndMa" 

tad a (all liouo at the Vhntaat Qiacle Kn- 

mtt, la "lie VolMof Maw ToA," opened undo' 

bToiaUe aiQlaea at iba Standard Oeorge 

Leatook began htiataitlagtoorattbaEenalngton 
In bla own Ttnlon of "Taut," giving a fine per. 
(ormance to a large bome. Bli mppoit la thor. 

ongbly edeinat* Tbe Lyeenm iraa crowded 

boita etteraoon and evenhig, tbe auracilon being 

tbe May Howard Bnrleaiine Company The 

ninth and Arcb Noienm waa crowded all day. 

BanoH, Oct sc.— Very (ew worda will tell tbo 
atory la general o( the week'a openlnga laat night. 
They were good— emphatically ao— everyone ot ihe 
legohu tbpatfta being tavored with floe aadiencea. 
At Ihe UolUj aireet Theatre, eapeclally, the audi- 
enee wia a moat b:Ullant one, orowdlng the hooae 
to lia capacity and giving Palmer Oox'i "Dnwn- 
lea" an eatbnilaatle tecepUon. Tbe prodoctlon la 
a gendne novellF, and In Ita prtaeniatton laanar- 
Tcl o( ataga meclianUo, Ibe ecenea In fairyland 

being partlcoUrly beanlUol At tbe Park 

Theatre "Oir the Banh" wu leen tor the firai 
time In thia olty, and dnw a fine bouie. It 
la a plajr ot atarling merit, and waa well 
acted by an ezcelleot company. Eddie Foy aa 
Oiniter made a bit, and bla able anpport 
edda mnch to tbe anoecaa o( tbe play 
Roiy ot the BUI" waa aeen for the lliit time In 
Boftoa at Ihe Qiand Opera Uonae. Tbe andleoce 
prtaent fined tbe Iheatre, and Jamea Connor Roaob, 
aa Doty O'Hally, made an excellent Impreaalon and 
waa accorded liearty applanae. nia anpport la 

goid, In Ibe main The aecond week of "Bow. 

log tbe Wind" began with a boom at the Columbia 
Theatra, and Ibe audience wllneuing the play waa 
one ot the largeat ever gathered In tbla home. 
"In Old Kenlacky" commenced lia eecond week at 
the Roalon Tbea'n with an aodlence that folly 
eiinalled any ot tbe large onea ot but week. Stand- 
ing Room Only waa bung ont at an early hour. 

Tbo fourth week ot "The Cotton King" waa 
Inaugnrated with an aodlence Hut packed Ihe 
Bowdoln Biioare Theatre to the folleat llmlta 
o( lie aeatug and alanding capacity 
"Prince' Pro Tern" wu aeen by a crowded 
hooM at the Uoaton Mnienra, and Dan Daly'a ap 
pauance u Joitloe— bbi flrai u a member ot tbi 
Moaenm company— wu Ihe algnal for a gennlne 
ovation. Ue waa given three rtcalla In tbe aecond 

ad At the Tremont TheaHe Rlce'a Botprlae 

Part) dnpllcaiad their eucceaa ot the laat two 
weeka la "1<«3," which opened Ita tblid week with 

a fine houe At Kellh'a New Theatre the new 

aeilea ot living pletoree were racelved wltb marked 
favor, and the vaudeville olio la one ot men than 
uinal eioellence. The auendance atiernoon and 

evening wai tmnaaally large Drama and vart< 

etyattbaOranlMaaeam.oomla opera and apeclai; 
Uta at tbe Palace Theatre, KIraIfy balJeia, living 
plotnrea and variety at the Uoward Alheoainm, 
freela, onrloa and itage ahowaat Analln A Btone'a, 
and bnrlcaqne and apeolalUea at the Lyceum Thea- 
tre, drew Ilbeial patronage lo all ot Ibeaa houaea. 

MiLWAUkii, OOL 80,— The Academy bold lia 
largrat aodlencea ot tbe aeaaon Sunday, the atand' 
Ing room algn being In light at both pertonnancea. 
Tbe occuloo wu Ibe opening ot "Darkeat 
Roaila," which waa greatly appieolattd, lut even 

log'a hooae alao being large "A Bench 

Koyi" commenced their week at tbo Bijuo, Bun 
day, to large bulneaa, witli a good bouae lut 

nlgbt Tbe Btadt Theatn Block produced 

Rudolph Koelael and Herman Ueracbel'a mnalcal 
faroe comedy, 'Amora Oroaobke,"Bunday evening, 
to a large atlendsnoa. Tbe piece waa a aaccen, 

and will be repeated ai Tne People'a, with 

Allyn and Ungard leading, had a good opening. 

Toe Wonderland enjoyed good bualneaa, 
Tbe BiandardTbcain will be reopened, Nov. u, u 
a fiiit claaa vandevllle and combination home, Ihe 
name being chugod to the Orotio. II. Bblppcy la 
lha proprietor, and Frank Dunon, manager ot the 

WoBderland, will be manager Anna Era Fay 

endeavored to myallty fair houaea at iheUavldaon 

WAseiKOTON, Ool. 89.— "A Trip to Oblnalown' 
bad a large following at Itapley'aNationaL Datry 
Conner, Oeialdlne UoOann, Badle KIrby, Newton 
OhUneU, Uarry OIUoll, Margant McDonald and 
Beasle Olaylon, the prinolpala, each received an 

ovation Mane JaSaen andFredeilo Bond made 

their flrat joint appearance hero In "Mlaa Dyna- 
mite," at Albangh'a, betoro a full bouae. Olon 
McDonoogh'i clever play bu made a poalllvo Im' 
prctaloD, Judging from the Inoeaaantapplaoae bo- 
itowed, and a oontlnuallon of exoeUent bnalneaa 

aaaured for tbe week J. K. Emmet appeared 

atKapley'BAoademyotMnalo, In "Friiz In a Mad- 
bouae." The audience wu large and tbe play wu 

thoroughly appreciated Oeorge W. Mouroo'a 

My Auui Bridget," rowrlueo, wu produced at 
OnUet'a BIJou Theain 10 an overllowing houu of 

well pieued people lllee i. Barlon'a UomO' 

dlana, In their mniloal farce, "UoDoodle and 
ivicdle," turned people away from Kermm'a 
Lyceum Theatn. 

CiNOiNNATi, UcU 30.-"IUp Van Winkle" bad 
diamal night for a nianrreoUon, andJoiepb Jeubr 
ion waa giteted by an audience ot only fair aize 
at the Walnut Street, Tbe advance aalo (or tho 

week, however, la quite htrge At the Orand 

big houao langhed over tbe ton In -'A Summer BUi- 

laid." "Tbo lllaing Qenentlon" wu tho only 

novelty on the Sunday mena, aud WlllUm Uarry, 
at Ueuck'a, wu welcomed by a good eiicdaudl- 

cnoo Foribe firai Ume tbla aeaaon the 8. II. 0, 

algn wu out at the opening mailoee at Uavlin' 
wblleatnlgbtlbegrcaieaicnuhol tho year greeted 
"A llallnad Ticket," people being turned away. 

The London Uellea proved a good uiagnel at 

tbe Funntain, when the S. H. 0. algn wu ouco 

luore la uae Flolda a Uanion'a UrawUig 

Carda packed Ihe Feople'a, aud Uavia' "Unulu 
Tuni'a Cabbi" again proved a dtawUig card at 

ST. LuuiB, (Jill. 90.— The London Brapln Enter 
laUicra drew to Ibo capacity ot the Standard yea- 
lerday Tbe conllououa ahow at I'upu'd dr«w 

K.O.ainlgbt A big crowd aaaemblod at the 

Uljiupio 10 aee Oeorge BapUite defeat I'eier Sobu 

luaober In a oatohu caiob can wrealle Barney 

Ferguaon drew two big bouiea at Ibe Uagan 
"Siiaft No. 1" drew big boniea at Utvlln'a..... Julia 
MarlowaTaber opened at tbe Orand laat nlgbi, 
"Tbe School for Scandal," to a taabloaable audience. 

C'baa. Frohman'a Slock Oompany prtaenttd 

"Sowing Iho Wind" lo a full parquet circle and 

bcxeaatibo Olympic AndyAuntot pnaentcd 

"A Clean Sweep" at Ibe McOjulaud Upon Uonar, 
Eul St. Loula, Sunday, toatuilhouio... .The Oardrn 
Theatn wu burned out aner tbe perfotmanoe 
Sunday nlgbi, and Joaepb Bbaw, a waller, wu 
aonocaltd by amoke. The loaa la eallmated 

Iliraoir, Oct ao.—X imlny night and a large po- 
litical meeilDg at the Aadltonnm did not leeaen the 
aiieadanoeatanyoflheihealieabuinlghi. Atihe 
Detroit "Tbe Amasoni" opened lo good bnalneaa. 

Tbe Athenia Comlo Opera Co., at the Lyceum, 

phkytdloaOnebouee Wbllueya Orand inmtd 

people away Sunday nIgbt and bad a large attend' 

anoe Mondar, with "Tbe Police Patrol." Oamp- 

bell'a Boplte did Ita uanal Sunday o'ght'a bnalnna 
with "The Prima Donna,»and bad a big bonae Men 

KAKais Cirr, Oot. SO.— The Panllne naU Opera 
Oo„ In "Dotcaa," opened at the Ooataa lut 

nigbttoa (air bonae At Ihe Orand yealerday 

"In Old Kenticky"opencd lo a packed mailnee and 
lined people away at night "A mm Wed- 

ding" opened to a light bonae at tbe HlnlbBinet 
madneeyaterday, bat had a better bonae In ttie 

evening The ailUa had a fair boue for Ua con- 

Unnou perfomancea. 

LoviaviLu, Oct. ao.— 'The idler," wltb UlyaaFa 
living plolarta, opened at Macanley'a to a good 

bonae Ona BUl'a )lovelil(a,at' 

tiacted two big booaea Sunday, and a good bonae 

Uat night Tbe Orand Open Honaa preaenied 

"Tbe Stowaway" befon alarge andleoce lutnlght. 

The Backlngbam wu well flUed to wltneaa 

Uarry Morrla' Borleaqoe Company The Oem 

opened lo a (air bonae. 


HMtoB—Tba Hew Tork Lyceum Tbcain Co., In 
"Iba AnuioD*." clOMd a aoooaailiil aaraaemoatal Iba 
OolliiB'rMtThaatn OcL97, aa4ar*loUo«od tbla weak 
by Ftlmir "Biowaloi " Tba oospaoy li bootaO 
lor tvo Toobi or vera. Hu adTaaeo aala la v«rr large, 
and tba will aadopbtadly pinva a mcoaai- 

iQl ODO. 

TAaa Taaival- "Off tba BATtb" ll aonoeooad by 
MiDAger ButaoD (or w«*k of a, wboo tba piteo vUl ro- 
eolvo lU flnt BoitoD praaaotatloa. It lamalaa ooit 
WMk. »8Ain'lofPoMn"cloMdaflaoaDnfamwtP. 

Qaiaa opira Hooaa— "Boit of tba uill." tnoibar 
plocaifao bare lor tho Urn tlor, will ba lugad S by 
(•niieta HtDitold a Naaao. JAn L. Holllnn'K aa- 
BtR«iutBt vta a lueeoH iDAaclAllr, and ba elowd rr to a 
oniililai boaao. Noil ireob, Jai. O'Malll, in -Homo 

i^LuaaiA ToiATRB.— '%«loa thaWlBd"rtB toniAr' 
otBcoot bttiilooii la*t WHk and boflnt Ita MCood wa«k 
79 to wbal. lodflDB from tbo boi oflko aalM already 
totilo, profniiai to tM on* of ilto btK la tba blitorr ol ib* 

Aa RoutM 

Athlaioa'a. Kaada— nomaarlUa. Ol, Oct. SI, Bala- 
A btieaaW M. Ajnladlloola. PlaTt-lo. . 
ADBOII'Ab^adlaoi-aaitlotd CItr, lad, OeL IB-Hot. S. 
"AOurLor-FIonoca,M>iA,Oct.9l,IlolTokoNoT. 1, 
- -paooidia. 

^ lia Jr."— Kllwaakao, Wla., Nor. I-t, Cbicbiaall. 

■AOfOfa tba FAloDAO"— (lilnao. lU., Nov. A-IO. 

' AboataoUum"— Bollalo. K Y. Rov, 1-x Toronto, Can., 
1-7, Banilloo B, 8t Tbomu 9, Loodoo Ul 
Aaot BildiVt"— Waiblnittoo. D. a, net B-Kov. 1 
Amtnu"— Dotnit, mob., Oct (1. 

Brroo'a.Ollror-E»iab*lb, N. J. Hov.a Udnoood B, 
CliToUod. 0., S-7, Blattnvllla, W Vt. t.S, Holioa- 
tIUo, O., 10 

BlDdlov'a, Flotaaeo-Cbleafo, HI. Oot S-Kot. M. 
ii'fbhA BoHlo-CUviluJ, C oot II, minato^ 

Bondt'a Co'eMdlaaa-Fatukoy. Mldu Oct SI, Harbor 

BarrT'iT VD.-4laolnull. 0., Oot B-Nov. S, Pluabaii, 

BoatoD Coaiidr-alrard, Pa., Oct SI, LinarllloMor. I-S, 

bouM.' "Bovloiilli* WiDd" tabook*d (or « loaa no. 
aurvisi TtiaAlRK.— DoTlBB Ibo pail TO«ko( -"- 

Id OX) 

Hontudiy" Ita popularlir eoDlianod to louaaia with 
aicb porlonoAD^o, Tho Hcoad wiok boBtoaSLaod Iho 
"AtaodlBV Tcom ooly" boooir, •hlcb wia vavod at 
BTorr porlomiiDCO iait wo*k,vlllao doubtbofluoBto 
tbo broeu aialo. 

BoTHil:( HQOtaB TaaiTaa.-'nhoColtoD Klog" la la 
tho lull tide 01 A moot proaooaMd rarooM. Poopio baro 
lioon ''luriipil hvar" at ooeb porlorniAao*. Tbo foarth 
vook ot>«nR SO, vltfa aa advanea nlotltatwarranlBlbe 
'.-llciH.N ii>At (be «oth will far oieood Ita prodacaaaoro 
ft tba attandaBca. 

BOHTos Mcokva.— "PtIdco Pro T^m" coollaaoi to bo a 
oiaaaatthatdnaacroaded aod oaihoitaatlo aodloaeoa 
to Hanaeor PloM'a TliOAtro, and all vol! repaid for Ihoir 

alt*od4ac«. Dad UAly opoo 39 (or tba drat umt aa Joi 
tica, tbla balai bli iDllial aiwoAianoo u a laoniborol 
ihamajooDicompaoy. Tho "Pnoco" will Dot abdicata 

QDUI woll alooB towaidi now roar. 

TaauoxT Tuaima.— Iba aaeood weak or "IISO" oloiod 
17 to a iueeo*8loD otflao aodl*ooaa,aad tba laat weak bat 

KaiTa a Maw TaBAVaa— Utaaaor Eoltb laovldooUy 
dolornlDOd to malDUlD Uto loao u a prorldor— aad a 
qenorooa oDo-ot Iho M|bott oUaa ol TaadOTlUo, oomody 
Aod iiwclAlly amaMmrDta (or bii pairooa wbo ibrooR 
bla IwwiUAiTboalo. For wook o(S D* reuloi bla llvloi 
plolurM. A aaoibor ol aew itbloaai bavo boon addM 
aod 000 01 Ui*oi. oapeclillj. ODtltlad "Bonteoal 
BrATOrr," UailanllDBBroacone and waa ioaamod In 
honor 01 tbo Baralooai PIro Aiaoclatloa. lalhavaoda. 
vnloAodhpoolAltyllDooorolb* three Botoooi^ oildAlr 
tynoakta; tbo Bam TroopA Arcolwi UotbAa, AUoo 
lajmoad. Boiadi Broi.ioo xalnllor, Btuart Faltonon 
Broa.CroDla and Morr. lb* Boralloa. B. P. BalllTAO, 
Bella OUrk, Ibo UolttoaA Victor, l)lajloalil;aad (aa- 
bollA PoolII, Ropraon. hir drat BORton ■pooaraDCo. 

Howard ATUBKeoM —Hraafor LoUirop ooallaaaoto 
rIto A'roDB ahnwa at hlo boaw. and tho raiolt la bl|[ 
lauoDiRo. Wookomhobill.tho Froaoh Daocan, thi> 
Ja Crown, llTina pleliroA Klralfr hailott, Foitor ani 
Lowio, Panolo Loabo. Editb Bkyo. vaaootlA aod Tonoy, 
PlormHhIokli. b^To Qooaio.MirUo Trootldor.Tom Ar- 
dolL lorx PoiiQir, Etdorm and Norlno, Borwlu Blitoim, 
Ida llowell, K. Edward, aod tho Howard Barloiqao Co. 
In tho DOW OAUavogaoiR, "noblawnCraaooJr." 

Palicr THa&Tai.— Nanagtr Aa*Uo baa bookod Bor 
Ino'B VaudoTllIo Co lor wtek of :ie. Tho orBaoltatloa 
ewnpnooaeoltoD, (Hilton aod Doaal*. Priea aod Utob, 
Toov Kran. Plihoraod CofTOIL ado wood and. Ifrlnir. 
Marlowarron. tho loprano, atlll ronulaa, boglDnlogbar 
tblid DODtb S. 

LTCica TuaATRB— Tbli bonao la havlnRkiuecoaltal 
tiotMoaod RouiDK It* lull obAta oflho bnnlaoM tn Iowa. 
Pnr ttook nl o MADiRor Uohr proiODU Hilda Tbomaa, 
Pii'i) and Krann^i Blooi aod »IODa,tba BlifordLMo 
Mk'iiin «n>l King, fltlntoa aad Kortoo. UlaooandBoi 
Ingtoo aod tbo Taldaial. 

AU^ts A ^tlO»l'B Hl'Bloa.-41toao k Shaw'o loclora 
hall wBi pickod tn itH llniKa lut wo«k by poopio adxIoub 
loT'OwllioHacrodWhlte BoU ol Burmah. Iba aalnal 
haaprorkdnBOorihoaroBteltauraAUoBi Ihowobora la 
oiADTinonlhBkod willromale aaolhorwoob. Tboroar 
alto lo Ibo hall tbo two Qaiaboa, the gorilla (albor an 
BOB, ibB trloky Vamioot Btoor ''Baraoy." Itowo. Lllllo 
Wray, Lcodhao), BachmBn and UanrwoaUior. noBrly 
Btaao Rbowo an ritbd lo lha Uicaire oy two compaalof, 
all»roBi|Ql iDComodrand fBTCo. 

QKiKD xvaiua — Loibtop'B Btock t;onipaiir will pro- 
pOBt "NoRffot Hall" w<ok 019, whiob olll latfodoca ibo 
'-baby couplo." Jack Tookor Bod Era Willlami, wbo wll I 
liATothoRuppnrtot tbo loll itraoRlb of iho oonpaar 
lo Iho oililblUon hall ihorowill ho a conlo«t botwoon 
*-ninliaioaOcodn."bo>ldM A ionoo ol llflaa plaoroo. 
Tho olio: Hoyooar aod Moon, not Pullman. Hlnea and 
LVtlby, AlOKBodor Wlloon. AiooBOIaytoa, LiUiBOCboa- 
lor. AildIo Hinltb, Uany Do Voaua and Frank Taylor and 

Nuraa — H r. and Un BoarbotmTioowllllollowCadata' 
wook at tbo Tnmon tVboatr*.. . . Joo. Uawonb and "llooo- 
dBlo*'willoomiaBBOOBtonr ol tbe NowBoaland ollloa 

30 RItnard Uaiudold conoa to ibo ParaThoatraat 

tba Qlosa 01 the rna ol "Off tba Bartb." ManBgaia 

Atblaaoa and Biady will alra a apodal naliDoa por- 
iormBoeoof "Tho Oonoo aloa" to (ho prolooolon ooxt 

Krldar WanaRarR.n. Mobr. ortbo Lycaam Ibaatro, 

bu> boon condatd byatckouB to bla roBldoooo atMol 

foaa (or Bomo dar* put Manajrar WllllBn Hanla, ' 

tba firm ol RJdi « llarrlA bai oailroly tocororod Iron 
BOToroatiBok or eaairlMa aod rhBanauim, bom wblob 
b* bu boon a Bofforor r 

WoRaater.— At tbe Worccaier Theatra Joieph 
Slarphy draw a Urao Budteooa, la "Borrr Oow," Oot S. 
"On tbo HlBBUilppl" 19. 90, "Tba coafBdoTtto Bpy," looal, 
Nov. I. 

FMST BraiBT OriKA UoFaa.^obo B. Broaaao, In 
"Tiia, tba Tinker." drew good hnuaoa Oot. S-31. Jamoa 
R. Aaama in "A Crair Lot," dhl a big buRinafB 0-17 
PBlor Mahar'i Spaoliliy Co. O-Sl, tba Fianeta Folly Co. 

LoTURor'aOrkRA llovaa— "Thorolonol aod T'draw 
RBOd andloaooB Ud 2^.ti Joan Cravaa. lo '-Baomlaa 
rorLiro."didatlnabaBiDB«a29-n. Kaiborin* llob*r, ' 
"TlHi CIonBDOoan Ov," Oot »-Hot. S 

KorcA-llBTTT n VonogaadA. B. White, (oraotly . 
tlio PioDtfiirootOpora IIhuh, wore lo iho odylatt wook, 
ranaolog old acqualotaucoa Thoy are now traasarwr 
and maakgor, ro^pocdvolr, of "TlioColoaaland T'cooi- 

BBOy AdroIo Truda, lor many bbaboob with (ho 

worooBlor Tboatio Oreboflia. Ibatob Oot 8 (or Lake 
wood, K. J , wboro h* h«B aecoplod aa aaaaaonaat for 
IboWlotBrtoplar wltb UiaLiatel llonjo Onbaau 

BprlnKOald.— At Ollmore'e Court Bijnare 
ThoBlro, (lot 2A "Old Jod Proulr" waa proBODKd to a 
itrKB houao. Many poopio woro dlaappolniod at tb* Don 
BPPoaranoo of Hfchanl Ooldon. Lowla Morrlaoa. i~ 
"Paual." WBI wall ro'Olrod U "A BBggBfo OhtcV 
draw a light lionas U. "Pawa Tlckal aiO" bad good 
ralomBtr. Bookod: x>. "Roaodala;" SI.Boldl'a Oidboa. 
Ira; Not. 1. 3. S. BBkor Upara Oo. 

OikaOBH'B oranA llo('B«.-Bookod lor Oot. O, Ju. 
A'laiiiA Id "A Cnixr l-ol " 

TccxKH'A Parlor Tkratrb.— Tho lollowlog appoarod 
wi^oh III M to rihmI bnalooaa: nleo aod Prdoroaa, Anal* 
Blliosiar. Piol. Hart and XCa Boaala EdiarEly, Dbtb 
UBranl. Mcfluln and Tboroton. Wook o( B: aila. Co. 
loolla, niiDt Hbtbd. r. B. i^hBB. (^Ih liatiDdoia. Frank 
and Ulan MarloD. Flora Loooanl, aod tioao aod Itarrl. 
aon. WhIlB Rlcaand PrIioinAB woro dolaa (liolraetS, 
Mr. Prlmroaorell and ettt hIa haod ao badly la tbo (la 
guard ri (liB InoUiHhiB ihat bo had to canoal tba ramaia. 
0*r ol tbo wBBk. 

Lykin.— Allbo Lynn Theatre "lloaaand Uoaa' 
dill B fair Imainaia uo(. S. Janira A. Uaraa caoia la 
">boraAcr«*"al.r7io BblRboaiaBBr. Comlag: "Hoi«. 
ilalB" Not 7, 'Tho iTT UaC 9, 10. 

Mphio llAiu~Carno TulBin. Coogan. Rtod aad Tafo, 
KBBff'o ami llilL llBaklii and WalkBr, UeUta aod Hall. 
HugbBB and Farroo, LUIbd Carllala aad Ad. (^tliBla* 
IralOBd doga 

iloBiiii*.- Willknl BtaotoD. ot thiB eltr, baa Joined 
'Honda AerofB Iho 8aa" outbpbdt aa BdTaoco agao' 
Tbs hUiorleal clock ii on aihlbiiton In ihia ally. 

Loxrell— .Vt Ihc Optia Uouae l,awlj Hortlaon 
In "Fault" bail Iwo big bou'oa t>et ti n "lloio aoiL 
Mora" plATBd to Buiall buBlnara at "j<)ion AotM" 0,101- 
iBTlAhly rtllod tbo houao n. Booked ;' Old Jod I'raaly'' 
SI. "Tlio EnaloOBt" SiiT. 3 

MralO IIALL-Rthol TnokBT Blanod lo Oct. a wlUi - 
pacfcoJ houio, and krrtlba (.u^iaonA np lor a weak. Oa 
lior BTTlTBl Id tho eilr tli, aha waa m«t at tba dopot by Ibo 
Paaay t:iub. aod waa uiada lha raclploat o( floral offo^ 
loga, Joaa CiaTan, la "Boaiulta for Lua," comae S lor 
a WB'k. 

LawrvBce.— At tbe Open nonae "The Old 
llAnioalaad*' draw a largo hooao U, pricoa boIBi ad. 
faaeod. "Oo the Mlu'.aippr' plaiad to Iblr boBinaBa 
M. (Mmlaa: Mot. I. R(cbaid (Mdoo, la "OM Jod 

Pnaly." 3 Tba aaiaiy Tbaaira (a pUylng to tkl 


TaaaloB.— At tbe New Theatn "Pawn Hoket 
SIV hail a light hooaa. Oct O * Bbaon RhoA" S. bad 
tUr t^alaoaa. "Tba Old UoBOBload, V. playod to tbo 

oapBOlty ofUta thOBIrw At Mualo UalLPaiao a Mao- 

Bhaotara "Toa Niehta id a Bar Room.'' If, bad Hsb ' 
aeaa. Oomlai:"rbBTwnUrpbaDa"l9. 


Bisu Kalla.— At Ibe Orend Uie Woodmid 
TbBBlra Oo. aloaod a Iwo wsoka' aagaiaooat Oat 
BoBwin, Bind laadtr and moanatlit opanad (Or Ihiaa 


- Mre. Sadio Burr, wire ot o. V. Burr, maaloal 
dircclnr. Ii playing UUa aad OphcUa vrtUl BUI- 

Mutt Rtaeh Us 
Tkan Monday. 

Not Litar 

•IriA Alllar-N. T. Olty Oct S-Rov. lA 
"In Old (aabaokr." Ro. t-Tlotoria,J. O, Oct 
- I,8(!Btda,Waab^l,a?Wr" - - 

- ^tda,Waab^ia7Wa|ia WaUa\tot 

S,7.lllaaoaU.Hon.,B.aBlwaa Id -"^"W- 

n'a.llaria-Waabloatoa, D, n, Oct S-Mor. t 

Joffaraoa'A JoBapb-Claclaoatl, O., Oct S-Mov a. 
Pltlabnn.PA.e-10 * 

000 var Nov. I, 



burg. ] 

|!jBBa"H^Dell BlaffB, la, Itov. 7. 

Cany a B. 


S,(lalnaav1Uo t-IO 

ira (Vmady-Tallabaaaaa, Fta^ Oot S-Mov. 
u...»..^..Jo S-IO 
Bii{>>>Cooiedy-llarldaii,at,Oct9-Nor. S,8onlbbrid|o 

mt^VtJIuitF-afnMU, H. Oct SI, Bocbaitar 


imBcii jiiaii". 

Eaaaa'a, Tboa. W.— Sao Aatonio, Tea , Oot si. Wbm 
Hot. I, DaiiaBS. 1 Oiaanvlllaa Paila I, Bbonaa? 
Denlaoa«,FottWorai«.IO . ' 

loodal'a, Br. and Mia.— Baa Pnaelaco, UaL, Oct n-Hn 


XaonBdy'B Playora-FrBObold, N. J., Oct 8-Nov. t Jar. 

Boy City 1-10 
IlaiU'aL>'arl0-Ada,O.,0et3M(oT 3. 
■■xid"--roB(oria. o., Oct SI. 81 Marra Nov. I, lima 1 

Dayton t-<.IadlBaapallB, lad.. S-IO. ^ 

EUlamBV and (ha Bbloa"— MlddlaUwa. N, T. Oct. 91 

Olaaa Kov. 3, Rochoater S-ia 
TjoooraTbaatra. Fiobmaa'a (road)— Fblladalpbla, Pa 
iJ^ iJotS-NoT.IO. 

Uwla", UUIaa-AUaata. Oa.. Nor. S, 10. ' 
Ufiat'a Hlaolo-vrtiltaball, N. T., Oct »%toT. a 

LlndlBF'aHaTTT-iraUlax. N. B . Oot 9, Indaflalla. 
LyBoam Tbaatio, BbBTplBT'a— Wabb City, Mo , Oct s. 
Vnv. 3, TAlBiinBli J. T, I-IO. 

^Loat PandlBo"— Torooto, OaiuOot St, London Kot. sl 
Flodlay. O.,l0. 

XlmltaJ Mall"— BBRltbarg. Pa, Oct SI, Lucaaur Hot. 

I. Colamblal Tork 3, Baltlmoia, Md ,e-U) < 
"Land ol the HIdalabt Ban"— Chicago, IU.,OctS-lloT. 

S, St Pool, Minn., S-IO. 

'Loot In Bkrvt"— Toakaia, N. T., Kov. B, TAtntown a, 
Paoaoklll 1, Danbnrr. Ot., 7, Watorbniy t, Xow 
Britain B. » _ 

"Lira Ooam"- Toronto. Can-, Oct 29-Bot, ^ Detroit, 

N'or. M, PblladolpbiB, Pa . 6-10. 
i-urglar"— PittabajR, Pa., Oct ap-Nov. & 
BarnI or Moaay"-Paoldlng, O.. Oot SI, 
lod . Nir. a Colombia City S, Fort Wayna a, Blafftoa 
6. llanfBTd City 7, Logaaaporta AUica 9. OoTlogton UX 
Biiocb or Koia^'— MUwankBB, WU, Oot SS-Nor. a. 

loy"— PaoMlng, u.. ool si, ManofaaBlar, 
Colombia City 3, Fort Wayna e, BlaBloo 

„ 7, LoganaportaAUicar — — 

Riincb or Koya^'-MUwankBo, WU, Oot 
BaggagB Chsek"-<llBTalaad, O., Oct SI, Oatrolt, MIcb. 

'BIwk Ciook," Tompkma', Ko. 1— BofiAlo, K. T., Oot 39- 
Nov. a, Dolrolt Hlob , B-UL 

'Bkok Crook," Tompblna' No. l-Baadlng, Pa., OetSl, 
Alloooa NOT. 10. 

Borglar," No. S-Bocbaatar. N. T.. Oct S-Not. S. 

Brownloa"— BoatoB, Masa.. Oct SB-Not. 10. 

'Black ebaBp"-M0Dpbla. Tann., Oot 81. 

'BiBBBy Tuna"— ColomboA O.. Oot. 81, Ortaiu Nor. I, 

DajtonB, Uamlltan 8.Clnelaoau4-la 
'blao Jaana"— New OrlaaBA JA. Oct 38.NOV. S, Mobile, 

Ala.,B,4,HBrldian.MlBB.. 7. Monlgomory, Ala., 8,BIt- 

nlnghaaae. ColnmDoA Mlaa., 10. 

Cogblan'a, Booo— Bnrllogtoo. Ia.,OotSl,I}oeatar, lU, 
Ito'. £ Uanadald, u., i Canton 7. 
Coanld'arillortcb-N. T. city Oct Si UidolottB. 
ChBBB'B.UBUia Barnard— Chaltanooga. Tann , Not. 0 tot 
Oolllar'A WUllo-Omaba, Nab., Oot SI, at Joaopb, Mo., 

Not. I, EanBaaOllyt-iO. 
ClBiioo-Janaoacbek- Uarlford, Ct, Oct 81, Uobokon, 

N. J., Not. 1-3L ailUmoro. Md., t-IO. 
CarlotoB romaoy— otaogo, MIcb , Nor. 1*3, Union City L 
UrBno'a,W. U.-N. T. Oity Oot B-Dac 1. 
clarka-PBTklnaon- Topoka,Ean , Oct 39-Not. 1 
OboBla's, MBnla-ObBriBB Oily. la , Nor 1, Maaon City 3 
'Cbanty Ball"— Doa Mcloos, la, Oot 81, Cadar Bapldj 

NST. I. 

loaat aaBld"-8t PauL Minn.. Oot S-Nor. 3. 
Ooonty FBli"-KBnBaa Oily, Mo., Nov. t-UX 
"Craokar JBCk"-8boboy(aa, Wla., Ool 81, Chicago, Ul, 

"Colonal aad 1"— ProvldBnea, R. I., Oct. O-Not, S^ Bos 

ton, Maaa. ft-UX 
"CbBiIar'a Aont" No. 1— aarlam, N T., Not. e-IO. 
"CbarlBr'B Aaaf* No. 1— RocbBOtor, H. T., Oct SI, Byn* 

COM Not. I-& 

•Cnm Bosdl orLiro"- Dacatar, 111, Not. a 
"Cork Kaa"— OlraidiTlllA Pa.. Oct. SI, Bbanandoali Not. 
I. Mt Oannal 3. Sbamokla s, UBbaaov Olty a, Tamaqua 
a Uaialloa 7, Bcraaioa B, rltutoaO, Blogbamton, N. 
T., ICOasonu It 

■Olaan Bwoap"— Vandalla, lU., OoL SI, Efllngbaia Not. I, 
Mattoon 3. Obarloaton S. Pana B. OaaTlTia e, Obom- 
^ga 7, Ollnton 8 BloomlogionP, Falrbory 10. 

"Liborty Ball"— BIngbaniton, N. T., Oat S-Kct.a, 
-M. T. OltyOct»,u. 

'Little Ohrlatopbor Ci>lofflbaa''- 

"LltUo TriKia"— Cairo, lU., Oct 11. Padaeab, Ry., Not. I, 
Coatnlla, lit, S, Waterloo a, Vandalla t, Ellogbam I, 
BraalUnd.7. . . ,.. _ 

"Lady windormara'a Fan"— Lonlarlllo, Ey, Oct SI, 

"LItu'a BMcalatar"— Wathlaa, N T.Oot 31. Boaoea Falli 
Kor. 1, Anbara3,Narwleh3.8chobarlaB. Albany ea. 

Marlowo'o. JnllA-8t Lonia, Mo., Oot 39-Mot. ». Cbl. 
ago. III, S-IO. 
Marvby A Tim— Blngbamtoa, N. T., Oot 81. Baanton. 
Pa.. NOT. L WllkoabaiTO 3, Beading S, Waablngtoa 
D. 0.. S-10. 

ManlaUl, B. B.-rblladolpbla. Pa., Oot 3a-Nov. 8. Day. 
loa. 0., B, Springfield B, Mlddlolon 7, IndlaaapoUi, 
Ind.. B-lB. 

ManaSold'a, RIebaid— Harlom, N. T.,Oct^B-NiiT s. 
MoHanry'A Nallio-Soraaloo, Pa. Oct St WUktabirrt, 

Nov. I, BIlBbolb, N.J, S. Hartford, Ot,B 
Maoklo'A JaA B.— Torro Baata, Ind , Oot SI. Tloooonaa 

Nor. I, ETuaTlUaB, Owanaboro, Ky.,S, LoaUTUI^K^, 


MorvWIIIIana-Obolaoa, Maaa., Oct. »-Not. S 
MolTllla Oomodlaaa-Bachanan, Micb., Nov. I-S, Marcal. 
Ink a-IO. 

Mollle Illllagbook Conady-Blongblon Maaa. Not. I 
Wlncboodon 3 Hlnadalo, N. H.. 3. Potorboro a, Hilford 
S, DaTarblll, Maaa . 7, Lowell S-IOl 
Murpby'A Joaopb- Brook lyo. N 1., Oot B-N0'.3 Bcraa. 
ton. Pa , (L 1 Norrlttown 7. Oamdan, N. J., 8. Cboatar, 
Pn.B. Wumlogun, I>ol,IO . „ . 

Morrla', Fallx-Onlcago, III, Oot 1»-Hot. 8, EL Unli, 
Mo., 4-10. 

Marka Broa'— Arnprlor, Ont , Oct S-Not. S. 

Manh's MIoet Playora-Marlon, B. 0., Oct 9-Not. s, 

Sonlh Boiton.VA, B-IO 
Mar Tokaa Comedy- Lonlalaoa, Ma, Oot 3B-Not. S, FoI. 

McCaitbT'a, Dan— Troy, N. Y., Oat SI, Toroato, Cu. 
' Not. 6-10. 

Macroadr'a,J. W.-ForaatClty,Pa-Ootl*-NoT.8. 
' Hmo. Sana Oono"- WaablDston, D. CJIov. 6-10. 

"McFaddon'a Ekipomont". 

nllkolbarra. Pa-, 7. 
"Hr Par nor"-Akron, 0, 

caio. III.. 4-10 
"McKonna'a Kllrutloni". 
"Mao WKhontaCoantlT' 

Bailam, N. T., Ool S-Not. S, 
Oct SI, HanaBaU Not. 3, Cbl. 

PaUiaon, N. J , Nor 8, 1 

-N.Y.OltyOot SB-NOT. i 

"Hogga' Landing"- 4ni0Dla Ot, Oct 81. Brldgaport, 

B- w, . lorrl 

jntry Bqalra"-Baa Aoionlo, Toi. Oot SI. 
''ColnoaP'—Obatlaoooga, Tann.. Not 3. 
"Cotton ElOB"— Boaton. Maaa , Dot 19. IndaOnlta. 
"Cbarlay'l Aunt" No. S-Taeomo, Waab., Not. 1-3, BolJo 

City, (dA,6 Ogdoo. U.,7, Bait LakoCltyB-IO. 
"CounUT Olroaa"-N. V. (!lty OoL 9-NoT. 8, Brooklya, 
N T ,*-10 

"Cbarlay'B Annt" No. 4-CbAttAoooga, Tann.. Not. I. 
AdaatkOB., 3. S, UbarlBBtoo. & 0., a 6 Braniwicb, 
la.. 7. JaokBooTillo, Fla.SL RaTannan. Oa,0, ir 
iCooaQollowi'— Akroa.0.,I<OT lOaotoaS. 

rrBw'B, John-N. Y. Olty Oct 39. Indefinlto. 
Doooaily a Olrird'a-ObloaBO, Ul , Oct IS-.Vot. 8, 
Olavalaad, OnB-lO. 
Oailsy'B, PBlar F.-Bllaabotb, N. J., Oot 81. PatorBoo 
Not 1. Jonoy City 3, BuSalo, N. T., 6-7, Ctelumboa, 0., 

DlBkaoa'a, ObBA fl.-Lltlls Rock, Aik., OoL 31, Nov.l, 

DairaCoasdiBao-GarrolltoD, Ey., Not. 1. 

DatlB'.Cbu L— Akron, O^, Not. S. Piitaborg. Fa., 0-10. 
"Onliy^a BlundBn"— Bt Lonla, Mo. uot. 39-Not. 3, 
BraaSTlllo, lod., 4. Hompbla. Tann., P, 10 

"Dangor 8igaal"-Fort worth. Tax . Oot SU Parla Nov. 

LToiatkana % Lltllo Boob, Ark., 3, Monpblt Tonn., 
- • 1,KT..B,CbBBiBr;iU,'- 

0. I-Ilaw Orlaana 

NatabatMJaa,&.TIckBborg e,,SbroroporL La,7, H008' 


La. Oct 3B-N0V. 8, 

tun. Tex . B, OalTBBlon 9, Ban AnUinio Id II. 
'Darkut BoaiU"- Mllwankso, WU., Oot 29.N0T. S 

Bockroid, lit, a, Dnbaqoo, la , 6, DiTBBoort 7, Coder 

Raolda 8L DoaMolnaa 9, dr. Jooapb, Mo , 1« 
'Oorhy Wlnnot"— Baaalo, N. T.,OoL 9-Not. 8,Bocbaa. 

tar 8-7- 

'ixrbr Maaoof'-Fatoraon, N. J., Not. B-W. 

'Dowa InPiala"— IndlanapoUa, Ind.. Not.b-7. 

'DovU'a Anotlno"— Docatnr, Id. not, I, Frankloit 

Ibd.,a Hunola 6. Colambna 7, ETaaarllla I^V,OwBn. 

bo 10, Ky-IO. 

xiUa'ar'a, BBlB-Balma, Ala- Oct SI. Panaacola, FIa, 
-E' NoTrtHobllA AlA , 3. 3 Now OrlBADA La., 1-10. 
Eimnou'A Katie-Ban Pranelioo, Cal, Oot a-Nor.H 
Bllla', Obaa. T.-Blntbamton, N. T , Nov. I, WIUBBbana, 

Barla'a. Orabatn— Enlgbtatown, Ind., Oot 19-Not. a, 

QroonABM 6-10. 
EmmsfA J. E.-Waablaghia, D. C, Oct. S-Nov. 8l 


ElHnoood'a Plaiara-^oaqoabanna, Fa., Oct 31-NoT. SL 

ronatClly 6-II1. 
Bta Taotnay Comedy— Olaaa, N. Y., OoL SI-NoT.3, Ba. 


"lliiaign"-Nawaib, N. J, Oct S-Not. S, Falanon6L7, 
Tranuo 10. 

"Baglaaaf-Oaidner. Ma, Oot 81. BIddolord Nor. B, 
Ponainonlb, M. U. C. Biolor B, Fllohbua, Maaa , 10. 

"Eight BalU''-N. Y. City uot. 19-Not. S, Wllailogtoa, 
Del. a. 

"Eaomlia (or Lllo"— LowolL Maaa, Oot 39-NoT. 3 

Tiirobmu'aBmpinBtocb—DotfolL MIcb., Oct SI. 

t' FaTrall'a,Toay-afaat Bond. Baa., Oct 81, WIcblu 
Not. I, ArbAoau Oily t, Onlbrto 3. 

FnwIoc'A Jaet-Des Moltea, la, NoT! e-ld 

"Frlanda"— Kanfu Oliy, Mo., Not. 6-7 

"Faat Mall." Nonbarn-Paak III. Oot 81. GroooTlUa 
Not. 1. Mt Varnoa X Baal Bt Loola 8, BoIIotIIIo 4, 
Maipbyaboro 6,0arbondalo B,Aaaa 7, Uairo 8, Malro- 

pollo 9, Charlaaun, Ho.. 10. 
Fault'* Loarorfc'o-PbUadalpaiA ra.. ucL »-not. 3. 
Faat Mill," BoiUiorn-Paoaiallo, Ida, Nov I, Ogdoo, 
U.. 3. Bait Lake Oitr 3 Park Clly 6, Rook Bprlnia, Wyo., 

7. Bawlloa B, Laramie 9. Obayaooa Id 
'Fabio Bomanf-Baralon. N. Y., Oct 31, Atbol, Maaa, 
Not. I, Lynn a. 3 Lowaira aalom 6. Fottlasd, Ha., 7, 

Maacboaiar, N. II., 9, UwieocOL Miaa., Id 
"Fantaaoia"— Baiollon. Pa.. Oot 81, Not L FottavlUa X 

3 Nunatowa 6 c, Poliatowa 7, 8. Raaillna 9 Id 
"Fauat," Morrlaoo'a, Eaatora— Bnffilo. N V., Oot 81. 

(Moroliad, 0 , "OT 1-3. Dolnll, Hlob . 6-10 
«l<9t" Klco'o-Boston, Maaa. ' OL 39-Not. Id 
"lie I," BlawA Brlangar'a— AaBUSIa,aa,OotSI, Obarlaa- 

(00, It C^ Nov. I. 
"Fln^ol Tnioa"-N. Y. Olty Oct £>-Not. 8, Nawark, N. 

"Faoit" Morrlaon'a Woslora— Plymoalh, Pa. Oot 81, ML 
Caimal Not. L Aahland a, Baialun 3, Bobokon, N. J , 
6-7, Fraakloid. Pa.,B, Unoaalord YoH( lU. 

"Panst," Orimtb a-MaraTlila, ly., Oot. 31. Xoala, On 
Nor. I. Bolloloouloo t Upoar Bandnafcy 3 

"«-ll-M"-Daa MolDoa la.. Nov. 3 Daeuar, III . 9. 

"Finalua'a BaU"-OI(oioa, lA, Not. 31. Moaoatlaa Not. 
I. Bock lalaad. Id., a. Holloo 8, Daaaapon, la. 4, ualaa- 
hurg. III., \ Hoomoalb e, Burllnguia. lA, 7, gookok S. 
(iutoor. III.9, Alloab. 

GL'miwia'A N. 0-Oblcago, IIL,Ootl9-Nov.8,atPaal, 
I Minn., 4-10. 
Oorouui LlMputiaaa-N. T. r^ty Oot 39-Not. Ul 
Utaj'a Ada-AODApolla, Md., Not. I,Alnaadlla,TA,S 

WaabbigtoD, D. 0.. 6-ld 
aiUalla'a, Wm -Brooklyn, N. Y., Ool S-Not. 3 
GlaaaloTd Dimmada-Now Bo^b.lla, N. Y.. Oot t9-N0T.l 
aaniboay'a, NalUo-llaalltoo, Can, OoL 81. London Nor. 

, . . V««3 WVh MWBWV 

l,8,Hi, Tbomnaae. WoodalocktLV. TotonloB-ld 
'■nirl I UR Behind Ma," No 1-Pbr ' ' 
S-Noy. S, M. Y. City Not. S-ld 

Uadalpbia, Pa, Oot 
Wlbnlagton, Dal, Nov. I, 
No. 3-Daylon, O., Oot 81, Co- 

"anac Brooklyn Handicap' 

a, Balllmor*.Md.,6-ia 
"Oirt I Loll Boblod Ma." 

I'lnbaa Not. 1-3 
"naUaynlaTa"-Whoollng. W. Va, Not. l-a. 
' nalalT OlrP'-N. Y. Clly Oct ». IndoBnlto 
TTarrtgan'A Bdward— BalUmoro, Md.. Oct S-Not. a 
At Bcnntoa. Pa . «. 7, Wlikosbarta K9. 
Blllmao'a, Mauda — aaiaioga, N. V., Oot 39-Not. L 
Marlbom, Maaa. S-ld ^ 
Baana'a Badla-Lyaebbnrt. Va, Oct SI, DanTlllaNor. 

1 RicbiDood 3,3, PbliadalpblA.FA,B-ld 
Balloa a Hart'a-PioTldoaoa, R. I , Oct 19-Nov. 8, N. Y. 
City 6-ld 

Botdon nomodr-et Tbomaa, Can., OoL O-NoT. 3 
DM)>|Wni.-4alUaoro, Md, Oct »-Not. 8, Newark, N. 

Bamlllon'o Ideal Tbaaua-Fowlar, Ind., Oct S-Kov.S, 

"Hampiy DoBply," Sataa Brea ' No I— MUlnUa, N. J., 
Not. I. Brldgaloa3,Balan8,Naweaatla,IM.,B,ai>alaa 

"Hanlu'^iecalnr, 10, Oot SU Peoria Nov. I, Oblcaio 

"Rot Tamalaa"— DanTOT. Ool , Oot IB-Not. 1 
"Hooa aad Hoia"-Bnlalo, H. T.. Nov. l-ia 
iiTdUr" -LoalaTllla, gy , Oet MIov. I. 
A^"ta Uia Name or the OW'-IodlanapoUa, Ind. 

"Id Old (aaeacky, 

'"IaT*Blor"-Coanoll BhtlkL la, Oot BL 
•In Old laalacky," No. B- Kaaaa CIb, Mo., Oet M-Not, 

a, Hompbla. T»n,M,NaabTUIaB-Td •"•'-■•■"'"• 
'iTyLnV'-Aaaaau, HA,Oat 81, UwlalowaNoT 1,1, 

rotthnd 8. liotS^. U.,d DoTor C Uwnoca. MaM^ 

7, Naabea, It. B , g tjnn. Maaa * 
"loivmar"— Auaa, Ia, Nov. 1, _ _ 

a.Haawalia, TaaaaT, Toledo d Anamoaal^ n, Ha4a» 


' No. I— Beaton, Maaa, Oot 3d In 

Not. 1-3 PntaraCD, N. J., S-7, DoTOr 8, Baokonauk 9, 

Moaawood"- OUta. N. Y.. Not. d 
"yea aod Woioon '— Fluabuig, Pa, Oct 39-NOT. 8, Trao 

MUa Wblla FUg"— N. T. Olty Oct 39. indoDnlla. 
Moblu', MIlton-MnroD, Oa. Oct 31, CoUmboa Not. I, 
AmaricaaS, Bafala, Ala.. ». Morldlaa. Hlu, 6, Jack- 

aon e, Bbravoport i.a . 7. 8. TaxarkanA Tai., Id 
Nouioraolo'a 0lg»-N. Y. Oliy Oot 39-Not. 10 „ , 
<oaa' JoUltlaa-Mlddletown, OoL, Oct. 81. Dorar Not. I, 

Laoiol 3, Cambrldga. Md.. d Raaton a. aallabury 6, 

National Bomo, Ta,7, Newport Nawa 8. Saffolk 9. 
NaTlllo-A Mma and Aug.-FUrmonnt W Wa. Oct SI, 

Cnlontowa. Fa , Not. I, OonnolUTllla I. Ht riaaaant S 
NaTanra Comod;-La Plata, Mo., OCL39-NOT.3, Edioa 


'Now Boy"-N. Y. Oily Oot », indodnlte. . ^ 
Now Boi" (roail)-Fnrt Waroo, lod . OotS'. Lanilog 
Not. I, Bloomlnatoo, III . 0, Bprlogaobl d Jack' ooTlUo 
7, MoDDoath 8, DaTooport. Ik- 9, Doa Holoaa 10. 
Nomlaoo"-HoraollaTnl^ N Y., Not. I. Corolai 3, 
Ithaca 3 Ljona 6, Niagara Fallal, Albion 7, Rocbanai 

5- IO. 

Olfa Joaapb-St Paul. HInn , Nor. 1-3, Poorla. lU ,ld 
o'NaUra Jamaa-UUca, N. Y., Not. I, Boaton, Haia, 

Ogarlla-abelby, 0.. Oet S9-Not. 8. North Baltlmora 6-ld 

'-Old Jod Pranlr"- Lawranca, Haaa.. Not. I. 

"Our Dado Dudley"— Baltimore, Md., Oot S9-N0T 3, 
Fliuburg, Pa , l-n. . . ,^ ... 

"Old BomoatOkO," Tbomoaon'a— PioTldooco, B. L, Oot 
9-NoT. 3, WooniookoiS, Worooator, Haaa, 6-7, Bart- 
lord, Ot. 8. ArlngnaU). Maaa, Md _ . 

"Oa tba Mluraalpplii-Now Haian. Ct, Oct SI, Nor. I, 
llarlloid 3, a, Hroobltn. N. Y., S-ld 

' Olll alory"--PbUadalpbia, Pa, Oot 19-Not. 8, N. Y. Olty 

6- 10 

"old Faimor Hopklna"— Balobrldfo, O.. OoL St 
'Oa Iba Bowarr"— Pluabaig, Pa, Oct 39-Not. 8, Fort 

Wayna, Ind- 9. Id 

"OhTWb ■ 

.... ..bat a NIgbir"— Oakalooaa, la, Oct SI, Navtnn 

Not. I, Booao 3, Doa Molnoa 3, Uoalia, Nab , A-7, Lin- 
oolod B«alrleo9. Aicblaoo. Eaa . In. 
'Off tba Eanb"— Boaton, Maaa.. net 39-Nov. Id 

Paytoa'a, Coraa-Kaokok, la, Oct 19-Nov 3 Iowa Clly 

Poltor-Bollow-CIOTOIaod^.. Ool SI. Jackjon, MIob., 

Not. L Orand BaptdaS, Cblcogo. Ill, S-'O, 

Paul gaaTAr"-lll( " ' " 


PaiiI KAUTAr"- Kicbmond, Va., Nor. 1, X Newark, N. J., 

liaa.ponii-FblladolpblA PA, Oct 19-NoT. 8, Montreal, 

ipolico liapoctoi" -Orand Bapida Hlob., Oot 19-Not. 3. 
'miiigai Fadior"— rbicago. III., Oct 18-Not, ir 
'Paaalog OboW-H. Y. Cllr, Oct IS-Not. 17. 
"Kovar o( tbo Pcea"— AltoonA, Pa., Not. I, Wboallag, 
W. Ta., d 

'Pay TraUi"^lnolooatl, C Not. 4-10 
'Pollca Painr'-OolTolt HIcb , Oct S-Not. 3 
"Pock'aBkdBoy"— Paiatjoa l<.J.,Nov 1-3 
'Prlooa Pro T«m"— Boaion, Maaa.. U-jt 39 lodoflolta. 
'Pawn Tlokat 3I0"-Phlladelphla, Fa. Oat l9-Nof. 3, 

Camdeo, N. J., 6-7, Boadlog, Pa, B, PhsaiaTlllo 9. 

Fraab(ord 10 

'Prodigal DkoRbter"— Fblladalpbla, Pa, Oot a9-NoT. S, 

'Poworol aolC'-Mlonaapolla, Mlaa,Oet 19-N0T.3 
'PuuaorNowTork"-PbilkdalpbiA Fa, Oot 39-Nor. 3, 

PotUTlllo d Sbonandoab d Mabanoy Oliy 7. WlUea- 

barra B-lO. 

'Prima Donna"-Dalmlt Hlob, Oct 19-Not. 3 

'Peck'a Bad Boy," Evtarn-Ooibao, Ind., Oot SI. Elk- 
hart Not I. LIgonlor 3. KoaUi Bond S, BaoliAnAn, MIcb., 
dNiload Boaton llarbory. _ _ ., 

'Pock'a Bad Boy," BoDtaorn-BpaiUnbnrg, N. 0.. QcL 9>. 
OroanTllla, B 0., Not. I, laurana 3. NawLOrrr 3 ElMr 
(00, OA. 6, Alban«dWaablBgton7.AaBuJla8,CbArlaa' 
too, B, 0,9. 10 

p uaaoll'A Bm iMallb-Dotiolt MIcb.. Not. 1-9. 

AO Roaaoll'l r-omodlaat-Cblcago, Oct 3g-Nor. 3, Pblla- 
dolpbiB, Pa.. 6-10. 

Bobaoo'A Buian— Flltaborg, Pa., Oot 39-Not. 3, Bulalo, 
N. T., 6-UX 

Rohaa'a. Ada-Indlaoapolla. led.. Oct 31, LonlBTllla, By., 

Not. I-d Chlcaco, lU.. 6-17 .... 
Bood'A Rolud-MaaaBoU, 0, Oot SI, Oloralaad Nor. I-d 

OblOBgo, Id,6-I0. _„ . 

BhoadTa, Ullly-Now Brnnswlcb, N. J., Oct 39-Nbt. d 

MorrlBtown6-ld , 
Bodmonil DramAllo-Pnatoa, HInn., Oct le-NOT. 3. 

LanoBboro 4-ld .« 
BeyaoMa 4 DoKalh'a Playara— Port CUnton, O.. Oct O- 

Not 3, Uuruu 6-1O — „ ■ 

Bobiaaoo'a Paotih— nondaraon. Ky., Oct 89-Nor. % 

UrawIordsTlUA lad. 6-10. ., 
Baaold'A PrBdnok aod Joaa— Bloomlogtoo. Ind., Oct 31. 
Bloa'A Fannj— Wdltamkhnrg, N. v.. Ool tf..1oT. 3 
Bboa'a-TolBdo. 0, Oct 31, dnnd Rapldt MIob . Nor. I. 

Kaalnaw d Bay Cliy d Flint 7, Fort Uona 8, BranKoid. 

Can., 9; BL Tbomu 10. 
"KoaodBlB"-Lyon, Haaa. Nor. 7. 
"Bory ol IhB llll|i'-BoBlon. Mui , Oot SB-Wot. d 
' Hon on' the Bank"-Cblcago, III, Oct tS-Nov.S, PIUA' 

bnig,Fa.,6-ld _ 
"Roib Oliy"-0hloaao. Dl, Oet SB^ov. L 
"Kallnad Tlokaf'-Olnolnoatl. O . Oot 18-Nov. d 

Solbom'A B. U.-N. Y. Oliy Oot 39.NOT. If. 
Balanor-a OUa-Naw Orleaaa, ta.. Not. 4-ld „ , 
ealTlol'A Aloa -WoBl Boporlor, Wla , Od 81, OnnJ 
Forka. M. D , Nor. X FArgo 8, lloloaa, Man., d Ana 
coDdadBot<a7-IO _„ ... 

Bpnsna-a, Eata-Wllkeabarra, Fa, Nov. I-S, PbUBdsl- 

BalllTan'a, Joha L.-Roobaabr, N. Y., Not. I-d „ . _ 
laalord'A Waltsr. Slook-WUllAiDaborf, N. T., Oct 39- 
Not. 8 „ , 
aboA'a.TboA K.-Hll(ord, MaaA, Oot 81, Marlbon, Hot. 1. 

Wahbam 7,3, Lawlaton. Ma.&-ld 
Sallr'a, Dan-Saa Fiaaclaoo, Oal , Oct 19-Not. 3 
Bawulia DrBmaUc-Laomleatar, Maaa, Oct a9-N0T. 9. 

Bnaitwood DramaUa-Cliarloaton. Ill, Oct SL Ajaamp. 

Hon Nov. 1-3. 
"SbaftNo. r'-«tLoalAMo., Ootl9-NOT.3 . 
"UtTOFKinr'-Now OlloanA Oct B-NoT. d ADalla, 

Tax., 10. 

"Bpldar and Fly/' Waaura-4Hntoo. O.. Not. d 
"8UIIAIam"-Cblcago,Ill.Ootl9-:(oT.U._„ ^ , .,. 
"Snn o( Ula"-N. TT tity Oct 3>J(ov. d PbUadalpbU. 
Pa, B-IO 

"8boaaadoah"-N.T.C!trOet39,b]doanllA „ , 
■^a TrackadJ: Job •Taliara'-Adrlaa, MIeb, Nor- I. 

CoUwatar X Obarlolta 8, Orand Baplda 6-ld 
"Sba'-Indlanuoba, lad.. Not. I-d 
•-smck oiV'-N: tTi!iit Oct SB Nov. d . .v ,. 

"SUtob ol aoW-Balunioie, Md, Oct |9-Nav. d PbUa- 

dolpbU,PA,6-BL „„ 
■■ei Flankat«>'-B4dford, lad, Oet SU BlooeUagton Not. 

LSalamd New Albany d . 

"Bowing tba Wln4"-sl IionlA Ho, OctS-iror.dCIo 

"Bowlni tbo'iriad," No. 1-Boalsn, Hue, Oct B, ladot' 

''BaBaoB"-Daln>lt MIcb.. Oct 19-Rov.d . . ,^ 

"SUiwaway'-LoaUTlllo. Ey., Oct 39-Not. dJobnitowo. 

PA,d Alloona7,WIUIainlponB,Bonalaa B, Id 
"SUvaFwaddlnr '-laww mtr, Bab, Oak m-»n. d. 




■«mrt»"-nitlliuf, Oct Mor. ft Mtlasn, 


T^'^^un, LUUtn-Caivc aii/aai. S-iov a. 
fbaBmom-Atdiira, luu. net il-Kor. & 
TicxnJteak-SpuounU*, O , Oct s-Nor. t, Ountt, 

IlKoMbOoiMdr-Jlillort. IML,7>^ »-HiS.a. 
-nipt«0!>iu<DWB,<ii(o^ i-WuhiD(UD, 0.0^ Oats- 

>Tri» n Obluuaa," Ks. i-Dm Koiai^ u , Mot. l 

i-TawoiMr'— ^n"> *> • Ott. 31, Outoa Nor. 1, 
.TDlkllk B«b"-W«U»W«)l«, WMt, Od ai. rwdUbn, 

T.wrfA B. 0. T. Nu^oo 1. Ttocoinr (I la 
■TmXj Bma"-F4UnoB, N. J., Oot 91, Hllidalpbli, 

ft. VUL 

••lOTaii'it." Nonbti 

-Atoiudil^ lad.. Hot. k Doloi 

Oitj L Blobmood 0. Olndanti i, o., 4-10. 
"Tonu]o/'8onUi*n-NiTuoUL,Toi ,Oct.9l, dtlronoii 
Not. I, Howua f, LUt ObulM, Li, 3, Nei Oiloui 

-MP 10 lb«0Itf"-A1bur. M. T., OolJI. 
-romoroeo tW'-!l»wMk, N. j , Oct S-Not. a, Wll- 

iitfflitw. M Y.,a-ia 

"Two au»l»"-To«koil, M- J . Oot SI. PwtikUl Mot. 1, 
Xovtwwi FooilikMPOU a, M. Y. OIlT kll. ' 

••nn lb* Tukor*— OlMUuua, M T.Oot. 9J, Moobanlea. 
Tlllo Not. I. }*£i!p,<tan I. Billiuu a, ronZ(liiu4 i, 

•Ibo Ollbooln Abio«d"-aolH>4», H.T., Oct ai, Olooi 
rtlUNoT l,S9luiiHnd7>,AoiltnUiii a,ObTanTlJto 
A UUlo rdli 0, lUoD 7, Srruuw 8, Wauitown •, 


HTToato JoUi Oprnoobr*'— Roo4bou«, lU, Oct 31. Jtr 

U • MiTlUo Hot. I, U0T4III 31 PODtuo 
"BodK Ibo Lipn'o P«»"-lliUo rtiu, ». Y, Ott 91, 

OlonnTlllo Hot, L Aottontam ttebooocu^T a 
"UDcloTom i Cobln," iatU' Eutore-Lyoo. Htu.. Oct 

SI, UwioK* Hot. a. J-,.— 
•■aadi Ton'o Oa^Id," VotUni-CloelanAU, 0., Oot 13- 

NOT. S. 

•'Voelo ToB'i CAblD."Sbo*'o-N«» Booton. HI. Oct IL 
lailbibsn, lA.; Not. I, 0<iiiaAa, IO, 1. BuliDiuA, Ul, 

**DaoU Tom'o OAblo," lUrkoo't- Sonoton, Pi.. Oct S- 
HoT.3. BlDtbAmlOD, N. Y., S-7. vet » 

"Dool* Tom'i OAblo,'* autioa'i-OUIoiro. Mo- Not 

V'~Bt oloml »-fO. 
W'libSSJji""''""'*'''''"' <'«'■'»■•'""•'> 
Wumr Ooowlr— Ookf ^ Ia , Oct 20-Not, 1 
WtltaOooodT, Euun-HoviloilIbn),MAlA,OctS-NoT, 

WiUlcA'A J. U.-uhAIUiloof A, Tod, Hot. «, AllAntA, Ot., 
WAluCog>«<lr.WMlani-8pi(ii|floM, O, Oot »Not.S, 

■ArUD 10Q.,A-I0. 

WiUluni;. Ooo-WllkoobAri*, Pa . Hot. m 

Wuoo, Mr. AOd Mra.-BAIIloCraot, Mich., Oct S-NoT 3 

WolTA Uonnl, MoAll-Studoakr, o., Oct n-.VoT. a. 
Wonlo Jimoo-Ailaou, oo., Oot. 31 Not. l. Asisiua, 

7, A MtCOD 1^ 10. 

^SSf'h," ''■s<iS'°"''""-<'-Oot si,oi«TeU»dKoT.l-s, 

SfS SjAT^r Jil/io '•"•"»«'• 0 - ». «' """S 

'?"¥4*'ft''*'i«j:-'''<»«'<>»i. '■"L. "OT. l,\TAabloR- 
tooLBaUTU^Torra Uiutot LAliloll*ei AloiAHlor 

_7, WAbAlljeil[0>ODOO,HO>aOlU*l(C — — 

2*!I!!.'M??i-<'°"£l['"''jJ«»i>-LOot s-HoT. a. 

WoUonl t Sbtrlilu'l-WliAtOboor, In , Oct 91, Barlbg- 
too Hot l-a. Bock I4IAIKI, lit, M Burlioi 10. 

Woom', HABiotw-Blcliinoiill, Va' Oct 91. 

'■WbliA iKioidion"-BnK)»Ijn,M. Y., Oot »-Hot. 9, WIU- 
lAmtbont 0-10. 

'!!SA''."H!X Iotb"-BiooklTll, H. y.j Mot. 8-10. 

-2 S 'S' ""•"-I'linbDnr, A., (let ^HoT. 1 
-WW noie"--II<tillDi, Pa.Oct9l,Fbiiol»iUoMoT 1, 
nu^^^ LauIoiJ a, mUoobAiTO t-7, BlagbAnlon, 

■ Ifil4'bock"-8t Loolo, Mon Not. 4-10. 

T'ly •■ JonoA-Bomur, iC 0, Oct 81. 
'-Yon YonoAQO— BlnaloibAD. ' 
Toon., Not. 1-3. NubTlUo I-e 


Tonii^Mll. Wlnlbrop-'-BolhltbAB. Pa, Oct 31, AUoQ. 
Uxn^OT. l.EAtlon j, BcrAnlsna, WlUcAbSoi 


"Alb«DlA"-I)>tralt Ulcli.,Oct S-Str.S. 
BAkcrOpon-Sprloatol<l,Mua. HoT.i-i 
BoMnlu Opon-pEllAdo'pblA, Pa , Oct »-Not. 10. 


Coltoan OpcrA--)llliAnkie.WlA. Oot 4-10. 

' «S!!.ftff"S°'°!°»>£- l-J>^ ""•'A Mot. 1, 

M'U'Treopjr'^-ObloAio, III . uot%4oT. l4. 

MolbAroocoit-Now DATon, Ct. Not. X 

Muon FAmllr Coooart— Wool Uompotoid. H. H.. Oct 31. 

Fi*DootNoT.l,Chooior3,KA|mc!^(, EpplniTTEut 

Mor^o MccAConcoit-Illoilra. H. Y , Mor. I. 
HukTUlo Buaonta-Oalpor, Wyo., Hot, J, a. 
"PrtncouBoOBlo"-Wb.ollot W. Va. NoT. t 
S'W or BtilllAnu '-H. Y. Oily Not. ». Indoanlu. 

|>b,i<w"--N. Y. Lily 001 a, lilMlnlu. 
"Bobln Elood"OporA-All>UT, M.Y, Oct 31, BobMloo. 

H«£JoB« """•'^ 0" ^ 

SooiA'i BABd-OblcAf 0, ni., Oct ai. BAiilnAV. Iicb 

Not. 3. Dainlt4. olor;iAnj, O.Il EtllTKr^ Juaa: 

»jn N Y « BofAlo 0, 10 ■ * 
Bvtdlati Udlaa' qoAiiu-8An rnaeian. Oal, Oct I»- 

HOT- 10, 

"^fnSJii" "i.'^l -'*lf"°jbl,0*- "AOOn KOT. 

L ColunboA 1 BaUDA, AlA,a,lfonljioinalT A. Ulrmloff. 

bam «, 7, MoridUn, Mlaa. i^lok40Di»l?15AU*5?li 
^«w_Opam-Ilanipbla, Tann., Oat *Mot. a. Obluko, 

Wilaon'A>>BBalA--H. Y. Oily Oat ».HoT. 3, Braaklyn, 

wUborOptn— OlBdnoAtl, 0., Not. i-u. 

Sl^'JSSK, N.'5: "y/- ^ * "llmlnaton. 

Wilcuk Uonntt-Duilniton. S. 0, Oct 31, Bootar Mot. 

1 WilouBUn, H. 0 , 1 OoUabore 3, Elimmi v2, A 

Autin'a Oli|nnU>na-Allur, H. Y., Oat ».Mor. A 


OIlyAporta- lodiAOApollA Ind., Oct ai-KoT. a 
Oily Oinb-Pblladalphl A Pa.. Not. >-ia 
DIxoaX Oao.— OblcAAo, 111 , Oot ta-NoT, 1 
»*n<*<t»a-UttRa,-H. Y,Oct ».Not. a Hinrk, 

nfpn'aaualyairla-WlllUnuburi.M r,OctS4loT a 
nald'a JobB P.— OlnoloDAli, O, Oot 9-.\ot. 3. lodun- 

Ptv p>4Ui^PAiaraAo, H. J., Oat 91, Hoailiny, Pa, Not. 

1^ Tny, M. Y. , ^10. 
Pranab l^oliT— Naw London, Ct, Oct 31, Wonoatar. Uaaa.. 

HOT. 1-3, M.Y. City t-lO. »-i-r.-™., 
PiluiaDona', Bob-H. Y Cily Oct D-HoT.a Nawark, 

H. Jn a- 10. 

Oraolar'a-OUTalAQd, O.. Oot 2».Hot. a Harlem, N. Y„ 


Urda'a Cam^dlAU— BAltlMOit, Mil., Oct fi. Not. a Pitta- 

lloplioa* mnaUceanlca— Albany, S.Y , Not, 1-3 Brook. 

unilk Ooa NoTolUea-LoolaTllla, Ey., 0:t »-Mot. a St 

Lonu. Mo., t-IO. 
Jaek'a EiirmTaiHia— All«nla, Oa , Hot. 10. 
KtlbgaM-a-Oblcat". IIU Hot. a-lo. 
LODOon Bnunainara-Kt Lonla, Mo., Oct O-Hot. a 
Lilly OlaT-BoOil). N. Y., Oot 9-HoT. 3 
London Ballaa-<:laclnna*l, O , Oct S-NaT, a. 
London Bporto— Troy, H. Y., OoL O-Hot. 1 
Habar'a, Petaf^Worcaalar, Hat* , Oct at HolTohe Not. 
„l,a Mlabbura a Mananaitar, N U , S-p 
Valla Broa '-Sboldon, III, Oct 91, Powlar, Ind , Not. I, 

Oibrd a Uoopaaion, III. a 
Home* Borlaaqaara— LODliTllta, Ry., Oct 3^Hot. 1 

OblCAfO, III , 4.10. 

Hiy Bontd-rbliadaltliia, Pa. Oat 3>-Not. 9, BalU- 
„iaoi*. Md,i-l0 

HahaBuiar— Albany N. V. KaT.A-IO. 

Niilht 0»li-PblIada1pbla,>A, Oct l>-Nor. i, N. V. 

„Ollyo-la T--. . 

Kaw York PUn-Plt'jbirir, Pa, Oct3»-Nor.},0inola' 

^4BoolU"-Pb':ladal^lv Pa.. Hot O-M. 
■AMBUI-Cblcaio, III, Oot 30-RoT.aUilaTma, Ky , 


KoaiB bntlay-Cblcato, 111, Ott »-MoT. a Bunlo, H. 
■ Y.,S-10. 

HAiTaa A Palmar'a-Tonntn. Can- Oat S-Not. 1 
kauaU BR>A--Boobe««r. H. YToctai, Byncnaa Nor. 
. l-a WuLlnarlon. 0. 0. t-IO. 
Raillrtiroirt-Monlntl.aaA,Oota-HoT X 
R(«aA Baiton'a Oomadlana-Waablniton, D. O., Oct 9- 
„ NaT. a M.Y Olira-iu 

■AOdm, Ba|ano-PlUatut|, Pi., Oct.t>-NiiT.a Olara- 
''*.''!l!'''-B°«An, Mau , Oct S-Kot. a ProTldaoca, R I.. 


'^elb Barer* Ibe War'— Darton, 0 , OotIl.Colnmtna 

TUao'B-Aaaokln. Pa,Oc>. 3l,DAnTlUaNi>T LBanbaiy 
a Boilafonia a UnnuoaJoii a AlUMoa a Ponaaataw. 
...^*'TL<>■*an>bArtaJoan«al, JobnttoT " 
" ~ Id.. Oct at 

8, Kontna\ 

*!^J^I'*nT. Maleort-H Y.OIiyOot]»«oT.anu. 

S^,?'L'*'^Bt Caiberlaae. Ont, Oot II, Hlafar* 
■fW* t' DAmllcon, Cap aj. 

wHnfl Baitt. Ovn-Brootlys, N. T. Oct M-HoT.a 

Klllani-, 0. n.-Uoboken, N. I, Oct. Mot. a Colaa- 


I, '!? Hna.'-llenillaa, illaa,Oa. 31, Jadu< 
'•-lilSll'."" 1 *■!"• * 'oitllillh 7. 

s,^' V'AAA'bAf >■ JaanMtaf Jobntto'n 
vlTUo ba Moau-roolanapallA Ind- Oct 8L 
iEjAlill'-MoaarMr J., Oot S-KOT. t 

Jaekjon Hor. I, 

ru.'!i°^.»-'' V O'lJOct S.lalo«lllU. 
S?i1?^ 'r •'• tinn , Oot JL 
^?i!'A*T'°**< lr-<MoT. a nit Plalea a CawJo- 
-SHf ^ .AttMO'dani i. 

Oerten^maKion n 

ISft'VsJSfVV*'' Oct 31, Merlon Mot. I, Don- 
nainlnth'B-LieoBlar, Pa, Oct ai. Iraln Hot l t 

"j^n*!?^^^ l.«.ooKor.4i,„. 

uSlEV ^'fr-Btookljn, M. T.. Ott B-NoT. X Utr- 
Blchydi A rrtDvlt f-RMdlar Pft . Not. 1 
^flJS^i VSr***^ Mich, oJl aVAtSpi Ind.. Hot L 


S"^"''*~A*'* JM»ln», B. A., Oet O-NoT. »a 

Hurii', W. U.-Vwt Poiot. MlM.,OoL sriwlMko Not 
UtMlbant 7. Wh»b 8. Brookbirta 9. nmBOBT Lv. 
Id P«ri;»-DuTlU*. Ill, Oct O, lodoflalu 

1^11* e, Orlffla 7, Noomui t, Lt Oruio 9, Ojf^lUL AU . 

H-^X^on^f ^lekibarKMlM J.armTlllLlo 

BlukSwu NoTolty-LuoiThto, Mua^ Oet si. 

OpyU BfM'-D&lIu. Toi., Oot Mot. t 

JMl KDovUoa'o-Oblowft, Vtb., HoT.a,a; Woflt*rea,& 
_Boperlor7,8.0Qtdono<k», la 

wl^, No.. 8^ UUvuho, Ku., 9, RlibUDd 10^ Port 
_podgii, U., II 

Edo»-Wood-X«n»i(e tbnagb BnoUi An*rio«. 
UelleiMlrutu r«lli, Mtoo." Oot U. 
Hornuiia-BnMttlro, N T..Not.A-IO. 
l(ftfOaboct<■-erraaa•^ K T.. 0et2>-N0T. 8. 
JoDM', J.Aanitia-UutoD.N n, OclO-Not.s. 
lorty Bliro *IW Wort-MMOO, 0*.. Oet ©-Not. B 
SUto A Bollh'f-Ai rmte ihroash Asitmift. 
Scboldior'i BdtD Huioi-CutoD, U, Oot 2»-.Vov. I, 

BtoQbooTltloMO ^ . wii. »T 

flnllh^ortoD-DolMTnio, N. T.. Oot U. Not. I. 
Tentoto-llMb»to,JlfDD., Oct 3i-Not. S. Wloooi MO. 

Wfclio'o^H HIT- fi« Fruoisco. Cftl., Oot »-Not. a 
*iJf«P'**"t'°"*^'-'^"»«'»», MlDttaaOtt 31. Not. I, 
Bed Wloe % Pirltealt 3, Hlnnttpolli i-IO. 


Si.I«ouU.*Biisloe88insiroodAtkli the placet 
oluiQiMmoiit lut wMk. At tbo Qnai Op«r» Uonm 
jQll&Mutowo-Ttbor eommeoe«d a iwo woaki* ooftgo- 
moot Oct 8. *ThBBUIogaoD«niloo"dld afoodbtul' 
ooM Uat woek. "AlAddlo Jr.» Not. 11. 

Olvmpio TaKiTHi— Tbo TftTiry Onod Opon Com* 
panj did a lUullty locnulQn boilDO>a laat wook. 
'^Bo«lngtb«WiBd*MbUwMk. .Ftlii HonUA. 

BAVursTaiiTiiB.— ''rho rutUall" dravnod hoaiti 
Itit wook. ■*tm&tt Ko. t' thit W80k. "A Wild Daok" 
NAr.«.F«u BAkorll. 

Hauah Thutki.— "1b» Bide fibow"dlda good biul- 

BM« U«t WMk. BftTDOr FtimiMD Uj1« WMlt. 

Bta.voird Tbbathb.— Htnr Uonla* Borieaquo Com- 

Ekojdidanoicollnt boilQOu lucvotk. Tho Londoo 
ntarumen thli wook. Oai Ulll'o World ol NoTrltlul. 
Pora'a Thutbb.— Tbli boaa« la »lwtj» orosdod oo 
BaodtT tod dooi a good bailooMdoTlDi tbo wMk. Tbo 
rollo«lD|iitho druDkUs compioyiMiJcolo WlU'amo 
(laadlBgiDu), Aitbor HtcfeUy. Qdo- U W^lobtra. Obw. 
borabau. lUurlea BnoosD, Bolph Boll. B. Hurlco. 
Wm Olffonl.T. U. Brown, Wollir AIIod, Uud Bobblo*, 
Jonalloo Rop«rt, LobIm Blploy. Et»1jb OordoB. apa«l- 
altr people: LooIm DonpMr, Ullo. Lolu. Ullo. HaTO. 
JobB B. Carroll. Uio VletarollV NeUta Kieldo, Vlolob 0t 
0)ft>r, Thoi. B. BweoB'j ud CUiioD aod Brows. 

llciJ]i(LaT*BSIcaiDH.— HorrlBOuiioUOugRUr), Bboda 
(uako chAmor), /oBitCivord vtlk*r), L«Tiaa(piranild 
liAlucar), D*T6 Ibomu, b-Ult MlUa. Pot Hotvbr.UlU 
mil n*o ud L-iura wilion, and tbo itook eonpanj 
In "PBJTiy'i TroQblea." 

L0HDO9 TaBATHM.— Hont*narbarkTt Ham aod Enma 
Bmlib. AdelloeMarkofr.Cbai. Wiiianf BlUrBaH. Madio 
DoBBtBg, PloroBoe Cbootar, Jamu W. Klrtmts, Ada 
OltlioB, Oortlo llolilon aaU J. W. Jen, 

Eauaa'a Albambea TsaarRi — Ibii week: Jobn B. 
Carroll, Mile. Rare. Bt Arso (danoorx Mar HftiL HatUe 
aad Oraoo Wallaoe, Oour and Sallle Kbera, Nioa Fill- 
more, Mike HluiBf,l.ace MIIUfaB, Praak L.Ga7, Lot* 
tie Tborao aod sra Uoeard. 

WiBTiia OABDBiT.-Jobn O'BoBrko, Allea Boraoltl, 
Ulte. Koia. JoMpb Drew, Alo«. Kirk, Fraok Uasir, 
Fraak MoOoriBlok, BoBCottoaud IlarlovBpaooer. 

UBM TBiUTRB.-DaI«r Oordnn, MiUan PlDmorn, 
B'anebe 4dtma Kiad ud BidU Boiklrk, BatlleOordoD, 
Llo'e AnioId,J B. Uonii, LUile rarker, J. J. MBrrajr 
•Bd CIrdle TboratoD. 

Bl/oo TBBATRB-Mr. TTiyi*r, Tllllo Eoltjoi, Llllr 
Wbita,araoieMlllfl,Tll|TDe Uarb*. AsbIo Adaoe. Dia 
iBOBd WblUocb, JoMpn CaldwoU, Carrie reaoer and 
George Sulei. 

Oardbx TflBAtRic~Tbe Oraig Family (7). Oeoralo Bill- 
for. MAttie BrowBlas. Z«ira BuUor, uottie Delnar. 
BbUi WlMBDd ElUle Power. 

BBTAxra TBBATXE— Ktule PnooliL Ohai. Palmer, 
OeorglaoafdaBoer). the Pour Bbanroeia J J. Uerbert* 
Midfo Mack, Alice AUIbmd, carmao stoar^, Ida VTail* 
iBg.Wu Uart K)uloKare».AraKtnca,LaBolBBralb«j«, 
DaraMoGord.MnnB OontalesaBdMlle Pem. 

UHAt.— Prof. "Biir* Clark, who baa beoB rBBBtagtbo 
Netatorlum for the laic ud jeaia, will lell tbatprop- 
artraiMMBai becan Hod a parobu#r. Ho baa naae 

eoaaldarable moaej bare, aad dealraa to rait 

"Clean Beeep" vaa the attraetJoa 28 at McCaalaod'a 

East 6t Looia Opera Uouae Laara Lee, wbo haa 

beenonaTlalt bera for ibroe w»eka to ber boabaod, 
Loota BMAmas, maoagor of ihe WIntar Oardao. left lor 

OlBOinaall ntotlogac Pelar'a Muilo Mall Frank A. 

Cook, aacrataty 01 the Tbeatncal Broiberbood, waa ar- 
raatad 3ft for embenllBg ffi) from the Biotbarbood, 

Juoe Si 1890 Jamea L. 8oBtberUBd,ol '*Tbe Put 

Mall" Cooipaoy. who wai ao badif lojured bj the ei- 

tlotloa 01 a bomb 31, la KOlUogwell. Tbo pbialoleoa 
tlDk bta eyeilRht wNl be leatorad, bot hie 
bee win be dladiiared for Ufa. Ue wlU Bot be 
able 10 appear ou iba atate for two waofee 

rat Nellie Do Oooney hu f loaad a aoeooHfnl ob* 

gaaeBHBt at Pope'* Tbeetra^ loatlDi two raoalba fibe 
In the olio toe dm man in and thaa took a aoBbretta 

in ihe dramaa The CalKomlaUperaConap^of 

oaa Dean reorgaBised bore with J. A BUumob aa mai 
ger; Barry Randolph, eotloanwiucer; Waldo Cnrc,Tt^ 
roaoDtaUre; Jamea Uleka. ilUiogTapbar: laabel Bargeot 
prima dooaa; Hldoof HatUait, t«Bor: Chaa. Brant flrat 
comedlao: Dower Wade, aacood ooBMlao; Beldeo Oaid* 

ner. barltooe, end a ebora* of tvaWe OeorgeBai^ 

tiala, or Bt LoqIr, eod P Bdiunucliar, of ClaTolaod, U., 
wreatled at ihe Olrciplo Theatre V. 



Kamaaa CltK*— At tb« CMlei Open HonM 
Panlloe Hall appeara tbla sefk In **Dorcaa^< Laai weak 
Roaa Coiblan had oalr fair builoaaa *'Dlptonaor." 
"Format Me Not" aod *-a Woman ot No Impoitano*" 
ware ilreo. "Frieodi' conei ibo arattbroenigbuof 
neatveak. TbehooaewlUbedark ibe refflalnlBgtlitee. 

Obamd OfiBA Ilooaa.— ''lo Uld BaHBokr" oomaa ihia 
week, and li ilie adraBce tela gou for aaTthlog laet aaa- 
eoB'a aoormooi bualoaaa will be ditplicatad. Laet week 
Ju. J. Cortwit la "GioUamaa Jaoi," bad ' B R. 0 " at 
OTerr panorroaoce. WlUle Colllar, lo **A Ba«k Nam* 
ber,' oeit week. 

hiNro KTNiBT ToKATHt.— Thla waok. "A BllTor Wed- 
ding." JoeOlMa ■Tbe iitar Oa»r," came tour etgbu 
lut week to IjIr buaioeaa Next week, "Tbo Coontr 

OiLua OfflBA lloL'SB— Tbla *a*k "Taoglei** wlUba 

Keo and the followiog apeolaltlea: Bord asd Borke, 
qgia Lee. t'lar« aed^Beoaatlan Miller. Laal waak'e 

bill wa* "Unele Toa'a Oabin " Hale Blaur*. Bojdand 
Horka. Mmgle Lte^ark. Bokert and Berg, and tbaBlaek 
Diamond QuadOL Boiloeaala l«lr. 

TBBATBK roHidOB -Tbla wMk'e opoolnga: Tboe. Wa^ 
lae*. Pari Oaatie Elm re. Halaf eod Ratmond. Nina 
OlilioB. ABOleLaoatia aod HcCartj and Beloa. 

CLirriRi5aa— Kocco Vcnulo. a voonglooalllallannn- 
alclio and compoarr. nbo lor the laatfour ornorejaare 

baa eompowl nnoaroua aoop aod loairnnMnial compo- 
altlonaand oibar orebaaual worba b<a raadTlor pro 
doctlonanopata which be ha^oaBted ^e Three BbO' 

nlea" TbapreaeBteiloo will iika^ilae* at thoCoa>ea 

Opera Ilnoae wme time dunog Pebnarr Wm- Flick 

baa replaced WallaeaJladeraedoorteapar of Ibe Coatee 

Opera Hove Maaager Jodah hie been compelled to 

Inereaae tbe aaailog opaciir ol ilie Urand br addiog 

more aaiu to the geliarr Tbe Aaota WraiwioUe 

EoiUab Coooert Oompinr la halBi ornoiied hare, to 

K' tr OBe Blgbt aUDda ihrouib Kaoaa* and MUaonrl 
oa Cbrrlr. theTetaranDloaualaretorned toibecMr 
laet Wedoaedar trom a cooo«rt uur ihroBgh Ibeltata. 

Bl» Joaaiih.— At Tooila' i TbfAire "Sbftfc Ho. 2 * 
woe Oct a -OlroOe UlroCa*' br bone (aleat 17. 
wima Collier, la "A Back Nombar," la jtae Nor. L 
•TrtaBda" 7, ' Darkaat BB*aia"IO. aL o. Fuid'a Mina' 
tnli IB- 

CBAwroiBS Tii«TBa-Joe Otf.lB"Tbelltar Oaaer.'' 
had atr bealaew Oei » 'A Cold Da*" and ^^A Cbip of 
tbeOId Block" (doable bill) eana 17. /aoai J.OotmU 
SpLlowaHiauBandltoT a. _ , ...... 

MnBB.-Bnaloeaa ihe pMt weak waa big. Weak 
of B: Im a«d Cbapmao. Thoa B Bweeoer. baler and 
Barmwd. Owaa aad tfoalla, aod Laacell'a UtIm 
rictnrae. ^ 


ChsrlMtoB^At Offeu* Xcsitmj ot Miitle 
•The Molar" draw weU net 31 ■TheBUakBbMp"bad 
aioodboaaeOL EAe BUiler M. 31 plar*il lo bar aroal 
good baalD'aa. SamT Jack'a EitrataginaoOo bad a 
Itiht booae 31 OAm.og- Thoa. ^- SSI 
Not. I. Ward aad Jamaa * "Chafier a *aoi"*4Paek e 

Bad Bor"».W AtaermaoAruUerrHaD tba^au 

WhaSi Ooeom Oo. a good boBM Oek B ■ . . • • f > 

Nora pioM W, o.Olau's OiaoiKT^jsowa.— 
W» An now to LooltlADA Aid doloi A good linal- 
ncif. ma Jenltr Fknllr taATe Jolnn). Olio 
Olelier, or Pilct'i Boat Sbow, Jolatd OoL II to tako 
Ibo nusAionieiit ot itw allow. Willie Oteik and 
doo. Jester go Id th« itog togetber aa foot Jaiglon. 
Ednid ConbUn, Joigler, bAi Added a lot ot new 
MokAloUiAct. SoDiilo OfTcloMd liololaRAr- 
nold*' Bbow. Jeny WAlkcr la doing cloim uov. 
Oco. Jenlcr'a now bAck AirUed And mAkei ten 
wagoni And tear bAoUwItb tbeabow. BlaoeJeae 
DfOwndoaodHr.OlArk miiAttied.eibowtalinaAll. 
Allle OiAtk IiAt tutn cbATga ot tbe adniice No. 3 
WAgon. J, W. SmlUi.onr nigtit wuoHmAn, bad oo- 
caalon to ahoot at aoiae taocIaIa Rcentlj wbo »er« 
onicnwlog tie holte ot our vagaiu. 

TBI PATHBA 01- William Uaibb, wbo waa con- 
nected wlib Ihe Forcpaoah Sbow tor tbo laat tlx 
aoAMoa, died In Kow UmnAWlck, M, J., on Oct 34. 

TaaFRin LociiSdov cloaed ibeiratiAoD OcL 
0, And went Into Winier qnAilcn m CApao, HIcb. 

UmiTiKd'a AcvatTiaiNG Oia No. i ended lla 
doitn for tbe aeaaon la n'eidon, N. «;., Ook a, 
OeorgeSkeldlnglncbarge; Wm. Uorion, ohArgool 
paper; Tbonus O'UAller, lllhognpbar end pio- 
gnnuncr; blllpoatera: Bert UoirAtA, Ud. Kiad, U. 
pird, Pasl Uarrola And Oeorg* Sinipion. llert 
Howard wAa a CLirriH caller Oot so, and rononcd 
A good boAlneie for tbla aeAun and ibo nunoet 
bannon; among ibo inomben of tna ebow. 

Sah J. Uon.s'u, lAliIng, Aloging And knockabout 
clown, cloaod with Uon 17 \V>abbarn'a Sliow hi 
Coviogloo, Kj., Del. 11, And went lo bin homo at 
Ailogbeoj, Pa. 

ADTiATisiKn Oah No. 1, o( nejnoldi' Clrcoa 
cloied A aeaaon of twcmr-aeven weeu wlUi Ibe fol- 
lowing peoplo on Ibo oar: John irwin, inADAier; 
J. U. lioering, boaa blllpotur; Qeorge 0. IIIco, Ktank 
Jonnaoo, Uick.Ueemor.U.B. n'rlibt W. J. BAund- 
on,Uenr7 Speck end Ed. Caao, uUpoilorB; Fred 
J. BAlea, liuiograpbcr, aiiI Frank Uolllna, pro- 

KiKOUKO Noru.-Tbe lUsgllng Broa,' Show, 
aIncA coming Into T«zea, bAS done Ibe moat pbe 
nomenal botlncAA In tbe blAtorjot tbo ahow. In 
mAOf Inatancoa tbouBAnda ot poople ai« ttporled to 
hATO been tornod awaj, and h la beconing a cua- 
lom wlib na to gtre ad eztia poiformtBoo tAOb 
<1A7, In order not to torn too ouuir people away 
trom oar doo re. Three ihowe a luj to packed 
tenii, and Uon tenia enlarged by the addi- 
tion of extra middle plecci, And iho aeaiing 
capocliy IncreAoed by oxicmive aeau, la acme- 
thing nerer before known In thle Biaie. At 
DaUao, the atundanca waa, by tar, ihe great- 
«At oTor aten In tbe melropolla of Tcxaa. At 
leaal 10,000 people were torned AWAy ai the 
two perforoancn. At Donlaon, tbe attend- 
ance waa OTor 26,ooo; at Bnanuan, 24,un; at 
Waco,; at OalnnWIle, Zi.OOO; at ilrcenvllle, 
10,000; at Fort Worth, over H.ODO; at (Ireonilllo, 
olmoel 28.000, and at Waxabachio.oTer 00,000. The 
big buaineaa la iinlntorrapVd. Tnero bare been no 
light houaei In between ibe big onee, and tbo buai- 
neaa done m the peat Is beyond A doubt the great- 
eat on record. Everybody with the ahow la in tbo 
best of health, The wealbor has been dellgbitnl ; 
no rain except at tbe night performsnce at I)enl< 
oon, and tbla after the ahow bad auried, 

AT KKoxriLU, Tenn., on Oclib, Joat after the 
aflemoon performance of the Oaruum \ Bailey 
Show, Jaok Unot, the popular boia canvaanan, waa 
preaented wlib a line aetot dlamoodcoilAnd collar 
entiona, aa a token of eateem from bla men. Tbe 

fireaootailon waa modo by Lou Graham, and all 
oincd In three bcaily cbeera for Jack. 
Nona rAOK Du'a Lokpon ttuowa —Wo clo«d 
OoL a, At Fort Depoall, Ud., a fairly anrceaaf ul aea- 
aon, and ahlpped at onoe to OaniOD, Ta, over tbe 
Fenn, K. H., OTerylhlug arrtTlng 0. K. We aold 
aoma thirty head of aiock, silli relalninK ilxiy 
bead of the beat dnit hoiaee and ring atoek. The 
abow will be all new for 1M( an<l nincn larvor. We 
made l,80< ralUa by wagon tlila aeaaon. Tueinoat 
at the people are placed lor ibo Winter, Tbo Cilt- 
ton'a ran a oompony of ttaeir own, aa they havo 
beenveryiucceatfnlforlhe paat dve or alz Wln- 
leiB puL Joe newllt la atToronio,OoL,fortbe 
Wbiter, aeooiAn and Uurke, Ed. Held, Prof. 
JAmes and three or tour of iho band 
go to tbe Weal Indlca. Frof. u. Jouca and Will 
Farker Join Uolar Uarko'M "V. T. u." Co., Ed 
TAylor Joloa "Tbe Uonntiy Circua ," (^glealon and 
Uiroer, Frenoh'a New Benaailoo. "nie Ferriaei, 
Wiley and Ullo. Tremnlm booked tor dotra. Uur- 
rell Joloa tbe laat named teain to form a Irlo. Toe 
Qrcat SylTeaier will eiay at bone for two abort 
wotka, aa be oalla It, and then li booked oolld. 
Willie Howard la working ring Block for next aea- 
aon At bla home In UeAdowvillo, Fa. IlyAn and 
Norwood play daica. Loe Uowarrt will open a 
ealooa In nnclnnatl. Mrs, Leo will be bn«y with 
ber Blx ShtllAnd ponlea for the next four or Ovo 
months, aa abe IntendH to bare tbem In tbedilll 
next aeaaon, and Ur. Ue la hnav ni preaeat placing 
9tookwagona anil onlmala Id Winter qoartera aod 
noxt come paper and purple and red paint for lins. 

Norm raoM Oait GravAn'HlUiLiuiAuOiaci'ii — 
Wo cloaed our tenting OcL 20 and bare ereiylhiog 
packed away anngly for Ihe Winrer. I will put my 
uaTollog mnaeoui on the rood InAfewdayawIiu 
oldt Ime Charley AdafflaaaasoIsUnt manager, Tbla 
bai been a toogb aeaaon, bat I got through whole, 
paid eveiT MUry and hAvo put plenty ot rotatoea, 
applea and cabbage. In tho ce'ltr, nour lu the pan- 
try and feed in tho mowa and iranity. 

Notzii f'BOU'Tni miNTiKU hiiow.-oor thlrly- 
nrat week waa highly uiUfaciory to our icnbal 
niASAger. At the concloslon of Dave Caaiellu'a 
riding act, OcL 37 (at Ilendernon, N. 0., hia borne), 
be was pitaonted with an elemni ebony gold 
bAOdlul cano, aoltably Inacrlbed, Ihe gin or his 
fellow performera. Dec. Croaoy mode toe pieaeo. 
lAilon apeeoh In his naoAl hAppy manner. At ibo 
oonolualon of the orternoon all handa were 
Invited to aopper with Ur. and Mn, Cai- 
telle, which waa oorvcd In the apaclooa rlog 
bim belonging to Mr. Oaalelk). An OKgant auppar 
waa aprcao, to which all banda did Juailce, and 
enjoyed the novdtr of eating a meal In a 
real olrcna ring. Felix McDonald, Hon tamer, 
ot WomhweU'a tlenAgtrte waa a welcome vlalior at 
Lewlahnrg. W. F. Waller, niatairUn wlib tbe 
Forepaoin Show, waa a rlallor at Uendentoo. Onr 
waaon rloiea Oct. 31, at Weldon, N. 0. Wo will 
Winter at Nawbaro, N. 0. , apaclona qnanen having 
been aecnred at that place. Fiaok A. Hobblna wiii 
take A one car ebow Sunin. Dave Uutello and 
wife will Wmierattbelrcoayhome In Henderson. 
J. J.Hnrntv and wife will play datta, opening at 
Ihe Olymplo, In Oblcaao, aot. lo. Toe Lnkeos 
Bios, will go to their home In Reading, Pa. 
llAn HAlcolm and wile open on Ihe Kelih Cir- 
cuit Nov. 10. Le Hat will plAy dates. Joe La 
Flower goes to his home In Fawinckei, IL I, 
Ot the bend, MsHn. WACk And UraUAn Join 



bf IM paraea aduiaaed iboald ba _ 
pnTBat nlatakea. ^ 

Pffffia—rroleeatoaab aad ottnn kboaU 
jhM alMegar^etej la iraMlt batwaoB tta 


1 all letiank la Iranalt beiwaoB the tSKad Mrs 
Caha^MUl »« pv^otfi otbamlsa tbar an Mllb^ 

<^AIIea, Big 
Abram*. Marr 
Arlington eiatera 
Armoar, Ada N. 
Ad ami, Clara 
AtklnaoD. Bdltb 
Ajtuar. Loitie 
AnnatroBg. Viola 
AIUb. Maria 
Anif a, PaallBO 
ArlioitoB, Amr 
Arnold, XavIbU 
Aham, MIoBia 

Brejer, Magate 
Baua. ABOle 
Bart, Ma 
Heaoett, Maggie 
Burnett Adas. 
Blaerherd, Mae 
Hetl Biuen 
BUncbard, Mar 
Beebiuaa, Jennie 

Burke, Eiiue 
BrowQo. Noma 
Bowan. llattle 
Hrtdkora. Pearl 
Bellonl. HIana 
Brooia. Mvraa 
Hmoke, DoUle 
Batlar, Ethel 
Brandt B«a 
Burgeaa, LnUia 
BrapidDn .Veliie 
Campheil. Clarice 
Oook, Ella 
CoBwar, Mamie 
Cola, ffollr 
Conier, Imogeoe 
raaulfo, Mra. V. 

Cooler. Alice 
Carol en, Belle 
naaiietoii. Ada 
Olatton, Zetla 
Cralgea. Malda 
Cfeapelle. Clara 
t'oa, Mra.8ldoer 
CraUr. Allaae 
Chainploo, wimle 
~ Voir, Marie 



Dale, Uu 
Delraer. jeBBte 
DiTla, Ltnle 
D« Voaa, Mora 
DaTla, Kate 
DaTaBpertMm J. 

Drrtw, Mar 
iijriB. Mri. Bill 
D>«Ble, Ada 
Dell an4f. Mile. 
Deamond, Alaa 
DaTaoport, Madga 
Damn, EliubaUi 

Delaur, Bngaoe 
Drew, iKiroui 

Oempeer Blalora. 


, .atari 

Einmlaga Dollla 
Boglahardt lloleo 
Kraeat Bertie 
Hf Uoge, Mearl 
Rllatoo, Uaud 
Kalar, (Vrla 
Edgar, lleleoe 
hdnuiuli, Marr L 

PDi, Joaepblae 
ri>i, Nellie 
FnllDiu, Lon 


Gilbert, Haad 
iiroTln. afa&ale 
ailban, ATa 
QolJaD, tiraca 
QorBian, Hlaaie 
illanroT, Maade 
Urv. liuol 
(IranTille, Nellie 
tioodrlei MatUa 
Qonlno, Haltle 
(iBraeitT Mauir 
ilanlner, LlUta 
tierar. Jolla 
nrliAn. Violet 
ITaddoa. Anr 
ItanlDgtoB, Anaa 
Kail, Carrfa 
Hart. Aonia 
lloiatifi. Mattle 
liech. Mra. Losla 
lleraa, Lloie 
lleraaodta Ulao. 
llODia. DeUe 
llaawlck, Maiole 
Man, Rartle 
Holt Blanche 
llamaoo, Ilaial 
lllght Pearl 
II art man, Lao 

llooard. MIODie 

lag lla, Llnla 

Jnbuaton, LiUla 
Jeal, r.iBda 

Joioe, ABBi* 

iraiia, Maballa 
'*'l£lBr, • 

- jff, Oraca U. 
Klnball JtoQle 
KIlBO, Mamie 
Kaapp, VlrfiUiia 
Kaitao, Kat« 
Xlrk, llaaal 
Kerabaw. BooUr 
Kidd, Panlloe 

Lewla. Kiale 
Lewreooe, Lilly 
Lllfotd, Jaanaita 
Lee, Mn Victor 
Lfiile, Mra, L g. 
Llewallr a, LauIio 
taOttl a, Bonnie 
Uodedale, Lottie 
Lewla. Rar 
Lea. yiaoU 
Leatar, Maria 
Lea, U re. Vletnr 
La Marr, rraobla 
Loranger, Mar 
[i«atar, Uaorgle 
Lrooa, Lllr 
M»/< Ada 
Honteo, i^Drtnat 
UcKe#, Mra. W. 1). 
Maacoue. Violet 
yoUtfoaU, Ella 
Maoalle, Ada 
Ha>boro, Millie 
Mar, Clue 
Maaeali, Bauia 
■lliord. Maad 
Iforrlf, LI Ilie 
«arrelVa» Millie 

Mabr, Agaaa 
Morumer. OUla 
Miaca, FaSBf 

Neakirk, Miarioa 
Nalaoa. UUlaa 

KonuB, Violet 
Kelaen, Dora 8 


Mia. &B. 
O'Cosnor, Amy p, 
Oweaa, HaaieB, 
O'Btien, AUoeJ. 
Datkar. ranllne 
a Gainer. Oenia 
Ptretral, laabet 
PoUaian, Dot 
Pialria ioa, Mn, 
Paikea. Kellla 
Price, Madam M. 


Boobofbri, Lob 
HobtltMg. Mn. 0. 
Rarraoad. Poarl 

Rioioia, alM •. 

Haimoul, UAT 
Rnuoll, Amy 
RA] moid, Alloa 
R«od. Jonolo 
RAaeiino, MaiIo 

RAOdAlL LllllAB 

Snilli, I4a 
aollA AnoA 
iluaATL Lllllia 
40011, Varrl, 
suir, Laab 
BeoiMI, NoUU 
BlIODg. OAia 

aio'o, KiBlly 
Raadiri AilA 



RArdOB. Bnou 
RfliMUr, Aboa & 

Mn. W r. 
AhtldoD, UAnlal 
Sallh.lln lload. 
dloelalr, Emma 
dODlliwQ, Jullot 
:lmllb, (liaoTA 
.iLUIilr, BanbA 
Jhokloo, Lula 
M LoouATd, 


Tick, Alioo 
To.rr/, MiUlo 
rbtobauid, Dolly 
rtrlor Hinora 
riiitm., Kolilo 
riiomloa, Va)orlo 
ronkor, Ulllu 

VOD uortv.Boimk 

Worisk, Loalf, 


wloiiAB, Mtude 

Wldo, Oalir 


WML Uollle 




WfDOO, JoilO 

Wlodom, DoUy 
Wllbor, aiaaobe 
WrlibL Uaulo 


Wlllluiu HIalon 

7.01a lloUa 

Waahborn'A ''loai lo eppt." __ 

Drlnkwlne go wlib Boyd's illniitrels, Poul uharle 

Wbiuler and 

homo In Fegnsylvan's, 8. a Hlco lo bla kooe In 
Newmarket, Va. Ual uajes goes lo 111 an eugagc. 
moot At Knoxvlile, Tenn , In Hianb'a Tbeaira. Toe 

mnch looked for "Monte In Rbjmr," wtluen br 
Roy Oy ves, put id lie sppeartnc'! 2T, and met wlto 
a big Mie, 11 la a gobnioe novelty in tho olroos 
world, and rtdeou gieat credit apon lis aothor. 
Pfof. Week's bind la re-oogiged for nextaeaaon, 
and will he enlarged conalderably, aod made a 
fistnre. Taken on the whole, the piataeaioD has 
been tbe moit pioOloble lo the blalory of ihe Uaol- 
log.ibow. Adieu nnUlltu. 

JiMn DOKOTAH'8 new great Amfrtcan t^rcua 
Company Is neatly completed and aaila poaiurely 
torSonlb America Nov. 7. Of tbe Brilala Already 
eogaged the principal people are; Elward Neloon 
and wile, Julia Xclaoo, Alfredo Nelton, Alex Scat, 
for and wire, lloalna Veou<, Mauio Heed, Aanio 
CArroll, HUe. ReiAO, L'dla Wella, Hlidle Oray, 
Annie Olsen, Torkitlmo'a Royal Oileoial Jap- 
anew Troope, Inolndiog HaranakA and 8a- 
eil>: A. Kline. James Uooovas, wife and 
son Jamea; William Uucrow, lata of IbeOreat 
Bamum Bhow ; Daniel Uaciow, Bilmonakl Boah, 
Jeoae W. FotierwIUbegeDeialrepreaenlatlveand 
director. Allen MofkAiTA ulver band ol eight 
moAlclADs, wlih foil complement ot people, six 
banilfiil borws. trained •■aillooi, foor ponlea, 
rld.Dg gou. doga and nonteya, tionpe of actlog 
doga, dau of serpents, edncated birds snd Ibo 
monkey "Jeaalr." Tbi, la one of Ihe largest sod 
lloest companies ever Icsviog for Bonih AranlcL 
Too oailliiaclodts.a three conire pole tsni, seals 
for a,00OaDd 600 cbaliaforrtKrvtd aeaH and mzca 
AI Jonia, wlib aaalatanit, boa already aollsd Ou. 'Ji. 
Ming with bliDhuidsaine All lilbograpb pictorial 

Thohas r. RTiN, let) properly bad wlib the 
WAabbnrn (3rcos, was killed, Oct. 21, In a railroad 
wreck At Jnaneiie, Fa. HI. hndy aaa ablppcd lo 
bl> home In Uaobur;. UL, for 'mrlal. 

Tak pirasa lor ihe aile ot tbe UAraun CIrcos 

Goper.y wars signed Ocu 2> In lbs prteenoe or ihe 
Ira, exeesion sad legal represeouuves o( Uw 
Bsmna estste, and Jama A. Valley beeaae lols 
Vf«{(l«U( M "TM OtsMost bMV «B liillk.» 

ApplaioB, Billy 
^AuMlB, riBBk 
Applotoo. Uac. J. 
AiiADiA 'loa U. 
AraoM.l'niL I. U. 
AlllOB, JulltaE. 
AleiBBdor. Wood 
AroDHo, Ab. 
AllooalA, JOA F. 
AMrleb, l^baA 
AndonoB, Jaa 
Ad All.. The 
AUitrtoB, U. R. 
AdomA Tonny 
Adior, — 
AklOD, Olrk 
Adana Edwaid 
Ariuiaioo, UK. 
AdaniaJ II. 
AleioBdor, 0. F, 
Amof, Oao. V. 
.^ilCAolaB, no 
AlblDl, U. 
AodtrMO, A. J. 
Adaml, Joalio 

AiiioiioD, II. a 

Artioaoo, A. 

BrovB BroA 
Battt, Rlriianl 
BcdvoilJi. Uanr 
Hurlaaa, KotI 
Hrowitor. NoJ 
BiDBham, jaa. W. 
Bartlotl. JaaO. 
■iibr.u a 
BroBB. JobB F. 
Borloo, Rav 
Barlov, WoUoU. 
Braolloid, WIII 
Bill, Jim 
BAioaA Rlua 
BAdoa. Ed. U. 
BrookA (lav. 
nvlall, Btrt 
Baktr, Fntit J. 
BartOD. — lor B. i 

Baroanl. u. J. 
Blato,ll.ll. . 
BolUid, lloo. L. 
lilctAK M 
Bark., J. Kiask 
BlABor, (Ibaa. R. 
Buctoy, B U 
BaUbib, FnCILB 
BraaltaB, fauy 
BarBataad, Bd. 
BorTOBRk:.. U. If. 
Banalla. Ed. 
Brooko, T. 
Bfoobp. Jaa 
BaooA Col B- 0. 
Baieliir Broa. 
Bulilar, HIeUaid 
BaBIMy, Billy 
Konoo'L K 0. 

UlllKlOBO. J. J. 

Boroard, Jiolua 
BlAir, E. U. 
BA'Iov a DolaoB 
B.rrolt, Barry 
BrorAO F 
BBrsaiio, B. 8 
BaiBAid, will au 
Banaa Baft 
BraooABh Jobs 
BaHowrilML 0. 
Banua A Basaloy 
BroBalaoA llaidy 
Bropby.Jaa V. 
Baakor, Id. 
Bjbiiao*. J. W. 
Boah, 1. 1. 
B«td. O. L. 
Baroai. M U. 
hoAfd, Coaa 
Braaar. UUIlAld 
Barsar, A. 
Baai,Boa W, 
Boooou Silly 
Boruo, JcbB H. 
Barko, libarbo 
Boiek, cbiA. tr. 
Bradr,S.a. ^ 


CartiB A CUib 
I'oaullo, Ooo. 
CoDDoUri ffiak 
CroolB, Tim 
Carr.l) B 
Caiiolk T. W 
flioaby. Uarry 
(^oinAB. - 
f'afftpOrIL JOA 

Cu>o. BlUy A. 



Ooopor. r. 0. 
Ooi, fildaar 
CfOBlay, Jaa. T. 
Canpball. Jarry 
Cook, N«l 
Cortar, Llaaola 
CArdoer, H. Q. 
Uuidy. JobB 

liAlD, J. fx 

CaiIub, u. II. 
Oravloid, Ed. 
UioBbural, 11,0. 
Coba, l^ul 
llolaoiao, Uoa 
Cterlo. r. 0. 
Onlby, WaiBor 
UanlA Dr. II. F. 
OuibDUB. FrAOk 
Covlf A Cbt-: 
OlaaiiiioDA J. W. 
Oaitoll, Faul A. 

rolllBAJolio J. 
(^nvrlBlii, — 
L'orraa Jouo I*, 
cmwley a Folay 
CloaMa Oao. B. 
I'r-BBar, Nick 
Oallaliao, 0. K. 
I olllBA krank 
OarilDA uurk 
UOlBOU, W, U. 
Carrier, Joha 
I'arfr, Fnak 
Opok A Ho.aTtI 
lOwnlBA Bobt 
Oowooy, B. J. 
UlckoBaoo, II. F. 
Do Kurraal, llarrj 
DATAfiport, U I. 
Daray, A. F. 
DobloioD,T. W. 
DulloD, Wm 
Dorwl, U A. 
Dolhaiar, B J. 
Uolao.Jaa r. 
Oorloo, Alt. 
DaTf o|Kiiu^ Tba 
Utrltoaloo, Jerry 
lloay A forty 
Ua Loe, llAiry 
Daarboro, Borl 
Uianond. floo. H. 
DoflATAD, HIbo 
Uolaoa. A. L 
DanioBlo II. B. 

PooSaro.K 1a 
DooaldAoa, Frof 
Ua Hall, Fraak 
Itallusor. tJ. 


Datia Jaa r. 
UoBlar, Albert 


Ollkoa, Jobs 
Do Hack, Billy 


oaly, (v. II. 
UolBio. -(jBBsUr) 
IHcklBBoa, Wm. 
Uwyar, tHiit 
•^Bllla, Fraak 
Ely, Ediar 
Emaiaoa. Billy 
Kmoall.J K. 
KTBoa, fraak 
HrarlnBUrB. Obu. 


EUiosar, r' 
RoMua i. 

Bldoa ~ 

oaar, Uejb 
-'a 1. in 

0 B. 

Btaaa. f U 
KTBoa. f raa K. 
EBDlDia, Many 
EToraoo Bab 
<ll>Borb, Jaeh 
~f>l>'. E. • 

f am. Ban 
fit gonn, Harry 
fanoaa, <Ho. w. 

rabor.U w, 
rifBB * WaUar 
'oMar,Ju. A. 
foaur, Jim 
f raraaa. ifADnca 
vraiDa, r. 1. 
"St. U. w. 
rigmas, Maa 
'ooMy, Fat 


fomaL k, 
flab, CUA W. 


FraaBAD, Fate 
raraaa Al 

. jy, Haary 
pioMa JobB r. 
riDBogaaTT. u. 
rlyoD-Jobn A. 
foransa, Wa. 
Plalior A Wall 
foi, EdwAJd 
rror, UbAA 

fooloo. Harry 
f oator. JobB J. 
ritloiual, MouBl 
TAnoll, lUrrT 
PIUEBrald, bd. F. 
rAnsU, Fraak F, 
fui, Uhai 
f Of, Oao. A. 

arotbo Broa. 
OaraloD, flao. 
flormaB, cliao. II. 
Uforo, Uat. 
OonoAB, Wm. 
Uuddud. u. K 
Cloioua Brno, 
Urar, Uao. V, 
Ulooior, BlobAid 
ilfooBbAua, Jalaa 
UoodviB, Ban f. 
UAllAsbor, W. A. 
Unavokl, AlaL 
U.rdBar, w. B. 
(lodrray. Job f. 
OrabAffl, IL J, 
Ulluiiiro, Wa. 
llnaraA Dr. F. 0. 
Oardoar, D. F. 
(lantr;, Jaa 
Qllaon, JoliB 
UUbaDoo A. 
OBlboJ, W. T. 
(lAibuit, uua 
Uraham. JubnolA 
Oraol, r. T. 
QoudBlB, W. h 
UaaaTIa,.,, H. 
Ullaurs, FauI 

„ UaAly.Bbony 
UoodriokA i«ola 
OaII, L. J 
UifSloA WMhr. 
llaiidanon, W. 11. 
flllllOAO, IfoiOBo 
lloiaht, Hon 
Haiibl, Dick W, 
UolbrAB, JohB 
llano, J. H. 
Howard, Fraak A. 
HuloiAA EdmoM 


FrABk L, 
llABOOCk. W, B. 
Hoar, Fred 6, ' 
UatI, Mark 
iniUB, ad IF. 
Ilago, Vie 
llAiid,Wu J. 
lABOOA Floo 
lllda, Waller II. 
lIOBla, Wa II. 
llBbio, fraak B. 
Ha«kliva. Many 

HAjgraTOA Tbal 

lloBortb. Joha 
lIoimoAFrod F, 

aaub. W. R 
IlkUoo. A. 
llllUB, Wio. 
uoiuod, Fraak 
Ho»Ard, Ooo. B, 
Ullcbooek, ataak 
Uomar, Oe^. 
Hanony, JoboJ. 
HoBorlb. JoA 
HaBafd,W. 0. 
UaraaA AL 
lieny. D. J. 
Bard. T, J 
UAAWnl, EdBla ' 
Uowe, ■ B. 
Hoopar, Wallae. 
u.M.iaoB.W. a. 


Tafrfai^ Lae 
'joBoa, ifa w. 
'aotaoo, Fraak a. 
Jaetaoo, Billy 

looBlBga A 

r O'Btlaa 

■oaaody. Bart 


JohostOB, O. D. 

Fret JobB 

u« - 


Kar _ . _ . 
Eloata AlltBd 
lolly. >. H. 
KrIaU. Jaa W. 
Kriagw. FioC 
Kiamari Haary 
illrkb>n,W. F, 
Kolloy. John 
KaBo, Id. 
Kolly.ObaA J. 
KoBoedy Jr.. 

Kbu. BalMor 
Rally, J K 
Kliaoll, Frank 
TjoBA fbo 
"•Lantam." — 
laTaa. FiBila 
Laooaid, Alai. 
L^Jaa J. 


LAMmAO, n . w 

Udall, Itaory 
Laalla: JoA i 
Lota. Joe 
Labia ABdy 
LlUlf. Wm. 
1*0, DatIJ 
Ubadio A Rowall 
LAwiaooA, LadtoB 
LAOBdoa. w. II 
Boi* " 

La iiBih, Bob 

LABla. — (ol 
. OAfrullAL) 
LamooLn r 
Lolord, WIIKK 
La Rou, llto. w. 
Luolar, ClhAA N. 
LobI^ 11. (.•. 
LAbbo, llao. 
XAboAn), Arthur 
UTiBo, Dolph 
LoDBbBoyiJobB F. 

J|lob^ Billy 

I,aBlA ABdy 
Laoo, FrABk W. 
La Marr, llury 
LAUy, Ed L 
LAToador A 

Looo, ll.TTy 
La>Ua (loo. 
Llrmo, Oao A. 

MonoB, F. B. 
Mtrlo, Frank 
Mack, UArir R. 

Mll'AT, 0. (I. n. 
Mamit A WbIoIi 
Marah Bapariolro 

Millar A Mar 
MalloB. Ool 1'. K 
MonlioBofT, Jaa 
MaibaB, Bd. 
MorriA I'. J. 
Motrasay t Rich 
Moora, RAymon 

BoAToy. DiAk 

Moriian, Uaee H. 

Sattbain, Ftod 
orraD, Kdmood 
Vawoll, Yaak 
"Nailat. Uany 


KorriB, rn>L u. I. 
NolaoolA — 
Korria, Burt 
NolaOB, Blllf 
Kowlae, RaaiW. 
MaUiao A AlbollA 
Ha^ol, B. 
.Hoiuilh, n. 
NofBmao. (I, D. 
,1llaa,U U. 
NodlBOjr.R. II 
Nuraay.Ohu. II. 
NolAO, J. J. 
Nolaon Trio 

a'Brlaa, A. J, 
U'Ooll A I'aao 
O'Brien, Bd. 
D'Oall, n u. 
U>ailAll A 

Faso, Jobiiny 
Fllaon.H. K. 
I'oollaiB, W. II. 

I'oBOn, llOBBtll 

rltniuoilitn, — 
Farker, Kl. 
I'alnar, II U 
Pan] OA The 
Palmar, Jobil P. 
Paarl, Billy 
Friea, R. Iiarrf 
Falntar, lian 
ParlBAKI J. 
Falaraeo.Kmll Ito 
rrlauLW. H, 
falaa, FN II. 
Paor A llaolay 
I'o* Fiod W. 
Pa tan, Louia 
l*nvora. lloMard 
PaikAT. Hon 
raiklna, II. <l. 
PoaraoB, U. II. 
Paalaar A Kcolt 
Patlun, Harry 
Pbiruii, WAliar 
l*a((M, Jitlin 
rrltir A uaiaa 
lUlBB, hi. P. 
igulaloy, Bob 
uballi^ Jiia 
'llomAlo, Frod 
BolllDB Thundor 
Kuah, Alloy 

I rt< 


Mandum, Obaa 
HoAlplOB, Jaa T, 
Mbbioo. Oao. 
Monro* A Naok 

MOdOBBOll, J. W. 

MalrlllA Frrd 
Ma(L F. 
Ma 0*11. Uao. 
MoBabao, Barry 
MoArby, Harry 
BoIo(yr»,nKia B. 
UoUuBlillB. M. 
Mallory Bma 
MaoBrldo, J. H. 
Mlllalla, Zddia 
MnrsAB, Jaa P. 

BABloT, Morria 
MorrlA MrlAi 
Hinih ObAA 
Malcolm A Tbaola 
Manalo, Wm 
Meoormlab, Jolia 
Hanloy, Bd. 
MoNufly.J P. 
MIlalialLB. F. 
May. Allaa 
MarUa Burt 
Maorar, (loo. II. 
Moian, Edward 
Mooroo, Prank 
■ urlliA JobB II, 
Haloaa, R & 
Mooroo, Pamok U. 
MyaiA Oarioo D, 
Miiitlnor, fr*d 
Millar, uro 
Mooro. Fraak 
Morphy, Prod 
Malroao, Wlllla 
MortoD, Jaa. II. 
■onimor, (lllla 
HalbOBA Bborry 
MehrlBB BroA 
Moora, » O. 
MuaOald. U. W. 
MeNalB, Wlllla 
Mayor, JoA M. 
HarbkAm, P. W. 
MoMooB, WD. 
MorAO, M. T. 
Morrall, - 
Hurohy, Harry E. 


la, JooA. 
Hloo.lloo. T. 
Haroor, Bob 
Ho) noI«l*, Low 


HoAAtra, TliuA 
niloy, Tohi 
Huiiu A Amu 
KarHlall, Willie 
llrdoo. Will 
Kllohl*. Will. 
Ra*il,A. II, 
Ruild, A. 
RadcllHa,W, U. 
KAf.H W. 
Rbudaa, Fraak B. 
Roaaall, Ulob II, 
Kurnll, F. A. 
Hobana, Wiu, 
KAjumail, lltcli.rd 
HyaB, Billy 
HaaillluA l.'lark 
llabo, ftacar 
llaliA FrMi 
llub)nn, Uau. 
RiibartJ. Wni. 
Itoaa, Frank T. 
llochB A Whlllaa 
llogara, B. U. 
Kunaldo. KdVArd 
Ibilla, Adaiii 
IUboIiIi, Mao 
llllclilo, (loo. 
Boblnaon, A. It, 
buaaoll Frank 
Noilly, b. J, 
Kandall. Uw 
Hailiird, Bliiior 
HIBia, ('haa. 
RIra, (lao. T. 
Kydar, Tony 
Hayuood,?, J. 
lloyarA Tlia 
HaajraB, Joha 
Hoalaad, W. W. 
aooTllla, Nan 
OHaoTlllo. Kldlo 
HoaoloB A Slorana 
BenboarA Hulllh 
aauDtlara, OhAlk 
iluuoB, Harry B. 
auirlli, Tbao, 
dirlUl A Cook 
KoloiiKio, W. H. 
Btavarl, W. K. 
ilordor, Harry 
HUilsA Chaa. W. 
Hlorar. A H 
HwaallASd, W. W. 
Hbaraowi. W. II. 
VAitoB, HaoBia 
Hllpp, (lal. 
rtBBti A Bombard 

•lar P. 
ackuuachar, f. 
Haoilow, KuflaOB 
III Aubarn.Uli. 
dlaanat, Wm. 

■ehaylaf ARait 
4|*aC0 B. 
tmllb,W. D. 
Mnmera. Jaa. B, 
PpoBorr k Watt 
almmoAA fi. B. 
Banmon^O R. 
Rarep, wa. 
HpaifcA Wm. 
'■oflxa, ilarrr 
a roamar. Tolaay 
a cafbbiaA, Jobs 
H Lnrrna A. 
Miuak, II. 0. 
Haabroka T, 0. 
Kuillh. Mall 
Knack man, II. B. 
.^IdniBQ. A. (1. I 
■Unllo* Hp^a. 
KllBaoo A Marton 

flomera, Wa. 
ritowart, iiBrrr 
lllula,J. a 
Pnnoront, John 
"MlaTaiy llAya"Co 
Halloo. Uiokl'. 
"cbloio, a A. 
flaokalt Boa 
fluiwo, Wni. 
aiATlD, J. U. 
HlarB^F. II, 
HAf niao, Harry 
Khaaood, llBAfy 
iltoralA A. it, 
Hlrainn. F. D. 
HAOtolL Bob 
HIlTer. jAa. 
HI (Irui'^nd, Ilarrr 
«<li«aA RAfl 
Heabarl, Alai 
HIalar, Joa II. 
ilwallord. J «. 
Siniih. Thro. P. 
tttiiwa, cbarlla 
Staliloy, V. U. 
ahloML Fan 
.Hho:,Ino. KrABk 
A Manrlea 
ranoay, Kroaat 
Traloor, I*, 
rill, Jnhn 
Thardo, Ktl, 
Ihuma*, JobB 
T»|pr, il.T 
Thonpaun, J, W. 
Taylor, chaa A. 
Tro<la«loli. II. W. 
Thomaa K H, 
Thiiuipann, AL 
Tiiaaia, (luy 
riioniaa, Myron 
Tboni|*>B, 1>*B. 
Thuinpaon, Harry 
Tr^pp,uliaa. u. 
Turnar. (Kia 
^rbAO, Jack 

Toonl. Ur Ja. 
Vanola, Ji>o 
Van LaorAUartou 
Varooa, dig. 
Vlnionl, Alai 
VADlliko. II. W. 
Vaneo, U. II. 
VluconL WAllar 
W>i>ri H. n 

rv WAlah. Wm, J, 
WAllar A WAllar 

IVIlbnr.d. r. 
(Tail, Will 
Walarbury Brufl. 
Wltinan, Frank 
WIM llnriaJaok 
WlilU Kagla UUl 
tVaid, Harry 
Woblier, Jiilin 
Walann, (,'haa P. 
wlil|,|ilar, MorriB 
H Ilia, Prank M. 
Walla. A I. P. 
Warufir, Han IL 
IVyllo, (V Judil 
Wuwilinll, A. II. 
WanI, Kuoono 
WllllaniA t.*o, T, 
WhoUo.M. E. 
Whaoloob, Frad 
Wolla, AI. 
WaaanB, FroBk 
WIlun, Harry 
Wlllall, W. P. 
WllllaJiia, Marry 
WalKin. Hilly 

WMIo Hloiid, Ur. 
Wlilltlar, II. II. 
Wllaon, I'hll 
WIralla, Hilly 
Wall Hnir. 
Wblla, A. U, 
Wulir.J. H. 
Waiiiio, F. W. 
WllllaaiB, Uao, U. 
M'alch, Law J, 
iwhalan, H. K. 
WadB, Hill 
Waoka, Ilarrr 
Woal, Korwin 
WalnmaB, K R. 
Willlalon, W. H, 
Aooila. liBTld IL 
Wllilaua, H. 
iVoll A KaTlllo 
iVolah Broa 
Wilt ran, Antooy 

Yard, llao. 
YouoB, mlly 
Vouoii, W. U. 
Yaaaer, (Ulo 
VouBf, llanrr F, 

Zorarro, Kd. 
'/•lulnariBAO, Ullo 
'/arra, — 

/)fflinarinan,W. H. 


Dalilmore,— IfBrrU< Academr waa well niled 
Ott 13, Bbao WllllAn llooy.wAa aoen in "rbo Flama" for 
tba Ont lime hoTO. KAOdow did a pbon'iniaiiAl bualnalA 
D-77, lumtog paopla away oiahlly. Kor. 6, Hanluaa* 
"fluporba." * 

FOAD'a OraRA llooaa— K^wanl llarrlRan'a appear, 
aoca lu "Rolllf aod tbo 101,'' UoL ao, waa inarkad by 
wara damooalralluaa ol approral fr^m l)i* laraoaudl. 
OBCO praaooL "A Trip lo (.hloalutro" oloaed a hiably 
proaparooa waok 77 Looal auracllooi waek of Nut. a. 

AL.AUdu'H LTi;ai-H TUBATNB — DATknaaa raliina Ibia 
wotk. Maria Jaoaoo had a lair aaflaitauiaBL oloalaa (ML 
37 Not, a. "Tlia (Iroat Bro«iklyB llandleap." 

IIOLLIUAV HTNeBT TaBATAB.-' Hiavaa of doM," with 
many now loaolo and olaolrlul oiraeta. found laror at 
Iba haadaoriwoarnvdad bouaaadciav "Paul KautaP' 
dul wall weak aodinaZT. "^ho LIimIiH Mali" Niir. ». 

Kbbbab'h HoauHaffTAl.THBATHB-'llrda'a Cumaillana 
oeaaad lo ilia eapaeiip ol Ida houa* (let 30. Tlia Now 
York raudarlllo HUra oloaod a Bood wook n, Not. I, 
May lloward'a Rurloa'ioa Cti. 

(iD.ox TBBATNB.-Naw (loL 10: Tbo flominlA La 
Modaala, AoBla Walton, aad PrlDC* Muro. BualBoaa 
coollooaa oirallaoi 

Fbobv RraTBV Thbathb Darla A Hnllor'a t^omodf 

Cit. la "Naw York flau" romiooocoJ ll>« weak with a 
lAlrlf aluodad DiAllaaa (ML SB, "Uaale Tom'a Cebln" 
bul A diautn/ua waok andlns at. 


liltllellseh.— AttheOapltalTh(alre"TheC!ODn* 
t; fair" da. OoL t1 lo lair buajoeaa. Alb. Haywood, lo 
''■diawood folba," eamaU. Emily BIbI. lo "Mr. Banta 
of Now York," uoi* H, 7] to good bBalaeia. Uua: Chaa. 
Dlcbaoo 91, X«T. I, 'Tho Uaf Ear Blanal" 9, AL U. f lold'a 

WB«r Ebb Fah— Book Taylor'B Wild Waal eem. OcL 
M S. ai^ at to good bnaloooA W. (I. Ooop'o traload 
ABlmaU oarae waak ol Si lo sooil bualoaaa. 

NOTta — TbrBo ol Iba lady mamtiara of 'Tba (^uoly 
fair" wore arraalad ax VoB Barao, Ark., Inr AambllpaoB 
Uio rallioail OArt, ikay bains laoo by tlia proaaoiillna 

attomar. Titer pal opAlorloilut twaach Hlaaou'a 

*H;olOBal" Co. war* book *d haia lor 37, buliliay caofalad 
ovIDB to aa AccidaDI, Mr. Klaaon havlnB lailaB olT the 

tlaraXor In tbo Wlodaor Houl, Dallai, Too , braaktog hIa 
IB la two plAooa AIha lltywuuil'a Vc, cloaad bora 

for a lav waokjand will play lafor dalaa. 

Hot ■prlMHBr— At Ihe Opera Ilnaae fltrlow, 
DolaoB A Fowara' Mloalralf, Oct 14, lik'l a fall honao. 
''Jlr.BarBaaol Raw York." Wlib Bmilylllal aalhaatar, 
draw a laraa aodlaaea 21 Bookad; "Tlio Coluaal" 10; 
■ •■ " owlP<ilto,''a7, Cliaa. Uiekaoo, 

~ Jor'a wikf Waal fihow aod 
Uia WhIlllBoloo Uaaaball 

Alba Ilaywpnl, lo -Kdiawoc 

la"laeoB,' 9 Dock Tai 

haad or IBdlAoa raapod al . - - 

Fork, giTiBB iwo Mrrormaneaa afiarBooo aod oTonias 
Jally,nailll,b>nira ' 



laf (■•aF.— At Ibe AcAdeu/ of Huale '-The 
iiowAway"draw a good booio Oet a. Uomlof : "Tba 

Naw Btn" Not. 9. H/>BU'a Band 8 At BaldwMI'a 

OMtt IIoum: WauoB aad Jonka, Ned aad Era Tha'cbar. 
Harry WaloB.LllxlaHtrooB. Lolllo Ha'l Joaa* ArlinaloB, 
Joole Ladaliaoab*J,lula Holly, Ulllo Tburroll, Latlla 

Tour LOVABPI M4 Ua MIDJur galled lor VubB 




— tm}<» FkvllltiD "Unolc Tom'i CtbiD" Oo. 
cloMd tbolr leoUog wuod *t Now Ouiod, 111., 0«t. 
9, It being iht most pleuutsod lacoeutul seuoo 
In ibe WtUiif of ibe comptoy, bkTlnR Int onlj one 
nigtat (be ooUre muod, mill plkflng one Bnndtr 
Digbt to niAkt op tor lu Ttiere bid not been > 
•Ingle cbuge In tbo compao/ or bud til Muon. 
Tbe enure ouiot wu thlppcd lo Llille Bloox, I*., to 
Timer nawten. rrof. Sniilcr, Jtck Uamj tnd 
Otiu. Bieil/]oln Bhu'H "u.T. U.," Elmer SoUlfre 
and wire lo to BL Looii, i. I>. UiUniDi, Comettlit 
OiMn, Utile Marie, JubD lleilb, K l>. Yoong uA 
Fred Kent Join Muon h Horgto't "fl. T. 0.," Ool. 
Feuor will tKIi triende and rtlHilrei In Iowa for a 
iiionilnie, J. M. Unib; ond Qlenn OuUerwent to 
Fana, III., lo rent tor a ihort lime. The abow will 
j!0ont next Bprlog again and will be grtatl/ en- 

— Ilarrr 0. Todd baa Joined aearjt 8(ook Oo. at 
FlndlMy, 0., aa ulage manager and comedian. 

— Helena Ualler, of tbo Mario Klozle Co., who 
baa been qolie 111, haa mnmcd bar poelUon with 
Ue eonpanj. Tbej report good builneu tbrongb 

— Rotter and nolea o( "A Bairellof Mune; :" Kellle 
Cooteon, manager; D. R. IM Leon, boalneu man*- 
geriMirkBwanatage manager; W. Denoloj(ton,mu. 
tical director; Jewie Hue llall, Florence ungdon, 
Bmoa llajner, Kteirn Hantord, Ilanny Hann, Allen 
U. Bailer, Wm. U. rowell, J. Knox aarln, John 
Uell, W. P. Oookaon and Ben Oalor. Iitnnr Mann 
and Allan II. Ualler have i>cen wlib the companj 
lire jean, and are plajing the Mica Ibojr cre- 
ated In tiio Drat perto mance at tbo piece. Wblt- 
nej Bennlngioo preatDled Jcaalo Mao Hall wllta 
an Irorr manlouro >cl, inonnled with gold. The 
compan; la dulog well: H. It 0. at Bollaoil, Beldlag 
and oiner Michigan clilf a. "Ohocobilea," aiong In 
which J»alo Mae Hall Ihrowa candj to tbe audi-' 
euw. la a aucccas. 

— The Nicliul Blatem (Utide and Alloc) hare 
Joined "A Bummer lllluwcl'' Uo. 

— Kreljn Paddook hiu not loll Conro; t Fox'i 
Co., aa reporicd. 

— Mania J. Ulxon led tor Ban Fnnclaco, laat 
weok, to produce Frank llarTaj i Kngllah melo- 
dmmaa, "The Land or the l.lrlog" and "Fallen 
Amung Tbierea." Manager Unroaco, of Ibe (Imnd 
Opera Uonae. Kan Kraiiolaco, will give lioth plara 
tlioroiigb proiIucUnna, icrnlcallr and urllatlcallr. 
Tiie playa will bo icen In Netr York aflor tbo boll- 

— "Tbe Oantaln'a Mate" Uo. laid oiriaat week, on 
acouiit or Florence lllaillcr havlDi a aarglcal 
opvmilun perrnrnied ou her Ihroat. Tbe C4pmpanr 
began a two weoka'jiDgagi-meiti atOlilCHRO,Oct,28. 

— N'llea and nailer Irom Uerale'a Uomedlana: 
We bare been plating the Iron and copper coooirj 
to rair iocceaa. Opened acaaon Or.U a, HUd opened 
tbe new opera houao at Oomlo, Wla.. Uci. 11. Will 
II. Iirunn la i rlng atarrcd. Itoaier: Will II. Ilruno, 
Kdffin Thum, Rerlranil Morroll, Ccdlo Ulajton, 
Flo Elllaon, aerlruile Ueralo.OJllo llenulleu, planlet; 
K. B. Uenile, manager, and Mjroo Wing, advance. 

— NegiiUatlonaaru under waj by wliloh, irconi 
plated, Francia Wllaoii irlll appear In l.onilan, Kng., 
neil Bprlog. 

— It la announoed Uiat Helen Ilauvrar may pna- 
alitly roaome hor tour In a rvrlval or "One of Uur 

— lAUlae Beaudok under the rrmnagenientor F. 
U. Whllney, will begin liur tonrin "Jacinu," Nov. 
la, at tbe Grand OpetH llnuae. riilladelplila, I'a. 

— oeorgo Alexander Inionda to mako a lour of 
tbla cououy with hia auiuk company from UioHU 
Jainca' Thratra, lAndon, Kng. The tour will begin 
next Hepicmber. 

— It la anoooncod Ikal JeHenion li'Angella will 
next hcaaonUo the alar or a coinio opera organlu- 
tloo, under the maiiagamcnt or Oaniiry A IiOderer. 

— Jamea O'Neill ooniomplalca appearing In Kng- 
land. Ho Inlcnila to lour tbe Kngllah provlncoa 
during the coming 8|irlug, and play In I,oodon next 

— BeerhohmTrrowlll begin hit Amorlcan lonr 
In January, at Ahliey'a Theaire, Ibia cltr. Mr. Tree 
taoldaibe American righta to Bydney urundy'a "A 
nonob ot VInlela • tor tbe clllea of New York, 
I'lilUdolpbIa, lloaion and Oliloago, while Uliatlca 
Frohnuui bolda thcin tor Ibe teat of tbit country. 
In ail lltlon to tbli play Mr. Tree will appear here 
In "The Kod Lamp" and a repertory ot hit old 

— Violorlen Barrioi baa accepted the UUochnten 
by Fanny Darenport tor hit new p'jty, In which 
Bti»h Berobardl It to create thn laullugroleln 
ParlB and Hlit liavenport In tbla country. Ilo bad 
originally loieodtd lo ohrlaten tho play "The liuch 
Mt lit Albena," but baa decided to call It "On 
Donda" In Frencb aa well aa In Kngllah. 

— Manager Augnatoa I'ltou uncuncea that be 
will dote bla oompany In "Biruok Ull" Nov. >, In 
UU olty. 

— Flurenoe llamlltoo aecnitd her reloatefiom 
Nanagen orawtord A Lewlt, or the aillit mock Oo., 
Kauat Olty, Mo., In order to Jcla Ibc VtUX lloaa 
Uo , tor which John W. Iiunne hHa engaged Qladya 
Wallla aa tbe alar, to til tbe datoi tiwiked tor (bit 
organliatlon, and wlU open at HoVloker'a Theaire, 
Obloago, Nov. 1. 

— Rotter ot the Wtllace.llopnerKeiwrioryOo.: 
Wallace Hopper, NolU lloliloaon, Florence Wel- 
eoow, Jolla Unrlcv, U. K. Fowler, T. II. WaltD, F. 
BIgalnw, William Uoppor, WlUla rage, Juhnaoo and 
PoDdlcburv, Laooaahiro dancers; Jamea Jolhmote; 
banjolat; Kelly and Ilsntrtr, Irlah characler ape- 
clalij; J. 11. Bhafer and Kd. II. Bamtlead. flood 
butlneaalt retHtrted tor tbit oompioyforllvoweekt 
In llalltax, N. B. 

— Philip 8. Biaau bat algned with Janict Rllror'i 
"Race tor Lite" Uo., which la to travel onbloycica 
next Bummer. 

— LouUe Agnoll (Urt. Joaeph 11. Ulltloo) will 
herearter lie known lu June Agnott. Bho will tiar 
next teaaon la a now plar, wrluen by Mr. Ulirion, 
and eollUod "The lloac ur Vlr|lnla." 

— J. B, Angell, manager of Aognil'a (;omcdlant. 
baa piirobaaed the exolualvo rlgbia lo produce (bo 
roalltilo drama, "IKiwn tbo lUopo," |a Ohio and 

— Uliver llyron will proiluoo hit now )ilay, "Upa 
and Duwnelif l.lfiv" uy F. A. Soudanioro, In Kllaa- 
betb, N. J., Nov. i. 

— Nolea and roater or Fred Uarah'a Select 
riayera : We ato now in our twcUih week, and 
have found bualnoaa In tho Boulh very good. 
Among other fair dalea wc have playoil, la the 
North Utrollua Blalo Kiilr, at llalelab, week ot (let. 
U, when butlnoaa waa exceptionally gooil. Una- 
tor: Lew (llra>nn, Ilarij II. uatile, l,oiila F. U<ir 
riaon, Oliaa K. Jnnca, Harry 0. Wllllar<l,JooMa>ne, 
Ohaa. v. WlldHok. Mtilelino illcaaoo, Irene UoLoo, 
Blanche Otatlt. Frxd Manb, manager; U. U. Wll- 
Hard, adriuoe, anil Prof. Ilayne, inualoal dlreotor. 
We route Boulh a« htr u Kuy Weat, rcturaing Norib 
In (be Spring, cloalng near Now York about June 1. 

— Many Hull, ot DnII'a Uoniudlant, writea ui 
that be broke Ihn rcconi or all rcportorr oompauloa 
week or Oct. M, at Iho Uraod Upon llouae, Madl- 
lon, Ind. 

— A. II, Woodbnil will leave the "Anot Sally" 00. 
and open an olHco In IhIa city lo book nllracllnoa 
lor oext aeaaon, among them helog "In Uld Mexico." 
"A Thorougbbrod,"and William Qray, In "Aunt 

— Madeline llavia It III In lluiMo, N, Y., aud la 
under (be care ot the Acton' Fund. 

— 0. K. noddard hat brought tull tor divorce 
from Flora He Vaaa. 

— Ool. J. F. Mllitkin hit "taken tbe etump" for 
Tammany Uill and la aclliuly engaged In the 
pieaent pollucal carapAign, 

— Lew Bllvera hw duaad with Marah'a Belect 
riayen, and la reeling at hli buiuo In Knoxilllo, 

— Walte'a Oomady Uo. Froinlura lland and Or 
cbeairaK plating tbe mill icwoa ot NcwRogland 
to excellent bntlneat. At YM lliver. Matt., the 
bouae waa nightly packed to tbo doora, and at Sa- 
lem, wbute tbe oompaoy played hul week, the talc 
«l (ickeia wat aioppeJ before eight o'clock every 
night, the boDtc being fliled lo lis ntmott cipaclty, 
and many weio turned away at tbo dally inatlucet. 

— Uarrle Kilcr, toobroiie ot tbe "Uracker Jack" 
<i >., la Binging Oua WIenbcrg'a UMtl (ong, "Olrl 

— Unaa. K. Uarllug la (be hualneaa reprraenlaUve 
et tbe Jualln Adania Uomedy Oo. 

— John Ttnt, conater (oner, doted wKb "MoFad- 
den'B Klopement" oo, and opened OcL tT.tnSL 
Loula, Mo., wllb "UuiTr'a UloUilert.'> 

— Noiaa from Ibe Urabau luitle Co.: Qrabtm 
E-irle, Man W, Zlelle and Ubarlet Itoatktm were 
Inliltud Into the Hcolllth rack, Suoiua Haul Pled, at 
Brookvlile, ltd. Tho oHoere of Ibe order vlalkd 
na In tbe next tland, Ube rty, and attended the per 
(orniaoce In the till coatomo of Hie order. We luve 
been pUylngihe larger (owoa et Ibe Indiana gu 
belt to large liualneaa. 

— Eleanor M«rtoo and Obailee F. 0111 (n i-pro- 
fettlpoal)weremanledUoLt9,at Roxbury, Haaa., 
the Her. Percy Browne oniclaUag, Tbe gioom 
It the brother of oen. Kdwio 8. aui, iDann,:lnf edi- 
tor ol Uie Riufon ThitWIer, 

Wanm Oomidt Rora.— Mm. Cora Wanar, ot 
the Ben R, Warner Oomedv Oo., celebnted her 
birthday at Orcaeo, la., on Oct. M, bj buqoettnf 
tbe company an«r the petormance. Amoof tbe 
preeentt the received were: One M ot tolll all- 
Ter peail handled trolt knivea, from Dr. KeUogg, 
Mr. wamer'a conaln; one ellver alomUar, allver 
bon-bon baaei, a lolld tllve/ belt bookie, allver 
powder box and poit, tlx tllk baadkerchlett, ellver 
ahoe and glove bnttoner.aallk Ue, alto a bandaome 
preaent from II. Walter Van Dyke and wire. 

— Boater and Dctea from tbe Fiaok Tooker't 
UomedyOo.: WearedolngaUraebutlneaa tbrongb 
Ohio, and are pleating onr andlencea. The rotter: 
0. P. Ooaat, M. A. Dunt, Tbomta Martin, Qene Boh- 
bins, Btron Bchemerhom, J. Knox Oavlng, u. W. 
DIettloi, tbe Arlon Cloartal, Jtne Marburr. Varene 
Hall, Otrtle Itobblna and Etbel Tncker. The com- 
pany tau been Improved by the wf.iMoa of aevoral 
dever apeclalUea. A change of managemant oo- 
corred on Oct 71, 0. P. Ooaat ancoeedlng M. A. 
UuDt In the management or the abow, 0. w. Dlet- 
ncb It In adrance. We iball tour Indiana, Mlobl- 
gan and wiicontln. 

— Tie Oooleyt (W. M. Ooolev and wire), viollnliu 
and planlitj, bave Joined tbe Bartleu Theaue Uo. 

— Itepertorrof us Botlon Oomedv Co.: "Atttr 
tbe Hall," "PollUet." "Dliconlanted Wife," "MIt*. 
Ing FUger," "The Tendertool.'' Bulneei repotted 
onlfomtv good. 

— William NIobota reqnetla na lo deny Ibat be 
waa married to Jotepblne Wynne at Dayton, O., on 
Oct. II, and Informs nt Ibai Obas, B. Bowen wu 
(be bridegroom open that occasion. • 

— Geo. M. Jobnaon baa entered Into a contract 
wllb Obaa. H. nowtll to alar Edwin RoaleU In 
Bbakctpeareas cbtraeteis. 

— J. 8. Leerbnrger, general manager for Maroni 
Mayer, tailed tor Korope Oct. 23, to close oonlracis 
for mnalcal atlracUooa (bat will appear In thit 
connlry under Mr. Hayer'i management, teaton ot 

Iwil-M. Mr. Leerbnrger w(" 

hit relnm Maater Olrard; 

Inis-M. Mr. Leerbnrger will bring with him on 
hIa relnm Maater Olrardr, aged thirteen, tbe 
tamout vlollncellltt, who u now lonrtng BcoUaod 

wllb Mme. Adeline Fatti, and also Frieda BImon- 
aon, ptanhue, aged nine jean, both ot whom wlU 
appear tbit teaaon ander Mr. Mtyer'a management, 
making their American debut In tbit olty, " 

Olrardydoea notappearaaan Infant phenomenon, 
hut Its performer ot recognized ability, and la, It 
It olalmed, ot peerlcu repalailon. 

— Joaeph Knrrli, a cello player, commuted anl- 
dde hr tliooting hlDuelt In tbe bead Oct. 30. at bit 
home In tbla cilj. ThedecoatedwatlntbeQtrman 
army during the Knnco-Pnitalan war aa a member 
of a reglmenlal band. Ue came lo (bla coontrr 
about ten yean ag^, and bad played In aevetsl pro- 
minent orcheairat lo (hit city. Ue was not knoim 
to have any relallroa lo tbit country. 

— l.llllan nnaaell and hercnropaoyatrlved In this 
city from England OcL 3a. Her teaaon at Abbey'a 
Theatre, tbla citj. In "The Qoees of BiHlUnis," will 
begin Nov. 7. 

— Kdward Jakohowtkl, tbe composer, arrived In 
iblt dty Oct 'a. lit brooghtwltta nima newopetk 
tor Fnncu Wilton entitled "1^ Careme do Tllloe." 
Tho book It liy Ohovotand Uuro, and will be adap^ 
cd Into Kogliah bv J. Oheever Ooodwln. Bealde 
another opera fur Mr. Wlitou, Mr. Jakobowtkl la at 
work ou ono tor Lillian noatell. 

— W. A. McCunnell hta been engaged by Uanarr 
A Lederer lo appear In "The Twentieth Cenlurj 

— Ueo. W, lupley, bualueta repieteniailve of tbe 
Eva Tanguay Uomedy Uo., wrllet (bat bnalneas 
cuoUouea good with that company, and that ho 
waa preeeoted bj the company at Curry, Pa., with a 
large Eogllah mjtallitdog, which he oscaln advance 
ot tno company, wllb a blaukel oo, wltb the name 
of Ibo atlractlon and date. 

— riie KInlae Wllhird Co. lu "The LlUle Bpecn- 
laior," conilnuea doing well; they aeon play a week 
at tbo I'cople't Theaire, iblt city. Manager Edwin 
I', union writes that bo baa replaced 0. K. Oiape- 
win by Obaa. V. Uomton, who taaumes the lead- 
lug comedy pari; J. B. Forbea bat been tucceedcd 
at advance agent liy Fnnk U. St Clair, and Harry 
U. Barlow has been engaged (o a(rangtbon Uie 
choruaai.elc.; In ebon, mant Improvemenls bare 
lieenmade and It It a tore nil everywhere. Br. 
miion'a Vermont bulneaawatexceedlnglv good. 

— K. Uljde Undbury, pUoUt, left tbe "Onr 
Dorothy" company at Ohsalsr, III. 

— Joacpb U. Uilrion was a UurriR caller Oct 27. 
Ue Informa na that be will place a No. 2 "Hancb 
King" Oo. npon the road, opening Nov. a, at Ulog- 
bamion, N. Y. Ue furiher Intoriu na that tbe No. 
1 Oompaoy baa had to tar a auccesatul season. 

— Uarry Wllllama Is very huay getting nit new 
company, "A Bowery Olrl," ready for (be toad. Al- 
though Mr. Winiamt will have tome verr well 
known people lu tbo oaat, be la not ready to mon- 
tlon iliclr namet yet In Uie soonio piodncUon, a 
nuuiber ot well known phioea oo iho Uuwery will 
bo preieoled. "A Dowcry Olrl" wlU bo seen In .lew 
York early oext year. 

— The graceful lltue Uengler SUien opened with 
Rlce't "1401" CO. Oct It, at Beaton, Maaa., tor a 
aeaaon of thirty weeks, atltr wblobtboj wUl tall for 

— "The Interloper, or tbe Feel or Venoa,".ls the 
Itle ot a new oomedy, bj Adrian Barbnate, a 
French playwright, which Bmart Robaon Inleoda 
to produce Nov. 12, at Ue Qiand Opera Uoote, 
rniladelpbla, Pa. 

— Notea from "Tho Kodak" Co.: Tbe comedy bat 
proved a succaatfnllaughmakor, and (taomerabera 
ot tbe oompany an all doing well. Uarry B. 
Hoobe la making a tncoeu as wandering Willie. 
Annie Wblilng It a favorite. Mark Swan, the 
author, It allll at work on Ue play, whipping It Into 
shape. Uo Intends (o add two new oharaoten (o 
tbe piece. 

— Tne tolt tor divorce bronobt by Qeo. W. Faw- 
1 Fiwcet 

celt agalnai Annie Crotsman Fiwcelt namenp In 
tho Chicago, III., count Oct n. Tho cats waa anb- 
nilliod on Ibe p^pen and depoalUons mod, and tbe 
court entered a decree agtloat Mr. Fawceli. 

— Oharles II. licit Ion Uiu city for his home at 
Ubarleston, N. II., Oct 27, to lake personal charge ot 
bla campaign tor re-elccllon lo tbe New Hamp- 
ablro LegUlature. Mr. Uoyt It conQdont ot vic- 

— U. O'Neill A Co., ot tbu dtv, tecored an 
auschmeut for tl,ooa agalnai Marie Walswrlght 
Oct ii, for babmce due tor dietms, etc. 

— Notea from Bales Broi.' "Uumpty Dompty" Oo. 
No. 1: We opened Oct 21, at Uaokeniaoi, N. J-, 
and turned people away. Car atreet parade It a 
feature, being a big novelty and very bandaome. 
Wo have twenly-lour people, braaa band and nolo 
crcheatra and Indloatlont politto a ptoipemnt 
totaon. The abow goea Sonth iblt teaaon. We 
bave received a trunk full ot leiien In answer to 
onr.btis "ada." In Tiii CurriR. — 

— The rctldeaee ot Mia. Ceo. B. Adanit,~1n 
Frtnktord, Pa-, wu enieted bv bnrglan donog 
tbe night ot Oct it, but the hsrklng of Mn. Adams' 

Kt dog awakened ner and her taimly and the rob- 
ra made ibelr escape. 

-Mr. and Hn. Tony rtalor presen(ed tbe little 
Uangler Bitten wllb two very handsome banjoa. 
"Uiitlcal Halo" bu uught Uiom to play, and they 
are gelling along mpldly. 

— Karl U. Doty hu ratlred from the stock of Ue 
Poople'a Theatre, Mliueapolls, Minn., snd will lake 
a runcrton company on Ue road, pbtjing the 
smaller I'llles througb Wtacontln, Iowa and Minne- 
tci*. lilt nperiorj will inclnde "Ftnman's 
Ward." "FtutI and Marguerite," "Not Qnllty," "Uls 
Love" and "The Llon'a Paw.'* 

— Harelar WirtrartoD, lha loo of Uia proprietor 01 
Thi fwalna rrirvrapA. rhlUdalphl*. Pa, w-w daraadaot 
IB a lull breugbt by Jamaa 11. Bcao, OoL it, la Ibe Sa. 
praroa Court ollhlafltau. lo raeorar t7,0(n for ihaeoa- 

luiuai aM-l In "8«t«d Ana," in vhlon Mr. WarbnnoD 
waa aaaoolalM with R E. Rio*. Mr Baan allesad (bat 
ha boutht tbe coatumea Iron Mr. Rica, aad aoldlbain to 

Mr. WarbarUin. It waa olalmed lor Ibe dtlandaot bow. 
am, UiaL Mr. Daalan, ibo ooalamar. Iron whom Ilia ooa- 
luniaa war* onitaally pulThaaeO br Mr. Rloa. tnMd lo 
Mar, 190^ an allaahmoot agalaal Ibo ooatamaa Tor lb* 
moQoy, and^u^D bla rafuMl to siaal Mr Rica Ua»a, Mr 

luniaa war* onilaallr pulTbaaeO br Mr. Rloa. tnMd lo 
aluahmr~' — .-— — - --- 

l.opoi _ . 

Warburton had gliaD Mr. ntalaa aohoob ("r Ibe amoaot 
daa OD Iba coalamoa. Go moUoo ol eoaoaol lor Mr. 
WarbUfloD. Ibo anil waa dlPmlaaadon lha sroofid Ibat 

iba plalBllltbad lallid tomahaoolaoaao. 

— Daolol W. BMrldn, biMbaad ol "AanI" Loalaa BM- 
rtdto. diod t)ol tl, al all homo la tbla ollr. itom pooa- 
moDta. Tho daoataod waa bora la Capo Mar, N. J. ' 

lalt and at an oailj ago wont to rbtladalpbi^ ^ . what* 
haboeamoawoU lodoabtpplBg notebaat AboBilortv 

Kira ato bo Biarrlad Loulaa Mortlmar, at tbal Uma a 
II hoowB aatiaai, who ibaa rattled from ibo alas*. A 


moved to tbio ollr wllb bla wlfo, who latarwod ia the 
itaca. Beoldaa hIa widow ho laaToa iwe oblMraa, Piaaa 
ndao aad UUIa BUrtdiw, boua wall fcaowa pnloa- 

It la now aBnooBood that Mtlo Ralaao, Iba Piaaob 
aelraaa will poaiuratr eemo lo Utia eonBUv In FobiuiT, 
uodor tba dIrwctloB ol Abbay, eoboalTat A Oino. MUo, 
IU)aBo will brIoR bar owb oomraar wiia bar aad win 
bagiB bar lour at Abbor'a Tbaauo, tali cllv, wborw aba 
will 111 UioUmo that waa toasrvod (or Karab BanbardI, 
wboao Tiall baa booB poalpoBad nil noal aaaaoa. Mil*. 
Ralaao'a npafteiT win lBolBd*"Mm*.6anaOoa*"aBd 
"Ma Oooaloo," batldaa otbar wall known playa 

— Aloiaodorlaai^ a niombor ol tbo wallaoo Doppor 
Diamane Oa, aoeldmially abot Alftod Matab. U«L n. la 
Iba Lycoua. Ilalllaa. N. &. wbai* ibo oompaay woro 
plarlOB- Mr. laalo plokad op a nvolrar wblcb bo ba- 
liavod lo ba onloadod aod almod it at Mr. Manb, ox- 
clalnlBB,"leokoair* Tbor«rolTorwudlochart«d,aBd 
tt* bBiM fiaaod Mr. Maiok'a eboaa. It la ihooabt b* 
Till loao Iho olabl or obo ore aad aonblr bolb. 

— Mn. JaaonaalOB. widow orfbemat llaaloa, oa* of 
lb* llaaloB Ira*. dM Oat. 11 la n. MaiT'a Boaplhl, 
Brookl/D, R. T. ebo loavia a^ntblar. teaa Btaloa, 
who la OS Iba alas*. 

— Lois Benrood Is at ber boms la Toledo, 0. 
owing lo tbe lUoest other moUur. 

— AmeUa Dean Is la Uili dir, vWllog ber 
parents. Ber bnshand, a 0. Ban, h« lately re- 
unsd from Bogtb America 

— W. Dick Bairlsan, wbo hu snltered from 
Uree strokes otpsnlrsls In Ua last tbiee vcan, Is 
now nnder the can ot bis broilier. Dr. J. O. 
Barrlsos, TlllatotaL Miss., wlUi tiaj prospect of 
recovering his healib. 

— Manager Dan Sbdby, of Moslo HsU, Wllkes- 
bam. Pa., was In this city Isst week,kioklng for 
sur sttncilont. it Is mora tban likely ibat Klaw 
A Erlsnger>s atlracUons will ha booked by blm tor 
Music Uaa 

— Holes of the Eureka Theatre Oo.: We si« now 
In onr ninth week, and tboogb boaloesB Is not big 
we are still oo ue Uo move. Onr roster now 
slaods: James Oedley, Bamny Horek. Eogene 
Phelps, Kit WUson, Barry Bniton, W. N, Bweel, 
Prof. H. Do Oraaae, mnalcal director; Mn. Mande L. 
De aratse, plaslst: Oleo Benob-, Ins WlUlama and 
Jennr Ollne. Utile Fanny Joined Oct 3>. 

— Harry Jacison closed with tbs WUbnr Open 
00. week ot Oct s, at Elgin, 111. Mr- Jackson In- 
forms ns tbst bis sew pisy, "A Msd Manlage," Is 
meeting wiu good snccea Ureogb tbe West 

— '^eOomlog Woman," In wblcb Came Turner 
Is to begin ber tiarrlng lonr Nov.l2,attbeFlftb 
Avenne Theatre, Uia cltr. Is likely to be ibe tnhjcot 
of llUgatlon between Bedley Brown, wbo claims a 

KanUwnblp of tbe play, on tbe one side, and 
Turner awl her mnaager on Ibe other, xne 
play u presenled to Mist 'Tamer but Spring wua 
dramatisation bj Hervin Dalluot EdmnndYatet' 
tlory, "Broken to Uamets." Itios far Ue linganis 
But no fDrther. Mr. Brown on bli psn 


slieges Ibat, at tbe reqneat of Miss Turner and her 
busbsod, John Mack, ne rawiole the plav trom be- 
ginning 10 end, leaving ont ot one bondred pages 
of mannscrlptonly four pasts of wblcb Mr. Dtllu is 
tbeanUor. Fortbls, Mr. Brofmsven, Miss Turner 
made a rerhal agreement wltb blm lo the eftea that 
hit name wu to appear Jolnllyr wlU Mr. Dallu'u an- 
Uor of lilt play, and (bat In case (be piece wu tuc- 
cessfol be wu to have s third lorerett Ui Ue prot- 
lls. Now, Mr, Brown atterii, ibe anUonblpof Ibe 
p^ylaiobe toIelyacoredlKd to Mr. Dallas. Mus 
Turner aod ber manager allege, however, that Mr. 
Brown wu only uked to amnge a tew scenes In 
Mr. Dslbu' pity, and thil It aU be bu done. Mr. 
Brown bu nouaed Mlas Tnraor Ibat be Intends 
to prett his claim u Joint anther. 

— FredD. Wilton. managerofPeok'sBsdBoy," 
wrllet ot denying that he owes Jennie Sohoman 
any back tabry, or that tbe had obislnedjndg- 
Dent agalnit him. Mr. Wilton fottber wntet 
tbal the 140 ptid to Ubis Sohnmsn on an attscb- 
mont Istued at Red BtoL N, J., as wu mssiloncd 
In onr but isme, wu psid 07 his manager contrarr 
to bis explicit lutmcuons. Be alio; tiales thai be 
bu lulructed his ooonsel 10 recover that money 
and eipenaes from Mbis Sohnmsn andalaototneber 
for oxomplary damagea arlting from other causes. 


Detroit,— At the Detroit Open Bonae "Tbe 
AmaiOBi," Cel. 2191, Hoi Smilh Roaaot, Kor. l9,LowU 
Morrlion, ft-lOL UatwoohRb«awu tavorad wllb good 

Lvoaoa TBBAVlta.— Tbo Walea Comlo Open Company 
plar "Atbonia" UoLS-Nor. S. Tbo laUor part ol laat 
wook, tbla ooDpur proaao'ad iho aama plooo lo lalrlr 
loodDoalBoaa ^oBlaok Crook" oomooS-lO. 

Wairaav'a Oaipp OraaA llooas.— Tlila weak, 'Tbo 
Polloo ratroL" Laat wotk "Tbo Prodlaal Fatbor" bad 
a big FOB. Naatwoak. "A BaRttgoCbeck." 

OAaratu.'s Exriaa Taaavai^^la wook, Prima 
Doooa" Laalwaok Patrto«,lB'1boKld,"pIaraduilbe 
capaelty oriba boo**. Hait waob. J. J. DowliBg. 

WoRDULiaDTHBAvatANO Musaa.— Carlo ban— Prank 
Cotloo'a donkor cIrcuL Orooooa (wire bair maa), Mlaa 
Loboid (dao of ualaea allxatora) and Joha lliinaoB 

" ' loaa Gloria* Trio, 

-, , Ina. 

PaiRB B. Mous, manator of "Tba Kid" Co., tararad 
hIa OOBBOOUOB vlUi the comi>anr wbllo bor*. aod look 

(Ibo bllod whItUar). flus*— Too An 
Lii«ID*llOro.tboWhllnayaa ' 

GnaHd Hapldt.— At Power's Qnnd Open 
llouio Ui Hoorj'a Mlnauala, Oct XLdrow a rurhonw. 
aadid tbaWalM' OporaCo. S,2«. ComlBR: Sol SmIlS 
RuaaoUai. Rboa Hov. I, Mn. Pouar and Iirlo BaUow 1 

oaiso Grata Uocaa— Week of 001. fl, "Tbo Two 
Widowa"drev hgbt hoaaea Weak of S, "Tbo Pollee 

SMiratOrtaillouta-Woakota: LaMontaiMIMrod 
Mornr. Bron Broo., LlaaJa JohoatoB Moaa Wtna, 
Julia jIappoL and tb* alook Week ot Nov. A BamT. 
Jocb'a Onoloi. 

Locsaaav Uaix.— Boa»'a Band 9. 

Kalamasoo,— At tbe Aoademy of Mntio "Tbe 
Stowawav." Oct S draw a good boaa*. ComlBg; '-Tbo 

Polloo iBapaotor" 37. Sonaa^a Bead Nov. 1 At tbo 

(IronO, Mr. and Mta. Bobl. Warna drew Iblr bonaaa bat 

ijiitialBf ^At Baltd's Open House^'The Slow. 

- ... . . ... .. ^ _ „ 


away" oaraaUcL 34 to a fair aliad hoooo. "Tbo New Boy" 
VI btnad for Nov. I, "Tb* Lolt ParadlH" t. 

auf'wavlaikUiapattwaat. NawobaliaanbaiBgpoi 
In^ "Tb* Harry M&k Malda" naeal) eomta Cot U, Nov. 

JaokaoB— At Hlhbard't Open Bonse "Lost 
In Naw York" bad a good honao Cot 31 Rhea e«ma* S. 

Mra. rouor and Krrlo BoUow Nut. 1 Aosomblr Uajl 

baa boon romodolod aad a Wonderland Theatre will b« 
oatabUabad In on* portton ot llaoon. 


Blllw«wk*«.i»Tbe Midwinter Olrons, tmderUe 
managaoMnl of L. J. lodrlgaoa, to ooenpy lha Bipoai. 
tlon BbIUIbi, opooa Nor. 4. A porfonnaoee lor ibo proaa 
bowoTof, WlU bo glTon Hov. 3. Tb* Urga bnlMlogla now 
bolns mad* ready, andJodRlnt ttna lb* •itanalr* Im- 

rTOTaOMBtaundorwara boaauhil alafat la Ib atorelor 
b* palxoBa. Tb* foltoBlngoooprlao the Oitl two woaka* 
bill: Oalcado, Uia Nalaon PaBllr. Ralan, Oomora, ifaa 
LnndRTOooa Loranto, Uirolo and Vaola, ibe UoUanda, 
La Mouo and Haynard, Bamaa and Ano. Prof. Bowata^ 
Doga. Jaaa L«Tlia. itao olavolanda aod Prof. Caboon'o 
BqbIbo Paiidoi. Pror. Joaeph Olandar'a Bead will lB^ 
olah lha mnaia 

AOaoaav ot Musio — "Darkaat Roaala" npoo«d Oct 
B for a wook. Donnollr and OlrarO'a "RalBmak*i«"dld 
alarg*bBSln*M laat wash. Tbo Oalboan Upon Com- 
poor icoT, I and weok la 'Tb* Blaak Uoaur" and 

Bijoo Oriai Hou8a-"A BBOoh or Eara"Oot Sand 
waaa. "Roih iittr" piaaperel bat weak. Baal* fiooo- 
hlllNor 4 aad week. 

OariHOK TBBaTaa.-AnBa Bia Pay Bama Oot 3S Ib- 
*ad ofll.aa elated laat waok. "AliddlnJr" opoood 
Not. I lor Ibr** Blgbla, and Iba advance aalo la larga 

Aag- Dalr'aOompaay Nov. S and waok. 

PiorLi'aTBaATaB — Oat 33 and waak Haaaiar Joba a 
Rayaor plaeod ib* lollowint bill: Alirn and Llasanl, 
Wolob and Waloh, Uiolvr Leaf Trio (wboolar. Madonna 
and Bdwaida), Ctrroll and Blmor, aod PalnHr and Do 
Moot*, wllb Uo conioilr "Tao Hlih Roller " A bosH 
abow, boadad by Floronoa Millar, draw aoaiooaola 
bouaoa laat weak. Rhendaa A Plynn'a "City Bporta" Not. 
4 aad wook. 

8TA0TTila*Tta— "Amora Dn<cbka,"a tan*, br Ra' 
dolp KBalaal. waa giToo Tor tbo ant Um* in thta ooanUT 
Ool a "Ntlban, tba Wlio," 14. and "lb* DoUa' 
Uouaa," SB, wot* wall patronliM. 

WoatiaaLASO Hcaaoa.— Oot B aod waok; Oatlo- 
M*oio (laMr walker), Haaai (atrong man). Lawla aad 
Paul (canioat), Cbarloa Wbluoao (onkoown art). Pnnrb 
Hboaa. BUffw— Moirliaod Ooodwln TonrLoaa, Uowaid 
and Bmalaoa, Mlu Faol, tho Weollaloa. 

Coorona— "ACraokar Jack"appoai«l at Iba Silunan 
CaaloOiWaohaalia. WU..Octfr, aod Ibe eompanr camo 
boTo rorBoodar. Maoagar MIoolal rooorla aprooponoa 

a*aaoo BialBoaaHaaagarWIilH Oun.of^UioDaTld. 

aon. look adTaniaa* or hia tbaati* b*ing eloaod loit 
wook br golna to Pblladolpbia 10 aoo Manager fiboniao 
BrowB^B^HHtlha Earth." aatl la highly olatod over Ibo 

rooopUon llneolTod to thai olljr The FlTo Paidoa 

lolBad Campball'a Loodon BoUoa at Iba PooBlatn Sooai* 

Thaalro, OinelooaU, B Saaasor J. U. Belianfc, of 

Iba OalhouB Opera (>)., waa lo lha olty S PloimIr 

wla nam tatoUia eaalor"RuabOllr"S 0. P.MIIIor, 

wbo manatwd Iho EipoaltloB Muoio UaU, nilia roar 

ollr tbla waok Pnak Coon, wbo baa lakan tlckala at 

iba DoTldaon Tboau* ainca 11 waa bnlll, bu raatfiiod bla 

poilUon: Tbo Hlaodatd Tbaair* la to agala bo oponod 

oaaTaBdaitlla Ibaatraon Not. II "ACnoher Jack" 

plara Nallooal SoMlora' Home near tbla eltj Nor. 1. 

Foad dai Ijac.— At the Oieacent Oct 30, "A 
Booob or Kara" bad good baunaaa. "ACnekar Ja«k"B 


Bcaiile,-^t Basna't BeatUe Tbeatre Em Een- 
doli B*d* bla iDitlal bow 10 a Baaulo aodloaea Oca a, la 
'^aBubaUtnt*." wblob waa wall iwcelTad. "APalrot 
KldCwuthoblUtl "Obartaya Anat" did a big boal- 
D*a* IS-A A. L. Parlaad, baaloiat, aavo an ontanain- 
pi Q,^^^()p .... 

nont tor the boaoai c 

lie LIbiaiT at. Robt 

DowolBg and BoB*nt* Blair eaa* M7. "La OU Eaa- 
tnokr" floT. l-d, Aloa BalTlnl 14, U 

Uotoaai'a TaaAvaa- Laoitno* Basl«r aao Bdlih 
Lomneit begin ttoir laat waok (M. 3t la "OihaUo," la a 
Bood boaaa. "A kool'a Bavaag*" waa pot oa 3B lor Ib* 
i«Bialnd*i of tb* wook- "A Taiklah Batb" eomaa Ibr 
ibrwa Bighta Nov. A 

Paera — Adalo Smait waa eomp*llod to eanoal h*r *a- 
gagoaoal at Tletona,B.O. aad layog In ibia dtp to 

nBooiBo ti«aiD*at (Or a aaTai* throat agkeliOB 

Maaator (toidrty haa ol«aad a ooatiael wlia the Joobis 
Wlniuin Up*!* Oo. Cor an *BBaf*ffl*ni at bia ibaanaa la 
Ibia eity aad re itlaad. 

•vakame,-^! u* Aadllorlno tbe IslUsl pto- 
^■!'*'^ worda bg 

John 1. Baatan, matle by md Uopp*, both ol tbiaollr, 
u *T**t wlib«*l paitllal la Ik* hlatorv el ti* 
a Tl*boBa* wia paeked tothodoon bvaaaadl. 
wbo baa l owaJ aaatlaans app l aaa* asoa (b* taal 
aan wbo eompcaed lb* e*at 

TBI PiRADg given by Pilmrote A Wetf s MIn. 
strelt m this dty, but weak, wu an nnlqne aid 
novd Idea. Tbe permit baring been gnnted by 
the dty offlclala, Messn. Primrose k Wut look sd- 
Tantageof the opportnnllj to preaent to Ue New 
York public an auradlon, men u uey bave never 
before been able to show. It wu tbs Hist parade 
of Ue kind ever atlempied In this dty, and 
Frlmrcse A West are to no oongrttnlsted on Ue 
succcM of Ue ssair. Tbe line of march wu down 
Bighib Avenue 10 Fonruesib Street, to Broadway, 
thence along Bioadwav to Fortjr-iocond Street to 
BlxU Avenne, 10 fblrtletb Street, to Eighth 
Avenne, to tne Onnd Opera Ilonse. Obeen 
greeted tbem oontlsnallT u Uey passed slong 
Broadwar, while tbe carriage which eonveyed 
Messrs. prUniose A West, wu loaded wlU floweis. 
Seventy performen were In line, preoeded by a 
troupe of Arabs, dretied Is tbeir native coammes. 
Behind tbem came Prlmnas A West's Hllltarr 
Band, In gorgeona ccstsmes, phi ring some atlrrlng 
mntlc. beaded by a dmm malor (Johnny Wbalen), 
wbo dUplijed remarkable txiU In bis mtnlpnla- 
Hon ot a bat n. Then came the eomedlani, 
tingen and dancen ot the tony wblict; beblad 
tbem, Hestn. Frlmrcte A Weet, snd Qeo. Wilton, 
In s csrrlsge dnim by four while bones, lo a 
bandaome set of red enamded loaUer bamess. 
mounted In illver. Another tnupe ot mounted 
Araba followed, and then came Ue thiny blacka, 
marching In a style (hat wonid do credit to a mlll- 
tarv company. ■' 'Way Down In Dixie" wu played 
by Ibelr excellent band ol colored muslclana, tnd 
behind them came anoUer troupe ot mcnnlsd 
Anbs. It wu an Impotlng tight, and Primrose A 
West may well feel proud ot Ue reception tbcim 
Uem. Sianding room only wu the nightly occor- 
reoce lut week st the Omnd Open Uonae. 

Tas employes snd peiformen at tbe BUnlnl Con- 
cen Hall, Sprmgdeld, IIL. on Oot 22, presented 
Hsnager Frank Bcbsefer wltb a gold besded otne. 
Tbe prtaentsllos speech wu made by Mr. Stanley, 
one ot Ibe pertoimen. Just st tbe beginning ot tbe 
evening's performance. 

LUCY HoNROR, ot tbe Monroe BIsten, Is conva- 
leaclog at ber home In nilca, N. Y. 

Ella B. Wiibon, wire ot Oeorge R. Wilson, Afri- 
can conjurer, presented her butband wllb a girl 
baby on Oot 21. 


A Ferdon's Oo.—We notice In (he dnmaUo papen 
tbe number ot managen complamiog ot bad bnal- 
neas, bnt we don't and It so. Our bntlnew hu 
never been better than It It tbla teaaon. our ros- 
ter it u rollowt: Beeson and Ferdon, motlcalper- 
tormem;IIarrTE. Daly,oomedlan and mimic; Kellv 
and Woods, Bketob leaa; Banr FollworU, alack 
win and Juggler; Azo, conUrtlonltt; Fox Bros., In 
fetttlnmid air; Otrl Ellnwonb, mnalcal director, 
and W. N. MontgometT, nantger. 

TbiTatlobs, Cbarlea and Bertlia, are Ibe bappy 
parenbi ot a new baby girl, which arrived on Oot 
it. Mother and child are doing weU. 

Pbof. Hauit Pabkbb writes ns from tbe top of 
the Blirel Tower, Parit, Fnnce, under date of Oct 
13, u tollowt: "bere I am, at Ue very (op or the 
tower, snd lam looklnir at Parts at my feet What 
a grand view It Is. I have msde s great tncceu at 
the new ciront bere. with best wltbet tor Tex 
OurrxR, I remain, yonn very truly. Prof. Parker, 
American Dog Circus." 

MAHaaiR w. B. Waimk writes that next seaaon 
bimtelf and Dr. Oeo. Olark will lake ont a No. % 
show, esUUed "Tbe Bowerr Qlrla," wlU tlx sett of 
new tceneiT and all ipeclal paper; also fourteen 
lidlps snd leven specially acts. 

FsiD 0. SPiNogR, formerly of Spencer and West 
Ue Lanndry Olrls, bu retired from tbe proretaloiL 
Hit partner, Al. B. Weet, bu Joined Faol La Drew. 
Tbey report incccn wlih their new speolalty, "A 
Woman ot Importance." 

Sim Williams, of Williams and Adams, wbllo 
phaylngat Caracrou', Philadelphia, wu called to 
Ue hedtido of his wire, who Is drlng st New Orleans. 

LtTTA ANO MIS8 MiHHii, band balancen. tom- 
blen aod hand Jnmpers, now In England, will 
tbcrtiT appear lb Uls country, 

MntBiTr AMD WBun, burlesque tnpeie, wen 
re-engaged for last week at tbe Oalety Theatre, 
Oblcago. They will pbty over the Moon Circuit 

Bobbt Cabboll AMD L1U.1AM Oaronrb atttr Uls 
week's engagement at tbe Wondorlsnd Mnsee, 
Wllkeiham, Fa., wlU play tbe Wetiem Clnnlt 

Ui:jST AMD Qcsgit Morton bave signed vrlU 
Lou t De Leon's Speoualir Qo. for an eight months' 
lonr. Tbe team will tall for Europe In Anguet wlU 
Login and De Long of Ue tame company. 

Oain AMD Do BoiB Utorms ns that Uey have Jut 
cicacd a tpeolal engagement with Tony Faalor's 
Oo , atnyde A BehmanvtwoUeatres, In Brooklyn. 


known bereatter u (be MoDowells, Jobs 0., and 
Lime. They opened Oot a at tbe Conn Street 
Tbeatre, BuDilo, N. r., wlU (be Lilly Clay Bur. 

Pabxrr amo Ritardo are no longer with Ue 
Witaon SIslen' Company, 

Monxia AND QooDwiM were at Ue Oalety Theatre, 
Chicago, lut week. 

Fbbddu BnxR npons meeting wiu snocess In 
London. She bu been engaged u prlndial girl 
In Ue Orytlsl Palace panfomlne prodncuon this 
season. She will relnm 10 America next Joly, stter 
a two yean' aojoum abroad. 

Eimi BoDsroN, after puying ten snccculve 
weeks In Chicago, opened at Pope's Theairfc St 
Lools, Monday, Oct 28. 

0. Bbadlxt Prior dosed Oct 10, lo Blohmosd, 
Vs., wllb tbe Wslior L. Main Shows, and will join 
Bo^iVt Modem Mlnttnls, In Wublngtoo, D. C, 

BiMNRT AND OoArMiH olotcd a Bnoceuhil en- 
gagement In Canb)n, O,, and opened at tbe Auditor- 
ium Theaire, Cleveland, Oct 23. They will make 
tbelr llreiappeannce lo nine yean In um dty at 
Putor'8 Theatre. Dec. 10. 

ABTnuR 0. RtoBT hu Joined Boyd't Hintlrelt. 

Datibs a Hob's Tiuvggrr Co, will open Ibelr 
Beaton Nov. 6. Toe company, we an Ittformed, 
win number twelve people, preteniing vtndo- 
Tllle, logeUer wlU a teries ot living plotnres, 
which will be (he fea(ure They wHI canr tbelr 
own acenerr, calcium lights and mechanical ellbn'g. 
Davlea A Roe wUl be managen, and Lew 0. 
Shelby, bualneu manager. 

Barvbt and Prinos bsve algned irlib Bovd's 
Modem Mlutrels. 

ToRDtmBARS. A«RtAitsr9,Rpon closing SSUC- 
oetafnl two weeks' engagement at Winter Oarden. 
St Louis, Mo. ' 

Milton and Brah, musioians, do not Join Ber- 
gelroih's MInatreit, u wu ttated recently, but have 
signed with wiu i. Cdhane's Minstrels, to open 
Nov.t,atOlndnnaII. *^ 

TUB TY-BRLIB, al the oinae of tbe lUngllng Broe.' 
arcnt eeaton, will open tbelrWInlerieuonlnSt 
Louis, Ho. Tbelr new head balandng Bnlih la a 

0x0. F. Marsdall, late wlU Stewan'a Speclaltv 
Oo., dosed Oot 2i. r- j 


profemlonal), of Dayton, 0., were married Oct 2«, 
at Covington, Ry. 

008 O. WxiHBgRo comedian, and Malcolm Wil- 
liams, leading man, Fope'a Theatre Htock Co- St 
Louis. Mo., have establlahod Uemselves u tavor- 
Itea. Oood bouses, we are Informed, bave greeted 
CoL Bopuns' new venure of contlnucos stows In 
St Loula. 

Tbs Kblso Entxrtainirs were crganlud at 
Bsiuroore, Md., Oct 22. Tbe rotter: J. R. Kelso 
andOenld Plene, piopriebn: Kelso, mtglclan; 
the De Ten BIsten, oharaoler change; Mamie Rar 
aoobntic: Beaale Floyd, aong and dance; Ue Don- 
aldtooa, Mexican knife tbnwen; Dellano, oontor- 
tlonlst; Idtbel Cover, comedienne; J. Carl Blrman. 
baritone soloist; Mau Bsnley, comedlu, and 
oiheis. Oompaur is now rehearsing In UalUmore. 

DrSiyyiSs'SS'S,."' "I" 

Botd AMD Btnxa an at tbe New OllUs, Kansu 
City, HO. 

Smith and Joohbom, of Ue Na*bvine smdests. 
lecenUy presented Tom Mclntoeb. of Bam T. Jadiis 
ITcolo Co., with a handsome nog; 
. ,T"< HRAiT writes OS (bat be Is working with 
bis oh) panner, DHly Teed, and Is not Ue party of 
ibsi name connected wlU Bl Benry's HlnsuSs. 

AURRT AMD UowARO, Dotcb oomedlaos, wUI so 
West aod Jou Doncan Clark's companjl 

Dava J. MoRRisxr and jodn WIluahb arrived 
troinBouth America Oct ae. Tbev wen wiu Um 
American Vaudeville uo., wblcb left Uls dty Bent 
^ oompany playei Uree weeks at dutau 
and stranded. —.-«»• 

TBBoron AH Inadvenance In referrtng In onr 
Itst Usne 10 oil Oaray, male eerpenUne dancer, an 
error wu made In Ibe gender of the pronoiint. Mr. 
Oany Joined Sam Pickett's Oo. Oct 9. 

TBB AsirioM BRoa., aorobals, bave Joined F. D. 
Btraffln'B Balsa Bros.' Pantomime 00. 

Maxaix Wabbbi tau been singing "My Irene" 
for sennl weeks at Ue FBlBoPnutm7Bonon. 
Maaa.iaad Annie Ban U siso doing Ue soSgSl 
Tmjr FBstog^ Theain, tUs dty, wlik caplisl sQeqt 

Doom AND Oabroil will ptaj Btstem daiM 
opening is Chicago, IlL, Nov. 27. Tbelr set la^ 
to be a tnccess. 

Jamb Marco, of Marco and Bailer, nports a ano. 
cettfnl engagement at Honlob, OeimtnV ' 

LorriR OiiBOii, Bonnie Tboralon, Minnie Bchnii 
Annie WilmnU Oornn, Ia Porte SItten, Allan iiot 
and Sadie 0n»bmtn are aU succcsttnUy slnslnw ihl 
cbatacter long "Caprice." ^ ^'°» ™ 

Wb abb ikpormsd Uat Manager W.B.J Bhaw 
recently had bis band crutbed by a beavvkaT 
wbllo auliling bU men In tbe loading ot a waeoiT 

Lbo Barvahn, ot Mora and llirimann wu 
preieoled wltb a bandaome bonqnet week or rvi 
£2, at the Odeon Theatre, UalUmore, MdT 


wuoneol the Drat to Introduce the ponolar Bn'i>. 
COBB, "lue Lett Child." ^i-puiartuo- 

"Nbvrr a Brids" Is Ue name ot s descrioiiTo 
eong by W. B. Leonard, now being sung by Annie 
Whriney,wlibMancbetter>aNlgbiOwlaOo. Thm 
special scenes wlU calcium eiiecis, and One ttam 
wningt ate oted for Ue song. Tbe song la nnh 
llebedbTtheW.B. Leonard Co. suipuo 

Loots Or Lion arrired In UU oily 00 Oct u 
from England. Bla Engllab and American com 
pany wui begin lis (onr ui November In New York 
and work Soutb. ' 

TBRTwoORAOxs.noreltjr grotesques, bsvt doted 
WIU the LlUy Clay Show. ^ 'ocigteo 

Luis Habtinxii bat tailed for Paris, France to 
fill an eDgagement at Ue Olvupla. ' 

Tnx Tbrbr Rrkob closed a sucoesstnl euBaea- 
ment et two weeke at Ibe Boward Atbenanm Boai 
ton, Mus, and are booked tor a ninm dale. ' 

NsLUi Sitmodb, the soubntte aod actio comlo 
singer. It a feature wllb Oeo. DIxon't Oo. 

Bamib Wintxr will retire from the Olevelud 
Hlutrela In St Paul, Nov. 1, to accept an offer tnm 
Obu. A. Loder to play Ue Jnvenlle role In his "Oh 
What a Night" Co. Thompeoo and Bunell, motlcal 
comedlaoB, tor Ue put twelve weeka wiu Clera- 
land'a Hlutrela, wiH dote tbelr engagement with 
Ue comptov In UUneapolls, Minn., on Nov. 4. 

Ed. B. wans, ot Ue tesm of Ua whites In- 
forms nt tbst he hH retired from Ue pntealoo 
and haa accepted Ue potlUoo ot private deiecure 
for the Terminal Raliwaj AisoclaUon, st Lonia 
Mo. UU wife, Rdla White, will appear in ihe 

TBB Bbovh Bros, and Uzzle Jobntton tn nlav. 
lug at Frank IlBU'tCMltto,Uhlcago,nL 

BOB BMurr U tinging bU own tongt, " J L. 
Irom Bcelon " and "Uome out O'Reinv » with 
Mancbeater's " Night OwU." Kldle Emmet, Dnich 
toDK and dance pertcrmer, and Our Lillian, child 
giTOrmer, ot Ue aame organization, an wUnIng 

Paop. Tnos. B. Addt lettthU dlr Oct 22 tor the 
West, where Uey will plav dates. 

Bablow's Bion Class OrSRATio MiNgrxBi Co. 
which ttsrted ont trom Worcester, Mast., Oct £ 
nnder Ue management of Fete Batper and Fred 
Conchle, airandcd 10, at Tlllon, N. B. Allhongh 
■the company did a fair bnslneu its memben cUun 
Uat none ot them received Ibelr fnu tahuv.hnl 
Uat tome of them were given three or four douan, 
while tho rest received noUlng bnt promises. The 
managen an aald to have fonnd It convenient to 
lave Tlllon after Ue evening performance, Oct 11, 
and mctt ot tbe memben ot lite organization wen 
left penniless. Tho tew of Uem who bad mooer 
enougb went lo their reapeollve hornet. 

Tot Arnold Sistihs, of "The City SpotU" Co- 
recently tnliered bereavement Uroogb tbe loat ol 
Uelr talker. 

MiBicrrA Di Dio, cbanteote, wu married Oct 
23, lo tbla dty, to Stephen & Thom. Too Rev. Dr. 
Uharles U. Parkbont oOclated. 

Tan Cdhnimobams (Jerrr and Lonlte) write im 
that tbey did not open Oct 21 at Prank Ball's Oat- 
Ino, Obloago, lll.,andUereforewerenotdUobargtd 
u bu been reporud. 


Dea Blolnea,— At Ue Omnd "AOisoker Jack" 
ctma Oet 13.90 to lair bonaaa. Doe: "t-ll-44" Not. 1, 
Cbarloa A. LodorS, Jack Fowlort and wook. 

Pcent's.— Tba Calboan Opera Co. had good tnnoata 
Oct 94, s. 'Tbo UoaUar" lartd wall V. PauUntUtU 
comas Nov t, "Dmrkaat Buula" 9L 

WoNDtiLANo Mcitl iNo TBUvax.— w*at ol Get a: 
Onrlo ITall-Capt B. Minor and bla Indian eollocuoa: 
Paw Waw, Ui* Zulu. Bilon al*t*-Ttnlablng llloiloa. 
Tboatorlun.- Bill and Lawrea^e, Pleard and ZaiaUa. 
Qoaal* BImon. Ray Ptnow and Rooer Loi4Uc 

Tib LiXATin dapatud lor Taiaa 91. 

BwaaaTllle.— At Ue Qrand 'The Olrl I Lett 
Ifii^? ' V alliaotad a fnll booao. Faollao 

UalL la "Doreaa," «to a aploodui peiformaaoa 10 a 

Bood aodianco B. Bonked ; "Tbe Toraado" 3B. *-(;ooo 
oltow"B»ni*8ldaSbow"Nov.9, "Tbo Donl'a Aa» 
lion S 9. 

Paoris'a —Alba Harwood olarod a rotnra onaaaaoaat 

OotBlloiood boilneat Tbo Pancb Boblnalin ^Vlo 
rapartoiT. 33-9), did wall Baoodod: 
-aoort Ifctlllaur." 93, ' Dnfffa BlondanfNtoV. " 

Ntuia Ualuhar, ■oBbroilo, Jobied ih* Poacb RobiB- 
aon c^. ban Get 99, BlllBg U* pUa* or SUaLtedTiibo 
died nan 9a. 

Conacll Blnfllh— Dohsny's Ttaestie, during 
the put two weak* woaM bava bean an olopbaat on Ue 
baala ol Vanaisr Dobanr but lor the goodlf r*ntala ra- 
c*iTod (ram poliUcal apeueia. who banocnoplad Uit 
•taa* almoat BlgbUy. .."A^tSiow Candlo" dn"l3r 
bndniaaOotBl "Jaao" U booked tot Nor. 7. 

Cedar naplda.-Atareene'a Open Bonae ihi 
CoiB* ration Co. did ajtood boaiBoaa Got B aad wook. 
Cbaa. A. Lodofa "Cb. What a Nlabtl" la booted rorS. 
■Tbo ObMltv Ball" Not. I, "A Trip to oSoaG.n'* 
Paallo* Halle, "Darkaat Butala" 1, '-Th* H*w Boy" ML 

BaTllBgtoB,— At Uie Otand "InOld KenUoky" 
draw well Oa. 9V "iba Dovlfa ABeBon" waa In Una for 
Si'Jl,"'"!''- Cogblin cornea tl. The Walloid- 
Bbaridan Co. ai« annooncad ror three nl|bu hoglnolag 

K«okBk.-At Ue Keoknk Open Bonae Corse 
«"S?V£?S'*r*'?-SI»" t'eak't eaiagameBI Oct 
Jii. if °S Sl'M"' O •« • p«>b*riio«ao. Tbo 
•Cbartl. Rail' bad a aood atleodaeca 19. Olavolaad'i 
Mloatrala had bo eanaa for complaint It. 

HanballtowD,— At Ue Odeon "The Charily 
Bal"UtH»kad for Gets. Ibo Calhoun OporeUo. pr» 
aeoled "Amorila" toanB.B.O.hoBaa. t-"-"-"- 


Homphla,— At tbe Orand Open Bonn "Bine 
Joana" cam* Oct 93-17 to light boatntaa. "Tho Coolly 
Falr"hadamodanUattaBdaoc*99,2). "Coob BoIIow" 
bad llaht hnalaeaa ll-RX Doa: "A BLaoh Bhaap" 9MI , 
"Yon Yonaon" Not. I-S, "In OM lonlncki" t-7, Bamtr 

AODirotioa-Bonu'a Band had Immanio andlaBcoi 
Gets 14. Hanaier Maboaay haa airanaed 10 plar an 
hiioniasamaauat ihla hoBa* bbUI tbe Raw LrcauB ta 

CilattBBaaga.— At tbe Open Hooae "Martha" 
Oct 91, br Isea] laliBt aaalitad by Joalln Tbatobar. ot 

ladologaUrlTlng boalnaat. 


Big Cltr MoHom 


lodlaBapolla,— At tbe Orand OIU Sklnaer, In 
"lllaQiac* Da Orammoat" and "Ih* KlBg'a JaUar," 
wu landf ml a baartr rocapllon by onlhaalaitio aodl- 
eac« Oot ^^9|. "Lady wlBdoimora'a Fan" waawan 
r«c*lTad B-97. "Bowing the Wind" NOT.M. 

BNUUta't -Tbla boua* waa dark op to OcL 31. whan 
Bmaaja Band gtT* a aBceoaarol coBoatt Ada Vabaa 
9S->l,Wm. Barry, In "rii* Riling aoaortUoa," Nor. I-S, 
"bpwo la olilo'>s-r, BobanManuUS-IO. 

PAaa.-N. a. Wood. In "Tba Orphtna ol Naw York,' 

' arod to big booloaui Oct 3mI "Ilio eilH AUnp" 
^llod lbo bnuH s-n- Tho Tlrltn do Honlo Taodaillla 
R!l.''3 1 "In lha Nana 01 tba Ciar"»-7, 

"Tbo Rid" B-IO. 

.?!l^'!^-J!'• Boaa Hill Borlaaana Oo. farad wall vaak 
olOelJk PljBB A Sborldia'aOilT Bportt 8-JI, 
Coonirr l^uilna" Hot. l-ai rioU A Hanaoa'a Dnalag 
Caida 5 and waok. 

Norta.-T1ia Soma Boteb Taw OoaoortCo. wlU apaoar 

at tb* Urand for one eoBooit I Banr Boaa aod Jobs 

Bwui lolaad IndlanapolU Lodga, M«. St, T. U. 


RlehuoBd,— When Ue enitaln wu raised on 

var u lb* Aeadany or Moalo, Oct 3X than wu tot a 
vaeaalaaatin ih* bona* No gnat amsul of aatba- 
altan wat manllMlad, howover, u aU Ib* aptelalUa* 
aad aayloga war* aomswhal ihraadhara. Ward* aod 
Jaraaaopanadaio 'B.ILOV bnt bnalaaaa fau eg por- 
ctpllMr towafda tba UUor pan of tktir alay- "Pan! 
laBTar" Not^. 3, ' A Trip u Ebinauwn" H 3. 

RictaoND TiitAvta-"Cbutai'a Anal" Get U, Bar- 
rlgla WooBiatt "A gonloekr OlrT' Rot. I-l 

' ^J??"" Coaiqea-Oponlag CotB: Bar- 
tbaaiArono*,LkU Taylor aad Jote P. drtgoiT- 

lueia Bvam a coivpho* witk "IBt." fall dewa tbo 
alapi wbleb liad to Ibo atag* door of Ibo Aadaoy and 
MT*r*lrapraln*dharaakl«. Bk* wa* owvnnd la bor 
botoltndmodled aaaltlaaea a»mmoaad. Tboteeldanl 
laaraiTpBlaral oa«.aad It win balbraawaaka b*tm 
ab*eaa rafnn* bardnll**. AltBr kanag bar ubia jb- 
qutdlnfUaiaretrari^abeUn wlihifteoBpaaf » 





ClaelBBAtl.*At Ui6 Qimnd Opm Hooae Nellie 
B^>Mba<l eune OoL S, aiMl«r lh« mutftrntnt of OUi* 
Bt|U, Vkd vti iMB lo "A Baamar BUaariL'* Lui 
w**k **AB4fl«w"«J prMottd br RuNU'cConadlu*. 
ao4«rvMt mur abut M. ane«rUkiDijoiD«dUi«oom' 
pw«b«r«- TbttVMcomadf did not Drof* aadtrteiory 
[DTt* pnMoc kbtp*. ud ib* Cut uiki |i w«j Uiag 
wblppH iDto tbtp* fln&i«d tbt ImprwiloD ihuUi*M|t 
fitiBWOM v«n a«r*tf poblHt drua nbMnHU Bui 

Waivot Rr»WT TMiTBL-Jewph J«irtn«D isTlted 
**BlP Wlnkla" Oct S. u>4 Uttr la the vMk be 
iMO laftdonbl«blll."UDdlle PlvaSblUinM"iDd *«Tbe 
CTiekalMibeBewtb." Leat week Mr. and Aitbar 
Lawii (ZaOe Tllborr) Id "The Idler." lo ooBluDetloQ 
■lib llUorl'i ll*IOK plctor*', proTidad ooe el ifae mott 
eojoiible eDterlWDtDaoia of Ue rear. Andlaocea of 
good *li* proved appteoiaUre. "Afaddlo Jr." Nor. B. 

dATurs TBUTBa.--A Rallroatl Ticket" opened OoL 
a. B»bartaajlor. la "HeortMoAlllBUr." emabllihad e 
oew aBMelkl muk Mr Ihe eaaaoo etibatbonH. "The 
Tornado" Not 4. 

rovrrun BqoAum TniATRi.— The Loodoo Bellei, 
b«tded br Boee erdell. borleaauad *Tba Cruit of iioai«i*<i 
Oct " 

ed br Bm* Brdell^arleaquad *Tbe Cruit of SoelelF* 
0. LMt week Beaie^BoDelilll, In "Plavnatea," 
'A Breay 

erowded the booie at eTeiy performuc*. 
TIim" Not. A 

UiCOKtOPiuHoon.— WiUUm BarrT, Id 'Tbe Bla- 
lof UeoermUoD,'.' vaa ibe attiactlos Oct. 31 'Tbe Police 
Pairol" bad a blr veek'a ran. Wllbar Opera Co Hot. 4. 

Boiinuii'a Ortu Uodbi -Edward P. DatIi' oUmIo 
Tom'iCabiD*'ietDrDed lailu their ihlrd an- 
laceaent bere wiihln a twelve mooib. "WUebr Wile" 
dtdDtoelr- "TberajTniD/'NeT.A 

noruTB TRUTsa-Jobo P. FleMa' Dr»wlDt Carda 
eame Oot B. ud were reiaforood bj the viMtlera, Rarrr 
rarber. of Brltu Pa., and Peter Bk umacber. of Calllornla, 
Oei BiU'i World ol NoralUea drew w«U. Tba New York 
Btan Not. A 

riBi onu UooBi.— TfaeQaeen CltpMimmntb Mla- 
iti«lij[lT«a beoefltto the PriDUrt' Atbletlo vlabNoT. 1. 
rrtoe Reoderwn wlU aot aa direotor. 

KoiL k MiODUTwre Monoii.-CapL Ma/nard, Ibe 
Boalub narkmao. with biateamol lady rllle abootera 
ADd bla ballet proof coat, were featDreito tbaaadliorlam 
OeC S. Martlao. Coopon Sletara, Beliport and HaaoD, 
Aanle BaniA Jobn Poater. and Tom WliHami tcwk pait 
In carlo bAU ware I^wia BaBb(bDman derrick). Bmiib, 
tbe nodern Bamaoa, Olinda Odell, George Delaner, 
WMIUni Lee, Mncrl* Muphj, and Celaaielln. Bulneaa 

"Jwir.— tfn. Jen oeae Miller lecturea at the Odeon, 

Get. tJ and 9 "Tbe Loat Will" wu preaeoted bp tbe 

8L Baphael'a Liunrr Boelatr at tbe WaloDi Bueettbea- 

meet. SI Tbe bonae waa packed Tbe Ladtee' Ariel 

Beitatte, tbe Smith Blaten, appeared In a ooneert ai Sin* 

ton Uall,darloRthe week .Durlos the eo(*gent«at 

ol "WIto lor Wife" m reception waa Blrea to tbe bride of 
tbe eompup.Mra, CharJea E. Bowea, lonnarly Joiepbloe 

WynacL who waa wadded at Dapton, O , lent week 

OonBiUceleSmied bli birtbdap Cat as, and 'miur tbe 
■how" metnbera vf bla oompanj and edme (rienda belped 
bun eomnenente the eTent bp the preaeotatlen oi n 
diamond atod. 

DATlon.— At tbe Qrand Opera Home "Tbe New 
Boj" plared lo a fkti a<ted aadianee 0«t 37. "Tbe Oirl 
I Left BMlnd Me" 31, M. Robenatam Oemant and Frao- 
eu MoHlUen glTe a piano reoltal Not. S, Robert Man- 
teUL • 

Fau TBUni.— "The BtlU Alarm" bad big bualoeaa 
Oct. U-li. TlTlan De tlonto'i Spedaltp Co. bad fair 
baaloeaa tt-ir. Wbaltea A Harteina "Sootli Before the 
Tar" cornea lor ttareeol|hta.e<tmmtnelDc9. Patrlc«, 
In -Ibe Kid," Not. A, «, 7. 0. W. WUilama' Bpeolaltp Co. 

BOLDine* Bom Thutia— norenee Blndler, id "The 
Captaln'a Mate," plaped to big boilDeaa Oct. M. "A 
Breeap Time" Not. t, 

AMoounoi Ball.— Tbe Sooth African Ea^Br Oboir 
dnw big bnalneaa Oct S. 

€olambaa^AC tbe Omnd Opera Uonae "A 
Bremp Tine" opened for three nlgbta Cot. 9. Ur*. 
Potier and Kjrie Sallew bad good booiea 9-34 Orlf* 
fliha* "Faaat" followed to Urge bulneta 9-27. "The 
Qlrl I Lett Bfblnd Me" eomai Nor. l-i, Saadow-Trocadaro 

Bkib btbutTbiatila— N. B. Wood cane OcLflfor 
three nlBhu. "lAdp Wlodarmare'a Pan" dM well S-ai. 
**IB the Name ol the Ciar" drew well 2S-n. **Tbe Sooth 
Belore ibe Wu" cornea Not. L WlUlnmaSpedaltp 

CantoD.— At the Orand Open Hooae "Down In 
Dlile" had a good boaae Oct U. lanea' Band eppearod 
for Ihe Blka' beoaBta to big baalnaaa. **The New Bop" 
a, did weU. Dae: Rola-ifBead V, "A Teua Steer" 
Not. 1, Coon Hollow sr^"6pld»r and Flp" «, Roae 
CqihllD 7. 

TiUTBi ComQOA— Mr. and MriL Marah, Bd Ann- 
ttroDg and AUoa Porter, Naglrlarb end Butler, Annio 
Boeen. Dole BmmaU, Bob Bmnlgan, Uasel and Carrie 
Coertlaod, and Laorie Webb, 

BotJiB'8 Hosio UiLL— Prank Blonep, Eittle Obap- 
mno, and Nell B. Hoeeman. 

Clewelsndt^At tbe EacUd Areoao Opera 
Hoeae Wm. Boep. In '^Ttae Plana." 0«L 9, tL 34, and "A 
Teiaa steer." 9, 9, >r, did Calrlp well. Mra. Potter end 
Kvria BeUew 9^ SOi SU Boland Ueed, In '*Tbe PollUdan," 
Nor l-a. 

LTQiDM Tbutbl— Week ol OoLB, ^e Derbp Win- 
ner* eaurialned good bouaea. '-A Bagtage Obeok," 9, 
aO,SL Lewla Morrlaoo, In "Fanat," Nor. 1, a, a. Don- 
nallp and Olmtd, week of A 

B. A- JAOoaa'THiAtBB.— "A Railroad Ticket," week ol 
OcL ai, did LUrlr good baalnaaa. Beetle BoDeblU, In 
' naymatea." 9. S),3L N. a Wood, Not. 1. 1 A 

BTab TBBATaB.-JoDn r. P leM'a Comedlani weak ol 
Ocl9 did well- Oreoler'a Lyceum Tbeatr* Oompany 
veeK of 9, orbe Sooth belore me War" Not. a 

«tiTm.-IODee' Band, at V. H. 0. A. Ukll, Oct- U did 

nUelp Owing to IUoeaa*ln the lanillr oi John V. 

Bfee, ol **Tbe Plana" Companp, be waa called Beat and 
bit part waa aaanmed by U. B- MlllwarO, with aueoeaa. 
Booaa'a Band In Gray'i Armory Nor. 6. 

Bt«mb6Bwlll«.-^t tbe our Open Hooae "A 
Breeiy Time ' came to good bnalae^ Uei. 9 "Down in 

Diiie'^ S, the Blae' beoedt (local ulent) Nor. 3, 9 At 

the London Theatre bnalneaa oootlDuea BDOd. opening 
0«L9: Uealy and Teed, Jennie Leary, John and Pannp 
Fay and Lolu Wentworth, 

AkroB.~At tbe Academj oC Uaslo ^Tbe Hew 
Boy" came to Ulrhouee Got M. WhItteQ'i female Mio* 
Bl-ela bad a top beaTr hooae tJ. Booked: "A Teiaa 
n.«ee' 51, Lonial AUrlob Not. 1, "COon Uolktw" 2, "Alrln 
JaUm"S, J. K. BrntaetT. 

ai»ufleld.'At tbe Uemorlal Open noose Rob- 
ert Ullliud preaeoied '*Tho Nominee" to a imall bat 

Bleaaed nodleaoe OoL 9. Tbe cnitnlDrmlur >'My Ladr 
•Ip," wu well re«elred. Bolaod Need, in ''Ibe roliU 
olan,V oomea 31, Lewla Aidrloh Nor. a, Boae Cogblan A 


WmiliiDgtoB.— AdA RflbBD, At BAplej'a Na- 
UenaL preiented 'Hhe Word," "Tb* Tuning of the 
Shrew,'* "An Yon Like It," "The Bcbool for Scandal," 
"Lore on Omidiaa" and *Tw«lfib Nlgbt" to good 
baalnaaa, at adTaaoedprleee. Robert HuiellpieaeDied 
u the AJbangb Qrana Opem Uouae 'AlonbarB," "The 
Conleaa BroThen," "Pubaalaa" (for tbe drtt time 
here), "Bamlet"aDd "Borneo and Juliet". to eicaUeot 
hooaea. **StnickOil"waapr«»eDted at (Uplav i Acad> 
emrofMotlolo falraiied audieoceo. Badle uaMon.iD 
' A KeotQCky Girl." bad a fairly proaperou* week at 
Batler*a BUoa Theatre. Uyde'a Comediuu bad crowded 
boaieanlitiUyal Keman aLyoeomTbeaur. ihe Beidl 
OrohutnL with HUa Lillian Blaarelt, aopraao, and 
LotiB MlUi, plaalat, rendered Anton Orumk'aaymptiooy, 
"Prom the New WorU" (for the Bnt Ume here), nt 
MetierDtiri Haalo UaU belore a large aud^ce. 

town" Oct. 9-NOT. 3, *Tbe Amauoa" *-10. , 

ALBiooB ORABD OPBEA BoooB.— Marie Jaueo, Id 
*'Mlaa Dyaaulte," Oe>- 9-Not. 8, "Mme. Hani Ueae," for 
Ihe Bnt time on the American aiage, e-IO. , ...^^ 

BapLBT'e AaaDBBT or Mvuo.— J. K . Emmet, In "Frlti 
IB a Madhoaae,'* OoL S*Not.9i Tim Morpby, In **Lem 
KetUe." 5-ia 

BOTLBB's Buoo THBATBB.-Geo. W. Monroe^ In "Hp 
Aont Bridget," Oou 2»-Not. 8, Ada Or»y, m ' 
Lynoe," (-10. 


Hbtbbbott*8 Mobio Oiu.— Tbe Boiton Brmpbeoy Or; 
ebeatn, with Mr*. Jalie M. Wrman, Ceau Tbompeon and 
T. Adamowakl u iololatj^ OcL tO. 

Kbbbax'8 Ltoidb TBBaTBB -Hlce AfiBrlon'aCome- 

WiLUAi FowuB, lau tieuurer at the Academy of 
MuBic, Baltimore, hw beea appointed to a •imilAr poal- 
Uen tX Manager BoUer'a BUou Tbeatte ber*. Mr. Fowler 
wuformarlrthe treaanrer ol thia heme under BBrrla, 
Brltton A Daen'i management Edward Fowler, the 
former treuorer of the lUon. haa been placed In ehuge 
01 the uhero. 


Lob Anp(«lea^'ln Old Keatooky" packed tbe 
Loa Angelea Theatre, Oct 18-9. "Uoole Tom*a Cabin." 
■n opermUo form, bp local tnlent, attnoted meagre aodl* 
raoaa U-17. "The Borbeak Theatre enjoyed good boil* 
oeu iMOt wltb "Uoodman Blind" and aoeclaltiea, u tbe 
dtmwing magnet "The Bllrer Elor.*' with llonalear 
Barma aadllUe. Lalo. u apeolal featnrea. >M7-.----A^ 
Beoaon'a Grand Opem Uooae, "Mlaur Monte Crlaio JrV 
Pnred a lair drmwiog eud 11-9. 'The Herrp Wu" 

U-n A fine TanderlUe bill waa preaeniad Bt the 

loperlal Mnale UaU, 16-9, and reautied In larther aa- 
•ormooe of the popularlip ol tbla ctnai of amnaemeat 
hen, br the Urge bualoeaa done. Uold orera: Bankay 
Broa.. Beaele Fb'aipJ*. Poet and Cbotoo, Aniato nsd L. 
F. Kleln'a Theatre unlrerMm. Jobo Dorrea itage 
carpenur, and J. T. Dickey, acenle arti»t at tbe Im- 
perUl, were injured by the breaking of a Urge plAte 
glaaathey were arrBOflog lor theprodaction oi lirlog 

pleiorea Ae a reaalt of the Brmau Broe. appear* 

'ofU the BorbankThaatr*, weak Get U-BXthelmperui 
■oato UaU managemaat brooibt auti In tbeRoperlor 
Conn u far BliODuamagea and an lnJuaction.cUiralng 
that tbe eeilOBol the Braaii Broa, wna in rloUtion ol a 
MBlraet bywblah they weie to appear at the Imperial 
for two vaeka from Got 1, and not to perform at any 
PUeeelaatbeioeeeedkg two eeebi without pennltaion 
01 the Imperial proprlaiora. At the trial ol tbe caae 19. 
we eoun mated iheplalntKTa a reatnioing order, with 
b^afliadugUO. ne Imperial people pnraoed a aim- 
■lu oDoree on mme daiec eUimlag SIO) damagea from 
A W. BnlmeL bultoo*, woo bad a'oepied an engage- 
ttwtattbeTfeflBaBaffat,andlB ihlBcAaeBretUainrag 

order waa granted with bond of UD At tbe Vienna 

Baa;atJa]inWlneheil,Lonfl eadBMnandA- W. Holme, 

wiih the Berth Family OreCaetn eomprlae the blU 

TbeThaUBOoBaBrtHaUprwents John MolUgBii, OBrrte 

LtnroiLMebel UTlngetnn and little (Hark Th* An. 
diceulhowautractMl Utn«r?idalS» "'•BrB- 

wl?"i,'?.'*«'T** PUber^i Opera Boom "In Old 
Eeotncky" came Get. II te an Immenie boM 
New Great Krodloata Bhowi^e H BU^'in mtS 
by an enihBAbaUs aadUacc Brwwa 


PhlUdelplkU..u looks now u tbongb tbe 
BnanoUl eucoe* a of the lhafttrlcal aeaaen U aeoued. nnd 
onrmanageraeipnaa tbemaelTfa aa perlectlp aatUBed 
with the way ibinga are going. Boalnen wna lolly an 
good Uit week aa that of tbe prertooi week, and with the 
line 01 flm daaa attnetlooa preeanted tbla week. In* 
olodiogannmoerof noTelUea, itHce aboold be do inll- 

«*^'',n;?'n',.BTEBiT OroBA Uoo8B~**UadalelBe. or the 
?if'S£i^ "^^J:^ * deolUedlp UToiBble lm7?Mlon' 
BJid drew lane boovei Uit week, li wiUroiomforn 

^aTlS'**'""'- opw-J 
PAaKTouTBB.— Theaecoodand laatveek of Palmar 

i?Jf^'^v*!S?'''25 Mai PIgman, who an bare th& 
tmKTi?^ Neat week, Marie Burrougba 
will be aaen aa a alar (or the drat Ume In Fbllada Ipbl^ 

QiBABD AVB.<fOBTfla&TnB.-"Tbe Rlrali" lau week 
concluded the eeriea of old Eogllah comedlaa, with gnt^ 
"i*^. ■••"i"**ra.otheiro"aoomedy" hp 
ihe Ute Fred Leelleand AnthnrBhirtey,^ reeelTiag lu 

M^J***."* TiiBATan- Frioc-m BoonU*^ eloaed 

27, barluB pUyed lo ionr«eekeoithebieg«atboitoaH 
•7*^,^000 In thIa hooae. The BoatoQlaaagUe "Rubin 
llooo'* thti week, aod repertory neiL 

Ebpirb fUBATBB.— The Urgett adrnnoe aale ol ibe aen- 
Booaiihlihooieraaultedirom tbe eonatment of Amy 
Lee. Pnok Dnane and P. Aug. ADderaoo. In "Pawn 
TickBt3lu." wblch opened fora>e«k9. "Bight Bella" 
Uh week played lo bin bflaloe*a, but. owUg to the peptt> 
Untyofthe Joint aien oi "l>a«nTiekei3li?' lo ihUcIty, 
tbe record ol the heuM abouM be broken thIa weelc. 
halt week, '-Tbe Troller Byaum." 

FoftirAroii's Tbbatrb -Lillian Tenoedy, In "She 
(Wouldn't Harry ThreV* did fairly wall Uat week, but Uie 

Buooaof Maoaaar Forepaugb'a bouae cere mora lor 
» atock pruducuona than for oomblnallooa, which la«t 
hu been Terr apparent tbla eeaaeo. Tbe atock company 
raappeara tbla week,afiar a three waeha'reat, In 'The 
Plunder." Neit week» Sadie Haaaon. in "A Eentueky 

WALKtrr BrBBBT Tbbatbb.— BnormooB boalneaa 
leaulted from the two weaha' engaaemeat of "Off tbe 
Earth." Roben HanuU tbla week, appearing In "Mon- 
hart" "The Marble Heart," "The Conicaa^rolharB" 
aud"Bonra and Juliet" Lottie (^lllna'Tronbadoura 

UiJoo.-It la almoat naedleaa to apeak of the condition 
of oufeloeaa at Mr. Kelth'a theatre. It la alwnya tba eame 
oldaioryol cootlooalitaodlog room and pniroai being 
turned away. "The Bohemian Ulrl" iB the openUo at* 
uaeuonibiiweek,withaBoubla addition lo the oom* 
ii«uy in Warwick Ganor, Inte of the Ulnrlch*a Op#ra 
CoDipany, who ainga the role ol Count Aroheim. Tbe 
TaudeTiilebllllflramiBhedby BtahleyBod BIrbeefe, Na- 
tional Trio. LInle May Ulmtr n^d Mantloe Drew, 
Uoghee, HoBrlila and Walton, La Boae Brother* and 
HiH La Rom, M. Lenle. MeBtlde and Goodrich, the 
Aloaoera, andlUmaaand Ano. 

AooiroBiVH — Another week of big boalneaa attMded 
Ihe eogagemeot of Weber A FieM'a Company. Tbe Night 
Owlaiblaweeb. WlUlama' Heteera oaxtwaek. 

NATioiiiL TBBATMB.— "A Night Bt the Olrooe" drew 
well laat «eek, aod tbla week there U another etroDg at- 
traction lo "ihePrDdlgBl Dangbter." Neat week, •The 
Span 01 Life." 

Pbotlb's Tbbatba— '^e Power of the Preaa" pUyed 

to Urge receipu laat week, aod tbecorreotblU la "Old 
Glory?* which haa alreaily played one aoeceaafnl aogage- 
illntbtacltj. Neitweek, **rtUTea of Gold. 

LvoatjH TBIATBB.-Rlce and Barton lutweekhad no 
complaint on the acore ol aitendanee, the bonae being 
crowded aterery periormanee. Tbe May Howard Gom- 
pany thUweek. Mlaco'a City Clob neat week. 

BTiBDiBD TOBirBB.-BuaineM waa ulr laatwHk, with 
Pauline Parker U "Wild Hoae," aboiderdramnlomarly 
known u "The Scout'a Oao^ier, Tbla week, (lr*flie 
Emmet In 'TnePulaeol Newvork:" neit weec. "The 
Old Bouth." 

(;uB0TNOT Stbbbt Tbbatbb.— The changea la **The 
Uirl I leU Beblod Me" were nuimJeot to draw good 
bnoaee laat week, and the merlu of the prodncuoo 
were ImmedUtely recogolted. Tbla la the laat week of 
thevoaaccment, Buteeli'a Comedlana coming nait weak 
with "A Rerlew." 

BLavanu ktbbbt OrsMA norsB.— "Broken Bohem- 
laaa" lathe tlilA of a new burleaque glreo tola week. 
"The Prince la Booey" aod "HarryioB a Title" are both 
retained. Bualneaacootinnaa up to the lopootcfa. 

KN>Biraroir Tbbatbb.— Adn army, lo "Beat Lynne,'* 
played to Ulr buaioeM laat weak, and thIa week Oeorge 
Leaiock upena hia *Urtlng tour with bla Teraiou of 
**Puat." iiabella rittLewia playa Marpaarlte, llorace 
Millar Fanai.and Mr. LearockwIirbetheMepblatopbelea. 
Kate Rprague, in "A Social Beaalon," nett week. 

NiKTU AND AROB MtTBBOM.— The nitraailooi of the 
week Include Fror. Boooh (human flab), Ida Bmlth aod 
Jamea (^rey (latooed), (^>m. Poou and alaUr (UUpa- 
Uana). aod the Hindoo ulaou. 

Noras.— Lewla HuUy haa rejoloed the Oncnua forces. 

Manaser Gilinore will girea mIdalahtperlormaBce 

at tbe Auditorium on electron nigbuwhen tberetnroa 

will be announced from the auge Willlnm Me- 

lAoghlln left (;amUIe D'ArrUle'e ik>mpany laat weak, 

being under contrmct to appear In ' Rob Roy." Tbe 

flret aocial leaalon of the laaaon of Philadelphia Lodge, 

No. 2, B. r. U. E, waa held 9 at Elk'a Hall Tbe Uiher 

ofP&lllpJ. Gordon, of "Tbe Prf<niler Hall' Company. 

died at nil home lo thiaclty 19 FraocU Bryant baa 

written a new aoog oalled 'Taakee Tea," wbleh Loulae 
MonUgue wlU aing In "Off tbe Earth.'*. .. .Clapton Prye, 

the inurlocutor of Camorou Mlnatre week 
~ to, oreau the leading rolo In 

an offer 

rvf^ued „ — „ — 

a new borleaaaA He prefert Ufe In PhllBdel 

eila to the Tioiaeltudea of tbe read Tbe Grand 
perm llouaa, under the new management of II. P. TIaaot, 
will open Not. 12, with the LouiaeSeaudet Opem BoQlIe 
(Company, la "Jaclnla." The antuement >■ for two 
weeimatter wbieb the opera wlU be taken toNew York. 
Miu Beandet will beaupportadbySlg. Peraglol. Edwin 
StaTeoa, Maude Yonng, Jeonie ReiSAnb, M.O. D. MbtIoa 
Stuart linrrold, W. B. Jobna. Alleeo Borpe and Marleooe 

(;oDTere Joaeph Arnold, aged TJ, an employe of the 

Walnut Street Theaire, dropped dead In iroot of the 
theatre a _ 

PUfabarg.— BoslnesB at most of our bouaes wbs 
go xl Uat weea aod our local manager! bad no cnuae for 


ALviN TOBATBB -Baodow'B Trocadoro FaudaTiUea, Got. 
9, lor dnt uoe here. "Tbe Amiiona** plcaatd lartaly 
lut week. Proprietor Oharlea L. Darla, In "AlTin Joa- 
llo,'* Not. a Tbe KiUnyl llvlag pletarea wiU alao be pre- 
aentedon ihat dau for the flnt Ume hare, u en addi- 
tional auraotlon. 

DoquaeMB Tokatrb.— atuart Robtoa, In repertnrr, tbla 
week. Ada Bebao cloaed e brilliant engngement Got rr. 
joi4i>h Jeffereon Not. & 

BiJoo TUBATRB.— Biere Brodle. In '"On tbe Bowery,** 
Oct 9, fertile lint time. "Down In Dliey" did well up 
to 37. Ward aod Volra, In *-A Run On the Bosk," Nur. 6. 

Parr TuKATBA-Loule Briaeoe, lo "TOe Borglar," 
Oct 9 "The Old Booth" prorad a good magoet the 

'^Bw^BABD GrBRA llotiRB-— llaolooe* "HupirW* thU 
week. **Tbe Hlaok Crook" did a large baikeaa opto 
Nor. ST Wm Barry Nor. A 

Babt Emo TuaATBB.— "Men and Womeo" thIa week. 
*'Jaue" prored more attnoUra than erer last weak. 
"Oar Unde Dudley" Not. A 

Uahky M'lLUAua' Aoaoiht or Mosio— TheNew York 
BUie IbU week. Tbe NiRhtOwU closed a aplendid eo 
gascmeDt Ocl 77. Hpiie** (Nimedlaiu Not. B, 

ITarht Davis' Boii.<f MtrsBB.— A fatladlai* loot rmce U 
Manager Dana' trump cani lo the eorio bell thIa week. 
Randall'* Jolly RaniUlera gire the nuie ahow. Theat> 
Uodaoce conuno M large. 

Reitdlng.— **Tbe OBllfty Blare" drew b llgbt 
bouaeat ilieAoademy ol MaaloGoL9 Btuart Robeoo 
played "The llenrleiia" to a large aodleoceSA Faopr 
Rice, la "Mlaa Innoceooe Abroad." bad good tmaloeM 9 
*-Our Uncle Dadley" waa veil recatrad 77. Coming: 
"YouDB Mrs. Wlothrop'* 9, "A Night at Ibe Clrcni" 9, 
"The Black Crook" SI. Richardi A PrlngU's UeorgU 
MlnalreU Not. S, "Um Kettle" A 

GuxD OPiRA lloi'8B.-Kiule Bhoadea,in repertory, 
did wall Oct 9-77. Arllngten'a AU HUr Cemblnailon 


BuoD TBBATRi.-aracle Enaatt to "The Potoe of 
New York," 9 17. drew well the early part of the weak. 
"WIM Roie" 9-31. the Fay PoaUr llorla«iaa Company 

NbTBA— Olaode Kyle, leading man ol 'the Kittle 
Bhoede* (^injpaoy, haa been anragrdaa leading support 
for nraole Emmett "After tbe Ball' company was 
brouahtbereOcLUby liananaaer lor reoranniiaiien. 
A utiaUctory arraogeniAnt could not be made wlih the 
memberaol ihe company nod It waa decided to ditbaod. 
There waa diOeuKy atK«at the anUrlei of some of the 
company but tbla waa amicably arnnged and th* mam- 
bere were foiolahed wtib tickeu for New Yorh. Hydoey 
Bmlth, one of the company, wllljoln Gracla Rmmeu'a 
eompeoy. Fanny Mice U prvparlag to pat "A Jolly 
Bnrpnae" on again. 

llArrlaborg^At Ibe Onod 0per» Iloose tbe 
pant week waa not a big one, local aitnetiooi and 
pollilcal meeting* barlogaiiad eilaaon tbe rMeipts. 
^rloceaa Bonnie" cornea Got 9. Bvery aeat lo the 
bouae WM sold by 37. '^e Limited MbiI'* cemae SI, 
■The Old Beotb" Not. 9. 

BORN McsaB.— Week of Get 9, OalleUl'a BonkeyL 
Delno Frill, Maude Chorehill, the Karro*. end Crudall 
aod Uiark. at the bead of a ipeetaltycempany, 

ORoannATioy HAtt.— During the week of Nor. 19, 
Manager KolUbough will bare a 71 hoar walhlog 
match, open to all eomera. 

Wllkeabarre^Boglneai At tbe Ontod OperA 
Hoaie 11 on the locraaae. Faonia Rice. I"""'" 
nocence Abroad" bad gond Btteodaace. "The Black 
OrooB" Oct M, 9. had lair bo* oeaa. '■FaaUsmn '9. 17. 
ii.r»eperrormaoee*.hadblgbaaioea*. Toeome: Ne^ he 
Melleary. lo "A Night at Ibo Clreua." Mot I. Tim 
Muivltr I Cba«. Elli* 3. "Yooob Mra Wlothrop** A Jobo 
"affin 7' Edward lUnljao A f Oca WIUI"» 

Mdb.O UALL.-"The TWe of ' 0«l "^-J^,*^"*? 
builneea. J. B- Toole. In -KIp 'f';*'*^?^?' 
9/^ Ulr buwneu. To cvme: Paallne Parter. lo 'Jhe 
WlklBo«*;»«.7.0raeieBmmetuln-TbePaUecf New 
Tork." A fl, UX for the beneflt of Jr. 0. U. A. M. 

WofOBauSi) TBiAtBB.MirBiB.-Prin»TlBnniUBod 
tbeSiMdaTd Dr mmatic Co., Oct 9-17. bad gootf bealneae. 

■enBlna.— Attbe AcBdeny *'FriiUbda," OoL 

"The BUsk On»h" 9 n. earn* 

BMked: **TooBg Mn. WlBarr»p<*NeT.AUwatd Barri- 

, /RoniBOBAB.-LeclaT«s by J. B. Motl* 9 Roa. 
IL^'V.VHf ^ J^Pk <^ Cov- >• Inaee^lBod A 
Fetor P. DalUy, in^ Ooonlry Sport." OeA 9, was well 

/*.^V.9C'»"*"»^-''«^ "PbcW Ton'* 

CBbiB" Co. 

T.M a A nAU -Bailey btbboM Ooneert Co. L 
An oaoiiravOB has been iBtrr>(lac«d iBOItyOftuolU, 
to lery a tu of |ll os Bach «Uttug eonpany. 

AliMBK^Atibe BteTeatb ATenne OperftHonis 
RIohBrdi APrinile'a MInatnU pUytd to uaU bnslnam 
2?- 3^' Dndrty" had llabi atteadaoeB H 
Btoart RobeoD^B ^e Bearletia.*' did Uii Ir 9 *>Mea 
ud W*.nien'V9, '*Prlneeaa Bonnie** 9, -Tb* Power of 

Jf?fS *» Bt*»A"»l" T. me Black 

tjrooB" 10, 

?'5"I?7'*"*-'">» W«Wo»oo Open Oa. Ib rep- 
ettprr. bad good buioem week of Gcl It 

Habbt DATiar edbb MnsA-Uood bnslnem U the 
rote Ibu senaon ao ter. Week of 9: Corlo bnll-Tbe la 
Udlea'noBlBgrBoe, Jeppe and FannU DeUnoBad the 
RbBTpliea. Thaniorlom-Newion BMro, lo "Ooly a 
Womnn'a ReBit.*' Tbie week. "Lost In Londoo." 

Brie— At HBDercbor IIaII Bolnad Reed, 1q 
"The Pelltloian," plared to good boBloeaa Get 9. Zem 
ZemTemple,My«ioSbrlnB.l)eMihe boarda aod golded 
the WMJT .iTBVBlara orer lb* dreary deeert wuds M. 
LoQi* AMrloh, In "My Fartoer,*' 9 

J. B. aiBABo'a WoniBUBp had good bailBeea the 
past week with Boaoar's SoeaUlty Co. nomlaggand 
week : loBa*s Troabedenro, Ln Boy. and Cbas. DIamood. 

LABeaater^At tbe Foltoo Open HoDie tbe 
New York CaalooVaodeTllla ud Comedy Oo. bad good 
boaloeaa Oct 9 "Tbe Galley Slave*' was pre- anted by 
a good eompaoy to a Urge hooae 9 Peter F. Dalley, In 
"A CooDiry Bpert." did wall U. Faooy R>oe, In -HIM 
lenocenoe Abroad?' bad a larie aodlenee lA *'Toaog 
Mn. Wlnihrop"^bad big boaloeaa ST. Nellie MoHaory 
comes 9. "Tbe Power ofihe Pr«m"ao. 


Provldence.~At tbe FroTldeaoe Opera Home, 
week 01 Oct theKlnbaU-GpetaCo.. In "lUodrlk 
nodMO,"dld agoodwaek's boalneaa. ThU week Deo- 
man Tbompeon will praaeot '^e OM Homestead." 

KBmi*i Opiba Hocsa-Oet S-0, Kato OUiiea and 
Mme. Janausebeb, lo "The Two Orpbana,*' played to 
Uri{e boalneaa. Thiiweek, Hallea and Bart, LB<'Later 

WianiimnB Tsbatba-OoL n-V, Barry Wllllama* 
Own Oo.dld a good boafoeH. TbaBoatoa KeraltyOo. 
thiBweek. Neii week Hairy, Sefton'aOa 

Loniaop*s opsba Hotrsa-Uet 9-17, Katharine Rober, 
lo "The OoMfu Giant" npportod by the stock com- 
pnnr ; Uot 9-Not. A "The Colonel nod t :'* *-KL lather 
loe Bf>b»r. In '*The Olemeooeao uasa'* 

Nona —The concert glrea by the Wnodering Rarda at 
Kelib'a Opera Uoue Bnoday eraolog, Oct. 9, wu a 
The profraamewas Iodk aod raried, aod lo- 

-He pregi „ . 

elodad aome good people. The fall Natlenal Band aod 
Loraoberg'e Drcbettrm played aelteiioBa. The mam* 
hereof theCoriooaL Uallen aod Hart aod Olaatoo -Two 

OrphaDa"Co.alteodadlo a body Uarrr Calleoder, 

formerly trewurer el tbe Pnvldanee Gparallooae^waa 
In town orer Sunday tut Mr. CaHeoder la now manager 

of**Charlie**"Aaotno. At Lothrop*a Opera Ilouie, 

Pawtaeket Get 9 9, *'A Barrel of Mooey^' played to 
Uir bosioeai, and tbe week was flolabed with "Uoeie 
Tom'f Cabin." At tbe New Audliortaoi. 74, aome 

Jooog ladlea gara e gooo mlattrel abow lo aidol tbe St 
oaepo'a Hospital Food. 


New Orleaaa.— AtUieOruidOpem noose large 
audlaoces ruled laat week to wtuasa ihe enjoyable eo- 
tortalam*alsglTanbyProC.andHr«.llernnann. Oct 9, 
"The Bllrer Hog." 

AuD»T or Metia— "YooToDooo," with Go* lleege 
Id the title role, attracted large aadletKeitothlatbsaire. 
Oct a, ''Blue Jaana" 

Bt.Cqarlsa— Judwlngrrom the oambers 'Voider and 
Fly"lared to lu hula of pleaaore'twaa pUlniy saen it 
has loffered oo loaa of faror woq In the paat OoL 9, 
'*Th* Dacaler** 

ARTUUH DoBiiu BDd the Prsoch Opera people reached 


Lorn Is will*.* At tbe Temple Tbonus Q. 8eft- 
brooke presented "Tobaaoo" Oct 9, for the flrat time In 
thie olty. If) a bonae packed to the dooro. Oot. 9, M was 
glren op to local attractlona On 9-ff the man- 
agement preaented Otla Skloaer, In *'llli Grace De 
Grmmmonfaad "Tbe Klog'a JeeUr.'* The aiteodance 
waa moderale. "Lady Wlodannere'a Fan*' come 3Pi 
SI, Not. I. 

HAOADLBre Tbbatbb— Aod lencea ofgoodprnpertlooi 
were preeent to witnesa "Tbe Girl I Left Behind Me" ibe 
fore part ol last week. Tbe Utur half was filled by Jolla 
Hartowe Taber In *^e Lore Ctuae," **The Scbeol for 
Seaodal" aod "Romeo aod Juliet** to good booaeA Week 
ol 9 "Tbe Idler** wlU KlUayl'a lirlog ploturoA 

AoDiTOBiOB.-Boon'a Band gare two eoocerta 9 to 
large and leoeaa. AdaRehaa Not.1-9; tbe adranoeaala 
preolcia Urge aodleoces. 

OBAND OrBBA UODSS.'-^RriSS L. DbtIs, Sa "AlflO 

JoaUil'* played to atandlog room laat week. 'Ybe Stow- 
away"^ week of 8. 

ATBRDA— The Wllbor Opera Company dosed f7 the 
mo«t aoeceaslul forulgbt engaaemeBteTer giren lo tbla 
city. Qua niirsNoTemea week (ifTI. 

HtroBiHOBAii.- Plroo aod Bbarldao's City BporU Com* 
pany did a pbeoomaoal baalnaaa last week. Barry Mor 
ria'BpeclalirCo. week of 37. 

NbwUbhTbbathb.— Maw(iao*'f7: ElllaTenr. MInnU 
Lee, Parker and Tbelaa. Ed. O. Morpby, Johnnie Iforen, 
Alice Tltfoe, aod Ed. and Jeaale F<Her. Bnsloaaatageod, 

NoTBB.-Jndge B. B. Toney, of the Iaw and Equltr 
Conrt9, orarraled the motion of tbe defendent for anew 
trial. In the damaae aeit ot Paolin* Harkham, agalnat 
Beuermelaier A Bro., by which tbe plalotlff was awarded 
•3,100 damages. An appeal waa taken f7. 


8Blt Lak. Cltr— At tbo B*ll Uke Tliutra 
BJIuosgn, "Mn^.niMllulM" OeU A H U>|<xpdbg.l' 
nwa. "TU rul 11,11" (• da. Not.,, "ObuUr'tAoDt** 

LTOHJV.-Tb. Int btll or «Mk or OcL II llil, UiMIra 
wudAik, «hll. Uiaitock nud.alllll. pror.uloo.1 lour 
to lormindlDit tovoL Tb. romilDd.r or th. wMk wu 
111*60 up 10 *'Tn. Tbiw Utu," i.pplMi.DUd bj llTlOg 

Ei.tu05.wbo opuotf bl, pffofwiioDftl eorMr it lh« 
Stlt L.h. Iliwti. 23. U ft BtU Lfth. ptodool. ll.rMorera 
li* bti bMO known u u UDOl.ut coojurar ftod oipoMr 
ol iplrlla,]m u4 Dl.dlnm,. 


PorllBDd,— At llie lUrqittD Oranit "Vbwltj'i 
Aoot" wu If .0 OoC ll>lTi ud K.u. EuiowU ptoBtotod 
**Ktll*ni,y'* Itf-S. BdiIbm. ror III. wMb waaoidluL 
•Ti. rut MtU*' op.o.d 31. *iD UU K.Dtookr" eun. 34. 

roiDli«T'll Tui.tRk I, dark. 

OftPkitiv.— BuloMi eoDUBaoH .imIImi. Wwb ol 3U: Bfoc, Rllt*ni teownl, Kar Bnnoa, Too.r aod 
rrobal aod AMD* HlaLra. 

Moaauaa'a Naw TaaaTuConiQov.— Walt.r Fotd, Do 
wilt Clltltoo, Walur Patk.r. Joha VukaL Uati) Eldar, 
H. BoUwML Tola AI0.0IL Jatk Oakaa, Bu.; Ktaol.r, 
llanr D* Lftla, ^.dla Dawar. Ilanr Browo aod franki. 

AiMoni — Baalrfco Lotoa, Bnll Ubavrial, Batt Babar 
aod Kallla Uowatd 

Loovu— Tba VLDBft Q.artat 

NoriB.-Mr. Parlaad. baajp aololat. caTa a tKltal at 

ArfOD Uall 19 A mlDMi.1 ooapaor, wblcb had b..o 

plaf Ini at tba OnbMni oodar lb. oamo of llavarlr'a 
■lDitx.ll. JoMpb Da.lar, maoanr. atimodad bara. 


DooTor^At Ibt Tabor (Inai Opera llanM, 
waak or Ocl 31, "f rianlv" b; K Mlltoa Borla. plajad lo 
|00d bouHO. 

LTCiOk TiiiATai.— Waak otn "A Wuodailnl Woman*' 
br tba atock, tha Urat 01 tbo woak, aod "Motba" Iho ra* 
malBdai. Bualoaa I. laria 

Coaria RrftlkT TaiiTcn —Woak of B, Ton/ ParralU 10 
"OafiT Owan," plor.4 to fair baalnaaa. Wwb ot 9, 
Cooroy aad Foi, lo "UotTamalaa." 

ClkTAAL TkBaTlia.— Mar HailUi, Lona Waun, Lrdia 
Rom Mabal Wallaco. Ida Baiu Koatkara Ooaiut (W. II. 
Powan, I. II. Coopor, Kd. t^oooara aad P.n. Wa#hiog. 
Ion), Hand La BUoobo. Ada 8waao«p. Wortb aod Mar- 
ihaU, LiUlan M.lbouraa, NoDA WataoD, Prad Qlono and 
P. Brown. Ba.lo.u la lood. 

Mnmok.— Joaopb Nawnan Ion for Cblcoko to Join tlia 
ratll aoaa (lomodr Co., wbleh opMa ftt McVlckar'a Nor. 
i Jama, WUilama' baoalt at Iba i:antnl (ML 3>. 

PaablSH-At ttit OrtDd "Krleiiilt" did well Oct, 
It. "Tbo Rllrar Waddlaf ' can, tS, Coarof aod Poi la 

(AiLoaau.— Tbla booao epooad ror tba rantar a.aa n a 
n ondor tha maoaiaD.nt ol BL ClaJr aod Wbitabaod. 
Tba inlllal partomaaoa eooilatad ol "A Woman'a Lora" 
In addltloo to a law ppoclalUu. 

Bakua'a ttra^Daip.— lo addition to laat waak'a ip*. 
aal'laaaod tba old alack Ibo rollowlDi oaw attractlooi 
vaia aoao wmI ort3*l7: Daa Barrall, Jannta lomtdanil 
Mlnolo Map LowU. Boalna*a U lair. 

WlLUiAciaa, lormorly aiacamaoaBar of tbaWeodoT' 
load Tbaaua, new Columbia, and wlfa ua la Iba aip 
anar aa abaaneo of oror ft paar. la whub Mr. Aakar haa 
boan vlaltlftg calllorala aad olbor plaoao for Iba boaaBt 
olblabaallb Tbap 'lU probaMr lira a aarlaa ot dra- 
maUc anlartftlamanla at (ba Oparm Uoaaa abonlp. 


JaeluMTilla,— It UM FBik TImUn "Dia 
rtaiilii" fara aallifxtioa Is Urga illwiii OaL M. 


Wilmlngtoa,— At Uw QitBd Ofieik Doom 
"Tba Ooosuy spoit" draw ft lam ftndlaOM OoL <t 
■'Tba nanrlatta" ptaaaoda larga houao O "Rottlp aod 
tha MP' did leod baalaoaa 17. Oomlne: '^o (Iraat 
Biooliro llaidkip* Kor. t, i, •■Bi|bl saUa" t, 

AoaoBMT OP Moiia^' Tfea dallor Rlar a" dtd wall OaL 
■kWltr. Bookad:naoi|ta Minalf«>il9,aiill. Daahon- 
I«llp fo bailn lhalraaaaoa baia Nor. I. 

WokOikLiiiD Mra».-Baaloaaa la Rood. OcL S aad 
not: lIoalhACadd'acoamllaaa. 


Laat Waak'a Bwaalo.— Ite happtnlnn (lor- 
iBf the p«a wet) w«i« all ol cempuailpel; minor 
Irapotunce. Tke? Inolidtd ibe tut pnaeniitlun 
ot an BdapitUoD ot an old nimlllar plav, tte Oral 
local ptoMDUlloi ot a new melodraBia, a pub- 
Ho rehfanal of a sew pttj, and tbe Br«t 
American pndocilon ot a Qennan drama, whioli 
waa dona In Ibe orlglntl tongno. Apart from Ibe 
eomblnatlon hooaea ttitie wen no obaniea what- 
eTerlntheocoopano]ro(lo<«libcaliTa. TtiewMlher 
w>i Inolemeot durini a couidiraMa purilon ol tbe 
week, and tbla waa, no donbt, to ume eateot the 
cauae lor tbe ladllRreni bulneae wblob praTalled. 
HoteoTer a nomber ol Ibe oirrent aitncllona bate 
been mnnlng btre man; wceke, and even In ibia 
( It; there Is a limit wblob It U nnwiaa toeBoeeiL 
..The oonUnued ptrloiniancea for the week 
endlm OoL9t were: "Ur, Sjsiax" at the Uroad- 
WAY, "Sbenandoab" at the aoakimy op Hmio, 
'■The Baable Bhop" at Ihe Kupibb, "Tba IteTll'e 
Uepui;" at abbu'r. "Tbe New Roj" at tbo 
SriMDABO, Ihe Uilpnllana at the KitTii avinub, 
"A Oaleir Oirl" at Dilt'r, K. II. Dotbcro at 
the Ltuium, W. II. Crane at ttie STiM, Ol|a Nelhor' 
aole at TALMia'a, "UUlo Ubrlatophcr Colambna , 
at Ihe OiBDBk, "A mik While Flat" at IIOTT'a* 
"Tbe Ittah ArUal" at Iho FouBTBBhTn Btrbkt, 
RIohard Manilleld at ibe IIibald Dquahb, and 
"The Liuie Trooper" at ihe OAfmo, iho Iwo Uat 

named doelof upon that ilaie liie one wrok 

iuuidi cloeioi OoL 21, were: "On the imwery" at 
Ibe I'korLB'B, "Tbe I'fodlgal Ihioghtor" at Niilu'r, 
(■rlmioae a Wcal'a Ululnla at Iba (Ikind Opbha 
llousk, Uockiiader'a Hlaauoli at the liuov, 
"The Knalin" at Jioona' Tiiirk atbkiib, "A 
Han Withont a Coilnir;" at Iho Ahbrioin, 
Harle WatQwtlght at tba liiMi.BM oi'kra IIuikb, 
and Louie Oolllna' TiouladoDra attbeCoi.UHbin, 
Varlotj ODUtrlalDDent waa liirnlihod at Tony I'la- 
TOH'a, KoKTBR & Biik'H, tbe Ukiiih BvuinB, Ihe 
London, tbe Olvmpio, PHOcioR'a, ibe l.kxiMmiN 
AVBNOBOriBA Uousi. and Uinbh'« IIuwrrv and 

EiiiiiTii ATBNUB Aloi. Uomalock'a UlnaUoli 

remain at BT. JtVBa' liAU., and llagtnlKOk'a 
trained anlmala completed ilieir aiaj at Uidibon 

BouAHB OAHDkN I'erformancet In nernian were 

given at the Ihvihu Fliob and Obhhania, and 
pertormancca In llobrow at the TiiiLii, WiNUBiiH 
and Ani.BH'B, loroitrl/ known aa the Nallonal 

and mora lectnllj aa tbe Oenltal At ilie Htah 

TuBiTKB, OcL U, Wo. II. Unno prtaonicil, tor the 
Brat ilnie upon ani ainge, 'The I>aol0o Hall," a 
farcical comedy, lo Ibrco acii, trcelj aitapled bj 
Paul H. I'ourr, from Tom Tajlor'i well known 
pUjr, "Tbo Orciland llunia," It excollenUi Oiled 

Hr. Unno, and mot with luiaot succcaa At 

the AmHiOiN TUBATKB, upon um laat moiilloiied 
dale, waa producod, lur tbo Oia( llmo lit ihia olljr, 
"A Han Without a Coontr/," a melodrama. In llvo 
acta, bji Jaoita W, llarkloi Jr. Tlila plaj waa 
orlgloallj acted ig, ol tba oumnl mnulh, at Ilia 
Welling Opoia llooao, Bjncuae, N. Y. It laa moiu- 
draniaof the lurid kort, which haa fur Ha buala cor 
lalu tnrchaulcal aod acaolo elTeciR,antl In which 
Ihe moit prominent personage la the Tillain, wbo, 
In tbla caw, U ot Uie moat pronounced type. The 
scene Is laid In Loolslana, and tbe olilot nio- 
cbanlol appliance la a sugar cruiblng uiaohlno, 
wblob, ot course, tbe TlUaln endearors lo 
employ u one ol his Insirumenis ot doaili. 
Ibis exceedingly wicked peraonage la ao examiile 
ol u>lal depnTlty, tor ba tbooia hbi laihcr and aini- 
ceoda In bating two men condemaed 10 doaili lur 
Ihe deed; he slabs bis toaler talhcr, endeaTora lo 
have a llule blind girl ground ui dealb In the sugar 
cmaher, and abio tries 10 kill Ihe same child liy 
throwing her trom Uie bellry lower, and dnaily 
plana 10 beguile a yonng woman Into a mook mar* 
rtage. UeaUi happily pnia an end lo this lutoroat- 
log career ol crime, and ilie oiber tbirieeu poraon. 
ages or tke play, whose olilel liinoilons up 10 Uils 
Ume have apparenUy been lo aiford Uila very bad 
man opportnnllles for crUse, bieatbo In uuUnn a 
algbofrcllelandseule iloan lo Uio enjoyment ot 

llle At the IRVINO F1.1UB TnatTsB, op Out. M, 

waa produced lor Ibe Dnt Umo In Uils country, 
"Uer WelueUlracta" ("Tbo ffblia Deer"), atarca In 
three aola, by 0. Fander. Tbeiceneotlheplaylalna 
country kouse near namburg. Ibi owner, Alphonw 
Fomperoo, a former oillcer ol tbe Prenob army, la 
wedded to a Ueroan woman. Tbeydtalreiomsrry 
their daogbUii Kmmy lo tbe son ulihelrohl Irlcml, 
Von lloplen. Tbe yonng man has no dralto lur 
married life, and Is, moreover, III al caae In Iho 
society ot ladiea, but quila bold wlUi yogng women 
at moro lowly slallon. Ills father, dealilug hlmui 
SCO Ibe lady who bu been oLosen sa his tniure 
bride, leads him lo heliera thai be la taking bim to 
a hotel, "Tbe While Ueor," aod thus Uiuoduccs 
bIm In Uie I'omperou mansion. He makca bun- 
selt UoroDglily at home, peremptorily luuea Ins 
orders lo everyone. Including Hr. I'unperon and 
his daugbur, wbo are not In tljo plot, and ut couiae 
many amusing coupllcaUons follow. The mlsun- 
deiaundlng Is oeoeaaanly cleared np, aod ihe mar- 
riage ot the young people Is coosuiuinaisd. From 
Ibe above onuino ot tbe siory It will be aeon thai 
the play la piacUcally "Bho Blonpa lo Vuminer," 
done Inio Oertnao. Tbe cast: AlpbuDBO Fuiiiperon, 
Adolpb Link; Harle, Wllbelmlne BoblBter; Kmniy, 
Anna Braga; lIsDi, Carl BIck; Clara, Anna v. Hu- 
manowaka; Hugo v. UolieaUoh, Kinll UlUi; Karl v. 
Uopfeo, Janjues llorwlli; Kurt, lluddph Henlus; 
FmnzT. Handslsedl,Hss lllra;C!bilalloe,tireleaal' 
lus; Friedertcb, Hax Uanieler; Lammerhlrl, Julius 
Ascber. Tills play was preceded byaooeaoioome<ly, 
"Hllllailromm," by Moser aod Von TroUa. . . . Hlch- 
ard Haoageld began on OcL a the lloal week ot hhi 
engagement at Uie IIbbals Bquabb Thbatbb, and 
waa ssen la the luUowIng repertory ot plays: "The 
"Bcarlei Leuw" n, "Prisea Karl" 23, "A Farlalan 
llomsnca," maUnee 24 aod evening U, "Ucau 
Umnmell' evening 24, and "br, Jekyli and Mr. 
Ilyde"3a. Tbe matinee 21 wu omilied, and opon 
the eveoing of iliat dale Hr. Uansdold and bla com- 
pany gave a pnuio dreta rebwaal ot Lorluor Blod- 
dard'aoow Ave act drama, "Napoleon Uonaparto," 
forlber menUnn ol wblob event will l>e tonnd In an- 
oUisr colomn. It nay be recalled Ihat prior 10 the 
beginning of tbla engagement Uut haa now cloaed 
Mr. HansDald had aaiMonced aa bla first offer- 
ing a new play, wriuen for bIm hy Kro- 
eet Uoy and toonded upon OapL Hanyat's 
novel, "Japbet Ui Baarcb ol a FaUier." Mr. Haoa- 
Beld, bowerer, changed bis plans aai opened tbe 
aogagtmant wltb "Anna aad tba Mao," promlilog 
to prodnce Hr. Lacy'a play dnrlog his slay al tbe 
boose; bnt be baa gone wiUiont giving any further 
sign ibai US play In qoasUon Is In bis poaaesslon. 
Aa tbe play la allll an unknown qoanuiy, wo cannot 
datemlne who bsa snlTeied the greater wrong, Hr. 
MaoBleld, Uie saUior ot Uie play or Uw expectant 
poMlo; bnt Ibis mneb bu bean said only to indi- 
cate to Mr. Msnalald bow aarlottsly wo take bis 
promises. . . .Tna LnmaTtiM ATBa va Opxba Uoosb, 
oUterwlBe tspwa sa TBmc* Oardaa, was raopened 
0«LM byMaBacarMlobaal 

slonal TandevlUs bonae (op tka Wlnlsracason A 

wtw role, that ot a tramp, wu added, OoL 34, 10 
"AHllk Wblu>FUg"atflun'aTaBiTBB.. Tnapait 
WW enlruaied lo Uiw nii>om, wbo auhlevert sno- 
oess therein. Tbo rhaiBCler U known as Wicked 
Uodge, and is made a spy ti>r the Daly H:»a. 

llBR«i.n B«i<inB TiiBATHB.-Hlobard Hanslleld 
gave, on OcL -JT, ihe doting night of his engage 
menlat Ihls hinise, a puuid lull dreu rehearsal or 
reading of Uirlmor titiMliUtnra now five ad drama, 
"Napoleon llonapane," which Ihiu had lla dist 
piweniallon 10 iho puhiio. Why Hr. Hanslleld 
styled thU a rohearasl was nut convincingly ap- 
parent, tor It dllTereil noi from that which la uanally 
oalled a periormanee, and was wnneoaed by an 
andlonoe nniableallkehyrciuonotalBeand qnalltr. 
Ki-I'realdent llimtion, accompinli'il by roemben 
ot ble family, oticuploil a liox, and ruany people ot 
nolo and social dlsilnnlon were presenL Tbo 
orohteira w..s placol umkir ihe tU(o,and evrn 
many laillcs atuod lu the rrar of the 
seaia during Ibe outlra preaoutailon ot the 
pUy. It Is poaallilo, oven pMhahle, Ihat Iho 
term rehraraal waa ompluycd 10 dla-triii criilclan. 
but tbo pUiy cannot In any iiianiior eaoape It. aod 
Hr. Hansflelil, tor his own perluniiance atleaat, 
hi<B no rcasiin to tear bi'log welghrd In Ihe hal 
ance. Hr. BiudilaM'a work la urarcoly enlllled lo 
Ihe name ol play, lor It la oonslrncled wlinnut det- 
onnco tu any lit the iiiIch whinb govern ihodra- 
inallsi'aarL Thrrolauo plot nor any apcclal nur- 
pose, Ihe pnnuAuor ut wiilch might Icsil to a nnal 
ollniax. Thoro Is arquenco ,'1 uvotits Inchrooo- 
luRical order hot no oununully. Hany of the Inol- 
(lenla an' epiMidloally mtronucnl and strrvo uo 
oilier ptir|>oao than lo llluairalo by nicsoa ofdba- 
luiiuo Iho inciiial ami moral ailrlhutea ol ibe "Han 
Ml lirailny " 8tmii* nno bit of pollor uta man like 
Napulcoii inlglit hiTomI an exct-roni Ihomo. about 
which to woHVi) a blatorloal draiiiA. In which ro- 
iiuncu aliiinlil produmlnato, hut Iho llfo of aiioh a 
man, or any ennsldentlito p,triion of It, oonRUluiea 
A thonio toil vast fur Ihoaoopo of iho (Irainallsl's 
art. Unroover. the lolienio uf Hr, Htmlilard'i work 
required hlin lo creato t,x> nuny apaaking prttta 
ino amall lu bo wori hy ot Ihe aitentlou of nulors ut 
high repute, and too numt ruua 10 lUHka the em- 
pluymeutolauch aoiora iiruOUblo, while the rulea 
are novrrlholra Inhon-nily loo inipntlant to l>e 
cummtllcil to the haniU (il ihoeo to wliuin aiiburdl- 
nui* nitPs arc UHiiaily aHnlgiied. Fbiyrrs ot RVer- 
hgo aliiilly Crtn roaillly and Ktllaraob.rlly deport 
thtinaelvca as noilltniui diikoa and duobraSL-H or 
ntbcranf nohla hirtb aiiO siittlun, biii kings oiid 
que, na are apt 10 ovuriax the ptaytr'a rcauurwa, 
and Ibu task ot giving a aailsfHOlury llhoneu ol tbo 
BiralrulOfBul Iho wurld'ailcnllnylaune hat brings 
dismay ui thu averairr aolur unit uxoltua Iho pity I'r 
Ilie riaihlllty ol. hIa nmlliurH. So inunh fur ine rea- 
sons wbT Mr. Hbiitdnrd luu fallcil In wrlio a play, 
and why his work, rail II by any nRiiio, ninal al- 
ways lie partially iiitaallafHulory In ropreot-nltf- 
llon, but It duca nut noccaaarlly follow thai iho 
work will fail tu iwhlevo a meaauro uf aurorRN. It 
la true thai It lauksauiloii and Itaa rotlundani illa- 
lOBUi-. but II liaa iliatwiiloh In a great meuure 
coniliincs these faulia, and that Is lllrrary nerIL 
Hiireuvor im tiroes anil scHnca an well r huoen and 
cover tbo uuai Inlereallrg imrilun iil Iho Kinp. rat's 
caieor. The aola lu tliclt uMcr oxhibil Napoleon 
In Ibo huura of hIa gieato.i triumph and wurst 
despair. Tiie Bret aot draorlli, a hall au hour In his 
lent at Tllall, wboii ho waa at the xenlib ol bis 
power. Tbo llmo d lliu aoouml act la aftar the 
Kinpcnir'M nilura Ironi Huacow when treachery 
aaaallud hini. In act Ibu tliiril lio la Kon at Klld. 
Tliolonrth aotiB illvlilcil lutu two bucdob, thu Urat 
ot which la laid wllhlii llio Fronoh Muoa upon the 
nlRhl prucoiling ihu iiaiilu uf Walorluo. The 
B4-i;oinl Hr.onD, wnlcli waaiiinllicil upon Ihe nighl ot 
ihr piinilu rehcanal, itrt:ai'iila a flruniiuf pi anna 
luciiuntlng the Una tif tiiii groHi Imtife, anil suiiws 
Naniilcun soil Ilia ffencrMla nii their liurai-B, In the 
ilfili act wo aeo l/inawnuil, iin ihu lalund uf 8L 
lleleiuk, anil witnesa Uio d.'ati ol Napoli-uii. Hmmid 
Hr. HKidihtrd'ii wiirfc meet wiili auci:>>u, ho wiU be 
nndur inuth (itillgnilun tu Hr. Manallelil, who gave 
an oxcolicDi purforuanco of iho itilu mln. Mr. 
Uanallcld haa i>riiiiiiuB<«l lar alKivn iho lovel ul that 
claas prevluuafy aUudcil tu na uuiiip H"d ol ilniao ul 
average ability. Ilo Is a alar liy right ul alollar 
rank, anil novor did ho inuru ihuruuKhiy nrove his 
UUo than In lilH ImiHTdonatlou <*r too great 
Napoleon. Ills make up anil dreu wore Inyiinrt 
cavil, aod his luuk and iicaring wcrRpi rlccL The 
Ideal of Uiu iiiuritaiilrniK'Inilrrriil Na|iiiienii could 
auiTcr nuahuuk by Ur. Uaualti'lirii iwrlniyal, hut on 
Ihu cuiilrory uuo'a pn-unncutvuil IiIkm ol the 
grualness ut the Iiuii wunlil li« liihiualded and 
innru druilr DxcU by wllnu*,lii|i litis purtralluru. 
It la tniu Mr. Maaallulira niciliuJ or apcouh ohusen 
ror ihia riilu was iluiiijtlraa a anrpriHo 10 roanr, 
and for lia uiupluyinrnl there aeoiiia lu lie but littio 
rcaaou. It may lie brat duaorilinl as siaccaio or ex- 
plnalve. Thuru wore ilaahoa ur pAiiHOB between his 
wunlB, and the wurda liicmielvea wi re pronounced 
without any rchuhig S4IIIUII or auipenalvd iiuallly 
10 bridgu tlibiii uno to auuthur. Tnia foahiou ut 
spceoh, aucoiiipanled by prlnilllvo ejaoutatory 
Hounila, wu at tliiics f|ulte rcmlnlaceut of Henry 
Irving, whuni duiiriiici.a Mr. UAhaaaid had no Inlan. 
tluQ ul copying. Illaapeeoii, luMroiur, ihouiiii uf 
bdd raahliiii, iild nut iimr iils perfurmaiico, and may 
iwroliaoco navu euMurcd lis aitractlvuiieas aud 
vslue. or hla auppuii no Inilividiul iiiootiun 
ahall lie roadu..; uuiiio were giHHl and soma 
weiu very bail, hut as this was only a ri hearaal 
those deserving uf pralao will luive lo lie cunieui to 
forego thoir cTalnia, In order that tboso u.erlUug 
ceoaure may out inrrrenilally Buffur br ih« oiula. 
slon or their iwmvi Iroiii tlio ruilolouuur. The 
cut was not glvuii up"n thu prugoMiimu and in 
onler Uiat no error may lie nuido lu iiie Itleullty f>t 
the uunierous rneuilicra or ilio couiiuiny bhgag«d In 
the preseoball'fii, Iheortler uf aaatguiuvnl of rolea 
will lie dorerruil until arior the Brat piibllu porrurm- 
aiico, 10 IM given during llio curniut week at an 
uptown bonae. 


Kki'iMiTiuN," HO iilabiriral allegory In mualo, pin 
lure and aong, cuinpoaeil anil arraiiguil by Bilas U. 
I'ratl lur thu rolelirailun ol Uw lllUi auiilvoroary ul 
Ihe evoouatlca of iho Ully ul New irur> by tbe llrlt- 
lih, will lie presented at llnlckering Hall .S'uv, 24, 
uniior Iho auaplcea or uio Ihinglitera ut thu llovulu- 
llon. The piece will ho uuilor thu (llroclluu of ihe 
coinpoaer, aoaialeil ity a hirgu chorus, orchealna aud 
several well kouwn auhilahi. 

VUNIMY Kktsntainiishih ii.i UuI, 2>i I'lnhraccd 
tho rullowlng: Thii oi^nunil ul the orrln,* ul popular 
cuhcvrts by iiie HellM Cuucurt f.'ii. waa glvcu at the 
Hetiopollian ilpem lluiise. C"l. IbiliL II. Inieraull 
gave at Uie Hiai Tlieairu, lur Iho Brat llnie, a new 
leclure, sulij'cl, "Tlio Hllilr." The nith or IheserleB 
ol cimcoriM by Ollioore's lland whs glvi-n at the 
Acaileiny ot Husic, and the tlilnl ol Tli'iinas Ble veni, 
llluslrabiil leuiurea up<in Um Yunl idliaclea wu 
given at tho Filth Avonuo Theatre. 

I'Rop. Babhv, who wreallcs with two HIberlan 
l«uiH In Ihu llagvuliet k Hliuw, hail iils lelt car al- 
most turn from iila head by oou ol the ablnials 
OcL 2a, at Hodlson H<|uar« Harden. 

A H4N was ejucii'd Irou 'be HiandardTbcalra 
OC. 20, while taking bliurihaiid nutea ut uio dia- 
logue ot "The Now Tluy." Ilia U'lle'-ouk wu oon- 

Ubahhs, UsHiiiY A I.KiiBaBK bave snbteaotd 
Ibe lliluo Theairu fruiii Mrs. Harau^l Uuivltleand 
J, Wealey lloaeniincsL Tho new intaagers will as- 
aomo control or ilie house Hro. 8, and Uio upeulng 
aliraoilon will be "llin I'asalng Know." Tina will 
lAlollowMl by '-TlieTwenilcili Cunlniy ulrl." 

bOBIs' MUHkUN, — Hauagar lluria' Reason la 
fairly no, and his patrons haro resuinod Iholr rega- 
lar visits, aa Is nioarly pruvon, a steady succeaslon 
ol Urge auliencrs Ironi day 10 day now Itelng 
the riilo here, lu the curio halls this week ars: 
Billy Wella, Blylcillliehumaoauvil: MuleHlurgess, 
who playa iitKiu tbo piano wiili fier fuel; liexier, 
miracle worker; Jullne and her don of anakes, aud 
Frot. Mum's aviary ol Iraluoi birda. In the uieatre, 
Carrie Btanley Is appparlng aa Kiluiubd Daolea, 
"Oonnt ot Honte Orlsto." 

TUB pmnMikxii pro ecdings brought by tbe 
Oaalno Company agalnat Canary Jt,Tcr, Irsaees 
ol the Cuino, lur nun payment ot rnut, have i>«en 
dlaconUnued. Heaara, Usosry A IXKlerer paid Ihe 
rent, Oct. 2/>, and auied Uiat It wniiid hara Iwon 

Etid when ft wa] due bad they known to whom 
I pay It, 

Tna AirniM' i'sanorivB llmaH .Vi>. l,ot New 
York Oily, now numberaaiuoog lu nisinbera aouie 
ot the leadlog vaudeville pcrfuriuera, aud tlie mcu- 
brrahip Incieates wlih'eacb succcsalve waek. 
Bofflo msnsgrrs, who at Brat were lucllued lo view 
the movement aa aniagoiilaUo to Uieni, sre now 
among Iho oallors st the rounit ot the Uoloo, 
and several ol them are secutlng ihelrpeoplotaers. 
The branch order lo IfMton, Maai., also reporis 

TUB Maud PowsLLltraiKO quabtst gave Its Ir* 
concert UcL 2e, in toe chsinher mnsiu room ol uat 
negle Mnale Hall. The qnaitsllsconposadot Maud 
Foaah, leader; Josel DoTsrlk, Fiani P. RalUn- 
bom ud Paul Hleiaolk Thn were atalslad by 




riuiiB'a TniATRi^lgtHtUitnotoMMrelllio 

roltot OuiUla Oct. 9, for tto ont tlm* in UUi 
cooniTT, u In cUlrao4, for Uia Ont Una on 
u^augo. TUo aadloDco vulirce, uil nodoabt 
tliera wera maoj or lia nombar who wara dftwn 
Ultber bj tbc fMi iliai mis joong Eoillita aoinia 
wu darlog lo iuginr> a role Iba Meal performuoa 
o( wblcli «aa accrciUted to Mme. Hoiljeik*, Banta 
Btraanl or Utanoi Duae. Uanf, perbajM, wara 
tliera lo ba loicDielj oiluul, and to aboir by com- 
ptrlaoQ tba BlariDRfaiilUor tbo joodi atplimat lo 
dramiiilo boDora. And ao It ma/ be atld wltb aatatj 
tbat on ibe riaa o( tbo curtain on tha Drat act Mlaa 
KeUionolo could bavo coanttd upon ber llonra 
tboaa ot ber audliora wbo liad ffiaadlr feel- 
iDi for bar, or ■dmintlon ror ber eoerL Bat 
It la Inat aaaafa to aaj Uat wben the ounalo tall 
upon too deatli aceno In Ibolaatactlt would baia 
bean bard to nod n peraon la Uie andltnco who waa 
sol ber admirer, whila naDr want to ibeir bomaa 
wltb a saw ld»l Oamllle. Hlia Naibanole gltai 
oa a now UarRucrlio Uanller. Bbo dircaia tba 
cbaractcrot much of lu wantonosa, aad adda mocta 
to lia womanllncaa. liar caolllo wakea ber baar- 
ara from a teallnR akin to rapOKoaoce to tbat of 
forfilraneaa, tbon pit;, and, floailj, wbaa Annand 
boliiabor dead (om In Ilia anna, nraranca for bar 
memory, wbUa our pit; soca ont to tba man 
wbom dcalb baa robbed of oo nobto hearted a 
woman. At no ilmo In tba plaf did Nlai 
Ketberaola givo afldaooa ot tbat lack ot drama- 
tic control complalnoil ot In "Tbo Trana- 
greaaor," bnl waa ercr iinlcti; airecura. 
Ja ber acena wllb Arioand in Ibo lint a<!i, wbara 
Bbo Oral bcglni lo feci ibit aba reall/lorca btan, 
aba abowaibaiahodoca not want to glvawajto 
tbo taeling, and tbat abo la dgbtlng agalnat It. 
Wlicn at laat abo baa glrao op tbo Dgbl agalnat bar 
fcolloga, lior ever/ inionatlon, word and acilon 
boar cvidanca of hor luTO forArmand. Uar acana 
wlin ber lover'a fatbcr traa louoblogl> eOtolIra, 
and ber euiweiinoni leave taking of tbo loan abo 
lovra waa dramailo and forceful. In Ibe ballroom 
acana; wboniberonljilioggLtla lor tbo aatetjot 
Annand, and abo beaeecliea blui lo Itf, ber acting 
waa luianea. ' And, Ooally, Id tba dcsUi acena aba 
diaplajed tm aune uf art. Uamllle'n dcaili, aa dona 
b; Mlaa Naibaraolo, la not jnlalul to look at, but baa 
a faacluaUon. Lllo Mcnii to go out like a nick- 
eling candle. Uaurico lUnrmore failed to give 
agoudporlmjalot Aiinand lJural. Ue wia Jerkj 
In apeeub and aciloii, and, wblio at ilmca be waa 
ittj eirecUvq, be did noi gITo an o?on perfor- 
iijtuca. J. U. Iiamu 08 lions. Uural meilu great 

£ nil BO, and Ura. Iv. J. I'bllllpaaaUmc. I'rnoancOiJ. 
. lluokeloua iia (IuiUto, B. U. Uollaod aa Uaaloo 
JUcux, KDdtitangOluclriintaaNlcbeUa were all 
good, Tbo pla; trim well aiaged. me cut : Ar- 
naiid Duval, Maurice UarijDure; Moua. Uuval, J. 
Il.Uarnca; (l<aian lUcux, h. U. ilollaod ; c'omla 
Do Vatvllle, Ueorge Naab ; UnaUva, J. B. Uock- 
•Uino; liooior, uiaut Hiawatt; MeBWDier, Ito; 
Kiircblld ; Mmo. I'mdenoe, Mm. t!. J. Plillllpa ; 
Naulur, Ma Cojiiineai ; Nicbclle, Kvaogallne Irving; 
Ulimpii, Marlon Ura;, aod uamllle, uiga Netner 

AT TUK LTCIUii TliaATKI On Monday, Ucl. 39, 
K. II. HoUiorn gavo a roTlral of hit muat popniar 
role In "Lord UbDuile/," and a largo and approela- 
tiro audlonca ihorougbl; enjoyed bla clover Im 
poraonailon of tlie errailo aod gcneroua beartcd 
nobleman. It baa boen aereral yeata alnco tbl< 
play baa been aeon In tbo cll; proper, and II prored 
fully aa luierealliig aa befora, wbon tbo oildlitca 
and pccullarlllea of Lord Uoorgo, as akillfally drawn 
hy Ur. bolliem, lo au Inlnilulily hnrooroua way, 
made It one of too HirongeHtooancicrs la bla reper- 
tory. Tlie caal was good, aod Mlaa Kimball, Mlaa 
aironx and Itowlano Uuokelono arc capeolally 
wortby ot pralso for cxctllcnt wort. Tlio comedy 
will ba on tba lioards all ine week except at Ibe 
TbniidaT mallneOjWboii "A Way to Win aWoman" 
will ba toe bllL Tiio caai lecluOej: Adaiu Uuitar- 
wortti, Itowltnd lluckaione: Lieut. Duiiorworth, H. 
Bolbam; Oupcr Lo Hago, Morton Bclian; Tuuimy 
Tuckor/j'ollyMariball; blink Uuuk.U.P.riookion; 
WinuruollouiiT. J. Uurpby: Kieauur, Oraco Klui' 
liall; Jcaala lloane, Borina llariluil; Lady Adeline, 
Kanny Addloou-I'llt; Mug, Manou Olioux, and Lord 
Obolmondoley, ti. II. Boiburn. 

NisLo'sTuuTaK.— Tlie uual very largo Monday 
nigbt andlonco aeaomblcd here Oct. a, to wllnei 
oradllable ptodiiellon or "The Country Olrona" 
Tbo comedy porilon ot Uie programme was higbly 
appreciated, while tbe novel clrona parade, and tha 
rallatlo aooocs in tbe ciroaa arena, proved a anr- 
prlslDg treat lo the patrcna or this nonaOi Tea 
pUylog coat wnn: Tony Oarnuiii, Uarlln Vody; 
Uaptain Joe Ulasa, B. K. Obeater; omad rorklda, 
fnd Olarko; Uoctor Bwop, Arthur V. Olbson; 
BavlUla, Kenyon lllahop; Aunt Ilulda, Mrs. 8. K 
Obeaiet; Hlleut Dnow, Amy Hlono. Arenio pro 
gramme; llota Uoon, ilio Blatara Hon Aobmai, 
Prof. William Uooiad, Josapb Mnrni, tbo Dark Uen 
Aobmaia, I'ror. Ueo. L. Wood aail lillli t'onrail. 
Kail wetik Walter Sanfonl'a Hiock uo. wfil prtiaaiit 
a naw nielndiaina, by Ouorge lluoy, onililed "x 

London TuBaTni.-Mlaca'rt Olty Olub Uo. p'jiy a 
return engagement bero this week. Tbo opening 
attandaneo, Ooi. 2>, wa^roiy good, conalilerfng tie 

EoUUcal exoliemoni lu thai portion ofibe olty, iba 
ouae being wall Oiled. No iiiaiorlal cbaogea lu tbo 
programme bavo beon louud ncoceaairy. Iti 
Kellf , inab comedian, aloger and dancer, baa been 
added ibia week. Harry Urrant and Uarrlo Pulton 
do a oomeily not, Thouiag U. Nolan, Kdsrard Bar- 
neU, Uryaniond Havllle and iho llaniolla rorulabing 
tbo romulnder or tbe olio, Fanny Kvorotioonlluuca 
suoooasfully In her apeclaliy and leada In tbe bor 
leeiiuea. lHo lUing piciuroa are well tecalved. 
Next week, llloe ,t Barton's Uutlosquors. 

HiNkH's lluwiuv TuKins.— Tbo Motcon opened 
to fair linuBoa Ool. 'J». Tbo performaoco waa licart- 
lly appreciated by lair alMd audloncog. Tbo full 
rosier of tbo company wu given In lut week's 
loane, Next week, 11. W. -Wllllama' Own Uo. 

Jacobs' TiiMTHc— "A >'lagot Ttnco" received, 
on Uou 'ja, lu drsi prodaollon on tbo east aide, bo- 
foro a good alzod Kurtlenoe. Tbo obamolera re- 
oolvod careful lulorpreiailon at the taanda ot tbe 
rolluKing: Jobn WoodwanI, Uoiaoo Hltoball, J.J. 
Fanell, Kdwlu K. Kuiabura, Albert l,«og, Joaepb 
Voider, IliUe Loreita llooly, little Lowe Drlaoo, 
Ullvo wiilto, Lou l.llllau Urklu, and lleaslo Lea 
l,oaUaA, conaplououa among wbom wero John 
WoodwanI, who auaialued moat capably tbe pari ot 
IMd llowlUii, and lluraco Ullohcll, wboaoooilug was 
at tluioa quiie forocful. Koxi week's bill will bo 
"Tbo Two Blaiora." 

UauDSN TuiATiii— Tbo rcaulis ot tbo experience 
andakiil wblcli Mr, luco brought lu iholau ot im- 

Stovlog "Lliilo Uhrlaiopbcr Uulnuibus," aflar Its 
nt presoutallun bore, are pleaalngly aiipaient In 
tbo present purformaDce. New people and new 
toalurca bavo been aililcd, wlUi oxcelloni rcaulis, 
and Iho good work will bo ooiulaniiy conlloued. It 
began Ucu 'ti ibe Uilnl week of Its run. 

Fimi AVBNiiR TUBATBK.— Tbo Llllpullaba, In 
tbtir Uleat exiravagania, "llumpiy Duiupiy Up to 
Half," liogau Ucl. 'JU tbo elghib week audlbolaat 
fuitulgbi ul Uiclr ciigagenicuU Tbo giant Kaleb 
sun walks Ihruugh iba auditorium, and aa Ibe 

J [boat walks wlih iiiual r(iinlnilly,lbougb at loogcr 
nlarrala, Iwhlud lUo curulu Juy rolgna oonilnu- 
otisly al iiila hoiiiic. 

Daly's Tiikatiii.— "A naleiy Ulrl," now In lu 
■ovcuUi week bore, maluuina a reooid or good 

AuiiBV'sTiiKATni.—l''ranola Wilson entered Oct. 
St U|<ou Ibo olghih and Otul work uf a prootablo 
oug«iiismcnt In "I'no UovII'a Ueimiy," wllb which 
ho will next week woo rortunc uiitm Ibe road. Ula 
nucccaaor at inii bouse will iio Lillian lloasoll, wbo 
TVIIl appear Nov. T, In 'The ijuecn at Urilllania." 

AoiDSHv UF Mi'aiu.— "3beuauiloab," wblcb be- 
gan Ooi. hi the Icuih week uf lis run at tbb boDB^ 
Ts Btlll, It In clHtninl, a conaplcuoua sucoeM. and la 
cslabllabtug a record wnioli will bo a nllsfaclory 
Slantlaril fortiituro prodiiotlons. 

UsUAUn'AY TIISATHI.— Do Wolf Hopper, In "Dr. 
Biniax," cuierni Oci.'iUupou the ninth week of 
Ills oaga^oiiiciii at tiita huiiae, with three more 
weeks st.-(uiilng to his crctllc, cotioting from tbat 
dale. I'roOUbioHlleiiilaneelaatUUiorulp. 

BriR TiisATRs.— Wlblam Vrane bai fuond In 
raul U. Toller's liucat play, "The Faolllo Hall," an 
4>rreilDg tlioruunlily laiiarsciory to bis patmoB and 
admirers, aod Is n*Jniciug lu Inoreaaed proapeilty. 
Tbe alxUi werk of nla eupigi-uioni, and iho aeoond 
of Ibo oiliience nl tills play, tirgau Out. '.I. 

FuvarssKTii sraaKTriiaATHa.— Cbauncey Olooti, 
In 'Tbo Irisli AiiUi," bt'gaii Oct 'i) lbs Ofib week 
and Uat rurtnifiht of an enoagomont wblcb baa 
tbua far proron i|iitlo suofesarnl. 

Uijou TiiSATiia— TOO Ural work of tba engage- 
laenl or UucksIiuIlt's Uliistrvis noi bavlbg proron 
floonolaily iutlHriu;tor>, Ibo roiiialolug week tor 
wblcli IDor « eio iMMkril baa been uauccled by mu- 
toat conaont. Tlie buuso Is tlieraluro dark this 
weak, tint will again tK> upon Itie list Nov. 0, when 
Hirla Jaoseu win be scon la ''Ulu Dynamlio." 

Ilorrs TiiKArKK— "A Milk While Flag" la night- 
ly dlitiig tbe house. In adiltilon lo Ibo Iniaipola- 
iiun or the tramp role, Mr. Iloyl baa Blade aome Ja- 
ilteloua cliangea In tbe play, wblcb bave gained tor 
|t au liioteaae ol p nbllo (avor. 

HBiLD 84PAU Tbiathk —The tVhIlney OperH 
00. gave, on Oct, n, at tbia honaa, the Orst meifo- 
poUtaa pr^iejitallon ot "llob Boy," a spectacnisr 
comic opera, In tbrteacis, Ibo mnalc of which Is by 
Rsflnsld do Eoven, and tba book by Harry Oc 
Smilb. Tbis work bad, at tbe bands ol Ibis com' 
pany, IIS BiM prodnctlon npon snjr stsge at tbe 
Detroit (HIcb.) Opera llonie.on ibe Orat night of 
Ibe onrrent mootb. Tbe itoiy of tbe work nas 
already appeared In onr colnmns. Mr. Bmllta olaiss 
tbat It Is fonnded npon Sir Wsller Bcoii's work 
ot tbe same name, but Ibia claim cannot be ad' 
nitltd, tor not one of tbepromUianlcbanclcra In 
Sir Walier'B work rtappcara In tbe pitaent story, 
even tbe Rob Doy ot tbe opera being not tbe 
lamona onilaw or hero, but one ot bis sons. 
While we cannot bnl be somawbst displeased 
with Mr, Bmlib tor Ibe profane bands be baa 
Iain npon alrasnred olaasle, tbo general excellence 
ut bis wotk pleads atrongly for torglvenea, and 
wblle recognising blstanli, aad claiming tbo ngbt 
ot protest we llalen to tbe tnuspet tangoo uf bla 
good deeda and gnntabaolnUon. Bomerliorlous 
In fact ta tbe book It olalnulnunedbila considera- 
tion. Tbe story tbrongtiont moat ot lis length la 
exoaUenlly conceived and bandied. Its character 
drawing u masterly. Us lines are crisp, Its aentl' 
nent delicate. Its witorlglnal.and lU bomorof eX' 
qulslte Oavor and cbaracieriatio ot tba race. Tbe 
lyrtosare cbamlngandct absolnte literary merit 
in Ibe dlslrlbnilon ot praise between the co-labo^ 
en, Ur. Bmliii la enuuad to clam precedence 
wben we begin to compare tba present opera 
wllb tbe moat notod ot ibelr former worka, 
for In Mr. da Keren's score wa miaa tlie atmpllcliy 
and dalnllneas ot ibo isaslo ot "Uubin Hood." In 
Its place we Ood an elaboraia score, showing 
melnods more suited to grand opera than to opei* 
coBlqne, wblcb tbls work really u. In aplte ot tbe 
misleading cisasiocallon put upon tbe programme. 
It IS tnie uat tbe iheme of ttie former was sylvan 
and almost pastoral, wblle tbat ot the one nnder 
consldeiatlon bsa munh ot martial character; but 
nevertbelSM we wontd be better content 11 Instead 
of oavingonr nndeieiandlog assailed onr beans 
bad been beguiled. Wo owe alleglanoe to moJem 
collore and to advanced Ibongbi and netboos, and 
we are willing to meet onr obligations npon call, 
bnl wo prefer to bsva Inisnnlsalon ot dtmand, ana 
10 pay mental Irlbuto only lo the anbllme maaiersof 
musical aclence, white we reaerve onr beart'a colO' 
age for Iboae wbo bring to ns ine"masloot wonder 
lul melodies." Boob melodies. Indeed, Mr. de 
Koven gives as at ireiiaent Interrala In the pitsent 
work, bat ho bss accumpanled ibem wltb aucb a 
blare ot braaa, and so oyolonlo a tempteat ot Inaim- 
mentatlon, aa not only to bide tne underlflng 
themo, bot to canae th& slogois to abooi In 
oompetlUvaeiTbrt o.»aslonallytberecomesalollln 
Uiliiempestot bewildering harnionles,andlbenwe 
bave soutlnl BstlatacUun in snob nnmnen as "Tba 
Mar]oiT Bong," In ibe second aciCIie gem ot the 
open); "Tbe itoalto Catch," In the same sot; "Toe 
noognboy'B Whistle," In tue third act, and otben 
ot like quality. Nor are all of tbo gems ot the opera 
In Ibis simple suoln. Tbe doo of Prince Cbarlle 
and Flora, and the "Jacobite War Song," In lbs 
Qnt act; 'Tbe lay ot Prinoe Ilnpert'a Cavaliers," 
In tbe second aci,aud Prince Cnarlle's song and 
"Tbe Bong of the llaolet" In tbe laal aor, were 
alike commendable and enloiablo. Nor from tbis 
calsgory should the "Town Crier'a Song" be omit- 
ud, nor Flon'a love song, which ror absolute 
merit has no peer In tbe present work. In splieof 
tbe oblectlons ibat will be registered aaalost ibe 
score In IIS enllraty, Uie tact wlU probably be nn- 
dispnied Ibat Ur. de Kovon Is growing In mU' 
alolanly skill. Ills present work shows mora 
breadin and warmtta of coloring; he baa taken a 
tner Olght bis style la more varied iban over be- 
fore, and In many respects be Is mora entiUed lo 
credit tor blapieaeni labora than tor anyot bla 
prevloua work, and ir ba were aatlsUed wiui 
ula primal crcaUve skill, wlibont constanUy 
striving to prove his conmructlvo ability, 
then would be no dissenting voice to mar bla m- 
umpb, Tba ibomo ol the work readily lends Itself 
to speclacolar display, and every advaniagc baa 
been taken ot tba opportnnlty, Tbe sottlnis are 
elfeotlve, and tbo ccatsmos, woloh sra prodigally 
varied, are remarkably banosome and plclareaono. 
The work was ezceiieutly rendered, all or tbe 
prlnolpala vldng In tbolr esorta for chief recog' 
Dillon, and diailnetlcn In tbIa reaped would be nn 
fair wbere all did so well. We have beretotots had 
occaalon to aaaert Uiat Jnllelie cordon baa f<w 
pecra upon tbe llgbt openilo atago. Barron 
IleruiBld proved brmselt a dnmailc tonor or 
rare valne; Lltzle Maontohol already enjoys a 
fame whlon ber preaent cifort fully ausiatna; 
w. u. McLaughlin baa rare comiiaas and son- 
oroalir ot tono, and Isst, but by no mcaoB laist, 
Wm. Pruelie was very muchlike ibe pen ponnli ol 
Rob Hoy dmwn by Sir Waller Bootr, and sang with 
tkatssme oxcellent voice and meibod ibst placed 
and baa kept htm in tbe front tank ot opentio ban- 
tonra. Auna 0 Keeta waa lu cieiy way very oapil- 
vatlDg In a role wblob was vocslly ot secondary fm- 
puriance, and tbe two principal comedians, Hicnard 
F. (;airoIi and Joseph llerbert, gave perroroiancea 
so thoroughly and uglilmaiely btimorona that they 
commanded the hignest pnise. Too i-lioma aaog 
well and was of excellent volume and balance, 
wblle Uie orcheaiia, Ibsnks to tbe skill ot Big. Da 
NoveUls, was Uiorougbly cniolant A word or 
praise la dne Mas Fneman, under wbosa dlieo 
iton Ibo work waa produced, and It muat Inci- 
dentally be nienuoned here that Uie tabloan at 
Iho oloae or tha second act waa one or tbe 
beat ananged, the moat quickly bandied, and moat 
ploturoaquely eifeoUve ever auown npon a stage. 
Like m' sl of Mr. Smith's worts, not excepttug 
"Hobln Uood," the tnlid act wan deraotlvo, and Its 
conclnslon. Which, by Uia way, woo borrowed t em 
Sir Walter Bcou's "Redgauntlet," was Impotent, 
meopera made an Immediate sacccaa. lis muslo 
la very Inspiring, and itaeapplansc waaot tbe moat 
hearty sort Itla certainly destined lor a long run 
at tbto honse, aod Unre Is scarcely a doubt tnst It 
wlU, In Ibe course ot nany bearings, bring oumuio- 
Uve proof ot merit, and oonslantly win Incrcoao 
ot tavof, aa we eaaae to oonumplata It at a 
whole, and anrrender oanelvea to the study and eO' 
loymeut ot lu sepsnis nnmbert. Tne caal: 
hob Hoy MacUregor, WllUam Pruolte; Janet, 
Jnllcile Cordon; rrlnooObarlaa hMward Stuart, Bar- 
ron lleithald; Klon NaoDonald, LIzilo Hacnicbol; 
Dugald MaolVbeebki. Hichard t. Carroll; Lochlcl, 
W.ll, McLanghlln: Capuin Rilph Sliarldau, Anint 
O'Keotc; ilanay UaoShorey, Joseph Uerbcrt; Tarn' 
mas MsoBorbe, Uarry Parker; Lieutenant Comwal' 
lis, MItUe Alherton; Lleuienant Clliiion, liOiilso 
Oinne; Aogoa HacAillsler,Jeanaltorerto; Duncan 
UampbcU, Julie senac: Btuart Ucroenou, Franklo 
Leonard; Donald UavAlplne, Carrie lllogor; Nelly, 

KiiTii's UNtoK Squint TiiiATBi.-The usual big 
business wblcb has been tbe record ot ibis bouio 
averalnce ll opened conllnuea, and. It anything, 
growa larger. On Oct a tbo bouse waa crowded 
an day, and at night U waa aJmoatlDpoaslblo to gel 
Inalde tbe doon. The bin, as uanal. Is lliat class 
and Includes l.ydla VoaDsns Tllns, asalslcd br Fred 
Ttloa, Mile. Aloldc t^pttatne, Raymon Moore, Lea 
Frtrea UrcaceodoB, tbc Fletcher Trio, uat n and Da- 
bolB, Geo, Fltber, Janaon.Hlano and Bentloy, rrtnco 
Kotln,ihe Fantoas,ilio Kdlaona, I'antr.or aud Bcoit, 
Ward and Brown and aenrudo lUy. 

llUBsn's I'AUut MvsEi'M.-lluHlncss contlnncs 
at nn oren rate at thla bouse, ilia attcndanca (icL ai 
being on a par vrtita tbo iiansi avomgo. Tha bill 
for the week: Cmlo halls— Tbc Australian Uiish- 
men (second week), the Kuiulinaux Tillage (second 
week), Chief, tbo long uik'd pony (vouml week), 
Eleolraiaecond week), Young .\mertcua, I'araabaa- 
Ika and Morrrll and A. B. (Xiulsn. !>iHfe-Toe 
Bnaerana, Unrion and Dcalmo, Uosou and Hunter, 
Kid Itayuond, liarrj Kmmonon, TOnj Jdtck ana 
the living ploluii'S. 


opened Ool. ':>, wlUi "The Man Wlibnnt A 
Country," wblcb was innstairtd from snother 
theatre. There was a good altedaoilteace, aod tbe 
niece waa well pteaanied. Arthur Ktilot replaced 
K. J. Henley, wbo baa been engaged ror "Capuin 
I'snl," wblob Is to be produced at tbo Casue 
Square Tbealie, Beaton, Maaa. Mr. Elliot gavo an 
exoellent pertormance. 

BT. Jamis' Ualu— Alexander Conulock's Mm- 
alrcla oonllone to bo tba ailncKon at tbis reaort 
and drew a well ailed house Oct. -JP. WItlla T. 
Bwea'Dam, David Aadmda, the Ooinaiock Mando- 
lin Qaan«t aod otber favurltea were oontlnued, 
and " rho coal BUck Hag" and olber teainrea wen 

KariBiTaiATiti.— John Draw and bit play, "The 
Bauble nbuo," an alike prime favorlica ai this 
houae, wlib Mand Adsmii and Iho other luomben ol 
bla (aoclieni oonpaoy receiving a llboral share or 
appreoiaUon. Tbe elgbib week ot the engigemcnl 
began Oct ai, and the end la yet far oir. 

HrAKPAHO TuBiraB.— "Tne New Boy" atarted 
Oct 9 npon the aavenib week ut lu run. Jamca 
T. rowen has mide the ilUe role peonliarly bla 
own, and Inoreaaed bnalneaa baa reanlied from Uie 
added ailraci Ivcneaa ot ihe ptrtotmance, tor wblch 
MUtBUiM tout credit 

Tony risroB'n riiEATnB.-lt waa a gcnnlne 
Psator night at the above honac Oct S>, and late 
comen had to he ccnient withstanding room only, 
thero were Oowen galore, new people, and Ibe 
genial manager wot borne oigaln after bis tnnmpb- 
ant Fall tonr. This week marks tbe opening ot the 
regular Fall and Winter season at Pulor't TbeaHe, 
and that evaot alwaya marks a big Ume. Those In 
(runt always show their appredaUon ot tbo por- 
foroerson Uiat occasion, and the spplansswnlcb' 
Is bestowed npon each set Is ot a very hearty ohar- 
acur. Then tliere la alwaya some performer Intro- 
duced who has never been seen In New Tork be- 
fen, and here Ibe stranger In a stnnge land al- 
waya recclvea a royal welcome. Mr. rasior's 
fricoaa believe In giving performers a chance 
to become acquainted before ibey crlUdae 
them too severely, and those EDgUab people 
wbo appeared Oot it most snnly bsve felt 
tbat they were among friends. Tbe blU this week 
Is mosUy made up ot performen who are well 
known to tbe natrons ot New York's vsndevllle 
tbealrca. TheNawns started the evening's enter- 
uinnient In tbclrsketcb, "Wrlntlots," and net wllb 
a beany recrpuon. Unib and Olirord toUowed In 
■The Johnny's CaU," Introdnclng their negro mek>- 
dlea nod fonny dancing, and created coiulderebte 
amuioment I'nDoesa Pauline, a pretty and clever 
EngUeh girl, came next It was ber Oratappcar- 
ance In America, and ahe was received wlib ap- 
punae for bor acrobauo work. In which ahe la very 
neat Her work Is done In long sklrU. AtnoUmc 
do ber sklru gat above ner shoe tops, yet 
ahe Ibmwa band sprlnga and back Bomeraanlia. 
Next came Ur. Pastor, and tbc applanae wblch 
greeted Mm could be heard In the atreet For fully 
two minutea, he conid only bow bis thanks. Uis 
songs wore new and op to date, and canned much 
amnaeoent. McCoy and May came next, In "High 
Jennie Johnaon," lo which Mlaa May Introduced 
ber wooden shoe dancing, with uuing etfect 
Annio Uart, tha Bonery Olrl, followed. In a nper- 
lory ot songs, which are alwaya euro ot mak- 
ing a go. Mlaa lUrt canght the bonte the 
same aa she always doea. Huilcal Dale, who 
might trnir be csllad a master In bis line, dis- 
coursed aomo beaailfol music on the bells, and 
olber Instraments. Mr. Dale's siarr bells an bis 
own Invention, wblcb be has felly patented, 
and they sbow bim to be pmgresalve and fully 
np to the Unea. Next came Ihe Frealon 
Blatara In character changes, and they wen 
Riven a welcome which cerbtlnly sbcnld have 
pleaaed them consldonbly. Tbay an quite clever, 
and did well. The Rogcn Broa., Uatch oUlect com- 
ediana, then started In to amuse, and did ao to per- 
recllon. J. W, Kelly waa on hand.aa usual, and had 
plenty to Bsy. Ue kept Ibe bouse In conUanal lansh- 
Kr daring the euilre time beoccnpled tbealaga. He 
waa In Ihe beat uf splrlu, aod Beamed to enjoy tbe 
run aa mnch aa anyoody. Tbe Uarbecka (Kluleaod 
William) cloaed the bill In excellent faanlon, their 
Juggling and serpentine contortions meeUng wltb 

Tat OieiHO.— "no Passing Show" Is sgaln Uie 
sttractlon at thla bonte, thla entcrprlaing veblcle 
for me presentaUon ot amusing spccUlllet by promi' 
nent pertormcre having returned to Its nnmerons 
Now Yorkfrloudson Monday evening, Oct it. It 
was greeted by a bonsetul ot lovers or exlnvB' 
ganza and ail tbat that implies, and the fun Uiat the 
piece contalua in abundance waa exdactod by tbo 
clover performen to their foil eaUsfacUon. During 
Ibe period that bad elapsed durlog their abaence 
from the city a tew cbaoges bave been made In 
tbe cost wblle tha elimoUoa lias been mode 
brighter, If possible, byadditlontmadowltba view 
tobrlnglDg 11 up to date. In tbe main ibo aame 
ncopki ml tbo more Inipcrtant parts, Uiore having 
been no neceaslty tor change, as they quite Oil the 
bill. Verona Jarliean ai tue Coiinlcai or For 
getiiie-not gained much applause. Nina Far 
ringion also added to Uio IIhi ot ber admlrere 
when eho mode her appearauce at Uie bead 
or tbo list ot cntorumon In Uio draw- 
ing room or tbo Dawdle Club. All the former 
gHiaiy or pcrformcni who contributed lo tbe soc- 
ccts ot tbo piece wben last seen bere-^ohn R' 
Uentbaw, ueorgo A. Bchlller, Charles J. Host, WlU. 
lam (Umcrou, ue tptlgbuy Lucy Daly, Jeisie Car 
llale and others— wero Inero, and tbey did their ut- 
mosi to msko the abow go wlUi tbe snap tbat 
marked lu ntarn to the old stand. Among tbe 
now eonra Introduced waa one enuilsd °'airl 
Wanted,*' snug by Jobn E. Henshaw, a very taking 
bit, tbat la euro lo succeed any wbon, and evoked 
rem ot applause. "Tbe Modern Olaopam," a 
iraveaty by ubarles J. Itoas, brought the enurtaln- 
ineni to a dulna close. It Is newnere, and ths bor 
IcHiiie AcUng of Ur. Ross as Man Antony and Ver- 
uoua Jarbeau as Oioopain, wbo lakca wblskey as 
Ibe beat means ot reacoing an anilmely grave after 
tbo death of her lover, stirred tho andlance, who 
maoltoaied their pleaaun by abundant applansa. 
A repetition of the former succeaa ot Uiooilnva- 
ganza may conOdently be expected. 

Kosrsn A BuL's.— Tbo programme presented 
Oot 20 and week Included, beside living pictures, 
A. 0. Duncan, who made bla reappearance; the 
Uarllnoul llns.,aerobau; Ivan Tsohcmoir and bla 
ironpe ot trained dogs; Marietta Dl Dlo, cbsnunse 
International; tbe Fbantot, In goblin gambols, and 
Enganio Fougcre, chantense excontrlque, aU In 
their eighth week; tbe Fionoys, expert swlmmen 
(ihtrd week); Bio Uoassn Uon All ironpe ot Anblan 
ikcrobata (third week), and Ena Berto^dl, center- 
ilonlat (rourth week). Tbo oaual concert by tbe 
Koasulb Unngarlau Urabestra, waa .given slier tbe 
performance. Announced tor next week arc Er- 
mlnla Ohelll, trapeze performer; the Roesows, lillpn' 
lUn atuiotea; and the Fonest Bros., mntlcal eccen- 

MiNBR's Eianrn Atbni'b Tiiiitrb.— Dob Fltx- 
almmooB moved up bora from iho Bowery Theatre, 
opening lo a crowded bouse night ot Oot 2t, Tbe 
week's DUBlness is spro to be large, aa Ibo company 
Is A airong one, and ibia pogliut'n aur la Jnat now 
very much In tbo ascendant Mr. Fltzslmmoiu 
gave bis scene In the training qnarten, and also 
had a lively setto wlih bis sparring partner, Oon 
niordan, wolch elicited Uie cbeen ot tho large 
audience. Next week, Ihe Fnocb Folly Co. 

Pkoi'Iji's TnBA-rnB.— "Strock Uir> began tho week 
10 One houses licronlgbtol Oct 2>. The excellent 
comedy work of AI. u. Wilson sod Jnla Stuart waa 
accorded heart; asphmac, while their ainging and 
danclug apeclaltloa were encored npcaTedly, 
"Struck Oil" closes lu season with this engsge- 
rocnt Next week, llallen and Uart. 

WoxTU's UDBBUU.— There Is no chsoge ot bill 
ben. Iliialnoss is evidently sallttactoiy to tbo 
managemont, as Ibis order of things baa continued 
for over two mouih', end tbo colored mioairels 
appear lo have enougu drawing power lo wamut 
ihitr retention from week to week. TbIa Is, how- 
ever tbo closing week ot Uielr eogagenient 

At TUB Irrlnt Place 'ibeatre, Nov. a perform- 
noco will be givon lu honor or tho tour hundredia 
oniilvoTiaTy ot tbo birth ot Uana Baobs. "LIta. 
bctha, cluea Knfherm Tocbter," aud "Der fall, 
reudo Scbuier," two uf Bach's own pttys, will be 
sclcd by Mr. ijonrrld'a company. Anton Soldi wlU 
aoncnr na Sacba In eolcctlona from Wagner's 
"Uasicningcra," oaalatcd by William Etevenssnd 
Ida Klclu. 

Tub Uahubv Atdkk.biim Co. baa leased fora 
lousitnii of years tho properly at tbo comer or 
One lliindrtd and Tweuty.flfib Street and Madison 
Avenue, on wblch they propoae to erect a theatre, 
which will be run aa a cuutlnnoua variety place. 
Tuo bonao will bo knownaa the Harlem Atheuicum. 
Messrs. .seamooa and Levenacn will act as man* 
agere for tbo company. 

IlarlFnt.— At Ibe Uorlent Open Uonae Marie 
^^alnwrlgbt did only a lair week's bnslness, ibe 
rainy weather proving a drawback. Richard 
ManaOeld, In "Beau Urammell" draw a fair 
alseu aundance Oct a). During Ihe week Mr. 
MansdelS nlU preaent "A Pjilslan Romance" A, 
"l)eau1irunimelI"3i,"XapolconBonepario'' Nov. 1, 
■> "Prlnco Karl" maunec 3, aud "ur, Jekyll and 

r. Hyde" nlgbl of 3. Next week, "Cbarloy's 

Cou'uncs.— Louie Collins did a big week's busi- 
ness nl this bouse. "McFadden's E«pement"b«d 
Us New York bearing t», wiui Jobn Komell In the 
leiMIng nl*. Tna piay Is like moat or the farce 
comedUa compoaed ot vandevnie people. Uollla E. 
Coi'ly IS aciibg naoagar, Wilibun ilamroeraiein, 
btto managrr ol thla bouse, la the advance for the 
company. Next week, I'nmrose A Wcat'a Mln- 

Oi.Tiirir.-Tbe Fay Potter Oo. did a fair week'a 
hnslnrai. Sain liovere'a Co. opened to a good 
aiied house 2v. Next week, Orenier'a Lycenm The- 
stre Co. 

IlARLiH MrasrH.-Tbls bonte bat held lu own 
to far this seoton, and wilh me cold weather ap- 
proaching «lll, no doubt inake mooey. Cnrlo ball 
— I'icr. Biraab;irg'a dog aod monkey clreus, Ibe 
Three He Aces, Uerman, Delia Zolo, aud Priaoe 
Albene. Stan — Ei. Rodgars, Wm. Cogan and 
Rose Bacon, Uabol nice, Ed, and Ned Bareils. Oeo. 
Wheeler, Blllj wuuama and Htrle Lclcener. 


Braoklya.— At tbe Orand Opera Honse Frlm' 
roaa A Watt's MlaalralaspoDOd Oct 9 lor a week's an 
sagamaat ta an ovarcrovdsd hoow. Tba oDiDpaay la a 
blBODaaodambraeistbaiaal aod ths ceaaurrsltdork- 
ar- Cfrnaldfraula vartscy U rcprasaoud id ttaa pro- 
Sfamna. Tbsirflmt paiaSs ws'iaelsvsr ilrokaolbal- 
leaia. asorit W. Boaro^ In ' My Aant Briditt " •aa 
hsralsaiwask- Kof, a"Tns Caantcr clivaa:''^ll,BIUr 
Barry, Id **lb* niaiox asnaratloD." 

Biroo.-JoMpb Mnrpby opsoed 0 Id "Tba Bany (low," 
aad daring Uia waak wilt prasaDt "flhann Rliaa." Tba 
eomsdlan. as iho bltlba bUoismtIb, vaa aa aatarol aa of 
roia. ntpisealartlUlibfd.aawMBbcvaby Iba lar-' 
altaadanfis. 'Ola Olion" mat riu* mimam lut «e< 
Nor, e. "Od Uia lliMl>l|>pt :" II, "Ihe Span ot Lirs." 

FiitH.-MsrlaWatowTlRbt oponsd loalarg* aadtanea 
Oct S lo bar flsw soolaiy drmma, "Danslnsrs ot Bra." 
Miu Waloiingfatacerod a paraonal SDOca«a, her aoUns lo 
tba dual rol* or tho sistora belDg aittttlo and alTstllTa. 
Last waak "A Tamperaoca Towa" plared ta crowded 
hODMS Nor. aLllamnaan: It. D'ArrlUa Optra Compaoy. 

OOLuaalA.— WlUlam Uiuaua bano tba waak, OcL S,to 
a loarlog tooja lo "Too Mocb JobDMn," wblob ti ax- 
eawUaly farctcaL Tba ran bagloi wtUi tba saeood act 
and continoaa lo tba and. Mr. aillotlafflidaadsetded 
biL Tha Bostonlaas aadid a saecaiarul twowsakt'an- 

ftasOBiaot 17. NoT.S, Franela Wllfon's Opora company 
D -rba Datll'aOapotr;" UTtt Olrl I Lsll Bablod >la'' 
BTAR.— "niaWbltailqDadrDo"wss sugsd Oct. ». aod 
paopta wara tanad away. Tbe pltca was piaasniao od a 
■nasplOoaDt scale, aod uaioeole«ll««t was oraed. Wal- 
tsrSAnfoid'a Block Coopaay, in "Tna TIcaat or Laava 
Mao." had a Boad ma last weak. Nov. 0. "Tba Walls or 
NswTork;"ia,Waltar BanforO'a Stock Company, id "A 
Tola or oorilca." 

Uvea a aanHAifa— Hany W.Winiams' Own BoocUltr 
Compaor opaned Oot S to a loU beoaa. Sam lioTaro • 
Company was iba altiooUoD lost weak. Nov. 0, Hopktoa' 
TrODS ucaaolo; 12, Wobor a Pisldi' Co. • 

UDaaaAasBBABDT'a— Cots twpao tbo nInUiwoak 
nt tha llrlos plctoru. Tbs raople; Tbo WMton 81s 
Qaorsa Lasur, Mtania Sctaolu, Fielda aod Lewis, 
Kitty Boaai 

Aarsios.— Fanny Rica bosan a week's aDsanmsnt 
bsraS, Id "Ul»s lonoeaDca AOroad." She was naatatf 
by a wall fltlod bonia. "Hojadala" played to Rood boil' 
osss weak endlog tr. Nor. t. "A Tomparsaca Town " 

EHriaa.— Wahar Saorord'a Stock CoupSDi piaaanta 
"TbaTickatof Laavailaa" thiawaok. U mat wltb lU 
share ol suuass at Ur. Baarord'a Vastara Distrla bonaa 
last weak, ana It doubUoss win ba aqoally aoecasalal 
hero. Tba opaotD|bonia waa good, as waa last waeb'a 
builaass. 'Taawbtla6qaadroa"Nor- s. 

Oatbit.— Ajood bonsa wolcomad Lords Collloi'Tna' 
bsdoursOetS. SaUiractoiy oniinsaa last waak. Irwlo 
Broihara* Uo. Nov s. 

Ltoxoh— Tba Loots Phlltlpa Stock Co. ravlvod "Ibo 
DsDlraa" Oct 9. Tbo opontog booia waa larga aod svl- 
denily wall plssaod. Noxl we«k Uis stock company pre- 
saat^Uoder tM Oullfht" 

TuBATRS UsiQua— A crowdod hoosawsa praaSBtbara 
Stiii wstoome vlyoD's Oaiaty Ulrts 

KuTSs.— An Eauani Dltlrlct pbjslctsn baa baffon an 
adtoD In a loosl oItII eanit aeafait Loulo Collins' bus- 
baod. to rKovar a bill for proiaHStooalsarvlcoa roodorod 

■Ita ColUst Cbartas B. Abbott, ol Ua "Itatodala" 

compaor, wblob plaiod tba Ampbloo. Iiad on altsratlon 
Isst weak wltb >lalTlUoW.SulUi.atocat nawspapar man. 
Aa a rasalt tbo actor waa dstaodaat In ao seuoa brooitbt 
by tbo raoortar in tba Loo Avaona Folic* Conrt Tno 
martu or the csaa will ba |ono loto on Not. L 

Bafralo_At the Star Tbeatre Lewla Morrlaon 
camaOotO for tbra* nigbta, Ttiatcbtr's "About Ootb' 
am" Nov. 1.8. Stuart Robaon noil aook. Murpbr, Bleb* 
ards aad (^tald. bt "Lam Eoula," gara ratliucUon 
10 poor atlaodsnea but wo«k. 

AOAOBMr or If oaia- "Iba BUch Crook" startsd Oct 
» for ono waak. Four F.Daly Nor 5-7. Mrs. Foliar and 
Krrlo Ballaw did a sood boauiaas. iDoaas' Band ap- 
paarod 28 id good attoodsDoa. 

Ltcsos Tubatks "Tba Darby Wlonsr" began 39 for 

a waak, to ba sncoaadad aaak orKor. a by "Boss an ' 
Uoa." ■'Old Olory" aronaad eoDildoreOl* oDtbnsJasm. 

Cocav SrasBT TssATna— Tbo Lilly CUr Co. bava tbe 
iloio Ibis weak. Noit wook. lbs RaaiafitaUoy Co. 

BaBA'a Koaio llAU..— BonUi aod Badd, Law uawklns 
aroanTlllo Bisters, Prad BoCloltao, FooU Boat Braihers 
ilio Qracas, Uraca Ltvloiatons aod Dick aod Altca 

Albany.— The post week was a quiet one In 
fitattlcal cirdas, but good bualooMwu roportsd at alt 
tho bouVR, Uia Lolaod Opera Uon«o baa nbarltsT. 
EUls, In "Caiper, Uie Yodlar." Oct ti, a, u. and a lair 
aiUDdaofa raapoodsd. Ullle Akorstrom apposrod la 
"TbaHnliaD'a FaToitto '23, aod amusad a larga audlenco. 
Tba Oonnan Broa.. Id "Tbe ailliooloys Abroad," floishod 
Uio weak to oxeolloot andloncaa ComlDgTKlL st, "A 
Trip to Iba Oily;" Nov. 1, a 8, ^^pklDS' TranaOcoanle 
HpooialtrCo : 0.61 roturn aosasepooc or Uarlo WoId. 
viabt la "Dftuabtera or Bro;" t, Carrie Toner, In 
"Ttaa OomlDg WomaiL" 

BAaaA»oa BLttcKaa H all bad '-Waog," Oot n, to 
oDS ol tko larsMt boosss or Uio soaaoo. "Tbo Wblta 
Bqaodroo" bold Iba boards 28, 2S. r. and sood aadlaneaa 
ware rasn asob nlsbt Comlos: SI, tba Bobin Sood 
Opota Co., Id "Tba antokerboekora;" Nov. 8. 7. 8. Btotia 
WiUaid. In -Tba Llulo BpocuUtor." 

TssOAirrTTSBATaaoonUDnsd no sood record lor tba 
saasoD br bariDs laraa aadlaneaa ibroosbont last waak 
wllb ibeOtty Olob. Comlos: OoL 2t-N0T. 9, tbo London 
BaUaa; 8-10, Uia Marl* BsnBor Barloaqn* Oo. 

Rooheater.'-At tba Lycenm Thesin "Charley's 
AoDt" bsgana thraa nIghu'aDsagamant OoL 39. Maria 
Burropslis comat lor Iba last two nlsbis ot itaa waak. 
"Lam Ksula" tail 24, and * Tba Flams^' dopanod 27, aa«b 
dulnga light bolUaaa. Nor.taad waak, Uagonback'a 
Trained Animal Show. 

OoOK OranA noDBB.— Buaiall Broa' Oomodtans basaa 
Oct 29, playlog for Uia Irtlbslf of tbe waak. JobnL 
Bulltran oomaa Nov. 1. playtof ont tba weak. "Mora, 
wood ' and "A Llul* flpsoolator" pUrod to nodorala 
botloaas last we«k. Comlos: Nov. 8>7. "Tbo Oorbr 
Wlnnar;" S.U Hob HtUUid, In "Tba Nomtnso " 

Tbb AOADSik ovUOBiobad 'Tba Borstal" Oot 29and 
wsot. TbtWalaonSlauia dewrted n.pUrlDstoUskt 
boosaa. Waak or Nov. 8, "Klllsrnor aod the Rblna." 

AT TSS WcioaaLASD Mrass-TBaATaa bnslaosa eon- 
tlonas load. TbIa weak. Oorlo Ualla-Eralaaa (waltr 

auaoD) aad waltsr Roll (ona man baod), Tbaalra-Jaaiia 
Hilar, BoUiTao and corbou (bos moakoys), Horritt aad 
Woloh, MInala Loa, Oa Vtani aod MUta anSIralan). 

ByTaenae.— At tha BstUble Tbeaire Janxa 
O'Neill, Id "TirstnlDa aod "Uonta Orlita," plaasad 
Ursa audiaaoaa Oct lUS. Wtak ol 3>-Nov. t^aaon. 
bsok'aTTaiDod Animala 

WlSTlKOOrsSAiUonaa— Oaoraa Tbatobar. U"AbOBt 
Ootbsm," had good buslooaa Oct 2a t8. "Tba FaacUs 
Msaisr"bad larsa auaodaoca 27- Booked : Mario Bnr- 
roasba. Id "Judsb'* and "Iba Bospasoat," n-at. "Obar- 
lor'a Anal" Nor. l-s. 

U. a Jacobs' TnaAvaa— Tba Lilly day Qalety Co. bad 
"a.R.0." Booked: HossaU Broa' Comodlaaa Nor. 1.3. 

Ttoy.— At the Orlswold Open Honse, Oct. 14. 
"Tha White Sqnsdron" draw wilL "A Bassasa Chock'* 
did falrlr wVlt 28.27. Dan McOanby at In 

"Tbo Pride 01 Mayo;'' Oorlons, U "Baadrtck Bndaoii," 
Nov. 1^ 0. 

^RASna OrSRA Boubs— Tlia Oorman Broa, In 'Iba 
OIUMoloys Abrosd." coma Oot 10. 30 ths OoblQ nood 
Opera Co , In "nn EDto;erboobora," Nov 8. Tba bona* 
waa dark laat weak. 

OAlBrr TaSATU-Muaiar Uaana baa aacnrad Ua 
London Spoiu(3o for tba weak tr Oct 29. AuUn'sQi. 
BADtaana packed tba boose all Isst waak. 

BiBghambin.— At Uie Stone Open Bouse 
Dorotbj Uoitoo, ID *^Tha Fanelos Ma*tar,''eame Octal 
10 a rood sitad andtaooa. "Obarley's Aont" 2A da- 
litblad abtiandlaooa. LawUHorrliontS 27,ln "Fanst'- 
aod "RIcbeUOD," drew iba blasaat bostnaaa of tba aia 

SOD. BMblogs: at, Tim Hur^iruslsUd brOao.Bleb 
irds and Bo(r»oo_Caneold, lo ''um lottia;" Nov. 1, 
Charlos T. Bills, la -VtrntT Iba Yodlor".. ...At Uio 
BlIOD Theatie: Bono A Wtuiams Co. In "AnArabltn 

irds and Eoaooo CanSold, 

' Nov. 1, 

Jlsbt" ' Tbo Ultmanctta Otso" and "Zoll" wstk ot Oot 
aibraw wsU Dltaasd aodttncas. Das: 99-Not. 3, Frank 
M. and Jobn B. niUU, to "A LIbtrty BalL" ■ 

Klittlra. — At tbe Open House Springer t 
Welly's "Black Crook" woo tbo aUraoUoa Ocl II to sood 
bosloaai 'Tbs Fooolps Masttr" paoksd ibo boasa H 
LouU Aldrlob, In -Uj Faitotr.'<dtd lalrlr wall £ 
"raual" draw a modarala sUad bonaa >7. Tim Morabr 
prawDltd "Urn IsUla" t9. Powell, nsoremaiiMr, cue 
b, Mana J^ooa CoDoart Co Nov. f. "A Ooaot^ 4555'' 
r.....Xotblna Is anooaDcad at iba HadlMo Avonoo 

Vbaairu Ilia EUntra BIta' social SMalon Oot u wta 

Urst y autDdtd.......Dan,qnlnUa It ooasldoriDau 

oirtrtamaDasta baodol Barear Fana'a FiokanlDDias 

for an BarapaaaloDc Kala Sprana'a "Soalsl 1<» 

SIOD"Co.optDt8aDdarban. ~om oaa. 

-_?'^7'''"''lf'~'" Academy ot Untie "Tbo 
Two8liitra"Nov.x Tbt Ootntn Bros, wtrateeordod a 

Botraos wtlooma Oot at In "Tbt Oilboolyi AbrotS.'* 
ward UarrUto at, lD"RtUlr and Uia HDL" and "Waui" 
OD Its rtlDjo IS titd ttaaolna room only" Jobn Ktretll. 
la "McrtddtD-t Elopomtnl." comes Nov. 8. 

Vilca.-At the UUca Open Haute Oeorge 
Thtlcbw'a ''About OoUam" U. draw walL ObarlaaT 
Ellis cl<>sad„Uit wtak 27, to good buslw oSSiloi: 
Jamaa O'MslU, Id "Honta irltto," Nov. I, "Tha FIniat or 
rtnunet''(loal)a^VJIOMwoiJd"a '""•■laiaeoi 


8(. PawlH-At Ibe Meirapolllau tbe American 
BatTaTistaia Compaar. Id '-Aliddta Jr.," pUrad to 
SS.Vii'If ^f- ClatolAad's'MloalraU 

eona IL 30. ai, -aba Cbartty Ball," la* tba baatfll or st 

Loka-awtiai 19. j« 01? I. '^hi. 8tSa3!"Vo,rt 

2,.\ NstC. ao.4wlo saod wttk. 
.iViftT.'yjSl.'^ good wlih '-TbaFowtroraold" 
W} 'iS^V *o"' notnl" waak ol 181 "Land 
ollhalldDlsbtRna"wttaorNtT.t ™'' 

OLvario -KtlbStM'a Orpbaam Man dtSAppoloM 
wtak or OCL 21. Littit MornT^mpaaybtiolnuioad 
Id btr ttrtloD or -NtntoDO tbaTreoon'aRaabn-" But 
oaa wunod. WatkotIS: Lorain ood HowoU-Waitiad 
Vowltr.LMhamartaad llaaUos^ Ibt BaitouLUa Bna 
aaorslaOromiloekaodtliaatoot: """•"■^ 

B0PinA.-Wttk of at: KiiUt Botka, D-n Moon tad 
Laa, Uiac* Moors tod Salao tad Rape. BoatoMltrmL 

Dalath.— Tbe Lyeeum hod WUllo l^olller. In "A 
gjcklii^b*T,''OcLaits. "Itaa aalltySlavt"alltd oat 

nlrtuif u;t*wISf: was ban Uia laat tw. 

{SS5.fcV'ViasSi£SSSSi'Si."^ '•'^ 

Tu Edin Hum wUl cloM for one wMk pre- 
Tlou to reopenloff Not. lo »■ » wcnderUihi iq 
oonaecUonwltbttMEtfenlCiuee. AtboUorlmawiii 
be wlded that vlU test •bonX fioo people it etch per. 
jonunce, end on tbe itsga wlU be intiodoced bitb 
clau vtnoilone. Ooneldrnble moeey will b« 
epent hy tlie proprietoni In order to make tbe nec«iu 
aary cbaogea. P. It Dllta Is to be tbe leneral bui. 
sees manaffer, nnder and a percentaae or 
tbe proflf B. 

Nona paoM Wtui A BiXFOBo.— We open oar 
■eoaon vltb oar owo conpaDy. ihe Bottoa Ideal 
Comedy concert Co., Nor. 6. at Wllford, Kua. Oor 
roeter: Nerand BUnnlo LeroT. Wylle and Banford 
Clara Uanbal, end William Allen. planUt. 

Nona FROM W. II. QonLD. H1010UNt~I OMD 

wllb Oonld'i World ot Xaglo Nor. 10, i bare 
■peolal paper, and am bookednp lolld to April, i 
carrr eeTen people all toldt 

ToNT Ft Roes. Jogpler and wire walker. Joined 
the KIckapoo Indian IfedLclne Co.Oot.25,at Itodn. 
Wte. *^ 

Nona and nsur or Dtll EaowltoD'tDiir PoorConMdr 
Co.: W«op«i«doar«*woDOet.l7ktToblu,NM.,iocood 
bntlnui. Tb«ibovhubMnr*ornolud,«BlArnru>d 
B«wly KiQipptd. wltb D«w ipMtal iMatry, n*m« MtUjin 
•to Jlr. uovIiOD roiaroftd Irom Cbtuto, III, OcLll 
wltb tbo now bud QDironni.aod tbtyan tlfflplf in*. 
m«DM. B«ff*«r: Dtll Kdow1u»d. proprhtor ud mu»- 
gar; W. J, Eoowlioo. ouga muMer; 0. P. BUvn* 
•qooiMln mftiiagtr; .1. 0. Contr, B«Ue Know)ton, Mtjii 
Ball, Inoall.DUoii. Lllllo Jieknn and Llulo PMrl* 
wltb J. B Barrio adTaoM. 

Toe UovuKO Diavisu ronnarly of tba Barr^lo Bill 
flbov, and Bolla Farina ara daw with lha Ouo Scbaldt 
Mldwar FlalaaocaSbow at Macon. Ca. ^ 

Looia P. Booe, wbo vltb bh wife rallred rrom iha pro. 
faatloD, ta now gMog tnaalc loaaooi aod Iniiraeiioff 
baoda Mr. Booaaliapabll«baihlBown6oiDpMiiioDi. 

WU.B BaAOiaaod wlfo io«ani tba lou or ih»irll(ilf. 
daoBbtar. Rotb Eatalta, wbo died Ool n at tbair bom* iq 
WublDgion, D. U. Mr. Btaitie waa fonnatlj naoactr or 
Pnt. Jaitk Loria* ComblDatioa. 

COAa PiLtaJa. laatliUhMncOblKaBaoto, Nr..nt 
tloff readytoukaont bla Parlnrof Pod. Tha rtttar«i] 
aUrmouoBi will ba hln tralood paacoeka, nid lo bo ih« 
ODlrooaaoDaiblbltloo.aod Marter Will Ulltoo. 

Jraioa Bai5AnD wu itaa aua»t ol tDombara ci rbe 
Anarlean Levlonol IIoDor at Bosard'a Bar* ol wblcb 
Mr. R«man] ta a mombor. 

OviKO to tho illoaaaol Utno. Pardloaod, wlfa of fti,: 
F«rdlotod,nii|lclaQ, Ihor bid to eaocal a twoTo«bt< 
aDfaiaxiuLbotbopatoopaoNor. S. Tbantaior: Prof 
Panliaand, Uoia. Fenlloaod. rrloroM RaMatno, Prloeo 
Baidoaoo, P. Bon, wllb 0. W. Ooodvlo, naoaftir. 

MisciiLUNiocrt BBOoa— Boatar of Kicbapoo M«diciQ« 
Co., I'artr No. U: Dr. Cbarlt* W. Plcrea, maiiRier icu 
locturar; Hra. ' harlai W. Pierte, JiokOoM, black fua 
eomadlAo aod trick Iwoa aololit: tba A<idltoa Brothen 
Dioaleal taaia; Cblaf BIIU, Troo Elk ood SlioAk bw i:ro«* 
At WoodTlINi^ Oot, Oot 10, Ja<b Oou oalebrttcd bli 
blrtbday, aodwaapreaoDtodbytbo vhlio t^owla ol ib« 
company with a foil headed oaoe. altar wblcb tbor ut 

down to OB ojaifr topper Notea l>oia Troopa No 31. 

Oraaen lodiao HodlolaaCo.: We bavaloat doaadanc- 
caulal tonr oftwaBty atgfat vaak* ihTODob Oblo aod Wmi 
VIrglola. Tbo niter: Cap c T. W. Maoloo, lactororaod 
tnaoaiar: Mn. Agoaa MaoloB. traamrar: IiiaMaBloe, 
WalUr Abaati Oral Sbaal4 Taiaa KiL Ed Browolor, 
Obief Had Ea«lo acd wife, Pnlria Plowar, WbliaCload 

aoa Joe Bad Leal Boatar of Alnrd BlocinoRtlt 

Co., No. 1: Dr. A .Alvard. BtaBosar; Mr. aod Mn. II, V. 
Lae, Mr. aod Mra. Obailea Walker, Roaa Bbca. Riui* 
RaBdolpb, Baby Tilt* aad nBalda, tba aootlDfr lady, tad 
Mra. A. AlwaidL plaolA. Co. No. 2: Prol. a J.Mftrrall, 
maoayor: Mania Htart, tba McOaailoa, Ton Wiiion, 
Ulila WllaoD, Louie Oair and a braaa baod aod orcbu- 
tra Tbla CAmpaoj travalB la thalr own oow floatloi 

palaca Nolaa Iron the Dr. Howard Cortii Co.:Tbu 

la oor aaraotb waak Ib tba Btate ot Mluooriaodwo 
baredABa a flaa bailaaaa. Janaa Laitoo, ooa of oor 
oontdlaoa, narrlad a StosRhtOB lady on Ool ttL Al. 
Fack'a wKo Joload tha partr recaBlly. ErariihloK looki 
brlpbtrorancca«aralaaa«on lo thla Rtata loraa Oor 
crmadiaaj are: ALG. Fo'k. Jim Lattnp. aL J. Qanble, 

Mrs . Al. 0. Pack and Oode Qamble Roatarof Dr.B. 

F. Bpaoeor'aMadlcloaCo : Dr. B. F. Bpaoear, proprlaior 
aodnkDagor; Ed. O. Tooof, eomadiao aod noikiao; 
Fred Troolay, cootorllonlat, and Ed. Tamoa,aarlellat, 
wbo baa Jnat JoiBod, 


Toroato— At tbe Grand Open Hooae, Oct 2Z-2T, 
"Charlay'a AoBti*' No. 1. nude If tint appaaraBca hara 
to a blR boaloata. CodIbi: O-Sl, WlUlan Morrla, Ib 

Jacobs A BPAmaow*a.-Oct.3Mr, BellljA WoodV Co. 
drew lane oowdaataaeh parfomance. Thtaweak, ^ba 

aoadbmt op Husra— Ool tl-37 tba Maria Baonr Bi* 
traniaoia Co. bad (air baaloeaa. Raaraa M Palatr'a 
Coenopolltana 39-NOT. 9. 

MiaaraMcaio BiLU— Oet 19 Mr. W. B. Ranurlo 
"A Trip ATOnod the World" flllad tha ball to aiaodlof 
roon ooly. 

Uooaa'B Hmaa—Biialoeu li fair. Laotareball: Holt, 
Fill Jiin aod Aoola aod AUaolar'a boxlof mookaya 
ThaatiaiMcAToyaodBogara. TanpletTbamMajaiha 
Qraoaa aad tba Toolara, 

OiUDOBu, BixK.-UoL B-77, O. B OlaaaoB'a Horaa 
8hov draw big b oBiBoaa. 

HamUtoB.— At tbe 6randUirleBotTonBti0,lD 
■Yha BcipMoat,'* dall|hl4d a largo andlaDca OcL 71. 
Tba Maile Hugar Bariwqoa Co. #honM do well at popn- 
iar prieaa ». NalllaaanlboByeomaaS). 8l,**Tba Loit 
Pandiaa'* Mot. l. tha Vttmn Blaura' BoHoMiaa no. 3, 

■he Viaoaa Ladjia' Orohaatra 9. 10 At iba biar Tbaa> 

ir* OcL S0 aod weak: Taad aod Teed. Oaaey aod La 
Olair. Raid aod aonnao, Ungbei aad Qilaoa. John Pan 
and Tlllr BuaaalL 

Gaelph.— Herbert OliTemler baa airlTed from 
WKBlpes, to anona cbarge of tha Royal Opera Booh, 
wblehwUl baopaaad abontNoTtd. TboopaDlogattrao- 
tlon baa Bot j at i>eao made poblla Mr. Taramtar la alao 
themaoaiat or tba I'a Tao CoortlaadtCo. Tda Svadlib 
Qpanat Oo. apMar oodar tha anaploea of tha Cboaan 
Frlanda Soelaty Not. 0. 

<iaebec.— At tbe Academy of Unalo, Oot. u-u, 
Janaa O'NallU Ib tepertorr. plavad lo bie builoaaL 

TotUlada'a flpoelaltr Oo. cornea Oct 29-Nor.8 At 

the QnebaoTbaatra, OoL 12-77, tbe Fraooh Opata Co. coa- 
tiane todnw fair honaaa. 

Ifondon^— At tbe Orand Roland Reed, in 'Tbe 
Polltlclu,**OcLZLbadatoodbonaa. Maria UorroojbiL 
IB '"Ae ScapMoat]' lL ditTratrlr. Bt^ad: NalUa Oan- 
thool. Not. f, 1, ThaLoat Paradiae" a 

Oalt.— At tbe Town Hall tbe Torbett Concert 
Co., OoLS. bade nodarata bonae. Fnaar*B Dianailc 
Oo. pliyad to good houiea lA-ax 

WAterloo.— AttbeTOwD Hall tbe HlaieaWeb- 
llni,orLoBdeD, Eog., appear In dranatloand nnalcal 
— oma rech alOctai. 


Ban Antonio,— At tho Qnnd Upeta Uonae 
Ohsa DIaon OcL 16, 17 drew good bontta. al O. PItld's 
OolonihlaBSItaMiaa,II,n,hsd fallhtnsaa Contna: S, 
U,"no Danftr 8l|nal;" 17, IS, ■natoniado;"a)ilI, 
Intala Bord'^ "AConniiTaaalra." 

Wisnixoioif Tnoiraa -Ool It: Jotia WUaon, lllea 
^labtr. Mar Brandoo, Edna Barla, Oaonnt Fowoia, Do|. 
la nota nhttltr. Wllllama, TilBa LalBaaa, MayCodr, 
f adit Darooo, Vlolarla Tomar, Bd. aod Ona La Boao, 
B. M. BranitEO. Dick Tnrnor, Joo Clotty, Bailor and 
Oordonandllowanlaad alton. 

Dallaa.— At the Opem nonae Ohaa. Ulokaou did 
wait Oot S, O at did 'Tha Colonel" 31. B and ia 0. 
rioM'o Utoslialo n, 27. 'ThoI)aniarlll|rasl"c«oittB, 
», Alba ntrwood 31, Nor. L Ttoa. tr. Koont 1 3. 

JOB Blue, Loin JLtwun, Kiitla Oiant, Tom lallr. 
anrttt tod NttiUt. Dooo Mlldio'l, Boma Oala, nyon 
and Lta. Florenca WllHtmo and Daaa and Lawranoa. 

Oinr cratar.— Btrua fay, the Bandals Joslo BilBhL 
Caanon euitn. rtroy Uotd, Honiy and Uowaid, Oiaca 
Latlar, llany Uolmsa aad Uia Ponatta 

GalveatOD,— At the Treinont Opera Boose 
ObarlaoOleksoopiasant«d"lBoos"lo a larsa aodltnM 

(OL to. "TbtOsnittr8laoat"drawatopboaTynoafaia 
Ucrpnundtltihtal loll boosts It. at TboaW. Xtooo 
liptBtdbltaoKaiiaaiont 2^ wltb "Tba Marcbantor Ton- 

00." to a Itraa andttoca. A lama ibastrt ptity ttuod- 
Id Ibt pthormtooa to honor or Mist Dowot, who is a 
osdlogBotolbtrorilr. Kttnt'soompaay. Itlartbt ptr- 
ronnaace Hr. Kttntand wlt«, Mlaa Downi, and Mturs. 
Aidtn tnd Etalsoon wtie tnttitaintd by tin parly allbt 
Uarttn Vtnla. 

Aaalln,— At mUeU'sOsera nonae "The OoloutI" 
did waU Ool IA ntmoaan eamt to B. R. O lA Cbts. 
nicbtoo dtllBhttd a large aodtaaoa 17. "Tba Danatr 
(•Igaal" oama M. AL o. riald a Mlnatnla aoobad ut 
boast O. "Spldar and Ply" oomu Mot. A 'iba BIlTtr 

Kipg" la -Bdgtwood rouit" li SallaBrea.' Olms 



Wheeling.— The thtaiica oC thla city, ai well 
aa IbraogtaOBt tna aatara Blata, ara snffarlag tanlbly as a 
iwnltoribo political campaign tut laatpiataal In toll 
blast bsra At Iba Optia Honaa "nt Loot Farsdltt" 
WSS booM for Ool 4 M, bnl owloi to a big doDoooln- 
Ueointaonor ol Got. Mollolty tbt Ontnlgbt's boost 
Ttry tlto, aod, baring btaa offtlld a good roood 
by uit local Dtmoorauo commiltaa for tbo nia or 
Iba Ibtalia for a WllsoBBmUng,t4,lbaaaaoagaB0ot 
aoctpttdittndtald'itr btiw on (bas data. Tba aama 
oonuottlaa boBBhl olT tho TlTlaa Da Monto Compasy at 
tba Orand for a mtaUot tba soma nlihu <^ra Booia 
bookloioatt; 8ptDtat'a*'WlDcwiBonolo"r(OT. I. "Ibo 
r»or oriba Pma- Awallar Wblittldt a, T, "Ibt Pliataa 

anaso oraoa Bona.— Tha TiTlan Da MtBU Ipaelaliy 
Oo. oama II, n lo poor hasleaaa. Tbtr wtra foUowtd br 
Jolt Walur'i "8,da Tiaabtd" ls.17 to lair batlataa. 
OOBlng : -^t Otllf r tura," Kot. 1-1, N. a. Wood M. 

-WnL Sloan, ot Ittl," and AUoe SaBUon 
monn tha ion q( UuIt ulua daukler, who died 
neenllT IB BanUbWf, ra. 



^j, BttlMiH, 0( Uw Iltj Homrt Co., ud LoM« 
Koen. of "A BUok Bheep," wtn nurrled In Uili 
ollr Oot. II. Til* Mr I* » alattr ot Fnnkia Uiinei 
ud B>*d*'li*r dtbm mm Rlct ft Buion's Oomc- 


Ernl U>iuuii ud Ocorge Wldmun, t nbi- 
piDleMlootl, wan mttrled la Boboken, M. J., OeL 
ji, cttt. Huhrud Hollle Raid MUd u beat 
penla. HIM Lomlne'a aaaoclittta pnaanted Ue 
pilr wltn aniclea oC vettD, and Ibj Dowiud, aa a 
iaaia, fa" *'■*■■> * tea aaif Ica. Hlaa Lor. 
niM wlUreUra fnm Uia ataga. 


tint Uia/aca a( Uia Eden Ttieatre, Now Orleana , 
La- aad sot at Wengei'a. The foimar Is ataia 
laDani at tbe Edeo. 

JOBH Baoox, ot tbe WUla Palace Tbeatia, Baa- 
ton, Fib, loforma oa tliat be baa porotaaed WUliam 
Aagerotb'a Intaieat In tbat booaeud unowiola 
snatletor and manaiter. 

Kons noil Biblow Bbos.' I(ixbtul&— Wa are 
iUU In tba BoDlb and tbe bojs aia all well now. 
Fitnk Borke.ot Bnrka and Weat, goibartwbll* 
plailng baaebaU about ibne weaka ago, and bad 
10 »J ot a week. Tbo boja bafo not piajM ball 
auce. In WaTonMa,aa., wewereabakendownln 
nodabapa. While on pandewewere paaalnga 
labool, and tba boja In tbe nu ot tbe band were 
Biniek wttb atonea, one or tbeiD,onr Oata player 
belngaereralj ban bjaatoDelbitiwnbjtbaMKool. 
boja. Wa nn back and one o( onr boja got Into a 
dlnota wilta tbe pioCeaaor and waa arreittd tor 
daring to kick abont gauing atrock on tbe bead 
wllta a atone. Tba jndge lined bim lira doUara for 
II, and tbe people In tbe conrt room were eo Indig- 
nant tbat tbaj took op a aabaoilpUon and paid tbo 

BwonuBHi imi Howabo Inform na of tbelr ane- 
ceaa In WaKrbarr, OL, last week, alto ot ibelr 
pleaaant paruolpauon InJibeElkaWnbllea In tbat 

Uirr Wills, conoiut, and BUlj Rltcbla bavo 
Joined banda. 

Boar JOBSAM reports a ancccsii In bla original Aat 
tooted bnek dancing apeclalty at BiUl'a Caainn, 
Cblcaso, wbere be waa ra-engaged (or anoiber 

Mia. t. B. awiFPOBD Is Tliiung frlnidaatKo- 
komo.lnd. Mr. Swaifurd la In adrauce of Jas. Hor 
gan'aNew Idea Vaudeville Co. 

Oio. A. WooDWABD bas been engagad aa moslc- 
al director at Illcb'e Tbeati e. Fall Uver, Maas. 

HiTiiLT'a MiKBraiLa, who were rtcenUj 
reported to bate met wlib disaster, are now In 
good thape and opened ucl 29, at tbe Oipbeno, 
Ban Fianolaco, UaT. Frank N. Utwlej baa retired 
from the managenieut of tbe conpan;, and J. H, 
HaTerlr will peraonallj direct Ita fniore moTe- 
menia, and he feela sasnitd that eacceas will 
crown bis eltortg. Alter a lour of tbe large 
dlles of tbe FaclOo Coiat tbe company will 
reum to Sao Fraooiaco, Nov. 21, and will remain 
tbete pennaneatl/ at ue Alcazar Tbeaire. Uol. 
Haverlr'a name at tba bead of tba organization and 
his band at tbe helm win no doubt bring tbe com- 
panr Into daaetvcd repole. 

Hicis'Obioli comfant, organized for a twelve 
monilia' lonr of tbe East, will commence the aeaaon 
atSbangbal, Ohlna. Tbe following people an en- 
gaged: tbe Qltirds, Eolle and Kale; Hand Ulck- 
too, prima donna: tbe Macte, Irish ■pcclalUee: 
Daabamj and Moalion, horl/.ontal bars; Violet 
Brandon, serlo comic alnger: tbo Pardn Slatera, 
French quadnila dancers and Ucrven Slaien, aero- 
bate and gymaaata. Several well known pertorm- 
eiB will bo added to the compao; betoreleavlng 
New York. Kilanji'a Living Flcurea will be a 
anongfealnre. Tne enilro compan; leave Nov, 14, 
and open tbe LvcenrnTiieatre, Shanghai, Ueo. 10- 
Ohaa. B. Bloka,wno aalla from San mnclico, will 
petaonallj anptrlntend all delaua tor ihe tpecialir 
oompanj. Tbe Uarmston Olrcoa will belooked at- 
tar bj Robt. Love dnrlng tbe Manilla and Java sea- 

Nous fbok IBB watsoh Sisrma' Co.— We ato 
enjojing a proaperona buslneas. Tba companr 
were taodered a banqaet Oct. 26, In Hocbeaier, N. 
Y., bj Manager W. B, Wauon, In honor of his 
blnbdar- Members of the BUI Uoe; and "LlUle 
Speonlator'i (M.'a were alno prtsonl. Ur. Waison 
waa tbe recipient of several verj coatly preaenta. 
Eddie Evana, olab Jnigler, Joined 2S. Tba new 
tiBvatty Ob Steve Brodle'a "Un tbe Bower;" la a 
very decided bIL Boslneaa good, and aalarlea 
prompt. We pUv two weeks one night elands, 
tb«n Olnclnnail, 0. 

Olaba Waonbb, vocalUt, wrltoa na that she Is 
not the performer who la billed under ibat name at 
Whlie'a Hoseoa, Chicago, 111. Hlaa Wagner stales 
tbat the la reiUng at her borne. 

Wallt BiLSroN, of tbe Uelslons, and Jack 
Donglaa, of Moon and Bnraets' Minauela, London, 
Eng., wUI Join banda Nov. 12. 

FaAHK HoBTOH wrltea na Ibat he la now eole 

Snpnelcr and manager ot tbe London Tnestie, 
teahenvllle, 0., Frank i. Watson being no longer 
conneoied wllta tbe cstabUabment. Tbe honse la 
ronnlngaa usnal. 

Fantzib AMD SCOTT an doing oxceptlonallr well 
In tbelr latest acl. 

Dbuhhond ahd Stalet are working a alx weeks' 
engagement on Keltii'a Olronit, two weeks In each 

Thi Valdabbs closed a vei7 anceeasfnl engage- 
ment wltn tbo Tonj Pastor Oo. Oct. 27, and opened 
al lbs Ljcenm Tbeaire, Uoelon, Mass., 29. 

Two mbw oohio S0K09 Will b« leaned Ibis week 
bx the Englltb Bong Pnullahlng Oompanr tbat are 
aatd to poaseaa ihe ugndlenis ot anre Mpularltj. 
One la a deacrlpUve narraUve enUUed "Pataev and 
Ihe Uoraeaboef" bv Felix McOlonnon, and tbo 
oibarlaa song with Indloronslj (nnnx taxi, called 
■loan's Koiuing Too Good for the Irish." Both 
are written on the stjio of those comlcaltles eoni 
bj Maggie Clino, Lizzie Rajmond, Jobnnle Carroll 
•nd otnen, and an salted for either male or female 
special lata. 

Tea Mbjucam Zahoba Fauilt, In their triple tra- 
peze aot, an acorlng a aacccss In ibit citr. 

OouTOH AND Bhbxn are doing tbelr Irish 
SpeclalUca wlUt the Shores & Shore* Medicine 

ASA BouLDi!i, ot the Bouldeos, nulcal per- 
formers, la oonDned to her hoaio In Fhlladeipbla, 
Fa., wllb a.1 iDjnnd ankle, received Out. 20 In 
Eaaion. The mm have bad lo canctl aevcial dttee 
In oonMqoence. 

NoTis raoH Uahaba's Mikstbsls — Jack Ha- 
haia, wbo w*ashotOcU20, br inln rabbers,near 
Wagoner, I. T., while doing advance work for bla 
companr, f nnder tbo can of two phjelolaoa, and 
la doing vetT well. Ue wlU bo sent lo Bt. Louis, 
Ho, botpluL aa aoon u he la able to be moved, 
wblchwlu not b* tor at least ten dais. Mahai«'s 
Hlnaltels, when plajlng Wagoner, called on blm In 
atodr,andiha band pla;co seveitl selections at 
bla reqneat. Be la in Une splrlis, and bla ultimate 
tetoTerj la but a toeatloa ot time and can. U»nj 
FIddiaiand Qordon UoUlns, comedlaoa ot Mataan'a 
Hlnalnls, wen banoneued bj tbe local colond 
olnb, of CoffefTUle, Kan , and wen tbe reclplenu 
ot an nmbeiellA and cane. 0. W. Hozlej bi reatlrg 
atMamn,Texaa, afew weeks, on account of bla vo- 
cal chorda being alteoled. Be la nnder medical 
ttabneat,and nponed ueodlog npldly. 


will open lla reorganized loar Nov- 1. la Sew Uaven, 
CL na following people oomprue ibe list of laleni 
now en note wiin tiie above lee ornnlz*Uon: 
James Thornton, comedian; "Anna bello,'^ American 
noveltt dancer; Joa- Howell, favorite serlo oomio 
vocallat; Regan and Klrwln, musical arueu; Fltnt, 
mimlo; Adrleune Anclon, aerial wonder; Andj 
Baghea, HoBrlde and Walion, sketch pertormcra. 
Jamea J. Annstnng, proprietor and director; w. 3. 
Moore, manager; and Jack Manford In advance. 

t. R. BLITZ wrltea oa tbat be baa wlthdnwa mm 
the management of the Rden Mnaee, Ban Fianclaco, 

Dado. MAtmiMaAKD Ida Hakmiko an engaged 
at Bnanl's Theain, St. Lonis, Ho., to produce their 
dw drama, Memphis, Nov. 12. 

Habbis, BarmH i Dsan lelegnpb tbst ibe 
Btndow itoeadtro VadevlUcs plajea iheir bonsa la 
BalUfflon lut week to tbo largest bnalneta tbe 
boot* baa ever done. Tbey ihluk tbe companr la 
tbe etrongaat ther have ever played and bare booked 
for a ninm date. 
TONT BiOTB informa as that, notwithstanding all 
Rpona to the conlrarT, h* doca not Inland to leave 
■uaoltrandgoloDoaioo, _ 
.aiirro,tbepDilllai,ls to appear wllb Qui Dill's 
Oo-atUaelaaatlTaTand 8L l^ols, Uo. 

BiBmA BBDsn, the Iilsb lionet, baa Joined tbe 
"^Jar oucna" Oo. lor the reatol tbe aeaaon. 
.BTAiiSANnViDocQwenpreaeniad with ahorse- 
•no* ot Dowers. OCL 22, bv {beir friends while pla/- 
■niat Bide * Bebman'a, Brooklyn, N. T. 

TBI Oabdxh Tbbatbb, BL Lonla, Ho., wia 
boned Oct. 99. Bott Bhaw, a waiter, waa over- 
noe b7 snoke and bamed to a onap. Beveral 
""—I ampioied sbont lb* plao* bad nanov 

Booinos.-At iha Wblu Paltta, Bamob Pa.- Dd 


'B?i'K%2!ft" """v"™" "•"•^^^ 

BlA«>, BtrtlDt Utlla. BMna^uDlai.jMQli lUlu?^ 

Kt)ir ud Cvtf, ud Prof. DkTia At Butoo'i WiJC 

JobnIODU. Dot BnwalDv. Ui* nnnrfint? w» 

>SlOBU>. Dot Bnwalon, ih* RoadlDllL Hw rrukiL 

Tvl'-ff ■ i'".**'. 0*^"- 'ort Worthy i?5r 

Tb»TBni*r«.OlMy Barr. th» B*rl 8llten. BulaTbtokM 

ud Uabtn. JoliD T. Borai ua Ttj toj. 


OhlcagcTtie ftUnoUou ahUt steTory local 
UMfttra iftT* t«o,ud lb* ebannUrorlhamottruta 
moT* t£t lodlireiwt offtriog*. Tbtre U maeh ooTtlU bat 
llttla real mant In tba corrant blU, and bat ttlv twaeaU 
eaa be uptotad. 

Cbiuoo Orifti Hom-RaaaairiOomadlaaabaffao a 
vaek-ieDfag««fantlD| ibalr naw Urea, 
"A Bavlaw," (or tba flnt tlma baia. Tba Harta TaTary 
Orand Opam Oo., conu naitwaak for a lorlBlgbt'a pir 
mhuUod o( a raportorrof Bnillab eparat. l«itwaak 
'Tba PaalDK Bfaow" llUraUr paolad iba bonaa at all 
parfonnaoeaa, npaaUog tba lutteia oblalnad thraa 
waaki ago at aooibar boiva. I^tar lo tba aaaioo It 
comat btM lor an aiibt waakt' na. 

Umrd Opiu UoQla.-DooDall7 and Olrwd glra "Tba 
Balonakara" iblivtak.balag foUowad brKoUnd Raad 
wllb -Tba PollUfltaD.'* Laat waak So) Balth Bauall 
aodad bla lortnliht witb pnflt, bat airoog oppoiiUoa 
llnDiad bla baalaaM to tba poonat rarolta ba ua obtaln- 
ad locallj lor many aaaaooi. 

UooLBT'aTauTU.— MatO. Ooodvln bagan Iba raoitb 
and copdiullng wmk ol bla bliblr pnOubla aoiajta- 
maot 0, Ibao aauamlDg tba tltla roia in *'DaTld Oamu*' 
lor tba flrat lima labia lira. "Land Ha PIra BbtUlaia" 
wUlboktand aaanalUrbalM Laat «a*k wu dafotad 
to prodootlona ol ''In Hiaonn,'' baiioau baing ai* 
tremalr Urga. Oo Not. ft Ada BabanwlU loaaiarali bar 
Oral >ocal aougamant aa a atar. 

CoLVHBiATBUTia.— DolLftFoi Dadabarit«Uard«bot 
bar* 9, in Tba LitUa Troopar." and wit) boU atUoUoo 
for two vaaka, being rollovod bf Pttar P. Oallar. Ubaa. 
Krohmaa'a Bmpira Tb^tra Rtoek Ca wdad a Ibraa 
waaka'aDgagaonDt 37. tba raaaltof tbalr Tlalt banng 
bnofbt lalr pioflL 

BOHiLLHii TaK4Tn&— Falti Morrli wlU eoDtlnaa 'Tba 
Bast Man" op to A'adooMlaT olabL wban ba will giro for 
tba dnt tins on aor tUgt **BaElnd tba rtcaoaa," bla own 
adaptation ol an old plv, 'Tba Pint NIgbt " UIh bnal* 
DAububaaaTarrenotT. and bli work baa won lor bin 
daaarradpnlaaoD all banda. Mn-Pouaraad KjrlaBal- 
lawbagin an aDgagvmaat aaii waak, 
proMnTiogarapa-.tary ol plari naw to tbaaa prrotncta. 

MoVicKU'8 nuTU.— '-Hn^ Clir" waa loeallr pro- 
dnoad ti aoti will raiuaio tbU waak, Jolla Martow balog 
biUad to loUow lor tbraa weaka. Jotiapb Jaflerooa ea- 
Jored pnwparltr dunog iba fottnlgbt be bid tbia stage. 

HAVM-tHKiT Tuuf aa.— Ward «ed Vokas glf o "A Ran 
on tDa Bank*' tbla watk. Laals Aldrlob, In l*aTUar,*' 
baiDg annoonoad to follow. Lart weak "Buparba" ao 
Jojeaaaaasoool ptoapadtr and garo splaoOid wlsiaa- 
tlOB, Julia aUekaya being aspafUllj Urored with 

Linoout Tbiatri.— "Land of the llldolgbtRan"waa 

flTin lla Brat local rarlaw 3S, and will giro wap to 
loranoa Biodlap, 10 *Tbe Captaio'a Mata.*'^ LaMwaek 
basloasa wu rary good wlib Ada Bothoar In "A Baoeb 
ol Kaiik** 

ALBABBni Thhathb.— 'Tba Still Alann** la tbLswaek'a 
ofTanog, 'Tbe Uaiilar" betag due lo follow. I«at week 
"Darkait RoasLa** waa spleodldlj aetad for tbe baaefitof 
ereolp good tomoaia, tbaeMtbalogeica«dlagljoom> 

Uatlir's TuiATBB.— Plorence BIndl*7 (Ires 'Tbe 
Capuln'a Mate" for tbe lint ume bera.tnli week, and 

realga iq fanr ol "Acroaa Iba Potomao 
watk "A Wild Duck" auaload oolr lalr rvolu. 


iOADKHv or HuBia— 'Tbe Piodlgal Paibar" is tbis 
waak'a nuniatt *Tbe Still Alarm" moTlng over oaat 
weak. Last week t;om Van TaMeU farad onlp modar- 
ualj wItb "Tanne'Me'B Paidnar." 


la OB (or tbla week, wiib "A CiBChar Jack" to lollow, 
Laitweek "Boatb Belora tbe War" aaJoT*d large tun- 
ouu oontlDoallr. 

Him T Jacb'8 Orau, Hoima.— For this week Manager 
Jack preeaata Ham T. Jack's Creole Barleaquera for tbeir 
aeooad aBngeraent ol Iba eaaion. I4sb week AtM 
LaaTltt'a HeoicBaoUer Burlaaqae Uo.. auiaotad good 
turaoutaataUperiormancaaand gave ao eioellaot bill 
ot burleaqae and ranatr. TbeopanLoig aofAbbakea 
naaraao Canlrat" and tbebaTleuae^vanuaandApoilo 
Up to Data" eDMagad UlaraSlmoooa lo tbe priooipal bor 
parte, rapoonad 67 Edltb La Mont*. Pkaiia Sl Olalra^ 
Deiu Roako and Louie Biliott| tbe olio balDg proTided 
bf MarioD Blake, Toddr and fllan BlmoMS, Joa- A. 
Laslta and RJner Teoiej* Oiara Simpson aad Jba 
Howard and Wm. WUllams. An adltloa of a dowo 
llrlng plotnraa waa intrvdaced la a cieTsr manner. 

ROTAi. EKULiaH CiROOS.— Manager ProBk llall'SBewest 
anterprlae la becoming flmlj gnoodsd lo faror, duo as 
mocb to tbe nnralty as to tbe eioelleat psrlormsaoa far- 
oUbtd. Tbe tbird week's eaiertalnmaat wlU be lur- 
DlsbedbpWm Da MoiLBIIIj Barke, AL CerroiL Robt.. 
Buokner. tbaDeltorelll BrDB.,tbe Lam lArMn Faralif, 
Bama utlcboep, Banoack and Adair, RobL Wbltiachsr, 
HoaaDockrIll, JobnClOTaUnd, Wm. U Dale, Ron Let, 
aeo. EUoe, Castel Bri dgaajProl. Bowei's canine para, 
doi and Mme. ManDtetle. Tbe paoiomlme, "Tba ratal 
Wedding," and tba water caniral arerelalaed, tba latur 
(eatute being tbe most wurtalalng laotor on ibe bill. 

Feakk UaLL'aOiBiso— rrospsrlTycooUoaeato mark 
IhealTorUorManagar Ball, and wblle becoDilooestbe 
grade of noD'Stopplog TaodarlUa pariomaacaa sttbeir 
preaaat standard ol eioelleoce bueloau (a llkair to re- 
main at aTorr ptoQtabla basis. BtageMaaagar Billr Rioe 
puts forward for tbIs weak, Leooaraand Pulton, NoTallo, 
Hart and La Hue, Adel Beiancoort, Sutton and Bap. Uiy 
Uoap. tba Dalton Broibara, tbe BaacbCbiMreD, tb« Boiia, 
Prank Billboefar, Loiange and Lotto, Booker and Bn/* 
der, Tirana, Cbaa. and Jennie Suwart. Kalloy nsd 
Woods, LotU Prootor, Miller and HoiselL Kinura's 
Troope of JapA a troupe of Tjrolaie waibUm. nod 
a band ol pickaninny dancers. Oerile Oocbran, 
voodarlQl joang girl, conoloded a four weeks' engage- 
neat 77. 

LToara TBBATBB.— Rloa A Barton's Rosa nill Bur* 
leaqoeCo., beaded br the WubburoBlitera. wlllfuraUh 
tbla week'a amaaemeoc, being foUowad next week by 
Barry Morrla' Bnriefqoera, lor tbelr first local engage 
meoL Maoager (Iranler preienlad a boose bill las. 
«eek siyled tne Trans Conitnealal Bpteialiy Co.. bull 
aess belDC only lalr tbroughoat lbs week. Tb« bill eo • 
gaced Adolpb Adama. Zarono, DurolTs luianaMoul 
Tiio, Jerome, Jobn T. Tborae and Grace Carleioo, Kiity 
01aiton,l*>e De Porraiia and Eo. O'Brlea, Alice Jea. 
nlnga and Aona Mabel O'Brien. Singe Director J. R. 
McffonooJih took a band In 'Tba Benator," a one aot 
comedy Ibat finished tbe bllLaod made coosldemble 
basdway as an actor. Manager Qrenlf r bas a good line 
of eomblaalloni to foUow, ud additional bnilaees is 
likely to result. 

6AI1T. Jack's EMriRR/— Tba RentB-Bantlay Boriasqas 
Co. move acn>e8 tba rirer Ibis weak lor prasenistioosol 
Ibelr excellent entartalnmeat. Last week Baui T. Jack's 
Oreole BurlaiuneCo. lunlsbedtbe amDsament,(slriiiud 
booses beloa u>e rule. Tom Brown and Bob Cole, Belle 
DavIs. Bd. and Prank Mallory, Qto. WlUiams sod Alex 
May, Mr. and Mrs. Tout Hclotoab, Cbai. B Jobaeun aoO 
Dora Dean, Doa Bayle* and Kluy Bro»n lurolilied mast 
ol tbe eojuyineot, twelra living plctarts beiag Iniro- 
ducad lo noUb oot tbe perlormanoa. 

OaibttTrratrr.— MaoaAerOrt'cou contlnoes to nio 

ErsBiioe for tbls bouse bftbecipabla nanoer lo wblcb 
elsdlnoung iba destlniea or ibia reaori. etch week 
bnoslDg mure pairooage to tba doora Tbe bill ol 
sir«lRbtvsneiylemalaulnedatan excallsnt tiandird. 
tbla week'a coterie ol antertatoers Inoludlog ibeTbiee 
CoioeUl Bioibers. Loul»o Deuasay, Dixoo Hovers and 
D Ron (Ibelr second week). Tboma and Carlston, sod 
olbero of enoal merits Lastweek's snterialBmeolen- 
BSHed tba Bickeita (tbelr second weak), the Bitter* Par- 
cea Tom and Mettle Webber, Frank Kent, Dlioo, 
Bowers and Dlioo, Lottie West Symonds. Norrls aoJ 
Qoodwio, JlarrlORlanand (Jarmeal, Aona Dsf e and ibe 
Raodolpbs. Manager DrUeoll bas eotrusled the ntsg* 
naoaiemeDito BlJiy RobloMu. 

ULTMNO TnuTRB.— Afar Ibree weeks of combinations 
Maoager Casila returns to a bonsa till) for tbla week's 
sniuBeneot, Ihe Keowieh UliUre, Deraiier ard Allin, 
Fisbaod Qolgg, and Will and Aggie Barron iMingaiitoog 
theobltfeoieriatntrs LauweeRRai*«ll Brotber*' Vom- 
sdlaosfoond aboodaot reva'd lor preMotlng iba best 
TUletr abow ol the esason, ibe speciaJilea rivw b? Beit 
Wblling aod Mamie Blieppud, Harry UaatlogaaDd Dave 
Hanon, Will U. Pox. Lliais B-RaTmoBd. Johoand Jamsa 
Rosaell, Bam Beroatd, aod Tbos O'Briso and Clara IJavd 
betag awarded a liberal amount ol applauM, vhlchwas 
lostJy doe tbem. Bam Bemanl and Jsmss RuimU 
usoued tbe cburrolas la tbe alUrplece "Clarke" wblcb 
brouRbt evenlbing to ao amoftlDg doltb. 

Parr Tbrathr —Maoager Nick Sorton Is pashlng tbe 
fortaotaof tbls lioo>ewiibTlfer,aua(a geiDlng his re- 
«ard In coin of tbe realm Tbis week's blU csUs I^r 
Florence Millsr. W. W. Horpby and Ljdla Raimood. D. 
B Emsrr end Laura Bosaell, Wm. De Boe. il Tbom^ 

sou and Uany Jobason, Fsrvando Fleory, Moor WiI 
- 1* Petra^ DI " * ' '■' 

EROBL'8 Patiuor — Arthur J. Lamb's borlesiiue, 

_ .-A . • 

llama, Faoa 

k Patra^ Dlek and HItly Cammlogs and 

"EawalUI." IS tbe cblef feature of the eoUrtaloDeoi 
bcre, a good list of ppeolalUeebaioc offered. Last week 
the bill eogaged amoogoibera, Eddie Bbayne^era Mel* 
pipbl PaarrAieiaoder, ooliy Daaand Faony Weltora. 

LiROOU* AviROB TBBAnR— BaslBesa beremalaulna 
anrofltablebMls with nlairbiUol sualgbiTarlaiy pro. 
TiSed. Tbe Iseturaof tbla week a progiaiBBa U a pair 

^^yrtltilhSSon DiM«MrsiCM.-Cuiloball this week: 
Capt. WbUUer wllb waur oaUt: Clan Mack, lirioir pie- 
iWrea- tba Marlcold CblMran. long balrrd Albinos. 
tlomeaao.naRlciao.aodMunge. Oe tbeaisge: Lsorn 
Hortimsr, bea Wallara. Peude Rose, Jobn Usnniogaad 

"koVl'S MiDDiiTOf'a OLORR DiRR MciiR.-CnrIo 
h*ii> Ella hwlof. Rlaouas; t^ommodore 8p*<b aod 
S>n»lg«5T Uia Yooo..*mailcian : MDa. MoonUIn 
Md UolSed dogs, and tba Buota^ Llrlof pictures w 
be sbewo 00 tbe Slate, aod a spedsiir programms wUI 

••lbs wbAt U It:" HelUm. tbe (ABoon baU lesser; aod 
pi^CKnlasa. cola eoltaa^o. will batbefeataresol nrto 
EIu £isMab.boorly stage abowi being gtrea by a 

fS**",!*^!? 8?'TJJS*»*1"»W'?«. Mr.Jefferyswore^ 
<( ■■^•r^tbatbedld not giva aesirUlo pTomlMnry note 
to Mr^bblaa,wbicbwaa later pnmueed loevUeof^ 
Prank David Joioed BoMell'e Comedline at the 

Cblagu Opera Hoaae n 'Tba Ship olBtale" Is lying 

la sboal water btra. bot will uke tbe nad agatoneRi 
weeb......"Lan1 ol tbe MtJnigbt Rdn"lai.1 off bare a 

part ol laitweek. nwing lo a badly boohed ranu lo ihU 

St^te Tarry Ferganoo and tbe T«ln BrotbeieUloaa 

Bare entered an arraaaemeut m star nitxt teatnn In 

*TbeKewJudva,"ari iiiih eomedy Will Waatt. wbo 

bas for soow ume bteo with Manager Rayoor 
at the People's Theatre, Milwaukee, WU, baa 
bean appoloted maoaifr of Welisr J. Plliomer's 

Ulaaincal aaeney MuMer HanT. Jack last week 

S S^i:l*f*^^*«*/^''"">* «^1 In unoool of 
lUOLfU) acelBat ttu Ckleago AVm, the W. C. T. U. aod Ihe 

eommlliea which rwreoUy lorf sllgatad his hnoie 

Tbe OrtUTloo will opon again nrxi weat, 'TtiaRtrlhe" 

beingAaied by jAteafa Lt> Bru<ti TbeOrotia Music 

Ball raopeoedRstunfay night wllb prices reduced and 

Ear attandaoce Mlonie Rsrtells, i.'harley Reese and 
lUe Bean sod CoumiotsaedRuight oto ihe prinol 

pal entwulosrs Manager John W. Donoe is re- 

hearaloR tbe Pattt RA^at'noiedrCA here to hegln ihs 
seaaoo at Osbknsb. WU. Not. 0 OUdrs Wallls Is the 
S"t..S^**^ MMadan'B comedy. "A oUi's Way" being 

Iba bill BartbaOrelibioo Is bete arranging to go 


(l«lBe7*— At the Empire Paulino llRll, ln"Do^ 
eas.'* dU a Ma bosloessOct. IS at aUraaced prleea. "lo 
Old taotocky" esme Ti, raatloee aod nlRbt. 10 tba larg- 
est audUoca eloee Uia house opened, tomlag pmpTe 
5a*W* .3?*.'*'*!l ' Amotion" pUysd to good Business 
tXi*. *Tbe Hustler 'oomeaSL 

OMAtar.— At tbe Powert' Grand Jolla Marlowe- 
Tab*r drew tbe fine*! audlsnce ot the seaaoo o«L tL 
"Daffy's Bhiodore<* Xi seemed lo iteligbt a top heavy 
heoee. PaQltne Hall. In "Derosa," pleaeed a fkir bouhi 
B. OoDlng: 'The UusU»r" 31,'Tbe Derira Aociloo" 
Nor. I, Rom Coghtan 1, 'The Cross Roads ol Llfs" tc 
"«-ll-il''9. WillieColller IL 

Pearlaa^At the Qraod Open Donso Walker 
WhiteaUs drew a large hoaas Oct. 71 "Land of llie MM. 
olsbtBqo,"K had a fair house. Ramer Pergosnn. ».IT, 
badaadraac4iale. (doming: 'Tbe Star Uas«r" Nor. Id, 
"Aeioastlis Potomao" U, U. 


Newark*— Serenl ratoy dara lut week inter 
lered somewhat with buslneas. Mr. a^d Mrs. Keller, at 
Miner's, dM nicely, howerer, sdlpiing their wwik bent 
lut year. "A Temperance Town" will, no doubt. In- 
eraaae In popularity tbiB wsek. It openeil In good share 
Oct 9. Week ofNoT. », Wm. Iloey in "The prsms." 

Jaoois'.— John Keruell. in "MaPsd'litn's BlopetoeoL" 
mored aloflg lairlr welleaalnit ihseleiueaui lut week- 
'The Roslgn" elll treat the psireost > ■.une realUni thia 
week that shooM fltl tbe hooasL tt drew a Rood aitend. 
aoee Ooi. S. ' A Plac 01 Truce" comes Not. b, i, 7. "Paul 
KaoTar" B, 9, la 

WALBBA!i.t'B.— Tbe ralo did not lotarfera mtidi wlili 
tbepatreoage bere last week, for the Preach Folly tmupe. 
vlth BampaoD, were well treated. This week Webvr A 
Fields' Oen Co. are here with a ihow tbst ought t-i re- 
eaire tbe best kind ol support Tbe bouse «ss oiled n 
aod lbs week Is likely to bee olgone. Baoi Derere'eCo. 
Nor. 0. 

itTAR.-C]ara rhappslle, Praokle aorman. Ada Hroen 
and M smle Haya, 

OLOBs.— Plura Da Buls, Mamie (^lrtla, Mlonlo Oupree 
and Prank North. 

OAiarT.-Miille HartInU Ada Doenle, LIUIao Doliuore 
and Proi. Bacbinann. 

ITRML— Ur. Hmlth, whi hu beeo roDnlng the flur 
free aod aur sloce it opeD«d,«eT<ired Ins conoertloo 
wltbltR AMr. Loot, a loTuisr employee. Is the iirBMol 

manager Bob Fiiislioffloos' Hpeolslty (*.o. will eonie 

to tbe Aadltorlom Not. ft aod week Tbe Rxoeutlro 

Commutes ol (be CbrlBltao Oltlieasblo Union hero be 

r;ua acrusada against "Indtcaot. lomoral aod ausRsat- 
TO" tillla being potted In Kevarli.anil baTo pstllloaiHl 
the Haror and Couinoo O>oncll 10 make aod enforce 
lawB relaUUR to the SDblect John Most wuto bsfo 

Ereeeoled "file Web#r" at Oerlel'e Hell ouHooiUy night 
□t, on onlerp from Police Capulo Uergeo, tbe hsll vu 
keptolosed. When the Most aotore arrived and louod 
tbat tbsy could oot play, they put up a bis Higo saying 
that the police bad unlustlr laierfsrv), but that the sho« 
would be glTsn at a later dale. Cebt HerRrn had Uie 
Blgo tskeo dowo, aod than Most aail his followers vent 
toZlok'aUall lo Bediord BtresL When ihe police lol- 
lowed ibem tbe onwd herrMIy left by a rear entrance 
and went back lo year city. 

Hoboken.— Palmer Cox will prcwnt the 

"BmwolM" kv Ihe Hoboken, under Ihe pa'ronsRA of the 
Ladlet' Oulld of Trioliy Church. Oct. n-i\. Rate Clsi. 
loo aod Hma Jaoeoscbecb, In "The T«o Orphans,' Not 
1-3. Thecaatlaastioogoue,aod the demaod lor seats 
points to a profitable suy. Poe: ft-f. Unrriwn's "Pausi"; 
B-IO, -Shore Acres." Mar llo«ard rare a week ui gilt 
edged TaadeTllle lo fair reaol:a, eodlng 0:L 31. 

ObbhaNIA.-O. W. WllllaBS' Come-lUns. wllb Mile. 
Aanu i^hsrcor, hypootio niarre). nroogly uuiterltneO, 
win bold tbe eiageweek ol 9. rtenon's ComloU|iera 
aod TaudaTllle Co. etosed a prosperous week 77. 

iHrsHJAi..— A Tlalt to Ibis rewialvaypfioUs It filled. 
For Ibis week: Amy llolm, Jlu t'Aibiey. cjoo Ksios, 
Beasis Csrroll, Rosa Jeooetie, Fred Ward, Bebe Rial auiJ 
Prof. Handera. 

OHiiKTAL.— TbIs hoase will haroasiage performsoce 
only 00 Haturday olghts. 

NOT10— The locruse ol buslneu at tbe llobokeo 
Theatre sloce the opeolog brings many leltsrs tu Mens- 
gertJiarke from excellent altracilons who desire lu Is 

plaoed (or next season Harry Hefiou wu laid up all 

lut week from rheumatism "Oioeue,"»s a spMlai 

last week at ibe Oemiaala, gare 'ha Daoca Du v«nire lo 
a maooor tbst wu oot only anlsiie, hut iboro of a Hreat 
dral ol the Tulasrlty lo which the act Is KOBarally uooe. 

Hba will be with Baui Oerere week oi Nor. ft Linie 

Wesloo la playing (be loads wUh Harry Hsiinn's Co. It 
Is tbe am tine during her Ibeauiesl exbenooce tlist slie 
bu vom tisbia llsrrr E. Fuber, of tbe ■ame com- 
pauy.sofTsred witha com lut week, hut norkod all ihe 

Haioe Tbe Iry will reopen oeat week witli John 

Lynch, u manager, and Tom MoAleer, proprietor 

A lant^banotrwithtbe Uobokeo Thulre's curr«Btat 
traciwnlaaaobleathat elnkei therlsttAr on Untllni 

lo Ibis city Minorraand Blattnll^lforOutia tojmo 

the (Awanda Show Heory WlllUins. iialy Bro> , an J 

Walts and Wallaopenwltb ae Leooi a BToreitHbow at 
WilkMbure, P a.ocLag 

Pa fc no n.— Seymour's Spifdattj f tree, '*A Trip 
to (be Clty,"wu preeenied. lo lis rocuo'tiucted form ot 
the Opera House Oct aft. 17, 10 spleodM huaincss. wliii 
tbe loilowing cut: Maiy Aon ilelone. Loul'o Aroot: 
NuraMaloo»,Cam>« Rmna; Nellie Halone, Auole Ljnid; 
Kitty Maloor, Amy Muller; Uauiie Melon*. Alberta Had- 
let; Beraerd Uorork. Uus Uortimrr; Timothy o'Weill. 
John Murphy; Johnny Hcfuib, CorrdonC. Uiiror:Kusg- 
htlll. J.O. Haraha); Bile lluelle, Frank I'srkor; ifiHiu 
Wbire. Jobn W. West; uillcer Roombicbsck,Cbarl*H M 
llerrlL EiecutlTe sisiT: Prsok Kefiimur, aeuwrel 
maoager; B. N. Black, luanaRor; ItsiiOi livmun, 
repreaantailTe; Oue Motiiwsr, siago luensger; 
Obarlw J. Wilson, musical director; Ci<arles Fi»iaeli 
man, carpenter: W. A Rorkwood, eUctrloiae. 
Tbe fsrce la brimful ol strooR speclailles. many ui 
wblcb vsrs highly appreclsled. Tlie eleeiro paooramlc 
Tiavs of Mew York liarbor. and Uie bicycle rue sround 
Unioo Siaare, msde bus. If*! Ilerrlgso i>reseoted 
"Rsiilr aod tbe CO," and "CorO«lla'« Asplratioai" 10 

''siudlog room only," Sf, ft. Badle Msnuol prsaeolMl 
her DOW larce, 'The Pawpori" toroitr l>D•lua*^ ir 
BoeklOBs: Tlie OiirDells Brus. lo "TlisTroller Hfstrnt' 

S,SI, Pstsr Uailey In "A trtmolry Hport" .Vur I, -'Mc- 
keona's Flinailona" 2,3, 'Tbf IusIku"(I,7, 'The Der- 
by Hascof'S-H 

BlJuD TukATRR.— The Far Foiter Burlernu#r^ Oct. n- 
31, '-reeks Bad Boy" Nor. I'd "Uuin:a* i<eadioa" ft-r. 
Audio's niB«oicaopH-lil. Tlie Lioduu (Isleli flirlstiid 
lairlj goo4 u.usoafjci.naod tiMk '-K<ng" Kelly wai 
■ddco to the Mat nf sperlaliy pe:*|ilo (or iiirea oighu. 

lORR MrrilR.— Maoager lni-v«y ban cluseO iijeraude 
Tills ball aKhishouM. snJ lo ibefuluio ilto poilrei-vr 
fotmsocevlll begiTCo m Ihe llie*tri>. elieie tliecooUn. 
unus peKormaoce pIsD, Irom 1 'o II cm., will Im tried. 
BusJoeae hu b*cu ruimJ, but tbe |i«irooe Lara nni tahm 
blodly lo tbe Ideaul beleg coirpqilod in sund iip while 
the eolertalomeot was twlog given. Ifalaveek: K«lce> 
aod La Rrse Usurge II. Ttnimoim. Barton sod Caius^oo, 
MsrieOrimih. Medio and Edeards. Panola Mlaco. Mur 
toe a£d Colemso, Loery and Frsocis, Buvhnsll and 
WlUlamaao'i M ullooe. 

Jeney City.— Tbo Academy preaenta for week 

of'^l W*'Wao|;,'' villi aatropg cut of rAnifriiane. and 
wllloodonbt re pest Ihe saccvHa ol la«t >es«<»D el this 
houu "Ihe PrwllHSl UJughUr'* l« uoUerlioed tu M 
low. -dlaresof(lul>l"Kare utuiutloD, in •pileoftbe 
he«Ty ralos, to a aeueroiM public, we»k eidiOK 7t. 

Do:(T09.— Todrlve dull ure swsy. aod luske life en. 
(lerab'e. lli> inaosgeroeni here a capital hill. einifi|>riiii)g 
J. B. HadclllTe, Prank Cuihman. the UmollAM, rarmii 
aod Uindeo, Coooers and Ht«Ier. Dlsrio and L«ng. 
ItealyaudSauoder' ilierreaiicaB.1iuieIr«ne Fraohlio. 
Rsldvio sno Italey, Msbls htinUr, llodghlos aod Lellh 
Madeline Franks soil Wulie lUiOy. Hu*lDr*a li gut d. 

J. I. C.-Carrle Hrauneck, Fsnol- Kelly, Alia Brauuack 
aad Prtd Raymond. Bniioeu le lalr. 

NOTU— Press Ehlrlie.on scoouBt ofthedeaihoi his 

fsiher, closed atibs Hoo Too laitweek Era Vincent 

iBher act, "Bee Trsfa'a,'* treated tbe pnblie lo soBie^ 
ibiogoeiraodeoJnyabledBrloR last week'a stay at tlie 

Bon Too TIte Jersey i:ity KUegsTo ao old lime sug 

el their room V Lsedsr II. F. Wsgosr, ol tlis AcaiT 

emy, gore anoihar oew medley, bis own, Issi week. 
-Uoe'dy, My B aby." 

Trenton.— At TAflor'a Opera Ilonie "The Oreat 
Brooklyn Handicap," Oct- lists, had poor boalosia Oua 
Wllllsms, TS. did weiL Fuoie Hice.77, bed gtiod buaiOMs. 
Booked: "A tUtuairj R> ort" 9), "Jfeo aod Woiseu" Nor. 
ft,"W»og"7. 'TiiaKoBl|n" U 

Noviirr TRRAthH— Luler Prsokhn aod ibe stock 
eonilnoa to felr busioeu. 

TRRRTOR Mt'sicrR — Ba*ln«i« (or S atid week was big 
AtiractionslorweekollO: P. D King. Prol. Hurn. HoT 
brooia. Mile Olga Harry AI1*b. Ch^a. sod Jsno<e W«|ib, 
Banita, Hsrosyaod OraHullsllr. llsrry Hiaeits, Hirry 
ud pJDlly llAioil(oo.aod Hi. JollaU. 

llARRTTATLoarMuintatbe nisoeaemsot of T«y]or's 
Opera House Nor. I, a('er an abwoce «I a acason aod a 

EllRabeih.— Al ihe Ljceim Tbeaire "Ueo and 

Womeo" Cime Oct. U tn a tinail eudl*rnce. "The Peas- 
pert" U bad a smell sudlsocs. "Musrs'l.andlDg" played 
ITlAaliTg matinra end a stnsll hotea 10 tliAeTaolog 
Oomlog: Dockeiader'e UiostreU 29. NelUe MelJeory Nor. 
S, Keeoedy'st'o. in repsru>ry week ot^ 

DRAora OPiRA bocsi. -The Uennao^la 'The Oil- 
boelsys Abroad," bsd a lalrlworeN. "Wang" ff drew 
a Iklr stxad aodieoea. Coating: Oortu'a HlosUalaS, 
Four DaUy U. < gjTafBi ^n Bor. t, Jeba KaraeU 1^ *^e 

— At OonnaD'a Thtsira, Naachnlar, N. n., "Eq*. 
mica lor Uta" pUjad -tkn* Dliliia la<l waak la ra- 
porla<l good boalnni. nalMny'a Spactali; Oo. Us- 
Uitied Ilia week aoH HIca'aOranilOMn liona* Slock 
Uo. opanM OcL 39, wlui Pcitr Matnr'aUn. to luilnw. 

— lleniUi l/>wr; arabun, wllo nl Ofotwa ambam, 
aad a Don-pmrtuiunaL <1|m| at Waahlnilon, U. U., 
nnOci.21,orconaonipUan,a(t<13lj«*n. 8how:<a 
Inlamd In Ml Ullret Uaneiarr, WnUUdiuid, 1). 0. 
(lol. a. Tba raaoml waa largely ait«ad«4, 

— A cnmmuBloailKii haa naunod ua, iliaed bf 
fnnucr niemlMn nt "na TIdo of Life" Oo., whioh, 
II aiaua, aiianiled Id Wllkeabarro, Fa., laat weak, 
Willi aaUrica lu anvara. ale 

— 'Tlie Two widowa," Edward J. Oalnoii, waa 
orlgliMllj acied at ranllao, Uloli., Oct. a. 

— "Ttia Wild lloae," now belDi doo* bj raallD* 
Parker, U Hear; Ueloat'a old plaj, "n* Seout'a 

— William nillette*aii«wplar, "Itt« Muob Jobn. 
aon." waa acted for the Drat time on aar atan at 
the llolfoke, Nana., Oprra Hoaae, Oot. 29, 

— un aoounni or ibeeleeiloa eiclieoient and poor 
baaineaa In tbla Sbiia nuie Akerauoni haa deotdad 
to oloa* her lou until a(ur THaakaglf Int. 

— "Alone," a two B«t opem, b; Jobn J. luagan 
and 1^ Uapp*,waa orlilnallf aetad at Uie Aodliori. 
UD, Spokane Falla, Waan., uot. it, 

— n lliOD a. Itoaa, who bu abjured Uiealrloal (or 
commercial bualnraa, wrilaa that h* haa anlred 
•ale and aonnd at Lirerpooli Kotn attar a Teir 
suirm; paange. It will iw a monih let belora ba 
raacbca bis dcatlnauon, lUo de Janerlo, 8. A. Mr. 
lloaa lelt lioeiou, Utn., Uot. a. 

— Tbe Naw Temple Ibeaire, Djerabnrr, Trno., 
iipenrd Fair week with tbe bum* Wamn Uu. lo 
Roiid bualDCsa. The boeia, wblcb la nnder new 
niaaagameui thla aeaaon, lias nbderfone nubi Im- 

Provamenia. tl. tt. UlUer la manamr and Theo, 
naler ireaaurcr. 

— L. L. Uracne, maaager ot 'The CIrooa Qlrl," 
wnics ua that Ida play dldnoteloaaln llllsaeld, 
Uass., aa has bef n repoitad, but la ailll out and 
playing to good buslueaa. 

— Ihtn Quinian gots wltb "Shon iorea." 

— Waller U. Kellj, Mra. \V. A. nouse. Ti ud Shine 
and A. B. I.lpman go with "A Special nallfarr." 

— Ituae TliTtnj haa Joined "Siiore Acres." 

— Nowiou Uliisnall Juinrd '-A Trip to Uhlnalown" 
laat week. 11» look Uen Ueorge Baane being 
Iraiuferred lo auoiber «t lloyfa aiiraoilona. 

— Uoula Qrlssel bai been engaged for the Osall* 
Square ThOHtie, Uoatnn, Uasa. 

-Unoo llunUuilou opena In "A Hllk Whlia 
Flae" nait week, lUUle OcaTea joins anoihtr oua 
of Uon'a plafa. 

— iviliiam Wolir, lata manager or ibe aeblller 
Opera Uoinpanj, haa been engaged lo pl.r ibe rol* 
ol UeneiHl Untie; Uurl; lo "A Hllk White Vlaa" 
wbeu Frank Koenau reilcea to J,ilu the "Ullver 
TtrlHi" CumblONilon. 

— Maggie Winiou, wbo atara next aaason lu 
"Ualonars IUiIId," Joined "Ilia Nllia Ihe Uarou" 
Uo. Oct. 3D, at AllUncii, a, 10 plaj Ihe leading Irish 

- U. V. liurr haa algnod sa musical illnclor wlih 
SttUun's "Uuole Tom's Utbln" Co., wllb a band ot 
aliieen men. 

— llarr; Uunpboll, hualaeaa Dunagor tor Uan 
UcCatuij's compauin, loiucBU ua to deny ihe . 
cent report tbst ho waa the manager (or the 
••McCHtUij'a Ual" fo. 

— "Moaswood" la said to bare oloiad Its aeuon 
on Oct. 21. 

— Lil.inn Keene wriua us that her sisler, Lra 
Hois, who has been 111 with pneumonia In Miuue 
apfillH, Minn., la now ooovaloaccnt. 

— Kaunj Idee will close her season Nor. 3, In 
Uroakl;n,N. r. 

— Alexis K. Bcafar anil Itoaina Vonna oponod UcL 
'JO, lit .Siiilo'B Tlieaire, tbla ollj, wltb 'Tlie Uouiilry 
circus," tills lielug tbelr third season wlih Uiat 
companr; later thejr aall for bouth Aiucrlua. 

— Walker Whlleslile'a preaeiit lour of Iowa, 
Indiana and Illinois la leporicd to be the nwiit sua- 
ceanful ot bla career. The auppiiriing oomnanj 
cmliracca Oraco AddlaoD, Hra. Ibibt. Mauleli, (.ella 
Wiilauio, Ueo. II. McUulloogli, KkOcU Kowlor, Geo. 
II. Ilakor, Ashle; Miller, IMiiiunil Uoriliiier, Jobn I,. 
lUpbore, Herbert lliu, Frederick Viuuui and John 
U Sturgeon. Mtnager W. J. WIntaibum haa the 
aiklelauoo of Mward J. Hnjdor aa buslneia man- 
ager, with II. I'bllllp FblUlps and U. V. ArUur in 

— Among the people already engaged tor "In the 
Fiiol Ullls" are Uraon Uiliturd, Adelaide Worth, 
llicliard J. Rlloy and Frank A. Deolthomo. Tbe 
Hfaaon Is iKHiked In the leading eiuea and In Drat 
claia Itouaea ouly. The tour Is under Iho illrecllon 
or M. F. Snader. Adchildo UIgh, the aulboreaa ii( 
Ihe play, will Mraonalij •iipetlniend the opening 
produii un Inllurr.lo. 

— .N. c. Good win Jr. easayed ibo chancrer ot liar. 
Id Uartlok, In T. W, Kubortaon's comedy ot that 
name, tor toe Drat lime, at Uooley'a Tuoalie, Uhlca- 
go, lll.,UoL39. 

— "Mra. utbcllo,'ialhreeaci tarco, adapted by the 
late Fred Usallo anil Auuiur Hhlrley tioin Hie 
French ot Mona. Uouoberon and Murnl, waa acted 
for Ibo nrattlmelnAmeilcaatllieUlnardAreuue 
Tneairo, I'niladripbla. Pa., ()i:L 39. Tbo piece was 
iirlglnally acted at Toole's ThiASI re, London, i;ug.. 
Not. ii.iroo. 

— luu DiaiBoolal aeulon thla season ot llilladel- 
pbia l,odge, Nu. 'J, U. 1'. u. Klka, was given un Sun- 
day evenluir, Uci. la. Aderaiaw reiiurts by the 
clialrinan, Uio. K. K Bluipson, Ihe urohestra, cum- 
p<>aeil of sevonKcD musicians under tbo dlrocilon 
ot Bru. Ueo, llatry, leader ut the I'eopie's Theatre 
urclitsira, rendered an orertora In eacelient stylo. 
The luvlled gueau and members, nuinbi-ring abuut 
iwu liuudred and Oily, partook of a auinpiuous col- 
lation, the mtnu uouipruiog all the duilaules of 
ilio season. Alter stUifylug the Inner man tbe 
riillowing programme wsa piesentcd: Htcliatlon, 
"AiKep at the Switch," Uiv. J. U. Itobens: song, 
"The Uid Stage lurar," Uru. Max Arould, ot Ueiiolt 
l,<ijge; Irish soni, Uru. Uiilr UanoU.ef Ueirol. 
Lodge; "Jeraey Blue llanilBerchItt," uro. Satn 
bauturd:upentiloB<)lacilitfi, "Tempest of Ihe Heart," 
Slg.uiolnl.or the UIJou Upent Co.; "fsollug Tu- 
nlgbt un tbe Uld Camp Uruuud," by (lie Bijuu Quar- 
tet; recitation, "Uuluns," Ukylou Fry, ot Ckm- 
r.russ' Uiosirula; leojarks, Bru Harry b. F,nuobB; 
curael aulu, '■I'lie iMt iJburd," Wui. II. Utslla; 
oveiturc, llio. Uto. I'arry and orobealra; liulia. 
iloDe, hfmuk Urrant; balbfl, Bro, Harry liawley, ot 
lt:iltliii(iro l,ouflc; coniicaliiiea, Kennedy aod 
({uluii; coniio aong, "lu tbo Same Old l-iace," 
liru. Jiilu Keen; duct, Ulaylun Fiy aud lliu. 11. 
Uiiwloy. Tlie ekvuu u cluoB loaat, ' Tu Uur Abacoi 
Broihera,'' waa ilruuk, aiandlug, after iiluglug (bo 
drat vtiae uf "Au:(l l/uig i<yiie." The loaat tu our 
departed liruibtr, Andrew J. Ibtles, was drunk, 
suudlug, aod In alienee. At I'jai o'clock, the 
brullieis furoiod a circle, and saug "AuUI bing 
Byne," aud, with an Kika' beany Bhake, IhelHiilai 
was adjourned In Iho regular way. Tiie cuiotulllev 
uf arrnngeuienta coutltUd ut llroi, U. K, Ueriiiey, 
U. I. Baunigralx, Win. J. Unnnura, Ubas. K. Uaauu 
andT. U llarnclL Tnoannualbeuclltolihu ludie 
will iM given at Ihe Ultestnut Street Opera lluusc, 
Hiterouoii Dec. 14. 

— Ueuti;«n UI the "Charley's Annt" Co., No. I, 
■he Mario Haogcr Uo., aud HIlay A IVunila' Co.. 
Ibtnrm ua that tne Uessni. Uiuwn, proprltiurs u( 
Uruwn'u Il'ilel, Turoni", Canada, gave (hem a sup- 
por aod dance we^k ut Uct. 32. 

— Jusepu Arnold, for several ycaia stage dunr 
tender ai tbe Walnut Strrui Theatre, I'blladelplila, 
I'u., dropped dead In fruntof liie thea'ra Uct w, 
Tbedcccaaed wasaerrnly.twu lesrt uf age, and pilur 
(0 miing his poalllonal that house liad ursu pnr 
perty man with many road conpsnlea. Atwui 
iblriy ) ears ago bo held a alijililar pmUllun at Klhln'a 
Oardeo, and had a'su beeo the dreaaer for John 
wllkCB lloiitli. lla wu also wllb Lealer Wallack 
fur acreral yeaiB. lla waa a member ot tbe Udd 
Prilowa and ut the Tbeairlcal and .Mechanical 
Uenetclal Aasoclatlon. 

gotneiralanlaaPandexdM lUrtrwaUOet SkM. 1MB 
MaCaHby *<i«M bavadnaabattarilD. Onmla'; "Rob. 
tohood" Oixia Od, MS', a, (torla Tatost *, 7, "ne OM 
BooaXetd" d Katlia HeRMiT IL 

AU.TS lliu— Tba Tanlarllle aneiamfal Co., 
lUmilMtikwp ka.lnc inxl (wpls. Weak Oal V-KoT.a: 
Tna lliBhr,r«.ih. (luihim 'frto, Rotoh and Caallana, 
Joalahantt ati,1 nian^h.iil Mav T. LavreBM. Moea BU. 
t«o. liitl Uafp t>«ntr 
.rooT nuiBi) itAiL-tli. Raiitl orebaaim del. Ml 
Frol- Itaktaln and wira Jiil t ulr buaiaeaa Ibe Inl ol 
rf, •••k '"t iiiti.»i a>ay iha latter baU. Tba 
li>llnalTia>aia.1l>i ih«.i: All..i( rMliliia, Ada Oalny, 
lamta H.II. Mannn I'oii.laiica, t..Bitr Maanat aad Leaaa 

Paiir. HiLnwiii a.ip wira w.r. abot at oa (haatfaal* 
OoL ft, 00 Uia (ar >" 'ha Uiaaii*. Tlia bnllal aiMsd 
Utraosh Iba profaaaor'a haL Tba wobU ba aisaiala 



Ifew lliBTaD.— At tbe Hyperion Joa, Murphy 
cima to eicallaDt bu.loMa ffei. SI llajjaa aad iTart 
draw fair ralurn, .1 aadid Wlllltin OlllaUa M. l.llar 
cnm*. 9. Raidl'i UrdiaiUB aj, aad Um: Halba. Haa. 
ttcalchi rl 01 Her. t 

UBiSDUrava llocaB.-"A Baieaf* Ciiaek" ttiae (a 
lalr raWfns (icL S-lt, rallaod.l'a kdaBlrala bad load 
bii,ta,M 31. "r^a Tau atatara ' hU "H. R (>.' ], V. 
Coiaing; Tha Fraoeb folly Conpaar », m, "Oo Uia 
UlMUfi^r'SI. Hor. 1. 

Wu>Daiiu90.-Thla waak: "Llostr LoBiar, Leer." 
Mlpala llusltaa and Biloo MlaaAv, vrill K Nukarllia. 
Ua B^ll ftrr^., Hoitb aodi'ani'Mll, Uf,Iaa aad LMbardt. 
JubD w. World. Ntiacli aod K aeoMy, aad (ba csrforaIoZ 
llralTa "Jaifo." 

KvTaa.-Ad Hjmia, «r "Tito Two Btitar*'' OenpaBv, 
waa eoafiatd tij alckoaaa (ji bla rooa dnrios tba eon. 

Pjof 'a anaaaamaol la Uila city Joaapb l-oli, bralbar 

orwaoaatrg Z. roll. Bed aaalataat naaairrol the Woo- 

llariratd.—ltpiociot'a UparallMaa bosloau 
Uia teat >Hk ina laiamMad, th* boos* baloi aajaaa 1 

aaTaanali.— "A Btiuk Bheep," OoL 2>,ptar«4 
to a aood alaad audlanca. "Tbt Daiilar" aama Hhia 
Jaok'ada.aa. Rlfla KitalarM. iT. Comtoa: LllllaaUais 

9 t\ "Tha lal. of dtiampaeaa'' Nor. ^ a, 
Pmraraiea'a (Uiitt Thbatu ta dalos a laraa basV 

aaaa. Tam aod Ith.l Rattar aod llalaa Btookloa oo» 
Uoua tbair aaiafaioantaaothpr weak. 

AtUnla— At Ihe Onnd "14M" Oot. 0,90. Big. 
CanipnInllA'a mneah. tor tha baDadi ofihaUradr Uoapl. 
taXilraaonaoftholaraaat boaaaa ol Iba Boaaoa. -^A 
niaok a^aap" JI, a. aitraa(*t laraa audlanaaa. tha tbraa 

KiiornaBru nluialboniaag Ilaabiook'aup«ia0o.0ak 
Ir, war, waldoraait brhnukaiofaplaodid proportwai, 
atadraaeail rn«aa B<iotaJ:Wai<^ 
"ntiarlar Auoi" t a, Jamaa Walliek r, a, LHIIaa UwlaaX 
na Uiia'a OrssA liocas.-aani T. Jaok'a BMrarv 
■aoa 1^0., Oo'. tl waapi»«l'ad to R. II. u. Iba, play a 
ratorn data Nor. Id. Tlita bouM waa dark S and waak. 

RoniwnoD AvaauB THUiBB.-BBbal ralaa olosad a 

Annaslar-Eme Kllaler, In "Uorls" drew a 
aniati Ufiuta Oet. IL Llillan Uala to "Aniela 47," aat 
"Ulanpalrw," bait atMat atltndanca Rant. T. Jaera Bi- 
IraTaianta I'a. id i^rria Riill riahlar." had ajood hnuM 
17. coHilna; S, Tbn. q RMbrouka, In "Tha lata ol 
UiiajnpasBa;"st. ''lOJ;" Kar. 1, WanlaA Janu' Co. 


Fort Way n «,— Uaaonio Temple, owing lo oaa- 
oallatioaaiin uiurlniillca. aaa rl^^atitian ol laat waak 
BtKikait: "fMk'aHiil ttrt"'-eLS."Artoralbal'ulainas» 
ap, "Tlia Nawlloi" Jt, "My Parloar' Niiv S, "A Banal of 
Mooay" S, "Iha Hhlp ut flula ■ a, "On iha Bowaiy" S, la 

OHIO.-IS" f*V> Hi ] 

Fladiar.— Al the Harrln Oncm Hoiso "IMX 

10 Naw York" draw a bif bnu., IJ«I. S. "I'wk'a Rid 
Boy" bail two laraa aailirocea]?. CnDioa: "Tha KU" 

n "Tba LOBI faia.liaa" Hot. Id Al tbeTurear Opai* 

ll'iuaa tiray'a Kitiak VnniMuT playi aiary alibt IhU 
WlBUr, bailDDloa ta, bi iMipiilar prloaa. 


"DiR WRann," a dmiita, In Ova acta, by Oerbart 
llaupiinanu, was rtrrfiirined t'<r the Oral llmo week 
of Sept. 34, at Ilia liiiuiaDlto'aTiteHlro, liotllo, (lor. 

"UNURHAinaNB KtHnm," a oumodr. In tiuir aola, 
liy I'aui LItidaii. waa gliou Ha llral pnHluoilou Uot, 
u, at the ItoyMl Hchaiiiplol llaitJi, llerlln, Qor. 

"liiBHuiiMcrrBHt.iKiin .Sciiijioiit," a oomoity, Id 
tour sola, by Heriiianii Huileriiiann, ww pruduwd 
fur Iho drat unn Sept. -jn, at lite Leulog Theatre, 
llerlln, Oer. ' 

• UK HiiiuttTON PiBH "anew l«ilot direr) Isrmenl. 
In une lalileau, liy tinio. KnUI Unnor, mitalo by 
Kmeat Furd, wm prca -ulcd fur tho Otsl llmo UoU a, 
attboKiiipIn, I/iiidiin. 

"Fuurnai.i., im Tuii Wi.><hikii Tram," a sonM- 
llunal Bkeluli, In live Bceaos, by Krimiind Utirnoj, 
waa glToii lla InlUsI preaeuiatlun, UoL N, at Uta 
(Jllcrii'a, l/iiiiliin. 

"WABuanAHiiuHR,"a play In ono act, from (he 
Ocrioan uf Uuatav.llrlu, waa acted fur the Onk 
llmo. Oct. II, al llio Kgrouiunt liulltule, Kgremunk 
Uhcahlic, Kng. ^ 

"Mav MB>Tii<iiR,"an oparelULby Harry Kowall 
and Hiiro Wyiiuu, wan glron Ita Oral porturiuanoe, 
UoL «, at Iho Town llnll. Heading, Kng. 

1 1**1 


Andhrw J. BiTUi died In I'hiladolphia, Pa., on 
Oct. 'a. Tho dcccBa<^d, wlm waa In hia miy-etihUt 
year, was at Iho llmo ut bla death Tyler uf Hblbb- 
delphia Loilie No. i. B. I'. (I. KlhB. a puallinn whlob 
be hail held tor manr yearn, lu (uroarynan be 
was In the museiini and olrous liuslnoas, aiiil mado 
atone time an Komprait luur wMh Mlllln Uhrtallne 
tho well known muwiiin auractinn. At the iHigin- 
nlog ut hiB pnifewiliiniil rarcer ho waa adnnco 
agent lor B. H. HanfunI, ilio well hiiuwn inla>lrel 
perlumirr. Ho waa alau a lucntiior ut Iho Uaaunio 
uriler, Kiilghia uf I'yihiu and Impruvcd Urder ot 
lird Mull. 

F.i.t.A l.txrat iKKa Owoni), an aclreaa, died (let. 93 
at Kransvlilo, Iml. Tbo iluceaaed waa Bevonicon 
yranof ago ami had bueu upim tho aUgo furOvo 
yeara. At tbotlmeiif hcrdealbaiia waaaniemlier 
ut tho I'uhch HulierlHiin Co., with which nrganiKi- 
tliiu she puyed anubruilo rule. She had rellred 
the previous oTonlus lu apptrant guild health, but 
tailed u apiiosr in Die iitunilng. hlio was fuiiod In 
her room In an iiiiconarloua c<inilltliiii ami diod 
dorlog Iho aflerninu wlthuutruouverlngoiihMcloita. 
ness. A cungeatlve chill, fulluwrd by hoart lalluro, 
wu given aa Iho cauin uf her death, Hne was tin 
solo support of a widowed iiiuiber and a yiiunuer 
brother ami alaicr, who realda lu UinueapuTla, 
Hlon., 10 which place the rcniiilua weie forwarded 
Uct. 'a. 

Jaubh j. ci.iKriititi, a well known variety Be^ 
former, died iii:l. ID, at hIa huoio lu Uhlcago III, 
The dtcesBrd w«a a blaok fnca vini ami dance nor- 
fnrmcr, nndatdilT.^reat lliuis liairiirrn a meiulier 
(if the Icams nf Muilaiiy niiil UIIITuril, Hall and 
Ulllhird and nf Ituwo ami Ullifnnl. 

Hrai.i.A IiBVBHB (Mra. tv, II. 11 idollrTc), an aclreaa. 
diuil Oct. '4). at her home In thla ell), frum cuo- 
aumii'liin. Tne dcceaiwl waa twenty -elglil yean ot 
age and bad apivared In a number ut spcclacular 

JuiiN Hiui.BV, of 'Tho lloinany llyo" Co., and 
later staxu rariienl'r al iha Uiaml iipem l|iiu<e. 
this city, died Un 'Jii, ui the Anyluiii (or the luaan* 
at liiideDstiurii, X. r. " 

IbiiiRar T. iiLRhN, at nnn iliiio a well known per- 
fnrmurand iiiaiiaRcr, dicil i),>i. ir, alhia liuuiola 
Uiiialia, Neb. Tiiu ilccca-cil, whii was siRly.soven 
''?!r*.'''.f«''l I'l" yuutmer ilajs, cuiioeoted 

Willi iiolh clroitsaud iiiltiHitel rniiipanlea. Atone 
iliiio howultiueoiir Iho lluyal Lyceum Thrairr 
T,iriiiilii,C4n., UDdi-r tbo Itnii iiainu uf Taiiiieblll Jb' 
(llenn. HoB(ierMardali->iiKhtti.olluward,l«iiarlslin 
A Cailo ■ lliacK Urix.k" C>i., which be, with Jai'k 

I. ioarlami aa pariiiFr, imik un Uiu nwl Ibruugb 
c«ll("ruia and Ueilcu. In ihu (all nl |ii;ubevaniou> 
Oiiiao i, whrro he reionlu,'d iintli hIa ilraib. In IWi 
hu upeued the uid Academy ut MikIo aa a varlttf 
buuso under Ihe arm namn u( Ntisont, Olenu i 
I'rraton. (lu reilrliiif (rmu Ihl, hn opened a lliiuor 
sakiuii 'Tho KIk," wlilcll waa well knuwii liy luul*. 
iitr. ii( Ihnpnifeaalnn. Fnr Ihe paalaovenyearab* 
had lived lu rellreiiirut. Ho leavra a widow. 

"The Cypiey Qu**n," 
TlilB three a/jt ciiriiiuly drama, by llnh Watt waa 
nrlgliialjy aclcil at Myall-, Ui.. .Mom. -u, wllb Hoblo 
Kiliiuglicck in Ihu all lihr riilo. Tbn sluri: Juhu 
atoiiiravo«b.a<lAUiibieni,';ialrand Stella, lucharx* 
uf li.inIM l)4»Miii, whn la aim givuii Ibe Kuardiau- 
ablpu( cerialu prupurty which will oiirao luUieiD 
unmeir iifjirliy, liA*s<in, wuhiiixi-i aeoure the 
pmperiy liluiii<li,caiiBcatbe uhlbl stoija bi lie stolen 
by a liypar, lURvln. Viun |ia>a, ami li.i»wm. hear- 
ing iinirnng innii the unild ur llagglu, Ihliika that 
iiy inarryliiguuir, who lias now gtuwu in wiinun- 
biud, he can secure couirni u( her pruperiy. He 
bu a rival. In liiu pennu nt a young lawyer, Karl 
Hp-noer liy name. Ihiiing a visit nt H|ieoc«r lo 
tiialrat Mr, Uawson's country luanainn tne Oypai 

II. gglu wltb tbeolillil bulla, knuwu aa (lyp, appaar 
un the aceua u iirulling turiuuo lallera. 
luggto reouxnliea Hawaun, and In a scuiUa 
br.K a poaiiuluD ol paptra pintlna Hialla'a Idtallla 
HaialolaaiablMdby Ilawwo. lla ilin< nut obiua the 
papsiB.hiiwaiar, aa Hyp baauiau lliain lioin RZaBin'a 
poavaia wlnla lie al„.l. anlMtiiullOB lilauk Hpaia la 
Uiair ataad. aad htdlax Uia oilaiual. man iruo Dotbr Uia 
onip nia. Aliar i;ia draih ul Hinln, ll,|., in aompaay 
alUi JlUaa, a loroiaruaariiaar raptor llawM'O'a. wbubaa 
biao Jlieliaiaad r.,r Iniarcidlna far ilia atpal.a, cooia la 
Haw York. Tliar lliul Karl K| ibrituah aaadiar- 
llaaoiaiil 10 Uia naa.|«paia. lu Ilia m.aDtloia. Dlalr. 
uarMeutad by har suardlan'a aUaiilioua, taaiai l,U 
lioma and eiiniaa to aaw Yurb. liraflnn-tr niiillilna 
HHar^r 10 neat bat nl a cailaia place. UaWMo Uaiot 
or 1MB and aanda a bv^ita la!.arani It, Hiifficar 
which put, blm oir Uia Hack. Dawaia caaHB 
l.'Iatr to t« a^uclad aid cnnrA.u.i m a Rrninuliuii kal t 
by una altl Boyca iThalhumplOf T.irtr), frmn wblih 
piaea tttt la ao4r«M;ii«*il>r Jilrt.audUlp.and 
plaead la apancar'a eara. J'diii »>vtl aupwari oa tba 
MBaa and Iba pap.ia provlDa Hiallaa Idaoittr baloa 
l"UOd ID tha *ir.i lroniai,i|t (Kit. iho play aada nappilr. 
Tbaeorntdr la runii.l,»t Ij) Jiliai. t),a naaru. aad Uaaft, 
a n-aldaa auol t.t (.'la r**. HpaeiaKiaa aia iBtndqeaa 
by oiaflitiaia ot ilia c4inpaor, anrt aboaiDf baotlatba 
roAmul Bill Boycaidoauj Uia. OacL Tnaeaal- Baaial 
Dawaoo, (;haa. yorraaur: Bart Hptacar, Alban a. 
Bnwo; Uialr aeotl. LilJIaa llarrick: Jaaoia oaA. 
jlope formict ; 'i«r«a WasbiBaioa JtbMi Wilitamr 
baraaidi Kaiilo. John Raad: BUI Boyea. Ubaa |ir|lll. 
tas<m«! Joija keou, Wallaea Taakars Oyp, Eallblltt, 









Twaiif euta ptf Ubi^ H*K Irp* Bwnn ; •;•« 01 o» 
iD<h tu> latk HuBtltn. A Mnelluied) p« out u 
•Uov«d oa adnttlinMfill wb«a pftU (or Uino mootM 
Id tdruM^ ud OD adTortlMnoott BMfBTlac UP UnM 

or Don 

OMToar.lfi ■drufio,14:ilxmooUu,>l: cfaroaBoalhl, 
ronlfD pofUfO onn. na|]«eop[M,UetBti«lob. 

THR OUrPBE la unM otoit WMMidu nonlsK. 

tko wb. uth u4 iMb (idTttuioii pHM 00 TO mm 

ON MONDAT, tai Iko Klh, IMuI olbw t<|M oa 

The Forms Olodng PrompUy at 4 F.IC 

n«uo molt br opna mosoy ortor, chtok, P. 0. or- 
d«r or rofflf tor*] Utttr, 

For Ui« Edilsrtal or Ui* BaolnoH 
DepulmcBt to 


r. 0. Boi ILHM, or OLtrrBB BDODIlia, 

a Ud (0 Ooolfo BtiMt, How Tork. 
Id EniUnd— Tia Oupns eon bo obUlotd. wholoiolo 
ODd roliJI, of oor uwu, Bnlth, AlnoUo A Oo^M Now- 
eaitloBimt, Bmu. 

Id rrueo— Tbd OLimtlooD foloot Bfoatoao'i oowl 
dapot, 17 Aracot do J'OpoiOt raria. 

llahaa OBl|r oma odlUoB, sad tkmi la dmtod 
mm ITaw Yorla*^]^ 



AoDBBHaaoawaaiiuBooiaifOTOiTn, AuiaQnat 
or iuoa taoffbo vaira to Taoaa waoa taai naa, la 
UHorTHBCUI'PERroarOnua Au Latnaa wiu, 
aaiDTaanaaooaa VBHi OBLY. Ir vmb aom or abt 
rauTauii* ooapivr u aovoar, Raraa fo cub uar or 
Booraa OR AHorBBB rAOB. WBOAnaoraavDaoona at 
BAIL oa rBLaaBArfl. 


Atdliti, rhIlailclphlB.— YoDr act BhoDld be 
wortli oM DDmlrad dollarB ptr weok Id a flret claaa 
TandOTlUe hotue, and you might obtalo UiatBuni, 
or itrj Dear It, with a rond coiDpanj, lodepoDdeot 
of jonr inDBponaUoD. FlAjlDg dat4ss ;ou woald, 
ol coDno. n; jonrrallroad rarea. 

W, a., Il«d uloud.— Yon will Ond It advltable to 
adjuat (BO lenglb to Uio bIu ot Ibo alage. It Bhould 
b« from nnooB foot upward botwcon nupporta. 

UiiBLO.— To oonipfr with jour requefli would 
Boceaaliau oar glviug wholcule Kmtiiiioua advcr 


liuatoiiii, BL Ixiula.— 1. Wo know of bu work 
Bnon tho aubjeci. You might, however, wldnjiw 
W. A. I'OBd, U UbIoo Bquaro, Uila city. 1. The 
team would get from forty dollaia mr week 
opwardi aecordlpguiAiilllty. a. There la nodeniaud 
for a oomet aoloiat upvo tho aiaiic, nnlesa the per 
former la of widely recogolied Riililty. 

0. B. II., WaablDgtoD.— We cnoDol Infono you of 
tbe return dais ot tho compiioy. Watrli our route 

U. U., Uarlem. — Wood'a (lymeaalum, o Kaat 
TweDiy-elghUi Btreet, thl> olty. 

y. H. h., bu l.oul>.— Addreaa letter Id caroof 
Tub (iLirrBR. 

II. U, It.— Addreaa lonor «i WelllDgloD Htroel, 
Biraod, W. 0., London, Kng, 

11. M.— We have no reo«nt Intelllgenco from the 
company. Watob our route coiuiun, however, aud 
In the meanUrae addteeaUio purty In our care. 

0. W., MemphlB.-tUiadnoD, Miller t Uiaue. Boo 
Bdf ertliemeDt elaowhero. 

L. U. U., OUiey.— 1. Wo cannot ailvlao yeu how to 
aeenre an engagetDont, uor do wo tutvUe you to 
adopt a ataio career, 'i. Krt(iueuUy. 3. Nut 
nadlly. 4. So. 

y. J,. Ooboea.— 1. About ten dollara. i. Wo never 
famlan Intonnailon oouueruing tho relUblllty ot 
managera or agenu. 

W, D. U.JR., Halolgb.— Uonaldaun'a nulde, pnb- 
llabed by W.u, UonaldaoD,01nelunatl,u., will give 
the dealrcd iBtorDBtlou. • 

1>. K., BL I'Bul.-Wedonotkuow the whcreaboula 
ot the pkttlca, ao advlao you tu addreaa Icllor In 

Pbrfomibb, rhiladelphla.— 1, You can iiae your 
ranlon without hlnurucv, as there Is no copy- 
right wllb wblob It oan oonoloi. 2. We do not 
know who baa the paper, a. Poaalbly Oily dollara 
per week. 

M. W., uirmlughMn.— Kono that wo know of. 

A. L.— You are loo young to tie employed by a 
olroua eonpany. 

K. B„ rialBB.— 1. Addreaa Lyon A llealy, Oblesgo. 
2. Twenly-flve dolbtra iwr weelc. u. Yes. 

J. II., novldenoe.— To« party la, wo believe, 
playing dMoa. .Addreaa letter In uare ut Tub 

Lbiuii, Jeney Uliy.— l. Wo know of no one do- 
ing the act. 1. ' Yea. a. It U. 4, Twenty-dvo 
dollara per week. 

B. L-, Toronto.— We have not hoard of tho ooni- 

A IIBiDBi.— 1. Prehslily lltty dolhtra per week. 
1. Hlicou to twenty dollara per week. 

P. It. 1)., liidUuapolta-— 1. You ahouM aeek a po- 
BlUon u llthoamplirr with amluBlral abiiw, or any 
combliMtlun tnitt bllla largely, and tnua gather ex- 
perience. 1. The "ada" would eoit ft and 11.40 

J. II., Mt. I'ulaakl.— We bave no oorrospondent In 
that town. 

V. U. I,., la J unia.— Addreaa Knuik Uunont, lu 

W. Pateraou-— There la no demand whatovor. 

w. B., UlnclDn»il.-Wo do not know the iwrllca. 
Addroia lotiera lu care «t Tiib ui.irrBH. 

K. U. U., IVirUiiioutb.— Watch our route lUU 

J. J.r.— K, H. Bucet,4S Urooka Biretit, Ilarttoid, 

J. II., I'blhtdelpbla.-Wo have uo knowledge of 
the party. 

H., IMdge.-r. T. lUmum died April 7, im. 

J.H,, lllaliig Biar.— We have rocvlved uo Intelli- 
gence of I4ie death of the party. 

U. v., ruilAdolpbla.— Wo uoTor turnliOi lofomia- 
Uon coucomluR the reliability of iiuuageiB. Our 
own deallnga with the party In queoUon have 
alwayi been aatltraotary, 

). U., Waterbury;— The law aim atandi but la i:ot 

0. F. W., KonllMid.-tVrlto to T. II. KWnoh, 2S 
Weat Twoniy ihlrd Btreol, tbia olty, fur catalogue 
of playa. 

r, II., BU Iioult.— 1. The play le not pnbllo prop- 
erty, 'i. A pnuted play cau only be uord without 
pormlialon when the i^onla "all righta reeervcd" 
do nut apiioar upon the llllo imgo. 9. We think 

K.A., Krlc-Shedldnot. 

J. L. 11., Helena.— Wo cannot poaltlvely decide 
tho dliputo, but have rcaaou to bclluve the party 
la the uriglaal Uilud Toiu. 

J. a B.— KranolB wiiaon pUyotl Outntnx In Ibo 
original pruduetiun of "Krmliilo" at ilio Uaaino, In 
thla elly. Fred Bolouon waa not In the oaau 

WaoxaocBrr.- You cannuL The dcuoiulnatlon 
of a bnlld In caaaluo cannot be changed except from 
a oard played from the hand, couacqneouy you 
could not employ the douco on tJio ublo to luerraao 
the bolld. 

J. J. H., Ueinphli Haeh player wanting but one 

to git, tbu parly holding high wina tno game, not- 
withaiandliig that hla opponent bid three and iiMde 
them In play. High latva prtredeuca In value of 
overything olte In all caaea. 

A. N. S., JoxoD ^Tho game waa won by the player 

holding Jack, game, aa he wanted but two poluta, 
while his opponent hail throe to go. The former'a 
cards took pnteedcnoe In tank of pcdni. 

W. 8. U.,New Vork.-liBch nuu having taken two 
Oban ceo, tnelr second ibrow could noi have boon 
conalderedatlifuwoiTof the tie un unloas they 
mulnaliy agrred to so make It, nud conwnnonlli A, 
who tbivw M. was entitled to ihe priio, aa he oau 
to his credit the bigbeat throw during the actual 

u. A.O., Balem.— Indrawpoker, the player who 
opena a jackpot, and no other player aiaya In, la 
not required to Bhow more than epeneia or better. 

J. B., Memphis A, who Is six points, wanting 

but one to go, and drala and turns up Jack, goes ou^ 
list, notwithstanding that U, who baa two to make, 
boidi high and low. The Jack count* aa soon aa 

A. L. 8., New Tork.— The dealer IB vrreng. The 
eldest band leads to tb« Iral trick. 

F. K., Omsba.— In asTen op, when tb« cards are 
nn and card turned up iboold be of theaame aolt 
as the original tmmp, the dealer mait mn the 
carda until the suit la changed; or, falling that, 
Bhould theaame suit be tarnea until the cards run 
out, then the cards mnst be bnnolied and dealt 

r. F. Il„ Brooklyn.— In the ftme ot enehre only 
the party who saaumes leaponalblllty or the imisp, 
by either taklngit np.oideiing It np or making It, 
can play alone. TopiayoihOTWlsefs not the game 
of euchre. A egchra connu two points only. 

II. K. II., Uhlcaga— n* esUmaied odds against a 
noibare wi to l, and agalnit aatialghiSM to], 
those against nuing a tour straight and a four Hush 
being proDonionate. 

J. 0., Loulavlllo.- B, Having bnt one point to 
nako, and holding low, went out before A, with 
blah and game, and having two to go. 

U. U. P.-At Blxty-Blx, when ue talon Is ex- 
hauated, or after tbetrompbaabeen tamed down, 
ault ranat bo followed, oiherwiae tnmped, and a 
player muat uke the trick It he can. At the com- 
mencement of the (ame the non dealer Icada and 
may play any card In bU band, and the dealer may 
play to ft any card he pluses, without reatricllon 
uto ault or value, the BlgheBtcard ot Iheanltied 
winning the trick, except that tnunpa beat In- 
ferior suit*. 

0. II. 8., Ralllmorr.— Yon win. John llaUold 
played left Held for the Cincinnati Rede In 18«a, and 
■'Andy'i Leonard tiled the aama poalUon tor that 
team In lue and laio. 

J. lu, Urooklyn.— A mamen over In cricket Is the 
llTS or all halls altemaiely delivered by each 
bowler, oil wbloh no mnj bave been made by bat- 

K B. W. 

Toronto.- It Is a draw. 

U. B. W., Jameetown— While the patty referred 
to has the repniatlon of ttalog an experienced and 
HccoDullsned swordsman, be haa no claim on the 
title 01 ebamplon awordsman ot the Ualied Stales, 
nor, ao far as we know, ob that ot any other coon- 
try.Wa do not know tbe alleged expert from Lnck- 
now, India. 

II. J. L., Newporu— The Bmnawlok-tlslke-Collen- 
der Co., ot this city, will mmlah any Inlormailon 
you may itqalie. 


X. r. /,., Newark.— The maximnm limit ot mld- 
dluwalghi, according to the regular prize ring 
code, la iMIb. 

a. w, U., Ulnueapolls.— The Sght between James 
J. Uorbeti and Pciier Jaekaon Tu Ban FrBuelseo, 
Ual., was decided "No contcat" by the properly con- 
Blltuled anlliority, the referee, whose decialon helda 
good. Had It been a diaw,then each principal 
would have been entitled to one-half ot the purse 
contended for. In that conteat apeolal mles, made 
by the club, governed. 

P., Fhlladelphla—Bd. Bmlih waa defcnted In live 
ruooda by Peter Jaokacn In a glove conteat at Obi 
caao, III., May IB, 1890. 

OOKBTSKT ItBlDBR, POOtla.- WbCh Jobu 0. 

neenan and Tom Bayen tought In Rngland the 
American weighed niilb, and uio British champion 
leaa than lOllb, but tlie lattcr'a exaot weight waa 
not known. 

T. II., (lolncy.— We cannot answer positively at 
preatul, but will endeavor to do ao In our next 

J. B., Inillanapolls 1. Ho haa not. 2. We never 

licaM tliat ihero waa illinouliy In securing bla 
olicilunce while In training. 

J. U. a , (luliiuy.— SCO answer to 'T. B." 


H. U. K., Uadtaoo.— Addreaa J. Q Qaudaor, Oeorge 
11. Iliiamur, Oonrge Lee, Wallace Itius, Fred Plat- 
eted and Kllla Ward, In care ut this ortlce. All are 
capable men, and one or more of them may he at 

K. K. U., Kukorao.— When tho wind la nlioamt 
When nailing dead before the wind the boat rune 
away from lis full force. 


(I. II. r. p.. New Ynrk.-Tlie bet aianda at $300 
In tliM In any ease, ahonid D win, he cau claim 
but tlOO from A, and anould the latter accept U'a 
Offer and tell, llie hutor would not be out of pocket 
mora than $an. 

U. J. L. H., Kansas.— The qoeatlon having been 
left 10 the decMon ot Ibo Secretary ot the Treuury, 
and the repreaenbktlve of that oitlclal having 
decided In favor of oneot the naruca to the bet, 
the opposite party to ihc wager la In honor bound 
to ablin by aald declsloD. 

AH OLn IteiDBH, Oulcago.— The Sixth Avenue 
elevated road was conttmoted before the Tlilrd 

llBsnsR, (JInolnnail.— We have no knowledge 
whstsver of the fUnlly. 

J. T. M., Philadolpbla—Thla b a plan ot certain 
amngere who merely tnnaerlbe a melody and 
charge a much larger sum when thoy harmenlBe 
the composition for publication. 

SuBaoiiiBBU, woonaookfU— The article mentioned 
la UBOd for laundiy nnrpoaea. 

M, U. J. Jr., New York.— The beat rccntd tor atay- 
Ing under waur Is 4in. m.Us., by Janra Finney, In 
l/ODdon, Kng., In lewi. BeopagoaeorTnBOurrBR 

A. K., Brooklyn.— Would advlae you to address 
Tlir Tur/. yina ana Famt, this oily. 

J. w.— If you will utODilon the year we will eu' 
doavor to give you the Information yon are In 
BBtrch of, 

L. u. S., JackBonTlllo.-Nowadaya It la the rule In 
tniiilug horaealioea to place tour nallson each side. 
Tbo oxoopilon Is In oase a horse tua a oom or almi* 
lar attecilou, when. Id order to relieve bim, three 
nails only are placed on one aide ot the toot and 
two placed In the toe. 


More Amatewr Violations. 

The Hacing board of the League of American 
Whoelmeu, atthoir last meeting, examined a num- 
ber of caaea of repotted violations ot the amateur 
rule, the result ot tbelr Investlgatluiitand dellbera- 
llous being given herewith. The toltowliig men In 
Olsa.a A are declared to bo In Clasi B, In conse- 
quence ot their having rendered ihemselTes no 
longer eligible to corapele In Olats A mces: U. 
Urocklngton, Jamestown, N. v.; A. W, Itlchards, 
Tlonnia, IV.; A. N. Osgood, Unullon, He.; J. L. 
Parka, Falrdeld, Ho.; 0. L. Brown, 0. L. Bmltb. L. 
W. Sullivan, (^Hrihon, He.; W. Wagner, Mount Ver- 
non; A. W. Trueblood.Veuintl Ulty, la.; K. Qiaodlo 
Marlon and J. Pitkin, Viola, la. 

Tho following men have been aiaiiendod from 
track racing for tour muntha: F. Kdmonda, Hatla- 
wan, N. J., and 0. Oktrk, Biorm King, N. Y. H. Van 
Uoren, 1. 0. Palmer, I. Ilrlesnack, NT Ohapraan, K. 
Ilavlland, II. Blearn^ U. Morris, It. Pctrle, W. 
lltlleck, F. II. Connolly, F. Jones, F. naxlngton and 
K. Van liuren have been aiiapeaded for alxiy days 
tor competing In nnsanotloned races. 

The following aaDollona for record trials have 
been allowed: The Paelllo Coast Itanibler team, at 
iM Angelea, nntil Nov. 13; iluaker city Wheelmen, 
at Hivorton. N, J., on Oou -il; Springfield Bicycle 
Club, unui Not- 1». 

For violauous of ciMs A rales 0. A. Maxwell, 
WluQold, Kan.; W. H. Poltlgaw, Weat Newton, 
Uaaa.; 0. 1). Smith, New York City, and W. Tbaek- 
alory, Fort Worth, Tex,, have iwen placed In 

The board also announce their acceptance of the 
following eUlmcd records: Halt uille, dying alan, 
-Mccil, Mt.; halt mile, flying alan, paced, U>aa; 
vo-lhlida ut a mile, Iin. llSa. Tncte rocoidawere 
m»lo by J. S. JohnacD. Tho quarter mile aiandlng 
teeurd, unpaoed, ot J. W. (>unpbell, of Spokane, 

IloBil Hetfavda OniitB, 

The Century KaaA Club ot America last week 
announced the aoceplanco ot the toUowIng minor 
reoordi clalrawl for road riding: 

IL r. liMrl^ Root rMd, lll, BD mllaa, Ith. 9m., Ana. t, 
\m llllnolaBlaUnennl. 

J. A. PalllUrr, Oiuniaa, la., 10 Dlla^ 9>. Slai., July 
U 191. lowaKltIa ncunl 

tv R. raru>ai>. Una, (I., U aillaa. nm. SSa., July 4. ML 

T. K Jnwa, Halt Uta City, Ulab, 101 mllaa, tb ISO., 

II1L 17, 194. Vl«h Tarrttdrr ratord. 

F. W. XnaalaiKl. Brraouaa, N. v.. 10 mlla^ Ifoi. eoa, 
e«pL tl 1(41. Naw York Ktala rMord. 

Alfta] U. SinlUi aid A. L. nitochL Htldaa, Haaa, 
Boaion to Chloaso, 1 IBS iQllaa, 110. IBi., Bapu S to S4, 

R. A. Oialli, Rk Loala, Ho., 10 mtlta, Bn. 41a, May 
191. MiMourl 8ul« r^id. 

A. Ii. rrenta, Umaha, Hah., It mllsa, 4tiii. JBKa, Joa* 
It. 191 Mlaa4iQrlBUt«l*0Dp1. 

_ A. L* Jaal. Bn*, PL, D mllaa, lb. tm. leai. Rapt t, ItN. 
NoeaylTaalaaiata aacoid. 

J. A. Waavar, Bt.Loau,Mo,SLLonb(otla Bots and 
nuire,Bi)Billat,Mi.,o<l. r, 194. Coatat raeoid. 


He Hidea One Mlle,Strmlgli<awBy, Id Ian, 
35 ii-9a,, at BnCralo. 
The 'cycling traiemlty were atariledon Tbntsday, 
OcL 26, when they received the announcement by 
telegnph that the hero ot many wondertol achieve- 
ments, John 8. Johnson, the Western 'cyclist, bad 
ridden one mile, paced, from a Hying Btart, In the 
wondettnl time ot Im. liKs. This wu slightly bet- 
ter ibsn the tutest performance tor the distance by 
a rannlBg horse, In im. 3SXs., accompllahed by 
Saivator on a atialgbtaway iriick at Monmouth Park, 
some yean ago, IB a trial against time, Themaklng 
of the aatsnlahlDg ride Is described ss follows, to- 
gether wllb the ctrcomitanees under wblcb It waa 

"The weather was not anapldoua for fast riding, 
and hnndreds ot persona who had planned to tea 
tba trial staved awaj, expecting that It would be 
postponed, Hain fell at Iniervals ot halt an hour all 
the morning. The Tonawanda Boulevard, however, 
wta found to be In excellent condition at 4 e'niock, 
and Johnann decided to make the trial. The boole- 
vard la laid with a brick paTemeni, which bad been 
awept perfectly amooih, so then wonid be no dan- 
ger ot pnnclnrlng a tire. The wind waa very cold 
and blew right down the course, so that Ihe rlden 
would have had to face It it they followed the phtn 
adopted. The eourae was, therefore, reversed, 
which placed the wind at tbelr bacls. This made 
the Bist quarter ot the course down hill, the second 

a Darter np hlU at about the aame Incllee, and the 
iltd and fonrth quarten companilrely level. 
"Johnson snd hia wbcehi wen takes to thestart In 
a carriage. Ho wore black tlghta and two black 
aweal«tS| and the American nag nnttered from bis 
wslsU He weighed laa ponuds. The qnadmnlet 
teaiD, which was to make the pace, consisted ot 0. 
n. Oallaban flist, W. A. Seavey second, Patrick 
O'Connor third, and W. A. Rhodes tonrth. The 
tiarter was T. J. 8ayles,and the timers wen: At 
the Btart, John Qonrley and T. Mayo; flrat quarter, 
T. W. Eck: tecood qnarur. A, I). Kennedy and P. 
Bbeehan; third qoarter, 0. R. Moiphy and U. R- 
Btemtou; flnlsh, w. A. Loti. The Indges at the 
fInUb were W. X. Stark, F. Bryan snd B. Vsn Vel- 
tor. It was a mat'er ot tome regret afterward that 
more dmekeepeiB had not been alailoned along the 
line, ao that there eonid be more contrmatlon ot the 
time. Anelectrical timing arrangement was pro- 
vided, however, and by this melbed eaoli quarter 
traa cheeked at both start and llnlsh, so that there 
can be no donbt ot the acenraoy ot the time. 

"Johnson mounted his wheel at 4.46 o'clock, snd 
rode halt a mile hack of the starting tape. The 
qnadmplet started from thu point at a lively pace, 
wlthJobnaon hugging Ihe hlud wheel and rfdlng 
witb apparent eaae. The five ridere dashed over 
the tape with the nportot aplatol, Johnson hipping 
on the "quad." They were going at a terrible clip. 
The arst;qoarter was covered In illis.; thU was ihe 
down grueqnarter. In theaecond quarter, which 
was uphill, Johnson pedalled the dlihince In KKt-, 
making the half In Then the rlden atrnck the 
level coone, and witb Johnson urging Ibe quad, men 
on they nude tbo third quarter m fuat2&t. Calla- 
han and Beavcy showed the eatets ot the terrible 
pace In this quanor, and slowed np a Utile. The 
pace Id the stretch was wonderfully fast, and when 
uo men In theqoadrnplet oioeaed the line Johnson 
was not a toot behind the bock wheel, and was 
riding eaally. Tho omclal time for the mile was 
im. Wit., although one timekeeper made Itlm. 
35s. The last quarter was made In 23;(s." 

(Betore accepting this sa a genuiDO performance, 
worthy ot beTng pUced among the records. It la 
necesaary Ihat absolute proof be produced as to the 
corrcctneas of the timing and the trueneaa ot the 
conrae. From appearances It would seem that 
the course Is not one that, with Its up and down 
grades, can be considered a perfectly fair one, and 
until this doubt Is eettled In favor ot the performer 
It would be unjust to give him credit for the other- 
wise moat phenomenal scblevemenu It must also 
be taken Into consldentlun Ihat the rider had the 
wind alrongly with him threughoot the distance, 
which tact, of conrae, made consldenMe dloerence 
In the speed or the performer.— Bd. Clip.] 

On the 27th the eelebrated team of Dulblo tandem 
ridon, Mayo and Saunden, a pair of young bnt 
very speedy nianlpulatora ot that machine, uled 
tbelr bands and feet over the same coorse, and 
were credited with creating fresh Umea for the 
mile, which they made In three seconds faster time 
than the pravlous record boldere for the mile on 
Ihat type of 'cycle, F. J. Tuns and L. D. Cabanne, 
Ira. eia., accomplished at Minneapolis, Minn. The 
trial Is thus reported locally: The youngaten were 
paced tor half a mile by Murphy, Callahan and Ken- 
nedy on a triplBL They got away to a good start 
and reached the quarter In UHt; the bait In W.<ia., 
tbo mile In Im. 4ts. There wsa a strong wind blow- 
ing today, wblcb made the couise at least three 
teconda slow. The triplet team named above then 
went an unpaced mile, but could do no better than 
im. 64s., the pacing of tbo tandem team having 
llnd them onu Tnetr time by quarten was aos., 
64s., im. 23s. and im. 64s._ 

Fresh RMonia In Knglanil. 

Tho Inflexible Club, ot London, Eng.,onOcUl3, 
held tbelr annoal twelve houra' race, for which 
there wen fourteen etarten, and the reault ot 
which was a contldsnble Improvement on former 
records for path riding. The race took place on the 
iraok ot the Putney Athletic Oioh, fourteen ridere 
anawering the call of the starter, tho principal 
abaentee ot tho twonty-seven entries being tho 
onck, 0. 0. Rldgtway, who did not feel In condi- 
tion for a hot struggle witb ibe other long dltlauce 
riders, whom ho wasaware he wooid be called upon 
to meeu During the aeventh hour, or In tho laiih 
mile. Hunt worked ahead of the records, heading 
the exIsilDg dgurea by a traoUon over 6m. at tho 
termination ot tho I3«lh mile. At 160 miles Hunt 
beaded the record by 6m. its. In the elghib hour 
be tell oiT again, and was only 4m. 3Qa. abead of re- 
cord at lei miles- He had been 7m. lOs. In trout 
of record at one time— the I6ath mile. Watson got 
a tall In the ninth hour, and Hunt lost oonsidcnble 
leeway at thla auge ot tho nee. He waa but 3m. 
ahead ot record at the IBTth mile, From thlsont he 

Sadually gained on the eoylbe bearer, and beat 
e beat previous record by 2 miles 67 yards. This 
WBs made by A. 0. Waltera, In tho Anchor Shield 
race, Sepu 21, lasu The beat pravlous record ou 
the Putney Imck was 261 miles 1,710 yarda, made 
by J. T. Hudbam on SepL 10, ao that Hnnt boats 
this perfonnance by a milea ±17 yards. 

Inoldenial with this rece, several tandems started 
out to ealabliau new Baurea tor that apeelea ot ma- 
oblne. A. E. 8. Oralg and W. Studor were tho Drat 

Stir. Tney made 23 mllee 6M yards In the drat 
our. They rode over fonv-tlx miles In the two 
honn, as did Hamilton and Walton. The latter 
went ahead ot the record at Qfiy-ono miles, made 
In 111, 13m. 36\s. Oralg and Studor did neatly 
elghiy-seven miles In four hours, and one hundred 
and eight miles In Ave hours. In six houn they 
did I2em. SDOyda lu seven houn one hundred end 
forty-three miles were done, and in eight bonn 
they did lejra. 1,370yds.; nine honn, one hundred 
and eighty-four mllof ; ten hours, ons hundred snd 
ninety-nine miles; eleven hours, 217m. l,3;oyds. 
All their miles from the dtty.flratnow term records, 
SB there wore no auiheullu dgttres existing prior to 
their attempu Tbe potluona ot ibe Bret hau doien 
riders, with the dltunce ridden by each, wore as 
follow: a. UuDL bicycle, 2Mm. 177yds.; T. U, 
Brooks, bicycle, zlSm. anyds.; A. E. 8. Uralg and 
Studor, tandem bicycle, 23am. i,2e8yds.; J.Jones, 
blnycle, is-jm. 243yds.; H. Cole, bloyole, 230m. 
303yds.; W. 0. Watson, hloycle, nam, 

Tyler's Latest ArhleTement. 

Itariy 0. Tylar aocompltahaa anoUiar woDdartnl tier 
fomiaoce at tba Watlhaoi, Han., track, oa Salonlar 
alUisooa, Orl. 27, rlilluii a tvcad mllii, Inin a Btloi 
atan, to Im. *S\i, wbkh uiuat M ial,d a aoparlor par 
litniiaoeato ihatof J. a JohoaoD In rldiox a aljs<iilit- 
anar mlla oo Uioroaaraaila Bou'vian), at Uatlalo, K. v.. 
lu tin. .UHa . aapaolally aa a pan of tba lallareoutva la 
Ooantiill, and lime aeeompliahrd upon It nay fono a 
raconl. Tua saaUiar had b««a uolaTorable for l«o dara 
pr«c«dlua tba trial, pravaDllos hlm laltioa tha oa«eiaarr 
pralltDluair pwlic*. which cIrenmalaDea adda to ma 
fieallauMol the parloniianoa. Tvlar had baaa ridlns ao 
aaally thai llta^niBd bardtj eradlbia when lhr«« watchaa 
losiatarad Im. ItSa. tor lha tliriie-,)aaitani, cna and on*, 
fllu aaeooda railnr Itian Johuaiin'a prerlwua world'a 
rtcun). Ooaa tlia homaatraloli ha cama with lha aama 
aaay motloD. aida by alda with Iho Umdara. In Im. iSVa.. 
oDo and lvo.flltli aaconda futar than Ihe Dilla ot Ulto 
Zainr. at Saoranianln. Tha oflklala aara: RafarM 
J. ('.. Karrlaoo: Jud|««, Uoorso 1.. Bulllrao. A. K. PM-k. 
and Cbarlea II. Liowlo; ilmari, Waltar 0. Baaaor 
l'halrall.Htti,aiidA. r. II. Emarvn. "^-a^'. 

rnd M. Uaiimu' and II. u. wlUlaoia, Uit Wallham 
uudaoitaaiu, fullhrao Claa« A laodam raconJa lower 
Ihaa lha prar loua world'* roconla Thar ware paoad lor 
two-tbinJahrlMlahan, Wianar aad Uowa oq a triplet, 
and cat lha drat quartar Id MHa-. a uaw world'a raeoid. 
Thar roacliad Iba Iblnl lu S&H^< aaolhar world'a record. 
Thar raada lha half id Si.S'., twolbllda In Im. I3\a, 
Uit«»quart«ratnlm Sa., and lhemtlalDlm.USa,uiatr 
thlid world'a racord. 

Accoanisa to a dUpateh from Uecatnr, 111., two 
records were made there on OcL 26, Ur. 1. A. Brown 
riding a quarter mile, flying attrt, in 33>it., and 0. 
P. Bemhaidt and R. t. Ooeta riding one-tblrd ot a 
mile nnpaeed, on a tandem bicycle In 3]>is. 


Bert Harding, a clever Wtstem rider, rode one 
hundred mlloson the Fair Qionnds traok, Oet.24, In 
4h. 37m. MMs., which Is better than the reoord 
made by Prank Redway, a Oaoadlan, wheelman, 
which was 6h. im. 12Kb. 0. A. Maxwell, It Is also 
staled, rode three nulea attheetme pUce and on 
the aame day. la 7m. 6Ks., which. It correct, ate 
beats John B. Johnson's record ol 7m, 16s. Neither 
alleged performance has aa yet been authenticated, 

'OTOLiBr Biaau, who set ont from Oblcsgo, III 
in an attempt to ride to New York In Ave days am 
llfteen honn, arrtved hen at 12.16 r. h. on Ocu 23, 
having occupied six dsys, seven honn and thinv 
minutes In completing the dlstsnce. He would 
have done oetter nsd he not had tbe 111 luck to mn 
over a dog at DUca, N. Y., which accident occa; 
Binned a delay of aeTenl boon lor repain to man 
and wheel. The canine, we nndentand, was not sc- 
rionily Injured. 

AXTBiw A. ZiHMBRHiN WBS to havs Sailed from 
Havre, Fnnce, for New York, on Tuesday, OcU 30, 
the day Tea Ourrxa went to press. He comes to 
partlolpale In the coming profeaslonal and ama- 
tenr tonrney at Madison Bqnan aarden, this city, 
daring Thanksgiving Week, In which the cnck 
riden ot Uio world, of both cUstts, are expected to 

UouBBH,the Belgian rider, who detested A A. 
Zimmerman In Fnnce, shonly after the UiKer's 
anivBl abroad. Is tald to have reeenUy fallen and 
fractured his leg, which accident will prevent bUn 
being a participant In the Thanksgiving week ton^ 
namont, St Hadlson Square Osrden, this city. This 
Is parilcnUrly nnfonunate, not only tor nunselt. 
bnt tor the managera ot the tonrney, as be would 
have been one ct the bright, pattlcniaratare ot the 

Tea Kbbkoh UtnoH brought off their one kilo- 
metre road race at Paris, Sunday, 0«u 14, when the 
Tsry large number of 4S6 men came to tbe post, out 
of wblcti number 2B6 completed tbe century. M. 
Brecy finished Ont, comnletlnif the Journey hi ah, 
18m. Ko prizes were oiiered, but each competitor 
who covered the dietance Inside six honn received 
'The 'Oycllsts' Diploma" from the U. V. 0. 


Aiaong tbe Leather Klchers, 

The result ot the football gamca played In dinei^ 
entpsris of the country during the past week are 
herewith enmmarlzcd: Oct. 2i-Pttncelon CoUega 
beat Lehigh Dnivonlty, 32 to 0, at Princeton, H. J.; 
Lafayette College defeated Bvnrthmore, 4a to 0, at 
Eaaton, Pa.; Havertord beat HaddonOeld, 40 to 0, at 
Uavertord College, Pa. Oct 2a-0nlverelty of 
Pennaylvania beat Unlvenlty ot Virginia, 14 to a, at 
Washington, D. 0. Oct 3T— Uatrard Unlvenlty 
beat Cornell Uolvenltv, 22 to 12, at Sliubatlan 
Field, New York, this being the flret big college 
match ot ihe season In ths metropolis, and It at- 
tracted a good sized crowd, bnt one thst failed to 
to equal the expectations ot the mansgen, whils 
the axeellent showing made by ths Oornelllans sur- 
prised the friends ot the (Abridge playen; Yale 
College beat West Point Udets, 12 to 6 (Captain 
HInkey, or Yale, being abaent, and the team being 
otherwise weakened), at West Point, N.Y ; Unlver- 
slty of PennsylTanIa beat Naval Academy cadets, 
13 to 0, Annapolis, Ud.; Princeton CoUege heal 
Volf nteen, ot New York, 34 to 0, at Princeton, N. J. : 
Orescent Athlello anh bew Ratgere College, 2n to o, 
at Brooklyn, N. Y.; Onngo AthleUo Club beat 
Lrhlgb Dnlverelty. 14 to 0, at Orange, N. J.; Wlu- 
lams CoUege beat Dnion Cullsge, 4 to a, at Albany. 
N. Y.: Montclalr Athletic Clob and Irving Field 
Club, ot Brooklyn, N. Y., played without either 
being able to aeon, at Montclalr, N. J.; South 
Orange F. 0. beat PaBsalo A. 0 , 4 to a, at South 
Orange, N. J.; College ot the Olty ot New York beat 
New York Dniversliy, 13 to q, at New Tork; Cleve- 
land A. 0. and Arilngton A. (]., a to a, at Orange, N. 
J ; New York Y. U. O. A, beat Oiange Y. M. 0. A., 10 
to 4, at Weat Orenge, N. J.: BeloltOollege beat Rosh 
Medical, 24 to 13, at Belolt, Wis.; Wabash beatln- 
dUna Unlvenlty, 4a to o, at OrawfordsvlUe,Ind,; 
Iowa College beat 8L Louis Pastimes, 13 to 0, at 
Orlnnell, la.; BnUer Unlvenlty beat Rose Foly- 
technlo, at Tern Haute, Ind,; Illlnola State Dtat 
and Dumb Institute beat Illinois College, It to a; 
Unlvenlty ot Minneapolis beat Purdue Unlvenlty, 
24 to a, at Minneapolis, Minn.; Chicago Ath- 
letic Asaedatlon beat University ot wrscontln, 
le to 4, at Chicago, III. ; Iowa State Unlvenlty and 
Unlvenlty or ODlcago tied on 18, at Chicago, III. ; 
Washington and JelTeraon College tied with Oberlln 
C»llege, neither scoring,atWasulngton, Pa, ; Pitts- 
burg A. 0. beat Allegheny A. A, a to 4, at Pitts- 
burg, Pa. ; Unlvenlcr ot Mltslsslppl beat Univer- 
sity ot Alsoama, a to a, at Jackson, Miu. ; BU John's 
College beat Maryland Agrlonlluial College, 3a to a, 
at Annapolis, Md. ; Boston Athletic Assoclallon 
and Ambent College played a tie game, neither 
Bide scoring, st Boston, Mats, ; Elizabeth A. 0. beat 
Oermantewn A. C, aa to 4, at Elizabeth, N. J. ; 
Flushing A. 0. beat Metropolitan Life Insniance 
Company, 18 to 0, at nnshlnjrL. I. ; Trinity OoUege 
beat Polytechnic Insutute ofworcesler,l(aa8.4too, 
at UarUotd, Ou : Peddle Instluiie beat Princeton, 
ta, 18 to 11, at Ulgbiatown, N. J. ; CapU Bieoken- 
rtdge, of the Princeton ttun, was carried from 
the held nnconsolous. Ocu 28— Wolf Tone beat 
Meagher, 8 lo 2, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Ultchela beat 
O'Briens, 2 gcali and ssven pelnta to o, Brooklyn, 
N. Y.; AUanUo AthleUe Club beat Newtown Ath- 
letic Club, 4 to 3, Brooklyn, N. Y.j Tarana beat 
Bhamnck, of Hobokon, N. J., 14 to 4, Bay Ridge, L. I, 

The Harrard Gamea, 

The annual Fall sports of tho athletes ot Harvard 
Cnlverelty wore held at Holmes' Field, Oambrldge, 
Hate., on Friday afternoon, Oou 2«, the events n 
suiting u follow: 

One Auiidnd Fonfrrva —Won t>y F. H. Blgalow. aentcb ; 
M L. EaiaD.Srda. aaooDd. Tlma, NUa. 

<hu Auadrrd and tiaeiuy porda Aardb nut.— Wea by T. 
Unaroa, aciaicb ; P. Haaoa. tyda, aacODd. TIma, mt 

1*0 mllo etCBMa fu«.-Won by W. R. BuDoliarbeff, 
tOyda.: D. B. Bitdlaa Jr., saoyda,, tecoad. Tlm^ 6m. 

oaa mill watt.-WoD byjDilntStaaob. 9a.; 0. 0. Daw, 
aontch. aecoad ; a W. nlulpt, (ha., thiid. Tln^ 7m. 

Oae mile nia.— Woo by r. 0. elDoklay, Blyda; 0- B. 
Itaniaut, Hyda., aaconl; II. T. Bacon, logyda, third. 
TImfl. im su. 

^ CfpM AuniriTd aad rtoMp fordr rvn.— Woo br 0 W, 
Ccawlay, lOyda.; U. EmanoD, Vyda, tacoDd. Tlm^ 
am. Sa. 

/bur Auadrvd dnd Jhrts aoitfa nm.— Woa by J. 0. Rica, 
HM"' '.•{■. J S^kar. aftda, ittoDd; W. H. HanaaeM, 
lords, thinl. Tlnia.6tHa 

ffumfap Mph jaBp.-WoD by J. H. AbboU, tlo.. halsbt 
MulOXIa.: A.btiMnar, iklD.. aecoad, tllljtln.; W.B- 

niniap lih i/m.-Wod by B. B. riark, ut.. tan gia.; 
S:.Ji SfJ! "«■• "'<■ 610.; E. klalD, ut! 

inini, tsit. SID. 

...1»»'Dla« lt» toBiBKr.-'Won by W. D. llaDDao, loll, 
tOIILTin.; B. U. Clark, an.aeuud, lollt ilD.; U. B.B. 
JobDalon^ aoiatcb, third, 97fc. Bio. 

Dacon Again ■ Winner. . 
Tba rataire Diatcb batwaao P. B. Baeoo, amataor oham- 
pion of Boglaad, and J. J. Haltao, champloa of Iralaod, 
ava mllaa, cama off at tha BallahrMse track, near Dob- 
llD,Iia.,)>D Octm Oiaat iDiaraat wu lakan Id lha 
niatch Id both couatrloa ircm tba tact that Id lhair pr«. 
Ttoua coolaa*, at foor mllaa, BacoD waa ratoraad tba 
wlDocr. whlla Id a aabtWDaDt nwetlDf at Balfaal tha 
Iriibmao'BDUbad tbaad, bo bolos to iwoatpl ot aa aUow- 
aat*. HulloD want M tbe frontal oac*,aoil mtda oasrlr 
taaea, aad when lha ball raag ba movad ap lo lha irlah. 
man. WbaDlbaplDcheamathaEoRllahchuiploadnfw 
olaar away. HnftaD boos on for a tima. bat aaaad np 
whao ha aaw paranit waa bopalaia, aod Bacoo romped Id 
SD eaay wiaoar Id Om. BIKa. 

Tbb Loa AKOBLxa (Cu.) ATnumo CLtmwlu hold 
their annual Fall open anutenr field meeting on 
Thankeglvlog afternoon, Nov. 28, when the fonow- 
ing evenie an announced tor decision: looyds. 
novice race, lOOyds., 2aiyds., snd 44ayilB. runs, open ; 
throwing the hammer, miming high Jump, ana the 
foUowlDg bloyole evente-One mile, novice; halt 
mile and two miles, CIsas A; aod one mile and three 
miles. Class B. Anyone breaking a coast record 
will receive a special gold'medsT, and the regular 
prizes sre wsU wonh contending for. The entrance 
fee Is fixed at one dollar, wblcb most accompany 
the entr] , and Ihe entries will close Nov. 21, with A. 
u. Cummlngs, dnanclal aeereury, South 
BprtngBireet, Los Angeles. CaL Ths meeung wui 
be governed by the A. A. U. and U. A. W. rnlea. 

CnsBLBV WiLBOH, the weU known ahniUeboard 
expert, defeated c. O. Thora, ot Buiralo, N. Y.. in 
iheir natch tor lloo a tide, which waa conteaicd In 
that clly on Uou 34 Alihoigb Thora has the looU 
reputatlun or being a very sDong player, he wu 
beaten by twenty-tu points, Wilson winning by a 
score of seven games to four. The total score br 
points was 306 10 lie. ' 

Ta« swoBD and bayonet contest between Ber- 
geaat Hajor Morgan, ot Klngaton, Out., and Ser- 
geant Hawker, ol Montreal, can., for the cham- 
plonahlp of Canada, came off at tne latter dir on 
the evening ot Ocu aa, and terminated in a tie 
each prtnolpal belnc credited wllh nineteen point*! 

Philadelphia'* Creek Colleglana, 

Then was a good tnmont ot speomtonontbe 
occasion ot the Fall hsndlcsp games ot the Cm- 
venlty ol rennsylvsnla. hald on Btinrday after- 
noon, OeU 17. The weather and track weresll that 
oonld have been desired, and the coniesie wen sen* 
eraUy prodnoive ot close flnlsbes, thus reOociina 
oredft on the good Judgment ot tbe handlcsnoer 
bnt no phenemensl pertormanoet marked the mMil 
Ing. Much dlBsppolntment was felt st the tallnre 
otunuks 0. w. urton, the celebnied mile rnnner 
and 0. 0. Jarrls, the InteicoUeglaie champion at 
that dutanoe, to meet In the mile erenl, tbe ftllon 
being caused by Orion being seized with luneaa 
after llnlshlng second In the halt mils mn. Suin. 

OM Sufltfralpardfnin— WonbyR. A. Statrltl, 'sy u 
eyda. : 0. E. Blaekborn. tj, L.,7yfl8 , tacoad; 0.8. Borar* 
•ft.O.ayda., third. Tlma,IIBia. ,u.i..Dojar, 
BalfmlU ran -Won by 0. 0 Bichal, ta. a, JOidi.- 
Ooorxo V. OrUD, IS. aoraub, atcsad ; H. B. WaA, -M l ' 
(nda,thlid. Tlma,1m. aa. ' ' 

ibur Miles >alt-WoD by J. M. MltabartoD, '0, r 
terateb; lr. J. Bobbma, 'M, M., Drda, ttond. ^m;' 
tm Ua ^ 
JfUrdte race, lOf da— W,:a by 0 M- FargDJoo, Orda. - 
p. A. Bunrl'%0, tyda, aatoDd; J. A. Hcaiyi,D,ts| 

. ^O.aydi, 

M..4yda. Tlma,l8)<a. 

IbMrAaadndandfbrtyiordrniit.— WoDbyO.C Bichal 
1S,0.,ISfda.: R. A. narrttl,'B7,tl..tydi.,steoad: J. H 
attlur, '«L O. llyda. Ihlid. Tlm*^. 

noD nllcr bkgat race.— Woo by W. a Donglaaa, ■n c 
flydai J. A Wllbom, '«>, Tlyda, aecoad; t.' 
Caalaa.te.CltOfda.llilrd. Ttma,tm.7a. 

Two Amdrc* oa* twaut yoidt rue— Woa br 0. 8. 
Boiar. tl. 0 . eyda; A. b.iullmu, tt. 0., Byda, aaeoad^ 
0. B. BUekbani. >7. L-, Uyda . tbinl. TIma, IWa 

Burble race. SOyda.— won by O. H- rarnaco, "07. c 
llrda; W. A. Blawarl, 18, O., tarda iocoDd;P. Bam or 
IOD,'la.0,l3yda,lblid. Tlme,»(a. ■ 
One siUg ran.— WOD br H. I). Wall, tl, L.^ IMyda.: 
0«>rga O.JarfU.'ia.H., acialch, aecoad ; 0. fa. LilUa^ 
'«LCr,UPyda. third. Tims, am. I8j(a ^ 
Aantfao Aj0AfuDi0.— VOD by J. D. Wlaaor, ■87, c. 
aiD.: CT. BurJioItt, 'ta. L., 4in.,McODd: 0. M.remaoa 
VTlO., llD., third AotDaljnmp.tlLTXiD. 

Jhtfinfaff bradd/uaip.— woo by 0. T. BDCholli, la. r 
1ft ; J. A UcUlyoD, 'OLn. IfL llD..aecond: orH. Par 
gaaoD.'Sr.Cllt.ain-^lid Aoiual lamD, lOIL guui. 

ftteeoui.— WODby w. A- SUwarL 'tt.O., tcialcta; C. 
T. Pocbolu, 16, L., •cratch, aacond : A. A. Btarrau, '07, M., 
IfL eiD., third. Aanal Jump, 10ft. 7in. 

The Behoolboya of Philadelphia. 

The annual Fall games ot the Central Blgh School 
of the City ot Qnaken came off on Saturday atier- 
Doon, OcU 27, In the presence ot a big crowd. The 
weather and path were both good, and the events 
wen psrtleiptted In by good men, so that the sport 
waa Interesting. Bommatr: 

Ojw Amdro* J 

tt.Syda.lla; r 
lyd.. Ibltd 

One Aandrcd yardi rva, Jaolor.— Won by J. Emblcb. 
19.1jd.,llMa.:J. Walll,'M,irda., aaooDd; a.S.WIUili. 
aoD, yj, acralch, thiid- 

nur kmtarM and JWV panda nm, taunt of tba 0. H. 
B. and H. T. B.— Woa by u. U. TboDiaa tud Boy Coomba 

toran.8.,esj<a _ 

Amfilfla broad ftmp —Won by W. Conroy, *fl6, Itlo., 
with 17(L eiD. ; A. H BlotOB, "aa aciatcb. 18IL Ua., aacond. 

Tw hmand and fvolia pordi nn.— Won by B. rraxiar, 
'la, lOyda., UXa: B. Codd, te, tyds., tecoad; U. 
Tnomaa. '07, toimtch. tblid. 
Oac mite Mcydc race. 3:0) cltaa.— Woo by V. Blodar; 

ma.lm.6^ ' ' •■ 


Bonlor— WoD by B. PraiJar, 
* lydntoeoDd;!,. Brace, 'sa, 

tlma,>m.taka.;L L. vfntbank, atcood. 

TArovfna ue boael 
Praalar; >BD. tocaad. 

Ktali.— WoQby L. Bnc*,'8a,saft; B. 

Bairnlu nai.-W0D by A. FlbiU ta, tOyda: Jobo 

ODbbinca, sradaala, acialob, aacoad. 

AURnlMStoAyuiiip.— Woa byW. L Low, *8a, 4Ul., with 
4IL tXiD. ; 0. Bncklay, IB, aecoad, aorauh, 4lt loia. 

One mile tlcfctc race— Won by V. Bindor, '8G,3ayda; 
timt, tm. 46Ka ; P. Zook, ■U, Stedi., aacoDd. 

Om mlU run.— VoD vr H. Thomas, aeratch, 8m. Ota.; 
Jobn GabbbiBa, 18, Ttyda., aacond. 

The Vale Colleglana. 

The annual Fall aporta ot the Yale Traok AthleUo 
Association were held at the college held In New 
Haven, Ou, on Bstnrday atlemoon, OcU 27. The 
weather was dellghttnl and the track In admirable 
condition. .However, although the games wen 
highly Interesting aad Oaoy in the hurdle ncca 
Chubb In the furlong and quarter mUo runs, and 
Kenhaw in the pole nnlt did splendidly, no recordt 
were antptssed st the meeting. The games wen 
witnessed ny a large crowd ot nndergndnttas and 
others. Bummajy: 

One Aundrrd ponfr nm.— R. W. Boraet Jr., Olndo. 
aati, 3yda..woo; B. O. Baker, New Tork, aecoad; laaae 
JoioaD. tllDclaoatJ. Iblrl. Tine, laa. 

Ifurrilc rotf, ItDyda.— Ernaat H. Cady, Bartroid, ayda., 
woa: J. W. Bah, New Toik, aacond; B. 0. Fartioa, 
Hartronl, third. Tlma,ieMa- 

Tlco tulei tlctde rdce.-Wllton Pock, New Haran, 
aoyda, won : Bbaaaiar U I tl, Daubury, aaooatf ; J. Lnkana, 
New York, ihlid. Tlma, 6m. SIKa. 

oac mtte mn.— WlDthnp Biataaid, Hoalraal, aayda, 
woa;J. B Horpao, Batax, Ct.,McoDd. 

Aanue rjcc 3alyda.-K. U. Oidy, Uanroid. acntch. 

woa; H.O,PerktDa,Hartlon], aacoad. Tlma^XtKa. 

Tloo Autidred and (wntv yard tint.— I. H. Jordan, uio- 
claaall, Ujdr, woa. Bandon Ohubb, Orange, N. J., a«^ 

ond. Tima, Wil> 

aalr mlw nm. — Joaapb E. Honian, Baaai, CL, 
acralch, wan; W.J.Lapbam, Oleoa Falla, N. T., third. 
Tlma.lm. 6a. 

nu MUU.-0 T. Taa Wlokla, RldieaoM, ou, won, 
8<utln.; Bai Korthaw, PbiUdtlpbla. aorateh. aacoad, 

Jtutuuno Imad iaan.— P. I. Pawamllb, Newark. N. J., 
61a., aitu OILttD-; tLHItobtU, Claclaaatl, BIU 3ia, 

tflsa yiaav — I. W. Rowa, BraobtyD, N. T., IXln., BnU 
8ft flo.; J. U. Tbompaoa. New Yora. a ' 

THoiias HOBSrooi, the veteran English pedes- 
trian, who tor a conaldenbia period was ths pro- 
fessional champion ranner ot England at one mile, 
and was credited with many Hue pertormancea at 
otherdlBUncea,dledonOcuia,atnlsTesldenoe In 
Nottlnghsn, sged sixty-tour years. 


The Tratters In Kentaekjr. 

The Initial FSU meeting ot the Lonlsvllle (Ey.) 
Fair and Driving Aasoelallon was held last week, 
opening on Oou 23 and eleslng, owing to bad 
weather, M. The resoltot the events decided during 
the meeUng are henwltli snmmailzed: 2:13 cisss, 
trotting, pnrae |l,oca-Ulss Nelson Bnt, In 3:14, 
MW, 2AAH\ Bourbon WUkea Jr. second, Answer 
third snd William Fann tonnh ... .2:10 ohitB, pacing, 

Bnree tl,aoo-Fnnk Agan Ont, Lottie Lonlne (won 
■e third and founh heaie). second, Coleridge (won 
the second heat) third, Colonel Thornton (won the 
fifth heal) tonrth. Jack Bowen (won the sixth best) 
llfth. Time, 2:11, tMX, 2:11X, 2:11M, 2:13>i, 

2:12, iMii, 2:13 2:28 olass, trotttng, purse 

tiod-Oamlet lint. In 2:22K, 2:20K, iMHj 
Koloeson second, Fanny Bmnswiok third, snd 

Prince Edtall fourth 2:21 class, trotting, pnise 

tSoo-lBBbelle Bnt, Ssrah 0. (won the flnt snd 
second heals) second, snd Ohsrmlng Chimes (won 
tho third heat) third. 'Hme, 2:18, 2:18K, 3:M)i, 

2:22X, itax.iMK 2K» class, trotting, purse 

tl.OO^Phabe Wlltea lint. In 2:11M, iilW. 3:>3-<i 
Azote second, Darid B, third and NlghUngaie 

founh .2:14 cltaa, paohig, pune $<oo-8ahle 

Oin Ont, NoUte 0. (won the second heat) lecond 
and Ted Crook thlnl. Time, 2:14, 2:17, 2:14X, 2:18, 

2:ia>< 3:17 elsts, purse, )1,0W, trotlliig-Rek 

Amerions Drat, In 2:18X, 3:l4Ki 2;I3V: Antfaln lec- 
ond, Wheatland Onwanl third and J. M. K. fonrih. 

2:13 class, pacing, purae ttOO-Martln Box 

flrat,ln2:18X, 2:l7)i,2:l8; Sadie Bnnston second. 
Bright Light third and Charley D. fourth. 

TroUlBg Bt Philadelphia. 

A rather nnaatlatsotory Fall meeUng was hsld by 
the Point Breeze Tntung Assoelaiton at their track 
In Philadelphia, Ps., last week, oommenolng on 
Oou 22. It bad been the IntenUon ot the organiza- 
tion to continue the meeting for Ave days, with the 
ouaumaty number of races dally, bnt rain Interfered 
on 24 and 23, and on 26 the track was very heavy 
andilow. It proved a losing game thnnghouu 
Snmmary of the events decided during the week: 
2:17 class, pacing, pune ttao-Amorita Int, Lntle 
BIrathmore (won tee Oral heat) Mcond, Lucy Pan 
thlrd,1and Olok Wills tonrth. Time, 2:laM, 2:I0>.'. 

3:16, 3:11 Match trot for |l,)0O-8cnnion Belle 

beat Huokbnra (won the third best). Tlme,2:23h, 

3:20){, iMX, laiH 2:31 chus, trotting, purse 

liOO-Chance nnt. In iain, 2:18)4, 2:ie.><; CitapnIt 
second, Ashmald, third, and He Wilkes tonrth... . . . 

2:ta olsss, trotting puras t60i>-James L., ant. 
Bravado (won Uis Ant and fourth heata), second, 
Oeorgle U. (won the third heat), thlnl. Time. 

2: lax, 2: 18X, 2: UK, 2: IBK, 2:18, 2: 18« .3:2* 

cbus, pacing, pone taco-Nonon ant, John 
L., (won the second best), second, Billy C third, 
and Mabel P. fourth. Tlme,2:lfV,2:13)i.2:ta.'i, 

3:11 3:37 ciss*, tntiing, puree laoo-^u- 

bllee,BrBt,lu2:3l727«0>(, 2:31; JuneWlthen eec- 
ond, Magnolia ((neen third, and Prince Manslleld 

tonrth 2:30 class, iretung, pniss, iua- 

Oatherine Levhun, lint, Rockbum, (won the ant 
and third heats), leoond, Soudan third, and Oei- 
malne fourth. 

Mrs. Matbbw Dawboh, wife ot Ihe oelebnted 
veteran BngllBh tnlner, died on OoU 18 at her booo 
In Neinnatkst, atur a brief Ulaeas. 

November 3. 





BfttilBf Fieldlag Il«cord« of Ifce 

W«Bt«ra Irfftgae PUyen. 
Tbe offlcUl ftTetftfei ot tbe plftjcn or Ute Weit. 
em liMpio for tlM bmsou ot idM.u oompi:ea tj 
rraldent B. B. JobnioD, glre Uie record of one 
hundrvd ud Udr^ eig bt plftrors, wbo took ptrt In 
tABOT inoreoliAaiploiublp noie*< Tbe records are 


lloBx dliy 

ymii' CI V 







"1. Wii*lit,<(r»Bd Bftpidi.... 
l..DugBBtI}«trolL , 

S .HlBWi HlDBUpolU , 


B..a«on«. Onnd Buld*.... 
I .Eloimiu. KftnauClty... 


U..WmooL MtU iDd , 

H.-OuToUTr-. Ormad lUptdi. 

lJ..Monri>Mi K>« Toledo 

U..aUUi Toledo 

TliMT. MUuM\polli 


ie..Bhtf^EAn. Oltr ud Mil 

U..<VBou1i«. eiODX Olij 


n..OUn«r. Toledo 

Oamp, Blonx City 



FbUUpa, iDdlftiupolli 

S, .OeBluSUiLK Cliy 


zr. .Ounpftv, Detroit 

S..lonu, Detroit, Hlnneapolli.. 


aO. . Bofiivrer, 8lou City 

SL.OUor.Mllvftakee . 


(kUopy. Qrud Replde. . . 

33. .Onou, Mluupollii. . 
(kUopy. Qrud Repr ' 

Bonioorc Dotnlt 

3S..KoOutb7, Indlukpolli 

A. .York, Detroit 

S..KimauL8Iou Oitr 
..BAlAaML Toledo, 

Oroee. a., Detroit 

DAlfTDpIe, UdlUMWlil 

41. .Gulo, fodluupolte, Oetrott . . 
CI..Bkk«r, E. CJtr, Milireukee . . . . 

0.,MeaalivU 10004 -oltv 

M..Henoa, Kuuu Oily , 

tf . .Doiree, Mlonoftpolle 

IS..HeObiil«r. UbL, HlooxClty... 


fil..Howft, Bloox Olty, If ilweukoe. 

BAymoDd, Delroit , 

n..Uuoii, MuuiBepolli , 

81 . .Buu, Orud lUplds , 

O..TinaouiD, Hlooi Olty.... 

~ " I, llllwMlioe 

M..OUii|riua, MllwftohM. 

JUOPL MlODft^^lll 

OwutLen, Orud BapliJi. . 

Novell. Bloux Oltv 

BS..Uolob«o, Sioux C 

I9..BP1U, Onod Rapid*. 

Bioot, lodlUMolii 

91.,LDby, Mllwooke^ eod Tolodo.. 

MubIdk EauuaCltr 

63..TiLylor, Imvukee.... 

ei..FlDko»r, Onod Rapid* 


M.,Lunfoid« Mllvankeo. 

- Detroit 

Logi. Saousrity 

S..JUM0, Detnii 

70..Wllaoa. MIoDoapolle 

Ony, iQdianarolia 

71..KU]o*o, O'd. R. and Btoux C... 

n..BUwtrtt8loax Cl'.y 

7I..BhLD»a, Qnuid Raplle. 

7»..MUIA ladlanapoira. 

7I..OuiolD|haai, Uloox City 


7e..FUh*tt7, Mllvauke* 

GamlUO^ DetrelL 

MtfTuDany, lodlaoapolli 

IL.Wbeelock, Orud Rarlde 

Dooley. DotroiL 

Gmham. ladunapolJL 


MtAliOd. Toledo 

89..0ood*iioaffb. Mllvaakeo»iialTlD, Detroit 
..BoylABiom Olty. 

SB.. HoniTi Toledo aod lodlaup'i. 

SO. .Walib, HUnukeo „ . . 

SI.. Feoord. Toledo 

SJ. .MeOaoklD, Detroit inil Toledo. 

Earle, Detroit. 

foreman, Toledo 

sa..Plo«k, IndtaDapolle 

sa.. Pepper, XadlaaapoUA.... 

S..OonBor, Toledo 
..Donahaa, Eaiuaa Cibr. . . 
09..JoM,8Iou Olty aoa Oread R, 

Lauy, lodlaoapollf 

lOL.WetflakA ladlaeapolla. 

I01..fnMr, ■laaeapolli 

Fuker Qrud Baptde 

lM..HoaieUand, Onad Rapid*.. . . 

DoboU and Toledo. 
__jr«, Toledo 

ffl..OUD•ea, Deirolt , 

10B..MoOu)a, Vilvaake* 

lU..l(oiphy, Indtaaapoll* 

in..Lobman. Hllwaotee 

111. .DBaJela,Ean*aa City 

lU. ^ 


Uliuk, uasaaClty 

lia..HQyirIand, Mlnneapoll* 

U7..Balta, Detroit, Onod RapMi. 

US..LlJU»ltt, Mumeapolli 

Boberta Mllwankee 

UO..D«raaey, lod'a^Oraod Bwpid* 
in. .flaAlon, MIU Eaoaaa oily. . . 

Walkla*. Onad Rapid*. 

IS. .BoteDTBuvaakee. . . . . 
Weot^ Ormad Banld*.. 

UB..Harley. Detroit.. 

US..Boyder, Indlanapoli*. . 

S..OrotA iBdlaaaooll* 
..B«ttfl«r. Toledo, MUwukeo... 


UD..01aytoB. Mllwankee 

Ul..r«an. Detroit 

lfi..Bln, Toledo 

W..N. Baker. Mlnoftapolia 

UL.Puf la. MloaeaMti 

ICHoihea, Toledo 

US..Ma&loty, CaaauOlty 

S..D4rtiy, Eanau Olty 
..MattM.Iodlap. Kaoia* Oiiy.. 

lai isi i«3i in 


IM 391 


..O'Brait., Biou c;iij. 


.Onr* ladltaapelli 

.Mltla. lodlanpella 

.Raymood, Detroit 

.Cup. Blonx clif 

.Newell, Blonx City 

.Wllaoo, Hloncapnii* 

.Hnlea. Minoeaoollt 

.Pinknay.Ofud Rap^di 

.Flaborty, Mliwaakhi 

.Bvarolt, Delroli 

.Onbaa, Inllaaipoli* 

•DoTeaiy. Iod..ardn'd R<pMi. 

fillORT BTOPa 

I. .01lncmaa, Milvaokie.. 

a. .oiikP, Toledo 



ft..Re4rv. Etaaa* City 

6..Wbe«Ioek. Orand ftapMi 

7..N*iUad. ToMo. 



Pbarr, Eaa. Olty aod Mtl 

II. .LaonA>Td. Mllwankee 

Holohaa. Bloat Oliy 

U..R«at, iDdiaaapell*. 

U..Cfoaa, H.,Detnli 

IS..Callopr, Oraad Rapid* 


l7..ET*r»tt. Detroit 


Kewell, Sioux Olty 

fci..Wal*b, Mllwaekee 

Il..araluia, lodlaoipoll* 

B..DeTeney, lad. aaJod Rapid*. 

..Barle, Detroit 


..Ollt*. Toledo 

..ManalBir EaataeOlty 

..aeniaASIooi Ciiy 

. .BumU. MlaaeapolU 

..RtalUofa, Kaoiai City 

..Uowrleror, 8(001 City , 


..MIobol, Kaaaa* Ci'y 

Pruk. Toledo 

..Oeorte, Qrmad Rapid? 

OimllO., Delroit 

llernoo, Eaoiaaruy 

Ormr, lodlaaapoll* 

Miiitr. Toledo 

. Wr(*bi» Grand RacUi 

HoTey, Mllwaakee 

Fjienaa, Toledo 

VcOuokla, Detroitand Toledo 

.Paara, Detroit 

.Viaotr. MiDo*Apollii 

MoOatro, Uiooeapoil* 

UUDH, UlQQBapall* 

,Ooodeoough. Mllvaakoo 

Totk, Detroit 

Caxroll P., Onod Raplde 

MoCartbr, lodlaaapoll*. 

WatklOAuraod Rap'd* 

.NewnMo. Milwaukee 

.Daliymple, lodiaoapolii 

DoDsaa. Detroit 

,BaraeP.D«>nltand Hion 

L«ldy, ladiaaepoll* 

.Ulflok. EeoiaaClty 

.Canpao, Detroit 


.Ueory, Tolf do and lod 

.HoTaaieoy, lad 

Pruer. Miaoeapolia 

.Lohmaa, Mllwaakee 

Hove, SfosxClty and Mil 

Parker. Orand Ripldi 

MoParlaad, Toledo.. 

..Mart. SiooxCltf 

Canp, SiooiOity 

..Laby. Mllwaakee aod Toledo.. 

..HoCaao Mllwaakee 

. .Mtaauao. Dot aod To] 

..Dinlola, Eaarai City 

















































































































































































































































































































































































. 19 


























































1 lU 




..Bpltt, aimnd Bapult 




ithjuD. Bloom CItT.. 


Mhnt, Kftnut Oltr. . . 

lllu.. Iii4lui.pollf 

Mn, Mtroit. 


I. . 


II. . 

11 . 


U-Mupfar. InOluupolU . 


l8..Kl*lf, Dtmlt 




..rwill, MUwutM.. 

..Kiui, BIOU Ollr 

..Botaa, Hllw.nkM 

..Bvmu, Hlnoo»«lli. .. 

..wi]ion,lllos.ip«lli. .. 


. .Bordw, Inrtltnipolli . . 

TVooi, IlKlHllllwlU, 
Klunu, r 

^ CIVf 

.auM7,n> ?! 


■TyiBOIiimj Bloni OUT 

.WMoa, iriBGwpolli 

Mlular, HisD. Blou CII7.. 
.Olnlh*ii, Qimad BifUt. 

Itilo, OAol't. 

■AnUr, DMnli 

.naoro, Tolodo 

.O'Brtu Blou CItr 



I.-Jblor, HUnUM. ^ 

I..C0UW.TOMO 117 

I..Wwb,aiiB4 BtMt 8 

•.■tUBlncIu.cTlr a 

, Rm Btou oitr, MUngttt.,IHSit 

.b«u,Onaii BipUr.. 
.WkjMsok, anno fiiipid 

..OMili, luaaoiir, 


■ -9!^*^^ Cllj, MUnakM 


• ii«u 01 or 






41 a 
to ^ 

a .m 


Dy Acting In llariiion^ tite Eiperlment 
May Frov« a Succeti. 

Ttie cbamploDBblp teaton or 1604 vaa tn muy 
myt a \etj aocMtarul ore. Ii It clilmed that 
ever; dab In the Natlontl LtaRoe ami ^merlctn 
Attoclntlou came oat abtad In a flnanclal way. 
Tbeie la so donbt but ibat It ms alto a ralrly proa 
ptroQt to ihe dntit o( tbe mlAor leagnea, •• 
masT or tbtm did vdl, end tbat, loo, la tbe face of 
'. tbe bald llmca tbe connirr In genemi bag lately 
i Ixen eip«rl«nclng. Tbia tbowa tbet ibe national 

Soot la once more upon a bula wblcb, ir notJiing 
ppent to mtr lla eecnrity, la bonnd to proro a 
; prooiable Inveaimrnt ror toe next (ew jeara. tt 
baa patted Ibrougb irrlng tlmta, bat bat mtnand, 
, at a great teanclal lost, to weaincr tbattomiB tbal 
besieged lU Nov that It Is again upon a sound 
tooling. It It to be bopcd tbatnoibing r!ll be done 
to Jeopardlie lit Interetis. Tbere Is no Oonlit tbal 
aa impioTement can be made In Ibe present tirelTe 
club feagne, wblcti Is certainly an nuwleldy and 
topbeaty aOklr. Tbereare too naoytallond club), 
and tbey are a dng on tbe leaders. No one t nowa 
I italt better tban too magnates tbonselres. Toey 
' hate glveo tbe preseot plan a tborongb trial, aud it 
. bas pioven a umentabie rallnre. The past Ibree 
teaaona tbonld convince ibem ol tbls,and enable 
I tbcm to mite tncb anaDgemeLta tlitt ibey will be 
' able to present an entirely new programme to tbe 
■ pDbllc before anotber teason sets In. Tbere Is 
plenty of room for two leading org.nlzailost. Two 
' sood cironlis of elgbl olnbs eaon can be formed, 
but Ibey mutt bo worked la barmony witta each 
otber. Tola cannot be sccompllibed by Infrtnglnr 
upon one aaolber's tenfory. It Is veiy donblfn 
If any one olty la tbe Dolon wlU sopport two club?, 
and at Ibe same time allow a pndc to botb ic bas 
been tried In former years, and baa Inrailtljlr 

K roved a rallnre. It ttaeretore aeems like a tool- 
aidy piece ot boalneas, etpeolally by pereons who 
bare a tboiongb knowledge ot past experiments, 
lo again Invorve the ssme into another e'ruggle 
timlltr lo that with tbe Brolberbooi, They cJinnot 
reaionably entertain ibe Idea that they will tuc- 
c«ed. To carry out tbe plana already mentioned Is 
bound to bring anotber atrnggle anoli as wtiwlt- 
necacd dniing tbe eeaiona of leto and 1811. Tnls 
would cenalnly prove a detrimeut lo tbe game. If 
not a death blow tbal might require yeara to re. 
coier from. 

Tbe couolldallon ot Ihe VaUoual Lcarae aud tbe 
American Asaoclallon, at a mceUng held dgring the 
winter of leti «l, at Indianapolis, lod., wu tbe 
only means that tben eeeme(l poanble for seiillng 
tbe dlObrences between tbes* organlzatlona. B~ 
dolngao Ihe former took upon Itself a heavy debt 
which, by clever maDagement, It bu since been 
able to pay oir. The magnatrs were obliged to rC' 
sort to the etrleteat erooomy, by reducing ptayera' 
salailea, snd onruilllog other rzpeoaei bttore this 
reenll was reached, now that Us purpose bas been 
BccomplUhed, the league It In a potlUon to la- 
crtais sslarKs wbere It reels thai tbe caae warranis 
lu Thererorc, ir the players are foollah enough to 
aland la their own llgnl, and Isvlts another war by 
lolning Itsnes with a new orgaolxailon, tbey will be 
the greater aulieren In tbe end. Dow many ot Ihe 
IndluR plaieis ai« they wbo took part In tbe 
Dfotberhooo revolt thatcan command Urge salaries 
aa ball players at tbe present Ume I This subject la 
well kcowo, and thoold bs carefully cnntldsred ba- 
tore an attempt Is made to bring on tncb a itato of 
airairs aa eilated a tew yesra tgo. I' Is hardly be- 
lieved that the public will connienauce another 
baseball war, and tbe orgaolctUon which Is cbleoy 
nsponslUo for snob a sttlfo, will receive tho re- 
ward It deserves. Txe new aaaotlntton cannot hope 
to aucceed It It loc*t*a cloba In the olt'.es occupied 
by the major league. In the hnt place It would 
have to prestat as strong, If not stronger, ao attrao- 
lion than the present league does. The new aaso- 
olailon cannot do Ibia, as It bas not got the playerr 
Ihe Dia}or league having about all of ihe best ttiai 
can be obtained. Th<rerore, the only way tbti ttie 
•aaoclailon can hope to tccompllao Ita purpose, 
would be by slgulng tbe players the older lesgnt 
DOW have under reservation, and by doing that It 
will bring OB a atrire with the older organliaUoo, 
which It claims It does not Intend doing. 

Tbe proper way to form a new staoclatlon, and 
at Ibe aame time work In hannosywlib tbe major 
leagne, woBid be to get four clubs from tbe latter 
orgaalzatloD, which can readily be aptred, and 
then select four otOer prominent cities— mtny ot 
tbcm now hsve the material Ibat would answer u 
a nudeua for a good team-ud an ezoellent rlrcoll 
could be formed. Tbii would then reducs the ma- 
jor league to eight clubs, aod aire It a much more 
compact drcoli than It nowbu. Ttieoanvaliy 
auch as wu witoetacd lo the days when the Na- 
tional LeaAOO aod the Aoerlcao Association were 
separate oTganlsatloos, aod the pabllo would tben 
have another chance of aeelug a struggle between 
ibetwoorganliailoni In a Dual series at the dose 
of th« Rgalar champlonshiD season, u was the 
i*m»» A feir years ago. Undoubtedly this would 
bring a new era ot prosperity to the national game, 
and would solve a problem wbleh Isssnonaiy aObcv 
lug It now. To make a soccsis ot two such orgso. 
laatloBS tbe magnates would bave to deal with 
each other In afUr and llbemi manner, and no un- 
just advantages should be allemplad by elUier 
PM«7. • ,„,, 

John J. Onrtock, the ones noted aecoad btsemsa, 
Is DOW a nwlal poUonato at Prospect Parkparods 
gimaStt BroofclyB. 

Winifred B. Uereer, who Is gensrally conceded to 
be ono of ihe moat pmmltlng of the young pliohera 
who came to the trout during tbe pan seavin. It 
oQder reservation by the tTaihlngton Olub, ot too 
National League aud American Aitocltllon. He 
wta bom June 30, 1874, at Wbceling, W. Vs., hot 
learned to play ball at Kul Liverpool, 0. He toon 
mastered the art or curving the ball aod oalned 
consldersble local renovo ss a jiltober. Ilia first 
ptofestlooal engagement iru wltn tbe Dover IM. II ) 
Onh, with which clnb he began the seaKo ot 1803. 
It waa not lon^, however, before hie good work in 
the pitcher'a poslilou began lo atuaci the attention 
ot tue olub managers of tbe New Kugland League, 
and shortly sftsrwards he received a nattering oner 
from tbe fall River Olub of that league, and finished 
the season with Its tesm. Toward the cloao of tbe 
aeason of 1803 Uanager Sohmelz wbo bad tben 
been engaged by Itie Wublukton Club, was travel- 
log througb tbe New England cIrcDiton the look, 
out for young p:ayeis. Be beard ot Uercer and 
visited Forthkud, He., where the latter was booked 
to pilch. Scbmels saw him play Ihcro snd waa to 
much Impressed wito his work In tbe game ibnt be 

engaged him for the Washington Olub, tor lOo aea- 
aon of ItM. That Hanager Bohmels made no mla- 
lake In his teleoUon has bosn fully demonaliited 
by Hercor during ilie put aeaun, when ha was 
credited with some remsrkably fine pitching per- 
foimaooes. Among Ihn moat oolsworthy ot uiese 
was the preventing tbe l,oDlavllles from mating 
more than two ufo hits off bim In a game pltyeil 
Hay 2). at WaahlnitoD, D. 0. On Aug. 9, tt Bosloii, 
U^sa, Hrrcer pliolicd soother or tbe tlod or games 
which did to much toward plaoing htm In the very 
front rank of the pitching talent or the proresilon. 
Tlie lloatona made only forir aafo hUs off him and 
were eaaly beaten by a acore of 8 to 4. Then on 
Aug. 14, at Wuhlnglon, the Clevelanda defeated 
Uie WHSbluitons by 1 to 0, In ten Innings. The 
victors mane only four atra hlla oir llnrcor. On 
Sept. 0, at OInclnuall, U., Mcrcor held the Olooln. 
aM4 down to ronr aare hits, and sltbonBli his own 
tcamusdoilXBaro hlla, itio Cloolnnatia mansgort 
to win by 4 to 1. Ucrccr 14 a hard and conaolrn- 
tloiia worker, and as companl' nnble a loiing man 
at lio U a flno pitcher, and lit very popufsr tiotb on 
auil oir the tisll field. 


Ijateat Sayings nn«l Doings of Ihe Bitae* 
ball Fraternity. 
Jjhn H. WaM, manager "f tiie New York tesm, 
lelterales <he Btory that bo la to retire from aclivo 
duty on Ihe greon dUimond. In a recent lolertlew 
he aald: "In the first place, let me s<y tlist, tliongb 
I am now bidding farewell to the diamond, after 
seventeen years of It, there Isn't a finer, squaier 
bnslneaa In the world tban baseball. It can stand a 
Lexow Invesilgallon. I wsnt to ratko a point ot 
this, and I tblnk the Temple Oop aeries onght to 
prove It to tbe pabllo beyond the shadow ot a 
donbt. I will recur to It again. Tbe New York 
team, lo my Judgment, it the beat nloe toat waa 
ever gatbered together In the world. Put that 
down at a dellberatei not a merely partial, partltan 
Judgment Wby did the llaltlmores beat uh? 1 
will tell yon. FIrat ot all, let me ear that the Daltl 
morea are a superb tet ot men. li*a no dUcredIt to 
bo beateo by auch a club. The Bsltlmorea atarted 
on a Soutbem tour early lu Ihe BpMog, mid got 
limbered up aod In worklDg order before wo got 
tOawed out. Tbey got the start of ua, and when we 
came up against them the/ were too r.r ahead ofns 
to catch up with tbelr lead. When we did get Into 
playing shape we outplayed tbom, as the score 
since June smply proves. We could onifield, out- 
run, outmanuaver the BalUmoroa when wo got 
right down to bualneas In our true sbspe, lu only 
one respect were tbey our superiors. They oatbai- 
ted OS. Thia Temple Oup was a god seod to us, lor 
It gave us a chance to demonstrate wbai*we bad 
worie^ op to, I rather expected to lose the dm 

Same.becaoae It was on their ground, and they were 
ished with victory, woeo we won tos second, I 
felt we had woo tbe cap, snd yet I thought It not 
onllkely we might lose the third snd fourth games 
running. Wby i Jaat from oror snxleiy lo win 
them. Also becante of the moral eoect upon our 

Sayen of the nueaay feeling Ihsi, If we did lose 
em, many ot the public wosi<' Mlleve nnjutUy 
that we were purposely thro:;, ■ the game In 
order to prolong tbe contest and '...jasetbo gats 
receipts. Th.; was one reason why 1 stood out 
atlffly for the slity-flvs and thlrty-Ove basis of di- 
vision. Instead ot bait and halt, so that the pabllo 
might not feel It was merely a play tor money. And 
now you wish me to say somethmg atooat mfselt 
snd planar Wall, I'm going to retire, and put In 
two yean ot bard work batting lllaoksione. Chilly, 
Metcsir, Blahop, and a good maoy other legal 

fltcheis of tough curves tor the mind to gat ouu. 
studied law (or seversl years, bot I'm preuy rusty, 
aod I ibsll hsve to work bard before I can make a 
boms mo with tho Judgesss omplres. But, bsring 
worked so severely tor sereoteea yeara, I m going 
to tske a little rest and recreation before buckling 
down to my law stodlcs. I am going to Hoolsna. 
There I ahaU bs seven days In the saddle before 
reaching my first ranche or reit. Arur a epell of 
buntlDg there, I thall swing down througb ths 
Siiuu, and return here early In the Hprlog." 

Templing offers hsvs been asde to HcOuthy 
and liuiry, of tbe Boiton Leagne Ulnb, to Join the 
new clnb ihst will represent this city la ihs Ameri- 
can Association, but It Is not believed ihst they will 
do so. In ipeaklog about Ihe matter, McCarthy 
ssit: "I do not care to say at present whether 
Duffy or myssif will sign a New York contrscL 
You see. we are going loio boalness st Boston, and 
It would be more pleassni tor os to live there. 
Neither Duffy nor Long received an equitable ssl- 
sry for Ibe work they did for lOe UosIob Olub. 
While we have not yet alned, we both think 
favonhly of toe propMltlon.'' 

Tbe players of the New York Olub will spend the 
winter montos ss follow: Divli and Van Uallreo, 
at 8aa Francisco, CI.; Farrell, at Manboio, Haas.; 
wilaon, at Denver, Vol.; Hoslt, at lodlaospolls. 
Ind.; HMtIn, NswAlbiny, led.; Oennso, In Msry- 
land; Westervdl and Borke, Id this olii; Doyle, at 
Uolyoks, Msss.; Fuller, al Cladooall, 0.; Tlemao, 
at Tieoton, N.J. MorpnyaodStsfford have rttsiaed 
to homes In New Bnglsad, and Olark to bis, in Feon- 
svlvsnla, and Ward will go en a huoUof trip 
Ihrongh the West sod BostO. 

It Is aow stated Ihst Vaoager Buckcnbergtr baa 
withdraws ths new PitltbnrgClub from Ibe Ameri- 
can Assoclatloa, staling as nis reaaos that Flita- 
burg will not support two cloba, oor caa he get de- 
straole grouods. 

U Is dalmed that Ihe LontsvlUs aub will pre- 
sent an almost entirely new team nsxl season, 

The qnestloB that Isapperoostla Uie mlodsof Ihe 
baseball poMlo st the present ume Is. wheUier Ihe 
star players of ths Nsuooal Leagos aod Amaileaa 
AMOCWloe will slgD wlib the as* SBBoelslloB that | 
WIS ncaaily oriaalied st Fiuiadslphla. 

"The plana. It iliereeverwereany, fur the placing 
or an American Asaoclallon leiun In Uhicsgo have 
never been given to the pnbllo In a definite rorm, 
nor has It been poislble to find snytiody who knew 
snylblogortbs matter," uys Tlui Cltlmeo Tlmrn. 
"It has slwsys been supposed thstOsorge Williams, 
the well known reitaurateur, wu tavorablo lo an 
American Assodailon club here, and would beck 
It liberally : but It turns out that ho declines to lie a 
party to the latnt. 'You tee, I have never been 
favorable to the aoheroe,' aald Mr. Williams, 'be- 
cauio I alwaya consldeieil It tsr too vltlonsry. In 
Ihe first plscs, Iknowbetierthsn loputmy money 
In s wild cat plan to fight Ihe National I,eaane and 
Amerlcau Aaanclailon, What I want to do Is to 
seoure a Weatsm League tnnohlse for Ohiragosnd 
pisce Fnd I'ferrer In chsrgs. A fine circuit could 
be formed to Include Ohlotgo, Kansss Ully, SL 
Lonis snd MluneapollB u Weatsn teams, and mi- 
WBUkee, Detroit, Culumhus sod BoiMo si Kaslorn 
clubs. 1 sro not favorable to making a fight of any 
klad, but would play the team boro while Ibe Na- 
tional Leaguers were sway. The publln, I think, 
would support Ihe tesm with twenty-five ceois sd- 
mlulon. . It would be necoaaary to nave the prnieo- 
tlonot the national agreement before f would put 
one pennv iiohind IL Yon can deny moat potlilvely 
for mo that 1 am a party to auy acnome which Im- 
pllca a Othi with atronger powers, tor auch a oonrso 
would be suicidal on Ihe face of It. Pfelfer and 
others should know that u well sa I do.> These 

filain words knock a a voDg prop from onder the 
ocalendof the newly turood American Aaaoclt- 
tlon. It wu evident that Pfeffor anilcipa'ed awlng- 
Ing hia friend Wllllitma Into line to back a dull 
here, but tns groat locond lissemao will now bave 
to loot eltawhere. Ao Amtrlcao Asaoolsttoo team 
could be made to pay only on tbe bull of oon fight- 
ing, u laid down In the meeilog at rhlladelphla, 
but would have a struggle st that," 

Prealdent Dyrno, of tho llrooklyD League Club, la 
reported u having sent to eson of his old players 
who have not signed for noxt aeaaoo the fodawlag 
notice: "You are hereby notified and advlaed thai 
your aervicea are rcqolred by ibeBrootlyo Olub for 
Ibe aeaaon of llot." 

At a mesilng ot ths Bsltlmore I,odge of Elks, Oct. 
34, In that olty. Captain Wllbert lloblnson, of the 
Bdtlmore Club, wss presented with a gold locket, 
on one aids ot which wu a big diamond and an 
elk's hesd, wlih diamond syes, while on the reverse 
aide wu ensraved: "Wllbert Robloaon, from Hem- 
ben ot the flalilmore Lodge ol Kite, OtI. •M.VOt" 
Notwllbslandlog tbe luperclllousoraa with which 
the National Leagne magusies gue upon the 
struggle for cxiatence or Ihe new asaodaUon, they 
sre nst rscngnUlog the tsct that a war tor players, 
very similar to thai ot I8M, u on. Iieaplto lbs 
threats of blacklist lbs players reslly favor Ihe new 
association, an underourient ot sympaiby prevail- 
ing, which will appear 00 the lurnce whenlhsnew 
sasodailon bsglos lo hid for their servlcea. 

(llaaacock, Ihe veleian abort atop, will probably 
be found wlih the UlnclcoatI team next season. 
He leads Ihe major leagne players In that position. 
In tbe olDolal HMIng averages, and although he 
his not baited so hard darlog ths past season u lu 
toiTner years. It Is generally conceded that he 
knows now to hit the ball, snd may do ao pretty 
often DOklyear, 

Nearly all of the New York and Brooklyn Olaba' 

Slayers have left this vlcloliy for uelr nspeoilvs 

His. Ocorgt Oore, wire of Ihe ex protesslonsl 
pisyer, hu Pieeo granted a divorce on atatolory 

PIlohsraUlfaionaBdHollahon, of the naltlmore 
Olnli, were each fined |U, for assaulting a pollce- 
mao In that (lly. 

W, U. Watklns, who will maosge the lodlanapolls 
team, of ths Western League, aexl year, hu en- 
gaged several new pisysrs for bis team. 

Tim Uorat, one of the omplraa ot Uie VslloBsl 
leagne sad Amsrlcan Association, has bsea sn- 
f sged u Ihs ondsl itferee of the Bntlde Athletic 
Olub, of Oooey Island, N. V. 

John CIsrkson, the vsterao pitcher, la dolBg so 
well lo his Dsw business ibst he hu no dssire lo 
ittnm to the greeo dlaoood again, 

A. 0. Buckenbtrgtr hu bcea msoUoned u ths 

Ebable manager oinexiBesson'BFltuborg Leagne 
n. Hit raursment donng th« psst asssoa wu 
brought aboulliirongh W. 0. Tsnpis, sz-pinldsnt 
of thai dab. 

The ofllclsl featuag svsrtges ot ths IfaUonal 
Leans and American ASBOciailoa itoently Issaad 
by Pnsldsnt Yoong sho* a grtal Improvsinent 
over thoas of test ysar, 

"OOptalB ABBon'sOhloago ball playtn trill bt In 
eoDdlUoB whaa the season ot liat opsnt. n« 
team will go to some point In Texu early In Ksieh 
aadisDalo Uiete anill ths men are Inshspefor 
•oUvowork. la years past eflbns bave been made 
to get the boys mm condition by trips to Dsnvsr 
aodnot Springs, in neither cass wm theiesnlt 
favoiable, Bnow storms and ■taerally bad wealher 
wen enoonntered each yesr, sndwhenths sesBos 
opened Ihe team wu far from being la perfect 
snaph last season Anson Ihouaht he ooala do aO 
Ihe ualnlngnecesaary at borne,'' aaia TAs Chlmpo 
BeraM. "The aiienpt proved a diamal failure, 
aod It wu Dot ontll htte In Juno that Ihe club playta 
wInDing ball. Those fallutea have vexed Frest. 
deolDsrt. Us Is determined Ihst ihemen tor onoa 
shall be la the plok ot condliloo when the tiell ringa 
for the opening game. Ilo packed hia aatohel on 
OoL 91, and look a Dtght train for Texas. He will 
begooeaweek or lea days, and will vltll Dennl- 
son, Wsco, nooslon. Forth Worth, Anitln, lialUa 
aod OalvealOD. He will lovesUisle lbs menia of 
each ptsoe aod will select the u>wb where the dl- 
matelalheoioattavniBOle for Ihe dovtlopmeol ot 
Ihe Bent' abilities u playen. 'I do not piopou,' 
htuld, 'loplckatowowhereHecansecore (imeaL 
Whst I want Is a place where the mso oaa let Into 

Krteol condition. This done, I will send the team 
utii early In the Spring. By the Ume tbebon 
an In shspe ths Bouthem Lesgae olubs will ba 
ready lor practice games, and we can thus seonn 
all IBS oootesis we want aod gradually work oor 
tray North. Tbe team will ilay lo Texu aod tba 
Booth ODIII the seaaoo Is rea<ly to beglo, and ths 
people hen will oot see it unill U plays the obsb- 
Ing ohamplonsblp jpune.' Tliare la a prospect lhal 
Qslvetton will be the town seleoted." 

Hlohael B. Beanloo, ono of the baoken of the 
Wublngloo Olub, lo the new American Aaaecla- 

Uen, la very eothualuUo over tho proapeotsof ths 
new orgaolsatloD, aod confident that It will suc- 
ceed. In a Rceni Interview on that aub]i>ot, he 

_jld: "The AmortcaoAaaoolsilonwu formed prim- 
arily tor lbs pnrpose ot giving the ball loving pob- 
Ilo an opportonUy to enjoy good games, closely 
oonteated and well condncie4l, aod our objeol lo 
organlEing wu lo bo In the field wheo the Matlooal 
League carried out Us Inteoilon to reduce Ita nom. 
beror clubs from iweira to elxht. We are tally 
awtn that ihia aiep la eooiemplated, becanao Boa- 
ton, rhlladelphla aod New lork want an eight 
club league, and are bonnd In have It. Unnng Ihe 
paat teason Louisville wu compelled to sell lla alar 
ptaysn In order to pay Ihe aaltrlea of others. Von 
der Ahe had to borrow moo ly In bt. Uola, and the 
pUyera OBoe rotuaed to auri on an Kaatem trip 
until thor were paid. Hoblson bu lost nK>n>y la 
Ulevelana,and bsaofihred I bat dub toraale. That city 
will probably be Included lu the elgtai oluli leagne, 
but Bt. I/iula and I,oulavllle must go In the west, 
lu tho Kui, Wuhlnglon, and rliher Dslllmora or 
llnotlyn will be dropped, snd It will bo most prob- 
ably lirooklyn, bscauae llaliimon won lbs otisa- 

RIonahlp. Tbetocandlilnna open a fmlltui field for 
IS new association, and wt projioae in oultlvale Ik 
The acheme will not reaull u tho llrotherbood did. 
The conditions are entirely dillonnt. The Brolhe^ 
hood bad no grounda or clubs In mani ot lis cities. 
ItlsthelBtenilonof the sshocIsi Inn lo have dubs 
In BnlTtlo, Detroit, Hllwautee aod Uhloago In the 
West, and Wuhlnglon, rhlladelphla, rrovldeooe 
ud either llalilmora or Bronklyo In iho Rast. Then 
sro srtKinds asd a dub resdy In the cities ol I'rovl- 
donco, Buffalo, Detroit aod Hllwautee, u well u 
In Wuhlnglon. Bo the expense or groonds will 
out BO figure with us. Wo will not uke a mao who 
la on Iht retervollat ol ths clibi dulis that will re- 
main In tho league, hut we will try tn get those be- 
longing to the other four that will lie dropped ont 
I believe both tsioclatlnna can form a natloniri 
agreement and go alnng nicely aod quietly wllbonl 
any disturbance at all.'i 

Hanager Selee, of ihe noaion Oliib, la very Indig- 
nant over the report that l/iug, liunyand HoOarthy 
Intend drsening tho IIosud Olub andjoinlegone 
connected wltn Ibe new Ainerlusn AanooUllon, lis 
laid: "You can B«y for mo that I will list a newsoll 
of clothes that Duffy, HcOarthy snd liOng donol 
plat with the American Asaocuilun noxl season. 
Why, It Is simply rldloulnua to think nt It. Twool 
Ihcao men have liivcaled It.uoo In liuslneaa In Bos. 


Dock sbooUBC Is gsUlBf to be qnlle a spoit wlib 
« KOtssrioBsTlMrplaysr. 

Inn, sud why should Ihoy want to play In New 
Yurkt Thoo sgnlii. If theynmat make a change 
tlieio la nota cinU In tho miijor Iraguo whlohwoiud 
not offer them a gooit advance over their pnaeni 
ralary, and It stands lo rouon Iher would soonsr 
play with a rocogiil»d auooemrul orgsolHtion 
Ihtn tsko chances with anew one. No, no, thty 
sre loo level headed fur thai, and you cao also wy 
that they will get what ihov demand tram the lies- 
ton Uluh, and they are cnlUlod to II. There are no 
hnrder working pLtiera In the prntcsaKio today 
than they, and they are stars of the Oral ijisgDI. 
tqdc; BOinuob ao. In fani, tliat I wonid lie In favor 
or giving them all that the liuslnssa can afford, All 
thU talk aimut my going down on my knees to plsy- 
en lu I'lttalmrg la all rut. I only approsohed two 
men, and you can bet my effaris were out eounly 
rrulilesa. I have algned aeverti men. aod they are 
not all newonea at ilini. There will be more old 
faces on the Boston team next year tlian most peo. 
pie Imagine." 

Arlle Latham la getting liooa ireek ror playing 
the part or a policeman, In Uontoy i Fox's farce 
oomptny, "llo( Tamalss." 

D. A. Long, president ot ths Toledo Uloh, who Is 
vlaltiDg Lowell, Mua., hu sisood llosoh, of the 
Pawtockel team, of tho New Kugland Uagoe, for 
his next aoaaou Tuledo team. 

W. W. Kerr and I'hil Aalen have porohssed lb« 
stock ot tbe Pittsburg Vlah held liy Mr. llaldwID, 
tho fsiher of K*n Usldwln, ifie professional 

Ucrhee, ihe clever second basemsn ot Ihe Oln- 
doDa'l illW), will late his usual Winter outing oa 
the Bl. Francis lllver In Arksniu. 

(Jhsries A. I'omlskey has two strings that hs Is 
polling st the present time, Ilo la holding rlT from 
algnlug wlib the UlndnnatI Uluh for next season 
until hs finds out wboh ir or nut he can gel a f no. 
ohiat for Bt. Paul In the Weatsm League. 

Tbeannnal game liotweenUio Trinity and Toronto 
Hedlcal Uullege teams was played not. M,^st To- 
ronto, Unt, iRs former then winning br 7 to t, 
Usrlln's pliohlng for ibe viouin wu a reatare. lis 
nilred seveoteeu of h Is oppnnoots oo atnkss. 

It bu lieen snnounoed Uiat the Ainerlcao Aaso- 
clalho circuit for osxt season will lie u (nllowai 
Provldenee, Hrookirn, Philadelphia and Wuhlog- 
too In the Kut, and Hoflltlo, Detroit, Vhloago sod 
Hllwaokes In tbe West. 

Tbs aooi,sl Dueling of tbe Nstlooal I.esgDS ao< 
American Aasodsilon will be hold Id this olty on 
Nov. 14. 

Hsnager Ohapmsa says tbst lluff.lo will have a 
winning team next aeaaon, no matter what leagus 
or sasoclalloo It la conaected with. 

Borne of the UlndBDatI pap*ra woald like to ss* 
Book Rwing maoags the Uloolona'.l team osxt sea. 


The BL I,ouli team will apsod Ihe mnnih of Hareb 
at Hot Hprlngs, Ark, Tlie Lsll grounda tiisra have 
alrtsdy been lessed by I'tesldeni Von|der Ahe, 

The American issoolalloo sdopted the Klllh baO 
st IIS ncent meeting In FblUdelphls. Klfft wlu 
alto f orolah tho Association Ouldo, 

The Brooklyo Lesgoa Vluli expects to preseot a 
much atronger team oexl seaaoo than It had dorinc 
ths put ooe. 

AonmliarotlheDulorlesgtii pisyera expeot to 
put In Ihs Wlnteron ibe I'aclfio i;<iasL If enoagh 
of them go then a tesm will be furmiid lo meet all 
local learns, olhsrwiss ths Kutern pbiien may Join 
Oalltornia teams, 

Jsck Olsaaoock, the veteran sharlstop, la In neat 
demtad. When Ihe Pltuburg Oluh releaaed him It 
wuuld that he would have to retire or go Into a 
minor league, but hs bu tooled the know slls this 
llBt, as bit services svt sought sfler by no rtwer 
ihsB thrts of ths major league clubs. 

The Boston Clnb has algned r. II. Dolao, a tsfl 
haodsd plichtr, formerly of tbe rurilaud (nub, ot 
the Hew EoglsDd Lesgue. 

Hanager Uamle expects to bare ao Aosrlcaa 
AssodalloD tojm lo Urootlyn next season that will 
suipaas IB every wsy any that hu been seen In that 
olty In many a yrtr. 

It Is asid that President Dyme, ol the Brooklyo 
Lesgas Park, fsvon Ihs Ides of his dub's rstara- 
log to Wsahlogton Fork, Its tonotr boms. Bs 
ihlDks the oU park is fsr more csnlnay located 
Ihso Is Ksstem Psrk, the preseot home ot the olab, 

Tom I/ittos, the vtteno player and manager. Is 
Mw lo boBlosaa at Uubnqiie, la., and doing very 

Haosgvr Mae, of the Bos'on tesm, will hav« 
chsrgs of a polo tesm during the coming Wloter, 
a sport that la vtry popular In .few Esglaod Blalss. 

Rdward (kiolay, an ex prnfesiloBal pllohtr, died 
of ooDsnmpllon, Oct. I7,at hlahomtls VallsyfaUs, 
ILL Uonleypllohedrorihs Bridgepntt (Otj Olab, 
lo 1881, aod for ths lIaverhlllt,of tbe Nsw BBgtsad 
Lesgoe, lo itu. Ut the lul few yean ot hfi Dfe 
his neallh wu so broksB dowo that he wa«ehlli«d 
to retlra from activs duty oa the diaaioad. 



November 3. 


To C«mfpoBd«Dta« 

T. A. BlIXRT, D. D. a— Tl»l Toa n» lb* ArMt; 
mmnu Bro BaMon'i 1,97S Ttairt u iBn«l wbleb 
aUTbi dtdlultd u ion. Toa *n tin tnt, tKo. u u- 
ioum ft deUnnlofttloD to udiU oar toan*r problftm. 
- Jo Di ivir.— AntlD TAa tf« blgtaly eoapllmoutf. 

100 aiuiiATH —Manu tUMdtd t4>; «• b»« n- 
ugla«4 *U or ftwU lain iiodir Mr rallti, bat Mn not 
i:MAd lb* nao roo i oqoiro. Are jon iwv it u tMror 
11 JO, w« «|U Hoiob anlo. . . v—t 


J. A. Oiuor-Vou wlU lloil both Hm. I,M) wortb; 
lomftUoaUoo; olloiltan umo. 

Tb« alfbth flftfflk Alblo-BboHOlur, wftivOD brllr 0, 
btluloiUiouarotoeuiJIo bli itTOr. Icapptinlhat 
Bur A. Mtio OQIO' Kiu alUi Um 'Suaoloo" lo Mr 
■ ■> UwobftOt bftodi tbtt b< Mluillj Iriotf on ft "rraoob," 
>■( wftt bMtaa all ibe lami. thooib tba mat «u ft lonx 
MM ftotf tfttit to bftn bMD uonlllir foulbL Tb« 

..Tbll brionu loft gendlot MDlftUoo. Tbo Oltr'ft 
IMraftrbu unM outft inUbloi •ummi, uvluui 
Ihft UllowiDi llrtoroauuu: Ailolr Alblo. D. Olftbftm 
Km, O Boioot Dobsftr, Ut) 1. Mooro llftbliui, Jftub 
EalMrD. tSmui llimH, llurr N. rilMurr, Mr. Boot. 
mmZ jTukWB V Abowiltor, Vlllltm BUiolU ftftd D 
Juiior°<)>b7. Ob, lor aurs, llodiu, Uf, Ooulp *>i<l 
roUoill la tbo Ural rouol Mr. llroai, lb> Colamblt 
DalTtnltr obtiuliloa. wti ilnwii to Tfto* BO lta ftft »n 
tuoaUt uaa tbooi-ohftmploD of iho world, lo ftboatflr* 
mlaalM oTarjbodr >l«ni-M« If Iber dldo't At iho 
lUk of bftflQi oar boiod (mttifiborlcftllj, >oa 
laov) br "70 pnatlBM maa" for orowdlag hlia, Dftre • 
tba laiDO, vbftt ititie ihtn vta of It 

" BUY UlrBZ tra QAHB. _ , „ 

B. Urmto. Vm. HUlalu. I K. Ilymot. Wm BUIolla 
I..FtaK< rtoKi t..awUoi £<oQKt> 
l..CKt-BI QKI-Bt 7..KD-EtS QBtxPI 
■..KB-KtS P-UH9MI lll..KtxKt H/.^Kt 
..IB-Bt p3|8 t-.^-BKir) quS.KPi. 

tl-K Kt_ 

«ltb Q>, ftad B latar. lb* gftm* >■ drftwo by rapMtloo I 
M "*T lalftaUoa la ftdopUoi Ibli mora ri Lukoi 
Siat 001 oa tbu ouailoa. Bomi orlllea lemarbidM 
Ibo umo thfttl had loot bllh la nr aiuU fftfont«,9..1* 
lo Q'l: but, fti will bo WD. Iba uoift idtb U carrlod out 
ftflaruialiiitmora, vhlcbMoaruftdrftWfttiMM xaloit 
Iba moat fbnnldabU ftUack vblcb, ftuoidlot bo Ui* 

Ikaori " ' — ■■ 

Ua d1 

rr aod i>n« loo of lint olua loftaun, Wblla baa at 
dtlpoiaL"-«TaiiiiTi Id Sua. (II) Tbii at» nor- 
llftimifliTlntii laonau aa grettft Moutloa fti did lb 
EaDooDoU-Maokaoalo draw Id ibo 'Dlolalu Uamblt 

-^BimTi Id Sua. (11) Tbii a»w bio« 

laitloodloaiMUfta great ft aaoiatloD ta did Iba 

WIUi Uvair ploaaura wa nota from boib our 

Et Bontbaro oooUaiporftrlea Iba oomptata aaccauol 
MiMOftlppl ftmalaura lo MUbllahiDg a BUMCbeaa 
«IauaD. Mora Ihaa tblrtr aolbualuUo caoUamao 
lOtoftUr partlolpatad to tba orgaalutloo. and rarr maar 
mora auda koowo a poaltira lotoraat lo tha DoraoioDt. 
* rftra aaaurftooaot ibeir Bupport Iba oOlcara ara: 
laaL Jodga T. E. Coopar, 01 Iba Kupraoie Court; 
,„ do.,ll. O.aoaraUi; aacraun, B K. Ja)Ba. Tbia 
aalaoUOB IB aairanallf aodonad fta a owit aieallaat 

apa Bearoair lata aura la tba moraoiaDt to orgaBlia 

BDawftad popalar olublB NawUrlaaoa. Maiir oanioa of 
Iboaa daalrloc to baoooa aiambara ara alraadr baodad 
la, Iba aall la eOBtlDuad. a gaaaral oiaatlog la aooo lo ba 
tald, ftsd aratr proapaet polDU lo a Ouuriag aucotaa 
......MaiOD la OB tba polotof brIoglBg oat BDewb«JOk, 

nrbaAitof abaaB,"aBipllliiBg iba IIbu of IbalnicUoB 
BliBadraatarBd upoB la "rriDoiplw." 

BoliOi tilt naw *t}oda" Bait waak. 

...Wa bopa to 


or EMiayA no i,B6a. 

Oar aalaaUOB of Taralooa prorad oorraet. 
I..UX KtPI PtoqBI(i|| a..q+, orPloQ] Moral 
I..P^B( Horaa I a .q, or Kt, aiaut. 



1.. UBIaQ4.orl(D| 9. 

I..ItlohU«+KloU6 I I. 

I . . If B aliawhtra<9i| S. .0. St, or P, + I nuTta 
l..?taqa Moraa l4..gBaUa. 

1.. IfPtoQBKDI 9..q,orRI,+ ImoToa 

l..qFxr Horaa I (..llBialaft 

I.. IfBPxP I 9..q,B, orP,4' Morol 

I..BKQP Moraa | t..y, B, or P, mauft , 
rroblam l,M8 — Thia la a oioat diaaa lika and loi'/Btoua 
aarloauoi. oar graat eoDUlbaUir wrilaa oa ibat lo jpar- 
faot tbIa Idaaookt blio, od aud olT. aoTaial jaftra'appnca. 
UOD. nabarlal..lUaHB4.. Now aeeoidiag u Blaok 
ftaawatal..K lo B lorulLba la mada to trararaa "iba 
aouftre." allbar to bla lait or ripbt, barlog bia boiaaaq. 
KB4, ST. aotlq Kit lu Uw Boilaft Toalap aalda fram 
tbIa (lo bloi) Tfa nidta, arab wbau ba caa, maaaa alaadr 

Tba bai to Bro. Bhowallar'a mala la l..RloqRtaq. 
Va bara aaaa tbat tha poallloB of Bro LIvyd'a "dou- 
raalr Problam" cao ba piiKlacad ab (nUlo lo llltj.ooe 

Koa. I 

EalBBift l.nd baa beaa glraBlolall. 

Problaui 1,910 wa laara a llttla loogaraa a cballaoga. 

Balgma I,ni,raitl-I..K Ktloira,r muraa; l..1It 
Ra, P moraa; 9..KluiB e+. II laoToa; <..KI lo BI«,P 
(qi; a..llcmalaa. PaitlI,giraB. 

TioblaiD 1,971, glraa. . _ 


I..O>oBt+ Kmoraa |<..nloKRt Adilb. 
i..K|pRS lIxHl l5..ltxU+ K morel 
..BxKl'4 KxBl') la.HiiiftM. 

(•) If 9..K toBK): <..lllo K Ktt.olo 
Pnbtaiii 1 Vfi (br i. A. I'araon) -1. .gio It 111, II B X P 
.(.;l..Kix B+.aio : If 1..KI lo B4;)..H laKt9ilb 
alo.: II l.\B UiH4:>..B to Ml dU4-.alo : H I..B > 
P; 1 .q 10 K t aU ; If I. .11 to B Hl^L.RIa "19.^ 

H lakt9ilb+, 

ate : II 1..H lo kiB.orO,or Ka.or If B i, ur x f: > .•> 
to Klliiu +. nio : II 1..K 10 B >; B..RU Bt+, elo.: If 
r.Kloblia; l.,llx R+. alo: irl..R U>Q II <; I..B lo 
B4 +, eio : ai d If 1.. any ulhar mora, BO ItT aa I bara 
goBa; 3..qiubord+,aui,cla,elo HI 

Uiilgma No, I.UTO. 

J'lVit Miia LAnvt't KftijctiavfyMbeil. 


BtKR. MUX qil9,lllt]. 

« t 

Wbitv luioifttMinl*. 

1 % g 

4 I 

BiqKia. XHa. 

\?blle aulmalea la II, 

Problem No* 1,070, 


VTblle eouiHla aulBiala to twaaty moraa. 

OlIlBO No. I.UIO, 

Tba louttb Alblo.BliDwalt*r.~,llb4iiif Jimnial* 

l..l'li> K 4 
I..X Kl-Bl 






•..Brx p 

U..KtPX lit 

A. AlblB. 
r lo K 4 
U KI-B9 

j It-K Kb) 


r-q ti 

itPiS I 

Kt-ICK<| ( 

IK Kt + 
0 4 

C.K II log 9 


])..KtrM r 



q X B Bi r 

I -KBt 

I X K P 

,.harB9 < B-hla] 
.Kl9 KKI-Bt 

U..X H-K91 


IB) AlbTn'a —■ • •' 


A. Alblo. 



-K R4 

p-x Kie 


moro, aB4 Ilia uol 

v..qii-q7-f KH-xi 

)l..l]Hxh+ XJIOR 

)I..K-nT+ xAll 

J^..KHxlt K-gB4 

W..K-blal K-qa 

ii..K-qt p-uKia 

U..Kl[.Bt K-hll4 
U.B-blaa P-IBI(d) 
r, and wiea. 

olr aatlal 

ifaotory ooa. 

lb) la tba aaoood lama Allito 19. .q R 10 B a<i, 

aad Utla aceonllag to him, lad dlrvdlj to bla urlaaL la 
aaactlola oD tbia rarlalloB by TohtgurlD latbaSapUm. 
bar :f<rul«vl« tba rallowlog eoBUouaUOB tp glraD by Dr. 




a.iBxB^' , . 
u..q-ifts ilt^iea 

la .I R-Ka<l+ KB-KI 

iT..r-aa i bi-xI" 
ii..gHi(P qxqB 

— Or 1B..K B<oltb,»llh 

i Kl-U» 


U-bar B 1 

,Ktx B OH-L 
JJ..RI X Kt,ftiia wiaa la a 

fa* moraa 

(l)'grlk..K Rrol(e,>llhaeBaallaak. (Ib the mfttob, 
Mbb jBdd va. ShowaJtar, lliaia rariallooa were orlgt 

Bated — PoLUWit ) Tba aicriBca of the eichaoga wee 

antpoiBlad out by Mr. Dflmar at lha MaBbaiuan. • . 
0 Bollea ol ibia {nwarlul aad baaullful maaiiarte la 
lakaa IB Teblgorla'a Bfllola . , 

(II A atnnge etior. lorwhil* IBIaaktl byaB obrloua 
reply. thieataaa<l naU b> R lo R i B u> IlB, or Bl to I 
X abould bare beau ptayad. lUan A., la Mama, pro- 
BooBoaa for Iba Kl'a moTa| 

(•) "nsoalrmora topnreBllheUii«a(eBlagm>UIOt 
tba prawit ALBIH. . _ • 

III Beat; It I lo B ao, Qlo Ba^.wlBBlaatkBiL 
M Ollailr loeomptetieDalblel M..BIoKti,— *- 
tba Book, eeema altogeitaar aapeiler. 

(tniAaotbar addllloo lo Bro. Cbartlck'a boUocUob; 
IB Iba poalUoB aliarWblu'aa. 

WIIITB I J. W. libowalun 

BLAOK (Adnlr AlblB). 

Mara m>d>-9..Pta X B tit) "Black ooibt to baTa 
plfttad F to Kt 4 Iral, u> be rolloaad by P lo It a, wlih a 
olaarwiB. Tba UabraoregaTeWbllaa laaatadtaw, If 
BotwlBBlagebaaeea."— A. 

(d) Tbla bnka like a blaadar : bat the poalUoa laa good 
eiamole of the wloalBg aaparlortlT oiaaloglaBTa.BB 
ID aa eod game. 


i4..g-Kta nuOi 


Tha BIzlh Osme. 

AlblB. I Bbovaliar. 

PtoB B9 


Shovaliar. . 

(Plar iwelranoTaaaa abora, (bas 


ia..r-K Ra 
u.q B-Rl 




X B 



p-K II a 

K Kt-B iq 


.X R 

.K n 

.q B-Et a 

.it-K Kl a 


K-bla B 1 
E R-bIa nt) 


K n-Kta 



|9a..qpx R 

tf..q-b*r 7, wlDl. Bm Ui* 
poavr of coneantnUoDl 
DO mota of Mr. D9\mu't 

R kKC 


firMkfiru'MDtnta*, ttukjoD I ... 
(0 niubarrud Mftlor Huhuu w*r« ofoplolOD tut 
ir..rtoQEtl: lS..Qtob«Ti,l'toqB4: 19..q to berS, 
P lo Et A wodM btta mocb ImproTtd BUu't wnb. 
Etui lo tbIiuM Mr. a wodM hM bad MfllclADruft- 

ijttckl rMoarcM lo hMpup tb* &tuck la bti ftrorlu 

op*DlD|t Iii<]«p«D4l«at of tblp, It mmi eootrtrr 
i^- tto brMk vpooM E'a wlof. Tb»o-- 

oriblR'bftd po»IUoD lor BUeh llwilnplrio fli«lntift*f 
ilifaDM, wblcb 1 bkv* ooiul6«r»d lauDd a»toib« prM- 
eou bat It MWDi ibftt Sbovftltorbu brokaalt ftltof tiber. 

-AlDIH, lofTteJuM. » « 

(1) Wuli.itiU more tolsrlof BLuk'i poalUon. M..S 

to H 4 4Dll.ll DHfMWr. ib« IMrlflOO Oftb* •ICUOf* 
VOOM blTOMMMttOr.— 1. 

(t)[AmoituDba»py poilUoOetnlj.] „ ^ 

(/} Vbito li DMtw of tte iltuUoD. Wbkt«Ter BUok 
iigbt do. hli ftm* li lo«t 

O OI^ Ej H 3* 

A«ws ot tb« Gftme* 

L. U. SiMm*, tb* noud pluor ud waljtt, of Deny 
Dtpqu N. U.. bu boon ivIoRfOK tba divl*. Bofltltod 
tbfWtit Bid* Cb*di*r OlDb, N*vTork; Ib* Brook^B 
T M 0. A. OlQb, ud tb* Kevkrk Olab. ObM. Baltb, ol 

Pbllidolptilk «u *l*o KTUItorat tb* Mm* tin* 

UUr* Mor* vhll* 10 N*v Tork wu: Woo.4; l«*L4: 
dr*vii,B.u lollon: Xltb Molrla Brows bowoni asd 
loitl, wltb Or.Bob**r«r b* loitl ud dr«wL U* b**t 

OlooaerStoS todl dr«wo TtM BrooklTO t*ui Joit 

Dowbu aUltcw *tt«Bdlo. rroLriiatiUl*aibaib* 
oomloc •««DU to Brookljnflb*ck«rpUy«n u* th* r*- 
lore outsb*! Wltb N*«*rk,Nsw Tork ud JtntrCItt 
Tb* New York team will tiiU BrooklfD oa Oel Si with 
tveir* ptaT*r*. Or. Bchaalar bu aodartakea tb* taak of 
briDKloj fa •omoof the ooltdold tlm* plaron. W. W. 
AT*rT. 0. Co*kly. J. Brovo Jr. ud otban. Ii b* auo- 

OMda U will mak* tba turn TerratioDf Tb* N*«. 

arka bat* Bir»oiib«Dad thair team oouMarably aloe* 
Brookljo d*r*LtMl iben, ud ho[>* to ahow battar reanlu 
at Uialroait aooouDitr Tb* ir«al*tt eihibltlOD of 

bUodlold plar lo rMftot 7«ar«(ia laot aloo* Btrleklud'a 
daaih) waa tlT«a rtceotlr by W. Oardoor, tbo Vorkabira 
aipart, lo L**di^Bii^. II* pUr«d fourtaro ^am** ala- 

uliuoouilyblli . 

«lob, wloBlDi 7i loalot 1, draalDgd. Mr.OaidoarHr. 
•tftl llntM uT* M •iDlbUloo oinla toaotAlTlaloD by 
calllof off dillrreDt pottt looa Irom diff*r«ot board*. Mr. 
Qaidoar propoaea to vlilt muy ol tb* Eoglltb olub* lo 
bl* coiolDR tour, ud lotattda lo attampi tb* taak of 

plajiDi t«*Dti--oo* ffamMbllodfolil alinvltu*nutlr. 

Tb* Urooklya t hocli*r Vlub racootly r»4l*et«d itc of- 
Qearsoriaaiyaar; Prol. Tbw. Fltat, protMoot; Tapi.E. 
Dowolog, Tlo* prasldaot; Ileroiao Ualnu, aacroiarr; 
aad J. r. RathboD, tr«a/Qr*r. Htpoiu abo* that tbo 

DiaoibtTBhlp I* larf* ud ti* aaucva i >tiod A taam 

maiob wltb tb* rrorldanc* plaren baa btco propoMd by 
tk*Bmoklyott»a. What aajr ili* Rbwd* Mand aipartaf 

A frltudlr oorTMpoQilaoee touroameot ha* beao 

aimd upon Mtfi*«D Mlu L) oian N. Btcaroa, Darrr 
llepot, N. U.: W. L BtowD. UTaoRlon. Ill : Dr. W. B. 
Bukfl,D*tmiL Ulch; sod «, H. Bronou, Huik«KOO, 

MIeb Wbal U* b«com* of tb* A. 0. Bt Tbta qu**- 

tlOD I* flT*a ua arery we«k. Wbat dew J.T. Deovlr, 
tbftodltoraayl Uaa It diadf or la It oaly alooDlog, to 
awakaolQ Uio Da*rlalur*r VftbaTto'tncalTod acopr 

for tlira* moatb* Motblog oaw about UiO Rood* 

Barkar oiatcb fUot ura that tbo coovralopioloo In 
Brooklyo la tbat Barktr wioold boat Ktod. Tbia opluloo 

li oot ta*U bv muy N*w York pl^or* It la aloo«r*ly 

bopod that fir. Karri* cu a«o liia way cl«ar to com* to 
tua ooaotry to play Barkar. 

BolntloB or Position aSo. 34, Vol. 



BiHke 9 10 u 10 a 

Wbltaai IB lU 17 13 
Willi* to play ud dra*. 
IT 14 14 A A 1 le U 
li S 2B SI SI 2S OrawD. 

Pooltloa No. JO. Vol. 

HT W. AHVAHr, MW toui. 
BlaeV 'i M M I ' i:t U lA 

■ BoB Bo 

vTbiia a la 31 o u 11 i» 

Black to play aad diav. 

GkBB No. aft. Vol. 411. 

Played la the reeaot Biooklya aad Kawark lataralty 
lOBBi matob. betwaeB ICaaaia Qraat ltaf>p.of JanoyOlty, 
aad Joba JohottT, ol Bnoklya. Mr. JobBtry played 

" " a a no 

19 B) M 10 

11 ia(a> It II 

li II V n 
II la ai 14 
13 iKb> a la 
10 la II IT 

.. II IXe) B 19 - 

(a) IB a gaaie played aome yaaiB ftxo oetweeB Wm. 
Cftmpball ftBd fta ftiuftuur ibe laller vaned aa foUowi: 

II 19 

o la 

la a 

B 18 

a II 

9 la 
II la 
11 la 

10 II 

91 17 

la 19 

M la 

i i 

I a 

I B 

a a 

la II 

a n 

17 14 

n o 

li 10 

» i> 



II la 

I a 

u ll 

II ir 
91 it 

IB u 

la M 


_ n II 

4b[jB uolbe^r gmoia Mr^ Ra|>p rarlad whh! 

M a 

la II 
a a 

10 T 

Bl a 

9 « 

I a 

« M 


91 U 

10 II 

It la 

a K) 

i> a 

1 10 

a n 

4 B 

a II 

la a 

a II 

11 a 

II la 

la I 

a li 

u II 

II 19 


ar li 

1? i 

4 II 

a IB 

a ■ 

IB u 

a II 

II 8 

II 11 

a 4 

r IS 

4 a 

10 14 

a II 


14 10 

I >< 

17 10 




ao a 

IB u 

a H 

IB m 

li II 

H) 14 

(ci'la'a maub batoeea tfm Rowe arid l^e lata P.P. 
(^IB tba Ullsr [buad lha foUoBlagr 

la a 
? m 



Hotawarthir BaltlBS Festa. 

FUtf-lHrea lodlTldnal InillDgi ol one hondied 
yoniud oprnda li*Te been Bwde doylDg Ike p*at 
KUOD In Uie Dolled BlateaBnlCftoada. OeorieS. 
raueraos, o( Uia Oernuntown Clob, ot rtaUadelpbla, 
PB.,wba bia aoored ibrM o( tbcae contorle*, ii 
oredlteil irtUi lb. luieat Indlfldaal Inalog', 2)1 
rona, conptlad Ao>. 21, 23, on tba groanda o( tbo 
Belfflont Elmwood, Fblladelpbla, In tbal 
meinoiBble matcb wban tbe lariesi toial on record 
In Amenc» wii made. K. W, Clark wltb 14T nuu 
ud W. Brockle wlib 132 belped Palieiaon lo maka 
Iba total reacbBM. FaileraonwaabatiiDgnpwanla 
ot elgbt boon aoalnit lha beat profeaalontl boirl- 
OTB or PbUadelphli, ud gsvo oov one cbanu, and 
lh«tBdinicnltone,wbenlie bad paaaed blaaerand 
oentarj. Pattaraon wa* In One form about tbat 
lime, acorliig 170 rasa, not oni, on Aoff. so, 
and lU mna .Aog. 7, an aggrenta of H3 
rona In tbreo conaeontlTa ginws. E. W. Olarc. 
ot tba Oennantows OInb, la alao credited 
wltb ibiM oealoyle*,Tlz., tba Inning ot 147 rnna 
abora mentloaed, and bcorb ot lOB rnna, not onl, 
*sdloa,Ui«laat named being obtained In a cbam- 

filonablpc«nteat wltb Ibe Menon Olobat tba aame 
me tbal U. I, OrowD mada lU ttina. F. Falrbnni, 
of tbe LoweU Olnb, of Lomll. Haas., la tba only 
oibcr baiiman who nu made urea centorles dar- 
ing Ibo put sttaoo, and be iru not ont eacb Umo, 
making 100, IM and 100 rnna reapccilrelr. Tbe 
\mtn Indlrldoal Inning madelnCBnad.laatae*- 
Bon mtt bl 0, S. Ljon, ot Iba Roaedale Clab, ot 
Toronto, wbo acoied 238 rnna, not ont, on Ang. 24, 
andtboabeat all prertona recordalnCuad*. Tbe 
tblrd bigbeat acoro o( tba paat acaaon waa tbe 20B 
noa, not oot, made bj W. Robertaoo. ot tbe Boba- 
mlan Clob, ot Ban Fnoclaco, Cel., Jnlj 2>, m part- 
neialilp wlibA.6beatb,wboBCOTcdllBrana,noiont, 
Ibe two balamen potUng on 340 witbout i be loaa ot 
a wlokel, tbla being alao tbe brat American record. 
SIX balsmen each accred two centorles during the 

Kit season, tbe moat Important being bj M. R. 
bb, ol tba Mew Jeisej AUilellc Club, making 127 
mna and 109 mna, not cat, wblla Trei*, tba pro- 
teaalonalol that club, wu ciedliedwitn tbat teat 
In minor exblbltlon conleala. Pao«T,tbe piotea- 
alonal ot tbe Belmont Clob, ot Pbllaoelpbla, made 
IBI rnna, not out, and 133 runs, wblla T. H. neanej, 
ot tbat club, made one cenlnrr MB mna, not out. 
In obtaining wblob be pnl on 138 In pattaeiablp tor 
tba laat wloket • 

The Bagllah Oonntjr ChaDaptoBshlp. 

Tbo qnesUon ot connlj oUaalllcaUon and tbe 
oonntj cbamplonablp ot England baving been letc 
to tba KBrjlebona CInb, Uie matler bu dnring Ibe 
put tew months been nnder carefnl consideration, 
%Ll on Oot.ia Iba following drcolar wu aent out 
to tbe Tulooaconntjraccretarlaasndotbere Inter- 
ested In tbe matter: "Tba conmlllee ot iba Uarjle- 
bone Oilckel CInb b*f Ing it tbe reqntat ot tba lead. 
Ing conntlea prepared a acbeme tor regulallng tbe 
oonnir obsmplonablp, and that scbemenaflogmet 
wim Iba approval ot eoontlei concerned, tbe conteat 
for tbe cbamplonablp will In f oinre be r- nisted by 
It, Tbe acbeme u dnallr apsraTcd la u follows: 

Orloketing counties aball be conalderad u be- 
longing to Ibe drat olus, or noL Tbar. Is no 
newsartjforfartbersabdiTlalon. Firat claas coon- 
Ue* are tlioie wboae matcbea wltb one anotber, 
wltb Ibe UaiTlebona Olnb and Oroond, wlib tbe Cnl< 
Tenlllea, wltb tbe AnrTallana, and snob otber 
eleTensusbsll besdjodged "drat class matobe*'' 
bj tbe Harjlebone Olnb committee, are naed In 
compilation ot Oiat clau balling ud bowling aver- 
agea. TbereabaUbenoHmltlotliannmberutfliat 
cuaa conntlea. Tba Hairlebona CInb commlitee 
mar bring new coanllea Into tbe Hat, may remove 
eilatlog onea from It, or mar do botb. Tbe Hat tor 
lets la aa toUowa: Dtrbjablre, Eaaez, Qlonoeater- 
ahlre, llamptblre, Hoot, Lancublre, Lelceeterablra, 
acx, Warwickabire and Yorkablre. 


After tbe cloae ot eacb cnckot aeaaon tbe com- 
mliiee of Uarylobona Clob aball decide tbe couniT 
cbamplonablp. It aball bo compeied tor br first 
oUu coonlles. Ko countr aball baellglMennleaa 
It aball bare played at Icoat elgbt ont and borne 
matcbea with oiber conntlea, provided Ibat It no 
play can take place, owing to weather or other nn- 
avoldahle canae, aocb maicb aball bo reckoned 
aa nnllnlabed; one point aball be reckoned tor 
each win; one dcdocted for aob loaa; nnllnubed 

Samcaahall not be reckoned. Tbe county which, 
uring tne aeaaon, aball have. In Inlabed maicboa, 
obtained tbe grcateat proyortliinata nnmber ot 
points aball ba reckoned champion county. 

The CrIckelBrs' Clab. 
TbelliBtsnnnal meellogot tbe Orlokeleia' Olnb 
wu bold Oou 27, Bt lis bosd(iuartera, 108 Weat 
Twelfth Bireet, In tbla clly. Tbe reporta tor tbe 
preceding year ot the aecreiary and tieuurer were 
pKSODlcd and adopted. The toUowlng omcera 
were elected for ina cnsalng year: Prealdent, 
David A. Unnn; vice-nrealdeni, J, E. Alklna: 
aecreiary and Ueatnrer, Jcrorao Flannorr; board of 
goveraora, W. Fenwick, R. J. Slewart, J. D. Boyd, 
0, D. Wright, A. A. Adaraa, 0, A. HcOnlly, and 
H. A. Nobba. Nearly all ot Ibe above named olUcfra 
are piomlninl in tbe direction ot tbe aoklra of the 
Metropolitan niatrlct League, D. A.Unnro being 
also tbe prealdent, while w. Fenwfk la the 
aecreiary and tieuurer ot tbo latter organlzallon. 
At a aubaequent meeting ot the new board ot 
govenora a committee wu spnolnted tor ibe pur- 
poae ot making arrangementa {or boldlnopbesiaod 
whlsttonmamenls daring tba Winter. The fotnie 
plana ot iba dob Include tbe holding ot monthly 
amoking co ncerta. 

TOBTsaMOFENOLiaa obick(tbbs oaplBlnadby 
A. E. Stoddard, now on uelr way to Aoalralla, 
alopped over, Oct- 10, at Colombo, where ibey played 
eighteen ot the local plajera. The EngUah team, 
playlag ihliteen men, made 78, ot wblob total A. 
wanL whowentlnllnt,acoredMraaa,notonL F. 
0. J. Ford wltb 16 and Brigga with 10 were Itaeolber 
double Ognre acoreiB, Tbe Colombo eighteen made 
only Id In ibelr Ont Inning, tbe bigheat acore being 
IX Tbo Eogllib tcau then oommenced a aecond 
Inning, udwhenai umps were drawn at all o'clock 
they tad oompited 88 tor the loaa ot elgbt wlokeia. 
A. word again proved in tne form, carrying bla bat 
oot tor Tt rnna. Two ot tbe omateara of tbe team, 
Hadaren and Pbllipaon, acored IB and u reapeo- 

Tub orBNiNO oiUB ot tbe wetk'a cricket oamlval 
at Sau Fruclico, Oa] , wblob wu to have taken 
place Oct. 10, between the ohamplnn Alameda team 
and tbo vlalUog Ultma Colony team froji Placer 
County, wu poatponed and deolaied off owing to 
heavy rain, wblcb bad rendered Ibo field almoat a 
awomp. Tbo CltniB (XiloDy eleven opened the coral- 
TBl Oct. 21, when iboy wer« acbednled to play tbe 
PaolQc Club ot San Franclaco. Tbe concluding con- 
teat ot Iho carnival iru to take place Oct. 28, when 
San Franclaco wu lometlatamaelectedfromAil 
COllforola, under tbe ilUo ot city agaUut oounty. 
Tbe oliv (com Inoludea A. S. Weoahir, w. R. Rob- 
ertson, D. U. Uookaon, R. B. liogue, B. Hood, G. 0, 
Bloman, U. T. Rudoll, U. Ward Jr., F. A. Anson, W. 
N. Qrimtb and T. J. nedrmann. 

EianTBiHBBBaot the team ot EngUabamatenn 
tbal reoenily visited thlaconntiy anTved,00L17,at 
Soutbamplon, Eng., on tha American liner, Hew 
York. Tbey wen nnoulmou In aiallog Ibat their 
vlalt bad been a great ancccn In even reapeoL 
Lord Uawke and 0. W, Wright wui to iamula, 
Weet Indlee, tlom Kaw York, ud A. J. L, Bill ud 
R. B. Lncu remained over lo go ahoouog In 

a 17 
11 n 


14 11 

11 U 

'S li 



7 10 

la H 

17 a 

Id S7 
91 II 

11 It 

10 li 

la II 

14 la 

la 14 

18 a 


I a 
a a 

8i ~ 



a u 

la 11 

s a 
91 a 

u N 
a u 

3 U n 
91 a a 

a a 

II 17 

TUB coscLunma rniBriossQir ooktbst ot tha 
Calltorala iMiue's acaaon look place Oct. SI, when 
tbe Alamrda Ktevea Ooreatcd tba ractflo team by 
127 In ai. ihe lotalB ot the Bnl inning. Hortaniy 
ud HIcnanlaoa wore Ihe cblct coutiibulonio the 
cbaroplona* total, making lo doo form 48 rnna ud 
48 mua reanecUvelj. Ulcklnaon, wlih 21 mna, ud 
Wlwman, with iTruna, no: oui,a]one aoored donbla 
Bguiea fur Ibe Poclllo eleven. The Alaoad* l«am 
tor Ibe third couaecullve aeasoa have won Ibe 
obamplouabip, ud ihervtoti tha lUnlion Oop b*- 
oomea their abMlate proper ,j. 


TI>i|lBla Jeokar Clab. 

Tba Initial meetlDgot this new orgonlzaUon, at 
Ih. BL Aapob track, bu not beta very aocceaaful 
ao tor, but the management bu given the nca 
(•Irons good retnms for ibeIr money, tbo bono 
OiTnera aapportlog tha cnterprlaa Quite well, aod 
eicellent apart being bad da<ly. TbeeventsdooUed 
Binca onr laat Issne ore berewltb aommorlaed: 

OoL ZS.-nnt race-BeaTT haBdleap.paiBa tao, all 
farloBii-UarrlogtoB, la, BiBSh evaa, BiBt: yraBla, lU, 
DogiriTa 10 1. aocood ; Ed. Bearaoy, lia, W w 

LlhVit Iloio liltM Baeood rBoa-BalliBg. pone 

2uO,OBeB>lle-Sba<low,^OnOB,lul. flral; l<rro,ll4 
E^nett,! l« a. Bacopd; doM Dollar 19. Faon, a to 1. 

{biTTlme. I:4W Thlrt,"*^;?"''? •*I?A'*«;S 

a half iBrloop-TrBapeBBy, III, Do«ga't,7 to 1, Br»l, 
Ooldea aua,Tll,BlBia.8 lo a,>ewad; AnalaTllUD,lll. 
naaftwalt,l7l<>IJhli«. Tlma.l:l« .....Paoitb ib»- 
SalllBi, parae to), oae ftBd ooe^Uy aBlb mllfta-Llie 

OrifllB,u IB 1, aecooa; unin Diiir,,iw, ma 

lbirdrT1me,l:llK Btitb paca-pBraa BHU.- 

BbftlfforloBBB-VaBl, ill, MM-jlr.ato 1, lfal:>oia<er, 
111, Uodnii^ 11 lo a, aecoBd; the Vealper, IlB, BlauTo to 
I, tbifd. Time. l:lt 

OetU— FIrat raea-PBrae MOD, ill furloiga-Leoaa- 
well. III; Bloia, 4 10 I, ant: OaUlaejai. Paoa, 11 to B, 
aewBd,- lola, lU Doigell, 4 to itblrtTjlme, 1;1W 
BaaoBd raoa-SelMog, pam $90), all ftirtoage- lodra, 
lOa-ariOo,? lo l.airt; Flirt. l»,BlBia I to laeeoBd: 
Lady Adami. Wkaala, an 10 1, ihlid. TlBie,l:l9<...... 

Third r«»— Oaadtcap, pBraegflOO, Bile aad ft alilaeBlb— 
rfttrlelftB, 111, BlBaTY to 10, arat; Cftpula I , IIB, Keefe, 
a to 1, eaeoBO : UlBBie, 10i>, rana, U to I, tblrd. Time, 

1.41 Pourtli race-Pone five fbrloofa-Tha 

BlolTar. 108, Doggetl, 1 u> 4, am: maerah, Mf, anaB.8 

IBl, leeaBd. Time, IKD Plllb n t a B al lin g, parae 

SadJ. one nllo-Tom Bkldoore. ltd OtlOB.a toAlrai; 
Wftrllke.107. UldgelriS to a. aeeoBd. Ttme. I:0. 
Siiih tace-Purae aVA balr mile— Faodora 
loa, UUfpir a. to l, Brat; Pnuiaa, las, PaaB, 

4 to a, waa drivlBg by a head: In. Mortaa, 17, Wait., 


Oet. 9.-rirtt m^^Hs* Bam, maldaDaraeUier 

11 to i. aoooBd; VborbloB, udi a . 
Time, l:4lX ... BUtk raoe-Parae 
aavaaty yanU-IdariakwIak, ixr 
aaallf bf a iBBgtbj St. Mailm, M, 

---Tlo- » •■ ■ 

mlla-Tollaytal, lOX A. ClayloB, a lo X voowfl, h! 
hair a Ingib : Zloato. lOi Paikhia a to a?aae?erit^iii/ 
>r. WalharU 10 1, tblrd. TIaia, l:ia)f...TSSoM .l^i 
-PiirM lib, matdaB two ysar did milV fooraMi aVSt 
farlOBga-Blndoo'a DniBi lOBt B. Wllllaau 4 tVl .S^ 
hftadlly by hall a laaglh ; Oarrle Lyie, lOB, Pert igV T^^ 
1, aeeaad; nhaitrlB. 1(8, *: OlayloBTi toT UuS Vlt!? 
OMal(......Tblnl rao-Parse BiaS for aCl ..^ }]?^ 

Parse tun, for au ataik mtS 

iBrlongs-Sbtald Bearer, 11 Peikloa,! to Awob auiu 
by two laBB'ba; HordotU. IO,Bean>ftB, 19 to LiJSl^ 
Btrftlbrol,IV7,A.OUiloB,l Is l.tblid. Tlma,lji ' 

10l,Tboipe,a to ] 
Angoittoe, 111, R vrilllama,? . 
lU, mUaa, D IB I, tblrd. Time, I 

IB a fallnpbylrelanitUi.T!: 

Tbb TBBiiiHAnOH Ot Ihe EogUab oitoket auaon 
bu been marked by one ot the rare fatal oaioal- 
Uaa Incident 10 the orlokel Held. Tbe victim wu 
ayoungmau, A. 3.Jodd, wbo, while deldtng In a 
gtme al Blongb, wu alrook In the tuok of bla neck 
6y Ibe l>all, tha blow reauiilng Unally In bla death. 
Tne accident wu due to tbo practice ot thnwlng 
Um baU about after tbe fall ot a wlokeL 

Am AOmsstON fsb ot twenty-lve oenis wu lo be 
obarged al the concluding contest— city .igalnst 
oonniry— ol tbe orlokel carnival at Bu Fianciaco, 
Oftl. Ladle* were to be admitted free. Tbla la tbe 
dtat lime an admlaalon fee wu obarged at uy 
orlokel oontcat In Csllfomlo. 

Tbb membon ol tbe Bnflilo Olnb held ibeIr 
onnnal dinner Solurday evening, Oct. 21, at lb« 
Mansion Uonse, BuOalo, N, T. 

AT a meeUng held Oct. n, at Jamestown, N.Y., 
• new club wu orgulied, A.N. Broodbeod bBlng 
elected president ud F. 0. Cooper secretory, 

Tdb unual meeting ot tbe secretaries ot the Bnt- 
I llsh oonailes will be held Tneaday, Deo. II, at 
, Lord's, London, Eng. Tbe programme of matobas 
toritae enaning year will then be drawn npL 

A Mtw oBOiiiiunoM Is conlamplaled tor out 
season with clnba located at Albany, Anbnm, Bnf- 
fllo, Roebeater, Syncnae, DOoa, NIagan Falls aad 
JiiMsiowB, N, T., ud waliud, Ont. 

mile— Faodora galdlog, 
Idiely. a to 1 Biat; Preuiaa, 109, Paaa, 11 IB 1, 
ml>Bd:Viliglg II com IIV, R. Tribe, a 10 1, third. 


.jrat race-Fane |IOB.lre larloBjn-Jack of 

Bpadaa, 110, OrlBlB, 1 10 7, ant; warBben, 117, Bergaa, 
a to 1, aaeood; Got. Pilar, M, Cooidrlar, u to 1. Ihlid. 

Tine, 1:09 .BecoBd race— BalllBg, pona |4iA oae 

mlle-eoBg and DaBce, UB, OriaUul to I. Bnt; Prf oce 
Oaorge 10). Bias, eToa, aacoad; PocblBo,B8, BL. Dog. 
— * - • *■'- ^ ..Tblrd noe-Pane 

100,3 to I, third. Time, IMK. 

a L eacoBd; Faieiotuiii, I 
Im. Foonh nee— Pui 

m. nra furlonie-LoB)ibiook, 
^lacbfoot, ICS, Catai-. " <° ' 

lO; Doggetl, a tot Ont; 
d; Faetotuio, 111, 

PaBB,7U>i.tlilii]. Time, - — 

BXDL all fanoBge Bally Woodford, lOB, SIma, a to ^lliat: 
Ereija Carur ally, 100, Paan^llB to I, lecoBd; thyra. 

llyB Uftner niiy, iw, rvuj, i„ „ -, 

IOa,B.Trlb^lOOtol.lhl^l. TiDiaI:U Pinh,.,^,-- 

Pana BiOOLoBe BBd OBO-aliteeotb mtlea-Dedare. 119, 
8lma,llol,ant: CaBdeUbia. Doggelt,B 10 a,aeo. 
OBd; UarrlBgtoB. Ill, onaBTll toB, third. Time, I:UU. 

BUtb race Belling, pBiaejatP. all forloBga-Coil- 

OBa,HV,Mldgely,10toI,ant;Tiueu, lot, Peaa, 11 to ^ 
aecoBd; AjBateidam, 10B,BaBftwalt,9(na,Uiixd. Time, 


Oet.* v.— Hearv bandb 
Haialhateb, 108, Dogaa" 

OrlfliB, a 10 ], aaeood: uvw .^uw, n*. duu^..^ 

third. Time, 1:17 Becoad race B elllBg. ponellOO; 

Are fBriOBga— PrlBCB Joho,10l, Bargea, 9 to A flnt; He- 
manlooolLia.Oriflla Baad 4 toB, aecOBd ; Old DomlBloB, 

l».llldglay, II toa. third. Tlaia,l:iax Third race 

—BelllBg, PBrae glGO; Ore fbrloaaa— Looghrook, 107, Dog- 

falLl to l,arat;Faototom.llo,Blmma,JI 10 a, aaeood; 
Blitier.n Bergea. 8 10 1, Ibliij. Time, lalK....Foorth 
laee-eelllBg. potaa UXi oae mlle-LllUe batt, n, B. 
DouetV.7to9, Bnt; Beaaranvd, 84, Coodrler, 9.10 1, 
aeeood:Tom BkldmonL lOB, orllBo, 8 to 10; tblrd. 
" i-Bel" -~ — '- 

handlcas, poiaa BttO, all fbrloBU— 
logien, i to I, ant: Iba Oold, 109, 
eood: Oold Dollar, IQB. Btmma, area. 


Cockftda, UB, Dopp*,,, s lu *, um, v. 
a;io 1. aacoad : urueiaj, 114 HIdglar, 1 

l:l7X........8!iithjac«-CooloUtToB pi 


dilog, pane BDO, all failooga— 

to 1, Ir — — ~ 

: mueiaj, iml 

jlh raco— Cooiol 

act I . , _ . , 

Dog«au,7lB9.iecoBd:Bnmbft]allft flUy. 77, A. Barralt 

Trat; DBrellet, 10& BiBima, 

ato-l,third. Time. 

.. jaraa aaCDi oae mile 

-OBrJack,ll9,Blmma.7 to lOi Bnl; Ed. Keiraay, 110, 

Dng(au,7u9.aecoBd:I * " 

atol.lbird. Time, l:ll 
Oct I7.-Flnt raw^Hetrr lUAdlcap,^£BrM_Biap^aU 

agea, all aad a halt larioBea— aalllaB, 121, FeBB,-7 
woadrlrlog, by a aeok: Uianla, lis, MIdiler, 4 10 1. 
oad; l,oBeBfBlla,107,ariflln,atol,lhlra Tlmi 

BeeoBd n c B fl a U lag, porea 1900; tbr 

BUlaa, oae mile aad a fBrloBg- Baroaeaa, II 
Bl wob la a drive bv a abort bead; Ladr 

SWBB'IS, ivijUituiu, a w «, uiii,b .uue,l;33\^. 

BeeoBd n c B fl a U lag, porea SIDO; tbiee year old 
u oae mile aad a fBrloBg- Baroaeaa, 110, BIma 7 10 
^ 3B la a drive bv a abort bead; Lady Adama, 102, 
Keafe. la to I, aecood; Mio Maa QBaea, iO, B. Dointt, 
iH 10 I, tblrd. Time, lAJ<....7..Tblltl rara^inaj. 

Barae UODl (wo year olda, all forlOBSi^BcEce, 
rlfllB. B to a. BOB eatlly by three laBgiha; Keaael, 
BIma, 4K to U aecood; The Bloflir, 108, DofrgelL a 1 
third. Time, UltH Fourth race— Baodlea 

p, pune 

^all a(ea,BB6 mile aad ft aliteeBlh— Bache, ll 

gtoa, WOB very aaally by IbreB parts of a leoith: Hoog 
aad Daace, lULOrtdlo, 11 lo B^ aecood : IiIdbo, SB, A. Bar. 
rau, U to I, third. Time, 1 JO. . ..Finb rare-SeUtog, 

earae BaOD, otaldaB two year oMa, balf ft mlle-OoMeB 
ala. liu.BUDi,BvaBmuBay, woo handily by two laoRlba; 
Pouui colt, IIOL B. Doggalt, a to I, aeeond: FallaBtbaa 

00m lOr, Doggalt, It 10 I, third. Tlm^ HMH Blith 

nce-8elling, pune BBXI, throe year olda and opward. 

Haolag near WsahlngtoB, 

ma meetlog at Alanndtr Pork managed lo rei£er 
more thu bold Its ovm against Ihe oppcalilon racei 
at SU Aaapb during the put week, i^e box omca 
retnma being conaldeied qolte aatlatactoiy by tbo 
management, notwllbatondbig tbe new aitnciloh. ' 
Bummsry ot races that took place during the vut; 

OcL a— Pint nee-Fire totIoi<BB-FUtlaiT, no. cei! ' 
bley,t 10 Awm: Camdas, lOL Iipoai,atn .ncnd. 
Fa-BfOB, lODl Merrla 10 loH, thiid. Ttme, I Hi . . 
OBd raca-Bli lefloagB-llaBk, lOi, Olar*. aran, nb- 
BellerfFermo^BNCorbler, 4 lo 1, BBcBBd:Tn{tor & 
Morrby.a to 1. tblrd. Tme. l:l7......Tblii neA5 

mile aad aa ellbth— AlamftB, 108, Haffl,j to la maZ 
rrBoer, 19. Boblaaeo 10 to I, Hcoad; TalepboBe. n' 

Harph/atol, third. TtmM:U Ponrth ne».piv; 

fhrloBgfr-BeB, 0, Donnelly, 9 to ^ woa* Bbarotu llr 
De'abaBly 8 tB 1, aeeoBd: JBTabatv, 110, ft. Lawlml li 

I, thiid. TlBi»,lw Pltttarace-fllifarloBga-mTir 

ijoeaB, 110, E. Lewi., 11 10 1, woa; Bob Voyara. lia 
BogarL. 10 to 1. aecood; Cu'l Tell, 110, Ban'rtc S 
tbl!d.>lma l:17K. . - ', , -ZL 

OcLII.— flnt nce-Poar aad a half fbrloBn-SclT 
110, n. lewU. 8 to I. won: Jndge PoBL FanoiTl S 
1. aaeoBd: ToBoabiirw, 100, CnaalBghajD, 8 10 1, bird 

Vmt, Cif. BeooBd nct-ax fbrknge-Lenta OatA 

tone. 0, Corbley, 8 to I, wob: Paulo, DoBnally, arae 
aeooad; mia llodted, 18, Ktog, 11 to I. Ihlid. Tliu 

l:17K Third rac*— Seven IBrlOBga-FaaftB, 107, Cor 

bley, a 'B a, wob; Bemorae, lUL CBBBlgham. 9 to 1. rM. 
eod: Minn, 110; W. Merrla, 7 to 1, tblrdTTtBK 

I to l,won; Jan 
113, CooBlBBbao). . 
race— Ona mlle-CI<eddar, 104, Haa, U lo I, won; Uibo.' 
gnpb, 99, Coofldoo, 8B to 1. aecood; AnaereaB, loL 0 1 
Lewis, erea, Ihbd. Time, l:ilK. 

Oct. a — Pint rata— Fire fanoBBB-ABhUad Edlpr^ 
107, DOBBBlly, 7 to a, woo : Mamta Biark, Or. Corbley. 9 10 
1. aeeond: Anatrlana galdtBg, 107, PanOBI, 7 to 1, ibiid ' 

Time, IHB Becoad^ race— BiK forlooga— Dr. Johojoo ' 

90, Dam, II to A woo : Poraat, 101, PanoBa B to I, aecood ■ 

..Third I 


_ ud a hair nirloii»-PatlD, iffl. 

Corblajr, fl to 0. wod ; Ear VMti lOB. Marphr, to & aK- 

•Vi uaoisi w lA Fftfu B rua^fe) sua, ■ mtmvum, D i, WKQI 

B«U« Of FannoTi 0% Corblaf. K> to 1. tblrd. Tlma. i ;ii 

Tblnl rua-«lv ud a half nirloii»-Patl 

Corbl«7.fltoa.woD; Ear Waat, lOBL Marplir, to 
ond; U\n9t» lOB. Honla, 10 to I. third. Tiai<s 1 2^.'. ... . 
rth rae»— Pif a furloon-Coaaack, lOT. Uam. 19 v> 1, 

; Pruk R DarL 107, Fanona. 9 to 1, wcood; Fli^ 

Urr, ICr. Corblar, S lo A. tbitd. Tlffla.OM( PMib 

rB»-BairaiDlia, ttraJcbt— MlracI^ UO, RobloaoD, 12 lo 
1, won: Piae ?rw. lift Mnrvhr. e to 1, aaoond; Bar- 
twrry, llQ. MorrUTw toT. third. T1me,0:Jw. I 
0«L».-Pintrac«-UairftiDll«-Orun^-' ~ 


S to 1. won: Lorlng Baut, 111 Allari 4 to 1, aacocd; 
rearlaaa, lO. Tatur, «Tan. thli4. Tlma, OdljSL. .. .(tec- 
oodrv*— '<>9'>'>d>bUtrarlonc^U^«B.n ,n, Plrao. 

aaren larlUK^-OabtAlD t., im.Sima, 1 toS, won wall 1« 
bud br n lURlh 1 wonberw, 101, B«r«*D.4tol. atcond; 
VlllBlllott,10l,Triba,7ioy,Uilrd. Tlni«.l:SM. 
OctB-nfM]!^ race— nudlcap|par*a |400,on« mll^ 

7iol, tblrd. Tlni«.l:SM. 

DMlara, llS,Blma.aTen monar, Arct; Onr Juk, llA, Dog* 

• •*■ "Ird. 

ond rac*— Sallloff, puna $9J0, f 


Blaehfoot, 104, GrilSD. 9 to^ 

fait, e toX McoDd; Lima Matt, lOS, OriiBo, 7 to I. tbli 
lma,l:tM Saoond rac*— Salllof, puna $SJO, fl^ 

ud a buT liirIonKe-raetotnm,UI7,&oata,.4 to 1^ fltat; 

Daaa^siwa, ivm, ubiubu. w avif, ■ 

dnar.lOtol.ihlrd. Tima,l:ll 

Oruiplon, 101, Con* 
.Third raco— llaDdl 

aPi Paraa flOJ, alx furtonn— EuneU ll6,Bimi,8 to a, 
■iral: Doa colt, 11& DoRiett I to 1. aaoond: Elog'^-*-' 

lOr.artfDn.Stol.ibinr Tliii»,l:l»K Fourth 

SolllDR, paraa MXf), all and a hall (arloon— l 

aaora«,lW,Bima,3to 6,flrat:Tlll BIlloU lor,B.Trlba, 

|6U,I to i.n 
I and a hall 

jj King bold, 

_ Fourth nca— 

I (arloDga— Frinca 

usgrn, IW| Biiow, * vu Vm uiaii niii d)iivi» iv>i a. aiiuv, 

7 to a.**Mi^'l'> Loonardo, l(4.Laiidrani, 13 to 1, third. 
Tlm«,i:23 Fllita rmoa-8alllQ«, puraa 1300, lira far- 
Ion va-DaraliCt, IH). Btna, 1 to a, Arat: Ella R«ad, 100, 
anmo, a 10 1, aecood; Marigold flilr. IC4, Doggatt, 60 tn l, 

ibini. Tlma, 1:QSX Blith race— ■'lelllng, pnr^a tSU^ 

ona milo-aoT. Bb^ehaa, lOA* E.TTlba. eian mooay, nrA; 
Bauuiat, SO, A. BarraU, fl to l.tacood; Long Bridga, M, 
Coudrler,« to 1, third. Ttmr, l:i3X< 

Tho AlMllng. 

Oot. 2L— Flnt race— Puno $U0, aaran rbrloDgs—Tal' 

... — . . , drlTlng by half a 

5 to a; aacond : Bl Aagna- 

UioltWon; Colnmbna, lOB; Bandar, Ifl to 1, aaoond: Tba 

Jokar,«9,raraona, U to I,tbtrd. Time, OM Third 

rsoa— BiKUd a hair farloon— Remoiais 1101 CnnnlOB- 
bam, 3 to 10, won; Dart, 1Q(L Ham. 18 lo 1, noood: Ball- 

aarina lOL Corblar, 13 (0 1. tblrdrTlna, 1 A Fourth 

raca— 9ii rarlonRa— Alappo, 8S, Roblnaon, Ifl lo 1, won; 
Cu*tT«lUlll«Bam, 0 to j.MCond; Sllrar Qaaen, VJt, 

Hnrph7,6toLihird. Time. 1:17J( Firihrac«-PlTa 

forlooga— Uariaa>,IO& CoibiiT, fl to l,won: Jeraar, 111. 
RaoL, rto a, aaoAad ; John KeOamgla lOE^ Tattar, ll to l, 
third. Time. 1:09^. » 

Oot 17.— FInt race— Six ftirlooga— Harkalona, \Ct, 
Buna, 6 to 1, woo ; Duke of Oloaiar, lOB^ Doaoallj, IS to 
1. aocood :UDoarude,lQfl, Uorpbr.fllo a, third. Tlma, 

1:18 BacoDd rac^Slx farloon, Maltla Cbnno, 9(L 

CongdoD. 30 lo 1, wod; Mr Ojpa, lOi, CDonlagham, 0 to 
leeond; Johnnj*, S8, naarr. 6 to 1. third. Tina, 1:I(S 

Tblrd raca-PlTo fttrlooga— Coaaack, 105, Uam, 1 10 

fl^won: Frank R- Uari;i07, ParaoDa,4ioI,aacoDd: Elm- 
atone. lO, Unrpr, 3D to 1, third. Time, I iOOii. Pnarih 

race-FlTo Inrlonga—Xagnat, ill. Bandar, w to I, won; 
William FaDD. 101. Ham, 10 to 1, aeeond: Slbarta, 100, 

Corblar, fl to fl, third. Tlma, liSi Plith race-Una 

mile-Jack Wynoe, tdk Honlabu. 10 to 1, won; Foonda 
IsOfD, 85, DonoeUr. 8 to 1, aacond; Ear Weat, 107, Mnr- 
pbr, ito 1, tblrd. Tlma. 1:4). 

Oct39—Fi»t race- Poor ud abalf fnrlonga-VtrM, 
113. U.Le*la,fllo B.wan; Bonaa lia,fitaok.fl lo l.Rac- 
odI; aamat oolt,:lfl, Fo«t«r,0 to I, third Tlmo.O:U. 

Bocrrod race— hIk ftirlnoga— Qnartamaatar. IdX 

FarvKKia.StoL won: Ljcaam.(tl, Mnrpbr.B to 1, aaeood; 

Cbeddar. flO, Uam, Slo I. third. Trma,l:17 TtiirJ 

race— Miiaud aquartar-Loaqabuka, as. Ham, 7 to 10, 
won;Tele»boDe, So, Unrpbr.O 10 I, aacond: IIIrag«,ll3, 

Morrla,? to 3, iblrd. Tlma, 3:11 Foarth race-Rli 

furloopB— Orud Prix, 101, Hurphr. a to l, won; Dr. 
Jobnioo, (D, Haary, 9 to 1, aacond; Alappq, 03, Rohlnioa. 

Btol, third. Tlma.l:17 Fifth mc*-Ponr and aball 

forloDgo-Jew'a llarp, 0V King, 5 lo 3, won; Ban, 108, 
nam, fl to 3, aacnnd ; Tnaekla flUr, V7, OoDgdon« V to 1, 
third. Tlme,0:U, 

low Roaa, 114, Thorpe. 8 to 1, won drlrlng br half a 
laogtb ; Ttavana 117. Brooba, A to 3; aecond : Bl Aagna- 
Ub. 117, n. WilUama, B to 1, tbitd. Time, 1 M Bocond 

race-Purae StfOi two;earol-*a,aalliof,ili ud ooa hall 
rurloDga-Dominlon, 108, A CUrtoD.s tol.wondrivlog 
br a neck ; Baaao, I0^ Farh loa, 9 to 8, aacond: i lcaroon, 
!», Bro«>kR, 4 to I. third Tlma, 1 liiH-..-- -Third 

Tho Clalcago |lao«g« _^ . 

OoL 33 -Flnt race-SeUlog, thrae-qoartara of a mile* 
Roaljo, m, Irving, 9 to 0, flnt; QoM Bug, 110, B. Jonaa, 
7toiaecond;LacInda, 107|Choro,8 to 1, third. Tima. 
1:18...... Second raca-Salliag, oneud aqurter mllaw 

ZoaUka,tB,Cboni,8to8,ant:Elng Hao,107, Carr,4 to 
1,aecond;BoTal Prince. 08. KoOaa, 83 to I, third. Tlma, 

a:10J4[ Third rac^PlToand ooebalfriirlonga— Vino- 

tor,Tu8, Lalab^toB,arat; a. B. Uorrla, 101, Carr, 4 to I. 
aacnnd; UlaaToong, 96, Cbom, M to 1, third. Time, 

IMH Foarth raoe-A ailing, ona ud oie-alxlioDth 

mllaa-Daonrru, 110. McCuf, eran. flrat; Marlon 0., 
1U7, Imog.eio l.aecona: Dacalt, 101, b. Jooaa, ifl to I, 
third. TTroe,l:«M. Fiflh rare-Fire furJonga-TIm 

Uurpbr, 110, Carr^ lo 8, flrtt; Llbartlne, 117. Hacklao, 1 
ielMCOnd;BouTulr, w. tfron, 80 to 1. third. Tlm^ 

lK)lk sixth tao*-8aniog,nri>igrIonga-Boo]alo, Wis, 

. Ttiitdrace— C«rr,Stol.flrat;PedoairiuJl8, Leigh. 14 to l.Mtooil; 

Uudicaf". UD added, mile ud alzteentb-Plutaa, 110, A. Mother of Paarl. 103, Cratty, n to I, third. Tlm^ 1 Al 
Claftoo.S to 1, woo driving br • langtb: Labmu, 118, I Oct 34-Flr»t raca— Bli I^rlooga-^lmT, 111, E. Bumi^ 

^. ^J JQJ^^ . - 

Vfiuuiu,e i*F », „ 

Taral,ll to lOL aaoond; Satloa I] 

third. Time, 1:«K Fourth race-rPorae gKQ, tv 

laarold flihaa, Ore and ona ball farloon— Totoadie, 11 
Brooka,l)iol, woDdrlvlogbrabaad; 1a Creole, lib, , 
01artoo,7 to L aaoond; Vletoiloua, 110,J. Pt*ber,7to 

third. Tlffla,l:U9}< Pliihrace-PttraoSMD,mlJaai- 

Dftr Taida— Blghtmora, 100, Donohua, 4 to 1, won eullr 
bv alaogtb; Haapludant, lOaA clajlon,7toA, aecood; 
fimma flo., 108^ U. WlUlams ft to 1, third. T me, l-M}6 

8tol, wan;Daaliiiar, 117, Uaeaton, U tol,aecoDd:Jobn 

Cowu.lTo,Eoapp,fltol."'-' "'- - • ' 

raca— Five and anaUfarli 


Dga— Black Jaak, It-, 

i, won ; Mbmoa, MD, Banb, 11 to l, aaeood ; Mar Roaa,' lOa 
Chom,7lo3, tbli^. Tlme.l:09 Third nce-M.llaaod 



Hliib raoa-Paraa aalllog, one mlle-Oreen- 

wlcli, lu.Thorpe,3to I, woo eutirbr aieogth; Fii, lug, 
Malaon. V to L aaeood ; John Berklar, w, Kuhn, IB to 1, 

laTentr raida— Little Cripple, IQBL Choraifl to l.won; 
Deapot, 110, Cat r, 11 to aOL aacond ; Wol< 

lOtoLthlrd. Time.l:«!H PouHh„- 

Libertine, 9(^l!aohlln.8loe,wonj<'aBh Dar.W, Chnm, 

er.llft B.Tiyior; 

PouHb raca-Ooe mile— 

third Tima 1:M. 

-.-oa I 

Oft 34.-F'- 
-Balhlloa ' 

-Paree tKO. aalllng, aoTularlongi 

*borpe lOtol.woa eullr br two lenatha; 
Oormlar. 30 to I. aecvod; Carrie u.,90. 

KlntUeo' .uviusa,,. — 

Farklna. ) .j L tbM. Time.l:OJi. 
— - ^ 1 llllle^e 

^ ^ .Second rare— I 

Purre tiOO, lor two latrold Blllea,flTe ud a halffur- 
loep— Valkrria, IU7. Farhloa, 4 to ft, won etailr br t«o 
laogtha: Addle Bnchanan, Ivl, Thorpe, 6 to 1, aecond; 
LeaaaLlQ8,MAna,aOt4l, third. Time.l:OU..'.... Tblrd 
race— rnrae 9400^ hudlcan, for two rear olda, ale lor 
looia— Bran<too, 117, Taral, 6 to 8, won drlTlDg br a 
langrb; Oaib, 110^ Walker. 8 to 1, aeeond; ElUwoitb, 113, 

OTartoD. d to 1, third, Tima, 1:18 Pourtb raoa— 

PuTiaynX rolling, aevw fbrlonga-Cyelooa, lUI, A. Clar- 
ion, S to lIX won drlTlog br a nou: Domingo, 103, Per- 
kina 8 to I. aeosod; Blva, lUI, U. Wmtaroa,rto 7, third. • 

Time, 1S3« FifXb race— Purae $100, aalring, ona 

mlla and aarentr ro>d*-Bheii Ooode, Wi,A. Olaitoo,7 

Wi wa waiv, MB, asauaaiBB, V , wn n was ■ • BBSS mjiM, - 

1 loB, uooBd. Tlma, 1:SX 'IR., nc*-PlrB aod a 

half lBrlon|»-lBatallaior, IQB, B. Jooaa, 8 to 1, woo: 
FaHau, lOB, raoro, a to 2, aaeood ; BaadaoBW, UB, Cair, a 

toMhIl4rnoi«,l«X Blilb raOB-One mlM aad 

MTaatr tarda— Alair, IDl, Carr, a toB, woBiBlmrodt. 107, 
BblaUaJatol, aacooil; Eafle Bird, lia Laigb, 9 u I, 

Ihltd. nma,l:MX. 

. Oct. S-nrsi raa-FlraalBhUia ol mlla-Faur tb« 

lllaa,ara and a half fur- BaoDBd, lOa, 0. UaaatoB, II lo I, Brat: SoaraBtr, in, 
' Chora, 4ta I, faeoBd; RaaaorB, 100,BodaB,S) IB 1, third. 

TImoTi BoeoBd n»-8alllng, mIM aad aarant; 

jaidB-lEilola, 90, Tailor, eto I, BraiLpiikTlaw,»,TBbar- 
Tll)a,20 to 1, MOOBd; ConatAat, 80, wfno. 0 to I, third. 
TlBw, t:SX Third rata— Tliraa fnunb, Bf a mila- 

0. B.llotri8.|lii,Carr,Dto I, Oral: MobiibI, lILIrrlnr, 
itol,BacoBd:LIOBattt,li,rboni,li u ^ibtti*. Tloa, 

l:ltv Pounh raco-Mllo aad a alitacBtb-Eaita 

BUirvr, Can. a to I, Brat: Oakwood, lU. E. Tarlcr.BU 

1, aocoBd: BaailB BLIaad, tL UuU'n, a lo 1, lbii<. 
TlBi<|,^l:UK nrih - ^ 

, U. Mathl'B. a lo 1, llill<. 

- Jlk 1:<SK nrih ra»-ThtB«.four,b< ot a mlla- 

, Pra OBTOta. 01, B. D»»l^ 8 to i, anilPo; Oraj. ll* 

lo3,woBBaall7 bra iBBBth; PltlabBrf,IOI, H.WlIllaiBa. ' LBlsMtoa,ss<OBd; l)oal|B.W,lla<blaB,llloa.lhlnl. 

7 to >, aaoood; PbllopaBB, UD, Parbtna, 7 lo 1, tblid. TuaO:taX Buth rac*-SBlllo(, bob mita aidaar- 

Tlma I:IQ(. aotf jaidB-DBB|aiTBB, 101, CarT.7 lo lOi Bnt; Toiini 

BhBBtr Bob, U to 1, aaeBBd; RlBsaiBaiBr,? to .. 

Tlma, IM^ Third laoa-Blz InrloBBa— Llutta. B to I 

l.ooanlad wllb laaoooLwoB aaatlr br tbraa lanatha: 
PWaaUla, a to 1, aaOBBd: BaAwa,! lo 1, Ihlid. Tlm^ 

1:1m Poonh laoB-Pra* haadlcap, oaa mlla aad aa • 

alabtb-Sampar Lax, a toX woo drlrloa br baUa laaath; 
OooiiB B«eb, 8 to I, Boaoad ;Phitoa,eio8^thltd. Tima, 

l:BaK. Pfnb raca-filx farloBaa Raianma, a lo 1, bod 

banoiir bj a iBBBtha; Pt«a a^riBa^ a to I, aaoood; 

KatbarlBs, a to I, Iblrtf. Tlma, l:ia Blith noB~BBU. 

iBf, ooa tBila-OlarlaBa, B to a, woo gallo.iBB br all 
laantha: Blitar ABlta, 8 to 1, saooBd;>(abodr,t u I, 
Ihlid. Tlma.l.M. 
pat. fl.- Plr.1 rac*— Pano HOX aalllBr, flraaadBbair 

HBoatoB, 9 to 1. Bnt: CooroBBB d'Or, 1(0. Tar lo . 
aacoBd; AUIaV., llff, LBlfh. 7 to 1, tblrd. TIOHklM. 

.SoeoBd lam-Blx furloBia-IlBrloB 0 , uoio. < 

to a, flnt; Hoaa' SolomoB, IDi, BaoB, la to 1, aauad; 
Mtaa BoBBIt, 10^ B. Darla, la to I, iblnf. Tlmo, I -O...^. 
Tblid ibob-Odb mlla and IwtBtj larda-KlBB Boial?- 
, 0. HnaatoB. a to 1, Brat: BIbbio Maokta, 101. BobbjU u 
I 1, aacond: tortagal, UH, llackllB.9 to l,.tblid. Tlma, 

; 1:15 Foarth nn-OaaDllo and a ball-llawlborBa, 

' KB,LBl|h.«tBl flnt;Daa|>oi,»r,0Brr,»3lolHra«c>d, 
Zoilika; BB, Chora, B to 1, Ihlid. Tlma, t^i^^—;f<<'' 
' racB— Obb mila and aoraalT varda— Litila Crippla, w, 
' fair, 1 lo a, Irst; Oblawall. Kff. McCoa, 8 to 1, aac»d, 
R«BiBa,BB,B.JoBB^eOtol. third. Tira*,117 

Plfo lorloBga-Waola. 81, BTarali, 7. to KJ"'. 

- — TobotTlllarB to I 

I to I, a 

>Bd; Bllrar, 77, B, 

fbrlooi*— Barrlk, UB, A.OlA7too, orrB raooor, woo In a Larana O., IQBk TflbBrrllla. 

bald dilTB br a bobb: t3*rro Qonlo. KH, Thorpa. a to L Jooaa 7tolJhlrt. T1me,lA „ „^ 

aaeood; lflaaParhlB^M, DonohBB,ao to I, Ihlid Tlma, I OcL rr.-Fint rac*— Tbraa Qoartan of a mllo-'Had 

. . — . ta, 

l.Oa SaODBd iBeB-PorBB ilUiiBaldaa twoiaarold 

fllllaa, fouraad a ball ftarlooBa— Bbioub, IQD, PBrhlBa.e 
to 1, wob drlTlBff br a noaa; Pair Daal. Its, Ooaoboa, 18 
to l,BBeoBd; La Moon, VJ\ H. wiuiaaia, 8 to 8,thfid. 

TlmB,a«nif Third raoB-Purasitf) BafflaaaaecoBd; 

tBaraodaoair farloosa-Doorca, 114. Taral, B to l,woB 
laanllopbr Ibnr laoRtha : CoBlrctBrB, HQ, b. Wtllfans 
< to\aBeOBd; (Hiaiitn, 11^ 7. Cla;toB, ID to I, tblrd. 

Tlma,B:a7M Pounh raco-Para* Bud, two jaar old,, 

aolllBB, all iDTloar- — - — 

aiaB,ti^rborB, lloLwon: Pra DIa'olo, M U. 
4 to I, a-CBBd; Hardan Pat aa, Brantt, 7b to I. — 

Tl0l^ l-.nx BacoBd raca-BBUlnx, ona mlla and 

laida-DnnBarraa, UI7. 0 Walar, 11 lo », won. 

^B, - _ 

clararlrb7a|.BBib: Bocbflr. lUB, A. riari 
OBd; cnMBBt, l(U,Thor^O> (o 1, third. 

Pat aa, I 
1 raoa— eal 

sar.iit7 laila-DanBarraa, UI7, U Wabar, 11 lo », won: 
Wob>*r, ii, MeCuB, iru a,iscoad:BathnBras, IM,UI*b. 

aul,(biH. Tlm^l:al TntrdraoB-TbtBHinaruraol 

handicap— Ruma, 91, B Joaaa. B to 1. won-^oB. 
lli.Lalih.ll tomsacoBd: Hi'iallaa, », U',>>*'iS 
ll.lhlliT Tlma. IJI iToonhiBM-Ooamtla ao4 

Tlm^l._ . 

anilB. handicap— Ruma, 91. B Jonaa. B to I. wpo: 
IIB. II,' ■ ^ T 

3010 1, uaiiu a aiu*, «^*... . ■ .m-uubhs ■ — tt",. 

aalltMBIh-Oakwood, 111, E. Tailor, araa, woo; LItUa 
CrIpplB, Bl, Chora, ot.B. aaroa]; Pat Bailor 

'ToblB, 111. Psrbloa, 8 to a, -.- 
Bacar. lup, A. riartoB.atol.aBO. urippiB, Bl, i;nora, Bt.B. aafOBfl; ra. waiior 

. botvajo 10 I, thin). Tlmo.l:iaK. llacalan.8Dlottblld.Tln8.l:iaK PltlhtBCa-(rIllB|, 

Plllb raOB-rona in, aaUlnit. ooo mllo-Pllta- l tbraa qaariaraot mlla- Ul'b Bahan, 81, B Joaaa, 11 toh 

bBrB,97. Parhlaa. a to 1, woo aaatlrbrtwolaoftba-Ba- woa; HoBlrB, 107, lrTlDB,aiol.a*oood;Tim HniTbj, ii^ 
llBa^n, DoDobDB 7to ^aoaondj Prloca Imparlal, ItB, LalRh,atot third TliDa,l:.aH. 

Tlma \M)i. 

— >-PBTBa BBJO. aalllBB, aaraa for^ 

loois-AlBlhIa AUaa. 1& Tborpr. a to 1, woo drlrloa bpa 
MBsth; Tl.inODB, UB, walbar, a to 1, aacond; Ulmjara, 

101. Waiham. 10 lol. third. Tima^ I:I9.<( Baeood 

raea— Paiaa BiOOC tor maldaa twoyaaroU eolta, Broaaa 

a balf rarloBsa-Soma, l&Tborpo,8tol,won.aMtj br 
fOB' laoBtha; Ramnan. lOl J. Oalr. B) to I, aaooad; Blr 

Balhbooa, 107. Taa KaraD, llto I, third. Tlma, l.-fBH 

Ihlid raoa— Para. 9n, for all a,**, all fOflOD,a-Lli. 
aall^ 111, Tborpa, I to^woodrtrlBBbVaBBCh: Dbibtvi, 
107, A, Olaitoa. 7 to l.aaenod; CluaBaaar, 1(0, Paiblaa 

a to I, third. Tim*. l;lMt Poarth laes-PBriB HIV 

two paar old Blliaa bIi lorloBRa— Kittr Olfva nr. Par. 
klBBLlto I, WOB drff IBB brbalfa laaath; BlaaciiBKBBBr. 
MTTb. WIIUaiBa,? to I, aaeood; TlAorlooa. 104. TboiBa; 

a to I, Ihlid. Ttna, l:IIK Plflh iBOB-Pa>M tSSi 

bBataaanBwiacBB,oBB iii l h T iaTam, tn, H. WUilan^ 

Tint "rarB^OBVud a ball tarlojl^jillla 



a to iTaBBOBl : Tha Kriim. lis, oift, IB IB I, Iblld Tin 

W.,'liai W|BB'a,~4U LSni: "Coroanad br,lia<Tulor. 
- - ■ -- ^ — tJa Balk IIS, L. Bodao,UWl, lal™- 



8 to I, BBCOOd. . . 

TlfflB, 1:09 BwiBd nco-Salltoz, aaraa 

Bimrock, Ili BaobllB, 8to I. Ont; Badl ' 

lltL Irrlai, 
illd Tiiaa, 
Ol«l. lO. 

IJ>M Thlld raCB-FiTa fbrloD»-Po|> On 

LalABtol, Brat; Mar ThompaoB, 9B. B. Tarlsr. 
•<coDd; MoBlia. 101 Cham,? ulk latrB Tlma, l». 

iW"w I. 

Poorth nea-8olllnt,onBmLBaBd an alibth-Baihiul- 
aat. I0^ UiBb, a to \atBt; PallarioB I^O-'KlS; 
9atol.aseoBa;Tla.BILCboiB.aiol.thlid. TImBOJ^ 

Plllb •aos-SBUlBB. aaraa nrloan-OBrift >JI 

Uljb, 7 to 1 Brat : Barilla Ml^ B. Tailor, n to I, BseoBd , 

ORuo, liw. Puup, B 10 I, thlld. 'nmaJ:> 
Silk lai»3li tBiIoigiB-Blr OsorBB, IIT Ul|b U to k 
im: Saaaito. Ila, Owib, B to L {aooad; Taa laBl, 117. 
CiBBBBtBB.atoi,tkM. nm^Si^ 







Proprietor andJManager 

Greatest Show en Earth, 

Alt BOW located fbr Ike Winter, In Ukaballdlng, 


Mmlt BBd ftmalo performtn In OTerj line, apMlalUU ■■ all branehaa and flnt 
cUaa artUlj of aTorjr kind, banbaeh wtaMtrlan rldan, gTmiiaiU, aenbaU, 
aarlallilai clowm, tomblen, leapen, hlah wire perfaraMn, anaBd aeU, la nut, 
(TorrAlBK in Bar w>7 •allabia hr oxIilbitlaB aader eaBTai. —t-> 

miYIHi; MT UilTIlY BE 1ST U 

Ro MCOBd rate perfarmera or allractlooi wasted. Call la peruB or addreu 



Reliable, aober and IndBitrloni bill poiten, exeanloB bill poeters, Iltlia||rapliera, 
programmen, ele. Addreu all lettere leeklBC poillloni Ib the adraace to 
LOUIS B.0OOgE,Oan«r«l Acaat, 106 Vaat TUrty-aaveatli Stnat, Kew Tork. 

The Kodrk 


CMes Them All Willi M Moullis Wide Gpen. 

Patreos Mji "(let them back, It's Jnat what we want." Ihiiagera saj: "Come 
agalD, JOD hare bit them Jast rlgbt" Frees eaye: "It's the noTeltf of the 
BeasoB." ETen the etage bands Mjt "It's great." A wide awake eempanj up 
to date 1b ererTtUng. Want oompetent moBleal direotor; plaao, mnet plaj 
B-lUt eomet In Band. Lowest salarf and reference In first letter. We pay beard. 

FRED XOSS, Per Route, 




The Four Riehards. 

with O. B. JeffenOB, KlawABrlanaer^a Great ProdactloD, Palmer Cox*f "Brownlef ,* 
at the Hollli Street Theatre, Boston, Mmmt, 
All commanlcatloBi to DICK RIOHARDR, Care of OIiIPPBR. 

HaUnff a Big Hit at Proctor's Twentj-tUrd Street Theatre, this week. 

31. E3 S XJ D O, 

A Tea MlODle A ct Ih et sua ell who lee It vltli Admtrelloa tod wondir. Id act that cAttoot be (qutled, 
IT LUEBTT AFTEB TBia WXBL AMt«a THOS. M. LB 8DRDO, IK Ptrt Row, Xaw Toik Ollr. 

mt m raw 




A Sura Winner with Your Audleflcas. 


PROFESSIONALS! for smmple eopjr or lo 

c«aU for eomplete orehestiallon And 
▼imaI icore. 


16tt lV»b»>h ATe., €hlc»ge, 111. 


Tht ToBBK P»rodf Blnger and Oom*- 
dlan* Would Ilk* eBguneiiittnt with 
variety company* Hat iin « n tiiit* »• 
perleaeela uebulaeM. win lake low 
ealAiT to beala. 

JiddroM eaio of OLIPPKa. 


l,O02-l,OO4 Rica St., tlXii, Pi. 

Ratea, (S.OO and tO.OS doable t 10.00 
and $7.00 aingle. Becnve room. In ad. 
Tanee. T. M, HBRL1H¥. Proprietor. 


IbtT* tor itl* OB* aotL nuoA top, with BtL mlddl* 

plM*. tOnthWWlUipOlM. tUkMiblOOkl, fftllA.*t«.: ftlM 

iut«,ar1af«Ti,Juk«Md ID ebkln. AvplODdiilootflt 
fbTBodleloa ibow. Tb* proMrtr ti Id gooa «oodlUoo. 
Will mU diup. (or cMb. OBlr. It roa tn thy iho prie*, 
don't wnt*. for putloolui, tddrwa 

BRWTBR PATTOK. Fllot Point. Tti41. 



OrUieIoi.DD», EmotlDDil tod fl4D«tloii4loiderf Cut««dTatlw,ar.iulM. Addruo 

WlNTHEOr 0. SNBLLIHO, Xaufer. 
auaton. M. T . «Mk OoL S. Mailbore, lUaL, wMk 
Wet t, PortmonUi. W. B, wm> Mr. I». 


FuMB|«r eoMh, fonilibod to Bceomaodtto twootr 
poopltormon; b«ldlB«u4la>oklBgatu)aUioom»l«u; 
ftlJopMMnr out aararoUhod wd ptitlj taiaubtd, 
■loek^ Saia, b«tlM« wd otb«ra AUem tad bUit foot 
em, iB food eeBdfUoB. Mle* eoooh In Rooklonl. IlL to 
TMtebMp: biilbi, bn( ool bUdlov. eiook tad 0*1 !■ 
ClBotnnaU. O. B. OOOtTON. Uto VKw. If. J. 



fwn.rlr DoDloj*. ruBooj Bud. Tioj, It. T. TROK 
BOMB aid BDrBONIUM. ftrauut iddrMik 



$500.00 CASH, 

Will GlTe Hair interest 

la voti kBowD ■oBWttftil ftttneiloB. Moimt rofudod. 
Addmi DBAM ATIO. n Woa liib hi.. Wqw ibrt city. 



J. B. WILLIAIIB. MMltlwr. 

Wanted Privileges in NnseniD. 

Addieil W. f B I BMU H. Btijai Hottl. OlariBBlU. Olile 


lOlAB. WAOB MABAO^^WiJW^ta^ ggU 

w, '" AuiSiAB oouEtIdoKTbt, fun, Okie. 


714 Race Street, 

All ftoatroema, oleotrle belli aad oteam 
heated ChronghoDt* Hao added dae dln- 
iag nom. Bpeelal rates to the ptofeieloa. 

Llceaiod bar. 



"ir Hiil ton, don't mtkt a HIt-Whr?" 


Br nitll to prorowlonaU lOa, orehoatrmtloa Da 
OEO. WALT. rLBMINg.flyroOBio. V. T. 


96 W*tt artb Stre#C New Tork iJUj, 
Ut. O. CoofltuUnoaod MU*. HoUbo lueb tbe UtMt dot. 
•lUoo. Modonto tonni. BoffroBo* tnm pBplli dow on 
tbo oUff*. OlitoUra. I proflor* oBgofOBiMU. Mr 

tnolU BOW OB n*fo: BoHioOUrtOB, Hobl* CUrk, Robr 
roUfl, LIUUo, muj ethon. Brucb, Uib tad Ann 
Straou, Fblladtlpblt. Pt. 

N B -Oonpl«u ittfft dtneo Itoiibt, $10 Bp (ntru- 
t— d), tlto btoUlhl ooitainot from Ptrii. 

Allt|atore, Moaheje, Cockat»o«« Ma- 
eawi, UariaoMUeB, Leopaids, PoatbevB, 
Llamae, Aatelonea, Small AdIbbIi fbr 
■toreahowf. W. A* CONKUff, 

6 Catherlae Btreet, Hew York City, 

Granfs Opera Uoose^ Cygnet, 0. 

Mtla oil tovB of Oblo. Vtw boBB*. Band for open tlmo 
KoiblarbotioodtunotiootwtBtod. Alibovtovn. 
% OBilTf. Mm— wtnd Proonotor. Oymot 0. 

Wanted, for Abbey's "U.T. C." Co., 

OOOD TOK 'AMD VABKS. Hott dnoble Id btalA Ad 
tfiew 0. T. BBOCBWAT, Upeoln. W»b 

emeus eANYAS 

____ OOBdIUOB! OBO OR* ^^?*lBd Topi 

oee nu, OBO toAo, obo Ms*, ooo OiJOD. WrtU for 

StBdWRlflhBwnd atwott Boaon. MtM. 


in onivniB stubt. raw tori. 

Wla OB btad and mtdo to onltr. OInu- 
iB Wi(i M Bg, Bald JTrop tDd Hi 

nta win M bp, Bald JTrop tDd Hoctd Prooa 
wip fUO Bp, onm Win H SoBbratio 94, 
IffCn Win 71 OMta, PrrgbtlUBk Bad Man 


Ifffio WIfi 71 
itaap tor nww prioa UbL 


(BHD nAHT roB raioB LUT. oioi oaia, 
>il Koitii neoad It, nuiadupbiA, ra. 

AjuuraoRO, la em Late , OUwo, 
lAetnrtf of^ 



(tUWadt); altoBaUooat. Pitoto f iimbla 

yiglcil A^tn, TiHIt 
WulNt. Etc. 

Il<w, ttUj lUi - - 

'^krlor'nAcka ealaiefot liet.^ 

BABniriA a oo, 

.B Blith Ateaia Ktw Tort. 

LiniE mums 

Why not Ibivb your order and gel what you 
want biBlead of buying "ready made" In a 


Kersey Oyercoatlngs 

la Blue, Black, and Brown 
■ado lo Order 

Single or Double Breaited, any length you 
want, deep tllk vilval cellar, line check all wool 
llnlngt, lap uami, raw edgti, Birlotly pure 
wool and tail eolort. There never wai luch a 
bargain oBertd In lino tailoring line. 

Our London Stripe 
Trouien at 

Have been a great tuoceie wHh oi. 
In Wett ol England Broadclolh, 
Crape and Dreu Wortledt, 

illb or latlD lltiMl. 

SarnplM and uH-meaurenienl guide lenl on 



any length you 
I check all wool 
I, Birlotly pure 
ver wai luch a 

. line. 

$4 and $5 


CCD Breadwar. opp. P.O. 
Bowery, oor. Brooms St. 

H. Y. 


The Greatest Male Soprano, Sang 


ir JOB doubt It, •onulra. Obi I'm oot doloc t tliing-thi* 

vOtlOP CodIOI lUCODtl. 


Showman & Straatmen 

w« iMw ufftring our BoDff ehtru and Bong Book. 
at tho folluwlnr; 

BONO BHKIT8, alia 34130, SO oente par 
too, or 04 per lOOO, 

•ONO BOOKa, Word* and Bftualo, ilie 
Olio, 10 pa.eBtni par iOO. 
iONO BOOKa. ahaat mualo alia, 10 

paaaai t2 par 100. 

Wahman*. Up-Te^ato •ona th^- - 
paga.. worda and Mualo, par IOO< 

lb. AfaoT* c«nt.jB all or tho lolM Miffa, ud wo rmr 
•modve ud MlAOlo. Ouh vltb ordw. PoriUT.1/ oo 
(OMI. fOBl a O. D. Wo«lU«nd coonmploof oaoBtor 
lOOantB ladlrvorpoaoaeitoinpa. . 

IdtBiiiigi oitfm la • oarHowTortorObkafe 
Rom, wUAbarw It BMMt la roo. 


130 ft 132 Pull Revp,»AMnl\iA, 

DMoiiMi bfllBK ronpltlod at ftW BrtrirMO 
ATt.. otar Woodolo*. Uroohlrn, N. Y., 3 biockt 
iroDi old Mtod, wo villrooro iBte ittD* UoL 
17.ISM lo two w»««hB«fl«r ramorat wa thill 
Btko oor BS worttad Ui bu In tor oolor do 
' tlnd, tad tball bav* coiton tlfhbi lorll p«r 
pair, and tbirU to mtKb In 4 colon. Rliall 
oootliiua to kMp aooda up to tho Maivlard, 
tH bororo. Tbaobloi tbo proltMloo lor tbo 

([•Dtroui lopport lo Ibt paat, tod trBBliOK 
or a enotloouicaof ihottrao wo tro, truljr 
. roun, 8PICEII BROrilKRR Oataloipit* and 
' ■amplM of ti|bit nailad froa. Bptcltl aaU- 



Poni with Witti RoftaiD. br J. 0. Ma«T 
Tbit popaltr 1000 ht* torrd, whoUtona 
word*, with a itfj pltatlni lOolody fbr 
ntoOiun TolM. 


A DtBdf Mtiebiof iiOBf or J. W 
Wbt«)«r. Thli wioji li loo woll bpowa 
to n»*J tor inireoueiioB. tnd If you 
don't ilor iL you ooiht to. It Vt potL 

Br J. fid. Ltkaman. Tbia Darkf Bo- 
oonirionj It lull ol tir», tod will naki 
ainraaooB tbo tod. 

rroittal'<Btl oopiti . _ 
Orohtiirt pttta, 10 eaata. 

IITAm fn Boibm am* and ttt . 
Te Kill MM you wU. 

Oliver DlUon Oompuiy, 

U)40WtiblBKlon Btrtat, Rotten. 
Dltann A Co., J. II. UltMO A O., 
m Brokdwar. I.m Obtttaut Ri 


Auihor ol *^m7tdm," "That !• Lofa." tta.. tir.. art 
Dov madr lor dlilrihatlon. All ad*tite« onltm tiavo 
iMo llli«d tod othiri will rocolTt {•rompi atieouon- 
Till Kilo* ol ihim art at Inllow: 

"Cill Her Qtnlly. Soft and Low." 
"I'm AtriM NoL" (A Qr«il HiL) 
"ShB Will Nmr B« FrlBn4l«u Again." 
"Iwtet Jianla Adilr."* (BbiuIIIuI Seoloh iMtody) 
"You Havi Loft Mb. Tbough You Lovtd Me.^' 
"You Miy HiVB a DauBhttr of Your Own." 

Ant ol tho tboTi MOi Ui thi prnlfWnD at lOotnUMch, 
nribotli TO|tforS0e*nti. WIJo awako pmttMloiiali 
will b« In tb« ■will) aarlT aoJ iltrlft ernJIt far popular- 
liioff itiow aooRi Ktlii MoriUnoon U iht uar long 
*rit*r nl iho d«r. All tilt vtnMt an pnpultr. 

writ*r nl Iho Q*T. All iilf utnMt an pnpultr. 

p. M. OOL SI EFFER, 76 ttat eSt. Chloago, III. 


Balli lA arado wonioJ 
llRkta, t&A por itt; U 
rnda vDriiod Ughta, ti. 
ootioB.ll T«niit,BI, wlih 
ordar btlanoo U.U.D. Ptotl 
lo. itaDip fnr SO pact lUui 
iraiad eaialoRiio of olma. 
thtatrletl, tiloyclo. armna 
emu and aUilMa gooda 
R. OAMa. O MftiD HlrMl. R4-rtn«n»lil. 

PUMPS For Compressing 


bvhand power. selnd for 
catalogue: no 2 to 


MtgBlllMDt Alrott and KroDlog Orruw, ■Uglillr utod. 
rino T*« Oowni, Hiding lltlilu, Oi sra I'-otu. Tallur 
inula cmiIuuvi. all «<iua] toitr* Hoa uur linv uf Kin« 
Boalthlni'uiv, JiebautDd Ulilnra Ovtr uno hundr»i 
flna Uonu' l^ull Dr*u H'liu. Tunt'lu i:oal« aoJ Vmul 
tto. Ktuitnilwr our niiinhtra Hi AND Ht WiUTll 
HTKBET. belwo*!! Pth and lOth Htraot. Phlltdaiiilila, I'a. 


iMdIng AeroaaulB ollho World. 


M . IRE NOW orBN ruB iBiaoN or im. 

m A1.0 DualletDrtlt ol all klodt ol BtUoott 
(OuorHotAIn Bond lor prtooU.lle 

BALDWIN BRoa., P. 0. Bol 111, guliOT, lU, U. a A. 




WOOD. thoramouiWIitnltodToBii'llo 
nnlit; Edna, tht Air Walkir, aad t^oui* 
aanr of It ptoplo. rortiio iddrtai. ctra 

SfCiOHMUL AilB.<^inAHO. Valptraltu. 

J. B. ftCIIALL. Makar of RyponorTonod BANJOR, 

M71 Wsbmah Awanae, Clilcaco. 
Boad titfflp for Ittatl caulogna. Bpteial ratai to 
Dooltra. Taaenan and ptrtennort 



106, lOI ud 109 Bar 

nm obM tteommodallou lorU por votk. Hall 

imi^e GOOD WORK. 

WICO Write for 
BVBE FITS. Estlmatet. 

BMBoBth Ettraotb Btfoat rbiladtlpbla. ft. 

ElcSLezx jSk^vuBiee, 

PATEBtOM, a. J., _ 
wnmr B. lOUTBT Proorlttor tad Maat«*r 


TBLLBk, ^■ 

runvma to i,«t. 


iSb, olabb blowbb, oajibt abd otueb 
nunn ro !.«». 

Fun Wiltkii, JmliT M Sllnmri Salt- 

ABLBroa rAiB«, riRcunBB tod o'™i»*"y^ 

nwta Boad lor lUonmod ctitUina BAUITT A 
UUBB. W a Btdlwa «l . Ctiexo. lU. 



^ dum n.i 

R_ JH^ TlIB 


for rouffb hudHilB aad taill 
raaBaf imaa. Ufod nap for 

oauionaL jama e. LviraH 
a*.. o « I aaa P 



TOTHIi"l'ROPE<lll,"tiHl Uit Itot tililia iUgl Imk U 
rour eli.lo ul Itiat, II JOU btTl a f iiod porlttlt eul of 
roanoll lof lUlioDtrr tnd tdr.nuiof. We niato Um 
rlibt kltd lor 11.111. ill kind, ol cou lor tliow prlotioa 
ttadlMODOL WrIU 


IB MidlMo Bt, (IMetao. 





Lake View (Pateraon), If. J. 

lie He lIllleB, Lawyer, 

IBS U Salle Street, Chloago. 

OoaOdtolltl tod prompt ihtttrlcal bu.lpwt t ipttltUr 


nt bow oottKr ler oireutt, Iou•ual,J•n,'^!.'°ii°■^ 
Ma. OireolATi tad hboIm im aali. rVTU: 
MBT. Tt EtM nutteteui BIrett. B. ¥. 

OlrouB OanvasesB 

iNti Ol AO Mtedytltu UiNfietind. 

M. a. BtfPIBLT. U» Betlh BUMt. Bee Tork Oil;. 


t r.r tdr.ltl.iiiiroiirlra.iDti.: nlaood priow 

THoa J. NinmiL A no., mn.iooti 1, 0. 

Entirely New! NoHumbuglll 

TABBU, Id tlomlooB ettt. Ltau foroftr. Hell, tt 
.llbt, Aitou wtouJ • Httd » mou lor 
luplttaldiooilpUToelreoltr. ^, M. malK, 
' njj.TtliueptliBlrtol. H.w Volk. 


all .lu oriaa. id lh« eorU lor tolt. tt Itii tkta eoM, tt 
TATI.OB XllKBRLLO-a, BS Park Boa, N. T. HMtlr- 
IDYiod«ili«wUed.naM««ltllf. BoltWItlitd lad. 


IBAinlOKB. iDhtbllaal^ l,«a lt.ulD|, etptaltr, BU 
Addreu 0. U. milHl.KII. aiiiaMr._ 


HiMM Id rrTt*hore. Bd. Howe tood opto flwe 


For UncM Opn hat, WmMv, liioM. 

P«. unj Ifii* aeod tttotrr, wuloi eauui'r 
BD- llMfaled br .loArieUr. Bo.t aboe towo la IbedlAle 


tto aad III finoN tirael, aear Maea, H. V. 

Wt oanrlbt Uintt tad noel eonpltlt rtoek ol all 

uA ai rawar prieat than anjr olhar hooaa. _ 
MT^WJo •I?!7_»»«i»IJ!fe2Sft-*^ftJ5* 

"wflSa uij'BRARDB ol trtrr dttorlptloo (nttde 

ttnle jwr rtr\l 

WUia t»d BRARDB ol trtrr t , 

OD oar pitDilMt iroDt bamto htlrllo t(o«h or to order 
Bta'a vin a V, LullH' wija U.H tod opeafdL 

~ — llHTB. rorrtcl iDiltalloa. oitjt ol 

' OBlr etllblna B 

BAiiDAi.a, ti.a, 

l«k.7, .... 

kl tlibu); , , . .. 

•r.BI. Wt earns utdM ID trtrr <at>ltj tad tlit la 

jiTa, sni 

«rt tad male ooi . _ 

I lUbloDtd, Bl.n, (etar balUr Ihta I 
; woraud, aio; tllk, (IKI aod 04: 

OoiioD uani^ fl.ioi titn 


I a ran) 


Moek, or ntkt ihtm lo otdtr la foar dart. 
utkuiBriDDMinwUi n. , 
WMLBrABOUCa, al.lO a poDod. BUL1 

KRINOIH, iroDiTM Tdohia dttp m otalt ar 

loRa, inn.. 

(^laMntalprKatanj avtrr loionnaiioo tanlbp ntali. 
PliPDWlTII raqairaJ on aU on1>rm. 

doap'. _ 

Nnw >u.i4 l-r I irit K HcniVBInil IW. JllllN L 
MDt I. r.kiiirod hr .utii ta th. tbor.; It 1. 1 tore Bl|D 
tlltl Iho annil I. *KO UOOll." I'rol, cifitt 10 e«Dla 

Will Roslter, 56 Sth Ave., Chicago. 

OhI I'm ootdolnga Ihing-lhit 



A Bl'IIUIALTT. to Br.y. 


and iiiinnlurM) Tor Uib drai iiioa in Amtrloa at lha 
WOHIiO'H TAIIt whtro thor arakthl ■oeh a atnitllon 
nil account ol iiitir lirilUiney anil flni out-lha Bttroil 
HI'pruaoh Ut Uie gnnuina dlkinood rat ditoorarad har> 
IDB all III* nro an<1 iiriamfttin ofilori ol tht ganulnt. 
HPKriAL PRICRH lu (li* iirofauloo. Por full partiM< 
Uri, prieoK ato ilmtiit vhiiiMd tt. o. D.. shargta prapald, 
with prlTileaenl •iiiiilnttlon. Artdrata 
M. H HOItKIHR.aM lnufbnm Ht.. C lhlaig o. 

BIITlibir uiirc ^i^i huhhand. runun**. oto. 

rU I lint Vfflrt Wrilt to J. KARt.V Ml Waih- 
iiiatoii Hi , Hii'^kl>ii, s Y. tUtiU'U* nulltd an y wliar* lOo. 

t^UmicfT, VlT/jltMI«INR, MlinK. JAUKtMlK, 4 
Otblnal I'hiiliX&o. HcdILI., AO lltnry KiratI, N. Y. 


I.K.I tnd qtiio.^ Branoli.. and IkellMlt. iD olhtr Wattt. 

itlrillntDtiil l ■<> o.du u> BHANK HAMliiilON 
WUIIUCnfULlB o.UiD. Mwa. tpd «M»ht t roil«lll»tL 

losell/vaWANT I BARGAIN? 


Ul r . \>.l ID MAIIBACHiCO.BO'jFlllo 



Afli* l4k»«Uplk 

^ C«iitibMl asd H*4 II 10 ■iMllh 
/CHjMt Ull Mu^ aftJ a^JttM, t»4 mt 

ni If 

,-. M( «( IfcM dWtiM, 

ibblr l*wtUi, gold tkkbid «iUk<i 

(It )HlM)b ||l«tq«alUipp*»* 

mik4,UM,»m4 UI«r*or*. W*aM4 
vhk lk« MkUh Mr gurubi iktl 
«4a ratals H it *»j Uau vlOla 
mt r*tr tt Ml iaite/wl«r*. u4 U 
tM Mil OT t««M tka mU or rii «• 
■III |lT« fm CM Ptm. Writs U 
mtt, u «■ thill tni Ml MM 

r«r u aar* •■if. amim 

931 «., atom, UL 

IIABBAIllI A i:U , a» rilb.rtBt.FblU.. Fa. 


Counselor at Law, 

SB AND m ORKTMC tTllBT, Naw York VilWi 
fraoUea la all tbo Ooaria, Olrll aad OrlBlaat Ipaouu 
attaaUo b d vaa lo tha ooUaetloa of oltlau aad dabta oj 
all ktadt, tLa praparatloa ol afftaaatBU aad otlur lofla. 
tmilBaia. _ 


' Y for Untlamao, LadlM, ToBtH ath* 
lA Ilia or iBTalld. Complalt grtnaaaliimi 
ttkaidlo. ofAoor room; otw, aeitntlBo. 
durabltw ehfap. Indoraad bf ItDiODO 
pbyitoUoa laofvra, olorirman, adit- 
ora and oUwri now uiing IL lllufr 
tralad eiroalar, iD angrafloit, (raa. 
AddraM U. I. iWiWD.MltntlBaPhraio* 
al aad Vootl Culturt 9 IL Htb NL.iTt. 


Billiard aad Pool Tables 

ra Tim WORLD 


no aooonoAOWAV. 

Em.titad mon ol.iaal iniM, allA lb. b nOUALBD 
OBABB flOauiOBl, Billiard otuntlk elott, balla, 
tDtt,.te.^of onro.D DitoDitetor* tad Imppruiloa. 

nhimao. niaotaaatl. m. Ui eia Baa rrtaom.. 


eHb a..* orto thari.... H. Maoip »o. |»M»t. 
Ul. M. Mar BmlU, BptcUlM, ICll Uliro «.. Bl. Uul». Mo. 



afct tto bw. tod MMpM BMOoW AH«»*M*l.d** 
fJalUaeS NakMlo, u. laadtr ajkMla. Oo. » . 
nrlM. of Tm*. lllaMfMlaj AM, »4amm, Kmmm u 
latoM Parlor BattelalaBeal, w. MUu na 
tr Vkank BatmalaMH Prtlle BallM. 

<^&^ PAY WELL. 





ailll Aaother Ocaan Il«c«ld. 
ItiMouUut iho n;lDg iieuirar LdouU, or u>« 
OoDwd IIDO, will noTor cnsa imublDg neordi for 
tilt jonrncr earn nod writ over lb< " oo«u ferr^ " 
belwetn ihla port ud riaceulowD, In ttit EmenM 
Iil«. This week we Imva to cbroDlcIs uoUur od- 

Sreudenied pcrtormaiict, to which Dili nnuirk*- 
le ipcclmen n( uvtl •rc'illeoiDic, ud ttu Im- 
proTdment mtdo la litt«r jmn boUi lo michlnerj 
ADd modvlfl of naoli veiMlf, imrpmni bj nMriy 
lull AD hoar Uio faalctt prerloni vojafo to tue 
wealwATd, which wu lior own. Oa MTcml dtja of 
berTojARO ahewu oiiUsed to bfttUo BfAliutM]- 
Terss wiDds And choppy haji, ADd on Ih* Moood to 
tho Uat day ran ihrouRh a fog. (the left Dinnt'i 
Dock At 12 66 r. V. on Ocu 30 ind reached the 
Bindy Hook ilghtelilp At 3.43 r. H. m. Bhe mede 
M> knota OQ the dntdar, tho accond day 634 knot*, 
the third day m knoia, llio fourth day Mt knota , 
ud me oru day IM knola. Bhe made no knota 
IQ tho ladday.thuaniaklDglliaknoia In 6d.7li. 
SStD., and an average epeed of 31.81 knota per boar. 

Niw BniHUiKu nscoHD. — Joey .Snttall, tbe 
KaglUb profefwloDAl mrlmmer, waa iticcaaafal In 
An attempt to loar<;r the record for two tinadred 
yarda at Ballord, near HanchMler, lie goiAwar 
well and ouvorod ilie illatanco In 30i. saa., wbloh 
wai four accoQds «h04d of the former lliaiea. 
II. U. Whitehead waa the timekeeper for the At- 


NurragBiiROit Park Aoetlng. 
Oct. lV-FlT»t rsc6-Hur<« tSOD. ill farlooRi-r*r or 
f Ur 110. Webh. a 10 0. flmt; Fualltre, 9J, He<:UiD, S Ia 1, 
Hcoad; HommiiihI colt, IIU^ Humluin. 8 tn in. iblrd. 

TI1D6 1:16 H««(.nil r«c*-I*orB« 91OO, os« mlle-Dr 

Uft'nait, 100, Uarosr, aiso, Qr^t; Annit Bitliop. 1(4^ 
Vl«li«.Sto A«ocoail: l'«liir UieUrMLM,Utvk,lOt«lOi 

tblM. Time. I UU TItIrd ru*-f iirM|«DO, Or* lD^ 

looga—, If 10 1, Orm; Lm1> Blchnond, 
131, lUllT, •reo, MOODd; lUrtDUiiu. 07, Ultrk t to 6, 

Iblrd. TitD*. 1:02)1 Pounh nc«-i'arM $900, on* 

nil«— Tbv QuMo, IIU, Rnotlockar. B 10&, flnt: PUotr, US, 
Lftfflbltr, 6 to I, MOADd ; OoDDora, lOi, lltmlltOD, 10 to I, 

UiirO. Time. lAVi fi^tt ncv-PurM fSn, font 

ud alitU l(irlno|4-ll«rif Kalitor 9i, MeOUto, 0 to I, 
flncQuHnor Flewaro. lin, ikjlor,7 to 1, HcoDdj Al^ 

logaor.Ml Bl«k«, 3 to I. Iblrd, Tlma.OLUM Rixtb 

rwM-liudIo«p, ofor eliht liurdlea, about two ml**, 
puriB 9 i}t-~HumM. lU, vmoIi, 0 10 A, Qrii; Rodmu. 147. 
HillioKa, S to 1. ncond ; Htu Joaijuitt, tVt, MatkUf* 30 to 
1, ihinJ Tlmo,S:»r 

04L 24— rintt rkoe— roriio iao). At* tarloDp— Will 
PooM. I'Jt, lltniiltOD, 2 to 1, Qril; ElbaroD, IQ0.7J»rD«r, 
8 10 J, iMODd; MllkD, lOD, UiiDlcr, 4 lo l.Uilrn. TlI^^ 

i:OJ B«coD(l rtca-farw 9401, on* mrl*— BgtiUj. lUl 

H«lfr II to S flnt: Oeoras Diiod, 1(D. MoOlua,r to 1, 
•KODd ; Br JoTo, lAiiiGlAT. Ift to 1, third. Timo, 1 :i9M 

Tliird no»— rur*e tSoJ. Ot* rarloDX*— MuuMttr, 

114, L«mbi#r 1 lo t. flrct; KuoUstr, 101. Utrair, 4 to 1, Mfr 

oDd; UoDA, n. lluik*. a to 1, iblrd. Tlin«,i:OIJi 

roorUi rMo-Piir«« $SD, mIi ratlAO|«-iritll«rr, IW, 
Oftroor, lU le l.flnl; H«uwftr. Kll,l). JOMi.7 to 1,M»- 
ond:Tariiiiitilor, IIU, Keill, I to3,lhtrd. Urn*. 1:U|M.---' 
nilh not-rurM |3b>. NIX rurlooB*— Koiford, Il0,hftb1*, 
eto*. nm; UwltihL lltf. HcUlons.T lo l,MeoiH]:(3oiDm<^ 

dore HouRlitm. 9). (Uravr. 6 t" 1, third. Timt, 1'MH 

Hiiih rKe«-i'arM$10U.flroiur)uniN— NleollDlilOOiLftnib- 
Uir, 7 ft ft. nrf t; llarkiintr. IDi. Ilollf, fl to 1, Moond ; Kkt* 
ftlio*. loaciult.flto I. Iblrd. Tims, l:OIJ<. 

UoU U— furM$3DU, Dro lurlooai— Sir Juan, 1O0L IImb- 
llUio.S lo 1. rtrat: t;«4tu*t, U, ■oLkia.O to 1, Meood: 

flidliit**, lU), Lanilay,:(lol, ihfrd. Tlo*, 1:Q» Boa- 

oihl rie«-ruTN» Mvaa (urionva— HpMuialioo, 19, 
Koodoktr.l U) ft. nrPl; BIMr H., 10t,O&rn*r.T to I. •••• 

ood; W. H,, ll^ lliinllU>D,D lo 1, Uilrd. Tim*. 1:31 

Tliipl raco— fiiraet^U, ill rurloDiA-Ito^ John, UEl,Oft^ 
nar, 7 tu 10. (Irai; Cadtmi. IOJ, Taylor, 10 to 1, MOond; 

Paoaar, 104. II jonaa. 7 lo ft, ilnnl. Tlma, 1:UW 

Pourlti raca— I'oraa $W, fian lundicap, tiM aod ooa- 
•liUaolli lullaa-llanioKl, Iu7 Hal IT. 3 lo 1 flrti; Aark- 
naM. 110 llallan),4 t<> I.Racuml; Uaraar, Ift 

lol.lfalnl Tiiii». 1:US PIlUi raoa-ParM tSUa Bra 

and a liair furlunit-Jula, V3, Uaraar. 11 to l,arBt; Lady 
Hlohin a<l, lift. HallaTd. 7 to 1. laoond; Shadow Danaa 

colu 104 ltoin;'ilol,llilrd. Tlma. 1:IIM Billhrwa- 

Puraa tMl, oiia nilla-dur N«gi;l«\ llM,aamar, 3 Ut I. 
flnt; By JoTo, m, Ulaha. t lo Laacood; Baia HaDnf^VT, 
WalAh. into I. ihlid. Tlma, 1:41 

Dot.aft.— Klrairaoo-PuraA ssjO, for Ihraa jaar old 01- 
lla>, all rorlonn-Uliftrni. in, Hoiaby, 1 ioS,flni; Mllao, 
PI kcUlaln, 7 tu 1, aoeood; IIIbarniaQ goaoo. 109, U. 

J<iuet,4tol,third. Tlina, l:IB Hacond raoa— PDn* 

ftSM, for tiro laar ulda, ali furloD|i^AblD|doo, tt^ 
Wal'h.aj lo l.Qrai: Uelict, luft, Uaroer, 8 to », aaaoDd : 

Nirollnl. im, Uuily.a l« ft, thlt^. Tiuo. 1:18k Tfaird 

raoa-Puraa %SU, lur all ata*. on* mlia— Hartford. 107, 
HIarr. U tu lu, Uriti; TliaQuaan, IIS. Snadakar, 8 lo ft, aaa* 

uDd; llaTkliuftr.HI.O'Laarr.BtoMblnl. Tim*. l:4B}i 

I'ourth raeo-l'iira* ttOJi, for all aiai, all furloog a-r*r* 
rlar, 119, NitiilB.3(o I, drai; AuralTaa, 108, llanlUoa^Sio 
I, MOood; Maacliaaur, Ni. (lamar. eran. third. TltM, 

1:I8V Ktiih mca— Puraa $30), lor horaaa that baa 

not woa mora than two racoa at Uili roaallDB. mlla 
aod aquanar— Wiltuar. liA Qamar,? to 1, flnt: Ualjtbt, 
SI ffaiaJi, Alol. arc 'ud; KuyalOaorga M, MoOUln.BDio 

l.ihin). Timn,a:lftK Hixih r4c«-Pur*a O00,lorfell 

ftMH.0ralurlODU«-Ked John, IW, Uaroar, 6 to B,0r«t; 
CuouiieiorllaHwaauBv, lui, II. Jouoa, 4 lo 1. aaooiKl; Tor 
niaator.KO.HlalI.8lo 6 IhlixJ. Time, 1:0W. , 

Oat. iT-— rlrat race— Ktve ltirloDRa-8wi»d*D.B9kUea1*y, 
31 lo 1. lint; H«rw>ii, IQft, Heiir, 8 10 A. aaoom) ; CaaTua, 

101. Taylor, 8 to I. Uilnl. Time. IrUOk tiacood rmoa- 

una aud una Blii»*Dih ntilaa— UentlloaDt, 109, WeUb. 4 
lol. Oral; Uar»lia1t, 114, Hiiadakar. 1 to 1. teoood; Dark- 

naM, 100, BalluO.S iiil,Uiinl. Tlnie,I-MM Third 

raoa— Hi« and 0G«-ltall furlonn-Joe Hipley, HI, Koble, 
Aran, Dnt; nu^knoe. IN, Haiir.ft toa,i«eoad: PaUr iha 

Aran, um; nunraao. ii*, nom, » ■owau, rvMc iu« 

nreat, lOI. llamtlmo, 10 lo I. third. Tlufc 1:1IK 

Kanruinoa-Oaeniilo-Hir DiionJr.,87. welib,ltol, 
ma^: AanieBUbop. 109, llarallUM. ito ft. aaeood; tibarlle 

HoDooahl. tH. Uara^r. 4 to I, third. Time. 1:4W 

Finb rac*-8e'*n lurlnQM-Mar8uerlU.llQ^IiaBbrf,8to 
L flrati L»l«h. 110, Blak^ U to l.MOond; Uloody'a Viotlm, 

Ml, Koi, It to 1. ttilrd. Time. 1:94^ fliith rftoa— 

RaaularatapptMhuaooune-HodDian, UIM, BIlhDjra, « 
to Ok firai: Alobamiat, l&ft, Vaaoh. evao. aeooDd; KlDg 
JohQ, lS9>j.i:haodlar,»to I. iMixl. Tlme.S:4>(. 

Oot ti -Flnt raoa - Pour aad a half fBtlop w -oaUa^ao* 
na u.ljainblr. eioA. Rna: K«Hiniaa tt., n, damar. 7 toU 
■ McoBd ; Bonlelalaa rtlly. vi DulTy, SUio 1. third. T1iD»,0:ft3. 
. ...naeond raca-Pnur and a hall turlooBa— Antoolo,9J 
ilaroer. S to I. Urat: EAe Ueao. DO. Naal*r.7 to ft, aaoood : 
Eiotlianaa Ally. 07. Hrowar. 10 lo 1, llilrd. Tlma, O:A0. 

ThirO raoo-Ono uilla, tt— haodicap-Slr Eaifbtt 

10ft. Ilanudnit, I tu 1 llrat: Kijnily, ftXdaruar. Sto I. aao- 
ouh; lliiBb Paony, IM Uot)«ir«rty, A loi.Uilrd. Tina. 

Puuiiii ra«e-Kii aod a hairOirloDKi->WlU 

PoQ-o. 109, llaniiltoD, 4 to 1, flnt; Oharlle HoLhnaid. lOA, 
aaraer, 8 to I, aaouud; Aumllau, UO, Ralff, 6 to A, third. 

Time, 1:14 Pllth nre-Hli ror)on|a-tlnohanur, KB, 

WelaUft to A.ilrai; Julia O.ICO, (lamar.atoft.aaoond; 

E'tarn. lUl Haaba. 10 to I. third. Tint. 1: IHV 

Hliih nee-Mile ami a aisiaeath-Ularoa. 100, II. Brown. 
B lu 1. Dnt: Blue (Urior. lU, tVLaarr, Ift to I. aaeood; 
NarguanU. 0), Lambly. 4 to A, thud. Ttoie, 1:S1M. 

VUo Hport 111 Tffitiiviiev* 
Tito nonaal tKU moelioff nt CunlMrland Park, 
NaatiflUo, Tcno., opened on Ttiumlay Bfterooon, 
Uot. ib. Tbo cnnl oiTorcil ttm not atlncUTe. and 
alUiough ttio xreatbor fulr aud tho trmck fait 
itiero was but s amall aitrndituoo. Tbe tmob Uiit 
look placo OiirlDR tho week arc summarlsod bolowi 
Oflt n —Pint raca-Thr««> quanara of a inilD-daorEa 
L. FfaaiDao. 4 in I. Arvt; Mairopole aaoond and Qdiok- 

Ptop tbinl. Tliu*. 1 :ltK tUooad raea-HallinB.iiai*D- 

oighta i>r a mile-llany I.., h/woow. 3 to 1. lint; M"oiJ 

aaoomi aod Bankrurt Itilid. Tiua, l:t?.^^ Tbiid 

ne«-P(Ta furlonaa -Hanauil. Preanian, arrn, flrat: 4du 

Koy arcoud toO Ualiar iiiinl. Tinie, IfflH Fourth 

raoe-()De and pd« aliteanili nillaa-Palooa, Kallh. ft to 
1, 8nl: llaory Jenkina iicond and niemeolln* third. 

Time. 1:4AM PIHh racn-Kire ami one half rnrlODii 

— Pmua Uiit'itar. Kraaman. stn I, Bni; Ma<itton aacood 
and N«)ll*U«bom. Tlm».>:ad.U , , , ^ 

Ual. Bi— Pint raea-riT* lurlooRa— Inonnmoda, 88, 
rrle*. \i to I, Ant; fHnvar, ti>, Newaome, A 10 B, aaoond: 

Blake. lOO, Piaamau,Aio3, third. Time. I:U3 BHood 

raea-Vour and on* hair rurl'tDve-CoUiDa, 99, Nawaome, 
8tot,Arat:Kiarti,tM, Kallh 10 to 1. aaoond; Br«vliy,lC9, 

"rraento. & lu I. thlnl. Thiie, 0:AAH Third raoa- 

BareB lurlooBa-Teo^jUlng, lU, Kawwnia, 3 t" 
Hioauont, t>f KaUKAtol, avcoud; IHamonU D1eh,ll(k 
FrMinao. 9 ii» 8, tlilnl. Time, l:3ii Pourih rao*-Pl^- 

Airl 'Daa-Pamual, VL Newaome. 8 to ft, Ant: Helropola, 
|OI, EDlaiit,4uA. aMonil;TQi<to.v/. Kallb, lUto L tbird. 

Ttoa, 1:01 Plllh raoe-sli and a half Inrtooga- 

Haary iaoklna. 110. Preeiuan, 1 lo ft. flr*:; 8lr LllbOD, 
104, H. JnQei^,Alo I, iBOoDd; Ojrua. 101, KQl|h\ 8 10 1, 

Ihinl. Tima i:U>i- „ . , 

Oot- Ir— Ptrai rao*-R«)liuic all farlonnB-MBtropola. 
10) KnlRlit, ti 10 I. won; Uynlairthi, Akar.lA to I, 
aacoBd: UulDkatep, OJU. IL Jeuaa, 8 10 I, third. Time, 
l*lft....8«(Hiitd raca-'HfUlni. una lalla-l'oj-toula, 99. 
Kallh. 1 lo L won : 8ly LiBtwn, It. Jona*. 4 to L B00> 
«d:liilall5.W. kolBhl. 4 to I. third: Tlnia.l:a.j.. 
Third raea-SeninB^rafa. Ilk furlonaa-llaroal, 99 
KnIibLS to At won; nhtloli,(<?, hftwioin.8 to l.^*eoDdi 
KiiS^ra. IC»: Kallh. ef an. ihml. Tim*. l:t*y .... 
ronrih r*o*-PlT* mrloDm-FTa h., HW. ITlo*. 1 to I, 
won; Two HWP. ItfJ. PreeniBO.8 loft^ wond; Nona. IW. 

Kaho.8 to ft.t)iltd. Tim* l:OV PlRh rae*-a*lllnc. 

DtD* Btxteeoih* ol a lulle-NaUte Oabora*. 101, Katibt, 4 
to l.wun: Kwiiiy, lU7.t)atUh.4 to 3, atoood; Bnviiy, Wt 
Xohii,3tol.thi;d. Tlni*.0:ftftW. ^ „ , , „ _ 
Oot. Z>.— Pim rate— Pireaoa a hair rutloniB— nor*> 
anna. It 9. Hawcoin, aT*o, flrai; Two U*Clook. IH. Da*lB, 
HoraeMnd; Pulloaday. liR Bulth. II lo 1. third. Tlma, 

I'lOV lieoond rafe— fiellloR.Bii and a hair turlonsB 

-loeommoda. lOi. Priw. A to I. Drat; PaUlllA tOft. Baraar, 
II to l.aewud: John BerkUr.lOI.Kuhn.ft to 1. third. 

Tlm*.t:tA?< Third raca-PIra and a halt ftatloDB*- 

Blaka 101. Mrier.bto^Arar; L«r«DaMBo,94.N*weeai, 
Bto naiJoBd: Jooo. Kalth. tt w 1. lb ltd. Tina. 

l:ltu Pourih iMa-i>na rait* aod l*"** J"?"- 

Mai'cBl, ira. Kolaht, 7 10 lOt llrM; WwJC"*^ '.'^ illl* 
10 to 1 aH>ond;T»o HprlOR. lO^ Kaonady.ft toj. iblrd. 

Tiinal:(9K Kif<h raoa-K*illn|r, four aod abair rtr 

lOQp-Rlaao. 109. Parry.O loA. Ant; Moquoo, lOK ShUMj 
SK to l.avooDd; Julia Arthur. 107, Xuhn, 4 to I, third. 

TDB KKQLien race ttorae lUtobbox, wbloh wbb 
•old to llaron llinch attcr the raoe for the EpBO^ 
l>erbr for ITft.ooq, bae been diBpoeed of hy Ui« iBUer 
to rrlnoe I.0UU EHorhaiy (who WBB Mttiif for UM 
^"V^"* QoT«nuMnt> (<v 190,000. 

TsBBAOSfor lt» OunbridsMhIre stakes, ft mile 
tnd 340/d^ WM mn at ttie Kewmvket (Eog.) 
Hooi^ton neeUflff 0D0ai24,BDa reaolted totae 
•acoMi a E. DobeoD'B tbrre ror flD; lodlan 
QaeBB, wltb Obb(wbt eecond and OallBttBte third. 
The pMt betUofl ruled et 3ft lo I ftg»(ut the wtnoer, 
13 to 1 ftgBloftt Ournr ftod 9 to 3 ag&lnit Calte- 
trate. IndUa Qoeenwoo u ehe pleaeed b7 three 
food leBBib8p ft iltnllftr dlftftnoe aepftifttlDg aecood 
and tbird borse. 

Tbipaoib,Jaok. by Barkawaf. with a record ora:IOK. 
dladlnhlaatablaat BomBrvlUa. Maaa.oo the mornlDir 
croa.l4.aod*rtaBpielnaaeJreamaiaae«a. ItlJball*r*d 

that th« aolBul waa polaonad by aoioe nloenaatwho 
effeetad an aotrane* to tha aubla tbrooBb a aeattla that 
bad b**o oDMad dnrint tha olftaL He wu tbopmperty 
oraaora*Brl8baa,olBo«ton. and WaJurH. nadley.of 
Bomervllla, andwacTaload atllOiOQCL 



TkABwatd* AthlAtle Clan Give Anotbar 
■how mt Cenair iil>nd. 
Tbe aenea of glora figbta amnged by the Beaalde 
AUileUo Olab, of Ooney lelAod, And giren at the 
well known olabbooaa At Wett Brighton, no Hon- 
dAy eranlng, Oot, », did not attiAot anything like 
the ntnal crowd ot^rta from the two dllaa that 
were wont to pack lha big pATlllon In the old dAta. 
Tbta waa patUy doe to tbe taet that the card offered 
waa not lo aUiBOtlTa w tlioae preientad In former 
tlmea (which wu no fanlt ot the managen, aa they 
got together tbe beat talent poaalble), and In large 
meaanra to Ibe tear Ibat ibe police woold male 
their nawelcoma preaenoe felt donsg the erenlng 
by Intorftrlng with the hozlig at thAt pArtlcaiax 
time when It beeame meet Iniareatlng In thejadg- 
mentof tbeipectaton. Tbla la Joat what they did 
do, albeit they allowed tbe AOdleoce to enjoy tbe 
oblet conleat ot the ef enloa nnttl they were abont 
■Milled, Tbeflntpalrt^iAkethealagewereJaok 
Madden, ot Urooklyn, and Toe Oataa, balling from 
BlrmlnghAD, Eng., who were matched to mill at 
locn, and who care to the front at nine o'clock. 
Oaiea bad tor atteodania Obailey Norton, Billy Nor- 
ton, Ubuler Barke,;Ake BUAcaand Artbnr Boitnn, 
while Madden wai cAnx: for by Jimmy (JattoII, Joe 
ShAy, Emll Moore and jACk3inlUi. nmUaratwaa 
tbe referee. 

Radmo 1. Th«r fptmd Itihllr for • moiucot. Oatai 
led with ta.leauOnliiM. If. th«a ivuDf bUrlalit, 
botMidauvaf notth.r*. Uaddeo laodwl bit l.ft on 

ib.fMa. Th.a Uitrniied It, Madd.n belocnuliMl lo 
the rapa- one, tri.d a, bat Uiddaa doCaw). 
Boib niw»d aod aiobkoiM] hwf Uttt. Madd.D pot bi. 

rIalitODtha aldeol thaauaaM got away. Tliay war. 
ipaiTlpa wbeo tb. !;.u nna 

i. OaUe pat a aumlibt laft od Iho Dock and got a llaht 
bodr blow In fotora. TboyoBcbaniodliordlolt bond 
owloii, aod tbon Mtildon koockod ibo Eotlt.hoiwi'a 
hood OMo with bio rllhL tlalaogotlooa tbo bodr, and 
naddon olloobod. noa Koddoa baagod Iho law wlib 
bio right, bot whoa be triod It ai ala Oatoo ran owoy. 
Moddon raibod and landed a bold loll on tlio nock, only 
to rocolTod 0 otxalgbt rllbtoa Uo ond of tbo ohm u tbo 
foond OBdod. 

a. Uoioo ownag bla rigbt for lb. Jaw. bat It wont oror 
tbo ibonldor. nor oiehooaod ouoiabi lolu aod 
olloobod. Otto, panobod Moddm od tbo .jo wlUi bio 
rlghlaodnoolTod.aebabMvyloftln Ibo wind that bo 

Eniniod. Tbormltodltap ontll a ollaob waa broken 
y tbo fofoiwo. Tboa Vaddon got bono a boavy loft 
upper oat 00 tbo wlod aad .wnng bio tight enoooaalbllr 
for tbo Jaw. Oatoo waa olaror, boworor, and aroldtd 
aoToral wlobod blowo br daoiing. It wu ooybodr'a 

a. Moddoo awaof bia ngbt, bntltdid not land. Ula 
loft, bowaTar,foaod Ibo riant oia. Tboo Oatao mahod 
btm lo tbonpoo. Ibor aloggad oaoli oibor forhoopo 
nnill MaddoD no awar. oataa londod a boavr 
orou ooantor on tbo naei, ond followod It op olib o 

treat laft In tbo wind aod a loaktoa rljrhlon ibooar. 
boa tbpy ollaobad. Bolb owung wildly and ware 
lockod when Ibo bou taag. 

a Haddoa bogoawllb a laft Is tbo roca. Ifo tilod It 
ogain, bat Oatoo got avar. Ouoa ownog hia laft ond 
laaddoB imn. onlt lo torn oolohly and bong tbo Bagllab. 
BOO with laft ond rlgbL aoddan tnod ruahlag looiica 
and got la a bold rigbt oa tbo wind. Oouo puoehod 

bin flaab en Ibo nool 

llbl OB U 

alialgtt loft ond Htddon 

aroldod bla rlobt br ollneblng. It bogon to look now 

A Uotoi oponod wllb a fltrolght loft ond a boary right 
tbot itoggaiad Moddon. Tbo latlar, bowoTor. qaleiljr 
anotbod oatao oo Ibo naok wltb bla lolt Qa'oo woa 
iboB mabod to Iboropo^ wboro bo arolded panlabmaot 
by boggiog. Moddon dtoro bla rlghl into tbo wiod, ood 
woa iTibtTr panobod od tbo faoo In reton. Madd.o 
worhod atnlgbt lolu wlib giwal ropldlly on iho Doob and 
1000, aad floally wonod np with a boory'orooi eouotar on 
tbofow. Thoroforoo goTolbo bout toModdan. 

The aecond oonuet brought Into action "Kld'> 
Bonn And "Dolly" Lyoha, both well kbowb light- 
wergbta, who were matched lo box at 1161b. The 
former wu aaennded by Jimmy Carroll, Jack Smith, 
Joe Shea and Benny uarpby, bin opponent having 
tbo aerrtoea ot Mike Dunn, Jack BberldAn, Mike 
Oooney, Lew Qrten end Horria Uoae. They were 
called together for tbe Igbt at «.46. 

Korao 1. Lyonj lod wlib bio loll, bat didn't land. 
Thay both mabod and Lyona loodwl a boary ilgbi on tho 

tjBW. UogoD cano book wltb a rigbt tbot otagaorod 
DoUy, wbo tiled to iwlDg bla rigbt Id tbId- llogan 
tbbod bla loft OD Ibo noou, ood got ibo ooma kind ol a 
low In lotnra. Ibor mlsod It and Ilogan got bono o 
ooralog lolt on tbo Jaw. It waa a Bght. auio onoufb, and 
tbo round ondod lo llogon'o lotor. 

1 Lfona nabed, batwu mat by a lolt tbot atoppod 
bin ooort. Than tbay olngeoduidcllDebod ontlloraoroJ 
10 brook away. Uogan got In bla loft on iho oook ond 
dDOkodaworfnnoTlofoaarlabt Tbo Kid tbon loaded 
a baary right on tbe Jaw ond tbor olloobod ogoln. A 
torrlSo ngnt by Uqiaa oaoght Lyona floab on tbo uioulb 
aod drew blood. llofUi nabod llho a Qood and iiuncbod 
Lfonj rigbt and laftlnta oooroor. 

At Ihla lanclnre loapeclot MoKelvey, wbo wu In 
obarge of the "hobblee," ordered the light to be 
alopped, which wu done, and tbe referee rendered 
bla deelaion In bvor ot Hogen, wbo, nndonbtedly, 
bad mncb tbe better of the ^atllo, and wonid moat 
likely have carried tbe day bad It been aUowcd lo 
progreu lo A Onlah. The next event wu tbe ipeolal 
enganment of the occulon— the combat between 
•-Kid" lATlgne, ot the wooly weat, and Johnny 
arinin, from Biilntiee, Mau., who hu Sgnred In 
many prominent glove conlaata wim vArylag anc- 
oeu. The agreement wu to Oght tineen (lueena- 
berry lennda, at that agreement, lo faru 
weight wu concerned, wu not etrlotly adhered to, 
lATlgae being OTerwelght ilowever, that matter 
wueullyAtiAngediAnl the prtnclpAumade their 
appearAaoe Atler a ahort wail LATlgne bAd for 
AUendADta Sam Flitpatrtck, Jimmy Carroll, Jim 
OoUlna and BUly Lavlgne^ «bl;e Griain'e reilnne 
embraced Oeorge neyooldi, Dhl Orowloy and Char, 
ley Whiis. At 10.36 they akook banda, and the 
conteat began. 

Roeao I, Tboy opoood brapairlng llghtlr. Laviono 
ulod bio loft, bot mlood. Urlinn atlanMod a olmTlar 
blow, ODd alao mliood. Tbon woa a light eichaoco oi 
righto ud a oUncb. Orifflo panobod bio man in lb. 
naok wllb laft. and wu bit bora In Uia wind wlib a rlghL 
anibn aioppod a leftooatlr. and tot bono a good riobt 
on tbo ohuL LarlBoo Jabood bifllolt In Ibo Back, oaa a 
ellBcb Ibllewod. Tbay war, aparrlng wbon tbo boll 

U Urlfllo mabod, but did not land. Lavlgna got 
booao a bard laft In tbo wUid. Tnon Ihoy aloobad. 
LaTigoolaodod both Ion ond rlobt Tb4Bbora.bod,out 
Orldla dookod olororly. Tbo KM triad bia right for tba 
Jaw. bnt OrllDo erau ooontond bim lo good abopo. 
Lovlgno mabod Soroolr, ond Orldln duokad udelloebrd. 
LaTlgnaooatblalaritothobn«al,aod aotaboid punob 
00 tho wlod lor bla palna Orldla landod obot laft on iba 
looojuataa tba nond cloaad. 

a. UrtfflB tuahod. bat ihe Kid mat bin wlib a loft 
opporoot. lATlgoo'a laft loll obon lor tbowlDd. lliif* 
floJaobodLavlnt'oneok wllh bla loft ond wuoiipor 
out on tbo noelb u ho nn avay. lAvlgoo laadad a loft 
00 tbo nook ond dnro bia ritbt Into ibo oar. Uo thoo 
awaog bla laft bord on tbo wiod ond QrlfllD elloota^j. 
Jobo nabod, bot wu wat by a loft full on tba moulli. 
Laflana raaiiod, londlog Ion ana ilgbt on ibo body. 
llrllQn pot aamiahton UIO laoa. bill wu ruabadto tho 
ropao. Thia wu lArlgaa'a touod. 

i. Tbo Kid nabod. but bla lolt wu aloppod. OrlOln 
triodo loti, batwuamigod wllh bolb laft ond rigbt on 
Iho wind ud noek. Lavlgna'a blowa won tho boarlrr. 

Uo aont bia rlibt on ibo Jaw ud drora Orimo to tbo 
ropw. Tbor nliad matlan ond a bold right oo ibo 
wlndnoorlr doubled up Orlllln. Loflgoo lollowod tbta 

with twotorrlflo llghuoo tbajaw. Uo wu booglog iho 
Bnlntloo Ud oil over tbo rlog whan tbo ball aoumlod. 

a. Tba crowd bogu to loarc, tbo boiMIng, Tho nan 
apamd llgbily aod Orl Ao landed a loft un ti"^ bead. La- 

Igno lUao ruabod and got lo a tnnandoua right on tbo 

alonoeb. Tboy oaohugod lelio, ood Loriooa mabad 

.. _ _ . 

idad lolt ond rlaht h< 

Durpai _ . 

hlo right bard on too tooo. Ibo Kid'a lail want oo to tbo 

Jobbny Into a eoner wbon tba louor olloebi 

ruahodaaalQ and landad lolt ond right ha . 

nook. Uo tbon uppar cut tlilOo wlUi bla |.lt, and awuog 

laooandorinowaa giogir. 11. aoonad loialljr uoobia 
10 land on afToctlT. blow. Hi naouad to bo oolr a qaao. 
UoBof lino whan LotIioo would hnooa hlui out 

A Orlibn lod with tbo laft on Iho bead. LOTlno 
nabod bin to Uio rupM ud aloggod blot riabt aod lolt 
Origin oono back nmaly aod punahad tbo llaolaaw boy 
llghUy on tba wlod. LoTraoo, boworor. raataad inio bla 
own eoroar aod ponobod him wllh both baoda A bet 
lolt by llrlflin eat tho Kid ooor thooja Larlgnalboo 
hundOrllBobaaoIljoa tb. wlod. and tbay bolb lalL 
la dabllog In Loiiga.'a tWvor wu folloood br a nab by 
tbo lallor, whlohdnro Jobnay to iho ropoa 

T- Tboy flddlad a nMaulBBd IbanLavlgnoawnnghla 
rigbt onto tb. bud. (Irirao taturaod tbo oonp.ln.ot 
wtiba lolt ibatDUBatbo Eld ugry. llopilad loiojobnor 
bonmarood toagooDd out blauoolb. Urlfllo lod, bot 

ran away, LaTl|DO ebaalog bin all orar tb. rina- La. 
rlgn. Iboo triad a right (or Ibo Jaw, botOtiaia dookod. 
Tbo Kid mabod bla naa lo Ibaropea wbao tbay ollocbad. 
QrilBn pot a Kgbi ooo aa ibabeaaaad duakad avay iror 

a Urtgue ntted laia a amiahi Ml, bat henpMr 
ealOnfla Aaiply oa tba lea*. liBTliao tboo mabod 
iatoaoUaob,oad la tbo biMaawayba ba&g«aJobnBy 
la tbe law wtik bla right, anaagotniTbaidwtikbia 

right on Uio btwdbaakot ariOogotlaaBDOdlaftoBtba 
cb7o, bot Larlgn. tbnnpad hin back wltb a warn 
loft on Ibo Bontb, and Ibo enwd cbooiwd bin wildly 
LoTlaoA'a blowa appaatad to lack atoan, aad tbo proo- 
pocllroboock out began lo look Inprobabla ^ 

r UtIioo mabod oad laodod bM lalt llaab on Ibo 
noutb. OrlfflB abot bla rieht ocro«a on th.nacb. and 
Ihoy oIiBobod. (IrlOlo ponchtd Ibo Kid on Ui. wlod ud 
wuBlogaod hoidon th.Mr In rolorn. Orllfln toacbtd 
UTlgno'a ronbood wllh a light conntar and got away 
Inn a baarr rlobt. Lorlgoo loahad and landad bia 
rtfbt baanlr on iTio nock, CTrllllo Irlpplog ood IblUog In 
blaowncoraor. Larlgna mibad aaain aad got a bard 
Ian owing 00 Ibo Jaw tbot auggiiwd bin. Tbla wu 
Orlflln'o round. . . _ 

10. Orifflo lad wIUi bU laft ud laadad. Tbo Kid 

Koebod bin oo tbo wind and got a aUff loft oo the law. 
Uinabod alnultanaonalyand oiebugod bard lafta. 
Lailoaa laodod a hot llibt on tbo low ond cnl OrlOoo 
nooUi wlUi a aualgbt laft. Tbo Kid than landad bolb 
laft ud ngbt on tbo (tc*. roeoWloa a good lalt Id um 
wind Tbarrnibadlotoacllnch udwan aporrlog for 
wlod whan tha ball rug. nrlllln wu bnoioi up, a). 
Uioogb It could not b. aald Ibu allber maawu rair 

11. Urigno mabod. bot anno wunottbor»U'lgna 
Iboo drora bla right loin Ibo wind, and Orllln lobbad 
hin lo UioBOalb. LoTlnoludodoloftopporeal,and 
UilOn cUncbod. Lorlgno ra.bod like a demon ond 
ponehod OrllllD rigbt and left, tbo^lalUr^toapondlig 
woably wltb a Uft Jobeny cooound with bla right oo 
tbo wlod, and oaatbu lalt to tbo oar. Larlno awuog 
bla rigbl oa tba aye ond ralaod o lump. OrtdlB wu 
aprlDlToo wbon tbo gong aosndad. w < ^ 

It Orfmn lod wIUi loll on head. Idrlgna nabad and 
landed a hard body blow. Thay oxebugod laftoud tbao 
clloobed. Larlgno pot a atnlgbt loftoo tb. noaa. and 
Orinn amaabadtbo Kid on tbo ooM. loo, dnwiog blood. 
OrlOla landed bla lolt oo tbo tlbo and rocolrad o ngbt on 
Uio broan. Thay aiebugad body blowa ud than lo. 
dulgod lu giro ud loko IgbUog Uiot aoomad lo llie 
than. Tbay ware alugging lor boope wbon die louod 

U. OitfflD lad wllb lalt OD Uia wlod. LaTlAoo nabad 
and landad a coihlng ntbt on Uio wind. Tboy roaorUd 
to foggbllng ud Oriniu boog upoo Ui. foooa. Than 
tboy oiebugad blowa with both buda. Tba KldmU>ad 
o tight awlog. ud OrlOln. cat'hiDg bla Don napping, 
rooibt him to Ibo ropM Larlgoo rocorarod qolcblr and 
awuog lalt and right oo Uio Jaw at oloM quartan, arlffln 
cllochad to ura binaell. . . , , 

U Larlguo nabad ud landed obaid right 00 uiaj aw. 
Urimn oano baak wlUi a laft oo ibo face, but rocolrod a 
urrieo laft on iho face, anma loll boarlly altar a dincb. 
Thay olcboogad brary lalta. and Larlgaa aluggad 
Jobnay hurlly on tb. nooa aod Jaw. Orimo wu reir 
groggy, but bo fougbt buk aomoly. Tbo Bagluw Ud 
wu baoglDg blamualloror tbeaiagawbeo timewuup. 

Ift Larlgno knockad Uiimo down wllb a bury loft on 
tho Jaw, ud Uia police iloppod Ibe libt tbao and tbon. 
Only two blowa lad beao alrnek, botb byUioKul. Tba 
mane garo tbo Oght lo lArlgno. 


The aiAtch Detwreen Corbett and FlU- 
olanmoBa a Sallied Fact. 

Tbe atUclea for Ue big match between champion 
Janea Oorbelt and Aiplrant Bob Flizalioniona, for 
the cbamplonablp ot Ihe world, a aiake ot |20,000, 
and A parae of $41,000, ^» t>c<b dalj algned, 
sealed and delivered, and, nnlees aometblog tarsa 
np to iQlertere wUta lu congmnmatloD, which la 
hardly probAble, there la In proapecUTO one ot the 
grendeat glore batuea ever fougbt In the P, R. To 
be gore, the rcalUatlcn of Ibe hopea ot Uie onllie 
gporUng fraternity le yet a long my removed, bnt 
go long u the arrangemenia have been perfected, 
eo far u It le poaalble to perfect them at ibla early 
eiage of tbe Intemtlig game, ihe lovera ot poglllam 
will be content to bide their ume. They are eaUa- 
ted that both men mean nothlbg otHer Unn llghl, 
And, Willi Ihe Articles c^lccbea by uielr glgoA- 
inrea, lo have their money poated In req^nalble 
banda la all that good gportamen need require. 
During the paat week the following rather etartllng 
propoeli Ion wu made bribe Klneloecope Exhlbr- 
Uon Company, throngb tnelr vice prealdeot: 

"While wenave no dealre to Inlartere Id any way 
wllh tbe plana of ihe Florida Athletic OInb, before 
which InatltQtlon yon have agreed to light for a 
porae ot, we are advlied that many obela- 
clea may be placed la the way of boldlnga Oght ot 
each Importance In Uie Penlnanla State. There Is 
no deaoite intonnAUon to thia elTeot, bat In case 
the Florida Olnb ahonid eonclnde lo wlihdrAW lis 
bid we propose to nske you an ooer, which will 
certainly demand cenalderailon. TtUa offer woold 
have been made at the lUse the uveral clnbg were 
bidding for the obamplooiblp coniegl, bat tor lbs 
fact that we were not Iben la a poalllon to en- 
ter the compeUUon, tor tbe reason Ibat we had 
learned noiniog tiom onr Mexican agent, and, 
again, because Uie ezperUnenta at Uiiee mluule 
subjeds wlUi Ibe klnetognpb had not proved en- 
tirely eacceeef oL Now, however, we Bball not only 
be ab e to take eACh three mluule round ot the llgbi, 
but Also the Aoilon nt tbe gecondg, etCidnnng tbe 
one mQinte reei between tbe rounds, we hsve ad. 
vice from ear Mexican agent which la meet favor- 
able. There can be no Interference with tbe Oabt, 
and he Is aunted by the auihorlUea that eveiytning 
wUl be done lo ptmecl those engaged In the con- 
teet, u well u thou who go to Mexico to see II. 

Uor offer Is A plAla one. The Ogbt must be held 
In the morning, and, In caae the dale selecled 
should prove a dondy day, wo wUl Aik for a post- 
ponement nnUI A Clear day comea tonnd. How- 
ever, we will bo able to name a dale Jorlng the 
dry aoaaon which wUI aoawer oar parpoee, for In 
thUseason lUeoddgareMtol that Anjday wlUbe 
nitable. We want tbo (ght before November 1, 
ibii^i, and wlU give tM.oootor It. The eaUre amount 
will be depoelird In any bank agreed open by you, 
two months before the dale set tor Uie contest, or 

earlier If necesaari; or we are willing to put the 
purse In tho buds ot PbUlp J. Dwyer, InsKad 
otpbuilngltUithe bAnk,lf tbAt ebonld be Agree- 
able Wo are enabled to offer Ibta amonnt ot money 

wlihoat depending npon the gate recelplA becansci 
while a good many tlcketa wTil be eold, (bat Is an 
entirely after ocnaldetsUon wlUi na. Farther than 
this, we are aasared tbat a goodly amotut ot money 
will he subscribed by merchanta near Ibe epot 
whlob we have selecled tor me baiuegnand. 

Orav Latbui, VloePrealdeuL" 

When Informed ot Infs otter both principals 
slated Ibat they ihoald oot par Aiiy AUeouon to the 
piopoBlUon BO long u tho FlorldA Albletlo Olnb 

kept faith wllb Ibeni, while the cbamplon tunbor 
emphaucally said that he would not, under any 
circumstances, think otdgbtlng on Hexloao soil. 
Should the Florida organlgaiica Had lliemselvea 
unable to deliver the goods coniiacted for. In tbat 
cue tbe Kinetoacopo Companv wonld have u good 
an opportunity to aeonm the ilgbtas any other ot- 
ganiiatlon, but Uie batUe would Have to take 

J lace in trie Unltad Siktes. We ondetslAnd that 
00 Vendlg. tbe represenUiUve of the JukaonviUe 
syndicate, hu signed tbe aiUolu,u well u the 
prioclpa'Aand boa also peeled |it,0CD wltb the 
BiAkeholder, to which amount JIui and Hob are 
Also to Inorcase their ceposlls. UorUig Ihe put 
week Fligelmmone hu been in the meiiopolls with 
his epeclalty company, appearing last week at 
Miner's Uowery Theatre and darlna the curreat 
week at Mincr'a BlghUi Avenue Tbealrs. Uie 
eparrlog exniblllona nIghUy have evoked cou- 
Bidcrable cothusUsm, "FIta" bu aecured Don 
Riordan u a new epairlag partner. 

Jack Shally Stabbed. 

John J, Skelly, Uie well known boxer, lies at bla 
home In Brooklyo, N. y., autierlng eeverely from 
Ibe eiieolB ot a mordeions Asanlt committed eaily 
on Ihe nidiulag ot Oot. 18, wheu be Is Alleged 
to have bceu alabbed repeatedly by Tommy Creed 
and (leorge Halouey during a Igbt In tioni ot a 
itelaurant at IM Qrand Street, Brooklyn. The 
alory ot the tisoia and Blabbing It u follows: 
.Skelly and Creed, between whom Ibere hu been 
bail blood for some lime, became toiolved In an 
allcrcstlon In a moon aRor reluming to Brooklyn 
fmm A light At Newtown, and wen About to come 
to blowa when frlenda Inlerteied and tbey wpA. 
rated. Skelly and Sieve Wallace went to a rea. 
uorant at IN Orud SiRet, where tber sat down at 
a Ubie near tbe door. Shorily after three o'clock 
Maloney and Creed cane along, and, taking up a 
poeiuon on the sldeiralk In front ot tho door, began 
10 abuM Skelly. Creed dated blm to come out 
and Oght. Skelly atood tbe abase tor some Ume, 
and finally going to the door told Creed to go borne 
and not make ao roach noUe. They talked for a 
minute. And then Creed ud SkcHy got Into a fight. 
Skelly nya that both Maloney Aoa Cieed wore 
Armed with table totka, which they bad taken fiem 
the tree luaoh counier In Brown'a aaloon uroea 
tbe alRct, Skelly wu knocked down, and whilo 
he wu lying on the sidawalk be uierts Uiat both 
men took lorna In atabblng him wiui tho totka In 
tbe neck and tiebind tbe car. Tbo loand ot tbo 
Bcume altricted a large crowd, and Creed ud Ma- 
loney ran away, after kicking the prostrate man 
about the face aud head aevcru times. 

WaUace, wbo bad rcauUned In the reelaoiant 
doting tbe fight, now came out aod belptd SkeUy to 
bla feel. Ue wu bleeding profusely from several 
aiab wounds In the neck, and aa nriy cut behind 
tbe right ear. Wallace picked op ue tm blood 
atalneo torka which were atlerwAid reoognlaed by 
Brown H bavlngbeen taken trem hla luacb eoun- 
t«i. Tbe baitendar there add UutCieed and Ma- 

loney had bean mere a few n'"»^«'«'??« JKf'St 
bUig oecniTtd, and that Jf" ?{3i.^ 
forke away wltb ibem. Wa^ belped «» 
bla room and sent for Dr, F.M. B"*^ 
Kent Avenue. TbepbyaloU«iati|endrt iohlindaUy, 
butSkeUy wu unable to leave the »oaio. OnSafr 
urday Dr. Burke saw that bis paUent 
woiM instead ot better, ud tnat he.wulliely b> 
die. ne reporied tbo maiterto Police Headquar. 
lerg. And lupecior Mackellar dcullcd Ueiecuvn 
Serieuts Itorxe and Smith on tbe caae. Late Sat- 
urday nigbt tney arreeied Ualoner at bla borne In 
Souta Fint Street, near Bedtotil Avenue. Ho de- 
nied aaumUogSkelly, and uld uiat Ibe giabblng 
iru done by OTced, 

Creed disappeared alter tbe stabbing, and bu not 
been aeen around any of bla old bannis since. At 
bia home. No. 31 Hope Su«et,lt wu aald Ibat he 
bad leltthe ciiy. The deiecilves have a warrabt 
for him, however, end bope to CAtol^lpir MAlpney 
wu arraigned before JuUce Walab 1a the Adams 
Street Ponce Court, and wu held for examluaUon 
by Justice Waleb wlitaout balL He pleaded not 
guUiy. Skelly In bla aaidavltuja Ibat Italoney had 
a fork ud siAbbcd blm with It aeveral Umea. 
Maloney Is now in Kaymond Bueet Jail. Creed la 
the boxing muter of the Brooklyn AttUsllo Club, 
andhuaoadrepolAUonuallgiiter. Uehubeen 
In geveral cu uUig ainaya. 

Aatolher Drawvn Battle. 

Tbe match between BUly SmlUi ud Dlok O'Orlen 
for a puree, Ibe batUe being limited to ten rounds 
wllh tbe nnderatuding that It Uie referee wu on- 
able b> give tbe vlotorj lo either principal at tbe 
conclusion ot the sUpnlalcd number ot rounda a 
drew should be declared, ivu decided at tbe rooms 
ot Ue Lafayette Onb, BosUn, Maas., on tbe evening 
ot Oct. 29. Bmlib'a weight wu (Uted to be UHt, 
while tbat ot O'Brien wu said u> be IMIb, It wu 
A barrlcane fight from uie siarl. Smim i)layed 
more tor the body, while O'Brien's blows landed on 
neck and Jaw ao mquenUy Uiai It seemed impos- 
alble for the man to aiaiid up under them, but botb 
were in tpiebdid condluon, and Ue decision wea 
Very fair. U'brlen did most ol Uie leading, and 
wverAl times be bad BmlUi groggy, once tbe gong 
uved him Indi a knuckom. At anotber Ume 
O'Drlen wu nearly out In bis own comer, but 
be ralUed In lime to eave bloiaelf, at tbe same 
lime nearly floorlog SmIUi wlUi a tenUc 
right hud swing. U'Brlen bad all the bcw of 
tho finitwo rounda, but tbe third wu more even. 
Both men bad received so moon ponlshmcnt tbat 
Uiey coald hardly aland. SmIUi set tbe pace lo the 
fouiui and fiftb rounds, bnt In ibe slxUi O'Brien 
toroed the tables, and Smith wu belpleu when ihe 
gong BOiiOded, Smiib remmed tbo punishment 
wiui biierest lu tbe gevenih, and O'Brien wu very 
weak. Theelghtbroondwua slagging match, pure 
aud simple, with bonoM abont even. O'Brlea bad 
Bmlib nearly done tor again In tbe nlitb, hot could 
not put blm out. In the lenib and but round botb 
men toaght cauUouely, ud the reeuli wu a draw. 

Van Heeit and Bialth Fight a Draw. 

"Solly" Smith, ot Los Angeles, CaL, and Johnny 
Tan Beoal, of tbe Mound Oily, were opponents dur- 
ing fifteen rounds ot the Qneensberry pauem at the 
rooms ottbe old Bofiila Atbleilo Olt:^ Oct.27, Billy 
hsddoo, a resident ot the Bison Oliy, having gen- 
cnl charge of matten. At tue close ot the ntieen 
rounds no one could bave picked the winner, al* 
tbongh the men bad tonghi viciously all tbnugb. 
Referee "Yank" Sullivan, ot SymcuBe, declared It a 
drew. Tbe fight wu tor $l,3M, ot which the lour 
wu to receive tWO. Van Ueest wu over weight. 
Van Heesl weighed 1231b and Bmllh 1141b. The 
scales, however, were obvlonaly wrong, u Smith 
bad weighed In at 3 o'clock at m)iVs. Mike Leary 
and JMk Smim were behind Von Ueest, and Uarry 
AilenandO.SmiUibehlodSmlUi. Tbe preliminary 
bout wu between BUI Siavlu, of- Ansualla, and 
Juk Bauy, of Bgimio. At Ue end of Ue fifth round 
Manager Madden requeated Referee Sullivan to stop 
the batUe. Blarln's eyes were boih closed. He 
wu carried to Ue dreealng room a badly whipped 

A Draw Fight la New Jersey. 

Barry Dalley, one ot Ue Anttrallu conUbgen^ 
and Ed. Vaughn, ot New Jersey, met to flgbt for a 
purse on Oot. », under the auspices of tbe Ma- 
gowAn AtbleUoOlnb, otTrenlon. Vughn put up 
A good fight for Ue flnt fonr rcnnds^snd bad a 
good chance to knook out Dalley. Tben UaUey 
wamied np, dipped Vangbn over Ue eye and 
brought bluod. In ihe nlsib he knocked Vangbn 
down, ud the tenth wu tonghi mainly for wind, 
and Ue fight wu declared a drew by Ue referee, 
Arihur Chambers, Ue veteran llgtaiwelght ot Ue 
llaaker City, who played the game for many yeere 
bimaelt wlih ume ot Ue best men ot his avolrdn. 

Is on boU Bides of tbe AUuUo,Bnd never aoght 

jt credlmbly. The men wen wlUlog lo conllnue, 
bat Ue police wonld not Allow It, 


TBI TiH BOUKD FiouT (I) between BlUy Dscsj And 
Louis Jester wu palled oiT Oot. 2S,atNuilooke, 
Pa., In Broadway Hall. TneJesier end taued to 
pat np Ue tMO, and Ue mab-b wut tor Ue gate 
recelpls. For three rouuds Dacey lapped Jester at 
will, bot with Ue open glove only. When the 
dupes In Ue audience set up a bowl they got a bet- 
ter run tor Uelr money, Dacey ia very muota Jes- 
ter'a anperlor. 

Tbebs Is a prospect of A niAtob being emnged 
between Peter Maner and Steve O'DonnelL the 
former having staled bis desire tor a Ogxt tor rrom 
$1,600 to tlo,ooa A Bide and Ue brat puree uat can 
be obtained. And Jim Oorbelt havlDo; elgnlOed ols 
readlnoM to make Ue match on oebalt ot bla 
spaiTing patlner, 

A FBiTBiB viianT nonx Is being arranged be. 
tween OOAriea Corydon and ffUUamThaysr, to take 
place at Hoboken, N, J., week ot Nov. 11, tor a 

KimotlbOO, Tbe men have bees In tiAloing for 
e put five weekg. The former Is backed by Tom 
McAleer and Ihe latter by a prominent New York 

Nbootiatioiis Are pending at Chicago, 111., tor a 
finish con'eet between Jimmy Barry, Ue bantam, 
ud Joe Bennnd, Ue Paciflo Cout llgbtwelgbt. A 
movement la alao on foot to match Hugh MaUoy 
ud QeorgeOtaaroh tore finlab fight tor t2W a aide 
and all Ue gate recelpta. 

OBAS, E. DiTin la complellng Ue details ot 
ancuer atbleUo conteat, to be held aoon at Tauer- 
aall'g, Chicago, la JUn UaU wUI be Ue star auno- 

TUBATRB, UdbC^Ka.MafS. Wriiaqolok. Noronbar, 
Decombor ud Juoarr all opu. Praiatooco glron to 

, — — 

compuiM urvylng band aad orcboatra. Wul atnne 
aunotion lor Tbooksgtrlog WMk. Coa, moat bora 
plenty of atlncUvo poocr and good people. Tbla la a 
pppnur prioa bouao. Wut no By by nlaot anopa H. 
W. Futon, propnotor ud looMo; Frank Do LrdatoD, 
muagar, lo whom all lotion abould ba oddraaaad. 

Ilff ond IB Uuorar Strut, Boaton. Moaa. 

ALL LlhES, tboao dolog ap.^ lajitu piararrtd Would 
b. manuenud blllboarda ooro jonraiamra; wa don't 
WUI rou. Hold ilnM nalary ir ton aapaot ao uawar. 
AddrM HILDBBD MBBRT arAlC BBa,OrIggarlUa 111 

ACT, MALI OB FB«ALE Addraoa O. T. H, 

Wo. t,Ma Molo BltMt. MonaruBk. Pa. 

AND OANuiNu (."OMBUiaM: oombioaUooordaiM. Ad- 
dro^^Low Oloon. l.g«B. ciailialo Bt. FbUodolpblv Fa. 



99 B Binet. 8. Wioblngtoo, D, C. 

TO BUT Utt LBABB: uno Bill Cor, Two Block Ctn, 
TbiooFUtUanudUoaBIaoploaCar. Moat bo drat eUu 
can lo good coodlUon. wllb nodarn ImproTamooia, alx 
bnkoa, Ota. fildar*eolT»dnnlllD.e.l. Addiau 

OHAB LBE, Boa 171. Cutoo. Foon. 

SoolfelicuB)"roTCOt;omody" roraalo. "3lamp" f'li 

, -Tbla ••Rnor-oa'. 

.- odf " rot aalo. "atamp" f'lr nply 

UABRV UBlDRRilON. I.BM Coognaa BL. Loulaalllo. Kr 

Addroao OARLO. WALKER. nontorTlIIo. Iowa. 

PUNCH MAN. aagiuon. Bor Vvoaiul, Uont.inion. 
lai, alao Youog Famala Impononolor wanted. One 
ahowoday. Aditroao J. n lIUBIW.cnaralond.U. 



LKK AVB. AOADBMT. Breotlni. W. T. 

AOb.'..'^- BibolloDOlutStX Indian OlantoanniTebMp. 
Alao u| daalan In WuWurbaof anatomloalBpoolnaoa. 
Ahoololo uaiomlo br B. BRUUOHiNN. Analomlat, SI 
Eo*t tai BL. W. T. trallnr aion). Hood for caulota.. 

■ Kk.-T«;nKr..><U»Ull, CUMLUIBB, BUBLBa<lUis( 
WRITTHN TU DHDKR. lUnd alamp. 
JOBBTn IBBgllAW. m Falimoont Ava.. FblladolpbU. 

AT l.IBtlBTV— Miw DOHA UAia.IL Vonalito 
Loada; FBOF. OBO. OSalf, Flulal; LITTLB BBSSIB, 

Oblld Jkotnu; atrong. alnglng ud 'duelng apoolahlaa. 
. r\ . „^ witbev- 


OMd woidrabo eu 
abiu, Adtnaa 

IB. alnglng ai 


OomorSUtStrMtaBdTbudAvuuA ^ 

londay,. Thursday and SatordaT. 

. .. B labon ia ftodnetioB ef lb. BtarllBBBuocM 


Woitwook TBB TWO BIHTFRa " 


and •PP-S.-JJ'gi.'fiVffi™ «-P"r 

^tiKu'Sf sisrmis pbes-ton 


HoAtov and Hay. ' Halh and ClUToid. 
Annie Hart, BItaalcal Dwil. 

Herald Square Theatre, 

Broadway and asUi street 
BTmawo, 61ft. batu bdat matuibb, i 



B. F, Keitb's AnuseDent Enterprises. 

E. F. /tliBKK • - - Qan. ■k'r. 
a F. KEITirs NEW THEATRE, Moti, Han,- 

THE BUOU, Phiradelptb, Pi.; 

AMD ' 



OontinaoTiB Ferformanoe. 



PirnP I .T'U" tbbatrb. 

rXiVrilKi O HBNBT c. HINBB, Propnotor. 









Opto all tba rair. WAMTBO. FOB THE ODRIO HALLS. 
LlTlnf OanoilU«a, rra«ka or VMan, Ban awl Coilou 
Anlmali of aTarr daaortpUoa for our new Hanafaria 
Daputoiut, and at all umta tba Teiy beat TaadarlUa 
Stan for tka lha&tra. No aaUir too blgh for nm Claia 
MoToltlaa. BBMamantB £nnD 4 toU v*«kadarln|th« 


a»l Bite AVB.,IN. T. CITT, 

For Beaaon and 'VS. Carlo Hall and 
Btaae Attractlona aiddreaa 

JOHN B. POHlg, 301 8th Awe. 


115th 8tr««l and Third Ave., N. Y. CKy. 


North Broad Street, Trenton, N. I. 

JOHN HAN8UN Pioprtetor 

ED. O. SBUTH Hanaser 

WANTED AT ALL TIMES, Strong. Futnroa, Jorl. 
oalUu and NovolUae for Loctnn HaUa; alao Ulab 
OlaasTaodoTllIo Acta for Tbaatroo. All appbcattooa lor 
ongagamuta (botb bonaoa) muatbo Udroaaod lo 

ED. 0. BMITR, Uorlom Muaoum. 

130 St., ud 3d At*. 


>NJIU, Pr^ 


Leading Double ^Cyclists, 

La4t waak at Uyda A Babmu'i^ an "oya op«aar*' to 
tboaaaMlDRtho aotaod nearly aliour opandaiea ukao. 

Addraaa tbli weak loe B. Utb &t , N. Y. Uoneaddrea, 
a Bria Bt, Ummbrldnportt HaM. 
Tblaipace la OLIpyBB l» rawrroJ for oorwoafclr card. 


I* berebj vlr^n Ibai I an In no war eonsaalad vith tba 




HkiiU. NewDOQBo: eeaung npa^tri en: alifaBt aUfe 
and aoeoeTT; oopolation or tows, lood, «ub a rood 
oonatiT ol t,QD» to dmw Itoai. FOR OPBN TIHB 
■ddnn WVa BBBMBB. 

6tt6Atik M.iUAd!P^lt^CO.-Wtaena«tbaa>. 
Mimenblp oeratoiore exIatlDR becwean Oaorie m. 
Blank and Atno Blar, nnder tbe Bm ume of OMtfe 

Blank A Oo.,hu beendleaolTetf brtbedattb of Oaorca 
M. Blank, and tbe bnaiaaaa U to be ooDUnnad br uud 
Amo Bier* tba aorrlvlng ooMitaar Id lald flim, ud 

Wbarea^ tbe uld eopaitnenblp hu cruiaoUd 
boBlneu In CtU aw tor « period or Are jun and ep- 

Nov, tberafora, I, the nadarvlfiiad, Areo Bier, do ban* 
br cettllr tbat I am tbe aola parvon oontlnalof the d» 
ot and now dealtni ud hereafter to deal nodar tba Ann 
name of Georte H. Blank A Co. ; and tbat mj dUm ol 
abode and prlooipal place of bulneaa are at No. Su Bait 

TvaDtr-lonitb ,BimJ^in^tlia,Clt^Kaw York. 


Dated K.W York, Ootobw let, 1 

Oltr ud Ooutr of New York, u: 

On ttio lat darof October, 19^ befora me poiwnallF 
upoarod Amo Blar, to n. koown to b. tbo aono panon 
doaerlbod In aad wbo aiMatad tba foroaolng eortu- 
cata, osd bo dulf aoUowledged lo ne tbat bo eioculad 

Notary Pnblle. New York Coutr. 

BIND OB MANDtlLIN ORObEbTHA. Bongo oonpoaad. 
Mnalo pat lA worda or acconpanlmont mado for malodr. 
Addlua OHAB. L. LBWia SI W. Ml flt, OioclonaU. 0. 

. BailHIf'll OPBHA HOUBB. UNIOBIua N nr. 
Open una Nov., Dio., ud Ulor Cor arateUu otuaoUaoa. 
Bud prafanwd. Addrou U. B. BBBBY. Frog, ud Mir. 

apoolaltr- Oood aopurooca. Booaon'a work guonnlood. 
Addtua PE<BL BMMETT. tU H. lOl Bt ■ Newark. ». J. 

AND LBOTVBE, wlUi a Flnt Oloaa Room Sbow. Tnnl 
In onr own apooiol car. Frot. D. Oilloapl. wrilo. Ad. 
droaa W. 0. FBBBY. Oolllpolla Oblo. 

Art liiBljcn'Tv, a ariinNG b-kiiAt uilk- 

NBr, laio louoral"AUraoorJack"Co VBoEd. B^aiol 
rolbronc Iron tb. muagor. Band dlacbargad ooao. 
oouutolabU bnaluwalnib.wMt FRANEJ.OOTtZR, 
Car, nf tha Woodarlaod, Do. Molnwi. Inwa 


IlToouD (naoinoN: oslt giu. daro no Plu* » 
winttr It OBBBIIWOUD OABDKK. Poab'a lala nd. Mo. 

IT EAOU. Hand No- (allrar or oiamp.) Mr uuuloa 
O. LDM.raa OongroaaBtrooL LonUrlllo. Kj. 

FliAYS (all Binda), ukotoliea loto ) willun to order, 
flta*. roar ••woalA" and aud "a:omp" for "prioaa. 
UABBY BENDEBBON, I.ePConaroaa Bt. LoolanllOL Ey. 

OLD plaro mUo "now." a..nd "alanp ' for '-lama." 
HaBBT IIENDEHaON, l,P> Coniioaa Bt. Lonlarlllo. Ey. 

_ BEIHD IN YOllH aiHUEIKt. _,_ 
Wlaa: uy aiyla Negro Wlge. nclM. ; Vbarwur VIga, 
wlUi wblakaia (oalunl bair). uy cbonclor. (ItO: Boo. and clioaaalu, gl. Mat aiw tor mauonnaot 
Oooda aoot O. O. D., anbloct to InapMllon. N. B.— NO 
eaulognoa, tba aboro my only prleo Uat Out Ula oat 
latoro '~ — ^~ 

rolbrueo, rou nay naod no "later on.'' 
e grPART. aWB M.diaoB ATMiua If. Y. 

0 BTDAKT. a.PIB ■■Oia on ATMiO.. n. ■. 


Cigar Bcoie. p w uua. Pfc_ 

vigarnioiw. »wiim>. ■ — 

^FoltiiiU.k,cri|i:A1^-A uAoi> Vfil^VS^ 
or > uoasrAKi} o-NS^Bnnu hinui.b aotiku ooo. 
EnclOH alamp. FEOF. HAY. Boa a«. auoror. Fa. 

^.JkL..4.J. '.— .lU JJ — __ — acxKTT-ossxsGTT^Yt^a. 

Tariair or liraoouTe. Band »« tor aampiea. UABbt 
OLARjCmPproce Htfaet. Pbltaialphi*. Pa- 

1IIIII.R. WATTS ^^sm^'^a^^ '' 

nuiHinnilW Hovoltv wrlBanfcotdar. . 


WiitK,tiBq,SsinM, irTiMrSinflMU. 

oa«» net tienttr. Oolanba* 

Kotembeb 3. 




R. VUdMUMenon poblUm ft MOarot pnlM 
tor "Let MtDto With Ibe U>ni Oaf at Ronw." 


Xjl»T »ni PoHf r hawet Flgnm ob the 
Ka>t Walttaau Traok. 

Ttw tniUogtit oa tue 'ojcllng ncorila Mnlluoei, 
ni teaottj » <Ur puaea Ui*t llur/ o. Trier ssd 
Utha W. Porttr do not add to tbelr rMpeottT* 
lagitU. On IC01HU7 ftClemooD, Oct a, ttie weattitr 
MlDg pleufto' ("d tlio inokiU naail, In caplti) 
eondlUon, Ui«r lud tbelr ooatoour/ Irlalf. Trlw 
lovend ttag tvo mlla D/Ing at*n record from 4ni. 
4<ia. to 40. 4>., and Porter placed AUtn'a time (or 
iti« mile, alasdiDg itart, 10 Ibe ihade bj going tbe 
duunce In tm, du. AUen'a time was 3m. 2,Sa. 
Tiler apptftRd on tbe uack abool tbree o'clock, 
ant, arier Umbering np a liuie.begaTetlieirord 
(or Ibe pK« nukcri 10 go abead. Tbe tandems 
took biffl over tbe conree In tbe following Umea: 
uoaitar sa)<i.,tblrd 33Kb., ba1( UKr.. two-tblrda 
icn. itxa., inree-qnarure Im. mile Ira. to>.'i., 
oneandaqunermlleBSo. 3l.Sii.ono and a tnird 
miles im. 41X9., one and a bait niuea sm. isi, one 
uid iwo-tbltd miles Sm. 2l»>., one and three- 
aoirter mlios ao.3l\'s., two miles 4o.4b. Trier 
wu paced br Coleman and Tbalcber, Bnlnbrtdge 
and Qtrdlner, and MoDuiree and|8mltb. 

porter tben oimi ontand woni(orllienille,Btand- 
lagitart. He was pKed bj Callaban, Uowaand 
ff laner on tbe triplet and Baggertj and Wllllaina 
on the tandem, and but (or poor work o( tbe latter 
riders Porur wonld bare msdo Hie mile consider- 
ablr lower tbon 3m. Bis times for ibo Tsriooa dls- 
tisces were as follow: uaart«r, SJs.; tblrd,41><a.: 
bsir, im. fw two-tblrds, im. los.; threo qaatiera' 
\m.Wi>-i mile, 3m. 

a. L. dDlllvan oDlclated as referee. J. A. SaTlllc, 
w. 0. Sanger, A. F. II. Emerson, timers; 0. H. 'mfL 
R. D. IMnnell, W. P. Rowe, timers. 

SometlilDg New fram France. 
A nevblcTCle lire has Jut been devbiedbTil. 
Oeiird, citf Engineer of Bordeao.x and Picon, 
wblob Is Intended 10 do awar wlib Uie defects ot 
all olber Urea. It conaliu In snbsianco o(aihln 
robber lobe wbnse Inner snrface la Intersected b/ 
rnlibcr disks perpeodloolar to It and placed close to 
one anoiber; disks and snr(ace are all moaldod In 
one piece. Tbe disks aro Iblckcr at Ibe circnir 
(erence thao at tbe centre, to prevent tbo Inbt, 
from sinking Into tbo lotenilcea between the aiip- 
porls, and inar are made cccentrlo so as to dis- 
irlbate ibe rotlaling power of the aorfaco with, 
oot Increasing the wolgbt of ilie tire. Tber 
divide toe tire Into a very largo nnmber ot air 
cbambcra, perrecilr Independent of one another, 
ao that It ono Is pierced tbo others are not affected; 
these add to Ibe elaallclty of the tire, and do not 
need to b« lUled wlib compresaed air. The motion 
Is aaeaar as tbitof the beet pnenmatlc tires, while 
ibeaccldenta to which pnenmailo (ires aro snb. 
jecled are done awa; with. The tiro can be ap- 
plied at once to all rims for solid or hollow tires; 
(or pnenmatlo tire machines sodo slight but Inoi 
pensive modldcatlon of the rim will be nccesfiarj. 


Want* of Managen anti Parformen, Op«n 
Dates, ete— Sao AdvertliamanU. 


"The Kodak," presented by tbe Noss Jollities, 
seems to till a popular want. Pobllc and prefH en- 
dorse It bigblr. Mufllcliins ate wnnled by Uana- 
ger Fred Noaa. 

Time can be Ulled at BobloHon's Opeia llonse, 
Olnoinnatl, 0. 

Uasde Ulliman withes to lease plays on royalty. 

Adelaide Ulih claims all rigbis and titles to 
"Tbe Qteat Divide," "Ibe Now West," "In tbe Foot- 
bllls" and "ShasU Peak." 

Open dates can be filled at the Cooperslown, 
N. r., Opera Bonso. 

Bene and Ford want dramailo people and 
mnslolans (or "Josboa SImpklna." 

"Down on the Fann" can be produced by a llist 
class nianaier. 

J. R-Walieannonnocs that all vacancies In bla 
company an Oiled. 

Power's Opera Uonse, Lanslngbnrg, baa open 

Dave Levis wania dtanutlo people. 
DIok P. Sntlon wants people for "Sinlre EsS' 

Dramatlo people are wasted by Hoore and Long, 
Dalsle Harkoe, HcKlnloy Family, Oeo. U. Noble, 
TBos. Ellnwood, J. a. Qlssgow^ Alcaur, Fred Marsh, 
B. B. Uardy, E. 0. Johnson, Earl 0. Doty, Biage Di- 
rector, Frank W. Comstock, L. L. Oreene, F. L. 
Teianca, Ohas. BUI, Vernle Lee, Leonu Brothen, 
Payloo, A. OMaford Jr., James Oeary, Piof. Bel 

At liberty: Nellie WblteOlfford, Edna Clare, Lew 
SUveis, Lonio Lester, Frank Ileal, Uoia Hall, Ultle 
Beaale, Prof. Oeo. Dean, Lew Olenn, Barry Jack, 
son, Kata Jackeon, Blllr A. onnin, Lillian Floyd, 
Frank and Kcll Calrlo, Alice Kemp. 

Will u. Youog wania repenory people. 

Open time can be Olicd at the Oiand Opera 
House, Wbeeling, W. Ta. 

G. B. I/>ihrop offers good open tUne nt bis houaca 
In Portlaud and Brockton. 

The Jotin Ohurob Oo., Cincinnati, Ibe well known 
mnslo pnhUabug boose and dealers In musical In- 
stnunents, are uiUlzlog dve (all columns of our 
apace this week to acqnalncthe profeaslon wltb tbe 
(act tliat ibey have published a nnmber of song 
publications, many of wblcb most slDgets are fa- 
miliar wltb, and olaen which tbey sbonid know of 
and have In their repertory. This dmi will snpply 
any song of tbe llat (or ten cents, and by a aeries o( 
exobanges, ibe sniire llscmsy be irled (or the price 
of one song. Oompoaera are Invited toeendilaa. 
(or publication on buslneas princlplea, many lead- 
ing compoaera now being nnder contract. Band 
and oretiestn muslo Is also (oralsbed by ilils 

Raymon Moore Is singing "Tmo Love,"pnbllsbed 
by the N. Y. Mualo Co. 

Tbe I'elila Mule Co. have Isiucd "Tbe Owla' 
Serenade," "Dear Doroiny," "Tbe Scboolbouae 
Bell" and "Come to the Armsol Yoor Baby" (ree 
to pro(e8alonals. 

■■Uark to tbe Singer" and other sous, by Olio 
De Harlon, can bo seoiucd (lom tbe aoibotess and 
Lyon and Uealy. 

Jane* SUIlmtn has pnbllsbed "An Old Fashioned 
Talentlne" and "Tha Ohoir Singer." 

"Oood Friends. True Frieuda" and "A LItUs 
White Lace aandkerohlel" aro published by Slater 

"Sweet Bnnch of Daisies'' Is itae title ot a new 
song by Anlla Owen. 

L. F. Boob has nuhllabed a new march. 

"Xevera Orldo" Is tbu latoit publication ot the 
W. B. Leonard Co. 

Geo. U. Kempaball will exchange saxophones. 

Frank Beckor, musical director, has closed wllh 
the "Ole OlB-in" Co., and Is at liberty. 

J. B. Benson wants a drat olaas boaa alnger. 

Iks WIdmer-Stlglor Mnslo Pub. Oo. have a long 
Uitof new songs. 

S. 8. Bicwart, who Is cironlating mnch Interest- 
ing Information rcgardlag the banjo, and auppllea 
a anpertor make ot Instruments, will send a caia- 
logna to those Initresied npon application. 

wlllRosslierpolntalothe (IgolOcantfactot his 
songs, "My Irene," "Mus Unon" and"Craol Hlsa," 
being aong with immonso Buccess bv promineut 
•Ingen, such sb Annie Uan, John E. Ucnibaw, 
SltMTt, Imogene Uomcr, Al. Ueilman, McCoy Bis- 
ten, Maude llaymand, Irene Fianklln, Katie Em 
maO, Theee publications are aald to be hits, and 
can be secured for ion cenis each. 

ne Warner Music Co. have published a list of 
luaoesafnl songs. 

Musicians ate vrantcd by Prof. W, n. CIKIon 
Peek t aloe, J. W. Macieady, John F. Stokes. 

"A Father'a Love" Is iBsned hy 0. W. Lane. 

"Be'a Billl Uer Baby Boy,'' snog by Mamie 
Flower tnth big ancccas, Is leaned by H. 0. Dyer. 

"Paited at the Altar" can be oideied from Wm. 

Hairy Pepper * Co. have Issned "Mary" and 

At Liberty: Prof. 0. L. Tumor's Orchestra, Frank 
Hllchoooi N. N. Brown, Charles Nelson, Fiank J. 
OitKr, W, U. Byron, Uarry II. Hopping, V. Lulu 
Bawdalte, Victor Anibony. 

Ths English Bong Fubllablng nonse iopply 
nomber of new songs. 

Frank Harding aavarllses "After lbs Show Is 
Over" and "Mary o( the Mill," two new songs. 

"Maggie Rellly" Is aald to be a ne'w aong hit, 
pnbUftlisa by Iba Tourjea Mualo Oo. 

Om. Wait Fleming has Issued "Where Stan Are 

Joi. w, Blem A Oo. have iBncd Dve naw songs, 
Thleb thoy supply (or ten oanta. 

The Four Rlehards an eanged (or Palmer Oox'a 
Le Bif4o. oontortlonlst, oan be engaged. 
Prof. 0. Oonsantlna tcanhea Btage dancing. 
Frank B, Reynolds wants a partner. 
J. Begin tciehea masdoUn and banjo by mall, 
and itage danetng. 
neDorvtahcan beeiiaged. 
MoEee and Franks wlil be known benifteraa 
.ody and Fioi» HoKee. 

W. H. Evans wants speolalues and cnrlos (or the 

Lcua and Miss MInnIs, hand balancers, band 
Juopeta and tqinblers, can be engaged. 

SpeelalUea are wanted (or Lonis l>e Leon's Favor- 
ite Variety Oo. 

HadJTahar will shortly Import anewtnnpe of 

Musicians and perfonnen aro wanted for Hahara'a 

Mlaa Roaana. dancer, can be engaged. 

C.)Ie'a educated ponloa aud goati can bo booked. 

Tborae and t^lcton, the oomedy couple, have 
Umo booked aolld until Deo.-.>l. Tbey can be an- 
isged (orOhrlaimasftnd New Vear'a weeka and 

The McCoy Slaten and mother.Mlnnle MoEvoy 
McOoy, aro open (or engaietaenia, owing to "A 
Wild Duck" Co. oloaing auddenly. The glrla an a 
taleoied Juvenile team. The alslers an lie en- 
gaged alone U necessary. 

The Downer OoUegeoiDanolng.of OMcago, haa 
opened ft branch dramatic and atage oanclaa 
school at 41 W, Twenty-elghth Street, New York 
City. Mile, Downer has originated ft new lightning 

Specialties are wanted by Ed. King, Leouto 
Bros-, Fiftok Morton, OoL T. A. Edwards, Dr. flio. 
0. Tallerday. Medicine Co., W. 0. Porry. John P. On- 
lay, Taylor Button, 0. U. lit lug, Lonia Oenry. 

At Liberty: M. A. Acker, WalL Teiry, Lew A. 
Warner, Barry Jordon, Oeorge Wctver. 

Chaa. 0. Allen wants people (or Natuia'a Hemtdy 

Pearl V. Kobblns, In his monol Jgne act, "Just for 
Fan." can be engaged. He claims originality for 
all ot his work. 

Avery and KInr, aeilallsts, have niomed rroin 
the Oarden Show In South America. 

Dooley and Catnll can be engaged. 

The Four Eddys, whose unique acrobatic act re- 
ceived well merliad praise in Boston, can be en- 
gaged after Nov. 10. 

Archie Sands wants a high class magician. 

Ohaa. J. Oorman wishss to All the week of Nov. 
10 at Qorman's Theatn, Manchester, CL 

The Moalcal Rtvana can be engaged. 

EaverU'a MInatrehi, who opened at the Orphenm, 
San Francisco, Oct. 39. will be nnder the personal 
snpervlslon or J. B. Haverly hereafter. The com- 
pany Is booked (or a tour of the Pacldc Coast. 

Stoart, styled the Male Patu, has beeo re-engaged 
for Keith's Boston Theatre, after closing the olio 

Waller J. Pllmmer'a agency Is brought to the at- 
tention of professionals. 

Prof. Roach's Academy offers facllUles for learn 
Ing siage dancing, acrohatto and mnslcal acts. 

Olark and Aogellne have a (ew open weeks. 

Oeorge F. McOann writes songs, etc. 

Camoinallons are wanted for Oalely Theatre, 
Chicago. > 


HIngllog Biolhen claim to bars nude tha big- 
gest kind ot a favorable Impression ibroughoDt 
Texas wllh their big show. They are playing three 
ehowasday, and their lants sre totally unabloto 
accommodate all eager (or adululon. In some 
Inatances tbe ring and hippodrome Uack were en- 
croached upon by the crowd. The full price of od- 
nlsilon, Iny cents. Is levied, and cheertolly con 
tribniea, The newspspen of Dallas, Deulson, 
Sherman, Waco, OalnesvlUo, Fort Worth, areen 
vine and Waxahachle are quoted Id proof of the 
above ataiemenls. ningling Biotheis an already 
making prepantloa.i to put their show on the road 
nest season In hlthi.:to unequalled magnlOcence, 
and on a mammoth scale o( grandeur, lermlos It 
tha Ooloesna o( tha Show World. Ulgh class artltts 
and nertormers, and all novel acts are being 
searched (or. 

Bamum t Bailey's business onices are located at 
109 West Thiny-aeventb Street, New Ydrk. J. A. 
Bailey, sole proprietor end manager, wishes 10 hear 
(rom mtle and (emale per(ormen In all lines of the 
circus business that are Ont class. Blllpoaten, 
llthogiaphcn and progranunen can address Loula 
E. (^>oke, agent. 

"Ronle In Rhyme" can be ordered (rem Roy 


Attracttona can book time at The Fllihogb, Os- 
wego, N. Y.; Morris Opera House, ElsboRy, Ifo.^ 
Ulldreth Open House, Charles City, la.; New 
Masonic Opera Bouse, What Cheer, la.: New Tem 
pie Thealn. Dyeiabnrg, T«nn,; Opera Uonse. Osh 
kosh. Wis.; New Bioadwiy Thealn, Ohelsaa,Mass. 
Opeia Houss, Watarbury, CL 

For Sale: Snakes, etc, byW. A. Oonklln; trained 
cats, by Biann; tricks, by W, H. J.Shaw and A. P. 
Uoffoun; tent, etc., by ((enter Payton; llgnres, by 
Chas.Lee: slides, by Smart, Irwin JkOoldlhoipe; 
eword walking ontdi, etc., by W. Nelson. 

Piofeaslonal Hotels: Derllhy's, Philadelphia; St. 
Oloud, Philadelphia; American Home, Flttaborg. 
Prof. MoiTla wants a oar. 
Jacobs Oiothen tnrnlah clothes rnide to order, at 
low flgnrcs. 

At liberty: A. 0. West, agent; Heldon, agent; W 
H. .Sherwood, advance, etc. 
Vtn an odeied tor nnt by A. W. Van Hosan. 
J, H. lAlnewantsa billposter and a suga car- 

Ocnetal Oarl Dice wants perfarmlsg animals. 
E. P. Noll t Co. mount showctrds, maps and 

The ntums (rom Ooldsmlth's special sale "ad," 
In osr columna still conllnnaa to keep them buay 
ailing many large orden for tinnlia and make-up 

The Midway can be booked. 
John La Olair oan be engaged lb put on Water 
Oamh'al with latest Improvemenis. 

Havens and Andrews' 


'After the Sliow Is Over," 

DiacRiPTiVK Euma bt e. \v. rooiir4, amd 

"MARY OF Till] MILL," 


TllEsiiTwn so.vus AHK .NOiv Bi:i.S(i .n'.Mi nr 


WlUi aDteundtJ flQ»»«^ To prof«uloo. lOc r*r copjr. 
ri«4*«e«lUtouTMa*lfiltooin»ndhMr all ibn UU^Iot 

it) Hovorr. N8W York. 


"A Comic Cyclone" Co. 


flnt dtM Ulj plADlit, A No. 1 Mubroita. (ApAliI* of 
dolog soac kDtl daaM iprriBMlM. All iuubi chuiflo 
ott«o. Cointdlao* tnunt on (mcw. Hitta l'<w««t 
ulUT 10 flnt )«tur. «i II )■ liUlttt. Mu (kft HlT»no«>l. 
Bttow OMDi Nor 10. Hillf lliwolla. hleKA will*. 
AiMfMi Frank W. Conntonli, Ba6 411 TV. law. 

A ludvid, Idlo dado of aX«llow csUod od & doctor, 
wbc uked, among other tblogB,"Oo yon over' 
ftnreiercteot" '^Not maob," sitdtlieiDao; "l 
ja-SB, I wind Dp mj warcb, bwasli ro; owa balr, 
clean mj own teetb, and woU my own olgftwette«. 
Pffl not mncb ot a hand for action, you know. 
ExerolM donH agweo wltb mo, I Ctncy." 



Br WILL J. BABOMAN. Nutir OBt jtt to do Ihll 
BODff. Well pat togoUMF. Unto Ibe llm««, nlubl* for 
iDM or womu. aed wtlhlo uepr1e»or al). WrlU«Q bj 
amanvboiiiidentaiidiblibiiiroeM. Words and moak, 
uoesnta. aualiawelu rabllihed bj WILLJ. IIABD' 
HAN, 8ooc sod Sketch Wrlier, II E Fourth St, Ns'^ Tork, 



Let Me Ofe Wltli Uie Lo¥td Ones ■! Hems," 

I baTi tooksd over eavefallr. sod flod It a traly beauria' 

■oDf TbeMolioMDili gra^' — .a.w 

Tbe worda and melodtare i 

aoDf TbeMolmMDiligrawLaadtbiBekMlris lOTelf. 
Tbe worda and melodtare weliwaM»d. Iwiilpntiton 
atoDc« at the Falace Theatre, and «ll) feaura It all ibe 

setMS. verritDcerel/a mabiBwarren. 

Palaeathaaire, Bostoo. Uau. 

ClirlORettlst It Llbertj-lkomdlf Ei. 

FBBIBVOBD Beat of reftreoeea. Oal/ leipoDilble 
Buaaitn need replr- AddrsH 

r.mrBRNA. atb., at. inii, mo 

Wanted at once, two Good ActorSi 


FBOHT a raiiBBAWB. nt— b\wk mebim. 

WHtil, Leiitog Ulfi SNUrelti illli Spa- 

elallr, awl Al L«ad*r ud 1*1100 riafw. A\»n % food Rp« 
elallr Taani. Asiwtr qiieS I>. L. ORBEM!, >^l 
oirr o>.. K«» Biiwia. n., nor. X wio««d. ci- a. 


OlaafO. Mlcb, Hot. I, I sod J. 

HA6ICIANS, Nil ud SecoBd Hud Uiglcil 

rornlo wor balow eott. Llila for fluDP. A. P. UOfP- 
«A», at WalllGstort Coon. Clonlaod, O. 

BAND MUSIC 'A°jg!'JffJlaii'^»|g;5: 


daaaa TIOIOB AIRBORT, l a t e a ae. ladluk 


5 SoDgs, 5, Orchestrations. 

Jule Keen. 



tVIIV 8IIVKEII U'lll::^ 


Is gaarABtefid to CVU1£ yuii nf lllivumm 
llsiA In a Trry few day«. It li hlalily 
vacorainehdnl by ull who barfi usta It 
HoncI forclrcalBi'* 

107 Kast Hist Sireot, N«\r York. 


Tho Sons "Illl" oflba Day. Solid for It, 



A keKotlful homo aong. vrllK rullcho- 
Bf. Proroaitonal co|iloa, sic. eMCh,oivhao* 
Irs partJ, lUc. extra. 

O. W. LAMU, Uluaraatcr, naoi 

CO. CLirPhll BUILUI.S'd. 


Oar Makc-rp Uoxira ardspoclalijr Mtlnpicil for 
profeaaloDal uao. Tlicj aro iiiaiIo u( the hfit 
qatlltr tlu, Dully Onlalieil In Rolil nnd blAck, 
provlaed with a trey wllh coinp.irimcni8 for 
coDib, brnah, powdcra, ntnl iin'KU) i>hIi]Ib, etc. 
8lw, loxTil, ui ccn'a. Your iiitire palnicd 00 
wllHont exirk ohargo. Uraaa imilloct, 2', ccnta. 


Our DOW lifto^ about truriks. wrilo for !■ nnw. 



J EAN JACQUES, Waterb ufy, Ct, 





N6«lr ttfllUd and il»cor»titl. Will open m a lint daw 
TaudOTllle Uieaire 6ATUKDAY, HOW 3, IU>I 

R 0.— First cUw noToliy and ipecialt/ i>cople wire for 
ouroiieotDR aod lattr da'f>« aod lannp. Addiau 
all coramuDleailonp to LODH IIENIIY. Manager ud 
Proprietor, FalacoTbvaire, HoQtreal.CaDsOa. 


Salifymasibe lo actorOaoco ni'h Uie iimoi. HaaaHe* 
meat pays tioard. Balarfptlil every week. Uuful rep4>r 
toire people that are doI almid to work. wrl'.«. Kui 
Jolaatooce. Ed aarainuod and wK*. write. PRANK li 
YEUANCE, Kaaager, FaulA Veraace'a KiceUlorUtimedy 
C'V,5 Bootli BUlefltfeet. CouorU. H. ll..or ai i>Br raJuU. 

Colar«d clarionet player, playing Rand 
B* Aleo colortxl performers, double li 
brass preferreil, and nioslclan for "!lla< 
very D«ys*** Atldro«s 

JUIIN K. 8TOKE9, 3Isr. 



Tea wiU leara of sooetblnir lo your lotorAJii by sendloit 
aiyoarsddreaa at oaoe. Orea ooi confllrt wlih loar 
tMnlarblL Ifynu are out Inr ilia uufT WKITBUUlOI 
CINDBIlEU.ACOMI'ANy.Corry, KrIeCo, Peso. 

nt»TR I l->Mend PruKranme anil 10c. 
stamps for malllnif, anti mention 
irlietlter you wish ono or nil of nbovo 
songs. * 


304 Baal 14lh BIrcet, Ifnw Varli. 


Wanted Quick, 



A good atrons oomedlBii for tbe Bqnire 
with lipeolaltleii a gooi Irlah comedian 
with iip«olaltle% • atrong noalcal inm. 
Preference gUtn these who plajr bruH. 
Huat Join at once. Make It low. 

UiiUer, Ho., Norember 8, Rioh IIUl fi, 
(lalona 7. 


Open Nor. 3, 0, H, U, 10, '43, 'M, St7, :<N, 3U, 
UM' 1. 3 lo H, 10, II, 13, IT, IM, lt>, 4(1, 44, 
!U to 31 And l»l«r. CoiiiiiaiilDa carrying 
bsnd preferred. 

P. IKVIWO CRAKB, Wonnger. 

FOR SALE, Sword Walking OuHlts. 

tadder, Plre Bworda. and Pecret huw lo On ihli act, BIO 
BtMtk Art 10 order, Pire llluMon', all id ooe.|til. 
Aerial Bu»|t«aJiloo, wllh coaiumean*! palotin|.|l6 AlulT- 
td animal cdrtoa and psioilniti cl>«at> Limber Joiee, 
with secret bow to become a coQtnftlootat, |Z per boitle 
Tsnua, one taiid with onler, balance (i. O. li. 

WM. NKLgQW. 13 Kullon Hirem Wurceoler. Uiu. 

Viola to Doable la Brass and Properly Man for 
Snail Parts, Tbat Cao Play Bass Drun bf Note. 

BoUi malt be able to nlty lilRlicit Otn of rauilc Ad- 
drasi PEUK A RICH Mioafir^ i:irVs U'and Opera 
Uouu Stock Co., ■aocheiier, N. II , titii week; Coooord, 
W. U..peitweefc. 


Bis Hit at Pastor's Last Week 

At llbertj for coinblnntlona or dateiu 

rimuowtaddrow 7 W«r. KourratDii, al. 

Now Vbrkciir. 

SuotlouBl BDd Nnabrelte L,tfa4lf, irllll 
Addnu MERIDEX, CU.1N., lliln w»k, WI.N9TEAD, 
COXK.. iDdllloiU^ 


Waat lood aitracilon lor TbutiuiTlor nl|liL Upon 
Ume to Dec . Jan.. Pel*., and MarrTi. A<l-lr«M 

EATON FLICK, Mniincers. 


BILL MOXDAY uid TnUIUDAr, C Nl>l,la. 3 Mtlmtea. 
JAMEJ OEABI. Mgr.. Tutor <)wr» lloaio, rinilUr, 0. 



SL NT X3 I> , 

A Good Class Blower. 

wnil QUICK, t. 0. BAL'WUEI, UOBUQUE, lA. 




Huat PIbt In Dind. Applj at once to 
J. H. BElNtilOIV, 
(.'areofOPAULUINO b URAY, 
10 Went 27th Mtreet, W ew York City. 




with Specially old man part. Plait join 
oit receipt of telegram. Also a leader ftir 
oiThestra. who can play brass In band, 
Ittate lowest salary, abiolutely eure. 
Write or w:re DAVR MCVltt, Jerary- 
vllle, III., Nov. 1| Virginia SI, Havana 3, 
fo nt lac a, 


RNU WHITK. Alio MiDMar or Ailvuiea A,ut »llli 
111(19 cjpllil (DO Ufflla.) I bATO moat7 to luii iliow, 
but »AJal Mtnt 000 lo Itilp mo. 

TAYtOlt IHITTOK. M«ro|Jil». TODli. 





WrllA or Ttloinpb 'lulck lo 

cms , i. OORM»N. Lwne and Maiger. 

Successful Songs. 

MARY >- 


COQUETTE I ■•"■•"'JT'* 
COQUETTE > w. a, uhnjariin, 

Hood lUlDpl. IIARRY rKPI'XH i 00., 

57 WMi.Korl y-i.KOBd at. Now Yofh 1:117. 

00 TO THE 




for Mrtlculwt. CAll II 
w. ()ili Bl, No» York 
Cllr, or IM Wsbuli 
A>«.ni,lco«o,lll. K L. 
roRKYTIIK. Illroclori 




«ddr«ii PAHON STOCK CO., Abllint, Tbui. 


ToottfTpgicbwroftboi of BOT'I P/imiAV IIUll, 
Hupfriur to tor nm oror ai«1 bt piolouioula. frioo, 
bie. A Mt or Rolf B«illuK Wblikon villi «T«rr Imoll 

I'fleo, J 


fliaoiDO lAkM. AddroM 

or OYfEK.r 0 Boi nt. Btitimon, Hd. 


Ladr for nmeral Boiloeu; aUesOonadlBD.mtwtilof. 
LH'tyTO HKOR. Opera IIobh. PBefntapaey. Pa. 

WANTED. HUSICAL ACT (Shgle or DoHbli), 

AOBRT lor UQ wtlu. Wlllloiai Trio And JoliQ U. 
MorUifrllOBO. 11.11. IRVIRU lUtorblll. Miu. 


rAi:B ooaiDuir, rioxo rALiuo ado iibouo 

irBUTAtTlil. Alnn » Is dtu. AMnM UBOIOB 

For 1895. 

We aro now propnrod to re- 
ceivo advertlsoments 
for tho next 
edition of 

Cupper Annual 

This valuable Rscord Book hasalwayt 
proved an unsurpassed advertising ne- 
dlum. A large pail ol the edlHoR Is 
taken by the patrons of athletic and 
other sports and pastimes, amuse, 
msnt managers and artists In the va- 
rious branches of the amusement pro. 


will bo found a most direct neiRS of 
comnunlcatlon for managers of opera 
houses and halls, actors and perfom. 
ors In all departnonts, nussun and 
circus managers, dealers In tbeatilcil 
goods and costumes or penons who 
supply anything used in a theatre, cir- 
cus or museum; dealers hi baseball, 
crickot and other sportbig goods and 
Implements, dealers In guns, annunl- 
tlon, etc., fishing tackle makers, boat 
builders, etc., etc. 


ForNtpue,7 l-2i4l-2 - • (40.00 
Forhilfipin . . . 20.00 
Forqiiulerodpite - • • 10.00 
Fortwul)-flielliiBi,iiili* • • 5.00 
For tn UiK igile • • ' 3.00 
Foilfhilliiiigita .... 1.00 

.• AOATB HBiiuiei roumaii uni lo am 


Ad<r*u all coaBaaieall«B< ta 

The New York Clipper, 

n aad BO OairtB* Stow*, 












Are scarce, but we name a few on this page. There's variety enough for all kinds of "situations." These songs are too good co give away. 
When a publisher cares so little for a song that he gives it away broadcast, flree of charge, it can't be worth 

much. You wouldn't think it was, and you know you wouldn't— 

Read this Offer. 

Any ProfeBslonal Singer 
sending ns Program, 
with his or her name In 
Rntnc, Kin i;ct one copy of any song in following lint for TEN CENTS. 
If tlio 8ong yon Rulcct doesn't suit, send it back in good order, make 
another solnclion und wo will mnll It to yon without any extra charge 
and you niiiy keep tlilH up till you're tried the whole list, if yon like. 
We'd RuggoRt sending for a nnmb«r (doii't forget the cash), and If 
yon try theni all, and none suit, you may send them all back, and we 
will Hond you the worth of jour money In anything else that we may 
have in stock. 

Scabrooko's Great Song, 

"Swim Out O'Grady" 

. HIT. 


"tim gappigan's 




A Grout Descriptive Song, 


By Follx ItlcOloniion. 

Olio of Pflrsloy'fl Ii4ist Songs, 

"I'll Not Forget Thee, 
Mollie Dear." 


i, "(food nn" by Max Knaaer. 

'Tm Ashamed to Look 
My D0II7 in the Eyes." 

Good for TAndovlllft phllil artist, with 





PaUiotic Song and Chorus, 

"LHtle Footsteps 
Gome No More," 

hy wm. ICO hist Hoitsx. 

Au Irish lionnty, 

"Laughing Irish Eyes," 

MV L,. W. .TONBH. 





The Great Western Success, 

"Tlie Birds Have Been 
Singing About You." 

Ob« ortke B*it or WslU BOD(i. 



"Liberty Bell," 



Introducing Air of "Rock of Ages" 



Percy Gaunt's Latest Topical Song. 

"It Isn't Noch When 
Yon Come to Look It Over." 



"You Can't Win a Sweet 
Little Wife EveijDa)." 


A oate oae— jroD osght to hear It. 


By Jill Inn XSd wards. 

A Grtit "End Song," WHIi Chorus, 

"The Goon That 

Cut ie Out," 



A SMg With the Right Ring to It, 

"Remember You've a 
Sister of Your Own," 






Lank at Ihli Hat of eompoi.ra mmd arraagara, raprMfalcd In oar CmtaloaafU 

JTohn Philip Sonsa, the "Maroh Klnc," 

Joseph B. Olavs, Amerioa's Greatest Arrancer, 
George Lowell Traoy, Rudolph Aronaom 
L. P. Iianrendean, J. O. Oaaey, 

D. B. Godfrey. Edwin Ohrlatie, 
George Voelker, O. E. Bray, 

H. £. Oogswell, Herman Bellstedt Jr., 
D. W. Godard, Gaatave Lnders, 
John Gemert, H. H. Thiele, 

A. Llberati, Theron D. Perkins, and others. 

Bend for Cntoloiiue. VRBIC. . 


Hat Dod'i Shore. 








that want to place merltorlons com- 
posltlofls with a thoroaghly relia- 
ble, progresslTe, and "np to date" 
PabllshlDg 'Honse, are solicited to submit HSS. to ns for ex- 
amination. Bead elsewhere on this page the joint letter from 
JOHN PHIUP SOUSA, the great band master, and D. BLAKELY, 
his manager, commenting on onr methods. Among those now 
nnder contract with ns are JOHN PHILIP SOUSA, DATE BRAUAH, 
Etc, Etc, and XATEB SCHABWENSA, the world renowned 

A "Hit" From "Madeleine," 

"Maiy Had a Little Lamb" 

By Julian. XM-^ards. 

CastellBrydges'Catchy Song 




Tr7 thb one by PBiNK DDMONT. 



Something by a New Writer, 

"That LHtle Wife 

Of Mine," 







''Sweettiearts, You and 1" 

By W. S. I-vlns. 

Froa Aa Eiant la Red Life, 

"A Life's Incident," 

DesorlpUre. B7 PAUL CAKP. 


Something Neat and Catchy, 



Play this "Straight," It's a Winner. 

"When Sousa 

Loads the Dand ," 


Banks Winter's Latest, 

"Leve Will Conquer Aii," 



Pathetic, Sweet, Appi>aling, 

"Come Back and Kiss 
Mamma Goodbye." 

DeMrlpllTc, By A. IV. HOFFMANN. 


Title old— words and music new. 

"Under the Mistletoe," 


A Typical Southern Lore Song. 

"Malaga Mobile," 

Pasilonate Wordi, Baaulllul Mglodir. 








By Toddy O'lVoal. 


"Darling Kathleen," 



Do Yon Want a "Cate" Liillabyt Here. 

"Shot Eyceaby Bye" 


As Pretty as They Hake 'Em, 

"Shadews en tlio Wail." 




ST, LOUIB, Oct. 10, 18M. 

THE JOHK OHUHOH CO., Oinoinnati, O. 

OKNTkBMBNl I harabr aekaowledge, on bvliBiror Nil. BOVSA. tha ncvlpt«< 
t6,S8N.S», la Htll.BMBt of lb* raraltla. aarnnl daring Ui« qnartar andlnc Rapl. 30, 
I8M, on lha lw« aanha. pablUbad bf joo, to wll, tha "1.IBBRTV DBLL" •><> 


nR. SOUSA Bad I Jala la aipnulag thaaka fbr the promptaeM aad eiactatM 
with whirh ram hava mad* joar ralara. ot rajralllaioB (ha marehaa pabll.naa 
by yoa. 

Oar ftenhar appraclalloa waa aehBawlad||»d yeitaidar, of tha aalarprl.a aad 
pa.h which hava characlerliad yoar maaacameat of MR. BUVSA'S alTalra. Tka 
avaal only iarvaa la eaaim tha caaSdaaea ha Im joar Brm at tha tlma ha 
alOMd hU ceatrB<t with faa. Vary Ualy jraaia, 

D. BLAKBLV, MaaaKar Boaaa'i Band. 

I cardlalljr aadotaa tha ahava. 


The John Church Company, Cincinnati. 

November 3. 





IS NOW siNaina 



BMelTcd wllh approTBl at twtrf perfbrmance at B. F. KEITH'S b«bb 
tlie«trM in Boiton, ftcw York and Phllsdclphlai alw nmnm nlahar 
liBk-uB» tucceu bjr the Principal Tsaor or aeo>|o Thauhoi'i CaapaBy, 



Coplei to PrfeHlonab lOi', ORtacitratloni Fm. 

THH WBW VOKK MI/SIC CO^ 1» Welt aHth Ktreet, Hew York, 

That Comedy Couple, 

' 'T 




And Canrlna With Them a hurma Parcel of FooIUhBeu. 



DnilTC g^l'jrl^ulre, Obleen, Oot.S; J. B.Moora'l BnlaipilM, DetnltRoT.I: RmbMUr.XoT. II;B. r. 
nUUIC KaWl EoterprlMi, Dew Tort,Ki>T.M: FhllldHphlt, Hot.S; Bo«<ia,Ilea3: Brde* Bebau'i En 
- wrpriMi, BrooklTD, D«. 10; WiUluilbnri, Dm. 17. 







ALSO HOPPING DOWNHTAIRS ON ONE HAND. Hare the flneat apparatai la the 
bnilneu, all alamlnnm. NOTICE.— That we both work la thli act, not one on the 
•tage ae an oniameDt, and eTerythlaa perfermed ae itated— bo blalT. Fortermi and 
datea addreii GEORGE XinAN, Kaet Fonrteenth Street, Now York. 




J-ULSt for B'-ixn," 


AT LIBERTY <br HiBilrel, VandeTlllo or Speelall]r Ce. To pl- 
ratei. Frldajr RlHhti and Kaockere.— BI7 work la orlBlBal, and 
If you havenH got the bralaa to got Foar own atan writ* me, 
for IWe got plentf more than I can nie. Regardi to ftleadf. 
Addreaa all correapoBdeace to US FEBRIHST., Detroit, Hleh, 


"Sweet Bunch of Daisies." 

Waltz Song and Refrain, by ANITA OWEN. 

RBOEITED WrrH DOUBLE AND TUPLE BN0ORE8. Sand 100. lor prsrualona) aopj to ANITA OWBK, X1» 
Elllf ATeons, ChlMito. Tfwle npplled br LTON A REALT, Cbieege. 



Cw iIt* ftD hoar'i eatarulDmtDt id woDderlol tildii od pcdwUU*, tMUr boMil, Ugti roM, lohanlllor, b*U rlat* 
IDR, pymnldH.Ht4ollD|tcoloTt. rldloir doRUHl fOftt, throvlBf, vto. MOST LAuOirULH AfTIB. AT«r»f« TalB&t 
ofpcolM, BODft. Farfeet bwuUw. Aadnu *" — "- — 

m, im m m mm mm. 

The OHEAPKST plmee to bave jour Show OarUa and Fo«ten Hoanted, In mny 
■tjlop at low«ai prlc«i. E. F. IfOLL 4c COh Map Pabllihan aad HoaBlon, 

Woe IT If. SUth Bin«U Philadelphia^ Pa 

Cooperstown Opera House, 


Blegaat new aeenerr, entirely refitted b7 the Delaware Art Worha, of Blag. 
hamtoB. R. Y. Seating Capacltr. 800) atage IBiBB I electric llghta. OPEN DATES 
FOR FIRST CLASS ATTRACTIONS. Popalatioa 4.500. Addroea 
E. P. STOCKER, WaBoaer. 





AN BXgulSITB WALTZ RONO wnH A rBBTTT nfOlT. ^.^■m.-m^.m. 


PdII nf tondarnuA «l(h & *»nd d*i«rintlT* rtary ftf >o oM «>ap1*ee tbclr OnldtD WaddlBB NlihL 


■9* ET«r7 profoulonftl vboold Mod for thoM lengi. Tbtr u* gtmt. Tlie foar nulled to rmlMolone] ilsMn 
oalj, HDdlDf prommmo ud tea ewiu. No fttuntleo mM to Uttai* derUtiaff fnm the roreiolBf nqoeeL 


e^Mi.lW BBM t Aimw i— . 



sroirs A SUAW. sole profristob«. 

torn oitr. 




oomtt Id bwl be ilibt reidar. end pIat flm olan ombeetim «oi 
vADt LeedlBR Ledr to pUr beevT vlih rrrach dielect a ladf 
so with Hpeeiel'leo to pUTBlUy Kid ud doabit beritoae le bead 

eoraet. WodM like to beer tronBd, 
~ " fereiBeU 

pert, ead Cenedlso with flpeelel'leo to pUtBIUt Kid ud doabit beritoae le bead erdrwi major. AddraasURO A 
rOBD.OieeDi LeadiDf, Me . Nor. I, TiDtl lltTeD. Me, Nor. X Boe>l>D d , He . Kov. A Ceradee, Ma^ Nor. «. 

P. I.— TbU eonpear, Dot«lib»tudlof bard Umaa, meda e eeaaoD of #weeki peat •eeaoD eed owaa do oee e 
doUATi end priMpeete ere lost aa brlghi lor thia 

'^Hark to the Singer^ 

'alts DMoriptiT* Bou. Werda hr ABTHUR J. LAMB. Waala hr 1 

Waits DMoriptiT* BoB|. WerAa hf ABTHUR J. LAMB Maalo MABIT. 

noPBsalOlf AIA jn wUI be 4<ll|blal'wltb^l>mi£^n'JnRVl< at tap TOlaa Mi cnM a <epr, im» 
lea eaala eiln, wllb ottbMtisUon. Ten ea. alan hxit, at lli saoti pareopp, ap .Cbarjopelw aMPMlUoaa 
na : "ONLT LOTB me." wtm loTa aoaa; "DB BARIOrs LDLLABT," tad "TBB OBlnAOO NiEOIima 
OLDB MARCH AND BONO." Pali bead oi^aaumtloa of Iba nattb, U eaati. 
~ ~ tr.roadaaldlraetwllh aa artljl w^Ma MladMln laroar noBMa. 

MARIS BIRO DEI AlION.l,<llIadlanaATaaBa,CbKa«e.niJaelA 


r. alaa a naa (rofr Aeft) Is plap a atreor Taakaa 
lEaalaalAja peeaifaloM aaa: alaa alilL Bm 
. .......paartlaaW. BaparlelJa aad aaalearo aaad aot 

Id pboM aalftdl aamaalaiaam MOar. _ 
i^AOB DIBaoKB, IBael, Beo Tofk OUr. 

Of Toar Motbar, Jicb, Dltd Mara Todap. 


Oltaar fint eUia ilagen tbet wlU t>a dolj meDiloDad dnr> 
Idj the aaeaoo. 

ft. B.— Tbia aesv la onlj the bliceat "bit" ob tha ataie 
toder (BdeserlptiTo aoDO-bDt IbaD thai'a oot a algo, 
U'aeorfood. rrof. eoplaa lOtMta. 

WILL R0SSITER,56 Sth Ate., Chlcage. 

Obt I'm Bot dolog e tblag— thla leaano. 


MeoalaotQrera ol ellklBdaoi 


ComblBBtloa Helta for LIrlog Plotorea, 
Peaer OoDtertloB BeltA fada of el) hiDdL 
oompeslea. Bead for eetaloffoe. BldKO At.. Phlledalpbte. Pe. 


PLAYS that lere beei 
prlDted Id D. B. or Eorope, 
etUa. end Sa aeob; Photo- 
fTApba of Theetneel or 
other oelabrlUee, eeblDat 
alto, aSe. each ; peiiala, |1.I0 
eaeh; Preoeb eod EegUib 
*botogTBpba -* 

- Jretee. ropnler BoDga: Ao r 

PitDtad BoDK fiToB OD the.Tertety Bien, bare or ebroM , 
teeeeb. Aubooka reUUog te Moklo eed the Drmma, 
•eppUad at pobllaber'i prleea. Baad eeab wllb onlar. 
No meda eiehaagedL LAWRBNOB NOTKLTT AND 
BPPPLT 00.. m eBd«OeatrefliTeat.Naw fork. 




u ^eakjL I 

fUO: Ota, trxo; ma., tajOi 

CompailBiaat uari, ma(ai beaad. II. 

BUI UaDta, aiiaiu 


Bauao BaiAaB, «llh 

and maaacan' tnaka la oidar. . 

tfap, ualat, aoTar, ala, Ota, lOM); Bia., $lU0i ana., 
BIuQl Baaiatiablppad ob noalptotprloa. 

nifONa 4 00., Central trunk paotobt, 
_ mnb nb airaal. Pbllidalpbla. 





Read for naulona. f 
Allaabaap, Pa. 


■ laA. MtO: Bloeb, 11.11: BluiB,Bja Fan the 
atarlaal uap, aad all olh aT^Mp ta. aaah. Tanaa, oMb la 

adraaaa. O. PATTERTON dl 00» 

ia» W. Niath Street. Pblladelphla. Pa. 




Poealallea i,QDO; aaw bcoklag aaai 
•laa el kalldlai. Mito; ataia, >iM; aa' 
: niblad br pa: baalad b> 

A. I, DBAKB, Oeaar aad Maaaf ar, 

ataailp, BO: I 

aof UHaad'a: 

jwacaaary; laall n g 


f. 0. Addiaaa. Nalaeoa. N. I. 

OlrouB OanvaaesB 

ataaw; Ml, aad OIL BaaadTopa:aCaad lOI. 

TaKvllb BKL MIddlaa; una leiiad Top, wlik 

,Blddlo7mtnlU. Allebaaa. Addiaai 
0. 1. BilBB, KM W.TbIrt Rlraal. BiaaaaOllp. Mo. 

oaibt to An a Doaald. 
aoa'aOalda. IlarUJaata 
raatnalraaaalUeoallBdieaoataaeraaaaoa. Prlae 
Ua. tMnm W. H. DONALDWIN, OladaaaU. O. 



I Bead I east fteasp (or aenplaL 
I SMALt BNOBATINU of ear deSflVl^ 
I tloe. Beed ocm Un aauHta 
I aiaDdgCeBbel.ll.T. 


lARODIAL AND OBOAN. TaaaUnowi aad 
RallwarCOBpaar. JOHN B. BBALL. 
Plaaldaal. fjll rBlraaVWaaile|l«airi>.a 

f>rumi, Uoironna. EqniD* 
~)fDtA Bead tUmp for 
LyoQ A HeaJyeWiraca 




iBatraaoBt* Mr Mo VUreia, Ohaha aad BaaOo Ooaablijatloae of all !;■■<>•• •»•«- 
cola BaBlaa, EaaJeaajrlBea, Solo BaBjoa, roar BaBjoa, Ualla»Baeh Daaloa aad 
Baaa Baalaa* 

Boohaaad ■b>1» Ib mat TBrtely. Oalr Booh pabllahed on "BeBjo Claba," fMki. 
Bead ffer largo liiaataBtaa Price,aBd:BaBphleU ol (all ialbrtaatiaa. Seat »peo. 
■odal aad IMplou awaadod at WorM'a OelBBiblaa Kipoaltloa. Adilreaa 

S. S. STEWART, 221 and 223 Ctiurcli Street. Plillailelplila, Pa. 



X'RANK HAr.!., Mnniiiror. 






D AWAY ^VERV PERrpilMANOR. „ , . , 
I Of aTarr daicnpiron .oltabla for nlteui Rualn.u Ma* llrat.Iaaa. 

-_;pPLE TVRNI . ^ . 

_ .^P-NoTaliraaaad atuaalloal of aTarr daacrlpll i- . - ^ — ..ii- i. 3 

Qoed diawaia Mtb la tad oat of Rlag. Moaa bat tral elMa artl.ta f^iulrad. alM dril elau Taniblan aad 

Laapan. I bi«a Arirna-ao'in apa: ijBi ibad Olowai, olUi eoijla aoiraa .. All l.ii.rt a.Mraw>il 

^ RICIIAHD II. DOIIKHII.L Kiiuaatrlan Plrtotor. 

Helene IVIora 

"Wltli Hytle'a OoxxxecUArus, 

la now otHglBC with tka GREATEST SDOOESB 


Which la aohaowledged br all the laadlag Tocaliala In be TUB HONU tIK TUB 
llbNO which la doatlard to become IMMBNBHLV I>OI>lILAU, la 


"A Little White Lace Handkerciiief." 

The above aonaa, eompoaed aad arraagoil be WM. B. NLAKUn. Mualral lllrK-lnr 
of HYDE & BBIIMAN'B THEATHES. Piano roplaa lUc. each, conplale orchaatra 

Barta 10c., to the profaaalon, 
LAFEH dl OAHDENIEn'B PVDLISIIINO IIOUBE, Mil N. Olfnrd Rl., Ilraoklya, N. V. 


TSS BROADWAY, N. T„ 0» DOOR BELOW NINTH ST. (ronneilp M Halilan IdUie), 


OoldtsdSUTCT Uoei,rilBf«,8fRiifleR,8ian,ft«ola, Brocadei, Tlsbu Bhina, rulilinn, llAti, Wist, 
Shoci RDd imipp, TbeaMoal. EjoMlrlu ud AUileUp Oootlj, UMiDmn\ud Uadge Hu^^ 

Flan udBaasen, null 
Tlie lirnt •amoitnt ' 
icnio.O. D. 

Itarr and SoelMT TrUnmliiii. Armon ot all kindi 10 ordtr, Hanil rureaUmattt. 
and bcRTltit .took of Ui«e goodi to he roond eopahare, uiraoUui free. Ooodi 



BEDA VOIGT, Proprietor. 

EBllrol7 refltted, reiaodeled, lighted wllh ele<lrlcll)r, at a root of over illlU.OdO. 
SeatlBg capaellr l,IIUO. Al alage, well eqillpprd with accBery, will u|ien Oct. I. Ue. 
alrablo opea time for flrat olaaa coBablnallona. Addreaa all romnanlralloaa to 
DEDA VOIUT. Saraiier Hall. Wewrarh. N. J. 



Une of the beat roral coauedlei aver prodaced, entlrelK revla«tl» and itow elroagor 
and belter than ever* 
IfOTlCH TO HA!f AGRIia^Tha play, *>IH>W1V ON TIIR KAU.M," la my anie prop- 
ertjr nftst aeaeon. Would lihe to hear from aoaie llrat claas inaaa||«r fur tlin prtidac- 
(lon of the plar for the aeaeon ot *Ua*MV. 





A. M. BUCH & CO., 

ISA RInlh St., PhllB.tPa. 
■ATiapAmnN (iiiaiiaiitbbd. 


Haary O. MUar'a Tiflk Atbbb* ThMtra, H. T. 
KaaiT O. MIm'b PoopU'a ThaB«r«, N. T. 

HaBiT O. Hlaar'i Ifawark Thaatra, Nawark, V. 9. 

HaBTjr O. Klaar'o Bevary Xlwatra. N. T. 

Haarr O. Hlur'a Eighth At*. Thaatra, If. T. 
Cable Addraaa, "llUa." Addiaaa all aemaiBiileaUBa. to HENRY O. niNKII. lib A, anna Tbaaira, N. T. 

Avery i King: 


Addraaa l»l EAST TWELHTII STllKOT, New York, 


t» MAIINO A hit aiNOINO 



Abaaalllal malodp aad llsip. (Anrabll.) "laTIM IRLLT," "Ilia OLD PAHIIIAK TUNR" Taneaolitaek. 
" JAMEB RILLMAN, Mulo PublUhar, 117 Hlilli Axnua, Htw Turk dir. < 

Orcbaatralloaa lOcaaia. 


WANTED, AT OCOE, rerConpADp No. t, oow oriaoUing. FtRHT ChAW MRIUniNR t.fAnUltKn (TooUi Pallor 
pnlared)ebohaateodappeareB«eaadiUODff vetcj. f|(H)b BLAni FAVy. i;01IKIllAN «ho can el>anie nfUo eod 
■ork to Udy eedlaDce, A I JUriOLBR OB rfJNTOBTIONIBT thai duaa oihar *i>Mi1aUUa and can ■orkln acta 

nuat be gaetlamaD aad ceod dreaaera. rarfoman era raqulred toeulai fo adTariiiiiii. Htafa Inweat lalATTi 
aiperleaee aad fDll oertlealan, for loBg aeaeoo. Id drat laiur. Saiarr ceriaio avarr «a#ti. In erltinado ool 
iff. Addreea CIIAB. U. ALLBe, R. Keiirurd. V^, Meoagor I'artr Nu.l 

niarepraaaDi yeorvafr. Addreea 

CIIAB. U. ALLBe, R. Keiirurd. Va., Meoagar I'arty 


XT. S. O^OTTXl., iee4-0. 

Flratclaae artlata all reaad. No Iraah. "Dlah Oarlloa'a Laal More," oae of the 
flaeal dramatic ahetchaa orer prodared, aad la a certala draw. Don't orertooh Ihla. 
~ " HENRY V. WAITS, llanaaar, 

MSI Caiambla Areaae, PhiudelpRia, Pa, 

Bead la jroaropea time at oaco to 




WABNINO TO ■ANlQEBti of Theatreti, IIbIIn. Opera HouNoa, 

rollowlaBpbFa,"TbaaraalOlvlda." 'TbeNaw Waat," "latbaPool llllli," -Rbaau p.afei" are nfp ula propartr, 
bp eop.riibtaad paUota,aad 1 will proiaaau to lallaiUBtof lliatavaar parmoor parMBi alUrni'tioK lo appro. 
' riau aap of lha aboT. dranaa. ADBLAIDB LRInll, NoTolItt aad Platwrlibl, S7 Wial Una lloadrad aad TetUUi 
lraal,R. T Clip. BOBEBT/. WBIUIIP, Ml Walaotlllraal. rblladalpbia Pi. liuniap. 


naiaaOODIfT ABD iUm naOBMl aWIBOOra OLOB*. BatfS ama la aunaa lar at 
Oatalataa. Dalalefea Ikr Jannaa Oeada Ohb« TaabrtbaalM md Paaab aadladr Pinna im 

ooLOllBiA aAoln TBinB Mrti. m., mi Bi 

paio Mifia 




be beat eiBii r alarlBj aad unia« aet la lie ba.laa 
r«i Hiala^ Ott, aaOlBer. It. Altar, eaie or BAB, I.iA 

ar Taodaf Ilia aod firft alaaa boaaaa ealp. Haw dalai 
„.ai Addiaaa DOUUIT ARD OABIOUU ''unBUL.I 
iAO('i,ObHa(a,llL , 







Standing Room Onl| and Tliousands Unable to Get Inside the Doors, 

FBANK If. HAWLBY la no lenffcr nmBagerof the comiiao)', J. II. HAVEHLY 
karlog t«k0D fall control* and ilioll coutlna» to poraonally direct tbe falore 
■tarcMtnta fullowii Thti wevb. Ban PrancUro, followlnii tlireo 

tho largo oltlea 
ThMitra, noTemli 
•laa*, vocallilf, 

t iTeoItt* fnnr ol 

or th« Coait to roiarn to Han Franclico, op«nlng at ib« Alcaur 
tier 24 permanently* Hball be ploaMd to npgoilate wllli moil* 
I, coneillana ood epeclalUta for tbe remainder of tb« leaion. 

Baldwin Hotel, Han Francltco« Cal. 





With BUASBLLD COMBUIANB. Hprctftl •ntitf. 


BniT OM • nm. r7*IUTlo|iftI&r(isbl«. a^MoM 
br iU mulodtalsra. tO'itjtuiUkit bid heard ol lli«m, 
to M« Ultra. aartEvtrrbodr viinu them. Thr" 

•oanftrabelai lonvbrUit iMdiDR 'In^ora ud iJUjrd 
br U. beatorrliavtrftailirousb tharouDlrv. 
Lin lir BONUH-'TIIIH H «IDBK Wiro I.UVK<llia" 

-. II Wamr. "RUHK'H IIELONl'AT()ll."(;iimicJ II. 
Wu»r. "MYnnilEKAHAWAY."J. II. Iftrnsr. "LIT- 
TUOU DOar LUVE MK." Io» toIm O, bUh mlu K n>L 
LiriLI XAIDOKKILLAR.IRr,' r 0 (k>lla>rT. "HM- 
DSAB ONE " J. H. Vaioar. 

iinTRUEBNrAL-roR riA)in-"<iRRiiEANrii oai,. 
OP." Ban, J ll.ffan»r. "LOVE'S lltl'l-v DIlBAM."- 
Walla. J. a. Wamar. ■'COL. rAHHON'H MAHUII," A. R. 

nbia plaoa la bacomloa vaij popular, beloa plajad 
0l|bUr br BrIahan'aCalabratadnrehaalra. PuMlahad by 
wIkNER MUma CU., J ll Wamar, Aaniit. Marlboro, 
■aaa Thia waah oDly. l^oplai Irea lu I'rof HaoU ttainp 
tor postal*. 


Moore & Livingston COa 

MuU ba roQDji aou allraallra aod UiorouRhlT rapalila. 
bat tbe beat f«paru>lr» peniilo, nor will wa loterala 
ouanbajeDll Ibellrat raliaeraal. Hal«r7 paid proinpUr 
aadaloaieogacMnaDt auored. Slate inil parliculir* 
Id im letitr.^onHB A LONn, Haoaien. Ponaiia, 
WH . Cel. W-NoT a, Crarooila 

London Theatre 


W4Btod.ftt»U ilnMafool 8k»tcbTetini,B«rloCooitc4i 
•laile tami Bt«. TliOH %}f*Ar book** pltMowriia 
•giun. rR4NH UnRTON. Mnnwr. 


Roiled Plate 


Brnmlwrfcy. flew York. 

Aetor. tbat Doubl« In Oraas (muiC rend 
■■■•Ic), and raw mnrs good UualilBBB. 
AUo HnatllBi Advnaco, not nftnld to 
work* Addreaa 

■ou^D, Pa, weak UoL n, Ulofhtniioti, N. Y., Nor.^e 


Itaoaa wbo wrola bafor* ptaaaa write aaato. 

li: II. IIARPV. PL Hmltll, Ark. 

ORBAT guroBim OP 

mcKee and Franks 

atKallh't Uolon R<|oare Tbaalre. ANDV HoBBEatur 
aaabMOoaoIllTaanwaaaawatiiilTracalTad aa Id the 
dalior HcIRBaad BOUBRR FLORA FRANK8,aB iba 
OoBDtn. Boboolftrl. la itia ebetah, waa applauded to the 
Mbo. TbataaiDviilbehaoiraheraalUraa 


In tliair flamrdy Rkolch, PnOOIUCBHON, 

PemaDaBt ai(lr«ea. HI K lab HIraet. N. \ . 

Muagsrs Opiia Houses and Theatres, 

ADVKariaiNa AOBNT OB ticket KBLLBR. Ihor 
eoghlj iillftbUutd •iptrUDC*] iQ 9J0^ bnooli of Itis 

SionniDi ba*iD«u Beitof rriairDcw. VeruitMoi 
llfei. "IIKL1)0H." No 1 llOl 'nrh *T«trt»«t. Aluvonfc. 


DNOU MBW HANAOBHENT, l> D0> boollDi drat 
alaaa aitnotloBa for aaaioD *u. 'M Pppniatlon 4,eaj. 
BaaUttv Mpaallr. Bin Rleolrln Ilahla. Uaat ooa Df|bt 
mad biMHD aBBPIIIll aad I'AllltOAll 

AilHrauNILLEHA PK<7,IKR. Hanaaeni 

Tve udiM vllb tMelftliT ■oil «arh In Mrioft Fiftlum. 
AMt— WM.H.CLirMK. w Park liut<tHUmop. f*. 


HOQSB IK TUB I^ITY. Popalatlno film. Baaa play- 
lu naaatlr to ataodlof room oolj. a patlnir e'ead tor 
jeSdiatwiWrTtomeaiir. HA^ a. Rli'ilARIXilS. 


KilnON.aOODSrBlIAt.TV. addnat 

^CBI V. LULU BB^RD^LBIi. lioMr,. Wia 



FRIXE II. REVNOLOi Haoobaater, K U. 


Watcb ANNIE WHITNEY'S trlampli- 
ant tear tbrongb the prinolpnl clltei of 
tbe United lltalee witb Slanohetter*! 
Nigbt Owli Co.f ■Inglng bar wmy Into 
Ibo lutarto of tbe people with tbe moil 
boaallfal detcrlptlTo eong erer written. 



Be lure and icp illU» Whttne)'*! novel 
Konio prodmllon of tbU beaiillfut aong 
wben Nbe vUlU y'onr city* 

A few coplei to profeiilonali hI lUc* 
wllb programme. 

Till W. B. LEONARD CO.. Publishers, 

Tbomaerllle, OeorKia* 

mUliWIIUattortitUbirti. DoAIIFIrtt 

bol T»«, Id "U.T •- 

r. 0. BAi 111 F«, 
raa. FIntelaaarei 

T 0." Oo. Aifdraaa New Londoa. la, 
jimaeaot addraaa NEW VORK0LI^ 
rewda to Iflai^rti. 


•M»atrio44aeiB« up to dtu. Bun inDd ra»Tth»i ft^d 
t***Td*BawL AMr»MCiteofO*aiThmr«.BtLoul>iMa 


nla eae Ml aad one ion. batvaga ear ebaap. Addn~ 


■TAqa MOTBLnBI la eoDDaetloo with mr BIMk Co. 
fjJOt OluBT, Mir, Taroar Opare Boaa^ Iladltf , 0 


:Mite!tlie Flpest Letter Heids In the World 

AT LOWPJir PMOKH fUtu/-<i. lOo Pn«f>K MVEHfi, 
AniM, Pfllc** l75ftBd KtTimtii BglMlog. N. V City 


for repertolrv. .Iluti be A1, with ilronf; 
■peolaltlei A good salary and long en- 
gascment tn Ibe right per«an. Alio want 


>thcr thoroughly Ortt olaie r«perlolre 
p«tople write. State fall partlonlare. 
■alary. «U., In flnt letter. Addre» Fred 
BInnh, Manager Mar«h*a Select Playen, 
n^ per roate. 



Performing nonher«t BIrdi, Dogi, Don 
be|ra and all klndi of Novelttei. Give 

finrtlcnlara and loweit salary In firat 
etter. Arkndelphla, Arkan»a«, Nov. 4 
and 3. Addreu by letter or telegram. 
PEN. CARL PICE, Manager. 

Now Musoo and Theatre 

UIL tllTY. PA, 


III|iholau#pMliUleir«riiUn, muiKln t«o tarns; aUo. 
■uo3| attimoUoBi tor curio h*1l. Addreu 

W. U. BVANHL MMax«r. I.nck Hoi 75V 
p. fi.-OIaaiblowlDjr.vai worharaaod nili«rprlTliaii«i 
inlai Htiort Jump* iron ibli tovo lo Pittibarir, Brie, 
JamfitowQ aiwl BofffcM). 



to take hold of a flrtt oInM attraction, now 
on the road. Great hltf no bead to man* 
age* Elegant lllhoi, flneal of acenrry and 
CHlnmea.amallcMat,well known atar. Ad- 
dreu STAII, care ut Mhiri**fiivlni*a E«. 
change. laiU Hwiwdwwy. Sew YnrU fiiy 

Dramond Staley^ Miss Relle Birbeck 

The Original Musical Blacksmiths and the World's Greatest Novelty and 

Con tortion Dancers. 
J^X HilTaerty for "Weel^ No-\r. 10 And iDeo. lo. 

AddroM for two weelu URUMONTD BXAriBY, Keith's Bljon Thentro. V liUadolphla. Tg. 

Nellie 3VICC0"X" SISTERS, Uzzie 

Owlna to "A WILD DUCK" CO. cloalnR iadd.nly, w< nr. at llb.rtr lo .nasRemoati, ollh.r Drama, fFarc. Comni. 
Variety cn. Mlae Nollla !■ tlie baat all round dancar in Amorlca (BAR ffONE), nad Mlu Mail?, In li.r coramlj work and Irnl- 
.Inna. capllvat.allio andl.aca eT«rFwher«. Pronoancad PRBSB. PDBLIOaBd IIANAGBHS a itranpcard for any ahoir, In 
conli.ncllon 'With MIIfXIK McRVOT, CHARACTERS, and Oood Slnglnn and Dsnclna HpMlalljr. McCoy Sleteracau br rnanacd 
alone irnsceaaaTir, Addreaa Ihla w««k cara HkLLJ^ R HOD8B, Cblcago, atlor thie weak car. CLIPPBn, 









JWO. D. DAVia 


Coiucdiaii aud Sloge Mnimfjoi-, 

Can Nupply a lull ropflrto<ro ol luectaaful plara. Eo- 
(JorMd bT pT<»>. public tml iDAoaien New ptciorlal 
priDtloR oy the Oroal Wcilrrn Lltho. Co. 


Cliiii'iictfi-s and Oenoral Bus., 


IRS. Addra.a Drara Il0lm^ ElRlit. lit , Oct 19. weak, or 
Jafk'on Lodaa. lu-wnar'a (Irnra. Uq Pare Counly. III. 



The Prettiest Waltz Song 
Published This Tear. 


ProrMClonal ooptefl «llh orctaeMrmtloD PRBB. Sand 
(aor noti to par pofiagp. TUOMPtMlN HUPIU CO., 
»l Wabuh AT .Clilcagn. 

Folsom Opera House, 

LACOMIA, n. h. 
OPENTIUE. Addr«a. 
J. F. IIARRIMAW. Manag ar. 


My New Illustrated Book Catalogue 

(TbaflaaittD tlia world) liQov rtadf. ABldtfron aiand- 
ard and new irlcka and llliuiom, ll oontaloi namaroaa 
ortralu ot Bolad Maflo mni. Mind Raadar*. tto. Prloa, 
) OCDU. Poiitlralr na eopiai iratii. Addrau 

W, H. J.flllAW. 191 Xuau'Uai . Chicago. 111. 


SouMe Bass and Tuba 


H4:i Baat Wood at , Pacatnr, III. 

BIL4L. P08TE1R, 
Who la aflr.! riaaa l.lth.Bnplaan STAGE 
OAHPENTBR, coiu|t«taBt to lahe .ntlro 
charca of alagr, ale, and a rvllabla tho- 
Btr* lanllor, wantrd, fbr TUB FROTII- 
INQIIAM, tbe handaamaat Ibeatre In 
PannaylTanla, AddrMa 
J. II. LAlNB, Haoaiar, alatlaff loweat Hlarr lor aaaaoa. 
Baiantf B, Pa 


Bollt to order oo ab<>rt aollea VTrlta tor aaitlealaia. 
Ulaatratad eataloiaa (tea. J. l>. 0088 A CO, 

10 Atwaur Bu Detroit Mleh. 

Imi. Litho. Stands. 

Bead raadlDR matter aad II lor aampla ef M eheat atand 
loM>lon:t>Iaada,fl: lOitandl. »r; lajntB, III NA- 
TIONAL I.ITBO. CO.. T» N. Bacooi Bt>lilladelplila. Pa. 

Opm TIni, Nei Hisoale Opiri Hwse. Whit 

CillBBft, la B«ODlO| luwn, pepalatloD, 4,100: l(ouM« 
Flnt Olaaa IQ ararr rMpact:oep«aib; TOD; D, T and MId* 
atnliCompaai— dobli buMWMLF.a f LlMTTaManagar. 



PB ORO.'VTALI.ERDAT. galrHata, m 


anarNoT 9; would >ika !•> liMr tnm ir<vtl Cdoipabjal 
oooa. Addr**a. M. A. Ao>»r. 1T« Mo. lUi . I'o'omho* - 


THAT CAK FINO AND DANOB. Oen. W. ...Sntr, for 
aarlr to«w and lTaat,^«g llla«BnBM«l. BadMo, IL Y, 

Heart Gharni 


U«an(irDlly eoRraTed, 

2G cents each. 


^3 Hio>J*ar. New Yorh. 


Good alnRlng and iloncing Nonbmtle that 
ran wcl, alao Corardlan wllh aln((lng and 
dant-lug apwlnlty. 40 weoba* eDgugement* 
comuencing Jitn. 7. Btutt* aninry, uU var> 
tlonlar* Hnttieudpliotolii flrat letter. YOU 
KNOW NIC. I>oii*c wtUc unlt)«H you are Al, 
O. J0II\80N, 
Bruiiiwirk llotpl. Phlln.t Pn. 
M B.— Nu auMrar a polite nega lTQ. 

Earl Doty Company, 

Lradliig Wotniin, Character Woman, 

lllnii, Siiislog nnd Dnnrlng 



roineillttrt^ Uiieriil 'k?eD|ilef Inclndlng 
PiMiiii Player. Addreaa, Ktatlng loweat 
•alary and full parllculiara^to 
UARL C. UOTY, Janoavllle, Wlaconeln. 

ORCHESTRA LEADERS, Sintl 45cts. and 

BalllM latail yiroli, orTwoBUp. by L. F. B<h>i; lOparu 
and piaoo. (loarantaad llrat «Uta or moDej rafUodid. 
ThiR plao« U Tfirj popular; 1,000 PUuo Orpiaa koM: 
BAND LU.VURKM, Hod Skt*. fur any (4e. piece mm 
oar choica caialORiiB of laiu batxl luua*. CataloKuaa 
niallod fr«« to any addreaa, HiIb olfor holdlDg good Tor 
aix wMka (toni ilaio. AtlilrMa 

UfKM MUBir I'UB n», JacVtno. MIoh 

Lew A. Warner, 

The lluninn nanjn, Comrdinn aud Char* 
actor Actor, AT LlUISHT V. <jood dreiaer, 
on and olT the *lage, i>o n Oimd Singing 
Specialty. AdUrpna 
HPENCEU, Indiana. 



0IIA8. W'l . r.l .Vo. HI KliMliK L. nea r H'a a r, K. Y. 

Billy A. GrifOin 

AT LI8EBTY FOB U T C. Aililta'. BULLIVAK. lap 


Hi|bt raadoi) Eip«ileDc«J, mva-iv nnti r«llabla. Ad- 
dr«*a w. 11 itYH»v. oiMd. X v, 



J-tH Paarbom t-bl.aB.. 




AND ok: 

(Spaelaltla.) i 

NBHaDIL'SINK^.-^ AiKlrru 
H« I'ISt UTRRKr. Ml Loata. Ma. 

AT LIBERTY-The Great Leonzo Bros., 

Aadr»M ff . n. J. PUaw. im Aiijpm» Hnaat. CMcano. lU, 


tit-i any kinit 41 mulo arraaieil ud 
compoawl. Small fooRi at raann 
Kbla ratta. OriRiDalaositi^at&^VTli- 
■ftii. Tftkan dnwn. HonfataantiL 
A. RKjHRBT. SqB-IChbRt. V. 1, 

AlCD AlaL TiH-ATRlOAi. UOODS .Seaovrr 
tMapltuJaaickty. ADiiiearnfrpiiH. 

gUAa B. MUJA ura.Bnwhrar, iff* tatk Otir. 

do aod bear htm aod aaa Tor yonraalf iho kiod ol *1iU'* 
WILL RUKDITBR baa. Prof, eoplat lOcaota. 
Ohl 1 am notUolDT a ihlog-tlili 




will raroub Iron eto 14 nembar*. Will alio fbmlib 
OlCbeitn^ Addrail, FR0P.O.L.TDRNBB, 

Haonay. HI. 



Advance, Business Manager or Treasurer. 

Addrail cars of KLAW & BRLARQER, 
Sla Watt aoih Smat, ll.w York City. 


Or a laan ttaatcan tnmblo and alng, and 
dance or a atop dancer and that can re* 
olte poeni, tingle peraona prefenred, to 
travel In thla Htate. 

Tbelr aalarymnat ba imall for tLaWlntar. Enploy- 
.-loot iha year anaixl. A nod chanca lortbe rifibt party. 
Dlraei f JOnw f. INLA? Canton. Bt.. Law. Co.. T. 


MBlVTwItli trnwellBg company* theatre 
or mDieani,l.TnmlnoBlnn,howlln||and 
wlil*llng dervlah, Jut oloicd wttn tbe 
Barnuu dc Bailey Big Show, from whom 
I hare received nn excellent recomnen* 
datlou. Addreae.eare of Qeorge idlman, 
10* Kait. Mth St., or 300 But 33d St.. 
New York. 



AdJran W EaM Elablaaalli Biraet Hew Tork Cllf. 

Bnlo, HuHliillii and Stage Daechg TMgM, 


N. B.-Ooraoelptoftl 1 vDI aaod ibrea written Ifmodi 
OQ tLa B«n]o or Manaolln. by a 'Impla matbod. aD^llnc 
anr paTvootopIayviihouttbaaldoiatMcbfr. NokoovC 
atltooi mu*lar»qqlred J. BOqAN. » 3d ATa , Haw Tork. 

Wuiy, fur Bjtn & Gbsgoii's "Idia" tmtij Co, 

ConadlaaasO Soabretta Woman lor Oananl Bmioaaa 
aodallaroand r*ptTtoIr» people. Muat ba able to Join 
atonn. Btaia full puttoulara and lovaatprlco In lint 
latter ai wa biTa not iba Urae for naelaai eorraipoDd- 
euea Wa pay board and railroad (ti*. Haoaffan in N. 
v.. Paooa. aad Obki eeod open time. J. 0. OLABaow. 
Manawer. *» Waabinitoo HtraaU Boffa'P. N. T. 


Frank. THE CALVIN8. Noll, 



Binitlnf and danclnicaM«iaiMea.Oooddna«ri and hard 
workaiaW Ul eoaiidtr oDan IromflnlclaiinMdlauf oom- 
paoiaa. AddreailbaCalTlBa.16iflKB6Ht.Bt Loala-Mo. 

Will Sell Yon Lantern Slldee. PItIa, 40tt8., 

roLosBD, mere kaoh; colouno slided, wnna. 

FAUII. Anr labjaat hmlabed. BUART, IBWIN A 
OOLDTIIORrg, r-W Wa.MnntaB BIteet. ChlnaiiJ. Ill 

A Bargain, Five Venfrlloqulal Figures for 

0A8ir,|l\ Kairlr dov, baloR oiad only a few tImaL 
Addreaa OUAH. LTtB. Loyrtarg P. 0.. Bedfoid Oo.. Pa. 


K, 11, BROWN, rro»ldeac»H. I. 


Dr. Ho^vard Curtis. 

PBWln, Mo. 


PLATBR. wbo oao work la aota. and leod BIdwIqii and 
Danoina rOHBniAH. vbo oandoiaTaraltiirea Mofaraa. 
MAWAQBH MED. CO.. PHcatowD. Hlgbland Co . QMoT 


IKORNUBV, atraoR ilniloa aad radllor apeclaltf. 
voold Ilka iioalUeQ with lallable Co. Oood vanlrabo. 
Addtw llgaraattHtTMt Allaibeat. P. 

AT LIBERTY, Eiperleiitad Leader of Orctetira 

TioLiN, or m varibtt. rolo alto ih band, 

7 Tonro Btreal. ProTldenefc R I. 

WANTED, ForHi StereSliof Co., ADarTaMeT 

HDRT BE nun nkiaa, a hdrtlbr akd striotlt 

fiOBEB. QlTo loveetHuiT. Barrv Jooai. write aaick, 
« T BOWlltll ►■.Tiiam.klTlIt 

WANTED, Banjo or Oullar Player 

AdJraaa DR. BP. IIHQ, Apderaon. fnd. 


aiaia 9r iDioaanaat. Biaaa bv Olmlar. 

Joaw 1. BOOAH. rflblrl ATaaaa, KewTorb. 

WANTED, First Violin to DoublaBarl. 

pIaAYKRM and DANOBRB or tUla oountrr. aad tbair 
LoodonHoeical and OancloR Academy !■ tlieflDaatand 
noet reliable academy in Chicago, and le oonducted by 
mduatei of London, Ii^oKlaad, nbo torn oat mora pro- 
itMlODal plaroTii and aipart dancara wltbartlule and 

eraeafbl atyie ihtn any academy to the world. Tbe 
aalihlMt eiorciee (nr ladlea. peata or cbiUren le lo 
take daoeloR ortonbllnaleeMDe; It mahaejeaaoUTo, 
Biylleb aod|[rac«ra1.aDdaaralopithel>od7. Tbtaliibe 
only academy in tbe vor*d where they taach laaploy. 
tront wntaraaolte and band aprloM orer chain and 
tablaa, bach and front aomaruiilti, back and front band 

Snnga, nack rptlnia, head aprinRa, ataooUer iprlnite, 
p Oapa and vide «beel>. In connoctlon wltb eonat and 
danea, SpaoUb daoee, ihlit dance and aareon; all the 

Ulanacage aod Miroom daac«i,«tapa and fhnoydancai, 
hiRh kleklnr, JnDpIog,b«DdiDi, and tumbllDR tangbt; 
atrtctly prlrate. 

Prof. Roach, Academy, 

. 176 West MadisoD Street, Chicago. 

Day and eTenlnr. Open flowday from 9 to a. 




rniian rnosi tiik phesx. 


"And Ue Was Snch a Fanny Oil Man." 

KADaE ELMS' Boarlofi Uosilo aiL Roadp thla week 
too. with orebeatiapart.. 

«I So Lore Toul" 

BADIB 0UBIIIIAN>8 Rteat aaltt dlur, luoit u 9 aad I 

Jacoraa aigbtlr «itb BaDRor'H "Bunch ol Kejt" Co Lflo 
oD'a Naweat and OnHtaat lllu EiceUeotlr arraaaed 
erohealrauoa, with cnpj ot eoar, for thla weak oolr, loo. 

"And Her tioldea UalrWas 

Hanging Uoun Her Back." 

I>iiai bl LIZZIE B. BAyuOMDwIthBUSSElL W03.' 
t>>.,to3eoooraaolgbUr. aM. with orchaetrmrarta. 

"ToErrh Uaman, to ForplTe, Divine." 

(UBRBSRTUOLCOIIBBB baaullliildaaorlptlraeoDg, lor 
barltoaa, taoor or coatra'to Tolcea. Tbe ui^.i poaertul 
djamatic ballad are. writtoD). lOo wltli orotwdfalioo. 

"Tou Can't Tell AU Tliut Toa Know." 

Sarloeomloaod loabreua ipaclaltr. No. Auaioalleat 

'^liera'H a iNew Uue CuBtlnif 

lu the Morning." 

Kot nfg«HlTa, but— awiiilij. awlollj, raiur. Utt lor 
ipaciallata aiMl madleja, letuale. Iile. 

"Back to Ue Old Home Agalik" 

BaaatUol Ballad. lOo. with oiclieatralloa. 

"Tbe dame Siroet Bells are Biiiging," 

Eailldi OeaorlpUTe Hit, with Dtmmatlo Reollalira lOe. 
with oraheacra pan*. 

''The (ihlp 1 Lore I" 

aaBBEHT HULCOMBB'H Orud Bartlouo DlKrlpUra 
BODg aod Oborul lUo wlthorcheelralloa 

B^HOTIOE-Stanipaor abOTO oamalprka MUBT be 
eoomed to loiura Immediate attaatioo. TLe rnniU' 
prtcaortheaaaooga lo moalo alorea U Wo aod6da par 
oopr. tJanutaaproIaaaloQAloeao baTO the adraJilafia^l 
tba above apaolal ratal, prorided mooar la ancloaad. 

THB BNaLlall HO.tO PUB. II0D8E, 
M X. Uoore Birael, N. V. 

Sonia Taogbt Pre. lo t^raaiioaala, I lo < P. ». Tate 
flUtb ATapoe Blerated R. R. apd gat olf at Ktanalio HI. . 

WMIIB PBARU atworrai, mcaota eac*t. caulogoe 
E*RL PKARL tTORKRaS Broadwai. Kea Yor'.. 

for Bapertorr, a<M other UAEFUl, • EOPLR 

Addraaaaa per feu 'b fLITFII 


KOTIRB.-I daelta aoma nnall workdoiw leimadlelair: 
aomapoadiaMeollelled. OUOR CLIPfOBD, 317 wa« 






iMjl'*,*^'!^ ln«rodQ.«l bjr Flower, th. doalh- 
.".'.f I Sr • ** •IbbIbh U wmi gt»mt intrru. The Ii like 

in* lltle-UklDB. The ■.nllmsBI, wordi and fir mn mil or Ih* kind to m.k* 

cardarprenmBDui. OirtaHtra ■rTanRtmcnt.lrdeilrcd.'nlll beirnt withoalMtrm 
cbalfa to h»n» Ada prareuloaali, who lnt«Bd (o pat tha ung on" 

3V. O. IDYESn 

^ Composer, 

p. O. Box g,079, Boston, Wass. 


U»lDi eoielodtd mj oontimol wlUi u» Wlour Clnu, miouo, I tin pnsind u> treit vJlh ranonilblt 
icIiKral IB «h> uDuunKDl llD» !□ Cblaro. 0,171 ptnoni I»tid> ptia uIdIuIod io im ii AiiDi lh« nrrtwiiy 

Without the Use of a Rubber Sheet, 

lhD> BTlot IICB* Ubor wiler u<l mooar- Th» coil of > nblWT thMl It DUrlr lOTlxlilit I.MDft. Twain 
.r^'^.il ^.P'*** too m«D e» budlo tod oriMB nlnoM 10 ML Br mr mttbod I ema 

pndoM ika Wtlar CirelTt] for s lliu* Dorg tnu Ui> com or iwo tobbtim. No Ujlot don or ukliii m ol 
rreiiod dolhl. NoftU' ol ucldwu. No «tt or iloppT carpou tmonii Uii auditoco. tSo aiUr la nrKunl 
ClfauBli|eub*ftounlorUioproductloDOI tboCtrnlraloD ibo In •uE •n...i.riiiiD,r.i,oi 

no CuilTtl on Iho IM bah^root of Iha pr»MI»»t pu'oiilliiiu piodooad Id Zotopno cireow. Addreii 
JOHN IiE eiiAIR, Jngcler, urtilDiJ lorantor ol Iho Mirror Due*. 
- Tbo Huor, an Biml ud Rmadwtr, Now Vork. 

The Famous Midway. 



Endorsed by Press and Public. 

HBmmD. Watoh for our great attraction for next seaaon, the Carnival 
of all nations. Both shows now booking for next season. Remember 
there la. only one UIDWAy— THE FA1IOT78. 
OOTO BOHMTDT, Manager. Maoon, Qa. 



IB* O R 



ONE WHO DOBS TWO TUR.V8 AND OlIUfOBS AOT NIOHTLY. Souoo opaDi Norambar 19. UUlo rarv loWMI 
tAlUT flrallatUr. Mo llma lor conatpODdtDca. Matt oa low at IC It rara Kn R. R. farat idf aneod. 
AddiaM AJtOHIE BANDS. Uuiagar. Uaiarilowo, Hairland. 


P«trte<a. at tlie ^itAX*." 

BnoK wiih Qrait Hacoeaa tj OUH P. TUOUAB, Id flojl'a "A Trip to OhiDttowD." 
Wcrda and Mnalo hy G1799IR L. DAVIS. Complata Orch«itmflon 10 tenia. 

WILLIAIB. PILLlNe, 48 Ea«t4th St., New Tork Cliy, N. T. 



UlM BoiADD baa oartr y^t parformad Id Naw Tork Citr. Bha will aceapt aofar,maDUi to parfnnn id Qm elaaa 
R08ANA, Ibe Pbirntclan Ducor. SI Wail Tlilrlj dllb Bi.. or. 

JAS .T. ARUBTRONll. IOi;DlODEquata,A|iaDt. 

■aoiaoaast p'aeaa oolr. Addr, if, 

The Greatest Arab Troupe Yet 

will arlTe In New York on or aboat Marck B. ISVS. Thia tronpe kat the moat 
eltraordlnttry tvnibler*, f|tin aplnaara. ttlkletea. lanpera and pyramid koldera. 
Uanagera wanllBfi a alrong Iratnre ahonld addreaa. DHBIK HAJM TAHAU. Man- 
ager of Dedoalu Arnba Tronpe. with Primroao 4( Weal** Big JlllBatrela. as per 


O ZI ^ S. H. JDTJ N G J^N, 

COMIC SI.VOER. BlR nil, FonatalB. ClBclnnall. tkia week, a SoBgi. 


At TdD7 Putor't Thutn thli wMk. Qn uil bwr b*r, 
■nd JoiD to th* choral wtih tta* nit of tbi aodlioe*. 
Uito jou')l>&TuJr>haB IleoUiftvdoM lDUM"P«uioir 
Bhov." **(IOOD TUINQ-PI/aU IT ALONO." Tb* toow 
joa awlentuid tbftt "Hj Itida" ii Um "hll" of wkltt 
MOj^ U)9 b«U«r U wUL b« ror*UI ol u" CoplM ID 

Jk'n IfSnig PusharWILL ROSSIIER, CliajiL 

Obi rm Botdolpg » thing— ibli 

The Song Factory, 


The Lett HiDded PeKll Pasker. 

l*miiribD|lorUi*tulp«oDl«,i*ulBKUi« r*&) moBir. 

mil offlo* ud mm boyioi ml Mt«t»-bot Id 
oUttrwpietilui itolDit qolta will Tbe nportibktl 

VM tn epu ft tnucb "Iftctorr" Id IIoDOiatt awlir ih* 
dItwtJoa ol ADthoor Comauicli li oain*. I b»T« 
^mbloo ol mr o*D 11io»« Io oood of now mdc*. brlibt 
Ua«i,ota. HBd word (oyooi«tnlr. var ofrarlft- 
UoBeUrofl* wUblot to know mrprlcoiiOtt.Mek** 
eaoertbow llDlo niokon that Uod* Bud IdiIhi tlitU 
DMaaMortDeh ntiMlTi^ Tli«Dh». g«Dtlomeo. AddrwM 
lUBaflih fltaN.T.niir. DoiplU tb« LftievConffllt- 
t— I ttm fc — p op»tt O B Bnodiir. 


yum LBB ■'O. Baad photo, all ptnlaaUlc VDrt 
|ol»o»f««aiptolt»la»T«iD. Addiaaa. WATLAND. W.T. 

Wtfil, PutHf, WItli $500 (or NAmlci 

Addiaaa JOBS X BBBNWAN.llOW.miiat. Naw Toi>- 

Wined, Vmetf ud Borleiqu Ce.'i it Oicit 

<>cl>aATBIDBA«AI>EaTOf HVlI0kimk]7I.B.T. 


A KraamlDff Darrallra with glDgar mDilo aDd tha Ulbar. 


Bftho rlploa yoitnt Araft*lr«i Compotor. 
Doth tnih (roa ibo pnu Ibu wook. aoc oftcb, wlib 
OrebMtr» pATii 

Q~ Notloototbo Pnriulno. Wbtlo wo wlibtoilvftji 
bogcDOtoQitoitioi'iwbo are Iigtiimatolf proloo«lr»DU, 
wo or* compollod to iiaio tbatwo cuoot rorwtrd 
ftbOTooonfaoDlMi tbo prle« 1i oodoiod. WobkTooi- 

pOfldod loTtOftflWOlO PIDOarlOl IhOfttWTO tWOWDfl, 

ftod moat >«o oarvoTOlotr Io goUlDi barb BOMB n- 
tom Orcfatitm portH will bo npplloa PABB oo roooipt 
of the 2Uo. oach for p'ftno copln 

THB E^iOLHH H"N'i I'UB CO.. M ind M H. Mooto BL 




For Nov. 12 or Later Dates. 


H. A. DRISCOU, yiMger. 

Wanted, for "Under a Spell" Ce., 

BffloUoDftlLMdlDg JotobIIo l44r,Blsglaff ftad Dodo- 
iDg Oomod'ftBi. Boobrottoi aad JafoaiioHOD; Noii^*! 
lipootftlUo^ HypDoUo OUirrojut ftod Mlsd Bo±4laf 
Babjoetv; illaiioDWU, Moilcal JHroetor.or oorNoTil.r 

for DflUOftl •BtOrtOlDDIDt. BIMO «p. boiiht lOd 

volfbt, lovoitMUry ^^^^^ BrlhER 

T let WllMD oot. Biwkly . F. D. 




<<MOTHEB Ain) I," 

Odo ol th»Beot aontliiHDUl mdri OTorwrltUatiDd 
fbil of (tonit ud UDdorool pftiboa. 


A buQUful lalUbft Uodor, ooothlog ud iwo«t. 


ButloiiDtftl boUad wiib Willi ch'tnia, hoTlDg ill tb* 
•■•OtMM of *-8wMt HaTio." 
Wonli of tbooo tbf^i notDbon iro br 

CY WAeUAN, iilkor of "SWEET HMIE." 


Willi IMDODM ioc4ou bj Ibft folInvlDc >lAra: Ljdia 
TOftinui-Tltaa, KitlMilito Lowla, Halie BoonoT. 
BooDli TborewD, lloUio faUor. Joiio I<* PoduIdo, 

AddIo irUBDlh, Mftllo Wftmo. JOHir HlllTlora Amj Lo«l 
J. P. Onrru, Bobit Dlioy. Ooa U. OiuMod, Banaoi 
EooDOdpi Pnd ADdtrlon. Jo* Mewmu ftod a DODibor 
ol atan. 


"WboseLiUle Girl ire Yoor 

IbftbtfgwtbltorthliaoaaoD, luog bjall^of tho ibov* 
Damod artlita. 


"The Rose My Mother Wore," 
"Dear Little Home," 

After Hooligan's Wake. 


Tb* VMfttMt of tU Iriah ebarftsUr ooog*. 
»*Dde*rdorprDfnmD)oud foroowMW 

■sd oRhoatn* 

Wutid. (ir StNi Reeai, Sbgle DrnbcCvd, 

PlMk.BaTelvereutMUr.kuaBOTaalBaL AtaaOf 
■■■ tor miSj^L loa, oaa liaaaa, UirvaaDO ri ii al n a h aai 




Who's DatHuggln'You,Hannah Brown? 

'Hiere Are Several OtherSa" 

To Pnl^loaBU, 10 oeat* Bntl pn»g:fminin*, 
EACH* or call p«nonaUr< 


131 Wait «M at.. New York 

Songs Taught Free to Frofesslonala 
f^mflto4F. H. 



TboM wbo aro ooiDMiODt 10 naaag* ih*lr ova ocm- 
rulfi. Writ* to COL T. A. EDWAB08. PmprUtor 
oaltloD oQWbloh tboy cio roakoallthomooty rortnini> 
m Itoi. _ W atooi porloDo*. _ 


Lew Silvers, 

strong Cknraeter Comedian, witk atirong 
aneelalllea. Addreta KKOXVILI.B.Tean., 
Bllwer Cottage. Weatgnd. 


Good General Actors who can Double to 
Dand. Also Two Clarionet Piajfers. 

Mattbo Mbor ud rolliblo. To tbo righc t^plo lean 
offor good loog ooaacomont at low bat lor* lalirr. Ad< 
Jroai nSO. H KOBIIe. «uia«r Voblo'a UranilUoCo 
Pormaaeiifil'ire<* l^flARITOK. Iowa 


Pint ClKffl AttraclloB* for Hllilrelh 
Up*» Hornet At Charl«a Iow«. 

ropalalloD. &,(U0; nowbooklog aoaaoa of leOiaad'M; 
III* of baildlDg to br IS; loallof capteltr. 1,01]; 
llibttdbr ol*cUieUy; baatod b; itoam; itagt. fiu br 21L 
All oorapiDlai booked lor (li« eitolDg mu-^o will ploaao 
cofflioaDioal* At ooe* with tho now managor, 

O. H. BHAV. 


noubroUl'nr Voriaillo Uaila Ringing SpKlallr- 


IIrATlo*»ndrliw«clen, Batlton* Vocallft. 
Joint OBf agomeat only. 
Wo iDTltaoffinrrocD itrtcUr rollablo muafor* oolj. 




Both wlib aMelaltUa. Uaofal p*oplo writ*. All wook 
*iudi. No f*r*a *dTue*d to iiTmoRori- Koeio'o pro- 

JramiDoa. Lov*ft aatarf aod loll pamcnlir* Oral litur. 
Din atone*. Addreaa TUOH. ELLINWOUD. 
WaokolOcLR HuxiiiahtDPa. Pa 

Walla's Comedy Company, Prenlum 
Band and Orcbestra. 

Itbaiog ao attar lapoulbllltr to npir to thohoD- 
dndiol lattanud tolegmsi neoirod Io ro'poDM to 
mrftd. for pooplo I tak* tbti miihod of thaokiog la* 
apDilcaota udlofonDiDg thorn that All poiltiooi ar* oow 
flllad^ J*H H. WAITE 

Get in the Push! 

Tie Beit 0«NKIt Stud Utta State. 

Wriu for opoD lima. 

T. L. POLBT. Muigor. 

WANTED, yiaigir te TUe SriII litareit la 

COMPANY: baTo *poelal prfotiag, ae*o*rr. Hboilaod 
«ql««: own oopirlgbt of plari: boobod Id tho b«it 
^oQMo Id Caoadft aoJ Uoltad Btaua. Addroa*. •'OIJN 
MAIR. care L*wli Lgck*oba*b. in Hroad Br.. ?f** York. 


OOMBDIaH. molt bar* wftfdrob* aad readr in Jolo 00 
nc*iplort*lfgiato. McRTffLEV fAHlLY 


JomplDgrau. rep* valklDg cata BomorMnh Dor. Tata 
aod Doia toraload toordof. BBAHf*. 3M3d A**.. N. T. 


UOPFEN. apl WO. Clark WreoC Cbltag*. 

SlOO CathWIII Boy a Stroeg Senia. 

AOTHOB. m w*rt llfch gtrett No* Tort Cttr. 

4 C3rn.E3-A.T SOISTG-S 4 

And*at«a*oraII Bonbrette Songa. Ike Benaallon of tho Centarr. 

"COME to the ARMS of YOUR BABY" 

FREE to oar prof^oalonal Arloudo. Floa«<> encloae 4c. fbr pnitaai*. 

PKTIIIB MUHIC: <;<>., ClilruBo. S". 



CloMd the olio at KelUt's Boiton Theitro last wpok, proordoa hy UNTIIAN, I.YDU 
TEIHAMS-TITUH and EDDT FAKILT, In ortler niimeil. 



EVEIVINOH, U.ttl 1*. M. 


WANTED, Man for Leads and Heailei; 

■an SK A KO. I: I.rf*fa1°<n: ■aatbeitf^rtajela 
a»eM»;alael..ytarl«'aailaa. 0>«allui.B.fin.r.f.. 



Nov. 19, ao, SI, ae, a?, as, Sa, 30, Dec. 1, 17, is, le. Alio open time la 
January, February, Maroh, April ond Hay. 
I play all attraotlona three nights. Managers of good attraotlons only, 
write or wire qulok. 

OH^xii.^KS J^. FEirvr^io.i^, Manager. 

date at this theatre, Kov. IB, 16, 17, is oanoeled. 



Whu ore at K*llU*a Now Theatn ttaU weok, ore dolns one of Ihi* mo*t lirllllont and 
darlnc aorobatle and poatorlog oato that tiao ev«r lieon iirrariilnl iitt ilif« lloaton 
alaRe. Th«*qnarl«l conalila of two lodlna aad two ||eoel*iupii, anil lliry appfar In 
fall rV(*alnadr*oB. tho g«BUem*B Ib lh« ronveatlonal hiarli, wlili lluw tall'* 

coati, and in* ladloa In handonaa* jllk gowna of the r*Bulotlnn Initulh. In thla 
nnlqu* altlrr* Ihoy acconpllib tone of tho moat rpmarkalile ri<atN ^vlili it deHrf* of 

grace and aclllty that woald aotm alnoat Inpoaalblo nudri-lheclicnuialHiirri. Thry 
ore retolvoa at ( ^ . _ 


I ewerjr perfbroionce wllh Che moat flattering ileittiiitatratluiii uf ap- 

With H. W. WILLIAMS' OWN COMPANY, Nov. 6, PhllBdalphli. Fria to acaepi engaQementt 
iHer thli with wllb a firtt etau aonpany only. Hon* addroii, 6 LOOAN 8T., SprlngfloiJ, Mait. 


Maud DlckBoo, (be Glrards, Oubawaj aid JHoulton, Vliilot llrniidoii, tlie I'urdu 
8lBterB, the Maoka, tbe Merrrn NliiterB, Mabel TVInu, Vera Uoldcn, Amy WU> 
son, Annie ttraham, Halle Coleman, Percy Roblnnon, Jsr. I'liffh. 

OHAH. U. HIOKH, Bfiiiiiiirer. 

"Wo opoDHl OD a fUtordar. 
■arch SlBL Norfolk. Va. 
TaoU all op aod itreamare drlar 
Two bruo Daa<ti oicb oibor (rrlog 
To OQtplar. aad folta did aaj 
Twaa (b* b«it thor hoard la miar ft d*r. 
Omr Brit parado had Jait raioread, 

Who o to our dInDav w* l*arDad 
That (oikaware bold lag inooor Uaiil. 
Tho outlook IhOTofor* wii aot bright 

Cordial groatlngi all arouod 
Aa frlond no* Irioadapoo lb* groaod. 
Old aad DOW ihoob haoda odoo moro, 
Aod wdhid good luck to "M. 
Hiduhov atlU 10 Onffla'a eare, 
Bat Uio aama nkl faeaa are oot Ibora." 

p«LL DE«iniPri(m OP TUB 

xiouxia iiv rhyme: 

CenlalM all Ms Ineldinit, bttli ud ind humoroui, el HUNT- 
ROUTE IN RHYME It eempsiid by b Cindy Bulohir, 
wriHen Is Ihi vtRMBlir e> the WhlU Tenia, and will pre»( 
hrtereiUsile ill lellewin ol Ihi While Rij. 


Aidreii BOY GYVES. 

P. 0. B«« 074, Balllniore, Md. 
P. S.— Regirdt le all «llh whom I'va Irouptd in '94. 






There w.r. oth.ra. kat tbe^.had bad lucb. 


Billy Yonng.lfalloryBroa.wrlU. MAIIAHA'M IIIINNTIIKiill, 

a.OHl Cook Avenue. Nt. I.uhI>. Ho. 


'America*. Yonngeat and Bfoal Sneceaarul Theatrical Agent. 

Walter J. Pllmmer, 

Comblnillom oraanliad and boakid, eanaallillent flUid en ahert nelloe. Dalk room (or vlilllni 

Biinigara, wHb ua« ol itanoeriDhin. Addraat WALTER I. PLI 

81 South Claik Streel, Rosma 21-22 (bika alatrator), Chleage, III. 


WILLWYATT Managir. a 




lUkiflrloi), auiDae.l>, It. II, II. 17, in. 19, V, Jl, 7;. SI3, M, r, 

Dm.I,I,<,«... I»,1),1I. 0.'».1,M.n, 3l,S,II, Jan. I, 

FM.y TO 

liOTIiaOP, DoT.r and Waahlagton Bl., noaloa. 



Rerornlobed and Henovntod. 





A<«l«aa,l.irTolr< Araaaa, ». T. 01.?. or. aata ef AOTOar f BOTPTTIVB 0IIIO.V.;fo.« Union Hiiuara, R T.OIIf. 



'T)ia llettaat"Cao. BMaatarwrlltaD. coma and gal II or aand loe. In atimpa let ne* 
!oiV9MMnum^ WW. Tw.nty-iighlla BIrMt, MawYartk 



November 3. 







This Time Tliey Win Their Laurels in the Lone Star State. 

Tents and seating capacity enlarged and extra performances given to accommodate the multitudes 
of Tezans who recognize in the Ringling Brothers* Shows an institution supremely different from the 
concerns that have been doling out from year to year their scanty mite of amusement in the great 


The 25-cent shows are doing pretty well'-for them— at advanced prices. But the people sniff a 
Xorthern breeze that tells them the little fellows are doubling on their "two-bit" Northern Rate. But 
in answer to the call of the World*s Ghreatest they come in shoals like fish, in swarms like bees, in flocks 
like birds, in regiments like armies, to the show of features. All Texas has been brought out of doors and 
under canvas to see the Ringling Brothers' Shows. 

A circus boom has struck them down in the Sunny Southwest such as they have never known before. 
They have grown tired down this way of balloon ascensions and want a real show. They recognize their 
ideal in the Ringling Brothers* Great Show of Features, and attest their appreciation by daily visits in 
numbers of tens of thousands. They observe the Newness, Brightness, Magnificence and Greatness of the 
show, and answer in multitudes four fold over and beyond the chary patronage extended to others now in 
Texas. . See what the dailies of the Lone Star State say of our superior drawing powers. 




Au enoriuoiia attcndnuco both from tlio country and the city. 
At the afternoon porformanco tLnro was an overUoiv. To 900 
pcrsoue tlioir iiionuy was returned, tlie*tickots of 1,000 otliers 
wore extended to the night performance, and many thousands 
bosidos were turned awny. Dut this was not all, there was a 
largo crowd that, nftor nil of the seats had been taken, insisted 
on remaining;, and they ngroud to squat on the ground. They 
squatted eight deep on t)ie hippodromo track, and before the 
raco could bo run, they had to be transferred to the rings, so 
as not to obstruct tho brack. Tiio ui<;ht nttcndonco was equally 
largo. It was estimated that 'i(>,000 people took in tho circus 
at tho ntternuon and night porforuiancea — DALLAS (Texas) 
MOUNINQ ^EWS, Tuesday, October IG, 18i)4. 

Tho tuuts covured two and ono-holf squares, and wore 
tilled from early diiwn with a surging crowd of humanity. — 
DENISON DAILY HIiRALD, Douison, Texas, Saturday, 
Occ 20, mi: 

Tho InrgoBt crowds ever seen at Shemiau to a circus. — DAILY 
llEQISTEK, Sherman, Texos, Friday, Oct, 13, 1894. 

Tho cniwd at thu two porforniiincos yesterday was estimated 
to bo between 25,000 imd a0,O0O ptoplo.— WACO DAILY NEWS, 
AVeduosduy, Oct. 24, 1894. 

AHItlPOIfll I F This aftoi noun tlipro wore 12,000 i>eoplo ftt the Ringling Bros.' 

UnlllCu I ILLC Show8.--(UINESVILLE DiULY UEQISTER, Gainesville, Tosas, 

Thursday evening, Oct 18, 1894. 




Yesterday was a stirring day for Qainesville. The Big Show 
of Ringling Brothers. * * * The very best that has ever vis- 
ited our city was here, and so were thoasands upon thoDsanda of 
people. It is the first large show to reduce prices in Texas. Store 
people booght reserved seats than we-ever saw in GhkineeviUe be- 
fore.— THE DAILY HESPERIAN, Gainesville. Texas. Friday, 
Oct 19. 1894 

It was estimated that the crowd at the two performances was 
at least 26,000, and the Ringling Brothers can certainly feel proud 
of their reception in Texas on this, their first tour of the state.— 
FORT WORTH (Texas) DAILY GAZETTE, Thursday, Oct 18, 

30,000 people have come to Greenville to see the Ringling 
Bros. Circus.— THE DAILY BAlfNER, Groenville, Texas, Sat- 
urday, Oct 18, 1894. 

Miles of Moving Homanity. A Bouquet of 20,000 Heads In- 
side the Snowy Canvas. Ringling Bros.' Show brought the four 
corners of the earth to WaxsJiaohia This afternoon two perform- 
ances were given — the first beginning at one o'clock with not a 
vacant seat under the vast tent At three o'clock performance, 
number two, began * * * making a total of 20, 000 at the two 
performanoes. Ferfoimance, number three, bej^s tonight at 
eight o'olock.— THE DAILY LIGHT, Waxahachie, Texas, Mon- 
day, Oct 22. 

Temple, Bastrop, La Grange, San Marcos, San Antonio, Ans- 
ttn, Taylor, Hearne, Palestine, Hendetson and Longview are still 
to be heard from, after which the States of Louisiana and Missis- 
sippi will be toured 

The preparations for 1896 are already begun. Enormous strides will be made during the coming Winter, and the 
Colossus of the Show World will be launched in 1896. 



ABTISTS and FEBFORMEBS of the Highest AbiUty and with Strikingly Novel Acts are invited to correspond. 

OonHglitM, IM, bT na Fnnk <)a«eii PaMlibUif Companj (UmlUd), 

Founded by I 


I Pric* 10 CtnU. 



Do 7on sot remember, dArllog, 

Ere niUier Time Tiad bent onr forms, 

Or tamed onr bilr to mow. 
Befot* we knew wbu snnow meant, 

Or had a thoogtit or woe. 
Do jou not remember, darling. 

Yon loied me, long agor 

Do joa ne'er recall, ny darling, 

Aa LUe'a relenUe*a Mde 
la boring na lo awinir 

To tba nnknown ntber aide, 
Onr bappr daja ot conrtabln, 

Uerore jronr lore bad dlelt 
Do ;on ne'er recall, my darling, 

YoD wer > mj prnmlaed bride t 

Do jon ne'er remember, darling. 

Yonr worda wben laat we mett 
Tboogb manj jean bave pataed oahj, 

I nerer can rorget; 
"Ptdelli;" and "love" and "irntb" 

An ml-'e In mem'rj jtx. 
Do jon ne'er recall ibem, darllngt 

nave yon never known rrgretf 


wRirreic por tbr hiw torn oi >rpRR, 


■There's tbe Uoodoo I" wblapered JoeObarllir, 
u I, tbo Ingenno or the companj, tripped on tbe 
atsge In anawer to m; one. H j eye roamed orer 
tbe "bfggarl; array er empty bozea," and rexted 
onlhellgnreora man, a ttalok aet, careleaaly all Ired 
peraon or decl>iedly atarartng rig. He waa tbe one 
ao JooDla'ly alladed to by oar rnpoy man. Tnat be 
waa a bird of 111 omen, however, or In any way re- 
iponalhle for (he bad bailneaa or oor company, wai 
not ao aore aa the wlia wonid have It appear. Dnr- 
Ing tbe aeven weeka we had been on tbe road aop- 
potting onr aoclety atar tbe pnbllobad not given na 
money enoogb 10 pay even hair onrezpenaee; bnt 
I noticed that wben we were all but atranded the 
nnoontb Agoie or tbe aallor man alwaya appeared, 
and noon arier aalarlea and all expenaea were paid, 

OnraUr, Sylvia Revere, waa a beaniirnl woman, 
blgbly ednosted and rellned, bnt witbont a aptrk of 
talent-one or that claaa which ten yeaia ago pa- 
raded tbe dmmatlo ciroalta conlldrnt or Rtlalnlng 
at once tbe anpreme helglita oC dramatic fame 
tbnsgh tbe propnlelve rorce or money. Theaea- 
farlng "hoodoo" wai anppoaed to be an Infatuated 
admirer or bera, who followed ber over our mgged 
ronte. Tbat ebe ebonld have ancb a loverpnraning 
htr abont tbe conniry atpnied enpreinely rldlcn- 
looa, and eome of Ibe wicked yonng men or our 
company went ao rar aa to declare that the lady 
bad tired bim to perform the part of Inratnated 
admirer, adding tbe wlab tbat abe migbi entraat 
tbe role to one or tbeo, lost to aee how mocb bet- 
ter be wonld play It, 

The loTtr aforeaald. It aoob be was, did not bear 
tbe beaaty marka pecnllar to the yonng chap who 
generally goes mad at tbe drat eight or a pretty 
aotreaa, sod doga ber over tbe dramatic clrcnlia. 
This one. Indeed, violated all tbemles. FIrat or all, 
bewaanot yonng; on the contrary, he waa well put 
middle age. lUen, he waa homely. Oh, so homely I 
He had a leatbery aaffion face, wllb two dabby 
wrinkles hanging on ellber cheek, and a receding 
ohm, which met a roll ot fat ibat swelled up from 
bis bnU neck and Joined It wllb scarcely a dividing 
ripple ot adipose. Add to this a grialed crop ot 
abort, stobby hair, a low brow, amsU eyea ot a de- 
cidedly gmnlah hoe, nnder beavy, overhanging 
brows, a thick set Ognre, and a gait that aeemed 
tbe wallow ot some marine monaler csat on shore 
by some rreak orwlndorllde, and yon have ao Idea 
01 the rldlonloQs tignre to which my auentlon waa 
directed from the atage ot the cold and almoat 
empty theatre that diamal December evening. 

Tbat night at tbe hotel I noticed tbat onr boalneM 
manager, after being oloeeted with tbe nnconth 
atnuger for a brief time, appeared all smiling and 
ccnddent, with onr entire anean of salary, which 
he paid off with a nonrlsh and a blatant Importance 
pecnllar to him. We all set upon thia Important 
personage for an ezpltnatlon, but he would glvetia 
only knowhig nodi and portenUona abraga ot tbe 
Bbonlder conoemlng the atrange "haoker" or onr 

"ne'a a ngnlar Crceaai, with barrela or money and 
bla pockets toll ot'iparka,>"aald the ohipper young 
ag>nL "Why, Jnat aee Ihia," taking from bis 
pocket and holding up lo tbe light a qnalntly aet 
gem, wllb ragged dlagiee work around It, aa It It 
had been torn from aome magnlOcent tiara. "Be 
tell abort ten doilarti on tbe salaries, and he dung 
tbla to me lo make It square. What do yon think 
ot a backer like that tor a abow t" 

Then onr alangy yonng manager relumed the 
mnUlattd omament to hia walitooat pocket with a 
tondUng roll between bla nngeia. 

"Wbat do I think t" growled the Brat old man, an 
Incontinent gnunbler, "why, ibere'a only one thing 
to ibink— onr baoker'a a bnrglar." 

"A burglar t" gaaped all. In n grand a nnlaon aa 
we could have acquired bad we rehearsed tbe ex- 
olamatlon tor a week, 

"res,* burglar," hetepealed, enjoying onr hor- 
ror, "or a highwayman, or a nam robber, or aome 
thing of that sort; tor I'll leavs It to all ot yon It he 
doean't look IL" 

Indeed be did, now we came to look at It In that 
llgbL We were apeecbless with horror at this 
dreadtnl Idea. Be aaw It, and mallclimaly added: 

"And some day we're going to be atianded, and 
my lady's highwayman Isn't going to torn np wllb 
any Bwag. Bell be in Jail, And then there'll be a 
ptooenade tor na. Walkbomot Not any tor yonr 
nuole. Be'a on tbe lookout now tor bla sleeper to- 
wirdatbe landot tbe rising son." 

Then the old wietob hobbled off to the bar room, 
lb evident glee tbat be bad left na In incb a gloom 
of bomr and apprehension. 

"By tbe old HanyP' exclaimed tbehoalnea man- 
•Itr, who had grown gbaaUypaleaatbneldeaa had 
t»en toned Into Us brain, "I'n not solog to mtas 
aobaaoe. It I and aay detective oi onr trail 111 

make blm divide the reward, or wedcn'idellverthe 
gooda. There's nothlog like sticking to bnelncas 
lileas In tbe toogbtat circumiuncea aa well aa the 

Ai I waa making my way towardi my rooto, later 
In ihe nighi, I eucouniered the agent proiillog 
along the narrow hallway Ibat led to the aolle ot 
rooms occopled by onr riar. 

"Here myuery," be wblapered. ' Whtt do jon 
tbinkt Be'slnihere." 

"lie? Whor' 

"Why our burglv; and they're qtwtielllng. Hha'a 
kicking against Mi lollcwing her.aa far >s I can 
mule out, and ihere's going to he ao eiplmlnn, 

even brtalhlog lime. So, when Mr. U. Occll Ktn- 
dolph staggered acron Ihe floor of Ihe parlor and 
eiradled himself agalosi the Icnnge, be waa loo 
much Impreaaed hy tbla r.ThlMI'on of powcrto give 
way 10 reaenlful Impulaes, If he bad any. Sadly 
fluttered, he a^ght only to smooth bla rnillcd 
rtlmeni, and awalied bla fale with what stole dig- 
oily he could command, 

"Coreeyon l"iiclalned Mr. Jakes, coarsely, aa ho 
ilimmed the dixtr to >nd lockrd it. "When yon 
vlilt one come lo, don't nttnd llttenlngat iho diwr. 
Tbla iR onlv a family Jar, and I'm going lo take you 
Into my conOdcni-n uy way, m .tou may aa well l»e 
preaent to htar nil I've got lo pay. Tula bore wo 
man"~he waved his band towarda Ihe remote end 

"Alicnt met Why how could 1 give oaum for 
Jealousy t The lady will tell yon ■> 

"Jcalonayt Who saya anything abiul JeaJnntyr" 
broke In Jukei wlih a annrt eipreaalve of Iniptllent 

"1 warned to take yon Into pinncriblp with me 
In iny bnilneas and make yourforlune; not heoauRO 
I love yon, for 1 don't love no human tbat iireaihca 
—they ain't worth U, nut even lior, ainco I'ro aeen 
how nngraiofnl ahc la— hut herauio 1 must have the 
nto of your rdlcatlou, which I haliit vol nnno my- 
aelf. and Ihlv I'mc I can't gel along without IL" 

Kanilolpb felt (|iille gmleful to Ihn atar for having 
refoied to admit blm Into pannemhlp wllb tuch h 
questionable ohaiRCler a» her huiliand, but bla sen- 

I homed on, but paused a short dlalance down 
the corridor, cdrlona to see the outcome ot this 
■ta'e of alfalra. The spry little agent made his way 
conldenily through Uie narrow paaaage to the door 
ot my lady'a parlor, evidently lured on by some In- 
tereaung conversation which was intelligible lo 
blm, but which came to my eara only as a dull bun. 
Suddenly a panic seemed to have suicken him. He 
turned aa it to vtrrat, bnt tbe door of ihe parlor 
waa thrown open anddenly, letting out a brilliant 
Oood of light, and tba man we nilcd our horglar 
came forth with a bound. Seizing the yonng eavea- 
droppcr by ibe collar, he dragged him Into the 
apartment and the door wu oloaed after them wllb 
a laog. 

Tbe next morning we all aroae Uie to Ond tetters 
addreased to )ach member ot the company from 
the dapper agent. These missives enclosed two 
weeks' advance salary for each of ui. and an- 
nounced that Ihe aeaaon waa ended 

The 'star" and lbs highwaynwn had taken light 
by ao early train, alter placallog na with what we 
conld not help regardlngaa oar share ot lbs "swag," 
and, wonderful to relate, the agent bad gone wllb 
tbem. The olbera all Ihonght he was carrying out 
bis bnslnesi Idea, and had gone loieni on piloting 
tbe atar'a admirer lo J«ll tor the reward; bnt I, who 
bek) my peace aa to wbat I knew, had draadful 
aniplclons that he bad been kidnapped. 


It wta live long icsra alter that ib- alory ot-ihe 
events tbat led up lo and followed that night came 
to my tare. Dow I learned themoaitennot. Uere 
they are: 

Mr. n. Cecil Randolph, "nr tidy little bnilntaa 
agent, waa no more than a dalnly, Ihongh noisy, 
little peg In tbe |awa ot a hideona maatur wben 
be fell into the dutobea ot PhIL Jnkes-lbat 
was tbe name ot onr bnrglar, aa we all hadlcaistd 
' -and where be waa yanked be had to go wlUwnt 

of tbe parlor, wbTd, standing prondly creel, Willi 
an angry glluer in her eye, the tragic Bylvia stood 
— "ladliobedlcnt. 8bu wan'H tu ruin me after all 
I've done lor ber, and won't ho pereuaded niliow." 

The Utile man waa diaperale, and looked aliout 
for a straw lo iluich at. Ilia eye fell on Iheeleciric 
bouon wMchcnnmunluUd with the olllM. Iiwaa 
on bla ildo ot tbe room. He darted towardi IL 
Sylvia gave a cry and commanded hini lo alop, 

"What are yoo doing f" abe demanded. 

"I'm going to lurarooo anistnnce and have yon 
relieved of Ihla ruDlan'a preaence." 

II. Cecil nitadolph fell much heller and biivcr 
with bl4 dngcr on the alarm that wonld •nmnon 

Jukes bUTPt Into a coane Uugh. 

The tur cast a pleading look on the unwilling 
vlaltor aa ibe aald, "Do not call, I beg of yon." 

".Not" Inquired Randolph, In perfect hawllder- 
ratnt. "but thli man annoys |0u— ho la ahmlve— 
ibreatening— dangerous, lie Is — " 

Jubei laughed hosraeir agalo, 

"Tell blm," old be. 

"lie la my haaMnd," groaned Hylvla. 

"Yonr huahandt" fuped the dapper cne;"Oli, 
I»rd I" And be ataggered agalnat the wall, and 
from that reit illd luto a convenient chair, where 
be sat speechless and In open eyed wonder. 

"Now Iben, that there's aome nnderalaodlng," 
aald the mnnster who had thus proven bis right lo 
wrangle with the lieauiy, "let ua get ahead wllb 
our bo«lueta. What do jun puppose our IllUe row 
waa about tonlghtl" 

"I'm Rore I couldn't aay," faintly mnimnred the 
much creatfallen young man. 

"11 waa ahnnl yon I" Tlila wllb a stem look ot 
those greenlab little eyer ihat mads U. Cecil Ran- 
dolph qnlrer, and wlab he bad never anderiaken 
to pilot a "aoclety" atar over tbe sboals of Ibe di»- 

eailoni were iilll unpleasant. I'artuenhip with a 
iuipecled burglar I llo, the huiller wlin had 
priimlicd hlraielf half the reward when tho blnvd- 
boimd ot the law ahiiuld run down hli game. IIo 
felt a big lump riaing In hIa throat aa bo began tu 
reallise his terrible pn dicamcni. 

"My dear air," aald he, "ynu honor me lilglily 
wllb yonr conldrnce, but I assure jun I have (|Ullo 
as much aa hnilncM m my hanila aa I can attend 
to coufurtalilr, and there la no ueceulty fur you 
and the hidy I have tbo booor to repreaent peraonal- 
ly to (inarrel aliout me. In abort, I am very well 
pleased with alfalra aa iliey are." 

"Are you, nowt Well, blow mo If I am," r>«red 
Jnbea, pnning op In Ihe neck and lace umll It 
aeemed he waa going to Innate like a lialloon, with 
raging gaaaei, and go turlounly IxililjIngagilnRt tlio 
celling. "It you think ll'a fun, yonng man, l/i throw 
ont dol'ars by the Ibouaand for a woman's whim, 
whilst niher thousands He to hand, all rea<Jy for tho 
taking, but never gained liecauaeof her MriblKim- 
neas, you're mistaken. I sin'l no inch fool ss thsl, 
and you want to know IL right away, here, now, 
this hinsed minute, so's we'll lie let on the proper 
fooling for bualoesji. I don't eipcct yoo to go 
blind Into this bualneas. Jnat besr me talk, and 
then yon can say yea or no, I don't think you're a 
tool, M I don't expect you to aay no; hut It yoa do, 
you'll keep a dead accret all I conteaa to yon In 
what I'lQ going to uy. If you don't. It will be Uie 
worie tor you." 

11. Cecil Randolph iqnimed nnder tbe bailllik 
glanie that ahot tiom the abadow of those over- 
hsnglog brows. 

"I'm a genilsmsn," he piped, "end I can be 
irasisd with a aecreL" 

"I've known tenilsmsn tbat couldot be, u well 
u men ot my sort," growled tbe old sea dog, "bnt 
It ever one ot this cnned race can be tmated It's 
when you're offering him a lortone tor bo oo' ay 

no risk, no iiotbtn'; anil that's what \'m gi'Ing lo do 
for you." 

"IIO not loll him thin, do not hunillMo nie an 
fart" picadpil llio tearful qurcn nf IrAgctly, quite 
ovorwhclmril by tho prnnilio iil tliu levclnllons, 
wbaiever they might t>c. 

Handulph Jiimiwd at tbo npporinnlly lo anggost 
that ho might flopart, and iin nutre mlshl bo ro- 
realrd, aInco II waa llkoly to ho so unplosMnl to 
tlio lady, anil not nl all Inlemtlng to htm. 

"Hit down, tmlh ot ymt, anil llNinii I" ouniinaiidril 
Jiikoii. "My dno laily thcro anil I will hnth be 
shut off tnim nur wenlih, risht away. If 1 diin'l get 
a partner mion. Ynii'ro my iiinn, nnil you miiat 

ruor Hjlvia Imral Into Icari*, and aolilic*! pltltnllr 
thmugbnut tho tiillowlng rorltal, covorlnghcr cyra 
with her hnnda, and rcailng lirr hrail upon lbs 
table. The rough old aca nionatur gavo hor a aharp 
hut inaynipitthcllo glance, and proceeded at once 
to hli oontcflilon, aa he calloil It. 

"I wu horn In Wnlorn I'onsylvany, long ago. 
Never mind itatca and flggeri. I waa a Itad lioy, 1 
waa a liad young man, and I m h tough clllr.en at 
any age, for 1 haven't grown nn lictinr with yoara 
icarrlng and wolghilng me down. In tlin war tlinoa 
I lervcd with diagraoo In the nrniy and dlicrndllln 
Ibe navy. I don't know which U wnrao, niy wnr ro- 
curil nr my peace reconl. Ah I nin. It's Juat lioro— 
I'm an all around bail mm, Irjin' lo do gooil with 
tho aid of money. I Irtl yon this lo lot you know 
Ihat niy chaiaclcr, all ilio way l>ark, Imi'l my 
iirnng itotiit, and that'a why I want to uu yniim. 
So, now you nndorataiul, we'll drop It, tor I'm 
luuoliy on raking up recnrdi. Thorn was a pal o' 
mino III Iho umo ship with mo In tlin war tlinca— 
old Mill (Ivlngton. llo waaalmiwl a* bad ai me, 
Wo WM In illigraco tngothcr In WMr, and In Jnll to- 
gellicr In civil tinira. Ho tniik me Into bla rnn- 
lldonco nno day, Jimi aa I inkp rmi nnw. lie waa al 
WAjR ravin' altoiilaiinlil Hallnr man frloiul of hIa, 
who. When lio was dyin', mlil linlmil luralril 4^lp- 
Uln Kldd'M Ircamiro, anil li-fi my pHl maps and 
iH-nrlna' and draorlpllons Id writing in nnd It. 
I didn't iMdIovo III Iho itcAil Kill idrain and IllU'a 
miiniincrlrH anil divlnlii' rinlH, miil all tlial, tlilnktn* 
ir tlicrii woip anything liiirlcil at all It wan only 
lomo RiiiRll iwiig nut worth tho trfititiln nt re- 

"It l<Nik a long limn fur llli; tit got mo to iindcr- 
lahe this fairy nnnii''nRo, imi miii dny I ,ltil glvu In, 
and Rgri:cd to liolp lilin acnriih, Junt tu nbiii htm up 
on hIa porpolnal yam- Tlio |iIrco wlicro IIIU'n iiia;i 
Incated tho RWHg wero 'way iipnn ilio Oiiimro'loul 
shore of Ihe Hiiiiiid, IU1 wo rniiidn't rcHoli It raay, 
nnd lbA''R one p'rhimi I Id inyaulf Ito pt-rRiiatteil at 
hII. Hi> mo and lllll Hunakod mi to tho triiuka of an 
oiitgntiig intn, nnd al a lain liniir nun rainy night 
were draggrtl away In Ilio illrtctton nf New Haven. 
Well, lllll liad nil hla iHinrln'n In lilack and while 
and know JiKt whrrn ho was pllulln' mo; ao there 
WHB wmin cnnanlatlnn In Hint, thniigii ibo rldln* 
woro nilghly rnngh. llMiomoil Iniiio tlinl wo bad 
licen golii' Rtiniit n Imndri'il liniira, nnd I hid Inn 
aiHiiit all my palhince, wlioii Iho iralii alnwcd down 
lu a gloomy spot, anil nnally naiiin In a alanilitlll. 

" 'Jumo I' Raya lllll. Tlicrii'n a hrlitgo ahead, and 
thiiy'ro only walilii' for Mm algnul In gn nlieail.' 

"I Jumiwd. an did lllll, and thorn wo ainoil, cnvor- 
ml wl'h diiRt, to tho ditch buldo Ihe train, while It 
iMgan to move alnwl- abpad, Wo had jutt acram* 
Iliad up 10 Ihn trnck aa tho rod llglil nn ibn rear car 
waa rounding tho onrvn and wrni out of night 
Then Ihero waa an awful nlirlobln' nf wblitlcs, and 
Inohin' alicid, we aaw tho rml light reappraragaln. 
The freight iraln wu tmckln' dnwn taat. Wo 
Jumped rhIiIo, and when It had nearly roaeliud ua 
we the hcndllghl nt nnnthor Iraln como ruablng 
on II at full ipoed. Thorr wiih an awful niaab and 
llin air waa full nf lilNhiiig iiilRallPi, I lay there 
aiunncd till lllll, whn waa Ihn dial nii.ahooh mo 
and Hbnutcfl Inbi my ear, 'My (Ind t It'a a pawngor 
tiain, and thoy'ro all dead I' 

"We ran to llm wrenk. Thu arniio made tno ilrrk, 
lllll Hill and mo worked linnl dragging mil Ihe 
wounded frniii the linriiing rRra. Al laat when we 
ihnnghl wo had done all wa cnuld, and ilnpped to 
real. Wo beard a faint cry cnmliig from Ihe |illo nt 
twilled Iron and apllulors, Wo tuggrd away nnlll 
we rcartied tho woman, an elegRnlly inggoil one, 
who wia all langlod up In Ihn mini wlili Ihe lire 
pprlnging up all around hor. Him linio a Bi|iiaillng 
Inlir In hor arma, and lieggrd ua to lave It. lllll 
aelwd II and laid It one alilo wlilln wo worked like 
heavers to get tlio mnUier niil. Hlie were plurky as 
bandinme, and with her grit alro mnnagod lo hoM 
out for trn minulea till we hnnlrd hor nut all 
Rcnrchod and mangled, and Mien what dnea aba do 
hut taint on onr handa. 

" 'Hhe'll die It aho Hayii hrre,' laya lllll, Ufa lake 
herlo sninelintiiii,' and with Ihat wetonkherand 
(he lialiy In nur arma and carried Ihem acrnpa Iho 
dplda to a dlilant hnnw, gnlilnl'liyallghtwhich 
waaahlnln' In ono ot ilio windiiwa, alibnugh It wu 
RlMut three In tho mnrnln'. Wn found It a big 
HUine manilon, Romowhat neglecli^, hut ahnwln' 
ilgna thai It had licjn anniolltln' nnre. Wo kloked 
at the donr,and an old woman with an iirly acowl 
no her fare npened a window Ui aak ua what wo 
wanted. We told her of Ihn acrldpnt, and what we 
were carryin'. Hlie were a hravo woman, iha were 
for, thnngh we were two hard Innkin' raaei, ihe l>e- 
lloved nathn nral time, and. horrrin' in the door, 
lot us tn— me, lllll, tho lialiyand iho lady we bad 

"Wa took 'em right Inin the lighted rnom, a aoit 
of ahabby parlor, and l.ild them nn a lounge which 
wuiiiere all handy. Tbe nlil woman Inok the tieliy 
Into her srmi. There waa a young woman In tbe 
room, ton, sealed on a ruirkin' chair, hugging an- 
other hehy. Hhs didn't seem to notice as, but Jnat 
hogged her lialiy and went nn rorhin' to andtro. 
She was a cryin" ton— I noticed f liaL Tbo old wo- 
man told us tn hurry lack and bring any nioreot 
Ihe wooaded we could, and aha would throw open 
Ihe hooie to Ihem, and have breakfait ready for ns 
wben wersinracd. Yon see she bad b«sn eyeing 
ns, and ilud up nur qnailiy pretty aitalgbL I no- 
ticed lbs hurry Ihn old one wu lo tohnaUsosont 
of tbe boose, and It rooied uur curlosltr; eOi wb«o 
we bad ran, with a great nolae, down tbe grrnvsl 
palb to Uie gale, wo crept back softly, and, cUml>- 
Ing upon a water hull at a comer of the house, we 
peered Into the lighted room. 
The old wiinian wu ahakln'thelnjured laKyand 




uimb' to IMT, Flun7, ilM M*mM to tat tcml, 
ud tarnei] tl» Udj'a timi mmi w Uut tM Uflil 
fell toll nn ue ttct. It wu pWn ilie wii Mom 
imt. Tbaold'oDiBfttiunudtstfOtOTlioM, 
but tli« dinn't Kmm >n4 ont tip Ilka mMt wonMa 
▼03M. 8be wu t ditfkrtnt aort, BIm went orer 
to tbe jODDK wiiinu, wbo iruarArklD'liorMiruK 
crjin' nveriht b*l)rT«t,»nd,iilittta<liernp,(Mawd 
to IttTo » looff kmunwDi vltk twr. FlntllT, >li«; 
Ml 10 kiwin' tug f oong ironiiui'i bahj, ud t ooalx 
KM ilMt Uiat »M d>S(1, tno, TbCD Ulil two womcs 
beno to airlp me One clothu off Uie dud tadr'i 
Itx bnlir un pot ihem on ths^oDngwoiiuui'idMd 
oni>. Tben ttit llrlnir mother wM tym> the liTe 
baiiT lo hot, Md tte ded one mi pniOB ilio bnul 
or ihe dndftdj." 

" 'Ah, ht i< tnjt stil, 'here't » HUle OTiDt tlitt bM 
moaey Id Ii, ir w« only kDoir how to eilract It.' 
Then wo nltd dowo, and iiiiMie oar wny biok to Uia 
Mono ot Ua McldoDt, lnjiog oar plui ts we 

Bere Joket paawil lo wipe hli bmw with k oouaa 
bandanna, and, wlih Hnolhernt blahomd chncllei, 
pointed over hia abouldcr at Ibe proud Bllvla.ana 

■Tbai'a (bo live one— abo'a tbe drad ladj'a b«br, 
wbleb waa riven In tut livlni motner, and aba^ 
alire jci, to ahow her Inirallltida to bar prtaerrer 
and lireuma broefaofir." 

Ue panwd, aa It expeoUng an anawer from tar, 
bnt none CAine, ao ha *eut on; 

"Well, wo ooiicludad lo ateer doar of tbo bonio 
tinUl tbo accident had blown oror, hecanaa onr 
prraancr would iia auapinona, the mora ao, aecin', 
aa look would hara It. Blll'a napa located old KIdil'a 
awai on that rer/ ratate. Tbe apot were aonot a 

auartar ot a mile acroaa Iota, np towaidatboBonnd, 
10 exact placa lajin' aereral pnlnia nor' aaai of ao 
old apring hnuao, whioh were tUlliio to paaalo' Tea- 
a«U aa a undmark. Bill alole Hannvel and a plot, 
■nd worked aeveial nighta In a rock; cave, trjlo' lo 
digaround a hig rock lo make It tumble, for wo had 
mfana of removing It br forco, but after all oar 
affona we couldn't roax it to hudge aa luch. Then 
we realad, and UlU went to tbo lallroad, and atole 
from a tool boiiia a coopla of tbe tilgxeat kind of 
bliaUog ctriridgea, which be carried around lo bia 
pockora, walUng for a good alonn; nigbt, to pit 
tbem ondcr tlM rook and blow It to piccoa. Ue wa* 
Bure thia woDid open to ua ibe eniruce to the 
pinta'a cave, with all bla awag Ijln' at band rt*d7 
to be taken. 

"I Dover bellorpd In the Kidd alorr, ao I waan't 
aa enibuuaailo aa hini. 1 an>pwled old Blli'ame>a- 
malo liiid iiuon the pirate hliiuelf. and the awatr 
might inru out linlo better tbao nld Juok, wblob a 
■4l|iir, ami no one elaa, would value. Aa for leUlD' 
Bill act off hia diuigi-ioua dipworka uodrr that 
nuk, I wouldn't havo Hat, oobow. It wnnld land 
Qi In Jail HH vagrania, nr worae, and 1 had to 

give Bill a RiKid tliumpin' itefore I could convince 
Im I waa rlgUL Hut ije allll clung (o bla big oar 
trltlRva, and onddlud up ibat treaaure Id bla mind, 
for I onuld ni't ilrivo ihHtoDt of him If I'd killed 
bini. What made lilni haieii to me mora than any- 
thing, thtiiigli, was iho roinlndor tliat now waa 
about the iliDu lo aaa liow tiiliiga waa a goin'on at 
tboruaijold manaloD, and how the joung woman 
with Ihe live baby that waana bem were a geltiD' 
■long. Ilo knew thcia wu money In ahowln' ao 
loi|Uiililvoaplrltlu tnat dirrcilon, ao tell Into mj 
Idea, an-i drupped the quceUon ot flraworka tor 
that time," 

(coKTinnin m oua niut.] 

hoflTBn cF J AL'arsTirf Johu* Biu Piih (Iiovkd 
Wiov.— J Aoaumo JooM, pr'-l'n«lor aiMl muaesr' 
Jobu 4 NrBiitlsit-Hinr; Krad KlDji,«loor Ulk«r: Fnoh 
aoiJ Hattft |iariir«,iikeloh: LaIU* wilMin.vDikAohkmer 
viU) <]»n ot »nakff» suil ftilliiaioni: Aupillln ud Luitt 
Buia, lop«l«miiDt tot; J. A. JtmwL Kuneh Judj 
|a|tl*rt ud Juoksy. parfunDloB mookvy W« Jtinpvd 
B»arl)r*«?»D buiiiiroti Diil6» truoi But PAlutlu»,n, to 
lUlrlRb, N I) Tilt *ho« hu btin out t«alT« WMki vifh 
Boi»T<-iiD| WMt. Wa Tiutw) lb* (VftlurMftiDStaov oi 
JUieiRh. N o 

MLLi. hOfeT niriAD. Mrooutihu r*0AT«r«l fnm ht 
•eeidfi-i »t LoDdun. Oil, hapl 19, ud will r^oloili* 
4lr»renhuQnn BallMo Ro . No. 1, 10 lh«lr tauT ihroMih 
Vlnrlilft kiwi ilvnriia, Frol, llurhlnon will be ni«ou«r 

T. J. IUthoxd, wilb bUda■^ hu JolDKlUit lUg*DbMk 

Husnm OP Bv. B. HoXiil'h CoRom co.^Bd. K. He 
Itiih mDMdIu and TOOftlivL mutiter ud pro 
vrlntor: Rd V«rrartl, Toeallal u^l tmmnoo*: Pri>r. A. B 
Sl«klM>l. pikDi-t: Juh JvlTeni, Ouloh cammliui: 0 L 
iDkpp, Mucker ittii «ir», tod ilit IJuvp, LoitAaod Laa 
Wa oarrr aiiaodof oloa, 

Un H L- hiiuRBT, lurntarlr Duoajitr of tha Palae< 
MuMnu lo Reltioibra, kd . hu umaoiicd a kmancmui- 
pany ui loor tlmtuib 'bo ftiuili and W»>l reo4lartiip 
•dueailnnal eniartaluniaau to elilMr*n. ao'i rlfwm bi» 
orlxiiiala\Biiin nf iirawlBn and •hadloirM'orR, b) bfaek 
beard lllu«irKtton A«id« irira thii iMtora haofTun u 
lBt«rfaiiD|i pTOBraiDnivol pArioi nufiio, lllualuDi. Pnncb 
Ud Judy, ato lla plaja bpara bouw RiTloithrvf ao 
art loniaainperBaak. 

Tua AMoxMiN HtTaiirH. Law NIrbni* uuanr, op«n«l 
1b« WiDiar - WKD ki Jo'let, III.. Dtit. M 

La Borrr. ilta inat<i mprauti, )ait Ur. Iloaaacb od ao 
•oiiDi ui init daaib ki lili MPtvr. 

U H *iiiiLL*riiMi i><ai faariAiad a saccivjiriil Bauun 
at New tU>bH>raiit«n, U..<k>i. JT. «illi Etliumtd a Ho'aais. 
and hit ramrnad Ut t^ntoiubua. U.. wlitTn lia vtl) apab' 
ilia Wintar tMliiihR i«nla', qoa'i^ dniR tnit moDkay* 

NUTFII riiflH TlM>'(l I PKura*!! ^OTIlTIBa JHU LlVIHO 
Plctura* 1^.— Wo haTo ofaa'^ a larnrab^n liupr«uii>ii 
tba pui hm «e«k« tn mnt mglit lUoda Ihr-iuitb rfODijI- 
vula. Tna uanaReiiivni U uodor Uia ani« enoirol ui 
Hianor Ti-*o (^ur Auainilu inur opaot oait Uay. 

t^D La VvHB ahiMd tilt "U T. «>." f'o.. altar aTOn 
Dtir «*af<>D thp>Q«h<tut Inwa uoilar eufaa. lla will 
start oai oeil M^tiia wtib '*Ke M>. lbs Mail <lirl" UDdft 
•uva* wlib lull band uJ nnbaura with Rd. La Vora. 
propriaUT aod roao«x0r o<h1 O^a^. Lttnaoaov In ad 
Tuoa. Mr LaTarabaHcnon tnio the raaiaurmnt butl 
aau ac llanburf , fbr iha ff irtar uiooiiia. 

LauMkYKKH Aiiit HtiHT MoKiu aoronauiai, lofono op 
thai thtjr luadv a KaobAllwui a»a*DAinn irom Uriditpori, 
tiu. Oct. aj Thry aula tiial iliar loll Ilia Rrnuod al 
7.45 lo tbo avaoln*. and lud»d nn iba iwf uf a kit iiorr 
taDauMt houH oo H«T«uiy-Btnih «ira*i. ihta ellj, a> 
aboai alavia nVnok tba •amo ulicht Tn^j BiMtviaia 
thattlinoiithowbi'la trip was maja lo a driTlug rsib 

NoYiia nuM Jiu KiD'a Vii.u wm.— Wa olnatd a 
■uco^Miul rouairintiot at ibn Kliui^tli Uiiy, N. H, 
Pall and Jiiti vid aud bin loiRbifii built upao aoTlabia 
Mputailuo UI tbiB atriiou or Iha ooiioirr lurthiirnuoii 
batiaflur ud tkill In liorMitmBHup Our aitractltm 
«ai Iba biatn Tfatura at ilm lair, aad cooawjuaoil) 
atiraetad luiiob aitRinloii, iho klmw luikloB a paradn. 
ud aftribotif wu di*liihiail 

II. II. OUBHimi AhU H^HT i. OORN, oi iho adTIOCO 
btlKttla ol I'awim HIII'H U tkl Waal Hltow. wora ItLirpiM 
aallara Nut. 6k Tbajr inlorm u<t thai llio Pbow liu nDUbKl 
«auo OMlnl lour til Holland ami i% iiuw toitrlbii Kraticr. 
Thaobloolnr Ihtir *Uii (ii ti>h atilr ol ili« ixilid la in 

Kuro additional aUraetlooa lor tba riiow lor lu date In 

Oa irBbatR.-Wa clu»«our aaaa- u uf iwaDtr-twu «aaka at 
UumWrlainl, Md., itMTinn np^rarml In 1'«unp|iTAnla. 
Wa«t VirRliilaaud Manlaiid, niiii itiMlarataaacc««>, not 
b>nilDil up to IBH Ti^ara bunlurii\ bovtvnr. Muy Dt» 
laalnraawulbaBiiiltO ofxt M«>on. iiiakluB ihia up* oi 
tba larRwit ctnirarua vf tbo klod inTeiloR. Uadioal 
nhaoRo* alll i>oBiailB InuuriiillllarybRBdaBtoilollArni*, 
iDA'rumaniB, eio OnrlarBatnitiBaliUuHii rouodtnp. 

Bub IIahbia, tbe oinjc danctr, u with D« ft*or«ii Oor* 
don t fililppawB Hal. i>>. 

MiM>ii.L>iiKot'a Kqobh.— NoliM and roaiar ol Moliavk 
Madioliio <'o,, N>t ft: Ur lluuatoii. laaturar; J. II llil- 
mn, buHloii** uiUBBor: K l'. Lucba, aiBRe uianaiiar; 
Claudia Marriil T4w<aliM: I'rui. JapkBi>D, Black wir« |i*r* 
loniioi. and U I'oJiri>, prnpnetur. Oo Uci. SI ib« 
eoiiiMUT pl«>-i^l ibf rferort. "A Ihillar for a KUs," In 
whleh B r UuGUt iind t:Uiiilia U«rrlll va^e roarrlM. A 

. UuGUt RUdtNAiiilia U«rrlll ware roarrli. ^ 

nniitbar ul bouu<<atN ««r« ibruvn oo Uia aiajta lo Iha 

{oiiDfl onuptN TliB muAHfr ud paifoTQifra inada lb* 
rkia and amoin a nuuib«ror eonily p'omdu Itnliuao 

ood Lu«u«ara maklDRB hit in tba(r(ir<Rinal ikatch aD< 
tlUad "Utah Lli* 10 lOianiirTDwn " I'roi. jBokai>n, Iha 
hini tif Ut« wira r«0«tf«« bnuiiuata otnlitljr inmt th« 
audlaooa. Olaudia U*ir(ll la «l< |iinR ailli auoOMa **Tha 
Wiip I LoT^" aud *Tlia HaniaK«r«t UallB ara RlnnlDR." 
J K Padiao o*Tar IbIIb \o pUaaj ttoiloi "Who Pai 
llnRCioR You. Ilunali Br^iwnt'* tb* ooiupanr U piaj* 

inH MlfMUiltoMs buloaaN Nuita rroni Or bhur*» 

A H»ii)r««' HfHiloiDB ro.KarirNo 1: Or. D.H M Knt 
wall,niBoaRar and laciurar: wm OoUoa. builnaaiuiin- 
alter: Prauk CtiUon. Ht« Frauk I'oliitn. Mia.Pr V H 
jT Prvtaall, Carrla WluphilL Kr*d Hiero, hiIIt • olion. 
l*r\il LfVia BaTllle. and nitr triok dni;, himrt Wnarr 
D0» lu Idaho duInK o lino Uu^inaM KTar)bwty it- 
wall and bappf. aud Ibe nU fallow dra«««>l to whiu- 

makaa hi* Bpiiparaoca vvvrv Hiinday niPiotos 

er of Dr. lliiBi'A Uadicloa <4dTortUioii iv<iiren 

Praok A. I'-ooIr b-hI Ur. W. L. Il)r*b. unw rmrvUf 

tbniitih I'oBDaTlrAula Nnraa Irum KiokAPon Indian 

Hedloloet^ No. li. Bowto«TlQ| Idaho: Dr fl&Bperoar 

Jiiioa<IU«l id. Tnai«>ah«Tt* b««nMUO\IU|ttbeui»alT«* 
lahloR for niouiiiaiQtniui; the lh>oiti- Ham pmrad mb' 

in ait art lu flUiioR. Aiii«r hia uinee boura ibe Uoo 
B-i bap*9n uiakiDi nlawBT to thanrar, and baalaay' 
brlDKAbAokaB rlni for 'uppar Tbatrbf and Pitafar- 
ald are atlll with tita party. Ruri loiaon. oyrinAnn|*r* 

beapa ihlORB mnTlni liVflf, BOii eTar>i>odr la wrll 

Motea frui" WUaoo A brliona I'o.: u« qow 
tounnt WUMibBin to rv^^I bD^lnaw H<^»ifr: 
Witaua A bri|"ir. pr«prl»tnra: W. K Wilfoo, cowrto) 
daoil't and itotorar: Arood K Brilnii niiDBiai 
ao'l eomtd'Oo; Will llaniio»i>da. JniRlar; Joe ilraT^ 
bl-okiac« MtiR aod dtoee; Hitdtmito. orfanlai aod Killi 
Oltrk aotibreiia^ Tba ood pan) waa bai.oiifUd at Bai- 
num Wt« tici Ki,aPar iha *hoa b| Ira Van llorn, 'bt 
roiired ihAwitiaD All areerjovint imhI health udtbe 
Dio In •bite appaara eTer> ouoJay monioo wiih e 
bund fo of l<>nR iit'O.. . Rotter of la*UO Indlu 
Nedicioe t'o : Dr n M PinoeU, pmprletor: Frtdiicka 
an-i PkkiBii,UHi Lawrence. Bd Kme'Mto. tbe Ritaiiie* 

an>l three loitiani IJinaillla M-illeloal'o. Part> 4\ 

«ie In Iwwa Ur. 0. w, pardry, manaier and leetorar; 
, Miliiet^illinaand wlia, intiricAl taaoi; w. tX MrTimaken 
and Hlf*. Jn<>D Dxuabarii uil wiia. Tomm> Adana, Prpd 
MllKrudflB lodlao*. H|>ot Kagle wu OMIdWtlj ahol 
lo tlie btp. lla will recoTer. 


MtaiiAj Hicht'a Opralaga In aU tbe 
BIk Show TowB*. 


R. L Downing and the K«nilaltth« Leading 
Attrootlona.— S, R, 0. HouiMiha Rule. 
[Bpaolal Siapat4b to Tba g« v Torfe Ollppar. ] 
SIM FaaHOnoo, Nov. d.— Robert Downing began 
bla engageoieat at the Oallfornla Tbeaire laat 
evening, lo "Tbe Oladlator," and bad a crowded 

Baldwin TiigiTaa.— "I.ady Olagcartr" waa put 
on laat evening. Tba Keodala will oloie their on- 
gagement Id Ibia city lo, wlib "A n'nlie Mo." 

TivoLi.— "Joplior'' rtmalnj the atlraetlon al tbla 
huQaa. The auendanca laat eranlog taaled Ihe ca- 
pacltyof tlie bonae, and before eight o'clock Ibe S. 

OBAh'n OriRA nomi.— Tbo Mewell Broe. opened 
bore laat evening to a crowded bonaa. In "Tha 
Operator." The performance waa well received. 

OBraioa.— Smith, Martin, Holey and Bparka did 
not appear Uat night, on account of a nllroad de- 
tonlloD. Burke Uroa., Vcroon Inmloy, Biegrlit 
and Leo, Tonor nod Frobell, Hanaonl Blaien, Haz 
Peltloglll,Joaeplilne Babel aod Ooo. UaUIn opened 
laat night to B. It. 0, 

BrociwgLi'H bad ont tbe .s. H. 0. tign Ual nIgbt. 


The French Opera Coiiipany Open at New 
Orlaini and Sing "Werther" for the 
First Time In thil Country In French— 
"Mniie.Sar.>jGene" Played (or th.« FIrat 
Time In Amarlcri at Wathlngton. 

IBpaalai Olapalaaai lo Hia Ifew T'-rfc Ollppar 1 
CBioioo, Nov. 0.— Ix)cal iwelldom divided lla 
patronago between llooley'a aod tbe Scblllor laat 
Digbt, each booia being fliled completely, Al 
lliioley'a .Vda Iteban made bcr local bow aa a alar, 
giving "The I.Mt Word" a aplendid Intcrpreiailon, 
Theadvaoceaale for tbe weak la the largrat In tbe 
nhtory ol Iho hoate and her engagomeDt la likely 

to braakaome more recorda The FoUer-Bellow 

Company gave "Vranclilon" at Uie Bchlllor.dreaa 
log tbe play gorgeonaly, Hra. Potler'a coatiime» 
being azcepllonslly ibrlUIng Id isoro waya thao 

one Sunday nigbt Roland Read waa a pro 

noiuced aDoceaa at tbe Grand, In "Toe PollUclan," 
bla audience being the laraeat ot tbo Sanday open. 
iDga. ludon IloBii divided lliehonoranrihe evening 
for herOoeactlogandobarmlngappearauce. Mme. 
Tavary began her fortnightly auy at Uie Chicago, 

reuderlog "II 'Trovatcni"iO0DlyaralrturQ0iit 

"llDih City" liegao lla aecond ami laat week at He- 
Vlckcr'a, with the baloonlea Oiled and tbo lower 

door fairly palronlzed "My rartoer" lolro- 

iluced Louie Aldrlch and a Una anpporuog com- 
paDV to a big huoae at the najmarket, and "The 
still Alarm," turned In from the Aoulomy, found a 

packed bouae reaponalvc "Too Uuailcr' 

pa kcd Iho Alhambra to the gallerr walla "a 

OrackorJack" apurred a tiled bouae to much cn 

tbunlaam at tbe Clark Street Delia F iz enjoj ed 

fair boaineaa at tbe Colnmbla, where tt.o begin ber 

last WMk Id "Toe Little Trooper." "Acruas 

tbe Potoma''" waa locally preeenicd at Uavlln'a to 
abla lurouul. RdgarFroeraan, ^'nulk Walcott,Jull<< 

Weatand Maude Unrandweregood R iimaward 

rotomed to hnrleique attar a loogiliy racalloD,aDd 
looked f xtreDiely atiraouve at ihe head ol Sam T. 
Jack 'a "Haieppa" Co., whloh epjnred good Sanday 

iHislneaa at Mr. Jaok'a Kmpire llavUa'awaa 

oloaed during tbo three oooclnding poiforoMncra 
lut week, owing to the llloeaa uf Florence Blndl. y. 
Uln Ulndlcy la troubled oonaldetably with ber 
throat, aod daring tbe week bail an operaUon par- 
fiirmed. Manager nnltOD, of tbe Lincoln, forO' 
alalled a like nilaforiono Sunday by dolegatlng May 
llretouDO to onderaiudy tbe part, to be lu readlncia 
ahonlj Ulai Bindley not recover. Bad Uila plau 
been nnaailafaolory, be waa doubly prepand b) 
having the aconery, properilea and company In 
readlouia lo preaeni "(ilorlana," whlob ailnonon 
la laying oir hero tbla week. Ulaa Bindley tortu 
oauly recovered and gave "The OapialD'a Uaie" 
to atooaing big houio wim all ihovigorof a thor- 
oughly healthy peram, and won bigaucceaa 

Mhu Igor Frank llall had no caoao tor couplalui 
at the WiDier Oiroua, and at ibo t'ailuo a good hill 
ot uuceaaing variety caught ibe uaual Sunday 

otuwd The Vivian do Homo Uompiny opened 

lu a braoo of big hou...a at Saiu T. Jack'a Opent 

llouM, and made a very good Imprenalon 

Afier ft mooui ot tlarkneaa tbo Criterion reopened 
for Joaeph l.e Biandt'a produotlon uf "Too Strike," 
a rathcrlliiiltcd turnout being In attendance. The 
play la being prnonted In aid of organized labor. 

.... Sunday waa a good day tor tbe popular 
priced variety lionaea, anil tlio mnieuma Hbarnl 

la the nnaling t'rowda of amuaement HOekera 

llarrj Uorria' Uurlcaquera failed to reach tbo Ly- 
ceum lu time for ilio niailnce ycatotday, butO|ieaed 
I til night to a fair lionto, glvlug a niltling good 

•how "The .sun Alarm" la ibeaiuictlon at the 

Ulark Street next week, and not "Down In lil.voy." 

Qualllll'a World of Novelilri coinra to the 

l.jcenu neitwcok,iind not Field A llauaua'alirHW- 

lug carda "A Cracker Jack" laldoir bore a part 

of lut week Ilanager>i Ulaco Morria will 

I'loao Ihe Inur ot Uarrj Uorrla' Borleaiiuera wlih 

iiio eugagumeut iii ibo Olympic week of m 

Kill! A Lowenthal have Icaacd iha cnterloa for au 
vxleud^d torm, aod will optnltiiexl week wlih 
The Strike," fullowlng ihat with a alork comiiany 

prvaciiilng "Tuo Plunger." Olire Uatiln do- 

liaried Siinilay lor St, l.oula. Ho., to Join tbo dra- 
oiatlo itock al Fopc'a Thcatn lor tbo ataaoa. 

PiiiLADit.rou, Nov. 0 — lioiplto tbe ciollamont 
natural on the eve of elecilon and the dlaagrceaMe 
weather, iho ihealroa wore (airly well Oiled lut 
olgbt, alinoagh tbo afternoon peifomiancra 
aosered aoniowliat. Harte Rurroughs made 
Her Drat Philadelphia appearance aa a aiar at the 
Park, giving "Jadah." The huaae waa well Illed, 

ftud her recepUon waa itaiterlog UrealonClarkv 

began lila cugagemeul at the Gliard Avenue In 
lluy Ulaa," conrlderalily cut and altered. A bug* 
audience greeinl ibe teiurnotiheyoang Iragedl'n. 

. . lluaarli'a Conwdlana gave ''A Review, ' at the 
Vlieainul. David WatHeld and the McOoy Slateta 
worn Ibe principal ton makcta. Owing to lllneia, 

Amelia Olover did not appear LotUe OoUlna' 

Tniuiwdoura miad tha Walnut to overnowlng 

The Trolley Syaiom," wbloii proved to be bnt an 
aiupllleil vemlon ot "Tuhb'i Vlall," wblob the 
Oarnellaa have popularlted on Ihe vaaderlllo auige, 

aaa given at the Rmpire to a light honae 

People aloud In Ibo ponrlng rain ouuldo Ue BIJos 
jeiieidaj afteruoon w-lting tar the bouae to emp^. 
Hilton AMrn. Warwiok Oanor, Loulae Rojceand 
Loulio Uoore carrlcil og Uio honora In "The 

Ulkado." Sadie llanaon opeatd onder dliad- 

tantagea, lu "A Kentucky Ulrl," at Fotepaugb'a. 
A bad ipialn, reanlling from l tall on Sunday, 
ibrea'ened tor a time to prevent ber appearance, 
. . . . WilUama' Hrteora, at the Aadliortum, draw a 
tight atiamoon hoaa^ but boalnaaa wia good In 

ttaeevniliig ne Boitonlani wig "Tatlnltia" 

at Ihe Bioad, where the hooja waa comtortably 

Ailed Owing to lUneaa Oeorgle Cayvan did not 

appear In "The Amazona" at tbe Oheatnnt Bireet 
Opera Ilonae, ber place being uten by ttaode 

Odell. Tbo booie waa lliled down Halra A 

name baa at laat been daolded upon for Bardon'a 
new play, wblob the Lyceum Company are ttheara- 

Ing. It will bo called "Uorotbes" "Slareaof 

Oold" played to fair bualnoaa at tbe Peoplo'a. 

Hlaco'a City Club Butleaqne Company 

playeil to iilg hnaloeaa at the Lyceum The 

National waa well dlled, the attraction being "The 

Span o( lite." .'Eata Spragne'a Tronhadoon 

proved ft auong drawing card at tbo Krualngion. 

'The Old Sontb" lliled the Standard 

t^mcrona' Hlnatiela did the naual Monday bnal- 

neaa at Ihe Eleventh Street Open Honae 

Sundeen, Iho Bwlaa mind reader, waa tbo feature 

at tbe Ninth and Arch Muaeum Manager 

Foiepaagh la looking for a new leading lady for 
his atock compauy. It all happened yeaierday, 
when Fanny Mclntyre telegraphed from New York 
that abe refoaed to appear In Ughia in "All tbe 
Oomforta ot Uiime," next week'a attraction. Mr. 
Foropangn replied that ale mnit wear tighta or 
cancel ber engagement. .She adopted tho latter 
conrae laat nlgbl by wire. 

KiTOnLia>ia,Nav.e.— TheopenUigot tbe opor- 
alio aeaaon at the French Opera flonae 3 waa a 
brilliant, ariutlo and aoclal event. The Immenee 
audience which Oiled Uie temple of mnalo waa, In- 
deed, a good omen for the future, and ahowed ibai 
a more than ordinary Inteieal waa manlteated In 
Ihe opening of the company. "Wattber" waa aung 
for Ihe Omt time In America In French. It waa 
aung In F,ngllih at the Auditorium, Chicago, 111,, 
March a laai, by the Abbey & Qmu Orand Opera 
Company, and was heard In New York at tba Metro, 
polliao opera nonae, April it. |Tna i;LiprtR pub- 
llHhed tho atoiy laat April.] The opera atTordo ex- 
cellent opportunlUea for aenilmontal and dreamy 
melodlea, and these have been ably grouped to- 
gether. The opera la eaaentially ot Uie modem 
iTench Bcbool. "Werther" aerved to Introduce 
Kime of tbe principal people ot opera coroli|ue. Mr. 
llailly, tho tenor, who took tha ilue role, made a 
favorable Impreaalon, aod tbe sympatbeuo beauty 
of Ilia voice, lla remarkable awcruieaa and even, 
nesa throngbont won him conalilerable appUaae. 
Uoe. Uargiaaonno, aa Charlotte, waa alao eocceiu- 
rnL She la poaseaaed of a contnlto voice of great 
compaaaand la aalogerof inie dmmaUo loaUnci. 
Mile. Jane Daroy, a cbanteuae legere, wlih a dear 
aod nexiblo voice, and Mr. Frclch, baritone, were 
very acceptable In ihelr respecilvo roles. Tho or- 
oheatra, led by Glnii^l Ue Sweert, did vary well, 
and the opera waa credlhibly put upon the 
auge, "Olleite I)e Narhonno," a comic opera, 
preaonted Sunday evening, Inundnced HUe. Mar- 
gu-rll« St. Lanram, tho prima doDua. "La Julva" 
la hilled for Tmiaday night, when Mr. Anaaty and 
Hmo. Lavllle will make their American debnt.. 
Uriap and bright waa me emerlalnnient furnished 
■be pair.'Da ot the Grand Upeia llouae hy uili 
Skinner, In "Ula Grace da GmniranuL" The iboa- 

ire waa pacted to the iloora Effle Gllaler ap. 

peered al tbo Academy befuro a ihorongbly appre- 

•■laUTo audience In "Dorla." "The Tornado" 

picked Ihe Bi. Uharlos from pit to dome aod ibe 
ptrioroisnce win well received. 

BOSTON, Nor. 0.— The weather last night was or 
tho moat dlatgreeaHu nature, a Oorce, cold, raw 
uonheaatialoaiorm holding high rceel during the 
eulird day and far Into tbe ulglil, and compelllug 
Uic nae ot heavy orercoata. Neverthelcaa, there 
were enough Iboatrogoers who bnvcd Ihe storm lu 
makoafslrahowlugatthovarlouabouaea. At the 
Grand Uporn Ilonae Jaa. O'Kolll, in "Monie Crisio,' 
was welcomed by an andlence whloh. If not large 
enough In numuera to crowd tbe big theatre, 
certainly made up in well merited uppUuae whM 

iilaoted Id the former rcapcot "Sowing Ihe 

tVlud" waa tecu by a good house at the Columbia, 
and there were not a great many vaeaM 
acata at the Uullla Sireat Theatre, where Palmer 
Col's "Brownies' began lie sooond week... 
Tho Park, wlu "UH the Barih," bad a fairly 

good house "In Old Koutnoky" drew lu 

a crowd, oonptraUvely apeaklog, to the boston 

Tbeaire Hico'a "UK," at tho Tremoni, bad 

cooiforuble buslneas "Prince Pro Tem," at ihe 

Boston Muaeum, bad a One nltendance "The 

Cotton King" a-'oro'l lla tblrty.aecoutl performance 
at the Uiiwdoln Square Thealrv to ggod business, 
aud provod one of the best melurtrMmas ever aiMgcd 

hero Koltb'a New Theatre did not lock for 

patronago day or evenlug, and the popular prlca 
nouses got the beneOtot the storm, which dnro lu 
guoti buaiuesa tu hU of them. 

WaeitiKoinN, Nov. o.— Augualua Pliou'a pioduo- 
Uon, for the orst time lu America, ot Saixluus 
"Mme. Saus Gene," at Iho AllMiigh Oiand Opeia 
lluuae, waa an InitanUineoiia aucceaa. Tho pla) 
IS replete with niaiorlcal inieresi, and Is staged lu 
a manner never betoro approacUed In pujni ol 
grandour on tbe aUHto lu tuia clt; . Tuo out was 
excellent. Kaihcrlue Kidder, In toe llilo rule, ivaa 
recalled repeatedly fur tho excellent manner In 
wblciiBlie ponra)ed tliu diilloult paru Auguxius 
Cook made a decided aucceas In tho rele of Na- 
poleon, a part, iu the present case, mosi diillcult 
and r.xacllng. Tho Marshal I.elobra uf lUrold 
llusaoll waa also cxceUonU; done. Wallsre Shaw 
as Fouolie, James K. Uackott aa Uo Nclpperg, 
James Cooper, Charlca Pliiukeli, In (bet, the 
wholo cant of foriy-iwu eliamciere waa In tho bands 
uf excellent people. Tuo ladlea, Pi.piiclally Mario 
Sliotirell as (liieon Uaruline, and llcurlcKa l«nder 
as tho Princess Rllrji, were excellenu Tho play 
baa certainly m^do a decidedly excellent ifflprra- 

slou. The andlenro waa very larg^ "Thu 

Amatons," with Jobnasonc Ueunett in Uin leading 
rule, wan cordially received at Itapley'a National. 
This was lla drat prodiicilon hero aud llmot with 
hiiccesa. Tlie house waa large and enlbiiiiasllc. 

. . .Ilin Slurphy made his Brat atelbir bow among 
bis honiu people at lUipley'a Audemy of Muslu iu 
I.em Ketlle." Ula reception waa cordial and lie 
will draw well for Ibo week. Oeotge lllchaida and 
Eugene Canlleld were valuable elds tu Nr. .Miirpby. 
. . . Ada Orey, lu ''Kaxt Lyunc," had a gtwd honae 

at Uuilcr'a Uljnu Tbeaire The Rusacll Urolhera 

upened to a dne aiiondance at Kornan'a Lyceum, 
glvlug their usual ■tilafaotory peifuraianco. 

DsTMOiT, Nov. II.— "Tho I'rlraa Uonna,'' which 
held Ibo alago al c.iinphell'i Kmpire Theatre laat 
week, baa dlstatudcd. Manager Van Uilen, atier 
loaing conslderabls money on the piece since 
August lu, when tne season 0|iencd, decliled lu go 
no further. There were aevcutecu pioplc lo ibv 
cuni|uy. All or ihe memlxn except Nell Mo 
Nell, who Jolua J. J. Duwilug'a I'ouipauy, aod c. E. 
Rummcll, who will Join Cleveland's Minstrels, were 
aent back lo New York by the manager. Manager 
Mootr, of Wonderlai d, bsa secured Inei Mecusker 
to play a weck*s cugagimentattlieMuMUiii. At ihe 
close of Ibis week Miss Mrcusker will join the 
CUbonn Opera Company, and takclbc leading part. 
Manager Van Uatco, who la her huabind,wiU lake 
a peiceniage Inicrcai in Uic opera company. 

UiLWAi'iEk, Nov d.— With the opening of Ibe 
MidiTlnier Circus Sunday night and tha pollilcal 
paiidealait nlgbl the week'a beglnnlog waa net 
encouraging. Tbe Midwinter Clreon at Iha Ex- 
pusiUoo Building was formally opened Sunday 
enaing, and the landltorlnro was Uieially packed 
to suObcaUon, many people being turned away. 

The pertonnance ran smoothly and met with tbe 
approval ot the urge sasemhlage. Tbe stlendanoe 

last nlgbt was, however, only fair Bessie 

BonehlU,ln"Pbkyniates," began tbe aeek Sunday 
at the BiJou to good business aod had a fair bouae 

last nlgbt Sberldsn i Flynn's Cliy Sports 

captured tho largest opening bniloess ot Iho sea- 
son at Iho People's Sunday Tbe Cslhnnn 

Open Company gave ' The DIaok Unasar" tor 
uieir opening at Ibo Academy, Sunday, to good re- 
solta, and Iho aamc opera last niglit bad a (air 

house The Uavldaon gave a fair attendance 

to tho op«blng of Italy's Slock Coupiny, in "A 

NlghtOir,' laat cvenlog Tlio Wonderland bad 

good Sunday buslneas Kaler Slaleis, Biandon 

ft'id lluglDl, Gvorl Juilika, Plomoodon aod Adama, 
Uunou Sbwlcy and Master Clyde are tho annonuce- 
inenis fur tho Globe's opening next Sunday. 

UiKciNNiTi, Nov. 0.— Not tor mouiha baa the 
Orsod echoed with mote enthuslasUs applause 
than Ihat which greeted the Obarica Frouman Com- 
pany, lu "Sowing the Wind." Cnilalncalla were 
uumerona. The house was good At the Wal- 
nut street an audience of great proponlons en- 
Joyed "Aladdin Jr." On Sund«y'a bill there 

4sa only one novelty, flu and Webaier gave "A 
Breezy Time" lla drat local preacnuUon at the 

Fnuuiain, to crowded bouses 'The Tornado" 

il:ied Uavlln'a The Wilbur Opera Company 

opened to siaodlng room only at Ueuck'a, where 
Ihe living plctorea proved Just as strong a magnet 

as "The Mucoile." "A Ticket ot Leave Man" 

did only fairly at Robinson's The Now York 

Stani at tho People's were rcsponsllile (ur tbe 
airing ot ue "S. R. U." sign. 

Loi'isviii.i, Nov. e.— UacCanley'a Theatre open- 
ed to a crowded house, with "A Black Sheep" as 

the attraction "The Sideshow," at Uie Avenue, 

was large, but, owing to a Ore bresklsg ont In Ibe 
adjoining building, the piece waa ont sud the cur- 
tain rung down, tho audience dispereing belore 
they bad aoy Knowledge o( tbe existence o( a Ore, 
Laat nlgbVa altcndnncc was good, as the llrs did no 

damage lo tho tbeaire Cbarlea Dickson, In 

"incog," drew a ilue bouse at tho Grand Open 

lluuse last nlgbt Tbe Temple was dark, owing 

10 "Tbo Prima Uuuna" cancelling Rice A Bar 

100*8 llois Hill Co. packed tbe Oucklnguam last 
nigiit Tho new Gem opened u> a fair house. 

Sr. Loi'ia, Nov; u.— Gns UlU's NovelUcs drew two 

big houses to the Standard Sunday Pete Baker 

drew two top heavy houses to Uavlin's Pupe'a 

Theatre ira< packed Irom noon ilU night Felix 

Morris preseuted "Tne Old Musician" and "the Beat 
Man" to a good huose at the Olympic laat night. 

"Sport McAUiattr" waa greeted with two 

good bouaesatthe Uagau Julu Uarloiv-Talier 

pmented "Romeo and Juliet" lust night to good 

attendance at the Gnud "The Country Squire" 

company la reeling here, 

Kaksis City, Nov. 0.— Tho lom stale Band 
g»ve a concert at thu t^;.^ics last nlgbt to a light 

house At tuo (inind, yeaorday, U'm. Collier, 

In "A Back Nuiuiicr," opened to a (<lr matinee, 

lindliad a good house at night "Tho County 

Fair" opened to a gnud null nee ul tho Nlntli Street, 

and had a packed liuiise at nlgbl At tbe 

GllllB the Loudon Kuiplra Company had two good 


Milwaukee.— The opsolog o( the Uldwlnier 
Circus, one o( tbo important events o( tlio season in 
local ibealrlcai circles, occurred Nov. 4. Tbe lUte- 
nor o( the Kxpoililou iiulkling, which Uie circus 
iiccupU'B. has been irauaturmed into a bugo am 
pnltueaire, intiie ceuire ot whioh la ihe reguhiilou 
cirooa ring, with all tho familiar appliaucea. 'Cne 
>ea'a, sriHugeil around the ring, rjs" to a height ol 
abuut taeuty.flvo feet, excep. on tlie norm side, 
where rafresr.ini-uis are liorved. Tne building la 
heated by steam pipes, which run under u4cu row 
of eeais, and cioctricity la thf mode uf lighting. Iu 
addlbon tboru am four largo buxcs 'hich wl.l seat 
eighty ewii. Tbo enlrauco tu tlu ring N uu 
the west elde, aud ov^r It Is a box occupied 
ly Joarph Clauder'a orcricaira. THo Milwaukee 
Amui4Uiaiit Cuiuuauy are Iho ppiprieiora. and luim 
pri>e L. J. Rodriguez. Wliium S. h eu, Rmil Uan- 
oen, Wilis. Dean, itu^loeaaminagor of tne l>4vid- 
H..n Tuoatre, and Uavid S. Ruae, L. J. KodiUuez 
iielug iu.iuager. Too bill fur two wroks, opening 
i, la CaicoJn. tbo Niil«iu Family. Itajan, uran'o 
iioredt* and Vadis, tne LuudgreeoH, iho llullaudii* 
Iji M tbe aud Maynani, Itamzaaitd .\ruu. Prui' 
Uo«or'a Uaulue I'aiadox, JoAULevlas. tU" clown 
•fUd Uls educaliil mulea, Pror. c^i non's perforin * 
log horsea, Hud Mr. and Ufa. Kd Sklpp. Toeeuai- 
lug c<paoliv will p'.'roai<9 rwch a.uoii, anil at the 
lu Y price ot admission, which Is iweuty.dvo cuts 
to all paris, except iiie boxes, It luuks like h 

UAV1U90X TnHATiip.— Auinstin Ualr's Slock Corn- 
pony, beaded by Uonry B. Uixey. up.ned 5 (or uue 
*e«l!, "A Night OIF' bclog uifrred r,, ait, and 
"Seven Twonlf Eight" ti, lo. Uavid Ueiidcrauu'a 
"Alsd iln Jr.," w..ri.h la a supirui,pec,u.'lo. ilre« 
liiritea-iilleuces 1, L*, :i Tompklii's 'Mila.k Ciouk" 
cuMlea week o( 11; Clcvelon i'a MlnalrvK l.s. 

UiJOU GrisHA uuusa — Ueaslu Uunehill, lu "Piny- 
maic >," made her Ural aii|i-« Uere 4 and wees. 
Utitliuer'. "Hunch u( Krya" drew luhily I lat week 
LuKli AMrich, in "My Canuor," loutid week. 

AuiUtuv Ok' Mi'mc— The (^aiiiouo UiKia Com- 
pauy, lu 'Tlio Birtck (lus.«Hr,'' ilio flrsi uaK or t le 
■reek brglunlug 4, aud "Amurlia" iho l,uer uai(. 
"Darkest Kiiasia ' rioicd 3, the work thia 
house haa neru lu yvara opening at S. II 0. The 
large audltinit^a dliniiiUhcd nut- nughilv during tue 
wi-ek. "I'.io Prodigal Fatnci" week ui'lo. 

SraiiT TiiKATsa "LuiOB Vatei" was ihe bill 4. 

On UcL 31 "Auii.ra Drusehkl'' was agaiu given lu 
anod houac, as was Ihneu'a "Dion's Uuiise'"NuT " 
The .MiKvniiaee .Mualcai Suclely Cuncert s, with ilio 
(i>llu«iug sululatg: .Mtfce'.laLiudy, MptHuo; Krida 
ilwi, alio; SVIliism 11. llleger, tenor, and coorad 
llebrena. basso. 

I'sui'tk's TiiK.»THk.-8heMden i Fiymi's Clly 
Snuris Uurle,i|<ie Cuni)iany opened a week 4 
Allyn aud Llnganl, heading last week's house 
eiiuw, had (air business. Campoeil's London Uellea 
10 auti wi'ek. 

ULUBiTnKATKR.-A(ter using Uie namea Grotto 
and (lately. Manager P. A. Uuruin haa floaliy de- 
villed tu call tbe uld Suniiard Theatre tuo Globe 
theatre, lie roitpens iM* huusc as a high cluas 
vaudeville and cuiiibioatlon boose Nov. i-j with a 
atialghl npecUlly hill, which has not aa yet been 
annuuDced lu iia entirety. 

WUNUKH1.AND Mi'sspii.— Uuo ( aid wcck: Cnrlo 
Hail-Oaieiii's lllrds. Jean Gross, Turtle (isurge 
Cowboy Mldgeta, Jack llowllneaand Punch Rouaa 
TjuatTe—Tcgge aud Ihiulola, The Allyna, Wui. Ue 
lloe, Bntne' bug Circus and Palmer and UoMimte 
CuuroKS.— Aliui our local luanagera have been 
anxiously walling tor Ibc opeoiog o( the Mid- 
wlnler Clrcua, us In the oveui ot Us be- 
ing a big success ilie ibeaires, especially 
tne popular priced onea, will cerialnly sniltar 
severely, and considering the preaeni aver 

ago aiieodanco It would indeed be aenoua Tne 

Ueasle Uouohlll Compiny laid oir bere 'J, 3. 
Manager Jacoit LIU was at his home, this cliy last 
week, to attend I negoluen wcdtilnBiif his patents 

Mr. and Mrs. I. J. LIU The Calhoun Open Coin 

l»ny appeared at I'm Hloerian Casino, Waukesha 

tVls., 3 .Majtou'a Colorao Jubilee Slngera uug 

at one of our churcbe.-, m. . ..Wm, E. Uicksii of the 
lllckelts, acrl illaiB w.B In Ilio city earlt last week. . 
Sluco Uanxger Sherman kntrii a retiremcni iroui 
the e.\ecuitve Slid of "uiriiio E-vth" u U rumored 
here that w. J. Uiaiy wuuld ouun be Inlertsicd in 

Uie venture Msosgcr llruwn Is sxpeclodbere 

soon to give bis entire attention to the Davidson 

Tneatje Cort Treat, a ucwapiper man from 

here, la in charge ol J irob Ll'i'a Sunuiem "In Old 

Keutueky." Tue Ivy Leaf Triu (Wheeler, Hade- 

Ilue ami Bdwaida) iniend lo go out In "A Merrr 

Tiuio'' soon .Mr. and Mra. ileorgx U. Nlcolol 

of "A UTa"ker Jack" Company, were here tbe latter 
part otlaat week. 

Pond da Lar. — At tbe Oreeceni, Get. «. 
i''S'^?5.' Jirtk" had lair auendanco. "The Power 
?i GSl* ' !»">«> Nov.6,aia<»ya WallU In "A Gin's 
Way" >, lbs Calhoun Open Co. 13. 

diama. Is promised an early pndacuon. 

»a, DaL, 

All Routea Mint Reach Ui Not Later 
Thin Monday. 


A'^iisir.vvM*"''*"*'^"''"'^ '■'o. 

"Aemaa the Potomao"— Cblea^e, II'., Not. ^10 
"Aliddio Jr."— OiooiDDaii,0.,NoT.ft-HltRtt>ODli. Ho 

"ArterTreoir Yean**— ^'eraBtOD, P»,, Hot ic. is 
"AtwDt Qoiliain"— TafodU), Cwl, Nat 7, HamlltAia u 

Bt.Tboni»a9. XfAodoo lO. Detroit, Mlob . n-i*^ 
"Aoot BHdfet"-New lliTeii. Ot. Hot. Wft ProTideote. 

"AiD««a"-WartilofU>D. D. a. Not. 6-IQ. Baltimore 

HO , ia.|7. 
"A itnij W'-Alhaay, N Y , Nov IOl 

BVTon'a Ollver-Oltvslaad, o.,Nov.T Slnaitrllia v 
J_Ta, 8. 9, KtlsoBvlUa, O., 10, iolombgi |£|5; tftj; 

Blndlai'YP""»<»-<'"«*«0. la, Nov. t-W), Dalroli, 

Bonebllk's Basris-Mllwtaksajria, Nov. 4-ia Uadlio. 

II Bsnboo tl. La CroMo It, Winona 11, Kio ouin, in 

Stillwaur. HIDO., 17. 
Bani>a A Marvla'a Playaia—Wlnobsatar, UL, Kov &-ia 

OhIlllaiUia. «o , is-it; • 
Barr^^a Wm.-PIM»borf, Pa, Kov. S-UH BrooUya, x. v.. 

Bssar'a P. f —SI Loola, Mo., Nor I-lo 

Boho Oafoady-Soathbrldga, Ct, Nov. 5-10, Wooaiockel, 

Bafdwla-Boaara* Comsdy— Gahiaavllla, Fla., Nov. c-io^ 

Barronths', Maria-Phlladalplila, Fa., Nov. s-lo, Ballv 
more. MiL, U-lf. 

"Borglsr*'— Onalph, Ont, Nov. 7. 

■ Baml ot Honer '-Harirord nily, led.. Nor. 7, Loioni 
MrtS. AlUea (.Oovlnat^n 10, RoctTllla IX Tipton ll 
Rwood 14. AlaisBdrla 17. e u i 

"Baoeh ol Ea7a"-at Paul, Mlon., Nor, 4-10, Vlootapo. 

"Baggsga Check"— Detroit, MIctL. Nor S-ia 

"Bloal iTiook." Tompkins', No. I— Detroll, Hlcb.. Nov 

S-lOl UllwaAao, Wis , 11-^7. ' 
"Blast Crook," ToBpklna'. No. 2-wllmlai 

Nov. 0 Alwoo^ Pa ,10. Bicboioaa. Va , II 1, 
"Brotnia*"— BoatOB. asaa.. Nor. 6-10, N. Y. Cllr 1S-2A 
"Bloat Shs<p"-Laalnlllo, Xr. Nov. 7. UilaiioE s 

P»t^B», Davtoa, O., li; D<holt,^loh.. IS-li, TolAo, o ; 

'-Braaty Time"— OlooiaDau^O., Nov. 4.10. Ulddla'on 1) 
Xenls IS, Wilmington 14, wsahlngton Court Uouu u* 
Jsctaon IS, Laucwier 17. ^ 

"filaa Jeooa"— Maridlsn, Mlu, Nnv. 7, Montaomarr 
lla.. 8. Blnalnahun >; ^luoboa Ulss.,U. Nun Ua 
19, SHAnnah. Os , 19, 14. Charleston, s! 0 , IsiS' An. 
ouats <1a.. '7- 

Coghlsa'a, Roia— Cantoo. O , Nov. 7, aavalaod S-lo 
X>oarold'«, amrlcb-N Y. Clir Nov. 8, InOeOnlta 
Colllafjk Wlule-ICuusa City, Bo, Nov. itlu, BTsanllla, 

OlAitAD.jADaaaehek— Bs]Umor< Hd., Not. s-io. Reran. 

ton. Pa.. 18, 17. 
Coraarford'a, J, E.-Nswport, VL, Nov. 8-10. BL Johni. 

horj 12-14. 

Cattia', M. B.— Taaalon, Haas., Nov. t, Lowell Lyon 

Crane's. W B — N T. Olty Nov 8-Daa I. 
C>arka A Partloson— Omaha, Nab., Nor MO. 
rhnau's,HatUa-ClearLUia. la, Nov.g, MAakato, Hint., 

Corbslt's, Jsnus J.— Esoknk, fa , Nor. 10, Poena. IU is 
"iniatloy's Anat" No. 3-Ogdsa, U., Nov. ;, Sll Uta 

Oit» 8-10. PoeWo. C«l , H. . - <i awii i^a 

"Cbarlay'B AOBL" No. 3— BroaswioV, Oa., Nov. 7 Jack. 

snntlUs, riA, a Barsnaab. Oa . >, U Aaiasu 11 13. 

Nacna lA ^Bonlfomsry, Ala , U, Oolambas, Oo., W, 

"t'.apt. Panl"— Boa'toB, Mass , Nov lc-17. 

"Canity Falr"-Kasssi City Ho, N>v, t-M, Onsbi, 

"Oraeter Jaet"-Chles|o, la. .Nov. 4-'0. 

'-t'«lAoal aos I"— Boaion, Hosa, Nov. 8-10. Nswiiotr 

B 1, 11 Brockton, Bass., la-17. "•"I'o". 
"CIma Oltl"— PiluOeld, Baaa.. .VoT. 7. 
"Charley a Aaot," No. I— Barlam N.V., Nov.o-ia 
"Toait Ouard"— Pooilac ill, Nov It, Rraidwood u. 

JollaUN AurAta IS. Loekpnrt 10. ffSQhaaan 17 
'Clean awe«p" -nhompolgn. Ill, Nov. 7, Clloton 8. 

Blnomioaton 0. Fatri>nn U). PnnUsa ix Johat li 
'Cn^a Ho^da or Ula"— ttaiasbunr. 111, Nut. 7, DacAlur 

8, 'prlnaOtM 8. JactaooTlllo 10. St LoglA No'.ll-ir 
•S'ouoD Atng"— Boaton, Mass , Nor. 8-Dao 8 
••Cork Hu"-UasMlaa, Pa.. Not. 7. SeiBoun 8, PlUslon 

>. BlnahAtalon. S. T.. la twv.nia la 
"Conatiy Ultcos"— BiDOtlya, .N. T., Nov. 8-101 PlUahnn 

Pa, 13-17 

"Coon HolloW-Ftaaklln, Pa, Nov. 7. TIuktIIIs 8. 

Brajlpni 8, Olaan, N. T,10, slnilia 12, Troy 13. 14. Al. 

baay 1^17 
'^n''^ Juha- N. T. Oily Nut. e-Dao. I. 
^ Donnellr A Glraid'a-OlsTelaoe O., Nor. 8-10 EaU. 

mauo, aiot , 12, Bay Clly 13, But Bagtnaw 14, Oauoii 

Oreo's, aidary-Ellishelh, N J.. Not It 

Uallar'a Polar P.-BaSalo, N. Y.. Not. 7, Columbus, 0., 

8-li^i hieaao Hi . 11-17 
OtctMo a, cbaa B.— LuulavlUo. Kr, Hav,8-I8. 
Daly a, Au«.~l1i. PaaL HInn. Mot. Ii-U 
Danroitl A Baaton's-Wmobahotlar, (od. Not. 7. Hart. 

tool 12-17 

OATia Oban L — PIttsbnrs, Pa , Nov 8-10. 
"■'OlTr's Ulunilara"— BompbiA Tons, Nov. V, lo Chat- 
tanooga 14. 

••Oaa:ar," No l-Bhrav-pnit, Lv. Not. 7, Honatoo. Tax , 

8 uaiTealonO,Baa Antoato lu, ll. Waycroaa 12, DA.laf 

19 r.irt Worth 14, Toxartaaa u, Uol SpriassL ora., Iti. 

LluleRootl7 . 
"* Dar.e»t Ku.s a"— OaTaanort la , Nov. 7. Odar Rapids 

K, DoaMiiloeaS Bt Jtt^yh Ho , 10. KaanaCitr 11-17. 
"Uetny Moafrtt"— Paur-oo, N J., Not. S.IO 
"Uanlor," No. 2-Bar Olur, Hlob . Not. P, Bs<t SoglnsT 

lu. Linalns 12 Jaeta.ia 19, BaiUo I'laat 14, galsoiaioo 

18 Boatoo ■•arborlS, Bliln. Ill, 17 
"Derby Wlaosr "— Itocbauar, N Y., Nov 7, Vonnistoirn, 

I Worreo 8. Columous 12-17. 
"Danserauraiiraat OIn"— Cincinnati, 0 , Nov. 11-17. 
"Iioon In Oiala* — ladlanapolis, Ind , Not. 7. Eaoknk, 

la 18. 

"U«Tli's AueilOB *— Colnmbiia, Tnd.j Not 7 BTsasTllloR. 

a. Uwonaboro. Ey., 10. Buwliog Urcan 13, Padueali 13, 

t^Airo. Ill . II. Mampltta, Tann ,13-i7. 
'I?luiar*a, Bfll^-Now Orlaana La . Not. 4-10 OslTofloo, 
■A-t Tel.. 13 Uonsloo 19, Baa An oulo II, AuaUa i8. Fort 

tVoiib 18 Daliaa 17. 
Kllla', Chos T -Baodlag, Pa, Not. 7. 
Karia a, Oiaham-araenOoM, lad.. Not. 8-10; Haitlna- 

Tilla 13-7. 

Euimat'o. J E -AloM, O., Not. 7, Clavoland 8-101 Cblu- 

go, Ul., 13-17. 
Elf invood'a riarars-Forart City, Pa.. Nov. 8-la 
Bva Taniuay nomedy— Satavla, M. Y., Not. 8-U, L«k. 

port 12-17. 

"Batlan "— Paterson, .V. J., Nov. 7, Rlliabalb 8, Troolon 

lU. Nurlolk. Vs., It. 13 Rteliniond II, lA 
"E3IIU.4I "-Eieiar. N. U , Nov. s. Ralem, Ha>a, 0, Filch. 

bun IU. Naanua, N. H., U ADOSbury, Haas , 13. Ipa. 

Willi 14 Cooconi, N. H.. lA Uannca, ilaaA, li, 17. 
"EUf ewood Piiik'," l(aywood'a-La araaia, Tel., Not. 7, 

Hnotuin 8, aalTssioo 10, Vlolarla 14 Hoo Antonio 19, 

Au.iin 14 Taylor i8, Tampio 18, Wua 17. 

Bnaniioa for Iitls"-Now Britain, Ut, Not. 7, Wallloi ■ 

(oivl^ 8, Maaeboatsr 8. Willuaaniio 10, Paurwo, N. 

EVxIer'a Joak-Doa Holaoa, la. Not. 8-10. 
A l^irrls' (.'omoUisn-BoMan, Ho., Nor, T Nsw Hadrtd 
8-HI. Ohatlaalon 13-11 

'Krlla<la"-Kaisu Cliy, Ho., Not. 8-10, Das HolnsA lA, 
l^ Xonfaalltowa 18 
■ Faust, " Laarodi's-Wllolngun, D«L, Not. 7. 
"KAit Holl.'i Nonhara-Anna IU , Nor. 7, Cairo 8, HMro. 

f nils 9, ofaarlaaiun, Ho., 10. Hiotoiaa, ay., 13 JackioD, 
ann , ll.MarUeld Ky, IS, Padaoah IS, Oaanaboio 17, 
HTAaaTllKlnd., U. 

Put Hall," 8oalhsm-Ro«k Bpringa Wyo. Nor, 7, KAW. 
Una 6, Loraiuto 8. noayouno la Daarar 11-I7. 
'Fanio Hnmsnl"— PonlAod, Ma, Nov. 7, Hsnchsstar, 
N. U . 8. Li«ronoo, Haas . 10 

Fanis>uia"-roiutiiwn, Fa., Nov. 7, 8; Reading >, 10, 
WaaltlBglon, O U., 12-17. 

'P;ii'i," Borxlaon a, Wsalan-DainlL MIoIl, Not. 7, 
Flints, But Saginaw 8. Boy Otly 10, draad EapUla 12, 
IX Doaaalae tl, blkhart, Ind., tt, Bloomlngton, IU., 
14 Alton 17. 

1491," Hlea'a-Boslon, Hatl, Not. 8-10. 
J-iag ol True*>'-Nawart, N. J., Nor 7- 
f^ut.L*' Xonlson'a. Boston— Hobokaa, N. J , Not. i, 
Krank^oid, Po-, 8, Loneuur 8, fork, 10, Boltlooro, 

Faiial," (irtllUi's-UurlObTlllo, 0., Nov. 7, Whsollna, 
W. Vo-. 8-10. 

A ll.4l"-I>oaotar, III., Nor 9 

Ploalxoaa Holr'-Burllnauin, lo, Nnr. 7. Ksohnk K 

Gtlmnoy, III.. 9, AlUiu 10. n LoalaHo, 11.17. 
Loodwin'a, N c.-«l. PanL HIna., Nor a-ia 
GaiiDaa LlllpaUaos— N. Y. ihty. Not 8-10, Bobokon, 

Ijill'ltia's, Wm—PrOTldaaea, B. I . Nor 8-10 

Uunr a Bobbr-BL Loula Ho ,Nor 4-KI, BalloTlUa, la, 

11, JaekaooTllls It, Springgald 19. IMealor II, Foorlo 

U. Buaalor IS, Jollot 17. 
Oray'a, Ada-WaahlngloB, D. 0., Nor 8-10. 
UoaUionj'A NsUlo-iVooditoct, Coo., Nor 7, Toioaw 


".Contedy-polblor, 0., Nov. 7. OnitarS-ia . ,„ 
"Ulrl 1 Loll Bshiad Ha," No. 1-N. Y. City Nor S-IO, 

Bro 'kljn, N. Y , 13-tA 
■Ultl 1 LaltBoblnd Ho," No. 3-8l*nbaavlUo, 0., Nor 12, 

Akioa 18 

"Uallay BioTO"— BletamoBd, Ta, Nor 7. 
;^lalely aitr-N. V cm Nor s. Uidalnlta. 
'Orrot Brooklyn Uondioap"— BalUmoia, Hd., NoT.8-10. 
Waahiogion. D. 0., 12-17. 
■"■aft Pbilodalpbla 13-17. 

lllilmaa-s Hoada-Horlboio, Hosa, Not, 8-10, Porta- 

moulb, H U, 12-17. 
Iloi«jn'a.^lo-Fttladolpblo, Pa, Not, 8-10^ BocbMtar, 

Bailan" A u'atrs-N. T. Oily Nor 8-101 Baltlmoia, Hd.. 

Bldo'a Comtdy. No. l-arvansbotouBb, lad., Nor 7. 

ksonanlS-lli. wluiBsea 12-14 Harktavllla u47. 
H?J*.' K"' »-"lblaniab«ra. lad. Nov. 7, 

Urda 0 Ijonsdy. No a-.Hsw sa<om lad , Nor 7. 
Goei 'A Wm -a»«a, N. J , Nor 18.17. 

£0 IVIT Tboatr»-Boawall, lad., MOV. 8-181 Koai- 
Bannaooy Laroyla-Alhaaiaa CIO, Ksa., Nov. 7. No* 
.„'!"'h 'ft'' 71'- '■'\,'>'!7 '8-U, daihna IMT. 
"UnMl«r'--Chicaav, III , Nor ill 
' Hoaa aad 8naa"-Bnlblo, N. T., W Mt . . 

? IJoniplv," Bolas Bna ' No. 1-Tork, Pa., Nov 8. 

nullala 8 La&uon 18, OolaaiUo la Hanovar la 

Waynoabon 14. Cbamhartbarg U, Hagarstowo, Hd., 18. 

aorunabarg, 18. Ta, IT • 

!^ "JSS'S' 1^ ■ aar"-lBdlaaapoUaIad. Nov. T.. 

A »U Old taalaaky," No. l-Bcm Haoa. Nov. a 





"lUOiui-'-Tuu, !», MOT. 7. Tol«lo8. AauMl»^10^ 'llowlair Ik* Wind," N«. l-BoMoo, M«M^ Not. t,lDd(r. 
MMMkttft 1^ IS. I laltt, 

•10 OM Kntackrr Ho. t-Vtmphli, Todb, Kot. 7, ' 
»I«r Ii«tl"-Uwr«io«,l<««l, Kor. 7, HMbo».H. B, ^ AllmU)nl7. . . 

, MuiL, ». 10 Mom K Boaui mmlDibui II, Hapoilw"— Mtlmon, 
I>>willl4THtTorlilAu,l'luhbiil|lItHwllK>nl7. 1W7 
.•lriibApli»"-N T.01l»Kof.^'CFiu«)nr«.r». U-lT. "aomiMr mUnnl' 
"ID OM KtouokT, ' No. »-Bpokui«, Wwh ..TloT. 7. MU. Ho, 11-17, 

■oal4, HoB.,8, Fr«IaB»9, 10, AoftOODdill Bntto 19-17. 

"Idler'*— UAvfoo, O., Nnr. 8 
TuMn'lk /*fl<-N. Y. CIW Nor. t-Dto. I. 
o Jdle'ioo'*. Jowpb— nlubstf, Tt., Not. t-lo, rtll». 

"JtD*." No S-Ooanoll Blnlfo, lo , iffor. 7. 
"Jo«bDm.slnpk(OR"~Au«a«u,lf&, NoT.r.Toni& nidi. 
mood t, BUb 10, Boolb Boj U. BrauMok U, BlMo- 

Md., KoT.t-IO^nUldtlpblvrt 
Uol Rprlon Ark..NoT. t, la. Ullla, 

EMM'i. Thoi. W— ^orauii. Tel., Nor. 7, DenlKo D, 
roit Worth •. 10. DeoTer.Col , lt-17. 
Keodil'e. Mr ud Hr«.-IOD rruelHo. Cel., Mor. VIO, 

roillud. On.. IVIt. Keuile, Wub- lt.17. 
Kttoe'e. J. K -r.ooooid. N. H , Nor. e-M Uortr 11.17. 
Keonidfii riuen-Bllubelb. N. J. Nor. e-IO 
gMiiedT'e.I.'ai>ii-nillidelphle.P>. Nor. IM7. 
"Eld"-I>an«o, 0 , Nor. 7, lodluopollo, lod., (-10, 
BreDtrllle 11. 

"Rllluner^ad ihA nhlae"— R«cb««ter, N. v., Nor. 6-10, 
Ull 0117, P*., 11 Unloo Clu a TIniillla U. 

Lfceam Tnntn. ProbmoQ^ifmedi-PbllBdolpbta, Pl, 
Nor.a iOlUuleni. N. Y.,li-17. 
Lo'U'. LllMu-AUanlt, 0:, Kor.>10. 

I,«iur*«, Mli)Dl«-Mtloo«, N.V., Nor. B-10, OgdeaabuTf I *T«DpeT«ac« 

Taratr'i. Cirri*— I lul ford, Ct, Kor. 7, Tror, N. V 
AlbujO.N Y CiirlMI. 
Tb« epooMr •-•<4ftlU. Mo . Not. t-ia 
Taek*T*B Pmnk— narrML 0 . Nor. 5>10, 

TIUM-StMl* 0OD«d/-flMUD«. tod . Ifor. 6-10. 

'Tnp to Cblut«n," No I— Uftrapios, r*.. Nov. 7. 
IndUatpolii, Ind.. 14-17. 

Trip tn ablDkt««Bi'' No. l-8ar)latloii. Tk., Nor. 9. 
ptiMbvK, IIL.IO BlooBiottm ll.1u BiJj« U, JoUot 
14, KuktSM l\ lAlftjttto Id. DuiTlU« 17. 
'Tm Nl|ht» ID ft Btnwm"— Eltuooloi, Pa- Nor. 7, 
Jobotoabaif IS, Da Sola U, PaBiRau«a*r16L Uaai- 


'TatM Wjatr'-Tplado. 0, Not. 7. [Wroti. )li<*.. .t.l^ 

BoflUo, n. r. u-17. 

>*Tiirklah tath**-Tletorla, B. C , Nor. 7, Naulno 9. Vu- 

ooarart, 10. 
*Tn>UavflraUm'*-Pbltad*lptala,Pa.. Not. 6 10. 
ronudv Nonfaam— ClaeloiuU. O.. Nor. 4-10. Rami)- 
too U. Dftrt«o ll BprlDiBaU II, Urbaoa 15. 
Tomado." BoatHem— NaT (irlaaDi, La, Not 4-Ul Pao- 
aaoolft Pifc, " ^"TL 
flalaa Ala 

Kalaoa'a, John-Bofota, S. A., Nor. & ladtdalta. 

BlORllDfl Broa'.-MraTaport, Ia, Not. 7, Meoroa K \ icka- 
bofff, MIM^ ». QraaoTllIa la Natabti llJaekwm U, 
YaioA Oitr Qraaoweod U, Koatoako M, Waiar \ aA> 

Rodrkmai^ L. J -Mllaaokaa. Wli. Nor. 4, lodaAoil*. 
BaUa Bioa\-(JalTaatoa, Tax . Nor. it. Aaallo 11^ 

lAintwTt k Lqoqi'— Lime Spriosa, fa., Not,h-10l Lila, 

«lOD..Wi4.Bloflmin»rfmlr1a» <7. 
Llcd!«r*i ilftTf — Kalliax. N B , Nor. A lndafiDlta. 
LaoRUy. Mrr.— Scfuton, Pa , Nor. 7, Laoea-iar 8, BUta- 

teili, N J..IO1 

LTcaam Thaatr*. Sharplaj'a— Talaoiuh, I. T.. Nor. 5-10. 
Limn'a *)09. vr -Wanaw. N. V., not. 6-W. Olaao U-17. 
••Loft Paradlsa**— Orand Naplda. Mleh., Nor. 7, Fludlar, 

0.. 10. PliUbura. ra., 12-17. , 
"Llmltod Hail"— Bal 11 mora. aid-. Nor. 5-10 Bataratown 

11, CambarlfDd 13. JnbDitoirn, Pa., II, arooaiban U, 

CoeaailaTltla 10^ MoCaaiport 17- * 1 

'Laod oftfra Vldalght flQO"-I>ataU), MIod.,Not. 9rVL 

DC Paal 11-17 . 
"Libartr Hall Boaloa. Uaaa . Not. I2-I7. 
"Laoa or the LlrinK"— 8aa Pranotaeo. Cal . Hot. IS-17. 
"LoU lo B^fpt"— Daohnry.Ot, Not 7, Watarbarr&New 

Brluln 9. HMjoke Maai., 10, Nav Hareo. CL. lS-14, 

Bridgeport 15. Wllllmaotio II Fall Rlrar, Maw ,19. 
"LII«aaafd"-D«trDlt, Micb , Nor. 4*10. 
'•UtUa Obrlitopbar Colambaa"— N. T. OII7 Not. 5, lo- 


"Ltuia Trinla"— Braill, lod, Nov. 7. Uqiod 0ltrll.8t 

Mar; ajl.. IS Dtdaoco 14. Bowllaitlnao 15, 
"UAf wiodamara'a Faa"— Hsnpbia, Taoo., Not, 9 lOi 

RTaoiTllt»,Ind.. IflL ■ 
"Llide flpAcaUtor**-Albaii7,N. Y.Nor. 7,e,Bbloaba«k 

9. PiBhklll to, YoDbtra 19. North Adima, Maaa , 1^ Corir. 

Pa. 19 • /. 

• i-AM iQ Kew York"-Cblcaco, III., Nor. 12-17. 

Mar:nva*»,Ja1la-8L Loala, Jdo.. Nor. 0-10, Cbieago, 111.. 
12-Dmx I. 

HoTartbk'a, Dan-Toroolo. Cao , Nor. &-IOl Oaalph 
ll.ecThnTaa iX BiaotfonlU, HtuillloQ l5-:7. 

Nurphr'a Tim— WaKhingtOD. D. 0 , Not. 5-IU. 

MaatalVa. R. B.-UldJIftno, 0., Not 7, IaOlaDapotl^ lod., 
8-10, 8L L-iula, Mo , IJ-I7. ^ ^ ' 

MoUann'a. Nelllo— Uariford d., Kor.O. 

Maohla'M. Jas. B.-Loal•Tl|l^ K7.,Nor.S-10,ClaoUDAll, 
O., 11-17. 

Uaorilald a, RIchaiU-UUca, N. Y . Nor. 8, Tror tO. Mart- 
lord. Cl i>. flpriD^a^ld. Moan., li Ujnu 15 

Matropolitaa Cnreetlr— 4lDi«orth, la.. Nor. s-IOl 

Mainfle&MoadiaQi-Marce loa. Mleh« Not 5-10. 

Mnille KilKnebeek (Uimedy-naTarhia Uaia , Kot. 7. 
L«v«l)I^IO.>onflmoath, N U.. 11 Bxatar l3.Nawinar* 
k«t 14, BpplDR 15, Salmon FalU W. Nortb Berwiok, Ma , 

Uacreidr'a, J. W — Plriuoath, Pa . Kqt, 5-)0. 
MofTli-, Falli-b*. I»nl^ Mo . Nnv. 4-IO 
Mar-h'a B*tact Plaram- Soath Bo«oa, Ya , Not. C-10. 

R«MiTllla,N (1, 1M7. , 
Uurphr> Jotaph— Norrliitovn. Pa , Nor. 7, Camdaa. N.. 

J.,8, nhattat', Pa, 9. Wilm<D|tua, Dal., Jo, Patabant, 

Pa. ia-17. 

Mar Yokiiii romtily-PaltOD, Mo.. Nov. 5-10, Sadalla 11-17 
*-Mme Hint Oaon *— WaHhlnglon.O 0 , Nor. 5-10. Pblla- 
dalpbia Pa, ls-17. ' 
"MMAwood"— BioRbvmtog, S. T., Nor. r 
"Mr. Nameioi NavVork"-BTaDariila, Inil , Not It 
"H^ ^Partaor"— Oblamo 111., Nor. 4-ii\ Mlliraakaa, Wla., 

"ilf Wift'ii Ho>>utid"-S5'racui«, .V. Y.. Nov. S-IO. 
"MePadJOD'a Bloptm»ot"- WilltHbarre, Pa., Nor. 7, 

ScraDtoQ K Roehuiar. N Y , 15-17 
''Huna' Laiidloit *— I'aieraon, N. J., Nor, 7. Dorar 8. 

llarJeoaarkO PaMalolO. 
"M^n aid Wuiuao"— Philadalphia, Pa, Nor. U-i;. 
"Milk Whita FUs"-N. Y i:ilr Nor. 5. iD-leflaira. 
"Mao ID BUck'*-Oaiaba, Neb., Nor. 8-10. 

, llTllobile, Ale. 13, Marldlea, Hln.ll, 
IS, MODUoaierT li, BinDtBabeni 17. 

To»D"-Wllllene»oj». N. Y., Nor HO. 

ITeiiDMU'i Perine/'— )Uiii|ihl^ ftno^Nor. n-H, 

■■ 7, .'I, Teuitue, 

\r.)blev, MIlioD— Jthrereport, Ia. Not. 

Tel.. 10 lloi H^rillK^ Ark.. 13 
.V4reird i:oiii»<ll— l^-lloe Mo.. Not. 5-10. 
yoihomolA'ii. ()Is>-N. V. RJir Nor. ».I0. I'lilUdMpfale, 
r. , is-Uk 1. 

Nou' JollKlBP— Nt'iootl Home Va, Nor. 7, Newport 
Nevs a. xull'ilt :'. RilKlib. K. u . II. (rilmioeionni. 
Merloo, a i:. is. Ploreoco 1(1, Derlloflon I;. 
Neorille'.. MmA nod Aou — Jpuiette, Pe.. Nor. 7, Irwlo 
& N'lr n«ue 0 Kl'.uanioic II. Da Sol • 13 Lock Uerui 

MiiDUiorardle IS, Huooy IS Haoborr 17. 
- ■ " N..Y...Vor 7. BaOiloB-lO 



"Navflouib"— Rrracuae, I ._ 

"NoralDw" -Albios. N. V . .Vur 7 Roehaatar H-V). 
'■Naw Hor"-N. Y. Citr Nor. 5, tadaSolta 
■■N»v Bor"(rofJ)-JioVaoQVlUe. 111.. Nor. 7. UoDmouth 
& Daraoporr. la., 9. Uai Molnra 10. flioox City ll, 
(^QDCtl Hiudi 13 
SelU'i>,Jan«it-Doiilon,Ma«i.Nr)T 8-17. 
Ocania— .Vortli Baliimom. 0.. Nor 5-ia 
OU'H, Joiepli -DubiH|ua. la Not. 7, U(a<toti, 111.. 8. Fort 
Ua4l*on. la. 9. Peoria. III. 19, Oraod RapldH,Mlcb„ 
18. 17. 

Ovoo tUrtlattTheairo-pAfetia. la.. Nor. 7. 
> ciar Uoola Uadlar '— Pliuburf, Pa . Nor. 5-10- 
•'Oar K at' -Albaor. N. Y . Nnr. 7. 8. Trof 9. UL 
"Old HniDo<t»iJ," ThninpMD'N~Worci>a'.Kr. MaM. Kot. 
7. UartforO. Ct , A 8]>riDffle'd. HaM . 9. K Mlddtetoim, 
Ct, li, Nov Uitulo 13, waurbarr 14. Mrridoo 15. Naw 
HavoD 10. 17. 

"On ilm MiMliittprr'-Biooblrn. N. V., Nor. 5-lr, New- 
ark, N. J., li- 7 

■ Old Olnrf-N Y. Oily Nor. 5-10. 

"UidFanuor Ilopblo4'^-Batarla.0., .Nor Wiocbaalar 
9. Uoriow 10^ H'aroaarillo 13, l*«larTll(e Ui (foa'b 
CbarkatoD 11. 

'"Oo tn* H<>varr"-PortWavDe, Io<l., Nor.0, 10. Ofalcaao, 
IIL, il-i;. . . V, , 

"uh, WltataNlKbtr-^Omaha. Nib., Nit. 7. Lincoln 8, 
B"ainc«9, AicbiMD, Ran . lO, Kaoaaa ritr. Mo., 11-17- 

"Offii-a Eanh"— Bnitoo. Mau , Nor. 5-17. 

Paimera. A U.,Btvck-N Y. OiirNoT 13, lodefialta. 
PaytiD'a Coiaa— lovaOUr, la, Nov A-IU. Uofcatloa, 

I'Auar-Bellen'-Ublcafto, III, .Not. 5-17 

* J*aul Kaorar '— Nvvari, .V. J., .Nor 8-10, Bllzabalh 13. 

* Pa«aport"— M><nir«ii<.<;an.. Not.A-IO. 
*'Pullc» Iiip^tttor'— Batt:fl Creek. Ul^li , Nor. 7, Char- 

lotw8,Fnnt'j Pod* I at 10. UemUll-l?. 
"Pr.>dig«l KaUier"— Dtitcato. III., Not. 4-17. 

* PafiluBBhuff "-N Y. ( iiy Nor. 5-17 
*-l'o*cr vt (he ProM' - Mampbla,0 . Nor. 8, Cantoo lu. 
"Par Train" -i:ioclboau. U . Nut. 6-10 
*'PuIlc« Pa<rol'*-tUMlDaT, MIob., Nor. 7. NiacamFaila, 

N Y.,8 Loekporil). Bataria 10, BalTalulM?. 
"Prloea Pn>7^tii"-Boit'>D, yau,Nor.5,tadadoit& 
"PawoTtoaet llU'-Camdao, N. J.. Nor. 7. Krading, Pa., 

e, PhmatxTtlle?. FraQkioid 10, Waabinauin, D. C. 12-17. 

* i'ro(lli;al U.tutihtBr"— Jeiaai i.lif, N J. Nor. 5-10 
"Pnirer ol ciuid''— Nonh Halilmon, U., Nor. 7.Tlflln 8. 

Kaot *J, YouoRvtoira 10, MoKoMportt Pa , ll, WboellDt, 
W. Va. 16-17. 

*'Pul»a orNe* York'*— MaliaoojCIt/. Pa., Nor. 7, Wilkei 
harral^lO. PiiUburs rj-17. 

* Paca'a iia«i H r," Untera— Bentou Uarbor. Hleta.. .Vor, 
7. Uro«DT|ilo 14. Ilu«iinl Ultr 15. H.. Loall Id, Ml 
Pltaaavt .7. Midland 18 

"Paek'a Bai fior," Douiliam— Waafalogtoo, Oa., Nor. 7. 
Aunaia8. Cliarlos on, 8 0 . 9. 10. 

RukaaU'K. tiol 8mli;i-Clevflasd. O., Nor. 7, Dayton 8, 
C'olambuiO 10, ClncmoaM 1M7. 
nnaaall • Utraeduna-PblladalpblA, Pa.. Nut. ^10 
Knb*oa'ii. Stuart-BuiTal -, N. Y , Nur. 5-10, Indlanapolla, 

Indn 11-14 
Roliao a AJa-Chlciso. HI.. Nor 5-21. 
Reed'*, RoHaU-t'hlca^m, 111. Vor. 5.17 
KiioainV, Kitt)-— MbriiBWwa, N. J., Nor. 5-la Eaatoa, 
I'a., ix-17. 

RAAD«y Comedr— Alrxaodrla. Ya-, Nor II. WlnnhaaMr 
13, BatUoiburv, W. Y., 14, llairiaunburg, Va., 15, 8U00- 
ton IC Clil<oD t'otga I7 

KedtoDDd Or^maUu-Lauaaboro. Minn., Nor ^10, Bprlag 
Valley IX- 7. 

KoblnaoD'a, Puoeli-('rm»foTdBfllla. lod.. Nor. ft-IO 
K*y ovlu« A i>e Ka b t PJaynn— 1 1 uron, 0 . .Vor 5-ta 
Klce>. PJDOj-KblrmJv'ptala, Pa, Nor. I3-I7. 
Rhaa'a— Flint, MIeb.. No' 7. Po't UaronB.LiondoiLCan.t 

9. Ht TboDtu lU. Liudon tJ, Uamiltou 13 fll. Calhar- 

100814 To onto lft-17 
' Railroad Tlcbat"-Oiilrago. Ill, Nnr. IS-i;. 
"Raih i;ity**-(:tiicaRo. Ill, N'ot.O-IOl 
"Run oo (be Baok' — r'liubur^, I'a-, Nor fi-IU 
' Iloudala' -L>Dn. MaM. Not.7. Ln«all B-IQ. 
' Ride lor Liia '-I'toTl'laocd, H 1 . Nov. kiii 
"Korh uIUidUiII"— Lowell, MU4, Nut 7. 

S9(h«ro->. E U -N. V. Ciiy Nor 5-17. ^ , « , 
btlDOer 4. Uiii -N«w Uileaoa, La . Not. 4-10. Oilvu 
loo, Tai., IS. 11, Hr>inbun 15 Ran Aiitonlu -i. 17. 
Katrlni a, Alec-Bu'ta. Bun . Nor. 7-M HpokBoa, K'a*b 

II. 13.fla.»'iie II. '5. raeoia»H 17. 
BLea'a, riior ll-La«i*ton, Ma., Nor. wa 
npra|raa'^ Kau-Ptmadslpbia. Pa, Nor. 5-10,Bcranion 

Bi (;>rTh•al•■«-U^<ea^ la., Nor. 8-10. Bbell Kock IMI. 

Uampton (&-ir 
RulllTu a, Ju:iu L — lobDnonbdrg Pa . Nor. 7, Ull Olt) 8. 

JotaiiflowD 9 McKcenpan New CasUe 1 . Wanao.O.. 

13 Akron 14 Uatatllon 19, Altance ie.Canu>Q 17. 
(landlord V, Waliar. :jtock-N Y. City Nor. 6-lV. Brooklyn, 

Sewfcr'd'a Mi'oDla-Warianaburg. .v. Y , .N'or 8-10lUraeo< 
wicb IS-17 

flawt«i>a Dram\t(o-L9wall Haas. Nor. S-)0. Ballowi 
KailN, Yl, IK-ir 

"Two^|litora"— N. Cltyi rtor.^fr-lO, wUliamsburg, N. 

'TlmtheTlnker"-Whliaball, N. T.. Nor. T.Saratogal, 

trataklU 9. BaagertiM 10, Roodoat IS, PaakiknilS 

Uarantraw 14 
"Ttie OlUhoolya Ahroad"-IlioD, N. Y., Nor.7.flyraQu*e 

e. WatartowB 9. UUea VK Ran* li; Anbura 19 Caoma- 

dalgna 14. 

iiTToela Toa'i Uaoio,*' DariM' Butam— Worcaater. 
^ Haat- Nor. 8-ldi North llamptoo It, Ware u 
Piltiflald 14, Dedbaa 18, Obloopee FalU 17, North 

*Uacla TOm'i Cabia" Darli' Teatam— Baraboo, VFlk, 
Nor. la Btarona Potot 11, Sparia 18. Ia Oroaaa 17. 

"Uoole Tom*a Cabin." Manma'a-BlnihaoipTon, N. T., 
Nor. 7, Oraat Bend, Pa., 8, Bacqudianoa 9, Hooaa- 

**Uaela Ton'a Cabin, 8laUioo*a-8L JobnabuTT, Vt, Sor. 

7, Montpeltar& BariiBpoo la 
■'Uode Tom'a Cabio," Rowo A'BwKt'a— Denrar, Col, 

Nor. 4-10i 

" WlUlama', Qna-Wlibaabam, P^ t 
Wblt«aWea\ Valkar— AJaiaodar. lod.. Nor. 7. Wabaah 8, 

Bokomo 0. Nawoaatla 10. Oraanrllla IC, Coahoetoo, 0.. 

18, Caoal Dorar 10, 17 
Watta Oomady, Eaatara— Brookton, MaM., Nor. 5-I0, Wal- 

tbam 13-17- 

Walta Comadr. Vaaten-Harlon, lod., Nor. 5-ldL PrMk- 

rort. lod.. 12-17. 
Way oa'a, Mr and Mra.— lfa*amteoo, Hicb., Not. 8-10 
Walllcb'i, J.H.-Atlanla,aa,KuT 7, a 
Wall'i. Howard. IdaalB--MaQbeBrl||«, 0., Nor. 6-10. 
Wanle-Jamea-Saraonab, Qa, Nor. 7, 8, Macon 9. 10, 

ColoDboa 12, Salma, AU, IL Montaomatr li, Paou- 

oola,Fia.l5i,Kobile,Ala.i8 17. 
Wood'e. H B— Wba'lloR, W. Va., Kor. 7. Ban Llrarpool, 

0 . 8 Rocb«KUT, Pa , C Baarar Palli 10. 
WalovriRbt'J*. Marl»-Troy, N. T , .S'or. 7 Ryraeoae 9, lOL 

Rochanar u, 17. 
Wanen'a Enoia— Rlplar. TaoD., Nor. ^10. 
Waironl A 8b«ridan*H-Roflk IiUod. IIL, .Kov. 7, Starlloc 

la Dixoo It BprlniBeld 14-M 
Walllok'a, Jra.-Atfinia, n« , Nor. 7, 8. 
*'Wai(ao?N«ir York"-Brooklro. N. Y . Nor. 6-I0. 
>ntilt«8qiidron**— WlUlamabort, N. V., Nor.S-tO, N. V, 

City U-:7. 

•'WiM Hose"- Wllkeabarre, Pt-, Nor. 7, Blagbaaiion,N. 

T.,8-iaB«ruton 11-14. 
"YouosX Jamas— Augoila, Oi., .Nor. 7, Atlaala It, 13. 

BoaloBlan Uotra-Pbllidelphla, Pa-, .Vor. 8-lt). Waahlng- 

ton. D. 0., lT-17. 
California Opera -Cbaanatgo, III , Nor. 7, Olloloo 8, 

Dccatv P, la 

OorlBoa— jirraeaae, N T , .Vor. 7, Bahtnectady 8, Anaiar 
dan 9, JoBDBtown 10, Montreal, ran . 13-17. 

Canllle D'ArrlUa Opara-Syracuaa, N. Y , Nor. 7, Bing- 
hamton 9. Albany 10, Srwilrn 12-17. 

CalbouoOpar«-Hllwaqkee, Wla. Nor. 4.ia 

PreoehOparA-Mnntraal, Can-. Nnr. 5. lodeflntta. 

■'Faooing M«alar"-Utlra, N. V.. Nor. II 

Hopper'a, Da ffoIf-N Y Ciiy.fiftv.a.i7. 

Ilall'a. Paulina— ML PaoL Mloa.. Nor. 16-17. 
-Jaclou"-Pbllauelnhii, Pa. Not i2-ir. 

1. UUaTrooper'-Ofalntgo. IIL, Nov. 6-10. 1'ltUburR. I'd., 

Ma«nn' Family Concart-Baat Noribwood.N. n.,NoT. 7, 

Oa«iTllle9 Louden UL Beliuoot 13. 
MoKial*y Famlly-Cawanoa, Ind.. Nor. B-IU. 
N««lirllle 8 Q'lenta— Fort Robinson. Nab., Nor lo, Cbad- 
ron It, Gordon IS Port Niobmrm U.Ncllgb 15, Bunnion 
19 VMt Pnlnltl, ArlinqtMaS. 
Bcbabart Bympbonr Glub-Niw Bante, N. C, Nor. 1\ 

Ooldiboro It. Darbaa 1(k flbapel Hill l(. 
Queen 01 Brilltanta-N. V City Nor. 7. tndallolle 
RAbSor"-N Y.OltyNor 5.1ndaflalta. 
"Reblo Hood" Opera— Waterbor . Ci.. Nor. 7. RprlOR- 
Oald, Mil'.. 8. BridRooort, B, Riamford 19. Yonkara, 
N. v.. 13, Pateraoo.^ J., 11. 
Booia'a BiDd-Erio. Pa, .Vor. 7, Jainaitowa, N. Y., \ 
fiaffalo 0. 10, Newark It, uerkimer i9, Poogbkeepale 15, 
Wore*eter. kao , 17. 
flwrdiab Udlaa* Quartet-Baa Franclwo, Cal . .Vor 5-ia 
Reahrooka'a, Ttioa Q — Birmlnaham, Ala., Nor. 7. Me- 
ridian, Mlaa, 8. TleubutR 9. Naicbci 10, New Orliana, 
La . 11-17. 

TaT»ry Baillita Opera-Obioago, 111 , Nor. 4-17. 
WUaon'a, Pranela-BmoklyD, N. v.. Nor. 5-10, Beaton, 
Mau .1M7. 


Banurd'A. Jaolni-Prorloeetown. Maaa. Nor. ^10. 

Hrlnol a bioioea-Keaae. N. U.. Nor. 9, 10. 

Or Baobar a Rdueaileoal Bn*eriatDera-Oharlai:oB, IT. 

Va. Nor. 7, lluntloitoD !Wto. 
D>11 Knewltoo'B-^laparlor, Na^ , Nor. 7, 8, Oulda Itoek 

9 la 

Bit ParfclBa-CarliaTllla. III.. Nor. 7. Bmoiwlek. Mo., a 

IKawmtba, Ran.. 9 UiRhUod 10. Fori Dodge, la, ll. 

Pav Paw. Ill, 13. Wioanao. lod., 14, llllllan^ClO, 

Laatonia 18, HaadnUe. Pa., 1> 
Bdna-Woo^— BantHffthr ugh Aooth Amenoa 
Henisano— Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 6-10. IUt!a« IS-17. 
llagmal<Ma*«-RMhaater. N. Y., Not l-IU. BtUr«lo 1M7. 
ManXPror. J.-Pr«darlaton, N. B.. Nor. 7, Woodatook 


ReUar-UUoa, N. T.. .S'or 7.8yraouM0. 10. 

Jooaa'. J. An tnatlne— Rocky Mount, N. C, Nor. i-10, 

ra'atUrllle 13-16. 
Khl'aWIM Wau-Fnnklln, Va., Nor. S-IO 
i.acky Blira Wild W'lt-Maeon, ua. Nor. 7. 
Noma nrna.* Btiuinc-BrlMoi, I'L, Nor. 7. 
Htaeo & Kmlih'a-ifii roiii< ibrooRh Auiirall^ 
Bdieidiera B-itn Muai*— ateubaoTllla, 0., Nor. 5-la 
Kliair«r A Zaoilo— Pu*blo, IVL, Nor. 7. 
Va ratio -Winona, Mioo., .Vur 5-U)LBoarta, Wia, 13'I7. 
VartHli'a. Prof J.— Bbrereport La., Nor. lOi 
Wllber Baurialnment— MinQetpolti. Minn., Nor. MO. 


WllbnrOpira— ClDolnoaM. O, Nur 4-17 
Wllciek (Vwoart— <-barloiteitMiie. Va,Kor. 7. Alaiaadria 

8 WanhiniTWn D. P, 9. Balllmire, Hd., la 
Watea Ope e— Port llnroD, Mlc't , Nor. 7. Lanaiog 8, 
Battle c'rrak 0, 10. 


CulUoi', LoUift-PhUadelpbla. Pa., Nor. MO, N.V.OIty 

Clip Hporta-Ohleago, III , Nor. l3-ir. 

Or«olaV Jaok'a-ilnod Raplda. Midi.. Nov. 5-10. 

fllly <:iul>-Phlladelpbla, Pa . Not. 6-10. 

Darere'a, Sam-Newark, N. J., Nct.O-IO, PIttaborp, Pa., 

Pialda, JobD P.— Indian apotla. Ind., Not. 5-10, Cbtaago, 
m.ll 17 

Fay Potter— Tror, N. v„ N0T.&-IO. 
Pranth FoUy-N.V CityNo*. k-io. 
Pticaiaimoni*, Bob— Newaik, N, J , Nor. 5-10^ Soranton, 
Pa- 13 

Orenlir'a-llailam, N. V.. Nur. £-10, PblladelphU, Pa., 


Uoward Ath»cmum-New Ilaren. Ct., Nov. 7. Newark, N. 

J.. 12-17 

IIide'M tTomedlaoa— Pittibu'g, Pa., Nor. 5-IOi Oioalnnatl, 

0 . 11-17. 

HopklnH'TranK (>c«aoira-Broakirn..V. Y .Nor. 5-10. 
HlU'h Ou. .\orelMta-flt. Lonia Ho . Nor. I-IO. 
Irwlo Bra* '-WllliamaburR K Y.Nor 5-ia 
Jaok'a Blirareganu-Atlaota. Oa., .^or. 10. 
Kalbfleld a-OhicaRo, 111., Nor. 5-ia 
l/tndon 8porta-Uobok*o. S. J.. Nor. IM7. 
Lilly UI«T— Toronto. Can . Nor. A-10 Albany, N. V., 13-17. 
Moigao'a J. P.-Paoo Yao N. Y , N>ir. 7, Naples K Way. 

lu'i 9. AToca la 
Nahcr'a Peter— Maocbatter, N. U , Nor. 7, Ppriniflald, 

Hi«a.,8-ia Lynn 13-14. 
Morr-B' BnrUa<iueia-CbieaRo. IIL. Not.4-10. 
May Howan— Baltimore. M<l , .Nov S-IU. Waalilngioo, U, 

Naile^ier-Albaoy N Y, Nor. 6-10. 

New York 8i*r*-Clnolnnait, O., Kor. i-IO^ Indianapolis 

iDd . 1M7. 
'*0j4 Bouib"— Pbliadatpbia, Pa. Nur. 9-17 
Bosa HIU-Lonlirlil«L ky., Kor 6-lu iMerelaod.U, 1M7. 
RaoiiRaatley-Buiralo, .v. V .Nor. 5-10, Hoctaaaier 13-14. 
Rai«*-ll Hto*'.— WaablnitoQ. D. n.Nnr 5-ltl. 
RallIy.fcW^ood'a-Hoiion. Maaa.. Nov 6-iaN.Y CItr It'll. 
Bloaa Btrton'aComadlaoi-llariau. N Y., Nor. 6-U'. 
ftUHl-iwa'a, Eugaoe-Colniubn*. O , Nor. 7. BprlsgSeld 8, 

Ciooinoail 13-17 
BeiioD'a-PTOTldence, R. 1. .Vor 5-10, Woreaaur, Maaa, 

BhennaoAMoriier't-llobokcp, .N J.,Nor 6-W 
*^ntb Beiore the wai*'— clerelaBd, 0., Nor. 6-10, Akron 

TlaU'a— PnoziBiawoer. Pa, Nor. 7, Ureeo'burg 8. Jaaa 
tAf 9 Jobniiowo iD.CoonellBburK II Uolootowe 13, 
MoKecipon 11 Naweuile 16, TojnRstowo, O., 10. East 
LlrarpMil i7 

VIrlao Ue Moato-UtalcagA, m. Nor. 4-ia 

Weber ^ PlebJs*— Mooirral, Can.. Nor. 8-10. Brooklyn, 

Wnilami*. Harry, Metanrt-PbllaJelpbia, Pa^, Nor.6-ia 
Williams'. Harry. O«o-N T CUyNor.6-U.^ 
Wataon olstarN<-FlodIa), U . Nor 8. HpriogAeM lU, Cln 
oinoati 11-17 

Williams'. C. W — Coin»ibU4, O Nor. 7, Daytoo 8-l'J. 
Todiaaapolls. lod . 13-17. 

Memplila.— At (be CmudUpeitt llouo "A BUok 
SbMp** bftd fftlr 6i7.e<l ami plowed audlencoi UcL 
"Yon YoQion" openod for three nlgbia Nov, 
1. Oorulng: *Ma Old Kuotucky" 6-7. BuDe* Fergu- 
Bono, 10, "rcDoeason'B rardour" 12-14, "Hplder aod 
Fly" 13-17. 

AUDtTDHii'M — Tbe TttTArj tipepi Co. are glvlog 
iBU«rw:lluQ and drawlog good sUed audleooui. 

UasAORR UAnns'iT. of tbe new LjceoiD, hM 
bolu AD iQollued ikKir over tbe old one. «Qd baa re- 
ftmofftd ud eoUrgcd ihe suae bo tbei tiie placo !■ 
now la every wnr well edftpira to glviag tbeairlcnl 
BadopenuluoQieriBlDuaeDtd. Oomtuu: ' I.adjWiii- 
denucr'o Fad" 0, 10. "Tbe l>aog*'r .Slgoal" wbb to 
lUiTe Oiled tbeae datce, but canceled. 

O0RI8. VoH UbhAub'b Wild WiBrstiowoiliUtho 
DA9eb4tU Perk tuBrelrttttendence. Anerkweek'e 
iter the combtoAtlon oloeed 3, end Jamped 10 

U. vr. Qall's OiROua bed felr MtrobAgo Oct. AT. 
TbBAbnw wlU mate tbe towns oeiweea bero end 
New Orieena. Mr. HaII bat adopted HtUe Eddto 
l..eonard, tbo Bon o( a deoeaevil llreinaii or tbla city, 
wbo was kllKd ten or twelve jeare ago durluff a 
Are, and for wboea widow (nnw doceaacd) uol. Hall 
gavo n beneflt at tbe iloe. Tlin lltiie fellow will be 
aeot to BOhool by liU adopted falber. uol. llitll Ba)B 
be ibtende giving ap ino ebow buaineaa at tbe clueo 
of the present Bcawn. 

Chattauooga. — AC the UiKra lloiite lUce'a 
' 1402 ' played tu a crowded mailnve, but unl; a fair 
evoolDg boaw. Ojt. T*. Ward and Jamei, In 
"Uenrj IV," drow a fair house 3o. "OharleT'a 
Aunt" drew a Urge boQse Nov. 1. "The Oolonoi." 
booked Cor 2, s has canceled. Oomiog: la, "in Old 
Rentockr; 14, Baraej Fdrgoson. 

CoKOOHDU Hall.— Tbe caatata, "Kittacr, tbo 
BeautUoKlneeu," waa given Buocceslnllj to largo 
audiences ocL 'iO. 27 and matinee. 

IliViuviBW Pahe.— Tbe maaagemebt of itlvor 
view Pari have .secured ibe incnacerie of llarrla' 
Nickel I'laie Show, which is wlnieiiog here, aod 
Lave opened a Zoological (Urden, wDlob Ib proiuU- 
ing to become popular. Large orowda have at- 
tended Aince tbe opeoiug, T,. 

Tnn manager of the Opera llonae , Taol It. Albert, 
and the biUpusicr, llirry F. Stuop, wtio were 
aiieatcd for poellag Ibe lllbogrmpb of ibo "({aecn of 
BuilCdqtie" of "A Black Blnwp'* Co., on the I'harge 
that It waa vulgar, were actiuli cd aud the caae dlii 
mlMOd. _ 

Naalavlllo.— At (lie Ttioatro Vcodomo ''HIao 
Jeane" was presented, f>tr the fltAt tinio In iIiIh 
oily, Oct, ',£2, 2J, to Itfge audicocca. Toe house waa 
dark the remainder of the week. Sonta'a llHud, 
ODdor tbo Vendome management, bhvo two per- 
fgrnunces at tbo Tkbernacta oot. 'i-Mo audlcnros 
tliai packed the buUdiog. "A niack Hh^ep" whh the 
aiincllon Nov. i-3, and provcii to lieasirong draw- 
ing card. Booklog*: "Y'ln Voiiaon" C-T, "lu UUI 
Kcntnckj" K-lo, llanioy KorgUHUii 12, 13. Boo THy- 
lor 14. 

UKAND OrRKA SOL'Bg.— Tbo.4. (f. Scabrooko came 
for oDu ' penoraiunce Oct. and presenind 
''tabaaco" to the largeat audience that ever br- 
aembled In tbla houBo. The houae renuilDed ibtrk 
until when Oiia sttlnnrr came for two nlgiiM 
prcatfiiting "Ills Omce lio OrninmoQi" nod "flio 
Klag'H Juelor" to audiences or fair propuninDit. 
"Ur. BarneaofNew York" caiae Nov. l-'t, hut ilM 
not draw I trgeljr. "I^v windnrmere'a Kan" iwrn* a 
6-T, loe/. UeciiBKer. in '-flic Prima ]N)Dna"R-li>. 

Hfjoi;.— ShenoHti and Morl ey'a "AJayClrcua" 
drew fairly well Oct. '^-2'. I'Od hnuie waa lUrk 
Oct. 'Jo-Nov. 3. Huil will remain so ontll Vi. 

NBiitiTiATiuNsare on toot for Waller I.. Main's 
CirouB 10 W'ta'xr here. 


O- Anivrio utiMf 1, pUlnly eililii m fl , aoH be 
iM4a«d lor eub letur, ud Ue lu, of bulawi tolloms 
bp u. penoo iMieued •booM be (iren, Is oid.r to 

NOTC-FisfMilonlle ud olbete ihonM beer la nilBd 
Ihuell Ultei\ eu., la tniull belwMa IM Oslled SUM 
ud Pn,d>, mua be prodM. oihaieiw iher ei* not ftu- 
w.idftl. _ 

Adsme, IIMtl. 
AdemL BluAh. 
AokerMioia UUI. 
Abreme, Ide L. 
Aodernofl, Mlu M. 


Blaok, Liule 
Bel'oal. hleoa 
~oydtll, Nellie 
Reil, Bnnia 
Bo rrouRba Minnie 
Beaoh. Llllle 
Blake. Marlon 
Hdrke. ktiiie 
Harioo, Kara 
Bmau Broa. 
Bark, KlUle 
BiancbarO, Louise 
Belnoot, Claro 
Baah. Mn Oeo A. 
Bund, Natl la 
llora, I'-arollne 
'OairolL Llllie 
t^stroni, Mnia. 
Cola, Dorm 
Onle, Dome 
nhe«iar, Marion 
Claiton, Kate 

i^onkllB, Helen 
Oarlloo, Zalla 
ttharievkitiie H. 
Caban. Rosia M. 
reado, Trra 
OatllORton. Rlla 
Carllnlr, Addle 
t'Unio dlstera 
Chaadlar. Ella 

Parlar. Qorlnne 
CleTBland. Ltllia 
«'os, Mra. Hhlnay 
Oraaiotxl, Kuoa 

Ooopar, May 
Collier, Iroogeoa 


Da UaTen. Minnie 
Do Lorino. Kiill* 
0»lRuraiiky, Lily 
Douglisriy, Ida 
Uatftuivrt, Faaoy 
Da Vem, Lntti* 
Dillluo.Hra. U. 
Do Vois. Flora 
DeTora. Jennie 
DarlR, Uiiie 
De Lisle, Lulu 
DaUno. rauny 
Dndlay, Agoas 
Drew, Dorothy 

EUla, llatlia 
Bills Lulu 
Edmaoda. May L 
BInore. Bditb 
BoielhardL llelan 
Edgars, lloleue 
KagletOB, Btbal 
Emery, aeorgie 
EiiglUfi. Ltlilaa 
Elfflouroa, Willie 
Krsnsa llBiriuan 

Franklin, (;laia 
Field. Mamie 
Fittgaralil, anna 
Pitrbas, Lot' a 
Freoeb, Mra. U 
FraneiB. Mary 
Fll Im*n. Lulu 
Fwiar, UBiUuda 

Grey, Ktbel 
Uoog'^r, UasAls 
Ura>>oa. Bowte 
Uardner, Ma 

Oeidon, Mri. Oeo 
Oraham. Blala 
ainlalleae Mra. L. 
Oarlaod, Loalsa 
Uarrlsb, Hylrla 

OooJrIeh. Mattia 
Ooidon, Amy 

Hiliianl, Aooa 
llanloo. Tona 
I Iowa, Mabelle 
Howard, Mar 
llnauad. BiAa 
llaaaiton, Mabel 

lluibea, FInuia 
Hurley. jBlia 
Howard. BtiUe 

llrrbem Mr. 
1111(00. clere 
llelL Janol. 

ofH *r IV) 
|D||, TMrl 
III... L ttl. 

JoheluD, Mn.J P. 
johDioa. Lou 
r. Jrnni. 
KelMK, Nellie 
KeMr, N.lll. 
Kirl, llu.l 
Koipp, Virilole 
Kinbell, Jenole 

LHt.r, Kre 
I.Mr, Merle 
LeVenie, Hey 
Lnlil.. BoODle 
LMlle, Heuoe 
L«rutr. Bluehe 
LjoD*, Lllr 
LeoKdoo. A'lol.t 
LrmoU, BO) me 
Le Kerr, f reohle 
Lilor. Aooli 
Let, Bmme R. 
Leerowl, J.oele 
l.el'uurler, Leue 
LeunvD. B.ll. 
LrMe. Uiieg. 
Lindou, (Jr«c. 
L.Vyoe. Ultle 

Uwinier, Ktte 
MoNult), Ilia 

A pplettoe, FrMi 
'i^ill.o, Kd. 
AimMnjUR, Kirk 
AlK.r. BrnN. 
AI170. ileo. H. , 
AouertoB, (;hiA.E 
AriintfUio, tim. 
AlbiDi, ll.rbert 
Aiwefil. ur. A. 
Al.iuid.r, R. K. 
Allao. t?U. 
AUktio, W. c). 
Aliber, K N. 
Aiouvl, lieimu 
AI1.0.J 0. 
Aiii.It, llerrj 
•II, K. H. 

Boid'.-wlocb*il.r. Ve., .S'or. 7, (AerlottUT lie B, Lei 
loftoaO Roea-'be lu, Uaarille 17, (IreeoiborD, .V. 0., U. 
Dorliun 11, Uoodinou it. . „ „ 

Berln. Bfoa.*— Fort KoilUi. Ark.. Nor 7. Nalcfaet, MiH.. 
llBetoj Roof.. Le. It. UooeMwiunlle H, flecque- 
nliie IS. Aleiendpe IS Lake rharl.s 17. 
CMt Kk't -N V. Clll Nor. S-lll. 
-MnlDi-.-Uleaa riill., N Y. N'r !i Ulteowlcb t. 

ScbaiwriTllle 10, Hafmto^s IJ. Beil.too IL 
ri.ld'luAl O— Lutle B«Mh.Ark,Nor.T.N.«poAa PlB. 
PItiflV. Fort B>aiili ld.aprlaia.ld. Mo. ll.ron Booll, 
Rw . li AlcblMO 14, Dei HoiDM. le , IS. 
Oorloo'e-Aelem. N. J., Nor. a. yoirl«to«o IS. 
HI Uenrr'.— Cra.lorderille. lod., Kor 7. rrmakforta. 
Hererli'e-deo Joee, Cat, Nor. 7. rt tou Orot 6, SUKktOD 


U« Molmn.— At tiK Oraiid Jack Foirleruiil 
companj camf Nor. j asd trosK, "Tbo OiaslOiurrt" 
13, 13. The lionto tuia Iwea dart alDOi Del. 'J». 

PiMTaB'B.— Ultnlanirs Mluinls 4ro» a nood 
boose 27. "Jaoa'' traa fairly woU'pttroiilzod 'J9. 
"Tbe Oaarlcr Ball" bad larice aodlonces 31. "A 
Trip to UhliuioiTD" packed tbe bouw Nov. 1. 
Booked: "Ills N'etr llo;" 1:2, "Prl-Dds" ).•, Al. (I. 
Flcld'B Hlouro'a IS. 


Nor. 6: Ciirlo llail— llooinao and Ucrrlil. llljna 
HUtgs— KdwIuWrotii, IM and Sulla Rbloehart and 
I'carl Dahcook. Tnealorluni-Ma'bnu, Kelly nod 
noiids, UlarA Dlanlor, Welcb and Wolob, and tbo'.p Uio:b«n. UotlnosH ronialo, good. 

Nori!!.— Tho low* Dials Dand gave a rarsvoll 
coiituri Nnr. l,and departed lor a Sjulbsra lour. 

A. A. KarlAod, Ibe binjo aulols', aod Nowoll'e 

urnni-Mra am blllsd for a cniiccrl at tbe Y. U. U. A. 
Aadltorlum, 0. 

Coanoll ■llair. —At Uol.aoy'a Tbealro "Tlio 
loveoior," booked (or Oct. rallcil to cnue. 
Polllloil apeabcra have occupied too aiaxo aluioat 
Digbtl; during tbo pt«> two vtc-lis Tbeadrance 
aaTo waa Urge for lbs inlnairti ontotlaiomool la bo 
given il'>v. 3, b; forir loaog soolot; ladles. 
"Jium" Is bvokcd for T, aud la tbe ooir aitrac'.lon 
dellnltely annouaced to come during tbeuczt ten 

d*;s Tiio bonding oo Urjant Btrool, uMd 

several years ago as a tbeatro, bia been recenlly 
leased for a period of years by a local aoclety, aod 
la b-log iliiod up wlib noir acenery and llxiarra. 
Under tbooaoie of Liberty Uall, tola bouae will 
Moa be In Iloe, u an aiansemcnt resort lor alirac- 
none wItolQ Ite .cope. Tbo leallog capacity la 
between Qve and ill uuodred. 

CmUr Itaplda,— At Ureene'a Upena UousaO. 
A. Lwler come Oct. 'A to lair buaiueaa. Oiitlavo 
Frobinan'a "Foe Ubarlty Ball" pleased a Urge 
audience .N'ov. l. "A Trip lo ObluiovQ" ootn-sa, 
Pauline Uail a, "la Darkest Roaala" a, "Tbe New 
Boy" 10 

HaraltalllowB.— At tbe Udeon "Friends" 
caniu N'lT. 10. "Tbe Obartiy RaII" dldsfalrhnal. 
ness Oct. n. "A Trip to cuiuaiown ' had a full 
boose Nov. 'i. 

Bnrllnctoa.— Al tbe Grand Rose Cofbltn, Oc> 
31 In "Uipliiiwcy," bad a Ine audience. Tie Wai. 
ford.8brrIdan Co. opened for tbrce nigbta Nor, I tu 
Urge bosioen, wblcb fell off on account of bod 
weatber. Murray aud MacX are due 7, "A Trip lo 
Cbloaiows" II. 

Keokuk.— At tbe Keokuk Opera llnose "rin- 
nlian'a' cornea Nov, s. Jita. J. (.' trbett, lu 
• Uent cnun Jim," lo; .-Uowu In lilsle" li, "Sport 
HcAliltKr" le aud P>iullne Hall XI. Mrsa raybin'a 
UisniaUo (X>. clos<..d a good week's bualneas 3. 



•Wiip o*rtalo"-t^alowIiQ«, C, Not. 8 
"flilrer Kuia '— OelTMtoo, Tai , Nor. 7, AoitlD 10. 
•■Splder«odPlr,"E»ai.rn-Aliioo. O, NOT.B. 
"<<f ilor and Fit" vvei om-v^raleane, tei . Nor. 7, 

FVirl WorUi a. Dellta a, lO. Pane IS roil Baillb, Ark.. 
13. LilUe Rott U, Ueui.hle. Tuu.. u-17. 
"duu Alano"-(;bicaiM. lu, IIOT.S-17. . „ 
"Spuiol LU."- rbliaJalpbla, re.. Nor. S-IO. BlDoklyo, 

N. T, It-ir. _ . 

"«b»D»ailu«b"-N T.CIlTNor,fr-l)« a. 
"Hid. Tnr.i.^. ' JoiA \7allara'-tlraad Baptd-. MIfib.. 
Not s-l.t nreauTiliM 1 1. B«!dioa IS. toolelL HL Jobne 
It.Oroeao M, Flint 17 

"Siiota AciM '-llobokea, !«. J., Not. a-IO. Hoebeaur. N 

V.U-n.Hewik, N J,ll-i». _ „ ... 
UlaTaeol 0 jkl- - rblladelpbla, fa.. Nor. s-liL 
"Boelas tbe Wlod." No 3-':loeluau, 0 , i«ot S-10. 
"Slo>ii a iha Wiod." No s-ladlauaolU led. Her. 7. 
■WrauU 01 LiW-miadelpbla, l^lfev, U-U. 


a u). 

Barielralb'a-Taitle Onak, r&. Nor. 7, BiaSdock a 

wlulaMKiraS. Iltubnrt 10 
P^Of Mi \9wta-U.rl8n. N. T., Not. S-lOl N. atr IM7. 
TiMlaad'a-«. Merr'a O , N'jr 7. Oreeanilea, wlarbM 

lar. Iod..». EI«o,d 10. Tipt'.a II. 


Oeida.!-.— Bio Jaoelro. S A., Nor. S-IO. 

otl^fu^ teS^-XuiUo, PbiUIpe UUnJi. N..t s. 

Bail'e Vieak-OHca«o. IIL. ■odeSalu. 

Hanla'. W. U.-Uaulbont. MUO, Nor 7, WeMoa. 8, 

BlooitaaTan •. Ueaotosd, La., IS. New Urleeol II, r 
U ^I'l-OaaTllla. tU. Not. 1. lodaSolla. 
Hals', Waltar L.-ilriBo, Ua . Dor ; heeiau a. l» 

umage t, ilpeuia Ala. " 

(Mark IS. letabrldiaiiM 


Uai, Kleeaiir 
Uonlaunt. Nellte 
Maleolm, Baiale 
^aiiuarlu. Mil.. 
Haiw.ll, LolUe 
Murnr, Li-il. J. 
Mouelt, Her 
Millar, Jea.iv 
Uriroaa^ rarn 
Mar, Uorrl. 
Mc<;o7, NMlla B. 
Majnard, Maoda 
Uiioli-ll, Nra w. 
Narrlao, UayU. 
NaraUII. Lllll. 
Hattlo, OiL.o 
Malroae, LItale 
Mooioe, Luor 
Harlowe, Llllle 
M.wmaD, Vaie 
LTNalaoo, LKireH 
.MorUiod, Anoa 
Nila-ili, .Mia. W.W 
..taifalu Ba.aia 
.Vaiuhall, Mlai 
.<l.ilo, Hlia 
.\awn. Mra Tlioa. 
!4aK«Qt, Baiiil 
.SaliMiii. Dure 

0 Ulnar, J.ulo 

UUeae, Dellle 

Pklaiar, Mildred 
PelDier, Beaale 
Palmer. la« 
Pleteoa. Jeaale 
Pre root. Ada 
Piealley, Manea 
Perkar. Nellie 

Roea^ tiatile 
RayDood. Mar 
RefuoDd Maod 
Rialla mle. 
Raed, JmoI. 
RMd, Aanle 
RaaMe, CoBDia 
Kadnea, Ueille 
Roebeftilt A Mot 

llatue L. 
Roaa meo. Nell H. 
Hlrloebara. Redia 
uKitalar. OUra 
rtikubenah Ur««e 
Hioae, rloreoM 
ooott, Rug«nl. 
aati.rlM,lilH J. 
rioldi.roa. Ana 
(Oiorldao, Dobbi. 
rtcou, l^rrl., N.lll. 
Muert, Han. 
HL roll, RIatwe 
ttpeoeer, Jaeale 
sla.r Hhaa 

Mra. W P. 
i>aadr7, Ada 
Htereni^ I'eerl 
•Mdoua. Ida 
RtookioD, Heille 
Hooll. Buna. 
Moele, Mle 
HrolUi, Mte. Neil 
ihluaoa, riaim 
Haoda, lUdl. R. 
Mian, AUoe J. 
Riiiart, Lola 

Thorn., HrlTle 
Taylor, f.illle 
Tboradrke, Bdoe 
rbonpaoB, Ullia 
yhoreloo, Valerie 
Ireaaldor, Myrtle 
Tuober, Mads, 
rorap'e, Lilliaa B. 
Tempi.. Uollle 
" oto Riatara 
-'ereoo, Roy 
Veoo., Buolee 

iLeol, n. R. , 
JifntM neeUe 
AvoBad. Pred 
ATMelle, tlloan 
ArralBo, 0. P, 

B'oea. Alfred 
ak, Blllr 
.etoid, Artbor 
.Oder. i:he.. A. 
Abulia, O 0. 
ikwr«oee,Ji hoA. 
AD«aler,Joba A 
•roD^ Toby 
Ailaa, Mona 
Ma, Fiaok 
.aoBoid, I'. I*, 
.ens, R. R. 
lOoa, I. a 

Abreok, inaa. 
.ynoB, neo.W. 
Leacb. Ileorr 
iorolia W. n. 
rtolA Thoa. 
.eeoard, Kddie 

iMoBrdA PulloB 
iMll. V. 
loBlaaidie, 11. 
Hintady, I'ntl. 
MTllC Abe 
* Boali. B.0 
ABIour, Haphaal 
Liaeh, T. 
Loiea. Kd. 
Ladeoitorl, Cliea. 
Lea, Chan. 
Ular, Piaot T. 
laKoahdao. tf. 
jOVIA Joe 
UlBa,J. U, 

nreaoer, Madiie 

" W,!;., Mitlr 
Waabbora, LllHan 
Waat, Marino L. 
Wlllleme. BIr 
Wado, IMIay 
tTeldoo. Preaoae 
Wrena, Hta.B. 
Wllaoo, ted 
#)ona. Jiinapbloe 

WmhI, Piaocea 
While, tlllia 
WenI, Fannie 
iVanI, Jaonte 
A'aaliliuin, (Inlill. 
Ward, Vlralnla B. 
Weld, Qipay 

I'Brian, Clare I 

I - .uQiig, Atla 
7^»reell), Ma 
l^aulla, Mile. 

Portland.— At tbe Harqaain Urand 'The Kaat 
Mall" waa preaenletf Oct -A-UtiuA "Id Old Keo- 
tncky" W:.^. Bualntsa for the wet-k waa eicel> 
lent. BobtfitDowoiot opened lD**Toe Gladia- 
tor." Tb<f iheaire will be dark week of Nov. 
6. bat will be reopened by Mr. and Mra. Ke&dai 13. 

OOBonaY'H roBATBB Will be reopened early id 
Noremiier by tne P/ko Uptra CAmpanf. 

OarBBUMo- H»jo Troupe, Looiano TatatI, Ar- 
maode awl Or»nvUle, Uurke Brothen. Hay Uurioo, 
Toocrand Frubelandt ic Aleene Miatera. 


Brown. Waller Kord. UewlU Ollnion, Uarry K4ler, 
John Ycakel, U. Boibwell, Walt Parker, Fraokle 
urerton, Maad Koae. Ruej Bianlej, Bidie iMirey, 
Orace Ueroua aod Lena Hi vera. 

AHnBi-BBii.— BrBUloe liome. Florence Clayton, 
iebn U. Knw, Ben Baker and Mr. Oadnar. 

LoofBB^Tka Tlansft (luilarL 


AliaD, llieu. 
Andaraoo, York 
Arnold, Jack 

Bueaiey, 11 
denn, wallpr 
Broaoie, T. M. 
1 aker. Daitial 
Braciett, Fagl 
Beaner, Dica 
Ba8)er, K. K. 
Breooao, Mile 
Harlow, A. L. 
Bur)|«ea. Jt>« 

Bri>vo, Freeuan 
Hickle. (leo. b. 
aruoo, Uuni 
Butioo, W. B. 
Haiti ain, 41. N. 
Huituu, i:ai>LPaul 
UrsDiluua, T(i« 
Uarieita, Tliuu 
Uluuiiier, ijsrry 
Hiu*n Jaa. U. 
Hrjaoi, Frances 
llro.icliu JvUi* 
HruiirldMe, Harry 
Heaiar.Luui* J. 
Bailvii, Fred 
Uerokrd, t;iiui. 
Hfioroe, B. U. 
Ilr)ce, Jobn V 
Brian I, Eugene 

Hiao, II- a- 

Haldvin, Barney 
Hakb, Ueu. A. 
H4iuia, llairy 
uell, K- tk 
boa«i). bobby 

lH>)d. U«o 
Bibgliaiit, L W, 
iliuwo, W. U. 
Huaby, B. 0 
H«av«r, L. J. 
Boadjuoja. Mooa. 
Baicu A lUfberta 
Brady, J. H. 
UioOucs, Htuart 
Mldo, b. L 
UtMlr, Jean 
Bwker, J. 11. 
Baker, lieu. A. 
Buth, I. T 
bojd. Cbas. H. 
Breiiuaa, il. U- 
lUiiey. Jaa 
Buruiey, vtroon 
jlBrtob. B. K. 
usir, rreO 
Beaueu. F. U. 
Bsrri. Jack 
Ba ea a Baiaa 
Baui«>a, Jsa. A. 
Heroi, aai 
iiuiler, Ales. B. 
Bfooett'* a 

Hrubsvn, J. IC 
beroaru. Uu* 
Belifeiia Ua> . L- 
iiiuwoiae, W. 

Oarur, riaok 
cuhao. U*:o M. 
Caltfurt, Fiaok 
UieMudM >:roa. 
Creeiuo, Uau 
Cfitulu, Vicuir 
i;iuft«on, u. lu 
Ciuabursi. II. U. 
( uiiibn Uau 
CbiueK. Hairy 
CtavkiJd, jaoK 
I BlUeitaiitt, II. 
f;orii«, Biuy 
Carter. \,b%m 
cia>uro a vrii«uo 
CO) le. rraab 
t;«aie,tJM H 
I'arroll A Iliads 
Oraviord. Wni. 
i^aelL Fruib 
i;ooper, Lio 
Crawlail a Clark 
iJroAkblia.W. u.A 
Urbbin, Morila 
OatuiaMij^Fied W 

Cblfiaa.J M. 
t;osgroTa, J. r 
Cuunaa, Frank 
Coi'o. ifirry 
Cudora, — 
Claocey, Joe 
" -B.uieo 


:ulle, 11. H. 
Clillurd. Hilly 
iliirUa. Ur ll. A. 
Ulancy, Jon 
l'.ullliii>, Jaa 
Ulaik.Uao. H. 
UIKiuut. FrrO 
Clark, n K. 
CJie Mall, - 
UliOon. J. If. 
(Mlluh.JaM J. 
i:laraac«, F.(l*ard 
Carroll, JuUo F. 
turter, Fraitk 
Uodj. thus. 
UooRsr. Winllekl 
t'lair, I'dir rarl 
Uaiiu>r, N4i II. 
CUytiin, Al 
UJark,ileo H. 
iiraoe Broe. 
i>juiivll),» W. 
iJuoroy, I'ai 
i:aiilior, WHiie 
Ulilton, J. U. 

Dtnnr, W. F. 
t.e Motte, Wm 
(hhfla>, Larry 
Hmrliog.rrol. Fred 
Ituttuo, Will. 
i>oaTe«, Waller 
uawaooi, Tiie 
Ue Few, r- m B. 
OoUinger, ti 
Uakolao.n W. 
UuHiietie, Loula 
Uieivubacb, f. 
Uoeoraii, Jkck 
l>eMnib, II. C. 
Dean* Joae 
LtarvDtry, tlito. 
UuUaou, W. J>. 
Daly. Wreiiu 
IJeef rs, W K. 
l>Mr, Jaa. U 
Ua«id<oii, J. W. 
Dewey, D. M. 
Delsaiou. — 
uiioo. rred 
iHlavoje, Wn. 
UuuoiBg, W. 
UiCkDiswu H. B. 
Uucruw, will. 
Uiairmod. Cbaa 
ualuioni, Uoif 
Ue Leoo, Louis 
Uvbiai>OB, Jwe W 
Ueksaue^ Htm 
Ur>aen, uai ry 
Uiirqii, treU 
iioiwit, a. L. 
IFbNta, Har<-y 
iHtare. II, A. 
De Cuursay, 

Deao, Frank 
Ueuip-ey, Jerry 
ueiuiuui, iJeu. 
UUUB, Altliur 
lliiwif. Joe 
Ueukiuauu, tieo. 
U)er, iimu 
t>eieie, Frank 
L*ri'-kson, H.8. 
^baaie. Llibe 
F.sgle, - 
KviiU.II. K. 
Ldwaids, <ieu. E. 
briiyg, Aruvid a. 
Bdeards, K U. 
HngliBli. ll E. 
tUion, ..uiin 
tuBaoe, Tfaoe. 
bmersuu, J. A. 
auteison, IJarry 
uuoioe. W. 
al.ia, archie H. 

(lehnnanu, (Jbaa. 
U re gory, Jaoh 
•oidou. L. M. 
Uoruun, Turn 
Uuy Brva. 
uiii, Uau R. 
ureguiy. Jack 

clllet, Albert 
Holdall, lluraoa 
Uiitbao, tJtil. Jaa. 
ilulubuok, Leon 
iluRRiu a Uarts 
Urant, 0. W. 
ilrial, AH 
Hbod)ear,u. W. 
UoRRin. J. E. 
iimu. Has 
■lerlsch, Chai, 
iluraiaD, (Uiaa. II. 
ijiun. t;apL j 
Ulliiari, i,haa. F. 
Ufore, Ua*e 
ilerwio, Matt 
UutI, Jtie 
Ulbuore, Fraak 

HIndroP. r. W. |2'»«"*!};'','JV- 
MaaeaA A WaM rtammetN» U. B. 

Nlbba^M & 
NItohkia, U. 
NelsoB* Laraoion 
Natihlar, Will 
Nanklveila, Wall. 
Horwaid, n. A. 
Morris. I'rot H. T. 
Kswiuan. Horace 
Korth, Ur II B. 

l^ailiranBa. Harry 
laaugley. Fnd 
irfiwrra ^raoela 
Ipaiefie. Ohsa. E. 
Lockwood K. 


MoColn. Jack 
Holnttr*. HobL 
Meloall. Irey 
Morrison, C. F. 
Millar, tieo. 
McKay. Andy 
MoAutllTe, Jar* 
Moran,M T. 
Maira>, llsrry 

Snira, Traoy 
lesla, Jaa 
Maaday, Ultle 
Marlon, David 
MeKroy, llllly 
MoLlaln. Hilly 
iorria, fiaak 
Milton, tl.W. 
MiBlIk, tiitarlas 
MohrlORer Hroa. 

Mario w. Jw. 
Meegan, Tboe. 
MoHrlde, W. H. 
Mclnlyre a 

Maolell. Wesley 
Miller Jr. A M. 
Murriuey. T. I'. 
Ilarilnatti, Kd. 
Miller, tIeo. 
Muirlaou, II. F. 
Magee, J. J. 
M«iitell, Wesley 
Murray Trlplsla 

Mdea, llairy 
Maos, Tuny 
Mais,Tteo. A. 
Mnbrliiti, Uni. 
Mcluiyre. Will 
MIlUiii, flea 
Man'U, Uau 

Uenry, H. 1^ 
HaibiliLu.cjau. II. 
iiuvsB. Ibe 
HuRbes, A. II. 
iiariigau,W, U. 
Ilarna, W. ll. 
tlenaeny, Ju. 
Ilacriaon. Loals 
Habtbe. Nigbiaa 
lluee, Jnba L. 
Iligliier, Tlie 
Ham Mark 
Harris, Hau. 
Hollani. Juell. 
Ilearue, Fiedil. 
Hart Jr .Tiiuy 
Hunter, Dr IJ. B. 
iiaaley, Lawianee 
llarriMfu, *4a>gg 
iiauey, 1*> 
iiar«iafc,rir U.M. 
lluilGlii, John 
llalpin, Dan 
Harmeyer, Horace 
HeaUl, W. D. 
Hamad, HaiU 
llayea, b be. 
ileege. uua 
II aiemao, Maurice 
Hague A r la 
iiiiT, ftaos. W. 
Hail.U. W. 
lluittio, roL U. 
Haley, Ibta 
llarrigao, — 

llwdgkins, hurl 
Hill. U*«i A 
llaidnian, Leo. 0. 
llelien, H W. 
iieutuo, Wally 
Hfcidau, Joe 

Uauiptoa, All. 

HautUu, Uarry 
lleoker, H F. 
Haidee, H03UT. 
uebderwu, A. U. 
Hbaie>s. loa 
Hllbleys, The 
lluve c L'Ufllilog 
llvlluway, AJbeil 
iiartiuaa, L 
lliliuiaii, Bugeoe 
Hstdiug, Oau. 
iioUtbo, ail 
Uottawa. Harry 
■ rwiu. rrau 
'■Irwio, I barley 
liar, Nick 
Ireio, Wm. 
J, w. J. 

Miller. Curydon 
Morlsriy, V. A 
Haiianl, I'rol. A 
McNulty, W. F. 
Miller, Frank 
Martina, A J. 
Hiiuroe,(lsu W. 
Hahara MiaiL 
Barilla. F w. 

Hnrnllus, Tbe 
Mdliuridi. Frank 
Ha''aie. Dbtb 
Harvelle, Dan 
Morral, Jesei'ti 
Harahain, FredW. 
Mans, Al 
Hnui, Lea 
Murphy, Hike 
McLeauA Hall 
Murpbi.J. It. 
Mills, UUI 
Hurrar,J. M. 
Mad way. J. U. 
MaRrew,Jas U. 
Haafc. D J. 
Hirah, Frad 
Moi.'aiip.J. K. 
Moore, A. W. 

(I rag man) 
Niton, lIuRn 
New. AleiU « 

O'llrlen. Bdward 
tVHrian, Jii« 
"Old goldlar' 
iMeil. llsrry 
D'Hslllr. I'rxf Belli 
>*Hrlan, i lua 
Ippennati, frsi 
Jnlway, W H. 
O'Hourke, Tmi) 
O'Brien X J, 
Ugt^ t'has. K. 
Orsona, — 
nrauttt A C. 
ii'Brien, Kddia 

Psrdo, Tuai 
Ferrr,J. II. 
r<per. Frank B. 
niRsr, Hen. 
l'rinca,.laa .i. 
fntpsiing, H. 
i blilliia.>'. D. 
ri\a. Lealer U 
frubst, fbtllp 
Trice, nob 
Parker, Prank 
I'uwell imaglclaii) 
ribe, L. L. 
fUtll. llsrry 
fonins, Harry 
^erklo^ Jack 
I'lnk. Harry 
Friee, Jntin H. 
Tatkor, Wui, 
I'hillitn. Actiillo II. 

Re««l. Ilulaihl 
lUreti, Dica 
HeaRao. Jam. \Y. 
KadclirT.*. J. D. 
Kidtre. The 
Rib arils, u. K. 
Kilter, Usury 
ltun)aii, llru. 
Ililipy, 11. V. 
HudJ. A. 
Hloflk. Jas. 
Hiiey A HIadkallar 
Ituliiii^ W U. 
MOM. Harry A. 
Hoblnsun, 11. H. 
Itslsiun, Hubiri 
HlBl. A I. 
Hiiilull'li, W. 11. 
Hiiy Ju 
ItlcbanUon, Heo. 
Hire, »rank 
HuBier, Faul 
Holla. Ur. H. 
lUwaon, K J. 
Ilsyiiiiinil, Will. 
Kay Bros Itta. 
Head. A II. 
HItehle, Hao. 
Head, flat 
Huinaiina, Many 
Keuilrew. J. t* 
Hnsirou, Jaa. K. 
Hitliblna. Frank A 
Heniiie, T. W. 
Kubiuwui, Hen It. 
Ilalliug tliuuder 
Krdaii, lUriy 
Htch, II. W. 
Kubortsou, Krank 
Il4)en, Julm 
Itaiikiu Arthur 
Koyal K C. 

Biner, lliiok 
r<ym(.ud«. J. II. 
Miriwloa Wnt 
lUliiiootlr, J H. 
riaiilord, Walter 
HJiertdan, I'lill 
8teelf>,t)tiu. Wa 
Kn»w. K>tdy 
Kolitiiler A Nasli 
Biuwa. J. F. 
diitiUi A Campbell 
Kully, Wni. 
Heabruuk,T (J 
Hwallt'Ttl. J II. 
Hwealliatii, W. I*, 
gnuw.lle*). W. 
Hieitley, FieiKI. 
gulllTsu. Hsit 
Htioklng, Hubert 
ricribiior, * 

Sletea." „ 
HMrta.Ja ir, 
riaundera, M. A 
•teHboer. Hani 
rtton^ Hul. 
Silver, Jaa. 
ncrlbner a BmlHi 
8peocer. Dr H. F. 
rthadrick, Josboa 
Hi|re*ter. Ilerrr 
Suiinn. Frank 
dbrilmao, W, & 
•*l Auburn. — 
rtooUk— (rrugman) 
.-tfrrMlnger. J. F. 
riWKOl, Al. 0. 
.shttitarxl, U*. ILO. 
^4iornitt, Lee 

^eurat, HHly 
rflone. K 
riullun. Hick 
Mlater. Joe 11. 
Blilman, A'O. 
rtlie|i|«nl, tranh 
Baoiry Jr.. Jus. 
Hiiltoii, lilok F. 
rtllvu, - 
Mofiiin Harry 
Hitiilli, It. U. 

Hiam a Fiait 

^rina, — 
Hheeban, W T. 
rlandsrs, J A Heiii 
ituine. Ilairy 

'Ileal. Han 
Afhsfoas, K R 
rimuinDfl,(leo II. 
riibln, Wilt 
Taylor, Harry 
ItnKay, Utiaa. F. 
Tnler, i 8. 
rhewloro. B. H, 
Tait, Jill 10 
Tboinas, Wni. 
Tareaii Bro«^ 
Teal, Fior. 
Teiioy Panilly 
riiu>. rUtas V. 
Tuliy. W. A 
Thouaa. Disk 
Ta>liir, Harry 
TbuHi|>«no, H.V. 
rurnntir, Kd. 
rrumbull, J. W. 
T(inbr>y, KritiitR, 
rnrner. oiia 
roaaioi;. Uen 
rroil Hrsta 
raiur. Hs4J 

Uiinr, tv. 0. 
Uriwo, Jack 
I'niio, — 

Vahlsre, — 
Variti>), KdwlD 
\'ai*tiiiiii>. It. J, 

VrlJli, A. V. 

Veiklftr, llaiTry 
'Miiiot, Hort 
•III itmre, A. 
Van UiHiroum, 

iViielii, l<n<r.J. 
iiioii, Hen 

Wail), KuRenn 
Haldritii, Jim 
Wail, |i« K'irrsst 
Matron, ff«u. 
Wemia. J. 0. 
Wit^iu, UHly 
Webb, l ai-t. J. K. 
WriRht, ll. W. 
Wliliiug, llsrry 
We*t, iitrry 
HalliHi, Irve 
ff ellacs Jiitin 
WoMoit^llef. C. 
Wiiiiiao, Mailer 
Wtil«,J-lin It- 
War ran. Fjldia 

WllllSIUP, Ua W. 

a liliiier, II. II. 
Willie. Jaa 
wiiaieti, Mike 
Wshlwri. W. 
Wel«fi, Preil 
WiUuit. Waller 
Wauiiii, rbas. 
Wrtsul (Irani 
Wllber np. t'n. 
Whnlsii. M. K. 
WUbuHU AVeriioji 
Wlil'p. ntat.M. 
AarJ, Will. 
Weal, Will. 
Waila, Al. 
Watarl-ary. B<1. 
WlllieiiiN A 

WnlM. (t. U, 
Willie. All*. 
Wiltinr.A. K. 
Wanl. ( kea II. 
Will* N«tH. 
VVnllnr. lieu. 
Werleiiimrg, M. 
Whale lllliluB 
Wllllaiiin, riill 
Wa«L Meliy 
WhlH'lKr Twins 
Wo nub. — 
WmMi, Hert 
Weteutt, Kilwlii 
Wllaon, Kit U. 
Wiioila,llsa W, 
Willjania. Hilly 
WaUlii. Ilalfli 
WaKiiii, llsiry 

i'rnl. Harry 
Wliitrimib, K. 1*. 
Aall, HiBo'ey 
Wlialpii, Ulias. 

yurk.M. M. 
Valliiwaliioe Vln 
ViiMIIII. W. If. 
i/aiiinra. Ulen 
^/aiMiuier, Dave 
7.eieetli, Kd. 



Farrell. F.U 
tuUar.H M. 
Fiahvr. Fred 
rugger, Dr. B.U. 
riel'JBa Lewis 
Fa I relit Tuoy 
Fukuibino, T. 
ruy a tf iieia 
Fils, Jbbo L. 
Faaauua, The 

riun, John F. 
rraab, B. w. 

FlBKJIOg, 0. li. 

riear, Fiaa 
ronesier, F. 
'rew, Cbea 
riabkilti.M J. 
Feou/o Br a. 
yraokbif, Murt 
Fuller, Lalattde 
amuni a 

Furreiler. »r4iia 
Fatieb. Tony 
Piel-'s A Levis 
riaiurr, T. J. 
rarreil. L .1. 
I iAiUgb«r,W.A. 
Utlrabada, ttoL 
Uebeat, tAas, 4. 
Ulbaoa, i.U. 

Jacasou, Oeo. 
Unas. 0»«ar 
Jirues.o. U 
Jackkiia, hilly 

JofaBftbO. UtlU 

jvidau, Uarry 

Haao, Ull 
MaaoMp, P. A. 
ailkliBII,W. r. 
Ratabav. Ton 
Res.. J M J. 
I(aaa.,3u. K 
R O 

RaiBlil, Obaa. 
kiral.o, Uua 
ai d, oeo. U. 
Belc/. Allied 
k.raut Jobs 
Rella, IMi 
keedAb, PreMoB 
Hreaeu. t. 
HeoDady ir., 

kim'.xll ricd 
kell, a . r. 
Kiaa Joke 11. 
iaOn Weeds 

llelniK.— Al tbe I.TCOuni "Tlie lllack LTmik" 
Not. r.-io. Tbo Albenla Oiiiilo opern Uiinpaujr did 
a fair buslnus bisl week at pupular piluea. Ueo. 
Tliatoher U-U. 

linHoiT orRBA lliii'HR.-Ixiirls Uonlaon ii-lo, 
■Tbo Aniatnns" plajod to fair alUiiidani:o Ui:!. '.lu- 
:il. MHnilthKiisselldll Ills naual oRwIlont liiiaj- 
ncBS Nov. 1-3. "A Ti'XM H oor" »-l", "A lllaok 
BlicoD" I'J-H, lionnellj and lllrard 16-17. 

WiiiTWRVHURAKnOrsB* Ilciims.-Tlria wmIi. "A 
HainkO Ukook." loal wook "The I'nllun ralml" 
cauRht tbo pnbllo purao lo lliu lioum oipaullr. 
Neiiwrsk, Floroncolllnrtlnj. 

lUHrilSI.I.'S KlIPIBB TllK4TII«.-TllH Wook, JlH. 

J. imwIlnR, IP '-Tlie l.itu Uiuini." Ijmi wwk "fbo 
Prima INinna" averaKu'l aaiur4i;lar)r at(i'niUni:o. 
Moit we»k, '-Tlio Polite inapuclur." „ , „ 
WOHIIRRLlKllTIISATHK ,\NII Ml HKS.-diirlit hall: 
Hitler IpoUory biPR), J'lHu Tliuiniiauullilliiil cliniker 

Blareri and <Jrar« Uuiiriliiiiil. Illjnu 'I'hnairo: Uliaa. 
arler ami i;urrlne Uulla. Main ainvo: Uirllalo'a 
dURS, Mlllan Uarllsis, Tlinruu hdiI llarlrliiu, lion 
Howau and Hon, ^k:kcrt, and llorit and Orrllln. 

HOBirii.-llorl U07, Hailaunluianaiiiir inr Camp- 
Iwll's Kinpiro, Joined llayea A Cu.'s ' Klil" In a 

llks capKll} Msnaier Hlmw, nl ilie l.yiuuni, 

lias RODS 10 T'lronlo oil liualiits Manager 

Moore, or Wondorlanil, la In iliu F>ki l<»iklni( up 
some Koiopean iioTollliis Ihai have bktclj orilrod, 

Urand H«pl<l«.— Al I'owi-ni' tlraml Opera 
llouMi Hul Hmllli lluaw li, IM. ™, pl»»cd lu H. Jt./I. 
Illiea. Nov, 1, drew a lino bouse, as dlil M s. I'liifor 
and lltrle llellow a. UninlnR: "'nio l/wl l-anullio'' 
7, Uwla Mornson, In "Fauai," 11. 13, "Tiio Hiar 
OsMt'' 10. 17, "<in Ibo llowor|"iio. Jl. _ 

UHANIl OPSHA ll0t;Bi.-W00k l>r<, 'll "Tbs Piillce 

InapecUir"' draw |oo<l bousos. Wook or Nuv, t, 
Hliln Tracked." . _ , ,.. 

HMirii's OriHt Uoi'SR —Week of t, Hun T, Jaok'a 


NailiiBW. — At tbe Acadeinr of Huslo 'Tbo 
New ailed lbs liouss .\ur. -J. Houaa'a Uand 
drew a onaaudlence :i. Ilbeu ciiujrs n, "Tim |'.<I| .« 

rauol" 0, r^wls Morrlaon v, "Tlie lieMler" lu 

Al Boldwell's Optra llonao WaUfin ami iuiiS.s, 
Hon Ubsrile, Nsrf and F/tr Tbaivher. l.<iillo Hall, 
Jssse ATtloron, Liixle HiruUR. I,ix/.lii Ki'lljr, UAHo 
Urilki, JeialeTourrell and l.lllk UiIoImuvIi. 

KaUnsasiMi.— At Ibo Acodroiy of Mualc 'Ttio 
Polloo luspsuUir" came lir.l. ll in a ii'.iir liiiuae. 
UoDlni: Bousa'a Hand N'lf. I, Krrl, Ibillow and 
Mn. Fuller, In "In Hoclel»,-"i, ''l/«i 111 .Vow r<irk" 

4. Nr. aod Mrs. Ilijbert ws)co week of 0 Tlio 

oraad waa dark last week. 


WIrhtla.— At Crawford's Omnd "Ubsrier's 
Aoot ' bad a full bonse Ud. ao. "Ths Merrr Milk- 
oalds," b; bomo islen', drew wdl ti, 2S, 37. Ton/ 
Farrell. In "OaiiT Owen,' had fair hualueaa Nov. I. 
OOBil0(:iaa>ea/.<Jori>slt, lu ' Uonllimau Jack," 3; 
"A (iold Uayand "A l.'.'iip uf Iht; Old lilock"D. I'ur 
<;oructi'a apMar.oco Mlu uuua>tw>/i ixiukhlup by 
apecnlaUira,alldliallab buuratier ibe tickobi were 
on sale n'.ae oould be oiioioed exoept aianad- 
fanco. Tbla liss created mocb noISToiahle com- 

l.oBTvnwertk— At Crawrord's Qrand Opera 
llouae "A l^ld Hay" and "A Vblp 0' Ibe 0 d Block" 
drew a email buoae UCL M. James i. (»ibeil, lu 
"Oenlleiuan Jack," had one of ibo lariest bouses 

ersr aeeo btn 9a At Otalobsrlni llall Fnd 

Biooka leotuM to a padud boDN M , 




— Uolicrl l>. II] itr, proprietor Mid mcniger «r 
Ilf d« • Comedy Uo„ wrlict u foUowi froiD Cln- 
ciniwil, 0., andtr i)>le at Oct 38: ''Mr «d. In Tni 
ULirriR or Ocl. 20 ijroDgbl mo Uio larunt nonilMr 
or nppllcHiloDi I IwTO eret received, tni I diui 
n; ihu II li the odIt p*per on earlli ror ii)tD»ren- 
I am dolDK ihg beat liaiUneM I luTe done In Are 
ytun. I htve now tbreo compftnln louring Id- 
ilUDB, BDd ell Nre miililnfi money. Louia Itoldock 
has UfinipAoy No. 3 In flood runnlDjr order, and la 
tarolnx people acT DlRlitl/, Joh. P. Wlllard haji 
Ihe miina||eineotor(lomp»nr No. 3, anl r>parliCliF 
hoi pmapeola ror the aunn. It la inrlnlenllonU) 
pot out two mnre compulea In i coople n( weeka." 

— )^r* Umliiun Cllfi liaa aluned with Huufier 
W. B. HmsTcs io pUr the leading part In "llanda 
Acruaa ibe <ea.*' opening Not. 6. 

— "A Wild liork" oloaml lia lonr Oct. ZT. 

— The UcCof Blatera bavo been eDnicd bT jolin 
II. Knwil inr iila coraedlani. In "A Iterlew." 

— IL A. Ilaliom la at hli bonie, Beaulce, Neb., 
alowl; recovering Iroin an allack ot malaria rever 
coolncied in Teiaa. 

— Jobn T. Ticrnc; la dnlag the character or Ne- 
raildpn In "The lluatler," ilie part fonnerlr plajed 
b; JiiliD Krrneli. 

— K^ibcrro Upton nordog, prorcaalonallr known 
aa 1lHr.el Imrrlain, waa granied a dirorce froDi 
Jaxi.n Oordnn In Chicago, Oct. 17. 

— Un. Win. J. Bcanlan bwliren granted an order 
In iticHiiptriorOiiurtor tiila Bia'e permliling her 
lu fllapoiHi of ber iioihand'a ilile and latercet Id 
■•liaviiorne«'ii,'*Htidh«aarr«iigfdloMill loAogDalua 
riuiu ilie eole riglit of prmlocilon or the plaf . 

~8Tdner Iireir1nloii<ta1o produce "The Bacbe- 
lor'a llAb;,'' a h-w cnmrdf. In lllcliniond, Va., Nor. 

0. Kre<leil''k llrytoo allliM In the ca>L 

— II la rrp Tied that Mra. Lcalle Uaner Intendato 
relom in iliitaiago. 

— UiirioKlDitlo baa added "Daogera or a Orcat 
Cllr'' to li>r rrpenor;, and pUjed It for the llr«t 
lime Ocl. 27, Ni oitaHH, O., whi-n alia aaanmed ihe 
role (iiiliutiiugli girl. Km Ktiiste appeareil aa the 
rHiiaiiHiid Hid Jew. Ulai Kluse tliloka the piaj 
will prove a winner. 

— uarl Urehtn, nmnager or "Ten NIglila In a Par 
Room," waa prcaenicd wlih a gold lieviod cane by 
bla company uu bla lilrlhda/, alter which a tmngoei 
waa aerved. 

— Ilatilo Slarr (Ura. Chaa. I,. Ilarria) baa written 
ao opf rA fur lie Woll lloppcr. Tbe autiject la en* 
itrrl; new, and It la Bid lua neaer been treated In 
opera or plaj. Tlio inualo la briglii and caK:h}. 
Tlio BCiiru will lie nuiillahed b; M. WIrmark i Dona, 
with whuoi Htka Btarr haa algoed a all ycara' coo* 

— Itoaicr III mr. U. F. Hhaw'a (Jhallenge Band, 
wlUi liaTo II. LewU' "Undo Jnah Spruceb}" Co.: 
rnir. U. v. Uhaw. olartnnei; IliclMrd lliiiho and W. 
H. Conn, ciirncta; Onaa. I'rokop, barltODe: Krank 
Wilalna and Kd. Hiagurd allde treobonea; Imr, W, 
E. Il"lipnttcln and John Farrell, altoa; U. I,. Fox 
and J. Kretli, tonora; A. U. Mailaon and B/d.B. 
Hjlvoa'or, driima, and Fmnk H. Thavker, tuba. 
Tno inuil ta liiaklng a apeclaltj ul doacrlpilTO oicr 

— Kilwin P. Hilton, manager or Flolao Vlllard, 
In "The l.lillo HpcculHiiir," wai| a Ui-iri'iK caller 
Ni>v. 2. Ur. Hilton aaya he haa flnlahed hla tunr 
thruuKb New Ktiglaoil. wboro he waa very aucccaa- 
rul, and ijaadupllCHteu tlio good loipreaalun niado 
there, at llocheaier and nUier Now York clU^ Hla 
aiiracilun plaja at llarinanoa llieccker Hall, 
Allun;, Ihreo innhu tlila week, opening election 
night and readme rolnma.aud the adt-ance Bale 
waa Tcrj lieAVr, Ho will ihon plaj Hjrracuae and 
aunia rvnnailranla cliloe, and tho reojda'a Tliea- 
tio. New Viirk. ror a week In liocomber. The new 
iDeintiera ul the compaoj havo made htla and all 
lodlcaiiimn point to "The I.title Hpecniaior" being 
aiiona fldn aucct^ Ur. Hilton will be In New 
York for aome daja. 

— Ulivor lAiiHilidiiaa rejoined lho"Mulo Triile" 

01. aa atage manager. 

— IL K. Hlroiig, or Uoiralu, N. Y., will leave lor 
Cleveland, u., Nov. n, wboro hla etator, Ploreoce 
ilmiMlue, otiho J. K. F,mniel LM., win bold a re- 
ceptlim rnr hloi at iho llollenden Holel. 

— Jack J. Kelt, comedian, lell tho OarrlQ Lament 
Co. at llufluniontj Tex., and opened wltli Uont'a 
Vuuiedjr Uo. at cllniiiu. Ho., Nov. t, Ur. Kelt and 
hlH|Mriner, Chrle. Ilrnno, will atarjolnil; hextaen* 
aoii liiararcooooicdj.enlltlcir'ThelleirTTrHnip " 

— "Iho Uuttnn King," now phi;lng In lloaion, 
coiiiea to tbia eltj thla Winter, ror an IndeHolle run. 

— Wlillani A. Uiadjr haa copjriglited the plav 
rn'ltlcil "A llowcrr Ulrl," a meludraniallo pnHloo. 
ii'iu. whirh ho Inlcnda to pruduoo ImtuodlatelJ 
aturr Utarlainiaa. 

— Sheruutu Urown haa aold hla Int^reei In "Og 
the Kanh" to Uaoagor Ihivldaon, or Uavldion'a 
Tiieaira, Milwaukeo, wla. 

— Julia Uariowoliaa aocopted an airangeinent 
nt llruwalne'a plar, "Coioiiibe'i Ulrtbdav," bj lloae 
Kjtlnge and H. Aria Flaiier. 

— unarlra Frohman iiaa ooniploted arrangeueDta 
for the appearance ur John Drew In J,ondoD next 
Aptli. Ula anpponlug compsnj, Inoluding Hand 
Adaina, iiiu licun cngagal, and lie will preaeni "The 
Uuiiirillra," "The Uaaked llall," and a new pla; 
now living written rur hlin bv an Kngllab autnor. 
Uia l/>iiduu aeaaoD wlli oontlnoe until Uio ulddio 

— Manager llnbl. II. Ularko bu aeciiml Jamee F. 
Mmiih 10 wrlio a four agt luehvlraiiui lor bla atar, 
Kobt F. rarkinaoii, whloti tili ahnni; be produced 
in olltea onljr. Harrv B. Muk, tnualoal p«rt> riuor, 
rui'rniij Joluoil iliHClarko-RiiSiuaon Co. Tho com- 
|iiiU7 report good liualnraa iirt>ugb NIaaourl and 

— ManlnaTllia, Ind., Nutea: At IHIe t l>ark'a 
Upem lluuae, del. 'J3, liio Alluilan L'oiioert Co. 
played tu a ililit hiiiiae. (lot. 'Ji, Walter Crow plar- 
ril In a very giml andlence; Oct. Z7, tbe "iJnolo 
lllraiii" 1)0. played to aUndlng room only; Unt. 2P 
tlie"8i.l'lonkard''C«. pla)ed to a lull buuae, and 
lieuplo were turned away. 

— TliB ^'entuu llrua. are doing well In **Tbe W- 
oiirl and I" Co. Uuaiiieu i«pon«1 to be more thau 
up tu oipeotailima. Tiie C4iiiipaoy tlnlah New Kng- 
land week of Nov. 'Ji^liee 1, aud iiien go directly 
Weal, wliere iliey ani tioukol in ail weak aianda. 

— Fred 0. lloey reqiifain ua lu deny the report 
that tio had Juliiuil J. u, lliKiloy'a Co. 

-CiaytuuK. White liaa Juliied "A Hummer Blla. 
unl" Co. 

-"Tho I'llnia IMina" Vo. having oloaod, Nell 
i.lieiiarUI, Yankee cnnudlan, u reeling at hla homo 
III lunwcll U. 

— Noica tnnii the Ualdwln-llogrm Comedy Co.: 
Wo H» out again making nar Florida tour, and 
bualnin la good cuualdcrlng everything. We 
carry Iniiricn peiipio. One iiaiid and orohoati*. 
Uiintoe l>me Joined tho oumpany at Tfellabaaacc, 
Fia., t'<t tho aeaaou. He haa been alok at bla hone 
at llouiiuu, To.\., lur aevoml weeka.and bit rrlenda 
wlli be Hlad 10 know bo la about well again and 
doing ieada tor the Itopra Slatcra. 

— Noiei rruin Frank Tiickor'a t^inedr 00.: At tho 
oloae ul a gonti week*a bualueea at the (Jpera liuoae 
Uriiim, <l. Uanager J. W. Iloua'r, ot tho houae, 
tvmb red ibe eoinpaiiy an ehtboiale banquet. The 
coitatlon took place on tbe auge and waa a very 
merry aiTaIr The lueinbera o( the company who 
parloiik or the roaat were: C. I'. Coaai, J. Knox 
Qavin, U. A, Hum, Uen. Ilulililna, TUu Hanln, 
Uirou tiebnrmerhorn, the Arton Quaricite 0. W. 
lileiriuh. Jane Harbuiy, Ocriio llubbliia, Vaiene 
11*11 and Kihol Tucker. The alnir or Ibe honae. In- 
cluding Manager lleuaer, waa aiao pmenL 

— hbtrr L. llxiey, bualui-at lUiinager ot the 
"Whtli- ll4|uadrvu" Co., waa tiiniwn Irum a borac 
(Icl. 'Jl, ai lYiiv, N. Y., and auaialned liijutlea about 
the lace and laaly, Including a bivken tiuae, but 
toriiriaicly waa nut dliUuurcd. 

— K. J. Aiiram aud Nelaon lloberu have pur* 
chawd iruiii Mraara. mnary A Merer tbe right In 
prreent "The l*aaA)nK t$how'* In lowna which are 
not lu l>e vialied by i lie unglnal New Yurk Co., the 
iiiur or whii'ii wtU tie under the control at lAinarv 
4 Ledercr. 

— U II. Henry, agent ror Leaiora Bnullay, wniea 
ualbal the "Olrcua din" Co., which atianded is- 
ceuily at I'hiiiiioni, N. Y., waa Ulaa Bradley't Co., 
Meaira. Ilarpi-r A Tayhir, managen, and not L. L, 
Orveno*a t>i.. aa waa onvneouily reported. 

— It waa the Tneairlcal MHhaulca' Aaaoolatlon 
nt Bi. Loula, UD.,and not tbe Tbealilcal Brother. 
boi>d of thu city which lecenuy auuered fnm 

— .\epBc>vclie mrnrmt na that he will lake ihe 
roadalHini.N'ov. I. Ilohai been vltllUig lelallve* 
tu Bay City, Ulch. " 

— Uirtna Fiankilo, or Ihe "Ooon Uollow" Oo., 
waa takeu aerluoay III at Cairo, lil..*nd waa lert 
Ihrre at Ihe lUlliday llouac, Ocl. 3*. uer place waa 
llled by Clara (Mia, who Joined toe oomnany at Bey. 
niuiir, Ind., 31. lu ibe lueaullme tho part waa to- 
cepiaidy taken by iho musical dlreemr. 

, - The Melville Bitter*, Ida and Hoae, who ii« 
doing an uulquo apeclaity enuiled •Two UiUe 
Jaya ' la "Litile Obrtitopher Colnmbnt," at the 
Uardrnlhratte.tbia nly, an engaged ror lh*ea- 
itre run or the pieoe. 

— Robert Fnirord, the bnaband ot tbe late Annie 
PIxley, arrived In London, 'Ril, with the atliea ot 
bla wire, wboae body waa eremaied la Euehind 
BborUy ari^r berdeaUi Itiere, aboht a yearago. Mr. 
Follord Inlenda to have the aahea Interred healde 
th'^ rematna or their only ohtid. 

— llotler of Oilrk'a (Jomrdy Oo.: Addia Haaon, 
Ulia Unngiaaa, Mra. n. T. Oiiok. Jeaiie Daitnn. O. 
M. Bracklln. I«o Bhuler A. J. Wrich. Will Haaoo, 
llarrv Clark and Harry T. Ollek, manager. 

— Nnies rmn Oimy A Wondholl'a "Annt Ballr" 
no.: Wo ale now on onr tweirib week and have vet 
to Ond a loaing week. "Billy" Oray It nuking 
a hit with hla aongs and comedy work. Hr. 
Vondholl will Dtnage the company rrnm hiaNew 
York oDIce, and at tbe aame Hme attend to the 
hooking or hla olhrr auractlona tor next aeaaon. 
Oeorge IS. Oooper, Joined the company at Baraloga, 
N. r., aa treaanrer. 

— Alice Kemp la wllb the BnirOonedy Oo. 

— Oeo. Oregory hu engaged Cook and Uoarard, 
Tbna. M. lie Snrdo, (leo. Kane, Iiorothy tltiera, 
Frank Cranael. I.ICBIe l^nrnlne, and Jennie Oordoa 
ror hla new "llampiy Dauipir.'' 

— Roaier or Uoorord A Benlon'a Conedy Oo.: 
Jamee W. Forrest, A. R. Urary, II. Wehb Cliamber- 
lain, n. H.Orary, W. U. Heed, u. RnckaOeld, Oon. 
Heloh, K. U Royoe, W. J. Hamard, J.I,. Bboemaker, 
Frank Laorimore, Ohati. Dcardnnrir, H. A. Dnnturd, 
L. 0. Uckiider, Uan I>. Rob, Lillian Price, Ualay 
Zahlln, Uargsertte Crsry. Lil'hin r.iliock; Huh k 
l,eckllder, pmprleMra: II. A. Unnrord, manage ; 
Jamcn w. Foricat, aiage manager; Don. Heirb, 
miitlcal director, K. I,. Boyce, leider band ; l>. Ward, 
nuMter pnipertlea. 

— Rnaitrand NoteaorThe New York Pla'Me: We 
opened oor aAaaon at BprlnRVliIo, N. Y., Nov. 1, to 
the lianncr bualuaaa or ihe aeaaon, wlUi everything 
runolngaaamooiliaaalik. The company will tnur 
New York Biate, rcnnit ivania, Ohio, ami the WeaL 
We ar« iKioked aoild tor twenty one weeka, with 
Otit claaa pmapeoie or a aurceaaTul aeaaon. Tne 
roaier la aa rollowa: luiph Dean, aiare nirectnr; 
r. J. Urklna. awiaiant ttage dlrec'or; I). J. Ileliej, 
trtaaurcr; W.J lUyrs, Bidney B. I'lia>in, E. 0. Ken 
nedy. Jack HrKenney. Tom Uary, Pmf. w, II. 
Rymn. Ton Nev la the agent In advanc; Lou 
ilwdner. Alan AddlwD, Florence St. Clair, and 
Uaaier Rddie Fox. Frd La Vound la Ihe manager. 

— Nottarmm the Jnhn L. BoiUvau Co.: Immenae 
iinalneas la being done and everyltody happy. John 
J. Howard, onr baalne.a manager, waa married In 
llrnton, Utaa., Ital week to llaitle Rlanrhatd, and 
ia now receiving Iher.oDgiBlulatloaa of hla frlenda. 
John W and cnmiainy and other frlenda and rela- 
tione all auendedibe wedding, and Hr.and Mrs. □. 
received many preaeiita. All will and proaperoui. 

— Ura. Uillan Bteroard baa preaented her bug. 
hand with a baby boy. Mother and child an doing 

— Ulaa Oecll Wataon la now convaleacent, after a 
protncteii and aarlona iilneaa 

— P. N. Ililigt haa Joined Daltio Uarkoe'a "D. T. 
0." Oo. aa iiublneaa repreaenutlvo. 

— R a. Burgeite clnaed with Ibe A. H. Miller Co, 
week ot Got. 22, ai Uahnque, la. 

— Noloa rroro the Carer Comedy Co.: We are 
doing a big liniinean, a'-il the "B. II. O." aign li 
brought Into frequent nae. 

— Ijioien Ilef okf r Joined the Andy Amann "A 
Clean Sweep" Co., at CharJetton, III., aa muilcal dl. 
rrcrnr. He came direct trom Oermany, we are In- 

— Julia Hnrloy, character aclrt«n,lt enjovlngs 
nieaaaut and aucceaarul aeaaon with the Wallace 
Hopper Comedy Company. 

— "Behind the Hccnea," an adapiailon or Iilon 
Bonclranit't old comedy, "The Uehuianle," waa 
acte<t rnr the flrat time under the above title at the 
Bchllirr Tneaire, Chicago, Hi., Oct. 31, iiy Felix 

— "Upa and Downa or Life," a ronr act play, by 
F. A. Scudaraore, Americanized liy Oliver Ryron, 
was acted for the Orelilmo at Urake'aOpera Uonae, 

— Arthur Rigor mrurma ua tha>. In aplte or con 
Uary reporta, heiaailli with Donnelly 4 Oliard. 

— Jule Keene la Ihe authorized agent to secure 
Vow Ynrk talent ror the twenty rourtn annual bene- 
III or rnlladelpbU lAdga, B. P. 0. EUa, which U to 
be given on tho afternoon or lleo. 14, al the Chest 
nut Bircet 0|ien Uouse. 

— Uaik Kenynn, wiio was reatnred with "A Una- 
alan Uoneynioon" ihit aeaaon, met with a painful 
accident three weeka agu, but baa now fully re- 
covered. Ue is now at a sanitarium In KlrksvlUe 

— Cliaa. r. Relnhardt, rather or Laura llaiTla 
llnpp«ri, died UcL 31, alter a abort Iilneaa. Inter- 
ment occurred Nov. 2. 

— Nulra lmD"Loat In Egypt" Co.: We opened 
Nov. 1, at Ut. Temnn, N. Y. lloaicr: Lester D. 
I'owell, Uanv B. Ilealev. Harrv U. Alien, W. o. 
Uavlrs, Joe 1)I>Iud, Tony ^\'eat, onarlea KMia, Carrie 
La Hojne, Florence French, L. W. Waahbnrne, 
niaoagcr: II. W. Link, hualnns manager; Harry a 
lleal'j.atage nianagor: Ble Utetan Ben All Troupe 
or Araba. ten In nnniuor. The company carry a 
band aon orobeeU» ot twelve plecea ana uavol In 
their own slevplug and dining can. 

WbolspUylngibetlUerola In "Little Uhrtttopber 
Culonihus" with Ktca's Uurleaque Co., at the Oar- 
den Theatre, this city, baa rapidly come Into promt 
nenoe as one ul tbebctt or light opera prima donnas, 
Bhe was bom la Tlisoo:a, HI., twenty-four years 
ago, and la Ihe daughur at a aubstantbil grain mer 
chant now toaidlag In Indbtaapolls. Uerglilkood 
waa spent in the Ulter olty, where shesanglna 
ohuroh ohoir and was a member ot the Lyra sing- 
ing Society, Bhe became prominent ta amaleur 
mnalual events, and ber debut waa nude as Yum 
Yum In a local perronusnce nt 'Tbe Ulktilo." Sub 
srquonily, while yet a aehoolglrl, the appeared In 
"Knuinle." After an extended oourse ot voice 
Inaluing at tbe Clnclnaatl College of Mualo Hiaa 
Bertram came to New York in May, lisa, and waa 
engaged by Kmaia Abboir, to whom abo played 
aoconda ror a aeaaon, fidlowed by a^Bumuer aeaaon 
with the llees Opera U>inp«ny In Milwaukee, Win. 
Bhe waa ihtn eniaged by the Conreid Opera Co , 
and was the original I'rlnce Jullua In "The KIne'a 
Fool." When Marlon Manola retired from tbe Mo- 
Oaull Opera Co., at Falmer'a Theatre, lu thiaolly, 
Ulaa Heriram waa engaged to rephtco her In "Olov. 
cr."clherauialnedikyrBrwlihMoCaull,and was with 
Ihe liuir Opera Company tor the next two aeaaou. 
DuilDglhoput year ahe has been In tellreinen', 
aiadying under tbe Uto Hmo. Furacb Madl. Ur. 
HIceseleoted her trom many Kngilab and Amerluu 
anpllotnta tor the awagger, Jaunty cabin hoy In 
"Utile Oiirlatopber Colnmbua," a role created In 
Ibe London venlon by May Yuhe, and now peraon- 
atcd by Florence Bi. John. Mlas Bcrtiam haa maile 
iicr beat tuoceis Id ibia part. 8bo haa a dainty Ig- 
ure, acta with much vivacity and ainia dellgbl. 
fully. Her "Lailly Drowally" and "ch. Honey 1 
Hylloneri" have become very popubw with Ibe 
UanlenTbeaUe audienoea. Uiss llerinun haa been 
twice mariled. Her drti huaband waa Sig. Tomaal, 
the mutloal dlreotor. During tho naat Summer 
Bbe waa wedded In St. Loula to G. J. Ueniey, Ihe 
well known actor. 


ltleliuiand_"Charley'a Aunt" received lis 
drat preaeniatlon hen at the Ulohmond Theatre, 
Oou s,lo the capacity ot the houseiand madean In; 
Btantancoua bit. Uarleiie Weema, 91, proved a die- 
uial failure, "A Kenincky Ctrl," Nov, 1-3, bad lop 
heavy bouse*. "Paul Kauvar," at Ibe Academy oi 
Uusio. 1, 3, drew iigiit bnalneaa. 

AOiDiHT or Ufsio.— -TbeaalioyBlavo"),:, "A 
Trip III ChinatowD' a u, "rhe Black Cinuk" li, 13 
"The Koalgn" II, ■>, "Toe Colonel" IS, 17. 

HiCHBONDTuaaTaawlii be cloted lor the next 
two wireka. 

I'lTMH'e Tnumx OiiiiQi'i.-Openlng t: Joe 
BryaoL Bual ueag la fair. 

Norralh,<-At the Academy of Mualo "Paul 
Ktuvar" phDed to good bootee Ocl. 1), 90. "TOc 
Veudelta" had fair business Nuv. 9. "Toe b'nsliu" 

^iJOD TBiATHi.-Openlngt: TbellowardSlstett, 
Ihe Uuudloes and Beaale Bland. Business la good. 

BOS uuNTiKu's CiRcue, haviagcloaed a auooess- 
tul season, Introda to wtoier In Norfolk- The 
anliualaaie oomtunaiily quarieted at Leanar'a Park, 
while bis olock oocupleaiuo subuiban car hooaes. 


Hot Sprlnga,— At Iho Opera House "n» 
Ooloetl." wbtek eaa boehad for OoL H laI'M toma- 
Mnalia*. A (oodlr alate bouM had ammbM, bal waat 
a«*' dlaaproleied. Tl» iiion«y waa ralondad. llba 
"BJpxne rolka," eamt ir is a uaot boow 
(.haa Oiekaoa la ■•laooe." waa anatad by a fair aadi 
aooaa aoekadj AL iT rlalda Hlottnii Hoy. «, "A 
Kr.!?f.'""^ .1. 'TbaOnanlrrSoalia" It, Hlilaa 
Oe>. S-lt, gtvlag im panoroaaoaa dally ta larn aedl- 


at. I.awla.-^e pollUoal meeungs Injured tbe 
smniement bntineas last week. At lb* Olympic 
Theatre "Bowing the Wlud" drew htrge aidleocea 
hut week, aod It waa prononnoed Ihe bea> plav of 
the aeaaon. Felix Morris tbla week. Robert Han- 
tell Nov. II. 

aniHn orxnt Iloiiai.-Julla Marlowe drewlalr 
houaea lart week and remains UUs week. "Aladoln" 
comae 11 lor one week. 

UlTLIN B TUUTBI-— "Shart NO. 3" dfCW lOp- 

heavy hi.uaeL alter tbe dret nIgnL Peter Baker 
tbia week. In "Chris and Lena." "Plonegaa'a 
BaU" 11.. 

UiOiH TiixiTHi —''Dairy's Biondeit" drew good 
houaeeail wetk. Rubertaaylorulsweek,"ABuin- 
mrr Blizzard" tl. 

BTANbiRnTuaiTAB.— London Empire Bnienaln. 
er« made a big elan and kept It up all week. Oi s 
Hill's World iirNovelilea this week. John F. Fitlrta 
Drawing Cardan. 

Pork* TUKaTHL-Thls week: Faacall Slsleiv, 
Two Aheros, Lealie Tu'cs, Maggie Le*Olark,Toffi 
Uack, Pott ami Clistnn, oiayUin, Jenkins and Jaa- 
per, Ullbert Barony and Fiona Uattlog*. Toe dra- 
matic company wlil pretent ''The Hoop or Gold." 

WihTSK OaHDOH.-Tnos. Doylo, Ada Yooog, Qco. 
and Drila Dunbar, Itoaa (muacle dancer), Alex. 
Kirk, Uiile Yucca and Frank Uaney. 

HaOinLar'e Mueioii.— King Zeuner, May Biy 
(impaloient), tne Uoitune (awurd act), Minnie 
Httcncll (guitar) Uin IHil (dancer), Dave R oert 
(vocaiiat), BinlUJ Bro*. (acrobsu). Oelaport (come- 
dlab) aud the Block company. In -*The OnicaeL" 

Kauaa's Ai-uanaiu TaxiTMi.— Tne Relnua. May 
llaii, Cnauucry Powell, Jania WlijUma, Uattis 
c<rleion, Violet E<her, Louie Thorne, Wall Terri, 
Nellie Ulnar, Jubn E. Carroll, Uigguis and MUllgan 
and una. Kayo. 

LonuonTuuthb.— 1 be Itodolpbee, Harry Fentoo 
Maggie Ucyeni, OakUud (cnnunioulal). cnarlei 
A iibud. Hilly Hall, Adeline Jennings, Ada Clliton 
and Otfrtie Hulden. 

CuuiqusTukATHL-Llllie While, Ada Wrat, Fred 
and Muie Van Buakirk, Untile (lordon, J. J.Mumy, 
Benie Thornton, Mlluud Flimore, Alma Adania, 
Lizzie Arooiu, U4lBy Oordon and LUile White. 

iiJOii TuiiTHC-Wo. Uayter, Tllile Kollysa, 
Liiiie While, ar«cle Uiiie, Tilile Oe Uuobe, Annie 
Adaua, Diauiund WhIUoch, Joaeph CaMneW, Cme 
Feeuey and Oeo. Billea. 

Oig TaxATnx- l.izzle Parker, BarrT Ellaworth, 
I'niilp Clyde, lto>a Naynoo, Belle Parker, Walter 
ferry, Lottie Uslie, Blanche Wilbur, and Ooas. 
Oiady, WHO lakea the old man's part tbia week. 

Bhvant'h Tubathb— SmlUi aud Meyer, Billy 
Hart, Ida Walling. Frauk Jones. Ida La Pearl, 
Adulpii Couialea, Kltue Eavea, Uairy and CbrI*. La 
Hiiie, Dulorea Aruhjriita Alien Atklnaon, J. J. Uar- 
Ueri, Dave McCord and Minnie Palmer. 

cuar.— J. B. buddy and J, u. Barlow have 
doubled up here, and will do a new act, entitled 

"rnelild Soldier and ihe Tough. ' Uaiy Zie- 

bold, a BU Louis girl, who has been aiudylnr In 
Italy, made her debut at Milan, Sept. 90, tn -'Roy 

Bias," aa tne t^neen JainejJ. Butler, managtr 

ot ue Standard Tneatr*, thu city, and Rich and 
Burke, the ireosurcrt, vrere In New York city last 

week, atteuding the ayndlcau cuhTentlon 

Pope's rheaue Building Is belngrepainu>d outsloe, 
and It don't aeem probable that (he owners Intend 

Io demolish 11 rur some time to come Charles 

It. Fiipe, who built Popo's Toeaue, has arranged a 
Mrleaotenlerulnmenlsto bo given at the Mitio 
Hall this seaaon, to be loauguntitd, Nuv. 12, by a 
lecture by Oeo. John B Oordon. op "I'oe Last Days 
ul tbe Cooredetacy." On Dee. 12 Vsaye, tberamons 

vioilnlBi, and a concert troupe will appear 

Col. John 1). Uopklna win present the Crystal Haze 

al goo Olive Sireet next week Manager Iletd 

ul McCaaland's East BL Louts Opeia Uouse, pre- 
aanuid Robert Oayior and company land (Janers 

"Faat Mail"! L F. Ornber, doorkeeper at Bav- 

lln'aTueatrcwan married 1 to Minnie Sielnwand, 

ot thui city Landburg's Oarden TheaUe, which 

burned 'Jli, will bcreiiuUt aud ready ror butlnee i t 

Dec 1 Jeeaailae Rogers wlli retire rrum Pope a 

Theatre Dr.imatic Comp uiy lo. and will ne aucc.ed- 
ed by cella Alliburg. Ulai Rogers did some eicel- 
tentunaracter wuik, eepedaily as Beaale Falrrax In 

■ TueOoldeu Ulaoi Ulue." A new theatre will 

be erected in Ejtt si. Louis and be ready ror 
business by Jan. 1. J. W. Heed, now or Mo- 
Caabind's opera House, will b* the manager. The 

D*rriirnianca will be a cuntlnuoua one S. E. 

Taylor, eon ur Ihe.duorkeeper at Ihe Uagan, la now 
preaa agent at I'ope'a Theatre, In place ol Ooas. Mc- 
Donald Coi. John D. Uopkine, manager or 

I'ope'a Tbeain, 18 vrganizing a cunoert company 
rur Ibe luaii, with Alice J. Snaw, ibe wbiatler, at the 

'lead Tuiii Hack, late of Barlow, Dolsoo i 

i'Dwera' Minstrels, opened at Pope's Tiieaiie, 81. 
Loula, Ho,, Nov. 4 

Kanaiaa Clly.— Coalea' Opera Uouse will be 
d4rii unUi Ihe laai three nights or this week, when 
"Friends" wlil make lu aunnal appearance. Imi 
week Hie Pauline Uall Opera Co. gave "Dorcas" to 
fair bUkluess. II wss Pauline Hall's Hist appear- 
ance here. 

OBaNu Orv-a Uui'SB.— Willie Collier, In "A Back 
Number,'- win entertain Ibis week. Wiieo "In Old 
Kentucky" played bore Uai aeaaon It accmed tm- 
potalble tor anvahjw bi play to bigger tiuaineas, 
but last werk "In Uid Kentucky ' lieai its previous 
record. Next week, "In Darkeat Russia,'' tor the 
Oral ume here. 

MiKTO BrRSBT THBITHB.- Thhi Week, Nell Bnr- 
ge»6' "County Fair" Last week "A Bilvar Wed- 
dini" closed after Tuesday night's perrormance. 
When Manager Oiark booked ih* show Ohas. Sea- 
man and Molile Tbiimpaon were In the cast. When 
tho company arrived here toea* uiembais were 
abaeni, and then wbon Sol and Jnite Aiken left the 
ahow Uacagar Clark canceled tbe rest «f tn* en- 

OiLLis OPBRt Uocex.— Ocrirude Bnuggeue, In 
"Ttnglee," pruvtd ancb adlaappointment hat week 
that Maiuger Lewla closed ber engagemeut alter 
tbe fourth perfiTmance and the honae was dark 
fnr tbe remainder or Ihe tieek. This week, Ihe 
London Empire Eolertalnets. 

TnatTHB CuHiuuB.— The same bill holda over 
rrom iaat week. Doaloesalagood. 

CLirrBhlNus— Alfred UcF^rland, toe baojolst. 

gave a concert al Music llall Nuv. i j, Aldrlcb 

LIbby, of the rauline Hall (A>mpauy, will leave the 
company la two weeks. 


Iudlanapalla.>-.Tho dreniatlo event of the 
season waa the appearance ot Ada Hehan at 
RnglUh's, Cel. 9S-3I. Tbe performances were 
aliendeil i>y large audiences. "Down In Dixie" 
Nov. 6-7, Rnlit. UHntrll 8-10. 

QBaND.— The Emma Beach Yaw Concert Co. 
drew a lo^d sized audience 1. "Bowing th* 
Wind" t-7. Stuart Robeon l:!-u, "A Tnp to iThlna. 
town" 1M7. 

PiHk.— Tbe Vivian de Unnto Specially Co, had 
fairly good hntineaa Oct. 2a-31. "She" waa well 
received Nov. 1-9. "In the Name of the Czar" (-7 
•The Kid" D-IO, C. W. Williams' Specialty ui;, week 
OC 13. 

buriHB.— Flynn k Shctldao'a Oily Sport* Borle*. 
que CO. enjoyed gjod baalneaa OcL 17-31. '-Oor 
counU7 Ciiniln" urew rair elted bonaea Nov. 1-3. 
Field t Hanaos'a Drawing Ctti week or 4, Ona 
Ulll'a New Yurk Stars 11 and week. 

.S0Tt8.-Oa ektcUun dav, Nor. «, the ntnroa wlU 
be road rrom the aiageat Bnglltb'aandihe Empire, 
and an extra performance wlil be given at Uie 
lalter bonee, the curuiln lo ring up at 10.90 r ■ 

A handsome new cnruin naa been added to 


Marian.— Inea HcOnsker, hooked ror Nor. so 
and "Obinana," Nov. i, canceled. Every available 
root of ataodiog room was taken Nov. 1. to see Ul, 
Henry'* Hloa'reis. Couiini: I'airloe, In "TheKId " 
3, Jaa. R. Waile'e Comedy Co. t and week. 

Rvawawllle,— Al Ihe Qrand "The Tornado" 
pluad 10 fair ba>iBeaa llcl. IS -X^ooe Uollow,- ]ll did 
will Bimltd:"Tha 8lda ■>ho>"N«T 1 'Ibi Dnil'a 
Auotlon'JL 0 -'Mr Baniaa of Nov Vork." alui Emma 
Rift Itwliliarolllar ll, "Lady Winltroara't Pu"is 

■■na rrima DoBBa" IB. Al ike Pvopla'a RolMrl Oay- 

'."""iJ," 'Sirs? "JAIUafr,:' dUod Uia bogwlw. A 
i!°*!fl'„:,'^'' '£''ii"* Nov «. "III. EM ' II. 'Tlia 

raalltail"lS lhalheaua fVmlqao baa liaan aldad 

UB tad It ready for Uw Winur ctmpalia Wm. Wrtu 
t>a>,bMa appolaud maaaaar. The Bill lor weak ori>: 
DaVareo and Haaafa. llquMl* aod Latoida. OBirtaa L. 
Kyit^Rtalonl and Chapmaa. Bab; KBi|hl 'ad Ooldiaav 
E. TravlUf, riaaloL.. ..«. B. Aaliaal hai lUuTht 
iiiasaaanitDl ol (unbaisar'a Wioitr aaidaa bar* The 

K- it: 1'ta.r. Mat MaJi-oi. FraakloLM Blily rooUaal. 
TT Btaawood and Sana LaOoaia. Mr. kerabaraar 
bat laiialBltd and taoloa«l tht Sammor aartaa and i» 
Baaitt It lorebtrxar'a Winur Oirdaa Ibaauai 


Salt Lake CII7.— Al the Sail LU* nnxn 
Iha Paat Mali" apptaied Mov.l^t. 'X^kailay'a Aaaf 
oiaaa t-HL laUa Bmnau a 
Lvoaea.— tba ateek la BfaoMUag **n* Tbna Bata" to 
' bealaaaa. Llnag plataiwaM the bill aMkaes*. 

Job Uowixn, the deacrlpuve singer, write* thai 
be Is maklug a aaccea.'i all Ibrcngb the Weat with 
the Itttat ballad, "uer F.yea Don't Shine Like Dla- 
nohds-" UizleErans laalaoalnglngthlsaongwlth 
"IQ Old Kentucky," and Uarry Downey, oT Oaro- 
croaa' Hinoirels, haa been using It conUnnonaly ror 
eight weeks. 

Tax UAMOirriN TRonm, a new minstrel or 
ganiiailon, will give a perrormance at the Qnnd 
Open House Hall, tnia city, Nov. 12, before begin- 
ning a tunr ot Ul* Stale. Among the people are: 
Fa:)! Uonier. general manager: A. E. Bllla, treas- 
uter: W. B. Morpby, P. 0. Pnreelle, Burton and Col- 
llna. RuberU and IlcatUi, U* Unt Trio and tHe 
Denver City QoaiieL ^ ^ 

RogrsR or rag Fobbbst Oombdy Co.: TM For- 
resis (Uowsrd and Maml> ), Andy Cnmmlnga, bleve 
Ueanv and Pmf. Uons. Oe B«ge, Dan 0. Spencer 
Joined Sept. 37, bavuig closed with D'Eata's Medl- 

''uBOBag Wiuioii, of Prtmtos* h West's Minsuels, 
has been Introducing wlUi success tbe new march 
aong, "Leader of Ciimnany B," by Dave Reed Jr. 

UB.UDU.B)i,of Mullen and Unnn,ot ibe Nigbt 
Owls 00., was trten ven sick In Plusburg but 
week, and his part was played edeotlvely by 
Uarry Scherer. . „ _ 

WiLLiAiiB AMD ADAMS, lb* Ebooy Swclhi, lepovt 
meeung with anccees at Camcn**' MIubusU. 
Philadelphia, lo their apeclalty, "Black Romeo and 
JoileL" They ate engaged t.-rUteaaaaon. 

Tbb MnnorouTAN combdt CoMrAxx opened Its 
aeaaon at Orl'jn, III., OcL 16, and report playing u> 
good bnalneaa oo far. Tha roster: Wm. cnapple, 
manager; Jerry Uerzell, slag* manager: Bert 
Kiobardsoa, Oeorge Roan, Mnsler Isaac Onapple, 
Jeasle (MIUD, Ltltle Cotton, LeiU* Ford, tnd little 
LutU* Cbtpiile. The cumpany will tunr lUlnols, 
Iowa and M1aner>ta. „ _ . 

HiNNiB bcBULTZ Is sluglng "Oh, You Oreat Big 
Dari1ng,*a now song by Wm. Nelson. 

wgtxD AMD WiLcn, IclsQ comedians, anon Inelr 
way E-'SI, and •sped to open In New York City. 

OLLIB Yotnto. club expert, and John A. Murray, 
vocalist, :<>ave Jotned E. E. Elsenbsnh's World ot 
Novelllee, now touring Ohio. 


Lothrop's Orand Uusenm, Boston, Usss., week of 
Oct. 29, In their planlailon act, "(»m Bread." The 
tei>m are ailU untbe New England Clrcnlt. 

LUCY Dalt end six giria will shorUy Intndnce 
Ford t Brattou's new song. "Tell me, Rcbv, Will 
YooTrue Be," Is "Tbe PasalngShow." Oanoir ft 
Lederer are having special ccetume* made for IL 


nesa tbrungb Ultsourl. 

Lawrbkob and UABRmoTOK Joined Halien *nd 
Bart's Co. In Providence, R. I., 10 do their specbilly 
u "Later On." 

JODN L. RixroBD tequesu ns to deny the report 
that be bad gooa to Europe. 

NxrrBB AMD WILLIAMS suts Uut they were re- 
engaged alter their Brat performance at Waterbuiy, 
CI., tor two more weeks. 

'Tbb MoUowsmb, Jobn 0. akd Lizzib, dosed 
with the Uily Clay Burlesque Co. In Syracuse, N. 
Y,, OOL 27. 

HAMIB Sobtabd, ot Whlllng and Shepard, vrltb 
Rnastll BP'S.' Comedians, Is sTnglng the now song, 
"I DontWsntIo PlaylnYoorYard.'' 

Uabbt and BB81IIB BoooiHi and Alex. Never 
htve completed oU atisngements for a u>ur ot Eu- 

BiLLT Ststbns, Ihe rube dram major, and Oeo. 
Cordon, Uie boy club ewinger and Juggler, will pre- 
sent a new and unique act later In the aeaaon. 

srABis AND Dalis havs been successtul In their 
new comlo knockabout and acrobatic aoL 

Tbb rAHiLT of Ada Blancbb, Ugbi rope per- 
former, who died In Paris, France, are informed 
uiat there a letter for them, from that city. In onr 

Tub obioinal Dbltorblli Bans, will bereaffer 
be known ae Deltorrlll and Uelpbino. They bave 
added to tbelr already expanaive wardruh* and In- 
sirnmenu. Tbey arc now pUyIng Uirougb (Califor- 
nia, and are said to be a hiL They will come 
Bast before Inng. 

Tn* I'lTRtBS are ailing engagements at the Crys- 
tal Pabice and OaUi's Hutlo Hall, London, Eng. 
Tbe are booked solid until next June (hMugbontttae 

BiLLiB CLirroN AND wiFS, Wiley Ferris and 
wite, and Fred Durrll are reeling at Canton, Pa., 
tor a tow weeks, prevlon* 10 uking tbe roail for 
the winier aeaaon. Llllle Trevanion (Ura. Ferris), 
and Jesale Ciltton havo Julned hands, and will work 
double this winur. 


Weopened to an exceedlugly largo biisineuat ihe 
People's Theatre, OIncinnaH, 0 , on Ocl 28. John- 
nie Uarroll scored a big hiu The Rogers Brothers 
open with us at SL 1,'inls, and remain the lest of 
the aeaaon. Maude Ravmond Joined the eompany 
at Cleveland. The show Is sUil piloted by Jas. D. 


been sold to T'*omas Trowt>rldge by Oeorge 
E. Lolhrop. Ur, Trowbridge will iske possesslun 
at onc^ and ha* engaged John Phiiilps. The llrst 
entenainment nnder the new management wlil be 
given Honday, Nuv. 12. Ur. Trowbrldie, the new 
proprietor, come* from New naven. He propose* 10 
make many changes In tbe house, and cater for the 
very best patronage, especially that ot women and 
clilldren. Tht alterations will not be made to the 
building. In all pmbablllly, until Uie cl"se of Ihe 

firesent seaeon. to aa not to Inierrera irltta th* com- 
ng performance*. Ur. Trowbrldg* will endeavor 
to preeent blab class vaudeville, with uccaslunaily 
a standard drama of the kind Uansger Lothrop so 
successfully pmented at this bouse. 
' Norma Bhownx, one of tne members of Rash's 
"n bite Orook" Co., wss taken suddenly III OcL 28, 
and was compelled 10 lay off during the week. Bhe 
IS recoverlngand will soon be able toieaume work. 

Tub i.ATXsr addiUon lo the number or wS 
known alngera doing Chas. E. Harris' song sno^ 
ceaa, "While the Dance Ooea On," an Anbnr E. 
Deagos, or "The Halnmaken;" Jame* W. Reagao 
or Primrose A Weet'a Ulnsirrls; Jc.epb G. Howard 
nr Flank Ilaira (>slna. Coicagu, 111.; Herbert A. 
UolcomD,or Banger's "Unncb or Ke;s"Oi : Uane 
Warren and 6. Mcl^be. Ur, Harris' latest song 
now In preas la euUUed "Ue Loves Ue, Ue Loves 
Ue Not •' 

Jau. UcVavin bas reUrcd Inm tne management 
of the Bar'ow Hro* ' Mineuela. and has bi»n sue- 
ceeded by E- H. Durk. Ralph Peckam has been re- 
tained as bnsloes* manager. 

OoRMAN AHD ADAMS an dolhg Well al tbe Qalety 
Theatre, Bavannah. Ua. 

Bobby and Jbssib Fiblds Interm ns that their 
new act. "A UUrd Affair," met with success week 
ot OoL 2a, at the Oaiely Theatre, Oblcago, 111. 

IH TUB mostbb op Pors's Tubatbb, Bl Louis. 
Ho., published In uurlast lasue, the name or Paddy 
Morpny waainadvenentiyomlued. 

Tbb UTTLi McCor BierBBS wen one ot the blls 
ot tbe show with Huaaeli's Comedians last week at 
tbe Chicago Opent House, taking three and fonr 
bows on weir aloglng of "UIss Donn." 

Ida Waltbrs, of the Walter* Slsien, is III at her 
home In Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Frbd lucisr, or Lndrr and Arabmervi wrltea ua 
that his wife, Helta Arihmere, will reUre ftobihe 
Slag* for the remainder ot the aeaaon on acoonnt of 
Ul tietlth, and will spend Iho Winter at Ban As- 
tunio, Texas. Mr, Luoler wUl Onlah Uie teaton 

DuLTB AND Sdbib Lxtino have jolDsd Onnler's 
Lyceum Theatre Vandevl.lea rur Uie eo<*on. 

Wblcb and Wbiob, sluglng comedlaLt, are olav- 
IngtnruughUieWeti. ■ .."lepiay 

Frbd. Waldhann's BrsciALTT Cumfamt will 
return* It* road lonr Nov. li, with Samson. Uie 
strong man^t Uie principal rutnn. 

RicBAaD PiTMOr, Uie lulutor, was relieved or a 
Una overcoat last week. Mr. Pitrot hung tbe coat 
on a rack lo the house where he lives. 

WM- A. Qallaousr, or OaUagber and Orllfln. 
Irish comediana, wnies ns that his flvs learou 
nSli'"; ft2^.?^**"'S!: ""••PPwiooe week or 
°."'*.-.*' 'U** "'d_way Tbettn, Lemoni, Ul.,sloglng 
"I Don't Want (u Flay In Yonr Yanl." ••"•"'B 

had about btir ¥nlahed'her turn Ute'crr crilre*wa* 
started in Uie gallery andastaaptdewasimBU 
enrd. The aame* conid be eaoUy *een Urongb th« 
windows, lor th* balidiog onire was bol tar mm 
tha Ibeatn, Dcaplie this and the fact that many of 
in* audience were lumMlag over '>a* anoiher In 
their endeavor U) gei on^Mlal1Tat«nconUaaed 
her song, tod when tbe orcbeeira atopped Uielr 
Playing and made tbelr cwiape *h* anl*hed her 
aong witbonl their aid. Uer cooineoo, and the 
ataiemeat rrom Manager Wluiam* Uiaiib«rewaa 
BO Inmcdltl* danger, rt*a*nt*d Uie aodlenc* and 
Ihey^etly dlspsised. ThaOndldnotn*^ «M 

Hamib SaarABs, of BqmU Bra.' 00. u .<«.i— 
tba popular Dumber, "MlaaOaiii.n ""vm 

Nona noM Wiu, B. CuiaAMi'a MtNangLa.— We 
OBaB«d our tour Nor. >. at Oynthlana, Ky. Reatar- 
HIitOB and Bram, BnlllvaB and MoOowan, /caepta 
0. Donning, Ab* Wbli*. OharU* Whit*, AmoMo, 
BhowamI*, Troman 0. Prond, H. Btewut Boas' 
bnke, &1. Becker, L- 0 UntonlnarHi, Tntile and An- 
dre**, Wm. H. Bridges, Prof. Le Roy, tbe Floor Ull* 
Qoanel, Prof. Btreif: U.S. Pnmro**,grn*ralateni- 
Pror. Le Roy 1* leader or hand. 13 plecea; Prof 
Streit, leader ot orcbestra: Will B. Coihane Is man- 
ager, and Thomas J. OalbAne, tol* owner. The 
company gneaSontb. 

Nblub 0x88 ta aloglng "Her Eye* Don't Shloe 
L'ke Diamonds" and ■ December and Hay" wlih 
uneress at Smith's Opera Hons*, Orand Rapids, 


TUB Tbbbb OORHALLA RROS. OpOD NOT. 13, at the 
Orpbenm, San Francisco, Oal. 

Tub W0AUBT8, Udy instmmenuUlBts, wen pi». 
tented on Nov. 8, at lb* oloae ot a two weeks' 
engagement st Philadelphia, Pbu, wlih two hand- 
tome oterUng aUver medals, aoconpaakd by bon- 

Mas. Ida Oilmorb, ot Ibe OUmore*, InfsnM ua 
that her bnahand, Ons Oilmen, la Ul with typhoid 


vlUe Co.— Blily Jackson, Daltey Ivoir, will Betteia 
ind wife, Will Porter, 8U Dixsno, Saole Rollins, Lne 
WUmnr*, Dnraln SIstere, Lanra Brown. Ed. Ualaiy, 
New York Qurtat, Onlle Torner. Annie UcailL 
Hand* Soiltb; Dav* Haaaty, propilalor: Billy Jack- 
son, manager; Will Betters, matter of transmna- 
tion; Lake Puily, leader of oroheatra, aod unlusi 
Uosbey, advance agecL 

Tbb ahsrns, ladder peroh performers, are at 
Pope's ThsAUe, SL Lonls, Ho. 

FuNCxa BUNT, dansens* and vocalist. Is at 
Smith's Upeis Uon*e, Orand Ramds, Ulch., where 
she IS winning favor singlog "Ur Irene," -enie 
LiUle Pappoose" and 'Theie's a New One Coming In 
th* Homing." 

Rbnob ano Kbhnbdy, and their irslned glraie, 
Jargn. have Joined Dwin Bro*.' Big Show Tor lb* 

buuiB Hblhosb, who baa bean laid up nnrslng a 
poisoned hand for several weeks, u *U ngbt again 
and opened Nov. 6, at the Wonderbind, Brfe, Pa. 

ALLBH AND DxLHAiN an plavlng BO engagement 
at Engel'a PavUlon, Chicago, III. Oeo. W. Ailea Is 
wInnlDg applauss for his singing ot '-To Err Is 
Unoan, to Forgive Divine" and I'The Tattoo on 
the Arm." 

Sill WILLIAMS haa reiamed rrom New Orleans, 
La., where be waa called by tb* lllnesa ot bis wife, 
and Is again at hla post at Oarncrosv Opera Uonte, 
Phlhidelphls, Pa., where be will remain Uie aeaton 
witb hie partner, Joe Adams. Mrs. WItUtms Is 1n- 

UadWilbok opened Nov.(,allbe National Thea- 
tre, rtcnma. Wash., ror ronr weeks. 

TBB Walibbs, royal marionettes, wlil play a 
roar weeks' engagement at Madison Square Oat- 
den, this city, during December. 
- Barrib ucPbaTl, lat* of Woods and McPhalU 
was preaented on ble birthday, Nov. 4, by BeUt A.. 
Cunningham with a diamond ring. 

RoaraH or FosrBH>8 notbltt Co.— Feeler Bros.,, 
proprlelora; Dr. T. Blackwood, manager; Foy, re- 
male Imperaonator and stage manager; Allan SL- 
John, Irbih comedian; Harry Sheldon, musical per. 
rormer; Fred Ltften, Swedish comedian, and'. 
Airred Snoliz's HandoHu- Qnartet Oomptay la. 
playing week atandi, and report good boalneas. 

'boTBa OP Harry Sbpion Bdrlbsqds Co — Vie- 
opened at Uie Palace, Boston, to very big bnsineas. 
Minerva and 0. P. Blatt, Ibe cannun ball catcher, 
was a big feature. Mav B. D*agl« Is msting a soc- 
oess wiib the song in tbo opera, "And Uer Q.ilden 
HalrWas Banging Down Uer Back." J. J. Coleman 
Is business manager. Harry Seiton ta tinging bit 
latest songs, "Howl Qave ih* L1lU*8heeaey Ikey 
the Laugh," "Maggie Farrall at Qoney Uaad With 
the Kids." and "Jerry Said Let Her Oo." 

Urs. Rosa MrLLiOAH, who bas been lit lor lh* 
iaat ten mooiba at her bom* In Robblnsdale. Minn., 
Is convaloaclBg; _ 


Wa*hlii||ton.— "A Trip to OhIntlown," all 
Rapley's Nallonal Theatre, had good business all lastt 
week, notwithstanding Its havlDg been seen ben In- 
qnenUy before. Marie Jansen, In "His* Dynamite,"' 
had an excellent week at Uie Albaugb Orand Opera 
Uonte. "UUt Dyoauiui" held tbe boards all Uie 
week nniil Safrday night, when "Dehnonlco's at 
«-' wa* BUI B'ltaled. J. K. EomeU, In "FHit In a 
Uadhonse," but week, at Kapley's Academy, had 
fair hntineaa. Oeorge W, Monroe presenlea "My 
Aunt Bridget" si Butler's Bijoa Theain, and 
pleased the patiooa Immeiuely. HIc* k Ballon a 
Uomedlant, In "HoDoodle and Poodle," were 
handtnmely received at Eernan'e Lyceum Tbeaue. 

Raplbv b National TuaATRB.— "The Amazosa" 
Nor. S-IO, Boetonlana 12-17. 

ALBADOU B Orand Opbha Boubb.— The lliatpio- 
ducUon OQ the American suige ot Sardon's "Hme. 
Bans Oene" Vlo, "Tbe Oreat Brooklyn Handicap" 

RArLBY'a AOADBMY OP Udsio.— Tim Hurphy, In 
"Lem KetU*," 6-10: Uanlona' "FaDtasma" 12-17. 

BDTLBR'S BUDO 'Tbbatrb —Ada Oray, Ul "Eaot 
Lynne," 6-10; "Pawn Ticket 210" 12-17. 

Ebbnan'8 LtoBtn TBBATRB.-Rus*eU BtothBn' 
Comedians 6-10, Usy Howard's Burleaqii* Oo. 12-17. 

OONTBHnoN Mvsio Balu-Mid*. U*iba, Soda 
Bcalcbl, nertmda Beta, M. Piancon, H. Hangnelrer 
and tbe New Yora Metropolitan Opera Uonte Or- 
ehesira in concert and the lltdi act of "Fanat" 
Nov. 0. 

NorBS.-E. B. Connor haa signed wlUi the Caite- 

lon Opera uo- In U'o oapaeliy ot preaa agent 

TnemagnlllceDtaiag* tnmliaie need Id Manager 
Augnttne Plton'a piodaoilon ot BardoD'a "Ume. 
Sana Oene" waa on exhiblUon last weok In Ihe 
lobby ot Albangh's Orand Opera Honae, imit waa 
gtestly admi red. 


Wilmington.— At tb* Orand Op*ra Bontv 
"The Oreat Brooklyn Handicap" wss presented' 
Nov. 3, S, to good buslnesa. Ooming: "Eight Bella" 
6. '-Wang" s, "The Black Crook" s, Josepb U'ur- 
pby 10. - 

AoADBMT UP HuBtc.— Tbe Oeorgla Ulnstnls ap- 
peared Oct. 2a, 30, 31. It waa neoeasary to display 
Uie "S. a 0." sign 90. The DestaoD-Kelby Oo. be- 
gan tbelr season hen Nov. 1, 2, appaaring to light 
Bnalness. Dooked: Learook s ''Faust" 6, ^ T, ur- 
penler'a Juvenile "OIndenlia" 8, a, 10. 

WoNDEsLANo UDsaB.— Ruslnesa conUnuee good. 
Peopla tor 6 and week: Curio ball— Fat women's 
convenlhn and Evaleen (water queen). Tbeatn— 
Miles and Ireland, Van Leer and Barton, Williams 
and Hnllane, Prince Huro, Eugene Ward and tha 
Sielaon Bioa. 


New Orleans.— During the past week the god 
ot pleaenre lured hla alwaya loyal Loolslana snb- 
Jeci* to numerous social gaiherlngB which, while 
well attended, did not aeem to diminish the nigbUy 
paltonage nenaliy accorded good playa. 

Orand Ofbra Uousb — "Suver King," wllb Ohas. 
A. Uaswln and his nreuy wife In the caat,ahly snp- 

Eorted by Cbas. nster, waa ngnlarly w*laomM 
y large and orlucal andlencea. Nov. 4, Oil* 

AOADBMY OP MD8I0.— "Bine Jeana' >< tlist visit t» 
New Orleana waa received by tbe pttiona ol the 
Academy nt Mualo with the meet unequivocal algna 
of appruvaL During Ita euy ben fasblontble and 
diKtlmlaaUng aodlenoea patberad u> wltosss ple- 
toree of Hie In a country vUlage. "Bine Jeans" 
hss decidedly made a ohamlng Impreaalon upon 
the patrons ot tbe Academy or Music Nov. 4, 
Effle Elitler. 

BT. Obablbi.— "Tbe Daizler," in new gloiy, la- 
oreaaed Ihe popnlarlty it wun during previous en- 
gsgemeni*. Tne entire oaat anted well, moat of 
whoa caUed IntatequlslUontalentaUiatpleaaad th* 
andlance. Nov. 4, '^ne Tornado." 


GMmrlestane-At 0i(ena' Academy ot Mualo 
Thoa. <). Seabrooke, In "The lale ot Ohampagne," 
drew a good bona* at advanoad ptloe* Oct. 80. 
"Itai'' bad Ul* Bnt ataoduig room ol th* aeaaon 
Nuv. 1 at advanoed prloa*. Ward* and iamea did 
fairly wens. Coming: "aharUa'aAaafha, "Peek's 
Bad Boy" «, 10, 


Portland.— 'The Mew BoaUi< played a retnm 
eafagooaat to a loU hoaaa Oer. s ■iJ.oid Ma^r 
T, D. Seillvaa Bare aa tattiaetlBg aod laatrve'lv* l«o 
tanealilahalkitti'.taagudboeaa. -TkalvyLaaT 
wiU k* ban Rev. a, ^Raalt Tdb-b Ortda" - -—'^ 

■eBaat 'T. Maaaaar HUakall | 
wotth." la •lSaaIla," aa lb* ■ 
aateeva^AkaMgt ' 






FkUsdtlphl>.^nie poUUealOtbt, wblcb bu 
MB wMlof Itralj ror tha put iwo wttu, tnat 
to ten bftd little, It U7, effect upon matun ttw- 
atrlol. TbenbiabMnbnttBllglitralllDgoirtroin 
tba lug* ln<lD«a dosa daring ih« weak aodlgg 
Oct, se, and tba pieaantwaat, wlib acniml noiel- 
Itea IB Una, pioinlaca wall. Kule Barroggba niakM 
bar ant appcaruc* bare m a alar, Raaaell'a Come- 
diua oooa wlUl "A Barlair," and "Tba Trollar 
8f nam" la alto aair. 

Pabx TaainB.— Sadia HartlDni, in "Tba Vdt. 
port," plajad to larga bouaa all laat waak, nia 
gnatcai Inlcreat ttaia wrak caotm in Harla Bar- 
rooftu' ant appaaianua in Pblladaipniana a atar, 
panlanlariT ai aba will glia ptneto'a new piai, 
■■Tba Pioaigaia," ita atat Afotrtcan pndncil 'n. 
Owlngtoan InanBlclent oninMr of rab«an«la. and 
Uw fact tbat ua aranarr la balnr oiada ben, it will 
not ba pnlonnnUliba 8Ui. Tha aarlj part ot tba 
waak la giTan orar in "Jndab." Funr luca cornea 
neit weak. In 'Mlaa Innooance Abrnad." 

OatBimr Bnin TBiiiai.- "Tba airl I Laa 
Babind Maoaloaed a ronnlgbtof ralr bnilnaaa 3, 
(ollowad 6 bT Roaaall'a OomtdlaDi, In "A Rarlaw.'l 
Nan waakjBdwanI Harrlgaa'a OompanT- 

EMriBB THUTiii.-Tba Urgeat waak'a bnalnna 
Id tba tuatorr of tba booae raanliad from tba en- 
tManMBt Of AiBT Laa, la ■■PawB Ticket 210,'' but 
waak,andaTerTnlgbtwaaanonulon. ■TnaTroller 
STataiD" tlT<a tba oarnaila Bros, ample acopa for 
Ibalrownpaoallaraijlaor bnmor. Tbar are aop- 

Cirted bj Jar Uuni, Lew Rawklna. Annie Raawll, 
Innia BrU and tba Uiu Slaun. Next week, ■■Hen 
aod Woman." 

BwuD Stbut Tbiitri.— Tba Boatonlana are 
doing a good bnalneaa, fnllj wananitd b; tba ex 
Calient parrofmancaa TbiBwe«k,''FMInltta,""nie 
Kald of Pljnionlb'i and -Robin Hood" are ilTaB. 
"Tbe Maid or Pljmooih" will be mvaB one nlgbt, 8. 
It bai naier been dona hen belore. Next week, 
"Mme. Saaa Qena." 

OiBiBD AtindbTbbitri.- Wllfrtd Clarke cloaed 
hia incoeaaful engagemanl laat week In '■Mra. 
Otbello," and aoccceded la prodnclng considerable 
fan (rom ibat bnadlj farcical akll. Tbe acane 
obaagaa tbta week, and tateaamnre nombrabne. 
Oraalon Olarke makea tala ant appearaoce In ■■Rot 
Blaa," wlib ina agpport of Manager BolUnd a aiook 
oompaar. Hr Clarka'a engagement la for an In- 
dellnlre period, and next waak bewiu apptar In 
"TbiAp attia. ' 

WtLvtn Brain THaiTRi.-Hnbart Haniell 
nlajed manrpniloglr larga bonaea Uiatweak. bla 
(amlllar pi >}a drtwln; enormooa andlencra. Tbia 
week Louie Colllna' Tionbadnnre give 'Tbe Fair 
Eqatainena" aod "Tbe Derll Bird.'' Next weak, 
Joaepb Jaierao". Id repenorj. 

Buou.— Thaalilb mr began witb "Tba Ulkado" 
and a TaodeTllla bill fnralaned bjAlclde Oapluina, 
Ra;inun Wocre, (Mall and Faga, Stalaj and Blr- 
beck, Fiaak ftllaj, linrler and Uarrla. Dnrell 
Brolbeni, tbe Helilllri and lloLeaa and Ball. 
TUB ACOiroRiDif— Tba Nlgbt Owla laat weak 

Elated to aatiafaciarr retoma, and Willlama' If eieora 
It' week promla* to do Mwell. Next week, tba 
Orenlar Lrcenm Tneatra Companr. 

KOBiriDOB'R TBitTRB.-Tbe atock conpanj, Ip 
"The PiuDger," packed tba booae all lut week. 
Tbiawaek, Dadla llaaion, la'^A Kcotnckj Otrl," 
aod next week, tbe Bio;:k coopioj In "All ibe 
Oointorta of Hone." 

SOBiirriiUTisTHi^ OPRBi HODai.— Big audlencee 
umed ont to aee iha Lfcenm Tbealre Com- 
pany In '■Tb-< Aauzona,*' wbico rune for anotber 
week, giving wa; to Olga Netbenola, wbo la 
biokad for tbrea weeka. 

NiTiONii Taai'iiix.-'-Tlie Prodigal UMgbtar" 
met wlib an anibiialaiilo ncepUon laat week, and 
plarad 10 big recelpta. ■'TneHpanor Llfe'> l< on 
tbIa week, to be f,illnwed br Utnlona' ''diipertia." 

FtorLi eTBUTiB — '■Old Olnry" reaulieo In one 
of tbe n>oat preaperoui weeka of tha aeaaonat 
Kanagar Biadi'nbnrgb'a honae, and la followed Uila 
week bf "RlaTea of aold." Next week, "Tbe 
Sirugie of Lira." 

LTCauH TuBtTRB —TWO Of tbe moat pnpnlirat- 
traciluna Ibat pla; here are tba Haj Howard Bar- 
laaqne Comaany, wblcb plared la big bnalneaa laat 
week, and Hlaco'a Lit; Ulnb, wblcb la tba cnrrent 

StiNDiRD TnaiTRi.— "The Polae of New York" 
ilajed to large bonaea laat week Tbia week, "Tbe 
Jld SoiMb," and next week, Ulllan Kcnnadr, In 
■<8ba OoalOn't Hitrr Three." 

Ei,BviiiTB liTHirr Opiu Hodbi.— There la no 
change of bill thia week, toe bnrleaqna and ape- 
ciNltf aoie raauliing In good boaloeaa. 

KiKSiKOKiN TaaiTRB.-Oeorge Learock, In hit 
own venlon of ''Faoat,!' Olliid tbe booae coiup^atelj 
all at laat wf ak, ann promlaea to make a ancceaa of 
bla atarrlng lour. Kate Spragna'a Tronnadonn, In 
"A Socul Seaalon," tbIa week, lo be followed br 

NiNTB itHii ARca Hrsinif.— Tbe faatnrea tbit 
week are Bandeen (DInd reader). Com. Foote and 
alater (dwarfa), Uhariea B. TrIpp (armleaa man) and 
Jobo SmItn and Jamaa uaiTreT (tattooed men). In 
Ibe toeatre. Oma'a loperltl Jape. 

OBiNDOriRi B'oosB.— Tba LcnlaeBeandatOpera 
Rogira CampaoT opeoa ibe aeason bare In' Jaclnta.' 
Tba caat iDOlnaea, bebldea Uiaa B«aui1et, Big. Faro- 
gtnl, Edwin Bievana, Manda Young, O. D, Baroea 
and otbera 

Noraa-BlecUon retarna wlU be read from the 

a'ageaof taotbeatrea Tbe fonetal of Joaepb 

Arnold, 1 te aiage door tender at tbe Walnnt, 
oocarredl Bandaomo nml oiranngaware made 
bF the Mantall Company, the atiaobea of tbe theatre 
and tt» Tbeaincal Hnobanlca' B^^neOclal Aitocl- 

atloo am; Lee will plaj a reinro engagement 

at Ibe Emiira In tbe Bprlng John and Nellj 

llealj bava heen apjoUlir engaged for Ibeprodno- 

Uoo of * rne Uld Bonin" at tbe Standard 

"Nlglit," a curtain lalaer, br Rnaa Wb;tal, of tba 
aiimrd AT'one atock conipaoj, will be produced 

for the Ont time at tbat bonae n The Onalal 

Male opena bare 10 Hauager John A. Fon- 

pwigb apiiria a tundaom« diamond atndded watch 
obirm, tba reanlt of a big rote polled lo iTie Item's 

nujorrtltj conteti Uenr; Pinona, a former 

aotor, and recrntlr maoager of tbe Winter drcna, 
baa opaoed a pobllo booae called "Bohemia." It la 
dwloedlj noliiae, being paitened afier an oM Bog- 
llib Inn, and promlaea to becooie Immanaalj popu- 
lar wlio theatrical and newapaper men Mar 

Boward elated laat week ibu ana intended to retire 
iiom tbe raodevllle ataga, baaing accepted an oner 
tor next a-aaou to appear in "Tna uimlc World," 

onder ibe management of Canu; A Lederer 

Oarl E. Nllaaon began an acuon lu tbe Common 
Pleai court laat week agalnat Alexamter D4Tld»iD 
and Hberman Brown (tbe American Traveatr uom- 
panj)forauallegedbrcaciof contract. TUeplainiiir 
aa;a toai on Jai'e ao laat, wblla be waa in London, 
he entered Into a ouotiaut with tbe defendania to 
aell them two baileta, called "Tbe Uhameleon'e 
Dance" and 'Toe Aital tialiat," oonaiatlng of appa. 
ratna "for Ojlgg Ore wunen in midair. With ail the 
bnalneaa, poaea and moredienta inenfor." Tbe 
oontract alao ailpulaied that Mr. Nllaton waa to 
tumlab Ibe cable, laekle and lenaea dited for cal- 
oinm and eleoirlo porpoaea, ae well aa Ore dozen 
Tlewa fur lantania and aiidea of mixed oo.ora. 
Plaintiff waa alao lo Inatraot tbe workman e>n. 
plnjed b7 tbe defendant, and waa to bare racelred 
(too npoo the aigning 01 the cootnot. Ueallegea 
taat, aitaougb be algned tbe contract, tbe mone; 
waa not paid to blm, and tnat be ba< not receiTcd a 
oaot ainca, altbougb be baa fnnlaned thaapparatna 
agreed npoo, and bad alwaja been wllllog to In- 
auaottbavmplojeaot tbe detandaDta In tbeir nae. 
Tula latter, ba aara. he baa not been allowed to do. 

Harold Blloermanwlll do tbep'eaa wo rk fur 

Ibe Orand Opera Honae, wblcb renpeua next week 

nnder the managemaat of II. F. Tltaot Cr<'a(on 

Olarke wai rebearalng all lau week at tbe Temple 
Itieatre, Utmden. 

FllUbarn.— Oomedr holda tbe bnarda tbli week 
at all onr local houaea, aare tba Park, where male 
drama ta tbe aiUBcUon. 

Citr BHD TnaiTRB — "Our Dnola Dudlei" Nor. t 
and week, "Men and Wornen" acored a bit laat 
week. "TbeLoatFandlaa"13 

Altin TBiaTRI.— Fruprleior Chaa. L. Uarlt, In 
"Altln Jaaljn,"6, for bla aecond eggagemeot at bit 
own Ibcau*, bit Oiai harlagoccurred in tbe aeaaon 
iMi-aa. ToeDandow.Tmotdero Vanderllleacloatd 
aapleadllentagementa. Joeepb Murphy 12 

DpQDUiiB TaatTBB.— Joaepb Jeireraontbla week. 
Btoan Robaon cloaed a nigni; aocoeaafaleugaae- 
ment S. Uclla Fox. In "Tne LItUe Trooper," 1^ tor 
iBe atat time here. 

Buou TBUTBB.— Ward and Vokea, In "A Ron On 
the Bank," 6, for tha Otat tine here. Bieve Bn lie 
made a aocce^ laat .wees. Ubanncer Olcof, In 
"Toe Irian Artlat," 12. far tha Oral time here. 

Park TBaaTBB.— "Tb« Veienu UctecUre'' will 
bold Ibe etag e UU U, wben "Tne Polae ot New 
York' «IU replace It. Lime Lottie Briacoe, in "Tbe 
Bnrilar," plaaaed well up to a. 

New OBaUD Oriaa Hooil.— Wm Barry, In "Tae 
RlalngOeoantltiB," tbl<week. "Bnperba" proaed 
a atmog oagnet np to >. "Tbe Ooontrr Urcna" II. 

UtBaTWuxiaiu' aoioiht op Moaia-Hida'a 
OOfliedlaaa will III the Mil Uil U, wbea Baa De- 
Tara'a Uwa Oompasj will aooceed uum. Tbe New 

1 large bnalneaa ot tbIa 

York atan did tbe 
bonae Uat week. 

HiBRT DATia* Edbii MCR|B.-Fat Udlaa In llrlng 
ptctorea.Uiacanlna paradox and tbe hoiiagmon* 
keja, Oorbett aod Pititlmmona. are tbe pnnclnal 
newfeaintc* In Ibe curio ball thla week, while tbe 
augaabow laglTaab; Brjant'aComedjCo. Bnal- 
neaa la excellent. 

ODTLxru-NesriF ail onr bonaea will bare tbe 

eleoUog retnma leadfrcoi ihettagee Sereial 

anrlil foncilnna were glren laat week In honor of 
Htud Miogcler, otthe "Superta'' Co., whoae home 

la In thla cltj Tba comnltue rrcenUr a> 

pointed hr Pluebure Lodge, No. 11, B. P. u. E., to 
adeot a alio for a new clnhoonte for that organln. 
tlOB. nporta tkatihe bonae of the Proablnn BInglog 
SooletT, at 3M Penn Arenna, can be madeverr 
aultabla for tbe Elka br a few alterailoba. and tbat 
Itcaobepnrcbatedfor I32.0C0. Tbe o«mmlUee la 
al*a conalderlag the adnaablillr of purcbuloi tbe 
clgbbogae of the Randall Clno on buquaana War. 

Manager Thoa. F. Kirk, of the Aivio Theatre, 

comlog engagemeutnr Cbaa. I. Darta br pubilihlna 
Intbe local papenaooupon wblob waaexcbanteable 
tor a free ticket to a performtnca of "Alvln 
Joairn," II preaegted at tbe box nfflce between tbe 
bonraof nigeanil ten 1. a on Ibat date. Braeran 
o'clock morning ot l a large crowd had aaaamblad 
alihetheaire.and br nine o'clock It bad awelled 
to aareral tbooaud peraona, wbo waged a deaporata 
battlewiui each other to get to the box office win- 
dow before tbe hour allotted for the laanlbg of tbe 
tree tickeia abonid expire. Sereral ladica fainted, 
aod onnaidenble darnage waa done to tba elegan' 

Teatlhnle of the theatre In tbe Court ot tSom- 

non Fleaa arerdlct tor tn It for a prlnilon bill 
waa given, 1, to Percr F. Biullb, a local prioter, 
Aialntt tbe oirnere ot ibe Baroum A Bailer CIrooa. 
Defendantt' attoroeja have died a motion for a new 

ReaillB>,— 'Yoong Hn. \71nlbrap" waa plared 
to email bualoeta at tha Academr of Mntlc Oct. 20. 
<>ANI|htattbeaircua"hadapaorbonae 30. -The 
Black Cniok" dnw a large audience 3l. Richarda 
A Prlogle'a Oeo'gia Mloattela were greeted br a 
email asdlence Nov. 2. "L«m Kettle" did well 3. 
Coming: Edward llarngag Oiu Wlillama •, 
Chaa. T. Elll'i T, "Pawn Ticket 210'> 9, "Kantaama'' 
«, 10. 

Qrand Opbra Hodsb.— Arllngton'a All Star Com- 
Mna'luu, an amateur organization, gave plcaalng 
petforuun. ca Ocu 90 3I. prof. Bamrf S.aud Klule 
Bildwln week 01 Nov. 6. • 

Uuou TnaiTRk.— "Wild R«c"drew well Oct. 29- 
31. TtieFArFntterll<ineai|ue (Jo. had good bual. 
nea Nov. t-3. LeonI A Evereii'a f.adlaa' Club Unr- 
leaquo Co. week ot 6.- 

Nora8.-Miaager O. W. MIddleton will give a 
midnight tKrtormance at tne UIJou Tbealre on 

election nlgbt Prof. J. W. Lee la th> proprietor 

ot tha Crjatal Dime Mgaeiim, which la giving per- 
formancaa herc^ 

Altoonw,— At tbe Eleventh Avenue Open llonae 
'-ThH Princeaa Bonula" drew the Urgeil andlencea 
ot the a««aou UCL 30 The 3 H. 0. aign waa dla- 
plared earl; In tbe evealng and tna bonae waa 
uxcd to Ita ntmoat cpaciir. "The Power of tha 
the Preaa" had a mclluui elted auillrnce Nov. 1. 
Honked: "Tbe Stowawav" 7, "The Black Cr<>ok,<' 
booked for 10. canceled. ltota;rt G. logenoli 13. 

UaHRT Divia Edik UvsBa — Werk ot Oct. 2a- 
Nov. 3. John Ij.Uaonlng, wild Burl and Little Sure 
Bunt ai.d NewtuD Beera lu ' Ltiat In LHidoo." 
Tola week "Enoch Arden" and Olileil'a trained 

IVIlkeabarre,— Polltlea divided the honon 
durlug part ul the paat week, hut nutwlihtundlog 
theae ciiunter attrecilona tbe tbaairea received a 
filr ahare or attendance 

GutND orxHA lloima.— Nellln HcHenrv, In "A 
Night at tha Clri'ua," Nov. 1, had good bjalueaa. 
nm Uurphr, In "I/tm Ket'le," 2. had fair aiund- 
B'lce (jiiarlea T. Eilia, In ■■i;a9par, tne r<idler," 3, 
bad fair bU'lneaa at two perfurioaucea. Tucome: 
"Young Mit. Wiuihrop" a, "HcFidden'a Eupe- 
ment," wttn John Reroell aa ibe atar, 7, Euward 
Uarrlgan, alib "Relilr aud the 100," a, o, Oua 
Wllllania 10. 

Hmic lliiL -Tbe Ltdlea' Clu'). Oct. 2a, ao, 31, 
bad inir imelueta Kale •Spraguea OomeUlaua ago 
the Bo»ion Female Onboair.), Nov. 1, 2. 3, had vood 
hualneaa. To cuuia: "Wllil Hoae" 6, a, 7, "Tne 
Polae or New York" 8. », ID. 

WosDBRUSo TaBarKa Mvaaa had fair bnalneaa 
with an excellent ipeclilij companr Bud intereat- 

BcraDton.— At tba Ac-tdemy of Uualc "Ytmng 
Mn Wluttirop,''Niiv. 3, dreaa urgehouae. Chaa. 
T. Ellli, 2, bad a crowded booae. Tim Murpbr. In 
"Len kn'lle," 1. W4a rdcelred hr a autHl houae. 
Booked: E lward lUrrlgan t. 7, Jiilin Karn<l| 8,1a 
"MoFaddi-n'a K oprmrui; ' ■Toe siotrawar'' a, lo. 

FauniiNOBAU.— Joaepb Ulirpnr came 6. d. Mra. 
Langirr 7. Im at' Band hnd guo*i bonaea a. Book, 
ed: Uarbert Otwtboroe. In "A Cork Man," 8, Tba 
Amerloin P.arere 0. 10, Rnbi. Flir-almmona* SpccUl- 
tr Co. 13, "After Tiremr Yeara" 1«, 19, Kate claxlon 
and Janantchek 16, 17. 

Divu' TuBATHB.- Week of 0, Uolmea Forealar 
Co , In "Tba tJounierrettDr." 

Erie.— At Mamercbor lla'l "Spider and Fir" 

Save a good entertainment to fair bnalneaa Nov. I, 
omiug: Sonaa'a Band Nov. 7. 


ed with lanie attendance i no paat iraek wlin lona'a 
TToubad„ura and Lw Huv in curio hall. Week of 
Nov 6 lle<an Cootlln, K.Hiie Uonl Btoi., Julia 
Hupp 1, Ozal, Venald Uma., Jerome, Eddie Melruae, 
HOb'ir Carroll, Lima Uardner, Nora X-nio ago 
Emma Waklrsc. 

LaBratlei-.«Ai the Fuluiu Opera Honae Nellie 
Mcllenrr, In "A Night at the Ulrcua," bad good 
bualneu OcU 20. ' Tue Power ot tbe Preaa" dH 
weU 90. Qja Wlillama, In "April F >ol," plaied to 
good bnnte 31 "Tbe umliea Mail" waa well re- 
celred Nor. 1. "The II ack Orook" Had large bonaea 
2. 3 Prince Okane'a R'ljal Japanaae Troupe 6, 0, 
Mr«. UngirjJ^ 


OewTsr,— At tbe Tkbor Ongd Open Uogae, 
week ut NOT. 12, T. W, Keone. 

LYCitiM TuBATKB.— Week of 0;t. 29, "London 
Aaaurancc," hr the Block, waa plared to packed 

cuitria Btbbbt Tabatbb.— w.ak of 2>, Omior 
ano Fox, lu "Hainiuialea," piajed to tba lilggeat 
bualuera tbe honae baa nad. Weak of Nov. 4, 
Riiaoo A Swift'a "Uncle Tuni'a Cabin." 

VBKTUt, Tbbatbb.— There la no change In 
people. UualucBalax.«d. 

HBKTioK.-Uenrr-U. Ulbhe and Phrllla Rankin 
aiotia have aovered thrir c innectlun wiio the 

Liceum Block Co TBeo. M. Brown, of Ihiaclcr, 

baailgned wl'h tbe Marie Burrougba Cv, for (he 

laieon .Tne Romandr aod Uoif concena on 

Bundar ereulnga, at tiie Tatmr Grand, are packed 
to tbe doura. 

Paeblo.— 'The Silver Wedding" plared In poor 
buil.'aaa (Ml Xl Coarok aad Pol bad a aofld taouM 17 
"darrr Ovan" did ralrlr J» BnokiDgt: -Jollr Uld 
■'burnt" Nov. 1. S. Sfaaffar and Ztoilo 7, Btrlov Broa' 
Hiniar»tatl, 'Cbanai'a Aaar IB. Tba Couoly Pat." 17 

(;oLDaaiA.-"W*tk uf oei. 0-Not s. aaadapiaiioDol 
"Ju«'> «aa alvaa an4ar Iba liua ot "WaoUd a Wlfii" lo 
addlUuD lo r;la« ctaoioloa. HaaurOba*iar. Uany Eaa- 
Jiyijad llanr hl CUIr lo UitlrapaclahlM 

DABUa'a HTAaDtaD —Ail Jaat waak'a apactlalllat hold 
oYtr aoilaa«a it tair 

Roiaa— ''ooroy a Poi'« orchaa<ra latdar. Aolbooy 
Oral, Bot oat ao atuelioiaot airalo»i tht eoaiptay a 
(rinia oiaalcaod boi rtcalpia. cl.lcotoilhraainooinB' 
arraara ut aalarr. Tba isttitr waa auiieaair aau ad 
bafora JodaaTnoa. Rranionl. wbo ha I li«aad iba a'laeh- 

mtDI allla. OraallGa, (ba wall kpowa aarotiaUc 

allndaacar, aaTablfib to aramaladilld UsLfi. 


ProwldaBre,*-!! tbe Provldenco Opera Uonaa, 
Oct 29-Nor. 3, Ueaman Tbompaoo, In "The Uld 
Uomeetead." Nov. »-10, Wm. UlUelle, In "Too 

KBira'a Uraaa Uoobb.- Ocl. 2B-Nov. 3, Ballen 
and Uart inada their annual rltli and aa naual 
plared to the capacity of toe bonae. Tbla week 
•■A Hide for Lite" aatea lu Inlil il appeanoce here. 
Nov. 12-17, Oaii. W. Monroe, In ■ My Aa<il Bridget.'' 

WbxTBIBitbb Tubathx — Ucl 'J9-Ni>r. a, toe :jos. 
ton Noveltr gave a good thow and bad fair 
jatmnagr. Thla weak, llany Befion'a VaadavUle 

LoroBOP'o OPBBA Uovaa —Tbla la the Uat week 
ot thla buoie nn>lrr the prraent manafemeotand 
Ibealtraclion la Katherlne Holier, lo "TbeUltmeo- 
CMUate " Alter tbla tne honte will be oted for a 
varleiy ibealrr, nnder aew mantgatnenL 

WB. 0. OBABB, wbo baa tor aavaisl aeaaona been 
tbe niaaager of Lotbrop'a Open Honae, wlU prob- 
bblr go w Pawuckel to masaga bla bonae Ibere at 
tbe cUiaa of Iba pfaaaot week. 


Olnelttaatl.— Perbapa It la only tbe nanal 
slump befora eleoUon, bat Uwie la no diapniing 
the fact tbat bnalneaa all around la sot np to tbe 
alandard ota few weeka ago, when tbe ooUook tor 
continued pnepeilty aeeined ao bright. "Our Flat," 
wlih Boillr Bancker and Conrtner Thorpe, hu 
been reeling bare aver tlnce It cloaed at tbe 
WaUnt Street Theatre, pulling In a lltUe vacation 
until the people have aeuled tneir political iXHtt- 
eneea. They expect to all Fanny RIco'a lime. Aa 
tar aa thla tlneea City of tbe Weal ta concerned tha 
campalgntn haven't bothered Ihe Iheairical man. 
ager any. There bare bean no big maaa roaeunga 
atallandtbeatorleaat tha hot tlmea in New Yori 
read like a romanoe ben. Cancellatlona continue 
lo caat a abadow over tbe managerial path ot John 
D. Davia, and II be bad any aurplua hair It would 
Boon turn gray. Four sncceaalve attracilona "fell 
down"ouUlaL Thar wen: Leater and WilUama' 
Ca, ■'The Pat Tralu,'' "Tbe Veteran Ueieouve" aod 
"Way I'f the Wurld," In addluun lo theeeacraUbe* 
torUcU38, Nov. 4, 11 aod 18, Uarry WilliauBb<a 
alao canceled bla data lor Jan. 30. Attar a oaal ot 
hnailloa a,l Ibeae weeka bate been Oiled aave that 
otl8. Nev>r before in tbe blatory ot Robinaon'a 
Opera Uouae baa ibare been any ancb aa expetl- 
enoe u tbla. 

Ohahd OrsBi UODRB.— Frotaman'B Empire The- 
atre Oo. came B lu ' SowiUK the Wind." Nellie 
Hoaobud beaded Ibe lun raakera In *'A Snmuicr 
Blluard," which piajed 10 lair bualueaa laat week. 
Sul smith Roaaall IX 

WaUitn' BrHBXT TuBATHB.— "Aladdin Jr." ex. 
hlblted bla wouoarful lamp here fur tna dnt time a. 
singularly enuugu the American ExiraVagaoEa 
t^upauy played bare darlLg election week In tbe 
Spring, aud luey will alau play aaatnat tne o*Kla ut 
tha batioia tbta utne. Juaapn JeOVjnou a eugage- 
meat waa only fairly proBuabie. The p.iputaco did 
not take kludiy to the duuoiing ot tbe uaual leeeat 
the door, aod the early houaea wererahercnaerleaa 
inaiie. Later la tba week "Hip Van Winkle" 
drew beli«r, whllo tue bouae w«a all aold cut fur 
tue Oratniguiol theuoubte bill and fur Saturday 
matinee. Sandow 12. 

Uavuk'b TUBATaa.— Lincoln J. Carter'a "Tbe 
Toruadu" blew to, aa It were, 4, Juat alter tbe ruau 
fur ■'A Railroad 'fioiet" bao utkaaeil. Tuere bare 
been loiaol aymptoma of tne old time pru^perttj ai 
thli Weal Euugeiu recently. "Tne Siuo Suuwi 11. 

FuUKTAiN TuaATHB.— ''A Breciy Hmo" Bepi tue 
down t4jtvo atuuapuere atlrribg 4. Too l,unduu 
Beliea did a fair btuineaa uat «eek. Haiaon .Hh 
tera 11. 

llBUCX'8 Opbha Uochb.— 'Tbe Wilbur Open Catu- 
piuy, with the living pioturea arrauged by ouala 
Kit win, opened a twu weeka' oogagemania. "Tno 
Maacvua > waa the Orel ou the upera'io bill, whii 
"Fra Uuvalo," "Ulaoa lluaaar," "Bvhomun Ulrl" 
and "uraod Uuobeaa" all uimbrllned. bUilngtbla 
ebgagetueut pricea have been reduced tu twouty. 
dve oeoia— tne old rale at which the Wilbur Opera 
Cuinpaay naa crowded a Clnoinnati theaue for five 
or BIX aoccaaalve weeka. slily Btrry Wna vulod 
very olcver in "The Kiting (Jeneraiion" and ilie 
play waa induraed aa 0. K., tut ihuugg buainraa 
wa<4 good Ituugut to bavo been larger. 

lloairiaoN'aUraHA lluuaa.— Uany llanlaon and 
the New York uramatio (^>tnpany revived "The 
Ticket of Leave Man" 4, taking tbe place of ' The 
Pay Tralu," wbicn ttnceled without due uotice. 
Laat week, after irylag ' Uucle TUu'a (iatilu" fur 
(hrce daya u> rather pjor bualnaaa, tbe Fauat and 
Tnurne Company put titck to "Wito for Wiru," 
whtcb had beeu iilvea tba ptevloua week. "Dan- 
gen of aUreattJllr" II. 

PaurLB'a Tubatrb — Tbe New York Stan, relo- 
torued by Yuuug uniTii, the Auairaiian diriiicr, 
upeuedl. Lut week Klelda A ilauaun'a Draw- 
tug Carda bad a tremenduua InaUKUrai aud aver 
aged well. Their alar wreauer, lurry paraer, ul 
Sria, Pa., wbo mot all couiera, loti tneni auiiia culu, 
fur Bert Walker and Frank UdUie were autuug ilitf 
local Kntgnu Ibat atoud with hint to the iimlL 

KuuL & HiUDLBTUN'a MusBUB.— The bollod inab 
waa uie atar ireafc in ouriu haU 6, Mda. Aiuo, luo 
lady magician; uamum'a wuuiir dog, the mtniaturo 
uil deld, Hue. Verino and lira. Hlitward, toe aer 
pent queen, ware other featurra. Tue Damui Faiu- 
uy Vucal aod Igatrutueuikl t^uartet appeared uu 
(be blJ'JU atage, wuile the uiiu wia pruvibud by 
William Biera.Uarobit and EatclJe,(AiiiuonSlau:ia, 
Hay Wllaou, Fux and Flaber and Fuaicr auu » In- 
btua Uat week t^apiaui Manard and bit awlen, 
with their bulitt ptouf doth, cieated quite a aeuaa- 

PiKB OrxRA UOOBB.— The (jueen Uty Mammoth 
Mluatrela appared 1 lo a b^uudt onuirtalnmeui fur 
(be Prinien' Aihleilo uluo. Price Uonderaun waa 
the luieriocu'ur ana Wiuiam Blue, Kraua i;urali. 
Ell. Batcher, Jim Ualaj, vhariea Uauar, J. Ubamovr- 
lalu. Will Juoaoo and Jack (;rippd un ihouiitia. 
Uiini Pnilllpa, George (Ula, (be Del It'll (Jiianette, 
Foreal Uandolin utuhe<tra, Jamea L Bailey, J. F. 
Wllcux aud Jacohua and Adul ouniriuutcd to iiiu 
programme. TbeOluulonau Orcbaaira Aaauoiatiuu 
u til give a aeriaa ut nlua concerta. Fifieeu ur 
twenty mualclana will be brought lu Ulucinuail lu 
Buppiemeiii tne local luroca. 

GudBip OP TUB LOBBV — (loarlea A. Burke, the 
Wrigut N. Scrluble of "A Bummer lliitzard,'' 

cluaed with that company bens Ulile Eraua, 

now at liberty, la vuitlog her old filcuoa here, bbe 
apeut ue week with uer uuaoaud Uuarlea Sune, or 
' A llaliioad TickeL" Price, a Lluclnuati 

tin, Juloed tbe Luodou Sellea at (be Fouuutin 
oulae GaJO aiay, who la aiiorily (o be eeeo tu '-The 
Juggcraaut," eiijuyed tne week hero with her 
huawnd, Maaager William L. Halley, ul "Tbe Itia- 

lug Geneiaduu.'' .There were two hulloay per* 

furmanuca ut "TnoUeuiaO'' booked, one by the 
Apollo UiubCbrUttnaa week and tneutber by May 
FeaUTBt ou Dec. 31. Toe ApoUu Club will abandou 

Ita pbui Theodore Tuuiuaa givea twu concerta 

bare early In Jaunary Ueirtuan Bellatedt Jr.,aa 

advicet run, created a lururo among tue mutiu 
luvlogpeupld ut Uromen. Tueclnclnuail corooliuii 

waa uruwocd with a wieatb or laurela Cvttuuv 

Moore Lawaon baa a large uumtier uf engagementa 
for tbe Winter. Sue la to be ine avpranu aululat in 
"The Heaaian." LitUe U ga a oaughler ot Man- 
ager Geurge E. Baker, el Ueuoi'a, pbiyud Uitlo >A'a 
dnring tue recent performancea ul "Uncie TOm'a 

Cabin" at Kublnaou'a Uarcella Ltudn aud 

uonred Bebrena are m be the aoljlauatiha Ural 

Bunder Pup Joseph Jeir-raou waa feted br 

maor irleoua white bare, and 3 be waa tne gueat ut 
Bunuratarecepttun tanoered br the Literary Uiuu. 

Thaopi relit of "t'loderella" la lu be prcaeuied 

under tue atreoiluu uf Cblattnl Suiltvau aud oy uie 
pupila of ton publiu Khuoja Tbe mualcai aea- 
aon la wed under way. At Uoilege Uall Poilip 
Werinner, Hugo Kupferachmid, Liuu Matuoll, John 
Hneod and David (Joiavugei gave the drat of a 
sellea ol three obamoer cuuoetu. At the UJeun, 
3, uandro Cauipaoaul gave an luvliailoo violin re- 
cital Hauager Uarrr Uilnaionb eojuyed bla 

meeimg wlib Mra. (.vmuie Jackton, a alitor 
ot Jueepb Jeffeiaon, here laat week. Tne 
manager of the Grand waa a call boy at tue 
Beaton Mnaeum wbeu Mn. Jackaon waa the ong. 
Inal Topay in tna Huteum a pruductlon of "Uucle 

TOm'tUauln." EmmaCaina, lata ot tbe "Bpidir 

aud Fly," who waa "ptaaed " from New Urieaua to 

thla ctiy, Waa "paaaad" un to Bruuaiifn by tue gal- 

Unt Major Caldwell Hauager Uerbert lleuck 

waa tUiyyean old 1. Ue waa fcaaicd by bla 
frienda, anowcrrd wlib Ouware and aerenaded bi 
Jubo weber'a comb.ned btoda.... Manager M.U. 
Ltaviu was In toe city durlug the week. U. U. 
Hartford, of tbe Fountain, la eotenalulua U-utge 

Aden, ol Ringuog Broinera' ulrcua Will E. 

Uuluane, late oi tne Bi. Failx Blatera, la here organ 

tSiOg Culnane'a Mlntlnla R. 8 Schleaaloger, 

bntner ol Mori la ScOlesalugtr, traaurer of tne 
Fuuntaln, baa algned in do ■ advance" lur the Lon- 
don Belles and baa gone to Ueiroii Manager M. 

U. Andaraon baa returned from New York. 

Colawibwa,— Ai Ibe UIgh Street TheaUe Wl|. 

llama* apcclalty Co. opcntd a Ihree night eugaga- 
ment Nuv- 6. N. B. wuod bad auwd buaioeta (Ki. 
2B-31. '■The Seuiu Before ihe War"turued ptuple 

away Nov. 1-3. ''Toe ship of SU(e" uimei B, lul 
lowed by Sot Hmlin Ituaaeli 0, 10. Oliver Hymn 
opeoa a three nlgbt eof agement 12. 

Gkano UPasA liui;aB.-Tne Sandow Thwidero 
Vaudeville Un. iipened t lor three uirhia "A Breeiy 
Time" had llgbt hnalueee 0,:t. 29-31. "Tue Girl 1 
Len Behind Me" uld luucb beiur Nuv. 1-3. "Tbe 
Cuontry sport" cornea a-io, 'The Ueruy Winner" 12 
and week. 

c;aniow,«*At Ihe Grand Opera llonae Huian)l 
Reed nad good booae (KL ». "A Texas sieer" 
pAted to ' s. K. O." Nov. I. "CooB llulluw" did 
well 9. Doe: Mote Cogblan 7, -Tne Power ol Ibe 
Pma" 10. Walter Wimealde 14. 

TBBATBBOiaigVB.— DaB and VonOneley, Hand 
Htlford, Fraakle Ut Han, Marie He Wolf, Uuit U 
Rue, U o sdale and Bwney.Laare Webb, ABBle Lane 
and Edith Oondnuw. 

BiLBBB'a Moaic Uall^LoIb Wealvoitli and 

OlaTeUwd— The chaags ot Ita Iwo attiactlnna 
at each hnnae tha paat week gave ae holta qnantliT 
and qnaliiy. aliboagh hnalnem was commenaurale 
with the latter. At the RuolM 0»em llonae Mra. 
Potter and Kyrle liellew vera aeea OoL 29, 90, 31, la 
■Charloite Corday" and "In Soeieiy." In the laitar, 
iMih aian wen seen to heat advaoiaga. Good 
bnalneaa attended their elTbna. Rolamr Reed fol- 
lowed Nov. 1, 2, 3 and madn a ancreas with "Tbe 
Poll'lrlan." B lalnesa was brltk and curtain calls 
and a apaech oronrred at each pertoritiani'e. 8«1 
Snilii Rgtaall 0. 8. 7, nrednclng "The llelr at Law," 
"A Poor RelaUon" and ''Peaceful VaUev " Rose 
Ooghlan 8. B, 10, In "Diplomacy" and "A woman ot 

LTOBI'M TUBATRB.— "A II tggtge Check" Oct. 2>, 
30,31. atarrlua Aitnnr K U iuluio, did fairly. l«wlB 
Mnrrlaon, In "Fanai." Nuv, 1, 2. 3, altn fared well, 
imnnrliy and Qlrard dU la week olowlUi'Tbe 

H. H. Jaoobb' TnsA'nta.— Heaale Bonehlll gave an 
acceptable pertormanoe of ''I'lav ma'ea" Oct. 9, so, 
31, but did not do well Oaanclally, N. S. Wntd tol 
lowed Nov. 1, 3 3, In "The urpbaas of New York," 
opening wlih one ot tbe laraeat andlencea at tbla 
hnota tbla a^Niann and ooollnuing wall. Mr. and 
Hre.():lver Byron, In ■'llpa agd Dowga ut Ufa," t, 
e. 7; J. K. Rmnioi, In "Fritz In a Madhnuie," 8, 9. 10 

STAR TllBATHB.— Dutincaa continues fair. Ora- 
nlen' Lvreuni Tneatn Company, under the direo- 
ilon or John Uitrrlaey, ongroiaed tha ationilon ot 
the many pauona ot Uila ibealnweek ot Oct. 29. 
'TneS'iuih Before the War" week of Nov. 0. The 
Hone mil Knglith Folly Co. 12. 


amitaoment will bo opened a hy sonaa'a bead. A 
numUar of Qnt riaaa aticaotlona have been booked 
fur iblt place and In Ita line Iha Armory will be a 
formidahle competitor not to be daaplaod. 

CVBa — Obta. Stnnim, nf tha St^r Tbrain, la la 
New York, repreaenilog Manager Drew ai the con- 
vention or variety bnute uanaffera l,ewlaMor 

riBun la having a new play wrl'lun for blm on tha 
linraot "The Flying Uotcnmtn," whioh he will pro- 
dnoe next aeaaou. anil ir a aucoeaifiil opening It 
maitn elaborate acenio elTecta will he Inimduueil- 

Uinager Obaa. II. Ilentbaw, of tbn Lyceum 

Tneaire, In conjunmlon with K. 0. Uniiorncr, for 
merlr manager nf ilentbaw A Ten llmerk'a "Na* 
tioha." will next aeaaon put on the naiil a Oral niaaa 
comedy company In a reperinry. Manager llan- 
ahaw will reMIn the manageiuonl of the houar, at- 
tendlug the booking and htialurts part of the 

new vrninre trntu here All tbealrea have made 

arrnogenienin for full nttirna or olaciioiia, which 
will ha mA durlug (he porforraancea eleiumn ilav. 

Tlllin Hnniaev, wife of Manaior Ui.rrlacy, of 

llrenlors Lycoum Theatre Company, waapreaonted, 
30, Ity tbn lurjtl iiiombcra of iiin Tbualrliial Uei:h4n- 
Ic4' AKaouiatliiB, of wblcb aha la one of thu few Udr 
bunnnrr titxinbcra, wtih a ami loaihor invellPB 

use, ciirilalnlnB a comnleto allvor toilet ant 

(dpi. Jnntea McOregor haa lieenonganed aa (enclog 
loatrnnuir at (he ulevclaod Alhlollc Aaanclailnn. 

On elac'lon dtr Manager llrnw, or UtnH'ar 

Tneatre. will create an Innovafon hv preaeiiting 
(wn perfornmneea the name oveoing, (lie aeonnd to 
begin at II o'clock. "The .■tonth llettiro iho War" la 

toe attraciloii "The Ulkadn" will Im parfiirmcd 

toon Uj amateur Intent for charily. 

Oayion,— At Iho Grand Open lliiuae 'Tna 

Dirt I l.riiH*timd Ha'playatt In a fair liiinaa - ct 31. 
TNaaaiardr Knoa't vaaiair lo "Hniiliara " inilira'ea a 
f noil li„uM Hnr. t. Mill amilh KoBaal . la "l*»aei,ful Va|. 
lai."rninaaB "A Hlack Hharp" 10 

I'ANK Tiia,THa— W alien A Martaira '-Roiilh Htlnra 
Itio Wmr* fliird (b« hniiaa t,i pfaill',wlna Oel 
II. 'In III* Name ul tha Caar" li^il lair bitainaia 
.S'nv l-S, I'alrlrrin "Tlia Kilt' 17. 11. U . Willlania' H|M 
■ ally rn a. to. Hndp'n "aha" 12-14. OtiTar Hiriin 15-17. 

rtuiniaav IIumr TneaTaa— 'A Bratiy Tini.." 3 liaS 
tnoit b -aUivi*. Hiiokad: "Tlia Idltr" H. 'Ttia Turpfl"" 

AwiM'iAiinN llaix— New Viirk Plilllia'niuoln <!luli a 
Ui.iliiiN TllKiTHi -Haknr anil llanilal, MauilMll Kla- 

inra MlonlaHuinara, (AWranca aoi Traay anil aanrloa |,| 

livina iilPMiraa. 

Nlaubenvlllr,— At (lie Cllv llpt-ra lliillae 
"l> iwn In liiile" hung out the S H. (i (I <t. m. Tlio 
New York Uatliio Vaudoviiln u.)., aaiiaiu-l by local 
laleni, annearoil at tha KIka' iMuedl, Nuv, 2. 3. 
Ilnwaril Wail npenaii, fur nnc week. -'Tho lllrl I 

l.efi llehlnrt Me" I'l At tne l/iuiKm Tlieatrr, 

week uf r,, liaii and Oira l'.iiiilcy, Lapclltn Haul, 
Arina'r"ng and I'urier, Jennl-i l,i'arv.Hianford anil 
ill. cialrii, I,lx2la Aualln, Pearl 1) lUfllat, Clara 
Uarlltigi in, l,ir.2la LthMo and Mario Auatm. 

Akron,— At the Aiailiiiiiv lit HuBlo "A Toiaa 
S'err'' played Ut a large hontu Out. 31, l,niila 
Aldrlrh I'Aiiiein ralr tiualicaa Nov. i. "Uuoii Hut. 
low" had a amall liouae 2. "Alrln Joalin" bad a 
lilg houaea Honked: J. K Kinnifli 7.^'Hpldor anil 
Fiy"a 'TbrHnuih Before the War" 12, "Theiiin i 
U'ttUehlod Ma" 10. 

Vlndlay,— At tin Marvin Opm ll inan "I'eek'e 
H^il Huy" gavn two perfiirinanui-a Ont. 'J7, 1'l uuud 
hiitluraa "Tlio Kid'* had alalr hnuae .10. Coining; 
WaU'iti HIatera* Uii. Nuv. B, "rne Loai l',<r.ullao" lu. 

At Turoer'a Op-.m llonae the Geary Stock t;u. 

dill a fair tiiidnrta week uf Oct. 27. 

ManaAald.— AI Iha Memorial Opem llntiae 
lln<od Heed, In " The Pulliloian," kept a fair aluil 
hiiiiinlnan uproar ot Unghter Uot.31. 1,'iulaAl. 
ilrlcii, lu "Uy Partner," entertalncil a tnuderaia 
elai'd aiKllenco Nuv. Ituaa Oogblau, In "Dlplo- 

mai-y," come* 0, "Tbe Power uf tou I'reaa" a 

At the Fiiortb Biri at Andluirliim, Geo. It. Wendllng 
leclurea 9. 

Hprlnalleld.— At the Orand Opera llnuaa "Tha 
New Hoy" pUycd lo a fair aUnd audience Ooi. au. 
It"l»rt Maniell Nov. 0. The Hinduw-Titicadoro 
Vaudeville C i. 8, Watwn Hlatera* Kitrevagaijiia Co. 

lu At liiaoB'a Opem lloute. tValie'a Oimedy 

O) week uf Oct. 29, had gooi biialoeao. 


Iiowlavllle,— .U tie Temple "Lady Winder- 
mere'a Fau'' caino Ofll. W for three nighia, playing 
to good honwa. lues Mocuaker, In "Tiie I'rima 
Donna.*' 6-7; tlie KJkn* MInalrebi. under Iho aus- 
pices uf liiiulavllln Lodgii uf UkB. N, B. 

living picturca played to moderate builncaa laat 
week. Tne biat nlgbt uf the engagemeni "Tbe 
Untat uf Hicleiy" waa given. -'A Black Hbeep" 

AuniTOHitia — Adi llnban drew largo andlencea 
Nov. 1-3. "Tne l.ui Wnrd," "Tna Taming of tha 
Htrew" anil "Taeilth Night" were tho playa pre- 
aenied. A'fred II. Fariand, liinjnlai, B.u. 

GRAHti lli'BBA UoUHB.— "Tho Hiiiwaway" waa 
given a beany reception fr,ioi the opening to the 
cloalog of Ibe engagement laat week. Cha-lra 
lllckaiin, lo "Inoot," week of > 

AVBBUB— Out lllira Nuveltlea dallghteil tho 
pairona uf thli houae last week wlthallni claaa 
apeclaliy perlnrmtnce. Many pcupie who bad 
never wlinrtaed thla kind nf a performance at- 
tended. Jamea U. Hackle, lu '-The Side Hiiow," 
week nf 6. 

Buu>iKiiiiAM..-llaTry Morria' llurl«ii|no O) 
endail a prouiahia engagement 3. nice A Uarton'a 
Hi«e Hill Kngihb Folly Co. week of a. 

Niw Oaw.-New ffea week ot 6: While anil 
Btrnea, Meyer and lllrai, Cun Fraiibllo, Noma 
Parker, Haagle Tnleaa, NlniUaaon, llitUaMaaon, 
and Kd. and Jeaate Foley. Bitalneaa la good. 

Nursa— Tbe FJka Hlnttrela to lie beard at the 
Temple 1, 9 la entirely eumpuaed of membera nf the 
organiBail'in. Tbe prnceeda will tie applied lu the 
charily fund ot the lodge. AI. nonrllar, manager or 
(be Temple, la duwn oo (be priigramme as one uf 
Ibe end men At the Saturd ly ntailnee of Ada 

Hehan'a engagement u the Auditorium, aeviniy. 
of l/iulaviTlea debutante ooi:iipla<l tbe lioxca ot 


the Ihiaire upon InvHa'lon nf Manager Gullp. F,ach 
one of tne giria held an American beauty riae, and 
at the clnae ol Ihe play they were gathered In one 
abeaf and preaenled to Hiu llehao. 

Padacah,— At Morlon'a Opera lluuae ''Coon 
ll'illiiw," Oitt. 34, aod *Tae Tornado," for the lienellt 
of the Padgcah Fira D partmeut, '/o, did aa ex- 
ceedingly large hualneaa. "l>ttila TilBle" draw a 
crowded neoae Nov. 1. The living pictoret, wblcb 
have been quite a feature with the "Cara llolluw" 
Co., were nuiinown here, aa tber lell Ihe company 

atHempbla and went to New Orleana w7a. 

Baker, of Chicago, who managed thi nrudnotluo of 
■-Tne HIkadu" alveo laat Summer by lom amateur 
taiant ut this city, |4 hare, and will begin rebesra 
lag the aame company lo the open, ' Pucabobtaa," 
which will lie pioduced at Mortog'a at ao esily 
dale. ^ 


Laa Awfalet,— TheBurliank Theatre held good 
tliadaedlaaeaa lor "Tha flilvar glog" Oct. 11.27, "Tba 
Barlaar'a tooipata" S-Hor. I At Baaaoo'a Uraad 

Upara lloau "Tba Marry War" wat praatotad OeL 11-17 
-Iraettd fair auanlaaea. 'Tl,a Brtdal Tl ' 

I Hov. a drantlie parloraiaaeva wlllba 

>adat laiaboaaa. wt>b "Uanlaa" w (ba blu 
U. Baaitaea, Boaa Fataar, Baairlea tieb aaa i 

tad atlraalad fair auaedaaea. 
•-IRI S . 

itoaraeU.L . 

NBiibiB Ibteaal... .Tba Laa AaiMaaTaaalrawtt Bark 

eaaa aadlaa (let 17 laparltl Haala Uall oalayad 



lotal Weeli'a Hveiila.— Tbe record of the 
paat waak li exceedingly mesgro. Not a alngle 
new play waa produced, there were hut few 
ohaageaot aitraoilont.and tho only avenia worthy 
ot Bpeolal ntentlun were tho drat metropolitan 
pnaenutlon of r new light opera and lavrral 
aeceplable revlvala. Tho llatof aarnniBiiracilona, 
however, being an Inviting ono, the avcrago ot 
bualgraa waa quite aaiUfaoiury. It la Intereailog 
and Inttnictlveionote, Incnnnoctinn with the fore- 
going aiatement of dnanclal rcturua, mat by 
actual count ooincdr. In niuiio form, holds the 
atage^ln three-tourihB of the entire nnnibcr 
of recognlaed pbicca of amuaciiient In ihla 
oily, ilonovor, the terni oomeilv la naoil alinve 
In lu generic actiie, and aghdlvliled Into apecloa 
nnder that olaaalluailon It will bo tnginl that 
the major part ot tho current attraclluna ahnnld 

preperlr be calleil tarcea Hie continued per- 

loriiiancea lur the week ending Nov, 3 were; 
"Hr. Srniai" at tha RuoAnwAY, "Sbaoaodoah" at 
tho AOAnxar op Uirmc, "The Bauble Shop" at Iho 
RuriBB, Ihe Uliputiana at the Fiitii atxhub, "The 
New Bor" at tlie SrANOAHii, "A nalctr Hlrl" at ' 
DaLT B, R. II. Sothem at tho i.yubuu, w, II, crane 
at the STAR, Olga Noinerenie nt Paijuh's, "Litile 
Uhilaliiphcr Uolumbua" at the (Iahubn, "A Milk 
White Flag" at lIurr'H, "Tho Irish Ariltt" at tbe 
FuuaTBB.NTii SrHBBT, and "Tne Uovll'a lleputr" al 
AnBBr'a, the one laat named olueing up,in ihai 

date Tho one weak atanda olualug Nov. 3 

wen; ''Biruuk UII" at Iho I'Bori.Ba, "The Cuuq. 
irr CIroua" at NinMi'a, "KIgnt Holla" at the 
GRANII OriRA llutiHB, "A Flag uf Trucc" al 
JA(»Bn' TiitHh ArkNCB, "rue Hpan ut LKo al 
(he AMBHIUAN, lUubaiil Uanadeld at lliu IIablbii 
(irBRA lluvas, and ■■UoFaildeu'a KlupcinenC at 

tbe Cni.iiauuii Coniiiuck'aHliialnla cuntiunoil 

at sr. JAUtH llAi.1 1'drfiirni incca lu Herman 

warn given at tha Ihvihii Pi.tux and Gbhuania, 
and parfiirinanoea In llelirowatiiieTiiAi.iA, Wi.iii- 

aou and Aoi.BH'a At tne IIbbami SqtiiHB 

ruKATHB, on (>c( *Jt, tbu Whitney upera Ci. gave 
the Hiat molriipuiiian prtmeiiiailuii of ■■Hiiii Huy.* 
Ibe laivat Joint npuraiio work of Harry t). Hnttlh 
and Hoglnald da Kovm. A roiiruaetiiatlva aud 
taabiunable audience eruivilud thu iniuae and gave 
the upara Ihurough enduraouiont. Tnia pruvcU to 
lio tiie mual impurlant n|ierallu inuduttluo or 
the preaent aeaaon, fur nut only )a tlio wi>rk 
exceedingly incrlturloiia, liut the atagliig la plo- 
turoaquo and Uio cniiipAiiy uf uuuaual vucal 

ability At Hie Cahikii, on (Hit. 'JJ, "I'ne 

Pawing Show" waa again preaouluil, having 
Juai returned from a very iinia-eaaful lunr. It will 
ruuiHtii al thla huttae uuul tho cx|ilraiiiiu uf tlio 
teas I uf Canary A l,udorur, wblrli cuiiiuh tu an end 
lu tho latter partnf tbt* ourrent niuiitli, after wliloli 
iltoniu lit lite piece will Ihi ouuuuiiudnt IhnBiJuu 
TiiiiHirc, uf which tbIt ilriu li m ubtniiod piaiaeuluo. 

(ilga Nudiaraule, liavlug aiiifonil In ouiiy 

wnyiibiiiugh tlioinanaiorlal uimr which iwrintttoil 
liur 111 uiNhu hur Aiiiurican il,<liiit in a puiir play, 
wlllciilitlniiu aud oiiijilolc hrr run al 1'ai.iish'h 
TllBATHB under more fnvnralilo auaidi'oa. Hiiunp. 
iwarud at that huuiu Out. '.M, In "Catiilllu," and nut 
iinly doepiy linproaaoil her auillunce, but won 
beany priiiau rruni uiaiiy who bail pruvluutlr but 
ligbilr eatociiicd hur hiairlnnio piiwora. Hbn 
iiiiw citiurnanda not mily rcapeot Inn adiiilra- 
ilfin, and Iter auoceat In ii ruli*. tbr.iiigli bar 
aiMuntptiiin ot which aliu iiurcHMirlly invlu-a uuin- 
panauu Willi aninu uf tlio Ivndlug HilrcHaeauf Ilia 
day, lavlawed with mtioh anilaracilun by thuta who 
nrlgliially reciigblied Iter great alilllty, in apliu or 
(li-i uiiaadatacbiry niudluiu Ibruugli wliluli It waa 
at dralabuim. Grcauioai will 1m hon uulaaa her 
own or managerial fully aliould mar Iter deallny. 

K. 11. Sutburn revlvcil, at tliu l.roRUU Tub- 

ATHB, on Oct. 'Al, "Lurd Uuumley," one of lilt early 
au<u:eaaea, and nnt uuly aeoured tor Iho work a re- 
newal uf Ibe faviir originally lieahiwuil upun II, but 
gained fur hlintalf thu vunllot that lila iierfurui. 
uocii tliurein ahuwed iiiucb loipruvemoni, cuiiao- 
fpieiiitipun the ountlnuiiua gruwth of hIa lilittlunlu 
puwera. At Ibe uuiilnou, Nuv. 1, lie preaenled 
"A Way 10 Win a Wninau,*' ami tbla amnio, 
inunt will uouUnuB during Ihu Ume tbat '-liord 

Chuiuley" linlda tbe laurda liAHHMiAN'HTnK. 

ATBB, which haa been fur a long limn dark, 
owing to Mr, llarrlgau'a road lour, waa ru- 
opeiicil Oct- 19 fur a prnapecllve run uf "Tbe Man 
WithouiaUouniry," which runuived tnareup m (hat 

dati: rroiii anutbar tlieatra In Ihla city At Ibe 

lariHU Pl.ACB Tbbathb "Dor tVelaaa lllrach," hav- 
ing met with anbaUkUtlal luccou, oooatHuled the 
aula orfjriog during the pittt weak, lliuruby ifiai 
punlogtoalakrdaietliu prnduoilun uf tliurar..», 
"Her Klelne Mann," whIoh bad bueu anoounedlor 

preaenlalluu Nov. 1 At tba Oi'BRA 

UuuBB, ou Nuv, 1, Ulohard Manallul<l gave wh it lie 
waa ploaaed lu term tho oral perfiiriiunce of l/irl- 
inur Stoddard'a new Ovo act drama, ■■Napulaon 
Bunaimrto." The Ont preaoutaiiun uf thbi play 
waa given o ;t. 'J7, at the Herald Hijiiara Tlioatre, 
at a public full dreaa roh'arial, and tua work waa 

reviewed In our laat lBt<io Chailea lllgelowas- 

agmed un Nuv, 1 tho rulu of O'lJiaillgaa, (lie dolaut. 
Ive, In "1,1'iln Chrlauiplier Culumlma"si ilie Gaii- 
BKH TllBATHB, Uuorgo Walbm, who iiaa iHien plar- 

lug thu part, having rollred fruni the mmitwj 

At tlio HrANiiAHU TiiBArne tho nrtleih perfurniancn 
nf "Tliu New lliir" was given Nuv. 'j and auuveiiln 
wcro ditlrliiuied awirdlug Ui atlaiillalied cuaUim. 

(.'eaar Tliumaun, Ihu Helglaii vlullnltl, iiiaile 

Ilia Aiiicrl';an debut al a cuncertaiUAHNcin Miihic 
Hti.L, Oct. :i'i. Upon that nriraalun Maria l/iulae 
Hallur, "h American girl who baa lioen miialcally 
educated abroad, fiuiilii bor metrupulllan dehuL 

A rwuBtrr It on foot fur the eatabllahment of a 
now indopead'ul theatre, louilelcd afier tbe ila- 
fuuci I'beaire of Arte and Leiiora. 

Tub lliHTriiHiAHB will liegin llieir aeaaon at inn 
llroaiiway Tbeatre, Nuv. 10, with the drat prudiio- 
Hon of VIotnr Uertirri'a now nuniio open, "Aua. 
lat " During (hetrteatnn al tbla huuie ihay will 
produce "Mexico," anuiner n<-w cuinle 'ipera, aiid 
will revive "Fatlnilza" and "lluhln lluud.'' 

A PUHTHAir BXIllBITIU.t fur Ilia iwuefll of Ml. 
Jubn'a Guild and the Oitbupiuilc lluappal waa bi 

fun Nuv, 3. at the Nallunai Academy of lictign. 
he ditplay cunlalna only portralia uf wuunu, bum. 
iHirlng aunut (ntee humlrod anil Ofty. and pn^aenia 
a atuuy by oomparla-in uf the wurk of aiinuit evf ry 
piirtralt artltl uf note fur the Uat twu liuudred 

AT TUB akqUBST ot Ihn l.'oryplieea' I'rutactlve 
Unlun a cuumiitee v nipiiaeil ol turae moiniiera 
from Ihe Cioiblng Wurkera Uuloiiand una niamiier 
from the Actora' I'nnecilre lliiluiicaiiedupuu Hag 
agar Sehoeffei at Ahlwy'aTueaira, Nuv. I, tu pMtnt 
agalaat the eniplu)iiien( or (be cliurua gIrIa and 
danceia brunglK over here lur "Tha (Jgeau of Bill- 
Ihmia" by (ho Ulllan llu»all Opem Va. It It the 
olalin of the Coryphera' I'niiecilvo Unlun that thate 
Impuned gIrIa are plain, ordloarv utuployra, and 
ilmi Miaa Kuttell'a cuiupany ciuld get Jiiat aa good 
pcrloruien here. The cuiuiolllre waa p<i.lleiy dia- 
niiaat'ii with the Biaieuebt tuat Hie gIrIa were 

WuaTU's Hi'aBtJg.— The usual repuria of con- 
Ubifeil good tiunlueaa cuiiie fniui ihlapupul ir h-iute. 
For Inla week ilieiiai ul perfuriiiora In tnellKaire 
portion of tbn buihllng arr: Tne Wiuraa Wm. 
Courtrlght, Kildy Oniiyi Omle llarl, Uaiule KKiw- 
en, Fred Fiper, Pearl Hayiiiuud, liiily Young, Alloe 
Mackay and Hen n Ian. 

BUaPAir BHrsHTAmBBMa on Nov. 4 comprlaed 
tha tbird cuucert at the Muimpulluiu Upen 
Houae by ibe Meiiia CunueilCu., r. c-ibcrrt bi (111. 
more'a Band at the Acajleniv uf Hualc, and an en- 
tertainment enlliled "Mualo, B-ms and ruem,"pra- 
MB'ed at Palmer's Theatre br 0 II. Hnar.alle. 

TiiBl,AiiBaga«e Iha araf'/piiuUil" ol the aeaaon 
at their ciunhouaa Nuv. f. Tbe ruuma were 
orewded,aod an itllereailog prognmiiia wat pre- 




er «u Torj ■tormr and allogatlicr tHaHtoUt, 
the popnhrll; of lb« aUr anillced to MiTMtk too4 
■Izeil uiidlenco Ut m» hoaiu on Hondar ertnlng, 
Nor. b, wiLon uprlKlitljr Hnrlo Janwin madt hor n- 
appear.tnco on ilio tcono ot toroirr Ulnaiplia,aod 
met wlUi a nauorlng wclcoma from old friondi. 
TlUa occwion nurkcd llio Out preaonlatlonlnlbia 
cllr ot Oloa MtcDonough'afarco,"llliaDjnanillo," 
wnicli lua lull » auccoutal lour tliroogli tlia pror- 
locei. Tbo ator; o( ilio raru baa xma already told 
In our colunica, unit lireqalreabacallgbtnrfraiiu 
licro. Till) 5 ;tluo ukea |ii<m la llie gaj capital of 
Kritnce, the clmractoni boinit nierottora ot tbe Amer* 
ICAU coiouy 111 rariH. A midillo aged nacbelor tiaa 
goue tbeto from ibe uiktea nltn two vlTaclooa 
nelcea.wlioac gunrdlto he la, Hud Ibe tnnot tbo 

Blqco lilngca ou a Milea ot amualDg advoDturea 
irnogli whicn ibev so In i|ulclt ancccaalon, 
and whicb aro inHUily ibo reanit or Ue 
liluoiloriug or ft I'oacciicd Franob detcclWa, 
wbo fooclca be la on tbo awni o( a djnamlio 
coDMilnoy, Uia object of wblcu la tbadealrucUoo ot 
tbo noirl at wuicn tbe Bforaisld gaj baobelor 
DDcle and llvelj nlccea ate aiopplng. Tbere are 
two aoliora for tbe hand or Mlaa Ueorgia, tbe elder 
Dicce, lnincrMuai«d by Ulia Jaiuen, one a pour 
arilit auif aca-pted lover, and a aporUng Engllab 
notiletnau vltb it peDchanl (or Qatlo putlmea, aud a 
yeanlug dcaire lo tepleDlih lili cxcbeiioer by 
nurrt'go wlib ao ADienuin belreaa. Tnera la alau 
K ricb Anierlcaii wiiloir, wllb a matrltnonlal lean' 
Ins luKHrila tbo uucie. I'ue conpUcaUona reault- 
lOK from tbe tiroria or iho iKIcctlvo to cnpmre tbe 
aUHrclilita areiiruJuclivo ot aancceaalOD of laugb 
utile Bliuatlonii, wblcb kepi tbe iiuillence In a con 
tiDual duller or merdioenl, and gunrauutd Ibe 
aucceaa or luo now aililltlnn to ibo lepeitory o( Ibe 
HUr. llliiiiJan>oaauaialna Ibo burden iir tbo piece, 
ot coureu, aud la ine enaciincol ur the part 
nbo brlngu inlo play all tbe piqumu; aud rlvaolona- 
neai cbamoiorleilo nf iiur, me Impcraonailon lack- 
log noibliig calculaicd lo pleaao a orlUoal andl- 
voce. Hbo WM greetml wllb applauao freqaenuy, 
and In Act 2, where alie dlagulaca lieiaeir a« "Mlaa 
Dynaultu," appearing In a loll aearlet coatutno, 
wiibtlguia, nnil HlngaaneiiocomlOBOug, abe wm 

Sreaenicd wllb a iiouijoet or hcautirul nowcta. Mlai 
auwn baa aurrouuiied beraeirwith an excellent 
coupany, all liic lociuliors ul whiuh HiialHlned Ibeir 
pane alily, coutiluuilng iliclr run iiliara to tbe gen- 
cml Jullliy or tbo Mlllcking onterlaionMiIt, Tbe 
picco wan moat crouiiMblj alagcd, Hod Uie cot- 
tumea were rich and very naudaiiine. Hint Janwn 
touting psrucubirly poit and "feiohlng" In bar 
aullol iKurlei, wlilch iilaplaynl berpbialcalcbamia 
lutbobi-atitdviinugo, MayUerrloi looked band- 
HOino and hoiciI well aa llenrlelta tJruger, tbe 
wealtbywiiliiw. Ilopolloaanuideaobaimlng Marlon 
Day, FfFdurIck Uuml gave a droll aud eiTeotlve 

furtrayal nf ilio would iio alem uncle, aud Boldeno 
owoil'a work In iha rule of Ibe Kuglltb nobleman 
wllb »|iciniug proclivlilca waa worlliy o( com' 
nieudaliuii. Tnu otbura «Dg4ged roniJercd an ex- 
CL'lloni ucuount of ilioiiuvlvee. The farce la a 
worthy aiitix-mur or "liuliiioulcu'a at 8lx," end will 

f trove quite aa gooil h money toaker. Tbo oaat: 
irexcl II ly, Froucrlr. llonU; Nud Vanci', ChArlea B. 
U'alk'a: Kugcuii VVitlier, AVIIIIaiii Nurrla; Tom Hor- 
Uio, CiiiH. Uaauii; ilio Uaniula or Enuoguiii, 
Holdoiio I'uwellii U'liirlUon, Knil W. Polora; Ueuil' 
ctia C'rugir, Uay Merrick; Marlon ll«v, Hope ItoMi 
Dailier, Auule bhIoiUo; UeorgIa Day, Hariu Janaoo, 
MlKkii'H UOWBiiY TuiATuii.— Harry Wllllanu' 
o an tJu, upuucil to good iinuaoa Nov, 6. Tlio coiU' 
pany lutroduuiil la ennipoaed of many lluwery 
ravorltcg, who were well rcmotnberod' Khrnu 
iind Uulu ojionuil Uiu olln lu liuicli cooilcallUea. 
Utile FlnaHlo, n ctovor chatHOtcr change andeocon' 
trio dancor, riillnircd. Tbo Kvnna, in iheir well 
knowoact, maitetliolriiaual lili. I'mr, Fred Macart'a 
troupe of educated doge mid iiioukuya gavondl 
vonililed oxiiiulilun of many Irlcki. Tlio nioekoy 
comcdlnna wuro vrry runny, mid the aerpcntiuu 
dancing hhiI boxing duga ahiiwed rooiarkablo 
tnlDlug. Iningtioo t'linier, deacrlptlvo alugor, wlib 
Kaytnprtilicnu vuico ur laiicb power, aaog aereml 
now ballailri, huiuiih iliom ''The Tattoo uu 
the Ann," wnlch iimilo a hli, lleury and K«to 
rolloweil In llilr aoi, "Oapilal vorana U- 
bor." t'aiitiMn, the abadowgnipblal, nlinic, olo,, 
pmvlilcil iin oxcollrnl cntennluniout, varlirt aud 
amnalog, .Uat;«lo and Uanli'la, iriib knockabout 
uomeillauii, amg, kicked, pniiclied and Jumped to 
everybudy^aanUafacUoD. Fiank _UoraDuxpounded 

Sir " 

ploublyon Ibo lopica or the Umee. UoPnooand 
ill In a hnrlxouinl bar Hi^t, preaciited many i 
trioxa, oxecuted witli graoo and akill, "Mulllinn'i 
IlecepUoii ,■> with A, II, Khoroa, Joa. HoCaic, wm. 
F, Ktye, Kddio Kvana, Hi. Uiiulela, llora Uole and 
LIule Fl|>iale in ilie caat biuupbi tbo abow lo a 
iHUgblng dniab. Next week, llelhy and Wood'a 

NinLU'aTuXATitc- Manager Waller Hanrunl pre. 
iienled a new oireilng bero nlgliiuf .Nov, r>. Ii la h 
romaullc uietudrAiuii, hy Qoorgo IIOL'y, ciillllcil 
Tale or ConlCAt*' nud wna urlglnnliy producci in 
NeirOrlcaiu twelve yoiua ago, under tbe niimu of 
"A I'rleat'a Vow," Tbe aconca ot the play are Uld 
In Ibo lalaiiil of Corsica, Two brotliere, Augtio ami 
Mateo lluiilnl, love lima Honteforo, ibingnicr uf 
Ugo Uonlofero, ngnlnat wboao borne Ibu llublnia 
bave Juat duclanil a vomlellit, Tbrongb h coinbi- 
naUou i<r clroumauncca tbe bnilhoneavo tlio life ot 
lima, wboao true Iduntiiy la unknown lo them. 
Augolo, wbo la aware or bla biolbet'a luvo, aacrl' 
ilcoa bia own love and rollioa luloihe oburcli. Tbia 
ucuun lu aiil I, Tbo dranmttc fentitrca ot Ibo 
reatvt tbo aiory are liulll around the uooteaalnu 
of a nturUeror to Aiigcio, tbo prlcai, whoso own 
liiotner, Hnloo, laulHuit tube isn'cutid rurlbe criiuo, 
and the priun'H von will uut permit lilm !»■ 
diBoloao woo Ibo mnidcrer la, lo tbo end tbe Irae 
tnurderor la rovcalml and Ibo alury ends sallsfai.- 
lorlly. Uiany o( tbo cllnitxea woiv airoog, ami lue 
acting was uoiroriuly good througliont. Tne play 
waa well aiagiiil, under the supervision o( loe 
HOtbor, wbo played the villain, TVirahll, olTonilvely, 
Much u( tbo avunery, palaleil by Lools (J. Youoi 
vraa new and appniprlrttv. Tbo oast follows: l*ao1 
llublol, Frank Foster; Angelo Itnbino, II irry MalO' 
ball; Uaici Itublnl, Frank Lauder; Vgo MKnle- 
rero, tlharli'a Nuvlns; Uiievitllor ilu Uonanil, C'riplle 
I*alnionl: Torrflill, t:i>iirgo lluoy; I'lchu, hM' 
ward J, llriuii; I'lrlni, K>lgar Forteat; (llajoouio, 
II, MoUrtireny; Uaulatraiu, Nelson tJonipalon; AO' 
toulo, William Uortuii; iHiiTana Ferranie, Victory 
lUloman; lliua, I.ialo IaiikIi: lioria, l,otUo Willlnnia. 
Next week, "Tbo VVIillo sqiutdrou." 

L0HDO.1 TnaiTBX.— Itlcu i Uarton'a l.''jm«llan!i 
In ' llauloliazilo," witb ihe two well known com 
odlan managers In ilio two principal rules, proved 
It meet laughable eblortalnment for good audiobuea 
Not. t' Tlie comedy ban been Improved grcally tills 
year, and tbo aiory worked uut by Ibo olevur com- 

Kny, wllb tlio aMjIalauuo or a cbunis or comely 
lift, proved nil iiiiiutlDg enwiublo, Frankio 
llaluea, as Juilet ilurv, was well ncoived, and aang 
HudHoiO'i won, (Jliat. Iliiriun,a3 MolHiodle, with 
bla DbaraoIorUilu ainilo and aclluua, provoked 
nuoh lulrlu, iKo. W, IIIco, aa Foodio, was alao 
ruony. 'I'bo I* I'oilo ,Siaiura' duet waa well 
renderod. A, tl. LawteuL'O sang a barltene 
nolo, aud save avnio clever veuiriloqiilal imiia- 
tlous. The oibcr iiicldenial songa, quarlets, dance 
aud uharai'tcr blia weio lotorspersed to good 
advanuigii' John anil Llillu Ulack did a abort siwoi- 
alty act. Mr, Uliti'k'a iiauclug waa well applauded, 
^'bu M'lilini'y llroihcni iK'tturiueil oo vatloue novel 
musical Insirunirui'. Tlio uibets In llm mat wen 
Jay l)ulg oy, aa It'iincoOuro. Ibo snakapcarlau aclor, 
Uiilan lilHvx na Un. McIKmnIIo, llehla lj« I'orle aa 
lira. Finxtlo, Ju.m J. uunk a* UuIk>. Id* Ulller, 
Nellie Slicriiiaii, Ada tVrletub, Lizzie Miner, Jennie 
Hbaw, Maliel Mllablr, Killo Auelalraud llazd Uarih' 
not. W. 11' IsliHiu la rvprvscniailvo. Ilowani Wait- 
iiey musical director; (ico. Clundlcr, properlles. 
Next week, llii>si'li llr.>liiei«' LVimcdlans. 

AN VMui'a iKTKHiAiMisKT cninicd, Mnsic, 
bong and IViein, I'loturtcally lilnsir,iic(l, waa given 
on Bnnilay eveuing, Sov. 4, at Faliuer'a Theaire, 
liy Ur, buaaellc, an Kng'.iBh aingtr, racouloor aun 
tivvelor, Mr. !toa»ilo sang acrrral souga wllb 
exoeilent eilcci. Ilo baa a low barliouo voice, full, 
naonanl ami iiiiisIihI, Ilo aisn gave acvrral leclta- 
Uons, Ilo was assleiod by .Marlu Uoll, whose aiug- 
Ing, boauvcr, waa not an acceiilalilu. All of Ibe 
aongs rtudrrcd weru illualniicd by piclurvs ibrown 
uiHiuHSoa'en.andoibi'rpiciuii'.i acre also abown 
t ndcpcndciit ut tbcae. Mr. ilbaulle told aevrral 
hUiuuroua siurioi iinliu crvorlj', A clilme of bells 
and a bidden eborua adilcd eiTeuilvenesa lolbo 
vocal nuiiiiicrs. 

MiHKa'a KiiiiiTii AVKKi'KTitsATiiK.— Tbe Frvnob 
FnllyCoiupHUT.onoor llnltrri klanvliraier'a popiiUr 
urgaiilziiiiiiia, iipriitU a week's i iigageinrni bero 
night fir Nov. A good nici'il auillouce bad hiaved 
tbeliiclonicul aviiliir i<f Muiidjy nlghll leujoyibe 
onieriHlinng projr.uiiiiiriiiTi'rvd,and Jndglngny Ibe 
applaiim), WKU-ii nna iilnioet couilnuona irum tbe 
opcnins liuiIitiA, iliej Iml no ranae lo regnl hav- 
ing vcninrril uul III Hurli wcaJlier, It la a capital 
gbow. Next week, tbe Kighl owls. 

Kornn t BiiL't,— Week of Nov. 6 waa nsbeied 
In at Ibis resort wllb a programme o( onnsnsi In- 
terest, wblcb Included tbree ancceuful American 
dsbnif , Desplie tbe rainy weather Ibe boose was 
well mied.aod tbo audience gave evidence o( ap- 
proval by beany and trcqnent applause. Ermloia 
Obelll, trapeilst, nude ker drat appearance bcfoi* 
ao American andlsnce, and made a pronoonced 
sooccaa. Mile. Cbelll la o( aUracilve appearance, 
and pcrforna many daring teals on tbe swinging 
trmp»« wllb an easy grace that r^llevei her andi. 
ence or all feara (or ner aareiy. altboogh she per 
(oma wliiioet a ne'. Tne Roasow Droibrra ti>rl 
and Fraic). I.llipuilaa atbletes, alsu made ibclr 
debnl In Ibis connlry, and recalved ample applanse 
to convince them tnat ibey litd (onno immedlve 
■avor. Tneae Utile ilvala o( Handow aretacnly 
two and twenir tonr ysara old respwtively, tbe 
elder being ihlny-one Inches and Iba younger 
iwenly-nlne hlib, Tlieyarewell vroporil''nedand 
give an exblbfuon ot tbeir midget K'rength by IKi- 
uigdnmbbellsaodwelghis. Tbeyauogtve aercral 
bonis In wreatllng. In wblcb Ibey tbrow each oiber 
very cleverly. Tbe Bretbera Forrest, musical eccen- 
trics, also made tbeIr llrit appearance on an Ameri- 
can suge, sod were accorded theheanv recogolilon 
tbelr performance earned (or ibem. Tbey make op 
aa olowaa and do some clever tumbling aad eccen- 
irlo work while playlog upon vlollna and olber 
mnslcal Inalniinenis. Among other (eats one ot 
ihem tarns a aerlea of side somersanlis at tbe 
Muno time be Is playing a concertina. Car- 
menclla made ber reappnrance In tbis city, and 
was given an ovation. Sae was recalled sevsral 
tlinea. Kokin, Japaneselngglrr, reappeared brre, 
and wu well received. Kna Bertoldi, contorilon- 
l«t, entered npon ber flttli week as great a favorde 
aa ever, and Eugenie Foogere, chanuuse eccen- 
trlqne; tbe Haninetil Bros., acrobats, and Ivsn 
Tscnemoir, with bis troops or trained nogs, began 
Ibelrnlnib week, and were still popnlar. Tbe Kin- 
nays, expert awlmmera (ibird week) conilnned to 
win applause for ibcir wonderful exblblllooa tinder 
water. Tbo living plotoroa concluded tbo ezcellebt 
eniertalnment. Tbe usoal concert by Ibo Uungar* 
lans wu given after the pertormaoco. 

laviNO PLici Taxarni.— Tbe (onrib centennial 
Hans Baobs celebration waa auanged by Manager 
(Mnrlod (or tbe evenlog ot Nov. e, and proved a 
grand ancoeas. Tbe house was crowded to tbe 
doors. Anton Seldl led tbe orchesira, strengtbened 
(or the occasion. Emil FUber, William Siepbena, 
Paul Bli'gel, Ida Klein and Marie Haurer ren- 
dered solos. Tbe ovetiure, "Die Uelstersloger von 
N'nmbcrg," opened tne (esUval. "Von der Lisa- 
belba, KInoa Kantberm Tocbler '■ a tragedy. Id 
dr. acts, was presented, allgblly pruned, but 
tbe text vraa adber(^d to, as well as tbe 
primitive mode n( stage presentations at tbe 
tloo of Baebs. Kacn onaiaeter bowed to 
tbe audience on eniering and leaving tbe 
siage, and all lines won read, with llie speaker'a 
eyes suring siraigbt in front of him. Tbeeblfiing 
oisoanety wss avoided liyiireseuilnga sign, wblub 
told ine audience tbat "eiue sndcre (legend" wax 
being preaented. Tbe soloa from "Die Uelsttr- 
singur" were rendered by Messrs.' Flaber, 8ie- 
pbons, aid Blegel aud Misses Id* Klein and .Utrle 
Maiirer. "Der (abrondu Sobueler" was presented 
In tbe original, under tbe same early methods, 
Hudulf Neuioa playing tbe title role. Max lUnseler 
llie (ariuer, and Adoipb Link Ine (armer'a wife. 
Tbis sweet carnival play tells tbe story ot 
a traveling acholar wiio lulls tbe (armsr's 
wKo Ibal be baa Juat arrived (rom Pandlie, 
where bo siw her Urst buaimnd going around 
wllb noihlog on but bla tut and a coat 
Hbe preeaes the Bindont to go bick to 
paiHdIse and deliver aoiiie money aud clotbea 
to tbe deparicd. Tbe eoholar takes the gooda and 
Itavea. When the simple lady mromia her second 
husband of ber kinduats, beatosce scisoucoo bis 
boras to catch ilie rascal, lie overiskea bim, but 
lbs vcbolar tells blm tbat he baa seen tbo tlilel 

Boing In another direcilon, ond ibe farmer leaves 
la horse In bis care In order Ui conllnue the jiur 
BUlu Tbo sobolar iben makes oir witb tbe borao. Un 
returning the latmer wcs hiuiseK outwilicd, and lo 
Older to avoid ridicule tells bla wife unit be has 
sent tbo horse to tbo deparicd. 

jACOiw' TniiTHB.-"Tho Two Dinars," which 
proseniawlib mocb vivldneta dloeivnt phases of 
cliy lire, wllb Us looiptailons, began tbo week at 
ibia bouse Nor. 6, befiro an andlenco o( good pro- 
portions. The piece has (or lia present Inteipreta- 
llon the tollowlDi; people, wbo give caretol and en- 
Jojable pottrHysIa o( tbe rolos: Add Ityman, Wl|. 
lard Leo, John Barker, Thos, H, Uniy. J, U, Mariln, 
llene Tboniaa, Master Jack Lynn, N. S. Joseph, 
llonrlellB Leo, Klbol Marlowe, Kmlly Slowe and 
Udt Wells. Next week, "Jane," 

1'xoi'i.x'H TiiiATHB.— Hallen and Hart began a 
wrck'a tngMgeiiieol hsrv nlgbl o( Nov, The audi- 
ence *>sciubied wu o( good pmnonious, when iiio 
lerrlblo weather which prevailed la coosldei«d 
riielun In ' Later Un" Is Incesunt, and the com- 
pany capably tendered llioir aevend spccbiltles to 
an a|iptsolauve andlrnrf, .Next week an Impor- 
t-uit event Is annoonced lo Ibe engagement of 
rrlmroee West's Mlnstrels.- 

BT Jaxbh' Hall— llualiiess at Ibis bouse coo- 
lluues gooil. Kdwln French and Uugbor liough- 
oriy were uewcomets Nov, :,. Tbe akil on tbo 
L'xow invenilgailiin and 'The Coti UIMk Kag" 
were oonllnncd. 

Uas'iki, Fruuuan baa decided on "Uorolboa' _ 
Ibo title tor Ibe new Bardoii comedy wllb which tho 
Lycoom Ybeatro will open Us regnlar scsson laie 
■bis miiilb. Tne plet e baa been In i«hear<al (or 

stihTiibatiii.— W. n. Onuoand I'anI H. I'oller, 
auiliurof "The I'aoldc Mall," have equal teasoos 
for being satlsOed wllb tbelr reapccllve rebtllons lo 
tbis phiy. It Is a niost prouoanced suocoss, sud 
II will not only Impiove Ibe appeatsoce or Mr, 
Orane's ledger during tbo n'raaln or or bis slay 
bore, but will alao boor great raliie upon bla sub- 
soqoeni toor. The aevontb week or Mr. Crano's en- 
gagement liegan Nov, 6 

rALiiiH'8 'TiiaArHii.-nigt Nolboisole again ap- 
ponrcd In "tbuuillo" on Nov. 6, when sho entered 
upon tbe tounii and nnsi week o( ber suiy, Sbo 
made a most grailtying success In Ihis play laai 
week and forced riom ber audltoraauacknowledgc. 
moot or ber grtat palters, Uarlng ine current week 
Miss NsUcrsolewlll be seen la"Koiii(oaud Jullot," 
hut Ihe date ot Its preaeniatlon Is yet unannounced. 
On Nov, I'j "Tbe New Wo nan," by Sydney (Inunly, 


will have its llisi prodncilon In tnhi eouniry. 


Is now In Its sscoud week, la Inoiapolaulr a suc- 
cess' It Is a work ot aeiual merit, iiiuat pic- 
lurciqoely staged and prest'Uled by no excellent 
company. It packed tbo bonse lut week, and will 
no doubt mott with similar good (oilunc lor many 
weeks to come. It Is in every way commeudablu, 
and will be round worttaj ot inure than a single 

U.tfliNO —"The Paaslug .show," wbleb began on 
Nov.t the second week ot lis return visit, la dupil- 
ca:lDg IIS original record, owing lo tho apeedy 
approaoh of Iho termloaiion or tne prrsent leaso of 
inu house, thia nbowwlll remain only two weeks 
more upon tbo I'aslno sbtge, woeiti li bad lie dni 
preeonuuon. The many rrionds or the ptesesi 
proprietors will no doubt msko iba>e gsia wnika. 

Lvi-'Fl'il TuEATiis— K. U. Soihrro's reriral of 
"iMnX tlbumlet" pruvoii very succ<sarui last we< k, 
and ptesumahiy no luriber ohange u( ii'il will lie 
made during bla prtaent ongagemeni, "A Way lo 
Win a Woman" will bo prcsouied at tbe Tburaday 
roailnce, Mr. Holhem Is now in tbe elevcnib week 
and Iho bisi fortnlgbt ot his stay. 

KxriRt TuiATaiL-Juhn lirew oootlniies lo aiir 
prise and dellibt bis auilleuces by bU rxoelliail 
wort In "The lUuble8hi>p,''a playof very ointrent 
sort (cnm those In which he bas been acenstomed 
lo appear. Ilo eonllnually plays loctowileilbu sea. 
Ue began ou Nov. 0 ibe nluin week ot Ins engage 
ment, and will remain at tbIa b'tuso until Ibo end or 
tbe current nionlh. Ann* Adams Is now pbnlng 
Ibo rule o( l^dy Bellenden In pbtce of Kale Heck, 
and JoMpb Humphreys Is pbtylag Ibe rule o( Mr. 
Body, replacing ilobert Cotton. 

Ai'AUBMV or Hbsic— "Shenandoah" preaenia 
eonUnnai reports o( good biitinrss snd luueh cor- 
robotallve ttsilmony locretir. Ii becau ou Nov. : 
the elevenib week of lis runsudwlil reinaiu tbe 
sttncllon at ibis bunse uuili lico. s, when It win 
give place lo an elaborate production or tbo new 
plar.^Tbe Coilon Klog." 

llAiudAN-B raiATRS.— "Tbe Man wiibont a 
t'onn'ry" closed Ita engageinent at llils bouse Nor. 
B, 1b« uiatugvrtKlDgHa-laOetl Ibat tbe play waa not 
Bulled for a uoiioiwlllan tun, A rtfud lour Is an- 

llAHUkM TaiiTRi.— "Llille Chrlttopher t'olnm- 
bus," now lo the rontth week of lis ruu. Is oonilo- 
ually IraprovlDg, and Is aiTordlng excellent enter 
lalnincnt to ibo l«i go audiences wnico niabiiy vlilt 
II. II Is llleraily crowded wiib good ihlngs, en- 
tirely (00 Dumeroui tor ineiiilon, but wor.ny the 
aiieutlon ot all whodsllgbiln varied enlertalnmrok 

Ualv's Tuiatri,— "A UsieiT Ulrl" entered Nor. 
t noon tbe elgbib week ot lis ran, and will yet i«- 
maln tbiM week* troB tbat date. 

Tony Pi«roa's TngsTM.— Another American 
debut was on Ibe bill (or Nov. 6 at the above bonae, 
when a good alced audience wu preaent. Tbe 
lingllab people wbo made tbelr American debnt 
lut n-eek being very clever, bare becoos favor- 
ites wim Ibe patrons here. Oeo. W. Kenway wai 
(be now comer s. Uo gave ImKallons ot English 
music ball per(ormeis wbo are not known on Ibis 
side o( tbe big pond, and oonseqnenily did not gain 
tbe applaose ne might deserre. In ola lopctson- 
stion ot a singer wbo wu diiappointed by ber 

f llano player bs wu rtcelred wlih a kindlier (eel- 
og, for In tha' pan of tbe performance he wureiy 
good. Toe other performera on toe bill were Her- 
mi and We:co,kuockabont song and dance team, 
wbo did some good work. I'auilne, In bor 
serlo comic and scrobsilc spcdslilsa, gives prom- 
Uo or liecoraing a warm favorlia, her work being 
neat and pleuing. Mens. Tmvelle, asslsud by 
Mile. Trarsile, wu pleuing. TOni Puior, In bis 
nsnal budget of new songs, met wlin bis acooslom- 
ed reeepuon. Untb and Oiurord wei« giren a 
rousing recepllon, tbelr act seeming to go with 
more vigor Uan ever. The Slaters Preston, u 
chtracier songs and dances, met with favor. Ho- 
Aver and May were funny. Musical Usie, In bis 
mnslcal act, wu londly spplaDded. J. W, KeMy Is 
always sura of plentv ot applanss, and Monday 
Digot wu no excepilon to tbe rule. Button's Dog 
Cirons olosed la* bin In good styls. 

Kirro's u.vioN SquAiiK TogATRt.— While tbe 
stormy weather aomewbat affected tbe boslneaa at 
tbis bouse Nov. t, tbere were not many vacant aeats 
to be bad atier eight o'elook. I.ttona, tbo musical 
uamp, and narrlgan, Ibe tramp inaglclsb, were 
added reatnres, altbongb tbelr names were not on 
Ibo piogianuies. Tbey ate both clever perroim- 
ers, and were loudlyappUnded. Btustt, Uie female 
Imperaooalor, altbenah qnlto 111, appeared, and 
met wllb aocceti*. Tbe Lea Pbantos, grolesqee 
aorobais, mada their Orst appeaianca at tbis boa>e, 
and caused ounalderable amusement. Lrdia Yea- 
mana-Tlias, accompanied by Fred J. Titos, nst 
wllb ber nsoal reception. Bogart and U'Brlen, 
In Ibeir musical act, were funny. Capitda 
Forrest did ber dauoa amid a new uuing, 
which met with approval. Tbe Palicrson Bros, 
olever horizontal bar pcrtormerA, did not Anlab 
tbelr act on acconnt o( one ot (beir ban breaking. 
Tte La Hoae trio. In "Fun In a ODIneae Laondry," 
created considerable laughter. Willis Obirk, In a 
burlesque enteruioment, met wllb lavor. The 
iVsbley Team, comic skaten, made tbelr Araerlcm 
reappearance a(t«ran absence ot dve years, and 
did well. Felix and Oaln, In a mnslcal and aero- 
Italic (arco, met witb aucceu. Mile. Aibcrte, on 
■be blgh wire, did some clever work, llorinn ud 
llcvclie amosed tboie In front wllb tbelr nonsense. 
Mods. I'anio snd Mile. DIka, Frcnob ecccoirlques, 
met wllb success. 

IIubbu's I'lLACk Mt'sxuu.— The rainy weathv 
Nor. wu beneMial to the aUondaoceat this 
uoose. Tois week's bill: Ourlo Hall— obarlei 
Bf robman, oolet (long tailed horse). Dexter (oyttl- 
riing Austnllau), Ilialto (Iron Jawed man), Ibe 
wild Hen o( Borneo, Aabury and Itoblnson, Ari- 
zona Jack and Uuceolppa Donna Uanlnt. Stage— 
Barney and LoU MolleUy, James Thompson, (he 
Noonana, Kluy SnKb, Loo B. Knight, IMcey ssd 
Lseds. and ibe Living Plctorca. 

In Tag Superior <;onn o( this Slate, on Nov. 6, 
Judge QUderaleove denied tho moUon o( Oscar 
llammersteln tor the appointment u( a receiver (or 
toe Koeier k Olal uoropany pending his aouon fur 
a dlisoiutlonot tbo company. The court conlinoed 
tbe pielimlnarylnlnncdon restraining Roster tt; Blal 
from Intorfenoi wlib Mr. Uammerateln'a tight u a 
director of tbe corporation. 

Standard TDiArRk.— "The New Boy" Is draw- 
lug good booses and airurdlng muob enjoy ment to 
all wbo see Ik James T. Powera Is winning goMen 
opinions by bis clever trestnent ot tbe uue role, 
and bis support la oxcopUonally lood, Ilobert Cot- 
Ion now plaia tbo tole or Felix Roach, formerly aa- 
sumcd by w, J, Le Moyno, Tho elgbin week o( Ihe 
run began on Nov, n, "Toe New Hoy" will close Ite 
slay at ibia house Nov. 'U, and will be sQccecdcd by 
William Ullleito's "Too Mnch Johnson." 

UovT's TugATRb— "A Milk White Flag" Is sdll 
crowding Ibis cozr house. Tbs changes nude In 
this pbiy since Us advent here have gn'silv Im- 
proved It, and It now ranks well among Mr. Iloyt'a 
uumoious woika. Ii began on Nor. c tne mib week 
of Its run. iMW Bloom bu rellied (rom Ihe cut 
and Alice Uunilngion bu replaced Rlllle Deaves, aa 

KuTU AvRNUi TuiiTRX.— Tlie LUIpnilus, In 
"Uompty Uu'Jipty Up to Date," began on Nor. &ibe 
niniband flnal week o( tbelr engsgemsnr. They 
will he (oiKiwcd 12 by Oanle Turner, In "The Cool- 
ing Woman." 

BKUAUWArTaiATBt— DeWoU Hopper, In "Or. 
Synux," issuil drawing a goudnonaenlgbUy. Ue 
entered, Nov. (, upon tbe tenin week snd the lui 
(orinigbt ot his aiay. 

FouartEKTU SniB(rTaKATHB.-Cliaunoey Olcoti 
la now In tbo alxib and doal week oi bis appear- 
ance In "The Irlah Artist" at Uils bonit, where be 
bu met wllb deserved success. Ho win be fol- 
lowed l-J by Palmer Cox's "llrownles," wblcb will 
then be seen for tbe Ural Ume In tub) clly.- 

N'aw York Loooi, B. P. O. ELts, win bold a lodge 
or sorrow on the evening of Dec, » at tbelr ball, 
noitbeut comer ot Uroadway and Tweoly eeventh 
Siroeu Thh) wlU be tne Ural one since March s, 
is:), when a publlo one wu given at Irving Hall, 
aud tbeie were onr eight hnndted invited tneais 
and brotbera or ibe order presenL Uue bad pra- 
Tlooslr been boldat Maaonio (now Clarendon) Ilall, 
Sept. 4, l9>o. Col T. AUston Hrown, wbo wu tlio 
chairman of the committee o( arraogementa, and 
wbo wtoio (be general eulogy ou both o( tbea« oo- 
euions. Is cbatiman o( tho funbeoning one. In 
consequsnoe ol not being able to secure a sulUhle 
ball on thai dale (or tbe affair, aud invlio tbe out- 
side world, II bu been loond neorssary to bold tbe 
lodge o( sorrow at their own rooms, and m the 
sealing capaolly o( tbla ball Is less than (onr buu- 
dred. It bubeen decided to admit no ooeexcepUng 
meoibera o' the order. 

Toi UiaCDLO (MLOK Obrvaktei, composed of 
Spanish residents odhls city, gavoa dramaiioand 
mnslcal cnleiialnmeul at ibe Berkeley Lyceum 
Nov. 3, when "Uoaio el Fer. en el Agua" ( 'As a Fish 
In (lie Waior' ) and "Zaraguola," by Alia and 
I'amun, were played (or the drsi time In this dtv. 
Toe Utter iHay wu originally piodsccd at Uadnil, 
Spain, Usl February. 

"Tub Yuuku Libutinant," by Chaa. A. Tuomu, 
wu acted (or Iho Orst time at ibe uonlral Opera 
Uouse, UcL li, by amalenrs. 

noma' Moatux — A novelty tbat will, nodoulil, 
prove entertaining to Manager Dons' palroni ihla 
week Is ibe engagement o( toe Austtalitn B tcDcr* 
ang Throwers. Oiher new leautta ot ibe curio 
world ebown are: Toe Erquloaux Village, Blily 
MTeUs, human anvil; Joule Allyne, loog haired 
woman, aud I'nrf- Horo'a trained blribi. lo tbe 
Uieairo the stuck, headed by Carrie Stanley, are 
aiipearlng In 'The Lanat ijoeen." 

■larlem.— At Ihe Ilarlgm Opera Douse RIebard 
Hansllold, lo "Napoleon Bonaparle," turned pcO' 
pie away the lut three pcrtormances lut week, 
"Uoarlej 's Aoni" opsned a week's eogtgement to 
a fair sice<l audience Nov. b, Noxt wvek, us Ly- 
ceum Slock Oo. 

OLVXI'IC TuKAraa.— 3sm Oevere'a Co. plsred to 
fair huuacs all Usl wi'ek. Orenler's Lyeenm Theatre 
0«i. made (beir llrst New York appoAraQce 0, to s 
fair blsed aiidlcoco. Tbe company wu wvll re- 
cclved.and luoludestbe following peuple: (}rlm. 
mlu an-l (loia, Obu. v. Seaman, Tune Moniiey, 
Ihe Four Udduies, the Dalys, Leimo, tbe Rackeil 
Uro*. (ibree In nomli n, Frank Appel, Chas. New- 
ion and John Momsey and Miner Uh'a Noil week: 
Hire h B iiton'a Comedbina. 

CoLVHUi'S.— Iiosloeu wu (air the put week at 
Ibis bouac. Primrose ,\ West's Hliisittis wen to 
give a attcel parade hut ram prevented. They 
oiieni il to a gixid alreil audience .1. Next week, 

UaRLBti Mtniiw.— Business conllnnes good. 
Tbis week: Curio ball-lljol Broa.' performing 
bears, Y'ooog Amerlons, Cook and Uoward, W, IT, 
McKee, Annie Unxhnm and IW, While's Punch 
and Judy, Siage-CarToii and Larkin, Dick Hack 
and tioina colur, DuIit B, Uowo, Uarry Emeraun, 
La Siraugo and Jessie (Sarll. 


Orooklyw^-Tbealrtgoeia ot this city s;« to 
have snuiher pisce or smustraent In lbs near ta- 
tnre. Stale Senator w. u. neynolits bu secured 
tbe old "Abbey" site, on FuKon swel, near Plat- 
bush Aremie, aud bo says that he la going to erect 
one ot the largest and handsomest tbeattrs In tbe 
Bute, Thepiiiperu exiends fnim Fulton Sittet in 
Ue Kalb Avenue, with a frontage of eightt-llvs feel 
on the former and one hundred and Oliy tcH on the 
Uauer. Ue proposes to build me Iheaiie on ine lis 
Kalb Avenue side, and an viegani odlce building on 
Ibe Fulton 8li«el aide, with an anade running be- 
tween tbe iiro ttieeta. Wbei OnUlied It wlO bt 

known u the Montaok rrbealie, and wBI be nnder 
Ite management of Col. Wn. Sinn and bla son. 
Waller E. slnn. Seveial now producUou aieglven 
SI Ibe ibeaires this week, and BrooklynlUM are 
hiring a good wsoilment to make tbelr seleeilon 
(torn. An exiia matinee wu given on election day. 

Orano Opbra HotmB.-"Tne (.'outrj Clrcna ' 
opened for tbo week Nov. », before a crowded 
house. It hu been Improved since It wu seen 
here Ust by tbe ongagsmeni of more Impoitant 
people to lake part In tbe olrona scene, wblen Is ihs 
most Important one In Ibe pbir. Primrose A west's 
Mlnsireb were here last weei. Billy Bairy, In 
'Tns Rising Oensrallon," i:; "Ooon Uollow" it. 

Bijotr.-"On Ibo Mississippi" began a weskis en- 
gagement i, to a big bouse. Tnls wu lia Srst 
presenuuou In Ihla cHy. Tbe piece sppealed to 
the eye u weU u tbe senslblllilea, and wu weU 
recelred, being Ubeially applauded ibnnghont. 
Toe cut la o( nnosnal alze, and Inolndes a nimiber 
ot old frlends,who were warmly welcomed. Tbe 
aoUior sbltu bis chaiioten (rom monoisln to city, 
from Ksrdl Oiu revels to a dcsolals swamp, m a 
very piotnresqns manner. Jouph Morpny, In 
'■Kerry Oow" and "Sbann Rhus," bad goodbnsl- 
neu last week. "Tbe Span of LKe" il,U. B. Onr- 
ila »- ^ 

Pahx.- nertmsnn tinned people awart, woen be 
opened for (be week. Ue Is a favorite bete and hit 
eniertalnment ot magic, Illusion and spe<l>liy 
eturmed bia andlsnce and btid ibelr alteoUon lo 
toe end. "Tbe Artist's Dream" wu a good teatore, 
and made a diailou bit. Mme. Uerrmann's dances 
were clorerly sxecnttd. Marls Walnwiight, In 
"DAugbters o( Ere," met wlib sncoeu Ust week. 
D'Arrille Opera Company 12, "Shore Acrea" u. 

COLDBBta.— FrAbou Wilson's Open Uompanr, 
lo "Tne Uorll'a Deputy," opened ( to a large audi- 
ence. Mr. Wilson wu u Jocund u erer and en- 
teied Into tbe spirit ot tbe role with zest, and bis 
efforts were well seconded. Uls support u one ot 
even excellence, Tbe cboms did exceedUigly weU, 
and tbe monnUng wu rery atllsUo. Mr, Wil- 
son bad his aodisnoe In a reiy bappy ttame 
of mind during the whole evening. Last week 
William OUleUe wu seen in "Too Mocb Jobnion." 
"Tbs Qlrl I IiSft Behind Ms" litglns a two weeks' 
engagemeot 12. 

BTAB.— "The Waifs ot New York" opened i and 
(he bonss wu crowded. It Is not new, bnt It wu 
coecilve wllb tbe nadlence. Ii wu presented by a 
company or wbloh Amy Ames wu a conaplcnons 
racior. Unle Hnlrey wss also well received, "tbo 
White Squadron" held tbe boards bist week. Wsl- 
ter Hantord's Slock Oompaov, In "A Tais of Oor- 
alcs," 12: "Tbe Two allien" it, 

UYDiABgnHAM's.— John Uoptlns'Tnns- Oceanic 
Specialty Company opened to a packed house &,and 
It wu a well balanced and generally enjoyable per- 
formance. The audience wu demonsirallrs and 
etpeclaUyapprsclaUve of tbe efforts ot tbs per(arm< 
CIS. Harry Williams' Own Specialty tympany did 
a good buslnesi lut week. Weber i Fields' Com- 
psny 12, Ibii Freneb Fully company It. 

UvuEU t UBiHARDT's.- Uring plctiitea contin- 
ued wllb every sign o( approbailon, tbe tenth week 
beginning (*,be(Ofe a large house- VanderlUe acts 
by Topack and steel, Weaton Slaters, tbe Mayes, 
Madeline Frank aud MIonle Shuli made up tbe bill. 

AHPBioM.— "A Temnennce Town," wblcb began 
aweck'aengagemeut here 0, la well known is Ihla 
pan or town and Is also well liked. It bad the 
mlstorwne ot beginning Its engagement on a 
niny night, and u a consequence the attendance 
was light. Fiinny Itlce closed a prooiable engage 
ment a. "Charley's Aunt" next week. 

EyriRi.— "The White Squadron," which opened 
here 6, bu always proven a drawing card in this 
pan of town and win doubuesi do a big boslneu 
during tbe week, tbongh the disagreeable weather 
i earned a llghl attendance, Satlatactory buslneu 
last week, "The Two Sisiers" ri, 

tliYBTY,— Toe Irwln llroihera' (X>mpsay are this 
week's entertsmem, Tbe people: Tbe American 
Uses, Oslns and I'cUenglll, tbe National Trio, Sam 
and Kitile Morton, Uarr and Jordan, Klcble Foy, Uie 
vedder Slattri, liench and Kennedy snd John 
White. Lome Collins played to good bnslneai 
lui week. Coming 12, '•A NIgbt at Uie Circus." 

Ltvbuii.— Tbs Phillips stock Company Uils 
week revive "Coder the (iMUght." New scenery 
has been prepared (or tbe pruduclloo,andeTery- 
tblng hu Dc«n done lo make tbe nllrosd effect u 
reallstle u possible. But week's bnslneis wu 

U.NiquE.— A new company of apeolalty people oc< 
copy tult Ibeolie ibis week. Despite the Inclomont 
weather 6 there wu a (air attendance. 'The uew 
minsgeuent has met with success and Intends to 
keep nia patrons by giving only Oni cbus petrorm< 

AHiKny.— Tbe box onices made a good showing 
theputwKtk, tbe atiiaouons belogwell palion- 
izeo. "A Trio to tho City" (umlsbed amusement 
torgood sized lumouts at tbs Lelaod Opera Uonss 
UcL 30, 31, Uopklos' Trans-Oceanlo Speolslty 
Company tuied tbe bonse at euh pertormance Nov. 
I, '->, 3. Ooming: II. 0, reum engagement ot Marie 
Walnwrlgbt, In "DAugbtara ot Kve;" 7, e, Emily 
Bsncker, In "Uur Flat;" o, Oarrle Turner, la "Fbo 
Coming Woman;'' lo, Camilla U'Arvllle's Open 
Company, In "Madeline, or tbe Magic Kiss," 

llARXAMPa BiBECKtH HALL held a large andl- 
enco Oct- 31, to llsicn to tbe Robin Uood Open Oo,, 
lo " Fbs Knioterboctsrs," During Ibe past week 
Ihe baU wu largely used (or political mass mtet- 
logs &>mlng: Nov, o, T, a, «, Eiolse wuisrd, 
lu "Tbe Little Bpeonlator;'' 10, Adama' "A Oiazy 
Lot" Co.: 14. Sonsa's Band Ooncert. 

Tng iiAitrr Tbhatrb presenied a new vande- 
nile company this put week In Ibe London 
Belles They sian out under tbe management o( 
Frank 0. Hnffinan, with w. u. Bock u tresanier. 
Coming: Nor, vto, Tbe Marie Banger Unrlosqne 
CoinpAOy; 12-17, The Lilly Clay (kimpsny. 

Notes.- Nora Mtck, who was In bavs appeared 
In Ibe supporting company ot Otma 'forner, 
bu serered her connseilon wllb that oompaiiy. 

Tbe managements at all tbe booses will bavs 

Ihe elecilon reuirns announced trom lbs stage on 
Tuesday evening. 

DufTalo,— At Ibe Star Theattti Stnart Robson 
comes Nor. ( (or one week. Next week, Uogen. 
beck'e mined animals. Thttcbsr's "About Ootb- 
am'' pleased goodly galhetlogs, as did Lewis Mor- 
rison, In "Faust." 

AcADtuY or Uusic.-Peter F, Dalley began ror 
three nlgbia i, "New South" s-lo; next week, 
"TexuBicer." "Tbe Black Crook" departed 3. 

Music Uaii Sonsa's Band o-io. 

Ltubum Tbbatbb.— "Houand Hoss" began l ror 
ono week. "Tbe Police Fauol" next week. "Tlie 
Derby Winner" did well. 

SURA'S Minio UAU.-Matle suurt, Bnnib and 
Rudd, Hlnole Lee, Obrlstlan BIsssIng, Fred Ho- 
Cltllsn, Uodgea and Lanncbmete, Santord and Lee, 
Jlin MoAroy and SslvUil BroUiert. 

R. J. COLXjiAN, rotmetly of the WaUb-Seymonr 
Open Co., of Ansuolla, Is vlslHng here. 

Mnehesler,— Tbe Lyeenm starts Nov. i, wllb 
lliaenbeok's Animal show (ortbsweek. ''Ohar- 
ler's Aunt" snd Marie Unnongbt lett Oct. 31 and 
Nor. 3, respeellvelr, escn doUig a (air boslneas. 
Announced: 11, Sonu's Sana; 12-14, "Shore 
Acrea:' 16 17, Marls WalnwTlghL 

Tbk Cook Opera Uou.ix presented "The Derby 
winner'' 0,11,;; "Bob Ililllard.ln "Tbe Nominee," 
the lut three nlgbta. Rnnell Btoe.' Oooedlsns 
left Ocu 31, dolus a good business. John L. SoIU- 
ran bads adieu 3. douig a big business. Booked: 
13-14. the Kentz-Saniley Oo.; lt-17,John Ketniiu, 
ID -MeFadden't Ku>pemenb" 

Tub Auauihy of Musk- bu J. L. Toole, In "Kll- 
lamey and llie llblne," for 6 and week. "The 
Burglar" len3,altrM;tingonly (alralied andlencea. 
Fur 13 and week, Sadie Uesaon, In "A Kcninckr 

TUB Wonderland MuetE-TngATxa drew good 
sized andlenoea ibe put week. Tbis week: Ourlo 
Ualls— Blmoo and Tehl, F. Wallers and Wsller6te< 

art. Tor ■ ~' — ■ ------ 

dsl Olo, 

Srracwae.— At the Basiable Tbeairo week ot 
Oct, 2»-Nov. 4, Uageabaok'a uolnod anlmala tnmsd 
Ibem away. To come: lUebaid ManaMd, la 
■'Bean Bmrnmel" Nov. (, '-Tbe New Sonib" '. Mr. 
and Mn. Roller 0, 10. 

WiBTiNo OrBoi UonB.-Matle Bnnoigtia, Ib 
"Judab" and "Tbe SoApegoai," bad a lane atten- 
dance Oct 2>-3l. "Charley's AnnV had lone bnsl- 
neMNov.l-3. Oamllle D'ArrUle, In "Madeleine er 
Uie Maglo Kits," 7, Ooraun Brotliett, la "Tbe (lU. 
booty Abroad." s, Marie Walnwrlgbt In "The 
DaugMen of Eve" and "An I'oeqnal ilalob,'' t>, 10, 

U. H. Jacobs' THBATBX.-Rus>eU Broa.' Couie- 
dbtna btd aeod bnslnssa l-.\(;otun^ln"^endrlck 
Hudson," i-;, "Mr WITs's Husband" B-IO. 

Trey_At tbe Oilairold Open noue, OoL 2t, 
so, Dan McOttlby, In Ibe "Pride o( Male," draw 
good bootea. Cortnne. In "Bendilok Bgdson," 
paoked'ibe boose Nor. a, a. "A Trip to Uie out" 
oomes b, camlUe IPAntlle, In "Matulelne, or tt* 
MsfioKlaa,"*; Marts Walnwilgbl, la "Daubtan 
01 ST^" 7; OttTleTiinMr,bi"nie OoBlagWooaD," 

I: Rletiard Manslleld and Beablca Cameron, in 
-Prince Karl" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Uyde," lo. 

Ramos Orgxi Bodsb.— The Oonmint, in "Tbo 
OUhooIrt Abroad," did a good baslneaa Oct. 2), so 
Tne Robin Hood Open Compaor, In "The Knlclct. 
booken," draw r big bonss Nor. ». "The New 
Sontb" comes e, Emily Bsncker, In "Oor Fiat " 

OAinr Thrathb.— Rush's London Bporia parked 
this house all la>t week. The Fay Foaier Borietqne 
Company cam e 1 (or Ihe wr ek. 

BlnghamtoD,— At the Btone Opera Tloniv 
Tim Miifpby, In "Lem Kelile." came OcL 3i ■„ 
light bUAlness. Cbss. T. EUbi, In "Casper the 
Yodler," bsd a fairiy good sized sudlence, Nov. i 
Bootlnga: 7, i-Mosswaod;'' 9. Camilla D' Arvllle 
Open Co. In "Madeleine, or a Uaslo KM;" lo, "a 

Cork Uin" At lbs BiJou Theatre Frant u. and 

John B. Wilis, lu "A Liberty Bell," h-'d good bnii. 
neatowelliileascdaudlsuoesOct.2<l-Nor.3. Hue 
6-T. "Dnole'Tom's i^abln:" t-IO, "A iVIld Rose.'' 

VIlCB.— Atltae I'llca Opera Uonte James U'Nell 
In "Monle Crltlo," Nor. 1 drew well. "The Plratni 
o( Penzanco" OocaO Nor. 2. 3 packed the house. 
Dated: Mr. and Mrs. Keller 7, lllchard MansQeM, in 
"Dr. Jeikll and Mr, llydc," s; Oonnan Uios., in 
•nte QUhoolys Abroad," lO; "Tbe Fencing Mss- 
ter" 12. ^ 

Newborit,— At the Academy o( Muilc John 
Kemell Nov. e In ' McFadden's Eiopenieot." "a 
Flag o( Tmce'' b. "The Two SIsten" drew a good 
sized bonse 2. Election returoa will be read rroni 
Uie suge on Rlecuon night. 


Toeaiiti-The Bloiela, Frieda Rndolph, Lulgt 
Olo, the Ammons, the wblUngsand Qus RI^E- 

BBltlmore.'— Hanlooa' "Supeiba" aUrscied nn 
andlsnce o( .''S. R. 0." propoitlone to Harm' 
Academy Nor. William lloey closed a week or 
good bnilness 3. Hallen i Uart come 12. 

Ford's Ofira Uucsx.— Kate Olaxion and Unc. 
Janaoscbek commenced an engagement o( ihrtc 
nlgbu6, wHh" The Two Orphans," drawlok alltii' 
bousa. Local attiactlona oil out too week. r.\- 
wardllanlgan did a moderate business, cK'tlugs. 
"ReUly and Uie 400" did noC appeal to local itieaiii< 
goen and gave way i u> "Cordelia's Aipinilgni." 
"fbc Amszou" come 13. 

ALBADon e Ltoeum Tn batrb.— "Tbe Q real liruok - 
Irn Handicap" aronacd tbe enlbuslasm o( a gnou 
sized sndlence c. Next week, Usrle Burrunghe In 

UOLLISAT Strbit Tueatrb.— The cnatoroari 
crowded coodlUon prevailed 'at tbe mAttneo ■', 
when "the Limited Mall" commeneeda stay of one 
week. "Slaves of Odd" made a big hit week ea i- 
Ing3. Morrison's "Akuti" comet 12, 

UoWABO AUOITORIDH.— Furmer palrona of ihlj 
reaon could recognlie very lilile o( tbo old place In 
tbs reconslracied Andllonom wblcli Manaxcr Ker- 
nan's enterprtu presenied lor Ibelrapproval 1. The 
elevated seais which (ormerlr ocoopled Uio nar ot 
the orctasatn door bare been rem»vcd, and ii 
gisdnal Incline gives an unobitri:cicd vieiv oC ilie 
stage, Tha galieiy remain] uhchangid, Tho spe- 
cial feature of tbe reopenlog wu a series of living 
pictures, which (ar tiirmtsed aoyibloE ot '.he Innil 
ever seeu here. An exccllenthouse bill lnlr<>duce<l 
tne Tonajtda Troupe of Bpanub ^lugeri ami 
dancen, Wm. Henry MunbtgncCharl-a BclnioDi, 
Dordby Drew,Trlnlia Cor.ez, Smiih and (^inpnell, 
Moon and Vivian, CarolliioOdnoinand Kll'y iJlark. 
"My Uncle from New York" wu a mirui prutokiug 

Kbbman's Mondurktal tueathb.- Tne May 
Uoward Burleaqne Co. drew a lull bou«e 1. Utde'a 
ComedlaDBhadaprospcronswFek,cluiing3. Hop- 
kins' Trans Oceanlot are doe 13. 

OsiON TBBATRE.— New 0: Umms Colrely, tbe 
Cwhinin, Uae Rbcs, Kelion and WblUark, anil ihe 

NOTES.— Tbe fpenlng of (he new Music Hall, uc(. 
31, was a great socgess, resolling lu a pettcci 
crush The acoustic properllai proved al that 
conld be desired, and ihe Uoitoutiympbooy orclies- 
tra, Mmea. Melba and Scilchl nud MM. I'laiicoii 
and UangQlere were hi-ard to uie grvatesiadrno. 

Uge in a floe progniiime Lucy Ford.daugblcr 

of tbe late John T. Ford, baa been appolnieil In- 

auncior of drewlog in the puullcacnools I\i:r 

business oosed toe closing or ibo Front sireci 

Thentro 3 Tbo Maryland Siate Uaed vi PI give 

apopolar concert at tho llolllday street Thcairc 0. 
Tbe proceeds will go m the 1'. s. ailmore mouu- 

mentrnnd Uarry ford will lake Ureslun Clarke 

on a atarrlng luur In Uio spring Tae aeven- 

teentb annual beuedt of Bammore Lodge or Kiku 
takes pIsce st Albaugh'a I'l 


Ouaha,— Boyd's Tbesiro will be dark onill 
Nov. It, when "The Uounlr F.ilr'' wUI he presented 
for Ibree nights. The only aiiiacllon the psit week 
waa "Friends," which drew good bouses 3. 4. 

FiFTBBKTU Street Tbeatke— Chss. A. Lodcr, In 
"Ob, What a Night:" opened a (our niglm' engage- 
ment 4. "A Man In Blaot" coiura s, V, 10, l/moon 
Specialty (.'.i, 11 and week. "4-11-44" did good busl 

"Dov." NKwiiAN',who bu beenadverililng agent 
at tbe FKteenth street Theatre for a long time, left 
lut week ror Topek«, where be will look aficr tbe 
adreiilslngot \rr. Cnw(ord's two (heairea UO'e. 
W. J. Woodward, (urmerlr wIUi ibe Kim Kendall 
i;o.| succeeds blm st the FKuenih. 

lilncoln.— At Ihe Unting "A Cold Day." "Chip 
0' OM Olocf came OoL 23. "Tbe UiisUer" did an 
exc*llenlbuslnrasl4- "The Bur Qatcr" had good 
bnslneu 2S. "-JIUI" came!; to light business. 
"A Trip to OiiIoau>wn" did nice buslneat A 
beneflt by local talent, (or Louis Wen>!. o( the tVeriz 
Bros., acrohata, wbo wu injured luisepiamlier br 
a fall from bla trapeite, dialocttlng or (raoturing 
one ot the cervleal renebrae, from which he Is 
partlaUy paroly/.td, wu gIren Nov, 3 to a good 
noose. Coming: "Friends'' i, "Uot Ttmslcs". c, 
"Oh, Wbai a Night I" e, "PlDafora ' ». by local 
Uleni, (or Ibe beneflt o( U. w. seamark, mmicnl 
conductor of Trlnliy Church Oboir, "A Sliver Wed- 
ding" 10, "Shenandoah" ii, "jsne" is, charily en- 
tertainment by InoAl bdent u Tbe New Fnnke 

bai'PanUne Hall's open Co, 20, 


Hew Hawen,— tbo Hyperion Kellar cane to 
big nluns Oct. 3», u did Seldl's Oiobe^tn 30, 
Mme. Meiha and her conceit oompany came to 
large bnalneu, at increued prices. Nor. 2. The 
RobUi Hood Open Company cams 0, James A. 
Uene », 10, 

Oband Upbba Bovsb,— Tbs French Folly Com- 
pany caoM to light bnsincis OoL 29, so. Tho"S. R. 

0. " Ilgn wu brought Into leqolsluon Oct. 31, Nov. 

1, dnruig Uw engagementof "On Ihe Misai»lppl." 
''A Jay Circus" came to large ratoms 2, 3. Uvm- 
Ibg: Tbe Boston Uoward Atnenaom Uompany (, 7, 
Qeorge Monroe, In "Aunt Bridget," t-io. 

WoMDxaLAMD.— Tho bcsl business ot lbs aeoson 
was tbe record (or week of Oct. 2e. Ttiu week: 
Don Wiley, Drew and VImer, Blnns and Dinns, 
I'anizeraadSooU.Uie Bherons, LydIa Pierce, Ber- 
nard UyUyn. LItzle May Ulmer, ibe Orton Trio, 
Farnnm and Seymour, Fulton Bros, and Warren. 

Ilarlflinl,— Al Proctor's Opera Ilonsa tha Rob- 
In Uood Open Uo. come Nor. n, Oarrle Turner ». 7, 
'The Old Homestead" S, Nellie McHeory u, Kate 
UlaitonandMme.Janansobekdld a big hosluesa 
Cel. 31. "On the Hlsal'slppl'' did weU Nor. 3, 3. 
Richard Mtnsdeld comes 12. 

ALLYH Uail.— The Vuderllle Amnsetpeni co. 
Limited), after a season ot nine weeks, deeidtd lo 
does with Ihe pertormance Nov, 3. F. F. Proeur 
stIUholdsUiel&ae, and wlU rent (or (slrs,dsnces. 
and local enteiuinmcnis. Uanford la hardly 
large enough toaupport acontlnoons pertonssnce. 
The blUlssi week did weU. 

Bridgeport,— At Uie Pork Oily Ttitatte, Keller, 
the magician, drew a large bonse Ocu 30. Booked: 
"Bhoro Acres" Nov. 8, tbe Boetonlana i, NeUle Mc- 
Heniy to. 

AvoiToiiini.— "A Jay CInns." Oct. 3D, ao, at, 
draw weU, at did "Mugis' Landing," Nov. 1, 3, 
"A Liberty BeU" oomes, t. e, 7. 


Jackaeavllle,— At tbe Park lUeatra "Jane'' 
atuaotsdweUdUed bonsas Oct. 2;, LUllan Lewis 
presented, (orthe lut use In onr cliy, "Oieopttn,'* 
Rpon an elabotole scale, and wu gnsled wlUi a 
loTge ondienee. Nov. 1, "Arude 47.'' Booked: Fred 
Ward* and Louis James, In "Ueii^ IV" and 
"Riohatd III" t, 0, "Ctaarley's Aoni" I. Tne 
Uiealn, ander tbe management of Qeoige Bnr- 
btldga, IB ptosMttng, and Dom ptosent IndlcallonE 




vara runi rat Biru itiKtmu.— tiiIi or- 
ItnlMUOQ It TirUMll/ • homt liiitlicUnD, whioli 
pit;«ClDOliuiaUiiM TlolDlly dDrlDg tita Fall tod 
WlaUr. Tut OAaipw, w« m lar«nii«il, u lor- 
Dt>h«d wlib Oat o<«tani>i ud aiu< wniinn. 
Tlwlr wtann npeori) Id Kawport. tj.. OoL a. 30. lo 
putKl bonte*. ogr eortwpoadrnt iUip*, »• d ite 
tbov waotwell. Tne; cUI pUj all Uia aurinrnaa 
towoi, and open la Cidoidiuii THAakavWIns 
week. The t m/ r: Joo. Rjtn, oeo. A)oi»Diler, 
Joo. U'^ffoiaD, J>ie Hcnoeoo, Plill De Bonite, Vio 
RIoDirda, Uii-sr Il<ea, Tiioa. HcOnll. Jun.ODmo, 
i. L Jnuea.Jno. Ururf, B. Fnt-<ii, B.P. UUdDa! 
Rd. EoalalMrdi, Ohaa. Wllliama, ^m. KonMio* ibe 
Aaburo QoaiUiLtne Silt Btoa., Maaler HaotiaD. 
Buala Umb and llie Jacorioti Tllo. fs. K. BenDctt 
la muaiol dinctdr, and Fror. Abel, dlnetor or 

Dims t Rob turorm oa tliat ten 0. Sbelby la la 
no way coooected wiui ibeir organlailon. 

Uuiii Baawica, Uto ot tbe Bernlck Slatan, 
Allot aod Maile, irbo roinrned to bar bomo In 
Cbttleaioira, MiMa., ibont dra waoks aso, la d«n- 

JtrooBlj III. Alice, wlih bar alaier Nellie, la viib 
oailn'a ai)|aDie«na. Hmt mourn tbe loea o( tbeir 
motuar, wbodled tecantli. 

Tai OmoiLin, Lonla, id» and Jobn, coniortmn 
Ilia, bigb bickere. pauiomiDlata, oto., ban beeu re 
eopged for toor ireeka mora at dali'i Wlnier iilr- 
csa^ Oblcago, 111., wbera tbeIr apeolaltj liaa made a 
deoided bli. 

R. F. Uonat, lata •larlonattat of Olereland'a 
MlDatrela. moana ibe deatb of bit wife. 

HcrrDFHOH Botd's IIi)isrHiu.—Ve opened Nov, 
3, at RookTUlif, tilt,, to "a. R. u." Onr parade la 
one oC tbe beat erer aeen. tbe bo;s wearing old 

gid OTerooata and bilk baia ot tbe aane color. Tbe 
ow girea entire aaturactlon. 
Wii. AMD Kirrii UaiBioi bSTeoloeed a Terr anc- 
ceaifal aeaaon wltH Tony Paaiur'i Co, 

TBI Two ANDIBS0N8 (Hamlt and Al.), Atto- 
Aaerlean partengera, are aiUI on tlia Hew Knglaod 
clraslt, and ara oeeilng with aneceea. Mr. Ander- 
aoa baa llnlabed anew book ot parodlet. and bit 
wite la algging "Wblle tbe Dance Ooea On," bjr Obas. 

lliMNii HuOHU, wbo waa prerenled br III bcalUi 
tnm working mnob laat aeaaon, bat Joined ber 
partner, Bljoa UlncD, and tber bave recenil; 
plajed aacceaafol dates at Nonh Ailaoa, the Falaco 
Tgntie, Boaton, Uaaa., and at Pollia neau«, Now 

The Niw Oblums IIidwiktbb Kiia, at Napoleon 
FariL will open Dec U tor tbe Winter aeuoo, la- 
olading Uardi Oima week, A boat of auraoilona 
are pron)laed Incladlog a coaoreta ot natlooa aod a 
reprodncUon o( Ibe World'aFairWdwaj Plal^anc«. 

UDUNO the perforaunce ot Arthur Deaiinii'a 
Uloatrela at Rome, N. Y., Nov. : lit, Ueiniag waa 
preaented wlib a baniiaooe cane bj ibe Theatrical 
Soolal Clat, ot mat cllj. Stago Haoaier Oven 
made tbe preaenlatlou, and Ur. Ueming, thongb 
moon anrprlted, retpogded lo a tiappf manner. 
After tbe performance, 'be dab gare ilie meobera 
ot the company a banquet, and a very enjo/able 
time waa bad, 

BowBii and Walter left for Sia Franclico on 
Nor, 6, and will OMn at tbe Wigwam, that clti, 12, 

OniRLEB 0, Utoe, comctibt, three eeaaoo'i 
leader wlih Reno i Ford'a "Joahut Slmp>,laia,'> 
doled wiih Reno A Kurd, Oct, 90, and Joined liock- 
alsder'a Uloairela 1. 

A uamiiaot rapreaeniatlvemansgenotTarlety 
thoatrea from raiiuQa pftris ot the couutrj waa 
bald In tbia city laat week, at 1,1S3 Broadway, for 
tbe porpoea ot tormlni a comoioe wheieby tbey 
uuyla lutort aeoait aailtractury aun'ilooa aod 
lacreaie their proUia by avoldlnn tharlng lenos. 
The plan whlcb was dlaeoaaed, and which will prob- 
ably be irled, WIS almilar lo one adopted sereral 
years ago, at a managerial meeting In I'lilla. 
delpbia, bat which was neror pat la exeou- 
Uon. The plan propoaet the fonmtlon of a num- 
ber ot companiee to play tbe rlrculi of bouaea 
controlled by the membeia of the combine. Thu 
manager ot eoob houae will pay Ibe Mlanea ot ine 
company tor ibe week iheypUr wlthblin,aod will, 
ot coarse, bo at liberty lu atrengibrn tbo abow at 
hliownezpenaeaabemayai-eaL Toe bualueaaot 
the cumbloe will be lo the baods or a general man- 
ager, aaaiBled by an adrlaorT comnltiee of mem- 
ban. Tne cenlnl oUce will be In ibis city, Tbrae 
are ihegenei«ideial,aotuie plan which may yet bo 
cogal'ierabij elaborated. l°be meouag was largely 

OUHis ALIEN iNn DOT LATDBor l»ve Jut doted 
an eggagenwnt orrr the U, 0, Uloh i Uo. circnit. 

WM, B. CBiBB, DOW wlib Oonutock'a Minatrela, 
this city, datirte at to ttaie lor tne benelt ot bla 
frienda that be la not the party wboae deatb we 
chmuloled In a ranent latna. 

Onta. D. DrxoiH joiat the London Belles Bor- 
lOHiiie Oo. Not. U. for tbe aeaaon. 

Ed. B. BiBNtTEiD JR. wlU Join the Bborman k 
Horrlaaey Show In Nora8i»ila,todOHdvaBca work. 

Uadve Ellis la aInglggciTeoilrel) the three new 
comic aooga, "th -re't a New One Ooming in ibe 
Homing,'' "Be Waa Such aFuonyOld Uau"and 
"Her OO'deg Uair vraa Uauglgg Uiiwn Ber Back." 

aBiciEAh'i>HaYN0i.D3, wbiiart ibiB week one ot 
tbe feainrea •Itn lliuaell'a Ooniedlana, m Fblla- 
delpela, F*., win duu with company Not, 10. 

Annie E. SvLVEtTiE. blojcle rtner, while work- 
lag In Sprigglleld, tfa-s, wasnaJled lobor home lo 
81. Loult, Mo., by iho tudden lllneM of herilater, 

MiGOiE Oline baa a new and bilarl'iutlf tannj 
deaotlpilTe diuy, enmied •Tbera'a Noiblug Too 
Oood fur tbe Irliih." with which the will oprn at 
the Uaaloo next Siintlay BTealag. Tbe soog waa 
wriltsu tor ber by J. Jutepb Ooodwln sod Monroe 
B. Roaentold aod Is nid to be a clerer mualcal 

BouBLioa-Ai tb* B Joa Tliaaln. Korlh AdaaL Uao. ; 
MoOnira an<l Tbtntoo, Rhea asd Btrl and tba t<o 

KMda At iba Wblla PaUoa. Bai>no, Pa : MailuD 

Auilo'a Llrl-tg HlotorM. Judm LatdbKin. iha Oour 
wlllluii, Wm. Baltli iDd BiBb Bt «!lalr. 

diara. Dava — , _ 

BnimtM tb« pMtiraah waa food. 


aSloui Oily, la.: na Caitaliw^ JaaolaMaali.Bravirt 
BraDt lUr Raldalo alalia Blulai, Uuij SbiaMl 

Maort Uonli ao4 Tom Ujm AlBarteo'aTliea n, 

Navport Kav«, Va. : Jamas E Blaok, tba Uflaa woodar; 
R^rttoa Laalia CaosadT aod flaanaoB. B«aiu Bt lUair, 
John B. BartAn and CbM. M 6ac»r. Daltr Bbaaoon 
Uarrr UalD«iar. Prof Wloomba aod bli iroope ol 

eaolBM, Nellie Monro*, Baa CdODlnibaio. Joba I Dm to 

. .-_ J J, 

aod Doul* Rnvolog. El'tr Miliar aad DallaRirrr 

BaltoB'a Warvloa Tbaatr* Tiuitf ' ' ' 

Hlaiiialt hold Iba boaidi tbIa waah. 

A Jon«k' Colored 


St< Fsnl,— it the Heiropollian baaloeas was 
big with Olerelandia Minstrels, OoL 28, a), 31. Tbe 
asniial charllf ball oconrred 20, and waa aitendtd 
by tb% elite or the olty, and netted a bsndtome aniu 
tor at. Loko'a. HoapllaL Jos. Oil. In "Tbe B<ar 
Qazer,'* played to good bujlueaa Nut. 1.2 3. Nat 
O. (liiodwin comn tor one weak, bi;gloniog6, In' ln 
Ulnoutai," "A Ollded Fool" B0d"IiaTld OMnck." 
Aoggailn Dali's OoaiedUuu oogie 13, 13, U, ihe 
Panllne Ball Open Comnaay l>. le, 17. 

Qrand —"Tne Ooaat dnard'' bad a blgrnn week 
ot Oct. 38, being lu drat prodaoilon here. "A 
Bancb ot Keya" romos 4 tor the week, followed by 
"lAod of tbe Midnight Ban" week ot 11. Baalneea 
so far tbit swon at tbe Orand bat ahown a decided 
Increate orer that ot laat season, and has been vary 
aaiuraclory to toe management. 

BoDioA New people 4 ; Uelmon> and Marco, 

FausQd, Balo, Aula Spencer, DLThompaon, Lil- 
lian Tanner, and Cbarlea H. Eioett. Bualncn la 
big, Ueniy Moore, praprlator, wbo will leave lor 
Uonlti Uarolloa next weex on a Tialt, waa tendered 
a beoellt 3, Ihe suendaince belog big. ObarletM. 
Ernest has control dnrlng bla abaegce. 

Olympio — w. w. Brows, wbo hu been condoct- 
Igg Ihe Olyinplo tbli aeeaoo, wUI retire 3 and dnaa 
ibebonse. no TOBfite baa not been a paying one. 

DalwUi,— At the Lycanm "Aladdin Jr," came 
OcLsa, 30. 31, when the bonaewu packed. All Ibe 
acalB were I'lid IMfors tbe opening of tbe doors. 
Olereland'a MlnatnU Nov. i, 6, ■Tbe Calley Slare" 
OoL 33. 20, :t, bad Poor baiinoas. 

Temple UrsBi QoiniE.-Alez. Silvlnl tuna Oct 
30, n and opened to e large aadlenoe. "A Trip to 
Oblnatown" 2g. 3, did talrly weU. "Land ol tbe 
Midnight Han" N'»t. g, 10. 

Pabloe Toutse.— Toll week: John Uoyce, Ed, 
Foi, Ed, Veich, W, K. Bobeodall, Jole Frencby, 
LMrs Fox, Viola OIUTord, Hairy Flnnack and 
Jimmy Mnrpby^ 


"Vees u Joii," a nnneiT Ule, In lire acts, by 
Jaan RIchepIn, was pieaented tor tne Ont time UcL the Cqmedle Iwicalse, Paris, 


ttuee acts, words by Fabrtce Cam, mnalc by Ed- 
■tend AooitD, waa giTen lis list prodnollon OcL 
IT, at Ihe Bonlhs-FaruleBB, Fatli. 

"nu Bbadow OP Oeimb," a dramatle Bketcb In 
tntee seeget, by Fred Dohell, was performed for the 
tiM time oot. t, at till Eaitera Emplie, LoBdon. 


Chleago,—Ust weak campaign argnmaolaand 

political acUTIt; dealt a a'.anaing blow to local Ibe 
airloala, a gnat majorlt; of the weet'a Mat ot com 
moDplaoe offerloga puying to only fair nntlneta, 
altboogh a few bonaea polled out wlih Tery gmilfj 
Ing caab raanlia. The current day* bring a change 
In altraotiooa on creiy ataga aave two, ihe reanit 
being a decided gain to onr aniDiemcnt saekera 
wbero playa and coujptnlea are brought Inio oom' 
parlwn. A aiaanviun In box onice tranio may be 
look(d tor daring Ibe earlier part of the week bC' 
ginoing Not. 4. hot Ihe latter dayawlll donblleea 
and onr thealregnera awake to tbe tact that omce 
aeekets bave Inlsbed deiusndlog iheir time, and 
wiu torn ibeIr atieuUtn to the many excellent bllU 
provided for their pott election enjoyment. 

Ooioino Opbba Bousz.-Tho Miule l^nry Eog- 
|iab Opera i;ompany will be the aumcilno during 
tbe nut two week't, preaeuilng a repeitoir ol 
grand opera. The Inlilalweck will in giren oTrr 
to "II Tronlorc" 4, t and 10, "rhe IMiemian Olrl" 
S and inaunee 7, "CaTallcrIa llusilcana" and 
Pagllacol.'i a double Mil olphii>tT and luaMncp 10^ 
"Carmen" 8 and ■•Kauhi ' g I«atweek Riutoll'a 
Coincdiaoa atincleil moderate t .mouta with 
noTiew," then given (or ilie Drat time here. The 

Krlurinance waa tcrcrely cnilclaed, hot Manager 
uacM waa nnforiaoato aod conld not well avoid 
an Indllterent production. At L'lnrlnnall, 0., the 
week hefiitt BevenofniaC'impany d'«ertcd wluinui 
notice, ibuT leavlug him to oil tUoIr placea attar be 
arrived here. However Ibe farce li almoat wortn- 
iDMaaaii ootoruinment aod wuu'd noi have glveu 
satlat-icilon ha<i luo compAny been equal to toe 
usk-aaalgned ihem. 

Oband urnu UorsB.— Roland Heed liegan hl> 
annual eniiigument I, aapearlni hero toriho drat 
time In "Tbe PollllcUs." Laat week Uoguelly aed 
Olrard gave "Tho Hamnukera ■ to uuly fair butlucan 
and met very llule eocuurAgcment from tnelr aud I- 
ences or the press. laabella Uriiubart, Tom Lewln 
and Tom L4 Mack were tbe aoln redeeming featnrea 

UoOLBY B TnEATKE.— Ada llehan Inaugurated 
ber Drat looal engagement hj a alar and will con 
Uaue lb poueaaloa tor toroe weeki. presenilog bor 
full repertory during Ibat lime. ■ Tiie lAat Word" 
will tw given £,UHUd matinee 7; "S<:U ol torS<»n. 
dal" night ot 7 and "Tweirili Nlnht" tn coniplele 
Ibe current week. Nat. 0. Oood* in dnlahed a very 

EroOtablo engagcocnt ot three wceka' duration 3, 
aviog packed tho bonao completely during tbe 
concluding tiaya of bit alay, wlii*n ho appcaroa In a 
dunble bill, "David Oirrlok" and "Lend Ua Five 
BblUinva," tbe flnt namod bclna bla InliUlaltcmpi 
In the llile role. Ue waa auidlooily •rlucltvil by 
tbe local antborltiea on art, and cw t>.'«l gntlelul 
Ibat tbaconienatu ol opinion paid him high tribute 
Columbia TuEATtE.— Delia Fox began the laai 
halt of her forinight't vlalt to Uauager Uavla I, 
bSTlngancceeded in diawing largo turoouta dnr- 
lng the drat d<ysot hei locareielisr debui. Next 
week Peter U. Dalley glvei "A Uounliy Sport." 
to be loUowed it by be Wult Hopper, In "Ur. Syn- 
tax," tor the Orsttlnioon this tun. 

ScaiLLBH TiiEATiB.— Ura. Potter and Syria Uel- 
lew began a two weeks' .ingAgemeut o. preaeoi- 
lag "Fraudlilon*' on Mouday aud Tue^dAy evo'i 
loits, Ooldblugilii! flrat week with "CharluitoCur 
day," tor ihu ar>t iliiio here. Felix Morrli cun- 
eluded a very prosiii-ronafortnlehta. Iitviogcou 
Iribuied, Oot. 31, ilic only nuvciiy of Ihe week, 
then preaoutlng, for the flrft iini"ouaoy at^gu, a 
tore? act tarco comedy, adapled hy hlmarlf tmm an 
old play, 'Tne Pint Nigiit." Tiie caal: Uua 
Bertie Pltialmmoos, UunwrtA. Carr;AluertTHiiHii. 
Cnas. Chartcra; idr. Feat. W. J ConaiaoiliiK; Mr. 
Vomp. F<d'k. A. TUumpwD: U'aildk't, Alfred Bi-cka; 
Call lloy,J. W. UroHu; Mi<w Uiirraf,iril, UarrUu 
Olia Uellenbuigb; Rose UulonI, Qeriniilo lllrera: 
Mlat Falair, Aguea Paxtun; Ul« Neal, Fanclini 
Oampb-tll; Hlaa Sharpli^s. Floreoco wuud; and 
AcDiile KalniA Iiuford, Foilx Uornt. Tbe play leih 
of an old moHlcUn's desire to too bla daughter a 
aucceMluI acireaa, the uppnnunl'y tor berdebui 
anally preaeouug lieelf tliMugU Ihe caprice ot ino 
l aning •nnian of ibe theatre. The cuiucdy wou 

MuVicXLH'a TiiBATBE. — "Runh Clly," wlih 
Mftiieiva ami Bulgi*r carrying tho comedy beyond 
tbe raaob of the enppnnlog conipin*. coiiilniica 
for thia Its tecond aid last wrea. BuBlii-agUi< 
been anrprlaluair good for tnia hooan. Next week 
Julln Uarlow beglna a three weeke' engagement In 

UiYiiAHkkT TuiATRS.— Lonit Aldrlch preeenia 

'My Partner'* tbla week, lo be aucceedcd by Sieve 
Brodle for t*ie lint, local producllon ot "On the 
Bowery." Last week tbe aniilencea were of fair 
proinnlona, wben Ward and Voket euteruluod 
wl h " A Run on tbe Bank." 

LiKCiiLN TfiiATSE.— Florence niadley movea 
over tnia week for the drat .Vnnb side producllou 
of "Tno Oapuln'a Mate," belog (nilowed liy "I aii 
In Now York." Laat week A. Y. Fearaon'a "Ltuil 
of Ihe Midnight Snn" gave splendid .uiufacllog 
to very well prop')rtloneil tumuuis 

ALnAMBRA TaiiATKB — "The BuBiler" la ilila 
week aatlracllon, with J. K. Rmmnit next Inline. 
Laat week KUwln F Mayo, In "The Still Alarm," 
brongbi out lalt itaulit. 

Uavlin's TnBATRs.— "Acroii tho Foiomao" li 
tuged ibia week for tie brat tine hen, followed li 
by "A Ilailroad Tinkel." Laat week fair turnouu 
eojojed "the Capialo'a Uaie," as pretenied tor 
Ibe ont time here In Fluivnce Bindley, 

ACADXKY UP Mi'Sic.— "TDD silll Alarm" Will en 
tenain Manager Jawibs* i>airoDB a mat Ihe ilv,-i 
thit week, belug folluwed by "Tno liuiilor" week 
OT It. "Tho Prodigal Kalher" biat week aitrncied 
fair bOHtet. 

CrAckerJa 'k,"ung.«gIiig Ponole Franizell in the 
leading rule, la thia wnk'a mainci, ihe atiraciluii 
next week belug '-The Still Alarm." Litt week 
Ueo. Dlxont Aiblcllo and Specialty Co. aura. led 
crowdaatell porfornunc^, inu alaiiiling ro**m be- 
ing In demand a number ot limes. Tho programme 
engaged AL Uaynea and Julia Keomood, Nehie 
Beymunr, tbe Tkoakaa, Klule Neiaou, Oeo. Lavan 
der and Ada Tumaon, Fmncea and J. ilia Wuod. 
Frank Herbert and Frank Uirln, Will Ueuili-yand 
Harry anve, D.sVti Murphy and Tom McCuy, Jot 
Walcoti, Jack Lyndi and Qco, Dixon. 

Bam r. Jace'h OI'EHa Uouns.— Vivian de Mogto'a 
Specially en. oegau iia Orat |,<sl enaagcmem Sun. 
day, and will he loMowed hy Sborldan aud Flyoii'i- 
"Olty Sporla ' tor a reiurn cogaiem-ni. Laat wiek 
SamTJack'aCtwIcseoJuyed ralrpruDra, preaagtlng 
every Buod bill of huries(iue and variety, cuorri- 
buleil by Ur. and Mrs. T'liD M■lll^lBn, Tom Brown 
and Ed die. Belle liAvia, Kd. and Kr.nk MAllury, 
Oeo. WilllanUHnd Alex U«y, Chaa. K. Johnaun auil 
Dora Dean, and Uoc. Sayltaand Kliile Brown. 

IloYAL Kkolisii UiRCUt.—MAuager Frank Hall la 
receiving ample Uoanolal reward for hIaeiTtdIa In 
preteoilue a ixrifuruance Ihnrougbly high grade 
aud pleasing to all cooiera. Eacii week ueor tea- 
turva are Inirodnced, una kerplug the progroiume 
treah and auruct've. Tbla week's annouucemeDls 
Include Iba llr^av. Bruluera, Ibibt Sllckney, Mllii 
Marantclll, eltb leaping horaea; tiio Ucltcri'lli 
Uiotbern, the Lara LarKen Family, Wm, Dt Mull, 
HobL wniiiakcr. U'^o. Kline, John Cle'cland. Wui. 
O'Dale, Edilie Utimont, Rota Uochrlll, Mnna. J'lll in 
aod H"ifl* Leu. Tne waler carolval, wblcb bringa 
the priignAinme lo a anlah, la proving the molt 
altracilve portion of thepeif.irmaoce. 

Frank UAi.L'a Casinu.— Admlaalona to thia re- 
aort conllnuo In popular deuiaud, aod tho grodo ot 
Ihe oontlnuuua pcrlurinance provldcil la of anm- 
olent merit to warrant a contlooal Incieave In bnal* 
neia Slage Uauager Blliy Mice aeema rmlni'ntly 
qoaimed 10 III ihe poalilon coirutied to him, and In 
proof lornlsbes one of the but aodloniratbiiltof 
he aeaaon tot Iha cnrrcnt daya. Chief among lue 
oboaen are noted llllly and Lena Orace, llavia and 
I'reaion, Alice Bablow, Lucien and Arcbnicre, 
Oallagber aod nrimib, ilia llyaiia. tbo Hecrb 
Chlldtcn, Emma Wood, Leonard and Follog, Uryun 
and Ulancbe, lloalna Leigb, Jobnsnn and Uowera, 
Ibe Biownlng Uroihcis, UcQncen and Jobnaum, 
O'Brien and uoutfone, Emily Kerahaw, Irua Ibido, 
Ibe Cirlciona. Ubaa. and Jeunle Stewart, Uranock 
and Adair, Harry llendon, Howard ami Kmeraun, 
Ward and Markey.lhe La Moilsaod RaalenSlaui*. 

LYCBt'M TUBATRE.— Uarry Murrla' Uurlmiuen 
plar Ibelr drat local enaagement thia week, beaded 
by Vlarle HoateJie and iho ever wcIcooh: Uarry Mur- 
ru. UutweeklllceAUanon'aHoaelHIIFoilyCo. 
were In posaeailon ot Managtr Orenler'a tiaie, aud 
atiiacte^ fair alied aodlrncea tbroughoul ibclr 
alay. "The Faklr'a Dajgbier," anoli repealed bar- 
letijue, engaged Lilly aod iflancbe Waiblium In 
Iho principal rolea, Orace .Mliborn, llulh liu soon, 
Mamie Irwiu, Pearl M4r>iue>n aud oiberacomplti. 
Ing tne Hat or liorlri'iocrii. Tiic oMu conpcd Vlaia 
Mwrence, Jack Ciuwfurd aod Wm, Maunlug, J, 
Herbert Mack, Lilly and Uianche Wulihurn and 
John A. Murtoo and Fred U. ^:ckbuir. Plelda t 
Uaoaon'a Drawing Carda, an organirailon lo prime 
favor at thia reaort, are doe week of 12, 

8am T. Jaci's F.MriRB.— For ihli week Manager 
Jack prtacnta Bam T Jack'a "Ma»ppa" Co^ wilb 
~ Wand in tbe principal bnrkeqne role. Uat 

week Abe UaTtit's Renta-Stntley Borletage Oa at- 

iiBctrd Ilmlie4 toinoma, bot gan a aplendld pa^ 
tormanre. Tlio ttnrlffqne, "Venni and Apollo," 
emplnved Clera BIronnds In the pi lnoipalreli>, Lot- 
He EiUuii, Delta RaUa, Ediih U Morte and Mhrts 
auppurilng. The nllo rngasrd Teddy anil OUra 
Binionda, Marlon Blake, Clara Bhup«n, Juhn A. 
Ualleand Umer Feulry and UoaardandWillIamii. 
AarrlnotiHrlvollvingplnoraawat preaenied In 
a rlrver manner, tormlug ono or Ule reatnrts of lbs 

QAiirrTuEATnE.-HanaBer Drltcoll la pteaont- 
Ing very toud inllaof variety at ihia bou'Cand U 
ib> rrby nwiorlng It gradually tu favor wiih tluuih 
Side vaudrrllle devuieea. Mrae. Yucca, Sh'O Soarp 
aud Dullie Uug Ida au'l Wil. Mureliaa and DUuiho 
Andrewa are chiet amuug tiiii we-'k'a eiiloriauicra. 
Laat wrek butlueu pn>vrdqulieoDto tbeaiandard 
wlib a goud bUI pruvldnl ny ibo Bowen Druibcra, 
Louies llrmpaoy, John T. Tliaroe and Ontce iVirl- 
tun, Ia BIreoe and Nina, Dlxnn, Bowera and Dlion, 
Frank Kent, Hob and Jeale Flaldt. Jack and lt'>aa 
Uurke and the Tbive Oornclbi nroihira. "The 
senator," a ono act comedy waa conirlbnlod tiy 
.'4tago Maoagor Billy Itguinaon, John T. Thome, 
Bohby Field* and llracu CarlcLin. Manager Urlt 
coll la puuing forth bla beat egona to bring Ihia 
ros<-rt ti' the front, and bit eifona ate being cnwn 
ed wlih aucreaa. 

OLTHric ruEATRB -Manager Cattle nreaenu a 
houae b)li tbla week atylcd "Donirlox Ic UcV,<ya 
Caiiforulant." engaglog Allen and l.liigan). Hurt 
Jordoo. MoCanhy and Itevnolda, Wiliutiu oilbcrt 
and otbera. Laat week "Tne All SUr Specially 
Oo.," aooiber house bill, behl attenUou to r 
fair degree of piuoi, tbe performanoe engagini 
Durley and Tiney, Frank Millard, De Vaney ani 
A,Ien, Annie U<re, Allou aod Uelmain, Will aod 
Avgle Barron, tbo Twin Dmtbera aion, K<mcat 
Voong, Luoter and Archmeie aud Fish aud Qulgg. 
will Bamtn'a afterpiece. "Onioehoini'a luvoimuu^' 
engaged Frank Uortwell, Al. DeVaney and Will and 
Aggia UaiTun, lirlagliig lo an acoepiable dnlili a 
bill ot contlileniMo excellence. Corablnalloua will 
aiion begin a reign at thia uouae and boalneia will 
at once Improve. 

Pari Tueathe.— Manager Nick Nnrlou main- 
lalna an aiiraoilvo bill uf burlraque and varietv, 
Jnat tbe aott nt an offering most pleaalag lo pairooa 
ut tbla retort. Ue thia week nanka aaerleant a 
doten Uviog plctuns with tbe opoiilogacl "Taleu, 
tbe ({ueen oi the Levee'' and the nl"alng local 
o-imeuy, "Tho Uoboe'a Luck," Iniroilucing in aildl- 
ilon tn tbla aatrung biH ol vailu y patilclpaled In 
by Florence Miller (bor aecond week). iMi-r and 
Wllilaiua, Jenule Uulgloy, Jacv anil Ivai y Urown, 
LIctle Johiiaione, Jerry aud lAjuiae Cuuuiiigit bm, 
ilaltle Ueruanl, Paiia L-< I'eireand Uluk ami KItiio 
Uummlng^ Uuaincea iwh eUovn a good liiiprovu- 
lueutof late, due, la too lualo, lo Manager Nui lun'a 
Idraa ol inanngeuieui aud bla eiDecilve nuitling. 

Okuito UUuiu HALi„-TLla rcaurt baa uoc-^ again 
entered thedeiii, wiibJ.J. Murduckasmauagor and 
Ubarley Reran aa aiage direcior. rrlctn have l«eu 
rfriucwi n-arii uuh liait aod evory luducemoot le 
oifared SuiiibMdcra to pUrunizs ine uill of atraiglit 
va leiy preaented. Since drat erected tho huiias 
liAa beeu an atwiluio failore under ali the duzeu 
dlRbrent mauagera who bave auempted tu pcrpctu* 
:iiu Ha uaetulueaa. Manager MuMi ck will Ond ihe 
task an aphlll atrovglu. Tola wojk't progtaunie 
engagea Uiuule SArielle, Luttloand Cora Swan, Ihu 
ll«u Aido Japa, the two Nliiliea. Mullen and Morria, 
eao wauoii. Ueirn Ituiiudo, Oumuilnga anil 
Kulglil, Jestlo bvant, Kpii Maher and Clianov 
iletBc. Uvlug plciurct will >lao bo diiplaycdaa 
rtu ad'iitii'Uai lacior lu ton btll. 

Knuil I OrsRA I'AViLiiiN -Uuilnett here hat 
gained cuuaideraoly, thu qiiallly of tho performance 
,aviug bevD vatily Improved, Tbla wnek'a pro- 
aramiue emptova Fiab aud l^ulun, Uviwou Droihere. 
I^ira Ilaiiu, Alien and Ii,'lmaiD, Singer, /daow, 
Ji'hii c. Leach, Lillian Slarr, Paul Alvxandur, luuy 
liarr, Fnuuy Wniiera and otuen. 

biNU'ijr ArxNUR TiiaaTKa.-Uapl. White, tbe 
tiuiuag, r, la furuishlug a very fair nill of tImlKhi 
^ailely herf,ainl wl .ufAirreward Tint wwkuie 
li II eog.<gva Ulie. Vi .la, Jenny Itlpley, Billy Jock- 
ann, Uaud Deuy, Lu'ilo Wesi S/inonus. tUu Keil) 
llrniliera auil Waller J. I'lliiuner, the latter having 
tieen reappolnUfd aragu manager. 

WuiTK't London Muaak.— curio hall: Kmma 
Scuaiior, Dtlkano, Lidy May, Juhn Hhuli/., U mule 
Uebln uud Lilly Marcoau. On tno aiaiie: Haairr 
ilauet, ine u'Dellt, Uui Warren, May VaUoly and 
Pcie be Hoae. 


Ui'aBS — Uutlu hall: 7,ip, Felix, a Freuoii eloivu; 
Lulu Yuuog, Hart a«d tieeaio, auii a aacred cow 
uu the aleeu: LHiUn Irving, LeuaMabero, tbe Mon- 
Ihilreaud Eddie Foy. 


Uuriu ball will be occoplen inu week by llulium, 
lloudluL Commodore M,to, and iho Marimba muai- 
clam. Uu Iho augu: Lillian Tanner, Wella and 
.Uunroe, Punmondlu, BUinley and ecaiiian, aud Ida 
SDKldard, tho latter appearing In liiing ploiuret. 

AFTEBMA1 u.-Uu Nuv. 30 Judtfo Kwlug rendered 
an uplnluuin tavurof Burrll»i<blnaIo niatuH wuh 
Ji,hu li. Jedory for anouuia aggrvgaling {/3,0u0. 
Tue KUti Um been pending fur ueoriy nvo ) eara. 
At a reeolt or alleged faiae testimony tlvenlu the 
coao yiT. JeiTi^ry la now under bunde in appear lu a 
Criuili'ai t^iurt for trial uu a charge of perjury 

May Uroitonne and Olive Mariln, who bavt 

iieeu duiug iha pnncipil ruiea In iho tllliN Opera 
Uuueo Stuuk i^o. at Kanaas Cliy, 3Io,, have returned 

h.-re, tue company Iwvluic been 0lebaufi6d2 

Ilariy Slorria' Burluequera will layottfora wnk 
f'lll ,wlnir their Lyceum engagomebt, opening f"r a 

week at the Olympic la Ed. galier, who has lieen 

rcaaurer at tho l.iucuin eluce lOo bouiu hat 
iHi'U under contract uf MaLaR*-ni Uultooa Freyaer, 
dtparicd fur jourcirt 3, loaaiumeluemanaMeuieut 
ul "Tor Derby Maacol," wblcli agalu lakra tne 

r'ad u' der the mauageineutuf .\, Y. Pearaon 

Urneral Agent J. P. KiK>n, u( lou W B. Heyuulde' 
Circus, win arrive beretbla wick, tbe ahowbavlng 
cluarU He ae laon lo Trxiu 0 and been abipped lu 

llw^k'onl. III., fur Ibe WInt'r Uliiy HK^, alaii 

luouiger ul Frank llall'a Ciaiuu, appi-ared Tu 
iudgo Uancc>'s court 3D and aeoured Judg* 
niont agalust Jaa. S. Cnuulogbam for ISS, the 

amount of a uou duo the plalnUiT. K. 

U. Uort la'orgaulzlug a company oora under 
the line ol the Kuuell i.onwdy Co. lu lake Ihe n>ail 
at tiio Marluw Tbeaire, Engluwood, riutuhaplvlug 

Day Manager I'nur, nf tue Sclillirr, givea tu 

inelvty pairuua at eaon p,-rforiuauca a puriiollu 
cuu'alulug poriralta ui atag** tavurllea, cnangiug 

Ibeedliliin each week Matter of rraOHpuria- 

ilun Judd Webb.ot the n'niicr 1, MaluCireua, wai 
lu town last wick en mtt^i to Ida buuio. Fremont 
Neb. Hu la autferlug fruiii paralyaiH, and baa been 
advleed by a physician to remain in bed fur 
a )u«r aa tbo only p^iealble ramcdy, tbui avoid 

ing a fnul KriMlnaihin of Iho ailack Wil 

li.,m Warren and Urieno von Duruboir, and 
KmerliA Marreallo ami Kalii Eland, ail mem- 
bera uf llH Tavary Opera Co.. wlU bo married 
during tbe Cnicaio Opera Uonie eugairment. 

Bluart lloiiton followi the Tavary Opera Uo. 

al Ilie Chicago Opeia llouae. In repertory, IB 

Manager F. U'ignt Newiuau, uf I^cuiral tiuaio Hall, 

la In yuui'rlly uooklug aitracllone Wm. Ilur- 

iier, wbo hue uianagt'l tbe Oark Hirm-tMuaeofur 
Kohl A MIddlotun hia lieen train^ern d tn their 
iuu«cum at Uloneapiilla, Ulnn.. aud baa been aiic 

ceeded Ur iv. L. Jiikea at the Clark Street "Tlio 

Ship ol sulo" lakea the read from here tbla week, 
aficr a fortnlght'e lay orf for rvorgaoiitllon. Ar- 
thur UcLeon, wbo haa bc<.-n ubiof duorkeuper at Ibe 

Sclililer, la duing tbe advunco work "A Wild 

Duck'' dlabanded bcre af:er tie cliwi of the engage, 

ueut at llavHu'a, llct. 31 tV. K. Frank id, 

wbn baa fur three yrara bi-en an agent 
of Ibe llamnin .Siiuw, la In town tor the 
WInier. Ho will nut im wlib Ule "Uicaleat on 

Earth" uoxt leawo Lotilo Swan was cnnbned 

to her room by Illnets lait week and her place at 
tho firoito woe Oiled hy her alsler. Cure Sivao, woo 

then made her brat appearance oo any alagn 

Uliarlet K. DAVloa It urgaulaing a benedt fur Col 
Thutgas U. Uoiutrey, tno veleran tenccr, to 

atibe Culiago opera Houae vi I*. F. Uaktr'a 

"Cbrlt and Lene'i^lald nir here a part ul laat week, 
..Manager 0. II. Miner, uf Hllwankee, WIi., was 

In town laat wck tn rouir. to your euy A. W, 

Kaaaniu<«er Ii Me new doorkeeper at the wiilller. 

Ueginnlogthli week Felix Murrit wlli auge 

'A Oime uf (Ardi" and 'The Uld M^ilclan'* aa 
curtain niaen to 'The Ueat Man ■ and "UeOInd Iho 

Hcenni" Preta Agent W, D. CiiXi^y li hums for 

tbe Winter from bla t-mr wlib Hlngllng Brotbera' 

Circua Manager Tnumat L. Uruoler made a 

buelneaa tno to yonr city laat week In the inter. 

eat of tbe Lyceum Charlet Church, John T. 

McOuro, Wir. U. Ora y, Lnalt Reynolds and tbe 
McCoy Sialera Juloed lliuKll'a Comedians here, 

Uolncy,— Attlie F,aiplra •■Tne UnaiKr" played 
to a top heavy hiiuee Oct. 'jv. c lUilnE: ''The Cruaa 
Rotde uf Life" .\uv i, "I II 44" t Jaa. J. Cnrhelt H, 
FiiiOlgan'a Uali" 0. Mioager Cnarlen visited Cni- 
cag ' ibe put week. Tbi t. Holkert baa been ap- 
puiuled head uaherot Ibe Empire. 

PaorlK.— At the Orand Opera llonae "The Uoat- 
ler*' drew a good bonee Nor. 1. "Tne Devil's Ano- 
Hog" played^to a fair boots Oct 31. Rose Cogblao 
did a ug boalneaa, to, at advaaced prleas. Oom- 
lag: Bobby OarlorRoT. U, 1. 1. OoiMM 1*. 

Motes prom the sfm Beob.— We hare arranged 
tor all new oanvaa, ( pole olicns top. 8 poie moB- 
agerte lop, 8 polo rootenm pntta pole top, 3 tn 
pnle hoiM tenia, a (Oil, round top dretaing room, 
and new dnohie marqne. Breiy rope and Inor. ot 
canvaa will be new. The ahowwiu cany iweiTe 
caECt and iwaniy-ena wagons will go nut In Ibe 
parade. A prlndpol rider will be ttaiored and wo 
w'll haTt intlned honra, punlae, dogi ani< mon 
keya, and all apeolal paper will be need. Onn Snn 
opened with bla apeelally company Oou w, aad 
turned people awav. They will tour tbe nildrtit 
Sialet during the Winter. Pcier Bunlaenjoiing 
himaelt hngely at HiitSprtngB, Ark. Uemetjobo 
Ulokey, dog trainer; UharletllowanI, honaunial 
bar performer: Bill Hannoe^ an old minstrel maa, 
and many othara. Peter Stu lemalaa Mvoni 
weeka, Ihaa will retain in dnly, Bon Bros, will 
make a long seaton, oomtaeBoUf nut May, and 
many surpntea are In view. 

Notes prom Fred Looeb's Winter qdartuh.- 
We ckiaed oar louilng aeaaos at tsapae, MIoh,, Ool, 
0, and are already beitnning lo rebuild aad onlario 
for next leason. While Iba past Btaeon has not 
been aaproaiablo aa oiher seasons In the bitlnry of 
Uie U<ckn snow, we are pleated to be able lo say 
that Ibe "gboat" nsTor failed to make Ha apnear. 
anoe, and ibai wa pnlled Into Winter qnaneia 
•llsOed wlib Uie aea>an'a bnalness. Curt L. Ballny 
haa tigned aa general adeance manager for Ibt 
aeaaon of itM, making bis lonrtb season wltb the 
ahow. Walker Bougbnan wiu haTO obarge or the 
naper, wlih are bUlpotien and a lithngrapber, 
luaklngelgbt people In all: Uiey will proolalm Ihe 
Doming ol tbe popular Fred looke Show dnrlng tbe 
ooming aeaaon, 

Sahao a, Robinson, wife ot Jamra B. Hoblnaon, 
lam bandmaster ot the Hamnm A Hallry Clrona, 
dieil OoL as, at ber borne In Paleiaou, N. J, Inter- 
m'ut oeoorreil Not, 3, la Uodar bawn Ceiueiery. 

We ACENOwLaniE tbe leoelpt or "Ronte In 
Rliyme " by Riiy OyTet, and deilloated to the an- 
tuiir'a fellow tbowmau. Mr. (lyvoa lahlaoalqao 
rirnalon deierlbes In rhyme Ihe mute ot lliinuiig'a 
Railroad Show tor Ibo seasos ot ItM from lis open, 
lug to lia cloaa, giving many entenalalng evenis 
that happened on the way, and bringing Jn the 
roalor of the abow. Tbe work la a well printed 

{iimpblotoftweniy-alxpageaand Is pabllthed by 
be aaihor lu BalUmuie, Md, 
PgTBR OONBLIN Will Tun a Winltr drooB Bt the 
Orand Opera lluute, Newark, N. J., opening Nor. s. 
Tiie ring will be pitched on the ilsga, and a full 
■hiiw given. Dan lUco will down, at woll u Mr. 

Notes rROMSELis IIros.' Uirovs.— We will open 
at Audnlwn Park, New Orlaant, la., Nov. 38, for 
one week. Gun la Hie flrat oirous to uao the oUy'a 
park for pnbllo oxblhlHona. Other ahowi tried to 
aecurelt. bat tailed In tlnlrailoiiipt. 

W. fl. DONLEY, aerlallat and down, baa fully re- 
covered bla bealUi at Hot Bprlngt, Ark., hul In. 
renda to remain there during tbo winter, ao as lo 
be In good ahepe for the next tenung aoaann, 

Jufl. La Flbur, lad,ier perfornior, rluacd with 
lluDtlng:a Hallroail Show OcL ni, at Woldun, N. 0. 
Ho IB engaged tor aeaaon of laoo with the aame 

UuniNii'B CIRCUS will Wlnlor at Norfolk, Va., In- 
Bleail ot Nowberno, N', C, aa waa originally In- 


A NiiMBBK of perfnriDcra will leave Nov, ig tn 
Juln the Urrin Unia,' Show In Mexico. Edward 
OrrlD la now In town amnglng luauera fur the 
coming aeasoD^ 


■louatoii,— At Sweeney ft (^oomb'a opera llonae 
Thoa. W. Kceno gave three porfomiancea, Oct 34, 
U, In niandlngroomonly. Archie lloyd'a "Country 
S<|ulre," 'iO, '37, had fair houaea. "Solder and Fly," 
31, ban an imiuenao huuao. "Tlie Tornado" cauio 
N'lV 3. UI>aYaw7. 

PALACE Tueathe.— Iliiilneaa cnnllnuea grod 
nlahilv. Oct 2>: T im Ward, Vorlia, Malda Pope, 
J'lhu Keller, Kinlly Hall, Adaiua and Wanl, Jeaoole 
Prealoiiaod Uaiile Waid. Hank Adams liu been 
appoloted suge msoager, and Johnnie Oallaghan 
bualneaa manager. 


IDiinouaecrnwda 0. S'lla Urua.' Bbowa are ueing 
neavlly papered for Nuv 11. 

Ualretton— At tho Treinont Opera llonae 
i'>muW geeneeloiad a vaoee^lul aaaia'ment Oct 
3t Archie B'JTd, In "The Ouunin M<iu<ra," did lalrlr 
wells "ilpMer and Klf" |aTaeatl»la«tl<*Btoapa<bed 
houeeSO. and elnpvl to a geod eieeU aadleare 3il. Uua: 
Nov.t 7 'TheRllier klDC^'U. "riienanlar;" IO,"Eil(a- 
-nul r„lke;" II Kflta Blliler: U. 14, lllli Hhlnnir. 
aiieatroniia MAfmr THVATaa.— Prankla Whilcauib 

Lea MeCulkigah, iniarlea OAlaa, Leonia llavler. Rjiwerd 
'loiicrief. IdaHaiahib. Peail I a'anntaaduai lilokuioo. 
Hatia BaoTuaaa* ciact-a Ij hilled bera lur II 

Aaalln.— At Milieu's Opera llnute "Tho Toma- 
dn" cwiie Oct. 21. Tbiit w. Kcene packed lbs houio 
3u Archie Uoyd, In "Tou (;<iunlry S<|ulre," came 
30. "Sjilder and Fiy" comet Nov. 0 '-Too Silver 
KIni" lu, "Edtewiind FoUa'' II, Em* Kllaler II 

Rlugling llroa.' tnrcai drew Imuenaa crowda 

at ilieir peifurmances Oct at Hellt Bros.' Olr- 

cui will be here Nov, li. 


Toronto.— At tbo Uraud 0|iera llouae tho TO- 
nola Ualvervllf Htaieoteo*labral«l llallowe'eo by at* 
tandlna the perlormaoee ol "Tne Loet Paiwliee," and 
rilled Ihe hnuia lo elAodloe room only. The theatre bad 
neen haad.vmelf decureiao. and preeaatad a very pretiy 
•ppfaiaeea. "TI,eAroeuni"HoT l-a,dld ablBbuilne.e. 
cooiioa: U.O. Tbalcber'e Paroa Comedy tlo. 0-7, Nellie 
nanihonr ^U> 

Toa NT" Orf hA llooaa-OeL 30-Nf,v. a, "The LUe 
fluan1"il|fl a Ltraa lio.toa.A D-o MelUrlhr 6-lu. 

ACAUaNV <>r ai'aiu -Oct ag-Nov. 3, Raarea A Holnier'e 
't,piurp.,lllNOe did a BU"d baelaaea. Tba Lilly Olar (». a-10. 

MOOHv'H Moaaa-OAL 19-Not. t, Maoaaer Yoonx ra 
porta buaineeeaood. I,«etarallall— lolerDellDnal Beaoly 
<Uow Tli«Atra-I,enf and Sharp, the UlUlaye, Olio 
L)oo, Clarteaod T.ninla aod iba Tooteye. 

Oaalph.—The llival Opera Uonte will lie 
up-aed .Nuv. f, by Walea' Opera whioh appearn 
Mondar and 'Toeaday evanihRa In "Alheala." 
Them la already a large advance salt of ti-att. Tne 
building It 1U7XM ft«i aiid will teat i.tin people. 
TH'tt are t«n gaiierlea, two open and eloatd iKiiea, 
and the hoiia*- la a» arranged that the alago can be 
teeo from every aaat, Th* stage Is complete aod of 
ood tlu, bring 33fl. deep from hack wall lo fout- 
lebia and uft wide. The llvbHog will ho by 
oomblnaUon flginrra nf gaa aod rlectrlclty. Under 
ine aiaae are eight Urge dreaalog n>oine. Due re- 
gard uu been paid to heallag and venillatlun, Tbe 
ipera boote liaa been mted lo Mr. Taveroirr fur 
nveyrara Booked: 7, "Tne Burglar," B.Hwculeh 
Qnattet Cn„ 13, Ihu Mcl>rlhv, In "Tlio Pride of 
Mayo." The lUoairo pun lun or (hu building la uow 
re«dy foroc^opinoyand la taiicfully iinhoteion'd 
land piloied, maklDg Hone uf tbo prolileaithestres 
itbe Dominion, It win teat l,40u, 
Lonilau.vAt tbo Orand Nallla nanlhnny, who la 
making a Uinr ot t;anada, appeared Nuv. 1, 2 lu 
poor Inua^a. "Tbe L<ait Paradue" pUyed lo two 
Door bouaea 3. Hooked: Waiaon Sialera' Cu. (, 

Rbea 0, Oeo. Tbatoher 10 Rulit Fullord hue, 

band ot Ibe lata Annie PIxlay. la hem and will re- 
main for a few dayt, vlalling bla bnithrr lo law, 
William Fraaer. Ula ohjeot It lo rrect a monument 
la Ml. ileaaant Corneiory sad plaos Hie aabea 
thtreih or bia wife, who was cremaied in Kogland, 
A aput waa rtaoton ntar tba arave of ibilr only 
' hlM. The uhes aro now at William Ptteei'a rcil- 

llurQillenr— At tba Grand Ibe Watson Sialera' 
BotleKiue Co. did well Nov. j, <Tbe Burglar" Co, 
onni>a 0, Ueo. Tnaichir «, tbe Vienna lAdlea' or- 
cbeaira «, lu. Mile. IMea 13. At tbe HlarTbeatre tor 
6 and week: Tlie Tnree Barretit, Pbll aod Bessie 
Maher, Moot. Oeller, Uarllne ind Olark and Muoa 
Wynn. Frank Tripp has Utra entaged aa nlanlal 
In place of I'tnf. jauk, wbo la eonaned 14 tteaouao 
through lUnett, 

anabec^t Ibp Aeaittoy of Uotle, Ocl. 30- 
^or. 3, il|e TUiiaJada Variety 0>jmpany played to 

pour botlneia At tbe ((aeiieo Theatre Ihe 

French Opera Co are playing to good bobset. 

- Notes from Howard Wall's Ideala: Wp bave Dn- 
lahed onr tour of Ohio and move tn Eastern lerrl ' 
Vrrr. The aeaaon opened Ang. 16 aod haa l>een 
much teller than lui year. At Oailon, 0,, Oct. 27 
ua compaar gave the Initial performance ot 
"liaablng widowt," a rcOned American comedy 
written liy Howard Wall aad asrnuur TUibaliu. 
Toe piece w»j weU received, Mr. Wall Is al work 
op a now comedy. ''A Haul, Ijoial aaff Fbyii 
Wreck," la wbtoh bi wiu play the leadlag row. 

— Nettle Oe Oonreey iattiexo"p'lna lo the tiate. 
raentot onrSL Loult. Hi>„ comraimadeat, in oar 
Itti luue, conceinlog her cnnnertloii wub Pope's 
Tbraiie, HiaeDeOouraeyehthnaliiat nrreiitage- 
Dent does uotd. aeat <h«i hmiai' uuiH Nut, 10, and 
Ibat abe was eagagrd loraounrvita paria ami pbiyed 
theiu excepting iiurlng Iho ruu ut "M ,ni0Criein," 
When, on acoouot ut belug too email lo pUy Iba 
part awlgaed bor, tba did aauecUliy at ihe reouast 
otthe naaafemeuL 

— Edward J, Ooonelly haa oloaed wilb "HcFRit- 
den'a Rl'ipemeni" On and Joined ihe "Shore Acrrs" 
Oo, Pull Poiera replsoni Mr Ounnally as toe 
Onionrl In "MoFailden'a K upement," appearing In 
that role tor the flnt time Nuv, t, a' K'liiiielh, N. J. 

— Ellen Vuckoy la at ber borne in WaaningiO", D. 
0., when aha will gtre dramailo reoiiaia uniil Jan- 
uary, wben aha Inieada gulug on tba niad. 

— Roalor or Willlama' rhratre Co., bmrlng New 
Rng'anilto lepurtad good bualneaa: Joe Wiiliama. 
maoager; Albert r. Kent, Frank 0. Wbriiei, Im 
Villon, J, 0, Vornoo. John W. Fnnetier, Prof. Do 
Biindee, muaioal direckir: Alien llalfon), Anw 
UunUry, Hme. ValetUk aad Mario Sylvln. 

— 'Tho Now Sooib" will dine iia tour Nor. IP. 
Joseph Oriamar and Pbolio Davia have been en- 

Siged hy W. A. Ilrady to appear la a new pru<luc. 
ua at a later darn. 

— RIviiia Word waa granted a divorce Nov. 8, In 
Obloago, III., from Thomas Ward. 

— Mn. Maria Kl' ally, wife "f Imre KImIfy, re- 
celvail her natiirallsailou papers Nov. 0, In Ihe 
Superior Onui t n| uita Slate. 

— Manager flumian, ol (Inrman'a Thoaue, Han- 
ohoalor, N. U., hat frescnoil ihe aldna nf hia Ihratie, 
and II It now nno oi the pretileat piipiiiar prloo 
b iuaes In Nrw Kiiabind. Peter Maher >, tbrea 
nighu. lllCti'B Orand Opera H<iii-o Sinok Uo. 
played Uiere Uat week lu good bualuoe. Tue oon). 
pauy gaveaallararlloii. 

— "Snonaudoah" nlnaes lu run at Iho Aculemy 
et Mnslo, this oliy, Doe. 8, ami will then be sent on 
Uo road by ubarles Fmnnian, 

— Thiovoa enlertrd Wiu Hlaing'a llat. In Uiia city, 
during tho abaeneo of ibe fanilly, ami oarned oir 
aevenal aninl'a or Jewdry and wearing apiiarol. 

— 0. B, MrOiolUiid, hnalMnd of l-aullnu llall, haa 
InaUlnlod ault fur ilamagoa In Hlmix Uity, la., 
anlnal the llov. llr.Jauklna, of ilwt eliy for hUi 
ultoiancca Ibningh tbo nobllo preoa agalnal HIM 
Hall, Mr. McCloUand alto brings the obargo or 
criminal libel agaliiai tno minlater. 

— Tho roater nf "Ilia Nllin tho Baron" On. In- 
dudes Alius CllOOrd, Mule Anderaun, ImiIs Mayo. 
Maggie Wealun, W. J. sully, Ullly lluwnra, W. U. 
Turner, TUaer and Sidney, A. J. Malaon, LIttIo 
Fred, Uniiululu and Iho mlrnir dancen. 

— Ilnaier ot Lauliert ft Lueua Co.: Prank 
Laubett, (loo. Lnoiia, Horry F,'riuamla, Paul Yuaiior 
L. parlor, Frank WuudmIL Olara TherlamH. lUino 
Darrall, UllleOuldle, and Dava 11. Wllliaiiu, man- 

— Ilobett Jobntlon will ahnniy iMrnmo one nt Ihe 
Forreal lluiiio colony, nia applioaiioii having keen 
lavurahly aoicd uiwu at llio laat lueetlug of thu 
bimrd of iiianagera. 

— "Ham'tell '," Marie AInioo'n ohl play, waa pro- 
ducod fur Ihu dm tliiio In Knaianil nt ihe Prlm o ot 
Wales Tueairo, Mvorpuul, Out 3J, wltb JunnIn 
Rogers aa 'ndneile. 

-Jano smart liaaaigncil wHh Itloliard MansDoIil 
for one Tear, onmmenulng Nuv. rj. 

-MoKrn llankin diiea not go arlib "Oliver Twial," 
as has b<on reported. Tbo cinipaiiv will tehoarao 
lu ihli olty ono week and lu llualun, Maao., uno 

— J. W, nnrko wriira lu that owing to III boallli 
bole coinpellud Ui givo up bin Inlenilal luurirt 

— Til ' Minnie Sowiird Uo. played llnlynbo, Mats., 
week nf Out '."J, anil rcpurt g'exi inialni'oa. 

— Nurea aud llnalor uf Ilaiua lirun. Ilnmpty 
llunipiy Co. No. I: Frank W. Noouu, inaiuiior: 
Louia A. Lcalii'i prini'l|ilu uinwn iiml ciiiiliibiUt: 
(lharira K. Culby, puiuluon aud roiiirihiqulat: 
Fflix, Klvorliin and f^lillii. Win. Hhrnnaii. Ilavon 
aud Huoge, Hliinlo Uuniiur, Kilty H^aro, HoiKi 
Mlllu, Maaior Frii-/. Uiiarhu I'olnentul, (Kiinio l.ilil 
OraniWiiod, Ainort llnaa, IMn Hawnter, J. Wiint- 
wnrih, Harry lluward and Uaby Mill, (iiu.rgo 
fiaokly, tgeut; W. 0. Knoraon, prognuiiiner. Iliml. 

ntosunuitlio prooent unio haa heen gmal and Uio 
ahow liaa won fariir, Uaongor Nuaun l> noguit. 
atlng wlih tevoral peupMi who will greatly add l<> 
tho Btreogth of bulb lbs alage and iiand and 

— J'lhii Dillon takea tho road again at lUlavliL 
III,, Nov, 0, In a now oonio'ly, by J A, FnuerJr/ 
enUileil **Oiir Next (;nngre>a'iiah," 

— Tho Aiiierloan q'hMiro Cu , |ila<lnr A. X Cblr. 
man'B pia>a luoludlug "The I'lunoer nf 'a?," la ro- 
liMtralng at UIMun, Maaa., and will open iliu ariiwii 
Nuv. 10, 

— ll«iiio limiwood baa ronltcod Kiliih Hbtw wlih 
"MoKi'hna'a FlUtallon." Thu von uio la nnwnin- 
trollcd hv ike Uull, Ihiii Wiillania h.a uuiiipli.|i«u a 
play lu lio nall.'d "U'Koilly'a Orlp," which Mr. Hull 
will p BOO on tho mail next aeaaon, 

— Knwaid llulUuiI and Harry OcV'ra go oaths 
roail wiiu Olaa Nelliortole. "Hie TraiiasrMir" 
will nut lie lu ibailailr'a repertory, hut aho Kill dUt 

— Alice Banndum, of iliu Woiior Comedy (;o.. In- 
forma ut that are members of tho qonipeny havu 
been III wlih trphuM fovur. They a.e Hra, L, 6, 
Parker, Fred. lliHire,J, (I. Maofariaoo. Frank Kel- 
ler and Maater I«bIIo Ponioroy, all of whum are 
now on the road to recurory, 


Ki'UBBE MriRANvi ouniN, tho well linoita barl- 
lone singer, diod Nuv. I, at hli bu;uo ii, Londog 
Eng., from paralyKla wiih whiult lie wai airleken 

f"?.?",*." •«?• '^'Lm'I'.'™^'!'' "i«". 
In Uila city. Aa a ubilil lio eVmcod a llblug im inn' 
alo. and aa auun aa ho waa u«l eu<,iii|li hu la caiiiu a 
aopraiio In lir. Tyaa'a obnn li. For a nuini^r ot 
loara prior in bla going upon iho aiago h« waa omo 
harlmue of si. sieplieu a Huuian (Mboilo uhurch, 
lu ilio ninanilme ha waa a aiiulont nt law. 
and In mio he was admluad hi the I'ar ot 
tbU Hisio, WhPii h« enlero'l Ihe nnlce et Kvarls 
Snuiinnaid i Ohuahi, aud In laai nnuicli, d on( 
for liloiaall Mill piaiillcud un hh own aroouni 
fur about tiirue yaara. In Hay, lata, bii 
wint to Knglan'l, wnero Iwly Naniloipli 
OliurcliIM opened rurhIniaproHpt!ruuanAM!a<'aR a 
■aluii aluger, and ha amg at tho liniioi a ul u any i,r 
the u'lbllltr. While lu l.4iudiiii be waa engageii by 
Juhu McUauIl ami niada hia duiini un tlio nperailii 
alage Ang. .10, lawLal Paluirr'tTiiiaire, iiiiaunt. 
with tbe MoOaull iiih ra V"., anpeariug aa M luinaul 
In "Juaephlni Muiii liy l|i'rSiaiera,'<iind woaaiio- 
ccaatul iKim the OiaL Aii.<ut ton yenm after hia 
g'ling upon Ilie aiagu hu uiarrliil l/iuUn Parkar 
alau an auto aliiuer, who inadu ber pr rii«a\ nai 
dohut at tho aamt peifuriuanre aa Mr, Otvlln. 
Several yean ago lie and li:a wifii wtm m 
Kuiland, whiire tue dcceoaed was agi^H irenuvniiy 
heard at prlvattouieriainroi'ma. Uia voire woe a 
high borliune <if pure tone aud aynipalneilo i|iia|. 
liy, and hit lalenli won blia a poalllnu iii 
the hiBlWBt anclal circlet. In L 'nilon ha waa 
Induced lo retnrn ui lbs ttige and he oreated a 
uartin >uilivana "Ivanltue'iaad met wuh aucieaa 
In'a opera, "Kugeno Oueglu," wnluH 
wa produced lu Lmdun In IHV!. Itrcuuily Mr. 
Uudin bad davoleil hlinnelf eollrely to cunceri alog. 
tug. Uo nude nit giat appeaiancn at M -ami* 
lotl Winter la a eenea ot syranhiiblo i-jmotna 
and was received WIUi eiilbu-Utm. Hn 
wta to bave Bpueared ihlj teotun at hoih 
Hosonw aiiil BU I'elcraiiurg. Ha bad onmuMed 
many liallaiU, aud waa Blae mo aulhur nt Iheopenw 
"'/.alda." He Iraoa'ated Iniu Kiiiilleh Sidor'a ta- 
monaaong^ Ixmi ihc Freuch. Hualaoir,inalile<l 
Hie aooga of iiounuil and Iilioi, tho rnriiirr of whom 
waa Ilia periunal friend, Ho iraooUied mao'y 
operas and arranged tbe orchettrailun lor tiiu 
aame, Ue not ooir poaaeatcd a vulce ur r'lfaainii 

aoalny, liotiboweif luarvrloua laate ami inlniuit 
Id waa lalily enllUed lo cUim rank u an aniat! 
Ula WII*, a BOO and a daughier aurviVe hlni. 

Uriah IU)Pri.BB, who hod bokl Uie uuiliioo or 
alage doorkeeper at Ihu Lyniruia Tnealre, ihh clly. 
ever tince Iho houee wal opened, died Nov. 3,al 
bis borne. The deuaeed was lioru In Swiiiorlaad 
In last, lleurved in the hwliu inny and came lu 
this C4i;n>ry In laso, aud louaiail in Texaa where be 
wks ampioyed aa surveyor for aevoral yeara. Id 
1A07 he came to ihia cpy and waa onipju, ed at Ibo 
Maiihatian Hold oa engineer andhU'i waaengated 
In Ilia same apaciiy at tiio i;n.innpuliian Tluiel, 
Ue afieraarda upeued a reaiaurauL He leaves a 
■Iduw, twoa>ins and three lUugniert. 

LVLV If. iiouB, a vatlutv p, rtnriner, died (ML 2.^ 
BtSaa F(aniiltc<j,i:aL Tiiedeceaaed hadjuatoun. 
eluded a two weeka' engagement at Iho Aoheaasr, 
Ponlaad,^ Ore., anil left for Had Fraochcu lo open 

i llfl,wiiu, aou ici. lor IIAO ViaUCinCU 10 OBSI 

at the wigaam. Hue was lafcsn tuitdenly lllon 
Ihewayanddledjuti attar bsr airtval at Hie Usl 
named diy, 







GEO. W. EEIL, Hinion. 



TwMtr «»DU p«r iinik sou t7P« mMOf*: »pM« of om 
iDch MJU each uwnUm. a dtdseUoB of a p»r e«t U 
ftllowtd OB adTtrtlHotuU vbtb paid for Utro* moiitbi 
Id tdTUioa, ftiHl OD •draniMfflMta BMrarlaii UP Uo« 

or mof* 

Oat fur.ln ■dv*ae*,$4; ili nioDthi,tl; tbroomoatb 
roraiRD poiiAitoeitn. Binil««>t>lM, lOenuaw] 

TUB OLIPPRR !■ laratd flTOrT WwlotMlu OMmiDjr. 
The inh. nth ud I8ih (tawrUHow) puM 00 TO raEW 
i)K MONDAY, ud tb* UU, Utfi ftM Otb«r pM«i OD 

Tbe Forms CloBlnff Promptly at 4 FJH* 
Plau* TtfDit br eiprMi mooof onltri otaMk, P. 0. or- 
d*r or mlRUrad lotur, tad 


For ill* KilllorlAl or tbe Builnua 
l>«pmrtmeBt to 


p. 0. Uai U.HaO. or ni/IPPBR BUtLDINH, 

Wsod WCflOtn BirMtt N«w York. 
Id KDaltDd—TflM tiurm cad b« obuiDtd, vholattl* 
uil rouil, 01 our wau. Hnith. AlosUe A Oo^ a Ntw 
MfllUHUMt, Htrftotr 

Id Pr»oc«— Thi CLirrNR li oo mU at BrMiuo'* mwi 
d*|it>U 17 ATtoBO dt rU|>«ra, Puis. 

llaliMonlyonAedltloB, BBd Utat U«»t«d 
from New Vork.-^ 




or Kncii KUfirLD wRmi to raniia vaOH thii iiii; iw 

o&RiorTIIEfXIFrFR I'oHTOmai. all tirrsm wiu. 



n. Ii. 0., WMhlDiilAD.— Tlicy did not. llooUi and 
Skkliil logclUcr iiiRdo h lour ol ilio ptlnclpikl clUca 

II. N.-Tlio plitT, "Dr. Ji'kjll Riid Mr. Ilrde," wu 
diRl pcrromiud IBA7 u, iwiT, at Ihe boston Huieum, 
bj lliclwrd UaiiHOelil. 

T. T. T., I'lilliiilriplilii.— 1. Tlirro IR Riiulo dcnwDd 
>. K. K. Hum, 46 UruokR BiTcci, llunronl, ci. a 
Apjiiy to an ageiiL 4. I'lulialily rortj dollars per 

U. Ii., Urldgeporl.— Wo chd pivo 70U do lDfonua< 

- llOD HH Tliur IJIIVHiluD Ih tOU THKUR. 

F. II. It.— .WD liavu no kaowlcdae uf tbo whcrO' 
alHiuU lit Iho Bliow. Address a loutr In our oiro 
and wo will advcrtlHB It. 

J. V. K.., UoBUin.— 1. Iiiijiilroor Julm r. llogan,(2 
Union bQuarL', tlilR city. 'i. No. 

J. H., Uaili,— AddruiH Icltur IQ caru u( Tim ULir 


0. M.. ll«lli'vlllo.-Wiu. It Walla, 44 Kxal Fourth 
Birci'i, Mow York City. 

K. J . u , Now OrlCHiiB.— Twonty dollRm mt weok. 

MvniutAN, KhIis Uliiircli. ■ SliuiiiundR i llrown, 
l.'.'iT lliiiivlway, tlilHvlly. 

I, . U. II. M., LutisdAlv.— 1. I'irteon dollRiB pur 
wi'tk. 'J. All uiitiasHniuiwlsry. 

THiui'.— 1. I'orty ilolUra pur week, il. Halsry, 
3. TlivMiiiiuHinuuiit. 

(I. II , Khii Join — Yiiu will nuil tliat all good 
wrltiTii will TLiiuIro ndoposlilicruro uodoitAklngto 
wntii nHkuirii. 

II. U. II., Unrliiulte.- Wu ilii not lliink tlie act liiu 
evei uei-ii duuo.und 11 Rliould iMiiimiauit Noveiiiy 
Ave dullrtm prr nuuk, upwanlH. Yuu would not 
Deed tho lilH<-k fHco turn. 

U. K, U. B.. Buuili I'ltiRliurii.-rrolwlily olglily 
dollarB ft wi-i'V at Qr-it, wlili proniicct ol coustdor 
Rlilu luercrtHU wlu-ii yon aru kmiwu. 

iLt.iKtiis AtiTiiuii. lliiliui|iiu.— B«ud twuoojileaof 
litu |ilKy, Willi ililn |m|io prlntril or typo wrllteD, 
together with uiiu doliRr, to iho l.tlimrUn uf Con- 
grnw. WMhtiigton, II. U. 

n. It.— 1. Bi'U auBwerto 1. uud J. lu this Ibjuio. 2. 
In Kuiope. 

r. A , Ulilcago.— AddrcMi the pirly lu earo at Tui 


L. a. H., Ilu Kalli.-I. Yea, It your aol la good. -.1. 
rrobrtbly forty duilara per week. u. Tliu act Is uot 
at all ranj. 

Misall.. llutroll.— Tliopariyls noialih "Wang" 
thiH aeaaon. It la litiiiiiiq,lblo to givo eurrectrouiefl 
u( couiMuli'S Ro tar Hlieail, as thoy are subject to 
ohangea. Watch our louio list. 

HvaiuUN, liigoraiill.— I. h'lliooD dollun and ex- 
poDBB.. 'i. Twelllv-Ovullnlla^ll■ 
U. U. U., Kelletivlllii.-l. Tho royally varlis ac 
cording 10 Iho taiiiu ot tho ooinpoiier. 

II. U., Shinor.— AildruBs Krauk llanllng, in 
Uowory, llila elly. You wiiiiut UMiinoihor's niUBiu. 

A. H. U., liargunt.-AildreiB letter In caiu of 
JanicRj ArniKiniuB, 10 Union Hquare, this city. 

J.. AKii J.— WiHHi'B Uyuinasluni, 11 h^wt Twenty- 
olihlh tiireoi, ihlR iilty. 

\V. II., Lock llavou.— Wo can RUpply the copy yon 

N. II., Suocook — AildresB llio pnrty la euro ot 
Tui ULtrmH. 

J. II., Wanhlngtiin.- Wo aro iinablo to fiirnlsh 
ellliur of the adilreasva. AdiliYaa lutterB ID our 

K. II. Ih. Ohlc4go.— Wo hftVQ no knowleilge (>t tho 
wliovealHuiiB of Km puty. Adilreas leiier lu caro 
of Till iii.irrKH. 

II. F., Ilonlieii.— Address frank Harding, 211 llow- 
<ry, IhiReliv. 

B. U., Anili-Tvon —1. Aitriiii Korepaugli Jr. wrs tho 
only HiiTvlving clilld nt Iiih faiher, ilie laio Adam 
Foixiiauvli. 'J. Tho Ihirnnui Sh<iw oiwneil In this 
oily In lsi<4, on Uareh 1l,fiir nvo weeks, clnwing 
April 111. It oiieuod two lUyB later lu I'litlailolphlR, 
for two wofka. 

u. U. 0., Now Ueruc.— AVo do not know Iho wero- 
alionla or the parly. AdilrcM leiter lu oar oaro. and 
It will ho ailvrrilned III our loiter list. 
J. ft. 1'.— Meo routu of the eoinpany In this lasue, 
FHAKk. Ilirnilughani.— Addresa a leiter la caru 

ot Tug Ul.ll'fBH. 

K. II., I'ruvlitence.— You nrgleol to aialo whether 
vim ineaii bnnineaH iilrvetor or tniiiilcRl direuior, 
lint In either caro tho aalary should bo From alxty- 
Dvo dul Ria pur week upwarils, with trausportatluu 

liiHNAHn, UyBlhlana.-l. Flfloeu dollar* per 
week. 'i. Qlvo perHiiiial ileR^'rlplloa of yoursolf, 
and Rt4lo the klml of e.\|)erleiioe you bavo had. 

K.T. U. Clilrago.— Watih ourroule Hal or aildreu 
loiter In our caro. 

Hi'tuicaitiNH, :<hcnandoah 1, Forty dolbtra per 

week. Wo do not need li conCRpouitont. 

llii.t.Y,TiUK'iiliHtMt.— 1. WecauDotnainc any price,* 
Inqnira of inHURgers or iniiaentna. Boo advertis- 
ing rales at the lieail ot this cohimn. 

u. AMI F.. italilinoro.— Wo know the pariy, but 
cannot obtain hia addrcRS. Addieas loner In our 

II. II.— AcopTtlght coals one dollar. II Is granted 
toratemiot tweiiiT-cmht ycara, and tuny tie ro* 
newnl by tho aiithur, or his wlilow or chlldniu, for 
a fiinher term of fourteen years. 

K. U. J.. Boniervllle I. We ilo not know the 

party. J. Tho play Is Rlieady nimn Iho riud. 

TtiR B. U. IM.— Addresa Idler to Mrs. (If n, Tom 
Thumb, Id earo ot Till Clii'I-kh. Hie la touring 
Boniowbero lu iliu Weei aud haa tho carriage witn 

F. J. F.. lienvor.— 1. Wo know of no work ot iho 
kind. 'i. There la mil. 3, 4. Thai In ft matter ut In- 
dividual Judginettt. 5. The ariua only are ban. 


F. M. U., Yaniiottlh In tlio gaiiio ot tnrty-OTea 

tho dealer mutt deal two cards al a lime, aud (bou 
three at a time, or vico versa, lo tho platers, but 
whichever onuraa Is adopietl inunl bo adtiereU to 
until tbe deal It ooinpletod. The dealer iiiuti nut 
deal two eai da to one player, Ihteo lu tbe next, and 
so on. 

F. II.. Montreal.— I. Certainly a player ran assist 
hiBpaniii-r ftt euchre. 'J. .No, a player cannot do- 
elare to niar aloue atirr his partner has aatlsted. 

It. H. II.. SiinlRlowu.— Ai-cording to the manner 
In whtcb tarn It played 111 New York, tbo queen b«l 
Rliowu III the dlRgrani plays ace, queen; In the 
West It plays deuce, queen, king. Tot same an- 
swer, varying ihe i-arda, ftppilea to the other bet, 

Bi<uiiHiHtH, Jersey L'llr.-lt It not aecesaairtor 
the player to lake anotiier inok It he hu points 
euuugh u> go out with hla uieM. 

W. U., llaiue (Aeek.— Ttia player who held high 
went out drfet, s% hlgb taken praeedence of all other 
polijts, eveept wbeo tbe dealer turns up Jack, 
which counts at odco. 

0. 0., Faribault.— A tall band will beat a Hash, 
which Id mm heala •stnlghL 

J. K. K., Haieni.— 1. Id draw poker, when » card 
Is accldenullr eiposed In tbe draw the player to 
whom It la desll cannot accept It. bat mast bo 
ftlTonibenextcsrdfrOD melon ol tbe pack, and 
before any oitier player to bis leti Ir belpea. i. At 
caasino the party Uavlog Ibe greater namber of 
imlDis wlua tlie game, tbe order 01 precedence be- 
ing u tullnwa: great oatalDO, Utile casslio, ma- 
JorllTOf cards, majority ot ap«de*,ice*aadswe4H. 

H. 11. 1'., LyoDs.— The elder hand was wrong, ue 
mnnot buacb tbe cards wltboot the cooteot ot the 
dealer. It miut be a matnil agreeaient betweea 

w. H.U., New York.— After iKe draw has been 
made tbe age, or eldest hand, baa tbe privilege of 
defenlog IiIr say uuiU after all the other playerB 
have made IheIr i>eu or paaaed. Bbould he prefer 
to debiy till after the otbera have aoted, tbe Ural 
player 10 bit left makes tbe Orat liat, or paues oou 

I'OIIR, Bk John.— Tbe hand with the ace at Ihe 
head wins. 

1. U. 11., Motlh Clarendon.— At csaslao a player 
may make two or more cumblaatluDB at tbe same 
ilDie, provided they each aggretfate the same uum- 
licr ot plpa; ur a player may make aaotber build, or 
may pair or c<imblDu other cards, or take nit adver- 
sary's liultd, provloDRly to taklag la bis diat balld. 
Ue cannot bolld, however, except wlUi a card from 
Uie hand. 

1*. 0, U., Dayton.- B Is confct Id claiming a ron 
ot six lor the last card Id 4, 3, 1, t, e, 1, 4 aud 3, It 
uol lielug necesaary that tbe cards should be 
played In their regular order to oooatltuie a ma. 
lie alao baa oos for the go. 

W. F. L., Keeaa — Ueru Is tbo rule: "If tricks are 
woDSuitlcieDttoDiftke gimo before the holder ot 
the beat tnimp out playi It, tbe tricks wla the 

B. J. U., Denver.- Al fan, wbeu the liat tura 
shows three dlitenint cards. It li evident that they 
can come oat In alx dlOVrcnt ways. This gives the 
dealer Ove ctiauces to one tor the player, and ho 
should pay 11 vu for one; bat, as that would leave Uie 
hiiuie no perccnuge, he pays tour tor one, thus 
gaining that percautage. 

C. W., New York.— Fa a two banded gauie of plu- 
ocle a player can meld 40 irumps, aud on uking a 
tnck can lueld 160 trumps, but be cttnnut meld the 
extra 4o wtttiout king and qneen. 

A. W. K., Bt. O-ttharlaea.— LandJ win the game, 
going uut od jRck, which takea precedence or 

M. J. J , Ban Francisco.— Tbe bet la oO, owing to 
tbe nilRdeal. 

A. v., Fnuklln.— Tho cards show tor themselves, 
no mailer what n player may chU bis band, and the 
beat poker band wins. Every hand must tie shown 
on call. 


J. H. A., Toronto.— A CO'imameut took place Aui 
20 to ■111, luclURlvc, 1IT4, 1. Halllax, N. 8., a ham 
some Rllver cup theu oitc ' as a prize fur the 
uhaiiiploiiBlilp ot Anenca L - won by a team 
silecied trooi the leadlugPhii. rluhe, cap- 

Ulned by U. B. Newball. A re:gm miematlunal 
lournaDieol waa bekl Bepi. 13 to 23, lutlutlvo, at 
Fntladelpbla, Pa., ftud the repreKDiallvu team of 
tliai city uioD becaiiiH permanent iMitsesaors of the 
llallfRX Cup, uuw tho einblofn ot the I'bliadelpnhb 

F. U. IL, lluBlun.— The Ulnclnntil Itcds, onder 
Harry Wright'a iiianugtiDiont, won the nominal 
clianiploniliip In lam, when Uiey went ihiougb tho 
seaaou without losing a game. The taam Included 
lliainartl,pliclitr; aiiIbod, catcher; Qoiild, Sweasey 
iiijil U'aierni^ii, od iho titues; Ueorgo Wnghi, uhurt- 
stop;Rn(l U'unaid, Uany Wright aod McVey luihe 


HURCHiRKH, Zaueivllle.— I. Tho rule reads: "Beta 
on H mulch for wblub a dead heat ard run are 
void.** 2. When hones niD a doAd beat for a parte 
or HWceptUikea, and the owners divide, all beta be- 
tween audi liortea, or between either of them and 

the ill-Ill, aro heiiled by putting together the money 
iHi'ted and dividing- It equally. 3. Ue would bave 
recotved his own money uaok under Uie foregoing 


I,. K. II., Uharlesion — Tbe fastest pacing lime, 
wlih ruuniiig mate, recorded bi lits.i^, by Fiylog 
Jill, accoiiipliahni In a a trial at the klie tntrk hi 
Chilllcotbe, 0., Ucl. 4 The taalesi time by a pacer, 
golug III single hariieas, hut accompanied by arnn- 
ulng iiorto lu ect the paue. Is i-Mii, by Hubert J., 
niado at Tcrro llaute (regulation track), BepL 14 

C. F. U., Huatoo. -Ab In Ihe race upon whlcb Ihe 
wagur waa iiuule the wluuur, Allx, trotted tbe third 
beat In 2:0TX. K lusca both beta. 

W. II.. IlintoD.— Troubadour beat Ulsa Woodford 
In a tpevlal race tor 13,000, one mile aud a quarter, 
at HLeeprhcad Bay, Junu 10, 18ll«. Trouoaiionr 
dnlshetj ilireo-quarlera of a leugui ahead. In 
FllzpaUlck rodo Ibo winner, ^irnmy UoLaughilu 
having iiiu mount on UIrs Woodford. 

K. L. o.. FreeporL— Tue horse having been foaled 
In klay, I8IH, waa ten ye^re or age on Jan. 1 hist. 

I>. P., Now Y'urk.-Tbe ttuamer SIrlus loft Cork, 
IrolRnil, April 4, ltrj9,aadibe steamer Ureat Wernern 
left UrlRlol, Kag., April a, oame year, bdh arriving 
ai Now York on tlio 23<1 ut the same niuuth. The 
Diet sleani propelled vessel that croesed the AtUntlo 
waa the Bftvanuali, American built. 38e tons burthen. 
Bne sailed drst from Now York to Bavauiiah, Qa, 
and ihencu directly for Uverpuol, m July, ISI0. 

li. II.. t'liarleston.— 1. LotuskDowtbodlslance, 
and whether paced or unpaced, flying or tlandlug 
aiart, aud we wlil Iryaiid auawor your question; 
cannot ottacrwito. 2. Don't know what you mean, 
a. Bte 'Turf" antwon. 

U. U. U., Iiotroli.— uanuot spare the occessary 
space. If you are RuniiileuUy Interested, obialD a 
copy of tlie book and examine IL The price Is 
tweoly-flvo cents. 


U. r., Urooklyn.— A loses, because be failed 10 
thMw iiioir ti'BU 33, us tie wagoiiHl be would do. 

S. 11. II., Wheeling.— It waa a foul throw, and tbe 
dlceahunld betliiuwDOTerftgAln. It would bead- 
vlaablo 10 lubatltuto aoutherdlce for tbo damaged 
piece, no Ht tu proveiil a recurrence of tho foul. 

(XixaTAKT llsAUiH, Nowark.— A Is right. In 
poker dico sixes aro ulgb and aces low, the other 
sptHs ranking aoeordlngly. 


8. V. II., Cripple Crtok.-A riileof tho P. II. makea 
It Imperative that all bels on iho result of a Ugbi go 
aa does Uie liaulo monoy; couBequenUy, tboae who 
bet on llrown to win wete euUHeil to their aioney. 
A refervo has ootiilug whatever to do with beta, 
and, therefore, has no autliorlly 10 decUre them 

J. II, U., Phlladelphlft.-Jamet J. Corliett Is not the 
champion pugiliMi of Kugland;that dltTlnoilon be. 
lougt to James Sititth. CiiarleH Uitci-ell Is the hui* 
Ing ohHUiploD ot Knglaud. The ditference Is that 
Hiiillh won his title In a llght under the regaUr 
lAindun r. It. niIrR, with baro knuckles, while Hit- 
ehell won his championship In a coutest with 

fllovea, under the t(iioeDtberry rules. Oorbeit Is the 
wxlugclitmploni-t the world, Kttile lie won in a 
gluvo coulest wllh Ulichell. The last champion 
puBlliat ot tbo world weltave had waa John 1> Sulli- 
van, who wouthe title hy defOAtlug Jake Kilraialn 
a d>ht nudor the regnltr rules. 

diMrraKT ItiAPtH, reoria — We cannot give Tom 
Saycrs' rxaut weight the ilay he loiialii John 0. 
lleonaD, but It was undoubletfly over IMIb. 
Bi-naoaiBIH, Washington.- Tne fastest time In 
which the ran from New York city 10 Albany, 143 
mlleB, has been made over the New York Oninil 
itallruml Is 2ii. mm. 43s., by an engine aod ihreo 
heavy ran, SepL 14, Ititl. 

II. J., Uoston The tide besring a llkenssa ot 

ijucon Victoria Is the bead ot tho piece. 

a. K. It., Fort Nlubrana.— TiiK ULtrm ankval 
for litH was Issued lu January laal. The ism latue 
will appear early la Jaouary next Tho price U 
tweuty ove ceaia It cuutalis all records. 

J.A.T., Uiqtoo.— Tbe BieaiDShip nteal Euiera 
vlnUeil New York on two dliiereat occaaloas. Tbe 
drtttl'noiihearrlrcdogSandT Hook at T.30 a.u., 
June if, and she alterwaids laid In tne Noith 
lltvrr. Ua Ihe oeeaa Ion at her eecood tUH sho 
oauie ihrough l,ODg leltud Boand. 

u. K. J., Hilverion.— 1. Tbe term ot cfflceot the 
gnveriiorot New York Butte Is two veara 2. Qor- 
eruur Flower was elected Id the same year as rita- 

IIH. T. H. M., lleleN-an.— Wo hareno data onncern- 
log your queilee, aud we douiit If lay one hat the 
tiBuret. Tho centus tloes out funtsb the totoriDa- 

A. 0. It, Dubuque.- Tbotieasnrer Is wrong. The 
Onance comratttee. baviag power to act pinperlj 
paid Iho blll^ and Ibe treaaurer should accept nots 
them the net proceeds, as be eao be held lotBoiil- 
ble only tor suob nwney oa acinallj oome* to hla 
band, and this amanol woald be shown lo Ue com- 
mine's report 

lu v., fortamoath.- BoUi an wroag. Tbe ayi- 
tem ot vottbg la New York Blate al present la by a 
modiocd form ot the Aoslrallao ballot The Dames 
of the randldatit ut the several parties are prloted 
togeiber 00 separate hallois and cue tor each party 
Is given to tne voter, who retires to a booth and 
preparea them. He can tnbttltat« other oamet tor 
[bote of randtdates tor whom be doca not with to 
vote by either patting over or scratching out the 
objectionable names, and writing others In tbelr 
place. The old syatem of single ballots tor each 
candidate Is dona away with. 

E. W. B., Waiblngtnn.-Addioa A. L. Aahman, 
Bincltir iloDse, New York, for Information. 

CioABS, BuHAlo.— ti la not lo It A and B are 
Jointly entliled to drat and aecond prlzea, aod may 
eltntr divide or throw for Brat oiioiea. 

U.M.-Tbe word "birthday" literally means Ihe 
day ot birth, and It Uina employed ilo one cnntd 
bave more itaao one In a llfcume. By common 
usage, however, Ibe lerm is nsed to mean the anni- 
versary of birth, which phrase Is uos abbreviated, 
aud heuce a cblld one year old wlU bare but ooe 

JonN K.-l. la. 3. t<- 


To CorretpoBdeBta* 

L.H ATHinox.TlltOD. N. If — ThtDk fou corduUjr for 
Ui« lUentloD of ilM paper cItIdr ibo lAUii dsw*. 

H. W. U . HueheM«r.-The un* lo yoa. . 

J. B HiuviMii, Em , AiUdu —Tbo iDtormftOoo m re 
Mr BADit'iiprob^nitUdlrrecoirtO: Uiukjoo. 

Bw BiNNiiiTorooio— W« oTarlooiad jouraole lut 
«Mk; eicDM ui We hat* do Ioo^o UarmiD eh«M ool* 
utDDV, ud ■■ for "crukr oo«b"— noil, thty an prornDtlr 
dropped loto our otpMloai veit* btaket, wbaoM tn»r 
•pHdlly go Iho way of ell rinuikork ■ 

Dm K. a. iicimahh— Walconi* backl Cro»d elnDg 
dowo tho ublo itaire,bo|f,Aod Dieke room iorea on 
eorf prlied friend returoeo. 

Ju Dt Nbt —It vu Toar lait tbreetr ibu broujtbt Dr. 
n. back to hit itmlittr ebalr, tod vMb gretlfjlof compll* 
maou to joa. 

Bfto NoHi PkitTt, Peril ^or bwt thenki ere hanby 
rendarrd lor e copy of foor btber't "A. B. (>. dM 
Editce," Mcond tdttloo, gtatUr enlargtd aod (Mrfooted, 
e voik oiiiully eltgeot ud •icaUHt We purpoM e 
eonpltie revltv ol tii»c«Dt«eii. 

TUe City Clab** Toaraey. 

Briow li a report lo tlie clow of (he roortb roond : 



Belrd 0 

Dalmer t 

Uelponi \^ 

HMbem I 

Uymet IK 


Hamtt, Won. intt. 

PI II ibu rr 


■tboealiar a 

itoloiu. 8K K 

Now Utt Thorn Comei 
Aa tbia iBoe of Ton Currie la aa D«ar tho IStb iQit ae 
aoi, w« Boir open our oootrlbntioo drawer to rocalve 
auon 01 th« compailng probloma Iq oar urnreey ei may 
ba ready. Tbi* aotioa, too. »iU aarre aa e varaiog to 
any doi yet quiu aeiliam with lbt>irwork to gira the 
floiihiog (ouchaa and forward thair compnaitlooh. Be- 
niimbar (bat uDtil we aooouoce tba eioalDg day for 
ra«*tTlog votriei aoy emeodailooa of the prnbtanu Id 
band meyba wiituB,aBd aocJicorraoUooawiU be made 
00 lite diagrema The "drawer" aioreaald will ba kept 
up«u at Uati ODe uuDib loogar, parbapa mi waeba 

A rMoark by Dr llaJUti laedi ui loobaerre Uiat,ln 
oar problaoia, lately, we hara atmed -to loduea our 
aolrtn to lartceir repleoiPh their uock ol "maoiel 
ehemlcela," aaa bnog thein to a high nata of practi- 
cal aillciaaoy, preparaioi) to ibli larae (ouraey Now, 
b*)«, iNtuaeee > ouallup(o lime and ibe mark TLaaae- 
•00 la propitiooa tor your beti work. 

The Brlclih Cheaa Code. 

Tlila la a laataiive publication lo a slipaooy "pocket 
editioo" of that loOK prvaalDg dealderatuni. a reTded 
and ooOiBed body oi i:h«a« Lawa. It it deelgaed lo 
collact tbe optolona rdiI aecura the cc-operailbo of ell 
(be laadieg maatera and tbeonata oi ell iiationa, who are 
loUiraated lo m> iiiipartant aod deiirabia e piece of coa- 
mopolitan laKOleouo and ao prudac«ei ooa UiNt aball 
cooimaDd uuif«nalaco«piance aod become eunlrerael 
aulbority. ltl«ewortliyeod iinial> allort. 

To Ht fortii olrarly the broad aud thoroaeb aoope oi 
the work uodirtakoo, we glf a, alghily cvndcnted, the 
tlUea or iha Parta irealed. Tlila la Part I-Piellmloart ; 
Cart II— DBQaiUooRor tbe Ttchnical Termi uaad; III— 
Ruin lor PiaylDg over ibe board bvtwrea two Plajera; 
IV— ituiva lur J'latioget Odda: V-Uulaa lorplatiiis by 
Couiulteilou wiiliout ('orrwpoadiDCe; end VJ— huIm 
forpUyisg byCorra'poDdeoce. To thia lodai ofTiUei 
ti addod ao Appaodlx, daroird to auggeatlona already 

Wawtah to vnlot out to (he publteliaia our andorae- 
meot 01 tbe deHnuloD ol a -'Lagel Hot»," by Jobn A. 
Uouglaa, p. ai.— "A mOTa, If \«gu, (a compleia and Irre- 
Toctbla tlie moroeotibe man pUyad louobra e aquare, 
•lielberibe plajer'a hand hex ijuiltaa ihe man or not.'' 
Tbia la ■otnawhat reoreaipUott tbao Mr. Uaaoo'a lorui 
fmmeulalaly precvding At»o, we preler to all otbera 
Rev. Ur. fJuoblDRtoQ I deDoiiloa of e Kt'a more. pp. 
S-30 That la the ooe ve have al«et a uiwl lo leacbfof 
Uie alemvDia of tbe game now for nearly lieli a cantnry. 
Again, we are glad lo aea tba foU<i»iag. wlih regard to 
Ilia "Uaa rf PruQouoa,"»tateuient put lo aiact urina: 
"It baa baeD louad cmiTenlant toure tbepn&ouD 'be* 
In relarriDU to Beo, Piece. King, Blibop, Kt and Book; 
Vha* lor UuavD. and *U' lor Pawo " Aad toitiy (lor the 
pranaot), wi< autlrely egrae with tbe R«r. Or Bankeo is 
tbIa propoaliinn: "A ynyr la not bound lo eolorce a 
p^oalt) airept tna toumay, when bin not doing ao nay 
alTret the poiltloBOf oibsr pla)ar«," p 3S 

Addren Britiib Chaw Conipauy, Tbe Rook Mllla, 
Stfoud (Ulua) 

9..BCPX q 
S..P-B Kft 



St (o hla 3 
gx K 


P-Kl 4 

Black. White, 
ll..Btobli6 PiokT 
l2..Kt2dPxP KtPxP 


X P 

_- X P 
KtPx P 

X B 

»..ltAtU. II 







(*| The quiti «ay id vhlch Black loreet hit wppooeal 
Ui aibauM hit raoTM au at to bnog about tlie HoaI mala 
I. aiDUiiDg RDvuRli. Mr. UooR't probUm tl 976) tbeuRb 
btawl 00 a railieaJlr dllttraot Wta aod lodolteli mora 
titBr«a*lve lo laclici. It alio iRmtrkable tor taoaelly of 
puipote, loektogtlDBly toaduiaot niult 

Wliitt Bitot. 
S..Bialit( PtoBt 
6..P-B;4- flXI" 

I..B-K 7, mttal yaioll. 
notlw)OD4 pralia. Utaaw. 

Al..0-fil7 QKgig E.DI 
(II Vluratea, motuy. 

Wbite. Buck. 
1..K10KK rioBi 

>..B.Kai B-hlat 

s.-f-Bci B-ge-f 

«..K-Ut B-lilt6 
td liiaBkt, Mr. U. 

ur EMiuMA NO i.m. 

Bv p. K aiTTIxa. ODii ; la RtTanty Dilontat 
l..U>ogRll PtuHi+ |a..Kltabli7-f K UKtt 
1..K-B1 uxKH r..QB-gRq + Plater. 
3..l-.K7iil>-(- l]lolar. l..l]-Ktl-l- giolar.-f 
<..P-KR(B|I u X K lltB l4..X-Klli|, conpelllnR 
t..Iil B-Bt-i. 1I-B4 |9..(ixg,malal Dida'taa 
tell)outala»Rtauiaaterplte«T 11 aajot yon baat Ur 
U (Ruatt DO-) you ougbt lu bavt reporttd It N B —Tba 
wool "ruduORU," dfUi llD* Of lOUiraucUoo, thocld tiate 
bees rhl(*Hi<il. 

1..UUK Ht4-.» lktDHt>q 
l..U-h.rB<-f KclDt.r-1- 
9..gaKt(t) Kmnitmii 
l..l]-KHS KaioTM 


S..U-K6 K moTM 
7..a-H9ail4.t K X R 
S..g> K luoTM 
9..g-ber4 K raoTtt 

10. .g-b.r B 4 K lauTM 
tff All Whitt't moita iW« 4.. 

batweaD b£l and R Mit 

*TtilRktoR 1 Dilihtaant to try my loeh at tolvlog, or 
IT) log 10 Roira, aoiDtol yourtwaniy poundtn la Iha 
euiulDR Pr> blMt TouiDty, I toaoluOM u> taokl* Bro. 
Babt,in't aod li«r« ir ibe wry grauitlot rMult 
HuccoRt to the tduni.yl 'Nothiog toocatdi Ukt too- 
"ta* Youfi Ttry truly, T. A. UAixcrr " 

Bwlgma No. I,»7T. 

"llhalltDtar No. B "-la Ania.l Jlrlllik Chm Hagatliu. 
P. R. illttint alone lol B. C. M'i corptj '-RUirutd Uut 

RT w. u. aoxsToa. 
ifr tif 114) £ i t t 

alKS, KiKt U(, KB«, gUJ. gHJ, Kll, gi, andt 

QStfi Q Klg. 

« a ^ ^ i t t 

aigBtgkitt giq. Roo<.gKia, Bx IBt 
While eootpwt ■uiiutta 10 alsfat moTta 

A Brilliant. 

One of UietberlMtor rat CVif JtfoRlAlii'f tllutlrttloat 
of tlerr Paul Lipke. Ttalt 1. asalutt tbt rlilog Toaar 
Ruuiui, it UehlifttR. 


P. LIpbtL 1- ^ ■ - 


3..K B-Ul 


S..|'.^R3 . 



S..Kt-blRMe) P-K KM 

•..r-KR4 BPxPIA) 

10..KPKP g-lltr3 

ll..gKt-B3 HPxKldll 

11. HPxP KKl-gS 
IS.KBxtit QPxB 

P-K J 




P LIpkt. B RehlOtn. 
l4..gKtU>KS K Bx PHI 

ll..g-lv Rt 

U..Q X ggt 
It.UB-IStt) P-l 
a)..lVtlagR K-Btq 



>l..g K-bltr 
il..B-)iU> + 
S..K RX P 

a..g R-Rtq 

KPx P 


, - ., _ , KaAigna 

t/l U.ri I., tura. the eptaloBiDto Mr Wtra't -dtoea- 
alL" It I. pr.ellRtd by Piiltbury tad eUitr Bo.too 
pltraia, aad 11 ttry bald t« meet tatUfkaiorlly.— Pol 

(t) Wtpfar.r8..B tog3; aad t. . Gutltt ttaa etrtam. 
If daaiarooR -P. 

(f) AaomblDtllAntbtaenfleatbaKt; tlmllRrpoaitloaa 
oecar la eamlo lomt o4 ibt Piaaeb. Blath't laply la 
wetktalBB aad RtaaiiaB half vav tba eoatag aatek. 
An adTtnea «a tha g t iMa wvaM ktva btaa ut Hgbt 

(A)ThlRbrlagt«bltt'ttecDDd Blalaplay. 'oMMdof 
It Ut Rhoold bare lonhtrdevtloped bit laint laarlBt 
tba gtfliprtie. ahleh woaM toon kaTtlnrttlia; aoata- 
«oaDllv Wblift poller aat lomtabat bold. 

(tf) Btietdtl: ilT.gTBtogiwiRidTittbit. 

(IITDioDlvnieTatoiTold ImoMdialt loaa,RaU..Qte 
Rtlithraalaotd. It ll..r to K Ktl gto gt t tl& , 

t») Wtlt pUytdt g X P woold loM tba attaek-Blick't 

ipfi It a Bltl^-- - "•- '•" " "—* 

baef btlur.-P 

I, or Pta It3,wonld hart 

TtL . 

(II Aflat noTt. at ItMU tha powtrfalBlrae. 

ll)l(O..PIaB4.thtDlalIowt: „. 
«I..RuKct KbooMI ia..RtaBS4> EtoQl 
a..BxgP gxB |<7..B-gg-f.andwlaa 

Problem Ho, 1,077. 
AanlR U Ijm. latcnbtd to Tloa A. BAturr, D. D. B. 
BT /oeira aar babsox. 



Wbitt comptlt tulmtle la taa mOTttI 

Oaaio Mo. 1,»77. 
Ihlt gamt Bro Hoirtr piaaouDoet Btrr Walbrodt'a 
hatt at LalpxlB— ne.^ld. 


I. .KB-gtt 
t..K B-R4 
■..KBx Kt 

e..g X g 


II. .IIKt-B> 





8 RUB 9 

XtPx B 
xgUP KKt-g] 
■— P-KBS 


a..KR-giq g-KB9 • 

3I..KIt-Bt4 Q-Ktt 



d Ki-K 3 

7-41 B 4 





Hirs gfl-g 
Ki-B3(b) r-4Ja3 

~ -* - ^ B- 

P-^ B 4la) 


P X P 

K Kt-Ba 

BP y B 

- - «e) 

tR-Baq - 

Rx R 
O- ICR 3(d) 
K R X KM«) 
-BX B 
KB 5 

K-Kl it) 

U..<] X P, end wbaniore 
nora, my muiant 


S..KR-K B 
«..KRX B 

Rx B^ 
tPx B 

■her 7 
,KtX B 


U..q-berB + 


(o) White baa ■omewbatthe b«itardeTelopmaot: and 
Dowibe waekeoloKproceiaof thai) Poomaancar* Tbia 
la |uu tba aort ol lama tbii auiia Walirodt, bat not 
Janowikl'a inpetaoaaalyla TMHadTance lacoiopQUory, 
baeeau of U..Pto S 6. Tha Pa. aa ihayiianO.ber tbe 
aniry of tbe Kta, end iba loouning ol theoi la e algn ol 

(6) This eompale further weakentoit. ea Bleak muit 
kaap tba Kt from Q5. 19.. B tohli awonldbe lor^nor. 
He might b*Ta aared time wlih A). .<) R to Q aq ; Ihe g P 
b«log Blacb'a w«ak ipoL 

(C) At preaaot ibeQ Pcoold itill he maloialnaO; bnt 
Janovaki. baeldea being arerae to a alow daiaDtiTa pro- 
C4U, thought two Hiaod acounirr auack ra. two Ktaao 
equiralaot for tbe P. The dra*back,beweTar. Ii that, if 
Ibe attack dDaanoiauceaed. (be end game moatbaloeti 
end ibia la Joit whaioceunad. 

(4)4l--Q to ICS would only tampormrlly defend the Q 
~'. Ua bad to aaerlfica tbb P, too, or give up tbe at- 


(e) Thaieorlfloa !■ onaouod; but ba baa only the obaeca 
leit of ■urprluna bli oppooeot by a boU airoke. 

<l) tlannviht leu ihe aafins mora out of hla oal<uile> 
ilnoa Ula only chance of adrmw dowwm tf..B to B7; 
Black tbao would have obielnf d e Dueb banar poaltlon 
for his Q wbiab would bete resdarMl wlnolog TPirdlill- 
colt eran foraoaccompliahadepjajer as UerrWelbrodt 

ftewe ot the Game. 
Jamas MeBaiae ona of our old time matropohtaa 
eiperia, now of Phlladalphia, raya that the rapreeaDte- 
tlra Pblladalphia latu will ba cboaea Irom the foDavlDg 
Hat of pleyera: Ponaroy, of whom It is nld taere era 
taw equals In this oouDtiT. Tte Pblladelpblann claim 
ihet he te a "pbaaom ** Wbeo tbe> play ibe '^raaier 
New York" ba wlllbo pitted agaloit Dr.Hchaeler. Then 
followa Hattle Prirat/whowas for laen ooe or Ameri- 
ca*! laadiDg pla)en; n. emlib, J. aieBoita, V. A Daooy, 
anolber old lime playei ; Tommy Bageo, e atrong pUi or, 
loraerly oi thin eliy; WieoaDore, Flob, Mtttasws, 
Keama, WlUoo, Ellangar, McCarthy eed Diamond Tbe 
OraaiarNew York taem can plar from twalre to tweoty 
uteng piayere with eeaa.aiid ii tbe presaat ifforu to 
brleg thaaa two latmi to e maailog la aoeceaalai. It will 
be of greet aod laulog loteraitto all coaearstd la tbe 

feme in tblsTlelBity b. frenk Uirsita !■ beefclDg 

up bia '"aystam" reir aaoeaaafolly ao \pr Boom Mopta 
fall to aae tba beeotiaa baeaeae toey du not enploy toe 
method es Mr Bitiiu adf liea It, at leeic, la woitby of 

certfal eonaidaretion h- M- Btaatoa. iba noted Mew 

Bempabire obtokeriit, madathe following Morvainbla 
recant trip: At New LondoD. Ct— Calvert I, Bteatna (L 
drawn 6; PhllllpaiaiaAna3;drawo3; iiaarQ,eieanas, 
drawn 1; MelT 1. Btaaraa X drewa 1 At Brooklyn. N. T-<- 
Uerland I, flteama 1, drawn 0 At Nxwerk, N. j -Blen* 
din 0, BtoaroB I, drawn 3. At New York-bnedahar (L 
Biaaras 1. diawo 0: BuahnlU 0,ui4aTnB I, drewnO; Old 
aabt 0, Sieams 3. drawn 0; Tba Bor a Bteams a, drewn 
0; (^Igan 1, Bteams u. drawn 4: KoBoua 0, Bt*arDa Q, 
drawn a. At JereayClty.N. J-Nat iBiaeraa S,drawa 
3: BmlthULBtearul.drmwna; Day 1, Bteams U.dn«n i; 
Olouaar 0 (a), Waeina L dnwn 1. Toiels-Otbar* 10, 
Bieama 31, drawn U (oi We aew an aceouot of Bro, 
Bieema* trip with Mr (nouier, bat failad to aaa thu 
•core In hiaooluno. We reeaivad e card Irom Mr. UlU 

ffirloaa to his dapartore for Esglend,itAtlng that be 
played Mr CloaMr, and bed heetee bin by tbe Icore 
ot 3 10 3 end one draw. We see that Mr (-Iona«r ulUd 
[o maniton that, bntaa.ha pnblUbad one of the itDfa 
that he won tiom UlU I ■appose we meat ha aau^Bed. 

Bn Bteema wya that Q D.Sberrov fa boMiox J. 

P. Beart OTan. and for that raeson abould be (aooonlloi 
to Bio. Btaaraa' claim) oonaidared colored etaampinn or 
Ihe world. He fariher »y» that tboaa who doubt hla 
claim might arrugv a match to daolds iL Before we 
proceed any forthtr we would Ilka to know wbeiber Ue 
claim to the title la pot forth byMr.Hbarroworby Mr. 
Biaama. Ii mast be reoambarad that Mr. Btowe, of 
Bogtand, l« ft veiyatreng player, and rania iboat two 
Glaaaaa higher than Mr Bberrow.aa Mr. Siove proTSd 
when ha was on the BaglUb learn IsMr. BherrowwUl* 
log to play any oolorad player In the world for the title 
and a wager or auAolani amoutio induce atrong plat- 
en lo eompeiaf Mow many nmea dU he play witb 
Mr Read lobotd hlmerent what l« hla soore wlih Beed 

Inthalaatthlnrnmea played? It Isaowlie Uthia 

aiaga ol the BaJka^Farrle prneeedtnra lo rmlie Ue 
quaailon of who la the world's champion The most 
important Ihloc to do la lo bare thaaa two lentlenaa 
uaattaod ihen iba "bast pU»eP' can ha eaallydalar- 
mintd. 11 Mr. Feme wanid come orar bare be, no 
doubt would gat aabloluon eogagemants In Kev York, 
BmoklyD, Jeraey Olty. Nawera aad other ^Uu, end 
•bather ba won or loatble meiob triih Btrker Iha Aner- 
oan plaienwoaM aitandto tola iha bastol treatmesL 

Dr. Bchaarar wUl giro eihlbluona at tha Kaweik 

Cloh erery two weaka. 

Poeltloa no. 30, Vol. ftH. 

■T 0. A. lUHDIIf. raWAMK. 
Blaak 6 8 II IS 13 S) » 

WhIieSI « 37 as IB Ift 14 
White lo play end win. 

Itowark we. Brooklyn. 
Tha tetora match waa play»d batweeo ihaae two teams 
at the rooma of the Newark Cbeeker end Oham (Hob. A 
l"** tftTegeUoB from nearby clUaa wu pieeeei. 
Jamaa McBatoe from Pbilailelpble. Wm. Cotaan. John 
McBetae ant olbara from tha Vent Bide Cleh, Bew 
York; D. B. Day f^m Jersey Cllr. eiparU from allies 
aod towns adlolDtng Newark, aad lo all a gatharlng of 
at laeat from ality lo aeranty playaii. Tbe repneaote- 
tiraa ni Ue t«e elaba. O. A BUDdio. orNevarh, and 
Pror Tbos Pllatior Brooklyn, nmi had erreniad and 
pelrad the piayan aa foUowa, with tba raaaltaa tiren: 
I » w«„ , Baoottig. WoKDnmm 

J. P Uonar 1 Malitn Brown f i 

aA. Bleadin 0 A. J. De Praaat. i | 

0 MonDiDBton a J. T. Washington 1 i 

U, B iiearae 1 RJ. Btmpaon a I 

OraotRaap B W. A. Uarlaad o i 

O. JL Ihelmaa l 0 W.Reedaker S i 

0. A. Banggay 1 Tboc rtaa 3 0 

Tomle-Nawarh.. B BrooklyB io ~i 

\l:,P*3^J^^* BnwUye team, errired loo leu 
» pier, ud B. W. Byaae. one of BewmiB*! MongaM 

aonld not ba preoant, The BroobtyBetlsa (alt iheloaa ai 
John Jobntrr and E. W. BOlUer. es weU e* of J. p. guh 
ben. It li hoped Uat u rotnie team matchaa Uate 

EDllecHB ttB SO arrenga thalrUme aa to nrengUM 
a teem by their prewaea Of ttrarae, the BrefSuo, 
eooM not gel awey befioTa ib«y had partaken of iba bo*. 
BitatlUaa prepared by tha Nawaib Clab. baadrd byo. / 
Blandin, Id Uastaapa of en alaboraiaeprtad Did yoa tttr 
TlBit tha Newark r-hecbarClubt II nntteu baTeoa ld«a 
ortba perff etlott of hind maiment Bran Ulngu youi« 
wltboot a atngela, aicept the gamaa. and If yoa want 
ihoM Tou hftTa to play for tham wlih tha kaanoeM oi a 
Bchaeferore Barker With thia aacapUoa yoa stmplr 
own (he oily. Tbarels one ngrat,aod that la.*a dwi 
not hare tha pleaiore of aaalng Mr PahcblM, who wt< 
onaTotdably ahetoc. Mr Feirehild la ooovlderTd iha 
"UDnlap" of Newark, and it would bare glrsn na old 
Umaro great pleasaro to bate methlm. Brootbn'a uii. 
toNawarkwiil tMplaeed In Ita erchiTaaaod arar rt Ur- 
red to as ooa of oar moat plaaaant aiparisneas 

BolatloB or Poaltlon No. 39. Vol. ftli, 


Bleak 3 10 11 II 13 14 IS 
wbiia o as 14 33 n ai u 

Bleek to play and draw. 

I 7* IB U 24 IS « 10 U 
ZiB II IS BIB 34 37 Bg 
U 34 90 Id U IV IS U Drawn 

• Only mora to drew. 

amine No. 30, Vol. '4)S. 

Played at Iho rooma ot the Waat Ride (ThacksrClub 
New York, r^ntlr. batwaan Mvare Dr. A Bchaafsr aaJ 
B.P. Ostnoder Mr OsUanderplay'd blaok. 

u u aa IT 10 15 SB u u 17 

33 IB 8 II 34 30 ») IS 7 10 

15 33 37 33 MU aJI7 39 18 

» 18 18 15 H a 3I(0 6 3 

8 II S3 16 7 IB 17 lild) 13 IB 

39 n 13 IB 30 II ai 17 1 0 

II IB B3 17 15 IB 14 n 17 21 
18 14 II J6 14 10 17 3J 3 7 

0 18 21 IB o 35 II 7 aa as 

a 14 BB 17 13 38 5B 
10 17 20 fl 33 30 J 3 18 10 

31 14 


10 6 

10 14 

4 8 SO tS IB 8 7 11 UKO 

34 30(a) 9 18 II 6 « 5 6 r 33 

10 IB^ IS 14 30 B 0 1 IS 21 

XB 23 10 18 SI 30 B 18 14 17 

B 10(») 3B3t SBO 10 0 3438 

(a) Soma jaan ago, In a game batwaao Dr. Jack and 

Frank Dnana, tba latter vanad as follows: 

ai 5 B 30 31 7 1* 10 10 

10 IB t) 18 IB 10 15 11 Ii 17 
D 10 13 10 SI 38 18 n 31 14 

0 10 38 34 11 15 U 34 ZS 35 

U 8 1 5 30 16 3J n SI aj 

a38 24 3U IBXS 34 IB 359 

31 21 0 14 21 17 35 IB Drawn. 

H II 18 B U 18 10 IB 

S7 as 5 14 17 10 29 39, 
(5) W. B. Woodman played ibis against Uaodricka: 

8 II 7 33 6 10 IB 6 15 

21 18 37 34 10 16 38 34 31 18 

IB 33 3 7 10 17 17 13 14 33 

18 19 ai 77 18 14 14 10 T 4 

11 10 3 8 33 tt 7 14 Drawo. 
30 11 31 IB 39 3i IB 10 

(C) • 

0 1 33 13 IB Drawn 
R F.Oaimoder. 

0 1 10 e% 19 17 Blechwloa. 

21 14 SB 14 18 18 16 - R P O. 


38 31 II 18 15 ti 7 11 Drawn. 

H P. 0. 

35 33 


In tHa Football Field. 
Bad weatoer Interfeied somewhat with phiy 
throBghont Uie East during the past week, yet the 
lovers ot footeall managed to Indolge tbelr locliua- 
Uona Id tliat direction to a considerable exient. 
The games coDba'ed are berewim anmmarlzed: 
Oct.SI-UnlTeraltyot PennBylvanla beatLafayeUe 
College, !« to 0, at Philadelphia, Fa.; Ya'e Dolver- 
tlty beat Volonteer Athletic AasoclatloD, 42 to 0, at 
New Haven, Ci.: Folytcohnlo IntUioie beat Brook- 
lyn Latin School, 30 to 0, at Brooklyn, N. Y.; Will, 
lama College beat MatsacODteitalostllDte ot Ttcb- 
noIogj,l2 to 0, at WUI'amalowD, Haas.; Andover 
(>>llege beat Boeton OoUege, 3i to 0, at Andover, 
tlat<.:!laval(^deia beat Doited Siaua Indoatrlal 
School, 8 in 0, at Annapolis, Md.; Bruwn DnlveraltT 
heat Tnft'a Oelleie, 90 to 0, at Boston, Mass.; Leblgb 
DnlveraltT beat Dnlverslty ot North Uarollna, 14 to 
g, aiBethubem, Pa. Nor.l— Utrvatd DnlveiBlty beat 
Boston AthleUo Association, 40 too. at Cambridge, 
Uaaa ;IlrooklynBlgh8chool heat Berkeley School, 
8 to 4, ar Brooklyn, K. Y.; llatgera College beat 
Dniverrlly otKonb Carolina, t lo 0, at Hew Binnt. 
wick, N.I.: Corinthians beat BaTiUes,I8 to 8, at 
New York: Newark Academy heat Uignland Aih. 
leUoClnb,12 to 0, at Orange, N. J.; Bed'ord beat 
Alert, 32 to 12, at Urooklyn, N. Y.; Sl Fnncli 
avier beat SL John's College, 38 lo 0. at New 
York; Esoeltlor beat Resoluie, s lot, at Brooklyn, 
N. Y.; Datinlless beatProepeot, 12 to 10, at Brook- 
lyn. N. Y.: Astor beat Harlem Y, U. 0. A., a2 to o, 
at New York: DnlTenUty or Pennsylvania beat 
Wamn Athlttlo OInb, SO to 0, at Wilmington, Del.; 
Uolnmbia atammar Bohod beat Unsler School, 
second elevens, 8 to 8. Nor. 8— Amherst College 
beat Creacent Attileuc Clob, 8 to 0, at Urooklyn, N. 
Y.; Yale Dniveraltjr beat Brown Dniveially, 13 to 0, 
at Providence, R. I.; Latayeit. Onuoge beat Orange 
AihleUc OInb, 18 lo e, at Oiange, N. 17; Dnirerslty of 
Pennaylvania beat Qimden AtUetlo Olab, 80 to 0, at 
Camden. N. J.; Naval Academy bwt Leblgb Uni- 
versity, 10 too, at Annapoils. Ho.: West Point neat 
Unl'-n College, 30 to 10, at VTest Point, N, Y.; Cor- 
nell beat Dniveialty of Michigan, 22 lu 0, al Itliaca, 
N. Y ; Uarunentti College beat wnibiitiB College, 10 
to 0, at Hanover, N. II.; Ellzabein Atuleuc CInb beat 
PennlDgton Seminary, 20 too, at Ellzibeiu. N.J.; 
Flublog Atbleuo Olab beat Statin Itland Cricket 
Olun, 13 to 0; BI. FanI beat Westminster, 30 tu 0, at 
Dobha Fenr, N. Y.; Dulvereltv ot Virglnht heat 
Rotgets College, 20 to 4, at DnIretBlty ot Virginia; 
Swarlhmore beat Ulokloson OoUege, 08 to 16, at 
Swartbmore, Pa,; Franklin aod Marahail Oelloge 
beat Doited Siaiea Indian School, 28 lo 18, at Lao- 
caster, Pa.; Corinthian beat Lenox Bill Jr., 18 
to 8, al New York; Btaten Island Aoademy heat Col- 
lar School, 28 too, at Livlngiton, 8. I., N. Y.; Poly- 
technlo luBlllute. ot Brooklyn, beat Sooth Orange 
Field CInb, 8 lo 0, at Sooth Orange, N. J.; PattlDe, 
ol Manbatun ColIeg^ beat ImpcrUI, 39 to 0. at 
Elizabeth, K. J.: Princeton Seminary beat New 
Jertey AihleUc Club, e too at Bergen Point, N.J.; 
Toionto DBiveralty, beat Toronto F. 0., 31 to 
II, at Tonntn; Pordue Dnlverslty b(at Dol- 
veVMlty ot Chicago, 10 ui o, at Chicago. III.: 
tlneen's University beat Hamilton, It to lo, at 
Klngainn, Otn. : Ouawa College beat Uontieal a. A. 
A., 14 to II, at Montreal. Can.; Rush Medical Col- 
lege beat Like Forest Onlverally, 31 to 0, at Ubl- 
oago. III-; Uolveraliy, at Illinois, beat Northweaiem 
Dnlverslty, so to 0, at Champaign, III.; ColomMa 
beat Navy Yard Offloen, 8 to 0, at Stooklyo, N. Y.; 
Olendale A. 0. beatNewiown A.a,«lo2. atOlm- 
dtle, L. I.; Orescent, of Harlem, beat Nemesis, 8 to 
4, at Brooklyn, N. Y.; Vandetbilt DnlTcielty beat 
Aubun, 20 to 4. at Montgomerr, Abu; nam- 
llton beat Bay View, s to a. at Fort Uanillton, 
L. L; Alert beat Spartan, 14 to 11, at Brooki 
lyn, N. v.: Aibambra best Reaolnte, 8 to 0, a- 
Brmkljn, N. Y.; YonkenY.M.a A. beat College; 
ot tne Oltj ot New York. 10 to 4, at Yonker*, N. Y.. 
Vamna Boat OInb beat JaspeiB. ot Mauhatran Col 
lege, 8 u> 4, at Brooklyn, N.Y.: Bedford heat 
Waverley, u to 18, at Brootlrn, N. Y.; AosevlUe A. 
A. beat Adtlpbl Aoademr team, 92 to «, at Newark, 
N, J.; Bayonne AtbleUcOlab beat Bergen Point A. 
C, 3010 0, at Bergen Point, N. J.; Shamrock beat 
EtneiiId,Stol,at Ellaabeibporl, N,J.; Colombia 
College Freshmen beat Metropolitan Ute lusur- 
ance, o to 0. at New York; Prlnoelon Oollege Fresh- 
men beat Newark Academy, 22 to 0, at Prioceton, 
N. J.: Yale College Frtshmeu beat Loogltlaod Col- 
leg. Uoeplial team, 62 to 0, at New Haven, Ct- - - - - - 

Harry 0. Brown, left and on the Prlneeloo 'Vanity 
eleven, bad hla right leg to baoly Injnitd In prac- 
Uc« on Saturday, Nov. 8, that be may not be able to 

lake part In the mauh irlth PennailvanU 

Nov.3-Bnrekabeat sute Normal Oollege.eio o,st 
Enreka, IIL; Dolvenitr ot Wisconsin beat Belolt.48 
to 0, at BeMi, Wis.; Dnlverslty ot Iowa beat Uni- 
versity ot Eanaaa, 14 lo 13, at Iowa Oily ; UnlversitT 
ot MlBBonrl beat Dnlverslty ot Nebraska, 18 to 14, 
at Bansaa City, Ho.; Uaverford College beat Johiis 
Hopkins Dnlverslty, 8 lo 4. at Baltimore, Hd.; Mich- 
igan Hllllary Academy Second Eleven beat Michi- 
gan Atldetio AsaoclaUon, II to 4. at Detroit, Mich.; 
Richmond OoUege vs. Yonng Men'a onruilan As 
Roclatinn ot Norfolk, 4 to 4, at Norfolk, Va : Dnited 
States Engineer Battalion beat Seventeenth Separate 
Oompany. 4etoO,atWUleu-iPolnL N. Y.; Proden- 
ilal Atbleuc OlGb beatOIaveiaadlulellcOlob (ol 
Orange). 8 lo 4, at Orange, N. J., Woreeiiier (Hats.), 
Polyteebnio eleven beat Rensselaer Polyucholc 
Instllnte, 4 lo o, at Tny, N. Y.; Depne Uulver- 
nity beat Hoae Pnlitechnio InsUtoir, 1« to 0. at 
Tern Banie, Ind. Nov. 4-Keain»0sellrB va- Lm- 
meta, tie on one goal aod one point each, at 
Brooklyn, N- Y.; Tamna Boat CInb beat Pater- 
eon Inetltites, 14 to a, at Bay RIdge, L.I.; Amerl- 
ona liUeuo Aswelailon beat (leimaole Sieamship 
eleven, 4 to 0, at Roiwken, N- J.: Olendale Athletic 
Olab beat AUanUo AlhleUo Olob, < lo4, at aieodale, 
L. I.; Hanullon beat Bay View, 8 lo8, at Port Bam- 
Ulan,L.I.: AleitbeatBpanan,l0io8 atBaylUitge, 
L. I.; ABCbor beat Alton, 20 to 8, at New York; 
Bayonne Rangoi beat Oolonla, 8 to 0, at wee- 




Uwken, V.J n« gime betiTMn lb* T. U. 0. 

1. eleTei ot New II»«n und tbe Ttl« College tr 
taa, *t BtMlde ruk, 3. tormluled In • dief mc«- 
tol OiW between Ue sU;en o( the utmi end t 
poittoD ot Um tbree ihoonnd ipectfture. Wben 
oils two mUiatee wu left at plejlog Uma Id toe 
■toood hilL ud DelUier ilde lud Mored, WbMler, 
or Uie T. M. 0. A., went throoili the YDa hoe. 
Tr««brl<lg^ o( T>le, hit him Id Ihe lace, koncklDR 
mm to Ihe groDDd. While on the iioond Wbceler 
wu kicked IB the fece etnnl tlote. la a moment 
a leree ll(ht wu In proRme between ihe 
plajera. Vanr ot the apecuton crowded 
Inu the Held and Joined lo. The police 
were powerleea lo etop the tgit, and it waa oolj 
when Howard Enept, lale'i laaou pUjer otf etn 
ago, end a few oibeta who were on the Oeld went 
Intoihethlckettot the Oghe and look a hand that 
order waa raaiored. BoTaral ot Uie pla;eni on both 
elerene were badljr n*Hl op. Tne Y. H. 0. A. eleien 
Kpmeoia New B itm la the Biaie aaaoclauoo, end 
too diraolors ot the T. U. 0. 1. have decided lo die- 
band the team on acconnt ot the dUgracolnl aiiair. 

ne leama repraMatlng WllleU'a Folot and 

Fort Adama are to contend at Newport, R. I., on 
Thankagl'iDg naming, tor the caamploniblp ot 
Ihe nnlted Stalee Arar,M prteent held bj the 
former. The Port Aduia elenn waa organlvd 
ihla aeaaoo, bnt la aalit lo be qnlio atrong. The 
capuin le Lieutenant Batte, of the Engineer Corpa, 
who gained mnch ejptrlenca u a purer while at 
Wnt Point. The leama are compoeed ot ofllcera 
and priniee, and a determined and moat Inlettat- 
leg airaggle la looked torward to. 

An Bz-Pedestrlaii*a Swcceaa 
Jamea A Cathcart, who ia better known aa Jamea 
Albert, the eilong diaunce pedeatrlan, reccoilr re- 
amed from Ihe Oltj ot Meiico, where he bad gone 
In Ihe intereet ot a ayndlcale formed for ibe pnr- 
poee ot carrilog on bnalneoa In that conntrr nnder 
the ilUe ot "The OnU Und and Trading Companj.' 
Daring hia abaenca ha completed Ihe pnrchtae ot a 
large tract of land aiuioied between the Panaca and 

Tamplco Rlren. Ihe •!«» being upward ot ono 
bnncfred altloa (tbont 4M,ooo acm). The ld«a la to 
colonize on a large acale with American andOer- 

man farmer*, whoae prlaclpal object will be the 
falling ot com, ooffee and aagaT, and a large aogar 
nlloerr will be created. The plan ot the projeclora 
laclodea the minagcment ot toe htnde pnrobaaed In 
email lotahj the rompaor and handing orerihe net 
reralta- The capital of the new compaoT la to be 
MOO.OOO gold and laaac W. K>mblo will be Ihe 
prealient, Obarlee Tsller the oecrclarj, Orvllie "ead 
Ibe trraaorer, and Mr. Oarthcatt one ot tbe eight 
dlrectoti. Thoae lotaieated In the enterprlae are 
TOtT augnlne ot meeting with the nimoetaucceea. 
Ur. o<tboart gnea Sooth again ehori Ij, th la tine with 

aalie a large pertf, and will remain awaj daring 
le Winier and eirlj Spring, wben he will retnm to 
AUanUoOllj, K. J., toremalndnrlngthe Bommcr 


Aftkr tbe defeat of Hallea h; the Eoillah cham 

[linn, BMCon, on UoL 20, at BallBbrldge. Dublin, Ire- 
and. Ibe frlenda of the defeated nuuj hoped that be 
mlgbt Kim the tablea on hia opponent lo tbe 1.I1 
mllea rice on the following itar at Wexford, the 
dlatance being two mllee farther. Aboot aeren 
thoaaaod pereona wlineased tbe race, wblch look 
place over a tnok aodd'n from tain. Mullen led 
tbe way nnill a mile and tbree-ooanera irom ibe 
lalab, wben Bacon weot to the front, and after a 
magiilOcent llol<h landed a wliiaer b; s ;ard. In 
31m. 6a. T')ree defeala oot of tour atarta at tour, 
Are and alz mllea. onght 10 convince Hallen that 
Ibe Rngllehmnn la bis auperlor. 

HiHHT SonuiHU tbe Wniera Innir dietance 
DedeBtrlannnd 'cycllet, arrived at City Hell, Chicago, 
III, at l ot p. u. Nov. 1, bavlog walked from Ue 
Slate Honae at Indlinapolla, Ind.. to the Cllj of 
Pork la TOh. Mm., brlaalng with bim a meaa^ge 
from the Hajor of iQdIuapolU to tbe Haror of 
Chicago, which anted that Rohmehl bad left the 
former oltr at 2 r-M. Uct-lt. It la aiawdthata 
wager of IMO depended on the result ot tbe tramp 
E. P. Wbston, tbe vcteiu pedeetrlan, now uttf- 
llve rears ot age, atarted troni Kewbnrg, N. Y., on 
Oct. 22 In an aiiempi 10 walk 4ta mllea In twelve 
da;a, on an alleged wager. lie accorapllehed the 
feat withont maeb dlincalt/, Ihe roada being gen- 
erally good, as was t^e weather, throoghont the 
trip. Weeion arrived at Newbnrg on bis temm at 
T r. If . Nov. 2. 

A HiTOB It barling was played at WaUace'a 
Ridgewood Park. Long laland, on Baoday afier- 
noon, Nov. 4. the teime engaged belog the Wolf 
Tones and Frucla Meagbera, and the former came 
off viccora by a score of one goal and sine points 
to tour poinia. 

TBI Belleville (Ont), Onrllag Clob'a omcentor 
he enanlngvearare: President, Frank Doioo; vice 
jrealdent. v. W. Pope; secretary and treasuier, 

t. W. R. UcRea. 



lu Object a Worthy Ontf-Worda efPnUa 
tnak KjeadlBg Newspapen. 

Now that Ihe new American AssoclaUon has been 
sncceaa'ally launohed, It la to be hoped that it un 
gilds aafely over the troubled baseball waters, and 
be ateared cleared ot all shoals and pllfallt, tor It 
has been organlud with a worthy object In vi^w, 
providing, of oonrae, It la carried cat on the plana 
laid dovra at the recent meeuog In PbUadepbIa, 
where It aprang Into exislence. Its scheme la to 
fnralah the pnhllo with dratdaas games at popnlar 
pricea. Thia la what the majority of baseball luvlug 
people want, and there are Ihonsanda who will 
ahow their approbailon when the oppottonlly pro- 
aents liaelf . Tnere la a large deld for Ibe new as- 
acclailon, wblch can bo worked to good advantage, 
withont intetterring with tbe rights ot the older 
organlsailOD. Tbe American Asaoclallon will have 
mnoh to contend with before It oan aocompllahed 
lie oi'Jeot, tor It will Ind that Its path Is not strewn 
with roaes. Tbe m*iir leagae magnatta have had 
such a monopoly or tbe baaeball butiniaadnring 
the past few veais that they have come to look upon 
it aa bewnglog woolly to ibemaelTea. They will, 
ther'tore, dUpaie every Inch ot gronnd with their 
auppoaed rival, and will go 10 anv extremes nther 
than recogDize It, or admit that It haa any right to 

It Is notrlgbt that snyeetot men eboatd hold 
anch extremo viewa. It la only by mingling with 
Ibe people who do not think aa ibey do that a mora 
liberal Idea of tbe aubjeotcan beobtalued. Frofes- 
alonal baaeball can only eilat br Ihe wUl ot the 
people, therefore tbe punlio abonio lie allowed aome 
rlghta In the matter. ItlaawellknownCacttbatln 
some ot Ibe cities where lesgoe clubs are located 
tbe people have thowo tnelrdlaapprovalof the high 
price of admlsalon charged by elaying away from 
the gamea. Yet these same places would be good 
baseoall clUea at popnlar pricea. Then why should 
the Lesgne magnaiea Inalat on malnialoing this 
slats of aWnl Uy trying to cover np thelrnar. 
row minded plana nnder tue oloak of a legal or a 
prior right the Leasue men are proving a greater 
meoaoe tothe praaperily of the national game than 

Ihe American AssocUilon will tor simply trying to 
gain a foothold, ao that It can give tbe pnbllo what 
It longs for— a good game at a popular price. 

The Leagae magoaiee snonid be allowed to retain 
all ot Ihe cliu* where tbe pabHo will eopport lie 
ganea at the price ot admlsalon It asks, and a good 
olreollot eight clabe can toadily be formed there- 
from. Tbe Asaoolailon cironit can alao be arranged 
to a good advaniage. Toers ais two claaaes ot 
basetasll enihnal^ats and boib ahonid be encour- 
aged. The major Magne could aid Ibe American 
Aaaoolatlen if II were Inclined to do so, while at 
the asms time It would greaily airchgthen lieelt. 
There are few penonsbnt will admit that the major 
leagne, aa now composed, la a topbeavy and un- 
wieldy aOklr, and a detriment to itself. By ttdno- 
lug lu oinnit lo elgtii olube It wenki ouoe more be 
a compact and well baltuced ortanliatlon. Then 
the four cities dropped by Ihe League oouldbeglven 
to the American Aawclailon, from which, with 
four other equally good ones. Ihe newaaodatlon 
could form a ationir eight club elrcolt. Tbe two 
ornnliallons, woiblDg la bstmony with each nihtr, 
under a new national agreement, w^ old make the 
nallonal game as popular ss It was prior to the out- 
break of ISM, when the lllCatsd PUyera' Leagne 
wu formed. 

Tbe only way to avert another conirovtray will be 
for the two organiiatlooa to work in harmony 
wiih each other, started In tbe rlgut way. boib 
abooid meet with anccoa. There Is little need to 
empbsaUe wbst everybody slraady knows, or raclts 
what all parti's will agree in eayisg will be the rs- 
auii ot asottier baseball war between lbs tiro or- 
gaaltaUona, ITalets they ate allied together by a 
rwi^noalacraeoent the nswsasoclatlon will meet 
wlUi Ua gicMcst danger wh«n It oomea to alga 

Qeorge W. Blackbura,.one ot the pitchers ot the 
Oharleeton Clnb, of ibo Souibem Leagne, during 
the past championship season, was bom Sept. 21, 
isn, at Ozark, Ho. Ue gained his drat knowledge 
ot Ihe national game wblle aojoomlng In Texas, 
where ba wu sfterivarda connected with several 
teams. It was throuah ihe Innaence of Hsnsger 
HcClnakey that be obulned an engagement with 
the Houtgomery Olub, of the Soolheru L>agae, at 
thsbeglnulogot theaeasouof 1W3. Uewuabori- 
Ir altsrwatda releaaeU, becauao It wu cUimed, he 
did not give aailafactlou. but he waa hatdly given a 
fair trial. Ue at once accepted u offer from ooe of 
Ibe clubs In the UUalaalppi Lesgoe, where he iras 

given every opporinnlty lo ahow what he could do, 
and he did his work to the entire eailstacllonof Ihe 
dob. In tact, hIa Improvement wu ao noticeable, 
that Ibe Auguata CInti, ot Ihe Bouihtrn League, en 
gaged him, and he Oslsbed oot lha aeason with lie 
team, doing oreditable work. At tlie beslanlog of 
Ihe put aeaaou Blackburn waa one of the flrat men 
engaged bv tbe Charlcaton Club, and hla eicelleni 
work In the plu;her'a poaliion euxbled It tJ> wlu 
m^ny samea. lie wu credlud wlib a number of 
noteworthy plici log performauce*. The moat re- 
markable of tbtsii WBB In a gurne apRlnatibe Unl 
venliy ut Tuac looa 1, AIh., team, no April 21, when 
he held hie upponeuis down to ouo safe hIL 

Ihe men htld uoder reeervatlon by the major 
leagae. The Auoclallnn claims that II agreed not 
to Interfere with any ot the League's players under 
contract, but Ihe League holda that toe players 
held under roaerve by its clubs, are vinuslly under 
contract to ibv m- Tut mav be gond bueball law, 
bnt, u long u the ten daya' dauae appears In Ihtir 
contrmcis, Ihe olobs can hardly expect to win, 
should tUey attempt to tsti the matter by carryiai 
It Into the courts. This la 10 be deplored, u li wli 
lead to the very thing that abooid be avoided, <or 
another war will certainly dlagoai the puMlo and 
prove injurlona lo the national game. Tne ap- 
pended sewapaper comments on Ihe allnallon will 
prove Intereailag rsadloa: 

"Tbe lat«at movement lu bueball cltdea bu at 
lut come from nmler cover, and the working of Ibe 

frueasers Is at an end. In a Iboroughly buslneaa 
Ike manner tboaa Iniereeted In tbe new organiza- 
tion got together, and u a reault ot their labors tbe 
American Aswclatlon wu revived sud put upon 
the market sa a bidder fnr tbe patronaae of the 
ba«eball public," aays 7As />AUadelpAla linm, 
"They wentattntir work syatenatlcaliy and with- 
out gualo aa to what they Intended doing, and after 
completing their mistlon retnmed. to their homes. 
So much hss been aald since the tact lesked out 
thst there wu a movement ot this kind on foot that 
It wu a pleasant anrpriae to meet with snob level 
headedntas at the ouiitart, hut It wu to be ex- 
pected, for all oonceraed are old banda at iho bual- 
neas and proOKd by the mlstatea of others. What 
the/ did at this oeetlug la now a matter ot hlatorr, 
and, be It aald to their credit, Ibey left noihlog to 
conjecture- Of cnnrte, at all ancn galhennga Iher* 
are many things done not made public, but that la 
for good boaln*ae reuona, and It would be Im- 
pi IllTc for anv organization to reveal ill their plana 
unlll fully matured. Tbrlr work, so fsruravesled, 
sliowB a keen aenee of the boalness end ottbe prop 
osltion, and wu well and ihoroogbly done. The 
droult u now formed Is nicely balanced, and a 
compact one, and with the admlulon ot BudUo, 
u DOW seeme probsble. It will be a gtwd one, ao 
faru the making ottrlpa are concerned. Itappar 
ently hu no dead wooo in it, and with good attiac- 
tloosahould andconld be made to pay. They stuck 
does lo tbe old American Aaaociiilou policy In re 
gard lo Ibe price at admission snd Sunday playing, 
but left the beaten path In uothar and perhaps 
Ihe moat Important one In Ihe maiier ot omcen. 
Another point on which the latest addition to the 
ranks can be Juitly complimented, la fe emphatic 
aland It hu taken In the matter ot dirty ball play- 
log- No aeason hu been so mined by the dlagnat- 
log soUooa ot the men upon tbe Held u tbe one ot 
I8M, and Ibey did well to lake cognizance ot It, 
Anoiher feature ot Ibeir work wblcb can bo 06m 
mented upon la the conliact Ibey have drawn up 
for playera to aign. It Is, perbapa, the almpleat 
form thst conld us need, snd. In fsct, much leu 
swathed in legal verbiage than any other uaed tor 
the aame porpoae. The teaturee that will airtke a 
player at onco will be Ihe entire abunce ot the 
reeervatlon claoae, and the ten day reieau atlpula- 
Uon, By Its wording It Wonldsppeartobe a simple 
coutnot tor one year, but there la one catch part 
about It, and that la Ihe binding ot Ihe algucr lo 
abide by any regulation that may be made In Ihe 
fuinre by tbe party ot Ihe llrsi part, or Ihe club. It 
might atierwatda pau some regubMions tabs vir- 
tually a reservailon, and, while not lu the contract, 
be binding under that clause relsllns to the future. 
And It Is a ijueatlon whether ihey could live with, 
oat aome auohrule." 

"The deal organization ot the tbe American Aa- 
soclsUoo In this dty on Oct. it, may or may not 
mark an epooh In the history of the nallonal game. 
If lie organlzallon ihonid be Uie means of securing 
a ratum to Ihe oondltlona that ezlaled prevloua to 
Ihe Brotherhood, then every lover nt tb* game win 
tlwnpandcallltbleaaed,''uyB The /'hUoMphu 
Prtu. "That, bowever,aeematobeonlof Ihe ques- 
tion jest now. Tbe National League, recovering 
Irom the dlautrou effects ot the Bivtherhood wsr, 
la In no mood to receive 00 a fnendiv footing a 
rival that might eventually divide with It the honors 
and the proBia of the game. On the other hand the 
American Aaooolailon people know that It would 
be almoai linpoaalble for them 10 go ahead without 
treuchlog upon the leaiue'a reaerve llat. And It la 
tight here that home will be locked. 'We will re- 
apect cootncta,' uya tbe asaoclallon backen, 'but 
not Ihe reservation.' The league will maintain 
that reeerve claoae is legal and then there will fol- 
l^w Ihe tgbiB lu tbe conns with theaccomoinylng 
wuhlogof diny linen, which did ao much to dis- 
gust the loUowers ot tbe game In I8M. Aa to the 
legal right of the Amerlou Assoclatl''D to eogage 
in tbe bauball bualneu ttisre can be no queallon, 
and thongb Ihe eaiabllahment of rival cinhe lo 
Chicago, Brootlyo, New York, Fhlladelpbia and 
Waahlngton will undoubtedly meet with the oppoal- 
lion ot the ownen of tin leagne cluba locaied in 
thoae cities. It would not be polTilo for them to give 
aoUve ezpreaslon to tbat opposltioD. The geneial 
pnbllo does not recognize the t«rrltarlal rights ot 
any one In the matter ot aport- As to the wisdom 
ot the new aaaoclailoo Invadlag the league'a re- 
aeivs llat, auuming that they have the legal tight 
to do so, wblch In sny event neus a deelarauon 
of hcatilltiu, ihai must -be denioostrated. It wu 
nnfortonals that an eighth clnb wu not tep- 
restnted. ThIa will be regarded by the American 
Aseociatlon oppooenle u corrobomting what they 
have malntatoed all along-lbal It would be a hard 
malttr tor the new organization to complete I's rlr- 
cult Aetn tbersllnielonaoe ihe capllaiuta, that 
WM explaloed on tbe ground that it would be Im- 
politic to do ao, and Albert iobnaon'a failure lo 
come 10 time wu made a ca»e In poinu Juhsaon 
is suppcaed lo hava been talked oot ot the project 
by Bomeot the leagne p«nple,ud it wasn't tbonght 
indent to give them a Shane* to um Uisli penoa- 

alve eloqueaco upon any ot Ibo other masoalea In 
emitryo. Aalotne bivak In the circuit, tbat la of 
really llule Imponance. That can be readily Oiled. 
There la one big advaniage the American Afaoela 
uoa hu u compartd with Ibe Playera' lieague— 
every man who wu preaent at the meeting bu had 
more or leu ezprrlen'e»lui tbe practical end tf 
the game, and the majority of tliem bave bad a 
thorough acUooHog in tue art of inaklog a little go 
a grrat waya. lu Ibe event uf an optn rupture 
with the Nallonal League— ainl It la nut clear how 
It can be avoided It ibu American Aeaoclallon per- 
slats In Ignoring the Naitiiual licague'e reaerve 
rule— this practical knowledge will count." 


Latest Haylnga atitl DolDga of ttie Bas«- 
liall VrBlernlly. 
Caplaln Anaon, ot the Chicago Club, hu relumed 
to the Windy City, atler an abaence ot aoiue daya 
on a bunting trip, and, being Interviewed by a 
Chicago howapaper man, aild: "It cuia uodgure 
with me whether the major leagua circuit oonalata 
ot twelve or eight clobe. It looks u If Louisville 
would be dropped and another uiwo lUen In its 
place. Chlcigo will not support two cluba. The 
ezpcrlinvot bu been tried before, and tbo promot- 
ers received a acorchiag Doancially. I am not wur 
rylng oier the futuie. The team u 11 atanda Is a 
atrong one, ud I expect that we will iw airlcily In 
It next year. Uy pliobeis are all right. Unr weak 
spot wu at second hue, but tbat ipot taai, I think, 
been atrcngtbenad by algnlog Stuwart. Uunpoae 
be doea rank low In the t fllcial avcragee. That la 
not always s nllable barometer. I nave taltli lu 
the yoonBater,and Iblok he will develop iotoa go<<d 
player. I am very glad that Piealdent Hart haa 
decided lo send the team sou'h in the Spring. I 
have no pariluular choice. All I want la a good 

8 lace where the team will be usured good weather. 
Iven that, Ibu boys will aoon round Into abape. 
Texu le, petbapa, aa good a apotucould he cbnaen. 
We win leave early In Uarcli, ami not Iio beard 
horn until It le about time 10 begin tbe i4af log aea- 
aou. Hind what I tell you, Chicago will bo Tu tbe 
lace from the atart neat year. Aa for playera, I 
bave all that 1 wanL I believo that twenty- threo 
or more are under ronlract." 

"There la lliue isfornutlon to be had regarding 
Ike altuatlou In Ullwaukee," uia Tlw Kctning ma- 
contln. **The men back ot the Wealero League 
olub Bononnce that tbey will build a new park on 
the old Wright Streetgrounda, wblle Ilany U. uuin 
aaya: 'Wo will have the tuicat kind of ball at 
Athletic Park.' Uoib aldce an dttermlncU to go 
ahead, and It looks now u If Milwaukee will bave 
two clobe. The Wcatein League and American 
Aaaodailoo dubs lu this oily would do well to 
compiomlae In some msnner. It Is ceiulo thst 
one ot them must go uoder, u the tuwn will aoi 
support Iwo clubs." 

The Lculavllle Club bu claimed Iho aervlcu ot 
Whitehead, the clever third baiaman of lut 1 
eon's Hcraolon Club, of toe Peonaylvaola HIats 
League, lie la looked open aa one ot the most 
pioulBlog yvuDg playera lu that league. 

The SL Loula Club will give a ycfuog pitcher 
named HcUougal, a trial next aeaaon. 

Oharlea A. UoDlak«y, Tbomu Foley ud llobert 
J.Uariln,BraatieraSi. Paul Iranohlse in tbe Weat- 
em Leagne. Oonitakey bu plenly of Ooandal 
backing, and can put a drat dasa team lb the Held. 

Hsnsger Tehean, ot Ihe Cleveland team, bunoii 
ledyonngOiiniiha, Ihe college pitcher, who made 
bis Oret appearance wllb tbe Ulevrlanda lut aeuon, 
at St. Louia, Ho., that be mut atop playing lool- 
ball. Orimih hu bees nlaylog qoarleroack fur Ibo 
Horthwraiero Unlveraily eleven. "Thia glvu rbie 
to the qoMtlon u 10 whether a Nallonal IjCague 
club haa Junsdicllon over tbe pisyera during Ihe 
Winter muotha, wben Ihey are not under aahtrv, but 
are carrird 011 the reeerve llat," uja no .VI. Loun 
Piut-Ulrpotcl^ "Tebcau aays that aiimih, it he 
ahuwa up u well lu the Spilug uhe did lut aeaaoo, 
la a moat promlalng pitcher. Ma ia Ibe only left 
handed pitcher Ibe Ulevelud Club hu, and all the 
more valoahle on that accouol. In hla opinion 
Oriinih is ahowlng poor Judgment In taking the 
ebsnces of sn Injury wblcb may uaOt bim fur hia 
profeaaloDua ball plater. While liie dab hu not 
the poaer to prevent QrllDlb from playing football 
It can releaae him and hire auotaer pitcher. 
Orllllih'a college chams sn lodlgnaut at Isbcao'e 
Hanager Banle nys thst he will hare tblhga In 
intty good abape {or hla Brooklyn Aaaodailon 
Hub In a law daya. Ue bu aecured hla grounda, 
and will have all uf bis playera under coduboi be 
tor tbe holiday a. 

It iheBnoklyoLugueCluhlatendantaraioglo- 
Washingten Park, lu old homs. It will do ao at lbs 
coit of uveral uoasand dollars, u thou grounds 
have been partially oiled 10 during lbs put tew 

Jamea K. Peeplea, the ex-profeealooal player and 
umpire, hu bean vlalileg mends In Uls Ticlaliy. 
llesprska in tha blghtattermaot tbe aMe manner 
In Which the altalia ot tbe Wcatem Lesgne were 
conducted dnilng Ibe paat aeason. 

Oilm, or tola vear'a Louisville team, will appear 
with the llrooklyna next aeavin. The Utter einb 
wrcbavd hla relcaM while lie team wu on lu 
aat Wcatem trip. 

Hanager Bamle U spending Ibe Wlnler in Brook- 
lyn, N. r. FUyen wlsblag 10 commuslcai* with 
himeu dosoby addRsalagaleitsrtahlm la eats 
01 u. IL KUCe, tu rmiOB Sinai, BnoUyD, >. T. 

Atihor Thaobv, who died suddsDly Oot. M, at hla 
rraldenos In Fblladelphu, Pa., wu at ons tln.e a 
cooaplolons Igan In local amateor bsHball, hat- 
lug been prominently IdentHed with lbs Olympic 
Clnbot that oily, and aoting u the manager of Its 
team for uv< lal soccesslvs sruoas Ue wu born 
about Ofly-wvenyeaia ago lo I'hilado'ptaU, and In 
early life btcame a memixr 01 the Oly mpio Ulub, 
which then had lie headquaiiers al Twenty-fllth 
ud JeDbnon Sirveia, where Ihe onoe famoua Aih- 
leUo team atterwarda played, aharlng tbe grounds 
in common. The Ulimpio, when then ranked u 
Ihe oldeat ball playing orgasUiailoo In the connlry, 
having been formed In 1&33. oontlDiied In exliteece 
until a few yean ag& and fur aeveral aeaioaa con- 
tendrd with the Athleiloa for the local ohanplonablp 
bnt olwaya nuncceaalnlly. In Itu and IM>, tbo 
Olympic team, under tbe management of Arthur 
Thacher, played with all tbe'pretMalanal teaina 
that viaited PhlUdelphIa, and nuked u tbe 
atnngest amateur team lu that city. llariySchatrr, 
afterward third baaeman of th« Doaton team and 
other prominent profesalonal teama. Oral came Inio 

Eromiuence with tbe (ilyropio team. A younger 
lothar, JeoM Thacher, waa on 1 <.t Ihe orgaolurs 
ut the preaent Chlcsgn Club, and uted u aecretary 
and scorer during Its (raissaaon. Arthur Tbaohcr 
wu alao prominent lo nollilcal and Inuctal cir- 
cles, and hia audden death wu a great tutprlie ud 
shock In bla many frlenda. The loneral look place 
Nov. 3, truni hie late ttaldence, and wu numer 
oualy attcaded, 

Fraak Ml ilau Hubiaon, prwldent ot Ihe Uleve- 
land Club, wu In tbia city rrceatly, and, being lii- 
leivlewed, eipreaaed blmielt u folluwa: "rbta 
American Aaaodailon aohenie hu merely been put 
Into rilbct to force the National League 10 buy out 
certain Indlvlduala. But the National Lugue will 
do noibing ot Ihe kind. II the American Aiaocla- 
tlon people Inally decide 10 go on and pUy ball 
they will Dud tbat the Nallonal I,eague will give 
them a dght, providing tbey lake any ot our play- 
era. S'lll, I do n<-t feel at all alarmed, fornuboily 
(«n convince roe ihuihe Auerlcu AaaocUtlon can 
get aenalble men to back aucb a palpably Inalag 
venture- 1 have made no aitempt u yet to algu my 
player*, and I letl no appreheoilon at Iho wild 
autemenia ot Pfeirer U'at he bu aeoured any nl 
them. Tobeau, UuAleer and Chllda ban already 
aaaured me that they will alga with the Cleveland 
Club for next year, and I am cunddent that 
tne other mrniben of iho team will do IikewiM. 
At the coming mceilng of Ihe National Leagae 
aomriliing win be done 10 prevent playen niing 
abuilvc Unguago to umpiru on the Held. There 
wu BO mach inoiilo over thu point but 
aeaaon that the NailoniU League hu been 00m- 

E riled to take aummary aotlun. A rule will proha. 
ly lie framed empowerlngunplreato Intllot aevere 
publahment In ue caaes of thoae playen who can- 
not bridle their longoee. I have awn a letter from 
Prealdent Yonug, enclOBlng a communication from 
Umpire tietia, cnarglng ceriala pUyon with nting 
lugiiage that U not 01 to repeat. It Is only an In- 
aiauceof how playen loae control ot Ihemaelvta 
and, by a ilaw In Ihe rules, are permitted to ant 
like hoodlums and loatera. Tbe manor must be 
effectoally alopped at ouce." 

'There la trouble In Ihe Kutem League over the 
make up of the circuit for IMS, and It looks u If It 
waa to bo a game nf frepzo out tor the Pennavlva- 
nla cluba," saja T/W l'Mailel)iMa Inipilrrr.tai 
cobllnuea: "Proaldeut I'owera U working for a 
tnore compact circuit than bo liad thla year, and be 
pnpoaea to drop wilkeatom, Stranlon and Erie. 
A few diya ago Presldeut powers and delegatee 
from Iloffalo, PmvMeace anil Sirunso met In Jer- 
sey City audiiUUIncd a ocbtme u> drop undetlnble 
cluba. Powora ulU aome time ago Iliat be would 
not bo a candidate for Ihe pretldenoy ft the f:ut- 
eru League next year. At that time be expcolcd to 
aucct^eil John H. Ward u niaoagtr ot the Now 
Yorkieaui. but It did nut lotn nut that way, and 
ao I'oweiB wu ea>li)r iieriuadod 10 unco more tie- 
came a candliiHbi for tbe Kaatero League preil- 
ileocy. Poaera bu been working agalnat the 
Pehamlvanlai lulia for ayrar.buthe could not ace 
hla way clear to get along without liiero unlll now. 
Hla new circuit will cumprlao I'rovldrace, Hpring- 
Oeld. Buffalo, Hncbcaler, Siracuie, lliica, Newark 
andToromo. Krloladtapoatd 10 make a kick, but 
It will do no good. Sonaton made a fooliah move 
lu Joining tfin Kulern League thie year, and lu 
Btotkholdera will not grlovo, u Ihey ran make 
more muuey lu tbe Peanayivaata Bute I.«ague. 
Wllke»barre abould alao be la the Ulter orgasiia- 
tlon, aod It probably will u It la oerulu to inae lu 
Euicro League frani-htao If I'uaeraoangetalung 
without II. Pennailvaiiia stale l.eagae proapecia 
are brlglilenlng,aad It begina to look u If every 
atrong circuit would be organized." 

Prealdeut Umper, of Ibe Providence Ulub, ot Ibe 
Euum League, in recenily diaouulug the make up 
of the circuit ot the Kutem Leagae fur uext oea. 
Bon, Bald: "The circuit will proliably bs changed 
aome and changed for the better next aeaaou. The 
annual meeting of the Kutem League will be held 
al New York on Wedneedar, Deo. t. Noilce bu al- 
leady been received from H. I, Kelly that Yoakera 
will not ho In the league next aeaaoo. It la alao 
very probable tiiat Hciaoton will be allowed to re 
algu unleu uneipecled alreogth la shown, flnsicl- 
ally, at I bla meeting. Wbenueotty wuadmltied 
In Augua' It wu for Ibo reDalader nf the seaatin 
only, atsdilio tuwn may be dropped at Ibe annual 
nieetlag, Krle loal oonalderwiile money lut aeaaoo, 
ud probaiily won't care tu repeat the expettmcnl 
next aeaaon, and will proliably draw out. TbU will 
leave Providence, BprlngOeld, Wllkeabarra, Buffalo 
and HimcuHuanudeua fur tbo new circuit. It 
U undenlood that there are aoveni Oral data hall 
towna loiiklos lo Ihe Kuum League, among Ihein 
being Toronto and ilocbeaur, and It la very likely 
that both will be admitted. Ooe other aplendld 
Eutem city la knocking at the door ot the league, 
and If Sunday ganiM can be played there, It ia 
likely 10 make up Ue circuit A oommluee will 
vlalt the cltlea oamed, aod report at thB annual 
meeting of 1 be league." 

The Tezu League wu organized atameetlngheld 
OcL 2>, at IMbia. The defegaiea repreaeniad were 
u follow; 0. P. Feagao, llalUai A. II. Ilalalead, 
Sberman: Jamea Tewmey, Fort Worth: W. L Work, 
Ualvealoo; T. P. Suillvau, Uoiislon; T. Uart, New 
Urluna, La.; Lloyd Bnwen, Shrevepnit, Im., anil 
Ibe Jamn Drake, Wooo. Theu oHIcen were 
elected: President and irruure, J. V. HcNealua, of 
Uallu; vlca president, c. W. Iloolzle,ot Fort Worth; 
aecretary, Jamea NoUn, of Oalvealon. Tbe follow- 
lag CommlUee on t^onailtuUon and Uy- Lawa and to 
arrange a uhoduls of obamplooablp games wu ap* 
pointed: Feagan, of Uallu; SuUlTan, ot Uousion, 
and Ranlmae, of New Uileaoa 

Oharlea Sweeney, farmerly a profeaalonal pitcher 
connected with tbe Pruvldeoce, bl Loulaand other 
dube, wu on Nov. 1, at San Frandaou, (Jal., con- 
victed ot manaUughisr, having killed Uorodloa 
HoHanna Id a saloan row MveiaJ luontbs ago. 

Joueu Heckln, one ot the pilchen of the New 
York league team, wu tendered a reception on the 
evening of Ool. tl, at New Albany, Ind,, by the 
memben of the Uigh Heacb Ulub, a popnlar soclsl 
orgaoixatlon of thatclly. 

James A. WllllaDia, Ihe ex aecreUry of the Amer- 
ican AaaocUtlon, and veuran manager. Is uxioua 
to aee Uolumbus itpreMoted In some prominent 
league orasaoouiloo, next seaaon. 

It Ihe LouUvUle Club waou O'Brien, who pUyi d 
second ban nn the BuiDUo team lut aeaaon, It will 
Ont bave to pay I sou for bis relesu, u per UUu B 
ot tbo natiooal agreotnent. 

It U generally believed that BnSBIo will do belur 
In a stronger urganlzailon than the ons II wu a 
member during ibe put aeaaon. A city th* bus of 
BuHilo ahould have a wluolog team, and anch a 
team would be loo expeeaive tor thoae other Eaatcrn 
Lugne cities. 

A meeting to crganlte an Inler-Btats l,ugus has 
beenoslhdat lluovrr. Pa. ItU propoud to form 
a circuit In indods York, Uaoover, (lhambenhnrg, 
Uagentown, Frederick and Weatmltialcr. 

No action toward organlilng tbe Ohio Lesgne 

ut^ken St lbs recent muting held st HusOcid, 

. RepiesentsuvM from Columbus, BtenbcnviUe 
and Toledo were preuot, aod It wu also learned 
tbat Lima, Zanuvllls snd Wheeling, W. Vs., ate 
anxious to Join tne leagae. Anouer muling, 
which. It la believed, «IU be more >ncceBS(nl, «|U 
bs held at SprlngOald, O., In a few weeka. 

The Bulblo dub, of the Euura Leagus, cleared 
over four thoaaaod ( dollars daring th* put 
sessoDiSod, hsd not tbree uf lu best pujsrs bun 
dUablsd daring Iho utter part of ihs aesson, its 
team would have probatiiy dolahed lo second, it 
not Ont puos, in in* championship r*c«.. 

Tbe Wuhington Lugue Olub now bu eight 
pUyen under oontiact for next Nison. They are: 
Albert Haul, Albert Belbacb. K. Cartwrlght, oWlee 
AbVf , Frank UooMman, John Hallaray, Varnay 
Anderson and Jacob Boyd. 

The major l«ago* shonld sdopt BOms more rigor- 
ou Bethods lo pnveot the trsnsfer ot ohsmpTon. 
abin gamsa, and eoeuquant sustained proteels, 
which resslud id uverai games being pteyed over 
during lb* pul aeaaon. Bich ihisp prove IsJuri- 
ons lo lb* game- There should b* a uvsrspsnally 

Impoad on a dob Itmoafsnlog lu gao- 

It* lafoMia soBssst hss bssn oMlMd, 

Albert Jenolngt, an sx-protetsloasl playsr and 
umpire, dleil Not, 3, atler a then nineas, atclacln. 
nati, O. The nfidiinnll nnm.5lir, In oommenl- 
Ing on hla diatb, uya: "In tit death ot Al. Jen- 
niags one ot iho moat promlneit among local char, 
aden bu paaaed away, lie had a national ref nu. 

UOB and acqualnlance, and twenty-live ot hla hity. 
three yean nav* been apeni for the meet part wIib 
baseball people. Aa an amateur he plajed with the 

Hohawk Browne, ihecopeca, tbo Ludloaa and the 
Stars, riobably tbe lut time he avorbandleda bat 
wu when be cuvercd ahni t fur hla 'Heil IJona' lu 
Iheir oobteat with Ibe Clnclnnatla. which piovcti to 
be one of Ibe irtalul nuveliica of the aeaaou of 'U. 
Oa that occuion bo proved that yean bad not 
aOHIed hla btulngrye.and hecrarkcdont bllau 
of yon. JennlDga wu hla own worat enemy. He 
wu one of thc-so happy go lucky lellowa who were 
Ihe ume In aaveralty aa Ibey were In proaperity. 
Alter leaving ihedlamondaaaplajer he commenced 
hla carter u an umpire, and tor yean he drifted 
from ono leagao tu anolhor, Judging balla and 
■irlkea. Ho baa olllclaled lu Iho Buuinen, North, 
wratere, Uio loier-sute, Blue nrau and other or- 
ganlaatlona— not fnrgeitlng the III taud Union Ae- 
aoclallon. Tbo reclial of his experiences would oil 
a goud sized volume." 

Kdwani Cuthhnrt, tbe vntenn ex-profenlonal 
player, U working for Iho aupport ot SL Louu 
capltallaU fur the nuhliihueut ot an Antiican 
AaaooUilon club In tbat my. lu Rceailyapeakipg 
about hia Intereit In Ihe matter ho aald: ''I am now 
OguilDg 10 bave Su Uula ropreaebted In Ihe new 
Aiueilcan Atinciatton. s'.. Lonli la a good twenty, 
five cent oily, and tbo people will aupiiort a good 
team at that pMcoot adnilaalon. A Iteuer gronnd 
for a bueball club couldn't be secured than old 
Sponanian'a Park- Thla properly ia now I11I0 aitd 
can be rented on reaaonabie terma. I called on 
John Holaliy, tbo i>anker, and broaohed tbe aohemo 
to him. Ho Ihonght tavurably of it aod leferreU 
me lu J. A. Ht.Jiihn. ix>uU Coquaid la i|ult« <D- 
ihuiluuo ovar iho Idea or an American Aaai'oUtlon 
Ulub In thla city. I feel conlldont t ran rale* thu 
uecoaiaiy naplial within a WM k. I no alao aign a 
turn of winning ball pUyeia. Among Iheni an 
certain major Hague playera wboaenamca I aoi nut 
jeiatlliieiitlud.vnlge. I will uy, however, that 
thru or Von der Ahe'a bUjera are reaily to algu 
with a newAsaoolatinn dub, and I can gel them 
for St. lAUli. Hr. Von der Abe would probably 
call tbIa robbery, but the ni w Aiuerlcau Aaanrlitlun 
doMh't recogcixe Iho purohaae, Mle and re- 
leue of playen, and it Ib perfecUy legal fnr ua to 
algu any piaicr who U willing to woia for ua. it 
Iho local capital la not foniicomlng iheAinerloan 
Aatoolailou men will ralae iii'mey In Iho Kaat and 
run a club bore in be owned by an hlaairroayitill- 
oaie. The now American AaaocUtlon magnaiea 
look upon SU laiula u ono ot Um lH>t paylhg ball 
cltlea In America, and that a apeclal eiTuit will lie 
made, local capital or no local capllal, to givo ihu 
oily a atrong team." 

Hanaaer John U. Cliapman ilnra not want the 
management of the PlillHilelnhIa l.ta|ue turn. Ho 
la perfectly conteuicd where he IB. 

It la announced that Jamea Sullivan, who jillched 
for the Providence team, ot tlie lUatera Uagur, 
during tbe put aeaaon. hu been engaged fur next 
acaaun by tb* lloeton Club. 

W. IL Ilartlnalon, thu well known maiugor, U 
lilng aerliiunly 111 at tbe h. uie of a frltnd, al Hll- 
wsukee, Wla. 

JuMph Kertlier. ageil 11, a altiilent at tbe I'enn. 
eyltanla State Nuimal Hcliiinl, waa killed nn Uoi. 21, 
by aliaaeball ho atteiupttd lu cati-li. Kercber waa 
playing In the uutOeiil, and a high fly paaaed 
ihruugh hla hanil«,airlklng him over llio linri. Aa 
he atoopod to 1 luk up iiie ball lie fu:i deail. 

Ilenola UriHithrn, llrat baaeman iif Iho Haltliiinro 
learn, wu gIvrU a great rrrepilun nn hla arrival Wappingcr a Falla, N. Y.,Bfier Ibe cbam- 

Blnnanlp aeaauD waa over. A tnrclillgbi pnicraalim, 
eaded i)T a tiiau IwU'l, wlin oruworka alnng thu 
Hue ofthe marca, wu tho prugniiimo arranged. 

Jamea II. O'lliiuriie, tbe veteran rx-prnfiailnoal 
pUyer, la a Deniucrailo canillilate for 1I10 CuoneoU- 
cut Aaatiubly fruni Hie Hrldgeporl dlrtrlcl. 

Kennedy, Ijicid and Undtrwooii are aald to he 
Ibe only meintiera of thla )ear'a Iiruoklyn leaauo 
team, who have algoed for nezt aeaaon, Ihe llrat 
named baring received an advance over lutsea- 
Bon'a aalarj. 

II bu lieeo alated nn good anilinilty that peraona 
In bulb CiDdnnail ud St. Uula have recently 
made applk-atlun for francblara In the AmeMoan 
AaaocUiluo. Both panlea claim lo baveaultablo 
grounda, ud have plenly of Onandal backing. 

The annnal meeting ot tbe .Satliinal l,«ngoe and 
American Aiaoclailou will Im lield at Ibe Filth 
Avenue lloul, In tbIa city, on Nuv. it. 

Ted Sullivan, tbe vetenan maiiagcr, la In Texaa. 
He will probably manage tbe lluuatuu team next 

Tbe Navya defeaird Ihe Kul Knd dyms by T lu a. 
Oct. 2J1, atuinclnnatl, O. The liwera made only twn 
Bate bile off Herman, while the vlotura madsOveuff 


B. Van llumrlgh, nf Ulllhronk, tint, liu cleverly 
complltd tor r/in Aineriuin I'rlcATfir an Intereat- 
Ing review and autlaitcauf Uie annual inleioaliooal 
matubea lielwcen tbn United HUtea ami Canada 
from IBM to Hie preaent time. He baa, however. In- 
cluded Id hla llat a game playid In iwu, ail'oronio, 
wblob hu bitherlo liecu cuualdered u Irregular. 
The United HUlu played only too men. Including 
Uarry and Ueorge Wright, and won wlili nnrolnally 
two wlokMa 10 apare, A. U. Wood, nf the llelmont 
Club, of riilladrlphia, la abuwn by the B'ailBIIca tu 
have bad tbe beat batting avrragf In tbeaa annual 
InUriiBtloual conteais, scuriog 111 in lourlnulnga. 
■la, with I'Airuha, wu slan ihe higbcat scurer In an 
inning. II. I'alieraun virtually rauba aecoud In Ihe 
batting iveragea. and li alao credited with a 
century, 12*. F. W. T< rry, who leada Ihe Uanadlaua 
In batting, ia tbn only ulbcr laitamau ki acure a 
century, luaklng 113 runs. 

Brockwell, Ibe ynung Murrey ImUinsD, snd A. 
Ward, the Lancuhire "Htunewaller," will have 
moat to do with Ihe aucceaa or failure ut Hloddan'k 
team In Aualnlla. If they liuili "cuma nil" pretty 
conalatenUy tho KngllBh learn almiiM gttibriiugh 
Ibe aeaaon wllbout any ciuablng dtfrala. We Bhall 
soon aee kow much reaaon there wu In lUarkhain'a 
remark thai If iUchardaiin wen bowllug ou Auitre- 
lUn wli'keu he would bare the leather knocked off 

We will b« Indebted 10 uy of our readeie, wiiu 
could furolab ua alih the parUcularaoracirsnf a 
game kelweeu elevena of Hunliral and Phladel- 
pbu, plai*d about IMS, In which Ihe former team 
made a large u>ial In tbe Oral Inning, I'eya making 
a century, ud tbe Phllailelpbia team bad loal Iwu 
wickeu for Oftr odd runa whan the alnnips were 
drawn. We lielleve the gam« wu played al Hoar 

In a match betwieo Yurkablre and tistbytaire 
Uat seaaon Brown played a ball amartly OD to hU 
wiclel and atlll lived. The ball passed lietwcen 
two alumpa wlihoot lirloglng down the falls, the 
most curluas feature of the Incident being lb* care- 
leuneuof Ihe liowlcn, uweli u the umpire, In 
not not Icing that there wu a chance of a ball being 
bowled dean ibreugh Ihe wIckeL 

Ixird Uawbe and the few remaining memliera ot 
hla team of EnglUh aouuura sallrd on tne alesm- 
ahip Nsir York, Uot, 81, forSnothamplon, Kog, l/>rd 
IIawke,arcompanled liyU. W, Wriglit, made a brief 
viBll to the Wut iDdletj A. J. L. lilll and K. s, 
Lucu had two wseks' shooting In lbs Nonbwaai, 
wcompanled by John B, Wnglil, at Toronto, and A, 
II. ColllDs, ot Ibla oily. 0. K. De Tntfurd, wim hu 
wifeaud sU BUtsr, apent Iheir Ume luvlalliog In 

A conical mUUka wu receully made by a Hel- 
boon* paper. A oaliie oieaaige cams alatlng that 
Sloddard't tatffl that will vUli Anairalla la weak 
la i-alleta. The edlior alaread "hatura," UUnklog 
11 10 be the name of a mu, ud made Ihe cable 
read thu: "Mr. Stoddard will treaUy feel the ali- 
eases of Batters itsfore the tour u coooladed. 
Bslurs wu well up lu Uie Hit of averagca last Ka. 
eon Id all round cricket, aod would, do doubt, have 
btea Tirr UMful had ha been selected," 

II U Ifiy yean ago aincs sUvena of the United 
HisiM aad Oansda flrat conUnded, and an appro- 
~irUta numenio ot the event u a work rhilUsd 

Fifty rnn of Caoadlaa Uriotet," wklch will bs 
publubed In a few we*ka. John K. Mall, aeoratary 
of th* Uolarlo Cricket AaeocUtlon, U now bnaliy 
angsged nvitlsg Ihs proof abeete. 

Ueorg* l/ibmano, the faoiona Eagllah iMwIer, hu 
got IhaMI'eror hiapulni'nary compUlDt, afurtwo 
yean' alHence and anjoora In South Africa, aod the 
doctor now gives aim pemlsalon to ttiaro to Eng- 
iahd asd cricket next yesr. 

Osort* (Ilffen hu left Ihe Norwood Club, ot Ade- 
laide, aoaih AusirsIU, for which hs had pwyed for 
foertan ssssoas. II* snd Lyons will do* h* la 
dinmt uaas, wUofe will do mueh forAddald* 




Th» CallfbralB Orlikat Cantrah 

For mtaj wetka llie locsl chibi ot But FiU' 
altco.Oil., rorolKR tboCiilironibiOrtokttAMMU- 
Uon, ti*v« hMD builij preparing for t orlcket etr- 
olnl or wrira or nstcliM betwun Uio nrlou 
olaha or Uie Bitto, vblch ovont It It Ike iDlontlon to 
urtnfo finnuill; In Uio rolore. Tho o*ralT*l coD' 
m»n''»l HoDdnT, Oct. 12, n\a Ii»tIo> miuuI » pofU 
ptnem^Di on thu prccfliDR B«lar<lAj. Too com- 
pntlor olnhg >orn Die rwlllc, of Bu FMSclaco, 
■od tlH) Olimii cnliinj, ot P'orfn. CapMn Theo 
bilit, i l ilio IVKilla CiD'i, htrlDR KOa Ibe lou, aoot 
ttia Tialiom In, ihia rtihrr ntfdlf tiela/r tbe oiul 
ouaioni In (.iilir<iml«, on tko nutiing wictala ihrra 
proTldcd If. M. Hrownr, A. U. Jtc>aan ud J. E. 
HMMQiT haiiM well for Uiclr rcapeciln acorea of 
31, It le, hill, ih«nka lo iho inwliof ot A. Dicken- 
•on and Rmurl Pi' ldlOfc, iho vlaiiora were dltpoarrt 
ot fnr R7. Tho nmi mroo wickeu of tbo nclOo 
Oloh fa'l impMlv, but > pmlonfoii aland m» itm 
mido hj A. Iiiclionion and 1. Tlioohald, tbe tomur 
■oorloi 43 ram, and Iliol>iiler6iiran<,nntont, aad 
attno call of una tbe Pucinn team bad 199 tor Are 
wlokaia, all bowlod I17 PorimaD. 

Tbo tolloirlni daj wa^'an oir da;, nin prevent- 
loK tho uitma Uolonj cIcTcn from pla; InR tbe Han 
ioae W*ni1orera, An pxolilni doitb marked tbe 
game plajed Oct. 'Jl wlirii lloiao, Jnat hetoro Ibe 
oall of tinin, miido ine bit tbat enabled tho Alameda 
team 10 de'oat iho Clinu (kilony elcren bj tlx 
wlokeia Tiie viaiiori hatied Oral, 0, F, lliicbcoek, 
wbn made M and C. Slinni'>na, M, pmUni on CO, 
10 parinrrMtiip. befiire Iba drat wicket fell. The 
ranialnlnff In'Htnpn, Itowercr, fulled to make naj 
aland, and ilin inning f;lo*eil for 90, Wliban bonr 
and H h«lf of linw. which WHt setatri p, v., tbo 
Alameda learn voni In to bit oir llio te<inlred niai, 
which ihe> nianaiKd mdofirUia loainfnnlrfoor 
wicket*. II. n. Illnhardann, of ilie BakenOoId team, 
Who ranka m nnn of the lint httaacD In Ollfonla. 
aialn pl<ycd wlUi tlic Alameda leam, oomplllog 
olkvorlj an mna. n«>t. howerer, wlihoot vlvlng a 
fewohanceai>*rnn) ho wa^linwJed. K. T. SUmllon, 
alto of tbo Nakuniaolil leara, lent him tvaloaile aid 
br miking \%. ihrao iwo nuking a prolonged aland 
nfrerihoani wlckot foil. Two halamao on each 
aldo did roMllj all Iho run RutllDg. 

Tno third camlMl iMinii-ia timk place Ool. Vi, 
whoa tho conipellni team* wero Iho elKvena of the 
BrIllBh UInn, uf llakenoclil, and Ihn OUnia Uolonr. 
Uaplain Illcbnnl»in, of uie liakemllcld aleroo, 
won the toaa and put hie icam In. Aa on tbe pro* 
ceding day another grand oiblblUon of baiting 
waH given hy HIchardaon and Hiralton, the former 
agiiln aoorlag .xs runa, while the laiior made oo 
ruoa. K. w. (illlt mnila la nina, not ont, and II. A. 
Jackaon got in In an almoti faiilileas manner. A 
Total of i/i; waa made br Iho DakenOeld team. 
The nitraa Colony eleven made only M, ot wblcb 
amall total U. llTdaa,wlUi :il nine, not ont, and 

0. llUclicook. *lih II ruaa. were tlie cblof coa- 
trllintori. Ultclicock wna llirowD ont by niokley. 
Time did nut ailmlt of a "follow on," 
and tbo ganio waa decided by tbo lulala 
of tbo flml Inning In favor of Uio Dakere. 
deld team. II. A. Hull, of Iho Ullriia Colony 
team, niado a wnndarrul catch at point. Tlie win* 
nlng tea'n mot the cliaiiiplon Alameda team (let. 
■jn. n. whonlhn nintral rcaalled In a draw. The 
Alainoda cloven wrnt In niat and loet all wicketa 
for a very iinall ioikI. An uneipoctcd aland waa, 
bowovnr, intde Ivv Pripo and Lewla, who acored 40 
andSI runa, rci<pccilvel',and tlie Inning cloecd for 
111. Tlio llikcrallFliI (mm, with tho enoeptlon ot 
Uloharrfaon, who niado moat of llm runa, failed to 
Hcnre and tiio bititl waa nnlv fiii. The Alameda 
loam mailo 04 for ilirce wlokoiH and tbon doclnrfd 
the Inning i-loacil. It waa titn late to proveot a 
draw. Uio llAVrmltoIil totni 8i.-orlng i\ for three 
wickota lipf'iru tlii> i«ll nf llnio. * 

Tno iliat crlovct to iroament or carnival overbold 
In Callfuniia raiiio 10 a c'lucl'iaion Bunilay, Oct- 28, 
when an olcv.n acicoiiid from Iho Han Fraoclaoo 
UlnlM ilrfoa'Ml an olnvrn aolccicd from Iho remain, 
dor of ihoBlato by 111 to N.lliarpapecUvetoiala of 
the flrat Inning. The nllondance waa unuaually 
large. aUhnn^ii a amall ailmlainn fee waa chargeil 
on ihia Dcrnalon for tho Omt llnio. Tlia city leam 
Included VI. Itohorlaon. captain; A. 8. Wehatarand 
II. II. Oonkaon. nf Ilia llobrinln Olnii; II. 11. Ilogue, 
K. II. Hlmian. J. J. Morlarlir, K, 1. lundall and n. 
Ward Jr . 01 tho Alanioda Olub, and \1. H, OrllllUia, 
T. J. Tlcdamann and J. J. Theobald, of Ibo Paolflo 
Ulnb. Too oniinlry team luolndeil II. II. Itiobard- 
anu, oapiain: K. U. Hliattfln, K. Ulounl, II. B. 
Iliokloy anil I). J. Cralgle, of tlio HrlUah 

1. 'luh, nf lltkeraOold, and U. Illlobcock, 0- 
Hlmmnndi, 1,. Mirah llrown, A. II. Jackam, ¥, 
V. lliirlildKo and II. A. Hull, uf Iho {Mm Colony 
Olub, of I'lacor Cnuniy, Ciil. All of Iho aliove named 
plarura are of IfnglHIi or AnairalUn lilrtb. Cap. 
talD RolicruoK, or the rlly team, won tho ton, and 
■ont the vliiliuni Into bat. Captain niobardaon waa 
tho lilghcal Horirrr for the country oiovoD, making 
w mna. tMa lining Itio third timo daring the car- 
nival that bo had cmnplliNl the aanio nnmtier nrmns. 

llliciicnuk' and I,. II. llrown each acored 10 
nmi, and tno romalntlor of the oounirr tcani 
bronght the total up to 74. Steady uatllng 
by lloffitfl and It lieriaoii for their rcapeotlve 
noorea nf '.m and maniK**d tt collar the bowling. 
They were foUowo 1 bv Itaoilalt, who made Jl runa, 
notoukandJ. J. Tliriiliald 14, and tbe uul of tbe 
uItT team readied III. An nllempt waa made to 
nal'h the gaiiiu, the rouuirr eleven acoring M for 
the loaaofnlno wu.kota In Uio aeoond Inning, llnr> 
tildge with 10 mil', not out, being Ibe chief oos- 
ulbiiior. In iboevenlngthnniembenof Uiovarlona 
vlalting Icama wen eulorlalncd by Ibe Oallfomla 

real, tbe great Ruglian bowlor, laaaldtotaave 
neit»i £1.100 oloar bv hbi lionedt match buiieaaun, 
and, with ma Auairallan tnur oongement to oarry 
Idra ovi r tho conilng Kngllab winter, promliee to 
be a oomfortahle caplialtat before lie retlroa.' 

The aerica of tvo 10*1 niatobca— Rogland agalnat 
AiuiiHlla— will bo ronienoed ai Hvdncr Ileo. 14 and 
Fell. I; Hi H^llKiorne, lloo- w and uaroli 1, fonr dava 
being dfvmrd to eacn uf the four gamea to be 

Elaiod In ihna- culpa Tno nnlv gatuo at Adelaide 
aa been auhoduinil Jan. 11, 13. 14 and ir.. 
J. Lvona. Ibo lianl hliier ot Ibo Auttiallan team 
that vlalird hrro In inn bciao tho AuairalhiD aca- 
•on Repu i by making ihk rant IQ a local maich at 
Ura Illlt. 

PropoiiMl Mew Cup Orfeltiler* 
A diaiatob from llaltltnoni, Hd., dated Not. 9, 
givaa the follnwiDg Infomiailon, which will come 
aaaanrprltoof a gratirylng oaiure: "A Balllmora 
ayndloalo, niado up uf paplia'IS'a and ablpballdeta, 
propoao to bulul a jaoht which will anrpaM Ibe 
Vlgiltnl In point of aii«rd, and will ho aeleeted aa 
Amorloa'a oup dofondrr. Among iholoadlngaplrlta 
In ibovdntora laU'llllamT. Htiaier.of iheUulumbIa 
Iran Worka, ami the linllilor of tho orulteie Detroit 
and Huittgniucry. A auiiibpr of modela have al 
ready hiwii paaed npi>o, hut Ibo one that anpeara 
to be beat llkud la that nl the old yacht HaHuiiore, 
whioh waa iiiioro of thp Ubeaapcako Uay ahortly be- 
fore laao. tihe waa norcr ticalca In arAoe,and won 
the Cbcatpiiike Cup, a Iropby given Ihen for Uie 
taaicei rachi. Hlie waa tho moat graceful veaaol 
ororaoen hero, and lior apeed. It la aald, waa four- 
teen knuia an iiour. Tlio lialilmore waa bnllt by 
OapUIn Kaihanlrl Monrp.of tbia ollv, and owned 
bv biB anil Tnniiiaa ilnulyhouae. Bne waa abont 
loofi. lung, 30(1. brain, and bad a ef. depth of bold. 
Mho waa ruilaUKil at olgni; loua and bad a centre- 

4f. II. Tviiui, tho pliononioiial Kngllab awlmiuer, 
eetared (he laak of boaiiug Joey Nutiaira odd 
linndred vanla roooril at HIackUiira, Kng., on Ocl. 
25. The b lib vaa twenty long. nooeailtaUog 
four ttirnH (o muinlolo Uio illaiance, and the obaiu- 
Blnn, who waa In IiIa uaiial excelleni form,accom- 
pllahed Iho uak In Ira. .'a-, tbne healing Kuiiall'a 
ueat perfiirmandp at llio dIaUnce by one aeoond. 


OloauK WiiHi and Cant. J. L. Ilrowcr engaged 
In a pigoon alimit, ono hundred birda each, at Ibo 
(Rounoa of the i^arteiot fliin lllob, at Bergan Point. 
N, J., on tho aflpmoon of dot. 30, and a number of 
lovera of tbo game galbcrod 10 wiiuou tbe oonUnl, 
wbloh lormlnaied In the aocoeea of Work, the toore 
standing m 10 o;. John B. Iloey waa tbe referee. 

£Mia Utni'tiT, Sortla. rlio, won the Fall Oup 
at the abiaii of the Klverlim Uun Olub, ou their 
gronoila al Itivonno, X- J., on Oou 'A knocking ovrr 
afiy-nlno uf mo aixiy idnla beaboi at. 

A I'luaoK anooTiKu umu, llfieen birda parb, for 
gliW a aulr, w-w lihiil by IMn wallinga and Horace' 
Viiung •> Plillndolplila. I'a., Oct. M, Ibo former 
irlnnliig a acuro of rJ to II, 

TO! Onngo(N. J.| l.twn TenuU Cliibbave cleoled 
tbo toliowiug umcvra (or Iho enauing year: Praal- 
itent, Ubarlei A. Honn: •eeietary, Itnaaell A. Ortt- 
Cb; iieuuier, Uaraian R. Hiuyon. 


Oallforala Jo«liejr Clab. 
T1i« WtDter meetlog of thUPtcifloOlMtorgftDlu* 
Uon opened on flfttordfty, CNir. 37, under coodliloiu 
or Uia moft fkTonble cbtmoter, tbe vetUier being 
dAllcbUol, Um iifmbltgo ^H^» tbo (ntck good, 
tod tbaticlDgbetwMD flood aiockeicAllCDt. Uli 
tbalDMnUoo at Um miOAgeiurDi u> conrlouo tbe 
meeting ooUl oejR Bprlog. Bomnurr or evebt« 
dfClded^dDrtDg tbe put week: 

Uvuft -f\t»%n»-Mfw iiirk>DR»-B«7 AIIodm, VA 
BouiBU,lto0. woii;n«ylaLMwCH(llck,nto I, pmood<1: 

Hlanr^lOB, Ladftli B lo I. third Time, 

ffMODd rte^Mi Inrloaii, *6lllDg— Om»* Poihsrooi, 
M, Oh«f«1l*r. 9 10 iMTftii: Cborwi. M, Cou)r> 4 Ui l. 

4; Bom n)«rt«-lbB. KIor. 6 to I, thirt. Tim*. 1 

bird neo-Ootrolk and & ilitoeoth— foltPki w, 

rMMB.Ctol, woo: Hupy D47, 114 Ol«sor,ato I. Mcood; 

Bltiurd, III, BalllTU. 7 to h. third. Tint. 1:11^ 

Fnann noo- BUopImKml iboot oo* milo tud » htir, 
mIIIqi—LoiibwoII. is, A\\mhjk, 0 in won: U»»pr 
Btsd, lUDkTliafllal.MCODd: OoD. MIIm. 1». BkkiO. 

StolilhlTd. TliDf,3dD riiih rtot-HoTtn larlonp, 

MUlof— Two Cbotn, 04 Imb, 0 to 1. woo; Olto 007, 
UB, wiMnr, % \n U MOOBd: uvola. v9, Cotdr. q to I, 

third. TIm«,l« flmhfiao Hli lurlopgik wiII'di 

— AdoU Moor*. JwL Oh«T*ir«r. 10 to 1, woo; Hir Rkturd, 
98, UMilchP,! to 1. HOODd; Artui^ 100, W. Cluc*7,8 to 
a^thiid. Tln«.l:IIM. 

Oet-S.-flrnnoo— FIfo forloDii— Wbotlof Portoo*, 
»i, nhoTtllor. 0 to 1, won; Flnrtoco Dlcb7. 113, Klrpo.l 
to I, feHood : Boh Flovor. 01, Ikd. 0 to third. Timt. 

l:H>i Foonnd no^Pfro wd « hftlf rDrlODi*— R«r 

AliooM, 111, Boi*mu, 1 to 9. won: Holllo R.. ItQ llln- 
rlcbB,B lo 1. MCoodiBM Bpnr, un,Ch»Tftii«r,0 to 1, 

third. Tlao,l:OTM Third nc*-oii« mil*. Mlliaa- 

PoUikifM), lMia,4 to I, woo:flooraaPolb«maB, ti7.rh»Tft 
llor. 6 to I, aoeoBd; llftppj D%i, 100, Oluie7, H to ft. ttilid. 

Tlmo 1:U foarib rM0~OD0 milo. MilloR-ArilAt, 

I'd, lMm,8tol. won; 'ympftihatie'i lu^M.^beTBlle^,t 
lo 1, Moood; Two Chton, 108. R. I torn. 1 to 1, tJiitiJ. 

Tlm«, Plfib rMo-Oo* mile. i«)IIok— OoUl 

Dntt, 90, CboTftliar, 0 tn I, won; Bwaldv, 103, Cooiobn, ft 
lA I, iooood; aihlifttlor. Bi, R. Iwm,2 to I, third. Tin*, 

(joLSO.— Kint nco— SalHnir. ali rarlnoKJ^Uueaein*. 

n. rbcTftllor, 4 to I. voii J OhlMA, 119, UloTtr. 8 to 1, «w- 

ood : llaDtrau. 104, A. Imiti, < lo 1 ihlid. Time. 1 :13>,' 

BMOO0 rMO-flli rorionB4-PlATlul.09.ChoTalUr.3 

bo 1, wod; Qftllul, 108, BalllT«D,ll lo 6, ucond; C*(cil 

diao,99, R. l«oin,e to 1, ihlrd. Tlmt, l:ia>4......Thiid 

rBco— Tbroo farlODgi, Mlllnff— Mo uio, in3. W- FlyoD, S 

to ft. wob; Quftrur Ht*ff, lltt, Coombn, 3 to l,Mcood; 

Bor«*rLuil«, 101, R Imm, 4 to 1. Ihln). Tim*, l:iau. 

Koartb rMo-Sellloi, MTU rurloDfii— Brotdbvad. 

\m, HoorloMi, !l to 1. won; Motto, 1(0, Ch*valUr, S ta I. 

MOOod; UtDt Rmio.09. W. PJyno, 6 to ft. ihint. Tloi*. 

l:7r,U rifth net— Ooo mil»-LnTfiltl, 109, COmbi, J 

toft, woo: BlliMrd, ll!^ Ralllrn, 7 to ft, Mcooa: Dukt 

HUTOBi. IIO Ruvut B to I, ihlrd. Tlmo, 1 :41. 

Oot SI,— rirftruo-HtlllDff. atx lurloon-RoM Olftrk, 

98, A. IloiD, 4 to I. won; TrU, lOS^ Chiifallor, S to 1. Me- 

ood : OUcqoor, 08l & TMn, 4 to I. ihtrO. Tim*. I :I3*(. .. . 

Racond rMO-M«llloa, BTOUd abairiurlfln|t«-llollis B , 

91, ]l«orlcbt,4 in L won; Cbaroa, lOU. R. Tmio. 3iaI. 

Id ; Vtooa. 07, OhOTtlUr, 0 to ft, ibird Ttniik. 1 :06U. 

Tbtrd nM-Mlilariiti rtirloovi— CbartODM. Pt, H. 

tmna, tfio 1, wou; liiuioH, 101, Bootlcbi, 4 to I, Mcood; 

AQOU MMro, 101, ChoTftlUr, 3 (0 I. Ihinl. Tlul^ l:U. 

....Ponnii rM»-Hlle«td a quartor,oT«rflToliurdlu 

TloAdBora, IB, AUmark, 6 to 1, woo; Ouulkloapo, 131, 

Btaoford, 10 to 1. Moond : uaneral UIIm. 13l Kelly, 8 loft, 

third Tima. t:il Kinh raoo-Bovon lorloDva-Artht, 

lOL A Iioiii. S to I. won; PolaakI, W. H. iMin, e to 1, mo- 

ood ; ObwUa A, lOO. Hoorleha, 3 to X, third. Tltoo, XvtJ. 

Not. I.— Pint n«*-About id luilooat-Mlu Ploichir, 

lOr, Oood1m,B to 1. woo; Eimom, ilO, Claocjr, S lu i, 

Monnd: PloraoM Dlokoy. 107. V. PUod,! to i, third. 

Tlmo, 1:18 Booond raoa— \*«ilal Hitkoa, valuo |7i9, 

OM mlloaod a iioartar— Normiodla, llf.riaDcy, 1 to4, 

woo: Olt)r«,liv,aioTor,3to l.Mcnoil. Tiiiie,:i:iil 

Third rtw ■ BaTon rBfloDgi—Otreia, lOL t'oady, s !■> 1. 

woo; I'ltrtllla, B. R. iMm. 13 to I.Mcood: (lladUtor. 

10l,OfW[abJi,etol. third Tino, 1:B.U Poarth raca 

and ooailitMBih mli«i, burdltii— Valcao, 131, 

Qilhrallh. la to I, woo; Ouidaloop*, IB,aitQlord.4lol, 

McoBd;niek O'kalloT. m. Van v'Imi, lu to I, tbIrJ. 

Tim^ Valcanboat Uiot^ltforolt rvconl br i«o 

Mconda fifth rico-SATan rurloaga-rilea B07. llli, 

A. tTorlDfltnn, 3lo I, woo; Doa Kolano. Ill, It. Ifoni.Dio 

10,Mcood; Rleo,99. lloar7,i) lol, iblrd. Tlmt. l:27k. 
.. .. . ... .^^ 




01aoo7,lto I, won; Ploroneo nieksy. 113, W. Plyoo, tto 

Nov, L— Pint raco— 8*«0D farlongc, MUinit-lfkppy 
Oav, 100, B. Iiom, 8 to 1, won: Batiula, lot, t:iiovalior, 3 
toJ.MCoad; Looolo B.,iur. ftina, 6 to 1, ihird. Tlmo, 
AboDi »ii nirloDH-RiMono. II), 



1, HOODd; LlnTllla, 114. Loov. 15 to 1, OUrd. Time. I iisu. 

Third rao^Atwai ili furlooiia-Hoy Alfooin, |(^ 

H'^umao, 3 to ft, woo: ArDO,10B, Utoriok', « to I, lecond: 

Midi*. Hn. CliOTtlior, 8 10 1, UitrU. Tima 1 :li Knurih 

raca— Plfo nirloDn,i»l)ing— Bordir Loulo, PO, H. lanm, 
« toft, woo; Oraola H., lof, Boi*mu,8 to I, kocodU; Nor 

Ma. lOlUooHoki, 10 to I, third. Tlta*. 1:01 PifDi 

race— PIra rurloaii^lllng— UootaniaD, Uft, tliomllcr, t 
to 1, wod;0. M. 109 R. laom,3 lol, Hcoud; Clmruiftr, 
lll.ClaBorattol.Uiird. Tina, I SI. 

NoT.S— Plratnoo-Bix lurioog*— Volaolo.DS, W, n7DP, 
Btoft. flrat; Brotdhud, 108. Ilurleltf, 3 to 1, ■ccond: Ar» 

pahoa, «. ClioTallor. 13 to I, third. Tliot, i :ISM. Uc- 

ood ra<H— 6«Tao Inrioon— ArtlaL 100, R I>oni. S to 1, 
flnt; DukaBtOTau,100,(}|aoer, 3Dto l.peoood; Thalma. 

0B,Coady B to I, IhlnL Timt, l:tftH Third raco- 

(*adl«i' BUka, |l.00i>, Hi lurlonn-PliiDiDt, lift. Hnlll- 
vao.OloO, Drat PUflol, llft,Horrla3to I.MOood: Udy 
Dlanood. lift. H lMm.lft to 1 third Tim». 1:14 . 

SrBK L, R.IiAnMtol. artt; ThoroblU 103, a. Iwm Hto I, 
Hcond; Rloo,t6.0baTail«r, nio I. thin. Timo, l:rK 

Nqv |~plr»raca-flia rarlonn-CacIl H.. ibT ■ htra. 
liar, 8 Id 8. won: Plloti \\< Kallj. 9 to l, vacoad : iTuima, 

108, iMm, 10 to 1, third Tlni*, Irlft.U HaoonJ m^**- 

Hii lurloDga MlUog— Arapahoe, 0i, CLeTalier, 1 to 1. woo: 

aunaraiaff; Iftl. ComtM. 3 to l,a«coDd: Itomalre, ilti, 
ailli.8tol. ihltd. TliDa.l:IV4' Third raca— SalliOK 

ooemlla— Uappy Ila7 R l«um, Itof, wou: Tnx. 1^ 
CbaTallar. 4 10 1, MOOod: FluhliRbi, *n, w. Piynn. 

4 to L third. Tloaa, I.4IH. Fourth r*c«— Pita 

rurloDfta-ModaL lift, raum, iOtol. won; Circe, lift. \T. 
niueay. U to i aooood; Amo. IO8, irenry. fttn I. third. 

TIma. IrOI.U TFIIth raM-BvTao ruriooaii-Arilat, iiti. 

R. loom, I to I, woQ;Qolrt M. A, laooi.l in ft. Mrond; 
KortausO0,Chavaliar,Atol.lhird. Tlui»,i:N^. 

The Virginia Jookvy Club 
OoDtlatM tbelr lolUal meetlog m St. Asaph, Vs., 
and wblle tboy bare not nude mucb, If 0117. moBf 7 
slocetbeopeDlDg, tbo nunner lo wbicb ibe races 
hBTO been conduotod, and tbo goodolAMotborBfs 
partlolpBtlng In tbe ncos, bare had iho onluml 
effect or leourlng tbe conlldeDco of tbe puhllo. Tlie 
malt baa been an Inorease iDtbeboxofflooUk- 
iDfda Tbo OTenia decided durlug tbo pAii wock 
are lammailied below: 

OoL VL— Kiru raea— UoMy haodloap, i>ur»o $10). mvon 
f'trloiia-NarOall^ Dogcatt, 11 toA^ Oral; Jud^e Morrow, 
III. (IfiiBn, 11 to fti, aceond ; Lo BaoRula, 1(0, A. Barratt, 

TtolLthlid TlBM, l:9M 8e«ood raco-Purw (itV, 

ooauilleandauitMBib-HooEaBd Dauoo, lift. Doiaoit, 
11 toftiiBrM: Rooha, lift, on Rill, I to 3, aooood. Time, 

t;4D Tbird nc^PurM I.YJo, Mllloa. ati ftirloon- 

Fmah, lOS, Pou. 4 to I. dm: Jack ihaJew,loaLOritnn, 
ft to 1 aacood ; Blurra. fe A Bamit 4 to I. ibird Tmio, 

Foart>i raoo— BolUog, purM av\flfa tod a 

taklcnrlooBa-Darlargilla, lIl.OrliUD, 7 to 10, dr*t; LIr- 
Ua Blllr,l(Pi MidgUy. «0 lo I. OKond; WoralHrtf, 100^ 

BarMD.Bto 1, Ihli3 Tima. I:CB1( Klnh rtce— nirM 

tutati lurhmga— Laollla Bolia on)r, iiu,Hiioa,4 to ft. 
nr«t;PoaahoeU. 110. iK^ggatt V toX i««ond:TuwAD. ilu, 

MHlRlap. 10 to 1. third. Time,^i Hlitii rsoo- 

Balllag, puTM gtdO, ena mda-L>ad7 Adaui* Kwfo. 7 
to I, ftrat;lViiliiar. 0} Baritao,S to 1, afcood; Torn bkid* 
uora,ntii,(lriinii.3iol. thlid. TlMal:4i>i. 

Oek 31.— Flrat raoa-l^una ^Ul mIIidr laurlnrloDBN 
-Simariian. IB. 0. llarrigtii. 7io 1, ar«t: KdoaMay. lUU, 
naruridio I, aacood; fUbinailllr. ld\ Podii. to l.tliird. 

• wifraaw -. -- -. - — 

Tlma,0:ftS*4 Sooood raM-Pur*« $301. four lurlooaa 

-TartQ(rii,lltLliUaaeM,4 to I. ArM; Tha fkittpar, tin 
elDl^4loel,a•oond; Iruglaa gahling. IbP, Dorg«(t,8lA 1, 

third. TIaa, 044.U 

..Third rara-UKodioap, pur 
ftwi os« eoa asviiiwiath mllaa— Pi Ig, llO. l*aDD. 3 to 
orat: Baronaaaa n. H. Wlllluoa B to I, Hcond; lUanK, 
VS, KMro, lOlo ft.tblrd. Tlrae, It&SVt .....Puunh nro— 

8tol,lrat: Wah Jim, 114, DogieU. 1 lol. aacoud; Lot|. 

mar, III. Pood. B to l. third. Tlma, 107.'; PiDh 

Taoa-AalllDg. purM gnx ili iDrlooga-Ucratyr*. \y*i, 
«lDii.Tto iC Brat; Molodr, lOi, Paao, 16 to t, Htcnod; 

lt«i»aUtloa. HH, tartar, ttlrd. Time. l:t:M Rlith 

taoa-lludlrait. paiM gkU, ali furlooga-Oalel. lUB, 
LitiUflaM, 4 to ft, Bnt: D«itn-t, ft to 1, aeroad; dallr 
ffoodiord, ia),PaBB.7iol.Unrd. Ttme.l:aiH. 

Nor. 1.— Fine raoa— Ptirea BMU. Ate and ana hair lur 
10B«»-Wtll BlUolt, lot, B. Trfba.1 10 1, rtmtjllairloituo. 
KB, Blma. 1 to 4. aaoood; Reauaint, W, If^le. S lo I. 
Ihlrd. Tlma, 1 tll^.. . . ..;Baeood raca-PuneBStV. aii iut- 

toon-Bmui^ IW, 0. t^orrlaao. ft to Idrai; Hooiulna 
tllrl, ll6.Hlntaft lo L aaoood: liTel)o Tarier Qllr. lul. 
Paao,7 lo 1, third. Tlma l:)l Thlid itoa-llMTr 


I flni 


[cap, pufM BOlooeniile-Linla. lldi Ketfe^ lu to 
i;Oooka'1a,ia^l>ogBati,7 to ^aeoood; Pana, 113. 

ID, 18 to I, third. Time, l:4ft<4 Pounhraea- 

jg.purM$Sdaaiiandooa-bali iutIodii— piiit, lut^i, 

Slma,Slo8,firai; Kur Aelraai. Ill, P«Do,ft lo 1, iHOBd; 
UtawuuDe, llOk LliUadald, 11 u a. Iblid. Tlm^ l:au. 

Firth raoa-HelHag, oarM %nx 8«e fbrloaHi-riinch, 

NO, Barieo,7 to 1. flrat; Blla Head. 03. R. UogiaiL !( lo ^ 

aawnd ; BtMlao, lOEk SIim, 7 to I, third. Time, 1 nHM 

Bliih raoa— SalllogipuTae UD. oua aad ooealitofnih 
mll«a-(lOT. BhMhan, lOOt B. Tnba, 8 ut ^ dit- LiMIe 
ftn. n Naoay. Ud lo I, aacood; LltUe Mati. ltd, Oriao, 
TtellXthlrd TlmOkliiV 

Nor. I —Pint raca— Pune Bani ali lurlviogf-Ladr 
ridlet. IDO, UnfflD. 1 to II, flrat: tloM Dollar, loT Kaocr. 
U to 1, aaooDd ; Bliarra, T4, Tilt, 1ft to 1, third. TlUl^ 

1 :1T Second rara-PurM IBU, one and ooaalUMitib 

uitaa-Roche, lIBi, 0lmQia, I ta X flrat; Booe and Dioe^ 
lOL Qrifllo, T to ft, aaootid: Jodga Morrow, 1U7. Oaner, hi 

tol, Ihlrd. Tltua, 1:49*4 Third rac«-l*Braa$B]^ Bra 

lorboBa-Ullay.lai, BartMLj to I. flrat; OIlep Uamla. 
laX tlntdo. aren, mmu; Rivt)na, IOX Pood. 4 to I, 

thinl. Tlma, 10 roqrthnca-PaiMiau foor iur> 

1OBn-B-l0ftMa7.U«.MTdfleT, II lo A. Urti: Parihanla, 
OACondtlar.eiol.MOond: Whitgia If coll, 101 Dogeett, 

• to 1, third. Tlna.O:W.^ Pif.l) raoa-PoTM laX 

naa-bair mila— Poneo eolt, I3A, Doggett, avto. flrai; 
KaailTal. lia^ LiitlaflaM, 11 to ft, lafiiod; Pretaaie, HQ. 
^a. 4 to 1, third Tima 0:BV< Suth raoe-BelllPi. 

SBtM lUX ono mil^Vd Rearaar, lOBiBlmna, 1 to 1, 
m; Uooardo,e^arlfnB, 7 «o fl, aeeoad; iMaak«t,M. 
u nortlno. 7 to 1. ihlrd Tima, 1 

VoT. t— Flnt raM-UaaT7 baadlaapi, nrw Ili\alx 
f irktog^MolDtyra, IIB. Rimf. ft to I. BrntOld Dominiop, 
rLMtdghy. llto t.eec«Ddj Otoptrtgiit, VX Niaay, »i -o 

1, third Time, 1 :liH Beooad rmo^HaHlcap. paiM 

ff«Lonaao4a«liiaaatbmUaa-MiM DUIa, UOLOrtdta, 

flOitl VrilIlaDB.1S to 1, thiid. Time. 3MM Tbiid 

nea-Purw flSna MiliDg. foor aad a ball forloog»-Pboa' 
boa. KB. Lltilaflald.ero). flnt: Harrli. 110. Carur.lA to 
l.wcood: Derelict, no, Rtam4 to a third Tima, im 

P^nnh racf-SaUlDff. parw |aa all fartoBga-- 

ITerobarg, 10& Uogsair, 1 to j. flrvt: M*1o4p, 101, PMp. 0 
to I. anopd; Btar Aclr•a^ 100, Llilltfla'd. ift to 1, thlfd* 

Time. l:<iV Pirih raoa-PorM gKO. flva and a ball 

Iurl >nta-0«l4t, lU LlUteflaU, I toA flrat; Ella R^. 
HI) n/imq 4iol.aaaod:Thyra. lODi B. Dortett, BO to I, 

iliifd. rinid, i:IS Hliih raca-hirM B»J. MlUog. 

"neiPil«-LmleMatt.91Grimo, 4 toft flrat: Wo>ichea 
lar. HT. CarUr. 40tol. aecood; Polliur, W, B. Doggait, 
Blol.tblid. T'ma, IJI 

The Cbleago Bacei* 

Oct SO.-FInt raM-Rii rorlooga-OracIa C, 107. O. 
Vaber.ft lo I. «od: Eooorl*. lOJ, ETiooaa, eto I, aooood; 
MardMi Pat.in2.nrat7, 10 to I. third. Time. 1:31.. 
B4coDd laca-KiTO lurlnnia-Hv Roaa, 177,0 Waber.B 
tol, «nD;U&ionav, no UoiTeT, Utol.aaeood: Peliaaa, 

107. Chora, 3 to 1. iblrd. Tima. 1:0ft Third raca- 

Nerau lorloBKa-Caih Dtf, 119. (4lgh. 1 loA won; Bema, 
77, B. Joou, 4 to I Boooiul: Ueorf e V., ICS Cbom, 3D lo i, 

third. Time, IMK Foorth raca-Hile and a fell- 

iMDth-Htr (leorie. lOB, n. W»bor. B to l, woe: Calboon, 

10ft, Iaqlah,a 10 I, aacond: llofkdlom. lOB, K- Carr, II to 1, 

third Time. I ib Firth raca-Uurdla, one nlle-Jin 

NorTBll, m.U.B«U.7tol, '00: Bpecnlatloii, IS, Cocb- 
rto, ft to I, aacond ; Little Nell, IB. L BrowD,8 to 1, Ihlrd. 

OcL SI.— Pint rao^Plfa forlooge— Taromlo, 18^ r. 
Oirr,S to I. wod; SooTCDlr.lur. Cliora,ft to l.MCond; 

HcrawdnTer,90, RcbalTar, lODtol. third. Tlma, I Ad 

UacoDd rtce-One nile— Red nfeo, 104. Cbom, 8 lo I, 
woo; Qaacoo. lOi IrrloB. Btoft, Moond; Bnihualaat, 108 

Leigh. e to 1. third. Tlnie.lJO Third noe-Hlleaod 

an aiRhth-BalTedor. IJ7. r. t;arT, II to ft, wod: 7.oallka. 
lOi. Cfiurn. atoft, AocoDd; Bobdm Ayraa, 107, B Taylor, 
7fttol, Ihlrd Tinie,3-oe....PoiitihTa c a Batan ranoojcf 
-tJ^htfuod, lia If. Taylor, 1 to 9. won; Damaak Vt, 
Clioin. 'ii to I, ateoDd; Daco. lOft. lrTlDg.4 to I, third. 

TmiR I ••■S\}i Pllih raoe— Bnlllog. aix furloDga-Percy. 

ill,N Hill, 13 10 10, woo: niauOnka. 107. T. Smith. Ift to 
I.H'oiDd; 6«Till*, 97, TL Ta7lor. 7 to 1, third. Time, 

Mnr. I.— Flritnca-FlTaudooe hairrarlooRi— SoDTo- 
nir. n, P. C«rT,3 to l flrat; Tli lor Tat, 101 L Bodoo, 4 
to I. aaecDd; CaorlTl. 00. Leigh, 7 lo 1. third. Time. 


Hecood raM-Rii lorlongt-Pm UiaTalb.iia, 

• hoio.T U) 3. ilr*t; RMt>Q, UD, IrTlog,0 lo |,e«oiiDd: 

Weeoia. ftL E. JoDe^ 7 v> f. third. Time. t:IOK Third 

r»aa-8*Taa rurlungi— Vonog Arlon, lift, Leigh, 4 t > ft, 
ilrat; Badlalor, liv Irrlog. 0 to 1. aeeood; i>erle, 112. 

Koapp, 0 to 1. third. Tine, VMH Fourth race— 

One mile-Ray Del Uar,10B,O.Waoer, 3 10 I, Qnt; fllm* 
rook, 10& Vacklln. 9 10 B^aecood: Praddia L.T.,00,B. 
Taylor, 30 tol, Ihlrd. Tima.l:ftO....Pinhraca-BaTeo inr- 
looia~BllTerBlU,107.0bora.etoi,flrat; Ulaier, llft,nTmt- 
tr,8 lo I, aeoooa;Blackbiuo. lift, Koaop, Ift tol, third. 
Tlma, IJ8 .... BlKtb raca-HoTOD furloog^-Hoow Ball 
II3,C. Hi&an, ID lol, Orat: Oeorge W., 112, Knapp,ft to I, 
aacond; Calhoun, 111, B Tajlur, 4 lofti, thtid. Tlma. 1:88. 

KoT. ^.-Pirat race-Blx rurloDaa-Miu Piatt. KD. N. 
11111,8 to 1, won; Helen Wren, 103, C. Baoiton, 1) lo 1, 
•tcood; Power*, 111, B. Taylor, 3 to 1, third. Time, 

1:34 6«cond raca— Ooa mlla-Uiwthoroe, 111, Lalab. 

ft to I, won; Oakwood. 117, E Taylor 3 to 1, eecond; Don- 
barren lit). .V Illlt, IQ to 1. third. Time, trfti) Third 

race-FiTo rurli>nBa-MaiuiU7. IQH, Com. 3 10 Lwon: 
Pellea". lii6,mioru, 3 10 l,a«eoDd; Dlok Behaa, lOl T. 
Bmllh,etol, third. Tlma, l:07;4 ---~.'FoDnh ra«e-Ooa 
ulloandanelgbth-^aniia, 110, P.rarr,7 to 2, wod' Pol- 
larinaLaB8,0^narokl. 10 to 1. aoeood; Tlp.ftl,MtckHo, 

7 tol. third. Tlme,3:07M .Filth raca-Hli Airlooea- 

lllgtilaod, 110, Howard, 3 lo I, won; Vaanl, 117. N. Hill, 
4iua,Haoon4: Oataway. 117, Knapp,39to 1, ihtid. Tlm^ 

l:ll>i. Biitb raca-Bli rorlooga-Blau DukN lU 

Choro, 4 lo ft. won ; OMrge V., lOl Knapp, A lo 1, MO 
end; Onti, 100. W. Ponoy, 13 to], ibtrd. Tina,] Ji. 

Not. 9— Pirat race-Blx rurlonga-Mlonie Macklo,09, 
Maeklin,3 10 l.Qrai; Orbli, 09. P.Carr.ft 10 I.MCond; 

Blackbird, N, E. Jone^ 4 10 1. third. Time. 1:XI 

rtocoQd raca-«ii larlnnn-epeodollDe. IU7. Cliom, 7 to 
l.Bnt; Moiea BulomoD, HQ, Li>lgh 10 to l,a«coDd: Dr. 

Hill. 1U7, P. t.'arr, 10 to 1, third? Tlma, Irtt Tfiird 

race— Hli furlnniia-llDOdlam, luO, Y Carr, 3 to I. Br'i; 
Ilaleo WraD,07,B. JoDen,ft to I, aeoood; Bl Reoo. lOti; 
rtchMler.Oto I. third. Tfm^ 131K......Poanh raca- 

PiToandona bairiarioDga-4'aprlTi,f7. L. B^dtu, 13 to 1, 
ftnt; Walla RtrMt, lOX O.Weber, 3 to 1, aecond; Buck 

Knislii. 07, Choro,3t) 10 1. iblrd. Time. 1:14 Plllh 

raoa-Uoo mile- Liiile Cnppla, 102, P Carr, 3 to I, flrat; 
rilDirock. IH Uacklln.ft to L aooatod; Eaibn8la«t, IOBl 

Loi|th,3ioi, third. Tlma I U Ulilh noe-AMpla 

chiM, Abort coiiraa-fliracorie, 138, t:oehrao,9 to lj4rKi; 
Kt HraodoD. m ilamliton. 0 to ft, aecond ; Anatoorat, m, 
Caaoy, Stol. third. Tlmaftrlfl^. 

Mot. ft.— Pint race-Uelling, vU fa rionga— Blackbird, 
lUUC Choro, 7 to 1, won; Minnie HaohlD. lOt), Haoklan, 
oToo, aeeood; Plorry Meyara, 1(0. Brerett 18 10 1, ihird. 

Time. l:3<3i KacoDd rac^UollIng, one mlla and 

varonty yatd»-(.'aUioQn. 99, Macfelen,ftto3,won: Fred- 
die U T, n, F» Jonea, A to 1, aecond; ^llTer BIll.O^ 

KTtrett, ll to I, third. Tlme.l:A8 Third raca-8ll 

lurlooga- Miaa ftoaett, lUL Uhorn, 8 to A, won; Teeu 
Way, ittf. MackloD, 8 to 1, aeeood; Maideo Pet, 1(U 

Oreity, P to 1, third. Tiroa,l:3IK Founhrau— I;o- 

c1«nii on. Plllh r»co-8ii larloDga-MvlaliQa, 97, Meek- 
iHn, 3 10 ft, won; Uacar, lift, u. Bloao, lOiol.MCODd; 

Victoria, ll^TubBrTll1e, 4tol. tblrt. Timt, IJ4h 

HiiUi race-t)eliins.aTe rurlong^Walkorar, 101,irTlnr, 
Ift to I, woo; Dlck Behao, los. Boden. 4 to 1, aacood: 
WeoimPr.Cliom, Btoft, third. Tlme,l:OCH. 

Tlie Clnolnnatl BleaUDg. 

Altbougb Ibe dallj aitendanco at Oakley rark, 
near tbo Queen UI17, le not largo as a rule, yei 
enough ptfoplo patronlxe tbe races to make tbe 
venture qutto nucceeafol, wbllo ibe raolog Is of a 
oharacicrioarrord saUtfacilon to tbose wbo tUIi 
tbo grounde. EyeryiblDg ib well condaoted, wblle 
the irank la said lo be tbe beat mile track In tbe 
couniiy. Bumuiarj of lant week's eveato: 

Oct. 3l-PlrNt rac«— PurM 4100, nno winnere.»lx fur- 
loogiw Lucaata, IM A Cu>iou, 3 |o 1, woo under a pull 
b; two laogilii; Miaa L, 104, Berte, 90 to 1. aacond: 
Ulliuri, lOr.Veiaoo, 30 to I, third. Time, 1 dl Hacond 

race— PurM ficu, lor two year old flUlee, Mlhng, lour and 

i..,*^., . ... 

..Third race— PorM Aii IhrMiMjr'olda,™! 

race— rurM f HV, lor two year oia DUiee, Mlhng, lour 
oue hMr ikrlongn-filan Llllr. lUA, A. Ota* loo, ft to 3, 
handily h; a leoKlli; Valkyrie, 107, Donobna. II lo A 
oD4l : Addle Buditsao. 10}, Thorpe, ft to 3, third. Tl 
OiW.U Third raca— PnrM HN. ihrM rear olda 

by a lareili; J■lnbora^ IM. Perhfno, 3 to L' aaeoDd:Bldo- 
ipl.J.p4l7,ttiol. tniixl. Time, 1:20^ .Fonnb 

ndu, l0l,j.D4l7,ttiol. tniixl. Time, 1:20. 

race— PurM fliw. two yaar olda, all and ooa bairrarlooga 

lurluofa-Loodnlciie, 101, A. OlaftoD. 1 io8.wondriTloa 




—Kitty cliTo, liO. H. William*. B 10 ft. won la a gallop 67 
Inurlongthe: Alabama, loS, Donohue, B lo I. aawina, 

Victonoua. in Tborpa, I to 1, third Tlma, 1:M Fitib 

raca— PiirM tlUU, ror thrM year olda ud up, mHIor, one 
mile-4*au, lUB, Van Kur#o, 7 to A, woo d^ * 

-. -- , , _ driTlDii bf B 

le-Kili: i:iLuau>r,97. II. Wllllame, 10 to 1, aacood; llim- 

yara. lOd tiiorpe, 0 10 1, third. Tlma 1A)K Hlitb 

race-furio $WU mIIIdr. ali lnr|oDM~Ed. tJariitDd. HM 


Morhe^ato I, woodnTliic i«7 ahead; Cerro Uoido lue^ J 
Piaber, 7 to 1, aacnnd; HalfaUoo, 107, A. Clayton, 0 to fl, 
third. Tlnia,l;lti)i. 

t>ci 3i.-»itai race— PurM 4400, Don wmnera, Bto adU 
aliaHiurioDga-0't:ooDell, 107 Oonoliue, II to ft, won 
handily by a ueck; Cbannioo, 107, V^nkoreu, B to i, mtr 
ond:i;barlieWiUoD. HO. Perkloa. 7 to ft, third Tlma 

t:ll3tf Heonnd raw-PurM $401 ouldeo two year 

olda, rouraodabairmrlonR*— John Keaeiar.iOl, Nauon, 
liu) I, wooeaaily by thrMleogtha; Tenor, Wl. U. Wll 
liania, I to 1, Mcood; Black Tiger, 107. Btookt, ft to I. 

tiinl. T1ma,ii:AM Third ra«e-PurM B40D.MlliDg. 

MToo forlouga-l-itiaburg, iii^ Donohue. ft to I. won 
clererlyby hair a length ; iialk Lloa, lti7, A Clayton, K) 
to 1. aecond; the Ironoiaaier, 100. Brooke.! to 1, third. 

rime,14iK Pimrihraoa-ParMBiaD,two yaaroM^ 

Milling, ftierurlongi- KatieO., lD0.Tnorpa. II to I, von 
driTiDft ova length; Toub Timber, ltd Perkioe. ft to 1, 
aeoond :Uakl«7. 100. Brooke, 8 to 1, itaird. Tlma. iKtyi, 

Pinhraoa— Purwiioa. maldeoa,eDe ntle-Vemoi 

PI. Walhor. 4 to 1, won eull7 by a leogth, UannoD, VI, fa. 
Wilitama, lo lo I mcod >. <:oDj«etun. 08, Pertlna, s 10 \ 

Ihird. Time, ■ :ftt>2 Riiih raca— *tame ai aacond, Unt 

and ahaiiiurlon^a-UollywooJ. III! Dooohne,4to r,woo 
•aaily by a length; HalmaUoo. IOft,Tborpe, Alol, lacood; 
/. tuaia, 101 A. Clajtoo ft to 1, third. Tiroa 1.-0IX 

Nor. 1 — Ptrai r«c<>-rurM 940J. ail and a ball lurlonga 
— Tr*mot)a. 101, Walkrr, 7 10 I, woudrlTiDgbya leniib; 
Vi>orhi«#, ICM, A,Ui«ttoa,ft lo I, iwcood: Pirate Kmc, 

lt;7. Brooke, li) to I. lUlixl. Tlma i JSA Second race* 

I'ur-eSKD. MllloK, oDe mile— Ilodgaoo, 104, A nimyioo, 
ft lo 3, wou clereily bv a neck : hiater Anita, (6. II. Wll- 
liamp,3io I, Mcood; Bquatur.n Perk lea 7 to 1 third. 

Tiioe Third raoe-PurM BWikaliand a hair 

lurloDita-frobaaeo, 107. A. Clayioo, 10 to 1. won baadlfy 
iiyaleuglh: tf«rric«. -17, H. Wi|l>ama, 7 to A, aeoond; 
Kllen Djuglaa, IH, Htannltt lOD to I, third. Tinu, 1 ttM. 

Konrih race— l^nrM ItOO, ror two year olda. Qto fur 

longa-PrMAdvico. lOft, A. OUyioo.B lo L won handily 
bir alvngth: ViniorioiiitKa, II. wiiliarea, fl 10 I, MOood; 

Uauo. lie, P4trklDn,S to i, third. Time, IM Piiih 

raca-Pur«eB4iUDDD «lonere,one mile— Alibi. MiPer- 
kioa.7ioft.wooeaiilTbyaleDiih; Ulebel,lQ&, 11 Wll- 
lla^l^ 7 to 2. aaeonil; Barly Aoae, 107. Brooke,* to L 
third. Tln]a,l:48L 

N iT. i-Kir>t raoa-Paraa $100^ maldeni, Mlllog, 
Bften inrlong<-T«lukle. lu), A.oiayton.9to LwoolDa 

failoi) by lau lengilie; Dollle, 08, Rcbarar.B tol, Aacond: 
lteu».li<; Brooka.3tol, thIM. Tlma, 1:9 BecoH 

rac«-PurM8f^ two TMroMa flveand a ball rorloDg^ 
Ita Creole, idft, A. Clarion. 4 to a woodrlrlogbf a leogth; 
E:lae,IQ^rerhlDm8 to I. aacond: CraaMnC W4. Tbo'ra^ 

3 to I. Iblrd. Tlm^ \m)i Third raoa-PorM $«£ 

for all agea, aii furlonga-Bimon W..0I, Perklna, I to ft, 
won elaverly hy a langih ; O Connall, 111, U. Villlama, 0 
toft. aoMDd: UaraUine, l>3,Br«okaflto l.thlrd. Time, 

l:lftV Fourth raee-PaiM liol Tor thrM yaaroMe 

and upiard. rotle and HTODly yard*— Jodlih, 98, A. Olay- 
toD,3 in 1, won olererly by two leogtha; Piiubnrg,(eL 
P*rklDa.8 10>Dd; Blra, 107. ThoTpa,ft to 1, third. 

rime, l:iA\. Plllh raoa— PurM BtU lor two year 

o:da, flTo aotl a ball iDrlooga— Uuctora IQM'arhlna, ftio 
l,wonclaTerlyb7alaB«ih; Blaoehe Eennr, 100. B. Wll- 
liBmA,8 to ft, tfcoBd; Toota, 104, Nelaoo. 8 to 1, third. 
Time, lAiOJhC. 

Nov.l-Pir«t rata— Selllog. porM fllOiX lorthrMpaar 

ol iaaod upward. eletan-fa aiiiMOihaor amila-OomLn' 

£0, ML Perkioa, I to ^ won handily b7 one leoatb : Balk 
<lua,N. Clayton, ft 10 I, eecood; Ed Oanland, 104. Hotea, 

..Beeood tae^PurMBiOi, 

10 tol. (bird Tiua,l:il)* ... 

rorlworMroUa,omimiia-Alabana, in,B Bmlth,lft lo 
1, wnodriTiDsby aeoM: Oakley, 101 BmkitStol, aeo- 
ond; Ahleld Bearer, ll0.ClayiOD,lto I. third. Time, l:i9. 

Third race— PrM baodlcap, rrtr three year olda and 

OTer. ooe mlle-OrlDda 100, t^lartoo, 9 10 I, von gallop- 
log by ibrM leapiha; Oeorge Beck, lOS, Perfeioa, t tol, 
aecond; Kemper Lei, lli.Tnorpe. ll to A third. Tina, 

l:fti>4 Ponrth race-PurvalMU fnr all aiaa, oanerr 

liasdicAP, MTen lurlonfS-BaberL 91, l^lajton, 0 lo I, 
noo etelly by a length and a hall; Leftratn.W. rerhlna. 
4 lo ft, aecond; The Iroomtiter. BX Doooboe, 8 to I, 

Ihlrd. Time. 1:3) Plllh taca-Stliing, porM giOO, 

fttrihrM year nida and Dpwanl. one mile-Pred Oardnar, 
lOiX Perklna, 10 to 1, woneuliy h7 a leogth; Emma Mao, 
lot Noiaa, 4 in t. eeoond; Hichel, Hi\ Tborpa, 10 to L 
third. Tlme.l:l!i>;. -1 -» 

NoT.A-rirttraca-PgrMtlOOL Mlling,ali fulonr*— 
BUea Donglaa 101, Bona. I to 1. won eaUly by Ara 
lan^a; jrinlIaoi7.IOStFarfe(af,Btol,i " 

Wft TkoT»,7iol,lhlrd. TlBa.l:19... JaeOBdraoa-PeiM 

tno mald^D two jaaroM flillea. al> forloon-La woore, 
II, B BiaTibt.Miol. wondrlTlna by hOf'teBatb ; Ada 
101. A Clay too, 3 lo 1. sacuD^ : LMfl-t. lOI. H Wllllame, 8 
toa.tiilrd. Tlma 1:10 .... TWpi raca-PorMWII. allow. 
ancaa,aaTaD lurloota-Probaaro lit A riaTto<.8 to A 
won aa^llybytwo lenttha; Teliow BAaa ill. Tborva, 8 
|(i|, aeroDd; FradOardedr, Il3. ParHnOJ^to I. third 

Tlma. 13^ Poanh r«oe-Poiee $«o. for twoiaar 

olda An rorlrtoga-Bomo lOft. Thorpe. 8 10 I. wndryiog 
oralengih: Oali^n Dor.lOa Rrook».4 to I. 'M^nd; John 
KeMler, iQl. Hnra#. ift to I. ibird ilme, l:l7\ .....Pirih 
noa-PorM $100. Mlllng, one mile-Pinaborff. 07 Dodo 
hDe,8>oA wcoea«llybya oKk: TraverM. lOR, Tbnrpe 
4 to I, aacood; Promaaa'le.lQaPerklBi. 8 to I, 'hird. 

Tlme.]-43K Rixth raca— Pora* 940), Mlllng. ata far- 

10* ga- Ed Oarttaod, lit, UorM. 9 to 1. won drlTlng by a 
leogth; RpnngTale, 100, U. Wllilama, B to 1, Mcond; 
CarrDaordo,riO, Thorpe. 4 tol, third. Tlma,l:l& 

Aleiandar laland Races. 

Oct 90.-Flr«t nce-Foaraod a bair lorlonaa-FlDanee, 
101 King. 8101. won: Maid Bille*. Ill, U. Lewie, »;o 1. 
Mcnnd; UnoUrude. lU Footer, ft to I, ihird. Time, 

0:ft77^ Racond raca-Sla aod a quarter lurloasa 

JobDOf, lot. Nrarr. .. - - - 

I. aecond; BIlTerQL. 

I«>i Third race- - , 

Bon. 107, UonKftto I, woo: Otadeo, 10% Naar7, 3 to K 
aeeood; Detiult.104. Marpby, 0 to J, ihlrd Tlma.(>:BflL 

Foorth raca-PlTo fti.-loDga-Paglo. lis. Corblay, 

itoftiWD: Bine BItd. 119, ueiger I'-Oto I. aacood: 60- 

nora, 119. Po»ier.4 10 1, third Time, l^H FUtb 

raca-Hli rairooia-'dberla llOi Corbley. 7 to 10. won; 
JuBDitJL 101, Ham. Ift lo 1. aecond; Balgravla, IQI, Don* 
oelly.Tio l.thlrd. Time, 1:17 . , 

0«t 3I.-Plrat raea-Halr a mllo-flclo. 110. B. Laala 7 
loft, woo: t^itnmboiu liu. Reoder, 8 to l, socood; Judge 

Poal, 9& Neary. 8 10 1, tbIrd. Tima 0:50 Seoood raca 

-Hla inrloDge-KIIeo B . BS^ Bnrph7, 11 to 0, won; Bad 
Btar.KH Ham, ft to 1. MCood: Laoio, lOi. PIt^d. B ia I. 

third Tima, 1:31 Tbird raea-«li aodauaarterfor- 

looga— Dart, 103^ Ham, 7 to ft, won; Mr. Oipa, lu7. Cub- 
Qlngbam, 8 lo ft, aacond; L)eeam, 113, Fueier, 7 to 1, 

ihlid. Tlme,lJI Ponn)irac*-Plfe lorlonn— Ufi 

oa, IIB, <;orble7, 0 lo IlVOo; Tommy Lallr, ilQ. Dele- 
hanir, ift to I. aecond: Witllam Penu, HI, flam, 4 to f 
third. Tlma,l:Qft Fifth noe-Hlleaod a eixtoeoih- 

1 raca-oia ano a quanar lurioBBa- 
rT.9toA woo; MoKeeTor, 961 Bain, 810 
Quean. 07, Murbh7. A to 1, third Time, 
race— Pour tDd a half rorlooga— Para- 

na, IIB, <;orble7, 0 to IlVOo; Tommy Lallr, HQ. Dele- 
hanir, ift to I. aecond: Witllam Penu, 111, flam, 4 to 1, 

third. Tlma,l:Qft Fifth noe-Hlleaod a eixtoeoih- 

AtamaB,10A, Bam, ft to 1, woo; Kaj Weat, 108, Uurpliv.8 
to ft. tocond; Poncade Leon, 0^ Corble7t 10 lo 1, third. 

Nor. I — Flrat raca-Bair a mlla-Torea. 110. H. Lewie. 
eTen,won;Mlr*oio, llU Bobloeon, A to 1 MCond;Bon 

ro7ifte, HI, McDormott, 10 lo I, third. Time. 0:fiO 

Uecooit raM-Sli aod aouarter furloog*-Lyceum. Mnr- 
pb7. 9 to 1. won ; Tioga, Aft, Ham, 8 to l^cund ; Quavter- 

ntaktar, lOfK Panona, ft 10 1, third. Tlma l:3iM 

Third nee-lialia mUe-Judfre Poat, iQft, Nearr. i to I, 
«OD:Tba Jokor, 113, Paranna, 8 to i. aeeood; BaoJ-, 88. J. 

Bandar, 3 to I, ihiid. Time, 0:ftOM Fourtn race— 

FiTelnrlonen— LeTlnn,HO, CorblOT, I to8. woo;Fr>ncMe 
Alia, IB. Harpb7, 8 ml. aoeood; Jimmle Jamea, 107. 

Uani,atol,ihird. Time. 1:01 Pilih nee-Hix Hir 

looga— ^>aafalogt!llarll^ lOif, Baolore. 4 to 1, wou: Gold 
Digger, ItB, Lowta, 10 to 1. focood; Beliearlua, 114, Cor- 
blet.oTeD. tbIrd. Time, l:l'J. 

Nor. a-Plratraco-llali a mlle-Uthogiaoh, 119. II. 
Lowif,7 10 I, won; RtpellHoo, 114, Corbley, 1 to t aoc 
•lod: LoTiog U ear t. Ill, PaoMy, 10 to I, third. Time, 

0:ftlM Second race— Six and a quarter farlooga— 

Dr. JohQMD, 06,i:oroley, 3 10 l, wod: notrolt, 93^ uur- 

phy,4 to I.Mcood; HeDiet,IOI, MeLaagb)lD,4Utol,thiTd, 

Time, l:3l)i« Third raca- Pimraoo a half Inrlooga— 

Poreat, lot, MaoiOTo. H to I, won ; Jeraer. IMi, Ham, S to 

I, eacood ; ParagOD, IU7, MorrtA ft to S third. Time, 0:ft7. 

Fourth raca— 9ix aod a half lurloog^PraDic R. 

Harl 109, Manloro, even, won : Ponce Da Laon, B, Bam, 
3 to 1, aacood; RemorM. lia Cnnnlngham,3 lo l.llilid. 

rime. 1.-33 Pllth noft— Five lurlonga— Ban. 97- Uam, 

8 10 1, won; HDru, ftl, Marpbv. 8 to 1, MCond; Valkyrie, 
l«8L Corbley OTen, Uilrd. Tlm^l:OL 

nor. A— Pint nM-Ponr and a half rorlonga— Ab- 
aconder. IBi Bara.Atol, won; Booea, lOD, Murphy, 4 to 
I. Bocood: Ie«<and. 101. ParMOii, AO 10 l.thlrd. Time, 

OM flaeoud raca-8ii and quarter furlong^Ly 

couD, B, llaiu. 7 toiu, won; Ted'l OegB, lOI, Par«ona,8 
to 1, ucoDd: Markaione, 101, Boruii, « lu 1, Uilrd. Time, 

i:Q Third race— Four ana hill fnrlunga— Tbe Clown, 

iflB Bender, 20 to I, won; Mamie Surk. 00, Corbley, 4 to 
I, aecoad; TidlogB, 107, Bam, even, ibird. Time, D:ATJtf. 

Fourth rare-One mile— Loo gab aohii. lOI. Ham, 3 to 

ft, won: Lento il. Flyon, Ift to i, eecond; Lllhograpb. 08, 

Ooonaily, 8 to 1, third. Tiinc, I:i8)i Ptitb raca— 

PiTe inrloogs— I'lekaway, Itft, Paruoa B to 1, won; Jim 
McLaughllD, IIG^ .Murphy, 6 to 1. aeeood; Keramoa, ItfV 
Uelcar.Btol iblrd. Ti(ne.l.-aM. 

Ndt.A.— Flratrac*— Konranda oaU lurlonga— napetl- 
Uon,9l, Duunelly, 7 to ft. wou: Clara Bell ]1,»). lUyoNifl 
toI.BOCOBd; Diapatch, 103, UcLaoghlio. 3i to 1, third. 

rime, 0J>7 Second race- Six and a hall rurloDca— 

L7oaDm, lUI. Marpbr.0 106, won; JobBny, 98, UoolaEan, 
ftiol, MCond: Dr Juodiioo,90, Ham, 7toft, third. Tina. 

1:23 Third race— Six and a hall Virion ga-Ieatand, 

lU',Paniou.6to 0,non: Lorlng Ueait, 112, Paoay, 1(1 to 
l.necoad; UDoOrande, Il7. Foatar. 4 lo l.thlrd. Time, 

1:90,>4 Fourth race-SU aod a half rurlonga— Alooto, 

l(a.t*orble7,7 toft, won; Bon Voyage, 107,. Bogart 9 tol, 
aeooDd; DaraUoTll 97, B Benda-, 16 to 1, Uiird. Time, 

1:2!^ Plfih raca— ''oTrn (urlonga— Ponca DoLmu, 

OS, Hum, area, woo; Valkyrie Sft, Doooall7.3 to l.aa^ 
iiiri: Qoartarmuter, 104, ParaonA 12 to 1, third. Time, 


IVairaf anieti Park Meeting. 

TUeFail meeilDg nt Proridence, R. L, conUnncB 
nuLDlbgaacceBsfDlly, tbe class oC borses engaged 
dally being good enoogb to f omlsb e:ccelleni sport, 
and In consequeuce tbe race goers ot tbar section 
OBiend qnlte liberal pairooage. Samniary uf last 
week's racee: 

Oot 3u -Flrat raca-FlTe furlooga-Sam Welter, lOSM. 
Raiir, ft to 2 dnt: B*en Welgbt, 10^ B Brown.ft lo 1, teo- 
oDd; PIdello, 107, Sotdekar.To to l, tblrd, Time, 1 ie)( 

H-tcond itc^-Blx aoil a hail rarioORj^BoMwoou 

coll. lP7, llamllloo, 310 I, lliat: haTehoa, OAK. Clark, 10 
to 1. aooood: OhllloD, 197, Duff*, 2)i to 1, iblrd. Tima, 

l:23U. Third raoe-Ooe mile— Uncbreoa HI, RPia.8 

uiA.nrat: NloollDL tU Oaroa , lA to I, aeeood: BlrDixoD 

Jr..Ba WaUh,6toA Uiitd. TimM:4iK Fourthraca 

-41x»Dd a hairi\irlooga— Truepenny, lOd Hamilton, 7 to 
10. flrat; Qaania, Of, Camar, 4 to 1. aacond; Lodl. hk 

Blike.7U)a,ttaltd. TiDie,l:li. Fifth raoa-Oa- and 

one-eiKlMntli mliea-M^or Ueneral, 03. a«iner,7to 10. 
flnt; t^oooote, U8, Bamilion, 2 to 1, Rocood: Now or 

N«Ter 10. Wolab. 3 to I, bird Tine, 1A3M. Rtith 

raoa— Une mile— Hardy Fok. Ill BamiltoD, e tn g, Brvi; 
Bdlpea, ittt, Blaha. 8 to i, eacond: OaUopiog Klog, IB, 
MeGwDe. 10 tol. Ihlid. Tlmal:4ftM. 

Oot.3l.-Fllatrac•-Pur^a t3 O-Fectolne. VO. iMibley. 
7 to A^ flrat: Canraa^ 107, Tailor, 8 tol, eeeoDd; By Jora. 

110^ BlaKe,& 10 X •hlid. Tina, i-.viii bocood nor— 

ParHfftn.onemda-B(|ulty 111, BamlltoD-VtolO, Srat: 
•^barede. lu Biaia, s to l, locond I*aurel, luB, Oamer. e 

tol.iblrd. Time !:»>( .Third race- Por** mil Ore 

lurlonga— CaManer, io^lAmble7, 4 tt I, flre ; Pirtt Light 
.08, P>De«aD. A) to I. BMOod: NaTahoe 111, UanlltAo, 0 

ui 1, third. Time, 1 9« Fourth rua-Purw $3001 ana 

•Mlla-HlcotT, 100, Uirner, 8 to A, flr*t: U1II7 Boy.lU), 
Ltmbley, 0 to 10. aroood : Aeaa HeDuiT lA, Mnaaby. lO to 

I, tblrd. Time, l:i9J4 Pilliir4ea-Puiae$U)^RlxBBd 

noe hall furlw g*— it*r Joho, 100, Hamilton. I2 to B. flrat; 
Oeoo, 01. BaokH. 3 to 1, hoao'I; Tnepeooy. lul, Riake, 

'jilid Tima,l:37H ^lath noa-BtMO'echaaa. pnrae 

•J0Ua>tO'*t t«o miiea,oTer twelre burdlaa— Alcbrmiat, 
ilA, Vaaob. 3 lo fti. flrai; CbftTj Cbaia, 148, Plnee, 3to 1, 
e«cnnd; King John 138, Black. 4 tol. ihlrd. TIim,9:3L 
Not. 1.— Ptrar rae^ParM BIB, are fiirionga— Bail- 
etoiao. IQB, Meff, 9 to ft, flmi; Lady Blcbmood, 
Wei»b.4 to 1, aeoond; Deno, U», Hanha 10 to I, iLlrd. 

Time, IKKM ftecond nee— PurM ISODi Ore fnrioDBa— 

Pernor, lo, Bunn.Bto l flrtt; CanTaAa,iOL Taylor, fito 
I. B-cond; i^oodnoior MoflaMoey, 04 Uaruer 0 to B, 

Iblrd. Tlm^ Iffi Tblrd raca— Puim fwn one 

mtl^Pidello, 09 LAinbie7.7tOjL diat: D«l|thl 9ft.0aT- 
oer,2 to I. aecond: Oailoplng King, ItS Nobler 4 to 1, 

third. Time 1:49K foorth nc«— PuiM $3i«i flve 

and one-ball rbrfoDKB-^^bkriar. lOH Lamblay 4 10 1, Oral ; 
8iaeaaTter,li3 HoHbp. 6 to 3, Bocond; BoiUalre, lui, 

Taylor,? to 2, thud Tlma, l:l4 Plitb nca-Pone 

Blua one mile and a rurL>ng— Hartford 10d,Blefl,8io I, 
ant; Haior neoe'el. 100, llamllion, 3 to l.atoond; Men- 

dican). IB. Welali.otoft. tbird. Time, 3:U3K Blxih 

~ - a— UMvy weight handicap, alx rurlooge— Aureliao, 
Fox,4 tol.flTBi; HpwnlatJon, 111, Bnedeker, 1 to 2; Bed John, Ub, MoMby, 18 to ft, third. Timal 

Not. 1— Flrat *a£^PurM 1300, Ato forlonga-Elberon, 
07.aamer.7lolO flnt;Te»aciouB,n Lamb]e7,Stol. eeo 
ond;6UriorMeCaan 107, Bamilion. 10 to U third, rime^ 

1:08 BeeoDd noe-Pora#B90i, all larloota-Eoohan- 

ur. 103, Welib. 8 *o ft, flnt; NoTaboe, lOft. Hamlitoo, 0 to 
4, aeound; Helioi, IB, Oaraer, 3 in Lthlro. Time. I-IOK. 

Iblrd neo-Faraa $101). one mile— NIonlloL 61 Car 

Der,4io 8, flr*t;Lodi.8l. MeLalo.B in I, mcod<1; Paoto- 

laa. 111, Ha»llioD.7to3, third. Time, 1:«7M Pnunb 

race— PurM $3V. WTan mrlnnca— Laigb, 111, Blak*,7 to 
I, flrat; Jaok Ram, 117, Bal>ard, 7 to ID, aeeood: Unole 

Jim, H4. 1]4mllton,8 to i. third. Time. 1:331( Piith 

D r _.i — t..* ' irtonge— Mm 

race-Pore* $3uO. r»urand onebaU lurlonge- 


wv- B, Oanar, B toj^. flrat;^Pnillatea, B^ LMiblyiS^io A, 

■vwmi , Bxcellenufllly, B, U. Broao, aj to 1, tbua Time. 

OUUK filxtb t«c«— Pure* $300, one mile and thrM 

hirtooga— Triiman, HO, Oaner. fl to A. flnt; Dwigbt. ill. 
Pox. ft to 1, *acoDd; ChauDoay, 114, BouloBe,4 lol, third. 

nacliiK lu TenneMee. 

OcU90.— Flrat. vaoa-flelllDa, alx fbrlooM- Paniuet,Oi 
Navoom,3to^woD; John Berkley, SB, Sann.T to I, aee> 
oDd; Raxapbone. MD. Haniing, 1ft to I. third. Time. 1:19. 

Baoond raoe— Helllog, mile and MTonty yarda— 

CUmeDtiae,llOiNebcomD,4 to A, won; WadgeflehL UML 
BhleUB,i3tol,»aoond; Paytonia, Ib KeUb,9 tol, third. 

Tina. i:ftl Ttaltd nea-Belling, ali larlonge-XaTe- 

one. luUL Prica, 9 lo I, won ; Bam Parmer, I08. Bfaielda, fl to 
I. aaoood; Mr. Baraea, Blcka, IB to l.thlrd. Time, 

i:l9K Fonrth race— BeroD furlonia— Toiicaron, lOi, 

Berger, ft to 1, won; Clam Banar, 118, Rhielda 3 bia bm- 
oDd;TomBlmor«|,lOI.Kahn, ID to l.thlrd. Tima 1:91V. 

Filth race— Fonr aod a baU larlonfa-Nellta War, 

ner, lOO^ FrMman. eren. woo : Maanoa, 101, Bari*r, 8 to1> 
•aoood:BaA Laaair, 102. Kol^ht, Sto I. Uiird. Timf.OiB. 

Ont 91 — Plrei race-Belilog, eix and half forloaga— 
John Berkeley, lOl. EabD, 7 10 1. woo ; SateUHa 1U3. Uaid 
D*r, 10 to 1. aaoood; TaaBpnog,09 Nawaom. Bioft, ihinL 

Time \ n\i Feoond raeo-PiTa rorlonga— UMWbiB. 

OB. Knhn. « to 1. wen: Joeo, 101 Kelib. 8 tn i. aecond ; 
Lonoa Mao. lOL Ne«ooni, 7 to A. third. Tlma. 1 :fBii..,. - 
Tblrd tac^FiT« and a half htrlongi-Baaper, ivi. New- 
00m, aren, won: PriDoa, B Oardoer, B to I, oMood; 

Belle Biar, OH. PerrT. 8 to 1. third. Tima 1:0!>W 

Fonnb race— One mlla and twenty yartia- TaacoTnB, P. 
WatioD. 9 lo 3. won ; Tom Blmore, lOV Kohn. 8 lo 1. boo 
oB(l: lienrr Jenkitu, ilT, FrMmao. 4 to 1. third. Tlma, 

l:4B>( Flbb raoe -tiall log. alx Airfunga-PioreaDBa, 

lOB. Heweom. I to L won ; Tea Pel, IB, HatdlBg B to 1. 
aecond; Hellle B, III. Bmlih.9ioft, third. TlmewlliV 

Bliih nee— BeUlOR. alx and abaKiarloDfH-Abhwo, 

B, Hawoom, OTon, won; Lord Wlllowbrook, lOl Harding, 
4 to l.aacoDd; MIm PerklnA 90^ Oaiduer, A .10 I, third. 

Not. l.-hrtt r%m Bi g fBrtoD|a-I>erta|aL 101, V*. 
Cn^ B t» A w«a ; lata Baidp. IB, billh, Utot, aeoond ; 
Omua, m, BeweoB, lO to l ihlxd. Tlma, \-Mk 

Becond nea-8alUn£Bll«andaalxiMotth.p»toDU » 
Eaiih,Bti*a. woo: Woiee*. ino, McO-ia 4 ti^ 
■aneL B. gnlghtfllo £ thlid Time. 1:49. r^^i 

SUaodahalfftirlorp-lUTry L. 0\. v.ieJJ'M 

on ; BATonoa », Oardoar. 8 or ond : Oold im.. 

i>ae,8tBl.thlid Time, I^X P'irib 

tarloflAS-LniiieMilla iQi HKIelda 7 to 10 
B.IO*. Mo-'oe a»en a<H*inil. Time \rti^ 

ei-SU aodalialfftirlor^lUTn l'." irv.wecB"! 
9 woe ; BATonoa PB, Oardoar. 8 er ond : Ooki i»,'..^ 

Holll. E - . 

Filth nc-Piv. fortoDc-Jolla Ailliur. 09. Rnlio fi in V 
•aa:N.lllaO-lv>ni» lOI. Eniubt I. Hcoad-Bam . 
l'>i.l)awa>m IlloMbM. Tiin. mm. """•'""t.l', 
Not. &-rii.t rac^PlT. f"rlon.i.— M.rcha*.. im 
n baoD 1 lol. •on; <h>o>i<"a II., im, «c''ga,t lo f >.;' 
OOU: vn Brad.ha-, ina SidiiIi. 9 to I, finl Ti^r 

"«>!iH l««-8.llin|! "T. aod a * 

.'Kl'inaDna ii% fa.CAtnh. 1 lo s. «nn; Maa^i. ui 
CabD, lot" 1, aatood: Wa.arlr. lUl Bwtoii,3 tfi I liii.^i 
Tin., !;«)( . Third r«i»-iiDf niM. and a«iii..V.], 
rakharU . 91. Oardoar, 3 la l. von: lua L n.7 

Tima.'riurf .... Kjorlh r«--i<.lfuiB, and a : 
li^Dia-Mairopola. 103. Kalaht 9lo 1- mt.Q\ L«rd vi.i. ' 
bro'.k. lOS, riardiD, 12 10 1 wnad: Klmar P.. liu v.^^' 

com. .rail, third Tlmo, l:0 Vliib ru.-Poo. .„ i 

a hall iBrlooaa— Birdo.lchar. lOO. Navcodi. j to i . 
RaUar. lOi. J. UIII.S lo 1. >acnfid{ lllaa aiutni. im vi°' 
aailo,Dlol.lhlrtf. Tlo».(l:t««. B-», 

NOT. 3— Pirat raca— Fire rurlooaa— Uaaola. » R.ii.n 
II in I, trat; Padraulail, ll«, J. HllV8^lo^lww^. c L'?: 
Baaar, lor. Uhlalda, > to 3 ihlril. Tlma. I»i>i * 
tejoad rac*-NlB* lorlooga— Wolaap, Vt. HcCu«.'o"roV 
finit:llarc«LI9. nardoar. 3 to 1. lawDd; P.yinDi. w 
lellh. 0 to t, Ihlrd. Tlma. .. Ttiird ra<:.-<|n\: 

miro-Hald Ifarlao, 109, Oibano, ooL arttiWedircfl.!.! 
IM, Mot^o, 10 U> I. H«ind:n;ru.,H, K»(on.» TO ' 

Ihlrd. Tlma, 1:<1K Pourth ran-Flra rgr" 

Patula. III. Uarrtaar, 1 u> I, Oral; viaaAlIca, 111. j uhl 
»J 10 l.iocoDd; Iliniar, 113 Nowcrm. 6 to I ihird 
Plllh rae»-PlTa rarloaea-Da-me NIebol.. vn, Btmii' 
1 to I, nrat: Palloadav. 91. No.rom. 0 u I, a<nBd'' 
QulrkiUp. oa. Ulet^ 4 lo I. Ihlrd. Tlma 1911. 

KoT. &-Pir*t raeo'lili rnnooga-Black .Satio KO J 
Hill, 13 (f> I. woo: Raoaoni. 97. HcCue. 10 lo I. .kooj- 
OcAita. V7. Na.&im, 6 to I. Ihiixl. Tim. l-icji 
Itnornid raro-BolllDR. Bla aad a hair rurlfQaawTont Gil'. 
moi«,99, RuhD.Cto 1. von; BImer F, 1 3. J Hill Sin. 
iocond; Jaaola w., 99 H«-'ua la to I. ihird. Timr 

l:3iK Third raca— PIT. tarloosi— I'raoi., llj,tiarj^ 

Dar.ltoa.woo; Tiaolon. IIC. J Uill 4 to I. Htcoud- 
BalUsiar, 1(0. Pwrr. e u> I. third. Tin*. Imu ' 
Poanh raco-Uaa mil,— Moill*. R , 99. Kaliu 34 1., r.oo'. 
PuloharU .93. (Unliiar. 4 to 6. ufood; TIi.fMioto n OL* 
HeJua,3tol. third, ■timt, l:*:n .. Fir>h raca Sgii: 
iDir. Ura and a bail rurloogi-MaDnla. 103. Kuhn. iii to 1 
■ 00: fUTauQa, 107. Nawcou. 10 10 l-vnconl; W.T bill.' 
lOD, McCae, U to 1, Ihlrd. TmiMUS^ 

The JockeF Club 
Ueld tbolr regular monthij meeliog m this ciiy ou 
Uonda.' stierooon, Nov. 6. The tiovenla picaeni 
irere Heisra. Homer, Keene, Knnpp. Sliirgii hdiI 
Thompion. Bookmaker 0. Woir, heiier kno.n as 
"Oiler B.." wbo Jocko/ Uarrr Joaca hccuui ur 
bribing Bloi to poll hurata at NaintKaMiett Park 
win he brooebi dp fi r InTrsilgiUon b^lor'^ ibe 
atcwarda ou Nov. 19. The aecretarlea ot hoili N'ar- 
1 Hgaaactt Park uoil tlio Tlrglnla Juccej Club h ivc 
been nailOed to reruie nil enirlea In the liiioic 
onder Uie name ur W. Woodo. W. u. I)al7 U be- 
llered to be ilie owner ot Uie borsea, Hud, al ibi- 
present tine be la an ooicftat on the lurr. ivooda 
and Dalj have boln been noUOcd lo appear brtorc 
me Jocker Olob on Nov. 19, ror invasllgallon. 

RomRT J. iNb John K. Gbktry met in u nuicli 
paclog race at I'uint llrceiu), Pblladelpliia, Pn .ou 
Frldaj afirrnooo, Kov. ll, k piirve of $2,000 liclog 
offered. nob«rl J. won two hcaia In aucccaalon 

anlM eaallTi and ibcn John H. Qcmrr ua^i wlib- 
rawn beoiuae ot a cui ou hlB toretcf. Time ot 
the bealB, i:Vi, l:\m. Arierirnrda, It lcrtJ. wia 
aeol iifHlnai hio record, acoompanled by a ruoncr, 
but Ibe beat be conid do was a mile lo 'J:00. 

A uavcii TKOT, double lesma. ihreo beau In Ovr, 
for (3.C00 ft aMe, between Fn-d Gorkrn'e Liiilc 
Sportaud Slonerldge Hod Julin Kudd'a CopUaa uod 
Jeaac, was decided nl Flealtrood Park, I ila clly, on 
Frliiii AfternooD, Nov. 'j, lu prv8c;ica uf n iiu<nb.r 
of ro:u) drivcra. OorKen a teiioi, driven i>y Fowltr, 

8 roved the wlonors, Kiidd'a teain. over which 
Ihbs handled the ribbona. inking iho eecond beat. 
Time, 2.30, i-Wil, iMiH- 

Toe UiuBLaKD SrtKX Faau, nnr I.e.xlnetoii, 
Kj., was sold, Nov. 2, bj W. U. Frani-« m U. L. 
ABber,s Kentucky lumber king, for $7t,iM0. Ua 
took In pan payment the trotting homo eatabilab* 
ment known as Ebn Tree Vurni, tvorih $44,000. OA. 
Fiance inlendjj to make bis rotore home lo Neir 
York, whence ho wont to Kentucky nuny years 

TOi uoES at Narranniett PArk, Providence, It. 
I,, were posiponed on Nov. 3 aod It In coniieqaence 
ot rain and a reaoltant very muddy track. The 
mauwenent ot Uie St. ikaapn trd.'k decided not 10 
rnn on tiie stta and o*h, lo order to allow tbe 
and race goers from other clueu to go home and 


A Knocltout la BKclilgi&n. 

A prize llgbt look place on Sunday, Nor. 4, aboni 
tbeee miles from Jackaon, Mich., and waa wllneated 
by about two bondred aporla. i'lio princlimla irere 
JoeTlanaey, ot Oliicago, .nd Fre<l imx, ot Jackeoo. 
bolb heavywatgbb. Tanscr weiglied IBIIIi. aud 
Cox 1901b. Tanaey forced the OgoMng at ilrst and 
Cox look tbe' detenalvo. Both men wi^rn badly pun- 
ished. In tbe fourth round tnu^y made a Ire- 
mendona mah. but was cauobt anuarely on the 
noaa by Cox. In tbeflrib rouud OoxiouckedTnniey 
under tbe ropes. Tausey came up groggy, maile 
another henTv rosX, tailed, and l^x caught him 
nn thu Jaw wlUi a swinging npper cut, knocking 
him out, _ 

FaspABtTiONB ara bclUK nude tor ibe fortlicom- 
Ingeoienaininantot Uie AUanUo Aih euo ainh,on 
Monday evenlug, Nov. 10, at their arena at U looy 
laland, and as ibe array ui ulent Uuy hnvo secared 
la excellent, tbo ab-jtv ouslit 'n oroiu a goud one in 
aapurilniaena. and Honiiclally aoUatnctory, The 
proartunma Includes bunts between Jack HnAuUiTa 
and Owen Zelgler, Juliuny OnriDati and Faddy Uc. 
Bilde.and Austra.lau Uilly Mirpby and Jerry Bar- 
nett. These are all me" whu liave been iHcU aod 
Innod not iranilog. and as we are lotunned tbaisU 
are p eparlns ibemaelvee carefiilly for the airalr, 
the loth ataonld prove a gala nlgbi hy ibe aaaanore. 

TUB ouiTt nana ootween Jim Daly, ot Bairalo, 
N. Y., aod Jack Blavln, "t Au<ir.lla, i"r n purse ol, tha loser to receive hla tmlDlagrxpenaea. 
wasdeolded al Bnitaloon ihe night of Uct. 81. Juai 
beture the bell rang lur ihe aeventn Mund suvio 
ellncbed In avoid puolshment. an>l, when iirdrred 
to break, drllrored n blow on lUe neck. T11I1 was 
so palpanle a foul Ibat the teteree, on appeal. Im- 
mediately rendered hla decMon lu tavor ot Ualr. 
The winner waa leoonded by Frank Erne, bolly 
Srnim and "Snip" Kelger, while Slavin had ibe 
services ot Dill SHvIn, Fred Yokes and Tom dark. 

QORiCE Lbids, ot AUauHo City, and Alfred 
aninuia, albis "Young Orlifo," the Australian light- 
irel dhl, nave at entered into an agreement lore 
mettlngwiThtntheropta. Tliecotiiestlstoheof ten 
ronnda, at liUlb. and u to lake plaoi Iwltrron noir 
and Fenruary, In eltoer Now York or Uoslon, tuu- 
Toe admirers ot pngllbim, who an aware ol iho 
cleverness of both ibeae men, would prefer to aco 
iham meet In a ilghi 10 a tniib, bni, tailing In ibli, 
will take great inienst in tbo result of tbdr meet, 
log In a llmlied engaiement. Frank Wbne, of this 
city, will have cbanra ot Ibe preptratlon ot too 
Jeneyman, who couldn't have ihe services of a 
mora carelol or asluie manager and trainer. 

TOmiT Orbbd, the pngllial, who Is chnrged with 
having Slabbed Jack BkellTwith a fork during a 
recent airiay In Diooklyo, N. Y., has been arrraicd, 
and waa arraigned In tbe Adama Bireei Police 
Court, Nov. e, and placed under tl.Uk) hall for ox- 
amlnailon. Oeorge Ualone, who w^s arrenteil for 
the same ofTeoce, waa bald in the same amoonl or 
ball, Skollj, at last aoconnis, was improving. 

TuK WiLLims, the former llgbtwlght chniuplon 
ot AnsliBila, daloaied Bovle, 01 ttcothtud. In tbe aec- 
ond round ola glove flght at tho National Bporuog 
Olub In London, Eng., uct. 39. Tnoy foogbt for » 
parse ot tl too, and after It waa over Wllihiuiachal. 
longed any Koth man in the world, tbo Dgbt to taic 
placoln either England or America. UemeoUonsa 
siaeof tl,030. 

Frbo Foxt, ot Lanraster Oonntr, and Tom Bob- 
ens, of the city of Smoke, milled f<ir t-W a side, 
oslng two ounce gloves. In a Held near Laocaaier. 
Pa,, night of Oct. 60. They tonghtHorcely, both be- 
ing severely punished, and Rubens roceivlog hu 
tnleins In the alxlh runnd, alur having had toe 
best ol the early fonnds. 

QLTiiH, ot Wilmington, Del., and noyle^ ot thi' 
meimpolls, engagedln a glove Oghi near » aahiov- 
Ion, l». C, on Monday evening. Nov. ». "".e 0«»' 
Uailsg Ibroogb six rounds, when Boyle dlslocai'" 
his ahonlder, which IncapacUaied hun from m- 
iher lighting and the pnrse was given 10 Olynn. 

OBiB. E. Datibs Li arranging an aiblcUo euicr- 
Uloment .to occur at Chlcagj, III., Nov. 14. J"" 
Uall will Ogore as tbo star kiuacilun, being 
matched to slop both Bill/ Woods and Ucory 

EcoiKB TuiuiiR, colOTOd, Ot BoatoB. Mua-^and 
Jeiry Uarley, ot Oallfomla, foaght for a pnij* 
|»D, at th« Oentiml Theatn. Denver, CoL, early an 
Ibe monliig of Not. a, the ditf y Mxer beug 
kiookBd estln the twenty-UUril toaad. 

November 10. 




Rfconl Btaking In Vnna, 

UoFrlitay i(icniooii,,lllolielet,'tIi>FKacti 
rider, mulo to stlaroptto aarpus Ura porlormtnM 
or Elllt t«( out hoor on a trloicle, at tb« Baflklo 
VcMrniDt, Farit, Fnnco, and lie proved iBceto- 
(ul, rIdlDgMS nntrta tartlier tlin did mo EoglUb- 
nua at Bemii Dill. DU tlmeii for tvtij kUomttre 
nomtlnllfUiUIIUitUilrtj-elgtitb aod l)nlttawei« 
the belt rtcorded. Tblr^-elglit lllnmaues vera 
riitden in Mm. MKa, and In ilie Call boor » til. 
118 neiru mn put uifoiher. Ulolielet wiia paced 
hf aiandemtcamand aevaial nden on biojclea. 
Od SiiodaT, 31, tbere wu a ono bundled kilometrea 
nice at tna aamt place, vhlcb waa open to all 
ridera. and wblcb reanlied in a grand perfonnanee, 
altuoagb, owing to careleaauefi on ilia nart or 
tbe managemeni, tbe r>inlt iraa nnutlaractor/. 
voaaler bad bnng on to Jnlea Unbi>ia' back 
vlieel until tbe bell nug tot tbe Una) lap, 
alian be apnoted, came cican away and Unlin- 
cd ovar lirty yarda abead. Tnen It was dtncorered 
ibat tbe bell bad been rung one lap too lata, and, 
wblle ihe race was given to Poaaler, (be oiUclalade- 
cbiied UQbola emitted lo tbe rtcnrd (or tbe correct 
ditunc^, wblob Foasler migbt Jnat aa well bave ae- 
cored bad tbe mlatake not been made> Tbe (allow- 
ing ilmofcnnstiineUobolB' record], ecllpelngibnue 
(ormeriT crenltcd to Anhv LIbton. wbo waa one o( 
tlic aurlcra on tbla occasion, bni illd not ride any- 
wnera near up to bis proper (oim: M kilns, OtD, 
'.■t*ti.;8Sklloii,!!li. 7ni. U!>i4,:sakl:08,:!b. I),ii.u3>,s ; 
n; klloa. Sh. llm. 6»a; BHkliiis,2h. itm.iiHi.; 89 
kllrw, ill. 14m. lli'ia.; M kilos, Itm.ll^is.: Ol 
kllus, 211. IM<. Ml.: til klloe. '.iii. luni. sris.; 03 kilos, 
a. KM. M kllus, 211. 33m. U}i<: n kilns,',: Miilioe, 3ii.2iin.z4>iis.; e; kilos. 3b. 
^iin. ; OS kllns,2ii. J8ni. *)?n.;v> kllog,2b.wm. 
is.'ia.; loo klloa, 2ta. aim. Wit. 

Tlie International Toaruey. 

Manager Obaries A. Bbceban, o( tbe Internatlonsl 
bicycle tournament to he held at Hadlson S(|oara 
oaiden during Tbanksglrlog week, under tbe 
inaplcei or the Hetropolllan AnoolsUon o( 'Oyollng 
i;icbj, repotta tbKt entries are coming In rapidly. 
All Indications are that tbe proresalonal twenty, 
four hnor race, to start Friday nigbr, will be tbe 
great event o( tbe week. Tlie ootnet inna (»r re- 
ceived are Arthur Linton, aban)plono( Euglind; If. 
Ilorei, champion or Fmnc: Ohas. Colnmiio, cham- 
pion o( Italy, and Geo. II. van Embnrg, o( Arling- 
ton, N. J-, the "Uoy Wnuder," wbo. It will be re- 
membered, took tbird place In Isai year's sli dty 
prorcsstnnal ovent. Tbe other ebtrles are t>lto and 
Walter Rronse. Tbe event m sure to attract great 
suenuon and bring out good speed. 

A oommiueo or tno Heirnpollun Aasoolallon Hre 

Creparlns a reception to A, A. Zimmerman, upon 
I] teturu (rom abroad. /.Immerman laavca Souib- 
amptnn with bis trainer, W. B. Troy, on iialurday, 
.S'ov. 10, and will probalily arrive In Now York iha 
rollowing Friday. Troy brlniis over also llany 
n'neeler, who nus been racing la France and Italy 
during tbe past nine montbs; Laden Lonver, oliam- 

Blon cr France; Arthur Linton, A. 0. Edwards, M. 
[uiei, Alexander Verbayen. o( Oermany, and Cbas. 
Coiumlio, or Italy. Tbo committee have chattered 
a steamer lo go down the bay and meet tbe party. 

Alore llveonls at AVallhaiii. 

Tbo celeiirated speed track at Waltbam, Uass., 
wss, on Kov. 3, again klgnnllzed by tbe maklnit o( 
a aeries o( (resh records. Arthur Porter, o( Olssa 
A, broke three world's records that Tyler bad ca- 
tabllaliod, and cut down three other world'aOIaaa A 
records Williams and Usgterty beat two more 
world's records and one Class A record, while 
llarrr Tyler railed In an auempt to get below Por- 
ter's new nylng atart record. Fortar's dnt atiemnt 
was a halt mile, dying alart, paced, making the 
uoartrr in tii.. Vi*. (aster than tbe CUaa A record; 
the tlilnl In 34>iti., or (aster tlian the worlds, by 
Tyler: the baU In Us., one second (aster than bis 
own OlaaaA time. 

Hla bext attempt was at tbe one mile, paced, 
standing alan. Ills own Ulaas A record was 3m. 
lie heat that easily, and, bnt (or a swerving o( ais 
wheel, would have clipped a tllce off the world'a 
record, Im. He made the quarter In 33a., the 
third In 43s., the hal( In MH'*.. and tbe two-thirds 
In im- 18^'s. This was rour-flrths o( a second bet 
ler ttaan Tyler's world's record on this track, na 
made the tliird quarter Id im. ^^is., or two-unns 
seconds (aster than the world's record: also t>y 
Trier on tuts tract. Uo Inlahed tbe mile In im. 
.°,3.'is., wltblo three-dnh secondao( the world'a re- 
curd, and one and (onMirth seconds (aster than 
tliaciafs A lime. 

Ilaggnrty and Williams then rode (or the paced 
tandem record, and made Iha iinarier In 2i^s., the 
Uilrd In cu'is. (iMlh new world's records) and the 
halt lb a'^n., a aeit Olaai A record. 

Johnaoa lllillug llapldlyi 

Ile(ors loaving (or Chllllcothe, o., on Oct. 30, John 
S. Johnson made an attempt to create new Ilgurea 
(or one mile, tinpaced, over tbo stnlgbtaway mile 
courss ou the Tonawanda Boulevard at Bullhio, N. 
Y. Ua proved success(ul, towering Sanger's dgures 
to im. 67.'j<i- The hal( mile was sccompllshed In 
W?is-, which Is also (aster man tbe ume made by 
SaoKor at Sprlngleld. In order that there might 
arise bO question aa to the correctneaa o( the dls- 
tanca iravelfd, the conraa waa speola ly anrveyed 
previous lo the trbl by Qeorge V. Koli, a civil en- 
gineer. Tiio course began a iioaner o( a mile aoalb 
o( the atatiing point In hla paced mils attempt ihe 

Jirevlous week, when Johnson msde a new record 
or the paced mile, tv hen the snrvey wsa-made it 
wsa (onud that the course o( that trial waa 40,1; (l 
longer (or the three quarters, bnt the lastquaiier 
wts not measured. Great c*re was taken make 
tbo conditions o( tbe race such that they could not 
be iDpeached. Tbe electric liming device was In 
operotloiL This wnnded a bell at ibe start, the 
iiuarten and the dnlsh, aa the rider paawd them, >o 
tnat Uio tlmekeepera at all placea coold catch the 

A Six Daya' Uloycle Toarney 
la to take pbtco In rolladelphla. Pa , during the 
week commencing Dec. 10, and the proepeots ate 
t hat It will prove a aucceai (ul aod memorable affair, 
aa already tbe managen have, we nnderaland, re- 
ceived aaaurance (rom aoverel well knoimloDg dis- 
tance proreislonal 'cyollsis, who have aohleved ramo 
In elmilar- events, that they will participate In the 
content, which means a pca-li-lc bh4klng up or the 
records now stanuiuK- 'i'eiii|)tiiig cash pneojwiii 
l)L' od'ered, aod tliu iiiauageinoal promise to build a 
drslclaad track aLd to make every provision (or 
the comrori or con>estants and tho accomodadoD or 
Ihe public, upon whose piironage they depend lor 
auiipurl. Tno ontnnca nooks are now open, and 
Ihuae desiring (uither particulars will address E. 0. 
Jobason, superlnlendenl, Hotel Bninswlck, rbja- 
delphla. Pa. 

Road Recorila Accepleil* 
The Century Road Club o( America bave allowed 
iheioUowIng addlllouai minor recorda: L.C'. Wahl, 
10 milea, 33m.60t,,Oct.l6,lW3, Olslrlotol Colom- 
bia record; A. G. Harding, BL Louis to De Beta, 47 
miles, 3b. 3m , Uay 13, Ktt. course reo'rd; T. U 
Dird, 10 miles, 2im. 3ts-, Uav 30, isa4, MiDueaoia 
iitate record: W. L. .■<l«lmal, Diiiialo, Le Hoy cen- 
lory course, dt. aim., Juoo 13. 1S3I, course record; 
L. C. WabI, 3D miles, lb. 3m. 4<s.. July 3. 18M. Uls- 
Irlct o( Columbia record; C. 0. Cutliog, Elgin, 
Anton century coorso, dt. 4im. 4is.. Aug. 13, ISM, 
course record; A. L«Jeal, li mlica, 43m. 34s., Sept. 
I, ivM, reonayl'snla State Record; Nat lioUer, li 
miles, dim. Viiil^ BopL 'A 1«M, .MaasacbusetU 
Male record; T. T. Hack, 300 miles, 14h. 34m. 4os., 
iiepl. 37, ISM, Amencan record. 

Johnaon Again ai tlie Reconla. 

John 8. Jobnson, the pheoooKnai 'cyoUst, did not 
let the grata grow under tho wheels o( bis bicyole 
•nersrrlving at OtalUlcoihe, 0., bnt oo Nov. a he 
look a crack at Ibe one-lhird mile flgurea (rem a 
Kylog atari, paced, redncing them (rom U!>a- to 
U-St. Usaiao col the halt mile record (rom S3!ia. 
to (ir<a. Tbe (ormer records (or Ibete dislaoces 
were held by Harry Tyler. 

UuBT 0. TTLn, Id a time trial a tTalthsm, 
jaata., on Nov. 1, rods an nnpacid third a( a mile In 
■I'a, which is 3Ua. (uter than tbe previous world's 

A. PaRim, the Texas 'cyclist, claims to hare 
tiddeo a bicycle haU a mile, onpaced, on the nad, 
S.'i'-. Thi performance, it li auied, wu Kcom- 
pllahed in a (ime iTltl at Waco oo Not. 3. 

Sehaefei* vs. Ivei, 
Tbe dntl depoell o( (l,cco a aide in the billiard 
match between Jacob Bohae(er and Fnok Ivea waa 
rotted tn Ihe banda o( genial Haurlce Daly, "every- 
body's dtend," Isat woet, Ivea putting up tils own 
■nenhacka and Dick RoonedolnDllte«lae(or "(he 
Wliatd." Tbo match U to be pUyed at Uadlton 
Bquare Oarden Concert Ball, Nov. 7 m 12, and, ludg. 
lug from the brlllUnt wort etch pilnclp»l nai been 
doing during their long and ilrxiy practice, the 
maton ahould prove a most Inttrcitlng and memor- 
aole sirugale, aod will peroaps upset some eilniing 
records. Tnat it will afnct preirv (nil houtex 
nightly goes without faying, (or the bllllatd lovcra 
or tho metropolis are Just aiioat ripe (or a lusMgo 
with cues between these leading American expo- 
Dcnta o( the gentlemen's gtme. 

Edward Kodrnii., the Frenoh hlllisrd e.\pert, on 
Nov. 1 made public his deaire (or a maich with 
either Jacob Bohaeffer or Frank Ives, at ;«lkllne 
bllllatds, (or $000 a tide, the winner to lako all after 
pajlnx cxpenaes, tnd the gtino to tw 3.000 poiuis 
up. He stipulated that the game should be played 
on a Brunswick-Ba ke-Collender table, ader tbe 
coming match between lk!har(er sud Ives. Tiie lat- 
ter promptly replied that h' would play provMliig 
tbe match be made (or li2 wo a tide, on Hut ih:,|o, 
or ha would play (or $l,0iio a aide and toss (ur 
choice o( table. 

FouaNiL, the expert (rom I.a Belle Knoce, man- 
aged to defeatHaurlce Daly loauo point game at 
tiio latler'a billiard panora in llcoikiyn, K. Y.,une 
evening laaiweek. The so-tu st the iluisli was: 
Fonrail, lOO; Daly, 474. Four.,ll'a average aw 
29 7.17, Dal) >s, 39 1 8. Ulgh niDa-Fouroll, lUand 
63; Daly, bS and 70- 

U. 0. UtSdiia, the wo'l tnowo pcdcslrtsu Diau- 
ager, and --uowboy" Smith eogaiiHl tn a two unto 
walking match, (or (Ma side, at tho H'asUlngtou 
Avenue Holler Bkattug Ilink, Hlnneapolts, Hinu., 
on Uie evening o( rhureday, Nov. 1. Tim tint mite 
was made by smlUi in Tin. 4Js., and tiie iwumilea 
were cumpleitd dnt by Ueasler, in Km. III. Atwut 
Qve unndred penoni were in attendance. Tiio 
^me partlea wore alterwarda matchtd lo walk ten 
nillea (or $loo a side, at the upen House, Little 
Falls, Hinn., evening e( Nov. 0. 

ouxTiNUiD rtov not (;6. 


Boston _So (eras any change o( attracilunsgo 
at the majoniy o( our regular theatres, there will be 
nothing odmporlance (or week o( Nov. i, ".sow. 
ing tbe Wind" keeps od space In lis snccessful run 
at the Columbia Theatre where It seems to grow In 
(avor with every per(ormanoe. 

OiSTLi SqiraBt TuiATat.— Theannouncemitnt o( 
the opening o( Bottoo'a new amnsemeot house, the 
Oastle Square Thnirob has t«en msde by U^niiger 
E B. Rose, the <1 .te tlxed being Nov. 12. The en- 
tire Ont week's proceeds win inuto to the beuudi 
o( Uoslon Lodge or Elks. Toe atitactlun for ihe 
week, and nntilforther notice, will bo "0 >pt. Faul," 
a romantio play (rum the pen o( Mr. Itoae, and 
wblob has been in constant rehearsal (ur weeks 
pasL II Is a marine drama m rour acts and deals 
with Ihe adventures o( a young American pri- 
vateersmao on the cout ot Brittany, wlieie the 
scenes ate laid In the elghteeoto century. Thi.- 
play will be given a large amount or scenery, 
on which the ariista are now at work.onder the 
supervision or Scenlo ArusC Sidney Chldley. The 
auvilon sale o( seals (or the opening week will 
Uke place 8, In B. F. KelUi's old (talety Theairo. 

UOLLid STRtCT TotATKI.— Uauagcr lllcli an- 
nooncca the but week o( "Tlie IiroivDlea." The 
piece bas drawn great nuslneaa to tiio house. Next 
week, tho Empire Theatre Co., In "Llocrly Hall," 
Ha Oral pieaenuilou In Uilacity. 

PabxToiathi.— Eddie Foy, at a star In "iiirthe 
Qirih," baa made a dletloa and nncqulvocal sue 
cess. Nov. IS, lUcbard Manaaeld, In tvpcrury. 

BosroHTHBiTHi.-"lnOId Kentucky' hasonwu 
bubluess of monster prupomont to the Buskin, auit 
its hold gTO>s stronger the more ouo sees of li 
It Is still ronolng, sod booked (or a loog taroi evi- 


relgos triompoant at Uanager Aiklosou's bouac. 
ana Is now running along to excellent bualuea^ 
and without tho slightest bitch In the working ul 
Its elabonia tcanio and me.:Uanlcal eirocte. 

Boston Hvaivii,— "Prlnco Pro Tom" shows uo 
sign o( abdioiting his throne at tho Museum, 
^nr '""" ' 

musical (aoiasle Is una ol the brightest sod beti 
ut Ha claia ever prtseoted in Boston, a (act (ii jy 
attested by Iha crowds that throng tbo house at 
every perfonoaoce. 

Ukanu Urua Uouai — Jat. Connor Ruach's eO' 
gigemenl to "Koiy o( the Uill," at the Oraod, 
urongblshetels galon to Uausdeld & Hagee's bux 
omcc, and a warm verdict of appruval Itom Ihuse 
WHO saw his arttstio Unpereonatiun ot a true blue, 
(ulldedged, geoolno typical Inahman. This wees, 
Jaa. O'Melli, In "Honta Urlsto.!' supported by Marie 
Burreaa at Mercedes, and a capable company. Ne.xt 
week, Mr. u'N-lil win appear as Virguiliia, Rlcne- 

TBtau.sT I itSATag.— Rice's Btrprlte Parly, In 
"14P3," hat done a (air business at tbe Ttemoot, 
aod will be presented (or one week more only. 
This historical extravaganza has been very lua- 
lerlally Improved alnca ic was lasiseen In this city. 
Next weSa, Francis WUaon, In 'The Devil s 

KiiTO's New tubitre.— Uaiuger Keith's pro- 
gramme ror we* k of 6 looludea a new series ot liv- 
ing piotuies, the Tares Eugenes (who tiave made a 
decided sensation at this huuae). toe Barra Tcoupe, 
Le Clair and Leslie, the Clipper l]uaner, the Fletch 
ere, tho Nawna, Janson, lliaoo aod llenlloy, .Mice 
Raymond, Oddle, SL Ulair and Guiole, Will F. 
Denny, Hal. MerrlU and Prof. Abt with his cuilcc- 
ilon o' art news. 

UuwixD AniBNxoH — AtUrte, the Illualonlat, Is 
the Blioog card <>a Uie Howard auge week of 6, and 
additional aitractlons are the Freoch daucera, liv- 
ing pictures, IClraIfy balieta. Vera (mid air spccliil- 
ist), Foster and Lewis, Fannie Lealle, Fiorcuce 
Elene, Louis and I.ousila Ue wiu, iiriuo, Agnes 
Clayton, Ida Uowtll, Chat- De COuiio, Harry Do 
Veanx and Frank laylor, Hioole Clue, lialy aud 
Lvons and tbe house bunouoo cooipauy lo *'TUc 

FaLaua TutATni.-ThU week Uanager Austin 
aOLOUucet the London Oaleiy Ulria, in cbaigo uf 
Hike Kelly, the btaelialLst, who will appear lo a 

Ceial travettic mel«oge- utnera lo lue ulio arc: 
le Wanes, Hilda Tuuiiu, Htncsaud Iteiiilog- 
tuD, Huoro and Heymour, the California rjuarici, 
Klnnle lllllon, Bcaonon and Kllroy, Fernandez, 
Katherino Uiare, Hanuel Komao, Daly and Lyona, 
Willie Lincoln, Aimie Morgan, and tuo Fliztiatrlcl 

AcranN A BroNi'd Htiaxiiii.— Alroupeorgn/./ly 
bears WJI be icon In the hivture hall here this weei 
ill), aUo tbe baby gorilla Cumbo Jr. (Unmiio sr. 
having died laat week): Mite. Oaratta't mined 
dovee, the twelve Buda Pcath Studentt and Ivan 
Urioff, the Kotslan peasant, in bit deicrlpltons of 
11(0 In the laud or lbs Ozar. iln the auge: Ktlchle 
and Ultcbte. Schuyler aod Nash, Hay Liwicnco, 
Statera Normao, toe Marloiu, Janien Neary.Crowlei 
aod Foley, Walsh and Mason, Melruse and lacy, 
the Belies, Mr. and Hra. Lile, i:arlo and Bradley, 
Fordbam Brulberr, Kate Somertci, tno Three Ix- 
laoda and Mnlvey and eaiKord. 

Lvciuy ToiartE.— iteUly 1 Wood't Co. come lo 
Manager Muhr'a hooae week ut i. lo tho coupaoy 
are Lilly Perry, Florence Uevcn, Her, Burke aod 
Kaodail, UUIa Laurel andMaude Uarveyjvocalltts), 
the Bavans (eqnilihrlau), Perry and 'Tenbrouke, 
Allen and Weat, and a number or olher wed known 
people 10 the vauilevllie lino. 

OaaKD Ui'SBUU.— The mslo sugo attncllun at 
Maoager Loihrop's Booth End boose week o( 0 is 
"Iha colonel and I." In Ihe blu exhibition ball 
can he seen a series of HvHig pictures, and a shoe 
lacing contest. In the olio are Dave (letiaro. Myr- 
tle Tresslder, £ldi>n sndNorlne, Vanetiaaod Finn, 
Finn Shields, Tom Ardell, Inez Palmer, Harry V. 
and Anna B. Pienlloe, aod ihe muaeum company 
In a raitliog farce. 

KOTt^.— B. II. Bolhern will product two new 
playa during hltcomlngeogagtment at IbcHollla 

Miiett Theatre Mannn Manola Maaou It igain 

seen st the tbi-atm Roland Iteed will begin 

his ninih annual eDitgcmenlaiiht Bostoo Museum 
on Dec. 3, thus bringing lu a clota ike ran of 
■'■■nnce Pro Tern," whicu wUl then have been nre- 

lented one hundred and sixty aix timet Toe 

report that Joaeo h Haworth's season wiu be closed 
shortly It poaiuvely denied by bit maotger, Geo. 
Brennan HtMa Onlflo It to read her play, "v 

llool of Hctrta," to Manager E. K. Rote, ot the 

Caaile Square Theatre Aoother roolodnma, by 

Bnttoo Vaoo, will follow "The Cotloti Klog" at tho 
Iiu dulo SqoareThoatie. 

Woirtater— At the Worceaier Theatre the 
onl>' peit.>rniaucrs ot the week wcro "On the Ml<a- 
Isalpul," which had good hnutrs Oct. 9>, SO. "Toe 
Old nomtstcad'' Nov. 0. ;. "Pavada" tlo' ai) ll-JI. 

LiOTUiuir's OriHi HiitMi.— Ktiherlne Ribera 
Co., In "Tue OlemFOoean Caar,"dt<1 a good hoalnewi 
all Ia<l week, "tiutcaau i,( a Qreat Utly" M. 
Davli' "Uncle Tom'a l^atiin" 8-10. 

Frost (>thbit Ursaa IlurKX.-roler Uaher'a 
Specially Oo drew goud houact Oct. '«-3l. The 
l-'ri^Doh Folly .Oo. had large audiences Nov. 
Ooaton NoveiqCo. (-10. 

' KiTUtaiNi Kuaaa waa taken sick with nervous 
pri>slrauon Oct. -Jl. and her part I -i "The Clemen, 
ceau Ca«e" waa tiiken by her undentudf . Kalb- 
crlne itober givea op the management ot Lolhrop'a 
upen IIouHa Nor. ID, and upon 13 A. T. Wilton 
aasaraes full control ot tho ht,uae at leMce and 
managor. Ho tnteuds to c^ifduct the theatre upon 
lit present linen. Manager C. H. Davis goea next 
week to OLO or Lothrufrs Uusmn houses. Nearly 
all ths preaenl employes of the nan.u) will be n- 

BprlDgUeld.— At ailiiiore's Court Si|uan 
Theatre, uoi. 'JO. "Il'isedale" was well preseum,! lu 
rair returns. Seldl's Urobeatn drew an audti'nri- 
of good il%o 31. Baker'a Open Co., In "Toe .Maa- 
cot," "Fra lilavalo." "Tho Bohemian llirl," anil '- Th,- 
Chimes or Nurniaody," had goiid hualnera N'uv. l-:i 
Booked: .\ "Shore Acres;'' .i, lloliln Iluul Up-ra 
CO.; fi, 10, Douman Thompson; 13, lllobatd Mant- 

Tt'cxtK'8 1'iRi.OR TOBATRtl repor'a good lintl- 
aas. Week ol 6: Crsndall aod Clark, l)„lly nnrob- 
eli. tho Tao Kida, E. s Tooudure, Ityetoril 
!>lsteni. Chaa. Pacy, and l,la Haniry. 

OauoRt a urtHA tlou>r..— Jaa. It. Ailami, In "A 
Crazy Ut,'' had light nusloua 3, 3. Booked: », 0, 
lu, I'oter Malior Cooipauy. 

Lynn.— .\l tho Lyon Theatre Davis' "l^ocle 
Toiu's cabin" Ci>. came Out. 31 to a big imnlncaa. 
"h'ablo Homanl" was pbtyed to a fair muincaa Nov 
3, 3. Coming: tllchard MansOeld, In 'The i'arlslau 
llumance" Vi, "Ham'I ot Pozen" IT, Ilenniaii 
Thompson's "Old Uomestead' m, 30. 

MiTSic IIALI.— Nov. !) and week: The Ducmt, 
Hlxford Brothrn, HInes tnd Heolngion, Nellie 
Burt, Maggie llenoelt, MoMabon and King, Fer- 
nandez, and Haven and Andrewa. (Mming: Pater 
Maher'i Specialty Company 1-2-14, Flyno'aLoudoo 
Oaloly lllrw 1^-17. 

I.oweII.— Attlia tipenUouio "Oldjcl I'routy" 
came 0.-t.3Ito agood alzedhouso. "Too Koglneer" 
played Nov. 1, 3 to small liouaes. Booked: "Kablo 
Itiiiuaol"^ Jaa.C. Roach, in "Iloryot tho Mill," 0,7; 
Joieph Uawortb,Ui "lloiedale,"8, 0, U, N. II. Cur 
lit 10. 

Music Uau Joan tiravan, in "Kneniica ror 

1.1(0," closed a lug week's biijlueaa .1. S<wtolla 
Uramailc Co. opeo ti lor a week. The nponlug Mil 
was ''The Upper Hand." 

Ijawrenee.— At tbe Opera llouso HIchard 
loMen, ln'0klJe4 froaty," oaiu* Nor. t, «,iit OaTit' 
"UocIeTom'ftCat>iii"Cn. a. t:«miDs:7, "Th« Ivy Laar,' 
10,"Kat,lo RoBkoi;" IS. 17. 'rbe Englaear;" 13, "Uodtfr 
.bo Lioo'a I'aw:" 30. Soiiu ■ Rtoil ; 11, hilly Barrr. 

Uaistv.— Bu«ln<,«a coollDuaa kno6 at Ihia li(>u«a 
Chart*! WaMtDn. tli> rouodar ol tiie Imuhi, !■ again at 
■ he lieliD aa biiatneia nantgar. llHuklOB* fnr S: KOdie 
U'llelt. l.osan and D« L^na. Etile Albion and Louie 

Taaiilou.*At the NewTlieatro Kato Claxtoli 
;ind Mine. Jauauachok. In '-Tho Two Orphaiia.'' Iiail 
gooii Diialneas Oct. 'J:>. M- il- Curtia Nov. u. 


NawHrk.*llalD Inlertercil with Home or Uie 
openlDgK Nov. :.. At Miner's "A Temperance 
Town" prospered nmderately last week, which Is 
iiatisraciory tor clcctlun time:*. Win. Uooy, In "The 
Kiamt, ' should entertain a crowd every uiglii thia 
week. His reception was cordlsl t. James A. 
Ilorne, lu "Shore Acres," week or I-'. 

JaCDus'.— 'The Roslgo" proved a treat hut weok 
and moved along ralrly well pollilcH. "A 
Flag or Truce" and 'Paul Kaiivar" will each haven 
ch:iuce this week. "A Flag or Truco"opened fairly 
well (. Week ot 13. "Ou tho Mtsilsslppl." 

Waldbann'h.— Wcher \ FleWs' uwn Co. last 
wccK received enthuslasUc sO|iport rroiii large 
lionsca. Siauillug room waa scarce on ouu or two 
occasions, bam llevere's (^u., with Umeoe, will lie 
sure to get In all rho curious ones tniH wsek. They 
received a good start r,. Tno HowanI Athenicuiii 
Co. week uf VI. 

AuoiTORiuu. — lloli FItzalmmons' Co. began a 
week's engagement ^ to a big crowd, and, as tbbi 
Is Fillz'a home aod also thalot hla manaser, 
Cluanea Qlorl, tnclrstay will likely be pleasautand 
llllllll) soccesatul. 

STAii.— Lizzie Nelson, Msigle Daly, Mtmlo Ward, 
lOnioy WilHon nod Willie ll.-rg. 

Oloiis.— Lllllo Morton, Orace Thompson, Ll/jsle 
Abron and Frank .v.irih. 

Gaitn'.— Mabel Rice, Clara Chapelle, Florence 
Rcoo aod I'ror. Bachrasnn. 

Norsa.— Uerr Host applied to iho Major, last 
week, 10 be allowed lo present "Ulo Wol/cr" In the 
Auditorium, I, but Iho Mayor refused hit cuiitoul 
aivlngas bis reason the uuaettlcd condition of the 
residents or tho "H II," rcsiiltlok (nmi the provni 

strike among the hatters A large number or 

tbe Orange Lodge or KIks went to Durer oo their 
annual target siioot last week. Manv Newark Klks 

accouipanted Ihcm Newark Lodge, No. 34, T. 

M. A., wilt uold a social ocxt raooth. The iMge 
has appuloud a committee tu loake amngomcuta 
tor tholr annual ImII. 

Eiltabetb.— At the Drake Opera Unnao Uor- 
ton's Mlualrela c tiiie OcL 'JD to a large aodtence, de 
apiicaiifal troupe (HuckataderV) at the Lyceum. 
Peicr F. Dalloy, lu ''A Ouuoiry Upon," cameul.torair 
audience. Oliver Byron, In hla now play, '-Ups and 
Downs ol Life," Nov. 3, drew a ania,l aodtence, 
which did not entbase much. Coming: Juho Ker- 
oell (i, "Tho Rusigu" 8, Ura- Langiry lu, Bluney 
Ure* 13, Primrose k Weal's MInaireis In. 

LrcBUU.— Uuchstadar's MInaircIa came Ooi. Ifi In 
alatguaudleuco. Nellie Hclienry, in "A .Mgut ut 
tbecirctta," Nov. 3. had a large house. Ouninri: 
Week of &, Kenucdy's I'larcra in repeitorv; "Paul 
Kaovar" 13. Uobln Hood Open Company U, 17. 

Nores.— On election DUhi tiie retuma win bo 
read from the slags ot the lirake Open ilonat. A 
local proanmme has been arranged, with cuocen 
by Unkeia braaa bind, etc. Tne returns will alaii 
bu read from Iha auige of tho Lyceum, tieiwoeo tbe 

acLi ot tbe KcDuody I'layeiw Jiniea C. Utcba, 

late manager of the Hyrar.use Uiwra House, baa re- 
auitied the managtueot uf tbo Drake Opera 
House- l-ouls A. lirako will bo business inanagor. 

Joseph Seder, lormerly manager tor H, It. 

Jac-ibH' Newark Theatre, gut an attaclioiuntagaliuit 
tbo box re eclpta of Dut-istadet'a Minairelsiit tbe 
Lyceum Toeatre, Ocl. r.>, hut tho cunaialde was 
(olleit, ai ManaKer hlmuntls shuwcl tbe riculpt 
where he had liiingbt the allow fur the night. The 
claim wasfora lllileuver (lou lor aalary, Itlaaa d. 
Uefiire the company lefi tou oliy Mr. .lederwltltd 
ror *7.-., _ 

Jeswy City— Manaijer Ilriidcraon, or the 
Acailemy, presents "Tue I'rudlgat Daughter" week 
ot .Suv. William liiK-y r iLiaa. ' Wang," eie- 
gaotly customed aoit uiJiKilut^d, gave pliaaure to 
laraoaiteudanca week ending :i. 

Bo.s TOK.— An attractive lilil Is offered by Mana- 
ger Dloklns this week, made up or Wm F. Carroll, 
Conway and Lelsnd, Chas. B. Ward, ityau anil 
iUchdeld, Barry Maxwell, Three l.eoUrdB, tho Uer 
man noao, Uealy aud Teed, Kitty Clemenia, Moekor 
aod Mack, Arthur Wo.telaw, O Brien and Collios, 
Mays aod Hooter aud llobbio aod Lottie DaUy, 
Bualneaa laat week waa (air. 

J l.u.-Bessle Carroll, Mamie Weston, Carrie 
Frevarl, Bertha Francis, John Lynch and i'ru(. 
Fiol Raymond. Husloess la(atr. 

horta.— Ths Nsirow Bocks tnd olher orgtnlza- 
t-oit u( a kindred natore, visited Ibe Boo Too Ust 
week lo a body.ui boom Ihoir (avonies aodpretsot 

iheffl wllb Oowen Tho (rtends o( Florence 

Drake, ot "Wang" (who reared lo this city dur'jig 
Ihe Simmer), made her star exceed logly pleatiot, 
and were quite an Important OnancLal factor at Ihe 
Academy. A.ijerl Hart, as Wang, bat made ths part 
more humorous, and introduced quite a lot or new 

bulnett J"e clancey ctuteu at tbe Boo Tun 

lasi week on accoiiut ui a severe cold Iliily 

Bhtoonn Joins ihe Marie Hanger BarlesquD f.'u. at 

Albany, week or Nuv. i TuC Mor'Loa closed 

at the Hon Ton early 3 tad took the midnight ex- 
pRia lor Chicago, III., where they auy two aeeka, 
loing (rem there to 'Friicu to til (our weeks at the 

Orpbeum CbttUe UIgglns. whoae pansier, Tom 

Heoatlln, broke hit shooMer bladt tt LlodaJeal't 
titlsUf achool, It training a roottcr (or a new tft. 

lloiiDken— Manager Oltrk had the plettnre o( 

teeint Iho llobolen pwkeddnrtng ths itay, Nov. 1 
■3, ot .Mmc. Janauarhuk and Kato Claxiou, in "Tho 
TwuOtphana." The anppon watcoiid. Weei or 
i btluiia HorrlBOo'a "»^tutt" aod '^hore ACfts," 
each tliree nigbit, wliri the uinal raailaee. Ihe do- 
mand for teals In<ilcatea a pMsoeraoi week tor 
botnattnctlona Week ut 13, ibe LlllputUut. 

ntBBANiA.-Sherinao A Morlaey'a "A Jay Cir- 
cus ' Company, under Iha mauagemcnt of R. II. 
Brock, wlllmate week of t hilarious, the l/rndnn 
Spons (ollows. C. W. Wllllama' Comedl^na luado 
a good Imprasalon and left 3 «Hh a good quauiily 
ot lbs eilj^s wealih. 

HsraatAi Rramonm aod Osbom«, Fraiols 

ivcldon, Sadie Burgeia, Alloe llartham,SU Juden 
and Pror. Sanders. Busintst U good. 

NoTa8,-Hiile. Agues Ouanot, in her hvpnoUo 
aot, proved astroogcard with ttis William Ouniedl- 

ans Manager Welhihal will have ohargo ut iho 

entcnalomont of the Voinuleer Fin AasoolaUou, ai 

Kraslora Hall, Nor, tt The Faosoua, late of 

Wutior Piakl'a Co., join Wllllaun' (Mmedlans, at 
Columliiia, 0., week of Nov. >. The conipany play 
a aix weeks' <)ate at Frisco, upenlog Maron m. 

TrentoB.— At 1Vyk>r's Opera llonie "A «»iin- 
Iry Bport" camo lo good bualneaa Oct. iw. Iho 
huitso waa ilark (Or Ihe remainder or ihu week. 
UooKlnja: ".Meo anil Woniun" Niw. 0, "Wang ' ;, 
"The Koalgn" I0( lippertal Vaudovl lo Cu. 13 ami 
week. Manager llar^ 'Nylor liaa organixed tbo 
Imperial Vaonevlllp Co., Iho rollowlui; iH.*iJ|)lo 
to play tturo 13, and purhapn later daii'a: Hiigart 
r.iid O'llrlen, ilaseo aud Itoberii*, Alt iir.'a , M. J. 
Iliiriin auil T,>iir Hart Jr., Uurlnn's Ihig I'Ircua, 
Field nod Utwis. ilarrlngiuii Ihilan auu lA'nliari, 
130 lli-aleys, nud FIclilt and Woolley. 

'rKBsnisMr.-iKt'u.—ltualiicas continues big. Woak 
of 0: Prof, stnuburger's Dog soil Unnkoy l.'Irciia, 
rnree Iio Aeut, Herman, 1*111100 Allaino, lAiwia' 
curlo collcctiuoa. Prnl. ilonrr Allen, CliiT iKan and 
DoloRii, Joei>, Ed. ItoieM, KA. itarclltrand Nrd ll<r- 
eliif. Berite He Aco, nillr Williaoi and Marie Ul- 
■-.aaier. Fred Bcacon'a eiTcCis were alUehod here 
1.-131 week tiy a foniirr hotui nrcprlcinr for latard 
,1110 rruni peoplu nho workeil f..r Mr. Ileacon whtio 
hn mu tho 'reiuplo Thealrj liir''. two yeara ago. 
Michael KititgiiiHld, Ihe eiiiti iwlngcr. wlio has Iteeu 
Uiying oiTat tils tninie here, worked In Mr. Heacoo'a 
place atior Tuesday. Tola was "FItz'a" hrai ap- 
liearanee 10 Trciitoii aa a iirofussloual aud lie acoied 
a hucceas- , 

NovBLTY TiiBATKi.— Letter Fnnkllit and iho 
stock continue to fair liuoueat. Thirty niemtiera of 
the Newtown Fire Uelunmont vlali«<i Mr. Fraultlln'a 
house last week lu a body aud prosoohtl to Mr. aud 
Mia. FrankllD elegant n.iwera In nparoulatliiu of a 
rnv'ir r<iiir,*rred on theio during tholroogajfcnioni 

l*Ateraon.— Opera lluuso hookluffs: "Tho Kn- 
atgu" Nov. 0, 7, "The Derby Mascot'' »-lo, "i'aul 
Kanvar" l'J,"Halilu iloni" 1:1, 14. ilioTourlat Mm 
aire'a (local amateUMI 10, lu, "Vouog Mra. Wlu 
ihr-))" IT. " nio Trolloy syautni*' IMtl falrif good 
uouara Hot. 3U-.1I. I'otar F. l>allto'a"A L',iuuir« 
.ipiirt" reatod Ino capacity uf tho honau Nuv, t. 
"McKcnna'a Flirtation" atiiactod tiqi heavy 
houses 3, 3, 

UiJur Titk,tTHi.— lloiikluBa: ' Miigia' Ltnding' 
-S-7. Aiiatlu'.sOiipiuiiianr s-tu, "KiiuiuTcs tor l.tfo' 
13-14. Tiic Fay Foster ilnrleai|U0Ta bad gmul 
noURes-.ti-::l. "I'ei'K'H Had Buy" uluseil ilaalli,rHi^ 
torv tlireuiilghlR' Rtay Nov. 3 lua big lioiiau. 

KoiK Mi'HtK -liualiiias was lili at Ihlahmiia 
Oct. 'il anil woek. Artlvali ror an,) wcoa : KcU-y 
anil La It-iBO, UIg. Knrl, Itiiaaolland I'uarl, (:ra.;o 
Miraton, ihn WrtuntSisicra. <lua iiarhnii uliaiitrell 
and Schuyler. Uolio Cirtiin. liagiiv aud Ktiiit, .Miiaio 
Coilloa. and iloorgf* W. WiHid. 


Allantu.— At tho tirand, "Alaliaina," .Nov. f,, d. 
"14114" was the altracllon iicL '-V, 3U, and ratr tuisl- 
uciM waa tholr reward at ailVBhc'd ptiuca. Ward 
aud Janicn dlil lalrly well ;il-Nuv. 1 at advancwl 
prUea. "Charley's Aunt" wai greeted i>y a iiouar 
ul (air proporilons. Hooked: Jaiuen 11. waliluk 7. 
H, Lillian Lawla. lu "Cleoimtra," u, lu.Janios Vuiiiig 
li, 13, "In Old Kenhicky'' 14, li. 

liK UiVKHS oi'BHi UurHa.-,Hain Ja-'k'a Eiliava- 
ganzi Cft. play a return cngagriiuut Nov. lu. 

Y. H. 0. A. Miaic ilALt— The iiarvani tiiiartei 
Concert Co. nud Kll/abciti (ilcaiuu. reader, Nuv. k. 

NuvMHliall.*-LII)Un I.CWIB, t)i:t. Ihi, 3U. played 
to fair liiiaiiieaa. " rile lalo of CnaiiipaHiio" rnllnweil 
.11. "44ir.',"Nof. 'J. :i, hall ralr tillalDutt. Coming 

iVardo and Jamea 7, a, "Cnarler'a Annf' u, 10, "lijui; 

Ji-aiia" 13, 14 Col. Alliort lluulilcd Is liivoun a 

vaculluuand Is apcnding nioat or lilt liiiieat Win- 
ter's Tlvoll Park. Tho ''tlnluool" liiUiniU going on 
the read again In December. 

AaKiisIa— Thot. (j. Boabrooko prenenlnl "The 
Isle of coaronaguo'' tu a fair audleuco, at ailrauueil 
piicea, lloL 30. "1403" ha<I the Dinncrlioiiw ut Iho 
seaaon 31. Wanlu ami Jaiiiua, Id "llonry 1 V," eainu 
10 a goud liosso .N'uv. 3. Coming: Jaiii,<a Vming, 
tradgeillsn, m "llauiloi ' 7, "Peck's Hail II,,)" s. 


Bpahane— At tbe Audllorlntn Mario Iloaih, In 
"A Torklih Hath, 'I camo lo rair husloess tier, 
Pete Baker Nov. 17. 

TOKATIIB Co)iiguB.-()penina week of Oct. 'JO: 
Kmlle Chlveral. It-ISO Kaodol. Claudlo West, llatilio 
and Duiiiiar and Aodu and f;iicno. liohl ovum: 
Agslu Floyd, llllly Hiirrio, Aiuy Bnahoii, Nun 
Unrch, Larry Lund,Hllaa llublnson, IdaStormaaud 
Jnc ilillaileau. Uii<lneBa Is good. 

TiiK I/]UVHI!.— New faces: May l,\ lioao. May 
Fullerkin, Lllile Sherwood, Clara F.dwarda aud 
NICK Wllllsnis. ilcmslos: Oliss. Archer, UoDoblla. 
.HIiten neroard, Orlssle Murroll, Hauil Devoy and 
Kd. iliilan. aonii huslncM rules. 

NirrKi)— A fruit hilrhuldOoi.'.!! -'.'7 drew Inimonte 
crowds. Julia ilorchert't fnnialo orchestra fur 

nisbud Iho music fur Ihe tsir IMIe Hclntyre 

la cnnralUBClng stlor a terlout llliicat or two 

Hanllle,— At Ilan'oa'B HoUlls Theatre llnliert 
Downing bruugbt "Tno (ll*dUtnr"and "Vlrplnlua" 
tn large linslnaaa UCL 3(-'jT. "lu Old Kentucky" 
will IHi bore Nor 1-j, Alox. Salviol 14, 16, Ur. and 
Mra. Kondall 10, 17. 

CuiinHAV'a TiiRiTHI.— Liwreuco Hanlay began 
his threo laat nIghiH OrL '-v, Mi '-llauilot," to a guml 
sl/.ed honsc. Trie cast waa atrenglhoued by tho ail- 
lllllon or W. M. Ituuilc, local mauagur of too house, 
aa ILinilo and Col. N. J. Fife as tbu Uhosl. "A 
Turkish Bath" comes 11-31. 

AuniToiituii.— i'ruf. Hiicrry'a Ranjn aud Uniitr 
CInit dellgbied a crowded hoiiao Uci. 3.,, 

ilouiKT DowND'i waa tlio recipient ot tome 
handaomedlamondB,'Jb, from Iho niemiierB ot nis 
rumpanv, tho event living ilie trageuian's lilrih- 
day aublvera sry. 

ARKANSASHHeu Page «•.'.) 

LltilaUotls.— AtihcCaplulThcatroChas.irck- 
son came Oct. 31, Nov. I In falrbualueu preaenilog 
"Ini-ng." and "A Jullr (loo I I'ellow." "Tno lianscr 
Signal" 3 had rair hualneai. Doe: AI. 0. Fleld'a 
MinairelB ;. Annie Uoid 13. Milmn Nublea 13, 

"Spider and Fiy" 14, "Tho Da/zlor"17 Hiein- 

iK.-rg A Israel's Eurupean Musculo ot Anatumv waa 

bare all week hiasun'a "Colonel" i.'o. stranded 



Wtntt of Minigan and ParfoniMii, Op«n 
Dami, «to.-S«* AtlvMllMnMnti. 


A. Cliipuan mnla people ror hla AinorlcaD 
ThtatrvCu., producing a repertory ut auccetttui 



/no week of .Vov. IS and olher Hmeliopeuat 
lliiblusun'i Open House, Cloclnoitl. 

Ilcaii liruuuiel want* peo|ile fur a Dulcal farc« 

Frank O'lirieD it laid lo bo maUogt hit with 
Hush City." 

Falge't Phiyen have received the general en. 
doraameot ul the Weatero llcsa. Titer want people. 

J, Waller Keooedy baa secured the Aineilcaa 
rigbta to "Sainton." The play rao be iiooked. 

John E. Ainsieyand Aoole Klogsleyctn be en- 

Dramallc people are wauled by Edwin Cohlt.J. 
W. (Jatllcutle, llarry Finer, llarnea and Marvin, 
Dave II. iviiilaint, MoUowen aud Bnaliy, Kelly tnd 
Ange.l, F. J. Crane, K. E. Wright, JUjinon aod 

At UMrty: Erank flochfort, Frank Wall, Alan 
Ony.CecU WataOD,Jtt.J. O'Uaira, M. 0. lUdtr, 
Hnbert Marrlt, Vlda WUsoo, Mr. and Mra. R. D. 
MUlw, HiikK«n|oa,Xtu Utcafliio. 

T. D. Wlnneti, Ihroogh hit ThtairKil Exemat*, 
oiten an Intorrat In a musical (aroe vmVJ, now 


will Rnnllrr't eong publlcatlont are tald to ba 
sung over tho entire ooinnry tiy many ptoffilnenl 
singe's. "HImDuuu," 'Tno Tattoo nu tbe Arm." 
"M> Irene," nud mo new one, "lie Wanted Me To 
Bo liia Uring Picture,' are some or tho laleat too- 
ceaira (urnuhod at ten rcuia each. Inogvna 
II ni*r It mating a Ml In New York this week with 
"Tne Tat oi». ' 

Tno A. S. Bowman Mutio Publishing Co. hat* 
Issnod "Buonla Klillo Brown." 

Charles R. Ilarria aecnia to have siruck another 
noh vein In hla inrxhaiiatlldo niioo of melody. The 
song. "While the i>.inra Uoea Oo," la beiog len- 
dere<l in reiieated encurea, with tho leading aunsi- 
lino, it la laaued fur too cents, "llo Lnvea Me, Ue 
laivea Mo Not," will suon bo ready. 

"Forget Ho Ni>l" and ",S Li'tio BtoekUigB to 
Mend," are laaoeii by tho S. Ilreinaid's Sons Uo, 

"My Ust l>ive" can be secured tmm Ihe Ideal 
Mnt:o Cii. 

"IftMe Ills with the t,overt oips at Home" la 
Istuod tiy II. VInlim Anderaon. 

"A Faiuer'a laive" la auppllad by O. W. Une. 

"Lifaa I'tcturca" la puliltsheil liy Ihe Robert 
Cob n Co. 

'-Hooking Mr toKloen" Is a new song Issued by 

the Rudolph Wurlttzer Co. 

■•Wnern Stua wura Thiokeal," now being snog 
with surceaa by Tniu Halley. uf "Hots A lloae" Co., 
aud John Itnaaell nf Hu-aoil Bnis., la publlthtd by 
0011. W. F,ciulng, Syraciwo, N. Y. 

Mnaloiana are wanted by J. H. (laralde, II. W. 
I.Ink, V. S. M. A. Hand, Jtilo F. Saiiter, U H. 

At Llhorty: 0. A. laurence. Art Whigaw. Oharlet 
Yntry, Mori I'yla.c'ari Clair, Karl Ooebel and wUe, 
Jaciin I'liiinus. 

"Dully Brown,"anowterloi'omlu tong, it pi^ 
llihed iiy the I'lorey Co. 

" When t.'urlii-ti anil Fli;:alinrooiw CouM To- 
gether" Is buuod by W. J. Ilsnlttian. 

r. M. WoialriTUr naa putillalinrt t\x now tongt by 
Foit.'C Hcdiuonun for ten i i'bta each, They ue 
ranl-ily becutiiiiig popular. 

MiisIclauB are waiileil at the (irotio Thealie, 

Harry Urenttord bas i.isiicd a new nianh for 
forty eoDlt. 

"Some Say Thil Klaalng't .N'aughty" It htaotd by 
W. K. M'n.liall 

Intnrniailon It wanlni or Stanley Vernon, hail- 
loiio viicatlai, 

Cniger Hrothort liavo lasiied "FiHiiprints Aronnil 
de Chlokon coop iioor." 

Tne Kogllsh Bong Pntillahlnir Cu. have leaned a 
new sung, ■'Sottilug'n Tui> OihiiI tor ttic Irish," and 
ixany other lutnby piiblicailoua 

"Iiuimn'a llloyolo llldo" ahuuld l>e ordered by 
comoillans (ruin Tom C.irter. 
^'Tiio New York Miialo Co. liavo published "I'loltre 

Tho WIdnior-Hllalor Co. ailveillse a largo number 
of tholr laiust piibllcalliinN, at i«n cents each. 

M. Wi'iiiurk ,1' Hona lutto puliliaiud loveral new, 
atruiig bits. 


Alini'p Austin wania a lady gymiiaat, at partner, 

for a lm|H>/i' aot. 

SLitiirv and m-mlon an: said lo l« doing well 
wlih ihrlr ni'WK|n>,'lnliy. 

Ilj'ili' A Ik'lininn wani alning apocltllltt for 

Tiiu liuiiiiriilll Itnithort will lioreafler lie known 
aa liotinri'tll and lii'iphlno. They are mid lii have 
II Itnn niiiairal ritiiicily act ntui can tin eiisaged. 

spcrlaliteaciii ihiuk lliiic hi Iho Lyccuiii Theatre, 
Clitragu, I)ci;. 3 and IT. 

Ulnstrrl pitiplo can tio placed with Harlow ilroa.' 

(iiHftoaiid lievniilits will have upen time, begln- 
nliigNiiv. I'.'. TiK lriinttaaanci'Pas. 

Iltoi anil Klmer warn nianagoraagalnataleam. 
won thiiy riatiii arv trying in do tholr original aol, 
"Tlio Fnrtiier and Uhlnaniaii." 

U'lrmr luid Alilpo, Ihn well known ontonalnon 
■'an bo sonureii. Tlii>y liava men wHh the Uaroum 
A Italluy Hhiiw dnring the Hnniiiipr. 

John Vhllllpt wants arilsia and cumiilhalluna (or 
liOthrnp'a tincn Ilonir, I'mvidriire, which has 
ih:uu seonreil liy Tii' inaa Truwiirldgn, proprlelor. 

Hpoclslili'B nru wsuicil i,y Ooluhuck A Hueucer, 
I'otrr i.'onilln, tins. Allison, P. 0. M<'lruto, li. W. 
Juhiish>n, ItullInK Thunder, U. v. carpouter. B. A. 

At Llhorty: Hurry Carrnll, Chaa. P. Ibimaey, t>'. 
Wliiin, Sector anil Wtlkra, llnlrnn M, Bendco, 
Kroil K. Heodrn, .H 'os. La Place, H. Sunrliuf s, Uod- 
(rer, Harry Tiionuon. (1. 11. Uiil. man, Huao (lordon. 

Carllu and Clark, Herman cuoiedlsDs, can be on- 

ripark and Ihtlet, knookabiiui ecconlHos, are tt 

Clark niHl Aiigfllliio have llio wook of Niiv. id open. 

Tbu Mananl Team, tn n.xliililltiiiiaurahariwlioot- 
Ing, Incliidmg ti'stt ii( their imllet pp<ii( culnat, 
gnaraiiito to Itiriihili a Ural 1 laaa tel. Tliey can bo 

Mauiio and AI. Anderson can i,e engaged for Ihe 

Burt Jnrilaii can hiiteciirid. 

Ui'tillitbatlODa tnd speLlalllcs ran book lima at 
the (lliilm 'nieairo, Ullwsukee, Wla. 

Thu Thiee Ulrdelles rao lio aeoured. 

Blinu Ulgnqn anil HInule Hughes are Oiling sue. 
cenful eDgaeemenia. 

Combinations can liook Ume tt (lorman'a Thea- 
ire, Manchester, N. H. 


CIrnns wsiooa are nffored for sale by Hyatt Ftost. 
The tiiio ot Van Araliurg Hhuwcan bo leased from 
him aliai. 

Cirrus iilraoilnus ire warned (or Ihe Toledo 
MIdwinlor Utrcui. 

A. H. (Illleil wantt olrcua iioopla. 

Atlraoiluns can laaik Hnio tor Hit Koroncantonr 
ot Pawnee lllll'a Wilil West. 

i.'ul. t.'uoper, irlaiit, nan lie ongagi«d. 

L. (1.^riincrk will WIninra tnonagerle. 

Tiiu iluntliig Houte Hook will bo Issued by chta, 

Conner tnd hiiillh want circus iienp'o, 

E. 'I*. Iltaye wauls circus peupie, speclallles and 

orrln Nrotliera want surnn oioro puuple fur tholr 
cln;ua In Mexico. 


Atiranlnna can taaik tlinn at Colombia Opera 
llriuae, Waiiaan. Wla; K. uf P. Ofiara House, flay. 
iiriHik. HI.: (illvr iiprra ilooa*. r>ln( HIng, H.Y.i 
Mii'ln Hall, t.'tlca. N. Y.; luvia iipcn House, Forttl 
i;ily, Pa.; Opim Hootr, II-iukviIih, N. Y, 

Fur luhi: HUaduwgr-pha by Ciner Bras.; aol- 
mala iiv J. li. Trot and flaiirv fi. Hiaiiles; panorama 
II} II. W. Davenport: tnagli; by A. Kulorlierg. 

W. II. J. (thaw deals In uiaglo tricks, lie hta 
Itsuml a catalotfue (or twenty cents. 

At Lliieny: llarry il. UvrrbiD, agenr; Wm. II, 
HherW' lid. advanca: w s. Brawn, liallnonlit. 

Tne N. I). Mid Winter Fair, at Napoleon Park, 
.New Orlcana, will open Deo. ID. Maoy novel fea- 
tures will lie provided, Midway tliracUnnt o( all 
hlhdt, at well aa ring aera, muslolani, blllpotten, 
eto., are wanted hy Kuieno H»iier. 

Privileget can Ito rented at North llcach for noil 

Tliu Kconoroy Hhow Friollog Co,, >;ast Mvtrpool, 
()., duea rhaap printing. 

Parlor 1'noatni, liaolinry, 01., can lie imugbt. 

poll Kliannler wants a glata liluiror, one man 
band anil olher pi:op|,-. 

Euttli'saro now being lamked by K. ri. Johnson (or 
Ihe III data' bicyr lo cuntui tn mke place lu Phila- 
delphia from Dec- in lu 11,. 

Fat wianeii are wanted (or Ninth and Arch Hose 
nm, Philtdnlphls, 

Healy A BIgeiow want npon chairs. 

Mlllsrd A llayden do snow printing, 

The Palaoe Huatum, llaiuruore, can be leated. 

Show prinllog it nirolthed by u, It A II, II. 


The opprcuire heat aud iaiignor o( tho tropics' 
compel rorcigueralo lake life very easy while Ihey 
reside there," said Capuin II. U. Wilberapoon, of 
f/indon. Eng., at the Hoffman House. "Euruprans 
aeldoordo anything lhal they are not ainoiniely 
ompellcd tu do, and at laat accm U> lose all power 
of exerting thcinseives at all. Every vlaltor uiust 
have a nttlve servant tu iiertona even the most 
trinilog service. 

"In going ont to hoot iho sportsman mutt htve 
several attcu'lauts, 0110 lo carry Ida gun, another 
Iho ammunition, tod allll a third to carry tbe game, 
In unao lio l« roriuiiate enoiiifh lu bagany. A more 
unhealthy life tlisn that In India scarcely exisit, 
especially tiiiong the ladles, who do ooililog bn( 
lie around on dlvtoa and couottea all day, com* 
plalnlngala>ot .llio Inteote heal, aod trylog lod«. 
vhie plant (or aoutement Uul wUl nooUt lUUa ag 
BO eiwiloa 00 ihtU pHt.1' 





PrIrllcgOH for Season 1803 


For rerniBand condition* spplfr to 
WA1.TKII V. FOkTEII, I'rmldrnt, 
13a W A»g«U BT., SKW YOHK. 


ProlACUd b) 
Uael* 84ID. 


Bf WILL J. HARDMAN. NMTlr 0D« rur to do ihli 
MDi. W«ll pot toKMh«r. Uptotb* tloM, laitAbUror 
DU orwomiD.ud vithio tlia prict of all. Wrll(*D br 
ft mu who aodtnUodi bit bailnM. WonJi And inualc, 
tMOviiU. aiT«Uft*«)l- PobllthwlbrWILLJ HARD 
MAW.BoagtDdmetch Wrii«r.4IB rourtbSt.Kf rnr* 


lUialflMDt lUMt tod KtuIoc Dr«aMa,Bllghll7aMd. 
flnt Tm Oowoi, ndlDC Dftblu, Op*r% Cmu. Tftller 
ludi eoatnin*!. all miuI Uintw. Bm onrliotof Fini 
Matola Ootu. )uk*tMwa6 OUUn Oitr oDt boDdrtd 
riM O«ou' FdU Dnw Snltfl. TnittfoOoftUudTaati, 
«ta. lUmtmbtr onr nwUn 0S4 AND 9» houth 
ITaB»T. bIWMD fib Mfl iOUi BUM t. Pbll*d«lpM>. F*. 

PUMPS For Compressing 


bvhand power. send for 
catalogue: no 2 to 


Muafutoratf ol til kloda oi 


CombiaiUoD Huiu Tor Ltfiog rietarM, 
FtaorCoDloTtlon AulU, Tftdi of tllklodi. 
oompAnlM- RtDd Tor uuloga*. 

I.UI RIdn At., Pbltodtlpblfc Pa. 


■Id., 11.00: «!., lUD: BID., ITJU; MID. iUO: .DID., 

Em; no., lUUO; OomptrtiDtDl umyl, m.Ul boDDd, 91. 
Ill oinoi tmkt, •a.aeoDplw. BUI traoki, nuBiU 
loiMo, ttJC Ulho irooti, aKUnU loMt,' iiua 
■DspauidikoUuo rolloaon, ilj5 u« tlM. HblpMd 
ra tMolpl 01 tin Iwl. 0. 0. D., iiapl OTorDDBlU^ 
1^00 nmlt wbolo UDouot HBiltol mitniDHI, UckH 
taa nuucfliv' uooh. to ortw. Rolloo B«.^|U, with 
Mr, Uiloi, ODHr, DID., ilUI; Mio., IIUO; ma., 
f UJD. Bo«k«tJ Ihlppod 00 raoolpt el pheo. 

»»tob UM. IV NorUi Tin Blml. nilUdolphlo. 


PfoUr llluitnud villi Olurmnu&Bd Ooo- 

Ulflloi 111* Ha»lo forBach MOTtmMt. 
TdU iDcoini>iTmt)i« work )■ bolag MUMl Id 
Mrltl iiamo«ra,M«h auDib«r coDt&lDtDg 
ODteompUU lUp. Hilly einUlotd. Kura* 
btraUotADd Two now taady rordalUarf. 
I'rioa (ioail*l> Humbar Uoa. B e«aU. 
P.aeta Naoo»aiirD|iiumbar,Ue4DU 
JOHN V. lIUtlAN.Taaehf I ol Siaga Danelog. 
U UoiooHgDara. Haw York UHy. 


I Will bootD joar aimetion, awati 

Kur roMipu. Ruparlor U> IIUo 
oil raadlog matiar aod |l Tor 
I aaoipla V iliael lUod, 0 eelore. or 
llsioal flanlga Haf Oaiaha NaL 
I Hank. cVni^KTON IIIOW 


Genllemaa (VlollnUt) And wife (PAmnlal), 
dealre pnalllon In ioiub r«llKble co. Ki* 
perlenoetl ilKht readeni good »rranK«r| 
torma roiaaoiiable. Aildruu 

PHOP. L. UK OUAHHlfl« WapflU, III, 


Liiding Amnautt tt tht Worll 



Alio moDDlMturoro of oil klo^i ol Bollooii 
(Ooj or Uol Air), Bood lorprlo* Il.tio 

BALDWIN BWOB.. P. 0. Boi 111, qoloer. Ill, 0. 1. A 




J^cmlrla'Du OhloB, WU. 
O. W. K1W§BR. W»»i»»«r. 


Ball! lat mda wortud 
tIgkU, SAO par 

. ) par mi; UI 

grada worttad lighu. 
oeilOD.U. Tarnia,!!, wlib 
otdir buuoa R. U. D. 

la, itABtp fttr 80 pajalUu 
tniad oftialogua or olrttoa, 
UMatrloaJ, bloyola, BTmiU' 
atain anil athlau giKua. 




~ IttI mot leUi Buoot. W«» Tort. 


In BroM. Ma.t bo aloodr do*! nlloblo moD. MuiIcIodi 
«ilb AtCDl oiporltnro otolorrod. Addrw, 

U. «. M. A. BooJ.WoH folDI. H Y. 



11*0(1 1 0*01 aiamplor iuBpla& 
gMAliL BNUIUTlKQol aDrdaaarlp* 
UOD. 8*Dd eopj for MtUOAl*, 

I VaadnCaatran.M.T. 

euibl to 'two A l>DuU- 
•oo'aaolila. IlvlUttt* 
Toa tv*Bir Untalueotl loth* •oaTa*erA**aaoB. Prloa 
^0a. Addrata W. II. DONALDIOH. ClDtlttMU.O. 



liiloDOOd, Kbor, ralliblo. .RANX WIST, 

■ No. ia»H llowrl 81f»«^ Ko« n^l»«o^ U. 


CO., LoDdoo. Wll. U« D J. DEPUY, ll»D««r. 


uJUT Id Ortl lilUr Miitunto 01 ooeo. 

JULB r IWiraiR. MU CorrolL III 


taotarar In ail lu bmoaba*. IP W. IftOi (Uf*ar. N T. 

aOMBLT ILLUBTRATBD wlih onmaroua Photo aoiraT* 
logs, tod thatilM aararAl apaaial laatoraa, loeladiog a 
oomplata Uimar OP BVBNTS lo lb* TUXATRICAL 
WORLDdorlog tba paal jmr, ataoald maka a Rraaiar da- 
maod for tbi book llianbiiror«aodac«oMiiaeiitloor*aa* 
iBlUwaUkoovo Talaa t« adTartlaara. Tharormiwlll 
eloHAboatD*& 1. Pjaaaa a«Dj loadrarllalagmatur 

Porooa paga, 7Ka4K 

tor hall Apag* auO 

rorqutfttrolapag* 10.00 

For U*olj-0Tallo*R, agate* AOD 

For Uol 10**, agate ICQ 

For flr* liaaa. agat* 1.01 

Addrau allcommooleatlODato 

Cnipp«ir Bnlldlnft N«w York. 


LBOrURBi oDdaoim vumm artork 

OR UUP. ■'. TALLBRDAY. B.I.Moio. lU. 


A for odTorilainjt loor bootooM; roJuood pilooo. 

THIW J Nl"llllli A <<l> . rtaflnotH. n 

Ij. B. HillcS) Lawyer, 

189 U tall* StfMl, Chloift. 

>l08d0Dll.l ODd P*WDPt UnOlrlCOl bflilDMiO ipOCltllp 


n* loa* oovftKp for *lt«uaA, ■uauaJanrdaBajM 
ata. Omlan m aftraplaa, tea awte. rUTOU OOH 
FAWT, It Baat Tbirwoib gtr»*U ». T. 

UlLuUl HARBACH t CO. tot rilkMt SLKlB.rt 



At lllD«r*a Bovarr Tbaaira, tbta waab Oalt Id, kaar 
'*Tba UoaoD Bagaot ol D*Mripilra H|n|eri.*' Prof, 
corlaa. 10 caota. WILL ROBRITEH publlihaa tha two 
battdaaorlpilTa wois ol tba dai. "A Cnitl lliaa" aod 
'*Tba Tattoo oo tba Arm " Ob 1 I'm oot dotog a tblag 



Tbi atteoUoD ol oor adTcrtUiog pAtiooi fi callad te 
tba fact ibat tba oait adiHoo of 


Showmen & Straetmen 

vim ar« hnw bffailog our Bonff 8b«tU and Boog &Mka 

|ONO ■HIIT8, slie 84130, BO oentg p«r 
too, or M per 1000. 

eONO BOOKS, Words nnd MubIo, bIio 
Olio, 10 pRMB, ni per lOO. 

fiONO BOOKS, Bhost mu»lo bIi», 10 
pRatw, IS p«r lOO. 

Wohrnan's Up*To*pat« Sons ShMtg, 10 
p»Sflo, Words and Kualo, SI p«r 1 00* 

Tba aboT* Mntaln aU of th* Ul#at anii^ and ar* vary 
aUracUva aod aalabla. Cvab wKli ordar. FoalUfalr do 
gnadaaaDlOi 0. D. Wa wUI aaiMl OD*aani^)*o( aaob for 
10 Qania lo atiw or portao Hampa. 

IddMaU oidara to alUior oarKawTork or€blaaco 
BouM, «blab«T*r !• D*a>«it le yoft. 


no A la Piik Row, la W. HidlMii tIrMt. 





CHILI. SOUTH ahehiua. 

EUNA & wool). 

IWOOD. tha PamouiWIaaidaodTantrllo 
QQln: Bdn^tba Air Walkar, aod Cod>> 
paor of )1 p«ap)a. Poraln aAldr«aR,eai* 

ofCON ^UL AMHRI'MNO. V^lparalio. 



TUTHB' rROPESII," ood Uio IWl odd. o itoot link lo 
loordiilD ol hmMI joo b».« » lood wmmU nt or 
lOorMlf lor ilouoo.lT ud odtortlllDi. Wo uuJ».,U» 
Hliil kIDd lor tllD. AU biDdool oou lor .bow prlaUoi 
■todlooooDt Wrilo 


IB MmIIooo Be. Obloor.. 

Entirely Newl No Humbugl 1 1 

TARHH, Id UDmlDop cam. ^"^^ "S!*." 
■llbL .B.ou o.nlfcl Hood H not. lor 
iiESotHdMorlpU.oolreaUr. B. PETRIE, 

TP B. TblrWDlb Htioot. How York. 


IB NOW OPEN POR TBR WI.NTER All trorollop torn- 
pakIh will pUoM uko OAtIro ollho .buto. A Ont oloM 

'» ""•""^iiff'y^'llRTL.)!.. ll«.o..r. 


TWRTVJSEW»"vs^s|Jlj.r ^" 

io««0'l>ili»OTllDd»l««»i»'. BiaMI'Hm IM- 


AND UIB DOa. "PRITZ " lb. PoraeboU LHPor. I 
b.T. nrwDbollooD; .ftlOTTlow. Wnl. ol ODco tit 
WM R BROWN. BIO ' olM. Bliool. Jo'kwo. T.DD. 


TRA'iTIONB lobobluou, I JJl RMilpo. eonwUp, nH 
Addro.. 0.0. NEKHLPR. MtoMor. 

WH. ARMBTRUNO, US Bon Uko, Oblnio, 
1 11 Buoalhotorar oi 


fall ktadi); alao Balloona Prlo— raaaopahla 

Wauted Privileges in NuseuDi. 

AddfOM W.PETERaON. Blrow llolol.CloelDDAII.Oblo 



J Koy m, 

A Rood Flwo P'KO Mkrtb, Jait pnbllohcd, 
prnnoanrrd by Ihe lending iilanl.t of 
Aniorlratobo the coming niKTcb of (be 
■OBWO. Floe for AmDcon drill., Kie. 
Al.o Kood for oponlnc OTsrturo. Bond 
4Ur. topabll.hor, 

t.ock 001 1, Pontwo.yr, MIrh. 




ViTUlou. Hollra.Dt, T.r, eslcbp. ProLuloDol. Mod 
Droiroaioio aod lOO. lor c»p7 Id proparoiioD .ml 
D..?ir;53,r™AREN'I YOU UOINO fo klt-UMME," 
°"|IBN BIlVeA threads C0«B BTEALINO." -Llt- 
a- W.otnl Pbnto. In KtDb«lll.ll Till.. 

WM. B. MINSHALL, Pabll.hor. 

IT. W.bHh AT.DUO. ClllOtgO. 



A>Dd for Catelogta*. 

Allaahaoy. Pa. 




RapertoTf con)p\or pr*lDri#d. Ilara plaoty of moalo, 
aai aho eoaa. pobar, r*l(abla aod oiparleoud id lb* 
bualoau, aod no blr.k*r«. tUlari lo anit timoa. Re- 
Bvooalbla managers oolr writ*. Roap* aara Marnpa. Ad 
drau all latter* car* ol Eabl OUEBtL. 
VlollDUtaod Coraauut. Ja<>a^D. Tanoa^aaa 

praioiaaa balag roroplated at All ETargioao 
ATI,, Daar Woodolaa, HroohlfD, N. V., 3 blocka 
Iron old ataod, w« •tllmoTaloio »ataa Oot 
tr, ISM. lo two wa«kf aJiar r*iauT*l «» aball 
naka oorgtvoraiad Uibtflo aor color da 
■Irad, aod •haii hav* CAtteo lighialorgl par 
pair, aod ibirta to uateb Id 4 colora Bliall 
coottoaa to ktap food* up to ih* atenianl, 
an bafora. Thaoklog th* proiaailoD foriba 

fiaoaroai npport lo tha paat, and traaliog 
or a onotlDuaocAof iba ndi* «a ara, tml? 
joura. 8PICER BROTHERS OaUlognaa aod 
aatnpl*a of Ughia oiatltd fr^a. Spaclal aatl 
natal by mall 

Fun Wilckts, Jmlniid SUiemii Suit' 


POBB& Bood lor lUoMnloJ eololono. 
UHBR.IMR ModlOT Bl . Chiamo. lit 

„ PUR. 


NEW TRICKS. UtMt Empiu Nnilttu. 

H0t>«.B00D0dBI|klUd Altl«pinlDOllfB. ludlowtf 

or DOW ootDlono: 10 Msta lor ooBpiuo luu : do rattlA 
w aLRknT. HBRoon nnoi. Bora>D.a>M. 




Fiir roofb bDndllnr ond wtll 
rtiwlng rooivo. Mnd Monptor 

J. B. RCHALU H.krr of BoponorTODOd BANJOS, 

SITI WabB.h AvoBBo, Chicago. 
BoiMl .utDO (or cuotoiDo. Bpociu r.U. lo 
Dttlorc Two* r. ood 



II nOoad laroi ftor ladr aadl*Qo«,l han*l of olggor 
actii, aod do a07 Ktratibt or comnr park Otva ma 
r«Ru)araa]aTr, aod I nil do tba work Moat aojooa lo 
Iba varlatT or loMllniaa bla boowa m*. Ko Intb or naab. 
Addro*a THAS P. RAHBBV. North Braocb, Mlcb. 

PLAVH tbai Itar* b*«i 
pnotad 10 U. 6. or Borop*. 
at lAo. Dsd >o. aach: Pboto- 
grepbfl of TbaAflcal or 
oth«r C4l*brtUaa. CAblaat 
Ilia, SBcaach; paoala,tl.0O 
aach; rreoeb aod Bo|llab 
^botogripbi at ipMlal 

fmtaa. Popular Booga: Anr 

Prioted BoQg Rivao oo tba Var1»tr BUgo, haraoratHoad. 
fOcLoacb. All Dooka rvlaUog » »uk(o aod tba Oiuaa, 
aoppllad at pobUahar'a Jtrleaa. band caah witb otdar. 
No giwdi aichaDgii LAWRKNOK NOVELTT AN> 

- - Ply CO, - " " ■ 



, B aod W Ccolr* Btraet. Naw York. 



10ft. 107 and 109 Bmj Bt. 
Pliai elaai aroommodatliDi lor lA p*r w**k. Ba'f 


olrca. bu.tD«w BtAU lowoti ulorp Id Ar«t loll.r. Ad. 
dim PBTEB CO.SKLIW. No. U W-rd HI . N. J. 

/Maglul Appiratat, Tricks 

UIdsIou, Etc 

N.w, mllr IllaUrotod book ODlo 
Ion., .T.rTtblDi Dpio dolo, Uou 
nrlor triek. coUioido tno. 

tiB Blllb AT.Da., N.W Tork 

Circus Canvases. 

AlmoitQ**; «Olt. and eOiLRooodTqpa; 6Df.aad TOIL 
RouDdTop«,«tlh Vtt. Mlddlaa; lODR. RoDOd Top, vltb 
li>lt,mlddr*,lO(t. walla. Allebaap. Addrvaa 

(1. J. BjIwEK. IW W. Third Htreat. KapMCIty. Mo. 

NEW TEVPLE THEATRE, Dfirsbnrs, Tmu., 

elDM DttroctioD. tcr U.M0 *M 'PV Pofal.UoD ..ttD 
Smiioo eopoolir, BD Klocirlo liahu. Bmi ooeDtsbt 




.11 NoiUi Bocogd BL. PblUd.lpbiA. Pp. 

emeus eANVAS 

■•coiHl bud, lo fMd eosditloa; ooa KMt Boood Top, 
«aa OfL, oaa tOO\ ooa UtSL oaa tn\a). Writ* (oi 

aiaiidtT RiehmoDd 6ir*at. Botoo. Maaa. 


Bolll to onl.r oo .bort Dollea Wrllo lor MrUoolon. 
UlutimudMolofDorioo. J.<i.(KI8BA00, 
10 Atwtur at, Dottoll. Ml^ 



WiaBODbaadbOd mada to ordar. Clraai- 
aiaD winglsp, BaMjCropaod HagnE^raM 
Wig* lalO DP, Vnm m\n U BooErvtU $4, 
Nagn Wig* n oaaia, Prrgbt|l.aiL Bod Mao 
ttAmp for Daw prloa Hit. 

Circus Canvases. 

Tnttot All Diuripllm ymfutmi 

M. B. BUHRELT. IB BODlb Btrool. Now Tork OI(T. 




^ N40 ttNTRE IT.I 

JBH.T. Murray and .Alden ^uceG. 


Seuen IB92B3, Newird Alhenseuin StirSMclilty Co.; 1894, BErnum A BallBy's GrBaleil 
SkowonEarU. Addreis YONT PASTOR'S THEATRE, Naw York Clly. 


Palhellc I Immensely Popular ! JOSEPH E 
HOWARD, Ihe Oaicrlpllve Singer lays: "ll'i a 
MASCOT Song, and brings luck to the singer." 

Seat lo Ihe Profession, wHh Orcheitra Parli, 
on r«cel|it ol 10 cents and card or programme by 



THE BIJOU THEATRE, Milwaukee,Wis., 

Paebfd to the di>on wben tha p»pen eaDOancftd that the Oelflbraled lllch 




Orsaugcr^a "Bnneh of Kef *** Co., wa* IntrodnclDg Chan. K* Hairli' Famoaa Song 

While the Dance Goes On' 

An ovKllon fll for a klDg yram 1eiidor4>f1 tltl* popnlar alnfsei* by one of Ihe moat faih- 
loRable andlpticei ever a*aemble4l at IblHiheaire. Thr lioy* on the alrrvta aif ailll 
whlilllnfc lhei'hi*raa. Orclieairallon* now ready and aent FIIBB. Full Piano rop>- 
lOct*,, lo pnireiBlonaU only. 

N, U.—Hnrrl** Jaieal, ••HE I.OV£8 niKt HE LOVK8 filBNOTP* Proof coiilei now 
ready al tOcla. per copy. Yonni, **Aner the UmII," 

CHAS. K HARRIS. Mntlo Pabllalier, MUwanhee, Wia. 




Have Week of Nov. 19 Open. A Hit or No Salary. 

Addroa 1 Ur Tblrl Atodoo. N. T. Clip, or. uro ol AnrORS' rROTECTITE UNION. No. t Uoloo E4|du^, N. T. CWj. 



THOS. TROWBRIDGE, Bole Proprietor. JOHN N. PHUXIPS. Hanager. 
ThI* hoaie will open Nov. I'A a* »HI||h Claa* Vaudeville and ComblnaiioB IloaiSi 
Two ebow* dally* Afanager* of Flrat Cla** Popular Price CombiDatloni, and AI 
Novelty and HeB*atlonal t(|ieclalty Arllal* aend open tlin* at onre. Addrea* 

JOHN N. FMlLLlPj}, Luthmp** Opera Houae, Providence, R. I. 
N. B.*Pleaae conalder alienee a polite negative. 


Tb. Kroaloot coon long «vrr writl.n. By IRVING JOKES, anlhor of "THB IlEA- 

Froreo.louAlD, .end »t onco, with cnrd or programmo, .nd 10«., for piano copf 

sa30 Wc.t aglh HIrMI, Nrw York Clt>'. 


lUdellieFliiestiLeUerHeitfs In the World 

Artl.l. oac. n. .oe l7.Tiro.. BollillDg. N. T City 





PIOCOLO. FLUTE ud ALTO. BogMooMor Jolol or Mp> 
uml.lj. Addrou OHAB.TUn!r, 
DoDT.r. Colondo, ciro ol AmorlMD Uol.l. 




r.r. Dddnu, OLIPrBR. 




Lnh. View (l'»>»rooB), W. J. 

niViO Write (or 
8URK Fi're. Estlmatos. 

D* Baotb EUvaaib BtnH PhiUJalpbla. P*. 


UENBT K. TUOVBT froprluor ODd Hooanr 


tblleL uLABfl BLOirsa, oakSt urn otueb 



■ iMh, oAeo: a iHk. e>.TS; ■> un. atja roii ik. 

•Wal umr, —* oU MMiuMn.. «cb. Tim., ch Id 
odruoc " " 

134 n. Ni 

14 Ul MkonMit.. Mcb. Inmt, CMh li 


BATBRBCBOmonaABocss. n* 0.11 umopoim 
Bouol.rrMUwt.Bd. BoMioodOFfBm. 













"Rocking Me to Sleep/' 

Wllh orohtttra pirts, lOc. lo ihe prslaiilon. 

ThB wordi lo Rbovt loog war* published 

THE BUUQ- I'H WURLITEBR on . Cln.lnnotl 0 



Br Unit Is |irarB..lDnal. 10, wllli 
or«ite.1ratloB. MOc. „ -. 

OBU. WAI.T FI.EM1.10. BvTMO.''. '_• 

WANTEO, a First Cliss Hidlcliii Lecturer, 

oacworkoroDdDOOor 1.11.100 II go^L AUo.oe* 
nrt«o.JI fcrouod p«noro.n pl.yiDi doiIWI J"*'':^ 
IBWI., Ihmt CAD ehoo.o ipooUluH iSr two .°d ""7 
•mU* .l.odik ODd oro op ID onorplMOo. No dn..'"' 
niro rol.nDC .iporlooc .1.. hollbl ADd "<';i 
NuDO loiroil uloiT BoAid ooirR R liiooonpud. Ai- 

■' -non d.;., P. a MELRnsE, 

Mmtwir Iho Wri.hl Mod Co ■ admd'O. O*'?:. 


For Mmleal ShcIbH; Shos i««n lo Uko Iho 
real Alio lor Roportor} C«. 

Poopio Bo.l pUj brow: ivlArioo mon bo loo : ■^I'.'Ju 
UeoinoiMWl: Dobmoodrsoood. Wriloqalet. 
laiMAloUDinunwbMIOosndo. H. W. JOBNUn'" 
MAmor OporoUnoo,, riorld.. 




HE Sil]!llTN.D.ill-imFmi 


(BtCharlei ud Na olson ATennei.N«vOrle>aa,L>.) 

WILL OPEN DEC. 15, 1894 

For tlle Wlii«er traion, wblch Inrladra 91ardl Graa W«rk. Pr<»Dtli» 
N«w AltraclloDilB Uapld BacceMloD, coromeBclDg with * 

A CONGRESS OF AIL NATIONS, and n Perfect Repro- 
duction of THE MIDWAY PLAISANCE, from tlie 
World's Fair, Cliicngo, nil Its Buildings, 
Original Cliaracters, Animals, Etc. 

t03U eHcn, vTi«H vwmiioiBni. Kj^Horra, mim vpuiaoor uraton, Tirhi 
keep«np ColumblsD Ouanl«, Blltpoiten and DUUlbutor*. Addms 

EUGENE HESTIER, S«oretary N. O. Hid- Winter Fair, 
Commerelal Plao», New Orltani, La. 


Europe's Foremost Exponenis ol Rifle, Pistol and Revolver Shooting I 



r«arftriUt4f (ivllVftiMl |«i)tI»meD)MTroniilagth«nioit iDondlblvfMti o( prvoUInn wtlb utoQDdlDR nDidltv 
MtffnlflcADl f)U|a Pit Up H^hMtcftl 8l*r RwIdrIdi ftod BoUDDjt ObUrtf. Tb* Mm; Hoi»L 
0rl|ls4l, Darlov lod ft«auU0Dftl BihlbluOD of Padct BbaoMo* Ew CoiiMtT«d 
iD'rodurlDB ax Kcb perforniAnM tb« world funoai Boirllib 


Tb«ONtTTIULLBT PROOF ruiRABS Id the WorM ibatwlll wtlh*UDd. aolnjnrtd. lb* Umbl* Impaetot modern 
VIUtuTBIOwi. rlc: tha MuoUcbitr.MtaMr ofUvrnuij and AuitrU; Ibe Lm SIcuord. of Satlkod* ihaEnRjor 
MDMD.ot Amortu. TbHeriflMOUTrkDleket bnlleL which r«D6lrat» a ahMt ot Arnnrpltta BUol h»llu 
■•cb Ulek, at XVjdi raoRO. Tet. oa ttat wmderru) "M ANABD" RUIRARS tb»*6 bollau tiU h»ns)«M. Tkaagdt 
tact uur brlDK A07 rifl* or eanrida* in bo oMd la IbOM laits. A MuurplMa of BtniaUoa and DatiDg BkllL Tba 
BiparlflMobi ara mada oo Litior Snbjeon. 


Wbiraw Ihit Aet app••^^ li commudB tbe ipMlal ftlUQtloD of the pma. Tht vreauw drawiav catd a maoiRtr 
HopTar. Plrat'RuntdfttoNoT 10 WIra 
n An ARO, Gait f f oao«, Claclnaatl. nr can nf m. Oenon, 1.337 Broadwaj-. New York. 


For Weeks of December 10, 17, 24, 31. 


HYDE & BEHMAN, Brooklyn, H. Y. 






While the Dance Goes On' 


OiTlleatfatlona now r«ad7 and flre« to the profeitlon. Foil pJano copr 10 c«Bta. 
Thli HOBS not sent freoi 

w n — Havf la>t rccelTod from printer, 100 proof coplei of Ilarrli' latait aong, "He 
LoTea mel He l.oT«s Me NotI" "Youra Arier the Ball," 

OHA8 K. HARRIS, Mvsiu vuBLisHEit, nilwaukeb, wis. 

^ HIT, ^ HIT. 





GEO. T. 

Woald lllia to hear from first claia maoagam. IVeek Nov. S Star Theatre. 
Hamlllon, Oaoadai Nov. la, 9Ioiira*a J>Iu<ee. Toroato, Canadat Not. Id. SBS^ Smltli** 
Opara Hoaie, Grand napldo. lUlch. llegardi to Chao. Diamond and friends. 

L.illiei.n De Vann, 

THE ORCAT male IMPERSONATOR, Is Singing with Big Suoceu, the Deicripllve Songi, 

"uvi; mw i "m mi m wot" 

Sent on receipt ol programme and route, to the proleiilon, tree, by 

NATIONAL MUSIC CO.. 2K-2i] Wataeh Avenue, Chloago. 


Comedian (SlnalnK aod Dancing), and ' 


jBTeallea, Heavlea and Chararlen, AT IjTBERTT- 
Addreaa **i MIIAWMVT AVB., Boatsn, Jlaaa. 



laUitlrlaUatereUIOD, ••KXCITBWKNT." i»pl«u .lib orlaln.l i.Ma. chair ael btrral lrlrt» 4r»p.. raoor 
lallaaeil Al roalloaol uloa anJ banemu. aerobaUo "orlt. l loar lorit inlaaui. Muac'r iMklaa tor MmtUiloi 
oa>llia>||M alldnVl aPAKK *WD DAI.M M Uur.' glrwl. W.w na.ea. ''l 


ButlDi oiMcltJ. im: OPBKS TUAK1IW171N1 WBBI, "OMDAT. H/)T. S 

Ilia For that dale, RIdera wHIi IheIr own itock, Trained Hortea. Ponlet and Ocgt, 

W AN I Ladr and Gentlemen CIrous Acli ol all kladi. Each mutt do two tpectaHlea, 
■1 nil I gentlemen nil In tumbling and leapt. 

B..U lallr loor a... loeaalaaUrT a. ..». Add,M. ^^^^^^^^^ ^^l^S^lrfiH: Oh... 


1» boiliifi' Curt DMib'f oaa lalhen aad • Partr B«»i." Buia hn.lneM aad Taiy lowiw aalair la tnt UUar. aa I 
W upaaaaa uur ^m. ». N. [aw •^'"••'A'.r.Vl-BWirK.rTl. ri.,. Wh... Co . fll. l«t B,r m. 


"IVotice to all I^ii-st Olaisis ]>f!anasei*is.'' 

Tbo Orlilnil DELTIBELLI BK0TIIER8 (Pleeolo and Dflpblno), wUI herran«r Im known u 


We nl.h to .Into to all Oral elaee nianafieia, wliltinc a aoTelljp In mBaleal arte, one nith merit, •>l>!in Til AT in OVR," 
ACT, not lo overlook Dltl,Tl>HKLLl ANU DBIjPIII.NO. We hare IMay, the ha.t noTrllT In maalral Inalriimenta, known ta 
the prorraalon, rally ca|iyrlalilail li|r low, IVe have ripendrd one llioaaand dollar, tar Inatromenla, MlaRe NeMlnaa and 
Wardrobe, to naake nnr act one .of Ihe lieat and moat Borel maalrnl romir clown acta ever uroaenled to any unbllr, and we 
want to hear rraro the nianaceraoBlr. WE ARE AT, LIBERTY FOB DATES AMD COMPANIES. 

Kladlj addreaa, bbIII end of November, care ol OllfllfiiVN, Saai Franclaco, Cal,, or em Bllla SIraat, ».V. UeipaolfUllr 





FoleaandStakea, 8EAT8, Flaca, Etc. 


SRrnxrkiufn pivtic, .f*t«. nr.. von pii.f. 


Inunin iiai.l Amun 

ItION-*. K(1V tNDf.ATBn 


HTO.VE i HWA*. SIII.K PKOPRIKroHX. Droi.' Co., WaAblnaloD. D. (>., thia vaek 
Prol. eofit'. Ill caala. WILL KOflXITUR. Chlcaao. 
(Ih I fro Dot tlolag a Ihlof — Ihln leaMii. 


Tbo aiMotloD of our adfortiilDg pitrooi licall«d lo 
tbo net that Ibe noit odUloDor 



80MBLT ILLUSrBATKD wlUi oomtroui l*liotoon|TaT. 
lo|i.aiK] th«itho MTonl ppaoitl fiktara*. Includiptr a 
WORLD, durlDg tba pail jw, thooM in»k* a ffnaUr 
domuUrortbo oook ibiD bofol* aoi a coDMquoat id' 
ereaBO la ill woU knowoTaluoUiadlTortlierB. Ttialormt 
will elooo aboat Doc 1. PIoaM uod lo adrordilDg 
mat! or oaf Ir- 

FArooo pt|o,7>tft4K ttOXf) 

Pot bill a paro V.OD 

PorquAiiorula piKO lO.OO 

rortwiDir flTO )lDoi,ftRaU* 5.09 

ForUo UniaaitaiOe xm 

Fnr llro Mogi. aROla 1.00 

A^ldrouall comniDDlCklloDaLo 


Clipper BalldlnK, New York, 

"LinLE mi 
m V 

The Prettiest Waltz Sons 
Published This Tear. 


Proreulooolenploi «llhoreh»-irallon PRBB, Rood 
Innr eoou (e pa* patUfr. TIIOMPitOK HUblO CO.. 
01 Wibuh A» . riiicain. 




PopilalloD LU9; aov booblDB oooMO of UVItad'M; 
•iMOl bolMIOf, t4rtU;otafo, ax«;oo» KOoary ; aaaUDf 
eapaeiir.HO; flgblod bt luibwud br lUacn. 

A. J. DRAKB. OBoar and Maaifar, 
P O. AddroM, KauoDV, If J. 



Tbooa «be ora eompatoBi lo pianago Ibair o*a aom- 
paiM. VHta to COL T A. EDwARtm, mprlotor 
OBf OOR IN DUf If BDICINB TO., Onrrr Pt.. for prnp 
oilU w oe «bleb ibor caa nika oJl ibo moaof for utaei- 
mIvoo. diitaoiportoBoa 

mntc r>ramo,Doironno,l!dn(»> 



A *'Cyclone" in Serio Comic Songs, 

WC ROREY "no's™' 

rrofowlODtlcopUa. lOotsti N. B —Ttio ibovo li » rotthol »orlo oon<lo OAor, vlth ploatjrof gloiar and Ihe mailo 
vt evthf ihttyoQ ho«r K ooo^, oad joq koov IL Wllblat lt« wooba Ihlallllovlll btoomo a "papular fkylof." U 
wlllbo "poibad alcDg" bp 

WILL ROSSITER,the "SONG PUSHER," 56 5th Ave.. Chicago. 

Tb* boil iol ling book* In tba world tor|l5parlhou>aod. Whj pap oiorat Obi Vat ooidolaga Ihlog. 




laatramaaU tor Solo Playaia, Clabe aad Basjo (SomblBadaaa of all hiada. Pic- 
colo Banjoe, BaBjeaarlaaa, Solo Banjoa, PoBf Uanjoa, aBltan.Beoii Dal^Joa SMd 
Baaa Banjofl, 

Dooka OBd naale IB ureBtTBrtelr- Oalf Book pabllabod oB "BaBjo Olaba." SUe. 
Send for lar«a> llinatrated Price Llal.ud uamnhUU ot fBII iMlbrBiatlon. BeBt Frai. 
Hedal aad Diploma awarded at World'a ColamblaB KipoallloB. Addreaa 

S. S. STEWART, 221 and 223 Church Street. Philadelphia. Pa. 





FRANK HAI^r., Muniiiror. 



dwMptloD .ulrabl. Kir CIrcua Hu.ln.aa 

_ _ rIptloD .ulrabl.rnr circua Hu.ln.aa Hort^baflratalaa^ 

QniHl il'rVwMn tolh In .00 otit 01 Hini. Noaa bet Aiat elaaa ani.u ra'iolrad.'alM Aral elaaa Tuaiblara aiu 

WANTKD— Nofalll.aaDj alUBQiloDa or oT.rrilaMrl 


rnt.ui Ailiata-oA fill iipa: alio lood Olovoa, ellh uwto.oirMa.' All l.iiara aJlilraa.,!! 

RIDIIARD II. nunmilLL R.|i.Hlilaa niraaui. 


TOH BIIOADWAV, K. V., OIIB DOOR llBbOW MlNTli BT. (ronnerlr w Maiden Une), 


Oold ud surer U«ea,FnDRa,Bpaiiil«,Blan,Taaaela, Brooailet, T1ilil*,smrta, Paddlon, llati, Wlai, 
Shoea aod Jeweir;, TImUlcal, RaMtlrUn ajid AUilello flood*, IMalaner*' ud Badge Malen> Snppllea, 
Flan and Bwinera, milMiT aod Booletj TrIDinlsn. Annon of all klDdi lo order. Send roreallmaM. 
Tliei>ri|caia<aoiiffl«Dtand baaileaiitookor tliea*fOoditob«(onndu;wl>ere. Ulroalari tn». oooda 
tentU.O. 0. 


NEWARK, ft. J., 

BEDA VOICT, Proprietor. 

Bntiralf ralitted, remodeled, ll|l>ted wllh eirclrlclty, at a coal of over tlllO,INM, 
Seating capaclti' l,NIHI. AI alago, well rqalpped with acrBery, will ofiea t>ct. 1. Oa- 
alrable open tine for flrat clnaa cootblnatlona. Addreaa all commBnlrallona lo 

DEDA VOIOT, BaeBHar Hall, Newark, N. J. 



The Four RlchardSa 

with C. B. Jeir,iHin, Klaw & Brlanaer'a Ureal Prod action. Palmer Coa'a "Drownlea," 
at tbe llullla Street Ttieatro. Hoalon, Maaa, 
All commBnUatlona to UICK IIICIIAHDII, Cnra of CMPPEII, 



A. M. SUCH & CO., 

ISA NiBlh M.. Phlla., Pa. 
■ATiaPAimOM tlUAItANTieiCD. 


Hmr a. Ulaar'a Flftb Atbbiu Thaatra, N. Y. 
H»arf O, Minar'a Paopla'a Thaatra, N. T. 

Haavy O. Mloar'a Mavark Tbaatra, Hawark, If. J, 
Haaiy 0. HlBar'a Bowtrf TiMatra. If, T. 

lUuwT O. aUaar'a El«hth At*. Tbaatra, If. T. 
name Addreaa, '«Ue." Addreaa all eoBDeolealloaa u> IIENHV V. HmER. titi AranoaThaairt, M. T. 

WANTED, QUICK, (or a First Class Musical Farce Conletf^ One Night Stands, 

Kmall, Llval^, NInfllajK and DaboIbh ioabrallo, lliraa llnalDg Anil Da 

' lab BIddx, Dutch aad Tr»aa|» ITrad Da Woa, write). AlaollaalcBl 
Wrilft, olallMK iiravloui riparlauca, 


, ooa for Irla! 

lowaat aslarj, etc. (nanaaemaBt vmjm board.) Re faraa advaacrH to |iBrllra ua* 
linnwB. lfir«riraho^iap*cl«llr lllhoaraphed br Urev* LItho. Co., Plllwaubaa. Wla* 
MonaKoro la Iowa« Ilia* aad nlooaarl, aead op»n llrao* Maale fab* and €utn|wion, 
•aad your laloataaagf, wllh orabMltatloao* All coaaaaaBlcaCloao lo 

BBAU BHUMMBL,Maaagar,CialBe|r,lll. 


GLASS BLOWER, with Lay Out, on Salary nr Percentage. 

I ramlth baa, worhar. l.oagaoaaaB. good mOBe^ tor Ike riaht Baa, Abo, t>NB MAN 
BAND, ONK LADY POII ICLUBION. BBatb* BBder lall. Bred rc 

looker. WallorHoItaBd wire writ*. PHIL. ELLairATKII. 

rod form aad 

i'Clrcae,aBlTeetoa,TeB,, Nor. I*, aiddlBga Nor. I«, Baa AbIobIo, 


T«o nnrao PlaUomRarliB, Iroa Alio, aav, HTor oaad, Coratad PaMogor ood Paol 
Pola Vacoai; polo^ Okalaa »ad Biag Taalo; Oaab TaaL Tah|ao aod Dliboa; cbaap War. _ 
riL«rs*HasMaUaM;ILAoka»f ■atraaBalU Na B^Toa Aabnrf T|ya to Ijr. 


PaolaWagoB^BoggpABd B.B. ' 
Wardroba; Elopbaal aad Otml 

■Off. laaala,M.T. 





"Ups and Downi of Llf*." 
(illTtr BrjoD'a oair pliy, "Upt ud Uowdi of 
l.itt," mlii.n hf V. A. Hcudaiiiorc, snd Amerl- 
<:talced k irinc hj Ur. Br;on, wu ptajed for ib« 
lint Unio at Urako Open llooio, RilaiboUi, 
N. J., Nov. 2. Ttio rl*T la nt Iho raoludnmiallo 
order, In fonr acta, Tlie plot h laid Id Kogland. 
Conauiica la (b« dangbter or a deceawd 
bankor, irno Daa lalt a long lUt o( na- 
laid bllla aad a ranugada aoo, Nn«l, wnn 
014 a maDla for tha ri«c« IraclcM, which leadH 
talm to forgo the name of Crowcnurt, a tlrh 
but Duornpotntu contr'u:(or, wliA oaka iho hand In 
narrlago of Oonaunc/*. lie la rupniMHl, tint In a 
tJiraat u aand Nnol mprlHon ConaTunco coDaonia to 
bacomo hia Klfe, liui Hhc h rcHciicii lij Vivimi 
Raoaonie, an arciilu-cl, tu whom f>iDtiiADCo Ih ))«• 
trotbad. ViTlao marrjH Onmunco while Crow- 
ooort forgive* Sucl, ntid whito fa-ncmlng (o 
abdact CoQBUoco to AiMtrAila pn<tontU to be 
friaadlj to iho Itrldo Rii'l aroom. Conatance 
falla to toll VIvlao nt her Heapcgoat lirotlier 
and keep* tnaaiilijecta aurrel. Croocourtcallmn 
VlTlao on Utialueaa and Hhowa lilnia leltor which 
Ooutaoco hail recclreil rrom her hrolhor. Vivian 

CI with Crowcoiirl 10 rortHmoiiih, batrdturaa 
r 10 the oveolng to Oml liU wife bending over 
ttio dranken form of her hrolhcr who hai oilled. 
Vivian, who doca not know of iheoxiRioDca of ihe 
liroUwr, becomea frenzied wlin Jenhiuaj and an 
eiclUog Bcena foltowa. A box of gold and valu- 
ablea, loaaod In iho air bj Vlvlnn at tui dlicoven 
Ilia wife, anil iiiroa her out of the honao wbllo hi- 
luihea from t'>e dwelling, la picked up bT Noel 
and la later lost at the race track. Conalance 
roaitu tho atrceia ami la met l>j Crowconrt who 
takoa tier lo a chi-ap lodging. vivlaD, who la 
Bbonl 10 aall for Autlrulla, uaa for lodging* In 
tha aame bnuae. Here lie niveia N'ool, who, Id Iii» 
dronkea muucringa. meotioiiH coDatance name. 
NosI tccogiiizra Vivian and lulli Mo It waa he who 
waaonihenoorufhlah >iirc witn Constance. Vlvlnn 
aelzea Noel liy Uie ihrorn, but he oacapea ibroiiKli ihi- 
door carrjringa lighted lamp. VIvknalioo'H at hint, 
when the lainp ih ahalitrcd and Iho huuna la act 
Hdre. Noel ruahca imcK id the llimca ami i<:IIb 
Vivian that he la UonHiance'H liruthnr. Vivian 
learna that Omatjiuce la about to im abducted ."^ii 
tbeaaino Bleaiu*!r od wbli;n iio wn.i Hlnini lo aiill. 
In the laataci lie rcHciica hurai ihe aicaniiT'a duck. 
The caai: Vivian IIiiiikoiiio, Ullver Ujrun; Jeitre; 
Urawcourt, HpiiiMawuoila Aiikru; Noul, 11. Fulion 
Kuaaell; Alplionio Hmlth, Ned Wancn: llolien 
Brown, W, J. Ilurke; Unaoa, J. I,: U laon; .Mr. imk- 
klna Jdop. Chpirlea Ynuug; Ben Woratej, Rll. 
wood; Ham flnuli, U'jro AHon; CoiiAtance, Kita 
Van (iUaj Mra. Wanliiip, Alh u Watrrn, nnd Jauc 
JodklDa, Kale li;roD. 


TbiB twoaclopcm, by Julm J. Il&wn and Kitd 
Dappe, waa proiluccd for tho Ural Unio od anj 
Blage at the Audllorlniu, Bpokane Falla, U'a^h., 
Oot, 10. Tho aior; liliigca on a will maile tij an 
eccantrlo araudfatniT. Ttio alll provhlea for tlie 
marilage prior loacerlnlii date of a peraOD ihei, 
nniionirD. Tkttpi-raun iranapirea to Ijo Arlouo, llic 
central dgnroof itio piece, and iho cODaequO'ico oi 
non-tuarrlage iDciiua doanoul rulu of hurfauillf. 
Arionodiilv iiud timely ralta lu luvo and tii-comcH 
betntbadlo a naval uillc^'r, who la Uter reported 
loitataea. Ai the iliiiu upproichr.H forlrr niai 
riage. deapouilont at iiiu lnaa <ir-tiur luvor and Heek 
ia4 the conifi-rt alio inny iIltivc from aavliig her 
family, ali4 dct^-rniluea tu accept ono of tho many 
Bailor,! who M*ok hur, anil Hhc la abuut to lake tlila 
Btop when ilivtiiitnnor,*tiiri h 

FOR ehfAi, DANniKa Rora ourfiT, kopek, 
JAUiB, ni'Ri HOS, tu. KvamhiDauimpUu. caittS; 
■•II for |l& BalaselDK TrtMM, aolid lIMl bar. ropftt- 
plau flitad lo for hMd haUoce. Uonpleta, |3. Ad- 


?RI1D Bfilll. Boi m. Ch.riT T«l«. Kan. 



iiiiiiraix A ^AR BOOK" CO.. niKniNO aud otNC- 
INI KOUBRETTE OolLDIor Mary Moriu. alio olliar 
uMful Mnpla. Will pav *htt von an worth. Alio Al 
piun pliyir. Ailai««« McOOVEN A BUBBY. yepa. ill. 

"WaNTKD to IlKnT, (iKCIIKilfBATrdNKll'oii 
-rilR MIKADO;'* a iinttll. lull orchaatmlnD tnr 6 or 
7pl»n^ Ad'irw mg < DO. P 0 Bin IB. ahttnnHB. Pa. 

NKW Pl.AVH Wni lTKM, UM rl.y> Holnid. 
lUUK V llliWD H K-OW. I.a»)i o» »r>f>«. l.ioH»lll«, Ky. 

Tii-,« Mfltd lOaveryliMy: a.otl.llv«rorminp«. Hkalcnu 
aritlao loonier tor at. 13 aad %6. Doimrlbo «li«t vnii 
•ant Baail atainp for reply. IliKBV IIENOEIUHJN, 
1 sn Oon«r*M HTo*!. f,oill»vlllo. Ky. 


pr«l4rr«(l. MlDinabiwfi- fniiulAtioD. ttUO: SiVQuilrkW 
I rom . A < I '1 r»i« R . HK^gRtr. Mgr.. H tnwfTil I •. Ohio 


Ad(l r»««Mi H tcii nora Hi . Oio tiPiiaU. O lilo. 

AND ALI, HOUNO fll'wil^LTy HKOKLkVoR ttlOK- 
AeoO MKO.CO. Ail<1r«M DR. D. MAKLOW, 


Tho joanfi mnn luui Jll^t Iktii ndmtiictl lo pnc- 
llco lit lilt) biir. lln Ml tflllilii iliu Imr cnctuHurCi 
BiiMiilHtInK ii|M)iitliuol)Hna'Rbr illuiiin rnming m 
him, U7 lutHUko DF nUicrwlxo. Ilu licurU his imuie 
flpokeo, null Hbiriril lo Iiib feel. 

"tfr. hu Novii, tli>- priiKMu'r ni iltc liir la uniiiilo lo 
employ couuncl. WiU juu Urfi'ml hliui'* 

"OoriBliily, your lluiior. Mny I a>ilru wlili litin 
10 tbo lJ4r uillcu for h few niniuaitiit* coniuliniluur" 

"Vu«, tfir; luirt iclvc Itlni your beulHilvlco." 

A bHnlly |)vrco|iill>lo fincvr i^iirlcU iiIh lIciiioiV 
llHiw iiu utiir^'il iiioHo Uh' wunN, but IlioyoiiiiK 
m M diU not niMHMir lo iitiitt-o It. MotloniuK for Ilu- 
prlaoiKT lo fotlitw tiliii, Ih' iMtwcti liiii> ilm otiu-r 
ro'MD. Till) door mu cluiwd, miil for ion iiiliinK'H 
tho lively clttlUT of ninny convvrKiilt>nH flilcU Itic 
Otiurtmoni. Tnuii llio.vouiiii imin RtrulK'd inio ilio 
room anil ilroitiird liuu n riinir. Tiiu rrior iim 
clKlinoil, ".Sltditi ii lu ilie rnnrt rttomi" lIU lluiin 
gaztiil up HI ihu ymintf inmi, nnd antd: 

"Aro yoii nrt»ly tu nrocvidir'' 

*'Yo», your llimor.'' 

"Wiicrc'a ilm prlrtoniTT'* 

"1 Tc*llytlon'l hiM»w." 


"I'm ^nr** I (hm'i know."' 

"Mr. IH; Novo, will )iiii<'.\|i1iiln wIihi >(in iiU'AQ 
by ihlHiiiiiil oMfiionllimry t:itiidiivrt** 
**Yuiir Uonnr lold iulMo mIvv lilmilip t»c.<il ndvlro 

I could, IlK'IU'VO*" 

"Yi*. Ktr." 

"Mv pK'im tho i-i>nri. wlion I aoiitntUcil Mm 1 
fiiiiDil hu wiM KulliJ, iinil liiKt really iin ilofeiicc 
wbAlurur. Ho, in (lurdnrtnvu nr vour llouor'n ito 
kludly mnuii KUdKuniton, I nilvUciiliIni lo drop out 
of Uie wliiilutv, mill iimMi' lilniHvir hh iicitri'o hm |iori- 
Biblo. I prcAiiiiii>,.lii frtci, I liiuiw, ihtt ho fuili>wc<l 
ttio Urst p*ri of niy mlvico, Aiid I lioUuvc hi* will 
»bio obaerve Ihu n*Bi of ii.*'— //iijv'i*>''>'< .Vimihlii. 

\VK\T _ 
U Al K«l I 

Hi w r iij . i6w%. 



Proot Parlor nnd BMrOom rolat: BniteU«a, IntoltliHl; 
■ll ti or withnntboard. ta Wttt 2Dth At . Kow York, 

RMIAOKHEN r. Ctn do Qtuff I'linc. rrom lolDd fth«ftil 
to kI* iDK thn CAotrtleio tho* msmir. KriODOii wnU. 
A4dr«M 100 W. HA'lli'in fl|r*«i, Bnffai tloml. Cblmft. 

WAlV riCn.Uulcli. HIMK yv». Ulwh mo DoicIi com- 

_.. 6ri»IH«i wmI fcf* 

MuiicaI kbi) «I) 

wliut wtiAilDuaaddftoce.cbsDsliit cporiftlilei wwt af- 
i«rpifte«j^ roron* totifn wtnk nianiji " 

roaa>1 maOialoa ii^ilnrraeni wrlu , 

riffhlnan. HuUMlary. Ad'lr«M H. a KKBNR. 
BoiSlfL fliiUiT Unrt. lowt. ^ 

PITH. (10 QO: lltask Art. nav, ^.00. Aanal Nuipan-iOD, 
»iihc4Miutoa uut pa'oiiDi, $15 00 ; 6 lituAiooa loona, 
fVOO: LInbar JnlM. wltli aaoraf tiow lo dflcoma a oon- 
iAMionliulS(n:Krarrad Aoloial CiirloNclieap,«lib Pslat- 
loRi. Of • third w|ih opiar, baUDca C. O D. 

WM. NELRON. li^PqllOD Pira«r, Worfwi ar. Mm i. 
'HftB¥UH'l£'t,~1((>NbH, CONRUTkA. BUR- 
VVmUkh WKITTKNTo uKl/en 8«Dd aiamp. 
lO^'EI'll Kf^HMIlAW, las hilrmnnnt AV8 . 1'hll^lwlnhia. 


>.ilUU>«rYl.f:ri: 30: lorHAJfrLK" 

HiHftVOhAHK. Knt^prit'a lit.. PhlUilflp lila, p4 

.iittoi cndiiion Thirir nRuret, four ^au acaoeri 
cnritlD, proM-enloni. RAi pl»r«i priDtinif. mc (iom] lor 
niuMgnni nr ■>«rH »Ikiw %tti tf frild ijulclf. ennt %W 
PAHLOW. IrtI yjl.T'>klo B'r»ft. .lar^OT '-Ity^ N 

AT liliiKiiTV.— hVht cii'HHRr yoii hand 

aD«1 ordiw i'ra, Ati ilr»Ml l. 0. I'LACJK. ffai^rtoo. lo »a. 

Y'tllK unp At Its aa<t '49 Kot PIII«flDlh fltrA«t, TIIBAT 
KKUL IJK4UUUAIITKHH, two blockR from all lha 
UiMlroA nail uuMuma. P;irolAli)'d rrnmi lor light 
miii<Kky*»|ung. RnanI if dM[r«J HHH. J. RARROWh 

For 1895. 

We «re now prepared to re- 
celTe advertisements 
for the next 
edition of 

ntmnMltiidAi-r tMt W»u1d liko lo hear from ro«poDH 
iblH conihinalto,!! or niKdIclna ahowa. Acta aoO warn* 
rolMAI. Reaanl. <o That R.ncli anl all (r eod*. Ail. 

MONn L\ I'l.Anh Wotmitllla. nhin. 


11KI*I£UT011I1C rUOFLK. glMUK, 

„ Hut tiinplug miu Umciui ^oubrMtlo. «illi 

■UODi faaiuriiiK fprclftlll**. anil "AiMllKS." one lor 
oharMtara kihI jtoottral liii. oim mr JitTriiMt>«, and ao A 
All Around ll(uu*<niio. Ifrou ctiidn iiitfclnUlan you lai 
Uia |)r*ier«uro. Tlitii tu « reputtbla roiiii>juij, plaTios 
oUtaaoDlr. Sii If vuit ire a iKHtftir nr a IhhI caritariluii'i 
wriM. Htltrr "l-li iticMinta* A>litrB»a KhWtN OUHTIS. 
HiAia Har. ur Hllil.Y P. TlirWIKK, Hu». Unr, AWrno.O. 
Lliua niiwom, wriirt anJ uli'igw M%m» . Iwni ilo H ur|fl« |i. 

Bllb:MKli'&oi*hliA hVhiHK. TllHKB UAICfi, 
MHU. na«houM;«*«iiD)|cai>a-iiy,HW; t-locKOt iiaitr 
ftod Heoary; popuuiion of tottD. lUV, wiih a rood 
oountrr ol i.lU) to draw mm ^'Ult Ol'KN TIME 

>ddT^«i WM. HHRMKR. 

nRlUl\'a OrUltA IIOUai4^'UMllMXlM N, KY 
Op«D lloia Not.. Uvo., kud laicr lor rtif i rlmja RtirMtinoii 
Band pfforrwi. a^iItvk* II. K. Mh KHV. Pro p, and H ur. 

■T* bllO a ' U AVrklia— 1 WANr 

TO Hlltf OK LKAKK: l>ti« Hill far, Two H|i>ck (^tn 
TttiM Plat Vat* kod Uni* SlMpinu l-ar. Miim ba ilrit alap« 
oara Id nAud cornlUuni. Willi iiioiii^rn liiiprovoniaDli, all 
brahefL aw. Hidn i»ca*iTad timii UnA. i. AdilreM 

niU'< I.KP, 171. Punn. 

•KKICII TICAll|,'i)T» 
Vlltun- pipa^ nirr in* \V«ui>«ii Not. 

im P H. ri.U'l'. Wwniir i'e. WU 

~''VU Sf%MUKl« JOlfn fiiilVUV lUBrifou* \'vcm\. 
Ut), I 'rniBrli tti (:iiia>t(ir, UnRlaUit. who ib Itphofwl to 
bar* taken (he oania oi aTaNLKY VKHSDN. Ynur 
moUiar Blluuath KaoJy. la tlrnO aotl \ i<u aro r^iiuMieil 
to coiamuDtrate at onre with HA.MUKti HMITII, Towd 
Olork. rh»»t^, PnBl«"'i. 

"tVANTKl>a— I»t»!*iri6>i A<t l*iioHIGi{TV 
MAN villi MtJie Dtii oia*H oouipany. MincMy l«m|>er> 
ata and no* Kfral-i huhtl*. will pUy tmall pirla. 
Add r ea* K "AN K_K< M ' 1 1 Vt\H r. r % ti .'f t'l .1 IT KH. _ 

~"WA!*'i'l£i>. i~' lirv thHiushi uMViuNnMAHlt' 

LANTKHN UH HrKHK'iPlirO.N' wttli In.iii W loXU vi'wn 
BiaiAprlo* iif uiiliti. lUla and make of laularo, how old, 
Bttmber and daiprlfiou pf ti»«m. 

W l». ItAMMin* iHi- Mrinr*. town. 


ut Ihe InliowloiTt llie 1*4*1 Hit olTered to the prolaa.4loD 
iklfl aaaaon: 



Ruutlful dflialpilTa ballad by ^^^n I'lyuD. Orcliu- 
tnled bf Itub'l Kcrkrr 


Dftfo MmiuD. 'Mie ureal hIL OrcliHHrwtetl l>y 


Dtunh JUtcklln. Very ixipulir. Urclie>iraip<l by Jolm 


Co1llnaar*cI«. A llff BO. Arrinstd by <i. M. Rowolwrff. 


Cliaa ar4]inni. (Iridiftro'r laleat and beiL Ur4ha«ijaled 
by Jobn BtrorabarK. 


Pord ,\ BratiOD. RucoaaaluldaMrlptlTeMogaod relretD. 
ArrtDKed by 11. ilenoatiinn. 


DUiiicnd .V Mivirar. I'aihallo Biiccara. Air by II 


riita. ilnrwitr. Popular Walu Ibdiad. Arr. b> Hubert 


Pord .1 Prmtioo. Deunptl«e ooveliy. Arr. b) ' ~ 


R«pd.Lovl|r.. Houml lo be A u*^. Arr. bi U. M. Itoitoberir 


PurJ A Bralton. Hi*' dwcrlpllve koriK wrilleu lu yeAra. 
Air. by Jitlm Hirontbfi k. 


Repd-Wherlei. Hie patbtUfl "kUadby. Arr. liy RoMObarg, 


IUyuioUil-L«Ti. Kuwvnry popular. Arr.))y.l.fiueu)b4rK< 


I CUaa.WIIIU. Very seat tod CKlchy. Arr.byA.lM'roDler. 



Wio. <>iuririRht. 

\9anthu, A ^u. 

• 1BI>. HI/,. - ■ 

IS ii: 


ANDUHHANUHtjI.SifKiMINHrKA, H >■>>(• ooin^*eJ. 
aaio put to «o*di or ftnciiitipaiiuiaul iitaiU for itialody. 
Addrea* iMU*). I,. l,K«rH. j>>i VV*.w)i Hi.. rinplnn«il. O 

Maaio put to «o*di or ftocii 

Iddre a* I.. I,KTH. r.ii w. w n hi.. fniKinnai 

~ERiklM' - K'lrtllKlt'A l»».AYKMh W.tMT 
yiBU,ibowdiitDiiB|>M)aUie4pToiprT«d. Heodptioltx prt>- 

{ramneaaDd lnweal HUry Id 6iH Uiier. aUo a loan 
kvlni III* nae«Hurr pKiapliPrn^U* ■<• i<ut.oo llvlnK pie- 
Mrea. Aoawur q itck, OAra ot N V I'Lll'rKK 

P. K — 'l»orgA ilnr ^no I wifo * r iin. 

~WAn riii>7'u* K" «.iiiti». LirKnTT'sTLLsii 

ADVaNOB Ma.S. Dui Biraid lu \ik« |«aie An>l briiMi. Mual 
baotoaaooDiraotor. AUonneor two luor* perioiinam 
Uiftidnublebrvaa. lUlary Iaw, a« tod aft tl every w*«k. 
Kofirea. A'l'lr*M M*\4nr'" ••• -• 

71io coink hll. 

Arraiiited by II 


Jerome A file* aru Thoorutoal Kiruinbfri;. 



I'liDlntlon lullabr n lib baby elTeflla by Ifai 
cniuroveroi "LUcle Alabama toon." ^ 

Orcliealraied by 


Piinl ,V Braltttn. Iniroiluretl by alt leadloK ArMata. 
Arruriixl br II ll»nuAD*oii 
I.liultad Diiitibe'of profeMliioal piaoo coplea, lOc eacli 
or all I'lecealor SAl 

PabllKhpra, ft) Well Twenly el|rh>li HL. Kew Vitrk. 

M«\-AhKR iHoiiilir.Ohlo 

'~\i|rA^^KI>, \t)UAil I.AIIV Tti l((n^.S(llNil AND 
PAKCINd HPKni " " 


lowbataare, formrd bu*. 

_ _ No oblMiloQ >n looil Aiuaiaur. 

,laotX)MBDMN ibtt cao do Iniih aD<t nut^h. Halary 

■^ANTKD» Al' o.^irjc. Miii r.iK kmha wah- 

... BuionaUrir in first Ulier 
JAMRriH. DAfUIUK. Mantffar. 

obMln. long aaaaun, 

write. „ 


Artu«dnln. ftiu; M»roioitiiie UoDkert i*; 
N>ia, with Bill) Paiu tine, ti: joolVir 

Buka. 14: two 

Top t«qt, al) 001 

jQ 6aaka PatDUni*. |{ eaohr aftfr, Rouod 
oomplale. tn All id ro^ oondaion. 8KDd 
dapO al lwlthO. 0 D ftnUn .? M. IVM. IUt-tHiI M»f. 

^XJ^i46!l. AL^b.fT Nbn. u.vh liALP<;BNr bach 

Ooaai»,eilT«r or naiopa. for > 

LUM l.a^Cn-'Br 


MBN. ONB WOVAK, lor ntocrkl BniiDeta. Moat be 
fooii • id work cbeap 



Hour Willi WaIu Holratii, by J. C. Mtoy 
Tbii popular auoit hai p(nod..«holeaoma 
vonla, wiih A Ttiy p'.emalDg uialody for 
medium Totce. 


A Pantly llAichiiif Ki>Dg ny J. W 
Whtt'ler. Tbln aouR li loo well knowD 
to ueeJ any iDtnMlticlloD. and If )ou 
doD't aiDE 11 you ouelii lo. li !■ greAi. 


Hy J. t-i. lAkftiiian. Tim Parky Ko- 
oenirteuj- ik lull i>l life, ud will make 
a nit« CO oQ Ilia *od. 

PtOtaUli'Dkl COI'IMI OD AppllCAtlOD. 
Orttirttra parta, ID reDU. 

Ili'Jim III tforlort \\jmt and Uf us. 
Hill uirynuirrU. 

OUvor Dltson Oompany» 

m-tfl \TAiiblogluu Street, HuatOD. 

nn*oDA('o., - - - 

m Hro*ilwi7 



TopAfked hoQMa Uat *e<k, and I made the lit of uy 
Uft. I ftmgolDg toke*p It uu aO »*A*fn Ynnre, 

AtFltRD ANDBKSON, DeoTer, Oola 


.ml .pt«.TBfwMh^la Own C<.mp»y 





Herald Square Theatre, 

Braadarsy aad SdUi lUmL 



6, F, Keltb's AmusemeBt EnterprlsaSa 

B. F. * ... Qta. Ms'', 
a F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, BoitOR, ■■«>.; 

THE BUOU, PhllwMphli, Pi.; 
B. F. KEITH'S.OPEH* HOUSE, ProvMenef, R. L, 



Oontiuuoiu Ferformanoe. 

KOOM TO lata. Nu stop. 


Corner SUtHueetaodlbud ATaaae. 

UailoaeA, _ . _ 

Honday^ Thnrsduy and Saturday. 

DestnuTbompeoD'a Pasoloattng remedy Druw. 


N..« ««k "JANET 

Clipper Annual 

This valuable Record Book has always 
proved an unsurpassed advertising me. 
ium. A large part of the edilion Is 
aken by the patrons of athletic and 
other sports and pastimes, amuse, 
ment managers and artists In the va- 
rioDS branches of the amusement pro 


will be found a most direct means o 
communication for managers of opera 
houses and halls, actors and perform 
ers in all departnents, museum and 
circus managers, dealers In theatrica 
goods and costumes or persons who 
supply anything used in a theatre, cir 
cus or museum; dealers in baseball 
cricket and other sporting goods and 
Implements, dealers in guns, ammuni 
lion, etc., fishing tackle makers, boa 
builders, etc., etc. 



r£iUrliJ!i O HENRY V. UlNBR, rnipn.ui. 





BRal.lK CHSU.I, 



it. MUSEUM. 

living OurlMiilei, Preaki of Naiura. Rare and Cnrloni 
Aniniila ol erery daacrlpUon for oor new Uenaceni 
Depanmeou and ai all umfR tha Toiy baat VaudaTllle 
Star* for Ike thutre. Ko i&larr too high for Pliu Clan 
NoTeltlAiL EDgagaoienu from i toUwaeka duringthi 


5 SoDgs, 5 

NOTEtl— SenA Prof^gmmme and itn- 
■tanps for inKlllag, and raeniJos 
wlkelber yon wUla one or all of Mbove 

J08.W. 8TERN&C0., 

304 Baat I4th Street, Wew Yorli. 





IQ UiAlr new act entitled "TBE HTSTBRlOUa PlKi.VO. 
QRAPU." llaretlieflDait nu^e aeulngef any imid iq 
Um profflHlon. Booked np uatll Jan. I. 



To do iba cfttdilnff in a PIntOiaas Beiara Traiir<eAu. 
Apparatoi all ready for practice. 6-n-l photocrtLb id 
oottume and itato all panlrular*. or call 


Lite of the AuaUn Sitters, Uetropoitun Hotel, Gran.i 
8L and Kent ATf.. Hnohlrn. N. Y 

nsUi Strett ud Third Ave., N. Y. CUy. 


North Broad Strael, Trtnton, N. J. 


RD.C. SMITH Slanagvr 

WASTED AT ALL T1ME5I, 8lrODK KutorM, Carl. 
0.1110. tvl KoToltlM Tor LMtur. 11.1U: alw Ulgb 
OUM VaudoTillo Acu for Tboairu. All .pplicAtloiu lor 
.Dii&Rm«Dl. (tiotb houM.) iuu.t iM MldroAMd to - 

ED C. H»ITH, lUriom MaMim. 



Bead |l and reading natter and get alOahoet umple 
•tftod. KpKlal at'enlion to 3i>)ieet woth Kailftlk':uon 
E^t: L'rer|>.K)l. 0. 

130 St., ud 3d At*, ^^iv 
High Class Vaudavlllet. 


LD80N Jll., Prop. 

- uaamgM 

JAR. nONALDilON Jll., Pro! 

Leading Double *Cyollst8« 

lA*t "ei'k atiirde A Dehman'ii, an "eje opener" lo 
t)io>« Reeiog Hie act and oearlT all oar oi>en datea tikeo. 

AMdreM thiH work lOS B. Uth 8t , N. Y. Home addre*, 
U Krie HL, l^aiiibrld Report, Mat*. 
riil't»pacc lo t'LlPf'Elt Ib re'trfed for our weekly eaid. 

Partner Wanted, 

IN tenner ci.At)s 
YaiideTlllo Tlicatro doing a Pros- 
perouB Uusiiicss. 

M.D of «ip«rl.oc« .D<1 r«pll.l. Ovo.r lDt» lo 
Iwo other p'.co. or •nia.«meDt..nd i-.Miot giro nectji- 
urv atLntloi* ; loll rootrol clTro lo buttotf i..nner. 
loTt.niitlon Mllclim. AJiTrtu LINl»>I.N AVKKUF. 
VARlBTir THEATRE, LiDMin noil Mitlll.lil ATeniiA 
ChlCfS. 111. 

wr.KK OF KOV. ^. 



Wonao for lureotlca and aome, Mabreiie*. alio one 
for cliarACters aod<K«nenl bnilneai. Otber uaeftil 
people vrlie- Poll paniouikr* iirat laiier Tboie nbo 
litTe v-iiiien. «riie aaaln Rllence a polUe n^iatlie. 
A'lilreull.\HllVRLMEtl. Huii.MaoB(:«r. Aothoor, Ku., 
Nov ft and wgwL: lUrper. Ka*.. Nor riand week 

CoL Cooperp 


r.o be eov.RKl for elrea^ lor the MFon ol w. 
Ail.lloM m BRilAnWAY HrREBT. R»r nilj. Mleb. 



Toida hf Will R. Bialler. UubIq by R. Palter Jarbee 
Punic \>y Eddie tliRurre. wtiJi 'The Police FaUol" Co. 
Prio*. 40e. fraicRiiouala, loo , lending card or pro- 
uraoini* Willi Httrnpto 

THH n>BAmUSinnO . lodlanipolla. lod 



L'.eful bvth p]*T p.Tt^ tiM .troott .logl. ud 
double .|>*cl»Ule.. Douhle lo tnnd, Diedleloe. roai.d7 





UiOA^era dMiriDB violin aod pl.Qo for orohMlm, wllb 
drflloI.4.pecl.lllH. vrllen. Hel.TT oio.l be.uie. 
AddreM 'TUEflBNDENB,''llirerbill.llwi. 

FwoaepiKe,7l>2i4U2 • 

■ $40.00 

Forhaltapagi • • • 


For qmrter of i page - - 

- 10.00 

For tweflt)-flie lines, agati* 

- • 5.00 

For tea Unas agita • • 

• 2.00 

For !ttie Haas agate ■ - 

- ■ I.OD 


Etrerlenced Man lor UeaTiesaod Ohtraoteni (prlaoipUlr 
liravie*): muatbe laUaad^KfaexienaUewanlnibe. Alto 
K\p« noocod H >mtn for JuTeaileaandOenerml BualoMi. 
fliato «K«. veiRtitand height aod lo«eat ttlarr flT»t letter. 
Head refereoctf. viD0'>r«ter HI. Kot. »-in.Cbil>leatha. 

Lady wbo peifonns on a few nin- 

PUMISra. JUHNlK)N,Bos 1.0^B«ltoa,MaM. I 


Adflr«M all communtcallunB to 

The New York Clipper, 

Hi mmA 90 Owtr* BtrMt, 

"A Father's Love" 




, , JkDO*lA0fi.d Ihe mi .1 perfecL ea«len 
\ /m uil cliupe.t Htrp. M.d. In loor .lUL Fnr 

..^....'If"!'"!'* ..'"?"'*'• "> uiTMBR'8 mnio 

llulSK.iWiill>r BiiildlnR. riilenno 111, 


or alto 10 bru.. AUDRbiU ULOBR VILLAUB, 
touihbrldte. Mm. 


5rL¥jRK^ ?iSii5''^;^i'^w«™'^ 

OU»Ai>d r>Th. AQiat*e. He. 

IP YOU WANT FAMB.Eoc/.ie« aod kblgPal 
arr. itus Uielataii and •veeuataennn.'-utalaoDBmr 
written. " 



To Ihe Prolatflnn 10 c«di«. Oreb. 10 eenta airra. 
^ H. VINTQM AHpERaOW. PnloBlowp. P». 

nvnikvnw Dep>.\ potnia on talarr aod rut appear- 
ante. 11b: of mtnaier* Iikeb to need |our Hnloea, oepr 
ol leiier to nanarera, ete. Rr nait, M*t naid, Seta. 
n. B fiRIPyi^'.Potfaro.y.T, 

Praf. 6. 6. COLEMAN, Hagltlaii. AT UBERTY, 

Ad£ia <m ef ULDru. 

For FItat Cloaa Rcportolr** Coinpaii}*, 




Adiliei WOBT HA'.iBIS. K«l«ll a. Fla. 



iai Open Tine In December and Jaouair.- 


Llb.rAl .hwlDK tertii.. Wril. nr viro. 
H J. R0LL1K9. M.otiler. 



I«oAda, LIghl Comedy, Cliararten. 

. Prince .yrochard «ltb Mim Kaie cieiuo Olirer fit 
Aubjo vlth *Cru<t uf StQlat]-." Antlior of "^(icr 
Year*." ' Sunililne." "Tbe6a&0D and llie Darie," ' n'ltui** 
lo a Kama." eu . eic. *ddie*« KlrtmTlll*, Mo 


COVEDlANft. tn oow ainfling, vllh lha upwlett *oc»n, 
*-LIFB'APIRTDRE3" Aord-hyC H. UclNTURII. Mualc 
by KOBT. CUH.N. Aohno«Iedced to be tho be't fosr 
wnttea in jeam Caidiy icolodj. etar toiiog, »aav f* 
remember. Piano cerlea lOstr. Ml orcneeira puna lOctf. 
toruie profeMlon. ROBT. COUN PUflLI<llllNU(:0. lU 
Eighth XL, FtilUdelpMA, ft. In iire«i Die pweetflitioDV 
OTe r wrItMo. 'Tell Me iW You l<oTo.Mwn nr* * ci'P " 


Owing (o company ^Te wern ci.ntraclvil 
wltli not goluK ont Jllr. nud Mr.* K. D. 
Miller can be*it for anil 
Ooublo Bmu anil «k)rt and Plra Roue 
Dance re, and Hong and Danrca, al.o llglil 
•ouhretK parte. R. D. iillLLKU, 
Albion, ind. 



HING t)I^O. S. Y. 

O. U BAIRR, Mali.l.r., 
The onl7 houH Id Ihe ollf; ell D.vir dued op; eollrely 
new Keoerr 


Bal.rT 1UU.I be loir. Write ell perlicelan Oral ■.l>>' 
b* r.adr loloin eiion J. W.CALLi- 
COTTE. O.lahoine Cllj. O T. 


Ntw hnuaa ler«e aUge, «lih plenty of Mrnery: MatiOR 
oapaclir. I.IWdwelTe bandied.) Coiiipani#* withuiwft 
•treet attraeilon tiven the pieierence- ThMnt'Eifinc 
op*n Hoaie centrsll* locatfd near Oeno"^ '^''f^,!' 
Addr»wR Q. II"ERI.e1n. S aoi 5 r«T»"» Kt . f n-v ' • 



A TroQpe of Pootea end Don eBd.r.well.l0Jn.'C1r' 
00. riopl. that OD dooble In copcert iwo or ihree 
ladleaprel.rred. Long Fnoib. Bal.iFinv.'b. 
lo'eeitl. lo'e l»o>opena Jte^tu. MIM. J-" ^ 
Wire or >rlu at one* lu COOFKB A SMITH. Hoe'' 
ym*rT. . U. 

"A Father's Love." 

«>. W. LAWB. OLiiUrE<T EB _M»^ 



DA:«Biinv, conn. 

dr<a> OUAS II DBtN.eueeUaDamr, 

Ualeiy a»l Bljoo TbeaUfc Fall Hirer. Maai _ 


II, Ibr me<<. bb.: nod Beajo. Irlah. Douh >nd 

I reee Conedlu lelarr mul be Mw. boi .er*-^ 
Idna OB. BOLUXa THDIIDU. WUlUnupoK. ». 






Wor4l by CHA8. B. WARD, MulIc by GUSSIE L DAVIt, being lung nlghlly by 


, , , OP FELIX Ainn CAIN. 

CwlwlrMt^profjiwIpotU; orulnnlftlJon lOwn-. NBW YORK MUHIO KO , \iV»tl»h 8ltM>l, K^w York. 




once Ifonn 10 <o 1:1.U0 A. M., wlton Mr. Edwa'i'd Orrin can b* •ciin |H>nonally. 


Look «ofigeineni« to th« riaht klDd-«lfiM aod len wt^feii, with prlrllees of loosvr. NuT^rr hoL oo T«n 
caldwMther ^ilariWMM In Vp^Imii iilr#r(Ioll»r- Hair lAroa boUi vAy*. Vull fftre oat adTftnc«l. yimCom- 
pBOylMTMNewiprtoiMillpof N^r^^mbtr. (UUri.* aure u tb« U^nk nf Eofiao'i. SUtecleirlr vbtt foar «CU 
ftretnlvbodnen tliam tod )nw6sM#>Tnii u per ihli adreniMoitDt 8ftTwh»r«roDr Dqmioom e«Db» imo. Olr* 
I»«niun6ot war«M or roui« u far ilif ad m |w»«lbl». RdcIom do ittnifw Hlleon a oopiUre. 




PUntAtloit Inlluby (orrheHtratlona frt*') fnll of **c«(e" Hurprlaea— anrfi to lirrome 


" X qnnint novrliy— 4'harmrt«riBllc. 


Inlrodacliig \rhlACllng rcfrialn nlreRily being <lnne by nomo of our ror«moBl 
ai-(l«tri with flnr ■iirceu. 


(DeiialiM nmatlfal ('itfirlo rnmic*" ballftiT^uIlft novrl. 


I>e«crlptlv« wkHi anuK— liifr«nlona story, catchy maNtc. 

M. WITHMK & SONS, Publishers, SI West TwiRti-elghth Street. 

IN PnEfW. nv TIIF. SAMP.C0MPO«En— 'OnOD BVR. aono BTR. " UDiwrltUD lor ud dvllolnl 
10 JlSiHIK .ARTLRTT HAVIH "XUHODV LOVKD Hit," bMnlirnl bllllil >n<l •■III r^frlin. clalmMl li> llw com. 
OMr to bo A rtiieli h*\ltr lutUK IhiQ toy ol htr provlouii OIToni. '-TU'O LITTLR BABIES." luIUnr. "VP«Y 

Ooctl ! Ooctl ! Oo^l ! 

Boston's Favorite Afro-American Sketch Tenin, 

Mamie and Al. Anderson, 

OPEN TIME, WEEKS OF DEC. 3, 1 7, 24. 

CIRCUIT N<>n» ■mt'a'i'r ih» Aniih^rn darhlMi ilkn lh« nriatpat colored i rotito <hsiaM)Ti>a ALL .tItOl'ND PER- 
arararyli^ATllt ^nd' rfsd by promloflotniafiax^rpoi ihseotlrf Baa'«i;i coiiotn aab^losoue ofihAStroDaaat anil 
01f>Ta'*H|8kotcb Ttatut orrr upon tn our Iid«. And vedoo'lpreUDd lo aail for Earope elllior. Plantr of woik cti 
tbl^ Hid* 

LIBERTY j55EA.SO:iV *03-6. 

rifkiied to hMr f'oifi t^|toi.aihlr inantaanatauy llnit. P. B— AU tku faWiili3TDau>nn«iii, u\(« tmir alainr* 
I noao -hat nhsre 1 ai a*," Wfill, ihitra you ato Voum var^ nai>Mirit)lr. AL. K ANOERKOS*. 

Ravariia in all (ri^nita. 

■Vnuaotnt add'^nv enr* of CLIPPER. 



Aililr-Kii, PnOP II. M. .MctlUIHE. 3«T \. SltlKiiiIll St.. Plilluilrl|ililn, Pu. 



auil 'II It ' ■ wtj : a I u vv m >-Ub ui i»> w 
luitraud bco't rjiiilu,-.iix v\ n-n- nTid x'andanl Maitlcal 
Attparvii-. llliflii'-.a, .S«c<>ti<] Slk'ht, Aoll Hpirlliial)«ilo 
E^ACia. .KoT«ii|f«. DC, 'to. It nia? oouina pnrtralta 
oIHoren ilallor, UavpnpoicRnitlisr*. Dr filade Randall 
BrovD.rttuail Cutnhi rlRU -, Irtinif Htnbop and a Duin* 
bur gl oiber nnud m«uicliiii», loqailiar «lilt bloiireplitoa 
oraamif It alfi ftnninlmi iii': alinllo) '» tha or'Olnvl 
pro(rainau»«<t b; llntlur 0 Alvini ami finiidrotlaorbeati 
illuT illuKra-.iooa, Tna^lnif Ic lb* QuMi tnaairal cata 
lo . no In ihrt irurU l'ric« of ihii ci'alnpus I- V\ coDia, 
Mi>l i>o>itl<ely no c/tjiiMi mila. Al) lliOM nadiaf Tor a 
copj. kindly tend mo tb'Vr prrioaD«n> aildre*" a« I nlll 
tiaua rmiii iim« tn tMiie o«>« mpplfmrnia or Ui« T«rT 
lai«at triclft. lllu*iou>i. ate . a* M im th«j are lOTeutw, 
whleb «l)l tM liMlIod Umi. Addreu W. II. ,1. SliAff, 
Ul Auvuata W . '•Mcag'^. III. 




Tba paAt3a«aaonsioaaaf;oroi AOvarti^lnK 0*r No \tlio 
WubOuro Circu*. ThorouRhly lauilllar in all bmochaa 
of amu(«nii)DtJ(. Capabla ol liftDdliDgaoribtot. Know 
tbe coaatr; Panonal aciiualDtaoce ulHi local raao- 
agera Nn taawtialjlu ofTer I^('uM«■l. "W lattvra aa- 
■»ar*il " Aitiirm* in car-* I' O Pna W. .Vaw llaTllord. tJt 

IB94-HunllnB's Circus and Menagerie-IB94 

will b« luuod Nov aj. AlUiuUBli It will bo unu.u.llj 
olllwrtl. .0(1 eoinpleto (lio pri'-e irill roiu.ln Ui. r.oie, 

u ow rF.B i:orv. poitpaid. 

LOW RATU OP ADrilllTI:llSU-l D>K^ tlM; H 
i IIaVk.iIKIPFI.1. K)iir»fH. BocIiImiJ Co . .v. y. 



All m.mboni arc aaorn.d .lUc. fbrCharilr 
Panel- S.nd diir. anil«ttl. hy 
inon.r ord.r or rf l,4tli*r lo 
No. I) Unliin Sriaarf . S»\r Yol'k. 



WANTED-Flr.t Cla.i VaudnTllIr Al. 
iriTlloYlf. "ddro.. .MAMAOEH. 


AfTOB; tXto WOMAN, to do Oli.rMWr L«i;l;:oin allh 
PmutJuiLD Ad.lrou. DAVE II. H'lLLIAHl) 
M'.'r. Limborl A LocM' Pl.y.r.. LyK MloD. 

WANTED, Entertainer; also Refined 

•<PB<nAU9t». UU'tlnAL AND OTDERWIBE. R RwlolllTo 
NKl|>b"o. Room Ji. MmooUWI'kIi. S'» L-ilntino.O. 

AT LIBERTY, First Glass Slide Trom. 

BONE. CplBallbraDehftNoftbabaatDMA. AddnM,O.A. 
LMrRBN^g, lft>B Thurroan Hi. rolnint'oa. OMft. 


YIOLtN. Ltuit malic Bollabl. P.rtlw ODlf. Ad- 
<lTwa lor two WMki ABT. WUIOIW, St IrullUli 
ATta.^ Brld.»i>nrt o^pp. 



MSnit, Banw.ll, UkHk 


10 StU PatpB, binrk on yollow, 
(30 1-3 sli., 200, 7x31, per 8ot).ii<10.00 

.Vonlh lotti, oDO order 20.00 

10 ScLo (hair <|iiantlty, 25 1-S 

8li., 100, 7x31, date per get) . . H.W 
100 :i Sherf Piiiit«r8, blue on nhllc 7.0O 
'.'00 i) Sheet fostern, blue on white 1 1.60 
oOO 8 Sheet Postcra, blue on white 20.00 
Ternie— Ono-hair cosh, balaace C. 0. D. 

C. R. & H. H. HATCH, Show Printers, 




Wr\t« far our ntw bnnlc. irlli tou all alMXi* ihf in. 
L.nOLD3MITII Jit.. 6lhAv«Que anil Kurif ^mHi, 
N^w Vnrk. I(h7i4 Mak«up Bm, »IUi iray. fiiM. 


First Glass Attraction 




Managor O i wr a llo n.». Box lol. BoonTillo. y. V . 


403 406 E. Locuil Slrael, Dm Moines, lewi. 

Cetio Hall People end Vauilevllle Attricllons. 


Ruto Inwoti Ml.rr Will tpiir.r Dnt l.iur. I'lonlr 
iIop.ntl.tM Wtu.or .Irooulck. 

tlOLUBIKlK i MPICBK. Ptoprlourl anil H.o.r.ra 


BATTLR OPURTTYHBURO, Wftitt. abaoltitair Mrract 
andoaw; lOfi. roueid lop, 7rL atda wall. ue« and com- 
plf>U; alao 4 Aata M Btod UDlfrtniia, floa and good aa 
Dev. Wlllaall low • Dd aMnOD arprnva). 

R W. PA V EN PORT. Wr'diaporU Cohd. 


COMEDIAN. VukJ/ HloaUfU or Hal. Co. 

l»<8'. M.rli'l PttM. BrooMn. N. T. 


AND 19 OPEN; wopM ll>. hmr from Ar.t clut ut.n. 

Man orcomblnalion. HARRY TIIOUSOS, cuaA-P. I'.. 
I a Dd1"P Bonare No. Vorfc. 

TiiR juuaLBB,iiui NONer to bvbn. but ue'B 



lio.of tnp.(i7l<ipbop..p<)l>alli): iiuionur oriraT.l. 
Ibe; BUUop.fT I'll pTalwT.d Aiinu 
jAi-OB P ONTlti«.»»)<w m«.T «pili«i.,Ciinlaam.O. 


nRST CLASS BBOW. DoD'i uawar ill. pbImi to. u* . 
bDilo«nuB. Ib.v.noaMfor.d.mniy. 




ainlbamatrlU HwdlbaVatwa 


OrMt opaolDK md| for aoiibrallta. Wonli bf JOB 
7LVNN, aathor of ' Dnwo W*nt UeOlalr," ale. 
MuMobrO. M. ROAE.SBRKil. 

CotnpADlOD aoBRlo "\Vb(va« ].tttl«l)lTl ArwYnur' TnTdi 
aad maalokr MEKRRlL SARriMVTll aoil KtKIBNBKRO. 



Author nf "Maty Hoora,*' vlo. 

Worda bT 

- RBN 


Ooa ol thamovt MniltDtntal lonia arar wrlilan, in<i 
ftnl of parwt and lond^reit i<«ihoa. 


A bMitlirul lullaby, londar, arHilbltift uid i«eoi. 


BaDtioHDiAl ballad *ltb walU ctKvua, hATlan all U<« 
awaaiMaaor "e*ett Mart*." 
Worda ol tti« la*t ibr«« Duiiib«r« ■?« by 

CY WARMAN^aothoMit ;;^SWEET yARIE." 


villi Imioaw aneeaaa by Ui« foUovlPE aiart: Lfilia 
Yumtoa-Tltua, KalbarlD* Lawla. Katia Hoonsy, 
BoBDla Tbomtao. Mnllie Pullar. Joaia VoQialnf. 
AODlo (Vllmnih. Maris Warrvo Joailr Ollivlar, Amr Lm, 
J. P. Carrmo, Haorr Dlxay, Qao. U. OlaranDd, Ranut^i 
KaoDady, Prvil ADdarloD, Joa Newioao aod a ounibor 
ol itAra. 


"Whose LitUe Girl Are Yon?" 

TbablgiHihlifirthlaaaAMD, aqDf|i>rairor iJia abnTo 
oamed arilat*. 

"Little Papoose," 

WorJa hpCV W.lBHAN. 

"Mary Lamb," 
"The Rose My Mother Wore" 
"Dear Little Home," 
"Banks of the Nore," 
"Dora Lee," 

«;liAltACTER HO.'VON. 

"She's Irish," 
"Hist Yer Umberella," 

Word, by RT waKUA.V. 

'Who's Oat Hageln' You. Hannah BrowQ ?" 
'^There Are Sevoral Others.'' 

To Pn»ft«tloii»U, lU conta and programme, 
BACH, or call iwraonitlly. 


131 Welt 4M 8l„ Niivr York. 
Bonn Taught Free to FrofeaBlonala 
from 2 to 4 P. M. d ally 


N«« lilt— oov aanc hv iha Iniiniuble liitl'tt^iierD to 
POIIR R.vrnNP.<l riKhlly. 



Br J. JOfiP.PH aiH)DWls. tnc. nuh urc)i»atrA |>ana 

TWO wmnrrr: 
"There's a New One Coming In Ihe' Morning." 

CoinIo Nirrailve OiKv lite. 

"And He Was Such a Funny Old Man." lOc 

BuoK vltb OQonnoiip nDCC«an Uv lltia Illtis (Juoen n| 
BrIlliaDia, «lio. lu Biiffdn la«! vMk va* ibo «Ur ol lha 
[aadloK maalo balls of thai oily. 
TI.Q follovlnc ar* our 'tTa fDA RD 11 1 K: 

"P«l«>* anil Iho lloraaahoo.'* 
**Th« Banift Hweet Bella Ar«i HlaK''*V*^' 
•*Th« New llnme, Hwrat Home*'* 
'D-Krlptlra ) 
"The Workboua* Door.** 
(DflHi-lpllTa ) 
•*Anit lirr tioldAn Heir Wiae 

llaDKlnn Down Her Hack,'* 
(EUNinB VAN* B'-> nr*at Conic Hit) 
"Sht» Loft thr Man Wh<» 

Lovrd llnr for Anotli«i-,^* 
(BMuUfi)l Henuui'ii'al Knair ) 
"Hack lo thp Old lloniH Aanln.** 
(HiDMrQi «ad Piiat Hatt 4altad i 
"Voa CanM Tell All tlial Voii Know.** 
(Herlo CfmiA) 

••I Do Love Voa, or My Drar Old Daddr." 
••To Err la Human, To Porftiv**. Hlvlnel** 
(Herbert Ilolconibe'a UrauO llaroio Uaicriptke Hudk 1 
All vrlttao by the fim'^iia 

Compt^La piano copies wliii orcliaitrap4rta. lOr. aach. 
Kaot oDiyon rrcelK. of orlce aod vt pioreajiODala unly. 
TnP. fcNflLIHII ROHO PUB i:0 . M N Mn«ireHl.N.V 

9^ RoDRi reb«ar*ed aod ta>i|lit FRKl! uf diarea in 

Rroiaa»lonal« halwMD t and 4 H. M. Taia 0ili Ar. R). H. 
, and g^tnffw ' Kra-kll n H\ 


Fat Women 

For Week Nov. 12. 

Talcaraph walalit and aalary. 

^i.Vtii aHO Alien ]iii:mrii.ii. 

Phllad.lphia, Pa. 


FIRST w nniiiiiis, 


Olv* fall dcMripHiiB of Acta. Show 
thsyakrrenad. AddrsM E. T. BASYE, 
Oorlntb, lfUB.,IfoT.St Inlw 10, Deea- 



RAawo'(dwilb*'Z4b;** ti. "Aot4r*a llolldav" Go. Ri- 
parlmcad la all liBaa^brea eomadj pnfarrad. Oalr 
Dntcta«aoffaraeoatidar«l. Addra»a 

fUZn T nAR¥. Hf»ilOfd. Pa. 


viola andBKOBd Vlclln.tfldoabl. fttroag 
Cornrl and Barllan., for Mlaal. Lralrr 
Coaacdr Co. W^.liatanda. Coacatt band. 

MaloB*, n. v.. Hot. S, OgdoBibarg, K. V., 
Hot. l». 


Moaicbv ANITA UWK.V 

rt n;r tH'l whflf rv . ft I m.W 10.-»m . PU lanil or on Ih^ 


II'iiiW. ViiaA' »v fff.'.VWt' ffl)/I.V(l.\. 

M'liiri' lii-liV l» muminii.yiiu >ip a ills ■ (r.rp, Thi- in'Khlinrs will ihink you nrr 
Ah.khat .\ (n'iil rhniifip may rumr ^ilh a dnV, llowrhnnftriliirclhr snnAs *v 

Songs Biih Otchesiii Pans iie Free lO Proresslonals sending Ciid or Pio(iam. 




Johnny,llllyOld Friend John 




H. WITHARK * 80NB, PaWahan, ftl W- IWaatr-alghth St., M«v York. 
Ill Pr».., Ftonl * IlrmlloB'. latMl "Comic," miB DIDS'T IWt A THIMll TO III.M." 



Bdla.xxoliestex', 3V. IX. 

RIca'i Qnnd Optra Houit Slook Co._pli*«d to Hn following rooolpli week ol Ool. 20: Monday 
NIoM, $258.10; TiMiday Nlghl. 1287 20; Wodnoidov Mit tnd NlgM. »3I0.I0: Thuridoy MbI. 
inS NlgM. $286.50: Friday MH. ind NIohL 8272 40; ttlurdiy Mil and Night, 8337 40: 
Sunday night, 8104.20. MUing I toUl of $1,854.00. WcEK OF MOV. 19 OPEN FOR Blli 


CHA8. J. OORMAN, Lttioa ind Managir. 




Kdiiitii vMk nt Piank llall'i Roval Koallih WInUr Dlreiia aiHl (larman Wa'ar (Urnlval. I(« anaaaixl !■■/ four 
««ska. AT I.IBKKTY. UVJ\ lU. Addraia, LOUIS rilRDKLLPi*. Praoh llairaWlit Cirnii. < hlcaifn. |IK 






T. J. KOKItNKII, (llil\ruHkrp, tVla. 

Th. muBt wonilorful aail artUllr Hack D«nc.r in fhit wnrlil. .In.l i-loaMi two .ur- 
c.N.riil weph. al Fraak Hall*. Oa.ino, Till, wrvk al llu« Olyiii|ilr. 
r. H -M. what HIllT Hic. M*a: Mr. Bnrt .lorOa. haa Ju.l dniad . liri, auD««Mlt,l wallia at Ihia hi.u... .nd I 
eOD.Id.r hla Airr t,, 1i. Ui. (IHEATRHT Buok l>.oclsll Kp,rlall]r I ,T.r a... lt.a|Mi.[f,illT. 

BILLV K|(!K Ilft<ral1..lni,. CMcagn, 111. 
1'. H —I would Ilk. 10 tttu Irom aom. nr.tolaMCiiitiblo.t>oo. A'klrMa ear. nf ci.ll'I'KII (illlfln 


Opfii llmr fnt* Pint Cla%« C;oinlilnallens and HprrtaUy Arliaia. 'I'liii«<< wlili apnrlal 
iiaiier iirrferrrd. Ifyour ahow or art la not K* you will lin rltixnl afior firal finr- 
liiimaure. K. A. IllMn<»r. Manuitiir. 

600 Second Hand 
Wooden Folding 

HK.NK FUli PiiicB l.i«T OF 


t/ nrlc.. ^Ir.L claH work. LMlhar mroara u. 
all talnllDia MILLARD A IIAVUBK, lOt-IIO BruBilw.f, 

nf~<tjrn. .s. v.:nr.a>awni, TUi.'KEil Bn(w. 

TXr.A.iTTBB, " 

Adtlrrav llntokvlllr, thia week, Conner** 
vlllf*, Ind., nvBi wuek. 


For Lease, Pulnco HuHoiini, 

'tlx K. Hal«lnior«< Nl., Oaltlmore. Hd. 

Va^Aiit na acoiunl iiMaatb of foriMr laaaaa Poaiaaaioo 
a( <-nca Nd oppntlllon. oiilf mu«*uin and ihaatra In lha 
cUj Huili purp^aalrfor mawum tod thaaire oiwlar 
lha dlraciiAH ol Il«r/'>|| A Co. Kip«rlao«ad party ou 
mahaoiooar. Apidrt/i 

IIP.HH^ o llVnT^fAN .j'nandyBK. BallliooraHt, 

To Hear Irom Peopla In all LInea; ilso llaea 
Manager for Slook Co , 

PUylBR antall circuit, cbanf a plaji vaakly. Prafrraooa 
ri**Ti ta |Mi>iA ehn alDi and d^abla lo brsaa. Kiau 
Tar/ lovaai, hard lima aalarr IB Ural laitar. Nn faraa 
adTBnod Vitnjoa: T. IHVJRCl ORAM^ 

Mtoaaar powara Op^ra llouaa. LanBlpgburg, H. Y. 


On rurallr lor tha Kaaura aD.1 Waalara HutM. 

A<dra»a B n HTBINKH M'.lawaT ll.ll. B. Y. 



IMATIi'lTHH XE* LABoe boob bbbt fob 

AIlAlEiLinB jg M.ta. with pwUcalu. hov to 
aurt Id tb. ahov bu.loMa ud lawn .11 kl.d. of Mi.. 
toiaUiar with llld.uatr.| booh of alilr..lc1it D.V cuu. 
Z.t^rM. .rniiwfi w*iiFini,fa.ri...iarHi. niiiA. 

Imi. Litho. Stands. 

Rwdt.adloB irutur ao,! II for«o)pl.or M .haMMaad 
loeo!oFa;>ai>o4a,M: lOalaod.. 17: U, M: B, til FA- 

S O ElZ^ SI 


ibaaMT aod «QUkN iniat.., •.rpHaa. 

^^^^ ^ 

(:IIA». K BIHIi. I BB Broadw.r, Haw Voik Ullf. 


tDflBb^rsSL lAmtrthaiL Icalap) O.lf. 
A. rO ■ mi m Jaeiaa B'.. Mootwat Oeo. 


-uul^ta— U„. 'PV?n»Soilf,II, 


ItalanlBtoek Bliaatiif nuiiiBioiia naw i.ittuiiinM in na* 
aiHl B««nodhaed trl(iha»*iilPltKK .> -«l racalTvl: Pina 
Haulo lAJilera, MIdM, nio. moi llft-ai. win 'a>l for 
eiHU. Mafnineant I'lctnr* rrami fur I'lal'. Waicliai, 
ala, float U)W. priva, tl0.tM. xni itl 6 Al naw Puath 
a|uraa.te.7ft ato. K»i).) Ttrr. Ixr mi > alaii>iriiKi(I nvar «'f 
oaw and Biandard irleki. laiBoc^M ytturadi'niiun lo my 


■hlch Ifl an anilralf ne>. laiwaaKl vfry ahowf articlaiir 
my n«n Invanllnn, aiilUbla fur [ir> tlnriluii rrnin a hat 
(ooa ball niU II). Japan^aa piu. timiynm ^ wtry 
aiiiallBDaoa vhao liflilcl uiiaicl Kiikraa Mk imlh • lian 
aipaodail. Yoii will III II ir. I havaMilil firariiQnl thase 
balUtoChlcaan parroiiiiMra In Mm |h*i «f nk ; iIiib ibcC 

Agilt to the Front, and Milling with Succeii. 

B^ou Mignon 


Minnie Hughes. 

PlaitarlOR auccaaa laal wrnk al Nav lla'au. Mnlaalr 
praTaolad ua from rtcalf Init anjllitim atronKar than ibe 
fol'owlaj andnnwiuiaoi: 

■IJUirMlflNnN aoil HINNIK llUdllPJI In** wnrlrad 
for ma tavaral llmaa and liava gclvan aniirn aaliafaoiloo. 
~H. POLI. Proprlau>r Wuuitarlaod T1:ralr«. Naw 
Haf to. i;t. 



Tliat4opblea In hanil. nuat tie griod alfa* 
Man for general lauaineaB, and must aUo 
beaatrongcnrnrt iilajrer* tlrunkarda not 
tolerated. Write or wire, <'llnfnn, aio., 
Nov. lOillarrlMonvtllf, no.. 14 lo 17. 
_HAYMOn Si KfHilkt,K\, ftlanHcera. 

To Ballad Singers. 


Um onbMtnl pan. lo will ii. fliX n .raalaat ballMl 
"UKIBT or BY lietlir." Plaoolo,,. upr ami or. 
cbMtntloa aMI frm to (irora..l(inala oDly, Incloaln. . 
too .Mtaluap to tN>.l.ia Tina .on. la a .uecaa.. 
..d laMafMdyaulir. rHaWK IIAHimiffl Tnilo.arr. 


UaLo, f^nedf ud fkaaaUraal Dramaa, Mu>ioal aod Le* 
■IUbuu rare* Comadlaa lor aale or rnyaiir. Ao laUr 
«rt for fttO la a auecaaaiaj Paree Comadr, novoo lha 
roed. Tloia allbookad- Oood priniioi. Hura«ionarB Jio 
UlSen. KovronilDi foroai(BM«bo. HaaaitrBaKppJiad' 
villi laleotk iWaiiiraBCiBaolarAr apar-ulalAra Hunloae 
■Uoip frr rapTr. Addraa* <r W. WTU T.. W. T. Clly. 

Ron BordOR, CbnploR Fiicy RIflsSliot, ilio 

OIobAvlBfflof, Jin llfela, Anosa aod Daoo«a, opeo for 
Mocenienu. Weald Ilka tohaar frAm a jraod natiieioa 
iMtartr. Addraaainr R«Ol.K ffTRP.irr VffkiA. |r Y. 

WANTED, A yiilelu II ooN.wltli cen- 

PLSTP OUTPIT, vbo 'sa duece profframne elihtlr 
jBrhatfkwaeetorulaBioei. ■UuloveaieMhau-' 
AddraM BO. BLONOU, M. AlbaaO 



November lo. 





While the Dance Goes On.' 

with Olr*r<1 it Doniielly*4 "llnln Makfira*' Cn. Onty ArtUli of mpatatlon ure alng- 
Inc (hU wona<>rrul noria, Orchcilriillonf now reailj and ■«!!( rr«e. Fall itlaito 
rup7f lOr., fu |irorr4«liinAli only. 

N. O.^From IhA primer Jiiif rrcftlvcfl 100 iiroof ropi^j of IliirrU* laleat loufc, "He 
ljoV«f* Mel lln Luvffs Ale Not 1** Order rarly. Yoar«. Aflftr llie Ball. 

CHAM, K. IIAIiHIS. Millie Pabll^lier, Mllw»nk«e. Wli. 


Docs not sing any Nong of any ncconnt, bnt just nets nnd 
tells tlio people how It linpprncd, and linppciis every 
night with ItuNli City Co. 

DAVIS & KEHOE, Managers, 

tLETTS BIG 10 and %.SIOWS 

Band of 8 Pieces, OrchOBtra for Conc«rt, Artiste Tor ring and stage. 
NO IIIUERS. Musical Act for Concert, Uoubles In Band. 

Ash for what you cipvct to fcot, no more. Long ■•aaon floDllt. Hhow o]ieaf 
D#r. 3. All liDiliirai atrlctly confldrnllal. Addrr4« A. *l, OlLiLKTT, at per route 

orniNOLiivu niioH.* woiu.d'h oheatbht shows. 

41; tL S-ULOoessrul Season 4tli 


Inotudlng Our Own Operttlo OrcMitn ind PROF. HAHON'S CELEBRATED MARINE BAND. 

"Lavt VMk'i bailnouvM (ht Uriut tvar dons la 
OllBUtD b7 A Reperiolr* Co. Vaot jot to airs dii « re- 
tan dftU tX TOur urllM' coDTiDitQM ato " 
W. If a VI I.L4N. HuMtr Oavli' Open lloaia, OiinktD.ta. 

rniBNO PAinS-' Vour Oo. hu b««n mucot at 
tridlloD of lb* boaia. Qlva me a ra'uro date aod w« 


Maaaxer, Oolumbia Opera IIoum. VuMUiUna la. 
"Tod opaaed to tbi biff eat hoaae and ao farha'a 
doM the blfmt b'laioau erardooa br ft rapartolra 
eo-opaor lo Uia Andltorlum. I aid varf agreeiblr aur- 
prl«ad at lh» ■irmith ol tour onmpUT.''^ 
r B. BBRgUlHT.MaDftfar Auillloirum.dalaabarff. III. 
"Oh mf 1 Rueb ajun aa ibare was laimiihl at iba Audi- 

torium. RTarrbod/.loolud or all thatralaiaraaDd eouiln* 
ftQ<l ftUBta. aMinao U>b« tbara, and hovUiat aitd lance dM 

aoj'iy Uin aioallaot perlonaanc* glTflii br Caiftet' 
fiareri. It waa tury good lodaad. aod ppUndid 
mu«lo br the orchatua and Ui» rteiNlDii vdmikIKm 
RiTOO bat«a«i) acta, cnolrlliutad largair to ina eojoj 
innot Mr. aod Hra. Patge are Tarr olaverartpta. aa^ 
thnir npportiDff oonpaor li Oraloiau.— OALEfiHURO, 
ILL, DAILY HiIl.,Tuaidar.00LaS,im 

' You bare tba bail rapartelra eampanr br far ibat w« 
hare arar plar*d duriov the aaran yean w hare had the 
houaa If you eaa glra ui a rataro date w> will plar do 
othif tapartoira rompaoy thti HaMD. 

WEBSTER A PBRL^Y, Hanaxant, 

l*ail^ Uparft llouaa, MoDmoulb, III. 

fft^Bi^We put mora mooar lo tha boua* Satarday uUlit «lih our laaoua "Mri Parllon'oo Otd Hald 
Parade" thao opllnarr rapertiiireootnpaniaa play lo oD iha weak. WANTED, good iMkinv, juiiotf laadtoR mao. 
Hnil be tall, hare food wardrobe, aiperlaooad «aJ na»t dr*a«*r. i;an aUn a*« lood ohtraatartcitnr todoubki 
baudruio. Addreii UANAdKR, PAIQBB FLAVGR-i. Buatioall, III. 



ACT, and Itirniiah flnr own IdvMa ItKvr inntlf. It m iBaKhliia ■urr«ii* AlANAOEHS 
UU.V'T Ult FUOLKD DY an I.SPBUIOH team, but nmriulKr tb« ti-ad« mark 

F'a'k RICE i ELMER m 



For tho EurepMii Tour, embraotiiK France and Spain, 


Hettd photoi and luwoit price la 

am lelirr, G. W. L.ILL.IB(PawBi<> Ulll), 

U KatiInK Htraat, Tb« llaHUF, IlallaDd, 


»UMAL TO "••DuRAllhH." 


Kiilt ni t»ndarnMa. r rivwl d»*rrtMl*» atOTT m an nM coiipln nn ihf Ir OnhUn We<l(llnr H'aht. 


1^ Rfsry pmr.MtiinKl .huulil MDil ff>r ihft*, Minffk. TbBT trs iitini. Th, lour mtllAd to rroteMlrtn,! •loR.r* 
onlr, MDdkOR itn>innuiio toil t.n c«nlo. No ■Itooilon paid m littter. il,rl»liii, fH^ni i)io tontROlnc rrquoiL 

AMBHKIAN MUKin PUBLimilNO no . No. II Eul PIIIMnlh Hire,!. Ko» Vork Cll;. 

Lyceum Theatre^ Chicago. 






Want lo hrar fram drat riaea proplPi 
ciplinf adtlrau ae per roulv. 


Thoaeonlv ^Tbonrft accaalomed to rJald dli* 
R. M. nUMKE. Man^uer. 
ilALPII PBOKIIAM, But. Manager. 
»Thla nMrartlon iltonld not br confnied wllb the late lauentwl Darlo\%-, Dol* 
I eon Si Power** TenI are. 


HlicrB'lll. W* luarantf. that yoa ean mak« a didliict liit 
with It. Whr lh<*n kvep ou alaiilna a lonff that It no »ao." Juot 
lifratio* inmron* rlifi Hlnai It, wnvn you can art **UONnllO 
LIAN KBitNBUV r«porl> a UlR lilt. BMMA DB CASTRO, the 
rltlng tuubrottit. lendi ut Ihtt tane che.rlBg aetro* Wby not ley 
It yourtrlrand br In llt« B^Tlm. 


UI NoTIb KI«bU> MlMt, Phlltd.lphl,, r>. 
■VWimrllKARTil LIKn Ann." alth <vroli„limlloll, in uola. 

•W -A. T E I=L KLE3I*J1V EID Y, 

Till AMimlOlN BALVINI, •lirrliiii Id a ipKMeoUr prodogllon ol Wllllim Dmd UowoIU' birole tiMXir. 

TIHB WAMTirn IN PIRfrr rfatU TIIRATRBS. Addrau J. WALTBR KRNNRDT. Acadaovr of Muale. Boffalo. R. T. 

AN AMBRIOAN RALVIKI -Hr J. Walt*r Kaaoarty. lb* mgadifto. bai punibaud Ibe Tight to pUr tha trai»dy 
ofRamaoD" la Aniarlea from iha al^Wr Palriol. aod hu had tha f\f inokla'td and a<]ar>*d lor tha AnaneaD 
alaaa, rrou the lullao, by William [>e&o llowaila Tha plar «fti oHiiiQally wrttian lor Hr. Rairlal br De R*i« tb* 
mat Itftllao «rit«r. aed pUyad by Mr Halrlol dormi both n' hia AmarleaD tourt. ll la elalinad hj nianr eiltioa 
Ibal Mr. KaanaJr i« fu'lr m araat Id tha e^araaiar of ftAm*on ft« «a* Ralrlol. R* will prmot "SanaoD'' at the 
AeadamT of Mailo od ^ It, ll a«d li.-RUrrAt/> RUNDAT MORNIXO NBW«« NOT. 4, IS9I. 



Can lira ao honr'a anUTtaiDinaot <d vondariu) trieii uo pfdait*!*, ttaitr boanl. itibt rope. Id hariillBk. ball rlua- 
tog. i>yranilda,ae1actiag colon, ridlog dog aod goat, tbrowlof, ato. MORT LAVdllABLK AfnB. Arerag* valght 
oli>oDlaa,Mro. rerfaot baftuUaa, Addta« B. W* COLB, BljrYtm, O. 


Ad organliatlOD of merit, condaeted oo a pnetleal 
boMioaM baalf, hacked hy eiperltoce aod a "flAflll 
CAPirAL OP UiO)" Rarerloira of A T.. Chlpmao a 
moftt fnc-aa^rol ptaya iDClodiig IHi oe* Aoiancirt 


wiib orlBioa). oa* aod t4«utilul pnotlnc 

WA.STBD to hnar Intro Iba vary bvl A No I, nrit clwa 
repariolra people, that ara ready to doihilrdatr, at all a plaaiaot and capibia muiotr. am paopie 
milt be Udlc» anj gflDilamaa Iha* take a frlda In ihrlr 
apmraoca offtha itaga >i wall aaon. ofatdre*MTa oo 
tiia KirefiL pajtog particnlar ragard tothair mike Dp 
•Dd vardroiM oo Ihe Msg«. UTo will not r>«n3lt aoy 
ooreiBoaabla fault fiudiog. Dimrgaalter^, or t^oM 
a<1dk(ed to eieeti to ilrinklDg will bedlKharged wltbont 
OAtlc*. tat all pariooawbo desire to makaapplieitioo 
r«ad wall ihtfo pirtleolua for (hay «l|i ha clowly 
oijaerred idJ dlllgaotlf lifed up to ffa will treat oar 
people Joiiiytpar their aalarlta promptly, but we will 
oiaoaga our nutlaaia onnalve*. and all we a^k li (or tha 
LadieiaodgAOiIamao to aiteod lo iliair owd dutien and 
ooteauae uoutflt; with aoch UDdaeteretftMog will b« 

WANTEI), ft Pint CUai Emotliaal LEADINO LAHT, 
with abnra roqolrvmaobi; aUo LADY, caoalle, lo play 
aiibar Ueavy. Jaraolla or Charviar oaru; vonld like 
h»r to bare, il poniblA, a praitr CUtLD atmut 6 to play 
Hiiall parti id naoofibaplftrB: i Vouagaod Atlrftctir* 
MI.VUIMI AHO DaKiMNO dUURKErTK lhttkoo«ibo« 
toact good partJi, with hnraand th^re lilt« of pa<h<)<,a« 
■all a< bright ftod calchj coioody: a cood All Rouod 
CUMbUIAN, thfttcao plar ft goKl, narmao Charac- 
l»r, and cto totrolacv riiaging and Dioelng Bpaelal' Ipn 
Ol iba lata J. K. Kmmatt brdaf; Oond PlANit PLAVER, 
n«Dt. th%i CAD pUr f mall Parta, aod a few oth«r UHB 
PULPBOPLE. WawAQt people lo Uke into cooaidera- 
tloo Iba hard llmoL Panple Uiftt want ao aogagemeot 
wi>f>ra thalr aalana* are lore, b jt thej mait be oowa to 
BUTFOH ROCK at leut uaiil tlroaa get beUer Wa are 
out to Diike mooay, not to Ioom iLasd (he aiDaoMi 
muatba lover th&Q receipta. W» wlib to lire and let 
live— tbftt'i fttr. Btau Id trat lat'er wlitt f on ftr« wllllDg 
to do vTa pftr your bofttd and traral'Dg eipeoMi. elao 

Rhj board rrhaaraal wnk. Raftwn op*ai oo or about 
or. 19, B*hear*« ftt MiIIad, Ma<a Woild Ilka lo aee 
your pbolo; will reiuro tbam Arfdreia, 
Biage DIreeior Amaneao Theaita Co . Milton, Maaa. 
P.U.-MtQigenofop^ra hoonea lo New BogUnd and 
HMdlA »iutaa, »«od Opeo Time lor S otglit aod week 
Btaoda. Uor own plaja aodourowo Dew an-1 orlgloal 



Wanted Immediately, 


Wire 125 35t]i Street, Cliiciigo. 



Blaalc, Walts MorrmrnI, Catchy, Worda 
rlglit u|> t'l date. Hegulnr coiiyfo pro* 
feaMlnnala 10c. Orcheairallon lUc. Bend 



Taken fromclioraa. **UlTe Him (IteShake 
on thft t'orner, lie leOnly a Chump From 
the Country, Work llliiiForAll lie llat 
to 8pare, Comb tite llayaeed Out of HIa 
llair, Joit li^ave Illm KnouKti to Pay 
HIa Fart*. Dully Mine,'* 

PIBRCV CO., Pab., Troy, N. Y. 


Tlioat'oQUoDoioaradver'JiDg pttroDi !■ csllwl to th« 
rut llitt 111, DHI adlllOD of 



80VBLY ILLUSTRATED with Dumeroai Pbolo aograr- 
logi, aod that the aareral ap«oiftl leaturea. iDclodiDf a 
co-npletelKArORY OP RVBNTd lo tba TIIBATRIOAL 
WORLD, durioff tlia put jaar, ahould ma^e a greater 
demaod lor tbe book thaa berora aod a cooatquaot lo- 
creaae lo lu wall koowo ralue tnadreriliiera. Uie torma 
will oloie about Deo I- Pl«a*e aeod lo adrettlalog 
matter early. 

For one page, THi4H fiOOO 

Porbftlfft page aoo) 

Kor quarter ol ft pftge laOO 

Per twenty llva liDii agita* 6cD 

KiirteollO'a,agftte if/O 

Piir dre Itnaa, ag ftte I OO 

Addreia all coinmunlcatlone to 


Clipper BnlldliiK, New York, 


I bftraeplaodld qaariera for wlaterlog a meoaeerle 
ablo'i I will let iraeoloharge aod glrea pereant otdnor 
recelptilnrrhauieof tha anlmaU for aiUtbltlon pur- 
P0M«. WoDldllkelo hear Irom TnlDed Animft' R'lowii, 
wild We*t tihnwa aucb a* rae work lo tbi ring r''o 
Water Acta, Muiearo aad Benutlonal Atiractlooa ol n I 
kinda Oirn lull partlouUra la ar»t letter. Addrei* atl 
cAmmunlcailona Ui L. 0. BORSOUNBOK, Nftllonal r«ik, 
L-iiilarllla, Kf. 



If«ad8 or lleavlee, and 


Comedlea or Characlvn. 
Sioglogaod DauolniiefeeUlilaa. Addra>a 

J.J UIIAKRA. ffheellov, W. Ta 


8n.v1)rooI(, III., 

OUMi'AKlIU EK KOUTE. ( poo tlm. 10 ^0•. .id lire 
A. NOBAK, Uuicr. 



To Join ftt oore. Al Trap Drumme*': alao 0«r Porter aod 
Pro|»eily Mao Oiat rUfa bra>«. Wni* nrtelegrarh low- 
e«t lalary. I'lobury. <*oDn. Not. 7. Watar^ury p. New 
Brlt*tQ 111 llulyoke, Man. II. Naw HaTen OosD.. 12. IS 
ind II II. W. LINK. MiDiter. 


Oornettlst and Bandmaster 

Addrau CtikttJUD«g«. T^on.. uotll Nor. II: after. IDS 
W. Thirtf aereotb fit, N. T. nny. care ol B A B. Shown 

261 W. 24TH ST.-Con(orttbi| Firnislied 

ROOM9 rOR PROFERfllONALa Trmnitaat or p^rma 
ii*nt meala at all boon; iDOch at midnight; teme 


n.Ml Tt^B la tb. bOAlBMI^ (loob), t. bilH. lllllliM 
11 WMt Nonk Atmoo, ChlMfO, lU. 


110 1114 112 GiMM StrMi, HMT PitaM, N. V. 

klodi oiJIIATIeAiALS, gold and BILyBR 
TRUnillinaS, ElcriiolljUi lor lho>lll<.l audroM 
uduTowtrpncMtluauf oUiorhoBi.. 

Jaureul'odofnll line ol KW^IHO .IIAnES 
OF CHINA 8ILK, oilra wult, 30 ImhM, .1 DO 

WlOtI ud BEAniM ol •T^r7 dMorlpdon (mid, 
00 oar pr*nil.«i from humu btlr) to iUMlortooraor 

PROAlk' IIEADH ud «i)AKE8' HEAJD9 lor 
CONTORTIONISI'S. TtrttR idiiuiod, mid, ot 

kUol raauni) TtiT danble ud ODlf .olsblDf 8 

URCKH, M.OOiploo.. . „_ 

BAT.m 8UPPKll»..|179: SAIfDAU, tl*. 

•U^ lUO ud U: Cl 
TI0I1T8, siiir 

....... o, o....^'T8 <iS''p';^DI]faB n >B; 

port ud mtK, oorwI.M UotUD tlKbtf, .1.10; .itim 
bUTf, 1,11 rub loDKl, .l.rit (waar botur Ibu $U0 wont, 
a] U|hul: wonud, aiO; •ilk. «1.ID >nd *l; bwt illk, 
W» urrrO ilitdu Ig oriiT (|Ul»T ud •!» lo 


U>hu(flrmi]i,lne,ik) IT. 
PHUUER, Irom JlTiilMM d. 




■tock, or mkb, ikon to onlor in unr dkjb 
" — ' J s poud. BUUJOII 

dMp ca »«• . jud) u 


Dllion klowbrs, aoLo bl 



"VSZwiDLS (.Ho 10 "Kloirk. ".WJSHS- 

icnfaiiTidiiAi.iS, jiBbAUJOifs, sia ~ 

klOltUMCprlMAIDd « 



i oTerr mlormiuoo wol bf mall. 
fwiolrwl OP ,11 QrdeiiL 


The Greatest Male Soprano, Sings 

Call Id, beftr the leftdlog waltz luDg ol the day. 

"Pushed Along" by Will Rosslter, Chicago. 

Prol. coplea 10 c«Dli. Ob I I'm Dot dolog a thlog-thla 

Catching On. 


Felix McGlcnnon, 

Author of "Aod narOokleD Corlii." * He Nerer Caru lo 
Wander" etc , ete They ara Cfttcblog on lo great abape, 
llaTeyon goi iiifm reiT Here ihay are: 

"Call Her Gently. Soft and Low." (A dandy.) 
"Vm Afraid Not" (S. and D. for the ladles.) 
"She Will Never Be Friendless Again." (Fine). 
"Sweet Jennie Adair." (Beaulllul Scotch melody) 
"You Have Left He. Though You Loved Me.'^ 
"You May Have a Daughter of Your Own." 

Rant ODif lo profeiilooftia at lOaeaeb, or the aU lor 
fiOc All McOIenuon'n aoogi are cfttchy. Alk lor our oir- 
culirof "anplaiifr winnerp " 

p. M. W0L5IEFFER. 75 Stole St., CMcago, III. 



Advance, Business Manager or Treasurer. 

Adilr.,, cur. of KLAW & EHLANOBR, 
•M aOlh 8tro»l, W«,T York City. 


Alan Gray, 



Wo. Boyliton Street, Boalon, n.,,* 


(inaii.t preferred. Write or wire. 

No. 36 Armitreno Avenue, Providence, R, I, 


Write ivltla atanp for onr lllaatrated 
cnOiogoe. UARTIflHBiiOS.,Cortl»pd,lll. 


SlDg"DUaAN'fl nicrOLE RIDE" Froraulooftlraana- 
•chpt coplei, M oli eieh. TOM OARTER, 
iiu«ie PubllPhrr. W8 Bftwery. N. T. ntty. 


ftsd aoy biod oi muio errftngad and 
oompoied. BnaJI eooga ftt rftftftoo- 
ftble ratao. OrlgiDftltongii,et«^ vilt 
tea. Tfc-co dowD. Soon tftugbt 
A. RBI fSRT. 397 B. lOA BL, V. T. 


U. STRASSMAN, UWYER, 92 2d Ate., 


niTIIDB UflCE •°<i uusRAND. PortoDH. lu. 

rll I UHB nirB Wril, 10 J. EAPLT Ml Wkdi. 
lottoo Ht. Broofcljo. H V. BamplMmtllod UT.b*r.lOa. 

A. 600DRIGH, UWYER, irbTT.'b'sri^'-gSL^J 

Uffl ud qm',. BrmothM ud liciUU., Id olhor 8UtM. 

nUnUCnrUL ■ Bimud. Mu... ud .liuyon •llll,l. 

for the 


[imirbnt hair, with a don, wholesome 
CXlPi free from Irritating and scaly erup- 
itons, b produced by Cuticura Soap, Iiie 
' voA efTecllve skin purifying and beautify- 
ing ioip In the world, as well as purest 
IM sweetest for toilet, bath, and nuneiy. 

Boldthraigboiitthe world. Prle*,i3o. Forrca 
t>Ma StCaeif. Cnnr., Bolo Prop,., llotton. 

••All .bmt Uw Bkln, Balp, ud Umlr," tree. 



Tarraitt'. Eiir.ct oi 

Cubeba and Cop. Ilia 
I. . .ue, crulo ud QDIch cur« 

ud I, u ou.iiD, r.s«i;,", ; 

lonn Ui, medioloel rirtu,. ol 
cobab, tod copaiba. Ita i»in,i,i, 
«h»|», iiMdoDi Iron unto, 
•poedr acUoD (curloir if i,n 
urao Uiu aov othar prataralinnl 
mUt It 
KNOWN BEMEDT. t" p,,?," 
Iiaod, aw thai ararr pMkai:, l,a, 
a rad Blrlp uroaa Oi, lua or l» 
"'•.T'if' 1. Jl.naiura ol Tar 
rut a cc., N, T., opoD IL Pnicy 

«i m. BoidbpahJi^.w.lir ' 


■od iDlroduted for tbe flnt time lb AtDerIca at th» 
WORLD'S PAIR vbera they oreeted locb a Moiatioo 
oDftcoDDotoftbeirbrllllftocy ftod One ont-tha oeiren 
ipproacb to the geoatiie dlftmond yat duoorared hkr 
lDg.ftll the lira aod pnimifttJo colon of tba genalD^ 
sraciAL PRICER to tbe pnreealOD. Por roll part i"u 
tan, plicae, ato OoodaidiippedC. O. D„ ebftrgu prapaM 
witbprtTiIegeoi eiimlDatJoD. Addrau 
M. fl B0DKINR.3aa DeftrbomeL, Chicago. 

■fine riunwBDnesMdBtvricn&iakM 

nlBOiMimlM r«rlbif>ar*dkPvl«,U>lftluoh 

\ HMc»«HrtiL,rtilO«ieUM.«»4«UN«UVtet«<4i^ 
I Urnin.k*rMbrwlir«rllttt liTnlll rmWii iriU-i 
r Wlp.nM4U,fti«>,KmtiM.Eablw.THtk«L*M.fttlm 


Counselor at Law, 

Pruuce ID all tbe Coorta, Olvll ftod CrlmloftL Speciil 
atteo tlo n glTOD Ut tbe ceUeoUoo of oUUds aod d«bu ol 
all ktoda, tbe prapftratloo ol ftgreemeota and olber lege 


For OeoUemeB. Ladlea, ToothK, ath- 
lete oriDr&lid. Complete gyntnailum; 
takeaCiD. of Qoor room; Dav,iclantllk, 
durable, cheap. lodoreed by HUM) 
ph/ileiaDa, lawyen, clergrmea, edit- 
or* ftod olhem oow uaiog It. Illui- 
tf»ted circular, 40 angrmTloga, free. 
Addrefa D. L. fmwD, ReiaotlAc Phymc- 
ftl and TocairnlrpreBR Nth Rt.N V. 


But ot conrae jm don't know. 
It la cerialD, however, tHat alio 
woold like 10, ic tbe; were tcij 
preK; Now, bere aie aome 
bewiUes. KoUce tbe nriei; In 
color, and the delicate dealgra 
and happ; wording of the olmp. 
Sent \ij mall tor ti.oo (or ao; 
motto and color you choose. 

NOTTOB9.-Hand8 OiT, Fr|. 
Tate aroundg, A Little Fij, 
Under Shelter, Forbidden Fruii, 
Oat o( Sight 

COLORS.— Nile OreeD, Black, 
White, Yellow, rink. Light Bloe. 
AVOH CARTER CO., 220 Chiuncey St, Boston. 

roxAuTHrNosT ^SiUKTuniCniUfnt 

CffCHrKomnc n««™ H.wotf.».co. 


CMICA.OIli U... 

THB MOST BXTKnsi VB HANoraoToaiiuor 

BilU and Pool Tables 



wo 880 BROAOWAT. 
Nawwa. and moat .laiul mloa, .lUi lb. U <>Qt>V'n. 
MONABH OuaHIONB, BllUaid maurtala, tlaui. baUl, 
oaaa Mo. of aor own nuaoiadnr. ud impprtaUop. 

(Piiaan. maolDOaU. RL Uiaia fc« maiMa. 


With be^d, WDD chirga. Bud So.,etamp nr n 
Dr. bl. Niy Bmltb, eMcUlM. 1011 Olive aL, BL 1« 


,.D UU > 









For piirticiilnrs address 

L e. JOHNSON, Sliperintendent, 

Hotel Brunswick, Plilladelphla. 

OoBlilckM, UM, bj nu Fnnk Qdmo Pgbiuliliit Compuif (Umlled), 

FoundmJ by i 
FRANK QUEEN, 1891.1 


I PriM 10 Cwitii 


viiiTTait POR TOi mr tork olikprii. 

0( modot moa ihe uwekeat, 
lie sbiods apon the pftve; 

The bills betwixt bis Ongera 
He giTM It gentle w»Te, 

And cbargee double prices 
yriOi bentt of nerre eo bmiei 

au 8«ts tre Sretsnd toremoat; 

Tba dUgnn be abows; 
Tbe RgoLir "drat sigbter" 

Innrltbl/ be knoira; 
Be captaretb eacb dollar 

criibln bla Snadsj clotbeal 

Tbobgb TTlDler anowa be falling, 
Ua atanda knee deep Iboreln; 

A kibdir benefactor 
Yon'd tblnk blm tn m his "obln." 

ret with bis oUf gammon 
Ue'a elmpi; ont for "llnl" 

I wonder wbeie be alcepelb— 

I wonder wbat he ealeib > 

(Jnat bare be makea a leap 
To a«ll a brace of tickets 

SnperlatlTel; ctaeapl) 

I bMt a dream one nldnlgbt, 

Through apace I wlldl; wandered 
Till light 1 had dcscried- 
hen saddenl7 asplrlt 
Was walking bj aide. 

"Ah, hal Ueie, getjoiir ilcketai" 

Oame a familiar err. 
There was Ibeilctet seller 

with same old manner spnri 
"There's aiandlng room onir— 

How msnr will ;ou bo; t" 


wamiN roR tui :*kw vork rLirrlR, 


"We prowled aroond and wntcbed the bouse 
for a week longer, and picked op much vain- 
able informitlon. We round there ma an old 
man a comin' there quite often, and ilikt be w*a 
■appoaed to be Ihe taiber of the live baby, wlilcb 
we knew be wasn't we heard, too, that be was an 
old bachelor with beaps of money, nnd that he 
laved Ihia baOTsu mocb that he iMdagreed to come 
there Ob a certain day, with a lawyer, lo draw op a 
will leavln* all bla formne to tbia false heir, be- 
tides makin' the yonng woman aafe In oseJie 
should enddenly <lle. Tlie old woman bad worked 
this for a sure thlog, I hare no doubt, for though 
be were the right son of old chap wuh hia noney, 
ho looked as It he might drop olT any day. Oh, she 
were a smwi onf, that old woman, and alie en- 
gineered that beanlKul." 

Jnkcs here arose and rolled, In bis sea dog fashion, 
across (he floor to where Sylvia aau Italaing tbe 
maas of allken hnlr that bung opon her neck, he 
dUpbtyed a livid scar and aeveral rude marks of 
tbe tsUHilng needle. 

"1 saw the old womap pat them brands on with 
Injy Ink, and the scar's a bun the bab; got In tbe 
train wreak," asid he, coolly dropping tbeiresaes 
and resuming his seat and bis alary. 

"When we heard this appolntnientniade, and saw 
tbe ohild branded for Ideniltcailon, we made np 
onr mlnda that Ihe day tbe will was to be drawn 
waa )uat the most prolliable dsy for os te make onr 
call on tbe family. They might need na for wit- 
nesses. Dill said. Bnl they didn't have any nee for 
na, aa yoo'll leam If yon llaten. Well, na called, 
prompt to Ihe day, and I'm Moat If the old hag 
didn't try to make ua believe she dIdD'c know na, 
and bado't ever seen ns before; and when we 
wanted to go Into tbe house ahe wouldn't have It 
at lint, and thrtateQed to aend for the couublea, 
and have ns locked op tor tnmpa. '0, come, now,' 
aaya I, 'we've come to see tba babi— our baby, 
which we brooght here. We know Its family and 
ralailvea, and, bein' good, kind hearted soola, we've 
come to get It and take it to ibem since Its mother Is 
dead.' 'The baby'sdead, too,andwaBUbenaway to 
be burled wlih lt« mother,' saya ahe, but fainter this 
time. 'Oh, no, it ain't. It's tight here,' aaya Bill, 'and 
It'a your baby rigged np In Its togs what's dead.' 
Then she grew pale and lot us In, aod she and tbe 
yonng womaoireatedUBllkeprlnces. Tbeybcgged 
na to keep Ibeir secret and wanted lo know our 
price for keepln' mnni. While we were lalklo' this 
over Ihoy laid ont a banquet for na, and wken they 
beard tbatwe knew all about the will, and tbe game 
they were workin' on iho old cbap, tbey were more 
polite ibRu ever. 

"Bill did more drlnkln' than ulkin', bnt I was 
more cautions, for I didn't have no confidence In 
that old woman, nor In the young one, either, when 
1 see the looks they exchanged between 'em. They 
were too free with their llqnor to make ma feel 
right, and when they Inslated on onr laklo' a final 
glasa of wine, at ibo end of tbe banqoet, 1 only 
drank a part of mine while Bill gnlpedallot bla 
down. In a few minulea be rolled oiT hit chair 
belplef a and 1 began to feot Ibat I waa goln', too. 
■Dill,' aais r, 'get up— don't let'a atay here to be 
piuned with drugged liquor.' 1 apnibg to my feet, 
bnt I wu dizzy and belplera. I Uled lo tl»g(«' «> 
my pal, hot before I had taken two stspa ihe women 
elzed me from behind and were ban gin' to m* 
neck. At the same time I Celt a wet cloth pressed 
acroaa my face. I knew by tbe smell lhal It waa 
chloroform, and I bad the aenae to bold mt head 
down and try to hold my breath; to,alttiongb It 
' Uld ma not, I waa only In a kind of a dream; help- 
less, tpeecbleas, bnt able to bear all Ibat waa going 
on around me. I knew they were dragging me and 
Bill to the cellar, anil I fell every bnop aa ihey 
.hanled me by the hcela down the atepa Into the 
cold, damp, vault like plac«, a cavern which had 
not been osed, probably, since tbs days of lbs flrat 
aelUeiB, bnt not a wont nor a groan could I ntler, 
I remember calcnlaun', too, In my dnany slate 
what mlfht be the ternlt lo all of at U one of them 

big cartrldgta Dill had In bla pocket* ahnnid go of 
But Ihey didn't, and Rfwr they had Ortd him Into 
a comer I beard him anorin' away quite comfort- 
atile. Then 1 lieani Ihe women, who had panted 
near me, lo get their bteaih, calcolaio ihat we 
woqM sleep there llll morning, aaer Ihe will had 
been dmwu and tbe old fool Und gone. Then, the 
old aoman aald, she could make her lerms with 

"It must bare been two hoora befor« 1 came ont 
of my trance. Then I groped arounil lo Bill, shook 
him up and alood him on bla feeu ilo camo to In a 
dazed aort of way, after a long ilme, and we began 
to grope about (he place for tbe alalre. Suddenly, 
Bill gave a wild yell from the dark, Ina way back 

barred our way, and a aick terror came over me 
Rheu I aoe the apark of tbe fuso tpullerla'. and 
heard bini tcratcliln' bla way back; but If I bad 
known he bad lighten fuaea on both the cartrlilges 
1 would havo given up for good, right there. There 
waa alKocc lor ao lung a time that 1 thought ihe 
mice waa a failure; bui auddenly there came an ear 
rpll'tlog repoit, a heavy tumble, and «e were 
covered with clay and loose aionra In showers. 

"Tlie air waa aiming, but ibMiigh Italllilll let 
outayrll of triumph. Ilookid. Tbo rock had dia 
appeared. There waa the daTllgtit, and a kulo Ulg 
enough to let ua iioth ihrough. The exploelon had 
dose Diote~U had blown down Ihe wall of the 
tunnel on one tide near the entrance, exposing to 

where I knew I had only to Insert my pick lo open 
my ireaaurv houae. 1 wished 1 could own this pro- 
pen?; then I could work as I pleased. Willi this 
object In view I felt my reaenunont agalnat iho old 
woiium for the acnrvy lilok ahe had played us cool 
air. Hhe inlghi help me attain thia, for a man wlih 
my record couldn't dare make an open oirer lo buy 
real eatate. I mado a few Inqulrlea. Tlie nelgbbon 
Mid tbe house waa occupied hy an old woman 
who had been regarded aa Inaane ever aince her 
daughter had died.leaving ber chlld.a little ;lrl six 
jrare old, to her care. 

"It waa Just aa they told me. Tbe old woman waa 
craty, and did not know me; and, more than that, 
ahe waa down with her last lllneu wben 1 arrived. 

comer of the cellar. 'What'a got yon r I aayt. 
'I'm sinkin' Into tbe ground' says he; 'pull me 
oati* I hurried over to where bla voice camo from, 
and aomething grabbed my ankle. It was Bill's 
hand. A big alone In Ihe cellar floor tud given 
way under him, and he waa droppin' Into a big 
well bole. His grip loosened, end he slipped away 
with aaother yell, aod a great clatter of aionea. Hy 
heart stopped beatin'. Be was desd for cenaln, I 
tbonght, for It came Into mr bead that thit were the 
regular buryin' trap tor tbe old hag's vicilnit. 
She's sot ns again, thinks I, wben np comes a hall 
trom Dill In the hole, that act my heart Ihtobblu' 
again. 'Heyl'aayshe; 'comedown herewith ne.' 
■Wbatabould I do that tort' aaya I, gcilln' mad at 
hIa aelOabne>s. 'Why, to get to ihe open air,' he 
paya; "ibere'a a tunnel, and I can aeo sometbin' 
like dayllgnta long wayoirt' 

"1 dropped Into Ihat hole aa qnick u a wink, and 
anre enough there was what bad been Ihe entrance 
to a tunnel, but now almost enilrely cavM In, bn', 
Jost as Dill said, you could see a faint alrcak of day- 
light A long way olThy peerin' sharp through the 
Ultle opening that waa still left. We put onr beada 
together, and finally agreed, as a draperste lusi 
chance, wa must wriggle Ibronah It somehow. Ii 
was hardly Isrge enough to lot a cat ihmagh In 
some places, bnt by sctatchin' aod aqulrmin', and 
Ijin' flat on onr facea to pull throngh the narrowea! 
parts, we finsllycane ihFonghio ihe rock, orwtihin 
twenty feet of It, In a place when we conld sund 
nearly ertcL We could see Ihe light earning In s 
thin thread through a crevice, tint not an Inch fur 
ther could we go. It barted the way lo na nare 
pertecUy than It It had been the door of a JalL 
■Well,' saya Dill, 'I'm bint If II iin'i, anra enough, 
that same old rock that we've been dlggln' at for 
two weeks. We wanted to get In and couldn't, and 
now we're In we want to get ont and cant.' I waa 
hoppin' mad. 'It's a reglar trap,' aaya I. 'We 
can't even turn around and go back.' 'Who wania 
lo go bach? ' aaya Bill. 'Ilere'a where i he trvasote 
la, and we've got wbat we come tor. New's tbp 
Ilme tor our fireworks.' lie wss ahesd and I 
couldn't hinder him. AU I conld do was to back u 
tar Into the bole as I oonld, while be vent forward, 
I baud blm strlklnf a natch on tbe lock ihat 

the daylight a sort of vault, and lull pau«d to peer 
Inio It. 'We've got lit' he yelled; 'here's mv part- 
ner's treaaure: Ilere'a Kldd'a plunder.' I didn't 
Iwtk bis way, fur I aiw a spark near me, and I 
thought of tho aeeond cartridge- It hailn't gone niT 
yet. I called him to fallow, and daahrd ibruugh 
ihc opening Into the air, fallInK nairiiiiT<iCHlc>1an 
aplleof ruliUlBli Juatns ihero cimeanuilierozplo- 
slon, filling ihealr with alonna and dniu 

"Whrn I came tn It waa night. I ralKd to mil, 
hot ha didn'i anawer. Then I rcincmirf^md the ex 
plotlon, anil I anew where my poor pal waa. Via, 
Hill were l,urled under tout or etrth, and the open- 
ing by which I bad cacaped waa all cloned upagaln. 
1 wouldn't leave iho place rora week. I waadrier- 
iiilnr-d to have llllloni. 1 atolo a shovel and a pick, 
and worked night arur nighl, lint I couldn't And 
th" paiunge again- Then I tried amung Ihe rocks 
hair way lip Ihc bank, and by wonderful good luck 
managed to oprn a crevk-o cracked In llie roor or 
Ihe vault hy Ilia exploalaoa— the aamo vault Ulll 
waa goln* to loppi-ct when lha tunnel waa blown 
d<iwa no him. It Waa badly wrecked, hut I own. 
aged tn drap ihrnngh Ilie opening, and foond I' 
mied, nrii only with bmken nuuonry.bnt there were 
several old sea chrau and Iron bonnd boxes 
■Hckln' out of Ilie heap or rnbiilab. Thcao con- 
lalned the plunder— elihrr Kldd'a «r Illira pal's, II 
didn't mat'er lo me. 1 look all the Jgwcliy aod 
mouldy old eolna I conlil aluiT Inia my ragged 
i^ioibea, and made Irvka, after carefully concealln' 
■lie hole. I ezpecieil to retom tone day, dig out 
Ulll. bury him drcenilT.and get at tie oth^r cheats 
iir plonder, for I could reach nuly one Iron box, 
and 1 knew there were loia of Ibem undertbs rnlua 
of Ihe vault 

"I left tbe cnuntry— went to Houih America for a 
while, aod enjojed life; for I had lota ol money aod 
Jcwela that were aa good aa gold, Ihoogh I didn't 
dare work any r t them off here, for fear my war rec- 
ord might riae agin' me, aod I might loae all. After 
Oto leam, though, I got homeairk, aod I )iad aoroe 
anxiety about ibe baliy; m I left mj plaotallcn In 
Brazil, and came back. There wai tbe maty old 
raanilKU tbe aaoa as ever, and Uie tana of eailb 
nnder which poor Hill Uy Imrted were atlll ondis- 
tnrhed. There, too, waa tha chink la the rocks 

She died wllhoot saying' ao lolelllgent word, 
leavln' our liabylhere, to Ihe mercy of the world. 
I determined lo adopt Ihe little tlilog,andarter get- 
ting luU> my handa Ihe will tlial had liecn made by 
Ahljab Ilevere lo tavor of Ihe child I lore the ea- 
peuaos of the funeral, Uild Ihe oelghlioia I waa the 
brother of the dead woman, and there waa no more 
Inquiry made. 

"I called Ihe lllilo one Sylvia llorero— you Ke 
aho owea mo even hor name, aa well aa her lira and 
evorylhing elae— went back to ihe baui«, lucked II 
np light, broke Into my treaaure vault again, and 
then IncK to Brazil ror len long years. 

"At Ihe end of that Ilme I camo iiack and claimed 
Baby, who had grown Into Ihe lieaiitllul yimog 
woman you aee. I told her how I had Iwftlended 
her, and In a sadden fit of gratllnde ah^ agreed lo 
marry me. Nut after our marriage, when aha heard 
the whole aiofy, and learned ahe waa not the 
daughter of Ahljab Ilevere, but ihe legitimate child 
of aome rich rarally, and had been alolen trom ber 
dead mnlher'a arna loald In a Irand, yon ahonld 
havo teen what a fury aba got In. Hhe commanded 
me to leam who her real fallier was, and lo realore 
her tn him. That waa out of iho queallon, and tha 
anon aaw It heraeir. Then aiie twore the would 
never looch a dollar of the money nor an acre of 
Ihe property willed her. Hh* would hate torn lha 
will If I had not kept It In my own hands, Aa for 
the old houae, ahe refnaed lo go near It, and Ooally 
It wu occupied by aome of Ravere'a dlilant tela- 
Uvea, who have hegnn dividing Ibe estate anoDg 
tbemaelves. She Intlsied on earning a foruos for 
herself M an aciresa. You aae how badly sbe hs* 
done In that altenpt lo be honest, sa aba pnui It, 
and yon know what a pieuy fli aha would have' 
been In, many'a tbe time. If 1 hadn't oome lo the 
front with lllietal backin' lo tha paat two yeara. 

"And now that It'a necetaary tn help o* save my- 
self from ruin, what doea ahe do? Does ahe do the 
right thing withont a word? Not a bit of It 
Ilere'a bow It la: The old house waa vacant onlll 
aUiut a mouUi ago, bat then tha belts got a Isnaii 
for It Now Ibe gronnda ar« palroled hy dop, and 
laroehntonkaiuitetlierfrom my Iraamre, wllbcnl 
menuonlng the kopcleaneaa ot «v*b gatun' poor 
BtUlnloadteentgrav*. A w«tk ago, irhea I had 

aneaked anmnd to gather np what I oonld of my 
treaaure, 1 waa abut at and ohaied OIT the place Ilka 
a robtier. Thon. aaya I, ihla Ihlng baa got to atop; 
that I will not bo rulnril In Ihla way; Ihat aba mnst 
Ibuen to reaion. 1 conio hero, aud help her qui or a 
scrape, aa uaual, and what d,>oa Rbo do wben ahe 
beara Ihe whole altualluu aa you have heard Itf 
She tetuKa tn gn back and claim Ibo honae, lo gel 
II lo hor poHacaalononly lungennugh loletraoinake 
what digglnga I want to, ami to gather up poor 
nill't bonea." 

"Now that you've Inbl It all, and Inily," broke In 
the aciioaa, hjtteilcally, "let mo repoat I will not 
tnnoh Ihla eaiate— I will nnt be a parly to this 

II. Cecil lUndnlph had rociivorcd hIa nonpoaure 
by tbiatlme, aud Ihore waa a bright bnalnoaa glit- 
ter In bis syet as he asked: "But why do you tell 
mo all Iblat" 

"Recanae," replied Jiikea, "aa I lald at fltat, 
you've got cdlcailon, which I halm, anil ain'l got 
no war record, which I havo, and which prevenu 
me aeeln' biwyem and Judgra and aluh, whiob I 
have alwaya regarded aa niy naieral enemy. I 
want you lo convince her I'm right flghl thIa will 
oase, gel her Ihe pmpcrly ao'a I can have three 
weeka run over them gnmoila without any fear ot 
Iho police, and I'll givo you a fair divide of Ibo 

Randnlph'a eyes gllnloned, and Jukoa saw be bad 
hit Ihe mark. 

"You newln'l answer now," ttin lalter haalened 
to idty; "Jtiat go and talk Imslncaa I" her. (live her 
your viowa aa a imalnraa nun, and hore'aanolhar 
Inducemeni— lell hor afirr I've hail lay rair ohanoe 
at Ihe treasuro vault I'll loovo her rorover— go lo 
llrazll, and maybo liiiy an lalaud In Ihe I'nclllo lo 
end my daya In peaoo whoro I may never son any 
wiimon, and may novor lie leiiipiod lo di> one of 
llirma favor again." 

With Ihla Jukca aroau, clapped bla hat on his 
bead, nhiiniod In ilin dunr, untnckod It and rolled 
nnt of the room, leaving Ihe agont and the "alar" 
lugother, Tlie next ni' rning tbey were aeon lo 
Join Ibe old aca ilng ai Ihu aiallmi, and tho three 
took a train for New York, tho "iilar" and hor 
agent In company, flrat data, and Iho alar'a hna. 
Iwnil alone In Iho cuinmnn ainiikcr, piifllng his 
black pipe. 

The handaomo young agent had won hIa "alar" 
over lo bla way nr thinking, and, wlih hor aid, 
there waa acarcely any iroiililo In recovering Ihe 
eataio. Tha next Hummer ilie old houao waa fltled 
up, andHylvIa had Intlalled hersrir there wlih a 
troop or torranla. (lid Jnkcs had disappeared arier 
giving ber ihe will and aerlog llandnlpb not Ihe 
ault In rooUnn. Onn day, hnwevor, aharlly atter 
Ihu old hnuae bad tiecnnio tlio domlclla of the 
Hclreaa, Ihe agent, who waa tho mnat frrquenl visl- 
Inr there, encnunicred ilie ninnsler making hIa way 
aoroaa Iho lawn, alaggerlng iiniler Ihe weight of a 
heavy trunk which ho had cjirrlcd rmm Iho atatlon, 
A cart followed ahnrtly after, with several hnzes 
and bags of niyalerloua ahapa. The old man waa 
radiant aa ho rnlloil up towarda the houae and aet 
Ilia burden carefully on Urn gravel walk before his 
besutlful wife and hor dapiier ag>nt lie aaw Ibe 
look of dismay on Hvlvln'a faco, and alimiged bla 
alinnldera. "Ilon't lie afeared," lald ho; "I haven't 
comelnaUv. You've won Ihe caw, and I'm hare 
to have my throe wocka' dlggln', and then I'll lieoS 
fur good. My liiggago may look cnnalderable, bnl 
It ain't— It'a only a lent and mining loolt." 

The very neat day ho beckoned llandotpb Income 
nut In lilm In hIa camp on lha ahorr. Tlierg be aaw 
hlin, wrarj, loll aulnud and In high eioltement 
lie had liaiilPd rmm an nxcavallon In Ihe rooky 
aldanr ili» bank, rniir Imrnnpaii Irnn liound lioxee, 
and ahnwed handluls or tarulthtd Jewelery and 
lilackenul cnlna. 

"Hair la ynura," aalil ho; "ror tho preient I want 
you to help nio to drag Ihla lo a hiding place In the 

After Ihla and half a dozen olhor iMisoa had bean 
dragged nut and hidden, the agent ezamlnad Ihe 
vault "Why, you can't do IhU alone," aald be, 
"lha place la filled with loss of liriiken rook and 

"Alone iirnnlalall,"grnwlod Jukoa. "Tnmnrrnwt 
lite the drnamltn— than you'll aee. Ilulynu mnal 
maiiagn in have a oblvareo or a Jainlmren, or anme 
kind nt a riimpua at tho hoiiia, Ihat will call alien, 
linn away trnm Iho nnlao or iho expl'ialnn. And 
aoo hcro-kccp Ihein aervania rrom pryin', and 
you'll be rich aonner tlian yon linpod rnr." 

Ilandolpli readily prnmlaed Ihla, and gleerully 
haalened nrr l/> Invito a company nf gay royalerers 
to make nnlally murry wlib him Ibe next day, on 
which It had iieiin vi r.4/nndenlly predicted hIa tor- 
lone should lie mads. 

It waa a innrry oampany Ihat came In response to 
Hylvla'a invluilun-a merry aod a nolcy, wllhal. 
And didn't they make Ihe welkin ring I Wje host- 
neaa manager nt lha rovela waa RandAlpli, ot 
courae, for Hvlvia waa not expcoled In prodQceao 
unprnfOMlnnal an en'-uniliranre as a husliand, aod 
bo had hIa rcaaona for keeping lha pace a lively 
and a nnlay nno. Heveral timca he heard a ralnl 
taxim rrom ihe direction nr tho camp, and he knew 
that Jnkea waa blaaiing bla way lo rortone. 

Kane or Ibe company ciuM detei:t tho aonnds, 
cnnruacd as Ihey were wlih iho general nolae of Ihe 
merrymakera. Ho Ilia ilay paiied, and It was mid- 
night, with Iho fun at lia ■llilntl. Huddonly there 
catse a dull ri'ar. foMnwed ckiaely by a abock thai 
rocked the old houae on Ua fnundailoDs, sent nna 
or Ihe tall chimney aiakea crashing to the ground 
aod orutbed In the window panea on one aids ot 
the houae. All Ihe gueats ruabr il. In a wild panio, 
out ot doom. Away In Ihe direction of Jukes' mine, 
was a bright ghtre, lighting op a cloud ot thick 
while smoke which seemed to hsog motionless 
Uiere. II ww oseleaa to attempt tn realrain lbs 
goesu; Ihey rushed as one man tn ihe acene ot Ihe 
disasier, snd Randolph fnllfiwed, wondering what 
Jukes wonid aay to him tor leuing Ibem go. 

Before tbey reached the abore lha Irnlh dawned 
on him. Tba ramp eqolppago of the Ireaanre 
hunter had been cnntumed by Ire, Not a vestige 
lemslncd. The vaoU bad been obUlented. There 
wss oolhing DOW— only a yawning chsmi-«Bd tor 
rods around ibe earth bad been torn op by Um fit- 
mature egploalon. 

Bnl Jnkea— where waa hat Dla maafled taodj 




Ut deep down In tke hoaom ot Um cuth bold* kli 
comnde. Bill. Tae Ms olieiti w«t« itta In Uielr 
lilillna pltco la llio woodi, wbera Ru4olpta liad 
lielpeU to iilu« tbtm, but for ttat rat, It luii btm 
•aucKd to ttie windi, or l»j borlcd deep liUi BID 
■nd Jokee, 

S;lvlt, now Km. II. Cecil Rsnddpta, bu sbtn- 
iloneil mo aiiRe, Md llret In • nind clij dwHod. 
Her ilsppcr llule boabuid, too, nu retired to ODjor 
bis wuiib. lie "tiDaile«'> no more, bnt bai Rmwn 
irooilT, pwalDn nncb or bin ilim In ulllkrr eecln- 
Man Id tbo old counlrj hooio whicb Bjlvin bu 
never ta foot in iloco Ibit nlgbt ot terror. 

Tbo inoDdnm mmttt pueei bli ds;i of "rtit 
nDd rcuxjiunn" In n tolliome letrcb tor the loni 
irouure, bat nil In rata. All bu (one «lib the 
wliliTofaCQOkalbiit rcllored lli»"alu"ot berbai- 
band, TUB END 


MoBdaj Hlslit*B Openlagt Is aU «h« 
Blf Show Tona. 



Nowiifk— A DOW defartort wu lUrted nl Ibc 
oruHl Op<r4 llonw, Nov. I), In th« farm ft i WiDttr 
dreuH. Tlis house lui beon oretbaultd tod » tons iMt 
TlnRlnlUeoltieilAiiii. T1i« |«rfonDUC«, vhlt)i li UX 
old tiD* 0D» rIoR dreiii, liiun4«rlbtiDtiiK|ini*otoi 
I**!* CAOhliD. nhoawCor vetn out of Btrasm'i ImiI- 
iDRnlowot Hr.Onnklto win nfrora Id eoDiaocUnD vllh 
D&n niMtnd f>u i^ulb.vnicli will mait ft r*aiirk> 
■b|o irlo or cIo«Di Tbt prlcciaf MlmlHiitii ■111 be U, 
31 ua M Mtt. ud ib« 0M» lltDM H fall7 Iftro 
noouih. bolh before uil beblml tiie looUlRbla, for e nt- 
eniinl ihow. The o|i«nlDa bill nwnea Roberti, <(|ull' 
ibrut; Kmtoft flrloo. Parimo rlORta;BlrtMBro, ciinee- 
irlu: I'oter CoakllD, clown: ChK Bailor, nnDui; 
JiiiwellBraii.,iM>tiuriov; )*rof. Mero'n irlebiwrte, tin. 
Jnlm A. LogAn : D*Q BuOiotll, wire IniMUmesi: lltrrr 
HMti, Vkn CoiUllo BDil Uin Hire. dowoL Tbe pro 
preoiinowlUbedbenfedDlibilr. TbtfoptDiil blrl; «ell 

Minim's.— HunlneM WIN r^irlr ffood with 'Tbo ntmK" 
U»i wo«b. M r. liocT did net ftppew af'tr Tiioadir eveo- 
Iq9. On HoMlftr Dlihi t he nioi wiUi e pelsinl eeci 
iIrpl IdOuIok nl" InQDRetrleh hi fell od hiteide eod 
iliNlocftiMl one of liU ribi, whidi htd beta rACtorod 
aotne Umo l>floro. lie alll noilerKo u oporalloD. Mr. 
Mlllword, Ilia tiodoriUidr end tUie muoktr, pl4*ld tbe 
pert eocaptoitlr, while Jnhq U. Hlcodld hli ■peeltlllM 
TTiUwook "Hhoro Acretf' will crowd Ui* houre. Thewl< 
veoeenle IfHlleaiaRftropetltinDoriutreer'a boiiineu. 
A blRliouie rieved ihoopeDlogia. "SbtrtNo.X" JPftod 

.tAt:»m'.— "A ^Uq of Truro" mode t lUU* nonoy the 
nntiihiOHniRliiRoi lioi vo«b, inelttdlDK en eiim met- 
loee OB KUcJhn luj. which veo omvartl. 'Teal Seo 
Ter'' filial tiut tho week lo modoreie »htpe. "Oo tho 
Mluloniipl" U DOW bom, toil nhouhl dn well et ihlA 
hituu.ei lit! poopio like rbillRni. Dockiudor'i Mia' 
Mrrltwaok of 19. 

WALiiUANH'ii-nn two or ihreo ocmoIobi (he heoH 
vouldn'i hold ell ihe penple ibaiwenrid toieetUm Do- 
Toro'NHhiiw laiiiweok. The auemlioco wei Urge ell the 
week The llnKtnl AthtnruniCu. opened luiplctouily 
13 Th(> NlRhl 0»li wrok or |9. 

AuoiTOHMH — TiiU piece ■eoiDMl e lutia outoi thewtf 
ror thv citu of (wopli tliil woniod la ho Hob 'Uvlm- 
mooo'ihow leit week, u boilotu wu retbir ll|bt it 
ilnieo. _^ 

HrAN.-Uuf|loTtolr,MeTlo teuton. Utile N'eUon. Dick 
Roorh*. Toinnij Klojt tad Lofioy Hnrrl*. 

Cmihs— llMlvlino DoToo. <lrace Tborapioo, Flotoneo 
Welilreo. MetDio WerO toil Kruik Nonli. 

(UiKTV.-KlU reiinnloD, Belle If oovheir, Joule Del- 
Hinnt eo>t rmr. Btclim«nn. 

NewiL— Tiio r^otninnn (JnuDoll ere cooaldorlog u 
onllDODce wliicb will rwiulro bill pottera lo per « II- 
c«nMiDiiur$i(juenil lurniili e bood of $5,(00 lo iDitre 
nnodlooce to iho lew, whiob elio prntidoa a poDoUjr of 

•fit) lor eiiob vinietine Tbo eaploieo of flonrr U 

Mloerhoro. euoadoO the rooopUon ilveo hln le Toor 
«ltr Umi week Id hfiiiAr of hU elooilnn to rongroM. 
Tlioro wore Mil In Uno oDd eeoh wore whllo iloTri end 

Trrntnii —A iilrciik of good iiiuloru ame wlih 
ilio e'lront or ll«rrr Tey>)r lato liio olj position et 
T^rloro Ofrre IhiUBO Itut wpok. "Men eotl Women** 
raiiiK N'>v ntue tl< houaotrl'h RfiimHiebl. wbo pleied 
AsnoRwUh nuuA'H loil rtcolrttl en ntellnn from hor 
iit«nv •ilnilrors "VVeoi" amo 7 to rood boilroML ''The 
Knalan" ID had big bmlDOu. Tlio Iin|»erlel raudeTllle 
Uj. U tbe Hiinoilon 13 end week. Wo*ood ud Merbe, 
niorh'tiiiarlnnolteiiiDil ilio PourdnhlBniltb (ililerefeke 
tlio nUee of th« Ibjiiwlnir. alio here riDceM : All Broe , 
rialda end Lowli, eml Klold* eo4 Wootojr. BonhiDii: 
"B'ght HolU" 201 "llobla Hood" Upore Co. 31. 'i.'heilei'e 
Audi* tl. 31. 

THHWrnM HrKBrM.— Buoln^M conllDOoe gcd, Hio 
ecor Krenk fiiiniMD H'oitia to koow whet tho people 

"Lind of Xht Living" Rec«lvM Itt Initial 
Pr«ienlAtlon-Good Builneiithe Rule. 
[BpMlel Dlipetch to iIio Hew Tork Clipper.] 

BiM KBiNCiBco, KoT. 18.— Tbe IlBldwin Tbetlra !• 
oloicd tnd will RDUlD (lATk nAtll 20, wIioD Alex. 
BalTiDl will bcfiD ui «Dg»iremeot 

Oaijpobnia Til BATBi.— Robert DowotDff began 
Ml CDiAgemeDt lieie list evenlni in "ifigoniAr" 
Md wu well recelnd, the perfomuace Mrlf 
CMTTlDgtlw Kodloooe tw«7 witb It. Tbe bill will 
be cbBDged oTery Dlgbt 

Broci\riu.'HTiiBATBi.— "C*d theTomboy" wu 
pot on lut Dlgbt, wlib Florence Tbropp Id tbe lead- 
log role. Tbe compAoy In Mi ricelleat one ud the 
etteoduice wu Urge. 

Tivou.-Lut week's bill coDUnnea to draw par 
iDg taoniffl. 

Oband Ornii IIdi'hc— '-The Undof tbe l.lTlog" 
wu prodaceil at thie bonie lut Dlght, for tbe flnt 
time CD any etage. The comple'enese of tbe stage 
MUlnga added miierlallj to tbe sacc«ss ot tbe per 
fonnance. Tbe laricat andience of ibe season wu 


(IBOVI BTRivr TtiRiTBl.— "Kuter and Uan< 
wu preacnied lut week. 

pnrnkUM.— Tbe Dig Konr <3inHh, VarllD, Ilaler 
and Sparks), Us Hayoa Tronpe, Erneit YooDfr, 
BlegrlRtand Lcc.and Toner and Krobel opened bcro 
lad nlghU Tbe Caroalla Uroi. were billed, but a 
deientloD on ibe railroad prevented tbem from ap- 
pearing. Oneof the largest andlencca of tbe sea* 
BOp were present. 

WtowAH.— Raony Dowcn and Walter Oappolo, 
Jobn Unlllgan and Carrie Linton opened lait nigbi 
to a bonse packed to tbe doom. 


vent, end li Mrring it out Id hi» owd pooiHer alvK 
villi uicconu AtlrtotloDO Tor I3indwee^: fllol Hroa.' 

BeerR, \ouDg AinahouL W. D. HaKe*. AdoIo Auihuta, 
IrOwlK' t.'iinu Rihtbli. rmi llerrr aiUd. HtrrrKinor 
rna (iviuni deto), Dirk Meok SDd Kmine Colier, Mike 
Treci^jr, tlonritii P. r«rrnl| eod MeU J. LerhiD, L* 
HireoKo, derlor eu<l Tlov QrofT llerrr Vtlie, kih I 
llarrr Rinonftn'H ferr^ "SIOD.Meo, Mm " 

NrtvciTV THMiTHK.-Tlie Ledroe CInb l« booked forlft. 
W. 17. Loiter f'reokilD eod eluok gotog oo tbo rood, ro 
luntioK 19. 

HbTbi -dpt R. 0 RUhl.rUhorol Row flUM, of "Meo 
ood Wonion" t>> , eateriiloe'l the monben of ut com* 

penv «li«r llio |)OT''(>riiuncoO ^il. Doen, who workttl 

Httho Mtueiiiii itBtwHfk. KntMl e hit In Tevlor aOpora 
lli)U»i< Kl^vllon Nlihl, whore he wee ipectftllf OBgagod 
1>y the UercerCit. WhvKliiion ellfr ibe perfornmnce ol 
"■ooend W4tiiifn,"io li*tr •i#ciloo retami. ' Redo," 
tho coutortiooUt, erpverod at tho umo petlunneac*. 

*i<>r<i*y Cliy— *Tlio Klarun." aomewhei roTlseil 
end « Mil tnoni p|»orielilBi tntroJucod, le Vuag^f h«ii. 
ilorMtn'* oltarlnget the Aotdmny week ol Nnr. II. Mko- 
Btor Marl llenloj hea aoerf d wf Dk ol 19. wh»D Kdwenl 
ilerrlyen will tpiwer Id hlo rvKf^ory. TIm woo^ woo 
iHMiknl r>ir M)tl dlorr." *Tlie rrodlBil Dniphter" 
loiiDd e Urce tod Tencd BMorlDioot lo ajnipaUilte Vllh 
hor. ntirk enOinv K 

HnrTny,— Thlnwveliihentaneiontoal prM^niolfoiitcel 
PilOi, JoliDMio Klonoeod Roniloy.lietPnnie, lUdillogtod 
Hieorn-. UM. l.4kllo. Klla rildvoH. Juha L. Monnler, 
the ilrlAatiioa. l.o3rciiie ruib mbi! T^mpto, Ibe Uerilnl 
Kuioiii, /.4lle iilarion, Knnnoilr end WIlllBmoend Harry 
lllokvlii. llitHlneM wei leiie le«t «ti«k 

J. I. t:,-Meblo Likp. I.diio LeiHin. Memlo Lake. Jitk 
Launch, enill'mr lleyiuond Bualprn li soft). 

r. n'tiAHi laalBHO oirpioter dow bi tbe Boa Tea li 
plecoul Harry Klnklo. 

llnhuhrn.— Ihe lloiioken tho Ullpallaos will 
i>ro4*m "Ttin I'uiill In M«ale"Nov IMiaod' J'ooiloa 
Moiivlberii"IN>i7. The arteideni«na for aettieeaurre 
MiHRnor t:iHTk ni tbe llobokon ihet e p«wi>omnBon' 
eiRnnihOt !■ euurnl Ttir lh» weob. ' A Kbec ol Truce' 
NitT. IP ]i, "My Aitut liihUei"S3-]i. Morrlrao'o ' reail' 
en:) 'iihiire AoriM * hod larite Iioucoo «o»k oli^tiDK 18. 

(iKHutMA— Tho i,i<nd(in Hport*. under tbo elluriDg thu vVhiipi^nmV, wHikofll "The tlniih Veloro 
itio Wnr" rtillnwo, Hhcrniaa A UorlMv'o *'A Jty Cir 
cva" CumttKiiy met wi|li Ulr rr»uliM lut week. 

iMrKHUi.— (Iilinom eint PDrnaailoi, JiiUplle BAlhoni, 
Mimlo ihlUru Ihiuihi Veltntino eml llaitle Myvro. 
HaHlnoM lut vcrk wia tho Urgo Bt In Ihe hIMwiy ol tbo 

OmrxTAi. - Ktr nlihi «ii 10: Nn'aa eml MeShtno. Dolly 
liivii u«rar<>i« md llvilo Keitll. Tbe boeoawillre* 
punia In n lprlul*)it. tho rrgulor vnkly porrnrmeneet. 

NiiiK^,— thillr DArlmiiournJi iho lount h« beltj tMty, 

whiHilotl N«v ft. Ill yuur rlty t)ea. KeDP.Maieniin 

KX*rA- tlir. (loMiiaiue, will phrrilr lake tho t owl with hii 
iMrloor, tlo4i I., ilrronry, h) "lloniply Ihinply Up to 

l>tio." Urr ti* llra«ii. vrlio hia l>oaD for the paal iwu 

HtokawlihHheriuBDAml tluilney, elofttl with ilio com- 
pany I'h 

Rllinitptli.'Al tho Lyceum Tboaire: TIih 

Ki<iinnly rieyKtr. wofk of ,\ut. A Id top>rloiy liad 
**^ro)lriit bu'lnfaa. (Vitdntf: * I'oul Koutar" l\ llnbii 
ll imlOpprerD Id K, ' Tli> Sfon i>f LUo ' 31 

KutiA Or CAMriiii.lilno I ihf Kaannly riaroro it Woat 
Clicaitr. I*.<t , «■ »oi|lirAMu, tlirtewfokaigo. 

l>iiiHK Oi'KHi lli't-rta.— Ji)bn KerDOll, In "McKaddoo'- 
I{'i>i>«iiiriii " ^ ili<«w B rniill atid'onco. ' The Ko-lsa" K 
piayti] iti »niellHiidlpDco. Probe'B Hreu Baiid t^mnort, 
whli kieal lelonr, lonlrdlliocj|irolly 01 thehooBed. lloO' 
iixn ip'urimitrr«tiiadlr(tkni><i«riti|ir. Ur*. tee«lry,ln 
"A U'lfD'a Toril" It) ilraw e foir eudloooo al edvtaood 
lirlrvB. Biilnry Diow IK Tarn VeniD Vnrweort', tn 
a'hlonooxhlbillun, fur Iho »>»nont of tlio llanolul etiil 
cin^liait ARflum, l'rliun.a« a Wett h UlnilreU :9, "Lout 

l*.itri-«iut,*AI IbeiipcrH lloiiio"A iXrbf Uer 
rotto" aiiraclf il lelrlygntal lumapa Not. R-IU "tbe ho 
Mi«D"hail)>.,«trbtipliiv«jid,7. H'^tklnM: "l*ail Kemir 
II. "B.ibiii lliH>.t' anti 'Thv KnkkrTborktr*" l.\ U, 
MtH Wlo'liroK" II "rhoBpeDnf Ltio" I'MI, 
*ThoWoTM Ai«lu«l llrr"»-;f. 

IMJJti THrATita —II ttifcluiia: "Voouilea for Life'* l1-)4, 
*Tim OM Kniiur IVA-iilnwk. ThU bouKt Mill ^o Oorh 
1&-I7. Aitmiii'ii tligenioena hiTlng reocoltwt "Mogge' 
l^mllnK" nao|>le)Ml we*k UlDpiHirbu*lnBU. 

Ivnv<i Ml MtK.— Arilreh: Hlllwr, lUrrr aod Bmlly 
i(.-(itii1iitu. |i\lKV Wkda^ (lanr<* antl Baud nkkotla, Wtr 
K NaiikprTiIlp, Mini Boiiivr, Trauk eod Keen/ Lxooo. 
KHe l.jona. HirnluiiBnd I.<«b1Io and Kelly eod fa Hom 
Tiilii IB tiie ihiid wi>«k rut the lut nemtd tiBtti. Bualatto 
WR1 fairly good ft and erok. 


Ilrmrl'.— Al ilie Tktwr unwd uper* llouic, 

nrok rt| Not. 12, TIiciuAl \r. Kt.Dt. 

N>v llH(tAi>n-AV THit«iiia-A IMltt* HlBplnla vii 
girtnP. Wrrki'ta, "«l«l<" 

l.\ikrM TH.ATUK.-irr.k nl 0, *'K40Mr*tfl4 "Our«'*br 
Iho Ht.tck o*., Iim <o tutn ii«op:« tvai tbe cpeoleg 

f:rHTifi Bthkkt T>icATttB.~w««k of ft, "t'ocle Tom' 
i'aH,n' |i>art«l to Btvil |,a«in*#t. 

t:ii!cT.AL TliiATHM ~r<arl tnuan and lh« McMall|i. 
BuiIdiiii Ir Ruwl 

l.rnilvlllc— Ybo WrMiou Unem lIouM renialu 

O.rk Ali,i,:,tAiitllh*. Mrrni.Vanil* llnaanl. Mtgd 

.siniDritr, \>i 41" H »tilf, /.oIk \ .r», Adrtl. lA HoDt. I.U1I. 
Ilnvrlr, HoMij l*tiril<iD, l/>tu Viiatlf. l,illt. lIovt.MniL 
«t«r.p.tb, ('rr>l>tlitre|.|.r, U.pai**'fa«ron1,Mar I,«at*, 
l'<;rl IVphi rr. ADIiiir Lnrri^ln^ AQilj Adtoi*. Fnoh 
KnK*|^ l,"<r .i"iin«iin, liatr* L4wnard, tlfori* Wolw*aj 
Ife.iiol.liiisD, TAri Miiillli Mdt Oruftp. (^hn. nonn as,l 
.iitn iivrii.. Vtri UiiMlfih It Mltg. mulgar, and Kaei 
llopcnlcrii ItKiti ,ti on hritn. 

- ' I,. K. A!<'xaniicr bM ju>ni.'J ilic Llllliu sackctt 

Jaclnta" a Fallure-Th« W.lei Opera 
Compiny ClOMd-Cenerally Good Buil. 
neii Reported for the Wegk'i Opening!. 
(Bpeatat Dt.paubta to tba Na« Torfc Ollppar.) , 
l-uiLiDiLriiiA, Kor. 13.— Wlib Uiree novelllei In 
town, tony nothing ol a Dae arnTOtoldrsTonica 
and cold, anapp; weaUior, tbe tlienuea all over 
town were well Oiled lut nigbl. iilgt Ncltietnole 
captlTtted e large aadleace nl tbo Ohtatnat Street 
Open Uoaae, In "Ctimllle." Wblle tbe conception 
dimrs milerlall; trom Ibat ol Bembnrdt'a ahe mnj 
be utd to compare ver/ larorablj wlili ibo great 
Frencb nrUat, Uer anpporl was well nigb pertect 
.."Hme. Mna Qeae," wlib KMberloo Kidder lo 
tbe title role, niled ererj aentat tbe llroad, and the 
comedjt Del Willi an ontbnalaallc recepllon. II tiillj 

deaerrci all Ibatbu been uldot It Tiie amnd 

Opom nouae rtopeoed lut night, under Wti man- 
agement ot II, P, TlBMt, with "Jaclnta," a Mexican 
opera, bj Alfred 0, nob;n and Wllllsm U. Mporo, 
proaented by tbo Loulae Deandet Upcm lloniTe 
Co., nnder dlcoollonot Fred 0. Whiloe;. Alibough 
deicrlbed u a comlo opera, tbe p^rConiiance (aIIciI 
to'dlacloae noylbing eltber comlo or opentlc. Ii 
wta a molt dolefol urtir, and tb« best talent on tbo 
alage oonid not make It other then adlamal fallare. 
Tbe hoote wu comfortabljr Oiled, and a large and 
Tigorottt clai|ua aiiooeeded In prolonglog Ibe agony. 

JoiepbJ(iT4non,la "Rip Van Winkle," fliird 

the Walaat to tbe doon Tbe Qlmrd Arenuo 

wu equillj well Oiled, and Vreiloo Clarke, ably 
aapporied by lluaa \!bjt»\ ami Maria Kooirlea, 

made a bit In 'Tbe Apoalate.'> Kanny Mela. 

tjn'a oblecilont to tigbia, end Ibe piibllc'ty given 
tbe matter In Ihe newipapen, aucceeded In dinw- 
log two enormoue taouMa al Korepnugb'a where 
"All tbo l^imtoiia ot Dome'' proved to be the bei t 

tbloi! aeen here ror a loag iliiie Two new 

bnrleiiiaea and an cxcelltni olio aiicceedod 
II) amaalDg a large andience at the Klerentb 

Siieei Uptra Uoue Qrenler'i Lyceum Theaire 

tioispany, a vasdcvllle Iroape. new hero, drew a 

fair bouM at tbe Aadllorlum It aeemed like 

old llmea at tho Vbetuut, wtere "HelUy and Ibe 
40O" was preaenteU to good biulnea by Kdward 

Ilamgan-a Company Uno ot Ihe llghteei bousaa 

ol tbe oeaton at tbo Kopire wllneaaod no excellent 

iwrlormuco ut "Men and Women." Tbe City 

Club held over al tbe l,|ceam, when a paying bnal- 

neu wu In eight, iimcne wu Ihe (cmnre 

llanlona' "Snperba" intned people amy nl the Na- 

tlonal Then wu Ibe niual crowd at Ibe llljoo, 

and Ihe tale ot tickcta wae anspended screml limes 

during tbe day The l>eop)e'i. where "Tbe 

rcodlgal liangbier" wu given, wu completely 

niled I.lllian Kennedy, In "She Conldn't Harry 

Three," plajed to big builneaa at iho sundanl. 

"Tbo Old Boulh" Juit about Oiled the Ken. 

tlugton Tbe flret day of tho fat girls' I>1- 

■ role race retnlled In one ot Ihe Urgeni 
bouiea ot the season at llio Ninth and Arch Uu. 

seam Iloasell'e Comciltans dhUanded hereto. 

Uoalncss had been fair at ibo Uheainui, but heavy 
loSMS In Ibe west, combined with Ur. ItuMCll's 
lllneu, bsstoned tbe close of the toor. The com. 
paiiy hal an open ilato Ibis week, aud II bad been 
Intended lo rahenrse a new piece la New York, 
wblcbwasto bo put on In Dalilmoronr.Ntwok. 
II la sctrceir probable that ibe lour mil be re. 

sumeil Marcos Hayer re<'i>lved Informailon 

lut nigbi ot Ihe sodden death of his fainrr. 

ROSTOK, Nor. in,— Tbe Krw CjsIIo .■^lUitre 
Thtairenan opened lul ulgM, anilito auillruce 
la aiunilanco nu one of ilie largeil and nios: 
lirlllltnt ever convened on a alnliar croulcn In 
tbia cliy, Kvery scat In the house was occupied, 
at also were the (Ighicen pHraie bv.vea, "C'tpi. 
Paol," Manager lloae's own play, wna staged lor 
tbo OtKt time, and won lia any to r.voratoDce, 
Ilia a tUobg drama, well wriitco, and cvluclog 
conscientious care In Iho comirucilon ot Its lines 
aodsllnailoia. Tin tcenio entcis wera of a high 
order cf excellence, and the coniiAny presenting 
II wu selected with admlnble mie, and well 
diHtive Ihe words of pralu awarded them during 
and after the performance, linrlng iho week iho 
bouBS will M nnder tbe cooirol of Boston Lod^e 
No. 10, II. r. (1. K., who hare hired It for a lull 
week's beneot, and I'. K. n. V, t;, AMcans uys 
the bencilc li bonnd to prove a suoceii. At 
any rale, the bo.v alieot on the openlug 

night tended to show Joat such a rrsull 

At the Crand Opera House la. O'Nell wu greeicd 
by a packed houe and gave amagnlllceDt Inicrprt. 
latlon 01 tbe UtI* role In "VlrglotDs," wblle the 
VirgInU ot Mario Butrtas wu nearly porleol Ion. 

"Ubeny lla)l,"al iho llollls Street Theatre, 

had Its Or«tlloslonpre«iii*tlon,and Iboauaieace 
that witnuted Uhs«. Frohmau'a Kmplro Theatre 
Company awanlcl them braity aii l inerlteU ap- 

pi luse. Tho liunac wu crowded to the doors. 

"Sowing the Wind," at Ilie iviumbla; "OiT ibe 
Ririb," al Ibe IMrt; - la u:d Kentm-ky," at Ihe 
Doalon; "The Devil's Deputy," at Ihe Treoiimt; 
"Prince I'n Tem," at llie lioatcn Uuseno, ami 
■Tbe Cotton King," at Ihe Buwdoln Sinare Thealie 
all drew One business. Keith's New Theatre and 
the oihcr popular price lioucs taitd Onely day and 

eronlng. RooeUe Knott, who la at prtsest 

playing ihe leads In "Old Oleir," wUl be 

transferred to "The Cotton Klif" shortly 

Weatward Bo" Is the lllle ot Woolt and Ware's 
new opentu new In rehearal at lbs Boston Hose- 

nm aB0.W. WUion Is to oaks a brief loir 

shortly In "The Unr'oor." lie comes to iheOiand 

Opera Honse In December Huager Wm. A. 

Bndy'snew melodnma, "DoDsnliy," wrliun by 
Bolton Vane, will hare IIS flistAmeilcan pieacnta- 
tlon at tbo nowdolnS<iaareTlieaire, following Ue 
mn ot 'The OoUon King." Hr. Bmdy wlU also 
produce In this city, aext Bpitng, • bnrletqne on a 

rery elaboiate scale Tbe Daoofement ot Ihe 

Bowdoln Siinare Theatre will prodace an elaborate 
pelade tor tbe Ohrlslniu holidays. "LIlUeRed 
Biding Uood" wlU be tbe pUy Napier Lo- 
thian Jr.,ot this oily, wbo prodaccd "Darld Oar- 
rick" so saceraastnlly tor Nat Ooodwin, In Chi- 
cago, Is slHO to prodnco Ume. libra's new play. 

Sir. and Mrs. Rrakloe l4wls (Emma Oesbmsn 

Tnilli) bare been engaged to xnpport Oeo. w. 

Wilson In "The OoT'nor." A rerlral of "Eait 

Lynne" will be given at tbe Onnd Opera Uowe 

after tbo lu. O'Nelllengagement Ed, A. Feny, 

Ihe well knows Jonrnallst, formerly dmmalle writer 
nn Tht jtoKon lIiraM for .vears, ban Joined the 
Stan ot Manager John SUtson, of the Park Theatre, 

Doling E. n. Botbem's coming engagement 

at the llollls .'<ireti Tliratis he will probably be 
seen In at leui two new plsys. Bis booking will 

open with "The Victoria Oross." Manager 

Darry B. Kmery Is organizing a company bera to 
■npport Kstio rolnam In a repertory. A. R. Wll 
bur will do Ibe adnnce. The ahow takes Iho road 
at Onnd Forks, 8. Ii., Not. -jo. Tbe compao.v will 
Include I,onls MsIjI), Leo Uart,Tom Findlay, Barton 
Wllllamsand Sadie natcllire, 

OHicioo, Not. i.i.-"On the Bowery" at the Hay. 
market held the call on the Snnday openings, pact 
log Ihe house beyond sny possibility of standing 

room J. K. Emmet at lbs Albambra, "Tie 

UusUei" at the Academy, and 'The Still AUrm" at 
the Cbirk Bireet all branghl good proOUto Manager 

Jacobs "Lost In New Vork" allraoied a good 

bouse at the Lincoln, and llaTlln't wu well dllcd 
when "A Railroad Ticket" began the week.. 
8am T. Jack's Open Mouse held a good sized turn- 
out to SCO FIjnn 1 Bberldso's Co., and Ihe Kmplro 
wuwell piironliccd byttaoee wishing to aee tho 

ViTlan Do Monio Co Itolmd Heed began his 

second and hst #eek with Ibe Oiand well Oiled. 

Velcr I'. Dslley opined a week's engagement 

at tbe Columbia to a big boQM TheTaTeiy 

lirand Opera Co. mitTcty limited reward at the 
beginning ot their second and last woek at ihe 

Chicago Fr,uik Hall's Circus wu Oiled to 

stondlog room and the Casino wu crowded all day 

and nighf 'Tho Dlack Flag," engaging Ceo 

Berry, J. T. UcEnary, MacDudley and otben, wu 

glren at Ihe Cilieilon to light bnslncaa The 

popular priced rarleiy booses and the museima 

found a proQt on the week's beginnings lut 

night Ada Reban began her second and con- 

eluding week at lloo'.ej'a Tbeaira Julia 

Marlowe Taber opened her engagement at Uc. 

Vlcker's to fair bnslneas Mrs. FoUer and 

Kyrle Dellew opened tbelr conclndlng week at the 
Schiller In "Cbailoue Cordray," with a limited turn. 

out on band At lbs Lyceum Qos Bill's World 

ot Noreltles began Ibe week to fair business.. 
Uo account of i ickncss Rou Ueen billed to open 

at the Circus Sunday night The Wales Opeu 

Uo., which alerted from here with "AthenU,»cloa<d 
the oeason abruptly at BonUi Bend, Ind., lut Bslnr 
day night. The prlnolpils went to your city and 
Ihe chorus came here. 

MiLWtDKSE, Not. 13.— Tlie DaTldson held good 
Bi/ed houses Sunday an.t UondAy night, when 
Tompkins' 'The BUck Crook" ommenced tbe 

week LoniB Aldrlcb, In "Uy Partner." drew 

good Sunday boilneis to the Bljoa, but lut night 

tbe bonoc w«s only fair Tbs Academy, with 

"The Prodigal Father," opened to fairly good at- 
tendance Sunday and a fair honso last night 
The People's gave the l.ondon Bellea a good open. 

log The Hid Winter Circus bid ball Ibclr ca- 

pioliy Bunday, and lut night's honse wu very 

light The standard reopened lut nigbi nnder 

title ot the, Olobe to fair business, with a bouse 

show Tbe Wosdetland did fairly. Monday 

night's butlnen wu Tlrluolly cul In two by a se 
Ton snow slorm. 

OiK'ciKMAn, Nor. 13.— Sul Smith Hwell bad 
Monday night lo himself. A snow storm wu tbo 
oontrlbnllon of old probs., bnt bad weather did not 
prevent prelly good buslneu all around. "Peace- 
ful Vidloy" wu enjojed by anapprccUllTC andience 

at iha Qrand Sudow and the Trocadero 

VaudeTlllu oaine lo the Waleot Sunday and en- 

Ibnsod an audience ot falralze Tho greatut 

crowds ot Iho d>y greeted Uolene .Mora at tbe 
I'eople'H, where e'le appsared with Hyde's Come 
diars. In Ihe crcning she rocclved a luge dorat 
honcslioe end sang "comradfi. ' In response lo an 

ovation Tho Wilbur Opera Company loang- 

uraied their dosing week at llenck's with a cmsb, 

"rno side Show," at llavlln'K,atlfHcle(l big 

housee Watson Sistere' llurlesqao Compsoy 

Oiled tho Fountain The bigietl audience In 

three weeks greeted Marie Klotle, In "DangetH ot 

Qreat Cliv." at Robinson's Tho flist pop 

Mnslo Hall ailnclcd a tlireng, bni did not seem 
Interfere with tbo Sumlii inatlnces. 

Sr.'19, Nov. 13.-Joha K. Fields' Dmwlng 
thirds tested Ibe capacity of Iho SiMdard Sunday 

nfternoon nod evonlog HaTlln'a wu crowded 

I wice 10 see "Finnlgan's Bill," Pope's Tbeaire 

wu packed oil the atlcraooo ud eTonlug, and 
OllroMaitIn and Celta AlsboiK received a royal 

vclcome. SeTcrua SclueiTcr mado a bit 

Summer lilli/wd" wu grtcleil with two good 

bonsca at the llagau In Ihe crcning the Qrand 

was parked to see "Aladdin Jr.," anil every song 

andohoniflWaa encored Roiierl ManlcUdrow 

a fair houte to the <> ymplc to ses "Too Cnnlcan 

nrnthen." Willie Collier ap|icand lo "A Back 

Number" at HcOasland's Kist St. I,nula Opera 
House, Snnday night, to a goud attendance. 

WieuiKiiroN, Nor. 13.— The Itoatonlaus openci 
at lUploy'a Nntlonil The;tlre, lo "Kobln Hood," to 
house p.irked from pit to dome, and tbo ad\uce 
sale Indlcaim a similar con<llllon for (he entire 

week 'The Qreat Urooklya Handicap" litd 

teuslog good opening alAlbanib's Grand Opera 

llacse Ilanlina' "ranissDa"charmed a racked 

honso at K^pley'a Academy of Uu.lo "Fawn 

Ticket 210," Willi Amy Lee, P. Aug. Anderson and 
Frank Dnann bad a eptendld opening at Duller' 

lll]onTh>atie May llonard, at Kerosn's Lyce 

niiiTbealce, met with btr usual luck— a packed 

l.ui'i!>TiuB, Not. i:i.-''A Trip lo Chinatown," 

Mciuley's, o|i;ned lo agoodboue TheTtm 

pie had a well illled bouu lo aee Archie Boyd, In 

Country Squire." "Rush Clly," at the amnd 

Open llouw, attnctcd a big boose Fnnk 

Jonea, In "iinr Coniiiry cjnsln," opened Sunday 
ntatlneo and night at tbe ATeoiie lo large houses. 
The house Ust night wu or moderate pnp^rtlniii 

The nocklngbam wu |iarketl In sec (le< 

Dixon's roiupioy Tbe iteiriiem opened lu 

lair house. 

KiNSAK CITV, Nuv. I.I.— "Darken llu-<la > o.vre. 
at tho (Irand Sunday oiallnce to a bighouaeniid 

bad S. H. u, at night At the Ninth Street Charles 

A. Lodcr, In "Uh, What a Nlgkl! ' hod a good null. 

nee and a big house at night "oo theSuwanec 

Hirer" had two good boosee al the Olllls. 

BOTTALO, Not. lS.-At tbe Btai Hagenbeck's 

trained anlmsls Oiled tbe theatre "A Texas 

Bietr" drew a big crowd to Ihe Academy 

•TTie Police Patrol," at tha Lycgnm, opened lo ei- 

ceUest receipts Tbe Court Street patrons were 

largely on hand for "A Jay CIrcns." 


OMawa,— At tbe Grand Open Honse, Not. T, 
"Aont Balli" laraed people away. Bookad: 14, Badie 
MarUool; 31, 9k A OilMlal Ea'srulaan. 
OaASf a KiwMrsic IliiiaUlbeopeotdbr Joaiaalsi- 

'^S',li'?T,S.-it. B.1I410, lawtar b« nf.»d 
Mauisr lind a ptno iu> ma ibti beoM. ualmloi Ibe 
'iiiMro(tob* odKi^ TtisraroljIlsdoorseloMdWand 

elodt-M«r ri.i, Irloaflfaia. Oeerskillaitj^onaTliompj 
wfclJnIa Belli AtinURioUtla, Will A/bnncan, Burt 
Allso. Blllr Coooloahain. Joe KuipUr. CbtriM Ttjinp 
too aed Pnr. Cnwmi, oomlucior, «llta llanr Mau, 
pnpriauir sod mua|«r. Iha eompuy will Mor Bui- 
em Caotda. . 

Taronto.— At the Qrand Open Uonse, Nor. 6-7, 
Oeo. Thatchsi-i Fii« Co.iMdr Co. hid fair bolloMJ 
Name outtoar. S-ie. BidA b« oibat banio, >^na 
a-^dlanca. L'onlu: 'Miiia. Bui Otoe" 12-M, Bhta 

*^Ju9ToOnu uoma-niDlCoOaribyfll'edthahooie 
10 alaodlna loom oolrS-lo "UoavA Ho»"12-17. 

Acloi»v« lln>l'.-Hor S-IO iba Clllf Olar Oaialy 
Co. iU a bl, hoitaiii lliirr Wi|llini%' O »n Co. It-i; 

Uooia-a Hrsas.-Bailiiira li nvil. Ifetoia bill: 
Ono'l iDliroilloBal Boanty ''bnw lod Alai Erasaf. 
Th.itn: Tba Cotirolta. lolah', KcAvor aad Doilr, 
Batber and ffisaafohnr, and tba Tooleia. 

ilamlllaii.— At Ihe Onnd Ibe Vienna Ladles 
Oiclieiua ud lujal Eottnitooii dillihud good iiied 
audltnroi Kot. 9. lb. Kh«» la ' Qa»; Bow," toijM to a 
Una iilvaaa ula U. Din Mo '.itihT comei Iljeiir. 
-Blltli Tavhr WlU ba prodiiMd by total annlanria U. 

bTAS TiiiATac-BuHloam cootlaooi good. For 11 aod 
vook: Tho Thraa Ammoii. OarrnU ud flirillDir. Tba 
M.hFit, MIK. Oulce, Lllllu Tiogu; ud riulmi Low. 

AKUClATlox HAli.-Th« Torbau Cooeart Co . In eon 
liiocllDn wlib I f 0 Bniu Wluuoni. will appear It. Tba 

Hluai Wahllns aii booked for IP, », 21. 

Tan Wo:iDiBUNO TiiEATSa hu itoan lia«ed fortlia 
leitoo to illDlon Kaifoll vbo mlaiili ruonlna l stock 
coBipior la a npntorj ot pliyi at popilar pileea 

Gnelph.— The Royal Opera House was opened 
Nor. 1,6. totaiie indlincM. WalM' Comic Cpan Co lo 
"Albania, 0' Iha KiUo Pnphot," wu lha lunjlion, 
Mlu Siaod*ff, eontialto, wu 1111 hat appeared S. mi 
tanallr a'dioa Ibi pirforoiuce. ' Tba Bnralir" pined 
to a fall boou 7. "Tba Blmwn'' no.. b|)I«d lor B. wu 
eincilM br MiniBir TMinlir. Tht Bwidlib Qainat 
bid a liTta adTinci At* for 9, Camtng: It. bu Mo- 
Cartbr. In "Tba Fildi of Hajo:" 19, A. U WooJholl'a 
'AnnlBiUr Co. 
London.— At Ibo Onnd the Waleon Slsiere' 
Compiov plariO to a top haivj tiooie Kot. d. .Virla 
LoulM Hillar appeirM wilh itai London Amataor Or. 
ohamne Rhea, in "Thi Liidf ol Lrona," hid a fa'r 
houMVon acwiintot itonoy weilbor. (lio.Tbi'clier a 
0>, In "Aboot noUiiiu." plajid 10 two good hoiui 10. 
Tbi lloldan Comidy Co. weak ol IL 

Derlln.— AtTown Hall Paollne Johnston, Indian 
poiteu aad nollir, with Owen Bmllar, In reottalis hor. 

4aebee.— Al tbe qwbec Theatre Ihe French 
OparaCoiapaor, la reparurr, ira dolor acocd bntlnM^. 

A) tho AOidtny of Uoiic, flidla Ifartlaot, In "Tba 

rauport," comei Not. 12. II. 



RoutM Mutt RMcb U« Net Liter 
Than Menda)^ 




A Uloion'i, lfau4eh-lU« City, fla, Kot. Id. ir, ci 
A Tiililt a),0nllll,l2.Taiinan,M. 
• A niii; Lof '-Fort Plain, N.V^ Not^ h nij, ,i 
It. 17. Rome l». CloiUou aoiOnikla 3i, ilorilcb 2 
C«iUa'd2i,IibaeaW.„, , ., „ _ ^ 
Aer-u Ibo PolomeC'-ClatlnuU. 0 , Kot Ig-li 
Aladdin Jr"-St. Lonis Mo., Nor. 11-17, Kuiu 0117 

llarirord.— At Proctor's Opera Uonse buslneu 
thi put wHk wu Kooe, Ilia ll«t of itlractlons being in. 
TlUng. nkbiid Miniflald, Nor. II, In "A Piriilu Ro. 
nince." will be a tbwtrleil ivint ol tiw week. Mn. 
LsngUT'lllbe lein In ' A trilt'A mil" II; Wo Oil. 
liUo, la "Too Mnrb Jplioion," IS. It: "Fablo Hominl" t7. 
RobioboodOnriro dM big bDalDiaa Id iplla ortbalo. 
olaoioot weit>)«r s. Cime Turner wu nceked by 
Imo andlincas a. 7. "The OM llomMtald" dU wtllB. 
Milllo Uellaniy draw a picked houie 9 

KoTBa.-1bi llttl'oid Lodsi or Elba. No. 19, htid a 
rociilioiiloo itihiir lodae roomi 'J. Nallla Mcllenry'i 
rompaoyTero ibe onieililniia. A pleamot time wu 

aojojad .'MlH EoilohinlL of Boslehirdt aod Blao. 

cbanl. la la town ilnea tlia cloai of Alljn Hall, and la 
looking for a mttcli with Fiof Abola, 1 locil flocor 
about town. A malcb will probably lake place at AU7D 
nail Not. 17. 

BrldReport.— At the Park City Theaire "Shore 
Acta." Hot. S, did a lirea hntiniia. Tba Boatoolup, 9, 
did a fair bailoMi. Kallia Uoileorr. 10. did a %<m\ bull. 


n.u. Mn. LurifT, Is "A Wlla'i Forll" comu IS, 
Uuob Jobnion" II. 

ACDiTnait'H.— "ALIbiilyBoli"dld a fllr bnitoruA, 
&7. "wol Jaik" come' Is, 13, II, "Loat In £gfpi"la, 
"IbaOarb; Slamt" IS. 17. 



••AruiT«eot7TeBTj"-8cfM;o«, Pa, Kot. 11 u 
"Aboot Ooiham"-neirpti, Ml^. Nor. It Reeloew i« 
"AoDt Brlotei"-i^vldence, a. I.. Nor, IM7. Uobokao 

N J..S^'U ' 
"AmouDa"— BftlUiDOrt, Md., Kot. la ir. Meweik, N j 


*'AitntBellr**-OaetpbiPBL»Mor. IB. 

••A Lreir Lol"-rort Melo, N. T . Kor. 14 llloo 15. X\\t% 

IS iT.RotDe 19, Caautoie ao^tnelda at, Cortland n 


BtroD'e. oilTor-Colnmbui, 0., Kot. 14, Dajtoo 
Looinlllo, Kr, 
BiDdlev'e. Pioiane*-I}atnll, Mlob.. Kot. lt<17. 
Boaeblll'B, Btwie-La Oroaee, Wit , Kot 14,iriDotia U. 

Ean iHalre If.aillliraUr. Mloo., 17. 8t IWIA.^. ^ 
Beraee A UatTln^i Plajer'-Cblllicoilie. Mo„Not. 12-17. 
Barrr'a Wm.-Brookl;a, .S. aVoT. iS-i;, Uviom 
Maaa ,31 

Bebora P- r.— Ht Cannel. Ill, KaT. 16. HittMn U 

CllotoD 17. Pera ID. Do Seto, VOn SI. Adbb, IIL, 21 Cu. 

bondale XL Metropolu 2L 
Borroutba*. Marl e-B«lU more, Md., Kot.IZ-!?. S'orlotk 

Va., 19. yft Bichmoad 2ML 
Bnbb Comtdr— IfMBMMkot, R I., Nor. II-I7. Marltmo 

Meaa . 19-14- 
BeldwiD.ValTlllo-AtUntft. Oa.. Kot. 11-17 
Beld«ln Hof«reCon«dr-Ocale,na, Kut. MA', Ltoa- 

barw 19-TS _ 
"Boriilar"-Norfolk, Va , Nor. S-M. 
"BarTelo(MoB^y"-BI»«K». Ind.. Not. 14. Aadtnunu 

Aletandrta IS MoaiMllerrj, Oreeabarg 2j, North Tat 

oonll.KowAlbeera. „. 
■•Rnacb ol ICora-— MIoneaMlU, Minn.. Not. H-u. 
"BacpBO nbock"— Oread Raplda, Mich., Nor. IM7, Ciq. 

loa. U , S 

"Black Crook," Tompklar', No. l-MllwaQiee. Wli, Not. 

"Black Crook." Tompklna*, Xo.t— BuiTelo, K. V., Kot 

12- 17. Ht Paol, M>oa., IH-M 
"Browolaa *— N. Y. tiilr Nor IML 

"Black Sboep"— Datnit. Mich , Not. lCToledo,'0., is-i;. 

Olera'aad iML 
"Bteftr Time'*— Vila I Df loo, n , Nor. 14. VublBitoo 

CoQitHoaae 15.Ja«kBoa 10 Laacasror 17, KoiioDvilie 

IM AiliMO lO. CoiDlog 31, .Vewark 13. CeinbildRe S, 

CeailOorerll. .. . _ 

"BlueJeeae"-Har»nBtb. (;a..NoT.14, CbaT'e*ton, A.C. 

IS. 10, Aoffuiia, Ua, 17, Atlanta, 19, 30. Cbattuocfe, 

Tann , 31. 

Cothlen'H. Boee— GlaclDoatl, O , Not. I9-2i. 
TooioM'a. Ularioh-K. Y. Oitj Nov 13, lodellDlta 
Coll[er'^ Wlllte-Lvenanlle. lad , Nor. 14, Loulbrllle, 

ClrxtooljaoanKbak-UoraDtoD, Fa., Not. 19, Waililoe< 
toa, I) n., 

Comeirord taJ. K.-flL Jobnabuvr. Vt., Kot. 14. LlUlo- 
ton U-17, Barre, Tl, 19, 3D, Moatpoller 31-13, Wood- 
Birvck 21. 

Curtlft*. M B.-FitobbDrff. Mbh, Kor. I4, LowoU 16, 

Ba'oD 16, Ltdo 17. Brooktrn, K. 7., 11-21. 
Oraao-a, if.-N. Y. Cltf Kor 14-Dea 1. 
Corbeu'ii. Jemea J.— Ftorla, IIL, Kot. lA, Deator ir, Cbl- 

".:banir tiall"-I.aoalnf. Mlob. Nor. 17. 
•'Couotrr Anolre'— LooiiTlllo. Cy., Nor. 12-17, KeibrlUe, 

TOBD.. H'il. 
"Capt Pear'— Boiton. Mesa. Not. 11-17- 
"CouDlrr Conila." Praok JoBoa'— LouUrlUt, Kr., Kor. 

13- 17. iNMbTlDe. TeoD.. I9-2L 

'-OroDir Fair"— fit Jotepb, Me., Kor. ll, OmabB,Ktb- 

•Tol. Jeok"-Brld report, Ct , Kot II, Tmr. ,v. Y . 15-lT. 
•Toloaet and I '—Newport, iL I., Kor. 14. Brook toa, Maaa., 

"Cnarjf r't Aant," No. 1— WaUanubarr, N. V., Not. 1M7, 

Treoioo. N, J., -3. 34. 
**ObeT)er*i Anatt" No. 2— Paeblo, Cot., Nor. IC. Peorer 


' Coaai Oaerd'Wollol, III., Not. 14. Aaron 19. Lockport 

If. vreuk*vaa 17.HL Louie, Uo.. 19-11- 
■^leaa Hweop' -Jollat. in.. Not. |i. Lochoort t(, Wau* 

bOKia 17, Bl«la 19^ PiiUmea 0, Valparlaio, led , 21, 

Mlcblna Zl. La Porte ZX 
"irroaa Roedi of Lire"-BL Loala Mo.. Not. 11.17. 
"CotiAD KlDg"- BoatOD, Man, Nor. 13-Dea 1. 
■x;harlo7'a Aunt," No. 8-Maooo, Oe., Nor. II, Moot- 

Koroorr. Ale.. 15. Colombaa. Oa. 18, Opollka, AUk,l7, 
ola>ai9. BlrralnehtiDSt, MoatBomeiT 31, Peaucsla, 
F'a.n, Mobile. Ala. 3a.f4 
"Couolrr Olrena"— PitUborc, Pa,, Kor. 13-17, Pbl!adel< 
pbU 19-21. 

"Cooo U0II0W"— Trof, N. Y, Not, 14, Albeaj, 1M7, 
Brooklfi) I9-14. 

Dree'B, JohD-K Y.OHr.Nor. l3>Dec 1. 
Doaoellr k airanl'a-BBBiSaiilDaw, MItb., Kot. ll. 
Dotnlt IB>I7, Poorie, 111.. aOL Decator a. 
Dal e}'', Paler P.-Ctaleago, IIL. Kor. 11-17, PlUaborr, 

Deli'r, Aur--flt. Panl Mlaa , Kor. 14. Cbloan. 111., i:-3i 
Duofoid k BentOD'a-llatiroTd, lad , Kor. 1^17. 
DIckaoD'a Cbaa-Iadlanapolla, ind., Kor. i9-3l. 
DftTlf, Cbarloo L — Olerelaod, 0.. Nor. I4. 
PaiTer'a Bloador*"— Cbatttnonve. Teon., Nov. 14, 

IudlanBpoll4a— .Vt Uio Urand ItobL Uftnt«ll 
doeedaproipenui tbrea nlgbiA' envaBomeat Not. 10. 
eioertRobaon 12-11. "ATtlploCblualoirB" l}-'7. Cbei. 

DIokOOD. IQ "iDCOJt," lO-tl 

E:faiiAa'a— "OowD to Olila" iali#d In r«rolro tba 
patiopagoinorliOklft-7, Hi tfaarr'R Mlo»tre1f 17. 

Park. -"In the Keioo ol tbe Cxu" pao^nl ihehou*e 
r-7. '-Tho Kid," wlib Fatrleolnihaateirerrola prnvod 
awloaerSlu. 0 W Wlllleiaa'fipaelalijr'.o. w«ek of 19. 

EHrini.— Fie^daAllaaaon'a Drevlov 0>Tdi netwltb 

abMtnf retootloo week of a. tbiir uonblo perfaraianco 
00 SrecUoo Nlsht bolojt pB0ie<1 to the walla Tne Na« 
York Htara «e«« or 12^ ilrde e roinodlina 19 end wetk. 

w, (« Diets ■ - ..a a*. ,ifuv« \ wwi'wieiiB u hju k vtk. 

Btoiht Robscv Will piw^fDt 'Tbo iDtarlopor, or tha 
Feet of Vaana" bere Tor tho dret lima on ear atafo IX 

T«*rTo HoDtpa^At KftjIorB Opera lloare 
Veiker Vbltotliie, Not. A made lilo mat eppearaoce In 
ih'B oiiFi "Dd g«Te "llamiei" lo the larRo^t bou*e ot tha 
oea'on oeo DIxod'b Vau'UtIIIs Co. S, Orow a tnp 
boarrhoiiHO. Cdtolot: 13, Wlillim rolller: 14 Pairire; 
19. **A Trip to ChloBiowD." 2JL Watfon Bl len* flpeclalty 
Co : SJ. n. "FiDOlReo'a n«li" WalkerWhUoiMla leo- 
htred before the otwIeniNorihala itDe Hiaio KornMl 

Ediool arteipnoa of &. dIaoDMinc mani or tiie Toaitiroa 

or Ilia proieAloD Chaa W. Williama, fonmrly local 

eorr**pundoDt ol TitH ruppBH. and veU aaown to m&or 

raroiberaorthotboatrlcel |tror^i>inn. la rlowirrecoTer> 
lOft from a loBgawl atrero ipell of alekntaa 

KTanevillo.e-AtUio Qraod "Tbe Sldo.Sbow" 
>ee e allmi hooae Mor.3 'Tho PcrU'a Auoilon*' gare 
tvopotrorniao(«H.9to cood biialmfa il-v«k«d: * Mr 
ItaiDOB ol Nf* Yora." wiUi Emma niRl II. \ri|ilf CnlHcr 
11. '-Ledy WlodOTioore'a Fna" m. Blodoff 21, -'MiJ '^l 

At Ihe respla'a BarnoT Kerauaop, la "Dufflr'a 

Blurdera,'* bunit otil tboR ItO.iici e«rlr4 ComlDB: 
Patrice. Id "TI10 Rid," 11, '-tlm Fuc UelP 1^ ' Tbo PiiUo 

nf Nov Yoik" » Dan Ueroo, Adi nanlonr. eaa 

Sim aatdDor, ol ■*noiry'a R*uDdf ro" Co , were Ufi a^ » 
Looms oelnKtotltODeiligiMieeortbeliOlololarit Tbor 
BO'ocompollHlIn hire e apoolal irain lo Keiihtu to 
LTADRrlHo Th*j laic BL Lonia ati3UP. u aod oiada 
ibeitiatoKTaDavltlo ndlawnrooi lOlmllea, iDallilla 
OTorloarbuunLinoindlBg alopa 

MbvI>»ii.— Pairlco, In 'Ttio KUI." captlvaied k 

laroo RudlonoM Nor. 5. Tbe Jea H. Watte CujoJr Co 
held UieboenlaSead ««ok. aoU plajod loimDieflre bii»t. 
now. «>imlpc;: JneOti. lo "Tho Blar Uir-r." U; "The 
Bp>voloa tn Kalrrlaod'* 14 l&. Lickooa'a^lDcoK" I7. 


JUeinplkU.».Vt tbo Onod Opera llnuse "la Old 
Koniueky" waa modoie'oly rairoit zod Nor. 9-7. Thi 
boure ramalDod dark 6 *-Yon Yodrob" ted (air patron- 
aiie 1-1. "TonooaMo'a Pardoor" wai to Uto come 12-1 1 
butmoeeM.aod ihahouaewiilbo <*ark. Due: "rioidcr 
end Fit" lO-ir, "1491 ' 19-21. Ktllo BIUIor2M|. 

ArtHTORica.- Manavor MahooM baa rrcuired ao notl< 
floulim irnmenr of Uio oompaniaa booked roribaneit 
two vaaka aiatloi; tbai ihey wou'4 rotne to thia bouae. 

NaelivllU.— At tbe Tttnlre Vendome Oiu 
UaoBO. to -*Von Vooran," wa^ tha bill Nov. 0-7 end diew 
oolyamall croad«. ■ lo Old Kfolaay"came 8-10 and 
hadaodltnceaol r«lriir«porUoDr Cunilni;: lla>o'ar Frr 
floron. In ■ Dudr'a hlaoJare" 13, U; Bob Tartor IL 
•(li.til«ra«dFir^l».2l. "wria.o ^ 

QOAMi OrxMA ItorftJ.— ' Letir Wiodrmero'a Kan" 
iriapreaaBtod 6-7 toe-idloncoa orralrpr>noitinBa loot 
Ueea>k*rwaB billed lnre-ii', bnt eaocoitd. "The UmII'i 
Auction" cornea lA, '0. Archie Ito^il. In "The Cuunlrr 
B^lrt." l9-TI MraPolt^read Knlo Btllaw 22-21 ' 

Uuoula RttlldeTb aod will romeln ao anill I'j.wbea 
Fraok JoBOBopaaa lo "Oor CeontrjCou'D." 

Chaltanooga.^At Ibe New Opera Iloiue Jen. 

n.Welllck'a 'BaodllKlDt'NoT.flhailapoorboua*. CoL 
Colambua Manbbeak'e lector*. "Harpa of a Tdouaaad 
Rtrlnfla."S.iirevap^rhon«e. rnmiDc: <Blua JoaoR'' 

3L "Jaaa'' 31 Rlrortlow Park cooilouea to dnv 

man/ peoplr. 


U'hoplloe.— EleciloD Week ilTecled tbe boat 
neiiet ilio lonl .(h*atrrs coutlderabU'. AtlbeOprra 
llouae "Ibu Toeor or tho Preaii," Kor. \ 'a* w«d by a 
lalrhoufa Wcikar WblteaMea booked to appear ^7, 
ceoeolid ''T)ia ritetea ol Pvcruio*" wm pretMntrdbr 
liical talent K. 9, to itioil hooaea t'omion: Jtobloi9a*a 
(tpf re romreof 12-7. Tlaw'a Llrlog Pictutoa 19. C*. 
uiDo D'ArTllio Opore Co. 31. 

OR«.to— N. In. Wood, lo **Th* Orpbaoaol Now York.' 
aad JnliniirlOlb.ln"Fauat," rtltlJod we*kor S-ia both 
to reir bn»lB»a«. Hoohvd: 'Tbe Rorclar" IM4 '-"^ 
Pn«ffroraold*MS-ir.iriiieph J. Dowllaa IMI. 

KoTia— MiraCollipaorthla cl r la doing tba leailiOB 
aoitbraito work with Metka Kroihar*' Dramailc CodT 
poor, icnriDB CoDida Tba rocoUr aemtmoDlhlr 

•Sl^AS'o'.ti'^'i?'"'"' *" 

XnTiTlile It AUuU, Ol., It 17. SlnDlngbuD, All., in 
MlDia:0 norldin, Uua.,ai, Jicklon 2% VlekibuicS, 

^'DMK«r 1 of a QraitCttT"— Clnolnoatl, O., Nor. ll-l*. 
'Danlor," No. 1.— Fort wonb. Tex , Not. II. Texail an v 

\i. Hot Hrtlngl, Alk., Id, LItUe Reek 17, Utm hli. 

Torn. IC-ll. 

Ii.rkutllnnla"— IinluCll7,llOnKor. 11-17, EL lonli 

■Dintxr," Ko. 2— DlUla Creek, Mich., KoT. II, ffaUoj:* 

uw It. Beolon Harbor IS, Eliln, 111^17. 
'Dorbr >lBanl"-Brldnport Uc . Not. It, 17, 
'l)«rby Winner"— Colnnbui, 0., Not. IJ, Dirtoo If. 

Ohieags. IIL, IS.M 

'Down la Dlile"— Kaoknk, la., Kot. U, Chicago, IIL, 

'lioTil'a Auclloo"-C*<ro, III , Nor. II, NaabTllla, Iran., 
I^ IC, Lima Rock, At*.. IS. 20, UoC Hptlnia 21, Tliar. 
kan«,ToK^2^ Trier 33. CoHcaoa II. 

Iji li'er'a. Ellli-San Antonio. Tai.. Mor. II, Anitln IS, 
-J ForlWonb It, Dlllii 17. Taiarkaaa IB, Hot BptiBBlL 
Ark., It, Pine BluffO, LltUt Hoek 11, Hampbia Tiio., 

Emmau'a, KaMa-San Jo'e, Cat. Kot. It, Blnokton li 
Sicramenlo 17, Oldan, U , IP. Bait 1 ake 1:117 ^ Q'led 
Jonitlon, CoL, SI, Arpen 12, LaadTllla 23, Colorado 

Rarle'R. Onltam-Uartioinlla l^d., Kot. 11-17. 
Emmit'a, J. E.— CbicaBO, IIL, Kot. IM7. Bnrlinglon, Ii., 

Eva Taninar Comadr— Lockport, N. T., Kot. 12-17, Brock. 

non IMl. Fulton 21 21 
* Eiilgn"- Riaiiuond, Va^ Not. II, IS, Liochborg li 

DaBTllta 17. Ohirlutnn. P. 0., 19, 20^ SlTanoab, Ol., 21, 

SI JickHinilll', Fli.. 2\ 21 
"Klgbt HtlU "-Troolon. .\. J , Not. 29. 
"KnalnMr"-Ipaslcb. Ma>a, Not. K ConcnrK, K. IT., 1>, 

litwrtpca. Mill It. 17. Oaidnar 19. Alhol O, AmbtiM 

21. .Sonhamnion 21; llolruki Z), PitliOeld 11. 
"hdgiwood Folia," lloiwooil'a— Anitln, Tax., hor. II, 

TarlorlSL Tample IC »ai«l7. 
"EnMnlii Cor Liri"-ralar'OD. N. J.. Not. 11. Timviui, 

I'a . IS. Khonanduh IC, AlhlanJ 17, Ml, Carmol IS, Law- 

l.barg 20. ^ 

Iji.riau*., Tony-Ualraaloa Tax., Not. 17. Anitln 3. 
' rerrti' noii.«llia— I'baTliiloo. Mo.. Not. 14. 
Froat A Paniliawii'a-Coluoibna Urora. O., Not. II. IS. 
F,<wl<r i. Jack-KnraTllla, la.Kor. ls-i;.Oikalooult-!l. 
"FrlMidi"-norllnalos. la., lot. U, Dm Molota IS, Mai. 

iltilltowD ii;. Prarli III.. 31. , 
"Fail Hill." NoiUioio- JnokKD. Tan., No'. It. MivCeld, 
Kr, IS, Plduali li OwMii>oro 17, KT.naTlll^ Ind, M. 
"Fa't MOL'-Xoiilbora— Denfar.CiiL, Not. 11-17, nirO<a 

Ci:t, Km'., 19. Dndia iMtr 21, Larned 21, Oiaat Baid 21, 

" iMn — — 

DaimakI'I lla»eSA*J t*t ^'pw .1 

Not.' 12-17, rhlUdil- 

Morliiitoo 33, ailloa 31. 
'Fablo RoiniDj^'- Itirllord. Cl, Not. 17. 

Fanlainia"- Wubtogfon, D. 0., i 
rlili, ri, 1!<.3I 

'Fault" klorll.on'a Kutam— Baltl 

. _ .BalUmoia Md , Not 11-';. 

"IWI" lI'ci'a-FroTloanca BI.,Not.12-17, Barlam,Il.^., 

"1191" Flaw A Kriingar'a-Niw Oilaua, La., Spr. 
1117, Hempbia, Taon.*l>.3l, Naakiille3X.n, ETiniiiilt, 

Ind.. 21 

"Faut" Morrlion'a. Wulani-Dowailae, Hick., "or. 

II. F.!khari, Ind , It Bloomlnglon, 111 , II, Alloa It, 

Kuiai Cllr. Mo., lt-21. _ , 

"Fu<l."niinllh'a-Parkir«bunr W.Va. Knr, H, 01iirli«- 

Ion IS. llqollPadon IS, AJ blind, Ky, 17, Ironton, 0 ,10, 

HLRItrllag. Kr..ll. 
"rieatgiB'i Ba'I'-IIL Lonli. Mo., Not. 11-17, F.u< »• 

l-oiK III., 1.% BpriniO.ld 19. Pakin U, ChunpalpU, 

Iiiiaiaiir. Ind . 31, Tone Fiutals-ii.: 
"PIlS of Trora' -IIobokiD, H. J. , Kor. 19-21. 

Giannin LllipnUui-llolKken, H. J„Nor. Il-I„ wlll- 
r lamiborg, N V., 19-H. „ . _. ,. n 

Clllilla'l, U'm — RtlJgoBort, OL, Kor. K, Ifinfoid It, IC. 

I'liub-jra. Pa., III4I 
aailor'ibobbt-UKalnr. Ill, Kor. II. raorlalt,airulor 

IS. Jolla: 17, Kiniu Cllr. Mo., IS M 
Orlodali (;omadr— LbnaBitrlogi, Ii. Kor. 11-17. 
Rnrl. A,1a-Bo»lon. .Mul. «oi. 10-11. ■ „ _ .~ . 
"iliil I UltBablnd Ma," .No. I-Bnoklys, N. r.,:>oT 


"Ulil I Ufl Rahlad Ha." Kn. 2-Ahnn, O , Nov. M. 
"Oalilr <llrl"- K. V. Cllr Not. IS-ll. „ „ 

"OrMt nrodblpn llindioap"— Waablogton, D, C« Mr, 

"Oirl a Wa7"-rilnlon, 111, Kot. II, Cedar RapMi W 

niurloK It. Bloni CUT 17. 
Tlurlcio'i. Kdwaid-I'biladi 
Al tor Cllr .V. J., 19-21. 

elpbla,Fa., Not. 12-17, Jar- 
, Kor. 11-ir. 

Ulllmin'i. Manda — Portaunoatb, K. 

Mtoctton Man . IML 
llauon'a, Badla-Roobu'or, N. T., Not. l*-lr. . „ ^„ 
Ua'lin A Uan'a-BUumor,, Md , Mot. I(-I7, N. ^. Citr 

llrdi'sComidr, Ko l— Miehanleibnri. Ind., 
Hilpbnr Spring, IM', Uoaar D-H. 

lloldan romedr-LoDdoo, Oat,, VoT.IS-ir. .... 

lloor'a Wm.-^erMrCily, N i., Kot. 11-17, rblladalpbil. 
Pa. IMl 

ll.mltioo'. Ideal Ttaatia— Raulnglou, led.. Nor. 17-1:. 

Wiaaioae 19.31 ^ , 

O.siMMT.Uropla-reriT. Okl. Tor.. Not. II, Oil ' B 

ISIT, okUboml Cllr l^-il. Cl Rmo tl-SL 
"IIolUir"-«n>lcaao IIL. N'o>. II-IT. 
"tlolTunstoa"— BnrllnglAB, la. Not Id 
"llofa dd tloaa"— Toronto, Can.. Nov. It-I7__ 
"lloir.rtj Dnrapir," Batra Frer.* Ko. l-Waynaab 'lo. 

Pa, Pot. IL ^fcim^«rabnrv IS, Baganloww, MS.. <a. 

Hitilotbnrt. W Ta^ I, FlMliickWiiig 11. vbarWatio 

U. Front HoTal 11, Ilaniionban ilk Hiaiaora, ^ a^ o, 
Lailogloa IL 




(for. iPT.Rnbarr 19, Kllioa IJ^ BUtoUau O.Eiu. 
"Sit KIKJ'* B«nio"-W«IJ;t«h. 0., knr. U. HIMtt 

?'Stm^'iVS' ' "■ 

a lb* Ntai0 or th« Cur''-D»tnl^ Uleb. Not. 
-la OM Inuctr," Ko. I— Boatoi, Hut , Not. 11 

"In OH Kuticbr," Ko. t^Ailaou, n», Kot. i< il 
Blna'^jfiun. It, MoBlfonirr, It, Hti Orltui 

■ tM« K-;'. M. RiroHiJil It. Fitch. 
O"!" It JiMlfo'o IT. TjBGtoB It. PiToiooib i I Koo Sod. 
fonTii, r«ll RiTorli, Kevoort, ft. I , ai, Woooiociti >i 
"tn>h Ai>Ut"-niubac(, ri.,Mor. U-l7, UulSm. K. 
V- It-'i 

TunoX Mulo-N. T. CUT H,.T. it.i;~ 

O<lW0'>. Ji>Hph-l>li|lollIpbU, P», Not. IJ-17, 

WauilDvtoD, D. n., 10.11. 
"JuM," Nn. I-W. T. C1I7 Hot. 1>-I7. 
"Ju»" Mo. I-AlbDtt, a>, NoT.II,>ltCIuUuoon, 


"Juk *nl JlirWofotMn. Toi , Hot. II, MinbbU U. 
"jMlia>illini>tlDi"-Bi<ldelonl, Ho , Kor. IL 

RHao'>, IboE W.— D»Dt»> Col., Not. It-ir. Colorado 
RpilDM It, Pueblo Bl, Hilt LUo Cl'r, U , J> >' 
KoodtVi, «r- "d HiK-Ponhod, or«. KoTn».l\H< 
aulo. Tlruh., It. IT, Ta -omt 19, RtU Ube cut. U . s-II 
K«oood» « PUjor'-Woppinmr riUt, H. V., Hot.1». Ut. 

dunleSTlUo 15.'7. Bou^ertioo I&.JI. 
Kuno-o,J.K.-DoT<r, N. U., Not, IMr, Uwoll, Hut, 

KooDodl'A Lllllvi-FblluUlnbl* Pa, Not. 1117. 
Kloilo'a. Hirlo— CieaooftU, 0 .Her. Jl-if. 
K«BDOd>*K,J. ffaltor— BradrorO, Pa, Nut. 11. OUla. N. 

Y., ILUlBiia It, Pana Yu IT, BodiKvor I'J-ll, 
"KilV-Toria Ilanla, Ia,l., Hot. U. Mallooa, lU., It, 

<*banpalpi It. Burlioalon, la. It. 
"KllUrnoy and Uio Bhlaa"— TltunriUo. Pa. Not. U. Bat. 

UrIt.HowcatUoir, MaulUoo, 0., I9L Aihlud ID, Oil- 


Lieauia Tbaatra, rrobmu'a-nirleni, N. V., Not. U-I7, 
N. Y. Clir n ladalaiti. 
Lovit*, Mr. and Mn. Arthor-CIOTOlaaH, 0-Nqt. 12-17. 
Loilor V lllaBl»-Oldelllar(, N. Y , .Vot. I|.|7, Water, 
town It'll. ' 

laiobort A Laou'— Lylo, Mian., Not. II, Bloomlas 
Pialrie IL 

Ljcaaji Hioatra. Bfora A O'asiov'f-Broctoo, K. Y.. 

TIOT. II, Nirtb Eut, Pa., n-17. 
LlodlaT'a. Uarrr-Ualllki, N. A, Not. n, Inlatalle. 
Mrion'i. aeo. w.-ii|du, N. Y , Nor l>-ir. Boeibpon, 

Pa, It, Kaoa JO, ai, Ti'tcoa:e ai-3l. Ualna Cltr 
Luitlfj'a. Hra.— UaiUord, Ut, Nor. ti, iipnogloM, 

Haea, la, Taunton 17. 
LjeoiMB Tbaatn, dbarpIe/'a-Tablagaab, I. T., Not. 

"Loit Pandlae"— Plttebars Pa , Not. 13-17. 

"Llaillad Vatl"— JohoKtovo, Pa, Nor. 11, Oroeoibtirc 

> und 01 iba Midalibl Huo''-9^ rauL UIoii.,Not. 11-17. 
'■LIMrlf Hall'*— Boitoa. Mau., Hot lil7. 

• Ltod o( the LlTlea'*— tfaa Praodwi, CtU Hot. 12-17. 

* LoniB NevJork>'-.Cbiea«o, Ilt,NoT. \PU. 

"Lira Uaatd"-Cii]ombai, 0., Not. It-tl, Wbaallac, \r. 
va , ai-ai, 

"Uulo Obrlalopbar Colanbai"-N. Y. Clly Not. 11 Io 

■'UuleTrlila"— DeBaoeaO., Not l(,Bo>ll»Oraan It 
Jaekioo u, lYelluoB al, Neir bliilltTlUa <t, Nelioa-, 
rllla U 

"Loot Io Ef rpl"— Naw UtTas, Ct. Not. M, BrMnport 
IL WillloitaUo It. Fall IIITar, Uin, 17, New Bodroid 
19, Mlvlclloboro an Taaatoo. UaM,ai, Booth PrtmlaR. 
baoial, UomlBuerZS, Fluhburvi4. 

"Udr WiBderiD«rB*a Fan"— Cariioodalo, 111, Not. m, 
HeinpoUa it. BraotTllle, fad , II. Viaeaonu 17. 

'LllUe eoeoBlalor'— .SortbA4aiDi,M*iia. Not. ILOoa. 
oala.N. r., l<,l>>lTr, Pa, IP, TiUlilile 11.011 Vltr 11, 
KriBkliaalBhupiTllielS, Yoaogiuwo, o . 3L 

"Llbaru HalP'-Usoll Hau., Not. h. 

fLfBtlowe'a,Jalla-Ublnio,Iil.,KoT.l2.Dao 8. 

MeCtnbrMlaii-BiaBUoid.CaB., Not. It, Uimll- 
ton 14-17 

Uiirpbt'a. TIm-SI. Loali, Mo , Mot. ItJl. 

■uuA'a. U. B.-B*. Louie, Ho., Not. ll-lr, Cbleaio, lil., 

HauileM'a Ricbtrd-Lrnn, Hata, Not. It, Lowell 17, 

BoitOQ 19, iBitenolta 
Uaokle'e. Jaa. a -OlnclBoali, O., Not. 11-17. 
HelTlua <;oajedlaBe-!loalb BeBd, In].. Nor. II-IL 
Hollie EllllBibock Corned;— Naamaibel N. U., Not. H, 

BpplOB 19, HalmOB Kalla la, NorUi Boralok, H>., 17, 

Kocblaod It. Cuodoo ag Vmal llaTaa 31, Bmuwlcb 

la, nardoerZ}, llallofcelial. 
Mtrth ■ Heloit Plaaera-RudlTllle, N. C, Not. IM7, 

OraeaaMro ll-ll. 
HorpbT'a.Joa«pb-Plttabnr(, Pa, Kot. U-17. BuOUo, N, 

Y„ IML Uleralud. O., a'-ii. 
Horrla', Felli— AUblaoB. Kan., Not. II, KaBiaa CltrlS- 

17, s: Josapb, Uo., ID, Qjtner, HI.. aOL ilaBBibal, Ho., 

II, BjrloiBe'd. Ill , It, hranaalllo, loil., 21 
HKWdj'a Plarara-llaadlnB, Pa, Nor. 11-17, Ctrliale 

Her Vokei' Come-lj-Bedtlla, Ho, Nor, 11-17, Ollnloa 

' it-ai. 

"Am SiBi aaoe"— Pbiladolpbla, Pa , Not. ia.l7, BtItU 

more, Bd , 19-if 
•'Mr. Bamae ol Naw Yoib"— Sea Holoee, fa.. Not. I9l 

Charloeion.B 0,ij,ai. 
"Mr l■anaar"-Bll«ate^ IVIa^ Nor 12-17, Datroll, 

Mloh ,,Ton>nio, (.-an , H-21 
"iloFaddoB'a BlopainODi*'— SsiaoBae, N. V., Sot, II. 

Rochaner 19-17. Uulfalo 19-IL 
"Mob and Woineo"— Kblladelpbla, Pa, Nor ia.l7. 
"Milk Ahlta Vlaf'-V. Y Uitr Nor. U: ladetollo. 
"Mr Vlle'a Uuaband '-llilIadelpblaTPa, Nor it-;i. 
Vetbenolo'a Ulca-Pblladolpbia, Pa.. Aot. la-Uec 1. 
-^^ Noat' JolllUae-WllmLoiiroB, N. Nor. 11 Manon, 

B.O., It, Florooaa 16, Uiriiae*oa l7,Baaitar l9..Cani. 

deo 30^ f'olumeia ai, Cbaaiar D, Baiiaburr, H.caa 


Neuvllle'e, Hma tod Aur-L^ Uaren, Pa , Not, II, 
Moacoanrllle 15, MuoojIO, Suiibor/ 17, Tanaqaa 19 
Kraalaad lu. Pltuton 31, Laoalutd 3U, Elieoaidwab 21 
tbtaiohla 31, 

"Now Uu;"-N Y. ritj Nor. im. 

".'ow Boatb"— Ulica, N. Y., Nor. 16, Blntbanlon 17. 
Wllkaibarrr, Pa , 9). Baadioi al. 

"New Bnr" (ru4d)-t'oaoeli Blull^ la , Nor l(,SaB Frmq. 
data, Cal, lO-Daa I. 

"Nonimea '-Uuca, N. Y., Nor II. 

O'Nalll'a. Jamaa-Boaton, Main., Kor. 11.17. 
o,!arl-a-Bi7ao. O., Nor. ll. 
Ult'aJoiepb-UiaBdBaMaMicli., Nor. IC, 17, Ullaui. 

bta Wla , 18-11. 
."Ohl Jed Ptoulr"— TanoloB, Htl*., Nor. 14. 
'Uid Uoueauad." Thompaua'a— waieibarr, 01., Nor. U 
Heil'tu u. New llaroB 10. 17. 
"Oar Klal '^jnouao. H. Y., Nor. K. 
"Oa tBo Mlulaalppf'-Newaih, N. J., Kor. 12-17, Alloona, 

"UJU Fanner □opklBa"— Foatli Obariealon, 0 , Nor. 11 
"On Uie Bonery'*-ChieaBO, lu, Nor. U-17, Oraoil 

Kapula Mlch,lU. 31. 
"Our Uoole DujIot"— Olerelaod, O , Kor If. 
"Ob, Woat a Nisbi !"— Kaoaaa Utl/, ilo , Nor. 11-17, 
"on the Bar li '-Boatno. Maea, Nor. 11-17, Srrawie, N, 

T., IV-Il Bullalo U-ai. 

Punier e, A. SI., Btock-N. V. CitT Nor. 11 loriallalu. 
Pal loa'e, Coraa— MoaealiBo, la, Kor. It 17, HookfonI, 
Id, it.2L 

Paiti Roaa-Coaocll BlolTa, la, Kor. 19. 

I'ultor llflllcw-CUiURO, I'l., hor, U-17, LoallrlUo, Sr., 

IMl, Naabrllla, Teuo , a.>-ll. 
"Pulldo lo^peclur"— Oelr.iit, MIeh , Nor. 11-17. 
"Prodlael »atber"— Milaauieo, Wia.. Nor. ia.|7. 
"IViw^uiBboir '-N. Y.Ully Nor, 1>-I7, PBiledaliibla, Fa, 


■'Pa4|>on"— OuavA. Oan , Nor. 14. 

"l'.>lloa Patrol '-Bulfalo, N. Y., Nov. 12-17. 

"Pr ace Pro Tem"— Hualoo, Haia. Nor. la, iBdeOolte, 

"■■a>o Ticket llil"-\ra>biBctoD, u. il.. Nor. I:-17. 

"P,iw«r ,1 Uuld' — Bailairo, u , Nor, 14 ffbaaliai, W, Va, 

19-17 N. Y. UK 19-31. 
"Pulao "I Now York"-l'lluburf , Pa., Nor. 12-17, Indiana. 

polio. lod , 19-31. 
"Proillilal Oaualitar"-Philadolp>i'u Pa, Nor. l2-!7. 
"Peck a Hid tl,JT," Eaitara— Ureaarllle, M,ob., Nor. II, 

llowtrl it, 81. Loult It, ML Plaaatot 17, UldlaBd 


1>ua>f ll'a, Sol SolUi-ClnciBaali.n , Nor. 12-17. 

'■^ Kun>oB't, Uoo. F— AicbloaU, Pa, Nor, II, Peek- 

TiUe 19, lilypbaot It, ecraotoo 19, lO. 
Robaoa'a Htuart-IodiaBapolla, lad , Nov. ILColBoboa, 

0., 19-17, Chloaiio, la, ID-Oea 1. 
Reian'a, Ada-Cbieago, 111- Nor. 11-17. 
Kiol'is IIOLaod-Oaioaio, 111 , Nor. |2.|7, PlUaburf, Pa., 

Rnoiile'e, KU'tj-EaaloD, Pa^, Nor. 13-17, Hauch Cbusk 

R,iaiol<k', E-I. and Lala-Bolloia, M, Y„ Nor. It, Read. 

lor, I'A, It. T)r«oe 17. 
Hedmood Oramatlo-Sprlos VaUey, Hloa., Mor, 12-17, 

L'baiteld .v-lL 
lUoaar cooirdr— Martioabara, W. 7a., Kor. If, Hanlaoa* 

barji, Va . 19. dtauotoo le^ Cliltoa ForBa 17. Mancbaatar 

31 re arabursas. LTOclibarn ai. 
hh«a'e-Hl, Calborloee, Can., Nor. It, Toronto 19-17, 

Montreal 19-11. 
"Ron on tha Bank"— Olerelaod, 0., Nor. 19-17, DetnIL 

Hiob., 19-11. 

"Roaedolo"— Naw Bedlord, Hut , Nor. II, Ml BIrtr U, 
Newport, B. L, IC Woonwaet 17, N. Y. Ultr it-Des. 1. 

"noabiJit>"-Loultrille, Br., not. 1M7, Piiuban, Pt, 

"HtiUot'l Tleket"— Cbloaio, 111 , Kor. IM7, Hllwinkea, 

SuhVinvi,' 'i^ U'-N. Y. Cltr Nor. It-lr, BolUo, Hata, 1>- 
Deo. 1. 

Stlnnai'a, nila-aalraalao, Tel., .Vor. ll, Braabam 19 Ben 
.\ntogio It, ir, A01IIL19, Waco 31, PonWoiUi U,l>illaa 

Balriura, Alei— Baalllt, Waib., Kor, 14, lI,Taooiiit It, 

17. Portland, Ore., 19-31 
BLCir Tliaauo-Shell Hack, la .Nor. li Uanplon IVI7. 
SlraiThK. E— NtwbaiTpon,lltaa.,Nor, 13.17, Nanbua, 

N. H., It-I4. 
Hpiano't,K>la-BaanUn, Pa, Nor. 13-17. 
HdlliTan'a John L.— Akron, O., Kor. 14, MatllHoo 1^ A|. 

Iiaoea It, Caaun 17, KiaubeorlUa 19, Bdlaira au, Lan. 

caater 31. iNilnoibu 31*11. 

Bulonl'a, tTtllar, Btock— Broohlrn, H. \„ Nor. 11-17, 

Wllllamibuiw IMl , ., 

Stwaid'B, Mlault-Urtenwlcb, N. Y, Nor. 13-17, liion 


Kultitl>inied7-Laatln|, Hieb.,Mor. 11-17. 

S>wialla DramaUe-BaUowePalle, V^ Hot, 11-17, Cetae, 

.V.U., 19-31 

STanwood Oramalle-Lllchleld, III , Nor. 11-17. 
"Bpldar and Plr," Weauro -Lil'la Rock, Ark , NOT. 14, 

Manphia Ttnn , 19-17, Mathillle IMI. „ ^ 

"Kloit Aoraa" Mi. l-.<ia«ark. H. J., .Nor. U-17, Biook- 

Ira H.Y , It-Dec I. 
"K lit AUrm"-4;bleaa(>, III., Nor. IM7. 
"Koao or Llle'i— Urooalro, N. Y., Nor. 11-17, Paleitoa, N. 

J , 1)11, BiiiabaUi n 
"Hi,eo<ndo«h"— N V. ritr Kor. Ir-DK- 1. 
'Side Tracked," JulaWataia'-Ianla, Mich, Ni,r. II, RL 

Johae a, Owoaeo It, Filet IT, Pootlae i9. Jacktoo 2J, 

Kalustaooti, Rtula C-eek O, Botlb Band, Ind, 31 
Kbe"— Oartoo, O , Nor. 1*. 

<bon AoTW,-' No. I-Boebetur, N. Y , MoT, II, 6;ra 
coee 1>- 7. 

"aiaretclOoM"-cltTtlaad, C, Her. U-IT, ClaclnaU 

"Vt'S?!*.*'* *''"''" '-•""^ lla», Bo*. H la- 

ISI'lf "i- •.'t"""'*. ij »<"■ 't-ll 
'V' Planha>d"-Plqaa, O.Hor. 14 Xenia U, Un1os!r. 
u'MXf "if""""!* 'tJlndierillaBl, OwroUloa «, 
Haaall on 12, ivootter 31 llanaaeld 31 

Philadelphia, Pa, Kor. It-lr. 
nv. Pa., Hot. 14, 1), Lata 

Laaoatltr K, 

■nuiaj IT. 

•'{•'L"»'"''"»-"»ridlan llla«, Mor. ll.Salraa, 
, It. HoaliomaiT lit Bltmlngham 17, Rono. Oa , 
owmts aTMaooa 31, Aaiatla U, Columbia, B. c , 


"fiowaoar' — Baadlnv, 

A. lenioaa 17, Philadelphia l»-14. 
"8op»iba"-PliilailHpHa, Pa. Nor, IB.-;. 

PKr"ili° "~ ' 
T-'Ef'j Carrie-N. T. nir Nor. llladalBl e 

19 If* "f"'"*"-'*"'™"*' >lo,NOT. 12-17, Allot, IIT, 
TIMeo-fiaela romedr-RouhoD, Tail.. Nor. in;. 
■Trtp, <*. "t;""*!." "t- l-HoUrllia. Kj.. Nor. 14. 
, lodlaatnalla laurU-17 flblcaao HI , m.oio I ^ 
"Trip to Oblnaloao," No B-Joll.l III , Nor. It Ranka- 

kao t, Larareua IB, naarllla 17. Terra naula. lid , 19, 

a'vj'eifSi'iiS/fi'""^ •'«»»"'"• ». <!•'•« 
"Tap NIgbIa In a Bar Rooo'-Da Be I ^ Pa. Hitr. Ill 

Ponianuraer II, ilaefaga II PbUllpoburB 1), lloutE 

dola n, Tiroooll.JobD>tnwD 11 
"roiaaSMF'-Buff^lo. N. Y , Nor. IJ-lf. 
"ruttUb aath--4jaatUe. Wa^b , Hot IMI,TBto«iaIl-:4. 
"Trailer B;('em"-wlloln|IOD, Del, Nor. It, 1T,P11I«- 

oer^ ra, ip-ll 

T.V^i: "'"tbem-Brnogteld, 0 , Nor. II, I'lbina 
It, FioQlar 19. 
"Tomedr ■• * 
Ala . r 

19i NoL 


jiTeTpalTM?"""''' "'"*^♦'• 
'TMnaeaoe'o Pardnep'— Uempbia, Tetn. Nov. 14. Oil. 

vanoo, Tri., Zlll 
"Z" -Broolirn, M. T., Mor. It-IT, Wiriaml- 

burn 19-31, 

" iiawrer"-Ran Praaolaco, Cal . Kor. 19-14. 
"^l"„!'!1,''"''"'.'r-"""*l'»'> If ■ Fiabklll 
l<Wleuiwo 11, Port Jarrle 17, llonewlala. Pa , 19, 

ArcliSald n Beraotoo 31. 33, Wllkoabana 11-11 
■Tie ailheolra Abroad"— Cauandalgua. N T., Njr. 11 

Banata Palli U, Medina It, BalarialT, NUfira FalU 

It Leckportll Duoblrk 11 
<i|Tivlrr lha Llon'e Ptw"— Varlbom, Han, Kor. II 

'-' Naabua N. II., I\ Barerhlll, Hau , li, 17, Uw- 

nnoe 19, OotoonI, N. □., », Hancbeater 31, Porltmoalh 

u; Blddo(oid,Me.,ll 
"Uocle Tom'a Cablu," Darle*. Raatem — PiUaleld, 

Haaa, Nor, II, Dedbam It, Cbloepoa Falla IT.Nonb 

Adama. 19. 

"Uoole T^m'e Cablo," Darli*, Va^m-HHrlt. TPIa, 
Not 11, La Crntw 17, Winona, HInn , 19, Chippewa 

iryaUraa DelacllTt"-Olaclontll, 0 , Kor. 19-11 

WalBwrlihrr, Utrio-RodiaeUr, N. Y, Nor. I>.|;, 
PItiaburw, Pa, 19-11. 
Warner Cooarti— Anulu, Mine., Nor. 13-17. 
Whitaalde'N Wtlkor— troibof'ton,O..Nii* 19, Canal Dorer 
11. IT. Mt Vernon 19 Boorroa O, Upper Banduakr 11, 
Walla Ooaiedr, Eaaiera— WalUiam, Matt, Nor. 11-17, 

Walu Comadr, Waiten-Prukrort, lad.. Mot. lt-'7, 

RlciiiBOQd 19-14 
Warne*t,Mr.aa(lMn.— Sottb Beod, Ind , 12-17, Etbbart 


Wiiilioia', Ooa-Rlngbamton. N. T., Nor. 16. 

Wall'a, Howard, fdaala-Irwla, Pa., Nor. ll Jobaitown 

19-17, Almoaa 19.31 
WardeJamea-MonlgDoiarr, Ala, Mot. 11 Paoiaeola, 
_P1» , It, Moblla, AU .16, IT, K«» Orleana. la., im 
Walllek'aJ. D.-New Oileana, La., Nor. 11-17. 
Wood'B. It, B,— CaotOB, 0., Nor. 31. 
WarraB'a Bnma— Prlara PolBt, MIis., Nor. Il-i;, Port 

WaUerd 1 Sherldan'a-gprlntleM. Ill, Nor. II-1IL 
"Wor'd AtalBU Her"— Pautraon N.J, Nor. 31-21 
"Wbllo^ondlOB"-N. Y. Clip Nor. 13-17, rbllailel|ibla, 

"Wild RoM'"-<lcrtBtOB. Pa., Nor. II, Aroca, N. Y., It. HL 

UoiTia 17. Rodiealer 19-11 
"Wife for Wlle"-WtBhlBtion,D.C.. Mot. It-tl 

¥0000*1 Jafliaa— Colombia. R. C, Nnr. 14. I& 
■-Yoo YoBWB' -flpiloidald, O.. Nor. II. Akron 17. 
"YooBg Bra. WlBtbrop"— Pveraon, N J., Nor. 17. 


BoeloniBB Ooera— Waehloglco, D. C , Nor. 13.17. .v. T. 

CarletonOpora-Albeor. N. Y,, Nov. li, Hjracaea IB, 16, 
CorlBoa-MoBtreairan.. Nor. 11-17, TomBia 19-11 
Camilla D'Arrllle Opera- Rreoklrn. N V., Nor. 11-17, 
Francb Opoia-Hootraal, t;aB., Nor It, ladallBlla. 
ProBch Opora— New Orleaoa La.. Nor 11, iBdo3Blta 
"PaaolBt Mt1ar"-Tnir,N. Y.. Nor. 17 
Oopoera Da Woir-,V.Y. clip Nor. 13-17, Chleico, III., 

lI>-Deo. 1. 

Ball a, PaBllne-SL Paal, Hiaa, Mor. 19-17, Bt JoHpb, 

■o-SlBurllogtoe. Ia,3l. 
"JaolBu''-rhilado>pbla, Pa.Nor 13-14. 
"Little Trooper' — niuburg. Pa , Kor. 11-17, Pbtladelpbia 

HaRAo' Fainllr CoiMart— Caetra Bamaetaa4, N. H , Hot, 
la, MlUon It, Bhaplelfh, Ha. It, KawBeld 17. Llolegtou 
IB North Windham 10, Bolater HlUa 31, Hanlaon ll 
Osfbrd Zl, Taroor H 
NaahTilie RtadAota-Fort Kiobrara, Neb.. K,>t. II Keligh 

IS, KtaoBtoB 19, Weal Point 31, Arllogton 11 
"Prlncaia Roooloi'-BcraBloB, Pa., Nor. 14, Raadlng 17, 
"i^'jaen ol Brllllanu"- N V. Cltr Nor. ia,lBdeaelu. 
"Hob Rot"-N. Y. Cltr Nor. 13 Indalolle 
"Robin Hool" Opera— Pa'ereoo, N J. Nor. II Orange 

13 Ellubeth It, IT, PlaiBBakl 1%, Had Baak 30. 
Bchobert Brmphoar Cub-Oraenaboio, N. 0., Nor. 17, 
Ballabiry U, Btaiatrllle tD, lllokorr 31 Charloue Zl 
Bpartaoebonr 16 
Souaa'a Raad-Ponclikeepile, N. Y , Kor. I«. Woroeetar, 
Mtaa , 17, BotlonU. Balom 19, Lawreoee si Biolar, N. 
H., 31 Lawla'oa Ha , n Bookland 3:1, Portland ai 
Beahrooka'a Thoa. 12 — NewOrleau, La., Nur. 11-. 7, Oal. 

TeatoB, Tei , 19. 39, Anitln 72. 
Tartrr Op^ra— Clilcaga, T" 

imvmtg v| ■ ,■ i,,,,««iiv. III, Nor, lS-!7. 

Wllaon'a. Kranaia— Boa'oo, Haaa. Nor. 13 Indefinlla. 
Wilbur Opara-ClnclBBaU, 0 , Nor. 11-17, Otrion 1911 
Wyeodeua nooo^rt-c Ulatin, Ho., Hot. 14, UolotTllta 
1^ Memphia 17 Vanhill 19, Hoberlr tJ; Palmjra 31, 
LoBlaltnalt. HowllogOnenSl 
"WaBB>-Torb. Pa, Nnr. 11 Wllilaapoi(ll,Wllkaabarra 
It, Heiantao 17, BlBihtBilon. N V , i9,lliiniellaTllle3Di 
tk,ralagal E nilna. IHiicaU Aabom31 
WlltuhCoaceit-Sriacoia. N. T , ,Nor. II, 

Aaalla'a Oigaotaaaa— BlogbamtOB, N. Y., Nor. 13-17, 
Colllaa', Louie-N. Y. i^llp Nor. 11-17. 
CitrBporta-nblcaio, III, Nor. li lr. 
nraol'a. Jaek-e-Baaleaw, MIob.. Nor. 11-17. 
CI 7 C:ub-Fhlladalehla, Pa, Nor. 11-17, Olerelend, 0, 
It 31 

Derora'a, Sam— Plltabarf, Pa- Kor, 13-17, dBclntatl, 0, 

Dlion'i nio.— iKieliTine, Bp., Nor. 13-17. 

Par Foelrr-Wllkeebarre, Pa , Nor. 19-II. 

PleMe-, JohB r.-Bi Loola Ha, Hnr. 11-17. 

Fnooh Follr-wllka>bairo, Pa., Nor. I«, ReadlDi U-l;, 

nroo)Iro,'N. Y. 1944. 
FllialDmnBl*, Bob— Blogbanton, M. Y., Nor. II, 6m- 

<oia 19-17. 
areoier'e-PhlladalpbIa, Pa.. Nor 11-17. 
Iloaard AthaoniuiB -Newark. N. J . H'lr, 12.17 
Hsde'a f^ometliaoe-CloclBBAtl, O, Nor. 11-17, lodlaa. 

apoUa lad., 1911 
llillm ila<. NoreUlea^blea|^ III, Nov, u-17, Clara 

laBl. 0,19-14. 

Urpklea* TraoaOcaaoICi- WaahiBgton. D. U , Nor. ia-9L 
Iload'e ComallaBt-Almoote, Caa., Nur, II, la Perth 
11, 17. 

Irwio Broa.'— Proridanea, R. I., Nor. 11-17. 
XalblMO'e-llafaioood. lod . Not. II Poatlao, III., 19 Pa- 

kln ll,JackaonTlllol7,LlicbteldlO. PanaaiBaltaoB u. 
Luodoe B-lle',Rrdtlra-Hllwaokee, Wla, Mor 11-17, Cbl 

cAco, IIU Id Doe I. 
LoDdue Room— Uobokeo, N, 1 , .Vor. 13-ir, Pblladalphla. 


Ladiair rub-Treaton. N. J , Nor. 19-17, Bcbeaadadr. N. 

Y , 19, Ceoperatowo 9\ OnaonUSI, BingUdipton 3i-lL 
Ll Ir Ular-dbanr. N. T.. Kor. 13-17. 
Loadoa Oaletr Ultla-Boelon, Hau , Her. IMI. 
Maria Walleeley-OoabA, Neb., Nor. 13-1;, 
Harlr Bant er-Tror, H. Y . Nor. lt-'7. 
Miher'a. Peiar-L^aa, Mart , Nor. 14. Lowell, 19-7. 
Mar Rowaid-Waabington, D. C, Nor. 11-11, N, V. Cnj 


New York Rlar^-Indlaaapolla, led., Nor.lMI, Bl Loala, 
Uc isll 

Nlali(Uwlr-N Y. Clip N' >'. T.>-:7. Newark. N. J , 19 31 
•U d Rontb '-Pbllidalpbia, Pa. Nor. 11-17, Patenou, N. 
J., 11-21 

Koaa Illll-aUralaad. C, Nor. 1 M7. Plltaburg. Pa, l9-:a. 
HaotKBautler-Rorhoater, H v., Nov, ll Canaodaleua 

It. Uleretavllle 10, Uobou IT, Alhanr 19-11 
Haholl Hni '-N. V. Oltr Nor. 11-17. 
Belllr A: Wood'a-N. V. (Tllr Nor. U-17, Philadelphia, Pa , 


Hlca k Barton'e CoDedlua-lfarlem, H.Y, Ner ll-:7, 

PratUenoi, H I , lUI. 
rlberniaa d Morlaaer'a-BoOahi, N. Y., Nor. 11-17. 
HaatlQWA'a, Kugeoa— Clndnoau, O , hor. ];-!7, Ifrua. 

Tlllr. loJ- al. 
Seilob'a— Worcaater, Haia, Nor, 13-17. 
-tooth Berora the irar"-llobo>eu, N. J, .vor. 19-21 
Ttaeo'a— KcKeeapnri, pa., N^r. II. NawceaUa 19, louoga 

town, 0,11, But LlTArpool 17. 
Vlrleu Ue Monto-fJblcaae, 111, Nor. 13.17 
Wabar k PleU'a-Rroeklrn. N. Y , Nor. 11-17. 
WlilliiaB*. HartriOwB— fotoolo. Can , Nor. 11-17, V. V. 

Cltr iv-fi 

Villuoa'. Uirrr, Melaon-Ballaia. N. Y.. Kor. 1131 
WaiMn Biatera'-Clooioaau, O- Mor. I1-!T, Terra Uaeta, 
lad.. It 

Wi11iinia',C W.— ledlaoapolla. lad ,Nor I9.;i 
WaMwaou'e, Pr'd-VprlBBOeld, Heta- Nor, II, Haiti, 
uioie, M4., 19 11. 

Barlow Broa '— DonaldaOBTllla, La. Nor. ll Pltcioa 

miao IV Aleitadrla iC. Lata i.barlea 17, New Iberu 19, 

OnaKe.rri.iv Baauroootf). Ua'Taeioo 11. 
Boid'a-Durbao, N. fl., Mor 11, liaadaieoB il, (loldeboto 

19, Kaw Berae ill, rarettarlUa 31 OafllaBlua,B. c, a 


OalhaBA'e-Tuakalooaa, Ala , Nor, It, EbUw A Ub:ub. 

tovBll.Damepollatl, . ^ . . 
Com>tM>'a-N V. Cilr Nor 13, lodeBaila. 
CUnlTda-Mllatatlo, Wia , Nur. u, Orisd RtpMl. 

Dockatadar e— Newark, N. J., 19-31 
llamlBB'l-HallMoo,n. Y.Nor. II 
Poa'ar a Ohliner*e— WocJatocb, H. B.. Ni^r. 14. Frwlarl,^ 

tot 13, K Htfrarllle IT,Ubalbani lu.U.CtmpMlilowe 

31 71 KioiatOB S. 
Ple>l>i Al. u — AlrhtttB, Ren., Nor U Rt Joiapb.Uo., 

19. OaaHoinel, la,li;. OuuBwa ll.CaJar Baplda It 

Oksrab U, DareOFOit U, Mollaa, III , 11 Rock lalaad 

nenalnth a-Braddoak, Pa. .vor. 11. WiUloabara U 
Bauiell It, tbarpeliiig IT, Taraatom It, MtmBt a. 

"tM7 i. d.-Ba«M«M, Cml, How. U, hot Anfclu 

rrlmrntt A WHi'«-.5a T. Cltr Kor. lt-:r. Bllabtlh, 

Tn«lu4**-FrmiikllB. lod , Kot. 11. HttHion )V Aarou 
li uvfMwbDtr 17. RnihTilU IP. Coonuatviilt u. 

ZUtOD, 0., tl, WtlUtOQ n JMkM tt. 


HAtniMioaA SoOk'-HlillUA. PbiU'rlQ* IsUmU. Moris 

Hall > Fr«Db-rbkftiro nu Mnr. 1). In^rflaU* 

llarrli*. W. II — BIIaiI. Mim . Sow U. UobUo, AU a 19-lT, 

FoDBWoU. Pift. It 3). MiltoDZl, D« ruBiko Sprlbit ti. 

ChlriM Z3 (jalarrSI. 
L«PMrl«'*-U«Brl)l« 111. .Vot. 13 lodoflolU. 

M*lo-B. Vtlur I..~Onrk. «U., IL D«tnlitl(lt*.nk. 
llbTnomuTill* 14^ VtMoou ir. JaekponTill*, Pku 1!^ 
PI. Ara<tla« Z), rAlttt^ ll, auiorU il, Orlu(]o£l» 

But v3l 

v«)inB'i, Joba-Bwta K A., Nor. 11 indofloK*. 

Riaillar Broc'-VaiM i^ilr.MiM-, Not.U. ClrMOVond 

_ Ko«lD»kp 16. Waior \ tlltr 17 

Ito4nnw«'i. L. J -UllwtQkw, Hln . Jfor. 13, ladafialit. 

K«lh BtiM '-Auila. Tos , Kot. 11 

W4U» k WblU't-UoDifooifrr, AU. Hot. IMI 


B«^wnil2^^Dn)oi--V«lihtiii, Hin.. .Vor. 13>ir. .N>w 

Minbobmov'aP.oatOM— Albior. K V.Nnr. 15-17. 
'-"rol'a KjflloM-Ambont, )Uu . ITnr. 17. 

Booksr'a BdacatinnftI Itatarialoon— Vu)ilD|tU)n 

BrUtol'a KjalBM-Aotbant, )Uu . ITnr. 10, 17. 
r. Baoksr'a BdacatinnftI Itatarialoon— Vi 
i)ODrttToai«,o.,NnT. U 19 UladDMtl -n ir. 
I>«T«rdl»-|i-Wat«rioo, N. V .Nnr. u. lA, Boaau P«1U 17, 
_R7rMaa*19- RocbMiorao. BaiaTikSI. 
nit P«tktn>— Wlounait. Iwl., Not. ||, IIIDItnl. n , 11. 
laMioaia 16. Hftilrtila, ra.. 17. Cambr(il|eh<iro 1». 
CoohnoiOD 3), CoentllntlU 31. i:h»mb«nborii 31. 
Ktloa-Vood— rouff itinuah Uooih Am* rlcft. 
ProBch'a BMoaaiion, Ko.l-Lnor. L%., Nor u, V-t Tbro 

15, C*)araroTa ic>. Qratoa 17. \* K«>« Orl'toi ■[■■ll. 
Ooaid'K Worhl or Maiilo-llalinnat, N. II., Nov. Ij. Mara- 

diihll, Homeajti 
Hrrrmaaa-llarlaoi. .H. Nor. 13-17i WaifalaBtoa, 0. C. 

nuDlltott'a. Chu. R.— Qpnkana. Wwh . Kor o-sf. 

SltCaabMK'a-BulTtlo.N, V Nov. 13-17. 
onaa*. J. Aami«iln->Para4i«f l)l^ N. u., Nor. 11-17 L^in 
banool9-Ii WllnilnitoB«l-L>M. 1, 
Kid'a Wltd Wait-Noriolb. Va . .«(or 13-17. 
KaUar-OlaTAland. 0 , Nor. iii -tl.D«irDit,llieii ,11 ?i 
Ltotannao A (1ardaar*a-^aj, Pa . Xor, U, HntDnara- 

Ylll«l6,LIU<r t« 
UauaBroi'.— LineoTo, ML Mor.H.klaal«rl5 nalrvaoU>, 
OraaBTiaw 17, Paunbdn; 19. Adilud Al, Virginia 31, 
Nnrrla H<o*.' Eialoaa-WlDitad, Ct, Not. II, 15. Waior- 
bury 16. 17. 

Slaal'ii Oaoar R -rarkvnburjr, W. Ta , Not. 17. IH. CId- 

rionati, U..3>-]5- 
Ru»B A Snilih'a-rii rtu// thnuRti Aoalralla 
Uobaldlar« Bdao Uu*aa-Cnlamii<i*. a, Nqt. 14-17. 
Ta«l-Sc Caihai mat, Unt . Nor. 11 11 
Varof 1»-Bp»na. Wla , Nor If-IT. La Oroii*o 19-11. 
WatUaka'i Naw Orl«aoallQi«uDi-ColoDibia,a.(:..N^r. 

12-17. Cbarlaaioo l»-3l. 
Wtibar EBiaitalomaot— .<fL Joseph. Vn , Nov a, tt. 
Wnod'a. Rnrt-Allaou, (la . Mot. 17, if, Oharl«*;uo, \V. 
HJttl, WhtallOKa>-:4. 


Woablngloii— Aiignsliu riioa't prodactlon, 
for tba flrat time Io Amartea, or Virionan Panlou'* 
"Madamaflua 0*00" ("Uadam Don't Cora"), atiitaAl 
baatbOnnd Opara Houh Un «aoh, waa ao arvot 01 ex- 
traordlnaiT lotcrait, opaning 10 icoderata bu»lD«Kfi, 
which InpiDTedat aacb priaamatloo, aril baton iIia 
weali was half doUliad iba lioiim w«ra packaJ. Tba ax 
celltol work of ilia prloclpal uacnhara or iha caai rc- 
ttlTMl tha haarilrat plaadl'aof the aartUncta, Kaiharino 
Klddar. iQ tbo iltle role, was Tiitlr M|ii>I 10 lu imojt rr 
lalTano'ia. Auguiitoa Cook. I:i lh« mla ot Mapnit^it, 
waa CBilralr auccoMiol la kpoplos out rf iha hark- 
aajad rat of nodara Napolwnio characttrltailou 
Wallsra Bbaw. aa Kondia, aad Jaiova K. Ilaaiiati, as 
Da NIpparv, waiafollf aqual (•> tha roUa. Hario hkoi- 
wall aa Qaaan Camlloo. aod llaoriaiiA Laoler, 
u the PriDoaaaElita, wore liappllycasu Tba »uga(ar- 
Dltora and aeanarj ware alahorai«i.all iirlog npeelklir 
luadeirofB niodtlaoniia tlmnor tliBempir«,eTao to tba 
uianwtdaiall. (n ail respacu tlia protluciloD wasUn- 
Itb^. Charlaa Krabmin's 'Aobxabi^" wiih Johoatosa 
B«DO»ti. was Iha b<ll at llapla)'a Naikaal Tha4ii« 
last weak, and ma* wiUi a beartr raceplloa bf larce auill> 
•Dcaa. II11N I8l^a Or*tt>raatt»artar haibaaD pruOucvU 
bare. Tim MurpbTtUao Riobanls sod BugaooiraunBid, 
to "l^tB Kaitia,** h«d a lattif proiparooa loor uliihU Imt 
weak BtBaplei'a Acadfiiif ol NuiIr. Tba roiUict »-w 
sobitaoilally tha Mine aaoaabtin acoiniatl ikapUrln 
Dibarniitea- "AllmnQj" a aatlrlAil oonadr, by liarbart. 
Hall Winalow. racairad lia yrrmti' aod aaa graatctl by a 
follboiisa,whloiiattaat4d<uapproTalni ilittiiior raali/ 

K>od poloia to the Plar Tba ilniaot lareaiij lull ol aicaf- 
otcoffladj«ttaatl03a,buitb4 ratnaloiog twnacuwiil 
raaolromocb ramodellog aoi| alabjran n bafore thay 
vlil baeetlrtlT aoceiiiabrai Tbla ui^rvUltloubilois ra 
ealre. Cren la lu prauDt cmda maia ii It a )*# iter play 
lOT Mr. Murphy lhaa "Um Kaitlt." "Alliiiooy" wai 
HUf*tl BDder tha diracHoo of Parey WioUr. Aila Orer, 
la "Kait Lyoor." bad a aood weak at Datlfr*a bi|uu 
Thaaira. lluaiail Brotbtra' Comodiaos ■arelnililyauc- 
cei«lul at Renao'a Lycaom Thcaire- Malba wu bnohul 
lor Not e at Codtcduoo Hnsio lUII, but raocrlad m 
tha noraloK ol ibai date, tllnprolnUog maoy paopla 
who had ■ecortd saatM. 

fUriatv e NATiu:fAL TaaaTRi - Tba Bostonlaas 11- 
IT, Jo'apb Jtir«raoo lO 31. 

AiaUiKia UhASit OvuRA llnm — "Tlia Ortat BroAkIro 
Uaollean" 1»-I7. ll»rfUBBn •0-3i. 

RarLii'SAfUDiHY or Moant— llaBlooa"'KADiaiiDa" 
IZ-i7, iCata OiaxioD and Una. JaiAuKhrk. la '-The Tao 
Orphus," iB-34. 

Hortaaa'fl Uijod Tnumi — *'l'awa TIc'iat wiz-M, 
"Wito for Wife 'IMI. • 
KBH!(tii*(i Lvviou TiiUTHi.— liar llDwanl IM7a lion- 
kloaTTranaOMaBlca IP-ll 

CovvkKrio:! UiLL—rbird ABDual Pure Pood Ivililbl- I. 

Moraa-^lara Thrnpp aod Oanrgo ItieharJ* railrwl 
trim Tim Marphy'a Compaay t, owlu^ m the sIialvlOK of 

"L'n Keiila.^* Auaoitos riNik, dow maklaa a 

marked aaccu* wlib Plion's "Mfne 8aa< (laoe," haa 
algnedwltti Managor if. II Haplay lornaitHummer'a 
NaUoaal Htook Co ManagerHtplvy orlJantlylniaBdaio 
eollpaa bii former eiTiiru by uaalag his ^nmpany 

Blraogarawl baUer thaaarfr MaBagareilwaM M. 

Ailea a flrat weak aa laaoagar or the albaDili (Irsud 
Upeim llodaacouiioeocad Willi last treek. td* too years' 
leaa* of Jobo A. Albangli haviov eipired wiih ihe 

mooili ol Ootober Ulliott Wnotia, a goreinmaDt om- 

Qial, :s tha caupoaar ol a e'arar luilti otwraeniiilnl 
* PatBVCO." wtaieb waa rery suceaMlnllr produoMl hy 
local lalaot at Fonl's Tbaatra, Baliimoro, fur tb'rM 

eights last watk t;atliarloa HoLaau iiis i*Ur«<l rmio 

Tbos. g. Saabronke'a 'Tabaai- > ' Co . aod list rDturnotl lu 
ihlaclty Hhe ba^ #l||ued wiDi "a Tvtatlaita Caniury 
airl,*'vbldi litu be produced Beitiooaih. 


BaUlmor*.— Uallen uil llarl, Id "Uter Oa,'i 
draw a cro«tlo*l bouia to llarru* Aesdemy .Vnv. 13. 
•'Biiparba"eluiadaweelior big baileestiu. LvulaCul* 
Kpscoaiea 19. 

KOBD*ii Ol'iiA KoCitC-'Tbe AmkMDS," with Juhn- 
■toioOeooeu leadlag, wa^steo for ihe Brst 11 nia litre 
ildravlogaaaBdlaDc* thai eomplai*ly AIIH ihalowt!r 
part of tba lioaaa. Katn Uiatt^a aod Moie. Jaeaaadiak 
dui poeraf 5-7. ■'Pa<ap«c 1." a frtnic npera lo two sots iiy 
LoaiuMaUoyand l(IIiottWooil«,«as pr«a«DlMl r^rilio 
Urw*. tioie uB aayalage 0,byaiDataura. Caoilila U'Ar- 
vilacoroai IP. 

AleltCdU fl LTCIL-M TDIATit — Usria llorrooghs tnada 
hai dm It cal appaaraoea aa a ^ur 13 in "fu^ Krolligatf ■ ' 
Tlis rptolDg periunna- ca wu for the tMoeflt of Ma'ii- 
Dnr«t.ndpeuilttkia>Hlbroniht out a tall hou'e Tiia 
play waa wall raoaiv»l. *'TiiaUraaill'ooklyallaad'csp ' 
oloMda w#«k of light builOHa 111. Nait weak, "Miov. 

llouiDAT flraiir TBi.iTHa — 'TaoBi," wiiii iiusabel 
H'TfiieoaaMargUMrKa. aitracted Urge hou>aa maDora 
BDde'ghtlS "rbe LImltad Mail 'ai'itad a good voos 
10. "rabio KoDitol * coiii«a 19. 

llowAKU Ai'ftiTONitiH — ToB si-aclalt'ei ofMalrille aod 
BUuoo, Utalay aod Hirback aod Nida Hoe Praak ware 
new 11. «lili a Daw aarlas fl 'iriog itlciuias, Ibo liiir- 
la«t|ua, "VoBih aod OM A«a,'' iiy MtDag«r Karoaii'i 
Htaek t'oapaoy. Hutioaaa tor tba npeaiof weak wai 
Ursa, tba living pUiuraa rushmc a liiL 

KinurAM B Mo5i'H«prAL Tii«AT>a~lloLhlQ«* Traoa 
Ooaaole Saacialtr Oo,iu a ar*t clmsa biilafipaofdtoa 
wtli 0 lad hoasa fL Tlia H*y llo«arJ Hur|fW|ua Co bad 
a food week clo«lDC 10. Wah)ni»na'B H,-if cisliy Co, 19, 

UiATixB a Ubiu5 TitBATMB.— .*fo« 11: Cbsrlo* sod Jeo- 
O'b Walsb. BillT Ulauaot, Toai Ma«h and Uick f.«gc4ll 

KIIO.VT DTHiiT TuaArna-Thadoorawararatfpvutdll 
wlui lioH WiiliamBoo ba eaoager, iiraMir.iDa LiMiaa 
.\h*iaodrr lo ' Cblck." *'Acrosi tLe Haa" mt 1 ha put on 
laur Id the aatk. Ilarrr tlockleghaD, of tie» coiut«oy, 
aa^ biJIy buroaJ oD iLa opeoiDg oigbt, biB cloibtog 
laklDg dre Iroui ao suire. 


9Ilnnefl|Kil|g ••At tba Orood Open llooM Nai 
OocdwlB optBsav eogagamatit Kor.lJ. TLeTaioCiiy 
P«llat) aiuiaa'ralcoupsDy, made upofiheioclaiy tadlar 
ottbaclty, gkTeaDlDBirelperCoraaoca for 'ha b^otfli 
of rhgriiable laaiitaUooa Ut big liouatp 5, 6. Panlloo 
Uall bad Do« booseor, 9. KH 

rsoru'g TgiATNi— fba stMk ronipsoy i* giving a 
oaw play lllaauatiag pott otUca Jiia *fttiilM. "Carrivr 
|g."a«»Btilll. "flwBit froBi Mwedao'* w«i «all (tat oo 
try Iba iK^bi-IO an J waiaaca by gooO crcads • 

niJJO UrikU llOCriS.— "A Buocb vf Kava ' ll tba at 
UaatlvD 11-17. "Laad ot tba MI'JaigLt Kuo" io|iu«a le, 
lor a waak. "Jif tUiui Uuanl'' ptaaHil lari a aud lancea. 

ICUUL 1 MlObLBTOHa Dug MUBhl'M ta dolDI a gMtJ 

tw»lD«*a, bai ibair bill for II aod wetk coalJ um if* 
obtatotd la time lor tbis latur. Hlgaor niovtnolhaa 
wiibtlrawD froDt iba lousaan bualiMM lor iha ytt^ai 
aod iii*aecapt«tl apuaiiioociih Wei: I'ubiithiaic ru. lo 

Duliiili— Al Ibi: l.jretiin CleveUDd'a Uluircia 
csDia Not. 5.11. Ut fair ounbMp. 'Tba <;Moiea of Kor- 
EBgody," by boma talODi, aai hIioo 1, 5 to tao Tarjr 

Itrca aotliaacaa Pauiioa Ifaiiti, U Ait'iaTaibvIa 

■ •para **oas« -Caad'^f tua MldbljbtfldD *P. 19 loa 

ffttior Tbaatra baa Joba Boycai, EJeooa Walcb, Ma<4ar 
Oaoiga Borbari, Laara Lae, Viola CUCnd* VlaUa Vai* 
daaa, tad im rtffuJar flock. 


9^ A iTTikPiP i.HriU)M.p1alaljaiMra*«id«iDaMbi 
la iiuaad lor aanb letter, aad tM Una of baslae« toUowM 
br the r«nwB aildroaAad shonld b« gtTin, lo otdar to 
prtTaai niisukas. 

NoTtt.— ItiirraatoDals and oiheta ahnnbl Ytu\n ifiiod 
tut all taller^ ate., to traDslt batwaaa tha Uoltad malaa 
BDd Caoatla, MUt b^prrjuliiOlbtrwlia lJl^raT«Bot lor 


Amnir), Latlala 

AlklDiun, Kaby 
Aoianiao. Maraie 
Aiiami RUocbe rllla 
AoatlD, Plo 
Agoa, — 
Aedarson, Mia 
AlbloB. Rule 
Aod^t«^ Rlinobo 
Aallre«|^ Prarl 

Bond. Loltl 
Byp a. llalaD 
R*n<L Mam 
Kiackaoll. Jalla 
RiQcroft, viola 
Rrooks llliUmla 
R«ar!i. LDHa 
Hiickloy. Npille 
HaggeMSuMrB OB 
Bloaaorn. Liiile 
Bf rrall. Roaa 
BaklwlD, Mra.R. 
Riaorhard. May 
Rood, Mabel 
lislPB, LllliaP. 
Ha r ton. Balla 
Ihintb. Bloia 
Rail. Prankla V. 
HobpMII Bawla 
Pollopl. B:aa« 
H'B Nabct Akil 
Raie^ Annie L. 
Raker, tlcllt 
Hurrrtuiths MionU 
HoroBr\l. Mis M. 

Oofilrlia. Moie. 
i'uiir*ney, .Maud 
rtttelea, Delia 
0>B«a),>l anile 
Carter. RfUa 
rarlinglon. F.lla 
l^aMrDUl.Uiiiti N.R 
I'abaa, Rum M. 
('oillni. Hyra 
Oylau^ — 

Cantpball. (Vsrlco 
( licAler, Mail>iD 
Chapelie, Clara 
<!noa. Mat 
('hallaoger, OessU 

Corurr. Imugooe 
i:ri*«i>ll. Kiuy 
rii0«ay, Kaia 
('■mian, Helle 
rityi' n, AgBBB 
Cola, IfetlllO 

Champion, MbdiU 

Chaw, llaum H. 

DA*-in<iD<l. Kilraa 
))« Vera. Vera 
lHUai.0. Mllf. 
DAnmlv, Ituu M. 
Uairra, Uol 
Daiccy, Miila 
Uiev, IMrnlhy 
UlaniaQil.Msiii'e I. 
1) Klnmr.Umllla 
IMvfie, JuiiDie 
imraod. Hlla 
Clertro. LiIIIab 
finrr, (jurrnte 

Da Varo, Lottie 
|j«llliitl. (da 
-^Kllia, llAUle 
EvaoA, yiuiaocu 

lili.oit, Louie 

MarloD (I. 

Ptirsnan, Ur^ 
Kratikii Jalla 
PorrvL BotnA 
Pair. Ma*Joila 
^riakiiB Martha 
I'oitar, tloraore 
riorafire, MtDBla 
k'tiri. iianrode 
Pab<ae, Tbakla 
K.urvnoa Hiatara 
Pol. ilraea 
PloMia. — 0ol 
Pranns. I,aar« A 
rdnn, Maada 
arlaod, Laara 

(larnslla. Barila 
ilnutfilld. K*liie 
iitrry, Mia D ri 

Uiibait, lUreoco 
ilauilpr, Ro#a 
llnhl. AraNflU 

iiliQora. Aika 

ilUDniy, Maud 
ilrAham, Klaia 
illlroora, Hrs.C.L 
ilraliatu^, KlAe 
□IhlAiTa IJa 

IriTillia. Ko*e 

I'Uhne, Ma 

Uil oD. nara 
lligiii, I'eATt 
tiarrlugton. adob 
Hart, HUticna 
llama*, l.ilila 

llowani, Kitiy 
llaiiUr, Kiu 
llsru Itnhy 

MlllaD B 
llorna. Msi* 
Mill. Nallla 
IkhWn. Uitla 
ilnwAiil Kmtir 
Miighps, PI'js«lo 
llaDdetAOB, May 
l^rriog, I'aarl 

JanntBfts, Alice 

If osrp. virtfinia 
■^Xaaler. Anna 
Ksr:aiLa. Mnir. 
hliBo. Mrs Oeo 
Knithl, Rally 
Kllroy. J»onle 
Kajifib. Illintla 
K«-|ot>a. laon 
' ««, Ktniiia 

La Bail), Millie 
L^riello. LllUe 
Lilioni, Joaooiie 
l.yoB*. I.'lr 
i.iuio Datd Hhot 
bucilar. Ij0ul*a 
L)a|A, HrB. L g. 
i.eoa, MfA. IJarry 
laafier. Luu • 

V)ie. Lallle 
l.ri>lli-| I'AllOa 
l.rwi*. I&aIwI 
lA Vrroa, Alice 
LsToy, Hvaolliean 
laink, Kannv 
l.\rtlD. I>«la L. 
ijBlor, Msrle, Aonin K. 
AfcCiiira. Mra, 

MttiiUinia, HImaL 
Hnrtt, Klaaoor 
dai, Killlh 
Uobioo, tfabri 
Murray, Mrs K J. 
4uatjiia, Jiiile D. 
4u>l:fr,Mra hd 

SoKmy. HlBDla 
aaatta. A. 
Mtif .nOiaadCtAl ) 

VflBToy, HiDiila 
Markn*. PbIip 
Bar. NesQor 
VeUlIk Ada 
Hyr^la Rmioa 
Melrose. L«.|ila 
Moiira llraca 
MoNulir, Ma 

Newell B»«ala 
ilaTiik Maine 
QliW, Madge 

n'Haiii, ."fall • 
(Mto, Llifia 
U'Brieo.Mn TO. 
~ ia.Ada 

.Jait (lort^ 
Peiara. Vatta 
I'loa Uotfa 
I'olnant, Dot 

M(io'>all Ploift 

Pomeror, Abqb L. 
Pent, Barle 

Rusa. Maria 
RoMAil. Tillle 
Ray iDPod, Mautla 
Read. Jmola lie 
Raja. Mile. 
Rival)*. Maatla 
Raodall, AiUllaa 
Reiaaliln, P.(b 
Keail, Mabel 
RiHR, Dnra B. 
Hollo. May 
Utvmood. Lottie 
Knitey. Jpnnle 
itnppal, Joh* 
luis. irlina 
Keiil.MrA tfed 
Hah*, LllllkB 
Kftstelia, Mirle 


rt. Hdlla 
HAiimlrrA. Alire 
HiiAinn. MfA. K U. 
H#alof, Mra J. U 
KAlTinl, KuiBDle 
riilnaoB, Mrs. AL 
Miiti. Carrie 
!aods,HAilia R- 
riiAiilay. Koaa L. 
Sliarna. IHillle 
ritralllo, KntallA L. 

Tnekar, Lllltso 
Turk or. Mary 
Tangaay. Ktb 

rilMIIAB. lllldA 

TriMiihiiii, Mi*a 
TAiup a, Mllisn H. 
Thoinlnn. islaria 

V•■Da^ ilosloa 
Vedder, KanolA 

W*-llA. Aonla 
VrsAlry, Laura 
vaiisre. Mr^W.P. 
WeBtun, Kai« 
Hriciham,Hra. II. 

IVllbnr. Mollle 
Waainn, Maglta 
WmhU. (Uriraila 
W)anlDt|a, Aoiia 
Weannr, Hanlia 
WaMnn Ullia 
tVthlAiiiB, Jack 
XeNlay. ttdily 
'iTade IMlay 
Ahfaltfr. Klnra 
Xlllud. HiniA 
\Veni«orili. I>*ilu 
A'ella Mra. W J. 
Waahburn, Lillian 

2<>IU, Mm*. 

ATf ry. Bttlry 
jiblwn. Abe A. 
Altaiao, — 
A\titWy,J a. 
AllcQ.H H 
An'lorroD. A'. E- 
Auillun, II It. 
Aaper. U. T. 
A Hard A A 
AtkiiiAOD, Kail 
A bloa. Wni. 
AiuarieuB, VouDg 
AlOltM. — 

Bircii, W. P- 
Bwle, Aid raw 
niAc\aiUr, Artliui 
Batar, Lo« 
llrnr. tAMitcorlb 
RMlCga. P. H. 
BraJy.J II. 
much, Vfiii. 
Hrowo, Psrry 
Biera J'liia 
Brown. II. 
BlootliD kro^ 
Hraoo. Chile 
Ballay, ll P.. 
B) are. Park 
Boyd. "Miir* 
Buifce, Prank 
BratnineL Beau 
Boilct Urabaui 
Ua«-k, II. L. 
Basil. ChsA V. 
MarauDi Jolio It. 
Bsggf s«u, C. E. 
Hfil, Jim _ 
UsohsoD.J. V. 
Hooker, J- U. 
UyioD, II Ivor 
Htrun m IiUacb 
kfiiB. P. H. 
Usrciiir Bros, 
llqchaoao. H. 
Be cuar, Praok 
Baruanl.Uoo N. 
hBOAuo k Pardon 
Bagte, ll..*. 
Howon llruB. 
UatljH. fedaio 
llfseil. Ur. 
keauiord, Uoo. 
Bowioao, W. Wa 
lloouayii^ A- 
Buwiuan, R. L 
Hurbky, Varuoo 
Bariaip. — 
lirooAP, f. II. 
Kuke, P. 
B«roharl, lloo P. 
B-Dilaca. J'lB W. 
Boughi'tD. Will 
U«rg, I'eiar 
BiuaJsbsw, Will 
Hart or. Hank 
Huyle. JuLo J 
HrAMfud. H III 
B^i> 'ira, HI ly 
HruwDka a «iaidy 
BiDkar, fcd. 
BeDttisfii. J. fl. 
Baud, Jake 
BirciiiDaii, Ac'Jiar 
BiDibuA Talil 

Core. J. Ca 
(>)Bklio. reie 
OuuBes, ray lor 


i:n>«iiur^t, II. U. 
(JItiion, Ji>«. U. 
Cobi-e. Jack 
raoooo, Higobr 
Uleuiaol, iiiay 
ra-aJ. If. aV. 
Cruw, Walter 

t'BtllUltBf A. K. K, 

t'olburu. Hart 

C«1«A!«. W 
Cook, J Harray 
Cslcado, Juao A- 

Pruf. U 0 
CulllDS,A \r 
CBiupball J 11. 
Cbarlas, Msck 
C4>ll/y,i.tMa E. 

i:oiiaT,J. 0. 

Clark, uo. P- 
Chentf. Ilwij 
Ca'b, Mdlv 
Crrunns. iA. Y, 
I'taDboa, IJ. 
f;r>uo*r ffm. 
Cbetaller, I'raak 
CuliiDs 1. M. 
Cajapl.sll,0 P. 
l.MTay. J. IT. 
Cai^ipbe:', — 

(el 0. 'i ) 
Craig, Mai all 
Oivioa. f bar 
Cba»a,(.liAa #a 
i:ulliDS.T 11 
0>vi>er. Cliat B. 
Careya Dr. B. f. 



rii<*A4iii, Ilea R, 
t'nlliuB, Mooiia 
;iiiit>u, liatry 
:iaik, Willis 
cnarfe, W. A 
C-ulliuga, W. Q. 
Coburn.J A 
Convey, M H. 
l^allaliBu, C. Fa. 
i.'oDkling. Jare 
|*-arllal^ Add 
rairoji. Krabk 
:wkl>)y, JuliQ Jl 

:Urk. lUiry 
:Ure, Karl 

Ualton.n J. 
Uaclior, Juho 
Uellari, l>r B. (I 
ilear. JbliB Ja 
IlaiiTar. Ed. 
l>ATlu.ThuB L. 
Da Cameo, — 
Hal Putgo. — 
l»« Pargd. Ilairy 
Dflaiivy A 

Darare, Prank 
l>aTieB,|la a. 
Da Uts. B. 

Ua lltillla A Vetera 
Da Mora, - 
Dfory, Kdmuou 
Utr)er, JW 
IHusnioro, HaU-li 
mser, P. I. 

DoBaloB, Pa 
Us t'ouraaj.KtlwIn 
Ub Casirn, Murris 
DHti. illareoca 
D«-*llir, Jba. 
Uubha, liaurr 
DATKJaa ¥. 
itoniuulu, IJarry 
Udiooaia Praok 
lUTi>re, wm. 
De I'ev, TboB B. 
JMaiobbd, • haa 
Uinkajne. N. 
Uavia, Jia. 
tiAVidtnii, J v. 
Uuhoois, W. R. 
liAVia,A L. 
Dal Ay, Will. 
UeaiuD, B II. 
l>rliao, but 

BVABB Prad K. 
Krliog, A K. 
PJilrl'lKO, Ed. Ua 
biuarMin, w. u R. 
KvaoA. KddiaB. 
Btbos. Mack 
eg«la*toD * 

Kioery A Murtuo 

Kraos HlfTa 
P.laaidt Cbas B. 
Krneat. iTol W. 
koocta, — 
Bvatis, tiau. M. 
Kino. II. Ua 
^Aluo. II B, 
K4g a Bye. - 
Biliary, u B- 
BggiwwD Lall 
hugaaaa.Tlte lie 

(loldeo, Horace 
tlrayA Woiidhull 
Urbane. L L. 
'InoilliiAO, M, 

iliibartaJ K 
llnoAio, Uava 
llasdaur, J. H. 
ilraaiibaum. Jula 

Cordon, Jama 
*~ leriy, JubB 

Il'iaa, ban 

liuva A Haimonr 
Ifarr SUB, liBd B. 

Hardy. Harry 11. 
llascall, Lna 
llarrlDg'OD, Jobo 

lluHeo, Harry 
Hall, lluwBdl 
lUrlry.J H. 
Huae, Dsn 
Hairlsuo, llovaiil 
lloaaril. Leu 
lluDiaaa, P 0. 
llaiiUy. Praok B. 
Uoluiaa, Prtd 1', 

HullSDI. JbllO 
Hill A UwraOH 
lllllinsB, J. W. 
Holland, Fraok 
llawurtb, Wm. 
Ilovorlh, Jul 
Halt Jr. Jarrr 
Had! All, -lia 
Handy, il W. 
Hiirat,J |{ 
llolUnd. J. v. 
Howard. Bil^ard 
lloppiog, II. II 
MooMDg. Kbbert 
Ilii1>iiiia. Brriu 
Hilt Jr., Tifor 
llsrrla. II Bob 
Maloae, Nst 

CBpl U U. 
n>alh A Co 
lliT«r y. 0. E. 
Iiadal, JokD 
iliaby. Wiioor 
HolibiTAr, ilua 
lladlay, Ming 
llAoey. H aster 
Mosnar, uav. 
Ilsmler, Oto IP. 


HardoB, Joe 
litrberl. I, T 
Ilsicb, Jolto tlord 
Hurley, til. 
Hall. Iloaard 
HaitHek. Wni. 
Hope, P I.. 
Ilaroecba, Tl»a 
'bliDtifjo Uros. 
JupIao, Bun 
lOaa.W, Pred 
Juhna^o.j B. 
Jartla, F. L 
JatfarsfD, Jus. 

i^aiibaaka, Harry Joora, Prsok 
' B. IJuna.llao W 

Praxar A Pur 
puhsr. tj V 
Karioeri Prad 
PlBkel. Harry 
rraBelA.W T, 
'i|oo. Hkroey 
Kelt a, II H 
Piaokilba «iua 
'raociB 'i. U. 
/enaeuL C. U. 
PAOOlOg, Tbvs 
Kiirdvn A B«B«o 
Paria'L Tooy 
'l|bb. Jub3 A. 
Pt>r. Kdwin • 
^lugarald. Harry 
roi'Uisn, Cio. 
'letd*, il H. 

GraliAu, lle<>. 
(IrmLaui. H fl. 
(fllligao, H. T 
Kiifsitiet Leooard 
iJiou, t:. K. 
J. MID. J B. 
(Ilbb*. IK^C 
'loUSU, hiMf 

'll»aM>D. O'Lu 
fOoita, H. W, 
iJlt»>oa. J liuward 
Jro:lie Mios 
irfiT^r, Leooard 
laiaa. Jc« M 
Usillard. HolL 

iJl.Vu ri. 
(Irtao L. L 
ir iwold, aleg. 
(Ja)iaa,Joa H, 
liibbf. Doe 

joiioaoD. Truuiao 
Jvitaa, Aody 
iiroDie. VIo 
laek»i>a. Hilly 
Jarreil, «■ W, 
Jaosuu. H'. U. 
1/ idd. Uao. Ma 
l»BeaD*dy.J. W. 
Klog. Uao. W. 
karr. Tout 
Rl-ae. Al/ied 
NBOiaJL Eda 
kootl l.'tl 
KuckrIILB. fl. 
KaDilblshI, V r. 

KebBeiia, A.U. 
Bally Bros 
Karoi^Aiibur H. 
Kiihr, J. P 
keilar, llhrrr 
Blaaof.M i: 
Kero. A 41. 
K«0)vu. p, J. 
If kDea. rtiaa. 
ka'Oi'Jy, JobDp. 
<aercbar. Cbaa. 
kalD», Aifo 
Keliaoi. U 4. 
Vamicby, — 

fa Mnite,ClaB4a 

(la Mack, Uarrr 
Lawreoia- A.O. 
Lyof «o, Man/ 
una*. Prmai 



f <*OD»fil. Otto 
Lladholre. Bart A 
licaUa,(lto W- 
Lawraaea Lmllow 
LkraoOer. Job. 
L4b«4l«. PraDcla 
tea, Viotnt 
Usila. Ilarrr 
Lurlier, Wm. 
Lar*tn,0«A. W, 
fa^gao. Cd- B 
Leon, Hartf 
I<aaeb. Mm. 
La thmn. vto 
Ucey. Kil 
I.lO«ion, I'aroj 

LlrinealcD, Harry 
Lorain, ciiai. 
liOgreiiia, — 
Laala, Harry 
laA Rose rrlo 
laittoQ. Jaa. 
Leooio Hroa, 
Leak tiaii. 
leA HiiBt, Roy 
U HorJ, A. 
Leoni A kveretl 
LaB'lr, Prwd 
Lasaanl, .Albert 
Lamb, trhaa. 
I40iian1. Ala I. 
Laooarrt.John 1' 
Mob, Hilly 
Itavia, Jne 
Lang A Hbarffl 
Lmia, Dick 
lifBiar, J. r, 
Usa, nia 
Ladertnao, r. M. 
Usier.B. I la 
Lanbeira, i-has. 
LnKbr, K B. 
LAmaiitaaa The 

Uotiro, Hayinoo 
Mosart, All. 
Hnrphy, I'adily 
Mania, Wuk 
Maguire, fracy 
Mayoatuo, I'ruf. 
Meurtda,j u 
HarioD A Pearl 
Moora. Mm il. 
Mun>. PriooB 
McOonV Uw 
Murray, Piaok 
Marahail, J. u. 
Marthall, II. H. 
MoMaltoo A Ming 
Maher A Hruen 
MoCann, Jab, R. 
HAy A Hunter 
Mueller. Pml Ktl, 
Malat>ie A Mice 
Motiro, (leo. W. 
Mahaia, W. A. 
Murphy, t^oQ T. 
Mnura, alloD T. 
HorgaD, — rffiltl 

MeKvt<y. Uilly 
MeDaoAM. I'rol 
Malta, Al. 
Uorriiaay, T. I'. 
MePa-MoD,K B. 
Mean. Uaaiiy 
Melius Kd. 
Mo4liiiinrk, Praak 
Muataog Wallur 
Handiwtar, Hobl 
MckaiioD, Waller 
MubiailabiL Tlia 
MayDAM, llilnL 
Miller, Ul 
Munrue, (lao. 
Mci-aull,(i. D. 
UoK«Bror,U, Jt. 
MnrriAoD, Jaa 
■acB, bugene J. 
May, Allen 
MoAToy A MngorA 
Muntgwiiiflr.JaA f 
Moi ara, h a 
MacAr^ Prad 

Mantlnpi, nhaa. 
Haurifa, Hairy 
Mfler. tV u. 
Meaii4 Him 
Murphy, Uao. 

McCaul. ChAB. 
HnKruy. Ullly W.i. 
Magea, Hurl 
Maach. Uao. T. 
H lino. Jaa y. 
Haobii liBA J. 
MrCeuley l!u. 
Morria i*. J. 
Hiinday, Luile 
Melburn. uiiiavo 
Mack, K. J. 
Maihtry, Prank 
Magitirv, Traor 
Mantr. Harry W. 
Mcllrida,lt II. 
Mwnra, KraakU. 
Meinai, Lliaa. 
Mlichall, lluraco 
Muultoo.U. K. 
MouiAgua A Waal 
Haurica. Hairy 
MoUar, John 
oata, Loon B, 
Nail. MobL 

Nosa, Pent 
Hnrniao, Ham 
Hiohing, Heorr 
Nvlaon. n liy 
Natalia. Hons. 
!(avid, Viaok W. 
^Irbnli. — (COM) 
Itasry. Jbs. 
aSii'hoH^ L 

Ohlmrr, Rrnisl 
tMivor. f«.m 
Oklalinina mil 
(lArUnil. P. W. 
0'Hii<>rr. itmith 
U'Koaie, Jufnt 
Oos<i. — (ctini) 
Urrllla,!) T. 
tklell, f. M. 
U'Hrlen A t^ulUiia 

Pickalt, ham 
Iteire 11 H- 
I'Almtr. U. A. 
Price. II. M. 
rum. Hub 

Prairie Jof, Ur. 
Pitnlnv, ihii 
I'AiiaiHin,!. liaa.O. 
Pleil, Jnho 
I'fAAiey, Tura 
Purcah, Praak 
I'htlHi'S. WiiL P. 
PowriA lluaaiil 
rarker, Pjlwsril 
I'aofty A liAnli-y 
fntlfJoA u. 
Park, A H. 
IVirhIng Hri'B. 
iVlers, rhtt 
l'i>apll,l.'i>l U. A. 
I'eiriBo, l*ior. 
I'alntur. Lev 
I'lAiRinl, Prat) 
l*eniaiii, ItAlt'hW 
Phcruii, \V:4iila 
Pliv*. Htdiaiil 

Qtitno. l-ra-k 
i^uion, Michael 
i^itial^y A coyuo 
'oinAio, Kied 
HiMia. Vltil 
Raniaaa, Cin) 
Kuhinpatn, 11 M. 
HiclianlN, tikh 
KInRiIng tiiiM. 
HkIIiiia. \V. 11. 
KovetlMin. Piank 
Ha)nur. Hilly 
Itawe, Wm. 
Keoit, iltu r. 
lti>A^. Harry 
KAn>iinie, U II 
Kdliay, IlitNArd 
l|ji> III' 111). Ualliy 
Haven, «:lint. 
Il«liail«, AUltia 
HulMllA l\ III. 
llniH-iS Hsiiitl. 
Hviiu, Uvi II. 
H«|(AU, Jm. A. 
dlj. Virt M. 
HimmIic. W. 
HaeO. A. II. 
llpOiiA Kiiiil l>'. 
ttosell, lliliy 
man, fill)*. J. 
HuKB, II. rt, 
Itiidd. A. 
iiug«-A. llATry 

HryiiuliK I otf 
noneriA. lien. 
Ki>»Ali>y Rrofl 
KuMall, J 

ItitAAlrc. K 
a.aillt. M.tiitl 
ll..g«ia, (Int. 
H<i>ca. Kdwanl 
Itliuy, I'lnBA ^ 
Kuao. V. rt, 
HaaxAti, J 41. 
Kii»A, HAiiaoe 
nnitniii, ll M. 
iirc<i.<;lta4. (ridprj 
Hii:fi. 1* M- 
ilit>rf, K II 
rtaiiaiii, I 
HdiIa. |ir- llAiry 
H*rj, tuny 

K•>Hrr^ *. A. 
<HUUieiN, hitain 
^yihhlUr. H 
Hkiiiner, itaiiiSfy 
.i|ioar«iiA, Ilia 
Aiifu, MuNiral 
.-icvTilla, Nip 
jtoiiili, Mau 
ftptll. Alto 
i««llliilil, H«liia 
AllOA, Julio 

ik-riwiier A Hailllt 
fiL Lauii. elACk 
ihanniiu. Hairy 
.Huiton. llici I*. 
Huilr. Ji'iin J. 
rtt Jnilaii, II 
Hall', iliai. 

rlioaari, Harry 

itcrlUnar, fam A. 
iichB) Ur, Htih 
4ulllTae, Dau M 
ilemoo, llariy W 
rtliBuiiBril. I'miI. 
rilivlfar. Hack 
itlllllli,1lir^ B. 
Hirilllo, P D. 
■MMiiL, Hlllon 
leiniina, Kraiik 
rtt c>r, H. A. 
■titillor. Jaek 
■liloius. Han 
Ipancar, il. W. 

Rile. C^U'.., 
Ri.ClBiir JlAfTT 
•Inilth, H. ti' 
KlAtAr, Jo« ll. 

arlati. k'ril 
.■(Boilrra I>r. 
Hpencer. Dr.fl H. 
Minlilt, Will 
rtilttDO. Uhaa 
!**ewarl, J. K 
iH I'Uir, A l». 
rilMWPTA Anilf 
■iianinn WilUrU 
Si Julian l>Aii 
H'iriitiaD Hrii^ 
Hn^MiniAn, II. 
D'lier. Jba. 
.-•t'lntera. Ciialk 

iiO. U|-Titu 
ftliritraK, Ja^. 
hliinian, A. C. 
Hlif A T K 
<«t l.nrena,A. 
Hpitiicer. ti M 
Micfcla*. ilao K. 
nL i:iair. l.uu 
HitrDtar, IhitO. 
Naiiili. Lany 
rtoiit,!'. U 
Hilrer. J.i<i 
Miiieila Mg 
Hiiiail, iiliM T. 
HliBior A Vontp 
la, kail in 
I H«ii 
ryl»r, J. H. 
TwiliUAti, Kil. 
Titpiiilttift, K. 
ll.Alflier, AI U. 
Trryimr, Ji)iin M. 
Trivr.'liK H 
Tiiiiinoa*,<le<i. II. 

rhaehernr. II 
rm-her, ilm. K. 
TiiTvrhlpr, Altrerl 
Tlii'ltiw, Nnl 
fiattilaa, l>. tl. ^ 
riMiiii«>n. Harry 
Tdrocr. J«ik 
Taiail. I*. 
ri>iiiiv. V. If- 

Viiii«tarc«uli,ll A. 
Viiindn, Men 
Van D)ke,N U^. 
Vail uiae,ll. \r. 
Vrfii Lter. — (nl D. 

\aii Atnuuia Chna. 
V^n * V'inaou 
Vaiight, A. J. 
V«iii»li<t Tlia 
Vaiiiiiii, i:|iA«. 
V,iiiiir, «l I'.. 
V4UI111, Jttfl 
rpri<nt. W«'i*er 
Vuliiiar, (Till 

Wsiiular, lUit 
vt viliiiil,Cliaa. 
MTclih^r. II I*. 
Wil-UiitA, iiany 
WlllA. Kiank H. 

\T»i>L JithD W. 
H IIi'Ijiii. M ill. 
Aailrr, H J 
Wnh-h, Ju. J. 
A ■) nr, nulil 
Wiiilaiiir, 1:. \T. 
u mf h|>ifm|i}i.'u 
tlllliUT. ll 11. 
H 11(1. Thua 
ttiiiMluw, Ueiliait 

WlrtfllMMiA IC. 


VVllliAiilHill. Hii«1 
Wtlliitii. K:AbU 

Hnr III. 


Aitrnix. MhaiI 
n lilUtior. II H. 
t\uitii, S ll 

liuiinr ii«M. Piai 
Wl.lln. II I,'. 
Wainplil, T»iii 

1/ A RAlla 
Wiirrall. 1 l«i«uco 
\Vnt.t Wallirt 
Watiieu, Praub' 


W«:rh, Uirk 

MAiiiltiilll, tt- \V. 
AmiJ, P«|ilwikbd 
WltiiiKll Kiaiik 
AuiiA, \ ha*( 
XalU>a, lli« 
rttliMtii. Mmtt. 
AIiii>)i:p, Waldo 
Ail.iaiiia. Mntt 
Wll.Alil. J(ti> P. 
Wiiirli A ttrltti 
M QUI' uiA. 1 1m 
iVllliAin^ H. 
tValherri W., 1: 
IViiutliiirli, Will. 

tVlilii) kaglaliill 

ki>uii|, unto 
Viaiintf, narry 
VtMIQU. Wlllll. 
I'cninr. Harry 
/lojiar. t.iisa. I. 
'^•/Mtiu J, W. 

/.Al Rill, — 

/.tiyatrs, Pjla 


MUivmibnn.— Ttio WMt( cDrlliifr Nov, in wai 
by all odda Uia pooreil theAt'icil upeb ni iho ruiiaot 
aeaauo liarr. Alihe la'arldsuoTiiaAlre P.uirta r<iiiir*kUii' 
'The Hlsob t'riiuk" I'l'anwl IJ for a Mnali. Anau^llu 
Italy's ComtdlSDa. Iieiilad by HeniyK IMay. |iifl*eniril 
"A Right Oir'aDd*-M>vtli Tatntr HiKlit" liai Bfle<i lu 
allm huusas i;ievelanir« Mlna-.r^lH 111 
, HiiuU iM'kMA lliti'iiB.— "My I'Nfiiinr'i allh r.niiia 
Aldf kli, oi'sonl 13 fur n waah. IIhaiib IbfOaliiil, IiamIi 
canped alth a had plsr. Ii«d discoiirauiui huaiiirai Ia»l 
week. "A Kallrua'l flrk>l"hao'l aaua, 

Ariumr or UiAMi— *Tiia rii>iliial Pnihrr" '•i-«ni»l u 

fir a Moak. TliR ( at lion n (iiMiia t* p«iir k<i*a 'fha 

ll!ack llu«iar" and 'AiMi>riu"la«t«i>(ih t'i|tr>iir imalaaAa. 
J-4tH', in "Hie Hlsr ilB#rr," cuiiira 14 \'i A), 3l, Una 
llillat/ompany A''I<2I 

Miu tVlnrsa l^iaiirrf —Tha i1r»l wpali mI tt aliiiirwppka' 
tilrnuaaaaAonenilarl \t ami vliii tlm lininanM opttuing *. 
anil tlia l1e|:ubllrao raullcBMou mitaiiiig l|, gtvo H-x 
mans geto not at )»aU ihulr n\.Kit*p^. imilhra* mi Hie 
otliararaniuiBUulltiini Vary utxtd. Tli^ IjiH |Imb aaaa 
l*abbut IbeABme. .Saul MatlallA ittiriia a'lif«l atiO ilntto 
fotaioeil are: Juan A I'aicnlo r.'rcil fr'twaiulf, (hi MdHim 
end Maioaril, Kate HoIIop ay, ndmn PaiuiI*. InI Piiaa", 
f.ulta LuwAUda I'rul ('ahmiu's llnr'H*, rrm. |l<iv>-r'a 
D 'ga, Praok Wrif lit, Unurslana HtillariiJ. NuIm'hi riiitera. 
Un-iraa Kline. Iha l/tibd^rvaoB ai i| <lrtir«f* lltillBiiil 

Hr^itr THSAr^r: — lo rkla'-rBihui nf Hrlill-»r'a Mrib'^ar 
liUflAt'i * I** 1) Cailu* " •a«aa'«'l ll "11 ic H' li>H-ni|iaii 
Ai'i Kadatburg latait voik. ' Uer Hnrr rruAinr," aa* 
i veB. 

riui'La'n TiikiTiti -ItuM H.iUira f.«a<iirii li'lles 
iipaiird I3lnr a nerk. lu i-xiM nl rA«b iwnij-'a Ma<iAg«r 
Hayaoralalas .hA( liat ai-oH the HlirrKhfiA lUniiiiiir 
HpoTia Cnnipioy wasiha Uil nl ihla toA^'in. Itceies A 
l'a'faer'a(^•Am<lp<>ltlanalf}AO•l anch 

Wti]inaaLl.ilJ Ml-aitrM — liua 11 tid H^ak; <liirli>~KI>a 
Kwipg (lall wbiiian), (Hiisd iiatiiiiwl gvAi).('»pi. P-aiik 
ilmrn itn and Mila I.e ''ro-i. Ha'aiil'a iiiru'. J ll. Una. 
dlDPa ll Arret luiAterr, Miira !.« '-'aril («llitfa<"r rliarmer) 
and Or*uea fafr^ liAiri. Ilieji fa-Keilia Pinlil*. Prank 
VVilHamsoP. Moitrn aid Klinr, t.'lira Adnuir, Al'^t^sriliy 
BO<l llnrnnMr. Ilia M<iiiialialia, 

UUllig rilBATHB — TlmnM H'aoilAid Tli^k'rf, itipniaird, 
opaMd uoUer ibl« diie as a i«<i'|"tI'I« Uuu^^m, Ti-n 
bill: UyoD uallstM, iliaH*.soUr>, t^iaiiHl t. Ili-tfUduB abd 
HagaDV Ib^Uo AU'l L'atli, Vivia'i Dii Nii<iii>. I.e« I'aI- 
iner, walcli 8Ui We:i:'*, HuaAitl and PjurrauCa and 

Cui-rujri— VaoagfrPratib Hall ofrhiratfo, Tlaw^fiur 

Wiatar eireiiAft Alsoacur \f K il<irui«ii \,%%r.tur¥\n\ 

*Tbe UiBiar Kicoal" ittoa ailnr hnc. f. mirii he «i>l 
0I0S1 tbeco'ii^Auy aod alll pul Pa'il l> i-^tf r'tut In "Tlie 
Uieto dowa Man,*' oieealaig a>. tli* H/tl<lirr«' llniiiv, 
DtitbB.O , Jtao 1>. Id iriatatnii'Ki/ i"*l irs ajr fi|p*<ar 
will be Barry Magafrll. LMn AmnM. V«i umi soil IU»- 

ihoine. lArn^OBod "srerMl nilivra «A»aKfr Ji>lin 

P.. Williams, of IbeCran-l "ifra ll*iii*a. inrikMPli. Wia. 
• aaliaraf, aod stcur-d Hira'a |^.lltllt||ar|.| ii.u raiiioiin 

flpara UMnpany for early daivam liU li<i'i<e Han 

agar Williaioa nitw rr.nir' l> ihti Ml) 1 •t*ti lu ••' daiik'nh. 

(kuiierloe Lewiao'iMd hhIi AiiR-i>iib ImI»'a r»iii- 

paar here li Charlra llnrwnc tha cni.c'llii uu-l 

BUtlior of "Tba Prima iJu'ina," \m ItMt r, i'»c-.iiiiaAny l-av 

loioWaaJatPairoli <:hAil'AMci-'aiil>* 'A ■•luinui iha 

BrATaslf' faioii I'aa la Han nl^ J.. .M^iiBil*'- J' hn H. 

Rayuor.of tk* Paoplo'a, *a*Iii [!IiI :<«'- 'J TI>o llr.iirk 

Om/b l-'OBpsay fprU'il lia «rAku» III ltii:i' "a l\ ia., tl 7. 
appearlag in "Haid Pa*li«' antl "riiH Uiaa.iii," ^hn 
0 ■vlrAoy iBclud'i E L lirav's. Prank IIMa-IaU. Aln/i'i 
llat'b. Dao PackirJ. J Iid ll' r, i'. w. phrliiK 
Hoo»L4wr*eca. kd. Wa-ign, wiil am I'lr-kp li't die Item- 
hart. Hit« IfarrtogUJb, llA:efia L«ti>. >laiiia H'tnrk as*! 

tleo B. UppA. pruprraiurkbiiiiAU«arr f .r. KoA'urr 

baalaiDMDlB third afitK/O ul * Ho |ia f)'Pri*ifl," hp 
W D(i*tio.dadlcaunu U 10 iourcnrr«a ',r>tl<ni... , >'ao 
agar Mbanuao Broao ek«Mn hi* c '•if«<:il a * lib^'Ud 'iha 
KarJi" la IIMIOA 11, aod la tijcchil huii.all- 

Fond da Lmc^VAocHun Wnfk hurl all drs* 
mule aiouMBieoi aarbiei«. At ih» rrxraoi Wtlbtr 
IUBror4a "Powar ol HuW 'ttr** IahI/ wall. -A Uir- a 
Way." wllb Uladis Wai:i« aii>l Cawili'irn Ifa'uial, 
plsyed «>Bn au)|i<r aoi<rrr>Atiti emJlriiief. 1 1.» Calliituii 
I'l-eraCu . to "Amoi lu." i3. 

Llllt« lloilfe— At Ida t'apliiil IhMlru M. ti. 

PlBbl'B MlBktreU cadib Km*. 7 Iq tl<a laic«<t hume ol 
ataaM. Dae: Miluii Nubaa is, 'hpidcr Bi'4 Piy ' i^, 
*Tba OaHler" 17, "Taa DbtH'b A'icilua ' I'J. iU, EOie 
UUlai n, "Iba Bilrar Kltg" A 



November 17. 

nf lup ud nlDnr, uil imtklDf » bUwhett- 
» tUj," m> nf "Tie Ullhooli't Al>n«d" nuD- 

— notirr Mil Doicn rrom tho HInDle ImIct 
Comrtfj (M.: We liRve hten oot eleren wecin, toil 
OAD r<'|iort baslDess m niljifftctorj. Tbe conpAiiy 
Incl' dee twentj-fuiir people, u follow: f. A. Yel- 
TlDRtOD, F. RlUilile, Wn. V. a>mt, Kd. HcllDRb, 
niclmril K. Bnrk, K. J. Uvk, II, II. LthIod, Owrla 
ADOenon (Mount), MMu Nnmlle, end UIODle 
ter. Vni mi orcnealn: Thoe. R. Hcaomo, I!. T. 
(IM1I) Lkmliert, Ohiiuncr llHlDea, Kmll rcitrnen, 
Rmll D<Tld>nn, EdiiI KeDoeke, Anien PMIIppi, 
Ullea RrT»D, anil Uie llroe. OtlTej. Fred Vn lloUKh- 
nei, ecenic kiilit; I,. A. Ilueoe, In adTeiice; fleo. 
C.MIlohelliPrnprlcinraDd nuD»ger. The polltlcul 
wtr nt U<1 meii WM uUclpuled \>y Ite elemeota, 
Md iheelocilonwiwprelKed iir ajouDg IHIcurd of 
no imn pmportlonn nathotlipolluceudbliuanl 
did not umce In k»p Ihe people away. We plajr 
Waiertown we< k nnt, mii brmn ma ant reperuir; 
ronipiini erer admlUed, It In buianollier prnnf of 
Ihe inerriof Iko ornnHAtlon and Mtoafer MItoli' 
ell'a buRlneKR ahlllilcfl. 

— Hn n. H. Faith, wboio huihand I* wlih the 
John Dillon Un,, la recnvcrlos from kMrlona attack 
of pncunonia In rnilndrlptitA. 

— Tom Hanln opened wltb "The While Dnoad- 
ron"Htlhe Krnpiro Theatre, Wllllainaburit, N. Y., 
rrplaclnn will K. I'hIIIIpe In the part of lloniln 
llnoliuie Friilera. Hr, I'hullpii lakca (eneral man- 
ageinentof A. Y. Peareon'a «tinetloon. 

— UanaiiT Uhaa. Ulna repona "H. H U." bual- 
neaa tor* Tho Coiunol and I'' at Ihe Orand Opera 
llonac, UoaUm, Mhm., laat week. 

— Thel'mr. Uondr, unaical dlreolor of the Wll- 
llama' Theatre Uu„ la nut J. 0. Ue Hendir, who, for 
the laat scrcn aeaaona, haa been moalcal director of 
Ihe Uura WlillamaCo. 

— W. W. Uowman, nUijIni the drsniBlIc lead 
with "Tim Ihe Tinker," auaiaTncd a palnfol Inlorr 
dnrlnK the perrnrmance at H«chitnlc<rllle, K. Y., 
Not. 1. He hni not nilaaed a performance and la 

— W.J. B'hnliz retired from the Froat* Fan- 
•hawo Vo.atTomnIo, (Sm,, lo flail lome frienda In 
Uhicaipi. While there he learned lliat an onclr of 
hie had died In Philadelphia, Pa., leatloii tilm eome 
monoy,and he wirl ko there Imined lately. 

— (leerie F. Hall cmtm with "Uoon llollow" Not. 
IT, and opetia In "HcFadden'B Klopement" It, plaj- 
(nir I he oppoalta parte lo John Kernoll. 

— Matt aallaRhcr and John A. Weet are being 

erftlaed rnr tliclr clercr work with Reeflle Itone- 
lll'a "I'laymaira" Co., aa 8lr iliKDwell and Lord 
BluiTwell. Ti n aliow la reporieit to lia playing 
lo good bnalneaa. 

— Air. U. Pcarre vaa ahaent Irom the caal of 
Nellie Ucllenry'a Co. Nat w^k. owing to tbe death 
of hin fatbrr In Riiifalo, N. Y., Nor. e. 

— Marry Van Arnian haa Joined Ihe Harle Klnxle 

— Tin I.Tconm "II. T. U." Co., Aelton h Sherman, 
proprletoivand niatiagera, have tieen toarlng iouth- 
weal Mlayoiirl and report good buainns. In nunr 
oaaea illaplaylng the H. IL 0. algn. The rmter: Scf- 
too A Bherman, managera; Prof. Panl Orabb, leader 
of liand; llenri Mraun, leader o( nrcheiira; Urn 
llelauoy, V.<\. Miiuhhitr, U. Itogen, II. Ilednck, F. 
Frrdeilok, U. (iweua, J. Klllolt. Kate Bherman, I,||. 
Man Randall, l,uiil>o King and l.illle R'lim Wellman. 

— Hr. ahil Um. (I. ILIIIchetu (Hartlia Uonway) 
■ailed for HI. Jnlina, N. F., Nor. 11, lor a alx woeka' 
■touk engagcmcni. 

— Frank J. Weawn and wife llxMtle HTnlieraJ im 
AiiderMin'a "Jnlly O.d Oliiima*' uo. Nov. lo and re- 

— II. K. Orlndell and Allot Dafla cloned with the 
Ihiobanan t^omedy Oct. 37. 

— Hoator of (Irlndell'a UomedTtJo.: D. K. Orln- 
dell, pmprleinr and manager; Btiiart Audereon, 
Ralph I,. aamti>r, II. Guy Uautnmn. T. W. Wanne- 
maker, Jno. II. Knntoer, pianlat; Alice DaTla-Orln- 
dell. Flora Do Vnai, Margarita Wtntata, and little 

— I,llllan KIcna arrived fmm F.ntland Nov. a. 

— Una Ilrnipel, roimerly mualoil director of the 
tJallfiimlaOiHini Co., Iiaa a^-cepied an engagement 
aa miulcal illrertor of the Qaiety Theatre, Dunuque, 

— 0. II. Hey wood, manager of the Alba llei' 
wood Ctimpany, di;nIrR the report of onr Ltlile 
llook, Ark., mrreapooilentlnTiiBCurpiR of Nov. 
0, that llw ciHnpany had oliwed for a few we*ki. 
Mr, llrjwond wnlea: "We are playing to almoal 
dnnble the boilneaa of laat aeaaon, and aa oompa- 
nlea do not uiaally eloae for ton, wo ilu not propoee 
lo nton. We have not loal or oanceled a date." 

— Uiirpiiytrilea, author of Tbny Farrell'a"Oarry 
Owifn,*'"Kvlolliin,"etc., haa dnlihed a new farce 
comcny for John Dillon, entitled *Tbe Raioo." 

— "Ilanda Acroaa the Bca," with W. a. Heevca aa 
director, Wlllard Bunion, bualneaa repreaentative; 
Mr. CunplHill, ae alHgo manager, and i*rof. Bonny- 

Eird aa leader, opened their aeaaon at Barton, 

— Tho I,eonr.n Uroa. Inform na lhatlhey have n- 
oelved over one Uundroil and Bliy anawera to an 
ad. Iwrrted by them In Till (Jtirraa. 

— K. F. Mnimore haa dtipoaert of hit Inleml In 
"Oloilana" to U. U. Hloe. Mr. LIumore la at prea- 
ent In Uiiicago. The company atarta on a Winter 
tonr Ihia woek. 

— Andy I,awlaofc«ml wltb "A Hllver Wedding" 
Uo. at Ranata City, Uo., Oct. 30. lie will play date* 
for alx wreka and will then Join "In Spain," at 
Bud'alo, N. v., tor the reiiMlmler of the aea* 

— T. llenri Freneh haa aeonied Ui« American 
righta (or "Tlie l.ady Blavey" and "Dr. and Mta. 

— Manager Uaroua II. Hnyor annonncea that he 
haa leonreil llerniiatd Btavanliagen, the celetiraied 
planUl,fara tonr of Ihii conutry. The tonr will 
liegin lieo. I'i. In Uiia oily. 

— "Nemi'ala" la tiiii title of a new play which 
lloafl Cnghlan has aocented. 

— Tito reinatna of Kngene Ondin, a notice of 
wboae death appeared In our laat laiue, were In 
i-rred, Nov. a. In Urompton Crnietery, l«ndon, 

— Two theatrical managera wero elected law 
makera on Nov. a. Ilunry d. Miner waa oleoled to 
Cougrcaa from ilila HUto, and Uhaa. II. Iloyt waa 
retnmed aa a moinlierof Ihe New llainpablnlegla- 

— Prof, rant Oelii, at one ilmowell known In the 
mu»lea1 world, dlrdNnv. A, Hlhti home, near Bom 
ervlltu, N. J. Th'*. h he oame to tbla country 
yrata ago, but in '-j u'aa known nf bit anwln. Ilia 
death rfaultcd rMI lockjaw, bmiight on by a apiln- 
t«r, wbloh haiHnv Into une of hU handa. 

— Iluae K. unrgan wilt rejoin tlie"JoahoABprnce- 
liy" 00. 

— Harry 1,. Palmer, manager of tho "Wnrk and 
Wagea" ijo., writea: -FrMii tho Utile tl 'ad.' 1 In 
aerled aome three weeka ago, 1 recelred an 
awora. mi>at all Irom uaef il people. Uy oompauy 
opi'Df d In Malvom, Nov. 6, to i. U. t>. Tbe com* 
pany Inoluilra: Harry L. i*alffirr, proprietor and 
manager: Will H. Collier, adnuice; Alfrrd Row. 
hind, H, I,. KlnapT, I,. K, nrach, Deo. Bonaliie, F.W, 
Whltoomb, Kntnkig Rilloit Ueaob, Oraoe Want and 
May Baldwin. Wo mrry a complpte eaw mill aoenc. 
Tho pleco haa been entirely rewrluen, alao have 
apeclal dropi, and play all ono night alanda. 

— Lawteni^o Wlllianu hu rejolneil the Ulllan 
Kennedy Co., to play heavlea. 

— While Newiou Bcera waa iieing made a K. of P. 
on Nov. 9, at Altcona, Pa., Kd.ll.Thomaa pUyed 
Ihe part of Job Atmniyd, In "I/mi In Lundon." 

— The MelvlUB, a Frtnoh famlljr of mnalclana and 
Tocallala, have recently algned a tlreyoara' oontiact 
10 make a tour of America, giving a aerira of con- 
oerta and entertalnmenta under tbe inanagemeni 
and peraonal direclinu of Uhaa. llemani. The 
family conalata of Ihe huher, mother and ten chll 
drcn, nuiging Irom a aon twoiity-obo veara of age 
down 10 baliy Ia Vema, throe yearn old. The tour 
will begin at VICTOlano, U., where Ohu. Bernard 
Jnini Ihe Uclvliui at the rloae of the Walter L. Nala 
OlrcuB aeaaon. 

— f,lltlo llaael Bourne waa preaenled with a dia- 
mond ring at Woalberfonl, Tex., Ual week. 

— A btnouft waa tendered the Uaroy Comeily 
Co., by tho /.eruibi. In honor of Ut<le llenwalla. 
Haoy Xernlii waa cbilalened In Uihooton, N. V., 
with lien 1,0 llnih and Mn. llekD Lleilen aa 

— The "Coon Hollow" Sorenadeia, Camilla Oaa- 
aelll, Ur.ile Harding, Billy Btadly and Lao Uenry, 
wei« tenderoil a Inuqutt by tbe Paninlto OInb, at 

— 'The Young Aniertoan," with Unta Uornlna 
Qaden, and the original oonpany, under tbe 
agemeut of Garland Oaden, will open the aMaon at 
Mr. fladen'a Iheain), in Bteriing, HI., Cbrlalmaa 
night, anil ufiiiie directly Raau 

— Unl Hentfee and wife, Helle Stoddard, ban 
Joined A. Y. Peannn'a "Derby Naacot"Oo. 

— Tnoniaa K. Hurray, Tony Bulllran, tnwa. C 
Vomer and Frank Davli arrived In London, Eng.. 
from America, Nov. I, After a abort provlncfai 
tour they will depart lor Oane Town, Africa, and 
AuiiralU, lo lour "Uur Iriah Vlilton." 

— Frank Ji'nra, who waa with Fanny RIca'a Oo. 
until Ihe cloatug of iliatorganUalloD, will Join lb« 
"Yoi^ Yoniou" Co. Nov. It, at Olaveland, o« lo play 
hia old pan of Hniv. 

— "We art doing a good bnalneea throngh New 
York Btate. The anew U nnnlnc better than ever, 
plenty of ' ' " ... ^ . 
ever we r 

— Nniea and mater of tbe Billy Clifton Comedy 
Co.: We organized oor aeaaon Nov. 13 at Troy. Pa., 
In "Dnclr Uiiiry." Roater: Rllly and Jraale Olltlon, 
Wm. Ferrla and wife, Fred Durrell, Ulle. RInom. 
Nora Hlone, Jelf. Iladen, Tony Wllllanw and Prof. 
Wllklaon, leader. 

— Note* and roater of Byen A OlsagoWa Lyceum 
TlioHtre Co.: Opened tbe aeaaon at Sliver Creek, N. 
v., Nov. 8 to good bnalneaa. Tne ounpanv will 
togr New York, Penntylvanla and Ohio. Itoeter: 
Byera k niaagt>w, propnetora; J. 0. (liaagow, man- 
ager: Tboe. 0. Ryera, advance; Prof. J. Healy, 

ETmlat; Oeo. R. llobloaon, itago manager; Bam U. 
Illler, Will u. Morton, Ion Carroll, VIvtor Vance, 
latbelle PIslcber Marie Uarcunn, and /otic Slater. 

— R. F. Mit£bell baa cloaed aa hnalntaa manager 
of Markoa'a '-u. T. 0." Oo. 

— Molea from tlie "Dncle Joab Bpraceby" Co.: 
Fred D. Iiuoler baa Joined the "Uncle Joab Bpruco- 
by" Co., to replace Uiaytxn D, >t bite, whom Man- 
ager Dave B. Levi! releaaed to Join "A Bummer 
Biitzard." llnae N. Morgan baa Joined Ihe com- 

Jany. ue la rapidly recovering from hla aocldeoL 
aoobPontlna, trap drummer, tiaa Joined lo place 
of A. H.Madlaon. Bualneaa haa neon above expec- 
ta loni- 

— Noiea from "Hla NIbba, tbe Baron:" Compiny 
Id good health and beat aplrlia. Llzzta Aoderaon 
and Alice CIIITonl are aobleving aocceaa in their 
duetta and whlalling aoloa. Haggle Weatoo'a 
naw iong, "Tbey Want Me tor a Living Picinre," 
U a lilg lilt. Billy Oowrra baa added a new dan- 
cing apecialty, and W. J. Bolly'a original mono- 
logue, wlih aiereopUcoo lllnatiaitnna, catcbea Ihe 
people every where. Tllaere and Sidney have added 
two new aonga and marchea loane* medley, and 
W. J. Turner haa added new character iinperaona- 
UoSB 10 the aecond act. The Oalely Qina of New 
York In aeniallonal dancing araihortly lo be added. 
A. J. Hata^n atlll pllcia ihia comedy aggregation 
wlih continued auccera. 

— "Wife for Wire" Uo. Jnal cloaed a ancceaatul 
three weeka' engagement hi t^lnclnnitil, U, Tbey 
play Ihe BIJon Tbratre, Waahlngton, U. 0., next 
week, and men toor tbe Kaat for eeveral weeka. 

— Olavion B. White opened with tlie "Summer 
Blluard" at Sr. Louie, aaiumlng Uie part of 
Willie Httile, the theatrical inamiKcr. 

— Tbe J. 0. Ilooiey Dramatic i)o. acnd newa of a 
robbery of much of their wanlrooo and perianal 
elfeota while In ttanalt from tbe opem uonao to tbe 
cara In Lelpalo, <)., on Nov. t. 

-Jaa. L. Sniherland. of -'Tla Fail Mall" Co., 
wTliaa that tno injure ho acctdenuiiy received In 
llavlln'a Theatre, St. Lonia, on Oct. 31, will not re- 
ault, aa waa feared. In Ihe loaa or hla tight, and tbal 
he will ahortly rejoin bla company. 

— John Price Joined Fred Hobblna' ''Mule 
Trlxle" Co. at Indtanapolla lo play tbe part of 
Pete, and repona incceu. Hr. Piice hav recovered 
hla voice. 

— John B. Raynolda, broiherof Fin lleinolda the 
comedian, and who haa been connacted with 37>e 
I'lUBtniro CfiTontOf-Ttifvraph for yeara, haa nnc' 
reeded aeorga U. Jenaaaa preuageotof tho BIJon 
Thraire lo Pi labnrg. Pa. 

— Harry Buil-r, re.-cntly with tbe "Fate" Co. haa 
lelt that orgaiilMilon to Join Cbaa. II. llntt'a forcea. 
Bob Brannlgaii baa replac,id Mr. Bauer wltb the 

— Itoater of Varnle Lee Co.: Vamie L«c. HInnle 
A. O n, Mayhelle Lralle, Anilrew Olaaarord Sr., 
Paul Aiken, l>. F. McUHntock, Thoa. n. Sulkle and 
RobL A. Flak. Tne company are pUiylng "Me and 
Jack" and "Marriage Nut a Failure." 

— (Jan H. (Mratenaen la toaring south Dakota 
and Iowa with hla concert company. Uhaa. Mckera 
Ual the helm. 

— "Alldiony," by Berlierl Hall Wlualow, waa 
acted at the Academy of Mualo, Waahlngton, D. C 
Nov. t. The play la a mtlre on the divorce laws o 
Dakota and other alatet, and lucldently louclice 
on polMlca. 

— KIwyn A. Barrow'a new phiy, "When Deaa waa 
Queen," waa preaenled for tne tlret Umo at London 
Can., Nov. t, by Ulle. Ilhea. 

— "Tne Proltlgate," by A. W. Ploero, waa played 
for the drat time In America at the Park Theatre, 
PhlUu1elpbi4, Pa., Nov. I, with Marie Borrougha In 
the leading role. Tne plav waa orlglually acted at 
tlie narrlok Theatre, l/>ndnn, Kng., April 3i, IM. 

— "Tne Kid," In wnicb Patnce la atarrlog under 
tbe dlreoilon of Meaara. Haya A Co., opened the 
Park Theatre, St. Harya,U.. Nov. I, to an overdow- 
Ing bonae. After tbe perforaauce a banquet wob 
tendered lo tbe companv, newapaper men and rall- 
rmd omcbila, by W. A. Llvermore, on behalf of tbe 
Oaa Belt Olronll Aaaoolailoo. 

— It la announced thai Marlon Hanola haa entire- 
ly recovered from her r«cent lllneaa and will Bhurt- 
ly reinm to the atage. 

—Tho Novelty rbeatra, Brookljn, R. D., K. Y., 
will oBcn, Nov. 11, wKh "The Walla of Now vork.'l 
Wm. Mickey, of Troy, haa leaaed ilie iionee for a 
tern of yeara, and will play tenailonal melndra- 
matio attiaoUona. The nooae hu been equipped 
with all the modem improvementa, Inoliidlng a 
new electric light plant, p. p. Folaom baa lieen 
engaged to look after Mr. Ulokey'a Inlereata, 
aaalated by Uie rullowlng atalf: W. U. Sherwood, 
treaaorer; Qeo. DennlB, adTartltlng agent, am 
J. B Ayeia, etage manaier. 

— iMia Lane and bnaband (0. U. Showalicrj are 
engaged for tbe aeaaon wlih S. A. Ht. iiyria 
TbealreOo., MIta Unednlng leadjandher hnaband 
all round bnalneaa. 

— earner A Lowlow'a "Red of the World" will 
reaume Ita toor Jan. 1, under the maiiagenenl or 
J. U. J. Kane. 

— John W. Tumbull loll ibe Seymoor-Strauon 
Oo. lo ailend hit motber'a funeral at Ni-w Britain, 
Ut., on Nov. 3. 

— Oi'o. L. Moreland baa retired from the awgt 
and opened a cafe In Sleobeuvllle, o. 

— Normao, tb« Frog Han, inei with ancceaa at 
the Oaiely Tbeatre, Uuouque, la., laat week. 

— Qeo. A. Barrett, viollnlal, formerly with 
Walle'a Uomedv Co. and Ihe Bnbb A Benneu Co. 
bailooatedaiwiltianiaport Pa. 

— n. B. Oaatle and wifo have oloaed with Harah't 
Select Playen, and will Join Ihe "Oypey King" Oii. 
In HI Louie next week. 

— Jaa. H. Adama repona a good bntlneaa for hit 

— M. D. Cunia waa arrealed Nov. t alTannton, 
Maaa., on a writ of atuuibnient for lirni lo favor 
of Duncan B. Ilanlaon, hla laie manager. 

— Wm. Il.flltlingaaud Kd.BhIndleare with Oeo. 
F, Hunyou'a Uwn Co., In -The Loal Child." 

— The new irolley oar bnllt by Obarlea Norniiio 
(or Iho "Trolley Syalem" la aald lo bu a marvel of 
iieanlv. It wa« drtl abown al Ihe Rmplre Thtaire, 
Pblbulrlpbla, Pa., where the company pliyad a 
very prodlable engagement laat week. Tne Inte- 
rior of the car waa Illuminated bv twelve Incan- 
deaceni lampa. The elocirlo aparkB naan ironi ihn 

Kle and wheela, wbloh make the areno very real- 
lo. The oar tl lea In flity piece* at tho expUiali>n, 
tbe mechanlam employodlopioduco thit cITect re- 
flecilng great ervdiion the Inventor. 

— PblMelpbIa Lodge, No. 3. B. P. O. KIka. la 
working very hard to make Ita fonbcoming annual 
beucQI a Boooeta. It will be tbe tweoly-fourth in 
tbe hlalory of the lodge, and very few lodgea In the 

belonga to one of Ihe old'atand beat famlileB In On- 
lumbna, 0., tbe city of hla hinh. lie Inbertu hla 
latent for acting from bla mother, who, for many 
yeara, waa Ibe favonie anwtenr acireai of Ohio. 
Her entertalnmenta were always for charttahle por- 
poaea, and often Oenrge, when aim a lad at acbool, 
would be given email parte In theae performancea. 
lie made hla profeaalonal debut with Jamea O'Neill, 
In "nie Celebrated Caae," at Maranley'a Theatre, 
lAulBvllle, Ky.. Dec. 13, 1193. Uli next eniage- 
ment waa In New York Otty, wlib the old Union 
Square Theatre Block company, tbe laat aeaaon of 
lie exiatonce. Then followed tbeaa eog'gemen'a: 
"LIghta o' London," Rate Claxton, "Morm 
Beaten," Milton Noblea. Madame Jaolih. Bldwell'a 
New Orleana Stock (k>mpany, Salabnry'a Tronha- 
iionra, Annie Pixley, R. II, Solbem, "Robert Rla- 
more." "Sweet Lavender," "neld by Ibe Enemy," 
"Annt Jack," Plton'n Slock Company, and Wm. rf. 
Crane fur two aeaaona. Hr. Backna baa been par- 
ticularly (oitonaiein geulog lo wide experience In 
inch a abon time. There waa one year during 
wblch he played ihlrty-fonr paru-aomethlog un- 
ntnal In theae "combination" daya. When Hr. 
Crane prodnced "On Probation." Hr. Ba:ku8 waa 
caal fur the Uiailllan, a panwIDi alrongly narked 
characterlallca. Hla performance rtcetved iscb 
iinlvor»4l commendation that be received many 
otrere of engagementa for ilmlUr obaracier parta,a 
line of bnalneaa to which he intends to devote bim- 
Belf In the (more. At preeent ho It plavlog tbe 
Frenchman, Theodore Da Breltao, In "The New 
Boy," at the Blaudard. Hr. Backna will remain In 
New York City permanently, playing only meiro- 
polltan engagementa. Tbia will give bim more time 
to devote tu play writing, a ilater an in wblcb he 
haa met wtlh anma ancceaa, hla one act play, "In 
the OloamluE." being hit Drat. In collaborallon 
Willi Nelacn Whealcrofi, be baa wrtilen aeveial one 
act playa which have bad tncceaBfol mut here and 
In London, "Tne Major'a AppolnimenI," prodnced 
under the management of Cbarlee Fiohroan, lielog 
Ibe moat prominent, Mr. Backna la an actor whoje 
work alwaya dlaplava keen Intelligence and con 
Bclenucna aindy. Hla chancier work la eapeclally 
good, and he baa done wlaely In nuking that bla 
apecialty. He diaplayB much akill In make up, and 
In every way completely einka bla Identity In tbe 
role he ataumea Hla aervlcea ate alwaya lo de 
mand,and hla rank In the proreatlon la enviable. 

order can abowao Unea litter prtwrarames aa thuee 
nreaentad each anoceedlng year or that time. Iiio, 
Wm. Illnoken, a well known newapapcr man, who 
la obalrmao of Ihe oommlttea, wrlira ua tbal the 
eeata are all lold and that an unnaually largo nnin- 
ber of pertormera have ToluDieeitd ibeir aervlcea. 
Jnle Keen ("BnlMo Bill's Unlchman"), la Ibe author 
lied agent of the lodfie lo aollclt in Una city feaiurca 
(ur tbe bill. Tlia lodge la largely compoMdolpm- 
reaalonala. The benellt porrormance will lie given 
at Ihe Uheatout street Open Uooae on tlia arter- 
nooo of Deo, I*. ^ ^ 


IloutioB,— At Sweeney A oootnbe' Opem Huntc 
'-TTia purer Kiot," Nov. a. titd (air bNaluvM. Mlu Hetch 
Vaw, aHlilad bj Maantllan Dick, anrctella Laj and the 
UalveatOD goantt, gava a cencart, 7. t>i an iiumra^e 
honae. HIh Ya* vaa tha rveipiaai of •aihniiaauo ip 
plaua* autl raaalta "Ttia Panlar" etma A Alba Wn- 
wood e, una HklDaar II, Kdla Bllalar la. 

HBLL'a Pauob Taaavaa— RuMo^ea It aieallaDl. od 

&. Prof. MeHaamr (itrDDa mas). Utibatt Haiieliat, Loaa 
Rtat QuailaL ClhNl Barlow. Hiok Adun^ ~ 
lit Tout Wan. John Kttgar and Matda Pope. 

80UVR Baa iBUaoaaa, iwaair la auiubor. epeaaJ np 
00 BramoQd Daoaie lo aa Iibdi'dm araatl. Ttiay had 
latr ba»in«aaf,a 

8aua Baoa*. Ssova at* aipMted ts- 

Aaatln,— AlHlUelt'a Opem llouee "Spider and 
Fly" draw a laraa hoaaa No*. 1 Rfll* Hllalar ma* la 
UUB Ollaaar 11^ Toay PaTiall IX Tko* (j. eaabmohe n 

Hoaarek Mtatlnutl will Bim.* Oliau will aiblbtl 

baia It. 

■aa AaleBlo,—Atthe Grand Opera Mouse Tboa. 
W R««aa,iiel.aX9l, Playaatonodboaaaa. "Rptdartai] 
' i,\th*d nod boaat* Ootntng; !kt«"TI)* 


Fly' i,]/ikad (Dod hoatat RiinlBg: Ik "' 
KTag]*' NL It. Qraat A Ooagreva't "Tha Oatatar'* Oon 
l>aDr;U, KatBUalar. 

OalveatoB,— At Ibe Trenool Opeim nonse "Tte 
Ttoraato" aid lairlr wall Nov. I. tiaa: if, Toat Partaltr 
le.Ck noBtaq. SHbtMkajll,a "AianBarttuaaid:' 
n M. -TagoaiMa Paidaar.'' 


St. Loala.— Bnalneea waa only fair hut week 
attar tha Piioiliy opaoliigi. At the Olymple Tkaatre 
Robert ManlalleorameDcad a w*«k*a •Daaiteneot Not 
11. Fclli Morrta made more 01 ao artlatto Ibao a fioia- 
eial itQCC**! tart weak. AdalUban commaDcataweaV' 
enxiaaeieDt at adraacad ralaa. Tbe adrante aala la 

naAao (irau Itocaa.— Juitt Harlow* labor*! aacood 
w««k drew fftirhouMi Jobn w. NortoB appaarMl lo aa 
Ma«ur Waltar, In "Tta* Knodiback." lo auvonhan the 
ea^L "Aliddto Jr." Ihia wteli. Tin Morpbr n. 

lUoAH TuaATHK.— RAban ilBTlor draw good boii*«a 
Uit w««K -'A Hunimar Bl<aanl'' tbIa weak, with ttalll* 
ltoi*bud aa th* Har. ■ Darkeil Ruula." 10 

Havu:i aTliBATaa— Pat* Ba *rdrewioph»aTTboua*i 
la«l wn" * FiDDlgao'i Hall" ibla we*k, "Tm Coaat 
Ouanl" I& 

HrAMDABD TaBAVaa-Qna llill'a Nortltlaa draw good 
houMfl all laat w*vb J-bn K Fteld'a Drawlag Caida 
• bla wvab, th* K*w York fliar* IB. 

PopaatliaATBa— UqelDBMweSROOd lait weak. Tbta 
wavli; Ella W**o*r, ftaTtrut. Hcliaalfar, Howard and 
Emarwn. twu llariDooa, HItt and Lawrene*. Rar Kur. 
ton. IIIkbId* BroR. Ueo. B419I10, aod Maynanl and Ten 
D*ut lo Iba oil*. Drmmalle company: (:«lla Allab«ra, 
UilTo MarllQ. Rvolyo (lordno, aaiooln Wlllla-Q^ Oaa C 
Welohart. Arthur Mtctley. Ctia" Banbam, Hare Rob 
blUH, Xaurle* Hr*aoiD. aod Kalpb MIL 'Th* Quevo'i 
Hvidanc*" will ba pr*Mot«d tbl* w*eh. 

wi.HTaa Oahdbn.— kd Fax, Dotti* Plahar, Laora But- 
ler, Baby Hhui. Dalar and Btial Carlaloo Roaa, Wqi. 
Itlll. AonlB LaaroocaaoO ibaTeDOay Family. 

Lu-fDo.-* Mt'aic ItALU— Bmlte ajjif B*rUia RodolPh*. 
Flora Itu'tom LlaioD (maitosi lofttrumvDti). Willard 
and lltlI.Jw and Wm. BAiiioe, Ada Oltltonaod Qartt* 

HHTAaraTuaATaa.— Hioarra B^naia Dao Candida 
HauniiiK. Iflla Noroiao, Hallitaw, Hmllh and M*yar. La 
Rol* Broa , Ida Wall'ac. Mtanie Patiatr, Madg* Htak, 
Billy Mart. IMf* XeConl and Allc* AtttloMD. 

Maoi:(LBT'a MeaBOH.— Atrlcaa Owarfa. Priaeaaa Balla 
Dobra ti:ircawiiiD), Dalapoit twira). Pr*d Hall (p«rcb 
»nd U,i,l*r), MIM Hot* Whilo <Tocall»t tod daecarOliai 
Wiltlun. ldaDA,-uA«). aad III* Nto:k compao/.tn "aatb 
le*D RRfDurato." 

TUBATHH COMiqoa— Tom Valvo and Ulla. Hariella, 
Ada Uitnimar, Harry and Emma Rmllh, Llltla Whll*, 
P«t* UaKorniicV. Torn Rutto. B. L. Crala, Lima Arnold, 
Hatti* OonloD. J. J. Morray Bad HIrOt* TfaorDUn. 

(laa TUBAVHB.—Wall. T«rn, Nallla Blmer. llarrrElli 
vortJt. Tom unvl*. bmlly Toudb, LolUe t.ttit*. J. " 
MorrU. Llntg faikar. Blanch* Wllber and CbtL Oraili 

BauiR'a auiahbra TuaAraa— War Steward, Boa* 
Blita, V V. Pay. HaaKia l4et'lark,LanyUoDoon,AoDl* 
KlDil*. Lottio Tliorn*. Hike HtBllni,Lac*lllllltan,Ot- 
car aodRaltisKharo. Hatua Carlton aod Powel (coolor- 
tionial ) 

BIJOD Tu BATHE.— BlUy llaytar. Jaaala Adami. Tilllt D« 
LaaolM, H>|M* Klna, Tlllt* KallyD^ 0«>rBl* Bllly*r, 
ilrac* Mlll^ (larTi* Fe*b*]r. Jo* Caldvall, Joba M. BUlea. 
Trac«7 Flojd tnd John A, L*Alle. 
Ohat.— Cot John D ttopkio* li ODBaitlnR peepl* and 

fraparlof a ptoiomlm* l*r Chruimaa w*«lc Bitty 
lantnO ldaWa<itDa bar* doubltd op tod will appear 

10 *k*'«o*«aiHl a mari,iDo<lB«ct Tom W. Howard. 

oootftc'tua aaflot 01 the New or«at flroillcataBbow, now 

WlolerlDB to Dvorer, wai brr* laat weak TbaWlU 

Went Hliow raturDod h*r« lObyiiTerfrom Hunphtaaod 
aod tarea b«nel1ltollitAupioy*aatHporlaio«D'aFark. 

II Ootit* Diriipl*. tb« vocaliu aod uaae«r, haa b«*n 

Tikltlnic b*r rilallru at DaoTllI*. III. for lb* l**ttbr*e 

w*«k JraAtline Rodger* aod Loulu Kiplvy, wbo 

bar* be*a 0*nib*r* ol Pop**i Ttieatr* t\fitk couttkaar lor 
ilieUktthrasmoDthB. 1*11 for Rail Lak«i:ltr tl, aod thair 
i.lacri wero dllad by Ullr* Hartin aod Helta At»b*ra. 

lata ot L"wla Morrlaon'a Co * Th* CrT*tal Haio' waa 

op*D*d by<'4l. JoliD U llopklDA at tJD Uliv* Rlr**t HI. 

Maoaaar JaiueaJ. HoU«r, of lb* Hiaodard Tiiaitr*. 

haa rttorueil Irom N*w York t:[t>, whara he allooded th* 
Qr"t m««linK ol th* -'AMoelatloii ot VBtid*itll* Mant|[*r* 
ot Ainenca- 

Kanaaa City,— Al Coatea' Opem llonse Fell; 
Morrla. In *-ThB H«al Man'* aod "IMiInd the Rcanet 
eoniaa th* Uit three olahta ol tbia w*«k Laat w**k 
"Fricndk" cauiA f,ir thra* nlahlA to aood boilooM Tha 
allow Iiaa alaai* b««n aoccaaalal hrr*. "Aladdto Jr. 
ooniBA tt, axtl. 

UkAND DrvHA Hooaa— The flrac produotioD her* of 
* Darkeat Hiuwla" ihU w*«b. Villi* i'«lll*r In "A Bach 
Numlier," aaro olerar par|AnntQC«a laat w*ok to llgbt 
bourn. Next ***b. Lawia llorrlanB, to *'PautL" 

NIXTH Hthbrt TllBATaK.— Cbta A. Lod*r, lo **0h. 
What A Ntaht." thtk weak. Laat WHk, 'Tbe <:onDly 
Fair." lor ib* Ural il'n* at popular prtraa. bad a big 
v««k. ttobhy Qavlor. tq "Mpnit HoAlliAiar.'' neat wa«k. 

UlLLia' ortHA ffot'aa.— Thia w*ab. Hane Wellealty. lo 
"Un lb* Bunaoe* Hlrar." Laat v«*k, Loodon Bmptr* 
Hol«rutorr* had a rair w**k. 

t;LirraHlN«a.— Aoot* Bra Far, *ha madtum, mvaa . 

a«aoc* at th* Andlutrluni II 'Tha PIrataa of P«n- 

taoc*" will b* produe*il liy tba Eanna City Opera Com. 

pany at Huito (tall la. IS, It Pit* luambaia of '*Tb* 

HilT*r W«ddioR" Ctt„ wlilehdtibkDdrd li*re, wer* aMl»tcd 

to initeaao by a HUbaerlptloD Iba Ana* Wyaodoit* 

Roallib tJoQCerl Co. wba ursanlBMl h«r*, aod laCi lor Mta 
aourl and KaB>a« lowoa ItAt w*«k. Th* ro*tar: ThooOor* 
HcboRtil* pltotit: OIITB Hlaiun. eonliatto; Por«u Iit. 
ing. lannr; Carl Ra)mi-n,l, l*Kd*r and maodolln: Frad* 
•riok Clirton, autur: Hay nana etooutioolBI, aod Anna 
Wyaodotl* Frank M. Hvao la th* inanatar aod ilio. B. 

OatdDer advanr* aaeot rbta. Thomaa. maaaaar 

th* Ultltk. haa raataiiad, to xo In buainaaa to RL Lou'r. 


Hlohmond.— ''A Trip to Cblnatown" waa tbe 
attraotloo at the Academy ofHotio Nov R, V. and prornd 
to b* ona of Iba mo«t lucoaiatul anattwoeau ot tb* aa*. 
eon. **B R.O.'*marhad th* or«ntoi atghl. wblU unt- 
tomiatly laraa aadlnaoat i|r*tl4d Ui*T*DalDlDgp«rrom- 
ane*a. Jotloa Whtimark waa eordlalty r«oelTad. HU 
r*ndtttonor"llerByflM Don't Rbla*." *le , waa panleo. 
larlr •ffaoIlT* and hMrttly *B00T«d. "Tbe QaH*y Slav* 
lioiikad lore ;, rancaled 

AOAOBBT or Ht-aio —"Tlie BUok Prook . 
BOAIRU" 14, l\ "Fioaforw," by looil tal*Dt,U 

Htf uBo:<n THBAraa— Tha Joaker HtoAUtla n. 

tTT.fAH'a'TuBATaa (.'ohiqoi.— Opan'oa la. Neul* 
RITtn. BuAtna »a U lair 

Norfolk.— At Ihe Academy of Music "A Trip 

Oluatow,!" prarad to axeeltanl buitoaaa KoT. B,e. Ih* 
rt R O oani baloadiAplajnlrarly In Ib* eTenioa Tr* 
HIack i'r<^ik" dt«w oroadoO hnu'iiAa 19. B«ib*d: Mula 
Rurn'URlia IB. V. "Tb* Bural«r" XS, tl 

HIJOO rnaATaa— Opanlag It: Fanri* normaa, Lottia 
Har. and Jobo Vaek. Htaialamv; Tb* Itondlote, Bd. 
Trlabi. .inhD LomuelA. lUth noionaa. Hay Millar. JbmI* 
IH Rou. T*i*a RTanik Hiai Wau. Cbrialia Walob. Ntllla 
Ryan. IIaott TliumpaoD, aed Una Rmtth 

• li,lS. "Til* 
U 11. Maria 


Pargo,- At Ihe nmnd Opem Uouee "In Old 
R«Btnckr" cone* Nnv. ti roaa Walker t*eaDily took 
thamaatR«ni*ntofthUbooa*,aod pronita** Bona Tory 

Bo* alirmaUooa Prol. Tyndall, bvpaouat. haa b*«n 

•p*odluB a taw day* In Ih* eily 


charleaten,— At Owena' Academy ot Hoalc 
-t^arl«y'aAQDt"plaaaadKOOdbOBa**HaT.S.t, "P*ck' 
Bad Boy*- e. 10 bad food baalatM. Oomlag: "Ilea 
Jaaot" IB, It, "Tba Baatea" It, "Mr. Baiaia or Raw 
Tot*" bit, "Iba Blaak OnMk" at 

IggRoei, bnalnetsmanageror Oni nill's Novel. 
Ilea, writes that Qua lllll'a Company la breaking all 
records on their Weaiem tonr. Tbey did the 
banner week's bntlneas at the Avenue Theatni, 
LonlBVllie, and '.nmed people away at the Standard 
Theatre, St. Louis. On their opening day In T,onls- 
vllle, Chss. Boyle end wire. Came Qmbam, were 
prvseoled wllb a harp of flowers from their rrlends 
there. Mr. Daahway, of Daabway and Monllon, 
bort bla leg a«verelr dolugblBact, and had to close 
with the snow. The test of the company are all 
well, and happy and Jolly. Ereiy act on tbe bill 
goes big, and all are reainred. 

J. B. lliTBRLY la now giving bla peraonal atten- 
tion 10 tbe management ot hla Maalodon Hlnslrels, 
wblcb be Inienda to dolor Ibe futore. Tbe leaaing 
ot hla name lo other managera has not been very 
saUBrtclory, and Hr. Baverly bat ai laat decided 
tbatmanagen mnit make their own reputaUon In 
the tnlore,or lease some oiber manager's name 
than bit. Ilaverly's Haatodon Mlnalrela opened at 
Ibe Orphenm Theatre, San Francisco, cal , Oct. M. 
and toned people away. Tbey are now touring 
California, and will return to Ban Fmnclaco Nov.24, 
opening at the Alcazar Theatre, as a permanent 

Job Cumoxt will loin Dave UcCabe, ot UcCabe 
and UanlelB, at Oblcago, Nov. It. 

0. S. FHixBoex la doing the advance work for 
will B. Oulbane's Mlnsirelt. and repona good boal- 

Dart. S. oilhori and Mux. Doloris Fsrmah- 
der. have canceled their engagement In Cuba, and 
will work In New York and vicinity thin winter. 

Uauob KLLiorr waa inlUated as a member ot 
Acion' Protecllte Uolon,No.l, In this city, Nov.?. 

Pbop. Wh. Sobrhah haa lOBt hla Ugbl rope walk- 
ing goat, Oenetal, wblch died from old age, Nov. 2, 
Mr. Sherman aayt that It will not Interfere with bis 
act, as he has had a new goat walking the tope In 
Oeneml's place, for the last three weeks. Prot. 
Sheman opened at Ihe OaleCy Theatre, Chicago, 
lll^ Nov. ». 

PiriR S. Clark, advance repntenttilve of Ihe 
Roaiell Brea'. Company, report* excellent bnalneas 
through the Weal. 

wbbbr k FtBLM expect lo put three shows on 
Ibe road next eeaaon: Weber k Field's Oim Co., 
Rnseell Bros'. Comedlaos, aod tbeir new compan- 
tbe Vaodeville OInb. All three shows are solldl 
booked, and seveml high class Eoropean acts have 
beenengated. The booting la being done enllrely 
by Weber A Fields. 


BusineeB baa been good thna far, and In many 
places we have bad R. 0. We opened the Aadi. 
mrlum, Hason City, la., last week tu B. R. 0., be- 
fore7.46. Tbehonaebaaaaeatlbgcspacllyof 1,WI- 
Tbe ehow la giving geoerel aatlafactlon, and oor 
band pleases the people. Walaon B. Lewis joined 
laat week, and la making a hit wllb Chaa. K. Hants' 
ballBd, "Yno Will Never Know." Leroy Bland Is no 
longer wltb na. We Intended laying olt during 
elfcUon, but there waa auchademand tor the ihow, 
with guarantcea,tbat weconclndedto hold Ibe fort. 
We have learned that some person baa t>een usini 
Ihe name of UcCabe A Young, and Ui giving a bai 
show, wblch bad a tendency to bun oor bnalneas, 
but we bave braved the storm, wltb salaries paid 
in tall. 

CULBARB'n MiNSTRBi N0TB9.-W111 E. Culbane's 
mlnairela, band aod orcbeatm, opened their 
aeaaon at Cynlhlana, Ky., Nov. 6, to a crowd- 
ed house. In aplte of had weather and a big 
political meeting. The programme was a aocceaa, 
the cortaln rltlug on the oldBtyle Oral part, abow* 
Int twenty men In black dress anils, the mnalclana 
being elerated; beaotlfol draping and covered 
chain In plush, made airlklDg contrast. Will E. 
Culhane and P. J. HcOowan Dandled the tamnoa. 
while Cbaa. Milton aod I'. J. Solllvan, look care of 
Ihe bone end; Ed. Bb-ro omdated as Interlocutor. 
Tne singing was by Josepb 0. Doming, Chas. 
White, W. 0. Tutlle and t. H. Andresa. The 
dnale of the flnt part was a burlesque on liv- 
ing pictures. Tte oilo Is made np as follnwa: 
Sobwlmk, contorUonUit; Amoldo, female Imper 
BOnalor: Sullivan and Hctiowan, In a knockabout 
act: Will E. Culhane, In a monolonge act; Ulllon 
and Bram, In a mnalcal act; Sullivan, UcGowan, 
Uemlniund Wallera, In a clog toumamenl; Ohas. 
White. In an equilibrist act; tbe olio being brought 
to a close by TulUe and Andreas lo a retned novel, 
ly act, bandaomely costamed. The pertormance 
was brought to dose with a f nnny atterpetce "The 
DlackvlUe Jnsllce." Our street pamde waa a bit, 
showlog np twenty slroog; ibe band were band* 
eomely costumed: white pinah silk hats, white 
plnsh coats, wltb capes trimmed with red silk, 
while silk tIghiB embroidered in gold lace and 
black lop boots: the pertormera ahead, wore black 
silk hats and long coals with capes. Ten moulh 
pelcee and two drama make np Ihe band, under the 
dlrecUon of Albert U, Lyoyd, wllb the following 
men: Ed. Hlcker, Ed. Bmm, H.SiewartBonebrake, 
L. II. Uotcblnton, M. 0. Bridies, U. J. Schwlmk, 
Abe While, Al. Strict, Oeo. Waltera. P. J. Sullivan 
and J. 8. McOowan. W. 0. Tottle does the drom 
major, and creates a lot of talk. The omheilm Is 
onaer ue leaderahlp or Abe white. The manager- 
ial alaiT: Wld E. Culhane, sole manager: Charles 
Mlllon, stage manager; 0, I. Primrose, genenl 
ageul; Ohas. Bourne, aaalstanl. Tbe show Is Onely 
billed; we are booked solid, and Manager On'liane 
la looking for a proaperons toor. Twenty-one peo- 
ple were engaged through ad. lo Thx ourrEH, 
tweoty ot wuom were at rebeanal oo time. They 
came from eleven dilTerent states. The tour Is 
direct South. 

.^AS. J. BANNisrBB ARp 0D8. HArxLU] Will appear 
next season In a new act, written oy Mr, Bannister, 
entitled "Open and Paniomlne." 
MiNNiB HuEvor, mother ofUie McCoy SIsiera, In- 

roims na Uiai she was granted a divorce, Nov. C, 
from T. n. Ward, or Ward and Lynch. 

Harry Lbvt, late of A I). Scammon's Allnc. 
tlona, has Joined Lew Dockshidcr's Hlnslrels as 
general agent. 

A. 0. BBR, eccentric cbaiacter banjo vocalist 
and whliilrr, late of Wall's Ideals, has Joined the 
Cumberbind Unsical Trio for a limited seasoo, 

Harry CoxBTAMTtRB, Billy Lyons and Harry De 
Lalne an with Uaverly's Hioiitels. 

WiLLiAH Stiblb akp Tiioa. w. Murray hsve 
Joined hands. 

I)B FoRbT Wxsr la reeling In Weal Troy, N. Y.. 
vlilUug frienda. 

Larbt Doolbt and Lew 11. Carroll will aepa- 
nte, Mr. Duoley goes to Anairalla. 

WiLLiRP AND Hall have Inlshed a eucceasfnl 
eogageiiieul Uirough the West, and open at Uie 
Olymplo Tbeain, unicago, lu., Nov. 2t, for three 

Dan 8. SaBHHAH, proprietor ot the "A Jay Olrcna" 
Co.. was a CLirrsH caller on Nov. t. Hr. Sberman 
aiates that lU U. Drock la no longer counecled wltb 
bla company. Cllir W. Omni has Icon ailvanced 
to manage the company. 

A DBAHtKo lo Ilia case of tbe Empire Uoalo Hall 
of Loniluo, Eng., the lli)uor llceoae ot which waa 
rrceolly nvokcd, was held Nov. a, and Ibe appeal 
of Ue managera uf tbe Hutio Uall to have the case 
reopened waadonled. 

Mdrtut AMD McCoy an agcceastully closing the 
olio lor the s>cund season with tbe Oeo. Dixon 
Specialty Oo. Mr. McCoy was presented wlUi a 
lUver bandied allk umbrella In Chicago, III., last 
week, by Hargerlte Fmubel, while playing at the 
Clark Sinet Theatre. 

B. 8. Salahbo, manager and proprietor of the 
New York Vaudevilles, nnderdatsol Oct. M,wrllta 
us tioD IMracas ss follows: "TbsAmerloan Vaude- 
ville Oo. that Balled rnm Kew YoriiBepl.l2fora 
tour of Bonth America, went to plecee hen lo Car. 
acas, afler (onr weeks' exlateocc, leaving the per- 
formen lo a deatHuto coodlilon. The hotel bllla 
wen not paid (or tweaiy-slx days, and everybody's 
baggage waa held, both la hotel aod theatre, for 
oulslandlng debts ot Ihe maoageraeni. We gave 
two benclllalarellere the wants of Ihe needy per- 
formers, one In Caracas and one In Li Ouayra, tint 
elgbty-tbrce dollan o( Uie money tlins made was 
lost throngh the absconding o( one of tbe mem- 
ben of the company. I penonaUy leorianlied Uie 
companv, and will tour the remaluderof Veneiuela 
Budthe West Indies. I havecleand all ootstaudlog 
hotel bills ot the oompaoy, and polled the people 
out of a very deep hole, tti .> onea Ual are not with 
rae an Ibe bangers on mtb Uie old management. 
Tbe former prnprleton are ben wllbool rtsoorces, 
aodwlUootbe alb,wed to depart from Teneioela 
until ihey have sailtlled ibelr credliora. I have 
ncommendailons tiom tbe government and per. 
sunal letten from the United States consSar 
and dlpk>mallo omclala, who have lent us 
every aid uey conld. The company now oonslsls 
of Demonio, Xe PeUi Fktddle, Jeaneiie Woods. 
Bessie Clayton, W. 0. RIobmond, Artbor 0. Kink- 
bam and an advance agent wlUi na, added aa well 
the Balamboa." 

P. C. Fat, Ibe Irteb lenor, baa ntnned to tbla 
city, after an abaenie of ten yeara In the tar Weal: 
be says "then la no place like honw." 

Yraoir ARn Woona, knockanom comedians and 
danoara, have cloaed wlUi OtUaadat'a "l iyoif 

COBA Sinu,wire or James Settle, of Ue Unlen* 
(toariet, recenUy presented her hntband aiti * 
baby boy. Mother and child are doing well 

jAHtB Fakron, ot Ihe Fanrone, la taat rrcoreiiu* 
from a loog atpgo ot rlieuiuttlem. Tbe team i> 
a Ith the 0. W. tt iiilttna Co. " 

KRNNkDY AKP QRitaOH weroCLirrRR callen Nor 
10, having Jnal ntomed f rotn Coliimhna, o. Where 
iney lert the MoHy Whilten Jnckev Mlnatrels. Tber 
slate that Ibe company haa not had a ealarr dav 
sloco the show went on tha road Oct. 4. Mr.' Ken' 
nedy Joins aranler'a Lyceum Co., at Bridgeport, ci 
Nov. ig, for Ue remainder or the season. '' 


stnls.— We opened onr season Nor. 6 at Itockland 
H I., 10 "S. R. 0." Seveml novellica arc Intro' 
dnred In the rirat part which deplete lu the Hn* 
edition "Mlnatrelsy SO Yeaw Ago." Tbe aecond 
edition shows "Mlnstn-lay Vo f > Dale." Kmier- 
L. Hilt Boyer. solo owner; 11. B. Wllbnr, aeneiai 
agent; One Byera, programrncr; S. E. Couk. prea 
agent: Arthur 0. Itlgby, Dert Vernon, Al. Uutar 
Geo. Davcntry, J. H. Harvey, H. 0. Pnnce, John 
Hart, Qua Jenkins, J. B. Stanley, Lew Ceoriie, Wti. 
bird U. Weher, C- B. Price, Irving Snyder N 
Dilnkwlne, N. Beauvala, H. U. Whiitter, P. U. Rin 
Ed. Fuller, Char. i;app«, F. Bcnnell, Oeoige Ackers! 
Uenry D Brown, leader ot band; Don Smith, leader 
ot orcheatrii. 

JOBN UOLTCU, cannon ball king, waa presented 
on hla torty-ijiuth birthday, Oct. a with a gold 
beaded cane, from D^nla, the Danlih Society o( 
Minneapolis, Minn. 

B. U. Uati.i has resigned his pnelUon u tretv 
urar ot tbe Wonderland Mnsee. Fall River, Matt 
10 accept Ue management o( Ue Orand Upera 
House that city. 

Frakk Williahroh, W. n. Cross, and Claim 
Adams has joined tbe Reeves k PalmenCouto- 

Scnin'LBR Avo Nabh ln(onnnRihBt ihnyarenoi 
at Proctor's Theatre, New York, lou week 
although advenlsed, but at the Park Theatre, Uw. 

Hrs. Pat Riillt (Eva Armstrong) bi reported to 
have been very 111 lu Hontrcal, Can. She It recov- 
ering alowly, and Is able to travel with the com- 

j^L. 0. FiELb's UiserRBLMoTXS.- The Al. a. Field 
Minatrel <»■ and spectacolar pantomime or "Alad' 
din" opened the seanon early In Augaat at Colam- 
bus, 0. Since then Uey luave toured the Southern 
and South weilern Stales, and are nowon tbeIr way 
East. Mr. Field claims to bave the largeit leglti- 
nuite company ot mlnatrels on tbe road, and In sup- 
port ot bla claim Bppendt the namea or hit people: 
R- H. Hall, Tommy Donnelly. Harry Shunk, lioc 
(Inlgiey, Eddie Uoran, John l^olgley, Billy Moore, 
Charlie Beeaon, the Three Martinettlea, Oeo. D. 
Melville, Tommy Cany, Ue Alv.-mz Family of root 
people, Will WalllOK, Banj Uoward, J. Wilier Wll. 
aon, W. n. HacPberaon, Oeo. Hasseli, Arthor Yuie, 
Lawrence Diamond, Cheater NIma. W. N. Uerrlct, 
Joe R. Hieder. A. P. Scott, Will Jonea. Carl Becker, 
Mill Hall. Uarry Ridings, Uenry Baunun, AMo 
Mlgnanl, Angutt MIgnanl. liroest Mlgnanl, llannL 
hiUHlguanl. Will A. Jooker, Joe E. Uatleld, 0. P. 
Campbell, Geo. Irona, Jobn Rucker, Jobn Con- 
rad aud Al. O. Field. This company cairlet 
a ear load of epeclal sceoeiy, pieseo'log 
their toUra pertormaoce wlU scenery ipecbilly 
painted (or each aepante aoL The epec. 
tacular pantomime ot ''Aladdin" has proreo a 
powerful magnet, oor mailneen being thronged 
wlU ladles and children. This prodnoilon waa In 
the natore or an experiment. The wonderlol eac- 
cees or "Aladdin" has so cnconreged Ur. Field thai 
he haa a atlll more gorgeona prooncilun for next 
season, entitled "Tha King of Kannlbala." K. H. 
Hall and wife, Al. O. Field and wife. Tommy Don- 
nelly ant' Wilt A. Junker will form a merry pan; 
tbal will sail tor Europe at ihe end of Me prcaeoi 
eeaaon. It will he Ur. Field's Ural visit to the Old 
World. Tne Al. 0. Field American HlnslielB la the 
title ot the company ot lennlne negroes now belog 
organized for a lour ot Auatmlla. Betore aalllDg 
tor the Antlpodea a abort season will be made, ex- 
tending rroiu Pluaburg to San Franclam. M blia 
en route In America the company will uas the par- 
lor, Bleeping and dining car O-'lumbns. built by 
Barney ft Smith for Ur. Field. An ojien air apec- 
iRCle, entitled ' Solomon and Shebi," li another 
aumcilon mat Mr- Field In Inteiesied In. The 
spechicle wui employ a large number of people, 
aud will r-e prodnced In clllf a, woek stands only. 

JRrrx ANi> Pannib DELtxu an visiting Jeppe'a 
rebtilres In Somervllle. Mass., for the Hist lime In 
Arc yeara. Although bom In Boston, their eo. 
gagemenis have kept them Weal and Soutli for 

N. U. DriR, compcter or songs In Boston, Haas., 
writes as follows: "I deaire to exprcas my spprecl. 
alien oC Ue value of Tax Clippxh as sn advenielog 
medium. Last week I Inserted an advertisement 
of my laieei Bong, 'He's Stllj Her Bsby Boy,' and 
In a row dajB received a large number or appllca. 
lions ror same, not only from Eastern Staiea, bol 
from as far West as Texas, which shows how large 
a territory Tas CLifPSB cover*. I know ot no 
belter way to reaoh the professional public than 
Urongb yonr columns." 

UiRHnr AMD wsLon were among tbe special 
feainrea at Tuny Paator'a Tbeatre during the past 
week, and their act was BO well received that Ihey 
will play a return dale. Hannger J. D. Hoptlna 
altotaysItlRlbe best act of Ihellod that he baa 
ever wltnesRed. "Tbey do a burlesque Inipe7.fl and 
a kuockaboni song and dance, wbloh bi a laggb 

H. A. ACXBR bos been eegaged lo do bla musical 
specUIUes with the Victor Vaudevilles. Tbe com- 
pany opens the saasoa at RIchiuoud, Ind., Nov. 12 
Tng UiwLnTEB will close a auccesslul seatoo of 
sixteen weeks at the Howard AiheniEuni, Boiton, 
on Dec 1. They bave been producing Hr. Hew. 
leile'B repertory of burleaqncs aud' other uoveltlrs. 
They have signed (or a aeason In San FranoIKO, 
commencing in A |,rll. 

Elbix llAYMOKD, uf Statilcv r,Ai Raymond, closed 
with Hergelroth's tllnitrei aod Specialty Co., 
Nov. -I. 

ROBT. Mills, ageot tor the Hay Howard Uur- 
leaque (^miiAny, reports good liuttness. Ur. HIIL 
says Hits Uoward has a oew dnt pan teltlog 
which Is a very olaboreie piece of work, it was 
shown (or the Oral Ume M WaahUigton, D. 0 , Nov. 
t. At Baltlioore, Md., Ibe company gave two per- 
(ormancea Election NIgbt, brglnnlngut 8 aod 1I.3<>, 
tespeoUvely, when the reinrns were read Irom the 

HoersR OP FoBTBB k OnLnxn'R MtssrBBts-- 
Uarry B.Foater.E. Oblmer, proprlelora: Bert Leryn. 
manager; Joe K elug, Billy Philllpe. Billy Lambert, 
Oarry Georger, Uhaa. Williams, L. Cramer, J. llali- 
oer, ueo. irubere. Billy Weiah, Billy MoNlven and 
Billy Youog. advance ageol. 

Ullx. AtUBB, lattooeil lady, makea her appear- 
soce al lIuber'B Husenm, this clly, on Nov. Iw. 

Carroll and Lbwib bave been plajing for tne 
past six months In the stook at the Novelty 
'I'heaite, Cripple Creek, CoL , ^ 

Harry Fiddlrr, colored comedian, o( Mabsm s 
Uliittrels, IB attending bis father, wnu la very III. 

JODN J. AND Florhkob Udrhay cloBcd tbcir 
fourth successful seasou wlunobi. Bnntlng'tur- 
rus, aod opened at Uie Olympic, Oblcago, lit., 
"ov.ia. , _ 

Frid D. HRionr, advance repreaenUUve, Intormi 
us that hu haa retired from the profetslon to en- 
gage In a manufaclurlng business In this city- >>e 
also InformB ns otue death of his rather. 

Cnaa. O'Rribh, better kuown aa "Pogle," wriiea 
OS rrom Snnbnry, Pa., that be It ttlll nurelng hit 
broken knee anil won't be able to work for many 
niontbs. He would like to hear from frlondB. 

A. U. Davis, who Is known as magager or tne 
Nashua, N, U., Theatre, will alao manage Ibe Park 
Street Theatre, Fall lllver, whiob will bo completed 
In a few weeka. OomiilnaUcna and specialty per- 
formen will Oil tbe bin. .. „ ,i 

ALP. CBRtSTiE, of Ihe team,0br1aMe and reari, 
bat recovered irom hla recent lllnesi al tlio tiiy 

Uoaplial, Boston, Masa. „h 
Walirs and Randolpo are winning favor wko 
Alward's All .star Spet lalty Co. . 

Tub Lovinsbro sHiitrrr and Lena Lovcniicig 
sailed (or the We«t Indies Nov. U. , „. 

May E»wA»ne,bnrlewiue performer, waereceu'iy 

married lo lUiht. U. L. Leonard, at Otica, N. i . 

Harlow Hros.' Hikstbrl SoT««.-we areaiiit 
In Ue ring.and nnder acbangein Ue managcineni 
we bave Blaried off with a tteti Impetus and i'i" 
sUll try to keep up onr lepuUUon of good boalocat 
and salanea every week. We comnience<l uiiiiet 
the new management o( E. M. Burke at Natcnei, 
HIn., Nov. 11, and with a good, Ont cliBsshow. 
Ontrlaas paper, aud plenty o( It, and an advai^ce 
Kusrd beaded by Ibilnh P,-c(bam, assisted by liau"e 
Long aud Col. Frank Hall, wa an anrely In It >o 
win. Tho hoya are all feeling good and working 
hard. Tbe band la a cracker Jack and billing thciu 
hard on parade. We have gut onr new bats ann 
will baveunr newswell Winter overcoats next weti- 

PAriiTTA ivrltcs ns from Havana, Cuba, thai 
openeil al ». Poiilllunes Tbeaire. thai city, Nov. i, 
and bad an entbOBiaatlcrrcepilon. . 

Harir Warrrr will celebrate hrr ono bundrediD 
ccnaecDilve night at tbe Palace Theatre. 
Hsaa , Nov. It, on which uccaa|..n every one prrae"' 
wui be given a copy o( will Rusaiters song, hi 
Irene," u a souvenir, aa Uis aong haa been ua 
fieataat ancceaa Ula teaaon. 





ClBelDnMtl.*At the Qraod Opetm Uooaa 8ol 
Bmitb RoBMll. tJ(«r m tbnoc* of Durlj two yun 
r«iDTM<l Not. IJ, ud «u mo Id "PviMfal Vklloy." 
poriof tb* we*k b« U booked to »ppe»r la "Tlio lloir n 
Uw" taA "A B4UU00." Lui««*k *-Kn«iD||t)i« 
Wlod" neolTtd t varm volconM. Hoorr lllU«r. VioU 
AU*B. WllliAB FftTonhUD, W. Il.Thouipwn-lQ fft-.c, ftll 
tb«Di«nb*ra oribo ««lltelU)wd »fr«|t«iloD-iL)iunl 
ID ibt ulanpbaof ih« weeit. D—uli^ ih«»icluni»ni 
of tlortioD wMk bu'lDMa ruUA lood, Rabo lUiiihUD 19 
WAUtor KTiiBKT ThkaTiik.— HiigAOo t<40dow aod ihf 
Troeadoro VwteTills 4:0. cud* 11 Lwt w««k tb« Atntr 
ku KxtmvU4iiu CumpftDT prftMotwl "Aladdlo Jr." 
Jolin J. Burko, who •uecMMftd Eddl* Pdv. loaod hli 
iBtorpraUUoD of Cnmbn kpprMlated ud bo wm k*pt 
ba*r n*poadiDie tooocoru. Tbtt woadcrmi ivup did 
aoi pranll m^Ibm voaiber ud Oe tDauoDiftit 
cUBbad wltb Ui« oImUoo w«ll u MfvrmlBtonnr 
olkbu. Th**«hudlcipidld DotproreutftgoodbwlDM^ 
ho««T«r- WlllUaiCollUrlV. 

BATuraTUKATKL^tmeH B. Micklo dropped id 11 
vllb '*Tb« 8ldo Bho»" altar "Thr Toroftdo" bad piMod 
OD. TblaaaDBtloDaldrAma brnuBbt rmio. bnt busioaii 
WM W^if Kood. "AflroM tho Foioauo" l(L 

PODItTAlllflQOANlTaiUTBtL— Tbe Waivuo 8l»t«r« El- 
umTuani* Conpaor c*dw< it ud lD('odu««d auiodi 
oU)arBp*elaIiloa*'A RojaJ RamdHod** ud **0n ib« Bow- 
vov-iT-" In "A Braezr Tlme^' Pliz and W«b*i«r aod 
ihtiruBoelaiaa plaaud kudlaocaa o( good mu. 0. W. 

WillUnn'Kpacialiyi^ia ^ ^ 

UeMK'b oraiu Uotui.— Itia Wilbur nptraCumranir 
iDAttiantadiboMOODd aod lauwook 01 iheiraojouni 

llbjpia^UB4'^e Uarrr War." Tbaw««k*i bill In- 
eladaa "Boo^acdo," "Nail OwjoDe," >'Paika." "Dor 
otbr." and "Ftm DlaroloJ* Laai weak ibara waa « lue- 

caaaloooforaahMand iha IitidJi pletarw laamaa to b« 
•DiuaaauoDsamafiaetaa Uia opantlo aactioooi tba 
ptrronnaaeo. "fll*TM of Uoid" 18. 

Boii.*W):i'B OnKA HocdR—lu "Daofara of a Oraat 
cur." vblcboane II, Uwla Ktoua took part La«t w»»k 
tbanTiralof **A Ticket of Laavo Man," with ArooKl 
Baaraa u Bob Brlarly, dldDOtvoaaoanrrdiuarkabla 
uDOnni of aDttaaaiaaiD. Tiia c^impao* wia tho tauia that 
badapparadln '■WilarorWita"aDd "UDCleTom'aUablD" 
for tbm rortnigbt praviout to ihia aomitaaiaDL J. W. 
Moaadrawa. !■• *^n« Vaiarao Oat«ctiT«." i9. 

AWPLi'sTBSiraa— UrdeaComadiAoaiiarAwaleoinwl 
11. Lulwaak ibaKawYork Htar«mT0» apiauld par- 
lorntanca. Thar leioforcad bj AuatnliaD Billj 
Uuipby. who look tha plac« ul Oriiro. who oolt«d aaulLor 
contf««t. Bailoaaavaafood Htiu DeTare'aConipaor liL 
MDUa Halu— TliaBuDday Piipawarv rtaamad br tha 
riDClnDatl Urckaatra uoder tka Ufncuoo ol Ulchaal 
Br»Dd l|. Coortd Bahraoa, Lillian Arkall and MarMlla 
Ltodb war* theMlolKta. 


moDkar> wartt iba Ktara n| curio ball IL Hlic. Dodr^iil 
(bunaadamcb). Mlla. Dodraiil and livr adtiealed clog, 
and Oooimodora Hpack an*) hla goatx wm ih« ntbvr 
aida Tba DAnm FaidIIv Quidioi wart od iiaod for ilia 
lounh aod dopina wqBk ol iiifir anganmant Tha olio 
wMprorldad by Pmiiorand vviniaDiK. t iiarioaH. Koight, 
BaUa Jauaao. T. J. Buika, WlilarO Kuia^ll. flharlaa II. 
ElDg. W. D«*4iro,aod Hobioaoa'a liflng pieturaa. Bual* 
aaii la good 

Uoitsir.— Kmok Joaei haaconahona. lla waa a Qi*ro- 
bar of Fanpla KUVa Compioy In 'Ul«a iDoocaoca 
Abroad." and will Join Jacob Litt'a tarttn aod takea part 

In "FOD YuDKoo," i9 t^rolyo McLaan la to TeprtaaDt 

CloalDDat) la "Tba Twaoilatb Oeoiur)' Uirl." Tba 

Suaan niij MloaUara ar« bookad at Iha Walnut llilla 
daoun Mm. Robaru Laaia,a alitor ■>ribe late R. 

E. J. V||M,di«datOorlDgtoa7. Hba v»n ih* moiherul 
tltalnta Uatrylrfwla. vlc« treaaarerol Uia (trauJ Opora 

Uoaaa Tha llarranl Olae and Banjo Ulub haa tba 

CbriKioiM Ere data at iha Oiaon I'rancia WaJkei, 

ibabarliona. apaota Taw boDTwherocTiroiiXe 10 Uhlcaso. 

Ha la abont 10 publiah "Laitara of a Barltooe." 

WIDlam B- PeaoBMr apooda tba coming wtok bar* 

Uarman Ballxiadt Jr. will be bonialrom Qamnany in tima 

(oaathUCbfiiimuplato paddlog ('.orlan-* Uoor*. 

Law«oD« Mil. Carl AlTet. W. U. Rfeg'rand Waikiu Mill 
bftT* b*«o engaged by tlia Uay Minairai FMilvnl Com- 
paay for tha coiolDg p#r(onnaoee ol "Tba Maialah*' dur- 

Ib| ttaf bolldsja Frtnk Van derStociao willcondua 

ttaaflmtlitaeedDcaruottlia niDclDoatl Orcbeatral Ai> 

Cleveland— Tbe pAgt wcdk gave ua n dlvcrxlty 
orattraotloDK 60L Umlth Runell pla>ad a brilliant 
aDfM*ni*at ^'oT.^ t, 7, pieaautlDg 'The Hair at La*.'* 
"APogr RalniinD," toil *-l'eacaiul vallay." Mr. Huavatl 
baa an aacepliODal hold ODuur play going beople. aod 
recelTtd nuiuaroaaounalD calls. Ko*« Cogbiiti iilayad 
ne atiiololoua eogageraaDt H, 9. 10. ptoduciOK "A Woman 
of No Iinportanc*" and "niplomacy" id Una atyla. Mr. 
aj)d Mr*. Artbur Lawin and uialr LoadoD coupaay come 
weak of ll la 'The Idler" and "TnaUniit of tioclety." 
»A Black Bheap" weak of 19 

LYOiOM THtuTgH.-DoDnally A Olmrd, waak of », In 
*'ttaaBalamakera,"BeDrcdda^rved lacogoiiloo. Uood 
buainaaa pr«Tallad. "Our Uncle Ondley" 12, 13, It, loU 
loved 16, IS. IT by Woid and Vokea, who will ba aaoo for 
tha «r«t Umi bar* ai atara; Kellar IP, ZD. 21, Joaepb 
Uarphy 11.3.34 

H. K. JAhoaa' TaBATHK.— Ur. ondMra. OllTor Biroo, 
lD"Upaand Uowaa ol Life ''^6, T. did well,aa dlilal«o 
J. E. Emm*r,S,d, 10. In'-FriUlnaUatlbouaa." Chai L 
Davla IQ "AlriD JmIid, 12, 13, 14, ".^Urea of Cold" Ifr. 

la^ 17. 

driR rfliATiiB — niiallaD A Martall'a "fiouibReloralhe 
War" woA aaccaialul week A, botb aoaoclally and In 
p|«a«lugib« public. Tb«orianliatloD lantplandldand 
•lUamaly large oaa, carrying aoma dHllahiful iiogarn 
aod ucellant dancarm. A good brort b mu la a Talnable 
oOuaoL Tha Rom Hill Bogllah Poilr Co. waak of It. fbl 
lowed by Uie City Clnb 19. aod Ona ntll ConblnatloD S9, 
a weak *aob. 

OLkVgi,ANO Oratb* Aruory.— Boum'a Band opeoad 
tbia new amaafraaot temple 6 10 a packed houtta. One 
ol tba faatDrea woa ihe playlug of ibo new two iiep 
iaarcb,eDilil«d Tba QatiingnuoDera." byUanrgeLeni- 
mix. a yoang ClereUad maalclan, which earned aaTcral 
marliadaocorea. Robt U* lngerMl|i«eiui«i20. 

CoEB.— MaaKarlteWuenz,T['>liniai,ba.4 beao entoged 
for UiaDamroBobOrcheairo. Hhe will alao p'oy at Ujo 
ApoUo ClabcADoert, New York, thUWloter. Ulla. Rlua 
Elaadl. the prltDadoano. hu left for Kurop*. 8ha will 
remain nncil Pall and return to htort a w«ll kuown opeim 
compant naiiaeaaon. Bhe boa been engaged to appear 
In grandEnffllahrtparaa'.CoTeiit Uarden fhaairr, l^n- 
doo,wbUe abroad. All hoiw ElecUun NlMbt, 6, were 

lamnad and rataraiwara read from each atage 

Cbaa.Biamm, anlNiul.iuauagerol UioBtorTbaatta, boa 
retaraed irom N ew York. 

D«yCQn.*Ai ibe Onnd Open Uoase Roben 
Maaiai opeaad the w^r to a aood houM Nor A. Bol 
Bmltb Raaaell diaplared the 8. R 0. elan 8. "A Black 
Bhaap" bad good biwueaa It). "Tha Darby Winner" 16, 
RobL loroTkol 17. 

Pabk Tbiatrk.— Pauice, In "the Kid," diTlded tba 
waak wltb 0 W. WIIHama' Hpecl^liy Co , boib doing a 
big bnaioen. W. a. Brody'a '14ie" and Ollrar Byron, 
bold ibe boarda weak ori2, ibe Wll^or Opera Oo 19-21. 

BoLDUHB' HoMH TBRATRB.— *Tha Idi*r" did wall 8 
*^eToraado" eoraaa 13, Gold OlubaoniTaraary 15. 

ABBOOiATio.f UaLi— hew York PbllbannonloOlub da* 
llghiadalargeaadlanoeA. , , ^ ^ 

lo.iDO:< THRATRi.— Ttae uanal varlaty bill. Including 
Diamond tllateri^ Toia Uorman and Louie Do Vero. 

Nona— Nr. Falcht bu reeeived Uie copyright paper* 
fortbeObailtrCtraaaaeheme. ThiaueceJaachlaTad *tr 
Ibia nndartaking lo July baa led bloi 10 attempt ginng 
It In oaTanl otbar eluaa tha oonlog Bummer. 

Colambaa.— At tHe Qnod Op«ra IIoas« "Tb* 
Darby Wlnuer" opened a three olgbu' aniagemeol Nor. 
11. The flandow Troeadero VaadeTille Co bad large 
hoaaea6-7. "Tba OMotry Sport" did well 6*lu. '^be 
Amuona*' com* 19-21. John L Bulllvao 31-21. 
' Uiaa BTiBBT TuiATBH.— Oliver Ryroo opened II for 
Ibnaolgbla. Wllliama'SpfjialiyCo.hadgood buaineaa 
B-L 'ThoRhlpof Hiote" lalliHl to pn^ In an appiaraoc- 
8. eol8mlth Huaaall bail crowdfrl boiiaaq 9. Id. Stuart 
Rabaon cornea ifr-)7, tolloved 19 by J. J. Dowling lor 
tluee nigbta. _ 

Oant«B— AC ibQ Orand Open IIoom "Sitlder 
ud Flf" bad abig hoaaa Nov. ft. Roa* Cogbloo nod a 
large audieooa 7. The Power of the Praaa" illd well 10. 
Dae: "Hoath Befoia the War" 12, J L.Uullivanl7,N.F. 
Wood tl. "A Baaaace Cheek" a . _ ^ ^ ^ 

TaiAtai CoMiqOi — lohnaoo and ThoraDaon. Han* D* 
Woir, MIoBia Zolo. Ho^le Uort, Qeorge Coffey. Frank and 
Uaul* Wright, La«y Utewari and Lauri* W*bb. ^ , , 

BALBBRt kiDSio Ualu-LqU Wentwortb and Low* 
WaatBymonda. _ 

Blealieavllle.— Atme Ulty OperB Uouie Ilow- 
ord WaU'a Idaala plf oud «ood bone* watk nf Nov. 5. In 
apit* of bad wetiber. John L- flolllvao. In "A Troe 

Araaricnn," 19 At the London Theatre waak ol 12 

FrookODd Eunice Elli*. Amintrongaad Portrr, LaP«tlt* 
B«tl*,8tanlord and HI. Claif, the Ceoleya atul the atoek. 

Oeorge L. Morelaod, fonoarly otan manager ol 

the London Tbeaira, boa opantd the Clipper Caie at 112 
Booth Tbird 8tr*et Named In benorofOld Ballabte." 

Msnafleld— At Ibe UetDorlal Open Uotue Roio 
Cotblan appeared beloreamoderaiaaudlaoca. In "Oiplo- 
maoy," M«t. ft "In* Power ol the Preu" faced a amall 
boQMB. "Spider and Ply" come to fair box reeaipuia 

At the Foorth Street Audlt/trlum Geo. B. Wendling 

laotnrwl to a large bonae (L LUIng Plctorai com* 17. 
N. B. Wood 31. 

flprtngarld— At the Onnd Open noo96 Rob- 
*nfianttli.ln"MonbarC'had » large ajdieiic* Not. 8. 
Tba Baodow Troeadero Tandetlll a Ca B ha-l ataodlng 

room only. Gomiog: The Waiaoo Biaur* RitraToeanxa 
Oe. la. Roa* CoRblao. tn "Olplomaoy," 11, "Tbe Tornado * 
14. **ronTonaon"l6. 

Vlndla^t— At tbe Harvin Open Hone tbe 
WataoD Biatam Co. hod a ROod bonao Nor. 8. Coming: 
•Ben Hot" 14. Ift. 'The Tornado" I9.......AI Tomera 

Opera Monae Oaary'a Biodk Co. bad good boalneMloat 
weak. MaoacarQearT baa added (bar more people to bla 

Aknn— AttbeACEdetDTorHtiilc J. K.EmiDet 
played to fair bnaineai. Rooked: N. K. Wooda Not. 11 
'^SoQih Kfoie tha Woi'-ia. "Thaairl I Lett Bahlnd Ma^ 
U, Jolu L. BnUlTon IS. "To n Yonaen" 17. 


IxM Ang«l*a^UAiiM SaUj prt«!Dt«d "O'Nell. 
WubiBgtnn. 0.a.."M the Loa AoielaaThaatr*, to fair 
ili«dMdieo«*«,NoT 1-3. Katie Emraatt appeared S-IQl 

At lb* BoibankTh*air*"rb»Marln«r'ii;ompa*i'' 

did fairly waih todia«S "Abraham Lincoln" U the bill 

ft-10. Llghibooaaa pr«Tatled at BaDWO* Unnd (>P*n 

Hone* for 'Tiia Bridal Trap" weak andina S. "^•nin* 

ft-10 Imperial Moaio lUll eonitnuaa to do * good 

haalnow. Weak of ft<10: Arbno, Uoa Leonard. Hand 
Howard. Frana U*ll. Kaoloid and Rice. Emma Frmncia, 
Deeley and t^mll, Vila ftayoa and Cam*n . . . . •• Aa em 
Pie;** ol the Lo« AB|e1aBT1kaalre.oam«d A. D Cblck, 
badblibachbnkeabrralliBgecenerylaod la lABpre- 


OoatoB.^Anolber tbealre, ud » most beaitiimi 
one. truly, lo lu eonatrnotlon. appolnimenu and for- 
niahing throDghout, haa been added to tha Hat of BoatoD'a 
MCuIar ooaiaDaot raaorto. IilaibeCuUe8iiaar*,ad- 
mlrnbly locniad on Tremooi Street, near tha rmllroad 
'•uoJertbemaBAgeineotofEdward E,Ho>e. 
lormerly odDaaet' d for yean 4lib Ihe Boeton Muiaum aa 
atage mananr. The new houM la a perfKt piotura 
or elagaoeo Intanorly, money baring been laTliblr 
»i»ent 00 the Inxonona diitnt* and [omliblnn of 
Uie hooae. Tbe building la eix aionea In height, with an 
exunalT* Iroataga. nod aa nearly Bra proof a» it la pout 
blMoooMtruclaoch an ediSc*. a Doiable laatur* lo 
tblR reapKt U a brick wall, twenty tocbea iblck. which 
enclrelea ih* audiionaoi and aeparaua It euupletaly 
from the aiA|«^dreaalnc rD0^l^ earpaour, paint abopa 
etc.. aod fryiulba holei which Ilea between lhaibe«> re aad 
iteiooot BUtU, and throngh whleta acoeM to the audlto- 
rinmiabaJ. Tbalnienor rumlabing ol the houaolaol 
the moat coeUy deaeripuon. thecbain being upholaieiwd 
lD felTet,andanioateommaiHlablelaatore la the apae* 
alldwei betwtao ibe rowa. Huaciaoi room beiag adbrdad 
to permlta ptraon to paaa Id or out without diaturblow 
the aitwr. On BaiorUay eTeniog.Nor. luc a pritaie in" 
apecilon of tN« bouae woa afforded the wu of B"roa 
and other olilea. Tbaaioif oonaUuof Edwari E. Ruae, 
muager; WllHam M. Smith, oaaiiiani manager: Hydoay 
Chldley, aeeaio artlat: Maxwell Aleiander, aalatont 
aeanio ortlirt: Cbaa. L'Orage. mualcal ilireetor: Wm. P. 
Kdlaon. PU^ie maoater; John W. Luce, prau >fent; 
Hany O Hoarke. general ad>enlaing ogeot. aod Jaa. a. 
^'i^' ^'PBTuiBi^r- TheoMolna atlracnonwlllbe 
H^opt. PauV a tour aot play from the pen 01 Manager 

Ohard OrRRA Hoc0B.-Tbe aecond waak ol Jao. 
0 Nei 1 a eDiagaroeoi opeu 12, with the prvaaoutton 
of "Mrginlua,'Mn which baaoaumaa the tlUe role, and 
Id which character he will he aeen for ihe Brat Una In 
ibia city, la bla ponralturaa ol Bdnond Daoiea and the 
(«unt uf Monte Criato |a» week Mr. O'Neill gave 
emiaeot antiatactlon. During tba laiiar half of thia 
week Mr. Uhei) «iU prodaee "nonCarleadeKevlMe," 
a play wfaloh deala witfa a obaruter of maaalra groodear, 
aod (he poaaeaaor ol which not only eipreteea hia 
wllllDgDaaatodo onythiDg to repair tba past, but will 
Cia>l|>- auiTer oiid aaoritlce everything In the world tn 
blot oat and wotb away the lUIn or a niaerable and 
woaiadllfe. Next waak. AdaOny, Id ■BaalLyan*." 

UoixiaHrgBBT Taunt.— Alura aucceaaial eogag** 
pipiit faluarCoi'R "Brownlea ' oloaad their eogagemeui 
at iLeHollUlOand are followed U by Uhoo. Fniioan'a 
RiQplre tbaoire Co, wbowll) preaentforihaflmilme 
In Bualoo ^'L'berly nail.** Id the coatol which are Henry 
Miller. Tlola Allen. W. II <;Tomptoo, Robert &laaon, W. 
U.Thompooo. NoreLemaoD. Joaepb llumpbreya, May 
Kobeoo. J. p. Whitman and UeneTieTeHeyoolda Tba 
angagaiDent (a for only obo week, and on 19 B. U. 
BooUiera willboRln adaUtn >Th*Tlcu>riaCroaa." 

COLUMBIA TuRATor— Tha aplaodld rao '*8owiDg tha 
Wind" ix makiug at tha Columbia would warrant lu re- 
tention lorao indeBnlie period bar. owing toother en- 
gagementAby the monagenent. It cad only remain wiib 
ae alew wmkt longer.. It haa profan a ationg alttaeuon 
here and liaa grown steadily id favor, a laai not to be 
itirpriKad at wban the merlta ol the comedy are cod> 

THxauKT TuRATHB — RIce'B gurprlae Partr doaad their 
four wvalta'lwuking her* In "I49i 'aveningol 10. and on 
12 Kranda Wllaonood company will prodoca'lbe DerlVa 
Deiiuty.'* Tba booking ta for aeferal weeka. 

I'ARKTnuTBR.— Eddi* Kor haa mad* a prooonaced 
hit m "OH the Eortb " which haa drawn big boalneaa 
for aever»l weeka to the Park. It will, however, be re- 

Ulnad onlT during the correat week aaon 19 Hiohord 
UanaBekl MRina an angaieoient, during which be * 
present "Anna and the Man," '*Beau Brumtnel." "A 

Pajiaian Komonte," "Napoleon Bonaparte," and *'Dr. 
Jetyll aod Mr. Hyde." 

BOBTOX TauTHB.— "Id cm Eentooby" Is drawing 
Urgeoud'eaeeaaDd big Hosion Tbaaire U filled at 
OTery performance with dellgbiad wltnacaa" of thia 
typical picture olllle In tbe bine groaa aula. ItwIU ra- 
loalD the B'aoding attraction lor nme uma to oonie. 

Bono.** Hob BOH —"Prince Pro Tem" continuea lu hold 
upon HuMum patrona, and will come prePy elote lo 
rnnndiagtha rear out wltb a record of uuttrpaaaed aoe- 
COM as a money geuer, and It Improvea weakly, d«w 
barinew "b^lng In order. Dan Oaly. aa Juat'Oe, la the 
recipient f>t hearty apploaae at bla every appaaronoa. 

bowuoi!f sqOARii TuRiTHB.— If Manager Cbaa. F. At- 
-JoBon bad taxed bla bralo to nod a play mor« popular 
than "Til a Cotton EiDg," ha would nave bad hlBlal<or 
for naogbL It haa but three waakamoraol Ilia at ib« 

KaiTH'B Nbw Thbatub.— For tbe w*ek beginning 12 
Maoagar Kalib aniMuncai an entirely new lerlea of i1t- 
lOE piotuiea, also tbe tbree Eoqanes, Bernard Dyllfn. 
Iha Nawna. tbe Phontoa J. 0. UBrrlnglon. Lea Prviea 
Or»HcendMa, Johnaion iihI Lovell Fnob Rllay.Tbopip- 
FonaDdOoUlna,HloeaDdUalvara,Hlle. Celaate and iba 

KiogLBODKAM —A new aspirant tor pobllo patronage 
In die amuaemant lla* la the Nickle Odaon, located at 
01. AS and 86 HaaoTor Hireet, where It oecuplra two 
apaeloaa Boon ol the thrve bnlblloga On tbe lover 
flonni la the curio and natural **rr«ak''^ball. fully Blocked 
with an ample array ol marvela lo namr* and art un 
Ibe floor ahove la the iheure. with a aeaung capacity of 
about tweoty-flve bondred peraeoa, aod ftued np lo a 
moat tasteful aod aniailo mooaar, with on adequate 
npply ofaeeoery and auga ditutea. The bouae la uoder 
the proprlatorahip and mooagemeotoi 11.0. Litchdeld 
and Ftank Dunn, both gaotlemen of long and varied ex< 
perlenco Id tta* abow koalaaaa, aod ihair Inunt and 
ourpoeo la to provide thalr patrons with the beat 
eotortal omenta Ic the vawrevllla oomady aod 
Bptotalty liDoa, and tboaiarther have bean aucceaafui la 
to dolDg. BualosM haa been remorkaoly good, aod the 
low price ol «dmiiBloD-ODl. a nickie-afsniato wlota ih* 
popuiardatUe lor uopalir pri.aa For tlia ourrent week 
ttanaserv LltahOeid A Uunn annoonce tbe following'. 
Curio Hall— llabo Tolo (ala* a daocer). Magician Blgard, 
Pror. Edward In exbiblUonaui thabUckatt, Fire King 
MolleTcmo, Cap'. Uetchell lelaatrloiattooar). Princess 
Baolna, from the far indica; Lone tlur (cowboy), 
Minnie Balloo (aoake tbarmer). Prince and Prloceaa 
Val Valjran (awonl woiaer). ProL Moniarro (Zaia ohleif, 
with bia linear eollectloa of rellea, aod Doyle Wllllaiu^ 
with hli modernlied aod Improved Punch and Judy 
allow. On the auge la the Jama^ Macki Vaudeville aod 
flptclaliyCo., who aive two abows dally Tokeo every- 
thinv lolo considanttoD. It'kMka nuongly aa If iha new 
hooae waa bound to prore a aucceaiu Bealdea Maoagert 
LIICbQeM A Dunn Uie aiolf eonalaia of Mra. Clara BIderd, 
irouurar; Job. L. Hbaituok uckatageni: Jacob Wenti, 
leader of orchestra; Cbaa. UllL scenic artlai; Cbaa. U* fl- 
nuo. Biage manager; Ma|or Eldeid, l*ctnr*r. and Dr. 
L>ocb.geDrralBuparlBUn>ianL , , , ^ „^ 

AcifTJX A btq:ib'b MtrBiuH.-In the lectove ball here 
are tb« infant gorilla, -Oumbo Jr. ; 'he Budapaath Oypty 
Band of flaeen pleoea, Mme. Uareun aod oar inintd 
plgenD^aod the gritxlr bears. Outheaioge; Roaohaad 
Caatletoo, Ihe BrotberaLa Roae. IJarrlogtoo and Aubrey, 
May L,awrenc«, Prol. Burke'a nrp^nun* danelag doaa, 
Howard OUIton. Lottie La Roaa. Bart and BannetL the 
Ctlllo'ata Trio. Matrow and Laoy, Mr. aad Mn. LyI*. 
Beymosr aod Moore, Joa Kearoa, Jlmnla Neary, tbe 
lanrente Biaiera. Clever Wilklna. the ZenolU Family, 
Bllioitand t^onoellr. and Pat Power*. 

Pai^ob Taurait.— Owing to tha failure of L«nnl 
Evoreu'a Lodiea* Clnb 10 fulBU the termaui their coo- 
trad with Manager AnaUo Uila weak, Flynn's London 
Oatetyiiirlabava b*an ratalncd at lb* Palae«,and will 
appear dally. 

Howard ATBS)(>«».-Maasg«r Lothrop blUa thia 
week : Oynne, aeriaa of living pieturaa, "AaUrte'* (mid- 
air perhirniar) May Marilon, the Knneh daaoen, the 
KuulT balle'a. Vera (oild air wonder), Foata aod Lewis, 
Olubawlngef Hawaon, J. 11. and LItal* llolbroob, tbe two 
Preouoea, BlU Duroad. Oeo. II. Timatna, lb* Hardiff 
Broa., Prof Abt. Roiiaa Venae Florence Elena aod 
Minnie Ulio*. Tta* Uowaid Hurleaqae Oo eloavs tta* 
abow with a tnreaiv od '-The Blank Crook." 

LTOiOM TBfATBB. -WIIHama' flur Bpeelnlty Co ara 
ben tbia weerwitli J. W. KeUy, "The Kolling Mill Mao." 
at Ih* head. Others '-n the list are Kberna and Cole. 
Imogvoa Comer, Frank Moron, the Eraqa, Hct'oie aod 
Uaa:els, Ksye and Ueory, Pbaniaalai Cannael. Llitla 
Flnnla, OBd the Lyceum company In tbe bjrleaqo*. 

Flnnle, oad the Lyceum company 
'*Malliaan'* B*o*ption. 

ORAXD McsBUn.— UvlDg plotoroB OBd a graased pale 
contest are the feataraaln tha aiblliiuon ball, and on tbe 
thaatn aloge are Obarlea De rUinio, Netterand WIIHama. 
Belle ClIiloo.Tooy UaraaoJ»t. tha Dewiua. Edgar Blv, 
FloroBce ZeU«r, Mocklo and Kdwaida,aod Etue Albion. 

Lawrence^At tbe Upon IIodm "Tbe Ifj 
Leal" played tololr bnslnaaaNoT. I. Dr. Bowkarleeturvd 
toafaTraadleooeS. Aiden Baaadlct'a "Pablo Bomaol" 
playwd to a good house 10. t:omlog: IS, M. B. Cortia, In 
'*ilam'liit Poaan;" 18. 17, "The Eegiaear;" 19. "Under the 
LloD aPAW^'l);8oara'B Band; 32. Billy BajTT. ^ 

0AJBrT.~B'>obingarorl2: Haylord Blatera, (%aU Eaan* 
dara. Ud. Lnflon and Ibe LawU Family. . ^ _. , 

No>na.— W. J. llawley, well knowo In ihaatilcal 
drclea, bos leaned Porur'a Uall, lormerly need aa a 
akatlDg rink, aod repainted aod fbrnlabvd the place 
vlthacompleuontllilor a BratolaaaTaadaTlllabnoa*. 
which wlU be hoowD aa tbe New Park Tbealra. Mr 
Uawby haa secured the aarrloaa of Oeorge F. Coloord 

and Tom Eileen, late of the Oaiaty Tbaatre Joaepb 

J. Flf nn, treasurer of the Opera Uoo«e, woa elaoted to 
tha llaaaachoaeiu leitslatare 6, recalvlogalarf*. dat- 

UriDg TOt*. 

L*7BD^Attbe LjoD Tbeaire "Old Jed Vmnij" 
come Nov. 8 to good bpainaaa. "Boeedale" waapre- 
eantadtoafalrboaMT. W. H. Powara*"lvyL*ar'dMa 
ama'l boelna** 9 aod bad agood boose in. Oraham** 
CoDcart Conpony appeared II, tha people 00 tba pro- 

B'Aiawe being Robert R. Oraham, Prank Coahman, 
amia Uilror. M ada* Bllis. Hilda Tnomao, Dodln Pros- 
cote, Annie ilart, Urarlea B.Ward. John Z Kelly.May 
Moooey, D* Lay an<l De Tooog and J. W. Kelly. t:o<n> 
tow: PrimroaaA W*n'BMIoatrela24 ■Lestlo Egypt" 60 
Mraio Haix— Paler Habar*a Adilello ^d itoeeialtf 
Company, composed o Dare Broa. Campbell and Beard, 
Collina and Oolllna. F.>id oad Lewla Cooreyeod Madden, 
L. C Mauler, the EeaRaoa aod tha Dorilog Btaiara li>ll 
Tb* London Belle BarltBOM Company 16-17 . . . 

Oo«air.-Prtd Cramm iUarry Hilton), ot fth* "Old Jed 
Proaly" (kimpony was givan a reoapUon here teat weak 
and woa preaaoted aiib a Baa twakat of fluwera. 

^orrealer^At Ibe Worceiur Tbeatra '*Tbe 
Old Uomeataod'* appeared tu big booaea at advanced 
?rieaa NOT. 6, 7. ^^Krada" (by >oai No 10. 0. A. Bj 
opened with a large attondanoe tu. **Panda** will ba 

' liSllwr OfIba Uocaa-' Ooiroa-a of * flreot City" 
did • good boalne»al.7. Hyer Hutera** Uncle Tooi'e 
itablfi'^ad large aadlaocea B-IO. the On Crawe* Comedy 

^'I'aoilT flf RBBT OrgRA lloroB.- Beaton NotbHt <'o bad 
bit boaaaa all loat weak, with Uolbao. the Aralaaa Woe- 
dor, aa the principal attrocuon. Ballon a Bat l«aqae Co 

^*on&-Tba Lovaoberg BiiUra left Nor 10 for the Wast 

Iodia*,wh«retbeywiU apand the Wieur Tije bj 

oaoTVeeeipta at Lo'bmri Optra Uoooa ware oiuebad 
KeriObyt^rfoU-TbarrtoD^ Uo^af ProTldene*. br 

a eUlm or$T&eCL Tbeelalnwas fbr th* moaaiTe frame 
reeeotly naed at the bonae f^r the prwianuUeo of living 
oletnrea. Tbe elalm waa aatilrd by the uaeaiaineot. 
Maooaar Davis eevered bla cooMOUon with the bona* 
tbe'«B>*ef*olnf. He goes to ihe Howard AthenKom. 
Boatoo A. T, WiltoQ euueedahlDi In tbe tnaoagemeot 
bete, asd will haraoiur have itoon variety parlormanoaa 

l*ow«ll.*At Ihe Open llooae **FBlito HonuiDP' 

bad a lair hnuao .Nov. & Jaa. Coanor Roach played 
' Htiry ol (be Hill" 8 7 to lair afB4>d honaaa. "Roaadaie," 
wiih Joaepb llaworlh aa Blltuttlrar. c«me .^10 lo good 
hnuaea Bo'ked: *Tha Ivy LaaC' 14, -'dam'l of Poaan" 
16. Hlehard Monafla'd 17 

McBlO llAlx-ThaBawtalle Dramatic To.. Id ropariorp, 
obMMl a w*ek 01 excellent boalneu lit Prank and John 
Villa, la '*A r.ibeny Bell," oome IJ-14, Peier Mober Com* 
binauoD 16-17. 

Buou TnBATRa-Tbe llreoae appltad for by Miaa Baa- 
com haa been relnsad by the Board uf Aldprroeo, and this 
boot* w 111 remain clowl. 

Boen>:t Woxobblaxp Mt'aaoa.-Week aading 10: Rosa. 
Lada Dvoeiattl. Fred tteoeb aod Naatch Oaortagilirla 
appeared. Took el Dhor and oUteie an booktd for 12 and 

BprlDiQeld^^At Ollioore*a Court tiquon The- 

aire, Nov.^ '-ShotaAcraa*' drew a crowded fanuaa. "The 
Robin Hood" Opera Co had good raluina M Daninao 
ThoraoaoD. In "Tea Old llcueaiead, drew lar e buaineaa 
9. U). Booked: 1^ Richard Manadeld; It, Walduaoo'a 
BpeclaltrCo.: 16^1(r* Langtry; 14, Buuaa'a Han*!. 

UiuioiB'aOi'aBA llot-Ba-Petar Vahai'eCo. hHl light 

TOGBia'B Parlor TBRATRB -Oood aUroctlnai have 
drawn good bnaloaaa. Booked for II: Heorgie Herard, 
Bumy and Alden,Oharlea V. Le*.Taooer and RaoDat. 
Tic. Bnrton'a Mariooattaa, Bobu I. Sconioa and WHl Kll- 

TaaaloD^At tbe Sew Tbeulrull. U. Oartla. 
Nov. 111. hod Bood buslneo*. Coming: Richard (JoMao 14, 
Mra Laoguy 17. ^ 


Mow OrleanB.— lUro treata were eojojed bj 
ibeloT*r«of muilc and drama lut week. and iheodrent 
ol aonnoy excellent atiracUona will longbe rameni bared 
b) Ih* pkaaure aeekera of New Orlaana. AH the tba*. 
tree won well attended. 

FaaxcB OrBaA.-On Nor. 4, with a magaiadant pro 
duotloD 01 "Werther," tbia reaowoad Umple of eong, 
opnad lor Ibe Wlouroi 1S4-6 Tba audlaoea gathered 
waa one ol ooltun and nBnameoL All tbe *'o:d lainlllar 
(aces" wen In evidence, nlnforced by anumber of recent 
acquialllODa to andaty lo the way of a lew foreigners and 
Uieirwiraa, Nortbamen Wlniannghere and oOlcera of 
the army and navy. Mu<eDai'B muate ia loJ Id the ax- 
trrna. Artiitlnllr and popularly, Miaflrat perl»rmaD(a 
oftbla opera lo this cliy waa a aiicreaa in evprt deta<l 
Tbe tanor, M. BalUy. la In aicelleDt voice, which eoui- 
meat, tbecootnlto, Mme I>argla«onn*.*quallyd*aervea 
Mme Darglaaone la no alranger to New Orleaaa, 
having anog here f-^ur |*a'« ago. During liar long 
abaanca aha has bean gaining axMrUDCe on the 
beat ataaaaol France. Hhe Is an exoelienl acireaa, and 
the poaaeaaor ol a armpa<hatlo voice. The rfilra 
of Albert and Bophie, ware token by Mile. Jaaa 
Darey and H. Praloh. Aiur tba second act M. Hallly 
waa glren an ovation. Tlie opening dIi;IiI waa ooeordad 
a gnat succaaa. Not. 8, aa Klaaiar. In 'La Julve," H. 
Anaacy made bis dei>ut t>»lora a larga audience. IMa 
randluoo of Ibe obaraoterwoi proooonced a triumph 
Aa the opera olvanoad ih* audl*acewent Iranllo with 
dallgbl,and M Anosty lalilv aurpoaa*! htmaelf lo fals 
efforta. He la corlalnly poaaased of a pheoomaflal 
Toteo. Tbavolumolalmmanaa. aod It laa«t veryhlKh 
In njrlater. Ue cnmpieiely CAptnred his audience by a 
pecuiUrlyBna diminuendo not* in tba pnrar In Ine 
aocoodacL TbeUoor for amooieDtobicared Irom view 
Hie romalnlog aiOBer*. wh 1 aurely drmaiMl rerogniUoo. 
Tiie falcon. Mile. Caviiie: tha baaa. M. ciaTsrochc, aod 
Mile. Jane Darey proved tlitniaalTea admirable alag- 
era and tha poaaeafon of voioaa nf due quality and 
dramatic power. Mlla Laillle. lo her duo wiih 
Anamy id the Ant aot waa auparb. Mile. Daroy baa 
a hOAutlful voice, and oana oiid looked the part ol 
Eodoxle In a very aatlalaoiory manner. M. tlhavarocho 
continues a UTorlte with New Orleans opera goaro aod 
bldalilrto continue to captivate the aiiprcclatlre Ir* 
quenien of the opera. M. Oarriguea. tli« light leoor, 
aaog Leopold, and baa » sweet voice winch he u>eaa^iai- 
Ically. "Lo BarblerdaHerlll»"waa lungB, when Mme. 
Mourawleff luade her dabut lo Ihe leading role ''La 
Julve" lU. "La Mascolie" II. 

ACADKHY or Moiiia— During Kihe Eililers *tar h»rs 
aha plarad balnre dlKi toil nail ng audience', iireaenUug 
"Dorla.^' "Haul Kirke," and "A Woman a Power." Her 
diaraatkrUation 01 the rolaa the aaauu»l In tba atwve 
oamed plays l< powerfol nod Bolahad. Uer eompany la 
an admirable one, and lurolabed her able aupporL 

UnuhuOpbra llnvBB.— OttaHklonar, In '■llianroce Ue 
UnmmonL*' "rba Klng'a Jeater * and "Hliylnck." played 
tolareaaoddellglitedaudleflcea. Thoa IJ. Heabnuhe II. 

Br.OiiABLaa.— LIneolQ J. i^rur'a -The Ttroodu" ax- 
olled tbe admlrollunef tha patrona nf tliiH ihaalrndur- 
tog luaUT In our city Tbeuechonlcaiairocu, aUrilIng 
realiam and uenio eovlroomenu an well Introduced. 
Jamas H. Wal lick II. 


Oetralt,— At the L;oeDiD, Nov. Vl-U, Oeorgo 
Tbatoher. Last week, "Tbe Block Crook" played *lo 
wretched baaia<-sa. 

UatBOirOi'xaA Uodsb.— "A BtadiHheap"coiiiaRlt-l4, 
and will t»* loUowed by DoDoelly and (liranl lo "Th* 
Roloaiakera." Tli*ronpart of laatweek Lewla Morrlatto 
drew only fair patronaoa. "A Texas ^teer," the latter 
hair of the «*«k, did an excellent baalbeita. Looia Aid- 
rit-heome* 19-21, Keller. theDiaxli!laa,3i*34. 

WuiTKBr'sUHAliDOrBRA HuVHB.— fhu we«l PlorencA 
niodloy. Laatweek, "A BagcaKa Chaok" gave aolandld 
aatl»factlon 10 big toronuu Next waak. Ward and ^'okaa. 

lUUrUBLLa EhI'IRhTiiBathi— TbIa week The Police 
Inapecior" Loat week. Jn* J. Dowllog In --Tlie LHs 
Ouard," had a good run. Next week. ■ In tha Name ul 

WOSDBBLA.fO TllKATHB A^D HtlHXB.-Blmltn eod Teill 
(Orlaoul loaglelaDai. Welktr (the iilue mao). Itittar (the 
botiary king) aod JoniTliuiupaon (hItnU nbeckar plaier). 
Maga-Cormanell and LuciHr. i haa lliaoiuod. Kilty 
OlnytoD. tha Blehetia Uua Hldianla and Ward and Lroch. 
I«st week, ln*x MoAiinkar ol the lata 'Prima Unooa" 
Co . made a decided bit and big buaineaa mulled. 

Oiand Kaiilda.'Al rnwerB' (innil Open 

llouae, "Tbe Lnti Porodlae," Nov 7. plarad in Riod 
bualBaaa Comlag- Lewis Morriaoo, tn "Kaiial." 12.13, 
"The HUr Uaxer" 16, 17. "On tbe Bower?'' 70,1\, Uleve 
land'- HliiMrela24 

ObaVU OrKU llui'NB.— Week 01 A, "UIJo Tra«ke>l" 
nlayad 10 good houoea Week of 12; "A Baggage 

SJHTO'B OfBNA nooRit.— Week 01 11: llinman and 
Cbriatoplier, Beatrice (Aarmen, CarrI* R»g«r«. Mabel 
Uaielton May lloey. May Hounetl,Hajooldsaiid Mock, 
Delnw, Mooa Laaonda, aod tbe stock. 

Lansing.— At Udlrd'g Open Uoubo "The l>oRt 

Paradise** did a goo<l buslnesaNov.6. Tlw WolraOrara 
Co., lo "Atheni* "came tf to a falrhouae. t;oDiBg: 1', 

•The Doxder;" 17, "The Charity Bdl " At Ih* Hur 

"Th* Two Widows'* corae 10 to paying buaineaa. For II 
and week, the BachaU Comedy (>) with tliefoHowlnii- 
Lllltao Hackett, Ben). BtCkeit. Henry Willis. Chaiu Ia, 
Mon^ WiUta A. lldl, 0 F. Del Vecdilo. O Itolyal, Pnie 

Tbom, Maria Adair and Julia ifoim«a Morle Lumfc* 

Bdler. plaout* to the King ol Haiooy. cnmea 14 lo Ply 
niOBin BdL 

Ha|Clnaw,*At Ibe AcwteiDTor UuaIc Itbea wm 
greeted by a good bogaa Nov 6^ "Ttia folic* Catrur' 

Slay*d to (airbqalneue. Lewia Mornaon, Id "Fauai." 
, nd a large house. "Ttte iMtilar'' drew a good audl- 
enc* 10. Xtonneily and (lirard coma 16, fleoraa Tbatdier 

le At Bordwall'a Opera House loat weak Cunoiox* 

baa Bl»t*ra' 8oriear|ua 1:0. and tbe regular atoch. Thia 
week. Ram T. Jock'e Creole Co. 

KalanaamMi^At Ibe Academy of Utulc 
Bouaa'aBaod, Nor. 1, draw a large audience. Kyria Bel- 
lew and Mra Poller jiava an excellent preaantoHoD of 
"lo Boclsty" to a roll houea. Mr. and Mra. Roi»ert 
Wayne week ol 6 did ajood boatnaao. I'omloi: Don- 

nelly aod Olnrd, In •*Tbo BoinmakerV 11 The 

Urond IB dork. 
JackBOB.— AtUlbbard'sMra. PuUer tod Kyrle 

Ballaw Nov. I bod a arnail aot.<. ce **T1ieTwo WIdowr,*' 
with living p1cturra.(}.9, to t^ai .radl) poorhouapa. Ho. 
2 "Duller" Co. U, local uios'rai eoUrtolnmeat 29. 

Wilmington.— At tbe Oraod Open Hoiue 

**£lgbt Bella" dnv a good aited andlenAe Nov. A. 
"Wang" plaaaed a goodly nomt>er i. **Tiie Black 
Crook" did a good bsalnaaaS. *'K#rry iluw" hid toad 
baaloeaa9. Coming: Mme. Jaoauachek and RaUCiax* 
ton 12, the Oaraalla Bros, 10, 17. "Fault" 19, aa "Lew 

ACADBBT OP If iTBia-Laarock'a "Pauii" drrw well A. 6, 
7. Corpeoiar'a JaranlUa "Claderalla" appeared i/« Hjcbt 
bnainauB.9, 1". 

Wu.vOBaLARD Mri BB — BaBlnasa continoet good. 
People tor 12 a'd wrak: Cuno Hall -WIM Bpri and 
LiUla Bon Rhot, Alex Wilai>o and Prioce AlUoe 
iheatre- Hamer and Lola Hollaly. ToraUraoL L^aan 
aod I>* Long. La PeUla Bontta, and John and liana 
iaod»ra — 


Orpheum to Mr. P*ter- Daeber, formerly ol Bpohan*, 
wbo wiu barooiW r eoodncttha pUe*. 


I>e»B JHolnea.— At the Qnod Jack Fowler'a.Pky* 
en bad telr anJIaooaa weak ol Hot. It ai popnlor prieea 

PoaTBB'a— PaullDB lloll praaeotad *'Der«aa" lor the 
Brat time 10 this oity to a well flHed bonae A "Darkeat 
Russia'* had good b\ialneas 9. (\>mlDg: AI 0. PisM'a 
Mioatrala l^ "Mr. Baraea ol New York" 19. 

WoNDBiLAiio Moaan amd TaRAiaa- Wa«k of II: 
fhilluhall-CniiDtUrloff(iraaapaT*nt and oailB*! man) 
and Mona. F. W. C^ly. Uilou sioge-BUoa Compdv t:u., 
EdwiQ Hoih. L*o RIoaharl P^artBabeoek, aoTHioola 
RineborL TnaatonDm— Lynch and Trainer. MnrpbTatnl 
llnroert, Leo and Cbapmao, Owen and HuoHd oad reroy 

TuBViBiTorPnullnaUalloooarTedoQ lh*aaDlT*r«ary 
of the marrtafe ol J. AMrlch Llbby and wllo. ol her 
compaoy, whowen married Id tbia eity dx yearoBfo 
wbHomembenofiha "Little Tyoooa**Uo. 

Oubuqa^Atibe Oraod Open IIouM|Kot.4, 
ATrip totriilaatowD'* played lo ths lorgaat houea 01 
the eManp. "Darhaai Ruasia** hod a large houu 8 

Pauline Hall Upar* (To , In ' Dorena** pleaaad a larg* 

audiaooe 7. l^levelaod'a Mloitnla an due U The 

tialety Tbeatra, under the naaagemeat of ileora* A 
HIiier, eufloeedlog Alirvd Rewlaod. la playing to aood 
DuatDeia Thia week : Morria and Uoodwlo. Tom Hwoeoey, 
Emerv and BusBtl, Oartia Coohrao and WlUums aiid 

Council Olaflk— At Dohaiu'B Tbeatre a 
miosiral entartatnneBt, given by lorly young soo'aly 
ladles, draw er^wded houaea Nov. i 1 '\Iane" dnw lair 
bualDwa 7. *Tbe Hew Boy" coma* 14, the PattI Koaa 
Co , 19. Bartbold Zerkowagy boa t>eaB engaged to lead 
tha house orcheatra 

Unrllngton.— At \be Qnud Uumir ud JUaoR 
ooovulaed a large audience Nov. 7. "A Trip to Cblnn- 
town" 8 had a good bunao. Tfaia weak Jame* J.Unrltelt 
draw a big boaM 12 "Frienda" cornea lA "Hot Toaalaa" 
16. * Tbe Kid" 19, J. X. BmrnalS, PatUIn* llaUtA 

Keakuk.— At tbe KeokBk Open lIoua<t "itporl 

MaAlllaier" coiuea Nov IA "Mr. Baroea ol N*« Yurh^> 17, 
Pauline llalia"Th*Kld''M "Plntilaao'a BaU'*hada 
blgbooaoA Jao. J Corbaudrewwellio. 


l*rovldoitc«i.«Al tbe I'rorldeDCe Open ilouae. 
Nov. 6-1% Wui. Uilletu, tn "Too Muob Jobnaon,*' Itad 
fairly good badneoL This week, "IM." 

KaiTu'aUrBU HnoBB-NoT. 6-10^ "A tide for Ufo'* 
made ita Bru appearance ber*, and bad Ulr bua nesa 
Till! «*ak, Ueo. W. Monro* will nak* Ma annoal visit, 
and preaeni -My Aunt Bridget " 

WaaraiKPTBH Tumathb-Hov. 6-lOk Harry Hefton'a 
UuileM(ue C-i. TliU waek lb« Irwia Broa ' Big Hbow. 

LuriiK .i'M Oi-sHA llui'HB goea undir na-v nitnaga- 
meal this week and a upw departur* In lb* ah«t»a of a 
variaiy alinv inatead itf drauiaa will ba given Th* 

Srlneipsl feature will l>e "Unthao. the Aniilaaa Won 
or." tlllier' are Wm. E Hineaand harle Keiuiaaioii, 
Three Koooa, lllaeaaod t;oulby, Boanta Adalle WebKter 
and tluDlon. and Uavm (lenaro. The oaw propriator. 
TliDtuaaTrovbridiie. woa eDlenalDed atUieProvidaiKe 
Preaat:iob at a apaalal uieeUog. The theatre haa besu 
reflited, and the iwirona will t'ardly hoow tha place. 

Cawiurkoi.— At LotbrDp'nOpen Uuu8e.Nov. 
II IS, Kaiharine Ruber, In "Fonclion ihet^rlckaL'* The 
house will herealiar tw under the looal nianaieinaDl u( 
Wu. (!. CltASe, who haabeen a ProTldinee monaiar lor 
many years. 


Hall l.ako €liy^"The >^t UbH" liod tup- 
boavy huuaea at Uia Kali lAhe Thaatn Nov. 'A 3; "Char 
loy'a Aunt" B-ia Katia Etomett is due W. Mr. aad 
Mra Keiiddl 21-21, Tho*. W. Keeoe 18,27. 

Ltuxi'm -llu*inaaalsa« giind aa polltleal eialuoienl 
will alluw, WlU "Mixed I'lCAlea " aa the bill. Tlie rosier 
or the stiirk: Brighaiii Koype, Hubert MorrlB, Harry 
Taylor. Will llouu. (leo. W. Peeroee. Alloa Conraif, 
(laniuJe irMalley. Ndlle Urury, laa Bnjer, aad T. F. 
O'Malley, luan ager. 


JackauHvlllo.— AtUieriirkTb(.iure tbu Wanlo- 

JameaCtiinbiDatloD enlenalned large audlenoes at od- 
wanced |>rlc*a Nov. 6. 8 Oliaa. ProiiGian's HoutUem 
"Charley's Aunt" plaaaed a goodly aaaemblaie 6 Ram 
T. Jaek'a "Bull Fighter" played a nturn date 12. Tlio 
lieuae will be dark until 2>, when Tbe Eoalgn" cuniva 


PonlaBil.— At lb« Huqaun Unnd lUiliert 
DovBlof piMMl Ul go^ batlMW, VMk Oct- B, pr.- 
HotlDi "Tb« fllMjiAlor," "iDjtoiii.r," "OmOKrD .Dd 

atbli*." "VIr.iBloi" tw) "RIeAwd lb. Dod ll«arud." 
• VMkol Hur Mr. uO Mr,. I.a. 
dall wlU M —a a. Jtl.iud.r lUlrlol U. 
COkOtAT*. TlfklT.B I. duk. 

OBrmoH.— Tkiktl. U'ltao JlMoa, frl.4lui1.r Broa. 
fUak.r Br«lh«n, Mai BohM, (hi.., Ha;oi Tronic aad 

MMaDRO'. Vkv TfllATki coifgcL-Wallar furd, 
Harrr Browo*. rrukl. Or.rloa. Hadl. [M«,r. Maa 
Mvarm. Raji.v)<i*ol.r. (Jr.M ll.rBaa, D«vlu l.'llnioa 
Btm Ul.r, JobD Tub.l, II BoUi»,U, Wall raik.r, 
aod BaBt Mou 

Axairaaa-— fl0r«Bc« Claytoo, Ida Caapbvll, Margl. 
AMI*, and H.lMa Addlt. 

LoVTU — n. Tl.BnaQoartK 

ocvTAV 1faLT«B. ol 1b.Or7htaB.kaa frmaafaeo, aod 
Bab.nBUI,cl ibualr. btKMld Uulr IManai Ib lb. 

kaat Wmk'B KvbdIb.— Tho pait WMk wu 

UDproiinc at iQiiKiruiiil evenu. Tliei. were, II l> 
Uuii, preMuialluiM ol BOTonI pU»;t Mir to Ibucltf , 
bat Uib; prOTCd tu 1m or ooiupinulTglj llillg nine, 
BDd Uio ODij oreiii ol tlwulut. liijp.>rUDc« to ilie 
BeMOQ'i raconl «u ilio colttlinkUoti or tbe rourth 
cenieofiUl aniilvor^rr of the Itlrtti or Uani Baohi, 
tlie Ucruun puei aad playwrlflii. Tbe oxclieineDl 
oooBCquonl upou a hotly cuDtr.ted eleuiluQ tor 
mate and vlly oillclkl. bad a depieiktiig iffeci upon 
bUBlueMB, aad, wblla .uoie few bouaen kuir.rvd 
kcarckly at all, (be delrlmeot to otbera Irom tub 
cauao WBi kunirlcut to make lae arerage ot boal- 
Deal, capeolalijr duilDg tbe ea'l/partui tbe wtek, 
Tory unutlBTactory. Alraoat nil or the oily IhealroB, 
liowevor, gave niallDeea upon Gleollon Iljy, wltb 

tho luual good reinli. Tlio ooDllnued per- 

forniaDccH for tbe week oadlDg Nur. to, were: ''lir. 
Syiiiaz" ai Ibo UauiuwiY, "Hbtoasdoali" at Ibe 
AUAbivv Uf UUHiu, "Tbe Uaable Hbop" at tbe 
Kiii'iHk,"l<ab lloy" at ilie Hquiai, '-Tbe 
I'aating Hbow" ailbeUAiiiHO, '-The New Hoy" at 
tbe STiMutnii, "A Uklely Ulrl" at DiLr'e, K. II, 
Butborn at tbo i.yvkUii, W. U. Urane al lbs B»>, 
"Utile Cbrlalopbor UiilumbDk" at UieUikbiH, "A 
Hllk White Klag" at lluifn, UIga Ngtheraole at 
I'AMiia'ii, tbe l.lllpullaoii at the Fmu AviNua 
HDd " rhe Irlah Arllat" al tbe KoUHTikKTii HraaiT, 

ihuibreo lam uaiuod cloalag upon tbaidata 

ThooDcwtekebind.oloalDg Nut. 10 were; Uallen 
Hiiil lUri at Uie I'kurLK'a, "A Ttele uf OiniCM" at 
NigM< ii, "riiudlrl I l.«ll Beblndlle"altlieUMaiio 
OfiKi lliii Hk. "Tliu TWO Blklen" at Jioow'TiiikU 
AvKNCi, "Ubarley'a Aunt" attbe llini.kH Uriai 
llouHiiand I'llmnwe A Wnl'i Hloklrela at Ibe Co- 

i.uvui'a UuiiKtuck'a Hlukirels cuuunued at 

8T. JiVkH llai.i Variety enteruioneot woe 

rurulaliril at ToNir fAhTUK'H, KunTIH A HiaL'B, Uie 
Union HMriHii rHucTuae, ite ULVHrio, theLriiK. 
HUN, ami MiNiK ii UuwiHT and Kiuirru Avihub, 

I'errurjiiaocee lo Oeroiau were glfen at the 

iHriKu I'LAOI and UBHiiANU,aod perrormanoea In 

llobrew at the Tualia, WindiAh and Aulih'ii 

At NikiAi'n TiiiATRi Waller HantoM'B ktoekixiin- 
pany preieoied, Ob Nov. b, a roiuantlo mehHlrama, 
by Uenrge Uoey, entlUed "A Tale ot Uoffllca." It 
auowed coaslderable iiKrII, end It It had 
pruTen eutlrdy new He production would 
have iHWb an event of conalderatile ImporUuce, 
but thN ovcaklon waa robxd or Ibia ralue by tbe 
diacorrry ihal the play bad been orlvlnalty pro* 
duceil in Now Uikaoe, twelve years Hgii,UDder Uie 
tlile ol "A i'rlcBl'a Vuw." II proved, however, 
worthy or reprudiiciluu, and received much cuiy. 
meuiltUou upon ilili, lla Irsl inetropollian 

prcAenUiKio Marie Janeen appeared Not. 6, 

lor tim Oral time In this city. In ber new play, 
"Mlu Ii;nBnille,"ararclaleirualon Irom Ibepuot 
Uleo Macliijaougb. Hhe met wltb a cordial reeep- 
11(10, kud Ihe play waa accorded rair rank lu lla 

citaa Attbe ihtiho fuiii Tubath, od Mot. 

1, Habager Vunrcid preaeoted a varied enlerlala- 
Qient, dealgued lo fliUngly oommeuiurmla the roar 
buDdredtli annlveraary ol Ibe binhd.y of llioa 
MAchf, the cjbiiler poet or Nnrenboig, wbo la 
airectloiuilely remembered In bla own land aa tbe 
auihur ot sundry versee and plays, bat wbcw Im- 
niorlal faioe was eaialillibed ibroughout ilie re- 
mainder ot Ihe cultored world when Wagner 
adopitd blm oa Uie ceotnl tgnre In bla com- 
poaHlon, "Uie Uelateislnier." Oo the occasion 
under c 'bslderaUon, oeleoilons from Wagner's 
work were rendered by AoMD Beldl's nrcbestra, 
end by the tollnwlag ilogers: Ida Klein, F.mll 
Flacker, Maiia liaoser. Wo. BuphcDS and Paul 
lielgtl. Then followed two plays, wrllten by Ilaoa 
Boclii, "Uer Fabrende Bcbueler" aod "Von derUsa. 
beihi Kinee Kaulberm Tochtar." Tbesa were per 
tomed ll) tbe stock compaoy ot tba honae, aod were 
presrnied In Ibe primlllTe maoner of tbe llmea 
when Ibey were writun. They proved very amua- 
log to tbe large aodleooa prcasok Oo Hot. •, L'Ar- 
roBga'a oomady, "DerUoBjaflaoa,'' ' :uiprsaSBtad. 

It WM aesQ liere several yean ago, boweeer, aod 
needa so fuxtber mention. Uu Nov. t Bchlller'a flvo 
act ttagnly, "Maria Miuart," was given, tbo oc- 
casion being tbo auDlfeiwry or tbe binb of 

Sobtller Mlllan Rusaell, borne again rnini 

ber unancecaalul vtalt abrmil under Ihe nian- 
agcDKOI ot Abbey, tichoollul Jk llraii, appeared 
Nov. T, ooder tho aauie mahiincuebt, at AenaVB 
TUBATHB, In "Thii unocn ol lliilllanis," The opent 
bad IIS Drat produciloo nn MepL H lAat,at Ibo by- 
oenm Tbeaire, LonduM, where It waa preaenled by 
UUa Hustell and hor cuiniiaiiy. It la auouloopera, 
or at least wu orlglually so cnllcil, wlln mualo by 
Klward Jocobowskl, and with wonla aiUpled rioin 
tbe Herman of Tlieodore Taubu a*.iil latdor Kuclu 
liy 11, J. ^V. Dam. Tho orlslual atlaiiiailon waa 
made by Ursndon Tbonaa, wr.iiMi work, however, 
baa been disoartled; but II tn» original Kngllsb 
book waa worse lhau tho proaiinl uno II must have 
been a very bad work. There le a story, uf ouurau, 
aodUMtwbluk by couitety may bo ualieil a ph>t, 
but II Is Mttemely dlitloult lo diuover It during 
the progreia ot the perfornisoce, aud It wouhl be 
utterly loooberant without the aid or the andttur'i 
Imaglnailon. In the synopiU nr aceuory we die. 
cover that Ihoaollou la located drst at Ihirgbnvov- 
cblo, a towu whose Inbalillauu areatrluien wllh 
poverty because of Ino luouccaalbllliy ul lu haib.>r. 
Tbe aatburllles or Hits place ivialu froui •niliiuity 
Ibe right or cunrerilug iiobllliy, buure It la toe 
sceue ol optratluna uf HaiLiino Kugleatclo, tho pro. 
prIelioM uf a uiairluoutul agoucy at Vlouna. Thuie 
are two favllone reslileiii In llic tuwn, and uue uT 
Ibciu baa employed a uillliary uDgluoor, Klurlau 
Bauer, nephew or Unio. Koglestrlii, m rlu the ImrlHir 
or lla Jaogetoua and navlgalh'u •lOalrucUag rocti. 
Klorlau halla lo love wll i Uotu, Ihe loiulmy ut the 
town, but nuue the lesa a iiieiitliur or Ibo uulilu 
ramlly el the Uaprloioutp, whoeo nolillliy Is, bow. 
ever, almost tboir ante iHiaaeaalon. Mme, Kiigle. 
Rielu dealros Florlan lu wud bvr itaughiur Knnua, 
and Ibererore haa Ucira Innnnrvil In a cunrent. Hhe 
uuUea herracapr, however, and cornea tu the iiMieh 
maker s houis In Vicuna, where alio Is Inilucwl lu 
believe that hur lutcr liiu ticcn lallhtcoa tu his 
vows. tVbilo smarlibg under llila raiiuled lojury 
she la pouQoed upon by llella Kuniaiia, au adveii. 
lurer and ahowin.o, who utrur. Iiur wcalib, faiiiu, 
and Kiwve all u|tportuuliy for ruveugo. If suo will 
Join Ills euiupaiiy and Iwcoinu bla ij.ioeo of llrli. 
Ilaola, wliatevor that may bu. W'Mo be has gone 
to priKuro a daasllug ruue, with wliloli to liegulle 
ber, she falls aslsop, and vUluoa uf her ruiure 
greatnese comu tu ber lu a diuam, aud are 
paliMbly sKiwu lu the Huillunce. Hlio aix'upla 
the uifer, and. straiigcbl twrt or ibla ntrango 
tale, tho uiabagorlal pruinleua are r^allred. tut- 
toDo puara Id upon her and her lucky utau- 
turn. Uer revenge alao uuinca, but It la a 
uoblo uoe, for sne uiea her wealth lu IwauiUy lUid, 
III luaDy ways, Impruvu hor native place, tliniugli 
the luaUKiiLculallty ul Klurlau, or wiluhi falililni- 
nuaa eho la now kssurud, and who In ki pi lu Ignor- 
ance of Ibe Identity of Ida Iwiiufacircai. hho re- 
lurua lo her Imuie, a cuunteoa, aeil la uiiliod to tbe 
love lorn Florlau, klauy other puiwiiuigca liavo 
collKioral inleresl In tho aiory, tjuidu nut serbrusly 
Inierreie with this geneiai uu'-lliie, The laxik Ik a 
BurryaiTatr. Iiadlaluguo Is uttorly uiiliitcieailog, 
uf liuiuor It baa nunc at all, hihI lla lyilcH have 
neither pueilururinuurBplriL Nor cnu lliuniualo 
rhiliu a mora liuiiorablo rank. It Is FXirninely 
coMiDiooplace au<l nuusually rcmliilaorul. R gen- 
erally lacks iiio:iHlr, and iiMkcn no hiiieiida In har- 
inuuf. The urcliciitratlun Is tliln mid meagre at 
Uuivs, and at ntlibn tHiiiildruiia. aiiil tijiru ars 
nolihor BohtM, couueried niiuiiicra nor oiiaeiiiblus 
tbatoausoa llirlll of iiloaaureiiriiiiiliualaaiii, Tbe 
cutupouy Is far from guiHl. The raIr l.hllan 
sang wltb ber usual uiTucllvuiieae, bin miietl wiib 
muub less Ibaii ber wonted spirit, Anulu Uyers, 
whuieprescbce again among us all wcro glad to 
note, saog with snnicthlug lens than her old iliiio 
uhariu, lint acted with iniicli sprlBbtlluiiu. The 
inuelo Blliilled to Hubert Wliku was ovidcntly nut 
lu bis liking, aod hbi slusliig was cunaiiiurniij nut 
cuiUiuuudAlile. liut orlilrlHin or iifrfnriiieni, In n 
work so thoniugiily UDiailaraciiiry, la nm unly a 
dtsagreeaiilo task, but oarurs ul liijiisilce, and will 
tburefora bo dlamlased altur rccunUiig Ihal Jbgby 
Uellfonud It liupooallilo lolx: ainiialng with ihellura 
aaalgoed him, aadtbailhoiinikiHaiiaraullon iluilved 
rruui the perloroianco waa cuulribuiifd by Uwtu 
Wesilurd, whoso BOMunipildn III tbo rule ot ilio lni. 
pauuutuuaOiiuntCaprlniiiniu was dlailDgul,heil by 
carelul ouusldoraduuauilOiilaliedclaliuniilou. The 
opera was lavishly and liaiidaonioly aiaged, the 
aetlluga aud ouitumes vlvlng lu bcauiy, and 
nauy of the stage eiTeols, Including muvrrarnis 
aud groupings, were very plcaalng, altbiugh 
'tbe iQcooMbt gyrations of a ballet were dlatraci. 
lug and inrivologleas. Applause was nrnbaraksing- 
ly Infrequeut, and the andioncu was uui uuiy 
1 apaUielle, but visibly wearleil. ll iloea iKriscem 
pusslble tu secure for ibe pruduutlun sum luut 
I public faviir u> warrant lis reteniluii iipun ilio 
; kUgo. Brielly stated. New ITurk has eutl.iraed tbo 
' LondoD verdict, aod wlUi suillulout rraaiui. The 
' «sl: Florlan Hauer, lluneri Wlikiu: llella K.muna, 
:>lgbv Uell; l.ucca Itihlilatu, J. U.Tay.ur: llroliilla, 
Ueerge Honey; Colonel Vtubirl'ulvi.r.|ixvr,hyddt'y 
Howard; Oouet Ihadinisu Uaprliiioiiio, Uweii Weal- 
loid; Ueppo, lleery I'arry; Andrta, Ueurgu Hack- 
) ooile; the lluutor. Fowler Thatcher; Frii/, Webs 
ley lnumpsoo; Jl.m flarcli, Tbeu. May; Fuotmao, 
speucer KuPy; a Hackney Uimehiiiab, Jainca (1. 
Feakoa; lleadUirdoner, Uoorrfe Foiiroliir; Madame 
l-Jogleetolu, laura Joyce Hell; Knimii, Mailgollrael; 
ilnola, Anule Meyers; Miua, Huoauuo l,«uiiaril; 
Hod Matron, Flo. Home; ihiiut. Mblan Itoosell. 

"Tlie Masque uf roniluia," an opera, cuin- 

iioocd by Mrs. Uarliia llouKhtnn Hewall, wu pre- 
•rntod al Ibo Lonux Avenue l.'ulurUu Church, 
Nuv, a, by momliera of tbu Unity llymuuluu Asau- 
niailoo. The opera, which la lu three acta, Is k laed 
upon Loogfelluw'a pucui or tho kanie llile. Kdllli 
M. Adama aosumed the role uf I'andora, Herbert 
llloe that uf Fromelheus and llulierl Hloe waa 

F.plmeUieua At Ibu Uhuaowav TiiaATai, on 

.Nut. t, be Wolf llupper quietly celebrated Ihe 
tenth anniversary of bla advent upun Ihe cuinic 
opeiA slaf a, his Oral appcaiaDce ID comlo opera 
luving been made In Huuu'a "Uealree" at Ihe 
Uioad Btreat Theatre, I'hIUdelpbIa, Nuv, a, lsH4. 

TMa FAHADB or tbe elective atair uf Manager 
and UongreaaiaaD.eleot II. C, Miner's theatre 
occorred ou Friday, Mor. V. Tho paiaile formed 
at the Flllb Avenue 'Theatre, wll^rtJ the po iple em. 
ployed by Mr. Miner frll lot<> line aod marched to 
Ihe Feaple'a Theatre. The ww arr«Dsai| to 
eeogroiulata Mr. Miner npiiii bla eleeUun to 
Oungiasa fien the Third lils'nctufihla city, and 
waa anllrely aocimaful. Thrre were uver rnor lien, 
died people in line, ablcb also included about oDo 
bundled and Ifir uieniiitra of tbe Hprlegrr iJiho- 
napblo Co, Col, Morion, manager nr Hloer'a 
Newark Theatre, lirouglil bla eiiiire aUIT, liesiled by 
a band of mualc, aod tbe KUIith Avennn Theatre 
einpb)yeea turned uul In Doe sliape, led by Rem 
Broa.' Uaud, ot UUi cllv. KJwanl Wnka wh 
uanhal. The Fl'tli Avenue and liuwery Theatres 
sent their full uumplemeot of allaches. Mr. Miner 
aod oUien mode speccbea. 

Iioaia' MiniUii.— Hevcnl norellles are lolro- 
doced tbia week lor the trat lime toManater IhirU' 

K Irons. Tbey Include tbo Japaoute Haeclna fllrla. 
e Uhoat Bliow and Uulp Ur<ai.' Ilnllabd lur.d. '/o- 
mora-Zulo chief, also ofwoed here on Nov, li. Id 
ma Ucatra Carrie Hiauley aud Uie stook are appear- 

log la "Bllvenpur, Ui> Avenger." 

BvitoAT BKraaTAiHHaNiii 00 N»T. 11 Inolnded 
the foorin of tlie serira »t conoerla by Ihe Uelba 
Concert Oo. at the Metropolitan Upant Uuuae.a 
ooDcert by (lllmura'a Hand at Uw Aoadany oi Ha- 
sie. and a leclere on "Tbe Bibia," by Ool. Robart s, 
logeiMiU, at Iha Btar Tbaatre. 



November 17 

1'Kori.ra TtiHATRH.-A ctowdnl «n41»nc« gtih- 
rred here m IIohiIa; nlglil, Kor. 19, ud putook ot 
ilircctaoiin' aullJ CDjojmcoi, irong butJo^I* *>T 
ilietpr>>uuHnil KuRiiicr wtalcb rclgoeil Uirooyli- 
oatihcDiKlii. Till* ITImroBO A Wcit mlDnlnl or- 
gtnltiUon Km ll>3 Hdmcilon, anil, tllboonh tbli- 
compaiir htvo ixco iilnjlog In ibli clti and lomo- 
diau Ticlniry for Blx contlnnou wcelia, It li etl 
dent titti llicjr could plsyto Torj ptoflmbte ho«'> 
ncM 111 tlili cli; fur » auil loagor tlos. Tbu 
iroupo. lij ihe war, !■ liio flrti niliuirel orfiin- 
l/jtiim til vltU ilm I'enpla'a Ttacitira In elglit jctfi. 
Tim mnrDlng pjirndo bj tho full cooiMnr vu a 
ncwtutiiro for iho t^iiBlderii. Tno bniDi odI- 
fnrraii of I lie pcrfotmerii, led I17 lira baodi or inulc 
RQil preceded lij Ucurt. rnniroiu und Wctt in 
■ cirrliic, dmwo hj fuor lionea, tnreracd tba 
Hotter;, mill acrertl of Ibe lame ttioroDgbrMeB of 
Ihe t-^st Bido of luiTD. OD Nor. 1*J, and were ap- 
pliuileil all hiouk IIio lino of nurob. Tna 
iTnierMlmiKnl furnlMied br llila organlMtlos 
llila BiiMOD furnls'.ici two tjrpei ot mlo- 
•irelBr, the nenulno colored perfonnora, «bo 
open ibo xboir id (be flmt part of Iho pro- 
grmiiDie, and api acccrcded l>r Ihoaa wbo 
apucar In burnt curk. In Ihe nerond Beaabrn «f part 
one. Tlic riM nf tlin curiatn Bliovi ibe atage peo- 
pled li; ilio genolno liiacii niombera of tba coDpaaj 
in fullercnlOKCOiiiamp, wbo Rire aareral dUllnct 
ifpca of nraro ubaraclerdcllnealJona. Tharalng 
All lorl* of Honiia, from ''Sweet llam Uopa'' to aen- 
iloioniiil tMllarfK, and iiotnet rendlilona In perfect 
liitmiob;. They (tn'o "ino Snwaoeo River" and "Hj 
(lid Keniuck; Hume," wblio plctnrei ot ioniben 
plaDUituu lifo were ahown noon canvas In tbo 
l«ckaraund wllli One eirect. Their alogiog waa 
licanli; npplaiiited. J. A. Bbipp presided, with 
Air. WcBtneraaiid iKo McUeard onllieenila. Then 
ume llic uC'ind BCWlnn of partono, wiin thewblle 
membem of tliu firnanl/aUon aealod In front of (be 
ntufie, wbtio tbo colored forcea occupied anafo. 
vuted spaco In Iho rear, with the orchcatra In Ibe 
iiiiddic. Tnero was harcly room on Ida aiago tor 
nil whocoimutulo ihiB poriinn ot Ibo company. 
Uiiilcal Director IL K. Uarmlchaol Btarlcd part two 
wliban luiroduclury ororiurc. Wm. II, west was 
liiurlocutor, wmi (loo. II. Primrose, Jimmy 
Wall and Juiiii I,. Howe on Ibo "bono 
rods," whilo Uco. Wilson, Andy UcLeod and 
Tommy (iiynn twirled the uranourlnea. Dor- 
lag tlio overluro Johnny Whalen performed 
Momo astonlBblog baionlcal evolnuons. Jimny 
Wall men Ritve a medley, cnlltlcd "The World a 
Kalr," InirudGclug songs and clorer dancing, 
wnlcli gulnod for bim arunnd of hearty applanae 
and two engnrcs. Jaiiirs W. Ileagen followed tna 
well rcndrrcd lullad, cniiucd "Hear I,oolso," and 
lieorco iVilHon kept llio audience courulMo with 
l:iag "cr with a nodgo pndgo ot aongii and Don- 
aOBsc In tba way of a luonoIoKUi. Win. II. Windoo 
followed with one nf the aiiog genu of tno pro 
gramme, entitled "Tbo (ilrl I Lovo," and rcnponded 
10 a dnurilu vncore for lili sweet vocal elToria. 
woou Ur. Wnit iDiroduced Oeorge 11. rrlmrosa 
for the next number ine apiilanso began Immo- 
dlaloly. Ilo buuk "imi ! tly Miiy" lu bla aeons- 
t'lDicii BiTic, una tor ten miDuiea tbo audience 
Inilaied fur more nt this poiferiiier's clovtrwork 
iiinlDKlDiund dniivlng. lie es»lyoanlid off lbs 
liouoranl iliMnirt or iho progiBiuiiia. Allan May 
men sinii "\vnllo tlic lunce Uoea Oa," durlDK 
\rnic9 II nuvrliy was Inirmluced by abowlns 
upon cAuvur, wlita aiereopileon cirecl, a aeries ot 
liiciurea n-pn'seiiliug locldcnls lu luo words of tba 
pong, bliiccro appliUBo was acconlcd Mr. M4V'a 
Hinglnr, iriilio lliu pioturea were a:aoailm'red. Thia 
enard ibo rirat purt of tliu |inigr.inime. la Ibe olio 
TiKimin F. iilyi-ti gKlncil ibreo onuorot forhls mu- 
terly lianjo cx^riikes. Ilowo, Wall and UcLeod 
Hiipi-arciliuaiiuwmnilcnl specially; lllcoandKI- 
tiier gAvn iliclr well kuowii liunzonial bar act; 
(leorgo WIlNon pnicruined Uio audience In bla 
(iilglual way, andncliivrrskltkyjoarph Osrlaiid, 
(rniltlcil "I'lio Surcnado," ru:lawcd, during wblcb 
ibcru wiu much h<hh\ sluslngaiid several aiyliaut 
tbnclnv siiowa by iiiriiili.'rs of tbo compaoy. 
UsdJ r.ih<r's iniupu of Ar<bs cl ised the excfllent 
iirogniinnie, and iliu aodlence applanded aa Ibov 
Icli the tb04lro, proving coucliiilvrly that they bad 
vDloyod t ie licai eiiltriaioincnt over provided by 
this murpiUIng nrm nf miositel managers. Jo- 
Heph I'. Harris la business manager tor I'nioroso 1 

l,0Ni>0N TiiKtrai!.— Hiieitll Urothera' Comedians 
nre the p^iwcrful migiicis which are atlmoung 
largo Hiiilleni'ca Ibis wivk. The bonse on Uonday 
ulg^l, Nuv. 1'.', wiiB crowded. Tbo olio preaenled 
iDcludea Uileni vl Iho hlghcat order, \ybiUDg and 
.Sbepardoprucilacilon wlih iheir alnRlngandac 
rubailo rpcclnlly, Ulas Kliep«rd'a vocal oiHrlng 
lieing woil received. llaailugH anil Utrlon's recep- 
tliin wiu cunilai. Thoy prenentcd tbeir popular 
Mi:l, Willi new ivngK, well londored and clever act 
leg. Will II. I''u.t, "I'aiicwhiikle," In hia miiilcal 
iiioiiologuo, liiluaail new Immor lata his onlortala- 
nieni, uoil hu iimiiy friunda leaildcrt Ibclr ap 
piuvtl, l.'7./.iii II. lUyn:iind, pliyiica ly and vo- 
cally robust as ever, rucolir^d and Imperaonalsd 

10 reiicaied encjres. Then camo John and 
James hu'h'II wbisu act nccda no now pralaea. 
Tlioiuaa inirlcu and Uliia Uarel weroDoxl, Mr. 
il'llrlen'B ''Tinnmy, Iho Newalny," Inimdiiclng hit 
clever acroballo wort was well liked. Bun Ber- 
nard followed lu Ills Duiuh comlraililoa, IrraalBtl- 
lily luiiey, and In anrural drooaUo recliatluna, 
vlilublie hiutiiu laouiiy In render to the beat ad vao. 
rage. iHxon, U'lwerj nud Ulxno, iicrobailo oome. 
(liana, <li'gul>ed as Hires '-llubva," performed 
iiianj iimiouli irlcka. "Ularlce," ibe comical after, 
piece, Which lia.i been changed somewhai, brioga 
tbo abow to a aiiucu-aful close. James Itnaiell and 
8ani Ucruaril caiisril roars ot langbier by thtir 
work H.<m Brmnril Is Kciing manager tor ITeber 
Hod Fluids, I'cirr >i. Ul«rk, advance, aed Uuatloi 
aniiili, vnojis. Noxi wcct, the May Howard Oo. 

HrnKH'H rjti.ii'K Ur.iBi'u.-Thi' msiiageilo de- 
parinieiilnn ino fnurih iluur Is being constantly 
nddcl to hy MAnsgor Huliur, until now ho liis ovor 
twenty i-agva or nulnnrs utid birds. In tbo contro 
ot ihu nuoriiio&Ir. SclHiliK'scngovot grrst ^lane 
<1oga ot a.l nurs, Ironi ibo puppy to ihe roll grown 
UDnnal. In ilio curio hall an SIg. AllllHb'a eat 
lUliiKirvIs, Clias. (lerclinian Cnicr, long tailed pony; 
llrxler, niyslll) Ing Australian; llialiu, stiong man; 
ihcwlldDR'n lit liornoo, Arizona Jack anuQacen- 
Ippn, llona Mnrrluo and I'riiico TInymltc. Biago— 
Minerva Ut, Iho rayiius, Ihu M4yo8,tho WcstOD 
Slater', ilin. K. Kiabor and the living pictures. 

UlNKH'alluwiiiiY TiiKATHK.- Ilelliy Jc Wiuda'Oo. 
opened lu good Iioubi's Mnuday, Kuv, 12. Teisyand 
Maggie Ferguion linvo bc^u added In the olio and 
their act wuut well. Allen and Wed, Perry and 
'IVn Broukr, ilm Ma Vana. Laurel and llarvsy, and 
Her, tlurko ami Ibinilall were all wall applaaded. 
"Iladea U,i 111 Halo,'' with l',it Ilelliy as Bate, la well 
aiagod. l.'iHio l,'<nadale, i:m Armairong, Lily 
l.iureland Handu llirveydu rircctlre work. Ka- 
tlma and Liit:o Kitypt, "Midway daocera," are 
' Mpeciallr engaiod lliia week. Next week, "The 

(lianas TiiiATnB.— "LllUe Ohrlitopher Colum- 
bna" li making a good rrcord at Ibia uooae, where 
It began uii NvV. ij ine iirui week 01 Ha run. The 
work uf aiu-railon and Inipnveniont Is ailll eon- 
tlnueil Willi r.xceltoiii rernlia. Among the changes 
tbia week are new spuclalttes by UuariesCowlcsaod 
liiH Meivilio silaicn. Kewroiiiera lu Iho cast are 
Kdwin Uhapinan, who appcaraat (."aptaln Slammer, 
Hnil Nctilo l.ylurd, wliu has nasuined the role of 

llaHAMi »<ji>xKK TiitATnB.-"llob Iloy" Is an In- 
diapuiiili.e HiiL-ce!i9. Mlucuthoopeuiug olghl,wbon 

11 was cQihnsluiili'illr rocrlrod by a large and cnl- 
lurvd audience, ihero liaa been uo lalllog off In His 
ailendaiico. Ii la full ot exhilaiailou, and dnrlng 
Ihe oniiro penorinniu-o Hiero la nut a dell moment. 
Iv la boauMtully Magi-il and admirably rcudered. It 
tnlcred Nov. 1:: upjii the lolnl week of lt« ran and 
li evidently ueatineil for a lenglhy slay. A Ore 
which oecurrrd ua timt ilair, In ino saluou or oatu, 
niibo front of ihu house, oCL'saloned much alarm 
In Iho aitilinuco, but by continuing the pertona- 
aiice, aid br othor onorgoilc meuurea, a paulo 
MSB avcrloil, and ruw p. nuns left tho house. The 
lira WAi nu"ii e.\ilQgnlahed,and tho perfurmaiico 
was ooniluiieil lu lu cluai*. 

UtsiKO— "Tno roaalng Bhiw" began on S'ov. 19 
tlio third and last week ot lis pri>M)nt vlalt. Too 
lease ot (.'anary .1 U'derer oiplrrs £0, benoe 
(hb ciirisllmriii i f Iho proiprroiui run of Ibis at- 
tractloD; hut In Itaderanuro wa need not sorrow 
wlibont hopii, M It will return early next mnnib, 
and will iliaii oi'otipy the slate of ihs Uijou Tasft- 
tri'. Older iho ukw lease to luo above nsmed dim 

Kariui TiiiATai — John llrew. In "The Bauble 
Hbop," loniiniica lo draw ctcellcnt bouaea. Us 
liigan on Nuv. ti ihe tcuHi week iil hia engage. 
ineni,wltn thieo weeka more, coaming Cram tbal 
due, Biandlng lu his orodii. Tbis, It Is annonnoeil, 
will he his only ougagomout lu inla city during tbe 


AaiKTa TuKATHi-LIIMan Iluasell. la "Tbe 
(|u<eo lit Bidilauis.'t brgao Nov. 13 the second 
week of her stay. Tbo opera la not a aucoess, and 
the atisndauce has so far beea light, EitonswUl 
be roads to Improve iha work, espeelally by tiie In- 
trodoouoD ot mure oomedy, bat theie Msnu ae 
( oandauoo tor hupn ot a Bucceeslnl nuu 

FiFTO AriNiiK TOEATiU!.— Oanle Tuner nude 
her meiropolilao alelbkr debat Nov. 11, In the flrsl 
prodnciloD latblscliyot "TheVomlog \YomBD,<'a 
comedy drama. In three acts, diamatlied from Kd- 
mnod Yalea' novsl, "Droken to liarness," by Wei- 
vyn Dallas, ro-wrllUD by Seilloy Drowo, and re- 
vised hy l/Oals Dt Lanjo and Engeao Ormoodo, 
thongli Done ot thve gentlemen were oredlied on 
the houo programme wlib being responsible tor 
He existence. It was given Its Oist piesentalloa 
Not. 1, ^ Waterbnry, Ot. The pUy lacks con- 
Uonlty, wnlcb Is probably doe t^ tbe lumber ot 
eookaefflploied. The aloiy 1* not explained soon 
ssongb, for when the cnrttin tsl.'n at the cloae of 
ot the Drat act tbe main Idea which obtains witb the 
aodlence Is that tee heroine Is a good honewoman. 
Most ot tbe Btorr Is told In solHcnny, and Is con- 
tinued thronga tue enHreplay. Tuere are several 
bright comedy apots In tbe piece, but ihev lor tbo 
molt pan are built aronnd (leorglna Hbike and 
are foreign to the general atory. It tho autbura 
Iniended Kate Melton for ibe coming woman, ihc 
intcniloD has mlacanled, aa by tho text ot the play 
that title belongs lo Oeorgloa, as Kate la b:it a 
commonplace heroine, and notatall typical ot tap 
ot the promised women ot the future. The author* 
could eaaliy have made Oeorglna necessary to tho 
main loeldenta of the play, mncb to Ha adrantago, 
as ihcie are but seven cnstaotera of the thirteen 
employed, needed In the piece. The scenes are 
laid In Bu Alban'a, UarUordsblrc, Kog., and Ibe 
story eislalos that prior to tno aouoa or the play 
Stephen Dtackmore beirays Uelen Dean, by whom 
be has two dangbtera, one rf whom la Knowo aa 
Kate Mellon, the other Dorothy Blackmoro. Ulack- 
more,aa thoconlldenual clerk ota large nrm, com- 
mlia (urgery, neea from the conntry, and leaves a 
wriuen confeaalon ot bla crime. Henry Dean, 
brother ot II*len, Implores BUckmore to mate 
Uolen his wife tor the sate ot the ohildien, 
and Stephen writes him a letter conaent- 
Ing, If Dean will aleal the confeaalon. Dean 
does this and Blackmoro marrlca Helen who 
soon alter illes. Uharlea Oorden. clerk torMcKon. 
Ble & 00., posseean ibe secret ot ths confession and 
marriage and secnrts a copy of the marriage certl- 
Ocale. Blactmore goes l« Aoslralbi and manlea a 
rich woman Mtore his Orat wire dies. Upoatae 
death ot bis second wife she wills him ber prooerty 
sUpnUMIng that If It should be proven that be tutl a 
wife living when he manled her, ho should bo dis- 
Inherllcd. Kate Melton, Blaclmoio'a oldest daugh- 
ter, jolna a drcns while a child and learns to ildo 
and irain taoraoa. Uonry Dean, woo aCicr sleallog 
the conteaalon ot Ultctmore, flees from bis na Ire 
city and Is known as Bloon Bcrewdge. a money 
lender, nnds Kate with Ibe circus and acts aa her 
goardian, unknown to her. Kate at ibo opening ot 
the pUj ba« becomo an expert at borao breaking 
and as a riding master, has aocuoulaicd a turtnue, 
Bhs makes her first appeannco mounted oa her 
famoui charger Buimnch. Lord Uranvllle loves Kate 
but says hoeannot marry oa ho Is poor. Kate, who 
reclpnicates his aff'ctlon, la willing to piy his dsbts 
and uke bin tor what he Is worth, oharlea Qor- 
den, Who deslrv s to many Kate for ber money, tells 
Lord Oranvllle that Kate Is an adventurrss, wllllog 
In exchange ber wealth for a title, and that one i« 
an Itleglilmate child. On the evening befuie H> 
pithy Blaokoure, Kate s tlsier, is to mury a Lurd 
Konmoro, Qordtu reveals Ihe secret ot the birth or 
tno girls to Kate, omitting lo tell ot tho snbseiiaent 
iiiarrUge ot Blaetuore and Helen Dean, and lells 
Kale Ibat unles< ahe will consent to inirry him ho 
will give the atory lo the public aud thus prevent 
Iho minlage ot Ihiroihy. For the soke ot Iinrothy 
Kite oonaeuta to becomo the wire ot Oorden. At 
tho conclusion ot iheir Interview the Utter desires 
to go to tbo county scat to procure the mar- 
rlaga lloenso, and as bis horse Is lame, Kate 
lets him take Buimnch, a bono no 0|ie can 
manage lint herself. Tns bono ruoa away and 
daibcs liim on tlio rocks, and ho l« supposed 
to be lituught to Kate's liouso, bleeding and 
appareDllydilog. Kate's womanly nature aascria 
liself and she onraoi bIm luck to lire, lu the 
mcanllme Domihy bsH married and Granville 
goea to America. When Qordon itcevers be rc- 
lioVf'a her from ber cogssenient in componaation 
forsavIaKhlsllto, andteiU her that he iicd to h -r 
about ber tathcr and gives her the marrlngo oerlil- 
oate ot Biephen Blactmore and Helen Deao, and 
also ll:ackmote'a letter to Uoory Dean asklog Dean 
to steal the confeasion. Ulackmoro disowns Kate, 
but with the proofs In her noMnssloa ahe compels 
him to sign adoonmentacknowledglng ber ai his 
child. By Ihe death ot a relative Lurd Ontnvllle 
licoomea wcalthv, retunia to England and marries 

Kate. Lawraaco U'Donnell wins Oeorglna and 
Jack Preseott marries Lady Kenmuie (D.>rotby 
Ulackinore). Tne play was well staged. Miss Tor 
ber node as much ot Kate Melton as the role would 
admit and won applause for her work. Ejgar L- 
UAvenpurt aa OUarlea Uorden, a gcntleuianly 
villain, was iiolet and forceful and was accorded 
a scene call on his dual sceue. Ills aol- 
Ing was one ot the pleasures ot the eveolug. 
Harloa .Vbbott deserves cridlt tor her portrayal 
of Oeorglna Ulako aud Uiirlo ItAdctlire was a p:eaa< 
Ing Dorothv Blacimore. Ths JaoK rrracoit of 
Oharlea I. Jackson was a clever though a ti Ide uo- 
cven performance, ruo others dl I well. Tnccait: 
Uharlea (lordeo, Edgar L. Hivenport; t,onl Gran- 
ville, Eugene Ormonde; btepben Ulackmoro, Joseph 
K, Whiting; Blmon Borewdge, J. u. I'adgeii; Law- 
rence 0'l)<<nnell, B. D. TaDuehlll; Jack Preacuir, 
UharkH jriTerson Jack'Wi: Job Mtrilu, lliwlcy 
Fnincks; Parser, Holvlils Fmnk; BImpeon, a ser 
vani,F. B, Hill; Oeorglna Ulako, Marlon Abbeil; 
UuntliT IKackm'ire, Uamc lUdrliife; Mra. Dotisnn, 
JoanUhamoIln: Kate Mtl'on, Uarile Tnroer. Ex. 
eeuUveetalt: K. D Tannehlil, augo manager; Quo. 
G. Ilirtp, matter nuchlolst; Uavo llatley, propcr- 
tl*a The cotnpasy Is under ib-i dirocilou 6t John 
\Y. Morrlser and Oeo. s Burling. ' The Uomlog 
Woman" Is here for two weeks. 

Fouarnxin STRUT Tug.tTni.—Ono ot the roost 
pleasing entettatnmenle ever given at this house 
wai enjoyed by an audience that qnlin mied the 
andltorlnm on Monday orenlng, Nov. t j. Tlie occa- 
tlon marked the lint presenlaMon In the metropolis 
ot ItlQier Oox's speetaole, "The Urownlos," and 
amoDg those who enjojed It moil were maot 
children, who occopled fonr boxes and were moil 
enthiislutlc Id their applante, aa well they nilglit 
b^ tor an eatenalumentol ttalasort appeals directly 
to tbe hearle ot iheae Utile ontH. The story uf the 
pleee has been told m unr coluiiimi, and It la only 
necessary lo lay hrn that the periuruianco wu as 
nearly pert'Ot lo the way of apeciaole uali wiupos- 
slbleto mate lu Tho scenery was gorgeoua, ihe 
costumes of the loading oharactcrs riuhly beautiful, 
those uf tho rottind elves unique, aa well as pro- 
vocallve it Isuihtei^ and the entire euterialU' 
msnt as amusing aa any ever presented In ihi.i 
eltr. Uharlea Drew, ss Klog S:ahlsU>nB, the 
ruler of the Brownie band, atog ani acted 
welL Alice Johnson waa a oapiUI I'rince Florlniel, 
Matle Louise Day was excellent aa ijuoen Tiu- 
nla,and Ida Halle, as Dime BruslldaT looked aa 
uMroiiugas In the days when she first become a 
favorite with New York aadloncea. The Kichnnla 
made a decided hit la their acniiaiio perlormagce, 
and tho closing scene In tbo floal aot evoked tho 
baaity plaudits ot the aadlenoo, which were ccr 
talnly well deserved. At ihe clone of ta> second 
act nliuer Uox waa called befurethceiirlaln, and 
In response to the demands of iho ereiilypinued 
nndknce, largely onmposed ot hii personal ti loads, 
ho made a spseen, brief and lo tba polcl, tbe tenor 
of which showed that It caroo from tne heark That 
"Ths UrowDlee" Is a succets Is undoab cd, nud It 
should prove a paying atlraotlou at thia huuso tor 
many weeks to oume. 

Jioon-s' TiigATai —"Jane," precoilcd by Hie one 
act ounaln raiser, "Sunset," opened Ihe week at 
this house, Nov. u. with most grailtiliig ladica- 
Uons of prosperity daring IIS ebiy. Toe audience 
on tho above date was lacking neither In rize nur 
enthusiasm, and readily gave way betoreibe Irreals- 
IIMe humor of Iho skll. The illuUr roie uf "Jane'' 
tonnd a good exponent lu Minerva D irr, who inter- 
pnitd Ins uharacler with a keen appreciation of 
the many mirth provoking poaslbllltlea coniinned 
In the lines. Tnoae who coninbutcd to the lotor- 

E rotation ut both comcdios were (irace Unyck, 
emioe l.nnctoD t.utlo I'ago slower. Augn«uis 
Balfour, Frank Fraync, Fred Huwer, Frank Nor- 
oroaa, mnkle OoMoa and Mlcerva Dorr. ■ The 
IMwer ot Qold" laannoonced aslbeneitatlntcilon 
UOYT's TuaiTRi.— "A Hilt Wliiie Flag ' Is enjoy- 
ing a proaperoos tnn. It began Nov. ti lis uxih 
west, and annonncemeni liiw alicady iioen made 
conO'nilug eourcnis of the orilrtb performance, 
which will bo comroomoratcd •2i\. 1114 Aogilla, 
the orphan of Ibe i ail, is alnglug a new aoog, by 
Uhas. B. Hoyi, entli nl, ' lliandma'a A lvlre." 

Lycium TuaATRK — K. II. Sutbero cniered Nor. 
It upon tie tweUlh and OnM wroa ot his annual 
engagemeht, with "I,ord uhnnl'v" still In the 
tore. Jerome K. Jerome's "A Way lo >Vln a 
WiiDsa" will have I's tnal prvaeniailon at tho 
Thuisday matinee. (In Tuesday, Nov. K, Ihe atock 
oomatny of the bonse will present a new play, 
wniwn for this theaire by \ loiortea Sardon, and 
•tUUed "AWomaa'sBUeiKe." 

PiuiiB'a TatATiL-"nie Neir Woman," a 
comedy. In fonr acts, by Sydney Orandy, had at 
Uils house, on Nov. 13, lu drat American prodac- 
lion. It waa preiented by A. H. Palmer's Btoek 
Company, by arrangsmtnt with Charles FiehmaD, 
who bad secured the rlghta for this connlry. The 
play had lis disc prodncllon upon asy suge on 
ftepi. 1, lut, at Uie Oomedy Theaire, London, Eng. 
it atlracted much attention In the pUc« ot Its 
binb, and prohably excited more oomment and 
gave rlae to more dIscnasloD than It menttd. Plays 
ot this sort adDit ot no argnmenl; the; shonld 
receive nnaolmons coodemoatlon, becanse of the 
UDDlsUtahle oalnro ot the testimony they 
present. We are all aware ot the efforts 
women are mating In these days, when the cen- 
turv Is preparing to go npon Ihe retired list, 
looking towatda an Improvement 10 their 
condition and a greater freedom in Indi- 
vidual living. Opinions differ widely with regard 
to Iho wisdom of the enlargement ot woman's 
sphrrc, but we are wUllng to admit that tbe eir.irt 
In that direction la aetnaled br honest belleC and 
pure asplratlnos. Rut the modem English play- 
wright, and especially Hr. Ornndy, seems to dis- 
cover la this now movement noiblngbnt tbo work- 
Inae ot tbo old leaven of tree love, and so we lad 
this New Women Is not new at all, bnt tbo aiae 
tainted creainro, amtcled with moral leprosy, wno 
has ilanntsd ber ahame tor years. We have 
nome respect for the llletary ability ot Mr. 
(irundy, but we cannot estimate too cheaply 
his diacrtmlnatlon, nor condemn too strongly uia 
Isck of taste. Let onr coualns upon the other side 
ot the water wallow Inpollauon u ihsylltc, but for 
the atnrdlncasot American manhood, for tbe porltj 
ot American womanhood, let us protest sgauist tbe 
spread ot contamination, rear high the biii warts of 
a moral qnarantine and keep out of onr htnd tbe 
btoetal Btnrr. Let tube frank say to Ur. 
Ornndy that, while we are willing to believe In the 
sincerity ot hlsconvlcilonsand ibe honesty of his 
purpoa^ we hold that he baa mlsissen the spirit of 
usage, that he Is not a reformer, bnt a domoml- 
Izer ot society, end that Uie la too earnest ben, and 
our young blood too pare for ns to give him any 
oonnteoauce whatever. The hero ot this play, 
Oerald Cazenore, a young graduate ot Oxford, be- 
hoving that ho has literary ulsnt, gets Into a 
shady set ot women, not new by any means, bnt ot 
the ancient women's rights sort. He hi engaged 
la collaboreUng inth a Mn. Sylvester, or this set, 
In the creation ot a work upon "Ihe Higher Uor. 
alliy." The Udy (oh: much abased term) Is the 
wile of Cant. Jack Bylvester whom, through her 
supreme s-lllibneas. she has ceased to love. Oerald 
Ukea a vacation and taUs In love with Margery, a 
light hearted country gIrL This damsel appoan 
lu tho dnt act aa an attendant upnn Lady 
Wargrave, Oeiald'a anut, although Just how 
tlis happens to be ibns employed Is not 
made clear. Gerald proposes msrrtage to her and 
nta proposal Is accepied. whennpon he Is oongrato- 
laled by his uncle, Ool. GazeuoveL but discardsd by 
that genilemaa'a slsler, I.idy Wargnve. Never- 
theleas he marrlca Margery, only to ure other. Ue 
conilnuse his literary labon with Mrs. Sylveattr, 
who invlies hia amorous aitsnilona In the moel 
aodachius manner. Dunngone ot inslr Interviews 
Oerald bomoaua his wedded state and says many 
unkind things concerning bis wire, which ibat 
pwr neglected girl overhear*. Bhe falla familng to 
the iloor aa ue cnrtain deacenda npon the act. The 
sceno of the next act la the dmwlng room ot Lady 
Wargnve. This Udy hu forgiven Oerald and bis 
wife and they ore namnerea among her gueais. 
With mu'h lack otjudguentandof siUlthoauinor 
niokea Ihia place the aceue of many family Jars. 
Oapt. Silvester bsa fallen In love wllh llargtty,and 
here pcraecntes her with his auenUons. Ilere, too, 
Mra Njlveaier brazenly anppllcitm the love or 
Oerald. SM also baa an argumesiatlve Interview 
*1U| Ibe Injarad wits. Margery seiUts accuuott 
with ber huaoand, and, leaving him, morns to her 
counuy home. CapL Rylveaier bcnics his wife 
and leaves her forever, or at least ihlots he doee; 
and all of this marital J irrlng occnra at an evening 
recepilon. In tbe dnal act Margery Is at home 
again gaiborlig applea. Her iiide and oncooih 
rather draws a parallel to the play In a atory he 
tells about his experience In inning a mare, a 
somewhat gross out otherwise hippy symbol 
ot tho anioallsm of the play. CapU Sy|. 
vcalera wooing comes, bulls bidden to ntnm to 
his wife, whioli he presumably does. Lady War- 
grave arrives and In her train Qenid, npenlant 
sud pleadlngiasd Msrgery having forgiven the 
egoilsilcal and contsmpllbie authur of ^er woes, 
aiarusgaln with nim upon Ihe thorny path which 
every woman most tread wno walks inrunghlire 
with a roan whom sbo cannot eveo respect. 
Most lame and Impotent conolnslon- Ths chief 
Interest of the occiaUon centered In the reappear- 
ance npon Iho stage ut Annie nuaiell, whu has not 
been leen thereon tor aerenl yean, moat ot which 
time has been passed npon a bed of solterlog. 
BhH auumed Ihe role of Margery and never did aei. 
ress recolveamoreaiTjcUnnatogreetlng- Kornever 
did acircs* mors thoroughly ment tne spplanss 
whivb, at very frequent lotervabi, set the seal of 
approval npju her peiforminco. Though lack- 
ing In physical etreog h her acUng was fuU ot 
pjwer, ojoihed ihorein by her thorough sppreola- 
ilon aud subtle knowledge ot her role, by bar 
earnesineaa and by her an, which, In thia case, wu 
sbiolutely perfect. The olcaeet scrutiny of ev^u 
the most inning detail ot her performance blled 
to roveal tbe siigbiesl detect, but on Ibe contrary 
■howed that dnlsbed elabontion In which art, 
while at lu higneat deTelopraeut, Is so tboronghly 
conoealed as to indicate lu enUre absence ana the 
cous'ant presence ot nature Itself. She cannot oret- 
estlmale our weloomlog regard. Oommaodaiioo 
was also won by Virginia Uarned, Mra. U, P. Bow- 
ers, E. M. UolUnd and U. J. Rlohman. To this lat- 
ur gentleman we oiTer congntnlailon, and Ond 
much sailsraoilon In ibc will grounded bePet that 
oovlable nuk awaits him. Wilton Lickaye, who 
recently gave such nDaailsfactory euppon toUIss 
Neiheraole, was again painfully lacklog npon ihla 
ocoaidon, but, aa In each Inttance ee had to poilray 
an utterly contemptib;e chaiaoter, he prebaMy 
•hould not be jadged with severity. Apart from 
the Inlrodnctlun ot some queatiunsble phrases 
and mnch objoollonable dutlogue, tho piay 
can reasonably claim conaldenbia lllenry 
mcilt, and sevenl ot tbe meet dasgeroos 
si-enes were handled with aarprlsing duloaey 
oouslderlog Ihe freedom of many ot the lines. 
It seems to have been tho lotenUon of Hr. Onmdy 
to raurlse the worosn'a enfnnohlsement qnestlon 
lu Ibli play, bat we have taken him ssnously bs- 
eauso hia sallrloal dnwing has been entirely be- 
stowd upon the eobonllnaie ohataolen, while ahe 
who must suod aa his type ot tbe new woman Is 
drawn with evident do«ire to -proent a life 
liko porlnll, and such a portrait not only 
shows serloui purpose, hut Its dliplsy Is more 
domoralltlng than helpfol, although made a Toil 
lo tbe one true woman ot the picture. The 
play cannot nt claim success, nor do wo think 
It destined lor a Dng nn. The cast: Oenld 
Uazeiiore, Wilton Lickaye; Ool. Cazenore, E. M. 
Uollaud; Uapt. Jack Sylveater, 0. J. Rl 'hman: James 
Armatnng, H. Fax : Feroy Byashe Pstllgrew,'rhomts 
Teiilas; Wells, a bnUer, U. Uolllday; Udy War 

EMve. Mrs. D. p. Ilnwan; Margery, Anuie Bosatll; 
in. SylvBsUr, Virginia Uamedj Kald BeUane, 
iladcllac Bouton-, Victoria Vivaih, Ueorglt Busby; 
Ur. Mary Sevan, Emily Baward. 

Lawvsa Iha I,. Uaxbescbb, who wu ths alter, 
nov ot Uanary .V Ltderer In their recent diipnio 
wllh Lillian llusaell, has rendered a bill tor bla 
services In that case, which the managers retosi 
10 pay on the ground that it Is exhorbllaot. Hoan- 
wlille Hr. Bamberger bas secured an atuohment 
on the Indemnity to be paid by Abbe/,8ohoerel 
t (Iran to Canary .t LMer^-r tor the loan of UUa 
llutaeli's services. Aa It la the desire of the parlies 
coeceruod 10 hare the oonru decide u to the tee 
Hr. Uambcrgcr should receive tor bis tervlcos, an 
early settlement ot the dhipulo Is eipoolad. 

Broiditat Tntarai.— 1)0 Wolf Hopper It now 
In tho eleventh and Dnal week ot his stsy at Ihu 
house. The cperetta, "Dr. Syniu,'> h«s proven 
a success. Tho soveniy-ddh performanee li an- 
nounced tor 11. OnTneeday,,ihsBoslonlsns 
will begin their metropolitan seaaea with the 
pretenutlon ot Vljtor uerben'a open, "-Prlncs 

Dalv's TiiiATaE.-"A Oalety Olrl" bag**, Nov. 
12, tbe ninth sroek and last rorutght ot Its clay, 

BTA!(nARD TUBATRI — "The New Uoi" Is still 
prosperous at ihia bonse, sud James T. I'owen Is 
enililedto much credit for ibis taappyresulL The 
u'»y entered Nov. r.! upon the ninth west and the 
UattiMtntghlotltsrun. It will bo tollowcdSil by 
Wm. aiuette's new play, "TOO Much Johnaon." 

Btak Tiiiatri.— Wm. U. Ciane'a engagement 
continue* at ihia liouae. Ue Is aim seen In "The 
I'at'Idc Hall," which has proven a pnjluble oiTor- 
Ing. and Ihe nn ot which win endure to the doe* 
ot theengagemcnt. Hr. OnneU now In the eighth 
week ot niBsuy, and will rrmaln here until Dec. 1. 

Bijou Tikithi Vane Jansen la affording en. 

terialnment loaudleaoee ot good alio In her new 
play. "Mm Dynamite." Bhe negaa on Nov. u .ht 
ttciod week ot her et|a(ci]WBl. 

TOHr P.»Bron'a TniiTiB.-T.l*ngn*l sited a*4l- 
encewu pieseut Nov. W, when Mr. Pastor served 
plenty ot good, wholesome amusement tor bis pa- 
ironi. Tho three English tonu (George Kenway, 
Prlnccu Pauline and the StstenFresloojsIl show 
improvement Ui their wort. Mr. Renway hss titcn 
Ihe advice ot several paptriand Is stud} log Ibe 
ways ot Ametlcaa performen, tor be expects to 
dropthelmliatlont ot Eoglish mnslo ball singers, 
and iry his luck In repndnr.lofi well known vaode- 
vine people on this side of theblgpoid. Oatne 
opening night of ihU week there were two teams 
newto the city. Tbe Two GHces (Billy and Lena), 
comedy groteaqnei, were quite clever, and met 
with desened applauie. Baiitoid and Lee, cum- 
edlans, were well received. They do good work. 
Macart'e monkeye, dng* and ibe baboon praperty- 
man canted coosldenble aooaement. The Ma- 
carts have some very clever snlmaH, which do 
almoat everything hot talk. Their three terpentine 
dancing dots won plenty ot applause, as did also 
the boxing dogs and ths police dog. The baboon 
acts as property man, and brings everything on 
the sisg* that u needed for (he act, and lake* them 
off again. Bheseeoatodo her work willingly snd 
Is a big card In the act. All the other terms on tbe 
bill have been seen hen before, and UidndeTIm 
Ilealy and WoL Teed, UoDrldt and Goodrich, 
Ulnnsand Blnns, Pre** Bldrldge, Fau Morgana, 
and Uie genial Tony, who had hU ntotl budget ot 
eongaand who wia received vrlth toonds of ap- 
plause npoi bis entnnce and all through his tarn. 

Etira's Dniox Stiuin Tdutii.— Tbe blU pre- 
sented at this house Nov. Ii contained tho names 
ot several well knoim portormera, and the result 
was a crowded aodliotlam. Mrs. Alloe J. Shew, 
the whlsller, gave her osnal enteitalnlng perform- 
ance, tor which she was repeatedly eneoted. Tbe 
Dam Troupe, Inlhelrcomlo mnilcalaol, an always 
sure ot meeting wllh avrarm reoepUon,for they are 
not only tunny, hot clever mtulclass. The Eddy 
Trio, acrobats, were received with lend applanae; 
Stuart, the female Impertonatar, wu In excelleal- 
volce, and met wHh auceess; Moos. A. Oo Bonsell, 
ojty modeler, did acme good wort; Ihe rowers 
Family, skaun, pleased Unfflcnseu; the Dorall 
Twin Bros, wen wen leoeivsd; tbe Valdaret, 
on their bloycies, were very clever; Hughes 
and Famn, In inelr Southem songs and ho- 
mer, were very pleasing; Cats. E. (inapeirin, 
mosologolst, wu tuooy; the Lovoils, wooden 
shoedtnoeis and shadowgnphliis, met with suc- 
cess; McPhee and nui, on the triple horizontal birs, 
were giacainl and reoelved conildeiaUs applaose; 
Moreland snd Thooptos, In iheir stctoh, were well 
received; Lydia Pierce, vocalist, met with Buocess, 
and Mays and Honter, banjolsis, who made their 
Bnt appearance down town, were loudly applauded 
These two young men give promise of becoming 
big favorliea in their line. They an thurongh 
tnaiien of the banjo, and wllh proper handling 
will aeon come to Ihe front 

KoniR A DIAL'S.— The excellent bill presented 
last week ivas conUnoed, sad was greeUd Nov.i: 
by a wall crowded hoaae. The Botspw Broe., 
Mllpntlan athletes; Uie Bnttaere FotTest, musical 
clowns, and Ermlnla Ohslll, trapeze perfaroer, 
Cannenclta, and Kotln, Japanese Juggler, began 
their second week, continued fiTorltes. Tno 
Finneys, expert swimmers, tuorlh week; Ena 
Bertoldl, contonlonltt, sixth week, lbs Hsrilaetu 
Bros., oonbais, tenth week; Ivan Tschemoff and 
bis troupe ot trained dogs, tenth week.and E usenle 
Fougere, teoth week, were also popolar holdorers. 
After ihs performanee the usual concert vru given 
by tho Kosnih Hungarian Orchesim. 

Sr. Jahis' Hall.— Alexaoder Oumstock's Uln- 
aiRls oonunue to be the attncllno at this house. 
Week ot Nov. 13 opeoed to Improved bu8ine«>, with 
Willis P. Sweainam, Unghey Dongherty and EJivin 
French still among the lavorlies on the bill, 

AOAOiuY or Mosia— "Shenandoah" sun proves 
attricUve at this house. The twelfth week ot I's 
mn began Nov l],and It hu bnt a tew more weeka 
to stay, as It retires from the stage early In Decam- 
bn to mate way for an elaboialo prodnctlon ot 
'•Tbe Oottoh King." 

NiBLO's TnsATRn.— This bonse troa packed to 
Ihs doon night ot Nuv. 11, the attnciTon being 
"Thn While Squadron >> The naval scenes and 
olher acenio and mechanical ellecu with which the 
play aboonda wen liberally applauded by the large 
a'ldlence. The production Is liberally staged by 

Eropnetor A. Y. rearson and Uie compaoy Is enUre- 
roapabls. Next week, Nellie HcUcnry. 
MiNxn's Kionru atxndi Toiatri.— Robert 
Manoleater's Night Owls began a week's entage- 
meot hen night of Nov. 12 This oraanizitlonwlll 
compare favorably with any that have visited this 
bouse this ss s sot. The oiiening hotue was largo 
and a good week'a boslnesa Is assored. Next week, 
Uarry Williams' own Co. ' 

WoKTO's Musivu^Heports ot steadily good 
butloeu come from this popnlar honse. The en- 
tertaloment In the Ueatre porUon ot thn houte re- 
mains oochanged. The com Inuons performances 
bare met with soooea. lo Ihe museum new feat- 
ures are conatanUy IntrodnceiL 

OANARYt LXDEBts have accepted the archllecia 
plans snbmiued tor ibe new theain which Mr, ca- 
nary Intends bulkling at the oorUiwist corner ot 
Serenth annno aud Forty-second stitet. Oroand 
will be broken early next mooUi. 
biUanaou OHABLia B. EvAxt, Of the Herald 
Sqaare Theatre, hu Beonred an option on a un 
yean' nnewal of hia pnient lease, which does not 
expin unul May 1, IIM. Mr. Evans Intends sinina 
for Enrope early next week for the pnrposa of tc- 
cnrtngnovellle* for Ihe spectacular piodacilon be 
expeota to make at his theaire wheo "Rob Roi" 
close*. Tutpleoe, however, now bids fair to have 
an extended ran at this hooK. 

Tat HoxHB Saow opened Nov, llatHtdlson 
Square Oinlen, and will be oonllnued Uirooihout 
the week, Then vras a large auendaooe on the 
opening day. 

llarleaa.— At the llarleo Open Bonse "Ohar 
lay's Auot" did ralrly wall last vesk. Hie Lroaam Thea- 
tre Co , la "The Amuya" opaaad Nov, II tO a good 
iMsss. and u thia li the dnt aad only lima Uist Barlam 
maa-raioan alll bava an oppanuDllr or aaslni ihia 
oomadr. no doaot tna eonpur vlll de a oood wiak'a 
baHnaaa. Nail wa.k, Kloa'a -ifel," ' v^wtnt 

^J^i!*'.* "InalraU did a bla 
wsak'i boalaaaa. dUpUilag Iha "d R. O." i1|b on UTaral 
oeaaatnoa. BarrmiDa oMnad to a soMT booia and 
ahODfcldovaUaUlhenaL Chauot. r OlMt! la Siokid 

lor WMK. 

OLYMria-anpUr's Lwm TbutrtSpAUHr Co. dM 

notutAhOD. BlM 1 BMoD't Comediui opwad to^ 
Bwd booH NeitTMk. Ramtl Bm • c<mvi\M 

DiiLBM HcuoiL-HuKer Bniiib nporu lui «Mh'M 
bDilOMi u a rMMd brau«r. ThltwMk: CoriohSl- 
Junu liMo. Tarlo uil Cart U, BuuU ud Korria imd 

John PiDO. tfm»nd Oll«or«^ Doloni P*ruad«Lanw 

TualKTixu OHkHATicLuiici ||«T« 4 cooesrt tod !«• 

MPUOO. 11, U H«D«lck Ukll. ABODI th« ^ lUeOt 

wboupoknd mv b* miQUootd: Mr* 7,Kb»rrTMlor 

Ki3!i^^' *° 'MlUUooi; w. UolUn, ninio: 
Hra. P. UcOifDTi. Id mI««. FlorMe* Ilobiultrd r 
MaotatD ud iIm Woeh addtd Ui«r il^ t'bJ lat^ 
orthvuurulpmtaL D.B. RobiU:«nl tod W. wiiSK. 

tbtdo«t. "lU dtUD*." In > WIT pS lBi ntiw. 

DrookliTB^At ibdOrand Openlloasewuiiain 
Bmr, In "tb« Bialoff Outratloii,*' op«o«d Wot. it b»- 
ror««orowd«d houM. Tbt ityU of uurUlnnenU (ha 
maDtiWDUt ol tbU booM ii «lrio| lU patroni mhii to 
b* Jait «b»t tb«7 «Ut,Ud •f9rf Dl|hl th» hoiM 1« 
prowdid. "Th« CoDQUy OInwi'* did a ^ood baiiDui 
imvMlt. "Coon UMoW 19, UftllMUdllutSL 

BUOQ.-'Tll* 8pw of Llrt" li Ibt ftUfUUAQ thll TMk. 

P.l'^.^lJ''!'' * Wr bou» -Oo IhtMlHlHtpnr'hibl 
Uil. cnvdi lut wnk. M. B. Ooitli 19. ObAuoij oi- 

f\''*r'^ CmdIIU D'AttIII* Op«nComptnjb«nQ 

mm D'AnlUo It Ttrr popoUr la tbli oily. wE«n bu 

Bo«*l ■lib -Th; BojiAotut" iSTotbor tnw*. Bh. 

op-TkwhIcbU boton r(vu oov tor tbo Ont lino Id iba 
n«in>Poiitu dinriot. ud [• ncooMiM apoo Itt S»riu 
b»jtni n UitM wjMtW «nnninwt iT^ 

*!?V •°fMI*«Mt It. Ud ladling tnm lEo crowd 
wbidi nifi«r«l to vitDHt tiio parfotiuoeo i'>booM 
niMtwiltaaouelaliuoMu. It cm* In n mor» a>n- 
nudlni iirlo thu tTor. Druwtiul'yibo pl*<«bu 
5^^''ii?'s^"' P"*«"»lV/"bwobd«j^S 
n inurormmUoB. Fnorh wiUdb i Oporm t:«BMnr 

S!^\^ii"% ''^^^ 

ThoWAlfi of No* York" motwlibHcnii. -n*T«o 
Biiton- 19. "ThorowtrorooM** ••■•iwo 

Hoaday'o niUnduM. iho prMWt wtok wm bo moo 
non noMMfnl than tbo pr»«<odiB| o»: wibS J 
Pl*ldi ban a now okotrh. whleb tb«r prooutZThm 
for Ibo flttt Ilm It II a burlikiio Sntbobo*It» 
mu udmado ahli Joba UooWn** TnuOmnlo 
Onpur no tbo auncUoo laA wMk. Tbo nwich 

- BCDiB A QnunD^a.-LlrlDii pktoru CAniioua 
wltb aaUAU, tb« o:oT-ooib wook oofloBloB ia,bo:orar 
Ur(o boQM. VondoTillo uta by Omiba Uroiiict. 
lluoraada«TROoau.B«itE.roro<t. May Alpio» tii 
Ulnalo Bcholt mako np tho raat of tbo > roinmnia ' 

Ao«DUT or Mrac— Sarar haa thore b«6u ,^ 
atuooibuamalA-irperloniunco aa thai oi thariiltMr* 
PtamatiflAaiociatloo ax thair initial eatortalnraaiitUiU 
aoi»o". Kor 7 It wti b*tur tbaa muy prvfaf alooai r.«r 
roimtocaa. Tbi* labigh pralaobut uiowHlde««iTtd w 
B Qllbarl'atiiroaact laielO ooniody, "TomCnbb," 
tbo blllyWlib thia cut: Col O'Tlap, John \y Nobu- 
Tod rob\ Jaa. Jordao Darllnt: WbipplA. J. Kd. Qnlnn- 
HaMlda OTipp, Ubbia P. Uaalr: Mr. ErflDRbtm j V 
rmvalor; Hr* BdlDgham. Mamlo Paaebai; cafoina 
Ettloaham, Jlamlo I1!nal: BaUlnde EiQaRbain. Adiuiiub 
Oolrleha; Blddi«,HdiaH Qoldio; ifroi'nu.a«>orssAiJ 
bnit Tna two aconiL ibat af tho Orat two aota baiDs at 
IN>L fVTIpp'a. ant Uw lut at Hr*. EOlORiiara'a. «V« 
liaodaomaly aot Wboro aU tba actora war* ao rood it u 
hard to partlmlarlxa, bnt Uowra. Nobia, Ualrichi 
DarllDit. and Qoion. and tbo yiaiu Uuly aod flioai 
(toMiro Boodai mantlon. Ttio lamanM agdiaou 
lanibod lODf and loudly. FIto mora anlartaloinrau 
wllPbo Rlvw. Doa II. Ju 9, leU; Fab. 6, M arch % 
April 10: i w* w, 

AMTBton — "Charlay'a Aant"Dada lu Initial bov to to 
Baatam Dlalrlct andlaaeo 19. Titooonadir »ai anjtiej 
byalarM nod appreolatira andleoe*. * ATamiMtnjiCM 
Tooo" plajad to good bulooaa lar.naak. Tba LHiihi. 
Uu«weokori9 ^. *^ 

Eiiriia— '^a Tao flisura * be:tai% a waak'a eoncf- 
ment II to a Rood alaad udluca. Qwd tmiluau lui 
vaak. Cominv 19, "ATaloofCoio'ea." 

OATiTT.-NelUo MeHoorTi tfcronta In tbla part oi 
town, praaaott "A Nltht at tba Olrciu" thia wf ak. n • 
opaolnRliouib, 12,wularfO. Managar WlUonwaaweii 
aatlaflod wltb taat waok'a biuloaia. Vt obar k FlaU'aOaa 
Comnany weak ot 10. 

Ffliur LToai'u.— Tbo bonoo eoiopuT tbla weak pra- 
Hnt "An Arabian MlBbt' u an loaldaaul icatun 
"Valtaco " tbo lloo. will no ODaatilbluw.Tltaattaodaaea 
OD iba opwiog olalit. It, wu largo. 

t'Niqgi.— A wall aetaeod compuy tblavaekproHttu 
"llampiy Dampty." During tba aacond utFpoalaitlti 
aro iDUodaoadby T<Ja Hlaco aod Joha Tarior. Otorga 
Bulow. Ulas Puoy Hlaco, Do Van ud1i>|0T. Uauda 
KUlot, Flak and ViDtoo, tbo Hlaooa ud Andy Lovla. Tha 
opooiof bouM wu aaeb u lo gladdan iha bur; or Pco- 
prfaior Cut. 

Noviitr.— Tbla boaaa will opan IL andor tba ni%Du«- 
mwtol Wm. Uickay, with "Tba «rair«oi Naw York." 

Albony.—Ttie put week wai an ItoporUnt ODf 
u It pratanlad foar faTotltaa, two of tbam Albului, 
udtbo naoltwubaalnaairarabOTe tho areraRa. tiib 
Latand Opora Uouaa opooad tho w<ek wlib a return of 
Mulo Walnwrlghr. Kor. 6, 6. In ' DiQ|ibiat> ol Era." lo 
largo ud-aacaa both nlihta. how. 7 and A Emily 
Buokar appaarod in bar naw oomody. "Uar FlaC'io 
good ratana. Nor, 9, Carrlo Tnranr. la twoperrom- 
ueoa, pra*ent«d bar now play. "Ibe ComlnaWomu," 
to ataDd log room onlf. namlUo D'Arrllla'aOpfraCo 
aug"lladoletno ortba¥a§lo Kiaa," lo iha rauacitr ol 
thonouaa ML uomlog: 12. Low Doohnadar'a UloPtraU: 
13,11, W J. Culatcn'a <^pen iTo. m •Tbe 8p«cira 
Knigbt" and "Cbaritj Boglu at Uerna;*' 19, IS, 17, '-rooa 

lUEMijitn BLnCKlB Hill.— Bloloa Wlllard. In "Tbe 
LiuloUpooulator:" bad good aitendancofl,? S,9. Jaa k. 
AdaoiB, ID '*A rnt7 Cot." pluwd a lirgo audlaoco 
10 Rnohel: IL Booaa'a Band; IC, 17, BuiboUitnai'i 

iriiUaianr TiiBiTU wu fllled all tbo put week to 
wluoaatboporbrman'ooi t^eilarl«lluR«r fiDrlcnaa 
Co. Not. li-17. the Ully Clay Oaioty Co ; )9-ii, tb« 
Baoix autlay Bnrlwiso Oo. 

Tny.^ll tbe Qiliwold Open lloiue, Kot. 5, "A 
Trip to ttao City'* drew a ll|bthouM. Camile O'lrriUe, 
In *-MadaleIoe. or tbe Magio KI*a,*'dM big boiilDeuG. 
Muio Valnwrlgbt.lD"DaaRbura ol Eve," draw a lar;ia 
andlaoo*?. Carrie Tama r, In *Tbe Coming \7odi<io." 
badapukod bonaoS. Richard Hannfleld and Beatrice 
Cameron ware ireaiedby aUrioaudlaaeoia Catlatoo'a 
Opora CompaoT, la -^o (tpectro Bnigb%** came II, 
*Coon Hollow^ U, Riekatia* Troobaoourii, in "Toi. 
JuV' 10. Ibo wblioey <»pera Company, in '*Tlia 
FMOinv Muiat" 17. 

Ramd'b Orau H0Dig.—'Th« New Saatb" drew wall 6. 
Bmily tfanckor In ' Oor Plat." did a fw if bailneaa 9, lo. 
The boaae n dark tbla week. 

OAiirr Til laTBB.— The Maria Banger Bnrlofque O^io- 

Eaoy came II for tbo v^k. Tbe Fay Poiiar Htirle*a<ie 
ompaoy packed ibe bonaa Uat week. Taeaday dieLi 
tbey gare aoecond periorinaoco, beglonlogat mIOntsbt. 

8r>'aci"«**-At the Basiable Tbestre Ulcturd 
Ifu'lleld. In "Bun BraiDoieli,'*had largo hna'iiru Ko\. 
S 'Taa New South" reoelred Ua aiual oratioD?. Kal- 
lu, ibanuglclan. haiaaoacoaatui ania|iaiDent9*10. To 
aniTo: Piui fflkzak'a Coooprt Co, U. ibe Carlelou 
Opo'a Oo. 15. 10, Eddie Foy. la ■ OlTtha Eanti,* iv-2l. 

wiiTixa OPtfRa Hoo8i-~i Camilla D'Arf Ilio, In -Mad*- 
letoo. or tbe Magic Ctn," bad Urgobailoeaa 7. "Prlncai 
" -inle'* " - — " — • 

BoanW* drew good boilnaaa I Oorman Bn8.lD"riia 
Ollboolra Abroad," bad liRbt bnaineie il Marie TTaln 
wrlgbtlo *'Dauitbiar«of Ete"uJ "Aa Uof(|ual Match." 
bad fair bnatoeu 9. 10. AnDooDcod: Bouaa'a Band II, 
"Oor Plat" u. H, * Btiore AerM ' i6-i7. 

II. R- Jaojuf Taa^TnaL-CoTlODe attracted her tiiual 
largo bonaaa In -'Ueodrlek Hudaoa" 5-7. "My Wifa'a 
Uaaband"drewllRbily B<ig. **MoPadden'a Elopement" 
lt>14. Bob Pltulmuooa 19-17. 

Doffialo.— It tba Biar Tbeatre llageobeck's 
trained aolmala are tbla woek'a card, with brlaht prox- 
peoia. IUuartBotuonbadag«odo«fc«BouaDL **Oii the 
Banb"Nov 3MI 

ACaDUT 0^ Mnio— "A Taua Steer" etanod U (or 
one wcaa, Joieph Murpby I9-||. 

LYOtDM TaiATBi— "Tbe Folic* Patrol" henn 13 for 
ooovotf. JobD Kemeil, io "MoFaddea'a Elopemani," 
neit weak. "Uoaiaod Iton'' did a largo buaioe«a. 

CoOBT BrBKBT Tbbatbk — "A Jar Olroua" with fiber- 
muaodMfrriaey, atartod l2,ioroaowMk. TbeRaoix- 
BuUerCo. Mfo a lair Rhow to goodly toraoatj. Meit 
waok. llarry WiUlama* Meteor* 

Sou's Hnio llALU— Marie Btnart, Spfck B^otb«^^ 
tbe UcOutUya. Fred McOlelUn. t'aloite Ardan, Uorriu 
and Welch. Ida Ruiaall and Vanola Brotbam. 

N0Tn-^a>a'a Bud bid ttita luge audleocoa at 

Haaio UallH. 9 Uanaior ll^biaioD, ol the Coart 

bliootTbutre, bu allghtly locreued the uriiTat that 

BlngbkintoM^At tbo Stood Oi»er» noose 
"Houwood'' c.nca:tdNor 7. CanlHeD'Arrlllo'eOpcri 
Co , In "Uadelalne. or the Maglo Uua," dallgbted a nood 
iized aadlMce9. **A Cora Man," lo. bad iBlr'y B<>od Cutl- 
neta Booklon: II, "ATrli^to tba City;" l3,"My Wiio'a 
Haabaad,"wilhllTlogploinrea; IL KobL Plr»immooa' 
Bpeolalty Oo. ; IC, Qua wllllamL In "April Fool." 17. "Tiie 

New Boutb.'* At the Bijon Theatre: Marboa'n "I'acle 

TomOabln" Co. Iiid Cair iiauomce e-7. "Wild Hoia ' 
oamott-lutogood baalneaa. Due: 12-!7.An*UD'aOlgtnte' 
ana with Itrtog ptetoroa. I>4rlnc tbo perlornanee oi 
"Wild Bou." a rorolrer waa uclOeDlly di(cbar«ed. aa<l 
Jamuflnillrao. oae of the company, bad the rittTodocar 
ol hia rigbt bud badly lajnrtd. Tbe larolvor waa loadnl 
with aDtankoanrldgaandMr Halllvu wu touiogltlo 
his hand when 1 1 eiplodod. It la tboagbt Diat the doter 
can bo urcd. 

UtUa*— At tbe U'lca Opera Hoaae Hr. and Un. 
Kelluploaaed a largo auoloaco Not. 7. Hlcbai^ Maoa- 
Deld. lo'-Dr Jekjil and Mr Hyde.** wu groat*d by a 
Urgoan'ilwco 9. Oorjiaa Bioa c'oaad the week l6 tu 
good baalneaa. Dat«d: Kobe't llilliard, lo "TbeNomi- 

ooeL" II, -A Cruy Ool" 17 Bladl a OnbeaLia 19 Won- 

deriand will bo raopontd DaaS, with Andrew J. Sar- 
monr, muiRar; Artuor Baymour, piopriotor, and Tiio*. 
J. Baon'gan. irataoitr. 

Kowbars.— Tbe AcgdeDij of U lulo U darli tlila 
weak. "Old CJlory" iru to bare comeNor. ir bnt, owidc 
to tha^fact that tbey oloMd nnoipeetcdly To, cancelvd 
on latbar ahnit ooUoe. John Ktraell wu accorded an 
old time welcome 0, ln*Moraddan'a LlopemcnL'* "A 
Flag of Trace*' followed 8 to rather llR^t bualntn. 
Sif tel •••'Iter. "Oharloy'a Aunt" comas 

m, '-The Fenelng Muter" li. 

EliHira— At tbe Open flooie '*Tbe Prlooesa 
Ronnla" waaibeatiruilon Nor. 10 ton crowded boofo. 

U. "A Trio to tbe city" IS. Iho 
JobnnomaaCoDceriOo. 11. 'TboNevBoaUi" IS. Kallar 


IjOalBvllle.-IiMz Ueotuker, In "Tbe FrUOH 
Donna," booked to appouat Iba Taupro iko fore part of 
Uttweak, lallod tomaUrUUia, and u coDatfiaanoe the 
bouee wu dark. Tbo Blka' MInitreK compoial ot mam* 
bora or LonlarlUe Lodge. Ko, bold away 8. 9. The ca- 
ptcltr of the boaie wu lettad at each perlormaoce. 
ARhl* Bold, lo "The Conntry Btiulro." weak ol 11 

HAOiVLBr BTRiaTBB.-"A Black Meep 'wai aunlor 
the nrvt time heie uie fore part of lut week, and at- 
traotedblgbootea. "Mr.Banucl New V.«ib" dlled Ihe 
Utter bait ptaytng tu moOante bouaea "A Tilp to 
j^ioalowD" lMl.^lUle "A Back Nnmbor," 

OUXD OriBA llOC8l.-^U, DIckMO, lo '"qOOf," 

mat with aabatanilai lucaaa weak ending 10. "Rnao 
City** week or It 

Avixua.— 'The 6ldo ShowV wu vo'l attended laa' 
we^h. Frank Jonen, in "Onr Conntry Comlo," week 

_Bi'cin5iiBaii.-Riee * BartonU Roae 1III1 Bosllah 
Folly Cpmpuy opened a waok'a ugajamaot 5 lo a 
n^wdad boo^e, loliowod by atuding room Rloctioo 
Nlgbt Tbe& R. O. al|D remalaad oo dlaplay tbrmagbooi 
Ibo week. Oeo DlaoD'a Vaadarlile Uo. weehons. 

Ohi TBBiTBB — Kew lacaa ii: w. n««er#. Pirber ud 
Thieaa. Teroy, Lae. Kid Uii«» Zoda, Ujara, Ut C. 
Morpbr, U&ttle Maron, Cora Praoklln, Will Kent John 
L. Moater aod Ed. aod Jeailo Foley. Bumoom Rood. 

KoTia.— AUrrd A. ParlaedgaTeaEhibltloaaor hIaakDI 
on the bujn at iha alndiiorlom ti, 9, to well pleaaed andi* 
oooea......nieElkB* MlDairoliproTodaQnanclal anc«*«B, 

^.*tPl'?^'^'°'*°°'*9I.SU0ior tbeehaiity lund Bi- 
alted Ruler /.idi Pbelpa waa promlneot aa ooe ot the and 
mao. Prank Oimiiead Ed. RIalev. Tom Batoao.Joho 
Botto, John Morris Fnlton Maadovlllo, Al. BonrMar. 
Juno Tbomaa.J. L. Armatmng and John Surkamp all 

took promtoentrarta. The nine hnndradtb i>ar(onii 

■oceoi 'loceg" wuglroo 8 at the Grand Opera Uooao, 
ud Haoager Camp dlairlbnto^ ehiTButhemuBa u 

aoaT*Bir« Wl'i a Hayabu taken ibo maoagemtnt 

ol Llbtmrr Hall and wlU open It U with a Itctnro by 
Oeo. JabD B. (lordoa 


l«faT«nnrorlli.i-At Cnwlort'g Onnd Opem 
Boom «A Back MBubor** had good boalBau Not. 1. The 
Iowa Biate Hand laaU boom 3 

UiLL-Tbe Pbltbaraenie dob of Do- 
Uolt gart u tioelickl estntiiBn tnl to a Urgn boun 1^ 




KflciKT ADVICES loTonD tu o( Uio openlDB of 
tbe Clico PobLUoncfl ud Tatro Yrljoft la Qa- 
vaai, Cotot Oct. 29. Oarlafomiuititatcflibttptu* 
pta wen toned awmy iDd thtt tbe eomp«D7 
niMla ft decided bit. Among tbe aUncUou at 
tiM clrcot ftnd tbefttro are tbo foliowlDg: Tbe 
FOOT Botftlitt, tbe UiglDleri, FicIdlDg. olown 
janler; SocUnoto'e troupe ot Jape, Trot, welton^a 
ai dnna, vftnola, PapIdb, ducer; Prelstt'a re- 
Ottle orcbeitrft, tveUe la namber; ciODfleld, veo- 
uUoqolBt; KlsHlljian eplnner; tnd Lodr ead Ed- 
wtfUttiipecepenonDera. Ttio Rueoce, seoretarr 
of Mr. PDbUlODes: Monte Elmo, tbo ducer, and De 
Forreit tad WIImd, bUck face comcdlau, left this 
citj Not. 10 for llaTuia, to jola tbft abov. 

AMOHO tbe racofaBtul perConneTS at Rll'o Colni- 
BaanLUaDlob.aormaoy.are PaQUnctil Marco aod 
natter and Eatrella Sjlvla, wbo bare been dUlog an 
eitanded eogagement. 

joEN P. HooAN, after an abisQce of minj reara 
ftom tbe itftge, dorlog wblob iloko he baa deroied 
Ilia attention to glvlDg iDatnolIon In Oanolnj, will 
jeurntotbe r&slcaor pcrformenon wben 
be will appear ai Keltb's UoIoq Sqoaro Tbeaire, 
tola cltT* Id > origlD«l a* l He will, bow- 

eTer.oonUnoetogWelcaaous in atago dandog lo 

TBI i/moN SKiTcn Tkav, Clark and AoaellDe, 
an winning txcallcai nolKea for rlever work. 

RosiTAbAB Joit arrlTed from Earope wlib ber 
troope of perTomlDg abeep and dogs. 

Hamii e. Kuhi, Irlah American roeallet, la 
alnitog saoofaarallj T, O. Koeroor'e Uteat aong, 
•'Nellie O'Brleo.i' 

p. 8r. SouH COLU AK preaented Amy and Elng 
witb a large oil painting of tliemaQlTca. 

JAMD H. OuLLis la plajlAg iQ lUe oil/ tbli week. 

FiKLDB AND Liwu bftTO algned wKb Mlaco'a 
OUrOlab Bait esq ne Co. for ibe remainder of tbe 
eeaaoD. Tbey weieorigloallrongagedtoatrengtben 
tbe Bbow for one week at Pblladelpbla, Pa., bot, oir* 
log to tbe impRBilon tbej made, bave been ro> 

aaiOiiAHD BiVNOLDfl aro epcclallr eugftgcd for 
ibeFltEBlmmoiu' Sbowln Pblladelpbla, pa., at tbe 
M^o^TDeatre,week of Not. 24. 

Mu. AND Has. M. Mabin, of BoffaK), N. Y.. ten- 
dered a banqoet to Jobn winter on Kor. S, on ibe 
ere of bli denartare for Baltimore, Md., to atanme 
bla old poatUon wltli Fred Waldmann'a Specialty 


MADAin Ansa 1b training a new iroape of dogs 
and will be aeen bare aome time noit Soininer. 

FBOP. Robii Is getting aome good Weatern book- 
Inn for bla "KljiDg Udj." 

Mllb. ALTiKA.Tnp. piBrBKHNB i>ANCBR, le mak- 
ing ft bit In Eogtiuid and wlU not return to America 
ootll next Sammer. 

Hay H0LI4 (Mas. EnriN 1>l' Doie) baa been com- 
piled to cancel all ber datee, aa ebe la lil wltb 
typbold roTer at ber borne In Pblladelpbla, Fa. 

AKNin Uabt, "Tbe Bowery Girl," Informa ua tbat 
bar godootber died in lAwrence, Mass., last week, 
and abe la now tbe poaaeaaor of tbree booaea in tbat 
city. Hlaa Hart beglna a loorengagement at Tony 
F«ator*8Tbeatre, thla city, Ubrlaimaa Week. 

Tbb park Tbbatbb, Lawrence, Mass., re-opened 
Kor. 13 wltb theae peoplo: Hackle and Walker, Nel- 
lie Lincoln, Bcbnyler and Ka»h, Louie liurgeu, 
Jobn H.Tia7nor, Yaoletta and Finro, and BJancbe 

Hovuv, nATiUND t Co. aro receiving aome 
Tory flattering leueta from profoalonaii regarding 
toe auccesB of "Tbe Btdewalki of New York," "Tbo 
Ulook of tbe Uolrerae*' and "Tbe oolden Gate." 
Some of tbe letiera are frotn Marie Warren, Touy , 
FA*tor, Cbaa. Lawler, May W^ntwortb, Meyer 
Ooben, Jobn T7. Hyen, Carrie De Mar, Cbaa. E. 
Bberoan and Joe Uart. 

Uauy Hobbib* UuBM»Qi'xn3 oloae tbelr tonr 

RowiNA Wabd waa only engaged to play Not. 10 
and n attbe Imperial Uoalo Uall, Pateraoo, N. J., 
bntwu retained for tbe concert 12. Mlaa Ward baa 
been alnglng "LitUo coon" in tbe pbono- 


Thb Wabdb SisriBB will JolD Ibe Fred Waldman 
Co. In Baltimore, Hd., Nor. lo. Bampeoo, tbe 
iirong man, ta wUb tbla company. 

Pat F. Coluoam, couedjam, will bo profession- 
ally known bereafter ai Frank P. Colllgan. 


man-a-London Bellea Co., wera tendered a recep- 
tion at Ooboes, N. Y.. Not. o.afler tbe performance, 
atwblob were preceni tbe Mayor of tbe oliyand 
most of the city ofUcU'B,all of them memberBof 
tbe K. of P., to whlob order Mr. nt<'bmond and Ur. 
Uawly belong. Ur. Blobmond waa presented wltb 
adlafflwd collar button, and Mr. Uawly wltb a 
gold bandied nmbrella. 

RosB Bydbll'b Lohdoh BbipLIB opened at tbe 
Foontaln Square Tbeaire, Cincinnati, Oct. 28. Tbe 
rofter: Campbell A Sbepp. nianagen; J. Clark 
SldlCB, treaaurer; Dick Birealnger, repr«B*ntAllre; 
F. B. UoLangbllG, arage carpenter; JoeSborbeit, 
mnaloaldlreotor. TbeolloiocladcatbeOvePardoB 
and tbe bloFc:e bear, Cbaa. U. Doncan, C«mpbrll 
aod Sbepp. Horpby and Hortn, Tbomas and Weiob, 
Oeleite and Cray, Arto and uayeii, Pierre PAmlly, 
and a n«w flntjoart enUiled ''Ttio Irlaii Jubilee*' 
andbn7le8qne,"TneOrnBtotSobrloiy.i> Toe com- 
pany la tKwked aolld for tblrty weeks. 

Mabib Warbbn la incoessfolly alnglng "LIring 
Plolnre* in tbe Orate," a patbetio soog wlilt a 
waltz ebona. 

A Moer iKJOVABLi BVBMiKa waa spent at tbe 
boice of Geo. lI.Fnmroae,of tbewellknofrnOrm 
Of Primrose A WesWa Hloetrete, on Nov. lo, tbe oc- 
CBBlon being tbe colebmilon of tbatgenlal perform- 
er's blrtbday. Among tbose preaeat were: W. U. 
Weat, Mrs. W. II. Weat, aeo. Wilson. Ura. Jobn 
Doimellyand Mr.and Urs.Jo8.a*rland. Thedlo- 
Ber UUe waa loaded wltb t&e delicacies of ma sea- 
attf.and waa presided over by tbe boat blmscir, 
while Mra. Primrose displayed great taste In Its 
decoration. Mr. Primrose was tbe rcdpioot of 
many gUla from tboee present and from bla absent 
Mends, among wblob was a bandsomo oomhlni- 
tlon allTer cl^ar aland, wltb lamp attaohed, tbe 
girt of Mrs. W. U. WeeL A orysial wine decanter. 
fiUed wltb ftberry. with moeical aiucbment, waa 
presented to blm by Mr. West, atuobed to It being 
tbe following ^loprlato Tene: 

A ittue mnslo, a imie aberry, 

Is Indeed insplrlog, aod makes one merry; 

I can aay no mors, bat yon know tbe reat, - 

So accept tbla trUe from yonr old oard, 

Will Wist. 

Toaatiln bonof of tbe boat and fair boatcas were 
nomeroDB when tbe party broke np amid ibe "wee, 
ama> booiB." 

TUB Mabtbllbs. bloycle riders, are playing a 
anccesafnl engagement Uiroogtont Canada, in con- 
lonotton wltb ibe Vienna Ladlea* Orobesira and 
Hoyal BntertalnerB. 

ALiBN Hat 1b siiccesifully Introdnclog bis 
original ooTelty wltb Primrose & West'a Uinstrcls, 
cnuttod *'PlotnreB from Mfe." Toe anbjectlaibe 
aong, "Tbe MtUe Lost Ubild," Ulostrated wltb 
fonrteen stereoplicon views. 

Jaa WiLao:f, tbe well known colored Japgler and 
moslolait. iB no longer connected wllb Primrose .V 
Weit'a HUu trela. 

UarriiBL and Jone3 ( 'tbe Ebony Comlqnes"). 
togeUtcr wtib tbelr own "Ideal Oennlne Colored 
AU.stit Specialty Uloslrela and Big Ootoroon Bar- 
leaiiae Company" oomblned. are now en route over 
tbe ffloflenm circuit, and ivUl play all ibe principal 
boia« West. Tbey claim to bava an excellent 
company and brass band and orcbeslra. 

QoooLt ADD DATia, togeUior wltb tbe Ulaok 
Ambassador, Ike McUurd, Joined tbe Primrose 
A Weat Sbow for tbe season at tbe Grand Oprra 
Uooss. Brooklyn, N.Y., dnrlog tbe company*B en- 
gagement tbare. Blr Kolgbt Jesse a. bblpp, tbo 
Btaie manager of tbe "BUok Contingent,*' wftn tbe 
Frlmroae A Weat Minsirtts, was blgbly enter- 
talited by kU old ex-protesilonal associate, Fred 
1>. nslgbt, at hlfl realdence wbilo tbe cnnpaoy 
were In Urooklyn, N. Y., recently, ai was "MiDsirel 

nHcOlalo,'' Btage manager oC "Co tbe Mls- 
^pl» oo. 

LouiB Kaldkiblo tuB ananied wltb Artbor J- 
I.tmb and W. U. Petrte to produce tboir np to date 
opeiailo extrftvaganu, "Tbe Spotty Prince," lo 
conianotlon wltb bla Orpbeom Bun for tso re- 
maialer of aij season. Tbe Orpbeum Stars sro fnr 
tbeoeit few weeks plailng one nlgbt arantfs In 
lulQols and Indiana. Mr. KalbfleldialnCbloigo, 
rebeanlnf and getting 'Toe Sporty Prlnoe*' in 
sbapefernla.EAatem booklnga. 

O.T.OiLBiarbas closed wltb Boyd's Hlnairela 
on acoonnt of a cancer on bla tongne, canaed by 

Erpii HUBOTBD iB Btld to be making a bit 
tlDBjng tbe DlUon Broibcr's uust song, "Kick 

liiroirj VBOM LvciiK*J HtKsraBiA-Car busl- 
re ■ la good and all toe b)js are weil and bapp}^ 
Wi have onr new overcoata. We bave a gwd 
idow and a one aet of boya. J. R- Lucler baa com 

KtM aareral new band pleeei, one of wblob wiu 
Baaed after tu CLifram. Ue bas sold ovif 
B.003 osBiea oC bis aong, *Tb«re la No One Like 

ScifiEKBB AMD Db Vbmi bave added a net of 
band btUs to tbelr moslcal act. 

(loaa. Ububiu magtclan and comedian; lloao 
UoD, slDglDff aoabrette, and liuie Una Kiloe. 
cnlirt actrcsa, nave Iplncd Allen's Comedy Co. and 
opened at Atlanta, Tea., N*ov. 4. 

Wm. II. Invuio, comedian and vocalist, waa mar- 
ried, Oct. 23, to Mildred lloward, aoubreito and 
dancer,aitlieTlvollToeatro, New Urlfana. Fmnk 
Lnndle, siago niansf cr of ttio Tlroll Tncatre. wu 
preeentcd wiib a K. of r. watcb cbarm by tbe em- 
plojcs of tbe iheatre. Mr. Lundie la gv ing to take 
a trip for bla bcalih to tbe coast for a montb or ao, 
and bopea to reinm and faioi blj potion wlib 
belter nealtb. 

Pun. Mack akd wirs (Louie Mcdior Mark) left 
Ibis cliy on Nov. IS, as members of Ulck's Oriotca 
and Linng Klivaol I'lciurea for a twelve montbs* 
toor o( Oblna, Japan and India. 

FLO&HiB Li BLAMcna beads ibe following com- 
pany, wblcn Is tn tour ConnectlCDi: Hernandez, 
Jobn ArllnRtoD. Katamorfs, Prof. K. U. Bedford, 
Kala, \ iva Le Hoy, and Prof. C. F. Adsma. 

Boumxoa -A t llollftDd't WlDt«rOftnl»o. Fort Worth, 
Teui: N»llla \auaha, iht Orajtoo DltUn. Bart Koi. 
Cwrud llarUit. llalLV«TOOD tod La MlUi,liUant. 
ton, ta* Torom. VaraoD ud wlDoin, lb* KBUim. D-lloo 

aiHl Uoben aadJobar. Buret AiBartoo'iTtaMira, 

Ntvport Nswa, Va : JtniH E. Black, Baitoo aad teiar, 
*!?"o<i.P*'MJ«l»*onoo. Uarrr AioiUr. B«tiloa 
LmIIb, kiiir Hlikr, OMre* BbftDooD, Jalla Coleuui, 

Uurlil Muoo. Joho lomu. Dolti* BrowDtDS. Dtlla 
liiiTj, LIlUuBartDo and Ilurr (^uaolaibam. ntrlok 
yiQD aod Uarrr nah.aBitrad«llo|uio«aihrirMeCb«frr. 

At Batton'i War* Ici TUUr« lb* aKond wt«k of Truir 
A JflOM' Cokrtd MiDiirali. 


Plilladclphla.— During oo one week tbla sea- 
•00 bit tb«r« bMo aucb an abundauo* of food thlosi 
ornrad atUa loollboaireau I* itr«aoolad ibli woafe. Ttaa 
DorelliM aro "Jaolnta," whlob opeaa at ibi Oiud O^ra 
IIoqm; OI|a Nttbonola, la"CainlU«,"aiid'-Mmo.84Da 
OoD*.*' JoMph JofFatMD aUo playi bt« aonual aogas*. 
meot. and Uie minor atlraoUoai tn of flrit clan oallbr*. 
CoDili]«rln;i the ticltamaot of •leellon, fculnaaa lait 
weak vaa a>l tbat coal I b« aipaotad. bolog partlcuUrlr 
haarrnnSatanlarnlabt, wbM iho eolt*f*Btad«oiir»U 
tliat they ovs«d iho toto and eT»i7iblng In It by vlitoa 
of Pf DDPylTanla'ii Tlctory erer Princaion. 

QaiKD OrvLx lloraa— Codir tbe new maaaiamont 
ot U. P. Tiaaot, tbli houM nwpeni Nor. II with iho 
LoatM BtauditOperm BopiTa Compaay la ''Jaolntt.'* 

Walsitt 8TRIIT 1 uaiTHa— Loitlo CoUlDi' Traaba- 
douTt la«i wt«k flikd iIib hoaaoatarorr porloimaoea 
JMopbJcflorwatwriO bl" aaaualaotifiamaat IS, wiih 
"Hip Vta WUble." U» will alio do "TboCdQkeiXODifaa 
Beartli" anj "Uod Ma Fir* BbiUlDsa." Nait waak, 
"Tba rauiogHtaow.** 

CUIST9CT SraatT OrsRA ltocsa~"Tb« AmauDS," 
mlBui Ibe Mnlcw ol Oaorala Caj«aD. did a bla buslaaa* 
lui waak. acorlna una of tba laiDbaUo btu or loa aaawvn. 
Manda OJoU dllad Miu \:ayran'i plac4 iiatitiactorllr. 
UlsaNaibvraola basan a ronoiBht'iangaBemint IS, wtlta 
"Camilla," whidi will ha tba auncUoa of tba cuirvnc 
wa»k. NaitvaakHI*a Naihiraoip «ii| make bar dabut 
at Jallat, and may a)M pulrn "The TranrRrtHor." 

Broad 8rRiKrTBaiTfta— FInt clau buvlntu srealad 
tlta aiTor a of the Somonlani laat waak. Auguta* 
I'itoa'i production oi "Mina. Hint Uena''tb[iwa«li,lol- 
loved by DailaKoi. ln*ThaLttUaTroopar." 

Park niSAiRa— Tbaangafanantol H^rla BortODshe 
wa«ooaol tha prnolpal oTaou ol lut waak. and bull- 
□wa waa lood, e.ptolallT diirlog tba IaU4r pan of the 
wek. rloero'a "Tba rrodigAia" wu glriui lu Btm 
American prodao'lon 8. and iJiai Barrouaba aeblarrd 
tlia icraatait lucceu of bar career. 1 ha play li a mag- 
nlfic«Dtplac«o( dramailc work, and ItwaiprodDadloa 
thoroughly Hlliractorf manoar. MUi BarmQiha waa 
eoavlocloit and dareloped a •trenaib lor amoilonal act* 
Ing which vaianioit entlfyiDg eurprlie. She waaab'y 
•upported bj->oho K. Ka1laidao<l Louli Maaten. Uatog 
to tin cauealing of Kanay Uicf, In "Mlii Innocence 
Abroad." tha houia li dark ihia weak, lor ilia drat time 
lo lutilitory. Naitwaak, William llotjr, lo "The Piami.'* 

QiRftHD ATa.iUB TiiiATiis.-Cr«ioo Clarke'a Br»t 
wtak, with * Buy Blaa." raauUed In fair buiLnafs. Mr. 
Oiaika tbla weak appaari lo "Tbe Apoiiata," wblcb ta 
acmtibloff of a nortiiy, inaimucb u It baa nut baao 
aciad here in a Kieat many taara. Neit wa»k 
"UonCicur D« Birtn^'and ".Siunt,'>acurtato raliarhy 
RuaiWli|Ul.lo whicli the chaimctari wlU be aotadbv 
bir Whyul Md Maria Koowka. 

FORBi-ACUiHTiiBATHa— Ibe little DnpiaauntoeiR be- 
tween Uanagar Forepaugb aad Faony Mclnijra orar the 
hiter waarlaR tighif baTloc bean arjaatcd, "All ibe 
t^omfort" ol Uome"waa alTiarAwiiliuiuJJclDtjreafl 
FiQ. A cooiDrotoire no a Boallo-' coitome. wlih laaiher 
leaeloga, «veiraoiad, HarlMn Ayilogaad>Wtlt*r Far- 
kfoaareipKlalli aoB^Bcd Torthewaek. ttadle ttauoo, 
la "A KoQiQCkr Uirlt 'plaTadto lair busloaia laitwaak. 
Ntatvaak, "rtaaBiowaway." 

CacsLtor Sthibt TuKATici.-nuaiaira Comedians in 
"A Beflaw,** did a good waak'a bu»lBM«, aod ate fol- 
lowed ibli weak by llarnaaa'acompanr. lo**BalUy and 
the CO." Noit waak, "A Tain peranca Town." 

AuorroKicu.— Wllilanit' liMeort did wall laat weak, 
playing in big houata alraoat erary nIaliL Oraolar'a 
Lyceum Tbeaire Cumpany thla week, wiin the followiog 
talOBt: Hlio- RIalia, Crlmmina aod (lore Tlllle 3(or 
rliAy. Lima and Yioia Daly, Dolpb aod finale Larioo, 
Uawatt Broihara, Prank Appal, A U. Ihiooan.Oharlea 
Kewt^D. Wlllli CUrk. Juhn Jfortliay, and Millar 
Brotbara. Hiii we«k, Halllr A Wood's Company. 

Buoo.— The Cblmei or Normandy,' wttb Hilton 
AbOTO ai Oupard, ii Una weak'a dramatio atiraoiloo, 
aaguianiei by ibe litllowlBk* Taudanile talent: Alctda 
Capuaine. tbe rietcbera. Hajinon Koore. Flalkew«kl. 
Mortoo and Bareile, Watarbuiy Biotherv, tba Want- 
worihi, Ladall and Alrarti. and waid aad Brawn. Uoel- 
neaa eooiloaei up to tbe top notch. 

LiciUH TSBATaa— aiaoo'a Oliy Olab ptajed loandr- 
mooi recelpta Uai weak, and will ran for another week. 
Tbeeompaoy liiatreoRtbeoid by tbaandliioo of Umeoa, 
ihe dancer. Neat waak. 'The H'liue Crook" Datlamaa 
Cora par y. 

kHfiHkTURATRa.— "TboTrollrf*yitam"nia-Jaa hit leal 
waeH.aod alter opening ni|hi buaioau picked up TMry 
nudi. "Mao aod Women" la thl« waak'fatimet'oo, wiio 
a eanbeaded by Ulay UleiuioL KoMweek, *Tbe Couotrr 
t'liC'ia " 

National Til riTRB— "Tbe Span ol Llfa" ilid well 
laitwtek. The s^'I^'F huiioeat was srett Ifinlone' 
'ituparba" ihlnwrM. Neitva«k,"TlieWbltaF(|jedroo." 

PiOPLS'ti TutATHB— Uptown toroad oat (it nuwe to 
ree'iliaTanof Uol-)," which did a laraa bu«ina»a TbU 
waak, "Tlie Frodlgal Daughter * ihouM prora an *f)ual y 
stroDg attncUoo, aad wiU be lolowed neat we«a by 

tLKvaiTTU Strbkt OfSRi lIousR. -There la (|alie a 
chaoga ol l>ill ibta week, two new buria«quai ttalug dooa. 
Tborara 'Tlie Matrimonial AtaDcy" aiid *Tha Lunch 
CoDDter," and they will im furtliar augmantid by aumar- 
oui chaogea In the olio. 

tiTiyoABD TuiATRH— "The Old Eooih" crowded the 
hoiueate'err perioimanca Lmi wtek, aod ooe otihe 
mon proltabfe waaka orthaae«*on «a« thn conaequanee. 
Ltlllau Keooadj, lo "t>he Touldo't Marry Three.* la the 
atuacUon ILlj weak, and nait week will be daro.ed to 
"Mr Wiie'a Uaahand." 

KBm:<urox Tmicathr — "The Old Booth" morea up 
lAwn Una Movk.anil wiii boirladoo the KaoiiofftODlaoa. 
ICalc Hpragua'aTrouhafioura fliled a auoeeufurengaae- 
maot laat week. Next w^b. ' Tan Mgbu in a Birroom ** 

KiNTU A3D ARi'U Mt'sKDM.— The panicular Itatuiethia 
weak U a fat komao'a bicjcie race. Fraf riuuda^n 
(uiad readai), and ibe oUiar nrioetral oarda al laat 
weak, looloding tiia Imperial Vauderllkti are retained. 

MOTSit-^^ciIe EU'loR hai bean aniagtd lor the lead- 
ing aoprano rule in "Jaclata." vtce Haod Voaos Ibe 

tbeaini, particularly the Cbe>taaL wera dlled wlih 
howling cDOba 01 atuJtaia la«t Saturday nlgbi, attar the 

Feooayltula I'rloca'on lootbail saoia MaDai«r 

Tiaaot. ol the flrand Opera lit nie will give abrtahia>i to 
tbaaambraer the I/idIm Baaodat t>para B^t:ir«(.'om- lila Falla or Bcboylblil raaort u UaoaMr 

Joho W. UarL of tba KeotiDgtoo, will make hia dabot a« 

a*logaroldeacnpUTe aoaca natt iiaak J. Q iloo, of 

ibaUtJoaforcaa, Mipaodlnr a law daya at bU borne In 

rburoiarllie Fiak'a JobllaeHloRrra ap|>earat Aara- 

clailwo Hall lb Ilagaal>ack's uaioadanlma!aup«n 

at the Acidomy ol Muale neit weak, tinder tbe local 
inaoagainiotoi Nlioo A /Immarman 

U«adlaK*->Kdward Uarrtgan arewan immense 
aii4iaoea at ibe Aoademr ol Mnalo Kor. A Qua Wllliama 
badaallinaadlaaeel nhk\T Rllla oanieto anod buai. 
neu7. *'rawaTloketSlO'*did modanialy wellB "Fan- 
ivma" had big baaioaai B, 10- Coming: "Wang" II, 
jjllie^Rt4«awnr<> n. la, Oie Ampblooa IS,^'Prlae«M Boo- 

On*»OnRABovsa.-rror ^rl Raod KitUa BaM- 
»la had large aodlaocta weak or A Tbey will remain 
three aildiiioeal oigbla. Bates Bros'. " llampiyDomp- 
tycvmpaay IWT. 

. BtJoe TnaATRR — L«oole A Breratt'a Ladlaa* Club Bar. 
laaque Co. ptayed lo good buainau waak of A J. V. 
Haervadr aod tvttDMa*, m lapariory, ll-lt, tbe Preach 

RoBBRT L. Riiirm:* akd Aura QLViaox tnemberaoi 
tbe Ladlaa* Ctob Company, ware mtrried oo tbe atage pf 
tbaBiJou Theatr* during tba Mrfarmanc*,e, byAldar- 

Wllhaabarrf.— At tbe Orand Opera Uonio 
"McFadden'a Riopamaut," Knr. T. bal 'air buaioaaa 
EdwKTd lUirInn, In '^oidaha'a Aaplrmtleni" and 
"Retlly and the «a" s % bad lood baatneaa. Uaa 
tVllUama. lo "April Fool," lA, had tair bualoaw. To 
onma: "Prlncan Bonnla** U, 'The MiowawaT" l\ 
"Una's Daughura" (local) It. "Wang" 10. Kale claaton 
aD<1 llrea. Janaeeehah IB, "The Me* Bouth" 

Mnio BALt~"Wlld Itoaa." A AT, had gooil builoeaa. 
"Tbe mi«« of Maw York." ^TA had lair tuaioeaa 
Tocama: Tbe Fraoeb Polly Co II Is, 14, the Loodnn 
Bmpira Bauruinaie lSJI,ir. tbe P*y PeaterClo IP. BL 
iLj'ACoaQtrrnireoa" si "Tim ih«Tiok«T" n tl. 

Woypinu^DTiiSATiirHraaa.— ASoeblll or apeolal- 
lata had coed buitaeaa. Laat w*ak*a naoida: Ha'bnnia. 
■ lie. Olga MoDa. Daliano. Val Vino. B'aila Baarla. Wll- 
leu and Tharoe, llaaib and Cadd and t'^rria Monrne. 

Noraa— J. W. tianlbgteo. preprlaier ol Wnoiiarlaed 
Theatre, la to opeo a hooaa aluillar to the Wondarlaod in 
Uatleton. aod another In Wll)ianirort,Fa.witb iheob- 

lect oi aluiiitialyinnniaf a circuit LaumBarroo 

Bueliaaaa kit the "Wild Roaa" Co. 7. Her place wiu he 
taken by Oaoer a Day. 

Alloona.— At tbo Eleventh AvenneOperalloose 
"The Stowaway" did Ulrlr well Nor. 7. It U. togaraoll 
cornea tl Mia iheMlmeaippt ' ii. 

EaaTHiDS TaiATRB.— Howard Wall'a IdtaU, In reper- 
tory, oomaa weak of 19-Si. 

llARRY Datih* Fobx Ucsbh — Bualoaaa waa rery flood 
waak pfa-IO. Trilnwaak : Curio ball, the /.arro* and Ob|. 
atil'a penomlng monfeaya Thaatoiiuu. "Kaihlaao 
MaTonmeen."wIihMKnaiorEdwiD Young aa Tarranee 
O'Mora. aod Nawioo Brera aa Black Itody. Tbla weak, 
tbe UlortooOlaolaand Law Bandall'a Jolly Raoihlora. 

flcranton.— At the Aoademyof Music Qiis Wll- 

llama. Id "April Fool," .KoT 13. 'The Stoaawar," 9. 10, 
waa rw^lvad by good boaaaa. Jolin KaraaU,H In "Ho- 
Padilea'a Etopement." had good bualoaaa. Boobad : Wll 
lard Spanaar'a ' Tba Frioceu Honila ' 11 IL Kate Ctai- 
too and Hme. JaoauMaak, in 'Two Orpllan^ 15, * Wang" 

FR0TSi:((iBiii.— The American FlarengaTegood p*r- 
fermaocaaP. 10. to lair hAuaaa Booktd: tfubL Pliuim- 
mon'aSpaoialty Co. lA *'Alter Tw«oiy Taara" II, lA 

Davm^ TiiaiTas —Weak of 11. Paolloa FArkar, lo "Tba 
Wild Hoae." Haoagar Davla cloaad his Uouaa 9; lo far 
the Bni time In lia hiatory rather than prataot a dtaap- 
polntlof perrormaoco. 

LBBcaitar*».vt tbo Ftillon Opera House rrloce 
Okabe'a Hoyal Japaneaa Troupe had good bualneaaNor. 
6.0 "llamnty Dumptr" did wellT. Uri Laogtry, in"A 
Wife's PariL'^ 8. Morilaoo'a "Faint" 9. aod '^Wao«"U^ 
bid largo audieneaa. "Tbe Btowaway" IS. 

Krle.- 'At UaenercbOT Hall boosa's lUnd, Kov. 
TpUyad (0 a packed boaie. Biaoding room nolr waa 

poatcd at B r. u J. H. Olraid'a Woudarland bad 

aood ba>[neia weak ol S. Comlog wttk oi 13: Tba 
Vaoailan Noralty Company. 

n a n 


Chloago.^wben tbeatrlcal bnalneia Is deprcu- 
ed eicoaaa are ajplaoilfulai riuaitioaera, but obaarra- 
tloohaa ihowo tbat tbe prioclpal prolealam agaloit Ibe 
daalrabllliy of the ainuiamaat field wharein they are 
temporarily located are thoae whaaeattractlooa are un- 
worthy, aad who flod liberal reward ooly tbrougb a 
paoelly ol good altracllona lo oppoaltlun to iham, or 
througb nnoinal aoUrlty among tboae thaalrkally In- 
clined. Tboa far the corrent laaion baa been ooly par. 
tially lattaiactory lo a geoeral way, bat lo every loaiaooe 
where lut rtiorloua attracllona ware ofTorcd the bualoaaa 
haabaao fully up lo the Biaodard of moat eeaaooa gone 
baiore^ while the inlenur (itranoga ha\e unlalllnKly 
gone uorewarded. Lnat week «aa no aicaplinn lo iba 
role, tbalcwteally worthy cfTerlBgaoi iha weak being 
liberally patronlud, In apllaof tbe iDcltoientwaaikar, 
wblct cened aa an eicau lor the meagre torooula ao 
cordid those ol our maoagera who rerred a commuo- 
place bill of tare. Tma. the aercre raloi kf pt many dul- 
Ura from Ihe treaaary ol our amoraoeot prorldar^ 
atlll on« If atak>rato know why loioa thaauea w#ra 
packed wblla otbara taikd to do a prodtable Uale, If tba 
marlt ol the atiracilooa did not flgora in iha raaulL 
Thla wwak brlnga a goodly number of ooTeltka to the 
outlying boua«l^ ttie down towo a'age presaniiog noth 
In* new id tba nay ol playa or corapanlaa. 

CuiiTAUO (irtfHi llocav— Tbe Maria Tarary Eogticb 
Optra Company attmotad rather limlKd audiaooaalau 
waeh and were adraraaiy criilciaed bribe local piawa 
A«anaaU ol iha moieraia bualoaaa the tngageneot 
originally anoouneed for ihrte veafeawiil and wrat uf 
Nor. II, Ihe repertory balng aa folluMs: 'fuheuleo 
UIrL" Sunday :'UlgoleUo,"Mundky* ■IHarallani Huatl- 
caana" and * I'FagllaccI," a Ouuble bill, Tuesday; 
"MaMba" Wedoaaday loailoee. ' Kauii" WrJoefJay 
ulgbt; *Tanohaafer,'^ Thunder; "La Trarlata," Friday; 
"Caruieo" Ba'unfay naiinee,and "II Trovatora" to con 
elude ttia eugagemeniiUiuMay night 

Uranp ursNA llotBB— Holaad Head nmured |ond 
aliad nudieacaailaai week wllb Toe Foiil'clon," and 
hagan li.the aerond and coocludlngwaah of hia nay. 
Next weak, lluyt'a "A Trip to Cbloatnau," baglna tlie 
w<v>nd aDgag*ra«ntot ibe aaaacn at Maoagar HaiollD'a 
popular leiorL 

bouLBT 0 TUKATsa —Ada Keh«n baa ilioa lar packed 
thla pretty theaue to the duora at each periointaoce. 
Durlnif Ibk, ber aecnod aod enno udlog week. *lie will 
be aeen In "AaVou LUe It" JJ; "Loveoo Cruiotiea" IX 
II and raallO'e II. coooludioa iba week in 'Tanilog tlia 
bhrev." Uarloi the naek or If Auguatin Ualj*aCvrna- 
dtaoa will be aaaa. 

L'uixBBiA iui:fcTnB.-rel»r P. DalleralllbaaaroHilt 
week Id ' A Counliy Hpon," auiaicd by May fiwlo, Ada 
Lenla. aodothara. Delia rotsaiabed a*aTi»li 
i8, to "Ihe Ltlile Trooper." Iiariog breo abdndaotli 
praiied and rewaidrd dnring Ihln bar flrat local en*ago- 
meet aa n atnr. Naal«e«h, De Woll Hopper elll ataga 
"Dr. Hroiai" lo' tba rtni iiiue hare. 

ticuilXKH Tll»:ATHB.-Wra. Fptlar aod Kyr'e Balle* 

ru(atiarg.~coolc opera at tbe Dut|oeane, 

Irlth comadr at the Alvlaand Uijon.e^raedy aod clreua 
attbe Ko* araod.comtdr et tbe Beat Eod, and meP>. 
drama at lUe Park eomprlia Hie auurlment or gooda on 
tbe eoantara ol nur looal ahow »bopa ih<B weak. 

URAJiD Ui-RHA Uoaaa.— '-Ibe Coooiry Clrcde"NoT. 12 
nndwtek. William BarircAuaad uucb mirtb up lolU 
FMe- F. Dalley. lo * Tbe 0<tuotry Sport." VJ 

BiHT Eait TiliriTRB— "Tba Lou Faradiae" will bold 
tba BU(e till 19, wbeo Uarie Watnwrlibt eeinea in 
rapanoiy. 'Ojr Uncle Dodlay" gare uiiafaoilon laat 

ALvuf To aATRB.— Joseph Morphy this week Cliariaa 
L Darla eloaid a anecaulol oogaganaot ill, Bolaod 
Raed, lo "Tue Kollilet*o," 19. 

DOUQKSIB TuBiTRB,-Delta Fog, In "Tbe Little 
Trooper." IS. lor Brat iioe bare. Joaepb JiiTaraon 
cto^eda briliiaut eogagement IIX "Too Mndi Jukoaoo," 
wlih Wb Oilktuln>beca«', VJ. 

Biiou TaiuTna-Obaaecey ulcott, In "The Irlih Art 
lat," Ul far tbe flrat time bera. Wart and Vukea scond 
ancMsaibapaatv^. "Huali rity" I'j 

FARBTHaATRa-41raclaBmmett,Ia Tbe Pulaa of Xaw 
Tork " tbla waeh. "Tbe Veieno Da edlre" plaaied well 
up to 10. 'The Trolley Hyaiem" IV. 

ifAtiaT WiLLiaaa' Acaprmt or Mciic— Ban Darere'e 
Own Co. thla Wtak. Utda'at;omtdiana cloaad napkndid 
eaiagainantio Tiie Ho*a Ulli HtriatqueCo.lP. 

UAsaTUA^is' tPix Uirssa— T.earuuportatradleBlo 
liilog plcuirai leorad aacb a aoccaaa lail wttk that 
Maoagar uaiUaooouncat their rc^ngagaoaot for ibta 
one. Oura'a Troupe oi FarformlBg Japaoaae. Edie and 
Mabel O'Brien and Alice Jaonlnia(boBan), and Dalioo 
and Uailoo are aotoogtLapilaclpw newfeaiuaa:. I^tt 
wpek'abBalneas waa large. 

UiirCRU.— Col K. O. Ingaraoll laciurf* at Old City 

flail li on "the Bible." cbarlee L. DaTia, proprlaior 

of the Alt in Theatre, alataa ihe debt on hia boiiae baa al- 
ready bean »o greatly radocad that tbe dot e of ihia atO' 
aoo wlUaaelteBtlraiy paidoiT. He lotonna ineihatibii 
la his laM e«a*on on toe tovl In "Alvto Jpalln." aod thai 
he will tbfftalier devote Limaelf lo Uie tsaoac«m«Dt of 
hia Air Is Ttaa le. TMalailieaireaoihataaon lo whNb 
baha« won lauiaaod ioriuBe.aa"Aliio Joalin" vaaorat 
produced In the Fall ol i^. . . .A oew amaaemant reaort, 
called the Eleeuic PaTitloo, la In optration oo tbe tlta 
ol tbe aid poat oiOee at Filth Aianoe aadgmlibnald 
Rtr^at It eompriaea a mammoth orcbettriop. a Moorlab 

MlMTA and aeetof flrlni boraat Hargsrat Barlrar, 

iheAUasbeor girl who la pleylog la'AiTin Joaba" tbla 
aea«on, waa ibe neat at aareral w^fatbanafsdor 
log tbt oompaaf s stay hare taat waek 

have won a rroiioaaced auccaaa Id "Jharloile t'ur 
drar" cod will continue tbie aicallant prutlnmlnn ic 
ihelaMbairof their two wteka'aiay. ■ Prauo-lli'>o," put 

<in ivr t«o parrormaocaa bad b«ao atled bvre previfitiKir 
aa "Pha Marrlace Upaaire*' and waa poorly received. 
Nait naek RobL Maoiall will eipouud beroio drunaa, tu 
be follovad by ' Prlaoda *' 

MoV'icKBH'a THBATNL-Julla MarToa havao a iliraa 
wtekk* eoiagement li, preaaollna "Homto nod Juliets" 
* Twelfth Ntghr'aod ■'ab Voo Like It 'durlegtheUrit 
week. La«t weak "Ruali Uitr" dolaheda >«o eeeha' aa. 
sagainaot, harlflg attracted very Urge t^uiinaaa lor ILta 

llaraiRRRV TaBATaB.~"On thg Bowery" waa GUre 
Brodiaand Frank Ba-li. cUite laroritea. will Uaacan ihia 
weak tor ibe flrat iliiiehere. being foiloeed im by Cliam- 
pion • ortMtt, ia."tleaileman Jaca ' Laat week Lujia 
Aldrleh gare "My Fartaer" to good burlo»a>. 

LLicuLHTllBAins.— 'Loet lo Maw Vork." with llaiBg 
.-Icturea louodaead for ibe drat ilme oo Maoaatr lluu 
ton'a BtiBa in Ikia wetk'a magaai. "The Darby Wlaner" 
being Belt In liae. Laai week Florence Biodley labored 
under Ibe ditboelUei vi lodiaporiilon m praaeotlog " Ibe 
Capialo'a Mate, • but brarely atock to bar woiS, fair 
turoouia reanlilog. 

ALHtHbRA TuaaTaR-J K. Fmmet preaenied "Friit 
loakfadbonae"iblaw««k, aod will giie wayiHio"Tha 
Prodigal Fathar." Laat waak Uarij a Kwegli a -Toe 
Uoatlar" na« bat Calrty oalruplred. 

iUv'UB'aTH8Araa.-rraeraaa'a Fun Makera glre ' A 
nailroadTUkat" tooatli patioo ol iliia pAp«lBi Imuv, 
baiog |o)h>w«d IS b7"Lu*t In N*w York " Liat neak 
btuinaaa wu lalr with "Acreeailie Fotomae " 

Ao<iiiHT ur MoBiv.— "Tbe lluatler" Hita weak wliii 
"Down In Dlaia ' to jnllow. Boalnesa wlih 'Tba Billl 
Alarm" laat weak waa teiy fair. 

CbAiK avHBir Thbathr.— Uarla Aleogb*a*«nieHtlll 
Alarm" la tbia wieh'a i»agnai Laaieeak "AC'raohar 
Jack*' mat rathar limited patroeaga, dee probably lo tbe 
laet of ita former ounifTona pra*enUllonB lorally. 

Ban T. Jacks uriaa Uucaa-Hau FJyoo and Pbli. 
Bba>liab*a i;ily Bwrla lurnlab ibia aaaa'a amar^ln. 
mant« lairtrdueiog Mne Ziieila aod fiilaala BbarldaoiL 
tbeprloclpal barle*(|ge iol*a,vif> tba lour Nalaon Hia 
Ura 'be leatore ft w otln. Tlila oriaaiiation la vary 
popular bara, bavlog plated au aovagMoaBi with Kaaa- 
ger Jack a mooili aao, Laat neek Vialan DeMeoto'a 
VaodtTiilaa eoloitd but fair auceeaa. the eogagamant 
beioa the Brat tula compaoy bu P'ajad lucaliy. Hillr 
and LoelMBLCIatre.Haiterand Uadall, Anbar Aroeld 
and Maod i^aaweiL Ldtlan Acbeiiuan, Harry Diiha and 
JU- Ward, Billy nod May Uruwoloa. Saupaon, Diana and 
Will Woite lurolabed the perforaaace, which ended lo e 
ooa act ler«« called * Bapbaodif a." 

BoviL E^ounu riaan— Altlmogb the ooraliy ta 
gradually wwarioa oiT, bDaioaii at thla retort la at'H at a 

Koi aiaodard Maoeaar Hall adrariiMa aiiaoilvaly 
fooib all utdlama tboa keeping iba mariu ot hiaaa 
Calient parioraaace before tbe pnElie gete. Thla waak'a 
prearamma la prorlded wlih aome new acia, the wi4h 
Mrioroiaiiu togagiDg AI. Can^o. Hoof. Caboro. Brata 
Brolbare. iil*ard Laoa.lloae IfockrllLUm Lari Laraafl 
Family, the Dalterelil Br.ilbera, ao'i Koae Heeia. tbe 
Utter making ber Ont appaaianca. Tbe water cirolf el 
wbleb brloia tba firt gniuma to a floUb, ramaioa the 
leainreof iheparfoiDaoca, acd wtti ht ibe mnaipoiaot 
lector lo parpatoatioi the Teaiore in ruhjlc eauem 

ol eicelleoee at thia aouae fonod at law o 'Aa r TaodeTiiie 
tbeauaa in tba local (oU. hrooght abuat hr th* gra<i« ot 

Brrormanea alwaya malouie«>). Htage Haoaier Billy 
iCAprt^aofaaaotbar long and .'irong bill for tldawrak, 

the liar ambiaeinr. amoog «iibarB,tae Da Comaa, ifaD' 
nock and Adair, Mile. iMiort^ Loin Ryan Haliy anl 
KaynoLd. Frank Mlitard. Btoclatr aod raillale. adolpli 

Adamr. Ida IfirrtDgioo. Tonmpmn aod BaonalL Cbaa. 
aod Jauaie Hlawarcthe |D<araaittinal Trio. Kdward |!» 
ina. L>a«btngtao Brolbaia, F> rry Kyaa, Maid aol Delia 
Waro'A Duay and Bo'lotk, Emma Wuoj, Fiib and 
galiy^MamU Carman, tbe Beacb Biatera, and Lo^ranin 

LTCit'iTHSafaa-Oaa UlU'a World of Feve'.tlae b^U 
a taoUoa tbUweab.thecbirfantanalnar tMlag Propria 
tor Oos llilL Lail Wfsk bailassa was oaly lalr with 

Harry Morrle* Borltaiuer*, akbongfa the perforataaee 
wa-: one of enoaldenble merit, deaatring aoehbauar 
patrfrBtgm. The ppenlog was obtained by tlia preaenia* 
uoo of Iba bsrlaUa ' Duleb t'r«ok," engaginc Harry 
Horrleln ihe chief poaltion. Tbaollo waa turaUhad hy 
Pd. Lalell. FTueea aad Ida MpKmiy.John awd Wal 
Vidoon, Marie Hoaielleand J. 0. Flynn and Maad Walker. 
1heclPiiaiburlef-ine"A TemMlng T^wo." lotrDduead 
)larle Roaiallaatiil Orate Ian iley to (he pnnrlpal rvlaa, 
brloglog Iba parioraaace lo aonmoiing Balah. 

ttaa T JiCK sHuriBB— The VlTlan DaHonroOomblDa- 
Hon will tva In r<*a«ra*ion ibiaweah, rrMaDtlBRattntght 
varlaiT, for the flrat time at thla r>ouaa ibti aeaaon. Lut 
weak, HamT. Jack'a "Haaappa" t^ompany attracted fkir 
buaioe^a. and lumUhail an eiralltni pariormancai 
Kmon Ward. Atmaa MeKanila^ Itoberta Ma Farrait and 
Charley Banbaauaia*B*d the prina>pkl ridaain thab«^ 
le<n*n "Hatepra," which flniahtd tbe pertormaocei 

Tba fliaaa Htmcli llalraaa" baiag Ihe opeaiop banatia 
fbe Bpaela:iy pnrilooal Ihe bill engaged: ramaoalll 
and LielllA. will MeRobla aod Vara Baaoa. DiRoe. 

Bowaraaod Dlion.fToleraauaod Meiia Hlla Jollaha, aa^ 
HarrlDgioo and Canntn. A earlaa of atiracUra llviog 
pie*ur«a ware altu praaaoted. 

(Uivrr Tn RATH a.— Manager HrUceira arTbrtiare laat 
reetoriDgthta raami loptoapeiitv, ami with a eonilnaa- 
tioo of ttie vigor at nraaant manifaaiad eomplale aoccaaa 
laaurwio ridlow. Tolaweek l«aiar aod Willlame aiag* 
"Me aad Jack," with Piacher Btothan ihe leaiureof (he 
olio Laat weak Vinlat Ma.4cot loanauraied burlaaqua, 
pr»Mnling 'The Hummer" lo moolude llie apaciilu 
progranme eooirlbniad by Dan Keatlog and John Lord, 
Fein Hvltpae. Mme. Vucra, I'addv Mnipbr and Blanche 
Amlntwa, Sam lAog aad DoUia Bbatp and WIU and Ida 
Mnrallo, the whnle forming an eicallent programme, 
erldanrly quite suited to tie tanaa ot tbe aoOlencea 

Mma Tncca, Lnla Thai*, iWiaairer and Home, the 
Morallea and other*, aalling under Manager t^aatle'a 
caFttuo ot 'The Tran»aiUntlo VaudevtUeT^opa," will 

glf e way 19 lo Harry Morria' Burlea<iaara. The perinrm' 
anca Iwt ntek waa romlabi>l by Uoutrlak A MeVai'i 
Caiirorol: (!:oup«oy, a huuae ahow, nod engaged the 
BtaalajB, Matlla Fielila, ihe Two Nibbe«. Fred Barr, Lilly 
Allyn aod tiaorgle Lloaard, Bartha Foy, Braodoa aod 
R»glol,rearl Brmdburo.Uio McCanhr and Aonle Bey- 
oolda. Burt Jo don, llarty and Loin Rubinaoo. and 
Win Ollbcrt. Boalnaia of lata haabaao only uodanta, 
owlaRloihe praaaoUllon ol bouaa bllla, but eombtaa- 
tluoawiHimtn bein oidir, when the old time andienee 
may baeipeoud. 

Fahk TBBATaa— Uanaaer NIok Hnrten pte«aoti a 
nonaa bill thla week under tbe caption of the' London 
Ciiy rtfoTU* Barle*iiue Company." wllb "Heuben'aVlait" 
aa thd ppeniog act, with 'The HMolght Marriage'* lo 
cloaa the riiow. The perfomiaboe will engaaa the eirorU 
of the two Nibbea* Kelly Ilea* and Fannie llnnt. Ubi U 
Ureane, Ma'ah l^Tamaod tlartle llaavon. JeDnleroraat, 
the Morria Rroihara. Jennie Ripley. FanaLeFatra. Dick 
anil Klitia Cummlnaa, Mormnla. aod Hattia Banaid. 
LIvIdi pkturea are alao maintained aa an added lector 
In Iha bill. Manager forton ia gelning marked auoteaa 
for hli tiratau afforialo bring tbe pauonaga of tbla 
booM lo n prvOiable etandard. 

KaiiiL'BUi'ku Payiliuh —Maaagar Joaepb Knielbaa 
InerMiadibeitaiidardor merit In the «ua<gbi variety 
pwriormaocea given hare, end U giioinghla raward in 
added patronage The bill tbla weak la the etiongeet 
preaaoted lo uontha,lnuodualngbd. Laull, J. H. Flynn 
and Maud Walker. Cora HnotLXtlllaa Btatr, Bert and 
Ollie La Monte, Alalia aod Rapphlra. 

LiNcoi..^ AviKUB TsBATaa-CapL White aolora lalr 

eaironaieattblaretorr, and la pnvldlngeBaoiei-table 
III The weeb'a programme will tniploy iheO'Neala, 
Cummlngi aod Knlgh\ Billy Jackaon,Maud Uatty and 
BtAgnMaaacar Waller J. Fllramer. 

QHorrn uuaiu Uati,.— Bnalaeaa at Ihli tMoae Isfklr, 
the rwJucad prtcaa harlag mucli to do « ita tbe loereaied 
attandante. For thla week Htaie Manager tir-arlay 
Haaaa pratentaa long aod atrongDlll.locUding Muter 
and May llaury. Kmmallall. Minnie Haruile, Lotlleaed 
Carna R«an, HohaeOar and Hall, Hedle Brooke lioltle 
l^oninr. Emma llauanl, Carrie U Ktndall aod Ed. and 
Hedin Wooil«. 

WiiiTB'a LOKIHI.M DiMB Mcsiis -^rlo hall thla waak 
will ha IB poiatHitnnoi llnmamao, a nagletan; Hmint 
Hcliallar. ao otaiflad wnman; Mar Rankin and Booole 
U■bt>^a pair of lat woman, aod Munio, agiaae dancer 
no the auga pannrmancea will be given by ilue U'arran, 
"la Labn, Kd. Iloyle, Bennia Wallace and I'eU De Hoae. 

•coBveotion ol Ta'^raaaer Iha oirll war wll|l>a Ihe ^-hlel 
laatuTaorAurloiiiH tbla waec. eaefaof iheconteaianu 
liaTlngaamo uiark nl hia earounlar wtlli theaoamr. 
I'arrnrniaocaa on tbe aiage will Ite glveo hourly by 
l.llllao Tioner, Hurley and Tcllln, J. W.HoAndiawa, 
t'errla Brooka, Allen and Delmaln, andHiaolty and Bcaa- 

Kuiii. A MiPiiRi.To:(ROLOBBDtaB Mvaiv.-TbeprlBcl- 
pal numeilun to eoiln iiall thla wetk la an rdocaied aeal 
with Zip, "the whai it la ' ; Ilirt aod Beaala In llluakna, 
and KtUloo, a aoaha cfaarmar, aa addilioeal Itaturea. 
OnthaBiaga llie prograioiiie will employ Tom Ripley. 
LoQiaand Ryan KJdle Fuy. I'lckuetieand LaBoidueDd 
ihaCrolluB Hramalio Company In a one act coiiiadr. 
Uualotuai all ut the moaauma liaa abowp n oooaldarabia 
gain of late, ehlch can be Uheo aa ao erldaoca tbat the 
uut'ofk la more aareaa. 

ArrRRiATH. — Fralburg'R Opera llnuaa, on Twenty- 
aeeood Ptreet, between HinleHireet aod Wabaah Ave- 
nue. >aaent(relydaalro) ad by Ore mnra'ogorit. The 
liouaawaa formerly >iutie fra<iuant'y in uaa fnr mlo'^r 
eBUtriAlniiiaDia, aad waa laattii>an to 'lie |iub)ledurlog 
tha Wurkre Fair teim. wlien CapL Decker made an oa- 
fluccaa*lalnitriiipttA inalnialn burlaanua and variety. 

Managar Ham T. Jack haa daparted lo Join bU Bl. 

iravaiaofA <*o for Ha tour Ibrougb tha ppanlab pro- 
viDcaaaad ud Veilcu, whkli will 'ooaume abont ten 
waekA H.B air*lra haie will be lo charge ol CIma. 
Kaeabanat Bam T. Jtik'aOpam Hooaa, ano Hid Egaon 
at tbe Kmpira ....Harry Mttrrla' Bar|ar<iuara will 
lay oir here thla week prevloua to pU»Idb the 
cooclfldtog eogagcmanu ol Hialr aeaaon at tha 
Ultmji'naa^tweeR Managar llarryHorrIa will iiiakea 
vUlt to hip wife, May lluwaid. of ihe May Howard Big 

Borlai'iaa f:o (luaiave Frohiuao'a •t^ariiy Bair 

caiiia loto-iown aliamooo ol T and gave aapftrieipail >r- 
maomatibeLlnonlofur the trtnedt nl HabbI Nurtim's 

J*iw(ili eongrvgatioo Manager Tlioe. H liarla nf 

LliTU A Keagh. waa Dondord lo hU rrwm rarloo«lir HI a 

Kttof lutnaek. bet H oow oiinvalaataDt Bdeard 
M«llorehaaraad hia conipaiiy here laat waak a^d N 

ran Ma aeaaon In Hhakavpeareao playa at belvldore, HL, 
I Ilia auiipurt loeind*a Ktaie De Tooroy and Joihoa 
and Jalta ualmby, wllli Oeo. H. JohoaioB lo adv40ce 

Dolly liirr, wbo )ia< lor ibraa yaara paatlnaoa 

member ul the atock at F.agtl'a Hpera Pavilion, waa 
uiarrlatlbi Jndi:e llembarRvr, Kov 9. to Andy Rtiaeit. 
Fanny Fiaaiull eodSd har term aa leading lady of 

'A Cracfcar Jack" wllb the ntark Hirealengagemenl aod 

-TBR auccaeded hv Huth MeOoolry Hprtbaldera de 

■trojad I ITJOf t ol blllboarda fur the Amailoan Bill Foal- 

iBf On during Iba ca'ebraiion oi the e'ect'sn raiulia 

BUge Manager Rl'.lr llobinaon, nl tlie flaleiy. 

monrna ihe Ijir nr hie lHUe (TaagMar. w^u died ol 

pfieiim(*i)a B. Tlie loarrlage ot If. tlllherl rtnyla, 

uf ttkO Tliaalrkat Kichaore, Oct 17, tn Anna 1. Biuca. 
it Jut aonounred. The btlde waa imrna doaoa een- 
lia1-ool the viirray I.4DaO|«raCn al Claraland. O.. lait 
Hoiiiiiier audli<}'de like ^>alttoa wt li iba Uurt np»m 

'o.laat b«a<('n Managar Haca T.iwnilay. rf Muale 

HalL Craerordarllla. Ind , waa n vlallor to lhaaa pre 

cinialaalwarh Kcinic ArUat Millar end Ktagai'.ar 

ranter L«mi<lilrii. nf iha Lincln. are eieenilog a eoni- 
miaiion trou >lan>grr W. ■>. Wloiarburo fnr a ooraplate 
pritdocilon tt *llanilel" (•• Le urad by Walhar While 
atd^. Manaiar Wloieiburi baa al'o and*r eon*rtot a 
pliMh curiam m iienaai aa ao act drop b' Mr. 

WhiUpkla in all of hia produelloPB A. H. Wllber 

wa4 htrm laat »M-k nod otgniiaiad Ihe aala nl 
tha' riahta to the name ol lleerea A I'ahiiar'a 
CiiMDorolliaoa tu MaaaotB Uart A Weber, who 
wlJl take Ilia rnad at the Penple'a Tt<ealr*, Mllwaoke*, 
Wla, IB The company will locluda LolUa Weat Rirt- 
ood*. Fadily aod Bleach Marplir, Hao. W. Moore. Qua 
trn'li, wni Hclloble and Vara Kvana, ihe MnrrayTwin 
Hi- tan, Jite lloward and Ida Emeroo. IjOalaa ttannaar 

aud Fnoh wtllitmaoo rhaa. J»roue loioad Waid 

(uid \'ukta doring Hialr Ha) market enaagemant 

Uaoa*>rJnho Hafnor. ui 'ha Feople'aTbtatre. Mll"au. 
k'B^ Wia, Uvl builMpa ig tfaia thiatrieal leotre liai 

wnak v&nace' Kalbdald i ipeeta to lak* tha read 

ag-ia *iUi ilieOrphtnm fliara laatorlng tba ber.Viina, 

"AR|xi'ir Prioce."br Arthar J I<amb Haaacar II. 

H JacAba and >i*a aoe, (leoeral Tieaaurar M J. Jacnha, 
wcr* tu towp laat waak, reviewing ihair local Iniaieala, 
tlie Ainarlcao. Alliambta and tbe ftlark Ntraet Thaaite 

Maoeier Frank Uali haaaniactd laaao V. Ruahig 

aa ta^uralon ag'nt for tha Rotal Engtlab Ciraua The 

nnpltaoi ilio Thlcago Rch'^ul nl Acting will give 'The 

Wi>rtdaf Faahiuo' at the HcliH or. aliarnonn of l» 

Ruiioa'aMaiiaiar JafcoRiMeathaLerTlioa g Beabrook'a 
Uparal>>., tam»m*>ara me wi*h aonraniraof the com. 
paoi'atour. and vrlUaof Ibe eicepilonally la*Ba buai. 
PDaaliUaur tadulna ihrtrtigh Teaaa and Iheffaaihem 

circuit Man'gir llariy J. Faw*ra, of lloolev'a, 

cauMdiliearreat Hatorday night nt D. P. Waiara whn 
repreaaoied lilmaelf aa eorreapoodent of a New York 
poSlicallua, tbareby galnlog the eouiiaalaa of ibe bouae 

PnciiSar.^At tte I'oven Orand *Tlte DerH s 

Anclton." Rna. 1, badagood >'nuia Roa*<>>glilui p!aaHd 
a aplaadld anilaoca 1. 'I-II-H" did waH V. Tlie Umae 
Hmdapf r.ife" did not almw up a aa billed. Ceaitog: 
WillteroiiUr >3 'Bport MoAilUitr" U.Jaa. J. Corbelt 
ir, "A Trip to Cbloaiowo" 1> DoBBelly aad UlrardSI. 

PenrU.— At tbe Grand Upera House "A Rail, 
rood Ticket," plajad in a large bonaa Not. 0 The ra- 
marodarof tha wtak tlialMwaa waadark. Coming: Doa* 
oaily aaduirard "Frieadi" SI. 

MI6S0URI.-[!»t-eraBQ iM.] 

Bi, Josaplii^At Tootie'B Tbtttre "Friends" 
case Kor. 7, aod da Hgblad tbe Urgeet aodleoeeof ilie 
leawB. Tba *t H. O." Sign waa dliplayad early la tbe 
eviolor. "Darktit Bueala" eame 10. wltb isallMe- 
Coaroy and Foi, lo "iloi Tamaleai" play a latara 
eflgag«maot It. Al H. Fleld'a NIottraU l», PallaMorrta 
19,Fau|loaRall II. 

caAwi-uRO'eTHBATBB -Tba b«vse wudark Ibapaai 
watR KetiBurgasa' "Tbe Ooaoty Fall" Ud»h, tbe 
Willtr FnierUlomaet <;«. O. SI. 

KUR.v HtasB.— Bualne*a tha peat week waa oplrfa'r. 
Tbe people for waak ol 11: Iba Malya, Maggta Lm ClarPi 
H«b>.7» Boaa. Bold and Burke, Worth and Maraball. 
Tairn anl Manaue. Kiuie Ueaa'xo, the FarkiOMOBi 
and Uie Jacola Family Bead, 


Da1Ut.«iAt lbs Opera lloue Tonj rariell did 
wallKuv.A 'Upldarattd Fly"bto) thrae rood boaaeef, 
:0. 'Tbe t>ait-er" comH U, 'Tbe Bllver Ktag"l«,lB 
Plt»n He#tli Yaw IS. 

JtfSHiLb'a-XelMa MeTlUa. Pied Oarett, nyaa aad 
Im, Ora«P Letter, Iba Meodyla, Clara Lawrenca, 11111 
*"«A. UiaVMioretlta. I.IIUm U*. J^la HrlgMTUarrr 
tfelmeaaal Latatawloa. Mawar Mills lias dosed bfa 
4;sap ttcsat bosfs loui ibe kolldsys. 

UlBSDnonncedtbat UansierJobD U. naisell 
IsiflffBilnifroDiaserlons attack o( norvouiproa- 
tralloD and will be taken (o a saBliarlniD for iroat- 
ment. Too olose sppiioallon to buslnosR and bnsl* 
nets reveraee are said to ho iho raiiacs of his hrvak- 
iBB down, llasaell's Comedians disbanded Nov. 11, 
larbiladelptiia. 1^ 

— Notesof *'Our1KiroUiy"Co. : Wo aro now In 
the heart of Raaiero Arkausaa and plailnK to lond 
hnoMS nlflbtly. ilosebaak UaloiolDcd at Newport 
and Is dolnitadvanoe work. Tiio nicmbcra ot ibe 
oompaoy presented Uanafier o. u. Jolinstono wlib 
aneoRrAvedcanoat Joneaboio, lluah 1.. UcKay 
made the presontallon apoeob. IngnttiHin'a "l.tiilo 
Cyclone*' band la a drawing card, Kddio V. Uower 
la still wltb tbo ooropsoT, 

— "Jaclata, or tbe Maid ot MauMnlllo,'* atvo 
aot comlu open by Wm. 11. Lrpert, mualo hy 
Alfred (I. Ilobyn, whtob waa orlalnally sdiib liy 
amateora at ino Ooatrs Opera llotue, fit. rAitl, 
HlDn.. Uay S3, \m, wu aunr iry profouionals nt 
tbe Grand opera Uoose. Philadelphia, ra., Nov. VJ, 
Loutae Beandet playing iba llilo rule. 

— Tbe Oftade ((qoare Tbpatro, lioaion. Mtas., waa 
dedicated Not. TJ, when "Capt. rani,'* a tonr act 
patrloUo drama, by K. K.UoBe,wu aotoil fur ibf 
first time on rot suge. 

— Itoae OoBbian will soonpmdnco a now play 
rlUeo for net by Mra. Pacbcco, ouilik'd *'Tit 


— Annls Uojd Is aald lo be moeilng wltb auccoia 
wllb *'A Trip 10 tbo Olty" Co. 

- 1>. U, woods, manager ut Jan. It. Walto*a Weal- 
em Oomcdj Co.. rcporu lioalness as il MirlahlnE. 
CaiTle LewlH ta ibesttr, sopponed Iit W, j. iiigitci', 
l«ee Stomi, Walter Woods. Kuiene Kilswoith, T. J. 
Hbearer. H. I>. licOdlloagb. Kreil K. Ihtno. i^apliola 
Uarsball, and lltHe Rihel Uay, Tito company la 
booked sollil for the season, 

— "Tbe land ot Ibe l.lvlnR'' waa soled fnr iho 
flrat tlino on any stage at Htiioactt'a (Iraod Oi>crA 
llouso.Kan Kmnclsoo, Cal., Nnv, rj 

— Htiurt Uobeun'fl now pbty, "Tbo Iniorlnpcr. or 
tbe Feet of Venus.*' written by tho Fmiioh iiratna- 
tiit, AdrtsD narhnase cvpoclally fnr Mr. UoIihud. 
wu played fortbe Aral time ai Iho (IntodUpeni 
Uooae, Indianapolis. Hid., Nov, to. 

— Nutea from tbe HlnnloHowanlUo.: This com- 
pany. Instead ot oloeing doring tho eiclilng elec- 
tion times, canco.eil a nomber of larRo towns, ami 

Euttbe tlmo lo eicellebt rcaalta in soveral small 
>vns of Northern Now York, HIhi Howard haH 
purobaaed A. Ht. T^oroDz'a Interest la tho oonipany, 
and ibat geniioinin ta no longer oonnootcd with tho 
sbow. A.J. WlldtRConilnueasaltuainrss manager. 

— [Mnard OnMnn will oluio wlih tho Jamoa 
Yonng(;o.oo Not. '.£I. 

— Notes from llalrn Broa.* ' lloniply Diimpiy" 
No. 1: UaslDeuoontlnnrs good. Kitty Hharp haa 
iMWo obliged to lay off on account of sluknrsn, but 
la on the road to recovery. Ura. Ohaa. K. uolby 
]olQf d ber huriband 1 for a vlsll. Uur hand Is nisk - 
ingahlL We make iho dowr afteols' Uvea miser- 
able wben they recelTO tbo"oM relhiblo*' if Hie 
Dumlfor Is limited. 

Ouy I.. Field Joined aiwry's Aiook Vo. at Klml- 
lay. 0 , Nor. 9. fur Juvonllr, light oomedy and 

— Rob Vlncootlnforinsnsthat ho lissrcorganl/ctl 
tbo "Conilemncd for Mfu** Uo. 

— Nolo and n^slur ot "A l.liKiriy noil" Co.: iiiir 
Irualnoaa tvaa t>een unlfonnly gnod. lloxter: Frank 
Wills, Jobn Wills. Ktiiroa Hlcitel, Kitia llrlime. 
Mablo Ward. Hoy vcroun, Cora Wuoil. Aliro John- 
non, Jaiiiea Ubcrry. Tom Uack antl ihu rrlioroso 

— Tbo Itlclisrdson Th^atro. (hiwcgo, N. Y., la 
tieArh)gcompleilnn,aiid It la r.Npecicti tn lutvu the 
house In readlDoaa fur npoulug by ClirlMliiiafi. 
JORTpli A. Wallaca, furmerly tnanager of iho AiriI- 
omy of Uuslu ID tho same olty, will bi* tlio lituliiik t 

— Katet;bikU>n bRB purohascd "Uy Udy Rock- 
ies*,*' a plAT whlub Arthur Furrrst la sitbl lo bavo 
aecuredin l*arls. Mnic. Janaosuiiok will be lu ibe 
cist when It Is produced. 

— Uailio Toiranoe Is playing "Uowllne'* wIlliM, 
B. Leavlu*a '^ttpldorandFly." 

— Kdward F. l>ATls wrliea ns that It wss not Itia 
U. T. U." Co. Uwl plajud week ur Out. at tho 

ItnblDson Upera IIoom. Uloclunatl, u., but was a 
oompany bearlDg a similar nsiiie. 

— we are Inrormod thit Uunagor Heorie A. 
Ilakrr» ot the llaker opera Uu„ on Nov. iT, left 
Newport, It. I., wlioru tho compiny viu plating. 
Oor Infortiunt also siatrH that the mumiwrsot Hiu 
company had not recelvwl thoir aabtrlcs fur laat 
week. It Is surmised ibat Ur. Itakor intunda tu 
go 10 Kitrope. A new manager haa Iicen Rbonred. 

— '*l'oiaiis('n ''a twoacivunilo upera, by lioul^e 
Kalluy and Bitloil Woods, wag snug fur Hid ami 
llmeonsny aiageal Furd's Up:ra lluusu, liaUl* 
more. Md., Nut. n. 

— Louis llartman tricit bis rcw three sctioUl- 
tary drama, "Folloil," it the l.ia uiiib n|>cru lloiiw. 

H'lndanl, N. Y., Nnv. lu. Ila *>i .iipixiiu il li. I'Ajr 
WInlbrop, i. l.lvlDi.ion, Juhn II. i.'nno, IMtrir 
Ok«d, ta. O'CoDMn, Uoli Jickaon. Kcl. U. llnDlcy, 
llirrt JoDct, KaiUi Uuitnn mul I,. Iig Vrro. 

— Nnua Iron Fred I). Hir.illn', llalu Urcn.' 
Mw *'lluiiiitt7 Ihimpij."— Wo mto noi. in nur 
foDrlli w«ek, «od sro pUtlfig lu trdnfinilou. Iiuil- 
DCHi IB r«DiU]flviDii. Tlio I'lown linihl mnkH ■ 
OOT.I alttti pwade, ud !• » l>lg dMWIog rard 
tTer7«li«r<. Tht cornpaDf Iintn'wii Ililrl. prniilr 
.Dil Ibe iMDtoinlrao i, ^i^giil wiih » ruil iin, ut 

riropa., nfinb.nlcal tnait mid irluk .coooiy, .ml 
• uoder Uin ptmoil dlrecilua ut cIkii, lUvel, 
Milled lijr wvli clertr peoplo u IKimiIi. Iiucior 
b nino, II. 11. UnDDdl, Vr.nk .Mini, iiiko, 
Jamoa H*.OD, K. V. Jimei, WilUaiii A.lii'in, llarrr 
AtblDO, I.occUj, lh,H'B!eia Uirii, •«'», I'rymdilile, 
Ihe L« t^fde Iroiipii ul d^uceta, II. A. Illiikio, li 
II. Htiiintlralli, II. T. I.jncli, (lhaa. * a.iaiyrli. 
VUi, '/.Her, Fred Witireo, A. Hnillli, Turn Uo- 
Alliaier, y. tVh ilnst, K. ,\. Hplcer aim K. ,V. ■i.itr. 
leu, Wlih Fred li. Hirani'i, aole prupiltu.r auil 
muiger; \. !>. Ulnditll, goiionl kbcii': IIuiIkii 
UaUlnglcD, UBlaUiil ageni, ud Ihoiilckduoke/, 

— LIVI* aeerile llunilniioD Kill tuil on her 
lour Nor. 33, ilvlug pirlur muatcalca anil drftiilnx 
room reoliila. Hheiebuuked fur pilvaie fiigaur. 
ouDIa In WaahlDRiog, lulilmore, rmiailelphla, 
Trenton, New Yi rk, Alxiny and urrial Nutliieiii 
clilcf. the nur r jiiciid her lu ir ihniugii iho pru. 
rlnce ol (Mnua. Miue (leurgle irlli Ue Mcom- 
psolf d liy her pwoDU. 

— Owing toeleciloneicllomeni lluuglaa' Vuinedir 
Uo. UMOIotedUrnporarllr In liuraugo, u<,lci,,wiieia 
J. H, Iiouglaa ttlll <ii|itnl7.i a Muck mmiatD; ii> 
opnlhenowllarMgo (ipvra lluuip, lla:.aairr II, 
L. nice Iji Having lila huil«i tijulppcd wHIi Hoaiiiau 
t LmkIIi' aceo.r/ and eiKiiiu lighia. 

— UlaiaOulielt and child, Jack I'alincr and Buit 
AodiiiMgn WlU "In Ihe Toodeikiln." 

— Oeorgle Ulckiuo J 'lned the rolierlielew Oo. 
UCblcagq, lll.,Nor. in. 

— ■ Th«Browole.,"QOwlitlngpla;ed at Ihe Four- 
Uoglfeglfeat Tlicairr, Ihlacil;, lia. Iircn raanluu 
liT (lien Molloooiigh, and ilie nrw vcnlon waa pre- 
KOied for tbe drat tins la llutton.Uaw,, Nov. In. 

— Annie Utlmodt will altortijr juin "I'M llauliln 

-AdaClnr, who la lirlog Idle lo ibUclir thla 
week, playa at Ibe (Inad upeia lluuar, Uoauiu, 
Haaa.| neit week. 

— ti. W, Drowning arrtred In Uil.cllr Nnr. [0, 
barlnalen Ua Kalla KranMUHhoir In ValiriirnU. 
Uen. w. H;ilner, Irom the muu couipao;, arnvtd 
here .1. 

— t'hartei T. Nlaliola lor Uo pati lour week, haa 
keen lying III at lila r<aldenca In 1I1I4 city. He waa 
taken wits pneumoela, Irom which lie loourtred, 
but going out b* liad » relapae , aod on Nur, lu waa 

— Fred T. Uann Jolna Nnu' Jolllilea at Wlliiilog. 
U)D, N.O,, Nor. It. The ciiropanjr report niaktoa 
OMnej and 1*7 tbay are offered rtturo dalea wlin 

— Attar tba ereolng purlermance nl llaita Uroa.' 
Uo. at reinlirooke, uin.. Nor. in, the memiiera or 
tha compaDy were liani|oeiied by the proiHlelor cl 
tba tiJHiand llouw. 

— UdsajIkioUiwaaaddM 10 Ibe Jamn ii'Nelll 
foroalaal wetk m UuiIod, Maaa. 

— Hiell* Hwa play. wim llanlgan'a Uo. (or ■ lireo 
weakB,c«mDunclng.Sor. li, aa Laura Uviawell, lu 
'•OM Lareniler." 

— Ilosbir ot the lloatoo Ooned/ Coirpaor, now 
tourlof Paouylraula: W.lij Wni, llarrr Cliaain, 
Ojlua Obspln, Francta liiw, Lawrence Heed, iierc 

King.Uecll Uhaplo. llettr Duncan cnapin. Mldiet 
Weal, l.iuia Marfr, Hri. Halls Hook, aod Uiu, Willi 
rrot. aid9,j.Hooi. The/ are playing w.llr 
Weal'a coDcdic,, "Pulliica" and 'A Bunanu," 
Harry Ubapln'a comedy, "A liuconuniad iriro," 
aad Ceylon Uh.plo'a melodranua. "The Tender- 
foot" and "Mao to Hao." tVally Weat and llarrr 
VhatlQ are Ibe msoagera. 

— Hoeaile Koolt hat I eeh trasiti rred li«ii "Old 
ojory" to "rhe Voiuii King." K<lwaid KioU Ig 
alao wllb Ibe taller, 

- Mark Tball U la tbla city, aoiionaly Ul, 

[Von-liuiB «li FiOt (M,J 



November 17. 



OEO. W. KEIL, Uaum. 



f<ratr wati p*r llB«, mbu (TP* DMan; ip*M or 
loan ttm —tk (MvMsit. A diduUga of B ft ami U 
aUovitf oa adwUMOHU vb«o paid lor thna obatho 
la adraaaa, lad on idTOttlMmaata aaatarlai UD Ua« 

•f non 

Om roar, b adnaoa, M; lU awatha, U; UinamoaUu, 
ronliBpactafaailre. tlaiiloupUBiMotatataali. 

THK ULXmn U lanod mrj Wadaaadar nofalaa' 
na mhjnk aa4 IMk (adTanulaa) faita 00 TO razA 
ON iioiniAT. aad Uio MU, UU IM olUr Mai ea 

The Torma OIoiliic Promptly at 4 F JL 

niaaa ranlt bj aipraaa noaar oidar, afaaali,r.O. 
d*r or lafflateno lalUr, and 

Par (ha Bdltorlal or th* BnalBMt 
Vapsrlmant to 


r. O. Boi 0,1136, or OUrPBB BtnLDIKO, 

tad n Caatia Stiaal, Ha> Tork. 
la Eaalaad— Taa Ourraa oaa ba obuiaad, vboUiaJa 
ftod ralAll. of oar uaalA Bollb. AlnaUa A Oe., a KoT' 
eaatia auaal, nraad. 

la rnaoa-Taa Ourraa Uoa lala at Bnotaao'i oawa 
dipot, IT Atiaga do I'Opoi^ faila. 

M> TUB hbw vonK olippbh pab- 

llaliaaeBi)r«Ba*<iUloB,aBd tk»t U dm tad 
nrom If ew York. ^B 



AODianaOBwaaaBAaomaoTOiTiif. Auiaqoaar 
or iooa aaoDLO waira to noaa vaoa mat ain, ii 
QAUorTNECLll'PEBroarurnoB. all Limu will 
ia Aoraanuo on wbba orlt. Ir tib aom or ajir 
rnaiTaiOAL ooariar la aoooar. aana n ova usr or 
aoota OK utonia rioi. WaoAaaaraao lovTia bt 


0. K. B., HtHarUiiattU.-l, L TirenlT dolltni per 
wwk, wlUi iran>|Hiria<ioD, In clllier <;aac. Tlie ad 
raiUaemciil irnuld cn.t l al] ctoia. 

A. 0., Wuronior.— Tne riAIrr or ilio coqpauT ap- 
peartdlaoDrlMoaolOi:!. 13 

J. H. ll.,llMckuiu.— None or Ilio parlleayou men- 
Uoii OTor appeared at tiiat tiouM. 

UiK.— We do DOl nio li'Uora or tbti eon, ud lutve 
DO rocolleouon or Iba manor. 

A.T., Uu Uula.-Addtna a lelier lolI.W. l.lDk, 
auDagor of Uip "l.u>t In K(;pi" U<>., ai per rouio 
In thin iBBuo. Mr. Link waa uianager ol Uio Wait 
burn Uliow. 

U. N.— Hlokard UHDatcId nppcartd In "Or. Jok;ll 
and Ur. Il;de" ai the Hadlaou liquaro Thutre, ihM 
oil;, on Sept. 13, 1M7. nil waa the Ural Now York 
prioocUun of Ibu plar. 

H. K., Baiiloiure.— Tlie parij la a well known 
rauiienlle perlonncr, wlio keadi ilie company 
bcarlug hcrnatiie. 

A. H., BU TlHiaiBa.-lt will be dinioull, ir not la- 
poulble, lor tou lo aeoure an ouiagcuieBl wittooi 
comlBg to ilila olij, and eren licro four oIuuo'b 
wouldue illtu. (kweoll toe manager uf four local 

L. II. F., OInej.— 1. Aa wo bavo no Idea what 
Bon or Uimj jou poeseia. we onuoi Inlelllgentir 
utwerjrourqwailon. 9. Kirljlo tlio Spring. 3,4. 

I n BdverlUlog jou mult bo goremed by your owa 
InleUlgenoe. Heo ratta at the bead ol ilili column, 

A. B H.-l. Yes. % Ttmy an not bnibere. 

W. W. K., Mawark.-rrauk W. Banger and Henry 
t. Ltillr, HaHlaou Bqnare Uarden, tbls city. 

J. U v., Pnilidelpbla.— We bava bad no reoont 
lnuilllgen>:e rruni tue party. Addreaa letierlu wre 

11. H. U., New nartrord.-Addreaa ibe parly In 
oar care. 

U. Baydb.— 1, a. None lhat we know «r wliero 
poalllooB are lutranleed. a. Alwut ten dollara 
per woi'k. 4. Vut Inrormailon ooncorniug terma 
jou mnit apply lo Uie dlirerenl autiouia. 

M. J. H., Ubicago.— Hitrlo VauonI pliiyed Kury- 
dtoe In ihe lint pcrlomianiM ot "Urpbeue aud 
Knrydlce" at Uie Uijou upora llouae, tbie oiiy, 
Voo'l, IIU 

0. 0. U., lAnlirllle.— Tblrly-lTe dollan per we«k. 

J. 1). klou., Kuoxrllio.— Tlie young inui aboutd 
■eek • piislilun In the cbnrue of an opera coiupauy, 
uid tliuatcqolra a knowledge ol auige iiu^mcn. 
tniillng to bli voice lo eeouta adnnceiuouc 
Uood lauora *n In cuiiitaut demand. 

CoxniNT lliiiiBB.— 1. Addrtaa W. A. Pond, Zi 
Union Square, tbiB city. 1. We never lumlib IH' 
tomuiiluu nJDceruliig ibe reltaliUliy or aoy one. 

a, P. W., FblladolpbiB.— AddrriB tbe panlet In 
oat* of Tni ULirrkH.aud we wlU adreniee Ibe 

TUBO A'B, Itook liland.— 1. Tbere la no lair, 
nor oopyrigbl, rtairlctiug tbe perCormtnce ot iba 
act. 1 IlKro le a demand, and Me lou ir well 
done would ooiunjand a bigb Hgure, but aa be- 

Slunerayiiu would pivbably get alwuiieTeniy.llve 
ollara per week. 

U.Q., Dau Franclico.— "Tlie lllaok Crook" w*i 
Irat BrcieDieil Bept. 13, isee, at NIklo'a Uarden, 
tula city. 

H. W. M., Albeua.-l,3. About twenty dollan 
per week «ttli elilior company. 3. luqulio ot tbe 
union «I8 UoloD H(|iutre. Ihla city. 

0. W., HilwHukee.-Wo hare no knowledge ol 

y.J. K., Hoobeiter.— Apply to roaiutfeta of tb- 
riely cuupai lea or iHiweii. Wo rsnnnt quote la) 
ary wlUout knowing ibo meilt or Ibe Bteiob. 

L T. U., U'Hitr IlitpldB.— We have no knowledse 
. or tour >ou. Adorvaa a loticr In uur nie and we 
will adveniBU li. 

Mkii. p. L.-1. We never funilih private ad- 
drraara ut pmr»aliinala. Addreaa loiter Id care ot 
Tut Ci.iri-KH. 3. Hbe l> wlib Uio "I'tliiccas Uon. 
nie" Uu. Waii'b nnr ruuio liai. 

J.O.,Knrih UrookOdd.— Advorllie your want In 
TUB ui.ii'i'«H. Hte miea at fnid at tbie column. 

T. 0.— ik'Uil two cupica ot tbe aong, villi prlolod 
title page, lugrihirwiih one dollar, to tbe liloranaji 
ot Ooogreea, waalilnglan, l>. 0. 

B, B., riqua.— We never ailvlao any oio lo adopt 
a proteialoiial oarerr, nor do we Ihtnk you aland 
muob Oban CO or acourlog an enaagcnienU 

t'. a.ll.,liBlla8.— Wobavohaif no recent Intolll. 
nnoe dlivcUy rrom ibu eiiow, Tbe advance, can 
No. 1 anil No. 3 have bolh turned In, and Ibe ahow 
baaelttierRooo inio Winter quarteraor la about to 
do 00. AddrealoUtrlncarool TBHOiirraR. 

L, U., Loudon.— Addreaa louor In can ot Tni 


W. 8. P., Ml. Joseph -Address Bchuitt A Co., StI 
Uanal Hlrtel, Kow York Ulty. 

B. II, Andeiaini.— Adilri-sa leltrr lo Adam For«. 
pingte III carrot Tub UMi'i'BH. 

T. K. It, Bnoaliu.— Nu, but tbe post ollloe la for 
proCtaalunal people only. 


U. K. U., Peorls — Any stialgtat nub Is a "royal" 

II tub. 

J. p.. New Y'ork.— The bands are equal In valoN 
W. H.O., Uurncllsvillr.-B goes out on low and 

U. K., New York.-The hsnd was toal.aod tbe 
plarernnit aland ontot ihe game. 

W. B. W:. Ouncord.- The aoo never tiansteiB. 

U. K. L., New York.-A la right. U oould take 
only one ot the cards discarded ny B. 

A. B. U., llsnf.iM.-Tbo ace Is bIgb and Ihe doDte 
low In the gsmea ineniluDM by you. In euobie 

T. K., n'asblogion.- T1i« rule bearing on ike 

KInt ivada as tollows: "It Ihe hand Is played lo 
oonolosinn, and bolb plaieia ooani only sixty. 
■ve, neither can soon, but the winner ol tile nut 
band aooivs one point eilra " 

11. T. C BalUe Ore«k.-A player In Jack pot poktr 
Is Dsmltied to split a pair to draw lo a tonr il'ish or 
itialgbt, and be Is not compelled lo do other tbsn 
plaoe his disoaid In th* pnper place is th* dlsatrd 
pUe, BO that Us ran show the card In case ot sultae- 
qnsit dUpQie. Ue Is not obliged to eipose his 

n. 0. L., Key West.— 1. Tbe Innmt threw on 
fsccrd ol a oasehall Is I33ids. III. ) .Sin , bv Jobn 
Uallald, Oct. le, 1113. at Hrootlyn, K. Y. I. 
Bohrtver, oneottbeoalohertot Ihe Uhloago OInb, 
olalniBinhavocaoihiabBll threBii from the top 
ot tbe WublgglonllDBament on Aug. tt, im. 

P. 0. 0., Tornnto.-l. Tbe lariitiit total In u 
International ortcket contest siialnst a vIsltlDg 
foreign eleven Is tbe m scorrd by the Pblla- 
dilpbla eleven against ibe AnstnlliDs, Bept. 90, M, 
Oct. 3. 1N3. at Philadelphia, Pa. 3. The Knicker- 
bocker learn scored 83( ,>nd tbe Philadelphia team 
made M tor the lose ot two wicket* when Uu 
stomp* were drawn, July 31, 116) 

T. W,i Baltimore.— Paoknam never platrd lett 
trld, as he olilms, with the ulnclnnsU ll'ds Is 
im or 1110. Theontdeld ottne Clncinnail leami 
lo tbiae two yan consisted ot Leonard, Usriy 
Wriibtand llofey,and the SDbstliates were Unr 
ley, Ufan and Atwaler. 

N. E. U , New Orleana— A leir BddressM snd 
stamped envelope s-nt it each ot tbe managers or 
Ihe leans or the Nauonal Ltsgueaad American As 
soolaiinn would donhiless obtain tor yon tbe Inlor- 
mallon yon ate in searoh ot, 

U. T7,-0harles Uweeney, Ihe ez-profeaslonsl 
pliober lolned tbe Providence (Hob In im. Tbat 
Kssnn ward waa a member ot th* New York team. 
Bwecnry nmsined wllb the Providence tcsm until 
•bow the Diddle ot tbe season ot isu, when be 
Jumped his contract and joined Ibe St. Louis td 
ot the Onion Aisnclatlon. 


W. u. R., Qolncy.— According lo pnbllo state- 
mvnia the length of reach ot tbe ptiiles mentioned 
la SB tollows: James 1. Uorbett, Sziiia.: Bob Flit 
BimmoDS, loxiu. Tnis, we Bnppoae, la approxl' 
maiely coned, but It Is hardly sate to waser 
money on tbe ilguna. 

N. W , Seheneciady.-Bee answer to "W. 0. K." 

J. M. 0., (Jolocy.— We rarer joo to answer to 

0. W. 11., Hlnceanolls.— Aa George Dixon Is a 
llghtwelglit, he coold not bold a teatherwelsbt 
obamplonship lielL 


H. T., PawtockeL-Untll iho Uecord Board ot 
the League or American Wheelman pass on tbe 
time he la supposed lo bare msde at UniTslo wo 
cannot give you a poalllve anawer. 

BuaiH, Washington.— In CSS* nellberdnb ncored. 
tbe party who bet on Princeton would lose, ot 


W.B., Toronto.- It Is not a somtoh ItAcaused 
tbe one bull to take a cushion alter striking Ibo l( 


7,. R., Uemphls.— Then are twooiy-tonr peraons 
of that name In tbe directory, but no one with the 
address on Orsen Htreeu 

BovB iND UuakiK.- YonahoQld consnltuie hrawer 
from whomyon intend to pnroliase yoor snppilea 

J. B. K., Tracy.— The teat baa been perlormed re' 
poal«diy. For fonber lulormatlon eee record* In 
Tug Oi.iri'BB ANNOiL under bead ot "Remarkable 

OiHim— not know when the article can be 
purcli ued. Oommunlcain with 8p<uldlog & Uroa., 
lit Nuaao Sireet, New York, who may be able lo 
Ininart the desired Inionnailon. 

IU11.HOAD, Jaoksxnvllle.— As deOned Ihe word 
"plenllty" means "the eioeaa ol votes caet ror 
OM indlvlilusl over those cast lor any one ol sev- 
eral coiopeling candidates. ConsrqueDtly A wins. 

Fi-onins OHicma, Jacksonville.— See answer to 

A BiTTOB, New York.— iQ order to obtain a nails- 
taciory answer we would advise you to write to the 
party himsell. 

U. W. H.-Card would cost one dollar. 


To VorrMpoBd«ii4i> 
DiL fioiAinn— Tb« booki O S. Thuki fur mutj 

L. M. r-TiARiiB — Poiliroo nnliMl with tbuV*. 
((. A. BuHDir*.— Tb* npMttd did oot hipiwD. 
ft. y (htTRmoia— ToarkiDdD**itpprMlai«d. 
B. U. YmhaKh — MaDj tbufef for luiei. 

New York Brooklyn, 
no N»w fork lean wtDt to BrooktyD uodsrths leader 
Htalp ol Dr. R«hMriir ead B H. Yaomuii, «bo fiMoUd to 
ndeem iheir lut defeat. CoodlUoDi were not laroTahle 
to tnt out the full atreofth of ibe rlaren, u 0. Coaklv. 

ATen and lUrrrriMabtirT could doc attend Ud 
theotber Bide UieBraoklroa were abort B V.Bplller. T. 
Fleo.J y Rath boo aod oneortwootben. The pUjen 
were pair«1 aa foUow: 

HuvYoRK. Wan BaooiLTif. Won.Dnwn 

Dr. Hehaeler 8 J. T. WaelilDRioD 0 1 

Wm OolflB fi UelflD BrovD 0 4 

A. Polalb 0 A. .1. De Pneit 1 1 

H. Haiwell 0 H P.oauuder 0 4 

F BwaiD 1 J JnbDtrr 1 t 

JobD MeEDtee t W. A. Harlan 3 0 

U.RtAwan 8 J. Wnr ^ 0 

W. HllilDgtlr 1 W.Ollieo 1 I 

B. a QonoD 0 Tboi Pilnt. 0 t 

u. rr»Deb I) &J. Binpaea 9 1 

Total»-New Yorb-.IO Broohlro... 


All ramea uDOolabed at II r ■ wor« adjudicated bt 
ur Bebiefer. Tbeo the pleien aad ttarlr frleDda ed* 
Jourvh) lo a fpread tbat bad bei-o piepartd b| tbe orden 

or Fntf FIIbE Ooe of the obaracterlauoi ol a |ood 
chHker plajer li that he uieallf pnU ibe eanie'nirn 
Id bla work aner the fimea aa well aadurlof them. Tbe 
BroofeljDtui were w«n plMHdwiih tb* malt, m ibe 
Naw York playere bare a mooh Iftrier oamber to leleec 

Halation ofPoaUlon No. 30, Vol. «SI. 

Blaek e 8 U IS IS n M 
WblieSI fl 87 38 16 14 
White to nlav aad » Id 
II n IS IT n t4 21 M 19 1 
11 Itl B I* m n 18 II WhlUwlD*. 
If 18 18 tl 81 84 8 18 

PoaUlOB No. »7, Vol. «9. 

Whilv ft 9 18 14 n 91 K dl 
White to play, blaek to draw 


UBOIO No. J7q Vol. 
Plured lo New York reoeetlj between Ilanr Piltaburf 
aDdJaa. MoEntee. Mr.PIMibntT plMedblaU 

11 18 . 10 17 16 19 SI b n n 

D 18 II 14 18 11 7 10 DM 

18 axa) 4 H 8 16 a Id n ao 

N 18 a » 18 11 10 14 a a 

10 14 18 B) II 18 IS U IS IT 

tt II 19 18 II 17 14 a a IS 

8 II M IT 81 a 0 14 II a 
a IT 31 14 8D IS 8 3 14 18 

11 16 a r 18 a 8 b an 

17 10 n 18 10 T 8 7 18 O 

6 14 IT SI 8 lU 8 1& SB 

18 19 a a 14 7 7 11 IS If 

7 10 IT 16 18 n a i[ 
a II a 11 7 8 II 18 17 a 

SM 7 II k 9 14 17 n 

17 18 18 8 7 18 10 

9 IS a 16 mm it ii 

ir 14 18 IB 11 d to 14 

(dllBftsun* between Meean A. Pollak and A.J. De- 
rroekt the followlDR waa pUj«d. Mr. -^IIU plajed 

M 14 n a IS n o ib is it 

— n II - - ~ - 

- a 17 

IT II Willi* wine. 

a D 

a 9 

3 7 

a H 

r 10 a 17 6 18 18 II 17 II 

14 19 9 13 If U 7 10 ll a 

8 11 18 8 10 19 Id 14 WbllowlnL 

n U 8 U » 18 10 17 

18 a) 81 B 16 II 14 

Nowa of the Obbko. 

JaDiea MeEntee ba« been mekioR tb* r>0Dde ei the 
TBVloaa ohtoker leeorte id New Verk. BnwkUn, Jerter 
Ottj. Newafk. Pateteos and other nwbr eitiea. Ue la 

a ••roQii laoie. aod tb* Mew York plajeta are 

r. M» ' " 

, ... ^. idiTd-.. 

propoee te have a oheeSer earBlTal^aod dMliw^the eo- 

.lejlbB a ••rooK _ 

pleaeed t« eee bin ai anr time.. _ _ - - 

OD tap for ThenkeitlviDi otj. The New York playere 

..RonethlDv new la 

pfVfV^ HI BBT« m WlWaVI CWBIIMi ■«« vwmttw USV w 

operatlon ot Brooklyn, Jertev City, Newark end Peter- 
•oa. Bmwii will be eeiiac«o aod eheekei* will be ta 
faablon momlnit. afleratxMi end eT*Bi«i It le to b* 

will be eenai 

■■Wliugi rnvrdlniti afteTB*)Ov< wsv vsvasasa •* b* w b« 

bop*d that the piajere from the ollloe aeeUooed wiU 
lake aa iDtereel Id ihe prqjeei, end live ui<lr bearij 
•upport. Full lafnrmatlnn ran be.hed bv eddieeetoi 
IL 11. Ye<-maDa, S» Teat Thlrlr-Miilt BirveU New York. 

Wjllie la laT^nti'ili >eare oM Martina ta BeTHir* 

tw%, Bntb have beoD ohamplona la Ihelr dar. and at* 
f*t eiliaordlDaTllr eironit pU>er*. Manlna bM nan/ 
Iriaodi. Willie Barer hedUiad lo claim the champlftB* 
ihlh even thoujh be loot the UU* and a Dwaej aiele la 
bU mei«h Wllb Teiei Tbeo ha Wi ibe Utle aad tivo u> 
Jaa ReedJr Thea Ferrle rh«U*Bied bini for the Utle 

eaaiir. Ha (Ferrle) Ueo callediiltDaeU ebamploa ol th* 
wf^rra. It Be*er aeemed to iroabia him In ibe leaai abrni 
Baikor a abeolate ewnerrbip ol Ibe illle. Tb* tiUe la 

Jwaed by 0- F. Betk«r, or Boaion, be bavlnf won It Iron 
. p Reed, who wo« Its with BUQ^r deiaelt, rton Wyllie, 
For Perrle to thlah that be bae a ihadow el a rtikt la U* 

till* la ridlnlooa Inibeeitreme Araoet tb^e'elm 

•Ota lAiliIeeof world** chanpifw If ihet pui forthwith 
0 D.M)eiTnw'* name ettacbed u> t> Tbe Pltuborcan, 
with Iho B*rieUDoe f t jtu Derrg Nnu.mjtO D 8her- 
rovli Ibe colored cbaotrfoB or ihe wArld. Thep bare 
DO rifht to Bdrance a clam or that wrt Picnplj be- 
caara be plarr lood ebeekan ther •diIUo him warn 
ploD. That remrBda a* ol tbe fact tbat dnrlDit iha pa^t 
IweBtjrTaaja we have heard ol at !•««( adoien pheDom'e. 
oai»,Wia.,badluHradi.UlaxKowlf RtewBTttNewllamp- 
■hire lie lllll. eixl oow the tabwt la Poioaror. of Pblladel- 

!hla Aliaeaptarefv, but dodo wf,rid heaur*, uiret...- 
■ B PoMetpeetaaooD (0 p!ai B J Varleratnet^D....v. 
Riodle defeated T Boreban lo tbair mifh lortbe Maw 
Z^alaod ehimpioDablpbyih* acore of: lirDdle.7: Bore- 

hani.4: drawn, II -laik HeEniM.whI'e Here, plored B. 

F ClAoeerasd beat biffl badly Tbtplaiereoi Maoor. 

Pa., propoae boldlDir a tonmey on TbarkagiTlDf Day 

Rretrbody lOTitrd It la eiMci««l tbat a larier 

acffraiatloD of cbvckar pterer* will be Id UiU diy on 
TheoheglTlDi Dav than erar bernre 

To ComipondeBla* 
Ja SB Mbt— YoD win be laur*ated Ia lee what a 
worthy brother eaya <n rr l,*73 We are grieved t» bear 
ol roorillaeee; hope rent wlU eoon raeiore yourvlior 
and TlraDltr. 

Di. F. A. llDiifAVB.— Ooodl w* evidently rvaehad the 
right mao that line Aato what "looka inmoealble for 
yoato aoir*," remamber ibe old rbymlBg iDloBotha: 
"AUempt the eod, and aerar eland In doubt, 
NMblog eo b>rd bat aeareh will Ood It oot." 
Bro. UABitTOJf.— Tnily. we do out wiab to "poich ob 

Kor preearrfi;" bat do Botan appropriate Dr ll-eaio 
rblio inHD wriilog ue wbeaanitotog ofaueclal laier- 
eet tomi o^wblcb neant about OTerr week 

Bho. Ubiobm BUI. -A« Problem i,V74 la eredlted lo TM 
rimn, we appeal to inn aod your PbiladelphlMt. aa a 
"Court Ot le*t report,'' tu inrorm ni If w* baT* a coirect 
copy, and •beiher roi keuw a mate in eleron, aad bow, 
0B. UoiHARHCd leliei)— Waa eortMnf eter niorea 
prepoif Echo aDawara-fueaa not What paid Id "Aolu- 
iloua" la now aoinewbat POJte, but we let It ataad ea 
aheviDc tb* evolutloD ol iLe thles. NoHt weM. 

BKOKiHgKa IN noLvi!(u.— True, we baTO beeo Klvlor 
oor beet eiperu moo pretty euoog eheea pabulum of 
la'e; but nu« drop iliam lor a co'iple of aeeka end aak 
j-our at'eaiioQ aod repurta The B-^tftma la from a nenu- 
loe tMRlDser lb far cIT Oklab»ffla,aad the rerynnc^r- 
iBlotlea of the Problem lornlab aa ruacttro Sold for re 
waroh. Nait week, a two aad three more. Nov ut 
ue aallat e corpa of recraha. 

Notrible Newa. 
Tbe Urit Inportaui oawa ui tbe week we were truly 
'orry u> raad. Herr Luier waa luddenly Ukaa to III aa 
lo leet obligod ro cancel all eDgagemtnta aaO return to 

Beihn. Wo bop* to he ar of hta epe^ay reeorery Tbe 

aecoBd laoriheaaneoatare but nearer hone. Bro. Pi>l' 
lock, lij Uatitmort tfrM. aafi: * lregr«t to report that J 
N. BabauB le auHorlog irooi nerroje proaintloo, eauaed 
by overwork. Ue Ik takiug an entoievd r»aL Tbe great 
problematlBt I* a atroug man pb)«lnUl>, aa wall te men* 
ully, bat baa the aptrlt of a rac« Lorae and never fptrea 

hiiDBeU Now conaaaa lieu nththoae and In a aa- 

perlaUTeljarreeAbiffvela Pr lluimanu roDtllateshla 
usllgbtat aolTingProblpm l.STtu latbivbM lulloavth: 
"Burekal I baveTouodlt,aBdaiDaapku«duaU>ywmi 
BUn wblaile MnihaTiDga*lved au>ihluirharil ror al'ioff 
time. I am bbiIou* to tea other prlie problara«. Loekoa 
at 1,971, but think U ImpoaalDie lor ue to eolre" Oor 
contribator liai aloee eo;Ted It analrtlcally In itium 

movee Neit Acoiheravrv-eabie U>m i^ibeiucceta 

All orgaBuailoB of the "Metrupoliiao' heuLe«goe,"la- 
aludlDg all the elDba prevlooelr Danied. ThsuOl.-eri ere: 
Preehieoi,JuilaaLtTlBgiton,t)iiy: •«erelary,0. A. trartb, 
d. I.; Ireanier, Ur. (I. Hall, Maiibatuo:oieeutlvecou 
mluee, U. H. Hathaway. Cbai NageuL Dr. UwD*(Her. H. 
llelmaand W.LIiMnberger. AoneroDDdioornaDien' leto 
commence Jan. i, *9\ forationby valued atgTL Nonem' 

beroiaay team la to rvcelve pay lor bin aorrit** 

The mal£b for the "Ladiaa* oiaiuplooai lp ol Ataarlea,*' 
aolonc on the UpU,twiween Mr*. J. W. Bhowalier end 
Hre. llarrlet Worrell waa^eidoan iorcomuiBee*meDion 
tbe 6th loat Tbe match lateroD gemea up. whb a time 
»ltmlt of twelve movei bd hour. The gamea are to be 
played ateaeh othet'a bou-eaaiteroately.....A curlotum 
lOr the curiouB 1 1 appeen ihet we bad nut icot lb* boiiom 
figure In giving flity-onemovee aa thelaogthoi the fame 
pmduclog Bro Lloyd'B-ttoiiventr Problem '* ThtB CM. 
aaya: ' tfererBl have redaeed lhat ouraber to Affy roovea, 
the flrat two being J. White, ol The Lnat ttenvrt, and J. 
Ufldeney. of Wfi and WMom. Ibe moro ii le ttudied the 
more woBdarlul It tweoniaa " Now omei tbe oariotuui. 
■r. Dudeoey oir«ni a put* achnne worthy ol Jua M. Bab 
too bimaali. Ueotfere acopy of bewie* Kummu, 1819, fur 
theOrwtcerreeieoluUon of hia "<. llmai/'aproblem aiatad 
thua: "I'OBitnjcta game lo lhere«ett pouibie niovea,to 
which Wbneahallcnecknaio at irrlieb^a played oueot Die 
Ku to evenr t<|ut'eoi theboaid laclufUe aod baa cap- 
tured aliui Black *a meo." Tola cttmv rpmetoa opeo inl 
Jan. 1, proi ■ * * lo Sirativit gtvta a gluwiug ao 
eoBBtoi the reception oi iliat p»pular young nuaie', M. 
Jaonweki, on hi- return to P«riairoui L*l|K-g. A body of 
aniateun. needed tiy MU. Do UlriereBUd AU|»lo, got up 
qaiieanud Aottirur. aad pr«aeut«Obin •iin BnugDitl- 
cant drinking cup ID ailver, elegautiy chaaed aud bear- 
ing the legeod: **A. U.Jaoow.^ki,Lalpilg. 101." Tbia tt 
to De a pemaBeat ounuietnoniioa orTiit iirillUBt up- 
boldlDg ol Ibe aacleotglorlte ul the FrvDch t«mple of 
i^eiB tbe OafM d* la Hegebce. and naver waaa compll. 
meotAry gilt morw worthily bettoaed. • • ■ lUaaei. 
tied thai a natch la to oepbkywl t»etwe»n Herr Mieaea 
aod •laoowtki. It la to played lo a prira** room at 
La Regaaee, •even gauee op, ou acoouot oi draw*, for 
75) tr. atlde. From tbe knosB vivacliyof iiDigiDailtMi 
aad ooinbiaatloD ol both ilieae youuj mtatera much 
brilliant and entanalnlDg cheia la conHeuiiy predicted. 
* • • We delay, perforce, a loviee or ueirud work, 
ad ed., "A. B. 0. det Ecfaaca " 


EBljnM No. 1974.— Aa bofora elated «e bav* eat the 
eeiulioB to eltharpert Aby cvutrliiuior baTiog eithe' 
of them wiilcootera Itvorb) lorcanllogitto db 

Problam ho. I.VTi— For tite Hi at tine 1b thla long 
terlea aomothlBg appeara whiob we do oot utdnnteuu. 
aa WA are oBtb • h« make the mjIuUod aeni apply to t^e 
poeltluD. will pur eootrluutor, wbeo baoao end tiuta, 
kindly review aod r*-»ta(e tbeMilutiuni 
KloKtaq tlt)-BioqB4 
Kmovea II..H-BS 
K-KtJI a..Ki-g7 
K-HI S.-H-Bd 

e..Kt-B0 + 

is..H-q Ktei 
ia..K>-iii + 


H-UR8 , . ... 

K-117 jios the roulloa ouu ui 

UirM. •Ith EL Wa .lioulilButMODv btliarpriMd lo M 
Ihli solution .''ortanwl. 

ur PAsr II. 

R-ll« + 
Hx K14.I 
K-H 9. giT. 

9..I1 HlJi* 
i..<J Ki-3s 
B..K Kt-kl 
e..ll Kl-114 



K moTei 
K nu... 
K moTH 


K novM ' 
K inOTM 


10. .Kt-H e + K^H H|l 

II..KtloB7.|. EmoTas 

H.-f-IS K-Blq 

9..IIt-R> KmntM 

l<..KKt-b1it KmoTH 

i>..K-lie K-(lK| 

M..K-IItr KmoTU 

17..QK1-B7+ Kqiotw 

la.KtMJt Kdoiu 

»..Ki-ae+ K^qu 

aj-.l-BaUr IQ B iT] 
riobtem x f + k xRi:i..ict x r+.fx 
Kill-); 9..B 10 K BS^ <..gialCHt; S..B10 ltH7: e..B 
xr:7..BtoKR7:a..Bxa:>..Bioii H7: iii..bxR; 
II..AuKllT; it..B X Kc; 13..B toU H7: U..BUU9 
u..q 10 b7; ie..<)iaRa; ir..q 10 ig..BxgBr 
Ibo ud Hlaab mar ans. U x B. or d lo Q H I) ; 10. .q x 
f; and 1U..U loatM. A ■pTaadld p-odacuoo oy oaa 01 
Iha world'. smtMC pMblpni.tlKU. W. ara mr* itur 
■olT.nalll tbask Bro .R«l»lb» for coDUIbutlPs It. aod 
polatios out tbat it mar be loaod lo lb. Plar«* Broa'. 
Buparb work. "Rofllab Cbaaa l^blem..'* p ail. No. &9L 
,"J AU WblU'. uarw, alv. 4, dirMt or by du«0T«ry, 
and Blaoli has eo atavotlal dii.Iea 

Oor aolr.ra will rvmambar thatw. mada 1010. eon- 
parlaoo baiwMO Uila sod Problam Mo. I 0.0. Hiara, 
Blaok'«lo mai.a lot or movp. of iliaraaaiTa. 
abolly IDeobaa^u.Dllal, till Whit. Id.tuic.) baa bMlao 
hia oao blmliia out lo hop.l<va Impaa. upon aa lu- 

t.oMnbl. iraU. alur vbleb biadaalulaalmpl. Moufb; 
or*. Wlilu (allaok) sow at bta aoMirvl <f analj i.- 
I.nllaaaly alaushiar. .rarr nao tbat eooM vaid od* bU 
doa] ilooia, aao than adailolalars the eovp dt ereoi 

Game No. 1,»7H. v 
Oo.ol th. ahonwt aaniaa lor Iha Oua ndor far Cap. 

Whlla. ■ 


■ ..PuKa 





P-R Xl9 

e..p-KB< Q-Ra+(*) 
7..P-KKt9 O-KRe 
>..KI-bom. l]-il9 
iln.: Ibr, ir ll.JJio Ktl, 

Wbtia, Black, 
bbo.all.r JL AlbiD. 
)..ICKtl>>B9 r-KH] 

■ " " ■- " P-R KIS 
X Rl-K J 



: Kl X P. and SUek t»- 


, luwr aktralib i*BaiDda aa 01 

Dnibioi ao ni»oha.aD aiual.urlaa"bltBdrold"Maoe. 
trrlnf to coalbw th. hbmIss vltr.r by Irraiolanuaa; 
but, as will b. aMD, Bn. 8. iloaaa't "tooloaa^' worlh a 

PFOblem Ko. l.VTd. 
A alnsbtar Mdtns. olo.iaB a Tarr alBRBlar lam. IQ lb. 
Cup Tottra.y at Buffalo. 

ST J. w esowALTsa 

Buoict* Albiav 

The lane Hasten 

mMt lo th. fourth rooad of tba cGrreat foann lath. 
CIIT Clob. plariaa at iha U.loa Bioara HoUl-I»« 
' ■ ' iUBERTOBTa irk OABB. 

A Albia Dbowalur 

i..KitiuB9 ru>ga 

■■ - IC Kt-B9 



A AlhIB Sboxhar. 
a..P-ltte+ K-ktaol 
- - R Rl KR-B4 
R7+ K-blaBsq 
RII4. ■•blal 
XBtP+ R-i>3 . 

9I..II-ICt+ EBXitC/) 
5tllH ^? 

WHtTR (J w. a> asBooaaM mat. la atj Moras at 
oraiwhalmlBs loa. io Bla«k. 

P-I B «c) 



KBx (1(11 


ll..P-XRli QB-homaW) 

noiaa, bt aa sniain 

(a) Tb. naBSl fsTorll. wl'h a frut anaibar ol maaurs 
but not IB aneordaaea vllb th. prlsflplaa of tb. oiod.ra 
KbooL wblcfa ar. oppoaod 1« th. adranc. of aor wlof 
pa«oaarlrlDlb.iiaiDa .... «. „ 

lb) AKBlo cobtrary to tha modaro ayatan. aa Ib. E P 
ramalna wMb ; baaldM tbat, a bol. I. forow] at E 4. 

le) Tbacofa poBltloa la now oa bolh aldsaaiioalliad, 


37. .P-QII< 

a..P-E B4 
11.. P-I Bt 
U..P-E Be 





tBx P 


and Black baa leat,bla ojtpenoBlty al^<aiag ao^advaB- 
iv Pto K B3 IHaybe; b . 

vanelDg wing re early In tbe game." After aU, then, tb* 

. byP toKtSsfol 
but that le "ad* 

tage, which be might bav* preeem 
lowed eoon bv P to K B 3 |lf ay be; 

anelDgwiDg re early In tbe game." 

moderu •chool" does aot prtaent a ceat Iron rule ] 
(T) There waa notblog to be galnod by thla eicbcoge. 
which, moreovar.opeoa aa eiucklog llae lor White's Q. 
Ue ought to have proceeded witli If . .P to U Kt6. 

(d) (iverlooklDg hia advenary's mou bcBatllal con 
bloatlon B..K H toB4wutbe eorreot^plar. aa White 
couM Bot tbefl aecriaeethe B,iuica the White Q coald 
not afterwarOt reach R 6. 

(I) iThiapoaltlonaod lu eplendkl treatment form th* 
gem of thegaate; eee: 
•* " BLAnit ftirBhowalt^r) 

WUlTBtllBVr Alblo) 
More made-X4..K R X rli A capital enmblnatlOB of 
eiceediDBiy denp ingenutiy. 

(ei Wobeiiave ibalSU..QtoR7woaM havewoB more 
aurely: tb* itme might have proceeded: aD..Rto Bm; 
31..PtoKt7.KtoElMi; 31.. Et to Et 4, IbnateDlDg Kl 
to B or 0 

(/(There ewmi no neee*altr forthle a«criflee: 31.. E 
to tits waa ufe enough, and, moreover, b* then threat' 
enodURio hU3 

(9j There aeeme to ba oothlBgbeuer, ai Btack'a game 
Ib paralrced In all dlrecUom whl'e a w wlna lo a bean- 

tllUl eBUlDR. 

[After ell the ahuae (chftalealODly, ii}lodToa>Rro. S 
baa beeo eo lavlibly heapiov upon Heir aIoIb Ib tbeir 
match, thla graed victory ol the Krrat VieoBea* ahonld 
have bteu, aad donbtleaa waa. very popular.— XinuKl 


Eadlag la Blngfl«ber 0 a, Oklahoma. 

BT a E. UOBiCHI.'f. 

1 ^ & t t t t 

atKKt,qB7, <ja. R7. qR>. I|3;EB1,KC3, K9 

K^i't t t t t 

atBB, Eaq. OR, KKt6,qRI, Kl3, EllS,Et3, R3. 

White announeea mate in four movee. 


The RIverald* Wheelmen 

Uflld tlielr aanual FMl meet od Election Dey, Nor. e, 
CD St Qeorge'a Aveaue, botweea Rahiraj and 
WiieaiHlietit Ion, Linden, N. J., and 1' proved a very 
snccesafal affair, notwItligtandlDg tbat ttio wind 
wag a trifle too sirony for tbecomtoriof the parUd- 
paoiB or apeciatonu Tte evenfi re8Ult«d as roliowi 

Oat mite, novice — Wob by A M. ilolniyre; I. tt. aentle 
eecoDd, l*t*r. Time Sm 

Ttoomiiei— Won byO. E rir«uger, Bcratch; C H. Brti, 
fiOrilM , evoiind Time, Bm. SAH*- 

Are ml(<«.— Won bj P. F. Uuodmas, 0. H. Brta aeoond. 
Time, 13m ST". 

OaeBiltd.-Wonby W J. Bbanaon, ISyda.: A. J Rellly. 

% ^ ■■■ 

lB!yua..awod Time. tm. Ilia. 

'V Bilira e/ua,jjroiuA(p. flrat prh*. allrer mp. df^aatad 

.. . ... . 

by Wtlli.ui btawartiNMOBd prlta, ailrBrmadaf.- Won by 
A J. Ballly. T. VTarl BMOBd Tim., Urn 83a. 

HaclDE at White Plalaa. 

The BiiBoal meeting ot the New York Wheelmen 
was held at the track at White Flalns on Tuesday 
atiernoon. Nor, e, bnt oirlDg lo the cold treaitaer 
there waa but a light atieadsnce, irtile the SUIT, 
chlllj wind prevented fast tline. BamniarT: 

Quarur ulu — WoD bp J. U. Parkar, Jaaiaa Horamn 
aao'Dd, a BuHltloihlivf. TIma, 47M*. 

Oae ml(«— WoD br J. P. laatona. Jamaa Hortaa bm- 
obd. a. HnlllblB iblid. Tim.. Sm. ItKa. 

ilM mlA. cbampiooablp of th. olub.— Won br J. P. 
Io>ton..JamwMorfaBa«ond.B MolllklB third. Tl 
17m. UK<- 

One mf'«,— Won br Jsom Morvao, aoratab : ObarlM 
Madias, Ujda, aMond; II.L.OaM.IDjila., third. Tim., 
9m tH^ 

nro HUl#l.— WoQ bp JamH Moraan. ..rmtchlCbarliB 
Meil.r, HDitla.Hcood. Tim. (oa ITXa. 

/IM Bil«i -WOB b/ JaaiM Morian, aoiitah; B Ealll 
bln,aj;da,M<«od. TlnM, Um. 4a. 

The HudaoB Coontj WlieelmeB 

Held a series ot races on the new hoolevard be- 
tween the New York and Newark railroad bridge 
and 0)Dmnolpaw ATeone, Jerser Oitr Helghls, on 
TueBdar stteraoon, Nov, a. Despite the <»ld 
weather, abont twenty-OTa hundred epeolatora 
gathered to witness the erents, wblch tomlshed 
good tfon, slihoogh the higb wind blowing serosa 
the tiack rendered rssiUmelmposslble. Sammarr: 
Hal/ atUr.-Won by 0. Walab. X)i.ia : w. BMma. 
mmuh. aaeoad; B. A. Raaaom, Mfda, third. Tima, Im. 

OiuaUIc-Won by W. L. Darmar, aenlch; 0. Walab, 
^i, aKood; W. Raniom, 40r4a, third. Tim., Im 

.T'oioraa- Won by P ehaflo, K. Baoaom aaeoad, W. 
BochbM Ibltd. h'o time laSaa. 

Am mUrj.- WoB by w. tk Darmar. aoralah; 0. Walah, 
fihda.. aMOad; N. Banaom, eOyda, third. Tlma, 6n. Iba 

lbcaiara«.-WoD br B A. Banaom. M. Baoaom aacond. 
U R Brooha third. NoUmalahu. 

yit« aillo. club ebamploorblp.— Won by W. Roome. W. 
LOarmaraaoond, B.A Ranaoinlblrd. Tlma, 14b. fis. 

Road HarloK la New Jersey. 

The aeoond ainoal toad tioee ot the Montolstr 
(N. J.) Wheelmen took place on Eleotlon Day, Not. 
a, OTer the Valley conne, wbloh i^aa In ezctllent 
condlilon, notwitbstanding Ihe beavy rain ot the 
preceding day. There ms a large crowd preaent, 
and they witnessed some rery good laclDg. Som. 

on. MflL_nAvlca — Wm br W. Rbiso. J. 11. Toubb 
aaeoMl.T W. Hapar tbiid. Tlma,tm.slH4 

PlKaaUo. laam.-Woaby Iha Bloomesd 'Orol.ra. Tha 
— flnlabod In th. loHowlog ordw: Uaaoa, B o : 
la, B 0. ; JanbB^ HoBUiartWba.hiiaB: CoBsaaball. 
J,: Tbomaa, Bontclilr WbMha.a: Wt«bad< M, W 
BlonmfloM 'Cyolara got 14 point., and Moalelal Wha.1. 
mu 7 pAlata. TIraa, 14b. 

One "IK-Won by 0.1 Oalraa, D. B Butt aMood. B. 
a,Manln iblrd. Tlma. tai. Ala. 

neo aula -Won br A. U. Tbomaa 9Da ; A. B Wr*nKh, 
90^. BKuadi B. L. Jaaoboa, acraich, third. Tlma, im. 
Hit a. 

. aa«Bd: JoMph'BiMth, t^.'tii'lKi.' TlmrUnTu? 
Tina prta«woB by B. L. Jaeoboa, am. &9a. 

Tni AKKFiL twenty Bre mile road ran ot tbe 
KInn County Wheelmen took place oc Not. a, o?cr 
the Freeport-Hemok centae, and It prored a Tery 
succcsatol Oxture, dwile the taot tbat the wca-her 
was bitterly cold, with a Tory high wind to Inlet- 
lete with the ttders. TbecoBTse irastwomlKaand 
a halt Ul lengik, and the flalsh ma as follows: W. 
U. Oiaham, tm.,tiiai,In Ih. lim. Ila: O. T. EarL 
KnXKh. perond. In Ih. Itm. sat.; B. A. Laws, im , 
tblnl, In Ih Urn. ais.; U.J. Roehr, aa., foaitb, la 
Ih. 13m. lai. 

Tna MarcuiT Wheel anb, ot Flnshlag, L. I , held 
arcad rvv of Ira miles ob Not. a. thirteen ridrii 
taking pan and the winner tnnungnBiB Rostoll 

In the Football Field, 

Tbe football games that were played daring the 
past week are berawlthsnmioariiediNoT. a.— Cor- 
nell Uatreralty beat Orescent AthKUo Ulub, 2t to o 
at Eaatem Fatk, Brooklyn, N- Y.; NbtbI nescrr.s 
team beat Wblta Bqnadron OOloers, i lo o, at Wrsi- 
ohesUT, N. Y.; Atrows beat atuyvcsanis. 8 loa at 
Braoklyn, N. Y.: Irtlng beat Brooklyn High School 
14 to Bmokhn, N. Y.; YsleOolleireOontolidaini 
and Volanteer F. 0., ct usritm, neither side scor- 
log. at New York; Flashing Athletic OInb beat c<>|. 
Dinbia College Freshmen, a lo cat Flaahing, L I - 
Montolalr Athleilo Ulnb, beat Uolverelty of New 
York, U to 0, at Hnntalslr, N. J.j Yale Collrne 
aenlora beat New Jersey Athleilo Oinb, 12 to z »■ 
Bergen Point, N. J.: Allegheny AthleUo Clah h<at 
PlusbnrgAihleilcOlab, a to o. at Flitsliorg, Ph . 
Ellzabrtb AthleUo Oloh bntt Princeton Tigers, 21 id 
o,at Elliabeth. H. J-: Wanderers best Amcricui 
Athleilo AaaooMnn, 30 to 4, at Weat Bobokm N 
J.; Hamilton Athletic OlQb l>e«t Oolnmbia Alhleiic 
Clab. 6 to 4, at Fort Uamlllon, L. I.; (ioemoponian 
beatJenraon, 210 1, at West Briihton, 8. 1.; Bed 
ford beat Putnam, 11 to a, at Brooklyn, M, v.. 
Orange Yoong Hen's ChKstlsn ABsociatioi best 
BIdgewood A<hlcilc Clob, 24 to 0, at RIdgeaood 
It. J.; Red Star beat Paris, S to 2, st New York- 
Kadlaon Junior beat Excelsior, 12 10 0, at New Yvrk ' 
Yonng Pmspeotbeat Baiilc, 12 to 4. at New York- 
Franklin and Hanhsll Oonttt beat Hutgeis coi. 
lege, aa to 4, at laocasier, Pa.; Anchors beat uitin. 
pica, 12 to 4, at New York; Chicago Alhleiic Cluh 
beat Boston AthleUo AaaoclsUon, 21 to o. at Bos 
ton. kIasa;Columbian best Young Men's Chrisiian 
AasoclAilon ot YookerB,4 to 0,at Yonk«rs,N. Y.- 
STTScuse DnWeralty beat Bt. John's College, 20 m 
li, at Syncnae, N. Y. ; UloomDeld 0. and A. a. btai 
Prudential AibleUo Ulub, ot Newatk, 4 to 0. at 
nionmOeld, N. J ; Uontclair Athleilu Club brat 
Orescent .AeaocUUon (second elevens), 12 to 4 at 
Uontclair, N. J.; R«aoluu< beiit Purk Avenue, 8 lu 4 
st New York; Lexington beat Heuloar, 12 lo 8. at 
Brooklyn, N. Y.; KoMVUIe AUiletic Club be*t Sciou 
College team, a to Roseville, N.J. Not. 7.- 
Prlnceton College Freshmen beat Lawreoceviue 
Preparatory School. 2a to 14, a'. Princeton, N. J.: 
Yale College brat Taiia College, 07 lo o. at Vtw 
UaTen, ut.; Preacou beat wide Awake, 12 lo lo, ai 
Mew York; BnmllioD beatWest Side Juniors, ICio 
8, at Mew York: Andov r beat Yale Kreshmsn, 20 10 
0, at AodoTer, Main.; R«soluie heat Coimnonwealih, 
8 to a, at Brooklyn, N, Y. Nov. s.-Colunibia '«i 
beat Colombia ta. 24 to a at New York; Drerrler 
School Janlora beat Wide Awskea, 10 to 4 atN iir 
York; Stayresant beat Togs, 12 to3,st Biooklyn, 

N. Y Nov. 10— University ot Fennsflva-iis 

bnt PrIDcelon, 12 lo 0. at I'rentoa. N. J., thla bchg 
Uie moat UnportHUt vlcloty gained ihia aes^on in 
Ihe football Held, snd one that will have a greti 
effect 00 the annual championship gaire betweco 
PrliiC'ton and Yalr, which ereni waa last year won 
by Princeton; Yale College brat Leiiigh Dolver 
sfty, to 10 0, at New York; Harvard Uolversliy beat 
OhlcagoAthleUu Cub, 8a 0. at Cambridge, Haas.; 
Cornell Dniverslty as Wllllama College, a lie, 
neither side s -oring, at Aibsny, H. Y.; Browo Unl 
venlty beat Orange Athletic Club, 12 to 10, at 
Oiange, N. J.; Boaion AthleUo Association beai 
Orescent Alhleiic Olab, 21 to 0. at Kastem Park, 
Brooklyn, N, Y.; Uartmoulb Onilege b«a' Amhetu 
College, 30 to 0, at Amheral. N. H ; Yale UollirBe 
Freshmen heat Columbia College Freshmen, 38 10 0, 
atNewUsven, Ot.; Naral OideU va. Pennayivabit 
Sute College, a Uo game, a 10 a. at Annapolis, Hd.; 
Swanhmore tJollege best FrRnklln and Harflhall co|. 
lege, 10 10 0. at Swsnhmore, Pa.; St. Paul best Pmii 
InsUlute, la to 0, at Oarden City, L. (.; B'lzttKih 
AthleUo Club beat New Jersey AtnltUc Club, 32 10 
0, at Ellialieih, N. J.; Brooklyn Uigh Scli.nol vs. Oi 
lumbian Olub, 10 to 10, at Brooklyn, N. Y.; Peet- 
sklll unitary Academy beat Harvard S.'hool. of 
New York, 18 tn 0, at Mew York : Holbrook Hilllarr 
Academy and Yonkera High School team, la 10 IS, 
atYunkere, N. Y.; New Jersey Athleilo Club be.u 
E>l£<belh AthleUo Clab, 34 to 0, at ElUnlieili, 
N. J.; SyracQHO beat Rorh-ster, 28 10 18, at 
RocbeslAT, N, Y.; Union Cotlese beat Uatoilion 
college. M to 0, at Clinton, N. Y.; Nrbtaaki 
State University beat Young Hen's Chrlallan 
ABaoclallou, 34 to a, at Omnba, Neb ; Dd|. 
verelty ot Ulcblgan beat Uolverftlly o! Kausiis, 12 
to 12, at KanaM City. Uo.: Waahingion-JeiTersou 
Oijllege Keat Westminster, la to 0 at WashlDgtoo. 
Pa.; ^rllaiico AUileilc dub beat Berkeley Uolver 
eliy, 12t,>0, tor the PHclQcUiwat champlou'>hip,at 
Baa Francisco. Cel.; St. J.ibo's tlollege lesin Wat 
Wealern Harjlmd College, 42 to 4 at Abnapolia, 
Ud ; Pingry Hohool beat Pa'crson CiksiIoii SchO'l, 
44 to 0, at £liui>ath, N. J. : Lomcs II. of Uamlliou, 
heat Klniston Oranltes, 22 to It, at Toronto, Oaa.: 

auern's Dulversliy, of KloBBtcs, beit I'igtre, of 
amnion, 14 10 2. at Usmllton, Oau: Oreenpolot 
beat Uannaitan, 12 10 8, at aronklyu, NY; Sec^iid 
Culler School team beat Shonhilu, 4 10 0, at Mew 
York; Eiipire City Athleilo Club heat Colunibl.> 
Alhleiic Olab, a to 4, ai Bronklyn. N. Y-; B.<yuDnc 
Field Club beaturlbtnl Field Cinn, 8 10 0, at Orauie, 
N, J.; SDUIh Unioge Field Club Hecoud eleven bnt 
Jersey Cuy Field Olub, a to 4, at Orange, N J ; Bay- 
onne 'OycIerB b^t Orange Atiilctic Ciub, 44 to o,ai 
Bergen Point, N J-: Uacknell Uoirerally beat lUt- 
lUle School lodlaoa.10 to 0, Lcwiaburg, Pa ; Bndge- 
port UIgh Sotool brat Harlfurd High School, 32 10 
la, at New Haven, OL Nov. 11— Amerlcaa Athleilc 
AsaoclaUon heat Red Siara, ot Uarlom, 3 lo 1, nt 
West Hoboken, N. J.: Lnyala beat Caliiiut, 30 v> 0, 
at West Cheater, N. Y.; Alert beat Concord. 12 lo e, 
at Bay mdge, L. I. ; Varuna B at Ulub and Inalliole 
Athleuc Club, a tie on 4 points, at Paierson, N.J. ; 
SL Aloyslus Young Ueu's Cbrlsihin AaaocuUou, 
beat Sigamore Auieno Olub, 8 too, at Newark, 
N. J.; Many Avenue beat BcUuoil, 24 to 'jo, at 
RIdgewood, L. I. Buahilck AUIeilc Olub vs. 
Olendsle Athleilo Olub. 4 10 4, at Bush wick, L. I.; 
Atlautlo Athleilo Olub h«at Atlorla Athletic dub, 
a to a, at Asioria, L. I.; Uomlnlcaa va. OaUiolic 
Cluh, 4 to 4, at Patersoo, M. J. 

The Woodalde Athletic Club, 
Ot Long Islsnd, held tbeIr snnnal election day 
Held meeting on their grounds at that p'sce on 
Nov. a, wlih Ihe reinit shown In the summary Ihni 

One hueartA iranll nm— Wua by Waller J doodrlcb, 
Bttalch; Jamaa V. UaByoB,6rila,ae««Bd; Uaary H Be- 
ftbane. lyda, third. Tlni^ loka. 

Two AUBifrrd arid (voiry traruj ran —Won br Waltar J. 
aoalrieb, aeraieb; Haory W BarsbalL arda, aacood; 
Jamaa P. aebmldt. loyda . third. Time, Sllja 

" -■- ardamn— Won bi . 

Uoodrloh, aaratco, accood: 

/bur Aantfrol and (bny porda nm —Won br Jamaa P. 

oohmldL Blada ; Wau«r J, Uoodrloh, sera* 

AnhurW. I'rsu,2i;da. Ibltd TIma.iVia 

Might hanartd anatlgtitf virdi rvn— Hon by HaotT J. 
firlndlay, Hrmtcb; Tbomaji P. BdloU, lOyda, aM«Bd; 
John J. 'I'SrlM, SOida. third. 

Oae Mlla run.— Won by John J. 0'Brl.a, lOyda ; Bloiar 
J. KQipht, aorda. awoBd; WUilam U. olarov, acraub, 
third. Tim.. 4n. aaUa. 

One alia loalli— Won by Jamw W. BlaDcbaid, acialeb; 
Wllwn J., aaoood: fflUlui P.Armoy.lm, 
Uilrd. Time, em tlUa. 

rarremlrra run.- Hoa by William H. Olrov, aoralah; 
JohB J O'Brlaa, In., aacoud; Tbomaa P. E(llotl,Im. 
40a.. third. TlBi,hI6« 4114a 

fianalnpAIpbyump- Wonbr AlttauT PorTMt, acrmtcb. 
•ft axin ; Wal'er J iloiidrlcb.aorat.b,aMODd,tfLlXln-: 
UHty W. klar>halL tin., ihlld. 4lt TXla 

JSimafflplonafuaip— WoB by Amira* J. Loos, aoraloh. 
lilt tKm < tfalur J. Ooodrlcb. i.eialcb. aaeond, Kit 
"IK n.l WlAlam J. MaMuria)', third. Hit. IIKIn. 

nriHBlB* Ihe l» Haauner -Won by Jamaa V. Oaaaldr. 
aoimlob.silt 7MIb : Waltar J. Ooodneh, Mraiab, aMODO. 
eaiL llln :II.Bt> ?. llaraball,llL ein.TUiIld »lfl. lOUlo 

Piilllii« ute ISB aJioi — WoB by Walter 1. Cloodrl'-Ji. 
aorstcb, asft : Jamaa V. Ca'aldy. aoratab, awood,S8li. 
lOMIn.; Bda Ib U Bllw, 911 . Ibltd. 3411 

me BBiiU. e>r hri<a«-WoB br Wdtar J. Ooodrlcb. 
•O'Ucb 8n Sj^'O ; ABdra* J.LoBg.<lB.,MCOBd,8ittin.' 
WlUiamJ Mraarray. It*., third, Ifi. " 

Bporta OB Irfing lalaud. 

The RIdgewood Athleilo CInb, ot Brooklyn, N. Y., 
held a lleh] nieellng at RIdgewood Park on Taeaday 
afternoon, Nov. a. There was a very good auand- 
anca ot ppeculatora, deaplte the coldness ot the 
weather, but the events* did not develop anything 
Interesting. Summary: 

OnabwidrvatKlrdlruH.— Woo by P. MoBTO.. ajdi ; T. 
Doolloa ayda. aecoad; WiUiam Kaaa, Mtaleb, UiiM- 
Ttmn, nWa. 

ravAanrfrrdond lionirp pon/a nm.— Woo by H. Wolcb 
lopon,arila.; Willi.m Kane, Mratob, aaeoad; E. Paatar. 
9yda. third T|io..>Ka. ^ . 

Oaarur milt ran — Woa by A I««Ib, aanlcbj p. 
Dt»ilBa. SrJa, a«0Bd: J. Haataraaa, Ufda, Uilrd 
Tlma. Im Sa 

Bal/ mile nui -Woa by A. Earvia, ae>atch: T. Vom\- 
ini, lOyda, BKOBd: A Pall.raoa, 9lfda., ihlld Tima. 
Im. tnc _ 

One Kile rua- Won br T. D lallBi, dlfda : W. gaaa. 
aOioa. aMo.od; A k.rwiBg, Krateh, third. Tim., io. 

'^Mnlny AlpA htan- Woa by L -atsmbardt, Mrateb, 
an. lln.:T. iMaaiy, Iln, a«Bd. UL;A Pnlaam.aiu, 
third, 411. IIHIo. ^ 

Buhnlap brMS jmap -Woa by A. Qaraoo. Krmteh. Ian. 
ain.; B Wilaan. III. aanad. Ita tiB.; J. A. AniiM. 9lt-. 
third 17ft 

Oa< Blllt Mead' nua — WoB by K. MofgaD. foratob : B 
Bartall,Ul.da..aKond; J.Caaa,3Dy4a,thltd. Tlma. 4n. 

Twe muet Mcptb raoa, band leap. -Wra by ■. MatgaB 
auauh;J UBa^fla|d...Mwad. Tlma. Tan. Ida 





Mlcttol J. Kcllj, •hoonce hmooB til roon4 p!aTt'i 
died ot pofumonlt, Nov. a, at Boilon, Uu«. De 
leti tlili cliy OD Not. 4 for Bosiod, and wu taken 
III on Uie boat, from wtilota he wua removed to the 
Eineriieoc; Hospital Id that cliy. nn made ueveral 
taUlea and often seemed out of danger. Unrlog 
the aftemoon ot Nov. 8 there came a reliipse, and 
he gndnallT grew weaker until the end cameat ten 
o'clock that olght. Kellj wuonc of the beat known 
men In the prvreaalooAl ranks. Probably do mnro 
popnlir playrr ever lived. UelDg genial, willy nnd 
mielllgeut, ne \taa the life of a team, nna to a great 
extent theohgnet ivhiob held Ita meiubemtOKether. 
A great geueml In a contest, a oleir stmietiiat, well 
versed In every polulof play, and cumpetoutioplsy 
any posliion himself, tricky, bold and tiiuroughly 
experleooed In his work upon t'je diamond, ho was 
emlDCDIly quallOed for the potiilou he had atiained 
In the proiessloD, and was thoroaghl.v capaole of 
making any team he connotited hlm»lf wltn an ei* 
ceedlngly underlain quantity. If not a dangerous 
factor, In a championship lace. M. J. Kelly was 
bom Deo. 31, 18(7, at Tro;, N. Y. From there hli 
psrenta moved to Wtshloiton, 1>. 0. and It was In 
ibeiauerclcyinttCelly gained bUlrttknowledge of 
the national vame, he then playing wliha prominent 
janlorclnb of ibaiclty. Ills parents. In 1873, tuok 
up their residence In Paieson, N. ),, and It was 
with the Ibeu famoua Oijmplo Club of tbnt cliy, 
that Kelly ant cams inki prominence. Uoring the 
setson of isre, he plajlDg right field and change 
catcher on Ita team. Ue remained nlih the Olym- 
pica until well aloDg In the season of 1677, when he 
wta engaged by Manager Barnle, to o itch, during 
the lemaTader uf the aeasoD, for ibe Columbos 
OInb. Uls excellentcatcblng lot the latter club led 
to his engagement by the Ulnclnnatl Club as Ita 
rigbt fielder and change catcher, for the seaaou of 
1878, and be omtluoed with thai club daring the 
aeaaon of 1BT9. While playing wlih a combination 
team agaloH the Cblcoirus at Bin Francisco, Cal., 
during the winter of iSTt-to, his superb catching, 
line batting and clever baas runulng aliraoied 
the attention ot Captain Anson, who at once 
signed blm for the Chicago Club, and he was for 
seven aeasona conneoied with Its team, playing 
right Held and oitcber, and occaalunallj auorl stop 
and secoud baao. Ueeicelied in batilDg,bsving 
led ihe National League In the ondal batting aver- 
ages for Ibe aeawn or I8U, and his balling avenge 
each joji doriug his conuecilou with the National 
League showed him to bo in the frontiank. Aa a 
base runner he whs geuenlly ackuowledged to be 
one of Ibe best that ever trod the duuoud. What 
rendered bini snpenur to all utherg was his wonder 
nil qolckneaa In UiMug chances, no mauer how 
dtaperaie they appearea In February, 1887, Kelly 
was transferred ircm the Chicago Club to the Bos- 
ton, theUuer, it waa olalmed,pajlng $10,000 fur his 
release. Ue remained wlib ine Bostons uDiil the 
Players* League was organized, when he Joined the 
Boston Club, oC that league, for the season of IStN). 
In 1691 he acted sa captain, and played with ths 
Utnolnnail Club, ot the Amerlcnn Association, but 
owing to the Bght then carried on against the Na- 
UonaT League, the venture proved a failure, and be- 
fore lbs stason waa over ne returned to the Bos- 
ton OlQb, ot the Nitllooal League, aud flolshed 
oat the season. Ue remained with the lafer 
club ibroopbout Ibe aeason of 18S2. During the 
aeuon ot 1»I3 he was wltn the New York CIdi>, but 
at lbs closs o( the season remmed to Boston, the 
latter then released him, and during the past season 
he managed and played with ue AUentown Club, 
which was owned uy Albert Johnson. Kelly alwavs 
had a manLk tor the theatrical auge, and he was In 
bis elemeot when he sppeared as a ''(itngh*' In 
Hoyt'a "Jlag Utby," ai a Boston theatre, tome 
years ago. After inat he doubled up wiih several 
variety performers, noiai>ly William Jerome, and 
appearedat varletv theatrealnlheUrga elites. He 
was a member ot Ibrk llurphj>B company, playing 
**'i*IN>wd't Nelghliora," and waa about to go on the 
road with a variety ahow wban taken IIL He spent 
bis money freely, and was generous to a faniL Ue 
bad a paatlon tor games ot chance, and always 
pitied Ibe races. Two yearsagohe took his laibtr 
and mother abroad, and visited notable pisoca lu 
Ireland. When he came baok be declared Ibat ha 
did not have "olgaietie money." Kelly waa popu- 
lar with every body, and never had an enemy among 
me players ot bia profetslon. -Uls death will be 
mourned by tbousanos of lovsts or ine oallonal 

game. Uls mneial services were held In St. James 
huroh at Boston, on Nov. 11. Toe cunrcb wss 
crowded vr the doors and many persons wsre un- 
abla to gain admittance. For ure« hours In ue 
forennoc the body lay In sta'e In ths lodge rooms ot 
the Elks on Hay ward Place. Taers was a wealtb ot 
flonl tributes, many pieces coming from this city 
and oihor phuses. At 1X30 o'clock the body vru 
taken to Ihe ohurob, being escorted by a colnmn ot 
Elks trom Botioo. Uaveihlll and Worcester, and by 
many hall playera. After a brief servloe the cor- 
tege made Its way to Honnt Hope Oemetery,' where 
the services ot the Elks was performed by Bialted 
Bnler WUllam A. Blossom and ouart. 

lloeLester anil Toronte Will Probablj 
be Itepreaented. 

"Tbe public will know very soon whether or not 
they are to have baseball on their own stamping 

groand next Summer. It probably will be deOslta- 
r known before tbe end ot another week whether 
tee things that must come to pass before Roohesler 
will consent to drop Into the old clrcnli, can be 
brougbtabont," aajs The Demotrat ntui CTlronicIe, 
"Bui unless certain cbaDg«a In tbe make-up of ibe 
Eastern League can t)e made Rochester should bars 
nolblnglo do wllb IL Rochester Is a bl( town and 
cannot anoid to enter a league In which places 
that are rasrely small sited villages ars 
admitted. Deaily bought experience has proven 

£ls. and the men wno stand readv to inreat 
tbe aport next aeuon aeem to reallte IL They 
ahonid not allow themaelvea to be talked over to 
to the aide of Ihe small places, no matter who Ihe 
talkers may be nor bow eloquent they m\j preient 
Uistr lids ot the ea**. FlOta ratnelltaslliaBlosbuntoo, 
Blnin aod wmsor thi rsDonrlrtol* towoi uat bavs 
basD ID ua Butsni Less u« durlBji ths pul two laaMH 
eaaoot bold lh«lr o«a alUi pUcsi liha SAChs^lsr. Ibty 
mu be i«i(i*MDiMl bj usnii tbuplar sood ball, bnt thsl 
|«*nu to make oo diU«r«ae« la tL* largar pUc««. Tba 
PMpIs will Bot lorn OdI to ths olaba Irora tha 
VBUlsr elllas pUr to tb« larnr eiliea Ths 
Boch»sl«r isaiD e«B so la Elmlrs aDd orav a crowd, bat 
whsatbaBluilratMin comfl* to RoebiAUr lb* eatroM 
•I tb« aiaio slay awar from Ibi paik t« watt for a saao 
wllhauarafram a la'for citr forbtp" Ihloobonldo't 
b«,botDooQ» who hu wauho4 btooboU lo'RodlMior 
forfooror Avayoaroeaa doDv Uiat II l> Iho eaoa Aod 
at It It lha patruoaga thai makes (ho Uan. in Iho Batt 
on Loatoftat lottt^ it «oulil bt «niao thto Improdool 
tor Raiiiotur loj-ilo acirottt«lltitJiotiiaiicllltias«lD 
Soebaellan «aald almplr roaaillD aooUior dlooial tail- 
■fo 'orbaatbsUlB Uilicll; „ , 

"Tbaro oaomt to l>« oo a*od rottoo «hr as oicalltlil 
toaaoa 01 eiliM of Rochoaior'o elatt abonid oei l>0 lonoorf. 
Toaro If tho ebaoea vt nrf aoltt aa oieolioot oislit eloo 
alrwolt ThfoalA probably will got loto tho gamo agmla 
Boal oaatoo. aad II DtUnil aad volodo onoid ba ladactd 
la Ml la llaa No* Iota Siau, wllb poitlblr oao ouop- 
ttoD^ODoUraralata Iho other elUaa. F. T. Powam piaaU 

doatoriboEutare Uana, waa la Tofoala oa Kov. T to 
**"^'^$?" ■V'> Caaadtan oalboiltou who an 

Blood that thov tia all raadr to saad oat a olob oaca 
Boro Toraoto, wbleb alwuo was aa aiulltai bal 
''^ wliboBt a loam for roar laaia and 
abooM bapnparod la lopport Iho lomo wlih ofcl Una 
aooonillv aoil ooooob. Ootnli aod ToMo. wlUi Ro- 
obMor. BofrtW, Byitnao, Toioalo. Jtlbaar. aad poaalblj 
Pravldoooa. woald mao a woadtrrallr alniBR laona. 
ri ta or sis I oan a(a Iboia waa a clnntt mark llbo iTial, 
aod <l lurartlitd Iba boat Kaaaball Ibtl Kocbttur oTor 
ba^iwllb poaalUy Iba osuplloa ol ooo aaaaoo. II It 
eooM bo roroimtd Rochoatorwoiild bo slad to ttl a pUca 
la It- niora It oo doubt Ibat Ibia dly ataoA laadr la 
aoppottbtaoballol iho rlgbi blad. Alior a tarailoB ol 
f'.^'TJ" t*"*!"'' are OBiloat to sol thoir lowoo 
la Iho tfht oon moio. Tho taiallor dlloi mitbl 
nhjoct to bolac saahbod lo tho loloriDalloa of uio 
laaloiB I{Oano. bal Ihoj woM ta<ll> bo lri>i"o obi, 
•oro a lllila dlolomacp lo bo oioreliod. Tho old llmofi 
10 Roohouar will nmambor Ibat a tlDirardllomma arooo 
ooeoloniaklQiiopa Itanowltb Roeli'ttoria It Tboro 
wore oomo small plao*a tfaal bad bota lo II oad waolod 
to romalo In II, bal wore Dot waata I. Tboy nloaed to bo 
frosoB oot, to. oao by obo, Ibo laitor oloho wilhdrow 
mm Ibo laacaa aad Ibaa lol loitibor aod formol Ibo 
oon or a Itaaoo lhat Umj aanlod. Tho igaoatloa ol 
STpoodslaaa haportani ooa la R.teboator, but It prob- 
ably wookl bo aoulod wllboot mocb trooblo if Ibo make- 
up of tho laorao woro niada tautfactoir," 


Ita ABDval tDeellog to be Held in thlsCltyr 
—Will It n«lnea lU Clrealt to ElRbt 
CI aba I 

As ?e go to press the National Leagns aod Amer- 
leu Association Is about to hold Its annual meet- 
ing. II Is hardly likely that any very radical meas- 
ures will be adopted or anything of a stanling 
nature will take place. The magnates are a mild 
mtbh^red lot of gentlemen, who annually meet, 
Bttend to Iheir routine business, discuss plans for 
lbs following season, have a good time In gsuenl 
and then return to their respective homes perfectly 
saiimed with themselves and with the work they 
accomplished. Whll4 li Is nnlvenally conceded lu 
be fur tbe good or tbe organlxatluo to itdaco Its 
circuit trom twelve clubs to eight, II It hardly 
pruhable It will do aoylhlog lo ine matter at Ibis 
time, at Ihe ihadow of the Americas Assoclauon 
appetrs lo Ibe dltiance and tho league will do 
noihlDK that will give the new comer a chance fur 
recognlllou. The older organlzsllon doct not 
want a rival to share m proOls lu the baseball busi- 
ness.. Thereforo It thinks that If It was to attempt 
to crowd out any of Its present members It would 
bs paving Ihe way tor the esubllshment ot another 
organlcailon, which It does not want or shall come 
into eiltience If It can be prevented. Yet by tat- 
lug this stand and conUnnlug Its circuit Intact II Is 
sure 10 lojure liaelf more than It possibly would by 
reduclnglt to elghtstiong, well balanced dabs. The 
league's dnult is a detnment to Itself, aud by con- 
tinuing II will open tbe way for a rival. It would 
i>e far better tor lha league magnates to bake some 
prompt scuoii for suengthening themselves, even 
If by so doing tbey would open the gates lo aootlier 
organization, whloh at best, could not interfere 
with tbeir luteresu in tbs leasL There are 
enough Ural class flayers In the couuiir to form 
a slnng and compact tight club circuit, and, al 
Its prices ct admission, would be liberally sup- 
ported, but let tbe league continue to force a 
minor altrmouon upon Its patrons, aod that, too, 
at lis bigta piles of admission, and tbey w'li cer- 
tainly rebel. There are four or five clubs In the 
league's circuit that conlu belter be spaied than 
retained. They era uf no earthly benem to the or- 
ganization or never have been, and would be bet- 
ter out than In IL They are weakening tbe league 
and the toamr tbey remain the more they will In- 
jure IL Oil the other band Ihe American AisocIS' 
tion wlllbegalnlngslnngtbatthe expense of tbe 
major league, and by quietly working will soon gel 
Itself luto shape that It will be able to bid for pob 
110 patronage. lis soheme Is to give tbe public Just 
ss gouil games ss can be seen anywhere, and that, 
too, at popular prices. There Is room enough in 
this cooniry fur two leadlngbaseballorganizaiToni, 
providing ihoy are worked In harmony with each 
other. Tuis can and should be, aod it tie msjor 
league has the Intcreals ot tbe public at heart, as 
hat been olalmed urns aud again. It will do lit at. 
m<>al toward giving Ibe public what It wants. This 
cannot be accomplished, however, by torolng the 
publlo to pay a high larlitfuran luferlorarucle. If 
the league.conilnuesto do so.uoderthegnlseof try- 
ing to protect Itself, it will only demonatrate Its 
own weakness, and would greatly atiengthen the 
cause ot the new organization. Tbe chief trouble 
with the major league it ibat it has a monopoly of 
tho baseball business, and ltdoet not want iu relin- 
quish Its claims to It, or share Its IntereaU with 
any other organization. The American Asaocla- 
tlon or some other one Is bound lo bs organ- 
ized sooner or later, but it should do so 
without forcing a oght wllb tbe older or- 
ganizallon, as another strife may provs a 
death blow to the national game. The major 
league was formed early In I6lt, and has contlnuoil 
as an organizallon ever since. Uauy changes have 
taken pUce in Ita ciroult, antll nowonly twoof the 
original clubs are memiiefs of the organlaalloo. 
Up to within the pest few yean the mijor league 
was GOudacted on a moch higher plane than the 
other baseball atsoclauons, but sines the twelve 
club leagao was torined It baa been run under 
muoli differenl Ideas than li tormerl/ was, and, In- 
dteau of going ahead, It has bean steadily going 
baokward, and, nnlett tomethlng Is done to oneck 
this sbileufathiliB, It will be obliged loieduce Its 
price of admiailon to that Its clubs csn live, or 
there will be an unlooked for and serious break In 
its ouoult, and that, too, at a lime when It may 
prove a serious blow to the organization. Flliy 
cents It not too much Xii atk for a Hist chiss game 
ot ball, but 11 cannot, or will not, he paid in elites 
that depend wholly upon Sunday games. There Is 
a Held ot the league and non-play lug Sunday games, 
aod uen there wunid be one lor the American As- 
soolailon with popular prices and Suiday games. 
Tbere are two obisses of bsseball lovlog people, 
Ibtl etohorganlzatlon coold meet, wluont Iniener- 
logwllueaon other. But the ouiy way ihia <9u be 
done It by a reolprooil agrcemeoL Booh a tiate oi 
aiTaln existed prior to the Brotherhood revolt, and 
11 could be carried on again greaijy to the Interest 
ot Ibe national game. The National League could 
make up a atrong eight oinb circoit from Boston, 
Baltimore or Brooklyn, New York and Philadelphia 
In tbe East, and Chicago, Clnclnnau, Cleveland and 
Pittsburg In the WesL The Americas Assoclauon 
circalt could be formed from Provldsnce, Brooklyn 
or Baltimore, BuITalo and tvatblnglon In tbe East, 
and Detror, Indianapolis, Milwaukee and St. Loult 
In the WesL At least a mntual nudenianding 
could be had between the two orgaslzailont,ana 
itaey conid etsUy arrange good circuits aftsrwards. 


Latost aayln(s and Dolrngs ot the Base* 
ball Fraterall)r> 

"Yean ago Manager Frank 0. Bancroft wta 
one of Ibe eaillesl bateball men to Invtde Cnba, 
and he it very Ukely lo try It igtln," tsys The 
Cinclnmli itmnSlar. ' WhUetll iheleagsenare 
talking of Sonlbern trips, It Is quite piobable lhat 
the Oloolnnatit— or at least a part ot the team— will 
Indulge In a llulotunr on Ihelr own hook. Onba It 
tbe Objective point, and around UaDSgerBanomfi's 
standard tbsre bas been a rallying of more rectnlls 
than It will be possible to use. Ths OinclnnatI 
Reds' will be the tndemark or the Iravslen, and It 
Is among the possibilities lhat Treasurer Ashley 
Uoyd may Uke a few days off and cross over from 
Key West u> see Ihe boys play lu ihe snog llltis Isle, 
The present plans are, of course, sn''Ject to amend- 
ment, but the team of tourists, as now outlined, Is; 
J. Boyle lb. and c, Vaughn c and lb., McPhee, 
3b., D. Lyons 3h., Fuller s.s.,lit«ntel I. f.,uuUldaya 
l.,Ullugnianr.f. and p., aud Wm. Wllirook r.f.aud 
p. Flsberwantslomakethetrlp,butllanagerBan. 
croli said: 'Do yon know that Ihe Ulnclnoatlt 
have the gieucat trademark of any club in ibe 
coantrr today. There is maglo In that name all 
throogn the oonntry. Tola year, while we were 
playing bad ball lo the Baal, we drew more people 
than any other club bailing from the WesL Why, 
with a pennant winner hen, the business men ol 
Cmdnnall would proBl tens of ihouaaadsof dollan 
In Incieaaed trade. Alt Ibe lllUe cliles lo Southern 
Oblo, Krntucky and Indiana, are loyal lo cinclnDail, 
and tbey root year In and year out tor a penuantfor 
oortsaiD.' Bn route lo Onba Hansger Bancroft's 
lesm WUI play In Florida." 

Owing to the Inabllliy lo trenre Mutlo Htlh al 
Cincinnati, and Ibe contemplated trip to Cuba, 
Manager F. C. Bancrori bat decided Is pottpono 
hit six day pedetulan race uuill next Bptlug, whet 
he has tbe aaouiancs of pulllaf It off In one of 
Ibe beat locations In that city. 

The l/inlsvllle Club U making great prepaittlons 
for next leaaon. It already has eleven men en- 
gaged for IIS team. 

Henri Oialrtghi, the pitcher, who was released 
during tbe past SMSon br lbs Brooklyn Olnb, woold 
Uks to bs given another blal by that dnb. 

Onatav Lonls Klopf la a very olever all round 
player, who played wllb the Hlnneapolla Club, of 
the Western l esgue, during the latter part ot the 
pest championship season, but Isoialraed for next 
season by the Milwaukee Club, of tbe same league. 
Ha was bora Nov. S, leal, at Milwaukee, Wit., and 
Itwason ths open lots of his native cliy that he 
leaned to play ball. Before he was twenty yeara 
of age he accepted his Orst professional engage- 
ment, when during the eaiy Spring of 1887 hu wss 
altned as ooe ot the plichere of the MluneapolU 
Ohib, of the Northweattrj League. It waa not until 
the last month of that season that be came lo the 
front with amazing rapidity by pnullngtheairong- 
eal teams of that league liy bis deceptive ddlvery, 
bis stroomt point being a riaing Inshoot that 
proved to be the most dimcull tor bis opponents to 
gnage. lb one game ho shut out the Ilea Moloes 
team wiihonl a run, and In th' next held theoi down 
to three scsttxrlug stogies and one unearned run. 
lie was not then considered a steady or reliable 
baleman, allhoagh he made many long hits, loolud- 
Isg a number of borne runs. Uls work waa of that 
prominent nature lhat be was re-opgagcd for the 
season of 18.18, he taking part ibai year in toriy-four 
chaoplouahlpconteats.thlrty-onfi of which he Oiled 
the pitcher's pnsHlon. He did some reumrkably 
clever and enectlve pitching that season, his most 
noloworibv perfoimauce being In a championship 
gams against the Umaha team, when the latter was 

Eravented from making more than a single scratch 
It off htm. Klnpt began the seafn of ItHO with 
the Qulocy (III.) Clutj, tiut Oolshed It with the HI. 
Joseph Club, of the wcslcrD Assocla'lon. In 1880 

be rolgraied to the Paoldo Sloiie, and Joined the 
l^pukane Cla*>,of Ibo raciaoNortnwoat l,rague,aid 
•luring that season did some very eiTcctlve work In 
Ihe pitcher's position. Ills excellent work that 
year led to lilnre engageniriitwlth lhatclah for tlio 
season or isoi, when he took part In elghiy-iilne 
uhamploDshlp gamea, forty tlx uf which bs played 
at short atop and iweuty-twn In the outfleld. bs 
ranking flrii lu the taller position lu Hip oniulal 
fl»-ldlnR avenges of Iho I'acldu Nurthweat l,eague. 
He remained wlih the Spokane Olub until the uinse 
of the season of ttvl. Dlllug, In a verv oredluble 
mauner.sevrnl po>lilunson Ita team, llodovelnpeil 
Into oiiiie a devor bahioan while cuonouted with 
the Spokane I'luli. ami wu credited with many 
not/d liatllog feats. In one game he nuMie a Hafa 
hli,lnrludliiga home run, a triple and two duulile 
baggrn, cschof the dve ilran be went to the lau. 
He remalnnl ou the I'acino Hlope, and tiegan tlie 
HU in ot IBM with the Stockton (Col ) Ululi, tint 
Unlahcd It wiih Iho Bacnmeuto Ululi or Ihe Call 
foroua l,eagiio. lie returned lo his huise lo Mil 
wankee at tho end of Ills eugageiucnt with tho 
hiiter dull, and atilie Ih'glnnlng uf Iho past stsson 
Joined thoCiiarlcslon Cluti, of the Soullie ru Aiiaucla- 
ilon, and remained with It, tilling sovcml ikwIiiiios 
on Its team, iintll tho Siiulhoru Association dls- 
lainded. when he wu engaged by the Minneapolis 
Cl'ib, of tho WoHtero Leaguu. anil dnbhed out thn 
aea»iD wlih Its loam, ho uking part In slghiy eight 
chsmplDDShlp games with tlio latter oluii. iwcuty- 
three of which he plarrd at short slo.i. dlling thst 

Kosltlon In a very crediubis manner, lleltagood 
aismao and clevsr base runner. 

"Arthur Olarkson li running a bowling alley on 
artnd Avenue, In Ihls city, ue opeued up tliics or 
four weeks ago, and Is doing a good business. 
Tbeodon Brelienstein, ihe lofi banded pliober of 
ibeSL Loots Club, tluce bis n-wnt marriage, hu 
teiUed down and gone v> work lo a North St. Louis 
atovs foundry. Brelteo*-teln balteves lu husbanding 
bis earolhRB, and, between tbe ball detd and the 
store fouodry, bt will no doubt, pick up a tidy sum 
la tha next tew yesn," savs The a Louie liul Vli- 
patch, "Uasamaear. the hard hlitiug Wublugum 
ootOeldcr, la another ludustrloua ball phiicr. who 
hiistles all the year round. Uasatuscar's fa'Uer 
Is a North 8L Louts coal dealer and the son 
drives one of the old gentleman's teams from 
October to March. Since he played ont lu Cali- 
fonla. where tbe gamo It kepi going all Ibo year 
roQod, Uasamaear doesn't know what II It to be 
Idle. Ilamnacar's looaltrlsnds would like to see 
htm with the SL l/>ula team nexi seaaon. and 
Prssldeot Von der Abe mar iimde Tommy llowd 
for him. Uaptalua Joyoe and Tebeau, of the Wuh- 
logton aad Cleveland teams respectively, Ltke 
oaauen eaey during the Wloior seaaon. Un- 
lUs Ihe ordinary playen, they draw pkkI 
salaries sod, In cuDaetinence, can betier 
afford tbs luxury of a few muoUis of Idleuess. 
Captain Tebeao hu saved his money and owns a 
nice row of flat houses In North St. Louis Jack 
O'Connor also owns a hones In tbs utue locality. 
O'Connor, Werdeo, Patay Flaherty and Henry I'el'E 
late Hie euy In the off season. Among tbe other 
ball playera who realde In SL Louis are Joe (lulnn, 
the second biteman of tho SL Loula team, 
who It engaged wllb his tatber la law In Ibe 
undertaking tod livery bulneu on Kulwn 
Avenue. Qulnn hu invested bis earnings uu iho 
diamond lo soob an advaurago that nis real 
estate and other property have passed the im oou 
mark. Frank Oenlns, who will be lu Plluburg's 
ontflsid In IIM; Jamea Welsh, who bu signed wTtb 
Lonlsvllls; Frank Pears, who pitched many win- 
ning games for Uetrnit hutseaaon; Albert Knehne 
and John llealy, bntb of whom played lut season 
with Ihe Erics, of the Eastern League; FIggeroeler, 
thepniulsing pitcher, who started lut seaaon with 
nelnit ud nolahed wllta Peoria, are anxloua for 
tbe remre of the season when seml-montbiy visits 
anmadetolheueaannr'sonice.' All the boys have 
saved a nest sgg for the offseason." 

Manager Motlloskey, of the Louisville Olnb, says 
lhat his leam for next season will bs mads up as 
follows: Frsd Lslae and Uenry J. Uoate, caiohera; 
J. L. Wadawortb and Ueorge NIcol, pitohera; 
Charles Lutenberg, John J. O'Brien and Hlllon 
Whltebetd, on tbe bases; John w. Olatscock, 
short stop, and Ambrose McOaub. Fnd Zahner 
and James Welsh, In the oulleld. Twu other good 
cntselden may be engaged, besides several nil- 
able aod experienced pllcheia. 

Uarry Taylor, formerly of the Loulavltle and other 
olubsi u,aa Is probably well known, a practicing 
attorney at law at Bolltlo, N. Y., and 11 Is ex 
iremely doubtful whether be could be Induced to 
live op bis preseni position and return lo ibo 

"An attoclttlon dob oonld hardly hope fur too- 
ceu In Ibis cliy. SL Louis is a Snt clsu bsseball 
city, and mast havs a team In tbs premier organlxa. 
UoD," says The Jfl. Louie muHe-Denuxral. "Al- 
though lbs esibutluie sometimes grow remlnls- 
cent, and lament the departed glories of ihe daya 
when BU Lonls wu the king pin of ths Amerioao 
AssocltUon, yet the majority of Ibe people want to 
see the major league teama play bare. Boston and 
New York nave been namea to conjure with In tbis 
ally. But St. Lonls must bare a laaffl that wlU On- 
isb wall op Is ths am divisloo." 

John Ward'a proposed sxiendsd Wsetem and 
Boathein hunllug trip lennlaal«d In a cuuple ct 
week'ssojooro lo Maryland aod virglnlt. 

Oapialn Wllbert llobloaoo, of ITS Balllmore 
champion leam. It wabted by the Lehlgb manage, 
meot. Is coach tbs csiHildatet fur ths neil teason't 
~ wn. 

Tbe Baltimore Clob bu erected a colttge al Its 
ball park, to be occupied u a realdence by Orvuod- 
keeper Mnrphy, who will spend the Wloler al tbe 
irouodt, and preveui Ibe club's propeity from bo- 
ng destroyed, u hu been the case In former yeaia 
WlUlao Bbanig, the veleno maoager, will prob- 
tbly be lo charge ot next seaeon't AlXentown team, 
ot the fenosylvanla State League. 

Maotgsr W. II. Walklot U Wloleriog at Port 
llon>o,Mlob.,aDdltgoingtoald Ibeprajectora Id 
forming a Michigan Slate League. Bauie Creek, 
Bay <;ily, nist, jaektos, Owosso sad Fon nann, 
SIS mtaiioMd ss Uksly dusa. 

Presldoni Young, of ths National Leagne asd 
Atiierlcan Aaaouiaittin, recently said: "It Is very 
diniaull to legislate so u to prevent riv>tl cliilis 
from Ismpering with deslnlilo playen. Tlie nutjor 
league ouualltutlon provides against It, but tbere 
are Indirect means geuenllr employed to gut 
around almost any provision tnat may be piii Intu 
any constitution. tMimeilincs the desire fur Iho 
services or a certain pUyur la expreasad without 
any expectation thai a deal lu that dlrertion will Iw 
consuniinaisd, but liy uegrees the subject la i|uletly 
considered, end lieforo lue parties m<at luteieeied 
are aware of ibe fact, oonipllcallons have arisen 
thst compel Iho deal to be uado." 

The Hhamr.iokH defeated thi^ llymnatliims by 4 lo 

0, Nov. 4. at Cloolnnatl. t>. Tho loun uuiUo only 
scattering safe blta off Tenneblll. 

Frank 0. Uancrufl, lios'nesii manager of Iho tiln. 
clunail dull, reoelveil a letter recently front a gen- 
tleman In tJuba, telling hlin that he thought mere 
wat a good opening lu Oulia for a team ot malor 
league playeya. Uaricrof t hu spnkob lo a nninber 

1. 'f playen who an wintering at Cincinnati, and 
tbey sre all anxloua tu make the trip. M inager 
Uancroft will Ont Ond out If be can gelaanltaiile 
guarantee before he will make soy arnogenienis 
tor taking a team down there. 

Tbe Toll do Club may be dropped from next sea* 
eon's Western League cirouil. If It Is, that city 
may be represeoteu lu an OhliiHiato ICHgne. 

Maoager SeKe, of the Boatun Club, recently saw 
Catcher Itytn, at Haverhill, Haas., and made the 
netciiary tmngementt fur his playing wim the 
Boston lean next sesson. 

II Issnid lhat Ihe llusl 'h tsara will do their prelim. 
Inary pracllce next Spring at Columbia, B. C, 
provided tbov have a sodded diamond lo play on. 
The team will leave Boston on or shoot Maroh 11, 

M inager Fontz, ot the Urooklyo Olub, It vlsltlog 
relatives al llaliluore, Md. 

It Is said lhai soms ot lbs major Issguo magnates 
are anxluut to give the duublo umpire srsteiu a 
Ulal next seaeou, snd II It a hare possibility that 
ths lesgue may eaubilab It si tho annual meeting. 


A Bportlag Man JBardavad. 

A dispatch from Eut Liverpool, I)., dated Nov. 8, 
readt u follows: "Tom Horsey, a local pnglllst, 
died yesterday from tbe effeote of loJorlM sostaln- 
ed seveiBl days since lo a drunken brawl at Wells- 
vUle. Doisey wu at ons time wealthy snd wu 
'Denver' SdIIO's hacker and trainer. Ue wu at- 
tacked by a gang of rnwdlee In Ihe lower dlilrici 
of Welltvllle BUordty nlghu liorsey settalned a 
tiacture of tbe skull aud one leg wu broken, Ue 
lay m a oomalose state and never rallied suffldsst- 
ly lo give the oaroea of the aaaallaals. If, indeed, he 
koew iham. lie died of Internal' hamorrbtgcs. 
Tbe police have no clue to any one elae concerned 
In Ibe brawl," 

MiitCoKwiT.or Montreal, Van., defeated Jimmy 
BrowD, of New ntmpthlre. In the fourth runnd of 
a glove Dghi that look piece at a resort near Moo- 
treal on us night ol Nov. 8. The company lo wlt- 
nees Ihe combat wu very select, nnmliertog oot 
m«re than tblrty-Bve In all, and they had a pretty 

Sood showing tor ihslr moosy during the short 
me the battle Usted, tbe men igbung Btrcsly 
while Ibsy wereeogagcd. Afterwards Brown de 
dared hia wllllngneu to nuke another sitlch with 
Conway, lor lloo a aide, aaaerting ibu nia defut 
wu due lo look of ooudluoo, which he wasdsisr- 
mined should not occur sgaln. 

"BOLLT" SMITO AND UsOAs OAaDfiBs, "the Ouisba 
Kid." bars been matched at Buffalo, N. Y., br Billy 
Madden. They are to m>:et |n thai city on Nuv. 27 
In a dfteen roood oontesi, wllb lbs nndentasding 
Ibat If adecltlon Is not reached lo Uie stipulated 
number of rounds the contest shsll be conlloued 
nnlU one of tbe onnlesunis has a decldsd sdvsn. 
lege, so lhat a decision may be rendered. They 
are to weigh lo at nab. and the baltle will teke 
pltoe at the roona of the iiuoalu Albleilo Ulob. 

F.DDii swsBKsr AND Jscx CoLLii* Wen oppoo- 
eota In a glove Oght thai uxik blaoe lo a resurl on 
Long laland on Ihe mornlag of Nov. 8 They fought 
tor a smaU purse. In tbe presence ot a sslecl c<i<u. 
pany ot spans, the hauls luting through fautteen 
muads and anally lermloating nosallslacuirily, Ihe 
oaraly crowd breaking loto lbs rUg aad lie re- 
tan* dsclsrlag Ike rattflt a draw. 

JonKNT LtTici, ot Uhlo, aod Teddy Olenn, ot 
Pllisbnrg, Pa., mei al the rooms of ths Cleveland 
111.) Aihleite Club on the evening of Nov. t, lo con- 
tend tor a piineot 1900, wlih liie cusumary staled 

filoves. The lads are lightwelghls, l.avack weigh- 
Dgiailb, and (11 on l'J:ilb. Abnoi four thousand 
penons wsre present, but ihey didn't have a very 

Jood return for their money, u Olenn wu knocked 
ui In tho second r-iund, and II wu about twenty 
Dinulea before he reciivered oooscloosDeas. 

Iiick O'Bhisn, of Hrnoklyn, and Jimmy While, ot 
the melropolls. tiled concluilune with gloved dale 
at a retort at Itoekaway lleach, L. I., ou Nov. 8, 
•ghllng at calrliwelght. In the eaily part of the 
contest while had the brsi of the Aghiing, delivering 
S'lme vary severe tocera, but he alierwanls fell off 
bsdiy, aud O'Brien took a decided lead, whloh 
anally won hlin tho tialtle In the eleventh round, lo 
which be ooniplelely knocked out his ouugonlst by 
a left bander on the Jaw. 

A uaiou bu been niHilo between "Kid" Lavigne 
aud Andy Bowen, who are lo llghl tiefure Ihe Audi- 
torium Club ot New Orleans, La., on Dec. II, for a 
purse (f f8,iM). 

1'iTPUHTtt.L, otSaslnaw, Mich., and Ullly Mabsn, 
who halls trom the I'acldo slope, met In a glove 
oooteat, for a purse of %m, at spot a oear Denver, 
Col., on the night ol Nov. 9. Twaniv rounds ware 
contested, "Uat" Uutcnuo Onslly deciding It a 
draw, • 

Jioi DoNoituB pul young Donley lo sleep In the 
ttfth round of a glove Oght st llensouhurst, L. I., 
Nov. 8, tbs Oght being for ■Ulsfaollou snd tho gale 


1'Ur Clnrlunall Mivtlnft. 
Nov.l— rint UM-Pour ftud a hkl( nirlonaa-Bvial* 
MItiitr, lua, Tlioiiv, < lo I, nm: Mwr tou, lui, A. CUv 
bio. 3 10 I (•eoMl; Auilllt, lux II. Vri)IUni». I tu 1, thinl. 

Tlma, 9:MM MAiml rte*— rtv* toO ont hilr lnr< 

loDiR. IbtM VMr ohU tB'i tiiiiraTtl-rii. Uailni, liff, r«r- 
liini. t U) 6 nrrt; Ciurlia Wiftato. 111. A. Claiton, » in ft, 
■•c«Di1:U«raUlnt 117. TliorM, tl tuft, ihinl. Tmiio,I:iK 

Thin) WB-Kr** htDdloau, all aiM, on* luM^ 

Blva. ». A. OUyUm. a til I llr*i; kIi«-I ciw^i*. lus, 
rhtirp*, II tot, M«ODi]; riiitu* HI, Hraoh*. in I. ihliO. 

111, ParkiDB. II u I. Drat; HanlnTa), IIS. II. Wlliittua. li 
to I. MMDiI: ntoawtwd 111 OfirioR, i tn I. iliinl. Tioi», 

1:ITM nilh nc«- Oqs nilU ihO wTODiy >anti, ihrta 

vurottl»-t;harlir, A. tliiirion.S to l.aiit; Miaitlil- 
Top. \\a l**rkln*.5lol. Mctind; Mr*. Unman. IW, Walker, 

dtol.tlilnl Tim*. I:49>« Kitih ram- rnur aitO ent 

bal(ltirloni4-N»c«ilili, IMM- Thorr*. 9 (O 8, OrM: Hriil 

tat UO, ParklDi, 7 lo I. afcond : Maria HLrcTa, Itl II, 
riUiama.Tiol. ititiU- Tima.Uiiav 
Nut r — Plf'l raoA-PlT* akil a lull ftirionia. «i>irina— 
Wlllanl, UU, J. l)«l«),(ito6. who: HhawDMt. ici I'vihlna, 
4 In I. Moiiliil: llojL IU}. Van Kuiau, 30 lu I. ilitrd 

TIma. Itini^ Kccoml raf«-itii ruriou|k-ti|-o Lily. 

Ill Pflliliiii,tl Utft. tiia; VnUyfM, IIL_A. t.-liflnn. ft lo 1, 
MfuDd; Hlanelia KH'itij, lt<7,TIiiir|M(.lln I, thirii Tluia. 
I:ir Thlnl rac«-H«<an rurluO|a-l>rpni»Daila. Vt, 

I'arkloa, It loA, won: Tha lioi inaatar. 106, Htonhp, II inL 
w«iDd; Lueiaiar »/. II. WHIlana. lOto t.iMnl. Tuna, 

l'J).t4 Pnurlh tar*-rtT» ftntl«hairfurhiri|ia,a«llln|| 

-HhiaM Rvirar. HO, Van K«ur*a. B tu t, von: Whid. In, 
Parhloa.ft lit I. MConJ ; Moi|y«ood. IM, Muraa, It lo I, 

llilrd- Tlnt»,l:IIVi Klllli raofi-lllB riirh>nii— Touib 

TlmlMr, lur, Paikliia. Ito I. «oo: VIoiutIuub, lt<7, Thi-rii», 
ft to I, MCODO; Ttwia, Vn. Mori*. I lo I. ihinl. Ttoia, 

Nut. H— fint rara-l*arM t«U Bi>n vlnDara, all fUr- 
lopff— 1^rr>t flonlo. M, Tarhliif, atan uinoay, aon lu a 
■kilop bv alilillauatlia; Tait, U/7. Munt. 7 tn l.aMoml; 

Uu liy. (lift, n Wilirama. ft til I, lUlnl. Tim«, l:liu .' 

MacoBd rae«-rnia«|<n^ Dialdau tnu >aaroii1a, n«a fur 
looii— Hua|t«na«, IPft Vanhuiao. fl u» I, ■onilrlTlni br a 
li»w: MalmalMio. IQL Thurpa, X tn I, »*«iO(l: Tauur. IIBl 

farliina. • bi t, ihlrd. Tlnia. Tliird r*o*— 

Curaa iUU for iwoiaar ohla, ai>Tan luiiua|i»--AUbana, 
110 ritrhini I liiA.«nniiti»loi( bra nioh Ouoior, llti, 
A. (ilaytiiii,! tol.MOoflil; HA«a<>, IIP, Vaoknian. U In I, 

ihlfil. Tluia. I:S)>« Kiiurih rara - I'uraa |MI. 

maldaai, od* nil la- A Nib an. M, J. Daly, b tnS. mt,n aaally 
byOra langllia; Ihillla, BH, farklna. 7 lu a, kaMBtl: l*ai<{. 

Tip. ttt, Tuvall. flu U) I. (bird. Tluia. LftlU rillh 

r«c«-KHraa tW). Haliian lao yw owmIva lur)nDK»- 
Pnot d Or, \w, A. ClattuD. 19 toft, aud taalli by two 
laofltbij (fiHHlvln. lUI PniKihui>, ftln l.a^ttiOil; Hlr Kulia. 
IUU,II. wll|iauiH,.'llu I. thlnl. Tim*. 

NgT 9.— Kiraliac*-niM»t«u, fur all a|i>a, flT*aiiil a 
halllurlnBia-^ <!i>OB*ll, IW. Hallard. *Tao munny, «ob 
ta*ll> by t«u Uiiatha; Dnnitaati. 11/7, Carklni, 4 tuft, aao 

noil: i-.tan, IU7. TliurM tt lo T, ililrd. Tima. i:)Uia, 

HfOaDd raoa-ruraaica nialiUn iwn irar uMa, Hlllnv, 
lli*rnrtoDia-Hlr HuhP, IW, Dtnuhu*, iut \ wun QlaTarly 
a laniui: ritBirio, li«. Tliort*. 7 tu i, aacontl; Tha 

lUBrialLa, HQ, l'•rkln^fl to ft. ibUil TInia. I:U7U 

Thinl rao*-f uraa |liU, lor ihraa yaar olila and uiiward, 
«a(to rurlonBa-TraTMraa, in, TborM. tvan niimay. «uo 
haodilrbyalanBlh; Willaril. II4.J. lialv.B Lit 1, aa«uDd: 

Mxu II, IW, Mori*. 15 to I, third. Tlnia, liSIU 

PiiBrlJi raca-l'uria %W, U>t t«u yaar a\\\», aU aud a balf 
lurlooRa— (JahUy, Kki. Hnwha, 6 to ft. «du id a laJInp by 
>!«• l«DMlha: Klfaa, I>0. l*arh laa.l iii I. aacuod : liraaoaol, 

.IIA,TborH.ft lo I, ihlid. Tluia, XrTlii Plflb raoa- 

I'uiaa |(Af aalllof, nillaamt a aliU«Dlb-l*lt(atiurf, W, 
l)oooliua,lluft, wnaaailiybr aUnRlliiPrrd (lanluar, 
19.\\. WllllaiiiB,lllu l.aainoO; ftillupana. VS. ParhiOB i 
ui I Uilrd Tima l Al^. 

Not. IU. and Jaal— Kir«t rae«- HaraD lurliinBa-HeToB 
n*)l. Ill, ilallani, aoo: Hilly UaBoal, 111, Thi>ri>«, 8 tuft. 

...... • ,., sui, . nil,/ i,«uu*^ ill, ■ IIITP*, O UJ a, 

aacaod; Uarru fliipiu, 117, J. ri.b.r.S tu I llilrd. Tlma, 
1:9114. ..^.HaeiBiltsca-riraatiila hall tartdUga-Kalls 
■I , liS, TlixriM, • til a, wuo: Tuloaalm. lo. ■■•iinoa. It is 
6. .aoiiod ; lUrianiora lUS. LhiDnlma, 7 ui I, Ihlid Tlma, 

■ :IIK Thlnl nu-a-rive aad a half larlnnsa-Hhlald 

Saatsr, III, Vaa Kuno, t lu s aoo: Naisilali, MI. Hal. 
laM, i la I. aaooDd: H'tilll. luS l<arlilii.. t Ui I, Ifalnl. 

TiBia, t:l>iM ruunli raca-Hli furluaia-HisioD W., 

lus farSlBiL I tu 10. woo ; Juhn KsHlar. KS Uuria, 13 to 
I, aaoind: Ituirt. 1(0 Thnrpa. U)bi I. ihird Timv. lilrW. 

Kilin raca— ilnanilla -Tiaaibho. lid WalSar.ltul, 

wuo: tlliirlaoa. M. rarklaa. B Ui a, aaeuwl: i^s.l IU li. 
WilUi ■ 

ama 8 lu I, third, 

.u Hiatli raCN— tin* uni^mtm, 

Moesan, KWaJkar. B tu I, aoo: Kahl, SI. II wiiiIuib, 
« lo I. BMODd; Bataid, lOS, J flaliar. So Ui I, lElid. 
riBia. 1:I7M. 

i:s>iL III 

a Btlla-I 


Tka Wlttdnp at Providence. 
KuT. 7.— FIril raca— Puras IS S. tvu vaar nlda,als far 
9<l7*l>"'JI''°°/ '"*< Waloh. I lo I, aua: llallaraDsua, 
vn, Blaka,7ia 1. aaeoail ; HIr John, IIM, lllarba, F iS 1. 
Ililnl. TiDie. l:aiM......wrjiDil raea-l'utas U0U,aslltsg, 

loar lurlensa-fradailob, w. IhilTr, V la Vwos: Mar* 
aaarlla. IM. lue, S to I, ateusdl Harara. IU). llUka. 1 m 

I, ibtid. Tims, IHI Tblra iaa»-l'aiaa iu), all 

aias. ana lalla-Ualr, ta, McOlals, s tu 1,'vnn: Hloollnl, 
77, Yogas. 11 la S, aawaili i:as<aaa. IN. Hald. S In I, 
iWrd. lliua, l:«K....^.I'uurtli ra»-|-uraa I'tU, all 
turlusga-riiat Mslil, R, Walali. S tu s. aiio; Dano, tl. 
Sioki, 4 ta I, aaaood; ('arsalloD, n, U'Laarr. 7 to S. 

Ihinl. Tluia, l^M ritili racPulas uU. aslllag 

oea inllaanda furfoas— Marahall. liQ. Hoadakar. s la I, 
««o:Tliagiisso.UII laaiblsr.f la>,saeoud; HluaUattar, 

M. WatJii, S IU I, Uilrd Tlma, Ijlbu Malb race-! 

rarae Udu, aalllBii, oae oiila and a iinartar-Lnhharl, 
IW. M. Lroob. 7 tif 10. wno; Pmparur UUid, l86.Hhla!di. 
13 I, iaeoail: 'put, lal, Dbanllsr, It is I, llnrd. TlutI 

Tile Clalrago Ilacse* 

Nor. S.-rirat rsea-riva furlonss-Wattar O., 107, 
•Ibora, libit, ana: Vsnll, 110, Lilly, It U> l.aaMod: tu 

rraalll, 110. McDonald, B Ui I, Uilid Tluia, I.IA 

Kaooad raea-Sal liga, ila tahoDsa-Oiria, IIM. 11. Ma 
Itosald, S ki Ik.Kioj Aol H., lin.HchsalTar, U la I, sacuod; 

Tba lllitlllsr, IM tet, B lu l.lMrd. Tina. I:I>M 

niid race Hahlni, als sad a bait lurUnga-Kad aiaso, 
U>,nhora,a>ao, aoa: Baalra.lOI. Irvlnj «b> I, aaeood: 

Easia hiid, IIIL MaebllD, s lu I, Uiird Tiuia, IM 

rounli nca— fiva aoil a hall lurluDsa— Pallaas, 101, 
ilbwD. list, waa: rirau, Ila, llaiold, IS to I, awnd 

Saek gollbl, lur, IMtm, II lo 1, Uilnl. Tlma. 1:13 

rillb raea-SalliOB. ailla aod salalaaolh— Vunni Arion, 
UI Irvlpa.araa. voo:KalvBdor.Tr,iriioro,Slut,aaeoBd: 
eiilaaa. ri)r,Urallr,lital,lhlnl. Tlma.l:M. 

Mar. 7-rlrslraca-fl«lllD|, Mrao iBrluoaa-Ttia DIa 
ullar.W, Kvarall Sto X*o>:Saa Halradur, »7, Mellusb, 
nito I, lacued'.Outarr, 17, Chan t lu t, Uilrd. Tuna, 

*JBH...-..aaeosd ra<a-.fla1llnj|. oaamUa-IIOBBIaal, H. 
Uiurii.lSlot,*oQ;D.nsat, StrKvaraU, 8 bi I, sacnod: 
OrbIl,at, Maeklau.l lu I, third. Time. l:la......Tbtld 

raca-HalllSf, dra and a lialf furluoia-Llaoalla M, 
Ohuro. tlu r w«a: Malaaur. B,B Joaea, aiaa, aMoad: 

Suaraolr. 17, Maokleo, B Ui I, Uilrd. Tlma. 1:11 

fourth raea-Salllor. oaa nila-Hlniro«k, IU7, Ha/blao, 7 
!!>..'<'i.*£°! ■aoat'all, IW. Blaea, S tu I, HcoDd; Hdiar 
■ill.ll Kiaraalt la I. Uilrd. Tlma. l:UI(....!..rilUi 
ra a a Kavaa fui ussa— (laoraa W., ID, livlas, araa, wua; 
illaooM, lUD.Talnr.lllt, 10 u I. aaeoed: Taa Zaal, ue 
Sharils, 30 lo I, Iblid. Time, 1.S4. 

Nov t— riral raaa-Hli rurlooas-MlDalt Msekla, KM, 
"•f "IS- • !l "oa; Msrdan KaVlttf, Urallv, I u I |aa- 
aad; flurrr Miara, IM, Krarau ID lu i, Uilrd. TIba, 

1:31 BaaoBdra c a O oseilU aod aa.aDtv larda-Ut- 

rle, In, ll. MaUuaabt. 8 Ut I, «ua; Marioo 0 , Uo, rburs. 
f V.h ••eond ; Salvador W, .", Jooaa. 7 In I, iblid. Tima, 

ijf)i; Third rata-riTB aad a balllurlonaa-rsllaaB, 

107. I>iin, lus, waa; Malaaur, mil Uodaa, I lu I, sa«. 
ond; Walla Mlra«tlU,Haaiaaaua,Slu I, llilid. Tina, 

:U. rauiUi raca-Mlla aod a tlil«talh-ll.a>ia Bla. 

laad.n. Hsablaa,? lo I. was: VI, i:liuiD,ll w 
S,aacuad; Har Dal Mar, VI, flmlaa. I tn I, third. Tlma, 

IMH rltlh rac«-rl» furlussa - Jaiura V Cartar, 

103,MRlaa.8 lu I. sub; liuld Bu|, Its. K. Juaat, I lu 1, 
sacuod; Maasia (Jraj, SS. l;boro. 4 Ui I, Iblrl. Tlma, 

IAN illath raaa-Hli lurlnnsa-Miat Rowall, M, 

L'buro.llal, wub; Wauta.SS, K Juaa*. IS to t. ascusd; 
mau tiBka. I«l. I) MeUufiald, I to I, Utird. Tlma, 1:11. 

Hov. v.— firil raoa-HalllBB. aav.a farluBaa-Taala 
Maw. Ill TuUrvllla. t bi I. waa : Hllfar Kill, 113, II. Ms. 
i>uaaU. II 1st aaoiad; Tasalr tferaa, lit l.'hora, loiul. 
lilid. Tima. I:DK Sacuad ra<a-Hallla|. all far 

lluodlaai. ItU, Uarr. B lu I, aaeuad: llibIL VI. Kaealaa.SO 
to I. Ihinl. Tina, I MU. .. .ruarth raau- riva lurluaaa— 
Wtlkuvar, Ks, IrvloK. I u l, wuaj U.rld. IIJB, Hbsrrro. 4 
lu l.aaanad; Ssek llolsbl. MO L Modsa, S la I.Uilld. 

Tibs, IJUkT riflb raca-Halllas. ila rBrk>Bia-Noaas 

IMomun. 10, Laar, 3 1^ I. wont Olanuld. l9r,TabarvlUo, 
13 tA lisscead: llss''. IS7, ubora, Sl« s. third. TUsa, 

Mor. IO.-flralrac»-f lrararlonaa-Ar«ma,lfQ. Irvlaa, 
Slal.drat: IIIMa Har, ICP. ETtrsll. lou l.aaeuadl luS 

Mav, lO, 11. HeDooakl.? Ui I, iblld. Tlma, l«X ,. 

Haciisd raeu — Una mlla aad aaaaalv tarda— Miosis 
Markla. n. Macklas, f lu I. Brail roaaiaot, ll Brsrall, i 
taLaaviad: UlUaClaorsa, IM, Lsar,Ulal,lbltd, TlSa, 
Tblnl ri c a Irta iwllaaad .a.aiiiy jalaa l aa 
II to S,lrst; Iaflaklrd,Wi 

I MH- . . .Tllnl raea-lnia 
sla lislsad. H, Maaklaa, 1 



November 17. 

Out. a U U Meoo4; lUjr IHl Mar. 100; Obora. Utot, 

tbinl. rim«,l:BlK rounli rau-fliz farloDi«-Fm 

nUvelo, MD, Obora. I to I. flrat; Mar TbonpMD. flS. 
■tmu*. U t« f, Mmad: Ul|tilud. lOi, Ullr • to I. UtM. 

Tin*. I:ll.>; riiib nc*-riw AirtofiK*-M«i|l* Qnr. 

l(H CMra, i 10 fl^flnt: 8itr«mde. 112. Mooktva. ito 1. mc- 
ABd; SoaintiBballn, 109. 0. MoDooald, 9 to I, uirt. 
tiiue. lOTY 

Virginia Jotkvf Club* 
ThemMilDgat SL AnpbB,y*.,wMrMiiin(d on 
TbondAj aftoniooD, No?. 8, ftfter % poftpooe- 
meat from tbe previous Balardftj, nude lo order to 
permit itie borMmoD ud race psuoiuto go torn* 
ftDdTOto. TbewefttberwurftlDr.tlioancmMMO 
■nail and tlie tnck Id very tad condltloo. Bam- 

Not Sprint TM^Dtadieap. pq^m $W, odo nil*— 
Politer, flB KMr*,ll toS.flnt: Jodgo Mormv, 110.arl(- 
flo, 7 (o lOL ueood : Boo&TCDtor*. B, lotint, 7 to I, ihlrf. 
TlBO, l:«K ....B««ADd nc»-84UlBr para* $Xa tii 
■a4ftha]rlarloaK»-Hflod7. Ill, LrttlfdoUl lo a.&fit; 
VlfMO. 10BLB«rf«n,7 to I. Mcood: HictDWt goMO. IH^ 

Doioti. U to l.ililM. TImo. IrVJ^ Tbird rae*- 

PorMjaOD. ■'wi lorloDf|i-MoE«o, ill. ariniD.T to U), 
flnt : ranu, Ot. 0. Corri ■ u. 10 to I. weood ; Looukd'o, 

Ha.MI4f«lr.flto],ihird. Tim; liSft Coarifa neo— 

SoUiDi.parM tXw.rour ud » li>ir larloaii^D«r«llet, 
19. BiBii, 7 to 10. Ont ; Panob- 109, BoiRoo. a to S, Moood : 
MtnfoM flilr. 110. DoffoiL 4^ to I, taltd. Fondi eolt 

MM nil*— MiM bmr 99, KMfo, * 10 ft, Otftt; Liuto Matt. 
■LI>eintt,Ilto A^iKond: Ton Skldmora iaB,Uriini>, 

Ulfd. TlD«. 1:<8 Hlilb rmM-AtUloi. par** tm 

flTaaodoo* ball (irlooM-Wlll milnlMH. R TrlboTH 
%o$, am; Pochioo. \oy iirinQ.sto^ Hoood; Wambirf. 

rfor. lO-Vlnt noo-SalllOK, pan* W, half oll«- 
PAitbMlo, 101, B«r|t«**. 3 to ft. flnl; Nioorih, lOS. OriiBD, 
Utol.MODBd; rrtioDOA, IQS, PaoD, 7 tol.ihtrd. Pmiu 
TdiPoarl aod Irofiqali Mldiof a'w raa. Tloi*,0:3lX- 

iMOtMl no*— doliloi, purao fJiD. all aad a half loi* 

loap-Frlflcoa»or|«, l(n.8tmi.l to6,drft; MtilATon, 
107, Ko«f*,W 10 1. ioood2: roebiDo.i01,arinto,lS to^ 

third. IiUoM tlM rao. tln*,l:a,'4 Tbird ram— 

PorM UDO, MlllDff. ill rurloDflft— KiDffUold, NXOriina, 
7t4ianc: Oiickoda. 109, DoiMlt, ll io&.M«oiM;Piioa- 
tnu, in. LltUaOcId D to 1. tblrd. Dtroliet. Blia UMd. 
Plaih, Balli* Woodford aod RomplOEOirlataomo. TIma. 

]:l» KoarfbraM-tellloit. purMMi) iitaod abaif 

farlosift-Oalllao. Iia, i>n»ait, aTao, OrM; PuHiur. (9. 
MMit.H to l.iaooDd: Melotrro. 100 Aim«,7 toft, third. 

ladn alao ru Tim*. IMU Finii r«o*-8*liloi[, 

parM VOX 00* DlU^oBvaod Daoca. 101 atlillo, 1 toB. 

.. dIU^obv^ , 

frlgbt, lor. Nae*r.7 tD ] WMod: Ton Mid* 

: ifipF - .. - 

mora. tOT. Haoavalt, S to I, third. W*atclwar*r aod Bdr 

Aotftaa alio ran. Tlraa, 1:1).. 

..Hiiih ra«o— a*DlIa- 

mw*i raca-hawlioip lor hfiotan porMaitO. naomll*. oa 
tb* flat— Mr. MoOarmoit'i BJpbto. ia),ilr, N«liOD,*T*o. 
am; Mr )loCaaI«»'*CnichimaQ. liu Mr. HeCaolari 4 to 
I.ncoad: Mr. Brown'i Vancluu, l(P,Mr. lloIm*a,lt tofti, 
iBlTd f ftlnai aad Huany atan rao Tin*. IrOJ 

Hot lS-rir»trmot-l'>iri« tvn, bIk aod abaT lorloDn 
— UdrVloUt, Il9.0ri(ll<i,4 toft, ar«t; fhrrarKllia. Ul. 
ll<>IN*tti 7 to I, MoonJ; Hutdovof, 107, MldK*!/ W to 1. 

tbIrd. Tina, 1.-1IM Racood rsea— HtlMafr, i>ara* aro. 

■II rur^ODfA— Hi|fn I'olot Rail*, iaD,Orinio. •rao, llrit; 
Btnarra. W. Keufa, 10 to I, iwooDd; rurioui, 107. 

Mldialf, it to I. iblnl. Tlma. I:I7K Ttiitd raet- 

Halllat. par** $90, Ara larloog* — llurilochaai, lOP, 
OriHa 4 to ft ar«t: Old DomlaiuD. 109. HUlg«V. 10 to 1 

_di LtUla Hilly. lOI, U. Oorrlvaa. le to ft^ iblrd. 

Tin*. irOI.'X Poarib rtc«- Hall loir. por»a avJD. coo 

tolla-l'rloc* n*ort*,ll&Hliia.l to ft,dni; l'uT<iiar.6H. 
Kaal*, ft to 1. Moood; mtkoau. v> DoM«it. Ii tn | 

Iblrd. Tlaia.\:llH CltUt raca-l'aru $00 Hf* aod 

ft bair lurloD|[a-¥ldMar. Iin, Ihi|«n .t tt tn I dovn to H lu 
I. ftnti Taf ran. 110. K TrliM. 30 to I. mood; OllrUamlD, 

lU. 8lma.4 to ft. Uird. Tim*. l:lok ..Blii^ raet— 

■alliOR, poTM as n. Or* farl'-nio— wambarf. 103, HrifflQ , 

jmbarf. 103, (i - 
*n, fttoLatcood; 

■alliOR, poTM as n. Or* farl'-nia— f 
Itot, flrat; I'rlooo Jtiho, 103 |iarB*n, 8 to I, M 
Waller, n, lAmlr. it lo 1. tldnl. Tima, I MH 

Jla«lu|| In Tcnneiioe. 
KoT I — Plrat rt^o-Fira and a balf rarlooii-^ld 
Dait,er. MoCoa. ortn. won; John K.lOiU, J. lllll, 7tol, 
MCOod;Qalokitap,9A. IIicka,a lo I, ihiM. Tlma, t:OKi]|( 

taoood rto»-Ooa mil*— Uarrr L., 101. Navoom. e 

tol.woa;Biniar P., KiO, E. Wataf>n, 10 to l.*aeoiid;ClarB 

Baaar.Ud Kahn.4 to \, Uiird. Tlma. |:4DX Third 

raet— Poortorlonva- Hatila Baltav, ni. rrarmao. 4 to ft, 
wootMaaaaa, U8.J. IlllLIM to I, ntcood; Willi* 11 ,11ft, 

Barrat1.ll to I. ihtrd. Tlma. 0:»H Poorih rae*— 

Pira Md a hall rurl<iDRa-M»lrnpola, IDft. lolaht, ft to 1, 
want WaTarlrMUuBarrait. 10 to 1, taenod; Joho Dudd. 
m A. ■arrail.icuto l.tliird. Tlma, l:QtiU....PIIihrao*— 
■lUlaft flfa rurloBKi-Miaa Alieo. lOX Va'Mr.T lo 10, 
wob; rrloM.Sl, Uiido*r.7 to I. a«cood;Safal7, 9r. Mo- 
Oia,7lol,tblid. Tlmn. 1:01 

Nor. 7.-Pirat ra«a— Fir* fiirloDat->luh. liS. Uard- 
D«r.l to 1. «oo: TroBioo, 119, J. lliU, 8 to 10.aaooiMl; 

M»ma^ 110. MoGoi, aO tol.Uiird. Tln*.l:OIK Bm* 

ead no* 8*111 ng. Ora farlonia-Ploianca M., UB, 
■aliht, 4 to I, woo ; UruHo, 109. (lardoar. aw to 1. mo- 
oad: Jooo. 108, Ban*MOlol, third. Tlmi^ 1 a.....Third 
r«ee-aiifarhiat«-Hutti)la. lift. Oardoar. 3 to lairon; 
Laooard B . 110 Praomao. S lo I iMtond ; Blaeb Ballo, IV7, 

J.UIlLlfttrtl third. Tlma,l:lft Fourth rtea-Haran 

rarloon-MatdMarlao. lie. OlbMo.voa: MnlllaP.lll, 
Mnllh. I tot aaooad. riorvanoa. 111. MoOio etoft^ihlrd. 

Tlma, l:fTM F<nh raca-Halllita.oPa mila-Abbaa*, 

■Laavdoer.ito Land J*nolaW..n MoOua. lliol ran 
adaadho*t:liattrr Jaakloa, ill, Proamao. B to 1. third. 
Tlma. l:iJM Faria vai dlrldwl. 
Nor. 8 —Flrat raaa-^li lorlonca-Laooaid B., 1(0, Bar- 

■•r,7 to M). won: Pdoca. 100. Oardoar, ft to 3, *vwi 

KalliaOaWima. IQB. Kil|ht,B to l.tlitrd. THoa, 1:1ft 

■Moad n**-4(ilarIooa-urtiJlD. 104, nardoar.Sto 1, 
woai Jooo, 104. B«rflar.4 lo 1. Moood;(laa Whii, llf. 

Olb»io, II to 1, third. Tima, I:I7U Third raea-8ii 

farloota-L^ui* Mllta, lOi, Bargar. 1 to f, woo: Mtiro- 
Mla. m. Inlght, 1 to I, taooBd ; (tiara Bu*r, 100. Muha, 

7 to t, llilid. Tima. 1:IIU Puunh raoa-Mlla and 

Hraatf rard«-Mollta B , lOI.Hmith. lio i. «oo: Haorr 
JwUlo* 111, FraHoao, B to 1. Mooad: Baxtpbooa, ICi 

HardiQC. tfio 1. Iblrd. Tlma. 1 :44 FlIUi raea-Saroa 

nrloaga-Ciko llarOr. IM, Bulth. 9 to I. won; Rao*-al Mo- 
iuIrMr.nDaTia,* to l.aaeoad; Qoldao Uopa.lOD,Mo 

On,! to I, third. Tlmo,l:9DU Blaib raoa-Harilra, 

oao milo-Uoala Frank, IIO, HoUaroo. 3 to J, woo: W. L. 
Moaeoa, ta.Htrah*.l to 9, aaooad; noaro,i«U, FUld»,9 
t> I, Iblrd. Tlno.l:S4>4. 

NoT.f.-Pliat naa-*4aniB|. ali (urloan-Maaola, III, 
Kaba. 8 to t, woa; U|rtl*artha, loi, A. Barrait. U to 1. 
••oaM; Jaha Uaoo. 114. Harrau. IJ to I t*ilrd. T(m^ 

l:lftU Baaond imca-riva furlooga-MlM Alloa, lOS, 

mrgar, 1 to <wod: S'aoo n.Uardoar.S m l.aaoaod: 

lUaani ie9,Koigbt,4 10 l.thlrd. TlDf,IHB Third 

wtm Balilag. uvta (urlooga-Tliaodora II., 107, MoCof, 
g 10 £ «oa; Tao Bpriap. 101 B«rg*r. tj< to l.aerood; 
Lord Wllloabnok, 109. Ilardlor 1 to I, tbln. Tlmr, 

1:0 Poarth naa— aalllQir, aavao iDrloaga-JaaBla 

W., 81 McOa*. 7 to 1. woo: RavaDaa, lOS. Qanlaar, B in ft^ 
•Moad; Manal. 191. KaighLS ioa.tblnl. Tlma.l:38N. 

Fifth tao^Four aod a half fUtloogt— TrantOD. 101, 

J. Uill B to ft, wAo; Nona. Vll%, Hernr,4 to I. atcoad; 
MarsaiT.U8-R-JooaK,8tol,ibird. TlnirOUM* 

Nov. U— Pirit raoo-Bli lurloQira-Mainpola, 107, 
Xolgbt. 4 to ft, woa: Mardiavay. Iit7, iiaidnar. h to 1. roc* 
OQd; B. P. Plr Jr.. l07. RfataMa. 7 tn I, Uilrd. TImo. 1 :UM. 

Baoood r«r*-Rla farlOBc^KBTaala.0l,<laTdotr t 

to ft, woo; Prioia UlDUtar.Bl. Bari«tt, 10 to 1, aacood; 

PUn, 04. Monaa, 4 to I. (bird. Tlma. 1:11 Thlid 

lao^PUe fUrloDfa-Mai|\ioD, lOi, llardlDi B lo 1. won; 
Uoaa'a Ual. loiTBargar, l to l.tmuod; HtllaHiar.lOl, 

Oanloar, 4 m l. third, tlma, l:OSJi Fourth raeo- 

Oo* nlU-Klnar P., lOi. J. Ililt.^ lo lo. vuo; lltarr 
JaaklBi^ lOO, Fr«aman,9 tt I, atcood; Ba.\optaoDa. tOOt 

llardlDi It to 1. ihlid. Tlma, 1:«11« ^inh laoa- 

llanllft, eight and a half liulooga-l'acla Prank. UO. Mc- 
RaroB, t to 8, aod W. U Uuoioo, lU. Hiruha 9to 1, rao 
a daad b*ai; Ojrua, U\ Ottoologbaiu, 4 to 1. third. 

Not. It-Pi'it no*- Pl«* rar1oof*-B*lur,.'<A.(lft*'0o*r, 
4lol,woo:Jaro,lol Margar. 4 to 1. aaaond: Willi* U„ 

iia^A.Barf«tt,4tol. third. Tima,l:Ol Stcoodiaca- 

Hli rbrboga-Olara Bauar, 111. J. lllll. 7 lo lU. woa; 
Fulobar 0 , 101 Oirdnar. ft to 9, »aooad : Flnraoaa M., ttV. 

Kalibt, II 10 I, third. Tina. 1:11 Ttilnl noa-Mraa 

rortoan-Prlma HlalaUr. I)|, Canlo, 9 to L woo; I^rlora 
OarL tit. Ulbaoo, II to 1. aaoooa: Laoaard B, rV, K. 

danlBor.l to 1. iltlrd. Tlui*. l:rH Pourtb raea- 

Plva rdrloDga-Diamoad Plflk, IV7 Froanap.Sio I. «od; 
T»oOt]|ook.Ki. ilanlneMI to 9, aaoood; Ht. Cyr, I07« J. 

HllUato 1. third. Tim*. 1:01 KiUb im-Flvaior* 

laan-Joho P.. 101, MoUua. I to I. woo ; Poovar, lot ra«- 
■lo. 7 to I, ■*oond; La Oranda, KM, J UU1,4 lo 1, third. 

ValllbrulK JotkoyCliib Racre. 
Nor. T.-Plnt noa-Salllof . aboul ala rarloagi-Vaaai. 
100.OhaTaUar.8to l,«on;lllM Raih. lOO, Buroa, Sto 1. 
Hoood; Umna, ma, Boiiwu 8 to I, third. Tlma. l:liW. 

Boeoad imo»-telllD>, ooo mlla-Rlco,ei), Harrlchi. 

4 to ft, won;,aiaTallfr,8 to t. M«ood: Oak 

land,ICt,BoMiiuo. 4 10 1, third- Tloia. 1:41 Third 

raoa-Mlla aod aaiitoaotb. hurdl««-t)i«k O'Mallar. I'.O. 
Btanlord. 11 to M^ von; Uorvao. 1*\ Plowar*. ft lo I, a** 

ead:aiabad, 131 Long, 10 to 1. third. Tima.lM 

Poarth noa-Sallloir. MTaaaodabair rurlooii-UapfF 
Dar, IQP. H. Ilom, 7 to ft, won; Pnluhl. 101, 4.1wm,3lo 
I. OMOBd; (ihlMa. im, MoAulltr*,ii to I. iblrd. lima, 

1:M^ Fitlh ra«fr- Balilog, aboul all fuilo*Ra- 

UaaumaB. 99,' ChaTaUar.4 to i. woa; Olaciuar.ei R, 
Iaoin,8to 1, attond; Uhamuck, 01. Hurer, 10 lol. third. 
Tina, 1:11. 

Not. ft.— Flrat raa* -About t\\ furlungi-DoUr 
ObavalMr. 4 to I. won : K'nraBo* Dlok«T. lii7. W. Flron. 7 
to 8, aacood ; Wat, lOT.OoTloaioD, 3 to 1, third. Tint, 

1:14 Baeond raoa-Mlla aod Ibroa Muarlai^ Fana 

Btahaa, |i,8iW-TttomhlU. It^ Mil*r. l to Id, woo: Carmal, 
m. 8paMa.ll to l.aMond; Yu Bl Ra7r*rui«d to mo. 

Tlma, S-OftH Third raoa-Aboai dra rarloago-cia- 

oaar.BlBL iion.Slo l, won: Joa Cottoo.n. Buma. 1ft to 
l,**«ond; UraoleL 107. llMirlobi.3H to 1. ihlid. T\m*, 

IMU Pouriii raoo-BaBdloao.eo* tnlla-ilMtad.lT. 

OiaTtllar, 10 to I. won; Pola«ht. ia>,K lMoa.4 lo !.»••■ 
ood: Mar Bl Beau Anita, in. S, Monla.1 to I. third. 

Ttua, IWH Piftbrae^MiU aoda1aart•r.0rab«^ 

dtaa- PlMdmora. 193. AUnark. 4 to 1, von : JaiwnlQa, Ui, 

MuTobr 8 to; Pauaolo. UL BlahalaM to I, 

third. Tlma, 9:17*i Bliih raoa-Ballloir. a*K»at ili 

farloam-Baaalda. liM. Oh*Tall*r. 1 to 1, woo; Sir Uich- 
ard. 110, Uanrloba. 4 to 1, a«cood; Bai^o, IM, Nartloa, Bto 
1, third. Tim*. 1:11. 

Nor. a- Plral raea-8li furlooga-Rvd Pat, 104, R. Ibob, 
atoU won; Florana* Dlok«r, lOi. W. P(tbd.4 to ft, aao 

oad; BblrltF. lOP. U. Taral 0) to 1, tbIrd. Tim*^ 1 :ll 

H*ooad lae* Briliaw. on* mil*— Oarialo Itaaa, loi, w, 

Elraa.ltoft, woa: Qarola. 101. Uoadf , 9 to l.toeood; Mj 
aok, IOA,A.Cotloatoa, 4 ft I. third Tim*. 1:11 

Third raoo-AboBlMK rorlooga-PllnoUa, MO. w. Plyoo, 

lOJ, Haerieha, 4 to l.woaj Tartarian. iail,Pl7oa,4 lol, 
aaeoDd; OharUa A.. NB. SeamaD, lo to 1. tbiid. Tina. 
I:1IK Third nea-OoaiaU«,Anloma HtUaaTarpe 

WDt-Bar Airaaao, 118, Bosomaa. 1 to ft. won: UaiUat, 
Bnllltao. 8 to I, Moond; PUabllght, lUL MllUr.8 to 1. 

third. Tim«kl:4l Ponrthraea-8tM«1achiaei,falllBR 

— LoDcwaU. Almarfc, Bto ^ woo: awpf BaDd.U8, 
aaUnJo,8 to 1. aaeoad; BMorado, 13ft. llama, 15 to I, 

third PifU raeo-oa* mll*BadaaientrFarai. baadi' 

cap— Dok*8t*r*oi. 101, Palort 10 to I, won; SirRaaLUH, 
w. HTOB.a tol. *afloBd; Candid, lU^BouUaa. 10 to 1. 
third. T1ma.l:4ft>i. 

Kor. IL— Pint raca-Abont tli rorlooB*-BaB*AOru. 
108. Maear, 8 to 1. woo ; rbBlqnilo. III. Voomba, 8 to I, 
aa'ood; BareaMloa, KB, R Iiom. 8 to I. third. Tin*. 
1:14^ Saoood ra«a— Abeotali fnrloagB— 6lr Blebaidi 

Brtv BoDti, un, lloorichi. 8 to I. thlrd^ma, 1:41^4 

Poarth r*a«-FlT* rttrlODga-Flin, ft. B. Iiom. itol. 
woo: FatMarphF. 10S,OoomU,4ta I. itooBd: Mia* Both. 

103, Barna, 4 to l, third. Tlma. 1 Fifth raea- 

Ooa mil*, laltlBK— Arapahoa,89^Cb»TaIler, 4 to 1, woo; 
oulaad,M,M.IaAnLS to L aaooad; Captain B***, 98. W. 
Pljoo, C to I. ihlrdrriua, 1:4IK. 

Racm mt AlaundeF lalHd. 

irr>T.I_nnt rae*-Pou aod a ball rorlooB^tmp. 
BoB«e,9BtMarpbr,a lo ft, woo; Cleroidalfc ua Ilni.e 
to I, aaeoDd; Mloh*r B., 101 MaEaBtl*,lo to tihrid. 

TlB*.0J8K Btoood rae* ■ aU aad a «i ■>artor for loaii 

-Mayor B, 93H. Mnrpbr. » lo twon; Ohaddar, 9tfL 
Uan, Sto I, aacond; MaK*aT*r, 97. R. EIbk iftto l third. 

Tima.l:0 Third raca-Uiut mli*-Tb*eftta 8lly,9D, 

Ooo|doa.90 to l.woo; Jawallarp. Qa,Kiog.8 to l, no 

oad; Ban, 08, Ham, 8 to a third. Tla*.0:4t(<{ 

Pooithran— Fit and* half farloDga—Tlota, 91H, Hkto, 

7 to ft. woa: Oraad Prii, 107, Morpbr* 8 to ft. 

Rollaarloa, 07, Oorhlir, 11 to l,third. Tlma,l„ 

Fifth raoa— Poor aod a hair forlooi^raraaoo, 107. W. 
Morr4h4io l.woo: 8*oJafflla, 107, Marpbf,lo lo l.wo- 
ood; MFairloolt,l08.Bara%ntoI,thlrd. Tlma,0Jft. 

Nov. 7.— Pint n<*— FIro Inrlonga— Oolamha% NO, 
Marpbr, to to I, woo: Bloa Bird, lOft, Oalror.O to l.ia«- 
ond; l(barT.lQft.CorblaF.D to 1, third. Tima. 1:93K-.-- 
SMond raoa— Flva forloaga— Bai barrr. 114, Morphy, ft lo 
I. won; Tha Jokar, ICB, ranoaa, ft to 9, atcoad- Lallah, 

108, Pljnn, B to 1. ihlrjl. Time. IM Third raea- 

Oea toll*— Jaok Wyooa, O, HaalahaD.8 tol^ woo; Foara 
da Laon, lOOi (^gdoo, ft lo It eaeood: Lavrna. 81. Don- 

naUF.7lot,Ulrtf. rima.l:4lM .Foorth rae*-FlT* 

lorloB j ra floaeaok. ItOL Bam, fl to K. won: Pr*nk R. 
UarC 101, Minbra, 7 tn 9. ateond: Faalo, IIOLCorbliF. 

8 to 1. Iblrd. Tlma. 1:031^ Pinb rao*-eiB 'loaitor 

fnrtOBga-Jiraar. 110, Uam. aTao, wnn; Ma*k. 107,OUra. 
B to I. aaoood; Bopraoo II, 99, Uoolabao, O to J, third. 

Nov a-Vl 

toft, woa: - - 
mir, «. cool 

'irft rtc* Havao lutlonga-Markitooa. KB, 

T B^ 103, McKaotlii, 3D to I, 

fan. 7 to a third Tina, 1:~ 
• llfcar — ■" 

Paraoo.lio I.wob: Miokav ] 
•*«ond|JAl|WQ^.^U8, Bai 

«rU, 08, CorbUr. 8 

Id AMWifa larl0Mrt*4< 
PatUa. im, PanoB lo to 
. JootdoD, 8 to 1, third. Tl . 
raca— Nik and a naartar farlooga— TsmnFHropbF.IQO, 
roaKdoe.8tol,won: Litil* Chailar. Hog, 4 to I, 
iOcoDd;^laaaaaa.ld]iPl70B.»totiblnl Tlm*,l:OK 

J I. e*cood; 
Tim*, \iai.. 

--. ..Poarth fto^FlT* rarlooga-Faiot, 100 Morpbr.ft 
tot woo; N**doior*.10D, Elog 19 lol. i*«ood; Jodg* 

Po» liO; PatwoL I to I, Iblrd. Tim*. 1:^4 Fifth 

rao*— Biiaadahairrarloiiia-Oraod Frit. 101, Mtalora, 
910 1, woa; MeKaavef.lMU Olara ftio taaoood; B*1U 
aaHn^B7.('«rblar. IfttoB. UilrdT Tim*, 1:97. 

Not. B— Fliei rfM-FlT* larlong^tni*F Oardoar. 
toot Carur, 4 to 1, woa: Jaok WIUoq. HO, Johoioo, arao. 

aaeor'" " " — " *" ' "-'^ — 

1:0L Baoood rac*-B( 

lUVJahaioa lt^ft,waa; Aloai 

aawBd; Doo Wi«k, MO, Morpbr, 

' " T*o fori 

mA; Tioga,Bft,l>oui*liy.atol7jhlrd. Tim*'.l:3iV.. 

) to 1, third. Tim*, 
ago— Pooe* d* L*ob. 
1.98, CoBdoo, ft to 1. i*o- 

-Pdor and a trail nrlODgt-Bnfaa. 99. Nor* 

pbr, 7 10 10, won; Babloa flllr, 99, Dgaoally, 19 to 1. ho- 

- •^lara.BJtol.lblrd. Tlm*,0:Oejk 

Ida half rbrlooga-Atamap. lU Ham. 

ond; 0'llaani,99.01 
PoatUi rao* B li 

eteLwoa: MalorMnUugbllB.UI, R. laom.ft to La**, 
d; Hollia H.. lOH. llHTicba, 18 to 1, third. Tlna,l :>3 
..Poarth rae*-H«liioc, oo* mil*— tiapor Dar, let. R. 

Ieoa.ftto9 woa; Rleo.9V lltorieha,8lotaaoABd:MarF 

8.K0h*T»li*r,eto l.ihTrd Tim*. 1:11 Fifth rat* 

B*T*B larloaga-ArtlH, 107. R 1»otii,l tov.woo:FortQa*« 
Mt Oft*Tall*r, ft to I, Monod; Waadariag Nan. 101, Ooad|, 
IOiel,thlrd. Tlm*,l:«H- 
M«r. 10— Firrtraoa-AiMotali fartoaga-Blr Rkbaid^ 
ll*ari«ba,l 1*1 woa; Obalea. 108, Bamtaa.! lo I, 
B*ooBdJUu*Bem«i (4. A. I*oB, 10 to 1. thlMT Tusa. 
l;m* ieookd rat**Aboo\ lU uileBi^Heiaftir^ 

1 toa woo; Muk,ll(LCUra.ftlo C atoood: Etiao 11.98. 

Morpbr.ft lo 1. third. Tina, 1:18 Pinb race— oo* 

mtla-Lom. HH. Maolorr, 10 to I, woo; HcE**T*r, 101, 
niar*,? to IOl aacond; Dara Darll, 9ti>OBnaUF,8 lo 1, 
Iblrd. Tlmo,f.83K. 

Not. 10— Plrat raee-Poorand a half rortnoft— Jack 
Wllaoo, lot JiAnion 3tol.won: Pf*a Paai 0B,HDrphr. 
atoB, Moood; Bollfariua, 101. Ham, C to l, Iblrd. Tima, 

0:68 Boeood raea-flli aod a quartar farloog*-Dr. 

JohnioB. lOQ, JoboMo, araa. won; Poroat, n. Maolov*. 
6 lo 9, aaooad: Lallah. 07. Flyno. tft to 1. third. Timo, 

1 iVH Third raco-BIa torloBgo-ragan. 107, Mnrpbr, 

310 r.wno: Fraob it llarl, ifQ, Maelor*.? iolO,«ao*od; 

Paitia, (7. Naarr, 9) lo 1. third. Tina 1:18 Poarth 

nc»-Faur aod a half rarlooia-^Jamdao, 101, N«arv, 
aran, w<ia; Baantlfol Ball*. 99, Marpby, lU lol. i*CAoa; 
TaddOfn. 117. Jnhaaon. 14 to 1 Uird. TlmaO:U.U. 

Filth rata— wii aod a qoartar lurlooga— Laiioa, 

107, Uam.aTao. *oo: Piiuaator. lOS, W. HorMa, ftio I. 
aaonnd; KtianQ, lliX Dalahantf, 9J to 1, third. Tim*, 

Nor. It-Plrat raca-PIra farlooaa-Jtoola T.. 110, P. 
MoD*mott,ri|ol,noo: Ulgh CirOLOanarHto l,i*o- 

ood ; E*ramiJ, 110, Oorbly. n to I. third. Tim*. I :M 

B*a-«od laoe-Bli larlooga-Jack Wyana, 113, uaoloT^ 7 
loft, woa; Bbaroo, 101 P. MonannotLOto I. aacood: Ta- 
eooar.Bf* Morphea) to 1. third. Tlaia.I:lB Third 

-jvan farlooii-PooeadaLaoo. lUO^ JohniAD.'lto 

avoo: MarkvtOB*,no4, Carur, 60 tAl,a*oond; Mirage, 

lULMorphr.etol.tblrd. TLb*.1:$)}( Poonh raoa 

— fooraadahaif rurlonga-B«u«m4r,90, HDiphy, 10 to 
1. woo; BaiOunIn, UH, Coodao. ft to 1, Mcood ; Parafoa, 

ll8.Cart*r,riioaihlrd. Tlma.O:U Fifth rae*-i*T- 

•nfbiloon-^lmHoLaughllo, 101, Murpbr, 1 tol, von* 
Mlch*rB.TlOI,MeK*nila, " - — ' " — 

9ft.aodr*wi,0 tol, third. 

U to 1, ffeniid; Briibt By*., 

Tuni wiB • Ttrr llgbt alwntfura tt Btlmont 
Put, rmudelpbu, OB Nor, t, MUionRli » tpecl*! 
•uncHon wu othRil In Itat efort oi <be (•uinDi 
uoucr. Alls, to oxul ber reoort for • nlle, wUob 
«u thg bMt Koordetf, Ferlupi (bo tpttbr or tb« 
reolMDU of tbe CUj or Vukort b*d lomttblng to 
do nlUi (be must lokUlMr to Moonpllab tb« luk 
b«r owner btd net ber, but, wbetber Cbli wu to ot 
not,>b«r*llMltn do the irlok, II lUlBf btr3:(« v 
totnttbe mile, wbereu ib< tttompud to do It in 
better Ibu Uowerer, eren *t Uut, AUz 

didn't do to ittj t»d. 

HroD J, MclKn'iii, the popular iecratary or ler- 
eqnallj populir tmolDg uioclitlon', h«e round 
U necetaniT, In bit npicli; u acorettrr ot tbe 
Yirglnu Jookej Olub, to promoliste tbe following: 
"Oo ud niter tbli dit« (Nov, 10) no enir; will bo 
ncolred tnm tnj owner or tnloer wbo icnlcbei 
toe ttmo bone twico In uioouilon." 


France, and retnm, took plaoe on Mondaj, Nor. ii, 
between tbt bonea Pompona and Ciueile, botn 
noted mam. The diatanoe la Mt milea, aod tbe 
race waa won bj Pompone, In and 4.'>o., not- 
witbitandlug tbat tbe roada wci« rendered ver/ 
ben?T bj rain. 

Tui naoi tor tbe Liverpool Antninn Oop, ot to 
aoverelgna eaob, witb \,im aoveitlgna added, waa 
no Not. e. It waa won bj F. Aloiaoder'a Bon 
of a Onn, four jeara old. BIr W, Tbrookmorton'a 
ATlngton, four jean olo, waa aeoond, and Mr, A. 
1>, Coobiano'a EgaitoD, toir jeara old, tbIrd, 

OioRui W. BoooaiK, ot' the Orm or Bcoggin 
BitMbara, tbe Terr ancoeaatul Bouibem tnrrmeo, 
died 00 tbe morslog or Not. 13, on bla laro, near 
I/>ulaTlUe, Kr„ trom conaunipUon, rrom wblcb be 
bad Hog been a toiTdrcr, 


Jiu KiMxnDV, nutobnwler ror tbe Seaaldo Atb 
letlo Ulnb, baa unogm a Ttri good proinmsie 
tortbenextentettalnncntor tnia Conej luand or- 
lulaation, wblob la to take plaoe on ICondi^ .Ten- 
Tng, Not. id. Ibo obleleTentor tbe OTenlni will 
bo a iwantT ronnda meet between tbe very cloTar 
Uritlaber, BUIjr Pllnuner, and tbe almoai tiioallj 
olerer Cbaitaj Kollr, of New York, tbef mcoUoi at 
IUli>, wblob aboQld place tbeae ladaonanetnaUij, 
Tue otber arttoa dortog tbe eftnlng wilt be lie- 
twcen amait Blllr Vernon, or llaferairtw, N, Y., 
and Uolibj Uobba. or Mlnneapolla, Minn., and 
Uaxej Uauiband Hall Oarcla, botbol wbom ball 
from lirooklin, N. Y., and botn ol whom bare 
gained a good tepntatlon ror oleTemeaa, 

. Tai OtTY Cotnicii. ot Jaokaonillie, Fla., haa le. 
pealed tbe ordlnanoe petmluing glove oonieata In 
ibal eltj. Joai wbat eoeot thia will bare on tbe 
maleh between JameaJ, CorbetlandBob Fiiulm- 
mona reinalna to ha aeen.alibooib It la to be toped 
tbat tbe pnbllo aplrit or tne otdiana or tbai pin or 
Ibe nowarr diairlot wUl bave tbe aneet or prerenl. 
ingaaj-lnwrfetencewllbaoonKatot aomncb Im- 

JlUHT McUiMiiis defeated Frank Hoonej In a 
•lore Bgui with unall mliiana at lUdgewood, b. I., 
on the erenlngt)! Nov, Tbeto waa bat a imall 
conianj pieaaot, and II took bit eight rounda to 
aatile tin bnalneaa tor Roone/, who waa ooiuted 


Aaruva A, /luuiRMtx, tbe o-«ck ,\m«rlcan 
'cjcllil, artlTed at New York (lem Eunpo on Mon- 
d«r. Not. VJ. Quite nsaxpi.-ctedlr, bla ma|W|«r 
aod tialnar, Wlllia Tnj, did nut aooompaar blm, 
baring renatned behind for a few daia In order to 
bring OTor aome ot tbe Kunpean crji ka wbo conid 
natleaTeattbeeameUmeaa'/lnmennan. Ar^hnr 
aa;a that he will ooameoi-e training at onoe at 
Frrebold, N. J., lor tbi- ttcea tbat ate tn lake place 
at Madlaon Senate Oatden dutlng Tbankailrlng 
week. "Zlmmj" te'li oonOdenl m being able to 
win all tbe r^oea In wblcb he ataila during tbe 

John B. JonxstRt.tbe Weatatn ■oroler,on Nor. 
», uooeedeil In oreatlog new recoMa lor one^tblid 
and 0De.ball nilat, at Chllllootbf, 0., tbe Ognna 
being reapaeilTelj in. and UH*. 

JtHD 1). rant, ot DesTtr, OoL, on Not. t, at 
Itat plaot, nde laret qnaitati ol a 1II1^ wllboit 
otnoul nperrbloD, la it* iwcned tloe ot Im. 


The llatrepolllaB Dlilrlct Laagae. 
Tbe annnal meeting ol tbe UetropoUtan Uliinet 
Leagne, the organization comprUIng the liadlDg 
elube in tbia Tldoltr, waa held Nor. 1, at tbe rooms 
ol the Orleket^ra' Olnb, IM ivtal Twelfth Btreet, 
Mew York, The lecretiir, TT. Fenwick, prteenud 
bla annnal report or Ibe doing, with bat ud ball 
or the duba and pla;en In cbamploiablp conietta 
during the put ieaaoo, from wblcb It appeared 
that the New iatj AtbleUo Olnb bad agaon won 
Ul* cbamploiBblp In Ibe lint aeotlon, and alio won 
tbe pennant In the aecond eleren aectlon, aod tbe 
New Y'ork Clobhadgtlnedtbepeonantlntho lecond 
aeotlon. Tbe Indlrldnal ptlzta In battlog were 
won at follow: A. E. Fattenon, ot ibe Blaten 
bland Club, having the beat average In Ike Unt 
aectlon; I. K. lloheita,or the New York anb. In 
atoond aectlon, aod 1. OUI, New Jeraej Athletic 
UJnb In aecond tlertn aecilon. The l?dlvid- 
oal ptlzea In bowling wtre won u follow: 
J, Wcat, or Patlaraon Ulnb, baTloir beat areiaee 
In Unt aecUon; V, Moon, New York Olab. To 
aecond aecUon,and II. CUlarte, New Jeraey Atb- 
leUo Club, In aeoond eleven aeaion. Aproteatwaa 
entered agalnai Ibe amtienratandlngotoneot Ibe 
>rlie wlnnen, and tbe execnilTo oommlttee was 
nttmoted to loveatlgalc ibe caae. It waa decided 
to preeent tbe pennanta and prizet at a aooklng 
conceit, and t comolllee wu. appointed to make 
amngemenia, no date being ipecmed. The treu- 
ntcr'a report abowed a balance In buk ot nearly 
f 300. Tbe recent game between the Vicioila and 
Mew York Clobi, lo decide wblob ibonid plar in 
the flrtl aecilon, aod that terminated In a nominal 
dnw, cauaed a proloDged dlicoialon. The New 
Y'ork Clnb entered a proteat and claimed to have 
won tbe game, bnt a vota on the same ended in t 
tie. Tbe New York Clab then Inaljted oiiott an- 
oiber data being given fora game with the Victoria 
Clob, which wa. tchedoled to be placed Kov. IT. 
In caao Ibe New York Ulnb irln It will plar alao the 
I'aieraon Club for place, tbe date being Tbaakaglr- 
ing Hay. 

Tni coxcLi'DiKci coitTiar between Ibe Alameda 
and BoUemla Cluoa, or tbe OiUromla Aatoclailon, 
took place Not. 4, and rtanlted In a deolalve vluloij 
for the rormer bj an Inolng and el nna. Tha Ala- 
neda team batted drat and made IM, ont ol wblcb 
B, ll'cbardKO wu credited with 4T nioa, made verv 
oleverlj agalut remarkablf One bowling bj \v. 
Hobertaon, who cap ored elabi wicketa, Indgdlng 
• great catch orabardbltoirblaownbowllnr. The 
Bohemia letm were quicklj dlipoaed ol tor 20 and 
tl, no one making a aland In either Inning. Btiit 
ton, In the aecond lonlog, bowled three wicketa 
wlih three conaecntive balla. W. Itobertaoo, tho 
champion baiiman ot California, made onl; 4 and 
s, balny not out In the aeccnd lonlog. Tbe Bohe- 
mia and PaclBo teama bavlok' tied toreecond place, 
were to play the dectdlog gamo Nov, 11. The Ala- 
meda mm, for the third auccenlvr aeaaon, won 
the championship, and now own the llarrlaon Cnp. 
The Alameda'a record ror tbe leaaon la tliteen vlc- 
toilu and ronr deteata, 

A mniKO ol tbe Canadian oncket Auoclatlon 
WiB held Not. 0, at Toionto, onL, to conatdcr tbe 
propoeed vlalt of a team ol Cuadlan amauun to 
Kogland next icaaon. A committee, conalvlng ot 
U, W. Baonden, 0. B. Lyon and J. B. Hall, wu ap- 
polnied to wait upon O.U. Lindaay, who had man- 
aged the team luat vlBi°.ed England Mvaial tea- 
aonaago, and got bla advice u to the beat wav ot ar- 
nnglngibetnp. Tho matter hu to be deDolielj 
actued by Dec 10, lo as to amuge a schedule ol 

mu In England, and Ibe feeling among aome ot 

0 membera la that the time la too shorL The pro 
position hu been made tbat each member ot tbe 
team be asseiaed ('JM, wblcb, with contributions 
Irom tbe Canadian cnoketing public, and the gate 
icoalp^a on tbe trip will, it Is expected, meet tbe 
expenaeaot Ibe lour, wblcb will use about three 

The Citma Colony team visited San Joio,Gal., 
Oct. 23, :rben tbey met with a defeat. Tbe vlaliors 
biited dnt and compiled no, ot which Borbldge, 
Butt, Ponman and Tbunton respeoUvelr conirlb- 
uied 'Jl, 21, to, 23. not out. F. Mayo bowled eirect. 
Ively, taking eight wlckela. P.B. Uayo wu tbe 
cblel Hconr lor tbe San Jose ^Vandenra. maklnx 
fio runa In One lonn, and wu well aecooded by V, 
Mayo, who put together -a runs. The home team 
bad made a total ot 110 for the loes or aeven wicketa 
when time wu called. Tho Cluna Cotnay team 
made a poor abowlog on their trip, being dgfoaied 
In Ibe tonr gamea played with tbe Alameda, PaclQc, 
BakertHeld and Ban Joae eloveoa. 


Oyunastlro 1b Broolilya, 

The memban ol the Brooklyn Young Men's 
Obrlatlan Aaaoclatlon held their annnal Fall gym- 
nuUo and athletic exhibition at Knickerbocker 
Hall, In tbe Rutem Dlilrlol, on Friday evening. 
Nut. 0, wItb tbe lollowlng resoll: 

Elb«rt Tottea-eiaodlDR brad Junp. Sft. 4ln, 94 
polQU: bar Taall, OIL 101a., 11 polola Tout, IM polnla. 

mak nofllo.-Slaiidlof broad Juaip, Ml. tXIn-, O 
Minu; bar vault. Sfl.,8J polola Irolaf, lis pol.u. 

Blsmuaa RoMabUlt -SludlDi braad Jump, eiL SKIo. 
MpoIdu: barTtolt,Brt.Ua,4Upolau. to»l npomti. 

rnd Ueiaridi.— btaodioa urotd joidp, tn. O.D., 6S 
polot.; bar vaiiH. tit alo . Ol polota. Tout, isipolola. 

Vbarlw Uilarloh — fitandlDs broaO Janp, 7ft IIMIa , 01 
polola; barvaolt, 611, S iMlQta Total Bl polola. 

Wllltam KiombMk.— tfUDdlDabrotdjaiDp,8lt 4lD, tt 
potots; bar vaQltftft. 410, Upointa Total Icaoolola. 

W. iabtoo,-tUaDdlBC broad |Qmp,SrLIH>D- !■ PoloU; 
bar vaull, nniooopl. Tolal C peloia. 

Will rarr -Waadloi bioad lump, tIL SKIu, ei >olota; 
barvaall,Slfc,StpoloU. TtolaL lul polola. 

W. K RoBa.-Ulao<llntbnadlaoip,(IILX<a-,UpoloU: 
bar vault, DO ncord. lotal, OS polola. 

ChaiUi Luflff,.— Staadioa broad Jump, Tl'. IMIn-, If 
polola: bar vaulL DO rmra. Total, S7 polola 

Loula JoDaa.— BlaDdlox broad latop. Tli. TK'n., U 
potDia ; liir vaolt, ftfL ala , 10 polota. Total, O puiota. 

ToiToronto (Out) Ourllog Club lut week elcct«d 
tbe tollowint onioen tor tho euoing year: Preal- 
denL U. K. Uadlson; vice prealdcnt, L. M. Jones; 
irrunieri U, llannao: aeoniaiy, li. 0- Blgiar; 
skins— John Bain, O. M. Brniam, J. L. CaprenI, F. 
0. Oayley. W. K. llavlMO, U, A. Ummmond, It. U. 
(lamble, U. Uarman, h. M. Jnnra, J. W. I«elle, 0, 
B. Madison, W, C. Ibcdonald, \r. HoLeao, T. Hc- 
Cncken. II.T, HoMlllao, U. K. Rycrson, J. B. lias- 
eell. w, B. Smith, Col. Bweny, L. A. TiUey, w, a. 
Wilson and John Wrlgbu 

Till Uontreal (Dan ) Toboggan Olnb beld their 
annual meeilur Uat week, at which the tollowloa 
olUoen wen elected: Prealdent. Kd. Bheppard; 
Bnt vice prealdcnt, li. J. Wataon; •t<^nd vice 
piealdeot, w. J. Oeragbly; aeoreiary, T. Y, Foster; 
(reuorer, W. 8. Weldon. 

A uuaLiKii mToa tok plaoe betweon the Qirry- 
owen ud Hilobell Clubs at Waliace'a lUdgewood 
Park, near Bruoklyn. N. Y., on Monday alieroooB, 
Nov. 12, ihe former winolog by a soon of two goals 
and one point to one goal and two polnla. 


Ivea va. Holiaoreri 
Jacob Bclueter and Frank Ives began • tlx 
nigbu' mttoh In Uadlson H/iotro Conceit Usil 
night ot Nor, 11. Fonneon Inch balk line Is the 
style of game, with the anchor bancd. The stake 
Is |.i,ouoandlho netboxonioe receipts. They an 
to play 3,000 points; oou polnla are piayed nighty. 
Then la no ohamplonship Involved, and the re- 
lam match, nndcr almllar condliloia, la lo be 
played In Chicago, In UeceoilMr. About three 
hundred people atacmbled towiiaeea the beginning 
ot Ihe tenet. The opening night's maloli was very 
evenly conttaUd aod moat enu-rtalning. Both men 

flayed aieady, consistent bllllardt Umugboot, 
beacoie tollowa: 

Schaater-o, ii, 3, 0, loo, 1, s>, :i, ST, n, in, t, n, 
4.°>, 0, I, is-euu. uigbeal lun, I3>. Avenge, u 
SIT. . 

lvea-30, S, 34, M, 26, n, 4, 1, 113, Til, 1, 80, 2C, 1, 31, 

Hlghf^tran, 1(9. Avenn,3is< 
Baferce-A.O, Anton. Marker-'^Oud" i 

' Scholleld. 

Iliur DaTia, or PtnytORO, n., would like to 
bear tnm the leading pool piaven regarding a 
toomaDent which be pnpoaet lo hold In Pitta- 
burg. Hr. Tavla nyt: ''There will be a big tourney 
held In Pittsburg wlibin sLt weeks; the entrance 
lee loreacb pUyer will be lioo. I wllladd |300, 
and think The Dranaalck-Balke Oo. will add tbe 
lame. Ttla lonmaiaeBi will be tor the ebaaplon- 
Bhlp ol the world, ud the winner ought lo whi 
ItomllootoiaoD. I should Uke 10 bear from all or 
toe leading pool playen In the countir. Addrett 
Barry liaTrt, Bruntftlok-Balke BUllari Co., lHlr 
Iwrf , l>»." 


AMiTt'OBnooTlookplaceattbe gnonda or Ihe 
WcitebeticrConnlnClnb, N.Y.,onthe aftwooon 
orNov.B,thonrlsclnlB lo which were J. B. WI1. 
llama and ^,OouldBrobaw, mo eondltlou^ot tbe 
maleh wiro two bnndrcd hltdeeach,mllwenty.nlne 
yarda ilae, lor a Blake and a allver con, the loser Ip 
pay tor tbe birds, and after a capital contest Wll- 
liama won by Iht amall scon ot lu to IM. 

TBI HOHTaLT S0OOT for th* II ooo cup ol the 
Cartent Onn Olnb took place on Thursday after- 
noon, Nov. ;, intb the rollowUg Rtnlt, Oeorga 
Work anln winning after a gallant alruggle: 
Oeorge Work, 24 ont ol 23 ahol al;. Fred Eoey, 23; 
Captain Money, 21; niklamt, 23; Lou Thompson, 
23; Joaeph, 20. 


coKTiNiiiD psov raox Ml. 

Tax UiLwitjixi Hiu.Wis-TU Oixci's.-ThK new 
cnterpriM opened Nov. 4, under the management 
otL. J. Itodilgoez, in Ihe Exposition MnaloHalL 
Over 1,000 people. It la Slid, wen Inrned away the 
opening nigbt; tha seating captolty la 9,coo. The 
programme Included tho tolloinng pertormen: 
Edward Bhipp, equestrian director; Jolla Lowande, 
Kate Bolloway, Oeorge Uoliand.the Nelson Family, 
Rtjan, Oils Bowers, La Hothe aod Uayoard, 
Occrglna Bolland, Cecil Lowande, tbe Lund- 
greena, Loranto, LonUo and Vadls, Oeorge Kline, 
Prof. Oataoon aod bla mined bonot; norr Edlatsen. 
Aognat, clown; Don Joan Otioedo, king ot Ihe 
high wire; Frank Wrlgliiand Del Foego. dowoa. 

Aixxis Sotran axd wiix, Iloalna Yenoa, and 
child, Litue Rose, sailed tor Sonih America Nov. 8. 

LiuBN Bros.', Cin Ko. l, oloaed at Vlnlia, 1. T., 
alter a tonr ot thirty weeks with the following 
people: 0. 0. Lemeo, manager; E.J.aoaeney.piass 
agent; Ham Uamant, lithographer; Fiuk Wilson, 
programmer; Ohas. Flora, bosa blllpoeter:; Ben 
Wilson, asslaiant bill|>~ater: Chaa. SDOwhlll, Cbaa. 
Soyder, W. BierenBon, W. E. Bnwo, W, Uell, Pat 
Shaw, James Sav«(e, Chta. Harper, O. Watson, 
paaie maker, and trill Temple, porter. Car mo, 2 
closed Not. 11 wiib Will Cotter, manager, and Geo. 
Mason, boss billposter, with eight aulatanta. 


clrsed tho aeaaon In New Orleans, La., Nov. 3. 

John Flood wlabea to express bla thanks to tbe 
men ot Bells Bros.' AdverUslngCsr, No. 2, tor ilmely 
aaalstanco, when aoircrlog with a broken leg lut 
Fall In Montgomery, Ala, 

Notis raoM Li Puai's Wimtib Cikcini.— Onr 
bnalneas In Danville ami contlnnea to be good. 
Several new people an hen, making tbe "line up" 
very atrong, among which an: Willie aod Joale 
Harka, rlden; E. vTUooum, wito trained horses: Do 
Bell, contortionist and liylog ladder perch, and la 
Fever, aoni and dance performer, L'zzle la Pearl, 
uriallst, made her debut here Nov. 3, to a large and 
appreolative audience. A beneltwill ha given In 
aid ot Ihe Colldnn'B Uome, ot Dsovllle, Nor. lo. 

ToMir UiMiLTOH iND iviFE havo Just oloaed 
their secood season witb the Bantelle Clroos. At 
their home, Lewlaion,.!!!., they ate building a ring 
bam and breaking three dapple gray honea lor 
next teuon. 

LoN GUDiu, aide ahew orator, who Is engaged 
to do rlogmuterand annonncementaat Ibe Koyal 
English ulrcus and Oerman Water Carolral In Chi- 
cago, haa been reengaged by theBaratim t Bailey 
Show for lioi. 


((uaritn.— We Jnat completed our animal house 
and the aolmala have been Iranaferred. The mnnd 
la broken for the new ring ban, which wlU bave 
all tha modem Improvementa and be one ot tho 
lineal In Ibe country. Ohaa. Wataon, tbo rider, hu 
been engaged to. break rlog stock, aod will train 
one principal horee, two horse* for catrylng acta, 
lour Arabian boiaet tor a four bone act, tonr 
Bhetland poneya and donkey to clown pony act. 
Ibe show will Intel by rail next aeaaon, u It hu 
grown too largo tor a wagon show, II. A. Mann 
will be Ibe general agent, which posluon be hu 
held for Ibe put flvo aoasoos. William ourion will 
control tbe candy atands, Oscar Jmea will have 
charge ot tbe musical depannent and lead the 
hand. New and original paper will be gotten out 
tor 1803, and tbe Block will be Ihe beat that money 
can procnra. With the npntailon Uiat abow haa 
made In the pitt there la no doubt bnt It wUI win 
nextseason, utbB condition of tbeconntiyialm' 
nnvlDg ud prospects lo show bntloeaa look 

Tot ADiiiis, gTmoaata, an touring Ouha with 
Tony Lowande'a Olreos. Atthetemlotllon or this 
engagement they will retnm to tho Btatea and Join 
'. 11. Lapcari ror his teuBog season of 1(03. 

BUWAH iKD BuBxi, gymhasls. Joined Spark's 
Oliout, at Balltbnry, N. C, Kor. 1. Tho show Ib 
doing good business, they report. 

HxiAN, acrobitud tabki pyramid performer. Is 
tiling a two weeks' engagemioi at tbe Midwinter 
Olrons, Milwaukee, WIb. 

w. F. Waluit, cqueainas, sailed for Eogland 

Many A. Lbkt, widow of Ihe late Lewis B. Lent, 
the well known o'nua manager, died Nov. 2, at her 
home In this oliy. Interment occurred t. Mr, Lent's 
death ocouned Kay 20, 16ST. 


Co. II. It, Show: J. R. w. Uonoesay, general rail- 
road contncior; D. 8. Ward, general agent; U. P. 
Souiijeck, chatgo ol car No. 1; Earl Broogbion, 
charge (t paper, with eight men; L. 0. Flander 
myer, charge ol brigade No. 2, T^'lth fhnr men. The 
Bhow Is making South for all winter. 

I'srae BiLi, principal double Bomenanlt leaper 
and tdmiiler, opeua Nov. 3 at the Royal Eoeliah 
Wloter Clicus, Next sctsoo be goea with the wr- 
oum A Ballcv abow. 


Seattle —M Ssnoa's Seattle Theatn "lo Old 
KeQtuckr')raioatoB.a.O. Nov. ].!. Alai. Balruit II, 
13, kiT. aod Un. Eaailal IS. IT. 

CoBDatv'B TaakrRa.-Lawrooca Uaolar's Co. did a 
fair boalaau «oak aodUig OoL 30: "A Torhlib Ba'b" 
opaui a loor Diibta* aoBaiemaDt IB. Tba nav stock 
CO «l|l boBia rolieanala To a rav dara for lbs ratDlar 
•lock .04.00. wblcb will opto Sl 

Lawrbnub Uisi.Br, EJIih Lamman aid W. J. Flla 
hare ortaalxad a cempaDV, aad ara aow p^avloa lo 


Allaiita.— At tho Onnd James Young Nov. 12, 
13. Ua s, s^ "Atabima*' waa praaaotad lo lair booiaa 
Jamaa Walllck bad pnor bnaloaaa 7, B. LtUlao Lavia, la 
"Cleopatra,*' aluaolad top baavy bnaloaa< 9, 10. Booked : 

lo Old Kaatocky" It, IS, Btraay r.rfosao U, IT, "Bloa 
Jaaoi" It, m, "Jan." 31, It 

Oa Qiva'a OnKi llovsa — TLa BaMwIu MalvlUo Co. i»- 
tore II aod w*ak. Sam Jack'a Bstravafania Co, did 
lalrlrwalloD tbair return toBasamaat 10. 

DoaiMi iba paal waak a CU9 waa aad.aamloitllr. 
Doolr AtUola'a blllpoaiar, lor dl.playlBg thaltlfaoBrapb 
ot Lllhaa Lowlik aa OleopaUB. Soma oT Uw DlnTrtara 
or th, city olAlmad lh« pletora had a damorallilof aifMt 
ODiliajoDow. TbroaBblhalonaaacoel tbodtrlDaa the 
oaao waa Dad, anil biooitbt bafor. tha Raooidar B Tba 
vanllot waa faroiablo. iBr Doohy can now gat Ui bis 
work irithout babai molaatad. 

Bavannali.— Warde and Janus, Nov. T, 8, bad 
amall lioaioa. "Cbarlay'a Audl" 0, IOl bad aood bull 
naaa. "Uloa Jaans" 13, la. 


OnaliB.— At Doyd's Tbeatn Nell Borgtea' 
"Tba CouQlr Pair" eoma IS, 10, 17, Uia Amarlaaa Biliava- 
iaDiaC0Dpaajn,O,ll, Tha booea baa baan dark Iba 

I'lrraasra Bnm TBaiTaa.— Tha Loodon Bnplta 
Botartatoaniop.oa4 a waa'a'a aonsanaat II. "Down 
00 tbe BowaBM BIrai" eonaa wms ol !». "A ■onmar 
■lloaid" IS and wwk. '-Ob, What a Niibl< tU toad 
tmaiaoH 1-7. "A Man la Black" plajad b lair booaaa 
8,s, la ■ _ 


Hat BprlBge.— It tbe Opera Buute AL 0 
Flail's MIoaliolB played to a paekad hoaea Mov. A 
Booked: "ASamoMr Bllliaid"*,"TbaCosaliTSqnlra" 
10. Hilton KobUa U, "na DaaMi" It, Baaiy Wattar. 

—The name or the Rock BiRot ntealre. Fall 
River, Mate., wblcb u advertised lo oar bnslnta 
ooltona, hu ben otenftd to CotutUa Ttmtxt, 

XoTD iton atTTB Baoa' Bin Rovnn Ca an Oia- 
olral of raa —Wa aia aow la our aaeead weak, aad 
bnilnaae baa baaa fair. Our Oia'lauf. Solo Band rnUt, 
a hit avaiy wbava, and the orehutn la pronooacad by 
Duy to be the beat thay ever baaid Hons. Banar, la 
feataof«oatDrtlon.taeatehlnB tbapaopl,^ Billy Cot la 
eallad thaktag ol tha alaok win Uls allda Inaboga 
Bolowbtia 00 the alack wirat. ablgaet. Tba t^ull Broa. ' 
1rarIaa«ioa bnthar aet kaapa tha paopla In a loar of laoih. 
tar. PtoL Baitaloot'B vIollQ aoio la aaoorad Bvaaadali 
ttoiaaaaU alsoaaoalBioa.*aoot aod daaoa. Diabolo 
thafliebUig,pbirawlthflreloawondar1UmaaBar. Tba 
oompany aia all wall, and avarylhlag Is runlau 
amoolbly. . . : 

L. aoLDamm'B popular roafc.op boiaa bava tba owa. 
ar*aDaiBaaa amaasa of IdaodScatlou upon oach box 
and tbara la BO aim charRO fonhla uaafal Uaa. 

Kovu raoH Marra Baoa.' Bio ^ovstvr Co. im, 
CaJDlval 01 ran. — MolwilbataodiDK hard Unai .ad 
blluartawa ara still "In IL" OarchaUoaiabacd nlii 
ooollauas lo take tha paopla by storm. Hanr Jacob.- 
eoraal soloa win treat applausa. Tha orebastn eeni. 
to lor 111 absro of admlrailon alao. Hoaa Baraay coo. 
ttDaratotuiprlaattia peopio In hiaeloaabaek haadlnr 
Oaaat Brea.' aoata aod Aanoea ara nuklot hlla. Cuir 
Broa , aoobalB, ara wluotai approval lor thalr claTrr 
work. ctatvneaEmmaiaoB and altWIljoD jolaadNov. 

T J. JoBDAt AXD Will Roaaara, slaia blovaiv, ar. 
with tba Orlaloal Libby Olaaa Wof^ara. nom tbo Wortd'a 
ralr. Tbar bare Joit ahMad at Dials etal* Fair, Macoo, 
Oa., ond hara bob* to MoBitomarr, Ala, 

BoansorTta Natioxal Ooubov Coioaav Co, toor. 
lo. lodiana, ondar the nanaaamant of Itanr tl Lata 
aul Blllr Oalt: Bill. OalL Uanf 0. lake, Uarrr Kair, 
Aiiono. Prof. nimdr,plaDlaL 

Toa Wo:iDBHLASD lloscou will opOD In Jamaatawo, K. 
T., Nov. I>, with N. U. Bnoka, tha old Urn. loclanr, u 
maoatar, _ 

Bosraaor ooolu's Woblo or Vioio- W. H.OoaU, 
maaleiao and maoatar; Lima Boblojoa, aoabratto; 
Jack Raadolph, barltouo aod black (a«a apaelahr: V. 
Clayton Leua, plulaC; and W. Joidas Clatk, btaloaaa 

Toa iBjaa Oomvdt Co, orwaoiiad lo Ottawa, nao„ 
baa lha loUowIot roaiar: ar. HoUoway, Irlah oonadiaa : 
Jlr Uloda, dot aad roal danear; May Thompaoa, akirt 
daaear, aod WTP. Bmlth. manatar. 

PaBxcB'e BSN8LVIO.V, No. 1, ta now oo Bayou LIcba, 
La. and Mo. 3 oo tha flOBar Coast. Will play aabarba 
01 Haw Orlaaos, La., lor one week batlnolBK Nor. Is. 
- Pbbbz p. Uopr. our eorroapondaat at Jaakaanvlll., 
Pla.. baaeonpoafd aod pablluad a ballroomwa]iz,ao. 
tlUod tha "am Ba." wblcb ha has dadlcatad to tho 
Laagna ot Amorleao Whaalmao. 

DivBBDia'a r-^uoa or ItLcaosa opaaad tba aaaaoo at 
Jooloa, N. Y., OcL 37 10 laportcd good hnaloaaa nniar 

aanatamaBt ol PradBronar. Boatar: ProL Daraidla, 
a Bonib Amarloao masloiao; Malar BUla. Etjptlan 
fon lonler: Nana, fni man; Doylaaod lfoon,aaoR 
aad danca: Nadama MIMrod, aarpaauoa daaear: Plor* 
OBca Bnok^ aopraoo alaiar: Pror. Brlttoo,aBil W.rkl 
Falrvlova; Pror I*. La Boj (taaaatl, mnaleal diraator, 
aod FradLaMoDt, advaoea. Prof. Davatdia and Major 
Bills aro apaolal lasturas. Company camaa nearly all 
spaolal papar. 

triotira Jack's Ookbibatio:! cloaad a Rnceaaaful •««. 
boo at rnvldaoca. a I., Nov. I. Wieblla Jack aad »ir. 
wiu ramiiB Id ProvMaoca for tha Wlnlar, aod wUl Wta. 
tar thalr aiook Id vlitlDla. 


lo Waeo,T«saa. 

OuBy, tba wlurd. o l oaad a foor waaka* aotafamaDt 
at lha CailDo, Ouawa Oan., aod opanad at Edeo Hoaaa 
aa lactorar Nov. 10. 

nuxaB. HOBLfARDWiraOflla B«rtha),at tha o^oaa 
ol Iba HiOBllot Broa Clpioa loin Coi. Foator'B Oriaatal 
Haaoom Thay opan at ibe Cotloo Pataaa, Waco. Texas, 
for thraa waaka, tnao HawOrlraoa Mldwlotar Fair for 
Dioo waaka. aod will thaa tnur tha prUielpa] aiUM of 
Tasaa aad Kaalco. Mr. Hobia will ha maaater aad 

Irv BALOVIir, HfODaut, has lolDad tha army, nod.r 
tha diiwoU- n or CapL OUaironf, or tha War Ballnoo aoil 
Bt.BBl Oorpa, and will bo placed at Fort Lotao, wbara ba 
wlUhavactiart'iofthebaU'¥)n aqolpmaotaod tha coo. 
atniotloDofa plane for gaa aaDaiBlton. 

Maa. lliNsia dbMack oalabimud bar birthday Nor. 10 
atutotoo. VL, wlih tha Balla Hadloloa sod NoTallyt^. 
nha f acalrad a Dombar oi pioaaoia, amoog thaa a told 
watoh aod a browa trmvallDt bag. 

MucBLLABBoca Snowa— Hoatar of Dr. P. P. lllira 
Norally Co.. Dow tooilof Illtooia: Dr. P. P. Bill, maa. 
asar aod sola propriator: Mra. Ella mil, tr.aaanr: tba 
SpSDcar Broa , moalcal taam ; Om. Polk, Irish eoBSdlao ; 
Oliver TifOD, ooDlortloDlat. Josiler and aorobaL Tha 

eoispaoy opaoad Oct IB.aod raportbaalBaoaa bit 

Tba KIctapoo Indlao Madlctno Co.. No. St, rapon good 
baalDaaa Id oorihaaat Hla.oorL Cliaa. P. Eodar, nan. 

Xr; Or. B. W. Black, Itoioraraod apaolalltt; Q«o. At- 
MB, b;aek faco eomadian and baoiulit; cbaa n. La- 
mODl, cootoitloout Juaslar aad alack win pailormar: 
Dad Doa.i, r.mala Impaiuoator and aaiptoUno danear; 
Cbaa. P. Eodor, maaielaD aod Irlah oomadlao; Madloloa 
Oland, aad Thraa Grow lndlaoa...^.Elekapoo lodiao 
Madidoa Co., No. IS. la tourlag c.nMla uDdar tba mau. 
aiamaDt of Vniar, Lavlatioo A Bar-laa. Wa Ipland lo 
at» iB caoBila all Wlotar. Tbia eompaov la Colat a 
ffoM ba*lDaaa. Roaur: Dr. J. B. Toyar, Prod LaxfoR* 
too. Bam Bayllu, Oao. Uaidlow, Jobo dnllh. Qva lodUoa 

aod OhM Badax Ona AllUoa'a Cc aoSBarrrBlD. 

olair, vocalist and pianist, lolasd tha fioUtng Tbnodar 


Col. JOBN A. McOAULit the well knon comic 
or era manager, died Nov. 12, at his home InOreena- 
boro, N. 0., trom parslyBls. The deceased wu 
liom In Scotland torty-olne years ago, and wu 
Uongbt lo tblaoonot^ by bit pueolt while ao 
Intent, no family toltled lo Virginia, and at tho 
breaking oot ot the OItII War, being than sixteen 
yean sr age, he enlltled lo the Contederalo army 
anil rose to the rank ot coloneL In 19T3 be wu 
eleotedamemberotihe Virginia Legislature, and 
iru In tbe Assembly Ball at the ilmo ot Its coUapu 
when so many llrts were lot^ In 18;», ooL 
McCanll located In BalllmoR, Md., and afier 
practicing law for a tew moolhs be went 
Into the Itaratrtcal boalness. He wu ont of 
America's pioneer manugen ot comlo opera, aod 
no man ever Introduced more opeiu or brought 
out mom Stan than he. Among ibose who wen 
Ont bronghi Into prominent notfco under his man- 
agemoit may be named Matioo Monola, Lilly Post, 
Marie Jaosen, Annie Myers, Bertoa lllocl, Jennie 
llrlllanh, Malhlldo CoiiRlly, Franola Wilson, Do 
Woll Uopper, UIgby Dell, Uarrr McDonongb, 
Big. Pernglnl and tbe late Eugene Ondln, 
Some ' ot the operu produced by CoL Mo- 
Uanll an "The iiccen's Lace Bandkenhlef," 
■The Merry War," "Prince Molbnsalem," "Tee 
I'llnoeta ot TtebUonde," ' Falta," '•Apajune," 
"Tbe Blaok UuaauJ' "Bellman," "iluTer," 
■The Lady and tbe TIgtr," "Die Fiedeimtns," 
"rne Beggar Student," "l>calree," "Indiana," and 
"Josephine Bold by Her Slalen." Besldea theae he 
had produced op the time of his ratlremoot almoal 
the eo;in aerlea or Olloert A Sulllvtn'a operas. In 
1680 CoL McCanll wu Interoated with Jamas Bar- 
ton Key In tho produollon of "Tee Pirates ot Fen- 
tance'' at Ibe FUlb Arenno Tbeatn, Ihia city, and 
aferwarda roimed a parinerahip wllta BoUy Mel- 
ville, Tbe McCanll Open Oo. aeon took Its pisce In 
Ihe front rank and lor ten years, under his oisa. 
agement, cootlnned to be one ol tbe most 
popular organlullonB ol Its kind. For a 
nnmber ot yean tbe Soulh Broad Street Tbeatn, 
Philadelphia, Pa., wu onndnoted by hlo u the 
home bouse ot bis company. About slxyasrsago, 
while stopping In Chicago, III, CoL MoOanll fell on 
the Ice and sborily afterwards be wu atrlcken with 
parallel', when he wu ntnoved to Uie boms ol bla 
BlateMn law , in Oreensboro, where be lived up lo 
Ihe lime ot bis death.. On Feb. 11, 1K93, In thla dly 
aod Chicago, aod 18 In Philadelphia, benelta were 
tendered lo the ainioted lopreeaailo which netted 
him oter 110,000. Bo leaves three danghieit, Wlnl- 
rred and Angela, who are membera ot Richard 
MansQeld's Co., and Mwgant who la attending 
school. The nmalns wUI be InMmd Nov. 14 al 
BalilmoR, Md. 

CLaiiDB(loLDtE,atoneUme a well known acro- 
bat, died Not, B,al hU hnioe'lo this dly, from 
Brlghu diaeste. Tbode«Baud,wbowullliy-elgbt 
yean olage,wu one ol the well known Qoldle Unth. 
en,acrobais, three In oomber, whowan olOTerand 
popnlar. Dngo and Uenry O'McIl wen Ike otber 
momben or The team, Tnelr lut teaaon on the 
road waa In 18«8, with the Stone A Murray Circus. 
Claude Ooldlo, lu bis day, wu considered a oiarTel- 
ooa tumbler. Be wu ooe ot Ihe chan>r memben 
ot N. Y. Lodge, U. r. 0. Elks, and lo 18,0 wu Ito 
Iblrd ooicer ol that beoevolent order, UU but en- 
gagement In the theaulcM lloo wu u night 
watchman for the Uoloo Bquan Tneaiie, tnlt 
city, under Shook A Oobler. ' For Ihe put two 
yean he hu been a great toironr trom t 
oompllcatlon or diseases. About thne months 
ago New York Lodge, B. P. l>. Rika placed 
huo In BL VInceot'a uoaplial, Irom which plaoe he 
wu diaohargcd to go lo Poet anduals Uospltal. 
LcaTbig then he iru about ror a fewdaytand 
wu taken Ul oo the atieet. Be wu oonreyed to 
lliailootevellHotplial,wberehedled. Blttnntnl 
took place Nov, II, and wu attended by a laTn 
delegaUon or Elka. Ulsieoalna wen Intsned la 
a lot belonging to tho Uta Mr. Ortfoilla, atorean- 
wood Uemetery, where aemctB ot the B. P. 0. Blu 
were held, A nephew, a Bla»r and two alaoes 
Burnre the deoeaaed. 

BBijiMue Jaucxi, a yonng planls^ who Is tud 
to have acqnlnd tome tame during hu ihort lUO, 
dle«BiOtnTer,OoL, BewutwantyuTea 
.veanold. Belinporicdu plajlBgu a ontloal 
prodigy tt UN tf* o(Mm. 





"RoiDUT ONDin ABiia,"* maMimoi*, la llTa 
•cu. fiiuoded 6; Alfitil Dunyler aad Qustt Waloli 
oa RoM Dniilrtwood'a Don), wu uua for Itig flnt 
ilmt Id Eoglind Oct, it, it Ui« Frlaoui Tlie.ln, 


"A Oiv • oomxl; Id ttraa icu, idipM 

bj F. 0. Bonund tnm BMdoa and DMludM 
(.rolul comodj, "Delia Utnun," wmkItod Iti Brat 
seirorouncc OjL V>, at too (Mart Tontra, Loadon. 

"Tai JociiT.".D orlfloal ftrclotl conedr. Id 
three acta, bj Frti DODtOtld, wai perrormcd for 
Ibe lint Uma Oct. it, at Iba Vlctoila llali, Wal- 
maauioir, Ed(. 

•'Fundi," a dranu, Is roar acia, br lladama 
nanlal Lnneor, recelfed Ita tnfVrodDcaon OoU 
9), at iba Odeon, Parlt. 

"Fii PMHTBiin)," a drama. In tn acta, by Jales 
Harr, waa plt;ad tor tua llrat time 0:1. it, at U» 
Amfiliiu, Farlf. 

"FLiORiNT UIUT," a farolal oomedr. In Ibrca 
acia, or M. lijenncer, vat producad tor the llrat 
tloie Oct 22, attba Toeiire U. Jctet, r.ila. 

"TasBiitDowa or Lokdok Liri,"anelodrania, 
In toorao'a, br Elward Merrjo, waa ntaaantad (or 
tbo Drat Utne OcL IC,at tna Kotal.OanlarbgrTr, EoK. 

■'Tag Uahiuitil," a drama. Is roor aou, was 
prodocdd tor tlio drit time (for copjrlnDtparpoaea 
•>nl])Oct.lD,at tbo I'rlnca'a Tbeaira, FonamooUi. 

°?iuiiii Oiii'e Doalcal comcdr, "l(am<zelle," 
was produced lor ibe flr^t time lo Eoglaod Oct ti, 
at ibo rrloce ot Walea Tbcatra, Urerpool. 


"The Profligate." 
TUo llTBt performance la Ainerlcft of A. W. 
liaero'enevpUr, "T&o Fronigate,*' m given at 
the Park IHettre. Piillidelpbla, Vt., Nor. 6, by 
Uarle Borrougtu. Tlie piece wm orlglDAUj acted 
at Uie Oarrlck Theatre, LontlOD, Bog., April 24. 
1^9. The storj opeoB la a lawjer'e obambtn la 
LoodoD, where we leant (bat L-«rd Daogars haa 
] oBt been dUorced. Lord Daogars la a maa aroond 
towD, who baa been everything In divorce caiea 
except the pelUIODer. lie la cdIj an locldeDtal 
obanoter, however, whose faocdon It la to lalUatc 
QBlofo an atmnspberoor raablnDable llbertinage. 
Toe trae hero Ja bla boaom friend, Donatan Ren* 
abaw, flaoce ot Leslie Drodenelif a beaaUfal, pare, 
minded, iruatlug girl, who. la ihe courae o( the 
llret ant, becomes the wife of ibit Toong. onro- 
formed rjke, to ibe bitter sorrow nt Ilagb Jionar, 
the B>Bli]. middle aged lawyer, whu bas waiobed 
over her u her guardlao, and given her a allenr. 
adoring love, ilardljtuathe marriage oeremoay 
heen completed at an adjonrning reglilr/.'wben 
Ilanabaw'a past rlaee agdinnt him InibeUwjer'a 
onice. In tbe abape of a grief attlcken coonirr 

Kri, JAoet Preecc, who, und»r a falia name, 
I baa beirajed and abandoned, and whu 
cornea to empljy legal aid for the dtacoverr 
cf bcr eedocer. Somo weckB e)api«, however, 
before iho caiaairopbe ■ thua foreshadowed In 
ibe life of tbe oevl/ married coople anlvea. 
N«T4r vai iliCM a mora loTiog. morn perltoilr nnli«U 
couplotbtQ B«utaavaaJ hMbriili If be ourlwl for 
no iitibsr purpoM tbiD lo oMalo a lltdt r«iaiatJoD rrom 
hlsdatiaueiitriM, he hu l^m^A lo tlaeenlf lovt bli 
joaoa wiia ■od tbs «ortbiM lisr haibaDd a^ t&o 
caniauoQ ol all that iiaobls, lorai iruaaml parala tnas, 
pcornio« to twli«r« thftt h« lui ever mwq u macb ai » 
liaoOlul ol nild oiTH. Tilt ti««a liiM L«nl l>iDun IBM- 
ffM*<l lok Mlioollrlfsd of L«rovQ lo*- Irw herwitb bon 
roriDil (JiNgokL Id h*r«jt«tdlroie«d msoltamoDaiar 
or lDii|Uitr. nail to com* ■■ a ([a**tniid«r b»r baibiDd'i 
rvoi. iioili«(>««jeBihe moil tieligbtiui of bon«tinooDi 
Id ID lullaa Til'ft, vliere Uis iren* oi ibtMeoodaad 
ibltd aculi UtO. Mrutwiiila, a« lack wooM it, 
Ui«r«comeiio ihlfili>lea tat III startad vlalm of Rod- 
Bbav'a bachtlor dtwipailonK, Jkati frMCa.aoddatloe 
Lin tamporar/ ahwoco Iron bomt, ib* beconu tho 
iwioiu irUiHl crM4 Birti, wbo ItDowmr ibfttaba baa bail 
wiDDO urrow la hrr llie, Doma bar tbrousb aa attack of 
Mvio r«T»r.aodaaroa h^rlutlna araliittOe. Tliaratara 
ol Kaofliiiraod liialrieDJ, Lard UAaRaTm.brleaamattaTi 
II a h»«u. Altar a lltua mlauodamUDdioa u to tb« 
idaoutyol ibacalprlt. Ilia youogwifa realiuaibaiarrl- 
bla irutb iiitt ilie buvbind Uut aba haa IdoUcad 
li the bsirar^r ol bar filaod, aod tba leaaa 
eoda In Ilia comptata nipiura oi tba hltbano 
Iiapp7 ratatioDt i«t«e«a batbaod and wiia. Tha 
la^t aot tnoaf^ra ilia atOTT odcs mora (o LiartoD. 
Hanaliaw cAuen iba bousa of Hagb Marrar, «h»r«. 
unlmovii tobim, bU wila la alM> atarloi. PiUedwiih 
abima aad rv aioraf, knoviDf tbtiba baaloit lha n«p#ac 
ofblt wlie arao it haoould aiTACtaranioclllatloa, bad*- 
lermlQa* to iai(« poi'OD WIUi liia onp to bia lipa bo n- 
tlac'j ibat daith l> bat a poor aiooamaDt, and ba faila oo 
Ilia kDsa^wl.b a prater lor roratraQau and atraogth to 
live. WbUa 10 il)lap>«liloa hiB wile aotan. Sbe tella 
lilotabel^Dot bla /adRO, bat bla *lie, aod Iba curtaia 
lAlla opoa thalr traaad lonof. Tha ca«t: LorJ Oasnr*. 
Mark Price: Ouosito Raotliaw. Jobo E. Rellenl: Mr. 
ObaaL II A. Bailoot; llnghMufrar, Lools Ma*ieo: Wll- 
ik-«d Srodaoali, Tb«o. Brovo: Ur. EphgTHva^, llarrr 
OwroDetta; WaaTar, Kred tlax«a1i; Mtt. Stoaabar. 
Uiooia Honk; Irano, Prmocaici Ltacolo; Jaoat Fraeea. 
Kletoor Parr/: fnaclll*, Mioola MaribftU; Lealle 
UradaoaU, Marie Barroughi. 

"Too Muoh Johnson *' 
Tbe llrat perfornunce ot thla new play, from tbe 
I)en of Wm. Qlileue, waa given at ibe Open Booae, 
Uoljoke. Uaai., Oct. 25. Augaitas Billings, a New 
Yorker, flnds blmaelf somewbat bard preased on 
account ot a Olrtatlon wlib tbe wife ot a Frenchman, 
lie engagea pauage to Onba to escape tbe tempor- 
arr unpleaaantntas, but bla wUe and mother In law 
deolde 10 accompanj bim at tbe laat moment, aa be 
has told them ibit he owne a plantaiton Intlan* 
ilago. Tbe mither lu lav diaoovere a letter in bla 
noat addressed to Mr. JohoaoD, hj whiob name 
itlllngs was known to tae French woaiao, 
aod ne explains that Johoson la the over- 
aeer on his mTihlcal plinutlon. Oa the 
aieanier Ib a louog gul, who has been bo* 
troihed to a Cuban plantar by iha aenia of JoboaoD 
agtloatherwil). and rhs la accompaalad bybarCatbar 
and a davorad adorer, *bo was takao oo ttieroiaaebr 
acclJanc Aleo oo board Ii iba Inia Pfeocbinta, wbo la 
naahloK JoUosod to aTaofia bla wroopa Ulilioiaeaaapw 
ramp^nrr trouble iir ru>Uni( olThlt balraud theo t«]lioc 
tiiavirahewaeoaaabt u ilii ■•lueo red oribeeDRloe 
Tha parir doally meat on plaouitoa oi tlie reel 
JolioMD, acO ilie laRe of tbe rreocbmao la dlrec:ad 
agalaattba plaD>er, vliUe tbe Ivbcr anddaoali'erat* 
inuodDced by UlliiDeaaepooTreluloop. lo ibe iDld*tof 
uaUiplinlcomplltalioniBilKoKx, liia ■ifeaod mMbar Id 
lawmaoaiia to iiikfre ilialr eicape, aoMmpanled by tbe 
AfUaocid aod her lorar, Ibe rreochmto, plaourand 
diuppololcd aUier a'o lalt to adjuat iheir diiOonUlei aa 
tlia iinagloatloQ of ibe apeetator may dictate. The out: 
AuKUtt'ia Blllloga, William (llUeite; Mni.Auffuatiu BUI 
ioRi, Haad Haitam; Mri.H Uptoo Battaraoo Kate Meek; 
Fraocli Paddlab. Btmual RHd; L«nora FadtlUb, Maila 
ilreeawall: lltDrr UaclotAah, a UHIer Kent; Joaaph, 
JobQSon. Kbj , Ralpb Oalmore; HAoa Leon Datblii. 
out- let J Dan; Fradarlck. Hobart IKokuaa; Btaward. 
H*o|amia llenilrieka; iMllory Looton.TbomaiErlaoD: 
Maiianier, Ctcd {^ooaL 

"La Belle Marguertlo." 
Tbis operatic comedj, Ubreito b.T Jas. Acderson 
itoasell, mu.«ilc by Emnu It Stclner. wae played tor 
Ihe diet llmo at the Opcm Uouae. Chattanooga. 
Tcnn., SepL 19. Tbeaccneaare laid In France. Tbe 
heroine. Uarguerlle, tbe belle of tbe Tillage. U 
moch eoaght alter by the village beaux and i.:,e 
islndenta, on Account of her beaiiij. grace aod 
tamlabllUr. She loves Uarcel, a aoppoaed atndeot, 
bat wliD Is rcallr a baronet. A number of tbo no* 
bliuy, frlonds of Marcel, vlalt the village, and one 
ot ihem. a Uacbeas, rtco«nlz«a Uarcel In aplte ot 
hlsBiudeDt'Bdlsgoiie. Hbe engages bimlaconver- 
aatloo. and Marguerite, eatcrlog upon the acenCL 
becomes Jealoosot iicr at once. Uarcel dare not 
dlspleaee tbe Duchess tor fear that abo will 
unmask him, and alan feua ibat it he does 
not explain raatiera to Utrgoerlte, sbe will throw 
iiimprer Tba DncbaM kadahim away, aod Margoerlta 
deienulDaaioreianiio herMll lor Uie aupMued aligbt 
11 U tbo day of a graoJ fe'e, and loUievillaffvfilacaa 
tr-tu4ry iliRt tba touor uian who baa tlia Qiat danoe 
whb a alrl b^oonea liar eacori for iba araalBa. lo 
ordertotaaae Marcel Uarvaanta ilraa tba flratJaoca 
to all wbo au for If, and aa each atadeot aod vlllaaer 
iieactr for lit* boanr, clieaoosbaa tb*m In a pia*ir 
tangle Aot aeenod li the acwoa ot Ibe laie, and la de- 
Yoted to aoaesibia danco* and to lai^log matten more 
.opoipllcated. Act third Ooda eTerriblnv lo a Mate of 
chtoi, bat aa Iba act progT««i'a ibloia are gndually 
eiplalo'd, and tbe c'jrulo flnally dropi on a happr 
(leooaiuant. The ca4: Ihiclioia of LaadreTllle, Oraca 
Eduiandi; Viotnrloa Jea^ie Eatlfoa; Madame Pom- 
f^aon, I'aNle Warren : Marguerlia. Mabel Paige; Marcel, 
waid Reat^ller: Baron Do Camptgeac, Prank Moor- 
liooae: Cotlanleiu 11. Ouy Woodward: Jean lAvlba, 
i9)aa. Ebarlianlt: Henry Laioar, Uarry fltgfina; Pierre 
IV.rlo, Aben Wlghtni an. 

' My Wire's Husband" 
Thij three aot comedy, by Jos. U. Slater, wu 
originally acted at itondont, H. Y., Oct. 8. The play 
deals with tho mlstonnnesol a henpecked taosbantL 
Tbrongh tbo peranaMons ot a aclentlOc qoack. who 
clalDatbathe posMBies an lofaUablecnre for all 
tbe 111 that nesh la heir to, utd capedaUy an Infall- 
iblo care for an IrraKlble temper so oouMtottae 
fenaleeex. Thoci»dalona,tbebeDpeekM^ittaWDd, 
agrees to have an ezperimeai nade npon Ui wife, 
aD4dtmogUieuiBes>ie la uder Ue laflwbes of 

the aaraotlo ho wUl have a right loyil Ume. 
Tbe vlii oTarfaaan ^it of tba plo^ aod pre- 
taeas lo o* aoder the laflaenee of the drvr. 
bat at tbe otllcal nenant abo la aoprHMad to 
nvlni. to tba^vfwt aatooltbnaot of tho>a *be be- 
^*!^^ ^ bwed upAtt tbe esUaTa- 

iiaatihoerrefibaUieDrrBrowne«nnar4,«bo olaioita 
¥*^57»A*.**JW!^.l!*^ BUilTofUie." Tbecaat: JaaptT 
;>uMaMKW.tI •aedler;Petdioaodflpaag:ar. Joc^. 
WaUTiJtoiimWiBaogiKb.ll. HorrelhSSkay rtiobba. 
^'P:^l"P''vl^*^KTmitoD Walton; Dr.Piilliar, 
W. P. Rrana; loapaclor Orabbln, Harr* WtUea; Ueiao- 
tire Nal^lB. Tbomaa B Oepew; Hra. Jaubel Mnddla, 
Orae* Datmond ; Halb ltn»by. BOe P«arl:Lacy Moddle, 
I>ia Werear Tbiaplay. in ibe aitoaUona, liaaaaod plot, le 
varTaimUartn*'AeeilaK a Mother In Lav" alihoosb 
tbe aotbor clalotfthat It le aattrely orlgioal wlib him. 


Wtnt* ol MutfM* and PerfbniMit, Optn 
DtiM, ctb-SM AdvMtltMitntai 


'■Tbe Craas noadi ot Ul." will ahoitir raanma 
tbeir tiaalam tADr. Hanaier W. 0, amilb la book- 
IDI Urn* tor Proprletoia Otrrlck Jb Coiuer. 

Comblaailona can (III open tluia at Uarla' Tbea- 
tra. Hcnuton, r. , and BIjoa Tbeaira, Bmgbamton, 

AiinoUona ara wanted tor iba Colambla Thra- 
Ire, Fall Hirer, Haaa., Khlct' will be oomplelad 
«borU5. It la adrartlaad aa tbe Itock Street Tbe- 
aire In Uila laaoo, bot tbe nana haa boao cliinited, 

Tbe Noralij neatre, Brookljn, N. Y,, will ba 
opened Nor. lO, by Wa. nickej. AitraoUODa at« 

X Y Z oOkra bU plaj "Tbla la Lore." (or aale. 

Ualij Barerlj la tonrinf nnder WUbur M. Qale'i 

iiQ^Iamltj JIffl," a Wild Wcat plaj, cu ba ae- 

J. 0. Lawii wanta a aonbreila and oibor dramatic 
people, aUo mulclana. 

Cbarlea norwlii, alnflDg oomedlao, witli apadal- 
ij, can ba anmcd. 

>'Opa and Downa ot Lite" baa been copjtlgbted 
'bjOUTer BjTon. 

Dramatic people are wanted br A. r.Wlllerd, 
Frank L. Yarance, Adaoa and O'llelllr, Jack Fow- 
ler, Joe WilUaaa, UerarlT and Oaie, Geo. reck. J. 
U. Donglaa, J. N. Fenntl(r, li. H., Manager lloilo- 
wn, Onr l>oroibT Co., L. A. Kempton, reck and 

At Libert;: Bcou R. Baal, Ki'taer Allan, Kelleue 
Dnrk, Nellie Manning, Nell l.ltcbdeld, Percf I.ln- 
don, uar OiUnban, Frank OallaXan. 

Forapangb'a Tbeain, Pblladelpbla, wlllbeaold 
Dcr. I J at tba rblladelpbla eicbange, 

"(lie Olaon" la altered to leaia bj Jacob Uit: 

Open Ume can bo tiled at Loibiop'a ibeatrei, 
Portland, Ua., and Brockton, Haaa: 


"Hie Olinrcb Aoroaa tbe Waj," b; Wm. 0. Onr, 
haa been paiillabed br Bpanlding Qrax. Geo. 
Carr la ainiing It wlin gnat euccoaa. Ouplea lo 
prnfeaalonaU, lor a atamp. 

llDgb J. DonneUj tias laaaed "Coma lUck, tSf 
Oblld AxalD." 

Tbe Peirla lloilc Co. IWTe leaned tonr new hoc- 
coutnl aoDia. 

Tba KogiTab Song Fablleblog Co. lovlte ptotea- 
alonala ia aend (or toelr recent publlcationa. 

will Roaaltcr laan'a lengths lla» of promlDent 
alngenwboarellndlDg Itioibeir Inureat to Hlog 
bla lateat pobllcatlona, repeated encore, oelog aa- 
aared tbem on tbeae aonga. "rtao Tattoo oo tlio 
Arm," "Omel lllao," "Mr Irene," "Tbo airl Who 
llaaaOoodTiaia" and "lie Wanted He to iX-Illi 
Uriog rlcmrt" are aonsg tlwac. 

•Tbe Sidewalk. o( »» York," br Cbarlea 0. 
I.awler and J. W. Blakr, la beoomlDg pnpolar. 
"Keep tbe Oolden Qates Wide Open," or Joseph 
Hart, la alao being anog aacceialnllj. Dowle/, 
Uavlland \ Oo. aappl; these aings tor a atariip. 

Mosiolanaara wanted bf ])au Shermao, Uarlow 
Oroa.. Col. R. J. Ulesle, A U. Knoll. ' 

AtUbertr: !,.(:. Holtb. Hoalclan, Frank Jirrla, 
E. II. Slogdlli, W. .V. Eller, Uert Palter, U. S. 
Uarker, O.E.BnroB, Spencer Drake, Waller Uam- 
'lln, A. Uoavonn, K. Q.D'Kreljn, 

J. A. Buitoa baa publtahed "A Homeleas Wall." 
De uittfa a caab prize ot one bandied dolUra to 

Oeo.M. Kleak t Co, bare a nnmber ot new aonia. 

"I Long to Sea Old Ireland Once Uore" and aere- 
ral other aonga can bo ordered from the American 

Tbe conpon Mualo Oo. IWTa two new aonga, 
"Be'a Silll Uer Babj Bo;" la a new song, luacd 
by N. 0. Ujer. 
Frank Rtlde, rarleir planlat and leader, can be 

^oie'a bcllpae banjos and Imperial mandollna are 
recomnendedto peifomera. 

W. W. Delanej sas pnbllabed "Living rictnrca In 

Oco. H. Babb wants a trap dmmmer and other 

"The Owls' Serenade," "Come to the Atma of Yonr 
Uabj," and the catchj Inrenlle aong, "I u.^n't 
Want to Plaj In Yonr Yard," la Isaaed by the Peine 

"Hj Babj Sweetheart," a new aong, tall ot hnal- 
neas aod comadr, and being aong br Annie WMt- 
nar and other popniar aingers, la published bj Ihe 
wfdmer-SHgler Haalc PubUshlag Co. This Irm 
also anppllea manj other imw aonga, loclndlng 
"Madeline" aod a nnmber ot "hlla," at ten cenia 

Oroger Brother adrertlaa sereral new aonga. 


Ilyda li Bebman want sood apecUUIea. 

A atroDg comedy aketoh team and choma giria 
are wanted by Leonl t Brerait. 

B>nd(ordBod Lee can be engaged. 

nco, F. McCwn wniea ainga and d'alogoea. 

lAnls Oe Uon'a Faroilie Variety Co. can be 

Clark and Angelina can 111 dates or Join a com- 
bination. Tnalractlaaancceaa. 

I'lelda and Lewla, tha Tamala Boya, are engaged 
tor the aeawn with tbe Oily Clab Co. 

S. E. Shay wanta a lady partner tor a aketcb. 

Curloaltlea and apeolalUei are wanted for ibo 
Wonderland, Jamestown, N. V. 

Itoalu, wlib her edacsied sheep and dog, can be 

Tne Poor niobaids are engaged for Palmer Coi's 

Comblnailona can book Umo at Feople'a Theatre, 
Mllwankee, wia. 

Speolalilea are wanted by Lake i Oalt, Chaa. 
0. Alien, Prof. 0. W. Bldley t Co., Oregon lied, 
CO., Robert Byde. Kew Park Tbealin, Lawrence, 
Haaa; Chaa. Vent A CO., 0. D. JobsatoD. 

At Uberty: Billy Htatbnok, T. J, Bbaaier, Wallle 
Wbl'e, the <kiBstoeka, Otio (Minoar, Uaiiy Jordon, 
Oiorga J. Oregor. 

Duan and Hack can be engaged. 

RobertSUckney'adogandponyolronaand Emma 
SUokney In her wtie and juggling act can be en- 

'*loBaldc and Flinn oonUnae incceaafnl with 
Bopklna' Trans Oeeanlea. 

Lew U. UanoU can be engaged tor bis alngie 

DUon, Bowen aod DIzon, llie Three Roiiea, alter 
playing aevan WMks In Ohicigo, hire Joined Rns- 
aallBrotben' Oomedlaaa. 
J. C. II. wanta a l«dy partner. 
AL 0. Field will have three separiue corapanlea 
In tba fleld D'xtaeaion. Tha Al. U. Field Hloatrels, 
preaenilcg Aladdin la claimed to be iDo beat all 
white mlnatrel tronpe In Ihe baaloeaa, lha 41. «. 
Field American MIolstrcIa oomposcd ot genolne 
colored performera and a iroope ot Aisba will Halt 
AnstiallL "Solomon and Sbeb." an ontdoor apcc- 
tacle will hare a peraonnal of 3M. Performers arc 
wanted for these atiractlona, alao a competent man 
to txwk ".Solomon and Shaba." 

Dm Sherman annonnoes that R. U. Brook Is no 
longer oonoected with hli "Jay Cirona." Vllir W. 
Grant has amunied tbe noslllon of manager. 

Tha UewMlea, novelty antettauura, can be eo- 

HeiTlit aod Welch, bnrleaque knockabout aong 
_jd dance and trapeie pcrtormen can ba engMoii. 
Their act la eodoned by Tony Pastor and J. K. 


Felnberg tnmlahes pbotogvphs. 

The Bamella can be eoaied after Nov. 17. 

carlotta Uveme and Uenry Patnaud, doable 
tiapezt tevn, can be aecared. 

Oora HoDti baa been r»engagad at Engtl a Opoia 
Favllloo, Chicago. 

Marlon and r«arl,alnglo( aod talk Ingcomedlan*. 

Carr Bnthera' uilned bear, perfotmlog a num- 
ber of maxvalonf trlcka, can be booked, 

AlmceAosllnwantBalady pailaer toraltapcze 


H. robllionei waata attractions tor Ills clrcna and 
theatre lo Havana aad other Cntan cllleiu 

Tbe ronle book ot the Waliar UHUnBbowu 

J. U. la rcHl «Scn drcu piopeitj (or sale. 

B. n. D., wants an eqneatrlenn.. 
* V. n. UvlngitODO wanta clrcna and other taknt 
(or hla Houth American lour. 


AttiactloDi can book lime (or Baker Open 
nouie, DoTcr, N. J,; Currier Open Uoese, Pm- 
coll. Iowa: Fianklln Opera Honao, Fiantlln FaUa, 
N. 11.; Opera llonae, Camden, Inil,; Benent, We« 
lirld|«water, ra.; UranU Optra llooaa, Dayton, U.; 
New Opera llooac, l,eInalo, U.; Uaaluo, New 
Roebellr, N, Y.: filar Tbtatre, Laul.g, Hich.; 
Open llouv, Skowhegan, He.; Opera Uooar, Mao- 
nlngion, w. va. 

At Liberty: Lew F. Winson, bnalneaa lepresanu- 
lire; A. St. Lorooa, bnalneaa repreaenuilve: Fred 
Neece, adrance; Jaa. II. Biadley, Keolo artist and 
carpenter; Cbas.w.Ull^ agent; UarryA. Illghby, 
agent; Jamea F. Wood, advance agent or manater. 

OoMamltb fUTOtahea Imnka and makaop boxes. 

W. II. J, Bhaw'a catalogue of maglo tilcka oan be 

T. V. Day recomuenda bla Hotel Warwick, In 
Chicago, to profealnnala. 

Jacob! Bniheta Uaiie a aeaaonable reminder lo 
all weaiera of oveKoats to have tbeIr gannanta 
made to order at rates not higher than ready made 

uuo Schmidt labooklngbla ancceeafal "midway" 
eihlbltlon (or next scaaoD. nc waata noveltlea at 
all times. 

Keceulty Jooea onera an Arabian alalllon forKle. 

For Bale : Anlmala, by U. II. Irvlog, Braan, Albert 
Staldcr and W. A. Conkllo; doga by Prof. May; 
maelc by cloaaon. 

The American .Microicopo Co. recommend tboir 
pennf In the alot mlcroacopta as a produblelnrcat- 


It Is Flnt Built on Pipar, Then of Wood, 
and Liitly of Steel. 

A man ol war la bnilt npon paper beforo a single 
plate ot tteol Is forged. Not ooly Is the doalgo aad 
model nude, aad a ikeicb to show how she will look 
whtu she li iluatlng on the toamy deep, but every 
piece that enters lutohtrcoDsimotlon, whether It 
beof Iron or wood or sleet, la measbied and drawn 
ont with erea greater care than an arolilteot uer- 
claea In dealiolog the datalia o( tbe manicla and 
doorjama anil plnniUlog of a houie. 

Not only la tho leogitb aod breadth of a ablp de- 
cided npon la adfance, but Ihe naval conainiclor 
will tell yoQ 10 an ounce how much water aba win 
diaplaco when her armor and gnna are |tlaced npon 
her, how neDy tlnies lier propellera win re-.olve In 
amlnata Willi a glvt-o piraiuro ot Nifun,andhow 
many tone of coal an hour mult Ihj consumed to 
driTO her at a certain rate of sptod. 

The aclenco o( ahlpiiulldlag has reached such 
peifectlon that of the forty sbipi that compoH Ihe 
Lew navy ot the Halted siatea only two have act 
failllled or oxcccdud ilie.plana aod prouiia'a of tbe 
men who dealgncd ibeni, with relerence to horco 
poirer, ai»eed and otliar iiuallOaallooa. 

The aluniaand tbo Iduntorey did not deralop 
qnlie'he hoiae power that iheir eogluea were de- 
■igoed to give, and their builders bad to pay a 
(orlclt. TiioCiailDe aad the Mwbtaa weie round 
to tie top-beavy when they got all iheir armor on, 
bnt that wa. au error or judgmcut. They were 
given too niiuy gnna (nr ihoir tonnage, bnt tbe de- 
fect waa eaally repaired. 

When the plana or a ablp ara given to a con- 
tractor, the Oral thing be doea la to reprndace tbe 
dciign, or, at leul, a croaa aeoilon (ull tin, with 
cbilk, on Ibe noor or hla lott, and wooden patterns 
are made from tlic ehau marka, for the uae o( the 
fouudem In caatlog her tliia and beams. 

7bon a wnoden pTaio Is made for evtry sled plate 
tliit Is needed and marked with white paint to cor- 
reapond with that It rrpreaenta on tho pen and Ink 
dctlgn. Then tbe keel la bid and the akeloion 
riveted together nnill Ititanda In the air like ilio 
aieel bnlldloaa that are now bclog cunairuo'cd 
Ofteca or Blitcco alorlesblgh before a crick or a 
atooe U laid tor the outside walls. 

Wliea It cornea time to pat oa the platta the 
wooden pattern Ij Drat used to rcc If It is a perfect 
(Itaod to mark where the nvotholca iiioat be made. 
The aieel pute Is then laid upon It, the piacta lor 
the (Ivet holea ate marred aud tneii drilln), and 
Onally It la (asiened by red-hot itcel boltj where It 
belongs. In a ship ol i,Mio toos iboro aro l,<mo or 
B.CKKi dllTerent plrcca u( ateel and uifiM to 00,000 
aiccl rlvcla.— iA/M(7u llerord. 


The drat book with a printed date It tba (amooa 
Uentz Psalter, printed on vellum In Uil by Peter 
Bcboeger. A second cdluoo, alio on velinm, and 
larger ud even more magnlOcent than tbe Ont, 
wu Usocd In 1-lto. On the whole, Ihia Is perhaps 
tha most magolQcent printed book that hat ever 
ii.>en produced. For llie splendor and alia ot it. 
t;pe and elaoonte colored capital letters It re- 
sulnaqolte anrlvallrd. 

Very few copies appear to have been printed, and 
no other book kouIo now probably aell (or so high 
a price. A copy In a recent calalogne of Mr. (Joa. 
rlioh was marked at ict.oou. As Hr. DniT tells us, 
"TneDoatstrlklEg tbiog about theraalisr Is the 
woDdorfDl uplui letters, and how tbe« were 
pilnted bat alwajs been a vexed iiaetllon," These 
lolilais sie Urge ana aro elaburaiely decoimttd 
wlib mos'- ejiiulsltely designed noral ornaments, 
printed la both red and blue. Trio perfect Ot, or 
reglster.of lha two colora makes It diniooltio nn- 
deraianu how Ihe colon coald have been applied at 
two aaparate prlniloaa.andyet there are dntloultles 
lo Ihe way o( accepting aoyoiher theory u lo what 
the ptoceaa Hts-Snluraau Btclfw, 


There's llie girl who's atuck on fencing, aod Ibe 

fllrl who'a luat commencing to he aumea-bat 
aiereatril In the art o( ael(-de(eQae; 
There'a Ihe girl who's good at riding, and ihe girl 
who takes to atrlolng over league. o( dale aod 
mountain a lib eberir Iniense: 
There's ibo girl who wortblp. rowing, and tho one 
wbi's fond o( ataowlog a markamanablp 
aaionndlng In a pcrann other aez: 
There's Ihe girl who'a always ready with s nerve 
bolb Itoe and stesdy, when wolol dangera 
threaten or diniculltes vex. 
Oat dCElte the mauly carriage and tba open aeom 
of marrlaee, which tue Independent ladlea 
seem lo thiak »o very nice. 
Von may, perhspi, have noted that they're taiy 
aeldom quuted, aa having Inat completeir 
their Inherent fear of mlce.-r/ie bclnii Ti l- 
tAtiir. _ . 

Tbe Young KoDaewKo.— "Uavo you any canvu- 
back duckK>'' tlulrltfr~\e», ma'am." Vo'tny hovnf' 
to>/r->'Well, I with lou'd atod mo one. And I 
with you d have It talcn out o( Ita cauvu, 1( yon 


"Di: vnorni.R wiu Iiki iiiniiy oh you iiiggciK,'' 
aavri t'liclf Unw, "h drtt you ivmiia to llbnliiiitn' 
Hli' illv i:iirlHilnii.." 

It 1-4 n fiiii'.Hiiiin wIk-iImt iIii.- ninil \()Uih liuiiN 
loMuoi for li.ii i- III III. fiiiliL-r aioiif ivail or on his 
ii|i|icr liji. 

ri ill eiL Inof, D«v T.BIi. o.w P.lallDC anil imta, |JU; 

rioa^-nriirrAN Muuxr, siij Indian iiuiiiir lii; 

rins r,i,,,,,j.|. mvmmw, ,nv,an mujbm i , .14, 

uuKiirALir.Kii iiour. an Iq aa, voSium. AddtMs, 
A r amril. TO»nrrl»>D WrMt, App'.ICD. wt.. 

PIjAVO (all hln,l«). Hk.lcttMtelej.mitB to order. 
8ia'* Four '*.*' and ••Bd 'turnp" (or "pricaa " 
iiaa ar ii BHDKHHriw. i »«iri,ii »rn.Mt.Lo.i»iii»,gv. 
~jrOWljBll'i~PLia Vklt»>-waoiM lo bur iron 
lulfl.Dd itatltuaa «lio ew act. and aot kick, ror aU 
hoaaof bamBH.. H'al. lull parlleglark. bm II roa do 
>PBCI«lilM. -'JACK" rotVLIH. KBoatlllo. Ia.Ni>. II 
ud .Mt : UtkaUwaa, It, Not. luaadwMk: WhuCbm, 

la.. Nov. W 

•aCb^i.nis MUHi:~tBiiurK ur a v/HTf 
Torrcbnp. all propu. AiMBNewrai NOLiNliDOU 
doM ir iricki. A WATOU UWl, III) oely. Vua •loala 
ICTINtiOUU. locloMi-amp. 

mnr may, bob ««. WaaeT ar. ya 

WXhTKPiA WAN(>>LAVicil'~Wl70 can 
LCaU ORUIlanTnA. Tl,o onmpaor pUja «Mk suadi 
ealr. Hn moa.vor lUk.uadfaDCM Co invono. Op#B 
Nov IS HoMrl I/<liair.r .til. AddlMlKLI.Iil A BTaN- 

roR O Tgi iti Bap iUKH, ai»ob«Btiii». o. 

~WXW<f(>, kriiii J. Ailui'ifVillr JuNKa' 
■10 NOFELvr ailiiw, fiBOo riByir iLBldMiipnlal- 
tlaa aad work lo art. ; alio sood 0.>Dlonlo.llt. Hibd, 
loir aalarv lo aratl-il.r Lone OBraiaaoot 

J. AL'llf iirIN JONBM. LoMhaHwl. II 0 

Ivo c*fil.; iiO ttrm. Mod lor.tnrlao. 

ii<hkt«:lXrv. ivi rpfur. w- n.ii»i»iB(.i». ra 

KKTChK.. HiiNUH. t'UNEUIKa, nun. 
Nuus. wiirrp.NTti uRUEa ..Bdnamp. 
jdsei'U graRHAW, in raimwBBt a»« . niii »i«i»hia 
acl'AHFani HRaT rLaViRuTATiiiirf mi 

TliMrTp.rttfsUrlyrorBUB«eiBSB"- AddrB.aMMt.t- 
IBS lBf«m«* al Bin or popira boaw, tUPCBW, MO 
Wnt Fetiy lamd attaai, Ht' Vork. 



^..„ _ _ ^ HlkWAVKBB, WIBCO»Ilf. 

aOHN S. RAYMOR, ... Iivbco niid Mnnnsur. 

PrttML Ito. to SI flO. Twn parfDnnaaeM dally. All attraetioB, op*n Rund.y HailnM ud oIom llalaidtv alsbt 
rLTKN A 8iiBRlDaN-a'<otrir iin)RTi<'''oo.. piar«l lonKmoioB.r kiboiiod nrt.k ibaaanysih.rauii«uoa 
la til. ellr, "aad taara wm otha ib." A f#w opH waBks (or eonblDttloaa Addrvu a. kbo. b. 

MluU^NBwhoBi.; iHirBg eapa.iij, an: atoxaat sue. 
aad anaaiiy: Bopalatloa of wn, laia .(ih a bom 
mBU^ 01 I^OS to draw fion. K^OPRN jrjilB 

Op.B UmB llov.. DM., aod lAlar Tor Bi 
Oud prartmd. AddrMi II. K niR 

Wtl. BRB<IBB . 
BrBtelBBB attraallona 
nBRRT, rwp. and Mar. 

TV) ^t'IiVKarI/^SiSs B!lfl*SI^»rRiitk'oS 
IkiaaflilCuBaBdOoBSlMploiCar. Ku.tb. dm olaaa 
caia IQ good eoadlUon, with dmbib Itnprai.mB.ta, air 

*-"• TMlnd oalll Dtd. I. AddrBU 

OIIAR LhK, BoiJ^rt^i^Bouiii. rBBO. 

■ANDORaiNlKlLINUKUIIIairilA. lCiB» eompOHil. 
MatlB pal tn wool, or BMompanlmsnt BiaJB for tnalodr. 
tddraB.UHAR.1,. LKWIH ill W. atli Rl.. rinololiBII. 0. 

^PKCIAL aTA!«t> WOHK, 4r.l Hl.\ ill 
KiahtOolor. ituponorio lllhoik Will pack thahouBBUiB 
8T.colabt. Ssed on. dollar aoj raaOina uallBr lor. 
•ample. » aaaBI Wud e ror Si. IS ror IT. II (or ta. 

OKI) BRrKRB. aiiBB.nJoali. I. 

AT I.IUBUTV, (o loin MnlielnB Co., a UIHTliiTIf 
Tt'lLVIi, Buckrtc^ Inak BBd Traitiii. i:aa<loothBra; atw 
pal 00 BtBrptBCBB airBtuBtBsu'arftaUrr. KiBrvihloa 
npfodaiB. WilllB.towork. HoliBraad rallBbl.. WrttB 
insjialrt. Wall. Wliila. lltHtr Humm. r ildiliara. Man. 


k voiiNu 'iaR SscVflilu a PobiYiuN 

M aialtlant Iroaiurar, BMorit. ruralthad, indr.|clau 
ItiBBlr. . Addw ieBfao rOLIP rBnomcB. I t M. u. 

LkailllU BONiK wonli aad nuilo, oonpoNd at tbim^b. 

•b'.'ravs Ad JfBtj H i«.,catBolOlll'HKH 

"KZTRAIMiKHT laiTAfllTN i,lTII>iilHAl-|l.<l IN 
TUB WOBLII MAD! Til URDBR R.Bd gl SI (.irl Sbiii. 
pUliahMtaiaads. W. r. RBlRCIt, Hho. rilBlBr. 

9a>-3U4 N Rliiaaelh Btrast, UdUib, Nab. 

aafara ae.. Ubiqo Nal Baak. 

"jdriltAiia rOH MAtllS^I Iob <i«Iu1. or>lB.r 
Ca^ 0.1 la OMBtr); pair VamplrBB (aonil onrtnultlM) 
SB): t irhlu Coolatoei (fallow •f.iladi. tH: lha Ibi tii 
Jatt Uia iblBB ler ktan tbov; all h.BUhr aod dlil rhaap. 
All, loi ratal iB ia. o. n IKVINO. llavarWII. M«ba 

A'TSillirilT V, E. ■. •T<>UpiLI.,lluiloDt|iUI, 
Planiat, Udar aM ArraBgar. llaKlinirjIIT.OaQc.ii 
Ptaatat.BopraBOBololaior mMBlTB BulUfatloB. Alt^. 

{mmI Biuaatar vIotlDlat Both Al BBpcrlanead PMplo 
d,lrtM B. a. BTtKIDl LL. MoBoe . lail. 

WANTEU, PIARU #LA YBH lyouiii llaioian 
nT«larn<l|. Halt U. tlabt rudrr aal NKUA) CIlKK 
1)1 AN. Ualar) Daalb.llkB««ralloinalorlilBi,aa .r- 
ua* DDra a wBBk. Tbii la a madicinoabow, TliaDkB,no 

lodltat. CUL H.J. DIJIilLH. HarloB^ii_ 

'wKliVio, r.aHrNiik"winl aiju." iraii I'liiaru- 
Id a BuMBialal BOIarprlaa EaMrlBBCo unaacBtaar) 
AddiBM MANAIIBH BIINj\aiN.raol>Ui>, N Y. 

VUh aAi.k, TiiiTpiNk VKNi'H, tiIK 

naa Noiallr ror Mualeal ArUala. Alao a lllaaa Lajnui 
BliBBp. HoDd alamp Inr doacrlplion nl Uia latoal trt^k. 

(I ai lBA. SSI Uraod Rl . Brooklrn. N . Y. 

VHaNK HAasAi7Cr^'<>i~:AL)l<r, UAiiiTdii AND 
ComadUa. HloslDg (:l.*o. al llbarty lor (.'Irouf or Vauda 
villa. Addraa. aaiRfcaoiora Ht.Bat. u lBB inm'l (I. 

WAftTKD. PUB I, >aK A (I <LrB HiTrHrp.iftlTfv 
BIIUW, No. s. Bood all roBDd I'.rroiiiitra who ar. .111108 
lo vori (ur nor iDUrail Kta*. l-jwaa*. aalarjr aod Hob oi 
hualuBBB (lood Oraaalai who Ban du ipB<lalllB«, Bill. 
Nu (arai advaaml, rou kbi rour aatarr. 

LAK^R A_ll_* L T. li.l ilil'nft NraM,in_ lln.*> rn . Ind 

WlLlj larnUtl MadlclDB Mail ill. Im.i lOblau lii.ut 
oloa Ib lb. worM, pot up lu aool ahapa. al In. nrlr. 
AIM for bbIb,! Hiata UCBDaaa lo aall madlola. In Ilb: 
ouB Raod (or IhniB ntoDllia, aod oao lor all. Aitdrai. 
Paaana Madla loa Co, Paify. lo.a. orRpHaaflnM. Ill 
"ifoliTfAtarMllpHjlS'liTt/KV AMil iTt- 

J. F. PI HIIBH nr Yah Kllibv at . Uma. o 

W ANT^D,~a ptrloar'lor Irlnl. hnrriiintal bara ai 
ic Addnil BTBIILtNU zar.KLLB, cars 


DBll.Brr . BBBItaCllr. Ho. 

UL.ANH tplJVpir 


I i.-jlTilt-:! 

ITlBaaltiBlxtillilllrvat. BronhlpD. N. JT l(at IPal 

~WaKtkB, PAH'riikit vim'tsuiiii/ijiir. 


mi Boutti Boo. Rira*!. lllonnj^Bainn. Ill 
V, HKtL Lri^;H71I-.l7l».jriiTrVAS 

BBR coiruiAN 


•pBelalllaa: Tnuip, OM Maid, NMIr Blil, Widow Railoii 
YaBkaaniodbopl>«r, OouileaodToplflal Ron aa and PboibI 

llaHTWKI,!,. Ull III 


TllB nuN UUUCR A. PRVOft.oBBal Ilia Jr 

. oiloaaor lha 

f'.OBrtBtComainn I'laaa Isr Iba Oily a«d Cobbiv ol Nav 
yoik.aa tba Slat day or OolBbar, IIDI. antlea Is liarab) 

Slvaoloall UiBcrBdilora wbo have hafBlolo'o praaaalail 
lair elalBB to D PrtDh Llof d, KawlTar o( lha <^).pan-'P ol Harpliy A Ullffonl. lo prora tboir clalnii an 
praaaBlad, IfaQi Uiar bara asaloa lha aatd en pannar 
ahip Batata baiar. tba uDdaraisoad Baf.ia.. at lila olllo. 
No W BrMd.ap. to lha Ollv or Natf Torb, N. Y.. on Uia 
Sd dar o( OacaniW, last, atai'ckirk P. M AllorBdIlata 
lalllofl to aiipaar aod rrova aach clalma baroTa aald 
IU(bib. oa lliaday apfeiflBd, a all b. barrad (rom all par 
llelpaUon Id Ui. dlalrlboUoD of Uia (aoda or lb. aalj eo- 
pariaarahlp Do. lo tha liaBjaoratnl Raoalvar. 
Dalad, Naw York, N. Y., Nov. io,ISbi. 

ullAIILM II. yov.sil. Raftrw. 
WILLIAM II, LAW, Alloraay lor D. riaok Lloyd, 

RbbOi so (or two Hampla t* aliBai ataada a S aba#i 
poataiarfa. .lib otarr ti order. (iBaranttad lo raail 
a blocka avBr. RatarBDC l/alno Ntlloaal Uanli W. P. 
Rga BOil. Rbow PrlBHr.BBUMI N Icihlit.UiiiahvNali. 

BBaTI, naif: "NAUUIirY man." Part. Comadi; 
"JANBTTB." Comadr Drama .14 . (or aala chaap. HuU- 
ablB lor lapannlr. companlaa. Hlaa)p(nriu1l pariiulara. 
finx aa ur Pnunh Ai.nna. .Vaw VorkCllr- 


WflO 1$ i m TIME" 

corvBionT im rt will boshiteb. 


I Ilk* lo luuli lb* ODM wiih eub, tod Ur lu itl k bit, 

AOdtfo] auk* fthltl I pUlllMD) iBAfll. 

I'm sot tM Mtt I'D aot lo tough. I n ool too eat*, hot 

eou OBOogli. 
Tbo |lrl wbo bu ft Rnod Umo. «b»a tbo wuli lo, 
%IIORU'* 1. 

I'm oui l»r«t«ir, raop toaooir, IkDow ni bailaiuloo, 
ir I niotk R«Dboaoia*, I kiovjoit whil (o do. 
I'm tI«Mo rlibt, Md BOTir «roDf , I ua "A good iblof , 

Mipo*b ItaloDp.' 

„ ■bo hM « tood 

K. B.— TbUBftrfiD lOBi li lollorglDior, uid ft"lili" id 

Tba ilrl i 

hM « kood tlrao, whrn tbo waoli V>. 

-.^ BftrfiD lOBI li loll ' ' 

aof tovD. Frol. coploi 10 eooii. 


Ml? I'M B0 tdolOI> t hlOK— IhH M WQ. 


HELLIE DWTER," aad "Wlaaa -Win- 
tar Sara Hawa Oona," Hntlaanta], To 
preftaeleaala I "THE PET" rreaforSb. 

£BataB.| thaotkara lUo, aaah. OOVPOM 
[UBIO PCB, CO., Labyatto Sqnara, 
Oambridga, Ha.., 

Entirely New! No Humbugll I 

TABRlf, I. aluiDtaon eaaa. Lmu (orarar. flails al 
aiBbL Agf ata waaud .rarv.bara Haad la cnla (or 
MBpla astdaaaitpUra elrnkr. M. PBTBII^ 
71 B. TblnwDlb Biraal Naw Tot*. 

Bamara mnt Fovaiiaath ar. d.aal, bat 


•lUllli-ot. Uo c»aJg|('o Ibroo boll«.oatf poibftpi doI 
m ■wr- itologtoloropo^litD Uiowo«o irm— ■ 


"ITbon 1 8>t on Hother'N Kneo," 

Now liBlBBaaDB by MARIE WABBEN, will bo aaal pro 
(aailOBala o. nc.lBI or card or proaramto. aad alauip 
Addtaaa 0. a. KBRNRBOY. Pabliab.r. Na«i<ifi. VI.- 


aad tmr hlad ol maataamaBBd aad 
■ -Tiall aoBBB al laaaoa- 

ISiDalHr — " 


n. 'r^a.dorn. aMgalaiiihL; 

Ifbi Blaek Wig, (I: 
utt hit ubb ror 
Avsaai, Maw York. 

Herald Square Theatre, 

Bnadnray aad 3.nit Mmt, 



B. F. Keith's AnussmeDt EateiprlNt. 

E. F. AT-HTO ... Oaa, w^v., 
B. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, BmIon, ll«n,| 

THE BUOU, Phltadtlphli, Pa.| 

' AND 



OontinuouB Performaiioo. 


if. 11. JACOJIS* 'rilEATBU, 

Ooioar Slat BUMI aoil Third Avaaoa. 

Honila]^^ Tlipreday and Satordny. 

ha I'Bfrlaaa gaa«D o( Coinidlaa, 
NailwMk "TIIK roWBR (IP linLU " 


Ulb al. b.lwaaa U and «lh ara. 

Maoart's Monkey Actors. 


PK4IPI.V*.I4 1'lilCAIIIK, 
trCVl tiCi O iiKNIIV I . MINBR, Pro^nalar. 

1 1 WlilIBB 

DIVb to ParrBiniara 
ai HlB.ka Two Ntiowa la Oa.. 


riiR RosMDwa, TuimBKT broh, 




uufiEirs (M, mubeum; 

■Jp«D «)1 Ul* rur. VTAKTKD, rOR TIIR nURIO HAUsS. 
'«ifiof UurioiUi*^ ffmU ol Nttaro, lUro ud Uarloai 
inimaU ol ororf doHrlPiioa for our now HMacorlo 
■>*p«rini*Qt, ud At all Uiiifi Hit T*ry but VudoflUo 
HAf for Um IhMiro. Ko Mluy too bl|h for nm UUw 
"(oToliUt. BogM*(ntQU rioDi I U) 11 woohi dulDg tbo 


ItSlh 8lr««l ind Third Avb., N. V. City, 

North BroBd Strati, Tranten, N. J. 

JOHN ■lANHip.'V Praprl.tor 

KU.u, NUirril IlaaaB.r 

WANTED AT ALL TIMKH, Hlroag PB.toraa, Jarl- 
rtlllaa BDd NoTBlilaa (ur Laolara Italia: alio IllBb 
Itaaa Vaudavllla Aota (or Thaaliaa. All appllaaUoaa lor 
•aiasBiflaota (bolb bouaaa) muai it. a,lilr»Mad to 
Kll it. BMITII. Msrlam Mbi 

13U at., and 3d Ava. 


JAB. 11. L'UHTIN, 




The Wilmot Duo 

Leading Double 'Oyollsti, 

AdJiHS » KriB HI, llanilirMBBpolL Maas. 

rtila apao. lo (M.I PPRII la fa i.rriwl tor our waatiy card. 

WKf.K (IP NIlV. It. 

ITew Park Theatre, 


IIAWLET A KII.LSKN Ubbbm aad Propta. 

iip.ll P.MiLOUIID BualDBBB Maaaiiar 



FIril Clill LeclkPir, Thil Can EklrtelTttlh, 

Hual ba .all up id hla loiiluaia and hoo. bo. la aall 
modlolaa To auBli rao i ir.r a Iods BolBgamaat at raa 
ionabiB aalarp No uas rur siaKaia.irraDharda «r Iba 
Ilka. Naoi. ularp and (ull parlicularfl la Bnt lattar. 
Vual Ija able lo op*. Kor. 10 or f J la-aal. 

CIIAH <I. AI,I,HN, PulaakI Clip, V.. 


IIRNRT r. Tiiuvp.Y Proarlaiar'aodMaaaaar 




BAimiD akihalb, mil.. 



Paul k Yeraiice'H Comedy Co. 

Itial cao plap aopia JuibbIIb Laoda; a Maa ta play Okl 
yaoanitilBO Bua.; aoAll llouoil r;oin«alaa Ibateaad. 
Kp«ciaUr aad |>ul on (area.; {.adr lor Uao. Boa, All 

■ • ~ I.BOOd 


- . nipaaabuud. Addraaa 

PBANK I. fKHANIM l SHonlb H'alaHlraaU noDMld.M. II 

iDuat La rapabla.Bnd liars K"«d wardroba. Waat . B 
Uadar. "noliB.'i AlaoCotoBlPlarar. NalarlUBBa 
low. HaoaMaeiBnl paaa buud. Aodraaa 

EnKageniiflt Wanted, JuveRlles or Ugbt 

OOBRDr. lyi.Mt aaUry, >nl aioal ba aora. MIBR 
NELLKITA BUM*. HOKjitlWb Wr» al. Naw Tolk, 


rooad aeU>r, |od tolraM lor oM wodod aod ehane- 
t«r«: aljo. Al Modioa UDhrAiit; HUrv mail bo low u 
It If luro Adilroii A. 1'. VI I l.l.tHU. WllliuDpaiL fa. 

..WM, AltnimiONU, Ufl EaMtak*. ObUago, 

IIL, BUoqrMtaror af^ 


(all kiBdai: alao BallooDB. Prloaa raaaoDabIa 


alo. CliCDlata aad sanplM. Ua naU. PlfTUBK COM. 
TttB boaa noTallr lor fircoaaa. luuHoma, Uflrdaaialaa 
PABY, T) »UalTliln»anlli a iiaal. N Y. 


AdJioai l«l K. Mairlll FIraal, lodlaBapolla lad. 


O.NR Willi (!AN nil pi .tOII AND JUDY PBBPEnaED. 
ro . MeCtiBD alhb. rr. Puliim lUt . pa . 

Ticker BrcLWHI Hiki a Linllid Niibirii 

p.lDllBa8 lo la toaCliBd up NOW aa wo will liava 00 IFd. 
In Iba llprioB. staail S I aUI.LIYAB aP.. N. Y. 

At Llbartr, Janifls H. Brailijr, Soanic 

ARTIITT avi HTAOR NiflPeKTrH rOR fOiO or ttra 
minpni: rpaaooahiofalory. *iidro<oWB. nomoa.». Tt 

WulH, It Oin, Tn Firit Cliu (Mlf 

BuroilBRB; meat bo bonlafa, aabar aad rfUabla 
LaoBaaaMBaoaib. AddrBa.fnBaLR'P.B. aanfiaiM' 
Olrns,VI«yM, ll. v., Nov. 17; Bdsl|l>, N. 0,71*, M 





MORE SPECIALISTH, MORE MUHICIAKH, than tuj oiher (all nblte) Hlnolrel Coupanr. Tlie only HiDHtrel Companj tUat carrlei a ear load of Speelal Scenery and Meebanlcal Effecto, prmntln; a pro. 
grammo of HpecUcular Splendor nerer rlraled In Hodorn aUnatrelBf. WANTED, for !(ext Heaaon, Poaltlre NoTelUeH. Silence a polite necratlre. Addrefg, A-L. G. f IKLD, Route. 



WANTEn, to complete Compaaj, TWO KORE COHEOIARS. Woald like to hear frem BILLT KER9AKD8, TOK MolNTOSU, 8AH LUCAS. An Experleaced STAGE HANA6EB, BAUD and 
ORCHESTRA. A two years' en^aseDeDt la Amerloa and Anrtralla t« reliable people. Sllenoe a polite negatlTe. Address, AXi. G. FIEI^I), Eo Route. 


Wanted, A COMPETENT MAN to do newspaper work, arrange beneflta with Societies, Military Companies, etc. None bnt a cem^tent person who has bad experience with prodootlons of this 
cliaracter need apply. Addreits AI^. G. flEHiD Ac CO., Oaro OHIO STA.TE JOURM^A-L Offloo, Columbus, Ohio. 


■ Bik)Wi soj?Sr/CHIMroH05LI4PSr.N[WVt)liK 

600 Second Hand 
Wooden Folding 





HalU IM. jTTMl* wontadj 
llghu, |a.W Mr. Mt; Ml 
gr^s wonred UKhti, M;! 
ooltoD, Tenni. |1, with I 
nritr bftlano* 0. 0. D. B«D<1 D 
to. lUtap rnrfD pu« l)lu»-V 
tntad CAUJoaus or olrens, 
thutrleal. blojrclo. Rymiift- 

flium tail «UilM« Roodi. - 

PALI.. tB M>ln Rtrtt. BprlnglUld. Mu*. 


H Inch. ttW: B iDOb, (9.n: S mn, ILU. Fall Ibi 
aulfial mt, lAd all rthTn. BOou. Mch. Ttrni, tMtb Is 
idiuM. O. PA'rriCllSQN A CO., 

Ian W. Wlnth HtrwI. I*hll«iliilphlm. P». 

^\ BNAKKH. DpMial liar- ^PK 

L V CKiD in iKUkDU fttid 

V^^^^^^H HnskM. Nkw •irlTilol ^V^B 
^ ^^^^^^V AfrlCAn anil HouUifln^M 
^B^^F AmarloanlloDk>;>,A| 11111/ I 

>^A^fl^iiuillll>w, Anl B>\anl ■ 

and Duwantui olhar Huiall Aniniala at a aa4- r | ■ 
rlflM. IJaeaw«,ooch a-leoaand parmuaitd* ** 
oUiarklDili orblida II. IIOILK, MdUnuHlllt, Hrooklfii, 


Huunior coMh, furoltlMJ lo aKonimodftU t*»atr 
pctipUur niura: bwliiioaaail oooklai uumlli eootpleU; 
bIu> MiMonr CAT* uiMaralahail ud PUUj larowitd, 
■toeki. nkU,l>ftBi«K« »d oUivra. AH flhr »d iliiT foot 
eara. In uvoA ouoilUloo. Nle* ooioh Id Rookron. III., to 
r«aL eiivkp : beribt, but do badtllDi SUMk wHl a«t la 
OlDrtanAU O B. (X)m.TnK. Ltbt Yu*. M. J. 

J* lit HCHALI^ Haktr of KuptriorToBwl BANJOS, 

KlWBP for Ittait MtAloRU*. 8p«e(u r«l«i to 

H«ad nlWBL 

bX)Vyi6H to8gliyV'o%WANTaBAR6AiN? 



NEW TRICKS. Litut Earopttn Hoieltlu. 

Mafia, atmi Hibt aad AaU ilpiriliiallnn. Baul I aaolf 
lor aa> Oatalona: lOMau lor ooinalaulliu: im poitali 
V. D. LK HOY. 01 Hourt mraau Boatoa, Maaa, 


Uail for ■dTcrtUiDR joor buktiiMi; r«dao«d priow 

Til OH J NI'^UOL * t:0. OlBQiODtll. 0. 


flam u onlai ob ibort mUo^ Wrila lor DarUealanL 
UaiUaUdaauloiaaltM. .J- •t,"¥H*,V'l|,.k 
10 Atwaur Bl„ DatioH. Mlah. 


llnnw Id rnv«MT«. Mtl Hnnm gtvwl ni>*n rtm* 

Fanei Witches, Jemlni and Sllitmra Suit- 

I'OHBA Kaod lor lUoaliatail ealaloiua BAZKBTT A 
UlIBB, UM K. Maaimn Bt , Oliic«»o. Ill 

Circus CanvasesB 

Almui D*v; HMX. tod flUlL Hound Topi; tOt. ud TWL 
Round Topt,«tib MU UklttlM; lOHV Hound Top, w I lb 

0. J. bAKBR, IDI W.TIilM Htwt KmmOUr. Mo. 



HI Worlli BaouQj ffU PmUdalptia. Pa. 


RlHIlBHln Uiabiuloaal 

oiiKht to nwD a Donald' 

- - - HD'aQulda. ImlUMTa 

yoa twantr llmaa lueoitintlia oduiaa ofaaaaaon. Priea 
bOi Adirau W. II. DO.S ALawiN, CInoiDaall, O, 

llllTCIIIKl OUlDK-TalUbo* toltart laahow baal- 
AlKl Dim oaM. polDU on aalarr and Drat appaar- 
aaoa. Hat of DUoaiar. Iikaly to naad your aarrloaa, copf 
01 laiur lo maiiaiara, ale. Jr ■»''!, JSrtr'U. ■ «<•■, 


all ilH oriani In lha world lor ula, at lau Uiaa ooU. at 
TATLOHA UKKKLLOK. t» I'arb Bow, N. V. "Jjalr- 
|B| and aim o.liod.ra a iiwlallr. K«uhll«lirf l«a. 


raalurar In all lUbtmnohfa I» W. I»ib dlraal, W T. 


BMond bud. In good eoDdltloo; oo* BfL ItoBDd Top, 

IB tad 97 Richmond Blft. Bo<lon. Mm. 

Li. B. Killc8, Lawyer, 

tSB La Salli SIrMi, Ckloago. 

ConllJaaUal and D'oiupt tbaatrloal builnaaa a anaelaltr 

liHER HEADS, (6 UP. 

B>d4 • Mai ■tutP lor «mpl«L 
SMALL HNUKAVUia ol wu dMert^ 
UOD. B*Bd «0P7 for MtllUM 

SudWOaalnBt.)!. T. 

Th* Itulloff wa'ti Boag, nu» lunB bf Mari^ Wftrrou, 
AnnU llti^ 0. Lot* 8ilv«r. Mt,T wkUta, Uurj RoMll«r, 
TVilijHruolii. Praohlo IIaII, Kmt) and Ouiidr, Bturk 
lltrDti tad Llc*U«, aitdfi Lm, Jgfcn E«nj, Jtno 
■U* DaniM, Maoil* Rliapird, Wm. OaibtaM, BllMD Dw 
Eood. Ktaor ET«r*lt,UI»m SlmoDda. Hftmia l^ovar, 
Joba UaTdoir, Mo , vto. frvt eoplMt 10 o«Dt« Orohea- 
Irallna. KtMoutttra. 

WILL R088ITER, Publisher of 

till DMjorllj of ''HITS" ihli tMioD. aueb u Ihit abov*. 
utl "A «'ra*l Uln, ' '■JtOf Oo« Aoolbar.** * Tbe Tattoo 
on lh% Arm," "MUa Dudo." "Tb* Olrl who tiaa a (lood 
Tina." "Ma Dlda'tTblak hba'd Oo ft," and' h» Waated 
Ha to Ba ills Llflaa F( tora." All 10 cooUmcIi to uw 
prof Oh I I'm not dolnca thio a— this laaaoo. 

Catching On. 


Felix McGlennon, 

Anlhor ol "And Uar(k)ld«D t^arla," * llf N«T*r CarM (o 
Waodar" ota , ate. Thar nra ealohloit na la (traat sltapa. 
llaTtyoa Kotthamratr Hera ihar ara: 

"Call Her ii«ntly. Soft ind Low." (A dandy.) 
'Tm Afraid Not" (S. and D. for the lidtet.) 
"She Will Niver Be Friindlou Again." (Fine), 
"tweal Jennie Adair." (Baaulllul Sootch melody) 
"You Have Lett Me, nough You Loved Me.'^ 
"You May Hive a Dauoliter ol Your Own." 

()ant on;y lo profaailoaan ai 10a. aaeb, or iha hIi lor 
£00. All McnianooB'f aonfi ara catchf. Aik lor our oir 
eularufafiilauH wtomr* " 

p. M. WfOLBIEFFER. 76 Slali St. Chlcaao. III. 



Maie the Finest Letter Heeds In the Woitd 

AT LowBar rninFS Kamriw. luo frank sivers, 
Artl.t. nftlofa in and IKTirait Bglldln. W. Y Oltr 


CmOUH nnd THK AXRlC'A.Li, 



Liaka Vt»w (P««»r»OB), W. J. 

llif I^C GOOD WORK. 

WIdO Write for 
SVBK FIT8. Estimales. 

M Bonlh tlaranth Btiaat PtIlaJalpblv Pa 

1194— Hgnllnp't CIrcut and Menagiria— 18B4 

will ba laaoad Kor. B). Allhonib It will ba unnnalUr 
alabomla and oompUta tba prlea will ramala thaaama, 
LOW BATES or ADVKBT18INa-l oafa, tLO; K 

****' *'liAtl'B?0^l'rriN. Riilfam, HoobUod Co., N Y. 



\PAMTEP-FlralOI*B«VaudnTlU« At. 
tmcllona. Addreaa illANAOBII. 




ropalutoa 4tOOD; now boaktaa waaoa ol ISPIand'M; 

p« awilMata 

A. J. D HA KB, OaaarudMaoactr, 

•It* ol bnlMlu. 44ilD; Raga, Mt< 

naw ao*a«r7 ; aaatinf 

baatadbr luani. 

r. O. AddiaM. MttaoDg. N. J. 



Tbocavbo ara ODmpataal to taaiian ihatr ownoon. 
pastaa. Wrtu to CuL T. A. KDwARDB, rroprUlor 
ORruON INDIAN HBDICINB CO.. Oonr. r*-. R>r prop 
oatttaa od ablsb iboy oao eaaka all lha moaar for tlian- 
taUaa. 9nia aipatiaaca. 


XTew XTovelties 

Ob Halarr or P«rc>B<aa*. IiObs 
m.BI. OTTO SCIlUlOT, HkBagrr, 
Fair OroBBda. MoBt«om»ry, Al>. 




Unima, Unlfonna, E^iali^ 


Uaalc, Walls Bfovement, Calchy, WoMa 
rlf|ht up tn dftte* HefuUr copy to pro* 
faaalenali 10c. Ontaeatrallon 10c. Band 



Taken from cliuraa. »*Ulv« Hint th« Hhake 
oia ihtt t^ornvr, II« laOnly a Cbump From 
tba* Coanlry, Work Him For All He Hna 
to Bpnra, Comb Ui« flaVHed Ont of HIa 
llntr.Juat Laave Him Buourh to Pay 
Hli Far*. Dully nin«." 
PIBRCY CO,, Pnb^ Troy, S. Y. 


Tba attaatioo ol our adrarlaiar patrona la eallad to tha 
faoltbat Um nait •diUoo oi 


mm ANiAL 

SOHECY ILLUSTBATED alth numaroaa Photo onsraT- 
lop, and tbattlia nraral ip^clal laatutaa, Inolndlag a 
VORLD, dnrlnff tba paat yaar. ihould roabaagraatar 
dauand lor tba book than iMfora and a eoaiaqoant la- 
craaia lo lu wall known Ttlu« to ulTarilaari. Tbi lonia 
win olota iboni Dm I. VlaHa laad la adTartUlng 
m attar aarlj. 

For oaa paia, 7Xi«i< IMtOU 

PorhaUapaita tOM 

Forqnartarol aptga laoo 

For twaoif-flTa Uaaa, agata* 600 

Kor laa llatA. at ata 100 

For a*a llnaa, aiaia 1.00 

Addreia all communlcaitlona to 


Clipper Bnlldlug, New York. 

PUMRS For Compressing 





WrIU for our naw book, laUi rou all abont Iham. 
L. aOLDSMITU JR.. <tli ATania and Ponj.nnt St , 
Naw Tork. lOiTii Hikaap Boi, with inj. eOo. 


Maanfaoturara ol all kladt ot 


Oomblnitlon tiolti for LlTlag Pletaraa, 
PanovOoatottlon 8Blta,radi o( all klodi 
ooDpaaMa. Sand For oaulogoo. Rldga At.. Phitadalpbla. fa. 



MlB., UXOi 9x0^ jaKD: BID., 07.09; IBB., $100; 401a., 

eJDi ma.. SUUD; Ouinpaitinani txm, malal bonnd, 91. 
ilSoutoi Inakk euoomptua. BiU tnnki, aontiU 
laalda. lOJO. LuLo tiuka. ^^j^^ laalda, 

Butpaand akataton roUowaia, liJB and OIJOi Shi. 
00 raeoipt of IliU bal 0. O. D., axoapt orarSOO n1 



than rwnlt wbola amonnL Muletl lattnuMot, Uokal 
and mABagara' tnnka u oidar. Rattan Baukatn, with 
iimr. Ualag, oorar, aia., 3nn., IIUO; Shn^ eiUO; ttio., 
eiUO. Baakata abtppad OB raoalpt ol pnea. 

Baiab. UM. aa-M Worth Tth Btwt. rhltodalpbU. 


Luding Afronaut* oltli* Werid. 



'm Aiu maaalaatnraii of all kind, el Ballooaa 
(OaaorHot AlrL Band for piloa llu to 

BALDWIN B^OB., P O. fcl 11^ Qalnc,, lU, V. B. A. 


Saybrook, 111., 

TO natR PBOii AU. PIBST OLira bmall opbba 

tJOMPANlbS BN UOUTB. Opan Una In Nor. and Oao. 

A. MOBAN. Managar. 

Stnd lor FREE Samplti ol 



xe peabbokn bt.. ciiioaoo. 


Wtaa oa band and coada to onlar. Olrtaa. 
wiKf li nis BaM, Orop and Mafro Dia» 

— J Boabralul* 

IJ^ Bad Baa 
ip for n.w priaa UM. 

nan win li nr. BaM, Orop and 1 
Wliti WlO DP, Uiaaa klia (A Be 
Hani, mnlloania, PrTiibtilJ 


Proprietor of (he Theatre Yr^oa and the ClrcnB Uabana, Cuba, would 
like to hear from COMBINATIONS, OPERAS, HINSTfiELS, 
"BLACK CBOOE," Etc, to play at hlB Theatre and 
others in the Island of Cnba, either on 

AttractloBi and noveltlea not 

depaBdlngoa tbe langaaffe 
te Clrcni, alae for tbe Theatr 

preferred. Would al^vaya 

CHA8. PBNZ St CO., lOT Becjnd Are , N. Y., my New York Hepreaentatlrea. 


One Good Strong Specialty, 



Also Specialties for December 24 and 31 

Ailifess HYDE & BEHHAN. Brwliip, H. Y. 

Davis' Theatre, 

GEO. L DAVIS, Prop, and Manager, 

Bijou Theatre' 


A. A. FENYVESSY, Prop, and Manager, 

The only popnlar price bonaea In ellbar city. B'4 milea apart. Connecting datea 
glvan when praollcable. 

CQUBIVATIONB of all klnda wanted, on percentnaa or certainty. 

OfMBNTlBiB AT HORANTONi Dec. 40, 4)1, Jan. 7 week, Jan. !dl, Feb. 
4, 0, e, Feb. !I5 week, and later dates. 

OPIflN TlfilE AT BINGUAMTONi E>ec. 3, 4, 0, Dec. 30, 3A1, a», Jan. 31, Feb. 1, 
Feb. as waek, and later datea. 

Write to either honae for complete open tlmealipi. Give full partlonlara aa to 
playc, paper, et«., with appllcatloni. 

-A-T 21- 1 B E! n T Y, 

Owing io the cloning of **nie Prima Oenna** Co., the well known 81n«lng Conaedlan, 

"Mr. Uorvlto ImparaoaaUd MToral wtU hnown acUra and waa aatbulaiUoailj r««alT«d.*'— DETROIT 
hBW0, Cot. S 

*^tua. Bor«ltadid uma rcmarkabia good ilDglBgand l[npaTiOBatlnii."-.DBTROrr JOURNAL, Oce. S. 
Pint cUurMponalblamaaagero only vrluorwlra OSAS. HORWITZ,2S6l»tbStr»at,MllwaQkM, ff^lA 





Rallabla Manaian addtaaa, I;I3; Id ATannn, N.w York, or earn A P. U., » Union B^oara, Naw Toik Cli)t. 


Bla.tbotli p\m.y good part., .I.oChoraa Olria who 
llcal.n fn flrat letur. Addrsa. 

A BIroBf Corned jr Skalcit 

llBW. good TolCM. Rl.t. aklBrjr sod .11 paVtlcalkn fn flrat ie(t«r. 


'"r. aill.n LItliograplilBg €o„ I3a Fout.aBtli 8(re«t, New York. 


ttmarr 0. MImn'a lUtlt Atuab. Tbeatr*, N. T. 
Bmj 0. Klaur'u PMpU'. Tbwtn, N. T. 

Hoxr O. HIbw*. Mswuk Theatr.. N.wuk, N. J. 

Hury O. lflB.r'. Bowery ThMtre. N. T. 

HeaiT 0. Htaer'e SlgUh Ave. Theatre, H. T. 
Cable Addrwa, tltk.," Addiaa.aU eonmanieatlona to HEWRY O. niRBR, lib Aranaa Tbaura, H. T. 


SonKS and Dlalogiie Written to Order. 

L'l»i!\fifl'!.'t£*I?'^i'*P.??"i°""°.°'L"'"'''i?- "I* "•'■n.Hj atdo,. but 1 do olUm lo wrIU 
mUUrAiUra.brl|btandwltt7.^Anronadaalrls|a Pane Oonad, np lo tba Umu. InU ot nap and a .ara |e. 
dropnaebaa, Bomarmr workdonalntbeTan.t, prafMaleo Ibanoranp other wrlur ol noaot raan. Offloa. 
lie BABT TWELFTH STRKKT. New York City. 

Variety Pianist and Musical Director 


Tkrai Ynrt it Piliei neitre, Bosttn, uri Thei Yeirs it Andtrsn's Ttieitre, WHkesbirre, 

R.lleble meneien .b1^ 

Addrean ExcbenRe Hotel, Wllkeabarre, Pe. 



5?I*^."T?i'''j!.'*°""*'i"">*'*'" ••<»«» with "The Derby Wl«ner" Compeny- 
?h'uV«t«™SVMpSji'*'^""' •^-y ••••'<"•• .l.Uwe.k. An.r 


Addrwm. a.tll Her. »4, tmn of WAITB'B COKEDV CO. fWESTERR.) 



AMmtsW. A EILER, WMItnore, la. 

A Hrst Class Thealrleal Compan) 

CIIARUajATBWg, ttepi Bndiiawatar, Pa. 

TrMlni f A nnnt i'..n i'm.mhi.i.i 










„ . _ , , ^ , ——TO MA1V>VGER(!»:»— 

Herritt ana Wetol. h«T« V^*" »» Wot. ft «1U U« .iu«mi. ud >r. bookxl for » ntan d*t..-TOMT PASTOR. Th. but aot of It. Mad 1 tnr tmw.-COL. J. D. HOPKINS. 


THER-E ^IlRE others, 


This week at the LONDON THEATRR Specially Ensased 
Closing the Olio. 


2 Weeks ; EMPIRE THEATRE, 1 Week. 


Address, tkis week, 


"INOGBNB COSLfin.OeurlptlT* iloRer.wllh ftMniptthctleTole* of mocb powtr, mdk MTcnlDtw bah 
Ikdf , UDODjt tb*in "^Tlt Tattoo on the Arm," vMch mide & blL— N. Y. OLIPPER, Kor. 10 







lIUoraatedqalURMDUtieo uhbit ilDiterm. w,ovlDt U> ibis §oog btloR an eoUr* "ooTtlir," u larawar irotr> 
aiiTotber •ooR «T*r vrltuo, cone iiappoud It woiL]aDH"|[o;" bottboM that laobr «Dnoib toburChtftp- 
planM HIM Com«r rec<lT«d afl^r «wb Tone iMt wMk, are eont loe*d that Ibn mdr In, lull aa U ola>ai«l for It, tbo 
'QREATEflT DBj<CRIPTIVE BONA OP TUB AOB." tb« itorr app«alh to all ela-Mt. aod tbs HoUmeDt to tho 
masMt. RaiDtmber, all arUiU ilDglog thin ■oof will b« iii*qUodw1 darlBs tha aaakOD, aa I eoovlilar I't* a "good 
MitDB" aoa I'm tba bor to "poab It aloDR." Prof. eoplM, 10 e«at«. B«ad Ut tba poblliber ol tb« tn«)ontj of tbli laa 
md'ii hlt« WILL ROBflrrBB, U Plllb At*do«, Cblcajco. Obt I'm oot dolof a thlOR-tbli MaaoD. 

R. H. BROCK 1b no longer oonneoted with this com: 
pany. All managers holding oontraots for 


please sommnnloate'at onoe. 
NOTE.-I am not responsible for any debts oon 
traoted by said R. H. BROOK. 


. Minagtr "A JAY CIRCUS." 


ProprMer "A JAY CIRCUS." 





Actoftl sealing capacity^ 1,110. Proacealam opealoK USft. hlf|h, 3an« wide. Blagei 
30:i00n., wall to wall. Qood dreailnff roome, all new acvaery, Kroand floor. Orchea- 
tra aeBted wltli |ieii new plaah opera chain. Price* 10 to SOo. Pint clau com> 
panlei aad apoclalty artlsta write for open tlme» 3 algltta and week itaada. 

A. ft. UA.VIH. Mannaer. 
Addreaa A. H. DAVIS, Naahna Theatre, Naahaa, If. H. 

"Keep the Golden Gates Wide Open," 


A« Introduced with tmmenne aacceii In Hallen A Hart** ''Latrr On** Co., alio by 
Julie 9Iaokey, I^ydla Veaman4-Tltaa» Lottie Wllllame, Ollffanl and Hath, Katie 
Rnone^, aad acores of othen, whose names we would be pleased to haT*. Only a 
few more orcheatratlona left, which will be sent free to profeulonalt eneloslaf 
stamps for postage. Card or programme mail be enclosed* 

4 Bast Twenllelh Street (b^ween Broadway and Flflh ATeane) Ifew Verk. 


A sood atron^ 8oubrett« of pleasing appeuanos 
and a good aresaer, ona who doM a speolalty, 
alnglng or danolng, to Join at onoa. State lowei t 
aalary, Alao want to haar ttom OOOO OSErTTIi 
FEOPLZI in all Unas of boalnasa with anolaltlai. 
Those playing brass preferred. Alao want the addresses of all Bo. 1 MtT- 
BIOIAirS, soloists preferred, for flitore openings. Address 

As Iter route in dramatlo papers. 


The Four Richards. 

with C. B. J.IT.rion, Kl.w J( «r*i Oreftt Fradactlan. Palmar Cox*t **BrawBIM,** 
.t th. P.artMBtli BInal Thvatr*. N.w V.rh. 
All cammaDlCBtlaDf to UICK RICHARDW, Car. ot CUPPER. 


AND hv:r 


TUB oniaV KxiUBmon op tub kind in the worij>. 

Tb,r RIdtSlejclM, Jompllirooili IloopiorP1r«..D4p«rfonD ■an.Tovt Dlflaalt TrlA^ aU vortlBi li qbIioii 
■* KW4BAcio1tr. JLnutthAtaBb*prH*B*.4wiihur*t7l«or«Dt«r 


aod pressDtlDt tbs bigbast datne orTnlDlosa 

taiBMSDt BsspoulblsmsDaRsrplsaM sddran. .... . . 

^OSITA,** car* Continental Hotal, IVswark, R. J. 


nmiuMinCT tm tmn neran s» uhium oLnsi shs • i. i. ij i kr as >■ 


Pole, ud St.k.i, SEATS, FUga, Etc 


«ico^D.«nB CUTIS, gun, m., m siu. 





The attaoUoD of oar adTtrtiitnit patross ticallaJto 
Lb* lad tbst th* Dait edition of 



ROMBLT ILLOOTRATRD with oumeroui FholeiDBrar. 
Idrs, and tbat tba nvaral special faktaraa, Inolodlnf a 
CADplele lliaTORY OP F.rB.Vm la the TIIEATntnAL 
WORLD, dnrlDK tha past ftar, a.SouM mab* a iraalsr 
dam and for tb« oook than baforaaa'l a coDseqtisot in* 
ofaass Id tta wall ttoowo valaeto adTsrtUara. Tb* lorini 
will close aboDt Dm. I. Plaaas saod la adtsrtialoii 

PoroD* paB*,7><ilM laOO 

For ball a pajc* t)JtO 

Por i)aart«r of a pan* IO.0B 

PortwaatyHT* llD«a,ai[au* (.00 

Port«D Udsi, S|»t* l.OD 

Por lira IIdch, aRaU 1.00 

AddrauaU eomnaDleslloDs to 


Clipper Onllrflng, New York. 

Showmen & Streotmen 

W* .IV uow ■•ir.rlns oar Bong Sill«t« ud Son. Beokj 
At lh« Mlowlnp i.b«: 

IQNO SHUTS, *l|.l4i>S, SOeanta par 
lOOf erS4 p.r 1000. 

MNO BOOKS, Words and Mualo, all. 
«BIO, le pag.s. Ill p.r 1 00. 

BONO BOOKS, ahMt muslo alia, IS 
pages, S2 par lOO. 

Wahm.n'. Up-To-Dat. Bona Shaata, IS 
paBW, Word, and Mualo, SI par lOO. 

n. ^bon ronuin aO of th« UI,A mntt, tud w« Ttrj 


MBtO.O. D. W* will a 

. ._ _._ i*r oorlfawTotb or CbUac* 

Boas*, wblobev tr U oaarwa to yoa. 


tao k in Psik Rm, law. MaiiMiStrMl 





_ S*tu1 for natAlon*. 

All.ihoar. Pa 

I SIl'^l".*"!"'""* RiaoHrn.!*- T..S block. 
J IronoM itAnd, va will ooto lata umo OoL 
B m^l. ;. .1" »a<*a anar laataial •< ahall 

I ta^?; "J"" >l«''" '«'•' Poi 

I EfJ.n!"'' ."'I" " ""^ '-' ' Mloia. Rhall 

( TIJ?"- ThAnklai lha prar.wloa lor Ito 
t ^.l"^" P*"- '"I troatloi 

.„-!L "SSHSPJ"" °' •««■• • > ara. tnlt 
i',SS!!tJ'/'P''\'"*""""^ CatalofBMaaJ 



WOOD, thsfamoni WlwdaodTaolrllo 
qolat; Edna, tb* Air Walker, aod Com* 
paqr ofll peopla. FerelsD addr*M,eai> 
orCONflUL AMBRTOAWO. Talparalao. 



'it} THB "PROPBSIf ," and tba Cast vtds a lurat llak to 
roorefaaln ol fame, If 70a bare a food porirali estol 
rcanair lor sUUeMir aad adrartlilng. We Bake Ifa* 
rlrhthiDd for IliD. AH kledsof eau/or show hIoUbi 
atftdlsaoooL Wriu 


W Madlaoo Ht, ObUM". 

Hidcil Afpintit, Trlckt 
lllitlMt, Etc 

ir*v. fblfy lUaaumtad beM aaU 

' , arerrthJBf opto deu. Ueu 

-lor trteki eaialofae iraa. 

■AmjIVA k QO^ 
diRiiUi ATaooa. W»w Tort. 



: Piano Copies to the Profosslon, Jx|t.^':;l, I Oc. each. 




Weir ma.h hAadllor aod amall 
draaainf rotna. aaod Maap for 
Oatalnaoa. y e.JLTMM 

I Lnnit to Bu th« Old Horn. Onco 

Agaltl. NiiiilMiirnlai. Uy \V. 0. I'aikrr. 
ThrMklno or One Nha IiOTea. Soiil- 

tiitlitnl. lU Krilx Mcdii-iiitini. 
niBBle PlotorcB In the Orate. D^ 

fCitpllvi- Ity L«-iiitlliir HlHiiflolil- 
To.norroWs Another Day. Dail. 

lima Hiiiii. II; Wm. 1>. tjiiilrh. 
Ther«>a No Plare Like the OU 

llnma After All. StDiliuoiJial. Uy 

\Vnlr. r 1' K. • «. 
Kind IVordi. Scniimrnlal. OjrJ. P. U>- 

hiiiii . 

onlr to 8eo Idf nolhar. DrKiltiiive. 

Ilr l.liiriOii .1. 1'cijiah. 
Tha Swell |l|> To Bale. Soiig anil 

ll'.iin^ III Il.Trr H. Mllli r 
When We're narrlrd Rf'and*H)r. 

Hniic niHl Uniico. Ilv t.liailf, K>lwBril.. 
How Do Vou Like Itt TO|.lcal. Ily Miiiiiiir. 
RaOIe ftor a Waterbarir Watcli. 

C"iiilc. IrlBli. Rr llntry H. Mlllrr. 
Upon Life's Oeean t'asi Awajr. nr- 

icilltllvr. Ilv QiHi. .1. Hotilhiilrk. 
Wliat's the natter Wllh Voar 

Pooti Ciiiiilc. Itiali. lly Hurry H. Milli r. 
He married the DBnahtar, mother 

and All. Comic. Uy Hairy S. Mlllir. 

ai Canl 

Fnro Thro Well, VHj i.lllle Bivorl- 
hrarl. SL'innnui.inl. lly Ucu, J. ^nmii- 

WalhlnB on do ilnliibow In do 

Nky. Nnrro liii'liiilr. llydi'H.a I'VIkkhIi.. 

Dajr by Day, Mare ilolled 

On. ^• Iiiioiilal. lly llinn S. MI'li'T. 

Lota Will Brine >»o liaok Again. 

ny JoliBuna 

Kniifi Ami Dituci'. 

8rnilmciii>l. Ill J v. 
The Little muUelDii. Qnnrii'ito Hmiu 

mill C'linro'. lit J. F. Mnlinny. 
Roaming In Iho OluTor. WnlieBiMiK, 

lly (li iirk'o l.i-wicr. 
Vour mother and I, naagle. Bcii. 
Iliiioiilal. lly Wall, r 1'. Kih n. 

Johitann, Fllilnplnll 
llv K.l|l>r Hililcii. 
it*. All Oono Now, t'liiioc. lly Waller 
I'. Kioii. 

Neelng Jonnto Ilonie. Wnllr. Sane. 

lly (Iwi. (!. Klnmila. 
Don't Forgot Ide, itlary. Hi'iiilinrnlai. 

lly J. 1'. Hki lly. 
Hbt« Von Noeu Ilert Wniir. Bonn. < 

lly (li n v.. Kiliv.inU 

The Paee Upon the liarronni 
Plonr. Iii'«rii|iilv.'. Ily.l l>. .xii.iiy. 

The Workliigniaii'. Dream. r<i- 
ilniic. lly J. 1'. nkiliy. 

IVAddraaa all Mdara la allhar oar Kaw York or flikagn llnoaa, vl.tohorar U nrarrat ta you..SI 

^leixary J . iMTeli.zxi.a.xi.y 

ISO a isa Park Row, New York. IS B W. Madison St., Ohloago. 


WORLD mam lu, 

IN USE b| ill LEADINB PERFORMERS ol the di| 

■■atnauBts Mr 1.10 Pla^m, Olabi aad Banjo Oomblaatlona of all hinda. PIf 
coIo Banlo., Bat^warlBM, ■.I. BbbJm, Psny Han}.., Uullai^Bach llanjoa aad 
Bb« Ba^lo.. 

Booka and Uaile la ( Tarl.lf. Only BMh pahllahad on xn.njo Ulnba," BUe. 
Sand ftor larg. IllaaUstad I'rlca Llit aail iiBmplilaUol fall InfbrmalloB. HaBt FrM. 
Madal and awaadwl at W.rld'a Italaaablan Mipnalllaa. Adilraa. 

S. S. STEWART, 221 and 223 Church Stfaet, PtillailBlphle, Pa. 

The Famous Midway. 



The crowning feature of all will bs tha Famous Midway at Now Orleans, 
beginning about Dac. IB, for an Indeflnlta period. The greatest attraotlon 
ever put together, barring none. Watoh for our great attraotlon next sea- 
son, Oamlval of All Nations. Both attraotlons now booking for next soaaon, 
OXXO NOIIMIDT, Miiiiitirei-. 


And tb«t GreAleal of all Honliralln llnn||*» tbv Nrnaallon nf Ihi* Cenlarx, 

"COME to the ARMS of YOUR BABY" 

PBBB to oar profasalnoal fVlenrt*. Please ancluid tt, for poataffe. 



TON BDOADWAV, N. V., ONIl OOOIl DEI.OW NINTIi NT. (rotnurlf M MallteD laot), 


Ooia aod 8llTeTlMM,yilD|e(,8p*iiBl«, Stan, TMMli, Drocodea, Tlibu.Blilru, Padilton, llala, WIp, 
Shoea aod Jewelrr, Tbaaind, EaiieavlAo ud Attiieilo Ooodt, omamen' and HatlBe Huen' Bapplloa. 
FUfi aod Boaneit, HlllUrr and B0CIM7 TnomlDfi. Amnn of all kinda lo order. imdiI for eatloiaiai. 
TbaluieataaaonnMntand taarteit tUMk or UeM foudj 10 lie roundanyalura. Ulronlara free. ~ 
lent 0.0. D. 



BEDA VOICT, Proprietor. 

Batlralf rafllted, remodeled, llsbted wllh eli-clrlcltir, a( a coal of ovor OlftOitKM). 
Heating capaelljr 1,H00. Al itag*, w«ll rqulpprd with acenerjr, will npen Oct. 1. I)^ 
■Irabla open Una for llrat clan conblnallona. Afldrei* all rommnnlratloaa to 

DK1>A VOIOT, navngtir Hall, Newark, N. J. 



A. M. BUCH & CO., 

lae ninib nt^ Pbiis., p.. 




War. aTarildc Saccaai laal weak .t liVUE A DiCIINAIt'S TIIKATIIR, BroolilyB, 
H. V. Ea ruat. wltb lll>PKIIfH> TUkttn-itOltSHlV t'». 

"DON'T YOU KNOW" (Character 8on«), 
"COQUETTE ANNIE" (Flirting Song). 

ABf ellMatevaaMtapMraaalptorprafranoiaa.d roala, Ui lha arolaaaino. fraa. Or 
WATIOWai. misi^ C.O„ via W.ti.ali«, Cblcaga. 


'nm Ikalrjkna lagn-aaattM aa 
imttnuSStOi^iotSS'iSff Itebaat o< imul hLThw u. OAKtOLL wHi work alaaa, dalat I'M 
r.TJtfaaaaar iaT.iaS^aar alr'i lladly dalaa. Bar. r aad Oaa. & 









Under the Management of F. 

AJdrega all commnnlcatlonB for open time (o EUGENE WELtlXOTOy, BnglnenB Mamigcr, Care of CL!PPEB Oflloe. 






noMPOsBR or thk MiitiT roruLAK BO.ia or the 



hDdniScIa alimpi oriltror tn>l wo vll) lorw^nj 
«QD pUDo copy ud coisrltu onhtitr* parm lo bmh oi 
WMDn. Tlif orolitarrft ftTrftotiinieoU mtt hj mOF. 
TBiaLB, of EdrU'i ThMlr* I'AvllInn, tod tro QQUuillr 

r;ood. It tiQ't olitn tbftt w* "blow our boro, " but id Ibfi 
attueo va m^j bo i icuiod, to wo hoTo »0Dgi tbtt ort 


VFOlieaDAY. DKn. It. KOL At 11 n'CLOCK HOnil, AT 
KNOWN TIIIiATRB. Mo. 791. ST nd m N. eih BL: lot 

aiillort..CootploulreqnipMil. Soltl to clow »itAt« or 
Jobo McDoBoath, otcotwd. PArtioaUrt iddnM 

Wo. «a WAiQjt Buoot, niiii<«ipiii«. 

a looT 

■Imp ly O Ot Of «l*ht. 

PgTRIB Mimic COWPAWY. Clilcn u o, 111^ 


"The Waifs of 
New York 




MultbftTt 0 oomploto Moo ol iripi, IdcIoiiIok Tymiua- 
' IM, BoUii Xylol taoDO. Kio- Alio U copftblo ol worklov 
DOdoioripUTOOtoriuroa 00*1 hunmrutla )nutli«l novtl- 
tfoL Boloiy 00 ot-J«cL u I im nlliloR toi ny fur tbt boil 
dronmor Id iho bualoMJi Yuiinii inio prororrtd. |i|«io 
ogo, •iporlfdM, ond foil pArilcuIarn, ROd, ifpotitbio. 
Hndphnio, vhleh I »lll latnrn. 

Oille. to double hum or tiombono; Ivllat CUnooel (o 
doobl* TloU, lit Violin, bkuoon ornlwo. ODd l«t Coroit 
to doablo Sd bora. I wlab D ho%r from only rmO inuvl 
clut. Alw »D it rrop«rtyUna.«ho knowi hii bail 
DOHiBUBtrLAY Bmi Ordin Id load (cooctrt wuilo 
oolr). AddtouKtonco oorarroulo, 

HJII'nR M»n«fer. 


Heavy Lends. 

ipT Ea^t Klftiiwnl'i air*.t. v.w York. 


iCOTT R. ORALt Charactort ■nil Com* 
odf, BlQglng HpeclBltlei, atid ESTllKIl 
AhLViS, Blavonllrfl and Slofflnff and 
OaiioInK Miieclaltlea or Planofoight roAd> 
cir), jolat or iliigla vngagemeut. Reopon- 
■Iblv mnaagen only nirrd anaw«r, and I 
ampoitcd. Addrcio SCOTT R. B&AI/. 

7a H. Clark Ml.. CMcago. III. 


Havt Withdrawn Irom Iht Management ol 



AD by me »r* htrcby cacMloJ. 

H. W. WILIIAIIS, Aeademy ol Music, 

Pliubari. I>ii. 

Currier's Opera House, 


Hoktod by Stiim, Llibud by Qao, Mtod Kail (>*I« 
RetPfTT. On mKin lloo Huilloitoo roulo- PEST ONE 
NMUT RTAKD TOWN botvoon Crtiton ond CouocH 
fllorri. RootiDf ooputlty four baodrwi. ropnUiioD of 
toon 809. Four idkIi coDoiry towoi to aio« Iiod. 
Would liko lo bfor from ivo or ih-«« R«p«rtotr« Cot. 
Will lODt or ilitre on Mborol torn* Uaqu ud oil d«w. 

Addrwn O. D. OUHRIRR, Moooaor. 


WItb good vorirobo. Muil Iiota r>nefi>iuaniii*iL Is' 
lotaoteor*. LowHtvoUrr. I oty ripeoui. ho tknw 
loalroBiart. Utbiruip|\iip*nnU«rii« 

JDK WII.U KHH. HollUlnn. Mftu. 


Will Pair Sash for Thanksgiving Night; 

ALSO OAIH ro. WEEK DEC 17. Wrils <|iiltk Inr 
dotw. Kioritli'Dg boouiiDB. K'rmrtn ^ori nov mo 
Olai. K 0. IIK-'KLTOS. 
Moooiorflp»r>llntito HknirhpHtP. W*1ml 

"Somebody Better Bend for 
Me Quick." 

Btrltoot In Boiid.TrAmbono lo Orchciiro, BMood Tonor 
inguortoL Salory ItU). Wntii •mo loU oie liow 
yoooroaitd OniBOlolly, w>d IHi.S TI.IK. 

IIKHr I'DrrKlt >nrpi<>r. Kamu. 

WAMTCII AT nilPF hi rKHKiit IaKauimi man. 

roll portlduUT* OQd lovolt tatiry lit nr*t Igiter Uhpi 
JolDoo tooolptof loioo'ivdi Nil far*H ailvAUCfi unknown 

BkTllo*. AddroH HKVKHUV A (l.\Lll. 8Ultbla|«r 
oow. OUToUort. OMn. 

Imfr Litho. Stands. 

Bwd nadtog m«ttor ud I) (or nmiilo of aj a\it*t iltod 
III oalon:> •undl, liMtUMndii. 17: Ik •>:». Bit. NA 
TIONAL LtTUO. i!fl.,ril)l. i<«\«n,l M' . niilail.trlil.. Pt. 

AMD ALL f BBATBIOAL OOOUa ■mtij p.lit« 
•Mtfllr qalallf AnulMr nppllM. 

OUA^ B. MlLlJI, LOU HnuilKAr. Nen Vort CUr. 


II II IIAHIir. Mliintr, Ponluiil Oro. 

Want Thanl(sglvlng Date, the Merry 


B*)iim,ti<r<iiiiiiiiiui AT. ■ N»« VoriiruT. 


(tULB(7TIUN or AKV TffU KBCKKTS troni my Unllll. 
Notoobannol oildr«i« 01, M<4»N, UirIciiu, 

l.tUi HftMl*! I'H b H'f«»>. I'hllrt-ln lrhi*. I'a 

Wulidilo Leira oli Female Inpirsonitorto 

«ll.n»r.l D.'ly.rr. lUr'ionl. r,>.n. 


1.B40«.H114Vll:<4 4ND JUVK.MLKS. KRANK l*ALLA 
IIAN. JqtooIUo hMTlop.and Banottl builoixn KIIANH 
UALLAIIAK. KlInnfilK N. v.. rAr«Bnr Huti^ll llou*» 


trODbooo Id t>uid. Nn ni-jMiloaa )o eivii UpA. 
Addrooi C9|tn. J ilRKuiiK. N|iii«t. N>w Jonor 

WANTED, ShiKliiK ud Danclig Soobrilts, 

Womufor JovwtlM u>l mu* Z««Ad«. MnBtl)*«ood 
droMOr*. LooaiooMD AildrMs L. a. KKMITON. 
Ho<k Jtlo. Toni. VanAfltr"Tlie riiin«:«r'* 

AT LIDEHTY, IMInt CoriicltlRt. 


iiuvsi: OROitasTRA nipiiiui iinlv. AUJr.>i 

n. (1. U'I'.VKI.Y.v, Uvl.ll>, Uionuot*. 

%*(I1I CAN liuMlB.lh. fonnrlnolJ.OU iDlhoaoi 


rrolowloDtl mulPoript copUp mn ctou Mch. 
TOM OARTBR, MoHo Tub.. 319 Bo'ory, M. V. Ctlf. 



O.NS or TDE 



fibooiDK OT6obJeoti«DloritPd from SO to 1.(00 tlmM. focb 
PA loaccto, MO iud, pUnu, aauomlcol proMrpiioBP, 
•to, brpltclnir o p«noy lo lb<» riot. TBB fRlHB Of 
IS $30. Tbil ouclhioowlll lepor Hi coil In ooawcek 
wboro ihoM li|oodtrodo. Vrito lordrcuUr. 

American Microscope Co.p 



At Franklin Opera House, 

ITvjuililln F^uUn, N". H.» 
On y(r«aud floori ■eating capaclt|r ti04, 


BTgVBMg a; OOSIl, BI«B«K»r». 



WouM lihe to Uur tmm gvoA UDilo*.n. .t .11 lluiM. 
Wlniiparroul*. BAIILUVBR08' MINhtrblb, 

E M. BURKB. Minii.r 



9in roQod top, with ivn aott- midd'o piteoi tod ildt' 
■pM. Mftrly opv, for IIQUUU; 4)11. rouod top.8ol du^lr, 
wiih pAiop, olt Id flood phopo lor eniP: twoOjjpiPiar 
Kid liKliUToidy lo QU onililKMrortSiaQeubiolotoi 
cymnulum Rondi dirt chwp' o puipII dookor. yooov, 
«->Qnd ftod K^Bll*. for iW) OD. Tbo obOTo ftro til bk'Mlii>> 
I wool to huy pm&ll p-'Dlto ud poDjc4rti,«blchiiiail 
t>p Bood ftod chpap. Addropa 

' .1 II LA I'EARU ppoTillo.111, 

ummm mu mm, 


Contral botwffoa Whrellni otid nrtltoo. on lb* B. .1 
R. K. Conlro of llio Rr#ot oil PDd «P4 flpldi of <bp 
JaN . Inrlmhoff TliookaglviDR ood tbo lIolMtyp. 

MAHAUBIU of lood np«ra. MiDKrol ud C«m«ly 
Oonip&nlpr, wrlttorolra forilmoood unoo. to 

BARHA'^K A nE03H, lliaa<«rp. 

DoB«ldPOf> nipliOT uiod hy ihli houi». 




iTiTii rBi BROSK .« wF.<r HiNRtni:!.^ fbr noi ti: 

oil HARK OLiri'liR. 


Uf A MTE ni^°'"<'-^'"« 

If mi I LUh\vv..'-.'>^-;!ir" 




Boof With WolU K«rrolD. br J. 0. MMy. 
Thii popoUr poDir bpp Rood, wboltsomo 
wordi, wiih o toj/ ptoolos malody for 
mtdlom Tolco. 


A Dudy UPTchlo;[ 6uii|t ny J. W. 
Wlioelpr. Tbta poog lii too woH kooTD 
to nood u* lolrodoctloa. pod If loa 
doo'tRlDBit yooooRbcto. IiI«|topU 


By J. Ed. lAOkeopD. TbiP Dorky Bo- 
conirloTty li lull oi llf«, ud will mike 
attro 00 on iho #od. 

FrolOUl^OOl OOplM OD ppplluUoo. 
OrabPiiro port*. lO codu. 

ir/wn In Dosum come and mc vt. I 
Wi will ute vou wU. I 

Oliver Ihtson Company, 

i&S-MS WaabloitOD Stmt. BoPioo. 
nition A Co., J. E. DItPoD A OO., 
OTBrotdvoy. l.S380he#ti>ot8r. 

» W 


F, A, Scudamore anil Oliver and Kate Byron, 

Dair Cft|tyrl||tatod In Llbrnrlnn^. Ofllce 
at Waalilnglon, V, O. 

ALi, iiiaiiTit nEsunvEo. . 

OMVBR BVRON Bol. rroi.rlilor 



JAMB8T01VN, N. Y. 

N. II. RR00I8 Huiai.r 

WANTBD. rorooOD Dl .III Ulsr lltlH, root rORIO 
HALL ui BTAOB PAOFLE lUalo lo«f»l 
HUrrflrttlottor. Ro Mio uj Ret It low ODOOBb. No 
lime lor conf.nend.nco. All orlvlles,. lo let IT.Bt 
Htoaxer. Wooil.rUod. J,meao*o, S. Y. 
NOTE— 1 em Brnok, tli. L«e4ur.r, ao ilo not gets 
oiiod wltb nmeotberbeld beftd. 


A Wllrl Writ piny lo whIcU Indlanp, po- 
aloft anil a daiiclMf lioar Are lntrai1aci>fl» 
Ool>' on* fvinale nrcooaai-y In (ho copIi It 
teas been clTOB liofiire out of town aadl 
PBC«BWltE laccria. K. C. HJIITH, 

MMO llrffadway, ICnom MHU, Y. 


I«,.iai1e orcliea, . iila yii piano. A nsivor by 
win. UAN RilBhMAN, "A J»r Clniaa'' 
Co., Court MIrrtt Thrnlrf , lliairttle. N. V. 

Lady Musicians for Lo' 
cated Orchestra. 

A. II. KXOI.L. Krif, P«. 


AND NPAM4II Hllill I'liRFOIIllERS, Al ell.r 
Nov. 17, lo lolo aor dial oleaa Burleinu. or Kpocleltj Co. 
Uoi.aia KMIi opoD llm. adilroai OOMBIOOKB. Frlolioiiro, 8t ioule, Uo. 



i:|ULK ARTIST, la e uaw aoil orlaloal act, o<llad 
CltAVUNdRAFIIB. conalaliDCor l'uial.>lolut<,>. WloKr 
and huiutiiar HoeoH. dtevn UFala.dowo Id .Mlloa*. 
Vi.,f mraieririiF. Nowatllbertr. riir«r« U.lled. 
BILLY KrARBUCK. Ki UlaltboreeK'., Pblladelpblt. n. 

Fired IMeeoe, 

T«0POOiOIIl'Olp0r|PDCO01UtDl; Uirpo PPWODI BMO^ 

Rprotup^Tp boDM.iDd It tpktp boiillDR lo oor lloo 
'III work lor oDly Aroi olui rpllablp eomponiot. Cpb 
jnlnPt »nc». Wr uoor wlToyRHh NRIinR.TPt lorflll^ 111. 


BIKOINU fiPRClAljTT. Mu>.t b« |to«Hl piuRPr tOd loubPr. 
Molp ioi««rMDiior piofptrrd. HAod Pl.>to. 

J. I!. II.. lluam»U'o*D. P». 


food ttaT«lla| oovpaaj. I. 0 RillTM, 



rivorLK MUST nii cnnn, rober. f.rlurlb 

FLAYINO Blia&< niVRN rilKFEREhCIi Aildrou 

Prof. e. W. RIDLEY & Co., Danillle 




LOkdlDg Lody. BlofllOR Soobroll*. Wonin wltb tmtU 
oblid tor fooarftl boa.. JotobIIo pod Uppvy Upd, oibtr 
opolnl p*ep1k hotUlBg AdTtnco peil Pripoity MkS. 
Writ* pprtleoUn quia. J..N FE.'^.NeLLY. Bioptor. 
*S BoloiQBt Atq . WoopTk. M. J. 

For I89S. 

We are now prepared to re- 
ceiye adyertlsemenfs 
for the next 
edition of 

Clipper Annual 

proYed art unsuipasssd advertising ma. 
dIuiD. Alarge part Of tbeeditioD .Ts 
taken by the patfMs of athlitli! and 
other sports and pasttnes, amose. 
ment managers and artists In the va- 
rious branches of the amusement pro. 

will be found a most dlivct means ef 
connNinicatioD for managers of opera 
houses and hails, actors and perform, 
ers In ail departments, museum and 
circus managers, dealers In theatrical 
goods and costumes or persons who 
supply anything used In a theatre, dr. 
cus or museum; dealers in baseball, 
cricket and other sporting goods and 
Implements, dealers In guns, anmuni. 
tion, etc., fishing tackle makers, boat 
boiiders, etc., etc. 



day, Frider. 8alaid.f. tin. wrok, Ucn II eoJ I F. U. 
n M.. 7Ji : >HFt 'tirlh N ew Voik Cl lr. 

DANn Mllftin <>Ni;'<IB>'RSM.oo II.NA.nj', 


CBAB. B. BACEB, Beaaier, Oemdw, CamU Co., lad 

ForMapiga,7U2i4l-2 . 

• $40.00 

For kalt a pagt - . . . 


For qgtrtir ef i paga - . 

. ID.0O 

For tf nt|-ftn lliat, agafa* 

. . 5.0O 

For fea kas agatt - - 

• 2.00 

For flTtllMiagttt . - 

• . 1.00 


Adilt«ta Bll commtanloaUoBt to 

The New York Clipper, 

88 •ad 90 OMtra PtrMt, 


5 SoDgs, 5 Orelte^trations. 

"Perhaps-Who Knows." 

"LitUe Lost Chili" 

"Baa'tLBwaftaOld HoiiiB,Main l8" 

"RIa lastTboDgUsWera 

NOTBll'Send Pro0ramnie and lur, 
•taBM for Tualllng, anil ' uvntlon 
wh«iJier you wUh one or all of aliove 


304 Hapt 14lh BIroot, K^w York. 

"Is Sill l[ 

This braaliral long (for ballnil sliif^erp 
only) hao tjocn out but t^ro wrekt, yet U 
already belns •nnn with grrntoaccou In 
BortoB, New York and Phtlndrliihln. It 
la popalar not only becaiipo Iho air U 
•w«et and lender, bat becaQue tiic H«nil- 
ment icrlkeaan aniwerltig cliord In ili« 
keart of the lUtener. 

Will aenil to profooplonalo rorl0c«nt4, 
on receipt of card or progmmme. 

Orchvotra arraDoeincnt will be Tar- 
■ UhodfVeelo bona ade profepilonnlH irlio 
will pat tho eong oob 

N, 0. OYER, ComposeF, 

p. 0. Bo» 5,079, BoifQP, Mass. 



psd on vlth Ibe crowd! pnd ohipin ooo of or N«w ]h- 
LUiaRiTED BOOK UATALOau&l ol n*« Old vUndinl 
TrIckP, lllnPlona, Beeood SlRht, Aoll BpirluollPlle Kl- 
fPCUL *te.. udliDtidrpdPnl bppotlful lliuFlroii03R mtk- 
lor II Ibe Baoit MpiIcpIOpuIoktio in thp wor d fKli'K. 
aorENTd. yviilvoltno co;ilo«u'Pllp AddivM W. U.J. 
BDAff. 191 AetutlfcBt ■ riitcPBO, HI. {Sootr BpIU 1 




Boslness Haoiger, Treasurer or Actance. 

All reirfflonable ofTera Invlfrd. Addrcaf 
COBB*d HOTEL. \Vo»hlWBloa, D. C. 


On Salary or Percentage, 



YooTPOf^iMrlenco in porLlooor (ho Amofcmoni 
BoPlPOta. I«f>rk vlth and vllhoot Vlil bIotp* . 
the CPPO uur loqalrp Book pd<I noiiio-tn Pdrpncf, 
or back Bbrowi Conttaoior. Ulll Wrlt«r pod Noir< 
raporvork. "NaTPrtoacblL" StailoDarjorliopJ 
TorrmodoratooipMlatiooa. Naiu'roaroandiun' 
niffbaat orodoDt lalp. Like to hw irom .I'd arniiplDi 
ancaa. Addre«p A. BT. LOfir.X'Z, 

(Id .V. y. pt propoot ) I'aro oiCLirrFR. 

Cole's EcHpse Banjos 


Imperial Mandolins. 

FAT. MAY 19. 1H<I. 


Bpcclal iBdttccinentaaro mndftolcuchfan 
to handle theae gooda oa (bey oro Hivlk* 
beotftlando and are qntrk tu nppr(xlnl<> 
merle. Send fnrcatalugaennd trrnt*. W* 
A, COlilC, nUTreniuni st.,DoPtoii, aim*. 


xo HEAR FliOM A 

First Class Company, 


Benefit forthe Theatrical Me- 
chanics' Association. 

OnCRaTAlilTr. Ad.ln.aO.P cohus. 
OrB.i< Oprria llou... Paytftfi. O. 

AAT.nce or Bnilnai. M.liasrr. nt LiU* 
«it J fur b.lKnce ofavaaon, Cloteit Uct. Jl 

nllli RlnallnK Bmc. 
Bhowa At Tay-ler, Tel 


tVorlll'a Urralr.t 
Aild.caa LITTLK 
Rlr.1 (Iras Idle In T ytart. 

Olrous Ganvasesi 

Tattaf AHBtstrtptlNtHanfacttrad. 

M. B. BOTBELT. IP Boall. Bn».t, Ktw Tart CUT. 

LADV PARKTBR fof Tarlalj akptch ; alva fall partlrnUrr 
llrvtUitfr. p. r. MiAV. ricdiar."- 


TrmTpUagorautloDPty. Addrpia PBANK JARVKH. 

NPtloaalBaod Haoma. Pfotldpoce. H. 1- 


-- P»«0 CENm IT. 





A ^ I A QT - sood aong for the singer as well as for the audience. Sure to receive big encores. Cood for comedy or vaudeville com* 
#% I I ■ panies. Full of business, and a song that can be sung anywhere. 


Words b7 J. P. MAC SWEENY. Musio by ALBERT W. BROWN. 


I f t ■■■Send proornntiiiOB Hiid lOc. HtampH for 8uii«c nnd Orcliviitrittlon, or cnll i>oraoually. 

WIDMER-STIGLER MUSIC PUB. CO., 131 West 42d Str^ef, New York. 









m m ON EAiiTii 

That Son a 





MKOOKAB. Korpartlenltm wl<lruaiar«atli«rti«1a|«oU, 

GROaoB LIISAN, 1« E. Itlb St. CIIAB. VttSX, IW Btwai AMOoe, K.w Vort. 

Strong Vaudeville Specialties, 

harlnir open llmo p1eaKcommanfcft1«-n-ltUine atouco aiirt I irlU place yon to ail* 
vnntaire, or iryoof llOAD COMPANV layiioirBni' vrork flnrlDC Ihn season LIST MR 

Call also place three mora acta aalfahle f^r lati)' atitl clilMren andlencea Tor the 
teatou*fl grcateit eve ut, the Toy Emhlbltlou, darloa the month of Ucceinbcr. 


Branelle'e VaodeTllle BxchatiKe, 1-13 Fourth Avenue, New York. 



ARUSTRONG'S, ID Uuloii Bqnarr, New York Clly, Deit otttrtrtntt, 
P. S»— Woald like to monnge ■omt ftooA lioa.v. 




Tbe Host Catcli) Wallz Song and Chonis of tbe Season. THE STORY IS 6REAT. 

Frofeulouola lenil 10 rend and cardor nrograinmo for iil«norop>'aiidorctae«lratlnn, 
CnVOEIt BROS., 31) >vr>t TwviilyelgUth !llro«l, N«n York CII)-, 



VrrtBt 0«Bd81ftinpB. 

IIAHRY FBPPEB Si CO.,r,7 WwUgd Bt.. New York. 



' Rqdi with Immraw nntu bF UIHNIB SOHl'LT •! 
Zlpp'l CaalDO 
OrMt OMoIni »ODt mr MubmllcL Won], br JOB 
TLisS, aalhor of "Sovn Wnl Meaiolr," ale 
Mullo lir 0 . M. HOSENBERO. 

kelbearts Agfain 

ComptDira lODir to "Wtanta LtiiTsairl Are Yuut'* Wot^s 
udnii«leb7HBfi8B3.N&ISMmi ud ROSBNBBRO, 
vllh Iraneni* Hoesu the follovlnf itan: Lrdl* 
T«uuu-Tf tu«, Tbenra VughD, ffktbtrlDB Levli, Hitle 
RooDer, BoDOls TboratoD, Hollie roller. Joeia L« Pod* 
Uloe. Annie Wllmatli. Marie Wsmn. Jeale ouwir. Adt 
Lee, J. P. Conma, Utan E Dl»r, Oeo. U.DUmoDd, 
Btmatl Ktonsdy, Pred AuderwiD, Joe Iftvmu, John W. 
Mcjen UMl a kooiber ol nan. 


''Whose LitUe Girl ire Yonr' 

TbetluHtbttorthliaetan. no* hyall cf ihfl abore 
DAined acUiu. 

"Motlior anrt I." 
"Hnth a Dje, LIlUe One, Sleep." 
<'The Calm That Coniei at FrenlDff." 
"Little PnpooHC." 

Wot^l ol tha lat four oumhan ara hv 
OT WABMAM, aolhor or ■fWEET MABIK." 
"DORA LblB." 

aniHAOTBR aovo9. 

1Toi4ibyOr WABHAN. 

"Wbe's Dii Higgln' Teu, Hinnih Brown?' 

Tj rnraaalaoaU, 10 e«u aad prairamnia, Eton, lo- 
(altai with arebaatntlsn, oi call panoaall/. 


131 Weit 4!«d 8L, Row York, 
fl)Dp Ua|ht Irea to praiAulooah tnm I tt « P. U. dallr. 


8PB0IALTIK<t. BoUrjr aara. Alaa 
waatad, m gooil man for Bam. Jlan- 
a«ra lu Ohio, Initlaaa, KoiKacki' and 
llllaala. S4nd opru ilmr, Addiuii 

Huigw RoliliiiM. SIfitfort Halel, ClKhiwtl, 


• llloaloDaall Is oaa. HI: Llmlxr Jalaa for Caitottiot' 
'*iMt: AarUl (inipaDtleB, wllh ooatamaaad lAlaliar. 
•Ill Oaa^ilidallh 0T4« StoMaal- 


Man with cnili, no Io*m than one thona* 
and dollnra, to lake ahn%v to Weit Inillea 
ond Hoath Amerlra. Hare brand new 
cnnvaaeutnt, complete seata^.tT letifcthe, 
alt new. Show ready to atart In a weok*a 
notire* Ifaro the beat tmape of trained 
dogi and monkeys lu the world. 'AI<o 
feiunle acta, clown, el;.* In the ftimlly. 
Aftdrraa Iffsanetliately* 
SIIBDM.\Ilf BR09.;ElUalietH City. R.C 
N. B.«Have bad 10 yeara^ experience 
In Flonlh American conntrlea aa a per* 


Population ls,00O. 
BOBT. Ul'IEB Ufioa aid Uaoiier 


and H. II. R, 

WANTED, a flrat claia FarclcalComnljr 
ror Now Year*! E<-r, ror boueai. Will 
gla'o H gooil gaaranlor. 



Todoibent£bIna to a Pl^at Olaaa Bataro Trapara AeL 
Appanina all ready for pt 4ctic«. fl'od pbotogntb m 
coatome aod itate all pantcolan, or call 


/ the AqvtiD Hittara. Hatrfl 

Bt aod Eentftv*.. Prooklyp. K. ' 


vbleb la att Mllralf oaw, largt asd «err r-howy art Ida of 
my ovD iDvaotlOB. Mluble lor pmlucll' o rrora a hat 
(ooa ball Dill !•). alaunaaa boi, ato. Ocetiptaa a rary 
amall »pa«a whan Toload up aod mataa a bic bulk wb«D 
ainaiida<1 Von wJI like IL Mow atoch ibeat ol biR bar- 
nloB KRER Hand lOo. lor eitftlwgna of ov*r ll3 Incka. 
A.ROTKnBKRU. UeiterlD lUllabU Maalcal Apporatop. 
16 Nonb Clarfc Ht. Oilcago. Ill, f. R— Callera lovltad. 

WANTED, Inncillilely, for Rtperloire Co., 

With Bood vtrdrDbt; alao a olavar cblM actraaa witb 
mrofla aloclDi aed daif^lDB iMrlallialL Addreai 'ECK 
W. It. Ibt» week. Lorall. Mm. nrxt waak. 

Uai for Heariei, Ctaracier Old Mio, and 
Sltghi Md DiBClos Goaedlao. 

L'lefol repertoire people who donble In 
braaa write* Addrraa 

OVH DOItOriiy CO.^ Helena^ Ark. 

Oeuers EqiilnB and Canine Paradoi. 

OnrlBK to III. alckntaa or J. H. ll^aa, 
want aa oata Aaoatrap.ble el raiillns 
and makloii R. II. coDtracta. Alao ao A 
I Plaao Flajrer ap la oae aiaalc. 

raoplaaomad. taport Ba^ronJ. Ie4 . Nar.a ' 

For Artistic Photos. 

Dcn'l fall 'OTiBll FEINREFIG'A oav Art Btodlo. AImi 
ihaorlmaatorol lourdllTanDt eharaciara takes od tba 
nraaoaiAtiva. PEINRKRi). 

]C, W. PoDTteaolli BUeat. Kew Yctk. 


BUrS WALBIBO ntTB. Cala Inlaad t^ ortar. 

aiADK, aaitlrt Arana, Xn Tait, 

Or Youi Motbar, Jieb, DItil llora Todar. 



Mora to (ollov. Don't aa«te /our uuo nandlDg to 
"dinky.** "eoald bi" pablUbara. iba oaaa tbat hare oaa 
card Id ibla papar.and tbro oaioi (ha bualoaia. 8aod 
■tiarA jon aea noDloe *lilu" are liioad.aad Blogari 
(raated hlrlj. rrol. ooplM, 10 mdU. 

WILL ROSSITER, 56 5lh Ave,, Chicago. 

Oht I'm Doi dalBit a thIng-Uila »eMoa, 



rriio S-wodltiili Coitiody, 

Hfllh t Full Asioriment o( Pictorial PrIMIng. 
Apply Id JACOB LIH, 

Roooiai I aag aia. Abb*f Tbaalt.nulldloa. Naw Vnrh Our. 


OelQi to 'TUB LlOV'fl PAW" CO. dlipaailasvllb Utir 

band aod oro^o*tra. 
If. f). Oarher« leader ercheatra, alio In 
baodt C. B* Darna, tarombono <<lide) and 
'4il vlollni Hpencer llrake, baiaandtuba) 
Walter Hamlin, tiombonrt Al. Iknwortti, 
clarloiieii Jointly or aeparate. 

Tira or write NaOiua K. It . Kot. Ift. iraTarlilll, Hum., 
Hand IT. Care "UNnRR HON''! PKW'CO. 

Strong Specially Team 


Pamala, BlnBln^ and Dancing or Uraat 
NoT«ll>', WrFlfi full parlirulara and low 
eataalary. Mnat open Dec. 3. Addreaa 

G. D. JOHNSTON, Mgr. "Tht Eneln«er"Co., 

North Adana, lUaia., lU, OloT.raTlll., H, 
-„ a«. Moclicalor •A.l.iM). 

Repertoire People for a Full Company. 

UoM b« lood aolori.wall babired, cooj dreaaara and 
plaotr of iMclallUa. KoitaianHat Iook. Rare, but lo* 

Marmeaela, Monheya, Aflontea, Sooly 
Pacai Peecarlee, Trained Black and Tan 
DoK, Wolvea, Ocelota. Lynia. Leoparda, 
Ilyenaa, Ponaa, Antelopea, Llamai, Par* 
rota, Cockatanai Atarawa. 

W. A COHKUW. ftCaiharineHlrf at. Waw York Clly. 


(PBnALB) who hare ffood Tolr#j, 17 to 
HO jrara old. Prarrr Tarr Hahl. Call In 
■laraon or .^lod |ilio<ai, CHAN, PBNZ A 
CO., lUT Swead Ar.naa. Wow Yorll. 

Phenomenal Success. Re-engaged. 


Sorio Gomle and Character Vocalist. 



the yoqDf farodr Blaiar aod Comedlai). vltbafond, 
•iroDg TAroe. «oiin likeao aDmaaaet witb a railav 
otmpaar or will take wa«blr daiei; imall raiarr 

A4fr*f* oara ea rttKPK.R 



New threaghoat. Popntar prleei. Open 
fnrdat#i to flnt claae week atanda. 
Addreea B» MEAD, Manager. 


To ttaa uoRt auoooialVil rrofeinlonal aliiRor who will aInB 

(run- inrliiily, n-lliu-il wonh.^ 

riiifir«-<|nri)tl clnci^rs tilin will M-nil ID rt'itl^ n!i<1 |ir(>i(tnMiiii<>. w III n-i-fhc Mils mmu ihiil nrrhr^tru 
ViirtK, mill IiTiii^ of rurili-t. .■^Iit|;t<t>> wtm hiivr tinti-rr<l (lilo^uriKln imImiik i-. will ri'i'i'lvi* li'miH ol 
oontciil by bi-ikUiij; (liclr niMnw. 




Wllleloae a ancreaafal aeaaon with ItlnHlIng llroa.* \Vorld*a tlrrnteat Rhowo Not. n. 
Open at Sam T* Jaok'a Madlaon Htreol ttpi^ra llouae Mov. '4.t ftir two woeka. Open for 
flrat claia •agatfenioQta, MInatrel or Hpeela<l>' t'ompanlei, aflrr Jon. Vlt. 

P. H.— Tbe only hUrk fkea leaoe doing a hoBd<tu«hrad halaaace. AddreH at 11. T« 
Jack*o Opera llouie, Chleago, 111. 



, SB iThankaiilvlnBl, jn, UKV. i:i, 14, l.t, II, IN, Itl, 40, 41, »'4, 
JAN. 1. N, u, HI, !iii, m, an, iM, w, !iu, w, :ii, 

ORUUKTON, MAMM,, NOV. HO, :<7, JiH, 30, DEV. 1,3, 4,1, III, '40, VI, 44,]|A, M, WT, 
»tt, 31, JAN. 1, K, 3, 4, i, T, N, V, IV, 14, III, ID, IT. IN, III, 4N, :1U, :lll, 31, 

Addroia U. B. I.OTIIUOP, Uoror and Waililnntaii Nlinali, Uoaton, Maai. 



Oar braetiral erealloa calird "TIIK NYMTIli AUrll," In nblrh wn Introdaro 
raprodactlonaorclBialc aad mod.rn U(>I,D DIIOK/.R HTATIiRN. Thia la an act for 
lady aadlancaa, NolhlaR lninro|ioT atwul It. EltWAIIO IIAIINEI.I., Ih« ram.aa 
Prcntli Jas.l.r and Maulpalalor. TwodlallncI, llril rlaai, nnvrlly aola. Wo will 
ronrladoa 10 waeka'aacraaafnl imgaa.mant wllb il|lnca*a VUy Vluh riporlacnlar C<j, 
Nor. IT, and llbrrlr for Nor, lUandlalrrtlnio for Urat riaaa roroiiany or daloa. 
Can alao pal on th. boat or Llrlna PIctnraa, Until Nor. IT raro byconin Tboaira, 
Plilladrlphia, aHor Ibal U40 Klaa HI,, Camdan, N. J. 

'I'liat OAKLOTTA T..A-VlCItlVK. 

Konniilr or LArBRNR 11111 I'HlN I' alK 01 lb' >Miloal l.tVKIMB, anj 


TUB omniMAL. will binailarba tnnwp aa 

ATIH at MIIEIITY to arcafll 

In tbelr unrlralladacloa lb. UOUDLB ' 


NOTE.— rifaaadOD'tcoDlllct lu. wllli aiocallad Palnaod BnvpUilDtf Iq Ilia VTttL 

r.rinaaaol addraaa LAVEHNK aai: ruSAVn. 31 llirnMD Hlml, fall Rlrtr, Mau. 

Footprints Aroun' do Chicken Coop Door. 

Tba graaloat coon aong .rar wrill.n. By IIIVIRU JUNKH, anihor of "THIS HBA- 

Proreulonala. aoad at onca, Willi card or |iro||rainm., and luc,, fur piano copy 
and orcboatrallon. CUVOBR BHOI,, 3V Waal Hmtk HIrral, Naw Yorll Clly. 


(No AtrUI Aen). WotiM llkt It htir Ircm i gnd, umIuI 3 Brelhtr Aol, lor llii 

i-i^i s~rory es, 

cin<jiJH. xjhkaxhb anu j'antomimic <'u. 

For a Ions aeaaon Ihroash C'anfral and Noalh Amrrlra. Paoiito alraoily riiaagcd 
raporl HO.\DAV, Nor. IV, lu «J, II. I.IVINUNTONK, AK.jan lluaaa, 

Wni. Hoberia, write ma. 

Taalb Blra at and Pwnrlb Am., New York Clly, 

■hurt, iiout mas prarartaJl, alio JUVENILE MAlF, „ . 
nuaOHI/.RU HANioriawDdliaa>>. Nuu bawall uo 
la lhair bailaaaa. Writaortalagrafrb aaiwrroola, I par 
haul and railroad alui luiolaf, HllU oU*. walilit ao.1 
towiit .alAiT am lauar. llEO. flinE. 

Free to Vocalists. 

Tba nrcbtatratlADi to tha annai, "UBART 01^ MV 
IIRAriT," br WILL 11. VOX; "ArfKB tTiEHIIOW (tha 
araad dtaalpUie mdr with walu oboraai, br R W. 
wHIKRH. Bead -proara'DHina or card wilh tWA aaot 
alamp to PHANK TlAKplftO. tS BA«*rr. Kaw Vurfc. 

Hoog booka lor ilia mlllioe'. rrolafliioeaU era lo* 
Tiled tA call and hear all lit* laiaH. 


opaa tba K^v Duraogo (Imia Uoaia, ud p'ar IbaBan 
Jau lllrcolt. 0. IT. mi'BTNEV, IT jTjiaap.T, au) 
a. rillLEO plaaia rrila. J. U IMiL'llLAll, 
>r»a 4iT. Putaaip. Pol 


wAirrru TO lAnaiiR roRiiBAiON ny im, nhinnr 
ni><>D LonxiKii vnuKii Laor. oitii tiiat ukdkr. 


PBliieNCK HKND riiiiTn. ir oo.iveiiient. AdiiaiB 
B. H. p.. Hohl atlfopel*. Wwr Yer k CHy, 



LAWiatprkaa. riiii oUm wnrk. Laatli.raorearaaD 
•ilrainilDia MILLano A UArUEif, 1(0-110 BroMloBr, 
Broot lyo, K. Y.;» j.anwlihTUOHRB BBU .. _ " 

Sin Pnpst) of Efin hialpllN Clap. 

ran) nAar roR usr, OEirnj*, •arai., e, r, 


f/itrpBT PRi(;i!ti rOH riiuir clam work. 
W. B. BLOOIl, I «»1 Ualaatoo A.aoaa. N . Y. Cllr. 

Wanted, at Sprague & Perry's Muiun. 

MT, AMD Alto riEAEB AEO OVBrOfrfin 


Marie Warren, 

iimi 7 


Tu tha rrnroiiltni^lo r^nia, ivIMi nraiiM' radin. 
WM. W. IIELASK'', 117 Para Nur.Naw Twt, 


PIOK. BKfT RltPKREXCKN. US Ih'rJ Araaga, Ear 
Tort. niaJANITUIi. 


nniliaa Morphine llabll Cared In ll> 
lll'lliHI '•> '''Adaya, No pay llll 
1»1 iWm Dr. J. Ktrulieni, 

etiaiion, O. 

'UtrK OP PiilL<l5T.~I'.XTEIMl<JN (lUJ-llT. WiTBI. 
J nould raolto a rjoli of a«ntl«m>n. A<1.1r.ra 
B. Ill Ulilli A.>' oa. Na • V'tIi 



LADIES* Off eENT'88l£C 
^.wliUyouroame enl addreaa and 
' wowl|lMlklyotltlllawHlehb>e^.• 
' prranroroiiunlnailufi. A fAaar* 
antt'o fur AYcanaodobaln 
aiiflcliarmenni wild IL You 
iaiamliiqittitJ'lirroutLlDk lb 
~ borgalnnnyoureunpleprlof, 
, I/*}, an*i h iH yuMtt. Ill* beau* 
ii" ti^Hi tiujo<ki-«pcr In ILo 
IVorl'l rurtbooKPKe/Aodi.'ijuai 
Inopwuranco ti«aKviiuluoUull«l 
fjoitiAVftttb. WfhoUHlay.lbJa 
ofTtr wliiuulappMra^iu). 

2 C4rNtA<iMiti4IUttMl 



November 17. 



The companion song to 'Ihe Volunteer Organist/' by tlie same author, 


Words and IHiisic by William B. Gray (Olcnroy), 

Row bains faalnred 4h* e mlneat Ijarllon*, Ur. 0«orge Vftrr, of Carr and Jonlan* H«ad the followlBCi 
**Mei«n> HpaalilfDfi St Gravi Dvar Ml»— *'Tb« Charch Acroif tli« Wof** la fallf ai good a MBg «i yoar **VoiaalMr Oi * 
gantit/' and liai npver fallvd me an encore m» my laat toBg. ll^tptetfaityt OBO. UARH." 

The above eoDg, with orcheiira PBrli, Ifdeilred, will be leat (o anr rrcogalKcd ilager ob receipt of a two ceat etamp 
fbriMBUgfl. _ __ _ HPAlfLDINO d( GllAV, li» Weat JATlh Street, JT. Y. Cltr. 

N. B.'Hubllihen of Plerce'e big hit, "The Droadwar Girl.* 

□The IMCclo-Dramatio Suceeisisi of the Season, 


IIoiicltMl l>y tlio Ilorolc A.otor FJDMUJND COX^LIER. 

FreparltiK for Uttlr EaHtorn tonr. Car load of teeawj, Neir rtalurca. Original New Torb Co. Time all flUed. Now boob- 
In; iMimii 18B6-0U. OAHUICK & COLLIER, ProprlettrB, Onic«, 1,216 Ilroadwa;, NewTtrk. VT. (i. HXTTH, Manager. 


were engaged to strengthen for one week at Philadelphia, but owing to "BIG HIT^' 
been retained for season. Address care of 






It has been pushed along as a "good thing" and is now the hit of ah 
hlta. Never misses an enoore — generally reoelvea an ovation, ao 
say the following leading members of the profes- 
sion, who speak Arom eaperienoe : 

Lotde tilNoB, Cliae. 11. Lkwlor, Mark Marphy, Collins aurf Colllni, John W. 
M^ers. Tony l*eator, Couldelil and Mcilarron, Itl^er Cohen (with "Country Sqaire*' 
CoOt Ward and l«yncli, Plcllrldfi anil Plynn, Marlon Blahe, Marie Warren, Lillian 
Cleaver, May Weal worth, (ftla llayden, KItly Wflli, NInnle Brhalt, Allen May, Dan 

Sainn, Harry J« Keeler, UlUi Ella Oanbar, Jm Herdcaan, Madeline Franrk*, Hlta 
urand, Jafl. C. HhannoH, Cliai. B. Hbermaa, and many other*, all of whom we 
would be pIfinRFil to hear nroni. A few orcheilrallon* l«n, and will be lent free te 
prof«iiilonaii enrlualng ilamp* for iinitage. Card or programme matt be enoloied* 


i EKRlSOth Street (between Droadwaj and FIDIi Arenue), Mew Tork. 


NOVELTY ENTERTAINERS I At Liberty after Dec. 10. 

0loMel6wt*ks*sDHt(i«niantwlUi kbove n)iDM«ni«Qi Dee. I. Th*r liira rItiq entire utiirtoUoD la flT«rrc4- 
puttrusleoeO Mr. Ht«lalls m ■ compaUot ad<J iboroujblr rellftbltHlifo DlrMtorkod rmJuMrof Ndt«MIm. 
-^Ifowl, WM. MoAVnV. Centre) HttitRtr n. R. T.olhrop'« Eot«nirlM«, Not. 7, IMl 

AtUb«rly tfltr Dm. in. lor our t^oreHr Ant lodeistnrlnr thaiimlneilon orNBWuiKl ORini.fAli Builaifinei 
«||h UP to <lkl« lUftrehsR. ploturw. sio. Addreu R. A. IIRWItKTTIC, ft* re llovani AlbtuKutn, Bonloo, Meai. 


or h»pptolD|i ol lDi«r«>t. ImpnrUot er«D(>, otttoi ud tovDt v IbIi*], umI ottatr inlartiitBii iliift for wuon of 'SI 

.._ . — ^..^ ........ 

rS'waIiO ARLINtltON. u ptr rAuYi or 03 Blfhlh AT«DU«TKe v tork'CUr. 

^rr - 

ireplii gf Uitt ewful diiMter, end phol. 
MOO ranoer nnUr ol oq« dolUr, to 

Ttroiie.ln whlob nvsr e hanlred rata ttiil horanl wero kllltd, ■OMmpanlfd hy phntr>< 
~' ' ^r»Tur«onU ol ell membtrvoflht abo*. Tlione aUhlDtf coplen nf aatnt. 


Under fBllrcly non maBBiiKiurnl. with "WAIFB OP NKW VUIIK." TIik lianas 
ha. brmi (liurun||lily rqalppril with nil tli« inotlvrn lmpruvoiH«nt«, Inrlailiug nrw 
rlerlrlr IIhIiI., ttlr.i Ihnniiilihiy rennTAlvd l>om* ti» aallory* Hanngvr. of 
•trouB, .ru.BtlDiiBl mvlcHliaiiiailo •llrnctlon.,>enfl yonr OPEN TIME. 

P. P. FOLMOM, trlluR lilitnBger, 
WM. 1I10KEY, Mnnnger* To whom addle., all coiiimunlcallon.. 



Carrie IDXTI^JV etixdi T^A-CflESL 


UpMl.llr .nimipl 10 .innRlbt. J. n. MAOKIH'H *(IIDB91I0W" CO. At lh» Inllo.lai linu...: Tho ll.gui 
Op«n ltua..,HI. Lotil*: Aranii. TTinlrn, LooUtUI*. .nil nMk el KnT. 11 ll.Tliii'.ThMlr.,ClD0lnn.1t. 

TO M >N uaiHW rilR HKAWIN OP '» AND 'H-A No. I Sl.glDf .uil U.IIoiDllHjaOicU^ •]«> K No. I Oh.nour 
Womu wtlh Doubl. KpcoliUy. (Wrll. 1 r ftlr. ) 





MISS EMMA STICKNEY, In liir fleM HIgk Wire ml Jgggllig. 

Mr I'onr tiMl l><)|ii'lrcti* fan he (Ion* on toy *t«|it l««nlr (Ivt Tr^t In illHinikltr. WouW likt tn hrtr Irom «ll Drtt 
oluanitititfia V eto T«p«ola trm fltal rw\ AiIiItcm HnBr. HriOKSRV. Mid WlDltrClTtOR, MItwtukf*. Wit. 

1 lo See Old Ireland Once More." 

On^nl lha aitftflvil Irlih *onet «rlll«ii In vtftn. A f^ilH'e ■itrt*<«> 
ai* Rrery pmleMtpDM vhoukl Mod ir>r lli*** aonct. Thtr tr4> ffm*. The fcur ihkIIviI In rmr<MploDft1 tloitrt 
onlj, ■>DdlDR proiraiumr and ttn ctnxn Ko tit<>Btion ntld iff tclttr* •IvTlttlnic tram thi rnr*iolnB rvquttt. 

AMKRir^N Mll.<4|(1 ri'nUfllllMI CO. No II Rtai PtlietOlb HiretV New Yntk dir. 


BYE AND BYE" (By Jon Jick). Swill Song. 

I.'nnit* ii<>m pnileMtoiuln •nrluvliiii Ttn C«aU toil i>fni#r«tnntt or mdIb l*abilih*J hr 

tIKO. M. KLBNK A tu.. Ill BttI Ttooi^ lonrth Rtrtet, Nrv VorV. 

Notice to the Profsssion Coming to Chicago: 

The Hotel Warwiek, South Clark Htreet, only ene blork innlh of Pott 
Ofllre, cloae to all thvalreM and dvpota. lieadauartere for theatrical and olrrne 
people* Uoom and board $3 per weak. Hrerrlhln^ tn tlr^t elau order, 

T. Y. DAY, I'roprli'tor. Inte of Tnliicfl Tlicalro, St. IX»Ui8. Mo. 


Favorite Variety Co., 11. Si Tour, i894-5i 

Thl« Co. gooi all aregnd. laDager* who Ikll lo book It will nln a Wg draw. 
Head upea date* at oaee to 

miIRT F. WAITE, Unalnou Manager, 1,811 Colombia ATOnne, FhUaddyUa, Pa. 


TlioettwUoDOt onr edrtrtiiiog ptUoDi ta etIIed t-i 
tht Cut tbtttha otit tdilloaof 


CLIPPER illlilL 

fiOMBLY ILLURTRATBD ■lib Dunarooa Pboto ao|rmr* 
(ni[t,tnO thuibt aarenil iptcltl laeiar««,ioeladiDga 
cooipltit illRTORT or EVENTS In tht THEATRICAL 
WORLD during tbepiit rttr, abnald ntkt a :(r«Attrdt- 
menil rnrUii bnok thtoboforetndtcoQieqntDtlnorteat 
In lu«tll knowQ Ttloe to tdreiUttra. Tht forma will 
doutboocDto. I. Plaut ttod lo edrartlilni mttlar 


Porona p«ff». 7>ii4M SW.O0 

For htlieptB* 30.00 

Porqutr^rroi a ptse 10.00 

for twaDir-flTt Itota, tgtte* B.OO 

Por Un liota, »lt»tt 3 ID 

For flit liDai. tntt 1,01 

Addrea til oootDoolattloat to 

Clipper Bnlldlng. Naw York. 


N.w Ull— now ann. bv tb« In'mlUbl. IrlaliQaMn lo 
rouR BNCOREB t nhUr. 



iir J. J08BPU aooDwiH. loo. wim oRh.itn puu 


W- TVr APC5-B 


"Thepe's a New One Coming In the Koralng." 

CodIo Ntnatlve DItir 10a 

"And Hi Wet Such a Funny Old Mia." lOo. 

RauR wlih eDormoui aucceu or thit liitlt Qotao ot 
BrIlliuHii, whit. Id BuiTtto lett wtti wet tbe iter o( the 
iMrllna mailo htlUarthttoltv. 
TL^rollovlDfreronorRTANDARD HITS: 

'*Pat«y and the Horseshoe." 
(Comla It lib.) 
<^he Bame Sweet Bella Are RIbbIbk." 
'The New llome, 8weet Home." 
*'The Workhouse Door." 
*»ABd Her Goldeu Hair Was 

llunBlBB DowB Her Back.*' 
(BUNina TANOB-R Orett Comlo UlL> 
"She L«rt the Slaa Who 

Lored Her fbr ABother** 
(BaSQttftil SMttlm^oltl Bone) 
«*Baek to the Old Home AbbIb." 
<Uinatr«l tod Pirtt Part Bellta;) 
"Vott Oan*t Tell All that You Kbow. > 

"I Do Love Yob, or My Dear OwDaddyi* 
(flulienuibuan'ouDtioaitfibtianil thecrkitnf Laoood. 
*a*o Err la Human, To Forgive, DItIboP 
(Htrbtrt llnleombe't QrtDd 1Ian>loi>«acripUTt8oD|.} 
AllwrUtKO by tbefamftni 

Complrit plaoo copies witb orthetire parts, lOo. each. 
Rant oDiTon rrcalpt of pr1«e and toprolatstoaaltonlj. 
TIIR faNOLISU BONO PUB CO .51 N. UooreHl, N. T. 
^ RoDRB rthatfMd aod Unpbt PRBB of oharxt to 

itlnnalii bataten 3 tod < " " — - - • - 

L and got off at Prmn^llnRt 

.A.t I-.l"fc>eirty, 

Harry A.. Hisrl>y, 

Opto to tsceff»nanta<l«r Nut. IT, from llr«t ola<t com 
puitBoolr- Ttaoroaihlreiptritnc#d. Acquainiad eltL 
onnntrrandlooelraaosfa'*- Addrtis II) Cook Araaoe, 
Hprltl^n. Conn 

BOONE, the Only Cartoonist, 

tiBsloMttd, aiKl la prepared to famlab msnacars witb 
tba Ifieat dtilna lo ataad work. Btu col'>ni, bast 
r«p*ri aod btM artlau amplnjtd Id luahlng kiaod*. All 
mirk iiti«raat*ti1. rtanip'eti fbttt iiaod tani on ra^aipl 
oltl. and rvadlni niafar. Rtnd for Mtlmaita nn (ici- 
alJL ptoittmiiitB,lieraldi, aio. BOONR t nt'NN. 

P.n iw. Nfwton. Iowa. 

Theafrlcil Printing ol Every 

■STAND WORK'*aapaottltr. Band 
rMdlDsnifctttrand tl lorrampla 
10 HriMi HtAod. Poll ValDt. Pint 
C^loriDt. up (o date, pntop't In. 
^ Ttttliat*. Rat Omaha Nal. n«ak 


JAN.lSiodSl rornUllontodfew Irom lOOOD. Bonaa 
awueOO MANAtlBR^ RaktrOptralloqie DoTtr. W. J 


Uere Ua PO<«ITITB KRNAATION. OttiB to Ibt batl- 
■at* nghL lYeituiooai* and Amaieon, do voo want as 

aoi ibei will coDinaad e salarT. aod ont that *IU ba 
Italor^wKh «ar ahnwr Beod Kb. (no ttampa) lo tba 
fBI*RT_f*P7BLTT ro. Ntw l<«ilo|ioa. Oblo, and gil 



^ lolD leliooAT A B«to« Qiril tad OoafnMol 
Bun.No.1. ■aUb.mddfvM.nudfMdrtololaOw. 
I. iidnwOTIOSalUIOJLa,M*Uf*r.D*TBpon,lk. 

Why n«l wave your order and gel what you 
wint Instead ot buying "raa<y niad," In a 


Kersey Overcoatings 

In Blue, Black, and Brown 
Made lo Order at 

tingle or Double Breasted, any length you 
want, dtep illk vtUet collar, fln<! check all wool 
linings, lap sums, raw edges, strictly pure 
wool and last color*. There never wu such a 
bargain ottered in line tailoring Una. 

Our London Stripe 
Troutar, at 

Have been a great success with us. 
In Itfut el England Broadelelhi, 
Crepe and Dress Worsteds, 


any length you 
check all wool 
, strlotly pure 
rer wu such a 

$4 and $5 


■Ilk or Mia llnod. 

Samples and sell-meuuremenl guide sent on 

ThI. firm h«. bo agenU. 
All orders mut b« .«nt dIrMt. 


229 BroBdwar, opp. P.O. 
BowCTT. tor. Broome St. 

N, T. 


110 and 112 flraeae Street, neap Prince, N. Y. 

Wa earnvtbe laiMnt and moat eomplete atook ol all 
THIHMlnGB, Bto., tolUbla for tbaatrloalwanJrobt, 
aod ai lower price s tben aor otbar taouie. 

M In«b BATIN8 Id arair ertDiog thade, "^Oa.»<I>liiinioo of EVBrilNa HHADER 
OPCIIUIA SILIE, oiln wld., 30 Incho*. it 00 
c«Bt« par rud. 

WlaS ud BEARDS ol tJtrr dMenpUon (nud. 
OD ou pnmlao. fmm hunu bilr) in itMk or to onlw 
M .n'. <ln S%,U:Jj^u' wlji^jguud np nnla. 

[-ilSAPS ud'AAAKEV MisAJM lor 
TIQNI8T8. r.rlKt ImltUloiu nude ol 
' LU. Torr donbl. ud onlr wolgblng S 

puut m.uriu. TO 

OUNOEH. aa.oo.DiL 

^^SATW^BpPF^Hg. Uni 8Ain>AU, •!« 

'inoiiTS. 8HIM8 AapAjanmoB v. la- 

Sort ud muo ouioito.. CottoD tlitabL VMO: utn 
nTr,laUrub:on«l, (1.71^ (wotr twIKr thu SlOlwom- 
ta tlitW; worMd, ULKI; .lU, SUg ud but aUk, 
tJ.K..wt outtD AtHu In .T.rr qoalltr ud .li* In 
■u«k, or Duk. tnMn to otd.r in fov im. Fiddad 
URhu (flnnootnoala) n. 

FlUIf OEB, from l.'( rdotos dMp n cuu > rud) 10 



'R reqoired oe nil ordon. 


Having no triaoda in iha profaialon iblt or willing to 

Sira tbs work ol an unkDOwn auUior a produoilOD, I 
art eoDoladsd to offar 


"This is Love" 


To anr ont who will arrat^lo produce IL Ntrsrboai. 
copyrlgbtad; oavar btan raad br tnr one bot myatIL 
Pira dollara down and baUnca 0. 0. D., vhb orlrllaga ol 
raadlof . Addrap* X T Z, Auibor, Ban Diago, Cal. 

Rantanbtr lotandlagroattlt lakta U days from Haw 
Tork to Ran Pitgo and ratura. 

In Curing 
Skin Diseases 


Works Wonders 

Bold tbrooghoo^ tfae world. Price, CtmcrnA, 
eoc. ; 8oAr,2^c.; UKsoLvr.NT, ei> rortRn Diiuo 
AMD Cbbh. Ooop.,6oIo Proprlotora, Doaton. 

49- «• How to Cure Evory SUn IHsease," f res. 



M, STRASSHAN. LAWYER, 92 2d Aie., 


A nPl!i:iAI,TT. nne*boiiri< 8 A.M. lot P.M. 

FUTURE WIFE •w°5,."li.''5.«S!;Rirs,rwi;f. 

Ington Hi . Brnotlyn. W T. Hamplet nalltd aoywhara IQo. 

A. GOODRICH, UWYERi^'uK^^'folr.; 

lagal end qoire. Braocbet aod faalllUea In oibar fltate*. 

EDM17in> E. PRICE, 

Counselor at Law, 

69 AND 90 nENTBB BTRBET, Hew York Cltr, 
PncUoe in all IbeOoorte, Olvll sod CrlmtoeT BHoial 
attentlo n sIysd to the eoUeeUon of olalmt eod dtMs ol 
all kloda, u« praptimtlOB ol agrsemtnU and otbar laga. 


and fotrodoeed for tbs tint Umt In Anarica at tba 
VOBLD'B PAIR wbsrs ther oreatad aueb e saooiioo 
on aocoontof tbairbrlUlaQor and Das ont—tbo naareai 
approach to the gaonlne diamond fet diaeoTtred bar- 
Ids all the Ore and pritmatle colon of the geoDlDt. 
8PE0IAL PRICES lo UiB profttiilOD. For roll panicu- 
tare, prlceR. tto dooda thipped C. O. D~ obargaa prtpald, 
witbprlTilefleol oiatnlnatltn. Addreaa 

y. B BOORISR.M T)«arboniBt.,CbIcaco. 


Por QsDtletnao. Eadlea, Toatha, ath- 
laleorlnralld. Complete grniowlum; 
(tkuSln. of floor room ; now, ROtantlfle. 
durable, cbaap. iDdoraetl br \W.m 
phplcltJUL lawjara, cltrKftneo, adii- 
oni and olhera onw uflinp IL IIIub> 
trelnl oircular, 40 angTarlnga, lr«a. 
Addrstsi). L. DOWD.Bcianllde Phr•1^ 
a) and Tocal nii1tnn«P R Uih Rl.N V. 

O^nVElJIIQ nil|£n^ H.WOLF a CO, I 


Billi^ and Pool Tables 

n THE woRi.n 


N«wi,t< and mott alaiaat Arias, sttb tba U <&3VALBD 
HOKARB OURBIOHfi, BUHard meUrUls, eloS\ bsUi. 
oaaa,st4L.of onrownmaoDitotnreaod impprtat.<ji. 

flhi'^on. ntnAinnatl. ot. |,Anii. Pan rrtD"t>to 


The Handsomest Arabian 
Stallion in America, 

Milk vhl(«,plok Rklo.brtRht blue eitt, t|)]aodId tnane 
and tall. Thrat jftan old. aouod. Ttrr gtoila and wall 
brokto to drlro and to aaddlt. PlDaoclal ntcafattlos 
^omQil male fall nnlrk tnrl Ui* pr'ce la Ihtr^lnr* Inai 
tlOO. Addre-'NBrES?|iY jo?/br." eaie of CLIPPER. 




Worda br Ooorgs Coopar, moalo br Iluib J. DooDallr. 
rvipiaa Iroa to prorttalpoaft arndlog programmt or card. 
Addrau UUQil J. DONRELLT. AotboraDd PuMlihM, 
SSI ffoit Twantr-flrUi Rtrttt. Waw York. 


CTL.BOEnilPLIITBFOnU!>. Addloia 
-llumciAII." 181 qulncr Bt. Clileno. Ill 

New Opera House, 

POP.^OOl REATtNunAPACirT.fllC LlablHlbTalao- 

oraif noDBB duriko homdit week. Addtav 

O. R. T0WW8BSD t CO.. Ulp.lo. O. 

ContdlM v4 Skitcli Teio Wafltid (or H| No. 

S 00.; moal bt atrietlr tamparatt and work varr cbaap. 
Oo. Ttrr amall; moH do two toina. ohanga nightlr. pot 
on nroai. tto. ; prslartnee girtn tboH whn p^ar Pitno or 
<trean Jnloo'* reealpt of ul»crem Addrw RdRRHT 
IITD^ llrdt't Rpeali^tr Co , No 1. Kton:'rd. lltnrr Co.. 
ltd. ^. B.— M r on.'a ail treTtlf^Tarlaod : pfar amail towna 

YM'TafnlMll al lk'»<r**" 

t»J>iBj I4ld 01 «Hh TMtnaM ttd ■ 

iMDiirul ■tifh lo \tn bv *irt**a. Y*« ■- - - 

cOrvanriKrinllilahir* bu>.Mt« iW a«.l«uh 
an foT lb« moMv r*y iho tif^rt* Sfrtil au tpfflal ""'r" I"^"' 
»t.W". an.! k h t'wir*. Till* ^n*f <• for (n <lat- •"1^ " 'Jl'iCA 

334 Dearborn Streot, Chloago. M'- _ 


TOD CA5T {:s-,r"«JirutAi 

>Ml mntj *tik *•! ...Ill '^^StSfW 
h .lM«ilf.l bml.*rt«hH.. ^•^^IIUII 
I i»I»H»ATiO!<aOt»<'0.,_ WSIf 
ItOiBamUTrBpl^ tklcM.! "l* 


* BAaton.HHaa.,andM«whfttr'«nw||last, 

• llti 


Art Ikatan u4 Itiaalil Mua« m iii m itl M — 
II ..lllW tW^ llfca..lfc, AJ», M<- 
■ a»lia»l.» m* FvUr a>al«jlaia»uL*»^ 

OnnlcUM, UM, b7 na rnnk Qdmb PaMijiinj ODnfanr (UiiMMt. 

FounM by 


1 PriM 10 CMt«i 


wumM roK Tai bit tore cLirra*. 

Her ftttan* *n sot hudDome, 

ner linn la not floe 
Ontalde Uie gtmj teUel, 

TUo' then ihe loom dlilne I 
8lie bnn ttat illibu nt hnmor, 

The lluio qolp ud Joke 
Hut iBOie wllUn the tallelj 

la Utter lUji pioToke. 

Mlftat after night (he toilet!) 

For plltenre itrj null. 
AppluueT TbljiieTaitelleUi 

Unto berloKtt ell. 
BiM doe* her elmple dnij, 

Aod tioee who nalle ud Jeeri 
Ah I lltue do tliej ksow her, 

And what her life Is here I 

Joat toHow heraomo midnight 

Unto her home torloni; 
Perhupe jon then naj roe It— 

Thia nittruoe of acorn. 
A mother win wlUi watching, 

A father dying ihere— 
For theae ahe nlghU; labon, 

For theae her on)/ cue I 

Oh, In Ufe'B Jojona momenta, 

Look not with acorn on her. 
Bat let the glow of pity 

Within jonr hoaom allr I 
A heart of gold may linger 

Beneith a palnlad face. 
And Id a life ao horntHe 

Haj dwell the aweelnt gnce I 



The midnight eipreaa waa djlng aoolhwtid with 
a mad roar. 

1 had ukan the train at Parle for Ljona, where I 
had bnalneaa to attend to for the large New York 
ImporUog hooee, which 1 reprcaented In the rapac 
lij of allk bojer. 

The wealher waa tempeatooiia. The tain ponred 
down In tonenia, and when wo ewepi aronad the 
Bharp osrree. It acemed everr monieet aa ir the 
bolateiosa wind wcnld hnrl Uie ahaklng tmn from 

It waa halt peat one In the morning when we ar- 
tifed at Bt. Oroiz. A mlnote later we were or and 
epeodlngon again, aa U In a race with the tarlona 
blaata, that aeemed to howl at na In derlalon aa thej 
mahed bj. 

We had left Bt. Oroix hat a abort dieunce behind 
and I had once more neatled mjaelf In my comer 
Id the llrat olaaa compartment, of which 1 waa the 
aole oconpant. In order to make another effort to 
catch the Bleep that the atorm and roar of the train 
had deprived me of, when I telt all at once a nuh 
ofalrauike my race, coming, It aeemed, from the 
other aide of the carriage. 

In order to Bleep aa well aa poaalble, I had polled 
ihe little green abade orer the light In the partition, 
ao that I waa anrronnded hy a Beml'Obeonrliy. 
BatatlUI conld aee that Iht door opening on the 
Inalde of Ihe doable track waa ajar, and almcat 
moUonlea, aa If held In Uiat poelUon by acme 
agency from withont 

Sorprlaed, I waa on the point of rlalog and aaeer- 
talning the canae of thla atrange Incident, when 
the form of a man, hatleaa, and apparently wet to 
the akin, Bbowed Itaelf In the openlnn. 

Wllh acanUonamovement, Iheatrangeraqneeied 
hlmaelf Into the compartment, ahat the door, and, 
after hnlng depoalted a amall coveted batket on 
the floor at bin feet, threw bimaelt back on Ihe aeai 
with an ejacnlaled "Saprlsllt cMm tie tempti" 
which might be roudored Into Engllah alang with: 
"ByJovei beaaily weatherl" 

Krldenlly, the new comer bad not caaght alght of 
me, half bnrled In the abade of my comer, for, Jnat 
aa he began to wipe hie dttpping face with hia 
haodkoTcblef, I conghed, and he gave a vlolenl 
atari. Jerking hia head aronnd In my dlreodon with 
a frightened look. 

"Ahl pardon, monaleurl" he oald, qnlokly, "I 
thoaght I waa atone. Batbtr a atrange way to 
enter a raUway canlage, la U not r Bat, yon aee, I 
Joat mlaaed the iiain at Bt. Orclz, and by mere 
good look, and at the rlak of my nook, waa barely 
ahia 10 Jnmp npon the aiep of the laat carrlace, 
where I waited till the condnctor ahonld haTe 
paaaad along on the other aide, to panch Ihe tlck- 
eta, before I Tenured to ateal inelde the flrat car- 
riage that I might And onlooked, tor, aa yon moat 
know, monalcar, If yoa ai« aacd to ttaTclIng, the 
French law deala very atnoily with paaaengen, 
who, like myaelf, have no Ucketa. Indeed, I badno 
time to get a ticket, nor to reach the atatlon even, 
I came acroaa conntry, and waa only too glad to be 
able to leap on from the Inalde of the track. Well, 
the abort and the longer li la, here I am with whole 
bonce, and nothing to lament bat the looa of my 
iDcklcaa hat, with which the wild Uaaia at* now, 
doabtlea, vUyIng baioo, and " 

The Tolnble Frenchman cat himaelt abort, and 
aland at me wtlh an expreaalcn of blank amaie- 

The aadden Jolting ol the Ualn hod looeened the 
catob ot the Utile green ahade that I had palled 
OTer the light, ao that It bad aprong back, UghUng 
np the compartment again. 

It my fellow paaoenger waa aa It etraok dnmb, I 
wianotleaaao. The dlacorerj waa mntoal, alnol- 

nare, in tb* comer dlagoaally oppoalte to m^ 1 
behald mW,m> to apeak, my lUlng Image-my 
donbia I while he, too, on hia aide, aaw In me Kta 

After we had ataitdeacti otherontof caahtenance 
a mlnnla, he got op, and aaating hlmaelf directly 
oppodla to me, aJd, latherexoltedly: 

"Oan It be p^blel Do my eyea deoelT* ma, or 
la thla my lent mat twlti bnlher, who paaa t a for 
dea4l 8nt«l7,twoBtTaagenooaldiiotbe*reneha 
nmarkaMe reaemblaaoe to each other 1" 

"Pardon me, monBtenr," I nplled, la Iba beat 
Franch aeoaatatDyooiBiiaBd,<toaanmlatakaB 
-Iliaf» the boaoT ot hdof an Amartcaa." 

"Be that u It may," he rtjdned-wlth a half dla- 
appolnted, hair crafty air, I thongbt-'tiie Ukenea 
la, neTeitheleaa, wondetfally ottlklng-ao mnch ao, 
monaleor," he added, wllh an nnpleaaant langh, 
"that It might pfore einemely embairaolnE to one 

"HowaoP' I Baked, nerroaaly, not fancying the 
eiptaaalon in my donble'a face. 

"Boppoae, tor loalance, one of na wen wanted by 
thelawtoranalnclooa crtme-a morderahnmded 
la the decpeat myatety I" he potaned, omlllng wllh 
CTldent effort "Boppoae Ihe hapleaa TlctUn oonld 
not be Idenilfled, and the perpetiator waa an otter 
atnngar to the neighborhood, m wbtob the dark 
deed had been commllladt Tet, aoppeae the 

"Mill alone t" Intermplad, tagerly. 

"81111 alone. Tten, attar Ihe ;opeTa waa orer, I 
walked to Ihe Lyooa atatlon, whither my laggige 
had been aent In the afternoon." 

"And all thla Ume," he aald abmpUy, with a 
ohackle— "all UUa lime, daring abeni aU boon 
yoa had met no ene joo knew 

"No one," 

"Ah.ah I" he cried, ezallBnlly;"Tben, how conld 
yoa proTe that joo were la Parla at all, between the 
time yon left the Oare Blcbe and a Utile baton mid- 
night, when yon took the Lyoua aipreaat" 

I looked at hun nonplnaaed. 

"So, yon aee," he punned, animatedly, "yon 
might haTe been away, daring the Intarral, la one 

"RaaUy, monalanr, I am exceedlagly aoTry to la- 
coBTenlenca yoa," waa Ihe cuirteooa nply. "Per- 
bap* thla la a mlatake. InlhatoaaayonwUldonbt- 
leaa be able to prore It at once, aBdyonoanrteame 
yonrjonmeybylhe aame tnln. I am, loonalenr, 
the Oommlaatj of Police ot Uandon. Yon will 
pleaaetoUowma. And — Ahl thai baaket Ihere 
—one ot my men will brlnf IL" 

"The baaket doea not beloag to me," I began to 
explain; bat Ihe oOolal atopped m* wlUi: 

"We wUI aae abont that later." 

And ao, reeling then waa nothlBt to be gained 
by tealallng, I alighted, and, aooompanled by the 
oommlaaty, two tall gendarmea and the oondactor, 
entered Ihe waiuog nom. 

wrelcbed mnrderer had beenaeendlatlncriyeomtng 
hnmadly from the eceno of the ton! act— It, from 
the deacrlptloa fanlahed the police by the eye wlt- 
neae, they were able to pnt themaelTea on the 
track ot the aoppceed aaiaaaln, and ahonld Btamble 
open the Innocent one ot aa InaKad, bow woald he 
get ont ot hia atialtr" 

"BeaUy, monalanr," I aald, "jm an decldadljcf 
a Terr gloomy frame or mlndl Howerer, aince 
year qnetUon la eaally anawered, I will anawer lu 
An 04(01 conld beproTea." 

"And ir nott" he aald, eyeUig me anugely. 

"irnoll" Irepeated, reeling anoomforUble nn- 
der hia peonUar gaia, and moTlig reaUeaaly, aathe 
thontbt anddenly oroaaed my mind, that perhapa I 
waain thepreaanoeof an eMapedlonattc "Upon 
my word,monalear, yon pal the caae In a aliign- 
lar Ughtl How conld one of na fall to eatabUab an 
allM, prayt" 

■That might act be aoeaayaayonlinagtn*,"ha 
aald, abUlDg hia bead. "Take yonnelf tor ex- 
ample. Ooold yoa tall when yoa wen laat ennlng, 
between alx o'clock and mIdnlghtP' 

Iwaaabootto recent hia ImpoUoeio* by Ihe na* 
of acme Tery tordble taognage, wb«n he went on 

■■Oh, I meant no offance, monalaaf I I an Blmply 
aoeklng an iUaaUaUon ot my Ideak" 

Dponeecoad ihoDgbt-ltoaoa>Tla«toBiethai,U 
thla eocentrlc indlTldnal waa naUy a Utfle amply 
hf aded, the beat way to get along wllb him woold 
be to bamor hlm-I rrJobMd gca4 nataredly i 

■■Well, It can do no harm, aa I can aee, toMyon 
carry ont year lUaatiallon on m*. Bat f on wlU 
tau. I aanra yon I Uat eranlng, yoa aald r Let 
naaee. Well, at alx o'clock laat enUng I dtaad 
attbeCkte Rlche, In Firla. Ibaa 1 took a long 
walk on the Boalenrdo." 

"Alone r" ka broke In. 

"Tea. Atsjg,ortlMnatotBta,iaopp*dli«oiba 
Oiaul Open Bona* — " 

ot the pioTtnoea, commlued yoor crime Uien, then 
donbled back to throw the alenUi honndaof the law 
off Ike aceni, bo to apeak, and irally taken the mid- 
night expreaa from Parte afiarwarda I So, wherCa 
year alibi, my dear monaleort" 

The fellow chnckletf again, and rnbbed hia handa 
together, aa If well aatlaBed with hia cnnnlng. 

Jnat at thai moment, Ika ahrtU whlatle of the 
looomotlTe conld be heard amid Iba roar ot the 
atorm. My fellow paaaenger Jnaped np, lowered 
the window of Iba door by which he had aniared, 
and aiacfc out hia head. 

The tialR wu alaokening lla apeedL 

■■ThlB la Diudon," ha aald, dmwlng baak. Tban, 
before I oonld peioelTe hia lataalton, he had opened 
the door and gUdad ont, atammlng It abnl alter 

"Oreai Ood f I exclaimed, aprlnglng to ny teei, 
and haatanlag la the open irtndov, "what la Ike 

mmAm»n going tO dO t" 

Bnt, althoagh the train wia allll oader oonalder- 
able motion, ha waa not atandlag on Iba loBg atep. 
He had dlaappemd, aa If awallowad np by the 
darkneaaasdtaopeatl And then waa hia baaket; 
be bad torgotiao It In hia bnrry. 

I retarned to my aeat, and when Ika mia came 
toaataDdatUI,! waaaboaltopick np Ika toraakao 
bad at, to dellTar It an to the ooadnctor, whan that 
IndlTldnal Inng open the door on my ride, and 
holding ap hia laBt*n,ao that It gtand tnO la 017 
(aea, aald to a ahoTt, nalfoimed Baa bcatda hlffli 

■Thla la the only paaaengrr who taaiaa wttk Ika 
dcaenptton, I Iklnk; bnt ha took the mia at rail*.'' 

ThaUUemaBaiad ma aharply,lhaa aaMpoUl*. 

KoBolaar wtn pardon me, bnt I kaT* mj daty 10 
pcrtoim. Ton win pleaaa daaoead, and alap with 
ma InVf.lka watttag rooea." 

"Bnt, monalanr," I pntaalad,"! aa da *ar 
WLyea*. B a* l ( la a, yew n q aaal H I pwii iatiia 

lien the commlaaary took a telegram from hia 
pocket, and, haTing read It to hlmaelf, lonked mo 
OTcr from bead to foot, then aald, aa II 10 hlmaelf: 

■■Preclaely—eTeiy thing oorreepooda— ereo 10 the 
baaket I" 

"Dal, monalenr, I" I bnnt cat, ■■pleaae eiplain 
ycaraeltl Aa f or Ihe baaet — " 

Be atopped ma with an Impenlire geatare, and, 
bending OTer Ike coTered baaket, whicbagendarme 
had placed on a benoh, dnw aalite tbe oorer. I 
watched him with a mingllog of cnrloally and 

Bnddanly, he mnuered aonethlng, and, half re- 
coiling, cried ont, 
■'Ahl U>okP> 

Borron I Ila had palled a bloody cloth oat of 
the baakel, expnalng b> ear flaw a whUa dlaiort- 
ad Cae*-a woman'a head, that had andently been 
bnt recently aereiad from the body I 

A akndder inn Ihrongh me, and I InatanUy nn- 
dentoodthall waameTtoltmol a diabolical Inpi 
that my doable, far frem being a lanotlo, waa only 
too aoB* and qnlek algblad I 

na commlaaary toned to m*,aa I nood then 
ipMwhlMB With horror, and placlBg hia hand on 
my ahonldar, aald gnTily: 

"larreatyoaonthachargaof mnrdar I" 

"Morder P' I managad to gaap. "Explain I" 

»ne aiamlnlng maglatmla of Bl. Oroix will glTe 
yon the nil laaair axplaaallog," he rapUed ooldly. 
"Maaiwhila, I mn« diaabarge my dniy," 

mas, at a atga fron Ua Bspartor, a gendarme 
eaatiped hudonOk on my wriata, and daaplia my 
Tah»iaent protaata, I waa led away 10 Ik* Dandon 
Jail-* ailky kola, whan I apeat alaep l aaa boon In 
a pitoh dart eaa tool wlik Tamla. 

Atalghto'elockin the nonlng, aaadwichad be- 
iwaaa two gt^tte gandamta, aadMU handennd, 
aa It I waa Ike moat daapanta of cilmlaal*, I ina 
hnitadoglo M. OioU by ttagminla,*ad two 
koon Mar, tooad mf atlf la Ika pnaawa of Ika ax. 

aralning maglatnle, a porUy penonag* with a Tery 
conaeqaentlal air. 

After aaklngmetbeaurectyped prellroinaryqnea 
Uona aa 10 my name and addrcaa, etc., he aald to 
me wllh pompoaa dignity: 

■■Von know ike oharg* agalaet yon I" 

"Harder I" I replied cvrlly, "and I prolaetagainat 
the oalrag* to whioli my peraon haa beea anbjected. 
When, when, or how the onme wllh which I am 
cbargeil waa perpetnted, I know not; bnt I do 
know that I am wrengly aoonaed. I am Inaoceni, 
and can pron — " 

"An alibi I" he Interpoeed, eyeing me aharply. 

I alarted. Ooald I proTO aa alibi r Had not my 
raacally donble proTed that I oonld noil 

■■It'a a oaae ot mlauken Identity, mooalenr," I 

"The taakat round in yonr pooeaaloa In Ihe raU- 
way carriage gatnaaya thla," he nplled brnaqoely, 
wltb a wave ot hia hand. 

■That I can explala aatlifactcrlly, and would 
hare done *6 at the Um* ot my arreat, had I been 
permitted — " 

■■One moment," he broke In again. ■■Wa an not 
hen to waole wnrda, u yoa, like all aocaied per- 
aoaa, an donbUeaa ready to do, Llalan flnl to 
wkat the landlord and portar ot the hotel In which 
Ihe terrible crline waa committed baToalreadyanb- 
BtanUaUy awore to. Llalen, and do not Inlatrnpl 

■■At nine o'clock laat erenlng, a well diaaoed 
ttranger, who anawera yoar deacnpllon oxaotly, 
called at the Hotel da Buuf, In the Hne Balnle- 
Hane, In UroU-or which plica I hare the honor or 
being Ihe examining mailatnta," he pnl In, 
prondly expanding hia great oheel— ■■and Uiqalred 
tor Hme. Runee, a atrange licly, who bad engaged 
a room then In Ihe aftamoon ot the aame day. At 
Ian o'clock ha waa aeon by tbe porter loafing the 
hotel by a eldo cnlnnce, carrying a email corend 
baaket on bla arm. The potior thoaght noUiIng or 
the occamaoe at the time, taking him tor a new 
gneat of tbe bouae. Towarda midnight, the porter 
waa attracted In the aecnnd atory by a alrong amell 
of emote, which, apoo Inreallgallon, waa fonnd to 
v- 'weed from tlio mom of Hme. Ranee, nepeaiad 
knookiag railing to bring any reaponae from that 
Udy, the aanmnned lindlnM hnrit In Iho dnar,an1 
waa almoBt auircrated hy the thick amoke that 
poured out of the aUII llibied aparKiiant, The 
oaaae of the amoke wia qnlokly laocr'alned. 

■■A heap »r woatlag appirel, pinly oonaamed, 
waa rooad amolderlng In the open Ore place. The 
bed waa aonccapled. Hal when the amoke had 
cleared away, a horrllile dlacorery waa made. 
Btreloliod oul on Ihe floor, near Ihe window, be. 
tweea two oTertnned chalra, lay the form of a de. 
capitated woman, entlnly nude. Search tor Ih* 
head proTed aaafalllng; It had dimppeared. Rfl- 
denily, the woman had glten a flcUllona name at 
the hotel, and the wrolclied mnrdenr, knowing 
thla, hid acogbl, by dacapllaling her and banting 
her ofncia, to daetroy all meana ot Identlfloatlon. 

"Then It wu dIacoTered that a email eoTerad 
baaket, whloh the woman had brought wllh her, 
waa alao mlaalng. Whereapon tbe porter recalled 
to mind the man wllh the baakel, whom he had 
•een learlog the liolel by a aide enlraaoa, The 
police wen Immediately noUaed,aDd a deaorlptlon 
ot tbe man wllh the baakel, who waa doubUeaa Ihe 
mnrderer, wa* at once lalegntphad to the police 
anthorlUea of all the placea alotif Ihe Parla-Lyona 
real*. And the reault waa, mnnalonr." he added, 
wlUi 1 ullalled gealnn, "that yoa weraamaled. 
baring In year poaaeaalcn, not only the mlaalng 
baakel, bnt— Ih* miming head I" he conclnded, lay 
Ing great alrei* on tbe worda, and ihroirlng hlm- 
eelf back wlUi a triumphant look. 

I waa dnmlifoondrd. Waa CTer circamatanllal 
eTldence atrongert Who wooM bellcTe myalory 
about my doolitel Waa Ihere then no loophola tor 
met Ah, my foreign aooenll The Ihooght camiL lo 
me like a reacnlng angel. Horeiy, the landlord 
would be able to dialingnlah ms from Ihe oaaaaaln 
by lhall And I wu aidut Id axpreu the wlah to he 
oontronlad with the landlord at once, irhen the 
door ot the maglairate'a nfflce waa opeoad wllh a 
cnak. and ihe Commlaairy of Police, of Dandon, 
mibed lato oar preaence, red feced, and hlowlag 
like awind broken hone. 

The examining maalatnle looked at htm with 
■urprlaa, and an expreaalcn nt niranded dignity. 

"Pardon Ihe Inlrnalon, my dear l^monreaxP' 
dried Ihe cimmlBeary, withont atnpping to lake 
lireaUi. "Bot It wu neceaBary that I should pnt 
hia nafortnnate gentleman out ot hia mlaery at 
one*. lie la lanocent-enllrely Innocenil W* 
hare fonnd the real auiailn, who hu confeaaedl" 

■■What dn you my r ' eiclalmcd Ihe examining 
nuglatiBi*, regarding theapeaker wllh an Inoredn- 
looa look. 

■■Thla niorelng,"pantad the c'lmmlaaaiy of police, 
dropping Into a atal, "one of ray m»n atumbled 
upon a man Bled man lylnglua dlloh beelde thenll- 
way bed,aeTeial bundred Tarda Ihlaalde ot Daadon 
Btation. fie had been hurled Ihliber.heaald, la at- 
tempilngtnlamprrorolhemldnlgbtexpreaa. Wilt 
hia dying breath he oonfeaaed he had murdand 
Mme. Ramea In Ike baal ot paaalnn. The woman, 
who wu bla rolatrau, and who had viran a floH- 
tlnnanameat Ike liolel dn Brnnr, where aba had 
mat Mm hy appointment, alood In the way ot a noh 
marriage he wu oontemplatlog, and he bad killed 
bar dnring a quarrel OTer Ihe muter, rranaiadby 
hia crime, attar haTing Btrtpped Ihe body at lla 
dothlngand Jewelry, which he had endeaTored la 
ban np, be had aerered the head from Ika oorpia 
wllhhiadlik knife, and earned It away In a haual 
h*longlDg 10 bla mlatreaa, to diapnaa ot It In aooM 
way that aright aaem to htm tbe aafeat Raaalag 
madly orer the oonntry In Iba atorm, ha had not 
dared to part wllh his terrible buiden, and had 
Onally Jumped wlUi II nn Ihe mklnlghl expreaa u 
It wu laaelng HI. Orolx." 

Than be proceeded 10 acqnalnl Ihe aatonlahed 
examining magla<r«ta wllh my meeUag with Ike 
aaaaaatn In the railway carrlaga-a atory which be 
alao wonld hare diacredlted and ridlanled a taw 
lUTun before. 

And as came to a happy tarmlaaUon an axparl. 
anaa that might hiTe coat ma my naok, and ooe, 
yoa may be ann, I haTe nerer torgoltaa. 

It I* an IndltpalaMa raet Ikat areiT max wks 
waan hia watch In bla real pocket la beUnd tlaa, 






ICoBdsr KIsM'i OpMlagt la aO tha 
Bic'Show TovBi. 


Few NovettiM Pretented In Sin Frtnclieo- 
Good Butlneo Reperted-A New Won' 
dorland Op«n«d 

ISpKlftl DikpfttAb to Hit N*» Tork Oltpptr.] 

aiM FniHaaco, Nov, 20.— At tlia Caurorol* 
TtiMUt, "ttt Now Bo;" recclvM Its lint repra- 
aoaiitiloD Id tlilt oltj )ut eveDlng, ud iilda Mr u> 
dapllMUItiEutoniniccciabeTS. T.W, SecixwIU 
begin n eDgtgonMnt at thin Iioom Doc. 3. 

BiLDWUiToUTBi bubceii olowd •Inoe Iho m. 
It Will reopen 20, wben Alex. Bilvlil will make lili 
•ppoumace In "Tbe Tbree aurtemen." "ItoT 
Blu" will be ft iptoM (eMare ot Iho engtaemeni, 
"AMdIn Jr." will be tbe hoiidtTiuriioUon. 

HTOcKtriu.— "Ton Stwftr" wu preieottd lul 
ovenlng, ud aimoted Ibo niiiul peirou ( ( thU 
iboiire. VrADOlo I>oweri Hinmed tbe pert of tbe 
luilsn. nulneaa bu been reratrttblj good. 

ORore flrsen' TuiitTiii!.— n*nlel Ilori'i "Under- 
Rround"-wu Uet week'e bliu "TM Fl/log Hcud" 
WMpnton lutnlglit. 

TivaLi.-"llenola" la tble week'iblll. 

Okpiiiuk.— Berr lllenhant end Knieit Youeg 
wore Iho new recca latt nigiii. 

UioniNics' rariLioH— A bone abowwlll optn 
nt ibli boDM in. nnil will oonilnno roar da;a.— Uaverlr'e Hlniiliola begin an IndeO' 
nllo engagement at mil hooeo '.'T. The engagement 
will b9 waiobad witta cmalilerable latereal. Kin- 
atrelar do -a not take Tery we I In ibli clij for mora 
tban a ronnlgbt'a sngagemeni. 

Tni KuiN HDaii on Market Suctthaa beenlmna 
formed into a Wonderland, wlih A. V. Torpln ai 
propiletnrand Frank Ollfton *a manager. It la 10 
iio tne borne of m/aterj and encbanlmont, and la to 
oontsln waxworka, eleclrlcwundenandonrloaliln 
of all kinili. A oonilonnoa performance la to be 
giran daily from 1 to II r. M., to wblob one dime 
only will be ibe fee of admliilon. 

NoTBD.— Tlie Bvcillili LnllcR' 'iiarlet bae been 
ainging bclora iba Yonna Uen a uitiatiau A>Boola- 

tlonhero Tbe Kikaliuld their annnal curDlTal 

M Uio Mtcbanici' ravllion IT Loulao Uarrn 

portSbrrldu has gone Raai Rdwin H. lani 

sndVlolA RM* bATO been impcartng at Oakland 

Cel., in "Itip Van Winkle." I'croy Uunliog 

and Ploreoco Tliropparo organizing a compooy (or 
an Interior dip. ^ 


Dixie" wu locally prodncad at tbe Academy nx- 

fore lane umonia "Tbe Derby Wlnier" waa 

^Ten Ita CUoago IntllaUre at tbe Unooln, to good 

.jQiea Ubaa. B. Dnncao, Ibe cbanoier Tooal- 

let. Bade tbe bit o( the bill atgamT. Jaok'aOpaia 
noma, wben tbe London Belie Buitteqaera Mgan 

tbeir weai'a engagement "LoatleMewTwk" 

opened at llar.lii'a to gotd bailneee, and "^e 
Piodtgt) father" atliacied a good boiiae at tbe 
Albambra. . . .Over at ibeOlark elreet Ibe Doaller" 
began lla ibird week on Ibe local JacobV cironit to 

a good tomoni Ffank Ball'e Caaino waa 

crowded aa niual Hundty, aod toe Hoyal Engllab 

Olrcne b«ld capacity bnainrai Peter F. IMtley 

Rare an exira p rformanco at tbe ColnmbU to a 

fair boeae Toe City Hporu opened well at tbe 

Empire, tbo Kuiir Nelaoii Biaura niaklog a bit. .... . 

Tbo popular priced Tarlciy bouta aiiiacted ralrlf 

good bnalDoai day and nigbt Itnhcit Mait'ell 

gare "Tbe Ooialcao llrol Mra" 10 a in» hea« and|. 

AI ItoutM 

MiMt RHCb Vt 
Than Mcnd« » 



ii. oitpT^.vn. 

wfifp toIObloatawQ," go. i-apflBagtl_ 
' *" MMilI <JabuyB>'>°a'<°BC»y>i,M»npbii| 


IwSba, Web,M, B, Joaapt Bo,* Pea Molaae, la, 
njDinemin rvtla, Hl-Dm _l 

j^tkloioa'm Maeea-Ocala, na , Hot. U, a,TaBpa B«, 

laiMi il liaacatt 
-AcroB Iba PaU>mie"-ClDClaaaU. O , Hot. IS-II. 
•■AUddloJr.'*-gaalaariir, ]fo.,Nor, SI. Omaha, N«b., 

'A»tBrid«ot''-aii>aat, R. v., ICoT. XI, llobokaa, N. J., 
aj-atNawartM-thcl.^ _ 

■Aoiuoa"-U>lo>iibai, n , Wor. II, Hpriaidatl AVv- 
too n. Chleaf 0, 111 . M-Uao. a 

enceattbo Beblller Lut nIgbt Julia Uariowe T]i;,?LUiiT;r-i«iiUTiUa.l(r.,NoT.i*-u,ciooUinaU, 

- - - ■ .iD':TbeBcboolforB»n- ii'o.Wi. „ 

dSP'^.Jll'Jr'y Boma-'KtliV^^ at the I B'S<L''5[,f!i»'*i^^ ^A^im'ta.loeaa At Ibe Lrcenm Field I "■^.JS^^^^f^JS^^^^'tTl/'' - 

Ulymplotofalrlatlneaa AllboLycenm Field ,,, _, .,,„„„_. ^ 

Allenion'e Drawing Oarda began the week fairly | ^i»t|,;5^"^|,"'tS\ i°M "Tior . IB*, Mioaa- 

Bw?u A'SS^Ie'a ■■Urara-BnokgaU, Mo., Hot. UU, 
UoiooTlllaJ(.M.imaiiS'.'-D*; l.„ , „ ,„ 

BanT'». wm.-Uwall, gau.. Hot. U, Uvranca U. Boa- 

Bakoi>[r^.-Do Hota. Mo., KoT. 31, Aona, III, S, Car- 

iMDdilaaMMioiiollill. „ ^. 
Bohb CoiD«di-llarlbon>,llaii., Hot, IMLtllalona- 

B^dvla-Boaari' Conatr— U««barg. Pla., Mot. SI, 
Bro«llitiUoXM4,Urlaaeoaa.a7, KilllmmaoSIL Barlow 
71-DM 1 

BotiUf-Norfolk.Ta. NoT.ttW. , ^ „ „ 
'Barrel of Mooer"— Konb Vereoa, lad., Nor. II, Haw 

iMipie'tP ctouioit hllTbeiaiiBuuday witbafa.r I S;",;ii''S2'n''c^'BiX j"!; nUSS! 

home. lABt olaht b'talneaa wai poor Tne pon'A io»» cut a, Dei Houaa n, Boooo 

' ....... r !._..„ ^j^i -- 

UikWADiBB, Not. W.-"A Railroad Ticket" 00m' 
meeccd the neek at the Hijoa Bnnday to the beat 
boalneaa ibe bonae baa enjoyed In aome time. Laat 

night a fair alzed auillcoce woa In attendance 

The Academy baa Joe Oil In -Toe Star Oiztr," the 
Oral pirt of ibia woek, and the Bonday buuaca were 

fair bat fell off conalderably laet erening 

IteeTca A ralmer'a Oompiny, airengibened ny Joe 
Beniand, the Crjtber weight, opened to good Bun- 
day banlntea at the I'Mple'eandbeldnpwell yea- 

i^rdny A good bueao ehow at the Globe um. 

mence-i the week laat olaht 10 lair atiendaoce 

Tue third week of the Midwinter Ulrcn< wlui aluiuei 

Siouiclir 19 rromooCHeb,!). I-ionlo D««. I, Onuba 

fitxram iTbeek"— Oaotoo, O., Hot. 2) 
'ilmcircrovb."Tonpkloa'— BLfaal, Mian., Not. 1M4. 
lilGMa|wli<S-Uie. I. .... . „ 

flhck crook," TorapklDi* Ho. 1— Atlanta, Ua, Not. 
S3, u. 

"nnilaa"— K.T.UIItNot. If, Inilanella. 
'Hlidi Sbaop' -UlareUail, 0., Hot. l».tl, ritttburg, fa, 

'Biofxr Tim«"-ComIog, O., Not. 31. Newark li, Caoi- 
brldia S, naoal Uorar St. Mulilloo V, Wooeur It, 

Wonderlind held ftlrbonaca "UorllerrBena- 

t-.r' waa rrpeatcd at tbo Miadi Bunilay efeolng and 

dapllcatrd itoancceaa of ia<i week Cli-relani a 

Hlii-treia drrw top heavy ni|jiiae<a tn liie liavidaon 

Biinrlay. matinee and night (I .a llll 'a Worid 

of Nuvalllce pleawd the aoldlera ai Soidiera' Home 

Ian nlibi Oharica llorwiia, anther u( ■' The 

Prim* lionnn j -incd 'The Prodigal Father" hera 

Sunday The liaeldaon ladarkthia week 

Tue Henry .specially Uo. t«|ln tbelr road eeaeon at 

the I'dopte'e next woek, _ _ _ _ 

CiKciN.saTi, Not. 20.-lloae Ctigblan had Monday ' J""* Ja»»*i-'''"il*°""'*:,*.",°'j "iTiiV 

night to herUir, for ull other honeea opened son. C''S:SL^J^i'£^S'i-ai!j^SIi »^ioUtt>\^ 

day. At Iho (itand there waa a lev.Talof "Ul- ii„K.°,7S,^?L%'SS;SaSJ.'.^ T:■|^'.ii°ffl^^^ 

plumaoy." llaalneaa all aroaad waa reminlioenl it,l«,McKa«i>ort,ra, 

ot Uiil weekn proiperliy Wliliain Coillnrln- s. Johaitawo3u.AliannaI)«o 1. „ _ 

trodiioed "A 11 ick Niimoer ' at the Walnnl Bireel Olmoo Jaoaaechok-WaablanoD, D.C , Hot. 1«-2I. H. T. 

and It wa» well reoclrcd There were two otnor _ i""' thS-^^r v m^,^u„ vt v«. 11 n w..t iud 

noveltloapn ibomen... "SlaTO. of Jtolrt" aronw^ <=i;,Ta°,7.ftL^rr"" U mi-R^^^^^^ 

large audlencao at lleiick'a and "Tbe \ateranDe- caniV,M Y^Not.iM). 

KcllTe"illd well at llnuinaon'a "Acioaa tbe urAnii'>,W. ll.-N V Ciit mot. I9-U>c I. 

Polomac" Oiled Ilavlin'a Ola lUjdenabared cbaM'a. Ilaule Bemard-MonigomerT. Ala-, Hot. SI, 

largely In tne welcome 10 H«ra Iteveie'a Own Coin- .,8eiiii»»ji; w„, loji ><.^i„. on. 

5any at tbe^ltople'e, while C. W. Wllllama' Come- 1 Cljrt rar»loioa-<oniloa, II. Not. 194i. Craitoa 3S- 

Choaio'i. MatUa-RL Tatar. Uioit . Not. n, WalaaiaU. 
Ooomba*. Jaoa-Wlchlu. gas.. Not si. 

paay Mb luo icvpio a. niiiio v. i 

diBUB cruwdert the Fonmnln. 
LuUiBvii.Li, Nor. W.— Sol Hmllh llooell, at Mao- 1 

aulv'.. w.».IKcied ?llli^ an OT.uo„j,,;a urje | SgSj^^rt^^V,?^ > 

■ad I CD CO. 

'SSi,er7r<!;»lK.SWS'1'o1 ^^^^^^^^^^ 

^ .. , I Mao"-l"lU«««M. M»«, .\0T. SI, WaaiaaU SJ. Del. 

TotaC.Tror.N. r.,2) » 
"0'a<k>rJick''-Oraod tUDldaUI-linMOT. IMl ToMo, 
0 ,«-:«, VIddlaiowalv. OaylnaS Uainiltoa Uac I. 
■Coioael and 1"— llareritrav, H. Y.. Huv. zc, Oneonia 29. 
'Cha'ler'a Aaat." No. 1— Treotoo, N. J.. Nov ti. U 
'^Charlii'4 AooL" Ho. S— Itaavar, Ooi, Hot. 19-21. Kaoaaa 

The Chnngea of Proerammet for tha Open- 
Ine of th« Week Draw ProlltBble Bull- 
nsti-Lirgs Audience! Reperteit, 

IKpaelal Uiipautiea to Tbo New York iIHppar 1 
I'liii.abKLi'niA, N'ov, A notable array of now 
allractluoa, and Iho ivappcaranco of a unmberrf 
old far orlica tilled moator ilio Ibeatreacomfnrlably, 
and r> row uncomfortalily, laat eight. Drila Fox 
met with Bucceae In "Tlie l.lttle Trooper," hi the 
Broad, Bhating tbe lionori with JciT Do Angclla. 
Paul Artbar Blao rreattd a teTorable laipreaalon. 

'riio andlonce was Uagv and ontbnalaatlr illga 

Netheraolo played Sylvia, In "Tlie Tmntgttieaor," 
to a One bonae, at tbe OboaUiut SireetOpera Uouae, 
and only her acting In ilie latier pait of tbe play 

Bavcrt It from being an utter failurr "The l'<ii<- 

Ing Bbow" miod the Walnnt lu ilia dnora, and the 
perforraanco pmnltea to keep up ilie enomioaa 

hnaluota being done at tbU houMi trililani 

llney waa given an ovRilon In 'The Flame," at the 

Park, when oeery acai waa ocoopled "Nlahi," 

H one act ir^gio romance, hy Ituin \Vhi-- 
tnl, waa ibe prlnclpil aitraeilon at the a-.- 
rnnl Avenue. It waa well i>layed liy Ur. 
Wbytal aud Marie Knowloe. A largo audi. 
«nce alau wllnutacd a tnlbcr lndiir<reiit perform. 
Haca of ''linn Cn-ur do BaKw," with Cteatun 

Ularke In ihe llile roln lino of ibe laracet 

liiMi'u^ nl Uio aeaeon ai the .sianilard wltneeaotfibK 
beyliinlng of Ulllan Koonudy't aeomd w<ck. ilio 
pill) licing "Uy \Vira'a llaaband." Wath. T. Uel- 

villo aharoJ Ihu houora with tbo aUr Davia \ 

Keoih'a pitid'.ictliin ot 'Tbo Blnwaway, ' with 
lUrry llr.wker fcaiiireil, played to a fair Iioiko at 

K'jrapaiiau'a ' airoil.! ilm iu" ailo<l the BIJon 

to ovciilowlug Fair bunlueea raeulted from 

lUo dnit iilghl uf Uaicnberk'a nnlmnla nl Ilie Awil- 

cmyi'f Uuklc lloiliy .V Wnod'a Cumnauy put 

lip a nrai olaaa allow at the Audliorluni to oral iibua 

lia^liiuia "A Tempuranra Town," with I,. U. 

Mnokwtll aud l«e llarrUon aa favorlU'a, bail a fair 

iiuusoattho i;ninlnut "Jacmu" naa alven a 

mui-li em"iitlitr iimdnctluli nt the (inind Unera 
lluiisowhcro It will run tor ibo n mHlDdor nf Uio 

week Ai Ihe Kuipini a lilt an-ilunce turned 

nut lu too "Ttiii 1'r.idlgal ll.nighlor." "rho 

Wblto urimk" Kitrava,:ito/.a t>>inpuiy played to 

two Heavy houaraal the l.riiinm ■ Faniaaoia," 

lirlgliieocd up with new llluslona, Olttil Ilio 

' IVnplu'a "The Whito Biiuailrun" turned people 

awar ill Ihg National an ludulg- nl auillenco 

KuiiiriiaghaperlDrninnroot "ran Mghta In a Bar 
Konm'' at the Kontlngtoii, which, linnvrcr, wai re- 

lluved iiy apcrialilea Tlio Klovonih Slrttl Upcra 

Ituuriu did tbo ubual Uouday IMialjoaa aa dlil thu 

N'liith nmlAroh Hiiaeuni Frank C. .\adonnn 

bar been cugagrd aa urraa afiont at Ibo (Irand 
Opera llnuao, \ioe lUroidSlibjnuaQ. 

Ikisros, Nov. '.M.— Au unuaiiallr brilliant audience 
oiled iillinuKcain In tbo llolltaBttiictTheatro, and 
ucnupMil cvrrr foot utalandlug rooni laat cveoiiig 
whon K. 11. Kutliern heiian lila annual two wcrku' 
cngagomi'hl. lie pieasutht IMul U. I\>tter'a comu- 

ily drama, "Tiio Vlcmrla llroar." Itlchard 

ManaOold u rugtKcmout at llw ParkTliralro upened 
lu ail Hiidlciice that Ullcd Uanaier Bietwu'a hunie, 
and ai'conlcil Iho alar a wrlnouie that niuai eiirely 
hnve KOTO liileosely groltlylng t> htm. IllaacIrO' 
lion from hia rvnulory waa the Milrical cuiurdy, 
"Anus and Ihe uan,"and thoairengihutblalin- 
pertnuHilnii of VMplalo Bliiniachll, luiothcr wnb 
thogeni.rHla.xccl.ono«nrhli aupport, won tlio on- 

thnaiaaili faror nf bt« Hintlenc« The icguUr 

aeaaun of the c lailu fc^iiuaro Tncnira tiegau laat tven 
nil Hi'iiiiMVenlui:-! laat week. -CHpt. Paul," wblrli 
hna liCMii very Jinlk-loiialy pruned down and aoniu 
iif Iho aharp c.irnera niundi'd oiT. waa aMrteil on ita 
kiwuil wcrk'a Juurory In (lulillo lavor and waa ro 

appiauM, npci'lall^ In ih 

i;civ,>il Willi uueilnui 

ihlnlni't, « lirro Hie auliiur, Manager K. V.. Il-iae, 
haacvolvMl ibn llural plecvnt aiageMaliaiii oier 
awn uii Iho liMrda of a lljal-m theatre. Tbe 
acvnio ai d utcchanU'al i-iroole arc, wliiiunt exrcp. 
ttun, Iho ninat lutrt'-ali! aud iKilrcivt anyalinll r 

work ei('*MiUMiipiud bore "llaat l,ynao ' iran 

pr-ducotlat tnuitrantl iip4*rA llnuao laaievealng, 
will) Ada Cray In horiiaual leading intcani l.;idT 

Iwia'l andUaOain Vine ' sowlug the Wind," at 

lUoCnluiU'.ta, "TnoCntinii King." at Iho llmTUuIn 
Bi|uan>; the KrHOi-la Wl'aon Co., lu. "Voo llevira 
Ih-puiy," at the Trcinuni ; "Priiicn Pin Tour* nt thu 
lloaionMuaoiun,aud' lnu:d Kmluckyat tbo Hoa- 

lonThoiiirc. dro* guoil piyiug huKlucM. Uana 

ger 11. r. Ki iih pnaentedhia patnnawltbaweiiar. 
ntDgLMl \<mdi villa, t'ooiitly and Bp.-claliy altowai 
nia new tiicatro nod tho hi*uao ttat well iiatronlKcd. 

Thu IMIaoe, lluw*rd, l.rccuin, Niekvlmleon, 

(Iraud Mnti'iiiu ami Au>iln .V'a tared well 

troiii opening unill riiuiing Tbo niiniapeaicnt 

ur tlio oldoai thraire In tne rity. ibo lloalon Uu- 
Homii. which was niioncd lu IMI. wilt uhanao iianda 
J ui. 1 I^IU, when l*Mf II. Ilicb, Win. Ilarrla. t*baa. 
Fruhiiiau and II. UvuiK,iincr> tlill will aaiuoio 
cnilr,^ rtinlml ('t ino ihcrilrc. Thia rumor ha9 |tc«-ii 
cnrrciii furanaio time pun, but It la iiovvi-riDcd 
liv Iho priBf III uualucea inanugtr, Wm, U. bvcry, 

('iiirAcu. Not. 20 —Tho OlilcaioOpera IKiimo waa 
wuil tilled .Sunday nlani wben tfioari llotaton gave 
"iholateili>pcr"llaOralcllypiodn<<tl n. Toccnue. 
il; wnauriBlnallrac'ed at Iniflanapolla, lnd.,i:,and 

la rrry wriiaulted to Mr. ItoUwn'a talriua ' A 

'I rip III Chlnatuwn" proved aa pop ilar aa ever at 
ihotirand, tbo andleiice bolng large and demon- 

aimilTc Jai. J. I'orbolluptucUwIlb a apcclal 

niiliiice at tbe llafniaikM Bu&day, taming many 
j4ta'>naawayal web i>erfornian^-e "Iiown In 

Sood houae Tue Otand Opera Honao waa well 
lied Mat night to aee Mr, and Mia. Uilrer lltron. In 

"I'pe and liowna 01 l,ire." ".Soo" opened at 

Ibe Avenue Bnnday to rair hoaaea and bad a mod 

crate lioose laat night Tho Boeklngbam was 

crowded on the np^Ling ol Vivian do Honta'a 

Vandnvllln Cn The Oem opened to a fair 


^Va8DlMll1nN, Kov. 'ju.— Ilctrmann, owing to 
legal cunipiiCHllona Id New Yurk, failed to open at 
Aloaugh'ellianililpera llonae, conirqiinuy that, 
hnuao waa dark. Manager lllnora wired that Mr. 
Herrmann will poalilTeiy open bla engagement tble 
(roeadaj) nigni, aatiafaciort arrangeraenia having 

heon matte Joaeph JeiTeiaon opened In "Ulp 

Van IVIokle ' at lUipley'a Nailonal to a good lioutu 

at advaaced pricci Kate Ulaxton and Mino. 

Jauauacbok, In ' 1'no Two Urphena," had an e.<cccl' 
lent opeuiug at llap'.ey'a Academy ut Moilc 
John A. Btavdoa'a "VVIto for Wife" had a hig andl 

cnce at lUiller'a BiJou Theatre Ilopklna' 

Trani'ilccauicB had crowda Btandlog up at Kor- 
nan'B |j)ceuui Tocatre. 

.>IT. fxii'ia, .VoT. 20.— Tbe New York siara drew to 
the fall capacity 01 tue dundard twice Kueday and 
.1 It. U. waa the riilo at night. All the local napora 
nraiae Ibo cooipiuy..^. ..The conilonona enownt 
l'jpo*B waa crowded all the nrternuoii and erening. 
Loiiiie liciiipsey baa lioen added to tho company. 

"Tbn L'uaa: Uuard" drew 10 tbe capaoily of 

llavllQ'a and nude a bit "Alimony" drew a 

Bond houae to Ihe Uniod, and Tim Murphy and 
biigeno CanUcld received n warm welcomo from 

tnoTr lilcndi All mo other plaica of aniuio 

mcnl were dllcd AdA llehau oponcd at the 

Olyiunio tunlghl to a lull bonae, presoolleg '-Tbe 
Laat tvord " 

KaNKiH OiTV, Nov. 10.— Ilendorion'a "AladiJIn 
Jr." opened at tbe Uoatee laai night 10 u bignotae. 

All the theatres aiarted out well yeaierday to 

big matinees and packed bouaea at night. 
Uwla M'irrlHon, In "Fauat," at Ihe Oraud, RotWij 
Hay lord, In '-Bport UoAlltiter," nt tni! NInih Hinnt 
aau "A .Slimmer lllizzatd" at the Uillla, alt met 
wlib aucccita. 

i;i.):vici,ASu, Nov. '.U— Hie week opened am. 
ploiuuslyainilliouica. A parked Iroiiiu and noral 

umirluga gicoted "YonYoDaon" at Jacobs* 

"A Black tlktep,'>al ine Kuclld, and Krlbr, inapl. 
clan, at inu l,yueum, Iud aundlng nanu only, whilo 
Mlani a L'liy dun luaied toe utpaclly ot tho Star 
boih nutlnce and evening. 

\ViiK>Li.sii, Nov. 'jn.— TiKaot'.HllvIng ploiurea were 
preaontril al the Uiiera iinuao laat night to gooti 
itiialnetf . ina oxiiloliloii waa au liatf that the cur- 
tain tvaa riingduwn u; thu local mana^euieni. 


Pluinplila.—.U the Grand Opera lluuie, "Spider | 
and Pl>" op«a«il to a (In* houw autl i-raeeoUil an aical- 
Unt abow. Tbe bouaa waa dark Not. it-li. "Ouny'i { 
Bluadon" cinioV-tOtnafairaltaodaoee. Due: "1191" 19- 
11, EihaKllalortl-ll, Wanla and Janiaa St-ai, "A Trip to I 
<;iiinatovii"i;-i>«a 1 

AuniiuhivH.— VatfOit llaltl'aCo oaDiaHoT.I.\ "l^dy 
Wluilenroro'a Fan" \vai piraanlod by an clcelleut com- 
pany lodDa bui lDwit '.I. 

N«ali%'lllo.— Al tlio Tbeeire Veniluuiu Ujrnoy 
KarauhiD, III -'DuU/'a H.UD.tar«," i-aino Nut. 13. It, but 
tailed td draw. It<>bi lay rr racked Ilia litiura It wiiti 
blaaaw IMIul-v * VitiOD kbd IliTania " Tlit. Iinu»« naa 
Uar in- T lliK.i.ini!«: ".''i.i.ier anil Kly" IJ-II, livr- 
U-S), KlKa Rllaltr».S<. ir>nla aud Jauaa n-llae. I. 

itriA.-ni ni'KHA llurnR «aa dark until Ni>T d. when 
"rUc llaTlla Auoiioo"i;ainp a:d packed ili«hi.ii*A lor 
two iiartonuaaeaa, 1C.I7. Arebie Dnyd In -'.M:niiiiirj 
K|Ulta'* waa l-iMketl lor 19-91, but waa oompollMl to can- 
cal aa Iho ilaiui throuRli ilaaipbia ooubl oi.t bo inadeon 
aocouot ot III* bn<,-coinpUfoQ «<i iba L)coum. Mra. 
ronaraoil KyrlaUollewi-<inioxf-3l, 

Mu I' tii-wa 19 wtih I'raok Juiiea lo "Dor Couotry 

cliAtluiiooga,— At Ibe N<w opera llnuaa llel. 

It* HoinliaiiM ha-a Nov. Id, lB"rjL^' aU.I "I'OL-li'B 
l>arUna.'*draw iupdiuoi In-niiaa. -i-i ulj Keolucky." 
with Llu>o KTaoaln inaeant, IS, (.laiwl tnaaoml hniiKa. 
II trnay aud BarcuoTtta rorauwo. Id "Duirr *a Ulundrn." 
dr«« a lair honao Coniioc; Tbn ■'anuow Trocailrro 
VaudTTllla Co t;. Til* Tiiroado" Id Nou' Jplllltaa 19. . 
SI, l).yi. I ....Priok ainoi,, bnithor 10 llarrj Ks oop Hi* 
l>iil p»»l*r. lau Idr Naw lirleaua to aaarabonvrier llelda. 
lla ■aaaaflKaaiBanaierot Ihawp^cm hona* mmmoqi 


viinrh.Bioii.^At (iwohi* Aoadeiny uf Maalo 
"n:uo Jf aua" did ninderalaly wf 11 Nor 13, III "Iba En 
>l:(3 ■ 19. ai nicliani a rrlnata'a Mlnilnila tl. "Jlr. 
Ha'oaaorNiw Vnrk" O. ■< 

nilr. Mo., IS-boQ. I. 
"(Ma>taaard '-St. Lonla, Mo., Hot. IM< 
"Clean nwe*p"—Ta]parlaao, ind. Nor SI, Blcblptn SS, 
La Porta a Ooab-a ll Waraaw ir, Colambia tJlly 31, 
Wabaabsa, UaiionS), fluniloalon Doc 1. 
"Collou Kloa"— BoltoD, Uaaa. Nor. I'J-Oao. 1. 
**Oharl*T'a AooL" No S-Montaomarr. All., Hot. 31, 
Paaaacoht. Pia., SI, Mobil*, Aia.,ia,». btw OrUao^ 
La,S5-Doo I. 
■t.'nrl Pall. '-Soltoa. Maaa. Not. 1'.i.S4. 
"Coaotrrt^lreua'*— Plilladalpbia. Pa. Nov. 19-X4. 
•\;ooa llollow"-eraoklya, Y., ID-SI, HattlonI, 
ct. se, iromsKr, Maaa., r, Lyon M, Fall RITtr t>, 
Taunioo .11. 

Drew'a, Jiibu-N. V. Oily Not. 19-nao. I. 
Uoooallr A Qirard'a-nioomlngtoB, III . Nor. II. 
KprlD|i4old Si, Dautur S3, llaDnlbat, Ho., 31, Raoau 
tjily10-tl«« 1. 

Dailaya. F.-Pltl«bBrt. Pa , Not. I'MI, Chicago, 

lIUSe-Doc I. 
DiokaoD'a, chu B.— loOlantiioIla. led.. Hot.SI 
Ualra Aug-Cbieaio, III, .Sot.iv-11, N. Y.CIly 17, Ii 


liQira Comtdliu-Falmoutb, Ky., Nor. l'>SI,CynUitaaa 

Olilon'a, JnhU'HadlJoo. Wt*., HoT.39-li*a 1. 
'Ooiri'a Bloadara '-Htrldlao, Blai. Not 31, .laekioB 
Xl, VIckiburf S3, HatohK SI, .Vaw Orleaaa, Li, 31- 
THe. I. 

*Pau!«r." No. 1-M*nt|d,l*, Teon., Not. SI, Jaekaon tS, 
U«*nalioro.Kr.2l.l'adaabll,Ki.LoaU Mo..39-Uoo I. 

-Darbtat Houla"— St L-.uii, Mo.. Not. i9-34 Clocioaatl, 
(i.,a-Daa I. 

■Dariiy WionaP'-tlilcat,.. Ill Not. l.'-3i, LonUvilla, 
Ky., fd-SS, Itlchnnad, lod.. BOt Von Warae Ueo. 1. 

"UowD la lllila"-Ohlcaao III. Not LS.Ooo. I. 

"Oarll'a AaeUoo"— llol ripnoga. Ark., Hot. 31, Tviar- 
htoa. Tax . SI, Tyl*r Z). Coiwlooa Si. 

EUalar'a, RBli-Lillla Rock, Ark. Not. 31. Meurlila 
Tone., at-SI. NaabTllla n-IS. Loulavlll*, Kr.. 39, X. 
blllawood a Plaiara-Port Janla N. Y., Not. iUa. 
Eonoatl'a Ralie-llrand Judo'Ioo, Col., Not. si, Aapea 
3J UadTIIM33,Colrnili> RprlegaSe.UonTrrSa-DM I 
Barl*'*, araliam— BloomlDirtofl, lad , Not. ly-S4, Dalphoa 
B-Dce. I. 

E.nplre TIttatro Stuck, Froliiiiau'a-HrooklyD, H. Y., Not, 

Bni ual'a, J. E.— Builloctno, I*., Not. S3, BIOumloRtoB, 

Kaile i;om*dy-aillTilIa, K. J., Not. 82-31, Balrldaia 

Si: -a 

Eva TaoKiiay Oomedy— Hrocbport, H. Y., Not. SI, Fultoa 

3141, BaUwIoarllla Ai.»<, Uawaao .r-Deo. I. 
"Bulan"— fiaibDDab, Ca., Not. xi, SI, JactaoDTlll*, Fla,, 

a ii,Alluta,aa,SS.>9: 
"klneiuaar'— AnbeiaL Mia*.. .VoTat.Noiltaniptoifl 

Houoko n. I'.tuai Kl 34. Nottb Adaiaa 'A Uoooinxtou, 

Yi., SI, Miebaolurlil , N. Y,2<, illoioravil'esa. 
"BdaewotHl'a Kolka," Hoy woo.l'a- I'ort Worth, Tex , Not. 

al. UaoltoB a, Hlitrniao 1.1. Parla 31, Ureoovilto )», it- 

"Kotuiloa For Lllo"— ItaaUDK*. I'a, Not. si, Ap.>Uo 31, 

aitianoiDB U, Buttor SI, jeaoaetle t'\ Irwin 37, Mo 


ITirrell'a. Tony— Teitiple, Toi.. Nov. 31, Tajlvr St,(M. 
A Terr I'l rataattua I'l Maniball al. Rhrovaiion 1.*.. 37, 

Taiarkaoo. Am., la. Hot .^pnnaa ?J, Llitia Roek 3U, 

ni.0 mini Hoa. I. 
PorriB Coned lana-Fojihia, Uo., Nor. 32-34, l>o Itoto 9i;-39l 
Kuwiar**, Jaok-uakaluoaa, la.. Nor. 19-21, What Clicor 

9».llr0 1. 

"PiiBUOa '-Peoria, III., Nor. SI.BIooiulocton ::i,CblcaKO 
st.Uoo 1. 

"Ptit Mail" Norlh«ra-(^aau*llou, In I.. Not. 31 Poiara- 
burg Z2. 1'norelun SJ. Naw Ijaimonysi vlDeoaaeaAi, 
aaltooo. Ill , 37, AjvolaSl, Dooalar it, Braitl, InJ . iv. 

"Pail Naill," Bouihrm— Larnod. Ran , Not. si, Oraat 
rend S2 Mcl'faer>oo '2i tlalloa 24, JnoclloB Oily 37, 
Muiliaiuu n. Ciay r.4Dtro 19. tloocorUiaao. 

"I'ab'il KcluaBl"— llalUDioto, Md , Nut. 1:^.34. Pladliloot. 

W. Va. X. rroitlinrg, Md , 17, Priderlok 13, IVilmlDB- 

lon.Uel .i-.i.U 
"Kaniaaoi«"-FhlU1a'plila Pa., Nov. l'.<-3t. 
"IIU." Ilioe'a-IUileui. N. Y., Not. imi, Hpiloeaeld, 


"Ir.'A" hlaw A BtlangaPa— Meoirhla. TaOD.. Not. SI, 
Na^iTlll* 33, 29, UTaoaTlUe. lad.. 31, Bl Loula, Mo., 3S- 

"PUg'o'rTnie* '-Ilebokeo. N. J . Hot. 31. 
"Pauat," UorilaOD'*, ITaalera— Kaaaaa City, Uo, Not. 

"Fana-," lirlinUi'a-WlBOheattr, Hy., Not 21, UaiiTllIe 
z.*, ilaorg*lowa XI M«y«*ill*SI, KlebmonJ, lod .tt, 

"FalUo AOiuog Thloi«a"-lllB Fr*nctico,C*l, NoT.f(- 
Dee. 1. 

' Kvmfi, Varto-Bluebaaiar, o.. Not. IMt, Wararly 

gasedy'a J. Walur-Boebeeter, H. T., Mot. II, Asbnra 

'•SU''.^'fi^l*t..,,Dabu«aa nollnua 

l5'eS£';ftJW^°'K.i?i-N. Y. Oily NOV. Bl. ..- 

toataffiflOBla-WaMnoBB, N. T, Kov. 19-24, Paaa 

loVu-fWud Mb. AiihBr-Boehe*l»r,N.Y.,Hov.3l, 

Lycnn Ibaatn, Byai* A Olaagdw'i-Joiui Baat, Pa, 

Vm. 31. BIplay, N V. Ml. WaaUald ta-2S. 
Ltadlara, Bam-llalllai, H. a, Nov. 19, ladadoita. 
I^!i£V<leo^.-AkTOB,b . NOT. IMI. Salam »-pej.>- 
MBitn'e, Mn.-Hoitba»iptnB. Maw., Not. II. Plu-OaU 
a, TiOT N. Y, 3S. Amnanlam 31 Albany B. Sebenee- 
ttby V, Boeboalara, 9, SyiacaaaSI, Woieanar, Maaa. 

LTMum ThaaHa. BbarpIoy'a-TalilKoah. I.T., Hov. IMi. 
•LUaily Ball"— Woroeaiar, Maaa . Nov. IM4. 
•Ion la Naw York"-Cblcago. lit, HOTM9.2I. PeoriaSI. 
'Ufa Onaid"-OolBiDba», O , Not. SI. wbiellBB. W. \ a , 

S-S4, Put UTorpool. o , SB, Mog*e*pon, Pa, 27, Jobaa- 

towalg,AIU>OBa3a, LaaeatfarDeo 1- 
'UtUa ObrUopbar Columbaa '— H. T. City Hot. It, 1b- 

Uod'oriha UldBigbt Bub"— MlanaapolU, MIbb., Nor. 

lltia Trlal*"-Wallatoo.O., Not.II, Haw BInllaTllla 
a, HalaoBTlB* M, Oolnmliai K-U, IiOBtoa IB, Aablasd, 
gy ,30. 

Loat lo Bnpt"-TanntoB. Maaa , NoT.ll,IIOBtbFimni- 
lapbunl^LoomlBatarXl PilabCaix St, lAwiaBoo :< 
Amaannry S^LowaU 38. Lyon 31, Naaboa, N. 1 1 . Dao. I 
'Lady Windarmara'a PaB"-ron Wayne. lod. Hot II 
UrawlordaTllla 21. Peoria 111 , tj. MnoBioalb 3l.aslaa' 
borg3il,PrlBoaioBn. ■ ' 
• Lluia RpoeBUlor"-OII Oily, Pa. Not. 21, FnokllQ tl, 
BharpaTllla D. Yoooeatowo, o.. Si. _ ^ . 
LIIU* PaB**y"-B>. CatbenBaa. Can., Dao. M. 
U)*tPBiadl«a"-AlbaBy,N. 7, 

Murpby-a, Tlm-BtrXoila, Mo, Hot. 10-31. Loula- 

Huull'fi.'a^lcago, III, Not. 19-34, Kansu City, 

Uualoid'a, RIoiiard-BoelOB, Maaa. Not. 19, iBdetBit*. 
HeUaBryaHallla-N.Y.OIly.SoT l»-«l. _ , 
Maeble'a Jaa, B.-AbroB. O., aoT. t7. Uaaton SB, Toonga 

iowa39,NowoaatIea} Bolter. Pa, Deo I. _ 
MalTllla CoBiedlaBa-Kootb Beod, lad., Bi 

Homer, MIeli, SB-Doe. I. . , 

Marilool'a Sadlo-Bulalo, N. Y.. Not. H-Dtc I. 
Molho Ellllagback Comedy-Ylnal Uaraa, Ma- Hot. 31, 
Bmaawlei 13, Oardaer n Balbwail Sk PaliOeld SB, 
B-ifaatn, nmurDort 31 Ellawonb s, riittnaid sa 
Marth a Select PUyaia-areaBabon, N. 0., .Nov. IB.S4. 

WtBitoB IB-Dec. 1. . . . ^ 

Murpbyy Joaopli-Bogalo, N. Y., Hov. 11, Olevalaod, 0 

B-IL OlaelBnall S^Doe- 1. 
Horrli', FclU-BaBBlbal, Mo., Nov. 31, BprlBolald. IB. 

13, ETaBailllo, lod ,2] New Orleans La, SS-Occ. I. 
HeCailbr'e, Daa-lln^ly, N. Y . Nov. 21 HUoj'a Pa^U 21, 
Liltlo PalUrS. Bad*OB:i, PatatioB N. J.,K-'J),Vllbet 
bona Pa.30-D»c. 1. * « ^ „ . 

Maraa Bnx^— Almonto. Can.. Not. 19-24. Fanb n-Ooe. I 
MalropohraBa-Eanoaba, Wia. Not, 23, VTaokaalia 33 
PorUB* Ollrse Black BUor I'alla 17, Chlpoawa Palta 
IH, Oulotli. SIlBB., 19, BatfaoB 90, Bllllwiur Doc t 
BaereadT-aPlayara-CarlUI*. Pa, Not. 19-31. 
Bjldnd Menymakam-VirdtB, 1 1, Not, iv-SI, Olrard 20- 

■ay Vokea' Comedy— Cllaloa, Mo.. Not. 19-24 
"Mo*. Baaa n*B*"— Balunoia, ltd.. Nor. 19-34, BulUlo, 
N. Y . 31-000 I. 

'Mr BarB«a of Naw York"— Vn*caMBO, la.. Not SI. 
Uanopoit 33, Elglo, 111 , 21. Mllwaokea. Wla. 33-iU. 
"My PalUMP*— Datnlt. Mirli., .Sot. 31. Toronto, Can. 
tt-34. Roebaalar, N Y.,30-n. BogaloSa-Dic I. 
'McF*dd*o'a lllopain*Bl"-BaIalo, N. Y., Nov. IMI, 
olavalaBd J>., rc-Hao. 1 
"McNelty'aVlall"— BmBapldi, Uleli . Nut zJ. ilraooTllla 
33, lonlaSl, CoruBoa X, Maaoa 37, KatoB Rapid* 3B, 
BU Jobo 39. 

■My (rilo'a nu*baBd"-Phllad*lpbla, Pa., .VoT. 19-34, 
Klllal>*l^ N J., '.'B-i'oe. 1. 
'Milk WhUo Plae"— N. Y oliy Nut 19. ladeaalla. 

Koibarwla'a ihga-miadafplila. Pa. Not. I'j-Doc I. 
No«r Jolliuea— Colonbla. R C., Sty. SI.UliBaurn, 
Baliibury, .V. O., a, IIIckoiT 31, AabrillaSd, HomitowB, 
TaBB„S7, 1'batlaBooBaSB-Dae I. 
NaoTllla'a Mm*, aad Aox.— PIttaloo, Pa. Not. SI, Lana- 
ford S.BhaoaBdoah 21, BbamobiB 34. ML Cannel2B, 
Aablaodf7, Mali*noy(:ily28. H*z«Uoaltf. 
"Naw Boy"-M. T.CIty Hot. I'j-St. 
'How Boy" (roadl-Haa FraBolaoo, Cal.. Not 1'J-Ubc. I. 
-H«wfl3uib"— RaadlBg, Pa , Nor. 34, Waihlogtoo, D.O. 
a-Oao I 

■HomlBO*"— Bl'iabatb, N. J , Nor. 39 

. Not II, 

la«r"-Byraauia, H. Y , Not. 2i, Hi lea SJ. Albaar 

XlTioyl4,Beb<B*eudrllaUBa raAsI7, Bul£,toB 
Yl,aP'alta)>Bn,N.T.,». •"■' 
"(ttlklab Bath'^fiatlta. Waib., Not. Il.TaeoDatMi 

ForUaBd,Ora,IS-p*o.I. _ _ 
■TnlI*yBral*m''-Tro;, N. T-KoT. II. Ottai PaUaB. 
■latt>Darg a BarllagtoB, Vt, 21, Hontiail, t:*^ 

Toretdo,'' BooOiOFB-MaeoB, Oa, Not. It, Anauata H 

Colombia, aau, ar>0BTlU«L B. C 34. AllulaTaa 

fd, 17, ChaltaoooBB, Taos , SI. fiantinlla, Ala, a Da*. 

oatorXl,t;oluB)boa,T*aa.. Dca 1. 
'TampoiaBoa Town"— Fbltadalpbia, Pa, Hot. lui 

WaaVlBgtoo. D. 0„ tt-Dac 1 "'' 
Ton Ba«y*r"-BaB Pranoiaco, Cal , Nor. 10-11. 
T*aa^aaao'a PaidaeP'-OalTUtoB. T*i , Hot. S3 34. 
"Two eiaiera"-Willi*m*borg, N. Y , Not. 19-S4, erncaaa 

3a-2a,B«cb*ner 29-Daa.l „ 
TimuiaTlBkai'*— ScTaoloa, Fa, Not n-tS, Wilkaibaira 

ZXU. EanSlrOBdaborga BaaunSr. 
Taa Nighta to a Barroom"— Ilootidala, Pa. Nn p 

T«roB*2l, Johoitowo 21, AltooBB 28, camberlanO. Md ' 


"Ibo Gllbooly'l Abroad"— Dunkirk, N. Y , Not. SI Bar. 
faio 11-34. 

Undar Iba Uoa'a Paw"— MaBchaatar, N. n. Nev. n 
Ponamoalb 21. Biddifbid, M* ,21. ^ ' "' 
Oaota Joah aptacaby"-rei aiabaig, III- Nor. a wlili*. 
hall S7. LooWaBa, M l, It. EdwudaTlUa, III , 31 gj, 
SI. LoolaDaol. 

■Uaola Tom'a t;*blB," BtataoB**— VUca K. Y , Not. 31. 
't7oola Tom'a i^dId," Darla,' Woatara-CblppewaPalla 

Doole Tom'a t^lB." Roaco 1- Smllh'a-ORden. U, Nnr 
M, BriRbam K Logaa r, Pncalelln. Ida, a, HoIh l^iy 
39, Babarcity. Or* , SO La Oraoda Dec I. 
'Uaela Tom'a t^bln," Markoo'a-Tanyiown, N. T. Not 
>lNyackXI.Bomloa>t4 Cauhlll 2a.riiaihamZ7 
'IT"o> Tom'a Cabto.* Biowo'a-Siaab*BTlllaO . Nor.34 
l4Yatoran DatactlTa"— CloobiBall, O.. Not. )i-tL 

'nratBwrliht'B.Marla-Plliaboni. Pa.NoT. lo-si. 
W waroarCnnady-AlbertLavMloB., .■' 

OU'a Joaeph-Bllwaufcaa, ffli.. Not. 31, i:aotoB. O. 
34 ClavolaBd SB-Doc. 1. 
"OH llonaataad''-Low«ll. Miaa . Nov s. SL 
"OnlboMlulaalppi"- Altoooa, Pa., Nov. 31, Bpiloglleld, 

o.,24.0lBelBnatiIC-D«c I. 
'-0B tb*BaawaB*e BlT*r'-Onia^a, Hob., Not. 18-34. 
'"uld Parmer llopkloa"— UochaBleabB'R, 0.. Not, 21, 
MaryiTlilo 31.Lanu* 31 Blehwood 31 .\oitli LewU 
bur(rSe.Tlpp«eaBooCilTS7 PraoklioSS 
'Da Ibe Howary-Qraod Rapldi, Uloh , Nov. 31, 
"nirihe Eanh''-<li racui* N Y., Not. 31, Baililo 32-34 

Palmar'^A. M.8loek-N Y City Not.IO. InilaaBlta 
ParloB'a Corto-Rockrord. IIL. ' ~ ' 

ParloB'a Cono— Rocblord, 
Dec. 1. 

Not. 19-34, EiRiB SO 

Paraer'a PaollBO— Rofhaitar, N. Y., Not. 19-31, raaao. 

daignaSI. Wat*rloo27, ilooacaPall8S3,Amatanlam 19, 

Fortrtoln9,UacbaBlcaTlllaD<c I. 
People'* Tbaatra, Rookwoira-ltaiaoao Lake. H, V., Nor 


Palaa'a, Mabtl-IUebmend, To-, Nr.v. U.Oao 1 

Pata RoaaOam*dy-I>«i Molaaa, la, Her. tl, Peora, 111. 

31, EaotBk,la.iM 

I'olUr BolUw-LouiMllla, Ey., Kuv. 31, NaibTllla Tano., 
2i-ll,Mampbla3d-B, BoDlcomery, Ala., 29, 90, Mobile 
Dec 1. 

"Prodigal Fatbor"-Rlilra|u. Ill, Not. 14-71 
■Paol Eaurar '-N. V.OIty Not. IP-SI. BtiadlBa I'j., 
Potl*:owa 17, 1'oitaTlUo ta. AtloBtown Zt, Boraotoo to 
wllkaabiTT* Uro. I. 
"Pnlico loiptetor"— Ml. Ollaad 0., Net. 31. Ml Vaiaon 

32. Nawark n llauBllOD 21 Wbaollog, W. Ya, IS K 
"I'auiag Hbow "-rbtladalphla. Pa, Nor. 19-3 1 H'aablog 

too, D. 0., SG-Deo I. 
"P,iwar of the froaa-'-CoIuintiua, o., Nov tt-U. 
"Police Patrol "-Hyracnaa. N. v.. Not. 23-21 RocbeaUr 

n 38 Aloaoy, N. Y . 3i-Dae. I. 
"Prlaee ProT«in''— Bnatuo, Haai , Not. IB-Doo. I. 
"Power or Oohl"— N. Y. Clly, Nor. 19-21 Jaraey Oily, N, 

J.,2B-D*a I. 

"Pulao ol Naw York"-ladlao*polla, lod, Nov. I'J-SI 
BraxjIK, FrBBkfort 37, KokomoSa, HarlooK' I'aloB 
Olty 3} 

"PawB Ticket 310"— llaBovcr, Pa, 13 

lltrrUiiurg 31, LaocaMar 38 Piadcrlcfc. Mil., ST, Cbar^ 

' I'lodlial Da'>|htar"-Baillmora. Md.. NoT.3l-D*e I. 
Tfuaaall'a Bol dollb-BL LoBlt, Mo., Not. K-Dao. I. 
•kl' Rlckau'a Troobadoura- HeKaeaporc Pa, Nor. SI, 

WaihinatoB 31. AIllaBC*. O., 21 Deataca 34, JactaoB, 

Ilobaoa'a, Blnan-cblcaBo. Ill , NaT. IB-D«c I. 
Habto'a, Ada-bt Loula. Mn., Not. 19-31. 
BoaiollaVEdwIo-naa M,ilaoa It., Not 21, Boobo tt-11 

NavadaU, Nawuin 17,2it. OabalooMSB-Dao. 1. 
Road'a Rolaad-PiuatiorB. Pa., N- t. 19-34. 
nhi adaa', Eltiy-Maueb ChuBk, Pa , Nor. IMI. 
ItodmoD,! Dranialio-Uhaioald, NIbb.,Hot. tall, riaio- 

TlawM.Uvo. 1. 
Rnavll'a Ed. aud LeU-Baav*r Dami, N. Y., Nor 

Oroadeu 34 

Bonaey romoily-MaBcliealor, Vb., Not. SL Petenbura 
21 LraoBbura 31, Danrillo U, BoJioid 37, dilom fa 
HoBBoke 39, HlBiou, W. Ya , 9. Charliaum Doc I. 

nh*a a-MoBtr«aL Cao . Not. 19.31 otiawaK 27,OadaDa 
burg, N. Y , S9, BuHiogtoB, VL, zi, MoBtpaBat 30* Bea. 

-DelrolL Miobn Nov, 19-14. 
" T. le-" 

nlBRiua Hoc I. 
"Rub 00 the Bank' _ „ 
' llotoda'o"— .s. Y. Clly NoT.le-Dao I. 
' Rn*h Cliy"-Pluabnrx Pa , Nor. l'J-14, BarUm, X. 
a--.'*e. 1. 

"lj>ll>J»JTwli*l"-Mllwaak**.WIa , Hot, IMI, Obkago, 

"KinaliaB'a Btlf'-ClunipalgB. Ill, I^laiatl*, U abara'a'B. B.-Bolbm, Maaa, Nov. l9-li*o. 1. 
lBd.,sl.r*,i:lnciooall.o.,23-D*c I. »J j..,— ..... .«^.i-.-„' — ir'.?*.»; 

G,KHl>ln'*. K, il-DiiluUi, Mluii, Not. 31, Peoila, 111, 
34 Omaba. Nab ai U«o I. 
Ueniian l.lllpallaua— WlUiamaburg, H. v.. Hot, l-j-SL 

Hallinoia MJ,»-Dto I. 
nillello'a, Wni.-Pill<bnr|, Pa , Nor. 19-34. N. V. Clly 39, 

Uailora Bobby— gao«aa Cily, Mo, Nor. 19-34. lioeulo. 
Neb ,17. 

(lordoo .V Walla' I'layera-ParmlOKluD, III, Not. 1944, 

Obar)tB.o .ai-Dor. I. 
Qf«>'a, Ada-Hoatoo. Maaa , Nor, la^l. 
"Uirlt 1,'illBolilnlVa,' No. I-Brooklyo N.V 
Na<aik,N, J.,28-kiAO. ' 

Nor. li'.si. 
Nor. JX 

IB a* Vila *'>aj| a lau t aivw *t, «XiOD ! I 

N.Y.CIl> hor. UtTtaBi,N.Y. 

' <]irl 1 L«n BtbmO Me," }to 2-Kliuin. N. V 

•-(il-iri«Dft '— Ukrilonl Oltr, lad , how ii, Uknw 

•lliloiT Ulrl"-N.Y.C— ^— ■ 

IIM. 1 

Vk.t ga.t«»i:trwMcie.M».loniti»sroumi>oaeuior« I •'T._''*"n'*!L\. ^L'^^^lr^^lon, .^iirax Nor. )<)Jt\ 

tDH Um tt*t. l<7 AD UQl* riunftt* i»c«drr«oc« lo t»o» nl 
IhB i'*K*ii Al tnloeO »)M iqIidsIi ItDiloiph ilanoi, 
•h* I'rciioS lr«in«r «tio •Dian ih* ran lo tibieh «re ih* | 
l»r(o;iutoB (itrnian twir huuuJ. mdpiIid woli uid 
• oiuTAdo k'tirjly bear, h«a hc«Q i>>r ib« pt«t *«ek ir|iDi 
tit ictrh ih«b«tr ■ n«« trirk— «llu«iDciiifttwtrhonnil 
farU'«ui<oBliii>bwk. Nopuoknpv* hnw ii ha|>peDftl 
hiu wbMi M. i*«noi fouml the caie ■ti*mpte<t to 
inKVft ihm (h>< in\> upoo Ih* b«c< of ihe heur Ihe beer 
rD«|t|*fd et the Juir, tiiiMiDR hioi. ast) citchtas Iniiei'l 
tbeivltertuoKhetnloer, lnrr>«loit bttii tu theflj^truf 
iheo*iiven«l ntllintlniD oT*T«itilorer »otprinvTioloD»- 
\f at bitii all Ibe tiui* Tbe vAir rente to Hie beat V aa- Ui- 
aa^ aoOihe hoar houad oooehed lu ibebaak el ihacafe. 
Finall'. lilt Mar houoil rpraeiriA lliere*oae asd dnire 
Dm iftoclouaUeaalainaQoiliaronroeruf itie cei*. «Mle 

1 MeKteapon, 

Clly Nov. I9 I«, Brvoklm. N. Y., 

a*a, : 

I'lfiuoutli M-Si, i1i*li*at«. W«bifiel(l3i, iiee 1. 
llu»ou a. Oadie-Ondlnnl. Pa., Nor 31. TUoaiille 0, 
H««t\Mtlezi.(ii«ter*il It, w. Va, fa rarfeen*-uri: v, 
iv>*b(vflUD,u..*i,.\broDni, L'floiitviileiEMlQKfeapon, 
fa. Deo I. 
BalUo A lltlt'«-N Y 
«■De^ 1 

UpU'e CoutiI)r> ^'^ Mt. PuiUBtll, Iud., Kor. IMt, 

UoDer • mb 16-:^ OaleTiU* t^Dic. 1. 
llrda'a Cenitdr, No >-Btou>DrlUe, lod., Kot, IZ-U, 

llaieii|lift>^8#\ioo;t)>De«L I. 
Ilidea •Nniedr, No, 3-Ne« Hiltui. iih1-.>*ot.1I-|I.UI1- 

rcr»-9i MoMowXd.Dval 
llnti'ik XToL-rbttadelpbU. Pa^ Kwr. N. Y. Cllr «. 


lUniilii>D*a Ideal Tbeatn^WlBainar. lod,. Nor. 19-:i, 

lliaolhrrtrataaialaiUeahowpulltdlbob oadicyiraiB*? IlaiBaiay UiMl*-n*lab«iii»Oily, Ilkl Tar , Nor.SI, El 
out. ranoia Itlt arm, riabt Uilah. and rialil le« ar* BarpaB ■ Hoc. I. 

badly Uceraud. aud 111! baeb waa hurt II will probably " utll»r'--Chl!»BA I' , Hot ll-SL 
■ - -.-. -.' f I , iiuoin'y Domplr,'^ llaaa Broa', ho. 1-Fi.'BI Royal, 

Ta. Nor. SL Har'lioolnint 11, BUuutoB 13, IjTiIOBton 

wnl probably 

t'O a lona linia biloio lie laouiaialB. It* Iia* boon wnb 
tit* abow Blue muoUi* aad bUBTTor liad any trnoble b^ 

WrarijkvK'eNkn OaiBa:(B Nraii'B I**ilUber«. 

MASSACHUSETTS,-;*" rue ft;;, l 

SL Rtcbnoedir.e. 
"Hoaaa <l Hon"- Akron, o.. Hut. rant dS9. 
• <Io ni l Raotueky," No. l-UealoB. Mala, Nor. I», lo 
^- diilolia. 

rtklByr-a, OU*-Waoo Tor, Not.31, KoilM'onli 
_ Dal aa ZL 14, ,N*w Urkaua, U ,13. Iltc I. 
Baltiara, Atai -PortUad, Oi*., Not. IMI, Kan Praa. 

clHo, i:aL,id-Daa. 1. 
Bb^»|a,^omaj K.-NaabBa,N. II., Not. I9-3L Nowpoil, 

8oM*B'a,hd<ar-EII>ib*Ui,K. J.,D*e. I. 

*^',"V".A''"'5°,!''J^"'*""' "•' ColombuaSI- 

Sl. BaiTalo. N Y.. Sd-Uae. I. 
BaolortV, WallirBtock-trillluaaburg, N, Y, .Not, IJ-Si. 

BonudX ^lOBlo-IUea, N, Y.,Not. IMi, HudaoB 

Baaio Ra^moBd (;omedy-Batl«r. Mo., N«. 19-14, Blob 

Bawiaiia nramallo-KMO*, N, B., Nor. Ie-S4, Bulyoka, 

HiNt . a!tr*Ile0 I. 

"Bbali No. 2 -NawBlt, N. J , Nor. I9-3L Uobohan 
Deu. 1 

"'rHV Klo]| --D»llii Tel., .s-ov. 31, 13, BbarauB 

DenlioB SL Jaa*UB.TaBS.,N-17.Nari<ailU Sa-Dac . 
"i!p.dar aud PI|"-.^■albTlU^ T*ob., ,1ot.2I, sl Uiiit 

'■'ittSir^s^D-CWa'iy- "■«""•-"■ 

"Nb^BaadMb' -Haw York clly, Nov. 15 .Dae. I 
lif'.^^f Si!;^"" "aluia-KBlamaw, Blob, Not. 

iii,?S!"iifTS'..-°S"J"'J«,'!''''»^ - Blkbtrt- 
Uvigbl nu kaokaea 2g. Poiimao Doc I. 
21"" *«l'llBi''-i:*dar KapMa. la.. Hot. 21. 

l-bwoklJB, N Y-, Not. 1».D*c. I. 
"BUT** of iloW-OIBemaaliriT, .\ot7 U-IL . 
2f "J,"* ?•-?,!■? ■■rBortoB. Maaa ,Xoi. la.u*t I. 

P'f.ukard,'' J. 0. Lawl*--Can,'llloB, Nor. 
?.'i,flffim*,7*'*'A'J'' MaaaO'ld IL *t. ail*ad .,, 
, *ebla»d 29, AkroaB). VoaagMOWB D«. I, AabUbulaX 
^•a*'^^ No l..Bodaoo, N. Y.HOT 11, PaataklB 
, SLPoaabboepiiaf, Yoaker'll —•■■u 
*jw*«j^l1>ilad«lpbla. Pa., Not. IML BalUmoie^ 

'*liaal'fv5'''***^' • "' ''■''■•''eld, 
'Ponnu BIlDBrd" - Kuiaa riiy. Mo,, Not. IB.! 
iimiiia.Nab.,a(-D*o I. 

TauiiSnn,— it Iho New ThealrB "Old Jed 

Pruuly," Not. 14. had aonl boaloeaa. Un. Laaalry, 
"Bnhar Randr*/." IT. had a larw» houra at adraBrid I 
prlcOa. (?OBilD|: "rii* ley LoaT'lP, "Loal lo Bgyrt" tl. ■ 

MaeoB 21. FaTBBBah BIC Dec. I. Tucaar'a Llillaa— Labae. Ho He* la ii 

try Ltar'-Naw BodnnL Vaar, Hot. 31, FaU Rlrar SI, Tb*fi>i!ii^il^Auji? hC* ttt ^Ul 
Ka-poit, B. I, o. WooBRMNtSL WII|.*ui.buT,, N, R Tlld«<SJl?:€toSo Iml! Hil^Mt 
In.? ATllf'-Harlam. N. Y., Nor, IMl I ' V^S, t "'■""'"•'" '-Cbloato. ML, Nor. 

■■(or. IMLSt 

Hot. ji. Ur. 
_, -. lnd,W6t 

Wa(«koneia 38. Lima 19, Aoo Arbor, 

Not. I9.3L 

ADtaar, la.. S^Doc I 

Waiiaaida'a Walkar-Uppar SaBdaaky, 0. 

bona S3 Pinna 11 Labaoon 24, Hlcbraopd, Ind , K st 

Mary'* 0-, " "— '- ' ■ 


Waito t'onodr Eaaura-Clialfaa, Maaa., 

Maaoli**lar,N U , SB.l>*o I.^ 
Wair* Comedr, Wo.iora— Richmood, lad., Hot. 19.34, 

TIlllB, U , SS-Deo. I. 
VTayaa'a, Mr aad Mr*.— Elbbart, lad., Not. 19.31, 

LOKaoaponb'-nac. 1 
tTilfi, nowaid, IdaaU-Altoonl, Pa., Not. 19-34. Lib. 

anno 3C-Dec. I 
Waido-Jainoa-Naw Orlaaoa. La., Nor. lB-34, Maapbit, 

T*na., 3B-3& NaabTllla 39-Doc 1, 
Wood'AN 8.-CaBtOB, 0., NOT. 31, DaytSB tl 34, ClBcla. 

aatl^Deo 1. 

Wama'a Emna-Poit OlbioD, Ml**., Nor. 19-tL Doa. 

aldunTlllaSt-Dao. I, 

Woudarlaod Comedy— CartarTlllo, Mo., Not. 19.3L 

Wblulord'B, Badia— BBrllBgtoD, N. a. Not. 21, 21, liar- 

'bam 23. 31. 

WilaoB TbBBlr*— CBBtirTllla, la., N*t. 19-31, EBexrlll* 

WanTol Naw York"-N. Y. Clly Not, 2«-Dac 1. 
>vliltaBiiBadron"-rblladelphia, Pa- Not I'j 24. 
irii* lor Rlf*"-Wa>blBiton, D. n.. Not. 19-34. 
World Againat liar" Abbo* Wallaca vii,a'*-i*ai*r. 

■OB, H. J., Hot, 2^24, Rldgawot-d f6 Paaia 017 New 

Hwballa. N Y- 34 PouBbkaapilaB), Bed Bank, H. J , 

m. Aebory Park Deo. I. 
liVOB YoBBOB"— 4'leTelaBd, O, Nor. 19-21, Colniiboa 

A. B-n ToladoS-Dfc I. 
'YoooaHra Wlaibrop"- Walllnglord, OL, Not 31. Few 

llarao 31-21. TauBlea, Maaa, SB, New Bedloid a, Tny, 

N. T.,S>-I>*e, L 

AbbU' A Urau'a Otand Oper»-N. Y. City Hor. It, la 

BoatoalBB ripara— H. Y. City Hct. B1. iBdeflalte. 
CalhouB OMra-IroB MoualaiB. Mich . Nor. 11, Iroa. 

wood 11, Hauaao. Wi* , 33. Bterene Polotsl, Bau Chire 

3d, MtBomlBla 27. WiDoo*. HIbBhII, LaOroaM, tvia, 

SB, BuperiorSU. Dniutb, Hton. Dao. 1. 
Corlooa— ToroBlo, CaB- Not. 19-14, BamilloB26.Loe0oo 

tr, DairolL MIcb., l.s-Dte I. 
CamllK D'Arrllla Opo-a— BBltlmor^ Md., Nor. \f-K, 

ClarelaBd, 0- lO-Doc. I 
Freocb Opara-UbniiaaL Caa., Not 19, iBdedaita. 
Frooeh Opora-Haw Orlaana, La., ,Vnr. 19, iBdeODlta. 
"PbocIbb MaataP'-Nowburg, N. Y., Not. 33, Tr«oton, 


allbort Opara-LowelL Maaa. Hot. 39 
Oraa Opera— vewbunr. N Y., Not. 2S-Dec 1. 
Iloppar a, De Woll-chleaiio, III. Nor. 19-Dec. I. 
Balt'e PaollBe-at Joeonii. Bo., Not. 21, Keokuk, la , :3. 

BurllopUB 34, Peoria 111,21 
Jonaa', Biaaliaila— BiBgbamtoo, N. Y', Nut, 31, Syra- 

cure 23 

'J<'ln'a"-rbiladelplila, Pa, Not. 19 34, N. Y.CilySi;. 


'LiuiaTraoper"-Plilladolphla, PB_Nor. 1M4. 

McOloeoy mar roBoart-Oimoa*. Baaa., Nov. a. North 
Adami 21, Uooalok PalleSI, T.lloy PaPasa, ilnaaolrh 
27. Bchortonllle IB, Baratoto 39, Fort Edward 39, Ticoa* 
darogaDoe t 

Baaoa Family Rooean-Balater Mlira, M-., 
rlioo 23, Oifoid tL Turner 14 Wast tlanfneTll},llouih 
na'dner 27, Braoeh MlUa 28, Liberty 2P, NorUi brllaat 

MoKiBloy Pamlly— IBOI. lod., Hor 19 21 

KaabTlBo Btadaou-97a«t PoibL Nab , Nor, 31, Arliogloa 

"PrIBcera BobbIo"— WllltaoacorL Pa., Nnr. 31. Alblasd 
21. PotUTllle t), Eilabelb, N J. Is. TrenloB v». 

' uaeoB or BrlillaolB "-N. Y. Oily Not. 19, iBdeOalt*. 

'Kob Roy"-N. Y city Not I'J, lodelBKa. 

"RobiB flood" Opota-TlBBloo H J.. Not.II, Berlloeloa 
IL Ltooaaur 23, Wait Oboatcr 3L WHinlBiloB, Del, 
sc. 37. 

to lOruoko'a, Thoa g — Auallo. Tex , Not. 2L 

Botiobart Bynjphooy Oinb— atckory, N. 0., Not.21, Char 

lotto IX Hpanaoabara 10 
Souaa'B Baad-Kxeur, H II.. Hor. 31 UwUtoi. B*., 31; 
Bocblaod 3X roTllBBd fa. Boatoo, Haaa., 38. M Wooo- 
aockat. R- 1 . S7, Baatoo, Bau . 29, PrarldOBea. R. I , £^ 
ilaor)id,0i,3i,NewiiaveB D-o L Bridgapoii 1. 
Roidra 0rcb*tlra— BolTalo. N. Y., Kor B. 
TBrary Opera— Mloaaapolla. Mian . Kor. 11-14. 
Tila..n'a Piaacli-Bouon. Maaa. Nev. 19, UldellBlte. 
n'llbar Opara-DailoB. U- Hot. si-O. 
"Waoa"- CoreloB, N Y.. Not. tl, KImIra 21, ltii*:a 'J, 

Auburn IL Roctiaaur 3), Dao. 1. 
Wyaadotto CooCBrt— Palmjra, Ho , Hot. IL LouiaiaaaSI, 
BowliBg OraoB IL Maxlco 20, Colnnbia 39, Sallabary n, 
OLai-low IB: 


CU^^iVerU-CblcMiO, IlL, Not, IS-ll, CIocIbb*|I, 0, 

Or*ol<a, Jiek'a-PllBl, MIeb., Kor. IML Penllao S- 
Doo. 1. 

niiyrlBb-01aTel*e.l.U.,NnT 19-34. 

ColIlB*', Lol i*-Baltimnia, Md., Nor. 19-34. 

Oarero'a, San-CloelBoatl, 0., Nor, Itt-SL lBdlao*po',lL 

lad.S-De&I. „ , 

Dlion'a. Ooo -Pollelowo, Pa. Hot. 3d, Readlaa 37, Al- 

leaUwB n.E»antoo 19, ElmlrB,N. Y„ 30, Boioella. 

TlllaDaa.1. „, „ 

ETerhart'a, Jaok-Dealano, T«k.. Nor. 34, OalnaaTlIIe Sa 

Arlmoro, I. T., 37. PurcoU 211. Uklabama 29, KlB|diher 

S)L BI Raue Drf. I. 
Pay Fna ei^WUkeabaira. Pa., Not, 11 
ri*ldi'..>obnP-l.'htcaio. 111. Not lP-n*o a _ , 
Prooel. Polly-Brooklya, N. Y . Hot. 19-11. Troy K-Dec. . 
FlualmmoBB'. Bob-BoitoB, H**a, Nor, 19-14, phllidel. 

phiv PB.:(-DBa.l. . . 

Howtrd Albiii9:jm-3yraenia, N Y., Hov. 31 Boeheattr 

SMI, Brooklyn ]B-Dt& I. ,„ . „ 

Uyde'a t^onediaBi-lndtaaapoHa, Ind, Nor. 19-14, Kl 

I.oola.Mo,3l-Dac. 1. 
Illlla One, NoTolltea-Cloralaod, 0.,-NoT,S(;-Dec I. 
Ilenrr-Mllsaukaa. Wla , Not. id-Dec I. , , „, 

llopkloa' Trana-Ocaaolea-WaablBitoo, I) C. hor I.ML 
IrwiD Broa'.-Moolreal, Caa., Not. i9 2L Brooklyn N. 1 . 
, St-Doo I. 

'KalblleU'a-MallooBjll.MoT.Sl „ ., 

LoadoB Ballaa, BulimaB'e-BarUeid, CU, Nor. 23-31, 

BrnoklTB3(-Doc. L 
LoadoB Bporta-^llobokto. N J , Nat. 19-34. 

LondoB Roliaa. Bydoire-Cbleaeo, III, Nor, IB-Dec. I 
LoodoB Bpoclalty-BL Jna«ph, Ho . Hor II, S3 
Loodoo a Italy lIlrla-Albaay, N. Y . Nor. 2l-D<e. I. _ 
Ladlia' Olub-OoaKnta. N. Y. Hot. 31, BloBhaBitoa 23-tL 

HeiBnlon.Pa,v«-a],Tamaiiuaa>.Fr*okronl3l.D«c l._ 
M 'btr'a p*i*T— Boaioo, Maaa, Nor, prorhleue*, B. 

l,»-DaoL ,. „, 

Hit Howanl-N. Y.CIIy Nor. ML Wli**Uo|, V. I*., »- 

U. MeKaevorLPa,Xi. 
Malta Rangar— Boalon. Moia.. Hot. 19-Dea I._ , ,„ 
Naw Yolk diara-BL Loata, Ho., Nor. 19-34, Cblcai e. III. 

»D*0.1J „„ , 

NI|hlOwIa-N*wark,N,J.,>roT.I9-3t. N Y.UIlyM-Dec.1. 
'Old BooUi"-FBlenoa N. J., Hot. I»-2L_ „ 
1i<"e llill-PI'laburg, Pa., Hor. 19-34, Pblladalpbla 

D«& I. 

Roarr* A P«lmar'*-Hllw*ok*a. Wll.. Hot. !»-»•„. „ 
BfBlt-Baiiu*y-AlbaBy, N. yTNot. 19-31, H. T. Clly »- 

RoaMll 'biol'-UuI*bi, N. Y., Not, I'J-11, N, V. (Illy ^ 
Doo 1 

RaiPy X irood'o-Plilladalpbta, Pa., Nor. IM4, Balli- 
mare.Ud .M-Doe. L . ,a 

RIcs A BB'toB'a 0"medlaBa-PTOTldeBC*, R.I., ber. I'- 
ll, Woroeater, Ha<a- Id-Daa. I, „. 
BbanDBB A Mornay'r- TorOBto, Can. Nor. 3I-3L Bias- 

lamtoB, H.Y , tM3. SoraBlOB, Pa.:9-Die 1. 
BBBdow'e. Euitoe-ErasariH*, lad.. Nor. 31. Cballi 
Booga. Tena.. '-'7. 
- iSr '- 

TIaao'a-CraitllBo l>.. Not. 31, Baadoakr Feetaria u, 
nolaSl. Ualplioasd. Tbb Wen n, FortVajB*, lod .n. 
Sooth Bead -J). La Porta B) PoMoaa, III . DM ■ - 

ViTitn De BOBU-BhwulBltoo, Ind.. .V'lr. » Bloom 
deki l7.Jlidror<l 39 Oaoiiir*. In , 39, La BalU M, Wai 
_k*ilia.nia,Uoal,Hllwauk*aA „ „ .. 

WtUlama'. Harry, Owb-N. Y, Oily Not, 19-31, H*wa-k, a- 

3 ■ 3ii-Di0 I 

WlUlama', Barry, Mataoia-BuSblo, N, Y., Not. IMI, 
_PlUBbon;,Pa, SC-Uar. 1. 
WlllUma', 4. W.-niBeiBD*'J, 0 , Hot. IML _ 
ValdmBB a. ^r*<1-BalUmor^ Md., Nor. 1M4, ir*iblB(. 

toB. D. r„t8-D*al. 
WaiMB alaiaiB'— Tana Uauta, lod- Not. S3. 
"WhIlB Crook " Rcab'a-H. T. I lly Not. 19-14. 
,1lhlla l;n>ob"-rhlladalpbla, T», Not. IM4. 


Barlow Broa.'-(;alr*aton, Tax, Not. B, Boujlon SL )l, 
.''araaota X, Biyaa 3;7 Calian lb, Dillu 39, Pen 
Worlb X _ .. 

Bnd'a-PartUaTllla, N. o. Nor. o. Darllagtos, a r., 11. 
BamUT 31, OaaidaB 38, Cb**tar27,ColBabla 39. Ha*- 
•wnT 29, ABderaoB l>, OaiBBitlllo, Oa^ Dec I. Ai- 

Colbaaa'B-l'BloBtowB, Alk, Hot. n, DaaaevaUa 21, Apa- 

laebleola, Fla_A Bl qalHT Daa. I. 
CoB*toek'*-P7!lU9 Nar. A li4*lBltek 




Bd'f-Oiud Rtpldi. llleh.(Nor. ft. 
;*»-roaj|bkMpii»rN, v.,iroT, sr, fcoonlM f8, h»90L Port JmtIiDm, ]. 
iAtf-VtwukTM. J , NaT. 1M4. 


rotur * Omin«r*t-OuDpb«UU)*b. K. B . Nov. 11, tX 

Kiofitn 0, stokriu«a(n. riciom. N. a. H, B. 
ntU'IiL 0.-DftTMport. la.. Not. O. MoIId*. IIL. i\ 

OoT praa.— Touoiift, Ow., Not. tl. B*mU n. 
aortOB't-EUoBTin*, K Y..N0T.14. Valioan. llbitt 3), 

0«o«T»SI^ iDbarii D«r. 9L rnttUiid 4. 
B«rf«1rath'»-7rMpOTt. ra. Not. tl. LMohborg U. 
BlUwrr't-HulfordOUr. Iod.,NoT. SL Volno OlifS. 

N««C**U«a.Colaraba«li Sbolhpfiitoa, Crwaborff 

jl. 8«7iiiMr », LoBli Tiu*. Ey.. S. 
rrlBro<« A Woal's-lAirrMC«L Uui , Not. 17. 
RlQbftrt A rrinito'i-fUTuaali. Ok,. Not. D. 
YrMlu4'ft-Bwib»B.O..NoT.1i.W«lUtaQ 9 Jm1imd}7, 

PoriBnoaib fl. ChuiMUo, W. Va , Ulddiepon, U., 
sifUTTiito. w. Vfc. Dofci. ^ 

Ctaooa*! roB^Bbo*— BaaTfUo, IdO .Not.II-M.CIocIb- 

llumtfra ft BonP-UaoilU, R. 1., Nor. l».F«b. M. 
llaU'a. rnak— Ubleaco. IIU Nov. i», iDdaflQiu. 
Uanft*. W. IL-lf tlino. I'iB-^^f.or. 3U Do Poaiu Horton 

Mkdiaoa Lire Oak 19; Lako OttT ac, Baldwlo Du i! 
Imparlal Wianr Olrooa-Kaoiu dtj, Uo., Not. it- 

L{ratfl'i-DaDTUl4.1"..NoT.)». iDdaaolU. 

MalB'i, WalUr L -I'a'a ria.. Not. ]|, Baaford u, Qr. 
Uodoia Bartow «.T. W ",^5»»«»)L«^P««I»ak 
flalMfTllloS UMaC, TM.Wlahaafe*^ 1. 

Nateoa'a, Joba-nMoia.i<.A., Nat. 19, ladtOalia 

BvdrrfWi'f, L.J. -IHiwaab«a.WlK.. N ot. ». lodottalit. 

Btraaidy Jonloa-Nav Badlort. Mim . Not. tO-li. 
BU'-kSwu-BrfiaM, Maaa.Nnr 21.1LT p*ll«M3i 31. 
Ba«ka^*B. Dr. £. L.-Navport, Ky^ Not. 11, D, OoTlafioD 

BiUloraFfialDM-Wara. VaaB.,NoT 2Xar. 

C^ia^B^ MoMDiD— MoblI^ Ala., Not. 19-11, OrcaaTlllo n- 

IhayoolV. P'of.— Sulaaw. Mich . Hat 11. Bty Oltr U, O, 
Un*lDgll-31J'ckBoo !9-Daa 1, Muakeioa i-H. 

IHr«'dlo\^BaUTla. N Y.. Not.sI 

Bli rorklaa-CoBaallaTltla, Pa. Kor. 11, Chareboribara 
Sj,OUr«oe«. N. T.. 39, OlaraUDd. ()., IT, loola, Mlcb^ 

EJoa-Voei]'>;4 rtvu thn>n|h Bouih Anerlca 
Praadi'B BmmIiab- Natr OrleioB. La . Nor 19.34. 
n nld** World of UaBlo-Mertdltb, N. U., Nor. II, Hutu- 

lt«rnoiBn-Va«blog(OD, D. C, Nor. 1M4, Bftlilnora. 
Ud . 9-Dto. 1. 

lltiolltoo'a,Cbu. B.-8pokaa«, Waib , Nor. 31-37, Port 

land, Ora , Deo. 9-6. 
llart'B-UoDlioo. Ha.Nor ai.nidiowon.lJ Kivportli- 

K DMierir, !H liiudvM iv.SD, CIlDion Dm. \-\ 
.JODOt', J. Aunillo— Luoborlou, N. C , Kor. 13-91, 

DlDitOD K-Dca I. 
Rtllar-ClarBtuid, 0., Nov. 31, Dolrolt, MIob.. U-34. 
H«Uo Bnw.'— Tlrslnia, f |]„ Nor. ai, CluuJIen villa 7t. 
NArTliBrDL'Eaolaa'— Hviliel. Ct, Nor. }i, .Vtw Mliroril 

n. 8oath Nonralk ZJ, 24. Noriralk t6. 
PovoU-AIWDT. M. v.. Nor. 21 
PtMl't. OmbtB.— TiadDntll, 0., Nov. 29 It. 
BMa A Solib*!— ni rDU(€ throuuli Aafir«lla 
HdiBldlar'B 1^«D MaMfr-ClAliiioltoa, O., Nor. I'J 21. 
TMl-WalUad, Oaa„ Nnv. 3L 23. 
v«m*'lo-LB Orouf, Wl«, Nor. 13 ii. 
Tartolll— Teiarkaoa, Tt \ , Kor 2i. 
Wtailaka'i Nov OrlaaaN Niiaaaai-ChBrlulOD, 8. C. Nur. 

11-31. Baranaab. Oa , ni>Be. 1. 
Wllbtr BotarUiDmeot-LlncolQ. Nab, Kor. 31. IJ. 8L 

Wood'*, Bore— CliarlulOB, W. Va- Nor. 31, Wbaallua 


Tcllii* Woodarlaiid-PaiuacolB, FIc, Nt^v. IS'Dto. *. 


tha plaodluol ao tutlloBca tbitcompla oly mttJ llanln' 
AcadomjrNoT. 10 "Tbo Daritblnl" waa ilia rafaltla for 
tba latmlacilon of tbailar'a iptolaltla*. lad ll tarred 
ittpurpOBBWtll. nallOD acd llarte!oacd aveakofblv 
bailaeMl7. 'Tho ProdlRal DaoKbiar" 

PoRD'a Oi'iHA llordK.-<;;ainlil« D'Aivilia uitUa bar 
am appBiTBoea li»r« aa a comic 0|>*ra alar 19 Id "Mada- 
leiBB, or tha H<k'o KIu," uakinv a dluiuci aaccati. 
'Tba AnutOBa" did vail 12-17. Isibal Irrloa «uilr oarrr 
iDR offtfaaliODOTt. ThaLI!lpullaoa cmaV. 

ALBiCOD's Ltcrou Tiikatrk -A dlicrlmloitiof audi- 
aooa waa arapli»*,(o lo hi approral ot farOoa'a'Uma 
Sua OtBB." vhiob naa rrcMQtod 19 br ao Bieallaoi 
eoBipanr.wlUiKaihniilClddarlo ilia tula rola. Utrla 
Banouirw liu abaodoaad bar fonuBr raparforT Tor 
•>Tba Proniga'a." vlilob sba pr^MOUd bara It-i;, Uerr- 
iiitmi 10 

BOU.IPAY Ctrht TUKiTBR —Two Hll lioufdH luarkad 
tbaopaolDfor "Fablo Roatael" 19 "Paaai" bad a good 
wa«k BDdlog 17. *^ha6u>frBWBy"M. 

Howard avottomiuh— "tba fUasM« B«lla." hy tlia 
MOQk Bompaai, Mdla VaamaaB Tiiaa aoda aairiroa ol 
llrlog pletarat attfaoiBD fair aUaadaace 19. 

Rrrxaitb Ho.fDMR.TTJi. Ta«AT«R.— Krrd WaldoiaQD'i 
SpBClalty Co, alib BampaoQ a» iba laaliog raatura, 
opanid to a fall hoa«a 19. HophlDii' TraaaOiManle 
R^«clall^Co^dld a Urga boilaeu taat vaak. Rallly A 

OmiKR's Odbox THBiTHH — Kaw 19: DInnar and Cbap- 
nao.LIUiBWaaloo, w. 11. Da Bar aad Kiilr Olaisaiii. 
Haila*u ooBtlDQta gond. 

NOTfi».~Tba lltyOo RxIatrirlllopBn lU ihlllT-lblrd 

mvoD vlib a ooorort at iba Nov HauA Hall :l 

Chariot K. Konl prasaoied tlacUrU with a mMuorlal 
portrait b7 llallvlv of ih« bu Edtrio Hooib ailUtnlat, 
vhleb «u loratllyari tptod by the Uaror aad will oc- 

capr a promiDaat n'aca la ilia Citr Uall Tlia re- 

nalBS nr John A. UoOaaU wara lalerrad LeroM 

Harrr BDcklBnham.who vanw Mrartlr buraad at iba 
Proof Htraat Toaatra 11 dlad of bU lajorlaa at Joboi 

nopbloi Hotpltal tha (oUovlDg day Tba lOTaDih 

Baona] baU i>f iha Howanli (aoiplofoaa ol Ifarra 
Aeadamy)wu bald la tbaooocart ballot tliatbnaaal9 

Tba FroDt Rvaat Tbratra will raopao SC as a 

■triaUr Tandavllia boa*B. uodar tha managamaot n' Dt. 
Ltodaay. loroiBriy ol tha Palaca Huvuui, on Baliimora 


Mlanoit|iolli(.*Al Uie OrAoO Openv HoQae tbe 
Tarary Opera Co. vill gira a va«k of rapartory com- 
maoclag Nor 10. ' Tba Black Crook" vaak ol 3ii;. Ktc 
C. GoodrlD had iplaDdld booBBi 11-17. 

Lvcioit TnBATRB.->J. Ilopkloaoo Fniltb leciarad lo 
sood bouBti 1M4 BDd will ratoro (or threaoigbta 19. 
Aug. luly'a OompBoy, baaded by Uaary E. Dixay, openad 

Pi.rLi aTuBATRB— Tba Stock Cmipaoy gtT««"L)illa 
Nognt" 19-24. 'CarrUr Nu.99 'va4 h'vbo 11-17 bafora 
■maliaudiaDcaa. UaoagarStarllog la oegouaUor wUb 
Fradarlo Hook, Jeaaallna Hosan. and hail Soully to 
BDjnneBtbia lorcai fora la« waak*. 

BiJou OfBHA llouai.— ' Land of tha Mklulgbt 6uQ" 
will bo aaea 18-11, Beaila BoBablll work balooloK S. "A 
BoBCh of KBya.** undvr tita DBaagameatot QuiBAUiDar, 
witb Ada BoihBcr aad cimrlaa Bowiar (d tba latdi pliy- 
ad to (Irtr oIbw baiiaaf* 1I-I7 

KODL .V UlPDLUroS'K OlMl! UCriKUH — lU tba OdHO 

hailwaakol ID: iiamuni'a "Woat Is IiT* UIbio, raior 
walkar.aod Itolit Brai. moiieltai. Tbaatra No. 1— Dal- 
mora and L«a. Jack Ullrar. Lyodi and Tralaar and Bud 
Uoydar. Tbaaira No. 2— Tha atoak campaoy In "Beiwat d 
Two f iraa." Tlia aitandaoiM la Ulr. 

TuBATRaCoiiiMOa.-rorl9 aalweaX: Boyca aod GUI 
fold. Miller and KuwaU. Laira Arnold, Lout* Nauaglaa, 
Cora OUrk, Htt»l Floiil, Johall. Prfoa, Baa Poraytba 
aad the Tugultr ntst. Bco Porayiba uai takaauoU 
agalD aa ttaga ma 0 agar. 

Diilath.^ODRlneai vai llgUt 1I16 twit week. 
Tba Lyoaam bad Paulloa flail Nor. 11, IS. la ''[>orOBiu'* 
aupportad by a goo 1 cotnpioy. Tba liouio od both olgbia 
VAB or food proporiwa*. Bookad: Tna Maria TaTiry 
Upara Co. Daa 1,5.0 

futLiOrBBA UocsB.— '-Mad ot tba mdolgbtBoa,'* 
Nor, 9. 10, cama for iha Orat tiuia h*r^, aod It may be Iha 
last.JadKiug irom tha buloau dona, ai tba audiaaca 
was raiT Bnali en boih uliiiia. NatO- Goodwin oonai 

Pauob TUBlTRK.— Tbll booM eboutd do wall, aa t^a 
blKhoaaa^ara clotad mora ibaa balfoi tbatlma. Tbia 
weak: nallla ajlao, Wagio Haraaltfc. Vaaila Valdlap, 
OaorgB Btaerwnod, H uiar Bddia La«. Ed. Welch, asd iha 
ranUrfaaiataBioak. ^ , ^ ^ 

Noru— Maaagar JaoobLilt bu aadaarraBtamaBta 
wbarabybooaaMayblabooklsgaattbaTrapta twonighu 
ararywaakiorttaaaaaaoa Ha will p ay tba UHonba 
weak wban It will Botlotarlara with Maaagar Coadoo'a 
booklDgaai tha bouaa 


OuiabR.—it Doja'sTbestTfl Fatilloe Uallcomei 
Not. 11,19, *-AladdlQJr."2l,l),ll,Ur.aod MrB. KaDdal 
Se 17. Nat OoodwlB 3;. D«. l. "Tba Couaty Pair" did 
good boalocaa Kor. IB. IC. 17. 

FiprBBjiBSraiBTTHUTBi.— "On lhaliawaaaa Rlrar" 
opaDfdawaak'BBBBvameDi l^ "A Kommar Bhu&id" 
rODBB n and weak. Tlia Loodon Emplia EBlariafearB 
played lo good bulaaa* aU laat «mK.^ 

DoooInU BraaiT Tubatiib.— Tbia booia Ib oowopao 
oaderiliB muagamaDt ol Dancan Clark. ''Moraooa'a 
PicBio" waa praiaoiad tba pail «aak by Iha iioek eotn* 
raay to lair bBil Beaa. 

LiBcolu^At (be LAOBiDff TDcalre "Frleoda" 
cama Mor. 6 to a packad booa*. Cooroy aad Poi. u 
"Hot TamalaC d!d a olea builaau 6- "Ob, What a 
Nlibl" did a fair builoasi B ' PlBafara" waapraaMiad 
by laoal U'aot 9 to a crowJad boa'a "A fllTtr wcd- 
dlBg" BBd ' kbaoBBdoab" c«ocalad 10-11 "JiDa'*p!ttB«l 
a lair boaaa )}. 'TbaCouo'y Fair" c"UM D. wIIberB 
Roiartalaara il, U. Boboio Oaykr 77, 'Tba Cap'ito'B 
Mala** M 

Fc:tBB.-Tba Eliiioplao RoatciUra. an old ra*blABad 
ulOBtralBbow. waaclren U lu aioU iiou-te. Tbiaom- 
paoyUwraooiadorTOuog aorlaty lidiaa ofOoiUiaaihl 
•'oBoell Biair«. Bod Iba pnxaada ai lb* fniartalDBeat 
waaitotbe UUl Ladlea' lloma at Onaba. Tbay »ra a 
Aral elaa aaiarialoniaBt, tbalr Jokea wera origtoal, 
iaa«T baiBflml bItJLaod tbay aaaeaadBd Inkaaafag 
Iba homaa aanaad. Tbay apgaarad aadar flcUbooa 
oaaaaLWblab praTaola glTbif cradU to Bararal acta 
«onby olBoUea,oBa Af whiab, tha aump maclLiwii^ 
uiiBg Mary niu Laaaa,vtf aieBDML ^^PaollH^iU. 
lo "Oorcaa," coBfan. 

ALLiN Hat, or rrlinroto & Wni'a Mluireli. 
wrlUtO. K. Binig tUt be Is glnciDf *'Wbll« ibe 
Dadm Ooci On," with itcicoptlcoB vlew^, tna li 
ouklDf a gncc«a wltti IL Kruk E. AlcXlab (i 
oBlDff tba IBID* DDBlo wlib ciTMt Id bliMt "flllrDce 
and Foil" Herbert nolcombe aoored wtll wlib 
Uie ■oog In lUDneapolte lut we«k, ud wu obliied 
to rtgpood to Are enoorcg. UliiOagbmgn bu pot 
onlfr.BtrrUMatMigonf "Wbat Does Uie Flower 
Bar.'* for Un flrat time and it la quite eir<cUTt. 
'•rtwence," a iicw baUad. by tbu compoaer. will 
eoo n be Igined. 

Korri FROM Baklow nnos,' MixfiTRKW.-We 
opened in VMhtr^ MIbh., Not. vj. aod bad a very 
ffwd btulneM, ooutderlog the ract ibat we bad 
BlngllDff Bnt* Olrcoe aialnat na ibe Htme day. 
Tbe bojB all went to tlie clrcQi lo tbe arternoooaod 
were lery conrtwuil/ recelTed and taken cai« of 
by tbe manaferoent. it in ujo urgt olrcui we bave 
bad a obance to tee iblj eeason tod It la ceruioij a 
food ODO. We bare got auiled on onrTe.tu trip, 
and It promlwg to be a very aiu!ceaerQ) oor. Tbo 
boja ore all well aod feellnir good natoRd u tbe 
■BlaiT IB Bore every week, l-'rank Hammond Ig 
Blnglng<*A Utile Bow of lllae*>aQd mUlDg it an 
very gtrong. Tbe Barluw liroe. are Jut as Btrong 
aaueoal. Ui:)j Barlow Ib kDocklng tbrm out wItb 
Tbe ProdigBl Son.*' In fact the wlwie show li go- 
ing rcry Blrong aod we are gelling oar Btiare oC 

ViOLBT UAftcoTTB 6tat«e that the vbb engag/d 
week of Nov. ( to atago one or ber barlwiuee at 
tbe Qalety, Oblcago. imrliig tbe week her eil'ry 
waa gamlaneed by tbe '/oTarowa, wbo claimed 
iome arreani or saUry to he dae to them rmm ber. 
wblie ibe wu neadlog Vtolat KucoUe'B Bil'Ub 
Barle«qncrslutBetson. AtibeirhUof tbeaciinn. 
Not. IT. It wu concloetvelyibnwD tbatMluUa.v 
coite was In no way TTBpomlhle r jr anr ealariri in 
eacb company.and iheJodgeaccordlOBiydlimlaied 
thecaieagalDtt ber. and ordered nil coatB to be 
pAld by tte /.oyarowi. 

Tnn alhambu F.\travauas^ a Co , a new organ- 
ization iiBderthe mioagemeoior llenry Jk Hianlo, 
lBa»)onttofAketberoad. Sorocc:ercr people Hrc 
bo"ked. aod a good abow la promlaed. 

0. T. itoss, oc Koaa and Olaylon. and K. T. Uoit 
orMoTrlaaodlloyt.baTe JolDcd baodB and are le' 
bearalDg a new moalcal act. 

Lircr RKYgRK hu eblircly recovered from her 
recent liinc8«,bQt wit! reat durlog Die Winter at ber 
borne In Oloncealer, Haas. 

Trb Ahuonh Olbhisr have cloaed an «n- 
gAgeiuent ovr ihe Moore Cirooli aod eipect to 
open lo thli city Dec 3. 

Tng I'BiMROsg (jt'ARTgr iDform tia ihat tbor are 
not with "A Mbeny Bcll''Co..uhube'Baiatetl, 
hill are wlib Bojd'a Modem Hiosir^li wlib wblcb 
orgaDl;.aiion tbey hm been alocetheopeologof 

D1.XON, BovgpR AKD Dixon, the Tbree Ilabce, 
wbo were added lo tbe HOBaeJi Bioe.*Bbowat the 
London Tbeatre, tbla cliy, lut week, liave been re* 
eopagad br •nat ahow for ocvt week at tbe Klgbib 
ATonneTi . •. una cut. 

F. V'- jcr iholiaQlou>Vollu,gymDutf, la 
to ' ii^Aoanr of Ohver .t llolmca* coDtlQeaial 
apeclaltybntlneealn Kogland. 

Mahib I.IjOYO has arrived lo Uudon, Bug., aod 
la tbli w»k at tbe Oifon), Cimbrldge ami Middle- 
flex Uuaio nails. 

TaoHiB B.MirRRiT, ao toog koowo lu America 
BBone of tba arm of Murray aud Murphy, In "Onr 
Irlab Tlsltora," bu arrUed la l^ondop. Kog., and 
will abortly make a tonr of tbo provlocee. 

I.irrt.RMAV Ei.tkorb, tbe cootrtliu, of Die cliar- 
act^r aketcb team tbe KlooroSletora, lawluulog 
pralae for ber reodlllon n( the two rocenteoDg lilta 
"I Do liOre Voo, nr My Dear Old Daddy," and Uo- 
Qlennnn'B "TtHre'a a N'aw Oae Coming In ibe 
Morn I Off." 

THR Cui.i iiiiiA UiK.<^rKBiji have rcArgaotzcd tilih 
Ibe following people and o|)en Nov. in Newtown, 
Pa: Uen Skliol, manager; Caarlea Polken.treaa- 
nrcr; Billy Wblte,Jimes Kioo.Jobn Feeban. John 
Foy. CerrlD Fow, John iiungbrea, Alvin !)Joth- 
wlck, Mlcbael Fl*xgermld. llado, A. J. conrt, 
ThomuClaoor, Fraok i^olck, Edward Mansel, and 
Artbnr Clark, leader. 

LiuiB IIai.i., ot Ciatellai and Hall, wltb the 
Welter A nelda < ' >.. la making a lilt wlib tbo comlo 
KogllBb BOBS "Tliere'a a New OoeCotnlDglntbe 
Morning." Madge Kills, May Bl.loore, Ida Roiaell 
bihS other wtll known epeolaliatg are aiaoflioglag 
tbta eccentrlo dltir. 

JOHca' Black llu.stR Baxp baa cloaed wltb tuo 
New Orleana Colored Ulnattvla at Appleton. WU. 

Prof. C. A. Uiubaro, awlnglng wire performer, 
biB Invented a Ore hoop lo naelohia Joggling act 
on tbe wire. Tbe hoop can be token to piecce and 
pot IQ hla pocket. IJeaayaltlaaincoeaa. 

Tub CLin-ER MiMerHiu gaveibelrllrbt petrorm- 
anco Nov. k at Nobraafca City, N U . to a paokcd 
booae. Tbe coinpaiiTwu com|i3B(il of home tal- 
ent, and WW UDder ine direct Ion of Obarlee ItoKare 
and George II. Dams'l. 

TBB TUBBB ALniOKB, OOrOblli, clOBOd Wllh Jul. 

PaIoa Sona' "l.vl Uayaof rom(h;li,<'atMoatgr>m- 
err, Ala.. Kor. in, and will i-pin At tbe UonTou 
Tbeairc, Jeney OUT, N. J., '.s. 

DonoTBYUuBwia at Kernan'a Audltoiluo), Balll- 
more, Md,, ror fonr weeka. tfbe bu mado a hit 
ilogiDR Mi'^lden Hair Wu naoglog Down Uer 

Van and Le^lt. Lowry ami UarK, and Cook and 
OIlDton. olOBO wltb MaocbCAter'o French Folly Co. 
Dec], at Troy, N Y. 

DBBTnA WAONgB, Uermau aoobreite, la fllllog a 
ancoettfui engagement at ibe Aiianilo Oardcn, tola 

Lawhbkcb and BAHKiNOTOs'are booked with tbe 
Ballenft fl■r("UrerOa"Co■ 
Tul Uiii FoDa (Smith, Manin, Wlillaiuson aod 
Hparks) opened at tbe Urpbeom Toealre, Ban Kr^n- 
obco. U4l., Nov. 12. Toev loteod lo play along Ihc 
I^actno Cout and Ibrooea Brlilah Amerlci before 

Harti.x Uayoen wrllea iis from Londoo, Kog., 
tbat be and blBWire(FreddleHQk()wlll remain to 
Rngland until next Fall, and trill ruit p^rln, Dorlln 
andSt Peleraburg, baforeroiaralDgtothlacoaniry. 

JOBN MOBHiUKv, manager of Orenlcr'a Lyconm 
Tbeatre OompAoy, and Wlllhi Claik wero Cf.ii'rBii 
callera Nor. *J1. The compiny cloted atrnliadel- 
pbla, Pa.. iT.bQtwiii reaamo the road again Chrlat- 
mu week attbe Funoialn ikinara TbMtre, Clocln- 
nail, 0., conalderably aireDgtoened. Frank Utona 
and Annie WbUaey nave been eogagod tor the new 
compiny. Ur. and Mro. Morrlaey atart for Cblcago 
tbli week, but will retoro to thle cliy beforo long. 
' MzziB WsuTON doked with the Hcfton Uorleatine 
Co. at Woroeater, Maaa., Nor. 1;. Bbe la fllilog tola 
week at Brockton, Hau. 


af rela: Wc are allll In ihe rlog and are doing a goM 
boAlneaa ibroogb BoQthem Ublo. Hoalcr: Geo, W. 
TcDDyblll, propileior and leader or band aod or* 
obeatra: otto nroaa, James K. I'olk Bpeelman, Wll> 
l:am J. Time, Jackaon Bl\, Jatham Myers. Eodwln 
F. WeldOB, John J. Ojrt.ei, Ueorr Kai/^nbaogh, 
WlllUffl liOwrrr,chu. I'aiiod, Qerien Obamberlen 
and Hons. La I'uicc. 

BoAi;i.xii— At tba WliUa I'aUca Thaaira. Raiiuo. Pa : 
Tba Yirrpwa Haaitar anl HcoU, Ihe llaorurda, W. U. 

McKaa. Harry TboiupMB afw I'rpr. Netla'm At 

Batloa'a Tbea<re. Newport Newe, Va : Joba foeiao, 
UariT Aloiley balla Barry. Qao. Muboob. Pot Brow- 
log, itar pieica, Nellie Monroe. JoUa Oolamao, Paddy 
Plan. Kidle Hay, Kitty MlUar. Oaiay Hbaoioo a'id 

Uarrr i^Caolay At-i>>9 HaabAaid Tbeatn. TRiia* 

moatb. Va : Brooka aod OIIUod, Madeliea. L« 'aroa, 
Ploraoea Bdearda,T>-B Morpbsa. Netlie M. Uordauor, 
JobBBod Mama Karia, Jaopia BIley aod Vaila Hoea. 

At UollasU'a Wloiar Oard*D. Furt Wonb. Tai.: 

Law Baker. hjAl\ Temple. Ltlllan Oray, The UrayMa 
Plttare. Nallte Vaun, can aad Herbert, Uall and La 
ealla. Veraoo and wii " ' .t--.^--. 

and Jobo F. Boraa. 

, Eiupa, Ullloo aod Herbert 


OalT«ktou.~AttbeTreiD0Dt opera Houie "Tbe 
BHrfrElDg" had good itiad aodlaooBa Nor.f.7. 'Tbe 
Danler" daUgbtod a lull boaaa 9. Alba Uaj wood, la 
*'Edfawo^ PoUe." did poorly K>. BiOb BDCar, lo 
"Dorie," did (anly wall ll Ooa: Nor a. 17. 'Tba Dar- 

Ua AocUoo;" V, Ll han UwlaiO.MUtoa MoblaB 

Tba BaUa Bnlbara' Bkowi gara two parTormaoa'a U, to 
p«^cdUBtB A conptayof BoBtb Baa lalasdara ua 

ilTlBg duly (erformaem it ibe Beach Paik to lair 


Bpobaiie.»it tbe AudllorluD Ales. Balvim, in 
"TlialbiaB aoaidasaa " aqd*'BQy Blaa,"pUy«4 tntba 
CApadty of tbe boaea .vor. 11. U ' lo o:d gaatocky" 
CBoaioblgtuiioafaii 7. . « _ 

TiiBATRa Coiigua-Waek cl 11 New racM--BfeiCB 
aJd Ri.t> Jllle Waelofl, Lihble H.aa aad Llllle]TolB. 

'lloinui'^'iwalBBi: Alice M. Ardrtr. f:Uod!a W«a< 

tbU BltT, hu DO 

•In Otd goataaB 

Baary U 



Chltago.— Tbe week beginning Nov. w bringa 
BuraUlea galera to tta local ataiaaad narka the ratora 
of aaToral CaTorliaiianaBdorgululloai Lui vi ak 
bofiaaii wu gaaaraUyilaprHcei.owiDg cblafly 10 iha 
nadiocniyoramtjDrli^ot ibeoffenaga 

CBiCAr.oOruA Horaa-Aoait Bobaoa gltaa **Tba ta< 
urioper" for Iba Brat tima bara, bagfaafag a two vaaka' 
BBgagameBt la. Tba Tararr Opora Conpaay wara rary 
poorly rawa*d«d dorlag ibalr two weaka' at ay, the Hf«od 
eiperlaoco of (be kind tba eonpaoy baa met ai iba 
baada of loaal ahowgoara. Paalioe llall li uodaillotd 
lor tbe Brailooal prodaetluB oi "Oorta*." 

Qraid Opbra uor8B.— "A Trip to Cblaatawa" began 
tbefecoBdaDgtgameBtDr Ihe laaaoo at ihla houMis. 
Holaad Ra«d met rather leBaroaa ravird for hU rapMal 
work lo "Tba Poltilo'au*' UariDg t^e paii tartolphi. I>a 
doraBatli comlag la lor ^arr liberal ippttuM for her 
aplaadld woth. 

COLOHHii TiiaATBB.-Da Wol' Uoppar alaBeJ *'0r 
HffBtai*' for a ran it>. iliao appearlB^f »r ilieBrvi iimeou 
■aoager Daria' atage Latt waak Feter K.Dil|eyga\e 
"A Coaairr Hpori" to fair bnalBaaa 

BooLiTB THa&Tafl-AagaMIn Daly'a romfdlaaa. 
headed ay lI'Bry K. DIteydiTid* ibe ourreetdayawith 
"A Mabl Otr* aad '-Sarao Twaaii eight" Lui week 
Ada Babaa BoUlied a ibrae waaka^eBBageBMou barlBg 
atinolcd crowded houira coDUDoally, b>e*klBg reaoy 
lioaie'erorda JobBatPBeBeaaait beuH the cumpaay 
dua:0 for a two waaba preeaotaii- 0 Af ' The AtnaiAoa.'' 

.VutLLiH THiATha~Hobert Maaiall Rtvea *T1)» t'4^ 
a'f la Broiher*" is ip, • Uonbara" tk II eod naUnra II, 
■>rirThulaa"l\*TheUBTi»e llead''33JI aod -Rooieo 
and Jeliei" at ib» mallo*a II. Kdwara Wilioo Rn; la'a 
"Pr1aoda"(>trBaa inra week tO. tJM weak the ruiiar- 
BelewComblaaiioo floiphtd a ftorulghi'a aogagamcBt 
with *'riiaT)Atta CnnliBT" lo r«ir ratuha. 

VcVicKrK'eTHiiTBiL— Julia Marlowederoteathl<t,h>r 
eacood weal. <o "Schoul for FraoOil," "Iobouibt," end a 
double bill, ' Balla'a Riratajen" acd ■ Chalterton.'' liar 
builo n thuN far baa b«en fair. 

Hatuamrlt TiiflATBB —Jan. J. Corbeit ihla weok 
alvae >tlaotieman Jtcb *' lo be lollowad by Peter K. 
Dttlar. Laet week ' Oa Oia Bowery" played to bl| baal- 
aeae. UnidM out ri|rtal duaaclai aipaciatioaa. 

Lismi-N TBBATua— Atihar hubb baidaiheciM. rIt- 
tag "The Oaiby WiBDir," for Ilia ttr*t iima liera. beloR 
r-*llow«d33by --A RallroadTickeL" I.e^t vMik "Iari Id 
New York" lated modetalely, bat gara rtcallani atiia 
factloa lo aU. 

ALtiAMiiiiA Tdkitrr.— Yhli veak'A uafpct li "Tlie 
Prodita) Fa*iior '* Willi "Dnio In Jii\ie" neit lu llae. 
Leii week J K. Knmeii draw Tair ■i£-«ri luiooma 

llAVU.><*R TaBATMK ~ 'L't^t iB Naw Vorb" itile wiak In- 
irodocea llrlBi pleintea lu pairooarir ihlihfinae. Lafl 
wetk"A Railroad Ticket" wea fairly |)iir.Dir.jd. Cubi 
Idr: Ja<L J.Coitmt 

Al-aii>mv or Mrmo— DavU a Keoaira 'Down to 
CHile 'ia »aao ihia wrek fur iba rir«t iioia hero. Jaat 
wpek * The llaal'ar" atlratied fair atiod aodioDcaa. Due 
aft: J. g. llmotBtL 

Ci.AaK Bthibt Turatrb — Darii a EborIi ji 'Tha 
lluttler** la ibia weck'a atiraciiAo. Lau wwtk *The 
RUll A)Ann"drewaqiiicneeiiol auillclrii'. prnpcrilooa lo 
pmre tbat pUt hai liut oooa of lu »rte<i)rane<« 

HtuT. -iickM urBnt fforai.— Roia Hjdell h aid « the 
l.iBilun Halloa B^rlaFtiue Cumpany tiiiawaak'a ruiro- 
UOD. l.aM week Fijoa A RharlilBD'aOiir 'poria iirod 
raUtar poorly aUlmaRb daMirlBs packed houiea. Tlio 
barl»»<iQa,**AllAtNiRhV'eiigaatdUila /.•ueliaemi Prls- 
RlaPLaridaa la iha rlilef rvIeMheullohelOR proTiiled ut 
MiU Flyaa aod Ulla. /.Itiolla, Alt^o Wraoacd Niniito 
Daly. Ptiil ant Crta*ie HhvUaa, Of». r^aider aud 1 firry 
Buuley pad tba Four KetMtn Hieiara 

AovAL Es'oURH CiRi'Cii— Tba aitaoiUace liervia»ii<l 
BicapUooilly bruk. a itaia of iirtira well utcrlitii. Thia 
waak'R programme oalla inmaetioB Hea lliiiton'BiiiiiiiAi 
of Aratia. How Ueara acil Uollie timmuna aa iLa o«w 
faaiortaoi the bit). 

I'RAXK Hali.'r OiBl.vo.-Baalpea^ li^re )« vary ra/^I 
BBd RBeicelleat bill la geuen'ty ■•rmida'l. ritiawaak'a 
rODilDiioua ptugraioDta will aDaaae tba Dawna Urnibar^. 
Areber aod OarlAw. O'Roukaaod UuiOBti. Mlie.FltHrr. 
/.larov, Jalla Kelly, Peny aod Lu'u Ujaa, Adnirh 
Adtnia. CYax aod Jaaola Htawart, i>i« Ikaeh 8iaier-, 
N<nira WArd KayooUa aad klacb. Ch^trley Dianmcd 
Ualoioaad Ralaa. 

LvrnvM TiiRATai; -FiaWi i llauruD'n Drawlait'^ida 
airoid ()iU waekii anioaaoienL l.aj: veak iiua. IfiU's 
Wrrld ol .S'orettlea attracled fair bnalaiea, \ht pro- 

fran)iiieaa:.'i|iini*ChBa P'>ile and Ca'rla Ora><im,iiaa 
[•ll Cfiaa W Voiina end Ohaii. A. Ua*na, Daaliwajr uu 
Hnulton, R«ie:ie Wrlllagton. tlarry Uriurn and f^r«y 
Nlicheli. Alice Hootaeue and J llor'r Wr^>. r;haR. Nal< 
aon and Haiiilu Mlil^ga, WilleaBirilalfln and llickar 
aad Leetar. 

8ju T. Jacrm Eui-IRB-Flyoa aad .*^berl>)An'ii OUt 
Rporcaareln pQueuInn liila week. fl-ialBeat waa pimr 
Ikit weak witli VlrlanUa Mnulo'i Co.. llia pritiraimuB of. 
airalght rarleiy bclOBtornlabtd by Btlly aod Loulie Hi 
Cttlra. LiMiao Aoktroua, OHlia ud Waila. Arthur 
AraoU and Haul Caswell. Bailey and Rirdal), Raba aod 
Roaa Moore Bllty and May BrowolBR. Will White bbiI 
Faopeon. i.lrlnff pleiurea were iilio fniroduce^. 

UiiBrr TiiKATBK — Manager OrUcotI la maaiiowwiih 
coBiiBuedaoccaui Jo promoting Ihla raauri. Hia iiill iMr 
waak aagaglog GAhaafTerand iloail Faro Melrose, itay 
Hortoo. and oili»ra Lut wee k'a potronoanca or-enad 
wllh "Ma and Jack." iDtrodaclDg C. M. f^Mer. K L 
WllllRiDi Naltia Trodgaa, Nellie Oe I.uM auti otb«rv ihe 
Tarl*iy fealar»B Leine f-imlehed liy Bea«ia Fhilllpa, 
D^raaey and Allen, Billy RobiBioo, Fatn Melroae, Wia 
Fla-'har BrAibara. and JoOn aad P.dna Vldoi) 

fiMarioTBHArHt:.— Ifarry UorrU' Uurlei<(|ueia >«ru 
ISihelait weeboi their hbiob. Ifarn Mor rU and Maria 
RoftallebelBK featorad 00 the hill. La«( W4«b 1 boiioA 
ahow waa fbirlr aacceii*iul. MAoaaer raalla aniilnjed 
Jarrr aod Loabe CnnolBgbait.ana Cubao. Liilu Thela, 
the H*Derant Broihera, John and P|orenr« Uurrty. (^>b. 
DoraaodlilBley|Bcba«iriir aod No ail, Dan KMilacaod 
jAhn Irfird. will and Ida Morello. Pioiaoca Miliar aad 
Uma. Torea. 

Park TuaaTaa.— Bttaiaeai ooallnne« at a profliahla 
•tankard- Lut waak Maoaier Nick Norton aniplored 
tbe two Nlbh*a Nellie Uen* aod FaoBia Uart. Olirla 
OreoBO. URrrl) Deraro asd iisrile flaavn, Jcnafa For 
r^t Hanh Brolbera. Jennie HIpley. Ilatlie Heiaaril, 
Moranie. Paaa Le Petri, and D-ra aod Bin l« CuniDiloRa. 

Enuili* OfRRA PAVILIO.V.— Thla «eeh VaiioaiRiiB aad 
flatBallB, taaJudga Broihera, Coia HaBit. Cooaora and 
(4ial«y. I'ura Ruobx, Rdwhi Kgglatoa aod Bert aad Oiiia 
LaMnnta. Bualoeealafair 

Li5( 0i,x AvR!icra TaBATHB — Tlie atiendaoca at ihia 
raaoit malDtalna aa areoataoilanlor prorperliy Tlila 
weekaaariuoi iloro conioaia la faaiur^d in aUdiiioo 
lit tha bill oritralKbt variety rmlataed by Ullly Jarkaoo, 
Cnmmlnga and KDlabi,ODaWanao, Nellie McllieraoB 
aad Slave Manaxer Waller J Pliiomar. 
UBOTTO Mcair Uall— Hnainaaabara ia galnlui Tba 

t>aopte ror the wenk areCogtil aod CoenAr, iIhi Rli^m 
llaurB,th«Dallya,Haoolngafid Erby. UlnDia Kaitalle. 
Lottie aod CorH bwao.Cbaa. Wooda.ihaBao Fraoclico 
(Juartette, aod DiaaaMaaa«er Charley Reaae. 

WuirraLonDO.v DiuBMrBRi.-uiBrlnball: iloudlal.a 
maiiDiu; tha Alpboneoa, Oia Aaodii; Km ma Kcb a liar, aa 
oailOed wouieo. and HnrouaoB. a loavlclaD. On ihe 
ataga-.a»o Ullaion.MaMer and Nay llaaey,BeRaia Wal- 
Uee and Paia Ue Bote. 

KoflLA MiuiiLRT0}i'(ii:(4>nBniHRHrflBa -Carlo hall: 
A 'alkina a^ai, lllauaniiod wifa. IKa larare. and Patila 
Reake Halatoa era the faaliitin On itie ttaan will h« 
»eeo Addle HardaB, McCariliT aod Haynolda. Zula8arii>< 
»nD, aod the Croiyot liramatic Compaoy. 


A four letita*! elrl Win be Ibe iwiweriul reaiura Id curio 
hall Ulla weak, iha a<aga t>aloa Rlrea over lo IjOu 
Illpley, Stewart and Hian«. Lm ShaniilO- Murphy and 
llerberi.Cbr'a.UieeQe, Coaaeliaod Cbaplaiaand Allao 
ud Delnialo. 

UOLIRIUU — ThIa waeW'ii i-rotde: Rayoi'fOU and Mali, 
Clara f.a Bella. Ida Nonuaa, Beuie Noe. li>inteua. 
Harry lAHoote, BBd Proi' Chet. Roe, tIoIIdUU iliai. 
Noe la proprlelor, aod t;haa. Hoe Jr, muagar and 

AKrRRMaTtt.-^feaa Wllllana Joload "Loai Id Nav 

Vork" at Ifarllq'a 17. repIaciBa ilalaa DaaDond 

Alex Dyara. wbodeaUio p'e}a,wat 10 Juiii'« K'uuia'a 
c<>uiiPatoraay aa conplalaant agalaiKieo. W. t.'laBcer, 
whom ha clalmabuNioleaplare Irom him 7U* inaiu- 
odaorbyerilB aeulBf poaaeailoD m coprrlgbtcd pln)a 

Wera iboroaably aired AuRBtiln Dalr*< conipauy 

gave aa aitra Mrlonnaooa of "A Klifht Cif " at I|ik>Ioi a 

aitamooB of 19. in aid of tha Da La riallo laat-taio 

Jolla Marlowe will aol tier aoRafaneBt atUeVickara 
Deal.glrlng a triple lull, "Chattorino." "Hutiaea and 
Vagabnada" and "CoIoabe'R B'rttHlaT.'ihnlaiierpiayLa- 

lag tbaBorigioaUy acted Jeho B-MeOlieildao.epiaa- 

tMrofOBBoi Frobmao'a".faue'*couipBn:aa, wuadJodRaa 

laaaoa Batorday Jaa B. Jackioa la Inre hftrlog 

eaded biaterm IB adraoee wrRtiiow Broa.' Mioairala 

MarloD Holcomh Jolaad ilie Puller>Ball«w Uom- 

biBKtjoo at ilie oloaaoi tliAKtbll'araoeaRamioi v. 

K. Victor expesla 10 put a rJiuw loiotlia romtaio B-iuara 

Theatre the week bt fore Cdriitmu Dr. Captd *dli 

ttuded at Ht.catniel ill- K for loe lecond ilm* 'hla 

eeaioa Uaaagar Hare TAwaalea. n| Muilcal 11*11, 

Crawferditllle, fud.. laaafoilatliiv whb tTliU. A. Hard- 
ner lo take ibe laiur out alter ILa bo tdaya. 


Pvorla.— At the tiraod Opora Hooie Bobby 

(layiurdlda (air bniloeal Nor. ll. "Auori ibn Puiu 
mac" 13. ll. did aiilriiOBlBMB. FobbdI llaot Nloalrala. 
alocalorcaairaiiuo. did a large bu«hieei J2, a*.andie« 
roombeiogata pramloni. *Tdb Bur UaMt" Hi did 1% 
ralrboaineia Comiag: "Lady WlBdarniate'B Pan'Ti, 
the pAtti Roia CoDCilr 0>. ti, PinilBe flaU Upera Co 

NatC- Uoodwiottt' fAit Id .Vaw Vork**P^ Ttauurer 

Force? Iia* cooa to Naralialltown, la., lo atUBd iba wid- 
diog ol biaali'.er. 

<iular)*.».\l tbo Kffipiro Robert Oailor drew 
abigbuuM Nor. 17 "Frieod V I3L lor Ihe Oretiiioein 
thia rlt), p'BFBd to a la'ga aa<*laoe«. J J.Corbeit B. 
aod "FiBOiguaBaU' V bad topbe«ry booeea. t.'oro 
Ior: Fella Morrte iD. 'A Trip 10 Ctlnatoao" n The 
Kid" 17, AI a. Fiatd'e Miaitrele 0. 


Allaaita^Al Ibe Orood "bloo Jeant'- Nr>r. lo. 
1). jBDtRTovagbad taall bwlBeuU, "loOMKeo- 
tacky," If. 13, wu rewarded by boaiea ol good proper* 
tlODi. Barter FarfuaoB D)at with aucaai lo. 17. 
Bovkad: •JaoB"2l.». "Tba Black Crook" O. 24, "Tie 
Tcrnado"B#.r. "fbetoilga'art. . . „. . 

Da flKB'e uriaa Uotaa^lha Baldaln-Hainila (>i 
opaaal a weeb'a evBagemeot li to H- K 0. BaaioeM 
cootUued good all week. 

Navannnh**"Blne JCiDa'wulfae altracUon 
attnetheat/aRor. iL H for ihra^f^eiforuiaare* to luuJ 
bou*«« 4:oBlBa: ^Tecb'a Bad B*i«" 19. "Toe Eaei|B" 
11, RicbardaA r'Hosla'B MtoairalBt't. 

- Tbe third aoDlrerdary of the death ot WUIUu J. 
Fioience occomd Nor. 19, aod maoy of hla fflenda 
aad adffllren obetrred It by 9l«IUofbla grata lo 
Orteawood ccsetar/, Brooklyn, and corerlDg it 
wltb ilowcn. 

A arAMrap BrratoPt, plali 

— jdloraaablauar,aaaihalis 

by tba parwn addiaaaed abooU be glToo, 
mraat niatakaa 

NoTB.~Pi»r»aBtonalR and otbaro ahoukl haar In ntod 
thai oU leuati, ata., in timuit betwaaa (be Valtad Maiaa 
and Caaada« atuit hi pr^atd, oiberwlaa tbay are not fbr 


Oeyer. Jalla 
Ormy. Bertie 0. 
nirard, Maoila 
Ullbert. Maala 
ni lati, Agaee 
(Irlawold. Jaeale 
Qorman.raflllDa l< 
(irabam. UiJe 
tieiaM, PioreaoB 
ilArdoB. Rpala 

Andaraco. Mar 

Aahfonl. Paolloe 
Abem, Alloa 
Arehar, Cerrle 
Aadrawa. Paatl 
Ajmar, Loilia 
Arnold tliaiara 

AV.eB, Fhyllle 
Arnold, Tiny 
Arnold. Eduii 
~;Aweo, llatXa 
'ftoBd, Loatie 
Bell, Uattia 
Beua. Millie 
Barsoe, Fadie 
Barka, Kittle 
Briar, liaorgle 
R*ll, nrnnia 
Ranau. Manila 
Rial. IrfiDlee 
Rrooka, Palay 
Bererly. Maod 
DalloBi, Pleoa 
niMBota. LUile 
H«oUey, MiM 
filaBchei d. May 
BoAih. Uopa 
Bahlwla. May 
BBBkR. LI'ltao 
n;ack, Tlolet 
BoBU, Lo-Jltai*. 
Blukwell, Juiaaa 
Alaenn, Vavale 

Rradairaw.l'Aullna farreit. Htalla 

'CllftLora A. 9c, 
^a'aoD, Bnbbia 
nolemao. Triilr 
Otai^niRB. Hahel 
Cuiblnr Kittle 
Cole. Dolly 
nuaard Mar R 
Chambarw, LlMiao 
f'lark. UaUla 
L'arllnl, Mll#. 
Pul'ina, Loitle 
Tarlinn Blalrra 
rarllBgi«>D. Blia 
Clorer, rarroii 
I'larka. Biiiin 
for. Mt* Niiinty 

D» Vutu, Flora 
DRri* Heriiia 
nin'll Violaiia 
Ikijie. K««fle 
narh, liollv 
Drew, Oornlhy 
Dtrenptrr. DAlly 
D'aiDtind. Fiiiita 
D-lkenri. HPe, 
lie llarrn. VlBBlt 
Ouno, Pel He 
DeVep. MIrt L 
DOrmoud. AgBa 
Derere. Jeoale 
~lll.rt. Polly 

BdRAre. Ifeleoi 
Rmtsill Praahle 
RraaaL Uerila 
Pinuiait. Kalle 
RdmuD<l». May I.. 
Kmua. May 

FreoRian. Luin« 
KiBBCla. irartle 
Pullinao LoD 
PreoOi. Mir M. 
Field a. FeBBv 
Floresra. Minnie 
Plnlda. LIUIe 
Porrenf. Etttma 

TTBBCr, lltOClltlll 
FAtruo. Blanclie 

Gonfno. Dmoiby 
Uotdr n. Kn*a 
Oral well. Fdllh 
tiarftld. Fan 
Uracei, T««f 

plalaty addraBOad, ■aal ba 
a Una of baalaaaa Mimd 
oU ba glTOB, la order to 

Newton, Margatal 
Kortaa, Lota 
Nawall. Ba«a 

HlRRloa, TaddM 
llaier. AOBia 
llarrla iiraea 

■■annnn. Laura 
ilarrey. /oee 
Howanf. Neiha 
llaraandea, Cl«o 
lillIman.Mra. M.O 
llleea, Plorenca 
lliliiin, Haiti* 
llarrla. HeUle B. 


ifebbart. lAtita 
Howe, Luiua 
tlQihaa, Uarr 
Harnogtun, NIbr 
llanlltoo. Fella 
Howard. Mahal M 

rremeaa Cr(*lla 
IrwiD, Nellie 

JAbaaioB, Lillian 
Joy. U ll* 

Joyee Jrnale 
UawelL Helen 
lOReltf. FdBB 
Kaaa. Mabel 
Koapp, Tirgloia 
Kaloe Heorgia 
KlBg, Maiile 

Lake Jalla 
UonanI Fleia 
LueUar, I^tulae 
fjiDB l«a Belle 
L#e, Rmma 
Lee. Minnie 
LlBdaa, Ada 
Leametl, JoBBle 
Loaia. Anna 

LeVyna, Letile 
Lalor AQBia 
Laughlio, Anna 
LjAna, l.ily 
Lewie, Naile 
f.a Halle. May 
Ltriogarr<n. Reili 
l«etlDi>. Raaie 
UOtalr. Kibel 
t.oitle, Bosnia 
L«onhaidt Nellie 
I anih. Hainie 
Laui. Mm r^. H. 
~ 'orrta, llatlie 

MoHOB, Ktella 
Hftton. Mr*. R A. 
Meaatie, Ada lie. 
Mackey Iraaa 
Maitlne. Loua 
^orrlH. I/iIIn 
M. Aroy, A'lie 
aev, Tkriie 
Mel'tin*. l i'Ula 
weiiiiere. Urace 
Harkhain, Mra. II 
Muller. Aioy 
Mav, i'trrln 
Hrfniyro, LInIo 
Mici PT, .luila 

At* -iiillao 
Murlliiier. May 
Hd^tiv, Minnie 
tlei.-i| MiDBle 

Murrar, Flurence 

JrlatiD. Kliile 
^Nbna, FatillBB 
Ncla A Hlaol«r 
Mdiuli. MlaaM. 

Nay, Mra ( 

Newton. Bdlih 
NeitoB, Nallla 

JebBioB, ramll 

'0*Bilen. Ltiila 
Owana, MlUla 
Oetiaader, Binlle 
(VNpiu,. Nellie 

Pryor, Corn 
Pordy, Faanle R. 
PalBMr. Mihliwd 
Prfoa. MAiiie Lte 
Putter, klla 

RDkban Rlatera 
Phllao,Mr« O. 
PaliBUB. Dot 
1>lnebtit« OoMlB 
Raimool, LoltiB 
Reed, Jtnole 
Keee*. tiaorgle L. 
Rltob(e.Hra ileo. 
KMiDey, Matt la 
Hooo* r. Kalle 
Rayniood. May 
HaTero, DIaudie 
Ripley, XltilB 
^loaoa, Oania 
Sioddard. MlBola 
ftiaraBe, Jeaela 
Btawart, Lata 
Hylreeier. Annie 
Raode, Bad in 
.*<i. Olalr.kille 
f*a)llav. May 
Uanfer.Mra L. 
Pcoir. Ainea 
Rmlib. Banba 
4lnootle, Wollle 
Share ooif. 

rtlaoley, Dot 
B^'mwerrDle, Rath 
iMdilnni^ Ida 
Bheldoe, Lulu 
Beymnar, KillaF. 
•Iieppatii Hlalara 
Ah If Ida NaoDle 
Haofiird Mra.B.B, 
tdiilih. Mra. J. 
•^TIL Mra. Jobs 
TuaoD. Halite 
Tborntoo Vallla 
Taokha, Mrr. J. 
Tnwer, Lillian 
Tom Thumb, Mra 

rhnmioD. Bonola 

Veditir. raaala 
Yatldar. Lniia 
nyina, Mabb 
** Wa Ja, Daley 
Wood. Bra. Jenola 
Wa-jiroo, Mary A. 
<van], Biella 
Welley, Man.) 
Wrcnp, Alira 
Wrvil.Mra Hen A. 
WiiHapia Dally 
Waid. JaBole 
»'rar, tUudia 
wrtoa, Efloa 
Waller. Laoa 
* ada, uaiay 
wiiiBpi, Alma 
Wallace, Hfarhar 
Verrell. May 
Welle, Kittle 
Y*!*- "'F 

Zeller. Floreare 
Zojarro. Mlla. 
/Alia, Mile. 
Zaiiinia, Jnale 


AIJ.o, Dirk 
AlliioD. All. 
AI'.., blllf 
AllleAStn. J. I*. 
Au.iln. Il.rrf K. 
AUKID, r. H. 
Arilrnon. £0. 
Arrtifr, W. A. 
Aod.rwn, York 

«"«•"»;. „ 

1 11111.1IUU. 
Aiuliroi.. Trill P., 111. 
ArOen, Uarlov. 
At.>Idii*iiII, Uw. 
AIMol, II, 
Au.ilu. lUiri H. 
Alb.o. It'll 
An " 

Alliloo, All. A. 
AlllHin riu. 
Ahlmoto, — 
All mi". 
AIJ.O, llick 
AliU PfOf. 

Binei. H«ri 
BfOOk^Ju. T. 4 Unnoui 
B«B BooA ArlUu 


RmUi, L. r. 

BK>l.r.Ulu, B. 
H.lw, (lliw. 
Biirr.ltii. Til., Dr E. L. 
lliirtou, HAIIor 
B.n.0. J. A. 
H.k.r, l.'lili. A. 
B.rlnv il iH^liua, Unn. II. 
Built, AD'lt.V 
Boa.orih. 11 A. 
B.k.r, I', r, 
B|.r, r.ik 
P.llu^ K. 
HirrA MtiihOc 
Kojd. irciil.R 
BlUlll, KiKliI < 

Borobun, Cb.>. 
Bun., UaonM 
> incli, JM 0 K. 
B<llDr.l, 1. K. 
Brtv.r, L. V. 
Bilcb.L... U', L. 
Block, R ll. 

H«niot, fliu 
B.atoD,J. llu.arO 
Uimik', T, 
Bou, JuM 
Bnra.r, J C. 
B«r, rr«l 
Bir.Dioio. Umnr 
t tusin. Billr 

BifC JoliO V. 
B.1I, II. Win.. 
Htriritoo. r 

Blri)l|.ll, lUfTCJ 

Hrooow, Bik. 
n«rlo. Broik 
Ho>il, Ohl'. 

Rio.o. Uirrj 
BuUolMii., — 
(C( ro.l; 


BloUflr. Blllr 
Brjtof ACoiiD.r. 
HoUTO., £1] (J. 
B'Bkbua ilro. 
Bri.lolf'1, Wu. 
Bro.D A 


b.raillo. — 
SU.r * lUoilill 
Bmkt, Blllr 
Hkilii. lUn, K. 

Kru.Dlol. Tb. 

ab. Ktg, - 
Cur/.D, Jci 
l|loo>i<il*.*'M A 

CoUlo^ II. B 
''cnonllr. U 
f'bipiD, lUrir 
r.<on.u,w. y 

):«ml.r, J. W, 
Colo. ciiAiUr 
Oitt.r. 7rMk, Tli(.!». 
I'Arroll A lllnil. 
I'.Kttu Jiitti A. 
':btnN<Tllo Knil 


(lirlMI., M 
■••iT.r, Dr, «•. V. 
Cni.ioD, H iii, 

''KBfi'l.lli 1. II. 

Puorof . fn 
Cmlotil, Boliort 
Cluk. Burl (I. 
Cr.T.o, Hlito.r 


nii.ii..if, J. W. 

librlitopti.r, U. B. 

■'•wl. Rill 
Ikio., Tlri 

nuk A Wbllbr 
Olouoa.riM. If. 
Cb.otll, (IM. 
i:«lrn.ii, Cli... 
I.'uoptr, L 
Ork.rnnl, Robort 

I. 'luk, W T, 
i:urll>, BUI/ 
niillou,Jo. U, 

D.vtvni, /b. 
OoTllo Ju B, 
n.vui«rt. Vie 
U.I'.w.TliM B. 
0..I0II, lUiiia.l 
OoiMUfr, H.111 
DtT.DjKirl, Ban 
Drwf.r O, L, 
Dlunood, 01 .1. 
Moot 7. ». r- 
IMt; tmV A. 
D. rorrtii^Tbt 


iti.ou. Om, 
Duoborr, 111. 
DUK, II. A. 

n.iio. rrDi II. r. 

Dllliou. O. f . 
Dm, Hill 
Cluoni, tl.u. 


U'CuDi, ioik 
uoDioDlo. Ilftrry 
b«oI.r. Alb.rl 
li'.Mmilo*. cliu. 

Koou BaoI BrM. 

ri.iii,uu> I.. 

Kr.DOJi'f I'lllrl. 

PilMin.o, II, W. 

rijl Jin (ill. 

forr.tlei, KrMh 

Korrtu.r. I bu. 

r.ii, Bart 

FUb.r, Cbu. B. 

r.iiii, ll. M 

Krutr, A. R. 

Kor.'ir. Bleb 

I'urM. Tliw. 

Kojr. Dot. 

KlHk W. e. 

Ki.ncl., II (I. 

Klih.r.O V. 

rjtli.r A CriiHll 
pilioorft I'ruk 

MriDI, AI 

llonoto. Itlcbud 

<llll.ll < lloidoo 

UkODOP, J. W. 

ilroir, Blllr 
(IroDdoo, rraok J, 
Oruil, J.I, r, 
(Irael* A Boraold. 
illlmor., Bojil 
rir.ior, Um. J. 
(InHMMcl, & J, 
ll.otro. Tom 
(lllranrr, Miior 
(I.D.UMU, Prine. 
Ullbork 11. 0. 
'.oimao, Thoa. J. 
ilrMDbauDi, JulM 
'ilbaoQ, U. U. 
Uarlo.r.J II. 
riuriaao. A'oi. II. 

iratr, W. O. 

ilaooaiUr, fl.o. 
nmi. All. 

' ll.oM.A. K. 

J.ituan, Loull A. 

lluW.o, hitbtrdA. 
Ilom.r, J.I ll, 
lluaur. Fd <l. 
llo«ii, Vrtd. U. 
llarrla, ' .0 
lloddj, Ltiii 
Uaravr. Hla 
Hall, br.m 
llaniloft Obaa. 
Ilailua: Bobart 
Uaioaa A 

IlaiLOw w. 
iiMir, Mania 
Ulfilea Biva. 
Hoaii Wm. 
Ila.urlb, Jof. 

Oli'io, - (of 

D * Laii) 
Ua Varo A UaMio 
Datia, to. P. 
Pti.ra, lUrrr 
Ifocroir. Dae Panoo 
D..r Jr.J. J. 
0. Bof, wol. 
Uc.r, Lilll. 
Ualioo. Cbiia 
III Pali., U. J. 
Uurau, P. 

uuli, l/iirr 


arr Broi. 
Cuopball A Kraoi 
I'.rr Prcib.t. 
cnrtoo, bcv.i.j 

rvtogaJB A HarxrO 

CM.idp, Jobo 
r«ilr,Thii« r. 
(Hark * Wllllanii 
I'an;, Dr. B. P. 
Crocitit*. / 
I'trad. Hair/ 
I'olito. M.t.r 
01aD9/. Jo. 

Cooka, jiai P. 
Oolhr, Adan W. 
Cballarloa, WU 

D. taof. Vktor 
Darllo. J.i. 
Hal'. Ur Will 
DODD/, Wlu, 
Ualara. - 
UaHarl, B. U. 
Uaauo, 11 A, 
Uvlaoi, Tba 
DwHoa, B. U. 
u. VaiT, Praok A 

Eonca, TbiBat 
tbiaia, b P, 
Ein.iK/n, Jw. 
tlioar, A. I). 
Kllia. U I. 
tui.riop. V. 
Ml-raip. J. if. 
Cd.r B'u> 
P.T.ii.. EdJIaR. 
Pdiai O Piol V. 
eila.onb. Jack 
Eaal. t|a 
EiTtijaa, Praia 

Umtif. Blllr. J. w, 

F.rr/. Wu. 
Pnirnii. y. 
Paorl.twa.A U. 
riaabilo, Nat 
P/*o,J(,ba A, 
froak Dm 14 
fai^aao.^ f, 
FuCri/.w, J, 
Poi.lM.. A. 

l)r|i%lDf. Irrlo 
lljda, Jaa 
llovartf, Jo. 

(01 J. «. Co,) 
Mall, L B. 
lloraar, Haai 
llaob.p, B P, 

Barbtcti, III. 
Ui^O.U, Bap/ 

JlaoiiUo, All. A. 
lubbtlLT 11, 
iioia. J. V. 
Uo.artf . Alloa 
Muid.T. J. 
liolaiaf, V. W. 
Hieaa, Bill 

Utcaar, li r, 
UaiTiiiaD, fraok 
Baala/, Harr/ 
„ , . cluaaca 
Hal. Ball 
Hid., Bobbia 
UliMr, rraab J. 
'.lulcbloaofl, J.i), 
Otll Col 0. W. 
worwiiB, Obaa. 
Haib... H. A. 
Iiarlg. Trad 
' U. 
Lata. II. 
laaaoa. ». II. 
"toMrnat T. 
Jaratt, 0 i Bulla 

lai^aa, Bart 
faduoa, 0. i. 
J.O. B. 
Joaaa, Baiif 

Solb,J. W. 
In>>ai,A . 

SobtaodTA. B. 

■nimborv, H. u 
KaUani, Laa J, 
kaaako, Ilaao 

{araBABl^ Ja& 

Jail/. A.,. 
l(anlaabl,T. r. 
Bb.rai,A n. 
Ilrkban, W. P. 
KtlL Joba 
IlMarCbu. H, 
■laa Kara, - 
Klho*, Wn. 
iMlk. Jaak 
■aoda'l Bilaard 
Kaaaebp. — 
Klaao/.M. L. 

I .oraiu, W. n. 

Lealade BroR. 
Laaglanda. B. B. 
Lay. Rd. iT. 
Lamoot, Roy 
Laogaiair d w. 
Liodoo, Prank 

uta. Hairy 
Letord, Arthur 
La Bord. A. 
LaBglofR, Rylraln 

iMf, AlOORO 

La Hay. Prenh 
Laooaid, 11. T. 
La Haaoa Tba 
lAwraaceL Bd. 
Laarttt. Abe 
Logao, Bd H. 
LaagOfln, Ww. 
laBoy, Jaa. 
lA Haab. B«B 
Laala, ABdr 
Leoodor, Rd. 
LaopoU. Harry 
La*|, Allen 
Loudeo, Uao. I>. 
Laanir. ilm. 
Legaail« Uiek 
iiberl, T a. 
Kelt Tla 
Lee. L. T. 
Laa, Pfol J. W. 
Larloo, Dili pit 
Lnwry, Jaa. J. 
Lea cbaa. 
l4 Roaa Trio 
IiOBB, Prank 
Lawla, Dare 

Menitt, tmarlle 
MaouO. Uarry 
HaaoB a Ralaton 
Mairilie, W. J. 
MID II, Prank D. 
Moore, llayniDA 
Marah, Unf. H B. 
MerrtttA Wakh 
Miller, J. Freak 
MaoaBeld.f). W. 
Muriay, L J. 
MoVeaa. Ilany 
Morray. Jaa. 

ui Jack'eCu) 
Miltlmore, (lao 
MaleoB. W. J. 

anrtba, John II, 
aeke, (llaude 
MoLeaa A uall 
Martin ail I, Loula 
MlllloB,fi H. 
Moor, r raak 
Hortoo a t.'nlaioRB 
HcBee. Andy 
Haraball, J. U. 
HoDooaid. J. B. 

MoCtoa^ Pet* 
Heada,R H. 
Hiteliall. nao.& 
Harahaa Tba 
■oCaob. Obo. 
Moaaea,Proi. Qaa 
Uoaea, Willie 
Hann, II A. 
Back, II K. 
Ulller. IM 
Mulleliy. llaroay 
Maya A llanier 
IJeeper.J L- 
Morton. **. J. 
NewOelJ. Ira P. 
NIobnta. klwood 
KorriB, rmf t) 
.fethkao, Billy 
yawBum. t)hBa.P, 
Korwood, B A. 
Kelaon, Kd. 
Nawna, The 
Nalann, Lew 
NegroiuvJ V. 
KlOholaoo, J. If. 

Magnira, Major 

Bariowe, Fnak 
urpby, wrr. 
Miitoo.Ueo W. 
Haatoy a May 

ao'.'arver Broa. 
HoMaboa * ling 
HelMoald, Jai. 
BatbawR, Phil J, 
Hdhrii), Hilly 

Beiiaha.J. I), 
oaai. Lea 
Haillgaa, Jaa. 
Mill, (beo. A 
Ueiroee, EddIoZ 
HorrelL Pruf a J. 
Bone. Frank K. 
Horria, Preak 
Mihilag, Arthur 
Baekle,J. H. 
HoAliUter, BL B. 
Hiieiiell, A J. 
Moore, a, W. 

Mario, Frank 

Morao. M. T. 
Hunba, Juho II, 

NDiilhaiiit. Prod 
KDQkn,H. J. 
N'ewtoo, chaa. J, 
Ken la. Prank 
"ilonit, Channoay 
- OatmaB.T. J. 
rk'BrieB, Blllr 
U'RrieB, Michael 
irUrtasA KeildlUR 
it'<*oBBal), Bd. 
ihtall. RditiB 
iMall, liQUlR 
OahlBBd, P W. 
ii'Briea. Thoa, 
(iweoR, Kail 

Parry, Harry 
Palmer, liAl 
PalDierJr , W, H. 
Fika LaaUrH 
Fierta^ Rlraon 
I'lerMk Iraok 0. 
farkharat, li. M, 
Fnwer, Pred U 
FoBoer, uarld 
I'ayno. Chaa 
FTiDgle,J II. 
rawnee Bill 
Fatiao. John 
I'eri, H.H, 
Fenk, Wro. 
ISiwley. Wm. 
I'liiliii a, w r 
feaaley, Rot>ert 
PourUlB, tT. II. 
ruiria, joho 

I'oit a uiiBiun 

l*ayDB, Bea P. 

Fhiiilpa, (iiiir 

tl igg^ I'han. 
A*HuReiat>D,U. L 
Heed. Turn 
Hourdu, Will 
Niea. L P 
Howa, Will. 
Riiaaldo. Bd. 
Buberta, U.J. 
Koiia, Harry 
How land, Aif.ed 
Bowv, II. H 
liainaa,J T, 
Kiguy, Anliur 
KHiiBrda, Juhii 
Hahen.J N. 
BIrhardr.ll. H. 
hinlil. A, 
hubiiiMin, W- A. 
noltiuiii, J. K. 
ItaBhiii, Mill D. 
Iloialer, Jaua 
lleaii, iieti- H. 
Kico. Ullly 

Kae A Brouho 
KuoaM. W. A, 
Klilofif UrbB. 
Ui ulalr, A. 0. 
^leilihl, ToU 
Hllfer, Jaa. 
Hpaurl. P. W. 
rilaari Henri 
Hweet, A U., P. 0. 
Ha Vao, Dbaa. 
Htogar, JaoR A. 
Hciioidler, Prof. 
Huali. liariy 
Huoiey. Mart 
Hney, Thoa 
riMiry. Dr. 0. A 
HUtfjid, M W. 
Haxrnibe, Pred 
Heyiiiuur, P.*l 
Hlewari. Ur W. K 
tuutelle, HIR. 
Htelaoo, llaiiy 
HiokaiL 11. A. 
Heott, R. L. 
Barilla, Fred 
Ballirao.J L. 
BaitoB, Harry 
rtwao, Maifc B. 
diewait,lf. ALuU 
nliaa, T. K. 
Bai«,J H. 

ebay, ll. K. 

itfranaa P. W, 
tfpllcer Halt 
kbaa A Barle 
Rbta. Prof John 
iilmUa, Ambmaa 
BlmoBR, Fraok 
sehuoiarher, K. 
dlneoo. O. P. 
^BBlin. Law 
rtaltointi. Fred 
Rplta, At>e 
Rbaw, I'aia 
rtcllA. Wm. 
''relar. Chaa do. 
dimine, II. B. 
R'awaitt J. B. 
Halrini BroR. 
Hwairool. J fl, 
KcolL Lam L. 
iicriliDer, Ham A- 
i'aaderB. J. A ttana 
H. H. 

SraDloo. R- IC. 
.SteBler. Horace 
MaiberlaDil. taonia 
HtniOB, 11. W. 
MhMk. Prank 
Hirawno, UarryK. 
Mt Jqliao, — 
ttcharer, Billy 
Hiillr. John F 
riioreoa, W. II. 
tfohuita, W.J. 
Thatehor. A H. 
'^TralDer, Dick 
Teiaa Han 
Ttiaoker. W. P. 
TticinpaoB. HoDia 
True. Bert 
riiDntaao, P. 
Trutt, Hobeit 
Tnuroaar, fcd. 
runer, lUrnian 
lliatrher, Ueo, 
riDdel, Ueo. U. 
riiaiilo, Kd. 
Traybiir, John M. 
rhona*. Mb). M, 

Tudd. LddlB 
rreiaBBQ, IL W. 
rnpK- u- rt. 
rialn, kraok 1>. 
"lawauB, Ur. 

V'AB HUan.W. H. 
Vane*. II. II. 
Vaarlta, Pieuk 
Veo krery, ■ bee. 
VeaL«er« Rartuu 
Vanfiereoo, Vtw. 
Van Vvineit, Ju. 
Vaugbt, A. J. 
Vahtaie^ flio 
Venu.a Broa 
\*au 0)ko. H. W. 

VTaring, Billy 
Alai«r, li w. 
WaHnoeJr., P. K. 
AiMHit orpa, Budd 
Weiih, FiAoa 
Heat, aL 11. 
Mil laitia A 

Waiaahl, tMta 
WmiiI, Buii 
t%hMier.M. D. 
WriRht, liick 
Warrao, l-vrcy 

Wli«Ui/,H. tf. 

WailingUiii, K. 
Wbipp.e, WMidd 
Aarr«ii, .-mi 
rte.oa, I'aiiick 
WAiie.J A Fmrikie 
Ahii« haxi* Uiii 
Mhitn Ja« 
AhitiuRis TliD 
Wintain Uvi. U. 
Wilwiu, fl. K. 
WbiUI. Jglio W. 
ABllei B, 

Law A Uella 
We^M'tiiw, >t«d 
Wbeiau, hd. It. 
WMiey, Lniile 
WutMi, prank 
Hernia. J t». 
«htili«r, II. II. 
mid Uuit 
Meiah a Kdwanle 
Wliitcoiub, W k. 
Wauer, Jul. 
Hliima. A. K. 
Mhitoonil, K. I'. 
Wliiiu, .l*an 
Whatn utlUiti 
HiiHi/B, Uarry 
WiH>t. Urant 
Wayne, B. Ii. 
ttiiilama. Jtm 
Wblilerp, Billy 
UlUan. II ll. 
Whim, iJbaR 
«he aa, M. K. 
Weal, Willy 
Welch, UlA« A 


Touog, Ullly 
Vuuug, B. I'. 
Ynuog, tiarry 
koung, II. P 
ruling, Fraok tJ, 

aiiiura, — 
— y.ataain, — 
Zuyarro, M. 

teilBug, 11. 


Jillltrauhrft.— .\t tbn UIJoo Opera lluitB«Kreo- 
uiao'a Pun Hakera appear lu *^ho Hailrnad Tlebal" 
Nor, 11 and week. I.quIi Aldrloh preieDied 'My Part, 
ner" laat week in lair hualnaM. C'uuruy aod Poi,ln 
"lint Tatnaler," 16 and w»ek. 

AL-ApauT OP H(;ai'i-JoaOitln<TliaHiarUiier,"lf<, 
lP,Bf,ll,4luallliri«Wo;ld of Norelllaa U ui U. "Thm 
Prodigal Paibar," wi It William Jerunia leaiarwl and 
glTing a aUia oi Die reoelpta hi e luoal f iaUiolio •iiiariiy, 
uraw Talr houraa laat week. '-Acrupa Hie I'uiumao" Ifi abif 

liAVinmy TiiRATaB.-W. H. rfarelaiid'a Mloatre:*. 
with Billy KraeiMo, caiite .'t, iha hnuH being daik ihn 
reiiiBiodoror Uie week. rdiiipiiBa' 'The liueh iirr>'ib" 
dolilied a falily altwad»l Kwk 17. i;iinr aa Difittnn 
coroai ta, S, >7. raqiloa (fall. In *Dureaa,"7J,.1l, 
liec 1 

pRorut'B TflRiTHO .-Iteetea A Palmer'a roamoroli* 
UBi company opeoed Nor. pfur weak. Hui" Hidalra 
L<«ndi>n H»|ia« laet eeek bail uir tiuiluaea. The llenry 
HpeclAliy f.'nrapauy awl week. 

Mm WurraH i.'inLi n-llie eecond week ending iHdiil 
D"t tiitof lorth an inor'aaed at'eiidaDca Ihsbew lafu* 
for iiiRod iwn weeka are WHiiam o Uala. Ituhrri Hilohoay 
ar.i| bia |t«rlurnilbR dofi. Mir lii<li<rt Htiokoay un ih« 
al<ck Wile, Pitliar Hroihere lUuouck and Adair, Mlio. 
Ptirgaido, Deoiwoitli Brolli>r«an-J I'rof ('elio'to a e^ln- 
catedburHi. KeovriiaTaiallleeiid Wilton druibara re* 

HrAi'TTHBaTRR.-KcoeoUiaoand Kadalbura'a rriiucdy. 
*'l>er MerrHenaior," wu vreaaDiel «ilh lucfeaa Jiby 
Ihe Block coupaoy. While tbe cnine<ty la auiualiig it 
doee But offer mucb that l< oew, the liirnin l*einit llie 
truobanf a jouog ligiband wllh a iluiiiuiearliia Mih^r 
lola*. TbBiela pleuly ol a<:ilun nn l life ihiuughuu^ 
the place, aim Ita humor la i alia ed and fiea Iroui tirai<l 
elTaoie. M. twaarar. aci^mpliehea ■>■ puriioie Ui aiiiuie. 
Maaara. Welb aad U>irgbai<li aod M»uif>. Miaaaou blO 
Harlhamaara, |»erbP|M. ilialoat|.4(a'bai periorniarc** 
ollhacaal, whlcn bu aa oaar periacl aaall productluiib 
ai thla Louie. Nitudarmarira ' Haiiiikt>)," which laoot 
new bare wai ui*tn wiilt auccia* Jif. ' fier Iterr 
Beoator" la lo be iPifealed t» and "Din fanlyao ' 

UU-UB tuaerRH— For IV nod wi^t Uanaaer P. a. Uur* 
too oifara Hue Vocra. li/Oil Juliaka. Bmiilo and Tahi, 
laatlog and Lunl. Pilia Kaiiinrna aod Karl llenomii, 
HeOabe aad Kamaa Hiaoley aLd Kcauiun. NnrailM 
Brolbera, Hurpbyao'l JtayiDUb'I. end Alien hahlon. Thn 
boaiaeiBdaHBBibanpeningweak ilniebldg 17. waa lair 
wblch Ihe DaoBiameui elato hbr up lu 0iP>flTaUtfD«. 

WogPkRtji>if MubbCm — Uu* 19 aod waek: Curlo— 
wiHlaoi gueiD (hiijgir r dcii Millie i)ia> (mjod leadarl, 
Hoot. Theodora (8ra biog). HoaaMoBroeiNagi.lpeflaod 
Marfan aoti Heuuito (blcyelliU) Hiaae- Hmwuo (airnug 
BRO). Tom K H«eeney. Weel eu<J Fovler, L. d- WeH«. 
and Koanlen and fliareoa. 

Cui'ro»a.*Haeatfar J«i-.i<li Littwealn iha city i!i» lau 
ter pari ot fail waea. He haa »ided vt Ma ciicnii fif iha- 
airea tba Lr cauu Thaatie. IHlut*'. Hino . and will con- 
trol tha booklngdoi the Uraod upera Huuio. Wnl Hu- 
perlur, Wla Iq ILa future he win pey cmupRaleB, 
•bkh go orarbli circuit but funr uiihtd In Hi raul, 
aad aaTali the week with iwj oiibiaet I'ulutJuod one 

olg1)| aiWeat Kup*flor "The Paemikt •hoW la e 

Daoeubar booklsaet iha Uatii:Ma I'A. W Dillii u, 

oaa of our olererlai draniail'*criilc(. haa lerared bi» cip- 
nactlon wltb yA< ///uexurr: /'/ru a IvcaI weakly... Fiaek 
H B[aocbatd,yearBafnna.aail'erut -'Hi|ipy'' cal Wag 
oera Hiaairah li e vuit'ier ffom ion«iiiinaiury iheuma- 
ll*u at Ma buitm In ih a elir, aod a Mnelt haa taaan a* 
raoBad for taim at ihe drand Areoua Cflogreyailon 
Choieb U Joaepb U U alley, ol Darld HeadeiMn'a 

foreaa tiaabomelor a fawdaye'ieai. Ha haa about Hn 
lihed bnvblDg Heoderaoo rHo, 1 {.'oupaoy In "Aladdin 
Jr."aod 'Blabao'- 

ilsbao'' lo ihBHootb.iba inurrjpaologahout. 
CbarlBB Uuiin. lte i:<>nia4iB0 la B>Bi«oiao 

J (Hoba Tlaaire II. Virian Uaboroe, ifae 

lwdolpbelB"Tbe fllacbtjiook," waauutof tie can aer- 
araldeya tail wa-lr, helog ill niUi laUaBmaiary ibeu- 

FondeluLac^AttboCreo^ent Nov. UUia Cal- 
houn <;perB O-. lu "Aiuoiila." liifJ a cruvd«d Ii'jui^. 
Thae»iui-aey ti<ttra lolo iha tikeUup«ri'>r rapper re 


OHIO -(J^M ragecii.'.,i 

Fla(lla>-.*-At Ihe Matfln flpera IfoDiie '*Thii 

Jbtp of fltaia" Played to poor buiiaeaa Kor. il. ■ Hen 
Inr' (loeal labtu) Ift-ir had (air haaloei*. Couing: 

•TbaToioado" 19. -Tb* CipIbIb'R Ma<e"ll At Ibe 

TaratrOparaKouae: Uaary'd Bioeb tin. pbyadtogood 
' bailBtBiUitvMk. 




— TM Utie or "A Bomtj Olrl" ic«iiu to ba, lo 
I be mlQdj or U»*uio*l nuntgen, t moit Tduble 
one, u MTenl dniiiUiU tod ntugen olilm lo 
o»D u4 bold tbecopjrlibL Tbe dratpobllon- 
noiuioeiii<Dt wu mule bj llwrj Wlllltoi, wbo 
boogbt Ciom Ad* Lee Bucom bar pl*7 ot tbe eboTe 
title, wHttcD OTcr ilz noBDM uo. Hr. WUllenu U 
diepoeed to net npos bli rIgbU, tad nuke i com- 
plete prodDOllon of "Jl D iwtrr Olrl" tbe l«il«r pert 
ot tbu mean, nme bu been booked by Mm to 
muf of tlie letding thtttree tbrougbool tbe nolled 
Btatei, ud he uie be li etie to protect bl« rlghu 
totbeuueot tbeplaj. 

— Frad T. Uwm, mailoel dlrentor, Joined tbe 
Noei Jollltf 00., erWilinlnglon, N. 0., Not. 14. 

— Robertfirowertiu beenengwed u muuger 
o( Wegenbil* * Kemper'a "Yoong lln, WInttatop" 
00. The compuj report good boilnera. 

— iieiuder Itule, of RoMneon'a "Peol Eunr" 
00., WHkCLimRctller last week, nelemteilog 
with tKTor u tbe Uao do BasroonL In tbe Bpilng 
be iDtendt prodnclng • fueloal plij ot ble own 

— Burke »Dd. iMfihieobt etirt oat Ml "Oacle 
Tom'i dbla" oo., Nor. it, lo lour Hloblna ud 
Oenidk. Tne rotltr: Barbe W. Ltmereobt, lole 
owner end muuger; IMU Sbeara, ndTUice nnnl; 
U. E. McOoj, lutn muienr; Wo. Irwin, muur or 
tnupottatlon; wm. Hllii, proptrUee; nor. Wll- 
iU>ni,le*derorbtod:Pror. Snow, leftdar otorcbta- 
tim; J. Feme, Jot. Ulloe Pofer, J. A. Fisncla, F. 
FoT, J. Robmor, J. O'Brien. Fred Bluer, Huter 
Wnlier Umbert, MlUe Mm Umbert. din Heiuu 
Hioll, MTrtle HtMo, Anu BtoU, Utile W*lltoe end 
Anni BudT. 

— Wdlj Treat, wltb bit dugbter, Uldgei, u 
•onbrelte, ud Uerrj Obapin m baaloea manager, 
tepona aood hnaloeaa ibnogb Wealern Pennajl' 
Tuila wltb tbeir repenorj oompaoj. Nr. Weataara 
bla new oomedj, "PollUca," la a anco^aa. He will 
abortlj plaj an engagamont In New York, learlng 
Mr. O'.apln u> manage tbe Boetou Oomed; Co. 

— Oennde Noiman la eick at Tonlon, III., wltb 
Inngterer. Mlaa Norman baa not been able to plaj 
over two weeka Ibla aeaaon on acoonnt of bar 
111 twallb. 

— Uraper'a "Oondamned for Lire" Oo. bu re- 
opened tbe aeaaon, and la booked ror tblrtf-alx 
weeke or one, two and tbreo night atnda. 

— Prank McOormaok baa Joined "A Ride ror 
Ure," replaslns BartOool«. 

— Jamea W. Fomal and LUllan I'ollook Joined 
ItaeHarle KInile Oo., In "Bbadowa or a OreatOlt;." 
atHoblnaon'a Opera llonae, OInolnnail, 0.,NnT. 13, 

— A. H. Hadlaon, ooelcltn, baa cloaed wlib tbe 
"Dnole Joab Bpnoebi" Oo., and la engaged at tbe 
Iowa Oolarax Hlneral Bprlnga. 

— Following U tba roater or "VoNnliT'a TIalt' 
Uo.: Wn. J. UoImM, Frank Miller, RIobard B. 
Lmob, Doe FerrlD. Fuller Uaj, Ada H. Jewell, Mae 
Trambnll, Marie Lear, Belle Larkin and Oeo. U. 
Rmerlok, wltb Ueo. M. Wlaner, manager; Ullirord 
W, Meeob, moaloal director, and Obaa. A. llonajr, 

— W. A. Orad/ bu engaged Bben Pljmpioo to 
plartbeleaillo(trolelD"Tne OoUon Klag,"wlilcb 
will be prodnced at tbe Academy or Moalo, ibia oltj, 
Deo. 8. 

— It la annonnotd ibat Utroneaa Blano bu eepa- 
nttd rrom bet boaband, Bblrler Ondordonk. 

— Roaler and Notn ot Markbam'a Vomedlaoa 
We opened oar aemoD at Leila, la., Nov. ig, to "8. 
R. O." ETeiriblOB la ranning amoolblj. Ttio 
oompan; will loor Icwa, Wlaoontio, Hloneaoiaand 
Michigan. Tberoatar lauroUowa: A, E. Markham, 
maiaasr; Fred J. M. Monlgoninf juge manager; 
OatI Praatler, Oliuda Biown, Oari Walker,adrancei 
Mamie MoClare, Uora Wood, Minnie Brown, LIlUe 
aipaej. Mamie MoOlnie, aoabraile, wu pmonied 
wltha baanuraldlaoundrlng on her Iwenlr'tblnl 
blrtbdaj br mambfra ot tbe compan;, and a mil 
Mooded Bpanlab png dog rrom Mr. Harkbam, her 

— lUTld O'Bncn'a UomedUna rrpnrt meeting 
wltb ratr Bucotaa In Iba Bootbera part ot Ohio, pbtj- 
Ini tbe ooal and mining towne lie Mr. O'Brlen^a 
laieat ancceaaea, "The liohoa/' and "Oar Yonng 
Hero " Tbo roaler: TbiOoniT "laicbe," MaT Row^ 
OaT Leiion, Adrlle Oreenr. Prot. F. W. Wagner, 
Albert wllaon. Ilecrr R- O'Urlan la alsga manager. 

— Ralb HoAaler baa joined "A Oraokar JMk,<rn. 
plaoloB Fannj Ftantcall, and Fred A. Bulilran hu 
reUref In rarer ot llarrr Trmjar. Oarrle litlar la In 
ber aeocnd aeaaon wllb "A Oraokor Jaot:" alao 
Frank P. Ollleaple, K A. Atklnaon and J. Wllaon 

— Managan Wall; Weat and Umj Obapin claim 
tbal partlea are naing tbetr UtIe ot the Boeton 
O'jmad; Oo. 

— Liule IngUa la wlUi Ubu. L. Darla' Oompaoj, 
plajloi "Mra. Jnalrn." Bbe will aall lor Burope 
neit Mar, probably to appo ir In Mra. Walter Bent- 
ley'a Oompur, whom, Mlaa Inglla wrltea, bu made 
ber an o Ar to pla; the ramala heatr nie In "llaU 
Mtat Blgh." 

— M. B. Oania appeared betore tbe ooort at Low- 
ell, Maaa- on Not, is. and made applioatlon U> lake 
tbe poor leblor'a oato. Tbe application wu occa 
alODed bf the ault brongbt by Unncan B. Utnlaoo, 
bu toroar manager, to reoorer money wblob tbe 
■alter olalma la due bim. Mr. OnrUi leaUOad thai 

— Powtn MndoU Oomedy Notes: Tbe Powell 
Maaloal Oomedy Co. and lbs Oapt. Tbomu' Bnr- 
priu Party bare cooaolldated and are now making 
week ataida. Bo far, In aplie ot tbe bard Umea, 
wa are playing to good bnameaa. We bare a new 
tort, top, wiui airt middle ple«a. Ereryiblng la 
Inablpahapaordaraiidwnrkuiaanioothly. Roaler 
or tbe CO.: Tbomaa A Powell, anie proprietors; 
Oao. L. Powell, general manager; Will n. Btanley, 
stage manager; Mr*. M. A. Tbomaa, tnasarer; 
ctpL Tbomu, magician; Oeo. L. Powell, banjoitt 
and comedian; win B, Bianley, character oomedlan 
and Tocallat; F.ra Tbomaa, terlo comic rocallat; 
Mrs. JnanlU Powell, balladlat; LIUls Dot Powell, 
Biln dancer; Oeorgle Cook, aong and dance: Mrs. 
M. A. Tbomu, aeoond algbt; Mamie Bngle, planlat, 
and Bonn llankin, bou cantaa man, wltb two 
amlalania. Tba abow will auy ont all Winter, 
working Bonih, and many new lealorea will be 
added, making It one ot tbe strongest abowa of Ita 
kind on Ibe road. 

be owned uo nroparty, real or personal, except bla 

— xne — • " — — 

. pertyo 

be alao nfuaed to Idenuty u bla any oC tba algna' 

Is tba proi 

Bltr,"8am'lot roaon," becl«1med, 
it bla wire. Aa a raeana of delenaa 

tnrsa aUaohed lo lattera and contracu wbloh ware 
sabmtued, aud tberaby pracuoally aocuaad Mr, 
Uarrlaon or rorgety. 

— A former inemher nt Hobinacn's Oomedlaua 
wrltea oa oomplalnlna Ibat aalailca were not paid 
ri,r eight weeka with uat oomptny. 

— Max t). Wilt, mualcal dlrecior, cloeed wltb tba 
"Colonel" Co., at Uallaa, Tex. 

— Kale M. llowanl Joined Pauline Parker'a "Wild 
Roae" UOh 10 play bearlae, opening at Tunkban- 
nook. Pa., Nor, IS. 

— llcpe Booth'a lease of the Qtrrlok Theatre, 
London, Reg., hu uot y it exiiir<id,and abe Inlenda 
lo try her fonune onoe more In ibo Kogllah meiro- 

E)lla. Bbe bu eecurad ibe Rngliab rlgbia to (ilea 
aoDcnonib'a Oomedy "Delmonlco'a at Six," and 
■llod tor England Nor. IT. 

— We bkre a note alallng Ibat Mrs. Ohu Harel 
la now lying III rmm ibe eiri'cia ot a anrglcal upera. 
lion at IbeTdyrllblo lloapllal, Thirty tourtb SltMt 
and Beoond Aveuue, tbfa city. Ucr ttlonda are 
uked to cciumunicate wlUi ber. 

— ilia announced ihat Anion llrgner, Iho 'cello 
plMor, xrougbt to Dilaoouninr by Walisr llammacli, 
and agalnat whom theorcbealnt la Carnegie Uatio 
Hall auuck but winter when be appeared aa i 
sololat, Iwoauae bawunotameoiliarorlbtlrunliia, 
baa taken oni bla first olilaan papers, and hu alao 
become a member ol the Hnaloiana' Hainal Pro- 
tenure Union or tbls city. 

— Frank Uodgea, whole said to beAmerlea'a 

Eonngeet mualoal dlrocicr, oxpecta to loare fr 
ngland In llMouber. 

— Rosier ol Pirkor A llanald'a Jolly Oomedy 
Booniais, In ' Snap Bbota :'■ Parker A llonald, ado 
ptopilelora aud managen; W. A. Ronald, ireu- 
nrer: Obaa. K. I'arkor, atage director; A. T. Bonds, 
W. W. Taylor, KraUbvr'lT, M. (I. Urgan, Mabel 
Olyone, Bert llarrey, W. Waiaon and Hairy 
UonaHlton, leader ot orobealra. Wo bare been oat 
ainoe October and hare been doing lair bualnem 
are booked right Into May ibivagb Oacaila ai( 

— A. y. Pearson, acoompanlod by Mra. Peanon, 
lati New York laat week, to apend tne winter In lUe 
South. Mr. reamon buaoarraogod bla bualnma 
aOklra tbsl ItwIII lie poulble lo dlreul bla large the- 
atrical Uiltr«aia,wlibhla baadquanera In Ibe Boalb, 
and lofonna na uat he la r«et»red to pertrct beallh 

— K. B. Kookrlll, manaier or w. B. Wheeler' 
enterprlaea, aenda tne toUowIng: "W. B. Wheelci' 
Umnedlant will lake ihe nad Uie aeooml week or 
January, producing a new mnalcal raroe comedy, 
•Obrlaiffiu Bella,' In three acta. The company 
will oooalai ol tvelre people, and luur tbe HtaKm 
uountry, week auuda baring been booked in tbe 
brlDOlpa) oiUea. Mr. Wbeeler will alao pnt out 
'Ten Nights In a RarrDom,' and carry all tbe 
acenarylor the piece, wlib tonrteen people In tbe 
cut. 'The Two Olaa,' which hu been on tour 
einoe Augnit laal, IsmoeUng with snocea*. i>ommy 
Kdwarda, wbo bu bnn aaaoclti«d wlih ihc Iry 
iMt Trio, la no longer oonnootad wllb them. Hr. 
KocktUI will liook and direct Ihe touis ot Trn 
Nlgbu In a Barrwm.'alsc 'Ohrltunas Bella.' "nie 
Two Olea' will be lakon oir ttm nad when ■Obitat- 
mu Bella' goes oaL" 

— Tbe Roial BUu gdaitei hare algned wllb J, 
Sleward'a 'Two Jobna" Uo., lor the reel of tbe 

— ObarleaT. rarsloe wu atnoken with paralyL- 
or UierlgblaldaNor.lT,at bla home. In Vila citr, 
TbeatiendbigpbTalclan aaya Mr. Paraloe'a conil- 
Uon la not crnfcal, 

— Nell UlchHeid. Vaskee oomedlan, Joined Ju. 
B. Mtokle'a Oo. In CInolnnaU, O., lo pl^ tbe part ot 
the landord In "n» Bide Bhow.>> 

— Joabaa Bhadrlck, aecond oau ainger, 
olossdirltta"TbeOuhier,"ana Joined ibeAmerl' 
can Tbeaite Oo. 

Began ber professional career with B. E Rice In 
'Adonis," and won pnmoUon In that ooopaoy 
aner aerrtng a lengthy apprenllccsblp. She next 
Joined J. U. aiU'a "Ship Ahoy" Oompaay, ber eon- 
trsct being tor two years. She wu compelled, 
bowerer, by serers Ulnets. to cancel Ibis agree 
meat and to take temporary raL Uposberreslorv 
linn to beallh Bbe Joined Hilton lluyle'a "Friends'' 
oompany. While wltb this oonpsnf aheattncted 
tbe auentlon of Daniel Fmbmto, and wu arier- 
warda eongrd by bIm ror the role of Kale Blaa- 
hope In "The amy Mare" road company. Uatnea- 
Bon abe played Doroihr NerlUe wltb E. B. BoUiam 
In "Sb^an, or the Uiald of Baib." Hlaaairoux 
originally intended toderote bar atlenUon loocmlc 
open, but she bu now ahandcned all IdMof n 
tnming to that Odd, and at tbe cloae ot Mr. 
Boihem'a engagement at tbe Lyceum Theatre aba 

— Oeo, and Haggle Sane go with Oregorr'a 

Bompiy Damptyr oo. 

— Eddie O'lleli reporta snooeu with Jamea R. 
Adams' new "Oruy Lot" Co., In bU acnbatlc 
tramp apeclaltr. 

— Richard Y. Riley, obaractor actsr, late ot Ibe 
Otud Opera Bonae Biocfe Oo., of Boston, Informs 
OS that on Jan. 1, irai, be will begin a sianring tnnr 
in a repertory ot ataodard dramas, and will cany 
a biaaa hand and orchestra, Qood time Is belni 
booked lo New York, Vermont, New llampablre anl 

—James Forreatsnd Jlmmle Walls hare Joined 

—The Baldwin-Rodgers Oomedy Oo. report One 
hnalneu lut week. In Ocala, Fla. 

— Knoll and McNeil sutt tor Bsn Franclaco, on 
Nor. 2t, to nil a roar weeks' engagement, after 
which Ibey anticipate rlalUng Anairalla. 

— Mabel Ward la aucceaarullr sinsing ■ Tbe 
Oruel Ulu" and "I Wonder Will They Answer ir 1 
Write," wllb Well'a "Liberty Bell" Oo. 

— oeo. W. Lows bu taken charge nt Ibe Uardy' 
Malcom Co., and hereafter It will be known u Ibe 
Wonderland Oonedy Oo. Tbe roater: Oeo. W. 
Lowe, proprietor and manager; Frederick Mal- 
com, Iiarrr M. Blak& Fred D. Hoatow, ubu. T, 
Hart, Prank Webater, E. 0. Belmont, Nera Cameron, 
Mamie Barrett, Lola Ooodrlcb, Trlzle Lee, J. 0. 
Harper and Oeorge Harper. 

— Obaa. L. Yooog Is butlneu manager of tbe 

— Johnnie Prlngla will next season take ont bis 
now musical comedy, In tbise aota, "ranch and 

— "Tlie Odonel aud I" Oo. are touring tbe New 
Eoglaud States. The Fenion BrMbers are playing 
tbe leading nlea. 

— Ollle 0. UaU bu engaged Madame SeUU and 
Signer Vdoaka tor aconoert tour. 

— Lillian Erans hu retired from tbe Era Tan- 
quay Uo. 

— The Theatre Bcral In Montreal, Oao.. wu en- 
tered by bnrglara Nor. IT, and about gTOO wu 
stolen. The report Ibat tm.DM worth ot bonds be- 
longing to Manager H. H. Jacobs, one or tbe pro- 
prietors of the taooae, were atolen, la denied. 

— Alexander Byers appeared In conrt inOhlcago, 
III,, Nor. IT, to proaecuCa Oeorge W. Clancy lor Ball- 
ing copica ol puya he claimed. Mr. Byers lestUed 
that Mr. 01ancy,«hcm be bad employed to copy 
tbe pUya, had taken mors coplu than he wu blrrd 
to take and bad aold these extra copies. Tbe pUrs 
In queetlon Included many well known plays, toe 
property of Oharlea U. Hoyt, Daniel Frchman and 
uuier prominent managers, wbo were repreeented 
byconneal. Ontlia wItncMstaud Mr. Byeisatalad 
that be sold copies ol tbeaepbays lor tn>, aometlnes 
f60. Be had rorgotten how be got them; all he re- 
membend wu that he got ibem. Bomeiunee. be 
admlued, he bought them tmm stenograpbors. 
rbe cue mu bekl orer to Nor. 91. 

—J, U. OolUn Informs ua thato. P. Zlagteld wlU 
aend snother company on the road to produce tbe 
comedy-dnuna, "In tne Enemy's Camp." He will 
take Hsmie Ftederlok Item hu "Oonnct" Oo. and 
feature ber wltb the new renture. Tba company 
will open ibeir tonr at llaltlmore, Md., sboni 

— UeniT W. yuiou the Eogllih property man wbo 
wu rectoUy acut hack to England IMcause be had 
enlered Into a contract abroad with Augnailn Daly 
m work at bla tbcaire in tbls oily, relumed to ibis 
country Nor. IB. 

— Fror.Uerrmann's atage eirecis, tilcka and prop- 
ettica were seised un a writ ur aiiachmani Nor. IT 
attheColnmbaaThe«<re,lblscliT. Theattaobment 
tru Bwom cut br Julius J. Frnuk, an attorney wbo 
looked after I'ror. llerroiann's Inierosiln imi, when 
be apeculated dlaaatrously In a Brooklyn, h. Y- 
theatre, and who olalma that tbe maglcuo atiU 
owes him 13,000 for bla work. 

— Manager Ulnicn Russell writes us that he bu 
called In ble comedy oompany owing to poor boal- 
noae, but that all salarlea wi:re paid to dau. Be 
turtber writes tbsi he bu loam the Wondeibuid 
Theatre. Hamilton, Ontario, Oauada, and renamed 
It Uie DiJon. Be will open the house Thanksgiving 
Day witn a sloofc company. 

— Notoa rrom E. Frank llaakint' Oo.: We are 
doing a Sue buslneu In spite of hard times. May 
nobcrta, our leading lady, wu prtunted with a 
gold watch and cbain by Ibe oompany aa a token ot 
Uioir eaieem. Rosier: E. Frank Hawkins, James 
MaitbewB, PTt>t. J. 0. Oaner, Bam J. Roberta, Hu 
Vernon and Mlu May Roberta. 

— "The World Agalnat Her" Co. oommenoaa Its 

pnrpoaes sailing for Europe to atndy there for at 
cut one year In order to flt herself more iborotub- 
jr to attain high rank in tbe leglUmata drama. Her 
uplrstlona In tbls direction hare contldetable 
wamnt, u abe hu prtrren berself nnon ureial oc- 
caalona to poaaess mncb merll, and wltb tbe ays- 
tamailc tnlnlog she now contemplates there la 
mncb promlM oi sacceea la her f utoie career. 

Detroit,— Tbe Lycenm will remain dark nnlll 
Nov. n, wbao Corlaoa eomaa for four nlsbu. Tbe flnt 
Ibroa nlgbu 'ol laat woak Oao. Tbatobar'a "Iboat 
Oothsm" itcalrad aablll la patroaaia, aad tba oompaay 
eloMd lbs aaaaon bar* and ntamad lo Naw Tork. Mr. 
Thalcbar baa loload wltb l«o ol lb* foramoat miaalral 
eomad tana and, tosatbar UiavwlU oraaataa aa "npto 
data" bis nlDieral abow. Tba lour will basla abont 
ubrUlwortheSntoltbayaar. „ „ 

DirsojrOraaA uooaa.— Loata Aldneb eom»a Kor. IS- 

I. to ba lollo»ad br lallsr, iraalelao, n-M "A Blaek 
Bbaap" IMlad the capaettr of tao bonia and plaaaad Ino 
maoMlr tba forapart it ua weak. Donoally and Oiimid. 
B"Tba BalniiiAbar%" warn not Car bablnd daring tba 
latur pan. Bddia For will ba ban NaT. S«Da«. I, In 
- Oir Iba Earth." _ _ ^ . 

Watrvar's QaasD Ormu Bocan — Tbia waak, Ward 
and Vokai, in "A Ran on tba Bsok." Laat waak, rtoranea 
BIndlar waa walcomad br big tnnonta. Nait wrak, 
Biava Bndta, in '*0n Ibe IfowaiT." _ 

OiaraSLL's EapiBB ToBAras— Tbia waak. "Id tba 
Name ol tha Oaai." Laat waak "Tba Pollea Inapaeloi" 
plarad to fairly sood bnalaaaa. Nait waak, ^a Borg. 


WonpsBLiso TsBATsa an Hosaa.— ^arlo ball, gln- 
nia'a Japanaaa mop*, La Dor f iba nail hlni) aad Janaa. 
Bias a— Iialaon, lATaalon and Natron. T. wllmot, Bcben 
aad Boma Barv.O.Park Byat«,WUIaltaodTboniaAd 

^Smtm-Tba Naw Parktaa Ball aad niaaua, at tba 
ooniar of Orand Rlvar aad Tvainb Btraaui. la now open 
to Uia pabllo, and looal lalant praralla. Tba ball bans 
aUB* alabtaaa foat wida, OllaaB faat daar and nine Mgb. 
: I la ramlabad wlib roar faanao. a baanllfal drop eo^tn 
mm lb* brvb ot Bobart Hopatna, of tblaalty, ud la 
llibtad wlUi aledrtallr. Mr. Partlna aipscta to praaani 
Bombar or prolaaalonal paopla tlnrlng lb« aaaaon. 

arwBd Raplda.— At Fowan' Orud Open 
Booaa, Lawla MorrtaoD, la "Faost,'* draw two Urga 
houaaNoT II Ikaadld "Tba aiarOaiar" IS, II. 0am- 
Ins: "Oa Iba BnwafT"axSl, Olavaland'a MlnMralaK 
BlAkau'aTronbadAontT, 9. 

aaiSD Opaa^HoaBS.- Uat waak*-* BaffsasaUbaob" 
pUvad to fall bnalnaaa Tbta waak, 'A Oraakar Jaak;*' 
a» tweak, "Tba suit Alans." 

SHira'a Oraaa Hoobb.— Waak ol 19: Bmltb Broa, 
(TBrton SlftaiB, nwlln and Olart, Data Zola, tba Btu 
laya, Mar Boay, Balay aad Baymond aad tba aUHfe. 

LanalBg,— At Balrd's Open House "The Dai- 
■lar" wu praaanlad Nor. IS to a lair alaad aodloDca, 
lollowad by "Tba Obavliy BaU" IT. to aood bnaloaa*. 
Coming: "hba tlaplaln'i Mats'' It, Tba Hairr Milk 
Halda''^ (local) II, 'Tba BUU Alara'' 14 .... Atlba Blar 
Ttaaaua tba BaekaltComady Oo. haM tba boaidi U and 
waek to^paylDsboatnaaa. Tbta boaaa will lamaln dark 
III! 9, 8Q,tl wbao 0. W. WlUlama' oompaay oosaa. 

BBgina w^At llie Academy of Hnalo Donnelly 
and Oinid playad tn B. R O. Not. 14. Tbatobar'a "Abon ; 
Oatbaffl" Co. waa bookad lor It bnt tba oompanv aloaw 
at Datralt IL -Tba Bblp of atata" eomaa la, Palix A, 

TlneaotV^ '"Oa tbMBowarT"S AtBordwall'aOpara 

Ilonw Bam T. JaohaOtaolaCo.fllladtblabonaaDlgliUy 

dnrlBs Iba paat waak. Tba rasanmaatotoiad IT 

olanda Hawaii and FblllplMiaTat,DarparronDam,l«aTa 
In a raw dayn for tbaallrotHaaleotafUlaalimantiia 
angagamaatwIlbOrrlD Brea.*01rDaa. 

jMkaoB,— At Blbbard'a "The Daixler" pleased 
a sood booaa Not. IS "Tba Bblp ot Btata" bad aiealtaat 
bnaioeaaU. "SldaTt*ckad"2l, "Iba Charity Ball ' U 


tour Nor. U. at Paierson, N. J., wltb tbe toUowlng 
people: W. B. UarUord, Barry Hacdonald, W. W. 
Titylor. U. R. Mliobell, Albert Lirlngaion, Ubss. T, 

Pam, Walter Nlobola, Uatry Wali<ni,8alva Deabon, 
Lncle Villa, Vee Violetta, Ada Harconrt, Nellie 
uueen. Era Scou, IllUe HaUle, and Agnw Wallaoo 
Villa- Sam B. Villa, manager. 

— Iloator or Uyde'B Comedy «Vi., No. 4: HobL 
Hyde, proprietor and manager; Kddic Fox, >tar~ 
manager; Beaker and Wllkee, Mau Bteen, Ba( 
Welch, and Eddie and Uun Fox. We take Ibe 
road Nor. 3S. 

— Itosier of the Fanny Rice O. In "A Fmu'i 
Frollu," sn adaptation from tbo Oerraan or "Three 
Pain ot Shooa:'' Fanny lUce, Era Rudolph, Emilj 
Wakrman, IKokr Halghl, Oarrle D-irkIc, B»pble 
Itebwuldt, Oeo. 11- Rdeson, Herman Ebrendt, Bar- 
nry HoUonougb, U, H. Uunon, John Luokman, 0 
W. l'urdy,m«oag<'r: Whiting Allen, In a trance. 

— An atlacbmenl bu been obtaloed In tbls city 
agalnat Usrry A>kln and Philip A. Shea (or tito In 
laror of Edward Walker on an aaslgned claim of 
William BL Pierre, or Montreal, for sorrlces in 
maalog clotbloi for ibe UamllleD Arvllle Open 
Co., nt which Auin and Shea were niuagatk 

— EiToutlona bare been leaned agalost Alexan- 
der Ooualook on Jodgnirnts oblalnrd In tbls city, 
In favor or David M. Hlldnth for IW3 and Obarlu 
B. UlandfcrllM. 

— Manager o. U. Hess bu gocured Uol. W. 0. P, 
Hreokliirldge tor a aerica or lectnrro, to ho dellrer- 
ed lo the proailacnt clute or the country. 

— Tbe ActoiB' League, No. 1, will give their an- 
nual hall on Nov. IT, at rmr. Fouton's Hall, Eighth 
and Colombia Arunuea, I'blladelobia, Pa. 

— "In the Name ol tbe Cur" went to Ibe wall 
Hprlnlleld,0„Nor. II, 

— Qeorge ttiatcber's "About (loibam"Oompai>: 
oloaoii at Detroit, Ulcb., lut week. II Is reported 
Ibat Hr. Thatcher will put onl a mlnsinl ooDpany 
about tbo liolldaya. 


PToa-ldvBre,— At tbo Provldenoe Open noose 
Not. 11-lr, Hioa'a "ItU" rlayad to tba oapaolty of tba 
bouaaataTarriiarturmanea. Tba fliat ball of tbta waak 
'-Soaalal DallTarr" makaa Ita Bnt appaaimnoo; Iba r»- 
malDdar oflba waak Jamaa O'Natll; waaa ollB,DaQ. 
Uaolon Hroa * "raolaama." 

KBltH'aOraaA ltocaa.-NOT. ll-IT, Uao. W. Honna II 
"Hi Aunt Bi Meal," did a bis bnalnaaa. Tbta waak "In 
O'lfUlori" torlulBlUal appaaraaca bar*; aailwaak, 
■-Ubt Jki rionlr." 

WBsraiHarin TnaAVaa— Not. la-lr, tba IrwInBroa* 
(Qinw dtd a |\i«d bualnaaa. TbIa waak, Rlea A Ba^ 
i-n a "Rami* Uaiala," foUowad by Wal«r A PlaU'aOwn 

LoTBBora OraHA llousa.— Tfaa booaa opanad ondar 
naw nanaaaniant IS wllb a good apaatalti abow. Tba 
houis baa baao tanovatad. and looka bauar tbaa Itarar 

did. ■ 


Rldinaoad.—'ltte Black UTouk," at tbe Acad- 
amy of Muala, Mot. 1^ IS, draw fairly wall ooaildaring 
Ibamadloaiaoonipany whiob iinaonlad IL Larsaandi 
anoaa aU4«t4d th»Ir appraolalloB ol '-Iba Baalga" iK IS, 
and anibnalasu rao blab. Maria BarlDUbabuaaaealad, 
a ulasnuu laoalTad Uto 17 aaDaanelai Ibat aba bad 
olwd nar aaaaon by adTiM of bar pbralalaB 

AOAoaar or Mraic-'Tloalora^ A tl. Joaapb Jaffar- 
Bon rt. Bataa Broibara* -'Itanpty Dunpty ' V, 9, "Pawn 
Tickal 110' 119b 

RiOHloRb Touraa.— Tba Roooay Ooaoady Oo. 11, 
Mabal ralia » aad waak 

roraan'B TaBaraa Ooaiqca— Opanlng It^ KItUa 
Qray'a rrbiaUara. naalnaaaoontlnnaalalr. 

Narfblk.— At Ihe Academy ot Mnslo Tbe Bn. 
also" plarad to aooJ boaaaa Nor. IL U. "Ibat Otiwaa 
alil" badlali bailaaa 11 IT. Jos. Jatbm aiwaa n. 

Buoo Taairaa-Opanlac IS: JamaaB. Blaak, BartUa 
Iiaali«,noydiutunaadMamiaUTay. Bnalaaaa u good 


WaahiagtoB. — Tbe Bostonlans, In "Robin 
Hood," "Tba Maid or Flymonlb" and "FaMBllia," tad 
atandlog room bonaaa all Uat waak at Baplay'a Natloaal 
Tbaatra. **Tba Qraat Brooklyn Handicap" fallad to maba 
a aaoaaaa la Ita praaanlallon at Albaoib'a Oraod Opam 
llonaa. Tba bonaa wu wall flllad oo iba opanmg nlgbt, 
bnt boilnnaa waa poor for tba ramalndarof Iba waak. 
Hanlooa' "Paataama" waa pnaantad at Raplay'a Acad 
amy of Hnilo to aptandhl baaloaaa dnrlns tba anUn 
angaffamant. "Pawn Ticket lic^" wlib p. Ang. Andar- 
aoo. Prank Doana and Amy Laa in tbaeaat, anppoRad by 
a aatlafkotory company, waa pn*antad at Bnllar'a BHon 
Tbaaua to good bnalnaaa. Tbo Mar Howard Oo., at Kar- 
oan'a LTranm. kapl an a nntrnrmlr big bnalnaaa all laal 
wa#k. Tba IbtldanBDal Para Pood Show, mtCoDTanUoo 
Hall, wu orowdad nialilly all iba waak, and Iba aama 
aattaractorr atala of airalra will nndonbtadly eontlnna 
dnrlBS Uia two lamalning waaka 

Rinar'a Natiohal rnBAraa — Joaapb Jatraiaoo, Nov 
1S-S4, "A T*mparanca Town" le-Daa. 1. 

14, ' Tba Naw Bomb" «-dm. I. 

lunsT'a AcAsnr or Mcsia— EauOlutan and Hma. 
Janaaachak, In "Tba Twa Oipbaaa," Not. 1M4, 'Tba 
Paaaing Hhow" S-Dao. t. 

Bonaa'a Buoo Ta batbs.— John A. Blarana' "WUa for 
Wtia" Nor l»-S4, "Tba Bpan or Lira" M-Daa. 1. 

KBRSAw'a LroBoa TaBaru — Hopkina' star Bnaolattr 
C-o. Not. IMS. Pisd WaldBUB'a Owe Oi^ M-Dao. I. 

Msnaaorr Music BAU..~-nia Maod Powall Biting 
Quartett Co. Nov. II Oonoart br Mr. aad Mra Broa : 
Lent. Harmaaa RakaaaDD, Anion Scbott and Don 
Valaafa Bakarg 

OOBTunoM Uauu.— Saoond aad ihlid waaka ot tba 
Thlid Anaoal Pure Pood BBpoaitioo IS-Daa. I. 

MOTBS.— Ttoi Marpby laid off bata luc waak rabaaiatng 
andpttUlngibaflnubingtoocbaa on Barbara Ball Win 

f Iq^'^ H nl** **AllfnaB«.** whiilli na ArlaHnallv nvn. 


twoaaia , 

alaalna bu baaa partbolau br Po'oy Wtotar. It will b» 
pndnoad Ibla weak at bt Loola, i ■ - ■ 

oomptny atarlad 19. . 

^la, for wbiob polol Iba 

Oimal Panlab bu latnrnad (rom 

bla ^afopaan Irlpnincb laprorad lo haallb Mill 

□otthA d, Iba adraoea rapnasBtatlTa of -Tba Oraaa 
BioDklyn Handloap,*' gmra Maaagar Mlllaothal tao 

waaka' Bouoa It Tba funiral olllariT Booklngbam. 

wbo wu uially bomad 11, at tba Pnnt Btraat Tbaatra, 
Banimora, took plaoa It, from tba home of bla ratbar, Ir 
Ibla oily, and ww largaly atlaodad. 


New Orloaaa^Thc real Winter weather that 
bu baaa ourv lo enjoy daring tba paat waak, made 
Ibaatia going IbeannaamaBloftbebour, ud tba liberal 
patrooaga, baatowad apon tba Ixonpaa paaalBg Ibrongb 
onr oily, prorad Ibalr ability to plaaaa. 

Pbbbob OrsBA Tloosa.— On Nov, 11 "La Jnlva" wu 
aang 'o u immaou andlaoca. in aaeb act tba laoor. M. 
Anuty, ublarad a trlomob Tba praaantaUoa ol ibla 
mncb admired opara u stvaa baiw wu partlearly nal 
lonii,baviogaoraalli»aabipotlnmeaal. ObaTamoba, 
Mma Larllla, Mma. Jaaa Daioy. M. aainnaa, Hma. 
Dafitaaonoa, M. Anuir, M. BalUy, Mma HoQiawlaS, 

tba mnoh haivldad uanr M Joudain, and tba aa 
yat nnbaard bafluaa H. SoiuB,_at« sraad onara 
atngara of iba flrat magnttada. **wariba>"wu blllad 

for ilabday'B matlnaa. and wu aong wlUi Mma Dargta. 
MDOa and M. Batlly la Iba taadtng rolaa ObarloUa and 
WanbaT;wbllalbarolaolBopbtawuaainul«d loMma. 
Mooiawlaff. Bandar nlgbt a doablapfognnmaoonatal. 
ing of '"aalalbaa." a two aot opaim oomlqaa, and "La 
Maacoua" wu anng. Tba atiaoda»ea at iba mallnaa 
wu not u Una u mlahl bare baao aipaolad. 
Tba aranlog parlermanoa brongbt out a Una aud- 
lanca. •'Oaulbaa," In wblob Iba Ulla nU wu arnoa- 
fnlty oamod bv Mlla Jana Dany. with iba baaao nU • 
Pfgmalloo anas by M. Sanrto, wu aatla cbaraio 
alia. Dany mada a praltr QaUtbaa, aad bar aol'~ 
alteltad moeb applanaa M. Qarrlgiiw wu good _ 
Oasynada. aad Blraia mada an aiooUaat MIdaa. TbIa 
opaia wu Immodiaulr fotlnwad br "La Maacolta,' 
wMab aaoiad a aoecaaa lor Mma. Bi.Laarantu wall k. 
far MH. Uomarvllla and BoyoL M, Piaiaba provad aa 
aieallaDl Plppo Mma. Bt Lanraot at Baitloa wu 
cbamtng ud won ibo moat rhToiabIa eommantltom 
Uia aodiaaoa. Oa it M. Jonrdato naoa bU iiabal ' 
"Oarmw."aiidjMilf arcaUnialabaou proodlr wa 
Taais bara paaaad amaa Naw OrUana bu aaaa tba iota 
of Oamaa m wall Intorpratad mm it wu IS, br Mma 
LavlUa. Mma Moarawlaa Hag Iba tola el Macula. M. 
Qnlllaa gaTaafamaikablataiaipralaUoo of BaeamlUo 
"La JnlTa," wllb M Aaaity ta tba lanot role and Mma. 
LarUla u RaabaL wlU ba anax IS. H Baaa will, on IT, 
mUa bu dabnl fa "La Farorlta " Nov IS, "La Qiaad 

UBABDOraaA iloi 

longba - 

AOAoaar or Mmo — "IM" hu mada ftlaada In iba 
Oraaoaatctly, aaddnitagtla atay baia tba.eapacily 
Ibla Ibaam wu lealad. Not. iC'ln CM laalnaky.'' 

Bt. OaAaiaa-i-"vba Baadimng" playad to Urga aadi 
aacaa. Hot. IS, Waida and Jamaa. la lapanory. 


JaekaoBwUla^At lbs Park TbeaM Bam . 
Jaek'a "Ball rigktar" pluad a raiam data ta lauly good 
anauaaea, amily kaldtaaia, Her. Ik -i«a BBaga" 
aoaaa a9. MaaaiM Oao T Baibttdga iweaaily look 
agnaa brlp la Maeaa,0^wkaiabawM wadded la Mrs. 
B. I, Oak . . . . . .Wallar L. Mala-a Otteu 

ID orasA Uocaa — Tbomu Q- Baabrooha' aaiorad 
t bla hen havly-aappon. *Tabaa«o'' wlU 
aismamband. UltUDLawUU, 


Colored Mlnatnla and Specialty Oo.-Sam Plckelt, 
proprietor and manager; W. T. Butt, tteuunr; 
Barry Ooodman, 1. w. Brewer, stags mansgere; Oil 
Oery, D. Palmer, Chaa. MUls, F. Edwards, Max. 
Harris, Oscar Brewer, John PampUn, Blllr Johnaon, 
Jim Bland, W. RedTlck,J.Bawklna,BlUI{. Spenur, 
OevUe Ararllt, Ihe Wood Slaitn, Uiley Oeary, Edna 
Oole, Lula Wilson, O. W. Jones, musical director; 
Jonu' Black Hosssr Band and PetrlcM Qoartel, U. 
W. Jones. E. Plancbard, J. Brewer, W. Lyous, H. 
FaUon.TT. Psilon, Prof. J. Olfftn, leaderotorcbes- 
tn; J DoU, J. T. Bates, W. Rowland, 0. Rowland, 
O. ibllhert, O. Alexander, J. B. Darls and Sam J. 
Black, agents. 

Tan JAOI BmBAxr Oompakt will start from 
Dallaa. Tex-, Nor. li, and tonr Eui. Frederick 
Downing will be tbe manager. 

OLABiHCB BOHMiLt, Inlsriornlor, Joined Olere- 
land'aMlnstrelsat lA(V«ae. Wls.,Nor. 10, Oobnra 
and BaldwiD Joined at Wuona, Minn. 

LrrrtB BBXBkBTLA MAanni, Amerlca'e invenlle 
dancer, opened at the Alhambn Tbeaue, London, 
Eng., Sept. a, and wu Immediately engaged for the 
new hauet until Deo. 10. B» tben opens In Edin- 
burgh, Beit., IT, to puy prloclpal bey In pantomime, 
wltb a tonr of the prorloces to follow, retnmlng to 
tbe Alhambn In Jnne, isti. 

JiBBT Bait and Lxw Baksb hare left Brownlee 
t Hardy's Mlnstiels, Hr. Hart to go to New Or- 
leans, where he vrlll rehesn* Jerry Hart's Hlnetnls. 
Mr. Baker goes lo Kansu City and Chicago. 

J. 0. McQuiai, Irish comedian, hu returned from 
Drenea' Bpeolaliy Co., baring been ont aince IMt 
Hay. Benportegood business throngb Vermont 
and Uasssohnsens. . , . 

Bah HcDowiLL AND Liw Olxhn bare Joined 

Hiss Hall, a dancer. Joined Rice A Barten's 
Comedians but week. 

AnTBDB SXLBT, msnsgtr of Kokee's Enterttlners, 
reports good bnelnas ror bis companr. Hr. Salby 
uys he u not engaging any neople tor a concert 
garden or amasemententerpnae In WaterbuTT, OC-, 
u reported. Hn. Selhy (Bnile Ooodwin) is tnUb- 
Ing her fonrth week on the U. 0. Blob t Oo. olrauiL 
ana Joins her husband Dr c. 3. Wallace, tbe mind 
rexdar. Is wilb them, baring closed with the 
Wrens. Prof. Frank Ooodwln lett Nor. 12, lo accept 
an eDgasement In Boalon. Jamea Oleland repbued 
Frank Walsh, the advance, IT. 

TBI Alhambba Exthataoanza CO. open tbclr 
tonr at Anion, III., Nor. 24, In Ihe hurleaiine, 
"A Trip to Japan." The company wUl carry twenty 
people, Inclndlng a aliong oboms. The roeur: 
lenry A. Rlspen, proprietor and manager; E. 0. 
Cain, teneni represenuailve; Ed. De Caunle, stage 
manager; Carrand Beach, UllleSuiherland.Aniella 
Sierens, Annie Franklin and Hay StewarL They 
will tour Illlnola, Iowa, Indiana and Ohio. 

From tbb Vitlak Di HOOTOOOHPAHT.-We have 
cloned onr two week' engagement In Chicago, 
where boalneu wu big at Bam T. Jack's two houses. 
We go tnm Chicago to Lonlavllle, Ey^ where we 
open Nor.- It at the Bnckingbam. J. J. Hagee Is 
still ahead, and Harry H. Wade and 0, B. Waldron 
are back wltb tbe abow, Ereiybodv U In good 
braltb and looking aoxlonsly for Tog OiirrBX 
every Tbarsdsy. Hr. Msgee, while In Chicago, en- 
gagMB well known Irish comedian to appear next 
season u Dan UaloneT, In (Tonnere A Weston's 
comedy, "Haloney's Raffle." 

Col. Bicib' Orioi.m Txocn or VAroxTiixa Pxr- 
rormere-elxteen In number— lelt this city Nor. It, 
ror Shanghai, China, when ther intend to open a 
tour ot tbe Ueleatbd Empire. Herbert Falea Is the 
manager of Ihe organliauon. The trip will be 
made via San Frmncisco, Cti. One of the main fea- 
Inrea pressnted by Ihe organisation will be a series 
ot llrlng plctnRs. 

PROP- W. Sbxbmam pUyed a Buccessfnl engage- 
ment last week, st tne tlalety Thoin, Oblcago. 
He takes out bis World of NorelUes Combination, 
Dec 8, opening In Jollei, IlL 

AKDT bnoBss bu Joined the Boward Alhenenm 
Co., to do his specialty wllb bis two boys, McBrtde 
and Walten. Mr. Hngbes bu lett tbe race track, 
and hu the same two boys with bIm whom be 
bed previous to bis temporary nlliement from tbe 

AUTXB 0. Pattbn Is In Denver, Cel., where he 
went for the benellt ot his health, having been a 
snlferer fromstenuiob disorders. 

Mablowi Abdbn, contertlonlst, reporta success 
In ths South with bis Demon Act, wltb French's 
Sensations, No. 1. 


nuking their drst tour of ths Ont class vaudeville 
tbeancs, and an being favorehly received In their 
solos sod dneUA. 

FsARK T. OASrsBB hu been engsged by Manager 
John Morrlssey lo go In advance of tbe Lyceum 
Theatre Tandcrllles. 

A. 0. Lawbbnoj^ barltene singer aud Imitator, of 
Rice A Barten'a Comedians, wu a Currin caller 
last week, snd statedtbat tba company wu pUylng 
to excellent buslneu ererywhere. The Raitle 
Dazsle Quartette U galnlogfavora ror good alnglug. 

ALM o. Bn, black race vocalist, whistler, etc, 
wUI not go out tbls season, having decided to take 
np the study of music and complete his act with a 
number of new Instnmental speclsiues. In con- 
ntcUon with (his be bu joined the Cumberland 
Mualoal Trio. 

Btvomdb, HcaniB ahd Rastdb report snooeu 
with Lew Dookaiadet's Minimis, in thsir new 


Nor. se. In San Francisco. 


Putnam, proprietor and manaaer: B. F. Nichols, 
William Randal, Al. 0, Weaver, Sadie Oldham, Bat- 
tle Putnam, Lulu May, and Robert Fenlck, musical 

Will E. Hablahd wu re-elected secretary ot the 
Acurs' Froiectire Union, No. I, of New fork, at 
tbeIr regular meeting, Nov. 14. 

Hakaoxr W. J. OiLMORi, or Ollmore'a Aodltor 
lam, PhlUdelphIa, hu autrarea a sad bereavement 
In tbe death or bis slsler, Annie 0. Ollmore. 

Thr DtmsARS bars Inst closed an engagement or 
tour weeka u tbe winter Oarden, Bt. Louis, snd 
open In Chicago at tbe Winter Cirrus, Nov- is, 
Toey have been ensaged for four weeke at the Win- 
ter Oardan, SL Lonis, to open Jan. I, isti. 

TamiRisaK amd Oarnxl are nlllug a three 
weeks' engagement In Chicago. 


Morgan's Vandevlllts: Sam Fisher, leader ot 
oraheetn: J. W, Obaltaway, leader of hand; AL 
SweeL John Bemls. Oeo. Resls, Fred Smith, Tom 
HcKenna, D, W, Halgbt and Bert Oole. 

Tex riser ot ihe Centrel Tbaaire, Philadelphia, 
In suits against Manager Ollmore wutrled recent- 
ly. It occupied three days, Ihe Jury rendering ' 
veidlot In favor of Mr. ailmore. 

ALT. J. Btbon AND BAM F. WxsiON, bsnjolste and 
comedians, have become parteeis. 

THE Aorona' Protsotivr Uniom, No. 1, of New 
York, gave Frank Bart, one ot their memben. a 
rnnalng aend off on tbe evening of Nov. It, Mr. 
Burt depsrtlng forSbaiiitaal, Ohua, under contract 
wllb BIcka i Fates, Tbe membera of tbe union 
aisambled si their rooms, and beaded by the Han-' 
haltan Union Band, marched In a body to Hr. 
Burfa lealdence, and escorted him to the denoL 

Tdb OoLia (Jta. and Jeaale) had to cancel three 
weeks' work on acconntof Hr. Coles' sloknees. He 
bu been confined to bis hed ten days. They were 
te play Bradenhnrgh'a HuMum, FbUadelphu, laat 
irrek, nut had te cancel. 

Uabbt Thoxsom, Ihe Oerman dialect comedian, 
bu a new song, called "The Mayor of tbe Bowery,'' 
wniien by Eddie Donaldson, of the London The- 
aue, this city. 

Wm. Wasd hu left "Tbe White Onok" Oo, and Is 
resting at bla home. He will ahortly produce a new 

singing specialty. 

Eva ViNCXHTjolped "That oinns Olrl" Company 
at Norfolk, Va., Nov. Id. 

TDB BtJU HUI8T8IL8, uuder Uie management of 
W. B. wmnsLU, stranded at Lcolsnus, Ky., last 
week, wllb uUrlea In smsrs. 

"Barrr Jaci," a banjo player, died at LcnU- 
nile, Ky» OcL 93, In the city bospltal, of pneu- 
monia. He hsd been pluing his banjo In tbe 
aalocns In LouUnile tor aooni eighteen months, 
snd ssemed contented If be could aeoore encash 
money te bny liquor and get a bed. No one In 
Lonlavllle aeema lo know anything about him. At 
tbe hospital he told the physlclsn at di Sbrent times 
that hie name wu J.' J. Scaolon, Jack HcOUl and 
Bvana. Ba ssld te came from Ibe But and his 
fsmlly wen well coanected. He wu burled In tbe 
SL Louis Oemetery and -a btiadatone marks bis 
greve, bearing only "Uappy Jack." 

Tbb RiTiSBU Bbotbbrs (John and Jamea) Intend 
leaving the variety proreeelon alter tbls sesaon, 
snd will go ont In an Irish rarceoomedy. Tbe 
AnsseU Bnlben' company la said te be Tar 
ahead, Bnanclally, 00 the eeaaon tbuafar, and U 
bnelneas oonanned lor the remainder ot the season 
St loed m Ubu beenio tst ibsyMty they will 

Bak B. Samiobd, lbs Titsiaa tnlnsM. la at work 
on a vanlon ot "Tbe White Slavs," la mek. 

BAsniioSANDHAXioNwldtnanevact ror the 
mum or ths Bnasrll Bros.' Ocmpaoy, called '-The 
Wreck." Thev have had new scenery iMinitii br 
arant,at Byde A Bebman's Tbealre, Brooklin and 
the new mechanical rstcu wan msde by t'tiiui 
Smilb, of tbe Rosaell Bros. They have slrcadr 
signed for next ssaaoL. ' 

E. B. BALAMBO wrltea ns from La Unayia, Venc 
znela, nader date at Nor. t, u rolkiws: '-Siora 
wrlilng yon rrom Oanccu , we bsve pUiea in 
Talencla, Pneru Cabello and La Qoayn, and we 
are doing well. Buslneu Is good and imr 
pmipeou Una. We lesre Nov. T Tor Trtnldsd. Wa 
areall welland happjr. H' show goe* under tba 
title of E. S. Sslambo's Nsw York Vsndtillin 
Brcrybody Is anxious to get hold of a CLirrsH. 
we will iralt wltb patience until we reach tbe Pon 
of Spain, where will grtone. Obaa. Bailey, Bbotbcr 
one ol the company'a old mamben, bu Joined ua." 

SnwAUT AND BBBHT bare clossd a Tour Weeks' 
esgagement at the People's Theatre, Blonx ciir 
la., and open on the Kohl A Mlddleten (nrcoii! 

IT IB BxroBiVD tba: Bill and Lawrence are meet- 
ing wltb succea In ttaeir new comedy act, enittied 
"AWsimRecepUnn." ■ 

Wm. and KrmR Habuok bars Joined Uarrr 
Williams' Meleon for the season. Tney will rn,l 
tone tbelr Ban Fnnclsco engagemeote until next 


take tbe road next aeaaon In the tbiea act comcdr 
drama, "Tom, Dick and Hany." ^ 


SpeoUlty Co.— We are. playing Illinois, lows, Kau. 
BU and tbe West lo good business. We opectd 
Nov. 12. Hester: Brooies A Oallagber, prepnelore 
and nanagere; Oaniey Brookes, business nunaaer- 
Wm. Osllagher atage manager; tnt. Naglo, leader 
of orchestre: Cbu. Le Mar, properly man; liuccb 
Pslmrr, W. u. PonUlne La Force, Ultle Ada. Gal- 
lagher and anmn, Lottie HomI, Harry R KUw 
and Pror. Price. 

NOTSS moM TBI Luxv Clat CciobbalOaisty 
Oc— Edward Kendall, agent for tbe ahore aiiiac. 
Uon, wu a OUPPBR caller Nor. It and bsniled 
ns a letter tram Usnsger Bsnr w, Semon in 
which he reports splendid hualnas ererywberc. 
ud Ui« nroupe gtnngUiegrcaleatotaatltricUon. 
Credit la given Hr. Kendall for bmUant Ideu aud 
clever advertising schemes. Agnee Evsot and 
Nettle BntTmBsn an among the popular sUra 
01 tbe company. MelrUIr, tbe gymnast, held 
receptions in his dreaslng room for the ipe- 
etal edlDcailon of the BCvetBl pbysiclanii, am- 
dents and others, on acconnt of his wnndeiful 
muscle development, and during Ibe week, at To- 
ronte, everyone appeared In new lalis, fur capes, 
JeweliT, etc Tbe company hu tbe record ol 
doing tne Urgest week's business In tbe bUicry 
of Ihe theatre, doe prlnclpBlly to tbo eHoru 
ol Ked Kendall, who "workedltup" by hUcarrUge 
scheme, having the paper pulled and some excel- 
lent pretswork,u Hsniager Semon wrliee,Bndiba 
company did tee rutror tne remainder of the week. 
At Tonnio tbe Hlssea Evans and Unmnsnn were 
showered wltb baskete ot nowereby tbe sdmlrlDi 
students. Mile. La Har, premier assolnu, snd 
many of the ballet slru slso received dowen and 
other tokens or admiration, and wben Ihe company 
left the city the sindenu snd oibere cheered them 
u the trein pulled ont ot tbe depot, tbe memben 
standing on the pUtfonn and at the wlndowt 
of Uie Pullman hotel car. In which they iiaveL 
Everywhere the trocpe hu played, sstltfactlon la 
the rule NoUces ot the company state tbal tbe 
eallra performance Is exceedingly good. Wltb tbe 
excepUon or some early Urns, the show Is booked 
clear u Uie PaclBc CoasL 

MsBSXs. Trroa A Evans opened Ihe Palace Thea- 
tre, Philadelphia, on Nov. 19, and will hold posees- 
alon tor ronr weeks. Oeorge Leonard Is atage 

Babrt Ehbrsom presented lltue Nellie Oaylcr 
wltb a diamond ring r?iUe playing In Trentcs Uit 

Mrs. Fanny Linx, wife of BlUy Link, comedtsn 
with tbe "Flnnlsan's Bsll" Co., hu Joined bauds 
with James Whiting te do a revolving ladder ad. 
Tney begin tearing the Eut In December. 

BowABD Powxna and Frami Oubuman wen 
specially Invited gueste at the New York onckeun' 
(jinb smoking concert, at their noms In this city, 
evening ot Nov. IT, where their singing snd stories 
created a very favonhle Impression. 

Tbr Bbxlit BROS, send news ot tbelr socctss In 

B. J. Wbittibr hu accepted an engagement w 
trcsBurer wiUi Boyd's Modem Minstrels, now en 
route throngb tbe South. 

Major Bbh F. Paymx, of Payne's Arro-Amerlcao 
Concertino., wlUibU ramlly,a(UTtenrlngWie upper 
and lower PnvlnI^esor Canada, hu nUuned hoaie 
te Boston. 

- Fbamk F. J. RxRNixR bu undersone a aurglcal 
operellon Inbialelietaonlder, at SL Joseph's Uoapl- 
tal. Denver, Ool. 

Fbahi ConoN, of Ooiten's Donkey Olrous, lost 
bis valuable iroulng horse, Palonlns, which died on 
Not. 13. 

Mrs. Liiiii Rosi, ot Jsmes and Llllle Hose, gsn 
birth u a baby girl on Nov. It. Holbcrand cbUd 
^ doing nicely, 

Fbis Wilson severed his ccuecUcn wlUi ibe 
Oulno VandevlUe and Elk's Minstrels In Locls- 
Tille, Ky.. Nov. 9. 

A MRxroto of Uie T«mpomiy Association ol 
Vaudeville Managen ot America, the object of 
which wu glren In a recent Issue of Tbx Ourrss, 
wu held In tbls city Nor. z The meeting wu held 
te elect a board ot dlreclon and utke atepe te mate 
tbe orgaulzaUon permanenL There were present: 
Wm. J OlUncre, Jas. J. BnUer, M. 0. Anderson. H. 
S. Robinson, Tbomu L. Oreoler, Fisnk M. Uiew 
and Benry 0. Hiner. obsliman Wm. J. OIlDore 
presided. Ibe chairman appointed the following 

EenUemen te act u a board ot dlnctera: D. 0. 
Uner, chairman; H- S. Robinson, James J, Bailer 
and James Donaldson. R. Richard Hamlocfc wu 
elected secretarr, and Wm. J. Ollmore, tttasarer, or 
the sesoobiUOD, and Cbaliman Miner, ot the board 
or dlnctera wu Icelrncted te pnoure an atureey 
aad proceed wlUi the Incorporation ot tbe assocla- 

OiATTON Fbyb, Interlocnter ot Oaracross' Uln- 
atrels, wu made a member ot AUanUo UIIT N, J., 
Lodge, B. P. O. Elks, on Nov. T. 

HolNTTBX AMD HiATH.ot tbs Wehcr A Fields 
On., an rebearelug "A Ked Hot Hasaage" atid 
•■Mrs. Pepper's Oboei," boib from the pen ol Lavln 

Wbix^h ANn WnioH, Irish comedians, opened at 
tbe Olobe Tneaire, Milwaukee. Wla., Nov. ii. 

Tns URAwroRD Bros, intend te go onl next aea- 
son in a rarce comedy enUUed "Two New Sports," 
which Is now being written rortbem. 

NosHAN, tbe Trug man, hu closed a succet>rui 
twelve weeke' engagement In the WesL 

AnsLAiDS Randall, of "Rush City" Co., Is tlog- 
Iur Uatue Siart'a quaint norel^, "Two Lltue 
Japaneee Dolls." 

HsBxiN AND Macx are booked tor retem dale at 
Kallh'n Union Square Theatre, this city. 

Oris HARLAN, of Uoyt's "A Black Sheep" Co., Is 
havlug euccen with wm. Dercn's comic wug, 
"BlsPitreniB Haven't Seen BlmSlncc" 

Tdb Balvord Sibtsrr are pbkylug an engage- 
mentlntblsolty,thlsweek. , - , 

Jni Pltnn has placeJ his latest soDg,"Ucauiii 
and the Uvlng rictnres," wllb bU polnlahen, M. 
Wiimark A S^ns, who irlll ahorttr Issoe It. 

CBARLRB Flxtchsr, oI the Fletehsn, who wsa 
Ukeu Ul with pnenmonUi lut September wbUe puy- 
Ing at Eoater A Dial's, tbls cUy, wu reooTed lo 
Uie Amity vine Asylum flov. IT sndbrtng mni nen- 
lal denngement. A few days before be wu sirlcken 
with paralyals of tbe lower Ilmba. „.,„„., 


a Tblng u Him," bu made a most PCPs"*' 
pteialon. Bom« of our well known conedr aniau 
an singing It, among whom sn Florrle w»i, oi 
"The uKnler'* Co., LMinl and Harvey, Wubboni 
Hlsten, EnuB snd Bnirman, Fnnkte Uttoca. 
Chas. dowlas. In "Uute Chrlitepber Oolumbus." 
Barry Harwell, Wurd and Ourrsn, BUly Carter, 
Preu Eldrtdge, Troja, Dorothy Drew, Slnart. I J»» 
Urke'le In "A Milk Wnlte Flag,'' Nlcbol fclateti, 
Osd WUaon, Hedge Gills, Oeorge Wilson and cUienk 
noBiNO TOR sparring teatonot Ihe Fllzslmoou 
Show Nov. IB, at SynouBS, N. Y.. Bob ntistmraonB 
landed an accidental blow on bla aparrlng partner. 
Con Rlordan, which knoaed Uie lalter cut 'no 
Injured man wu oairled off tbe atage In an aucos- 
aclouBcondlUon and died the followug daywiu- 

ont having regained consclonsness. _, 
Hat WAtsu.ot the French Folly <».U singing My 
Dear Old cbom," by Ford and Bntten, and "loor 
Love Is Bow Lc«t to Me," by Jen O'Uailonn. NB- 
lle Uanley, or ibe same oompanv, conUnaes teenioy 
her rormoT incceu with "^er Eju Don't Bblne 
Uke DlamondB.'.' Klele Irving, or ''Fanttema ' Co.. 
aud Oeorge Diamond are also alaging UU uica> 

JOBN B. WILIS, of 'Two Old Oronles;' Oo-^I;' 

singing Wm. Conrtrlgbt's comic succea, "Johnny, 
My Old Friend John." It la alao being aung W 
Fnnk Latena,wllb the "Night OwU"Cc,.Janiea 

P. McDonald, or "Bhafi Nc S" Co., and U" 
hen i;aivtbora,ln "A OorkHu," Ufoatnrtsi "u 
latest oomln sonw. Laoba Bebe, ot ibe sum co>a 
mny,is Inirodudu wim snooea, "I Dtdnt Tblsx 
Wi Po It, Bat DeDld." 





Portl»Bd.^nM Mftnium Onnd wu dark Rot. 
4 to a Mr.ud Mn.K«Dd»l opmd U la"Al}or«oor 
ptptr.** Alaud*rBtlTlBlromMl9. 

coiDUTt nuTU vUl b* noptn«ai9byUi«Flk« 
Qftn OotDMBr* In 'Tht B«rgar Btad«DC" 

OBraiOK-Ohmlkr OllqMt Buford u4 RIml tb« 
guaim. Buk«/ BroUwn, CbutM HaDD.lUT7 Bobw, 

■MBtnot Miw TiaATii CoviqoB — D* v luOllotoD, 
ffkiur rort. Watur Partsr. IL BotbsiL John T#ak«)U 
Toma»ron.O«V '^"i? 
lluiT Brown. Lola T«niPl«.ftKJIt Dtwcr. PrmnklaOfar 
UiD un« Onr. V*^ BhudMr* LnUI* AloniD. Nol)l« 

OiafU>a,BoDlM WmI 

, Loo riwolOB, UiUiis Clark and 

AiitnruiL— Varffi* Addl«, Ida Canpbatl. W.O Craft 
ti)irTmn.-Tba gUoBa QoarUt 


Akvom.«At th« Andenj of Mulo, ■'Tb* Booth | 
B«ior*iba War** aama to tUr bula«*%IlaT.l& *1b« 
ntrl ! Urt Mbtod Ha ' bid a blv bon»« U. "Ton Toam' 
bad tarraboMiwalT. Oonloi: l«ntft*a taMdr Oo. 
waek or 19, JaaM B Mae* la tl, -Boa* iftd Bon" B. ' 

SprlDgfleld^At the Orud Oper* BouieUie ' 
WatMD SiBt#ra, Not. IOl did a anal) batlnon. Boaa 
OMfalaD, In "IHploiaaor " It, bad a lam aadiaoea 
"ThoTora*d'^"14,draa rkir boalMM. "TonTonMo,** 
IL SUad tb^ DosM. Conloa: '^b* Abuidbi,'* wllb 

Johoatma R«oBau n. *'Oo uaMiurlHtapi," M At 

Black's Upar» OooBat 'lo iba Kama of tb« t*iar,'* la 
had a OBiBll aodlOQoa. "LltUoTrliio,**!*. 

8teal»«HTll1«.*At tbo Olty Oiwm Hodm "Tbo 
Olrl I Uli H«hlBd Ua" plawad a aood aodlow* Not. 11 

Stoaa'a *-DorU Tom'a •'tbtn'' tl At iht Loodoo 

Thran* vaakof 19: uraaoTlllt Bttun, tba Mamoia 
llamltton and Uarndoa. Piank^nd Bonloa Ullfl. and 



BiBtiaoBifbtltiBokBflTlai Day Tbo ooBiotltlMBP- 

polBtad br nttabBR Lod|«.Kn.ll.& r. aVtoBolaqt 
a bolidlag aottabla Tor a alob bona^ btT« rapanad ad- 
Tomlr to tba ponhiaa ol tba ftoBblBO 8lB|la| Bootaty 

GlBcm»tl.^Doe upon « Ume the Htnagen' 
AiumlaUoa lo tbU Qoaoo Ullr of IhaWaot praolalaKd 
agalOBttbalilbofTBpb ood tba btUboanL and Tolcad a 
raltbuitlMO'arwaaBloi povarofprlotan' lok coBflned 
to tba piaiB. Tbal atiompt to ibalT« tba ibrao Uiaai 
potiar and lob tba daad walli of Ibair artUtIo dceora 
UoBB aooodlod a aatonl iloalh. Tliu loaaoo tbo oM 
fkTarUoottioBitaribanaTar, and It iBabiiporaii ibat 
ihaBUBBfoiBBrafronlnf tMrroot OTor tba appalUog 
InoMia IB tba tnfflo f B Utboirapb tic^eta. Tbo'* tii a 
UTolr rtTBliT Id (ottlnK out papar, and la addition to 
tba DBBBl lanoa priTUosai and blUboarda tbo put faw 
waoha baro wluaiMd tbo appearaooe of nroomors, 
vbloh ara atrat^ad botoh bonaa fronu. Ona tbaa- 
ira twtad part of a atde of a iioaao at tba ooroor of 
aiilb BBd tralnnt 8iraau,aod,a]ibo jKb ibe iIro ahat 
opivovlBdowa.tbalau««oftbahou>o toaiad anoibor 
10 1 down town tboatra tbat fobovad aolt Tharo bu oot 
ttaoo ftaaaaonatnoatbadaji wliBQ Jaka Roo«Dibalbroka 
ftll OlnolBBBU racofdo lor itaoatrlcal v/iDkl««, vIw^b tha 
adronlaan wora ao tftmalj in tbo poab aa iho; baro baeu 
tlioa (ar, Ouilov tha paat waek tboro tbm aa ofidoot 
qulebaniBf of ibo }oe*l tbaatrlcal palao, and a mora 
boooful loollBB proTallod ailaroood. 

UBAtID UPIKA UociB.— Rof« cofbUo upMiTOd 19 In 
•>Dlploniae7." piomuiog to praioot "A Woman oi No 
luportano*" aod -*ruriiat He Not'* donog ino waok 
Tba Rreataat loioraat lo tba ooRaiomoot ol ool Hmltb 
Radolloaautdlnhla lotarprouuou of Dr Faoiluuin 
"Tba Bolr ai Law.'' Ue wma aieatad bj andiaacaa of 
•plondid all*.. '-Foacafai Valley^' aad "A Poor Hotauoo" 
woraalJopntoD. "Oo tboMliaiulppI" tS. 

Valmct btrivt Tueatrb.— wiuiaCouiftr lotiodoead 
■■A Baok Nombar' Itl Tiia lolouru ol tiia Frvc^daro 
VudaTllI* OonpaBj woo lAirly iiroflubla. Haadow la 
pr«e«d«d by 000 of tba •troofeat TaodiTlUa organlca- 
Ilea* BTor aoen lo tba VaoL Tba lufOoio il*uucDwai 
«•!! plaaaHl wltb bla raooptloo bara Jowpli Murpby 3ft. 

ilAVLiRB TaBATBB— >*A«foaa tbo Potomac'' opoood 18. 
Jimaa B. Mtokie looBd "rba Side Hbow" a cud ibat 
(Inw llho a eiroaa Ulltor aad Kaia Bjrroo 3y 


dlaitaooBW IJi Afoaa Ubareot, tba liypnoiisc. twlog t*%- 
tored. Tba wauwnBiaion* Barlooquo Compaoy iBTs a 
T«ry olorar porfonnaoco to aood nuaioeaa lau weak. 
Mimr ud BBob'a "PibbIbbb'b B«U"ift. 


luaniwoBlD'aaaotauoo 10, •aecaodiDitbetorailght'ii 
Torr aacdaaual rqloam ol ina ttilbor Opera i;«mpany. 
OlaolBnatlclalmaapruprietavT loiarvattBtliliDOvmelo- 
d.femA, aod ib« BdTBoca lalo arjoaa w«U for a record 
braattoi waek. B. B. Orandin aod Btb Honntlort are 
ebiei BBMDg tba mombora of iho cbbl "Darktat Raii- 
ila" tO^ 

O'iCeeiaara booked aa tbo orlRloaia io lb* Ilia aceue 
upon whlob 'Tba Veionn X^omoUto,'' optoiag ID, In 
lonndad. Marie XloUe aad "DaD«»raola ur«u Ulty" 
rariTadboalnow baro iMt week. N.B WoodXS. 

PJOPLi's TBUTBB-&un DeTore'o Unr Owu C^mpiDy 
took poaaaailon i8. U/da'at^omodtiuu played utbe big- 
coat DDflneaaof tbeyaarattblabooae. TbeB. fi 0. aigo 
waa op »t erefT perfnnnance. uoleao Mora l< a decided 
UioclnoaUiBTurlte.aDd bar recepiiioa were almiily a 
aeriaaoiOTBUoDi Tba ltdlea* Bight f<aiuraii *er«ap 
ptaeiatad. TbeCltTSpottiaadNelHOD HUieria}. 

Pjkk urau Hons.— DoriDBTbaakagiTiognaek "CIn- 
d*iaila"u to be pitaaoiod bore for uio hea^iit of tiio 
pooraobool obildrao ol OiDciooail. A brnvot ponorm- 
aace for the widow ot Uarry Carroll, a former btil player 
aad boior. tBBaa place O- Tb* urvboua Club inaoiO' 
ratetluaocoDd eaaion II. when VkBTo. tuo •lulioiat. La- 
cbaoma, tbe pianist, and Tboodura PiaiOiD will ba the bo- 
kl«ta. Dorisg the waaoo tbe Qetman Tneairo Company 
vih glT« porffinDBneea bora erory Friday ervmog. 

UosioHali*.— Attoe aaoond oi tbe "fluodky Potv," IG 
by tbe niootonati uicbeaua. tbo Miolito were DaTl< 
0. Beodoraon aod Marcolla Lindb. 

KOBL A MiDOLnoN'B HimHUH — Tbo bloyclo girli, 
iB blovmer*, oommoDeod tbeir race agaleab time id 
curio bail 19. Prince Maofo and bia perlonnlagalHgfr 
lora, rotomad. Tbvn there wore Hobloion'a dog ond 

Plillad«l|ihlK,— Tbe booblogi tt tha TBilotii 
tbaatrea indicate that f'om dow util rhrlBtmBB, Pblla- 
delpbia playgoefi nay eipact to aaa a fratt array of 
thaaukal auncuoDB. In raet,ior aeiaral weaka patL 
we bara bteo haTlog oor abara of tba beat tbioca on tbo 
n>ad, aod, what la moat grailiylog to iba naaanrlal 
boarit bualnaaahai been qnlie ap to the ataBdarawar 
rantad by tba qoallty of ibe a- tractiono. Tba abowa tbia 
weak ara of a oaure c«loaiatad to anraaatlie euloalty 
aod louraat of eraD tha most Jadad. IneladlDg, asttey 
do. DO lose thu ssTSD productmos eBtirelr Bav berot 
Dob to maDtloB a oomber of old (avorlias, aad Ilagao- 
book's trmlnad aoimali, whlob opaoed at tbe Aoadtmy of 
MuaioHoT. 19. 

BBOiD Stbibt Tbb&tbb— ''Una. SanaOena'' draw 
Iarg« aadleocea bS last week, aod few plaja this aawoD 
buearonBedsamaobtBTormble oommeat TbeAdallty 
of detail la a ooUoaable faatura of the prodaetion. while 
the company is aBiFormly eic«lleot. Delia Pox began a 
two *eeka' •ogaaameat t9, with *-rbe Llttta Tmoper." to 
a baavy ad ranee Bala. 

WAUfortiTBBBt ruBATBB.-JoasphJaff'enoB filled tbe 
boose to oraillowlng at erarr pertormano* last weak, 
and aae«eed»d In edlpslngtba record ofuypnrtoDa 
week ibU aeaaon. The Teuran aetor wai aoooided en 
eotlinilaAln racoptloo nightly. TbIa aeek, "Ttte'PaiMlDB 
bbow " and nait weak. Boland Reed, lo *Tb» roUllolan." 

i unntoT arBBcT upbba Doubb -Olga H«u>eraol*'s 
XUffltUe" vas the aaoiati'in of tbe week, aod tbe eriilcs 
bare aipr«s»ed only ooe oploloa. All ackBoaladge It to 
be a most artlitloan<1 thoroaibly aol*hed place ol work, 
aod pradlat a brilliant fatore for tbe taltatMl yooog I 
Bnglubwomao TbIa wetk. bowever. la iraogbt with 
even neator Intereat, Inaunaoh aa aba baa rastrTtd her | 
Om produotloD of "Bomao bdiI Jollet" for Tbnnday 
nIgtiL Hochcorloaltyia alao eTloead la raitudto"Tba 
Tnoagrwur," owing, no donbt, to tba TarTety of opto- ! 
ooa ol lu worth aipreased by tba New York cdtlos. 
BoalneaaliaB been good, alth0D|h oBioraUy tbe taotue hta 
not beao crowded upatalrs. 

Park Tbbatiib— Altboni^ the hooae was dark laii 
week, owing lo tbe failure ol FaoDy Hlo*. lo "M1>b losa- 
oenoe Abroad," tba idTaneo sale for William Hoeyjn 
"The Plama," whlob opeoed for one week I9. wonld tadU 
eaie first olasa buatOMS. Marls Janseaoomes next weak 
with -'Mlaa uyssmlte." 

i>atMlBBBilfo.n F«bb ATanae Tbe prloe aakadwms 
tnOBC aad Ik WW towod tbal rapaln aad altar*tloaa 
eoeting I^OD woold ba niBiiSBiT. mahlBf tba lot^oost 

KLQO ■aaager Hany OaTla prowletor of HatTT 
Tie' Bdea Hosaa, and laiaaa oi the Haw Qrud Opera 
Hoq«a. will open aa Bdaa Mnaaa la JohnsiowB. Pft, tl 
John llBiTia Br. of tbla ally, wiu ba Mr. DtTia^ aetlng 

maBagerloJoKBatoaa 8.BuwartOolTlDe fbrannT 

years a promlneai «Meert and oratorio alegar bar«. aad 
a brother ol Mra. J. Bbarp MeI>oBaid, a latorita looal 
TOoaliat) la In N ew York dangaronaly 111 w ith pnaamoal^ 

II»rTlBb«rg.>At the Opem Dome bOBtofw 
waa only fair for the past tan dkysL "Vang" Not. 13 had 
larg* D«*lBaB& Cfaarles T. lllla w draw a tair 
boaaa "rrlaoeM Booals** ratana II "Tba Ooaatrr 
Olrvaa**!!. "Pawn Tieket W* U. 

Bbu ■oBBE.-MeaioB B«*re piv^ed a big attrasti(D 
aad wlU ramala twowaebsloB or. Week of 19: Na«toB 
Basra. M n. Ibomaik Pnd. O. Maaroe. Jsaae PlokaaB, 
AgDa« ParaalL Mra. Prad D. Mooroe. latB Roaata. 
Qaeaalaaod <V>mmodora Poote, AnharaadOarlo«,aad 
not MeabBa'B bralaad doga. 

OBoaBBTMOB Ukix— lu&ager Tltmohaagb will bagla 
bla Indoor Winter Bporu weak of n. UebasplaoodoTer 
H)L(iDsQOBn teatof wira screen lathe laisnor to pro- 
taet tba aadleoca,aDd viu haTo hasakall lootball and 
("tber eporta. Claba of leading pUyart bara baan 

ba win praaaat ^a TletorlBOrosB," lia fliti nndai Uoa 
la Boatoa. and for Iba seaoad week ba la billed toalTO "A 
W yjto Wln^a Womaa," ' Loid ObnalBi*' ana *i:apt. 

CluniBLi TaBATBB.— "Bow lag tha Wiod" Is reaplBa a 
wblrlwlBd ot dollar* at tba OPHnbia. JddgtBg fron iJta 
aadieaeea tbat ean ba fbaad tbare at otaTT praieotatlro. 
Bat itB PlAy beta Is llmltsd to the praaaat and neit waek 
only. Tbaa It will bawitbdtawo (o naka room lor tba 
holiday atine*lons which Ubaa. Probnan, Rlib A lta^ 
rts baTO ID store (br their patnoa. 

Pabk Tbbatbi.— The ran ol "Off the Bank" waa a 
moat aaeeaaaiol ooa at tba Park, and was wlibdran 
OTenlog oi IT. It ta aacceedtd by RIchBTd MaaafleM. 
who appaarathlaweeb ID the appandadrepertory: Mob* 
day aTODlng, -'Ama aad the IIbb;** Taaaday, "Baau 
Brammel," aad aUo at a fpMlal BaiiDoa on Ptiday; 
WedDaaday mailnea, '*PrlBo« latl.*" Wwiaaaday etea 
log. "A Parlaian Bninanca:" rbnraaiyand Prldayayea- 
Inge and 8atBn)aymatlBa«k*'Ntpolton RKtuparta," aad 
BaturdayaTsaing "Dr. Jakyll and Mr llyde^** 

BowDoiH •'QCAHB TBBATBi — 'ThaCotloB King" ratta 
higb bBBded-Bo far u drawlpg big auiilrnc«i-at tbe 
BowdoiB Bqoare Tbaatrcbut ibwUbdiawal u aaartt 
baad. tt balsa aABooDeed for eootiouaoca ooly tbla aod 
aaitweak. ilhu beenaTetllablamooey eolnar for the 

noTBB.— Mr. and Mra. rharlea LoTalL fbmerly with 
'-Tba Cblete** Consdy Co.. left It, fbr OleToland, n , to 

JpiD a WlBtar olreas Bd. Weber baa Joined Prat 

Boblaaon'a Baad attheWiDhtrClreaa, Ohtoago ttan* 

agar J O. Poley. of tbe Bdaa MBaaa, who baa baeo 
tnf atlng with an attaok of la grippa, IB able (o ba abooL 

Re«dlBW^**WAnt" ilnw i (Ur alsed aodlenoe 
to taa Aewfemy ol Hoale Not. II '^s Stowaway" 
played to Inbt boBSOB 14 11 Tba Ampbloaa bad a good 
-rr. 7- ..^ , BoBDis" filled the bogaa bT ad- 

I 17 Coming: 

'On the MInUslppI" 19, 

pony oiTCDa. Commodore Bpeok'siuttni goaiB,aiid Dan 
aegao'a (JaaneL Go the bijoa aiage Tbomu A Pni. 
Mi'a orabeaua wa« aiationcd. Tbe olio vasprorlded 

by BngeDo Loralne. Madame Cordelia, Al- Norton, Lou 
ue tiiaDtoB, Carroll aod Norton. Jobo Ponar aod Tom 
WiUlan*. TbeboiiDg moDkoyi were tbe nMoai* Uat 
week, and bnslneu waa spUndM. 

GosBir OP TBB Lobbt.— HJanche Beekmao tbe cod 
can ball Blogar, who shot bar boaband. Jobo Kauiman, 
the yoang brawsr, was lonnd gulliy of aAaaolt and bB^ 
urr after an exciting aod dreroAtlo trial in tbe Com- 

moB Plea* Court Pram Oraod Btplds came the 

norr that tbeOrand Opera UoDaettiaTeba<i been added 
to tbeBaTlin eircDiL ManagerJobo U llatllD has bean 
ioSl Lonlanoetoitha aeefe. butonhun um dented tbe 

atory Uiola 0. Bison, Beaton Jdrerftjrr'i maalca. 

crltiOita bookeofor taoleetnretat tbeCoUegeol Muaie 

here Prank Jonas eipedsto starnAXt aeuon In a 

play called "Disowned." Hilly Van, of ihoTrocadaro 

VaBderlUes, was noder the weather all week. HIa wife- 
Mar Btewar^haa lelt Baney PoTgoaun'a company, 
■ad the baad of tbe lamlly la aUead pooher. 

log op bulipa andieheanlnglaUablea ThaSntanT. 

ban (ilee Olob la plaDolug a trip tbroagb Kenuioky and 

Indiana DaTeO'Brli>n sUandsd up In tbe au<e a 

law days ago Bmits Eerabaw, Hoie Winchester snd 

Bhaw, lbs female impersonator, are itlll at Kisa»rs 

QacdaB. OTor the Rhlae Prank Tan d«r Btooken, 

Anton Baldl aad UenifBehndlek aratoeoadDOtlbeJao' 
oar; ooneertBoftheOlDOiDDBtl Orebe>tral AiaooiatloD. 

Tbe Apollo Clob has arranged lor tha appearance 

hen of Omaar Tbompvn,tbe tioUdUi, and Mrs M«i 
UeinricbaandPlnnbetareeDeat tbelrOrat mbcotis In 

Deoambar Tbe Ladles' Moslcal CInb will glTo a 

aeries or tweira ooitcaru Id LIdooId Olab Hau com- 

meadngM Id amaaloa) way Oloo'nBatl will bade 

cidedly wide awake this Wintar. The Pblibarmonio 
Qaaiut (VIobaal Brand, 'cello; Uearr Proshliob, flnt 
Tiolln; antbonr Bohatb, second tlolin and Lome 
Welnnd, tIoIo) annoonee a serlaa of matloee mo- 

Btcaua at Baidwla's Moalo Rooms I^s Damm 

Family Band, which baa Jut olosad a fonr weeks' en 
gagamantatkoblAMIddleton'a eapbaatod thelrappia> 
olasloB of Manager John A. ATotr by preaentlogblm wlib 

an elegant cane before they*ald "good b; o." R O. 

logaitnll leetnred oo '*Tho Bible" at tiieO rand. IB 

Tlien was a revlTal ol the war of words betwee i 
Bandow and Irvm MoDtBomery dnriDB theveek. M. 0. 
Anderaoo, of tbo Ponntalo, oiay baok tbe tattar In a con- 
test, and went to Chicago 18 to sea li Mooigomery waa 

wiUlog to oonpeto Bol South Boerell annouDoed 

whlUberatbatoepf«poseston)TtTe"Ttii Btfals'' nai( 

'*Bitbt £lla" H Tbe New Boath ' 94. 

auKD OrBBA HoFBB— Prof Bamrl B. BBd Mra KItUa 
Baldwin played lo laige baalaaas op to UL Pred D. 
Rtraffln's Bates Brr-' *- " " 


Broc* "Uampty Dnmpty^ draw wsll 

Buno TaBATaa.-J. w Maoready and eompany played 
oUgbt business 1M4 Tbe Piancb PoUy Company did 
a large buainef s 19-17. 

Thb Pbbbbtltahia Btatb BiixPoarau' ABOotiTioit 
wu organised a*, a meetieg bald at ReadlDg 11 Tbe 
ofBoar* elected wara: John D. Miablsr, prasldeot; 
M W. Waner, tIcb prseldeot; M. B. BorgeDdsr. 
tiaasanr, aad J U. Reesa, aaerelaiT. Tttoae preaoDt 
wan: J. 0. Baeae, Boraatoo: H U. BarnDder, Wllkea- 
barTe:M W. Wagoer, BfBdford; Jobo D.MIahler. Wre. 
J. Byroa and J. it'Heara. Carboodale: N. B- Womitn, 
AUantowa: B. T. Tecker, uncaiter: nao. W. Hsminera* 
ley, Btateton: O. D RamnHwd, Plttabnrg; W. J. eiiTor 
atone. HoDaadals; Wm. Newton, Hahaooy Olty: J. J 
Baker, Johnstown; B. J. Dooiherty. Bntlsr, and J. C. 
Tonng Aaoborr^ 

BcrmBtoB^At Ui« Academy o( Huilo Jog. aria- 
meraed PbaDeDaTU,la"T1ieNawReatb,"foribe hen 

BfABOiBD TaBAtBB.-LlllUn Koooedy, wboee week I ^^'ff>*n*r.u,PT^»nii J. Wlftla Ooaaat, aocom. 
■'"»'1'''«^"M"'t>MTyJ'>/»"*»?.M^ ™BOTJrroEA.«.-LToaom_.enUriAlDmeot. with Prad 


olaaa bnalDeaa. chaagaa her bill thii weak, appearing 
with Wash T. MalTilieln a new comedy, called *'My Wlfe'B 
UnBbsod." Kelt week, aeorge Laarock in hlaowDTor 
■Ion el "PaatL" 

AUDiTOBitrif.— Oreoler's Lyeocm Tbaatii Compaop 
drew lair howiea la*twaek, and gires way ibis week to 
RelDy A Wood's Company. Heat wsek, Hopkins* Ttbsb- 

CmmrDr SrsBET TaBATBB.— "Beillr aad the W Ust 
week drew the ulminre oi Edward Uarrlgan ont In ] 
lull force, ' A Temperaoca Towo" Is tbil wdaii'sattno< 
tlAD, and neit week ■^harley'i Aunt'* optu lor a ran. 

EuTBiTTH Btbsbt Opbu HODBB.— There la no change 
of bill this week, the two new borles<iaos pot onlaat 
wsek drawing big bousee ererr night 

Ehpirb TflBATHB— Tbe Prodigal Paagbter"* comes 
dowo town utain tbla week. The Bmpira U tbe third I 
thealra In which It ba^ been played hen tbli aeaaon, aad 
It hw nsTer tailed to draw good boaaas *'Men and 
Women" laM week did iMt do the bDalnope neb a Brat 
olaM prodnctloo ahuold. Neat week, '*Tbe OonntiT 

"uRBPAOB'ri ToBATBB.— Vaoager Ponpaatb has nerer 
puiOD abeiiarahow, uklogOTeryttalDg mio oooaldera* 
iloD than "All the Oomforu of Home," aad btjr boaloeae 
resulted Tbe atoek company waa Btraagtbeoad by 
soeheleTer ptoole aa BarO'y MeCnllDB. Beori Lynn 
andWBlter Perkins. Tbl«week."niee(nwnway;"neit 
wefk. the stock company In "A Legal Wrack." 

au»D OPBRA UuDBi — 'Jaclou" began lu sarond 
week 19. and will be folloaed n^xt week by Whitney's 
"PeooiDg Master," with Dorothy M«non In tbe leadiag 

Buou.— Roaloeas Is folly np to tbe mark, and ptom- _ 

Ise* to conUooe ao. This week ■'Olrofia-tilrpda" U be Hoaaa L 0. logaiaoll draw a large a-idlenee Not. U. 

aod ibevaudetlUe.faatBrea andnne bylha "Oa the MlMlHlpplx 11, Homioo's '^Paoaf'tXtS. Nellie 

BmarBoa Brooks. PaolineaieddeBCbaomu sod Ladlea' 
Oi«baeml9. "MoBanaa'a Pllnailoo" Si John R Bren- 
saa. In 'Tim the Tinker," H. tl JeffenoD, Klav A Br- 
langar'B 'Voantrr Olraaa" &, 14. 

Datib' Tbratbb.— Week ot i9, AnBtie'a Olnntaani 
BBdLtTlBg Ptotnrafl. Kale Spngne's "Boolal Btael 
Co. IB-IT «aa noeiTed by large hoa*aL 

Mosio Ball — Annnal BBterlaloffleot ol the Btraoloa 
Athleuo mobSLtl. 

Tbb BORARroir LODOB OP Blka No. IK), gare tbair Bret 
^iee' Boclal Beaslon id. wbleh waa a grand saoesu 
The Kate Hprmgne *'8oalal BobbIob" Co. asd othen aoter- 

WllkMbanw^At tbe Onod Op«i» Iloaae, 
'Prtooaai BoodIo" N>>t. It bad a packed beoss "Ths 
atowaway** U, badallgbtbosiaiBB. ThaKlog'sOaaBb- 
taia, la 'MarTlage I>raaas" (loeal. forobarlty). 14. did 
well. "WaoB" 11 bad good attend aaea. KataClaitoa 
and Mow. Jaaaasebek, la ' The T«o Orphans" 17, bad 

6ood bnalDeaB To come: "Tba New Roath" D Camllle 
I'Artlils'aOpara Co. booked for 19 canceled. 
Mdsio UALt -Tbe Pnach Polly Co. 11, U, 14, bad fair 
bnaloeea "Mooia Oriato" 15,11 ITihad good dosIdom 
The Par PosUrCA. lia^li. •TbeOoaDtrrOinos" 21 
Tim tbe Tinker." 33, 14, X«^ndon Batertaloen bookei I 
for IT, 11 19 canceled. 

WoBDniAND.— An. eicelleot tpecUity eompuiy bad 
(bir buslDssi wert ol 11-17. To come: Fat womeD's 
Baca, St JaUao's Vaadsrille tV. Tbonaa aad Welab, tha 
Olaasooii the UoraoB aod Lain wMitwonh. 

Altoena,— At tbe EtereDtb ATenae Opera 

huotOR MosiON.— The raign ol "I'rioca Tro Tam" Is 
rapidly abortanlDR at Ibe Hnseuoi,B*it weak.ld. telog 
the last ol lu piaeeDiailooa. It baRadhioTed a most 
nmarhsbla sowaas. 

TRBMORTTasATBa—PraorU Wilson draw ratUlag rood 
boalnaas lAsi week lo tbe TramoDtwbenhe prasenlad 
tbene* oomteopeta, "Tbe DeTiraDapaly," abicb will 
eoDtlnne during tbia week. 

BOBTOB TRtATBB.^'iB OM Kontnoky" eonltnaea to 
draw In aDdisooea oirerr liberal dlmenalona at aasb 

KBiTM'a HBwTHBATBa— The list of TandeTllls people 
billed ben tor veek of It Inelndaa: Tbe MartioattI Broa , 
P 0. Bhortla, the llenglar Blsisn, tbe Pbaolos, naaoua, 
[>etaQr and Debrtmoot Oonway aad Lelaad, thn ibrra 
Ratfet Broa.. NIoolaa Cehalloa. HeBrlde and Qnodrleh. 
tba 0*Brlen Broa., Mme. t^aballosaad Ohaa. Qrapewia. 
loaddiUuDtoiheabOTetheravlll ba ibowo a lully te- 
Tiaed aerlasofllTlDgpjetarea 

Palacb TBBATBa— Tbe Marie Baaser Buvlaaque Co 
la booked al Maoager Au'tla'a bouia Ihia week. In the 
eonpaoy en Neiue Voo Beig, Bnby llari sod others, sod 
ataklofllaatvraoftheshow will be ibs Ladles Msohat- 
tan Oln». ahoalog their life In their aeell club room. 

New NiOKLB OoiOR.-Tiie tide of lucoees ailll aats 
Tsry strasglr to the oew araoaeueot hou»e Tefeotlr 
opeoed on iraooTer Htraatby Kaoagar* II. I>. Lliehnald 
A Praok T Dano. aod tbat they bare hit ths popular 
dealra for s thoroughly uneiceptlooahle amuMment re- 
sort, towblohsdmiMioniahadatanaBtramsly low iBora, 
la made ToryeTldontbr iheprsaoDoe of orawaed audi, 
eocea erery hour dorfDi toe dar and eveoinB. Tbe 
stage eoieiUiDnsDU pretesied nere ate of a iuo«t 
merltnrlouschanrter. aodlD the curio hall a (of which 
then ara two) will be fouod aeoltecHoo of animate aod 
loaolnate woodera. Id hall Ho. 1 tbla week can be 
seoD lIuboTolofglafsdaoeer) Rnio Lee (eleotns lady) 
Prvi. Bigonil, Id hia OBhlblUona of the blaakatt,aod 
Mile. RablDOlnake charmer). In hall No 3 am Dorle 
Wllilana aod hia ntarioneuaa. m tulo ohief with a big 
eoilecUoa of irophiee, sod I'rioea Veijaan whh his 
spirit eabtnst Od ths stage, la dally vaudeville and 
■pecialty eaierlalDmeoU, an tlia Noojaros. Lim Ho 
Vioker, Morpby aod Hamd, MbsIdIui VaU*o, Priaee 
aod Princeae HalBaoin and Biu ward. 

Obabd MrssuK.— Kathsrins ItotMr will appear la a 
new prodaotioo of "Tbe (]temtaeeau Case," aoppoitad 
bya canlDlly seleetad compaoy.aad the playatU be 
tCagadwithacanluloeaa ol deiall fbr which Maoaier 
Lourop Is noted. laaddllioD bepnTldee aBaieellaDt 
olio soiertalnmeDt In wbloh appear Rita nanod, 
Qeorg* II. TlmmiDs, the Barellff Brethera, Prol. Abl, 
Camll and Larbio, Prank armairoDg. tha KyiordHia. 
leT«.JaueaHearTandOeDnettand Msiihewa 

LTOICM Tbbatbb.— Maoager Hohr puis us a Btroog 
dnwlng card lor thu wsek, tbe bigfeatunbalDg Bob 
PItuimmenaand hia own Hpeclalty 

Ing sunL. . _- - - - - - - 

Pomtt Bf^tbsra, JUvmoo Moore, Hrolhen Borani, 
&toart(reaiale impereoDator). Dlnoo, Bcwanaad Dlioo, 
HloDle Lee. Mackie aod Walker. Comedy Qoaitat sjid 
the Paynes 

MTiuHAL TuBATRK.— **Sap«rba" played to cnwdad 
' fes4oras W( 


Babt bidb Tbiatib.— Weak of Not. 19-34 Howard 
Wall's Idaals 


ofli-17. This week: The Oon JMaaeaeTmupe, Dolao 

- - - - - - OBrU- • ' 

houaea iMt w«ek,and the new {wons were all TO-y DoMa,PrBncla Bryant, aod OBrlen, Jennings aod 
taking. This we*k **Tbe White B^ioadroB" la oo, and | (yBrtaa. 

wiiitM tolK>«ed neit week by Bob ^itsinamooa. 

PiortB*8 Tbbatrb— l^rga audlencee erery night 
greeted ' The Prodigal Daughter" with aaibuslasm last 
week. HaoloDS* "Pantasma" Istbebillthisweek. Neit 
wrak. "Bight Bella." _ 

LTaBUMTBBATBB.~-Tbe tvo wooka' •sngomeot of the 
City Club DroT»d decidedly proQtabie T his week Made- 
lioe Shirley, Phyllis Allen, Kitty Wella. May Adams aad 
Billy Cterali are Id tbe company. Next week, Blee A 
Banoo'a Aoae Hill Polly t;ompan7. 

gBMSIHUTORTUBATRR— **nie Old Boath." iBBt 

61ayad to lair buiiDoaa. This w*eh. 'Ten Nights la a 
arroom" la tlie attnotloa. flpeclaltlaa are roraiabsd 

brqalgleyaodPeiTla.AnBleMay.La Patita, Pnnk P. 

wards. ' " " — * 

arlaa V 



Coarlaa W We^t, 

Laun Vaogbn. Jbhn'W. Mart, I^lttlaTlai^ I 
and Mile. Paaqueleoa. Neit week. 

yfitrs'AKD ABOB MmoM.-The faatuna an tba At 
■iTlB' bicycle nca. and in the theatrejUbrlatle BrotberaA 
Bamoela' MtDitrala BDalDesabaatteeodrvtclau Sua 
doeo, tha miod taader, and PrUr, sword swaUower, wara 
thsrsataree last week. 
NOTCJ— -The Bleeping Beaaty," a oomie opera, br 
rusnngDTr ' ' 

AT a meeting ol White Omae Lodge, No 814, BnlgbU of 
Pytblaa,faelde la this elty, Newton Bernliad the dt- 
giaea eeofarrad npoa bin by Bpeolal dUpeoaatloo. Mana- 
ger Edvla TooDg being pnsent on tha ooouloa 

Krlt^At VBonerolior Uall Not. 2a Obaa. 
DoTle* "AlTiD JoaiiD :" tt Taaee'e "Limited Mall." 

J. B.aiRABLl)'SWonBBLABD WBS fBTOnd wllh larBB 
baslnaa during tbe past week. Coming 19 aad week: 
fTorlo-PBdanwakt Theatiaa-Maiaell aod West Millie 
OInto. Lao Bartaiaan,Batee and Baiea, Twin Bros.SiuUb. 
Maria Baloburae, Keatachy Praak and Ltttle Pawn. 

l*ttBeuter,»At tbe FoIIod Open HooBe '*Ttie 
Btoaaway" had good bosloaaa Nor. 11 Wm ailleiu'r 
"Too Much Johnson" waa well praaeored to a larr 
bouse 17. RTory ooe ot the nearly I JO) seau will be sol _ 
Id sdTsaee for -^be Prloosaa Bonala," which vlll ban 
prob^riy the largest bouee of the seaaoo. 10. 0. T.BIli' 
ID *'Ca«per the Vodler,"!!, JoUa Levr'a CoooertOo. S 

Joho BuyeacD. wu sungliT amaiean at the Aeadomp nf I 

Msalo 16 MBDAgsr Qltmoia, of the Audltorlnm, I 

mourns tbe death ol asliler Thenewdnpcnrtain I 


Dayton.— Altltoagb "Tbe Derh^ Wioner*' Co. 
bad tha town thoreoghir blUed their aDgagemeot waa 
caneelod, and tbe management annouieed that they 
would appear Later In tbe seaaoo- Robert Xagersoll lee 
tnrad oo *Tbe Bible" 17 belora a large audience. "Tbe 
Anuiona" are booked (or Zl, "TbellrDWDles In Pairy 
Land* S7,t8. TbtacompaoTcarrleB ibe seaDeirand aaT* 
oral of the principals, while the cboras, naocera. eio, 
ara anppllea by lotti taleot. It la probable Ibat Han- 
agar neloht wlllplar the WIlberOpenCo.attheGiand 
tvo nights week ol i9. 

Fare TflBATBa— Brady's '-She" IMdJiad good bnsl 
aeas. OIlTor BynD.iD-IlM Ups and Dovns ol LIfs," 
U-I7,draw eioelloDt patnoage- Tbe Wilbur OpenCo 
ntural9-3t producing ' Nell Oynne," "The Vagabond" 
and "Booeaccio," H. a. Wooda w-t« 

BoioiBBB* floBB TnBATRB-*-Tbe Toroado" packed 
thIahouaeU Howard Mibr leclurad before theOold 
OlobU Tbe WilburOperaOo eomealS. 

LoBDOR TBBATBB -Baker and Bandal,aad Lawnnoe 

CJevaland^EleotlOD la mat, ant] do material 
ehaage lor the tntur la noticeable In tbe stteodance at 
thatbeatrea Blectloo eieltement was the bugbear, it 

BeoUD ATBRoaOPBaA HocsB —Mr. and Mrs. Levis, la 
'^be Idler" and 'The Crust ot Boeieij," tiled In week 
Not. II but bnalneoB waa oolr t^'--^ Blaok Bheep" 
waek ot 19. IVATTllle Opera Co , In "Tha Magic Klaa," 
week oltB 

LTOiOMTBBATBB.-"OorDoeIe Dudley" 11.11 did fair, 
ly. Wart and Tokea. in "A B n on the Baok." U II 17. 
bad aieeUeDt buainaaa. Keller comaa 19, n 11. Joeeph 
Mnrpby In "Kenr Oow" aad *'SbanD EUiae, Zl, IV tl. Joe 
Ot^ia '■ThetUarnkMr."TbaakBfflTlDgweek 
B- B. Jaoobb' Tbbatbb -Chaa. L. Dans, Id "AItId 

Jodia," 11 11 14 waa appannily not a naimet ol eitnor- 
diDary dniKoB_ powera. "fliaTea ol wild" U. 16.17 
did ToiT welt Week 19: '*Ton Todsoo,'* Thaskagtrlog 
John Kenwll- 
ABTaaATBA-TbeRoeeBiU Bngllth Pollr 
k of II ailed a pnBUble angaiemiat Ml 
I Bnrleaone Co., waek of 0. Ona BtU's 

at the WaloDt painted by Arthor Toegtllu, was eeoD foi 

the first time 19 Prof aawcePaTn.orthePeopIea*. 

la arraoglog a march which be will dedicate to tbe PhU- 
ailolphlaLwlgeol Klkaatlbelrbaoettt at tbe Otaestnot 

HUeetOperallouae Deo it Wtil H. Blalug, who waa 

lo town laat weak, la conalderlog offen mm LMlan E 

sell and 'Ths Pacing Bbow." Lawreoee wiiili 

hu reJolDsd LUUao Kenoedy's eompaoj to play bf«Tleo. 

.JobD Jaok will celebrate the fortj-aeooBd an* 

niTorsary of bla appearance OB tbe suge at tbe 
Academrot Mnale Dec ft when bewiu beaeanaaPal. 
rtalT aod vlll be supported by Anoie PIrmln. Leslie 
Ooaaln. I'barlsa Newman, Mrtao. Oennoaaodotbars. 
Tbe atlblr will be oader tbepaironaceofmanyproffll* 
nent Pbiladelpblans, who number ths retenu aetor , 

BotloB.— iTbebeoefltorafoll week for BostOD 
Lodge. Ho 10. B. P. 0. E., at the aew Oaalla Bqoara 
Theatn did not pan out so anooessfully 1 1 
flnaaelal saase aa the memben aad Ineuda 
tbe Older bad wished. Cttairman Pred B. At- 
lean and bla fellow nem*>sra of tba Oommltiee of Ar 
rangsmaata worked bard to make tbe altair a 
socessa, but fram soma eanra their efforts want for 
naught, aad If tha lodge has gottaoout ot it without 
a deplebon of iheir Iraaanir the members haTs oaoae for 
thUitnleera. ThenewOasUe Bqnan Thaatis Is mag- 
DUeeotinibeetablllty of Its eoutncUon. «qolpraeoi 
and appolntraeut^ onrlTailoii la Itaapproaaheaaodsur- 
rounoiBBBtaBd Usaasy m^aosol avesa fram all parte of 

_ _ _ 

bsn'N dramatintlon ot Ooithe'a "Pamt," will be pr» 
duced at itie Oirerd ATonnewlibOreatoa Clarke in the 

uitenle Tbe Palace Theainhaaagain been robbed, 

tbie time ol fliiures worth |V) which, bowoTar, wen 
foond in a look shop Tbe dealer uldbepntc^issad 
them fnHD a Imt nauisd Jamas (;oonsl[r, who was ar- 

rasted 11 Bartler McCollomioaderacnaaoecau la 

■All the Comloru ol Home" at Porapaugh'a last 
veek, that be la now a peraaaaot flston In the 

ai?^"iA??;.'S' i'£ss;,'sjt «i'um?ssssifta.'f rdSt."!:?:"/, 

7zf* Bt— n. ..r_i M._ a^^iii i.k. t_AW Vlll a 

drawing card lor thu wsek, tbe bigfeatu 
-Ituinmenaand his own Hpeclalty Oo. 

UowARo ATNiHyBUM — ' Hrn Bradj's Hoaidsn" U tbe 
■tare attraction here this week, prerantod by the How- 
ard BnrleeqosOo., and In ths olio are .loa Plion.tJyrans 
(skirt daacert, the troupe ol Preaob ballet daneera, 
aerits of Uilog pleturra Ida IIowsll, Clan and Jaa. 
RL Balmo. Bila Hnrria, Tony llaruaodM, Maurel and 
Lorraine. Dolly Hove, the llevlalls, Maglelan Run, 
Belle Ollfloo. Mabel dtanlay. May Merrlfl 

Bttle Albion and 

Netler and 


Ollne, Edgar ady, 

AtlTIR A BTORB'B MPSRCH -"Jo Jo." UiO dog fseod 
man, leaoMiraiatar lo iheleoiun hall barethl* veek. 
With lilm an the baby gorilla, ''dumbo Jr.." iti* Im- 
»erlal lluagarlao Baod. theBoapHeDlptre<La,iiia LUiPO* 
Jaa Beauty, ibe ^t>er Klai, and brefiy ataca shows by 
MoMahoo and King. Nedham and Kelly, and utbers 

NOTSB.— Chas, W.Ourrlsr lanov amemberof thiCataff 

of Wm A. Brady Artliur PalkUod Bochannan U lo 

tovDraheanlng'The anT'nor''wlih Oso W Wl'aoa's 

<:o HarkTnraM, ol MaosgerWm A llradr'a forcea, 

la confined to hia hopie in New York Oltr kltli ■ eevere 

atiaea orpo«nmonla (Isorgia Dean HninldlDs and 

P II. Eentanraakiog their Bm tour of uiaTaudevUle 
bouaeaaad bafe tU^rrtime oearly booked for ihia Win 

tar LiDDUD Keeoe.weiikoovoiu iheatrloal eiretes 

lo BvatxD, la to go Id adTaoea of M. N. t^urlU* "Kam'l of 

Poaeo." Tbenev playantlan for Jacob Llltby O. 

T. Daiey Isaiyled by Mr. Daisy aa "aaooiety malodrama." 

ThaoooatraclluD touches upou tha latwr prahlsin 

William Barry, the popular IiUh eomitllsn, will 
be the Thaoltaglrinl auraaion at ibe aranJ 

Open Uonas In "liie Klaiog Oraeniloo '' 

>*njarnni(au'* will be nieeenteuby Marie Uurrougba 
attbot^lUDiblaThaatnlntbla oily, following tba run 
of '"Bovlogthe WiDd " Wbfo "Tbe (kiiton King" 

K«a upon the road tbare will tie a noniber ol chaniea lo 
• cast, but "Jaok" Maaon will head the force preeeut- 
Ingii Mn. HartoD Manola Maaea la alowlr reeoTerIng 
tram be' recent aerera lUoaae and will aosompsoy 

bar husband when he etarta on the road Maoager 

Wm A. BniT left RostOD for Ohleagu IBtoeonaultwYHi 
bis partnsr. James J "orbett, and make arranBemsnis 
for ths prodnctloo of *Ths tJotluo KlDfl"ln th«l city, 
lie Is booksd for Boston tbe latur part nf thia weak. 

Lowell,— At tbe Uoera llOQae,*^tKi ivjrlMf • 
oamoNitT 1< toa(alreliedbnu«e. 'Bim'lol Pusan'^was 
playad U to good houra. M. H. OatU* lia«l l>eau pre 
Tlonaljransstad and his part waa played by hU nndar- 
atody. Rlahard ManaOeld playrd "Beau Hrummal*' 17 lo 
big house at adfaneed *'rioea. DooklngaiJaa O'Neill, 
lo^'Vlrglnlaa."l9, "TheUUlng nea«raUon''3l, "TheO:d 
BomesUad" 33 U 

MORio llAU —Tbomu and Wstaen areartdeoilf pleas- 

log the patrans of this huuae with the style of onterisin 
menta offered and big houses an ths result "A LIberti 
Belt" by Prank and Joh.> Willi played 13-14 to big 

eombtuad with those of a eev play and a new maoager, 
up to the topnotoh lubisbuslneas, did notserra during 

the tret week In the biatorp ol tba Oastla Bi 

Tbeatn^Tsn when dedlca'ed by, aed for ths 
fit ol the most popu'ar organisations In the com- 
lo thaw ont tbe "dead cold fnMi" that fell 
upon the bouae. Bf IdentJy then wee eoosldarable ttlo- 
tlon aad lamng Boowwbere,aad "the powera that be" 
know best when the tnohie eilsted "UaoL Paol" is 
now ranalngwlth admirable smoothness, and aodlsaoes 
itss4 at Ibo regulation nllrosd boor each erea- 
^ ■ Dight 

folly wTltUD drama, and In Its stage nallam has aeldom 
beea equalled In Boston, aad etpeolallyeotsthleiheoaae 
IB tbe third act where Is preseaiad tbe deck of a prl*a 
tear, aad the geoeralaettiog ol which Isapsrreetplsea 

hOBsoL PsUr Mshsr's Oonbinatloo had H H 0 II 17. 
Pesk A Rlea sCrand Open lloiaeRtoek Co. come 19 and 

HUMiROTOB Uau — Ths Ollbart Opera Ct*. play 'The 
Oblmea of Nomandy" B. 

M. B npBTia abowastop1ar*'8am'lorpoun"attha 
Opera flouae. II, was arretted prerloua tolheplay attbe 
iDstaoce of DoocAO B. Harrlaos, and Uiorsfore failed ti> 
appear, bla part ImIub played with poor auocasa by an 
under aiady. Mr. Harrlaoo olalna IKII Jl made up of 
two wseka' salary at $71 a veek, live per cist of ihe prof- 
luol the company ftvD Aug 31 •UdLaodtha nmalodsr 
for Ineidantal eipen'sa. Mr. Curtis denies tbe sbargss, 
aod comolaiDS (bat Mr. Ifarriaon has sbamsfuliy oeg 
lectad hia duUu Jle alao olalna he hu aereral tele 
gnma from manuaneaylDg ths adrancs prlailoghad 
not bASB ncsiTsd. eia Mr. Oartis wu held in tha 
sharllTs eharge oTeralKbt. asd sppeared la court 16, 
when h* look the poordabtora oaih. Ue wu raleued 
DBder bonds until the aeittemof thaSoperlorOourt, 
which vlll be lo Decewber. 

LawrdBce.— At tbo Open IIoDge, Joaepb Ua 
worth. In "Roaedale." played IO light bulnesa Hot. 11 
M.B. Oortls, In "dsiuoelol Posae,"dld a lair tnaineu 
II Richard Haoaoeld. In "Bean Sruuimell," 11 aod "Tbe 
Bnglueer" 17. both had good booaaa. UoniDir: B, Wm 
Barry;tl"LoatlDl£gypi;t7. Prloiroaa A wast'a Mm 

U4IBTT.— Booblogs for veek ol Nor. It* Obaa. T. Lee, 
U VaraleWstara, aod Uollloaand Maddall 

Pash —This hov w opeaed It and during the put week 
ptaied to good bnaloesH Hoohlsgs: MlUis A HATUiond, 
Bcanlonaud Kilnri LiDrsv and WeeNMafor iiU 
May Atmiuong. I'au OrlOln and Mat>el Tliouipaon, 

Lyon, Big. OlaauiDl, Max Arnold. John Jack, Will B. br Ui. MMleui OtchHtn mm ih, unM I »<S"*^ . . 


PltUbarg.— Tlitt Ui« KDM or Ui« pfCttDt kg, 

I. Uaghl.r, uhl tb.t lb. irTMt BM.Htf or UD.MIOMt 

iwb.r. 10 to lb. Di.rolr *-t« hAT. » good Uaib" 
DO OM can doQbi, «bo doim uo aUfWiJou tt 
oor IbMUM wMh .lur «Mk Af.lB Ifaon It ootblni 
bol eooitdjr oooor Joftl botidt, ai btt bMo ttaaral. 
Umoftbootlht cvrTtottMWD. 

Bin BHDTaiATiii — Htxlt WtiD«Tl|faL Id -IHathur 
ol Rrt," Nor. U I T lb. ont Uut btn, . ■'(ItmlU*''wlil 
b.|[(T.DdarlDf bM«opR*DiML Tbt Gnat BrookUn 
Htodletp" H Laat attl, 'Tbt Lott rtndUt" ant- 
talatd tba (kTortbl* loiptaittoo It tad pravtoallf madt 

BijaoTHiaTtl.-"Baih Cll;" ibli wtab "O'^OIon" 
will ba fflT.0 for tb. flrt: tlioa btntf Cbtaootr (rioott 

taottd OD aar tttaa- na plar la ttrooa lo aatloo aod 
ttlnlaB IB tltaaOoD, bat tomtbow. vblla wltiiMMloa 
lla daralonaaaL fon ara Ittaoilbl/ nntodtd ol 
"Htr Blaa^'tttd Obta. Fwbur Tbt plar li wri 
blaai Ttrta. lu temaa aia laid lo Bptio, dgri 
titlUag lltaaa of tba Moorltb wara. aoo tbt 


wttb, Jobo CanwII 

DtaanuTaa. -Tbt Boia Bill larllib rolliComotDr 
wttkotliailtd a praOUbla aoatitiniDt HUeo'iRHr 
Clib Borlttoat Co., aaak of A, Oai BlU't Compaar 

Colambmt.— ItJlieOiud Op«n HooM "Tte 
Amatoaa" OMBOd a thrta Blibtt* toiMtBitBt Nor. 19. 
"Hw Oaibr wlBoar," wbloh wu la btia p'arwl ibt to. 
lira waabol U-ir. dottd ta aalBOtattlnl tDiaiaotDt U. 
ovlBi to DDQblo OTtrUrmioftbtlr ooouaat wllb MIIItT 
Brea. Tbaoia'tar wlU onbabl. ba aliad lothaooaiu. 

nioi Bnan Tiutu-J. J. Oowllac opaotd l>. lor 
ibraa alibia. Olliar BiraB btd hit boiloav U-U 
Xaait lAaoo did wall I^IT "Ibt Powti of tbt rraat" 
«mnB.N, ''Lltt)aTHila"iS-n. 

Caatea— At tha Omul Op«m noma "Tlie 
foBlh baton Iba Wai-'diawa Ua btn* i>ot.I1,J. L. 
HoUlTaa tmdad tba boaaa 17. Da»: "Tba Oii>haat of 
Ktw Toib" B, Bltacht Br*a«i>>aD U, Joa OtI M, J. B 
Kublaa,«Hoaaaad Ho*"S „^ ^ 

, TaiATai OoBtQca — Tbomptoa aad Jabaton, HtTttjd 
U Boa, ■» Brtai, lllc*aDdianl>Dai|itaa,JobDiBd 
>« Lmtm, Oao. l«irtr aad Boaa Ccbaa. 

Biuaat ■nn Bali,— Artbar fiaallcb aad Miit 

pittaad UrttJr tbt put watk. 

DOQOBNBTaiATHa— WillltiaalllaUa, lo *Yoo Maeb 
JobDtop '*19. lor Uit drttltoM bora. Dalla l^oi did a 
flaa butlDtai op to 17. lo ' Tlit tllUt Tioopar." "A Blatk 
Bbttp" B. ror lha firtl tim. bara. 

AkTia TnBiT«a.-RitlaBd Rttd, Id -Tba Folltlciaa." 
Cor iht fliai tloi. bora JottpbHarplircloatdafOtdtr- 
■tliaa)rDtl7 OltaHtlbtneltS 

Ktw uaiao Ona. Uoeaa-P<lar f. Dtl/, la "A 
CooQIrr Bport" Urn wttb. "Tba Coaairr CIreal" 
c'.o.«d t Rood .tab IT. Louit Colllat' Troobtdoon B 

Pabi Taaifaa.— Bataa. tbt ntcloltB. It blUad tbla 
watk. Oraoit Bmmau aeortda bit Ian waak la "Tba 
TaliaorNtwTort." Baautr H. «.WllllaInl,pr»arla■ 
lorot llar*r Vllllami* Aeadaorof Hfljle, wbo bad DM 
oaaailDB ibt l-ark Ibll aauoo. aaf a op tba la'Ur boata 
laoaaQr. aod waa aaecatdtd hr tf . J MMaa, wbo bad 
piaTlooilr bttB ilait mtoiitr B I Lltlla, wbobtllt 
thit biDit aad rto II Itat MaiOD. bat oow ao lauraotio 
It, laa balldiDi balni owaid br lltorr llottir, I. B. Orr, 

UaatT vituilV *o»oiBt OF Muiio-Tba Boat BIU 
Eo|IUbrollrCo.Uao<twtak. B«m ntitlj'l OwB Oo. 
eiottd a ipltDiIld aan(tnMal IT. n»rn W. WUIlaar 

"HlSSr'iTll'iDMXnai-Tba Hlodoo O'DOfud 
th.lrwlTML Btniiaa (•uooi maa|. aid altiaadarffU. 
»D (•tolrtloqalfi) ara tbt priDtlpalBtwt«jijtio« la 
Iht nrl" btll ImoDi ibo btal latlaiaa of Ilia nwa 
ttiow ara Ilu-ID aad Halt Banwr tad ^ 
MalltUar. Btaadia, aad BaMaU aad MoCbaBtj. ~— ' 
atia It aiotlUBl 
HorH-AUeor plaata of tatatmtat aaa n a at a aln 

QBtBDOriBt Uotrta.— Oit of tbt Diott brllliaat aa 

Bkatnaatartlrtoardtd iBlbtbUtairoltbaaraadOpara 
ODta,aBd opoD wblcb ■aaantrt Baartlald A Mtfta 
baTteaota Cor Btl/oODKratolttioD— tad Iba tiar.ta wtu— 
waa tlMt ol Jaa (VNtTtl, wbo oloatd IT bit two wtakt' 
boAkloi btia. nit Brat watk wta afrtD tDUialr lo 
^MoataOrltlo." Dorloa tba paat wttk bt wat ttta Ib 
jB adoilrabia laiparaoottloa ol TIrf iDlat, lo Ibt tivitdr 
oftbttaama Oa UbttpptaradbtloraaoaadltDetlliat 
erowdad tba booaalD tbt tlUt tola of Eosaoa Fallatr't 
drtaatdraflia, "OoDOarloadtBt.llIt," DtTtrbtforaprt. 

' — ~i plar la ttrooa Id aatloa aotf 

1 tomabow. wbllt wllaaatloi 
ilodtd S 
. ^ritUB IB 

dgrlBk Ibt 

titlUag tlBta of Iba Moorltb wara. asd Iba horn, 
Dob Oarlo*. It rapraataltd at oot ol Uioat btmlo, a-t. 
Taatarooaiolditraof ftrtoot toeoDmoaialbt ptrl«tf. 
aod wbo bad patttd bit tarlr rtara la waflBi war 

aaloat tbt Btraetaa la tba batllat ol Uit Btlloot, 
ileb wora tbaa eoBvalaiB|T tba aotlra old world, atotr- 
oaaand brara, taptblt ol Ibamoalbarolodtadtoi ttll- 
aaarllM. ba italnt Ma lor .Dot u> bit tialt brnlbtr lo 
raooaaltloa or ibt wtlooot which tbt lacttr citM blio 
oabltratara bono, aad araa rttlcottabllbretbtr Ibt 
oalr woiata tia bad artr Itttd. DoDBa Laoaora (Varit 
Bonaaa). wbo. br Ibt wtr.aotttiDtd b.r par* admlrahlr. 
Tba plar oaalalDt a atmbar of atrikloB dramalla alla» 
iloaa, and oa tbo aboio la aa aarbltiooa tDdartabioi, 
iMlb IB Ita aoaatmetloB aad rt p rtaaalalloa, aad It 
ol avtraat lltararr aiarll, bat It It ODlr fair Vt 
mj that It WIU aartr prora lo ba a -ttar' 
traetloa, aad tbt cbltl lotaratt eaalraa al 
aotlralr apoa Mr O'HalH'a aaetllaat laptraooatlos 
oflbabtro, [>oB(^lot. It waa flotlr caat aad btaaU- 
lollr Boaaltd. Tbaeaat- DoaCarlot JtPtvllla Jaaitt 
O'lltlll: DoaBailaMo, UalMtrbonptoa; Ooa Lala da 
aouaaaa, Bobart HalDta; Bar Qovta. Frad Howard; 
DmFtdlodt llalti>lla.w.J. Mtoa; aiaMar ol Blata, 
Baward Staial: VtaaaBitr, Albtrt BtataU; Barald, 
Oaorat VlBthrop; Ftltat, Joatph Dowwt; Doaaa Lao> 
aoiK. Maria Batiaat : llda. Oardalla MatDoaaM ; lanha, 
Ktta FMabar. TbU watk wt art to ba ilraa "Eatl 
Lraat." wllb tdaOrar la tba dail talta at Ltdr iMhal 
aad ittdtaaa Tiaa. Batt wttk, trat. Btrrr, la -Tba 
Blalat Oaaaaalloa." 

Bolua Braan Tiuraa— "Llbartr BtB" elattd IT a 
waab of flaa banoaa, aod for tba aaM t*« wttht, ba- 
otaBlog la, tba adnlrata of K U. Bothafa wlO bara o^. 
ptftaaltlttlaataliim. Dorllf tba li« waak •fkmlar 

Lyant-aAtUM LjbaTlinira, tbo OrataMD CuD' 
ctrt r^natar eaia. aor. II loajond bu.lotat. Hltlitrd 
riaatf tid plartd "Tbt Ptrlaiaa Rnoitnet" to aood bual. 
ottt II. Ooailag; DMiato Tboaiptoo't llltalrtlad plo- 
laro. aad poama S>-Dto. 1 

Mono IIAU, -Ptrtr Mthtr rant Not. It-ll lo packad 
booiat Hoffmta'a Loodoa Ballaa 15-lr, had good bati 
Btaa, Not. IP aad aatk; BtBiBao. Uit Uarera. Bnuot 

ColralL IFlllltia II Borha, Obtrltl T. Adiiiia,Ma<ibla 
tad Edatrdt, Ftoolt I,itlla, Irioa.Trlo, Klult AUpa 
aod Milt Ton (lorra. 

Walbbr'b Boaroa VoiDatLairD Moalua la aiblbltlBf 
latb'adlr. , 

Woreaitar,— At tha Wcronlor TbcMro "rar- 
tda," br Pott No 10: (I. A. R , aaa a aanciaia, drawloi 
aroadtd hooaa. all laat vtak "La [lolgt da Olau" (br 
local Frteeb Drtaialla niab)B>, "Tha Ootaraor' U, 

Lorakop'a Oriat Iluoaa.-Haaagar Wllioa't llrat 
watk wu t big toeotta tad tba ebtoga from ratlodrama 
lo Ttrltir ptriormaDca* eaaaad a l.rgt iDcratta lo tb. 
pa'roaaca. Tbt Oacroot' t;oinadr <Jo. draw t>lg booaat. 
Vald.rt'a Rtdald Vtodtrll ta NM 

FaoBT ttraatT Ortat lIoraa.-HtfloD'a VAgdtrlllt (lo. 
did t g«>l bollnva laal «TCk. "A Llbtrtr Ball" IP-M 

IIABBT Ripr ft did -01 appMr wllb blieoiaptoF at tha 
FroDtHirMlOpara llua.aaahalaBleh ID Naw Fork with 
lodaiaBiatorr r baoiaa'lap. ^ 

Bprlaaaald.— At Ollnore'a Uoort Booafo 
Thtatra Hot. II Bicbard BaaillaUl. la "A Parlilaa Bo 
Biaooa," btd good batlattt. IFaJdDi.PD'tflMelaltr Oo. 
14 gart t poor tbow Lu a poor bogat. If rt. Ltaatn, la 
*'A Wllta P.rlL" bad Itir rtlaiaa U. flooaa'l Baad 
draw alaret aadaalbaalaiUatBdltiietll. BookadiM, 
tr. Rka't ■Ttfli" a. Bob lBfaraoll;B,B, Baaloaa- "Ba. 

TcoBaa'l PARLoa TflHATaa— Biohad far It: AddM 
Hoillh. Bob Boarlar. FMtla Rtah. Ooarop, Lllliaa Obta- 
tar. Mare aod Manaita, Joba M. Trtfaor, aod Rottb 
Oaatlaioa. _ 


WlltalBHlaa,— At Ike Oiaoil Optra UoiuB 
"T1iaT«oOrpaana"drvwa fair aodlMca Tba 
Oantlla Btoai ptaaaalad 'Tlit Trolltr BralaiB" M, ITto 

■ — ' "—log: -Faiat" l»,n, "AllBOat-'u, 

kdbaT.BIIItniil 'TbtRoktr- 


ACADBlir or Moalo.-Tbt hoott waadark llaad watk. 
Bo'iktd: TbtUliab^AAgaauno. Iltadwatl. 

tFoaoDaLAFD MtntB — Haalotat eoallataa 
FMpla lot II aad waak, Oarlo llta-PI4nl <,,... 
wiwlliBB baara, ArlwaaJaak aad OttfalaaaaMPror 
1. m. Loa. Tbtatra: Uailor aad oS. Mlka Tracar, 
LaddaU aa< Alrarm Uttraaa*, tmitmt aad >Ua- 

Laat Waah'a BTaala.^nio paat waak waa 

rnllotiHappolBUnonU. 8<Ttt«)lmpoilaiilpfu4oo- 
tlnu had be«D •nUolpailad, bol lo tire oaaoi tb« 
pUji, wboD aNnitkltad to JaaUfr Iba bopai lliat 
bad bteo tii|«Ddti«il. HoraoFor, bulBoai ma 
DotatUifaolotT, oicopt Ib a (air InilaDCea, for tbo 
conntoratintoUoD raraltbod hj tbo bone oltov dl- 
roiud mooh ot Uo |iain>aat«' Tbe week alioeiaM 
Ihe but AiBorloaa piodocuon o( a leceot Rnillih 
plar, the Brat melropolllu ixarlDf ot a plaj wbleh 
bad breo atleolad for Ibe ittllar delist ot a protai- 
iwol aotreaa, the nm prt-aoDUiloB lo tbla cllj ot a 
falij iliuu, and Ibe Inlllal pertonnaooo In thU 
oouniry ot a QenDen plar of eicolloot patemlij. 
<it tbeae oAittnRa Ibe two laat named were eml- 
nenll; looceairul, Imt ot Ibe olben one metirlib 
abaolote tallnie, and Uio renulnlni one will proba- 

bl; ebaie the eaoo ttto Tbe oonliouoiu per 

tnrmoDoea (or the week ending Nor. IT, wero: "Hm 
Raable Sbt\\'< at Uie Kupihb, "Blienaadi'ah" at tbo 
AotPBHT op llDaio,"Roti IU>|" at Ibe llaaALD 
Qlrl" at liALY'a, W. if. Uraio at Die Utah, "Uule 
Chilalopber Ooluohna" at Iho amoaii, "A Hlik 
While Flag" al llorr a, "rhe qnron ot Brllllaiitt," 
at AnaBTX "Ul« llrotiulle" at the RlJim, "Dr. 
Bjntax" at Ibe UHOiowAT, E. II. Hoibon at Ibe 
■•TOBDM, Rod "Tbe ruilHB Bhow al Ibe Ouimo, 

tbo tour laat named oloilof upon that date Tbe 

one week ilanOt rioilui Nor. IT were: Prlmmaa Jb 
treii't HinalieU at tbe rBori.B'1, "Tbo Whlu 
8qaitdnin"at Niblo'a, IaIIIo Uulllna' Troulitdonn 
at Ibe OiiAND UrBRt lIotriB, "Jniie" at Jioou' 
Third AvamiB, "A Teiuparanoe Town" at Ihe 
AiiBHiCAH, Ihe Ljorum llt<<ck (Jo. at lha lltiu.BM 
UrgRAUaiiaBanil I'nt. Herrmann attboCOLUMaiw. 

Varlaiy enlorlalnment waa turslibed alToNT 

PAnoB'a, KuKTiN A UiiL't, tbe Union HiiUABk, 
I'HOorOH'H, Ibo LnNUON, (boULYHrio anil MiHaa'a 

UowBHvaoil KioiiTii AVBNUB (tooutock'a HIB- 

eirvia remained atHT. JtMIR Hau IVtrnrin- 

ancta In fl rmiw wire given at Iho lariNu Plaob 
and naaMiNiA, and prrfurmaniM In llobrov at tbo 

Tiialia, iviHoaoii and AiiLeH'a AT Pal- 

uiH'a TiiNATRB, on Nuv, II, A. H, ralnier'a 
Hiook Cumpanj (are the Dratpreteuuiiou In ible 
oonnlrj otmdnejr arundj'a four aolcumtd;, "Tiio 
New Woman." On tbla ocoaaloa aobI* HtiMCII 
made her reappcaranoe on tba alaBO, aTv an ab- 
aenoe ot laveral ream, wbloh bad been urenad by 
lllneit. Tbe pleaaure of aialn >eeln( ihla aooooip- 
llabed aoiroea, aod Ihe aatlitdcuon afforded hj bor 
okoelleni pertormanoe, lemporarllj aaved Uia plar 
rroin the Mndomnauon wbloh It will nioet piohalilj 

eveninallf tecoire l-aliner Oox a"The lltowD' 

Ira," bad Ita Oral tceuopollun prcaenuiloo, Nov, 


■not wllb abeoiale and deaerred luooeaa 

At tbe FiFTU AVBHua Tiibatbb, npon the tame 
dale, Uinle Tumor made her Dral appearanoe 
In thIa olij aa an IndtpendonI alar. Tbo plaj 
■eieoUHl lij lier tor thla aiieiiipt, waa "Tiie Uomloi 
Woman," a oomodr drama. In Ihrue aola, dtBtn- 
Bilud Iniu Kdnnnd ratoa' norel, "Broken 
llarneaa," by Herryn Ihtllaa, and rewntun, 
Uiro, bj lercral olbera, wboee rival olalma 
lllla rogard were unllrelj Ignomd upon Ihe 
projframme. Thijwuibo brat melropolllan pro. 
daoilon ot Iho play, and II wu won diaoofered by 
Ilia public lhal It waa nut worth Ogbtlng about aa II 
pnivod ot very Mule value, and Ihtre aeenia Is be 
nn doubt ot luapeedyand iwrinantnlwIUidrawal 

frumthoatigo At the Ibvihu rutin Tiibatrb, 

on Nur. 16, wta produced, tur Ihe Brie time In thla 
wiuntry, "Uer llerr Henaior," a tarclral oumedy, Ib 
three aola, by Kiani von ttohuonthao and Oualar 
Kadrlburg. It proved vory^uooeaitul. TUe play 
lllla of tbe domcatle lite ot Heoabir Aoderaen, a 
Hamburg dignlutry, and the triale uthia famliy oon- 
iiacnl upon hia Imperloua roodoot. He loalala 
upon doing the entire Ibliihing (or bla heoaebnld. 
HI, family an muob lo awe ot him, and even bla 
•onlntewia held In tlie vondillon at ibtvery lo 
which Iho Menaior'a own blib and kin are eub- 
r'oted. Through tbe effuria ot a triend, nuwever, 
lllla young man la enabled to Onally lame and 
cnngutr hia father In law, and aeonre Ihe leltaae ot 
tbe gntiro family from the galllnBiloapolltoi. Toe 
caal: Heoator Andtntn, Hix llanaalor; Uelene, 
Uabelmann Toller; Agalbe, Anna V. Hiiinanowaka; 
Stephanie, Anna Hmga; Owar, Jacquta liorwlla; 
Mlllelhach, lluili>lpbit(nlua;Ur.Uehrlng,Hai Blra; 
SuOe reikilil,Uharlolle Uurand; lir,H eIntr.ArUinr 
Egieling; ThrbIt, Una llanirler; Joaef, llelnrloh 

ilahrlch AtUie HaTHoniLiTAN Oi'BbA lluvaB, 

on Ihe ailerooon and evtuing ut Nor, |(, eiiiarbtln. 
nionia wcro given, uudor the diror.tlon of A. M. 
Palmer, tor Ibe Iwneai of tbe Ibjoiau Uathollo 
Orphan Aiylum. Many ut Iho ourreul altracliona 
were nprcaontod and nnmcroua vaodavllle (oatuita 

were ounlrlbuled "Dr. Bynlai" waa pieaenled 

tor the aeventyOith lime at the 1I«uadvat TiIba. 
TMg, by He Wolf Hopper and hia company uii Sur. 

14. H'luvonlra ol Ibo uecaalon were praaenuid 

Kugene Yaaye, the eminent Iklgian vkillalat, made 
bit American delnilaticrnoouuf Nuv. lOalUAMiiBiiia 
Uuaio IliLL lu a oincortglven by ihe i'bllbaruiuolo 
Hocltly. HIa aiicceaa waa abaolule ami waa ot Ibe 
eon won b| Padonwatl.' He will be the Hon ot 
the aeaaun. 

lloiiriUTitR between Iho Hualcal Hulual Prnleo. 
live Union and the Hanhatian Mualoal Union liave 
been reaomed. The former, whlob la ihe older or. 
noKatlou, wu boyoAted liy Ihe Ueolral l^ior 
Jolon becanae It refuaed lo Join Inatlrile. TUef 
Manbaliao Union waa Ihen ofganlx.'il. Nearly all 
u( tbe letdere In the theaire urolieatru In IhU ally 
lialong to the old union and all Hie membera of Ihe 
new organlaallon euplnyed by tbeiii bare been no* 
tilled tliat enloaa Ihgy realgo tram the ManhaUoo 
Uolun iiefare Nov, n ibey will Im dlaobarged. No- 
llcea were elan lecelved liy all lueiutiert ut the lat- 
Itr organlMtlun aaklOf them lo pieaeui Uitnualvea 
al a mealing ut the Maalcal Mutual ProtecUve 
Union aod be relnitaird. Fearing deaetuon from 
their raoka the leaden of tbe yoanger union ap- 
pealed lo tlie (^inlrml Idlwr Union, and Ibe dele- 
ntea of the Aouira' Unluu and tbe Biage Heohanioa' 
Union pronilaed lu aid Ibem, and It the thraat ot 
diaoharge la oarrled out atilau In tbe thsalrea may 

BUNDAT BmaTAiNaBNTHon Nov, lecumprlteda 
concert at (JarnevI i Hiialc Hall or Hlaaleretto J'ina 
(Ihe Ultck Falii), the aeuiud ot Hr. Butulio'a lllua- 
uaud aong and p.ieD recllala at Pa.iuar'i Tneeire, 
a henelll performance al tlie Uulun lo aid of billy 
UoClcao, and a 0.180011 al Ihe Academy of Hua o 
by O.imauick'a HInalrale. The btal ntinod anler- 
taiuuieut waa In Ilea o( the uioal ooncen bt ui|. 
more'B band, which waa omlltnt Iwcuaa ot Vicuir 
lleri>ert'a labora lowarda the approaohlog prudu v 
Hon of hia opera, "I'rince Aoaiilaa." Toe ouncetl 
eerica at Ibe Hetnpolltan Opera Honae wu later- 
mpud lemporarlly ny tna preparatlona (or ihe open- 
ing uf Ihe operatio aeaaon upon the tulluwlog 

Tub Abbbioan IiRtMATwm' (Jive gave a dinner, 
N,>v. II, at ine Now Neihorlandt, thla city, to Oon- 

firetaman Arooa J, uuniDlnga and itam w. Oovott, 
n approolallOD o( Ibeir effuria towarde Ua paauge 
ol a bill lo ealend Uu operailuna ot Uw Inter- 
national Oopjrigbt lAw, ao u la pnulab play 

A MBBTiKO Ot theatrloBi nanagera wu held 
Nor. Itatlluyt'aTbeaUeto amngs (or a bcnelt 
foriuhn H.Koaaell.anoUee of wbo.eph)al«al break, 
do an apptared In oor laat laene, and who na ptaoed 
lo a aanliarlao bai week. It wu decided to give 
Ihe beoetl on the af laraouo ot Um. a at Um Broad- 
way Theatre. A commiiu* or arraogeoenta wu 
appointed, conabuing of Al. lUymM, OharlM K. 
Kraoa, Uharlta II. Iloytand Fnak MoKoa. T. Henry 
French, Uanlal Frobman aod 0. U. Uoyi wtU core 
tor tbe fond. 

FDWABD HtBaiam will open tbe tegalaraeaaoD 
al hia ttieatra IMo, 10 mth bia new play, "Hoto- 

If la rnmored UutTrmyPaator^lasdatabaiM 
a naw ibaMre np town. 



November 24 

utmoi'OMTAX Oriu IIoiii.— Tli« Miiion o( 
gnui optn. Id lUllin uid Froncli.iDdertlM dtrac- 
lion 01 lleorr K. Abtinr and Utorica Otu, wti la- 
Kaffomled Nov.iowllbkinrtomiuwot aoDDOd'i 
"nomM cl Jalleiic/'wlilcli wu (iTcn In rrenolL 
TOO aoliw rlpilon Hut till* uuon la souiullf lugt, 
uil, la xldliioo to tbo iinlMcrlMrt, on ImmaDit 
niroDflDvaitcd ihe bouio. Tat conpaoj one 
ibiu coDld icarulr l» OKwII'd Id *dt of ilio 
homo nr grond np«n la KamiM.and U larfclf 
compoMd nfilioM truly ffretii^lovGrt wbobure too 
iiuidcD of lutpOMona lilDinphi, 'i'tio ruiMloctol 
ror this opening parrurmitnca wu hMded bj lime. 
UcltM, HDit cnmpiiiKd onlf ot hrorliw 'it ronnor 
•ojioDii, irlili Ilia oxuptlnn of Jioa do Vl(n«, wliu 
woa hoi'dfor Uieor<tUniau»inenilitr<ir laKcoiii' 
pgnr. It wu aocleij'a nigbi, ib« bcginnlDf ot tbe 
Kcliil araion and llio parforoiaDce aoltend oomo- 
wlut Mcnoeo iho aitcnilon waa divided between tta 
alMora and the oorupaala of llio hnxea. The cajt: 
Juliette, Ume. HoIIm; iilapliann, Jaoo Ue VIgna; 
nenrndo, Uilr. llauornielaicr; Krero LMrant, Kd. 
no nmke; Upolet, II. runcon; tlarcullo, H. 
ilroni7.e>l(l; Tjball, U. Ifaniulera: Le Dor. IM 
Verono, H. Otalelmarr; Orogono, Blanor Dc Vu- 
i;iinUl;ilcnroglln, Rigour lUaaldlnl; llomeo, Jean 
im nat/kc: Uoailnctor, Big. Hanolaalll. Roulnl'a 
"William Tell" la annonnccd tor :i, Veidl'a "Alda" 
rnrSA, and "Ronieo at Jnlielie" tor rapeilllon at 
iliooiailaeast. Ttia llratol tbe acrtaa ot Bnadaf 
Diglit coD''aru i<7 tneorcheam and mcDiMia ot ibe 
i^nfflpHii; la annonnccd tor 2S, npon wblota occulon 
Vaaja, tna vlollnlat, will alao appear. 

llo%T'a TniAToi— "A Mhk white Flag" begin 
.N'ov. la. tba aerenih week <it iianin. Tba play la 
c inataiiUy bring autijaotod tnclitngraotaomeaon, 
and auiong those niado upon tna liunn date waia 
ilie adillilona of aoma new aonga ud aoTeral alter 
nilonain Itic ca«l. Wllllain WolIT appeared aa lien. 
Ilunuy Uurlrj, Lllllo Larkallo as tba oipbaiLand 
Mw Uioom ritturiicil to aaiuaie bla toriner role ot 
t>io iramp. Tlio Ofilcta iKriormanoa la aiionnoed 
lor Kof, M. 

HTiHTuiiTai.— Wm. U. Vmne oDl«ra<l, Kot. 19, 
upon tlie ninth woek and tjia bat tortolglit ot hia 
engagaoicat. Allbnugb liodld not Deeiwltb tbe 
oncjoraganiont he dcaarved during Uio euljpor- 
iliin of nie tIiIi, wblle preatnllng Hbtkoapoarcaa 
c'jmedr, he bu derived prodiatjie reuma Iroin 
faul tl. Poitot'H veri cnlarialnlnRtarclcal comodv, 
"Toe F'ClQo Hall," In wblcb bo will conllsue lo 
Hiipear during i hn remalndar of lili ataj. 

bu made an ezcclleiii lopreaalOD, and abonld 
prove rerf au'ceuful In Ibia clijr. bpoclal itreu 
baa been laid onon the fact that tbe pUr will airord 
<lallghl tu chllarnn, and, wblle ttala la undnnbtedly 
me, It la alrnvt equaliV cerlala Ibat lia adult via- 
Itoni will Tlo wllb the llule ouea In appreciation ot 
the dHlalitXul obteililnment ItaiTorda. It began 
Nov. It ine aannd week ot I t rnn. 

OiRPEN TiiiATHB.— "LItUo Obrtatopber Colun- 
liaa" licooatantl; growing In favor owing lo Ibe 
cnergeilo and nucceiafal eirortaconalanUr made to 
impioTo II. II la now In good abape and aOMda 
excellent eniirlalnoent. It bogan on Nov. 19 tbe 
Bliib week ot lu rnn and on that ooculon wu 
aliowatorthe drat time » now acilea ot Kllinfl 
piouna. Tho alleged fliiletli pertormanct wu 
comine<7)r.r4led nii ilia above dHio. 

llaHtLnHvuiHK.-' Hob n'i)"conUniHatodnw 
crowded bouxa. K la the nioit merltorioai light 
npank of the preacni aeuou, and In tact It baa bad 
tew pcora In recent veara. It inaan on Nov. it the 
fourth week ot Ha mn and la llkel/ lo remain iiatll 
iiie ciMe or ilie preaent theatrli-il aeason. Very 
nun; are not miiHOed with a aluglo beating and 
ncaia aio being aecureil tar In advance. Tao com- 
innjr H otoxirAnrdliiarv merit. 

Kui'iHE TiiiATH*.— "Tbe llaublo Sbop" entered 
Nov. I'J upon llic elovenib weekend Ihe Hat fort- 
night of lia run. Tula la ilie onlf eogaKoment 
Joon Drew will play In tbbi cliy Ibis aeaaon, and 
iliod<*niand fur ai'Aia tor Ihuaa oloaing pcrtnnii- 
Hucos la already vory lurga TLo hualneaa ou been 
uiceltont Ibroughoiir, niid Ur. I'fcw bu surprised 
won hIa warmest adiulreiH by the cxcollenco ot hla 
work In a Hold which \thu entirely new to blm. 
Tbo aeuon of ihu atuok company of tho bouao 
iicglos 1100. 3 wllb tbe prwenbttlon ot "Tbe Mu- 

STAXUAHnTUEikTHR.— "Tho Kow Uny'> Is now In 
the leutn and last week of ita run at ibis house. It 
biu boon fall ly auccea^ful, hut liaa not acquired tbe 
popularity prcdlcTcd tor It. 11 gave, however, an 
(ipponunliy forJiuneaT. I'oweia to win blgberdla- 
tliiotlon tliau lie had ever lietoro enjoyod, and 
linnnni have also been.woa )>y oiheri ut tbe cut 
M m. (lillclto'a new coniuly, "Too Uuob Jobuoa," 
will be awn m. 

I*Ai.iiEH'BTUEtTHE.— "The NOW Woman" began 
Ni>v. IB Hie second week uf lia atay. It cannot 
i:ialro Bucvca*, uor does It rrflect muoo credit npon 
lia aiilbor. It Is In tho imla well played, bat ibe 
cin>rti ot tbe playera are worthy iii a iMUor Ofttist, 

Fimt AvKKira —The oipoci^nt public or that 
punlon of It that dellBbia in riaky playa wu mis 
Icl by tbo augicatlva titio 'The Uoniing Woman," 
niid waa gnailv dluppolnlnl to Dad ihe play barm- 
leaa. Dui, uatortannicly, II whs a'au aioplcl. It 
will however bo rciHlnoil tor tho Urnt bait < f ibe 
pi-eaont week, and "The t'mat of Biiclcty" will l>o 
ihouiTuring tor the latter hilt. Tbo Louise Baudot 
ilpentCo ln"JAClnia"2ii 

liHOADWAY TiiiiATiiB.— This lioutowu dark Hon- 
day, Nuv,li>,t<>|>ormliof aOnalrrhoaraalof "Prince 
Ananlaa," aunoonced tor produolinn by the llot 
luilana upon Ibe (ollonlng nlgbi. Uenllon ot tbo 
now wurk will lie iitadu in our next lame. 

lijHis HvsEUM — Manager iioria liu lor bla lead' 
ng carlo hall foa'nre tlila woek a band of gi piltB, 
who Blvapiclure«i|<ie acoooaof Iheir dally lite In 
camp. Tnoro aro aevcral torinno tellen In Ibe 
troupe who promise to f.jrotell the lady vltlton' 
foitunea free of charge. (Jolp Uroa.' Uollaod Hand 
boldaover tor tbiB week. In tbe ibcatre tho spe- 
cially pcnpio Include: Findo and Btono, Mont. 
Uyolo, uioililme.4, llairy (lirdnrrandlbeWarda. 

tliMBH'a llotrxHr TiiBATaE.— ••Tbe Wblle Crook" 
00. opined lo fair houaos Nov. in. ■•A Royal Rt' 
onpllmi" starred tho porfomiance, wllb Emma lloae 
John Hrlco. Illubard (Inilln, h'lii. Ward, Albert 
I'atteraoa and J. J. f^utou, la tho loadlog rolet. 
The apcclalilea laclude Juo Fields, Uutcboomedbtn; 
tho llighlcya, In thoir coiuedy musical akeiob; 
Uarlo ll'tdgen', a ningor wllb a nieaaaot voice; Jen- 
iilu lAUiont and Joslo liove. In tliclr new aot, wbiob 
went well: Kruiiia ll'MO l«e. In songaand danco'i 
arlillanudllrlr.'. coinodlans; the Vonjena, and J. 
J. Fcntnn, Uinionu singer. •'Tbe waito Urook" 
oiuclndrd Ihe show In go<id alylo. Aloz. U. Ooraian 
la i>mlno8a manager; W. II. Aahlou, repreaenta. 
iivo: I'mf. w. 11, llugan, leader. Next wctk,lbt 
.Sight Owlt. 

LuMhiM TitEATDE — May IIovrard,M the bead ot 
her cuinpaoy, uponed.bor aecond eugagement at 
ton house, to good sued audleucca, Nov, lO. A 
now nrai part set h cniployod, which la very pretty, 
UUa lIuwaM'a rccepilou waa cordial aa It ftHraya la 
nud iheflOirrtavorilrsonthoblllbadlbelrHalao. A. 
Ilollman, I'olly llatdioilor, nud tbo reat ot tho cut 
weroarea Id Hilvaiiugo In "Uigiitilica," the duel 
"Alice" by Ulu Howard and llelluan bilng beau- 
lifuliy rendered. Tho Yalo Kliteia' apeclaliy was 
nopUuded, Beuniur Frank Hell, Ullo. Carvcratte, 
llaulry and Jarvia, Uonroy and HcFarland, Bell- 
umii and Jaiio IHily furulsliod Ibo nllo. The laitar 
made her dobut u a apeobilty pertoniier In I'hila. 
(lelphla last week with succeaa. • Oao Uoaa Ul^ 
cua"the nllickliig nftorplo o, wont wllb the aO' 
cu<ii<mril d<ah. Next week, tho llcalz Bantley Uo. 

l.vcKi'M TiiEATiiB.— Owing lo Iho Important ao- 
cial KVrut, Niiv I'.i, the opening of the gnnd opem 
hCaaoD, tiin prcsi'niiiiluu of Sardou'a play, *;\ 
WomAU'a Vllrucr," miieclally wrilion tor the stock 
conipaay or ilila Iiouk^ wbh deferred unlll the fal- 
1 iwlug uighi, when ti>o rreular aeaaon of tho bonae 
la nnuouuctd lo open. K.\tendod nollco of ibla 
i-rrut will be nudo urxt week. 

Oasiku.— Ae ''The I'nailiig Show" hu again gone 
upon lie Iravrl', and as tbo leaao of Uioary .V l.'d- 
I'l or expires daring the current week, ibla Itouiels 
<'lo>ed, and, lu yel, no dale hu btcnauneanced tor 
lis ro<peulng. 

Dii.v'a TiiKATBK— "A nniety Olrl" brgaa, on 
Nov. IV. tho ii'iiilinnd Ileal week or lla alay. The 
auick oouimny ur the hnnso, vlih Ada Itenan again 
,.t xeail, will ttlurn '.11, and be Been In "Tweirih 

itcAoiMV or Hi'aic.—"i<benandi>ah," wblcb hu 
bold Ihe boards at ihu hnute alnco Ibe lieglaulni 
ul tbo leaaoD, la diHwing very near to mo dote ol 
liasucvCMful run. It began on Nov. le tbe talr 
tecnia wei'k and ln:«l ruritiigbl uf l;a alay, and will 
In fiiUowed, Dec. by a dno preduciiua ot 'The 
Oolion Klug," a new melodrama wblcb enjoys an 
exooMeni repuiaiion. 

Auntr'H TiiBATHB ''The i|aeen ot Drilllanta' 

entered Nov, le upon the iliird week ot lu run. It 
haa nut bi en at all tucccaslnl and was lo have been 
wlthdt^wn at Ihe clone ul Ibla week to l« repltoed 
iiy'Tne (Irand linohea*," bnt u aneclal acenery 
and aiip jiiiunenta are being prepared tor thia work 
It wllliiut lie rraiiy for pnHiaotlonaithaappolnled 
line, thua oecckaliating tbo temporary retention ot 
thecurnriitatirnoilon. ' 

St, JAMin' lUu,.-Aiexandor Oonitlook'i Hln. 
atrelsduiliiueai this bnuae, and opened weak ol 
Nov. l\i til a good aked audleoce. New aonga were 
tuog acd teaturea Introduceil wllb tbt tavoiitei 

ToKv PUToa'a Tngmi^Tbt week of Nov. I5 
optned In lloe shape, for Ihe honte wu well filled 
and tbe andlence wu ot a demonttratire ntlnre. 
Josh ud Uzile IIolbrook,ln Iheir maslcaltam, 
opened Ibe bill In excellent atylo. Tbclr act la 
n«*t, and tM manner in wbleb they perform on 
Ibeir Inalmfflenis abow Uum to be tboroogb onsl- 
claas. nrace'VautbD, a clever acrobaMc diacer, 
waa next on tbt bill. BDe Is Tory gracetnl, and 1< 
qnitaatroDtand Uck klaker. 'nllo Ibla Is her 
first appearance at thli bnuie, (he bu been actn In 
Ihe city btforo, having appeared si the roof 
gardena Ian Hammer. Mnrr»y and .Mden, akeicli 
tram and dancers, alao do clever work. Paollne, 
thagngllataaerto crnilo ami acrobat. Is becoming 
qnlle a favorite. Ulle. Derilna, conlotlionlil and 
kicker, who rolliweil, la vera anpple and iloeasome 
exceedingly clever woik. Ucr m-at dinicoltirick 
probaMylB when abt tlea an tgg on her forebead 
and nreaks Itwiibt back kick. Tony Paalor ren- 
dered IiIb laoal budget ot oomlo aonga, bnt hesl- 
ways bu Bomething new and Ida reception Is 
of Ibe baariKat character, namia and Amn. 
comlo gymnuia, kept the andlence la good 
bnnior, and tnelr excellent gymnsailc work 
bronght ronb conauiorablo applaiiM. Tbe 
Pre<t>ja Bliiera, In chataccr aielcbea, are becom- 
ing hig tarorltes. Tiielr clert:nrf s becomea mote 
apparent erery time one seta taem. At. U. Wilaon, 
one ot Uie best li^rnuD dht'eoiconedisna who hu 
appenred st this bouse lnalonillme,plcaacdlai- 
meoaoly. Hoate Oolllna and Norma will>, acclety 
akelcb team, were very good, and received dae ap- 
preciation. Imngene Oooer, conlralio singer, wu 
recalveil wllb mends ot applsosu. Bboaang"Tbe 
t'mcl Ulas ' wlih lolling cffuct. Tbe RyUera rrony 
and FfUkic) In "A Ulrcua llohearui,"lntrodaecd 
aoine well trained mookeya and were well received. 

KBirii's U.MO.v Sgi'Ana Tuiatrb.— Tbe builneas 
on the opening of tbe week Nov. iti wu ahead of tbo 
nanal record tor Uie allsmoon, wblle at night the 
attendance waa ot anillcleni alze to canto many to 
BUDd. Tbe blU la ot eicollcnt iiaallty, and cnn- 
talu the namea of aoma excellent people. Tne 
irloclpsi carda may lie mentioned u the Three 
■logenea, l.'otban ana nam Troopo. L'atban Is 
wen known aa a atrong autacUon and bis 
act, which has been fully reviewed In these col 
umu, la alwaya Intereallng. The Kogenea aro u 
clever and dirlng trapeze performera ae our 
tbeilregoen have ever aeon. The ease and grico 
wblcb tney diaplayed la wondortol, and lliclr aa 
wu received wlib mncli applause. The Barre 
Troupe aland among the leaders ot ranalcal teanta 
and are also well known. Tliey are alwnya sore ot 
a besrty leoaptlon at tbla hoate. 0;hcra on the 
bill aro tbe liloae Broa. In aiatuepMlng and acro- 
batic teata, Heehan and liAvniond In their mntlcal 
comedy aletcb, "A Lucky 8ulke,'> Ohaa. V. Lea. 
maa, monolognlat and mimlo; Francese* Redding 
and Ungh Htanlon In •'A Pair ot Lnnallet," 
nealey and Teed In a lime nonsense. Vic- 
toria Waliore In songs and dancea, Tborne 
and Carleton la n tkolch, i:eorge Los 
lie, nodgklna and Lelih, in their Yankee 
absurdity "Sllu and Utndy'a Uoattahlp," biward 
H. Banker, In cluracter chaugea, John P. llogan 
and Prot. Italpb Slooffl.ln iheir sketch "A Prlvato 
Rebeaiial." This wuUr.Uogan'ailnt appearance 
on the vaedevllle atage In eight years. He la u 
graoefnl u ever u a dancer. Barton and Cameron 
appeared lo advantage, mingling tun, elccirlclty 
and harmony In a novel manner. Tbe Kugenea to 
main next week. 

UcBEn'B Palaie Ut'SEi'ji.— In tbe carlo liall this 
week an Itlallu (strong mag). Lcali (gluleu), 
Prineo Tina Hlio (midgci), I'nif. King (ilghtnliif 
calcalator). Hlle. Almcc (totiooed anako ch»mii), 
Big. Allllab't cat rltcns, Yankee Bcott. Idnmucoa 
(Qowllng dervish), and n'alKr II. eiusri (arniieaa 
and legliu map). Bisgn— Horan and Herbert 
Yonng Amerlcua, Anna Hercedet, Uillard anil 
Kmerton,ThOB. J. Ucrron. the Weaiun SIsteni, and 
the living pictures. Huslucaa conilnaet of a pay. 
lag chancier. Frank K. Ficcmen Ih again con 
nerted wlih the inusenm uadverilsing agent. 

BiJuu TuBATiiB.—' South llcforo the War," 
piece mado up or Suiiihern piciurea. opened week 
ur Nov. ID to a guod slKvd buose. Tne company 
wu made up cblcay of colored performers, who In* 
troduced aonga, cbomaea and dances nil thruagh 
Ibe piece. Tboao which found most favor with the 
andlence wcra Ibe genuine >l ukey soagp. Cliarlea 
Uoward u the old darkey, Kp^ Ulawton, wsa very 
good, and the rest of tbe oompnav aldul him lo 
making an enjoyable cntcrtalamenl. Next week 
Wm. iToey la "The F.ama." 

KotriR A BllL'9.— Tbe bill for tho week ef Nov, 
10 wu made op ot Ks-i ral newcomers und popiiur 
holdovers, and drew a crowded house on Monday 
night. Hooa. and Slme. llruetltlvlcre, dnetilsla 
and mlmlot, made tbelr Ural appearunce on an 
Ameiloan auige and were a prononcced snccese. 
They are pleasing In appearance andintiucrund 
won ilieir auitienco from Ibo abirt. Tbay atnga 
nomberof dQetaandulalcrludeaglvclmltailonsof 
dirrorcat lanlmmunis and alao alvo a cat concert In 
which they make una think of ibo cita ua 
our hack fence, and flying iwoilAoka. Tnelr 
pertorniinro la reined and artlsilo and they 
were recalled several times. HcAvoy and May, 
cccintric oumeilUns, roapprared and proved 
theniaelvcB good tun niakere. I van Ticbomoir and 
hla troupe ot trained dogs (cleveniii week), the 
nrolhera Ilossow, illlpuUaa athletes (third week), 
Bnnlola Ohelll, Irapeziat (tblnl week), Una llcrloldi, 
contortionist (seveatli week), the Finnaya, expeil 
aalumen (dlih wetrti Kokln, Japtuese Juggler 
(ihird w(Fk), Kugenle Fongeiv, cbanteiiio oxcon- 
trlqae (eleventh week), aod Unrmonclis (third 
week) were all cjnilaucd tavcrlict. TboMilorm- 
ance doted with the over iiopular l.lvlog I'lctureii. 
Tbe usual concert wu given by tbo Kuasuuillon 
gatlan tiroboatta. 

MDtA'sTniATnE.— Tbensual birgt Monday night 
aodlence ataemblcd night nt Nov. lo, and a hearty 
welcome wu aceorJed Nellie Ucllenry m her circo 
com'dy, "A Night at the Ciroos." Tbo ton began 
with Ibe rise orunrtaUi, and Iho capsule membera 
of Mist Uollearr's oompiny did nut allow their 
audience unob teiplto trout laughter ihnngliout 
the entire evening. HIsa HcUonry'a earnest eiroria 
to please were eutlicly uucccasrul. Next week 
Waller Btolord'a Htoek o., la •■Uador the Luh." 

Wonrii'a Uusei'ii.— Tbe coniluuiua vaadevHle 
akow la aiUI lu vogue here and buslueas coulluuea 
to bo ssturHi'lory. Tlili week's eutertalnem In- 
cl'ide: tkl. Adams, Kd. llugers, I'. J. K'nyou, Ada 
wlisoti, Urenucu and Wilson, tVcMey llAnla, Sl| 
Iluasell, MoUannnd Uall, lliirry J. Kv]i:t, Uo llalll 
and ValoH, Irving Jonce and Uus A. tS'urgcl. 

jAOUis' TiiBiTRE.— Nov. 19 us'jtrrd In Walter 
Banfniu'a "ToePowertt dold," wblch pivved to 
be ot auniclent potency to diaw a large number ot 
admirers of sensational Incldenis nnd rrallstio 
cireciB, iviib wbl.h the piece Is abuiidAnily sii|i- 
piled, and which give It tank on a toprtiscaiative 
play ot tbla kind. Much approval wu beaiotred 
opun tho aiage pictures, which weto preacntrd 
with commeudablo bitie, and no btct ot approba- 
tion wu accorded tu tbo efforts ol tbe company, 
whiob Included Fred Suiiioierileld, Bairy John 
atone, K. T. Bletann, CsrI Siirauioo, J. Vincent, II. 
>:, Buckley, W, II. I.ewl>, 0. h. stone, Hannah U 
Ijgham, (trace Lyndon, aeitrudo Itoheris and 
Uary l.ynlun, '-Tue Walfaot Now Yoik" comet 
Bcxt week. 

New Yobk UiPOE B. I*. O. r.i.M Ills ducldcil 
that tbelr lodge tiMm is too anwil to accomiiiodaio 
tbe large number desirous ol nItnCMing the lo- 
pKtslvo memotUl scn lcea to be hcI'lSuudAy even, 
lag, l>ec. and anoihi r public ball will be secured 
for that purpose. Tliellev. Ur. Houghton will ite. 
liver the piwy'rand Frank Mordauui will read the 

Kneral culogv. II liu also been decided to admit 
0 public by Invitation. 

PEOrtR'a TitEATHE — Rngeoo ni'hlnsnii'a pro 
ducilon of Ihe powerful iiiMuilrHiiia, "Paul 
Kauvar," It alwaya ante uf attracilag the lavorable 
attention ot the patrons uf thlathuaire. Uansgcr 
lloiilnton bu eniuolllihed lila play inia iieateu wiih 
ilogantooalomluganil ancclacular scenic eirecis, 
while the cut l« capable In every iiart. Tliom«n.r 
strung dtsinatli,- icciea andsliuatlouaof the pM; 
were oatbnslutU'Slly apphtudcd. Next weel 

MistH'8 EiouTii Art.svi TnEATHi:.— Uarry Wll 
llaiiM'UwnCo. op.-neda week'a eogagemeni hero 
Blgbt of Nov. Ill before a crowded uaiitc. The o^ 
ganixallon Is moat complete lo liseir, but liu for 
Ibis week a powerlnl magnet In the ptiaon of 
J. W. Kelly, whote aot on Monday night kept Ibe 
large aaalenre In conllnned mn ot Ituguier. 
uatman, abailowgraphlst. cle., and LltUe Flossie, 
In her songs and coararler ohangea, wero among 
tbe most eatertalnlBg nuniisia or Ike programme. 
Next week Ibe Rusacll Bm.' Bbow. 

tiioaililiHitoal«;liiaon»dadhoiua. Nsilctik, tbt 

llArlsHaoKsr BartaaniioOo. . ... .iw... 

IUauul(e«soii.-Tlio aunetioni og«v«»,aia above 
itAva'>(e.awlas a THull TOd b««'"a»",ls 
i^erle hilt-leh<lMSrliou wd Ms ■jat*"""* "ijaij 
To«t». 0«ri» llQldsr. Al«x Wajar, Lens Jltr Birrr aid 
Pfol wbll.. HUE»-IlurT HoAvoj ajj ,^oj"a Fo««rk 
Jw. W. Themjuon. liL and (Ian. WUfrlrafT. HtUe 
BmlUi, Usttaad Alice UsMar, and fiad Wlai.e*. 


Droofclrii.— At the Ofand Open Uonae, "Coon 
Dollow" WA1 il>(«L wnk iKiloolai Str, IB, baUia u 
tuditsMthst u«ud the tutlogcapidtrot the boose. 
Lut ir«k. Wm. Bairr bskt tbo boards. Ilslloo and Bart 
rho Nov RoDtli" l)te a. 
UrJOC— M . B. Curili, lo "Pau'IoI rotsa," lo tbo atlrae- 
lloD this vaok, opoiioi .tov. IP, btlcio a foil honn 
Alihootb tlw till* ol tho ploca Isold, tba play bw liooa 
u) oratlr ootliolr tawiluon that It lo now op l« dato. 
' TIM Hpu 01 LU*'* iDOtallb ooeccoi lait weak CbaaQoor 
OlcotiS,'*TbeHllltAlArai"Doo.S. , . 

Fiat -"Shore aerao" bwaa a tbroo woaki' oaoafih 
moot, Kov. to, to a erovdod lionia. Tbo D' AwlUo Opoia 
(;oi.olliij.--'lboairl I un eotitnd Uo" la eaatlnntd 
•onhor waok, ud is mootlna with ooecua Oraidod 
hooM*iiave&ooB tbe rata "aowlog tho Wind" »,E K. 

'"iffAH.-'TiioT»i>»loUro"ba|«ha wook'oaoiMamoot 
Mot. 19, wboo itaodlof room oolf eoold tM obialooo. 
'ThoT«loofOor«lea" cloood a ineoeoitol oojutmoot 
17. "The ro»r ol OoM" ft, Walter Suford's Stock 
Compur. la "Uador tho Lath," Djo. 1 

lUrlem.— At Ibe Uatleoi Oprn House "rbe 
AmaiOBA" dill oaly a (iir builaou«o«k ofKor. 11 So 
OoaM ttlolOB II'O rrtcvi hkd ooraktblng toiloailbit 
glee's "mf nidB Its giol arpootoaeo bofoia a llir- 
Umaadliooo IP to'DOnl 1h* boltUnn^Iavclilitboufoo 
oribootttoa. Koiiwook'AOnotf tiitl." 

COLOMHCS — llorrniano lait iioei plaroit to oiofdld 
booHO alt tho wook. Ubaontar U'cult, la "Vho IfUli 
Aruo*." oraaod to aoroirdodhouoa If. .Noxlwook, "Bnah 

(h.vnrlo -nic* aed Borma bavo bo i oaana to eom, 

Slato or ibair booioo«;JailDt iho'pvt weak. Rooiolt 
ret'. (Jeandltao nado thair giol llailom appaa^ 

Ih OS* BsnHAS-a-Tbo Fraoeb rollrOompuijoponod 
lor ibr wook. Rov 1>, to a fait houia. I«il*>OBWoboi 
floUC Companv plajod to aood baolDsn. Irwio 
m'on' CompaDrl) Uydo i Bobmaa'a Oaa Stare 

min4B t oaaBiaoVa— lulna plemvao coBtloat to 
bo on ouolleol roalaro or the or ibo bllU ot Ibis pwaUi 
pUwofainoumOBl. Ttio twoinb weak ot tbo Plotatoo 
looan Hot. It. btlora a bit bouo^ Tso vandovlllo pirt 
ol tba proxramna 10 BUdt BP or The IKalps (Joba ud 
Nollv),MlooloVoBway,Anl7U«la,lllaorra Lae, Mla- 
nloAnoltoDd Aihon ^ . , , 

Airaiox -na LiilpBtlau this weak per tbelr uoul 
vUltuMr KdowIoo' Eioton DIaulot playbonia. no 
OBdlone* ihot praoM iboir piTMBltdon ot "aompir 
Demplii Up to Data," It, waa soineloat lo domonitiata 
Ihot tho lltUo pooii'a aro tint poputu with tbo aormu 
tboAtn lolaa pabllo er tbli put or iboolir- Tbo ladlca. 

oBtatomoBtboralP, ISBOwutbUpailot Iowa. Iteoa, 
taloo eiany otlrrlBi locldoota oalonlat*! lo roeonoioaa It 
to tbo hoBoa'o patrono and it ooght to do wall It Is voti 
proooolod br Waltar Modtoid^Moot eompoar- Loot 
wook 0 boilDou wta toKaoaBorWathbBre'aoAUsttctbB. 

^ OA VCTV.— A bfg aoilloooo volcomod Wobbor k PtoMo' 
Oont^ompoBrberttS. BaUTietorr boolnoM laatwoak. 
Lr<1la Yoamuo-Tltus and lltvmoii Koora bead aoit 

"l'tc'u"— t(o Looii Pbllltps Sioek rompuy tbla wMk 
rorlTO 'Tbo T«o Orpbaas," with Eorao Bell In tho sfm- 
potbollo ehtraeur «l Loolao, Oio bllad boralao. The 
obMk couDpuT Is tiocomlDR iiulla popoUr with tho 
bouoo'i pftinna, and ao a cob«o<ibobca tbo booto Is 
dolDx s lailtraotoFT baoluooo. "SaoMocad to Daalb' !«. 

UMuea.- Tba (ioleaol oBdl" lothlowook'oauiaiilloo, 
npocloiiiooarelnliodacolbT iho 6L Felix Sltun, ■Uo. 
Zoo And mo Worrall The opoolag bOBiawal big It 
loobi to tbouah Haaaior (!>iv hat picked a wiaoor la 
hlAhouso. ThoLondoB BollsoSI. , . ..^ 

NnriLTV.— Tbio hooit vlU op«a tt wllb "Tbo Row 
South " 

Lks ,\vssea Acadouv.— XeEvop's Irlih Comedlkst 
will opoB Ibis hoola tt. 

Albany.— Tte week opened with minslttlnat 
tbo LolODd Opoia IlQooo Nov. IS, huniobod br Law 
Dookt'idor, and a bouio racked to ibodnenauoooB. 
W T. Carloloa'a Optra Co. ub> '^bi Spoetit Kni(bt'> 
and "ChAlHv Btslu at Home'' to (itr rtlnmo 13.11 
Tho ramalador ot Uio vook •o< takes up br "Coon Bol- 
ov," •bleb MOiDid to ploast Itri o aodloacoi, Conlog: 
'J. a. 21. Uoi W. Uonroe, lo ^'HrAuot Bridgot:''!], 
'-('aolo," bv a local wuponr oramauero; SI, ' A Tokts 
Rioer','' il, roiroll, the Natleits: 17, ;^ a,-7bt Uot 

ItANHANOS RLSlrsea llALL hold one ot tbo larioit 
aodiooeosnl Ibo laaooo II. «hoD Soua'o Rtad rato a 
coocorL Ub Ibis octAiloo was yraoaatod ror tbo Orot 
timo J. Auiiln RnrloRor'o oiarcli. "rho Hsrcb Blox." 
iloolatoil u JobB niitip HtBta. Prat. Btnbolonit«'s 
K.|alno PAildoi IS, 17. dolllbted yooOE tad ehl ibtt 
<iotnl>d tlio ibootro ComlBs: 10-14 Mr. tad Bra 
HtmllB Ralilvlu. lomlon roadiqa: 0, Mrs. Lanptrf, lo 
Aootha TvldoB :" 2». 30. Doe 1, "Ibo folica Patrol " 
THS UAiKTY Tbbairb past wook piosoDtod ,tho Ltllr 
niAj B'lrlofnue Co. to optoodid btuloeoa. Kov. 19.31, 
the Rooti-stBtler Oo ; 36 Deo. 1, Loadoo Oalotr lilrll 

Byracute— At Ibe Bulable Tbealre, Franz 
Wluiok's lloacort tl". bod Isir bollnoM Rof. U. Tbo 
CArleloo Opera Co. bad llRbtbutloru IS. IS. Hooked: 
Eildio Pov. IB ' OITtliKtarib," is-ll, HloolorotlaJooolSl 

WiBrj.Mi uraHA llocso -.Roooa'o Band bad tood 
buolnoro It. *Uur Plat" had aood boslorsa 13 II. 
"Hlioro Acrro" bid "fl R o." lt-17. Booked: Quo Will- 
Ituio, In "April Fool" 19. 1). "A ToaoaBuer 31, Mr. ood 
Mra. Arthur Lenta, la "Ibe Idler" tad "Fbt Ciujtor 

lauoni' TiiKAvnx.— ''MePaddon'a. Elo^mtat; 

Kocloir," 31-21. 

11. It. Jauon. --- - - - - - - 

drair ratrly It II. Bob tttHlmmoBt Co. btd"3. R O.' 
-&.tr. To come: Boilon Uoward AUiaDRam (To. 19.31, 
Tbo Polioo Patrol" OIL 
UcniMi tbo oparrlos bout botwooo Bob tlliiiuimoBS 
anil bis spai tins itrtaor, C«b Riordko, Pi, ibo lauor wu 
o'ruck uo Ibo cblo. Falllog to cnoio op bo waa carried 
iBtoiho wlopo, wboro otoit effort wu as»d to larlvo 
blno HeoiplroilatU08atDrds7A.a. kiiitlnimoBS Is 
UDdsrtooofaoriiroohaigo. It la said niordso bu beoo 
drInklDc bAid o l lata. 

Ilochealor,— At Ihe Lyceum Mr. aod Kre. 
Arthur Lowlt bolu an ooatiemoot of tliroe nit h's aod 
a iDAilBoo Nov. 19 DoTlog llio latior ball of tbo work 
the huuio will tomklB dtrx. "Bboro Aem'' and Mule 
Walowrltbt lof I U aod 17, rcitpeotlTtlr. aaeb playlor to 
(Airboiiloou. Aououncod: 38,39, Mn. LanguriSO^Dea 
I, "tVaot." 

Tae CuuK OrCRA llocaa had "RAfflOOD*' with Walter 
KoDoodr la the loadloB pan, tor 10 r,>r three olahla. Tbo 
Howonl AtbooKOiu Co. frHno 83 rjr bo romalodor or tbo 
««>ok: ror week of SC. "Hy Partner" flrot Uiroa olfhta, 
ud "Two Hibton." (or Iho last throe oigbta lbs Booie- 
Hanlt»7 Co doptrted II, drawlBg onir fair bouooa -'Mo- 
Faddon'o Blopoul ul" loft 17, playloit to apod builostf. 

THS ACADSUYOl'Mcsio had PaalloaTarkor, ID ''The 
Wild Ro««," I'J, to reinaia lor ooo week. "A KOBtnokr 
Oirl" did a rair buolooti tbo pait wook. For tSaad week, 
•Ibo Poliro rotrol." 

AvvnoWo:<osaLAND Molsa-TaHirua, tor tbo woek. 
Curio hktlo-MsAler I'lioA. Csrier aod rorrlDOo Mullo. la 
'-Eocapod Iransf lBU<iinR."aod nittor(PoU4rKioi) Vbo- 
Atto-Jaiuoo Aobow, Ward aod Lrocb. Olark aod Tomnlo, 
Mllo. Uarrotia, Klttp Cltitoa aod CanuicoUa aad Lu- 

Uiifrulo.— At Iho Star Tlieatra '-(iff tbo Kirlii 
eoiuos Nor. }:*-1l. Koldi'aOtrlioitro 23, Ssdio MoitlBot 
next week. Ilasoobooh's 1rA:utd ABimali had a most 
proiporoui ooBo^omobt. 

AOAUXHV ovUraiu.— JoMpli Uurphr canio 19 for Uiroo 
Blohii, til* UoriiiaoB 2J ai. "Vadaoe Kaos UeBe"aoit 
weak. "A Itati 8uor" leiuo to have lost Boat ot lis 

l.xcsua TOKAVaa— "UcVsddoD's Klupmoal'' started 
19 for uns veok. John L. Humvao titm wook. "IboPu. 
Ilea ratnl" doporlod 17 wlUi proflta. 

r:oCRr8TatBrTosAraK.~tl W. Williams "Motoon' 
lioRiB Tor OBO Wflok 19. Rhornian tod kti-riser bad a 
Blcetollowioa latt woek TboSuodsraTaolngeooeon U 
boeonilOR a toatura at tlila hoaio. 

SUBi'ri MusK' ItALL—UaorwIo Parker, Oraelaaod Ror 
onMB, IdkRuflOoll. KrodMeOfollan.Bii-eh Brotliora, Joha 
ABd Noma Uot'tTthr, LollA TrIabU aad (guidon. Sue, 
dar »Toiiliig eoactrls art also sivon baia, 

Noras ~tIio oaasoa of cotirerla bf tho BBftt'o Hr n. 

tboor OrchoAtni, At static lloll bo rIb t: wlih Cii-iar 
boQiioo ai the aololst Wm, llodion, ot >*oor ultx, 

iboAuUiorol Mroral plaTa,hAl bv>n the Riioot rr Joba 
Hfoco. Ur. Iludooo ba« roooatlv dolobad a oow ooioedr 
wliKh will probtblr HO Ibo llaM tbli 

Troy,— At Ibe Criawo'.d Onora House I'arlflon'i 
dlieracoupoDr did laifir wall Nor. 11 -OmdIIoUow' 
drew lAIr uouioo l\ II. RIekeit'o Trootudoum. la 
"Coloool Jock," livl 1l|ht Ttie IVhItoor 
llporo roui|i*Dr, IB "Tbo KoBcIng Uaaur." packed tho 
houSA 17. '-rho Trelloy Ryatom" oaoio IMI, Mra Lus- 
try, IB -A Wile's roriP' A "A Texu Btoor" 31. 

llAMi'a ursai lIoCHa— Puwoti canio 19,3C Bailholo. 
mew's Equlua Paradoi tl-31. Tho bouse was dark lost 

0.irKTr TiiKAina— Tho Lllli Clar Oalotv rompaej 1'. 
Aod wotk. Itio Uarlo RiBierCouipsDr packed tho hooM 
to tho doon all last week. 

ninatiniuloii.— .Vt tho Htone Upcrs House 
Trip llio Cl>>" coma Nov. 13 to (tlrlr tond builBOfs. 
' Mr t\'llo'a lluabaod" eaocolod U. Itobt. FllcalBiaioos 
wAiwoll rocolvod II. Uoa WllllaIo^ In "April Fool.' 
pletseda loir audiooco IS. "Tba Raw Ron'fi." 17, ' 
lieliced a laTR* audlooco BooklBsa: It. '-WaoRr . 

eiMlevolla Junoa At ibo B'Jou Tboatra, AqiUb' 

aisoBiOAna Wllb IIvIbb pictaros. bad 8. R. 0. 13-11 
Doo 19-31, tba LaJlai' (llab, with lliiut ploloroo. 

I'tica —At thertlcaOpcnt Hensai'TheFeaclng 
Maalor'' N>'^. 13 oloiaod 0 ItiRO aodtOBCo. Robert 111 • 
llonl'H ralum daio, ta "Tho Nowinoa." II draw blx 
Jat. n. Adanta. la "A Crvar Lot" 17 (hdad to draw. 
OiiilDc: "A IfNAS Sloar' tl, Btatsoa's "Uncle Tom' 
CAbiB" IS. 

Newbtirg,— .tt the Academy ot Hnslo "Char. 
loa'a ABBt" oomaaNoT. the WbltnoFOpoimOn 33 la 
"Tbo FoBclog Muter." Tba houao was dork all Isat 
week. Iho (icaa Optra Co. cornea Tkukiflviog woek ir 


Rltiilr*.— At tbe Open Boose "Ooon noUow" 
wu Ibo altiaotloa Rot. IStollsbtattaadiBc*. "A Trip 
10 tha Uily" wu pnsoBla d It to folr builoois Tbo Joha 
ThoioKS (MBcait On. ploaaod a erowdtd booio IS. "Itia 
NtwSeBilidrwwttirlvwollie. Kollar waa trooiad bra 
wood trad houM 17. Doo: "Wtag" ti. 'The Ulrl I 

LaA BoblBil Mo" ti RethlBg la aasoaBcod tt tbo 

MAdlooB ATonuo TtMktrw. 

— ariir wiiliams aodLeoa LswLi ckuad wllb 
•'The Uoloael and 1" Vo. at Botten, Haat, Kov, r 

— Bland lloit hta stoaitd tke Anatnllan rt|bu 
01 "Tbc Fatal Card." 



CEO. Bt'H, o>- Till 8im B10&* Show, unooncc* 
for tbe Toledo C«dcts Mldirlater Oircai» wblcb 
Uiet plico Dfxi wtek: Onla HoJU, prlnclpil 
•omemolt barebut tct; Mile. CleveUDd, prtoclpal 
KiMdbDidie; aeo.BiiD,c&uiplno Jargler; foar 
WilloD Broi.. premier aaobAti: Wm. Doodzo, blsh 
wire; Wm. De Boe. heed b4*ucloc tnpeze; UAlcoim 
And Toeolo, vrUlleii Md nrlo? rlnf i; W. R. Ae&e, 
ctoirn; Alfredo. contortloDUt: Ue v*jo», sTotcuiM 
comlqQO ud uuiespeoUltj; wm. Aodrewe' itlkfof 
borM, trick nolSy Mid iroope ot doge; K. W. Oole't 
pour ud ROM clrou; wlibleftps udiambllubj 
laecompaov. ft epccUl tmar*. A *m, nor *U1 be 
erect«d end Mfttlu c»puUj for 8.O0O pM)pl». 
Toledo ftnd nrrooDdlog towsa are bcATllj billed 
tnd eiconlOD tnlos «a «U nUlroada vlll bo run 
dorlDg tbe week. Tbe oompuy U ornolud fur 
ODC week odI/ ud ft Ado btulDMS U ftnuclpaud. 

Norn ntou waltia L. Uaim's bbows.— Tbo 
Muon of IBM li npldlr ftpproftcblog Ite dosing 
dftT.-wbtcb oocvn D9C. A ftt areeoTUle, Alft.. oDftk* 
losftiefteoaofttilrtTtwoud one hftUweeka'dorft- 
tloo, wblcb U piobAbly tbo loogett ftetion nude hj 
ftOT biff ibow. Tboietsonbu been « long ud 
proftpoftMii one ftod bM yielded s bftndaome bftl* 
ftDco on tbo ngbt aide of tlw ledgvr. From Qrcon- 
vlUe. AU., wo iblp a dltunce of tlx bnndred mUei 
to LooisTlUe, Kr., wbere tbo "Big Bbow" winters, 
iftTge ud aniUDio oiurtere in tne oentro or tbe 
bulneta portion ot tbai clt; btWng been cngigrd. 
NegoilftUoDB tor MTorftl itMtilOK teatoreB for isoo 
ftre In progreu.ud tbe sbow will open ira softion 
efttlj ID April, IftTger, grftodcrud bettertbu eTor. 

It id ANKOtTKCiD Mm. P. T. BAmum'B M0,ooo 
UDQltT, leCt ber br the wUl of ber late bnabftsd, will 
be provided for bj ft faod to be retained br tbe 
execntora. Tbe property ftt Broadway ud Hoiu- 
tob Bixeel, tbli city, from wblob ftu Income ot 
«u,000 Is denved, will bo kept for ibis pupose, 
and ibero Is lufllcleDt property In Brldgtporf, Ct, 
to inaoTO tbe batuce. 

0x0. W. Lk R081, eqalllbrlet, bas signed wltb 
UrlngstoDO'i Circu for a long season tbraagb 
Central snd BoDtb America. 

CouCiiifl.BULST bas resigned fts press agent 
wllb tbe SolU Bros.' Sbow. 

0. A. ForrXB wbo baa been tbe advuce agent ot 
tbe Adam Forepanib Bbows, HoCaddon St Ander- 
son* mansgera: mooma tbe loss ot bla devoted 
fatber. wbo died on N'or. i j. 

TBI ronie book ot Walter L. Ualn'a CiKoa bss 
reacbed oa, ud It reflects greatcredlton ibcpnb- 
lUber ud compiler, Edward ArllDgtOD. Tbo book 
liUlaatrated,contalnlDB a pictore ftnd a sketcb ot 
almost every person wbo hsa appearvd wliL tbe 
sbow Ibe past mbsod. ud nlotores ot tbe most Im- 
fortutbutpeDlagsdurlDgtbeaessoD. UaUocon* 
aiDH A leaJlaUc aketcb of Ibe wrock at Tyrone, Pa., 
wblob bappencd in ICay, \m. Tbere is conalderable 
valoable Inforoatlon to clrcos peoplo In tbe book, 
wblcb cootalna IH) pages. 

axo. W. B0Bl^u,1alllQgud8lDfrlDg o!owaud 
cometliu.taas beenoonflned tobla liome,atWbeel- 
loff, W. Ya., for tbe la8t foartccn weeks, wltb 
lonunmsilon of tbe eyes. U was tbuugbt for a time 
tbat he would lose bla eyralgbt, but no Is on tbo 
mend at present, and bopes to be telling tbem bow 
Itbappenrdbvtno boUOays, at leasu Ur. Botlng 
aftyane would llko u> bear from fnonds^as be u 
looesome and QDat>le to write. 

JOHN B. WBinnr, or WRionr and Whuidt, baa 
lost doled a saccessrol two weeks* eDgagemeoC, at 
Ibe .Mld-WlaterClrcaa.UUwukee, Wis., as talking 
and prlodpal olowo, and not Frank Wrigbt, u irss 

Wbitimi Ailin. general press agent of tbe 
Adam ForepauKb Bboirs, for aome sesMna past, baa 
tonakoa tbe wblle toots, at leiat t<uip3raTlly, ud 
sees In Advance wltb a working iniorcat in tbe 
Faony Rice "A Fran's Frolic" Co. 

Tnx Tv Bii.LS were nroaenlod wlihabudaome 
noial uibats wblle plai log Wltb tbe Ringllag Bros.' 
CiroosAtvtckabarg, .Mtsa. 

RoBBBT ItuY ud Wife havo c'osed ibeir sec- 
'^nri sttcces&ful aosson wllb (bo lUngllng Brotbers 
Bbows . 

K. o. ORBiNB, trombone so!oUt ot SellB&nent- 
frow'B Olroua, Joined tbsNaabvllleStQdenta.S'ov, 16. 

Vammxiuion and QARNBL,at prescut playing In 
OblcaKo,wlil sail for HexlcoDeo.s, tojoln Orrln 
Brotbers* Olrcos. 


Notes.— We close tbe season at Greenville, AU., 
Kov. 28, bavloft mado an elgbt mnntbs* season. We 
bavo traveled IhroDgb tweBty>one Statea, ud oloss 
uliboutftnlsbaporumipleaaantocoorTence. Tbe 
following liave made the enlire aesBon wi*h the 
car: Cbaa. Bernard, nanager; EdwardAlken, H. J. 
Uorst, 0. 0.UerwlD. lU P. Juette, aoo.Fruler, AI. 
llAmmeludTbosaklorgan. Obas. Bernard and B. 
F. Janelte go direoi to CleveUnd. O., to arrange for 
ibetonrof ihs Uelnn Family Concert Co., wblob 
opens In tbat dty daring tbe oolldaysa 

TBB FiBsr coui-AMYot performeiB engaged for 
Onlo Brutbert* Hbow, Mexieo, will aall from Pier 
lu. East RlTor, Ibis olty, Nov. 24. .\ seuond w>m- 
paoy will leate 1>60.1. Edward Oiria is la town 
concluding arrugements tor tbe oomlo g seasoui 


s Hosa — Arrlrili for 10 and vt*k,_Chaa. On* d 
Baersov, PlonpaIl«K Hack aad ColUr &iiii> 

Nmtto, Prof. BMto AoO Jaroa*. uabuman iroi. Rd>i' 
rau Via fAlr U aadwttt. 

Jeraay Clty.^Edward Barngao.ln "Ueilir aod 
th* air' opM«d fnr tba «*«k at tb* Aeadouy Not ig 
Tb« damuid r^T mta lodlOAtM m pro«p#mai u»y. 
rowar or Ootd." Id plac* ol "A>K>QtuoiliaiB"^tollo*i 
Tba pnbllo Duda Wm. Uotj't weak •vjcoin a proBublt 


hqs Tox^— Boauim kafpijsp to^ U>a_*taa^ATil. Tbli 

iMuanrChirluBiaoi ol tbaHtn'dBqaira 
TDMire, jour cltr*ac«oinpMla<] bj TiraCroDln. mvmi 
blic)dtim«p«rtairftTUitl& Itwu ili* flmUiD*Mr 
Vtabi »a|o*«l walof "rho Flams" ud h« nre Jir' 

MoraltDl aad ThompfOD. t „_ __ 

Ooato CliAtUj D* Fom*t wilt potoo llio B'tcfe fiutaa 
J. I.O.— Tb«ain«l nrl«^. Th« tMoUognworoDotui* 
Doanead In tlDO ror ilili tuaa. Batlowr romttoi food 
Utucar Bolbtr bu appolotod Mre. Ou Rolbor u uua- 

Tbaalra, your 

loji „ — , — 

Bo*7Aeoralftla»«tlof, wboDbomido bli tppMrtitcn' 

Uarsftrotlo Kao^ wlfo m Oto. Eana. ol ihoOar 

maDlA, Uobokto, and Jowr Fonldld an act for Uo bton- 
fit or tba Boo Ton -.a It Mra. Bu»*i flmappeannc* 
on tba arago. Topack atfd Bte«l Bllod EtBoadr ud Will. 
Uas'dau.aDd tba ManlaaSlttarsdluppolattd at tin 
Boa Ton weokons 

£»E(r.->Edwaid Hanlflan oponad bli w»«k at th« 
Aoadimf to a picktd bout. HAsaiar lluUr tuiei 
that bii road laaaoD hu txcMiadhla most itniaiD#«i. 

paotaUoDi Paoplaatiha J. I a-. UaUlo Ht«rii. .Siu. 

Ola BaauU, Jaany IUrla,Carrla Baiton, Jick Ljoch loa 
Frad Ba) BioDd. 

IIsboken.*Tbe Hoboken bai taken aq Impetoa 
In Abnilnaaa lonaa and good attnoboaa haialnJoo 
i«a/rf0 lo complain. Tlia LllipnllAaBmadAmtn« hibpy 
and liara ni QnancliHr paiunad. "A FlaR ni Troc**' 
opaotd foribra* nlibla 19 to a veil fljlcd bocw. "Uy 
AantBridstt"2M4 Halt v«ak * BbaftNo. V* 

naaaAHfx— Tbo arraUommoarAr billlns hut «rek 
aomavkal ooafoaad poonlo. The Loodoa Sporu v«ra 
ooderltnod lor wook of 11 And tbalr pnpar aod iba 
Wblu Crook papar waa all poRUd toiaibar "Tb« 
Vhlu Orook" la a dlatioctAWl dliTorant orsulutloD. 
oodar tba maoagrmaat ot Edaara P. Roth. Tbt LooonD 
"porta thli waok to plica of 'Tbt Uooib Bafoit (ho 

rAT." Baalooaatbepaftwatkwaaitood. 

luraRiiL -Cooke and Bnad, MidqIs Dttnlt, StOlo 
Ro<«aFrAnblaEmmaUABd MatIo Woiloo. Biulaon ii 


Noivark.— .Vt Hloer's "Sbore Acres" pbiyeU a 
Ooa wrak aadlsf Kor. If. Tha hoaaa «aa flllad at trary 
parfonnuca. RaalUm wilt btra a ctaABCo htro tbla 
woek lo '*Hbtft No. B." It Inpraaaadagood aadlaaea 
(aTorabty ifaiid wlllprobablr pniTaaattoDibUL **Tba 
am I UR BtLInd Ha" waak ofU * 

Jii-oBS'.— 'Ob the MUitalppi" doeed a DMdaratalr 

EDdneek IT, iha lut batr balog baUtr than ibe flm. 
w Doekolidar'a MUatrala aro oomatblnBor a weakot aa 
alib Newark peoplAaod alihoogta tbelr atay tbla west 
will tw lODier tuAB uoal tbtythoaM rto wait Tbay 
opeoad plaa<uUy 19. ThAabafflvlogveekbriniaQaorsa 
UoBroelD«<MyAontBrtdseL" * 
WALi*Mtv:t*o ~Tba liovaxd Aibesff^um do. wtr« (tlvaD 

tooil impport all Kai weak. tbeattaodADeabolaf aAil>faa> 
>ry. TbeNithtOvttaaaAllj pUrtoatwatAUtbat>u*latu 
Uio bou*e wlU bold, %dA Hit pnuot week abonld aot he 
ao eiceplloD. Thar atanai Jo proper lorn 19. U. W. 
Wllllanti'OvaCo. weokofK. 

ilHANu.— Tbe WlBt«r OtrcQA whldi opoaed at tbla 
houM, ftrao ratbar badlr lut week. Altboash Iba *bo» 
wu nntolaw lo All reipeoU tbe pabllo did aot Mem to 
"eaichoo." Itwaattaied lut woek tba PoUr CoofcUa 
ffaimutglovlheafaow, bntbo iayi ba wu almplract. 
loR for Dan Uica, wlio. be ear A wae the promottr of the 
icuaine. TbeabowcloatdSatanlayol|Ltil7, ooaceoant 
olibe ilalabualooaa 

Uiinv.— PtoreacoLontia, Bella neBtbaw.Carrla Prt- 
TArtABdProi BaobmaBn. 

CLuiiv.— FrABfeie Roiaetr, HttUe tfajtra, FrAnkle 
KlmbaUaDd Piaak Koitb. 

eTAn.-Llule Krvocd, NtlUe Woodi, Alice MarkbaL 
and J. ff. Oroab y, Pimmr. 

Trenton.'At Taylor's Opera House, tbe Im- 
poilalVtitdtTlllaCe.wullif atUAOiloa lor Nor. IS aad 
*«ek. The compaor nre aatlilaetloa aod the butlnea 
wu ralr. Baoklaaa: • Hlshi BelU" 31, **Rolila Uood" 
Oppm Co. XI, 'Chtrler'a Anet" TX, U. "Tba FaaoloB 
Muter" 37. "PrloeaH Roanlo'-n. Joa. JtrTaiaoaao. Marie 
■atber took lltrtlna'a place la the Taudonlle perrorat- 
tare at ibmhooaa lut veeb. 

Taa.M0x Motar>i.— Boilnaa coallBuu food. KorlO 
aad week: Joha RoaiN Yarloaad CBrlla,Rlohanla Oook 

Howard tewlB* BiblMt, llarrr Alloa, Bvbby Daller 
_ . LoMie Pallor. I>aa Naitb, Bartauiliuoraawi Ooloru 
Ponaad«a,(lrtce lUntea, rhil II. Uortoa ud Hanr 
Oolemu. llarrr Wlllt, tiaga aiaaacar, liu beeo od tha 
ilcklltt.boi UlmpravlofiAnd la able to attend labia 

NovBLTv TBSiTna^Tba l^illea'Clabwu caacelad at 
tbia bonwIK 16.17. 1-tiur Fruktla aaJ conptaTrt. 
turn Iron a tbort trip Aad report |ood bulataa. Tbar 
open bora 19. 

BllBBiioth^At tbo Lyceum Theatre, "Paul 
laoTAr,'* Not. 15. oiniatAAfAlraudleBca, "Roblallood" 
Opera 00. caoM IV17 ta Urae aadltacta Theoompur 
plajod 'The KDlokerbocbw' 17 to a auiAller boua, bBt 
^idaotpIeBMtuwtlL Comlas: *^eHMB or Life'* U, 
'JiaA,"nBdertbe aa«plceao( thoColoafbaa Coart, 1.0. 
O. P., » Robait UlUlanl, la "Tba Noumea," O, Edsar 
t>aldto t>e& 1. 

bAAha OraSA Hoi-aa^Bldoay Drew In "Honor 
Bonad" Not. IS bidapniall boow. Tura ViraUi Vor 
WaarU. local, beaaBi tor the hoipltal 14. OobIbb: 
I'rIoiroM A Wui't Mlaauati IP. Uaalooa' '*8QpeTbf < 
IX-n, Trlnea«BoDole"3A, LUIIao CoBaedT B,SO IHe. L 

Nona— Bra. RiaHp.ortbeRoblo nood Opera Co^lett 
Ihe ooDpAar Nor. 19, Rolea RalBilor BIIIbs bar place an 
Mild Harloa. Oleaieot HirahaU bw aeiorod bit cob- 
BOfliloa wlUi Ibe ODopaar. hit place bolai Sllid hr A. u. 
Gnliau. MabIo Ceil>l will aliaraala with Hauil Ulnitr 
aa ABBAlwl Id ibe laina compuy, 

Pateraon.*.\t the Opera Ilonse ''Paul Kanvar' 
atirmcied a ipleadld aadloBce Nor. 11 **R«btn UoM' 
wu auBg lor the Snt Urn* lo Ihia city 13 to the ttpaeltr 
olUiobouie. "Tba Kelckerbocbor« ' «u rudtia^ U 
bfiheiaoit eomptar to a |oed booae. "ToaoBMra 
WlBtbrop" wu pr«>«Blrd to a orowdad hoaaa la. Tbe 
eoaduct rl tbo saUBrr lodt darlas the pradacUoooi 
"Yjuor Mi>. Wlflihnp" wu dltineofal. Ih* eadre 
ptaioof ihtcltr ualttia eoadamaatioo cf (be "blooii 
aad ihBodtr" portloB of theaBdloaet which aaftablnl 
la ihu aedloB of ibt hooio lA HaaaBtr Uoetacbiaa 
bu lataa itepe to pivToat a racuiraoee of the dle- 
•noofbl proeoedlDn romiiUtBed ot RookiBa*: ••The 
Bpaaol Llla' iS-tV, 'The World Asalaot Her' B-ia, 
Daa MeCanhj'a Oo. tA-U "Aloae la a OnatCliv" v, 

BtJOOTaiATaa— * Koealea tQt Uft" bad poor bntK 
BOM is*ll. Tbo iMBae wu dark is-lf. Bottklflaa: **nie 
OU Roolh" If aad vetk; the Llll/ Oar BnrleasBtra week 

Toronte.'Tbe OrAQd Opem lloosc Nov. l^-u 
BAJiduk. Rtaaa eAua 1%17. Oonilaa: "Tho rAtaport" 
lft-31. Loula AMrlcb. la "Uy PArtnar, aJ-». 

ToBorro OraaA Korea — "Uom ud Uota" l2-)7 pUj%i\ 
to bir bBalaaia. Oorlaaa comes 19-74 

ACADBMrorMoaio— The Motenra lM7dM ablt^ioil* 

tat. "A Jayrirotu*'conifalO-M. 

Mooaii'B VbsaabubaeadAlacaeood bntlaetiL Uc 

ire ball— Chu. Oarier Prof. Malle anit cbtuollo, in 

AI. TbeAiro— Chu Carter, Carllo tad riirte. Uelto 
Cooklla, Poo'a-Boul Broa ao * MoAioy aod OojIa. 

MmAi &TRBKT Risk.— Prof. UletiDB bai beaa dolog 
a Rood boalaoia. 

Nona— Tba LlUr Olaj- phitera s^t Uaoaicor Biair, ot 
Ihe AcAdemr ol HqiIc, ibio treotile Home oaa took 
oiTaoaeABd chanted ibaniaDtgtr ud titabll)po«t*rwlth 
axpoalBff to Tie* plolarea (oBdlBic to corropt oubhn 
moial*. which comu ooder a iouIob of the cfimlBtl 
ac*. ThoH parUea ware aummoBOd to appeir at Uie 
Police Coart bat tba eaio wu nni raidr, aoi) ihar war* 
rtmut'iHl ubUI JAOuarToe.TL ThIa li ihe flrtt case of 
tbla kiad bora aad coBuderablo latertit la takoo 1b ih« 

l/amlltoD^At the Omod Dan UcCariby 
cloved a aoeoaufui Uireo BiKhta' OBBaaeuMat Nor, 17 
Kellle Oaathoar pbra a rBlara aa»aK«aieot tt>. Stdio 

UAitlaotoomoaU At Ibo RurThaatre 19 ud aook: 

Tbe .\nioicai Ularloo Trio, Dllonl aod Elmore, ibo Wblt- 
log«, PoataBool Bros, Uie llAoleja aod Oao. U. Wlooa- 

Vaelpb*— At tbe noyal Opera llouso ilie Swed- 
ish Qoaitat Co.. Nor. 0. bid a Isrco bouio. Du Br- 
Carihr. jB;Tlie Frideof Maro.'' p'af od J|,o tiaadjoj room 

jly. ' *A. Wobdboli** ''ABBt Uly" Co IS. bad aecd 
bauooMi. OomlBg:ai /aailo; 24, ViapoaLAdlaa' Coart 

nrchoatra and Hoyal EoMrtalaora; Motirt Ujraphoor 

Berllita— At Town Uall rAQllne Johnson ami 
Owen Haitlar lo recltala Nor 11 ud "Tho UorsUr" U 
liadaach largaboaifa. Yiaanaladloa'CouitOrcbtaira 
eonttt aO-37. 

Oall.— At TowD Uall "The Bnrgtsr" Co. olaTed 
tofalrbaalaeaaKoT, 14. Vlujoa Iddles* Court Orcoai- 

Hnmbarc.— .\t Town IlAll Blm Fax, obsrftcler 
ToealntABd dramaUe ladtar. Nor ai. 


Indlaiiaiiolla.— At ibe Orud Stuart Ilobsoa 
cloaed a blgbly auceeaai'jl throe Dlgbu' cDgagenaat 
Nor. U. '*Tbe latartoprr, or tba Foot of Ycooi," lo 
relTod Ita drat prodottloo ob uj stage, a£d aooreda 
tooecaa 11. "A Trip to Cblnatowa" waa well patroatud 
U-17. Chu Diekioa, la "A JoUr flood Follow" tod 
"iBgna." 19-11: Sol. anltb RarielL la "Tba Uair at 
Law," 31-34; Leala UorrliOB n-DiCl. 

BanuaH's— This iionaa va« daikaptoNor, 17, wbaa 
Ul Hean'a HlBatrobi opened to fair busiaus. 'Too 
Power of^ Uia Pre>a" 10-21, Pror KollAr weak ol 20 

Pabl-O. W. WilllAna* VaadeTlUa Oo. flUad the boiue 
week ol 13 fJrada Brnmatt. la "Tha Polae o( Now 
Tork," week ot 19, Wataon Blatara* BitrATagAczt Co. i6 

^^irjBr-aaaHUra New York Stanpiared a wIsBor 
week of is. UydA'si'.oBied Una week ofiB.Baiu Darere's 
Big Boom iC ao d week, 

Harlona^Waite^ Comedy Co. held the boftrds 
Not. 5 aad week Ut tareo hnsinaat. tbe "9. R. 0." alga 
belagoatioor aiRbta JoeOit. la"Tbe8iaraaMr."wta 
BTOowdbyalAlreitHlauditaco U. BtABdloct room wu 
ooM at ererr perfoitaure of Palmar Coi'a "KrowBlea in 
FAliylaad.'^ia. IS, IB. Uaderllord: Obu DIcktoo, la 

■aa/iBHw. tw. laf, sw. wantaiiiuru . vu»" A/IUBSVB, lu 

locog," 17 "The I>unr Blirral" a, Mta JoBaouMilkr 

S. ' aiorlUA" >• .HadIa FarloyTltAdlBgladr la A. V, 

Poaraoa'a "-hba,'* l*duaer<iutlj III at irBion Citr, lad.. 

oriBflamiaailDn of tba bovela Urav* rwra are aaur- 
talBtd of bar rMovarj. Uar hatbaBd la at bor badsMo. 

0. H llaBgeo bA4 b*«a aeoand to lead (he orebes- 

tnatBL MarjAO The Daolord A BaotOD Oooedr 

Co , which aiarif a Irota OroeoTtlM, O.. tbo third wuk 1b 

Beptaoabar. collapsed at Moalpalter, lad , lu the 

PhiUlpa A Kaana Comadj Co , upued at BorlnaQohl. 1)1.. 

1) J, O. Marphr bu taken obsm of tbe Ulgb oireoi 

Theatre. MbdoIo, lod II. II Uodtoo hu reorfuiitd 

Ihe FubIo Marabau Burlcciiae Co. Thor oroood at 

Terre IlaaCe«>At Xaylor's OperA UouboM'U- 
Uam Collier, tn "A Back Natnber." Nov. 19, aaTesatlifac- 
Uoa, bat did a h«ht bosiat»«. Paince, la "Tbe Kid." If. 
bad a imall orowd, ud Ibo aaoc oioerlooce fell lo 
"Acnta tbe Potomao" 17. Comlog; 0. "Blue Jaaaa," 

SO.Jaaiaa J. Ooilit t Coa Holko, oi "Tiio Kld,"wu 

proatiAtad br RBddtB llloeaa durloff iba ptrfoioiucol*. 
aodbe wuaoatlotoflatib hit part. Tbegrfaieiieiai. 
tloBi wore aoceaoaiT tl) revtro aim tromaralaUDg«>B* 
dlUoalaio which he loll, bat hawu abUiolesTewlth 
tbeooaipur IS, Air. UaoiptoB aod JobauuefD,or '-The 
Kid'* were entarlaiacd at the Torre llaaia Olab 14 by 
l>oal fneada. 

EvanaTllIea^At the Grand "Ur. Barnes of 
Kow Verb" bad a ulr hoaaa Nor. 11 wiuia Collier. In 
"A Back Namber," did wall i4. ' Lady Wlodornaro'ri 
Fu'* AUraeied An arerAte andlanea lO. Sooklogt: "Tbo 
PrIoiA OooBA" l!i Sdooow SI. "lisr* l4,"Blae Jeua" 

27) ArcblaBojd. la "Ooaairy SnQtro."S. At tba Fto- 
pla'a A. A. Farland, baoJoUt. bato twoeieallaatreoKals 
lOlopoorbaslaeat. "loeKId** drewwelilt. Coming: 
Tbe rut Mall" 19, "Tbe Folaa ol Nav York ' B. Cbaa. 

orbaslaeat. "ineKlir* drew well It. Coming: 

jatMall" 19, "Tbe Folaa ol N«v York * B. Cbaa. 

A. liAder, la "Ob. Wli«t a Night! " to The TbuUo 

CoDlqaeaod Borabervar'i Wiatsr OardeaAra nuuing 
variety billa lo fair bnsloeai. 

Fort WayDea<-.\t Maaoolo Temple, "Udy 
Wlndemare'a ru" Nor. 18. Ju J, Oorbol^ 18, "Tbo 

HosUar" 8i "Tba Derbr Wloaer'* Daa. 1 Stoadar A 

Bnltli. proprlelora of the Ttmple, have gone Into Ihe bUI 
poatlng t»us<oata, and airaadr control aome ol l-a 
choicen locaiioaa iB tbacliy. 


\ew Haven.— At tho Uyperlon Mrs. Lugtry 
came to IslrbBalaau N'or 13, udid Rlcbaid Kaaalleld 
14 DaanuB Tbonpaoa came to crowded booaaali!, ir. 
Local eatorUiBoaou boU Iba boaida onlU 31, when 
Harry Biabam la aadarlliHd. 

0aam> OriRA Uovsa—VLoattn Bgrpl" came to fair 
ratana is-li. WaMnaan'a Spocialtr Co., wlih Samp* 
MB. did a big bualnwt is-17. 'rnioOerbT HatooV'oonioa 
l9-Sl."TooBg Mra. Wlnthrop" SM4, 

Pou'ft Wo.xpaRLAiiu TaBATAA— Boalaeu otntiBuu 
■ood. Tbla week tbe Eddy Famllr, Laa PraroaCraaMo. 
doA Tbompeoa and Oolllat, Atda N. Armoar, RIcbIa Koy. 
^ odder Blatera and otbera. 

llartfonla— At Proctor's Operallooso tho Baker 
Opoia Co. ooma Nor. IB, "YoGDa Mra Wlatbrop" tf. 
Prtmroaa A w«a('a HIaaltala ll. Jamas O. Koseb, lo 
* Rory of Ibo Bill," tl, XL Bnttnaaa lut woek wu bmto 
the AToraia. Blebaid Maaafla d 13 and Mrs. LaBaiiy ll 
hod Mflkod boasea at adrABoed prlcoo. wn.aiUetut 
"TanHacb/oboooa"wMir«et«d with orowdad boniea 
16.11. -F«bloRomul"dJd ralrijWoUIT. 

AL1.T9 nau..- The Loodoo BoUw wUI boaaaatt.ZL 
Tha loBi looked for coaiut with broadsworda between 
MlHBoilobardt aad Prof, Abels wu welt atuadad 17. 
MiM BaslobanltwDBbjaacoreofMtDU Than were 
HTatal bOBU with loilik fucr uooilag aod tog of war 
coatMta to naka a good etoalai's oaurislamoBt 

Foot Qdabd Hall— llisChailtrWArblen'Udr Mto- 
tUota, oouliiiOK ol lunrortl'a aoo'eir holloa, BB«far ihe 
direttloa ol Addle lola Amaa aboold pioreAdrAwing 
AUractloa IS, » for ihebaaofltortbaUanroPilCltyMU- 
aloaarr. Boou'eBaDdooBOsZl 

Noita-Allrn Hall ooraped aaanoutSrall Ablate 
wu dlaeoTorfd aadar tbo tla|o Botd by Peoay Broa, 
when Ibey war* proprlooro, u a carlo lUga. Tbeara 
dapartmut qolcbly napoodod ud bad thofl'eoatb^ 

Aia aay aerious daioaao wu dooo Tha BarueM 

Lodga, No, lit B.P.O, B.,wiu bold their aaanaloiauio. 
iial aarrice at Proctora Opera Uoata Dec. a. 




— NoM fioD Btlat Bra.' "Bnmptj Dompl;" Oo, 
No. 1.: na ilioir It pUjIng to tro4 bulntM, Oar 
MDdutforolMitnuo bl(ft»UR(ind*nrct«tT. 
Hi Ttrj dtttcrini noUcn rrem Uie piru, Oeo. LIU- 
II budmiaur uil PtoT. PlotnUl ludar ol ortbeaL 
In. Loola Lnllg, u c'.owii, tiu caogtit on lo 
|RU ilupe. illllj Bbeelun It dUIdi a fell 
wtth bU mooo^ogoo apcclajtj. Kill; Sliarp'a danC' 
lag ti a reTrlaUoD to Ibe people, wblla Friiz Kkar- 
lon and edillo ktopuum (cmmliiK wnii tutir urtck 
houaa. lUresaaalliiilBodoareaDcdmulcalape- 
clalij, Mr. HDdita'B aaxopooDe aoloa In oar basd 
cooocila belof the ulk or ma ion. The Taolrllo- 
nalim ot Oliaa, R. C'olbr la a faalur* Ibat nisrcr falli 
10 plaaae. Haugcr Naaon lecaivca oa amillDalj 
evaiT Bonda; and puaea oat tha enTclopea inat 
conialo "ibe root of all btII," bol tbai'a wh«t wa aU 
hoaila lor. We cao'i get tba"old rellabla" qolis u 
aoon aa It we were near New York, but Ita latencaa 
tnakea It donblr welcome. Mlonte Coooer la mak 
Ids a big hit wlu Andrew Hack'a "liowerr Ulil." 

— Tooj Wtst and wife, Canle L% Hoine, ai* 
Willi bw. Waabhnm'a "Imi In Egf pt» Co. lit. 
Weat Ij dolDf tbe flerman comcdr and Ula ).a 
Kojne Ibe lead. Tbe compinj la tearing Uasaa- 
cbniotn to reported good boalacaa. 

— WUllani II. and Qoorge H. Damlllon, wbo 
bare been oonnecled wiib Imre and Boluaaj Kl- 
riltr for »aob a lonv lime, bavoaaffered a beitikve- 
inent In ibe lou ot tbeir motber, wbo died on San. 
daj, Not. 18. 

— neater or tbe S'andtr'l Dnunatlo Co., snpnoit- 
Ing Klaie De Verc. In "lilile I.tad" and "VaaClon'a 
Kollice:" It. e. Uratowell. u. M. fflae, 0. i. I«ar, 
R. H. Bt Clair. Frank Newcomb, Belle Su Clair, 
Hamle llarrla, It. J. He Vero, mtnager; Frink Uc' 
Intjre, boalaeu maoagor; Q. K. UoUlsttr, roorc- 
Mnlallre. Tbe oomp<07 will have a dreia rcbear- 
Bl In Balilmfire Kot. 30, and wUl open tbclr tcanon 
InNorlolk, Va.. Ueo.4. 

— Un. and .Mr. Jaoca Tbompaon moaraa Ibe lota 
ot tbrlr babr bof , wbo died on Nnv, 

— Obaa. P. VeKer, leader o( orcheatra, la wllti P. 
1). Birania'a "Hampir Uarapij" Co. 

— Bairj 0. Boabj baa algned wltb "Tbe Olroag 
Olrl," as boalnesB manager tor tbe remainder ot 
tbe aeaaon. « 

— Tbe Ubaa. T. Iltll Comic Opera Co., nnder tbe 
mnalcal duKllon ot (;. Kevin Brandon, opened 
Ibelr aeaaon Kov. id, at aearOeld, Pa. Kile Tian- 
colae I'eane Pie. oC Siatbcm tame. Joined tbe corn- 
pan; at Clearfield. I'pun taer Ont appearance alia 
waa prraanted wltb a bu>ot at wbile roaea. tbis 
being tbe borne ot ber cbllilbood, 

— "Tbe Prodi. al,"amailcai drama. In flreacta. 
br Wm. Tbomaa, will bave Ita flrat porroniiance on 
Dec. 4 at the Brooklyn Atienicam. It will be pre- 
geated, ondtr tbe direcuon ot cne aaibor, hj Hop. 
Eclmont and ibn membon ot tbe New York and 
Brooklf n If oelcal Academy. 

— Roatcr ot tb« SeymonrStnilton Co.: Iboi, 
BIralion, Uule S-rmnur, Lillian Tnwer. Klla Bar- 
ton, Wm. Lawrence, Prof. Sboenfi-lt. Peta Agan, 
Jamea Brownbill. Uanjr Brownbill, Janea Owona 
Uward Ballej, LoiUo Uaj Weac, II. T. Monlo, Jobn 
Unncan, James Curran, aeo. Lent, liOwli A. Uiren- 
port, OatTj Weal, Beny Bortou and Obai, s. User. 

—J. 0. Howe, formerly ot tbe Old Bowery. Tbe- 
atre, la at preaent at tbe Britannia Tbeatro, Lon- 
don, Eng. 

— William llarconrt Joined Ricliard UanaHcld's 
Co., laat week, aa leading man. 

— Clara Coleman bas been very 111 the paat two 
weekL conOned to ber lied wUh perttonllle. 

— Horle Darrongba Co. closed tor repalra Kot. i;. 
Tbe company came to Ibis city fr^m ualilmore, 
Md., arriving bare 19. Ther are billed at Korfolk, 
Va., and Iltobmond, for ibla * cek, and one niabt 
studs In tbe Eist for next week, but ibcy will llo 
ldle,aad probably reopen In Boston. Uaa., Deo. 3. 

— Ellzabetb (iartb (Urs. Fnnk RoberU) raoDma 
tbe loae ol ber niotbcr, wbo died In Hilwankee 
Wla., Xjv. 13. 

— John Pondy, o( Bcailo DoneblU's Co., Intro- 
dnoee in "I'laf males" tbe song, "Olrl Wanted." 

— "Tbe Danger Slgntl" olosea Ita season on 

— Jobn Jack will bare a beneO t at tbe Academy ot 
Mnslc, Pblbidelpbia, I'a., Deo. 0, to commemorate 
ibeannlTerdoryut bis drat appearance on tbe aiage, 
torty two years ago. "King Heniy IT" will Tie 

— Hark Tball waa admitted to Uonnt Sinai Hos- 
pital, tblaclty. Not. U. 

^— "A Trip to Ibe City" closed Xov. 17 at Ponn 

— "4-II-I4" cloicd at Uloomlngtnu, la., Kot. II. 

— J. If. Barnes rellrea from Ulga Neibtraole's Co. 
next week. 

— "Tbe Fatal Card," ao aacceastnl at tho Adolpbl 
Tbeatie, London, Hag., will be ptodnced at tbe 
Lycanm Tboaire, Uili city, early In Jaaoary. 

— It la annonnoed tbai oaa ueege, accompanied 
by Badle Connolly, win appear In Eoglaod next 
aeaaon, nader tbe management ot Jacob LItt and J. 
K. Blllston. 

— Urn. KdwardTemple (Polly Winner) Ilia been 
very 111 tbe oast tbree weeks In this city. 

— Lonis Jimea wiU mar next aeaaon nnder tho 
manigemenl ot L'^ster Victor. '-The Uotibora." 
"Uenry Mil" and probably "Franccaudi Rlulnl" 
wlU he In bl] reporlory. 

— Notes and roster from tbe Ulonle Seward 
Co. : We bare tonnd baslncas very good ibe 
paat few weeks In Easlem New York, and 
OTcrybodr la ootrespondingly Imnpy. Uiaa Sew- 
ard Is preparlni to add "An Vneiioal Uatcb" 
and ."Silil Walen Iton Deep" to ber reper- 
tory lu an elaborate manner, and Ibe company 
la to be eoUrsed, as we olar none but Urge 
towns ttacrrat o( tbe s<niwn. lto.<ier: Minnie Sew- 
ard, BeribaBLCalre Florence H, Ua^ilogs, I'tcdettc 
Seward, U. Laogdoo Ltwrence. I«w HcUunl, iieorge 
L. B'out, Eogene Sanlloy, A. Frederlol Ulller, Jack 
Biiiir.>rd, Uirry Waldron and A. J. Waldmo, bnal- 
uesi uanagor. 

— Nutw and roater from Gordon fi u'clla' 
IKyera: We bare beta out fourteen weoks and 
hare met wltb fuccesa. noster: A. T. tlordon, 
Cbts. WcUa, Fred Kyle, II. U. Uirg^n, L. S.Uac- 
Kee, UariT llddbrook, poll. Btrobeokor, Fnd 
Scbafer, Eowln Kool, Uarrr Woo<libiope, Bcboyler 
Ortkrifi, I.onlaa Gordon, Uourtonay Uorgan, Avo 
Gordon, Itaster Teddy ttorgan, and tbe Lyl« Slatera, 
Emma and Bertie. 

— Daniel B. Ulllelto Jr., tbe composer, nitt with 
apalntnl accident Not. 17. lie was sltilog In a 
friend'a room and tbtew ivbat be supposed to be 
an exilognlsbed nialob in a waato baaiat, tbe oon- 
teolaot wblob took Ore. The basket waa made ot 
ccUnlold, and wbcn Mr. Gillette picked It up tor 
ibeiiaipMeutpuUlniont tbe blase It exploded, 
and hia banda were birned sprerelr and bis t<co 
palamliy. Uo Is conoacd to bis bed as tue rcaalt 
ot bla injntlea. 

— Hary Elliott rage mode ber ilobot, Nor. IS, at 
tbe ATSoue THeaiio, London, Eng.. In a play, en- 
titled "Joier." wrllten by a nicer ut tbe late Lord 
Tennyson. Hlas I'age Is an American. Hod. Cotino 
Lenooi, atpbew ot ibo Duke ot KIcbmond, aiao 
made bla Oebni In Ibe piece, 

— An ansngemant bia iiecn entered Into between 
n. If. Field and Measrs. Cliarica >'rohman and Itlcb 
and Uarrli, wbttobr tba laat tbree named managers 
bare aeonrod from Mr. Field eiiaal lotertais In bis 
leaae ot tbe Boston, Uasa., Hntcnm. Thla arrauftc- 
nentgoealntoeiTectat the close of tbla, tboaiiy 
fonilb season of tbo bouse. 

— Harry Uadllold goca wltb tbe Fraokle Carpen 
ter Comedy Co. to do tbe loadlog JnvonUea and 

— "A Gretn Oooda Man," wltb rani Dreaaer as 
tbe star, will open Its season Dec. it at Spring- 
field, O. 

— Alia Clltlon bas Joined tbo Clark i wuilanu' 
"Hanled Men" Co., to play I be soubraUs nle. 


Denrer.— At the Tabor Gland Upcia Uonse 
wMkol Hot. IXTIioniu W. iMoe, In "lllebtrd III," 
"llamln." -BlebilliB," "Loiii XI" and "OUkIIo" 
playad lo nod booMa. Wookorm 'fAsrloy'iAont." 

LTonx Taairaa -Took of II, "Capt Bwirt" ww 
plajedbTtbavinckoompwytoblsbailoou. Tboopoo- 
iBfDlslilVMtbatociMrOTOOtor Ibevaak. Tbomu. 
■fonoot of llili bonis li paitins tho playi od la magai- 
Soaot PtTlo. f ftpolir prlcaiproralL _ _ . 

ConiaSTaairTaaiTas-WMkoru, "Tbaruttfail' 
*aipi«dieoduig(md booMi. WMk of 19, Aodlrwa'i 
"Jollr OM (noma." ^ _ ^ 

Ommu TBiATaB.-Tr<ik ot U: Ziailc aad Fnd 

■axrioa.-BoUs Broi.' Bbm pollid Iglo Ibll n» IS 
vltb tnatr eua lotaid «llb ihtir ihoal, ud will so 
laloWlnlarqauliiau llTor Front Faik. IbOTCl'VM 

U>t Miiin u TrlnUad, Col Brnnli Junet L DMTir'a 

poMUr piano plojor, o'od «n«T an lllnou of flvf wsaba 

with typaoia fiTtr Urn*. Aabrloo. «ho bis bfan m 

Oannur doTllir lb* list ill noolbawlll Im bom* this 

nak Nilalle Fnncb wlU bo taadtiad a boniSl at 

!»• Bnadway T boalraXI. 

L«B4Tllle^At the Weoton Operalloase "Char 
!«'s Aaar kid a fnii4ed kooia Hot, Ui Tbol. W. 

B?,g3Jj««yi*aoor.-lan WMk-a people rwaala. 

Bona^bairaalnad. Jadia A. a WisIum. prowliter of 
Ika Open Boua,«lllia*a bli piMMrunn wii 
Btt»si«reftb« Ta»r^a^Uwu»Hrla o';ar'' 

wJ'^y^'^-r*' "rand Sebaffar i Zuzio, 
bpobM f» HoT.r.eaaeaM: "CbarUr'a iast,'-eoiM 
It, rko>.w iMiaa-TiwUnntrFai^tr. 

dlUoalo«paoiull..| bfE-la Uowa dill tJriSrL., 

SS!'w'iS?bf.1;5,4? 'a 
Ilinjxo SrasDiBii-No aotablicbannawanBids 

aMSiS'lViIi?"'*™"""* aUipaaaiuasboMoTir. 
NOTia-Tlis il^NI SjQdIosIs Sbowaad Ulppodren* 

fl^l wfa™!""* " ' II on Ita vaylo DminTibiw 


iMM Angeles.— At the Us Angelea Tboalra 
lain<udlil a liibt boiiom with "XlUinn" 

Kot. B-|(l aaiatir's ainitnU ippaandU-IT Tlio 

Barbank naiua aijojsd lair patnuia Ibr "AbiBbim 
Llaenln" t-U "Conat Dl Bimlgl" waa lb* bill ll-lr, 
«llb Damll Vtgtoo anil fionlba Roumoia la tlii lagdi 
ilii- 1"''?^!" '.'1'" a> BooMin'l OraaS Opim Doom 
tli.lL'*i,'i,iy*'S'!]* waiprawnlad. "niaTdbillnri 
wailbablll><p«rUlllnila UaUooounooa 

to drav wall nniwllbilanilloi aomarooi oonatir at- 
1.'*^''''°* and Emilia, Baala Eauraoo aod 

Fallma are oaw taeaa It li raportad tb«t Lwti 

Drwlar. or Doolaj anlCarralL ■iiriiall lor AoMralia 

nulJaniaiy flao. n, Bogiraaa uil Nona ranarn- 

IliS iron uanKB a uraod npaia Bou>a Co allir iba 
lJU parfornanM ol "Uannlnla" s^ ibair nlauabalns 

eiMd by San Kallraod BaMw lliar ii w UanC 

Bald lornarlT treainnr ot Un Orai^ Opm llouia, ibia 
elt;, and niber'a Opal* Uonia. Sao niiso. la oa bli war 

B*-t Tba letmitloeal Bapoil'loo. orlclnillj ad 

TattlHd to opao lui dooiB Oil 1 wag floallr Ingngn 
ralMl Not. in, at Baiird'iPaTillon, wltb a livtaoraad 
10 atlandaoca. 

Bma Dlrga_At Fliber'a Opera Honie Daniel 
Sollr eama Dor. t, t BlaoUon aiollanant mid* iba 
bnllniu rarr Ugbl. Ealia Eomau ll,aininl U'Wal 
um^ lootorai K Biulaaag at Iba Uuino eoatlnaag 


Deg UoiMeg.— At the Grand, Not. It, 1.1, "The 
Coaat Qnaid ' bad food bnalneu. Bdaln Rolall 11^ 

Foaraa'a — 'Tba Naw Boy" eama II to a large booaa. 

Filandi" bad aicallant bgilngu IS. ALU. FlaU'a ma- 
lUali bad a Bna aodlioea 11 Dai: "Mr. Baraaa of Kav 
Yoik" IP, PilU Roia Comady Co. It, "A Boncb ot 

Wuxoigi.i» Uosaa a» TaaiTag— Waak of IP: 
'^rto liall-Pnr. Da Tar. lo eiainalion. B'Ioq ilaia— 
Bljin (Mmady Co . Edalo, Wrolb. Lm Rlaabart and 

Homir Cbalal. Tbiaioilnil— Millar and Bustll, Tips 
DonaMi, Mac Oaao. HIM Bnnlln and tbi lAaielli, In iHr. 
ton picleraa In bioEM. 

Koran v-abahaipaaia'iDraKm" labaiorTahaanad by 
local t^Iaot, and will ba praaaatad at Foalar*! m Un near 
laiura DBdar tbi diraollon of anibor. Hanrr Bad. 

diogton Browaa,oi Boiton BaatD-sMoinwraioon 

tobaTatwoamoMniMnt laaorti— wniatblof tl bu not 
hid iinca tba Capital city Opaia Unuaa waa bui««l 
tlilaa yura aa^an opara hoava and a inaMum. Tlia 
IllCar la ba<nv anabllibid by Eaiuin partlaa wbo bava 
liaaad ibg old Ardroora Hotel aad an ranwdillBf tbi 
aatlra flrat floor lor mnaaou paipona It bma not ral 
betn obrlllanad Tba opanloR will laka place atioot Mot. 
K Tbaoparabouaalaio ba aractad br U P. Biiibba. a 
captuiutor Falisald. la., aod had It got bean for on- 
loobad for eDnplloailooR In boainaaa roatlan. ibe bonii 
BoaMJiaTatiaeneomplaiad InUmalortba praaant aaa- 

wn. TbaitaaawtllbalartaandeoBTaaiinllyanaand. 
aad tba mnit midara laauas arTaoaamaati wlU tM 

wloptad. Till bolhllna win ba baatadliy hot air and 

ll■^tod br a)ai<ti1oltr. and la axpactid to ba conplalad la 
uua tor tba Bammar aaaioB nail year. If nvt carllar. 

c^onnrll DlaBTs.— At Dobany's Theatre, "Tbe 
New Bar" attnatad a aood aiiad aadlaoca Nor, ii. 
tlladya Wallla, lopportad or Ihl Paul Roia Comady Co., 
bad lair obancai for 19. NoUiloadaflnlta U anBOoneoH. 

LlHanrr llaLLopanad lladoora 17. nodar tba manaMa 
mant olLawioBoa Blooalian. Tba tictaatooy HlgitiTla 
waa tba inaoyar al attrattlon. 

Dnbiiqiio,— At tbe Grand Opera nouss Not. 1), 
OlaTeland'a Mlaatrala alaaaad a good bonaa. Uomloi; 
IP, "rriinda;" T, II, ■ Olirauv by kxal ulant aiala'al 

by Uln Sobnlar, of Ohleaio Builgam at Oalatr Thi- 

alra 11 on Un Inoraaia Not. I9,0IU Bowan wilbbia 
ITOBpaordo0a,Maad and Delta ITarntL John B. (Carroll 
Hlla. Rare Bamtt aod Laonaid, Clalie Htantiy, and Lo- 
rantoand Lotla. Wax woik and mind readlag ara tba 
carlo ball attracUoar. 

Koolink.— At the Keokuk Open Ilooie, Paol- 
laa Ualt In "Dorcaa " oomaa KoT. i\ *Tba Kid" it, 
Pa>tl Roia CoBiady Oo a, "Lady Windamaia'i Fan'' 
10 * Sport Mnaniitar" eama 16, and "Mr. Bamaa ol .Saw 
Toik." 17, boib to good bniinas". 

Cedar Raplda.— At Greene's Optra Ilouie, 
a bis crowd tumid oot to sea JamaaJ. Cvrtwlt Not. li, 
Tha Patti noaa t;ompuy cima IS. to lair huilnaai 
"Pnaodi 'la aonoancad lor 17. Al. (I. Klild'a MIoainlB 
IP. "no Rid" >l, 'A Bllrar Wedding" <l. 

BiirIlugton.-At the Oraod-, "Frlenda" Not. 
Il.diawaanodlnwarlioniaand plaaaad. "IfotTOmalai" 
It. draw falrlr waU. "rha Kld'^ oomaa IP, J. K. Emmit 
S, ranllBa llallU. 


Lonigvllle.— At Hacauley'a Tlieaire "A Trip to 
Ohioatowo," Uia lore part ol laM waib, aauicd good 
Iliad aodlanoia. "A Back Nonbir" waa laan for iba 
Brat tluia ban tba latter ball. pUyIgg to nodaiaig ic- 
landanca. Sol GmlUi BuaxU Not. I>->i, Iba Baadow 
Trncidrn Vandeallla To XM1. 

T'MrLu.— Alcbia Boyd, lo "A Coaotrr It4ulra." waa 
boobid rorawaak'a angagaownr, cuotnaoclaB IS, but 
aiur Uirwa parfoimaocaa o'oiad aod lalt for iba Ba«r, 
ca-ioalilBE hli Houtbam dataa Tbi •xupaor lafiwiib 
bin t.^ play Baalam tanllory. Tbe I'ottar-BaUaw t^- 
panr IMI. 

OH.\.iu Oi'BRA llol'fa— "Ruib Oily" vai tU alliaellon 
laat waak. and It piovad tlia moai dailalitrol ibv uin- 
aian baaa B'vao tbli aaaaoo. Unlforaly largo audi- 
aooai srwalag OTiiy parTormanoa. Mr and Hit. OUrer 
Ufroowaak of 19. 

Avgsvg— Frank Jooaa, In "Oar Coaotrr Couain." 
cloaid a prorpoioaa week's lua If. A. Y. Paaiaoa'a 

BcCKlscjUAB—aao. Diaon'a VaudiTlUiaDd Binolaltr 
Co played to Iba ctptally ol f hp booaa at arary parforiu. 
auaa la«t walk. Vlrlan Da Uooto'a Bpailalir Ooapin/ 

Nga'UgilTaaiTBa —Tbe uma paopla boohad laitwiab 
ara laangaaa-l lor ihli waak. a lui Iba addition of Laror 
and Slioauiakar In a aparrlog boot ol roar rrnnda for a 
pona. Baaloaaalagood, 


I.eavriiwoi'Ib.— It Crawford's Unnd Optra 
Uoaia'Cbarlay'aAual"driwa laiga aadliooi Nor. P. 
Otony aod For. In "Hot Tamalaa." bad a fur ilsad 
hooia II. rilli HoiTli, In "Tba Old Mollcllu" and 
*Tba Baal Han," draw a laigl aitdllnoa IS. "Tlig CoaDlt 

Fair ' bad axee'llnt baaloou IS AtChlcbariga llaU 

11,0 Datroll PblUiarmooio Club played lo a racked 
boon 1 

TopoUa.— At Ibe (liind ■ Charley's Aunt" 
eama Nor. 10 to so'^ boalaaaa. "ThaCoaoly Fair" 12 
bal a goad boola. Falli MorrlacaBa II to pfwid palron. 

aga. Cbarlei A Lodar la billed tor 10 Ttia Trtpaba 

Tlnatraand llu>aa baa bean dark lor iiranl wiaka. 

Wlrhlla^-At Oiawtord's Grand Q. w. 0. 
Jooaa. lha Maori manoarlrt. aaoiad fair ao'llaora* .Vor. 
It, IC. ir. Jane Comb^ In "Bleak IIouh." ». 


LIlUs Iloek.-At Ibo Capital Theatre MiltoD 
Nablaa, la "Prom Bin t« Bob," <ama Nor. II, lo fair bnal- 
oaai. "Spldarand Ply" eama II, "Iba Daxdai" 1$, Dae; 
LIbarattI It, '-Tba Darlfa Aactlrai" IP. S. Kola EUlir tl, 
'■TbaSllTarElBs"U "AOiild Dai"!] Oua salnnar B, 

O Tony FaiTWIl SO Slaaon'a '■Coloail" Co. got avar 

laat waak altar baTlDgbaaa atraadid bare fa' tba taat 

taaUaja. Tbay want u, Haw York Cnap'aK.| 

rlealom atnodid la Taiartaona lagi wiak. 
Hot ttprlngg.— At tbe Upera Uouaa Hilton 
nblar, pracaaUow "Lore and l«w," waa graalad wltb a 
_tr bonaa Nor II Bookid; "Tba DacMr'* Id, llanrr 
WalUrson <I BDIa EUllor 1). "Tba Daril'l Aaclios" It, 


WiiLTBi'UroDuntlc dmm* ID foor 
aciJi,br aUbert U. Clftrke, ra ftcicd forttM flni 
UmoOctaUftttbt TUcaira 1107a), WUlenbftU, Eoft. 

•HJDETLiHAM Jim,*' a cvUla nUer, in obo act 
t)rw. R. Walkn.wu pr6MDt»d for (be flittllme 
Ocr. 2ii ml Ibe Prloca'a Tbeatre, Bristol, Kov. 

*KlHiiiMOHDAp*' ft drmma lo foar acta by vlclortaD 
SardOQ, rectlved lU Initial prodacUon OcL 31 at 
tne R«nalMaooe. P«rta. 

"UnDH TUH Mau op Tirrs/'a melodntnalo 
roar acta, bj 8aiion Vaoa aod Anbnr B1iifl«7t ww 
fflron lU AM pnaanuiloD Oct. so at tba Etfen Tbo- 
CrOp Bnp&ioo, htw. . . 

'•PSKBioM Dl FAiiTLLi."a tomiMj lo foorncta, 
hf Maarloo Doonaj, wm pUjed for tbeflntUm 
OcL z; at tbe OTinniae, Parla. _ 

"□u i:xoiujKcr,"aoonilo oMin In tvo acta, 
vorda br W. B. Gilbert, mulo by or. Oiawod Om, 
WM flTen lu flnt peifonDuw Oct. 3T at tbe Ljrlo 
neMr»i UondoD. 

MA>ion DiTTD TuiTSL m\M Nor. 17 for the W«»t 
IiMiML«bti»b» (o«ai0p«T* tb«w»jror Ml B«ircAm< 
9nj vhleh h« iQlis Th* K«* York PiMnr* Puiy.*. 
Tboeonpuy wIUuUobKot. tL Tbo loUovioi pMpJ 
u% OAdw QOBtnet Tbe D Efta Fuillr. Uarry D'Kii^ 
L. UaXOrtM^ Alind D'Bita« Ooori* Uorn. Etpbfui aod 
VooniOnM frt&k WalkoriPiDrchirflooaRoyil 
Harmeitei, Uurj Wolkor, frof Zftbiiklo'a ranoh un 
Jod7i tba Buopou Noreltj, DUtIo, Tnf. U«o. Onffothi, 
ud boDd or oovto piMM. •llrUb'r DDllonDwl;fi. B. 
Duator. lr«*«aror ■od ceaorol HrorlDiMdon*, ud 
EIu-t7Mor«taad. booanatM raui aot) ibrMauliUnli 
A Dov watorproof MUtaa, 74iu round lop «lib lOt 
nUdl«plooa,aporUbUiU|*udferDll m of MODorr. 
a naw doolav loMloi obair, aod a'l no* ud Htp>olal 
prlBllBi la iBdwlod lo ilio ooili hfarjtbinit will ho 
briffbi aod B«w and thor lataod lo lour tho lilaoiii ill 

itrara.iitia Jit K, dow known ai Mounlttl rolleaiMn 
J. n, KaRM. or tba niib Bridiia t^uid. wtf avardtd tho 
a^tprl^orlnULln iba compaUiioo ofitaf Maoiolpal 
roileaboraaa la iba horu ■'•ov at Midlaoa F>iuara tur 
(laa. ibii eltj. lilt wtf k. Nr. MfUta rod* rrlaeo, tko 
bona wbloh la Haporlotoodant Brmii* moaat in iho 
aannal pollea paraila. Tba prlia awatdwl to HcOt* «u 
for tbi haw imoad boriOt oppolDtaaau ud uoilons 
alw coatidorad. 

nn. B. K. drivciH'a Btioraio VxTvarainaaii now 
toarlavMiDoaaoiA. raiortbtf bu«in*fa. Mni IM. Vooni 
nod btb> JoioMlattTbODoeo Tba* opunoA mi Zoiithrnia 

Wia I woot of Nor is Dr. epaaoar win m>«441 Toanha 
■iTlsi wiib bl« aiiwr ii rmTidaooiL A I. WbUa lo Uio 
BaatfoviUaitltrawtakatabbu buatat Vaaoa. K. U.. 
■Iibapartroi MaodL DaMBfbiiabMooa thaooDpaar 
will ba manatad bvlU. O. Voang. 

ROKTBR or rai wiLiaa RiiTkaTiixaiirT Co.-n. r. 
Rom*, traaiaror: Waiiar O. Wiibar nuauar; M. B. 
WiUoophbr. adraaca afoni; ObarUi N Ulala^ pnM 
aiooi: n doDorch, na^ioal dtraour; Maala Rarulni 
ton. i*lillatfc Anola BL Traot, Nolaoa and Marauanta. 
* iiq I>. LloiOD, Carrma and AaiUo.Mai BlUalta and 

a laor. W. ALLiR, Tantri|o<iQ(it arkl nacl'laQ, nip«ru 
moatiot Wltb aaoeaai «ltb bla iliictrsrTal and uoao- 

riiui'. U. U.Bdiioipo baa porabaaod th* IniaroaN of 
T.yioau Currr. and will Join hand* wiih Hutttaa Waltar 
Ibaibowio hokoowa aa Mu*iaa| Waltar'i Wild Waal 
aod UdmoDdo'a Bpanlab Spaolalir On. TUair loor wiU 
eoQiBoaoa Mot. id, tbrouib LouUlaaii, aaorula and 
Alabauu- PollowiDK la lu roaur: Proi. KlmnDdo, Id 
nia«ld: Ifuaiang Walior, In foata of borMtOHOililp oon- 
oiaUiBol raooranil louth rldlar aad ruping: Lili an 
Low*, laaof nda aod fUM bul »hoouog: Hlla. Ed- 
muo4o, UlDdoD myaiarlaa and traload birda; Kig 'in 
daD^awordiwalloviDg; Roi'OllBbHdtrm, acrobat aod 
aUok wlro: Chlal Bad l<*araod fonr Winaooagn lodiua 
BtDf- Sailon, lea'or of band oi oii pl«c«'*: B'tomado 
tuaaioarj M Waltor.amlaiaot maaagar and trraaurvr. 
and Dr. J BataaMeKlulay.atfTaaea roalncUng aitot 
Wiaivg raeolrad a lattor ironi ProL faal wailuo, 
UiaiilkkiDgadatadNov.B aod wriuan fioo thorolam 
buiaO.a iQiaae AajluD. In it Prol WallaM lUiaa lhai 
ha !■ oonSnod lo tba abura iQitltoiIon. aod ealli apoa hl> 
broiler prorffilooali Ui aid blm lo obialalog bu r*ltaaa 
H«iartb«rauiaattiarha la not luaana.andiUatbawai 
luipriHoidaMoTa I, lao. IQ tba DatrAit. Uiob , lall lur 
fuQT dava, aod waa tafcao rrom tbaro lo ilia rontiao, 
Hlcb., loaaoa Airlom, Iruio whlet loaltaHon ho wa« 
labn two moaiba lalar and plaead lo tba laaana aMjIUDi 
al Uolombna, wh*r* ha ■till ramiiDa, 

AtTHua B flivHOra infonuH aaibaliliaaxoctlTarni 
uro* tba WoD'iaria&d Humo, l^'iok. H. V.. lor Uio a«uitn 
ot l>0t-5la mado opaa followa: Arthur L. 
prittor; Andraw J. Hojmnar. manaaor aod traaaorar; 
i:Uu. Knnk, auparlotaodoot : O. 1>. Uaorj. praia agtni: 
line* Marha, moiieal ditaoior: Waliar Kvaoa, »iago 
maiasar: 0. Nowlnro, «c«nlo artlit; r^l. fapiar, door 
iaB4ar;T. J Biooacao profframniK poMlibor. 

Bi<ciLtu»Bor8 (>uova— Nolra rrnin Rliakar Badtctno 
Co, No 9: WoaratonrmgTaiaatogoodbai'oaiH. Tha 
coBipaoT <oa»lita ol Or. LnnU Tiirotr, pioprl»tor and 
luaaagar; Moa'laraod HaoiorO, th* llail«>— llarrajani 
Lnia-Carar Danmao, Pr T. Ilarrr B»ian. and pDreall 
aod MeTalo. Tblicnnipaof tI«ii«] Jaa Maliara oiHa- 
baia'a Colored Hini rol«,who*ajiliotln Hia haad ra- 

canUr. br OD* or tba Cook gaog Boatrr of 'ho I'ma- 

UUa Indian Madlnioa Co., No M: Dr.Oao. rardof, leo- 
torar aod maDagor; Blllio farroll. hlUi coiuwiUn and 
da'.car; Jo*Eari,iocjUiHl. iKtlrltaal cAbiott and organ- 
lai; Allen It. l>aor, characior ebaoie aod itago maa- 
ag*r: lodlano: Cblaf Lonia Uoer. Lottie Doir. aitd Kail 
npUlli. XTo ata trarollog the Boolhara part of Iowa lo 
fair boalPM*. aod we hare not uiada but noa cbaoi a in 
onrroairrpiooa April M. our oMoingdtta. Mr. aoifMra. 
Holooocloradtognfaone andJoaltarlfilltdtlioTacaner. 

Tbo kirhapno Indian Hoiilelna Ho., No. 1 now 

•larlog InlllnnoMia to roi>oned blgbutloaaa, oran in 
iiuiwaur, Hlon., Nor 10, lor a aiiwoakt' aogaaamanL 
Till ooupioy coniUta ol Dr. Uuaiara ratarien, iruurar 
aod toou aatfaeiar: Mra. duaiara Kataraoo. pianiu; 
Juiaa Mutlitas, Iri»b eoaiadlan; fi. W. Bboppard, «IIU 
liM old boula and aaod Jig: J. O'BrltD. cobtorihaln: 
Cbu H. Ilrcbao. Tiollnlit aud Waiu Kaal*. wi(* and 
uapAoao. Kftrr oaii lu tba ooniranria «oll and liHunr- 

baaawa tha "aboit" oorar laiUio walk Rotur of 

Ktekapo^ Indian Madicloo C(. .No, 11: Dr Cii4i. b. 
Prtok. loAiorar aod njantgar: Ilarrr Kraok, Iriabcaiu* 
adlan* Wallace floldla. b:aak face coaiedian aiid black 
an; frof. .V4gyl>a macio and arobiDg; Kam n'Brlan. 
jDgg'log and wfra walker, aod three lodiaoa. We are 
working Vaaaaobunatta to goctd liufloe». Mr. Uoldle 
luaJoaiflolatiadDatoilog a full Mt of t woary r«tr the 
i)rtr% Uooae lo Ilajdaorllla )la«a We earn unUorroad 

bacd aoil orchaaira lto*tor of Co )V. Ubippowa 

Hodlcloe (^.: Uarry laaw A K. Wreo, proiiriotAra; K 
Wren, leoiarer; wfll Rnlir, emnediao; Jnim Tbomaa, 
orgaolit; Ura Wreo, llarrf Law, aod f>eonio, conior- 

UODlll. Slckapoo HedlciDa Co., No. si. tiud<r ili« 

utaoagfmtoi o| froi. All Uailari report big liailnrpn 
tbroogli Wettont Canada Tba nater: frnr. A ttrui 
Btllaj. Itov Maneheaur. Ilarrr Brace. Orllo Bairnoiir 
aad Prof ii'in. B. <;I«x>ob :....NntM rroni Or. F. W, 
ceorgo'a Cbarftkia Hcdldno No. I: Wo cloieil wav*" 
iVor. 1 after harliic been outall uiaoo id tool* U'adid 
a good bntinaaa lod al^ayi wiio Myed fii)!. Ttie 

camp la pur op fur tbe Winter Note* ir( iii Dr F- W. 

Ueorga'a Uherokae Mfdieloe C •. ttn. i; rim coupaor 
oloiod caioplng rea^uu .\uv. 7i and wen^ into uprra 
houiei wlUi ilio rolluwlng reo^ilo: Ur. y. ^.ti orga. 
|(Ct"r«r and prorrlator: Hia Ur. i'. IT. (liwre*, 
airlo comlo; Mra Jaoola Barton, M.'lo conio: Unie 
BIMio Boko. FIto '/ureo; U. W felarMn ban|oi»l 
aod blaci fiuo roniedlan: K. .(ohD'ou, VenkrA c> 

nedlan: Will Jubra, ulraoce Huntr ui Mae<r 

A Btgolow'a Klokaitoo Inilian Unliclos ilo. Sn A; 
roiu O'llalle, niaoaTor aod lerarer; HtK U'K«r», 
iiea*uiei; Claude La Moite.MacBDiioaf or: Mra Cliu la 
Ia MoUa, Chaa Idocfi aod wife. Waller Pridea. 
AiridoJ'igglar; UloTor *:arroli, ManlDrx r'^milr, ihr«a 
h onnibtr: braa 'taad ol t«rl*e tiitwni lodiaoa: 
While Thunder, I'oo llurea aod i>i|>oi>Be. Whlia Eaele. 
Man Afraid ol III- Buraa, I'lentr r,ourag* and Kaitia Rje 


HI. LotiUa-«Ala(Idla Jra'>drew lu Uic lut) ca- 
paciir of tbenraod Opera llooMlajiiwrok aod gaieaat' 
UlacUoo. A return daio va« made. 1hi« weak. Tin 
Bun lir elll preMDt "Allmooj." Hvl Hailib HumII Nor. 

ULVHric TgiiTHB— Robt li.Baniell did a Utr luii- 
ooM laat weak. Ada Rtbaoibli weak, BIce'a ' lttr*25. 

UavLia> TiiiitHBa— "Flonlgan'i Ball" dnw full 
boueaa laat week. "TbaCoattaoard" lhiiwc''l."Hpidrr 
ud rir" 2S. 

Uauas TaiATHg.— "A Sammor Bliuard" drew coc-d 
hooata laat week. "Darken HuMla" Uili week, "fh« 

BrA»b4Bo TitiATHic.-^ohn f Kirld'a Drawing Card* 
did agnod boainivia I waak. TlieNevVurfc Htari thie 
week. ll)de*aCoui«di<ni2i. 

Pura'd TvffATUB — iua'nfru waa auod all week Vnid*- 
rllle i»eopl«: Uirarl Leoaarii klJ iin doubar. lJ*\*r 
Marar and hia picbaoloote^ l«tng aodBliarpr, Hik»rand 
D Kloar. Bijor Do/la, /. doaioo, I'arrbll aod riiner. 
UaiNl Ward aod tioiiar Hoaclia. Manila Cbowar hu 
Joined Ibe drmmatie c m^ny aa Mobraiia. 

Huli5LtT'ii Hri'arii— PrloeoM Htlla (nrciMiao). 
Indian Waoda ijoigirri Rhode r«aBle charuwr), Iteba 
Tib (caoDilial dwarO Marie Wllllama <voca lit), t>ela 
porta (romodlao). Bu:b Tuflor'e lodlu* and l^uato)^, 
and lhadraraatioromjtor lo "Lou to London." 

Wi.vraM (iaHliBS.— .id. FbC. Dot Plebar, Wm. lllll. Ad 
die laawrwnCM. Uaiiy aod llijel Oarls Ao, De Ira Mtut*, 
Ifd. ktarher, Aleiaodor f Irkg Laura Hirlar, I'aur and 
"ail* nrannir«o, AL Patka, Jvbo WiiUuiia iu<I fttwa 
(nnaele dancer). 

KsuiR ■ tuuAunRA Tbbathk ~lt\t*. Milter, WoriU and 
MMOlitlU Millie Fay, lltaa rule Itooaldntii, Ofcir aed 
Ballle Kheroa, HaeHievart iilnR BiaodHiiilgip, IaUi* 
Tboroe. Era ilowardaai Fr«na L lJ«r. 

UoM roiATRB— Tom Dojle. Ada Vouog, J. B. Murrla, 
Llnio Parker. JeoDle Clara. Z«oo and Vaoioo, Loiile 
L«>lte. Blaoeba Wilber. Kiltie Aeblepaod Cbaa Uradf. 

ConrjDiTaaiTag— J J. Murrar bia takee lb* poe|. 
tloo of itage maeata- a**d anoouecM Bella wLiia, 
HattleOordoDaToiB V.irn, victuna Haraetle. Baorraod 
EcacoaBulto. Baeter Anbar, Ed. Cralf , Llllie Vblioaod 
Luile Amok]. 

BtiOU TuuTBB— J>Mla Adam^ Till/ Kulljoe. Tlllr 
Da Leocbe, Diaoioiul WoiiiDrk. earn* Feenot, Ocoriio 
UiUrer, Balib and Miere, Waller PauUr. John A Lea- 
lie. (lark aod Un BetUTracrM Llord and Wb], Uaiier. 

U>.*«i>og TuaaTaa— Coaiuao bdJ Meila. Flora ttuv 
iDia, Blllrud Joe Ulagiaa. Hle*rdo, tioiue li>loiaya>. 
H. Baker aod biadog.0aMfe; AdaCliitun, Belle fatlei* 
040 and Gertie UoMeo. 

BHT.I.-VT8 TBBiraa — Bosaaat BrAi. ICtllr Rroa, 
B<la honaan, Dan U anl Ida MluolDg LaMoleBfoa, 
Ida Wailloga Hloile Faluior. Madge Hack. Oelorea Ar 
Dorlita. Carmeo Bioatt, tiiile £r«af, Aliee Aifc o'oo 
n)N>rglioa DuraL J. J. Uerbart. Adolpb flonralee, Billr 
Bart aad DareHcCord. 

Uifar.— "Mr Baroea n| Ni!« V ik." Jtnea E Moore, 
naoagar, ari^a'ed at Mc':a*l«tid> L^uiiOpara 

lloaa* II to fair atundaoee Hig. B. FarUi ibeHt 

Leali eloHoin gt'ca an eoiartaloiooDl at^t i.'harltiL 
Mo, 9P. aa«t«'ad br Muiblbaier. Loa>aa Coeratb aod 

other* TOO Wild Waat ahu* dl'lModad brro lau 

ecek, bol Buck TatW le iilll In town. Tbe Indlioi 
aod eov bor< ere e*. work atMcUleiar'aHveoni 

Tie •'rrttal Hiba ladrawlog *ail at ICO()litet>tr*ei 
Bineai*. '□•berlaad wbocawe o>u baing Meeteiigbl 
breoaiploiinoOct tl la atill her* Ue can a«e4iutef 

iiio lalt <He. Imt he kMpaiheriflit eTebaedagediei 

Tbe raeott noilabed Id the lU L'^nU deilr pipari ihar a 
new (baaire waa to be built in Umia aod tnat J W. 
Reed, naaager of tae MeOtalaad Opera llooio. would 
Bkaoage, it iBdaoiod br Mr. Reed. 

K»Bug ciir^At tbe OoaKs Opm nenae 
BeaderMB'i "AlaMla ir," miei ttt ibtto alfkU aad a 

tnaileee oommafiolBe Ktr. 19. The adnaoewlaU In 
aaoee. Lett weak, FoHi MorriB cane for tbree oigbu 
P'oaeatioa "A UBne ot ranla." "Tlie O'A HoalolaD.*' 
**B»blnd Ibe Seanae'* and "The Ban Man*' logooa bouaea 
Kmi week. 'XTharler'a Aaai. * 

iiaAVB OratA Hovee.-Tbla *eek lawla tforrleoa la 
**rev*c" Leaiweek, "ZlarkeBtRiB»la''taedaiio«lweeb. 
The Thoradar nailaa* eeot ladiiaiolhegaireT* Next 
veik. * Tba Be>DBakara'* wltb Doaaallf aad Oi*atd. 

Biirra ftraatr TauTaa.— TbU weak, Bobbr QBvler, 
to 'HMri BaAlilaier. Cbaa. A. Lodar. to *'oii, Wbaia 

Blibi:" did fhirlr aell laat week, Robert HanielL In 
nptnoiTt aeit wtek. tbe flrw ifoe bere at npalar 

QiiLii Opbba norPB-^e QIUi* bai rItob op ibe 
IdeaorcootlnnoaaparioiniaooeaaDd wi i plar eomblna- 
tieoelo tba lutore. IbU weak, ' Ab'ouintar BHuaid '* 
Lau week, *'0b tbe Bowaoee nirer'Tioredadtuppolni- 
meoi, andiQiallboaaea weie tbe rtaolr. Tlie loipeilal 
M'loiar f :ireti« neat week, 

TatiTHM coMiqi-a— t:hapniaQ aed I««o, Talbert aod 
Cooper, tfallace it<ttata, Bilij La ciedo. tiDaiia BloMie, 
Bertha Kiog, Annie ftOoeKaa Tom For. Mlna Ullftan, aod 
Thruraa,TorkiBb dancer. BoaloaM loepa op wonder- 

CLirrBRLiCB—Aonle Bra Par gare ^eaaooe toabig 
hAUPO at Ibe Auoliortuiu laat HoBdav Bight. "Tbe 
Piraiei of PeDianee" wa« tBCeaaaianr preeeoted lor 

three olgbia at MdpIo llail by be K. U l>pera Club 

Obat Orawlord u the leuipoiarr bualneaa tueoaieroi 
tba anila opera llouee. _ ^ 

■I. Joioph.-At Tooilo'B Tbeatre Al aa Ptem'i 
MlBttrela had a vnotl builnaa Nor. 11^ Falli Morrlt 
eoD>*«l«, PaatlBallallll 

UBAVn>inB TeaaTBa— 'Tbe Oooatr Pair*' bad a 
crowded honee II Loadon Hpeoiali» ro comae 19 tor 
looroigbiaand uatloeo; tbewiiberuileitiinoiiDiCo., 

'V'n Mcnia -Butlaaea the put «B«k waa aood. 
Week ofi^: lianleCochian, Edeard jAbn<oo, Hatbiew. 
Heiioan Tr^^ubtdoon, the Hinlilia and riugerald, Len la 
Mdntjre and Rlee. 


IlABHT U. BlTKIHUUAM, BO aclOf, died .S'OT, 13 

at ibd JobnB llopklna llMpltal, miiimore, Md., 
riom buroa received tbe olgbt before. Tbe de- 
ceaaed waa bora In Waablogion, D, Ua. fortj jean 
ago aod went on tbe alAgo at tbo age oC founeea, 
AttbeUmoot bla deatb no waa a menbor of tbo 
"lUeaUgbfOo., aodwaadKsalog for blBpiut 
wben bli cloLbta caugbi flro from » etove, and he 
WAi fatalij burned betore bla cloibiDg cuuld bo 
torn froDi blm. Ula father, wbo la diiorkeepor ot 
Albaogh'a Tue«lru, WatblugluD, Bor* Iri a bliu. 

JoniH DiAMuNU (Joek WuluuiB), B TrtHotr per* 
fuifflcr, ditti MuT, IT iQ New uiiiaoi, I.a, fruui 
cooauiDpiloD, aftor h iiogonug llloiea. Toe tlu- 
cciaod wibii>ura lu broukoo, N. V., in Mid id 
wont upon tbe rarieir mage wliii bur aisivr, 
die teaui luiiig known aa ibe iiiamoDii Siaicra. Oo 
Kub. 2d, IMO, she waa Dinirlca tu :iiiii Wimauji, 
uiack face oouirdlaD, Iter ouauanil ana odo vUiiq 
aurirlrc ber. Tbo rtiiieini wire laierrcd Nuv, in in 
UroenwoodComoiorjr, Now OriMna. 

CoLa John a. McuAixt, who di«u Sondax, NoTa 
ll,atiln:eDl>oro, .N. u., and wbuae ueain waa re> 
rurded m our laat Uauo, coalrullod, In addliiun tu 
other DMuagerlal eoter|irlKa, ilio proiluuUoua at 
toe Caeiuu, taU cUy, for three aoaauoi, bogloulDK 
wiiu toe opoolog ur tiui bouee Ucc '^x, iHK-i. At tbu 
Hxplmilon or tbu cootiaut^ liu, to May, lH3&,opeoBd 
Waibiok'a Tbcnm lur a sttaeuo of opera, wulun wan 
c%fDtluoeU until t>cioofr o( tUo eaiiio yrara Tnu 
fuutral or Uul, McCaull occurred Nuv. 14, In Balli' 
mure, Md. 

UiiiBi. LioNARo (Unbel lt.Il7an),aL'horuiialDger2 
died Not. at iho rual-Uniduatoijwipiial, iniu Jiiy, 
iroin a complK'atloa of dueaioa, Tlit) ilecoaaud up 
tu tbe llnie uf her IIIucm waaonoof Ihocburua lu 
"A (laiety Ulrl" wiilcb la now bcmg . laytd lu tnie 
cliya Bbo wu dcmirtfd Uj ber HoBbaDd a few 
uiuotbsago and brid aloco been au|)p4irilug her lit- 
tle buy iiy her profoaaluiuU won. Tbu roiuHlOH 
were ukoD lo cbdrgo by bar brother, Tltuinae 
IgCUDRn). Tbo fouorai occurrcil >uv. lit, lo Hrouk- 


uuaNi.BeSBiTif.Biiiembcrof'Tho Houib Bcforo 
tbu Wai" Cti,, wai cruflicd lo dnUi, Nut. |h at Hal' 
iliuoro, Md,, iHilwwn two chib that wcro itolOB 
uuuptctl. Iluwaaeiaudlngon tho roar piairuruol 
tbo car aod vbun ilio c^n caiae lugctaor ho waa 
lueUudoiTaDd roll lii:iwccn tho ouuipcra. Tnu ilU' 
ceaaed waa thiny aru jotre of a^u HUd uIbIiuhI 
Loularlllo, K;..Hn bla Ikiiiio. 

(IKUKUB W, Uam.auan, vontrllofjolii died Nov. 
Ifl at bla liuuio lu tbla clly. alter » lung illiiua. Thu 
dHceaoid hhi burn Ken. n jm:, ih uHg cl y. flu 
Mny Ik, itS4, be uarrluil Ueliua Uuao, a tKardod 
wuioau. Tiie ronwiua wen iu(otr«.d la tbu ftuiiily 
plut At Udlvary Cem< lery. 

Lbb ALLhMenorKliigcr, died Nov. in al Nurth 
Uruioera IpUud, tiiu rity, fruin Htii4kllpBX, Tuo do- 
ruaaed wan fur yearB a niuuiber uf tbo orlglual 
Kxc«lilor (juartcv ami moeutiy cuoaected wlib tuo 
Cnilupo (J'mnet. 

Af.BBKT WiijHiK. rornicrly a ticket lakerat Kgrry 
OaTw'Kden Mu^cu, riuariurg, I'd., Haa round dead 
Ni>v. M, ID a rear yard ur nla houao at McKco'i 
ItuckH urove, h auuurij ur irut oiiy. ilean faiiuro 
la bHdHued hu tbo cauio uf iile Ooit^i A wlfu and 
two UDtidren aurvlve iilui. 

Frank Hi: Vuuku, comcdUa and daocor, diod 
recuuily, at the humo of Iub aliier la Cntiuaiiua, ih, 
from cAOCcr of tie Ntunia:b. The deceaaed wwi 
tweui) -uuu yea? a uf ago, nuii had l>n nuvai ai yean 
paaiinTOlcd ibruugh luo Vivti with iiio iticiutrd* 
oon U itucdy Uu, lie who a iirut nor uf uilln Vouog» 
riiihawiiiger, wiio, irliu tuo aiiilcriiiciiiloDcd, lur- 

tiiAhUcri T. NiciiiiK\nu avlor. diod Ki>t. 19, at 
hiH hiiuio in tnia tiiiy. Aimal flro wvoKe agu nu 
was (Hkeii 111 hIiu pnnucuubla, ajid fthen bu bad 
p.irilBlly ru(,-<ifiro(i hu Wriituui uf duuia Itru luuu 
aed Buiftrud a rclupac. ITm luaor Iliiiua tKcnuio 
paralj7.(d and ho wta cunoucd tu lI i ul-i| up tu Ihu 
iliiiouf hiK dtraio. lliu docoaicd wbb cuuaidoroil a 

?[uod bcavy uitn and wai au uid Uuwtry Tiicairu 
avorlto. Inierineiil occurred Sur. 'il. 
Ai.PHkh OAViK.cfiiR'diaUaod ftiauagot.dlcd.Vuv. 
n, la KUf lAiiil, aged OT llu Wkis a oatiro Kugllah- 
iiiBO, HUd waa educaied at Wio (ifAiiiiiuir ^cUutllf 
TiveituD, aiTUuijiuu, Kug. Wueii ho hub oiiiuiKrii 

f cara u( H|tu hu iregaii iiIb pruii wiiuiiui caruor at 
)jTcr, wlii:rc hu pU/ed mluur rolcB. At ibe cloeo 
uf tiiHwHkUU Ibcro bo Juliicd lite railitr, Mhu bwl 
ukou the Tavatro Itujai, Nuacial v uu Tynu. Tlie 
ductaacd uudo big rlfBt RpiHurauce In u^udun in 
l»r4BiiiittHirAud Tboilre, In lUI hu nodurl juk 
iiio iiiaaageiueiit ur toe Lyceum, Huoderland, 
wblcb IiIb father had lakeo. Tiie Iiuum waa burnud 
10 the gruonil oo tJhriainiaii Kre, ixu, and a now 
bolliilDg wa4 erccioti and opvnud ovpu iT, iwi, 
irltb a conipiny whlcu lucimlud baui JuIiuhuu, 
Uctiriie UiVili, Kiy l,uvcdaj uod Ikuiy Irviug, u 
bvlog Mr. Irviutf'aarAi appoarauco un any Biage, 
Allurwar.iB, Ur. ihtvip, m c^i-Jubuiion w|iii iiu 
lalbi r aod oocie, wkh UiTrraieij m riuiiagrujeDt lu 
ii'MBytuwAB. AiDoaguiovM wou Biipvir«il uudur 
(heir olri-ci'uii atihai nine wriu Oiuitue ImiI'iu, 
Siiouv) J'ticlpt, Hime Hretra, Adtiliia raiil, Mr.Huil 
ilrB, C'barlCB Kcui, Htr Wilhaiuaad Litly tiuu, Tuiu 
Hwinuuurnc, Julltl t'estioruuMb, Mro HiirliiiKHud 
Mi:c. Ifeairicoa Ur tbo burblui uT the Priiicu ol 
iViiicb*TbOitre, UlugiiW, AlfiC'T liafUwu aiiijogi 
ruiied, aod be then iruut uu itciniitilo hall tiijgoin 
ihni ciiy, and ouolluuffl u muhic ba l poifuruier fur 
atverat yeeiB. liia leal apHiaraoccH weru loadu lu 
niiDor ri'lce at tiiu J.rccuiu Tbwire, J^onduu, nndor 
ihe DiBDagement ut Henry inUtg. Kurtoo p. at 
(ao acanouB lid bad ifc*:u luu fieMe tu du any 
work. Ani.ut two wteke priur lo big iknib na 
Uor>iabIo«id Teaiel aud gradually grow Hoiktr 
uuiil lio died. U*i waa luarili d tal.u, hlf Ural wife 
bailug breu Frauoca Mayuiird, a pn>f«MarfUa| uf 
aonie pruioluence, by whom lie hid uobaoo, Hyd- 
007, wbo. wiin bif Beoood wlfo and (tircu oioer 
cbildrio.BUrvirehloi. Tue nnalDs were Ibierrcd 
KuT. lA lu tuo Acture' Acre, U'oklog </ODeUrry. 

Kirrr Hivbbb.b vantiy pcriuruior,dicd Not. 1 
atHin Ulfgo.Cal. 

t'UABLBB UghBiRT MiBrT, ao Bctor, died aVov. IT 
atbiaboroelmJeatluga uO'iao-UudBoa, N. Y., fruiii 
tuberculoilg. Tbe aeceaaoil aae tweutr jeaia oC 
Hgr, and waa lately a liieui/er uf Tbunua W. 

Fhaxh Ua Oi'rcr, a irnuiXtoe soloist, died, a(ur 
a kburl illotif, aug. 23 lu Japao, from Cbagrca 
ferer. Toe dcceaeod, wbo waa ihlriy-fuur yeara of 
age, waa Iforn lo Hbclbe), Ky. Ue *h« c4iu- 
oecicd wllb tbe orlgioal lllgka-Hawyt'r M*UBU«la, 
10 Aoi'ralla, aodb^d Mler> iacd with of thu 
(L-uliDg uilOBirel brgabtzA'luoi In Uila cooniry aud 
K-iropv. At Ibo Hue ul bia aca>b bo waa a rocoitfur 
uf U^uiiiuu & HouB' lto|»i CircuB, pUyiug in 

KuBiKBTBrSa-Aa we go to preii Inrelllgeacs 
r<icbta ua vt tho deaibof AoTun Urogur Kumu* 
eitln, tbe fauiuug itueiian plautit and coopuB'ir. 
lie oled ai Foieriiuf.otarttl. reteri'jurg, 
TttiMli. Ueartdlietaelsaaalruedaa Ihe caue« uf 
bia d*alb. Kulitr inrilcolaTB, tugelber witn a 
sketch of ble career, will apptar In unr ueit t«anOa 


DBiuce-Trarereffol lilmaelf luto aacrape when 
he w#ijt (0 cliurcb Inai Hnoday. 

r:BIO(ia— llnw WBB iliAtr 

Jiaiuod— Ttio man Bcroa« ibeaUlo pnt a poker 
cblp lo tbe ruuirtlniliun Imx by mutokt, and 
TrBTore «aid bo would rabie bUa* - i 


Wintt of Mtnaitra and P«rfbnn*n^ Opt n 
DitM, ttaHka Advtrtliimtntf. 

Boeia nowaid laiumog lo "NelL tbe Wair." wltb well 
neriied •ueoeaa BaoHBrB or wwk aland theairta 
S*^„i'*ia**ted to connunieete wItn Manager R J. 

At raoiloBi can book tloie at Robtowa'B Opara Koums 

lofi Ui:Cu»kar. loprano ran be engaged for Urce 
ooneOy la eoojeocnua viibT. I>. Van OiMo, MuIoom 
biananr or advance. 

W. Piicber Rnroa, minaier of tha Baalem Muilcal 
and DramatlQ Ki^hange, Boimu. wiphee maaagtn and 
petiennt ra to oonnat loata • iih hiiii 

Andrew Ouwnia waotaiwwie for "Tee Nigfau to a liar 
Room" ami ' Voole Tum'a cabin." Ula FaclQo lonr la 
raporteo lo haTebeaoaaooeeiB 

D KVeraoBU no loneerwith tJ)a"lUgctge Obeok" 

B. Praek llawklae^ Cohtpaay, aupporUng May Roberta, 
iBtoonogaueceBaftellF ' " ■ • "* ^ 
B*aBMlr eanu open Una lor hia proJaotloo of 
"Btnienn," Jn whioh be li aurrior. 

Dnotatlc poupie are waeled Rvtlaorge W. Lova.O. 

' *lnpkoo, (iilBion RubmII, Will J. 

Rank», nalter Baneatt, liaieta Markn*, II. W. Vau Uyka, 

2?.L'.T" f^^.; "^i"'.* I- tJ»"». Beymiur. 

HiratmnOo.. tiara B. LeTla. 

At LlWrtr: Uuuo rerlnaW. A. Nlioo. Margaret D. 
Thomp.on. Nop H. Bco»lila.Tla I^lgh, Wot A Toiler, 
»**'n'* »t•T»^ Ivan B^virda, Frank and Nell Caivie, 
Mortimer Martlol. PrliB Buimert, Mallle Barrett 

Ana"tororaoir«uu«anled to take obar«e of a ra«* 
Uurant lor |>ruia«aioaala 

Jobn Peody ibOoIob well with Be* He Rooehlira Ce. 

Thewwkiof Jan.fBndll aio upeo at Ketihe Unera 
llouae, frortdoBce. R. I. * 


riiirlei K. UamahaaanAw BOBaraadr fur hia hoila ol 
BdiiiirorB. It la eatilled. -What Doaa the Flnw*rBaT." 

■*«»• «i charge. 

BMukllog A (irv pDbllih a Hat uf euociwOil Moga 
and lotlie ■ingera lo aend ror ooe or more n( ihom. 
Jaur popula; -^lu" ara looluded, aiteb aa "Whae Yon 
Know >''• »lm ^ op Ut« Ufte You." "Thi Church 
Arrcue the Way," and ulhar*. 

Hill Koatlier oiioa Mr«ra) pre'« ontlcei fm-o New 
Urk an-l notion, teaiihlog to the hir. uored byhta 
iaie«t puMleailun 'Taiioo nn ih* Ami. ' Imog-naiir- 
uer haa rhda*o It In Una It at Vlnor a Bliblh Atenae 
Bed KaMor'aThaaire. New Vorh.llil. week, 

"ri e»^ Baby. H>ef p" U pabliiha*! by I. Prager. 

"Jlniiiiy Bod Jtxle" le the iltlenf a na* a toe tnula 
jmpniarhj^Narle Jaoaen BBd olhore, UltleauoUhyllia 

ThB hiite Muiio Uo. ad*enlae *'ne Hoaei Are Bleoow 
log l>)r kng." 

"Whoie llrart li Tour Heart I" can be ordered from 

nxtln llaaa 

Moiloiaoa are wanted hy W. R iDaralaud. Uon Kro- 
mar, I'roi. Wm. Mherniao, Hey.tb'a Co , Wilhar H. llaiit. 

At Llherty: U. A. OleveUai). I^Pnard Braillay, Win. 

'.IV Whepanl Haiob, W, II. Uy run U»)|e 

Llhi, J. M. wanln*a 

The Boglota HuBg Pab Oo. adrertlao a number at 

V«hr •yoga, at too eeaie ea-h. 

0. W J«aoa publi*h R'*a Kithar'el.nTe<' 

Tha Wtdmor-Kniler I'ub Oo hare a nnmlwr oi now 

ioniM, wliieh ihey rvor tend in iiniera 

(Iruger Hroiberi have leiuatl loine new afloga. 

Frank llanllug haa a Biiuber ol new and eaichy aonge. 


The liillr illarCoI-^aul OaiAiy imdnr iha nianeg*. 
mental llarr> W Hsiuon, wUh Kdwam Kamlall ■■ fa>7el. 
naM minaver. will alinrtU appear In Kaw Tnrk at tllimr'a 
'J^"i/"''?I "i ''""■*«■ AO "Oillool nlio. Inoliiding 

l ao William*, UluiolieUraaao,Theraaa UHar. i;. 
I'*rnf and Melville, eobaoeod hy epleodid prnduoiinna of 
•A Lawn I'lriy'' am] ' Uoa Jnaa • ara protniaed. Tlia at- 
traetlim oan ba bonked In llrat elaaa hooi'i. 

(Hark ami .Vo|ieIiiio all*i inaneiari lu cane*! th Ir 
dalee. JohnT. UUrk baTingJulood Madame aod Auaue- 
t)neNiuvilla*al>. " 

Fariiam and Kaymour are parforailng at I'mctor'^ 
Thaaire. New York. Willi areat hkmw. Tkoy woalil llk>i 
tu hear Iruai lha li« Kuia Bnither*. 

ii II. Wh«llan waoii a aiaae rarr'nter and aialauitt 
lurlheliucklnKhkoiThaalro, LouUflMa. 

Hiwlk liaJJ Fahir cad auppiy aUraciioni frotn the 

■ In Old VirglBla." a HAiniiern tpealaeti einpl.iyinu 
llilnr whl'ort aod iwanty blaaka. wlli ha iiimluced Ut W 
Orailtie A r,, under V. W. MIndrup a maaeieiiianU 
Oretiiatic pettploara wanieil a< well aa ainiere. ihuutera 
anddaocera. Time can he Uutked alter U«n l". 

Hpa<>lallloa are wanltMl hy Ur. W. (I. runnlnaliani 
llinry K Walla. Ilr. MmI Jirkat. ifaii ^'raneiMi WuuiUr! 
land, * 111. J. Ilan'vy. John htinan, J. II. lUfennaiL J T 
TuToar-Hhaker Co , W. Il.Traeheari, Ubaa. reniTn. F.' 

Al l'»b«r*'= J^l'"!?** ^uMt't. Frank llauall. Harry pa 
Fnrntat. Kreuk J. Kond. 

. .^J !*"!"*•*""' •'"»«llnBa fnr the Wunder- 

laeJ. Wllkeabarie and Hi]nu Theaira, llaaUton, fa 
^^ayaaod tiaoterean bOBoenred lor Uieir iiurelbaujo 

iiyda A Bahuan want good Hiecfalii«e. 

r-ad. T IlnrlMTt. Hying irapvae periunner, ele, with a 
truuM of iraioni doai, vttt Im aDtaiad. 

Iltll and l.a«renM ba«o made a eucceia ol their new 
aoteoiHIod -*A Warm Itaceptlon *■ 
»V:T FerM'ont are reported tu bn doing wall wllh 
llillly A UiKida'Miow. 

Tlie HnoilerlarHl I'urt llurnn, Mich., la oiidarOha* F 
n«Mipaay'a naoagimanL lie vania dramatic ainaa' 

Lfunaril aud Fallun are I'ltylag a number uf auccoaa. 
ful dale a 
Will HranirDrdcAO Im *nger»l. 

UnrtuB Bmaraon and Kuimunda are with "Ucfadden'a 

1. av II. uamiil can bMviigaRvil. 

ManaKflr William J (llhiion. ufllni Andllnrlum. Phlla. 
delphia, puhllahpa a la'ter Ir^^m Utuavrr F. y.WtlnUX 
.Ir , which alrobgly alleaia the earoiUnce t.1 eii iiin 
r<jiill<iiipnla In Mr. llUmirre'it pi<piilar aod i*eautiful 
hitu*«. (;hrl«iiii«fl and ,Vew Veer waoka aro nreii lur 
gowil ailraationa. ' 

Kamuel Burt. In liU blvlily iiral'od, iiMoniHfKed tier* 
rwndlo^ilar hihlar bdi, haa < Irmoj wlih the Bioalina 
Urolhara' Minw. ||a oao tie reonred. 

li'U. F. Mc('a«a wrlieaauBga, ahnuha*. «io. 
^Tho U4U<I1uIb eai be ofigeMod (u pr'tdiirn Ihdr oim bI 

The lUulay and nareilthln Vaudari'le Vu, cut be 

Aie^auiler L Mbbl waotB runu hall aii l ramie* Ilia 
allraoiluna lor Iho tinnd Huim and KaiijllvTbaair* 
BaiiiDiura. ' 

Meaker ai 

iM-ul eneL. 

FaiUarl liMiia aod Ilarrr !.« i:ialr will divulra rtri. 
Drr»lilp tt9M Jaauary. F/Jaard l.»lia ran (m obBaiied 
lor hie ilogle apacialli'.aha Mitln Oairie, the r.^peri 
airikb ball perfoniier aud muairiaii 

Tlmroe an ) I'arleioM era raUioM fun at Ke I'b'a L'niun 
Kijuar« The■lf^ New Vcrh. ibi* w*»k. 

Tha Ita Forraeta can ba engaged. 

Lowryaiid Ilaoly elll lie al ircertyPN I. 

ft. Marl*ll Hlthea to dlepioe vt tha tlermaola Theatre. 
Ilt iuken. .N. J. 

Vaiiiciaaa, eie., are re«iu»aUd In cummunlcala wiili 
M iholniB. 

Hjan end HldiOnld ran liaMigigiMl. 

Van aoO U»Ir aill ohiao aitu the French Fully Co. 
Ilir. I, Kill] ran Im B«cnr»l. 

lltNliilriiia and l.»lllj aro p>e*anllug a naw arar'ally. 

All Han bill a Truapauf AraU locludiua a-*iiai lady 
l>arMrm«ri.nAu hn ■MMiml. ||a can alail tloiaa kuuMv 
Araij,l4lB0t la all braneliea. T(a inmiia hu ehi*ed a 
auvui^*lulanaigameatwMi) th* ftainuui A UalUy Hhnir, 

T>-e T«ii iirarea oiii b« anaagwl, 

intae II llar«ie«'l oaoia aurat-.iona fur llio IVooder- 
land Th*atre Umee, b'Odon ffnL 

lUraer .v I'riRe want ovoibloaihina lor Hia Lao Ats 
nue Academy. Urvnklyu. 


Mra Jiiale Nark I oirera a arey rlOT Imr^e for aaU 
Waller l(. Mala hB« lt«r falo a )r>l < | cuuttn prii|aar> 
IIa aiau wtnia riroua ^ifuruierit. Hug i>eui>Io, elo.. lur 
o*ai»ra*uQ ' 

An aurii Hj laja ut aopbliee. tlreui properly. Leloaaina 
tu llie Ba'oum A Bailer Bhgir. la adrari'H*«l imaveblacZ 
Ilea II at Hndgei'nil Vi Mtieh il»air«hl* iiipa'nral 
an J circ'jo paraphenialla will bo dUpoaeil ui {o lha hlah* 
eat hidiior in h'la tn amt * 

(I Burtun ■I'heatnaeH mm* eirrue wayuna. 

L. W, Waabbura wanii aalinal oavaa. Ua uiTrra 
prlfolegattJi let. 

fhroea perf^rmera and umiioleoa aio waoied for Iba 
NllwaubaeMld.WlBUrfJircua. * 

Orria BroUiere weat attraciira Ulaot for Heileu. 


Attraeilnoi eao bonk iiniv ai Mlllar'a (ipera fr-nia, 
Braill. JoiJ . troiumblajt Opeia HtiuM. Macklo. *t, |i] : 
riiy Opara Mooae, reiina. O.: Opeia iiiiuBa.>kif«jeun, 
Mama; Ut»ara llouae, Hochlord, Maloa: Opera llouaa. 
BloAmBeU Ind. 

0. Falbkui wania Ova boodrod opera chalra, elan al- 
trariloDB Idr (Md Followa' Opera llouae. Fl} mouth. Ua** 

For rale* Boat ahoe l>y lir if. M. Ilaiwirk; miiu>, hy 
K'uoruirribov Frloi; later htada, by Uamuefat Fuh- 
IMtilog tu. lod (Iruie PrintlBH Ctt ; irieka by W. D 1^ 
Hoy, Fr«>i Lo«ante and v. || j h^^v: BiiMufn ul AO' 
aiojiiy^iiy ft N'/.Tf*/ Miller. 


Tlt«t»miiie Inii I'otting ' u adYor'tiMv-o'baTeiaj'lccn- 

ul of ad lllll li«>aiJa in Puti Wayoa, lod. 

Weihiiigii,n Tawrti Loval, Maaa, uifera iecHumula- 
tlt>ti« til priilawioaalf, 

Al l.>her*): W L. I'aeiuoro. adraoee; Wareer, 

Jamil*' BMthere. Ialhir«, offer to make upgnoda, war> 
rauie4 Vi gire aitiif«:tl^, lo flrat elaaa atyle, al \itn 
price a. 

Hiiuf>n*A(Ni ate loeoaf'ClorlBg a allghily 
alvaacad price, v ici la varraated lor iia yeaie. 
J. HorNinikaawUL 

ioho r Wt'lie urfrrea fetiare fur aUfboea 
The Park Hieaiie, Alieaiieey Ciir, Fa , oaa be boaght 
or I'Bead. 

Ait'aeiloaa are vaqud for t>'e Mid.wii>ur Fair, vhloh 
elUopeoBt.'<apoUooPa*k. VkwOrl^n* iwe IB, 


"linrun iH-lievo ibatconienimcDt la boiler ibaii 

"Ferhgni ao-lf you have Ibom both loceUierr^ 
ChUxiQo iMtily Intir Ocniii. 





raonunoM. ' 
OBO. W, Km, Mufioii. 



Tw«itf Mati 9« Km, ftot* trp* BMian i afw* of OM 
loeb (UO mch Im a mn A MboUod ttum «■! u 
tUow«d OS tdftfttMcawti vbu ptU tor Ibfw moDthf 
Id adnat*, tai sa •dnitMnati iMMulai IW Um> 

or mon 

Oso roor.lB idnaeo,i4; ill moolba,il; IbnoDOBttai, 
Fomiga potfiK* oiom. iiattooopM,lo««Bi«Aab. 
on TBBKB Aaa ouu. 
THB OUTTBR li (mod nuf VoduodAT xoorant. 

no ui^iub Old Mh (idriitiiisi) MM ooio raai 

UN MOIIDAT, u4 It! Ulb, ImT&I othM pofH M 


n* roRU Oledac Promptlj at 4 PJL 

nooM null bj Mi ii n i moMy ordfr, ebook, F. O. o^ 
dor or roglitorM lotur, oad 

Far «l>o BdltarimI or tbo ButBMO 
DopMtmont t* 

r. 0. Boi a.Rte, or oLimB boilsiku, 

■ lad BOuti* SBMCni* Toik. 

Id Ballud-Taa Ourrai odd bo obutood, who l ooi l i 
tod rttoU, or ODF M«at& flmllb. AlDitIo A 0E>^ B Mow. 
euUolmol, UriDA. 

Id fiD Du o Tib ouptbd Ii oo oolo tt Bnaiuo'o oon 
d.pol, 17 AroDBO do rupor^ FkrU. 

llilloo auXj OBO odUlaB, Md UiAt Id fmtm 
fVoiB Raw York I 




oJEBorTHBCLIITERPoarOffnoa. AULBmaawiu. 

■tIL OB tBiioun, 


Amiova.— 1. TtM tbwnUoaJ knowledia dolrxl 
from teBdiOf wlU bo ot lltUa Bnll to jm In tot 
Biage emn. EIocdUoo duj, bowavtr, be tuidled 
wliB ioina sdvuiBge. 2. Aa InureaUDg work bj 
AlptioDK UAodei li now bolognpubllatioi) In Tlu 
LonOon Slave, t. It woDid noL 4. Brown'a 
gmsmir. It jon hkvo not a ni<)lin«iil«iT KnsllBli 
•dnoBUon jou ou icBrcalT bop« to obialD sigb 
imnk upon tbo iiBgo. 

K. J. U, PbllAJolplilB.-!, Tbo btiiorr of ib« 
Union BqsAre Tbntra Bppe«rtd In our iHoea rnm 
Uoui 10 Hot. 3d, 18M; and ol Ilia lUdlion Bgnire 
Tbeatre from 8apU 11 to Ooi. II.IMI. a. "Bwect 
l.tvaD<ler" w*i awn In Uila olti mmob of luM-ftv 
only at tba Lycoum Tbeatre. Tbe road oompinj 
did not pUy beia tbat laaaon. 

P. u. W., Obarleatown.— Wo do not know ble 

¥mwot wbereabooii. Addreu letter In care of 
III OLirru, 

u. If , v., Uondereport,— I. Tbo dlameler la nity 
feet, 9, A lent of tbat iil» would probably be 
large esougb. 

I.. 0. U,, Indlanapolla.— We do not know tbe 
part}. Adilieaa leuer in ourcireand wewlUad. 
reriue IL 

I. . L., Uilwaukee.— From flhy doiuin per week 

UiiHarANT HiiDia, Uiloa — 1.— We o*nnoi under- 
take Ui aspply biograpbloal aketobta opon appllc*- 
tlon. 3. ■ 'fbo Uruti ol booletj," 

U. II. T., ilyraonBe.-Aadreaa T. IL Uawley, i1 
lieekinaoatrNt, No* York. 

lUiniH, Uanbon.'-TM ooopaoy WHa upon ibe 
road ibla aeaaon and we iblnk It la atlll out, nut wo 
bate no tno«le<tge of lie wbereaboutA Addtera 
letter to our oar«. 

J. W.-l. Abont Iblrty doltara per week. s. 
tWrlrwell. 9. No. 4 Uoiialda(iD'aauldo,publlibeil 
by W. u. IMnaldaoD, Ulnulnnati, Ohio. 

8. U , ADdenon.— Tbo ezblbluon laaled tlx 
weeka ni nui one day. 

w, H., Aurora.— I. We bAve no knowledge ot 
tbeir wbeioabouia. AdilnMs a letter la our oare. 
1 Von; dolian per week. 

B. A. B., New Oileana.-Wo Iblak tbe party la not 
opog tbe road, Addrcaa Icuer In oaie o( Tui Uuf- 

H . P. II., Algonv— WaUb our route oolnmn. 

U., Allentowu.— I. Twenty dollan per week. a. 
Notnuni. B lidoeanoi, 4. Tno Kdlaun Uompauy, 
Walnut Birai near NIntb Btnwl, Fblladelpbla. t. 
Bee aniwer lo ), W. In ibia laaue. 

J. H. A., New Urieana —It la our nie not to re- 
oommend auy one, 

J. K. N., Prlnoeion.— Addrva Lawnnoe NovoUy 
and Supply Uo., B« and M uenitc street, New York. 

a. K. B„ Hblladolphla.-). You are DlaUkken In 
auppoalog you are an enure atnuigor to ua, (or 
your aeoiiud query la one to wbloli we have pn- 
viouily given )ou an anawer. We uannoi aid your 
doalgnaln eliter diraotlon. 

K.H., Newark,— Addnaa Uowler, lla*llAnd ft Oo., 
4 Kwl TwcniiolD Btrecl, New Yurk.wbo pobllab 
ibtt aooB. 

K. J. u.— Addreaa loiter In caro of Tui Oui'PkH. 

II. W, 0., Uaiodou,— The oooipant you dm men. 
lion waa ou tbe ruad ibla aviiBou,bui weuavenot 
beard or It fur aonio unie. Tne uiber waa to bave 
lono oiil, but we bare not beard of It alattlnc. 
Wnio tbo robtraoUog nanies In our cAie. 

U.A.B., AinenH.-l.Voa. -A At bni about twenty 
dollart per week. 

K. V.M. A.— tddreaa letter In oare ol TiiaOur. 

Mwi N. P., Poorla Wo bave no knowledge ot tbo 

pan>, Addrraa letter In our oare nnd we will ad- 
Tortbe II. 

A. W. 0., I'lilabnrg.— 1. Tlieto la a good demand, 
andtbenoila wurib from dny dollaisaweek up- 
ward, 1. Addiea< tbo Aolora' rnHcoUre Union, t 
Union Itquara, ihia oily. 

II. P. II., York.— Adorvaa Itie |Mrty In cure ot Till 

U. A. U, Boranlon.- Wo bate no nuolloouon ol 
tbo party. Addrvai letter lu our caiv. 

TvLLAUom.— We ran bod no legal deolalon 
upon tbe aubjeol, and It la Impoaalbla to predloale 
buw Ibe oaae uilabl be daolded In law, but you bave 
DO olatm In equity (or Ibe two weeka' boaid or lia 
eqolnlent, tour eipebao tor lioaid la no part ot 
your«bkry,builalnlleuu( a part ot IL It waa 
erldenUy Ibo lutenilou uf tbe loanagtr to board 
you only ao long aa yon remained a unober ot tala 
oompwy and rendered aerrloo. 

li.B., quinuy.— You ptobabl)' refer lo "In Old 
Kentnoky," owned and roanagod by Jaook LItl, a 
toroier parmtr ot Mr. Uavlt. Bee onr route llak 

a. W. II., Uailaa.- We do not know tbe paity, 
Addreaa letinr la our oare and we will adTOrllae IL 

O. II. U., Wont Union.- Walon our nute lUt. 

I>. u , Obaiianooga.— We do not know Ibe wb«t». 
abonuot tbe party. Addreaa letter In oan ot Tai 

J. U. Ho 0„ PueMo.-Kor tbe tbird Uinewe have 
Be«robed our recurda, butcAU Hod no luenilon ot 
Ibe dealbot tbe party, loaen an Bdvemeemoni In 
TUB OurraK, aaling tor Ibo lutoniiatlon you 
dealre. Bee raioa at iCe bead ot Ibla column. 

W. U. U.— We cannot keep (rack ol profeailonala 
while emploiod, and curialniy oan give no Inlonna- 
Uou oonwniing Ibe plaoea wbenilo ibey apend iheir 
taoaUona, eapeouily after a lapae ot elgbioen 

J. U. v.— We know nuiblng ot the party. 

B. !>.— 1. Tbo lelior hu been aenb 1. They are 
retained for one year. a. A. W. Hhoada. 4. We 
bavenolibeioaterotibo company. 

Mac K. U., PblUdelpbia.-l. It was Ibe Gaalem 
ooapany. 1. You niigbi ubiain tbe aoag of I'rank 
Uarllog. 29 Bowery, New York. 

B. K., i:imlm.-Ue waa bom In New York Oily. 

W, 8., Toronlo.- Ilulo 4 ot Amcrtoan pyitmld 
pool mitB governing the ckamplooablp reada aa 
ioUowa: Atier tbe Ural airuke f*cb flayer rooat 
eltber pooket a bail or nuke at leatt one object 
baJI or ibe one ball, after oonbut wlin oue object 
ball, alitk< a onablon, under penally ot (or(eliute 
ol one bAll. A abouid cerlalDly be inade to pay 
peially tor (ailing to make Ibe one ball take a 
outbloa atier couiaoi wiib Uio it ball. Tbe tact 
inattbeKbail vraalnoontaotwlibiboenatlon wben 
A made ibe play, doee not obaage tbia deolalon. 

T. B. P.-Qalvedon.— Tbe umpire wu oorteol In 
deciding Ibat II waa not neeeaary (or Ibe winning 
t earn i<i pUy tbe kat bait ol ibe Ulib Inning. Arnle. 

to Ibat eMct baa beai Id opemUon dulag Uis 
paat tbree acABOoa. 

0. 1. B., BalBmor*.— 0. Baldwin aDd Oantben 
did neat o( tbe ptloUng tor ttia Deiioll aad St. 
Loola leAma In tbelr "wond'aobamploDatlp •ailM'* 
In IWt. Oeti*ln and Oonway alao pllabed for Ibe 
Detroit learn, and Fonli mm King took tons Id 
pKoblng tor Ibe Bl Loola team. 

D. H., Pblladelpbl A-Tbe largeat ln-<lftdn*l aoois 
on record Id a cricket naiob In Anatrall* la tbe *dO 
na; not oot, made by Olenenl Bill tor the Mnee 
Alfred College eleven ainlnat tba Bt Peter'a Col- 
lege Kani, liec. 1, a, isn, »t Adelaide, Bontb Ana- 

R. B. 0.. Norfolk.-Tbete were tbree gsmea. Tbe 
New Yiirka winning two tbe olber reanlilng In a 
tie, wbloh «ra« afterwirda played oit and won by 
Ibe New Torka. 


0. 0., lied Bank.— Any atnlgbt latb la ■ royal 
noab, ao called net oo account ot court carda, but 
In xrder In dlatlngolab II trom a almple flub, 

F. II., Brooklyn.— 0 wua Ibe pot, 

T. B.. BImlm —See anawer to 0. 0. 

N, P,, BoBUn.— It be waa not oilled be bad to 
Bbow openen only. 

0. B, U„ DetrolL— A ba< a ronot Ave tor Ibe Uwt 
card In 4, 2. a, 8 and (. 

F. P. B., Brooklyn.— B connia tweoty-fonr for hU 
band ot two e'B, two 4'a and A t. A coonta twenty- 
three tor bla band ot tbree t'B, a 4 and a e. 

J. W., Annuta.— A muat ezhlbtlbli band, Tbta 
lule prevenfa any poaalble cniinalon. 
0. v„ lAulavflle.— Tbere la no ran tor tbe laat 

card la 7,8, 4, e,4. 


tl. W., Akron.-A good bait mile irack may be 
laid out aa foUowa: Uy off two airaloht aide a, aoofi. 
(Mimlleij CMb, and 4M(t em. apart, connected at 
eltber end wlih a perteet aeml-c^role (ndjoa attt. 
3ln.); place your fence exactly noon ibe line ao 
formed (wbloh la Ibe Inalde ot the trai'k), and your 
track will meaaeie eiaoMy bait a mile Ibree feet 
from Ibe fence; tbe ootalde fence to be placed ao- 
cording to Ibe width ot track dealrcd 

T. v., WaahlogUiD.— Tbe neit e'llUon ot the 
OLirrni ANNOiL will conlAin toe InformAUoD in 
full. It will bo Inued about Jan. l.ltM 

J. N. R., Oreenilmrg.— Oannot aay where at pree- 
ent, but will Inform yon aa Boon u we bearot one. 

8. H., FblladelDhlA.— Ed, Uanlas iron the eham. 
plon.hip 01 England by dtteailng WllllAm Elliott 
en the River Tyne, Jnne le, int. R W, Boyd na 
defeaied In a lace tor the cbunplonablp ot that 
eonntry by John nigglna. In October, 1S». 

K. L., Albany .-Bee tbe record In tto laat laneol 
tbe OLirriB AMHOiU 


0. T. J., New Otieana -Jaa. J. Corben did knock 
ont John L. Bulllvan In their flgbt M New OrleanA 

OoiBAii.— John L. BulUvao atands tn. lOJiln. in 
height; Janea J, Oorbett,6il, xin,;Obarlealliiob(ll, 
111. eln,: Paler Jtokaon.ett, son, 

F, 8., Teire Hante.— Bla ftoord will be foud In 
Tui Ourpo AXNDU, leaned laat January. 

U. W., Ottawa.- Tbe mulmnm limit otteatlier 
welgbi In endunnoe flgbla la llltb, In ajnaleor 
boxing bonta, which are llmlud lo a few ronnda, 
and Bte decided by polnta, tbe men Die notreqnliM 
to tedoce tbemaelvea u tor flnlab llgbte, and dUibr- 
em amtleur orgenliatlooa In tbla ooonliT and 
England amnge tbe welghla to ultthemaelvee, 
there being no nnltormacale, 

W. L., PblladelpblA.-Na oballeoge that la onac- 
companied by a money depoelt la regular, and Ibe 
obamplon la Jaatlfled In paying no atlentlnn 
ibereio. It a man oan niae money enough lo make 
a maich he can alao put up a depoait, and a obal. 
leuga not baoked by a depoelt la not good. 

T. U. K., Ottawa.— Tbe llgbt between Jamee J. 
Corbeitaod reler Jaokaon In Ban Pranolaco, Oal , 
waa decided "No conteet" by Ibe properly eonaU- 
toted antborlly, tbe leteree, whoee deolalon bolda 
good. Bad It been a di»w, then each prioolpal 
would bave been entitled to one-half ot the pnrae 
contended for. In that oonteat apeelBl rulea made 
by the club rnvemed. 

J. ft. I,., Ulnne^Ua.— Aa Oeorge DIzon la a 
lightweight, be could not hold a feathoiwelgbt 
cbamplonBblp belt 

W. W. O., Bpilngfleld.-Bubert FltialmmonB. 

H. U., Hartford.-Fllsalmmona defeated IXmpeey 
Jan. 14, IStl, at New Orleant, U. 

OoasriKT niisiai 1. Yet. 9. We would advlae 

yon to lei them alone. 


0. B., Ban Fianclaoo — Baob parir abouM receive 
back tbo exact amonnt be poaied In the atAkehold- 
er'a banda, Bxwpt In oert«ln running imoea, cov- 
ered hy BD expreu law ot ibe toif, orooune,adead 
heaiortleenu'leetbe beilora lo all the money back 
tbat they may have wagered on the reanlL 


Pbop. B., Toronto.— Bee adveitlMmenta In tbla 
Iwie. We eend no anawetB by m%tl, 

U. W., Tenafly.— No genileman wonid amoke In a 
oar provided for ladier nae, nor baa beany right to 
doaOiBod It be peiilaulnan»klngD(iertbe conduc- 
tor bat lold him to quil, that oOIoIaI haa auffldent 
wniraot tor putting blm off Ibe oar. Tbe ejected 
party may then ane the company It be ctaooeea to 
do ao, bnt he oan oblAin no damaiea and will very 
likely be aaddled with the cotia. It be received bu 
full ocMru for anch ooodnot be woold need repaln, 

J. R , BeatUe.— B wlna provided the oorreoted 
oniolal connt abowa that v baa or more plnr- 
allty over 0. Tbe vole polled for the third em- 
dldata doee not In Boy wayaiteoitbe heL 

W.u.a.,<>BiaklU.-lt B welgbilltib, be certain- 
ly welgta mib. Tbla la a caioh bet, a kind which 
men of honor never make, and which we never de- 

0. R. v., IndlanApollA— See anawer to W, U. 0. 
In Ibla Iwne. 
U. U , Toninio, Oan.— Letter baa been claimed, 
rniKORON Oahi, Trenton.— Tbe bet bolda good. 
There la aomolent evidence that A promptly ao- 
copied Ibe bet, uaing 0 aa an agent for tiat pur- 
poee. M Ukewlae wnie a leilar which waa penned 
Defore Ike game began, ao tbat he bad no oppor 

lunlty ot Judging ot tbe reeuli by any portion ot 
tbo play. It IT had inat the bst, you oonld bare 
cUklmeo tbe moner on tbe accep'ance contAlned 

In bla leuer, and, aa the letter woald have bound 
him, you are cqnally bound. 

To Corrvapondeate. 

W. 8BWAHD.— Tbb CurraaohMkeroolumn li notoDir 
tbi oMMt In thU ooQDtrr. but ii Ut* oldoit Id Um wotm. 

J. r. RBiD — Yonr kiDd l«u*r rmlTfd. The aoone 
vera aboQI aa I Ihouihl. 

Dh Bouau dd — Voo, 00 doubt, tblDk tbo dliliooo loo 
far-u tol 

Wh uoloab .— ADaljlli vary aa», but wo will prove do 
dnw (Of wbilo tiuill lo It, Uien t Is 8 wlllMoyoe 

R. il. Boaa -Will titeod to It II poulMo. 

Rewa at tiae Gaoie, 

ID iho llUo Of ool- 

•voD aoofoa wlib blm, bo laji ihu bn ^ aivo Mr 
Khun* tlM dimwa. Mr. & Inaolnd l( Mr. Rood sodU 
play lor att a aide. 01 oonno Mr. Hoed umd, but Mr. 
Bbomw eoold oot imleo ibe noDar. 8UIT eomo poopio 
IhlDk that bolijoiUMdiD bliolilm ' ' ' 
ond obtDiploD of tbe world 

pUjen loan tbo etiDDatb aoo rMpeailbUlly or ar. 
nomw. Id atnairth, iUod It wiiiIdb to alvo bin Iho 
dran. lad aa rbr pUylDB Ibr tbo vorM'a obampioovblp, 

booaoDot rale* l» .now tbat BarkoroaoDot got od 

a DKlob wlUi Petrit ho vodM do w«ll to play wlt£ J. P 
Rood, wko obalUDBad hin wooka oao- It woald bo vary 
tDUlDitlDR to lb* ADiorloan ploTtn to m* DDOlhtr 
match betwMD Uimo glaDU Mod Id Id flrit eUaa Inm 
(br tbo oontoat, aad onrr oo* koowi vbai ohaiL PimB«li 
II Hole alwaia Id aoed abap* (oriDal«b pUr. Prvo- 
mao oDUilad by aoma aa U. nun who boal tbo obam- 
ploDt, It will b« i«ai*mboi.d thai ho boat Barkor, ODd 
lo«t Id ua lilt oiblblUOD matob wilb IU«d. Tbit abooi 
tba Utiw'i amaatb. ir aoyoDa Ihlobi that Batbar wlU 
bavo It war lhar eoitalDly an not ulDf thilr b«at ludi- 

miot tr two play*ia DfivaDpoo aiuh* boMar aod 

iwt*n«.aDd tbardtold* that odd loilolb lo tbe olhM- 
bothliua aod noovr, on aoooootor Ibo tlmo Itmli ai- 
plrlBB, tbatdootiloD Id all ipoita go**, bat It M*nii that 
lha SoelQh plai aiD lail to r»«DfDUa th* oBlTOnal apniv 
loa lawa WboD Ibay would oot a4mlt that Wrill* l«t 
th* nalob for Ibo worW'o ohaoiploQBbtp to Taua, Ibiy 
eortaiDlr will oot roootalM O. P. Bavkar aa tba world'o 

ebamploD, altboDah b* woo ib* IttI* ialtlyrram J. P. 

R**d, wbo won U IklTlj Iby (orlill) mat Jaa. WfUio 

i^banplfrn A. Jordan, ot Coodoo, aUU louloa iba tlUa. 
haviDB d«(*aud 11. Jaoob by lb* Mor* of: Joidu. I; 

Ji«oh,0; diDwD, II R Loaydiltetod J, A Bowan 

Ibr Ibo ohimploDiblpor PtovMMe*. R. I., oa followl; 
iMr. a; RnwaD,9; ormwo, 8 Lliaa. Ubol baa obal- 

rioBH Jobo Ualrei, lb* proaoat cbUBploo or Rbodo 
llaad. Iti* aeoro to dalo la odo aaah aod two drava. 

n« JIftioktini tola aava tbat Jaa. Drowa iDloada 

looballaoa* Or Bobaanr. Vba lalUr «aya that bo wooM 
booalytoo fliad to play Mr Biowd toraa moeb aooip 
aa b* oan rala* So If Mr Brawn dMiroa b* can be ao- 

ooBunodatad at oooo J. P. Rood Ibloba that Obleaao 

eaopulataaaiol tbo ai aa l aalBBBiboiol etiMg plajoiw 
iDlboftaM, aadBoOblooomaoDaat ThliOooiDotaaaai 
to um with lb* Idfoa of PnL FUal, wbo ihlabi lo 

bitbu 01 lb* Biookira taaa Mr. BoDtbwonh, of 

Kan Olalio, Wla., ibookbl ihu b* ooaM draw at kaat 
al*v«aianiaaoalo(AnMD,ptiiy*dwlthlkR.H««d. fbe 
latlar lODtknaa woo lo lb* aoTaDlh lOB*, both Ibe 
maub aad tbaa waa waaand. Tb*ie la no deaba 
tbat Mr. Uaadaaa b**t aafUlOB aonb orwaaaol Cbl- 

KeaBo,evsal«ib* haiio Ooaat. ABd.fbrtUiwm,jBaa 
Bsoa record wbaa we aaoiatlbat Hr.Baad li oBoof 
am alBfct playan la tbla eoaaur ....If Pome 
tbIDka tbat llU IboW poUey to atai rlibt lo kia own 
Uala lOBB la Butlaad, aad doMa hlnaill wllb tba Uaa 
taki ba U okaBplonoflbavond,*! aoBTaalbara Uae 

oeo to aay bUa Bar A eomaooadiot UUa aa tbat lo 

cwomalttaabolwooa RoDrv Spaytb aad Obaa lAiftaoD. 
tbe Bnt Biatebwaa: lpayib,T7; UiTiaoB,8; diawa, ff. 
Bacood Buiafe: BpavtA It; UnUoo, 7; diaws, a. II 
1HaaaonbaeorTaet.J.r Rood wooird bava it tut...... 

Bolalo eao pat a altoag team la tao Md wlUi MogridiiB. 
DowoaBpeylb,l4fTlBoo, Bradlyaad ODa or too olbora 

Wbaa or* tbo plalaia golDf to d« od IbaBkaBlvloB 

rayt WUI Iboi oBiU andlbava a jialad llma,oraaeb 
atay bono aad oDioy bla owo birka; f 

■olwllou or PaelUoB Ho. 37, Vol, 4*. 
BT u v. erBABaai bbbav aarov, b. b. 
Biaok I II a a g a a 
wbiu siUHnnia 

Wblto to play, blaeb lo draw. 
18 14 I » a II » 81 

a a II a a ir la » 

tin SB 11 18 aii7 _ 

B 14(0) 8 1 a a II a la ir 

UU BB (U B7B Drawn. 

II 18 IS a a SB 

t8 II 18 wit Bif 

B tl It It 1% t I a u 
tiM II 18 na aa tio 
s tr t t B a It wbitowiDL 

U B 

PatlUoB Be. 3«, Vol. M. 
Blaak a It It n - 

Wblu a 17 B M I 17 

whiu laplaraDddiaw. 

Oarne Ho. 3«, Vol. «». 

Ptaiad la WL batwaoa Obaa. XajtIioo, ol BoSalo, and 
J. P. Baod, of PItubotB. Mr. Larrtaoa plajad blaak. 

II U B M I II 11 U XT B 

„ ^ - ^ jl 

a n 

8 U 

a a 

U B 

II II B 17(0) 7 II U U SB 
K II It It II 17 

- „ _ 8 M II U 

1011 tlB 17 HI til 

tl II 8 8 17 um I It 14 II 

II 11 O II II II U I B a 

aa Hit Nu M» a 18 

8 11 a 18 UN II la a 

D a II a II II B II It M 

II u Bia 7 II 17 SB 

17B II II aa IIS tin 

" It 7 II 18 li 

17 14 

(0) lo a Bama botwaoa J. A. Kaar aad R. Walker Ibo 
latlor varlao aa lollowa: 

ail 14 la II 8 IS 811 

u a 7 10 I 14 a a I7 n 

a 18 14 7 8 4 a II » 10 

la » 8 II It II a 14 18 

17 14 31 17 a a u JO 10 It 

■ u a 10 laa t u ma 

a 17 18 II B a B U 11 17 

II 10 14 II a u 17 as 

i; u It u 17 II u 7 Dnwa. 
It 14 18 14 a I il 

(b) Dr. Bobaolar aaka bow would blaak draw II while 


Tw ConeBpoBdeate. 
B. P. L. MITBB— Tbaala (or bladly looiaBbtanoa ol 
Nov. IS, aad tbo lrl«odly dodleoMoo ; la two waohj^ piob* 

"LaroB Aooax," nimato No. 4 — Aaok you lor oa. 
liaDea Id onr tooraoy. 
''EooNOBlB." BDlmato Ro I —Tbo lama to yoa. 


"Ptosioo," eoodlboDil No I —Tba aama Coyoo, alao. 
■'CoeieDaEaPABa.''coDdlt1oDalKo 8-Aod] ' 

"CoBAB aa EaPABA." coDdlttoaal Ko 8 

yat agmlo 

JOBB aABOBBB. DtlcA — WalooM book. Old friood; tba 
aaw eoDlrlbotloD gladly iw*alvad.aa an tba ngftatloaa 
o( owi* to follow; WlU write. 

BaetBaua— Too a*o,woaTo eatorloato yoa la tain. 
Naitwaok wadaalgato alvaroaaa airaaL a two. tbioa, 
foor aad flva moT* pioolon No aolatlonior laat tbla, 
or DAitwaok'a problanu qeid bo glTao-aalaaa, ladood. 
boflanara aolvo tbata, or aak (or aaalilaaoa. Bipoita 
may leenpatato for tbo atraagla befor* tbam. 


BT oa. P. A. BnxilA.*,B, or BIBBBAroLIA 

"Dor MIm — OodU pot do any bouar Uiaa adiam 
BiOTio Id IPTI. Will ooDiratDlat* 'aaoBTaova' moat 
hoaruly If aa oaa pnfe bla itody aoaod id turn 

Wblu Blaak. 
1..I-B4I R-B7 
I..QKt-09+ K-It7l(l) 
I..I-Ktl K-ktl 
l..0Rt-B4 K-B7 

I..gKt-Ktl X-Itl . 

*•, Tba baautv or tbla la Ibat. Uio Black P la oot bare 
to bridg* a atalaoiaio, bat almply lo bodgo la hli owo 



I. .K-R4 

II. .k-Hll 


II..QKt-KI K-BS,niaUlDtwo. 

(DTtilllllfM: rorlf: 
I.. ktoRe 
l..kgtloql K-It8 
I..K-Kt4l K-R7I 

J.. IfKloBB 
I..IRI-Klq X-Kt8 
I..>-Kt4 X-R7 
I..I-R4 X-Ktt 
T..K-R8 KmoToa 

I I..E toB4 



|7..l[-gtS K-R8 



I. .Xt-B84. 

II. .Itjao 

II. .Kt-E A mataa Id two. 

K to BIS 
K iBOTaa 

oritDlgnal.tll, PattI— I..EttoR4; I..B*oIt4: 9.. 
B lo bla 8; 4. .It to Kt I; I.. It to g I; t..Kt to 114; 
7..BtaB4|I..Bti>qi;l..(l to Bl: ll..IttoII| II.. 
ktioBi: li..Btoa4; u..etoKS: l4..ltiogi: 
to R4; II..Itlo B3 + L ■'"B'oCI: ia..Blofll; II.. B 
toKtl.oo<opallLaBlt..Px B,iaita.. • • orhrtll.— 
1..B 10 bla I; 1.. it to Rt; 9..B to Ktl; 4..Kt to Ba +: 
<..Itto qi:I..ItloE4+;7..Xlo Et ■4.EanT:a..B 
born* X anylll toQI. Uion B ta> It II; t..K Et toBl; 

What* WlU Ton Bndomoio Inotnotlvaor Uvalior ox- 
ample of tbo power ol dno minor placae In eomblaa- 
tloDt Row try lb* Ptoblatn. 

BlBlBBBB Ho, L,9TV. 
Prom AawHoBfl Ckat-lfuU, 
I. BT TBBO. a aaowB. 

^ S 

UEBI,qEt9, Eat), Ktl 

* 1 ^ t 

* 1 I 1 


* I 41 t 

alIR4,QB4. QA ERR alEBI, I, qB8,KBI, 
ntKlo,EXtAr ^iBf 
Whila to plaj aad flra oata la two movoa. 

Problem No, I.tlTU. 
FlOB ABHrlOM Ckt»Ihut. 


While to play aad bItb mate bi Ibn* botoo. 

"A. B. C. dea BekecB." 
Tbe appoaimDoo o( tbla work la Hootadly tba givataat 
avaal la tea lltarur rronaoo of Praoeb ibaaa for th* 
laatoaaitofol aoaoiaiy. Ooo h«i onlj to eompaiw tbla 
aon OD d odIUoB wllb tbe tmlltajto aoo IbobDmoaoo 
ptvldae lowaida abaoiala eacollienithn bav* boon aado 
Iba PiwDob oaalaBta ban oow amaaDal ap to tbo baot 

aoiwban. aad ib«y ooaht to baeooM laonof a raadiDX 
aod book nylng body udd iboy bav* bad tbo lapatalloa 
or bolDB 

Vho latndootofT matrar la elwv aad attncUf*. 

CbaptDTiv, "Paillaa PatikaProtnaBlvaA" laa ipark. 
llaa BOM Ibat will to waloomd by pUran ol onrr 
gnd* It Malta of wllh iblrtr tk«aIkloa, 4. c,aalas 
u loaatbaD tan movoa Ike eoDoetloa nBoloMo RH, 
latwoatB-tourBoTae Itlatbobaatof Itaklad- 

ObaftaiVllaaakoiltiwallaa oa oad idboo, abort bnt 

TII la aa aattomoly aataltalalaa ^ 

BladatntacaBameDiDpoataaamrwuTlaBld gaaaa; 
— tbaa OD* budiad aad tr^oiBBpHa, all ea dl*. 
■ aooreaa diawa oa aie eooBOpebtaa; eel 

oalarbwaleoBO are Iboeo bytbe Fianob laaalan, 

BW may are laaa baowa. v_i— • 

Tin givaa Ibo opaalaa "aihoroMbaadi^ 


VDilailoaaloto^aotadbotoooataoeaavae-pp I: 

I la xamoo -DO>p>nlA Id Apoaanaooi" al 
Banonnoa" for oacaplai wllb a draw Kdoi i 
thiA la Ibo baatooUooUoD ol tbo klod to ho bod t^wamww 
BaaoodlDgly oatartalalag aad lovtroctlT* Tbira aia 
llity^libt aiamplaa, raoa ol tbam woU kaowa; bnt 
UUM diatlactivaly PnDob an aoptclAllr wilcoma 

II la a iplaadid ooIIooUob of -AoDoiiDood Rota^" 
raaalai from two to too laoToa Tbara an imyalx 
nnmltaia _ . . 

XII "BloaaataiT l^tu «b Cboaa PioblaBa," ale _ 
no work eloo*a wllb oa* baaaral aod nootr-iw orlg- 

IDAI problaaia. looatlp by lb* Fnoeb maatara 
ITO, bioebnn, oaarlr alldoab. eel , aaaljtlcaT lodai Is 

tba opaalDiD, oo a lajria bldlagibaai,ra VIII f l-B*. 

8(r brao.lfr. la boaida. Nanut Tnd, n ma Bt Bao. 

vanr. Parti 

Oaaaa Ho. 1,BT9. 

We have navar Blvao a lano by Mr. Bocamon, and l( 


rlayid la Olly Ulnb'a pnaaat 

ODO doeldi* to oradea eroffaradE'aOaiabltwaalwaja 
neomaond tbla way. 

toaraoy.— na 5aa, 



Ifblla, Black, 

liUaborv. Roeamora. 

a..EttoXl KBIoII-f 

M..E-blaBI ERirP 

B..EEt^4 P-gB4 

B.-X-hlaKd) r-BII 

a..E-blaBi B-XI4. 

S..X-Bae QBXXt 

B..XBXR Br-- - 







s.-p-y E14 





Id PX B 




K-B rq 
E-bli 1 
E-bll 9 - 



P X P.wlnA 


KB-qKD ^ 
Roraa, w. BTBiaifa. 
(a) PItatplaytd byStainllavB Oa Blvlirv, la 17. 
bli oaa t movawaaDotaj lood aa I. .P to q 8. 

Ol Nor U tbla good-Ei loElwlUianowtoBloEt 
Rwaa aopArlor; aad bla next boto aarlonaly waakeni 
bla X'a aide pawoa. U..E to B aq, or q aq, wu more 
llkoly lo r«loaa* bim. 
(01 II 14..PlaB4.PloqB9; wltkalotatUob 
It) Bad. Kt to B IwonM baTagivea blm tbo boat ol 
tbo game 

III BiooUontI In loot; tbo wbola andlog la plmjod 
with oiooodiog iklU by Um wlan«r. 

fflOT*tlookTog Ib* naa nply ; Et to B 1 garo blm allU 
r ehaaco fora dnw. 

A BrllllBBt BpeelmoB 
or the noaat Amorlcaa Ooataoolal oorrofpoodooeo toor- 
Bay.-BrluaA C»ui MafaHmt. 


RIobardMa. McOimtb. 
II..KEtlaq4 RCMKIH/) 
I7..P-EBS ■ It-X8 + 
U..E-qBa4 ~ 




I..EKtX P 



l..qx EB 
M..K' X BP 

II ■ ~ ~ 






KBx B 


.Jt-r - 



r ■ 

a. .K Kt-Q4 
O. .qBxB 


a.-ii B-B4III 

M. .R-bom* 
8. .q-K a 4. 

Ktx qp 

K KI-B4 

K ai-Ki 

~ R-B4 


9S-B"i + 

SHX B + 
11-87 + 
R-x Ktaq 

_ R-B aq 
P-E gt I 

EEt-BI a).. 

ooaaoea sat* lo ere moraa. 


(a) Kt X P alao laaila to ao larerl,ir aamo. Black lol 

l-K I, aad Blaok aa- 

Iowa up bla opportuolti- wllb vlgvr— U 
(/I II. .q Et la B I wiDa th* *ichanxo, but opoaa 
iDlta'a game Tba toil more ragalnaa loatpwlia aa 

eioallani poaltloD — MnO. 

(p)_Wloiapl*ea,ortb*«lohanca; for If; 
a..ExqB IttoBII |II..KtoHiq EtIoKtll 
»..EtxX!(l) qxEt4. Ill It 9l..q-B I.|K| X Ktl 
I(B..BtoEt8,BtaKtll: and II a . El moTOA Kt to B 
7.— MoO. 

(•) (Tbla brilllaot coup, wblcb Wblu had andioily 
OTorlookad, richly uonu tbo diagram acooidad It by 

(A)B*at: rorlll4..BPxq.QBUBaq4-; followed bt 
a. .R to B 7 -f-. aod aapaody nau -MoO. 
(I) Forced; for l( a..K uqt-«oo Uili: 

IMr. ftlchatdioo). 


BLAOE (M. D, HcUraib)aDDonDeaaiD«talDdoaj diovoim 
It) [Uu to **pDt bla oon OD Ibo BTlo«latooo."aD>waji 
ao wodoD't aea laat the unalaaUaD la DQCb boiuror 

A Few Itemo. 
Wa bare lecalvad from tbe aotbor Uie aolotloo of 

BalgDia l,Pri, Part I, wbioh will aooo appear Uorr 

H orar Inloma aa that ba la at work upoa a new two Eta 
TA ODO P aiDdy, which bide fair u roqoln nloaty Ore 

move* lor lu lolotloD AU iho.old iimora wlu plaaa. 

aatly ranambar tba pnblcmauaL Joba Uanlaar, tor 
aoDoUoe ebouodltorol ne amUyu Alondord Bro. 

0. toporu blBMlraaaaoplDacnaanaa, nololaila Utlca, 
" " -- iBdanaaaowpTODlaai,aadnyaboEaaotboii 
It AoootdlOf to onr Niw Urlaana o-jO. 


- , _ Jor Niw Urlaana o-jo- 

IcmpotariaA tbo new dob in tbat eity li aaro to ba nr- 
aaabad, the onh ram«lnlof qnoatloa bolDg wlUt bow 

Brilliant a naambetalilp It eao aurt off Tbi lima 

limit la tba match, MoHamoa abowalur-Worrmll, la daad 
u twalva noToa an hour, wllb lha aaiqoa addendum 
that Ave mtreua gnoa bo added to each boar, when 
lonnd nooowoiy. Bra. B la npi>rtad aa a vary alow 
plarar. Bha aeoied the flral game, dafaadlog a q'o P 

Op*Dlng, afior a atruagia ol ility-iu movoa Tba 

aaooDd aroat aoiprlao or Uio ul^ o. n,'a tonrear alao fill 
UMr. Blaiolia Uo la ntortad lo have got nthor the 
wono p^aiUoD at lha baoda ol Horv Albin, lougbt bla 
way oDt or bla dlaadruugo and bad a probablo win, 
wbon ho foU a vIotlB br thno olaar BOroa lo th* time 

Umit Tbo leodloB raooot Loodoo oveat waa the 

araat team match of dity a aU*. ih* old City Olob v>. 
uo TonoR Mattopollun. TbU the yonngor dub woo, 
bnt by Iba eloao aeon-' Ity, 8K; MairopolilsD, BX. 
Oapuina-Mr Pbraiek, City; Hav. Pn(. vrMuTMaln- 

pouua Lt atnutli baa felt obUiad u oloao lia 

una* of comaponooaco toainamaau aa ao manyot 
tbe aatnouwlthdiaw baron flolablog tbelr gaoiaa; aod 
aa antnaoo (aa to ba lorlaltaa la each caaai did not 

meat whh gaaeiml (aver The Laago bluooo Plaoo, 

SUIalU va LlToipool, la nponod drawn, altiog Mr. 8. 


Bqalae Woadera Biialblted at Madlaoa 
Bqaare Qaa^ea. 
There have been many bone Bhoivi bereiotore, 
bnt them never wia one that conld tquAl the tenth 
annual exblUUon ot tbeNaUonal Borae Bbow bekl 
lait week. In Hadleon Bquaie Oanlen, In ibla olly, 
Aj a heAntj Bbow It wai even greater Urnn any. 
ibing ever before teen hen or eliewbeie. Ai ninal, 
Molely reigned lopteme. Pretty glru went there 
to thow themielvea and tbelr eweet emllet; ihoae 
wbo wei* not pretty went to abow tbelr feicblng 
gowna; tbe elder women went to diecoei eaco 
other and their fnenda, and the men— well, they 
were there to look at everything that waa U be acen. 
Tbe aliendaace at the opening day, Nov. u, waa 
greater by one-third than on any pnvluoa oral day : 
and each anweedUig day Ibe crowd ma ao'ueaiuie- 
ably latter tban tbe opening day. Tntnu* men- 
ace In Ibla Inoieaalng popniatliy, for prceenuy the 
exblblUon inu be Tnimdaied by to niany peo- 
ple, that Ibe eoolety folk wiU bave to devue aome 
new way of amnaing theniaalvoe, and Ibat ivui cer- 
tainly prove a leveni blow lo the hone abow, Tbe 
eoinee witneeied in the Oarden on ibeopenlug 
day wero dupacaied every day and eveolng nnui 
Ibe ehcw doeed on Batnrday olgni, Nov. 11. Tbe 
boicawenalldlipoaedotpievloui loiheopenlog 
ottheibow. Ooeot ibe beat teaiorca waa tbe clock- 
like pieoltlon with which tbe ting waa tiled and 
empued. Then wai at leaii one olaaa lo whom the 
boieeaibomaelveswenan unendleg dellgbL Tbe 
early boon o( tbe abow wen given op to the 8hel. 
Land ponlee and the boxee and promenade and 
rtiigiMe wen fllied with tbelr admlren aad 
tiienda— the children. Tbe ponies wen mom 
onmeioni than laat year. Three ot tbe rlden ot 
Bbetlaadi nnder aaddle wen aona of l>ouglai« 
Robenaon, ot Ibe Eaex Oonnty UaaL Every eieil 
waa sued by a Ine type of the Imported or home- 
bied bonetibonughbnd, inner, naaknei, bunur 
or back. The lui of judfaala u follon: Tbor- 
oagbtndB and Amt'/too-Anba-Uantain I. H. Ooa- 
ttt. New Torx; Dr. A. Bmlib, Tnonto; Oolonel 
FlBDk M. Ball, Balt^ Pitaca Oeorgn Oo.. Md. 

Tnttan, Boadaten and Boed lUgB— Oeneral Q. b 
Field, Bnaalo.R.Y.; Oolonel E.B,PaiB0ni,R(whe8ler' 
H, T.; Ohrll 8. Burr Jr., Oommack, L. I.; laaao e' 
BbeldoD, New Tork. Baokseya-Hany LIveaer' 
Hoiherlleld, Eng. Ooachtng Bialllona, Fony bia|. 
Ilona ind Brood Narei— Preacou I^wnnce, New- 

Krt, R. L; Dr. A. BolUi, Toionlo; Oeorge R. Read 
rtobeaier, N. T. Heavy Dnft BtalUont-u. l' 
Errbeit, New Tork. Ball-bred Backnaya In Har- 
neaa, Oanlagt and narDeaa Bonei, Bona, uar- 
nageeand Appolntmentt, Banaom Caba, Pcniea in 
Bameu, and Bonee and Delivery Wagcna— Pita- 
cott Lairrence, Newport, R. I.j Krancla T. Under- 
bill. New York; E. 8. Sheldon, Delhi, N. Y. Saddle 
andPoUwUoneaand Foolea onder Baddlo-W.u 
OnUiver, New York; R Wlllard Roby, Now York- 
Bpencer Borden, Fall River, Maat. Hnntera aod 
Jumpen— Obarlee B. Uaiher, Pblhidelpbla, Pa.- 
John E. Oordin, New York; Major Jamee 0. Cooler 
Weaicbeeler, N, Y, Vetetlnarr laapeoian-iii': 
Wm. Bbeppard. Sheeptkead Bay, L. I.; Dr. Edmrd 
Loomla, New York; Dr. Tb^mai a. Sherwood, New 
York. B iperlntendent— Prank T. Olarke. Tbereg- 
olailooa gcverolng Ibe programiDe for etch ot me 
(ollotrlngdayi o( ihe week wen aa follow: 

TinaOAT, Nov. 13.— Uoralog, 10.30— Jodalng Are 
bonei and delivery wagone. olau 48. 
Ing three pain ol ponlee In banen, ciaa lu; two 
BbetUnd pony tandeme, clasi no, II— Jndging ir- 
leen tearlUig hackney Bialllona, claea 33, 11,30- 
' :ing fllben yearlbg hackney flilica, claat 36. 

12 M.-Jodglng nine yearling colie, flUlea or geld- 
Uig bred In America by backuey tuiUons out of la- 
apeottd or nnregliiered mArca, claaa 97. i:.a>— 
Judging nine ponlee nnder aaddle, claas 18. I3.4i— 
Jndging eight BtaeUaud ponlea tmuer saddle, cjaaa 
SO. Afternoon, 2— Judging aixteen palri of hanina 
boreei, claaa 48, 2J0-JadglngDlnepalra ot nac 
elan In bameaa, olaaa 13. 8— Judging nine aiaud- 
aid bred truuing alalilona, claaa 8. 8.30— Judging 
ndeen aiddle bone, claaa 88. 810— JudgUig len 
bnugba'ii hcraea, broogbam and appolntD,eote, 
claaa U. 4.20— Jndging twelve ponlea m hamoa, 
ouat 81. 4.40— Judging eight hackney thilliooa. 
clAia 33. 8.10— Jodgtug nine park tandema, owoer 
10 drive, clast 68 t.40-Jndging twelve ponlea 
over the Jnmpi, claaa 91. Bvtnlng, S-Judging 
tweniy alx monnted park pouce, olaaa 102. 8 30- 
Jndglngalx pain o( boiaca and beat appoluied csb- 
rloleu, olaaa 118. 8 60— Judging flitten aaddle 
boraea, claaa 18. e.u-JodtIng twave pain of high 
•leppen, ctaaa 43 «.4S-JndgUig ten qoallled 
bonien, light weight, cUua St. 

WxnHBSDAT, Nuv.' 14— Horning, lO.S0-Jndaiog 
II veSheUtnd brood IDBRB. claaa 88, and Ave SbeUand 
atalllona, claas 88. lo.u— JodglDg aeven bait bred 
two year old hackney oolia, llmea or geldlnge, claaa 
88. 11.10— Judging eeven hackney aialUoba, claaa 
21, aad three hactney pony auiUlooa, claia 39. 11.40 
—Jndging nine attndard bred trolling flUiea, two 
yean old, claaalA: flvanandard bred tnuiag year- 
llng nuiea, claaa IB, and Coor aiAodaid bred ironing 
yearling euUUona, claaa 8B. 12.B-^adglng elgbi 
roadilen in harnea, claaa 13. Afiernoon, 3— Judg- 
ing ten punlea nnder nddie, cUaa 18. 3J0-Jndg. 
Ing aeven heavy dmoght aujlioni, ciaai 43. 2.10- 
Jndglng three Baikneyataliiooa, claat 21, and three 
baokoey aulilont, clad 24. 8.20-Jndging llnten 
pain ot haineaa bones, olaaa 48. 8J0— Jndging 
frotun, tblneen maret or geldings, wiUi a ncnrd 
ot 2:30 or heller, abowo lo barneea, claaa 8. 4.3>— 
Jndging thirteen (onr Id banda, claaa 80. (—Judg- 
ing tbree hackney aiallloDi, to be abown wllh (onr 
ot their gel, oIa.<i 20. 6.99— Judging nine green 
bnnten (neavy weight), claas 12. Evening, l-Pa- 
mde o( prlie winuera. 8.16— Judging Un hlgb 

aobocl bonea, clan 16. 8.48-Jndglng tbuty-elgbi 
taameaahora<B,chiaa41. IJO-Jocglngthltiy-elghl 
qualldud or green hnntera, 10 be ridden by mem- 

iien of aome ncognlzed bunt dub, corlntblan, 

muiiaDAT, Not. 11.— l(oroln|r,l0.1t— Jndging iwo 
bsoknoy atAlilona.s yean old, claea 38; dve oackney 
marea, 3 yean old, olaaa 33; ten hackney marea, 
2 yean old, claaaSi, and mree hackney pony mares, 
olaaa 88. 11.30- Judging eleven pony atalUone, claaa 
8L and aeven pony etelllona, claaa 82. 12M.— Judg. 
Ing aeven aiandard brood mares with toala ot I8M, 
chiaa 108. 13.30— JndgtDg trollera, right two jeer 
old OUlea ahowo In harvia, claaa 10. Atiemoon, 
2— Jndging tourteen ponlta Id bameas, olaaa 63. 
2J30-Jndging aix pelra ot ponlea In baraeaa.cbua 
88. 2.46— Indging tour aaddle horeea, claaa 18, and 
eight saddle horses, dasaio. eight 
pairs of roadateiB and beet appointed road rig, 
olaiaia. 8.40-JudgUig iroiiera, thirteen alalilona 
four yean old or over, kept for aervlce, claa 6. 
4.20-Jndilng twenty-one landemi, dasi 61. 6- 
Jndglng four hackney stallions, to be shown wllh 
three or Ibelr go<, daaaSI. 8 80-Jndglng eighteen 
green bnnientllgbt welght),claaat4. Evening, 8- 
Jndglng twenty laddle hunea, claaa 71. 8.30— 
Jndging tblrly-ohe high aloppers, claaa 63. 0- 
Judging unmonnied monl Ipai police bones, dsn 
101. O LO-Jndglng twenty green bnnten (oUddle 
weight), clant3. 

FaiDAY, Njv. II.— Morning, 10— Jndging eleven 
pony bmod maree, olaaa 83, and alx pony bmod 
marcs, olaaa 84. 10.30-Jadglog eight ponlea oader 
aaddie, cUua 11. 10.46-Jadghig sine haotner 
mares, class 30; eight baekney marea, ohtn 81, and 
elgbthaokneymwes.clanss, ll.40-Jndglng trot- 
ters, eight siallluoa. Iwo yean old, claaa eA,and 
alx allies, two yean old and under fonr, claas 7. 
1220-^ndglog right ball bred bsckoeys, abown In 
baraeaa, claaa 40. 1140-JudglDg eleven bait bred 
backneya, abown In barneea, olaaa 88. Afternoon, 
2-Judglng dve trotling atalllona, with a record ot 
2:26 or neit r, "abown Id baraeaa, olait 8A. 2JI0— 
Juiiglog alx pain of tiotlera, aboim In haneaa, 
claaO. 3— ludgUig thlriy-one aaddle bonea, clan 
et. a.46-Judglog alx park leaua (tour In banda), 
clan 81. 4.18— Judglog Ivcbaekneyaialllone.olau 
23, and hackney atallloua (or Junior ohamplonahip, 
clan II. 4 60-^udffing ibirtecn pain ot bersta 
abown before a brougham, ohisa 68. 6 20— ludglog 
twenty-one ladles' qnallOed hnDlen.clAseM. Eveo- 
lng, e-Paradeotali Drat add aeooud prize wineers. 
6.20-Judguig twenty-one cab bones and hinaom 
caba, aa let for hire, ciaea 44. 8.C0— Judging tblny- 
elgbt carnage horse*, niau 61. 0 80— Jndging 
thirty Ihits bnnten aod Jumpen, over alx, Ave toot 
jump, olaai 00, 

8ATDRDAT, NoV. ll.-Uomlhg. llSO-JUdglDg 

three ponlee Ui harneta, cess 108: two pony tan- 
dems, cUua 111, and three pain of Bhet and ponies, 

clan lot. 12 U Judging oackney mareaforcham- 

plonablp, cbtn 16, aad liaokney mares ror Jooior 
ohamplonahip, claai It. 12 80-Jndglog (onr pain 
ot ahtndard or hon-nandard bred llgni baroen 
bonea, clan 101. Afternoon, 2-Judglng nine po- 
nlea In harneee, closa es. 2-30-JudglngBlx pa<ra 
ot ponlee In bameaaa, claaa 04. 240— Jndging irol- 
terc, thne atallluDf , m be shown wllh four of Uielr 
get, claaa 4. 3 3D— Judging flllten nadateia and 
beat appointed road rig, uUae it 4— Jndglcg 
baoknay aulllona tor American Uackney llorae 
Soclety^a oballengo cup, daaa id. 4.30-Jndglng 
tour road tesma, foor lu banda, cleu 12. 4.60— 
Judging amateor drtvlog ot four in banda, nven 
entrira, claas 106.— Judging tbree qoallUed or 
green bnnteta, claas >I, ana ibmeen heavyweight 
qnallSed bnniere, claas 81. Bveuing, 8— Pando of 
aU flnt and aeoond prize winnera. 8.30— Jndging 
tour private banaoms, oUsa 114. 8.10-JQdglni six- 
teen pairs ot high aieppcn, clan 60. 8.20— lodging 
eleven hnnlen or Jooipera over fences, two at Ave 
feet, two at Ave feet elx Inches, and two at alx feet, 
clan 08. 1 00— JudgUig oU Ant prize wlnnem la 
tbe hunter and JampluR daaiea, heavy, middle and 
light weights, for Ihe obamplon "not, clan loo. 

TOO atbndance baa been Agured preuy oioaely 
by tbe Hadlaon Square Oarden management, and 
the eeilmaled flgires an aa follow: 

HoDday II,»» 


wodooiday I4.W 

Thoralay It-W 

Priday.7. HLJW 

Salnrdar (rongh oatimalal Il,m 

Orand fial W» 

Below la a table abowlng the nnmber of prizee 
and the auioiut ot prise money woo by the leading 
exblbliora at tbe Uone Show laat week. 0. J. A 
Uatry Hamlin, proprlelon at VlUage Farm, al Bof- 
falo.ff. Y., bead ibe list, w|ib Dr. W, Seward Webb 
a ckiae second, while Oeorge Oreen, Fnneia D. 
Beard, oolonel Uwreoce Kip, U. O. A R. Uheeney 
arealsoblgwlnnereot prize money. Tbellstlaas 

ttimiar. Pint. Acona. nirA Aa'L 

0. J. A UaiTT UuDllD 4 a 4 tl{4> 

Dr. W. Bowaid VTobb t 9 t '-S 

aooTi* oinn art i,s5 

Ptaaola O. Baaid 8 I 0 !,•£ 

CoL Lawnnoo XIpp 7 0 1 1,45 

U.a.AR.aba*n«r. ...I 8 I I.HS 

MoomoathfioontrnoDt 14 1 l,UD 

B. H. Oanlmao Ill lISS 

0 U p. BolmoDI 4 I a S> 

B, J Caautt a a I S 

R. P (^raan a 1 1 IB 

Mllcb*U UattlAOD I I D TIB 

1. a. Uowiiod 0 9 1 75 

HlHllIrd t 1 0 no 

J.J. Aaur a 0 1 <5 

Thomaa Ullchcnek Jr. 9 I 1 S 

8 M. PdIiod Jr I t 1 5 

NowTorfcOachODdOobOo. 0 I s 5? 

T. 0. Paltoiwo 9 4 9 at 

Joaapn B wloaoor 1 > 4 IB 

Cbult* M. Road I I I in 

Mra 8. R, Oowiaad • > t aa 

W.B DIekarmaaa I 1 I iH 

Booty Pairte I a I at 

TldwDOr A BnllOD I I S IB 




ir.L.BIklsi..,....% 1 

noBMoaABkad I 

A. B.I»lUag I 

j.]>l«kiuBBnwn t 

Tnia. KwM I 

JobDA. Logaa I 

rniur W. L«*. I 

«. a, TkUu 0 

Ibbmt ■•lib I 

owrnOBQkbon 1 

3uam rnwUr 1 

Jobs Bo9r 1 

D. A Hmmootf I 

WlUum UUMW 1 

J. n. HeOM 1 

OArfaftm A. Worth 0 

Job! Attbgr. 1 

Htm. p. O. BoDni* 1 

Haib Brian I 

OolvoibiA FWm 1 

W A. Ooop* I 

J.II.O«nWt ■ 

B. O. Dxklii 1 

Kadltcn SUbu 0 

Butt T. r*un 1 

■n. bulon BtslT > 

a ir. Bbiw I 

a«>inB.Biilm«. 0 

H. B. Nolta. 0 

J. l>.Caa*fOB 1 

tank r.ourk 0 

P. B. Dtanll I 

IsbaitHM.... 0 

0. B 4B O. Hort 0 

H. aP. Boob AOo 0 

MoLooehlln Bfolbu*. 0' 

a. r. wbiiBtr o 

J. V. WIlMD...: 0 

/ OIlDcb Onllb 0 

UlmU U. BtU. 1 

A. A. B«Ba«. 0 


Ajiii«ml BlMtlBg R«ld, und Borne Im' 
pertant CtaBogci MbiI* Ib the C«Datl' 

Tte tnniiBI mNtIng of ttig Nuionil Lmgoe uK 
Anerlam AoocliUan wu beld :iot. m, i>, is, m 
Ui« Ftnii ATeone Hotel, Id tlil« city, TM lint •«•' 
■Ion bold wH UiAl ot Uw Boiril of DIreolon, wbo 
coBTOnod u 10.90 o'clock, on tbo moralDg o( u, ud 
ona or tbo Drat UilngB dona wis Ibo awtrdlng tbe 
obunplonaiup to tbe BtlUmon Olnb. Pnaldant 
roong'a nport for tbo paat aaMon wu icad and bc 
cqitod, voted Umpln I>}ncb bla atlarj for foor 
daja, oDTlng wblob ne was ill, n-«lootad N. 
Tooig pnaldest, aectMBir and inaannr, for tbe 
ii<xttbnajc*n,ataaalB>TOt t4,0OO per year, ud 
•ner attending to oibar malian o( minor Import- 
uoe, Rdjouned. 

At 1.80 o'clock tbo delegates to tbe rtgnlair meet- 
ing went Into aeialon. Frealdent M. E.' Young 
ooonpled tbe cbtlr. Tbe following penons, repn- 
aenUng tbe dlOmBt dnbs, wen present: B, H. 
Tender HontandE4wardiUnlon,ortbeBBlUDora 
Olab; A. B. Boden, W, B. Oonant and J. B. BlUlon, 
ot tbe Beaton: F. A. Abell and 0. H. Byfne,of toe 
Btookirn: JameaA. llart,or tbeObicago; JobnT. 
Bniab ao<l N. A. IJoyd, of the Olnolnnatt; F. De U. 
RoblsoD, of ibe Oiefelaod; J. 0, Rnobitobl, or tbe 
Lonlanile; 0. Van cnit and E. B. IWcotc, or tbe 
Kew York; A. J. Retob and Jobo I. Bogen, or uio 
PblladelpbU; W. 17. Kerr and P. L.Aoten,or tbe 
Pltlaborg; 0. Ton der Abe, of tbe 8L Loota, and a. 
W. and J. B. Wagner, or tbe Waablngton. Afler 
beutng tbo report of the Board ot Ulraotora, wblob 
was adopted, Hod disposing ot otber bnsloess of 
less loportance, tbe rest or tbe af lemoon waa taken 
np In diaonaaing certain cbanges In Ibe conatlio- 
tlon, wblob will bare a very Important btulog on 
tbe aOtln or all tbe dobs. Tbe ant seoUon taken 
np was tbat wblob provides for a nayment ot ten 
nr cent, ot Uie gate receipts ot eaob dab Into tbe 
leagne's treaanir for an emergency fond, and it 
rtsnliedlnaloDgand hitter argament. Tbe Ets^ 
em clabi contended tbat as long as tbe leagoe waa 
cot of debt ttaeie was no necessity ror tbe ten per 
cent, assessment, and It sboald be abollsbed, as 
tbey were geiung Ured anpncrllng tbe Weeism 
cinba. Tbe latter atllllnslited on malnialnlng ttie 
ten per cenL levy. After a long wrangle tbe sob- 
]ect was laid over nntll tbe following day, as no de- 
cblon conld tben be reacbed. 

Section 2S ot tbe constitution was amended ao 
tbat bereafter wben a ten days' notice or release li 

Sven tn a player, tbe notice abaU begin to mn from 
e time tbe nouce Is lecelved by tbe secretary of 
Ibe leagoe, wbo abail at once promnlgate tbe same 
10 all otber olnb memben. Attboeiplratlonof tbe 
ten daya tbe pUyer ao released sbairbe ellilble to 
contract witta tbe releaatng olab, or any otber dob 
member. Thia means tbat bereafter, wben a dab 
gives a player bis ten days' noUce, It cannot wlib 
oraw It before tbe ten days expire, but it It after 
ward wants to retain bis services It mast sign bim 
anew, and make terms ss ir rrom tbe beglnnbg. 

Tbe ODly otber section cbanged was tbat one re- 
lating to postponed or ued games. Bereafter, snob 
games must be played offon aacoeedlng open dates 
on tbe borne gronnds. bnt If no snob dale exlats 
tbey may be played oir on any open date on tbe 
groond ot tbe other olnb. The meeting adjonmcd 
at SIX o'dook, r. n ., to meet tbe following moning, 
Bboomd Dat'8 Bbuioh. 
Tbe delegates reconvened on tbe morning ot li, 
and It was plainly evident tbat the Western men 
were willing to concede almost any polntratber than 
to have tbe leagne's olrcult reduced In any man- 
ner, Tteasnnr TBIcott came tally prepared wlib 
tacts to convtBoe bis eopartnere or tbe fnJosUce or 
maintaining a ten per oenL aaeeasmentof eaob club. 
At Oitt more than bair of them opposed reaclndlog 
tbe mle, then Mr. IWcott presented bla agareai 
wblob were ao couvlnclng that tbo delegates gave 
In, sad by an ananlmoua vote tbat part or tbe coosU- 
totlou was cbanged, wiping out tbe len percent, ss- 
sesament, end providing ror a division ot tbe gals 
recslpts on sn etnal basis between tbe visiting 
and homeolnbs. 

Tbe antes wblob Mr. Ttlcott produced, by wblob 
be won nls esse, were taken from Tteasorer Yonni's 
report ot tbe Onances ot tbe National League and 
American Association ror tbls year. This report 
showed that under tbe ten per cent assessment 
there bsd been psid Isto tbe NsUonsl League and 
American Aaaodatton treasury by all tbe twelve 
dubs In tbs sggregato mote than tBT,ooo. In tbls 
relative proportion: Kew York, lll,soo; BalUmnre, 
tB.too; Pblladelpbia, t8,loa; Boaton. tB,m; Plus- 
burg, $a,000; Brooklyn, |>,H0; Uhicsgo, ti,I0O: 
OInotnnau, 13,900; 8i Loals, t3,W0; Olevolaod, 
$3,900; Wssbiogton, 13.900; Ualsvllle, gi goo. 
Alter deducting the tROOO tor the sinking tiud 
and paying Ibe yearly expenses ot tbe National 
League and American Asaoolatlon, there was left 
ot tnis amoont about tS9,ooo, and this earn was 
eoually divided among the twelve dubs, glvlog to 
eaob about |1,M0. Thus tbe New York Olab paid 
Into tbe fond gil.800, and received as Its dividend 
t3,W0, wbereaa Louisville paid la tl.MO, and ro- 
calved as Its share ot the dividend il,eoo, |l,ooo 
moie than It conirlbnted to tbe fund. Under the 
new order ot things, theaxpenaes ot the Nauoasl 
Leans and American Association will be paid by 
isaes s lng each club for lu pro rata abate, so tbat 
tbe Louisville Ulub will pay aa much ot lbs sx- 
peascs for lbs salary of ue praaldeot and tbe ex- 
penses ot tbe umpires' stair aa tbe New Tork or 
any other cinb. 

The cbaugc made wu by ebnklng oat aecUoa 49, 
and making an addition m aeoilon a, u toUowa: 
At tbe oodoIqiIod ot mo^ cbuiplooiblp aanie th« 

bone olabahill eollTSr to Ibo muufcor of thovulUoi 
olob a atAlainoat of itao total aita roeotpta and ■hat 
timonnU by malL u tbo proohloot or other dtaltiulad 


t roeotpta and ohall 

^ or other dtaltiulad 

oaelalortbovioltlJiBelob,a daplleato ottbe«mo; tbat 
la » otuanoBi ot ibotoooipuof mM nso, which doa 
looladt all flttv BDd tvooly flro ooat aSmtiitaDO, i ' 
ihftll pay to nu TlaiUag olob fifty por ouL or nld 


A aim 

i ainking fund wu formed ontof the money now 
In tbe ueasury, by tbe following new seotlon lo tbs 
oonaututlon, which wu adopted: 

Beelloo tf -Oot nf iho (aadi of thii loofao, now In tbo 
bantfnot the tiwwnror, thoio ahftU boenalod atlallag 
tnad Bot to oioood 911,101. wbtcb ihall bo inTooiad in 

KronnonI bondi. All olhir loodo iball bo pbeod lo 
I luiiiiij. to BootooiTOBtoiponaoa 
Tbe next thing done hi tbe delegates was to 
amend seoUon u. This sddltlooal olanse tends to 
farther prevent any team tnm leaving tbe MM 
dnrlBg Ibe progttsi of a game. TheaddlOon Is u 

la addlUon to the ponilty nbofo rolomd to (poaalty ol 

11401 paM by Uio 0(00 " 

or other ponoo la 
nopoaolbM lor the 

poulty ol (KD, which •ball b< 
Iho iia«no wlihia flro data a 
BlPodvndor anrclroomotaaet 

11,000 paid by Iho onodlOB elnbl, tho captain, naaisor. 
or other ponoo la ebtit* ol im oOtodles loam, and 
the Uam looTlni the BoM, uaU taoor a 

I bo paid to Iho oonoiaiy of 

a aad whieb iball not bo lo- 
— - r anyclraainotaacoa 

tbs magBBtea tbea took aotton looking toward 
the better discipline or ihe teams npon tbe ball 
Bdd, to pievsnt all noisy snd unnecesury coach- 
ing. A reaolaUon to Ibta street wu adopted u 

Thai tbo OomaiUtot on Bnloo oboold b* Inotneladio 
vopoitaltboBpflasnioollns inch acoondDontiU may 
boaocoanafyfiBcoiDPOl tbo anplro to onforao lhaplay* 
Ing nloa partlcoUrlr IhOM portalolni lo aol«y ceaca- 
' ' — d diaordtrlr eondnet on tho ball Bold. 


OBdeiaiood tbat the oomnlttee will make tbe 
peBalUes rgalnat all the above oObBoeB nnch aiore 
asTers, and win, piohably, give tke oapln power, 

Rlcbaril J. Knux, wbo wu a member ot tbe 
Obarleston Olnb, ol tbe Bonlbem Leagoe, during 
tbe past seasoB, wu bom Aug. is, 19<4, at BalU- 
more. If d., and It wu In bli nailve city that be 
leaned to play bdL After playing with sevenl 
noted amateur teaoo, and galolng consldsrable 
local renown be, In 1899. accepted bu brst proles- 
■lonal engagement by ilgnlngwlib Ihe Bocbeiter 
Olab, or Ibe lotematfonal Assoeiatlon, wlib which 
dab be began tbat aeuon u an ontflelde r, bnt fln- 
Ished It with the Albany Olnb, ot Ihe asms league, 
where be filled the position or eeoond basemaa Ib 
tweaty-Beveu obamplooeblp conieeie. lo iste he 
wu signed by tbe maBanmeaior tbe Oonandalgua 
Club, ot the New Yo't state League, whOH oham- 
plonsblp season beian oo Hay 19, and ended on 
Sept 90. He ma eognged u an lotelder, playing 
part ot Ibe time at aeoood base and tbe remainder 
u a abort step. Bis batllug ibat year iru one ot 

bla atroogeat features, be ranking ailb In tbe on 
CIS] batting averages ol tbat league. Bis excellent 
work tbstyesr led te his ebgagement for the sea- 
son ot 19W with tbe Troy Club, aUo ol the New 

York Stale League, he taking part that year In 
elgbtr-IIve champloDsblp oonMs, ility ot which 
be fliled tbe position ot second baseman, and tbs 

remaining tweniv-llve gamu he played In tbe out- 
held. Daring tbe eeaaon ot I9ai se plared wlib the 
Ottawa Olab, ot Iho IlllaDls-Iowa Leagne, hlllug 
several noeltlons on Us leam, ehlotly that of seconi 
baseman, and taklns part In miy champlonihlp 
contests. In igpi bs Joined the Albany Oluo, or Ibe 
Fuura Leagoe, and, daring bla entire engage- 
ment played In the oalddd. At tbe beginning or 
the put championship season bs ms elgned by i he 
Obarlealon Ulub, or the Soatbero League, and re- 
mained with Its tesm until that lesiue disbanded 
during the Bummer nonihs. 

not only to remove tbe ooeudlog player from tbe 
game for that day, but he may be given the power 
u suspend auch player wllboat pay lor tbe rest or 
tbat esrlea, If not longer. 

A commiuee ot Ibtee wu appointed u receive 
snggtsilons nn playing mies, u report at itae an- 
naal Spring meeting. Tbe commiuee consists ot 
KeastB. Banlnn, nobuon snd Hstt. 

Tbe following Board ot Dlncure wore appointed 
James A. Hart, John T. Brush, Obrls. Ton der Abe, 
0, H. Byrne, A. H, Soden and H. R. Ton der Horet. 

Tbe old National Board wu re^lecied. It is 
composed at A. H. Boden, 0. U. Byrne and N. E. 
Yonng. A receu wu then uken nntll Bvs o'clock, 
when tbe delega'ea reconvened, and look action 
on the letter presented by George Floyd, tbe thea- 
trical manager, aeklng aid tor the widow ot Ue 
late M. J. Kelly, tbe piolesslonal player, and a sum 
or tl.doo wu soon raised. The money will be ror- 
irardedto Hra. Kelly by Presldsnt Young. Barry 
Wright wu reappointed chief or umplrca, at tbe 
aameaalary be received ihia year. Uenrv Otadwick 
iru added te tbe list or honorary memnera, which 
also Indudes A. 0. MUls, A, O. Spaldlag, John B. 
Day and Oeorge \v. Bowe. Then alter diowing 
eaob club tbe nsud twen^-Dve general passes, tbs 
mooting adjourned until the following monung, 
PiNii. Day's Bbbsioh. 

The delegatea Snlabed op their bndneas on tbe 
letb, and then adjourned until Ihe Spring meeting. 
At ten o'dook tbe ddegatea went Into sesdon, and 
at ones settled down u wort; Tbe Fbllsdelphta 
Olob matter la regard te tbe gate receipts wu In 
dly settled by tbe adopUoD of tbe following rtsolu 

Boaolrod. Tbtt tho tpoeUI ifrroomoat with Ibo PhlU- 
dolpbla Clab, rolatloa to lh» divltlon ol ntorooolptaaod 
|fud fiud admlsBlooa, doled Fob. 4, U0I, bo onapondod 
or lonr yisil fion Ihio data, and In llou tboroot; Ibo 
dlvl too ol Sato laeolplo priialllns la 1919 bo aabaUtntad 
dorios Ibo lao*ooding fonr f oar*. 

Then on bearing ot the death ot F. J. Donohne, a 
promlueut eportlog ivrlter, tbe delegates adopted 
tbe following lesdouon ot condcleoce : 

Tbo yaiional Loaaoo and Amerieu AMoelatlon hal 
bf ard with itoeoro ratiat, of Iho doaih of Poior J. Doao- 
bn*. Por mtoy roam tbli able sentloinao and looiol 
friend bai boon idowb lo all IdootlSod with th1i or- 

Eoltallon, ti ao oainoat fritod andiapport»rofbaao- 
U an able vrilor la lla bohilf, tt umoaa Mvon eIrtJo, 
bDtalwaTit*lr,JnBavi trao. 

Wo dMlio. tboroloro, aa a bodr. to placo oo rooord tho 
foot, that In lha dotlhofPotorJ Donobao,baJOball and 
all oibor manly iporta baa loot aa abit adtoeato aad 
loyal fflood, aad wo horoby aitoad tolho good molhor, 
[alhar and alitor b« baa loll babtnd, oar alaoaro eon. 
dokoco for lha aOlleiloa wlUi which they have booa 

The next nutter attended w wu tbe appointing 
a committee of Ore, cona^sUng of N. E. Yonng, 0. 
H. Byrne, B. B. Ton der Honi, Jamee A. Bart and 
John T. BmatL Tbia committer la te conalder tbe 
laote In Ue case ot wilUam Barale, N. F. PfelTer 
and A. 0. Bookeoberger, who were Initramental In 
organizing tho new American A«aoolaUoa. Wben 
the commUue bu completed Ite Inveetlgatlon It la 
to make a report to the major leagne. After Ue 
adjonranent of tbe leagne the NaUooal Board held 
a meeting and llitened te a grievance tbe Pennayl- 
vanla Stale Leagne bad agalnat tbe Olnclnnatl 
Olab. Tbe Hoard conld teaon no decision nulU It 
bad received doeumeatary evidence, wblcb tbe 
OlBoumail Olob pnmlaed to fonlsb. 


Ttaraa HeB HBwe Beea BaspaBded* 

The leault of Ihe work of the commiuee ap- 
polBted at Ibe teceat meeting ot tbe National 
League and Amerloan Assoolatlon Isu tdloivB : 


»tx AS800UTIOML— From tbs year t9Te, whan 
baseball wu eatabllsbed In ttis country on a snb 
BtantUI and rupondole basis by tbs disbandment 
ot tbs so oalisd Nallond AsBOolailoo aad tbs organ- 
iBtlon of the National Leagne, doivB te the prea- 
eat time, tbe diti bu beri Imposed upoo sons 
body or organlxailon te opbold and enforce tbe ot>- 
]eou tor wblob haeebali iru esiabllahrd. lo wit: 

"Firai-TO jierpetuate baaeball u tbe natloBal 
game of Ibt united Statsa and te anmund It with 
soch safegaarda H te warrant for the tulare abao- 
late public oonadeooa In lu Integrity and metboda, 

"Second— TO prelect and pioinote tbe mntoal In- 
tereste ot proteaalonal haset«ll dabs and pnfsa- 
donsl baaeball players. 

"The National League, toimed In ISTS, found a 
difflcult taak before It In nndenaklog u carry ont 
Ibe objects sbore referred te. Interest In baseball 
wu at a low ebb, Oaoblen wen la poaseaaloiL 
ne gaffle wu without dladpUne, orgulsailon or 
legtUmateoonttoL The sport wu conducted wlib 
dlabosest laetbods sad lor dltbooest porpoees, 
and bad nelUer the tespsct nor conlldence of the 
press nor public Bereic meuuies wsre absolutely 

■^e sucoeaa achieved by the RaUonal Leagoe In 
Its elforte te develop baseball u tbe national game 
became apparent In lu rapid giowtb tn popolar 
favor and Ibe eatabiubmenl of cluba and assocU 
Hone tbtongboat the vailou Slaiea. It becaiBs 
svldeat soon thai something mnat be dona te foster 
aad pioteot tbe rights and Intereste uf ibsasvatteaa 
Oedlea^aDd that then wu a reoogolced need ot 
soms ceairal power In bBBSball to govern all asae- 
dattOBS bf SB eqoltable eods ot gsBsnl lawa,lo 

put tbs game ou a prospenus and luting basis. 

To accomplltb this purpoae a neciIng wu beld 
la tbe Fifth Avenue Boiel, Mew York, Feb. 11, 1983, 
at which delegates were present repreeenllng tbe 
Matlond League, the American Auoclatinn and tbe 
Northweatem Leagoe. At Uat meeting the so- 
cdied Tripartite agreement wu di«wn np and 
agreed te, which luDatantuily wu an otlbnalve and 
detendve alliance, embodying a maioal reapect "f 
all contraote and other obllgaUoba.aod all rights ol 
the paniM to tbe agreemebito tbe urrltorid rights, 
playsn under contract or held under reserve, 

"lbs adoption ot tbU Ttlpanlu agresment 
opened a new eta lo bauball, and It wu ao readily 
lecogulEedubelngaBUpIn tbe line or progreu 
Uat when tbe commiuee wblob drew up the 
agresment were called ugeiher In New York City 
In Uouber. 1999, Uey decided to call the Inetru- 
ment Ue National Agreement or Pturcselooal Uase 
ball Olubs, Leagues and Associations, dedrlng te 
live iiader tbe conditions, roles and regolattou or 
lbs agreement Imioedlatdy aeveral leaguea and 
associations applied ror the proteouon auured 
ibem,and readily pledged tbemsetvuta sblde by 
the reqniremeois dsdgnated in ine asitement 

"Toe action ot Ue committee Id framing the new 
National Agreement wu subaeqmntlr ratlQed by 
Ue signainrea ot Ue preddeaia or tbe partita 
Uerete, viz: ^be National Leagus of Proreulonsl 
Bsseball Clubs, A. a. Hills, prcaldent Nov. 33, 1883; 
lbs American Asaoolatlon ol Bsae'mQ Olobs, U. D. 
HcKnIgbt, pieddent, Dec. 19, 1983: Ue Noruwest- 
era Leagoe or Froteuional Baseball Oloba, BUu 
HaUier, president Jan. 10, 19U; tbe F-astem uagns 
Of Prol'eulonal Baaeball Clubs, Willism 0. BtcSio, 
president, Feb. 19. 1184. 

■■Today Ue InUre of baaeball Is confionled I7 a 
Bew condiuos, a coodiuon which In every partlou 
lar Is u bamfol, and Ib many reepecu for more 
dangerou tban open diaboneair or dagrant dUal' 
pailoo. That Is ticacberr wlibln ue lines. 

"The obligations or coniracia, tbe right or n 
ssrve and ue Urrllortal righu or dabs, sssocla- 
iloDs and leaguea nuat be upheld, and shall be at 
Bur coat 

''It Is a matter ot public raioer and Is also a fact 
which bu oofflo te our knowledge tbst men Iden 
tued with olobs, memben ot tbe NaUonal Agree 
neat, have tieen co-operailog In the tonnailon of 
dobs or orgaolzattooa whoee pnrpoee la te eoonict 
t^tb tbe NaUonal Agreement In view ot Ula 
knowledge the NaUonal League and American As- 
soclalloo, In convention asHmbled, respeoifuHy 
snggesu te and requesU the National Board te de- 
clare A, 0- Oucktnberger, William Usrale and 
Fred Pteirer Inellglnle u be employed either u 
maoager or player or In any capacity whatever by 
any club or organliallou operaling under the 
Natloaal Agreeoeai and they he torthwIU ana- 
pended. Hnoh eupenslon te remain In force until 
snob time u ihey or elUer of Uen can sailsly Us 
Nsilonal Board that they have In no way been en- 
gaged dlieouy nr ludlreitly In tbe organization ot 
any dob, I'sgoe or sasoclatloo rormed or to be 
rormed in oonniot wlib the principles or the Ns 
tlonsl Agreement. And In Ibe event or their rdl- 
ure 10 relieve thetoaelves from this anspenalon 
within aoch time u your board may direct, they 
aball be expelled aad forever detarnd rrom any 
onnneotlon wlu olabs or orgaoliailoaa IdeatlDed 
wlib tbs Natlond Agreement ot rrofeeelonal Bass- 
ball Olubs. 

Ws tarthemore reauesl tbat yonr board take 
Ute action In Us com of any player, manager, nm- 

Blre or dub omclat wbo In tbe tutun loentUes 
Imaelf wiu a umilar moveaient 
U. U. Btbiib. i. T. BBOSo, Jmu A. Uaar and 
N. E. Yotmo. NaUonal League Committee." 


AKD ASBOCiiTioHS,— At s oueilog Of US National 
Board, held lo New York Olty Nov. 19. ie»4, a com- 
municaUon wu received rrom the Nauooal Leagne 
and American AaanclaUoo ot Frofeaslonal Baasball 
OlQbs In convention assembled, rcqnealing Uls 
iMard te take action lo Ue caaeof ceruui Indltld- 
nala beniorora Idenuded wlu cloba operaung 
nnder the NaUond Agreement, who have been 
obarged wlU traacben te ibelremployereand tbe 
orgaiUiaUou wlU which Uey have been Idenlllled. 
ToaRqneatsopieeeoted, wsesopplemeoted byaa 
appeal from tbe eiecnure cnioen of the Eutera 
tessne ot Baaeball Clubs and ue Western League 
of Baaeball Oluba, te take aucb action u wu proper 
to trotect said leagus In the rigbUauarea Uem 
imder itie Natlond Aarsement 

"After maton cooaldenUon, and govensd Bt>- 
solouly by a desire te comply wlih lEe letter and 
Ue aplrtt ot Ue requeete made te Ula board, and 
having reaaonabia and aulalaatlal evidence upon 
wBlcb to baee our acUoo, Ula board bu decided U 
annoonqe, and does declare, that A. 0. Backen- 
berger, William Barale and Fred FTeirer an Indl- 

Sble to be employed either u Btaoager, player or 
uy other capacity, by aoy dob or orgBBisalloB 
Identlded wlU Ue NaUonal Agreement, and said 
penooa ua hereby declared aoapended. 

"Ttie board rortber declares thataoch aMpenalon 
aball remain lo rorce up te and ludoding Dee. Bl, 
I8M, and In event of ue taiinn ot the above 
aamed persona, or elUer ot itaem, on or before Ibe 
above named date, te abow te Ula board that bs or 
tbey have beea In 00 manner, dIrecUy or IndlncUy, 
engaged In any attempt to promote tbe oripalza- 
tloaot doba, leaguea or auoclsUooBBtagDsuilo to 
the NaUooal AgiesiBSnl, Uey stall bs expelled and 
(orsTBrdsbanadtrotB aaycouMeUaa wltk diM 

oroigaaltedbodleBOpenUBg ander lha Nallond 

•H. B. TOtnia, A. H. 80BIM, 0. n. Btbmb." 
Mr. 0. B. Byms also ibts oalUatollowlag liuer, 
whlobsiplBlBs Itsdl: 

■Nbw Tobb, Nov. u, I8M. 


Oml/enwn: We, Ue npieaeBtaliTU of Us UBde^ 
slguad teagoes, opeiaUBg nnder Ibe NaUoed 
Agieemeni of PnteailooarBaseball Oluba, respeot 
rally snbolt Ue tollowiuBi 

"Tonr body is tbe recognised major biseball 
orgasltaUOD ot the country, and have eole right to 
elect the NaUonal Board and coninl dl biidlcs 
lileatlted wlU ibs sgteement 

"It bu been made known u u, and we have 
Bond and aubuanilal icasou tor bdlevibg tbat such 
knowledge Is ourreci, Uat a new organlsaUon ot 
baaebdldabelaoonlempiated which, ot neceauty, 
moat operau witboat the pale ot Ue NaUonal 
Agreement It appean tbat It la the purpose otue 
new aaaoclallou. If It maurullaea, to attempt U 
take tnnn onr respecUn orgulaauona and duba 
plaren now bdd noder tbe right or reienauon ac- 
corded to na by Ue NaUooal Agreement We, 
theieTon, request that von, u a body, lake aome 
aoUon to pioieci ot so nr u pcedble agaiual dl 
outalde organisaUonh We ttuat yon will give Uls 
Immediate atienUon, and we await loir aoUon. 
Heapectrnlly, B. B, /obnbok, 

Becntary Weatera leagne, p, u, B, 0. 

l". T. HOWBM, 

rreddent Butern Leagne. 


Latoat ■•ylBBa aad Dolaga of tlie Daav 
bBll VralarBllr 

Among Ue prominent pennna who were aeen lo 
tbe oorridon or tbe bold during the league meet- 
ing were: Uury Wright chlel ol Ibs uoiplroe; 1*. 
T. Powen, ptesldentot Us EutsmLeaguo; Usu B. 
Jobnaon, prealdent of Ue Weaiem l.ea|ue; Janea 
Franklin, prcaldent or Ue UunaioOlnb; II. II, Did' 
■ileooch. arcreiary ot the Penoaflvanla Bute 
League; Hanagera Jnbn 0. Lliapman, or the Buffalo 
Club; Uavid L. Fouls, or the Brooklyn; Arthur A. 
Irvin, ot the I'blUdelpbIa; (i. II. Bchmeli, ot the 
WuhlBgton: Conny Hack, ot the H.iteburg; A, 0. 
Anson, or uo Obicago; A. U. Uuckenberger, ex 
manager ot Ibe Pilttborg Olab; Ubarlea II. Rhliete, 
aooreiary nf ib» Brooklyn Oiub; llngit llnIT;, or tbe 
Uiisiona; wtirred Oaney sua Oeorge Tamer, or lbs 
Pblladelpbia; Ollbert Uaiaeld.or Ua tMiedo; John 
llatleld, Ibe vsumn pisysr and loag dlaiancs 
tbrowsr; W. U. Teny, Oeuras 0. aad John Bliar 
rot, John B. Taylor, W, U. Ucoannog, U, n. Rltfe, 
Oharlee Ulsob, Jobn Havss, Jsmes Roaeman, Jobo 
Troy, William Bamis, Tbomu Simpson, aad many 

Tbe Texas League inaBagen analreadyoutlook' 
lag ror playen for Ueir next aaaaun'a Issms 

aiusnger, rorme ly or Us Bt Louis, Uoblle sod 
oUer oinM, bu been elgned ror nex> eeaaon fur the 
Loularllle Olnb. 

John MoHahon, who played abort atop dnrlns tbe 
put aeuon ror the Wiikesbarre Olob, or ino uai- 
»ro League, wu married at tbat city loceniiy to 
Hlit Mary Weiss. It Is uld Ibat Uey will take op 
UeIr resldenos at Olevelsnd, 0. 

Tbe Bosun Oluli hu purcbaaed JameeOolllua' 
releaae Irom the BuiMo Olnb, ot the Kaetera 
League. He la an ootdelder. 

It 11 uld tbat Iho new Amerloan Aaaoolatton 
people have ao opuon on Ue (Joogreaa Bireet 
groanda, at Boaten 

UolUday, Hlller and Uognlver will make up the 
Olndonail leam'a out Mi next aeuon. At leaat 
Ibat Is tbe Idea at Ue preeeot lime. No telling 
what will bsppsn when ue season really beilna, 

Uenry Chadwiok, Ibe veteran baaeball writer, 
wu complimented lut week by bis elecUon u an 
bonoiari member or ue NaUonal League and 
American Aaaooldlnn. At Ue same lime a com 

mluee, oooalaiing ut 0. II. Byme, N. K. Young and 
A, J, Reach, wu apoolnted to draw up auriable 
reaoiotlona ot rejard to be presented to Ue vet- 

eran, wbo Is tbe ant ot baseball writers te be Uns 


A. 0. Buekenberger, ex-manager ot the I'lUabnrg 
League Olab, In a recent Interrlew, aaid: "I have 
been oUs'Sd ue roanasement of next ssasou'a To- 
rouu Olnb providing Itgete s tmnoMse In Ue Kaat- 
era league, and I think It wonld be a money mak- 
ing loveeunent Toronto la one or Uo beat tnll 
uwns I know of tore minor leagne wlU a compact 
cireult and wonld support a good team In a league 
aucb u la propoaed tor tbe Kwiero'a make up. I 
candldiT bdleve Ibat I codd make more money 
Uen ttan 1 poaslbly could by maiiaging a major 
leagne leao.'r 

Ibe annual meeting ot the Ewlem League will 
be bdd In ibis dty on Dec. {. 

Tbe OinclnuaU team will preaent a number ot 
new racea when It appean next sessou, but It must 

aet a rew bialny Indeldera, wbo will work with 
leir manager, berore tbat olub can ever hope te 
win Ue pennsot 

Msnsger Frank llancroll hun'l golibat Cuba bee 
.-\at or blB bonnet yet, and It will keep basslug un- 
til Ue bosUIng manager aiaru at Ibe head of a 
team tor the ahotea of uat mild dimate. 

Mlluo Whitehead, who played UIrd base hist asa. 
SOB lor Uo Boraatoo (Pa.) Olnb, and who Is olsimed 
by tbe loolsvillesfornsxt season, hu been playing 
bdl ten yean or more, 

Maoager Tebean, ot Ue Uleveland Olub, vlalted 
Uat cito recently for tbe purpose ot abaping op 
airdrs ror nsxt sesson. fie hts Ue will navn uo 
tronbe In signing any ot his old playsn when Ibe 
proper Una comes. 

Oxokalepla, Ue Indian, who played wHh the Po- 
land Bj)riggs team lut season, uauendlng sohnol at 
Holy Oroaa Oollege. Be will pnbably play with Its 
next seaaoB's team. 

Atue annual mesllogot Uis New Bedford IHsm.) 
Olub, tbs old board ot iilrscion wu elected. Tbe 
report ot Ue treuurer ahowed Uat toe total attend, 
aoce tor the put aeasnn bsd amoanted u Bfiy 
tboosand. During eighteen weeks ality rnnr gamw 
Old been played. Tbe early part ol ihe ssasoo Us 
dub did poorly, auBBclaUy, but the atteudaoce 
pk'kad np during Ibe latter part ot tbs Hummer, 
allowing the club te wipe out a debt and Onlab 
nearly IMO ahead. 

Tiis Kaatera League clrcnlt for nsxt sesson, ir 
madsupsvcordlngte President Powen' plan, should 
be a atroog one and reedi In anaocltl auoceaa. 

There ihoold be a good Beld for Ohio and Vir- 
ginia leatnee next eeaaon, for Uere are plenty of 
young playen over tbe ooontry that could be nUI- 
lied by Uoee leagues. 

Manager WaUlui, wbo will have ohargs ot Ue 
Indianapolis Isam, ot Ue Weatern League, next 
aeaaon, la gauering a One team of yonng playsn 
torus Uooaler Olty. 

The Boston Leagoe Olnb la dgoleg all Ita old 
playsn u tut u It can, Many ot tbeee men wsol- 
sd so adranoe ot lut year'a ealary, sod it la more 
Uan Ukdy Uat Ueir wants were uUslsd. 

We acknowledge tbe receipt of a group pho- 
tograph of tbe chaupioo Bdtioure team. It also 
cootalnaexcelleotllkeoeaaea of Uarrrltaad der- 
man II. Von der Uonl and Manager Edward llan- 
Ion, whoare aiandlng lu Ue back ground. 

A new Iwgue to be knowo aa Ue Interatote 
Lssgne, te to ue formed at a meeUng to be held on 
or about Dec I, at Oolorabns, Ohio. 

Fartlia In Florida an uxlnua U> get four or Ue 
major leagne Itama to vlili Uat Bute ror Ue Wlu- 
Ur, and locate at Jackaonvlllo, Ht AugusUne, 
Tampa, and one otber city that wlU be decided 

upon later on. Tbey think a achedoleol gamea can 
beatTaugedno tbat tbe leania can begro playing 
about Jan. l,and anlib up abont Marcn 1. Tbey 

UInk thatroorgood teama would prove progtablete 
dlooncened. HanagerBancroli.ottlieOlbOlnnaU 
Olnb, la aowdlulaaaed with the ackeme thai If he 
cu set ihree other teams to go Into Ibe venlore, he 
U willing te step over oo ble relora from Onba. 

Tbs uonat mseUng of tha Weetero Leagoe will 
be beld on Nov. ai, attAlcsgo, III. 


Iwas Ts* iehaafar. 
Our last Isns oontslBSd an aooooal ot Ue drat 
Bighfsplay, snd tbs oondlUoBS covsralag lbs six 
Bights' ooBtesi belwsen then players, which began 
InHadlaoB Sqnare OardsB ooBoett Ball sight of 
Not. 11 The seriu ot gaoss earns te a cinte on 
NoTsmber IT, whan lies piwed Ue victor lir a 
scon ol 8.aoo against schurer'a total ot a 074. no 
Us secoBd olgbt's pUv Ives oooplsisly turned llis 
tabtea on bla mon espsrienced adveiwy and sa- 
samsd a oommaadlns lead, n* mm* opesed with 
Ibeseoresiasdlsg eoote miIb favor of Bobuter. 
IB Ives' seoond IbbIbb M snond a ns ot I6T 
poute IB Us sutk BlUiapt be eemUed bis b li 
nacruwBSBfj&BSlBr.tti ' ' 

nsoe<sary aoo poinu for Us night's play wlib a 
pntiy break ot IB points In nls lenth inBlng. 
Bcbaeter, during the time Ires wu ihowlBgauoh 
BBS excooUon, aeemed fairly anchored. He made 
bniobemnoi overonebniidrcd, aad his average 
wu hot 83 It, while Ives' average wu 88 It. It 
wuabadnlghtrorBcbaerer, Toesoors: 

SoliwIar-gUr I, 1. u >, r. It, III, t, tl-ta. Hlsbeel 
iwa. IM Avortso, iSK. 

irw-tk ur, 0, • B, aa, at, Id, iB-i,in. iiiihHt 
rao.ia, Avtriso.aaM. 

Tbe largeat audience, np to Wtdoeaday night 
aaUersd to obeer Bcbuler in renewed eooiia to re- 
once bla morn luulhtui aniagonlil'a lead on Ihe 
UIrd night or Iho arriee, Nov. 14. Bobuter Is a 
populap lavo-lte lu ibis oliy, whonever his oppoo- 
sni may he. Ires' day «u not near so nril- 
lUnt u on the pravloua night. Ivea, In Bve Ino- 
Ings, socied hni 104 polnta,l>ut ndromed bimseir 

darinithe ptugrsasut iheoliht'a conteat which 
wu doUbed with tbs score for lbs olgbt's aund- 
log: Sobaster I.CM, Ivea 1,900. Wednesday night's 

..■lS?-». '■ ^ '"< >. 4S-et)0+tBU- 

Hbaarai~s, 4 81, It, e, 41, 0, If, o, t>-m*at- 


, ATaroiu-liaa. IS, till Srbaalor, B. Illab raaa- 
ItM, lit: SchaoHr, al. 

It wonld have diibeartened any billiard expert 
In the world to face Ue aeon wbloh Bebae fer liad 
u overcome, on the fonnh night ol thiaaerleeal 
big avengoa and wonderful balk line billiards, 
ITM wu tIh points abeail ot bin, and that. In It- 
adr would have been enough to diecourage any- 
body, bui one oau never tell what to expect or 
Bchufer. In hia roonh lunlag he pot togeiner the 
iDmense mn 0I344 pninu, and 11 la not neceatary 
to deaorlbe 11 fnrther tban 10 mj It wu period 
Bchaeter bllUarda. lie made runs ot lis In tho 
seven'ta Inning, and 101 In tho eleventh Inning. 
Tbi Wluni bad beaten hia flppunent 111 polnta on 
the night's play bat Ibsyi'uuaater atlllhelda lead 
or 80T polnta 111 a told Kure ol 3,400 rur four nighta. 
The scoM then aiuod: 

. iroo-* m, (f n 17. in, 4«.», ^l^s.u.ul,n \ii-ian- 


. £S)"f III-" •• '<*• I* >«. "». '1 M1I+ 

1,081—1 m 

Aroimsaa-Uu a IS-tl; 8«|ia>l«t 41 l-\x lllsh roa 
-flehaalor, *I4: !«.«. ITT. Uraiii] aToraao-Irio, 4N ta- 
4I^Bchatror, Sa tt-ia. 

Tho audimoe or Friday tiliht. Nor. IS, wllnetaed 
BOms very clever lilillania ou ihe pan uT linth oi- 

Krts, tbougii Irea al lliueapiayed in very bad lorm. 
hurer played In iho bartfnt hind ol Inch, but the 
balls ran well rur Ives. NoUiIng uli nlinlng oc- 
ourred In tbo way ol big runs during tbta olahi's 
plar, thoogb Honater inaoagrd to redure Ivea'lead 
by lee poiuu. Tbe acore rorUe avenlghternlluwa: 
lio>-i«. Ill II ou, lie, ti. M, 4 0. u. n. 8 III, 0, 4, 4. 
Tout Sili-i<Oii-.i ran. AfoiaaoUilT. HMtrnnlii). 

8«hai«r-lis ii(,ii.i,7u 1,0,111.14. i,M ir,B,iu, 1.0. 
Total, Ta4-l,ISJ-8,MS. ivoiaaa, 47 19-M Hut run, IBl 
Th* Urgeat audience or thla remarhalile aeries or 
gamu, gathered to wlloou what wu expected 
would be a hair rdalog aolili liolween them 
knigbia or iho cue. Tbero were niaiiy In Ihu audi- 
ence who looted to aco Bohacler perronu tbe almoat 
ImpoMlble luk or ninqaeilng hia aiiversary, who 
then bad a liad ol 4tl pnlnta. Iven hegan play, 
and aooRd 39, giving way lu Bohnerrr, who put up 
a nice enlleoilon ot VJ pnlnii, and then railed on ao 
oaay cuahlun draw. Tlitn came Ihe higheat run In 
Ihle, or any oUer mateh, at tbIa atylo ut gamo, lor 
Ivea oaiahllsbed a rscoril wllh s run ni MI pnlnta. 
Daring Ihle InauUrul dlapiay iirierbnioal tillllards, 
Iru' Judgment ur pace aiiil illircllun ciiulil nut be 
excellrd. Wben be passed Bobarlcr'a rnninna run 
or 371 Ihsn was loud applaoac, but when Ihe 
player reached the 9oa mars, the htll nog 
wlu cheen. Ivea continued llio run wlin 
nerrent ooiiloeaa, hut mliaetl a Iwnk la ooab- 
lon ahot and clo>ed the piotileai eihlhltlnn 
or balk line "nuraing" ever aeen In Ihia onuolry, 
It wu eaoy wurk lor Ivea alter thin: he had tim 
mateh pmotlcally won, anil hia htihcat lireak rmin 
Ula point wu ou pnlnu. Hchaeler put iiii a flne 
run ur 3U poinu In bla al.xU Inning. The aoore 

Kohaaior-ss IX 0, ta, n. lot. Da 11. 1-118-8,074. 

iTia-B, 131, It 98, IT, a> 11. B, re. ii-au->idSi. 

AroiSBOo— iMaolor. WM. Avoriaoi-t>M, SI Oranil 
araiaso-achaalor, 41 tll. Oranil aioraaa-toa aU. 
lll«ho»l runa-Bohiofor, gt. lllaliMlnin>-lMaiUI. 


Id tho Foolball VIold. 
The rooiball games that were played daring Ihe 
put week sre lierewlU sumiinrlMd: Nov. 13, Uo 
Hloyveianu deluuil the Tlonu iiy 13 l<i o, at 
Brooklyn, N. V, Nov, 14, Yale Unlverally eleven 
dcreated Ue Ohirago Athlello Olub liy4H local 
New Haven, Ut Tlie Lafarntua defeated Ue Le- 
higba, liy 311 to 0, at Kaaten, I'a. Tho I'rIuoeUin 
Freahuien doroaien theruiyteUiuIc loalltiiindeven, 
by la to », at Kutern farii. Broukiyu, N, Y. Uw- 
rencevllies deleaud the Anilovere liy ai to 0, at 
Uawrencevllle, N, J. OnlunibU Oollego Hoilloal 
liepaninectdereated the (lenonal Thenlugloal Benil- 
naryleam by34toa. Bmnkltn lllib Hohool, 34; 
AdelphI Academy, 0, at Prnspeot l-ark, Hronhlyn, 
Dickinson derrated llaveirnrd by 14 to 13, at liar- 

riaburg. Fa. Wlllbinia KreahiueD dofealod llnub- 
klu Boboul br lu bi 9, at Fdia Village, Ut Nuv, It, 
Ihe Uarvard llnlvenlty eleven deleaud the 

Urowu Unlvenlir eleven by la to u, at (lam- 
lirldge, Maaa. The elevena or tiauiliton loatl- 
luie and Baruard Bohnol met at Ihe I'olo Uroooila, 
UU dty, tho latter thru winning by 40 10 0. Tbe 
Ootlen deleated the Trinity hr «l to 0, In Uila nity. 
TbeBt Uunavenliiree deleatetl too Klmlru by ui Cu 
0, at Allesanr, N, Y. Tbe Tlotaa iieleated the Froa- 
MCUIiyla to Itedlurd Fork, Bruntlyo, N. Y, 
boT, 17, the llairenlly ol ronnsylnola defeated 
OorBell Uolverdly by e te I'hllailolplila, I'a, 
The UnoBo AUletIo Oluii defeated the Ureaoent 
AUIeUc Ulub by It te 9, at Onoge, N. I. Wllllanui 
dereaiad Amhent by 84 to lu, at Willlathsiiiwn, 
Hut. Henssalasr l'ol)lschnio lualltuui derrated 
Ue Hldaeatld AibleUo Olub by 13 to lu. lirowo 
OnlTereriy derealed Howduin by 13 te 0, at 
Providence, H. 1. Ualea deruied (Mliy br 
10 te 8, at Uwlaton, Me. Unloo College de- 
realed Rooli'tter liy 03 to u, at Hchooecladr, N. Y. 
UUawa derta'ed ijaoen'a Unlverally, or Klogaten, 
by 8 to 7, al Toromo. It wu lor tne oliaiuplunahlp 
"I (Mnada. Uenrgetewo Uulveralty dtl'-ated Iho 
Rlchraoml (Va.) CiiTirge by in to u. at Wuhlogten, 
U. 0. The I'liUhurg AUileUo Ulub dorrateiT the 
OarlUle Indian Hcbunl lir 8 lu 0, at Plusliurg, I'a. 

gu AtblsUo Olub, 3I; Allegheny AthletTca.o, 

cago, III. Denver Athletic Olub defeated the 
Bt Louis FuUmes 311 te 0, at lienver, Ool. Tlie Uni- 
versity or WIeoonain defesled the Unlverally ot 
MIohlgsn, by 0 te 0. at Hadlson, Wis. 

PirsH J. INiKoitUB. s well known apurung writer 
and editor or aporuon Tim UicnrOrr, ot Ula oily, 
died or conaumptlon, on Nov. ic, atl,akebnni,N. J. 
IKinobuewu bom In nls oily April ao, 1891. It 
wu while attending Public Bobooi ti, lo Kut llltb 
Btreet, tbat be arat cuitlvaled Uo lute roratlt- 
leuoaporta. When barely ol age he tiwk a prom- 
inent part In the urganltaUou ut tbo Harlem Alta- 
leUc dub, and became buneeir a pedealrlanolaoine 
note, boldlog aereral reoirds befiifu hie bealUibe. 
gan to rail and he wu compelled 10 give up Ibe 
acUve rollowing uf aUilelIca and IIjs brilliant 
Held ■ ■ 

career lu ibatOeid which hie eoUualuUo Inaglna- 
Uon bad uapiwd out Aa a meniiier olihe uld llailem 
AUIeUo Clun he won me llultuup, iudlcauvent 
the Bve mile championship ot New Roiilaod, He 
won Ibe llsrien Athletic Ololi's colon n>r leveral 
rears and won many walking compcUtloos. Ills 
lut publlosppsaranceasaa alblete wuat Ui« gamea 
ol the Harlem Atblello Olnb, held 00 tbe old Polo 
Oronuds, at Fllib avenue and llOUi Htreet, 
In Ula dly, In IWI, when ha then won tbe one 
mile chae plonshlp wdk handicap from Dan Le- 
haae. Rb wu one ot the letdtng apirlia In the 
formation of the Weeicheaif r llan and Hounds, 
aad ouen or ue soocesa ol tho cr^u country run- 
ning at Uat uriy atege can be alirlbuud 10 bis 
lalthtnl work. As a nompetent Judge of wdhlog. 
It Is donbllul 11 he had anr aoperiiira. He aotad u 
Jodge at tbe Br>t obanplon^hlp meeting of Ihe 
Amatenr AUilello Union, held at lieUoU, HIch,, In 
1899. Among amateur auieiee, he lor yoan wu 
looked upon u an authoriir. Ue wu very well 
veraed In all the recorda. Ue wu very panlal to 
all forma ot amateur iporu, Includlug akailng, 
abooling, bixing, awlmmlng and lancing, Itwu 
while he wu ooooeeted wlUi tbe llariem Athlello 
Olob tbat lie developed a talent for wrillbg on 
aUIMIo apurte, aod ola Jooraallallo career htgao 
nnder the aupervlalnn of Bd, Flooner, aportlog 
editor of 77le Naw Yt/rk JtportMtiuin earl/ In the 
sigbttee. Prnre there liooobue went te Tim Wuria, 
and soon afler ward liecaujoipoitlngedlter. llaflni 
became prominent u a baaeball writer In 1999, and 
fur several yean tbtreatterwrotenpon that subject 
In a alralghifntward, cocadenllnoa aod agsreadve 
manner. Ho and Jamea o. Kennedy suned a 
sporung paper knowo u Tim .Ijuirllng Tliiin. but 
he aooD af lerwaida urered hia ounnecUouwIU 

that paper, and oooilniied wrtung sporting natlen 
for m Woria. "e remained wlib the laiur paper 
onill be wu engaged u sporuog sdltep ol Tha 

Bteorittr, where he gained oondderable rsaowB as 
'P, Jay" Ihioagb Us pBgllMo oobb*oUoc«, Bt 



November 24, 

Ktnaod tbg coottal betireen Dagplir ud DoiouT 
itt Srneiur, N. Y., aeTeral jeui (go. In wblcta 
Uononii nsi KIlKn. Uooobue thtn daoUnd tli 
Inuntioa or »rrilnlii|i Iron aor tonlier olHolsl 
comwciloD wim itao tlag. )Ie mt to tU roosd 
•porUni mkD, sad lil^ (iplniona were looktd for 
npoo tU comoi topica In ib>t lino. Illifanenl 
Mrrlcci wtro titU st mo hnmo o( lila pkitnla, 14T 
Ktal llltb Wicct, IB Ibia cMj, on Hov. Id. 

Ton Keir Jonor Atbloilc Cinb held tboir annul 
DMUot 00 We<lncBil«y evening. Kov, K, ai wMch 
tbe folTovInK omcera were chuieii: rroal'ieDi, 
Jtoiu U, smiWan; rtce-prteldeni, jRiiiea U. Uu;d; 
aecralaTy, If. H. Cobb. 


Crlcjiot III Callftfi'iiia. 

TM Soal cbsiiirlontlilp contcat or mo ataton In 
S»n Fraoclaco, Cal , took pbice N07. II, wbon, on 
ntulml (rounda, Hie BoheuiU and PaclOc Cluba 
oontcnded tor aecond plico In Hie OalKomla Aiao- 
clallon. K. Uood, of tbe cliamplon Alametlnteain, 
and F. A. Anaon, of tbe California cleTen, were ap- 
pointed nmplree. Nellbur captain vaa able to 
lanater bl> foil aircogiii, Hie I'acinc cIc-Tcn ixing 
the greater auiTertr In tbia rraptct, aa Uriniiha, 
ueir beat bowler, waa uiiabio to p »f. l^apttln W. 
Robertaon, n( tbe llobenila teatn, won tbe loaa and 
wont In. lie and A. 8. Webeter opened In doe 
form, the litter maalog :il runi lietore ho waa 
bowled. Bowblll Ju'ned bla captain, and did al- 
moat aa good aerrico aa bla prcileccator, gelling 
34 rune wltli onli one cbance. Itoliciiaon, woo had 
cleverij compiled mo ruiu. then fell to a rory abarp 
catcb b7 WKc at point, ami, after Walli; and lloorea 
nadcoQtrlUdicd m, not out, iietivceu meni,tbe Inn- 
ing wai declared cioaed ti llirror fonr wlcketa. Tne 
nnt Ste wioaeu nr ilie I'aclile tciim iiolckly foil, J. 
J. Tlieobold, witli lu.tndu. Gardiner, with lanlono 
luaiug uuuole Ilgurcs. K. .\. .Milla and «J. W. ben- 
uelt tben made a proinoged hImii J, iMUlog admlr- 
ablf for Ibelr icapevilve acora of upland a. Tno re- 
mainiog wickeia were npMly dippoecd of and tbe 
Inning cioaed for ioh, leaving ilio llobcmla team 
Tictoriona. W. Itoboiigoi anpplemooud bla great 
liatuog perforiiitdco bT a aploodld caicboif uook- 
Hon and a remarkable bit of liowling, captorlng Do 
(ewer Uian aevon wickelt, alxot wnlcb were cican 
lijwied and tne oner clererl; cauflii. Aa a reauli 
or toe matcn, Hio Oobcmlacloren takutecond place, 
aod thel'iclOo team iblnl place fortlioaeauia. 

Uarold B. RIchHrilaou, nf the Britlab Club of 
Bakenllcld,Ual.,liiil llie lieat batting average In 
the aerlea of gnmce plijcil during ilic recent 
cricketcarnlval atllan tranciaco. He la gonorallr 
nonceded 10 be one of Hie ben', batimen at Kogllau 
birth in UalKorula, ranking aeoind In thai rtapecl 
onir to w. Itobenaon, or tbo lloliemla team, who, 
however, liu the addlUonal advantage of tieing a 
ivioarkahlr aireollTO Inwier. Illciiardaon liaa 
plajed with the Alameda Uliib luannnilieroCgamei 
lui aeaaon, alroniUieiilDg ino champion lenio. 

Tub Aiameda (Jiiib won iho cliamplonahip of tbe 
CalirorolaAaioclatluii lor tbo tbe ilHcd aucceaalvo 
aeaaon, and conaequenili bccomo poiaeaaed of tlin 
handsome ailvor troplir, knoivu hi Hie atrrlaon 

A PuatpoiiotI Citiileal* 

The eonteniplatoil conical boiwoeo Ibu Now York 
and Victoria cluba, to decide whieh eliunlil plajr In 
tbe flrat aeollon of Hie Uciropolluin lilatrlci League 
next Boiion, which liid been aclicdiiled to btko 
place Not. 17, wai IndoOiilicljr p9ai|mncd. M aoon 
aa tbe gaino vras ordered to be pUictl.lho aecretarj 
or the Victoria Club nuiiacil iho HOcrciar/ of the 
New York Cub, tnnl tin Victoria dcr.-ii were will- 
log and would lie glad 10 play Hie clti^lillog game, 
aod added, aa the Vlu'x>rl« Uluiinml provided 
thegMuadfitr thotlraivii gHfiio, lie os|>:uicd llial 
tbe Now York Uliib woii:il nr.iviilo thn ncnund (or 
thiagamo. Tlio aecretarj oMlio Now Yovk Club, II 
la aald, failed b) anawer tiila.cuiiiroiulcniloQ, and, 
oonieiiueuilr, the ginio waa nnt played Nor. 17. 
Italn, uoaever, wniud bavu caused a poai^nnemoot 

00 tliit d4lo, in call' a grnuoil bail iii-en agiced 
upon. In tbe OTonl nf Hi') New Yoik olcvoa liavlug 
ilefealed the \'l :l»rlii eli vdn, iliu two iiuua nouiii 
a.^uhaage placca uuxiaeaauu In tbe i4'u arciliiiiaof 
the lloiru|toUiiiQ Diatricl lK;niTuc. Tlio .S'ew York 
elercn, If victoriuua nver tno Victoria iiaoi wcro to 
play lue P.>teraon Ulan on Tnauk'glvlug Hay. 

Eu(|luiitl vv. Aiialtiillu. 
i,y, moddart'a learn of KDCllab cilrkclcia.alur 
a very faTomblo tujago occupying cnly iblrly- 
ulne daya, reaobcd Adelaide. Keuih Auitrella, on 

1 >:l. 30. Their Drat uiaich waa 10 bo agalnai an 
eleven or South Aoaiitlla, commencing Nov. I>. at 
Adelaide. Tho Kugllih trnni furma a powerful 
combloatlou, InoluiHog llvo amaicura In A. K, 
Btoddard, eap'.aiu; 1'. II. i. Tord, A. U. Uaelareu, 
IJ. Fhlllpaon aod t. II. (lay, ami eight profeaalonala 
IQ Biookwell. Lackwoo<l, Iticbamauu, Urigga, A. 
Ward. I'eel.J.T. Hrowu ai d lliiniphroya. Of tho 
above named Sioddiirl, llro- kveli, Hruwu, Uriggs, 
Ward, Maolateo, l.-Kkwood and Konl rank high aa 
batameo, and Itiuoardion, reel, lAjcxwuod, Uilgga 
and UumpUroyH funu a ijniniot of clfeuuve Irjwium, 
vDllaU^yand rtilMpaon are biib c:evcra« wioket 
Keenr. 111 whioh poalilun Hiey will Hlleroato. Klvo 
leal omtchea will ue played wlib ibecleTeii repro- 
Hontlng Auitr«ila, auu aa fonr U ira hiTO been al- 
lolled to aaeb match Ihom ah Mild be liillochanoe 
lit a draw, riie dr.u tMt mulc:i will bii played Doo, 
14, 11, 17 and la, at Sidney. 



Daalk of Faglllat Blardan br ■■> 
AecMeDteil Pwnch hy PIKalmmona. 
"Con'' niordao, the potfllet and aparrlag partner 
of Hobert FilHlmmooa, champion nKMIawelght, 
died Not. It, at Byncnia, N. Y., from a blow on the 
cbin he racelrad from riiulBmooa In ao eihlM- 
tlon bont given by him on the preceding nigbtat 
Jaeobi' Opera Dome. lUordan, It la chimed, had 
been drinking heavily (or lome time past, ne gara 
evidence o( bla condition aa he walked od tbe etage, 
but deaplle Ihia be wu allowed to eater InUi tho 
boat, there were a (ew exchanget and then FIIe- 
ilmmoar, with aiijick opper cut, landed on lilor- 
<ai'a jaw wllb bla right, and the latter reeled and 
(ell to til k nee*. Then be tumbled over like a dead 
mto. There ate direrencet or opinion aa to the 
fore* or tbe blow. Tbe andlenca were worked 
op to a fary o( excitcmenL Men and boit 
atood op In their teaia and ahoiiied lite denda, 
while the nnconuloiu man waa carried oir 
the Btsge and laid down In hli Hog eot- 
llme, phyalclana were anmoioned, and, while tte 
crown were tuil ahonUng. they were vainly en- 
deavoring to bring Ulotdaoback 10 cunscloua- 
nea*. Ue remained In ibat aiaio deaplta every 
effort to revive him. It waa long atier mIdolgLt 
that the probable reaolt waa annonnced by lir, 
TolDian. 'i'he Injorcd nun breathed lila latt at 
lialf put threeo'clock 00 tho niomlogof 17. After 
Ihrev o'clock ho begao to aink rapidly, rcplralloo 
~ faloier every inlnulo, unill nnwlv, witna 

growing r 

row apumodic cooiorilona, He died. The phy- 
alclana, a few meiobera or the comtnoyand lira. 
Fitzalmmoni wore prcaenl to tbe laat. Aa eoon as 
the senonaneaa o( tec alfalr waa apparent Detec- 
tive U'UrlCD waa ordered to remmD with Kli/,- 
almmoos. Aboni nearler piat Iwii o'clock Uapinio 
(jolglfj placed FlizalranMina under arreai. Tee 
luiildio weight champion seemed to expect what 
waa coming and took nis street aa a matter of (act. 
lull wu at once oirared. but the polio would not 
acc*pt It onui lllordan'a condiHon was more 

Anaatopaywu held on Illordan's remains later 
In the day by Police Burgeon 1). M. Tolman, as- 
slated by Ur. Ailing. Taera were preaent lira. He- 
Uliry, Bmilh, Kauiroan, Lane. Fay and Bond. Toe 
cause of death is ifiveo u "benotrhBge within tbe 
craolal eailiy, cauilog conipieialon of ihe brain." 
Ur. Toinian aald thatlHoidan wasfonml to bo In 
poittot health and that the heart waa aa Hoeaapecl- 
meo of physical development u he had ever seen. 
Ihe depression on the right sido of too brain was 
veiy deep and rcnialoed for hal(an boor alter the 
clo'- wu removed. Ue uld tbal there waa an ck- 
ceaalve heinorvhage and clot socli aa Is atldotn 
found, and that It almost eoolrded the baac of no 
brain, and that no human being could have wiin- 
stofld such a condition o( things. 

"We Ond clot In apoplexy, of contae," said ilie 
doctor, nbut 1 should not look foraueb an extensive 
coiidltlou aa irai here ahowo. The man muai have 
tieeo atroek a terrlUe blow on the point or the chin 
which commonlcated dliect with Hie buo or Ibe 
brain. At leui I should look (or Joat aucb a rcault 
It aaoh a blow wai atnot." 

Thia Is what tbe other doctors aald: 

lir. Bollb-I agree roily with Ur. Tolmin. 

Ur. Kaninnan-A blow killed him. 

Ur. Alllog— I ahail net antagonleu tho opinlou of 
Dr. Tolman. 

Ur. UcUlary— I went Into the Mom Uie and left 
before It waa over, and nw only a Ittile of the au- 
topay, and aa there were oihera who aiwmonof it 
1 ahonld not think 1 was quallBed to give an 

Ur. Fay— Ur. Tolman'H post mortem wan per(eet. 
I should not like to aay what eauacd II. 1 aliall not 

ijr. Ilond— There m< no sbnalon of the aklo, 
and a blow which wonid lauae auch a condliion 
rauat have cauaed ao abraalon or ibe cuticle where 
U landed. 

lioitiethliig Abont lllorduu* 
"Con" niordan waa a strapping big lellow when 
be arrived In America In 1M2. lie ramc from Dub- 
lin, Irabind, when he wu boro. Unhla arrival In 
New York he look a poalHon In a tea tnd grocery 
store In Veaay Street, but soou left for Sxu Fran- 
olaco, when he won aeveral flgbta aa an amatenr, 
and dnally eonclnded to enter Iho profttaiunal 
arena. Uo then wool to Auatralbt, wDore bo did 
more or luaa boxing. InBydney he gained qniio 
a ropoiatlon u a knooker oni. Do remained In 
Anattalia abont Ovo yean, and, reiorniog to Bu 
Fmnolico wiiha lilg repulallon aa a pugillat, be 
laaoeda ohalienge to Ogat any heavy viclglit 00 tbe 
coaaL Amoog toote who accepted bu cliailcove 
waa 'Tho Terrible Swede." niordan toocked out 
bit antagonltt lo alx ruuods. 

In issa be became Iheapntring partner or Jobn 
(,. Bnlllvan, and, while oo the tonr with Uio e.x- 
chomplun, ue (ought "Denver td." Minlth boron 
theUuiruinb.of iTenver. Rlordan waa beaieil In 
hit Ight, and returned to 'Friaco to become tho 
aparnng partner or refer Jacksoo, and, when 
I'eter went over to Kngland, Itlordan accompanied 
him. In Kngland he was whipped by "Jack" 
Blatln. Aiiertblahe waa oealen ny "Val" Flood 
berora Hie Now Jersey Amusement Company, of 
Newark. IHordaoilien branobedoat u a itaioer 
of flgbtore. Two wcoka ago Flmlnuions oiRrod 
him Ihe poelllon of aoarrlng partner. Uo waa en- 
tbualHllo over Fliaslinmont' ability u a dghier. 


MeAallir* laJnrKs Ilia Left lla nil and (lio 
Bout Ueelaircil a Ura^v. 

The light wclghiehamplonttalp o( .Vmerica la still 
In abeyance. Jack Mcvullife, tho premier light 
weight, met Owen '/.legler, d rblladolpbia, Hon- 
day night, Nov. i>. In the AHantlcAibletIc Club's 
lieadi|carton at Ooney liland, N. V„ and, un- 
(oilunalcly for Ihe ohawplon, when thinga ap- 
peared to be In his favor, he Injured bis left hand 
by a blow Ibat be landed 00 Zleglcr's bead, causing 
the contrti to be atnpped at the ond o( tbo third 
round by Heleroe Ueknardi, who afterwarda gave 
a decialon ot a draw. While no defeat wai taoked 
ontohla RCOtd McAulKfe found Inttaee.T-amatour 
boier /.legler a man who lo the eatlmailon of 
many puraona will In ilnie make a atroiig 
bid for the obtuiplonahip honora. At ica<it 
three tauudrod I'hiladelphlana swelled tbe 
crowd by thoir proionce, having made tho 
Journey tnni the (loakcr Cl<y to ew iheir (elloir- 
towsameii, Zitgler and McUildc, pci form wlih the 
mlilooa, and uuit o( thtui returned to 1 neir homta 
after tho Oght wellKtihOcil with iheahowiug mailo 
by the (oriiier. Inaporior UcKcivoy ocouplcd his 
uanal seatat Ihonugnlde, nuked by acapinio and 
aevcial pair.<lmen. Uororo the ilrat pair or buxers 
wore Inlioduoed ho weighed the glevea and pissed 
thtin to tM anuounoeraa "up lo wtiglil." A band 
of luuslo enlivened the proceedings before the tiaii , 
and tne speoutora Joined In with bamla and (cct In 
an attempt to work oH tbe chilly feviiiig cauaed by 
the dralta Ibat circled through Hie building. 

There wen two prellmlDaiy booia beiore the 
chief attnuiilon vt tbo ereuing came oir. Billy 
Murphy and Jerry Barnott made a draw of their 
coQioat. Johnny Gorman defeated ISildy UcDrlde. 
tbo re(erco atopping a knocioui. a big oxwd was 
not looked tor, tiui Ihe altcndaoco waa much larter 
I bat that e( the drat ahow glveu l>; ilila club. Too 
Ural bout was between Jerry Baroelt, o( New York, 
and IHUy Hurnhy, o( Austnlla. 1 1 waa annouoceit 
that they tvonld apar too rouoda. bu ll o( the liiile 
(cllows appeared to hare trained raitbluliv, end 
looked well. Murphy was much laller than bis up- 
lunent, and bad a decided sdvaotagu In reacu, 
Alter a moment o( cauHout apsmng Uurphy led 
laLdmg bard on the body. Oe uled (ortbuaauo 
tpottgaln, but misted, and reoelvcil a allnging led 
bander on tho Jaw. Bamett landed again wiib 
bla lert on Ihe aame point a moment laier, 
which siaggeicd Lla opponent. TUe aecood and 
third ronnila were very eien. Each landed bard 
lert handen on three uroaalout, but twth 
wcro very wild al Hmaa and loot many gcoj 
chaoota to land Idling blown. Uaineit bad tho 
boiler ot tbo fourth mund. lie wiu more ai«ret- 
tlvr tbao bla opponent, aod landed aevural left and 
right handen on Ibe liodyaurt fare* Toward Ihe 
cndot the round tney mixed up, eauh alugglog tho 
other hard, with honoii allgblly lo (avorol Uaineit. 
In Ihe fltui round Unrphy almost pat bla tnao to 
alcap. The Auairellan piaytd conilonaliy (or the 
body, and landed men (reqnc;iily. After two mlu 
uica ot aghHng, Uorphy again (einled (or tbe twdy, 
and Uarnett lowerea bla handa, then, quick at a 
dub, Uurphy unded a hot oi^eon u.ituoti°a Jaw, 
knoctlng blD down. Jeny got up afer conaid- 
erable exertion, Inadatrdconditlon. Morpay was 
about to Unlab hini, when the police ordrred the 
Hiaekeeper to termlnaio the ronod theo and tbere. 
Baroelt waa worked Into pretty good shape during 
the ulnoteli ml, and he niua|(il to keep oul 01 

Tiu UaoAdlan Urickut Asaoolailon wan to have 
bold a ineolliig Nov. 1:1 iil Toroiiio, uii'.. In regard 
toiheooutemiiUteilvinltnt a ruim-aentailve team 
of U tnadian ainaioura 10 i: iKland next aeaaon. On 
acoonniotihe waulof a i|Uurniu no bnaioeea was 
transtoled aud lbs inoeling waa adjourned to Deo. 
:i, when a llnal decision nlil bo gl vun lu ilie manor, 
'mcommniee.cunslsiliig or J. K. II ill, 11. i). l,;on 
and II. IV.Saunilote.appiilnled 10 Interview 0 U.S. 
l.lnilaey at to tno ailvlaiiulllty of a vlill of a Ca- 
iiadlan teatii tu Kuglaod, It la undeniood. will ruu- 
ommoud that tbe vTalt bo po^itiionod until ISOO. and 
tbo aououuoemont of tlio vlali will aurvc aa an lu- 
itenilve lo Uaiiadlan amateurs next aeaaon to cam 
a place on tho teiiui. 

Tim i'iKOT"aniokor"of tbo Crioketera' Chih was 
uld H ituni ly eronlag Nov. II. al lis hoad<inarten, 
lUJ WaalTtroirHi Sireot. tbis olty, iind proved to bo 
itn enjofablo and urgely atioudod to union ot Hie 
Lirtokutiug (ratorniiy ut the moiropolliaii dialrlot. 
Itutiles for the cnnteiopl*lod wlilst, cbess and crllf 
twge tournamrutai uloawl on tiiat dat-j, and theao 
Indoor events promlae to ha oloaoiy ouuliaied aud 
dounileai will prove aiiracUvofoalnrca A aniall 
enlranoe fee I1 charged for eaoli contoaiant In aald 
ieijynamenla, which will be devoted to the pirchaso 
or ttl table piltes. 

TV! Fslcrson (N. J ) Club's Itrtt eleven played 
roariven games last neaaoii, uvo of wbicb wcro won, 
alx loit and tbrce draiYu, Tlio toaiii aaa weak In 
liatiing, \t, Unnoo nuklni Ural ivitb I'jo runs In 
roortoen Innlnia. J. Weai led lo bowling, with tne 
oxoalleot record ot capturing '-■ irickeia at a ooat 
o( only 6 7.1 runa cacn. \\\hk nlao bad tho best 
howling average In obHiiiplouiblp couteaia. The 
I'ateraon eleven hail tbo credit of belug the only 
team In tho Meirupuiitiin liliirl:t l.tuguo to defeat 
the New J«raey Atbloilc clab'a eleven lan aeaaoo, 
wniih they did In Ibe concludlug chaiipluneblp 

(i. S. LouuiN, tho once great togllali boirler, Is 
thi reeldent of a very small vliiago In iho Ilex 
Huimtolna, Buutb Afilca, where be wool to get 
i:ured oi cootiioipttun. Uo la conildi-nl of getling 
wed In t yanr. Uabooiie, lariio aii.l luwcrrnl, Inteat 
rnla wild, deaolate, uhiuutaiuoiie country, and 1,0b- 
uiaun aai» thai lilo there la very dnron'ol to what 
It wu (iir blm at tbo Ut al, Loudon. 

Till Blaten Island I'rlckcl Club's drat eleven 
Dialed twenty gamea lu all lail toiaon, o( which 
Steven wen won, aoieu lost aod i«o drsnu- A. K. 
falierion led lu UitHiigViHi a record o( :>lt runa 
in nineteen luulugii. J. II. I.iuilikin being a good 
aeoood wliu 'A>J runt lu eleven Innlova. Wrighi, 
Ihe p,-oreBtlobalo( tne club, ranked Oral lu bowline, 
«iui a record ul v: wickcii, at on average ot u.;j 

I.H rat lul natoli between Surrevaml l.aiica- 
ahire, at the Oval, London, Kng , lllrliaidaiin, by 
hti very fui bowllug, left a urniao on everr ouo of 
the lAnowhIre batsiueo, allbougli thn wkket wu 
(alrty aud. Bilggi got brulai^d tour ilnifa, ooce be- 
ing hit on tba Kit by a"liilHnlng dclltery" that 
roe* to the occulon. 

LvoKS, ot the Aua'mlhin team, la li iiting In bet- 
ter form Ibis lear than over, and It oven lilllieg 
barder. Qeorgt Orlillo laalio in good iilo, mak- 
ing il runs (or his new love, the AdeUlde Ciub, on 
Bepu 1. 

A Ttin ot Phltadelpbla ainMeure may visit Kog- 
Jand texiaoaaon, the Itip eooteoiplated thIa teaseii 
btting bono postponed. The biteei tdvicot, how- 
ever, aute that tbe visit to Kogland It itlll prob- 

Ibe way of Mnrphy't vlelons twings. From that 
oot the Dghilng wu light, and, alttongh Hnrphy 
had the best of the dlltcrent rounds, It wu OnaUy 
decided a draw. 

Tne next pair were Johnny Uoman, ot U>ng 
laland City, aod Faddy McBilde, or Fhlltdalphll. 
Both men were loudly applauded when th*y appear- 
ed In Hi* ring. Each tipped the soal* at l» pounds, 
and looked to be In peiieet condition. They were 
schednlcd to flght ten rounds. I'he mlnott lime 
wu called UctrUe led with hit left, landing 
llghily on Ihe > udy. H<« then tnid tor the race 
hut mlaaed, and Oorman landed heavily on the 
Fhiladelpmsn'a Jaw, staggeilng blm.' (Mitman 
Uled to follow up bla advantage, bnt McBilde 
checked him with a hot right bander in tho race. 
In Ihe aecond roond the flgnt wu dcrce, both men 
landing frequently. Toward tho close of the 
round Oorman knocked hit man all around Hie 
nng. HcBrlde wu very weak tvbeo he ntorncd 
to hit corner, lie wu atill weak at ue call of time 
for the third round while Oormao appeared 
fresh and bright. McRrldo only go: In use or 
two good blowa, while Gorman landed aeveial 
tetrlOc right handed blows, one reaching McOrlde'a 
damaged cheek. The round ended in GormaD'a 
(avor,hoODlpolDilogthe Pnilidelphlao three 10 one. 
Oorman went in to dnlahbii man In tae flftbrennd. 
He atarltd oir uy sniuhlng Mao hard on the note 
Willi hlaleft,dnwln( blood. Ue qolekly followed 
thia wiiha righthander on Ibe Jaw that bionght his 
opponent to bis knees. Mcliilde took his poolsh- 
meni gamely, bnt Oormao simply made a cbopplog 
block ot blm. The referee, seeint that Mcllrlde wu 
gradnally being thumped Intoait tie ot cobapte, and 
wlnbing to avuid a kuockont, slopped tbe congest 
and deoiared Oorman Ihe winner. Time of the 
round, rortj-llveaeconda. 

Then cnme tbe s:ar event of the evening, the ten 
round twut at ooe huodred and thliiy-Ovoponnda 
betwren Jack UcVnliifo and uweo /legler. Mc- 
Aollira's aecooda were Coo HoAoUire, hli brother, 
aod Jlmmlo Nelaon, bla old aparrlog partner, aud 
Jack Gtaceban, who helped 10 lit blm for the con- 
tesL /.legler wu attended by Onntloy White, ot 
New York, end Tom Kenoedy, o( rinladeUihli. 

Hound 1. HoAollge leaped, rather Uiao walked, 
out o( hia coroer. be baa 00 paoncb this Umo like 
ho had when he reel UrlKi; his skin wu c ear and 
hIa eyes were bright 'i!legler,as be alwaya doea. 
looked in perfect condition. MoAulld'e feinted tor 
tbe body and then came round with his right, but 
he wu ligbt, but eupplenienied this with a drive on 
me aioraach, while hia opponent Just mliaed a 
vU-loua right band dilve at tho face. HoAnliffe 
tiien Unded a scorcher ivlih his left on the face, and 
tliotUy srierwaida lanced both right and lefton 
the body, '/legler counteied on the shoulder. Jack 
aeut In auoiiier straight loft, and Just before the 
gong aouodcd '/legler caoght lbs light weight 
caainplon on the neck with bla left 

2. /legler led with his left much lo his sorrow, 
tor McUliiTo planted a nillor en bis body, and 
aronaedtho crowd by a boautltnl left bander on 
tbo ribs and a acorebcr on tbe face with hIa tight, 
/legler mndo a plucky attempt to ntallale, and 
flnaliydld aucceed In BmumnRMcAnllire on Iho 
neck with bie left and on Hie ohin with bit right, 
McAnllife then got in some hot ones on the ribs 
when toe gong eoundcd. 

3. HcAiiliile caught hit man three Umeo snccet- 
>lvely In Iho face and dnally toahed blm all over 
Uio ring, /legler rallied wonderfullr and tmathed 
HcAiillife wlib Ills leit under the chin. This np- 
peared to knock all tbe steam outot tbe champion, 
and then It wu /legler'a turn, who Immediately 
commenced to make a chopping blockot UcAulliTe. 
The latter wu all but out wnen the police Inter- 
fered, and, amid deafening applause, both men 
wero astuted in an e.tbansted condition out ot the 
ring. Tne bout wu declared 0 dtuw, the crowd In 
the meaowhilo yelling tor /legler. 

UcAullffe, nt Ihe eloto of tbe battle, atserled Ibat 
his lert band bsd been broken u a ivsnlt ot coming 
III contact with /legler'a elbow. Uo admits, how. 
ever, that Ue swung wlili his left several times atier 
the "(raclurc" happened- UcAnlilTo probably did 
hurt bli arm on /legler's hard anatomy, but It It 
eoid that It will rriinire a strong ceitlOcaie (rom a 
reputable pnyalclao lo convince tbe doubtere that 
a uone wna broken. 

Two KiioekOntaat llieKvei'greeaa'Blag 

At the Brergroen AthloUo Ciub'a lueeUng at 
Rldgewood, L. I., Nov. 13, a big crowd witnessed 
some sharp glove Oghtt. Jack Oreely, ot Brooklyn, 
and Jimmy McDniTr, o( New York, wore the Bnt 
pair to meet Tney fought at lltlb. Onely bad 
Hio ndvanuige at the atart, hot UoUody «u 
gamo aud tnught well unill the seveoth round, 
when be landed a knock out blow on Oreely. Iiilly 
llnot, of Itookaway. and BlUy May, ot Uorell IIIII, 
appealed oext lo u teo roond boot. Unnt started 
oir wlib a rush and slugged savagely (or two 
rounds. A(ter tbat Hay had the best ot it and 
dnally knocked ont Hunt with a stunning rlghi- 
hsnder lu the nfth round. The dual contest waa 
between Hugh Daniels, o( New York, and Blliy 
Oallagber, o( Brooklyn, who (ooght al U(lb 
The men (ought so hard for ten rounds and u 
ncltherone had any advantage tben and u tioih 
were badly used op Ihe referee decided It t draw. 

A SKix g'.ove Oght occomd ihortly after mid- 
Dliht, Nov. 11, lo a resort near Clllton, N. J , 
between Fred (I'.orta, an Hallan, tud Kid lie- 
gan, of I'alorenn. Tbo match was tor }2:0 a plile 
anil a side hot ot iion. Uogan weighed ll(.li., 
and the luillin wu ten pounds lighter. In ue 
eleventh roond. when Uogan could n jt laod a blow, 

J. W. OmruiLi., formerly of Canpbelland Demp- 
sey, wlio travrled together tor some yean glvlog 
boxing exhiblllont, callcil at tbit eillce on Nov. 20. 
He had Juai returned from a two yean' extended 
tour of Borupe. While abioad Mr, Uampbell wu 
onltcd In marrbige. Ue Inlenda reluming to Ban 
FranciKO, CaL 

Uahtih Uowiisn, tbe backer or nilly rilmmer, 
baa potted tiM with Thr fmia nairlln, 10 bind a 
ma'ub botween Ullly I'limmer and oeorgo Cnrdotd 
tongbt at toren aione twelve peiioda totf.VK a 
aide and Ibo largeat pnrae olered by any club. 

Y'ot'sii McOiRK, ot Fhlladelphla, and Joe lIcClos' 
key, of I'liisburg, two middle weight pnglliata, 
(ought to a Oolsh Ina bnmnear B.ililaiore,Hd ,ior 
{.■^o, the former winning the bout In tweire Oerce 

a(fer their Intereats. The InckwUl be (ooiteenlaH 
lo the mile, banked and bnMttou to be perfectly 
tare. Entrtnc* (n o( lu must accompany each 
entry, which (e« will b* rctnned to all riden wbo 
cover eight hnndied mUes dntlog the tlx dayg. 

Tut Tona ror offloen ot the Fenotylvanla Dlvl- 
tlonorthaL A. W, wu conpnud by the Eieelloi 
Commute* tt Beitnton, Fa, V-y. 17. Tb« vota wu 
received by mall and the reanll Corwetdtd to Pblto- 
delphla, where It will be announced by Vhler Con- 
sul Bamnel A. Boyle, who wu not opposed tor re- 
election. The only opposition wu for Flee ConanL 
The candldaiet wen Thomu J. Keenan Jr. and J. 
W. UcOowln, both ot Flttahorg. It was an exceed- 
logly InieiTSllog Oght, aod it it aiaicd that Keenan 
has won It by a comfonable margin. 

AMKO the notables whoarilred in tbls city by the 
American liner New York, on Nov. 17, were sevenl 
foreign blcydo rlden wbo ate booked ror the loler- 
ntilonal tournament, which ttk<s place In Madi- 
son Sqnsre Garden dulog toe week beglnslng 
Nov, M. Tbe Invading team Inclndet Ldgl Co- 
lombo, champion of ltaly;A. U. Edwaidt, champion 
ot England; Alexander Verheyen, ohamplon ot 
Oermany; Adrleo Uoeny, ehamploo ot Franc«,and 
Loclan I.etna, champion of Hwluerlond. 


Vlr0lnla Jacke>' Olab* 
Not. U.~rint raca— Font fUL rtUlBg. four aod a 
bair rarloogc-Rodman B . lu), R DoiMti 10 to 1, woo: 
NioaTtb. iia, arimn,s to 1, MOODd; HUM MorrUon UJj, 

lt0.a]mi,ft to 1. third. Time, OK^f BaCADd raca— 

BellUif, porta 9309, m iDrlooga-ladrK 104 R Doftact. 
%a to 1, won ; loia, ItiT. Himt, 11 to L wcood ; Uitla utt, 

1(H, Lamlr. 6 to I. tblrd Tina,!:!? Tbird nea- 

Faraa »3LiO. tic aod a ball rarioDKa-tlalllae, 117, flima, 3 
to 0, woo: Jack of Bpadaa, 117. Urlfflo. 7 to 6, Meond: 

Cbaitur, lQB.Hatii«ktr. UOUtI, tblrd. Tlma,l:t)M * 

Koarth laeo-Balllot. punaSA m roriooiia-Klla Jlaad, 
lUI, Lamlr, artamoBfr* vod; Jack tbo Jav, in, Bargan. 
10 tu I, BKOBd; Bomploa OIrL M. EmTo, 7 lo 1. tbirt. 

Time. l:lb,'4 riitfa raea-BaUiDB.|rQraa VXD, Araaod 

a ball rurluusa—Rop) right, 107, Ntoar, 6 aoo S to b woo; 
Biackbawb, n, X*ml7, 6 to 1, ateood: Baodowaa, IIP, 

>lidsiv.3 10 1 aod aT-D. tbitil. TlnailiC^^' with 

nc*--iHUloii. puraa 1300^ ooa nlla aod a tKiaaoili- 
LliUeTom. 91 Keaia, 7 to 0. woo; Uaialiall. liu, Ho*ila- 
kor. 6 to ft. Mcood: flaoatr, 9k Ftno. la to I, tblrd. 

Nor. 14- I'lnt rmca-SaUlar, porta^ UOO, foor aod a 
hair larloDO-UlRb Polot Baua, U». OrTOUi, 7 to lO. 0r»t; 
rboibui, 110,1*000, 10 to B.moodU: Mldaur, i(H, Doc- 
Sott,ft to 1. third. Tlfoo. OMK ttacond raea-8«i1. 

Dg. porta $101^ foor and a balf larloQita— HarrK 107, 
0rillls,4 tn&. Dnt: Pouch oolt, JCB. DogattttlBlo l.*«o. 
oDd; KdoaBa7,i(KkE.Triba,l to I. Ih Frt. Time Q:ft7. 

Thini r«ce-b«|.lDff, patH $3D0i Ato rurlooga— 

Uirltl. ICd, FtOD. 9 to 1, Drat: UoEaa, 103, QrlQlD, 7 lo «, 
atcoDd; lola, IVt, D»gg«u, ] to 1, tbiiO. Tioia, J0K 

I'oortb raca-SeliiDg, pun* laiOL tli ftirloaga— 

Lootbrook, 110, Doggati. li to I. Brtl: Loooardo, 89, 
aritAo.etoS.aoconr; Will Elliott, M R,Trlba.4 toll 

iblrj. Iloia, Filth raca-lliodleap, paraa 

tXX 006 mtlB— Lo MonU, 109, Katfa, A to i, Ont; ElU 
H««d, lot, LaiDly, 3 to 1, aecood ; KioiDa, 97. 0. Corrliao, 

10 to 1, third. Time. 1:«X di'ib raco-Htinog, 

porMBtX), one mlla-Ed. Kumtv, US Sloit, 9 to lui 

dmi; Uia Diila. M. " ' — • -■— — 

Skiduora, It-iariillD, 


Ulcyclo ItoafI llcconia Aecepteil, 

Chalriuan II r. Walden, or Ihe Ibo Record Com' 
mitteo or the Contnty Uoad Clob or America, baa 
accepted tho following toad records: 

TVii Mir-f.— L. O. Wahl, tVailuugtoD. Time, Om. tQf. 
R.eonl tdr Ol^irlet Columbia. 

rttn!fs't*ti B.HU.—A. (i. Ilanllop, RL I.oulii. Tlaie, 3li. 
Zlto. Da Hotii courie rtcuio. 

un mlu* — T. L Ulnl, Uiaoeiota. Tints. Sin. iJx 
MlDnemiaHlal* raconl. 

IVvnly^il 'i.— L.O. WabL WaihlDgtOD. Time, Ib.Zii). 
It. IlKoiillor biitrictOi'lumbla 

rK'.AiiHilrra iiil.'n.— W. L. Btaioal. Time, 16b. torn. 
3i.. aoiaiiesa recoid, 

i'trt'tn atlh* —A. Le .teal, rblladtlpbla. Time, arm. 29a. 
renn»rlT«iiiH Hial* rccoia, 

f\fltfn nirfi.— Kal Kutlir, Boabin. TIma, tin. 2t>i'c 
MaieaebuianaSiata itcorO. 

Jons S. Joux>oN tnd Ihe Sicami team of 'crcllais 
broke tour records Nor. i: at iKiulavllle, Ky., In 
tbe nretenceot a good crowd al the opening per- 
formanro"nthe new Fooiitaln Fcrtr ran, ot mat 
city. Tne tnck Is a perfect t bird ol a mile. The 
recoMsmadeweretwomlKa, JO. It.; three mlira, 
a:n. iij.; four miles, 8m. ovo miles, lum. 

K'in, johntoo was paced the llrti mile by the 
uiudroplei, riddeo by 0. II. Oallaboo, P. 0. Connor, 
A. I.otvy and w. A. Kboadee. The mile was made 
InJokl I lis. Tbe pacemaker the second mile mt 
Ibo triplet, tbe riders being Uharles Hnrphy, A. D. 
Kennedy and I.. A. Callahan. Uo the tblrd mile he 
was paced by K. U. Audetsoo and Il-Steveaon.on 
tue tandem. Tne "qtud" paced him the next mile, 
and the last waa |iaced by Ihe alar tandem, Fnnk 
Hayo and William Saodcra. L.A.W. mlea were 
oliaened In every mprct At no time did the 
riders leave Ibe puie. A siioog wind wu blowing 
on the home stitlch, bnt Johnson ilnlahed In good 

A 9i.\ uav proretalonal urety bicycle race will be 
held Ml liidnitilal Hall, at miladelpbla. Pa., begin- 
ning l>cc. IT, and ending on Ibo -'. Many ot tbe 
liesi profcuienal rlden ate e.tpecled to take part 
lu tbo lace, livery competitor entering Ue race 
will havo to ride at leaii eight hundred mllaa to 
aaro bis entrance fee. Alter ihe setnal expenies 
for pieparing for and running the race have been 
deducted, the remainder will bo oevided Into three 
equal parts, one of wbic J aball go to management, 
and two lo aucb men aa ahall have rlodcn at Icaai 
l,lou milet during the 141 honta of the race. Ti t 
ridoia'ahareehalVbe.dlvldedaa tollowa:Totbewln. 
ner, ony per renL bee ond tloer, twenty per cent, 
Tblrd iider, nfteen per cent Fourth rider, ton per 
cent, Fitih ilder, nve per cent. The ndcra win 
btve the right to tppoUit t ntireientaUvt to Wok 

Dials, n. K. l>.^fl«tt.''t to (.awoodrtom 
- r«. lt-3, arilllD, II to 0, thin. Time. 1 HVi, 
Nov. IS.— Pint nc*— Puna tin), hall mlla-KlnaTah, 
lOJ (IrlOln, ISto t. Ten: Boaaia. III). II. Bn«n,llla I, 
aaeoDd: EllM alonlaoo nilr, lie, Sioa. 8 lo a, third. 

Time, OM BaODDd raca-Poraa gaoo, all rarloata— 

Dflnargllla, III, Dogseil-Slo 1, w»o; Jaelr of Sraoaa. 
112. Unino. I to 2, iseood; Uarriogton. a to I, 

■bird. Ttriia.t;lf Tblrd nee-Uelliog.pune gainata 

aDdabalrfaroDg*-Paaaaf.l07,E Trie-, V to 1, won: 
Flirt, Kff, Blue, 1 to a. aaoond: Hoboala, ItB, Oogaan, S to 

i, Udnl. Tlm^ 1:IIK reonh raot-MblsV paraa, 

taxi, dra aod a bair furlonia-Flaali. lot, Laafey, IS to 

.,1111.1 1 W . WWU. VVllJC,,y,, IIVL J IQ 

Nero, lOr, CoUralU n u> I. Ultd. Time, isnt- -' ^'-Suili 
raea-HalllDa, poiae ^tA one mlle-Uauukac, U, gaelh 
Stol.trat; Mclaut*. lot. slmaa u I, aocoad: rlaoiy, 
loiarlino.OloS. tbiid. Tina,l:<r. 

Nor. le-rinl nee-ltelllog, pnrM gBO. U1I mll^- 
lllBh rolQt DaUa, 108, Orlnia.7 to I. woo ; Doggatl, ICB, 
DOKa« t. D 10 2, aecand ; faneh, na. Bargao, la to A. third. 

Time, Saeond rm(a-Pon« $xUl ala forloBta— 

LIIU, Bllir. in. SIma, II to D, tod U:d Il«olnloo.l09. 
Uaa>eli,9iol,daailhaat; Waiubaalar, lit. HiOilty, li 
tol, Iblrd. Tiioa.l:ie. Koa olT woo br Old Domlaloo 

Time. 1:U?; Tblrd rac«.a«Ulog.pDiae tno. ooanlla 

—Ell. Kaaraey. lll.Simi. 1 tea, von; charter. M, Lanlr, 
so to I, aacoDd. Connora. im, Beraeo, ao to 1, (blnl. Tlma, 

1:12 Foarlh raca-Belllog, parse, tU(l, 'liie'rdTioon 

Wembers, 106, Orlino, 7 to ID, mn: Loosbiook, lA, 
ojiail.7 to l.aacoad; Frinc* Jebn, tti. Itacey. a to 1, 

ibltil. Tlm^ \stx FilUi noa-FurMttuiliafur- 

loDsa-ullr OamoioB, IfO, Urifflo, II to fi, voo ; OwlaL lis. 
feno. 11 10 S, aocoad : HodaToeco. lui, Ea«ra. la to I, third. 

Time. IMa fiiitb raca-fieulDa, puna 1290. 00, mile 

— Marahall, ItO, Baedakar, 7 lo ft. wvd, Laooanlo, 101 
Lamiy. B to I, aaeond ; LlttleTom. 1(S. QrlOlo, I to 1, Uilrd. 

Nor. 17.— flr'tttoa-Balllog, pone 1210 ball a mlla- 
DralOQod, 110. SIma, 3 to I, aon; 2ld,y, 113. Bertao. B to 
6.MconO; TnMan, lut,Naeav, 12 10 1, third. Edna tfay 

waa leu at Ihe post Tima,0:aej^ KMoad nca-Satl. 

low, puraa alx rorloaaa— ijarknaaa, lOL Oriino. T 
to a. woo ; aleoMmo. loj, raoo, U to I. aaeoaa: Poijdoia, 

10\Blae,lt tol, third. Tlm^ l:ICK Third raca- 

BailloB. poraagOOt mllaaoil aalcbio— Sontaod Daoca. 
Itfl. onfflo, 1 to 7. woo; Mlu Diilo. 99. Kaera, j to I, 
aaeono; H.aa Mcboir. 91. T. rowar\ third. Tlme,l:ia>i. 

rourUi race-aoUlog, puraa tlSO, balrmlla-llaiirlDa 

colt. ItC Blaka,ll to 10. won: reaUt a], 100. 1'aon, i to L 
■ecood; Iroal«at.bllng.luS.BDrrail,40toLlhlnl Tlma, 
o:6i), ...riiui raca-PaTs«|lao,oBenlle-OorJack, lu\ 

HCboTallar, tJilnt. Tloa, 1:41K Tblrd nco-FiVa 

* ,101, r " - 


_ ia.l»rii 

ralla-rolaikl. lO, B. Iton. i to 8, woo: Tba lltiuKl,9i, 

aad a balf ftarloogi-CUcqucr, Idi, W riioo. S to L won: 
Jao UottAD, 99, B I•om.Ato^tacond;LalILts.D iaflrT. 
Aiol,lbira. TimOilOTU Prmrtb ra£a-BaUlDr. ooa 

<Hutmt«^ av<, r. vMa m tmt •.wuaa,B,a laiwataiu, av, UVU* 

rtclM,aTtii. itcoDd; Bridal Veil, W K. 1ioid,II lo i. third. 

Tlma, t:llM baeood race— SaUlor, Ato rorloDgt- 

Tftrtarlao, iM, V. y\jDa, i to 9, vod: Bemalr, I'lXR. 

aimia«,7 lo 3 woo; Attlgoea, HS, Biobardaoo, UD to I, 
ttcoDd. Laur VlolataJio tiartad, batUntUa waaihmwn 
OD the turo. Tbamanrmo tiroaada boif mlleabeloia 
the waa ttopi>ed. UrlDa waa not mncb bott Tima, 

I :ii5i Siith rt'e-Salllog, parto tttO, raroo rarlooia 

— rnoea Usorga, IIA. moimi, l to U. woa; Void 107, 
Dltk». a to I, eaeood; ttpeooUtloD, UO, Unadacktr, 8 
10 I, third, Timo,lHD>i. « 

Mot. 19 -FtrA rMe-?drta$13}.tlirarloa8a-<lillatlo. 
110.«l(D«i,8 to I. woo: Black Utwk, I0I,>oob.4 toT. 
focnod; Saoalor v'ait, 108, Kacer. w to i, tbiid. Tuna, 

IMI.V sacoDdrmce-l'or•afUO.■iIrorloo>•-UeKo^ 

lUlurlilto.ato3. woa; Doigait, KQ.DoggatL A (ol,aeo- 
fud; LoB«Dgala,101,kMra 13 to 1, third. Tlma. 1: Id. 

Tblrd raco-Ooauiila aod a (urtoog— UanhuLlOl 

U-uir, A to a. «ooj Mlia Dliiv, 119, iCeato. 3 to 1. aacood ; 
Htar Aouaia, lb), B. Uoggatr, n to 1, iblrd. Tluir, 1 -MX 

Fourth r«ce-rur*a IflOLloar Inrloota— JoroLSS, 

Macer 6tol,«iiD; Bcnafaoior, UJj, c«ilibB,3 to I. •t^ 

ODd: ilaraego, 90, RtaTe, 8 to 1. tLird. Time. 0:^ 

Pllib iKa-birM taifl. Ave furloon-McIatri^ lOJ, 
Lamlf.AtoZ.woo; WIIIBmotL ID E. Tilba, 7 toS too- 

oaA: lolK,li9. Do^eait.z lo l.lblrd Tina, 1:01V 

diKihrAce-PutaogmoDamlla— Oar Jaok, IQL Ltmlr, 
Aiolvon: aftlillfto lOL Simna, 7 to 10, aacoDd; K1. 
Kairoar, liU, tirimo. 3 to I. thinj, Tlma, 1:U 

llacJng Im Koutnck>** 
The KhU nee meeUDgof tUe Kentacky lUclog 
Assovlallon commenced oq TueBdAj, Nor. 13, iq 
plMunt wcatDcr, and Id prcte&ce oc » good tt'.end* 
•uce. Toe eronts dtclded durlog Die wcekaio um* 
m»rlz«d below: 

Not. i:i-Kir«t rmcA-RalllDg, laTan furleoga-Oiaao* 
wieb, Hi7. Tliorpa. <K lo I, won; i^raraaia. W. H.WIl- 
|iamB,9H to 1- aaootid: Coot«it,«9, N. llorrla, M to I. 

H«ood raco-SlE larlooga-Col. 

Ireo, 109, Lvigb, 7 to A. won; Baoaroo, 1C9. u. Uruua,3 
(o l,t*ennd; I'oco Tafflpo.DJ, Giabtjo, 10 to I. tUlrd. 

Tlraa, l:Wl Tlilrd rtM-Pineen aliueatbi ol a 

□illo— ThaUomoiooer.SI, H. Hodaoo, I to 4, woo: Dare 
TaU, M, Thoipa 3H to i, Hcond: loierior, 103, Farbioa. 

90 to 1. ibtrd. TiDia. fourth nee-hra fnr 

IvDRa-Frea Adfiea, IM, Tborpi, 8 to 1, won; Duetor. 110, 
rarl(lDt.7to8,**oood; PIr Lola, 1(0. 0 (inhaiD.tOtol. 

iblid. Time, 10 H Filih raca-s«llloi. one nlle- 

^Jtllu^ 100, Hrooka. «ian, woo; Domloioo, RM. uiar* 
toQ,4 to I, Hcooii; I.tewalbu. 77, B. Ulareoa, 7 to 1, 
tbinl. Tima.l:4:i4. 

Not. ll.-Flr'i ra-a— Sli forlonfii-Wlllanl. 103, J. 
Dalr.U to 1, woo- l*rlooa ImpariaL lOB, Lettb,3 to 1, 
•acood; iaiteO., lUl, ParhlDa.4 to L tblrd. Tlma. 1:18. 

- B*eood T«oa-tfaTOo farloou-LtDdolotia, 109, A. 

UliytOD.S to 8. woo: Uimran; W. B. BIOTlajL II lo 1. 
amod; Ellao Doaglai*, MB. TboTpa,Oiol, third. Time. 

1:0* Third raoe-Foor and a half fiirioon~llal* 

lovaan, liV, A Clartoo, A to iwoa: Taoor, IQA rarkloa, 
7tnS^ieooDd: AmyT., tux J- to I, tblrd. Time, 

OM Fourth rac«-^Da mHo-Frobaaoo, 98, A, C]mj. 

too, 11 to 10. won: Tba, Dohohua, 3 lol. 
aaeond; PltUbarg, 101. Uraham, d to I, iblrd. Tlma! 

l:i\U PilUince— FlTaaodabijrrorloDga— Otaarlao. 

lOS, UiyioD. iioIwob; Cafflpaola, 100 rarhloi,B to l, 
aaeoDd; iMball, 101, Thorpe lltol. Iblrd. TIma.lKlBKi 

Trolling Matcliei. 

Ida two impoilaot trolllu natcbao tbal war* lo bava 
tahao plica on Not. ir, tt Hit Farbway Drlrlof Ctub'i 
track, at UraTaaeod, L. I , bttvacn Ur, WlUaU'a bay 
nIdlDB, DuDtaN, aod Thomu Morgao'a geldloc, Jobe, 
lor $u) a aide aad tba match betwaeo U. Uallaw'i 
bnwn gilding John V., aod Feur Clark** bar lUllloD, 
Mu Wagoar, for $100 a tide took place Not. 9, lo tbe 
pt«aaoc« ora fair >li-d onwd or ixotttag nao. 

Jehu wa^ loBUilad fiTorlla m iha oi»«biog avaot, and 
aUar ilio Ortt bttt he oarar left bit baokanlo donbi, aa 
ha won th« opeoiog heat aTlar a bnaf ilroggia lo ue 
■tiatcb, but iktrlr romptd avaj to the iwo followiog 
beat*. Ua waa admlrablj drlrea 1/ Tbcodor* Ailhur. 

The aecAod mauh alto wu a ooa aided affair, aa, attar 
Jobn V. waa allowed lo win iba nnt heuon BoBanDca, 
Mat WatDarwoD tbe three aabaa<inao', haaia and tbe 
nee with eaie. Tbe wlooerwaa bandied bj Theodora 
Arihnr. Tiuie: Pint heat. Jobs V., t:iOU: tecoodbaat. 
Bai Wagner. 3:10: third beat, Mti Wagnir,l:af: feutb 
hear, Max Wagoar. 3:y7>t. 

Hoih winoera are from iba tttble of Mr. X. P, Bogera, 
KiOR'a 1li|bwaT< Tben will ban BwaepetabaoeoTbanba> 
llTlDg l>Aj batweeo loiix well known Broeklra trettlag 

TBI UouiDgeihiblUon to bkTo been 
At Fleetwood TtfBhni been poiiponcU anUl Not. 
24 owlog latba coDdiiionsot ibe treck. AluLjoba 
H. GeDtiT. DLRcUy ud Fljlog Jib wui ftppeu*. 

TBB E.\CgLAIOB BTABlaB'A ttj taom BteOABdOBb, 

flre jenn old, bj Amnn-Banki. died ot Mood 
roiaoaiog on itie monlDg of Kot. 14, it WaaUBr 

lOD, D, Ci 

Calirornl* Jockey Clab. 

Nor, Ul— Pint race— 0ix tarhege-Kiotpace Dickir 
MOttd; Olan O, oolt, 107. Dncar.4 th I. tbiid. Tlm» 

•tM^ a. A --^-BeTM lorlonaajelllog-Obiraia! 

on; Bridal relLh B. iWl b'JTi 

■a lAm n w. puoo, dtSr, third: 

1 :IIH' • * . JleeoDd nee-BfreB farloni 
MD.C«oBba. I to 1, wi - ' - ~ ' 
. ipetbeUo' 

riM 1 JW.:.... Tblrd rr^n-Pire fariongi. mudxn^ 
LODO a aide— Cttqnar, ffi B- Xeom. 8 to a, woo: Bordar 
4Mla. 8B Cbenllsr, 4 to A, tecood Ttmi OMi 
Ponnbfiea ■Abeouli larlono^Ltdp'c 
Weber 8 to I woo: waJorHcUogb-lo. ill. R laon, ] u i 
aeoondjClrea, MCoomba, 4 Co I, third TimtTi W' 

Plfth nce-One mile. ■elilng-Poiaafel. 9i. ('bavalilTr 

9 10 1, woo : Happr Day. lU. H laom. A to A. aaooad : H atr 

B,09 Bllaj. A to I, tb'rd. Time. 1:40X Hiiih raeVI 

Ooemll^iitlat, 119 Rliom.4to A, woo: Ponooa. n 
Coofflba.A to I. tfcond; MooialTo, 104, 0. ^febar.a to i* 
third. Timfcl:ll.'4. '^.•»ioi. 
Not. 14.-Plrel race-About all furlooga, aalllsE-Em 

Rreaaol Norfolk, 101. 0 Weber. 4 to l.vuo; 
arTaax.tO U> I, tecood; bleadiut,{(8. Cbaraliar, lu loT 

third. Tine, 1 :13 Becooo race— Ahoatilx torlooiB..I 

FUnt,lC9.R loom 1 to ^ woo: Halo Diablo. 1(0, HUT ai 
to 1. aww&d; FllrtlUa. m W. PJtsd, 3 lo 1, iblr?. Tlma 

1:13U Third raoe-Plre lorlooia, aalliDg— Joa Coiioo' 

», B leoo). A io L woo ; N«ilee fo. ObaTaiier A to I, »fc* 
ond; Queen Bae,Oi. W. Plroo, lo to 1, third Time, 1:0)*; 

Fourth nc^Uoo nile aod a half, orer ali hurdiM 

— Lodowirk. 141 Loog, ai to 1, woo; Bataulo, 138, Btake- 
lar.kto 1. tecood: LvoiwelL 141, AHmark, aTio, third 
Time, r.HiC California record ottM broken. Uap&v 

Band fell on tlie third Junp Plftb race— eix Inrlf'Biia 

-HIr Blebard, 99i, B |mbi,4 to 1. won; Bomair, IDL Hid- 
rkb^ 9 'o la wood: llnoiaioao, 99, (^TollaraS lo l 
third! Time.l:13K. ".^iwi. 

Not. li.-pint tace-Balllnr, Are lorloogi— Vollie li 
1(0. Carr.aToo, woa: Imp. Vigor, 119, A. t;orlottDo,fl8 to' 
1. a>cond: Terra Nora. lUl, Jtckaon, UD to 1. iblrd 
Time. I unit. Ooi Buanm tbraw bla rider and nn awtr 

Mabel T. aiM raoawaT Becood race-Aboot ati lur- 

loogwjin Flood. AA, h [anm,4iaa woo; Mary McCany 
107. W. PlTDn,e to«>nd;CUmD,colLiiA O. Wat- 
er. 8 to Libitd- Time, 1:11 Third rtoa-^aemllA- 

Broa-lhead, 101, Carr. A to I won; Parcador, 109,(]ooinb«. 
10 to I, taeood; UllMd. ICB. Uharaller. 6 to A, thlpi 

TIm», l:ilV. ruorih rt«e-8laeplaebaae. ooe uti1« 

aed a bal*— Ouadalcupa, 141 Maddf d, 0 lo 1, wco; Eldo- 
rado, ISi.Banford, aran aaeond; Tbe Coon, lairairati 

JttoLtblrd, Time, 8:UM Pifili rMa-BallloK, tlx 

larlooge-Motor. 103. Ilooricba fA to I, won; Ja«k Blche- 
lien, liDLOarT.d to I, aeeond; Paiba, (00, 0. Waber. 8 to 
l.ihird? Time. l:H^g. « 

Not. 18— Plrai rana -Blr lorloAn-8t Eloo, 69, p. 
Jooea, 8 to L woo: LmTllle. fT, Biim«. 3 to 1, aeooad- 
RUialDlloOiO, B Iaoni,l8toA tblrd Time,l:UV... 
Bacond nce-8e1liOK ooe tnila— Rico, 9i. Hoorlcba. 7 to A 
•on; OUdiator, f(7.Buru, 10 lo 1. aecond; TwoCbeata,' 

CneraUerB to 1 aacood: Dochaiadar, 100, Plyna, 4 to 1. 

tblrd. Time, 1:41 Plltb raee-8i:«f\irlooga-0bljffa«. 

ll9.Ceonba,3tol,Ton:Oharuaiiie, BI.A. ltOB,C lo I, 
mond; Bear Ooaid, 10), O. Waber, 10 to 1, tblrd. Tlma, 

Not 17— Pirat race SaUlog. about aix forlooia—Jtck 
Ri^alies, 101, P.CatT 3 to I.wob: Bir Blobard.aA, Uao* 

laom, 9 to 1, aeeond; Broadhaid. 108^ P. t'arr, 8 to 1. 

ibtrd. Time. IrCDX Tblid race— Porte $1.10), the 

Belmont Atahat, ore turlooga— Lady Diamond, lis, 
CheTallar. 8 to I, woo; Pliioanla, Ui, P. Garr, tfeo. lec- 
or»4: MoUleB.Ub. UenrinuiLetol.tblrd. Time, im... 
Fourth rtoe-Pnrte tl ODD^ toe Bdrllngton Stake*. *>Dr- 
dl^-One mile and a tuiaenlh— Fk- Imora, UOl Airmirb, 
8 to A. won: Arganta. 198. Qilmore, 8 to 1. aecond; Vul- 
can, 191, OalDrarai,B to 1, third. Tlma. 1:81^ Fiah 

raoa— Uaodlcap, ooe mile aod a aixieeoih-tii^iar Matr, 
UOLCarr.etol, woo; Arilnii, 107, 0. Weber. 18 to I. tec- 
ood; Ha»p7 Dar.llO. H.Imo, Sio 1, third Tima. 1:«7JU. 

Not. Iti-PInt race-Six furlooga-^'onla colt, lOi, F. 
Rarr.3 to 1, woo; Wag, 104, A. CoTiogton, tt to A s«cood: 
BdiidF.irr, Burnt, 4 to 1. iblrd. Time. 1:18;^ Heeooil 
race—Selllog abont alx Inrloniv— Paaha, 100. Coombi, 8 
10 1. wno; Rmpreu of "Torfolk, 101, 0. Waber, 0 to I, ■et- 
ood:nockttrader.lOl, P.Carr,4toI,thlrd. Tine,l:ll,U> 
Third race-One mile, f alllog— Mtlor McLaugbUn.JU, h. 

ItouL 4 to Al won; Captain Rmb,N, N. Hill, 3 m ), j , 

Oakland, 113. C. Waber, 3 to l third. Tina, i:4D<4. 
Foorih raee-PlTO lorlonga--Llttak, 123. R. laom ,8 to a, 
won; FItFrol, 119, P. Carr, A to 1. aaeond; Bt. Cecillt 
BUT, 103 Benrlcha. 2) to 1, third. Time, 1:01. Filth 
raoe-R4lllog,ooe mlle-Braw Bcott, 101. P. Carr, 3 to I, 
woD;Mita BuokloF^Ta^ B. Jooea. n to i, tecood; Marts., 
9), K.Itou,13lo5.tblTd. Tlme,l:ii>{. 

Racei ot Alexftudor Iilantl. 

Kor. 19.— Plitt race-Fire furloogt-ColoniboPt 
HanloTa^dtoA, won; Pigot, 10e,MDrpor,4 to l.aeooLd; 

Ted Qegg, WA, Joboaoo,3 to l, ibltd. Time, IM 

Seeood nee— Six and a hair forloogi-Punk A. Barf, 
107. ManlOTe,3to A, won; Omnd Prli Kli,Marpbr,9 to 
e^iecood; Maak, lUJ. Claaa, 90 to 1. thiid. TinB.1:3i*;. 

Tblrd raoe— Flra fnrlonga— Lerlna, UX Coiblay, 

8 to A, won; Magnet. IIA, Bfsdar.A to 1, aecond; NIca, 

UE^Congdoo,Stol,thlnl. Tlma,l:a3A( a^orthraca 

— rou and a bair furloog^ Pi nance. ICO. Uun, 4 (o I, 
won; Jadg* Pott, lOli Jobnaon, 4 to 1. aecood; Imp. 

Bonea, 109. Mnrpliy.BtoA, third. Time.O:0«M Pi!ih 

nee-Hlx and a iioarter fnrlonga-Tloga, 98. Uam. 10 lo I, 
won: Format. 9l Manlora. A to 1, aacood; DairoiL 19, 
.. — tblrd. Time,! ::9Ji. 

- Jt race-FiTo lopooRt— Uno Omnde,lU, 

Poaur.eren, won; Do^ WIek, 117, uwier,6io i, aecond; 

" ir A'l. lU, Johoaoo, 10 to 1, third. Tine, 1:01 See- 

id nee— Fire lortooia-ltoaita. II7, Ham 3 to l,woo; 
BtlgiaTla,l(F7,Johoaon. B to ond: Tree Ton, 107. 

BelDel,99 to I. third. Time, la)l Tbtid rnce-Mil* 

aod ao aighib-Jaoc W;nn». 81, Uonlahan, Oto 10, woo; 
Ponced'iaejo, lid. JohDhoo, 7 lo v. '(-qoihI: Ataman, lli^ 

Hail. Ato 1 tblrd- Tlv* l.av;^ Foorth laoe— PiTe 

lirlongt— Veoutbnrg, luB. Uam,ltol, woo; non*eHoma, 
1 9.HorphT,7'oA.a*oood; Neadmoie. 117, Beoder Sfo 

l,tblid. Time, IfliM FliUince— 9l\ aodaquartar 

tnriooBt-Jeraej, nil. Ham. 4 to 1, wm; Dr, Jonnaoo, 
IIWK. JcbDaon.flto A.tfcood; Uarutoae, 104, Carter, A 
to [.third Tlma,l-30H. . . 

Nor. lA— Flrat noe-Pour and a baU Inrtonga-De- 
UolL 107 Morplir. 9 (o I. wen ; Hf uirl enlt, llOLTATlor. 
AtoI.<ieoond; MuerrtUX While, im lol, tbiid T1n^ 

0:W Second noe— Seren fttrlooga— Matk. 109. ClMf, 

7 lo 1. won : Bj Jora, 98, Maolore 3 to 1. tonond : Jim Mc- 

Laoghllo. 9i. MoifAi/, 3 to I. iblrd Time, l:3iK 

Third race— Fonr and a hall rnilooga—Cottack, 119, llaa, 
I to 2,won: Barwjn. luiTaykir. lO to •, r — ~ 

aemer, 97, Morplir, iO lo l. third. Time U.-eA}tf. 

Foorth race— Mile and an alghth-Dara 1>otII, 10) Oaa, 
8 to L woo: Prloee Riaroarh, 1 19, 11. LawIp, a to a tecood ; 

Max B. 108. CorbloT.S lol, third Time Um; Fli.h 

rac*-lilx aoo a hall farlooge-Ploo Water. lur. Paraona, 

■ ■•u a,* waiH V BaKB. a«,nrvav— a aaaaa Twama. av. M WVHm, 

7 to 6. woo; Jlnmle Jamaa. 101, Uam. 18 to I, aecood; 
Taeooa;. lOI.Marpbr.Utol, third. Tln«,l:S. 

Not. 18.— PiT«l raofr-Poar and a ball forbogt— Ted 
Qegg. Ill II. Lewit 8 10 1, woo ; Tbe Jnker. Mil. Ham, c 
to I, taeood; Fradencka, 108. Maolora, eTeo, thtnl. 

Tima,OM>i Seeood race— l)lx and aball inrlooga- 

Marketooe,llO,Car'er, 10 to 1. won; Jareer. lUl, Ham. 4 
to A, BACood; Haak, 137. Utare. 9 lo 1. third. Thoe, 1 :XSil> 

Tblrd raoe— Flra fbrlooga-Praob R. Uarr, ifn, 

MaotoTa,9toliWoo; l'.oaaack, 1 lA llan,9 iol0.iMond; 

Mainet UP. Tatlor, 10 to I, third. Time, l:Oi;s 

Poorlhnee—Uairamlla— Tree Top, S^Congdon.e to 8, 
won: LoTing Heart 107, Paoij, 10 to l, aeeond; Brleaeoo, 

107. Tailor, 8 10>lrd. Tlme,0:U PUtb nee-Six 

and a qaartor Inrfooga-drand Prix, n, Uam. 7 to A, woo ; 
Ploablog, 99, Murphr, 8 lo I. oecood : Pr. Johnioo. ItA, P, 
Mouermott,9tol. third. Time, l:lf'>t. 

Nor. )7.->int laee-UaU amlle-Bele, III. D. lawU, 
atoA.won;lm^ llonaa.111 ll4m.7to l,Mc«Dd: Flutl- 

len. ni,Bnma,IOtol. third. Timat OMfi Pacuod 

nce-Hli and aaaartarrorlooge-Br Jora, 104, Tajlor, 
lu lol, woo; MaUiaCbao, PO. Andrewa, 0 to i, tecood: 

Bomoraa,107, UanLBioS, tblid. Time,l:t9*^ Third 

raoe-Ooe inlle-Mlrage, 1(7, w. Morrln, A 10 I, woo; 
PlnMObleMBHuTdir, 9D lo 1. tecood; Atamao, IIU. 

Uam, BtoA third. Time.l:4S); Koortb moe-FIre 

turtooga— Sibeila, 81, Uoulaban. ID lol, woo; ramdao, 
lOA,Panona, 4tol, aaonnd: My (i/na, uam, 1C7, 3 tol, 

third. Time, 1:00k Klfih nce-Slxandaqaatterfor 

looga-Maggle Beok. 109, P. McDermott 7 to 1, woo; 
(lutitermaater, 109; raraeo, n to 1, leeood ; ilemai, 13. 
HurpbT.Atol, third. Tlma, 1:31, 

Not. 19 —Flrat raoe-blx and a naarter furlongs 
TeaaeiooA I1& Uam. 8 to A, won; laelBb,lu& OaaloTe.10 
ttl eecood; Ontario, iQA Murphr, 3 to l,th'rd, Tlmr. 

1:31X SrcoBd race— Fire lorlooga-Anatrlaoa geUl- 

log, if!t, P. McDarmoiLlOlo 1, woo; reooer, l07.TaTlor, 
n tol, aecond; LillluL..10r, Monli.Aio3,iliird. Time, 

l.-O) ThUd race-fliK forleoga-Frank IL Uart.101, 

Manlora. ereo, woo; FA|no.9Ji, Corbley, 13 to lU, aeeood ; 
Jim Molaonibtln, 101, Uuplir, 10 lo I, Iblrd- Time, 

1:17*4 Foorth race— Four and a ball furlooia-Por- 

eat. 101, Maotore, 4 to I. won; Fancoo, 107, Mtrrlt, n to I. 
atrODd; t>o)dao, 101 Naarr.B 10 A. ililid. T1uie.u:A3.*«. 

Piribrace-flareorbrlooge-unod Prli, uil. Hait- 

lore. 3 to I. woo; Maak, 104. r. McDermott, A to 1, aecood ; 
Plaidilog, 98, MurpbF.7 103, third. Tine, 1:9^. 

Till Coner JsUnd Jookey Clab Held Its aDooftl 
meeting Nor. 19, la thU cUr. and tUe r illowlDg 
oiDcera wen elected: J.O. K. LlkWTenc«,prcildeDi; 
Lftwrenoo Kip nod W. E, Vnnderblit, vice prtel* 
deate; j. U. UrBdrord, trcuorer; 0. FeUowe, aeo- 
rebtfj. TbeezeflDllTecommlueeremilBtbeAUio 
wlUi Ibe excepUoD ibti F. Qmy (irlBWOld wu 
elected to ieiTe la AddlUon to tbo olben wbo ut 
tbe ofdcera Above menUoned and J. Q. UcckBOber, 
D.Bouerfield. Uerbertc. I'eUuidacorge Peibod/ 
WetiDoio. After tbe clooUon tbere wuBdiAcm* 
eiOD ot tbe prcAent nclDg bHqbUoo, botmeiel; lo- 
fornul. Tbe dob will bold Bformii meet Lug At bd 
mta date ond legBi uleoi wUl confer wiiU ibe 
oiDcltlB 00 tbe AliutKn. 

Tni Oblcsgo lUclDg ABAOcUtlon tnnonocM tbo 
roUowlng llAt of AtAle«,to oloee JaAuarrlaiStO: 
Tbe CblcAgo Derbr, lAooo guranteed: ibe I'Umno 
Handleu, Aanw Binket, uoreemnn Bukei. Col* 
CAAOBtAlee. UBAlefibLkes, C, B. A (MMUes, Eou- 
lAlIon liAbdlonp, BpccuUUon UnudlciP. Venial 
Hukes, EnoAlilon suke*, stock Ynrdi' Steeple* 
cbue, the OolcAgo Dorhv for 1S90 eod tbe Btalllon 
tiiAJiee for im. Tbe added mooej U Ubenl ud 
tbe oondlUou well dcTlaed. 

A BBMONfmAKci bag been eent to rreaooU Law* 
moe, Pneloent of tbe Kewpon Bacing AABooia* 
tlOD, proieAtUg agalDAt tbo propoeed pua to piAce 
Ibat orginltAtion on a penmaoent baali and bold 
anaoAl racing meeilDgA. Tbe proteit ii elined b; 
promioenl Sominer raldcnia and towupoople. 

aurBBUfTBNDB:<T Oobman tM» bad aereral bnB* 
died men at work for the past week on tbe new 
tnck at Norrta Park and Uie new Witbera mUe wlU 
be eoopleted very Abortli, so tbat It wlU bave time 
to BBlA ilc«ljand be in good coadlUoa for tno 
optniag dA| IB jone^ ism. 




RarlofK In Tenneuoe. 
Nor 11— Firmi Tv«-riv« forlons^Datvla W«dg«- 
vood.lO, J.BllI, IIIa&,wod: Uuxhavay. 119, Olt»OD.l 
10 I, Mnod; Eiiu'lAB, 1U,A. Hunlt, 1) to I, ihtnl. 

Tlai»,l:Q3 SaanOnM-S^UlDrtoaraodftbiK lor* 

l)aii-LUao. 10', (lanlBAr, 3 to bi, «ob; Hiqaon. 1 I 
lUrnr, 4 to X Mf«n<l: iloau«, l<n, HeCas 4 to 1. (bin), 

Tim«.0:Am TMrd T»e«-UIU ud a ilitMOlb-lrf 

Onode, VHH. 4. lllll,6 to 1, hodiTwco. lis, Cuiin, 
«rM, ircoDd; Lord wtllo" brook », 103 Htrdloc, 7(0 1, 
third. Tliuft,l:40H Fourth rtc*-6eUinR, tU ud « 

7' tM,4t0l.li0D; liOMft 
obn Dann, 101, A. Bftt' 

>ftllfar1oD<*— Mtuopolo. 1(0. KcljtM.ttol.noD 
MIIU. H7. Btrier, 1 (o 4, wcond; Jobn Dann. 101, _ 
ntCiOO to 1, third. Tim*. 1:20 ...Fliih r*re-8«ltiDi. 

•JK fdrhtotft-QfltckBtep. lOiK. UeCdo, S to 3, won; (>•• 
ffblt, M, rft«to, 8 10 1, ■KODd ; Jin T., 113, K. Borot, 2 (o 
I, third. TiiDo, I 

Nov. II.— PIrM nce-flolllor, lU furlODfi^ReTODu*, 
UO.B Jooo^Gto l.von; W. T. Ellli, IID. A. HiTTett.ato 
I. o^oopd: XblMM, U:«. Hurcor. H to &. Ihlnl. Tlmo, 

l:UU SMOiKiru*— KiTororlontM-Fliirh, IIIJ llHi, 

Stokwoo; TroDtoo, US, Knigbt, j to i, ucond: B«ltr, 

K)l HoCoa, t tn I. ihlrl. Tim*. lifiTH Tblrdnco- 

pitoturloOKi— PoUovdar.iOBi, J. Mill, ofAa. woo; Uak, 
lOT.A. BAiicU, Ifttol, i.'mBd; JoeL., 1C2 TowoU l5tol, 

thlid Ttnt, liO. Koanh neo— Plro luilooRi- 

Tnntp, US. aihwD, 9 to I, «oq: W»«rlr, HQ. Batr«(t i 
to 1. iMooil: Donvor. ItO. Berpor. 7 to I. ibird Tlmo. 

Id Pintanct-ODomlle-lilQitrP., IM, J. nilL 7 lo 

10, woD : Juole W., lOO. UcCuft, 0 to l. «*uad ; Tbocdor* 
IL, ItACftuto.S tol. >liird. Tluo, 1:4 V 

l)oT U -Pinttrsw-Hii forlcnci-Oeo if h'z, llOtJjUlll, 
B toS. woo; Jodgo WooJh. in, CiitiD, a to 1, iccood: 

JocoriOi. Baroor, I to I, tblrd. Tlmi, 1:15 Ooood 

ri«>-Kottrudftbkirr4rl»ai(«-fl«ir()r l(K,J. Ulll.4 to 
) «od; Uonui. Mi Kolib, 4 to 1, loeoihl: Prloco. 109. 

i;bmIo, 8 to 3, tblrd. TtiD0.O:9d Third rUM-StUlon, 

MTOD farloiitta-Pr««4 Cootiy, ICQ. Boreir. 0 to 1, woo; 
OoM Dnit, UO, MoCno 3 to t, Hcood ; W. T. EUib. IW, J. 

UiIl,Sto l.thlfd, Tliiio,! Kounh raeo— aiiud 

k hkir rdrloogt-ClkTA Bmbf, 101, J. IJI1I. 3 to 1 voa; 
BoMlo Nichols. tOI, KtUh. U to I, o«cod<I: NollkOibora*, 

81.A B«rr«it. ntol.ihlrd. TlnMrOK. nnii r«c* 

— Btlllot. ODB inll^uUno,M, QardDer,3 to l, von; T»n 
BsriDi W, Rore^r, 4 to I. wcood ; RiDtud, Si, A. Bkrrott, 
iJtol.thlnl Tluo. lillJi. 

KoT. 16- Pint rtc«— Kito rnrloQflt-StArif, 105. B«rf;«r, 
8 to8, won: M Ih Btorcoi, lOB, Medon, 8 to I, Mcood: 

RuMoi. 108. McCoo, 4 10 I, third. Timo, 1:03 McoMl 

nm tiolllnf. ilro furlftOB^RoTonno, no. u Joot^S to 
1. vod; B«bU ^UboI^ 109, JoboiAD, 10 to I. rtuad; 

Mitobkw*r< 1(U> OlbaoD, 8 to 6, llilrd. Tlmo. l:01*i 

Tblrd rwo-PlreIurloa«a-J(aiT, 109, K- Bania,B to &, 
woo; UtTTlDoM&,M, UeCuo. C to I, Mtood; Ltolr. 

HIIUTtol.UiIrd Tlmo imJi roorUiraco-llolllDff, 

AM nill»— Polclior 0 , 08, Oardoor, 6 to 6. won : Theodore 
B , [0, A. BamtL 8 to I. a«cond ; Jenalo.W., H, McCuo, 7 
toft, thin). Tlm^l:tl,'«• 

TaiL&uot iroltlog BtocV.thepropfirlrof Wid. 
IMoktiArdt) Nathin SIiaqs aD<l Jamea D. Biiiltb, at 
tne prlTAie BtablM ol Mr. rickbartlr, Id ilita cllr, on 
Not. 14, vaa Tell alModed. Tireaty-aercD head 
wen disposed oC tor ^&,i>^i.'>. an arerago of %2l<>. 
Tveotrone head or Picknsnl'a borars hrooRbt 
$4,636. Th^ higtiCBt ptlco received was f 4U for 
Obetirood, 2:£;, gr. a., ten jeais old, bj Cblcbrster* 
Vtnlty ¥t\r, hj Alexander's AbdalUh. lledtrlv, 
Bapptin and Perailila. ihreo mares, loM for f 4uo 
eacb Three bnnus of Naihaa Straus' vera mid fov 
*TH Uj IiftrllDg, a roor year old Oliy. by HtmaOeld. 
brloKlDfr ibe bigheat prlco, fum. J.'.aies U. iHDitb'fl 
tbrea honwfl broDglit ff^io. nnsioo, a two year old 
bay colt, by Fiedoioni, selilogrnr ^T,Q, 

J. 0, K. LiwuKCB, presldeut of tbe Cooey Island 
Jockey Oinb, salted lor Eorope od Nor. 13. 

Taiv liaTo ornntioil a ■pArtlOR Iokbub In Ix>"don. 
mtlrt parpomoT wlilch litocoaBteictths lallaoocooi 
tlio poopU who *gltatB kEBtOftiicioetDdolborti'unrt 
Tbe ooDuell of tbo Ibiruo l«c^mpot«doroMr four bao- 
droi rBprMBotBilTM ot v«rioai bnoeliu •'1 *porr. Id- 
oladlDK pacta mn u tha Ktrlol Durham. Lord U^nke, 
Etrl 01 Mftrch, Earl of LooHlaloaod nifht Hod. Jioif a 
Lovtbor, H. P. it U tbe iDtooilOQ to Bsttbllih braoeb 
loiCQfB tliroughout EoalBod. 


Tblo OHn« 1>7 Loulao MoiloyBod BllloU Wood«,wti 
laac lorib«flr4(UaB atPotd*i Opora IlqiiM, Balilnon, 
Md.Kor. S, by autaara. Tbo aoiloa of tb« opon li 
lappoMd to takt plaea le Jolr. Ittl. ibas tho ctiy ol 
AUiBodrlft, Bflipi, was boabardBd by tha Ea«liA Boot, 
oodtrttaocomtBaDdor IdoKral S^jmour. Tbo flrttact 
lakoa plac* en iha dtck of the United sratM crulMr Pa* 
tapico, to wblcb tae Anorlcaa rBOioeou of AUiaodti« 
fled lor rafon. Among tbaao refug*e#ate IIe1(Q UtlniAr 
BOd Masd Alloo. UBlfo li betrothed to Lieut Uany 
lAmar. ol tba cmlier. and Maod ba« a tender Iteling for 
Lie-tRoter«.o(tb»iamoT«uol. Ileoce. the loren nie 
b'EbljpkAMil at tbe oioerveDcr which t>rlonibein ic- 
CBlbar. On tbe Tevel li a.uolTaraltr prolaaaor who 
baa eona to Ksypt In uarvh after mnnnle^ 
and who wlihes to tnarrr Mlaa tltlnior, that ha mar 
make nae of b»r looBay for Mt KteotiBo lotactlgatloai. 
An ImpeniBiiiaabot high bora young Uoghihoiaubaa 
followad Lor to the PaupKo Willi the ttma daaigoa oo 
her fortune. Vaoonb Taatia. a wealiby Aleiandrlan. hu 
loDsadntiod the two (air Amarlcanx. and made iruitleaa 
Bltenipta to woo ihodi. Egjpiian taablon. KtodlDg 
■alt repulaed. (be protanor raahea a t>ar(talQ with rasha 
to ateil (ba tirle lor Inm In laiura lor a maDiiDT. ul'l* 
ntat«lf inteodlng lo raicue thcni and lecare a dooolo re- 
ward. Tbe glila are Moleo from ihe ahioby a land of 
Anbi and cartitJ cir lo the harem of Vaeonb, whore 
Ilarry foUown tbtm, with a doroto I old tar^ who haiu 
women, bat aderaa hia jonnglleuteriut. The bombard- 
ment bigloa. and ibo roMnan eoier the barooi, tbe 
wall being l>)«wn dowo. Bnt ea tiny ara alooe. iliaj 
are comi>ellad to dlagulM thanulTts «■ lumalee till the 
reacamg lutty iroui t>io cruiser arrtrea. P«m. tbo otd 
i4r. atiracia, tnach to hIa (lUguat, tbe odrolratloa of 
FaUma.Uio pride of tUo harem, who uiakaa peraiiteat 
lOTOtohini. Themoa In dlaculao evconotor the pro* 
faaaor aad the Kogllth noblenao, who hare alio oome to 
the r*>«QO. and, alter cooMiiaeot complicatloop, to- 
CToaatdbylhorageof (he proprietor of tbe hartni, ibe 
' party of luaa from the eniiwr arrlre, and ibe Iot«tm are 
reanit^ and •lipoilmd to hapi'tntia, uodar the ptoteci- 
log fold! of tba American Ita^ 

"Th» Land ofth« Llvlfig.*' 

Tbia play va« aclod lor tbe Aral time oo aoy aiaice at 
Montcoa Urand 0:in llooae, Bao Kraoelico, Ca)., 
Not. 12. Ttaaatory beflDSaod eodilo lluilaad. but the 
aeooodaotlaUld In AlrlOL Brlcdy. ihe atory In tliia: 
Arhwntbt aud Tiwdgold are bukera. the latter la In 
loro whh tbelormor'awiia. lorgaaimnaaao aa totoroUa 
the dro, aed la loroed to iMToUie country. Ilia pirtaar 
alwlaa(ea,u it doaa not atom pouiblotoolear liiu- 
Mir. Both go to tba diamond Colda. Tboiw Ark- 
irright palna a fortune. Punued by robbora he Buda 
rreiage In TrtOgoM'alioBie. Tredoold auba and roba 
him aad aiaru lor London to wlo tbawMow, but Ark- 
wrlghtaatrlTaa. Tbeotbaracti, InolDdingihoBftJi.Bhow 
tbeatnmgle between Uie maligned hero and Ibe Tllliip, 
who It properly lotled. 


Ooloer aiai Btreet aBdTbiid ATtave. 

Mondfty^ Thursday and Satorday. 

Vur^Tb PiodnctloB of theanadSotalollelodraaat 

"The Power of Cold." 

_ F»«wwk -THE WAi n Of NBW Y0III."_ 

PEOPLE'S 7?aSfm.^ ..Pfo Dilator 


A ruid picture of the Relgo ol Terror. 

Herald Square Theatre, 

BiMdlTfiy unit SSIh Mrwt. 




Neal DoDRbue, as oi-nrotcaloiul rllclicr, died 
daring . BeveN benorrnsne, on Nov. 12, iit hU 
home .t ScUujlcrf lile, N. V. Ttio dccoiued In 
lil< tmotj OdQ rear, aad had rottded Id Uutpliic« 
nearlj all hla life. IJonabu') van wlin ite Uoeonla 
leam, of the New York Srate League, In ifJO, and 
Tuked veil DP InUio onicM b.iulng aveniRctor 
thatorganlxiilon. Id 1s-.i1 ho iva^ eagrtged by tdo 
THcoms Olal), of lUe r«cliic NorUiiveat Leagae. 
Ulamoetnouirortbj conuet ibnt seaaon wa^ibe 
l*entr-iwo Inolngs game bel<rMntiioT.coma tnil 
Senile ttanu, placed tfar li^, at Ticoma, Waata. 
Ihe icore acood a ila e«ch Inning atier (he 
ililh nntU tile tventj-aecond, (bo Taconoe 
Uien winning i>r a acore ot o to (. The 
SeaUlea nude onlj eleven asFe bit oir Donahae, 
of which tber earned only two rone. From the 
Northweat he vent Sonth asd played with aeveral 
itama down tbcre, where, It 1i iliougbt, In ilie 
marahf regloDS he contrecled the itUcsee whl:li 
cauaed his death. While playing In Savannah, tiik, 
lie waa airnck In the right elde bj a hall, the eirtcia 
ot whioh he never wda free from llo wae obliged 
to retire from the diamond eaily in tbo present 

Jear, and alter atopplot awhile wlili Irlendg in Kew 
ener.he retiimed lo hli home, where ho died, Ue 
learea a widow. 

The American AaaoclallondologateahcMameel- 
log at Chicago on Not. 10 and 17. There were 
praeent Prealdent W. H. Kamea and I'. U. Hlcbler, 
I'f FhUtdelpbla; W. U. Beotnuon, oC Nov York; 
WUIIam Bamle, ot Brooklyn: X. F. Ffeffer ot UU- 
cago, aad 0. I), ((ain, ot Milwaukee. iVnablai- 
Ion and Piiubnrg were reproaented by pivxy. 
The principal lo.lneas n( tbo meeting was to con- 
tlderlba r«p«rt of ilie Clrcoli Ciimoliico, and inia 
look up tbo entire time ot iho Oret (1 ly'a atailon. 
There waa only one vacancy lo nil, and there weie 
applloaUonatromSt. LouK, l>euoli,OuiriloandOo{ 
ton. All ot Iheae placea mKle auch exoclleni eliair- 
Ingthaittig meeting was divided as lo wnere to 
place the one fraochlie at Its dlipoaal, an i iho en- 
tire atterunon was conaomed In debaileg itili mat 
ter and when adjonrnment waa Ukea no coq- 
cloalon had been reaobed. On ine following day, 
afier being In eenloa oeaily all day, the delegatta 
decided opon BnHlilo, N. Y., aa the right city. TUon 
they adjourned to meet Nov. M. 

The ArllQgtona, ot I'rovldenco, It. I., will present 
one ot the auongeet amit'ear teams next aeuon 
that will be found anywhere In thKt Slate. It will 
Inclnde Powers and Conlny, caicbei*; Ryan, Howe 
and Coleman, mlctera: Conroy, LewU and Nayaoo, 
on tbe baaea; Cohen, anon atop, and Downey, Udr* 
ley and McCrath, In ibe oaUeld, 

John U. Ward, mnnticr of the New York team, 
wbllo at Obarlolte, S. C, on Nov. 10. was quoted sa 
asying that he had dgned deurge Uavla tu captain 
of Iho New Yorks tor nctt year. 

A sntolal neeilng cf ilio Western AsaooUilonwas 
held Nov. 11, at llock Uiaud, HI. Tiiere were pm- 
eni repitscutativcs from all the cities In iliii cir 
colt, c.vcept Sk JoscpU, Iho laiicr Itclug In aireara 
$300. .Vouce waa ecni ui the dun in pay up or te 
eipcUed. Tlo assoclailon liia appllcailona from 
aionz Olty, Denvoranl II icltord. The pennant of 
x$in waa awarded to tne llcck island Club, 'no 
aaiai7 limit for next aoaaoa was Inoreastd from 
two to tKO. and U waa decided that no ciuh on 
ocoopy lor baseball pnrposea grouuda used tor 
cither fair grounds or race tracks. 

Crack WlilK Bholi. 
Aa [QlsruUog inatch va. mad, (for, 19, u Chleafo, 
IU-, twivew tbeertek .log .hots. Or w. y. crver uu 
Capt J. L Brow.r oo oao .Ida, sod J es.T.r r«go aod 
UMrn Work. li]. .all koowo aad cl.r.r auttaurju ol 
N,w York Ctir, oa tb. oUier. Tli. match 1. rorlaO). 
eora.r, oras.OihlotlL No il.9nlo diu ba.M«oniod 
for Uie .lioot, owlnic to Ur. tjarr.r'i ID.blllty to m/ 
wbw h* wUt b. ab'. u> tt. lo Now York. Tb. mtxeti »ill 
taa. plAQ. at tbe gnuoda or lb. \v«.tiiitoii.r K.dd.1 
t;lub at lb. •itUtti vraeitcjU d.t.. 

A aaaTlira of the Kt* York TacJit ItKlof; Atfoclalloo 
.UlbobeldooNov. U. totlii.olt/. A lull rrportof tbt 
regaua commllt.. will b« prwotad. 



Tba Orot perrormaoce of Uerbeit Uall \Yioa1o«'a oiw 
Plaf . "Altnooy," waj given at tbo Aeadeuy ol Muilc, 
WaafalBfftOD, D. C, Not. 0, witb Tim Uorpby u the aur. 
Tbepuy iiauure on the laclllty with wbldi ditotcee 
can be ol*Ulaoi Id aome ol the autu of the Union, and 
InoldooUybriogiin Now York pollUca and the reform 
noremant. Com. Towlino anlvu at (he Urokon yottera 
lloteL JayriUo. H. D.. wblch U ibe haadfioartor^ of ibo 
dlToroe colony, aod here are latroduc«d Kraia whiowa, 
grmaewldvwaro and divorce eiahera. Tbe Commodore'; 
daagbter haa atopped at Uie aanie hutel wiib her buiUod 
on tbeir bridal trip. They are InfecKd wltb ilieaimoi- 
phera of tbe place and poparale. The comujodore'a eon 
ud bla dine moaeom wife torn up looking lor a 
diToroe, and the act eoda wlUi the marriage of the 
eoBSDodor* to the Toterao of ell tba allmoay ml. 
leotora Mra.Beparat<Haiouoaacf. Tlieaecoodaeiabowi 
the drawing room la Coid. To-*llne'4 cltj loaMenco. 
The oommodore bee gone Into politic* to Iibto ao eKcaes 
for leavioK bla honit, which the aecuod Ilia. Towlioe 
haimad* anything bnt pleaiaot. To clear bimiolf of 
tbecbarceoi belna aplotocratbe eootniiireahla lallera 
ADd raeolTeololiTe on hia cmaal bbai. Tm third act 
takes place on the caoal boat. Tbe commodorw la de- 
featodTin hia enrri te reform how Vork.bat all the 
tangUa are etmgbtened, and ibe payment of allmoa* la 
atopped. Thoceac Com. Joiboa fowiloo. Tim Morpbf ; 
BenTTowlloa. EngrDe CanfleM: \U*aJ. H;nl,p«orge 
■eConbtr; VaoderbeydoQ Ketckeibooker, clamea 
RaodiaMe: A. Maahattao gitck. Mr. Richard t^oUer; 
Boo. Ward Ueelir. Jamea Manley; DafodIL Doroiby 
fbarod; Mta. laparala MaJoUnaoce, Lorraine Driai; 
Pan Ta, Balltf Staoibler; Nra.Clata Up-t«Dat«, Jraa 

TO U W AffT. Bend a) eenu lor aaoplaii. 
B ARRY tiLAHK.aB>Ppruoe Htroet> PhUa.lalphia. Pa 

Open time Nor., Deo., and laior for fliatclau atiraotloBa. 
Band preferred. AddtOM if. K. BB BRY, Prop, ao d Mgr. 

S9- bIlOW CARV WAnTliO.-i~ w.\Nr 

TO BUT UR LBABE: One Bill Car, Two Block Cara, 
TbieeFUtCaraaadODetUeeplDgCar. UuatbedratelaM 
cuatn(ioodooodlUon.wlth oodorn liDproTemeota, air 
brakea, etc BldareealTNjuotliDoc- 1. Addreaa 

0HA8. LEE. Box IT*. Canton. Peoo. 

B. F. Keith's Amusimmt Entnpfitas. 

E, I*. AT.nrr. ... a«B. MgV. 
B. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Beiton, But.; 

THE BUOU, Pkllidtlphli, Pi.; 




ContinuouB Performanoe. 




■ 1>0R8»J'^6.UU)H)R1L_... 



m SauUi Eigbth Btrabt. Brookijn, N. 


28, IB99l UoodtowD. Couoty eaaL Conriweek. Uonta 
aaala tao. Alwayadngondhuatnaaa IIbto other dalaa 
0 (.QBalao, A'tdtow LtTIBLLA MOORE. Rrcfcport Uc . 
~ BMM>MeilCi^D,lND.. IH Nur AH Hlil ah iilll. 
fANV. All good people write me. It will do you «ood. 

VIO. RAINHQfiT. Bloomfleld. 1 od . 

WAVTBU, <'(HKl Hiog'a Atlracliun fur litnra Room 
' ' Add. V.J Wil|iami.Cioolao«il,0. 

TO sABiuKL Joan 

It), lomierly ^l Uneittr, Engia. 

liBTB iakoD tbe njme of RTANLRV* VKIINO.S. 

Bhow(noaaintala), _ _ _ 

SAfj DY' (Haii'onoVi cal- 
ilaod. wbo |4 belloTfd to 


mother. EKiabetli Randr, lo dead, aoil roa are ro'iueiied 
to coBimunlcaie at nooe with haBL'EL bmith. Town 
Clark . Cliaaior. Bogtand. 

Slion TRAUUbY TO HrUMr'tiVtiECUV nay 
lag (all kinde). "gnod." "<|Qlck" and "ohaap." riaya, 
oketcbee. monologuca, etc., loado enllrely "uew." Hamd 
a"aiamp" Ifjon "oipeet" an "aoawor." IIARRV IIES- 
DKRaON. I.Btf CongrwH> r»«r. Lonlaf llle, Ry. ^ 

KEP fl. BCO^^LLK. 
Cbaract«r ComHian (tHoatog aod Daneioa Spoclaltlea). 
ITA LEKCH, JaTanlleaor Rouhjeite*. 
• A ddreaa gBholtoStreei. Chlfagn . HI. 

Frieeo rigbi aud uUalaatloa anaranteed. Termi ror 

aump. W. B roOK. A ^lao<i. Mau 

IVIaX tiuy pooioarapoor iDlorDBtioa'pvteiuioe'tn 
Tont Thamb'a EniUab Walnut carilaga Will Soy 
Hwla a chair. WM.OLAREKCBV »JL.^fnowe. N. V, 

pay spot caab lor Bfood Haif* T<tna«aoda Macbinv. 
■ cheap. . LOy LOUIWO. Moogbton. Ma*a 

AT LlllUII I'V.nULblB UARhBl-l'^-nar. 
aoiera, Hioeiogaad DaDOioa OM Maid Bpeolalfy. Roll 
able and eiperienced. Addreaa lor t«owe*kacAre ol 
Weatorn Boose. Waalngtoo, Inil. rcrmaaont addreaa, 

4I3XN. OUrh flireei. crtittm. 111. 

LlTUOtf., UNU ae^V IKACH. Almoat oew. 
These are "heiutl'a." Bond "ailTer' dime inr 'ram- 
plea " 0. LUW. i.g»CongTeaa8trtat LoBle»lliB. Ky. 

WANTSD. Lady faitnor lerHeanedHirtcb ffork. 
Uuat bare her own apeclalilei (aoog and dance |ir*< 
lerred). I hare mr own conpaoy. Plenty of work tntila 
ahead. Thiilaa cnaoce. (lOAd amaTour notobjeottd to. 
Enoloae pboto W. U, Poolaloe Poai OIBeo. JuUet, IIL 

aeorat now to oo tbia act 110. Btek art ouidia to order, 
SB LlnborJalc«.withoecretbowtobeoomoB cootor 
t'oolM^BI t llluolnna loooa cn, one Iblrd with ordor. 
\V M _M RLHOW. Maof, 1 1 Pnltoo Be .Wor eener. Ma«a. 

FUR HALK.«-l*RkTHIt'lCd WUVAN, with new 
paioUDK. lOilSit ; mermaid, nlea tunel Taylor orgio, 
curulmasd banner loratoro reomahow; taken lor debt 
aod Duit aell together or aeparat* at oace No reaaon 
able offir refuaed. Addrtee PaBO MILLER, Boi 411, 
TooBgat owo , Ohio. 

NOTlUBl.*i good feature for tratelloK muMoioa 
aodBtoreabowB,woaldllbeto bear from ancli. A good 
ihlotforihe rlgbt party Band aiamp for tAillouUrt, 
LoMienaeTATouraiaopB H.F.Bowmu, write. Addreaa 
JiIIN P WOLFE, lloul NavLelaod, Room A Feorla. Ill 

ANU BI.aCK KAt*B (X)MEOIAN. Unod alager aad 
dancer. Vouldjolaaoyabow. Would like to iMr from 
a good DBQ to doub^f. Addreaa K. J. BOND, Ueo. 
De llTeTT. Com b erland, Md . or caroOLlPl'Kn. 

La elo VX'-lt 

." LLB. eio cat, free. B. TA Y LOR A 0«> . flleTebuhl. Q. 
MEDIAN aod BlagloaClowo, at Liberty, either oireoa or 

Ta udBTille. Atlurw* M l H\ cae n.ra Bt . ' Inclnoa f i. 0. 

Btago Director, orany(hioc In repertoire; oxi>erieBc«d; 

lot'ol M anuetrlpt*. A-ldroea Doeq»r«OreTe. Ill 

npea mr taaBgeni*oL Direct baoda. (*on*PMBileooe 

aolidte d. J. A. COX A WAY. Co ro*t BoIolaL Hut, Uo^ 

'BlUaiU ARHAS-'okD JM'injKOliBHTUA, 
BAND URUAMDOUN OltOUBfiTRA. itoBga compoa«d. 
MoiIq pat to a orda or a^mpanlment made for melody. 
Add reaa CHAR. L. LBtfiaaiW 9th hU, Cloclopetl. ft 
*~Pon MALE. A largo aiaortmantoi noeeiteet aud 
bairohoet Bpringer LKhoarapba Good lor aoy show, 
Barg ala. B. H. BULL IVAN. I ttThird A feo oo. N. V. 

nfiARRY jd£~foIiU&mt, PKINUBUK UUMUR- 
lAM. Hopologooa, reeiutlonB.ahotcheo Oloba.ioBle- 
Uea, write for tenui. Travel withatareoptlcoa or Mhor 
entartalnmenU n rt We « t For'leih RireeL We ^ York 

~''I5IKKUNU" <O0]ll£*f<) LANTEJiN' rtLlUlT; 
aetorsj, norly eolorvd. UreateioibliloD. Tbt««or aiy 
colored olidoaBflc taeh (half price) Plaio ill-leane e^Ab. 
coloring an. We aoTe you mosey. RAL^E A CO.. 

1.2:1 Waal Madiaou Stfoei. Ciiicaao. 

"CfliOWDlEN.— Pine Roakaa, « foot, fr. Vookeie 
from at te $16. Armadllloe •to. Prelria Uoga ai each 
Dapf Bit with COD ordera^ J. U Teel. Ilaf^TMll. Haa<. 

J, nTilAHTlVKK, Ati.lAKHTVr*yiHirf '(TL*AJvi 

t«0(/>ANDK KLaTTL'BAPLAVBB. Boberand relUbU. 
Woold Ilka to bear from a Oral elaai railroad olroaa or a 
good aieadr bartd Id gondcity or aoldlara'homo. Addroia 
care olCLIPPKtl. or HoMiera' Ifoae Raud. Bath, N. V 

^I'ANTEU. t'omedyUM Mao.Oid Wouiau aod Piaa- 
„L Balanea Terr low. We pay all expeniea afrer Jolo- 
log. BIJ0UCUMKnvr:0.Hoi4ai. Weed'port .v.y. 

FOti~liALl£wd ana Wai'Vigmaa. iiuu; oa« aoe 
niTO Oaao.llO: pair Buchiklo Paoia. |t:BuckihlBCoat, 


beeoed. |l«; Backakla War fiblit, f iQ; |>e(r Huchakln 
Leiginga, beaded, eic-, Aiitomaiie \Vai riiure of 
bl rfj.Nu BULL, wlib palniinr, fllO: Aerial Hoipenaloo, 

Uateiu MlilcB.BU: T«nt,lilOD. |U:3WaiHtad< 

Pair ol ilaodi. (JD. ThMO co^" ara Or»l cIbm end dut 
cbeap.AddroM W n J.rliav. 191 AUK«sia8i-.Chicicn. IN 
CAtU^PEHVOnHftilH wiikf* i;? 

YORKeivpat lltaul I'.'i Kaet I ineontli Bireet. TUEAT* 
KIOAI. IIKAD'/L'AI'.TRns, two btocka from all tlie llita- 
tree aad aineeuoia. Pumlibed cooiua for Haht liouae- 

kV<plng. Rta Td If desired. _UiiA j. Rarh'iWiI._ 
lUV'I'tlllCM, HONIJH.'CoMKUlEB/irCn- 

HtfSfU KUtnilAW, laS Patnunant at, , rbll.4.l.hi». 
■ciAHINBTri»T at/ MiVeilTl,' L^^^ 
OIL'. HArcr. Thtaira orWlDUrltMon. Ai.dfai. 
MUfll CI Ajr, llf a t. rattiek Mfa.t, '>a*»w. i;afltdfc 

w"'5t»?l3Bltll)» KDIUATBO, DEPlKliP, (IBaOk- 


'I VAW BDtyAHPg.J«Bri«AJtabr, 

^ ^ I oEI(I!«»r. nUSIKgM. 

Mmil alailei udduKUa (pMajiu.. 


nth i^tnat, 
I BaLUandlifaAvaa. 


IMOGENE GOMER, Contralto. 

AcrubnU, D«ncei-«, NlnfierB, HU* 
50 irra Prrotoit, Itama* «iiJ Amn, 
tUm llolbroeka, uraee Vaoghn, Murray and 
CFNT8 Paitlloe, Mile. Bertlaa aod 



mlle rououiB. ERaiNiA i:hklli, 




II6H1 StTMl ind ThM Ave,, N. V. Clly. 


Nortk Breid SttMt, Traiilon, N. J. 

JOHN IIANHU.M Proprietor 


0.111.. and NoTolllu (or Lmidi. IIUU: .1.0 lllab 
Olaa. v.udoTlUe Aeu for Tbaauaa. All .ppllcaUooi lor 
aonsamaou IMb hooM.) uu.t l« addraaa*! ut 

BDVAnii U. HUITII, Uailaoi 


Opeo all tba year. WANTED, FOR TIIR CUBIO HALU, 
Llf log Ourto-iiUaa, Freaka of Nature, Rare aod Unrious 
Aolmala of ererr deor-rlrilon for oor oew Mooagarle 
DepaTtmeot,Bnd at all tliii#a Uie lery bf>at Vaudorille 
Biara for tbe tbealro. No aabrrluo high for Klrai Olaaa 
NoTOltlea. UocagemeoU Irom 4 lo U weoka dorlog ibo 

130St,and3d At*. 
High CluiVagil«villM. 




Tb* Wilmot Duo 

leeadlng Double ^Cyollsts, 

Addrau ZS Brie HL, Uambrldge port. Maaa. 

Tbia apace lo CLIPPER la reaerred forour weevlr card. 

WKEE or NOV. I>. 


IIAV L llll'8 TI I BATHia. 81. L oula. Mo. 



Lesdi, JnTanllaa or HmtIm. 

OES'L UELIVKBY. KaabilUa, Taoa. 





Aj]1a.1£iI.JI^ iu eMiA.wlt'i partlnlaia how Iq 
rtan Id iba .bow bo.loH. aeil laaro .11 kloda of acta, lo 
lalbarvlrii lllantiat*! book of.litr .lekt o.vcuta 
Addnaa JOHN O. HL'UBIULER, CItTaUad, Oblo. 


nmi wifE. poBciioRUSoiiHiiALLrAnn. 

APDRE'R Vk. A llAUiLcai aofBllppar. 

At Llbirl|,'itiilln{ Han,LtidliiK LidUean 

MAN, Cbaractar, 0#oBnl Man, Juranltoli%dy, Roubretle, 
Bong and Oaoc» Tatio aod Pfaolii, Irl>h Comedian. 
ORORUB gTRYHKA No II Ifaioth Itth HL. Ht. LonI", Mo. 

Wnlel Qyick, Good All 'fimi Zmi\w 

Bur HI ItE. J. n. DAVRNPOET, Maauar. 

ElMUlo Co . BwdiTllla. Wla 


rninR ten (iii cKsn. PAOta ua 

AMBBICAN RlklURAVINa CO.. thl«^«. 


aod piccolo (Boebui); aver II yaare'eiperleaoBtdnaoloa: 
pu* 10 monUia Crawford'a Thiairo aod Pryar'a Band 
and Orthoatim. Addf n e» Pr>noii >tl . Ht. JuMBb. Mo, 



Addiai. 0. H BTON, 

Boil71.Mnfltp.IUr. RUefclbid Couoly, t.d. 



'^h* Baai. IWMt B«Ua At. RlnilBa," 

fiaDg.ttb OnullollMllaUTaio I.DMrM uiabti/ br 


Wllb "Di rFVa BLUNOBBR" CO ea tnur. 
MctUeaaoB'a nailerpieee. tbe great Koillrh Deeonp- 
plea Rong, 

To ICrr la llanBB, To Por^lw*. Dlwlnf>P* 
Bung Wllb berole BBCceea by Araeri«a'«Buioaoi Haritooe 


01 noLonnBE and cuhiiiiak. 

a.d b.raan.lhai.; 

l^ac 1. a.bottaOad .pplaaa. by 


The otlglaal Bowery Ulrl.aitd the goaao of BrilUanu, 
BM by tbo bright BM TlTBBloaa ehaiBoteretar 


AndhatB are two Itlth hlia: 
".\olliliMl*fl Too Good For lha Irleh,** 

t J UB UIK)0W1N^ HIT) 

'*PAtae>>* onri Ihn lIomBhoa*,** 

()li.-(ILFNNO.^-|l IIIT.I 
Rdag by 

sAi Mcdowell. 


Mae aaya uollerdBt^ Phila., Nor. 17: "Vcur aong, 'PAT- 
BBT ANATIIllMOltHKBllDB,' la a go. I am alngrog It lo 
thtweand lonreeeoree nightly, and will run It ibmufh 
thaaiuoo. VaryreiHctrallr, 

HAM McDOWEMA,orMoDoweUaiid Ulooo." 

Aojolthaeeaonga: "Baok to the UM Home Again,' 
"HheLeUtheHBB (f?ho Lovad liar tor Aaotlier," "Tiie 
Raffle Bweet Bella AreRlaglni," "To Err la llaniao. to 
Korglre, UlTlne:" "yunoy Old Mao." *Thore*a a New 
Una Oomlutt lo tlie Morulog/' "I lK»Irfira Vou.or My 
DearOMDaddr,*' "Noibioe'a Too flood fur tbelriah.'' 
"PaiMy and ilie IIOTnaaJiue,'* "Tbe Forgotten Woid," 
will be aeot OD reeelpl nf lOe eaob br Uie 

E.MILlrill KO,S(; PUD. CO.. 3tN. MooraHt, N*. V. 
Pon gi Uuahtto pfofe a^loaa la Pltf K belweom and 4 P.M. 



Todoibeeatdilog In a Flrat Claw Return Trapeae AoL 
Apparmtua all ready for pradicB. B«nd pbotograpli in 
coatuma and lUta all partleulara, or call 


Lata of tlie Auaiin Kiateni, Metroitoiitaa Uotel, Orand 
Htaod Meot Are.. Bro t.klyn. N. V 


Hivi )uii irrivif Iron Europ. with ■ largo 
•lock «t Mtglo. AoyOM purohaiing ovor ono 
dollir'i worth, II will loeuro goodltlhill price, 

Wrilo at onoo. FInt oomi, flril lorved. 

Sind two cinli for ciiiloguo, A lol «t new 
Irjcki. PR0FJ.OWANDA, While Hivon, Pa, 



ai:ro«4 tiik biiidob rRu. pirTaDi.Rn. 

^iloatadoo Ualo taiMt,!!.. ulootaa' UnM Pill, 
bura. vitb a mt(.i eapuiip or a liaiKiKintaif 
aippolDlad aad alaiaoilp furolaljad ibaaua, niiao vltli 
tba lAtaat pattara opar. chMra ud ovnloi lu nwii 
alaetrlollablplaoL Hulubt. lor all klod. ot Darrorui. 
aoca. lictoraa, ate.:eu b. uMd roramo..oDior iliaiir. 
AB to laroi. app^ to PARK TIIEATIfK LMUPANV, 
limilV UnaEI.EtnTraaaatar^Allaab*or, t'a._ 


Compfllint RifMrioIrt P«oplt With Qood Wird< 
robt, Mutlciani Doubling Brttiand 81rlng« 

A0TOR4 WnO PLAV BRAhS WIllTB. Wo i>ar axMoaee, 
boladraaceno lare< toonly thoaeknovauiua. Irfiweat 
Uroalratleitor Managenin Midtlle,RouihBroaodNew 
Koiland lead oran llueaadterroL Addreaa 

Paieranit, .v. J, 

Wantsil atOnee for New Opera House, 


L0D| MllnBiaotJ loBood Moplo. Alao b.Hjhlo| Ibr 

Botb good MKO^IM. liouMa. U. J. RYAN. Maoaiar. 

Addrau all lauara to w. U.TRMBUBAHT, Hii.iiiai. 
Haiafor, Koifolb laiuia lo B. JEAN DI'OKLev, llu.l 
oaai Muaiar. 

Try THoaiol! 

olr.tliMialrlal. BMdtbeT.nta. 

My Baby Sweetheart 

A iood r'Di, fall ofbu.laiM utd nto ba ao.i uiabav.. 

Word. Iit Mtl.labi 




I WANT HAN lA'ITn IXU. 11.11 II UlHt nui| Mia.tcel 
Co or rapuiatlo.. Rnra raluro.: oo ttaka. Addraia, for 
p.rll.iiUra.MI.<<tRBL, R I d lleoM Boalo. Mm . 


EACH AND UP. Pall luiOaao. aad op MoalUcb, 
oo «o*w *lr., tiaal mad., Itk*. a.cb. 

J. J. BORll, HO ITaabloaloo llrMl. Porllaod Or. 

At Llbeitji, Double Bass and Tuba. 

uj.\°a exPEkiENCK. urnicTLV tluperate. ai. 

draw lllKPAno DAI>;U.C ra<raot Park.Wallbatt,lla»> . 


nBiDHR. RninRerrc, pinuino and uancihu 

HPEi'lALTIEl AOdrua UELLE I.ILI.I, Ualoatoa, Tlr, 
Nov. I I. a; parm \<.Br«*.' "llorBplyl>oapty"C'o. 


RAND, alao Ml'AiriANS tor email variety 'bow. Ralarr 
mu«t be low aa It le lare. Addreu J. T. careJOHR' 
BUN'R Pnoll^gJ}fnca. HO WaabiBaioe.Rt.. Beaioa. M aae. 

DANCiiiB -Jfg, Clog, Seag ul Duu, lilili 


ORABDPBMt:sr. i;ini;ULtR< lAlLLO. 

JOHN J. BiHIAIt. SI Tliird aiaaaa. Na» Turk. 

WANTED, H Acttr tor Heirlu, ud Soil 

lor i.vaallM aad utMia', 
ifaprararTM. Mlarvlov. BauanaMtp.; 
■AliME> coBBOf CO , Onain, Vainooi. 

Haa aad Vila pralarrad. Mlai 

bwd. " 





ACT0H4 for erery Male Uh«ra«ter, Ledlie for Ophelia 
aad Topay, MoHelana. all parta, Plral Ulaoa Trap 
Dramule^ HuBtllaw Advaoee Agent, COLOHBO 
gUARTBT WUO OUI BLB BHabr, Will hire or bur 
good Tom Doga. Actore who double lo Itraja uraforred. 
roelUraly oolaraaadraoeaO. nirayoir "roek bottom" 
aalary Bret letur; it uuit be low; nnilme tocortO' 
ap^ou KdaaOIaire and B M wioclio<ier wriu. 
0. ACanT.Maaa ger. aUHRfni a CO.. rarllalo. Pa. 


a*Dd )nur addreu and roule. alao any lofutDiatbin 
abont yoarrlaae aod preaent dolnga ibit roa wiah to be 
hoowa to the magical Iratamlty tbe world orar to 

ajeuraalderotedtothlovo magical, etc.. wbleb will ba 
leiBBd ooKt mnnth MAIIATWA. 111? V. Mb HL, V. 


Muitbe gond daacera Ago Itio II. 

Ull or addreaa. OHAH. yBN!*. A CO., 
_ 107 Ren^nd AT*sua. New Voik, 

" WA.Nxici>, liV'THiii" 


Coinprlent Lpclnrara for Ilia Imalneaa. 
Male ability, terioa of eogagBDont. ond aeod pboto- 
iraeb onleee I'OiMnal aMHiration ti made. Tuiser 
ihifcer Medicine <;o.. I.HaMofrHnB ATepuaBi. Loula Ho. 

I FiAFR MflHf Pn ^'tollDlat Bod riaalat. who can 
LmVfcll WfHIIICUi ■moge aad leadnrcbMUa R«- 
pertolre oompaoy. Waeg aiaode. But* lowaai utary. 
Bead leferooeaa aod j»bo(o (wbtcli will be roturocil) In 
flrit latter No tlma for onrreanondeBca. Moetjolnat 
ooc«. Lady prelB'rad. WILRl'HM fi.\LB.Mgr.l)eliey 
Bereily'B "xitUo Panw;" Co., dtrlablDier Uouie, (;leTe 

Any Rtfle Negro Wig, 10 cooU; Prlglit Black Wig, ai; 
CtiaraclMr Wig (naUral hair), |I10, fiood bat aite for 
onaturenieot '.tM)doaao*.0. 0. D.aubjeclto loapaclloo. 
A m trAR T, lOiaMadlaoB ATeaoe. Naw>lrh. 


l.a/1 ia>|iimbl. Atwaa, Ptll.'lal|,lila,Ta, 


BUAI>0WaRapn8ANP ILAiIB art. .<fo|/<ia>,rraka.. 
KaeloM .tuip lor (l.tfrtirttT, circal.r. .*,'o. 13 A:Jar 
H'laa t. Wa ltlta a. Maw 

Baiin ililflll! •iVM.iu, •>.«> ». n. a. oa 
BHIIW HIW OIVi »i at Jaaif a m., MoauaaL ntm 

Vf»M For iiolldaj PreMuts, 
SHOffAd.hNutWiik'l CUPPER. 

'■OOLIWBIf B TBI NM," ItOt At.aa» 11 aUMI. M. T. 


•'ilL'tlAiri RIOTOL. BIOB." 



Booi vltb ImmaDH auuaaa br MINNIB BODULT at 
tipp'a ITaaloo ilr*atDuanln* tnag tor MQbrattM. 
Hullo bp O. M. H0SE.1BKR(I. 

"Sweethearts Again" 

OomputoB aoD. lo "tVbnio Litlla lllrl ArvYiiol" Word. 

ual iDuaiokr Berrrh. naihhytii aod kohenbbro, 

with Inniaoaa aaooM. bp ih, IbllovtoR aur.; l^dl. 
Tauiua.Tltua, Tbani. Vauaba, Xatbarloa La.ta Balla 
Rooaar. Bonola Thoreton, Hnllia Pullar Jo.ta L. Poo* 
lAlaak Aoola WtlnuUi. Marl. W.m., jMla outvir. Ami 
La.. J. r. l!srTU. Ilaarp E Dhar, nao, O. Oluaood, 
fuuual Kaanadr, Pfod Aodartoa, Jo. Navmas, Job. W, 


Whose Little Girl Are You? 

lb. btiiwl bit or till. BO.BOD, aooi bp all of lb, abova 
oaoiad ailLt.. 
Wonla ol Uia Imi lour oambani ar. bp 
■uoa with auccf .1 bp l.pdi. Vauiaa-Tllua 

o.llAUV I.AMB." 
"IkBAIt I.ITTLH lllkMB," 

"Who'i Dll Hiiggin' You, Hanmh Brown?" 

To I'nraulonala, lu o«ou aad proaramui. RAOII, tn- 
aatk.r with ordH<.tratloo, or oall paiaooMlT. 


131 AVoat l'4d HI., Nfiw York. 
Honn taught free igprn'omnnj*!* fr*»mlt« 4 I*. M.da llr. 


Til. .tt.otloo ul ilur adv.rliiloc patrooa l.calladto 
tha laot lli.l tbo Bpti adittoaor 


will be ail K.HI'KOIALl.V ATTnAfTTlYK HOOK, llANIV 
BOMKLV ILLUnrRATBU Willi auiiioruua PliOlo-BtlgraT* 
IngB, and that the avfarol apeolal featurae, ineludlog a 
ooinplelolllHrORY OP KVKNTri m the TIIRATHIUAL 
WOHLIi.durlng Ihe i>aat year, aliouM mahe a graater 
demand fur the uouk thati bofurfl aimI a eonaeqasot In* 
eraaaa Id lie wellknuwo raluBioadiorilBora. Tba lorsia 
will oloee alMjui Doe. I. I'leaia aond In ailterlielog 

Piiroiia ro«a.7HtOi .ItfLOf) 

Kor l-Bll a i>age 0.0) 

Knriiiiartertjfa page 10^ 

For Iwentr-flve llaaa, agalo* I.QO 

For tea Hbob, agate tM 

Kor Bfa llooa. agau \w 


Addreaa all eummuotca'-looa to 


«'ll,i|ipr IlKllilliiii, Ynrl<,_ 

JOHN'" " 




Bessie lonei's "Playmates" Co., 

A very Hoaaaol engageiitenL where all iiiembera ir» 

tlvan fi«a aeu|>e to "WHiHi:-'a« brat they ooa wllh tlia> 
I'NHIIlNB OP PAHMR COHKUV-Hooole Heaala Bona- 
hill Ihe MAN IN WIIITKd wi Meduiy. Naf fed. 

rYorm vociiysT 


J have Jnotpuhllabrd "Alter the Hhow* 
ballad, niib oreheatrallfn), "Duo't Tell 




auog by luiugenai^iner, ilie Bleooriir (^uariBtie, Uue 
Meehaa and niaoy otharr), "Kaile'a Hlriboay Partv*' (by 
iiharlar I'attaiaoo), 'I'ratir BrM"(aouK end danoe, by 
Aithur Weill, "Ifaait llf my ffeart'' (ballad wllb ur- 
rlieauatioo. by Will II. Pua), "TliMra'a No OoB Like 
Mother to Vna" (iialiad wiiii oichMtratina, by JT H. 
Luclerof Ltiolor'a Hlnalrelaj, "A Park of l)arde" (di« 
acriptire Bung, br lniiiKone iwiimrK Oao or the whole 
cMlltctJoii loalloa to ariy prgfiealuual upon leceipl ol 
.0 I^BNTHtu pay pualBRO. 


IIOWKHV, N. v.. 

Ihn nono BIIIH. irrlloB me lime ahe I 
•■■dn an ■'Kiiai mniiB lili" wMi Ibr Bonn, 
*'A VMdier'M Lu%T.*' S» iiioro roplea aena 
oat tiiilraa lUi*. le inrloaoil. N, Y* Ammtyt 
l^awmire .tfovolli and Haii. Co*, c/llpiiar 
lleilldl^H. O. W. LANK, 

PuhllaliDr, Olonccat ^r, Mmun* 

Wanted (jiiicb, Fi»iio Player, 

For out and Hpcclalty Company. 

Moil be ablelo ptay(orip«clalMeB. No tine tocorr^ 
apond. KlAte lovaatulary in Aral latter So R. R. fkrae 
advenred Khow newo>i Ihn rnjMl AilUftM MANAUBK 
HBVOB H Oirr A N D RPP.m ALTV tUt . Ilogomowp. Md. 


Prefer thoae who can alac aod daote. Head roll par- 
llculara aod ealary in Hret leuar, Manageioaal oara 
boaid and irafelink Oipearaa. A atrady eDgagameaf aad 
a long BBBBOD. 1 do aot pay fenor aaiaf lea. Bverfbody 
loaeldraiawell buib rn aod nr Oiaiiage. Addra*B 

II, WAl.tR- VANfiYKK Palrrtajd^la. 

AN ELEOAif T wAiTZ SOif O.' 



Wordab/OEOHP, UOOHKBl du.Io bp lll'Ull .1. VON. 
ELLP. Ouplaa Ira. lo HOdtog proalutB. 
of cui uo alaailia lur pmuao. Addraaa 

ULUII J. llONEL).!', Autbur awl P.liluliar, 

an Wall iitli Mirwu Na. Vorli flitf . 


Hiiap K r.Mn >on hy new illurtratiid book 
cataCoour. tiik PiNuir in the wohlh. po.i- 
Utalpaompi.. fiaua. Addia.a nr. II. J. ■HAW, 

; _ igi Au.ii»aNlrMLn,lruo. IIJ. 

Iml. Litho. iStands. 

Rod ra.dla|Mtt.r anl tlj^ Moipla or ta rtiMt alud 
V'^NAP'tTTHacijl ttf N. a aoo'^yil^^lfflia^t^i^l^ft." 


TO MAN'li'N llOliaa, NOBPOLE, TA 


Pint elaaa Varlaty aod BorleeqoB Oonblaatleai will 
be given fair irralment aad good urna. Por dalee apply 



November 24. 

nlMMd the coDteai iMtween nooplir tnd Oonour 
•t Bmoiu*, N. v., MTeml jt»n tgo, in which 
UODOnn wt] klllcil. Uonohoe tl»n dacUrtil bli 
launiion ot rituMog from inj farther onoUl 
coanMilon wlih the tug. lie wu an lU ronnd 
•porUBi niu, aod hli oiilnioni were looked tor 
ipoQ *D cnrreDi topic* In ihat Hue, Ilia fooenl 
mrrlcciirerohfll >i iho linme of hU carente, 14T 
Rut ueih Hircot, in thin citj, on Nov. ig. 

TBI Keir Jeno/ Alblotic Cmti lield thoir anaoal 
meailDzoa tVeilnowUr cveuln^, Kot. ii at which 
the foiTowlnR ofllceri were cnoKii: rroaMent, 
Jtoea K. Bnlilnii; vice-prealdent, Jamta 1). Uojd; 
accreiarj, It, lU Cobb, 


(.'rlckfit In Callfui'iila. 

The flnal cliamplonihlp conical or Iho ataaon In 
San FranclBco, <;al , look place Nor. 11, when, on 
ntntml groanda, the Uohoinl t ami PadOc Cluba 
oonttnded roraecond pi ice In the UalKonla Aiao- 
clallon. h. Hood, of the cliamplon Alameda team, 
and F. A. AnaoD, of the Calirornia eleren, were ap- 
pointed nmpirea. Nellhcr capiaiu vaa ahle to 
lonaier hli mil atronatli, the I'dglDo eloven iHlng 
the grtaivr aalTertr m ihia rtapcci, aa urliniha, 
toeir beat bowler, wan uiiablo to p >r. UapltiD W. 
Roberuoo, nt the Uoheiuia Iciun, «on tho toaa and 
wont In. lie and A. B. Wouater opened In One 
form, the Ittur matlog :il runa iiefore he wai 
bowled. Bowhill ]u<ncd hia captHln, and did al. 
moat aa good eerrlco aa hIa prcdeccaior, gcuinff 
24 runa wuii onlr one chance. Hoiiciiaoo, who tiail 
clcrenj Mitnplkd no tuna, Itien fell to a rer; etiarp 
catch bj Wlao «t polnl, ami, adcr Wallij and lloovca 
had coolrlbjied 10, not out, bciwcou i!iem,the Inn* 
Ing wai doclnred cioied at iTcrinr four wiuketa. The 
nn( dve wlckcunf iiie I'acinc tnim iinloklj fejl, J. 
j. Theobald, villi lu.andu. Oirdlncr, wlin lo alone 
makliiK uuuule ngurca. K. ,\. .Milla and U. w. Bon- 
ueli then made a pntionged nUDd, t»tilng admlr 
aWj for tbtlr leapccilro aeon of u.'iand 12. Tne re- 
maining wickola were raplilljr dirpoicd of and the 
Inning cloaed for lix, leaving ilie llohcmla icam 
TlcionooH. W, llubeiiBoi aapplemootcd bla great 
lialUOR p:rforiii»llc« lir a aplandld catch oiT uook' 
Hon and a remarliBble bit of liowllng, captortog no 
fewer than acrcn wIckeK, alx ol wnlch were clean 
iijwledandueoi'iercloverl; caaal«- Aaaroauli 
of ine match. Hie Oohcnilacloroo ukeaecond place, 
and iher^clUotoani ihlnl place fortlio Hcntun. 

Harold U. Illcuanlaou, iif Ihe BrUlah Club of 
Bakeradiild, Cal., liMl ino lieat iiatiiiig average lu 
the aerlea ol gamca pUjed during ilic recent 
crickelcarolvalatBao Wiinciaco. He la genorallr 
luinceded lo be one uf ilie bca'. hatamon of Kngllah 
birth in Ualiroruu, ranking aeondm ihurtapcct 
nnlf to W. Itotcrtaon, of the liohemlaieam, wlio, 
ho vercr, has llio additional adYanlHRO ot being a 
reinarkatiljr crreoUvo Inwlcr. lUuhHrdaon haa 

rilayed wlin the Alameda Ulub In a nniiiiier ot uaniei 
ut aeaaon, airengilienlug ine c'laniplon Icaio. 
Tni Alameda Uuib won tho clitmplnnahlp of the 
Uallforola Aaioolalioii lurihothe ililtd euccaaaliro 
aeaaon, aod conaequeutif become poaacsaed of thn 
handaome ailver trophy, known aa (he flarrlnon 

A Pualpoitoil Crtlilcfel* 

The couloniplalcd conical boiwctn ihc Now York 
and Vicuna L'luba, to decide which aliuald pla/ In 
Iho drat aeollon of ilio Uciropollun lilslrlct Lcagno 
next BCiaon, which had been acUcdiilod lo lake 
place Nov. 17, was Indcllnliclr poaijioncd. Aa aoon 
aa the gaiiio was ordered to he ptA>C(l, tlio accrrlary 
of the vicinriA Ulub nuiincd iltOHOi-ti'Uirj or the 
New York C.uU, inal llii< Viciurli I'lcv. ii wero will- 
ing and would lie glad lo pioj the tlct;iiiing game, 
and added tlut, ai llis Vig'.oru ulnii hail prnrliled 
the ground for the drAwii rkmio, lio cxp^cicd Ihat 
the Now York Ulub woii'd iir.tvido ihit around for 
thla game. Tiio aeorour; oft'ic .Sow Vuii; Ulub, It 
la anld, failed to anaver Ibli.coiiinniulcnilou, nnil, 
ui)naet|UOUil]r, the g^nio Viu noi plajed Nor. 17. 
Halo, UQivever, woiiid havu caUHCd a poat|Hinonient 
on Itiit d4to, in ciur a grouud bail iicvn agreed 
upon. Ill Ibe eroot ut iIh Now Voik cloven liavlug 
ilefaatcd tho Vl<:tiirli< cu ven, ihc two rliiua irouiii 
Aiuhaoge piMca iicxi aenauii Inilio t#u ai-ciUiiaof 
lli« HoiruiKHIlim Uiilrict UaKUC. The .New York 
eloTon, If vlctorioua nver iiio V iiiurlii ii an were to 
plaj tilt I'aieraon Ulun on Tnauksglviug liar- 

Ell((1utiil vw. AtialliillH. 
^,y, Uioddan'a team or Kngllab cilckcltia,altcr 
a vitT faromblo vejage (jcciip^lng ciil; ibliljr- 
ulnedaya, reached Adelaide, Hcuih .\»iiiiallK,oo 
ii:t. 30. Their Drat umlch kiu lo be agalnatnn 
eleven ot Suutb Aa»i»ll», coinuicnclog Nov. 0. at 
Adelaide. Tho Kugllah tram furriia a powerful 
uomblnaUoo, Ineluiilog ilro aiuaicum In A. K. 
Bloddard, oap:aio; I'. 0. J. Ford, A. C. Uaclareii, 
II. millpaoa aod L. II. Oay, aud clihi proreaalonala 
In BrocKwell, Lockwood, lltchaMaou, llrlgia, A. 
Ward, I'ecl, J. T. Ilronii ami llnnipbroja. or ibo 
abovs named Btodilarl, llrockwcli, llruwu, llrlggi. 
Ward, Maohtron, l.ockweod aud h'oni rankliigii aa 
baiamen, aud llionnrdson, Peel, l.uck>ued, Uilgga 
and liumpureja form a i|Utnlul of cirecilve buwiunr, 
while (■->}' and rblllpson are biiMc:evcraa wiukel 
Keanr. lu which pualilon lliejr will alirrnalo. Klvo 
leaiBiaiohcawlllbonlajed wlib iho eleven t«pra- 
Hontlng Auiiriila, liud aa fonr diva b.iTobeen a|. 
loltedlo each niaicb uiors aiinild be lime cliaooe 
til a draw, riio ilr^i t«at iuHto:i will b j pla/ed Ihio. 
U, 16, liandia,aii)ldner. 

Tub Oanadlan Urlckei Aaaoolailonwae to btva 
lield a tueutlitg Nov. i;i at 'I'orouto, Out,, In regard 
tutheeduteinplticilviMliitr a reiiri-aeiiiailve team 
or uinadiao amatoura to i; igliioo next Hcaaon. Uo 
acoonnt ot ibe wautor a iiuuruiii no ODaineaa waa 
transaetcd aud the niucllug waa adjourucd to IHw. 
:i, when a nnal decision wlil be glvmi lu Uieiualior. 
'rnorommlilee, cunilsiing or J. K. II ill, 11. il l,;on 
and I). W. Hiundora, apptdnlcil to Interview 11 o. B. 
Mndaer as to liio ailviaaulllly or a vHli or a Ua- 
nadlan team tu Kngland, it la uiidentuod, will tec- 
oumond itaat Ihe vIbU bo poAt|)ODud uulll \soi\ and 
the aauouuoement or Iho vlali will aiirvo naao lu. 
ccotlve tooauadlan anuleuranexi eeaaon loeani 
a place on the team. 

'I'liRrian"anioker"et tho Urlokctora' Cliiti waa 
Uild liiiuriUr evoolog Nov. II. al lis ho«di|Utrlers, 
loj WattTffoirili Sircot, Uila city, and proved to be 
itn eiijoirable and largcljf niieudud ru union of Hie 
iTlokoung fraiorniiy of iho moiropolliau dialrlot. 
P.uirlea for the coniciupUiod wlilat, otiuasaud crlb- 
bago tournami-uia: ulodud ou tiiat d«t-j, and theso 
Indoor evanta pronilae to ba clouly conlestcd aud 
douotleas will pruro atiracUvotoalnrca A email 
vnlnnuo fe« Ii charged for each conieaianl In aalil 
iavntuenla, which will be ilerolod to the parchaao 
at aallable pilcca. 

Tun Va'tCMoa |N. J.) Ulnb'a Ural cloven played 
foorteen gamca laal acaaoii, uvo of which wero wou, 
«lx lost aod ttaroo rirawo. Tho ICAni aait weak In 
liauing, \V, Uniioo ranking ilr<t tviili it> runa in 
fourteen lonluga. J. Wcai Icti In bowling, with the 
axoelleni record or capturing I'.i nickoia at a ooai 
of only r. t:i runa caco. Wiat nhio had tho lieat 
iMWIlog average In ubniupiouiblp cooicau. Too 
Paieraou elovon had ilio crooit of bclug tho only 
Mam In the Mciropoliiuo liiiirlji l.caguetodercat 
the Now J^raoy Aiblcilc i lub'a cloven la<t aeaaoo, 
wnhh they did In the concluding championship 

p. A. LouuiN, the once great Lugllsli bowler, la 
iha mtdont of a very aniall vliiago in tbo Ilex 
Hottttalno, Bouib .\rrlca, when lie wool to get 
i:urod of coniiioipllou. lie la cootldrnl or gelling 
ivail In a gaur. Uibooua, htrgo ainl luwcttul, lofeat 
rnla wild, deaolaie, uiouutiiuoiis country, and Loh- 
iiiaunsainlbat lilo lliore la very diQcri'ul lo what 
It waa for him ai the U> al. London. 

Tn> Biaien laland Urlckcl Ulub'a drat aleren 
played twenty gamoa lu all last aoiaon, of which 
tfleven wero won, aeven losi aod two drawn- A. K. 
Patlerjon led lu b.uiliig Viui a record ol .Ml niua 
in nlnet«tniuiilugi>,J.II.I,iuilikin Uilng a good 
«e«on4 wlib ■i>: runsloolevon Inulniia. Wrighr, 
Iho profeailuual or tne dull, ranked Oral lu bowling, 
with a rocord u( wickela, al an average or o.;j 

IN Till last DMich between Burr^vnnil I.siioa- 
ehlre, at the Oval, Uiulon, Kng , lllchardaon, by 
his very fast bowllug. Icrt a uruiej on every ouu or 
the liSUcaahlro baiaiueu, allhouBli iha wlvkel waa 
fairly suti, Uriggagot brulv^il Tour llmra, once bo- 
Inghlton th* by a"lljlitolng delivery" lhal 
ros* to Ibe occialen. 

Lroica, ottheAus'ralUnlcaiii, la billlug In bet. 
itr form tela year than ever, and la evru lUiiieg 
harder. Oeorgt Orlilln la alio In good trim, inak. 
ing II mill for bll new love, the Adelaide Uiub, on 
«epl. a. 

A TliM of rhUadelphlt aiuMeura may vlalt Kng- 
land nexiaoaaon, tho Irlpoonteniplaled Ihia eeaaon 
having been poalponed. The latest advices, how- 
ever, alale that tlie vlall to Kngland la illll prob- 



Dsatk or Faglllat RIsrdan hr an 
AceldeBtal Fdnch Pllasimmans. 
"Con" niordao, Ih* pnglllat and spairrlog psitiar 
of Robert Fitulmmona, champion mlddJawelghl, 
died Nor. It, at Byracnas, V. Y., from a blow on the 
chin he recclrsd from Fllzslomons In an eihlhl. 
tlon bont given by him on ihe preceding night at 
Jacobs' Opera Bens*. lUordan, It Is cbOmed, had 
been drinking heavily for aome lime past. Ue gave 
•rldcncs of hIa coodlilonaa he walked on ths stage, 
butdeaplto this he was allowed to enter Inio the 
bont. there were a few exchange* and then Fill- 
ilmmonr, wlthsqilck upper cm, landed on lllor- 
^ai'ajawwlihbU right, aod ihe latur reeled and 
fell to his knees. Then ho tumbled over like a dead 
man. Tliere art dllTerencea of opinion as to ihe 
fore* ot the blow. The andlence wero worked 
np to a fory of excilcmenl. Hen and boia 
stood op lo their seats and ihoiiied like leoda, 
while the nocoucloua man waa carried oir 
the itsge and laid down In hla ting coc' 
lime, pbyalclans wero ennunoncd, and, while lie 
crown wero aliU *honUng, they weie valniy en- 
deavoring to bring lllordao back lo consolont- 
neaa. Ue remained In lliat aiaie deaplia every 
elfori 10 revive bim. It waa long after midnight 
Ihat the probable reanlt wu annonncod by Ur. 
Tolman. The Injured man breathed Ills last at 
half put Ihroso'clock on the morning of i;. After 
threv o'clock he began to alok rapidly, re<plrallon 
growing faluur every miniile, unill anailr, wiina 
few ap*amodlc cooiorilons, be died. The p'ly- 
alclaoa, a row membera of tho company and Mra- 
Fitzalmmons wore prraont lo the lui. Aa soon u 
the aerlonaneu of tec afalr wu apptieni lisuc- 
ilve u'Bilcn wu ordered lo renuin with Fli/.- 
almmons. About qnarler piet two o'clock C'apiain 
golglry placed Flirslmmona under arresr. The 
middle weight champion aeemed lo expect what 
wu coming and took ma arreei u a nailer of fad. 
Hall wu at once oiTarcd, but the police would not 
accept It until lllordan'a condiilon was more 

An antopay wu held on niordan's rcmalos later 

In the day by Felloo Burgeon 1>. H.Toloan, ai 
iiated liy Ur. Ailing. Tnere were present lira. He 
Clary, Bmilh, Kaoifoan, Lane, Fay and Bond. Toe 

cause of death i* given u "hemorrhago within tho 
cranial oavliy, caualdg compression of ibe brain." 
Ur. Tolman aald Ihat lllordao wu fonnil lo be In 
porftet health and that ihe heart waa u One napecl- 
men of physical development u he hid over aeon, 
ihedepreaalonon the right aide of ihobmlnwu 
very deep and remained for half aa hour afler the 
do', wu removad, Uo aald Ihat iheis wu an ei- 
ceaalve hemorrhage and clot ancli as la seldom 
found, and that It almost encircled the base of I30 
brain, and that no human being could have wlth- 
aiood anch a condition of things. 

"We Ond clot In apoplexy, of conrae,"uld ihe 
doctor "bul I should not look for such an cxicoalve 
coiidlilou u WHS here shown. The man muat have 
been atmck a temOo blow on ibe point or the chin 
which cumninnlcaud direct wlili Uio buo or Iho 
brain. At leut I ahould look for Jost auch a result 
If auch a blow was atmok." 
Thbi Is what the other docloia said: 
Ur. Bollh-I agree fnlly with Ur. Tolman. 
Ur. Kaaoman— A blow killed blm. 
Dr. AlllDg— I shall not antagonize tho oplnlou of 
Dr. Tolman. 

Ur. HcUlary— I went Into the room lote and left 
bororo It waa over, and saw only a mile of the au- 
topsy, and u there weroolhen who a>w morenf it 
I ahonid not think 1 wu quallHed to give an 

Ur. Fay— Dr. Tolman'.H poet mortem waa perreot. 
I abould not like lo aay what cauacd IL I shall not 

Ur. Ilond— There waa no abrulon of the akin, 
and a blow which would cause auoli a condition 
must have cauacd an abrsalon ol ilie cuticle where 
It landed. 

Hoiuothliig Aboai lllordaii. 

"Uon" lUoMan vru a (trapping big fellow when 
ho arrived lo America In 1M2. Ue ramo from Dub- 
lin, Ireland, whets he ws* bora, Uo hi* arrival In 
New York he took a pcslilon In a lea and grocery 
alore In Ycaey Binol, but soon left for Bin Fran- 
cisco, wiei* he won aeverel Bgbia u an amaienr, 
and anally concluded to enter Ihe ptoftaalunal 
arena, lie then went to AuairalUt, where be did 
more or low boxing. In Bydney he gained quite 
a topntatlon as a knocker oot. no remained In 
Auamlta abont dvo yeara, and, relnrning to Ban 
Franolaco with a big reputation u a pugillat, he 
Isaood a challenge to Oght any heavy weight on the 
cout. Among toou who accepled his challenge 
wu "Tho TaiTlblo Swede." niurdan knocked out 
his sntsgonlal In six ruunds. 

In UiiH he became the aparrlog partner of John 
b. Bnlllvan, and, while on the lonr with Uio cx- 
ohamploo, us fought "Denver Hd." Bmltb before 
thelitiiruinb,or iTenver. Rlordan wu beaied In 
his flgbt, and returned to 'Frisco to bccooio tho 
spanfng partner ot reler Jacksoe, and, when 
reter went over lo Kngland, Rlordan accompanied 
mm. In Kngland he was whipped by "Jack" 
Blavln. Aiierthlahswu boaian oy "Val" Floo<l 
beroro Iho Nuw Jersey Aniuaement (Hinipany, of 
Newark, lllordao then branched out u a iralner 
ofOghtora. Two wceka ago Flizslmiiiona oirorod 
lilm the poalilon of aoarrlng parinor. Uo waa cn- 
tbuslullo over Fluslmmona' abiliiy u a dghter. 

O.V1.V TIIHEK IlO«:.VI>a. 

MeAallflTa lfiJari«B Ilia fjoft Hand and llio 
Huut l>eclBrpit a Urasv. 

The llghl wclgbichamplonshlp ot America la silll 
In abeyance. Jack Mc.vullifo, Iho premier llghl 
weight, met Uwcn /legler, (f rhiladolpliia, Uon. 
day night. Nov. il>. In the AUanllc Athletic Ululi'a 
headiioattcia at Uoney lilnnd, N. v., and, un- 
fottunalcly for the champion, when things ap- 
peared to be In hla favor, be Injured hla lelt baud 
by a blow that ho landed on Zleglcr's head, causing 
Iho contest to be niopped al the end of the third 
ronnd by Ueferoe Ecknardt, who afierwarda gave 
a decision ot a draw. While no defeat was laoked 
Ohio hla record >lcAolliro found lo the e.^-amaleur 
boxer /legler a man who lo the oailaiailon ol 
luauy ponions will In time mako a airoiig 
bid for Ibn ohauiplonahip honora. .tl least 
three hundrol I'hiladelphlasa swelled the 
crowd by their presence, having made the 
Journey from the ifoakcr Cliy to ee« their fellow- 
townauieii, 7.ieglerand HcUrldc, pcifonn with Ihe 
mitiena, aod must uf them telurucd to tneir homes 
alter the Oght well uilsOed wlihttaeshowtug made 
by Ihe foriiier. Inspe^ior UcKcivoy occupied his 
usnal seat al the riugslde, nmkcd by a capinin and 
several patrolmen, lletore the Oral pair or boirri 
were Inlfoiluced he weighed the glovea and piaaod 
them to tae anuonncerM "up lo wetglit." a band 
or niuato enlivened the proceedings belore Ihe start, 
and inespeoutora Jolntd in with hamlaanil feet In 
an attempt to work off the chilly lei'lnig cauaed by 
Ihe dralls that circled through the builillog. 

There were two preliminary bonis bctore Ih* 
chief atlracllon uf the oveumg came olf. Billy 
Murphy ond Jerry Diinelt made a draw of their 
contosl. Johnny Qorman defiled l'.>dily UcDrldc, 
ilio referee slopping a knociuut. A big c .vwd wu 
not looked tor, but ue aiuudauco wu ouch larier 
than that ot the Orst show given by iiila club. Too 
Oral liout wu between Jerry Uameii, or New Y^rt, 
and UlUy Hurphy, of Auslralla. It was announced 
Ihat they would spar ten lounda, Uu liol the little 
fcllowa appeared to have trained falthruliv, end 
looked well. Hurphy was much taller ibnobiaop- 
IDuent, and had a decided advantage In reacb. 
Alier a moment of oauilous apimng Uurphy led 
IsLding hard on the body. Do tried tor tho aaoio 
spot again, bnt misted, aod received a stinging leu 
bander ou Ihe J«w. Baruett landed again with 
hla left on the aame point a inomeni Uier, 
which aiaggeied Lis opponent. Tlis secood and 
third ronuila were very even. Kach hinded hard 
left banders on ibreo ocoaalons, but both 
were very wild al times and lost many gcoj 
chnuota to land telling blowa. lursett had the 
boiior of tho fourib round. He wu more ncgrcs- 
alvc than his opponent, and landed eevrral loll ami 
right bander* on tlic l>ody aud fare. Toward the 
endol the round tney mixed np, eaoh elugglog Ihe 
other bard, wilb honora altghlli In favor of UaineiL 
In Ihe lllui ronnd Unrphyalmoal put bla nun to 
alesp. The Aiialnllan niaytd conilnnaliy for the 
body, and Undod mere rreqnciitly. Alterlwo mln- 
uiea ut nghitng, Unrphy ac»ln feluted lor the body, 
and Barnelt lowered bla handa, then, quick aa a 
Oub, Hurphy landed a hot one on lljruelt'a Jaw, 
knoollng nlw down. Jcny got up afer consid' 
erable exertion, Inadaxedcundillnn. Marpby waa 
about to flnlah hini, when the police ordered ite 
timekeeper 10 termlnato the ronnd then and there. 
Bamell wu worked into pietiy good abapo durlDg 
ue Dilonte'B tett, and us nuaitd to keep oal ot 

the wsTOf Hnrpby'a vielon* twiogs. From that 
out the flghting wu light, and, sliEoogh Horphy 
bad Ilia best ot Ihe different rounds, liwu InaUy 
decided a draw. 

TBe next pair wero Johnny Uotinan, ot Long 
laUnd City, and Paddy HcBrlde, of Fhlladslpbla, 
Both men were loudly applauded when Ihey appear- 
ed In the ring. Each lipped the (osle aim poands, 
and looked to be In perfeot cnndinon. They were 
■chedolcd 10 Oght ten rounds. The mlnnts time 
wu called HcBrhle led with hla left, landing 
llghily on the <ody. Use then Ultd for the face 
but Dltaed, and Oonnan landed heavily on the 
Pniladelphlan'a Jaw, alaggering hin. German 
bled 10 follow up hie advantage, but HcBrlde 
checked hlin with a hot right bander m the face. 
In Ibe accond ronnd the flgnl wu Oerce, both men 
landing trcqncnUy. Toward Ihe close of the 
round QoruuiLa knocked hla man all around the 
nng. HeBrlda wu very weak when ho retorned 
tomacoraer. Ilewu sitllweak atinecallortlme 
for Ibe third round while Oonnan appeared 
fresh and brighi. HcRrldc only go; Is one or 
two good blow*, while (lormao laoded several 
terrllc right handed blows, one reaching HcBrlde'a 
damaged cheek. The round ended In Oorman'a 
Iavor,ueo'ilpolnllngihc PhlltdelpbUn three loone. 
Qorman wont in to ilolahhis man In me flllh ronnd. 
lie started oil' oy amuhlng Mao hard on the nose 
with bis lell,drawlng blood. Ue iiolokly tullowsd 
thla with a right bander on the Jaw ihat brenght his 
opponent to nla kocea. Uclirlde look his pnolsh- 
ment gamely, bnt Qorman simply made a chopping 
block of htm. The referee, seeing that Mclirlde wu 
wl.hingioavuid a kuookoot, atopped the con:eat 
and declared uorman the winner. Time ot the 
round, forij.Oveaeconda. 

Then c:imo the a:ar event of Ihe evening, the ten 
ronnd bout atone hunilred and thlity.flveponnda 
between Jack MoAoliifa and uweu /legler. Uc- 
AulliTe'saecoedawere Con MoAnllife, his brother, 
and Jimmie Nelson, hi* old aparring paitaer, and 
Jack Bhcchan, who helped to Ot him for ihe con- 
leaL /.legler wu attended by Ooarloy White, of 
New York, and Tom Kennedy, of Fliiladelphla. 

Hound 1. MoAnliiro leaped, ralher Uuui walked, 
out of Ilia corner, be hao no pannch thla ilmo like 
ho had when he raot(Jrlir>; hla akin wu cear and 
hla eyes were bright /.leglor, u healwayadoea. 
looked In perfect condiilon, ucAultira feinted for 
Ihe body and ilicn came round with his rlgbt, bul 
he wu light, bnt supplemented Ibta with a drive on 
Ibe atomacb, while hla opponent Just mleaed a 
vklous right hand drive at Ihe face. UcAoliffe 
til en Unded a scorcher with hla left on Ihe face, and 
shortly afierwHrda lanoed both right and teflon 
■he body, /legler coonterod on the ehonliler. Jack 
aeni lo auoiner aiiaighi left, and Jost before tne 
gong sounded /legler caught ths llghl weight 
ohaniplon on tho neck with hia left. 

2. '/.legler led with his lefi, mncn to his eorrow, 
for McAullOii plaotcd a taiUor on his body, and 
aroused tho crowd by a beautiful loll hanner on 
Ihe ribs and a scorober on the race with hla right. 
/Icalcr made a plucky nucmpt to retaliate, and 
Onally did aucceed In amuhlng UcAulllTe on the 
neck wlib bla lelt andoniliechin with hla right. 
UcAnllife then got In aome hot ones on ihe rib* 
when IDC gong eoundod, 

3. UcAiiliile cnngbt hi* man three timta ancces- 
flvely In Ibe face and Onally ruahed blm all over 
lite ring, /legier nUled wondertullr and smashed 
McAiillire wliu Ills lelt under lbs cblu. This np- 
peared to knock all the eieam out of the champion, 
and then 11 wu Xlegler's turn, who Immediately 
commenced to niako a chopping blocker HcAullife. 
The latter wu all hut out wnen Ihe police Inter- 
fered, and, anild deafening applauie, boih men 
wercasaiated lu an exiiauated coadltloo out of the 
nog. Tne bont wu declared a draw, ttie crowd In 
Ihe meanwhlls yelling for /legk^r. 

UcAultire, at the cloac of the battle, ataerlod that 
his lelt hand had been broken u a result of coming 
lu coDiact with /leglcr's elbow. Ue aduilia, how- 
ever, that lie awung with hla lelt aeveral Umea after 
the "fracture" happened. AIcAnltire probably did 
hurt hla arm on /legter'a hard anatomy, bnl it Is 
aoid that It will iTi|iiirsa airoog certlOcaie from a 
reputable pbyalclan to convince the doubten that 
a bone wns broken, 

Tivo Knock Onts at tlteBTei'Kroeaa' Blag 

At the Bvergroen Athletic Club's meeting at 
RIdgewood, L. I., Nov. 13, a big crowd witneaaed 
some shaip glove Oghts. Jack Qreely, ol Brooklyn, 
and Jimmy McDuiTy, of New York, wore tho Orst 
pair to meet. They fought at lisiii, Qreely had 
tho advanUge at the start, bnt HoDnlfy waa 
game snd fought well until the soveoih round, 
when ho landed a knock out blow on Qreely. llilly 
Hunt, ol Rockaway. and Billy lUy, ot Lanrell Illll, 
appeared next In a ten round booL nuni slatted 
OIT with a rnsh end aingged savagely tor two 
rounds. After that Ray nad the beat of It and 
dually knocked out llont with a slunning right- 
hander In the orth round. The Onal contMt wu 
between Hugh Daniels, of New Y'ork, and Bitty 
Oallsgher, of Brooklyn, who fonglii at liolb 
The men fooght so hard for ten ronnds and u 
nclUieronehadany advantage then and u both 
wore badly used np Ibe referee decided It a draw. 

A SKIN glove Oght occurred shortly arier mid. 
night, Nov. 14, In a reaori near Ulirion, N. J., 
between Fred Ulerla, an Italian, and Kid Uo- 
gan, or I'atcraon. Tho matoh wu for l2:o a a lile 
and a side bol of ivn. Uogin weighed lUdb, 
abil Iho luillin wu ten pounds llgblsr. In tue 
eleventh roend. wlion Uogtui oould n-jt land a blow, 
Ulorbi knocked blm out. 

J. W, Oaui'UIll, rurmerly or Campbell and Demp- 
sey, who traveled together for some years giving 
boxing rshibltlons, calle<l at this oOlce on Nuv. m, 
lie had Juat returned from a two years' extended 
lour of Kurope. While abroad Hr. tJampbell wu 
united In marriage. Uo Intends retunung to Ban 
Fruclsoo, (;al, 

UanriH Uowlino, the backer of nilly nimmer, 
hu |>ostod J'JoU with m /Ml/n nmelir, lo bind a 
maicb between Dllly I'liinoer and Ueorgo CorOeld 
to Oglit at aoveu stone twelve pounds tor r.v>o a 
side and the largest purse offered by any club. 

Yoi'sii McQisK, of rhUadelphlt, and Joe UcClos. 
key, or riitsburg, two middle weight pngllista, 
roughitoaDolsh Ina bnrn near Daltioore.Md ,ior 
(\V), the former winning ihe bout In twelve Oerco 


Ulryclo lload llccoi-iU Arce|ilcri* 

Cbalviuau U 1'. Walden, ot the tho Record Com- 
milieu of the Century lload Club at America, baa 
accepted the following toad recorda: 

rni mll'i.— L. C. Wahl, WaibiugloD. Tloio, 2Sra. Xt, 
RHon] (11 Olitlrlot Columbia. 

fwitj^t^'j — A.c, IttrdlDg.SI. 1.0U1S. T\o\t, 3li. 
Un. Ua Holt, coune reconl. 

frii mirr'— T. I, Ulril, UiDDeHla. Time, Sin. t?^ 
MloncM's Mate racorO. 

nwHly Ml fs.—V. C. Wahl Waihloatoo. Tina, lb. Tin. 
lt« llecotil lor OiBUlctt^uuiiibla. 

rKcAiiftilml iiil.ef.— W. L. Slelmal. Tlma, ISb. tOui. 
ZJ*. Auieiican reeoid. 

/'irr'en«iirrj> —a, Le.i«at, PhltadslpLla. Tims, aim. 39s. 
PeBD»rlvaaiA HIal* rceord, 

7\i1r<n Miter.— Nat Hullar, Bo«t«o. Tlma, llm. U}i%. 
UiiaacbasaitaiMata rvconl. 

John s. Jounsom and the Steams team or 'cycllais 
broke lour records Nov. IT, at I.oulavUle, Ky., In 
the presenceot a good crowd al the openlog per 
rormsnro on Ihe now Fooiitain Fcny Park, of mat 
city. The track la a perfect third ot a mile. The 
recorda made were two milce. -In. Is-; Ibree miles, 
C:n. UJ.; lour milea, (iiu. W^*.; Ovo mllea. loni. 

Johnson was paced ine Orst mile by the 
quadruplet, ridden by U. II. Callahan, P. U. Connor, 
A. Loavy and W. A. Hhoade*. Tho mile wu mado 
In 'Ju. 1 1 los. The pacemaker the aecond mile wu 
iheuiplel.tbe tiden being Ubarlea Mnrphy, A. D. 
Kennedy aod I.. A. Callahan, un the third mile ho 
wu paced by K.U. Anderson and n. Steveaon, on 
lueundeni. Tne "quad" psoed hlo the next mile, 
and the lait wu paced by Iho aur taodein, Frank 
Mayo and wilUain Bander*. L.A.W. mlu were 
observed In every respect. Al no iloe did the 
riders leave the poie. a strong wind wu blowlns 
on the home stretch, bnl Johnson nnlshed U good 

A 9I.V uiY proresslensl ufety bicycle race will lie 
hclJ III Initnstrlal Hall, al rhiladelphia. Pa., begln- 
nleg Dec. i:,and ending .on Ibe -J'. Many ol the 
beat pruliaaional rldera aio expected to take part 
lo the race, livery competitor ooteitng the race 
will bav« to ride al Icaat eight hundred mllu to 
*avo hla enirance fee. After the actaal expense* 
for piepailng lor and running ths race have been 
deducted,the remainder will be devided Into three 
equitl paru, ono of whlci ahsll go 10 nanagemenr, 
aod two 10 auch men as shall have ridden at leut 
1,100 mllea during ilie lu hours of the race. Tl e 
ridera'ahireahall be.dlvlded aa followa: Toibe win- 
ner, oriy per renu Bee jnd iloer, twenty per cent 
Third rider, arieen per cent. Fonrtb rider, ten per 
cent, Fifib ilder, nve per cent. The rldera will 
Ii*T« the rlghl to appoint a tepr<*«aiaaT«tol90k 

after their Inteiefts. Ttie tnck wUl be fonrteen Ian* 
to tho mile, banked and bollt so u to be perfectly 
tare. Enirance In ot iU mist acconpaay each 
entry, whloh fes wUl be retnmed to all rldeia who 
cover etgbt hundred miles dnitsg the six days. 

TBtTom toroffloen ettliePsniuylvsala Dlvl- 
sleooflhaL A. W. wu coopnted by the Eleotloi 
Coomlliee at Bcisnton, Pa., N t. 17. The vole wu 
received by mall and the reenit forwarded to FtHla- 
dslpbla, where It wUl be' announced by Uhlef Coo- 
sol Hamnel A. Boyle, who vru not oppoeed for re- 
election. The only opposttloo was tor Vloe CooanL 
Tbe candidates were Thomu J. Keenao Jr. and J. 
w. McOowln, both ot Fltlsborg. 11 wss an exceed- 
ingly InieRsllng Oght, aid it Is stated that Keenas 
has woo II by a comtotuble margin. 

A JiOKa the notables who anlved In ibis clly by the 
American Iloer New York, oo Nov. K, were several 
lorelgn bicycio ilder* who tie booked for the Inler- 
UBllonal tournament, which takes place lo Madi- 
son Sqnsro Carden dnrlog toe week beginning 
Nov. 24. The Invading team Inelnde* Lugl Co- 
lombo, champion of Italy; A. U. Edwards, champion 
of Englud: Alexsnder Verheyeo, ohsmploo ot 
acrmaoy; Adrlen Oneny, ohaaploo of Fraoce.and 
Loolao r,e*na, ohamplon ot Switzerland. 


Vlr0lal« Jock«y Olab. 
KoT. U.— rint iftoa— Pan* |M. nlllas, Tour and ft 
tuir ranongfr-Hodmu B , liUi K Dogiou 10 to 1. von; 
MIoeTtb. lo, Orlitto, 3 to 1, Mood : If :1m MorriaoB nuj, 

ll0,BliDi,ft lo 1. tbtrd. Time, UiUj Secood luo- 

R«Ulo((, porM fjol mi lartoDpa-fadn. IM R D^aaa 
'Jfjiol, voa; Iota, m. Himi, 11 to l Mrood; UtUe Mau. 

1(H. Luilf, 6 to I. tbird Tine, 1:17 Tttird net- 

FarM«3U>,»isuKf » ball rarloniti-^l&lltM, 117. Sima, S 
to 0, woo: Jack of Bpadu, UT, (JrlOlo. 7 to 6, Moood; 

Cbaitnr, 109, Bocdtkor. UOlo i tbIrd. TlBO, Irl^ 

roanli raco-BoluOR. puiw 9jiL lu roriooita-BUa JUad, 
lor, Lamlfi avaa Bwoari woo; Jaek tbe Jav. ICO, BargoOs 
10 tu I, KKOod; RomplDg OlrL loO, Kiara, 7 to 1. tbird. 

Tima. 1:16,*; KIltbraea-BalliBg, pgn* $3CD, fire aod 

abairrutiuuM-^-opiilght. 107, Nteoy.CaodSio t von; 
BlAckbawk, WL Lamlr, 0 to 1. atcood: Budonoa, lOP, 

MUslar.3 to 1 and ^r»u, tbini. Tina, laOii THt-tth 

nc«— HaUlos. puna taOD; oo* dIIo aod a alxtaaDili- 
LIiUaToiii.'Ji Kaaia.7 to 8. too; UaMiall, W, Hocd*> 
k«r. B to L Hcond: riaootri Ot, P«oo, IS to l, tbinl. 

Not. 14- iflnt rac*— SaUlnjr, pona. UDO, four and a 
hiiriovlonva-Uliib foloi Balta, int. ariOlo, 7 lo 10, flni; 
Vhoabua, lit). r«op, 10 to 6.M«0Bd; Mldiur, i(H, Dut- 

' - ' ~* — " " " " il- 



, K.ium mmji tw, *>. tiiirv, a w iauiigw. TloiO 0:57* 

.ThIN rtc4-HeMof. pari* $300, St* rurloaga— 

Oviar. 10d,P«oD.8^ li om: MoK*e, lOXarlQlo.7 to i, 
atcooil: lola, in, Doggaii, 2 to 1, tbird. Tiai*,l:Q2>t 

roorih laca-SaTliog, paraa tSDO, ill rarlooi^ 

Lootbrook, 110, OoffgatL Ift to I, Aral: Loooaido, flS, 
ariiDa,0toft,HcoDd; Will Elliott, IM R.Trlb*. I to t, 

ihlro. llDM. l:UH Flllh nc«-lUndlc*p, pnra* 

VM, ono mil*-liO oaonU, 109, Koafa, ft to i. flnt; ElU 
Kaed, im, Laioly.3to 1, aecood; £mai«,f7,O.OorrlBaB, 

20 to L ililru. TltDB, iMii Sipib raoa-Sainog. 

portotsiA una mll*-Ed. Kwrnay, US bima, 0 to liit 
dm: Uiu Diiia, oo, h. D«>g|iait, S to i, lacood; Tom 
Bkidmora, li-l, aritllo, )1 to 8, uiiri. Tim«, I :M>i. 

Nov. 16.— Plrat rac*— Puna tSD, hallmlla— NloaTah, 
101 (irimo. IBto ft. Ton; Back*]a,lOU. JI.BtoTn,lSto 1, 
iacoDd: Ullia Uorrlion miy, 109, Bioia, B lo fts Ibtid. 

Tuna, Q:tO Baeood lac*— Porto $300, all furlonn— 

Darurgllla, 111, Ooggaii,Sto 1. won; Jack of Brtdaa, 
112, UniilD. 1 to % aacood^ Uarilnjicon, ia9,B>iua 0 to ' 

Batt,5 to I. third. Time, OMii Bocaad rac*~B«i1 

Tog, pnraa $no, faur aod a bmlt lorlODM— Ifarrla, lu7, 
anrlto, 4 lA ft. tint: Poucb colt, HB, Dovgatt, Ift lo l. aaa- 
ood;KdoaM»7.iOCi.B.Trlbe,1 to litfilrd. T' 

iblid. Ttm*,l:lO.. 

..Tblri r 

flOJ. At* and a half (urlonia-Pioab, 101, Lunler, 11 to 
, woo; DoKgatt, lOtl. Doggalt, 7 to ft. aoeoitd: Pbi ' 

Un. Pano, TiTto l. thin). Tima,l:10>( PUtb 

tfilllog. pufte $900. aartii forlnoga ' 

Belling.pnne $in,aii 

and ahairrariongi-PaQ«aT,lii7, E Trlb*, to 10 1, won; 
FlIrL liW,Blmi, I toa.McoDd; Koboata, UB, Doggact.aio 
I, Uiird. Tim*. 1:BM Poonb raaa-BaUiog. pore*. 

, . . joci ■ - ' 


ig, pufte $300. aoTtii rorlnogj^Prloco OaorgOsllOL 

.Sima,1to4 woo: Ooprngbr, llflLBergoo,9 (ol.aaeond; 

Nero. lOr.CottralLftSto I,tb1id. Tlne.l:SW Hiiib 

rac'-SaltiDg, porae $300. one mlla— tfatanbat, OQL Seel^ 
fttol. Qru; Weloirr*, lOL Blma,4 lo I, aecond; Plan ir, 
iai,arimo.9ioS,tblrd. Tina, l:ir. 

Nor. ift-Pirat rmee-Solllog, purta $180. ball mlle- 
Hlgb rotot Bella, 103. arllOo, 7 to fit, woo; Doggatt. ICB, 
DoKifQ t. 9 Co 2, aaennt) ; Pnncb, 110, Bargao, 18 10 L third. 

Tima,0:t3>^ Seeood raee-Putrefua all fkirlonga- 

Llui* BHir. 10), BItna, H to »,and o:d Domlolon. 100. 
U«ggett,9io3,daadbeat: WaaUbeater, ill Midgtar, U 
to t third, Tiioa.!:!))- Hon olT woo br Old Dominion 

Time. 1:U74 .Tblrd raoe, aalJIog, pone 900 onamtl* 

-Ed. K*troer. ill, SImi. 1 to i, von; Cbai tar. SO, Lamlr. 
S to 1. aecond. t^tnnora. 101, Barceo, 30 to 1, iblid. Time, 

1:13 Founhraofr-Samng. para*, $ua flro farloan 

— Worobarg, IDS, arlillo, 7 to 10, won; Longbnolr, lA, 
I>0S9«<t,7 to 1. Mcond; Ptino* Jobn,(£. ham.OUto I, 

ibird. TImaL l:0ix Piltb noe-Pura«$tx[ dT* Cbr> 

lonxa— Ully Oamoion, 10O.UnrOa, II toe, woo:Uvlei,li8L 
f*no, 11 10 8, aocood : Hoderocctk lOD, Eaer*. is to I, thiid. 

Time. \M^ Btitb t&c4-0elllog.pnTae$0o.on*mlle 

— Maitbtll, UO, Hned*k*r, 7 to ft, wun, Leonardo, liU, 
Lamij-. 8 to 1, **coDd ; Liu!* Tom, ICO. OnPIo, 4 to I , third. 

Nor. 17.— flcUraeo-SalllDg, pnrao $S0 ball ■ mlle- 
Draioood, llu,Hlaa,3 lol. «on: MUaj, 113 Borgan, B to 
I, second; Taacaa, JU0, Naear. II tol, tblrd. Edna liar 

vaa laic at tbe poac Tim;n:n^i -HKond rtoo-Saili 

Inr, pota* Btftti, alx farlooga— iiarknaaa, lOI, OriiDo. r 

. QIj. . . _ . ^ . . 

tacond; Beu Uelioir, 91. T. Po vara, third. Tlm^ liEftK. 

Pnurtli race-BeUIng, purae $ni. balrmlia-Maurlna 

colt. 10$ Rlaka, 11 to 10, woo: reaUral, ICO. Peon, 4 to 1, 

■ecood ; Iroalan («14log- Itb. Borreil. 40 lo L iblid Tlma, 
o:ftj>i ...Flllh raco-Purae$UO,onan-"- — 
8iniiaa,7 to 2 won; Aaalgnaa, IU8, Bi 
aaeood. Lady Violet alio otartad, bnlUnlUn waailiroon 

on the torn, nenareran two and a bairmllaa before 
lb* waa itop|>*d. Orlflla waa oot much buiL Time, 

SiKib m'e-««lllDg, pone tm, reran forlonaa 

-I'noca Ueorga, IIS. Blmma, 1 to Ii, woo; Void 107. 
Ulakr. tf lo I, aecosd; BpaoulailoD, llO, Hoadecbcr, B 
lol, Child. Tima,I.1D>^ 

Nor. 13— Ftratr*oe-Ponia$19lalirDTloos8-<lallallo, 
lia t:iffl«a, B to 1. woo: Black Uawk. 101, Peon, 4 to 1, 
focAod; Baoator Veat, in, Macar, 40 to 1, tblrd. Tiuia. 

1 :iT'i fiacood rtco-PuraetUO. aU forloon-HcKe*, 

1U3, Orlilln. ft to 3, won; Uoigeii, 109, Doggalt ft lol, a*e- 
ond; LoBaogola, lOi. Kaara li to l, third. Time, 1:11 

Tnlrdraoo-OoeuiU*and a lorlong— Maj^alL Un, 

Lauly, fttoai ■on: MIra Dliia,09, Koala,] tol,s«oood: 
Btar Aoueaa, lui, B. Uoggeu.CPto 1, iblrd. Time, VX\ 

Fourth race— Purae $a)^lonr lorlooga— JewaLBO, 

Kacay atol, won; Bcnarao(or,S8>(, (iiltbo,3 to t, aao- 

ood; liaroago. W, Reera, 8 to l.tbird. Time.O:iSK 

Flllh race— Purae $3an, flve rurloon-McIotrro. 101, 
Lamly, ft to 2. woo ; Wit) ElllolL IU3 E. Tclb*, 7 to A aeo 

ood; lola, lc9. Dogaait.S to l.lbinl. Tlme,l:0i9i' 

tlliihrAe«-Pnr*a$X3aDnamll»-0Qr JaobJOS, jTimly, 
ft to 3; won; Uallll«e lOL Sinima, 7 to 1(\ aecond; M. 
Keiroay, 1U3, Crtilln, 3 tol, tblrd. Time. 1:41 

Itaclng In Koiitnrky* 

Ttie Fall nco oieellDg of the Kontockj lUclng 
Association commenced on Tuesdaj, Not. 13, in 
plMaani wcatbcr, and In uresence ot % good at-.end- 
■uc«. Toe CTontA dtclded daring ilio wcekiroBom' 
marlzed ImIoh: 

,\0T. M-Firai mee-BatlIng, aaren rurlonga~4lreeo- 
wicb, Itq, Thorpe. iH lu I, won; Crovaaa*. », H. Wll- 
ltaraa,3>4 (o I. aeeond: Contaat,99, N. Uorrli, 80 to 1. 

tliird Time, l:2i Hecond race-BIz (arlooga-Col- 

lr«n,lti9, l.aiBb,7 to 8. won; Haaaroo, m, 0. Uraham.3 
to l.aacond; Poco Tempo, Di, Oralian. lO to 1. third. 

Time, Ttiim raco-FineanaliUaotba ol a 

nillo— Theuimuoner,8l, R. Hodaoo, I to 4, won; Dare 
rala. 109, Thotpa 3;^ to 1, aacoDd: lotarlor.lQ, Perbioa. 

30 to 1. ibird. Time. 1:3) fourih race-Wre tot- 

IvDK^Free Adilee, 119, Tborpe, 3 to I, woo; Duetor. 110, 
rarkloi.7loB;aeooad: BIr Lulu, 109. 0 (irahan, 80 lo I, 

tbttd. Tim*. lO.K Flllh race-Stlllar, one mlte- 

I'lutua, 108, Brook*, eien, woo; Demlnioo, 57, A. Utay* 
lou,4 lo 1, aaeooii; Mevalliit, 77, B. Ulerena. 7 to 1, 
tJilnl. Time, I:4J.|«. 

Nor. 11-PlrH m-e-9(i (ariooga-WllIard. lOH J. 
Daly.n to 1, won- PrIao* Imperial. 100, L*lfb.3 to 1 
OKond; ItaioO., lul, Parbioa. 4 to L tbIrO. Tim*, 1:18. 

Bfcond raoo-aareo rorlonga— Lindoleue, 109, A. 

(;iayloD, 3 to ft, woa: llimran; iq9. B. Blerlni, II 10 I, 
aecond; P.llaa Do^«u■^ lis. Tbprpfi. 6 to 1, UilrO. Tim*. 

Third race— Poor and a half furloon- NaT 

loween, inft, a. Olaftno, a la 1. won; Tenor, IQS rerkln& 
7toft,iacood: AmyT.,l03i,jnMy,H to 1, tblrd. TimZ 

0:67 Fourtb raoe— One mile— Probaaeo. tia, A. i^Ur* 

too, 11 to 10, won; Tbe Ironmuter, OS, Dobohue, 3 toL 
aaooiid; PUUbarc, 101. Orabam. i to 1, tblrd. Tluk 

1 liy* Filth nct-Flr* aodahalfforlongi- Caaarian, 

103, Clayton. I lol won; Campaola, 100 rarblBa,B to I, 
aacond; liaball, 101, Tborpe »tol,Uilnl. Tlm*.l:OP)i. 

>♦#»«—■■ ■— — 
Trolling Mattliei. 

Ilie two tniportanc trotilna malctiea Ibai war* to bare 
taken place on Nor, 17, at Itia Parkway DrIrlncClnU'a 
track, al Uraraaend, L. I , baiweao Ur, VlUett'a bay 

rialdlnt, Dnplax, and Tbomu Horgan'a geMlog, Jab*, 
or $w a alda and tbe niaicb t»«ia-een II, fiallav'a 
brown gaMlnit John Y., aod Paler Clark'* bay atalllon, 
Uai Waffoar, ror$B)0a aide took plac*, loU* 
preieac* of a fair >ia-d crowd or trotUog man. 

JabQ wa^ Inaiailad brorit* to tbe oi<«aloi armnt, and 
aUar ili* Brat beat fa* oarer UR bli baakaraln doubt, aa 
h* TOO tlia opaning beat after a brief rttuggl* lo lb* 
Rtiaicb, but lairly romped away m Ihe two lollowing 
haata. lie waa admirably drlran by Tbeodor* Ailbur. 
Time, 2:31. 1:31, t:<i 

Tb* HcAnd niaub alao waa a one aided affblr, aa, alter 
Jobo V. waa allowed to w|a tbe ilrat heal on anfferaace. 
Max ffainervon the thrao ■nbac«|Qanc beau and tbe 
race wlib eaa*. Tbe winner w*a baodlad by Tbeodor* 
Arihiir. Tluia: Pirathaal, Jobn T., t:w>;; aacond beat, 
Mai Wagnar. 2:40; third beat, Max Wagnar, I J»: (battb 
beat. Net Wagoar, iiSJii' 

Both winoera are from lb* alable of Mr, J. P, Rogera, 
Xlorallighaay. Tbar*wlii b* a aweaiiatakee on Tbaoka- 
girlog Day Iraiween lorn well known Btooklin trolilBg 

Tni iToitloR tiblblUOQ 10 b«T« been tM)d Kot.SO 
BtKlMtwoodPtfktuabMO poiipontd nnill Not. 
24 oivlDg to ibo condMlooaot the inck. Allx, Jobs 
H. Gentry, Ulrtctlj nod Fljlng Jib wui nppcAr. 

TBI E.XCBUIOII GriBIsB^B t»j botM BteoAftdoAb, 
flro jenn okt, by AUrm-Buka, dlod or blood 
ItoiBooingontlivnionUnff ot Not. 14, at WtBUng- 
wn, D. c. 

Callfonil* Jockey Cl«b. 

Nor. U— Fliat race Bik fnrlonga-Pioraare Dicktr 
107. W. r(rao.8 to^ won: Wat, 107. A. rorlnataD.a lo 1 
a*ooDd; Clan D. oolt. 107, Dacey,4 th 1. tblrd. Tim* 

1 : UK Beoood nea-Ber«n fa rioon, aelUoji-Obtf aaa! 

KUCeoBba, t to 1. von: Bridal r*n.f9 B.iWl B u 1 
aacond; BfapaibaUe'a iaat, n, W. I'lynn.4 to T. third' 
TlMl«M..\rTT1ilrdraM-PtTe rurionge, maiding' 
■ i-ODO ft aid*-<naqaer, U B. Xaom. B toft, won: Border 
Uaela,«.Cb*ralier,4toB,a*coDd "Hvf. OJAii.. 
Poutb noa-Abeo* all lortenc^Lady DlanonSTin c 
Weber Btoawon: WaJorKcUogb'le. in. R lton.i S; 1 
iMood : Olrea, IA,Ceembo, 4 to 1. third Time, Mik 

rinh iac*-Oo* mil*. Bsliiog-Foiaaki. M. rbarali?r' 

3U>l,won; Happy Day, 104. K IaoD.B toft. feooBd:Harr 

B.,n Rtley.B to". ihTd. Time. l:OH Biitb raceZ 

Oo* mU*— Irliat, 113 B. I*om, 4 to ft, 7on : Ponooa, m 
Coomb*. 6 lo I, a#cond; Monialro, KL u. Weber. 3 lo 1' 
Ibird. Tim*. I:il.'i. '«r.«ioi. 

Kor. 14.— Pint race— AbOQl alx furlonga, a*Ulng..Em. 

Rreaa ol Norfolk, lOJ, 0 Webar, 4 to 1. won; AbnonMoi 
arraat. :o to I. aecond ; Htaadlut, VS. Cheraliar, lu loT 

Iblrd. Time, I :I3 Becood race— Ahoolali InrJooaa-l 

FUni, Id K laom I to A wen: Mnlo Diablo. lOa. Hill 3U 
tol.iecond;rilrtlllA,100^W.Plyon,3io 1, iblrd. Time 
1 :13X - • '.Third ra«»-Plre larloete, aellisf-Joe Coitoo' 
90, B laom. 8 to 1 won ; N 'Tlee W, Obarairer,e 10 1, 're- 
oad;QnMO B«*,9J. W. PlyQe,10to I, third Tlme,l:01^i 

Fourth tac^Oae mil* and a taalC orar alx Uardlaa 

— Lodowhk. 141, Loog, ai to 1, von; Bwaanlo, 139, Blake. 
l«r,lto 1. ao«ond: Lvogwall, 14L Ailoiark, arcn.ibird 
Tlm*,J:i8M' Oaliforala record or t:aA broken. Hippr 

Band fail on Ui* tbird Jnmp riflh nco— Six InrlAaaa 

-Bir Richard, S3, B I turn. 4 (0 1, won; Bomair. lOL Hid- 
rietaa, 9 *o 10, »*cond; lluntman, V, CbeTallar.3 to I 
tbirS Tima,l:13«. ".^wi. 

Nor, IL— Pint 'aee-Belllof, fir* furlonu-Motlia li 
ICC. Carr.aran, won: Imp. Vigor, 113^ A.t;orlnKton,GO lo 
I. a«cooa: Tarn Nora, lUi, Jackaon, 100 10 I, ihlrd 
Time, 1 :01V Ooa Buanaa thnw bla rldar and nn away 

HaoalT. alao noa«af Baeood laea-Abonc ali lur- 

loDgwjtm Flood, BS, H laom, 4 to S woo ; Mary McUany 
107, Xt. Flynn, 8 to 1, aocood ; Olara O , ooIl U8 0. Web- 

er,3 lo l.lbird Tiffl*.I:II Tblrd nee— On* nil*— 

Broa'ltaaad. 101 Carr. S to 1 won ; Percador. 103, Ooomba. 
10 10 I. Booond; Ullaad, 1C8, Uoeraltar, 6 Cu 8, ibini! 

Tlm^ 1:4IV Fourtb rua~Blaepl*ehaae, one ml|« 

aod abalr-^iuadalcuiw, HitMaddcn, 8 to l,won;EMo- 
ndo, tlLBanford, eren aecond; lb* Cooo, I4I Cairna. 
latoLtbtrd. Time. 9:IJK ... Fifili neo-Saillor. alx 
Inrloaga— Motor, 103. llaDrichi Ift to I, won; Jaelcfilclia- 
liea,liti,0arT,4 to l.aeoond; Paiha, 109, 0. Webar.o 10 
l.iiilfd Time, liuii- 

Not. 16— Ftrtt raoe— Blx forlonn-6t Elmo, M, p. 
Joo«i.d Co L«oo: LinriUa, F7. Bura«. 3 to I, eeeond* 

FthvlDlKoo,0, R laoo, IdioB Iblrd Time. I:I4X 

Secood nce-8alltnff,ooe mile— Rico, O), lleorlcba. 7 toft. 
«oo:aiBdiaU>r, (t7.fluraa, lU lo 1, aecond; TwuCbeara. 

OlOborallar, iLltd. Time, I:ilM Tbird nco-Pire 

aod abairftar|onga*<;iaciiuar, lui, W Fijnn. S to L won: 
Joe Uottoo, 0l^B laoD.Bio^i*cond;Lu(n.W.D BenrT. 

610 1, third. Time, lOTU Pnnith nce-Selllog, ooa 

mlle-Polaabi, ICV, R. laom. 4 10 8^ won: Tbe Mailaxd. 9l 
Cheratlar. 8 to 1 aocood: Doebaiader, 100, Flynn, 4 to 1, 

third. Tlo*, l:4t Flltb race-fiixfurlonn— Oblytaa, 

119, Coomba,! to 1, won : Ohartreua*. Bl. A. laom, 6 to 1, 
a*eond;R«ar Ouaid, 108,0. W«ber,)D tol, tblrd. Time, 
1 'MU- 

Nor 17— Flrat rac*— Sailing, about aix fnrlonga-Jack 
Riobaliaa. lOi, P. Carr 2 to I. woo ; Bir Riebard, M, nan> 
rlcba,or*n, aacond; Bridal VeU,fi0 H. laom.Bto i. iblrd. 

Time, l:iSH Beeond no*-8eUlnr, fire furlooga— 

Tartarian, uift, W. Flynn. 4 to ft, won: Bemalr, lioT B. 
laom, 8 to I, aecood; Broadbead, 108, P. (*arr, 8 to l, 

third. Time. IrOUK ^ird nco— Pnraa $I,IUJ, the 

Belmont fltabea, dto lurlonga— Lady Diamond, IIL 
Cheraliar. 6 to I, won; Pliioanta. 113, P. Carr, eren. lae- 
ond: MoUUB.IiB, Uenrlna8,8loI.thlrd. Time, 1:00.... 
Fourth nce-Purae II COO, Id* Burlington Stake*. »>ur- 
die— One mile and a Hiteonlh- Floodmora, ISOl Alloaark, 
6 to ft, woo; Argenta. I39, ailnor*, 8 to I. aeoond; Vol- 

oan, UU aalbrauh, B to 1, Iblrd. Tlma, 1 :ftiU Pinh 

nce-Uandlnp, on* mtle and a aixieenUt-tii«ier Uatr. 
IBL Carr, e to 1, woo; Articua, 107, 0, Web«r. 13 to I, mc- 
ood; Happy Day, 110. K. laom, 9 10 1, tblrd. Time, l:i7JU. 

Nor. lU'Plnt race-Btx (urIonga-Coula cole, 101. P. 
rarT,3 to I, won; Wag, 104, A.C«riogton,81o6, i«cond; 
Mil(dy.lP7, Bnraa, 4 10 1, third, tad*. I:lft<£. Baeood 
ru*~8*Ulag about alx inrlongi^Paaha, UK. Coomba, 8 
to I. wnn; Empraaaof vorfelk, lOi, 0. Weber. G to 1, a*4- 
ond;nockMtr*d*r. 101, F. Carr, 4 ro I, third. Tim*,l:l2<^. 
Tbirdnc«-On*mUo.«olllog— Major McLaughlin. 81, K. 
IaonL4tol wott:Cap'aln neea,W,N. UilKStn l, secood; 
Oakland. Ill, 0. Wabar, 3 lo 1 ihlnl. Time. I:40.'4. 
Kosrtli nc«-Flre lurlenga— Llaaak, in. H. laon, 3 to a, 
woo; Flayrnl, lift. P. Carr, 6 to I, leeond; Be Cectli* 
flUy, im Ueorlcha, 21 to I, third. Time, 1:01. Piiita 
nc4-A*lllog, ooe mll*-Bnw Bcoit, loi, p.0arr,3to 1, 
woo; Miaa Buokley, 7A, E. Jooee, h to i, aecond ; Mary B., 
ft), H.Iaoin,13Coft. Iblrd. Tlrao, 1:41^. 

Ilacea at Aloiaudcr laland* 

Nor. 13.— Flnt n(«-FiT« farloon— Columbop, IC8, 
HaoK>r*,4to^ woo; Fagoi, loe^Marpby.4 to I.aacotd; 

Ted Oegg, 108, Johasoo,9 to 1, ibltd. Time, IM 

Beeond nee— Bli and a bair tartooga— Fnnk R. Datf, 
I07.Mantor*,3to6,iion: Grand Prli l04,Morpby,9 to 
a, aeeond: Maak.lUJ CUM, S lo I, thiid. Tim*.l:3«3j. 

Tblrd raao-flr* ftarloog^L«rIna, IIS, Coibley, 

8 to 81, woo; Magnet. 118, Bander.B lo I,B«cnnd: NIca, 

lQ8,Congdon,BtoLtolnl. Time, 1:031^ Ponribrace 

—roar and a half forlong^PiQanee. 106. Uam,4 to I, 
won; Judge Poet, 103. Joboaon, 4 to 1, aecond; imp. 

Bonaa, 103, Ifnrpby. 8 toMhird. Time,0:fieK Fiitb 

nce-Blx and a i|naiter fnilonga— Tioga, 98. Bam. 10 to I, 
won: Format, 9l Manlor*. 8 10 I, aecond; Deinit, 99, 
Murpby,6to8.lblid. Tim*,l::PK. 

Nor.l4— Flnt race— Fire fdr'unga— Uno Gnnd*, UI, 
Foalar.eren, won; Do^ Wick, 117, l)wc*r,6io I, aeoond; 
Uuy A'l, 114, Johnaon. lOto 1. third. Tim*, 1:01 Bee- 
ond nc*— Fir* inrlonga-ltoaiia, ll7, Ham 3 to l,won; 
Btlgtarla, 107. Johnson. B to 1, a* ood: Tree Top, 107, 

BelMl,SO to ], third. Time, 1:01 Third nce-Mile 

aod an atghtb-^aec Wyno*. 81. Uoulahao, 9 lo lO, won ; 
Pooce d'L*i)n, 110. Johokoo, 7 to z, aeoond: Ataman JIO, 

Ba<n.ftto Ithtrd. Time 1:36K Foorlh noa-Ftre 

lirlonga— Vanuabnrg, 110. Uam.stol. noo; noireHoma, 
1 'J.Hurpby,? *oe,a*coad; Heedmote, 117, Beoder 8 lo 

I, ibltd. Time, lw}k2 Flllh nee— Six aodaquarler 

fortonea-Jaraer, liu. Ham. 4 to 1, win; Dr. Jobnaoo, 
lOUM. Joboaon, 9 to 1 aaooad ; Harbitone, 101, Caiier,o 
to f, third Tlm*,r2QH- 

Nor. 18— Flrat noo-Foor and a ball Inrlonn-Do- 
trolLl07 MorpliT.Stol. won; My Ulrl onic, Ilo^Tatlor. 
ft ior,<B*cood ; Uaary, 111 White. W 10 1. iiurd tIuia, 

0:M Becood noo— Saren farloDga— Mapk, IU9,Claie, 

710 1. won:ByJore,98, Manlore Siol,ao^od;JlmMc- 

tMBblln. w. Morpbr. a to 1. lUinl Time, IJIM 

Third nee-^onrandahftlimrlonga-Coasaclt, 111 Ilaot, 
I to 3, won: Barwjn. lUJ, Taylor, lU to 1. eeoood: B*a- 

seuer, 97, Morpliy, 10 10 i, third. TJma O.UV. 

Foorlh noe— Mile udao elglilh-Dareberll, lOli Oaio, 
8 to 1. won; Prinoe Kianaili, 111 U. Lnwia, H to 6, secood ; 

HayC.10.0orblay,Buil.ifalid Time l.mi.. 

~ kilx ana a ball, rorloog^FIno Water, lor, paraooa. 

Bm/u^^mfA ■a.v V aavas aus .vvB^~a smu ■¥ vmts, av., J vcwai*, 

7 t» ^ wod; JlmDile Jmws. 101, llsin. lA to 1, ssc«Dd: 
TKoner- lei. Marpliy, U to 1, tlilid. TIiim. I :tt. 

Not, 10.— PirA raoe— Fnur sod a hsll fUrloDn— T,\l 
aua, IIS. II. Uali 8 to I, won; Tb. Jnksr, 101, Hsm, l! 
toK, Mcond; Pndenehi, lOB. MsoIots, oTes. tbiiil. 

Tina,OMX Sscoiid rsoa-Plxaod a bsll rortoDiifr- 

)lftrfcston.,IIO, Csf'sr, 10 to L won; JsrMr. lUl, Ham. I 
taS,K>eaiii); Ms>k.l3r,UUie,9tol, tblrd. Tlnis.l:»U. 

Tblid rsoa-rln fotlouis-rrank R. Ustr, lia, 

llsalOTe,Btol.woQ; t*.osack,liS Usui,* lo lO.artoiid; 

MunM in. Tsilor, 10 to 1, tblidrrioo, 1:0IK 

Koartb raeo— Uura nlla— Ties Top, n, Coogdoo, B to S, 

wob: LoTlDff llMrL lor. Fsnsr, lu to i, second; BricMno, 

l.lkli- — 




KoT. 17.->lm nn-UslI amlle-ilolo, 111, Il.tswia. 

lor. Tailor, a to 
SIM a qaartsr lnrloD|i 
riublag, tS, Morphr 
Mou ■' 

lid. Tlo<,0:U nilb nca-«x 

IS- f liaod Prix, 90^ Hun, 7 10 S, WOD 
. .br, S to 1. soeond : Dr. Jolinson, Ita, 1 
Itol.tllri. Tlmt, l:i;)t. 

ISD.TII, Boras, iota I. Iblnl. Tim., 0:lli^ Pocvod 

racs-Hlx snd atoartorfarlooics— Bf Joto, ltM,Ta7lor, 
IOIo1,vod: MsUloCbon, W, aodnws, d to l.tocoDo: 

R«Dton..lor, Usm,9to8, Iblid. Time,l:lO>^ Iblid 

rsos-Oao mlla— ■Irate, It7, w. Uorrls, 0 to 1, woo; 
Flists Oblsl, n, Hoitlir. a) lo l.ncond; Atamia, ill), 

Usm. HIjoS, thiid. Tun,,l;t8U t'oaitb raeo-Fko 

lurtoois-Olbstls, dl, Uoalabtn. loto I. tod: ramdeo, 
lOO^ PanoDi, 4 to I, ssonod: Uy (ifos, Uta. 1C7. S to I, 

ibtrd. Time, l:OD)i Klrth nc«-8lxaadaquiterlor- 

loofs— MeiBls lleok. ICO, P. UoDenuotl 7 ia I, woo ; 
VQsrteriBsster, 181, rsraoa, .1 lo 1, seoODd; lleDSt, 
Mnipbi. 1 10 1, tblid. Tine, 1:31. 

Nor.ul— Kliit rs««-Blx and a naarter furloo,*— 
Tesaolons, lUL Usm, s to s, won ; Lslsb, Ittt asDloie. 10 

1 secood; <>iitarlo, iQS Marpby, s lo 1, ihinl. Tlmr, 

l:3IK Bvcond Tsce— Fire lorleDSii— Aostrlaea iieUl. 

Ids, 107. F.MoDtraioit.lutol.woD;FeDoer. 107.T>ylor, 
atol,secoad; Lilllsiib., Mr, UoirU. t lol, lliird. Time, 

IKI) Tbl'd rsce-Hlx nirloDn-Fiaak IL Utn, UU, 

MsaloTe. «Tea, won ; Fejiin, PJ, Ooiblsy, 13 lo IU, secood ; 
Jim McLoniblla, 101, fiupliy, *) lo 1, ibltd. Time, 
I:I7<4' raaitbnce— Fouisad* balr niilonss-For- 

—U 101, Hsaloie, 4 to I, won; Faiamo, lo;, Hoiils :! to I 
"Tond; rsmden, 101 .Veery, a lo S, ililid. Tlui».u:U'4 
...Filibrace— aeTonfbrloQn-Uiaaa Prix, 101, Utii- 

Inre, S to L woo ; Mssk, 101. 1'. lloDsnnott, B lo I, secood ; 
Flodiloi, N, aon'lirrr tol. tblid. Tlm^ l:aK. 

Till Conej Island Jooier Clab tsldlCaaiiniial 
mHiliig Nor. 10, In Uila cut, and tlie t iIIowIdk 
oillctn wire olscted: J. (I. K. liawrcnc«,prtild«iir, 
Lawrenoa Kip and w, K. Vandorbllt, vic« pml- 
dnis; J. U. Bradford, irctaorer; 0. Keuoiis, sao- 
rolarr. Tno extooliTt commlitM remain tbs same 
wlUi th* (zcepllon itaai F. Oraj Urlairold was 
elecicd to mtt. in addlilon lo Uo oiliera wtio ar« 
Uia olUcara abort Dontlonoil and J. 0. UcctMtier, 
D. Batumcld, Uerbert C. l-cU and OMrga rtabody 
Weunorc. Aner Ui« tIecUon tacro waa a dlscoa- 
non oC lbs prcmnt racing sllnaUon, bnt merely In- 
formal. Tbo clnb will bold a formal meol Ini at an 
eani data and legal talent will confer wlib Ibe 
odiclali on iba sllnaUon. 

Tni Oblcago ntcing Aesoclallon annonnoei tbe 
following list of lUUc^ to close Januar7 1. 13>^: 
Tbe Ublcago Derbr, |2l,ooo guaranteed: tbe I'llioan 
Handloas, Annoal Butci, Uoiienun Btetea. Cbl. 
caio Hlaiea, Lassie Slakes, C, D. i g. (Hakes, Eou- 
lauon UandlQtp, BpcculaUon Uaudlcap, Vernal 
Biakca, Kxpoelilon Uiakes, Block Yarda^ Sleeple- 
ctasa, tbe Calcago Uerni tor ISM and tbe Hlalrton 
biakea for 1M7. Tbe added monej li Ubcial and 
tbe condition* wtU dctlaed, 

A nnioitnuiici ba* been sent to FrescoU Uv> 
nnoe, Piaslaant of lb, Kewpon Racing AiiooU- 
lion, pnlasUng i,galnsi tbe proposed plan to place 
Ibai orguiliauon on a pennaoenc baala and bold 
annoal racing moetlngs. Tbe protest la ilgned bj 
prominent Bnmffler rtsldcnii and townspeople. 

SnrmiMTCisnrr Ooii]ii.n- baa bad aarenl bna- 
dred men at work for ue put week on tbe new 
tiack al Uorrls rark and tbe new Wiibera mile will 
bo eonnletail sort sbonlr, so tbat It will baTO time 
10 MtJe ilcel/and be (a good condiilon for UN 
optniBf daj Is Jose, IBM. 




RiirlDfC In Tenneuee. 
Hot ll-rmt me-Flta farIon(|wIHr»lo ff«Jg«. 
«Md. UB. J. Bill, II too, won: lltichftvaj, 119, Olbion.1 
to 1^ Wood; Equ'lAo. ua, A. Hwnlt. 13 to I, ihirO. 

Tin*. 1:03 ifo«rnOrM«-9«n(oK,ioaru<lalMir Iot. 

lion-Eluo. 10*. UsTdD«r, 9 to 6^ «oa; Ha'iDoii. I i. 
B«mr.« lo LMcond; Iloou%l09, McCo* 4 lol.tblrO. 

TimVorftlW TMnI rut-ull* m iLitMDtb-U 

Uruda. 1CI>£. J. mil, ft 10 1. kod: Turo. Ul, Cuiio. 
•rM, wcoDd; Lord WMlo«brMkf, 103 HtrdlDt. 7 lo I, 

ihtrd. Tim», UiSK Pourlh rteft-6«1linR, tri ud a 

hM forloDtft— MauDpol« lOJ. Koljihi, I to 1. voo; Lon^t 
UllLi. KT. Berji*r, 1 io4. Mcood; Jcbn Danojin; A. Dki- 
MlCloOto l.thlrd. TinciiW ...viim rAre-S«lliDK. 
•ii rar1noji>-Qaick«iep. I0i>*,MaCu9, S to 2, tod; 
Wbit. n, rawlo, 8 lo 1, mcodu; Jim T., Ill, E. Bum, 2 lo 
1 thltd. Tin*. l:lft,*i- 

Nov. U.— riret nco-Aolllor, ill nirloogt-Raroaa*, 
liaB-JoD»»,Gto 1, von; W. T. Klili, 110. A. Harrelt.fito 
1. foood: Abbeu, UH, Hi»rfer. » to fi. thiM. Tiai», 

l-KU 8M0Dd IMO— Firo firlono-Ktitfh, ill J. IW, 

a'io'A^ «od: TrtBton, 1)9, Knight, 3 lo I, Mcond: 8«lll, 

toi MtCao, I trt I. thirl. Timo. I:tns Tblrdrmco- 

PlfolarloORl'-Ptfllovdftr.iOBk J.llili,«TU, woo; Ltok, 
)jj7,iL B*ticU.Uto 1, ■tcoDd; JooL., ICJ Towell Ifttol, 

thitd Ttno, IrHL Koonb nco— Plro luctoDfi- 

Tnmo. US. aiMoo, 3 tn 1, «oa ; WATerlT, lIQi Bvrott 6 
to 1 Moood: DooTor. 110. Farpor, 7 lo I. tbird Tina. 

wu. PlOb nca-liDt milo-blmar P., IM. J. Hill. T lo 

iQl woo: JaoDla mt,, ioo. UeCua, Oto I. a*und: Tbacdora 
H iuibM*io,3 to I, tiiird. Tloio, 1:4 .*;■ 
i}oT U-PiritTue-8iilarl«nita-Oeerfb't,]10iJ^UIll. 
8 10 «on; Jodgo WooJa. 102, Catilo, 3 to 1, iccoDd: 

Joeo lOJ. Bariar, I to I, third. TImi, 1:1ft Ceoood 

Ip^nr aodfthftir rorloo««-fl«irilr lUft.J. Uin.4 to 

1 wod: Uoaot. n, Raiih, 4 lo 1, Mcood; Prloco. 100. 

CtMlo, 8 to a, thlid. Tin)a.O:W TbIrd rao«-eaUlD|t, 

KoroD rarlonai— Prou CodIb/, 100, D«r;:ar. i to I, woo; 

notd Dait,lUOiMeCita 2 lo f.weoQrt; W.T. Kllii.lii»,J. 

UilLfltol.thlid, Tliua.1 28H Fourth ru«-8liud 

ft hsir rarloofa— GUr* Banor, 101, J. IIIH. S to t wod; 
Boula Nichola. lOi, HMth, 1ft to 1, i«coa<i : Nellie Oiboroo, 

81. A BMT«U.iato l.iblrd. Tlmn.l:0K. Pinti T4C0 

— SollloB, ooamllo— Klaso. M, airdDtr,3 to X won;T*n 
8srlD( Ul, Reretr, 4 lo I. Hcood ; Raiuiii), SI, A. Barrolt, 
]4tol.thlrrt Tiai0.1:ll}j. 

,\or. 16- Pint rac»-PiT0 ftrloost— SUrli. 103. BetRar, 
8to8,WDD: Mlu Sturiai^ IQ}, UoCud, 8 lo l.Mcond; 

fUsaont. IQft, McUoB,! to I, third. Timo. MB Kaoind 

rw*-ttelllog, nva rurlAoaK— KoTanaa, llOl H Jooaa,8 to 
1. won; Saul* Nicbolit, iQS, JohoaoD, 10 to I. lacood; 

UarobAwftr. Iftt Qlbaoo, 8 to 6, tiilrd. Tlnia. 1 :01'j 

TbIrd rMO-FiTOlurlooff«— Jiu T, 10), U BarDt,!! lo ft, 
woo ; Mftrr]D»>l&, UeOua. C to I, MCoiid ; Laab. lUS, J. 

mil. 7 to 1, third Timo l:<Ot; Poortb nc«-flolIiDf. 

oM mil*— Pokliar 0 , 98, CfttJoar, G to 6. won : Thaodora 
H,93, A. BirrettSlol.iacoiid; JaoiiIa.\T., ^ HcCna, 7 
to S, laird. Time, l:ii,'4> 

TUBLALBot miUog 8ioci(,Uicproperiror Wm 
rioktutrdt, Nfttban StrnaB ao'l James D. Siultb, al 
the pflTAte Btablfw of Mr. rickbardt, lo lUls citr, oo 
Not. 14, was well atteodM. TircDiy-aevcn tiead 
wen disposed of for fttfH:*:: an ftversge of IJIS. 
TveniroDC head of ficknarU's Horsta broocbt 
ii.tOj. Th4 highest price received vaa tot 
Obeiwood, irii, gr. a., ten years old, hj Cblthester- 
Vanity Fair, by Alexander's AbdalUh. Iledirltt. 
Sapphn ftud Fer«itila. three mrtnn, 8old for t4uo 
e^cta Three bnnue of N'aihaD SirHUS* vere sold fnr 
4=730, Uj llullDg. a roor year old flliy, by Mansnetd, 
iirloglng lUo lilgbest price, ;jlo. jAoea U. ilmith's 
three hoiMsbrnQghC f i;:^, «^pIoo, a tiro year old 
bay colt, by Piedmont, aelilDg fnr $2:o. 

J. Q. K. Lawbbkcb, pretldetitot ibo Oonoy Islaad 
Jockey Olob, sailed for Bnrope od Nor. 13. 

Tasv liftva orgmoixail a uportiDic leaaua (q LonjoD. t'ja 
intlu tiarpOMoT wlitoh la locouDiafacttba loiitiooca oi 
tiio poopU who Bfill^* aBWDitraeiDgiQdotharii'urir; 
TbocoDodlor tbe laagua UenmpoiM oforar Tour boa- 
dr«i ropraiaotaiiTM «■! vatioui linoeliM <^1 ipori. Id- 
dudlOR nob DiftD u III* H«rioi Durham. Lord Unnkr. 
Earl or Mure)*. Furl of Loii«dala and ni«H IIpd. Jaoii c 
Lowtbar, H. P. It l« ibe iotaDtloD toatttljllah brineb 
Uiaoaa ibrougbout Ifoffland. 


Tbia opaTa,bpLouIa« MoUoriDd EllloU Vood*,waa 
BDBi (oribaflritUiDaairord*! Opara tlQaaa. Baliluoi*. 
Ud.Kor. 1^ by aBattun, Tba act Ion of tba opara ta 
avppoaad to tak* pla«a Is Jqlr, iSSt, wbaa ih* city oi 
AUiaDdrlsBcfyi.«ai bombardad by tba Eoiltib fltat, 
nodar tba conmaod of Admiral S«ymour. Tba flntact 
takaa placo od iba dacb of tha Uoliod Hrataa cruUtr Pa- 
tapaco, to wblcb tao Amailoao railoaau ol Alaiaadri^ 
Oad iorrafuf*. Anoag ibaHrofngwara Helen uUmor 
mod Uaod allao. Ualrn U betreuiad to Ltiut Uairy 
t^mar. nl Iba cnlMr, and Maod bait a teoder If allag (or 
Lia"LnAiara,ofih»«amaTeuol. llaDca.lhalOTfn aio 
b-chly pltautl at ibo •margnry wMch brlota ibam id- 
calbar. Oo tha TMvel la a.tiDlTanltr pioTaaaor who 
baa ooma to Kiypt In uarrh ahar mammiap, 
and who wiihai to marrr Mlaa tlllntor, that be niay 
inaiaoaeof bor loooay for Ma Kleoiiae iDtaatljtallooa. 
Au lopeaialtiuibDt high bore jouog kogliihnan baa 
followad bar to tba PaupKo with tha aanie daaigoa on 
her fortuoa. Tacnab Faiba. a wealthy Ataiaadtlao. hai 
loDg adraliad ilia two lair Auerlcion. and maila irulUaaa 
atiaupta to woo tliam, Egyptian faiblon. FiDdloa Ma 
■altrapolaed, ibftproteuar maku a bargain wiib Piuba 
toatealtbaglrlilor liiiD In ratarn lor a roaoiof. uiu- 
iiiat«ly lataodlog toraacoo thim ■ndfocare adoaVlo r^- 
ward, Tba gIrU are Moieo from iha itiio bj a liand of 
Antba and cartUd cil lo the hirem ol Vacoob, where 
Uarry follovR tbam, with a derotol old lar.wbo halaa 
woman, bai adore « Ma yoncg lleuiaiitnL Tha N)mb>rd- 
niant begloii, and iba reafiaan enter ihe barooi, the 
wall being )>iowd dowo. But aa they are alooi. they 
aracompeileO todlagalMtbamaelrM ai lomataa llllihe 
Taacnmg pirij Iroui tiia ciuitar arrlrti. Ptto. tba old 
ur, aliracis, mach to hia dleguet, ibe tdrntnilon ol 
FAitmi. tlia p'ldaof the haram, who uiakei panialaQt 
lore to him. Tbemaa Id diagulia anconnter tba pro- 
faaaor aod thaEegli^h nobleman, who hare alio ooma to 
Iba r«««ao. and, ai^er eouei)Dent complicailoeii, la- 
ctaaatd by tba rase of ihe proprietor ol tha bareni. tbe 
party of man freio thecraleer arilra, aati tbe loreraara 
reanit^ aod diroilucd to bipplDtia, uoderiherroiici- 
log fol'la ol tha American flag. 

"Tha Land of the Uvlng." 

Tbii play WM acted lor tbadrstUmeoo uy aiax* at 
Monaco a Uraod 0;cra IIoom, Ban Fraaelaco, CaL. 
Not. 13. TbaalorybagtataDd aadalD ViagUDd, but tbe 
a«ooDdactlalaldln Alrlea. Briatly, iha atory li thia; 
Arkwrigbt and Tiwdgold are bankara, the lailer la In 
lore with Iba lormar'e wile. lorgaa iwnila ao u to inToUa 
tbe driu.aDdlalorudtolaareUiecouDlty. Illaparinor 
al«ot«avaa,aa It doaa not atam peaatble lo dear Mra- 
Mir. Both go to tba diamond flaUa Thara Ark- 
trrigtit galna a fortune. Purauad by roUbara be 0aiJa 
rraiage In Tradgotd'atkmae. Tredaold auba and roba 
bim and alaru lor Loodoo to wlo tha wMow. but Ark- 
wrlgbiauiTlrea Tbeoikeracia,lnclaaia|ihe SfUi. ihoa 
tbeatraggia between themallgoedheroaad tbavillair, 
who la properly [oiled. 


NO DoDAbue, an cx-profcaalonil pitcbor, died 
darlog. Mvent beaorrnaiK, on Nor. u, ki hl< 
home.tsobujlerrlrlo, N. V. Tbe clcc«a5ed was In 
Ll« tir.nlT lltib year, .nd bad rcsldeil In that plac 
nearly all bla liro. l>onaha<) van witb tbe Oneonia 
team, oC tbe Neir York S:ate Uague, In IS'.io, and 
ranked well dp In ibe onichi bitting aTcrdces or 
IbatorganlmUon. In lyil bo vraa enpiged by tho 
Tacoina Olaii, ol ilio I'ltclrlc NorUiveet League. 
Ulfl moat noteirortby conieet Ibat season wa^ tbe 
ttrenty*iwo Innloge gaiiie between tito T.coma and 
Seattle teams, played May l>:, at Tacoma, Waah. 
The acore stood a tie e<cb Inning alter tbe 
iliDi nnill Ihe tweniy iecond, tbo Tacomaa 
Uien wlnblog iiy n Kore ot a to s. Tbe 
AeaUles nude only eleven aafe bit oir Sonabne, 
oiT wblob ibey earned only two ninL From tbe 
Northwest be went soolb and played wlib several 
teams down (here, where, It Is tbougbt, In the 
mirahy regions bo contracted tho rtUcaae which 
caiiiea bis deal b. While playing In Savanoab, (ia., 
he waa alracK In the rlgbt aide by a lull, tbe eirecla 
or wbloh be sever was free (com Ue wa, obliged 
10 retire from ibe diamond fat It In tbo preatot 

I ear, and alter slopplna awblle irlib friends in New 
eney, he returned 10 bu home, when ho died, lie 
leans a widow. 

Tbe American Association delegates held a meet' 
log at Chicago on Mot. 10 and IT. There were 
present Ptfsldenl w. a. Kames and K. 0. Ricbter, 
I't FhtUdeliibls; w. U. Bcoinnon, of New York; 
William Barnle.ot Brooklyn: N. K. FfeiTcr of Ubl- 
eago, and 11. Ii. Qola, of Mllwaokee. Wasblng' 
Ion and PiiisborK were represented by proxy. 
The principal liiMneas tit Ibo nieeilbg was lo con- 
sider the report of the C'lrcnlt t'ommliteo, and Ibis 
took up tho entire tine of Ibe Oiat d ky's aesjion. 
There waa only one vncabcr to nil, lud tbeie weie 
appllcatlonafromSt. Lout., Ueuoltifiuiriilo and UoC 
Ion. All of these places mule ancb oxccllont shor- 
iDgthatths meeting was dlrlded as to where to 
place Ihe one francbieo at lu disposal, an i ibo tn' 
tire alismnon was conaomed lodebailog \'M mat 
ter and when adjoornment waa takea no coq' 
cloalon had been reached. Oo trie followlag day, 
after being In aesxloa nearly all day, tbe delentta 
decided npon Baoaio, N. v., ai tbe right city. Tbon 
tbey adjourned to meet .s'nv. 'M. 

The ArllQglon,, of I'rovldenco, II. I., will present 
one of tho alrongest ama'enr teaou noxt eeason 
mat will be louuu anywhere In IbulSlatc. It will 
Inolnde rowera and CooMy, caicbeia; Ryan, Howe 
and Coleman, pitcbers: Conroy, Lewld and Nayeooi 
on the bases; Cohen, short stop, nnd Downey, Uir 
ley and UcGraib, In tbe onuielo. 

John H. Ward, manaaer or tbe New York team 
while at Obnrloite, N. C, on Nov. le. was qaoted aa 
laying tbit he had tlgued Oeurge Divls sa captain 
of the N'tw Yorks for next year. 

A special meeilngcf Uio Wcalero AssoclailonTras 
taeld NOT. li, at Hock Uiaud.lll. Tneroweropctt' 
out tepRseuiauTca from all ihe cities In thu cir 
colt, except Ki. JoiwiiU, tho latter lielug In aireare 
$3ti0. Noltce was acni tu Iho club in pay up or te 
expelled. Too assodailon Iks applications from 
Slooz Oily, Uonveranl It :cl>ford. tue pennant of 
levl was awarded lo the iKck Island Club. Tbe 
•aiaij limit for next soasoo was Increased from 
((DO to i'joo and It waa decided that no club can 
oconpy lor basebaU pnrpoata grauuda lucd for 
clihtr fair gronnda or race iracks. 

Crack Wins Biioli, 
Ad iDlaraiUnf niatcb wai mida Kor, 19, uchlcigo 
ill., b.lwff»o«ck nloa ■bou. Dr. Vf. Y. Cutor ui 
Cpt J. Ii Br«w4r oo on. ililo, aod J 6«kTtr l'.f 0 iot 
atow Work. ibA w.U koovD and olerar .naLuri. ol 
M,w Vojk our, OB IhB other. Tli. match \t for %tci a 
Mnor, ortS.uLulDalL No dtntu. dalt baitiooDaiod 
for UlB Itaoot. owloa to Ur. (Jarror'. loabllltr t« 
«b.n b. vllt be ab'o to b, lo No. York. Tbt coilrb wi 
take plao* at tbo arouDda of lb« Woiliiiliui.r Koao. 
Club at Um .irUiil praotld data. 

A Haarllta of tbo How York Tioht Ricidr Aawclalloo 
will b. bold OQ Nov. », lotbioollr. ' 
Toiatu ooaaiDltlwill bo proMBlod, 


Tbe Ural Mrforuanceof Uerbait UallWlnalov'f new 
olaf . "Alimooy," wu glran at tho AUdeuy ol Mualc, 
wajLlDgtoo,I>.C-NoT.9, witLTim Uarphyaa iheatar. 
Thaplar la aaaure on tbe lacllliy aitb wbic)i diroicea 
as theolitaloeJ In wmo ol iba auiM of tbe Uaion. and 
Inoldantlrbrloiain New York pollilca and tba reform 
moTemaot. Com. Towltna an Iras at tba Broken Pet:eii 
lloiaL Jayvllle, H. D.. which la tbe head(|uarteiH o( tba 
diToroaeolooy.and liera are iDiroducwi gtafa widewi. 
gtaai vldvwaraaoddiTorceMakera. Tbe Comioooora'a 
nangbter liaa aiopped at Uie canie butal wlibbar huaband 
OB tbeir bridal uip. They are Inlacicd with iiieaiinoi- 
pbereof tbe place and reparate. Tba comuiodora'a aoo 
aad bla dime mtuaon wile tore up looking lor > 
dirorce. and tbe act anda witti ihe marrlagt oftli 
oommoaora to tbe Toiaran of all tbe alimony c«il 
leetora Mr«.eepanteMatotenancf. ThaMcoodaciabowL 
tbe drawing loom lo Com. To-*llDe'« city tealdaoce. 
The eommodora hit gone Into poUtlca to haia an eicoje 
for laavlOK bla bom*, which tba »«vDd Mre. Toallna 
bat made aoytblng bot pleataoL To clear bioaeU of 
tbe diarge or beint a platocrat be aooouorea bU lallnia 
aad ratolreatoliTe on hia caoal boat. Toe tbird act 
tabaa place oa tba caoal boat. Tbe cAmmodore la de- 
reatad la bla aiiort to reform New Tnrk, bnt all tha 
laaglaa aiw ttnigbteoed, and the paymioi of alimonr ir 
Btopped. Tbacaai: Com. Joabna fnwiioa, TlmMorpby. 
BenrTowlloe, Eugene Canfleld; Ua* J. Hyrd.aeorie 
MoCeubfr; Vaaderbajden Koickar booker. tUrawoa 
Haadydde: A. Haabaiian gtlek. **f. Richard Collar; 
Hon. Wari Heeltr, Jauiet Mauley; paMII, I>oroiby 
•band; Mra. laparaie MainUaaoca. Uonaloe Draot; 
Paa Ta, Balllt Siambler; Mra. Clara U^to Date, Jeaa 


Coiaer Slat Btiaet aad Tbud ATaana. 

Honday, Thursday and Satordaj. 

•aperb Prednollon of the draad Botala MaMnBat 

''The Power of Cold." 

KoatT «a-THE Waira OK NBW YO»I."_ 



_ A fIti J picture of the Itelga ofjjirer. ^ 

Herald Square theatre, 

Broadnray and 3Slh Mraet 



i.TTiiod.* oub cent EACir, ANV srVLR 
rou WAMT. Band aleaaia lor aamplaa. 
B ARRy tiLARK. ft OBpnioe Ht reeL PhUailalphla. Pa. 
Open lime Not.. Deo-, and biter for OraicUaa aurMtiona. 
Band preferred. AiMrea* I I. E, BERRY . Prop, aod Utr. 

TO Birr OR LBABB: One Bill Car, Twe Stock Oar*, 
ThieaPlatCanand One Bleeping Car. Uuatbedratolaaa 
can Id good oondlUon. with modaro ImproTementi, air 
brakea, aia BIda reoeUrd ontll Dec. 1. Addraaa 

OlfAS. LEE, Box 171. Canton, PeDO. 

BbANK COUlH>N TICKBTM. ll-lSX:|:a>3 
178 Boulh Eighth BlrneL Brooklyn. N. Y. F.iL IRQ 

S.I899. aoodiowo. t>>uaty leaL Couriaaek. Honie 
aaata ftOD. Alwayadogood buiineu llafa oihar daiaa 
0 i»eoal<m. Addce" LnTBLL k MfH > RE. Rf ckport. Mo . 

' BLOtyniKlBljD.irao., ik .\ur hiii A.'iitiii- 
CAOu, Hur ir>t) a heal aLi:vi-:ii r.irTLK mioff 

PANV. All good people write ma. It will do you «ood. 

-m RAIftBOLT. Bloomflakl. lad. 

WAVTBD, liooa HiORie AttraAtluo fur Sinie Koon 
Bbow (n o aoinialB). Adil. w. J Williame. Qincloni ll.O. 

TO SABIUBL'jVHN'HAnDV (tur^^^^ n ral- 
IM), lormorlr n Cnealar, Boglaod. who \% i>eII»TMl lo 
haTo taken tha ntma of HTANLBV VEI;N0.\. Vogr 
mother, EHiabetli Randr. la dead, ami rou are re<iceii( J 
lo communlcaie at noee aiih HAUUBL 8MlTII,To«n 

Clerk. Cheater. Boglaod. 

piion tra'oboy TO nruuKtirKiTJir ria'r 
writing (all mada). "gned." *'i|olck'* and "cheap." I'lara. 
aketchea. mooologueii, etc, made entirely "new." Keiaj 
a"«ump" Ifjou "eipeet"aa "anawer." UARRY lie.v. 

DBRBOH. LAQUoocreae H 'r#er. LonlaT lUa. Rr- 

AT LIBKH'i'V; " 

Character Uom*dian (BlBinag and Danoiog Spaclalilaif), 
ITA LBBCH. Javaollea or Rounreite*. 

Addiaia MBboltuBtreei.Chlfago. 1 1 1. 

Prieea ngbt aod aatlalaeUon guaraoieed. Tema for 

alMBP.__ W. B TOOK . A^hlaiHi^Mae* _ 

~\VIi>L« ftoy pooiOKrapborioiomettOQpertaitiiuctn 
Tom Tbnrab'a Engllili Walnut earilate Will bey 
Badm cbalr. WM. OLAREWCB V ML. Byreoure. K. Y. 

Ai^nav GO Round WANTBDi-i't^'nb 

Say spot eaab lor ReciiHl Hanit Tpaa«tnda Hacbicv, 
[Q«t be eheip. . tON LOHIKQ. >=looghlon. Mao 

aotera,Blogiogand Dauoiog Old Maid Bpadalty. Rail 
ahle aod experienced. Andreas lor t«owe*ka care of 
WeKtern Bouaa, Waalngtop. fnd. Permanent a^Mreaa, 
aOX W. OUrt Bireet Ci.lcagn, ni. 

riTUOd.. ONB tJBftV BACH. Aluioet naw. 
Tbeae are "hewti<>w." Bend "ailrer* dlaie inr ' ram- 
plea " Q. LUM. i BHCongreM Biroat LanlaflHe. Ky. 

WANTED, Lady Paiiner lor Refined Hieidj Work. 
Huat have har own apMleltlea (aoog and dance |>ni- 
(erred). I hare mr own oorapaoy. Plenty of work lotde 
ahead. Tbia la a cSanee. (lond amateur not ob)edcd to. 
Endoaapboio W. U Poolalne. PoatOfflca-Juliat. III. 

aeareibowtodoihlaactilO. Btaok art outdia loonJar, 
$0. Limber Juice, with eecrat bow lo become a contor- 
t'onlor^BJ ft lllualoBi In one tn, one tblid with order. 
WM NgLSOK. Maor..n Falton tft, Wor cauar. Mate. 

FOR HALtt.— fliBTHIviBD WUMAN, witk naw 
paiatiDr, lOitait ; mermaid, nlae tanol Taylor organ, 
cartalna and baoner lor atore room ahow; taken far dabi 
and moat aell together or aapirat* at onoe No raaaen 
able olfir reluiied. Addrcai PgEO HILLBR, Boi tit, 
Touogatowo, Ohio. 

NOTIUE.-*i good leatQTe for travellOK nuaaama 
and Btore abowa, would like to bear from ancb. A good 
thing for the rlgbt party Rand aiamp for pattkuUra, 
Lu'lieriaaTArouraumpa H. P. Bowm%a,WTiu. idrtieaa 
J.-iIIFf P WOLFE. Hotel NewLelaod, Hoom & Peoria III. 

AM> BI.aOK KACB COHEDUN. Unod alogar and 
dancer. Woubl Join aoy abow, WouM like loiiMf frem 
a good man to doub'r. Addreaa P J. ROND, Uan. 
DeTlTerr. Combarland, Md , or eareOLIPri'.li. 

iH^nuBil TVPB ANu UAreiTTuR biiu« 

BlLLfteie cat. Tree. B . TA YLOR A OO. CloTeU &l. O. 
i>'R«(VI£ MAHB/kCl^ YOMALIir, liANCER, (XJ- 

MEDfANaDdBlBglogClovo, at Liberty. altberoireus or 

Tau derille. Aajr«M Mt H^ca m-reB* . < loclnnalt. O. 

8:age Director, oran/ihioglo repertoire: experieoced; 

lot* ol maouatrlpta^ Addreae Ilowoar« Qrore. Ill 

"^OD COUNRT A«l> Flii/Tifc HOl4>]tff 
open lAr enngen'oL DIract baoda. rorrMpoBdaooe 
aoliclta d. J. X CONA WAY. Co rnet Hololat llitt, Mo^ 

~niI81C AlliHA\aV:b,n>Ul>HCliBHt'iL>^ 
Maalflpattnv ordaora^aptnimeotmade (or melody. 
Addreae CIIAH. L. LEWlB.a9IW 9ih H. ClnalnpaH. O 

FOR 8ALB. A leraa aaaurimattt ot nae atteet and 
half-aheet Bpringer LltboBr«cihe flood tor any ibo - 
Bargain. B- H. BULLIVAh. I B Third A tenoe. N. V 

19Tri. MoDologute, reotuuonn.ebetchea Olaba, aoela- 
Uea, wrile for lenua. Travel wlib atereopilMB or other 
eula tlalnmeot. Hd We« t For'le th Htreat. 
~''f.VFBllNU" (IM>l(K'i*) tjANTkllN HLluS^ 
•etoru, dotly colnrrd. Ureateihibiilon. Tbeae orany 
coIoredalldeaBSc «adi<bairprlce) rialDall<lMVc eanh, 
colorloa aoa We eave you uonay. RAL^U A CO., 

Waal M adiaon fiireet. Clilcago. 

ttUoWMUN.*rine Baakea, a looi, |i: Mookeia 
from 84 to tif. annadllloa gio. Prairie l>o|i 81 eacb 
liepfaTtwHb 0.0 D ordm. J. fl TeeL llai»rlilll._llaa«. 

4, nThi amtinkV., at i.t A kht vr ' r\ mi uLuh 

MJbOANDK PLaTTL BAPLAVBR. Boboraiid lelMtle. 
Would Ilka to bear from a OiatcUaa railroad eircoa era 
good aieadT band In fondctty or eoMlera' bona. Adrfreta 
care OfOLIPrER orHnMier»' Home Raud. Belli. H. V 

WAiVTBU, t^medr OKI Nan, Utd Woman aoO I'lao 
let BalariH very low. iCe i<ay all evpaoeea alicr fin- 
ing. BIJOU COMKDY ro . boi I QI. Ww dypo rt .V. Y. 

FOil'SALtiJ^ flna~\fai"Figuiea siau; __. 
nireOame.glO: pair Buck akin Pania. •l;lluck»hlDCoat, 
heeded, Buekakln War Bblii, 8IU; i«tr Hacbahin 
Levginga, tkaadad, eic, AuiABai<e Wax Piguie of 
birflS'uBULL. wItb palntior. 1110: Aerial Hn*pen*!oo, 
nickel plated with pelnllog.gtu: &9 Bong Booha, t<: Ho 
Uoteiii Hilda a. tU; Tvni, I^OO. IV; S \\\f. Ilrada an] 3 
I'air ol llaodt, BJO. Tbrae gomla arA ar«lc1aaaaDd diit 
cheap. Addreaa W D J.rlia«, 191 AocnaiaSt.Cliicacn. Ill 
" t ALTJ^^TSUVOTiMBiiii*' ■ wifK.^ i < "RK»V 

YUHCaiupat 141 aul l'.'> Kaat 1 ifteenUiBireeu rUEAT. 
HIUAL UBAD'/L'Altrari9, twohtucha ffou ell Hie llita- 
treiandninaeutna Kurnfabed looiua for Uglit liiqaa- 
ke«plnK. B»Brdlfj]e«lred. Hiiri J. BAKK'>W»I._ 

LUmUEtf WRITTKS TO OlIURH. Beod euop. 
J09HPU ERRRIlAtr, IX Palrpinnnt Are , PMUJelahia. 
"cLA'KIPiBT'rWT AT i.iiiBiift/ 'uAtg 
OIL*, ri Army. Theatre or Winter Reeon. Aoiliev 

:AK *■ ■ ■ - - 

B. F. Keith's AnuseiMDt Enteiprisu. 

E.T. AIOEE - - • Gu.IIkV. 

B. F. KEim NEW THEATRE, BnlOR, ■ut.; 

THE BUOU, Pkllld«lphla, Pl; 
a. F. KEITHt OPEU HOUSE. l>r«vM«K«, K i., 




ContinnouB Ferformamoe. 

KooxTOiaa. Kogror. 


MURICiVk. W at. rotflch Mrool. Qiatoo. i:>Bid.. 

WAStS Awirilix Soi-IJATBD. HSriKKU, iiRica. 
"l-1V: rAia alKIIER. T»t,L *N0 SLInUT. ciiahck 

IVAW ltPWAHPj._<mjlW*J»rtr_ 

naNB 4K^l''A'Wi}A. m:i... 


nrent ilailit aad daactof •ooclutMs. 
will MaitdoroIMimnaSmolaii Bod. 0*. 

AddroM, iaoa. 111. 

TONY PASTOR'S, ...iliri,... 


IMOGENE COMER, Contralto, 

rtaTrI^ tony pastor and his CO. 

OArrabnta, Dancei-a, NlnRen, Hia* 
Iri-a Pmloii, llamaa and Arun, 
fill QDtbrooka, Urace Vaoabn, Hurray aad 
CFNTS *'*^*"- ^**»"i>*' Beriloa and 



TUB Rosaowa. ronRiifiT bhos., 

uilz rouoRkE BRaiNiA iihbli.i, 




IIBHi SlTMt and Third Ave., N. V. City. 


Nertk BfMd Stmt, Tr«nton, N. J. 

JOHN IIANHUN Proprl.tor 


WANTBD AT ALL TmEK, BlroDI Footura., <^ri. 
oiltloa aod NotoIiiu for Loclulo llatu: alio Ittib 
Clou VaudoilUo Aou for Itioauo*. All appllcatloai lor 

OOIUOSMOU (tM^'t hooMH) uoat U oddrMod tn 

BDlTAnii 0. HSilTII, Uirltm MaMom. 


Open all the year. WANTED. POR TIIR CUBIO If ALLS. 
LrTlngOuf1o:iltleN,rreaha of Bature, Rate aod Cnrloui 
Animate o( ecery deacrlrtlon for our naw Menagerie 
DepaTtoaoL and at all tlni^i the T^ry b*at VaudeTllle 
Btan for Iba tbeatie. Ko ulary \»*o bigb for Firat Olaae 
NoYeltlaa. Uncagemanta from « lo 11 weeka daring the 


13U St, uid 3d At*. 

JAa. II. cuRTin, 


The Wilmot Duo 

Leading Double ^Oyolists, 

Addrau Zl Erie HL, Cambrldftport, Maaa. 

Tbla apace lo CLIPPER la reserved for our weekly card. 

O- H. TJntliarL, 






X.emd*, JnvanU*. or HmtIs.. 

OK^'L DELIVKBY, KuliTlUo. Toea. 




IM l'rViTII<i~MBir LAlioE nOOB BKKT rilB 
AalAiriUjIO lu conULwUh portlooUrii hov lo 
OUrt ta tbo ibow bnilooH bciI loom ill blodi or ocu, lo 
iolbor wirti lllDolralMt t»o1c or »liir •lablo.w cuu 
Addnu JOIIK U. HUUBIULER, CItTolaad, Oblo. 

piahTst (gonoiictor aWTrraTg'er); 

ADDRB4A A IIAU'l. COfOOftillppT. 

At LIbirli, LeidloK Man, Ludin; Udi, Hni) 

MAN, ('haracler, IJeneial Mui. JoTeolle Ltd? , Houbrette, 
Horn aad Dane* Teno aod PttBUr, irl>h Comedian. 
UROROE OThVKNi^ No. II Month Iftlh RL. Ht. Loala, Mn. 

Wuled, Quick, Good All 'Roind ConidliB 

BIT HI IIB. J. n. O^VRNrnRT, Muoior. 

Eloclllo Bolt Co . Hooilitlllo. Wlo. 


Pnl(!R TEH (lOl C'KSTII. PAOM ll« 



aad piccolo (BoefaiiO; over llyeara'eiparlaneejdoaolM: 
pu* I< menlha Crawronl'a Thtaire aad Pryar*B Band 
and Orchaatn. Addt'-nPlPranniast.Mt. Jneepb. Mn. 


Additio U. BI'BTON, 

Boiltl. MoolpolUr. RlMhroid Oou Dtf. lad . 


I TANT MAK WITH tXU. tloll II Urwt oioall Mioitiol 
<>> or ropu'olioo. aoro r.tuniB; oo rUli. Addrofi, ror 
piriloiil«n.>IIXdTltliL, Rleh.ood lloo i. Boolo. ■ o»i. 


Eaoil ABD Ur. roll BmkIiUo. oicli aad o|i MouiUcbo 

oa woToa .Iro, Uil mado, Ya. oocb, 

J. I. BDMI.aMlToihlootooHrool.rotHaad »,.. 

At Liberty, Double Bass and Tuba. 

dioM iiiBPanD BAI/iM l.fwcooi rom.tToiiboai.iliiy . 


RKADKR. aounKtrri!, rixuiNo abd OAMcmu 

arBi'KLTIEH. Atldrou UELLB 1.11.1,1, l.oiloiUo, Vlr, 
KoT. 1 1. a: por rn uu Boloi Hrwo.' "Iloioply U oaplr" Co. 


RAND, alaoMrnriANS lor amall rarlaly 'bow. Ralarr 
mu*i be low u It la acre. AddreaaJ. T. earejnuif- 
SUB'H Pnetl'igUiTICB. Ilfi Waabieainn.Ht.. Boeloa. Maaa. 

DANCING -Jig. Clog, Sng aid Duel, Irlik 

Jio wo RBi:(,UANci\u TAUunr fob the iTAoa 


JIIIIN J. BIKIAB. 31 fluid Atwoo. How Tom. 

WANTED, tt Actir lor Hinlii, ud Sm 


Br rBOBiNBKr bono aitirtr. 
**Th«t MamtaBwMt Bella Ara RIrl---. 
Sang with OrftvaueReoiiauTeie Baaoeraa bTgbtC ty 


WItb "DVPPT'B BLUNDBBR" CO en tnnr. 
McOIeaaoa'a maattrplece. the gnat llngllili I>eaorip- 

* 'To Bit la llaBaaa» To Fot^lT*. DlTlnttP* 
Kanawiib bereloaacceae bpAmerloa'aeuinant Ranione 



Baal lo BObouadod apptauH hj 


The original Bowery Ulrl, and the guean of BiilHanu, 
and bp t^ebrlght aad vlTaalooeabaraolaMlar 


And bor. an too Irlih bito; 
■'.Hothlna'a Too OooH Vox tba frith." 


■■Pafojr anit Ihii lloimhoo,'* 

i>iriiLP..'<.vo:<a uiT.i 
a.og tij 



Mae aaya nnderdai^ Phlta^ Not. IT: "Vour aoag, 'FAT* 
BBT AN6tHK IIOllrtBBIlOB^ II t go. I em aln|log It lo 
three aod lonreaoorea oighily, anil will run II ihmugh 
the aeaaon. Very reaneciroUy, 

HAM BcDOVTKLUofMeDewaUand Qlenn." 

Any odheae aoDRa: "Back lo the OM llonte Again." 
"HheLafitheManlTho Lorad liar for Another,''^ "The 
RameBveet Belli Are BloilDg," "To Brr \» Unman, lo 
Porgire, DlTlne!" "Puoor Old Man." **Tbere'a a New 
One OnmlDv In tlie Morulag," ''1 UoTaOve You.or Mr 
Dear Old Uaddy.i' "Notbinv'e Toe (toed for ihelrUlt.'' 
"Pataey and ihe lloTi*ulii>f," "Tbe Porgetien Word," 
will i>e aent oa receipt »r lOo aaeb by tba 

ENQLIHII HONt; TUB. CO.. 91 V. Woora Kt , N. V. 
P onge Uuilit to Pf nfea^loaale Plt> K between lend 4 I'.M. 



Todoiberaiolilog in a firat tilaaa Hatuni Trapeaa A^L 
Apparatua all ready tor practice. 8»ad pboiograph in 
eoetitme aod ataie all parllculara, or rail 


Lalo or tbo Auitio Nitlon, Molrooolltu UoUl, Oiatf 
_HL_iod Kont At... Bio i'blro. V. v 

MAfiiC AT HALF price: 

Have Iml arrlvid from Europ* imllli ■ lirgB 
ilock ol MB|le. Anyone purohiilng over ono 
dollBr'i worth, II will ucuro goods alhill prlct, 
Wrili al onoi. FIrtI ooni, llrtl lorvid 
toad Iwo cania lor oalalogua, A lol of niw 
Irlcki. PROF. LOWANDA, Whilo Haven, Pb. 



.iluau:10B llilo KUott, dffo ntootot' wtUi Irnm Piuo. 
burg. wItb a Hati.g eapictlr or a.l0), A liimlooiii.l* 
oppololod ooO oloiaollj turollliod (boalrik. attod whb 
Iho UIMl paltora opora elioiit and o.oloi no i,*n 
oltclrlclloUtrlauL HotUblo ror oil klodo or ooiromi. 
one*, locluroo, oto, : eoa tionaod roramuMuainriliootf. 
A. In lormi 0|ip1> u FARK TIIBITHK COMI'ANr 
IIKNIlY linaEI.Br Trwuuror. All0iib«ii», i-a 


CompBlanl Reptriolre Pcopl« With Qood Wirtf< 
r«bt, Mutlclini Duubllag Bms ind String. 

AOTORn Wno PLAY RRARfl WIIITB. We par axpenaea, 
bnladffaoce ne lare* loonly tboae hoowo tnna Luaaai 
UrmaBrai letlar Managara in Middle, Rouihero aod Naw 
KogUsdaend op*n ilmeasdterma Addroaa 

_ PaierMD, N. J. 

Waflted alOncB for New Opera Housi, 



KXmii TBAlia, aOM) ANH DANUB TBAan. KTll. 

Loo. oon|toiaODtJ to ji oori Mopla. AUo bunhlog lor 
FRliili.tN tiiBatrOukfolb. \J,. 

Botb Rood porroitjl.0 liouioo, U. J. BVAN. Mootior. 

Addroia aintUoro lu W. U. TRUBUEAKT, Riiiiotoo 
Hanoaor. Norfolk lltun IsB. JBAR BI'UBLky, lluil 
DOoa Booaaor. 

JUTBKILB LBIDI, loJr loi iaTOalloo tod lloawa'. 
: •Kopiororrad, wloi " 

boud. ■aJUaEacuBEDT 

._ Irroiiari 

Haaaad.Kapfororrad, Bolorrlov. B ia n oi w iaiwi 

. _ -P. Ttu.BMaiMTYonaooI 




ACTORS for everr Hale Uharaeter, Udlea for Ophall 
aod Topay, HoHolaoa. all parte, Piiat UUea Tra 
UruBUier, Kualllne Adranoa Agaai, COLOKHI 
QUARTET WHO DOI BLB BHAtH. wTll hfre or buy la. 
good Tom Doya. Aciera who double Id Brmaeprerened. 
PoelUfely no larea adraoceO. <llve your "rees bottom" 
aalarr Orat latur; ft muat be luw; nniime tocorre* 
■P^iw KdneOIaire aod K M vinebetter write. 
O. nT. Manaa ar. »U_Hni|]B A i;o^rarllaIa, Pa. 


Try Tlieaie I ! 

aiTolh«nalrlal Batil IhaTima. 

My Baby Sweetheart 

A good a^ng, fall of bualoua and can be inag aaiwbaia. 

Wuida he Hoaln bt 


iuni wlik lainoato ouoooia br NINNIB BOOULT al 
Elpp'l i'AalBo itrvolouonlof ooo. lor toabloUH. 
Mullo br U. U. ROHEMBBRll. 

"Sweethearts Again" 

Oonipanton aongtn "Whnen liitUeOirl Aravunt" Worda 
UM roualoby ftU^HK. NAtKUYTll aodROHBNBBBO. 
Jltb Immeoaa anoeaai by the (bllowieg atare: bdla 
YMuaaa-Tllaa, Tharera Yaoihn. Katberiaa Lewla. Batle 
,jp„,j P-...- 

a*od ynnr addraaa ud route, alio any lafbriiialloB 
abooi your plaoe aod preaentilolnga that you wiah to be 
boovD to the magical Iraterotty ibe worM orer te 


a Joaroal devoted toihloca magical, etc. wbloh wlH Le 
lunad nanmnoth _M^llATilA. Hfl w. pt'h gt., a. V. 


Muitbagonddaaeera. ire II to If. 

Call or addreaa. oHah. pckz A CO.. 


Compflant Letlnrere for Ilia Imeliieaa. 
Htate abllliy, letroa ol encagaoeoL and leod photo- 
graeb uDlaaa rataonal arbliraiien It made. Tuiaer 
ihaler Medicine t>».. MerrlaftB arenuaHt Louie Mo. 

I FIRFR WAHTFfl ^'<oliB»t •ad riaout, who can 
LUUCn niUIICUl amagaaad lead nrcbeaua. R* 
pertolie oonpaoy. Weei aiaoda, fute loweai aaUry. 
Bend refereocai end pboto (wbichwill be reiuroad; In 
flratletier No tine for eorreiMindence^ Hueijoinat 
ooce. Ladrpreie'red. WILBI'KU fiALICMgr.baiMy 
Beterly'a '^LitUe I'anaej" Co., tfuleWagar Honae, Clare 
land, iJbio^ 

AnyHtrleNagroWig. Meanu: Krlgbl Black Wig. |1; 
CliaraetAr Wig (natural hair). It Mi Hand bat iite lor 
meuaremeet r.tpfida ean* 0. p. D. aabjKi to roapeciloo. 
_ It Rtl?AltT, I. Oig Mi dfao B AToane. Naw^j^hT 


CULTT POK WBP.E OP DP/,*. 10. n. f, WAlTL 
l.«n Colnmhfa Afa ana. rbila<lel|jila, fa. 


BliAIK)W(IRAPnBiNBBLAOK ART. No f^ia ur fahee. 
Kaeloae auop for detcrtirttre circalar. .No. U Aider 
H'raet, Waiilia m. Ma aa 

BANPMil BIC. !iT?«?^;;^ffi 

Uoetbl For Holiday PretouLs. 
Sll Off AlliNiitWMk't CLIPPER. 

"opLD«ijiWTBi:im." aiithAToa.>.«i aifM i.B. r. 


Rooney, Bbnale Thornton, Mnllia Palter. Joaie t* Pos' 
ulna^ Anale Wilmuih. Marie Warren,Jemleoilivir, An, J. P. (hinan, Henry R Diter, Hen. D. Olamoa* 
Raaiuel KaoDedy, Fred Andertoo. Joe Mawmaa. John V 
Meiare and oihera. 

Whose Little Girl Are You? 

Tti«bl||wlhltortLliiooioD, ooai b/UI of Iho .boi. 
Dioiod aiuili. 
".MOTIIKU ANll 1,' 
.'lilT-n.K PAPOdHH," 
Woldt ol Iho Uat rotir Bnnib.n ar. br 
or WAHMAN, oulbor or -HnKlir BAHIIt" 
a«Di Kith linaionio oucfoai br I-rdlaYoanao-Tlluo. 

".MAIIY I.A9in.<- 
"Tlin U»!«H MV NOrillDU WORK," 
■•llANKaUfTlinilKIIlK," "OOIIAI.HR." 
'•BIIK'8 llllltll," 

"Who'a Dal Nuggln' You. Hannah Brown V 

To rroroulontio. Id <«nu and pfoinninio, RAOll* lH' 
.olhir «llti orolmotfoiion, or eolltMiMOaUT. 


IJt Wvat -I'la Nt., New York. 
Honge taught tree lo pro'rmf n*ie frrni 11^ *1*. M.Jal lr. 


Tlio alttolloo ul iiiir idvoillllae rllroo. Il coUod tu 
lh> Hot Hill til. orit odilton ol 



will be an KtPKmALLY ArrnAOTlVK HOOK. 1IANI>. 
HOMKLY ll.LUHrRATKUwIUtnuiueruue Pliolo eograr- 
lnga,and that the aereral apecial featorta. Including ft 
ertmpletelllHr<iRY OP KVENPrt lu the THBATHIUAL 
VTOHLD.ilurlQg the I'BKt year, ahouti rnabe a greater 
diniand fur the iiooh Uian Iwrureand a eunaeqaeut in* 
oreaM Id MB wall knuan raluatoadTortlKaie. Thelorua 
will oluee alKiut i. riaaaa aond in ailrartiaing 

Pi.rwie page.y><i4>j 

Korl alia )4ge 

t'flr<(itarierbf a pege 

Par twentv-flre llae^aiate* 

Korleo Uoea, agate 

Por Irellue^ agate 

.. D.QD 
.. IOO 
.. 5.00 
.. IID 

Addrau all oommunloatlonato 


<:ll|>prrllnlli<l.lR, Naw Varll. 







A vary pleaiant eogag»ident, where all uiembara ate 

Elven free auipe tu "HC^Mli: ' a« brai tbey oen with tlie- 
I'NHIIINB OP PAItiiR rOMKDV-iloDele Heaele Bone- 
bm_l1 1 e M 4 N INW 1 1 1 T R d oee^l .lad uiy. Nuf ce d . 


I hare )nat publlalird "Alter the Hhow*' fdeaerlptire 
ballad, viih orebratrailcn), "Uun't Tall Hnibar*' (aa 
aungby Iuioiieiia4)oiner, the niaooi'liy V^anolte, Hue 
Ueariaa and many utherr). "Kaile'a blrUKiay Parly'' (by 
llharley Patteraunt, 'I'/etty Ky«a" <wioh end danoe, by 
Arthur Weil), "llHit ol \»t Heart * (ballad with or 

"ilt'UArS BIOYOLB miOB." 
rro.e Mioa al waaaaenot eoelea 10 ala. each. 
TOM OABTEB, MUBfc PUB., lb Bowery, B. Y. Cll 

rliaitratioo. bj Will II. pot), "Picre'a Nu One Llle 
Mother lo Vou" ti>aliail wiiu oicbMiratina, hr J. k 
Lucler of Luolar'a MInaireli). ''A Park of Oarda" (of* finugeiie rouinr), Ooeor the whole 
ttilircUnn inailad lii any prufaaalunal upon raceipi el 
0 DBNTH lu pay poiiage. 


i440 HOWKHV, nr. V. 

flin MO.IU Dllll>. \rrl(fle ma lhal ahv haS 
rnadn •■! '*4<iinrmuii< lall" tvUli Itan aaiMB* 
■•A Kiallier'e Liivp.** N» iiiDrfi roplea aaiit 
oat aiilria llACi la Inrloartl. fV. V. Aariiey, 
Lftwreiirti .^orelly «iiil Naa|i. Uo., Cllpiiar 
Haillilli^g. O. W. tANi}, 

I*ulillehor, Ulniircalfirt Btaaa* 

Wauled (jiiick, Fhino Player, 

FortiUt and Hpechlty Coinpany. 

Kuat liable to play for apaclaltlea Kn time locorr^ 
apood. Huiattiveiiaaiary III flrii latUr .Vo H. A. fbrea 
adranrad Wiow now nn (Iin rnul AU^reaa MA.VAURK 
IIHYOR- ^ OIFTA .SD RPP^IIIALTT V A\ . lUi erei owo. Mj. 


Prefer tbnae who can aing anddaoce. hand loll par- 
llculara aad aalary in Ural letter. Maoagauaoi pat* 
Uiud aad trarellng eapeorat. A auady engage me at aad 
a lung aaaaon. I do not pay fancy (aiarlee. Bvirrbody 
laflil draff wall Uiih rn and nii tin aiige. Addre*a 

II. WAMK.- VANOyKP. Palrfleld. la. 


Wirif A BOOTHIA'; MP.U>Dy. JI IT >t'BLIBDf!D. 


WorttbrOBOHR IMWrKB: muilobriautl .1. IHIK. 
ELLY. Ooplol Iroo to prorofitootl. Modlo. proaramoio 
or eatft tad ouni'i I'lr |n>iIo.o. AiMroao 

Ul'UII J. UOHBLI.Y, Auib'ir ud rublialitr, 

m iHii mrwi. Ho» Yom riiif . 



nATALOuuK. TiiK rmuir i.v THK tvuHLii. rou. 

tlToIr BO oopiif 1(0111. atldiwi W. II. J. flilAW. 

_ III Auoill'aHlr.oL ('lilroin, ni. 

Iml. Lltlio. Stands. 

Beod reading matter and Bl for aagpla of U ahaet ataad 



_ Ti) MAM' i'Di iioi;» B, BoarotB. t a. 


PIrat claaa Variety and Barleafioe OenblaaUoDi vllt 
be ettae fair tr#aimani end good tema Pordateaanir 

10 R. B. PHfCB, t;LlPP£R i • 

Igeodtama Pordateaanir 
R omee or al.the Aeadeny, 





Under the Perpetual Baaner of Uerited Success. 

Lilly Clay's 
Gaiety Co. 

Tr*T«llBg In Ihglr own 110,000 Palace Hot«l Car, andar (he loIr mBBagement of 


Bverfwhere dellRMIat tbe vaellbroBHe wbe nliblly flochtoiee Ihli 


The odIt Barlexiue Vompanr whs bae Dlared H. R. JAOOBS* IRPKRIAL CIR- 

**Ilotiirn DatoD Booked ESvery whore." 



Woaldllhe lo hearrfom tbe Leadlag Famllr and Vaaderllle Tbeatne of the 
Bait fur Januarr and Pebraarv time. AIM, WAKTBD TO HBAR, at all timee, 


PoiitlMlr the HudMrBHt Dra«Md Udlu OD lb* 

Tbe OreitMt Bualllbrut led Ujnaut Btuot, 
Tbe Utetl Baropeeo NoTelty, 


llMKlwelblBg epd LeePlDK tu e High Hulrwey. 






I'HKrrv BOUHHKrrRii. 








Auliud bv MlMe DilU Polism, KIlUe Pembnibe. 
Otere B«e<!i, Tot Le Betne, Kltll. CbapIo, Louis Bo- 
Nebe. VenileBptrblendLitil.Wneoe. 



Sensation of all Sensations^ 








WrlUen ud ooDpoted ecpeoleU/ lortbeLlltr Olep Oc. 

TUB LAUan > HLB cnvBDiBrrA. 

"A LAWiv party; 

Ofitioeud bj tbUonippear, 




UIJHT LBKMB, ........ 

II. U. ilBAI.U, ........ 

JOHN MOi8, ........ 

HUUBIt II. PB*IINO:V, ------ 

Umtty Bird 

Arthur UBteon 

Win. Pollerd 

Uko. Mllrbrll 

Kd. Unwell 

Harry King 

Calrb Thitin|teon 


- Stage naDBBer 
. naeloal Director 
Blaeter Meehaalc 
. ' . tfecretarj 


Head Porter 

iecoad Porter 

Head Waller 

Becoad Waller 

Chief Cook 

Becoad Cook 

Ah I Xol(t "Voul Xo 'FrlMoo and Roturn. 


WANTED, AT ONOB, Kail Compaay fbr "Vaele Ton" aad "Tea HlghU In a Bar 
lluoiii" aad good Hrperloir* People. Will Blar good Comedlaa and Moabretle wbo 
have repertoire of good plBVewlta email oait. " - ""' " 

_ og *- . - 

ANUIiKW MrPIIBK, belter kaovrn ae ANDHBW DOWNIB, Proprietor. 

Addreu "Uade Torn**** t;o., Geaeral DellTory, Vaneoavrr, B. C. 
Hegardi to Carr and Ingram, aad all fVleadi. DOWNIB. 



n*f«r*nrpii Jmt, Oppi>Bh«lBi«r, Jai, H. CarilOi AV«b«r dl FlMdt, Robert Uan- 
rbfMtrr, Feler lllc* and Prank Mlc«. 




(Fenaarlr Palme* Hum), BaltlBoM, Md. 


Por Opening on ThBakiBlvIng Day. Privllegei to let. A 1 Piano Player. 

Addreie qarrh, aLBX ANDBR L. 1.ABBI, 41* Eatt Baltlmoro Street. 


oEo^-mEEKER and MACK--" 

In r«^|aartloB wllb tks 



I B...OorBcti aro norel fiom ilart to flnlib. 

At Prottor'e laet weeb* Regardi to all fVleade and brother O Kame. 




Laha View (PatenanK N. J. 


A Wild W«s« plaj la wbick ladlftBS, po- 
■lM,aad a daaclag b«nr an lalradac^. 
4(alT«B*fbiaaUa*CMsaff7latk«c«tt. It 
kas»*«BglT«a b«fbr«oatof tftvrn mail* 
•aeoiwItC sac«*M. L. C. ■■ITII, 

JMO Biawlwar. Room asift, IV. V. 


0oDir with Wftiit lumiD. t>/ J. 0. Mter 

rbll popaltrtODKbMRMMl.vbOlMOlD* I 

vordt, with k Ttrjr plsulog mvlMlr for I 
nwliiiffl voice. 


A OuHlr MftTchloff 0oa|. OT J. 
WhMUr. Thia loog litoowsh koc 
to DMd so* iDtrodDCtloo. ftod ir 1 
dOB't»iogiL joooDSbtUf. ItlifrMLj 


Bj J. Kd. LAkamin. Tlili Dtrkj Ee- I 
MoirleTty It fall ol Ufa, ud wiu auk* I 
Ainrs to OD lh« an^ I 
PralwInoiJ eoplM OD AppUaUs?!. I 
Orctawtn ptrti, lOosoiA 

Witmtn Bottom com and tec tu. 
telU we imi toelL 

OUvor Ditson Company, j 

iiS-*a WsiblGHtoo BlTML Boitoo, 
DlUOO A Co., J. E. DItAOD A O., 
897BmdwAr. l.taOhwUDtSt 

naslc, Wolti BJovomcnt, Catchr* Words 
rlaht np t<» dat«. Hogalur cop^to pro* 
roMloQBlalOc. OrchoMtratlon lOc. Bead 



Taken from cbonii. "UlTe HImtbeShako 
on the Comer. He Ii Only a Champ Prom 
the Connlry, Work IIImPorAII He Hae 
to Spare, Comb the Hayeeed Oat of Hie 
Hair, Jait Leave lllm Bnongb to Pay 
Hli Faro. Dolly Mine." 

PIBRCV CO., Pnb.. Troy, tl. Tf, 


Tbs Ut«DUoD 01 oor idverUiBg paUdos Ii uU«d to U 
ftai that the otit edItloD oi 


SOMBLY ILLUflTIUTEDvlih nomeroaf FbotoeDRnT- 
ltc«, Aod thil the MTtrd ap^lal faaloTaa, looladlDg a 
WORLD, dariog tbe put fw, ■boald make a fraater 
deinaad lor Iba book thu before aod a eonieqDent Id- 
creaaalo Itawellknovo valaetoadTertlMn. Tbetonoi 
will eloie aboQi Dec 1. Pleaee Mod Id UTertltlog 
matter early. 

For ooa page, 7X«X- 

PorhalfapAfe HOD 

Porqoarterolapage KM 

Portwentr-flrellDee.»gkt«* BO 

Port«ollDei,afate 100 

For Are lUiee, agate l.OD 

Address all commaalcatloaa to 


Clipper Bonding, N*w York. 




Jremitet batDg ronipUtdd at 60 ETergreeD 
TO., Dear Wood Die e,BT«iklrn. N. T..9 bloeke 
Irom old •taad, we will more tote Mtoa OeL 
Vt IHM Id two weAki after remoral we iball 
make oor ft wonted Uthtalo aar color do 
•ir«d. and shall bave enttoo tigbu lor 11 per 
pair, and ibirts to match Id 4 color*. Shall 
e«DUnue to kMp goodi op to the stAiHaTd. 
u l>eroTe, Tbaoklag the pnlenloD for the 
geocroue sopport Id the put, and tnutlog 
lor a oADilDDAnca of theaame *e are, tralj 
yonriL flPICBR BROTUBRfl. Catalogues and 
«mple« of tlghu mailed free. BpeolAl esU- 
mates by miiL 


mmm mm 


INOWN TIIBATRB, No. SVS7 u<l M N. lib 81: lot 
ahlion- C<implM«lr e^ulDlwl. BoU to oloie •aut* of 
joba lloD«noaeb. i^«UMd.^_PmilioaUie iddieu 

No. 40 W.lDat BIfeel, rtll»rl,lpbl^ 

Colo's Eolipso Banjos 


Imporial Mandolins. 

Special ladncemenle are made lo teacher* 
to handle theie goode aa they are their 
beittriende aod are qnlch to appreciate 
merit. Bend for calalogae aad tvrmi. W. 
A, COtiB. ITUTremont Bl.,Bo«lon, Bfaet. 



Bend fbr natalegM. 
AUeghenr. Pfc 



W THB "rBOPBHIl," est th, tiM eildi • emt llak u> 
roerobelD of ru>e. If ,o« her. e nod poftimll nx ol 
T«Bnilr lor neuooeiT utf .dmtuliiB. We mAho tbe 
r1|hl kind tor .1.01 Au kladj of oen Ar ibow MlnOai 
elaOlHOODt irtlU 


at Medlioe 8U ChWe. 




wUiBim M. oAia. 






WANTED, TO COMPLETE CO., A1 EmoUenal Lsading Lady, mini b. Rnl clais and tine 
letklng ; SIreiig JuviBll. Leading Mir. SoubreH. or IngeniM, Wofiian lor Cbaraoler, one wllh child 
III or .IgM yiirs old prtlerrM, and Man lor HmvI.i. A lew Muilolani to oompiete Band and 
Orohntra, alM Peopl. lor SbmII Paite thai ean donbl. In band. Colored OaarteHe, Jubilee 
Sbouleri and Plckanbin; thai play brau. Slat, full parllculan and lowetl lalary flrat letter. 
Management paya R. R. and keleL Addreu 

F. W. MINDROP, Manager, 36 Enlly Street, Cumberland, Maryland. 

WM. CRADOC & CO., Proprietors. 

An Extraordinary Sale, 

Many Car Loads of FIbo drcoa Fropertj, Comprklni; Every Article Needed wltli a 
Show, flrom Ballroad Cars to Bridles aod Bits, all tte Snrplns Material of the 

Bamii-Bailey Oreatest Sbow on Earth 



AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., Id the WIMTEB QUARTERS of the SHOW, at 



ConalBllBg ef ererj coacelrable kind, amoog which are elegant speotaoles, with 
Scenery, Properties and CosUmes complete. Lire animals. Elephants, TTIld 
Beasts, etc., etc. Ballroad ears, stock,- hex, flat, sleeping and adrertlslag cars, 
ticket Wiigons, calliope, organs, cUme bells, etc, etc Magical lUusloiu, glasses, 
frames, cases, etc, etc Calelnm light plants complete, chandeliers, tanks, etc, etc 
Poles, stakes, obalns, seats, ropes, etc, etc TV hole sets of nnlforais, blankets, 
harness, bridles, etc, etc All hinds of saddles, gons, spears, revolrers, swords, 
helmets, banners, flags, etc Tegether with ether material, embracing In Its en- 
tirely and Tarlety enough tofaUy eqnip sereral good sized droas or theatrical shows 
fer the road, or any ont door exhibition. A large part of the material and costnmes 
la onbrokea packages, absolotely new and perfect. Seme of It but little used, 
while all of It Is la exeellent order and oondlUen. To be sold In lots t« salt, at 
pabUo sale, or tlie entire to one or more parties on prlrate terras. 

Kow ready, contalBlnf fnll deiorlptloa or artlclea tobeaold. Sent free to any ad- 
dreaa npon application to J. A. BAII.BY. Proprietor and Manager, 

~ ■■ " - . — — -- — 37,11 Btreel, N.Tf. r 

Baranm-Balley Oreateit Show on Barth, 100 W. 3Tth Btreel, 

. City. 


Hanrj O. Hlaar'a Fifth Atsbb* Tkeatre, N. T, O. Hijwr'a PMpU'a Thaatn. H. T. 

Hanr7 O. Ulaar'i Kawark Theatra, Hewark, N. J. 

Haarx O. Ulaw'. Bowair Thaatra. K. T. 

Xvurr O. Bflnar'a Eighth Ava. Thaatra, H. T. 
Oebia AMrai, ■Vlkk." Addreaa an eommanKaUoaa to HENRY C. UINER, lib Araoua Tbatlie, N. T. 


The Four Biehards. 

with O. B. JelTetaon, Klaw A Brlaaaer^e Oreat Frodactlon, Palmer Coi'a<'Brownlet," 
at the FoartoenUi Street Theatre, New York. 
All commaalcatloaa to DIOK RICHARDS, Care of CUPPER. 




KEOOH & OA VI., Mm. 


Principal aargeon of the parody 

*ort, eaad bagged, aeparated, react, flirted with, aewed Into ahape and anctloned 
to the hl.heat bidder, llercatler l rafoae to take old clolbea la eichanae for par* 
odice. orace hoare ad lib. BANCTUn, llv U. laih St., M. Y. Clly. 


WILKBBBABRB, PAm J. W. HAHROIOTON, Prop, and llana«.n alao 




CorlobAUennoUou.el«> nete people who bare Ml pUiod ban. WANTED, A tod "Onolo Tom" Bbow. wllb 
ft£i\!S?lf;?i".^5i'..9°J*")JSV.*?A°AS'JiiJ"i* """V'tt' f^ie^'i ofl Meld,' ConraoUoo. Be»oW 
5S?J.iS'.'7JjSA'J?.'.;S',! ?I^"*""?«""Brwrt"n»- ''•■■opIeien.acodioajOBreddiaeMa. roBHALK 
M, dnau, • BDBB STAOT," *ltb all my aleiut eeenrj, pHaUn., ddiIo. alo 

AddraeaJ.W. BAR.INOION, Wondarlud, WIUHbura, Pa. 


L Frank Hawkins and His Morry Company, 

niproBnNa toe tidlt talbntbd vbbsatilb lbasimo lady. 

ATBLBTIO BAtL. OAll.'gi:'5?o".*J'? -^.W-'^-"'"^ THIll. 
SOB!(B»TaDds)«euieUi - ^' " 
flee baatSM piae*. aad i 

allAbla.-AU ANo. IcoBpulo, phrlai W/oalei, doa'tiail topUrCun 
n TOO will DO BMd ecu. g yn j 

^Jni with ALL NEW 
Cuiii.r1a.Wto.. uuua 

j?:y:r.v*rg^4V;'e'ri.c"yaTJ3;? *" - •»""•-'«— 

wiTi'ill!*n^.HSr 'it*"' "!L't?""? «*>r the American ataan by 

William OeaB Howella. Addroat Ibr time la Bnl elaea honeea. CHA8. J. ROflAlTf , 
■•■•gor, ■» »er mto, AHTHDS WlgDBAJg, aopreMBIallTo. 

N0VEM6EB 24. 




The most sacensftil son; writer of the iMj, tekes pleaaore In anManO' 
iBg to bis profevslonal Mends th«t bis latest bobs, 



1 10 — COMIC — 10 



ThlB MDg la NOT In viltc tempo, and Ig dUDtrent than uxj eoog he has as jet ^"^ '''M;.'irbVArii..rTr.T.i,... 

written. Orehestratlons are now readj, and wUl be sent Ihw, FnU piano copies, iii cilCCC uc yunuio 

lOete. SenttoprofesalonalBonl;. I uUcSS Hc KNOWS 

K. B.-A few more ercheetraUens left of the great eraie of this seaion, THE SECRET NOW." 

"WHILE THE DANCE »OES ON." Wateh and wait for "FIOBEKCB." loors, Topi..i. or„i." i^l, J^""' 

"After the BaU," „ 


Mr amy van, 

Blllwanlcee, Wis. 

TWrWT \ m mTT-p-c r * -r -r « ^ "D^ KINGDOM WHAR DE 

WHAT THEY ALL SAY, I eooo folks go," 



Sl.'i"M?" J'".^'"''?'*.'*^?''"' • »toBdloj Jnmp at Btcit ParformaBM. 

Tlila W««k at Prootor'a Twaatx-Thlrd Stnet Theatre, at 3.45 aad V.tS P. M. 
Managen, come and ue two Bladenu do the RKAI, THINO. 



To the most aaooeaaftU profeulonal linger who Till slog 

»*A HOAJJ^I^j^SeS WAIF*.*' 

(Pure mclodr, reBncd wolds.) 

10 8BBIO COMIC 10 

with Orekaatis Parts. Words hy Qeo, 
OohaB. SiBslebf Nebla HeOaaald. 


Bj Jos. VljrBB. 



Br WUIlBis HardHaB. 


By William B. ai»y. 

By J, H. UeebaB, 



By Oosile L. Oarls. 


Br J. W. Wheeler, 


By BarBejr Pagan, 



By Barney Pagan. 


By Oaule V. Oarls. 


By Walter Keen, 


Bf Pvnjr P»itoB* 


Bf Om* Bf* OohsB* 



By W. B. Oray aBd O. I,, Spsialdlag, 


By Bdgsr SeldeB, 

10 — llALli4»S — 10 


By Wllllasa B, Uray. 


By William B. Olenny, 



By Barney Fagaiit 


By €!!■•. QrahttDii 


By Oaule I,. Davliv 



By Gray aad IpaBldlag, 



By Wm, B, Gray, 


By J, P. Shelly, 


By J. I', ihelly. 


rrofesslonsl Blngcrs wbo will send 10 cento aud progromme, will rcwlii; tbls nong and orchratm | FROOR. 
parts, snd tornn of contot. Slogcra who bavo ordoicd thli soog In advance, will teceWo Icnns ol 
contest by soudlug iliclr address. 



woniD mmit bu. 


d sing^ers can obtain one or more of the above named songs hy enclosing 
^ an d a t wo cent stamp for eaoh song desired. 

sr»AXJi-.iDin\rc3r db cStRay, 

18 West a7th St„ N,T, City, 

N. Be^PabllitaeM ofioDgi ihmt g«t «BcorM. 

INEZ MECUSKER,!^'^ liberty. |Te De VAN OSTEN,! 

MAlHtnf.r 10 America tvalUbl. Inr rarc*(!oniHl?. p'odmIIIab for htlano. of MMoa Joint SDsaisiiiiiit prcl.rali). 

onTm.riir.rt In T.IK VAN OH 

iHTKM, fin r.lrvl.v Cnrrr l*a 

iBstrameBia for Bolo Flayen, Olnbs BBd Ba^to OomblnaUeu of all hinds. Pie- 
cole Banjee, BanJeBulBse, Solo Banjos, Posy Bai^Jaa, Oaltai>Baeh Banjee asd 
Bmas Bai^foe. 

_ . _ . _ . . 

I Diploma BwaidedVtWoAd's boIublaB^iipMiU^ 

Boolu and Bnele la neatTarlety. Only Booh pafellshedoB "BbbIo OlBbs," 
Bead for large Ulastiatea Price List and pamphlets el Ml lalbrmatlon. gent I 
Hedal and Diploma awaided at World's oolamblaa Kipoaltloa. Address 

S. S. STEKWHT, 221 ml 223 Climli SliHl, WilMilpm, Pi, 



CHiS, P. DEHPSET - Sole Manager. { 


'^ContpuilMthttftracApkMeot pimlaclor *'bp to <Utft" oomMllM ud druw^ 

saitvmeau from tvo to tlitatowMki for tbt rl«bt p«op)*. Two »tao*i d»lIj-«Be 
«f t«niooD, oaa •TtnlDf. Adddm bU onannQDlMlosa lor UnM to 

P. OKMPSBV* Manaser. 

TOTHB VACDBTILLBPBOrBaBION-AiD plftriaff dfUiM ladtOiill*!/. TboH I 
wbobftT* wnttMfordaiM. klodlr wMpt UMftboroia uu««r to»pi>U«ftU«ii. 
— p. B.— WoQMI(k*tobMrfromtb«RobloMDOp«i»O0. 

Success Crowns Hie Efforts of Originality and Merit. 


Id Ohloaffo, plAjBd BAH T. JACK'S, both tbntrMth* nm* wo*k. rlMtd iba olio at l|«dl*OD fltiMl Tb«ti«, aod [ 
olond the •oUreibow, followlDs tho bnrlwqnKkCifao BoplnTtiMn udtti*lMiblQgbltorbeUi*bowi. AoknovU 
•dted br auugomeot aod»t*rT oo«oonDMt«>t ub«itiKoo«nr tbablgcMttalu •rarmad* iDoltbtr tbtaire. 
UALL'fi 0A8IN0. CIIIGAOO nw««h»)-Op«aedBoadaTmaiiDM. Tb* boi smd* ortMod aub u oalbant of 
lAotbtar ud appluBO. Uuagsr BUlr Rlu cune from hli dreMlnn room do to thf sum- Ha thoogbt tHt audiwoa f 
badnoaonzy. R«tum uiUoortt't Muioa,Ton>Dio.lor foorwaeki: than PllUbanr. AltoAoa. FTunabargsn'i Ptall^ ] 
delpbtato foUoT, aiurwhioh wo return for <i Itmilad Dntnb*r of wMbt to HOORB'K CIROUIT, with tillKY u 
HA MKAH. IdEOWAHD AWP FVI/TOIt, Woore*o Man**, Toronto, Ont, 


Ten BROADWAY, N. Y., ONB DOOR BBLOW NINTH BT. (FonnsrlT *> lUiilen lAM), 



WilLTZ S0M6 bu mm ami L lorrd. Piililliliid bi LOUIS HUS. Bih aid Wihat Sli., PinidilpMi. Pt PfofiMlOMi Copies. lOclt. »icli. 



Poles and Stakes, BEATS, FUgs, Etc. 

^^e^:!e:kidd's patent circus lishts. 

BconvBiit cuTu, UATi^ no, n* uu, 


IN O T I O is: ! ! ! 



Zm Her Ore«teat Sndoeu, 

"Nell, the Waif/' 

A Fietean eomedy drama la (bar aels, by VIIAni.BII HeUOIf ALU. In whish this 
little star aaslains BIX disllaet aharaoUre, three beys and three Hlrls. Ueiterthaa 
ererl New aad bsaatirai prlatlag. Haaaaers, eapeelally of weeb stand theatres, 

r.pleass writs qairS or wire H. J. NVbLIVAH, 

eare Haatera Dramatle Bsahaage, flo. au Pauberlon Nq., Ilotton, Mass. 

wisblaa a money wlnaer. 

VaaUra - 

Ooia ud SUTsr Uoes, mnges, Bfugles, Blui, Ttmela, Brocades, Tlibis, Bbuts, FiMlua, Bats, wins, 
BtioeaudJeweliT,Tli«ttlcal,EaiiestrUn udAUUeUo Ooodt, OosRuneit' ud Badge Msksrs' Bnppllss. 
Flags ud Bsoinera, MllliuT ud BooletT Tnminliigi. limon ot all ktodi to order. Bead for estussisa. 
— tasomunt and hmTlest stoot ct ttiese goods to be found urwlieie. Olroolais tne. Ooods 

•S0C0.O. D. 



' I VaII'w- M.«^lnnn.n.n 


BEDA VOIGT, Proprietor. 

Katlrely reBtted, remodeled, lighted with electricity, at a cost ot OTer (11)0,000, 
Beating capacity 1,H00. Al stage, well eqalpped w Ith scenery, will opea Oct. I. De> 
sirable opea time for first class combinations. Addreaa all rommaalcatleas to 

BEDA VOIOT, Baengar Hall, Newarh, H. J. 



A. M. BUCH & Ca, 

IS« RiBlh BC, Fhlla., Pa. 

Felix McGlcnnon, 

Aather of "Aod H«r floldaa Caria," ' n« ffaror Carta to 
Wasdar" ato , aio. Thar *ra eatchiog oo In iraat shapfc 
Harajroo |tnlth«aiyait llaralharva: 

"Call Htr QsnUr. SoH uid Low." (A dtn<«.) 
"I'M Afraid Not" (8. and D. (or tka ladlM.) 
"8lM Will N«Mr BoFrimdiMi Afala." (Flao). 
"SwMl Jf Bill* Adair." (BaauUlHl Icdch MlodT) 
'Y«v Hava Lilt M*, Theutk Vwi L»««d ■a.'' 
'T«u May Hiva a Dau|M*r ol Totir Ova." 

Beat nolr to pn>r«Ml«Da1i al lOD awh, or the .la lor 
Mb. All Hcfllaaooo'a iOBt. aia eatchr. Aifc (oroareu- 
caUrof "anplaaia wino.r* " 

P. a. IKOLBIEFFER, 76 ttala tt, Cbloigo. lit 

Washington Tavern, 

"I Long lo See Olil MaDd ODce More." i 

l.owb:l,l., mahm. 

OppoaltA Opera Ilon.r. 
' refitted thronghuat. 

ate. American plan, 
the profeaelon. 

Newly faralahed 
Steam heal, 
Spoelal ralea 

Ose ol Ui« aweaMt Irt.h laan wrttleo In jmrt. A la^U.a •maaa _ ,„ . . __ 
1^ RraiT pieleaaloaal aboaV) asDd for tliaw looia Tbnai*|«na Tba Mar mallad ts pralMoul daftn 
oab, maduia prafTsmma aad tan eaaia Ro anaotlon paid to Uttati satUUecftina Ua forasolH raaaan. 

" ABBRIOAH MDSIO pliaLfSBIRO 00., Ho. II Baat>lllaaal> Hietv »«w Tatt clly. 


Oae strong C^omot, Band aad Otehestra, 
Doable Stage, Oeaeral Bl>, aad tiamedy 
with Speelnlllea, aad aas good Beabretle 
with Bpeelalll.a. Cloed people. 

Wlraorwrlta^ LBOXARD BIADLKf. Iloa. Ion. 




J VITB yiBn OhAM OOBPUrr. raoreasfelf aipw* 
laamd, Baatolfa ft iea t M BoaSaitfaalfSanlied. W.k 
I rASaBOBB. Oil Mi^s Opam Beaes, OaSar SasMa. ton. 


Addrc88 HYDE & BKIIHAN, llrooklyii, N. 

S. T. MorrlN, of Educntcd PonleN, NOiid iiddrcNN. 



TVrimlo ojcxCL Oonaedla-n. 

Weald lihe la hear from firet class Orai 

lalle, Parse Comedy or Oarleaqne Company, 
Address OAS Carroll Are., Ctaloago, 111, 




The moot original Comedy, Talking, Blaglag aad Dancing Act la America. Ka 
raale with BKILLV * WDHIO'S MagalBcent CTompaoy. 





as JOHM F« ClfABK kav h—m •■■ag«4 to plaf Ihvlriak tam$dyrolr wlih Hm*. 
aad AagasMa MtmrUlmU Cm, ArfdJoM aw p«r mat** 

ON* T03P, 

The EASTERN Uusical and Dramatic Exchange. 


Ihle Is llho only aUlclly PlRbT CI.ABB DRAMATIC OPPICE 
b. It at any time yon wlab anirlhlBg In the amaaamaat line, 
write or telegraph. Raaagers eead In yenr open time, and by the way give aa a 
call whea la tawa aad aao what we are doing. 

East at New Verb. 







BloTAtor. BloaiD Iloalln 
OTorr rottn. Hoi awl Cold 


SlDvIe* Va.OO and op. 

Doable, CLAO each 
auu up Per Week. 

The Maoagrment of 
Ibtn Uuiol uuilerkiODHi 
-iiio w»y»' or ibo pro* 
fcr».ilon and cnirrs iirlo- 
oi|ially tn lUi-nirlcal 
pcuplu HofciN i*t ml 

XtWM.' Kill) llQVi' III iliv 

\Vciro.ij'^'''"""T""'' ^'^^ 

ayi; tK*Ilrvltii( I 
Onr-O ll'lp ^'I'l 
will oojjO AHUln. 

IB end 17 So.Cltrk SI.. 




"A Baggage Clicek" Coiiipaiiy 

Hocli coDiicctlonf) ImvlDK I'cen Horered 
aterand RaiildH, HU'li.,Nov. 12,1804, 

UiBiger "* Bag giRa Check" CoBpaiii. 


Haitbct ■iKlttreiitlifr. Iindy iirefcrrrd. 
Alio sooil luttu for aonrrat liuiln<i<i«. Ad* 
dnii OON KUom£ll,ChnrlvrO«k. lo^rat 


Ui« bailovtii. rrohmtn'M *'JftDe" "i'h»rltf Ba\v 
Obu. U PftTli* "Alfin JoillD." "D«wD In Oixit," 111 
U«ory'i HlovtriU, all ta ptcktd tiouMi. Ti o iliOQ*4iid 
)iT», ihowioloff pfloci* tier*. Klr>t oltu •uiiclIoDii 
wrIU 10 WILT. A. M ILI.KR. TlfHI. IoiII»Oft_ 


LeadlBC l«ndx« cniinblo lo |»ln>' linth 
•utollonal and loiiltreltv Irsdit Ijeuilltig 
nan, flnt riaii plunltt uiiilollirr uitriti 
rMieriolr« people* 

rnhr ptopln who md do irtclftliiu. Ifufl kty 
wutlnbt ftod be uibtr tort r«IiHitle. Ilird tlmea isUrr 
Aililw f IKU W. tnWK Aurnr*. MiMonri. 

4TII ANnirAl/'pORRIOm 


Irmorompinlaila HUutIchit NotmIuIm 
J?OUD. Um Fiinoui Wlunl and Vooullo 
lolHi; Edna, Oia Air Walkar, aod Com- 




IN(I OOUBDIlH. one «lio fiance! prcttrriwl: (ITUONO 
r»pir Alli'tr»'"il«r" o ILIO M, w. T 

I Have for Sale a Beautiful 
Gray Ring Horse. 

broken for ttr. back, i>riDelDal act, Jwtkaj aoO 
hurdlt aota. (or lady or ■onil.lnao rorloellv louDd aoo 
(tllUa. AddtOK UIM M9\S UAKKH, 

raw l.a IVarl'a Wlowr flreu.. lunvlllo. 111. 

1IB4-Huntlng'( Circus and Manigtrit— 1894 

WIU ba luaad Nnr. 3D. AlUiounlt tt will ba uDuivalll 
•labormta aod cntnpUla Uio tirloe irlll ranialo Uia .aina, 
■Q nW l>Ell I'-OPV. TOSTCAID. 
LOW nATBA or AUVHHTl.lI.-ill-l oait, tl.lS; M 

'***'^liAi'B*0*lV nK. nncWlan.l Ro.. W. Y. 

ThBilrlcal Printing ot E««r|r 

'flTANI)«UHK"aarMlall;. RogiI 
raadlDB mall. rani II lurrtiiipl. 
9) Hhsot nuiHl. VaH Yalua. Kid. 
<: OiiriDii, up til itaio, iirpmiii. In 
_v«.lifHl#. lUI Omaha Nat Hank 
rtlKXIinnDH lull lit. Om.lia. Neb. 

Entirely Newt NoHumbuglll 

TARHU, Id alunilBuia c»h. Lasli ror« KalU it 
•igbL a|«BU waated evarvKhart. Hand 29 cenla fui 
•ampU u4 ilaiorlHIv* elroular. M. I'KTIUR, 

TV U. Tblrteaoth RiraaL Nair York. 



TbafBiDatUoD" In Daurlpltva BoDfa] 




8th Ave." 

PRK9!« OPmOaffli 

liDbiaDt Comar, a daacripilra aloiar, wiib a ijope- 
thatlo ToloB of moob PO«ar. laov aavantl uaw ballu^ 
amooir tham, "TbaTatu>Aon tba Ann," nbkU mada a hit 
-N V.O'LirfBR.NoT. 10. ^ 

KTarrUdrtn iLe Ian* aadltooai vl jaalanJar «ant 
IntA raptuKM ATar tha floaioa of UIm inoiaoa Coraar. 
wlio ia a oaweonar u> tlia Boiton itiiia. Hln Comarwu 
anoouDcad uadticrlpilva rooallar. Rhaiamoia. Tbara 
ara Taw, traor, vouaooo tliaTauderiUaita«at«]ar »iin 
baT«a« Boa and ivaet aTOlcau ihliartiit Miaalon 
*lih f nat aipraailoD. and her varm racaptloai at Ilia 
(•roaum ware OaMmot or bar lalasL tier kov. 'The 
Taitoo 00 iba Aim." marfe a iraat hlt-BOHTON DAtUV 
aL0BK,Taak]aM(0T. II 

UlMConiarvaa aooouocM ai a dawtlpllTa rucallaL 
flba la ibat and aran toora. Tbara ar* law, u ^oj, 
voaiaD on tba TaodaTllle tiaiia todap «lio ^aTaaaaaa 
and awaal a Toica aa ihla a*tiita. ll^r •ona, 'Tlie Tattoo 
on tba Arm." made a dtcUlid bit— BUSTOH HMT, Taea' 
daT.NoT.IS. , ^ 

Mlra I oiiDa i:onar nada bar ant appaaraoca la Boa- 
UD raatardar. ao>l una would bare InaitlaeilJrflm tbara- 
eapUooflthe racalvad tbac ibavaa alooa Umapopolar 
lavorlta. Hba U adaacrlptlfa Toeallii. liar aoov. "riii 
Tattnn on Ilia Aim," waaonaol barmoUpUialof IfrlcL 


II yuucas'lin loelibArof Iba aVora lh«alie«. Mod 
rourriUoila. and ihay'll tall ynn Miu Comer li ihebeat 
(hay a* «r lizard, aod Utai "IltaTauooen iha Ann" litha 
iret>.e>t doKri|iiiTa aoai Elndlr ooiica ilia'. all the 
M|>«ra ra»niloD(lil« •ooa aaTIIR KIT of tba roiiki Mm 
Comer ■infta. aoO »h«'a iIdkIdii other «'>od oRea, "II inf 
oDe a^kt yoti " Hlofera are alwaya "orrlDa" Tor oor 
•lllai. UaraiHOoe Pml. oopiai. lOceot^. Icyourtn*- 
iloi, r««lia It. Ilia aoD| i*l)l uaka a bit ui ih« bill luit 
Iba aama. 

WILL ROSSITEH, 66 6th Ave.. Chicago. 


PUMPS For Compressing 



IHf |#\e GOOD WORK. 

WIViO Write for 
suRfi] FITS. Estimates. 

«M Boulh Clatanlb eiw.1 PblladalpkH. Pa. 


BBNBT E. TOOVEY....: rfoptl.toi and Manani 

-WANTGD-A KIrat t-lnai Pliiun IMiiyct: 
Klao good BpMlalty ArtUla, Nlt-Aug Uru.v* 
I ti g AtCroctlnii. wntl Eiivoppim Wovcllloi. 

Mtn and Wife lo Do Doublo Turn. Ihen lo Do 
Single Turns Each, and Play In Farce. 

(lood aalarrand tong euRaaoineiit lu iltibi |>arLi. JoId 
luimedlat«l7 Wrlio loll pinloularatA 

WILI.UM J. H AM Kv^fv?JlLr''iL''l"*-- 

4|l|TC||De* Ul'IDB-Telia hiiw in lian inVhor'luur. 
nWlltUllv n«u,polnuoo aaiirr and Orat ar>poar- 
uaa,1lat of tnaoafer^ likaty to aaed )uur ■eirloai.oorr 
ol UUar lo maoaif ra, eta ny null, noai Mid, a da. 
O. K lIHIKKI v.Ru i rerD . K. Y . 


eU iln ernna Id ibe world lor aali, tt leu Uian ooit, at 
TAYLOR « HERBLLO'H, » Vt\t How. N. Y. KtMlr- 
tai and earn epliihlf r« a ■iteeUlir. EiuhliidiMl ittM. 

New Opera House, 

VOr.i 1,81X1. HRATIMIOAI'ACITY.M'. LUlilMl br elw. 
I). *. TIIWNDKKn .% 1)0., L.1P.IC. II. 


Mike the Finest Letter HeidshtHe World 

ArlUt. elllo»« in tod in Timii BalMloa, N. V C ity. 

^ , . . CblOMO. 

lUi —anfaoloret oi 


fall kiDdi): alw Balleooa. Frlaa i reaaoDablfi 


•to. ClrooUra aihl •aiiipUn. tea ceuia. prrUHKcOM> 
The boaa aoTaUr lor iircuket. i)iiii«utn», Ifgenlauialai 
I'AWV . BaatTiarU aTilhKtreeuN. Y. 


Bait for adreriitiDi vourbuBioauiTeiluoed iirloaa 
TllOH J Ninin)L.t f0..tiincioBa». 0 . 


Rallt to Md.r on iborl noUCk Writ, lor eanJoalan. 
lllutnM ualofii. n«. J.ivuoakco., 



RATBNBCROrrdOPBRAlIOL'eE. Tliaoolf lat|eO( 
Hewaa le pTr>lh*ra Mii Home rwi np»ti iiw 

PIANIST.— A Yeuflg Hid Desires EnRagemiRt 

A Odrwi W. II. B YHO**. Mii.M.r Huo.a Htiifalo N \\_ 


t'URAr. Tho««l.-.i n • k.atD 

It. WQVIU.m M^itf atu»i. t^JUttifi'y. Mfl. 

For Artistic Photos. 

DONT Pill TO Yimr 

FKINIIERU'S Now Ait Slmlio, 

Knur l>lflV>rrilt CIlBrBetrr. Taken uil 
<li« Maine NeKKtlvr. 
KklNBKUO, No. lew. Poaneemb Btra.'. Hew Turk 





PovolallOD 4,000; now booklDf aeaaon of 1591 and'Wi 
all. 01 bulldloi, «in: Btaie, Sxl<; n.w ; laauni 
oapautr, t!0; llfbuil by laa: baalad by alwa. 

' ' A. J, DRAIK, Own.r and llana|«r. 

r. 0. AddrMa, NaUooi, N J. 

For 1895. 

We are now prepared to re- 
celye advertisements 
for the next 
edition of 

Cupper Annual 


dium. A large part of the edlllon Is 
taken by the patrons of athletic and 
Other sports and pastimes, anuse- 
ment managers and artists In the va- 
rious tiranches of the amusement pro- 

will be found a most direct means of 
commuflicatlon for managers of opera 
houses and halls, actors and perform- 
ers In all departments, museum and 
circus manag'irs, dealers In theatrical 
goods and costumes or persons who 
supply anything used in a theatre, cir 
cus or museum; dealers In baseball, 
cricket and other sporting goods and 
Implsnents, dealers in pns, amnuni- 
tlon, etc., fishing tackle makers, boat 
builders, etc., etc. 


mi lATES. 




Mclodmmatic and SeiiNn- 
tional Attractions. 


JNO. S. DAVIS. If uuKer. 

Showmen & Straetmen 

Wa are now offering oar Sode Sbefta and Boot Boohi 
at tba followlnE rmtte: 

BONO SHUTS, ■lie 24i36, SO oonU per 
lOOi orS4 per iboo. 

60NO BOOKS, Words and Muelo, elxe 
exlOi 10 pngeii ni per lOO. 

•ONQ BOOKS, ahoet mutio elie, 10 
pagoei 92 per 100. 

Wehman** llp*To*pate Sohh Sheets, 10 
page*, worda and Muaio, SI per lOO. 

Tba aboTO coDiaJn all of the Ui««t aani?, and are vary 
attracUre and eatable. Ca*b irltfi order. PoalUreIr o« 
fnodi BiiiC 0. 0. D. WeviUaend oDoaamplaftrautbCor 
10 Qenta IntllTarorpoiUaoatajnpa. 

Addrea all orteia to either oor Kaw Totk or Cbtcairo 
Botuo, vblcbarar li Daareet lo yoo. 


130 ft 132 Put Row, tSW.ItadlimBlrMt, 




A beauilfu) luliahr with emaliUa *alit relralo. A IiIrIi 
elaai •oDg, aura to plaaao al>. Wideawake alD||«r« 
ebould lake ImM ol liilB "ckkI thlD|." ProfeulODal 
copioa Iraa O.SLY totbo*e onclotlaff aitupi for poitaia, 
card or programme. OtcbaairatloOi lOo. 

I. PRAGER, Publlihtr,4l6 Broadwiy, New York. 


Belli lit grade worated 
' ttghla, per; lat; U, 
I grade worateJ tigbu, M;! 
eottOQ, (1 Tanna,|l, wllh, 
order balaoca O.O.D. Beod 

SaiumprnrflD pagetlli 
trated eaulone orclrcaa, 
tbaatrlol, bicjelo. irrmiia- 

a. B. CAhh, 7B Main Htreet BprlngflaM. Ma; 

Stock Dramatic People, 

To Join Immediatelr, fnr lull 7 mooilis* Mnnaoect ao- 

r;agam»ot. plailDg atock Id ibaCliroI llamllUiD, OoL. 
n tlio BiJou Tkeaire. late Wondarlasd. Irlih Comadlao, 

LaidlDB i'adT (ooao'lonal). I^adiBg Han. llaavr Hao. 
LflidlDg teubraita, pocood ditto. JoTeollai and Obarao- 
ler : maat be rcconliad flnt olaia parforniera, vllliog lo 
work for reawoablj low aalar/. paid r«nilarly otott 
week (teaiperale people oalf required) Jaat called io 
roTatiraeiinn aod don't owe a cant Mlarlea. Writeaulck. 
Lowenaalarr Aretletter CLI.VTOK RUfUELb 

Leaaea and Mgr. HIJou Tbaaira, llamlltoo, OdL 


LETTKR HEADS la two colon aaa 
'4;k> extra lieavy \o. U ENVELOras, bolh 
lirlntcil to or4er anil ulilpped pre])nl<1, for 
Sl.^.i, AilUreia 


AlblOD, lad. 

fUkH% tbat txi* Eaan 

pnotod to U. B. or EUOH, 

atlftaaod SBcl Meh: Pboto 
grapbi of Tbaitrfcal or 
otbar oalabrlilei. eabloai 
aliv. SSc aacb; panela, |1J0 
each; Krencb aod EogUlb 
rbotofrapba at ipaclal 

_ . __J«te«. fopotar BoDgf: Aov 

Printed 8oDg ■iTeoootMvarlet7 Stage, bar* or abroad 
4i>a«aob. Allboeka ralallng to Hafcle aod ibe Drama, 
aopplled at pobliaber'e pticaa. Hand oaah witb oidir. 
No goodo aiehaogad. LAWRUNCB NorsLTT AMD 
BUPPlT CO.. n and ft) Ceolra BtreeUHow Tork. 




Welnliirt Opera House, Watland, N. Y, 


WEINHAHT BROS,. Pfoprlelors and ManaQers. 

J.D.II01IALIj,llak.r ol SupanorTon*! BINJUS, 

1171 Avenur, Chloaao. 
Kand >Uni> (or lalaat oalalopia. Upeoial rate, lo 
DeaUra. Teacnera and perlormara _ 



Th»H«bo ara comnaleot to ntasage Ibeir owoeota* 
p«"mV WMte toCtk T. A. EDVrARDa. Propilaior 
ealtlon en wblch ther cut ouka all the looBar (or tbam- 
ealrei. fltaieeipar]aBc*. 


liaad t oegi Hanp (or iamplea. 
BULL BNOIUTINO e( anmwip- 
UOD. Bead CODT for aiUDftta 
S« and B> Cealr* fc, W. T. 

Cttrcus Ganvasesi 

AlraoitQiw; lOft. and a}tL RoandTcpa-.fVr.aod TUIt 
Hound TDpa,«ith >it. Middlta; ItDlt. RouDd Top, « lib 
Ml, tnlJdle.lQfL walla. AlKlieap. AddiOM 

1*. .1 HAKKR. 101 ff.Tblnl Btraat Kanw Clly. Mu, 

ForHiM<ii7l-3i4l-2 • 

■ $40.00 

For kill ipigi - - • 


Per qnitir ot 1 pige • - 

. 10.00 


- - s.oo 

For teg llni igiti • - 

■ 2.00 


ALHO OKB NtanT IN nKEM Or MOV. u DV. 1% ti, 
JAN.llaDdB. ropulatloB to draw Irom IOOQOl houh 
iHllNO, MANiaUIl, laker Open Bouw, Dei.r, N. i. 

Wanted, Reoirtolre People, Piiiiig Bress 


It *KHI W DR AMaTlC Ct, Maa wikl eaa. 


Fi>r r«uch baodllDff and aniaU 
drW4doi nOBh HeDd atampfor 
OatalofM, J AMH e. LTMOH 
AW BlPtfelMl tt-ar 


kMi»tM all coBmnBlcallou (g 

The New York Clipper, 

U uia 90 Outr* IteMt 
■«v Tw*. 

/Magical Appiratoe, Tricks 
llloelffls, Etc 

Ntw, rally lUottraied book cau- 
loroo,aTerTUilaKOPto data, Uotd. 
firlor tnoka catdofaa lr«e. 

NlBTDrUA k CO., 
m until ATeaaa, Wew Toifc 

irm.E JME 

m r 

The Prettiest Waltz Sone 
Published This Year. 


rroraaaloDil coplte with orcbf KiialioD FIIEB. Peod 
four cenla lo par pnitage. TUOllPSO.V MUSIC CO 
»l ffabaih At., t'hifnco. ' 


Tii.\t can alos and dance. aUo two good all around 
ActoreibatdonMelo tailtone aod tenor lo band and 
BiQg a liule. B ilat eeroet and Onto aod piccolo for band 
And orcbaatra forelock oonpanr.plaTlng rniall olrcolt, 
SialOTerr lovait bard time ealarTlo Qrat lett*r,wiih 
photA. No farei paid to anyone. Addreai F. IRVINO 
CRANE. Mgr. I'owara' Opera Home. Laoilogburg. N. Y. 


Baeood band. In good oondltlon; ooa an. Round Top, 
ooa ton., one Odmt ooa MiM. one flOiiao. Writ* for 
m and ff Riabmond Biraat. Bonon. Maia. 




Ml Kont Bwopd Bt. FblUdelphl*. ra. 


Ffallf IlluauateO with Dlaaramiand Coq. 

talolog the Mas'.o forEa«h MoTanunt 
Tbla Incomparable work li being teiued iq 
aerial nnmoera, each nunbar contalnlae 
one complete ttep. niUreiPlalned. Num. 
beni One ami Two now retdr for dallrerr 
I'riee (maliedi Number Una, Scoota. 
Each Bucceoillng number, (iO cenla 
reH JOHN 1'. lIunAN, Teacher of Mage Uanclnc, 
B Union Snnire. Wew Vorb City. 


le iDcb, IdlO:!! looh, lATS: 9 loctt, WJ), Pall tba 
atrfcal uv.uid all ott ers wt \jL eack. Term., eutala 
HliaBC*. . C, PATTBHSQN & CoT 
13a l». Wlntli «tn»t, PhlUulalphta. Pa. 


tflD., I3JD; »□.« I&OO; Stlo., I7.QD: 3fln., I&OU; lOlo. 
•9.0]; ctlo., lUUD; CompartaeuttjaTi, maial bound. |i. 
Mil8oircaainLnktL|0JBcompIela. blU tnukkSffiaiiB 
lnald^ |9.ea Ltt&o trnnke, ttWidBiia loilda, %nu». 
StiapB and akolatoa foUowera, fltJS and $IJO, Hbipned 
ODracolpt of $10Ut bal. C. O. D., aioopt OTerSODmOwL 
than r^mlt iftaole amoont Mnilcal uutmmaDt, ticket 
and managan' tnmka to order. Rattan B«.J[«ta, vitb 
Irar, lining, oover, etc, lOlo., IIUP; a)o.,$UJO; «)d., 
Il&ia Baateti ibippod on reeolpt ol price. 

Eaiab- last. M-Bg Worth Tth flireet Philadelphia. 




Write for our new bcok. lelli Ton all about ibein. 
L 0OLD9UITII Jn.ethATfnueaodKori7.nnt8(, 
New York. 10i7xi Makeup Boi, wItb irax, OOc 


Manafactureriol allklodiol 


ConiblDBiioD Uulu for LtvlDg Pleture*. 
FancT CoDlorllun b'uiui, KadJ ol all kind*. 
companiea. Send for cataloRua. 

l.U) RUli;* AYn t^tladelphia, Pa. 


iNdlng Atronauls ot lh« WorM. 



AUo muolaolurare of all klndi ol Ballooaa 
(Ou or Hot Air). Send rorprlc* list to 

BALDWIN BR0.1. H. O. Br>i 111 Vnlsoy. Til . F. B. A. 


Muitba troll up m Tarleiy builn'fi. flIlOW OPENS AT 
JOUET, ILL . DEC. 3 s,aie lowest aalarr In lint leuer 
Moat be C'Md dr^iarri ou and oif lUjca No Inibere 
■kirtdanca. Addnaa paoP WM. BHBRHAN. 
LrcoDiu Tbaatre. f'lticaao. Ill- 



Open Qnica lii Kov*, Dec, JanV* Kol**y 
ond Murcli, for firat claia attractlona 
only* Oood liouaPf uootl ahow toirn* 




Addr.'«. W. A. CLEVELAND. (Ilnid.laoaa.. 


UOUSB. NEir UOUea. Larsi.t and Inw la S ale. 
ReDlorahar*. R«Dt,9i(DF.rDl|lit ls.(n>lodrawftooi. 
Voaralol lobootlDl. i.raHDiMrllOVEOPKRAUOL'SB. 

uotrsnPRRAiiOL'aB cn , ii. o. lafieb, secr. 


rilD C A I E 3 llaod Oriaia, DouM. Bablaa. AI 
riln orlLCl Kfator Bor, Hancald. tl Tucker 
I Paloilna.aAdcoiDrI.te .lore .hoar 
ouIlL Addtaa. JOHN (I. RnHRlDLKIl. i:|.<eUi)i1. Ohln. 


I'RIiR AND BV8INZ9a MANAOER Bowl, and raler 
eiKeOiroltfiMl. AuaUo FIRST CLAIiSOOBllETIST. 
f. WOBTLET WtRNBB. D 177, lla.Ueal. MlcIliiaB. 





ouibt to rmn% Doa,\ld' 
HD'aQalda ItvUlaare 
roa tvaatr umn luoMt la tba e«iuw elaMaioo. Prlea 
wa- Addran Vf. H. DONALD«OW, OmiDDaU, O. 

FtiG) Watclies, Jeieln and Slliimra Soil. 

ABLET rOR PAIB8,rinCU8Ea and OirB AVAT PUil, 
P08ESL 8.0J lor IUaRt.led nolon.. BA2ZETT k 
fllBR. IW B. MUlaeP «t ■ Ubica.o. Ill 

L. B. HUleS) Lawyer, 


OoaM.tttial and prompt tbeatiical bB«lBW.a ar^dalty 

Slef PnpMti of Eiari Deuilptloi Cktip. 



nONDERLAND AUI'SEIRMT Cil , ProurleUir*; A. F 
TUHPIN, O'D.ial Uaoager; FHANK B. CLIKIO.V, Boai 
net. Uaoaiifr. 


thins too .xptDMre. 



Wire or write Dnnagiac, M[cti.,2>, Bonton Harbor 31, 
Moikegon L'LOnu'l RapldaSi. 

W. B. CLKVELAND. MaDaaer ClaTeland'a MInKrale. 
Par. idJrefit. l.OSa Kfmwood At*.. BuITaIo K. Y. 


nORLD (TIDE REPUTATla.V. ProponIa conld.Dtlal. 
Oolr l>arll«. ff I'h caiiltal no'd appi*. AdJrea. 


Care of Lodser Bbow I'llot, rblladelpbia, Pa. 


Win en band ai,d made to order. Lira.- 
Biaa win IA up, BaM^op and Necn Dr«H 
Win lUO no, Drea Win IA Boubralle !«, 
Metre Wlia fl oenli, rrTibtlliA Bnd Van 

•I np. 

rtamp for nov price Ilat, 


Pemaneot ajdrcia. Nn. 8 UoIod thiuare, care of A. P. U. 
Begarde to Maggie tllbbone. 


Moat be lo Bood rondilioo. AJdrar. II MELVILLE 
care ot TUB WRIOIIT MED. CO, New Biaroeiy 0. 


lOaadW: aliolo JANUARVaadUARCIL WritOfullpir- 
ticuiara,ioit what 10U bare, nvibtngmote. B- C. UEA- 
ELTO.M. Hanaxar Opera flooea. RkowbesaD. Me- 

WANTED, ADDRESS ol a PromlniDt Tkeatricil 

dtau BAY f LET, ait ol CLIPPER- 

NEW TRICKS, Latatt Etropau Neieltlet. 

llatis,BeeondSI|btaiidAntl-SpintiiallaD. BaodluBl* 
[or aavOatalona; looenu loreom.letaU.ta; nopomi. 
W. p. I.B ROT. Iia Court Wteel. BO.I0B, M.M. 

Olrcus GanvaseiBM 

Tents ot AH Descriptieat Hamfiettral 

M. B. EURBELT.lg Bonlli Bl».t. Wow Tork City. 







I am authorised bj MB. BD. ICA> 
aiTIBB, Proprietor, and HR, T, W. 
DIIirEBN'B, Boalness Manager, of the 
BOSTONTHB&.TBB, to aaythatno 
agent or'agents are booking for the 
Houie. AU engagements made at 
the Theatre. 


Business Manager, 
We are also booking for four of the 
leading Vaudeville Houses of this 
conntry and it will- be useless to 
write to these houses, as the letters 
will be only sent to the offloe of the 
Aotors' Froteotive Union. No Sal- 
ary too high. First Class Aots, write 
for dates. 

JHO. H. W. BYBNE, Bnslness Haitger. 


Tb« Ut^DtloD of our idrertimDv pitrooi li ctlltd to 
tbfl Act thit Itae next •dilion oi 



noVBLV ILLUSTRATED with DomeiDm mis aoriT. 
lomnd Uiuibt i<Taral ipKltl lulorap, mclidiDc • 
conplaia lIITOnr OF Kl'ENTS In ih* TBEATRICAI. 
KORLD ilurlair tha put ,ur, ibould n&ke t |[r«4ttr il*- 
DitQi} for th, book thub^roraud a conatiiaaatlDeruaa 
Id luwallkDowo T4l09 10 adTanlaen. Tbafomuwlll 
doaoitoitOn. 1. r,»ut huI In iilTaKlilDtoutKr 


Poronapaio, 7Ml4X $ 

For ball t pa^a 3UXS 

Forqair^rolapaga iOJOO 

for tiraatr-flva llnaa, agata* 5.00 

For t«n Iinaa, aitat*. 3CD 

For ftra linea. aiata l.oi 

Addraaa all oommoDloitlooa to 

Cllppor Halldlwg. Raw York, 




WIU open KtProflar'iThM(r«.U>li oltr. NOV. l&a. 
XT\\h ft n«[)*rt/i|re of Kew Aod Catcliy Dlitloa, 
locliMjInsbar PfttnnDii Illta: 


nia Snccaia or Two roailnoDtJ, and Lar Cotnio 
f^"i« nit, . 

There's a New One 
Comlns in the Mornlne;." 

BHBA9 TUEaTRH. BuDalo, woat following. 



A0T0R8OP ALIi KINDS. Ih«t can doablit 
J. D. BBrn«ia wlro ana join. Aililreaa aa 
pr l- roulo. DAIallC JIAHKUE. 


ordlMDiiMtd for WInur, to uk« (heoomlotl,oT tfabls. 
ftctofti. cbtrito ot ft reipMtftblo cbop, niiior tnd loocb 
rooTi for th« nrorouloD IIodosit, MOrletf. nwistif of 
korwo, arbtattf. «it«QilTa A^JllfttntAoc^ hultlir(ftio 
nr UiDwetn, ir oot uw ffreit, or UUer Iron dlugrf tibli 
CAOM. or lofii or limb, do bAi) IndUpontthl*. aU kb- 
iv«r« 'atrtotlr* eonOttioiU). irtMCol Boekiw,ftddnM 
toroiiowe>k, i|iTlDB*raU«(i* pftrilcu^in, roKUanot ox 
Mri»DC« irtor.Dftmftftol lLeitrleftlcninpftnl*flwiih*hich 
lormArir oonoMt*). era., or no nnttM Uhto." "BOCK 
nU3KI!f." UBRALD olHcft, Now York ARMr. rnafi. Elk, 
lAmb.KftOftgor. int«niftilr ftdTlM ftsy oliBiblo frlftotf. 
Tbiila wtriciiTftbQ low »A.. Drtt in towl ■ ••whl>p»r." 


ftod onr NBV BOOK ot ThftftUlctl KN(;RAVIKaS. 
A PooQi Fo»ui m»7 uto joa DellAri. AddrMi 



Barton's Theatre. 


Wanted at all tloaai SpMlally Prople, 
Barleaqae and FIrat Part lindlva. 

JOHN I.liMAN, Hnaluna Manager. 
P. 8.— Tony Kennedy U no lonixer con- 
niicteJ wllh tlile Uoaae. 


llao tnlrodaoa mj own Flowar SoDf In lad/'a ricb ooa- 
luma. M* act a anodblt 

ram! BMIIBHr. aWJairenon 81, BolTalo, N. T. 


Man t« play Fletcher and Lrgrco. Uut 
b» gooai aIm Colored Man to iilayTom 

•11(1 ftl — * 



Ina ba«i In qa»Eiellet 

WILLJ.ilANftS UftOftBor, UUcft,K. V. 
. B. BftlDMMdym Curry ftoiwor. 

Tlio' Uauleiy & Knre-shlde 

AtaoRgera, weliftve a few day* or open 
llmo yet. Nov. !4(f. »D and Occ. 3* 4 and 14. 

PJcui lot ui bfftr (rtfm tod linniM]lftt«lf. AddrMO 
ror* "* OLIPPEL RcDiomMr fto bftTt TbftDkiilrtOf 

rtp ttil' ftp*n 




Ifttfor'fAftionleOL tddrooi L. W, 
W. Slbfit. CiDClODfttl. Ohio 

«a. Pri«iUv*o to 



AppI, to oBanAilU TBaAxStf KSaah* J 





WALTER BENNETT, r*fITTlll>,Iadlau. 




Cloaril aanreraal^l aeaaon wllh the llarnum >Si llnlley CIrrni. Tlin only genuine 
Irontie or Aratia evi<r aeon In Amerira, lii'oaRUt over by All lien lllb, Ohlrf, n>r Ilia 
llarnum tV llalley Orealeal Hlion- en Rartli. Tbe grratrat Ulilen and Mnalriaua. 
' (it'l.TAKIA. the only Arabian llliler, WItlrllna llrrvUU ami Uanrer In Aniprlra. 
I Cnn now he r>iiKaa''n rorrlroao or other atlrarllnik ftor the ■rnaitii of |hua. Adtlreaa, 
I ALI IIK.V UlM.CIilrrAraba, :n>l KIght AvrnHf. Nrw Vorli. or c wie of CI.II'PKH. 

OPXNS SEC. 16, 1894. 

CLOSES J0NE 1, 1895. 

New Orleans Midwinter Fair Associatinn, Ltd. 

miw piDn, mm si mm m mm mi 

Address jour Comininilcnlioiis niid Propositions for Space, K\- 
hibits, FrIvllcgeH, Time and Terms for Dnnd, Noroltios of every liind 
to below address. 


t&- MB. OTTO SCHMIDT lios been Awarded tiio coiistructlon of 
the HidwAy Plolsanco, whicli lu many rcspecls, nlll snrpnss tlie 
original itself. 



I iiUli tn anoouora ibat iho i«rin>raliipaii.llDii Ixleain MH. IIAIIIIV Li: i!I,AIII sn.l iiiFwIlnill ba illiMlinl 
Jan. 12. br mutii.l uiraaitirnL owlnii to floanclal coaald.rallnna. I will La o| en lor litr my alaglt .pa- 
I'lalty, "Tilt: ItUINKD ri.KIIIC. " iriiivclfiill,, 


Addreaa lO.'l WIl.MtVOIlBY fiTllHKT. Ilrnoklyu, N. Y, 




Vie close nidi Itobl. Maitchosler'n I'roncli F0II7 Co. nn Uio alioTo iliilr, lljdo ii 
llelimsii'K IIiIh vtrV. Stop In at aiij tln« and noo iir. work nil iln.v. 
Wock cr Nov. 2(1, (iaiotj, Trojr, S. V. 

Managers^ Agents and Public. 


The World Famons Arab, SIE HASSAN UKN ALI, Mnmigcr ami Pro- 
prietor of the Host Reniarknblo Arabian Troiii>cs iu Existnnt'c. 


AHAHIII BEN ALT, the World Ftmou Artb Tumbler 

•Dd lliDd BftUno*r. 
APDALLftll BBS aHADY, Uoorlib SftluMO, Prnmld 

AL( BK03, AURARE tod ABDALLAll. TaInbIefl^ 

AerobftUaod Arthlao Boiori. 

UnwIiQR DftT'lBh orSoudu. 
IIADJ II ANA. Tainblir ftud P/mnld I'DdfrittDdor. 
HtPADOU Or*>t ATBMftJD Oon dpIODir ftOd Tumbltr. 
RAUJ DAHBV.KvordniiftB 
ML'ftAAU. TaniM#r«DdTepmODDl»r. 
HRAHAM FATTOHO.TiitublorudTopianuDter. 
8IF IIAHHAN BKN AM,Taaibl«r,aiiniplDDer, HvoiJb 

niftD tod llaod BftUocAr. 

TbIaTnoMDOV villi C. B. JeffinoD SIav Eriftoitor 
"Coantrr Cireoi.'* 


SALKEM NABSARathft UtotUU Arablio Pjritulil Co- 

doniAQdcr ftDd HvurOiiiiKi). 
C. V. IIAKHAN, Tniob ar lUol tod Ilfad lliliDCor. 
TAYOU IflTiMII WoDd«iidl Ji|>ftnoMTumMfr. C'oDl')r 

llonlitaod BftUoCAr. 
IIAUJ AirunO, TuiubUr. 

It UKEB BALISII, QoD K;>lDUtr ami Ti>|i Uouotar 
SALTUnS BEN IHtMOno. Tumb'flr ftoJ Top Hounltr. 
HIIPllEEKBEN .^lUCH Prrami') UDdertiandor. 
AMiH BRN HElll. TuiDbUraod Jotfalor, 
AM BRK UOIIAHHEO, PjrauldiaDd llorifiNir. 

IS* Ay KR in A. Utt Hainiiior wlir. llnlMo UIIIb Wl d 
Wtit Rhnv, nov wlUi It W. Wailibuiu'a "Lqwi Io 

HIANAOEaij, Addresi all coniraunlcatlona to BUS IIAHHA.V IIE.X .\Maiiil Ali.\HlII 
BKN ALI, care of **ConDtry Clrcat," aaprr roulo la ULIPI'RIt. 


■.pja Al Kelth'i Union Square Tliialrt, New York, Thli Week, 


MB. TOOB.NE. If you're Voniid that way— "Lliif(ei- Lonf(er Lucy." 






A Oroteaqne Novelty imd Pantomimlo Aot, 

Introduoed with flattering reaults loat weak at Tony Faator's Theatre, und 
booked to retam. First olass managers wishing to engage tills act, address 

Caro of CLIPFJilR. 

. a. 





James LOWRY @ HANLY Nellie 


Wout.1 llku (o hear from Blanagrra of Ural i-laaa S|iecl.liy or Uurl.iqiie Coiiipaiiy. 
Thia week, Hyde d( Oebnian'a, Urooklyn, M. V.; Itov, '10, Oalrly Tti.atrr, Troy, .V. r. 


*^ " ' ^ unci C. KA.N]JOL<L=»H. 

WALIZHONfl ASbREPnilK BMallful ilorf aod Dvlodr Pr-'^UwIoaaU. aaod alftOM. "lib card or proirtDua, 
and lOooDtaiorpiaaoroi jtiid orcbHtiatioo. CllUOI£H BfiOSa. 'v w. thUi hu'cI N. \. 

TUlltLWIKD DAHCRIti. La.tiataoowllhLTaiii.v Ho«,'« "Parlor Vatcb" AilJra.BlL;. «.ak<-uovr(H'r hT 
tTKKtV THEATRE. Uolala; oait 'tak, ACAIiEKV OF milO. htuliurr. 

••Uncle Josh aprucoby" Co. ; Attraction Wanted. 

M/ AnKM^u WAun, LRAO 6(>i;ili Dakota 

DUXOH COMEDIAN | ThalMtl .hoeloenia IIh llUck nill..' Opara Ilonw 

lOR PART. MufbATa amai aiotioa ui tuciat ; 'M'tnytM. B<aiad»iii,op.meiiaiii I.iib, aUculeitr 

tpaclaltlaaaadniaiiuida. Aboll.laplaxrl/ doibia - odb.alad b7 l>«ani raeia «Dpao|<l«. rkcnt boraa. 

aftoTlloalclua and niainl pennla with tpaelaltla. -bo >Uo« Milan M. mil a:otk anon,, llnaa. plait, to 

- -. InSaJVilli. A<l.lra« f)AVB I.VBVla,upor M.a»o,»nfn.».akan4tb™.ml.laaf(™iDai<»ooi. 

tfoabla II 


Haw OiicAiiN Mld-VVliitcr Fair Assn., Ltd., 

Coriiri' HI, CI.Bilea anil Napolron Avrnnti. Krniinila and iMillrtlniia llltid uil 
at an eliornioila ei,ir.iae. 


i>hivii.K(;en to lkt. 

Kl'OB,\R MUttTIICHiMfcretary. OTTO Nl'IIMIDT, Ornrral .1lail.|IFr. 

A Band of Ten Pieces. 


Performers in all Branches, 



Addreit EDWARD 8HIPP, Equillrlan Olreolor. L. J. RODRiaUEZ, Mnnagtr^ 

Open Time. 

mm OFEBA lOO, 

Addrese E. F. ALBEE, Keitli's New Thoatre, Boston, Maes. 


The Fli«l t^ompaiiy of Arll«ta Kiitcugril l^ir llti< 



4h04mI iiml Atlrai'tivc Ai'dN AIm a.yN Wuiit^id. 



Wnnlrtd, full atiiik rompany for ■laar, a tfooil laadliiH iiiii ii, anili 
flliiii, n.uat aliia uud.laiicF, and a anedJieavy tnoit. Ala.i other upofila 
c.niloapeelallTvB. ■] PKllFUHMANCeS UAII.IT :l 

Oolf lagllliiiala pao|i|a «llh gooj nB.1aro vaidroba naed aiipl,. I wuuM lika Trow Na.loD Baarf, 

ppoiile vho 

Jain Alii.lar, Wraak hawmao. Uof.r. Iiawaoo aa<1 olhar paopla eho ear. wlili u,a IMuto. Mauaiaiaant 

Bio.ia ariarjololoa. t.a>arr inaalb. lov.uUia aniaaanaDl will ba parmanaot AtMraaatlllAh. II. tf ' 
a.loai. Ukiitifar lur Wooo.rlaq'l Amoaamanl Cbupaoy, f.r,D'l^fO, OnL Want .cole aril. I an>l |;laol.t. 

para I 



In Thilr Own Odilfli! Creitiei, "EILAS AND MANDY'S COURTSHIP." 


A OKiOid oofslfir. Ad act iiricilr up iviijttinas. >ud luiialiU loraurau'llsoco WuiiM likoiu ii«ir frr.& 
CrBtclarflcouibloaiicu- Hk'o tbauioDttii of Jaouarr and Pobruarr "pid. Mioiun'sof Or>t claai lir-ius ad4ri»i 
tbl«wp*k. ll')p'jtl.Ml AMI L^irif, K«llLi'al'ul'joH<|\iift, Kiw rulkCllf. 

Footprints Aroun' do Cblcken Coop Door. 

Tlie |>r raleat caoa Mnj ar.r wriK.n. Br IRVinu JOHKD, anllior Sr"TIIH MKA> 
f09 I LOVE MV IIO:iK¥T".lc.,.l.. IT !■ A WOWDEH. 

Pref.aatoB.le. at «n.., wltk .arrf or proiiraaanie. and 10c., r.r plnno copv 
aad arvhMlrall.B, CHVOEB MRVI., 3« UNih ltlr..l, If .ir York Ullp. 






BAI.TIKOIUB, Hd., 0«tab«r SS, I894. 

Proprietor and 3fa<iia.@fer O-ilmore's A.uiditoriiim, 


MY DEAR MR. CILMORE: I take this opportunity to drop you a few lines In reference to a thousiht I had while In Philadelphia upon your The- 
atre, the quality and quantity of your patronage and the manner In whioh Sandow and our entire company were treated. I have considerable 
knowledge of, and have had much experience In the better, class of theatres In this country, and am free to say that yours ranks with the best In 
America. This applies not only to the auditorium portion, but to the portion allotted to the performers. It Is but justlcf to you to say that there Is 
no more perfectly appointed place of amusement In this country. J 

In addition. It Is but proper to add that the thorough discipline enforced in your house Insures to the patrons, as well as to the performers, the 
kindest treatment possible, and this will always tie the above two classes to any place of amusement that Insurea the'same. 

In conclusion, I wish to conKratulate you on the character of the patrons of the Auditorium. BeinK in the front o| the house during our week's 
engasment, I had the best of opportunity to pase upon this question, and It gives me particular pleasure to say thar both In quality and quantity, ■ 
have never seen them excelled In any place of amusement that my companies have appeared In, and our performance only appeals to the refined 
and selected. / 

The success of the Sandow Trocadero Vaudeville Company at your house, the gross receipts of the week being S9,467.76, prompted numerous 
other managers to offer me big inducements. The only answer I had for those Ksntiemen was that the magnificent appointments of your house, 
the character of the patrons, the splendid results of the box office, and the courteous treatment of all our people by your attaches, were factors tha 
I could not resist, and the result was that the next engagement of the Sandow Trocadero Vaudeville Company /in Philadelphia will be at Cilmore's 
Auditorium. Truetincc you are well and prospering, i remain sincerely yours, jT. ZIEOFELD JB., Hanager. 


7. GrXTJSJLOlEVEl^ AOlAZXeteeir. 





MARIE JANSEN in "Miss Dynamite/' 
MAY IRWIN in ''The Country Sport," 
FRED LENNOX in "Prince Pro Tern," 
W. H. MACK, CHAS. KIRKEand others. 


"jriminy and •lunu* HwectUuart nnd bwuIiii 
Wevur hfvd iiMted it aln*M of ohnmpttKnA. 
I^Iko reiiHon 1h i>liihi, l>otU como ft*oin Alnlne. 
WLoru nil tliu fulliH are obII||ud to drink ruin.** 



214 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. 


Tht only icI ol Hi hind b«l»r« Ite AmtrioM pubtlo. Thi grulnl lidder ptrformnee In 
Amerlci, vide Ihg opinion ol proprielon, minigtra, publlo and prtH. 

Samuel Burt, 


The EqallDirlstlc Wondir, on the Unsupportiil Perptmllcglir Liddar, 

F«merly hnown ind iMturad m JULES DUVAL, wllh M. a Lm»IH'( "Spldir ind Fty" Co., |utl 
oenoludedi hlgbljriucoeiilulind ploiMntiwMn'iM|ig«ni«nlol28 wmIii, wltk Rlngllng Brm*. 
Werid'i QroilHl Showi. Corraipoodeno* Invlltd from roiptnllblo olrotti Droprlilori lor ui- 
lon ol '85. Vaudtvllli miugor* deilrlng Hilt Hrd olut tot, vrtti it onoe io 



WALTSH L. MAIN, Bole Pnprletor amd Jfsnager. 

Now 00 lu irlaioptwl ik>QUi»ni lour, will eloi«I>«Mub«rB,ieM,toil will ftxXp dlrMllTto LoDlnlllt, Kwtat 
wh«r«ltwlll«a loto WlDUrquwUrioMOtBi Oia uwoDOfMlo tbftt ollr.aRBATLY BNL4R0B0 AMD ' 

thut, 009 LtoaMB, two Ruins ('harlnta. MTsnl TsblMu Wupnn and Cftim, lot of T»«lT»Tl»r Bmu. Bide Bhow 
llotluii. SU . «lO. MY TRAINBD ANIMALS 04N BB RBHTBD. ooDmUovof lOfint otiM MU, M|«nt-ljor 

tnnitatr. ufollowa: RldlDj Lloa.Uli Perromloi UorMi. Trick PtDr.Ttlok Uora*, Msun Aet, Ttdqm of Doa. 
RHiQlDof . Tnioed QokL Trlok lot, Bahr BItpbaac >vo 1'odIm ud tvo Dofa Thaw tniD«d aolnala are boohad 
aa Uia fptofal laatura ol Uia OUvsiand, Onto. Orar'a WlDt«r Olteoi, naab cl Dao. M aad ai, adar whiob dataa ihar 
aianpu loraBfaatmaati until Marofa 1. l8B6i 

wAKTBO— ~ortbtUaTellog»eaaoo ol 'MMrformen ol all klod«,D«laaDd ramafi, nuoaati Itapar^ tnniitlira, 
olovDK. «ta, ata. ; alao aMoUl faatttrM of all klada ■uiiabia for a unt tbow. Want ooaa but Drat dIauirtUla >Dd at* 
tfaoUOBi. Adi]r«t«WAl<TBK L MAIN a* iwr roulAuDltl I>ao S: I>««.6 t« ir. LoDliTllla. Kt.; Deo 17 aatil Jao 1. 
Uaaan,Ohlo. AQKNTa AND BILL POHTRliS ATTRNTIONl-We waat esperttDoadaitaiUof all klodn. tooladlai 
oar maoafara, preai ft|*aU utU li^J RBLIAOLR BILL >*08TBRa. Waot odIt lober, firatolwi, eiperleoead bin 
poilan; aor of the man wlio I hanw lo be flruolaii and have beao «IUi ma lo tba put, prararrad. Addraaa all 
oommuoloatloBB rananllDB thaailTaaoato W. 11. OARDNBR, Oaoaral Adraaoe Manafar, l,ltA Bnadwar, Kew 
York, Raoloae no auntpa. aad coniidar two weeka* allenea a raapaatful naiBtlve. 

Who Wants a Good Man 7 Not the Best In the World, but a Very Useful Man. 


All Around AorobatandOioiDaat, aod a nnaTmopa nt Kdnaated Doga. alRbt id anmber; SofoanaoU Deaaaod 
Laapara, lalanoina irapeieon a avlnilnv muikot, ooBolwllDg vlth a aaDaatloaaJ llDOb. FJylDK TTaMia, Uiab 
and Fan«)rTriokK(ektnir, Hl«h Wire. UTark Paoedomadr Maalaal Act Atao pnton arterpiaoea. ftratiinia idia id 
olnajaara Ot>ru for anv kind of enfaiaoiaot. Uao nivo iba beat ol rafaranea. Uood draaMr. a^her ard raliabla 
Kaganlaioallfriandi. raroiaoaBi addraaa, BOX ItM, llollm. Bio. 


"The Little Church around the Corner/' 
i "Wedded and Parted." 

An anna by NeUli« Dnnbnr and oltactrai 8»nt ou rvcvlpt of |irogr«mup and roate, 
comulfmrnlary to the profeaalon, by 

NATIONAL HVRIC CO., 9111 Wftbaali At*., Chlrago, 111. 

At I'opa'a TliMiTf. BL Loula, Mo., laal vaak. of tha Irlah. aatobaUo, oontadj ikeiab dno. WHO t WUT, 

In thMr ttftw larl, vatlUml «>A WAH.U RKCKPTION.** n«||anla to Manda. 


J. H. WHULIEN, BirthgliwTliiitri. Lwlsillli, Ky. 



rm BXiiUAMaiii 



iDtndaftlDK Ih* gmtMt. ttntonil ud mo\X mjiuriooi, mlad •Urrloi Bo*«1tr(terai» Id Ui« world— bw aowl 
BUoB Tbuln, Mormlk, Hot. IB^ tti«4ti« Ooiolqo., HlobmoBd, Yl, Not. S. UkTO Dm. S ud 10 opto lor roeognttid 
TU(*t7 bouMO or bolwMO MU lor ItlUlniftto ihooi. U«t» »poolt10Ql- RMPoeUaUr TOnr*. 

ul^RRT AHD 8BB8III UOUOINI. A£lrM ftr mta. 
r. R.— Tb«n (■ u iBltaUoa ud u orlitokL Wo or* tho orlglBtlo ood biro pioTod oarMHoi m to BABafon, 


TEiiraiuiqpift Aire not nauin iwingKi auMi 

U«tll««l* lUlOCM ft» IMIIIOI . 

oofokiu atom mot itb, 9>,m Smn, 


. (da, (Ba 

I* lIBADa ud ( 
,TI«>nlBT8. " 

110 mi 112 erMM liiMl. iMV Princt, N. T. 

Wo aUT7 tb« bkiMot ud meat eomplott Book of ftU 

kiDdi oi iuraAiAJLa, poLD AMD onvi^ 

TBiitttmfaS,Bui:rnnib)t lOr Ibatiloar wudreba, 
»od u Towtr prtodo tbu ur otker bouo. 
M iDOb BATlIfS lo aTorr •Toolnr - 

'Marail una o( BveH- _. 

OF OUU a bilk, ailra wlda^ SO'latiliaa, w 60 
eamtaperyan. i 

WlOB aad BBARDB ol arory daaorlpUon InudL 
00 oar piamlMO from bomu bair) la ttoek or to erdtr 
lfu:o aigo, ttJU:.i^Joa' •■mupjad opwaida 

da of 


pauni matanai. Tair dotmbla anO onl/ walgblof 9 

'rtSuni! ?ri£n¥s uT'rApnraaB n im- 

Kit aad DiaJro oonalToa Oottoo iJibti, ILIO: aztn 
iTTi (oil laAloDod, 11.71, (naT<botlar tbu |U9 worn- 
•d Uibu); woniod, fieo; oUk, lue ud M; baa dlk, 
•rJa wa oanrSO inadta la atatrqaatltjoad ilaa Id 
tfook, or Diako tbemla ordor .la fear dajc Taddod 
Uibia (ariDnKiiioali) tr. 

e9i'PJtF4l«>M)B> f i-lf * BVUiIOR 
FRln OBBi from iHoDw doop (■ ouia a yard) to 


JSWBLB^d^ in ""^"CL '''^^^gg* 

Sen? oKt (it&SSJiS£DAtj5&^», BIA. ' 
Catajona aa, pri oaa and afarr inionnaiioo aaot hf naif. 
PBPingrni reqolrad on all ortera. 


A LoDg Felt Want Sopplied. 


All blllboarda tor general adTitrllalng 
are now controlled by the 

Temple Bill Posting Go. 

Bill Poalinf , Lithographing, Dlalrlbn- 
tlna nnd AdTenlaIng ofnll klnda* SnUa- 
factlon gnnranleed* 

Oflleaai Waaontc Temple, Ft. Wnync, Ind. 

For Sale, Cheap. 

Tbraa Blaok Baan, One targe oo«ai one artia fine Loop- 
an), t«e Ibia animal cMa*. and one ttokat vatoD for 
■anon abow, one flnalrtrainad Sbetland roar, toe beat 
Jannarr Hnta In Amarloa, foor fliit olau Tr ok Don 
All Id fine artier and ebaapL One mt.wlUi two SOfL 
middle pla«aa.niaintant, oaa SOin taDtudcoefl pola 
boraa tant, aad one ant draailoi lantt good eraer, oalr 
naad one aaaaon, and cheap. 

WANTBD.-Boaa HoaUer. Boat Hanraa Van, Boaa Frop- 
arty Mao aad OhandaUar. To RentMtedr BUnd and 
CookTanL Addrau nOLLVAR BR09.' CTBOUB AND 
MBNAQBR1B B^i 171. BarabAO. Wla 

FIRST TitsFimims 


' Columbian Open H«iit*, Nuklmw, III. 

Alio Klrat Claai CompKn^ for tl&« vraelc 
beglnnlnd Da«. Good ahow Iowa. 

Now bulldinf, llghtad by eloaulclty. 
Populallan 1,000. 



itar. uat. nALLijgao 


AoU. Taroi apd UoubtoTaagbt lor thoOrtsiaUoor 
VorUtr Staio. Paplli ou ooter uy tloio. Beod or oall 

for olroolan. 



1891 and 1896. Wire or write, 

JAHES C Frrxs, Anbam, R. I. 

Wanted Quick, for Howard's U. T, G. Co, , 

Mou for Fbrntaa, Laffra& Halar, Cnia and SL Olalr, 
aUo woman for Opiialla. narry Blaoohara. Rmma Sean 
aad Oaarca Wood, wire nr wilta qnlok. Duialovaai 
aataiT. O. W. VAKESaSH. par Tonta. or JOBUPB BAB- 
NUM. SI Panr Btraat, PllUtnrf. Fa. 

t*. R.— Brtai Band actors aave yovr aiampa, aa we 
donlwantyoo. Wawlll mbJ tiekeiatopanleawekpow. 


20 SHEET STAND FOR $1.00. 

Band B1JD and raadloa matter for aampla W Bbaat 
Rtatwl and ha oonvini^ toat we are tha beat 


East Hverpool, O. 

Three Good Comedians 

for a Hadtolna ro. Maet be anbar and no naaban. 
WilliDR to work lor tba Intaraetol Go. to arerT way. 
Halary neat ba amalLaa l paj pronpllr arary mndar 
mom. Or«an plav*n DraUrT«a. 

iiflraaa DE. W. O. ODWNIHaHAM. Ottawa. Dl 


Raflited.eamplatelr ftaokad and anUried itaga. Note 
loalan boaaa ihla aaaaon. 

WANTED, Qoed AttraoUong at Onoe. 

AddiaM O. rBLUA». Maaaor. 

Hiss MnrgnretD. Thompson, 

Planlatnnd Hnaleal Dlreeter, alao Jaw*- 
Btlea. Addiw 30B Sonth High Street, 
Waahwille, Tann. Beat of referene», 



DB. BID JAOm, Wolaaa, WUtaOa, tat. 

Little Tailors. 

Why Mt iMva your grtftr and g«l what yon 
wini Initead •! buying "ready mada" la a 


Kersey Overcoatings 

In Btua, Black or Browa ^IR CA 
Mada to Order al VlwVll 
Single or DeiUe Breaited, any lentth you 
want, deep ilik velvet collar, Una ekeek ell wool 
Hnlegt, tap teame, raw edges, drlolly pure 
wool and latt eotori. Tfcers never waa luoh a 
birgain oRered In flne lallgrlng line. 



AT •4.00 AND •5.00 

Arattin aontlnulng their eucoeeswIHi Itliflm. 

FULL DRESS SUITS (oiSbr) $30, 

In Wed ot Enghnd Broadeletkf, Crepo and 
Dren Wonted*, ilHi or laUn lined. 

laaptet and sell-nMaMreaMat guides loal on 


Tlilj Arm baa bo aganta. 
All orten miut be aaat dlimt. 


220 Broadwsr, opp. P.O. 
"Bowarj, .or. Broom. St. 


To (umlib you wllk 

Eastern Novelties. 




A coBplete BOAT HUOW, a bmnd new 
hoaieDoatBO bjp)IO, four eablna, freight 
room. dlBlng rooni.HlteheB,ei|alpped ftor 
•laepInK nnd coehina for oompanr of 8 
or lOf TO loot rnnnd topi aenie, llghta, 
stasr, aoenery, eTerjllalnii complete lo 
■et np for anow or medlolne eo. Coat 
•900. OM) bars It.* 
Address DR. if. tf. HAHWICK, 

hU Lonb, Hoh Oea. Drl* 


LnU Da Lm't Fatortta Virlit) Ca., 

Good Blnglng and Dnnelng Honbrette. 
Alao PInno PInjer who c^m i*ead Orchea- 
tjra* laowesttenaSaWitkont board, to 

Un Oolambla ATaona^ Philadelphia. Ffc 


"The Rosas Are Dloonhig for You." 

Bnni alRhtlr>lib mat 
vlth erahasUitron, mailed 
and caid or piofrmmne. 

It snaeeaa. Complau oopj, 
vd raoalpt of two oeDiatamc 

Woman's Tewpla OblMfo. 


BATSmroOH. It Bontb rilteoath Slraot. Bl Loola. Mo. 

AT LIBERTY, W. A. NIXON. Character 

enaodtwilla. TULbABOHA. TBIIH. 

WANTEO-A Set of Second Hand 

SlbTBB BAND IKBTRnMBim. MoM bo lo uood coa 
dIUoo. AddiMa H. A. WlliT. LHo.lor. rup. 



B umi iaaaiabn i i i .i «w.uika««tc,B.T. 


Sonbrette and Ingennes, 


AddiaM caro of THOa^L BBBA CO.. Howport. R. I 
Not. a aad vMb, allortbatoara or OUPrsB 


nnillBS norphlne Habit Cored In 10 
ilrlUBI Ho PBJ tlU earod. 

WninraFIII l SoodU eoau 10 rBAKK HAHBlgON. 
WUIIUOirULl Bo.toa.Mita,.adMawba»ToiiwlUiot. 

M. STRASSVAN, LAWYER, 92 2d A?a., 

AtTBOIALTT. OlBea boaiM A. M. to I P. M. 


ranee St. BroofclfD. MT. Bamplas mailed anywheraiQc 

A. GOODRICH, UWYER,!Sa%S!Si'!£'g:Ll?.°.j 

lenlsadqnita. Brmncbasand faolUtlea In other Stataa 


Counselor at Law, 

as AND n OBKTBB ffTHEBT, Naw York CltT. 

Fnotlee m all tba Oonrta, Olrll and OrlmlnaL Spaaial 
attention BlTsn to tha ooUeeUon of claims and dana of 
aU Unds, tna piapaiaUon ol airaamanm and other laia. 

' Rfl^- For Oantleman, Ladles, Tooths, ath- 
. lets or Inrelld. Complete frmDaalom; 
^ takaa6ln.ofBoorrDom; oew.acleDtinc:, 
L darmMa. ebaap. Indorsed bj 10^000 
I pbfBlclana, lawyara, clartTnen, edit* 
?!7L f"' "it* tislof It. Illoa- 


tratad olrealar, D eafrarlnn, fr«e. 
AddraiaD. L. DOWD,8et«Dtiaorbraio- 
al and Tocal Cnltnro 9 B. Htb Bt.N.T. 


and lalTodoeod for tb. flnt Urn. lb Amorlea at tbe 
WORLD'S FAIR wboia tbor oroalod ..ob a ..OiAIIOD 
ooueoaatofUi.lrbrlUiaaer ud flae eat— Ibo ouro.1 
approoob to Iho sooolo. dlunood 7.t dircoroiad bar. 
InaaU tba flro aad prUmUJo ooloi* of tba tooolDo. 
BPBOIAL PRIOBS to Ibo prolbMioo. Por ftiU partlon- 
Ian, prieoo. .10. Oood. dilpood 0. 0. D, obaria. prtpald. 
wllbptlTllnaoroiaialaauoo. Addiaa 
K. S. BODEIKa, aa Poarboro et, Cblowo. 



wKsmfak N.wou 


, .j.wotrAco,j 



Billiard and Pool Tables 



no, Bao BROADWAY. 
B.wu< aad moat .iHut itwlia, altb Iba U (BQUAIBD 
BONABB ODSBIOira, BUIIud malatlall, otDO., balU, 
ooa. ota. of oar own naaaiaatato aad tmpa rtatloe. 

Obioaaa oiaalanatl. Rt, Loola. 



Tarrant** Extract ol 

Onbebs nnd Copaiba 
Is a safe, oertala and qnlek oare, 
and Is an old*tlma tamadr, oom- 
blntnf Id a blsbly ooDoeatialad 
form iha madlolDsl vtrtnas of 
eobebs aad oopaiba, lu portable 
ahape, fteadom from taata, and 
spaedr action (onrfnB lo laaa 
time than anv other pnpamtioD) 
make it TUB tCOR TaLUABLB 
KNOWN RRMEDT. To prarant 
frnd, aae that arerr pa^u* b" 
a ifi strip aaross tba faoa of U> 
Wi, vlth the slnatare of Tar- 
rant A Oo.. H. T- opOD It rHICB. 
9iXD. BotdbrnUdnifrlsts. 


UNTERNS WANTkOiff'i&li'ii'i! 

HARMCH A rn. pnQ F;ii..,i «-i v, '-, p. 


Tm iiBwiBrf^>wi»j*Miaa«aB^ 
B«ri a* BH. , Mto *■ ofeM wuaM ». 

iii.r - - 
. , ^1 


ria»irk*.MrtMkrMiih.tatM ufntn. OiBi<w»f*"; 

f T«^Wti«l«B.Bi^Kmlaai.lablM.TririL«,M.a*A|^ 



«I4 MHIT,'*-^- 

W ■■■ .Ban ■ ^LATKe 

on"" *^ "il 

lai Mlib \W BkU *oJ •'■•^ 

Ua4 eilll Uk4 yo* ibb^nll*! 

ritmloBllM. Vm tiBabf It •> 

It ■ UifmlB P*J P'V 
«l.-t),aBd It b icon. It b bmibI- 
P(*Bllr ctjiMnl ^ 
•ypttnan U • 
KM BBUb. A n*'**"* '?*. 
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Scanned from the microfilm collection of 
Q. David Bowers 

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and 
Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley 

Post-processing completed as part of Project Arclight 
( }. a Digging into Data project 
sponsored by SSHRC and IMLS 

Coordination help from the Media History Digital 
Library ( http: / /mediahistoryprojectorg }