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Full text of "New York Clipper (February 1896)"

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irirrm nn fni new vonit cLirriB. 

I'n b«ct vllb ib< days irbcn I v&g bur a bay ! 

Ob.dtyeiodellgbiraUnilawetl I 
enry ytkr of ibat line iras * mllenlonc ot loy, 

And ibe Journey I love lo rrptal, 
\re built np a ilagt, 'twas our old cellar door, 

The cariain wa< molber'M old droM; 
lloir luQcli I would nice to play lUcbard once more 

uy word! DOir cao bardly cxprcta I 

Foi fooUlRbts the ramlly candles we III, 

THe boxes were bair«lB and tubs; 
For acenciy none ot us eaicd a least bit, 

Kor eartd we (or orlilcal snubs I 
Tbe combats we tad wllh our big wooden fwordu 

Were tbrllllUK as ibrllllng could be; 
Lite tierow we airuiied snd sulked o'er Ibe board), 

nil ailed In to dinner or lea I 

TM ilekeia— well, (wo plus would aeo ibo wsole 

And deadbeads were wholly unknown I 
Wc llioogtil tbe "old itagers" bealde us weic slow, 

The "big bead" e'en Iben we bad abown I 
Oil, Sbakespcare, pray pardon tbe slaugbter we 

Ot cbanctcia born ot tby mind I 
' And yti from my memory never aball fade 
Tbote dear boylab days leftbebind I 

Ouraedlence tben was ne'er llatleaa or cold. 

Bat eympsihy beamed from cacb eye; 
Now often we Hint ot ibia now we're grown old 

And for tbose dear days bow we sigb ! 
Boi boybood'a bright moments have Tanlabed afar. 

And nerer again eball we play 
Ai then we were cast, erery aotor a star. 

In eceses mat ban Tanlabed away I , 


wRimx roa Tfli new tork olippir, 

II was a lowering day, late In Ibe Fall, and Ibe 
Kcacry ot Long laland, norer mucb varied, bao 
ukeu on an Intensined bleaknen. wblcb was 
belibtcned by tbe gnsta or sharp wind that went 
tbiiiling througb tbe branches ot tno bared trees, 
RudUig the dry leaves scnrrying In batullona 
4ovn tbe rosda and acrosa tbe brown itabble 
Mda. The localliy was ono of those aeitlcnenli 
■here people ot wealth from Ibe great clly bave, 

10 tbe connu ot two decades, been diligently en- 
(aged Id eslabllahlDg a ayatem ot aoclal polity In 
(lots Imitation ot ibe country lite of the Bngllsb 
iquiro, with the stalely mansion, the troops or loft 
•poten, obsequious serTsnts, tbe liveries, the bunt' 
ing •■meets" or red coated entbusiaaiH, Ibe WIU' 
ter dinoes, and all iho rest nccetvary to com- 
pleie tbe Itnllailon ot Merry England. 

A ataiely msuilon near this eeiilement stood 
back on slightly rising ground, some distance from 
tbe road, a broad, well kepi highway, leading from 
the railway station np to this pmpeity, but bejrond 

11 luddenly changing Into Ibe ordinary sandy, rut' 
led Lonii laland thoroughfare. A aionc wall, care 
tully hnllt and kept, enclosed ibc properly on the 
roadilde, and the great mansion was approached 
byaamoolh drive, irblch began at abroad double 
late, with glided ban ot Iron, with two towering 
plllare flanking It, and a alone lodge at the ngbt 

Tbia was Ibe Bummer residence. Indeed tbe an 
ceatral bome of (he Ablngdons. Paul, tbo veiylati 
of the race, who, despite tbeir loyally to tbe crown 
during ihe dark days ot the Revolution, bad recov- 
ered their property when other less prominent to- 
ne* bad been driven almost pennllcis to Canada 
after Ibe triumph of (he patriot colonials, waa tbe 
present occupant His father's will bad put bim In 
abaolole poaseaalon ot a grand fonuno, and be bad 
proceeded to enjoy It In the most elabomtely re- 
ilncd eiiravagincea. A remarkably handsome and 
manly jouog fellow, and well educated, be atepped 
from college Into tbe beau nunuu ot fashion and 
reOned aport. perlccily equipped to conquer, and 
soon found himself a leader— one looked up loin 
all tbe tuuctlona or etiquette and sport. After fl«c 
yeani of baobelor freedom, however, he began lo 
feel tbe Influence ol Ibe favoring glances cast at 
him by admiring maldena and Ibeir cunning duen- 
nia.aiballorhnnilng meet; for ho was cntbuslaa- 
tic In bla pnnuli of (he Eogllah Hporl, though tbe 
sDlieed bag migbi take Ihe place uf Reynard. 
Beanlirulas werotbe eligible maidens about bIm, 
however, he would not succumb lo the magic ot 
ibclr glances, though determined, ai the age ot 
■blny, to narry It for no other reaaon than lo ild 
lilmeeir or tbe tyranny of a high sod mighty bouae- 
keep«r,wbo up (o that time had heldbim Inaaoriof 
>^rer; 'o her whlmalcal dignity. 

Hsirlmony, aa It waa thrust upon him on all aides, 
••ecmed too eaay and commonplace a matter. lie 
bad but to ask and the cboaen beauty would (all Into 
blaanns. What be wanted waadltncultylnachlcv' 
Ing bapplueH— a eiroggle, lo end In bearing oir bia 
prize In irinmpb. DndoDbiedly ibo lovehett of all 
ibcse young women was Cora arauvlilc, the bcsi 
and most daring rider In the hum, Iho brtgbtcai, 
nerrleat, witueat or all In tbo aoclal gaibeilnga. 
When. In catting bla eyea about hie circle ror a 
wife, they (ell on her. tbe became bla favorite by 
long odda; hut wbca It (unlier appeared that tbe 
was nnder ibe cooatant eaplonage ot a prim old 
aunt, who held closa to tbe iradltlona of bei old 
colonial family, and. witb lory alubbomneaa, per- 
illed In guiding bar niece through tbe tanderoroitc 
>>ywaya or (wo centnriea ago— (hen bla Inlcretl was 
piqued. There waa another obatacle, too. In Ihe 
tet was a young mao a couple of years bla Junior- 
one otdeon Rydervruou— a moat nueiceptlonable 
young penon In tbe eyea of t'ora'a aunt, a descend- 
ant ot (be earijeai senien, comfortably off at prts 
ent. bntwtib ozpcctatloos as Ihe heir ot a rich old 
uncle, an antiquarian and scholar of national fame. 
This fortune, which waa sure to be Otdcon'a, Ihe 
old aunt complacenlly calculated would be a per- 
fect oirwi to Ooiat great wealib. Bo the old lady 
made ante that tbeae two were much In the aoelely 
of each other, atidoonatantly atood guard (o acare 
»ay all prowllbg swains or freebootert of Ibe 
heaiL It wu In this dliecUon thai (he daabing 

raiilctti his oyca at promising tbe moa! piquant 

The duenna did noi long remain blind lo blade- 
ilgnB,ao<l did hcruimott lo keep Ibe pair apart: 
then. 11 mutt iw rcnorabcrcd, the duenna did not 
ride to (bo boundn.auil so could not prevent ber 
ward and hcrbolrtwoocrrldlngalileand tide during 
tbe sport, nor enjoying ihcmtclvcs in merry perti- 
aage on ibe canter bome. with Ihc advantage of 
his iMldnCfs Paul toon Iwgan in make headway 
agalntt lila favored aultor, who, for hit part, waa 
ratbcrdlffldentand llnild In bla aticnitont. It was 
not long, therefore, before Cora began to feel that 
Inlhcdasblni yonng tiiltor who had an lirilllanily 
Irterpoaed between hcmeir ami herOret love ebe 

ncaih bla hunter and carried bome for dead. Tbo 
teniler rare of his wife ami the aitentlnna ol tbe 
ii^ai physicians bronibi bIm back lo a faint con- 
aclouanees. a mere thadowy serolilance of what be 
hadtiecD. llcwtatobea hopeless, helpleatlnralld 
bcncolorth through hia life. Illellfol And how 
longmlthi that hct Witb watchtnlncsaand faith- 
ful aKcnlton Ibc vital apark might ho made to glow 
feeblyfor montbuor yearn. aaOod willed; but never 
again mlgbt Ibal tpark glowatlaine with Ihe flieaol 
youih. unr glliicragaln In Ibo ono luairclctaeye that 
wai left In that criithed and ninillated face. 

Thus, after leu iban half a year of happlneas. 
Con found her Ideal prince of men shrunken and 
tbitvellrd, as liy some foul incantation, Into tbIa 

of Iho alone wall, not ovor two yards from bini. was 
crouched anoibcr man, evidently tpylnion iliu nrai, 
for be bugged the wall clotoly and pceiwl over only 
at Intervalt to aaanre hlrotcir(hat tbryouu man 
waaailtl tbOTS. Thereat of tbe time hi^cronctirtl 
low and Bhivercd aa the cold wlndn nlppni Mm In 
paaalng.and Ibia waa nowonder. for he n'oro only a 
Ihlu Jackotftver hia walti coat, hit fi-et wetv Fni-a'c<l 
In Hat tllpporii and inttead or a bat hu wnir a liliirk 
tlik handkerchief tied aliout hl« brad and onn. 
lie seemed In ho one of the iu>rvanti( or nurM^ 
of the mansion, who had cnmo forth unprepareil 
for Ibit long and arduous vigil, tint wbnm dtityor 
curioilty held In aplK of all dlnrnniforls at ' la pom. 
The young man. all nnconat'lnna that hla every 

■ ';-J'-5-f;-', \ ., 

bad fonnil her Ideal. Young ilydervroom was 
driven completely from ber mind. and. dazzled, In- 
rainated. she euballtuted Paul an her alTlauccd. 
Vain were tbe proieaiatlona of her relatives, tbe 
fuiloua reproackce of ber guardian aunt. Bbc 
married Faul Abingdon three yeara before tbe lime 
our recital opens, aud waa duly Intialted as the 
mliireaa of Ihe great manor houae. to ihe dlanar of 
all the nirrlageablc giMt of her"set," wbolncon- 
Inentlycul her. Aa for her tirrn Auni Jane, mat 
Inluriaicd old lidy never set fool In Ihc houv, nor 
ndlced ber niece sny more tban If the had com- 
mitted sniclde. vowing that nothing but evil fortune 
could come of ber perSdy to ber llrai accepted 

But tbougb Aunt Jane was firm In her resolution, 
tliero were otbera who were not. In fact, ibe entire 
tet soon came liack to Ibe young couple and aided 
ibcm In making mcrryduring Ihe lltst (breemontbs 
ol their married lire. Tbe liuoiing. lhcdanclnR,tbe 
banqueting went on with even a greater zett tban 
ever, and Paul as a benedict lost nottalDg of bla 
obarm at a host. It seemed, indeed, aa If theaolemn 
ctoatlngs and evil forebodings of the sour old aunt 
would go (or naught, aud If anyone had ever paid 
any heed to tbem they now moat aatoredl; would 
laugh tbem to acorn. Oideon nydervroom bad 
nailed (or Eoropa on tbo day of Ibe wedding, and it 
seemed, intended to bide bla morilQcailou there 
peraianeniiy, for no one apoke ot hit reiuning; In 
fact, everyone teemed to contlder him aa dead, so 
bla ruefol conntenance was not likely to rlie op (o 
nar their happy dream. But the dltatc>r came, 
nevenheleat, Jaat aa Aunt Jane bad predicted; came, 
too, wben Icael cgpecled, and when IbeIr cup of Joy 

It waaa lovely dav In tbeeariy Fall and (be mo of 
tbe bnbling pack waa onnaually aharp. Paul, rid- 
ing wllb bis wonted reckletaneas. In autmpting 
10 taleablgb lence was Dung from the saddle bead- 
k>ng, bla borae rolling on bim and (be (ew other 
banters riding close after bIm, following bis bold 
lead, plHngnpon top. Be wni dragged (ram l»- 

pale, gtblttrlng arKctre. bravely alie took up tier 
burden, hovcver, and. retiring from tier merry 
circle, devoted bertelf esrnesily to ihe taik of mln- 
Ittering to her hutband. I very atlenilon that 
money could command or alTt'Cilon devise had been 
lavished on him for now hsrd on lo (bree years, 
wlih no vlallile elTecl. Tbe docinra bid spoken 
truly; he would never recover bla hraltb. Indeed, 
aa If bo were not cruthed and mangled enough, Ibc 
HurgeouH came rrom time to ilmc wli b (bclr dread- 
tut Intirumeiita and look out plecci or Imne here 
and ibere, replacing parte of hiatkullwlthaallrer 
ptdte. aud even amputating an arm. Hilll. Cora 
uncomplalologly cinng to (lie wretrbed buttiaod. 
bravely discrediting those nallcloua friendt who 
had declared ibai a creature eo flippant aa the 
young hride would never ctnlcnt hertclf In the 
capacity of nurse in ao bopcleta a caae, nor calmly 
forego all pleasure to devote beraelf to a aelf Im- 
posed duly to oucioua aud no dreadful. 

Unmlndfol of all these wblspcrt. which. Itnlaled 
aa abc waa. yet did ooi fall to reach ber cani. the 
tcooted Ibcauggeiiinn (bat tbe send ber Invalid In 
an hotplial to die. and tnalead fitted up bla pavilion 
with boaplul appurtenance*— -rained nunes.physl- 
ctann snd all ibe aprllancei they commanded for 
his comfort. Tbougb Ihe sympatbetle aei declared 
her fate a dreadful une, ead hinted Ibai Aunt Jane 
was nothing abort of a propbeloa In declaring ihat 
her falthlcBtneaa In love would bring down Heaven s 
vengeance on her head, they could not hut admit 
that the waa a brave and faithful wire, and a 
w,iman worthy of admiration. 

It was Juai dusk 00 the ditmal dsy on which our 
niorj openi. There was Juai enough ligbt to dUtin- 
gulth objects al tbediitanceiif a fcwfret. Detplie 
tbe fading light, a close otwervermlgbt hive de- 
tected tbe flgure of a manaianding In Ibe shadow of 
aclumpor iiareireeajott around ibe curve or the 
road near Ibe great gate ol Paul Ablngdon'a man- 
alon. He wai a lali.alender, pale faced manor pos- 
albly330TU,ln laoltleaaeqneatilu attireud bold- 
Ing a One beise by the bridle. On Ibsgnrdenalde 

movement was walchnl. carcawil bla burn and 
bummed torily in blniwll, at ir. draplio the: dreary 
sutTounillngii. be al li:a«i liail some Innate eMue for 
liapplncv- The low limwed man witli tint black 
atuhlily lair and tbo tinaby oycliruwa mralnrd his 
eyea 10 iienetrain tbe ginoni friiin tlioniliirililenf 
(he atone wall at thit. and a runnioKamllo sb>iwed 
Ittelf. d»plic ib(: alilver forced from blin iiy Ihe 
cold. In a few inoinenUi the dltlabt ilirlet of a 
steam whittle waa besnl. •r.ruinpaiili it by tbo 
rnintilc of a train al Ibo aiatlnn, wMcb waa but a 
mile away. This sound aeemed to tnierol linili 
men, for Ibc walling cavalK-r Immrdlaiely inoiinlcd 
bla linrw. and the spy ralard ljl> hesd with liican- 
ilnun iMldncaa clear aiHive the wall. It waa not 
iiianynilnuirs Itrfur,.' ilin raide of wheels (rotn ihe 
dlrecilnu nr iheatalinn gave nnlciir the approacli 
nr a awirily driven veljicle. lnHiantl.v tint young 
man gave rein to bla horte and cantered In the 
direction or tbe appmacliing aiiunda. At ihe 
aatne lime Ihe apy ar-wr. IcaiiffI over Itin low 
wall. and. croatlog to Ihr nppotlte and darker aide 
or Ibe road, daricd along Ibroiigli the dc"p ahadnwa 
In piirsoil. 

He had not gone rar when Hra. Alilngdiin'a routie. 
wlilrb bad been walling for her ai ihe stallnii on 
lirr return from the clly. paawd blin. Only the 
coachnan wai on the lioji; wllbin (here waa ao 
orciipaoL The npy rbiicbled aloud and mutierod 
tomriblng to himacir. He cintlnied nii bla way 
rapidly lur a alinri dlainnce farther, then anddtniy 
came to a bait and rrnicbed low sa two llgum 
came Into tigbt walking alowly towaida the gale. 
One wu (he young enneitnan. whobaddlsnounted 
again, ihe other Cora Abingdon, wbo evidenlly had 
allgbted from ber carriage aome dlilance away lo 
order that abe might have Ihia Interview. They 
were talking low and eameativ, jri ihe iny who 
crawled along on tbe opposite aido of ihe roadway, 
conid. with a keen ear and eamesi aKendon. make 
out wbat Ihey said. 

"I was indeed pleased to meet you," tald ahe, 
"hot It was aach a ahock, Uldeon. I thoogbt you 

would ncTi-r reiutti from altrosd, nnr evor ihlak ot 
mo aflor the wa.v — " 

"I InieiMrd to call on Paul." ho nastily broke In, 
"but I hrani aiieb accnuuiaof hla condition from 
old Roll at the Imtgo tliai I dreiitcd It beat not lo 
preteut luys^if." 

"I am so glad you dhl nni,"i<iolalnied Ihe wo- 
man. "It WKutd have enraged hlu an, Kvertlnee 
hiaterrliili' acoldeui liohnt Itoon Insanely Jealnui, 
and menllnnii your name many times every day! 
Vnur pretence would only HKVe made aaililora lite 
Ibal It already cnitbed Itcneaih innro Iban it ihould 
In mercv iwsr." 

"Vnu nn unhappy, pnir Com !" said (lldcoa wllb 
a tender InnDninn that illd not enrapo the listener. 

"Unbapw I" tbo repestrd iiliiorly. "K'orse than 
unliappy-toriiiinl, torn nn Ihe rack, rent by my 
own Ihnughia. Iiy niy ramnrao. hy conaolonoe. Wni 
It la my Juai puiiltlinient, and 1 inuat la)ar II." 

"Iinill Heaven rsllovcs you of your burden, until 
you are free oneo ninm, in lind llio old lore atlli 
aglow for you." tald hor companion, pauting in Ibo 
shidowHsnd holding out hla nrmt, aa If eKpectIng 
her to cnmo to bIm. 

8bo ibiank away. Iinwover, and repllod In aoolder 
toDO, ihongh Ihero wna a tatni tiemnr In hor volooi 
"Vlion ho Ik dead, yon meant The thought la tor- 
rllile. It la my duty to preaervo hla lite, tliough It 
porpeliiaic the pnnanro tot mo by Heavon, and I 
shall not abrink from It whim I have IKo. For (ho 
old love. It la dead; it died when I waa talao. I must 
cling to what l^ovldonco has left me of Ihe new." 

"You are bravo and faithful." asid illdeon, In a 
(one of pity. 

"Falthrul t" aba ropeatnil, acorntully. "You oan- 
not mean II." 

"Ob. Indeed, not to me, st cnnrao." stammered 
the man. In pomo cnntualnn, "l>ut iliit*aynara ago, 
aud. lievMea. all iliinga are fair In love, ynii know." 

Ha tricil lo lamb, liiit II waa a fcolilo, tad al. 
tninpl. and dlt'il away Inaianily. They were liel^ire 
tbo great gnlu by Ibit llmo, and ibnru thoy panted 
for a uinmoni. 

"t)b." eirlalmed (lldonn, awkwardly, "I oamo 
near rnrgoitlngtho aper.lal tiling I camo fur," 

!1be luiiaed aaahn waNaliniii in turn Into Ibo gar 
(Irn wiiik. anil turned innarda lilin, luquirliigty. 

"Yon know, I tiipiHiHi'. thai niy rich obi unnle, 
Hllan Vandcrliocf, la limit, ntiil lanilita anlo heir," 
ho voninrrd, by way of pmraro, 

"Nn, Indcril; ynu fnrgoi I am a reoluae. Ibal I 
bear nothing. I cnngraiulain you," rnpllod IJon. 

Tilt joiiDg tnan liiitliaitngly wont on, evidently 
I'jintnsnl by ber loy cniil tnoiiiiiT: 'i have now aa 
my own all hla great ciillcctinn of niirloa. hla 
areliailoirtoal wonders, and hla hIMnrto goraa, wblob 
you knnw ho paaiM:d bla liretlnio In gathering," 

'■Weill ' aald bla i:ora|ianliin. lapping hor foot Im- 

Tbla only inereaaeil hla confusion, but after a 
tliort aparn lie niansgml lo ronllniio; 

"You rcincmlier thiisu ilaya when yon and i used 
In visll nlil llnrin Hllaa In bla Madlann Kqiiaro man* 
■Ion. and ho ut,?il In show ualiia lrcaaures;you look 
a fancy to a quaint diamond and npal ring which 
laylnarlrb Jowel hog In Iho glau caao-a colled 
aorpeni— tbo golden tnako youuied tooallll— an 
awkward, cluniay, old faaliinued anako wllb Its 
thick foida ao inanylliat thoy wnulil cover tbe nnger 
from ktitickln lo llrat Jnlnl, and Ihe hesd reared 
bigb, all eiicriiHlod, aa wore Ilin acairs, with dU* 
mondi, and a great glowing opal set In Ihe reptile's 

*'l reinenlH-r II well," aald f.'iira. In reply. 

■■UyiinclOBlwaya lefuacd to gratify ynurglrilih 
wblin< lliit you miflhi wear It tor a inuiaont, say. 
ing It bad ticlnngcd toagrcnt laily away Iwokln 
tbo ptRl. BUil iliat II waa tmipreoiniia lo iMbandled. 
Well. Ilisl gnlilniianakn la nilnii now, witli Ma caaket 
and Ha ynlldw scrap of parcliineni, with wriuogin 
aomo unknown loiigiic, voiicblng for Its genuine- 
nesH, anri I give It Inyuii," 

Ah bo aald iIiIm lie tendored bur aamall etioiiy iwx. 
Hlie witbilrow Iter hand. 

"I cannot Bi:ccpt it," said Bbo. 

■'It la a girt loyiiu aa Hie girt ul yeaiaago— Ibe 
gratlOcallon ul your girllab fanny, which I had 
always jironilacd iiiyielf. la, thoti.ilia reinaioitranca 
of Iboae doya ao uu|ileai,ani lo yout Take it In 
iiiemorynf lliowi happy tlmea, and, lielluvo tne, you 
tbaii acc ine no iiinro." 

Her llngora clutcbiul tlio caakui, and lie, bending 
overand kliting ber chuik, at which ahs alerted, 
apraag on hla linrae and galloiwd away in Ihe dark 
al a mad jinne. 

Tbo woiiiaii wna uvliicnily a pioy to great agl- 
lailoB. lo which ahit gave truer ntin wlion her 
coinpaiiioii bail dcimrted. A i:lilll tilaatlrom over 
Iho bare tli^hla liiouglil her in iicnuiir. ami, hugging 
ber ruracliiwlyaiiuul her, alio baxiiiied ibrougb Ibe 
galuway. Ak abe did an alii; ilrnp|H.'d froiii (he ho|. 
low iif her arm. where aim liad lucked ir, ihe IKIle 
caaket Hint had lieen fnrced on tier lir lier Jilted 
lovi;r, anil, iiiironM-liiua or bur liaia, hurried on 
tnwinlM liin |juuai>. Ita full, bowcvor. bad not 
aNcapi'd the kern eye or the spy, wliu bad lieen 
rkHwIy trailing ber and lierroinpantiin, Nnaooner 
waaalie out of alglil titan lie diriett a few pacea lo- 
tide Iho gale whrreibo olmny tirix had fallen, and 
aoBlcbeil It up with a greedy graap. Ho could Juai 
diatlngtil'h the gem, and drew nut a scrap nf parch- 
ment, which lie crumpled In bit band, when Ibere 
was B nnah of light from Uio suildenly nponed door 
»r tbe lodge right tieside him, snd a heavy handwu 
Isldon bis eollar. He iquinntMl alioul.and found 
Ills caplnr a grizzled old man tiesrlng a laniom, 
Notwithatsndtng liia age ho wai a giant in tuture, 
and could handle ilio other as If be were an InhnL 
It waa old Rob, Jonea, the poncr, wbo bad l>ern In 
Ibc employ ol the Ablngdona. clihor in commerce 
or In a domeailr capacliy, for a liran Iwyond tbe 
memory or any living man: m long. Indeed. Hiat be 
wai conaldered at much a nemlicr of ibe fsmlly at 
tbe mrileal and pniudcat among (hem. 

"Iirnp Ibal, ynu thief," aald he; which Ibe other 
d:d. Then holding up the lantern In hit face: ■■Ab, 
yoB're Henry, Iho ntirae. A flnechap youare, loael 
atMut robbing the lady of the home, and yog not 
beie a month yet. You're duo in Jail, that's wbst 
yon are. snd you'll get there If I cslrb you at any 
more of your Irirta." 

(TO Bi roHriHusn.) 

A hgcgsT novel aaya of one of Ibe charactera 
"He wu aa gaudy as a red man with Ibe blues." 



Februaby 1. 

^ Theatricals^ 


MandAj Might'* OpcBlagt in aU «1m 
Big Show Towni. 


Friedlandtr, Cottlob & Co. Secure the Audi- 
totlum— All of the Playhouiei Continue 
to Draw Good Attendance. 
inpMltl SUptichtATiitKaw Toik OUpptr.l 

s»N VatKcuoo, Jeo. 28.— At ibo OilDisiilBn Tlici- 
Ire Mio Kn«lo; Uo. cooUnuM to dr>tr pbenomeDtl 
iiiislucn to ibla tioam. "Hen tod Wodod" wm tht 
•tiracllon lut ovODlDir, (n Uio luuil croirdcd ftnd 
iHblonililo houHO. 

CiLiioRNiA TiiiiT>E.-"la Old Konlackj" begmo 
llic Mvond tod laM week ot lu production bcra Isat 
iiliilii, >nd,deqilte llio rsto, lli« lioum wiu crowded. 

lloHOKO'ii Orakd UriRA Uoi-MB.-'THo Kdllor" 
ms prtMnicd Hero Ihi nlxtiL 

liAi.iiwiN TiikATiii rcmilu cloaod itiUweck. II 
will reopen Fob. 3, will) tlie Ttrtrj (innd Open Oo. 

TivoLi Uriu IIui.iiB,-"Ixlon" conUouu (o bo 
mo ettmctlon liore. 

(iiii'iiiiU]i.—lAal week's lilll UbeldoTor. Dectael 
WtlkcrluBeclilovade triDmpli liejond deMrtpUon. 

Kona.— Frlodluiiler, OotUob .t Uo., lencci end 
mioiRcm ot tbo Cotumlile Tiiwire, liiivo accured 
iho Ireio nt tbo Aiidliorliio, end will reopen II dur- 
loir itio HOABon et cheep prlcoe, lo nppooltloD to 

Horoeco'n nmnd OperA lloiiw 'Tbo WoKee ot 

Now Vork" WM tbo ittracilon nt tbo .ticezer teat 

week Htm TtUnw, tbo toumler and former 

menegcr <it ilio ncUu Union Ttieeiro, Incurahlj III 

In ttio poorhnnse Klliel Dreodon, fonnerl/ 

Ii':iitlii2 tedj >l (bo AliezHr and Btockwell'i Thee- 
trm; .Al. Cmron, llArrj Bleolo, Ando end OnDo, 
AmclllA, Ttlllo ItUAMll nnd Loulae Llater eppeercd 
teat week el (ho Peoplo's ralece. 


"The Lady Slavey" Succeeifully Produced In 
Wiihlngtoni D, C —Good Attendance Re- 
ported from the Larger CItlei. 

IDliMlAl Dtipitttif ■ u> Tlia N. T. Cllppai.l 
riiiMDIi.i'iiiA, Jee. 'ja.— Tbo weMbrrwaa ptcu- 
Kni end tbo mtcndiuit^o al Ibo llictlrta laal night 
RUDcmlly largo. At iho Acadomj Kranu Narad* 
mng lu "laknio," and Ibo fair alMd aiidtanco praa 
cDt bad the i>ln«ure ot henriog a beautllol lalerprr. 

tallon ot ooo ot hor lavorllo roici There lita 

liccn noaucb crowd In llio llroad tlila aeaaoaOH 
RnlherM to aeo (llf(ii Nothcnolc, In "Carmen." it 
tbcro wore ohjoctloDaiilo feauirte In Iho .Sow York 
liorf'imance, lliej have been romored. The (tar was 
not rocelTod warmly. Tlio crowd cjune lo ACO Nelh* 

ennlo.liul applandod Kille Shannon "The Old 

llomealcad" uprncd thoacrond week of Ha run at 
Ibo Uhcainut Street open lloiiao with a Rood 

tttoniUiiro 'Trllbv" had a good boute 

al the CheHlDiil .Tho Walnut waa crowded 

and llolxrl llilllard received a warm wol- 

como on hts niturn, In "(.aat— 'Jt tloura." 

Itoland llccil, In "Tho I'ollitclan," drew a 

crowded buuae at tho Park The Audi 

tnrtum waa )aninicd wltli a big crowd to ROO 

lljdo'a Ooninllaoa, wim llcloiio Hora 

Ward and Vokca liad a crowded huuao al the Na' 

ttiinti A fair ulxcd audlcoro aaw "Tbo Sparrow" 

enter on lu fourtli anil laei week al thourand 

Upcra llouao "The (ireal Unknown" drew a 

crowded houao at tho (Ibunl AvoDtio "All tho 

Comfoita or lloine" had a warm roceptlim t>j a 

crowded hoiiae at Fotepaugh'a Ubtrtn A< 

Qtrdoor, In "Tho Prlto Winner," received the 
plaudllA or a fair tized aiidlciico at tho People's, 

"The Stowawaf " opened ansptcloualr wltb a 

good bouao al the KlamUrd Tbo mintiral abow 

draw a crowd lo lUo Klcveolb Hlreol Upera lloiiw, 

Tlio llljoii, aa UHUal, was crowitod Tbo 

l-ycoum also presoulod the ciiflomaT7 crowded np' 
liraiBSce, and tbo Now York Mtiin wcro wcU rC' 

celTCd Tho Huaeiitn was crowded. 

WAeuiNcmjH, II, a, Jan. la.— "The Lady Slavei' 
received Its initial Aiiiertcaii production last eight 
at Albaugb'a lafajolta >i<|tiare Opera lloeao, bj the 
Now Tork Oslao t^. Tbo honao waa paokod with 
a l>rllllanl*nd cultured audleuce, and lu verdict 
wan a moei dooldod apprural; llbtotto, score and 
cast eacli came In fur a full abaro ot pralae. 
Uuabkvo Kcrkor, who anaoged tho score, per 
Hootllf dlruoted tbo augmented on-hesira. Tue 
encores wtre frciiuent end well earned, and 
ihoio won curtate calls again tud agtln ador 
etch act. Uharloi lUnbj, llan Oil/, Harte 
Urcaaler, Virginia INrlo, Delta Sincej, Jesale 
I'aritiile, Hlcliard Carte, Uhailea Ktrkr. Henry 
Norman and Wllllnui II. Thompeon uacb 

tnado a bit Uonnellj Ind Ulraid, In 

"Ttie llalsiuakoni," iiiot wltb a most cordial 
itceptlon el Htplej^ Academy ot Huslc. Altbougb 
eoen bore several Uinos betore. It never went tKttor, 
New apeolalttee by Kiinton and lliuta. tbo Uogen 
liratboiB, Inita Fox and Nellie Kronen added greatly 
Tbe Colnmlilt Atbleilo Ulub, ol which Don Kiddle, 
tbe manager, Is a ineintnr, attended In a body as a 

tfoDiillnient to their associate Ubsriee Kroh- 

nian'a"Tlio (lay Itrtsltns," at lliplej'a National 
Theatre, bad a big and very swell locepllon, this 
being Itie Ural tinio here ol this very funny Vnneh 
farce. Wet. II. KeriUHiu and IMelle Tjlor dirtiled 

the bonon ot the evening Tbo Waaliinglon 

Oioral Doclety oocii|>lcd Allen's (irand (i|icni llouae 
Willi a concenlacd rendition ot tbo oratnilo ot 
"gampaoDaed IXIIlali." Tbo boute waa packed 
Tbe lianiroaeb German Opera i», oconpy tho re 

malnder ot the week Tbo lluaiell llnKtitm 

Oomedltnt, with May llownnl awl a line bill ot 
eporlalltra, packed Keman'a Lyceum Theatre.. 
Tower's Ice Palace had I'a ngular Jan> ut delighted 
skaters and Ibiereuled apectatora. 

BosTDM, Jan. ai.-KIno stlrActlona end ine 
weather filled ogr playhouaes Itat evening. "Tbe 
Shop dlrl" was gireu for the tret time In lioetoni 
and was tn euthiulatllc aucceea, at the llollls 

BtreetThettre I^nclawilaonandbtaoompanr 

res Ired "Tlie Kerry Honarcb" at tbe Tremont Tbe 

aire and sang (o t iToa ded bouse Tbe I'olnni' 

t>la was racked to e<'e lloyl's "A Trlptoi'blim. 
town," with the ohiilnal New Yorkcati Hole- 
drama baa alwaiH tilled tbe llowdotn Square TbO' 
aire, tnd ":<bado\va of a (Ileal nt)" proved no ex. 
coptloo ii> Ibo rule. Tbo company la under Ibo 
luanaicment ot Tbomna JelTOiwin, and haa a atrong 

cast, Including Annio WtnlTinany "Tbe I'tlS' 

<'nor ot /.onda'* again turned away money from tbe 

diwn ot the Uoston Huaouni tleolona' "yu 

rctba" entered ou Ite second and last week at tbe 

Uustoa Tbealie Tbo I'aik Theatre held a very 

good bouie. "A contented ^Voulan" la sUII very 

popular "II Troratoni" was sung In finillab at 

the t^llo tl>|Uaio Thealn<, and no empty Reals 

conldbeeecn Keltb'aNow Theatre enjoyed en 

Increase ot tho ukiisI gonl business, iming to Ibo 
atrong bill prcavuied, and llio uiuseutna and popu 
lar priced houaca fired well. 

HiLn ti'ilB, Jan. -Js.— Tbo Pavklaon bad good 
attendance Munday and lait night with lllco'a"14»j' 

company ae tbe •ttntollon Joe lltrfa "A day 

< lid Bo) " made a (Olid atari at tho UIJou .snndaj, and 

itstevenlBR held up well Tbo Academy stock 

boutcd ■•no Dlack na|'> for Ibla week, wltb 

BeTsrasSebaOer u piloclpal In llie olio, and tbo at- 

Ufidasee waa good "NIetoe" was done In 

OennanbylhePabat Tbealie stock, Bnnday, and 
(leased a good hosse. unooge'aComedy,"Wtbe- 
thaettgoD rnaeo," wlU be gleet a. Tbe sals ot 
llcktlefortlerreti Clab'a anneal bencllt, 31, st 

tbls boose, li very large Tbe new mnsle ball 

being belli tor Kaoager 0. P. Killer Is to be caUtd tbe 

I'lhlein Theatre It It nmored thai Hansgtr 

0. r.KIUerwas >|0leUy wedded lasl week 

Kanager Sbeman Drown, ot tbe Davidson, tus re- 
turned to yoor city, wllb headiiaarterela tbe Em- 

plreTbeatre bonding Alice Raymond beada 

tlie vandevlUe element al lbs Academy next week. 

..MdloUook, here In advance of DohbyOay- 
lor, Is an old Kllwaukcetn. 

(AiOAUo, Jan. a.-Iiclla Fox waa Indltpoeed Bun- 
day and did not appear that evening at Ibo OAam- 
bla, Her absence from tho caat at "Flear l>e Ut" 
created dlasatbtacllon, and Ihoae who donunded It 
bad Ibeir money refunded. Tbe Indlaponlllon of 
Kits Vox waa only temporary, and aba Is now sU 

right again Krederick Dancrott, al HcVlcker'a, 

la presenling a nedlocm exhibliton ot magic, and 

baa failed lo meet wlUi lUtierlng success 

Walker Whilcsldo and Oils tbo SchUler 

and aiaod, tn both drawing well Tim Murpby 

bad a ronting reception at tbe nayoiarkot, where he 
appeared lo "A Texas Hteer,"Sunday, and there waa 

tnotherblg bonst lest night Oos lleege It fill- 

log the LIncoU with "A VeonUie YenUoman"and 

glvbig excellent aailtfacUon Henry a. Ulxey l.s 

dimwlng big crowds at tbo Chlctgo. 

Br. I«DI^Jan.s.-James O'.Velll Is tbo favorite 
this week al (he Uraod. Ills "Monte Orlslo" waa 
sccordod a crowded booKe Bnnday. ....."lilt E.t- 

cellency" packed the (Xympio latt nlgbt, but It 

filled to score a bit Tbe "Newest Devil's Aoc- 

Uon," at (bo Ilaian, packed ibat theatre Sonday, 
and taxed tho eiMrte ofTrotsurer (le»encb to the 
utmoaL. . ..Flynn A Sbertdan'a City Sports filled the 
Btandanl Theatre Sunday, at both pertorinancte. 
Uncasler and Collins bora otr the palm as the pre 
mier dtnceie, pncedlog Alice Wnn and Kaiide 

lial; In paiodlta "Tbe White Ilat" packed llav- 

llo's Sunday, nstlnee and night The I'nlted 

Blalos Hartno ExblblUon Oo. will display for three 
weeks a monster whale al Bevontb and Chestnut 

g:note Second to tbo SItleni (:aber,tbebltot 

the opening al the Palace was (irace Uack, In cbtr- 
ecler cbangee. 
OiKCiKNiTi, Jan. Kanny Davenport does not 

open nt tbo Walnnt until tonight lie Wolf 

Hopper wan seco In "l>r. Syolax" at Iho Unnd, to a 

good bonae "Thoraaalog Hbow" turned people 

away at Ibe Founuiln. AnnIo Hoycra took Vemona 
Jarbeau'a role and Seymour I leas proved tn accept- 
able tnbsUtote for John llenibaw "Saved from 

tho .Sea" served to pack lleuck's Al. Reeves' 

(\>. opened to a ctuaber al Iho People's Joe Olt, 

In 'Tbo Bur Qazer," attracted ttlr alised audiences 

to the Audliortum "Slaves of Uiuala" drew 

well at Freoman'a Uodjeska la still at ihe Ibir 

net, and today's bnUctIn declares ber ont ot danger, 
Tlio company held a meeting yeaterday and voted 
to accept no ongagcmcnte thalwoold Interfero with 
tbo rctumpilon ol Kodjeika's tour tor fonr weeks. 
FrAok I'erloy eaya bookings will undoubtedly be re 
arranged. Fan ol Uio company leave for New York 
The othon remain here. 

Kansir cm-, Jan. M.-May Irwin, In "Tbo 
widow Jones," opened at tbe Qrand Sunday niitl 
nee to R big houia, and at night lamed biindredt 
away. Tho abow and aur Kored a big Idl. Then 

lean liumeuse advance aalo for (be week At 

Ibe Ninth blrcel Theatre Wood i Sbeptrdt 
"Town Toplcit" opened Sunday lo a good mtilnee 

tnd bad a big house at Dlgbu Ilerrmannoiitns 

three iilghit' engagement tl tbe Cottes, com' 
mencing x. 

Liii'i>viLU,Jtn. Tlio llyrae Bros., In "Ughl 
Bells," opened at Temple Theatre to a moderate 

audience "Tbo American Ctrl" aUracted 

well filled auditorium al tho Grand Opera nouae. 
Tho Avonuo had two good hoiiaea Sunday, on the 

opening ot "Tbo Vemlelta." Standing room 

waa the orderal Ibe Uucklngham, where tho Irwin 

Urva.'Cu. waa tbo allracilon Tho opening at 

the reople'a Theairo waa good. 


#0n the Road^ 

rloa-aBaoiT-KtwOtlaaaa. la., Jaa.B-l'eb.l.lleni- 

■I? oifk»ttW.'!.Ho-J>-N«i»?*f»^^^ ?JKiia3 

All RoutM Muct Reach Ut Not Lattr Tliaii 


ikefatrem'i, tnile-HtvarbUl, Uaaa., Jan. JT-Pab. 1, 

AodanoQ Tliealia-Eaniloeton. lod.. J«o- tT-Tti. 1. 
Axaolfa. Jaa^^leui,N. V, Jm 17-rali. I. 

"AlAlAiBA' — ' 'b caop. 1 L. K«b. 3-8. . . a 

■JmlflSui OlVf-liulivllIa. itr, J«a- »:'Sf-J, *»r 
mi<e".lid"ai FiaobliD «. UfMovlUt. 0., S, Blcbmoai, 
lDd..e.K»« CuUt7.1llddl«t«»ji«. 
•Aitl«f» Mi.l«r'-N. V. flir JM- p-.'abil 
"Amarlcu llan"— Chkaao, III. rati. 2A 

BiroD'a. Ollv«r-Now Orletni. La , Jae. W-^ab. 1. Batoa 
RaateJ, IliKht^glit.,«.VKkabaii ^Unt0TlUe^ 
PUio Brii(r,Ark..r.tlllla*Mk». „„ , _ 

Burke'a Joba U, "Hit IMclai"-BilltloD, N. T., Jan. S, 

Am-unlam S) ScboMcudr Jl. <5obo«a Fab. 1. 
BoaclcaallHartlnot— irorewur, Maaa, Jaa.SMl, Law- 

Ball t rvi'i Pla;ar>-rarkaiibnix. Il, Jaa. r-ral>. I, 

Bi5?'irwm.-<itw BniDi.lek,J(.J., Jaa. ». BltaboUi 
». PaianuHi 31. Fab. I. BiMirrivin, Ct,MirU«n I, 
^alcrbory a. Darbr «. Walllnirfiinl 7. Kaj Lonloa & 

BaiUeil TLettia-8l(0iiraer, la, Jao. ar-Fab. I, Hoaca- 

Biadlai'a. Ftonaca-Wbaellox, W. Va., Jaa. JVFab. 1. 
Bali1>hi.llalrill«-Cliarl<aloi>, A. a, Ju. B-Feb. 1. 
Bubl, ComaJy-Lawlaun, Ma, Jan. V-Feb. 1, Balem. 

Bacon dujck— Portlaad, Of*., Jaa. >7. Indaflolta 

Braooaa'a, Jobo E.-AJbUDd, Xr. Jaa. 9, IrMtoo, 0 , 
3U. JaekaoB 31. Wallaloo Fab. 1. Pomtior 9. fobt Plata 
aoL W. Va. I. Mlddlrpoft,0..3,)(a*L•alasuoe,Oao■ 
b^klgeT,lIrkllarlll«l^, ^ „ .. , _ 

Bron*! (kHDtdlua-wllloaahbr. 0., Jan. »,:Jtdiilin 
se-Fab. I, Waulelil, X. Y.. M. 


"Buiitlar'— VliluboMf N. Y.. Jao. 9; KaeMvllla A 
Whluhall3I.FortEd»arlFeM. . _ „ _ .. , 

"BnooleHMilud-WllbaiDitiiri, H. T.^aa. >r-Feb.l, 

■Biioeh or^Kaii"— ClndoDatl, Om Jan. »-Fab,;i, Looli- 

Till.. Kr.,J-t „ . , 
"Hat Ituf '-lawraoca, MtM- Jan. S-Ftb. I. 
"UaanRoChaeli"— Sermour. lod Colanbna 3\ 

WaablDRtanSI. VIocaooaa Feb. 1. KTaORTltle 31 
"Illack Brook." Tompkma'— BlooinlBBloo, JU., Jan. 39, 

RTanaTllla. Ind.. Keb. 4. 
"flro»olrt"— ]llnQea|«|l^ IIIOB.,[Jaa. 17-Fab. 1, 

raiil3-a. ..." 
")lanil»h"-N.T.CIIjJao.I7.lnd«Ooll». _ 
"llaiglit"— Phiubenr, N. V.. Jan. 39, Keaaavllla 10, 

WhlubtII31. FoitEJnnlFib. I. Rchoyltrfllla X. Am- 

Mtnlain 1. Llitla FalU 0. Clida t, Baoaca FaUar, 

Auburn B. 

"■Black Crook"— lalwrCItT, H. J^ Fab. M. 
"Black Rli»a|,"-N. V Citr Jan. 71. lodtaolta. _ 
"Braeir Ttoia"— BaltM, Taa. Jao.39.TamDla30.TarI«r 

SI. AimlQ Fab. I, Haa AdioqIo 3. Ooiualaa \ L\ aimoia 

4. Vlcb>rla6.lli>aMoa 7.S. 
"Ba»<rT ulrl"-.Voirolk, Va., Fab. S. 

Craaa'a. Wm. II.— X. V. Cllv Jao. Z7. lodaanlta, 
Camira. Inn— (.aaiirlllt. Fa., Jaa. 3MI. 
Colaman Ccmidr— Ptllaraon. Jan. 39. 
roorelil'a. niartrh-K Y. Cltj Jan. 37. lodaflnlu. 
Gollom A Runairii Comaillaaa-Fraebobl, N. J., Jan. 39- 

31. Eotllalitow o Feb. 1-4. 
Cumiitoo'a Flayara— BMoa. la.. Jaa. 37-F«U 1, Daa 

Rooror A Fox'a-ItAchaalar. K. Y., Fab. J-5. 
Howlaa'. Obiii.-CinclQnall.O., Fab. 3^ 
Crow SUlara' Ooioady-BaTler. Mo., Jao. 37-F«b. 
Ularka'a, CiaatAD— Olilaxo. lU, Fab. 
Cool'a Big eiotk-Flodlav. 0.. Jan. 37-Kab. I, Bll>Troa.^a. 
(;orbeli'a. Jaraaa J — RIclimond. Va.. Jaa. 29, BuUmora, 

Mil.. Xl-Fab. I, Fblladalpbla, Fa . 
"Coouolad Woman"-B-ailAn. Maaa, Jan. 3»-Fab. B. 
"Voonir Falr"-BnMkl;o, N. T., Jan. n-Fab. I, Wllllaiu- 

"OracktrJaek"— WlUaabarra, Pa, Jan. 39. Batdlnr 3>- 

Fal>. I, ElliabeUi, N. J., t, Palrraon O-O. 
"Ctitrlar'a Aunl"— BalUinora, Md., Jao.ST-Feb. I. Fatar- 

K». N. J., 4, ^ Nea banr. N. Y.. 7. 
"Colton Klox."No.l— ToiODto. Can., Jaa.37-Pab. I, ifar. 

lorn. N. r , U. 
"Coilon Klaa." Ho. Z-Panucolt, Fla, Jan. D, Hoblla, 

AU.. »-F<B. I, Kaw Or'tana. La., 3-8. 
"Clilmiola Fa/lilaa"-)l. V. ClU Jaa.37. Indellnlla. 
"Counlrr Circaa"- LaailoR. Mich., Jaa. 3IX_ 

■Snaciiae.If.T.,Jaa-B-rab I. 

«TaDioCch»iit--»aUBIvY. llaaa, Jao.».Ttaato« 

•jI, tof&%S|i'iii'S:*= J". ».fc.«.t«.ra. 

, CoboM 30^ 

Milwaukee.— Altlio UIJou Opom UounJuhopH 
lltit pnwoii "A nay OM Boj*' thlRweek, opwIdr Ju. 
M. "Tba Lan<l of LlTlnft"(lM a fair liuoloeu iMt 
wMk t(i9t iheir Urna op«BlD|t. Ilu|ikla»' Tiui Uceinlc 
Stir 8p<olt)iy Cn. cuuM Frb. 4 ud w»ek. 

DAviiwtHt TluiMl.— Rice'N KoritrlM l*tilr. In*'l4$i," 
wltU Bf««l# BoDBblllanl RIclian) lltriow IradlDK.opoanl 
U-O. "Dm KiiuO'lllDg" »oJ cIm; FiiigermM coniutiua 
lb* vfth. 3i>-reb, I, FuDf U«T«o|iort uil HelboDroe 
Hkolovtll ud coiDptDf pr«it«DlMl Ihelmupeibproiluc- 
tlu of "fllvtiioiilk" lut wMk, lo Ttrr Urs* tad [wbk»D- 
abk aadiMCM Bobby Oaylur, lo '-fo a Big Vlty," lidu* 
P«b. 3. »Dd "lb* M*rry WurM" optDiS, for ud« mt*k. 

Aiiiimiiroi' Uotr-Kor ihli wMk, 0)<ealnB s, tbo 
■Utclt. lo 'Too BUeb Pbo/' aBd 8«ronii BfJiaoiTar, LUuL 
BIntuuaandTorry ■ntl BUuar aoO Nod Vo«i apr«aT bo- 
tWMD ihoacU. *'1lt«T«uOrphaD*" wai playoilUal VMk, 
aod. «lib Camll J* bOK>D, Cot* Bakor and tht AlkDwor. 
dnvT«rT"eU "KaatLjODO" UuDilvrlmod for Fob. a 
Md woik. 

Parht Tiiutki— Tbo Uirro k«i comoilr, "Hlobe," 
wbltib baa boOD rMD b«r« MTorml ilmoi lo bniiU*h, will 
bopniODiMl by tbo aiock at thia ihoatre Id Oomian K, 
boloi roUoa'ilby|houaoactcoiii*dr,**lo XitII." Bouta'a 
BaiMoonifaV. Tbo eniiiocly by K. KruvuoDobk, '*ilal- 

)U.'*diiva|[o«dfJudbouten Tbo perfomiaiKo of "Bin 
MlAordtr Baatlle" waa ont gkoo U, a«RDin«o(Uie 
■MOOiT «ai ilamaarO Id ooo vt iho aoToralatclJtDla 
vhicb MpponnJ al thin ibaairo roeontly. 

WiiNPiHUvo MCHtrH.-Ourln hall: CapL Sldaoy Htin* 
mao, Mra. bldMy lloiDUiao ud Mirkfy Kionvy, Wollfaihl 
Barrotl'B Urcbaatra. Bijoa nlaito: Jito I'urdy, boao k>Io* 
lai, anil Billy JohvtoD, cumodian. Thoaira: Burho aod 
(Iny. Ton Haloooy, Carrul) and Lo*K Mlas Welch, 
Canto* and WobtUr. 

MaNrio.v.— Larty Lawraoco la ban, doloR tbo ad ranee 
for ' Tbe Morrr Worhl," wblcli romaa ut ibo ttivMivQ DOtt 

wtak CamllJobDioa lea C6 fur Rao Franclfco, Cal., 

wbaro ho omdo at llio Orpbauin Peb.3, for iburwtakp, 

wban ho nlll ntuni Kaat Manasor Kudotph Olijohaot 

oflheCtpoiJtlonMualo Hall, baaiono to Now York Oily 

lo oocapwio bla buoklnti roTlliacoroloiSiininitr. 
Dorloi hit oniTBiainoBt at tho Acadtmy la^l wotk 
Babor wat utnUo to tior. t^n arcouot of a aoTore 

.Uto. I>. MelTlIU and wlio Jolood "Tba DonVi 

AotilM" bfie in fail Bothtll, of ihia cliy, alw> 

Jotaod "Tbo DtTlVt AucUoo" Ci>. IS THoco Wolfaod 

Jotophll.Hamtiaor ihoWoodor' p*rfMtln|[ in 
e)«o't(cal orcbtatm which Ibey will roon InirnlDnaiihat 

rofort L B. tlrofory. nf ihia eiiy, it about to orfan- 

lt«4 inrtlLnitinuauo), whioh bolnunda toi>ol outun* 
dtr oaorat, optnloR lu AprlLiindtr tho manaironoBi ol 
J, 8. Aauoy, Qov at iba woodtrlaoil In a baalnoa^ 

oapaotly BniUr Bfodrr, tho toubrttlo ot Ibt I'abut 

TboainBtock.lB 111 and will not bo able to apptar iMa 
wtab. _ 

Koail Du I*«Ca— "3horo Acret^was RlreD ftt 
thaCrtM^Bi, (o ataro BBd dfllfliitti audlanco,, 
tht work ol Arcbit Bn)-*! btloR oicopilouliy |>laa»loK- 


D*i Molat»f.*AI KoslrrM l>pem lluuu >lTd 
•riok Wardo, la "Tho Muoottltaok." ploaaed a largo audi 
•ac* Jan. 31 tloo. W. Hoorof , (d "A llappT LltiU llont," 
■aT«ftROvOi««r(braiaBC« loapoorbouto. "lii>i"F«rkeO 
iltt thaair* aod plooMd ortrrbody ::i "ITaoR" draw 
oxr»i>t-oBall>- latRo builDaia. two |trroRii«ae«> ». 
(Vimiof: "K<'t Fair vttaiQla" 2^ llopkloi' Tratik(kMQ- 
M< .V. 91, Jaaet O'NfllU Ftb. 3, t, Daiilol Kully .\ Hay 

OHAND Oi-».« lloriil.-Mar|t HTvllttlay rlaitd tatl 
w If k la nr**nary to itvui bualoti* ackl pit aaod llio audi- 
•jcva. KfcaltokliibobtHuoalltblawtob. 

Coantll Bluff*.— At Ibe UobADjThutn "Tbe 
lUIair* b»tl avod ad»Deo Indlntloaa for Jaa. tl. Ibe 
HoHoa CMDodr Vn. win opoo ■ lor w«ob, and wilt, bo 
doubL marii a ropotliloo uf Ibt kindly aiiprobeilon aoO 

patrooat* oaioed duriog a roroot onirageaioni htro 

Bam aad Floroaot Hunt are h#rt rabearaiog iraaliun fbr 
a inUtire) tottritinmtnt lo t« |1t*o uodtr the turtle** 
orih* K'fal PlaM Club Fob. 9. ' 

Keeliali— At Ihe K^kiik Open Uouae frti- 

trltk Btneron, mtRlrlaii,enloililB«0 a itwd hpawJin. 
L TWnpklBa'**BlackOrook'* allnclod lood bntlBtu *1 
OmuIbi: Joha KtmolL In *Tht Uith AMtrtBattt** 17. 
* Tbo Ajab" », Tho bdtwalbi of Ntw York" SL 

HiiT»li»llloirM— At Uie UdeoB Joho Kftmell 
«Mao*Jta.K'*VorPalrV(riilala" & *Tbe R«]ih"bad 
ami udltocei;. "Cbarhy't Annt" AIM mo bout A. 

"CooD Hollow"— Rocbtalor, N. T., Jan. 
Albaoy3l,Fcli. 1. 

Dr«w*B.John-N Y.CIiyJan.2r-rtb.a 
DoDBolly A (iinrd'a— Waililngtoo, D. Jan. 37' 
Feb. I. Rait Imore. Md., .1-8. 
Dallty'a. Pour F.-Pnrldooco, R. I., Jan. T7-Ktb. I. Bot- 

toB. Man., M. 
Davla', ABna E.— Auboni. led , Jan. £), Oaaettl^-Fab. U 

Boutli Bond ^a. Lofaaiporl0-iy 
D«Jla\anCon:edy—roRien>y, O.Jan 27-F«b. 1, Iroatoo, 

DUty'^ n«oiy E.— CblcafO, III., Jao. Z7-Ptb. I, 

Ju«oiib, MOm^. 
DAwafBa ii. R L.— MoDtRomtrr. AU..JaB. O.ColaBbia, 

Oa., 3), Mncon 31. Tbomatrlllo Fob. 1. Bt. AoguBtlao, 

Fli., 3, JicbWQTillt4, Kavanoab,aa.,0,Cliu1ettoo,B. 


llaTtnport'i, Vauoy— Cincinnati. 0.. Jan ff-Ptb. 1 
D'Omood'i. Jobe— Padueah. Ky.. Jao.TT-Ftb. 1. 
"Otloinntco'ii al C— Harlon, loa.. Jan-3a.Jackonnrino, 

IIL, Fob. S, BurllnttoB. Ia.,4, FortMadlwot, *^iilaey, 

111.. T.Chlllfwiho, Mo.. a. 
"Down 00 the Farm"- Brooklyn, N. V., Jan. TT^Fob. 1, 

I'hllaUtlphla, Pa.,a-«. 
"Daoder"— Daytoo. 0., Jan. 29. Bandutky SO; Akroa 31, 

Bric. Pa.. Feb. 1. 
"lUrhort RuBia"— ritlaburF, I'a , Jan. 37-Pab. I, Bunakt, 

N. Y..3-it. 

"Down on ihoBuwanet Rlror"— N. Y.CIty Ju.27-Keb.l, 

Fall RWar. Uau.. \ Lynn 6, 7. 
"Dtrby Wlon*r"— Wa«iilai|tQD. D. 0 . Fob. 3-B. 
"Down In Ulxit"— Balibaoro,Md., Jan. ST-Feb. 1, Ntw- 

ark. N. J.,H-S. 

**D«ririi Aur.Uon"— Si. Louis, Mv-, Jan. TT-Peb. 1, Clnclo- 
nati, o.. a-a 

Eldoo'aroaHdIant-AQdtrtoo, Ind., Jan. 9-il, KokOBO 
F«b 3-tt. 

Kmneit'a. Katie— Loola, Ho.. Jan.37-Pob. I. 
Karle't, anhim- BnonTlllo. Mo.. Jan. T7-Frb. 1. 
Empln TliMtro. Frobman a-H. T. Olty Jaa.3T, IndortaltA. 
Elllowood'a Playan-tlivat Banlnfltrn. Meat., Jaa. 17- 
F«lt. I. 

*'E(||lit Bella"- LouUTlll^ Ky., Jan. 39, lodluapolls, 

Flalto'a. UloBlo Haddtra-Llttte Rock, Ark^ Jao. 19, 
Hrroplili, TeQn.,SJ, LouUfllle. Ky., 31-Ftb. I. Tole- 

FanvlIX TMiy-Pawiucket, R. I.. Jio. 3D-Ftb. 1, Pall 

River, HiBA.^ 
FkTor'f, m. H—Bil'ioL Ct.. Fab. I, Uanford \ Waitr 

ttorr 4, BrHtol 0, Mtrldan t, Taunton, Man, 7, Kraok- 

11b a 

FerrlfCemedlana-Ptkln, IIL. Feb. VA. 

Fnitt A Fanakawe'*— AurArm, Ind.. Jao. 39-31. 

FrawleyRioek-San Fraaclfrt>.Ctl ,Jta. 17, Indefiolte. 

"FaoI for Luck"— Bouman, Mob., Jan. O, iaUlonton3^\ 
Bllllan 31, Hllta Citr Feb. I. Jameatown S,Tam 4, 
Umnd Foriu ft, Crooktloo, MlDn.,4, Hankato7,Ri«ui 
City. la..H. 

"For Pair Tim lnla"-Det Holoea, la , Jan O, Cedar Rap- 
Ida 30. 

"Faat Hall.'- Nor Ihtro-RMkr Ilia. Ct.. Jaw. 39, Soith 
Mancboater 3D. llanforl 31. WlUlmantle Feb. 1, IiOwtU, 
Maai^.SA PawiuoktT. R. I.,C-IL 

"Faat Hall," tiouihtn-Cor«icann, Tti.. Ju.39, Utila 
aLCalTert 31. Martin Feb, 1. Waco 3, Temple 4, B«I(od 
Ba«irop tf. La QruRt 7. Dreobam A 

"F«»taaDa"-MInBetpo)lt, Mlon.. Jan.3»-Feb. 1, Duhtb 

"Are Painl"— Roebtittr, N. Y., Jan. 0. 
"Fautt," HomMo'a-OlovMand, l>., Jan. 2f-Pob. 1 
"l»A" Rice'*- Law rtnce. HaM., Feb. A 

* iOi." KlawA Brlas|tr-e-Hllwaukee, Wli., Jan. 39, Cbl 
cage. Ill , 3-H. 

"FonBdllDii"-Hllvaukte, Wla.. JaB. 3D-Feb. 1. 
"Faul Caxvl." Nu. 1-BnwbliB, N. Y., Jan. TT-Peb. 1, V. Y 

"FauRL" CalUhan'a-Wllllainiburg, N. Y.. Jan. 27-r«b. 

* 4 IMi"-rU(lba. Ark. Jan. 0, Btoioa aVFab. 1. 
•*Fatali'Aid " Ko. t-Jcraty Oily. N. J., Jan. r-Fcb.], 

Howburg.V. Y..<. 
"FlBBlgaQ-nBall"-8TnniM, N. Y.. Jan. 19. OfWt«o3a 
LtKkpoi 1 31, Matan Patlfl Feb. 1. Baodtuky. O., 3. Poa- 
iiiria 4. Keaion &, Lira* 7, Port Wayne, Ind.. A 

GoodwIn'K. N. R -ChlfiBgo. Iil.. Jao. r-F*b. A 
(lllch'B nom«d]r~ClieBi>a, III, Jao. TT-Peb. I. 
Qaytor-a. Bobb) -cftkafo. IIL. Jan. TT-Feb I. Mllwankte, 
Via.^A Oibhoab 3, HadltOtt 4, JaneivlUe Fnllnian, 

UonnanBnKi.'— lBdlaBapolla,Ind..Jan.3l>-K*b. I. 
Uaidoefa. C' A -Phlladtlpliia, Fa., Jan. k7-Peb. I, Uo- 

liofcrn. N- J.. S-A 
'tilrl Wanted "-Bm»blyn. N. Y.. Jaa.n-F«b. I, 
"tUnUemiD Joe"— N Y. City Jan. 30, iBdeflnlie. 

* nirl 1 Leu Behind llo"-Cbarlaai<tn. H. C, r»h 5. 
"OreeaUoodt Maa"-Wbfe11av, W. Y*.. Jan.n. 

IDrlilan «"— Wuhlngton, 0. C. Jan. f7-Peb. I, Ntw 

"<)IorlaDa*'-KaniaaOity, Ho.. r«b. 3 d. 

' Orral INuBond RabbetT*>-Lfnn. MaaiL. Jan. S. 30. 

Lowtll 31, Pto. I. Albany, N. Y., 3-3. 
UaiH|ja;^is Edwiixl-DtytoB. O. Jan. 31, Chicago. Ill 

lllllman'A Maude- Frank ford, Pa.. Jan. 37*Ktl> I, 
llall'a, JenU Haa— SprtoglUM. 0 . Jan. >7-Ftb. A 
Uart'a, Joaopb-Hlleaukee. Wit , Jaa. «>Feb. I. B4. FaaL 

lli^yi'a ODmnlr-LoDKTlew.Tei., Jan.r-Peb. I, Knitbl- 
tochoN Lo . .1 

Ilaotonl. Rmocar A U'Brltn'*-Bun«)o, N. Y., Feb. S-8. 
UarfUi A irn>oQ*t Couedy-FalifltM, IIL, Jao. 37-Feb. 

lUntlrrfoo namedy-^obntlovD, Fl, Jan. H-Peb, I, Mar 

tiDvtiorg, W Ya.-VA 
HolOf B t.'omfdy-CotiBcll Bluir«, la , Jan. aS-Ptb. 1. 
llarland'aCrliorlen Playoio-AlbaoyJIl, Jan.i7-rob. _ 
llfrrmaBn— BL Jot«pfa,He.. Jan.tAIaBUB City .'D-Peb. 

I. Fort Woltb, lu^ \ DaUaa A A Honaba t, Qalretioo 

lllillanl'o, Robon-Phlladrlpbia, I'a., Jao. T-Peb. 

Wathlnttva, 11.0. 3-rt 
Hi*yX ^Vt^^ -rii'caitOk llL. F#b. ^A 
Hare'a. Jrhn-DolrW), Micb. TMt. 3-A Clereltod. O . ML 
lloHaad'fi. B.M- and Joaerb-Vlliuuaqnrf, N.Y^ Ptb. 

tr-Ftb. I. N. Y. Chy A taJtRalie. 
Unyi't BlK Oouedy-BooBt. la., Jan. r-Peb, 1, Canoll 

H^gt'ff. OuL-Ohlcafo. III.. Jan. »-Ktb. 1 
"lltiuiBnliy"-Ne« nrdfor^i, Haa«. Feb. A TtaotAo 

Allltboio \ Nf aporl. H. I .A Pali RItot. Mam., 7. H. 
' U«i*"-TrtBtou. N. J., Jaa. 31. Ftb.l.nila- 

'i*l|ihl4a rA..34. 

* llo«iand MDa«**-WtiwUr,MaM., Jaa.t;-Ftb. I, PblU- 
tMphla. I*a.s-t), 

llaoilb Acnea tbt Baa*'— liaitlbn). Ct, Fob, 1. 

'iVT.".*'J?"'**?:'"r". ^- <"'Pi"- ifci^ite- 

"lUW IB BUTonr'-BrldfeporiJX, Jan. m WHilnulle 
VattrbvT ^ebJ 1, Pall BIttr, Utm, 

^5, Uoljoit AA 

BBlabt oriL raara"-Hailai% !«. T, JatST-Jab. L 
D na T.aa«a»a>eiiK«a*B. T, « 

layf.,-.^--- — _ - - 


KJaotxThoT wJ-FCTtlaad. Ora, Jaa.3"ab. 1. 
kI^UuvI Fan Makara-Blalr, Nab., Jin. D. Wahoo 
Kaa^alt'a. W-Wkb la, laa, Jan.SI. 
Fanoadi'a.LIUUB-allooat.raM Jao^SI. 
J^TMoS Ibawrft Fiobnuf a-ll. Y. Citr Jin. J7. Man- 
"a'!lllllall-Kalb?ina,Taoa..Jaa.JO „i_wuk 
^oa ttamtUo-BoltoIk, Va, Jao- 37-Kab. I, Eltiabttb 

L^MlKto'a. llabaTt-Loodon, O.. Jan. 39. • w , 

iJiSiDnSaiiS, Uaka-a-ial»kla™,in.,Jaa.r-rab.I, 

UhrMSt'^^nbj-raltattaa, Taa, Jan. a-Pab. I. Rnak 

LTaamlValraL Bhaijlaj't-Fajatltvlllo. Ark., Jia-H- 

ISikJiS\£"-t^Ur>. N- T., Jaa- »7-F.b. I. W.r»f 

•LlSlMyii^fr-Jaekaon. m*. Jan. O. «rton >JI>f 
auimroTBI FaaUIni hb. I, Van Wan J. Dalfboa », 
Llmal. riqDat.Kiebiion4 7. IlaabTtllaB. 

'L^^d o7 Ibt MUallbt Ban"-Eaaun, Fa., Jaa. Jl, RtaJ. 

x!9r%n7"-Waablagton, D. C, Jan. 17-Fab. 1, N. Y. 

-£!aVr"«b1°iwi.r'-«. ra-i. «"■»-. '•»- »-'•»• 

'• "llUa QK«<Jfci»-FroTldane«. H. I, Ju. 87-Fab. I. 

"Llulo Triita'^Lndibnn, Va, Jaa. »>, Baeoa VUtaSI, 
Botooka Ftb. I, LtibifUHi 31 Bttuua 4, WIntbtiltr ^ 
MtittBabof|i.w.Va,7. laiitrS. w....*, 

■MorrlM'a, iMta-lJampMa Tana, Jan. a JaoBoa M, 

•M KadirlIla9l,Fab.l,XlIasU.aa..%,4, Bamt^ Blr- 
iBtD||baa,Ata,>,MaK0lan,Mlia..7, YlckabugB. 

Haca'a. Ajdiaw-Siianw. n. V., Jan 30. 

Mattlt^^ Jtt. B.-inlu, Mob., Jta. 19, WbtaUof, W. ^ a, 

Hicanlar 1 Ptlloa'a-BdMotetadr-N. Y.. Jta. >7-rali. I 
MaaMrC B. B^Houwo, Toi, Jan. 3J 301 Ban /alwlo 
tl, Feb/ 1, Aoatit 9, Waco 4. Fort Worth t, a, Dallia 

Mli^U i Zdim'a Draaatle-CoboctoQ. K. V.. Jan. 39. 

MantStU'i.^Bfdiari— Hot Bprlnta, Ark.. Jaa. IB, LIUIa 
l5!kS.llSUl?TaBn,3nra'Sl.i;tiJrllto iLonlt 
Tlllt, Kt-. 4, Faria I, Laitntton I, Indlantpolli, Ind., 

MaijiiijXJoaaiib-H.Y. Oily Jan. r-FobJ. 
■oona'a'VaaorB.-Dalnlt, Mlcb., Jan. a-Fab. l.Chlet. 
■0. IIL. 3-8. 


'Maia. taaa Oonf-UailaD, K. Y., Jan. 17-Kab. 1, Bnolc- 

'l&Sqiura)aia"-Vllca. N. T., Jan. 31, Wllkaabam, Fa 

Fab. l,TreatoB,M.J.,<L , , . , 

'MlM Brown"— N. Y. Cllr Jan. 17, Indalnllt. 
'MtrTTlTDrhl-Mltnakta, Wla., Fib 3*. „ , , , 
'MtCuthr't Mldiava''-I>elroll, MIcIl, Jan. U-Fab. I 

llioa, 0, 1 

'Malonas^ Waddlaa"— Farla, T«i., Jan. 31, TerraU Fab. 

'Mlaa Hamm Beanint"— Woreoattr, Mtaa., Jto. 27-Fab. 1. 
■MUk WUtt Flaa^'-Htnlonl, Cl, Jan. t), 30. Bprtn(. 
ttU, UMa, 3irwortaattr Fab. I. _ _ ,. , 

NIebaiaca ComaOr-FIUkban, Haaa-Jaii. 3».Fab. I. 
Nelbiiaola'a, Oln-nltailalphla, Fa^Jap. >r-Feb. I_ 
Naaa' JoUldea-Uobokan, N. J., Jan, BD-Frt>. I, ISHabalb 

'^Hailoaal Comadr"— Wafeattr Citr, la, Jta. zr-Ftb. 
IiCltaiDTa3-a,Baniboklt7-II. ^ . _ _ 
'Maw Domlolon'-ToMo, 0,., Feb. 9, 4. Fort Vtjne, 

"Maw'^y-BlookljB, H. Y.. Fab. S-8. 
"Moiuiira Li|bu"-Kaw Utian, Cl, Fab. I, Fblladilplila, 

illo&e "— Alloont, Fa. Feb. 1 

O'Nf lira. Jtmei-BL Loala Mo., Jtn. ff-Ftb. I. Det 
Molnw, la. S, 4. Uneolo. Nab., t, 8C Joatirii, Mo., & 
OU'a Joawb-Olo<laQall,n.,Jao.3a-Fab.l. 
OtoU'a, Gbauncar-N. Y. Cli; Jan. 27, Inlillntla. 
"One o( tbe BrtTaat"— I1aadlnKt_Pa. Jao. 3n. 
•OA TanBaaate"-8rracnia, NT Y-Jan. SVFab. I. 
"OU HoBaaltad," Tbompaoa'a-Fbttadelphlt. Ft, Jtn. 
3I-Feb. 13. 

"On lha maatailprr'-Boiralo, N. V., JtB.D-rab.I,CIeTe- 

"Co Erlii'i8b0T<l'--WIUItoibur|[. N Y., Feb. 3-a|: 
'"OnrFItt''— HaiDlltoo,Cao..Jan. 39.aaaltb30L _ 
"Old Ftnar Uocklna"-McMltnaille. Tion.. Jan. 9, 
Wlacbailar SB, FtrauaTllIa 31, UonliTUla, Ala, Ftb. 
I.De&lar3,Fnlaikl,Tt0B,a. ,. 
■Oi Uw Boweo''-Na>ark,H.J..Jan.S7-Fab. I, Brook' 

'•otf Wmaitttd." No. 1-KoifoIk. Vt, Fall 7, ». 
'■Ubl Bat* Ttanai"-Llalt FaUa, N. Y., Jao. S. DilBtr 

Tllle 9. ac Jobinllla SI, BaiaUna Ftb. I. BtUaito 1 
PtTloa'aCont-niUIaauiioit, Ft., Jao. 31-Ftb. I, Sena 
* too 5^ 

Ptrton't Ooaaedj—Tnctoa, Arix, Ftb. 3-11 
rrtnita-llij-aMrMta, W;o., Jtn. D-F.b. I, Ousbrlt 
3^NavUatUeWI. . _ ^ , ., . ^ . - - 
FalnaD'a KtUe-SeattIa, Wtlb., Jan. 31, Fab. I, Fott 
land.Oit, 3- 

PaUft «tbal-B«nie,at,JtB.»-Fat 1. , „ , , 
roliar^Mlew-Toronta, Can, Jta. I7-Fib- 1, SI. Loall, 

"ri?ij4iFtUiei"--Datn)lt.Mldi,Ft*.M. , _^ _ 
"FaailaBBbo«"-Olnclanall. 0., Jan ir-fab. 1. Erla,Fa-, 

3, BocbHttrjr. Y, 4. Si Bnaoia* S, Iihua 7. fUart. 
"Far Train"— WhatlUc w. Vt-, Jtn. SB-Fab. I. 
"radd'nbaad WibOB"— Bairalo, N. Y., Jaa. ir-Fab. 1, De. 

Irolt, BIIab.,9-B. 
"ra<k% Bad Ba>"-Cbtca|D, DL, Jto, at-Fab. I, Detnlt, 
Mlob, t-D. . 

'Pauall'a. BolSmltb— lodltnapollt, lad, Jtn. 9, Blooni' 
-at ln(««,ItL,saFlllibiif|,Fa,S.|>. 
IUee*tC«aitdUaa-ABbuB.N. Y, Jan. 37-Ftb. I. 
Babaoa'a, Bluan-N. V. Cil7 Jan. 17-Fab. I, Uaileoi, N. 

Y 3'8/ 

niceV Fianr-Wkhlla. laa., Fib. 7. 
Btad'a luIaDd-FblladelplUt, Ft., Jta. >r-Fab. I, Watb. 

Bboadaa', Eluj-CItrklburg, W. Va, Jan. 27-Feb, 

HaaaeD'a lid. and Lelt-Wtat Union, W.Va, Jta. 30k 31, 

Btlen lab. I-S. 
Babarltto'a, Fuocb-NalbTlUa, Tann, Jan. 37-Fab. 

ChattaiooBa M. 
fiadmant Ortoituo-,Jadiaoo, Minn., Jan. Tr-Feb. I. 
RabarX KtUitrlte-IltltltirM. &. Ftb. 3«. 
BaaoU'a, Jttn-JtraaTTltler>U, Jao. ir-Fab. I. 
Rioe A Iknon'a Oomtdlana— SpnotfltM. Utaa, JtD._. 

Uoln>to3)-Ftb. L FltcbbntaSTLovtllUI. 
Bbtt'a-tlbtar, N. Y., Jtn. sfi 3Dl Trof 31. Feb. I, Bioek- 
Irn 3-8. 

Btjiiioot't, Btdl^-KajaTlUa, Mo., Jan. n-Fab. 1, LlbertF 

s, Indaaaodanot, 4, t. _ _ 
"Rajak**-Kaobak, liu Jan. 39, Qainer, TO., 3a Fort Mad' 

laooSI, BurlloiloiiFab. I, UtTaopon 1. 
**Buali C1ir"-SprtnBaakl, liata., Jaa. 39, New Ilarao, Ot. 

SB-Fall. r. WllmbBOiB, Del, I. 
**Rtllnad Ttcktl"- Wt&petOB. N. D., Jan. 31, Faiwua 
Falli, alna , Fab. I, Bitloard i LIlUe Falla 4. Oitnoa, 
N.D, t,Wlanlpaf,<Man,e,7,arandFaiaa,N. D,S. 
Qothartfa. B. U— Boatao, Mana, Jtt. ST, IndeBolla. 
u 8bloaer'a.Olla-Chlca«o,Ilt,Jaa.»F<b I. 
SalTlal'a Alax-Ktaatt CIlT. Mo., Fab W. 
Bbtt'a Ibot. B.— Yoaniitowo, 0., Jtn. XT-Ftb. 1, Mew 

Buolrord'a, Flora— BrowBlTllla, Ft, Jta.37-Feb.l, BtUt 

BawlaUaDrmaaUo-Falntn, Ct., Fab. M. 
BUniaa**, AnburO- Lrooa N. Y., Jtn.9. RocbMtarSO- 

Ktb. 1, BloKbtDlon 54. Scranton, Pa. t4i. 
Spooaar'a Cecll-lMoaater, Pa, Jao.37-Fab. r 
uaulbaitnlM— HelCaeapert,Fa,Jan.27-F«b. I, Ounbti 

Stilt 't lltn.-DM Molntt, It , Fab. I. 
Bawtri'i MlBolt-Ntabnt, N. U, Jta. ir-F«b. I, Tsratt'a 

FalH, Mtaa., S-& 
Saabnoha'a Tjoa. ^— BalTalo, N. T, Jan. M, lanaltF, 

Sollli.iIlib— Btatlla, Walk., Jaa. >;-Fab. I. 
"ektllKo. J'-H.Y.CIlr Jto. 17-Flb. I, FlUabatf, Ft., 

"BowlmtbeWlBV-Pluabnrii. Ft, Jan. 17-Fab. I. 
"8. Idar ind F1y"-Wteblla. Kan , Ftb. Sl 
'Dooili Btfbra tbt Wtr"— Ntwtik, N. J., Jtn. n-Ftb. 

Rochautr, .\ T,M. 
"Buu,^ or Lift"— ItdltntpolU, Ind, Jan. 9, Si Loala,, 

"^an^'Llft"-Cblca|o. Ill, Jtn. ir-rtb.1, Bt. Loalt 

"Barcl rroiB tbt Stf-Olnclaotll. O., Jto. a-Ftb. 
FlitatHia, Fa, 34. 
"Bid* rnotad.'' BdBQBd'a-Danf Ilia, lod , Jan. SI, Alei. 

ty i, Norwicb d, WooBieckat, B. I., 7, WorMitar, Haaa. 6. 
iffiofa Aowa'' No. 1-BL Faal, illnn., Jan. SB-Firi, 

Mill, *.|wil 111 T 
'BttTi* of Oold'-OttbM, Iod,Jtn.aiBUihart9achl. 

caat, IIL, Ftb.S.e. 

S(^OI«an FiD.a,Bitdrord.Pt., 4, JtraaMowa. N. Y ~ 
',Pa,t. VatoaClr- 

Conr, Fa, (. ValoB CIIT 7 
IJeonliiji »oehi<*"-N. T. Cllf Jan. 17. lodaBnlU. 
'^Inbad"— Wbtallna W. Vl, Ftb. I. Ottnltnd, 0 , 1 
'SI PKinkanI"— Buraka IaD..,JtB. 9, Bl DonJoSL ntw 
ton SI, lliiiailauo Ftb. I, UtirtrS, Kliintn I, Dedgt 


, ^ ^ _An.rS. KI.Mi.n 1 " - 

nitj a, Laraad 7. Ur«tl Band . 
8^j*Q^J»llTwj"-Bltoabatl>. N. J., Jan. 3), Lino, 

'Vhauowa of a Oraat Cllj"— Boitoa, Maat. Jto. r-Ftb. 1 
Pn>ridaBC*kRI,S.S. — . «r.iii, 
■Vl«wtwa>"-FhlIadalolila, Fa, Jan. >7-reb. I. 
lirf'-BoatoB. Haaa. " 

.. LoweUS-B. 
Jaa 31, QalBOT, 

JMopUirr'-Boatoa. Haaa. Jao. n-Fab. S. 
■«OMnt"-Bot«0B7Maaa, Jaa. n-Fab. 1. 1 
IMa'tlta ol Naw Tarb"— llaobub, la. Jai 

III.. Fat. I. laniuOtlr. Mo. S-n. 
r|^bar*t Jtltt Marlowe-Bochnttr, N. T, Jtn. 33L Btaw. 
1 b.nilOBFab.t,Br«okliB.V» ■,'*«- J^ninf. 
Tukir^ Bihal-Fen Jama, N. Y, Jan. 37-Fab. I, Pllla- 

**ilhuil"i'iif""'''"'*"*'*™*°^' •'"-B-tb, 
TaatujOomadir-LaBiBnBcb, N. J.. Fab.H 


'J^I'?P'>''*'S7<"-Baatoa. Mtti,Jaa,tr-F*b.l. 

J^nf-F^winekal. BL I.. Jan.a, liwriiS. iuaa, 

"sD^tiib I*" '"'"•"-'••rnabBri. Fa, Jin. », Baaaloo 
■^JS,*! ■•"'"-"^mJo, Tel. Jaa. n, Caan Feb. 

.-DaaMolaaala, Ju. n-Fab. I.llir. 

'"noraibbrad'-Jtdiioe, O. Jta. so, Cblllieoibe ji 
WiJ^Vag Oout^OBta Ftb. I, Xtslt XOiruni,' 

'tSSR' fe"*»™r^!PSL V't '.'Si a 

AaaibaiT. Miaa, BL CStlaat Fab. I. Walihan i )|7 
Ibi4 «, llailboio OoMta Fiambibtm s, Uwrawa 

■^omido." ■oolbatB-Okltbou OkL Jta.a. Nonau 
«ipare*ll,I.T-BI, Antewt FtbJ,out«iik.Tt", 
SJMaltoa «, BbtiBU t. Ftili t, OlukitTilIa 7, Taiu. 

Town^TjIar-SiBMi CItTi Mo., Jtn. n-Fab. I, bi. 

■^rtlbr"— Ntwtrk, H. J , Jta. tr-Fab. I, N. V. Cllt }.«. 
-Tnibr'" No. I-Fblladalpjiljk Ff^ Jan.*. ladidtllfc 
Trllbr," No. >-4:ia>iIand, O , Jao.>7-Fa«. L 
rrill^,"No. S-Snaait, N. Y, Jtn. 9, Bodktaur. 
Ftb. 1. Ilbtca Sk Aabara 4, Cortland 9. Coreloa (. 
Fana Tanr, Bloabamloa 8. 
'Twel't Ttmptoilont"— UaLta, Tta, Jan. S, 30, Kliinaat 
81. Danlaoo Fab. 1. 

'Too Boeb Jobnaon"— LowalL Kata, Jtn. 9, SSi Lion Jl. 

F.b. I. FrOTtdtBca, B. I, 8-8. 
itrrncl* Joah Soruotbr'''-Focaullo, Ma, /it.s.Bolit 
U cllT3l,BtbarUltF,Ore,3l,Laanndareb.l, 'rit 
Dalka 4. Foilltod 6. 

Ilocia Tom'a i:ablo," Mtrkoe't-BrowanlUe, Fa, Ju. 
9, FlUlboiBlB Feb. 1. 

Vtn Corlltnd'a, Ida-l>abni|na,It,Jtn.n-Fab. l, Mm. 
cba»ur»d,Ananioat»4. , . 
VlneaotBlzeeur^lNioB, 111, Jan. 27-Fab. l,8priOBVil. 

ler 34L 

•\%dalU"-LonlaTlIlt. It., Jtn. n-FjM. 

Winar Coisadr-Farrr, la, JaB.I7-Fab. I. 
Wbllaalda'iC Wtlker-vblcafa, III, Jan. n-F<b. I. 
WalUi;oaiadr, Eiaiarn- TonkaraN. Y., Jan. n-Fab. I. 

Fa*UklUS-«._ _ , ' _ , 
WaluComadr, Wealani-Elmlra. H. Y, Jan. n.Fob. a. 
WeltholTa Pltrait-Falmoaol, lU, Jan. n-Feb. I. Du. 

Wall'l^waid, OomedF-SosUi Band, lad, Jan. ir-Fib. 
I. EubartS^. 

Warat'a Mr- aad Hia-Janaatown, M. V, Jan. n-Ftb. I, 

Jabtatown. Pa, ML 
Wanll'a, Fred B.-DeaTar, CoL, Jan. n-Fab. 1, Bait Lata 

Wellada/a Muta-D 

aballtown B-8- 
WoodaanJ Tbaatre— Lloooln, Nab., Jan. n-Fab. 1. 
Ward A Vokea'-Fhlladolpblt, Fa, Jto. n-Feb. I, BoHna, 

'Wblla Btt"-llt. Loelt, Me, Jtn. n-Ftb. 1,0101:100111, 

Wai'^W«allh"-PllUbei(, Fa, Jta. n-Fab. I, PblUdi |. 

'S?ilit8,|aadi»n"-Tolade, 0., Feb. M. 
'Wle»IowFoilnian"-.8prloiilald,Mo, Jan. 31. _ ^. ^ , 
WIM Oeoat cbttt"-6n>wBt?IUa. Tana, Jaa,n-t tb. 1, 
FailtS, ClaikiTlIla 4, Fnnetion, tj-,}, HopklaatlUat. 
'Wbllt Bltrt"— Bocbatur, M. V, Jan. ao-Feb. I. 


AlbaalOotetn-AlbtaF.N.Y, Fe^L 
Brntaoltat-rltttbum. Ft, Jan. n-Fek I. Wtabloiliin, 
D CS-ll 

Cotiaot— Veradla, CtL. Jan. 9, Freaso Bta Joan 31. 
CtaciaSaatnOr«ra-Boatoo, Maaa. Jto. n, ladttnlu. 
CamlUe U'AnlUe Opara-Norlolk. Va. Jan. 9, s), Hkb. 

meed 91, WIlmiBBtoa. Del, Fab. J, Trenton. N. J , 9. 
Ctntdlao Jobllee dIaiert-FiuaBald, Haaa, Jaa SU. Dal. 
too 91, WaaUeld Feb I, 1. BpHniaeldS, Wmft >, 
XonblliniploBB,B,Cbloo|iee *ulj7,8prloilleUa,». 
Dtmioadi Opin-Balllmora, Hd, Jul 9, Watblnguo, 

B. O.,30-Fab LBoabin, aiaat,»a. ^ , . , 
Denair'aupera-Delralt, Mtrt.. Jan.38-Fab I . _ . , 
Edwinlaa- Umie Opam-St Leoiajlo.. Jan. n-Ftb. L 
Foi'a Oella-Chlcago, lU., Jm. 77-Fab. I}. 
"FoKloa Maalar"'aClaiaIaBd^, FalK 94.- 
OranJ Ojtra-N. VTUtr Jan. n-Fib. li. 
OIltMnUpara-Marctr. Fa.Jaal9- 
Omralaa' Opaia--80amolilt, Ft , Jan. 9, Sonborr 30- 

Fab. I. . — _ L - 

Oi»uupaia-atlTeit«B.Tai, Jan.«-Fab,e. 
Uaritf Easllah Opara-BroobliB, .1. Y, Jan. n-Fab. I. 

CliKlnritlX 0.. 9-8. 
UlBilcba' Opera-Pnlltdalpbla. Pa, Jan. n-Fab. t 
Hopni'a De WoU-Clndnnatl, O, Jan. n-Fib. I. Wba«l. 

lnt,W.Va,a. _ 
MaaitT0peit-Beadlag,Fa.,Jan.9. „ ^, 

■ Friaceaa^anle"-BTaBarUle, lad, Feb. I, Unorlili, 

BwHlIX UlUta-ScrantOB, Ft, Jtt. 3S, Wllkaabaira 30, 

RaadUl|31, Uantabnnr Fab. I. Balllmoia, Md, 3-«. 
..BabBay'— DttnH,Mlcn.Jtn.9-Ffb.l. 
Soaia'a Band-La Fori, Mich., Jtn. S. I'hlctn, lU , Fel>. 
3. JaoaarUlt, Wla.3, Mbuttpolla Hlao., 4, Dalul, S. 
BtFtolC. Fttito.N.D,7. 
TavaiT Opara-Loa Anielaa, Cal, Jan. Zr-Fab. 1, Bao 

•HnBoafToW-Fblladalpbla, Ft., Jtn. n-Fab. I. 
WlUnTa Fnnda-BoaUB, HaaaWtl. H, Feb, t. 
Wllbor Opera— Tror. N. Y, Jta. 3T-F»b. 1. 
"W laid or the Nlw'-N. Y. Cli; Jaa.n-Fab.I, BaltlBwre, 
MO 5-8, 

"WttB"— LloeolB,N«b, Jta.SO, 8LJoatpb,Ho, Fab. I, 
Kaoaaa Cllr 3- 9. 


Amarlcaa Utittr Gtrlt-Hoboktn. N. J.. .Tan. n-Ftb. I. 
BaU FlBbun-Botlm, Mtta, Jtn. 17.Fab. I. 
ureolea; Jaet't-N. Yronr, Jan. n-Fili. I, PtUltoo, N. J., 

cii^Clob-Lawall, Mas., Jao. 9, FtU Blrer SB-Fab. I, M. 
V. CUT 3-8. 

Oil J Bpona-81. Loola, Mo, Jan. n-Fab. I. _ „ . , 
Dab'a UOBiadlana-CHBlos. Ill, Jin. 9. BuaaloraM'ab. I . 
Snra-a, 8affl-Biookl}o, N. Y?. Jtn n-Feb. 1, M. Y. Ully 

EtllTBIrda-DoboktB,N.J,Ftb.Va. . . 

l-mach FoUj-Htilaai, N. Y, Jan. n-Feb. I, Lron, 
Haaa, 3^ 

Freoeb Gtlatf alrla-Trox.N. Y, Jin.n-Fab.l,Boaloii, 
Maaa, 9A 

Finn A Bbtrldtn't Bla Banaatlan-FroTldanea, R. I,. 
Jan. n-Fab. I. 

FlaUa aad Hanaon'a-Vtla, N. T, Jtn 30, Sriacaat 31- 
Fib. 1. 

Hliri. Ou. MoTtltltt-N. Y. aiF Jaa. n-Fab. I. _ „ , 
UanT Morrli' Enlei1alnei«~C1tva1aBd, 0, Jaa. 37.F»U. 

I N Y Oltf 9^ 
lly'de'a Comadltna-Fhiltdalplilt, Fa, Jai. n-FtU I, 

Nlwtib,N.J,3-«. ^ . 

Howard Albtojcom— BalTalo, N. V., Jaa n-Fab. I. 
Uowaid't-AUltate, 0., Jan, 9. _ 

Iiwla Bra '-Loolarllla, Ej, Jan n-Fab. I . ^ 

libam'aOotonoBt-Fllubiirir, Fa, Jtn.s^-Fab. l.Cintln- 
ntU, 0,3-8. 

L><llttl!lab-Baltan,Htlt, Jtn. (T-Ftb. I, FrorlduM. 
1^1 3WS. 

LondooUala^Irlt-Btllbnoie, Md, Jtn. n-Fob. I, liar- 

Lofidoa BeUM. SrdoIl'a-FtU BlTtr, Mtia, Jan. n-Fab. I , Y . 3-B. . . . . _ 

Noma' Twtoiitih Oaotan Mtldt-Colunbol, 0., Jaa. 39, 

BaraIo,N.V.. Fab, 3-8. 
Httli'a iL-Albloo, Ma. Jtn. 9. Etat looi 3A Fnapacl 

31, Frankfort Feb. I. Mollb Brooknllla 3. 
MIltOB'a Uui— Aab Orore. Mo.o'id. 39. 
McHtBir'a-FblUulalpbla, Fa, Fab. S-S. 
Mr llBde, Jaok'a-Naw UtTao, Cu Jan.'Sr ffalarbolT .V, 
Nawborc, H. Y,3l, PlahkUl Feb. 1, WUralopon, Dal., 

Naw York SUra-FklladelpbIa, Fa-, Jan.t9-Fab. I, Balli. 

Nl|bi Owia-Alianr, N Y., Jan.n-Fab.l,Bi«oklnM. 
NaatalUe Blade^ta-TauikaBa, Tax.. Jan. 9, Hoi 

SprinnArk, Fab.l.LluleKaek S,Cuadia>. 
OrlMiIJi ntrarannia-FbUadalpbla, Fa , Jaa. n-Fab. I, 

Plafi andrltiarB-Lrnn, Maaa. Jae. 9, LowaU SB- Fab. I, 
Fall Blrer S-B. 

Beeraa'. AL-ClnclonatL O, JtB.O-Feb. I. 
BtfUr A Wood't-wmita abnrw, N. V, Jao. n-Fab. I. . 
BnlHll Broa'— Waablnitoo, O. U., Jta. S7-Fab. I, rbilt- 

BeoKStaUar-IodltotpoIlt, Ind., Jaa. n-Fab. I, 81. 

Loala, Mo., ts. 
Bom Blll--8ntntoo, Fa, Jao. 9. Bloibtmlon. M. I ., 

«-Ftb. I. Bodlttttr »* 
Sati)afaBarleiuioe-Lno,Mata.,Jaa.I>-Fab. I- _ 
TraaaOoaaolot-Omahi. Nab . Jta. S, Dea Moloea, la, 30, 

81, Mllwankte, Wli, Feb. 4-8 
WaAbora Sbura'-CblcaBO, IIL, Jan. n-Fab. I, Indian. 

Waltr A FlaUa' Taudtalllt Otab-Btklmna, Md.. Jan. 

t;-Ftb.I.WtablOitUnl,D.a,9-«, _ 
Wabtr A FlaUa' ina-V. Y. Our Jan. S7-Fab. I, nii>- 

WltUama' Own-OlaTaland. 0- Fab. 34. 
WaiaoDBIattn-PttanoB.M. J, Jtn.I7-Feb.l. _ 
Wabai'a Olimpla— TRotoa. N. J, Jao. 9 Cbaalar, Ft, 30, 
Wllmtnatoo DeL. Feb. 1, BalltBora, M^. 9-B. . ^ , 
"Wtlta Cnet," Bailtn-IlnxiblfB, N. Y, Jib. n-Fab. I, 

"Wblta Crook." Waattra-Plllit>B,Fa,Jaa.9,Ctrbon. 

dale 90, Booeadale 91, Hawler Fab. I. 
■ Wblu Vaoua"— WUmltatoD, Del . Jan SB-Fab. I. 
"ZeRi"-Woiceater, Maaa, Jan. tr-P«b. I, Fblladalphit, 


Bowmtn A ToBort— Vlotor. Ool, Jtt. 38, Colanido 
Sprlnai 3li Idaho Bprlnfa 91, Oenual Oil? Feb. I, Dan- 

"DarhaatAnarlca"-,JaBetloB City, Man.. Jaa. 9. Eot- 

ErlaSDl LawTenoa3l. Laaatnworib Fab. I, flolloa 3. 
_ ,irtoni,BttlTlc*,Nab.t,LlaeoIn7,Iiainar>, 
FlaU'a AL O.-AIbtnr. N. Y, Jan. 9. 
UoifaB'a-lar Watt, Fit., Jtn. 9. 
"SI ■rea'-UtBaoatbai^ Fa. Jan. 8; BUlbanrlUt, (>,, 

Bd. Wbaellaa, W. Va. Ftb. S-t. 
Bl OiBirt-Allooat, H, Jio.91, JehBttowo SK Ltlr"ba 
SUaaiatu Fab. I, IrwInS, WitblSftoa ;, Wbi.lloii, 
W. Va , S. 

Hamlr'a— Atlanta, ila, Jan. 9. SOt Raiaanab 31. Fab. I. 
JobtaoD'a Law-JtotaiowD, M. D, Jan. SB^ La Jlaaia 

FrlBToa* A Waat-a-N. Y. Cltf Jaa. n-Feb. I, Wlllbua 

bare N. Y, M. 
Blebuda A Frinala'a-Dallaa, Taa, Jan. tl. 
Ban Fimnalaao— Torooto. Can , Jtt. n-Feb. I, tjnalpb 3. i 

Otlt 9, Barlln 7, Oodtridi V 

Oela't-BltbopatDIe, & 0, Jaa. 9. 
Batrt-fBianowB, La, Jtn. Ik Obtrllt I. 

Btldwla'a Mr, tad Mra-OohlBbaa, O, Jan. n-Fab I... 
BHaoFa fcialafe-MoBlna*. Col, Jaa. BK SBL OararSI. 

Fab. u Oaonlaoo 3 4, Ballda t, i, Ooknttfa Bpilnia 7. a. 

Dwaar 10-18. 

Bucnnrt-ailnBo, DL, Jaa. n-Fab. I, TlUtberf, Pa. 

■loa' MotBltla Jaa-Fahar, a C, Jtn, (7-Pab. I, Naw, 
berrr 8-F. Ala. Jan. V-Fab.t, 

it (MMro-BubeiT. a.^ Jta. 9. SB. 

Maa Weed-in reala Ikneak Btiep*. 

El FaAbi»-MLTtiM7!jta.«Llbtia'll.ail(dto. 

li^EBBUABT 1. 



i.^MU-MMiPtll. Tan, Ju. 31, LltU* Rook, Ark., 
nSdou BiM.'-BMarHt,a O,, Ju. I7-r«b.l. OMit*. 


ClilcM**"'^ ^ ^ AMnctlons oflttred lUs 
wMk(oehitf*inonortb*bltb«reUM Uiutn uaiUj 
UHOiMtd In lh[i olty at on* Una. ModjMkswM to 
hBV t COfflBWCWl w eBfMVMB^ ^ th« OimD^ thli VMk. 
baibwinAMta ClneluuU liu ptortdto Hiiouth&t 
ibeflntbtlf of ber tlm* hu b«»a cuoeM, aod OtU 
ShlonwMcandtolUllhadfttoa. iheSebUtor Walker 
^ltt«M«wlIlplftrthUwMk,«adat bolhortLo't gw 
itMMD bATO tnujnd to pmwt i nptrtorr thit In- 

^Petndilo,*' then will b« no Uck or iht letltliiuu la 

^alSiiS.' TiiUTftB.-I>«Ua Fai Iiu dnwQ co«l 
hooMi kU tb« wwk to *'n«ar de LU.'* « blob vlU bo con- 
HDMdrortbliwMt.uil wlU befoUowod bra vonk of 
'tim LliUft Trooper." opeotni Sondkj, reV a. Utrr- 
■UDO'iT«c«at«oi»i*B*iit*aa lo iDeoMifal bti« that 
Umo bu boon uraafttd for Km lo pUy a ivo wotkk' 
Miera •aMomoat lo tin netf diuxn. PoUowbg tb« 
DMi Pox oompanrwlll oona mmj Irwlo, 9. 

CnicicioOrBUBOQia.— "no Mtrn WorU" dM doI 
Mci tho hooM laU vMk,6Ton tbooah tbo prlcoo w«ro 
nora modormU tbaa Iba oompaov bad orer plajod to 
bofoi*. IbB teat poTlormuoea will bo Ibo muloeo and 
•roolof porforiDaiicaorSawlar, Jao.K. DliejoomoiZr 
foraTOoY. aod lollowbg him ' IgI" 

acuiLua TnuTmM.-"For Fatr Vlndola" addod to tbo 
ibudr oiooUaot rtpataUoo that It badaonrad latbla 
dir br tbi retara aogtiuionL wblob doaod 21, altar a 
praflUDle woak. Bandar OTonloff Oo»ut Frohmiii'i 
CoiDpursavo a ilog<o Mr/onnaaea of 'Ttao Wlfa," tho 
oeamo bolog a beaedt to nomaa Babor, traaauror of 
tbo tboairo. Moodai,.??. Walkor Wbltaildo boalna a 
«oob of raportorr. Edward Ilanlgaa eomti Fob. 2, la 
"OM lATOodar" aod Atbera. 

OiuyD Orau Horoi— IMaad Bo«d pUred ^Tba 
iTomta Hator,** to cood aadloDcaa, doriag ibo lacDod 
vfokofblaiur. Owiov totbolUoaaoor ilodjaakaoonia 
lirair «orl[ Doeoaarr la onlor to All the Irai wook of 
har tlBla Fortooat^ iboouaa«ooiootvai«oabM to 
Mean UtU Bklonar,«bo will op«ai)andaytToaiD|t3S. 
Ho arraoKODODta bava j«t boon made for ae:it week, aa It 
U oot 701 hsowo whatber Modjoaka will be able lo Oil ibo 
lauar ptit of bar time 

XcTioiH'aTKBiTat.— Fnnb MaToandhlotDtareirtlog 
pUT.*'Fadd'oboad W^i)8oo,'"lli)tabad0. TbapUroallod 
ogia craat deal of UTorabla oonmaot, bat for aome 
roam the hooHi van not aa larm ai tber ibouU hare 
btao. FredorlebBaacrDfLmaglcIUiaulitodbrKaiher-|IoaBaiida7ereDmg,ai. Crtaua Clarbo. lo 
a roportorr of Bbakaipereaa ^aya foUowa F«b. z 

lIooLVT'aTuoATiiB.— Nat Ooodwin haa two aeok* mon 
TbU veok be will play "A OlUad VooV and for tbe laxt 
waakofhlaTliltbo will probabl/pruenfla Ulteoera" 

LiitcoLf Tbutu — **De1oooleo*e at SlK"dld a fUrly 
Eood boalaoai, doalu Jan. 0. Ooa Hoeio opaned a 
we«k of "A Veouloa Yentloinan" with a mauaao Saodar. 
TbasaitaitraetloB wtU be"Alabaaaa." Fab.L A bettar 
cUvorptaTi bara boeo pmeotad Ihla rear Uun ever 
baforaat tbli hoaietand Itlaa ploaaore to aote that the 
oilortof Manafor Button to fanlab good attrteilooa la 
boloi will appnelatad. 

HiTURiin'TBianB.— "TbeDarlTa Aactlon" did bic 
boilaiai laat weak, ehwing Jan. H Tim Morphr oponod 
wlu"AT«KaaStoar'*Bondar OTealoi. TbU la tbo first 
Koo rbo plar haa boao aaoo at an/ bot Ibo down iowd 
bouiMi and tba weak la llkolr to be a big aueeaaa Ib tbe 
mnpanrareCbaiiaaHaUook.Tbaddoaall. Adama, Wal- 
Um JaeaMo. Llola DatCof, Jaaaa C Uarkw, Jamia J. 
Haoter. Cbarlea AUaoo, Katbarino Siuart, Charlolio 
CfuavidDorotbrfibemd. Moit woek, Wllllaa Uoeri 
lo -^oUlobo Trotter.*' 

ACADUT or Mcaio 

mod waok witb "Laik ^ 

wbliaBqoadroa." Tbla week ^'Fook'a Bad Boy** opaood 
vlibaDatlaaoBattdar. Neitwook.'^laraiorQoU.'* 

Hatu.<('8 TstaTBB.— AgDoo Wallaoo TlUa, with **Tbe 
Worhl Agalnat ller,**bad caooe for oonpUInt after laat 
waek^wboQ boahia«waa nooetoogood. VUllamnald- 
an 'Tbe Span of Llfa** opeaod with a maiineeSuodaj. 
For o«it woek tbe play aaoooaoed la *'An American 

ALunBRA Tniam.— Ou Hao«e did ««U taatweek, 
dnwlog Rond hOQiaa at aacli parfomanee and pntUng 
OD a fltet daaa prodactlon of bla SwedLifa coniad/,"A 
Vaaolna YanilamaiL*' OpoDlacwIlh a aallneoSuouar, 
BoUrQa/loroomai for a week. Ho will be followed by 
Qtonca.w. Monroe*! "-A Happy littlo Uomt.'* 
Horam* TBiaru—Tho raadovllle bill ibia week will 
botamlahed brOooiveH. Wood. Ollrford oad Uatb, Wl|. 
Ill and Barron, Baaih and (Jidd, AndonoD Blatom. Blooa 
aod Blana, tbe BoaatlU and Mamealle FloHite. Tbo i took 
cos (way will plar "Ibo Tlokat of Leave Mu.** 

HoriiPs' TaaiTU (weet aldi).— The atock company 
wiu pky "Sam'l of Poaou** tliU wvek, and there wiu bo 
-» •poclalilea Tha TaodeTllle faatorea of tbla bonae 

igim irvuvr. 

T or McaicL— A. Y. Paaraoa*a ooaipanr had a 
iwltb "Laodot tbo MUnlgbt Sdo'' and "Ibo 
udroa.** TbU woek **Fooi'B Bad Boy** opoood 

hare boeo abandoi 

and la f^inre than wUI be a 

waaklT change of bill by tba itock conpaoy, and no 
TaodailUe ecu latroduced. 

OiTirio TDKArai.— Thiaii tbe best itaaaonthat tb(a 
hooMhaabad for naretal ioara,and baetooai la u good 
M at any TaudOTlIU taonaaln tha city. For tb(a woak tbo 
progrmmo Indodw ICaeut*r monkey aad dos come 
dlan^O'SrlonBroa, ImoRone CoDor.BmlthaiKrFullor, 
Oforn FloldlDg, MoAToy and Hay, Oertlo Olbno, FoHi 
aod Cain, Jamei Walbrook, Jamoa Qardoer, Eltiy Ull* 
moreand JamaaHambaU. Cnarl^n Diamond, rarryByan. 
Kmna Wood and Lnla Ryan. Frank AppaL Dally and 
HlltDo, Allan Waaa, MUa. Pa»iuelena aad LoluWent- 

Lvauv TBHAnu -Kor tbla week tbo Lyceam baa ae- 
cored tbo WaibbumBlataitf Laat Bwaatloo. Spedaltlea 
will ba lotndnoed by tba Wathbnm Sliitira. Bmary and 
Marto*. O'BiloD. Joonlnn and 0'Brlao,Noille Watera, 
khumud Byao, ud AitEor Wbllalaw. BualnesiliTory 

iHPiRiiLHroio Hall.— Tbe rtar altrvUoa thiiweek 

wlU bo tbo appeannoo of Troja 8be bagan Itar osgua- 
moQt tho latiar pert of laat waek and nay beoooM a oi- 

' — a oompaor win pit on 'The HaK " 

Mario Ball In the leadlnarolo. V 
I contributed by Dare M enoii, Ethel Car- 
... . .-.t, graaaatj Weit and DntT, tbe Wbltaa, Allen 
W^btmananJRo-olfr r ' 

taie. Tbo oMia oompaor wU pit 
thtoweek,wrtb Hario Ball In theleadlna: 
vine acta wlD be contributed by Dare M erTc 
tar, pllbort, graaaatj Weit and DntT, tbe ' 
W^ibtman and Ro-o WIncbeattf. 
, UAaiNo.-Tba bill for tba weak will be faraUhad br tbe 
rillpwiornemlo: Eennafd BnML,ObDllia, Baker aod Ran- 
dtll, Bbn WllUanu, tbo Four Fonia, Jomsa Smith, tba 
Tbrao fiamtta, HayB. Balmont, tho Nlekte PlatoTilo, 
Btmuand MoOraL Cairla Rogen, FUhar and Wall, Bert 
a Oagnon and Meahan and Wada 
^SahT. Jaoa'a orntA BoireB.— ^'iTanboe," a tall re on 
(bt nonl, will b« tbaattnotloB at tbU bonae during the 
«Mb. Ib Uie taadien pana are Bmna Warde, Banka 
Wlnurand Wlaflald luko. Tbe melalUei of the per- 
foraiaacawUlbopraaeBted breitsfrlod. iholMKorrett 
StoiM tbe Mllbum8i»tar% Annie DvaiOncIo aadBor- 
DoM^ IdaBnuellaod ttaeOamanollla 
^OkTBBin MOBto Ball -a foatnra tble ««ok wlU be tbe 
nalUo B. Cbaadler Ladr Orcbeun. Othara earned are 
._ j^^^B,!^^ Orar, Do rllil 

Mar MoBtford, Jotalo 

Bark and Gray, Do FUilpIo, 

I precnnDO will be 
llaBd.Lowli, lleory 

Own Bmery and Bmma ^e«oo. 
PAiKTHiATBB^roi tblowiok the 

KaapytberidlovloKpeopla:CarToiraBd Lawk 
Bea,BartaBdWaDlng,tbeAnderaoiu,Mooa WlUlam, 
tbe Oatmreea tha Staaleya: pana La Patra. aod tbe itoek 
^onpBnynlUpnMnt B anioya comedy, "Wbo Owaa tbe 

KoBLAMiDDLBnyaCuKKSTUwrMniii'ii.— Calamity 
JaoowlllbelbeprlBolpalBttiiotlonat ihljiboiuodurlog 
the week. Bbo la aald to haTo beaa a will kBowo cliarac- 
tarof tbeBlaoklUllaoonDtryforauu'Uierol acentnry. 
Tbe anal ataga eatortalanoat will be niran. 

KOBL A MifiDUToa's Olo» HosauH-— The "Homo- 
mi,'' baifmao. half bone, wlU be tha ebl«r carlo tx- 
hniliedtbUwoek. Another altracuon will bo Sbaiman'a 
fdatated nata. WlUle Tnoker, bag pancbor, will do 
nlaaoL and otban on theprognnme an Adana, crayoo 
f,rtUt ; tbe ZqIo Obtof. Banepa. JtAajoa, moanarlat, and 
r. r. wm iaaiP, month pin"**B 
^ WsrnraLoxDON DiBiMran-Io tha ctiilo ball will 
ST..*}^!^!^ UoagaM*a dog. Jack. Ilouganl recaotir 
klUeSblmaalfaflar nudoiiag hia wlh and Bva cbl(- 
•J'W/tbedoffbainKtbaiole»ujTlrororthooutflL Percy 
^IbrlgbL tho oaatoed maa; MOa. Tolta. lemala Bavpeon: 
^KfiUdyoiacielaB. On tbo etage tbe pfotramoM will 
lodadeilaadanoB** Bonpty Dampty, Bonnie Wailaoe, 
RUteBller,BobL Bomi,AoDle Uotdeo, Katla email. La 
rolltoEll^lBTandoTlU^aodaBewadlUoa ofiba Mld- 
var. beaded br Fralda and tvanty ortaotal daneera. 

norn— TTauaanllbarthAl fonrTory large hontea at 
Ceqtnl Moalo Bill but week, flbo had note edTance work 
aooe for ber by tba preai than any atiiactloo of tbe oov 
WB^.^.ITit Ooodwin dedloed a cabled offer from BJr 

Angnrtu Uarrli for a aeuon In barope Walker 

^bitMide b«i ■Dbetlintad tba tlda,*-Coa8ln of tbe Ming," 
[or * Flaw De Ua,** tbe one let blatorlcal drama, lo arold 
tangled op lo tha mladi of tba publlo alth Dalla 

jl?! Marcant Oraron and Paatloe Freo^b* with 

°>»r. tn old IbTorltaa la CblcaKo **Tbe Merry 

^o/M;..gooatuBllwaakee f^r iba Antbalf ol tbla week, 
«nd wlUlaj offb Cbloago for the ramalndor of tbe woek. 

BlooBitutra^At tbe Gnod Opei» Hodm 
ySboia Aeree*raued tbe 'O'UoolIgaJi'a 
MavqQonde*' played to lltbt batlooaa U. Frederlob 
BueroR bad a Urga andlance a Joeopb Ban di«» 
onlyafUrbooaosl. nroatoa Olarba coaiedontatintL 
*''!Ef!K.*° tboe tha falB and alaet to aae bla ''Hannai'* S. 
FanvOoBiedlana, gS-&won vatl noelTfd,atpopnlar 
nS**L -P?«= 'WUowafta of Now Torb" B, Tompkma' 
^BUcb CnoV 0, 801 Salth Bonoll ao. 

AI Um Enplrv "Tto Ulnck Crook^' 
t> tred to good bulsaai Jaa ii. Xax^Bonotthad g«] 

ntarjan^^UarriUB J. Wolf eBB.eeledO^*rr(oa 

Bla-' boa larwo aoleatadrtnofdprieMSr. *' 
Miabape** so, "ildawalhi of Mew Torb** Fob. t 



lV«w Orlasu^At Um Qmotf Open Boass 
BobartMantaUwaa at bla beat darlOKblieegaffoment, 
diUfbllng eU fHanda and Baking paw cooqoaeu among 
tboaeof bU aedleBoea who aw blai for the drat tine. 
**Moabai^aDd **ne Oonlcan Brolbare" wore the playa 
K<Tn< u. BaTeily*«fltBatn)a cone for oneabowaCi 
aad Uoniy trvlog Will be aaantr aod weak. 

.oaiytrvlof' „ 

AQADnr OP MFiiia— BAben Dowolog aod Bogeala 
- uoD for the DUBBor u 

^i^t*^^ doMtred oDmaendaUoD I 


FadarawabI eonea 

"iS'lfe*'^"*™ eameloto . 

ud did eioeOaBt boalntta. OUrar Byna eonea weak 

.TAB.— Tbe oompiay piveontlsg **The 
(a dkora or patrc 


^intjcur.-'-ntTtMctti - It me time- 
BuJC^J.?^"" »' ''•I'- J."".. 

Orar Paul ud ili. Hilniw ua Utit o..iut tra .i 
yorkcitj. UohadoolrbMnliTaitiontlno. 

e.?^i*i,*"rr"*"?*' » •IlRhUle- 

SS.*** *°?^' ,''*'*' Xtnilllli, Dot ViTtDporc 

Thoraia tnil Quloa. Mil*. Kl.lla, La ttmt ud Lfflf 
H«tT UullDKV M.bal Riwrud i dwiM "t .Soot 
"""■'•loll irShi opnSi! 

Co. win ba IMD la 'Hia Kodab." Teak or Fab. J, uliai 
ti^XSSVX„^,°!!A^"'^"* bUtxaacb. BU.I. 
DALT'd Btar.— The American Oaloty Qlrla, with tho De 

r^LV° KitUe Bomait. Ward and Brown and oUH>ni w||| 
bold forth at Uila popular reaort week ofn. Meuwoik, 
thoBarlyBltdiCo. Manager Clark reporu that boalneaa 
baa been good. 

lMpaMiiL.--EniTna Rlrtm, Martha Bhimta. Corn Ar- 
maod. Prof. Frank Bpannea, Annio Jovral), Ollvatu and 

B«JTrA!c'a ttAitj-BogiBla PolUpl.CoraPlaniiganet. 
Bra Marab. John DIUnq aad Prof Umhniq. 
/JlT^rTP"""' J'" B'"**' AdtOTtlaIng Afoot BJ. 
Oook, J. Blato aad Wllllim Pranonthal, all of ih» Lyric. 

baTeapplled formembefriilDin tboJenHyClty Elba 

Fricoa of adnlailon at Daly'a Biar hare beondiangod 
and will, eoaimaocbnt 37. bo 10, U and a) CUta Ray- 
mood and Uto La Cleda Broa. are at Eaatoo. Pa., thli 

^Mk -Haloffi and Pittlaglll haTo bofn sctured by 

Manuor P. F. Procror for twoire wMka.o[»nloo37 ai 

hla Pleavare Pohca. N. Y. City MaoA^or Jobs P. Col- 

llgaa'a llul* daughter wu ohrliioned V. NeUIa M. Mor- 

uauBt waa tho godmotbir UarrytJailiDian, at one 

tlioe treaanrar at Bow' Ifobgkan YliMtn^ and later 
baaloeaa manaaar for Bill Poiur J. P. (THella, of Jeraer 
Oity.haa MtablUhid a bill po«tlogboilQoi«lnthiacIiy. 
....Fimnk ll.anilt,a(an[can(iit(orniaDyyeaniatUie Ho- 
bokao, now the Lyric lo at Ilunraoiatota'a Olyropla, Now 
Tork City, la tho umecapaolty. At preaani bo t* baar 
dealgoloi oeenory for a now open Hhonly to be produced 

at that boate CItarlao Blatt, the urong man. U buikl 

loB a large gymnaaiun. osd win hereafter dovotohU 
tlnietoteadilog .... LoaderWItl A.Baniloni,of the Im 
perial. baa eonpoaed aad dodlcated to JobB R. Uencby, 
dramatic editor of Tht £vmtn9 .\an, a rary pretty 

march Loutae Demjeey and the iiacrowK hare been 

aDnged br Manager Daly lor tbe Early Birds Co 

Bebe Kiel olRDod with "Uoid (n eiaTery" aod Joloed Uio 
company at Bridgeport. Ct , whore llii aoaioa opaaod. 

Flo RoaaelL Joannle Earl and Villa llenaliaw aall for 

New Orlaana tbl a waab. 

PatanoB,*At tlM Open Home "fiooole Scot- 
land" doaed a rary nccoMial three nlihu* nlav Jan. H. 
to itaad log room only. "Tbe MldnlghiApeelal'* aunrt- 
ed too hOATT hooAea 20-23. Tlia boohlngaare: "^wcIaI 
Dellvary" t7-2& "B*»alo'it Tnp to Weodorlaod" 3^9X 
Billy Barry. In *Tbe Rlilng Ooaantloo." 31. Kib. l : acl 
Ire Atbleilo Clab *'8tag** a, "Cbarlar'a Auoi" 4, i, "A 
Orackor Jai*k" 0-8. 

BM017 TniLATiB.-8aa T. Jack'i "My Uncle" Co. clowd 
a anccevAil weak at thU hftnaa n. Tbe WatMto BiRien' 
Rurleiuiae Co. la tite bill for XT and woek. For week of 
Feb. 3 wo bare Bam T. Jack'i Creole Co. 

Edib Tubatrb.— Btiilneu cootlnaea good at tbla 
booaa. Tbaarriralafornud week are: Robort E. Lao, 
Frank U Mar. Dllka and Wtde. FraocU llorbort, McCabe 
and Emmatt Oaaale Hart, ibe HcNulir Bliiarv, Cha^. II. 
Duncan, Walton and Mayon, BUteru u\ Porte, Nalaoo, 
aiinariattl and ManvaL LoiUo Wool Broaooda, Uarry 
Motan, Kent and Preach, aod Baarkiaod Dda. 

AroLLO MAUk— Mlldrad aod Rondara, a pair of ctoror 
antanalnoni, lDtrodac«l on eotlrelyoow mlod readloR 
actatthlihooae SI,eDiltle4. "Mild red iim." Tha act la. 
In many raapeeta, loporlor (o aoyiblof of tbo kind ever 
"Ton In ililii oliy^ 

IVaw«rk,—ALllloer*iiCalIahiii'»**FAi]it" proved 
an lotareatlng perfomanca and draw fairly well laat 
woek, onOins with tlio matinee 23. Tlio honu waa oc- 
enpled In tbo ereoloc by an amateur p<rr»rroance of 
"Sqo Btoopa to Con<inor," tbo proceoda or which wont to 
the "Wom*n'a Bacliaoge." Local lodair made It an 
ereot and ilUad tha hODoe to ita capacity, tho piece waa 
wall nodonod and wu aoder Uia direction or Cotton 
Wbeetcialt. TboOarrlek Theatre Co, In 'Thrllliy " will 
aollren tha praeent waok. It opened to a laru audlaoco 
TTa Fnhman'a "Tba Uay UrlalaDr comaa week of 
Feb. 3. 

jACOHtf.—* BhadowaofaGraatClty" played to a good 
bouae n, Tba week waa moderately good. Btere Bro- 
dle'a * Oa tha Bowarr" will plooae tlio patron* tlila week 
It entertained a nwd bonae 17. "Doan In Dlile" oooei 
Feb. 5-S."Baib City" W». ^ , ., 

WALOVArii— Bualneaa contlnuea to ba good at ihli 
iMort Bam Derare'i f^o. eloied a nicceaafol week 23 
* South Before tbe War** li tba week'i aitractlon. aod li 
fliouM prore a paying on*. The boose wa« crowded ai 
tho onenlng, IT. UyiTe'^Spwltlty Oo. Ulo lUa week of 
Fab.l _^ 

TyaBtoa.^AtTi7lor'0 Opera Doose "Od Erin's 
8horei"camoJao 2 to irood boalntiiL Fleld'aUlDAiroU, 
1L bad good boaloetuL "Bonnie Scotland." 2J, did wall. 
Joaeph and B. M. Ho)laBd,2l.bad pood ba»lniM.-6po- 
oiS^Ilrorr." SB. did wilL Booklog;: Lilllao Rowll 
J7, WlUUm Barry ffl, "llaDao lloaru" 31, Fab. I. Camilla 
D'ArrlUaS. "The Mah|U*radon" ti."ParadlM Alloy** K. 
•ftiwing ineWInd*' b^Oln Notharaole 13, PrlmroteA 
Weat IS. "Bared From tbaStt" I*. M- _, 

Trbxto:) MDiaOM.-Tbo contloaoea oerformancaa at 
tbla bonae an a auocea*. The foUowInt people opMitd 
bereX7.ror tbe week: John T. and Lul>a Keogan.OIca 
Oorman, BlUy and Jobo Bpeocer, Edie Eraa^ Bobby 
Hyde and Lea Leola, Florence Enmotlt Harry Allen, 
Dliontnd Lm g. 

Elli«betb.~At tbe UiBke Opera House Prof. 
Cab>r and randerllla company oaioA Jao.Si. 31. tollght 
bnalBBM. Prof. CaloTa power of mloil readlogellolicJ 
mudiapptoaie. The bouie waa dark for the nmalndar 
of the weak. Col. W. W. Mortoe, formorlr monagir ot 
II. O.Hln^r'a Newark Tbaatra, will aaauma tho maoue- 
nantoftbfalbaatra,comroaiiolog Fab. 1. 

LvcBWii TnBATBi.-"Bonnlo Rcotknd" came ax,t>a fair 
_ooae. Tha play wai greaUy eojnyod. tbo caai being par- 
tlcolarlr atioog. Ai; FleM'a MrottfeU came Zl, to a 
modlur ' '-" ~ 

of the 


atroogeat mlnatiel omalntloaa booked at thia 

)aIoca lU opeolng. 'The FaiaJ Cart" came tt. to 

iblr andlenoo, which wia BreaUy oleaaed. To arrlre: 
'-flpoAlal DallTarr** 39. WIliUiii Bam- 30L "A Cracker 
JiEF FebTSI 'Tbi Eodai" 7. B, "Tla New Boy" 10. "How- 
log the Wind" It Frlm roie and Wait H. 


Tonato^At Uie Urand Opera lIodHO, Jan. 
ami, TtaOB. g. Beabrooka, lB*TbaBpeciUaior."dld a big 
bailBow Bffllty Banchir. In "Oar Flat," comeaZ3-l». 

ToBOwro OriBA Uoii*B.--I)aB McOarthy had good 
baaloeaa 0-23. Comlni: "Iha Cotton King" IT and 

PRi'wEwTBBATBt-JeoBle CKalll PolUrwIII ippeor 
tUitacbaatreO-S. nBderthepaironaae ol llli liooor 
tbeLtabLUorernoraBd Mn. KIrkpatriek. "Tlia Wan- 

dani^ eoaM Feb. 1. 

airaralTauiu-Tbliboajahulu aieallani weak 
»llI™oru.nVS: H. tlf lopwaa Bal.rJL IlaMu Trio 
an) Slaban, iKIan ball an) iba gu rniclioi Mlailrala 

''iiiSii'Simic UlLL.— Sonu'a Ba»l pla/id lo reiT |ood 
buloaai a, 11. 

HaailKen.— At Ibe Onod loila ITUti, Id "Itet- 
taraildlfali."PlaTftl to nod bmlDOM Jto S. Dad Me-- 

ttF!b?5s«a.iB»iir!Sl^ riau-rab. 

l;lbaWbllBa»0|>MmC«., lo-HobBiir."«. . . 

8f « TBliTia.-l'aopla lor Jin. >7 ud waab: SImorl; 
Aoaiua aad Blatar. Miliar and DaoDso, UiUafbar and 
altaa naila aod Carlo. 

iota -Edwart molt, U>a r.l'TbaColu>oi:in«"Co., 
dlKlathliboma lo Uii« allrlS.aad wa. lioHtd b/ tba 
Kgllbu ot rribUa, nl whicb hi waa a Bonibar. Mr. 
IMU aoUtfVlbo lhaairial bualoaaa abool oftaao laan 
an. and plajad wlUi a oombar or tba lMdlp|i otiaolia. 
Oooaon iLaroad. Ilaltaraaa widow aod Iwndilblran: Mi 
ildow. AaiiM RoMlla Kooll. who waa laadloi udj wlib 
'-TbanottoBKlDirco. baadacUcd to i««uo at boma 
for tba tan or tba laaaoo. 

«ta*bM,— AtlbaAca^einror MdiIc A. Y. Fetr 
aoo'. Bl«b Oo. pUrtd to (oorhoawa Jao. »-» 

TBliT«a lOTil -imiaB Toctar Co. y[Mj»l lo alta 
hotiMa laat waab. 

Nora«.-Tba MoolrnI Fraodi Ooarm Co . la rmrt/<iT. 
ara bonbid ror canlial waab allU Aadam; of Miurr, 
oDdirtbafnua»Dia-l or Bawall A Ko«i . ■•°*na 
jllKanI atrltadTara B. A »arr iaija dalaiatlon of Iba 
elUI»aorqo(ba^UK1o4lo■ Ua Maioraod Rlr Haorr 
Jalr.nalbaratlba aiatloii and aewoipulad bar l>i iha 
(jbalaau Pnolaoar. Madam* AlbanI will appaar at tlia 
gimad mnttcal daaioutrallua bar* 17. 

aaelph.— At Ibe lloral Optn Uoim. Jan. 34, 
•■Maalarud Mad ' had arblr boaaa. Oomlot: "Vflooaa 
ordiaaaaid."fl 9. bv amalavfik aodar tha dIrMtloo or 
11 H Dalr. Aaw.ft.wOoaaalh.1*, losldor tha Utoaral 
B'SinS'tlSi laackar, la -Oar nal.-' A au riuelaCD 

Variety and Minstrelsy 

Notd AXDiiontBoi TniFBiNcnaiiirTaiiiu. 
-Tbls conpanj laid oir Inn itttt lo Komnlza. 
TOm«D<10<nle OrtiKi irere nvtctdtd by JoMpb 
E^!*"?* 'T Ichojlar. Wo reopennt it Tnj, 
^■}[-:J*''-'^!^n^*i»tollowl»t ftOBie: miiiania 
ud Wriibt, black rue* cotnedlaDi; UnrrT Roln irt, 
fein»l» ropeiMulor; Woods *gil Irflng. Edw>nla 
•nd CoDl«r. >bo Ulbaml&n tirin,; Cb>iiinll Dud 
Sobajkr, corned/ Bk.icti; lletiti ud Sllbmi, Ullilo 
Tanionr, urltllii, ud Hay Ooodwin. iltncrr. Our 
surr nnulu tbo aame, hIui J. Kniilit, muiinr: 
*• l^i^t- !""'"'«r; Sam aanicr, luualcal tllncur. 
nd Ed. B«la, maatcr of propii. 

CwiNDoLiNi XoRTn vlll aooD sppMLr It ono ot 
par cllf mualc Utils, i. nitsclpal boT lo > noir bur- 
lei|DO, wblcb Is Doir fa lebeiraaf, TbU wUI b« 
Hlu Norlb'd Ont appMnoct Id Ibl* cllj. 

Lorni Bns'iiiD, who bu hem i»rtaii,lj ill lor 
tbeputalx vMka, lielovlj recoTMlai. 

Tilt OOKHora hare cloied tbelr ennnincDl 
tbroDgb Ibe Wet. 

Eduii u Bahri bu wiliMn ■ tbrtw ect farce 
coincdj. "Tlio K.of P.O,ndld«ie," wblcb will bo 
produced tor ihe Oni iloin m TuIod, Me., for iba 
benem of ibo roloD K. ol r. Lodge, on Feb. 4. 

Tai riktsiAK Kai.i.Y Co. beoio a tour on Ibe 
Monbetn Now York circuit Jan 2;, 

Cnta. r. Kluoit, reprcseDUniiJnbn D. HopklDR, 
tbe Weaicm ccDUDaoui perfunnance tiianairer, la 
la Ibe cli; on buslocei relailDg to tbo new Oenturi 
Tbcaire, cU. lAiila, Ho. 

Lrriu flLkNkor Li recoToring ilowlj from a aerl. 
oai attack ol lllaeaa, and will eoon lie able to re- 
:iume woik. Janei lllcbniond wl.l do a slaile 
•peclali jfor a totr week*. 

S«B Tdbatbb (fomieilj llolmca' Star). Urooklrn, 
y. I., opened Jan. ■21, under Ibe maoajieinoDl ol 
lifde & Bebman, aa a popular priced vaudeville 
boiiHe, glTltig two perfoTuMDcea dallr. 

Oabrk tligwMBr JniiKd llarr? Morris' Twentleih 
OenluiT Maids Jan. '.T, at CoIudiIur, (I. 
.,.V\* ^''>'i":k SiSTi»«,Haj«nd KItlj, bare loft 
"U'Uoollgan'a Uaiqnrntdo" Ca 

CUKk 0ISB9, the old lltne mlniiTel, bas 
a raudevlUe conpsnj, snd N pbiilnw In NewJer 
lej. The comnaoi loclodes Winkler's .sevtnib 
Iteglment Bsnd, l.uiiitTen, While snd L'lirk, 
If lis Lulu Wbceler.Clan Olbbs Barusbrand Sblck, 
Kdward DawnoD, Kim farlow, Clark IllbUs Jr.. 
Clarence Horton, HartlD HsTer. Kxecailve auir. 
Arlbur Clark, praprletor; Oisrt Olbbs, manager: 
llarr; Wilson, treasurer; Kilwsrd Cbitk, muslcai 

A iKB9 CniRcor, Ihe b/poollat. wbo has been the 
feature of AI. Kcotcs aod bbi big show fur tbe past 
two aesMiu, lias origins ted a new act, atllod "Doi- 
cognlam." A.'ulsied bj I'earl Blonr, lint. Charcot 
put her new set on Jsn, 'io, m the Kiiiplio Too- 
atre, Uelroll, and met wllh xiicceni. JauiosJ. Arm- 
siniDz N iMMking ihu act. It i.m mU to lie the onir 
actot li^kbd lo tbo worhl, UKlnnnocoofedemleB In 
any way, shape or fonii, but 11 h duoe .^irlctly on Ita 
inerlirt, and should pruve a lilg ilmwtng csrd. 

Kimor AND ItAU'iiiiK bate returned frnm ihclr 
Western trip, and are b.okcd lo open In I'fuciot'u 
Theatre, Ibis city. 

UOSTUK la to baTo a now amiiaenient ball. It will 
be knoiTD is The llhlway, located 00 Treiiiont Itow, 
and will be coaduclod by Frank I. nillOK. 

llAttar SiisLiMHi, descrlplln singer, with tbe 
"Oltl Warned" Co., Is alDflDg eifecUvely "Uy Dad's 
tbo Koglneer." 

IfrncL UiLTOs, who bss Just rclomed from Ku- 
rope, will Hhonij open with s norelly vaudoTllle 
ci«atlon. eoUiled "Ilun Yen, Uan Yen.'' 

Hat Kashin lias returned to New York, and his 
specially U an at IracUon at I'roctar'A Theatre. 

CnABLBS BASRr, a brother ot Jaa. I. Uarry, of 
Uarry and Baiiuon. died at Ibe home ot Jas. L. 
Uany, In this city, Jsn. ii. 

KOMTSR snd noies frnm Hill's Dig Upeclalty Co.— 
We Rhowcd to Jeanette, l*a., last week, to good 
bnelness. Prof. W. W. Webb hat anala Joined tbo 
company. The roster: Cbas. Illll, fancy rlile shot; 
Use mil, songand danco: Hose Mampselle, lusliu- 
moouilst; J. K. Sampsell, iloglDg and clisiacter 
coiiicdlan, bsiijolatandilelghtot Sand |i*rforoier: 
Bob Harris, hl|lt ptdralal clog dancer, Irish snn 
Dutch couedlati; W. W. Webti, cbanctsr vocsllsl 
and uiualclsn; T. W. Yaho, trick Tlollnlsl; Hilly 
Walten, black face comedy; Ullly uiark, comedian. 
andJenslo llodaon. Jig dancer. All are well aod 
bsppy, and Tub CnrrBR Is our old standby. 

JiiuH I'KNiiY Is milng a two ninniba' engagement 
atttroll Untie Hall, Baraunab, (la. 

Tbb Bix (IUY bBOTUiRS, after burying Ihrlr 
mother, returned to their comnaoy atl'liisburg, I'a., 
Jan. z.'i. Tbe coDipaoy playeu In Pittsburg without 

Tub Houbooib are doln(( well lo their mualcsl 
act. Miss Uoluniok's saxapboDo auloa receive en- 
coreesterery performsoce. Nextwetk Uiey will 
play an eogagementat Philadelphia, Pa. 

tluLiJiNBr AND LihcoLx are playing orcr the 
Darls circuit, opeeleg Jan. ;:7, at the Avenue Thes- 
ire, ritisbnrg, I'a. 

Camuik lAiNii U. P. U. KutB cclelirated, on Jan. 
21, Ibo Otst anolvcreary uf ibe lutilKitliin of tho 
order In that city. The event took place In 
tbe bamiuetlDg r om lo tbe Masonic Temple, 
and was an enjoyable aiTalr, Among tbose 
who helped to enlertaln werr: Kiledo and 
Orinin, Tula Biiillb Broibeni, Frank lluiiiont, 
Oeorge Tounk, James HoVool, lldiiiont (Jiiartet, 
Frank Kelly, from the llljou ; Jamea Uonon, Ameri- 
can Students' Banjo snd liandolbi Olub, Uaz Ar- 
nold, Prot. Frank Qltdlng, Baby Frank TInnor, Felix 
Fablao, magician; J. Hopper, comet cololst; 
Wllilaui Viinnnght, Pief. Ully and a host ot oiherr. 
Tbe ciimmltlee In charge or tbe anniversary were 
Joseph roller, llaiiy U. Andenon. Frank Peterson, 
Dr. i. F, l.eaTlU, Uevrge J, Pecliln, John II. Furt 
and J. N. Radel. 

BooKi.iua— At tbe Wonlerlaad Huiaa aud Tbaa'ra, 
PittiDoKl. Mali. : tluilo Hall— llnianaoD, La Btrr, Ban. 
laoella, 0. W. Lawla, Arthur E Bfyoiuur aad Ualoo 
FrIU, thitd wMb. HtABO— WalootlanJ Walker, rioQ aod 
Waal.r. Loriag aod Loilla, Mla« MoillmDr. aod Franklin 

aod Hiuid.II At tba UTarvIek Tliaatra, Newport 

Kewa. Va : Ilowaid Bl.iarw, r^olDar Unwtha*. Ilalihjr Mur 
imr, raddr Miliar. Kltly Millar. Mar Vouog. Joife Ua- 
bow, N.llla Muoroa. Uvrtlia Joboma, Raill.fiand^ Edoa 
Uoot.lU, Blllr Uahoaa. Blllr Walcli, Rillr Cuiialoshanu 
OnUio Eranii, krnla Baumnda, Dolll. Ali.m, Oirlial. 
Woodwafd, aad Maddao aait Adami. Hilly Mabooa, who 
wan lojarad haro laataacb. laainad work 21, with hi. 

wllf, BcrlliaJohawn At tbo Bodeea. Rt Panl.Mlon : 

Tlia llaramoDa. tha Allvoau Bull C. wa.i,io, Curamlnn 
aod KoijChUOailoaiid Loooard, Palarll. Hfflllb and tha 

aioek At tba Wonilerlaad Moiwe and Tliaalro, Daa 

Moloa.. la : Prof. Joho (I. Scbiaitler. maRlouo; Blllr 
and Haul Sort, Male Uilaotlo, lllaa (Hit. Hilly 
O'Roukf, Alice Boraalt, Paallaa Parkar, Mm*. Loratta, 
and Rldiaid aad flood .... Ai ilia Haaboanl niaalra. 
PnrtuiMOlli. Va.: Ofirmio aad C|[ir,>id, HL Jollaa. Mad- 
dao aad Adanu. Matlalloa Vera*, Blaocha llialpis 
Nallle llitlpt. illbMa aod Moalloa. Bau aad Braos 
Woi. Davia, JetiD Lamua'a aad Baia tVaaaannao. 


LonlavlUe^At lUcaulej'd TbtAiit "Dr. Hya 
tai," preaontad by Do Wolf Hopper aod tho aame cleror 
people aeon litre lOMt rear, atuactod rerr kne aodl- 
encaa Jan. 31, U. Mr. Hopper waa called before tbo cur 
tain at iba aod of tho reoood net and recited "Cavj at 
tho Bat." Olaia MorrU cuma^ Col. Ilobi. U. Io|or 

TaMrLBTKUTMB — AftBra vooh of darbOMu tbla hoQM 
preseou "Riahi Holla." by llii Byrne Broa., TT-n. Mianle 
Ma>ldara-KUlia3l-F«i> 1. OrBO* lIot'KB— John (Irimih ita*ea food rep- 
r<a«ntatIoa a« alBphlau>a In *Taaat,"laat wMb, i» laraa 
aod eoiboaiwilo aadlenc4fi. For week Jan. 27: "Tlio 
Anotlcao 0 rt" „ 

TRB ATByL'B— "A Coontrr Horchaot,'' praaanted bt 
CbarloaCoelej^ wai rory Bttioalog, and drew fortli well 
flUfd hoaaoM ihrougbout lut week. "Fbe VrnJaiia" 
waab or 17. _ 

TUB BrcKifiiKAB.-Tbe Kanii Baailay Burle«<iua Co. 
atartad laai vrtk wlibao8.H. O. bou*e, and iha aauia 
■i|Q waadlapiayodooaeveral r>ccaaioni durloi the eO' 
ntenianL For work of 17: Frwie Broi.' Rp^laltr Co. 

FEort.iHTiiBaTBB.— Nav fieai weak ofn: BraWrlahi, 
Meilla Farter, Mar Darat. Will Wf an, Ueo. r. Aniaa and 
tloeh. Buaintaafiwood. 

h'OTU — Banileo Ctitello. dramulc teadtr, Inptraooa- 
lor aod rotallit. wlU appear a* HalUi ir .S'lion'a llallV. 

JnhD F. fleoaluw aod Mar Ttn Hroaeb ckMd 2» 

wllh "fbe PeubirBhow," aad Itft tor Mew York after tbo 
perfomanca. , 

Pndacali.— At Mortoo'a Opera llooie UIIIbu 
Lawla. la "Clio|4ira" Jan. n. had a pirkod boo**, l< R- 
U btlna huoa out befora rnruln ruoK up. "A Wild 
(JocH«raaaa."34. hadagondbouM. L'umlni: 1> Omood 
Oo , lo ftptrtorr. work of 27. 


Portia BJ*— Tbe UirquBDi QraDd bu beeo dark 
■InceJao.ll- Eila Klltlar oooti l7,Tboau \r. Keeoe 
SO. Katla Futoato Fab. 3. 

Coiour'aTHBaiaa— Tba Bacoa Hibcb Co. proaaoied 
>*nia Oanlut" w#ohqf 13. A hooTy »now*iorni mattr- 
lilly loloirervd alth ibo bd«lna» Tlio <<inpaor fra 
atDitd "Oft the Uarden Wall" ». viiteh win i** fuU^jwod 
br ' Tha II Arrest Mood" aod "A FeirHebel." 

TflBNaw Faai TBBATHlIt dark. 

AJCBiCMiB.— aelta tamoal. I£d. Bloodatl, Blaodia 
LamoBL dadle Dtwty, Llt*Mo roodeU. 

LACvai.— Tlie bnqrra Uidy oreJieatra. 

canaiL Mvaio niLL aio Ti(BiTaB.~Bllallall, Etbel 
CllfWo Waal/a RayiEoe Olai and B. CbrtanuD. 

Woji»BBi.u>0.-Tarlaty cmtlnaea. 

Clipper Post Office 

(or each latter, and uio Una of butlnata (oUewod 

by tba pttioe addreaaed iboold be (iTan, lo order to 
preraot nUtakoL 

NoTB.— rYoroiaioeala and othan aboald bear Ib nlnd 
that all lettara. eto,, in tnui«lt between tha United Btaiea 
aod Canada, wuut H prquid, otbtrwiae they are oot for. 



Amber. Uabal 
Ackonirom. I'Ulo 
Athlty. Norah 
Aimloo, (looiKle 
AtklojtoD. Kuby 
AniaoD. Kmllle 
AiiBllo, I.Tda 
Uall. Uay A. 
Boultnn. Cnraa 
B«ll. Rmnta H. 
Hkkffii. Uinnle 
Brown*. Ntllle 
Buru Nellie 
Barnard, Italtia 
BunJolla. Fannie 
Hrjani, Dor 
Dookmao, Fimldir 
Brittin. iltonile 

Cliaaca, Add a 
rrota, HaM 
Carror. Itfotao 
Oarla, Mra. 
tMinon, Carolina 
Cflllloa, Btonlo 
(*ArToll. bwulo 
Clarke, Lola 
Clarkf. Ailla 
nirllale. Lliltaa 

CrolKhton, 84elU 
Cniurh, Kit<a 
(Vdsnvii, Kvelyn 
Carmll, AhdIo 
lUrrulL, KllBoro 
^louKlian, loa 

CUfiuD, Krada 
L'oan, Hatr 

De fratllitorw 
Dotty Maud 
UaTeauort, Uni 
Do niti; Jfnnie 
Utfintan, Ann Ida 
l>arm\T, Ifutma 
Uu Orua. BoltO 
De VoRL Flura 
IWRlisHary B. 
rant, Km Ita 
tUiton. Maude 
KT^rvtl. lUia 
Bnitmoiii. I«illun 
Eiaoi* ma. Julia 
Bnnlltard, llelto 
Kllla, MadKO 
Kunioa, Jwla 


KTtrwole. May 
Edmuoda, Luulie 
1t*ininore.Hrii. M. 
^ KtDkin. Aaota 
Fill, (trace K. 
VoAt, Clara 
^,)Uoo, Oertla 

Olca^un, Hailallne 
(Inu)Mrni, Madie 
(irorlDl. JeoDif 
UraTOt, Lorona 
(llliuoro, Killl* 
Hreypon, fit^Mt 
ilfiPlta, Hnio 
tllllinn, florence 
(Irani, ri)dney 
Uunnio, Frankle 
tlllhen, BeiNia 
Ulloiore, I'aarl 
art, lltltn 
Illll, Unce 
Ifailetoo. Mabtl 
llowan). Alice 
Ileory, Mra. 
Uart,Hn. Jerry 
lluvard. Mildred 

llowanf. LouUe 
I laru llat-ol 
lladj All Mra. 

llutlttB, Fh»Mle 
llnUoB. Jofnia 
ilarrUie, Aaole 
lloiliplon Hlatvre 
lialuior, Nfllle 
Howard. Kit* 
il'ilett. Mtudo 
Holm, Amy 
rrelMD.). NavVr. 
iDjtlen, Linle 
Irvine. IlaK. 
"uno, Mr* 
Janiam MllUo 0. 

Ka*un Bitltra 
Kelly, Julia 
Root. Uoroiiiy 
Kolnhl, Harlnn 
Koodar, Maria 
KloRi>land. Byrilt 
Kvtii*, l*tl>one 
~ oiitii, Lena 
'Lake HbUra 
Lawrtnco, hrllle 
t.e*llt, Batliu 
tiHlwiel. Llitrlolli 
LilolL riuioQco 
till Old, J#antUo 
tdOTonnif. Daily 
l<t»lle.< (lonio 
Laa«, Mn. Uiaa. 
LMlIt, Flo««(a 
LlllliUOMl HliOt 
Ijoo. Mamla 
l<*e, Kwa 

Mra. Jm 
.40, Minnie 
■onlla, Kanole 
UbaOla. May L. 
Mdilnn. Kiloa K. 

MMiitrn, llrace- 
McNuUj. Ida 
Sillier, Kh'ttiiee 
SliinO. I.IUbn 
Hnnlollc. Kliia 
Marluw. Hmlo 
HkgrI*, LtialHO J. 
May, Boa* It 
Maltllt. Mine. 
May, JaOB 
HonllroB, JomIo 
Mlulioll. Fliita 
Maacuita, Vina 
Mfrpoy. - 
Meile, Mailtllne 
MrraoUb. Lena 
HfiTllle A HuiaoD 
Hadelluf. - 
Mack, HiMt 
Hahiufdi, foarl 
Htluooi. Alice 
MiHirv. LnitlM 
Mori I wo, Lola 
McNuily. Ma 
UcNuliy Hitter* 
MolPHte Frankle 

NMiIa, Prlorou 
Nthli. Flojuio 
el WD, Nallle 

O'Still, Cora 
(lluriu Vera 
t» Nelll, Mr*. 
rHrlaii. Alice J. 
[>'BrIeu, Hre,T.a 
D'aSolH, f\>|iy 
perry. Uillin 
rporl. jAnnIt 
ferry, (letiruilt 
Kottieon, Frankle 
Pond, llaKle 
I'erry, Uuule 
ruricU tjuccole 
l*aplota, - 

Tifor, Llllle 
I'Inolt, Violet 
l*aiuier. noitit 
l*i(DiU Dtlla 
rearw, Kmliy 
l*ut««ll. Kate 
Ouliley, Louie 


KoM, Kto M. 
Hoia. MaUellna 
HuiTell, Fh)IIU 
KIMor, Kllile 
Hay, Charlotte 
Houti. Con 
HadclllfO, Lrltne 
KattI, Jennie 
Rlldey, Jeonia 
HuMell, Mtnnle 
Harutpod Blair ra 
Htl) aa, ivra 
lUymund, Kitty 
Hoiien, Loitia 
H>«lfnbau|h, Mra 
Hayoleia. Lillian 
Kuau>ll, Kite 
Kubaris innrance 
Itaallllan, May tl. 

•tice. Lot tie 
itiiwo, Jeonlo 
itoulier, Maud 
.toihfottl, Mabel 
illnahart, Lm 

tvHora, Louie 

itevart, Llrrie 
dldduii*. Ua 
UriirUl. Mra. Tola 
•iTwIn, Hra. 
lilT«Fler,Aonle F. 
<Iko, Into 
iiitne, FinreDce 
teJiW. Clara 
<haDniin, laarlnla 
*levpti\ I'oarl 
.ihnit, Rnili 
Uylta, Minon 
^Itewart HUlrra 
tirlnbiime, hva 
telly, Mia J F. 
.'Urto, Mm. t^liaa. 
Hiiiiri, Mailt 
^hiclalr, Jennie 
Hiilllvan. Matnlo 

Tucker, Lillian 
Tieriioy. (tenia 
Trevanlon, L'ly 
nicker, Mra-W K. 
TliumU, Mra, (len. 

Tomple, Doll/ 
Tumor, Mra Ueo. II 
faibir, Jnllo 
rioa. La Belle 
rarlnr. Dot 
ifrllue, Kilna 
^Uaoor, l)i>n]|hy 

rioceot, Jennie 
Vane A luattll 
Van Oairii.MayO. 

Wllooi. Ilia 
Wamor, Oora 
iTolcoiL Flurence 
Ward, LolUo 
Weide, Ulanrhe 
WrUlit, Bertha 
ffeati-D, MatlKA 
Wheeler, Kniiiia 
Wimm] Hltltra 
Wade, TrUlo 
Walker. Lbale 
While, Maud 
Wlillney. Aonle 
WalUco, Elhel 
Waehliuma, Irene 
Walton, Irene 
Wrvley, Teddy 
Wilghl, Itniilo 
Willie. Holla 
WentwiirUi, May 
WrIK Maul 
Wlnwo, Maria 
Walton, Madeline 
Wow). Allln 
^oreeUi, Ida 


laiaodor. J. K. Cootey, H M. 

t.Miarlet, faul 
tllltfitrd A (ireao 

A IwkftiNar, rf. 

'*Artlier. WlH 
AlhurtuB, — 
AodenuHi, l>. A. 
Alicoaia. J. F. 

W. Frank 
Arnokl, 0. W. 
Alktot, Kart 
Auailo, U. It. 
Acktr, M. A. 
AQOtrion, Htoart 
Aaron, M. 
Amliate, Frank 
Allao, Jaa. W. 
AnOortoD, Frad 
Acktnnan, Harry 
Archer. Ham 
Arnold A Uanlner 
AabloQ, Jiiha L. 

Uoliee, Utto 
''BrlHa, U. _ 
Burke, HueaAJack 

BudwQrth, Harry 
Beaor. Frol. U. A. 
Bella, II. K. 
Brown, Kim 
Barlow, II . M.; 
Hojio, J. B. 
Bueera, KraJ 
Barker. Juha 
Burke, Cliaa. 
Brawn, Deo. 
Blckctla, Tbe 
Bucklrj. lUrry 
Bvjor, U M 

BockUJL DuL 

Biouella, Edmoad 
Baker, Ouai. 
PowoD A Wallera 
Bailey. lUlirb 
ttuer. Felt 
Uarry, Dick 
Browne, W.(l. 
Banoatl, Clareaca 
Hortoo A D'Alinu 
Brach A Boven 
liMiJoltln, Victor 
Birotlain, Hilly 
Mtnntit, Frank 
Bddvlo, Bamar 
Mmvo, Al. 
Browne, W. 0. 
Brows, llany M, 
Mealy. T. K. 
Ba^ioaaen, «!. 
■aaattt, F. M. 
Beak Irk. Fred 
Banka tioa 
Bllta flarrr 
Boyd, W. W. 
Ban loll, Owen 
Baaco A RotMita 
Aotton, Bud J. 
Barnard, Um. N. 
BurcH.iJ. vr. 
Bluueoberg, H. J. 
BanlnBteOa Q. B. 
Benedict, Aldan 
Broeo A McKeoB 
Baoo, EJiar 
BnoooaD, Frank 
Beera, John F, 
BaUUy AHliiioOdl 
Boraa John 
Barr, Ueo, 
Barrett, Marry 
Bulintr, llariy 
BoBd, V. II. ^ 
Baker, Jolio B. 
Bein, Uootdai 
Br>;wn. hoab 
BaalwIe.H. If. 
Bradard. Edwtn 
HartvD.deo. A. 
Boyer, L M. 

t%vaDaaflh. K. 
'Coif 11)0, tl J. 
Caaipl/eiL Wm. 
Cod toy. Fat 
Carr. V. W. 
Clark, Meruit 

UlaiDcntvA. II 
Chrl*ue,L. II. 

leinenti. A- II. 
Ctiomba, Baoi r. 
(;U) (un, Frank 
i:alee, Frank 
t.ltrk, If.K. 
(UiulAy, W. M. 
(Uirbyo. Hhertdan 
Cary. l>r. B. 
Ctiurdilll. dec 
Coteinan, J. J. 
iriarkAHt CUir 
ClirlNlle. W. B. 

:i*a.Wiii H. 
Cupuntl A AlktU 
Owht. J. Ilairey 
Clerato^ A. 
Curey, A. B. 
t>>nlan, Joe J. 
Couke Jr., Fiauk 
Uaaor. W. II. 
L'rioiiulpa, Dao'l 
Carur.Ucfi. L. 
damto. frank 
Cur lit. Rain 
(!ilne, Chan. II. 

DiivBlne, Bitiiert 
Uaylon. W. 

Fo\, Jntml!. 
Frank, H. W. 
Ftaiierly, Harry 
Kuwier A Weil 
FerKU*un, Oacar 
Ftlry,— Fred II. 
Field, Aid. 
KUher, I'liif. Fred 
Fieite BiiM. 
f rauclr, Ueo. C. 
Fua, riam 
rraocla. W. T, 
Fernanilrx. Timf 
Fancher, Lloyd 
rullifoud, W. II. 
Frledrlch. (luaiav 
Fuller, C. T. 
Vt\u. belnu 

Daabloxtoo, Jaa. 
Uutluo, Wm. 
Darru*. Waili 
lit rilli-pl. Ji>e 
Uiaoo, Or. J. u. 
Denniuo, Arthur 

Lawrtoca B. 
Dalaory, Frtd 
DeMltudiara. J. B. 
DouKhtriy, Air. 
tiailoa, Brlibily 
Day too. n. 
Uucrow, Louie 
Ita Kiae. Felo 
Drydeo, Harry 
Ualler.dto. x. 
I)at|ii.C L. 
Det, Batl 
Uatlt,l>. W. 
Duaman, Wallar 
Daly A MaoolDB 
UaridMo, J. W. 
De Flllpirl.Jua. 
D'alnora. Frof. 
Ife Hat. BUly 
UeUordon. ur. F. 
t>e Fvrett, Woi. 
U'Eelanv, Marcy 
DoJton, bto 
Dareopori, Harry 
Duwtey, Harry 
Dor ere. BiJly 
Do Vine, K. J. 
Din loo, Moflt. 


Do Carloa, Toe 
Uilaroy. Wil 
Ufa on, /aj 

Oiarh, UtrTT 
Chiton, Jot 1>. 
Coil. F. C. 
CaililoK. Bar) ley 

(faoL Jack 
CurtlKaM B. 
cure. Ctrl 
C(eioi/,Tlio« li. 
Cn«lo(d, Kd. 
Caidnier, Leou 
Cwrboit, B. ff. 
Oraaeaeu Carl 
4.tark. AL 
Owe, Cbaria/ 

Furatnan, (leu. 
Fuley, Maoauer 
Fouler, (;ol. Jeaa 
/liotteot, Fred 
^nrloToa. Julia 
(loHleA BL Claica 
(Jukitu, Horace 
iliildie, W. M. 
(lonoan ACIIITonl 
(louM, Blllr 
Urirtiii. F. V. 
(llhtiure. Majnr 
(IroUie. Fetor 
UrImet,T. J. 
U I May. Jaa. 
UeiaeuuerR, Ike 
ilnudnuw, K. 
(lelltr. Mont, 
iiobdnln. B. F. 
ilraooy A BumoU 
(lanlotr, Frank 

(Irttn, Kilard 
(|iiul*l, W. H. 
nridlu, Oertkl 
laillrf«o. fA. 
• IllDiuie, Tuiii 
(l(liwri,K IL 
(luy Broa. MIntU 
ililniy, Cliaa 
(Itllailier. W. F. 
ilailakiier A Allen 
(IroTO, DeTM 
(Iraliain, Johnny 
(Iran, i. AM 
Jrltnta, Tom 
ll4leMl. Chat. F. 
Uuodman Edward 
Uanloer, Frank 

UHututr, Ham 
Oevtre, win. 
Iioniuolco, Hutolo 
Donovan, Utn. 

Bliour, Fhil 
BIy. ^oo. H. 
ediauoda, W. U. 
dtBon A Wllber 
ed «anla. Joa. F. 
eiur, 1F.A. 
Uy. H. ailbtrt 
BiDtri'io Dr. e.U 
Blmar. Fred 
Binnou J. K. 
Kvtraole, Wu. 
Kmory, Billy 
Klecirin UuaiUt 
Hi^bari. John 
Bvana, Edaard 
K'jeanI*, (3ia«. F. 
"'J, Wm. 

jfd.W II. 
/flot, FfodtJ. 
rithla. A. 0. 
ruller. It. T. 
nuftrald Uarrr 
roliun, Jaa. O. 
faian, Beraer 
Flaictwr. B tl 
Fen ami aa, Tony 

Htrun, Hud 
lloaan, F.meat 
llodBklna, Hart 
lIuRuian, Oeo. 

llaioD. b). J. 
Hon, Frof. 
Uuudlol, J. H. 
Ilarria, Boliert 

Haley, Thua. M. 

"■ jrjr.W.J. 
IokMS F. 



lleooeway , Fraab 

iluw)ey,Jolifl K. 
Iltnderaoo, If , II, 
llatdy. Harry 

u m: 

llltr. M. ». 
Man. t^haa. T. 
Hubbard, M K. 
Maya, Otu. M. 
HtideU, Clia*. 
Iluoilnatoo, J. J. 
Mala Burt 
ilarptr, Harry 
Hnao, Via 
HaJleyA Hail 
Kurouiano. ~ 
llardniao, Joe 
Him A Me 

Hall, W. II. 
flaoaon. Fred 
llalty. Cliat. F. 
llobenBlela,W. B. 
Hyde, F.U. 
iiarriavo. If0|ti 
HIchey. W.U, 
Holmao, J. II. 
Howard, Fiaoh 

HaroDood, Wio, 
U ait, Frof. 
HIllaTboa. W, 
Henly, Jack 
HlnmaB, CapL H 
UarinMo, — 
Harlaod A 

UanUy. B. 

Ilaaty, Cbaa, 


llolUBd, U7C 

llumrbrey, Itioa. 


Moral, Ueo. K. 

Ilolbrooka The 



Hawking |l)dnoy 

Hloniao, CapL H 

llolwaiiKi, Frank 

Uaoaium, jobn 

llowaon, M. J. 

Hall. L. A. 


lloBtb, Oeo, 

liarrlnirirn. J. C. 

Tit tat, Marry 

''■Irwlo Btoa. 

Iroln, Jan. 
Irwin, Win. 
iDOOf, ^ lita. 

lunker. W. A. 
wjoteph. K. r. 
JBmrt, D. L. 
Joyce, hdein 
Jeekiun, W. A. 
Jlnitneit P. 
Jote,R. J. 
Jartla, ritrrt 
JeruoieA Alula 
Jam »a, Nal 
JohnwB, M. U. 
Jontt, W.Fml 
JermcuL Jitt. 
J ml 16, Toiid 
Joyce ACariuU 
.loDta. WUI II. 
Jonka A Chlfonl 
JnhOBoaitlet. h. 

Kranitr, lUrry 
Ktlity, RA. 
Kan^ i'ai 
Kidd. (Iro. U. 
Keoo, W titer 
KimUi, Tlio 
Kiuilu, -~ 
Konl, Albeit 1*. 
KarL Htcheid 
Kendall. W.B. 
Krei'ft, Juho W. 
KonnuA Wrleli 
Kelly. John T. 
Khamt, A. II. 
Kolb^ J. W. 
Kaooanl. O.II. 
Kuhluml, A. B. 
Kloilo. Kin 
Krilini;, Llait 
Kelly. Ji>e 
KwtW. (lea. A. 
KeUy, J. W. 
Reniplon, L A. 
KelbdtU, Luulo 
Kvfpe, r>»l 
Kaaiijalil, — 
Kendall, B. 
Kerr, Kdwln U. 
Keantdy, Jtihn I*. 
Kirk. Frank 
Keller, rraok 
Kaui'ton, (let*. K 

La Mair. K>l. 
l.«Tr)l, Harry 
Leill^ AlfiMl 

I^at Inle, Uhaa. 
Ltooliart. t;iiaf(. 
I,<oohe, John t>. 
Le Voy, Uijiir 
Lyocb, FniikT. 
Lawrence, A. 
Lnrlit, ILL. 
I.tnK.K IL 
Learr, I'auy 
La Vhiti. Thru. 
:aaeenire,jM. A. 
Ung, F.1I A. 
Lattacd, AlUert 
Loaao, Kii. 
LirlnH'iiw, Harry 
Ltwit. J. K. 
lAna A Hbarp 
UvTaeA ibx'tii 
Lanaoll, Harry 
Le BitiJi, Hon 
UMatk. Harry 
1.1'dall, Vtrry 
MlBliloo, Hairy 

Um o.w. 

uptu, ~ 
l^tlar, (I. A'. 
iJncoIn, yrank 
LiiOK, Fraok K. 
Le Duo, lleniy 
LatuiiDl, Kroil 
LeCuuilt.a A. 
Lawla, A Illy 
Liflua. Tdui B. 

, Vlolur 
LitUe. Ihck 
Leuutu, Vio 
Li»ut« Ira 
Lnwlt, W.H. 
U Vouotl. Fred 
UvlDu. Ihil|ib 
(jOtllt Ailatea 
Lee, Kaia 
Lewii A Kvpielt 
Llborali,rtlK. A. 

l,CTBOly, AflMlt 

MtL Jaculi 
LIndtay, Or. D. M 
Link, Hilly 
Latuoa, Kranb 
1^, liailil 

M llcbett, Jaa. 0. 
Httlub, Otto 
Moirla Aodr 
Mrtiajor, wm. 
Maltoy. Major J. 
Md-laln, Hilly 
Haddeo. W. tl. 
Honlt, My lea 
MtnaltknI. Mauric* 
Moorvf. ^ranb 
Marvllle, Deo 
MoAviiy, Harry 
II III laan, Fhll 
Htdiro*, J. 
MtiN A lluntor 
MctVtrmach, Wnt, 
Miok A 4^>nllor 
Mtrtdto. Hlelunl 
Mack. Jet. It. 
Mi>ra, Ktitono 
McVonn, Hho man 
.Vel^ann. Hwi. F. 

Mllloll, 4lUN 

Vttiiiiley, Waller 
Morton, il. 8. 
Murrl^ Haniaey 
MeF>iUco, K. k 
MvrTllU tU tL 

MeDotnM, II.J „ 

lioUrhli^ A IhihivoJUttuK 11. T. 

MuntDllaA lliitMll 
Miirrlb:n. Jaa. 
Miirrar. Jolin VF. 
Mi>rr' . M. F. 
Mudit . H. 
HtOk A O'lNty 
Maok, Frank J. 
JtdViDntll. VV. A. 
.Vaynard. hiUIn 
ttiwrllng, Arihiir 
.Varkkniu A Horry 
Killer, R. Le Kuy 
M(lclioll,H. A. 
MoCartlir, Da 
JJiirru. J B. F. 

Lao yon, Kditar 
lie, AUroi 


Leun, Harry 
Llndaar.Ueo. A. 
LaHoKa, Ileory 
Lawton, Luula 
Uuiioi, H. Y. 

Mamh Faiallv 
MaillMMi, F. 
MflDouald, Hairy 
Moore. Dr. F. F. 
Manin, KIcliard 
Marble, F.W. 
MeCale, Larry 
May. Allen 
HoAlfie, Jaa.T. 
Miiran, Fraak 
Ma«hIr,Jai. H. 
Marhlttii), frcd 
May, U. h. 

Hurrar, J. K. 
Mariall Harry 

Morulluuib, II. A 
Maok.Dbai A. 
MurrelL Fraiik 
Mack, Frank 
Martlo.J H 
Murpby. P. II. 
Mieri, W. H. 
Hurrltaey.lf J. 
Mortofl A Hack 
Md;aillir,J. J. 
Mathava. Frank 
Mteb, Roiaoa 
Mot;aifer, Howard 

Kell^ Wm. 
Kpoonir. Cecil 
H|arha,(loo W. 
J4al(er^ Martin 
Hun firiM. 
KaniTT, Joe 
Hndlh, LowlaO. 
HfianloB. R K. 
Sauitlla, HIk. 
((huwiat, W. H, 
riealiroiib. T. Q. 
Sliaw, Niar 
riirohochor, Fhll 

■I^Ull. 1)00. 

.•4«anian, Chu. 
Hinllh A Campbell 
ri«a«l, AL (I. 
Kfflllh, W. II. 
rtylttattr.H H. 
Hinlih. W. H. 
' 11.W. W, 
iklo, Leon 
8t. Aubtiiu,C. !£. 
Hioflt, HnL 
Kackelt, II. II. 
Ha Van. Chat. 
.HinrUIr, W. H. 
MaT.pMHi, Oarl A, 
Ht Aiibum, W. 
itojiiKtar, Ifaro 
.^leale, (>. 8. 
HlutmU. II. 
iHi, Chaa. 

Munly^ _ 
Beyer, Wnt. 

N lira 1 an, — 
.NuatPi. JaM.K. 
^K-lio)a,iliM). A. 
.Viiiiunn, i>ennle 
.^eniiiaa. Waller 
.S'tiriU Broa 
McIidIr, Wdllo 
Nelj)4>u,(:haa. H. 
Si>>p«. A. U. 
«<>li|-il. II X. 
NlokprMiii, It. K. 
Vcrviii*!, H A. 
Nunn, llru. 
(teUan, Haiit 
NuHnn, AL 
MtKtl W. 
Srii\ H. (!. 

O'kiiiirhr. ToBl 
n,ir) lieu, 
)<ltiMl>iA I/trel(i> 
llveue, J. J. 
O'llrlea, Kdillo 
IMway, II. W. 
rNtlli, Fiaiih 
(Inln H\, 

W. Iliieanl 
o'llpa, Murphy 

1>t>lttT^ I'lill W, 
l-aiil. I'rInre 
I'ellrller.O K 
TuBorn .% Waklron 
'nriy,Tli<it. It 
_'lill|i|>< A Jaiiellt 
I'tgo Jnliii K. 
I'lict'ir, W. II. 
I'niliaKO, W. H. 
I'lckfiil, Haul 
I'ltria.J II. 
raikt, UiMi. A. * 
I'tflran, llin^ annl 
I'lircrll, Frank 
I'rico, Wallur 
I'AlivlUi, Hill. 
riNi-v, II. It. 
I'rtMiiiii. Jiiiio A. 
I'liiti^ Ui 
I'iiitrr Aifilliert 
'rka'.4 Fliiailni; 


ri*rMin,i;. H. 
Fflolni:, Kilirard 
■flnio,(l. II. 

'Ull«[|i, 11l«t 

ro nrt, W. A. 
l'orcl*al, II II. 
I'artBlIf, WlllA. 
*«rry ATNilirunke 
.'tyue. H K. 
PtrbliiB. II. I?. 
Faiiiior. Carl 
riouderKtKl, Jaa. 
I'trkliii, II. If. 
I'a liner, Haii'l 

Quenii, Julin 
gulnn, TTiob. J. 
"hmwiii, H.J. 

Hlflell, l»iaa.A. 
Haven, lllnluid 
lf<>v, O. II. 
HiiRvrt, liie 
He*i<Ha. Frank 
Kuttoll, H.J. 
Hl^^ M. K. 
Hice, Cliao. P. 
Hliidet. Fad. 
Hn«ir', iV. 
H'tiiialoe, Tniii (J. 
Hiee, J. II. 
Illdiaidi, iltu. W. 
Ka>iiiirtiti, Krank 
Kubtilni. Frank A 
K icbe, llarry 
Relia. Frr.l 
lt«on.i). IL 
H«»liiUMin, Jot. 
Kooit, I'mf Han 
ll4)lMria.«). W. 
Iticli. Fiiif II. R. 

itlne. Tom L. 
ItldienlB. Bark 
K«d Jacket, Dr. 
Itiuoll, Hill/ 
Ke«0,ThtiB K. 
KulMio. Fllity 

Kawlty, Jm. 
Itnlnarl, Harry 
llDcliatter, Will. 
Hiiulter, Harry 
turn. W. M. 
HLhatiN, Dick 
iUi niunJ.DIiaa.K. 
ItuUiilna, K. A. 
H«cd, IfaiB 
itiati, Toay 
Haeil, I'mil 
itutmriP. H. W. 
JOiellar, JuImT. 
.■tliiiiuona,H. K. 
■«pn)ar, Kufteno 
ritinimtra,iiaii. H 

Blark, Uarry 
rtaniny, Ollbort 
Htiilili, L-.ny 
i(i4tiHier. K. A. 
Hiowail, J. H. 
Hieiaon, Jaa. 
Hltvtnttiit, 0. J. 
HurIiuoIp, — 
Hiair, llarry 
riwan, HlIlT 
Hluek.T. V. 
HitRrUl, Aufuat 
RIceaL - 
Hrhatrer, John F* 
HienaoD, J. 1'. 
Mi»iiuau, Uan 
tititiia, .\rclile 
riuliuii, t;iiaa. 
Hiarr, Lawln 
S«li>,<K K. 
HaiiiwolU, rmf.T, 
.ihentr A Blakrly 
^eoIl. Wni. W. 
.-talllian. Michael 
Kitiiitn, Frank 
Hallaiiunr, tlan. 
.'^liiteitfeli, Juo 

rhonipttin A 
fennoy, Fratat 
rulllo, A. F. 
roomey, J. W. 
ruillo. k. F. 
NUy. Wro. A. 
furoer, W. V. 
ferrUa, J. T. 
riiaiiln, Kd. 
fatall, l.ticanlo 
furntr, Miok 
froeoia, — 
rra>.t*e, Hilly F. 
riivne, (Thaa. 
ft) k>r. Billy 
riwle. J. H. 
rruo, Bori 
fliayer, Huy 
raylur.Cliat. A. 
rrayanr. Ji'lio U. 
riinrutitn, Jtt. 
r«itipett, Mtrk 
riirner, W.T. 
fennoy. Jack 
rhuiiiptiin, JInttuy 
rtylor, Harry 
rfntlorwiHiir.B. H. 
'JlIiiiK — 

VBinun, l>anlH 
ViciorellK Tha 
VlUlranca, H. 
«'ann, Hardbl 
VkImIU, Vio 
Vuii Tliiar, Harry 
Vaiilr.Cll^. I. 
Vliitoo, lliiraca 
Vmhiuu, Cart 
VtMatoH, Tlie 
Valentine, Ham 
Via*, Jack K. 
V«Mi(. - 

VtulhHintiim Naal 
Vtn Dyht. W. D. 

mile. W. A. 
Vrkh, Hloh 
Wlitia. Henry 41. 
fflille KaBle, Dr. W. 
WailDKA Fraur 
Warren, Jtt. 
Wckl, Timr 
Weatifn. Frank 
WllMrti. W. W. 
Wbtlinan A Darla 
WIncltralar. K.H. 
Willie, Cbaa. 
Wtrreii. F. 1*. 
Wllla, Waller 
Warren, II. W. 
Ward. Harry 
Walialer, R. )•. 
Wm(, Dr. Waller 
WIlKin, a J. 
Wliallan, 11.11. 
Ward, Frank U. 
W«hber, Harry 
Wayue, (Ion- 
Wlioe, Andrew 
Wrlilil, Ueii. B 
Wadilnirn, L. W. 
trnllle, Frad B. 
Wllhltl^ Frank 
While. Chat. 
Walker, Muonljuy 
Wykiill, W. J. 
Warlntf, Wm. 
Wall, (leu. F. 
WMIIauia. II. II. 
Welialar, Wui. 
WlilU Kaala Bill 
Wail), l.-haa. 
WlUim, Jiiha W. 
Whieler, F. M. 
Waladiury, Wui. 
WihhI, BertO. 
Wawm. Fraak 
H'arllali). Tnin 
WilUn), Watlar 
Wui«l, Arthur J. 
WllltrJ. (>.(>. 
Walurt, Letter 
WIlHauia, Dtrell. 
Wacb. Kufeee 
Hbllney, llnward 
Wallora. Julea 
Watwtn, Frank 
Walerman, (Aiat. 
Hilda, Andrew 
Walortiurr.Heo. K. 
WIlMin, (hliiUia 
V»||iiBaVtn#. rio 
■^Vtiiinir, Hilly 
Vountf. Ollie 
ynreodi. Kl. 
**/.»! rua,TI»e 
/.'riiiiiemiao. Erl. 
/.luiiutrniao, M. 
^.uiiinerniae, W.B. 

I/,iruol, Hatu 
/era. Vtot. 
/Attvto, Kd. 


Allnnta.— At iho GrHnd "m (Md IltimcntMd" 

dldwallJan.Z),3l. Fadtreetkl allra-.led a large audi- 
naco.31, at adraiKad prite*. (;ainllla D'ArrHle, 2), dtd a 
aplendiil butlnata. Henry IrrlnR and Bllen Ttrryiiatked 
thu boute lor Hirta |«rloriii«orBt, at ailvauetil pilcat, M, 
V Ihe iKiuta will rimaln dark 17 aad vaek. 

Till LvcBi'H — ' Frl«n<la" r Nntt 71. W. "rablu 
Nomaai" did tary |>ogrlF. 0, 21. J. II. Ilararly'a Mia- 
mi ek come », 3J. 

■awAniialt— At tbe HavBOUh ThMlre "Tbe 
lialamaktiB," Jan.'.O, liwl a Roud hmw, and tba oom. 

r*oj Rate a very Patiifaetory perfunnance. Ilonry 
rvlpf aad company foiinwod >1, and played to die larftat 
Irtieloeaa In Hie li[ai«ry ol Uia lliratre. Tha BaHwio* 
MelltllleCtr. play a reiuro aoiaBfmoni at popular pilcta 

TiruMMuirulIaU. -BuB|ne«a at Ihiah'iaae liaa been 
Tory B<M>d. Liuia Moora and Killt HL Olalraod John 
Fuidy. wbo reoaatiy trpeued iHtli Hilt conpaoy. are vary 
puptUr. Tba Dt Ire Hiatert. Maiole Barle, BUla YeuoB. 
Tureey'a Mandolin and (luKar Uiaitet. the Tumera, 
Marie Do Wnir, Fully Hregory. Mohie Caatietoo are In tbe 
cpiBfiaor. Harry U. Welle la Um atago niaaaitfraod an- 
•leal director. 

Tui TRV AUBBO—Tlila Utile home haa ifOOd dolBg a 
rualogbuaioeaa uodar iheinanaaameotof T. B. Butler. 
ThoBewMovIe Include tlfjrgla Cartnn, BtiNilt (%raon, 
Kdnrd lhi|<oni. Iielonde. Frof. Morila TuclinaB, Billy 
SeoU and aoorgla llanlltoo. 

Hmcdm.— "Kflenda" came to the Acadeoj of 

Ho'lclan-Bl. t/« R. K. f|. •The OM llonieilead''dtd a 

Eood biialoa«a n. fHiTar Ryroi, lo "Hp" tnd Doaoa ft 
lift,'' bad fair bualotaa iS. Comlog: llaTerly't MIb* 


Jnckaonwlll».-Ai (be I'jrk Tliratro "Filethli" 
wu raceited with loudi lavor Jto. 13. (lortoo'a MIoauelM 
t>Uyod lu good huBlnpiB la the face of incleuitet vtalhtr 
16 Erwin'a Wonderland aad lilft Rhuw mat nlth lair (iJrer aod Kate Byroo, la "Tlia I'pe and 
Downe 01 I.I fi." had a larae aod faaliluoableaudlaBce, 
wkopeld iribolo in lite ticellrai |4rrun»anee>f. "Th* 
fiU HDoitate»I"ilre<' a rood hou'o D CriulBg:Tba 
Hheldona. In Br> 

Thb Eubn MitaitTrareUOi) draaa wtU, gad will ia> 
uaio bore bbHI Fob. 1. 



Februaby 1. 

World ^Players 

— NiituK frrim Mttrku llroM.: Tlio UnrkiillrAg. were 
onlcrlHlnril I17 Dm HIIa CnnieroD Unnwilc Co. nt 
llellvlUo, Onl., Jnn. 19. llHVinK cloHCd a ircok'ii on- 
RAgomcnl at llio Opera 1lnuw,>nil tmrlnv rolaj 
nvcr on Biindii;, iho (wo cnmptnlcnnietHnd liml a 
Jnllj lime In Itio puDnr tit iiib Imlcl. A line pro- 
Rraiiuno WM armnRed. TliOHe nf llie Harkii llnw.' 
Uo. lltMt lAok part went Mlilc Draclc, who mnft 
"TlieTfAClier and the nf>j;" >:il« llnrlnn rendered 
"l^iko llARk (he KnRnKemciii III ntr."MHr Hell nn^ 
"Tlio Ctitircli AcnaM fho Wkj,** llrm I'MUnn ren* 
dorcd -Wnti'i Ymi IIht llniiiio wiih Uet" ]/:*•. J. 
KcllHm uni ono or ]il« nwn wmtn, *'Ufu»\ lire Till I 
Hce Yon AfiAlii;" Hilly llodflo, "You flnre Ho Your 
l«nvo;" J. Nfty Ikiiriclt. ••iNm'i <liijiii:k,*>nnd Rpn 
Hhny, "On A Hiiininur'H Kvriilnfc." Of the nin 
(tntnoron On,, wlin look pHri In ilio fnn: John 
HpAnMtn0frHVrHpiir(Htjon"Tr1liij:" Ari.K. WIMInK 
m pitnuly on "lUy r*iri:c:" UcorRe llciil h. "Thiiy All 
Utva Jit<:k:" K. II. IhHitli, Imllnllriiin; MKl Wood- 
mnOt A Hcfiirii ImIUiI: KIIh OniKron, "AnHwercd," 
niirl KIIa MiirkH. ]i)Kiin HOlccllnnt). It wah n Iaia 
hoiirwhpn lliu tun rmlcd, Hiid Alter hniid nlinkiiiR 
llioy rcllrrd with Pnht licnnmind RplrllM lo drcAm 
Uic drcAnm ff Mit uifn}, 

— (leo. K (lrr((ory Iikh rnRiiKcd Hie fdilowlnv 
pe<iplo for litM new itpMinrijUr prfHiiictlon of 
"Hiimplj Hinnpiy't KtiiIIch:" tkrr aikI T<iiir]pe, 
l/*AVlii nti'l >'(irullii, IKirnonlo mid l/iin\m, Al. 
HourlAy, Miip. UnrilnollA. Ilnrry II. (i ininor. Juiintc 
HreKnry, llirfj ItHrkeii, Jl-nii I^jVhm, Hnd Fmnk 
Hiirdnn, Adriujtu:. Thn wlmla will Im; nndrr fite 
initiiARuMii'iii of iiin (I. Tf>iiijec. Wn p'Hy only 
iltreii iilKht mill wct<k HiAtidit In 1 lie Uthi twiiNCA. 

•- "A lYliiln itiQ rirrn^*' iir)lrH: Wc hlnycl In Hio 
HiAt Knd 'f bcHlro. I'lllHimtir, IkhI wmk, in H. U. ()., 

elvhiff iliti 'Tpit ur MilHfHriion. Our tTniiipHtiv hnM 
I'Cii KrcAHy Hirciiuihrnril >iy HmHtldlrhin nf Wlot* 
7A3\ niid Jttnt, tiiirl/inlHl imrlnim; K^tdlo Hclrovt, 
Hiu down. wHli liirt irlirk dunkry, niid Will AndniH, 
mid hiA irnliird iloffA mimI liorHC,K.nidy. Our (wo 
iiiirAdL'H nrii 11 rrtiiun*, mio nt noon, wiiii rlownH, 
linnie. dunkciyntid cmN kimI dofrn.nnd oiin M niBlit 
Willi rcfl llruAtHl K cUHnlny nf rlrrworkA. Pnr 
Win dminillr |urt of Hip (Hjni|«n; \vi> Imve cnRnR- 
Od MlunltiTtiomn. WIIIA.PvnL* LiHlimd. 

— Horn Siniilfiird imirM: 1 1icrOBro iini I wo mem- 
humor ihlHciiiiiiunr who Iirvo notiKd fn (/r/;t/M 

HiIh HVtlWIII. TIlOfllM'HMU llMH ni«dc IIPAlly A ctcAn 

awcap or ilic cnni)iAny, niid lu iitlillilfin to our 
AllllcUrtii oiirlcAdliift Utjy, Ulmt Diinind, nHe;""icd 
10 llftlil H fTkH Atcivr, Hml II cxpiiHlf-d In her trtco, 
hiiroliiH hur rhuliHiiIly, luH, ainiiifi! to n-iy, her 
fiico UMCHpnl. IIlt liHlr wah itliiKtHi t\]imf. 10 hvr 
luiHit, iinil tirrilKlii liitnd mid Ann Am nn>i hoIIiI 
lilUitT lo litr cliHitr. M nmy lie Hmt Hio aliock 
rrlKlilcnud la iiflmtf awht. tor prrrymio fcclA l»cl* 
ler, luiluYcii MIm Hiimna Ik l>clUr. 

— It. A. tlrnluin, riMiicillnii, hqiI MhiuIu Hiiiion 
HrAlmiii, Hiiiihruili: himI ilniit-cr, an; r/t fftrirc wllh 
lilr.k r. Huiion'ri i'A\., prcHtniliitt "IVxmh" Hnd 

— Ttic idur iif 0. II. JclTcntnn. Kliiw fi KrlnnRcr'N 
"14iri*' cliwitl In Hiiiimim;, U.. Jhh. ri. 

— Uni.Suliiy 'rKp^ilchl. niHT n Hlmrl vIhH Hi her 
hnhhuiid, wbii |h vvlHi Hih "A 4limi <I(mhI<i Mah*' 
Co.. rojniiird Arilitir C. Hlilniin'M "A .Miiininir 
Bliowor" C«. 

— NiilCA fioni tlio Mliinio Hcward Co. : Wo Am dulnjt 
niciily til New KriMlAnil m iirinriii, wlilln ntir UhI 
week In Nuw Y<irk Slnib(Mlild|fiiiu-ii) ttniko ilmrrc- 
ortlof llmt oHyrnr llilHHntwiimi |vi|tuliirtirti-ri>. Onl 
4ir conrlivy ii» Kilwhi llniwiic.iir niircoiiiiiriiiy, tin- 
lotml K. of I*, liidtio lit Idlililloiiiwii ii'iiilrrrd u« w 
noinpllnioiitAi^lainijiiuiAiulK'irlrtlnn'riinrtNlHy cvui- 
liifT* It WMii very iilciiHiinililn aiTiUr. 

— Irono ItornAiiilr/. liitHririHrilHiUi K'-nilAirrt"A 
I'litr of Kills" Ci>. im rtccoiinl of ilm IIIuchm nr lirr 

>-Clinii(ini In Ilic mM nr "Itold In HInvory" Ci>. 
hiivu ruH-iiinl In ihornlkiwlnx nniur: KHIx Diiman, 
J. K. Kuiilnii.JAiiii'a W. Kiirvftt Jriini-HT. Wi hI, flilillc 
Iiuhiny, H. W. I'linilxirhMi. MalHu llrHiifdnl, llclie 
lUrl, Allen Aiimcfw, I'lill J. Hirr«hliiu>'r, nmnKfii-r; 
J. U. Kiiidiin, Ninua niAnnBct; IVi'di-rlck 
vnnco AKci)l< hihI ihn I'k-kptnlinijr (jiiKrlvl. 

— Tlio pnirpwluii will ho liiiurraird In n l>oncnt In 
Imi KWun In HI. lrt)ulH, h'ulr. IT, lu Wni. (lArun, iiiAh- 

ARUror lliiVllD'H 

— Traur UARtilrclH Aliriid uf " IJIHh Ulw Nnnfiot.'* 
Itoster: llHtry H. Ulrclirll, inHnKRvr; Trei^y MuKnlru. 
HKoni; l*ri>r UtiHrkji KiAciihiii.luadur; Ilnrlwri Oiw- 
Hioniu, CliRR. A. I^Hlur, AVilnir liHinlHnn, Knuenr 
ItOiMl, (Mill. llAlloy.A. K. Ouncn. (Uhi. Ilnidluy, |,ritU 
Mticliull, Hiivio KitrroHler, Holly l)u Vynv Aiid Olllo 

— >-Uotinom iMiHo will piny nnly In iho iirliiclpal 
Kiulurn cHlOH diirinK tier ruribcnintna Aniurtrjtn 
lour. Ilor n*|)ori4iry will Inrhirtu: • Uiinitllo," "Ia 
Koinniede CJhucIo." "U IXHriiadlorln,** "CHV-.-llcrlA 
ltnKilaiiiR**RDil"HAKdA." Hiio vHlnponliurHOAAun 
At Wuliloulon. I), a, In Foliniary. 

— J. K.biuddAri, tniw plAyina In "TJio Hponliiff 
HnotioM" Ht Ihe AcHdviny or MuhIl-, HiIh uliy, will 
ooleltrAlonn Jaii. 30 Itio Hlxiy-thlnl niinlvorMATT or 
hit doliiit tipun tho hIauo. 

— Amy Loo auil Kriuik Ikmno liiluud to rcorftAnlso 
lliolr'*Uliu lUniiii Hvariim" Cu. Hiid will ruHunio 
lUolrtitumiKiutKoh. I. 

— Sidney Ui>xht(iiriJ((nodaA ininHicm roprcHonlA- 
live for thoTtiiiuornpvrH Uo. Llprnum THiinor.for- 
uiorly n iiiuDiiiorof li Hcrnmn Onkiimilc company, 
will tOHUAftO iliu vuultin*. 

— NoiOA rnini IHuiy llnta.* *<A Wild (Idoho Oliaao" 
Co.: Wo oonilinio lit do 11 good liimMKhH In anlin of 
wiUtlnunUH mliiy wonHirr. Al|>tw l)u JJnyd (HavU) 
WAat'Allcd honiuio ludlAiMitidiMliy iliu Hoiloua 111* 
nni« nf tior IniKtiAiid. Ilor iHiHltton wlih Iho coin- 
pHiiy lA Hhiy lllkd hv Kay Hi'Hniotiil. t'nti J. Ilaioa. 
uitrHdVAhco UKoiit rnr tho pMl iwn wAsnnii, Iias 
uloAvtl, nml niir nwtuiiiur, Win. MrUnwun, Iirm (Akvti 
idiHrfio or ihu niivAniro. \Vu mio loiitrd ihrviiRh 
Kcninuky nml Tonncsaeo, Aud hooked lutlhl uiiill 

— Wui. C. AndrowA"'Wy WifoV Friuiid" Iini^ 
wu nn) Inrunmil, mot wiiU Niu*b HniTtm un ihi<lr 
\V09ttoni irlpihAi iliD} wHi plnr roiiirrt dAli'A uvor 
the AAiiiD torrliory. 

— l\tniiluH. lldidiH'k.or thHllLinhifkSlHlorH.hAa 
roliiniiMl irtnn UiiUh io join '-a ItaRHAito uhcck" Co. 

— UliAH. UclYlllo, Uyp:ur Kowlvr nnd iJlHu IIh7.oI. 
inomlHirH of Uio llont u VtiitnnOt., hml a vlmtoonll 
Innn naphyxlHUnii frnni WHplnfr co«l hah Jnn. li, 
Hi l.'iniitiiK, Uh-li. Th(7 woro unt'oiDTloiia whnn 
found. And Uiu pliyitliiouH hnd lonMorl 10 Hrtlllclnl 
mApimilon In ininw tlit'in liHck in liro. Tlioy won^ 
Ahlo m Join lli« t-oniimit) *JI, hi IVlrdo, H. 

— K. M. KiltH imd Al. llampliin nr\« reitoneil in 
hAVoliHdH nHrniwtwi'Rpolnnii dcaih nn ho Oliln 
rullt^ud tuiHinily. Whtio wnlkliiironA liluh innHo 
nn HppntHOlilnit irrtln ruiiiiu'lkNl ibi'iu tn ininff hiih- 
iHtndiHl liotwi'on Hio Huk, and Hiu iniln immhh) Hioiu 
In t>i»i |Huiikni. 

— Ui'iHpt. Jiihnmni Arthur tiHvc cniTAiiuil Anton 
Sctdl Aiid tiUon'lii>iilr.i fnr a toiirnf thuUrfto i-lllim 
of (litN ctinitlrf, guliii! AA frtt V'caI HaSini Fmu- 
rliu'o, i>tt. Tlii« inur will riiiniiUMK u At ilio vXwoq of 
llio oitrm HniMtii tn HiIh I'Hy. 

— NotoM fmni Iho TATiun ihniinly (Vv: Wo havo 
Iteun "tnniliig'om AWAy<* for ihc iHaudiihi wcoka. 
l*lAV(tl Kl Taito, IV'.N., two woi'ka and four uiAllnrca 
HUil lii>iko tliL> liniiAi ru'i>Td, Aiid Alliuipit'rqni', N. 
U., olRbt iilKhta and two inHiliUMn, 10 itaokvil 
lutuMM. Ato fArrjIiiK iwonty poople. hHlnl ninl 
orrtipalra. UtwKocuo tHdoluir amnu of ihu hoat 
work of hot llfo Ihla WAnMi. our hand nnd on>hort- 
iTHHnjiiiAkliiKlitiMrvurywhorf. Ttio rmiorofiho 
coinitAuy Ia: Iwhv I'rtylou, nrxipHulnr; U'lllla IUah, 
ImalniMi nmuAjivr; Ualilo Kcimi', Mario IK* 1. 1 no. 
(IrAi'o lli«ilop. llATry llArlow, UHlr iMmnmiM, Hon 
Klnuy. Klitcit I'laylon, 11. cruylur, unironniil ImiuI 
of iwulvo pld'ott under llio luAilvntlilp of t*Mr. lliio 
Tuytor: onduwina of aovt^u plecrii, undor ilio loAdor* 
Ahlpor I'ntf, \V. T. Htovenavii. Wo piny, 
Now Mt'xU'o Httd IVx-ta until Marcti, And Into 
Oidomilo and litali lor tho Siinniicr. Woaitenl a 
very ideAMnl OiuiainmH In AUuiquorquo. Ilr. and 
Mr4. I'rtyion edohniUil titoir w^uilou wcddinv hi 
I'rvm-oii Atlr... J.-!!]. 14, nnd n*(Tlvisl nnuo vory 
noAi Aiid uxoful prt'ionta rn>ni uiontlK>na uf Ibo eoin- 

— Klonmro Ocmld hAA liwu WfirtRotlAaletidlnit 
woniau ror thv now ■iiK'k eouipMny ai tho \m Avo- 
uuo Acadcnv}. Ilnniklyu, K. 1>., K. V. 

— (^Hion WollA, leAdliiK Iipatj wlHi Madaino 
lIliM, r\Hi*lrrd nmny mh'IaI Httrntloneilurlnit Dip 
roi'i'ui I'anNilUn tnur nr HiaI voniMuy. 

— Ji'AU IU'nold(Mra. Kn'dorlok Konotil) tiAMHddcil 
"NAUiTOldilrld"nud "Wirgei UvSol" lo b«rreiior> 

— Ir\lnn tVvnrti (rornu>rly IrvlnfrSft-arlhoun re- 
IMMti HUi ivaa III tiU pk'c*', "An lr1a!iiiiAn>Tl\tnl>liK." 
AlAi in liU a)x<i*iAlUea wKh llatilr Itrtyiua. Harry 
Kmianniut AdA Hroughlou Atv ncrui nddltlonito 
Hiu I'liniiutny. 

— Nnua tmin l4imt>crt \ lAiran' "A I'uli line" 
Co.: Wu hHil 10 iHT oiT for llirvp ulKlitaAt Oiauo 
lily, Kan., on lUH'otiiii uf ilaudlM Luoan 1)0liiff piok, 
tint o|H*ni'd avnin at KinitorlA. iM\. iX ItiialncM 
t-t rnlr. In our n>»iti'r )oii Knvo llaaty ttnw. It w»i 
n iiiHako. II In Uio liaalory llniH. 

— bnilM WVd waa lirAnlodrtdecnxiur aepAra* 
tliin fmin llrtMl Wral In tho Sii|irvtno Court of ibli 
.sirtto. Jan. '.^i. Urn. Wrst waa hIm) Allowed Allntoity. 

— The lliiu, VVcHiey And Irvar. havojhdDod Uie 
"Uld Touuuaoft" Cu. 

— l»ulii Wtlthotr WTlUM tbil hft hM orgADlMtf ft 
Mmptny nndpr tho nume of the WeltbolTa najert. 
They Are tmirlHR IlllooU ADd Indiana, eod then (m 
to 'be Knrthwent. Buntneni rioc« tbs openlnR re- 
ported to lie encelleni, and ihe people eonaBW 
fflTlDRtlin iteHtnraAMRracllOD. Foll'twInRlaibnroA' 
ler: \a\\\% Welihorr, proprlcWM and manamr; Fran- 
cta Unroy, ataRe mAnager: R. K. I'otter. Obetter h. 
(hriun. U. )i. I.uce, 0. hobliuiAii. Una ClayloD, 
Uamlo Ryan, Bitello H'^ore and Mabel Wdtboff. 
oor r^nfrtorr la nompoaed entirely or old FoRllBh 
comcdiea. and ban proven a winner. RveiylfOdy 
well and happy, end the "Old IlelUtile" Deter falla 
to reacb ua. Wo are ntaklbfl a Bp«>ctai feature of 
*T)ie Mm." Ur. Wcllbnfracorca a bit In the cbar- 
actor of UaiblKL 

— Harry ft. U Comp cloaed wllb the Odjoni 
Comedy Co., on Jao, 10, and wtll eogago Id tbe inin* 
InR liualncAa In lienTer.CoI. 

— Notea from ibeOarrte l/iula Co.: Bo far we have 
not had a week of had tiuilneaa, and U\m lAute (e 
tircAkliiR all records ror MnodAynlRbt openloRR. 
Jan. 'J3. At MAnaOctd, O., ibe larRett aartleoce toat 
ever wna In iho bonw was prtaent, and the B. H. 0. 
aiRn droro many awaj. We are liookcd over a 
anlcndld roiiro for Hio rent or the acaioit, and 
Iho nnilMk Ih very lirlRbU T*be comnioy now nam- 
ticranrieen people. rror.Zoraind wirearaHieUlPat 
I'l Join, and glvo their nci at each perfomanco. 
tiarry KliliiR Ih In advance, and (he lilR bnnaea that 

ftrei!i iiH every Uooday olRht arc ibo roanltofbla 

— Tbe Anna R. Havla On., havlnR toured hew 
York, I'enoaylvAnla, Ohio And Wori Virglnhi, la now 
worklnR toward Indiana Hnd lllinole. 

— Ilucbanan and I.endln bavo ashamed the pro- 
prlclondilp or "A TlioronRhtircd" Co., wllhW. L. 
IMiiMiMnan ah inaiiRRer and 0. )>. I^ciidln Inadrance. 

— Tho now City Opera Ilniiie, Buckhanoon, Weet 
Vri.,will ho flnhliedaiioutFcli. 1. Hie building la 
ccntmlly locAtcd. wllb tlie ot)era bouie on tbe 
Rnnind flour. U iR nealed with chnlra and llRbted 
wlthvlorirlcliy. II haaa largeaiAfie, wliha fuUnet 
of KCf>nrry nnd four dreaalDRroomR. W. I.. Foster 
Ih Iho nianaRcr. 

_ Qatlaghcr A W^sl will play two atudenls In 
tlictr now ' O'lIoollRan'fl Uaniiucrade"ncxl waaon. 
Tho Tiuaiiuorado aoene will uke placo Ina French 
realAurant. TI107 will carry a complelo aet for tblH 

— Trie Tangu ay All Blar Ooiiiedy Co. will begin Ha 
lour Fell. 0, opening at tho Opera Ilouao. I/>dr 
llmiich. K. J , In a repertnn of rixplecea: "Tbe 
Iriah Tar," "lUcbclnr Dkk/ "The lloachback'A 
Uve,""TomKawyer,»'"The Clrcoa flirt" and "A 
llmiher'a nirthrlRlit." Tbe conpany will be headed 
Ify J. A. 'HinRuay, who will atoo lie dlrectlOR man- 
HKcr. rUiltert CthIr Jr., conKdIao; J. C. Noftent, 
Harry lAsnnox, Harry lIofTnan, Frank BlAwarl, 
JfAii Do Armour, UarRin^t Whiltaker, Kmmi Uat- 
lard, Iloaalo lleardaly. aouiiretifl: llirio Flo Perry, 1. 
bircrtzn MnitliowR and Sam Poxnak, pnipriotorn; 
HolwnW. Ferry, munlcal director. nndK. R.RTer- 
uti, adviuiuo, iiiako up Iho remainder of Iho com- 

— "OMIonllRAn'A UaAniieradd" bi reported to 1)0 
dnlnR an excellent liunJnoJii.tnnilnR nenple away 
<in tlio one nlRlKaianda. AtUISallo. HI., there wore 
ibico aivclAl Intinn from aanvuodlnR towu, and 
every acal lu llio Itnueo waa nold by three r. v. 

— HcofRla lK-an-8pauldlni7 Ih In the tweniy-flflb 
wcL'k nf hur cnRARoment wliki the Hawtelle Draaia- 
ilr HpitearlnR In her bnrpand bell noloe. 

— (lltck Conieily Nottu: Owing to tbedlsaallefac- 
1hinoxl<(iliiRan}nnR tbe tnonboreof (be old com' 
|Miiy It waH ctoHed al Lacon, HI., Jan. 8, by con* 
HTiii of tin nioiii1^ni,and not hy a landtord, an waa 
('rrnnroiiHly atairtl In pre-ui (kapatcbea. Tho com* 
pdUT rcnrRAtdMil Hnd unoned at Orlclly, Jao. 20, for 
wt ek. anil did Rood liudncw, wllli four of Ibe old 
nu-niNtnt. Harry T. Qllck. iiiAiiHRcr; Harry C. Cena- 
trr. In Hdvaiiru; Chan. 0. Hover, l^eflllo DonRlM and 
Mffi. II. T. (Illek, wlih the fnlktwIoR now nienilKirc: 
Olma.Ti'nny, Lci. V. Hhiiler, l^ou I., niemenla and 
wlfii. ami I'nir. Frank llrownNi band and orchcatra. 

— KMIR hL-Uiicy la wltb "Hold In Slaverr," 
pliiylnu Hio phm of Teddy, and appeartoR In dIb 
iiuw Kpcrlally. 

— Fninklo Ihuiind Jotnodltbo PkireStanlford Co. 
at Ilochceler, ra. 

— NiiirH frmn Hio Chaae-Iiitcr Theatre Co.: Wo 
hrnko tliQ niLtinl h( OAkalnosK, la., week of Jan. 20, 
fnr a roperlory ruinpany, tbe H. U. O. ilRn t>elaR out 
dvo niRhia iliiriiiR ttio week. Un»iier or the i^m- 
IHtny: <;i4udo (llilliiRwatorand HHon Ulukley. fea^ 
nn*d; Sadlo .M:ockion, lluitiv Vad Uuren, Ukofro 
KuiKiall. VXAwV. Ilniilnsnn. Oa^ar L. lllckinAn, N. W. 
Van Hyke, nniHlcnl director, and (llenn F.Obiaoand 
Will T. IfUaicr, proprtetora. At prenrnt we are play- 
ttiR Mr. (HI It OR water's now ploco. '"mom nala." 

— "ATiuin>uKhiirod"nolca: There has licen only 
ono clinnRc tn Hip caai alnce opening, Aur. 26. II. 
K. Holla L'lmud nt YouoRAtown, 0., and (leo. 0. 
Honltin.onHliorl noilce, ptajed tbe part of Willie 
Orcon wlih decided Buccoaa. Ur. Donton will re- 
iimtn In Ibe pari. All aro kappr nudalwayawel' 
(toniD tho Oi.n lliti.iAni.K. Received flfiyanaweni 
rmniliiH wrok'B"Hd." 

— l.anni WH^nn, afior a abort real at her bone la 
HI. Uiilm Mo., will irnvel aRaIn, Manlng out Feb, l, 

Variety and Minstrelsy 


WKH iHini 111 II. 0 suite or llllGola.nnil la ttiodiuiiih' 
lorul \V. K. Jiiy, H luercliniit. Aa ■ clilM atioilla- 
plKjnt nlilMly an Hii ontorulner, and her aorrlcea 
wore lu ilciiianil In ttiovlcUllyof hntinmo. She 
wna oducHKHl tn n coavoDt,Rii(t upon the comple- 
linn or lior ntiiiltcii ahe nmonil to Uhlotno, III. As 
Ritu hHil (loretn|H!il eome lll<>rMT nklll. her father 
ilualrttl lli*t Hhu Hlioiild derolo nor<toir to author- 
Hlil|i. lint Rliu pitfomil a aliige career and accepted 
till oiiiniKi'iiieni lo appear aa a ainger In New Ur- 
leahH. l.-t. Thia eiiKHBOinem, iiiado orlRlnallj ror 
ono WMt, waa Icnillieaeil loalx weeka, after which 
tluio Hiir roliimvd to Olilcatto to crcaio a leadlnr 
mio III "Uillo Tilxj.i' Ttils conpaiij remained, 
hoffovvr, litil a nhort lime upon tho road, aodtf laa 
Uoreilllh iHKamo the alar li "LarklDK," After a 
aoAwm with thiB cnmpnn; alia made her Ural trip to 
Now York, and was linniedlitelj eDmged lo plaj 
Ihe principal boj Id Onpeatielnier'a KxtraTAff.DEa 
Oinipanr. Polluwiiift thla cngagoraeDl aho i«niHlaod 
fur i\T» more nmaoari In tiuHewiaea, and waa then 
I'liuaHed to plnx tho part of Stalacta. In Kuaene 
'nnitpklna^ "hUck (^ik." Thie Hoaann aha abaD' 
diiiicd fur a wlillo the Hold of apeclaoulnr and ac- 
copieil Ihe teailliiii role In (V>nreT and Fox'a new 
coiiii'ilj, "O'Klarliy'a Vacatkin." Hlaa Hcredlth 
hart iRiv, howorer, aflain become a atar. L lAW- 
mire Wriirr liavliig put her at the head of bla new 
riiMipaii;, illjinpla, wliloh tocenllj began lla lour. 


CniaLU WjaRBK ihd ll*BotTOT» Pnra arrived 
.J Johaoaeaberg. 8. A., la Deceisbcr. Mr. Warren 
willea InlereniDglr 'foin there as rollowa: "Johan- 
neabnntlaoiwof tbewondnaof Ihe world. It ear- 

all expectation, and one cao only tnarvel at 

iho eilalenca ot auch an 'op to dale' far 
fnmi the ordlnair cent™ ot crTlllzatlon. The inoalc 
hall where wa arejslaylnR, tta Eoiplie, la modeled 
on lUe llnea of tne liroil la Loadoo, la a perfect gem 
of a tlieaire, folly equipped with excellent aceoery 
and a thoronihlr competent hand. The andlence la 
c/iamopolllan lo the Onleh. The smarteet, bilghteet 
and iiialnleal people from all OTer the world ate 
here, all looking lor monar, aod getting It The 
Ametlcanaara here In good nuBibeia, and, In fact, 
lead evei7 other nation lo tbe grand acranit)1a for 
money. LlrlDglacanparatlrely cheap, ><nt dilnking 
la rather expenalre. We nay two ahllllnga. or Bfly 
centn, for a nmall pint bottle ot aennan Uger beer, 
while all iplrlia are eold at twenty-flve cenia a 
drink. It hi a aplondld place to tie on a litae rtlilion. 
Uaririente Plah (Bahy neniion) and myaelf have 
tieen vrry ancceailul. Thuiiaands of peiiple remem- 
ber Nlai Flab from her early Tiall to thIa conalry. 
We contampMe making a ihort tonr or tbe conntiT 
after miiiiiIdi our Undoa tngageraenta. I am con- 
ndeot that Sonlh Africa to the coming ahow country 
nf the world. A D'imher of American performer* 
have done very well here. KoUyThooipaon Dolahed 
a aeaaon laat week, and relnned to London. Flora 
Hoore la at the oppoiltlon honae, and la going aplen- 
dldlywlth the andlencca. We are on tbe eve of a 
broiling hot Chrlaimaa. What with rosea blooming 
and all aorU or earir vegelablea, eapeclally green 
com. It to hard to reallzethat Ohrlatmaa lanpon na." 

NonsFaoa rat Uniss'OLrn Co.— l/)tile Dill Is 
dlllng a accoad aeaeon'a eoiiagetiient with thto corn- 
any, playlDi the Widow Oayle In the tret part. 
Jhartea Roljinaon la winning applaoae nightly aa 
tho Irlih comedian. The oho opens wllb tbe uick 
viminlai. Ueniy T. Waltea. Rla Victoria la doing 
acme daring feaia on her Hflog rings. Obarles Rob- 
inson la alnelng his original aongs. The Rica 
Brothtts. sa tie ilblnaman and Robe, on their triple 
iiam, are alwaya welcome. Harle Armstrong Erer 
eti, the aweei ainger, never falto to pleaae ibe andl. 
ence. IvtonI and Evrrett have a brand new akeich, 
and Kelalle, Ihe contortion wonder, la the talk of 
the day. A bnrleiu, Iniroducing the entire com. 

Kny, cloaca Ihe performance. The Trllhy Barefoot 
incarg, the Bloomer airls, and all tbe lateatfada 
•re Introdaced by the company. We are doing a 
good bodneaa. 

JimsiHDlnA aimATaie playing ibeKewGng. 
land circuit In their new comedy, "JolllOcatlon." 

%»yo, comic juggler, ms among the perfonnere 
who appeared at KelUi's Baeton theatre last week. 

Kow niiT the qneatlonot theBtarTheatre(ihl8 
citj) lease hsa been aettled, It la only justice to state 
thni B. F. Keith waa not at any doe In negotiation 
ror Ihe leaae of that house. In conDrmaUoo or tble 
nutement Nell Bargeaa has wiltien: "Ur. Keith 
never at any Hme made appUcailon ror the leaae of 
the star, nor have) at any tins been approached 
by any or hia reprceentatlvts on the nbject." 

Tub Barlows, Qeorge w. end Emma, are doing 
well with their new acL 

Uksksr Ann Utci atate ibat there was a mUtake 
about their appearing at Atlanta, Oa. They were 
rehearsing al wnicroaa', Fhlladelphls, Pa. 

WVLti iHnSiKPORn have canceled ibelr Western 
dates, owing loeach eutferlogfrom aevere colds, 
and have returned tothelrhomes at North Billing, 
ham, Uaaa. They will etart over the Kew Eogtond 
circuit when their health will potnill. 

Pen URKtoa, who haa appeared recently over the 
Orphouin circuit, baa Julaed the Leon k (Sreigg En- 
teniiliivrs. now touring Tsxas. Duslncas reported 
10 be good. Roster: Pele Cteigg and Esrry Leon, 
sole ovneratOharlesUuponr-, Frank Qals and F. G. 
llall.Haud Wllllamt, HonaDay, LetieUorelandand 
UuriOarland, liualnesa manager. 

Noma FROX Tnt Bio SBmnoM Co.— Harry Eaton 
and a niimtier of our company celebrated hto thirty- 
Orth liirtlidat In Troy, N. r., Jan. 30, after Ihe per 
toimDce. It was a pleasant aifalr. Thecompany, 
tiotli while and coloieil, wtre present, together wllb 
local newipaper men of Tmy and Albany. Songs, 
recilAilona and dialogues were given by the cotn- 

Fiany and reponera, alter wblch Mr. Eaton Invited 
he party to the Urge dialog hall, where all enjoyed 
a grand Innch, with wine tlowlng. Speeches were 
made by the company and reportets, wishing Ur. 
Karon Buccesa and a happy jonmej through life. 
BlllyKarrell, Air. Wealheraand our representative, 
Jack FauBt, were the committee. Uany handsome 
niesenta were nreaented to Hr. Eaton. Ueasra. 
Flaiow and Snynar and Uackley were the general 
onieitalner*. The entertainment ended by every, 
body Jolnlna In "AnM Lang Syne." 
Kddii SiitTNB iKD MiB WoBDiH, who have 

RalDcd favor duiing thtlriournr Ibe Davis circuit, 
ave been re-engaged ror a week at the World'i 
Theatre, Allegheny JPa- aod will play a relnm en- 
gagement at Tony raator'B Theatre, tiito oily, week 
or Feb. 10. 

lliiwr UcCor, black face monologue performer, 
la on the alck Hat at hIa home In Holly, Ulob. 

Ida AvsriH joined Kd. Rosh'a "While Crook" Co. 
opening at Uydo i 7«hDun's Star Theatre, Bnok- 

l*ravld«nrt«,«At the Itovldence tipera liouae, 
wMtk of Jan. w-\y J.mH A. Id "Shore Aom^" 
flaywl III Ihf ii.u.l lama bnaloMa. Tbf w»«h van th. 
iipil lo III. Uri^«l ,11 111. Mann. For «««k of Jan. 37 
"l.llll. •'hrlaniiili.r ' makM It* Brut .ptieaTanee lo tbl. 
rlly. Will, tllllfitl.. Id '*Tao Muth Johe*>a," comaa Fab. 
3 mill M*9V. 

KKlTll'n t>rBH* lluliHR. — lleary 0. HIner'a Co. Id 
"lliiiii.n lln.n.." cam* a>-Ifl^ lo Iat*. Iiualopn. ThI. 
wrpk l*0l.r K. hallai cniiiM In *'71ia NIrIiI nietk,"AnO tlia 
Nilranfo Ml,, I. Torr Urea Tlie J»l1«r*DD Co.. In 
"HhaitomiiralllHinir," Fab-1-8. 

Wk«lHlxaTKR TilHATaa.— Ttia '^.aro" t\i. cam. for 1 1«. 
luru ilalo SIMS- In a laria wMt'a liuilaeaa. Thli vevk 
FlrUD and RtiprlOan'. Hlf BfnmtlOD Co. "Tlia Lidlaa 
Club" Fob. m 

LoraHnr'aOraRA llnt'ai J. It. llairlBs<oD. la "Ruba 

Rlaeir," Rui'iurliNl bjr t.,tihnip'R Itock iSj., eama It-fi, to 
bk UiitDMUL Thil rnk Kal. Catlaa. Id 'ilaial Ilcka." 
ttrW .Mk. Kale nalla^ hi "llMlRplil.r-" 

NuTRl ~iv It rniutr. «,l Ihe '^[varCrMik" Co , wia Id 

liivii U.t «o.k Eilllb Mil, nf LoUiroti*. !>>.. U III 

Willi laiiitntn RAin Uw«ii*r, vho vai tonDarlr 

niaiiRRortil 111. \V..iniln.(«rThMtf«, VA« Id loan for a 

iiliort Mt>i< Jul. 23 JiiL npiHoh.iRiar. of lha"Z«m" 

IV. hu dnuO a coDinct wlih O. R. Rtorr, orHoiaanUta. 
Ma.a. lor two Daw Mia of acanery for bl. ranrtor for 

ii.kiMa.,111 It wiHibllia weliriir Uia of Uia 

tiniffHtliin whocuoi. In Hfciula l^kDit tnrlha eirrMa pur 
l^iKaotiiiahlDH inniM. Tor ictun Id iiilu fordiiM to aa- 
aiiiln. an.w Uw ilt.t inakaa il an piTpow In lalerfara 
ullli aoy ihPAlilcAl i^irnmiaiiw. Il tiA. t«fD ruitomar)- 
r<ir Uwy.ra altovpr Ui. cnuDIrr lo lirlDR aulu la Rboila 
lilamt. th» U« ti*r«tofiin li^ina |iArtlcutarly raiorabtt 
rortha iiroMcmtpD of a ,l*bti»r. It lailllt.ranlDo*. aa 

riiiiror Ilr. rrpttltor* pad loailf^ Jamaa Mefarrlrk. 

rnrinorljr of L«illinip*.0|i«n lloiiMi. la aiiwaellns aa pni|i- 
OTty iiiAU at itio rniTidoDca 0|«n llnua.. 

Pawiaekvt.— At tho llavtuckrt Opera Uouae 
"lliMAAnil HnM" rani* aad hail roorbuatDan* jaa. SV^ 
aiitl illit Dill alT. a T.rTSiml uin*. "A Trip to IThlDa- 
town" illil a III, banlDMi 13^. Tba cnoiranT wai a Tary 

ItiMAanil HnM" ram* aail hail roortiualDan* jaa. SV^ 

. - -iianr 

.tning ,«» Auit Inrluilwl lha oU raTorllaiL "TbaTwo 
Jnhnii" n-1l>. Tnnr Farrvll U-Fao. I. "Jolll OM nuDif 


Halt Lak» Clly.— "ijuMna," al Ihe Urand, 
lira* ramarkablj ».ll va4b of Jlo. IS. Tba curiaDl bill 
I. "Fniol Ma Not." 

I.Ycara.— 'I'ncto Tiim'Al'atila'*bail rati baalnau wtok 
iif 1.1 I'urranl: "l^ton'.Akv.." 

Halt Lake THBATaB.^^tlSr' hail bla bu.laaM IVb 
May I wlD|mii.«lb.riM>rQUrltybydnw)oaAr^ii]hoii»« 
If. RuAtDvu f.ll o4T t^ whan U Mnrnml. romlofl; "Tba 
llaraaller" O, It, Fml.rttk Waide Fob. M, Elha Blklar 
14 It I — ~ ~ ZZ. 

,Nara-XI> rallocLroiai8rlr amambtr of lha Oisad 
Rii ok Od, will Jolo Uia alack al tka IiyMuai. 


Oitvtm AMD Kii'ii.LB were at Ibe Tienlon Un 
aeun, Trenton, N. J., laat week. 

Knots O'liiiL. the acrobatic tramp, to with the 
London (lately Qlrls. 

Qisaii NxifioH, tola of the Nebioa Stotets, has just 
flnlshed a aucccflaful Ove weeks' engagement over 
the llavia ulrciilt. 

KtOBiKci Williams Is spending tbe Winter st 
ralni Hesch, Via. 

Mas- Uay B. u. rcNDiRf, known on tbe variety 
atageaa UayRd wards, Infornuustbat Hamle Ponzo, 
her niece, alxleea leani old, who was au terribly 
burned In the Weal Blxth Street flra, Olnclnnatl, OcL 
g, ISU, was discharged trom tbe Olnclnnatl Hospital 
Jan. 14. It belos her birthday, her paienta gave 
party In honor of the event. 

Tui llussiLLa, Uollle aod Louis, will be known 
herearteraa the nennoni. Tblstodone to prevent 

Staoi AMD Li Dill, borlsohtal bar petfoimera, 
have oloaed with 8andnw>s Trocadero vaudevlUes, 
andjolned Fleld.A llanano'aUmwlngCardsJan. M. 

N'oigSFROx iiowmamA YoDxa'eUiNimiBLS.— After 
a tonr ot New Mexico, Arizona and Toxaa, to good 
buslooaa, we are meeting with cooUnned sncceas In 
Uolorado and the show Is giving excellent Mtlsrao- 
lion. The company Includes; 1). L. Bowman and 
Wm. Younff, proprleton and manageis: Cbas. Uol< 
ton snd Harry Morton, In advance; Prof, Chas. 
Yutzy. musical director; Alvldc/.tnello, Ed. Stone, 
lliirt Richardson, Andy Adams, R. U. Rrummage, 0. 
K. Lamliert, Oeo. (k>lenao, Eddie Morton, Berlin 
Fulton, Lee Wonlwonh, Henry SImck, Harry Bare, 
Joe Novin, Harry LIghllool, Oeo. Slegel, Eddie Uon- 
gel, TOm Bnlih, u. J. nanls, Alex. Paueraon, Fred 
Carter and Will llailer. 

KuwiH DxMNRTU liRS fomed a partnership with 
Baldwin sml Daly. 

Kti. HowLAiio and LUUan Keene are playing over 
lha llnpklnscln;ult. 

Tus APAXS lino (Adolph and lleaBlo Ralnsrd), 
have nut dissolved pattneiablp, aa waa elated. 

JULII Haceay, who la touring the Engltoh pio- 
vlncea as Ibe alar ol William Oreet's Co., In "lie 
llrcua Buy, or Dandy Dick Wblulngton," Is receiv- 
ing very complimentary press notices tor her artistic 
conception of the stellar role, previous to this tour 
Ulas Uackai was suoccaaHI In the London music 
halbi, and la re-engaged to appear tbrre for ten 
weekt bi her phenomenal contiafio vocaltoms. 

Till FBiskNT VAvngviLLM SXASON hss been 
conimonly pmllOe In brlaglng forward new and 
startling aerial acts. The neweat feature or tbiasort 
will be aeen on the Keith circuit, opening Feb, lO, 
when Ihe Bnropean team, comprldng Lolo, Lola 
iMla and Sylvester, will make their lint American 
appeannce. Sylvealer la a man, Ihe other three 
being praity girls. The novelty IntbeaclwlUoonstol 
»r Riant awlnga, someissulla, etc., hy tour people 

TuilswiNStniu closed a two weeka' engage- 
luenl at tbe Tbeatra Oomlnue, New UtiMos, U., 
Jan. IS, and opened -S) at the Feople'a Theatre, In 
that city. 

lU K. liTRuKo haa compoaed a aong enUUed "Hv 
Uream Luva." Tbe mnalc la by II. 0. Peters. 

TUS RtlLLiTsare playlniorar the Lothropclroult 

Frani Wiixard, JeacitpUve and topical singer. 
Is wlih the original Oolbim city IJoartel, nitvufe 
wltb J. II. Mackle's "Qrlmes' Cellar l)oor." 

TuiJoBOAKS, live In number, have been among 
the leading featureaot Sandow's Ttocadeio Oo., the 
past two aeaanua. The Ludfeia, now wllb Ihto com- 
pany, ate conaldeting oUVrs ror a European tour 
neii season. The Corty liroe. have been engaged 
ror thIa combination. 

Urxoiiio anp LnsRAiNi, Ibe hnrlesqne aerial 
iioken, met with a warn Rceptloh In ratetson, N 

lltsaiRT S« trr, the cometUst ot III Uenry'e Uln- 
airela-waaagiieator Jnbn McOowan, proprietor or 
the Manalun lloDse, ClrarHeld, Pa., recently, and 
waa lendrrcil a banquet 

lURav Uraot, the Impeiaonator, who baa been 
rratinir lur tba paat two monUia on scconil ot Ulnea 
opened at tbe Oollseom Theatre, Kaoaa City, Uo, 
ror the season, Jan. 9. ^' 

'KORODT WAim 10 PiAT WriB U«"ls a new 
BoigtlialUIn tbe repertory o( a nnmber of weu 
known aingeis. Tba psbltolieis, the Tboe. M. Bow- 
er's Unalo Co., lUte tbat they have tosned a thlid 
adillon of Ibe aong, and It Ui only three 

TBI mnMONiAi BBMBFiT and baU ««iwlj«d 
Pnnk U Roea, the filing ring I»»*o™«f.»'£"''J? 
mm llalle, Brooklyn, M. Y., Mi ]2»J'»"J15- 
laided. The following perroimera apneared: Nel- 
aon and Ahacco, La Roa, Levanlon and Zarnea, Joe 
(loeti, tbiee ZoeUer Bioe., Ada ailheita, ftinneok 
SIsteiB, Lillian A. Westerly, Joe Waldton, Fted Ray- 
mond. Ed. and lino iSoeller, Kordbelm. Kamntand 
Klngsley, and Eugene Bomhacker and WUly O'Con- 
nor To a boxlnf contest 


M lnsiRla.-We opened In Uont Clair, N. J., Jan. V- 
23, to good bnalaeaa. Rofter: Olaience Powell, 
manager: Billy WUson, Elmore Thomss, Jeiiy Mills, 
Oeo. Bo«e, Wm. Nash, John Cooper John Jonoj, 
Oscar Bmltb. John Toorheea, Leon WuiUms, Will 
Barrio, Carl Logan. Clarence Ctosel, Ionise Hyer, ot 
tbe Hyer Bisters, Miss Ballwood and the Rnsaell Sto- 
tets, Ida and FSnni, snd a hand or twelve pieces. 
Everyhody well and happy. 
Oriffih ano DC Bois, Ameitcan eccentrics, are 
ilaylDg a tbite uontba' engagement st tbe Theatre 
b>yal,UedB,Eag. They appear In Kew York bi 

JBBBY D. Dasbinoton, geneial performer and 
dancer, who has beea dangerously 111 for the laat 
neven weeks In Danville, 111., Is recovering. 

SOBABFiB AND HONnB havo dusolvea partner- 
Bhlp. UbsHonUe will work alone tor the pteeent 

WBifB AMD Wblcb are booked to play a lelom 
en^gatsent at the Empire Theatre, Fort Wayne, 

ADDiB HooBB, a member ot the TwenUeUi Oen- 
tniy Ualda, met wltb a severe acoldent In Dayton, 
O.on Jan. 23, by foiling tbtoogh a trap. 

llBNRV Fhbt, the Ametlcan Tramp, has lust oloaed 
a Ove weeks' engagement over the Uopklne' clronli 
and Is booked for a retom engsgement In Usroh. 

Waubs ard Rammlfh have ealled for England 
to flU so eight months' engsgement 

Tsb Sr. Fiux Hbiirs, will E. Onlbsne snd W. 
R. Wetton are doing a novel tour act, enllUed "The 
Dark snd Bright Side of Mre." They made their 
Oist appearance as a four st lbs Olymplo Tbestie, 
Chicago, 111., week or Jan. zi-2t. 

KirnB Qilxorb, or the Veiaaaie Trio, to alnglng 
'Sweet TUIe Taylor," at Ibe Olympic Ttealie. Ohl- 
csgo, tbU week, snd It goes u weu there as It does 
wllb (lettmde UansOeld, at Proctor's, where It Is 
among ibe ravorltes. Tbe Blsnd Sisters were the 
lliattosligUilssonglnNew York. 

ROBTBRor Plonell 1 Pleklna' Jolly Oomed tans: HiB. 
Dr. Plnnell, treasurer; Oeo. W. Plcklns, manager; 
Urs.MaiT Hnabner,pUntot;l(anlello,contanloout; 
the ElUa nmliy, tnpese: Don Plnnell, eonbreue; 
Oda EOla, the child wonder; Master Bert Ellto, wire 
walker and Ploklns and Plnnell, sketch; and the 
Hllchles. We are toiirtng IlUnnls lo large buslneiB. 
Open at Hoopeston Opera House tbto week, wllb 
Ambls.Igd., to follow. Oeo.PlckenstecelvedeleTen 
Hundred dollan from tbe Plcklns eaute. Every- 
body happy wltb Ibis compsny. 

ToB lUADOW Bboob (IDABTBT has jolued Rush's 

While Crook" Oo., and to composed ot the follow, 
log: A. R Brown, 1>. L. Fnzler, B. Doezler snd 8. 
O, Baker. 

RoBi Oblistb, dancer, to veiy Ul tor the past 
elgbi weeks wllb a serious sttsck ol congeaUon ot 
the lanosand bronchltto. 

TBBAXDBBaoHS. Al. snd Usmle, have been plar 
Ing In Oilcsgo the past ave weeks. Tbey are on 
their WBT to the PaclHc coast, and will play the 
Keith and Hopkins circuits on their relnm Eaat 

Niii McNbil and Ante Blsckaller are a sncceas 
In their spectolty, "A Copper snd a Tramp." 

Howabo Pdwbbs, Chas. Udell, Ed. Herr and Oeo. 
Derr, conprtalog tbe Elecino Qoartet, after their 
drat performance were engaged with Rice Ic Bar 
ton'a Comedians tor tbe remaliider ot Ibe season. 

WILL HcRabib cloeedwlth"ABtiilgbt11p"Co. 
Jan. 11 and will hereafter work wllb tbe UnuyB, 
John snd Florence. 

Uarry B. Bbbson, blsok face comedian, has been 
compelled to csncel sll engsgemenls for the Win- 
ter. owing to serious pulmonary tronble. 

Evblyh BRnTDN, baritone, has signed contracts 
10 sing Will Rosaltet'a "bits" exolualvely. 

JOBH T. Uanbon, Yankee comedian, to wllb Hanr 
Uorrta' Twentieth Ceolaiy Ualdl Oo. 

Hay Oamfibll opened at the Oapltol Sqnara 
Theatre, Detroit HICD., Jan. 21, 

Tna Qio. M. Ellwimd Concbbt and Notbiat Go. 
ate playing Northwestern Keniaol7, and report 
uming them away nightly with Hany Dawson, 
banjotot and comedian; rbll W. Simon, concert 

ffiltaItot: Prof. Oagnler, juggler and balancer, and 
. and Hie. Oeo. a. Ellwood. Ura. EUwood joined 
the part! Jan. is, alter a pleasant visit to ber 

Rita DURAXD made an excellent Impression at 
the Avenue Theaue,Pliiabnrg, Pa., lut week, In ber 
new change act She to now on the Davis clrcnlt 
The Ptltshorgpapenapeak ol her In tbe most compll' 
DientarT terms. 

Tbb IIOtbis, Aroble and Rose, scored well al 
the Ijcaam, Chicago, Ul., last week. Tbey are at 
the ImpeiUl Unalo Ball, tbatel^, this week. 

"On, PooBBRiDaBr,"anewItisbsong,iiowbebis 
sung hr Uzzle B. Raymond, to tbe totest \a Oak 
Hue. J. 0. Qroene k Oo., Oinolnnad, are the ptita- 
Usban nsd Ihey slala that lbs song to Uklng wslL 
AU Qrakt and Roaalle, sorobatlosonbtetie, have 
arranged to go lo the Pacllo coast In AprU. Rosalie 
wdlopenatKoatert Blal'a, New York, In a tew 

Asotabdla liiDOB. No. aM, B. P. 0. B., held Ibelr 
Oiet annnal mlnaiiel entertainment In tbat toim 
Jan. st, and Ibe aOalr, it la said, was an enUie sno- 

RtOBiRD PrrsoT bos relumed to England and Is 
touring wltb Uoos A Tboroton's Co. ihroughooi the 

Wh. F. Obat, Iste Redmond and Oiaj, and Dan 
Itydell, after oeveral years' separation, are partnen 

iBOOBn OOHSB, or Barn WlUlams' Co., Is slnglDg 
"She's flood Enough For He," with which song she 
doses bar turn with much elect Emma Weston, 
who Is at tba Orpbena Huslo Hall, Chicago, III., Is 
atoo making a point wllb it, and Walter 7. Talbot, 
fnoTihas Ibe song In his lepertoiyssa teUlng nnm- 

AN iFFDBr In being made to obange Ibe dale ot 
the reunion and Oiand Lodge meeting ol tbe B. P. o. 
BIka. announced to occur In Mnolnnatl, 0., Jnly 
1. This to Uie dale ot Ihe Demociallo conven- 
Uon In Chicago, and as there are many Elks 
tbroogouibeconntijwhoare deslrons ot suend- 
lag that convention, the Orand Tmsteee wUl be le- 
queated lo make tbe change. 
Moiui TBOMrsoH tnlshed a two monUs' en- 

Bgeneht In Johannesburg, 8. A., and relnmed to 
ndon. Eng., Jan. e. 

L. A. Barnsb, aong and dance performer, to spend- 
ing Uie Klnler In Ue Soto, Uo. 

BPDiBSBAHMasYand Uany Held, tote ot Klein 
snd Held, bare fomed a paruerablp. 

Ella Udnbab Is not wlUi the ' 
AuuUon" Co. 

"Jar CiBocs" NOTD.— Sbonnan and Horlaey's 
Comedians, Ui "A Jay drens," under Ibe soto dl- 
reoUon of Jss. c. Davis, Uiolades: Dan Bheraun 
and Uorisev, Ooncblia, HInes and RemlngloD, 
Seaman and Borfc, Bnihers Leo, "Onr," Add Ry- 
insn and Burger, the Anncolleuee, Una and Ooed- 


PialUdelphlai-Tberewasagood average ii 
laBdaaaa at oor Uiaitrea lait waak. For the nnioi 
weak tba laadloi aoralllaa an Olaa NelbaiHi,. ii a' 
Braad.aodBobanBlltlaid.atthaWiiDDl Saraialorlv! 
popalar allracUon. bold o'tr, aod iDUraaUoi d^. 
lUiHaanDiadaatlhealDetlhaalTaa. "'"""°« P'n'iw 

■ SI, anil •HjiriaBota" al Iba nailae. pVb i S 
r, LoiiDli, FlanlDg, Oogoj, Oe Backer. M.hVctS 
Id. An ordiaaual connrt. at wblch RiSJi 



LoiralL ._, _ 

makoahUlaalappaaiuieelblaaaaaAD, la RtTaD'n"'i?» 
weak -WUllaolin waa rmaud Blad nSuHu, i ik 
narkad plaaaare by a roc7 aliad aDdlvica u l? . Zli 
darltilljr aooolji and arao penonaaacs. Emma ItorSv 
apaaarad Id "U Tnrlaia'^ o,aad niiil^!.^'^; 
put 10 baaDUfallF that tba bouaa rnaT at V?, 
iDoia.lhanoDa oeoiilon. "lha Jawia." had aD«i«i 
laat totanretaUoa S. Thsopaia raaaca u dimaln^L 
adoaa. fbelaatpoiforiDanea U Fab. is.aiv.r whlthuS 
compaay tcoa. on a tonr. opaDlDR at Fltubora Ir 
liarelloB a. far Waal aa lIlDaeapoll.. WhI "ilS bliSJ 
or,lbUauampl at patiDaaeal aiaad opai* lo PhiUjil 
phia baa ravaalad tba raidb aloweaaa nr poni^r 
pnclAllon whldi appeaiPd Id Naw York .ad oihrrciiX 
yet II baa ba«a an arllallo Mceaaa. Director lllnK.h!' 
talldu balDB a thorouKh arUat la an lidVr.Kfi 
•ofkar aad not aailly dbicoanied, aod iha Dro>MrI^„, 
Date Baaaoo are raaaoDably bright Itmay baauied t«.l 
Uvaly thai Iba naiaatoia are mora thaa —UttS Vnk 
thaattlabereana Nait weak, "LobaonlD." wiu vJ,. 
Ba'sna; "Uala," "RoaUcana" and 'Palllacel' fJli 
"Barber orSaTme." '^iiacei m 

BROAD erasiT TsXATaa.— Olga NaUiannIa comta fw ■ 
foitolahl'a aasanoMDL appaanait UiU weak In "Cir- 
mao ''^ Laft waaB LtUlao AaMall waa haani lo -li 
FeridMla," aod dnw Uria, raahloDable aod well neuS 
andlaaeaa. John Draw, lo*'CbrlBtophar Jr.,** ooidwK? 

CaBsntcrSrasxrOpsaA Hooss.— DeDoiaa Thnnimn 
In^naOU Uomaataad," u Id tba aecnod weak orbUon 
BaieneD then, and Mamidutlaad for a vary aucMUul 
aaaaoe. Onwdad boniaa laat weak app laadad iha finilliAi 
bat alwaya wakODeKaoaa or lha pUj. Tvana Uaiiun 
appeared at a mBtlore perfbrmaoea 91, and Mcknt ib. 
bouaaatOaaaat. Tbe oail atlncUoo la Uia Da Voir 
Unppar Opera 

CBBsndT SrastT TsBATRa.— "Trilby" ratuna lo ih. 
Maoeof III Srat PblladelphiA ixlampba, to ramalo vnib. 
ably Ibiaa waaka lonnr. "Bla BualloDey," iluriDi Ui. 
lwDiraekaoflUatavy)|daTaiTblibualDaaa,aDd nntM 
a decidedly aDiartalolog ataow. U bkadepaxtad, lo chirat 
of J. Fred ZInmannan Jr.. lo St. Loula and other cIima 
to ID dataa oriiloally hooked for 'Trilby." The naai at 
motion la Bdwaider EoRllab Co. lo "Tba Shop alil " 

WAU<IIT8TaBlTTsaATaa.-RabertUllllaiil. Id ''Lm- 
«i;ooi»,"piaeed«l by iba oartaln taliar, 'Tba llium 
dirt" already ooe or tha aaaioD'a fraata.! nccoMai. ra- 
tomarorarortnlaht's anaammanl. Laat waab tbe tah 
teaDoa, "Tbrllby,^' did a good hoaloeia, aod proTid i 
FeC U.*" ' eDUrtslninaDt "tbe Nonharh Llghu- 

Fask Thratrb — Rolaod Bead, lo 'lha Polltlclu" 
comei for Iba aecoDd time Ihia aaaaoa. UlapreMnt.D■ 

ffiaalaDtbalaB llrallad lo ooa weak. Laat weak "Trlaiy" 
wUia Daoal clovded houaaaaDd haa aaaln motod 
downtowD. Kailw(ak,"rb.WarorWaaltli?' 

ADOITORIVS.— Byda'a nonKdlaoa, wllb Halaaa Hoiv 
aObnl tbiawaik'a eDlartalnmaat at Haoaaar olbtMn*. 
poanlar hoaaa. r^rowdad botUMaiid f^uaotDaa nrm* 
B. B- 0. alsn Bathed tba eDaagamaDt of Waber t riM* 
OwD 00. Tfit weak. The daal^act on lha prognnmiL 
Mariaiu A BaUonfi Tcaload Ooekauwa waa iSa son 
woodarlDl eiblbllon or trained blidj avar aeaa bwa. 
Kelt week, Raaaell Broa* Goraadlana 

MATtoXALTiBATRa.— Waixl aad Tobea In "A Bud Oa 
tha Baok," la Uia current acuactioD. Jamaa J r^rhali. 
h> '1ba Maval Cadal," for tha liat time Id Uila city, 
aackad tba bouaa al rreiT perfiMnianca. Kail wm(. 
■•Hnman Hsana." 

Orard OraaA nooBB.-'1be Spanow" la now lail« 
fonrtb aod lait weak nf |ta mo bora, after which It win « 
OD tba nad for a alioftaeaaoD. appearing Id Iwoorlkraa 
or tba principal oillea. Tba auaodaoca laat weak wu 

OiaiRD Avaacrs THBATns-"Tha Oraat ODknowi"li 
Maaaiar UoUand'a prodnoUoo for the ODrraai vtak. 
Laat weak "Hy Brotber'aSUlar" agaidad aa opportoDllr 
to Hamle aUny, which abe loipnTad to Uia>av 
lafaeuoDol IbalargvaadleDca praaaot. MaDtlee I>ucy. 
JobD HeAnlla. BUial MoUiaoa and Alice Bbepbaid lan 
vary BDocaaaftil la thatr oana Nait weak, tbe pUy li 
"Ibe Jilt," Id wblcb Mia. Dloo Boaclcaall ia lo appear. 

FourADOB'sTBaArRa.-"AUlhaCoorona oriloBa." 
f P'Kii,!'', S • SrepaoRh Slock, la ibla weak', altiac 
UoB. "Called Back" prov«l a great auccaaa laal wMk, 
and laiadthaeaiiaeltyortbatbaalieonmaDy cccaalooL 
ItwaknioiiiiladlDtbauaDalllbanilmaDDar.aDd Oaorsa 
Laaiach, Vaitha Poid. Jaada BcDBleUa aod oUien of 
Uia compaoy ae<|Dllted tbemaelTaa la ibelr eaaal abla 
DiADBar. QaorvaijaAmckapeeaiaD 
actor or Fada, la **01lvarTwlat" 

tbe "Tbe Devil's 

ricka, and Uis aU around jumpers. Brown and 
iratson. Tbe show cooelndes irlUi the farce, by 
Flank Uamont, "A Jay Olrcns," with scenenand 
circus eilbots. 

TUB fTuMOHis, Cbas. and Lottie, In their new 
stetoh, "The East Bide Couple," report tbat Umt 
have taken irell ibU season, snd bars proved one 
ui,the features wlin tbe Rellly k Wood Sltow. 

J. U. UBABDi haa cloeed with tbe NsabvlUeStn- 

tT^'J^S'™ I^Z. Chicago, 
UL, and ihsn sttrt BBBt 

Bbntlt and Cambron have closed Ibelr engage- 
ment Witt the Wataoo StoleiB Oo. 

Anmib Uamilton, wile ot Leon Donaldaon, ot the 
Donaldson Broe., Is lying dangeronaly Ul with ty- 
phoid ferer Ui dhlcago, Ul, and Is Ui desllute cir- 

Uurbu A Woodbcll, managers ot Hanr Uoirls' 
TwanUeU OgatniT HsIdN report a euocnalon ot 
record breaking weeks during tbe show's lint brio 
to Ibe West At Ihe Blandsrd Tbeatie, St LouIl 
Ho., they broke tbe record ot tbe bonse on Iheu 
orat week, and relnned in two weeks and In- 
cieated their prevtons receipts. 
.v^T.*"!" "ofFMAii and Caiberyn Bowe Palmer, 
the Hide ecoentno dancer, closed wlitt tbe "Bnll 
FiBbler" Oo. Jan. 2X 

Uamlbt and Jabtb will open on lbs Kelib clr- 
cnlt In Ptuadelphia, Pa., FebHo. ■'•""Dir 
JSi T""™" oneana, U., nnder 

■oaes A Ootdoh's nunagement, hss opsned sa 
a Tsnderille bouse, andihe managers write Uut 
the house hss bed a moat favoiabiebagbinlng. 

WILL U. Bramtfobo opened at KelibV^Dnlon 

SSitrJ^ii"' M, and hU act ihS 

received with much rarer. 

a oait weak In Um diar- 

PBorLX'a TBBATRa— obarlH A. Oaidoar appear* tba 
ImbAlforthawaehla'Iba PcluWIoaar" aod durioii 
tba laat half of the weak la "Falbarlaad." ThaOenntnIa 
TiiniTerelnwIllajalRlDUiaTaiiiraatacaoa. Laat weak 
"lud ol lha MIdolshI Sua" waa Uie aUraoUoa, and 
disw Tan lane and wall pUaaad aodlaocea. JaoiM J. 
(;orbalc. In "The Naval Cadal," nail week. 

8TA.IIDARO TaaATaa— Tba Stowaway" la tha down 
town altiaotion tbla week. iMt weak "Ooa ot tha 
Biavaat," with tha woodarlal Ore acaaa, aoaloaa aad dra- 
m.D.dld a good boalnaaa' and wu weu teeelvad. Nait 
week, "Hcaa aod Hon." 

EaisiRocoa Tbbatrs.— Tba Bloa Baaid Barl«>iij. 
Co. afford, iha oonwi eataflalDmaat Tha Early Bird. 
(;o.wu tbe auracUoo laat weak and proved tairlyaut- 
osnfnL Kailw.ak,McB.niyaBogllab8waUa. 

elbvbntb SrasKT Opbra noosB (lately caUad "Cara* 
evoaa* Opaia UoDae") praaanu ibia weak an all mlwual 
Uiow,entll]adDumaat<aMIaitf«U,mada op of iha wall 
booWD mambara of tha Uiaalie company. Tba aaecaMial 
barlwqna "Trilby," la relaload, and two Daw oaa.. 
"Ororar SboatlDB Dack." aad "Amarlcao Qold. ForalRn 
TlUea," are added to Uia proarampia. Baalnan lait weak 

Tea Bi^oo-Tlila U the laat weak of Lockban's CoB«ry 
Elapbaata. Kr. aod, Mn. Brdoay Draw make ih.ljgra 
appearaoce iD vaudaTUla la a comadlaua eDtliled "la 
Clovar", Tba waek'a pngiamma alao loolada. Jobo 
Hart aad Anbur u. Moralaad, BoDlb and Budd,Tlm 
Cronlo.Uia Tbiea EolahioD Biolhara, Albartoa aod Ba^ 
tnin, tba Crane Biothara, AliDhDt asd Dupoat, Um 
Wrlaht Brotbara, Maeban aod BaymoDd, Four BMdi 
Cblldren, Howard and Bfflaiaoo, MDi^byaad Hall, aod 
Banyand Baaaoo. Packed hooaaa lulwaek. Tbara. 
■«rv.d BMU are a big aucceaa. Ibay hava allnclad 
many people who olhatwlia would not coma, aad bare la- 
naaiad the reoalpla of ttiabouH. A alight locreaia b 
tbe sallary pricaa lakaa placa Ihta weak. 

TBI LTOjOM.-Tha ifaw York Sura are Maoigar 
Jannon'a olfaring for tha cairant week, laat weak labun'a 
Octonookpniad ooa of iba ..ry beat .bowa ol Uia Baa- 
BOO aad lllenlly packed Ibe bouaa at evair parfarmaaca, 
Naatwaek, tatam ol lha fonier auccaaa *^ro." 

TBI llinsra.— Tba Pla EaUagConiast, PnfaaBor Iloi. 
Jn llgbulDi cakulaur. and olbar atnacUona an lo 
tba carlo ball, wblln Uia Mld-WhiurOlreaaatroidBaa aa 

tenalDmaat at Iba Ihaatra. Buauiaaa laat weak wu big. 
.''9^9^^TbBI« la a railaty lUiow aod boilogaihlbllloD 
atlb.aiobe^....A buatc Mr Uia Aoura'Tand likw 

*LABAM» . 

Bl(mlBakaB.^l O'Brton'a OpsiB Bonos Ue 
■ Oo. ekaod a aaooeM weak Jao. a. 

dBoaaltheaaitnul SIraetOpeia Bodbs Fab.a,aadH 
Jia anaplcaa of A. II ralmsr ud Nlioa aod zlaunat. 

man Marloo MuoU Haaoo aod bar haabaod, John 

Mason, appear at tba BUpn aait week Tbar« la a 

ccacart br tha Oeiniaola Drcbaati* at Moalcal Faad Uall 

at Walter Danroaeb'a waaoo of Qannan giaoJ 

open opeaaal lha Acadamy rab.» Tbebraeitor 

Iba naaUcal Haehuica' AmoclsUoo at lha Walaul, 3U 
pramlaaalobaasiand affair. HaailyaB lha leadioiai. 
liaotloDB lo Iowa will ba rapieaantad la tha progianina 
......Ilia piolb aaoual aeimu Anarlcan Obtrily 

BaU tokuplacaat the Acadamy 28 BUao BaacbVav 

appeara lo coocan al the Academy Fab. I Oeoria R. 

AUIaoD. Uia popular lraaautarortbaWaloal,wlUhirea 

banelt 18. Mavaiat Nuh. ol Uia BUau, waot to Baa. 

loo uaaalatal Uia celabiaUoo of Uielilnbday of & F. 
Eallh, a. .. ...Tlir drat aoaoAl baU or Uw Lyceum A>» 

eluin wUl tw bald at MaaoDsrdioc UaU Fab. S Bu 

agar W. J. alhnoia la lo town agslo, atlandlng to boalaaa.. 
aod much Improrad la health 

PIlUbHvg,— Oloomy, dilaUng skies bave been 
baoBlagOTerDaduilag the whole of the patt weak aod 
BtU cpaUDa^aad loisUiar wlUi ftaiineot baavy lain ol 
rata bave had a aooiawhat dapiaaalog affect apoo bnal 
neaa . 

. AvBinjBTauvRS.--Prepr1atorDaTlabuBcoi«danolhar 
I'J!.*."!! ''if Draraatlo Btaok Company, which praaaoU 
"!'• ""'h VleloiT^riaaa Balamao u 
KMtaar B-xlai and Howard Kyle u Oaorsa Dalny. Tb. 
mclilty acuai* fbnilahed b) laaaMaoaAar, Uia dolban 
• lly IJuuut Uie FDor Laiaania, WUl U. BcaaUonI, 
Madame Flora, Maaon aod Muk, ITaler J. Talbou, and 
Malluay and Uoeola. 

!!f*!?'°^.'(t™*'-01ga,llaUD aad La Motu Saga, 
wlui uialT eiblbluoai of^ypooUim, will hold Uia «a«a 
Bna.' Mlaiuela aad BUtaoa'a "OBcla 
ToB'BCabln"Oo. did tha aiual laige bualsau of thIa 
bona, op Ul Jao. 0. 

BuooYnaATaB.— "DaikoatRauls" to thaeonaDt offei- 
tog. "Oo Uia Bowoiy " alih Slara Bradle u Ua alar, 
cloaad ao .iclllDwwealils. Havad Ihnn Uia Bw" will ra 
celve lla dtatprodnctloD bare Fab. a. 

ALtis TiaATas.— Ibe BastoDlani, la opaialle lapaitory, 
thtowaak. Tba Daaioacb Opara Co. okHad a Uirea alRhl 
!?',.'"Jl?"'°**'**^'>'aa.B. BolBmlUiBoBaelllauD' 
derilaed for aaii weak. 

Ddmbsib TnsATaB.-"Sowiog Uia Wlod" thlawaal. 
Wb, Uojay, iD-'AOIoba Troltar.^'daaadamlrUiIbl aaat 
B, tba place balDg gaaarally pnoouoced ooa of the beai 
luoeeomadiM aver uao borr. But 0. Thayar wiad 
AO ImmwiMbll u Lord Carllogford. lha aprig of RngHab 
DoblBly. Ftederick BaocioIL masldaai,aulM btalial 
appsaiaoca hue Fab S. i — 
. NowURlROOrsaA Hocaa.-"Ibe Water WealUi"'UU 
S, whan -Btiatt No. T' will follow. Edwald Hatrlfu 
aloaad anod anncaBaant Ju. a. 

Nbw woaui's HcaaoB TaBAvaa.— Prloca, tha wraatllni 
loo, a3<^ Big. Toleecl, bla nahiar, ataUiahlogpIaala 
■ha wondir liall, wblla Uie Parla Oalaly Oltla' Barlano. 
Co, IndudlDi HhiDle Barrewa. John 0. Mailan, BIIU 
MmUBua. tha Two Elda and HotloD aad Colaaiao, pre. 
aaat "Hoale Critto, Jr.," la lha tbutra. 

Baiai wiiAJAoa' aoadbrt or Mosia-^IriiaB'a acta 
rooaa wlu ba Uia aUiaclHn UU Fab. 3, wbae Wabtr i 
Flald'aOwa Oo. wlu appear. Tha Boae UIU BogUab FoUj 
Co. pUyad lo Uie eapadly of Ui* bouaa loal weak. 
..."i^JK ".b*" "iMa-Okl Hoba Uia Mgasihe. 

alUl houa Uia fort In Iba cutlohaU, whtlafoiamoaiaooai 
ihaaatartalaara la Uia thaalt* ate aita Daiaad. Arm- 
BOong and Porter, Olyoo, Fold aod Lewla, and D* Vara 
and La Clair. 

. >caicu.-Tbe Uawallaa Hatloaal Band U to play at 
Uia Caalao la Scbaolay Park aiary ananwoo aod eruUil 

tale week, aod alao glvu a aacnd eoooait at lb* Xa' 
OiudOpeia Dooaa Jao. a. Tbay wUl ba valatad by ibe 
Uawallaajllaa Ctab BUao Baiach Taw'a e " ' 

caraacHBaUJaasr, btdafalrtobeagiaataaaeaaa, , 
OSAn.-JaJM Baiby, leading Jnanlla lady, iwUnd 
fraoa gdward Oanigaa'a compaay at Plltaboiw alter tha 
it havlogbeaa uaid hooM hi the LUaaaa 
■hswuieplaead by LoalaeiltehaU 

Fbbbuaby 1. 



ifVLT. DfttnlLH* nr« b» Hpteta to rat ea two uw 

SrilSjKJ?!?!*. 00 r.b. W. H. .lU Um » look 

ti to looun 00 Abrebon L oco a ot 

JfiT CItf bJu rob. fl no Bfo ud Bor 

itMBiiKHftoboatfitot tbo AlvlQ Tbwiro aftoroooo of 
?^flLVhM tht Bo»toDUnii w\l\ Mir "Robla Hood » 
'"^'1' lolot ^Birtoo of tbo niubarc BnoilUoo 

S^fa^TtuTUfwltoooloritolhomolaoihlblUoo bolld- 

%«bSuS«M?»plo will W tbo BnftlUon B^Smt 
Iraaud bo ollo*«l tlio aw orihobtll for UiairftKi oeit 
Sl'^M .Wtlur Domroub leouirod on 'TrUiao uti 

uf^moRlo UiU ftfiornooD or Jon. O Edwkfd 

lurrini will pot In o wHk of abort ouudo bttwofo horo 
!iuiCblauio,whmbewlll omo oo Pob. 9. prodadoir, 
uSSvtT^r. HMloylnfotniriDO,"MyBonDoii."fortti» 
fnTaiDaU iho telty. ^ 

HavrlibB>ff*<*At tbt Opem IlbUM tbd Oon- 
ui«iOMnOo.ald ft nIcowoeW bsolo-M.oooihlorlni 
MrTliiel«owitwootb«r. whleb ooot IduoO for fuur doji 
mSn Uu^f ood Appoll coacol«d "A Trip to tfi* 
n^aT^kedrorJon.Suudtb* knoM «m bo dark 
Surr.bVC wS«i LVUloo BqhoU will oppw.U Tbo 

2?MN%rari'-Blff bulnoM oil w«ek. For tbo flnt 
tioe lo tbo hloior/ of tbli popnkr uDUMOwat pUco tbji 
ptopUwiioinraadowtjS. Por WMk ctTl: rbirllo 
chZmi wouoQ uid Borlo, Bouolr BcoUtoin, Lo Tloo ond 
bSS: mlylM tad Lo Roy. aib«)o ud Houbowc Fonr 
^rin BrookoboTo booo r^oDgMOd for utptbw wMk. 

Ktnm— Dob Tooog boa okMod wlih tbo aomolu 
OMro Co Tbo oow addlUooi oro: Jobn Toaon ud 
ibiilo Boono- Victor Do Lieor. boilaMO mtoocv of 
ihTooiDPoor, oudo oo oddnu KLond wu proowttd 

■lib 0 bonosomo booaaotbj bU frioodi PloraDCO 

WA^r. wbo^ Mriou lIlaoM wu rapoitod la Tbb Cur 

niiuit wetk, dot Iom bor roloo oaUroIr Prod. 

Wabor loidtrororebMtra fbr "Tbo Idtoui," woo kono 

Wobor, loidtr 
*■ , 

Beadlns.— UlODle FalnMr, Id 'TtieSotaool Olri/* 
drew 0 cood oitad boa«o at tbo Aeadimr of MdiIo Jao.II. 
"tIm nfolGftTd"dld«all& Tbo fynaoailo tatortaio- 
Dftit br tbi SoodlQir Tora Tarela atliacttd o Urio u- 
diooeos. Ibo Kockor Opam«o 27-8; "Ooo of 
Ubo BnTMt** 34 LlUloa BomUSI, "Lud oftht If IdolRbt 

^iLUD^Qnu BoUBi.— Rftchello Booord. la nportoTp. 
dMftfOM >>a*l°*** of 0. OltcbrlR'o ^inirUtaiu 
ldfU."bTR*oduB Choral Sodatr. It oadirlload forV, 
"ACWck«TXft«k''^aO-Pab. I. 

BiJOD TaiATii.— "A Trip to theOlrcai*'draw walls. 
SittlWi Buitaaqno Co. comoM wook offf. 

Altoona^At tbe Eleventh Areoae Opera Ilotue 
"LootlD Maw Tork'* dnw woll Jao. fl>. "TboPtocloir 
Moator" bod o foil bnoto 11. Ooell Bpooaor pUjod a ro* 
torn MigotaDMOt 33-29. to oieolloat btolaaoo. Ttaa duo 
rorHlooorp'aMUiiirouiwoa cboo|Odfnnnto2S. Lll* 
llu loooadr eomoa 51, "NIobo" Fab. 3, Btaarmtn oad 
Moruir 7001(8. 

Uaibt Divn* Pan lfnx»bod ftood otitodonca wf#k 
0! m TbU wook: BfToat oad Bovlllo. Iforla Rottolla, 
EdwudioodNolloon, BlU HnnU UroDoonai, Baadion 
(oilad md«r) ud Bonam'a Elbootogkal Cooanau 

Kon.— MoDOcor Edwla ToDOir hio acolo toaoo op bta 
mUwco (a AltooDO oad will moko tbia bio hoid> 

WllkMbam—- At tlie Gmad Opera Hoasa 
"Tha Pkiol Cftid" diow weUJon-UiSl. wn. Borrf. lo 
"Ttaa BUIaR aaaormlloa," poekad tbi hooMO. Hlnole 
PilDor, U "Tbo Bobool aw' bod ft falrlr Rood hooao 
li Ltlllfto RoMall, Id "Tbo Orand DocfaoM,*' comeo 30, 
"Tba Hwoaondon'* Pob. 1. 

Kceio Hail.— "Tbo Sooffiilaro." Jta. 9>-2L pliyod to 
Mr buAiotM. "Uoela Tom'ii Cobln" (JobaP. Bolih'a). 
&3i^dio«w*a "ACraekorJ^ck" coQiaorr-9. 

SaotoB.»At Ute Abbe Open House '*Tlie 8p«cu- 
laiordld *'A MidoammorNUhi'a 
Drotm" bad ft full hooaa 14. Prof. Ooutorlar'a Coacort 
dro«ft|oodboaaoIO. '*Tho Polol Oinl"bftdolvgaou- 
draaeoB. TltoLUIIonBaM«UOp«raCo.comu38,''lAod 

pjUACiTauTai AUD HoBii — TbU hoaao (a nUll drow* 
lagrrood baalooao. Tbo Ia CledoBroii.. Dara P07. Mack 
oBd O'OoT. Oogoa oad Bacoo, Cloia Bajmoad odb Ballo 
Qinoo art thia wook'a paoplo. 

Erlo.»-Al Ibe Park "Dncle Tom's Otblo" ctme 
Jia. 23, lo UfRa baalooii, **0d Me Mlaalulppl." 23, 
Flajad lo cood ottoadaaoo. 'ThoPfaw Bor'*eoiDaa28. 

J. B. QiKiaD's WovDBRLUfo TsuTka bM uijorod 
pboB^Dwajd baalDou tbo poitwoak wicb aopaclaltp eooi- 
Boar oad tlino fat blopollato lo llTlairplctQni, arraoRod 
brHiaOtrord. Alt^a CombUutloa CoowdyCo.. la tbe 
uoura, oad Hadomo OoToro ood Jobn Bauib, in mnaoo, 
aro Ibla wook'i ODgafomaata. 

SonBtoB.— At tlie Academr liJUan Rmsell 
eona* Joo. O, In "Ibo Oiaad Duchoio." Wm. Barn*, la 
Tba RIiloii Ooooratloo." Kbod a Tory luRa hoooo. 
Til PaOTBiROUM.— ProC HoraoMa, mumorlat, cooaa 
vo«kor27. "Tbo Block ChMk** woo woUrocatvod 28. 

Datu Tauraa.— Rfco oad BortoD*a Roao Ulll Fol^ Co. 
coBoa S7-9. *'A Oiackor Jock." 23-4 l>ad good booloaao. 

LBBcmater.— At FDlutn Opera House BfloDle 
Pataior. la "Tbo Bobool Qlrl" cane lo nood baalDOMJaa 
t>. Tbo "Wblio Orook"(;o. waawallrooalTotin. *Bow. 
(ok iba Wlod," bp Cbia. Ptobauo'i Ca, had lano buolaaaa. 
natloaoaad CaollBpooaarondcoDpoD]r27 
and wook. 


Clowoland.— Wltb Shakeqnarean repertor;, 
eoBodp oad opora, molodrftuft, Sonia'a Baod aod to* 
rtatp, iba noot eipUooa aookor for omaoaoiODt abould 
hoTo foood aomotblnf to ploftia bim dnriOB Iba pftfC 
waak. . 

BCOLIR ATiNOi Opira ffjou.-Jallft Mftrlow«Tob«r 
and BobartTobvr dkl food baalnaoa In aotnnjr repartotp 
w«akorJan.0. Tbo tu$\ng wao tott aitulleaod tbo 
eonpaor aatlialp aftiUbctory. Mra. Yobar Ip partieo- 
lartrboppjiD bor portmyalof '*Baoollnd." Wook of 37, 
A.M. Polniir*BCo.. Id '■Trllbr." Woakof Pob.S will bo 
dindad botweoa "Tbo roadoi Matter" aod John Htra, 
In roportoiT. 

, Ltcich TBUTai.— Bobatt UlUIanL lo "LuU— U 
Uoar^" did lialr bualooia witb approclailra aadtoocoM 
Jaa.V-tL Tbo cuitala ralaor, ■Tbo LUUaat OJrL" took 
oqullj fta wall 00 laat yaar. Mr. UlUlanl dlrldu tbo 
boaoia foooroual* with Oroot Blawait, abUo Kfolllou 
niet WM roourubl/ imod oi tbo adraotanoa. Tbo 
Whltaoy Opoca Co., la *7U>b Bor." 23-a, dM onlp (Ur 
bulaaaa aod coruiolf doaorrad batter traatDMnl Tbo 
opaimwiawoU aufod and tbo eoopaap eootalaedmcb 
w«ll known ainiton aa Jullot Cordon, Aoole O'Kaofa. 
Ritbard P. ComU and Woi. Pmott Waeb or 17. "A 
Toantloth CoDtury QIH." Week ol Peb. a, "Blabad." 

OLiriLAjrD TaiATaa.— Uolodrana bold the boardo 
waab of Jan. XO, vben '*RftTed froai tbo Sao*' wax pra- 
Motad b7 ft botcor ibaa orarofo cooipaop. Boalaaaa, la 
utoal, vu food. Wook or IT, Morriaoa'o "Pauat" 
Waok of Pab. a, "Co tbo Mlaalaalppl.'* 

miM. TauTaa.— Tbe Boaton Howard AtboHDam Co. 
PjiradiopMikod bouoaaweekoT Jan. 20, ood RaTeftdrat 
claupatftmaac*. Madello0Roaa,iboladrTonuik>aaI>t, 
«u ft coTeltr.wbUo iho LoTlaon Honcal Balaruloom, 
oad Ibe boaloR matdi batweeo Patrick MoSrido and Hftiry 
walun, weroqulUuptodftlo. Tbeotberapoclaltloilatn>< 
UQOOd *or» all jrood. TtaomaoaKomoatandtbaeonpftsp 
dooaiod ooo^hoftbe rocelpUoaTburodarononoooto 
tbe Mataralir Uomo. Week of 17. Hanr Morria* En- 
tanalotta. Wook of Peb. S, Uanr WliUaioa' Owa Oon- 

Kmc lUiL — Booaa'a Baod, vbleb haa not boon hoard 
haroforaomo ilmo,saTo tliroe dallrbtfbl concorta, Jan. 
3i,28i. TbaaudloDeoawaraUrieaao appraclailTO. 

AoiDBMT OP Moaio.— Maaacar Oaaaon hao raaion t«t 
bo eoconnaad with ibo Ont wook'o painDaga, aod wao 
able to anaaco for a nudi bauar eotonainnoot than 
Bint bo eipeotad. eanaMerioR the ibort notice. Tba 
Uvlfiie etaun, lo their aooa aod daaoa act wen the 
prime IbTorltoa. Por week or77, u ft apodal attimcDoa 
*lUbopn*oatod Borita Cun, Id Torklib daaeoa The 
*(har ipodaltlea to be offered are: HallaU aod CarrolL 
OaUafhor aod Hack, Mamie DIUoo and McBrido and 

Toiedo.^nie Damrosob Opeia Oo. pnseDlad 
J|Lobaa|rla" Jaa 23, to tbe largtot bonae ofuio aoaaon. 
TboABoncan EitraTafaoia Oo.. Id 'BlDbod," appaorad 
% B, to crowded booaao. Tbo Wb liner Opera Co., la 

Bab Bor,|< comeo >7: the ApoUo Omb (local) & PoUar 
Beliaw(jo.a»-Pab.l.blft7Cloaool a^i, Mlaafa Maddara- 

.Poorure Taairai — "BUtob of Oold" olooed thraa 
Blibtir nod baalaou Jaa. 2&. "Ibe Fiodlnl Pfttbet- 
fpoood J9. for fooralfbia, to ft Unto hoaao. ■oUle Pnl- 
■r will moot with a hoartr woloomo. la Tbo Toootletta 
CoatQi70|rl,"3t>>Peb. 1. **Paaat" oomoit-S, *Tbo Wklu 
gudroo" 6-tf, '^e Black Crook" 9-U, Bobbp Oajlor 

Aoonoaiaii TiBATaa-Crowdi aro Uimod awap al 
■Tonperronnaacoat thlapopolu'thaat»,aod Maaacor 
BQtthaabooadeddadlpaaeooSAfaltnlntfOdiclDK popa. 
lar eoooedr ftDd dmna lo oddlUoo to ihe refolar bUL 
for woM of IT: -Ia Bella Ratoo" aod 'Tbo Black Pit*," 
*>tb Klor ftod AUoD, Bart Joidan. Talfloo aad Boaola 
Soarla U Uio varielr li»t 

Nbw BaiB Tbbatu -Mllbe 0«nta Braaa aad DitIi. 
Oaaaon aad Maei, Biomft Carlcon. Tba raodaTllloaa 
UrtftloaontwUl bo followed bp the Haw ErioStoob Co. lo 
Tbo Bor BoooL" 

Daytoa^At tbe OraM Open Uooae tbe Wbli- 
aof Opera Oc lo **Bob Bar,*' como Jan.Xt to tbolaiiott 

TBia la bM fim oonaiaoi , 

BroaBrrao, Id "Blobt Bolk.*' Hi Pl^*^ ^ ■'^ 
Bo^ Bdwfttd UairlBaa, lo "OU Lareodor." ooffloaSI. 

rAia naavaa — Horrlo Broc* Bonloe Paiadoa waa 
weUoBiranbadlMl. Hour MonioMTwontlatb Cootarp 
■aMa Horod to blfr boalnoM O-S. Ttaa tfiow lo flm 
£Uh iTbe Danler" eonoa 0-S, Mro. Oon. Tob Tbnab 
■^Pio. 1. 

Botsiiar BoBBTaairas.— Tbe PapTralo'* caaio Jaa. 

g»Jg,ijwdlhoalnaaa **Alaboau'* eDD•all^*'ATboroa<b- 
A«oclAflov EAIL.-L. IrrlBf Baadp loetaraa Jaa. 17. 

Migtea Jgbyee ttafon eomo Pob. i, ladpotb Oraal 

IbAMooUtOfBanrMorYW TwasUolb Oaatoir MaMa. 

li«"'«5^JiW,SiSU'^*^ AaoMlnp 

IlBN?n2°^ 'I' "•" WWIOO ■ 

HU Once d« QmnmoQC* K«b. S. 
j.i'S'tir/^K ^1 •'»<:"o»' "Onmet' cellsr Door,' 

H, H«rM l«rilr houi«i. Coailnic; CllvCl«u«iini^M» 

S Ji f.iJir'" ".M?")' '»• "'o"" Topic«"i» Si 

eoBM24 Amailc4aEilnT.xuu.UD. K.b. t, Ous 8k " 

•f S'mJJ"''— A' ""*n« Opem nooaa "SltTM 
c"S2li ,75* " ' '"^ ^^r- Cooi-.aock 


WuhlngtoB.— ThMUlcal buelnoA wai nol 
»I»M Ihe ueno hat «Mk. >ll UiIoki coo.M.iwl, 
AUm'i Omul Open hoiue batief tna clowl br llie 
ouaaiuntat arur ooa perromuce bj Hurnr t Loh- 
nun". "A Uinlibt Tip" Co., Un eunctloo r.ll w tmi iliprt 
Dftbe llAudtnl oi t tm cUu haou Uiu Mr. Allw pn- 
remd Ui*l Ite Oranl be duk nUier Uuo impoNa oo Lie 

SATUr-a NiTlo.wl TuUTHi hid Cbarita Pcolimiii-« 

I, 'D.*''t?fl'if^." ''■» l>or. lof.rj MtbuM- 

■mer.mucb lotliediuiipoluliuenliil lieiliu>lor idmlr- 
r,5 tS' I*" v.* l>jVlnDleai.aiioo,ollbe 
SH}^. W.- '""■•II tntl CMdli. Tbe pUy 

oudeedecldedl; itnnM, imprmloo. Tbli nek, ''rha 
avnuUlem." IheBotooUBi Feb.**. 

Sua UeQe," vliidi hul lu linml.i lu U>l. clif, w.a 
■l^lil Pneaetwl Uil nek (Ua bul two diuiicM ig u,a 
?ff!l'.!! "S? ^"S"^ Drouel .eJlDi ibe piece of Jimei K . 

!1K !£■ f'*!.*'i.'!" '('i'^ Cerulue At Ibe We<leeKl>; 
lii>Uie«Ju.U,lll«VklJermede faer IIJM eeuuniica 
Sl.'S' •'»»• ".SseeUoil. In8li»'« couHdy ol 

C». eM Uie Apolki UclalU, e local loiulcal onuiia- 
UOD. Tbe comedr wu prodicej Id MtnaKer moo'« 
onial complete el)le, and KeealiDd hai iMlduiii ncalTed 
t ""ill "fi}"". >*" >>» II" Kwaer. - Al 
You Like K'' wlU benrlfrOlniu lime (o tluiedurluK 
tteloorer -lliDe.lluiau.Be." Tbli wvek .e lu.e lot 
f"?'^'''S* "Axe "Tb" Blarey • Tlie 

Diielo le bfOuaUTo Keikoraed bwk b/ QnitK. Daoc«. 
Bolaod Heed eooiae Peb Vtl. ' o 

ALUM'a yuND Oriu uoou -OwIdk io ibe caocellDa 
or A BInlKbt Tip" alter ooe Dliibl'auarroruaaee, tlil. 
^uaeaae dark la» week. Tbia ...k webavaUioiMioral 
B>«letit, a load eriMlBiloD, Id "lUaMa aud UaUlali '■ 
S'"".1sr!'?.'! l.'*™'"°« Academy willpraaeol "Jack Ui. 
aiuc Killer" 28, 9, lor Ibe aaiuHueDt or Uw cblklreo, 
aad the Damrucli WanDorlnD Upara Co.. Id "raDD- 
•B.lalrml'' and "Ule Velalar. 
lloi(.r." »>.Feb. 1. Boben UlUlanl M 

BaruTH AiuDUT or Mnia-' Dowo Id Diile"liaO, 

Erbapa, the Urxett liuoaea la Iowa lulweak, tbe mar 
tea eapecla"- - 

iDR Ihe lart 

'Tbe BalD ilakarr," am bora 

ueea aapeciallp doidk Terr large; Uu( of lUtonlar 
MiDR Ule laroTBtor UieawuioDal Uiiabouita. UvDDellr 
LP"!l"'l. BalD ilakarr," am bora Uila weak 

-Tlia Derby WiDoer" Feb. 3-tL 

MmBaoTTUau, bad Vreiu aallbert, 1), to fair bual 
aeae oDly. Tbe adraiiced pncM cbaried deurred a 
oa]orlly oroiiramuiteiueulMak.nirroDi roIor to beor 
Ibli mucb adteniacd aluacllon KII.d Beadi Yaw, Uie 
HteDomUial eopnao, caoie S ui a relr boeae. 

ToWKatloaViLaoibad UiraeaeaeloiuaTeir day laal 
veeb to accommodale Uie erowde wbkb gaUi. red to 
•kaieaod wiueu Uie ekpert rascy auUDR ol llab.1 
Darldeop. Ad arenjfe or Dearly tbrae ihotuaiid poopie 
atuodedeaeh day aod rreiiu.BlJy aelrly a ibouwod 
Ittatoraweneeeaupoo the UDBieDae loe norlaca. Tbe 
IcerelaeeleaBreateucceBa .ud lalerreraaCBoildenulr 
•lUi ibepalrDDaseor our re^iilar play hooaea J. f. 
Dooogboe la eoiaged rur oeit week lo meet all eoinera, 
eltaraooD aod areDlDjr, lor ooe, two or tbrM Dilha. LrciDii TiiBATRi bad Uoe HlU'a ^aw Yoik 
Diara a meal eicelleot orcaoliatloD, bat week lo Ural 
nie buelDeae. TliU weea luia.ll Brothun Comedlaaa, 
iDdudlBg May Howard. The VaederllleClub Feb. l-B 

Norav.— Wffl. BalkHir,Uie traaiurerolXerDan'aLyceuoi 
neatfa, waa cooipeUeil lo baabeeoirroai blapoaiot duly 
alllaatweek by reaaoBor an allack or (a prlppc Uaia 
geltiag beller, aad will probably be able to reauise In the 

oooree 01 aoolher week. Aiay Buaby, ol 'Hie Fatal 

Card" Co., who bae beea III ror Uie put lortalgbl, le auRI 
eleDlly reeofeted to uke her place b Uie oat 37. lo 
BroOBlya. TiDale Shauaoo, wbu baa ro cleruly dllad 
Hlia kuiby'a role, rejoleed the Clara Uoiria Co. 

oD tbe aauie dale KaUiiro Bklder aod Qaa 

Oooki or FIioB'a "Moie. BaaaUoBe" Co., wen aodally 
lloulzed Lmi week by ibe boo Uie coailogeot or 

the Capitol Clly Jaaiu Kearaer. the ala«e 

manaRer or FrohnaD'a *Ttie K.lal Caid" Co., 
le ceoianiplallDg Ihe purcbaaa ur a boiue alCliery Cbate, 

Md., HaehUlglOD'echeleeal euburb Tbe urataRa le- 

eelpu or the Ice Palace baTo been more Uiaa three ibou. 
Band dollar, a week orer and abore expeaeee tor the reer 
weeke It hae been npeo, aad Ue pairouaRe bae increaaed 
aeeb week. Tbe maaaiiemeot will noc allow Uie puMle ui 
becone eartelted. bowerer. hot will cloie Juat u eooa ea 

tbe patrooage abowa eiRO. or dlulnldilDK Aoale 

Lewie wrilee Oon Tbomaat Ule, Ua, thai eha la iealiBR 
BO well that ehe le aoiloua to fet back Nonb lor a nood 
brealb or fteab, coM air . Frederick Edward McKay, 
preta agent or ■Ibe Ledy SUrey" Co., waa la lawn all 
lAet "eeV 


DcUolt.— Al tlie LTMom Oeo. W. Homo* conea 
Jan. a. lor week. Lett week "Oarkeal Ruaala" did a Ine 
bualneaa. Fred BelleD'a "rbe TwenlleUi Ceolury ulil" 
Feb. M. 

DiTiolT Orna Hol'ai.— Tbera la a large adrance ule 
lor **Bob Boy," which opeee S. aad ruoa remainder or 
Uie week. Tbe Oamroacb Opera Co., 31, 21, pa'e three 

Brrormancea, u crowded booaea. Tliooaa o, Saabicioke, 
*^be Bpeoiklor," 0-2S. played to tplendid bualau., 
ladndlog a largely alUDded Seurtay mathiee. Joba 
HaraFeb.l-«, FnnlilleyeM ..„_„ . , „, 

WniTxara OaaifD OreRi Kovei -"McCerthy'e Bla 
baia" Jd-Feb. 1. "Tbe Prodigal FaUiol" M. -TbeiCeon. 
^Clraoj^" 1)-11 packed the hooee, aa did "no Spaa or 

OAiirBBU.'a Eirial Til»AT»a.-THB week ^anaar-a 
Opera Co U Uie auracUoa. 'reok'e Bed Boy" Feb. t* 
aT Reere'e Big Bpeclallr Co. eouiialaed lood alied 
aad ieacea all laet week with oae or tba floeetibowe aeeD 
UUilabouaeUilaBaeeon. ...» 

Oarm>Lgi)lta>BTuuniB.-Tbeetocli Co., preaentDR 
"LoBt In LODdoD," lamed people away laet week, Uolna 
the Boeet baaUeaa up 10 dele. Comlof: '*Tbe OclorooD" 
M-Feb. I, ••TbeBlreelaorKawYork"** 

Wo jaiBUHO TBRiTUB anu II l!aka.-CarJo hall : B«lto, 
itroDg man: Baby Ctiamben, rat baby; Vllllama Trio, 
8wlaaVllrlnten,and Uie Alb np oaR doRa. Thoetre: 
AmerleenTriD.Colllaa Brea., Llllle Urkelle, BidlnUaa' 
eoD, Eokert aad Heck, aid Lew Blcon. 

GrBBd Raplda.— At Poiren' Opera Ilouae 
"SiDbed," Jaa. plaied to a oiowded bonae. Eoillr 
Bascker. 31, diww poorly. Palmer Coa'a "Brewalea," 31, 
IS, draw Uine crowded bonaee. eulanellloemea week 

°'l»AlfD OFRRA HOMa.---Ibe Bpaa or tire," «M3, 
pl^ed to good bualneaa, aa did tba Weabbom BUter* 

BKim-a Oraaa Uoraa -Week of r: WlUeo'e Atrial 
Ballet, Neelor aad WlUlameoB. May BuaeaU. BlUy Uart, 
Delay Weda, Fergaaon Brea. BlauraUonUr aod a'ock. 

ffAlTia Cotl, ror ee»eral,jean eoaaooled wlUi Uie 
Grand Opera Uoaae, died at hie homa la thia city O, lima 
a aeiredinbUauredorerdoeeormoipblae. 

Kmlamkaao,— At Uie Academy of Muilo tha 
Waabbum Blllere, Jan. 11, dnw a lop beary bouee. "Tbe 
LImllad Hall," Uieuab ••en hen aereral umeai wee 
RTweied by e good elied aodleoee O. Uoyi-a "A Teiea 
Buer," C, bad good buaUieea. OofniOR; Souaa'a Band 37. 

OaaXD Opaai UOCBA-Waek or "arte 8b BaeaL 
Piano Kkilal: Hanr aad LUIIaa Leoaard, Pror E. Do 
Vera, Freeie Broa, Tbiee LeounU aorobeu: Martler 
BUUra, Two FarteUoa, Parker, Rico Bree. and CapL 

■•(luw.— At tba AlUuleiDr ol Hulp "The 
Brownlea" pUyed u 8. a O. Jen. 3(9, Uie maUoH ra. 
eelpu belDR Uie Urgeai la the hlatoiy ehhe houae. -Tbe 
LImllad irell,"3>. bed ageod hoaea "IbeCoanliy CIr. 
cua"comeef7,Thoa.Q. BeabroakeS. ^ „, 

Boiowux-a Oriaa UoDB>.-Belle 8L CUlr, Louie 
Hall, Uara Waiaoa,W. B.MeLeae, Orace lUaell, and 

LaaielHH-At Balnl'a Open Boiias VlcU>r Lee't 
Taadet 111* Co., Jan. B. 31, came ui lood beilnw^at tow 
arlcee. "A Teiaa Bieer." wllb Tim Moipby, dellgbtaal a 
lui* heaee n "Tbe LlDllad Mall" oomee Bl ■■Tbe 

Oo«ntrTCIitna"30i 'Tba 8»ecolat«" Si At the Btar 

gantanelU, bypooUat, draw good hoaee ror weak ead. 

JmekaoB,— At Dlbbanl'i "BlnUd," Ju. B, 
brake ell reenide at both maUnee and ereelnR perfora- 
aaee Tim Merpby, In "A T.iaa Buer," dajlebud a lair 
boaae St. Tboa. q gabroohe eoiMa B, -lb* Umlled 
Mall" 3>, Minnie Maddera FlaU Feb. 13. 

BatU* CmkH-At Baoitillo'a Oper* Bon e 
■■Blnbttd," Jen. 31, h^ tbe Uraeat bona* or rb« ae.iioa. 
BTenbody weDptaaeed. Ibe UmlM MalL" S, cme u> 
lair bnilnma OMilog: •miaaeUl" Feb. IB-IL 


Laaet W*«h*a BwaBla. — Several loipiinaiit 
tfeiiu deiuwittd •tienlloB laal week, and ilwm 
wbo deilred lo keep op u> date were oUlgad t) 
daToia coDBldtnible Uoie to Ihetueioluf, Tbe rc' 
loni or Seimh Bemlurdt.anerlaurjeuBoC aliaencr, 
erouud tha Uvalleat InteRM.eapeclallyaaabalit. 
|sn bar aaaaon bj ptnaaUiiga pUy entlial) new lo 
ibU couDtiT. Joba Drevwu Blm (oen In Ibo gm 
Aisertcan producUon ol an emen«lblD( oomed;, 
WUllAm H. Ciana wai aeen lu a new pu;, aad a 
dormaa taree, lo tbe urlglnal toDgue, bad Its Dm 
baaitngbjan Amartcao aodlonn. TbcaTtragaor 
boalQcia waa TCIT aa(lh(atloiT, allboogb Ibo new 
comen oaoaed an unaieD dUutliuUuii of paironaga. 

Tbo cnnUnaad alliacilona tor the week cot. 

log Jan. 2» ware: Omnd opaia at tbe Hamoruu- 
FAN OrgBA IlovBii, "Tbo Ueeit or MarjUnd" al iho 
Ubraui SqviRB, "Tbe Wlcaid or Ihe Nile" al the 
OiaiNO, "Excalalor Jr." at Oltbi'Ii, "An Artlai'd 
Hodel" at tba Uroaoway, "Un. Pitndotbarj'e 
Paal" at lha (lAHBick, "Tha Benem or iho 
Doubt" at tbo Ltcii'M, "Cblnimie Faddan" at 
Iba Oardbn, "A BUck Slieap" tt llon'ii, 
Jobn nnw at PiuigR'g, "Tbe Spoiling Ducb. 
eaa" at tbo Aoadbht op Mvaic, "Tbo Slnniia 
AdTonlarea or Waa Brown" at Iho 8tind«rd. Iho 
Slock Oo. at DtLr>8, "MIcbiel and Uls Loet Anml" 
at tbe EVFiu, "Nortbam Ugbia" at Iho AKkHiciK, 
and "Tba Oount; Fair" at lha Stab, ibe Ibiee laal 

named bavlng cloaed upon Ibai data Tbe one 

week alaoda cloaing Jan. 21 were: "Tlio NIgbtUeik" 
at tbe Orand urtu IIodsb, "In Slgbt or Si. Paal'a" 
at tba PkOPLB^d, "Olrl Warned" at Binford'b, (Xga 
Neibencleai Iba lliRi,ui OrgRA ilousi, and pnni. 
loaa Jk Weat'a HInairals at the COLiiiiBi-a....Verleij 
enurtalnmant waa riiralabed at Tomt Pastoh's, 
Kostbr ft BiaL'8, Ibe Usiok Sqvihb, Proctoh's, 


tbe Oltupio and UiNBR'a Bovbet and Kiduni 

Atrhiib Peiromsnces In Herman were glren at 

Ibe iRviKO PucB and Obhiiimii, and peitonnancea 
Id llobrew at Iho Tiiai.ia, Windsor and ADLiR'ti. . . . 
Jobn Drew preacnied at Palubb'h Toiatrb, on 
Jan. !0, ror the llrat llnelnlblacountrj, "TbeSqiilre 
or IMmta," a coniedj, In rouracu, adaplod hj K. C< 
Carton from itae French or Aleianrtor Dumaa, Fllii. 

It acblaied aucceaa Cbauncej (llcoll waa leen 

In "Havoumeen" on Jan. 30, wbeu ho begun an en- 
gagement or Indellnlie dunilon at the Koiirtiintu 

Strbit Tubatrb At Ibe Irvino I'ucb TugA- 

tub tbere waa produced on Jan. 33, rorihe ant iloio 
In tbia connlrj, "Sla Wlrd Qekuraaf ( 'Bbe Ucia a 
Klaa"), a rarce, In rour acta, lij N. voii Racbalrulh 
and U. von Auderaen. Ita allgbt Riorr |8 an rollewe: 
AyoDngOennanonicer round a taandkerchler, and 
made a wager Ibat be would klaa Uio owner. Sbo 
proToa to be a mAiroii with a prell; ilaughuir, wllb 
wboin Ihe joung nun rails In lovo. lie liae nanr 
aniuaing adventures, but Anally gets tbe kins and 
aeeurcs tha daugliier'a band lo niarrlego. Tbe play 
waa thus c^sl : Bolbo r. OlauaanthAl, Bruno Qeldner: 
Adioa, Wllbelmlne Scbluler; Uolla, Anna lings; 
Hedwig, Anna von Homsnowska; F4llb v. Ulleii, 
GusU Korat; lUiscben Cbsalcr, Kmnu llaMDiann- 
Teller; Uagnus v. Yaanburg, Ha> Illia; Axel.,Omr 
Arleberg, Hubert Reoscti; Oeorg Ssndcm, llu- 
Boir Benlua; V. Stetten, Cart Sick; V. Leit 

wilt, Jullua SIrobI: Ttuike, Adoir Link 

At Iba EuriBR Trbatrb, sliemoon or Jan. 'A 
pupils or tba Rmplro Thostre llrmniAllc School gave 
tbclr drat exblblilon perfoimanee or lUu aeaaoo. 
Three now one act plsjs were preecnted, viz.: "The 
Oama ol Three," a conied; dnnia, by Alexander II. 
leildlawJr.; "TboAirakenlng,"a dnmallo Btetch, 
by UealhceSlurgea, and "A Haloy Dey," a comedy, 

by Flancbi E. Jobmno Glleu lieaob Yaw, 

lha Osliromla vocalist, vboso pheaotuenally blgb 
notes have gtveu ber soine prominence In varloue 
pattsor the couolry, gave two coocerts last week at 
OARNgoiB Husio Hall, tbe aiat or which occurred 
Jan. :!1, white tbe other wan given Briemooo or 
24, 8be was assisted b; Haximlllsu UIck, rlotln- 
tat; SIg. Campanarl, baritone, and a small orcbcs- 

Ita under the direction u( Auion Beldl At 

ABBBT'8 TBBiTBg, Sanb Berubsrdl, arur an 
abeancoor rour yean, began on Jan, id a brior en- 
gogement, loanganl of an American lour. She 
appealed In a new play, then Bean Tor the dral Ume 
In IhiB country, altbougb It bad tieen well bonalded 
when lint done at ibe Tbcatra llonalaunce, Paila, 
and when auoaeqnenlly presonled by tier at Daly's 
Theaire, London, Tbia play, which was expnasly 
written ror Mme. Bernhardt, la "17.071," a drama. In 
rour acts, written In Alexandrine vene by Armand 
Sylveatie and Eagane Uoiand, wllb muelc >i; U. 0. 
Pteme. It Is a nindoo drama, Ircallogor tha round- 
lug or Buddbtam, Ibe action occartng In India, 
•boot six hondred years berors the Cbrliilan era. 
Tbe theme had already becomo rauilllar to moel 
nsdors through Sir Edwin Arnold's "Ught or Asia," 
but Id this drama ibe psrallol Is sharply drawn be* 
tueeo Buddhism and Cbrbiilanliy, and we discover 
In PilDce SIddbsrtba, otherwUe known ss Oen. 
lama-Uuddba, a close resemblance to tba Prince 
ol tbe llonae ol David, wblle In Izeyl we 
eee Iba Uary Uagdslen ol the Dllillcsl nar- 
rillre, and lu Ihe Voghl behold John tha 
HspUaL We see the tempiailou lo the wilder- 
ness; we behold In Izeyl ibe iDcsrnsUon til evil; 
we wllnese the subjugation or tlie domlntOD of elo, 
and tbe redemption and puriacallon or the sin- 
ner through raltb. The Hiat actor the dnina shows 
tbe public siiusre at Kaplsvsstou, an ImlleD city, 
In lha northwest of the kingdom or Uudb. On tbo 
one side Is Uie palace or Izoyl, a lieautlhil Nautch 
girl, a courtesan, and on Ibe other a Hindoo temple, 
Izejl bss eotbraUed tbe soul or Ibo younn Prince 
Bcyodls, son of ibe Hsjab Suddhodeoa, but ebe Is 
Ignorant or his rank. Illamolbor, the Hani llarastil, 
baa reared blm In aeclualoo tokeep him from alDful. 
neaa, bul all In vain, lie le prudenuy uniupplled 
with money, aod has thus been led to iteal the 
golden ulpod rrom the temple or Kail and bealow II 
upon hia mlstreas. Tbis being dUcorcred In Izeyl'a 
poaaeasloD, tbe populace denounce tbe lacrtloge 
and damsDd ibat aba be put to death. The 
Pilnceaa Uarsstri, however, knowing ber son's 
compUctly In the deed, penuadea tbe people 
u> treat tbe conitessn with conieopi. Tbo sgcd 
Rajah bss atidlcsled Ibo throne In rsvorof bis belr, 
SIddhsrtha Sakya-Hunl, who now couua to tbe 
temple 10 be proclaimed Rajsb. This Prisce Is an 
ansiere, thougbirul joung man, who has no* 
reached bis tblrtletb year. Ue la Ignorant uf tea 
worid, Is nnooDlsmlosled by ain, and kno ws naught 
of love In any of Ita forms, Ua la older than Hcyn- 
dla, and la tbe aon of Haya, the prtnclpel wire or 
Ihe Rajah Snddbodsna, Tbe penpUi pay bini 
homage and beitow upon blm rich glfia or many 
sorts. As the crowds bow berore him a Yogbl, a 
ranstlcal reltglontet, approaches and tells bin or 
the sorrows and auffertnga or mankind, Tbe Prince 
llsuns with awe to this story or human misery, all 
unknown to blm berore, Ue queatlooa tbe Yogbl, 
and begs him to bestow opon hlni wisdom. Tbe 
Yogbl replies tbst ha must leam It stone, sod he 10 
Inpitases the Prince with a sense or bis morsl re- 
sponsibility tbst ha lehouncea ibe thmne, hu wealth, 
everriblng, aod goea out Into tbe mounislna to en- 
gage In plona aeek iruUi and wladomin 
aolltnde, and 10 devote bla lire tt> Uie aenlce of his 
fellow men. In tbe second act we ate his rstreat 
upon tbe u>p of the nuontaln. lie bss round wbulou 
In a revelation from on high. Tbe Prtoca BIddhariha 
Is now called Usuuma-Uoddha (tbe EillgbieDed 
Une); be Is the prophet of a new faith, and bas 
gathered abonthhBlwclvebnDblafoUoweti. Uere 
Is he templed by women of the cooit, vlio tell bUn 
than la uDgbt so sweet In Ufa ss love. Ue la, bow- 

ever, unmoved by their blandUkmenu, and Inally 
bida lham depart and keep Ibeir beauty as a divine 
Iroaauie. Izeyl baa diacoveted the rotitat ol the 
Prloi;e, and couioa In waslonneai to tempt hlui aud 
desuoy hlu. Sbo la aniarttog under tbe Inauliaot 
Ihe Princeaa Uaiaatri, and aeeka to be revongnl I7 
Ibe rain of blm whom sbeetToneously bellevca to bo 
the eon or this princess Mho has luld the Voghl 
that sbo will make ibe priiico the slave ur lave, but 
the Yogbl deflos her, llenoo she cunire b> Iho 
prince and iiaea every art for hie iiud»lng, but hU 
aaMlino ralth, the magnetism of bis eUniuonce, aud 
the ndez ol bla lllumlucil soul nut ouly urcr- 
come ber resolution, but make her a ruutrlio con- 
vert to bla cauao, and ehe loavca hlui lo gn ami be- 
stow In charily all Ibal sbo owns, lb 11 ebo inay 
render works meet for repentance ami ma; ilwell 
Ibcreafterrich aluno lu Ihofsltb which bi ni>w hem. 
Tbe Helton of Ibotblnl aotorcura lu an apaituiont 
In the palace ruruierly uwucd by Izojl, tint which 
sbo has now given to tha Priiicoss Ilantetil, that It 
may be Iranerurniod Iniu an sayltiin rnrtlie laxir. 
During tbo abeenco or lieyl, Scyiidia bas tiiiccvedcd 
lothethroue, lldawalisUer return, ami baa ilcm- 
rated her atMrlment wliti nowem and pipparvd a 
Ubie kiadad with dellcaoles. IM7I ratuma Willi 
the Yogbl, who departii In nilnlelor ti> the imht. 
Scindta comes and woiilil cniliiace bor, but aho 
repulses blm. llo will nol beltove lit Iter cunvcr- 
aloD and pleada rur her love. Bho will not ylclil, 
however, and ho trie* rurther to leninl her by giris 
or Jewelaandor ciilu. She nskH ir ebo iuay use 
his giris sctonllug to ber picaauro, ami, re- 
ceiving his aneut, aho atnihi Ihoin lo t>o diti. 
tjibiitcd 111 alms. Tbia enrages Scytnlla, and lie 
tries 10 wlu by rurco that which hes bueii ilriilcil lu 
bis iileaUtuga. She tlcei In terror rroiii tilin, vanitng 
Itlni tiideslat, biitsa hosllll piintiics her alio enntclini 
his dagger Irom hIa bell and alalia hlinlu llie tbriml. 
lie rails dead al her feel, anil ehuatilvorawllh hiimir 
at tbo conieni|ilailou ol ber deed. HmiiouDO ap- 
prnschc^ and Izojl ilnMva llie cuver rruui Iho IHlile 
and cuuccala tlio curpae. The I'rInurM llanairl i-n- 
ters, having came lu take poesusalun or tbo ca.itlu. 
Irj-jl tells hor or Ibo awrul deed, and Ibu I'lHuon 
promlacs to eblcld bor, tmt ti-lls bor sho imint take 
n-fugo lo night, liuptiig Uiiih tu riimnro her Irutu tlio 
path or Bvjndla. ThenciiiiiesnUHUetiilaiitwIiii tolbi 
Izeyl that he wbumsbo ban alatinTiiH tho lljjHh,and 
Iho horror and despair In hi:r rave, tuKcthcr witli 
ber crloi or lerrur, make cloar lo tlio prliicuea 
that It U ber aon whose dead rorm Is bidden tiy 
Uie cloth. It la Rnattlieil nslde, llio u-iith la 
clear, and, by lha cuninmuil or tbo I'rliicesH, l/.ejl 
hi ted forth lu bo lorturcil and put tu death. 
The laal aceiio Is In Iho "ould fiimt," tbo 
place of Ibo criminal ili ad, Sbo baa Ikoii cruel- 
ly Btoncil and tuitiired. Her eyca liiivu liovn ik- 
Birujeil, aod eholu left luillc, 10 liocunie riml for 
the vulturtH. Tlio jicoplo aro reviling aud iiiin-klnK 
her, bul the Yoghl cnuim to drlvo tlictii awey iiiiil 
apeak worda Hint ahall stintalu ber soul In ilttH iltirk 
hour. Mho In dylug, bul ilie Miutorhiw nut como. 
Thocouirorl, Hie Joy, lliu |>vacu ur liU proiH-iico Is, 
however, hem al last, llo cunieHaud lakoi ihit iHior 
martyr In lite arms, llu lolls her nuw huwriurciy 
alio tchiploil litui lu tlio nioiiutiiln. N'uvr that htr 
beauty Ih giinu, and all bHVO ilimn riuiii her, lio tulle 
her tliHi he loves her, nut wlili carnal iliought, lull 
tiecBUHo or the beauij or licr rogiMicnio hhiiI, 
UleaiiHcd rrum all linpuritj, Iinppy In Hiillu iil hiT 
WDUiids, ehu dies In hhi amu, and leiidoriy und 
reveronlly bo and Iho Yngbl entomb bur within 
a cave. Tito play Is niicly wrtlicn and la very liii- 
prosslvo. Tito rhytliiii or the AloxaiiilriiiuH rallH 
sootlilnKiy upon thu esr, ami tlio nKHMiUiiiy uf 
the lueuauru bi occasloiuilly rvlloved liy gmcuriil 
lyrics, Homo or which an huiin by en iiiiHeoii 
cborua, wliltu oihen aro Hpoken, Uull^ Uoriiliitrdi 
hasloainono or ber attractlveiicHsduilDg bur ali- 
Buuco. Her voico U as iiiaHtcal as over. Iter fact- 
baa not visibly aged, nor has sbo lont any of itiu 
KracelulneHS of yon. In fact, hIio haa ■ocniliigly 
gained In gnaco Ihrougti an liicruHRu In avulrdupolH, 
Which adds tu bor cuiiicllnws. Ncltliiir Iibh Hhu Inai 
any of Ibo iKiwvr tu give cxpresf-loii tu her liiiii vul- 
ous ari. Ill tlio third ai-i lUunu liad Hhu llie iip|H>r- 
tunlty todlnplay llioplonlluilu uf Iter irnRlu powrr, 
liul the dne Ireuzy uf her acting tieru euiTcrcd nut 
In coiuparbwu with lior roriiier eiriiriii. Juy, fcHr, 
anger, rciiiurbc, dceiialr, tcrrur aud pliius rcelKiia- 
tlon weio III turn displayed wlili cuDHUUiiualu an. 
but It WHS not In llila act that hor puwera wuro 
shown 10 the beHl advantaRc, rur lu thu i[ulol scoiiuh 
or the second act and or the cuiiclmlluK unu wmh 
ber genius must apparent. Nuvcr bus Hlie npjKan-iI 
hero In so uublo a play, nor has ebu over ahuivii 
BUcU eiiiulallely doltcilo and palliullo aullliK bh 
site dlaplayed 111 the Ileal scenn III llio "culil 
forest-" lirr support wan aduilralilu, llio I'riiicu 
Slddhunbaof H. Uunnont and lliu YuRlilbf U. Ikivul 
being espoclally ceiiiiueiulalile. Thu acunury wan 
HUitlclontly liandsonie loboa valiiabluauxlllnry Ui 
tbe BUCCC8H of the play, Iho auttliiK ul Ihouiicuriil 
act, ebowlog Iho iiwuuUln'a crest, iHiliig u uiaator'- 
piece ol acculu art, cxhililtliiga iienpecilvo nrely 
atlaluod. TbU ploy was rovcruully Hi:ied lliniugti- 
oul, and never has Ume. Uernliurdi given ua a play 
so worthy ur bor powera. Even llioso IguurHat or 
Ibe langnagu In which Ilia llne« were eiKiken cuiild 
nut fall lo cuioprebeud tlio aallun, hu enllghtuiiing 
were the tunos, Koturea and facial expnualuDa of 
Ume. Uornhardl aad her principal HUiipurtura. Tliu 
principal cast waa aa fiilluwa: Izeyl, Uiuu. Harah 
Bernhardt; Prince Slddtianba, 11. UaroKint; TIii! 
Yughl.U. Doral; Deiiouiierg; TlioTuk. 
kuttkl, U. Uhaiurruy; The llralinilu I'rluei, U. 
Canlelll; Ui Prlucesso lldrasirl, Uioc. ralrj; VhiiiI, 
Kmc. Uoulanger; Vim Here, Uiiie, tlreiiiluii. 

Al the KieTii Aviwus TuBiTUk, uu Jau, 31, 

Wllllaoi II. Ciano and cuinpany gnvu Ibo llrnt 
metropulllan pruduciloii at "The Uurcmur of Ken 
lucky," a comedy, In ruur aoui, liy Fnnklln FyluM. 
It wai urglnally produced Jan. le, at Aliiaugli'ii 
Lyceum Theatre, Balttuiiire, Ud, Tbo siurr dcaln 
with the lovo aud pollilcsl auililllun or Wlilbarn l,i:u, 
Uuvoniur or Kentucky, and Incldonbilly duplulH 
certain pbanea or Houtbem life. The play oiiciih lu 
a room In the capllol at Frankfurt, wLeio the (luv. 
eraor inoaacls bis omdal liualncM. A caucus ttt 
bbi parly Is about lo naiiie an Untuid Hiates Heiiatur, 
and Oovemor Lee, who le aintilUuua to go ui WaBh. 
IngUiD, Is the pupularcsndldale. KTcrylhlog pulnia 
lu Ihe gnllllcatlon of bla BUitittlun, when Hasuii 
lllx, acting aa tbe represontjiuvo of a railroad 
eyodlcale, appean and Uireatene ihu (lovernur wllb 
deleal unless ho alguaablll granting ceilain fraii- 
clilaea to the ayndlcate. Tlibi Ouvcriiur li«u rcfuHcs 
U> do, and lllx then dlctaies to tbo tiovcrniir's hoc- 
reiary, lianlel Kabrooke, an order iin Uie ayndlcate 
for |ti,00O, which he aayn will tic lioouivil If pre- 
aented with Ooveruor Lce'a algnalure aitaclicd. 
Again the Ouremor refUMS lu enleibiln bis pro- 
puaal, and ror Ilie nonce lllx aecuin In lie ihwaried 
In hIa designs. KaU-Mke, wlio bss luet with re- 
cent reveraes, keeps tbe order and clearly lultnau:* 
tiy ble Bulllui|uy Ibat be Intends u> rorge the Uover- 
nur'e name, present the order, aud, with the iiHiney 
thiia obulned, leulove his abatlered furtune and 
once more place bU daughter. Jewel, lu that eucluly 
wblcb, as a pour man's daiigbler, la denied her. 
Jewel acU aa ber faiher'a aaahilani, and the riover- 
nur, whu has fsllen In love with tier, altbuiigh hu 
dues out appear tu lie aware ur tbe fact, aids her lu 
gelUng rid «r Iwu yuuthrm aulUin. During Ihe 
tluvernor's Usll, wblcb U suppused to lie In prugreaa 
In act 3, Eabiuoke Inally succumbs to the teinpia- 
lion u> forge Uoiemor Lee's slgoaluio to I be |U,D>n 
Older. Alter several attempts on m piece or paper 
ha Ooally makes a alioaiurs which aailsOcs him, 
and be Is abont to dapUcale It on tbe order when ha 

rails back In his chair nnconsclous. lllx appean 
upon the aceiio, Bees Iho unler and Ihe (luvemur'a 
name written on pieces of paper, tniceailie name 
on Itio onlor, ami, pUuIng It In an ndilrcssed en- 
volu|io, puiH II In the hand ol tbouncniucluUH eecre- 
lary, Accoixling 10 hor rallicr'alnslniclkina Jewel 
comes rur Iho nolo, wlilcli alto la tu deliver to one 
of llioeyndlcHlo. Sho discuvcre her rsther atlcop, 
AH Hbo IhlnkH, and, seeing lha nolo In hbi 
liand, taken 11 and goes In Bcaroh of Iho 
pxiHon to whom tt la adilnwed. Bho soon 
roliiriui and given Iter rather (whu has regained con- 
HcluuHiiiwi aiiHcknge. 111.x llirii lirluga word lhat 
tluvurniir l,co lias tiroii ctiiuen Itnltcil yiateaHi«na. 
tor, ami atiBgcHlH tliHt, ns lie liaa recolvoil the 
('2i,ooo, ho Bball sign IheHjiidtmle'Hlilll, The Ikir- 
cnior Turiiard lila dciiutnil, and tk'iitos baring atgned 
llio imlor which lllx triiiniplniiily dliplays. Ks. 
briMiko I'liteiH and elates Ihai bo hns lievii rohliod, 
iliiapli'liiii iiftho rnncryaiiarlicH iiecll lo hlni,aml 
thu tlitvoniiir unlen liU nrrCHi 011 that charge. The 
acciiB^*!! Ulan adtntlH tila tntODttnii to couiinit for- 
gery, ami, allliiiiigli Ite duea mil renii'nil'cr cuniuili- 
Hug Iho dceil, cunroaroH liliinult gulliy. Innlo 
HiHino liliiKley, Hit Fx iiiuunelilior, who Ih dralrouH 
or imivtng hU rurnnimilun, HiiHpuolH lllxuf Imlh tbo 
fiirguryand Iho rnlilicr;, latiia tho itonrniir'apor- 
iiiImIuii III do a lliilu dciecilTn bmilnrkH. ami RUd- 
roud:! Ill rAstuiilng iMiih crimes uii llt.x, fliiveraor 
t,eo then dlecuvcfH ttint ho liivm Jewel, and nil euda 
wull. With tlilH light itiiaterial fur giuuiiilwork Ur, 
KylcH has wiltlrii a play whtili, tbiiligb Bulttunbat 
rHiiliy In cuiiHlrui-iluii, Ih liitoiOHlliig and pICHalng, 
liHchatai'lriK, wlileli aio In Ihu main well drawn, 
aro typically AniuricHii, and thulr Hiimmiiillngsnro 
iliuniiiRltly liHrniunliiiiH In Bonitiiiciil. fruliiilily une 
uf iliti wi'iikem ejniiH III Mr. Fyka' wurk la tlio draw, 
tiig ur lliu lOHilIng clianicirrit. (Iiivcriiur Lee, 
III euvuiHl liiiiiancci*, dtsptayn a wcaknoM of 
clmnirlur liiexvii'rtlilu In n siiito's oxcciitlvo. A 
guvrimir inliihl |aw.<iiily inli-nale the pruscnuo of a 
tiilitiylHl iifirr 11 llmat micli im Mmuii lllx iiuikcH lo 
Wtlil.iiii u-c, tint hu wiitilil liaritty |iuniitl tliiii por- 
Hon t'> dii'iiiiu In Ills unii'o im urilcr Iho fulitllliiK ur 
whb-li would la- llio aiile ur tlie guveriiur'H liunur 
nlid liitcgrtly. .Miiilliur wrakliM In Ihii play I. llio 
guilty jmtl wlilch linnlil Mriaikc, tlio giiveniui'H 
Hcuii'tHry, play, lu itin risiicry. Allhiingtt Inniircui 
ur tho iii:t ur HlRiiltig tho guviriii<r'H iiniiiu tu ilio or. 
del', lie In gulliy lu Inloiil. lie wrIloH tho (liivornur'H 
iiaiiio Hovunit iiiih'H, iiiiiii Iio iiwkes a algnitinro lu 
null libit, ami ihuu Iti^aluUrB InHlgnlnRlhuiirdenlent 
hu may nill lu huhUi liiiliale tboslgiuluru no noil, 
tliivuniiir U'ola KaliriHiku'ri lieiiiriiriitr,HHWi'i|aiilils 
oiMpliiyrr, llu hIfmi Iuvch hIa aiH-n'liiry'H iliittglilur, 
Jowol, and ail actriiicli ua llHlinaiku la mailu lo cum. 
lull, nut iiiiiy tiraiiilH hint hii liiKrale, hiii placcH hu 
liii'iriicuiitilo mignia u|i<iii ItIh ilaiighlur, and de- 
inieiH froiii hirr repuliiltiui. An iiiiJUHlaccuaHllun Is 
HininKur iliiiii guilt Iiihih-Ii iiriiau, hiiiI It would iiih* 
IcrhilryHtiungilieiiilio iilay In havu KilinMikouuitio 
liill III Hlu riuu iTtlli ch>aii timiilM, Ur, Cnilie, an 
iliivi-miir Uu, gavu a |iii-iuliig iirrluniuini-o. lit. 
■Ii-tiil, c.xi-u|itliig the m-uiiu In wlilcti tliu uitlcr 
liictiluiit uccun, llu liHH hHiIuiii givuii lieitur 
rialtiiracttiiii. Ilurr Ui-liitiaili, as IhiuU'l lluumi 
llliiRli-y, Hi'uird II illHlliicI HiiccuBM. llu giivu a 
miliiuivliiil llutv till I'r rlliiniiiirr Rcllllg, nllil culii- 
plvti'Iy riijilitrud liU Biiillrlii'O liy lilH gvitlnllly. 
Alltilo ir.N'ulll llMilli II clliuilllllg Juwul hlKliriiukO, 

iticiitliiK CV1117 miiiliviiiitiiL ur tliu nilu. Ktlwlii Ar- 
itctl, ilH Maaiiii III.X, gavu a neat mid llllhlleil |Kir- 
riiriiuiiiuu, alhl liiHiln a illaii)irci-nlilo rule iilUHisl 
|ilrn>diig. wiiiiniii IppiiK.HHfoI. Iluiirr ttiiy lllngluy, 
WHH 11 iliiiriitigli Kuiiiucky Koiiiliitmii, anil Jiiseub 
Wlii'ehii;k Jr. illil wi-ll HH Uaillnle Kuniuii, I'uruy 
Hriiuku, HH Ibiiilrl Kilinaiko, wsH iiilHcHHl, and gave a 
very iiiiHHilrtfai:inry |iL>rruiuiancu. Uailuii AIiIkiH, 
HH lleily Ittiticu, WBHiIuHiryliigiir pnileo, Thoutben 
dlil well. Tito play wiiaulabumtt-ly atagul and will 
nuduiiiilpriivoa viiliisiilo adilliloii tu Mr. Crane's 
ri'iKrtury. tliuraiillii lull: Wlllnui Iah-, (VIIIIhiii II. 
Cnitiu; liHiild Ihiiiiiollliigluy, Ilurr Uolntieili; Uhhuu 
lllx, Kilwlii Arduit; i;HritHle Kuiituii, JiMrpli Wliee. 
luck Jr.; Henry CiHy llliiglu/, U'llliain Iluaa; liiiilol 
KiiinHiku, I'crryllriMike; Monty Jiiuiai, l,iiiliiierSiiHl. 
ilanl; Juliii, R It. Tyler; Jewel Ealirimke, Annie 
U'.Nclll; liciiy Hume, Mariun Aliiuill; Muinlo Ihir. 
iiiw, Uargarti HuIiIiihuii; Am; IMrnuv, Aiiim Ibildit- 

lUili; Uni. I.01*, Katu Ihililii WIIihhi 'I1iu leiitli 

wuuk itl Hui Heaeull "f gnitiit iijHTH al llie Ukthu- 
i-iii.iTaN iii-kiu lliiitriii liii;iiii Jan. 'id, with a iicr- 
ruriihtiu'u ur "llMiiini ft Jultultc," HH iiiciiiluiiud In 
uiirliirii iNHiiu. VvriirH"l-'iilHiair' WHH ruvlvul 33,rur 
ti.u Ural lliiiu ihlHNi-rtMiii. II WHHiliUricaat; UbitniM 
Kurd, Miitc. Hivllle; Aniiif, l/ila liuotb; tllatreaH 
I'iiliu, Mile. K|i/.u; IMiiiii qiilckty, Uiiiu. .Hcalcbl; 
Fi'iilou, MIR, Ciciiiunliil; ford, .Hg. CuiiiiBiimfl; 
riHliil, tig. AitliiKlldl; Dr. t;HlUH, Hlg. Viuilil; Ihir- 
ilulpli, Hlg. lUtiHiilliil; sir Jubii FHlriiag, Vlclur 
Uiiiirul, "l^iliiriiRilii" WHH glvuii Hrii-niu«iii or 
Willi &I111U. ,Vi>nllrH, Hlle, llmiia, Juan du 
Itue/ke, KibMianl ilu IttH/.ko anil llerr Kawth- 
niHiiii In lliu cHHl. "llcflaiurclu" was iintiuiiiiced 
fur Zi, liitl, invliiK tu InillHpialHuii ur Ifiiio. 
Calvu, "FauHl" wna Hilliailliileil, cnni HH fiilliiwa: 
Unrgiiirllu, Utile. Havllle: Hlclwl, Uiiio. HcHlchI; 
Uarlltu, Mllu, lhiuvlliiulati;r; KiitiHl, U. I.ttlinrl; 
MciilitalupliolM, Kilutunl llu Ituazke; Viilulilliiu, Hlg, 
Aiicuiiu. Al Hill niaititi-Ut'jr,, .Mine. UiiliiHHpiKiHreil 
III tliu mail HTonu rniiii "I.iii'la ill tjiiunntriiiuiir," 
Hint Umu. t'alvu 111 "CHVilllcria HtlallCHlta." "It 
TniviiiurH" WHH given evening of that iIhIu, wlHi 
.Hii|ililoTniu1iniaiiii uh l.ciiii(ini anil Hlg, ItiiHHitHttu 
HH Muiirku, 

TiiK CRKTiiii. firtiii lliiUHX waa, iin lliu ovoiiliig ur 
HiiliilHy, Jan. 'iti, Hiii acclie uf a lltuliHli-r icHtlniuiilal 
lendi-reil tu RunlRl Iku lUaui, Inirliti-Mi inaitagiiriif 
iiiiH lllil'H .SdvrlilcH, by the UiwniiipuIllHii Club, a 
Hiriiiig Hiicliil iirganlzatluii of lliu uptuwu dialrlct. 
Tim HinUHutneiiliir Iho uv*-iiliig liegan wllb a piiluii* 
illd lililur airHlRlii vartulr, ri-iidertil liy iiHiiiiiii'THur 
(JUH lllira and WelHir J: FletdH' Cuiii|iaiili;H, HUg. 
iiieiitcd liyHcvcnal viiliiiiii'f-rH fnira uihur ( 
iiuuH. The iHitalc rur Hlu vauilnvllio cniurraliuiieut, 
HH well HH rur Hie dHimliig, which culillniiuil wi'll 
Into thu cHriy uiurnliitf, waa ruriiUibed by 
Itiilii. Ibirker'H l/milun 'riioairn OrcliratrH, and 
WHH an all IllilHirlant ra>:ti*r In thu uvunlng'H eu- 
Juyineni. I,uuIh lyiHabrHurirrliiiriiitifil UtuHiagu In a 
ntanniir which lulil ur ux|H-rielii;u, ami tliu uru- 
Kituiinio was irt-uvlilcd by liaty and lievure, Klla 
AiirnhauiH. Ihu Four (lanliier HiuHiurH, Uliariuite 
lUy, Tiddlewlnks ami JiiliiinlH liiixan, HInnle 
Mrbult, H'm. Ilrayand lllrdlu Conway l^iiilo Hllaiiri, 
UcOlc ami llantelH, Uw llanrllnH, lliinntn l/illle, 
the Ihi KurrtBiH, Uryant and Hmiltun, Htuart, ihe 
Hrxiun Ilniihnra, Kvaiia and S'idiH'i|,and MagniiH 
Hcliull, wllh Ida Htil'jidldly trained (I'lgH, Ah a 
gtam-.o at the Hal will slinw, lliu lilll eiigHsed a gn-at 
niiiiiiHirurcBpHlilu perruriiierH, and, wlilloll would 
iHi bard lu Inako a very cxtriulVH cliulcu ur ra- 
viiritca, Ibo gun Bplonlni ul lliliii liink 'larduer and 
the ctiivcr i:liarei;U:r wurk uf 'ndillcwlnb. and 
Juliiiiiy DugHti Ih worilijurnsincUliMiminMiidatbin. 

.Skii. Iiiikiikkh biiiI Ilia wire, uii Jan. '.^1, cunfoiaieil 
Juilgiiieiii rur I13.MH In favor ur l.iiko A. llurko and 
llaiitlllun U. Wrrd, rur tile ainuuut flue un a liuUi 
mada Jan, l(. F.XMrulloii waa laaueil lu tbo HhcrliT. 
Ur. HiirgiManil wlfu abui cunfewieil Jiiilginunl fur 
|4,(>3 111 favur uf Hie Marine Uaonracliiring Htiniily 
Co., furinaieilabi uacd aud work Uuuo uu Hie hiar 

WsLTKR JoHRH InleiidH lu alar 111 ''I'riHuiK-rand 
licrniilitr," a liurtiwiue, riiiiiided un "TTio I'riieiiier 
ur /.eiMla," iKHih by J. W, llcrliert. lanalc liy W. T. 
KramrlH. Ur. June, will upeii Uarch u, al tliu Hruad- 
WHV TliPBlre, 

Uax IIi.irhah, wIiu wna Hiniaied Jun, 'JO un the 
cliargu uf riuriiiliiir HiiiIhw by Hlluwbiguvercruwd- 
hiH III itiu gatli-ry uf Hie lleratil ji,|iiaru Tlieaire, wan 
dlacnargrd 111 Jrirrfsull Uarkirl I'ldlue Cuurt ti. 

Cui.. lliinRKr 11. iHuRiuHii.i.'H very piipular lecture 
iilMiii HiiAkrapcHro WHHeiiJuivft by a harge audience 
Hi llui lliimdway Tltl-alre un HiUMtay lilglil, Jan. 30, 
r>'l. IngcriaiH liHH iH-en a i-luae Hliidenl of liiiiliti- 
nturlAl liard, and hlHrcaililig uf |nia*agC4 fruiiiarv- 
unl ur Hbalminara'H phrH, liiyeiher Willi lit. ilu- 
uuciit cuinimnUf upiHi Uiem, ficiiuenuy eiltlted 
warm applsoie. 



rEBBtlAHY 1 

Khpiki TiiRiTE.— Dicra «m |imdare<l *l iMa 
lioDM oil Jan, 27, rnrihe linu llnia Id America, "A 
Woman'i IIciimd," • pit;, In Uirct tcir, hj Obu. 
BrookSeld md F. O. Itilllix. Ttli werk bad lu Ont 
frodacUoo It llio HbHlltHiiorr Tliciiire, I/ondon, 
Eog., on licc. 27, IWi, It iclla tbo folloirliig nor;: 
RItplicn D'AcoiM, B joiing Jewlali builncw mm 
of great wealUi, mtrilca Moa Kclib, the daugbitr 
ot Lord and l^dj lllelclilc;, wlioaa prldg U onJ; 
cqnaltd bj tbeir liniwcunlMliy. Ur. V'Acoaia la 
dtaplMd \)j tbc CDiIro Kcllh rninllj, lint be boMa a 
mortgigo upoc noino uf Itio properly, and lila 
weallb addn to bli ellillilllir oa a liusband for 
MIna, wbo, wliliout Kiro lor blm, Dccomca bla 
bride. D'AcOHta kU op a bandaome catabllab* 
taeot, and bli wire*! parciiu iinarur tbemaelra 
npoD blm. Tbua llier lire lor ncren yean, dur- 
ing wblcb time a eon la iho mill of tbo marriage, 
and a (orUier addlilon li mado to I bo hoioebold In 
tbe ptnon of Ii'Acnala'n nlaltr, l^b. TDe biiabagil 
dOTOIH hlBuelt 10 uiialDcaa, anil Uie viro waaiealier 
Une la frlvoloua poriUliH and In rccclvlDi iho a^ 
tentloni of Uapi. L'ror.ler, a Irlend ot the Kellb 
ramlly. At llio end of llie le ven yean Hia. ll'Acoila 
haaaaerloiia quarrel nlib bor alatcr In law, Leab, 
and, wllboutappeellog lo lirr boabaort for an ail- 
JaatmeDtof Iboillirerciict*, ilcnerti blai anil neca lo 
the Conllneot wlih Oapt. CYozIrr, wlib vbom aba 
Uvea for Ore inonma At iho cxplraimo or Ibat 
period abe loavea ber KiiDty partner, and for a 
year dvella In aeclualon. Csptalii Croxler dla- 
noven her retreat and naVa be to ngalD llro 
wlib blm aa bla mlaircn, iiul aho rtruaee ami 
lodulgea la inucb acoUmenial ulk almai lier bua- 
liaod and her clilld. Diirinir Iho Unpialn'a 
Tiall n'Acoala la announced, He baa procured a 
dirorce from bla erring wife. Iiiil cornea to lofomi 
ber of arTangcinoDUi bn naa mailo wherobj abe may 
atlnterrala ace ber child. He liax a alormy Inter- 
Ttew Willi OaplalQ Oraxicr, wbORln lie Inilaia Uiat 
tbe Oaplain Hball muke Moo bla wife. I'rged by 
aomewnal forcliilo Rrgumcnu, Ihia worthy inakea a 
formal propoul for Uio lady^ hand, hut Ihn honor 
la promptly ilcclloeil. 'ftiun li'Aciwia olillglagly 
forglTea NIna'a UDfalllifiilncaa, and agalo recelvea 
her aa hbi wife. Had wo )iL-eii troiitiied hr doable 
cnncemlng the proper courao for a nian of bonor lo 
puraue with rolatiuu to an adulieronn wire we 
might, In innanneu of nplrii, have accepted tbia 
play ana iliiielyhliil. Knrtimately, however, wo need 
no entlghicnmeut coucerDliiR iiila auhject, nor, If 
we dli,laatall likely ihat we wnnlil acok It In a 
commnnlly where, Ir we iKllere cooinnponity Kng- 
llali playwrlRliia, that which In callcil honor la of a 
very (|ueer eon. Un the fithrmlJo of Ibo water iher 
retain tbo old faiibtoncil way of apolllnu the word, 
bnt tboae atnart genilciDf n, Iho rUyarlRliia, would 
bare ua believe that In cvurjihlng etHo pertaining 
to tbe word a now ranblon prevHila, \Vb refuae, 
however, to licllevo thcao vllliQcrH ot Ihclr native 
band, and In aplto uf tbctr eirnria ii> pnive Iho con- 
trary wo Billl believe Hint rtickntil laa worl current 
lo (bat roftlm, ami Itiiii It U aa iniicb a term of 
acorn u of >t>re. II niircly la a term which aptly 
deacrlboaHU'ptiDii D'Airiutia, ahd lia ai)iQe«i atana 
ua upon a curloua llm of ihuuRhr, Ur. It'AcoaU, 
a genllcman of JowUli faith, la Ihrough- 
oot two acta nf uio play a model man. 
lie hi diligent In IiuhIoum, foivorit In l'>vo, goneroiia 
to a fault, H tender liubimiiil, ami h IIikI und gonUo 
fatber; In facl, be la painted aa oue of the licat of 
human kind. Wo have no rnult to liatl wltli tbU; In 
fact, our love of vquliy hicllQCrt u-i to re)nlco that 
our filendri of dinurvut fattn have rccvtved Ibia 
klodlvrecognlilim to tlictcniitlciif tiicilmon, when 
tbey nave ho uftuu ren-lrcil lur-ih ircAliiiunL Tlicy 
will meniielveaprotiRiily feel |iiu«Huru in ttila tapir 
reoogolilon of nicrli, Imt wh.ii will lie Hioiraenit- 
inenia when ilio lium vt the itio piny coniliiuea hIa 
Wlfo'aaln, tlirtiw.% ML'lf rcHport til the wloiln, huiI In- 
vllea itao acorn of all hmicrilinun, Winvievcr frail- 
Ilea of onr coiumuii liumuniiy may iiu cliHrgeil 
agalnat men of Joivlab frtitli. It U a iriiih 
mnnunienial li> itirlr rrcilii that the honor 
of their wivca ami iliitiKliirn la a lutticr 
of deep ciiiiceni to tln-nl. anil that fcml 
nine purity la a patt of ihdr ri-llKlon, homireil 
alike by men auii lyiiiiicn. 'i'aktiig thlapiayaaa 
whole, ft atrordauntertiitninoni tiiriiiigh tin comedy 
lolea, but In oihor reapccia li dull. It la aonicwbat 
antli|iiatcd In atyto. and much or lla Intvadcil aeil- 
oueuraa la rank iinuaeuM. Whilu ni^ny good coni< 
ody llnea are glvnn to tbo Kev. Couno Welluua, we 
fall l-> aee why a worldly inludvil ami lijpocrlUcal 
clergymaa ahuuld Jar tiRaliul rcllalaua aonllnient 
leea roughly iiian oue wUn falU while air Ivlng Iniln 
bla duty, llowovcr, Iho a'oflilly aort In vaaUy more 
amuBlDg,anil tlua cumiM fur aomcthiiig. In thh 
oaae It pruvtd uf iiiiiiaual value, for tlie role, ad 
mirably |iU)ril by J. K. hoiUiii. did much to 
aave iho play. 'Uio two iiuitm-l actura, the 
one between alr>. li'Ai-oata anil l,*nti, and the 
otber lu wblcb klr. l)'Aco;tia and Captain Crozler 
were tbe parilcliunia, wrrvlhureinaluliii; fealuioB 
whiob recclviHj atniiiRir marked coiumoudailon 
fruni theaudlruce, nod wtilcli will probably acciire 
for ibe play a iiiciiniirv uf aiicceM. Tlio applanae 
waaattluioaripouiuiiniiiaHnd hciiity. Tiioiictform- 
anoe waa nm aa gmtd aa wo are ncouaionied to 
lecelva at tbe banda of ihit rouipany. The haaty 
|ir«paratlona fur ihu pnhlucilon iiiuy, Imwover, lu 
great ineaauro itoi'ount fur many of the faulte. 
Viola Allen bad evlilrntly fouiiil lull lliilo lime to 
Btady hor part lH*>onil iiui iiH'iiiiirlr.lng uf lla lloea. 
Ileory Miller waa iiiuio aiiccoafiiit. and nan In good 
fonii lu tbo iiunrnl acciic, but thmuRbuui the 
real of tbo play waa like uliiMvo hope, luo 
good to lie true. \V. II. i;ri>ni|itun, lu 
ainuige KUl^r, gavo aonio atroug uhaiaclir 
lourUee to Ibo |Hiiinijal uf iho itnpeviioloua 
latnl Itloicblcy, and tlii-lo lio Wolfo and Kdgar 
Pavenport won contldctalilo orodlL May Itouaou 
ii-tuliliiutod another fif her cailr-Aturcn, aud waa 
anithiently tiuconvcnilunai In ilrw-aa aiiil ileuieanor 

10 win imich applanie. Tiio pla; la by uii muann au 
original eiriirl.a-* It licaia leaoiillihllico lu "Kron- 
mu" and to uilicr pUya, a note upon llio pro- 
gramme, nailing aitenilon lo'Tliu StraDger,*'leatl 
fvlagtoita reaeiublani:o lo that work, Tbo caat 
Hiepnea li'.icoaia. Henry Miller; Algle, Maator 
Welon; l.<iril Hlotclilrv, W. II. Croiuptoii; ibo Iter, 
lioamo I'reiloua. J. K. II iiUiu: Opt. Crozirr, Kilgar 
luvouuort; Ur. Uclli-iinio, K. \ . Ilaukua; Uarllo 
Tiiti, tleurgn Itryaot; Jaiiiua, W. J. Wiiliman; Mdy 
Hletobley, llriievluvu Ituyiuilila; Ibe lion, Nina 
Kellb, Viola Alton; AK<in>t I'rotioua, May lioiiaiin', 
Uurtlce, KIlou Hall: lauh |i'.\c<«ia, K.liJelie n'olfe, 

rKoiiVK'ri I'Ai.ara TimaTai.— Tbo uaual crawih 
attended ihia liouao Jan. where Maungor I'ruclor 
aet forth au iimtaunllj toiiiptlog •iiinHenieni bill of 
rare. KIha /.ulla HittI l-ulii, on Ibo aorlal cable, 
made Uielr nrat appcaianoe at Ihia bouae, and won 
much applauae for iholr clever peiforuianco. Julea 
l.^vy coruetilnt. waa a now miinlior on tbe pro 

finaiumo, aud waa Hrci-rtlitl a warm welcome. TbL 
I aok l*Blil (:4irtlrriMia June.*) rcapiwared and won 
full iej4»giiliioti for her rciiuirkahio alHiitng. Jobii 
W. Hanauue, In Ida a|a'cialiy, "The lluKr ot New 
York,*' made bla tlint niip-iarauco at Ibia bonae, and 
found hlni«il hiiiiuik ihh frlvuil^, wbo aUowctl thi-lr 
appivulailon of bla t-iroiia i.y iheir hcartr applauae. 
Yue I'auiaer Unit bom, iioail aud hand iMaUncera. re- 
appearod aud worn iioclitoii favnrltea. Tlie Ahbolt 
Twin aiaiera, vuoatliJa (ililnl week), wore laipular 
holdorora. and Amuka. Itmiilka and Ulilke, gypay 
trio, coiuliiiiedlodail favor, oim-iannilie bill were: 
tkMirge l.'tcki.ari ami hIa ir^iliii-d elepbaubi (iwonty- 
aeconil wool.), (he I'our Miwera, ac-ivliala (fuurtb 
waek);ljlilv l%iai,H«|HHiio ainitrr; Delay Uabi-r and 
her picaanlnulcrt, tltiriiiiile MaiiaUelil. coniudientte: 
llaliiM aud IViihigl I, In Ihoir (hmi nwui aketob 
Htinnie TTturniou, u.imet1ionou (-wt-iHiil week); ,MoU' 
Me aud Uolnw, lunil. dlalia;.MrtlH'lltuaa4)ll.voc*llat 
lhaveaux aud Aci-li^r, imiai.i^l cuiiiwtlana, aud Ibe 

11 ■wDlo^ acroiMia. 'file udy orclieaira waa coU' 

PnnriUH'a TittUTRii.— tiiiod Ihlnga In Ibe vaude- 
vllle line ar<i ulwaya bi lie weu *l ihia coay bouae, 
hut Ibe hill prci<enl<il Jan. 'JTand week cootalnodan 
unuaual uuuilter of iboiu. Ovorge Tliatober, Ibe 
uiln4trel04UuudUn. whnui uvoryinhly huuaa, hraiird 
the hill and won nua laiireti fur liln tiiuiitlaaia. 1'ne 
IKiualna. nun lt>i(ii<ril rUiwMH, maile their nral appaap 
anoe neie anil foiiuit liuiiii»aiaief.«vitr. lica Audora, 
In ubaravler i-h*iigea, aiid CUail.-a Uilatn, aliMua 
man. were alao in-ar coiitera. aud they did well. 
Mih» Kiaaetly. aclxjl«llc dauct'r, i-untllllird In favor. 
Ulie. I'lMPJlorin. ihiiiIiiiiiiuiihI. iu "A Japaneae 
Ihill," waa a pipiilar huliUivi-r: lodla UreanH. ven* 
triluqulit, MiiilliiUifd to li.ake frtruila. nuil ilwtft and 
iMuwo, niuaiiuil l-olu<<lllau^ did well, llinea and 
O'lUiliy. aiT-.liailo i-tiiiioitiana, anu found tbeui- 
Mlvealn lavor. iiiiian) un the hill wrte: Tbe \nt- 
rel'a, burir^ipm iiivriiiuaiireT>«; Mat ^'laniuui, eni- 
leaque uauciir; Klahtr ainl Maaoii, i-\ntiedy di 
Al(ii-r. i llaicli, vhiwi.; the .'^iiillh^, tilack 
rare coniwilani*: ileatiiihint atitoni. In aoiiga and 
danca-: Valiry oi>inle Mnger? UniMinaLiI 
"niua, Bb4iloiV|iinplilau; l.llllrtii llauK-r. »eili> i-oiulc 
amarr, and Aliif 11114, i-Uiit Juggler,allul whouinado 
a KiMhi bill fur puiilii*. rkVi r. 

KiuTKH A liiai. have fv«ured lioie Fuller to ap- 
pear at iiieir iiiii»lc hall In her dance piiHluoilon lit 
' rtUiinir.** Tlie euaauemiDl Ij lor four weila, oc- 
|luulug Feb. r. 

Kinu'a rmoN SgriBit TnuTH«.->ot In many 
moDlln beta bill nf ancb nlandard eicellem-c lieen 
pretenUd upon ibe local popular priced vari- 
ety aiage aa tbo one that has lieen cboicii 
tor Ihe current amutcmont of palioiia of the 
conUnuoua, acd. If tbo criiab nf people In 
altendtncednring Ibo opening day of Ibo week may 
be adjudged a crllerloo, dcvotcca of vaudeville are 
awake lo ibe Imporbincc of ilio prcaeniprogramme. 
The leading factor In ilie amunement U Ibe mualcal 
akelcb, "Crlaa Croaa," prcecnicd In ncbarmlngman 
ncr by John Uaaon and dainty Marten Manola, a 
couple wbo long ago fonnd coay i|iiarlera In 
Iho bearta of followcra of tbo legitimate, and 
who, on Ibclr Joint advent Into the vandevllle^ 
loem bound to gain ibelr accoatomed elation ot imp- 
ularlty. Their acting waa up to their former ttan- 
dardof eifecUveneaa.and ihcttelnging aent wlib ire- 
mendonaly good effect Tbe prcaeocelntbeblllof 
Iho Valdli Rlaiera, who arc amply Juaillled In lerm- 
Inglbemaclvea "ijnecna of tbe Air," will alao be 
marked aa a alroiig addlilon, and it»y gained an 
abondanco of approval for ibelraklltedcirorta An 
act new In tbo metropolla, and comniatlvely freab 
In America, la "Lea TTola Pretta Suihiax." three 
men, wbo gave* remarkably clever actnf pinto- 
mlmlc contortion, itjled "The liovll'a Kitchen." 
Tbeir appearance and acllnna warned dcndlab 
enougb to atarop tbaro aa nklllfiil delincatora, and 
lliclr act aecnred for them prompt recognition In 
the way of miicb applauae. llewHi'a iiiarlon- 
eltes, aeon pravloualy at an uptown teaort, 
were much appieclated, and Htnorlia (llau- 
clla liclla llbcco, n akllled vkillolit, en- 
tered opon her seconil week with renewed 
auccoM. Tlio Johnaon Troape, globe rollen and 
juggler?, abto eniercd upon their sacand and con- 
rladlng week. Pauline Uonke anil Hay Clinton, 
whofloadeptneaawlib a rifle la well known on ino 
variety cIrcuIlN galne<l mucb vlgomua applaaao 
Uinugh tbeIr clereracaa, and ecored ueo of ibe auc- 
ceaieaot Iho bill. Their mimical Ui-Ret waa lu ee- 
peclal demand. Ueri.lcc Nau. a youui lady wboae 
abllllyaaaawlmnierla known lotenailonally.mado 
ber deliut on iha local vandevillo aiage, and, a|. 
Ihoogb ber work In the bank waa dlillcoll and inor- 
oughiy worthy, tbo audience aecmed lo uko loo 
cloae an Intoreat In tbe nccomplUtiaient ot the 
rarloua feala ibe performed, Deglectlog to 
contribute a proporllnnato dejiree of applauae. 
Uer act la a novelty, and ebe perionued 
a long list ot dinicult Irlrkn with mucb 
e.\penneea. Kdward, l/>ubi and llerl Kizglblwn, 
forming tbo Flixglbbon Trio, were aucce»aful In 
Ibelr clever apeclaliv, and Dan UcUartby and An-y 
lloynolda were received aa ft lenda of long aiandlng. 
Tony Uakurand Mao l.evy have vastly icpioved 
tbclr already clever and dinicuU act ot piiyalcal 
eullare since laacaeen upon IhlHatage.theadiiltlon 
ot a airoug comedy element ntaklog tbelr apecbipy 
much more enlerlalnlng. Tbey acoreil a well dc- 
a«rrud aucccm. Mile. Olive. Id a Japgllog and 
baton aplnning act; llllly Uack, an ccucnlrtc moDO- 
logolat, and the KdiaoDa. clever muilcbtna, all con- 

Iiuted tbclr porllun id a capaiila manner, and 
added materially to the worib of the iKogramme. 

I'Eori.K'a TiiEtTH*.— "Down Oo the fiuvanoe 
Illver," a three act picture, aUowIng Ibe evolution 
of Ibo negro from tbe darkness of cannibalism to 
tbe rellned envlronmentaot Thompson Streot,New 
York, waa preaenled Jan. The loicnuedlato 
ainite repreoenla alavcry In Iho boiiihem Htaica, 
JtiHi prior to the enianclfu'lon. Tlie fainllar aceuea 
and Incldencca, Sonibcm paauinci. aolo alngeia 
and choruM, dancing ciintent,the tianjo, etc., fonii- 
cd a iileaalng enlertalnmeni. 1*ho cotKluillug cake 
n-alk proved to lio panli-iilarly utincilvc. Win. 
McC'latn and C'harleaA. Walker are Bttho beadot 
tbo cnui|inTiy. Unilamo Conlclla aanr well In acv- 
erid mica, ittbert lu tbo iraaiwcro Alexander C. 
lluilcr. John II. Kearney, Harry sinitieiou, Frank 
Sutlon, Slicnnan Coatea, ilcurtfo >V'eHton. Win. 
Aaber, Uaudo .singlolon. May Walker, fleo. llundy, 
Walter Aurcber, Wllllafn Stcwiirt aii<l a large uunt- 
tier of danccni and muAlclana. TUo tour H under 
tbe direction ot Ijlwurd J. StigaLI. IVUIiurM. llutea 
la liiialncHS manager, W. C Audcn^ii, ireaaiirer. 
nud Alexanilvr 0. Unllcr. ataco manager. Nc.\; 
week, "Uoiuile ik'ollaud." 

QHiKn ui-iiu lIot-aR — Primroso A WaVt H\a- 
utrelu began Ibelr week's eiigaRcmeot here on Mon- 
day nlgbl, Jnn, 37, with one of the largeel Uomlay 
night uiidlencea of thbi aeaaon lu attendance. Tbe 
coniiany, nuuicHcnlly, la about tbe muio aa lo the 
|iaat auaaoua, ami ibo ontertalnineni fumlabcd dota 
not diircr nmterlally from thai of laai aeaaon. How- 
ever. Judging by tlie liberal applaiiae which was 
graiiii d to seveial of Ibo prlnclital feiiturcaot tbe 
nmifnanime, tbo birge aiidicucu enjiijed ibeebow. 
K'OM work, "Tnillby." 

lUliY I'AsruH teudatbo follawlng: "Tlicre acema 
to bo au ciTOnooiia liiipnaalou abroad that I have 
reduced my prices doirn lo such a level that tbe 
hlttbesi price of admL-alon In my tbealie la tblrtj 
conta. 1 dealro to correct ibia otror ibrougu your 
coliinina by exjiluliilug that my ptlcoa are one 
flollar, Bovonty-Ove ccuta, tblrly cents and twenty 
conta, the biiler being the lowcat price lu the 
bonae. We have pleuty of uovouiy-ilve cents and 
onedollaraeHidtnrlho accotumodaituu uf iiur old 
patio" B, as herotorore." 

lA>snos' TiiRATHB — .Sini T. JackV Creole Com- 
p.tuy la playing a return dito tkia week, and 
lllkid the bouae cotnfonatily nl tho perfonnnncea 
on Jan. IT. The I'reolcnn Omclave, llcorgo II. Wil- 
son, luagli-lap; Wllllatna and Jnhnac^i, roniedlrtoa; 
Johnnou aud Klngauury, t>ai<JolsiH; lXiIo und Wiley, 
alngera and daocera: Irvlug Jones, cuiuedlan; 
Kliimico lllnca. ohnractcr linpeiaonator; a tncdley, 
tliigiilnnnd liavia, Senniltahlargailta lAitOroaand 
Tnu Siuiheni Mimsct" made up the Intcroailng 
piognamme. Next week, IlairrUorrta' Kntertaloen. 

Uisan'a liuwiav Tiiiaths.-Qus llili'a World of 
Novellloa la tho potent atlrarilon at Ihia house this 
week, sn I agooilly » aitdlenco vaa In attend- 
ancoou Monda.Tev.>uiiir, J.m.27. Tho perforinaiicc 

fircn liy Halyuud IXverv, Qua Hill, liunule l, )iile, 
he l-'uiir uurdncm, Uray and couwav, Kivd II. 
Lvallo alh bla lmn|M of tiatued dofp, McCalo and 
lijniela. Lew llaaklna, 'Tlio Tweniloth Century 
Uarber'*aud a wrcaillot; iitaich between Slcl.eod and 
Altierton, were all beat illy eojuyed. Ur. lllll niporu 
umfonuly excflient biiHlueai duilog his lour, last 
wi.r.KV nst-inta at II i-tot uhnviiia up particularly 
wtU. Ne.\t week, Baui Dsvere'a Oo. 

iiu^Ta ruKAraa.— --A Uteca aueep'* brgan od 
Jan. It; tbe funiih week ofllanin. It laiotooly 
draalue cn>wdcd bouiicf . but Ita impularlij aeema 
uiciinaltlmt ot tbe lutiat aucccHsfiilof ILa prode- 
ceajMiis 'ruin Ur. llujl'a pnn. 

I.vcai'a TiiiATHS.— "Tbe Henadi of lb) Doubt" 
enlcA d uu Jan. upon the fnurtti week .-r lia run. 
U aeeuia lo bo Riving aallstucilon to tho pairons of 
the hnnso, as no nieutlon has yet bciD iiado of lis 
BUccea or. 

r'lirit AvBMi'ii Tuannv— W.n. II. i^no bas 
aiiiretl a aiiccei« In "Tbo lUivom ir of Keiiliicky," 
which bn Introduced lo a tui-tfopol.t ui audience for 
tbo mat lime last week. Tho i> ij haa ivcelved 
lutiaiu but favorable conitneol, -and piitillc appre- 
. u-r.<- ur lla uirrtia haa boen a i abundantly ahuwn 
as llnis would ponulU 

,tL-AiiauvoK «it..v.— There Isanparcntly no fall- 
ing iiiTiifpuullotutoieatln "The ^llllnlng Duchess," 
which ciiuUiiticauiaitraci good Mteil audloncetto 
thin hllu^e. It iiegan Jan. -.'I lu tweiiy thlnl week. 

Kni'KTKksrit SiHsKT TUKiTHR — cbauucey Ul- 
coi', tiiiw in Ibe nccouil week of Itia engagement al 
thia liiiihe, retains "H^viuirneen*' as bla uiTcrlng. 
Itlaataicd thai It la bla lolentloii to uaboavorv 
lengihy at I) at ibla bnune. 

baUAiiwav TtiaiTaH.— "An Arilit'i Hoilel'' began 
onJan. 'J1 Ihe alxih we«ik audibelMi fnrtnlgbi of 
lualay. It baa drawn fairly gitoilbeuaea, but baa 
not beeuaaaHccowfut aaautlclpaied. Ulaa pleaa- 
liig eu'ertnliiiuent anil alioulil nave gooil nulronago 
during Ibe neutalnder ot III BUy. Tbe Uoatonlaua 
conie Krti. lu. 

(lAHUBM TiiiATUR.— "Cblniinle Failden,"uow lu 
lla third week al uibi bouw, haa iviivrn a aalla- 
factory draaing caT%l. Ita plciiirea of nirtivpoliian 
tile are auiualug, and soiue i.f lu chantcter akeicbta 
air raplially drawn. The Ikiwery mal all Ibai per 
latiia to II make an Inlereating alild j. 

llAKblCk TllliTi:! —Stuart llolaatB, In "Ml*, ron- 
deriHiry'a ISiai," Iwgan ou Jan. t? tbe fouitband 
tut wet k ot hU aiay. Tbe play haa met wiib will 
iiioriteil fnviir. Cnarice Kninuian vtll aasunie the 
luauagoraent «it tlila bouae Feb. 3, vhrli K. M. and 
Joaepu lli llaml will again praaent "A Hocui lllgb. 

I'ai.aan'a Tun \thk -John Draw entered on Jan. 
*j: ii|Hiu the fourth week and the liai fortnight of 
liU rugageinoiil. Ilia haw play, 'The S|iure of 
DlnIl>^"lu alilcb be will again lie a-teu during all 
of tht4wiek,hAaat-blevcduiH)uatll1rd auccoaand 
ahon d cir.bluly pleaae ibeenilie bu4 uf Mr. Drew'a 

A ai'bCtAi. i*KHraRUAKai of *<rbs Two M- 
culcbeuna" waa gifen at IMIy'a Ibeatte Jan. -a, 
for the lieoent ut Henry wtdiucr, Xvr many yeaia 
musical dircclurof Uusl boiiK. 

Tour l'Aimia'9 Tngaxit-Siircesfi, nminallllcd 
and Justly deserved, bai thus far walteil opon tbe 
new departare In mansgrrial policy at Ihia always 
popnbir remit, packed booata befog Ibe daily mle 
during ell oriBst week. Honday. Jan. z;, marked 
the Inlllallon of lbs accond week ot conllDoons per- 
foimancts, ud the Handing room was day and 
night completely consumed. Wblle Ibe programme 
la largely given over lo fanlllar contributions, there 
are a brace ot newcomen wbo merit recognition 
fur tbeIr work, and wbo gained a aoccas on tbe oc- 
casion of their Oral local appearsDCe. Ben. R. Ilar- 
ney, a Westerner, Inondoced a novel act conslsttDg 
of imllaUona of negro slaglng, dancing and piano 
playing, which Is ot onuaiisl excellence. Ills 
dancing Is gracefully acconpllslied, and bis sing- 
ing Is a worthy copy of tbe subjscl be nlmlca. 
I'laoo playing, lo furtberanco of bla acbcme, make* 
an excellent Onlsb lo bis set, wblcb mertia local fa- 
vor and general saccent- (lyort JullskI, a Bohe- 
mian contralto, who Ok ipent the lasttbiee yeare 
Id the West, slao nade b«r nelnpolltan debut and 
won mnch favor, tier rolce Is airong, well culti- 
vated and extremely mdodlour. JosepDIue 3a Del 
began her third week, Kitty Mltcbell catered upon 
her ibird week, I'cari Andreirs opened the last 
half ot her toitnlght, and Oeo. P. Hiiipby 
and Kitty Knimle surted Ibelr second and 
week, all winning favor In accord- 
ance with ilielr merit. Kd. Lawrence and Nina 
Uarriogion found (bcmselvea among old frienda, 
and received a welcome u cordial aa of old. Toelr 
typical Ulualratlon of Uowery suge cbamciers con- 
cluded Ibelr clever specially, aod lbs entire act 
was boisterously applanded. Tbo King Sisters fur- 
nished a rather novel aciofcotublued club swing- 
lug and dancbig, and thereby won much applause, 
and Cbaa. V. Seamon Introduced bla specialty to a 
seemingly fully appreciative audience. Joe Allen 
and Joba West were rigorously spplanded for their 
iDteresUug and well exeruted inuslcsl act, and 
Hand Ibirvey rang and danced benelt Ihto Immedi- 
ate and strongly eiprcaacd favor. Tony Pastor con- 
tributed bis uaual quou of comic aonn, and C. W. 
l.litlclleld nade excellent progicas with bis Immlta- 
llona. Wesioo and Ueauey, and Matthews and 
Bulgeralao contributed their eiTuris 10 ine euccees 
of llio day'd amusement. Anoiber bill of mucb 
merit baa been prepared lor next week's eaienaln- 
menl, lbs snnnuncetnent cinDmclng llngbey 
liougberiy, r. U. Uhoitbi, Uhariotte Ray.Meekerand 
Mack, and others of equal merit, 

Tni Star Tikatbi, wblcb bas for tbe past few 
seasons been quite severely hulfeied by adrerae 
winds, haa agalu expeilenced a change ot manage- 
ment, atiangementa tor Ibe tiana>ter being quickly 
coosummaled, and resiltlog la the controlling 
lease being turned overlo Waller Hisfon), whose 
rapid acqulBlilon ot Ibeatrtcsl property In this city 
bas placed blm. In a lenaikably short time, on a 
par with many ot our oldest managera- With Mr. 
Sandford'a assunipilon of Its control the comblna- 
lloa policy was brought Into (gecl, and a gen- 
eral reduction of prices bas also been made, 
by wblcb It Is hoped to ealabllsli tbe house 
upon a paying basis. For tbe InaiigonI week 
a woriliy BttrBCtion bas been secured In 
Joseph Miirpby, wboae popularity assures blm 
of a cordial gteeihig at tbe hands of local 
tbeatregoera, aud Ills reception was alt the more 
beany on Jan. 27 because of Ibe length of time 
which bas ebipsed (Ince his last vlsft. "dbaun 
Ithuo" waa Ihe bill eelccted, and pro'f of tbo aalls- 
faclton 11 afforded the largo audience piescul on the 
opening night waa evidenced by their rodferonsly 
expressed approval. Tbe cast: Larry Donavan, 
Joseph Mnriihy; (letald Cnvaiugta, llariy (lorreln; 
Lawyer WaUdy, W. T. Hhcoban; rairtcb Oavanagb, 
John Daley; Sryau CaUlgun, CDariea UiaDdi; I'eicr 
Uilllgan, \Vm. T. Ulsrk; Morria Djnavan, John W. 
Uurton; Teddy I'hats, Dan Tnompian; Win. Somer- 
Oeld, WIU R. Jurdau; Capl. IJoyd.L.W. Browsing; 
Kate IMDavao, Neluo Uragglua; Dura l^vanagu, 
Jeunelle Forroll; Poor Utile Tiu, Louie WUlbiius. 
Next week tbe bill will lie changed to'-Keiry Oow." 

llAuuiRsniN'ii ULTXi'iA.— r/H/iiT-"t;xcelslor 
Jr." Is aim tbo atlnicilou at ibis bouae, and Is draw- 
ing good atlendaice. Y'teile Vloleile continues lo 
please with hcrlmltailoiM ot Yvetle Oullbert, wblle 
Waller Jones and tbe otber funmskcra In tbe com- 
pany are sUI popuuir favorttea Tbe bniltsque 
began, Jan. 17, Its tenth week. Uiislc ffuH-The 
usual excellent progiammo was prestnted at this 
reaon m. Tito Savonaa, In a niuhlcal act, made 
Ibelr appearance and toimd Immediate favor tor 
their clerenieas. Tbo Hlloils, blcyclbus, were alao 
now cumerv, and were accorded ciucb applauae tor 
Ibelr excellent work. Virginia Aragon, nigh wire 

Kriormer, began ber second week a prouonnced 
rorite, nud won- itomis ot applause for 
ber marvelous aerial performance. Fanny Went- 
worib, mooulogubA («cond week), was con- 
tinued In favor, and Sidl Alfanbl equilibrist 
(second week), won lull recognlllon for bis 
umiuesUouably do.xtroiiji work. Call liertz, magl- 
cbiu, aRilated by Mile- D'Alloo, second weeic, enter- 
tallied bU audience with clever tricks aud llluslons- 
I'. Caator Walt. In character cbaugea, entered bin 
iiecoiid week is favoilte, and the Ave Jeea, In '-The 
UUAlcal Suilthy," secoiid week, were popular. Tbo 
I.oamy Troujie. aerlalhta, aud Ibo Arvlns, triple 
borl/.uubil bar performefH, began their tenth week, 
and wore atlll In form. 'The nluih Bcbeel conceit 
was given Sunday, M, with Yvetle Vk>lelle as Ibe 
iirini'iMl feature. Uile. Jane May Is announced for 
next week. 

UA.v'otVKn'iiTiiiATRE.-Sensallonallaiii Is rampant 
at this house during tbe current days,"Sbafi No. 2" 
opening ou Jan. 27, and being vigorously greeted by 
orerdowlng audiences at both performancca on 
that date. As Ibla attraction Includes, besides lis 
Ihillling feaiuiea, niioy polnia which recom' 
mend It lo the folKiwlog ot Ibis house, s 
contlnUBUce ot u>p notch business during tbo 
renwloder of Its amy Is looked for wDb some 
diK'eo «C asaurance. Frank Loses Interprets 
ibu character ot Jim Ruihburn with comniond- 
abls vim, and the remaining roles arc handled 
In pralaowoitliy alylo by Ihe following iieople: Den 
D. Ueane, J. I-' flilbert, \V. II. Uurpby, 0. W. Hobc- 
llng, John »:ndlcoit, II. Jones, II. II- AlllUns, U. 0, 
Monr, n. K. llutledgo, llobcrt deorge, F-ugene Oii. 
pula, John liwyer, J. B. Ilalion, Uatrio KIbens, 
l.trjie (Veree, Marion KImore. "Tno Fatal card" Is 
booked for Ibo coiiilog week. 

Ilusin'a l' Miesni — Crowds of curiosity 
and amusement s< eken found tho abottest routs to 
this bonne day and Digbl on Monday, Jin. 27, and 
were well lewardcd lor tbo journey. Tbe chief 
fcatnin of tbe curio hall ansniemonl for Ihe week 
li I'ruf. Ktllx'a pony clrciia, wblcb Includes a 
baboon Jockey, wuo rldca bareback, and for gotHl 
meaauru Manager Andem. n baa secured Maxey, Ibe 
needle eating mortal; Kralreu. the bidy wbo balbes 
la a glaaa lauk; Ulack Diamond, wboae mouth Is 
largo euougb 10 suit mmt auy oue; Isile. VallelbB, 
wbo uses a Jack knifo adepliy, and St. Jullen, Ira- 
peie iieifomier. The siagu hi In poaaudoi. of tbe 
Ciionlnghatn*. Annie Dumondl, who slnaa very 
aweetly; me Deavva, May U'alsb, Mites and lielauu, 
and llradloy Uurko and Ilosn. 

UiNKS's Kiourii AviMii TiiiATBE.-Weber .1 
Field V Own Co. bade nudng big audience for a 
>tarieren UondAy nigbt. Jan. 27, al UiM bouae. 
The coinitany U cunipo.-ed uf pciformera of repute 
wbo have been for yean mropnl/ed s-i among tbe 
top Unci !< In the speclalile:!. Weber and FIctda are 
with Ihl-ioiganltaihin, aud they are ably siwbded 
by Loltlonii..<3U.UIIIy KmemoB. Jaa. F. lloey, Ihe 
Aowe Four. Diuoiuiond Staler and Uelle Ulroeck, 
Utvonderand Touison, and alarlolia aud UcllouL 
Next week, Mlaco's CD; Club. IaiuIx Ibible, man- 
sgrr of tills bonae, auil bImi of Miner's Dowery 
Tneatre, will lie tendered a leaanoolal here on Feb. 
10. Many of ibe uiuai proiulnent meoibtn nf the 
vaudeville prufetalon bavo volunteered to appear. 

lli niH's Km lira ArR.trK Ht-aiiu.-Vanager 
jADser pot on a funny act In tbo mnatum ball ih's 
week, Intheabape ot a pto eating coolest, and as 
thellnlcr lis kind bore It wUl, no donbi, servo to 
amuao tbe large patronage Ihe bouse enjoys. Oihcr 
features In Ihe museum nails tlita week are: Colby 
and Do Will, peiv-bact; Hva, bearded lady; Oiura, 
Japaucao nugic and llor. Whito'a Puuvb and 
Jiiiiy- In Ibe tueatie as'ock company Is appearing 
lu " I1ie liiack ISciecilve." and Ibe following appear 
Inapcclalitea: I'arker and Ittiardo, Scaulon and 
Welch, and lllltou- 

Casino.— ^lank Danlela, In 'The Wlurd ot the 
Nile." began on Jan. 17 tbe ihlricenib and flnsl 
week of nis auy. inab tUr aul orrra met with 
much favor, and tbe hualiraa bas ahuwn a aailafae 
lory average througlaiul tlie ion. "Tbe lady 
HUvey" will follow Feb. X 

8rAMiAiiDTuiuTK(.-"lhe SI range Adventures of 
Mlu Brown" bi still iheatitociloa at uus house, it 
entered opun lU nlatta icek Jaa. n. 

KnsTUi Biii-'a-A good sited crowd githerrd 
Jan. 27 10 enjoy an Intereallng pngnmme. The 
event of tbo evening waa Ihe mstiDpoUlsa debut of 
Martbe Msrthy, a cbanlenae comliine, who wii 
given a beany iccepUoD. Sheiangtn Fimohaid 
gave evidence ot being ins poaaeaaor ot a good 
voice, but alao showed that ber mabi object wis to 
be grotasqne hi ibat as well as In exptoslon and 
Bcu'n.Bbe rendered a song la wblcb she clever^ 
Imlialed vartons animals, and also rendered a yod- 
ling mg effectively. On her cntnuice she wore a 
becoming coamoe, and, after responding to 
severel encores, sho appeared made up after the 
fashion of rannenue, sested npoo the back ot 
a donkey, tbe dooker In this case, however, belog 
a man made np as a donkey. HUe. Kariby 
Is clever, and will, no doubt, prove a favor- 
lie at Ibla bonse. Olben on the bill were: 
Mens. la Roche, In lbs mysterlons globe, who be- 
gan bla second week; Rosle Readel. innsformatton 
dancer (iblid week); Prof. Woodwarda'tralnedseals 
and sea lloiia(dxUi wreh), Ihe Uarlo-Donham Trio 
on Ibo midair iilpio bnrl7.ontal bars (atih week). 

opaoad ondsr the naaagoaal of Hrda A Bahintg » 
Jan.l7.wbao"llieWbtu Omk Batravaiaaia" c^nV! 
two railofmaMaa bafoia two laiga aodlaaeaa. The i^ 
Ibraiaaea MDmaacaB with a loBalCBlborlaMvaeilliili 
-loyal BaeaMlon," and ooeelndaa «lih apra^eiK 
... ua ' milts Cmk" at tba Iilaod at BMoo. BmK 
ihaaatbaio an maavspecUlUaa, wblcb iBclotaoiiSl 
Ui bar daneaa; Mile. Ploia. on Ibe aliet wlia; Bivaai iSi 

I'anl Olnnuevaui.klngof Jngglere (toortb week ; tits 
CraggFamllyet acrobaialsTxihweek), rani Maril- 
neliina pantomime troupe (sixlb week), and Hona. 
Demllo, noBlcal mimics (slxm week), all of whom 
were holdover favortten. Tbe prugnmnie ron- 
clnded whb the llrtog plctnrea. XIdsIo waa torn- 
Hbed on Ibe grnnd promenade during Ihe uileimU. 
alon and before anil after tbe performance. 

AuiBicAMKiCKLKOigox.— Tbls new plare of pnli- 
llc amnicmenl, which occupies Ihe bnlldlng at 
Thlrilelb Street and Sixth Avenne fonneriy knotrn 
uWorih'aHaseum, was opened lo the pnbllc on 
Jan. 27, under very favomble auspices. Boalneaa 
was excellent dnrtng the day and evening, and tbe 
venlnre pnmlsea lo be a sncceu. A description ot 
lbs Interior, as newly arranged, appeared In our 
but Issue ; ahio a plan ot ihe style ot entertainments 
to be given. Tne atiracllons In tbo Exhibition Uall 
Ibis week an: Frank Frosl'a troupe at Au- 
tiallas BuBlioen, Captain be Courcoy, UUUe 
Uaiidalll aod ber den ot reptiles, the Tliuma- 
optlcon, Chalk Saundere, Punok Browran and tbe 
man eallog cblmoanxec- In the theatre are 
Mack and Uuulter, Mable Ward, the Qreat Uoward, 
Leslie and Curdy, Flora Shields and the Cnlllvans. 
The execnllve stair ta: Ulreeior, F. D. Howes; 
snperinteodeni etptlvllegts, Cbes. Irving; stage 
manager, llaiTy weeks; Teourer, P. De France; 
musical direeiices. Mis. uagglo Bulliy. 

MmiorouTAK OrikA HofSB.— Tbe eleventh week 
of the season of grsnd opera began Jan. 27 with 
the Sitt peiformsnce this season ot Massenet's 
"Hanon," cast ss follows: Hanon Leaoaut. Hme, 
Helbs: Ponsaelle, Mile. Uanermelsisr; Hosetle, 
Clara Uuni; Javule, Mme. Van Cauterenj Le Obov- 
aller Ilea (Jileai, Jean da Rozke; Le Oomte Des 
flrieux, M. Planoon; aullloi, H. Castelmary; De 
llrellgny, H. de Vrtea; Lescaut, H. MsDraL Fortber 
announcements for tbe week Include: "Carmen"29, 
"Tnstan und IsoMe" 30. "Falstsir'31, "MeOslotele" 
mailnee Feb. 1 and "Lea Duguen Is" evsnbig ot 
that dale. 

ABBs\"i TniATBg.— Sarab Betnhatdt began on 
Jan. 27 1!:: second we«-k of her engagement, pre- 
sent lag oo Ibat date "C'aol.le," whIob will be again 
seen xacd Dallire Feb.i. "Adrienne Leconvreor" 
I*, annonnced for S3 aid 31, and "Fedora" for 9 aod 
evening of Feb. 1. 

lliHALsSdfAniTiiXATsi.— Tbe llean ot HatT- 
land" began on Jan. 27 ibe Of 'eenlb week ot Its tunc 
It bas proven one of tbe most snccessful productions 
ot the seasoD, and In spite ot tbe lengthy stsy here 
there are DO signs ot waning popnisriiy. 

lACoro Paouni. a young Italian actor, made bis 
American debut Jan. 23, In "llamlet," at Ibe Turn 
Hall Tneatre, on East l\)unh Bticet. ne was sup- 
ported byamsteurs. 

AisaBicANTasiTiiB.— Tbls hooae was closed Jan- 
27, lopennltot goal preparaikmaforlhe Oral met- 
rapollian preaentailon ot "Uumah," announced for 
the following evening. 

Haalein.— At all places of amosement In Ibis 
art ot tbe diy phenomenal business waa tbe report 
aat week. At the Uariem Opera Uonse Olga 
N'eiberiole played lo the best week's buelneos In 
Ibe history of me house. The Columbus, wlita the 
rriinrosa t West UUislrol Co., wen compelled to 
use camp chairs to accommodate the orowda. The 
Oljmplo waa In line with tbe other bouses and Ibe 
Uariem MoBsnni waa crowded all week. 

IlAHLBX urgBA EODSB.— "Madam Sans Oene," 
wlih Kaibiyn Kidder, opened to a crowded bouae 
Jan. 27, wlih giMd prosnecta tor 'be week. K. A. 
Blumeutbal, treasurer of Ibis house for the past 
three setsons, has succeeded W. llsmmersieln as 
mtnager. Next week, Sioart llabaon. In "Hib. 
I'ondeiboiy's Putt," 

Colhubub.— "In Bigbtof SL Panl's" opened to a 
good siznl audience Zl, tbe top ot tbe bonae belog 
packed. Next week, '•The Couon King." 

ULYunc— Tbe French Folly Burieaque Co. began 
areuimengagementZT, to a crowded boose. The 
company has been changeddurtng Ps outotlown 
nngugeneni, and bi greatly Impnved. New acqul- 
alilouBaie: The Uerbeit Broe-, Tom Hlpley and 
CarilD and Clark. Ncsi week, "The London Oalely 

llARLm UfSkCTi.-Ths foUowhig people wUl be 
seen at Ibla bouse during the present week: Lew 
Baker and Sim Uoydsll, Jot. U. Uughes, Clark 
Qlbbs, BrtUlanI (juartei, Billy Wall, Clark Qlbbe 
Jr., Frank llnblo. Mabor and Brom, Mile. Retrs, 
SIg. Uaaoobl, Eddie Tbom and Prof. F. 0. Khig's 
PaiierKihlbIN ^ 


DroofclyB, — Only two tew new things are 
amooB iha lilua ai tbe local ptayboaaaa; aavenhalcsa 
Ilia allncllcni are all good, and Ut* lack of aovaltlaa 
doaa Dot laaaea tha Inleiaat la Iba aaaaaaaaaia. Excel- 
loot boaklosa hare beao Uie mis al Ihe varlooa booaaa, 
aod have attnclad aa avarafa weakly atlaQOasce that 
Iiaa baao fullv ap to the axpeetallooa or the local man. 
agera. Oiaad open, too, liaa bien llbaially palisolitd 
tlila aide of Uia rlrar, and the teaaoo proalaea to be ane- 
caaafdl all 'round. Ihat Biooblrnltaa are aamandlog 
mora atlraetloaa «u faUr ilftmoastrated duilog tha paat 
waah vlt«o a pnpualUoD waa wboilllad tof*r«aldaae 
nnwall, of Uia Bridga tnaleaa. for die oae of the bla 
Birip or vacant pnuaitr ooOer Ibe bnUia alnieuio be- 
t«««tt Cooconl aad Tlllary Blmala for aa aiDPblthaatia. 
or gantao, almiUr to Madlaoo Biioare OAidae. Toa pkoa 
i-rovIdB lor a bulldloa SIOfL Icoa, IBNt. wUa aad ssit 
blab, m ahlch caneena, eoDvaonona. aboaa or olhar 
amoaeaitoucaB bebaU. Tbelruneeaaraexnaciadtoput 
up tha belMlDi. The Sunday night concaru harsbMO 
raauraad at Urn Bi|ou TUaaira. aod Ibla popglor mova waa 
ttia oiaiii of au actlog a larga creed to that bOBaa last 
Bandar ateotos, aban Uia BUct Paul, UwUllpparOaar- 
tal, Zalna lUwUloa. Alonio llaleb, Bmma Bituaa, 
(laoraaw. Day aod sAa. ElmiiaiBiDa vaireotanatolOK 
parfonnaocc Tliaaa aotanalomuiu will ba eooUBaai 
uolll tunlier notice. Bachwaeh a oaw bill will be or*. 
MQlad.aiKl oalyina boat partonoan Is ibe vaudarilu 
tin* »ill bo ooRSaed. Tlie Tlwalra waa ramaaai 
Hldi tvoparfonnaoeeaoDJaa.yr.uadsr IbamaOAtamaii 
01 llydeV Babinu,wlth Hurr V. IImu na tocQ naa. 
agar. Bnrl«a<iaa aod vaadavlili are lo be slraa. aad 
iwlronncan aajora aaokaaad tha perfonnanea at iLa 
nama lima. Al tbt Aeadaay of Uoalo "ralalal" will be 
tba Optra Kbon Jan. 

coni»iau.---tta Ktial Caid" la the alliaclloa ban 
UilaKaaa,aada lir(aaudlan<e inalad It Jan. 17- Tba 
plav wna taao lura laal Wlolar. •hoe It draw Un« 
aaillBDceaaleacbparroraaoca. and iDdslaa from Moo- 
dav ntghfa aiuadanca II ahouu de a^iiallr aa a aU oo 

UilavUiL 'The Shop a III" -..k'?j_ J. Tt-"j; 

week. Tbo neit altrmetloo 

Pabk.— "Iha Cbodij Fall" drar a lana audlaaca hai* 
», aoo Mall Bamua, llio ukaa bla oi^nlmtor Al!7 
sail rnia, badlun onuaa for raollog lti>t he bu lost Boea 

original '■Colombia Ouanel". nodoiad aoma popuUr 
■alocUooa In the Iblnl act. It la BSBoaocad Uiat tKlawh 
l» uir l»«t OMWiunliy of wllaaatlnii Uiaplato,Ballr 
Bumau haadtcldtd to abilva It >l Uib unalaiUoo of um 
piaaaot toor. "A Midaiinimar ktaht's Dnam" did wall 
Uat »04». UUa. Rboa, k ' llall'a.xnMlS^iiqilS- 
oaat weak. 

Biiocr.--;'Olrt Waalad" la tba aluaelkn Banager 
llarrTC. gaoaodrbaa for bia patraaa UilBvaok,ud a 
'' •LiS'L'?," •"•'*!,.«'» oPaoSsparfonBaooaJr. Tba 
PiM* bobbin ovoralUi lia,sad lurtaoaad ahalfbouia 
IhaaodlaocBaa.nlDcoollouonBnerrlaaot. rimak Baab. 
an tha aliaiidsd Bcur, tba oU ibbUo from VarnMol. tba 
Boweri louBli, Ilia Haiiuo girl, tha Habraw.Uia Irlah- 
nian aod ilta piiaa doena, vaa parfacuj at home, and bla 
mparv.Balk>at wora Utoroogblr eeloyad. lla waa not 
Iho aolo liinnakir.howavar.aa ba la Bomaodtd bi a 
elavar eempur. Wud aod VotBa pUradiroowatd 
bnoMS Uai.»« Hoitweok. "Blidla, 10=5, tbj 
UowriT. will belhaattnctloo h.ra. w «w 

(laAXPUraai lloim — -nia Itfat Pandiv " whhwil. 
Ham lionla.« olB.SbS^{S'ro;;, J,ibi 
>ia>. II Ibo iilrKiloD boia ibis wart, aad a larsi audi' 
«e< »a"prjiool 17. Mr. Hordn'acllBx laoalorajiod 
auonr. aad hit bnpenoeiiloa ol Uio aoparlatandaolla 
■aaoly aad tiproat, ud waltdaaarvad iheaMUualha^ 
waalibanllrUaiowtd npoo blm. Tha plralt pnaSabS 
by an oacollaol lomMBy, alih Uta nawhiaa la tbadilB ' 
oouitdr nl» of Cladlra. Tha rradneltoa la ili^%lh 
•nailKnm. a feaiorabalagiK Blllie/o' ihb iS 
■pBchlotiy In fnll, opewloB. Last woik ■■Charier" 
Tba Boii atuanloa ban wiu 

Bmltb, Ui onaleal skaub; anna Obanea, a ooatraTn 

'•■«?IL'''.*,.A""!'°^ 'Si'y!!l!!?,.*'**"H?iValllaFraak. 
lyo, "Ibe LhtlaAnar OlrU^'Tmban tod goaaedr tSi. 
edlaaa; iba Beadow Brook Qoactat, aod Cbaa. WalihtS! 
occaotilo eOBiedlan. ropul&r pricaa fmn 15loa)ctnti 
pravalL Two parforaiaDeel will bo Rlvta dally at log 
aadtlgbto'cloek. BmotlogwUlbepamliud laaUparu 
otUiatoata _ _ 

IlVDB k BBn«A!<^s.-8ani Devtrs'a OwaCaofrtoda. 
TlUa aateitaioora la Uia auractloo baia Uila waob, aod u 
ibaproprialar of Ibla ibow la vorv popular lo iLltciir 
twelarieeiowdawllaaasadtha two ptironDaaoaa itiio 
17. Iba aoapaoy looladaa Ward and CorTmo, 'ibo Tai^ 

illppen;^' Janea nyna and Maqda Walker. In -Utr 
Mbar fluaband ;" Jaaiaa B. aad Paniiy Dooovan. orlniu. 
loiaofUia "Oog Sury," atai .Devon la baojoicuo. 
pulnaau; Row end Baola aailalperforaiara;AQaaWil. 
muthCanaa, cbaiactar voeallat; BellFaoilly.blOTcbm- 
Comwaltaod Bwao, «log aod buck dtaewia, todjoa 
Prieaaad Kluy8laala,aoamad7dBO Bach paifonnur, 
will aad wlUi Bam Daraie'B origloal fareo, 'TwootJ 
Paid a" 

AHPRto:!— MAiucarfAaOttalaagaelaaaxloaa to prt. 
naat'-neBacUl lllghwtrmaa," Ibla weak'a aurtclluu 
widi all lis elaboral* aceoeiy. and lor tbatraaHo da' 
fenad Ibe oaealog parfonaaBia lo fl, wbaa mneli of tbt 
aeanevT will oomo froBi tba bniah of the aoaole ailln 
Big budnan latt waah, Tba foUowIng auiaeuon la -fht 
OintrPalrr . , . 

Bhpibk— Tbsrewmaagoodsliad andlaoea prateni t: 
wbaa -Bonota HeoUand" begaa a vaek'a aaaagamaei 
BaUtractoiTbealDaiaUBtwseL CemlBgwaakorrab.3, 
'■Oa Bria'a Bhoraa." 

aAVirT.-Rellly A Wood'a Co. of cltvar variety paopit 
la bar* Ibla weak, aad Uie iDdlcaUona are Uiat Uitiruir 
wni prove a prefllaMe oeo. Tbe peopla: Bidga Klllt, l'. 

Auof'ilUabIc boibMna. 

bo "no Xaw Sov. 

• "."T*"-— "'"."'•'aoilaiwur' waa predoead for tba 
dial ihnt IB ihia dty n Iha annloa of (iVibM a larn 
audloBco The niooBlleg^nVa nniaaa Mm 
UKlca and Niw Torb. MiUbSh will M alraa oa 

D. BnAn, Nellk Fomitorud O. B. Hoalioo, A. 0. Daa- 
eu. LlftoD,Boven ud Dlioa. rit B«lllf, u«t Etui 
ftDd VMooq. Good bUllOM lUt WMlf. fvlDnM X 

Wtil'i Mlnitnln will ba >)•» w»«k of a. 

Lu Avsxtn ACADiMr.— Vhh thli veiV btglu tbt 
ctrMT of UM Lh ATeou* BUKt Comptsr, * birb will pru- 
dac« Imi dwi pUva. Ttw comp«nf bM bcM Mltcitd, 
ud nUboot doubt, mm «l*h poiniUr unmrt). 
The ptople iDtlads: Uwtt Olinoo, Bun UituML j. p. 
WlnMr. Oa»rg« K. Uwiy, Artbor L«ura, J A. WilklniL 
WIUlui tUl'too. NidM* iXtiM. Flonac* Ulnrd, R«dl« 
HirlogbMiii AniA BTftDi LswiM, Mm Krllcb aod Rabtrt 
Ulp. 1t)«lr lottlAl ptrronnuofs >?, Iq "A C«Ubrai»d 
Cu*t** attnoicd u ftudlUM of lurly good prvpor 
tinu. OolrtUr boRloM UuwMk. Tbs uDdtriioifor 
ntit nMk BU Boi bow Ml«OUd M y«L 

AJiiiBKUX.— TliU liouo (lonntrv the NoT«lt;1 b«cu 
lu cuter ud*r lu o«w naao 17, under tbe mon wupi- 
clout drcaneuocat. MeurA Bobmer A Roaoer, Uie lu- 
•eel ud muH*ns nnoTtted Uie hMiemmcel- 
Ur to Kvnt. tlie old Une loKrlor Je ontloo» ttve 
been nplMod bj llgb^ cbt 017 onweauUoiu, eirrulc 
llgbu bke tlie plue orKujou, aod ell pvti of tbe bou(« 
tiom the uam to ihe boi Mllce li beaied bj eteen. Tb» 
prlTate boxes bavebeeo Ocooimted lo|ra(\Q«d enlon. mti 
ili« dreaeiOB rooma btblnd the *taRe have b*«o 
Dowlj pAlnlea ud refiiiiiiebetl. Tbe Maff alileh 
ajMbc Meaen. Bobmer A Boooer Id tnaoif- 
\ag tbe dfitblea of tiie bouae U enoipMed of 
UeorKaPeck, bua)neatnianag«r;(;h«rifle D. Blc& tma- 
urer; Oeorge Wood. auLi ani treaearer; A. R. WIImid, 
a^TtrtiaiDf mfwt: Oat. rieaiter, eUcirlclao; Eugeq* 
UloMr. etage oxpeDter; ]£d«aid Sbeppard, maaur 
piopeitle*; U. J. Bunvraff. latdvr erclieotr^ Jomi^i 
Ualiabu opened tha booio 97 ae MepbUto Id tlie elecirtcal 
■pectaeulat prododlun or^Faatt.** Tlie aodlaoca vu 
large aofliupiKlaUTe. '"Tbe Bmngtler" li uoilerlioNl 
for w« ek orS. 

LYCiua.— Tbere Is a taiaponrr ebuite ihlj week, 
wbeo ae Prey Htoek Co. pteaeatB the taroe cootedr, "A 
Scaodtl Id lli|b Life." TbejmforiDuee nawfutv- 
oelTedXTbrabltfudleaoe. Toe booMi coaUnae lii. 
Next week, "Oetlo ttaeBtreeU," with N. 8. Wood la the 
Uile role. 

U.fiquB.— UeaacerCarr, bj his liberal eateilDR to the 
peblic bute, bta itot tbla hooae 00 a aolld beali, and !*(■ 
comen hara had to be cooteat wlUi sieodlDf roon. May 
Shav'eBlitBarleequeOo. U Uile week'* altimeiton. The 
people: AimbtUa UoU, Worth ud Muehall, Uie RerforJ 
tflitdn, Keuedr ud aiewart, tho Ducrova, Mar Adaou, 
FiuretBlil tad keUf, Delionelll aad aieaaaoda. nau 
Jack' iOieolea played to ataodlnK room oaly laitveek. 
ConlDf weikefS. R^MBrdeiraLoodooBellaaCo. . 

Notes -On Bondty slihi, rib. s, tha third oTa lerlei of 
popelarprlnd eoDcenawUl bofireaat tbeBUouTbea- 
ue. The piognuDtne wiU loolude Nunle Bobul>,«hu 
make! harllnt appeaructt lo BnMklyn thUaeaaoo; J. 
V. Kellr, the RolllDg HIU Uu; UieMeuvpoUiu <)uui«t, 
Dore. Faniwr, Dore add Boah. Amertca'Bi(realan.baDj«>- 

lala.ud manyothen Tha Broohl}nMaeloI]aU,Bl(n- 

Bled al Alatenia and Pulton ATeaoer, will opea ludoon 
OD or about Kab. iTooder theproprietonblp orileaar*.**. 
0. fieere sod W. F. l^eoder, with Uureot Uoward u 

Albanr^A big IncRAse Id ittendsnM wss 
Dotlc.datBU Uie Uieairea this paat week. The LelioU 
Uper» Houko bMu the week with one olabt ol "n* 
BarRUT,*' by A. Q. Bcanmoa'a Co.. to a lood diod bouiv. 
Jan.M. Uarphyand UackapeMTcd lo**noDlj(u*sBall,*' 
to excellent tHuloenkai and a. Antlrew Hack, Id "Mylei 
ArooD," attraeted a foil bouwXi. Tberenalnderor the 
week TBI flUfld by "Tba MidDlRht Bpeclal" to Bodteocei 
of focd_pnrpoitloDa,2l aod S. Conlog: neUi k Uao- 
•oa'iR "I>nwlDi Catdi" 27. sa, Mile. Bhe% la -Nell 
0«nuii>*' ud '^Joeephlne." O ud 30; "A Bonuceor 
<toon UoliDw'* SI and Feb. I, 'The Oraal DlamoDd 

dABMA^ft-ii BuHCRia Hau..— Tha Wllbor OMim Co. 
appeared U nIoedlirereotoMraa weekoro. Ffoeboii* 
neae wu tbe rwolL Tbe bal) wu crowded to the doore 
ateacb perlorounce. Booked: AL 0. Fleld'a mutraU 
9. ICeie. Albul Cooeert Go. Fek 6, "Too Much Jobopon" 
7, 'The fmtMl Oanl" 10 aod 11. "A Milk White K 
ud IX LIUlBn Roaell Open Co t«, 01|a Maibereore, lu 
**CaraBn." IB; DaaiitiKh Qemiu OperACo. 18. 

JiB]iai.'< Uj(Ua.-Oennide Uayfiteln, la coDceit, F«b.3. 

UMo« UiLia.— Leiand J. Fowere Ju. 38. 

TBS Glim TauTSi had apleadid boaloau all ih« 
weak, wlih the Loodoo Oalairairla aa iliedraalog at- 
tractloD. ComlDR: Night Oeli Bnileiaoe Co. Ju. 77 
ud weak, "Tbe while urook" Bnrleique Co^ Feb. s and 

Kom.~KBD. R. CorllM, rotnerly with Uie DIghyBell 
Opera Co.. bai Joloed Raymood Hooce'a New Tuxedo fu. 
fbrUie reattlnd«rorUieeoBsoa.....WoL L. iiallock. for a 
DUBbar of y«an oonoeetad with Bany'i Qalety Theatre, 
died WednaeUay, Jao. 31, at iha home or bla dau|but\ 
Avoai UaUeok.BBTr7, maoaaerM of ue Qaleij Theatre, 

alter a loot lUaeee Anola Uavea, aurpwtine dancer, 

aited tvu(y*tvo. wife of Fnnk PoUom. adTueo agent 
for Iha Dan MeCarthTCo. died la ilila city Tbaniday, 
Ju. 23, of poaum^l^ The Actora* Fund, repreauted 
here by Ifanr P. Soulier, roimerly ouager oT tha 
Lelaod Opetm uoue, took cunte of toe rainania. 

Bookeator.*At U)« Iijceam JulU Kutowe 
Tabe^ in *'RoaHi and Juliet,'' begu a three nlahiir lU) 
Jan37. 'Trilby" fellonBL playlnfribereuortheweek. 
TnaBoatoDlauleri2a,playlor to hute bualneo. 'Tha 
Faulog Bbow" oonea Feb. 4 ud L 

I'ooi.Onu Uoru.~*t3ooa Hollow" came TT.rora 
tbieonUhia'Hop. "Tbo White Btave" wlu flll out ifa« 
hvbairoruieweek. "Ihaflaiagglei'*dld veil tbe la«t 
hair oflatt weak. Doe: **OTluiTr'eVacBUoD" Feb.3-6. 
•«entb BefoieUie Wai*>e-8. 

AciDBHTorMtiaia— **IbaFln Fain>r*begu a three 
nlibia* ran 17, to be loUowad by "A Sofflmar Bbower." 
iruleTneked''hBd a profluble aur lait week. Uodar 
lined for wnk of Feb. 9. Bose Bill's Barissqae Co. 

Wo»siiLAiDTaKAni.— Tba progTamnie for the cor- 
vent week incladea r^eogaaaoieatorD.O.Porur'aEldu- 
loHoope. Major B. NewenTtha Bootha, A.O. LawiMCe, 
MUa. ud W. Ohealar. ud Marlowe aadPtaakalt 

Baffialo^At the Stw Thmin "Padd'abetd 
WIlBon'' Ibis week. Week of F«b. a, lluford. Speooer 
udO'Briao. The BlkabuMt ocean at this boaM Jao. 

Mftio llALL-8jm phony OicbBMnSD vlUi Uaxrlet A. 

Lvnoa TfltATSB.-"Oa iho Hlsilulppl'* thli week. 
"DArkasi Rnatla*' Dext week. 

Cdcht Btbut TeaATSi — Uowaid AthemnuD Oo. U Dia 
wnwiit attrmetioo, to be aucceedtd. Fab. 3. by Utrry Mor- 
ilii^ TweotJaUi Cutary Maidi for one week. 

Sau'fl Mmio BALu-Tbe Bodaka, Queu 0(ty Trl«i. 
Webb and Qaaen, iha Bosnwna. Manto Benaeii, Mou. 
Porber.Tony Oraffie. Prlfay nlfht la nowpartUllyde 
TOUO to UI atanm 

.l??>''^™^>**~At StoM Opem HonMJanM 
R. WaltaComady Co.,aaalited by A.H. KnoU and Uarla 
BcNall, eoniai duettliia,eBmaJu.8MBLtaB B.O. To 
come: Al a. FleM'e Mmauab B, JoUa MarloweTkber, la 
"At You Like It.* FeUI. 

BuooTsa*Tak.--AqnckarJa«k*' drew talr aliepd. 
aQ<aa>-2l. StiUBT'aaalelyBxuaraianiaOo.aad llTlof 

Sctntea had. food boalaaH S-STDne: BbenDU,A 
[orlMv'a -A Jay OUna'* IT-B, Rlea k Baitoa's Bose Ulll 
Polly do. 9>.Fab. 1. 

Nm.-ld. MoDiimy, tba tnp drammer ol Walu'i 
CuB*d7 Co.. WBB preaealed wlih a haadaome (old headed 
cue by frienda la thli city. n. 

Bjrmtw^lt WliUng Open Boom "T1i« 
Mvq^endeiV' eaaie(oinodb«lneaaJaa.&«. Book^: 
•'Tiliby 17^ "Mylaa Am" 90, Flehla A HaasoB 31. 

no. I. 

Bastaiu THKiTiiB.~'*nie TvuUeth Oeatoir O'fl" 
Jrew waU !», a.^CumDtweak dark. 

U. B. JacpRs* TNUTiB.-"Coon Hollow*' cane to ex- 
e«llMlboalneBaMl Blea ABartoa'a ••McOoodla bihI 
Fnodle"dfewweUO-n. "rianlBa'a Baa** eoaea 17-39. 
"In Old rHLnuaes" SD-Feb. 1. 

Tny^M Uu OrUwold Opem Hooh the Ken- 
aedrruyera puked Uie hoase all lutwsek. The Wil- 
bur OparaOo. came Jan. 37, (br tha wash. 

Baid b Oriaa Hona-Tiii boons wu dark last weak- 
Ihu coneaSi-Febi 1, la -HaU Owynnc" 

^'!n^.^*A">'-'lrBa k ni«rMu*i BIcBeatttton 
pecked Ihia booaeaUlaat weak. TtaeFtwchOBletyOlrU 
BvleiqaaCo. cone S7. for the week. 

N«wb«n^AttA6 Actd«inyotlIaaio*7tortbeni 
Llgbti^"dQa7u.n.wlll ba Ibe only starmctlAahere,Uili 
week,**ABA4imleasEdu"baTlaicancslsdll. Andrew 
Macknend sbl|c ncea*a a, befm s targe and apprtj 
clBilfeu4leD€a.lB'*MyUBAroon.'* A)Uioagb Mr. Mack 
waa a Btiucer amrag naho von bla way to IM heart* of 
tooaihestrwHtrona. •The Fatal Ckrd** Is nndatllDad 
forrMi.4.*H:harlet*s Auf'Taad*^ 
IachJohasDB,"ld[ Manasar Fred H. Taylor laMweak 
•eeund another three yeart* laau of the A^eoy or 

, Si have 

iWb. B. Meeker. 

wt baaa axpiiw. uupfMlBg tba alith laat l 
auaanBHat. TbodlneloiasribaboaaaeoaldMtbavB 

«k» ncaallf aaaaated lk« Baitaa Cemdr CoBtaafi 




t»ih« BifBa of WiUord RL Anbara. wu timUd in 
u!^ HoMPniiniU' •<>( 01 a boud blU. 

h^BM. Tb« uranea nl« for RhM, Id **Jom- 


gl, I^alt^lt tlis Oljmplo Tbeitn Ocorge E<]- 
•uilt'a Ooolo Opum Co. win pnHot-BU EimUomj" 
u,l(«Mk. Hr* JMW Brown rouor ud Kfrit B«Uaw 
Zuttnnfttrr- "naroaodU»lt"pUTadt«Mowlad 
uuM lut wNt, It balDi praeadcd tr au Durnu- ooa 
ui (Utck. -Iba ■•nUpBlalra." 

OIWD OnBi BocaE-VriiiMii Bonola" rIaieJ lo 
M boilooaa lut waak. Itmu O'Nall ibU vaak la n 
llrtmr. wllh "Iba Span of Ufa" u> follow. 

~' /A. itrtnM IM mt. Id 

#Under the Tents# 

uTrLiv'a Til'lATlil.— **A Wblla Rat" U tha corraotat- 
l«{to" wiaV or rab. 1 "Iba Knitpla of llf.." -Wdi. 
JTiu .af Naw York" pUiad la pa«ttd hooaaa UM waak, 
^!!^S^UaMU. wpaalal™, balofn^ 

i.»^i<Sid tklawoak. Vaakafl: TlialUDU-aaatUrNaT. 
riW ^BirliXa CO. mchird i Piloila'. OMrfiU 
HlLuaU pWad lo «ood np tulia liou>o« Uat waak. 

Milfa «.y»«li«A ifauck TaEitai— 0«m»D aad 
a£viV iha Banaiu. IMiar Sluaia, Fuhartr aiul Coogon, 
Wdllaa BiSnl loiila Tboma. TIlUa l;ollln^ LIUIa 

'nuibr^nuTM-FluooDdo ud Amonao, PraC La- 
iisi SSlai^ ^lokl^ noUloa and Colllai. ibo Salb, 

Si* J^BToSiTRi -KaUr BrM , tba Bebaailaii, Blllr 
t^JIlalJUIa ITblta. llalUo Qonlon. 
'iSStlSSio.-tlUla BarMlridJM. Laalla. mkalllmlni. 
H2Saldua.Ena>aBadaioo,WlkIaaad Hanli,naana 
ll^njilla TIcuraUU Oao. Sarao, Tanlalla and Oraj, 

"niw cS5l9»i'-^co(l and Irtwranta, Cor; Baaa^LIUio 
VatnT EdVanll,And»wa and Aablar, Ed. uidBmma 

"uflni'r -Tba bantB t of Iha Actnia' Fuod al thi Olympic, 
JiaO. vaiwill palnoliad, aad a flaa dIapUr ol taloal 
"m MlrSaUd. Tba Ediar BKtara nada a I.Il and Joa 

n!i wa> tncnnd Wm. Uaiao, aianafar HaTllo'anua- 

Ci^WiiSl™ a baoant Fab. 17......Haoaiar Jy^ J. 

■Slai oflka Bundaid Tbaatro, baa boon oolSe tick ll.t. 

Kd Cnle. oribaCnli Flmllr.and Rome Bnurr.of 
MiiWuSsl«7, baTa 5olDad fiandj;. . . . . . .BUI, OUp. 

STuaoaaoai that ba win awn a rarlatp bouw about 
FrtOla an.w bnlUlagatJIIiilb and Mukat It alUlM 

f^Sid lha Balk Union HuanrTobln.oftba Cardan 

nwa, bu baan an lha ilck llal Tor tha piji wo .earn. 

iIilW A.Cola,proprlatiaMoflbaNewCailno,IaaTaa 
ihii wMk for Crlppn Craak, Col . lo aaak for aaav bnuM. 

aSIfll»TaMr'Soiuob«a In eharnof JoaBnum 

Ohraaea BoUnMn,aan of Iba old clrcul rMar, Juaaa 
R^hi^tujMMjW^ Maiapr Frankaar. ol tba 

^^!h%ia^!a»^:adn^"l»t"now_iiim iaiaiar for^ 
riSaOpamHooi«^aiDaBoto.lloriMk rniia kaia aav 
urial tba foUowlai parfonaara: Joa Bapal, Oao. and 

All" allba ■ -.....-w .... ...... 


Anr Ollbart, Diamond nblUook, Tonp Rraa, Mtud 
ASuLMnAodiaia^ and Fitakthrlua. 

^^Fraak Uaddlealon. fonnarlr wllh tba Coailqaa, 

h>ra.'h>a opMMd a botol at Da Soto, Ho A beaani 

S?Uiidan>aWllturO. UiU at Vbrifa Vara Saluidar 

Knam OMr.-^w and nin lotertered vltta 
Uitwaak'l botlnoaikand tba aiunctloni did not tall for 
ur vMlal onlpouriiw. At Coitaa ODaia Uotua Blea'a 
!?&FaaaJan!s,>irwltbaWodDaiilar nuUoaa. Tba 
oMnlsi; wai ImmaiH, lha bualnui balsa aboat iIm 
immot lha aaaian: Tba waatbar Inuifaiad wllb 
VMawdiTl ba•lnat^but ulll racalpu wait aboTo tha 
atMHar Bwla Bwitblll Rltbari Ilailow and Boia 
Baowwaia ika fattniaa and Kored daddad bita Tha 
iSS^ar <r ihaSIiak '^0 Flianian'ivratd."br iht Solib 
AOibonia Co . waa ilran for tba baotlt of iba local ni» 
Jwanmant, wllb fair ramilta. IbU wook iho hoaaa will 
S^kaotllTbniadar, wbeo Hwimann will Oalfliont iba 
waatwIibblilUaalona. Kait waak "trans" and Alai 

Omvu nnu Hocai -Hopalni' Trui-Oiaalta. wlih 
lhaBoaowllUI|[tureitand,li>il a falrwaok'a ba>loaaa 
Uit waak. Tba waaibar kapt pia bualnaM balow upacia; 
Sou. Tbla waak Mar Irwin. In "Iba Widow Jon«0' will 
llnR»rwllh»j,and,lf tba adranca lala coonia (oranr- 
iblu, tba bnalnan will ba Immanu. Mail waak, "Tba 
SManlkaofNawVork." _ . ., 

NI.CTU BriiWT TB«mi.-L»at waak 'Vk Wblla Rat' 
kadpoorbt<oM,butaaBoodutba>bowdiaanrd. Tbli 
waak-TTowa Topic*" and noit waak 'Olortua" 

rountpn-Joania BUkolr. BirrT Hatkuw, 
ranar. Lata HUllfan, Oanr Bradr, Koplla Dnu. Biul 

CiirriRiKit-Tba local Bki gaTatbalr annual ahailij 
tfonadt at Iba Oraad aftanoooof 14, wltbpiofllablara. 
nln. Ibeprotismina waa niida npof TOjnftaaraftoia 
ibaTiana-Oeaulo and "Wblta Bat" To. and tba E. a Or. 

cbHUalSotlatr Cbaa. Bboaobao k, nan carpanlar of 

tba OolUaam naalro, moo mi ibo deatb ol bit malber at 
AtcbiioB,I[an.,IT...T;.Babicia and Doraua and Jaalat 
laaro Iba Uopklnaf TraoaOeaanlea btra and will b«r» 
plaad bF OUpton,JankluaDd Jaapar, aad Shan and 

tiat Tom Faj, altar appaaring on* huadiad and 

ol«blr-llTa inccaailrawaau at tba Collaaain, lanm for 
BLLnU ibia waak, and wUl picdaea bU plicu at UK 
Falaca. Btrrr Biadr inceaada blm u alaga nanaser. 
r!^.B.jSSi£?;ot tb. Cook HadlclaaW^Di a 
eooplaol daji In tba clip lail wa«k......Jaa;Cnldwrt 

foinirlr of ibo Nlatb Btratt Tfaaatra ttan forca, Utt for 

(TbkaiolaitWedoHdar What waa wnnarlj known 

aa Dnaalnfa Open Bonaa, aad now racbriaianad Ninth 
Binat Tli«atra,1n Kaniaa Clip, Kan, *u opaaod aa^a 

latlatF bonaa on a, wllb loUowlni parfonnon: MoirU 
Mular, Fannr Adair. Blinor Carano. Annia ,Bowr- 
Maud Vaaa, Uyan and inax and Maaiatttta Fanlknar. 

SU jr<Mplt.-At TOOtle'B Tlioniw •'IWS'i J»4 
R. R. O. Jaa. s "Town Toplea" tomaa S, "Wang" Fab. 
1, H«iTrB.I>lieTa^JaniaiO'NalUB. _ ..^ 

OlAwpokD'B T»aTl>.-Barmans cooBaJan.9,and 

Boiiiarain-Tba paat waak wu tba baonar w»k of 
tbaaaaioi. Tba diawTnienid waa TnL K Loraji Di»- 
nitUo On, m "Trilby." The paopla tor waak of »an 
0 E. JoSlan and wlf^ CapL Blanlij and Pf.rforaUi 
llona, Piaf. Bonlni and wifa, Jaaplw KiJnllF. .SHoi 
TbonpooaandTal.B.LoTa'iDninaUaOo., In '-Elng ol 
Iba Waak." 

nam an iriLuuadoMd a twentr-alfbt weaki' an. 
(agomantK, at tba Edan Xniaa. 

apriacBnU.— At tti« BaMwIn LUiUii UiiMn 
"CUopurE" bad two aicallant bonaaa Jan. 18. 'Tba 
Wkkbir roatman," with SnDlran and Ryan, cooaajl, 
foUowal by tba Sbarwood Cwit CoiiipanT......TJa 

Oiandbi^ n_fMrboiua t« wllnoaa"TDwn nipjei"M. 
BilTlnl, In "Don Caaaar da Baian^' eonaa B, Alf and 
Bob Taylor Fab. 7, 8, foUawad, libyBobl 0, loiaiaoU on 
"■hniunaai*."...J..At MaSo Uall Iba naw ficaa are' 
Wllram, nuaipaon. McQaana and PoUlaid. 


lB4Umap<iIU.-Biutae8s his kept abora itat 
araism dnrlng Uia part waak, all boniu iMoltlngllb. 
am patnnaga, tba Tudorilla campanlal, aapacliUy, 
dolnrnnlmmaoia boallMS. 

ORUbOniA nolia«.-Lawla Horrllon, In "Pnut" and 
"TorkVl Lora," Jan. Ml played to lane nadlaioai 
each nlibt and a big aatlnML JamaiO'HaJl andcom- 
paay.lnrapartoiy.oloaad adMldedlyaott«rfalang«a- 
BtotB. bU ■ TUatnlaa" making an eloaUent Impiwialoo. 

Sol Sallk BuaelTli dna 17-3. „ 

.Buouiiia llnu Bookl-Da Wolff Boppar. 
Byataa," played to fair bialnaa O-Ii. "Elgbt Dalla" U 

.Buouiiia llnu Bookl-DaWolff Boppar. In 
Byatai," played to fait bialnaa IMi. "Blgbt Ball 
nadamoed 90-Fab. I. 

FalK niaTll.-SIAndlng Boom Oolywaa Iba rule 
darlnc nia eBnganait of Bairr Jlor^a ,, anllalb 
Gentiry MaldirJab. sm Jaaala Mta Ban, In •Tba 
rnnoM of Fatten," dM a lane baaloea O-B. "Vu 
BmiisU of Llle" eoaea If. 

' [UTaUTRU .-, 

■.bare teitad tba eapaeltr 
— .jkoni Ike weak, tba akowbal 
oribaaoaion. Tbe Beau^antlay Co. ibli w«k. 

dM a large baaloea O-B. "Tba 
eair-9, aoimanBna' "Ollboolay'i 

„iiiirriiTauna.-Tba olly.Spoita, with ib> Holua 
8Utara,baTe teitad tba eapaeltr oflbli oapulu bouat 
tbroaAonl Ike week, ma akow belogoni of the biaetlea 

BrauwUle.— Ttlii bu bMO tlio builtr WMk 
la local ibeatilcal hlilory. crowded booaaaeviiywheia 
baiu Iba rale. At the Qfaad Lawli Horrllon ffmra 
'^Ftaiat^l.^mwdidSrn^jK.'^ OUiSklnaarhu- 
ood adranoe lale forts. 01m 

FonedUne:" JonnU Qokilbwaltn, 
^ Fib.l;'TlieBlaekCnok"<,"For 
Floni'a.-Jelee Walton farad rery 

.nnia eoBiaa 17. la 
»,lii "Prtnceoi Boa. 


Oidar," Jan. ■(. Prof. 8. A. Lee, bypnotlit opan^ a 
waek-aMga<aneotntaUialar«al eiow4 jbe bU. 
toiy of Ibe bovae.lnnlnii awajMinnJrada. Bguwiij. 
aaoa kvi eonllnaad Iknogb Uia weak. Tbeoomio 
Broa, In "Ollboolere Abn)ad,"„e«ni«a»: "A Bagij 
nbatk" Feb. l ■xyBeoUban'a Haaqntiade" », "K CM 
Day" U. 

Bran Biu^-Tka Boyil Band Bell RIogen bad big 

Fnt Wa7Bt.-At Uie MmodIo Ttmple "Tbe 
Pndlial Falbar" came Jan. B, witb a natlnaek to fair 
palnnage. Wallace Brace lactnraa oa "Wouunbeod of 
ihakenean" n. Olay Oeaeot oonea ^ •■Pinnlgaa 

Bnmi TautM.-Kew bew: Tbe Ro/an, pick aad 
Alien BeAny, Beraar andlrallaea,and 


an\KM, uilatui mauftr; FRU UimiooD, tn*e- 
nrer; Mr, ind Un. Fi»Dk B. Killer, «<ineat>lua: 
WTM Wilton Bnx., icrebita; Lt Roj ua iionn, 
trtpte \m; U Belle Tloi, MtUllst; A. E4, iliijen, 
bury duntibcu Jaggltr •m] liner; iooet Bros, ud 
Cooper, teiUUsli; Lou Hooro, lltrklu ud annier, 
doims; Pick ud Owlnoer, ZQaTo; Ftank u. HU- 
ler, tqaeatiUn dincloi; Fruk Otae, mtulcnl dlrac- 
torj A DUItATj bnod of foDitces nDkldus; Cbnt. 
King, boai pcopeitr out, uH WUt Hooie, cliwide- 

S,"JJSl, •'!»«* RlnillM Bids.' 

BUBPCH Snow Nom-Ai oar Winter oanitera 
par b« ie«n workmen In nil depertineDU, acb 
tilliigta ODido Ue oibn la piitilog Uw flaiauag 
louoba pQ tbe ouuiL Tbe show, wbui nsdj forilie 
rosd, wtUbe second lo none of IB« wagon sbows. 
Tbe new elecirtc road Umcr dsTlaed by Joliii T. 
RoMnaoDlaniacuaa. -~ uj i. 

Babrt i.Nn Elu aiAT,niArlon«uaoanlnguian. 
hMa signed wltb tbe Uaraum k finUet ntiow for 

Oioioi ATimsoH, baojolat and comedlis, bu 
•Mliisd wItb lbs New ar<^ Sindlnie snowi, to 
auks announcanenia and do bla spcclsli; la ibe 
coocon, making bla sKond seaaon with tbls abow. 

BSLfoBD Ciaccs Noraa.— Tbe winter qnuien an 
»i preaeat a biuy ilgbl. witb new wagons and 
cnarlota on tbe way to ibe lalai room, tbey will cer. 
SJ'n'J 'oolt bandsono la all wblte and gold leaf, 
MOIlj BeVord Is liaayamnglDR ibo new band unl- 
fonn, alio the wardrotn. Mr. BolTonl ud Fnd 
Howell are adding a new act la ibe war ot Mexican 
laddernad bead ualancing, wllb a giant awlogbr 
tbe te«t. Mr. UelfoM's ilater, KaUe, will do tbe nj. 
ing rlnBi tbia asason. Fioieuce Bmlili will bnye 
charge o( wnrdrane. Ura, BeKord will act aatrtaa- 
ater, rnt. O. v. Uuir leader ot band end aaalslant 
Eunaaer. Tbe people enmged eo tar arc: Fred 
IloweU, J. U. Bariey, Woud Alexander, Kewton 
Holer, Rosael Ale.<!Biider, 0. V, Buir, iLaue Uaaang 

KowAin iX>NkUH, Jouler, baa tnUiely recorered 
mm DU sickness and naa ilgned wItb ibe HctXv- 
mlck Bra.' SUter inate Sdow tor neii aessog. 


. 0. Boebeur baa reiomed mm hie motber'a home 
la UanvlUe, lu., bAvlbg ipent a pleasaoi time amoDg 
old Itleads, \l. 11. riuae, concert pertotmer, an- 
nouocerand clown, baa aligned, and wlu nuke tbe 
openloga for sideahow and Dig show. Alice Walker, 
aoake eacbantnas, will double In an lilab aoag nil 
dance for concert, Inuodnclng ber Dick dog Ue- 
ainij, UretTona la auloiia lo know ibe date of 
openlageihlbliloo. It la tbe dint time tbe show 
has Wintered In tbla part of the conanjr, and It la 
companilrely a atnanger to ibe people oere. We 
are ualag u old ttote bnllding for • paint ud 
wagon laop. It waa eiecud htue when tbe town 
ma dni laid ouL 

UAULirr AND Carroll bars signed with the Kew 
Onsat bl;ndlcaia Ubowa for next eeason. 

UomKO Notd.— Ubas. E. onnin, nunagerot An- 
nex with tbla abow, itporu the fallowing eigago- 
menis: FaoA, Ihe ire dead; Mile. Ollrln, pajcaolo- 
glat; Prtnce OogI, /.nlu chief; Prof. Klnue.sword 
walker; Adereuiaa, Urcaaalan; Alllilnb'a Rooaier 
Orchestra ud Anaireilan Kugatoo Dog, and ITof. 
JosnoitMcNou'a Breas Uind and Jubilee Troiipo. 
>Uigagenienia arllb the lualn show nie Malcolm and 
Toeola, aerlalliiH, their third season wllb tbe show, 
and me Uaibccks. 

Li'cii B. flBiFPiN, tbe coslnme lopenooalor, was, 
we ere lotoroKd, on Jan. II, awanled a verdict ol 
tlO,(X)0 agslnii toe IlllnoU Ueoiral Hallroad by a 
Jury Id the Federal Coon at Madlaon, Wia. In mil 
Miaa omila wna engaged by the Monooa lake 
Aasemblj to giro atencsof teadinga. Oaberar 
rival at Madlaon she went to the uaggage room, 
and Id coming out a heavy door tell upon btrauo 
sbe iraa penuanenilj Injured. 8beaoeafor|iS,0(m, 
Mtaa Ctinin la a aUler oi Cbaa. E. QrUtla. 

UiiaiT BiBTiai NoTBS.— Tbla ghow will lake tbe 
toad taiy bi Ihe Spring, greatly enUrged In many 
depanuenie, wllb thirty need ot worilng ilock, a 
new iSOtL lunnd lop, WfL middle piece, new wfL 
dresser and a new 9>x<0 dining top. Tbe band 
will number ten people, and wlU be fealnred. Ual- 
loon and paraohute Jumpa tor onlalde atiraclloa, 
also Prof. Rd. Brown In petUooi high divea. A 
number ot but aeama'a people have already algned. 
Kddle La Bam wlU manage the abow, ana the 
Ureal Eastern will be one ot tbe best u ceat shows 
In thedeld. 

J. II. Stafford has signed wim the lUngUng 
Bf«a. tnrnexiseaion. 

B. M. Ubaib, soloag wllh the RlggUng Bros, baa 
been engaged na general agent aad railroad coa. 
uacior by the Syaolcaie iuiuwe for nexi aeaaoa. 

FiuKOuisa.Tai:Bi<iaiu,aonof BenoliToanlaIn, 
and couau ot Juaephlne Uemoit, known by many 
olnua people, died la Fmnktotd, ra., Jan. le. 

^rILSu baos, Motib.— Wo an tery buay aionnd 
Winter nnanetB, geulng In shape for next aeasoo, 
wblck opens ApiU 18. We bare added two more 
care, making a dve car ghow. The toUowlag peo- 
ple luve been signed: I'nf. llatrrHobn'a Uugand 
'onyOrcnSiLenneand Bouib.wiuiam li. Nelaoo, 
Madden and Lowety, Uowani ud MaiUn, ud 
Htram Flab. 

llAAO'B RtmopiiM Snow cloaed at Winter qusr- 
tan, UbeiUn, la. Ban/ Ithodea will remain there 
and uke chaige ot Iba band when abow opens, 
about March 1. 

0. IL FxBiioii'B North Ameilcu CIrcas andTnlncd 
Animal Kxblblt, with Ool, Jea Fosier u repre- 
seuiailve, la nearly completed ud wui oil about 
Feb. ( tor South Ameitca. Mr. Fenon, the owoer 
of the show, aiaisi that he will take elgbteen bonea 
and ponies tor tbe varloua acta, Hooctt bilckaey 
bavlug been employed seveial monlba In their 

Roll FiRklor." U aiiQniincad f,ir llilawatV. Initio olio 
will be HU FoMor and Lfwlii, Fkllllraaiitl Hoblawu, 
Inaa Walaan.Clmralaand Bana^aanC)l<reud lha 

NicaaiODios.-DaTaeiwri'a uka nlkara may i« iMn 
le Maaaaar Onna'a nilaballalhliwwk: abulballln. 
doo wonder worhara, Anuna Jack, ihtrpatioolir; Xtt lod Moaia, Miliran kalli Jiinlai>, and wonian 
•haipihootaim. Tha lUaa ihow win U airen l>y Randall 
and Oraal. May PnocU lha liooll Hiilin, J. 0. kd. 
••Ida RatUa no>.drlch. LaoniDand L*a. PlouliDaila, 
Dick ColfBaa. Uaaara Manlell, Tsni wlUlaaauiJ Bay 
Ailamt* rrmala Ulnitieli. 

LTiura Tiiuina -For the nmlna wwk. I««nl Jt 
Eranlt'l Ladlaa'lTluh BDrleiiiiif end VftiiUorllia Vwny 
HoywIUbalhaillntllon latiwlutlnc Jnlin aad Nililc 
llralay, Rolilie, Ihn RIra Rraa, aiarky Roblaa<ja, Hairy 
Waluagd Murphr lod McOy. 

IlKiKD Hreara-Jaa. J. DowllaR, auiwinid by U;ra 
D•rl^ WlU appaar la "nio Red Bpldir " In llie olio »lll 
ba: TDaAincldSI>«a. X. Wlhoo, Ma. 
bol BiMoe. Mtmi, Lottia ArooarJIarTy Banriaoreuid 
John Philllpa. 
IIOTAlMvura -Tha llil for Ihli weak la aafullowa: 
lO A'lUooa, Uni J Marb.Ju. IVIIdo, ll.l'. Wlioiltr, 
i.V.flf'^''- ^'aoaho, Fionr Datli, Alont Bmn. 
Hollla Campoa, Baiy Bndliy, Mamla FoMar ud Paulint 

Natua-FTUk J. Pllllog li aooD to uUblUhannlhei 
imnaeiBanl laaort on Tiamont Rjw, In ba known aa ' Tin 

Midway." HaoRicr Frank I*. Hiuae, Mra. Rimo aod a 

paity of (Tiaaditwlil iMTa Boilou lur aa ailindril Wmi- 

•rn and BouUiani tour Foli. S Tho Rolliia Frau Olub 

III tlTalhair aoaual dtnear Jm.CB Minicir a. F. 

.>ilh calabialod bla nitlalh lilnbiliy Jan. xg,and«ai 
Undirad a luaqoilat iho llniel Broniwick hU iiaDaral 
Dunamr, K F. Albaa. A Danilnciol itlrar lanlca irmtt 
Iho omployoi of the foar Kaltli pUjhouiai, aad laanr 

oUier Inantlful |lll«, ware pramni^l Thaaucilon ulo 

ofMaururlhaCadotThoalrleala,ioon to ba hibl at tin 
TnmonlTbtatn, noltad a bla attmln prvntitniahini 

Edw. q. Oonlner, adranca uont rur*-||UMl an,l 

(iri.tal,'' cmnlcd away with bini Ian waak a UodHimo 
louvonlr In tha ihij>e of a nU umbiwlta, pnKf niu tu lilin 
by BanaaarCliu. HIcli, of tha llulUa Bireol naatra, lo 
appradatloD ofhi.coartoltaa. 

Wolcmler.— At Ibo Worcc<ler Theatre "Ilit* 
City"dhl aood builooH Jao.9>. Kitltar hail croailfd 
houiealt.zl. "Ll'lla Ohrliuiphar'* dl,l a Mic biiilnaM 
'1,21. Wllltamaitlolta, IQ'-Tao UachJi>lioiMja,"f«iiiu 

17 »:A«bnyBoorlMoli.B,dl. M7riTiorriij «.l, k;^^ 1 iw, mI-' V n i/?. u '.,1° 

la "Anah K. Foco^" "l'.olloan lla.n" and "tl.i luian '>'»»" ,"'' 'l',''"^' IJo'»'''». , 

■clinni,"3Mt: ttncr "a Milk wiiliaFUii" Fob. I, ■ In — Will and Jenio AUilaaaa are ailll wl 

(Jkl K*'.*".'!^'-* "TliA I^u. I..n.1lu K Ut.i.n n..K...n I Ijr.llMln**^ P1««>n 

Kootucky 'l, "hio Lon Faiadlaa ■ 4, >, tUuirt OiOKn 
-aiMiw Atrw" H. 
LOTHHora Oraiu IlM'Mt— "Tlio Two Joboa" hail nod 
boiMi la«i wtak. "llliu lliniu Roniiii" n-Fili. I, 

FaoiT BTairr OrasA 1lonia.-l.iionl ind Xriratl'i 
Ladiet' Club bad Rood altioduK* '7.«ru" 17- 

Fe b. I. 

Nona.— Tba tnonal benodt of Korcaittr Lodaa.R. F. 
Order of Elka,U lo ba held at Ihn WorcamirTuoAIlp, 
March S-1, wiUi May Irwlo, In -Tbo Wlilow Jun«i,"ia Uio 

attracllon rlarlm FItou, of Laitni aaj Riereli 

Ladlat' Chib Co.. leTerel her coiioi.clloa wiib Ihit 

rsasliatlon 71 Maoager D. a Virn<iQ. or "rtin 

_ fia llaram Bcarum" On , nacurad an [ojunetlun. Jiii. ai, 

>r«raaliOB Minacor Alf. Wlltoe, of Lollirop'a l>i>*ra 

looia. frooi bUlloa orwlrorllilnit any otler ailnclloii 
Uiin "Mill Uanim Bcarum" for UiO waak 1. 
Ho MinaRir WMloo wm cnin|)«d«d In take iluwn hl« 
haoRva adrirtlfloa "lIxM and IIom," vIiuIi In hid 
boohid for that wick. Lilar, ladalactory arrtngameata 
waiWDada whereby "llnniiiHl iloai" givaiip tbelrdita 
and will lupiar later lo the a«a«,D. and *-klu tlaraiit 
Scarvu" vlilippMraiorlglDilir blllfd ....Fiony JuhO' 
•oa mr*ni h*r ooDDicllon wlUi tlia '-Lllllo Clruloplior" 
•lo al Nov Badfiird Id. Inr plica bainc accupliblT mini 
"Y hir uodenludr, Barl llvUy, till Jaa. 35, whan Yolaiide 
aliice Jolnod tha cobipiny lion. 


BeataB«-We have no lack ot altiscUons, and 
eiodlenl onto, too, for tbe waak of Ju. 97. Oaorge Ed- 
wtidea brinn bU London Oalaty Company, In "Tlie 
Bbopalrl,"utnenolll>8tnetTlieatrafor lu ilnt Boa- 
uaippaaianca. Ii baa bean aaieilyanuelpalad and wlU 
na two weikn. "Hona^lind OraUT had a week of ei- 
caUinl bonaaa, svaralni wllb cbUdian. 

Bowooix Socaaa Taaiiaa-Tke Boacleaalt.Maitlnot 
angigMnanlandidA ptorbw lo noceBfol that Man. 
af en Thayer and Alklnisn will raopan wllb tham nl Uila 
botua Utar on. Waak el >7, "^e Bbadowi of a Oiaat 
UIU^eoniea,uadaraiamanaaamantaf Tboa Jiifanon 

TiBMOVT THIATns.— Tba Mirrr Moaartb " win tte 
law doSni ihJSiltwo waaka of /landa Wllaon i an. 
mmant. Uoodwin and Hone'a open hii aolbwo 
EwtborerorBTe raaia,and ma oiual bnlllaat aodl 
enoa which attaedaWllaon angasaaieotuaanUclpilad 
"na (^leltaln " captlratad tba loan. , , ,„ , 

SloSbii TiliiTa».-"A ulo to Chinatown" will be 
plvidfor onewaek. Weak of hb. J, Ward and Vokaa 
I^IM Unat Olamood Bobbery" draw packed boaiai 
dnrinx lla two waafci' na , 

fKmOK MDsaoa.-''nia Priaonarol Zaadi"biBlu 111 
mild weak aa thi raeord breaker In recelptaof lha bouM. 
It U probably the atroogaat drsmulc auiiclloa y« of. 

loarol TuaATal-"8uperba" enlan ipoe lu imnd 
uSlut wMk Jin. O. II baa imn a >tnns macnal for 
UiU bla plarbouM and la Booty pfwuolad. WoalofFaU 
3. Gennan open, by Ounfoadi'a Open CoBpany. 

Fliia TuuTlig.--TliopabUo ban not yet had enoaih 
of "A Conieotal Wooiao.", It hia, bowarer. bot two 
norewaaki to ran. WaU Oiled booHaat tacb perfonn. 
uce. TbaBfUilb perforaiuceon TaeidaraTialD(,A 
wIllbeaaOQTootrolBbt. _ 

lUetui BuoiakTaairna— Tba aaasgiinanlanaonnca 
"IITnntora," In EnilUh. for a aacond wook, 17. Ore ■ 
OnlollboualabaTa uMIOwl to Ualreajoiniaetor ibli 
om'orlkiuupailwaak. Tba three buedndib ahbt 
fSuii oUSn TKday, O. and will ba a gala ocaWoe. 
MMtlona nom aannl opona will be tug ihalolgbt 

Ulira Haw TaaaTaa-Tlie r*ania(wMot of J. W. 
Wtllr ler tbla weak 11 a woleomo aooooamiont In tbe 
t5Slolln«p?bUclkatBockl«Mald.-a Tbowart^bUlti 
ISnlcnlaAy iMd, and loolndoi Bagomioor, FIMi El- 
SrSn! Ibo cSlty Broa., UUda Tbomaa ud Fnok Barry, 
UaNana llanr Laoon. Jarrr Uul ud Bfetrtoo Leo, 
nkbr UHliriba VaMana. ihe TCijo Wilgbl Bluan. 
Sg^Uin iZd Muk, no. Baaka Ward and LnA Mooiagae 
rirt W^aLBanyHailon. Tsmbenilne MoCumf end Fiwf. 

°u5Sr' In A¥aa»xc«.-A toit ationg blU of amacUoae 
wlUbeslranlhia wook, headed by lie Mta Trio. Itil- 
M »I MlUeln Lao DarraJto, Manual TiKBiowd 
!2 UuiliMlVMlldnd Howard, Fnak Uuea AnnIa 
WhtlnaF. tba Four rarwIUui, Blrlia Banum, tha 
Ftdm u" conlion Birara. McMahon and Elaa Vlc- 
SSia Uttlta, Bnea and Brtaco. Amr MoUar^OMlhui 
SSluUman, Bay Voraoo, the Tuai aa. Pol Dairaooit, 
ISinatud^iwIoy. A. M. Tbacbir, Mai Fattoaatll, Jnlla 
Tutor and tha Birrard Comrdy Co. eomplal* along lln. 
Aratii A Bioia'a Mrsai;H.-Hnnanr Suae ban a 
noxX ihU >Sik in Capt. TetrtT^ BjiIIil tha man 
itaoaataasd driaka polion of aiaiy deKrIplloo. BlUy 
WelbTtbo Mairar Trfple'i, Bl 
nrioawlU ba loaod In IbaWi 

ilMO of araiy deKrlptloa. BlUy 
Bun take and BATeral other 
nrioawlU ba loaod In uialMtareluUL The bonrlr Mace 

Sowl-lu ft siru by tb. r'.'SJ^.'TiSi.'s::, 


— Masiger Kdwln T. UUIon o|ien«d taU araaon In 
tbo revised verelon oC Ibo Ungh mater, '■The 
Doctor," wllb the well known comeillan, John J. 
narko, ag Iho gttr, at New lloi-hcllo, N. Y., Jan. a. 
Tko aiipportlDg company proved to be wbolly 
capilile, and Ihe play la mid lo have given lnimen*o 
gailifarilou. Maoaircr llllinn bai secured Wlllli Vi 
lh>jer uadranco repragenlailve, W, W. Ltndthom 
tin inuMcal director, V.(l. KagleionuaiagontaaHgur, 
wllh Will II. Mlicholl aa awloiaal. The toiler In- 
cluden Joba J. Iliirke, John Manee, KdwaM K»t\t- 
too, A. K. Davidson, Will U. HlUhcll, W. H, Berk- 
ley,;. A. Wllhea, AlmaVUrle. Ma Vallanrc Klllh 
Waid. (Iiaco Fotmt, Biiale WInocr, Ulan Nekum, 
Nellto Melds. Manager Hilton clilRia Ibal hh tlghui 
to produce the faa-e, "Tho IKiclor,*' are unquoa. 
tlonablc. Tbe seaaon Is well boohed In the larger 
clilea, aid ibe tour givoa promlae ol being aucccas- 

— Nathan 11. Dooiloow, Ihe owner otihe Omnd 
Opeta llouio, lloaion, Mssa, baa racenily put the 
ihcauo In thoiuugh repair. He wilini that be haa 
spent coDoldemble mouer lo decMntlona and liu. 

KorouieDIa, aad that Ibe nouso la large and excel. 
nily well oinlpped. lie baa It In the neld u a 
combination bouae, playing from Si cants to (1, 

— IVot. J. J. Watson, foriiierly Iho iiaiiagor and 
now the only aunlrlng pupil ot Ibe tamoiia vie 
llDlal, Ole Uiill, wu on Jan. W tendered a eompll' 
meotaiT beneilt at Oonover Hall, SI. I'aul, Hlnn. 
I'ni. Waison cooirlbuieil aalcotlnni from the worka 

of Ulo Run, and was amdiileil br a quartet conalat. 
liigrf Kvn H. AlcolL Nellie A. Iiope, Hatty <ln>fgo 
and rfroyB.Uhiirahni.alan Kranklyn Krioger, Mlih 

tunc KonI and Thonian Connor*. 

Ulnnle l.noketiine, of "Tho Old l(oa)c-<load 
CO.," wa<i|nlotly inanlcd nl Ihe renldence nl Iter 
iiarenta. lu thin cliy. on Jan, 13, lo Ur. Ilarolde 

Ith Uarlo 

Wellesloy'fi Playera. 

— Urn. Ilarri lornton Is to uodcrFO a dangeroui* 

Kiintlcal onemllon al Iho llomeo|«tlilc llwplial, 

lUKheeter, N. Y., Ihia week. 

The new "Miilduun'A riclnlo Oi>," report big 

buslnciH, with n rerord liicaker now and llieii. 

llie couiiany at nreaeiil are : Niirtnnand lUiulnll, 
.. ii .. . . ...^.^ .. — ... 

Fall nivar.— At tbe Academy ot Music, kiBl 
wrek. Ilia E. K. Nirkoraoo Comedy t^i. Kavi etcollHiliat. 
iMladloo to lory jiuad builoaM. ' llaiiiUt K«Taaip«,l," 
uodw Iheaalplcaaor tho UnlirClablloca)). cnnia'if,^ 
Tha tale of inti li oicoptlonily larKo, and auuKKuui h 
aura to be railizad. "la uul KeDiueby" riiisii Fob. 1. 
"l>o«n 00 thiHuvanee Rirai" X "Too Hnch Jitlinun" 4, 
"llumully"7. B, Wm. Harry, In "TlialKiloiitloDaiilloo,'' 
II: Tho Jauif^ II, 'rin Turaadn ' II. li. 

W0SDaRl.iaDTliaATHB.— That KaoiiRar Mirtln'i henio 
Riaaja higb la puhlio laror U aiia«ltd liy Ilia rainirhibly 
Rood bukineu Iwlai: doDO dally. Rain T. Jnck'i Ealnra- 
KUUA Conpiny pnieolad lu capita] ahar* "Tbe Hull 
Filthier," Job. ZV-A lu Iho cai>iclly. Thiiwaefe, Itu.e 
Sydliri LoiUnn Ballot. "Ilrld In Hbrorj" u duo Fib. S- 
0. followed by lha llmry Birloflua Cii. and UoorKO 
tiracory'i Fintumlmin. 

Hicll'lirilBATHa— Hanieor Rich lir^irnrinc lilipalmui 
Mm good altracllooi^ and aaa rvMiU Iho ■litiidanta nf 
lito hii bean at Ilia hlgb anlor niiirh. "A Trip toCbiiia 
totta,",liul eicopliooallygiMnlbutlDBi*. lian'l 
A. KiUy, In "Tbe OatraJHinl i urvatClly," caneO-A 
•ndiploQdld mural wire the rule itetery torforraiuca. 
"Jolly UU i;huma" will bo Ihe atmellna 37-S. MIxcit'l 
CllrUlub ai-Fob. 1. "Flajl abU Fliyin'* camei Fob. 3- 
5. Tony Farrol 6-B. 

M. F. HcDlRHOTT. Inaiurtir of tha Womlirlaad Thea- 
tre, lerored bli conuoctiou with Iho lioniv tul itteh, anil 

hai lilt ... - , . . . _ 



Joremlth M. Ilarrloauin liia tmn app.itDl»d 

>raia aamt it RIeh'l Theaua He hai alRnnl wllli Klug. 
Inf Brot.' ClreoB for the cainlov a««Mn. 

Hoy (I.Ciirltiiii, II U. laat, Kilwin Xora, llanr l<o- 

lano, I,. Rot, ilmdlg, Agnes Uoutr '" " ■ 

IhwU MorrUjn aud l,<tttle UlbeoOi 

— Kitty Itiyniond (Mre. J. L.Uraco) preaentcil her 
hnnlianil witn a laby bov on Dec. a). Ur.Umce 
tunoloHCd hbi geaiou, anil will open the Humnicr 
waaoii wllb hl.1 own cooipaoy, fliaio's Comedlaba, 
and will carry a luiiid, to tio li-auiird. 

— The Standard lipcm Bouifo Co. Iiiajiiatorfmo 
lud. Tbo maior Includes Ireno Veruiia, prima 
dotins; Caroline Wolfe, Ubarlni Draw, Arthur 
Sealoo, SylvcriterCorolshaod a chomiul twenty, 
under tba dln-ctlou ut I'nir. Uharlea II. lloiTaiau, 
They will lour Ihe Now Kngland liiwas every four 
weeks, producing a new uuem cech vlilt. Tbeir 
nriwnory lDcludca"The IJtilo linke," "Urphoua and 
Kiirldjce," Ulroile QlroHa" and "TreblrAinde." 

— Unlieatra l,esder Chatles Connolly liu been 
obliged 10 nllOi|Ulsh all eagageiiienis by renaon ot 
the ustif oniua IJiueBH of hli inuiher, at her homo In 
Umokljii, N. V. Tncra lu uiii illght bopo ot hurro- 
covery, we are loformcil. 

— Uuiier ot llie Mutlral Hagncta Concert Co, 
Oco. II. Wllaon, violinist ami mnuagor; Jaa. U. Our- 
ncll, lllllo oululii: Ueu. C. I'roudni, vluluncclllat; <i. 
W. Ilill, viola and bauju nololsi; A. U. Uall, ban 
and guiuir aoloim, anil Thoa llunri, tenor. O. W. 
Hall la unking a lilt wllh Ills Intuuuoa on the 
liaiijo, as la A. (I. Mali wllb bla loloa on bla twelve 
iUlug giiliar. 

— Freiianllons are well advanced foi Manager 
Ull'a pruduuikm <il I. N. Umla' play, 'Tie l.ail 
Hiioke," whicit will receive Ha liiliial preaciilatluu 
Rt St, I'aiil, Ulnti., Felt. 'a. Alliong thuHO engaged 
lor Ihe csBl aru kreilerlo He Uotvlile, JohnT, Sulll- 
vao,t>;lH Ttinior, f^lttnr Furrcat, Juscph Kllgore, 
Adal>wyorand Uiideliiie Lack. The Hconcry will 
tje fmuideelghs by Homer tCTaoaaiul Joacph Hart. 
ItuUrarmIs will begin ueM seek, uodur tuo dlrec- 
UuD of II. A, lloberts. 

— Tbo Howard Wall ComodyCo. la mailo up as 
follow: Walter IVIUun, William curlicli, Koutoii 


r&ndai.— Wt are Iq WInttr nawitni In MvrUlia, MIm, 
in»r pUflnft to foar vMki of ittf anpnAubli* bmlMM. 
Tbo nun: Ohti B. IIrI) A fUni MePlIno, (^laBl nwaw, 
(1*0. L« Hl|;^ tltneiD* n)p«; Fml d'Hrl^n, btn tni 
hnoekfthoui ohivn: LAum Allt«n abiI Jnn. DmikMuo, m 
ih* ctincvri. tml (liu Wauon, niumr of cuitm, wiiii 
ontnuiilAnt Th* rAllvftvOaiiuptimnt tnn»l«UPl anHl. 
MiKk CAr. a Bnn. romblQAIIdii rar, a htod witpio. a tl«k«t 
«ajton« ihiriFen «r4>(l«l |ionl»i, ihrM Jonkk i)r«r and 
iwn h'tTfl, iiwtl In UitilrMi rageant. \V««III rennlu 
b»n |irohaitl7 rtfii v*«kr M(«>«ta. Hall Jt Xorilttii, la 
onlar to lira mnr* tf nanmlfal, hkj* » nteO a untall hnuia 
(n ih* Kmi Had, Id which l« tMnI l)i»|>«dplo who romaln 

(Urr. JAi'KrHAW»-ORt)«r[irBaa rollovi: "I hava Jttit 
roDAhiilM a iiiMl MicraMftil •naacMiitnl of l^olTn 
■ eak* ihroufli lha NorihwMt,<'aUf(>FRlH,TauM,rolornili> 
aih) Kan«««. Am ai tlnmhi, N>b . Tor liro nlabl*. «hMt 
■•■' • ■* weo 10 Hraokljrn. S. V i shl 
ID, whan I coromvneaaihm* 

I Jamp (mo nhloiml iheaeo lo Hraokljrn. 
irannil Saw Yotk (III Pah. " * • 

vaakK' an^t^miDi omUr tlia nianaitatneDt of iha Cant* 
illan Roirrialnroant Huraau, of Toroaio. My aue^aa on 
lhlaiourhialk#>wH>an»tn«DAl. I haT«bMDakk«il tor a 
mum ilaia whtrovar I luva BiTfnittr •ntaTUlntnfiai. 

Tim nHlHiTli'A!IU^l'iill'AL»T»TAi:(MII.TTItFrih(n 
llAll. KItchburtf. MiM., ilTMi hj Trol. M V. Pack and \hm 
Whall«ja, lailr InMrqnifnitlUU, a*KUteil hy r>r. WhilUy. 
Bhaka»pMfvan raaJerZi. fTvvfii a •ttCffOL. Thay nport 
[lUjftDi lo K It. !>., and ihal oaeh »»tfcth)D nia rnroiad. WlliiMH lnr»TniN \m lliat hn haa JnlDi>il W. M. 
Lollratl, harlni Klwtnl W. JuhnMii, thi hlinil HoiiM aail 
tnuMoAl vondar, inr a iNidlnu Taalart, opanliiif atMmt 
April IK II fliif HlDir. Ark. 

HiwiiftA!*!) NttTift »'Hi>ii Tkop. t>. M. Pai^tmr-'a Fitm- 
Ounlculuni— Wn liara itilnjr MliicAlfsi hn^K>^ |«iiilrit 
and DUllrl^ aoil i>|t^iif(l mir Wariorn toitr al riity- 
aooa, Wyo , on tlirUliuu l>ty. Ut Ult ImdnM*. W*ro 
onaiiinl aBaa|<acial TMlur* at iIk* l4a>lTllln it'ol) Irn 
ralac*. K*iir»r: Prur. t>. N. llrUiol, it<lit(at<ir: Jo*i (\ 
Hatilck.inaQait«r;Jiiii. tl.tllavarL icamnl tllrarlnr; -1. H. 
FiMlar, huilnaf a trrrManlat Im ; W. f ! rniHt|i*rt niaaltal 
tllrMtiir, anil Ik la. llmhrlr. ulToilltltte aivnt. 

NitTW PROU TrTTLK'H Wl^ffRK rAM:<lVAlJl— Wa tr« 
now In our fourteantli »o«k onl, havloi iloaa a (Ino hwi- 
wtM all Wmiar. On Jan. A »a vor* iItpd a turiio tml 
oTMlariiiopaTanar Dianliaw, ami all kail n r«rr (ilkaatnt 
lira*. LiHl* Jaul*. cttuiitnliinUL and KJ. ThRnro mil 
Iho Tnt'ln aiatpra ara rtuturaa. Mr* Aonln Tutlla <vlr* 
bmtod har blnhday Jaii. !^RrMl rreolrwl a ilUtiiooil plit 

fo^in har datig)iliira.a Itlita Mlln ilrAu Ki)d ailpparatitii 
otharprManOmim niamt>ara ■>( ihf« ronipanr. Hnaior: 
Ura., Ann la Till I la, A. K. Tittlla, I.IMIp Jajulo. Kil. Thanlo. 

area OLlConiiOCtlOD WItb tha liOtliv (Ml WMKiaoil liuuun. nanur itiuuii. uiiiibui vwiiitiv, fvuuuiii 

t ton 10 look an«r til* InurwtUwrtlioScraQiun Wllltrd, Hcutl lUyiiioUil, t'Aiil JIUiliRiii, IL U. Wllei, 
llOlulP,wbIchbalap>rnaBaRa iliaconilnie nrtm. K. A. Huluol), KURCDQ O'UflcD, Julill YoUUg, Ktl» 

Lowelli— At tho npere bonn "Uumah" pUyoil 

a mare Jan. W-S. to bl|C lioorsF. Wuraa i>>ulaii 
la 111* dniiia«a a^warauca bafora oLomII audlanca 
_ 'VlntlDlaR,"33.toa ROodlioiiM "RuKkthti" playAd 
niojiood hODMa. Bookad: IfOLiactall UtrllDot • o. XT. 
tA, ■'Tiw Much Jubo»OB" 29L 91. 'Tha Omt Dianumil Hob- 
t»*iT" 91-Fab. I, llaoloaa' * BupeiUa" S, (i/r aaak. 

HC8loUALL.—RainT. Jack*i"flull Klrlil*r ' Co. plarpj 
lo bl| booMH 9)-a Tony Farra'L In "UHrry O'ao," siUl 
bif bunJoataSS-S nonilaa: HUca'aL'liyCluljBurUHiiia 
Ce.7r-29. "riayaaod I'layara 'iVJ.Pab 1. 

KOTii.— Uabal Cralif. of Ui« "nu*h Ully"rn.,apraln<»l 
luranklo during Uie parronaaoca 2S, bui pUfad to tbo 
•od of lha ibow. 

Lawnncva^At tbe Opem Ilouiio.Jao. fl>, CI 

la Old Kaotuck;" playad to lood bualMu. Wai. (Ill 
taua'a'Too Marb Juliaioo" plaiuad a tool hoaaa n. A 
Kond houaa Rraaiad *'RtjBb Citf ." aaiwIuiatAadloB tha In- 
ctonaot waatbar, U. ClareUnd'a Mloairaki lare ivu aa- 
tartalotnaotaZ), to ROod Ini'lnaaa. CdiqIdk: ' UW Fi>i>. 
S,'Two Johna^A, Boiclcault ManlDut Co^ In 'Amb Na 
Hopia." 6: B'llj Barry U, "JaMcr" 15, "Oaa o( the 
Bmraat** ir. IS- 

Norn.— '^Id Olorj" cloa«d tlia mmoi hare II. 

"The Brida of RaTlila," an oivfa, ity Culiloi bikj dimirvuo, 
orthlRcltj. Uuodariiotd rorprwductloa la r«bnur)', 

SpiiBiflflda^At OIlDoro*! Court Siionn Tbe- 

•ira. Jao.Sl. IColUraotanalaril a larga audlaaca. "Ut- 
ttaCbrlilophar" had cond raturoaSi. * llaioaolly" drt « 
Urgabuiloaaa O. William Ulllalta, In "Too Much Jubo 
MD," bad larga houiaa tl, tt, vlUi ma Inaa Tbo adranca 
nla for "flbora Aeraa," ahicli conaa TT, ti, liaa bran un* 
sioally hrga, twarlr ararr Mt Id tin bfniaabolDKMid 
for boib nlgbia. -fCvah Clir" O, "A Milk Whita FUr" ni 
TOCKIB'R flRLOII TlltATHi — Dookod waak oriT: Jamel 
nowatd and KaoDy Bt UUIr, Bart lla^JlcCload and 

. HI Iff Ofc v>«<>i ovaa iiB^,aava<|iniu aiiau ' 

MaUIUa. Erala, OD* laiakatar: Moralud,7ticuii>aoQaud 
BuihfUaorrOlarkr ' 

k aod^Haitl* Tample, 

LfBc^Attbe Ltdd TboAtre CltvcUntl'd Uin- 
itraUoajneJaa. X). to ralr tnalDau. "na^lMNiy" bad a 
loodhoaaaS. ''Banoah" pUyad to lis baiilnaia 
AtthaoloalDgparfomanca, Cn. I, H. V. M.. wblcli 
lUiai) Id tba play, waa praa*DiMl wItJi a MIrar Inilog r>ip 
by FaSKaoaTompklna, ol tha JIaiton Tlaatra, aim hat 
MDtnl of tha ahow. '-Dovn on Hit Suvaaoa Rlrar" 
eomt(6,7i 'Dptclal DallvaTT*'S. 

Hraic llALt..— 'TUya ami Ttayara" and Rattlor** (lalatr 
Rarlaa^oa Uo. ara tha atiracilonji Utla waak. Tba Fraou 
fully Co. cocoas Fab. S-A. 

TauBfon.— At tbe SewTbettre "Tbe l/M Ten- 
dlH"eania toaooil bualnaaa. Cdolig: "la Ull 
Eaatacky" 2i, "Jolly Old Cboau" 30. 


IVbaellDfa— Botb tbcfttres had good IjDblacM 
laitwaak. AtthaOpan lIogaaJamaaO'Naill eainaJao. 
11, prwntlng "TtaaCoarlarof Lyooi," for tha flrat linw 
bar*, to a crowdid bouaa. "Oa tba MUilailpfl" fvllowtd 
n gIrlBg poor aatlifhctloo to a larga aodleiM. Edward 
UanlgaB comaa TT. ''Slobad" Fab. 1, Ot Woll Uuppar, lo 
"Dr. flyalai,"e: III HaaT7'a If luUraU (t, "Tlie F«ocloR 
Maatai" 11. Jobo OrifHth'a "Faoal" U. **nia Black Cn*>V 

aiAJfB OKIIA IIOCM — Aa waa alAlad la Ian wa4k'« 
lalur.VaaaRarFalolarcaDcalad "ABaidiof Mloodara,' 
eoo««<|iiaolly lha flnthaUof iha wtak waailark. *-l/«l 
lo Xaw York" auratiad crowilati Imi»«i n-lfi. 
nratn (K>nda Maa'* com»a 77-0, Vloranea Bln-Uar 31- 
Fab. I, Our Broihari* MlmUala S-n, Jamaa B. Uvkw. lu 
"OrtaVoaUar Poor." 0hl Wabar A KltUa 10-12. U4f- 
ntM'a '"Ttaa Oilboolaya Abroad" 1>U, (laotalcK Offtr^ 
Co. ir*1L 

IfOTia— Waltar McColloch etoMd with ilia Jaitaa 

O'RvlUConpaDr kara.a»1 laatlll lo lha ellr W. W. 

DoBolog, aiaot rorWIIIa' *^wu Old nrnDlark" »i*aDi den 
day bar* S. Ilia coBpaor will play iha aurrfiundlag 

towoa saxtwaali FnokM ranl»,ot tbla diy, can- 

taDplauaorgaolilDRao oparacoinMor uoii a*aM>a. and 

lanow boofclugttia raniura Ed. Brua*. of Houoda- 

Tllta, will bara w "I'acla Ton" abow aodar caorta 
duiog Iba owdIdi euDiiiMr, 


— I*atld7 Mnrphj itMcR Ibal bo hRA bniiabl tho 
right fortiiu tluiivtl bittieii auil OtiutU of lluiicrl 
O Umdy'd Muwllutul Irlab pl»T, "'fne Wild Irlili 

-Odotto Tyler iRlll Id Dilllmon, UiL^end ber 
rolo lu "The Uay I'arlbLAna*' la iwlog RHHUiiietl by 
JuwpIilDO Uall. It b [uiiiured Hmi HUd Tyler lu* 
teiidHiUonljto retire fruiii tho iiagouuillliBrlicaliU 
la Improved. 

— Alice JImU Kllbjr Rnd Qllfer HiiirK'i Joiien vrero 
CQHrrlwl Jaui '^4, m tJia Liulu tHiiirult Aruuiid tliu 
Conicr, tblH cliji 

— Utivuiiy w. Turner Joined tTodeilck Wurdo 
netkuf Jiin.27,at(Hiutift, Nch., lo playuld iiuD 

— Tho Annual banqaet of tbe WaTerly .*^let j, of 
lltisburR, Pa,, occurred uu Jan. 21, lu iliu Mouuu* 
gaheU UouM. Tlio liaiiquol, which Iihj nlwiya 
twcD held on llio aoiUTOrairT of tbo litrtbdai (if 
Hobert llurui, WAi given ono duj earlier, liecauae 
of the pottlblo cuuruBchuvbl up'in Hiiudajr. Tbu 
addretu on lloburt lliima wm dullvered i)f Ur. 
FraDk II. Wade, uur uuntHHWiniloiil lo ihut cllj. 

— file l>uUlo Uarlun T. C.** iUt, rupnn dulog 
aneicelleui hunlm-Hi. 

David U'Urleu'n t;onicithioiclQfK<]a abort 
HOD, playing uvor ft clrcili of Kciiinckj ti>wiiH, 
b>tvlriK upuutd llie now b»lla at Uiayaou aud Moro- 

-ueorge Qordon haH Joined tbe Uoaton Theatre 


— The fullowlnff wire comoi from llie managwiof 
Iho Auadeiiij ut MurIo, Oicao, N. Y.: "Cilftdu and 
Hiddleton, Biipportlug June Agauu, opened Jan. 21, 
at tbo Aradciuy of Uualc, lo tbe largcHl Iioum on 
reconl In Iblx clij; hundreda were Inracd awaj." 

— likHDy Uanu, who ti phtjlDir Mm. 
qucaiM III lo dcnr tbe report that Iho coiiipabjr had 
Htmndcil. Ur, Hana ilaiei thai tbeibuw la uwklug 

— Juaepb UaTer, fdinoua ai tbo CbrUt on tbe 
Ol>er-Auniiorgau aiage, met wllb a Horluui accMunt 
Jao.'il, atbUhoiiic. Ilu wae engaged In helping 
lo haul a tree Ui a wagon, wlioo Uie tree illiiped 
from iiiuHe hauling It, knocklnHUr. Mayer duHrn. 
iiud falling upon nue ot bU leflR. Tlift liinii wan w 
Indly cnulied tballiwaifuuudnocraiiary t4i aui< 
putaU) 11. 

— ■■The Lady Hlavpy." an operatic comedy. Id 
IwoBcu, muhli; liy (luRiar Korkcr,twok by (leurge 
Jteoce, waa tilvea Ita flrai iireatiiiatlon In tiita 
cuuDlrjr Jan. at Iho Ufayelio Upera llcrnae, 
Waililuglirn, l>. U. 

— Uharlm O. lldmolt recorered a JtJdgmonl In ibe 
fUipreme CnurtorthUtttale.oii Jan. V7, fur (4,Vi-iX3 
agidnat (Juatar lllutlcbi, for haUuceuf aalary due 
fur icrvictH rendered during tbe icanoD of l&itt-u. 


NdIIIo Ttitlto, lha Titliln Hlklvra, Yal. Uiwro. rulillo Da 
Alf^TTiroa l>awK>ii«. K K. Md^inGoll^nil Ulla. Haita. 

RtmRR or iim Vi?iii KMRkrAiniim.-tJr. A.Rtoan, 
Ireliirer and niaiiiRpr; Mr* rihHifi. traniitrtr; W. II. 
(l|hha,fctAaa nuanaK^r ami Ir'nh mltt^«lla^; Mra. Vf. II, 
(lllitM, planlal: lha l.a H»ana>, IrUh rhanaclara; l^ra* 
lira and aitrlain|i|inr, DinMeal atul ii>rallal*: ll.\fpol. 
ildtfa ai><l W. niPkman, Fn^lft !.« llMna and Marjorla 
Olitna. \Va carry itiiriiwn liaml- Allaritanjoj-lnii rikhI 
faaftllh, and wa walmnia onr nhl frlvud, Thb (TLtrrRH, 
aarh «^h. Wa am tmirlng HinntMiU In snod biialnwaa, 
and lha man la ahlia utakta lila ap|>«*rmnra arary Ron- 
dar iititrolnR. 

THRKit-ui.TV rni'rtriL of lha Kana«a Hiaiv Unlroralir 
racanily notld'dlh* lawaiiid*niRar lliat laalliitilanlbat 
lhoyiliini>t.M>|imra of Ih* r>'<Jofl uf linrlnic Uoharl 11. 
iDKoraoll ilollvor a hrlura al ihaanitoatMlnRroiiiniMir*. 
iiianiaterrlaM. and Ihal, abuuhl an atipiniillaa in«da bir 
Iba law arhnol lit carry nut Ilia InUiillnn. lha Oiunoll 
will roioii tn Iwrulo nwaaurn* in prvvootlt. TItaMti' 
daniLon taaralnv tharUwaor Ihoraraliy.eonmimUalait 
wlilinliauncay H. Dfpaw. anil It la aiiiaoivd dial lit will 

riiArt. r. Ykitih'm Cit.TriiiT OnrnKntti ami Froil 
Hvliamarhfr'a llM>d Kami will l«ava Ni>w York. Kal>. 3, lor 
a tour of lliaKMl IiiiIIvm ami Haiitri Aniorlca, wllb lha 

■ .. . ... _ . _ 1^ 

- ^ - Tawnoo Agaaey, f. T .oil a 

\hl( to Ilia bmlliar, who l« lUm iniTiini*l«iil dr<>inr al 
that l>>tk| llA lui alao vUltvl Kort lUiiu. l)tliUi>liia 
(!lly, llulltr^a ami r*rrt. In OklahuMn, fMOihlulntf buil- 
naaa with ptAaaiir«>. IIa lia< ImidbIiI rlv# iHitTR|no« aoil 
inada arraiicoinani^ fur ■arnrlitf M« ImlUna tor nmt 
■ufori. Whilti al Kurt llainn l>e Imiflit a mtlctail nf 
l>lark mtil »lillpapol>ifl ro'dra frntn iho Clifj-enoti liidl< 
■na. fawitPO Burn WM Waal will Im aiueti lintrnvrtl 
iir^i Hiuuuin. 

HiwRi.i.iNicorH fliiiiwa— Rtiitor of I'miitlla laillan 
Mmlldttn (^1.. imir'iiB Ni>r(lii4Ht BlaMMrl to r»|*irlat| 
UdiM bualtinn: Ur H fUnif-liall, profrlalnr; llr.JtjiiiiK. 
Foya nianasfr: Mra.Jfi)in K Kof^, iraauirtr; Mra Itat* 
lift IlllllUud, hlanlat: JaiOM T- Oliaa*. acffnirlo eoma* 
tllnn; JIni tl. W<hnI. Itlankracaritimdlaii: Arltnir Wtrm, 
IrlilienntNlIan: rhlaH lilark Wuir and HrlihlHlar. <hi 
Jan. a ArihnrK. Wyalt and Mra. Ilalila lllllllanil wi>ra 
marrltMl nti Ilia ■Uri iMrnroa rrtivilcd ltatt>a, aflar alilch 

a (inilra com|>any ailjnumsil to iho Imivl, wlara a 
..jiTipluiiiia Biii'Mr wa* iniilnkon rf. Ttm lia|>py nuiplo 
wara iba raclplanu iif many valiuMn an<l ii«triil praa- 
anta. tiMlaorRo W. PanUy. ii<«r Rpnlal Inaiawlar, Iia4 

lualUltu«,ari*rn hlnuianl tMi. It<«lar uf Moliawli 

iNllclita l:u " ■ ■' 
While, aU 
■Ilea t 

" l^ani! Ill* WlilUiL „ 

. , ._ . _. . lUck arL Thvaim|iiii;lBilii- 

Ini a ROtHl liuMiitui, OTfrytHHlt liKppv, anij wo gatTliH 
iTuri'lR unA« a wantt- Dr. Alliinan, i>i 

Rar'aKlfclrralMtt^f.. Nm-4. \m arltl lnToiiaBJiilroiai>rc 
ilolnaanlea biuinau: Dr. I'hllUp* WHMprtaaitlad wllh a 
JianoMni* ruM inniinteil ranc, ■ lib an elk'a fiHit bandb, 
Ivtwoak hyhlawirn. Tlia apliltvalbn raxularly of try 

Mopday. ami iivitr>iMHlria happr. Knita aad Koaier 

orJaanuna A lA l'Ura'« Knr.tria Hnit arn : Wa mtm n»w 
iiiirlnu r«iDii«yl*«iila. nnd aro dniiii a wmid^rrid bnal- 
nau. Rirkivr: Ti>n> J»aiitHia tiw\ Hun* hi Hlam, pro- 
pritiinraaod inaiipiiipra; 1/itlln Jetiioii*. IrRaanrwr; Tuni 
.ii^nutm miiiiailan; i:iiaa. AiniuMp. ■Iiir kM anil liKRior ; 
Mnna. Lal'lar^. lrai>a iml •Utla for uIb; Mra. Mi-iia, 
riaca Hi«ni*li riria' aii'l rlmt aMitiif by tha r«rt; Mra, 
TtilO Jntnoiia. riiiiltrMIn; Mllft. Ia Kfri**, CuntrinlunUl 
lllllia Iff IIA, child alnu-r; I'mi' Miirria Mo' 'am ni id, itnial. 
oijiliraclur. Kil llaihlBr^Hi. lrl|i|« bar i«rf<inn*r, Jnlna 
A- Kv*ry)iod)- la aril and haii'y.aml lha RlHttt walkn 
«rao Ronday. Tlia Ci.ii'riii laa volciioi« rallar. 


Lot AMgelM^Tbe Loa Aogeka Theatre held 
Cair aUed aodlaoeaa for Paooy Rlc*, la "Atiha Fraach 
Ban." Jan. 11-14, and Ian* booaao for "Id Old Kaniaehy 

14-18 TlM Maria Tanry Oraad Optra Co. eomaa for a 

waak,oomaiaoc(ag T7 At ih« B«rbubThaair«MII- 

too Moblaa draw Calrly vath aodlog 19, with "Tha riKr- 

d(i." Per a>-»,**A not of Tharpl^' labllM Tha 

OipbaaB) iR la Uaa of cootloaad ropelarliy. and pivwnia 

BeaKle.'At Oordny'n Theatre Ibe Mmltb Uoli 
Co. bfKtti thair alilli weak wllh adolaiiwd i<arri>riaanca 
or "A Hoop unigld," Jan. 9, to I'lo MllalMllna iifa larga 
hoaaa. Tlitir t»rvdaclloo nr"Hy tiirabllaa," waahnf 13, 
draw aicalleol houaaa. Fur llitir rlualag aaak, Tt, ibay 
rill citaiiia tba bill olibUr. loi^alloic tfialr ruriiiar aij« 
cwca at ibia wrt>uUr huaM, L'alllnia A Hray'a "Mabi nl 
MlUn" »ld hav« lU lulUtl Kbduclbm Fab. lloitio 
B«iaanl-<-b«aa playa a ratuin aoiaitmoot', opanlni iu 

HiArri.a TflRATRR.— Thm. W. Mtana trataii k lhr«a 
Bl|hu* anfaRainast 3), lu a bli Itbuaa. Kailo Fatnam 
cosii aSI aud fab. I. 

TlvuLl TllRiTRR — Tlila hnaaa la dfalng iibinamtDal 
bualuria. feopla W: llaltaa Mlnnoo, M«i«« (ioUniilib, 
Haltlii Kalloig. Ful. R. Una, Fayn* Hl>li>ra. I'h'rba 
BUtuni, Mr. Ulrard, Maud lUyaioaJ and Joa Cariwilgbr 

Bpokane.— AtlheADdllorliim Joe UawlLt/m, In 

'A F(-dI riiT Luek."can]a to lair builnaaa Jm 17 H. 
Tttomaa W. Kraoa proalocnl "BliUtl^u." * HIHi«rd 111" 
and ' l/'uii .\t" IJ'lA, luwicallaot boaloo-a. EdUKIlatar 
|iUy*'i ">a aniall hnuM II. B(*Ablaga: Carlaioii'i Op«ra 
<*o 77,»t.Hogi*rab.ll,Hl)>raMcllabrf 16. 

yiurLR'R — Ptbpla waak Huih iriailna, Kali Y«r 
non, llm llarpar, Han 4;r#tlan, Aiothta iiuoiro. May 
Fdtlaiton, Maliol LlTlnialan, I4a HUftoa,CliaDdlar and 
I/irot, aod Dr. i;aaaQtfVia. Tlit clir aulhorllira ara 
making a dttamilDtd •tori t«« doa* iitia ibaatra uDdar 
tha HUl« "Barmaid Art," bat aa yrttboyhara l4*n on 
aoccaaafuL l«t wark tka nvoacil rtrokod Utt bar II 
caoaa laanod In lha thaatrt. aad wbao ihat fallatl Ut el«»a 
thaliooaatPm.KkliaR*, tbo oomiaal proprlotor.waa ar 
rtatad for Railing liquor wlthoat a llcaoM. Iflo trial hr 
b»to aat for Jaa. n. Thatbaalraiilll cofltiaaaa lo run, 


DaMvar^Al Um Tabor Otasd Opttia Doom Hay 
Irala,lB *m VUoTJoB«a,"hadpn>apactaor apa<kad 
bcaatajaa.»«. Fradtrkh Waidaeonaa ffand waak 
^ Oangva Tiutbi -Daalal BallF. lo "A *»«iiii»'.S?jl' 

hai pod bouaa iml Blea'a Oomadlaai, la Tba /Ira- ^ 

J^gSiiSlTa ray baa pacM lha iMMwtak I ^SiSwii!^ T. ^'ack'«Wgktriwi«^*^ 

Llllla Roeh *At Ibe QaplUl Tlieaire "Town 
Toplea" canit Jaa. 0. to good buaioaa*. Kalrlal, lo "Ruy 

Rlaa."31,aiid "TliaTtirvadaanlamtD," ft, i1r*wrrowd«l 
naatt. Uoa: MIoola Maddaro Klaha, lo "niaUtiaaa or 
Llara-'0.aad"ADeiraUD«aa"aad "^A l.lghi From H:. 
Agaaa" S; Bicbard Maaala'd 1^ Botnrt o. logfraoil 
B*io*aL Kob^n l< UawolBgcaDia I Fa**. L Bobtml AI'.Tayhrl Vr.aatlMra. Ollf*- B/rnn 
Faanr Rica i»ltyad to big toaiaau 1 ^ Bobart B. MiaUU il-U. *^ Toeaado. UL *^ Uol- 
tl.Ci,OorlaM}<»U. > ie«JUa|"li, .-i 

a bllL Aeonpflahitf iba following paoala: Manl««itao 
OoflBMy roor, EnmoodiL kurrKro tnl Roinon']*, Bar- 
BaT« Uihyn. Da Ballaa Broi, Nona Da Rluall. fil|i#rt 

aod OoUla^ BawaU aad Rbarattt, * 


•aa DlagOa^At Pleber*! Open Tloarellay IrwiD 
rama Jaa. fi, to good bndoM Hob^n l< UownlBg 


II Me: Unlilaaei 

•■iua,aii*rn pinaHni tihi. ii<«iar ui aiMiawa 

clito iUi-, Nil. 4: Frank Ihtwanl. iiianagar; Jack 
a, aLaa* luantaor; Mr. ClonrK* ItJitn, )pclHr*r and 
I wnrliar; F. J. l^>o|>ar, rMimllan; Iho lluaanU, 

, trMldnnl ot Mm 

liAawka and Mnunian lliupltal, alil vluli ilia r.nnt|>any 


Han AnlonlD^Ai Hie (Imnd Opona IIoiim 

HloolaMaddam Flake cli)«ad I n(iai ■iic<-u«lul miiaga' 
mtnt Jan. lx, riill<ioo<l by lUTtily'pi Mlaitnia 'A, II, 
nirhanl Maniilfdil pUyad mallnnoand nlnlil 31, to lha ca- 
.«r.lty III Km huiiM. ^Tlia Twalva ToaijiiallonH" ritina4 'Tlia I'ay Train" :w, H. H. NaaUllll-Fab.l, Fado- 

Wahhi.ycitii.v TtiiATkN.-Anula llfiaard, Jehn Oman, 
JnoAditina, AuiiklUUi*, JuiHla hiirMlar, Tiiil It'HHioy, 
Fbira Whanler, Iiaiu* HMtm ainI Wilmu and Waliaco. 
Yur TilRATHi.— Jauin lUldwMll, UTarraa Huokvrr, Hvl- 
' araml Howard, lla'dlo and Mow. 
alwl MvlngMlno, I.UIU Kllawurtli, 

RiiiitiandNuriiian, liiaraml Howard, lla'dlo and Mow- 
aid, llnwaiMl l|iiht,Halwl Uvlng«|iio, I.UIU Kllawurtli, 
iniaa Innaa All Uaba, Ltnia Hall Honnoll, Mainbi Ihivd. 
■tarry llnlitina. May 'My, (Irarfi llarilttt.d. Kntlla Hawlii, 
jMlfrntty. Hollla Wllaon. Jo^la Wllwta, Antiln r.aaMa 
WUIIaiDa, Lillian Jvr'Hna, I'aail Uayion and MayUMI, 

Oal VMlorii— At the drand OpehA iIniiH» Ulnnle 

Uad'larn Flakn cbtaol hvr oni»Raiii«BL Jan. 14, wiih"A 
IKiira llMia0"aiiil "A ItlihtirniiiliL Aiitta," In aaniall au- 
dlanca, owing, nu dmibi, III Ui«liirUni»nrp(rr tlia waaUiar. 
Kobflil UutvtilnR t>r*a«iilwl "Tlia (llaJinior" lo alini ai. 
l«n<lanr*IO. Ilwuii to lha lalearrlfal nf Mr. (hiwiitng 
■od hia company Iruni Han Aolonl'i, Tmi., It win 9.M lw> 
ruralbacurlalii want up. "Tlia Ulrl I LariHohind Mw" 
liait twii lariv amllpnc«tB IT, 11 lllcJi«i<l MaiiUlabl, at ail- 
raoe/d pricaa, pr»Mrilo«l 'Th* Mory itr KiHlhiii, tua Hlii> 
dani," zf, li> ons tif the lartiffat nnd inoat piilliudaktio au- 
illvneearir tliN ■aaaui. D»uklnK<: Low OiUlua Fab. SI, U, 
Talilo Kiiiiiaul"ZI, 

flurR.-(»iarl'>tlB Walkar. ot tha IlltlianI Uamnrld rn,, 
waa lgiidar#il a racaptlun by har frlamla In Ihtielly dnr. 
log haraisy bara^ 

llallaa.— Al Ibo Oprm lliMiae "Tlio Fut UrU" 
cania in a liii hairy hi»ita« Jan. S. Mlnnla Maddani 
riaia dHl wall 31, U R^lunl M««»lUrd Dima* 17. I^ 
"Twalvo TaiiipUtloaa'' SQ,.**!. HIdiard A I'rinila'a HIn- 

Umi'HrBBVT.-.VInadlfi'rii, Fat l^ary. AnnIa Hallon, 
Ada Vulo, llarrr C. Itynur. rhaa. Oalll^ Chaji. Han. In 
eijnjiineilon wlMi lhalrUallM II'jum, II-i»ciw aod Mllbin 
hi*a 'iHiiie'l lha lUMtno Tliaaitt, Kniila. Tpt. TbR'i|>«n- 
(ogfr'rt.U: Nrd Harry, l'ror.Ml«ll, Hay Hill <3trroll and 
HurU.XIiiy Urain, \lillapl Hiar/ofl I.Ma Harry, J. W. 
||oafi>a ll«'th hi»uaii« ara dutna a g"Ml liualnaM. 

URH TitRATNN -i;iara IPiil*. Jilt. llalftR, Vlnnln 
Ailtinv, H«nr BrtN, Mlnnla MvaiN flunar. Kra 
Langdon, Kitly (Inuii. I'afy Barratt, baa fevara, Uul 
Flaliar. Hiialnaaa W'^- 

Coon lha' Opera 
M, half big 

lloaalon.— At Hwceory A 
lluuao fiuSt. lliiwaing, Jan. ITainl IH, mallU' 
hbaaaa. "Tba Twaha Taiiii'tallnnt. ' tl, aava iwn prh 
inridaacaa, to liniitBnia huaiaata. HIcharn Mtnaflalil 31. 
31. at a-'vanrad pricaa, eaiiia tJi r.<*n4 hnuaoa. Ilarrrlt'ii 
Hinatralv.Aliail a mplioafr iMuaKWlibafalraprlnkllOK 
iial'iw. Uuo; Wikl Waal Hhnw 7!, Z4, Italwrt Manlall 
9 •91, 

At.'iilTORii-H — Failarawahl rbmni SI. Kicoralon rtlaa 
ara giran. aiid lhara will nodvubi L« ^ larga cf ;wd frviii 
BaialibxrloK luwnt tn ttm litm. 

'al.JCB TilRataK— Hiiilnaaa la fair. l^*tUe Rrroka, 

yiuraoca Chtitar, Fb^ra llaillDRa Fra<l 

rioitliib. kd. lluaaid, llarrj Alton, llMtoa and Utory 


Wlnnla Ad40i<, 
riottliib. b' " 

Aualln— AtMllloll'adpora irnuioUpinM Oprm 

Ct. flnliha-l a waah'a tngoiaman* Jan. |JL Blniila Mad. 
daii-:'ia)ia did wfdlM. llavarlf'a MIonralaraai^TS. "Th« 
Far Train r*. "A Br— ly Tint" Fab. I, Hobt. Uantall 
"Tha Faat Mal l" Hi. 


Nerralh.— At Ibo Acadcifi of Mnnlo loal wee 
bttalnaaa, which oj^tDad ap riMl favo ably, vaaut doubtad. 
ly lialil In cheek f<;r tbe raoiaiNUorci ilt» wwak b> thaai. 
Irtmaly dlaagra^abla Kaalhar- ' ll«iBlng Uia Wind" fllt^l 
ibahetiM Jan. 'it amrlMfa ao^vM. "iiia Main Makar*" 
rollowt'l tl, aD<l iwl lair tiaalnaia 4aap|i« lha hict tha 
real artieia waa lal log b atlly "rh«i Uamv U lunar" 
waa not wall rocaitMM, piailij^ lo ralltar allm houaaa 
II, S. Jamaj OiriiaU c«iaia# 37, », C'amlllall'ArrlllaSV, 
W, "flia H'twaryUlrf' Fab. a. "rlia Old lloinaalaad" 7. R- 

Blinv THBATRB.-'.Sow Mftfilo ililawMb.Cai^iBonRlfr 
t*r4. The iiR't waok'a budniaa at Ulla wall tnnwa raaoit 
aolTarad xnnawkat Tram lb« Bgly waaUi* r wt hare ha '. 

W, A. I'ariRii. n'lw at tunou'a Tliaiirn, HawHirl ftowa, 
wlahta locinira-Mcttba rt^Ml lliat U la murlad to Ml>4 
0« Ira, Uta wlfa'a naina la Uay Walloo, 



February i. 



aSO. W. KBIL, Hmmbi. 



TvMtye4aU|«rlla«, Mil* trp« munn: tpM* « oat 
iHh lUt «u* iMertlm. A dadaelloa of B ptr ewL li 
tUowtd oa idTortlwmwtj vb*D for Ihroa B«albi 
1b ^fftDO*, U4 OG kdrartiMmtolJ munrioi 100 IIom 

or mm. 

Odo >Hr, Id ailruM. H; ilm nootlii, B; Ibrw moolbf, 
•I. ronlRD poolAff* oiln. BloK)«oopl«i,IOcMUMali. 
ouB lama abe cisu. 

THE CLlmn !• Uniod mnrr Wadou^j Donla«. 
IkollUi, UUi ud IHh (tdnnUloi) PMM 00 TU riESD 
ON BOKOIT, uil Ui« IWi, UU> tai alh«l PMIM <>B 

Tta* roimaCloaliv Promptly »t4 P, U. 

PUiM rMilt by oipnw moaoy oidor, obMk, f. 0. Or* 
dor or roflJUrod loltor ud 

far (h* IMItarlal or tlio Ufulnow 
DopBrtmoBt (o 


p. O. Bol M,II30, or OLirreR BUILOIMO. 

• ud U Conira HUMl, Now York, 
la BoBlud— Til Oumm «u do obuloid. whokoaJo 
ud mill, of our ijodu, Smltb. AloMlo A Co., tt Now- 
ouuo BOMI, BIruii. LundoD, vboro boond Olof ot IhU 

popormor boiooo 

lo rruoo— THI Vurrai la oa ulo fet BrHUao'a aowa 
dapot, 17 AToooodo I'Oporii, ParU. 

lUhao oBly oBo oilUlaB, and that ladmtod 
Inm Now VaTk.-m 



AfeDmiioKwaiiiuHcnaoTuiTiii. au.iii<)pbt 
or non imolo wiiri n »ou waoM t»t nut, m 
oimaovTUBULIl'l'KU iwurrm. ALLLiTrauwjLL 
■I Asrianuo ohb wiik oilt. Ir ran moun or amt 
nunrau. com uft u aoouBV, »nii to oor utar or 
■om ov ijiorasa nam. frn oamkvt iud ■octb it 



lf.BUJ.-l. E. KCbrlilr 01*0 Maytl, lOO, from Id- 
JuriM r*(«(f«il itum Jumtiloit l>uui Ui* »«coihl uory 
wlnlowor till Lfiu^e lu Uila clly, wblU teruiwrarllr lo- 
HO*. 3. ThlNnuvry Uixit »u(llei«nUr 'i>«lEc. Z Jutf, 
Nalltod l>u Bryuit orKtinxad UryutCa HlokirvU, lu 
ia7.udop«n*0 kt MmJikoIu' lltli, 473 Brwlwty, Uila 
oUy, 00 Mardi M of Uitt jur. i. Tlis Uu KnaclMo 
Mloilrtbi, UBtltr lit* iiiuiifttmiot nr Hlrcb, Wtmbvldj 
BAOkU uaB«intnJ,<>peu«U Mtv H. ll*U9r>flB3 
BnMdwaj, ttaliclly. 

0. B. D., Trvuiun.— Vvu liul IwlUr i«Iv«mIh Id Tim 
CurriB- dtermURKtuwiiMil ufUiU cuIdiiid 

W. U., Bruulil>a.— A Duiobor ul |«er(urni»rM cUlia U> 
liAT* teooui|'lUli*t] llie iHULulve liavi twTvr iirtO U 
tloar, DorliiT* «» uy tuUiantlc racurd of lu pvrrvrBi- 
uc«. B4T»nl i«frorucnliKTe twou kilM Id Uw HlWDi>t 
10 do IL 

F. II. fl.. B40|tor.-A(t<lr»i>iT. H. H«IJ«iu. galocy. III. 
r. A., l*lUiburR.— A UrlHlil; NbI U. Uuudviii «u MTtr 
wllh BulTtlti Blira Hluiw. 
W. BftM — }*rubiblj unj dollara \ttr wask. 
W. II. U., Luw0)l.— Ha uiiiiut liilitnit vuu tUa price 
cWlwl Tor ludi (>rlTlUii«a. uur iJu kuuw of uiy wio vlio 
wouU llhtly to loriiriii yuu. 

B. B. It, I'mf lilsocQ.— H'e nsTor, Id utver tu 
'luarlu, loruruiaUuD cuanruinK uii welKliiur pby- 
kioDl nuiurBDiiniM ofjirur»»>iuuiil«. 

Miai U., MrllD.— 1. Tu Ui« twl ul uur knowltdite ihtre 
liQOiuch eonitiBoy ui<uo Um tvtiX. 1 Tli* uamtismoi 
TUB ttunMM yuu dWITB coil IM ubulDwl Kl UiU olllw Dl 

, Bftlllinnro.-I. TIti tci U Ml Id Oioi&od. 
S. Aboul DItMD UolUra por WQvk. 

AOHlLUot, Hwilft-l. IIU oiui« dtw DOl appaar. B. 
W« kwiif noUilDK wbaUTor ooDcvrDlni Uit pauIleaUoD 
lovblrh roa ralir. 

O. J., Broohlyo.— I. W« Dtver ruroUli InroiitiatlODeoa- 
HralDK Ul* tisi ol prvr«utouala. 2. Oiaaueey Olcutl 
waaaioo* iIdi» a oegru nilDiirvl loonr liogvr. 3. lie 
'WIS navsr viUi tim llautwD Bruiliara. 

O. &, Ohtoagu.— AJtlrvu (lis jwrly In care ol A. U, 
l*almtr, IUI«ier*aTtiMtre, Naw vurk City. 

J. A. 0.. Uuoklrli.— W« caurxil uudpruie la And a pur 
cdiaMr ror llia «urk. Vuu khunld ailvwtiM it in TU« 
Outran ; ■«• nun al Load of thla culumn. 

Mia. A.O. B-.UIiarlvaii.n-Wo hare no kDowhdia of 
iJw party, ud caa ouly aJTlfs you tu addreaa lilm Id our 

U. M. W., U rurla.-!. Wa will Qui Turolah tbe addreu 
you uk for, am llio actluu you miUKoat wouU 1m Tery uo- 
wlae. I Ud* dollar la iho cMlui cuuyrinht. 

U. U,. BlnulBKbaJti.— We liaTo do luaana of koovlDf Uio 
nalgiil of Uia )truMrtl»i rnri l«d by iho c>uui(«oy. 

II. r, WlUlaiiiuiuTii.— Wa know of uo tMitarplaD UiaD 
loapvly lo DtaDaiienuruiuaauniN. 

II.O. Jr., MoiidoD.— AitTary niaa liaa a rlfclit to htan- 
Me Ilia baalneaa !■ hla own way, av long a« hadoei nollD' 
Jdre anyoDa, «• do Dot aeowhyau oplaloo ahuuU Im 
aou|bl oODCerolDK tlio cuDduot of the tuaiuiier lu quan- 
iloD. HaeunDiiloo of tlie prvfauluD Uacvurte>>-; It la 

SA. J.T.,l*fellBdalplila.— Tb* oouiivny la not uyva tlio 
mad. Vua alioukl atldr«aa tho parly yuur naua Id caro 

r. 0. II., Marldan.-Atldraaa the party Id eareol Tun 

MUi2.,Oi>an»IUTllla.~tfoduuut caretu |>anlcularly 
raoouDiend auy luntruoior. 

Aa B.. Oraao Bfty— Addrau B. IL atrea*. C Diuoka 
dtiMi, llartfoTd, OL 

W. W. ll..L'Heaito.— AdJrvaa Uio |iany locare of Tllk 

A. K, raUHlTor.— 17o Derar furDl'b lafoniiailoa ood- 
oarulOK Uaduinaallo alTalra of prurvMUioal*. 
Cour., Oakland. -Hand tvu coplaM nf tba play «IUi 

-■— " - ■ (uihaLI 

_ _ jitoQ. D. U 

A. D.,l*Deatallo.— AddrvM Uaulal Bully In care of Tin 

r. f. K.,T«iarkana.~Faulln« Hall Pl^red a brief «d- 

BkgfBieof at Hairlgan'a Tbaaire, UiU city. beilnuluK 

NiLLU.-l. Kruin Jft to W dollan i»ar voak. 1 frotu 
orieaa to twabiy otlnutaiL 
IL J. T.— AddtraH Uliar Id ear* of TllK I'urflH. 

B. ^.t Olavaland — Tlialaitar liaanoi y«l Umu elalaied. 
J. T., Olio Ion.— t:|iaon(y Ulcutt la play Iur Id Irlalidnoia, 

aDd Ual praaoDlaitpaarliigat tho KourtaenthBliwt Ttiaa- 
tea. ibladiy. 

ANOLDRuttlH, Baltluiora.— Kur tha lafonuatlon you 
a«ak addreaa Wiu. H Moor*. Hr\iAd»ay, Now Vork 


Ii. II. t . X>«tn>lL— Belli K an 0|>«u air olww, II la Dvt at 
preaaatoB the road.. 

Jl. W., PblladBli>lila.— Tlia party (o whom yua reiar la 
w%. Hia DavorpUietlwIlh MmiJovVa In "Hhoie Acraa,'* 
aathtl play la iiul wubraced In Uio roporttiiTuftbat ilar. 
Wa koow QuIhluM ooni^rnlnK Uie rutnora nt uiarrlai*. 

U.vr. 0., riilUdolithla.— Tbo vliarealwaiaor tJi* part' 
(a unkudRU to ua. Addreaa Ult«r lo our tan aad wa wll 

BuuaHinBli. Akron.— Addreaa the La«r«DC« NOTaltj 
Co.. (0 aad W Canlr* Ktraot, New Yi>rk t^iir. 

U. W. B., Uotoina.-!. AddreM K. If. Tiaat A Co., 
Ooopar UdIvd, «ew York Clly. t. tloulyrar and UllobL 
a. llala. 

B U. W.. Tirre llaata.— Charha Howard. DeRro liDMr- 
aooator aad oomodlan. died April U, ItW, In Bnwklyo, N, 
Y., aiad flftr-aeTMi yaaro. 

■.NOO., Au|iu«4a.— Addreaa latter luoiroDrTHat^LIf 
ru. niac«Di|tanv la now pUylnv ou» BUlit auuda In 
Nav Vurk Slat*. 

YAKlBa. Ilkyaen.— AddreM Hldiard tloUan Id care o I 

TBI LYirntB. 

Mrb. M. K., UanlMmtK.— Addrou latter in oar« of Tub 
Ourna aad we will a^lvertlao It. 

T. J. K.^ t*roTldanc«.— All of the partlaa yuu iiaiiiaare 
now plajriBC In ihia cltir : the Brat named Id "KiceUlor 
Jr.,"ai llanuarstela'a Olympla, and Ilia oihara al the 

T. V. A.— Tie liouaa now known aa Ute Bi>n Ton, Id 
JemrCtiy,waa lonoerly tLa Ui^tra lloaaa. Tti* Lyric, 
(d UoDOkao, waa at one tuna bonwa aa Hoaa' Ttieatrt . 

J. B.1I.. Jareey Cliy.-Krauk HrNUh la alive and la 

H. 0., tmeago.— Vt'f cannui |\irula]i tlia 
do wa know how yon may ubiain thani. 


O.T.,Pat«r»oa.-Atiliiee banded plnocK ahau aptarer 
oalla "caua," and tt la found ihai ho baa not acored the 
nooeaiary i<olnta to make blm a wlnoar, he luaea Uie 
■aiuo; but he mual play lha liand out. am) then rellr«, 
latvlBi tba two n^mainlnfl playera to coaltnua tb* two 
btndau nm* to drckia Uie vletor. 

II. W. H, Uullai 8|>rlnaa.— Yuu are *Tld»Dllj inlilakoD, 
Hare la the rulelMrinirontheauldKt: "Ifa|tlayerr<a«a 
or tbruw up bla hand ha looa «>ul of Uto itaute for thai 
band, and minot, uudrr any flrcumHaiicoa wbattrer, 
partlelpata furdiar ihaialu." Uimn a call balut made 
errrr plarer In I1i» game ntual ahew hIa hand to the 
l>oatd, anJ, bo nuitar whni a play«r mar call bUlitiid, 
tb* beat hand wina. aa lha rai.Uahow fur (IifDiaalrea. 

0. M , Brwklyo,— W'lif u. In lb* aauie i>i draw pcker, tbe 
d*al*r. In ihe dTaw,etpo»ei a CAtd, theplayer lowhoiu 
audi card waa drAlt eauooiaccriii II, Imiuoaiba glrea 
tha B*tl card Imin lli* top orUiei*ark, and belorw any 
plarar to kli l«f\ la h»l|tAl to Tar\la 0 ta ilghi. 

r. 11. H, Tboiup^onrllle— A, who li»M Ike ace, wloa 
with blib rard, ol conra*. 

J. U., UolUDibua.— The l#rm "r^^yal lluak," aa ai-pllid io 
a kaad Id poker <uDaiatlnir of ace. klnv. iiiifeD, Jack and 
tea an)*, or tlie aain* ault, (a not lecvHDlbad by aay book 
of rawA, the only oDainanih>nlng tha l»m uylng: "Any 
attalihl (litah Ua royal nuali/'a^Tlllt^urriH baaaltaya 
d««ldH. It la niarvly a Urm amdird tuaatraighllloah 
todlMlajnlah the hand ftoni an ordinary fluiib, 

J. N. w., BnK>klf n.— A la »nilil«d to count fourtcan (br 
bla band of three I'a and iwo 4'a. 

BaB. f.,Tr«MitiB.-Tlit acelatlialowMicaid Incattiag 
fur daal Id cribbaga. 

trlnUd till* page, tojrailior wllh uoo dulUr, 
rwlan ofiioujiiaka, WaduniioD. U. 0 

Db- B.. Kaw Tork.-It waa a BJladaal and tka carta 
rtioukl be rathalBad aad dealt oyr aivalo. Bolb Wtlaa 
araarong. Baeanae, iDiae Oral laatanca. IbaritntDaUy 
•med 10 Tlolau the mlaii, tbat waa do raaaoo vby ttoay 
■bouUdoBoaflarwarda. ....... 

J. OaoOrand Raolda.-[D ih* pUy ol 7. t. 6, & l^«r« U 
DoraarorUialuteard.elibL . , ^ 

II (},IL,PrD*ldeoca.-Ruu youraaeitloolo mil and 
wewlibapt^aaadtoanawarlL ...... w,j 

J. A..NoTibporL-l. If A mada la play Ube alabt babld. 
aodhaU higb. Jack aad a*nw,b* woo, going oat before 
bla opeuDaoi, who bad Ove tomaka, and held low and 
tedro.T H* do#a. If befalla the number hi bid at* 
addad m hla aeora. and ha cannot aoora aay thlaf be ouy 
baTenida In Uia liaod. 


\s <A) mada, A did not get a cbanca to pUy on hla bont, 

inatfiaeotiy ha bu ootfilog to pay. 

0. a B.. LDulavllla.-A dead ball la abaUdallrerad ta 
tbe bat by Ui* pltchar Uiat toocbaa aay part oftbe bata- 
naa'a penoo or eloihlBg. while ataadlDwlDblapoiltloD, 
vl>boaloelDR aunckat, or aay panoftba amptra'a per* 
BOD or olotbrDg wbit* on foul ground, wliboui Int paaa- 
* - iheeatcbtr. 

. . R.D ,Pblladelofala.--Tbeh«taman U out on tbe eatcb 
by tba wickat kteper at abort leg. ih* role forbUdlDg tbe 
elckat ketpar to have aay part of hU p*raoD oo or tMfoie 
lb* alckei aoi goTaraloa In auch a caae. 
II. C, Brooklyn.-Il waa a foul alrlka. 


U. J., Brooklyn.— Jack McAolliTe waa born at Cork, Ir*- 
Uaii, Mardi 14. ias«. 

0.1LTTHUTKI, Buffalo.— In eaaa tba coming dght Iw- 
Iveeo Peter Maba r aod Bob Pliulnmoni abould raault la 
a dnwo baltla,all wagvra oa tba actual raault of tha 
dtbi would la drmwD aUo, a apeclal lul* of the prlia ring 
aaklof al) beta ad tb* rMnli go aa do the main atakea. 

O.J.U.o KortSharldan^oliQ L.BnlllTaa bacameDoa- 

jaaed orthetllla ofcbanioloo puglllatof tha work) wbea 
bedareaied Jak* Kllrmla la a light aceordlpg to tha old 
rulei, with bare keuckles t**' t^n ^«l*. At Bldiburg, 
Blaa, jDlyB.l». AwloaifiebeL 

U.r.B..Brooklvo.— Tin aUtcd welutiU of tb* prlod- 
talaonthadayufthenHiitat JaahM*nftll*. fla.: Jamte 
Corbttt, 19*1: (»iart*a Nitdi*)), 167ft It waa attarwarda 
aaaartao tbat MitchvH'a WHight waa »»veral |»unda haiow 
Ihe HgBreaBlvao, benot bring In lh« Uat ol coodlllon. 
owing u> lllnaa«durloK training. 

RaablH. HL Utry'a— Addrai. tlia Aiiiarlcaii dporta Pub- 
llaUlDHi;o..ail Broadway, K*w York IMty. Tlia price of 
Uia hook rafarred lo la too eenta. 

V. n L-HrrHcUM.— Tl.oy did nol. Tlie only (Igbl la 
alilch UubKiltalminona aod Joe ritoyBabl pngagad wat 
■ban tbay mat at catchwelaht In Botcoo. MaaA., Juno IT. 

police laierferlng at tJiacloA* of thaORhrDuad, 
aod a draw being doelarod by RaleraeBII) Daly. Oat* 
mnoay aaaat aUke. 

T. (1.,Cli[eaau.— I. TliAy did not 2. Jim Corbeitaod 
Joe Choynakl foBRbl fo,.r round* wlili glorea naar Pair 
fai, CaL. Hay 3D.leS. tfaii polka then a'.DpplBK tbe llglii. 
Ua JQD* ft. lollowloK, tboy ni*t aialn on a ban* near 
Uaneolt, iial., nalng gloraa waighlog about ttn. «ach, 
ahen Corb«U won Id tw*niy-MTrn roaDda. 

0. B.-Jack Dtmpaay waa bom In Iralauil. Dec 15, IBQ. 
_ad auwd ML HId. In balght, weighing In prima codqiiIod 
doaaapoD IdOft. 

T. 7., NorriBtowD.-Oeorge Sllar, tha party aalKttd for 
nferae for the eomlDg ilsbt baiweeo Pltialnimona and 
Bailor, orlglaally carae Into notice aa a boier wbta ba 
aaed to apar with Biare Taylor at tb* eni«rtalnm*nta 

fir*D mari/ yaara agoai Harry UII)'aBieliaD|[*,oBBaat 
Duaion inraot, ihia city. Anarwarda b* apaned ft* 
tiarntlj with Blllr Maddao. who brought out Joho L 
Balllran, Ctiarlar Mltcbell aad othar promlaaot poglllau^ 
aad lor aoBi* time h* touted Uiecounirr witb Madden, 
lie waaafUrwarda tb* proprietor ofaaaloftD la tliladlT, 
oaar ih« Boeery, and for a Dumtter of jaan baa bet b a 
naldaoi of Chlcaao, 111., where be for aume tlmecarrlad 
00 tb* boalnaaaof loalniclurln boilng. 

IT. B. S.. PUtbuah.— In lliniwlng ranea.accoTdlng lo 
nle, three dice are uied, which are ihtovn hr aacb 
ilayar aotll he luccaeda In throwing two alike. The drat 
hmw maila containing a pair oounta Ita number of ipota 
ta ilia'tbrowar'a oeore . Tripleta, or three alike, take preee- 
dtnc* of palm. ali*B beluf high and acea luw, but Uia 
latter baalloii two aliea and a flra. When artlclaa ara 
rtUled ifaemathod ofdicldlagtlialrpoaaoealon lauiaallr 
that of UiTualng dice (not ''raillaii," aath* lemt BMd 
would taiplr). and Ute auiu of lha i)m>ui Uiat are upper 
laaAtaiaadiofihaUir^athrowaare added toReUieraod 
ptacai to thecradltiii tha thrower. 

Pn:iv ItouiiB. Rprlnineld.— II* had the riglitlodo ao. 
Aa In Dudire wllh card*. Uia oldaat ban«l aJtouU alvaya 
Older up al the bridge ((. wb«n tb* other aide baa but 
one lu in and hla aide four), whan not aureofa tnek; Ute 
aeaker ili* liand Uie greater the neceaaliy fur aodolBg. 
L. L. L., Kaana Clijr.— According to our uodemiand 
lag uf the uuaatluD aubmltiad. In order for Atollftwub 
th* bar of ihe acalea miut reglalerBXtti, iMlog hiaawa 
walpht InelDdad, aa he la actually HJltng only what be 

P. 17. R , Anaiatdam — Jamea BmlUi, Uie old lime Qlty 
mile prefeaalonai cbainpinn walker, baa for yean rerlded 
In Ihe Bilnlng dlalrlctof Kaatem PenniylTanla. 
EttcwR.— Wa oerer accept aa r#cor\l auch rtated pAr' 

feruujicea ualeaa their aanulnenua la voucbad for by 
atlldawlta algoed by regularly appuintad ludgea and tlm*. 
kaei>eti. Tliat l« tlie raaaon your alkged feat la not 

RtTaa a place among the reoorda In TBBUutTBR A!(.<(uai. 


P. II. C, Wlilliuan.— Yon are loo old to hop* foranecea 
In ibktiln*. but If you are detamiined to atumpt 11 your 
b*lt*r plan wll) )hi to apply In peraoa to aome of the well 
kno*Dl'aln«ra*ngaK«d wllh tb* large atablaa located In 
the vicinity of Now York Oily. 

O. )C. H.— Tbnuha, but wa wlU not b* able to ua* IL 

P. W. H., Saw Yurk.-Aa Uie head ol Ui* Tamuiany Hall 
dt)* and ouintv llokal, at tha recent eltolloD, Utanty 
Ulsrk, Lad but l}.2S plurality. A, nbo bat that the tickat 
■oukl ■lnbr:t3^uiu majority, loeaa. 

0. H-. WllllMuaporL— e do nut uDderaUDd your que»- 
lion. Youltad belter reaute (t, aadwewlllendaaTorlo 

J. tt., Troy.— We ara nut awar* that aay pramlum la ol- 
irad lor anfly cant allver ooloot that rear. Vou nijibt 
write Id tlie Hcuit Htarnp and Coin tTotnpaoy, IB But 

Twanty.thlrd HlieoL Kew York. 

0. A. R.,BUtininn— Write to Ui* 11. 11. KliTe Compaoy, 
613 Broadway, Haw York. 

U. H. K., Philadelphia.— Addioaa Anlhony Oomatock, 
PoatOdce, New York City. 

D. 1>., Dubola.— It (a cBaUHnary to do Uie dipping with 
a very aLarp pair of ordinary lineariL lo Uia handa of a 

CrMD wlio nndaralaodajuathow todo lu Hhoakl Uieie 
aap*clal lONiruntant lortbepurpoaa, w* wlUbeableto 
lofiinii Tou In ragard th*r*to In our neit luua. 

Mim L- II., EManaba.— You are tnlalnioraiad, u w* 
have aot publialied the Dgutee alludtd to. 


To CorroflpomdoaU. 

I Con.KANUIl. Uuoun— lliaakiroroootrlbaltooB. 
OW.J. A. ConiDoll.-rioaiod ubMlltoai JM. Ilan 

OlD. II. DlAN.~yottr IkTor at baad; irlU flro It Aill 
tvblicliir. our thaoki. 

L B. IIKAD— HrcolTHl and aaiworMl allli plouur*. 

010. 1. ORwwoui —will look Uio lutllar up uoro rullr 
Utor ul, anil II a wla eaa bo douoottialod, w* will ad- 
vlH > vu of nuio. (7uui. ajialo. 

B. II. YKumidi— Tti, BIllloinlr-lloBnIoOBamoraeolTod 

H. r. OUJMKH.— Am gbd to aoo you are Id Iho (oamor. 
SnIalioB or PoollloB No, 4T, Vol. 43. 

WblU 10 IB II B S K 1< 
blaok lo plaj aod win. 
17 'Jl B it n IB U t 

\f la 3d II 10 J S 11 B.WIUI. 

PoillloB No. «tl. Vol, «3. 

whiio a r ti a II it m 
Blaok to play and win. 

Gaaao No. 48, Vol. 43. 


I'larod Id (Iio Now Vurk baadlea]) Inuraor bolWMO 
MooMrt. lluKho. aod Colion. Mr. l^ikOQ pluod black. 

II l» II 10 II m • » UK 

>i i: I ts 1 II It 17(a) It II 

f I] U I) U ■• II It U I) 

t) II 1 IO(dl II tl U II II II 

I > If IKO U 11 It 10 B II 
It M no i« O II 17 U IS 

II It It II II 7 .It 19 II 

II II 10 It on 17 tl 31 a 

tl U 30 » U IK 10 7 M >I 

II w 90 »» IB an 

no Ma 71 79 Bn 

II M • II It • II O II 


It H II II I la 11 Id II It 

B 1« SB 11 0 S II 17 31 

II It II 10 I II n ■ il B 


(o) Hanrr HaiwoU nimou 19 to 17 tllhla point for 

(t) l>Dn'l3l toTdrawt 
(c> WrIII. clay^l Iho fulliiwloi a«alQ.I BfU : 

II U U ti tl 10 10 IS II 10 

10 It II II U II BO I 19 
l« II a 91 II M II CI II I 

11 U It It MB as II 
II M SIB II 7 I. la 
U O B a 3 K) II 17 II II 

an wa usi ni* Onwi. 
an Ma ug ua 

Now. or tlio a.m.. 

An aurooiibla nirprlao lo nianp la lb la TitlDltr I; con 
Doalonwllb tbo lojniof now Selo. plKrt, u Iba on. 
iruco foreoDUat or L. B. Uaad aod H. r Clouaar. Mr. 
Baadwu tbaoolrpUrorIn tbotoumer Btud ebackorlr 
oio InuSo Bnt clwowlib Or.Scbaaror. Mr.Ctouaor 
i Jlth bU old frlondfc (J. A. Blandio jnd A. J. p*^ P™Ml. 
n dio aacood c1ib>, and DO donbt will bo wall ukoo can 
ol bjr lhaao nanUanin. Itwa. to bo bppod tbat Malrlo 
Bnwn.or BTOklin. and aUo Mr. flUllor^f lbj »ino 
cilr, ooalil dod II conronlaot to oolar Ooo of tha oom- 
mlodtWo laaturaoof tbla louraay la Ibat all dtnonocoo 
ud pononal raollon arolald aaldo(wo bopo rororor), 
tod aTotflblDK pouTbla U boloi dona to maka II a auo- 
iSi. «i can b!inwllr aay tbal cbockora waa ooiar ao 
ponilarln Naw Yoik, and Uio MowVork Club iooDia,at 
afHoranUi AraoDo, aio IIM nl|bily......A cbacker 

Uab wai .lanad In Balonna N. J., tOMoUy, ud la mool- 
loi wllh nod .uc«aaa^....n«rc».of gifeaau, injinUy 

mat and dafoatad Dr.W. E. TrULOl Blnataola. by Uit 

acoroof: l^orc^,!; Tniai,9; diawo, I Brp. MoAMar 

Ban. aad lara truly. "Uitt for a boalooar In chaohar 
nanpaiordoo. 0. A. Blandin, ao ne Knoak alt, la all 

wool and a yard wido." Tba rablact of a cbaoktr 

natch totwooo our two young oiparu, Uarry UuRhca 
and Cbarlla Van Uwn, waa broufht forcibly to oar boUco 
rannlly by Jam.a McBntao aMitlnB tint Van wouVl 
pUy Mr. Ilaahfa a mllcb for monay. 17 ihU uatamanc 
cao baierliod wa know for a lact Uiat Mr. Uu.ku U 
wiulni 10 play for, layflSa akia, tod It only ranalot tor 

Hr. Tan Loon la put up a forfait Tha llckot tooraoy 

o Iho Nawuk Chacka rOlob la pioT tol a niud aacaaa 

Row BngUad Obooker Auoolmtloa. 


■rob. B U tho Una daad lor tba aoooal maotlDfr of tbli 
taaoclatlon." "Ve Oloaci a lara o nnnbtr of diaohor oi- 
poiu from all paiu of Iho Naw Sniland ttaloa" 

*ln onlarto armaiio ft proirrainnia for thla ootortaln- 
oioaL II will bo oaeavwr; for all Inlaodludtii bo pnaanl 
to iMod thilr naina. to Ibo aocraury, Ooo. U. Doao, IB 
Caabrldva Hlroot. Boimo." "LaM )oar 0. P. Barkor 
nra an Fikiblllou of hi. akill. and It la hopad ba will I* 

trmni(lil>iear" "A. J. U^lfnarvlll be pnaoot-'* "II 
[ r Frownan I. pnuaot wo .ball bar, a rroat irki." "E. 
A. Dondo, lha .llBht of hood parforawr, hu conaantod 
lo ilro an eibloltlon Ourloit tho day or oronlnjk." "A 
laani match I. propowd botwaan tbo Boiton ChKkor 
club aod Uio vlaltora, to uko plaeo both loreaouo and 
tfUmooa " "Oo not Daaleci tu wnd In your oaojoa 
Mriy, aad notify your rrlando that ara latoi,.l«d Id 
chKh.r.** "Duor. opan at 0 A M at tho aboTa namod 
•lata." "We would be plaaaod to htra playtra from Now 
fork oralaowhore." 


" » « » 11 .? i! 

O 19 SB B a J V 

an 8 II Id 19 19 

3D a a a ii lo n u 



II 17 

a II 


To ComapoBd.Bta* 

J. V. tt., M. D.. UUca. N. Y -Il'a tba ume oU MIron. 
itlU 00 Tdk CLirria'a iiuartor dock; and delljiblod lo 
.Tvp rourbftiHl oo attain ftppearloR at oar coopintno 
way. Toarampte aolutlooa look like okl Uma. and are 
.Btaodlofcly w.icoma We baTeraaumlO(dEalg.X(09, 
and Ood IK cnrrecUy glren. 

J.P laWDLlci, LodI, N v.— Tbaoka for coTTartad aolu* 
lloa of Halt. laO: but evao now rou bara not bit the 
mcdna of tnl. flnaly balanceil probwn. 

OiRDtncn, Ulicnala —Mr DenaiuorebaD otoIvw] aaolo* 
lloaot 2.001 from I..R x B; and I..Q lo kor I. Ilow'a 

D. J. Dtouomc.— There waa a clarleal error, bnt yon 
trenodoutilcorTact,ft. alwaya 

of Iho fotrieu Whlu monaich la ooncalred In Btalnltfi 

V'to B a look, btuor.bol II Infeilor; Wbltt nliht 

'(») Again II ioemi ee It P lo B B It mnch *k»J["; 
corfonaiy enough, Hhllo can limply leply B la Q •! with 

A Spirited HpoelmoB 


Blelnltt. ^ Laafcer. 
L.PtoQl P"S» 

i. .p-aHt r.tLS 

3.. a KUB] 

t..q B-Bt 

I. .P-KS 


«..IC Kt-B3 


ii. .ItrxB 

I7..a B-Kt9 
ia..a-herBl , 

Si.-to J4;i9"' 

q X R, Blaoi malea In fonr. 


Kt X B + 



Zl..iPX Bt 
34..QX BP 

a..^if Ri 

27.. I B-KI 


S..E B-KI3 
9..K K-B9 


3I,.K-B2 "v,-.-. 

S7..IH|Kt*l P-KB< 

9..glC-Kia B-Raa 

»..F-g E9 . B X P 1, a 
ehanntng wlnolog eonp; If 

X ft, Blaok malea to lonr. „„ui. 
Ill Latker alwaya plara ihli u eaily u pncUubla. 
1) Very enerweilo, ftltaad; aatumea Uiolnltlallf a 

rbl n^lm M ,T,n* fA. .HUhfa. I. tMluMit tO IbO IDll 

(II Very enerieilo, ftltaad; aatumeft moiniu.u.» 
(A) OelB no Ume for aluok; la reduced to Uie toll of 

""(U^f elf tunned ichtme null. In ItaelngWhlla bnt 

""("njTndli^duiSly aplendkl; aod tlere ai» rewdefeneoi 
finer than ihle whole game. 

Laak.r (lie Wluor. 
Tbo Ortt alttiog lo the flnftl lennd of iho Bt. PaletelMrg 

aoadnngular I^ker 
efaaled Tacblgorin In aQsoan'a Qamblc declined alter 
mty foiir morea Tbe game betweon Plllabery and Btaln- 
lu, ft guften'e aanbit dedhied, waa ftdjouroed, bat was 
finally woo by Mr. Bletoltx aAar nintty-algbt morea 

Tho lecood day'a play took place a, aod mnltad In 
Leaker ftnd PlUahurydrawtea ft Bar Lopes ftlur fifty^ne 
moiea Tbia leault placed Laaliara acora at elereo woii 
mmea,and made him wlnoorof the tenmay. ftanoDaof 
hla competltun can equal btflKoia. Tbe laoie belwaen 
dtelnlu and Tacblgorhi waa adjourned. Tkere ace two 
oUiar iiamea la bo played to finlib Uie lonmey. Tbe 
acoieft now atand : 



H N. PIUaburT 

CTIIIIam Btelnlti... 
M. Tnchlgorln 



.1 > I 9K I TMI W 

Enigma No. si,041. 
We giro with particular pleaaar* the pmblen ol our 
prliad oU time irlaiid aad contributor, which aon Brat 
prite lu Tht N. r. Tritmnfa recent loumey. 


atlR, (Kl, KHS. C. KR3. 08, KKtt. Kl, <)Etl 

#E 11^ t t It 

fttXt, l)R9, Kit, ^1, (jKtl, E31 EBS,Rt. 

Vlille to play and give iiiate In two aiorea. 

How Thar Rotorn. 

Our old time (Hand, Dr. J. Y. H , (a again at oar roood 
ublft. ftnd no wonder be la earaly greelod what! be 
make.aucb a railrec fts thla: 

"IndoMd nod aieweolutlonafer tiieieheof oU Umta 
It U at leant ten ytaraahitB I sent aohjUona Who are 
youf Am 1 aUU eddronftloK my <M (Viand 'Minor If lo, 
woo'tbebe happy to hear non maT[Tftft. rirljaa 1 ahall 
come once In a while to ahow thatOlaaeUU haacbarait 
lor Uie Doctor of Uth. If It ahonhl be tbat Mlioo Ift no 
longer at Uie bead, I aball (till come ooco lo a whilo lor 
hla Bake; fortiuly 1 made aome triompba hi bla celunn 
In tbo year, lliat bare (led. aod ahall enBlooftly look for 
my aoBwer lotheweUlovedeohimn. 

"My old Bcrap book ban uaar oU friends In which I 
dollsot, but I hare aeen ooae or Uie recrni onee la THii 
Clippir. My aacond aoo, a lad of foaiteeo, aeked ma to 
taadi him cbBaa.andlt terlw all my old eoUmalam. 
We at once aeot for TDK CLirpm, and wired all Uie piob' 
lema which areendoeed. 

"1 data not tax myeyentco mucb.liftrlng a ureroftt. 
tack of IrlUa In one; but I do want you to know thai year 
okl aolrer I. aUll In the land of tbe llrlng. Tbiiush not 
prof.aalog to be much or a pla)or. I have alweye lurad 
the game, aod 'hope I don't Intrude.* Very trufy yoem, 
J. T. H., M. D." 

Problem No, 91,041. 

IT 0. i. DB.HmlORa. 



First itlpulallon.— White compel, aulniata In twelve 
morea: locond do.— Remove Uio Sleek Ruok, ftnd ftgaln 
coupel Mlnftle In twelve movea 

Oame Ne. It,041. 
Agreu victory oTorTKhlRorlo brStelnlu. 


9..Hrx P 


>7..K Kt-B 
ai..(lBXI)L K> 
S..St II EB-f Hf 

31..KR-iJt gRXPW 
Wklte tvelgna 

R B-K9 




t-a g 


Q R-bo«e 


C it-Klni 

II. .Hx KBP P.4BI 
U.P-KKta B-KKlsq 

I9..K-K Kt] 

tt..KHX H 




MOTsa.Mt:ott cosustcsso. 
(a) The opeiilog js bs.ed on Alapln's defence, end 1ft a 

111 Upto h.rft UUieeamo ae thaypUyedet UaaUngt, 
bile T.pUyBdS..PtoKS, aod gota winning gama Tbla 

new more I. budlyftO ImpnremenL— Oorrss. 
(t> BecmoM thla muve, lu oonneellon wIthP to K 9, hekl 

out the beu hopes rur ao attaok.— Q. 

(d) A boU move: eafor would have bees 18..CaaUea: 
IS..B10IC 7(11), ICRIoKa<i;».. BIO R S, B Is E t, wlUi 
- ,_ll, 

1 1 would give White an «ves game. ., . 

J.R to Kl 9(lf); BjKt X Preto., Wliito 
woehl lejl out or uouhle. ,T1ie eaflaliooa arlamg from 


(11 H..Bltuqi 
J: n.._BxiJ.I 

a..kt 10 qi are worth careful eianlnftUoo, and ftome Is. 
loiMllns alinsllon. wlU he found.-u. 

(I) Neat: uiraateo. B X P, P X B (II); B x B, wlUi Im 
puDltr. The reply la neceattry.-O. 

(*) Th. crIUcs agree that there It noUung mora to be 
aaU; yet here la anoiher added to Uiereoant llalor In. 
Itucea when two deer Pn ehoftd lequlre ell the lacl and 
ihUl ol a sraftl menur to win. 8ae: 

« i 11 ^ & S i 

ftiEKt, gs, gB, gi, qB>,KBi, lit, bi 

« I II t t i I t 

atgKtl, Kt EKt3, U«, Kl* Bi,9, K Bl, Kit. R9. 
MoTeuiiae-a..PloK U9. 

StelBllB vs. PllltbBrj, 


1..K Kt-B9 

I. .P-QI 

B..qpx r 
B..K XtxP 

II. .B|'|( Kt 

x Kt 



I7..K B-li9 
IS..K H.g B 

M..b Kl' 



K Kl-K S 
K B-K19 + 

Kt-B 9ICI 
Ktx It 


Ba Kl 

-hi. B I 

gH X H 




HtoB») + 
K-B S 
P-l R4 

•-i Hi 

Kx KtP 
Kx K R 

draw, a apleodkliy pUyed 


(f) Tba eooMiiaeneei or thin eenrftgMue move an verr 
complieatad and InUmnllsg; Wblt.'n nply I. the be.L 
..(I'ereee an even ending with Ihlajndlnlone more. 

(f) The bvU end game play betlsning wllh Iho URh 


Coming KvobC 

Feb. 1— Canadian BkallDg Aasoclslloo snateur obam- 
plonship meet, Monlrvsl, Csn. 

rel>. 1-19-CutlioKmsuh, SceUh vh.AU Nsllooslllles, 
McLintoek Model, at nueh place ss duba choose, and oO' 
soy day tbst suits. 

P.b. 7-4— World's champloiiiblp akaling meellnK, St. 
Pniareburi, Russia. 

P.O. 11.— Nfttliioal Bkfttlng AssodaUon anooftl flgsre 
skaUng cbsmpuniahtp, Pelace Blnk, New York City. 

Keb. IB-Caniillan smstaur dgnra skalleg champMB' 
ehip meet, Montreal, (?an. 

F«b.lB-WunlorsodnoTlcenkstlagncee,Monli«sl, Cao. 

The BtsBolllTe Clap 

Wtu coDteDiled for bj the ThlsUe end Osledonlan 
CtiitlDgOlutn.tUoiititBl, Oan,,J»ii,ZI. Ksoli tide 
preaentm tuiK b dozen ilakB, end Uie CtUedoolsn. 
prored Ul. winner, bj twentjogtat .taotB, the score 
Btsndlng aa (oUowa: 

RIMK KO. 1. 
TTiliile. Oalatonla. 
W, O, B. UoddB, IL White, 

A. n. Robettaon, J. Paton, 

Ur, Flnnle, W. P, Hogties, 

a. U. UaUoar, skip 23 W. LjaU, aUp. 

RINK KO. z, 
A, E. Umltti, D. U, LytU, 

J. AdalT, R. 0. Tooke, 

T, Nll»ll, IT. B. Scolt, 

Alex-HlcctieU, aklp....ll T. Wllaon, skip u 

HINK KO. 3, 
A, E. Mtiaaeo, i. Vf. Wllaoi, 

S. Whlu, J, BlDpeon, 

Or, Otmeron, T. 0, Lysll, 

U. Kliigtioin,.lUp U J. U. Kobortaon, aUp..27 

F. Blnmore, A. Peel, 
J. BaUlle, A. Oowsg, 
a. W. Uameron, II. H. Uulctalaoo, 
W.J.OlegUom, sUg^,., 8 H. WUson, atlp 18 

A, Q. Walsb, 

B. 0. Nli»U, 

UNK ^0. 6. 
K FesI, 
II. Teliori], 
W. U. Briggi, 

Judge Aicttlbeld, atlp.,u 0. A. (iooke, tklp 22 

KWK KO. 6, 
Dr, Baker, W, U. Hurphr, 
P. F. Maoklo, Jss. Cuirle, 
\V, O.Alrd, JobnTODgb, 
O.S. Bnuti,d(lp 11 W. U. Boon.BkIp 16 

Totsl M 



A. Corllisg Match 

Took pl*ce .1 Van OorUaodi Istke, this citj, Jsn 
23, between Uie teanu ol tbe Van OorUandt snd 
Usledonlan Qubs, two rlaks a aide, wltn Uie reniU 
abown below: 

Von Cbnhuuu. bine no. I. UUedaUan. 
R. Ellin, J. Seeley, 

J. J. Ollmartln, H. Archibald, 

J. Pepper, J.Htalker. 

A. Pratt, akip s J TftmpleloD,iklp 

J. P. Morlslol Jr., u. a Ogdan, 
fPraslsr, W. ARhllah], 
J. Frailer, T. T. Archibald, 
U. Frailer, akIp 17 OSTkl FooUs, illp 


.. 37 Total.... 


Tub ICR Paiaoe Siatuki Rwk Cohpimt, proprte- 
lon or Uie popnlarioaortai Lexington Asenae ud 
One Uundred and SosenUi Stmt, UiIb cUt, on Jsn, 
22, filed wiui me Oonni; Oleika tunlSed copr otme 
cenlilcaie or lni»rporaUoa of tbe organizauon, Tbe 
caplui alack Ui 1229,000, snd Uie company com- 
menca bualnesB wtu a caplui o( 110,000. The 
auied purpoae. o( incorpoisaon are Ue oonstnc- 
tion and maUHenance ot Ice ikaUng ilaks, cold 
aUinaie, tbe mannlaotore and aale o( loo, ud of aU 
appliance, and maoblnei} (o the boalnea. beloig- 
iDg. ThelocorportionareJohnD.AUen.SintrtBi. 
Clair, Waller Bpooner, Wolfe F, FWk and Obane. F. 

Tub NoBrowBeTBBN Cubliko Abbociation bold 
lu annual meeUng at Duiotb, lUnn., Jan. is, ud 
tho following omceia wore oboeen (or 1 be year en. 
wilng: Piealileni, Jadge n. W. Corel; first Tice 

J resident, o, 8. Obandler: aecoad sice president, A. 
, Turner; aecieuiT anit tioasurer, E. P, Towns, 
UulaUi, Minn. It was decided to bold Uie next b«n' 
•peU at Poruge, Wla, The IntemaUonal erent wui 
be played In two leoUeo., Notibwetiera Corlinii 
ASKicUUon against Ihe Hanliab* Uranob, and Uie 
Qraud NaUonal Curling Oliib against tbo Ontario 
Urancb, tbe wtnnen 10 pla; at tbo Onnd NaUunal 
AaoclaUoh>ebonqieU. » u™uu iv.uutwi 

. ^ "'!;■ Ob '^Xo decided at Uie 
Ice l>.lace SUUng Rint, LeHngUin Arenue, tbis 
clij, on Batuidar CTenlng.Jan.^, and It waiwlt- 
ueased bj about tour Uouasnd pertoot. The con- 
tMianUweie U.Bweaj.atom Kbig,N.Y,: Samael 
KiilUPf.,.New York oil,: D. WortbTwaton laffndl 
'S?.^" ',"5 "obokoD, N. J, hwtti^ tfiTSK 
choice nt Uie nujorlir oroDlookei*, boi Letis, wbo 
was weu supported, won hj five nids. Sweets 
second and PttUllpa iblid. TInie, dm. Wii ^ 

iv,;i'''ii'f--''"l'!k • <llspalcblioni8L 

at FDit Kamlsal, Jan. 2d. Tbe dlspatcb doe. - ■ 
Mate wbeUeror not Uie aliegwi^Srtomianoe ma 
BctxmpUabed In ooopeUUon or nndw nrowr nnM^ 
TUlon, as u oeoaawr fornoonl puip<5osr 

TwoBiATDiaBAoncameolIat Aurora Pirk, Bl 
rani, Minn., on Satnrdar sfteraoon, Jan. ». ■n'. 
llitt. one DUe, (or tbo Slats obimploaablp, wu won 
br Barle/ DaTldson, in 20. 2tMa, wllb F. lie! 
Daniels second and Sndbelmer third, Tba otb» 
event was o( fire miles, open only 10 HlnncaoUau. 
andbadtweire atarten. ot whom J,NUiaon won 
F, KcDaslelt aeoond and Olat Rodd Uilrd. Dtsld- 
aon and UoDanlela cane Into collWon firs laids 
(torn Uie fiolab, wblcb pnt an sod 10 tbe (oinier^ 
cbancos. Time, Mul lit. 

Tai National Amatbob Seating AtBociAnoN ba. 
cMldcd u> bold tbs figure skaUn* cbanMonslilD 
oompetmon at Ibe Falaco Rink, LaxUigtoaAvenne 
and One Bnndnd and Herenib Btreel, (blscliv,on 
Feb. 11. This compeUilon la open lo ms woiid, and 
tbe pilze. constat ot a gold medal to Dm, allrer 
meml lo aecond and bronze medal to tblm. Tbe in. 
trance (ee Is one dollar, and enblts will does on 
Feb. 8, wllb a J. HontgomeiT, 2M Weal FUti-rourUt 
8Ute^ New York uur. 

I OB BOAT lACiNO In (^nada, (or tbo present wui 
tar, waa Insuguraled on Jan. IT, 01 Torooio Bay 
and tbe conif at waa the cloaeel erer vrlineswd 
there, tbe flint (onr bosie finliblog wlibia tlx eec- 
onda o( each other, Tbotdlabtnce waa twenty mllea, 
tbe couree being aalled over ttatlcs, and tbe race re- 
BUlied aa (oUowa: iobn OBnlan's TlgUaot Dret, 
Edward Dunan*. Britannia second, Jos Ocodwln't 
Defsnder tblid, and Qeorge Akro;d'B Reindeer 

Bablet Datioson won two akallog lacei (or ibe 
cbamplonablp o( tbe Northwest, at two and thieo 
miles, respeoUvol/, al Fort Kamlial, Bi. Paul, 
Minn., on Jsn. 2i. Ue won tbs two mile ereni in 
tm. 949., wlUi Olat Rudd second, and look tbe Uiree 
nUo race In tm. aos,, F. If oDanlela being tecond, 
dose np. 

TUB Osrtbage Landing (N. Y.) Ice Yaobt Oub has 
Issued a cbalTeoge 10 uie Uudaon BIrer Ice Yacbi 
aub 10 race (or tba obamplooiblp oballenge pen. 
nant o( America. Tbe cbaUeogebH been accepted, 
and Ibe race will take place on tbe Hodaon River as 
soon as Ice snd wind are alike (avorehls. 



Feb. 1-New Jaiter Athleuo Olob Carnival ol BporU 
Madlaon Square Osrdon, N. 1. City. 

Feb 1— Anisuur AlhlftUo Dnloo ten mils fiat imco and 
two mile atseplechsse, torehsmplonshlp. Msdiaos Stiusn 
Oftidto, NSW York Oily. , . , , 

Feb. B-Bostoo Athletic AaaoclsUoo unual lodoor 
gsmts. Mechsnica' Bulkilog, Boauo, Mast. 

Feb. 3S-Compsnr 1, TwolOb RwImentN. O.S. N.Y., 
ssd West Bids Athletle Clab Joint Indoor gsmaii, simory 

July 4— Anuteur AlhloUo Unloo Individual all srouad' 
chsmplooihlp compellUon, BetBos Point, N. J. 

Good Sport In bsi Arssiory. 

Tbe Winter atbleUo moeUng ot the Nlnlb Regi- 
ment AUileUc AooclaUon, H. 0. 8. U., was bold al 
tbe teglmutal armorr, In Boston, Haaa, on 9at- 
nidsT evening, Jan. 26, and Ibe presence o( Ibe 
crack smatenrs, B. J. Wefers, U. F. Swteoej snd 
Tommy Oonneif, aerved to altraot an unusually 
luge crowd, wblcb In large part was vonposed o( 
ltdles. Bscb o( tbe cbsmplons neaUonod carried 
oB tbs prize be entered (nr, and the gsnes as a 
whole aifarded much enjoyment to the ipectatora. 
The special (esuireol tbe occasion was tbe oinsUog 
by WeteiB ot tbo Indoor record (or ninnlng levemy. 
flrejarda. Asammar; toUowt: 

Saaut-fiM pordr run— Boroard J. Vraf.ra, N.w York 
AthloUoOluh, Kcrstcb, dm; T. P. CurUs, BontsnAUiLUc 
Aanoclsuoo, lyda sure, second; U. Oroon, Bsrvsnl 
AUilaUoAssoclsllon,IKvda. third. Tlma,7K.. 

ffoUAiMdreilandcJpMvvdrdr nin, novloo.— WonbyW. 
D. Uuhbaid, M. 1. T. ; aecond. W. F. PorMr, 0. U.; third, 
R. 0. Boardman, N. and 0. Tlio«,2ra. 19s. 

AmiilfloAlehjHsip.— Won byM.F.Bweeosy. X. A. A and 
eovonth Hagliiiant A. A. icntch, Ift Itln.; Ford Uult,ll. 
A. A., tin., sod A. N. BIe«, B. A. A, Ola- Uod for aocuod 
sltfL 6In aclusl. llolt won tbe Jump otf with lfL73£in. 

/bur hundred and ftrrtp t/anu rtfn.— Woo by J. F. 
Powars,BUP L. A A, SUyda: aacond, F. U. Albeition, 
W. U.S., Uyds.; Uilid, A. W. Blakemoro,B. A. A.,Sld>. 
Tima &9a. 

(Mtpony Corn rooc— Won by First Boglmasc A„ A. 
H. EauiD. 0. W. Andnwa J. UoiUman Jr., W.J. UoUsad; 
second. Emmet Oustda, Company 0, MInUi Rsjclaent, J. 
<yCwaoF, T. McOrslh, 0. O'Connor, J. McLaughlin. 
Time, 3m. 609^.. 

TU9 OS war.— Trials woo by Compsny A, Ninth Ratil- 
'mant, by3Mln.;Compsny O, fllalh HsglmouL by IKIn.; 
t^ompsny A, Ninth R-jninsnt (with a blaX by 3>^in. Flnsl 
won by company A, Ninth Rsioniwt, by t\(ra. Company 
A's Isftm WHS pnlsatsd. 

(Mesiusnu.— WoobyT.P.roQnsK N. V.A-^ sndBoly 
OcoBsCoUan, srrsu:h: ascend, B. W. MIUs, & A. C, 
at7da.;Uillil,A.BUke, B.A.A,«lyda T1ms,«m.9IXs. 

Two FOOTBALL oiMBS In Ibe cbamplonslilp aeries 
ot the NsUoual AnooUUon League were pisied In 
Uils vicinity on Sunday altemooo, Jan. a. The 
first wu between the teams o( tbe IntanaUonal 
and Oenirenile AlhleUo Clabs, snd look place at 
(Ximmunlpaw, N. J., tbe ConiterlUes winning by a 
acois o( two goahi to one. Tbe oiber csme oil at 
Newark, N. J„ and esUsted the servlceB o( Uie 
teams repreaenUog lbs Scoltlsb' Americas AtbleUo 
Club and Uie TblaUe FoottwU Club, tbe Tbisilei 
being beaten by Uie bigeooieot twelve goals to one. 

Obabld Kilpatbiox, captain ot Ihe ColonCoUege 
stbleuo team, and Qeorge J. Sweetland Jr., o( lEo 
college (oothaU eleven, have resigned Ibelrreopec- 
live poalUons. Tbe msln leuon for tbln aoUon 
aeema to base been the recent rule paaied by 
the tacnlty tbst no man wllb more Uian two con* 
dlUona la eligible to any athleilo lesm, Tkls rule 
WlU make II a dinonli mailer u> organize strong 
teams next year, and tbe capbilQs, oonildeilog 
themselves handicapped, resigned. 

Tbb Rlverton Aibletto AsaocbiUon, ot Newark, N. 
J., held liB annual elooUon a tew daysago, with 
this rosull; Prealdent, Obarlea W, Davis; vice presi- 
dent, L. A. Flanagan; McrelsiT aad liesanier, W. 
C. Wilson. 

TUB Chicago AUileUo AsaoclaUon held Itsannnal 
elecUon last week, tbs following oOlcen bebig 
ohoaen: Fresldeoi, Edirain A. Potter; vice presl- 
deni, William U. Borke; secretary, Ueneit Alward; 
treaauier, James 8. Clbbs. 


Tbe 'Cyele BzIilbltlOB, 

Wblcb closed at Usdlaon Bqaate Oaiden, tbls oily, 
on Saturday evening, Jan. 26, (sr aarpassed In nat- 
ter ot atiendance any of tboae thai preceded It. 
Tbe affair was almply and solely an exblblt ot aU 
alylts and makes ot wheels and Uielr appurte- 
nances, ths tbow being nuetly devoid ot the special 
atmoUona omied by tbo managera of prevlons 
'oiclUig exblblUona In Uie form o( (anoy and ulck 
ndbig, etc., aod the great cruib ot bnuunlty 
throughout may In birge measnre be auitbutad to 
the tact tbat nearly all o( tbe exblbltois, eaoa- 
dally Ibe huge concerns, gave away laavemra 
o( one kind and another, from a stlctpln or 
button 10 repnied sUver spoons each day, (or In 
front ot Uie booths where Ibe most was 10 be bad 
for noUiUig were always found Uie gnateat crowds, 
and those ainicted with tbo craze tor menentoea ot 
the show did uot mUid atanding In line for bouisat 
a Ume, In order to aatlsty tbelr cravings bi that 
dlieoUon. Tbe oeUmated number preaentaTeraaed 
aevenleeu thousud, tbe greataet attendance being 
on Ibe cloalog day. Tho week'a lecelpia were 
probably upwards ot $60,000. The eiblbliors gOQ. 
etally eipieas Ibemselveu as tborougtUy weU 
satisfied wllb the leanlis, aa numerooa orders 
for wheels, etc, were received dniUg tbe 
show. Ths NaUonal Board ot TTtde of 'Orel. 
HuntactureiB met at the Qaiden on Jsn. 
21, when the foUowtug were InaUUed as om. 
ceia, dlreouxs and committeemen: PiealdeEi, R- A. 
Coleman; flnt vies president, H. P. Oormaily: sec- 
ond vice president, B. II. Day; litsiurei, wllUsm 
A. neddUig; seoreuir, Joseph HoKee; aiatsuni 
secreuiy, EmeM R. Franks; direciora, w. A. Red- 
ding, A. U. Spalding. U. F. BmlUi, 0. a Steams, 
Qeorge U. Day, R. P. OormoUy, 0. W. Uckerson, 
Joseph L. Yost, A. V. Qarford, Josepb McKes, W, i. 
Bmif, W. P. WUaoa and 11. L. OdemaB. 

The RaolBg BoBid, 

0( Uls League o( Amarlcan Wbeelmeo, tkrongb 
Cbalnnan Qldeon, has Issued tbe fouowlng bnllettii 
for the past week: 

Aoords aomxnl.— Two-lblrds mUe, (Tlaaa A, tan- 
dem, nnptced, firing surl, against lime, by N. A. 
Pippin and A. B. Uogbet, at Usnver, CoL, im. 2IMS., 
IMc. 21, 18S9. Three miles. Class A. uspaced, llHng 
.tari.agalnal Ume, by 0. B. Hacbenbsrger, st ben- 
Ter,0or.,Tm.3a,Dec. 1>,1SS9. Fonr mIIes,OlassA, 
unpaced, Oylng start, against Ume, tiy O. B. Uacb- 
enbergenat iSenver, Ool., «m.8lNs.,Uec 19, 18M. 
Fivs miles, Class A, nopsiced, filing start, against 
Ume, br 0. B. Usobenberger, at DeiiTsr, Od., 11m. 
tSMa, Deo. la, Itsi. 

imnvtrs (0 Chus JL— Daidy Downliig, Ban Jote, 
Oslj Floyd A. HoFarlud,San Jose^teL; B. 0. U. 
MoBdwards, Udyoke, Hsas. 

Mdoml fni/tsslanils-H. L. Johnaoo, BoMsiB, 
la.; James Basen, HlnnsapoUs, Minn.; also sa*- 




Stntfed tfom (U Mok nclig for osa j«*r ttom 
lU ror oomMUng la mukDoUoiied ncM wkllc 
uDdtr iiUMiiiilOD. a 0. BUM, 8I0UX OIU, la. ; klio 
■UBDtadM from all tnok nulsg for on» iur, Oct. 
xjlor oompedDC In mianollonra (ten while andcr 
•a'^MUlon. umtn Mnart, HlniiupoUa, Minn.; 
tiu nuptodM tnm all tiiok ncliw for tntte 
inonUunom Dto. 81, UM. 

"Zim'my" limy Retlra. 

Accoidlog to a dKpatob tnm San Franclaco, Vtl 
V/, J. Wallord, manager for A. A. ZlmmeminG, an* 
Donncti tuat tha clianiplon<i racing camr wUI and 
irhen to leavca AoatmlU. Walfonl arrived Imn 
SrdooTonUia •laamalilp Mwlposa. lie aaja Zini' 
nierman bad nilaital ferer ai oeilon and baa not 
ueen In bit old form ilnca. Walford aaja Zlmmcr 
D>Q will retara to Ibla e49uniiT aoon and daf ota 
himieK u> me mananmaDtot a blojcio faciorx ' 
Frecbold, N. J., of wnlcb ba la pctaldent. 

Till Lit ax DAYS BIOTCLt uoi Ibat Will uka 
iiltca tur aamt montba, at lout, at tba Kojal Weat- 
niUuKr Aqnartnni, London, Eng., andad tbare on 
Siurdar erenlng, Jan. 11, and retaliad In tbe aoc- 
casol faii Once, wliba acoraor eismllea* Upi; 
nils. Unnao lacoQd, 613 mlaa T Upa; Hlaa Ulack- 
lium Iblitl, COS mllaa a lapa. Tbe condltlona were 
itaa ainie aa iboaa ptaTallliig In tba praTlons aUnllar 
areata at tbe Acinarlom. 


Tbo OActal FIgares Complied by Pieut 
dent Fowen Ibr IHW, 
TbeodlclulbaUlDg ftud fleltUog ftvemgea or the 
plajen of tbe Eutarn liCague for ibe seaaon ol isu, 
as complied bj Prealdeot Powere, sro u foUov; 


r JtBA2l0CLVB. 

JuBer BpnoeMd 



J. Builtb-Torooto 



Lyocb, BprtDRdaUl 

Ltub, HochMUr 



DhrAfou. Butulo 

Ptrnot Roth«fC»r. ToroDto. . .. 


U.RbUDOD, tfllhabtn* 

BncUDrttlM Kocbetur 


Ddy. HoclMHUr 

Lytli. WlUMt«rr« 

Mnrnr. rrovU«ow 

Dom*. BonWIo 

fcwM, rmcofs 

Ljoot, tntwUmtt 


Cnof, Tuiunto, RodiMier. ... 

Rark Wllkeiture 

iMitfDiir. SurtOKQelu 

Uoaatil;. HiirioRitold 


J. KotetA. PnrldCDM 

Itooaoo, Scrtf tou 

fldinver, dcnuioa 

QuDiOD. H^rlBittlfbl 

I'AiUiita. ifprlo|ta«Iil 

lleiu, BjrnrUM 

WlM^ BallAlo 

UrIina.SynacdM, vukMti&m. 

UBrko, HocbMtcr. 

Slei'toUy. FiotU«d» 

lMiuuair«vilk, Toronto 




IdUoburff, Titronto 

F. ithunou, BpriOKllvU 

UKtHy, PraTlOcOM. 

UnDOtr, tf llk«ibwr« 

V^HK^a*, iriUtisUira 

MIoDetUD, UyncuH 

P Bc»a tfCFUItOD 

UilUrt, SpnoiidaUl 

E. BaBtni,8crutOD 

w. Ec'D.dyncau 


aarrr. flpriD|deU, RocliMUr.. 

A. Stalib.flcnuitoa 

ri«td. BulUlo 

Dnaby, BuBhlo 

Bvtifl, n'ilk««bam 

HvOoiuVi. BprlogdsM 

VIckan. BuDbIo 

CuUKhUo. BprlOKdaU 

L«vM. BulfUo 

Ovltrlck, TofODlo 

BoUamuB. Baffato 

B«r|«r, Bvcbenter 

UunoQ Sunn too 


Unra TuroDtu 

IlMiabnrg, BocliMter 

H'hltohoad.Scnnt'fl Rodi'tl'r 

C. A SmIUi WllkMbarn. 

Baih«ti, PratlJaac* 

iUltar, eyrvuM 

It. 8*HDey,B>nou»a 

DUoo, PrwTlJaoca 

CUiy, Toroacn 

ITrquturt Boffalo 

H'aula. Rocboaier, Vlikeabirra 

KOMUO, KotliMivr. 

i;. RvMoar, Rucb'arr, Seraoi'a 


McMaboo. Wllheatwrre 

Uupar. Roftawur. 


w. diraeotfy, ScnuiloD 


bOTsit, PrvridooM 

J. fau. PlQTMeoc* 

J. U. KaaDtB. WlikMbtfrra. 

liar don, BuiTaIo 

r. Johowo, Scran urn 

p*Jui»y, SamDton. ByncoM.. 

Birickar. ProTideuca 

w.jubDtou, Boraiiu>a 

SIppl. Toronto 

^apa«kf. WllksUmt 

ShluDick, aodiutar. Tdrtmut. 

Linp*. BubjA 


rpinlrr, ButfAlo. ToroDU.... 

Wjlcb. Synea»a 

Whlia, Rocbuiar 


UctlulDowi, Buffalo 

WviHworU, BuiTiilo 

RoJdarfauD. Pnrldaon 


CokoioDgb, WllkaabuTO 

«drord, Senntoo 

uaooo. 8incuf« 

U^wti, PrerideDC* 

D*r, SyrHcaao 

MhIHd, Wllkaabana 


pow«a, UuiTaln 

Wioo, Prorldooea 

w«io. BochHier.WIMBibtrre.. 
nujiar^ BfiimotoD 



Wie. Torooto 

B«r|ar. Rodirtur 

Ui(| ib»ru BuLblo 

(iBiuoii. HprlDgneU 

IUm. Syiuoaa 



8«M»«r, Bcimntnii 

A.Baltb, Scniitoo 


■tOQibaua BulTiUi 

Wwi.wonh. BurTAjo 

>kk>cr, haa*io 

UtmloD. BaOUo 

wdtiliiai. rnildanM 

i-J—'*^ WIUiMbana 

ufVi Tomnt* 


T. Jobasol, B«raau,o 

"«™au. BtiuuH 


nurefBr. Buffalo, Toroi,u> 

Danaa. XMbnur 


nroa, AKliB>t«r. Torooto.... 
MUnv, tenutoii. S;iac<iH... 

ftllu, WlltMlain 

lloOHso. rtntldwe* 

Busar, Bocliittar. 

Onibar, Sptlncaald. 

»»T, BrncQM 

craoa. Tomoto. BoenaaUr 


OolenkiQib, WllU>iin. 

jloaklD. nllkaMiaiTa 

JfBpa. Boblo 

Mtaoar. acraatoo 

CaapllaU. Wlltaabarra 


Clatk. Betaiiuii. 

■oitra, mrldaau 

Hambarf, Boebaitcr 


rtald, Baralo 

JSiaraa, Beiaaua 


n)war, erraeaaa 

»««»«ul<ln, ■aehantr 







a a 

< I 

7 a 

y »i.3u 


1 K 

8 3 

4 8 

3 .91 


t 21 

2 4 



9 U 

I lU 

8 17 



9 U 

4 9 

» 18 

\ • 

0 ..'t 


< 4; 

II • 

9 U 

} ■ 

1 39] 


I 49 

1 11 

1 18 

1 .331 


9 a 

9 K 

9 13 

I • 


) 29 

g 8 

1 lU 



I 1)1 lu 

! 11 

1 1 


1 Ut U 



i 2 

1 1 

1 10 


1 y 

7 t 

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1 7 

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I le 




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1 18 



1 a 

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1 12 



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1 r 

1 la 






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1 a 

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1 91 


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1 31 















i (r 


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1 11 

I .JI9 


u 12 

1 a 

) l\ 


1 .919 

9 Z> 

1 a 





. tn 

1 IU 

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i g 





1 48 
















> 34 




I a 






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1 48 











1 47 




























































































1 HI 





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a . 





7 . 





7 . 





8 . 




8 . 





8 . 















7 . 





8 . 










8 . 


08 1 



18 . 



0> U 



12 . 



O 1 



B . 


73^ ( 



14 . 


•8 1 



14 . 

II 1 



a . 

(7 1 



18 . 


Mini or Club. 

I. Ok «tc<'N6 BABKiks: 




Ktikkar, PioTid»ii» 

W^Anl, HemDtoo 

DJiott. iTotiiunw 


I>«w«a, RurUlu 

lluuUirfr. Rndiajitir 

BblODick. Rtielieuivr.ToroDtu 

»ono*r WilVfBbnrre 

alppl, Toroqiti . 

Tlgho. R'-ctwMtr 

^ TlllKD HtSKMA.H. 
Bu<«u. Pruvid«oc» ... . 

DonnaUy. .SprlDKilaM 

J.BinlUi. ToroDtn 

Mlnneluo, tttnoiiv 

BritlT. flcnnioo 

Oriutjy. Hatr«-i) 

IluBUn. MtfTMMon 

C A. Railth.\VilkaM«rro..'... 


U'Brlao. Rnchcp-ter 


<V»our¥. Piovidouc 


lIu^UiD. Ra«nioD 

I<swc«, BulTitlu 


Dan iiiol rot Ilia. Tumnio 

P. fi|tiuuun,Bi)nD)cil0kl... . 

lUdluid, Scratton 

W. Hir«vn4j-. ikruton 

Jm. Kc0i4in. Kochratar 

Vnnonr, WllbfttbiTTa 

P. Hveanar, KucliMicr, S<notvD .. 


iijon*, Pnrldrora 

KDlijItl, ProTiJeDco 

HiiUar. Boaotan 

Meuay, ScKnioD 

CI) mar, Batr4bi 

BuUsiuuH, BkirTalu 

L>urli, HptlnRilald 

Ilaniburir. Rochwiar 

HurTKy. iTorkleoca 

M. Kiln>y,Synciis« , 

CouKAltoo. Toroiitu 

l>»ly. lUKbaiitcr 

fthciUer. tb>rln|;ri«U 


Bliaarou. RuiTkIo 


L«tot(Ba ffilkMbirre 

W. Juhomo, tierABlun 


fAynv, tkicha»tar,TorDD(» 

Bntdy. BtnotoD 

Uaray. Tcronio 

Batu, Wllkonbarn 


BliDOD. BTreuis 

Ljtie. Wflkanbrnrnt 

w»Icb, SfneiiMi 

P. BRAB.dcrtDtoo 

BaUDon, Bcraotoo 

Qarry, SprlnitfloU, Rockeater 

Preamu, Toroaiu. 

Mean, Torooto 

LupIi, R«elia»ter 

A. BinllNHcnotoo 

wrtlia, Jtbcbaater 

Laaliy, BprlOBllaU 










































































nil U18 




















































ii«i au 

3UJI It 











91 4 













9Ul 78 














































































































































































































Deala Ibat Nevor Dlaterlalltad-Irwin' 
Itlnaa— Ollitir liitereallag .Vem. 

Tbere bare bean mora Ijagetwll aeneallona duilug 
tba patt unntb or two tban bad preflousi; dean 
gaibitrtd bito Iho same lengtb ot lime (or aevenl 
rears, >nd ilila viclali; 18 cUlming tba larger por 
tlon of tbe Held o( aciloo. Kurtuuatelj, liowem. 
It wafl found tliat vbeii Ibo anioka oC baiile bail 
cleared away ibera irarc no eigne of aoj aceocs of 
oaroage. All nlmor^wltbUttlaoraobU8loea8 done. 
None o( tlieaaeurprlad tlie pairuuaor luueball mcru 
or cauKd a greater cosetamatlon among tbe ti l 
lowers uf the ganio on tbe otner eltle or ibe IiIk 
bridge tbiiu ibe ODnouiit:etaent Ibat Director Aihii 
bad oiTettd to eell bU buldlogs lu tbe llrooklju Uluu 
to Preeldent FreeilDiaii, of tbe local olub. The 
liiooklja eutbualatia were Juat congralulailiii 
tiienuKlvea Uiat tbe quet,ilcn of Kruuntla, wblcli Dai 
been In abejauce, bad ilually bi:eii leiiletl, vbcn 
tbe; wi;re cooplcicly ti|t9el b/ ibe nowa Ibat tbey 
caiiie near loelug all of tlieir beat playcr8. Tbej are 
all at lea nutr, not kuuts'lug wbai uiaj bappcQ 10 
iba dob In tbo ncJU r<:w weeka, or wbetber or not 
tber will be repraemed b; a tenu tbat will be up 
among leadera or one wbUb will bo atiugillug fur 
tall eno uooora. No one riuebUona Mr. Abetra right 
to sell bla luiereata lu lue club and retire, If be 
wlaliei, but It put an unilrely ditrereul view uo the 
mait«r wben Ibe club'a pationa were Informed aa to 
bow utarl7 Ihejr were deprived ol all tbo beatmeii 
or tbtir crack leaiD. Aa tbe tmuafcr did not tako 
pbice,tliere waa no need of maklug public tbe plana 
of uptratlon. Tbe clilef tiueallon asaed lij tbe 
UrooklynentoueUslale: •*Wuj8bould our loaui be 
broteo up ao aa to airengtbcn tbe New , orkai" And 
Ibere spptan to be nu valid reaaun ibat It aboold 
be. Had tbe deal gouo ibrouiili It would tiavu 
proven Ibo doalb tuell to baeuball In tba Uty or 
Cburcbea. Ttue, a Hrcaler New York wania a 
greater ball team, totaaauneiratloii baa not hiken 
place jet, wby aboutd the pill be given ou Ibe lu* 
uiauisani pbui, wkea by waiting until It I9 ono great 
city II can be taken lu one doaa r Uuwever, alnce 
Ur. FieeUuan baa agretd to reaubmll tbe iiuatlon, 
and gel a popular vote from Ibe people befoie tak- 
ing float aoilon, It b uot Ukely ibai anneiatkiu of 
tbe two teaoia will take place tbb year oratleaat 
not until after Itie coming cbuuiplouablp hcaeon, 
and tbe Brooklyn entbitBlttau will again eee a balilu 
luyal fougbi between toe two toaiij4 on tbo green 
dUuiond. Another and equally aa aeoaatlunal a ru. 
mor waa tbeaunouocvuieni ibat I'realdent Itotilaou, 
uf tbe Cleveland aub, biicnded purobaalog ibeSL 
Loulafrancbbie, pla>erH, ale., and tben to uraniler 
bl9 Ueveland team to ttt Loula, Ibereby dropping 
Olevekod from tbe nujur league cirouli, and Ulllog 
tbe Tacanoy by tbqaduibalou of Iho Uairuli01ub,of 
Ibe Weaieru League. Wblle there U no douU Uiat 
aucb a move would prove a great beuellttoall uf 
tbe other oluba of ibe major league, tbere la kardly 
any Jlkellbood of lu uking phtco. l^aldeni Vuo 
dcr Ahe aaya: *'l waa ruceuUy oirored tl28,(00 for 
Iba SL Loula trancblao by a ayudlcate, bui It la not 
(or sale at any price." 

Tlie local pauous of tba game abould aee aoma 
excellent gamea played during the cunUog aeaaoo, 
If half of Ibe ptane mouilooed by Manager Irwiu are 
pot luto operation. Tbe new manager la very eu- 
tbualaaUo and aa full of Ideaa aa a nut la of locat, 
and It be can diUI hie men Into biB way of tbbiklug, 
and afterwarda bavu tbem carry tbem out ou tbe 
ball Held, bla team ehuuld be among tbe leadura 
when Ibe auoggte la at liabelgbu Tne public will 
have to wait until the men uke tbe fleld bcTore It 
will be known Juat how far IrwIuM pbina have been 
developed. The latier recenuy aald: "I wait pbiy- 
ora U tbe game an of the Uue, That li, 1 want meu 
who want lu make or take partlnplaya. Forlu- 
ataaoe, take a caee when a baae ruuuer la on third 
baae and tbe InOeldeni 00 Iba other eldo are playlog 
to catch tbe runner at tbe home plate. The aliua- 
tloD la critical, and It leaia the nerve of tbe Oeltlcta. 
U tbey are nude of tbe right euiif any cue o( ibem 
will be eager to bare tbe ball bitat him, becaueo be 
baa the nerve and coufldance aud ibluka ba can 
make tbe play, Tbere areeome playcra who, ata 
critical tlme,aTe praylog to t!:euuelvea Ibat Ibetiall 
wont come their way. Tbey would latber aee a 
bane bit made tban be called upon to baodle tbe 
ball aud tbiow It to Ibe pute. I am 00 the lookout 
for phiyera of Ibat klnil, and I don't want Ibem on 
mj team. Whether a player 'wania tbe ball' or not 
la ooB of a good oany other tbioga that Iraiuplrea 
In a game which tbe specbitora are not ap- to aee. 
Udaeoall baa Iti floe polnu, and uoleaa a peraon le 
aa expert or bae been pat onto tbem be rnlifbt al- 
ways be la Ignorance ol tbem, no matter bow cloea 
aa oboerrer be might tie. Here la a caee at point: 
Inacertainmaji>rlttague clnbUataeaaon tbebaUIng 
order waa ao arraoged that Ibe flntbaaemaD, who I9 
a fab' baiamau, foUowed Juat bebmd an ouiUtlder, 
wbolaa drat claaa bitter and a itar bate runner. 
Tbo latler'8 apeed on ihe baaea made huu a likely 
man to get rnna, and, of courae, If be bad the co- 
operation of bla fellow plajeia, bla chancea (or mak- 
ing tbe clKuii wero Increased. Do wben be reached 
libt baae.aa he IrequenUydld, Itwu Ibedoiyof 
blaeucceaaorat tbe bat to help blm to reach aac- 
ond. The auceeaaor'e play waa to lean backwards 
aa amch as pvsMlble, In order to hamper the catcher 
In bla throw to aecoad to catch tbo base runDcr. It 
wat a nice bit of team play and Ibe trick or altategf, 
or whatever you've a mind to call It, helped 10 win 
(auea. But II plajred havoc wllh ibia batnman'a 
aauiog average, tie couldn't do himacif Juatlce 
with toe eUckln the awkward poalilon ha amnmed, 
and tboae who did not know the Ina and oata u( Iba 
ila; put bUn down aa a 'weak' bitter* The player 
a oaeBlloo u a bard worker, aal( saciUrinf and a 
Una Haider, but be doally asked to ba changed In 
Ibe batilDgorder, leaibia poor billing puihiia oul o( 
the bualaera. To he aucceaafnl a manager aboutd 
know the pecnllarttlea o( bla men, and act accord- 
mchr. To Uluatnts toy meaning I wUI Uke two 
weir known plicbem, Iwih b( whom are now out of 
Iba liiielniai fine by death, aad tbe other BnaUy 
i oot. 1 have nlerenceto tha.laie lAailei 

Oeorge L. Cioaa, one of Ibo pllcbera of last Bo- 
eon's lodbioapolli team, of tbe Western league, 
was bora Jiiu. S, 1872, at Uancliealer, N. II., and 
leaned to play hall ou the opea tola arognil blH 
native place. Ilia brut profeaslonal eoKairuient 
waa with the team Ibat rapreaenleil Manchwur lu 
Ibe Kew Koglanil League durlug tha kuisou ot lagi. 
Ill 1SD2 be went to the l*ai:ldc 8lo|>e anil Julnetl the 
Tacoma Ulub, of the raclUu Nonbwi-«t Loagnr, aoil 
mnked well up among lite Icaderii In Ibu unk-lal 
deldtog averages for tbe pllcbera of i lut Iratiie. In 
1803 he began Ibe Beoauu wlib tbo Charleston Uiil>, 
of the Suuioern Leagtio, but nulsbcd It with IheCln. 
eloDBll team, of the Naitoual l,eagub and Amorlcaii 
AaaoclHilon, and waa lesetvcd (or acaKuu of 1(04 by 
ilioOluclnnHil Club, butwuH "famirdtitifio iho In* 
dlaiupoliateam,o( tho Wcalern League, (or ibai aea. 
son, biking iwrt that year In tweiiiy iiluoclisuipluii- 
sblp games wlib ihe latier, an<l ho butt a lia> Hug per- 
cehtHge of .£15, accvrdlug to the oilklal avuragert of 
Ibe Weiteiii League, lu 1899, Hliliougli hia untne 
again appeared ou the Cliii.'liinaU Club's reserve llat. 

bo waa alliiwetl 10 gu tn Hie lllillaiiapiillii Imtn, anil II 
ISBCiieially believed that ho wartiiiily"luMhetl"liiilia 
latier. llnwriT, bo dlil giHHl work In iltu (ilirlirr's 
puslllou, taking part In (iirty-diiir rhiiiiiplitiiBlilp 
gaiiicfl, twotitj-elglii uf whirh rcHtilioit lu vli-iiuu-a 
anil nlxici'ii liiilufcutrt. Ulilj uitco <liirltiK Iliu ai- 
son was ho knnrkpil nut of iliu pliclirr'rt intnliloii, 
irlilloontlin:villirLT«nl(tct.-a..iliiitH ho n-IU'Ti-il„iltrr 
plichrn mill iiirned aiiiMn'MtdtrvHi-i lulu cieitiiHliIo 

VlClnrll'vl. llU lil-ht lllli-lllltg fi.-Hl WH^ 111 Ii uniiio 

agalDHl llifl Tlileilu u-aln, played Juno I.1, hu.'i, si 
ItidUlisiH.IU, when be allnwAil llii-tti iiiilyhvu Hafo 
hibi, Iho liiitlaimnolls wliHiliig iiy l-j in I. iin June 
2U, ai ItiillanapDllii. ho Hiicctetleil In sliittiliig ntii iho 
UelTulMwIihiiiiiHruii, aliltuiiifli ilii.y \vii,<i;n!illir<l 
with nllio HHru littri, wli|,;lt, iMiwcver. woru wull 
scaitertil tiiruiighuut tint giiiiiu. ud Jul; :!u, at 
UlnnoHiHilU. Uliin,.ihu Itniiiu leiiiu lumlu.tniy llu* 
safe lilts uir lilH pitching, till' ItiillauiilHillH wlitiilng 
byOliil. On .\llir. 'JO, nl hKllalliliHilU, Mid Ullilic- 
apolla tuani iuaiIuhIi mfr hlirt iiiriiuii, bui (rtilul i 
gets run, the ItiillaiinihilM alniiliig l,y 7 ttpo. 

Feiguaon anil Uanlcl Casey, iHith uf wbuni wen 
with the Philadelphia Icoiii wlilio I was cutiofcii'il 
»IUi Itaacaptalo. KerauBoncould be 'Jiillldl," iiiil 
nerer 'losaled,' uhllo (>Hey bud 10 be lianillcl In 
analtogciiierdlireroiit iiMuiier diau was Ktrgusmi. 
I remeuibtr a guDO In wlilcbtiaaoy pllclialibirtren 
ciiaaecuilve balls, lie waa sonillng men to lint 
bale as rati as they caiiie up, and It was plain that 
he had lost his nerve. In tbe middle ot an liiolng I 
led uiy poalilon at aliott bIo|i. and, walking up to 
amy, took the Imll from bbi hanil, and begau In 
'bice' blui. ■Wlutt'a the matter wlib yuo, losing 
your nerro because there's a big crowd here t You 
can't pitch at all. You ought 10 lie out ahurelliig' 
din.' -What's mat, wbat'a ibatt' he aald, -I caul 
pllcbr Ulmme Ibal ball. I'll bIiow you whelhrr 1 
can pitch.' I touched him up u few mine lluios, 
and then walked back to my puHlUou. Ue was so 
mad that bo forgot all alxiui bulug niillcd, asd put 
them over tbe pule so fast that the bHtters couldn't 
touch 'em. Taellcaof that tort would never lutve 
done wlib Kergu.on. 'Say, old iiuin,' I once aild 10 
hlo, 'tboae people iblok you are easy. Tliry aay 
yisi can't plicb.' 'They do, do ihi<yr< waa hIa re- 

f>l>: 'well, I'll Juat iihuw them I can. Walch mo 
uol Ihia fallow.' Aud ha did tool blu. Kciguaou 
pitched two ganea against tho IMirulia lu uuo day, 
and won them both. Afier tbo Unit ganio Ihe Ue- 
irulbi Ibought tbey would like anuther crack at Fer- 
goaon. I mid him of ibb!. and I havo never seeu 
belter pitching tban ba did In Iho aecond game. 
Tboae two gomea are atlll talked about bi rhUailcl- 
phla, " 

From now on baaeliall nowa will begin to pick up, 
and more eapeclally altar tbo Bchedu7a meeilog i f 
the major league, wliUb will bo held 00 FUb. 21, lu 
this cliy. Dy that iliiie tbe phiyers will all, or neany 
all, have reported to their dlirerent cluiis, or will lie 
hard at work lu ibe Boutb, preparing tbeiiiselves tor 
the cliaiiiitlonuhlp race. It tbo signs count fur any- 
tbmg.ltsoobldbeavenabetter race tlutn waa Iho 
one ot but year, and that Is saylog a great ileal. 
!lloel of tbe teanui haws lieen streogtbcned bi suuie 
manner or other. Tbis baa been tbe case with Ihe 
UalUuore, Uoalon, Urooklyn, Cluclnnall, Lonlavlllu, 
New York. Pblladelpbla aud lllhiburg Clubs. Just 
bow Ihe chaogea will work bi prublatna ileal, Tbe 
moat noUcestjle change In Ibe Now York team, 
■bleb will present aevaral uew men, altbuugh ihvy 
are nut sumngem to tbe baaeball loving piiUllc,aa 
ibey were couneclad with other msjorleagus teauu 
before comlotf bore. All of tbe major league cluba 
will givea WaltoyuungpUyeni from minor Icaguoa, 
but too much cannot bo ex|icctcd from them. Whilo 
uany uf Ibeoi maysbuw uii well during the prelimi- 
nary season, or give promise of duveloping Into brat 
data men lu the near future, few of Ibuui will be 
found (ast enough to hold ibeir own In tbe fut com. 
Isiny tbey wlU bo traveling wlib. uf courae, tba 
uiore promising ones will be rebtliied, and will ba 
"loaned" to oomemluor league club until wauled, 
wblle tba leas tortotuio ones will be caat adrltt. 
Tlie Sow York Club baa a dozen or luoie young 
atcbera, and uo una for a iiioiueul helleves 
be club has any notion of keeping all of 
tbem. Ut coarae, It bopea to doTuliip oue 
or mora trun Iba lot Kven should It du 90, lliero 
will bHtuile chance for tbo nawcomeia, pnivldlug 
Itiiale, UeeklDsnd Clark, report In perfect coodlUou, 
and keep themaelves so ihrougbout the seasuu. 
Three such pitcbera are aa many aa any club can 
one and do Ibe men Juailce. It U only lu csseof ac 
cident tbatthe extra men coma In handy. In ihe 
past ten or twelve yeara the majur league cbaiu- 
ilorublp, each season, boa. In a majority nf cases, 
«en Won chleny by the work of two pitcbera. Uul 
three men Uke Uusle, Ueeklu and Clarli, wllh an ex- 
Ira man or two lu csk of accident, are euougb fur 
auy club; ihatglvea each man two games a week. It 
worked In regular lunia. I'rubalily the club would 
not have algned eu many joungsiemll II bad not 
Intended pladog tbem In a minor learn, to be do. 
reloped tor future use. In case auy ot lia seasoned 
pitchen should become sbile or tall by tho road 
side. Tbe Unoklyn .Llub haa only a few young 
iltcbers to whom It Intends giving a trial dnrlug 
he preliminary season. If any of them turn oul 
In belter form than some of lia veierana, the 
latter will undoubledly lie replaced by tbe young. 
alerB. It will not be a matter of senunieut Ibu 
year witb ao; of tbe cinld. Tba beat men will bo 
givjn Ibe Qrvt abow, wbuiber veterans or young, 
fetcrs. All of Ihe cluba are after the peunaol, and 
tbe Ogbl next aeasoo Is going to lie clone and Inter, 
eating, sod the beat leam will win. 

Tbe work of tbe Uatun team win be watched tbIs 
year with considerable lutereaL 'Ibera sre those 
who bellave that tne club wUI not be ao strong next 
aeason aa II waa In tbe past, while oiben are of tba 
opinion that It will be tar belter tban ever befure. 
After a crtucsl glance at tba perBonuel of Ihe team, 
aa It appears 10 oor mind. It aeems that tba weaker 
epols are behhid Ibe bat and In tba pltcbloj depart- 
ment, although tbey may be airuoger m tbe latier 
than they kMi. Tlieir In and oulOeld should hoM 
their own sgalnst the atioogeat leama lo Iba major 
league. Thud Baaeuian Colllna la expected to Oil 
Nasb's plac«, and be may be able to du an In a tar 
more aatlafacKiry manner tban even bbi muai sao. 
fulnalnendsdara hupe. An',iLerluipurtanirhaiiga 
n the makeup of the team will b^Iu Itae/uulOeld, 
where UauUllon, who waa received fruni tbe Fblla- 

delpbla (;iit> In aicbanEa for Third Baaaoan Naah, 
wul replaee McVartby. In batUng and base running 

llamlliiiii win iiiiiilssii HcCiiitliy, but In iluliling 
and general team work Iliu htiicr uinlntiiitciily t'x 
cela It Is yet 10 tioseMi wbulher Dully will iKinlilit 
lo banille llie men, ami make iisgiiud a ilchl caiiialti 
as dill Niislt. llu liiiM i-onnliily had i'.v|Hjnrlii-i' 
enough lo iltliiiii tur the |h,Mi|mii, tun ills yet In t,u 
seen If llu has Iliu iitlior n:i|UlnMiiriils liCL-t-rt.-Mry lu 
uiako a giHiil iimii fur that |i!Hi:e. 'flm cliii, lia,i 
auiiie oxcrlUnt (ilajirs on Iih ri-iwivo lint ihitt can 
bo uilll/."il, cIllK-r uli Iho Iiil1i.'ld iir Uiu oiillliilil. It 
Ila plictiera and raii^hi-ni i-uii liuld iiiiltulri'iiilnf 
tbe work Busluu uwy iiutku a airuiig ijiil tor iliu pen- 

Manager Kivlug has ilcclikil lo givn n lilullii 
llcnry Uasirlgltt, the veteran prufeatliuisl iilii:iirr, 
who liaa iicun couuccied with h iinnilicr of rliiioi. 
Should UaatrtRht l,v aide tu got lilmself In lint i'Il 
tiirin, ha uiighi to lio as giHMl Ir tint a iHiicr nian 
Ihiiii eltbcr llliliicii or Fnrctiiaii, wlm wfnt n-Jiivo. 
Mated In the iiiliiur Icagiio niuka. Wu do nni imr 
Harry Weldon *ny nnyihliig almiit the nhl iiien's 
liniiie. WIillo (iHHlrlMin limy tint lie nHnliliisNul. 
aon. Force, JuncH or Cllnuui, hUinry lella na that ho 
served with t>iliitiiiiiiv, 'I'n all a|i|H.'iirHii,-*-rt uinrlir 
liall haHi8ilalui-d ngiHid man lulrwlu. IJiHliHibt. 
ediy be will MtreiiHilicii Mm timtii lu a lioruUtrnro 
weak apot. In Kwliig, Url'iicu, iluilih ami Irwin 
the Uncluiiail lullt'lil lonka Htniitg euuuiili r<ir all 
purpoaes. Tliu uumcld Is hardly tu Uiu liking ut iliu 
mauagemeni. Iliillhlay ami UlllcraiuHallainctia-y, 
but a orack left dehlcr la watittd lo help Ihe nlher 
two lu cuuipletInK Iba leaui lu llist resjiect. In lite 
catching deparlmonl ilio club IswoMOxnl. In tho 

rllcher'a pualtluii It liaa yni in aliuw lis Htroiigih. 
[has a uiiuilier i-f Irled luiil wrIlHeaaitied vnle 
rans, besiile sovural iiruinlslntf ynung4ierri, who 
wero drafted carllur In Iliu Wlnuir. Cliicluiiail, 
while uul claiming the jietinant, lM|,M,kiil iijMiti tu 
Iiuldaiiiuuh iHilter iiusitbiu In next scjhuti'a race 
llish It did last ji-ar. 

I'reslilontVnndiT.tho, ntiho Hi. UhiIs CIuIi, ha« 
algnnl hla niaiuger, Hairy lilildlelHick, ami ihu 
batter will huvo ui liiisilu nnw in got Ingeilicr a 
winning lesni. Uo will Onl iliat ho hiu isi 1 a.iy task 
00 hu lianils. He has an erratic luint voiemna snd 
a few untrlNl youngsum tu begin with, nnd iliey 
will keep blni luesiTog until lie cau DihI nut what 
they cau do. 'Itaiu work will hardly hn liaikeil fnr 
from that aggregailun nf vuionins. Nr. Von iier 
Aho la baring a bard tinio nf It laitwei;ii hla nb- 
atie.eniurt plaieraaiid suiuu or tho iiewfiiuiiorrt, iliu 
latter nf which are waging a hitter war aKHlimt iiih 
leain'a playing .Sunday galiica at huluu. I'realdent 
V'un dcr Ahn has Isiuii seveiely ultlcliu'd by iiiu 
Uuuoil liHj lupors rnr allowing anuiu nt liUliuat 

Klarcra li> slip away frniu liliii, but lie aaya lliul bu 
as been heiielllbid by tlie iIl-uIs, ami It In yet lu In, 
aceu who Is right. 

J. W. Hpalillng, wliu rolunicd himie laal week 
from a three looniha- hnjuuni In Kunipu, siHtahs In a 
veryciicaumglUK manner of tbo pingreiM iiutilo nii 
the other slilu of Ibo Atbitiilc ocean, In iiUyliiu our 
nstlunal gsiiie. 

Tito Fdiiuliy Allilcilc Cuminllteo nf Ihu Uulversliy 
of I'eunsylvania, lias ilelurnilneil l» aiaoil hr lis 
aciliinuf liee. II, lUH, In pmbliililug oku ationil- 
Ingibat julvcnilty trnin playing upnn seinl pniri'H 
aloual leaiua duMng the Huiiiini-r v^cailnn. Tliu 
wording of the rnuliilloii, aa rocunled t.y tliu mcic 
laryot ibo Aasoclatluu, Is: "Nu aiiiileniiif Iliu iin|. 
verslty ahull IM allowed bl roureaeut Uie Univuraliy 
of Poiiutyltania, elilier lodlvlduallr, ur as a niiim. 
bcrof auy U'Ulu, who shall have lecolva'l dlrcclli 
or Inulrcclly roune;, or on which any player shall 
have received direclly or ludirecllr, iii<,iioy (or his 
bis service*." Harvard, Yalo ami rrliiceiiiii, have 
alsoeniicled leglslailun pruhlbliliig ihuir moii truni 
piitfliig on athletic teams, wblcli rirrrr and give 
cnmpetualliin. Harvard bloyeis generally, JiJiied 
the Uoaun Alhlello Cnib's leant, while ll,e Yalo 
nii:n usually played wllh athlollc clulia lu this 
vicinity, sod I'rlncliin and the Unlvenliy nt I'onn. 
svlvanla uieii chlerty coinp'ised Ihoperamnel of the 
Capo Usy and Allanilc City leuuw. 

W. J, Oaraon and tv. II. Waid. Tbo inollon to com- 
blue Ibo oDIctaof pre«ldant, eacrelary andlieaaurtr 
waHilrfeatcd. Jnlin I. Ward waa clecltd president 
anil treasnr«r and J, A, lUrblsuli secretiry. 

Panaaylvatila Stale Laagaia, 

Tho rcnn^jlvanla Hiala I«agua wai raorgailitd 
at a neeiing hoM Jan. 11; at Allanlown, It was 
anything taut a harmonlinis seaalon at Ihe atart, bnt 
after Ihe rieellon of nillccn order was reatorad. 
There were preaont K. S. imnil, llaileton; John W. 
Aiken and Hanin Bwlll, Usrbondale; Uarrr llenaol 
and Frank Rlnn, lam-nsler; John illlllgan, Read- 
ing, and William Shanli and II. NIlea, of Ihe Atb- 
:eilr*, of rhiladrlpbla. After Iho usual nullne 
liiiBlnMa bad been Iransaclcil a ntoiinn was made 
III enirr upnn the nnmlnallon ot oDIcen. To Ibia 
l-reslilriil llanbm objoclcd, gnt claiming that o(- 
ilcera shnuld nut l« soleciril itnlll ibe ciroull was 
i-oinplcleil, anil ntierwaid nislnlalning that Ibere 
was no qnuriini nrespni. berauae the Carbondsle 
ili'lcgalo bad Irfi tlta rw in. After sonio deUiy Uan- 
InirvacHteil Iltu chair, snd numlnatloos for preel- 
drot were ili elated In onlcr, John J, ilanlon and 
Frank Hough were plared In nnmlnailnn, and Ibe 
taller was iliu'larrd clcniril, receiving three of Ihe 
four votes eai.1. Carboiidalo noi vnilog. Hr. Iluugb 
•VIM snbsi-itiirnily etiuii'il secretary anil treasurer. 
II was reiutlri'd tfialiholrsguoaiiplv forproteollon 
iiLdor Clnaa A ot Ihe National Agroomoni. and tbe 
M.'oretary ttiiinrdlaioly tniwsidrd ihs spnilcailon, 
acconiiianled by ihe iii-i'o»ary cbct-k, to I'realilent 
N. K. \ nniig. ot tbo major league. Tlia only Indebt- 
eilupss against iliu l*iniih)lvantalilato league was 
llio.diiu oi'l'trahli-itt llanlon, which waaurdered 
iihlil, Appllcailiiiis for niemlirivhlp wero received 
iroiii Allriunwn, Allonna, llarrleburg, Johnstown, 
I'liiiavlllu and Sltsinnkln, and fnmi tlieso »lx clllea 
ilireo will IKI holirlcit In I'liiiiplelo Iho circuit. It 
waa prnpiwd lo rxarl tn<ni eai-li rhilt a sum ot 
niiini'y Hiiittt-lenl In Instiin lis renuilhlng In Ibe 
u*sguo fur Iho avasnit, ninl In Itislsi ii[s>n tbo prompt 
liayntont nf all nliligailniis, Uniler tho nniposra 
arliemu a cliili cannot dinp nut wlilmul giving lis 
iiainrlalra a clmlini Ui repair tho Invarll, llough 
Htiil Ntloa wore liininii led in rvvlso Iho conslltul|on. 
Nlles. Milllgnn ami llntigli were appolnird a rom- 
iiilileeii uii i:lrcitli, with power In ai-i, Tho board uf 
•llrecinrs will nut lie elictnl until the circull la 

UlAnONII IflKI.U OI9«.4ll>. 

TMWa-Houdtersi Laague. 

A meelbig of ibe Teias-Muutliern l,eagun wns 
held Jau, 2u, at Austin, Tex, I'leMdeul John I,. 
Ward occupied Ihe cbair, and Ihe tulluwing dele, 
galea wen present: U. H. Herd and W. T. Van 
Imaser, Itbermao; W. J, Uarwm, IL U. Kilumnds, 
W. II. UsIley and Hamuel Taub, Houalun; W, I,. 
Wurk, Ualvestuo; WlUhm U«<,th, W. L. Vliilug, 
Ueorgo Waiiklium, C. Vllleoonvu ami Hnward l>iui, 
Ausilu; V. I. Uruptiey, ut iJslrcstuu, chiliologihe 
Dan Antnolu frsochlse, and L. II, Culey, repreaent- 
Ing Ihe ban Auumlu AMclailni^ and W, II. Want 
anil John L, W^id, Fort Worth. The illspuie for tho 
Ban Aniuslu fiaacblBa was taken up, anil after Mith 
sidea bad I4en beard was awarded 10 Mr, Ci.lei. 
Work, Uaiaon snd Tkub were appulnled a circuit 
committee. After attending tu fiuia other iiiaiiera 
the delentea look a tecew until iio, Uurecourcn- 
Ing Mr. VIolog nliered a rasulullon that the name of 
Ihe league be changed tu Ihu Tsxaa lyaiiur, instesd 
nf TeiaaMouihcin. The reaoluilon waa laliltd un- 
til the neil meeUng. Tba peunaiit wu awunled lo 
Fort Wurth. A moUua woe adopted Ibat visiting 
Uubs gel |io tur each achedultd gsuie, rain or 
shine, wllh a privilege ut flfly par cent, of ilisgaie 
receipts, ibonld tbare be more Ikao liou. Tbe 
schedule committee consuls ol ileorge Blackbum, 

laa)Mt Mayings ami llolnga ut lha Bas*> 
lirtli P*rat«*rnlly. 

A niiivciiieni bl nil tiait fnr llto ptiriHiiie nf urgaulx* 
Ing an Inlcniiato l,oiigno, in Incltnlu clubs luoated 
at Flirt Wayne, Iml.; -|\ilcilii ntnl Diiyliin.O.; Wbcal- 
Ing, W. Vn.; New Uiatlo niiil Washington, l>a. If 
twii utiior giHid clilca can bo foiiiiil, then an eight 
dull league will Ini tnrnicil, iilliorwUo It will bo a 
sIxrlnbaiTalr. A itiruting for llio puriioaa of or- 
aanlrailnti will Im riilk-il, 11 Is said, In n fotsr days, 
ur. fliiniii-lls, or Tnlciln, ulin In lino nf iho pmnnitum 
iit ihii le-lieiiiu salil. In a n-reiii InitrTlow: "We will 
try anil fniiii an elglii cliiti toagitii, and will ask for 
nrniei'tliin iiinler lliii NiillniutI ,\gtiTnienl. I am In 
laviir nf rtiii<tln|r tliasa II, iltn Hiiiie as the Kastem 
Ifi'sgiii.'. This will iinilcci nnr lerrltiirr, allnw im to 
n-vrvo iilayiraaml Iho lilglesgiii-a raniint lake any 
uf thrill tiniii ihni' nt iliii m'aiuin, slid then only 
iiy pa.vliig tiMi tnr each rrlusHe. tIip pbsylng aoa- 

si'U will In' tnlir anil nllu-hHir llinillllM lung. \Vo Wilt 
h.tvo a fair sHliiry lliiill and play Huliilay ball lu 
Slillio nf llincllll-s. lu Tnlnilo we 01111.000 111 go out 

nt ilio i!liy tnr stii'h gami-s. Willi siniiig llnaiii-UI 

I'licklitg, g I teams, well lmtnhi*i-d nnd evenly 

iiutittini, anil any snrt nf derritt weather, the new 
Irn^'inti-nnnni help but l.u a siircesa." 

Ui'.Mrtliull, Mill ntiii ciitrk Itllcher ut Ibo Ualllmuro 
team, n-imiis thai bis pitcliliiK aim la gnnu chllrely, 
ami iliat bo will dn nn iiiiirn wnrk In that linu In the 

Ill nn Iniliuir gnmo plavod Jiili. lu, at l.'hicagu, III,, 
l'lli:lii!r .Sli'lii pnn-i-tilcil lliu HIi-gelH trnin inaklbg 
iiioiu than mm safu lili niT hint, ilio Usri|Uoltea wlu- 
illng by Bin I. 

Tito Biiiaictir aiiil ai-iiil-piiiti'salniuil toaiuH In tbia 
virliilty aru milking great pn-iairallnnH for Ihoap- 
|in-nchll)g catll|mlgu. 

K. J. lluiigli', nf i:litcngii. III., was signed Jan. II, 
bl iiiaiiHge. I'liiitalii anil play socntiil Isiso for the 
lliitllngbiii i:iiiii, nt iliu Wcnnirii Anncliilloii. I'nul 
Illiiea, ihrt veloraii player, will cnvordrat iMse and 
act OH IiurIiiush liiaiMger. 

Capi. Kwiiig, nt iliu CInchtunil leaiu, Is i|iiulcdaa 
oayliig: "Kvurylram nhniilil bavuat least one left 
hsiiilwl piirlti-r. Thiiy aru iiHctiil In many ware. 
There are tan nr iliii'ii tvatiia In the insjnr league to 
whnm ngnnii led hniiilrr la aiiiinsLsiirodialh. Thia 

Is cNiwcialiy It f I'hllHilrliiltln and New Yurk." 

Ikhire making hiicIi 11 stairmeiii. In which he In- 
cluilcs IheNnw VnrkK, KwlnghaillietlersHk llralleu- 
nirln, Ilio gmiiest li ft hniidiil iiltclierin Iho bnal- 
iiesH, alsiiil his uipcilriico sgsluHl Ihu New Yorka 
Inst siiiiain. 

The HI. I'alilrksilrtiislcd Iho Hull Mouse Irani In 
nn Inilinir g4iiiu by 7 hi :i, Jan. 19, si Uhlcagii, III, 
Tho lonciH iiiailu only ilireu safe bibi uir Uwens. 

Tito iilsvera nf Iho ,S'ow Ynik Vltili will lie ordered 
III reiBirl III ro un Fob. 'jo. Tliiy will leave (or Jaok- 
snnvlllv. Fla„ nn March 'J. 

Uaniigur llaiilnii hoaiiiailoa rei|iiest In rrealdeni 
Yniiiig tu schuiliilu Iliu liallliiKHeu tnr this ully July 
4. It Hid weailier hi tavnrnlilo two gamus will then 
bu played. 

Tliu llilliiilulphiii Lliiii has siicceoilfeil In obtaining 
Ihirl luka' lelraso finui Iho Isiultvllles. Ihlslnesi 
Haimurr Hlii i/iliin iliiiiks that alili a leuin Ilka lha 
"I'lilliln" lielilml liiiii. Inks, wliu U a loft handed 
|illi:lier, shnuld iln gmiil work, 

T. J. Kruti', uiiu nf Ihu niajnr lesguo umplrra and 
on ux-pmte^atniisl plirher, has liei-ii onusgrd to 
Clinch Iho tuiiillilali'a tnr llio Harvard (TiUvoralty 

W. (JIark, who plated ami base In a tow games 
last year Inr ilni Now York Chin, has Isien t»en- 
gagoil fur Uio cuniing season. 

A dispatch trnin llsy Ully, Mich., dsled Jan. 23, 
saya: "Tho parly which waa nuppiisod lo liava 
pcrlalied on an Ira yaulii In Hsglnaw Hay, Including 
ArihurClarkwiu.iilicliirnf ihe llaliliunreClub;Jubn 
WhItuoyamI AllleMallery, era now reported Mfe, 
Tliry wont oul laal week ii|nn Ihe Iny, and aa Iliey 
illil mil return II wax supisMd lhay had gone 
through tbo Ice. Tlioyncliifoll Into a calm lu lha 
middle i-t iliu iHiy aud tbey hail to push iheir boat 
bl the nearest slinro, anil, an lbs lelvgrapli wirea 
had lieen lliinwii duwn by a nrevlnua auirm, tbe 
party cnuld nut lelegraph bunio.'' 

The tuHuwIng liullullii lias liceu Issued by Prosl- 
dunt I'.T. I'liwi' the KasUtrn l/eague: (Jonliacla 
sp|ir»vcil-Wlih llullsin, F. M. Hian/oll, Ulauda 
lllichnr, Jnlm F. Iliihlsiid, Harry binllli, Chsrlai 
.liubl, J. K. Ilaniiun, J.U. Ilunnlnu and K. K.U>ifney, 
With Ttirnlllii, Jiilin llunti and Jnhll A. Walsh. IVIIb 
H>rai:u>ii, I'harlns Ui»u, Tlinmaa llntolbl, Fred 
lltakeiondTllnmaa Twsilille. IVIIh Hirranliin, W. 
K. Ih-ller. Jnhll Hess. lui. Ilerr ami I*. J.Ueaiiey. 
With HnihigOihl, Jnhn Kaslen and M. Il.llawley, 
With llnchi-stiT, Jnhn l.ilby and Frank lloyd. lla- 
leaacil— Iiy Hi:raiiinii, WlllUiii Hwoenry. 

'F.verv now ami ilipiii tlm aiiiiniini:unionlbi made 
llmtnucli and such a |iia)er, win, has Iwenaiildor 
traded inanuilierrlnii. says lie will nut play wlib 
ti-ai club even If lis liss In ruilio trotn tho diamond, 
TlioMiaio gem rally n-ganlnl as mere liludli.and 
there Is but niio esse nn recnnl where one has been 
cairled nultn Iho teller, and that waal>ivell, when 
ho refused tu nlay wllh llin llriHiklyii leaiii,"— Many 
Kxchsiigra. Ilnw alsiiii Jim HcCornilcb, wllh Pills- 
liiirg,aiiil W. V. Ilawki-, with Ualllmurei 

'Hio Ciiinlierland Valley Uague was formally 
ori(anlr.eil wlib nvo cluiia ata mealing held Jaa. 29, 
at Chaiiiiarraliiirg, I'a. The delegalaa preaent wen : 
M. F. Tliiiinnsiiii, Carlisle; c. llrniili.Mer, Chainben- 
iiiiig; H. II. ilrcenotiBuni, llaaenitnwo: Cbarlea 
Newomier, Hanover, ami J. K. I/iM, Ynrk. Kdgsr 
Fal«r, of iloliraimrg, waa unanliiiiiitaly eleoteil 
irealdsut, and II. II. Ureeiieliauni, wcrehsry and 

Tlia lliial organization nt Ihe new HIcblgBU 
l/eagua will bike pIh< u nn Fob. 0. Canada, Indiana 
and Ohio will i^onirlbulo ono team each. 

Harvey Watklns, liiislueaa manager nt Ihe New 
York Club, Is lisihlug up greau yuungpliclicn tur 
Hauagi r Irwin. Ilaivoykuowaagnuillbhig when 
he acta IL 

Ttie llolvndty nf Pennsylvania Faculty CoBiffllt. 
Ise un Ainli^lli:a inel tu Jan. U. at Philadelphia, snd 
dcharreil every iiiimiieruf last yeai's team from 
pbaylog 1,11 lha 'vaisliy nine durlr.g the coming 
seaaon, with tbe single excfplluu u( Captain Jubu 
Ulakeley, Tiiecliletiruuiile woo caused by Ibeas 
lueii playlog on scn,l-piuttsslonsl Icauis durlug Ibe 
Huuiiuer vacation, 

Tbfl inajur lengiie umplrea are all against Iho prn* 
poaed rule whitli will eiiabtu thciti In put ohebeper- 
ous players nui nf Iiie game. Tlicy ihink that Iba 
Impeaing of Uni s would isi a far tiellcr plao. 

Fred Kly, Ibe clover short sbip, auiiuuncea that be 
Is saUsDed wllh the leiuu ottered him hy the I1IU- 
burg Club fur the coming aeason. 



Febbuaby 1, 

NadoMMl BoarH H»f>llnK* 

TbeKftttoul Uunl, vlilcti liilic Supreme Court 
ot btMbill, met Jiq. 2:. hi tbe Kintt ATeoue 
notel,ttilscUT, KndBinlgblenrdouth numt»cr of 
nloor twgno compUcailoiui. Tbo memun o( ilio 
botfdftre: N. F:.VouDf, chKlnnnn; A. 11. Soden, 
BoiU:u, C. It. Bimc, Urooklyn, KDd Jobo T. Unub, 
OlocUutftll. Tbe Oral und mmt inicrrflUng case, ihit 
ofJobo U. Ward, who In irjlog to bavo liln ntmo 
tAkeofrom tbo rcnerTellitt uf ihoNeir VorkCluh. 
wu Held overuDlll K<b.24, irlicn ilio icbcdule meet* 
Ing o( ttie mftjor Icbriio will l>o tie'.d, becaoM of Die 
alMDcenr ITeatdcui FrccilmHii, of IIioIikbI club. 
Uuiager Irwla.of thu N«w York torn, Biibnil lied 
■Offle ntpem In the cane or Oaineldcr UulllRtD, who 
tsMld to tfO cl&lmcd iij iliu iirsnd llapltl« liud, iiui 
UtlacMO wu ftlao left over tor futuroncilon. Tlie 
minor Icsgoe cueii wvro ihoo inkcn up ood 
dlnoiea or ab they «ero flleil. lo iho r«*o of 
George A. Kiyon, woo whpi ciiltiicd u; I'eoru, tbo 
board dlimioacd tbe cliib'ii clnlto »ad releucd 
Flno from rcwrvaUon. Tiio UoDiRomcry Club, of 
ibe BouUiem AmocUtlon, etilEcd fur a lieArtog lo 
Uie CAie of NonnBii Klberllold. wbo. tbo club 
rUlfflod, ORTced lo ptny wiib UoniRomerjr. tiui, 
wb«D ACoDinoct WM rt.'iit to litm, ilgued wlib tbe 
IMllM leu), of the T«iAii-Houihflm l.eaguo. Tbe 
lioerd decided Hint ir the fduM were u reprcMoled 
by HoDlgomery, Kllwrllchl wuuld hAvc tu pluy wiib 
tlul dob, or oot Bi All Hlth suy club under tbe ttro- 
tecUoa of tbe lutloittl nRrceiueni. Ilktvej U^Ut* 
no, wbo WAS clatDied liy ituib Tomuio aoil Now 
HevoD, wuavanlcdbjtbe i>oard lo tlio laticrcinb. 
Prealdebl Vandcrheck, of tbo Dciroti Club, of iho 
Weetem iMgne, died n rMlm fur tbe ftervlrcd of 
Pitcher Harper, whom iho UrnuVljo Club bu 
drafted for ibe comluR ceri>*<iu. Act-ording to Uto 
mamof oTldcDcepreMniviliUappcArcil ib«i fret- 
Ident VftbderiHTk ptircliiv>4-.*d ilmjier'i releaau 
from ttio Itocbcflter Club, of ilic n Unfile, aud 
ID July, Itbl, owiug tif iMii tnili |ii»yiuK. i><(f>pcnilod 
bio. Tbepiicbcr (bcD wuot imnu Ni^tbviiiatcaDi, 
oftbe Bouiiieni Aasuclailuii, whi'fo bo pUyed ImII 
forilxweekii witbfint % pruiokl from \tw l>olrult 
aol>. Tbe I'hlladvlphlu, uf ilio maj jr l&iyur, ib«rD 
commeoced to trrangA wiih Nti^bviiierur lid rr* 
l«awto tbe qaaker Oiy, and UiimIIj olitnined li. 
From Fblladelpbia lUrpvt wool to llucheMcr, wlicro 
be played dorlajctliupul wiuou, nod from which 
dob bli releau wwi uutdlned by ilriHikijru. I>wrL' 
lD| tbftl be was gotns lu Jlruomyu iliu curalog eei- 
Hoo, l>etjrollprulcaiciTitiid cUliiied him. Tbo iHinrd, 
ftfier bearlDg mo whulo bUtory of tbe cave, 
deddod ibfti Uetmli atiotiid hnvo iirulceicd 
wben bo flnl plnji'd wliti the Nuhvliio team. 
Tbe motioD of appeAl by I'Uyur Uiuar Hill wan 
dlMDUied, and hia rcf:rvHtl'in by Hvadlng, Va., 
soatAlnod. Toe mmo nciloii waa tnkeu In ro- 
gardto Uecaaeof I'Uyvr Wnrmi llule, and tbe 
reaemlloo ot tbe Hi. Jonrpb uiuu, of tbe 
Weetem AooclatloD, wdM mihuIiici]. In tbo cases 
of James Ullmiin and Hmlili It. WIimIIdr iiie claim 
of tbe Norfolk Clul>, of the Virgluln Uague, was 
■utslned. Ullinan will havn m piiy ibftii:lui>tbe 
money claimed by it, atwui nud Wbailns 
ttt.76 before tboy will Irfi pcrruliivil m play wilu 
My club claltulutf piutcctlon uuder tbe iwilunsl 
ttireemeoL Aucordlug tu iiiu cliilm of Norfolk that 
clQb paid fiM for uiionn'M rclcaiw fiuin Dalus, 
l^Xi.udaavAiiccd biiii f:u In cuHti. li lunviHica 
^ lor tbree ganioa pliycd bcfurv ho siiilUeiily left, 
ne ewe of Juitn I'rceuiaii, wiio Ih chitnied uy To- 
rooto aod Detroit, wan l.tld over nnill ibe oexi 
meetlDg. Tliuro war n lurgo dclcKntlun fruua 
tbe Kaaiem l.e«guo iirettcol. Tbo dcluitalcrt anked 
ibat some prorialuii ho niailc to iirtvcni tiio 
iDjaiUce ot baTliig thy of li.i iiiiiyera draflcd, 
uiedand tbua. If not Taiiim, rriiinicd !■> Ibo cluli 
rrom wblch lio wax ukcii, wlihout iliat chih rncciv- 
log aoy cttmpeuiBitloa fur iliodmfiliiff uf iliudild 
player, M tbo Kuiuru l/uiguj M iia))iik fur prince- 
Hon i^lnil such iblnKf* Tou invinhcrH uf Ibo 
board Agreed tbat biich n imM-cdiiro niiH bnrdly 
fair (otbe K-intcru Iahriiu. A new hcciIuu lo tiiu 
National Agrecniuiit wiih drawn up, aiul will Uo 
HUbmllted to tlio Natlnnul lA-agiio nud Anioilran 
Aasootatton si Its next incoilug, whii iho btmrd's 
vecommendallon thnt ii Im Kdnpiud. llcru It Is: 

A dub tuthloir ikiu>l«cit<)ti uf ai'i'<> i'r aiitliurii^l Id 

EraotdliiR ■•inKr4|iliN«i UiN iiiii(i.< ( mi. 0. H*c. L). kluil 
iT«Uio rlRtit wlihiit ttiliif tiayaol iiuiico tu itio ii«cr«- 
laryor tlit Hunl uf mucIi »«iicu«>ii, tu ulii.dtkw fioiii 
Mwiaalwdon.BiHl md milli-o l>i iLe »rrr»t»Tr bo ilitll 
nuratotli* club Miuuuut il*|o«ltttl «liii iiiin. A 
chiliUllInf U>BX*rolM Hum rlul>t wiilila tlio tlniv hiiqcI 
flad aball not i>o ■lluwoJ fuuMiiuentlr tn ivlUiilriiw lu 
dum, aod lmiiiiM]lfttelyOit-.4jRniiiu r iiiitycr tun rurititl 
coabMC Iho •ecraiarj nf i)ie^1lt>«iil kIibH r«itill tu iti« 
orlflBal rMrTitiKciiiu ilio uimunt ilviuiiluti kIUi liiui 
oqaraouoi ot rucIi M>l«ctl<ii). tnu wlvcilui clnli »ltilL 
«1tbla alitr il»y» oi ii* <irli:inil tcIociIud. imnler Uio 
pUyorBOlMtad a Itinnikl coniraci. A4|iroviilod Inn rsr* 
tJH^l or llilN ■rllnj*. mil lu cT lu (^lluio M du ma 
iMMKraurj'or ibo Hmnl p>h>tll ipidii llm nuiuuiii Je 
ptallwl with btni lu tJio tlul> iruiii wiiuin tlio (•■•rer «»■ 

TborepreaentailvfHOt iho Hcuibcm AasnclaUon 
uetJan.'JO. atfttonipbli, Tcnu., and orKMUlKiHl \tj 
tbeeleoliou of lltrnry hiwciiinf New tblunim, U., 
to tbe trlplo oitlca ur prtMtdeui, KccrelAry aod trwif 
urer. Tbo orKanl/jiiiuii 14 cuninoHi-d uf aiUiiIh, 
NaabvlUe, Unutgonior;, Unbllo. Now (>r1(;an^ LliUe 
Rook and JJeiiipliU. Kiich t lub will dcpuMt a 
forfeit ot two, lo KUitmnico tlmt the cIuIim will re- 
mala louut througntiut tbo itUjrln;! scitaon. The 
plMldent will appoint A Hrhrdiilo vtimniliico, whb 
fuimoUODS lo roLHirt bI iho iicMiiK'oilug,Uarcb U, 
at Mobile. Ala. 

HaBBger A. 0. Ituclionltertzer nnnonncc.i lliai lie 
basgtvun up tbo frHiicblHj<>r ibu Troitum ciub, lo 
IbeAUaotlo AMtoclailon. Ur. IhickouiKirROr H no- 

SUallDgfortbo fmnrUljte uf ihu Turuuiu club, ot 
» K&siera lioaguo. 


a. RHooHltil Ii ljolliltael«lllD|*iM] bowing 
MerMm o( Uw 8i.a«<ff(e AUileUc nob', cricket 
ii an, ot tbe Kew Votk AiaocUiloD, dorliMi Uw put 
•euon. Id eliliUu UmlDp ha icond SM niM, u 
kTtmn o( itsi rm tou limliir.ud b«pcoTtd 
v«n eCKtlra la boMInf , aptrnloii lewljfma 
wictatiitltaecott ot 411 iiiBj,unuif •<>',<>■'{ 
n n nu (o to inouig. Hie Ont claTen pujia 
twcDi J iTa gtmoi, ot wblcli Un wtra wod, UditMO 
lottand iwadnwn. 

C. Corcour, tba EngUita crickeur, who wu n- 
poricdio ba klUad iIqUdii tha recent Ofbilnc id 
rtouih Atrtut, wu ODij alliibllT woondedud K now 
npkli; RcoreilDi. In tha ballet that ha wudatd, 
a riwcl.l mamoiUl lenlcc wu amoftd b; hli 
rainer.ihaUtlotOoranirT, loba baM itn. a, it 
WorceMtr, C. P. Foley, toother well knon 
Eoalbi)! iiMieur dlckaier, wu ooe ot tha offlcoi 
01 Dr. JatDtwa'a bud taken prlaoner. 

Tni ItatTttd VolrenliT team wlU Iuto thettl- 
lowing offlccn tot tha enanlsn letr: Pioldent, A. 
U. aairetl; aecralaix aod traaaiirar, Oaorga no 
L'luay; captalo, Fare/ H. Clark. Tha fUrrard L'el- 
Ttnlij elaran will make • bard flftat to ragtln tha 
lourcolleolBU cbanplonablp, meeilnv lha IteTtr- 
rord Collega and Ualrenliy ot renurlTanla alarent 
Ha) a, a, at rhlMclphla, lu. 

LoBD Hnimiio hu iDTlted the ADiltillana lo 

ax Uelr opeDIng rama In Kogliod at Bhemdd 
'ait, near bnghton, when an F.ogllib repreaeoia 
Uve eleten will be their opponenia. Lord HbemeM, 
ni beretutote, pan all the axpeue* of bob 
teania, the bcauillui grouoda lielog tree to tha iptc- 

A rii<m«Ai to redure ilie nnober ot qualUjrlhg 
ina'cbea for the couDtj champlouhlp neil aeaaoo. 
Id KdiIiihI, bu lata agraed lo bj the commlUM 
ot the HttjleimDe CIdU. Six hooa and homa 
toitlcbeii, Inaieed of eight, will iben l>a conitdated 
aiiincltnL The altemiion onlj appllea to 

A Tim'OHjiHr fnina atnirtnn la being bnlltat 
llaroiturd. Fa., bj the Herlon Clnb, lo Uke Ihe 
place ot the club nonM tinned down Jan. 4. Ike 
now temporaiT clab bonae will be dlrlded Into two 
riionii, piatnllj but conironahlj furaldied, and will 
hj con pleied early In Febmary. 

ComlBg BTonU* 

Ukrrh 2H.~Abdiu1 UolT.nltr oiiuli nc*. Oltoid Ti. 
Cuibrkli* l;alr«rAlll■^ Fulntr to Mortlik., naaM 
HIvtr, Koilawl. 

J.o* au-LatehmoDl Yuht Club £prlaEr«|atU,Lwg 

Jaly 4-LarcbliioDt Tichl Club anuuil namua; ilao 
OrMrtMor HilMforSl nianuO at loolaia-Loagl.. 
Imd BcuDtl. 

JuvT,B,^-UubTSo;il Btgiua, UuUr-onmoH, 

JalylH— l.arcbmoat TMbt ClubMMDd nMOf feilu 
rurSI nl»n aJoO 30 ro4l4n.-l.ODC 1.1.IH1 eoooil. 

Julyai— LaichmoDt Vteht i;iublhltil rmc4 lor34 rmUn 
and 9U roo4«n, ud pueul nc«a for 21 fool.n.Dd kail 
imtam-LoDa lUaad HouDd. 

Julyti— lArdimoul Vuht Clob foiiilhimu lor34fmlfii 
aod sroour^ud MMlal nett tutu rotHanud UU 
nure-LoBg liUad Bouwl. 

July 33— LardinMQt VMhl Club ipcelal ngltla for 
MlwHtB.r.— LoBi [doBd Bound. 

JalyM— Laichmoal YftdiC Club flflh imcaforMraWn 
BDd 30 rooun-LODa liliiud 8oudO. 

jQlytb— Lar«hmootVBCht4'lubrBiiBllBrur ill cUa«a: 
BbM> ultUi rmc« lurS4rat6n Bud SU looun-Loog IhIuhI 

Utpt. 6— LjinbinODt VB«lit Club UTBOIh nc« Tor S4 
rAiBrBBDtl9uioouii.-l.4jai lilanil RouDd. 

eopL 7— Larchmool Vncbl Club FbU rBKBUB. BDd bIr^iIi 
nev fat 34 ratBr. aod3U footara— Looa Uiaod Sound. 

K«|il ll-LareliniooiYBtfaiClabBiiDUBl raCB tor Laieh* 
a oal IHip lOr ichoooirB BDd codboIbiIod raCB lor 31 imlrl* 
Biid 90 ItwUrB-LooH iMUnd SouaJ. 

AN iKrgB'COLOxu I nMurioN8iiir I'osTun' lie- 
twaan Mow Suuili WaitM itml ijiiccnfUBiiil ruccntly 
took placo at iljdncy, Aim , iiuil rMiilioil lu a rlo. 
tor; (or Uie former, vrltli iiUio wickoiH lo npnro. The 
napeotlra lotala were: ciiiccnBlainl, 'Jii-j anil ':t3; 
New Buulh Waica, 4s:.Hnil M lur one nickel. OdM' 
Ingham, who vaH one or iho AURtmllnii loam that 
ulayad nero In IKtn, wan Ilio lilHliaiincnrcrturllio 
Ijuaanaland eloreu, tBoit. In tni'i. lu ilie uintch, niak- 
Ingubedid M\ ami .'il lu lila lirii InnlUKe. The 
nlaimo, reroy Uulionnoll. vlio it nnoihcr oiloketer 
wall kDOWD lu lilts CDunlry. alihi hll h.iril tor the 
Tlallon,niaklDa tc, tholaai 4Uiir wliu-b wan iiiadolu 
ten bita, Includtug ivco .'.'ii In ouo over oir HcKllibln. 
Waltaraled llio Now tmiiih WkIck cliivon In nin gel 
llag, making l&o hj iiahI hitilug nnil plouiT ot luck 
liMhe Ont InnlDir. Iiouiinn liatiotl In fMUlilCM furm 
tor 40 and :u, not out, ami drcRoo' nuilo 43 trilhont 
a ohance Id iho Ural liinlnii. lir. M.<ui>ouaM undo 
;), not oul. Id Uio manure' acctmil lunliiK. 

<1. II. TiioTT. (I. (liirns ANo S. K. ilHiiioRr are 
■dd to be tlie cuiiiniliico aiipolnicil by Iho Au» 
Umllin Cricket Oouucll lo actoci llioioiimuilnirnwm- 
bara of Ibe AUBiralUn icaiii that baIIh muii Aiiclaldc, 
Utttih 1), for Kiiil.iiil. (I. lUny Trull la iiiruilnned 
taTormUy u CAiitala uf Ihu Ii'hui. lakliig tlio place 
of Blaokhani, wnmu rccoitt acdiliiut will iimroni 
him from playing atralii. Ttio oilior uicmiicra of the 
taais will be ohoiwn Inini tho tiillowliig: A. K. Troll, 
W. Ilnice, II. (Iiahaiii. K. Uvcr. J. llany.J. J. 
1 joaa, J. A. Uarlliir. O. Illll. K. Juoca, A. II. JarvlB, 
F. A. Indilo, C. II. Turner. J. II. U>:Kiul>ln, II 
Tramble, A. OinlDduiu, U. K<il;. r. I.okI« and J 
Waliara. hlanaiicr Uimgruvo couhl bo i-allnl nn aa 
a aQbatlluta on tho tinir. iia bo waa ut ono ilnio nn 
eieallent balaniau, «ud liaaHm-KnlKthHvlDK luaild 
aoaatuiy agsluat u vhliluii KukII^Ii team about 
iwalre yaaiw ago. A ruihI faat lu'lcr la iiK tl 
wnDled, ami K. Juiiea, nf H.uith Aiialmlla, will, 
ilonblleia, be W'ln-ie<l. A. II. J.'\ivla ami IVrr; 
l4Wla are oanilliliBioA tor Ilio ifwlilou ut wlckcl 
keeper, now that lUavkliaiii bus rctlrcil. 

Taa ■xckKTiRikKot tho •IliTcreui i-ilckcl clubaln 
Doiton, HtMX, anil vKlulir rciriitl; bold Ihclr 
elevenlli aniiual luiTllnii lu ihal cliy, and made up 
aiohedalaof iniQ)oalt>lH)iiUTid during tbo coni< 
log aoiion. Tatanty uue cluua wiru t\>picaenteil. 
aud Ibdr deleiatca amoifcd u acbctliiloof upward! 
of one hUDdrco aud dtty gauica. coiuuicuclajt April 
SO with a conical boiwceu the /.lugarl aud tlio llar- 
Tard Uilrnslijr olcveua, aud cliMliig O. I. 3 <rlib a 
nme bolwcon llia UnicKiou team aud the llarrant 
Unlrenliy eleven. Iwlh Iving uu iho lalloi'a 
gnnnda at UiniUTUIgo. Tho Amlnrrr, AlMon, Hoe- 
ton Alhlolli' Aaaoi'liitloii. Ii:viitiii, Unn'klon. Kiel 
Boalon, Kut Uainlitldgo. Kill lllvcr. Ilarranl t'nl 
voreltT, Ijnn, l.yiia Waiulrn^ra. LmrnMico. l/>welL 
lleiTlDiac, Newion, Itoi'kUuil. Waltliain, Worccalcr 
aid /Uigarl CIuIm vrrru rFiurapiitCil nl IbU mcellng. 

At a aKciNT MaariNii tbo rollowlug oiiiocni were 
rleoied tor tbe Aadoi laicil t:rlrkrt Cliilw of I'hlla- 
delpbli: rrceldfiii. A. J. Chmiii: vKo |iTr>liloui., 
J. II. Uolohan and <l. N raiicrmin; aocrriary .W.T. 
(I. Bitalol; tmaurrr. K. s. Iiiickli'y Jr. Tlio tomial 
unoiincement wa.1 thru mnko of ihc altandonmcnt 
ot Ihe conloiiiplatcil Kiin>|K'au til|ior a FhlladolpUla 
team during Inn conilug ai'afou. 

A.C.HACl.iHiNwaa In iMvc a prcMCiilallononlbe 
occaalon ot Iho Hbiiital ooncmi luccilng of Ihe 

lancMhlte C»unly Club. Jan. ai Uabi licalcr, 

Kng., 10 comnicmantu rci-onl score of 4'.'4 rum 

HalOilSontrecUliIrp, leal Jiilf. 


J. Drnw 8(ark Captaraa the Dwly Cap. 

OuriKCilooa Ima conUlned an accoonl ot the 
gsmea np (o Jan. 90, In Ihli Inttreatlog lourae;, 
held at Manilce Daly^ DUUard Patlott, In thU Oly. 
Tbe openlog gsme wu played on Jan. 13, and a 
•ynopali ot tbe gaoua wu giTen, logtlber wllh the 
coDpleie aeoree, ayengea, etc., up lo Ibe Ural 
gmoe on Monday nlgbl, Jtn. 9). Tke concluding 
gwma on that dale fonnd Arthur TOwnaend and Dr. 
lennlDg* u conleatanta In Ibe iwenty-lltih game of . 
ibetoamameDt. The former completed blaacore In 
Iblrty asven looliga, while Dr. Jennlngi' bolt efforts 
remlled In 144 polnla. Theecote: . 

Tonxnd-t. 7, «. 8J.9. r. B. 13. 0 0, IR. 0. M. 1. 3 O. I. 

ii.i.fta.n,Ma.4.i<.22.i.i^o. u, n. 11 0. 3. 3. Toiai, 

jBDDlBlS-Zi. Oi 4. 1. « 1, 3. 91 1. 1. 1 1^1. tL 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 3. 
SI.0.S.riJl7al.J.I(.l. 1. 14. 1^4,0. tout 141 ;aTBl««». 
i:bl(baBi roD, 34. 

Tib am itmo oi IbB bUbidood of 31 bfoniht toiBthBr 

ToaOBOBd sod iDBBBy. ToWDBBDd BpIO WOD. bSt hO IiBD 

BopleolB with blilBBs eipBrlBDcad BdTBnary. Towob- 
BDd ran out Id fony-nTB iBalogB. KMaBy'n koid forlhB 
lansDBinbarwBjBD. Tb.acoiD: , ,^ 
TowniMd-2. 14. a. S. 1. 0. X 4. n. 4. 10. 4. 0. 11, (1 E. Id. 

ii,i>.v3 oia.i.u,e. 1.1, 1.x II. 1 4 c. m. a a oi ii. a. i. 

17,01 3. J. 4. Total. SO; BTsracB. 7 MUl; bliLait roo. 40. 

kMDBy-iii. l^ ». 0. 1. w. 1, 0. a. 1. 1. 3,19. 1 1. II. a 31 1. 

111,14.1.0117.01 ao.lm I.l7.a 1.0. 1.^3.0. h 2.^3,0. 
Tout . aa ; BTorBiir. 4;744;blKbsatniB,ll 

Dr. RiaoBy and Fra 1 Oskaa ware lbs eonlaataata lo tha 
BacDDd laaa ortia alUmoDD. Raaosy played a aoiootb. 
BT«ona)4,aiidaultydafaalailbtBoppoDBDL Ibauoi*; 

lUDn.y-n.Oll^ILU, e.9.4.1,1. U (10,7.1.0. 

1 ». 0. at. Ill M. it 4. 0. 01 1. e. 3. 1, 9, 0, u. a tt oi 1 3. 1. 3, 

19. 3, V 6, 0. 0, U. Tout. 310: avBimi*. 9 SI >3: lilgbott 

osbM-iLaiai.0.4 S. 3. 
0. II. a 0. «,i. 1.0.0. 4, «. a a a. 0. io._i,l7.,j. 0. 0. it 0. 1. 

0, 1. 1, ll.ll Toltl, id; BTita(0,9 4U; blgMst lao, 17. 

RafarBa, E. Klrbf. ^ . . , 

PoigBobarit aiH JbooIdrb cama logatbarlo the Urtt 

aasa of f b««Taa log. Tba foraiar byaprattynDofaeTea, 
o tba rony-foDilh IddIbc. auccBBdid Id niDaloc out, 

afapolalaabaad ofblaopoooeDL Tbaacofa; 

iVHii«ibDrE-o,a.o.i4.e.ato.g,io. i, 111,1.0,11.1, 
•,iii. I. n.n. 0,7.7. e.3,a a. A 31, 0.0,1,0, 

1,7. TBtatnu: arrraao. Ill (I: bn|[liBatn..3l. 

Tni nowlng Cluba o( ToTonto, Onu, nn jaunled by 
the lalluia or Uelr reprcMuusliTni at Henley hat 
year, are making anangenieniB lo sa jd a roiir and 
an ei|lii oared ciuw 10 Kngland thlayear, to agkln 
iry their luck at Ibe great collega an I amateurre- 
gaiuln July, II Is elated lhat the Tltouipaon tnd 
Uunii Brotuera are certain to again mike ua trip. 

Tui Olympic Yacht Club, ot Brooklyn, N. Y., held 
lla unnual meeUni Jan. '.D. Ihe election leaulhog 
ihua: Uonmodoro,uiula Uohorat; vice comoodera, 
Iticlisnl Kalb; rear commodore, WlUbsm Baker; 
accreiary, Andrair Oberuufer; Onanclal aecnuiy, 
Fred Uubbsnd; recording aocntaiy, lleniy Stacy; 
trcaennr, William UauNDL 

Tiii Bocth Amboy (N. J.) Yaoht Clnb held 111 
annual aeaalon Jan. 21, Ibe elect 00 nanlUng aa to|. 
Iowa: (»niDiodate, li. C. Cham; vice commodon, J. 
A. 3exion; nar cuntmodore, II. u. I'emoeJr.itieaa' 
unir, F. F. lie draw; financial KOretary, U. 0. Uid- 
inuHiiocoriilng aecrelaiy, 0. J.Voorheeaimaannr, 

Till raaaalo River Yacht CTob, ot Newark, D. J., 
Ii'iii ita Buunal eieottun Jan. tl, and chose Iteae 
onican to aeiva during the ensuing year: Comno- 
uuru, W. il.Uyme; vice comuiodore, K, 0. Doliau; 

rocumini Mcretaty, Ur. J. Friner; nnanclal 

larv.c. F. Hall; uciAuer, Joaeph Uertsch; 
Uh r, II, llanu. 

Tun Welinect yiohtClul>,ot Boalon, Kau., win 
be mua onicered during itfM: Commodof*, FAenan 
A. Show; rice commodore, ailea W. llolhieok; 
accreiary and treaaanr, Alvin l> Wiley: Heat cap- 
lain, 1.. 11. Baker Jr.; nieuurera, I. U. Landeikln, 
Henry IHIory, 

Till Triton llTat CInb.ot Newark, K. J., will be 
1 nicercd thla year u loUowa: Frealdent, Iheo- 
doro F. K>er; vice president, umn K Thoiber; 
litaturer, Henry C Rommel; secretary, VTIUIan A. 
SImoiiion; capuiln, Maasle Milne; drat lleoleiant, 
Cllirord Hrown; seound llenienani, Uarry llare:!, 

Tiik CrcKent Boat Club, ot rbUadelpbla, Pa., 
held Ita annual meellog Jan. 27. Ulllcen elected 
wore: Fnaldenl, Iboniaa B. Uarper; vice prcaldenl, 
Fjlwani Powell; accreiary, Vf. l>. Bany; ueaaanr, 
>V. T. WalUca; oaptalu, A. O. Wbhney: counbi, 
WUIIam CiiiTOy, vice coxawain, PhUilp Ms- 
Till llnlTenlly of renuylvania will pnt two 
Freihmcu'aelghuon Uio water Uils aeaaoo, one to 
conieat In the three cornered race ud another 
made up from the Fieahmen cUuacs, which wUl 
meet loas formlilable ttnla. 

Tni Lincoln Park Yacht Club, of Chicago, III., 
will be thus oillceted dating IsM: Uonmodore, K. 0. 
Urrrlman ; vice commodore, A. u. Hatherj rear com- 
inodore.U. Ii. Unllou; neat captain, (I, Wantaitoa; 
aecieury, 0. 0. Aidrewa; Ueuurer, W, B. Ormiger, 

Tni SCftwanhaka Boat Clnb, of Brooklyn, K. Y,, 
at lla lite annual meeUng, cneee Iheao onicere 
rretldcn', J. YceeUud; vice ptealdeol, F. Ayrea, 
captain, II. Ilankeo; lleutenani, J. Uomid; aeore- 
tary, Robeit II. PelioD; tieaunr, G. WaUace. 

Till llymouib (Uaa.) Yacht Club, hu ckoien 
tlion umoen: Commodon, Nathaniel Moiton;vlce 
ivnamodon, A. O. Fay; fleet capulo, U. P. BaUey; 
accielaiy, A. L. Banee; Wuunr, W,T.Biaildge; 
measurer, C. P. Bradford. 

Till Uanayuuk Boat Clnb, ot rblladelnhla. Pi., 
hiBi week eleoied the following oflloen: Pnaldent, 
a. r. Uasaldy; vice president, J. W, Uuity; secntary, 
r F. Magulre; treuuter, F. W. FIrUe; capuki, K. 
W. Ulloo ; dentenant, J. W. Uniiy. 

Till AnMiivan Yacht Club, ot this olty, hekl Us 
annual nieeUng Jan. 21 and chose iheae ofllcen: 
Commodore, John II. Flagler; vice coumodoie, 
William II Hearst; rear ooumoilore, a T. tVUla; 
aecieiaiy, T, L.acoTlllo; ueuunr, W. Porter AUen. 

Til Hunker Illll Yacht Clnb, ot Boalon, Hass., 
Kill bo onicered as tollowalhls year: VllUam L. 
Waieiaan, commodore; John K. Utone, Heel cap- 
tain; Ftauk M. Williams, aecrolary and InMnrtri 
tdani^ J. Ulnckley, Inanclal secretary. 

FiTin UoKKELLV, shlpkoepor ot LonI Dunraven's 
Valkyrie III, was altlolen wlihparslyslawblle on 
duly III Kne Baain, Brooklyn, N. V., Jan. 24, 

The Amarleass llandleap gliMt 

Will Uila year take place at Fikwood Park, near 
Uig llranch,N.J.,March 2t, U, M, and wui be 
guTomol by soniewhal dmcrenl regulallouu re- 
gards Ihe dlsirlbniion ot the ptUea. The entrance 
win remain at t-a, and the guaiaulee wUl be 
(l,ouo. Forty enu-lea are required to make up ihe 
(1,000, aud therecannoi bo a aniplns unleea nion 
enitlea an lecalred. Under the new ralaa Uis win- 
ner will get (UU, no men orlesa,wheuierlhen 
are lo or uu eninea. Becond nun nUl gel tJoo 
ami the third law. If the enirlea exceed 10 the 
surplus will gu to the fourth, fllth and alxih 
next beat scores. It not more man 60 anA not 
leas than :o eniries are received, the aerenth 
and elghih gona will come In tor a share 
of the suipltu. It tbe enirlea are over uo 
and do Doi eiceed ;o, the ninth and tenUi siMolers 
will be nwarded. If between 70 and 100 entries 
ars recolred lbs eleventh, twellih. thirteenth and 
tnsneeoih shooiera will gel some ot lha moier. As 
an example of tbe working ot Ihe new rale take Ihe 
foUiiwIng llgnra, which, acroiding lo Hauger 
Phsner, are conwrvallve: Forty coutesunta, each 
ntylng an entnnce tee of ta, will make ap tbe 
tl.iwi giiannlee. Manager Hbaoeraayatleie will 
l>e at least eighty entilea, and eooseuuenllyihen 
will be anolhcr il wo lo be dlvldrd among tbe 
eleven coniesianu fuliowtog the wlnneii ot Ont, 
•econd Ud Uilyd ylacca. 



, , IM. ■,r,».a, ■ J, 1,, u,,,,..*, a, — 

jBDDlD|n-7 10.18. 1. 1, 1^1.0 I. 9. 31 0. I, 9, 0. 4, IS. 1. 4. 

, i4.o.o,»,ao.,o,giU,ii,(). loul, 
I0^: avmra. 413.II; hlcb«BtraD 31. 

1^0. a.!. 

BafoRe, E. KIrlT. ^ , 

Iba llaal nma of tba avBDloa wai balveea Stark and 
-)r. MllJer. BtarkBaallr defaBlad bla oppoaeot, nuDloic 
not Id tvaoly alKtDDla|a,wbllabljoppoDeotooold eonal 
balUS. Thaacnta: 

Burk-oii,«,axii.u. 11,3.0, 

7. !iSl.l7. U. a. Total, 3711; avaiaia, 10 loa; bighait 
me, &T 

lllUal-a.n. 0.1,1. 0.4 3.4.1, I. 41. O.S 10.7,1, 
I7.t.4.7. Tstid, Ul; areran. 9 1319: blEbaal roD. 41. 

Tba drat samB of Iba fotrnwloa day hid KcaoBy and 
Qafdoar as cootaalaau, sad tba fonaer aaBlly voa. Tbe 

gaaoBT-IX Z. 1. 0. 1.X. 9. 1. ;. 21. K 1, 1.3. I. 01 n. 1, 1, 
>, 1, 4,0. 17.0. 14. i.o,i,s,o.4ao.aii,i< 

1, 1. 1. 1. 7. II. Tout. ID: araraio. I %t\ ; blahsBl niD, B. 
aBldoac-3.1, I.7,IL l,Ol9.0.7,I, 10; 0.0.0, 

0. 11.1018.1.1.1. i 1.1. 1). 10. 0.1.3. u. ». a,A 0.1.1. 15,3. 
9,tOil,a,l. TDtBtnO: BTerBsa, u. 

Tba BBcMd RamB of iba afUrDooD wbb batween Oskaa 
and TovfiBBod. OabaahBld TovnaaDd all Uie war. wlo- 
Dlaabrmto391 TbBBMra: 

OateB-e 10,14,,9.4. <1. 0. a 4. 1. 1,.0. 0. 9, 
10,0. 1.1918.U. 4.^9.0.47. 1. 0.0.(1 1.11. II U.e.l,HI, 
' 1. 1, 1. 7,0l a 3. Total, ZU; aranga, 4 4 H; hllkaii nio, 

fowmaDd-I, a. 13, 0, 4. 0. 10. 1. 1. 1. IB. 1, II. 0, .\ 3, 0. 1, 

«, 0. 1. 0, a, 9, 0. 37. 1, 0. 4, Or. 11, 1 IM^ i 0. a 4. 4. 4. 0. 

1, aailiOL[^lUlU Total, 391: ararBKO, 4 4^33; blgbot 

Dr. JuiDloga aad Dr. RaDDsr vera contaBtaDta In the 
opaolDf RBme of Ilia alRbt Hrlea. Dr. HBDner riByod a 
poor KBiDB and auccuqibBd to bla adrerasry, aroo won In 
tbIrty-Ua iDDloflt. The.Cf>f»: 

JonDlOK i: S. 1, 31, 0. 9, 0, 
1,(^I4.S. 13.4.0, 1,2.13. ll.ll.f 
an. 9 U »: hlaBtal rua, 31 

RBuaor-O. a 8. 1. 1. 1. 1.11. 3. 3. 1. 1. 0.a3.1.9.9. 1. 1.n, 

0. 1. 3, X 1. 1, 4. 1 , 1. 13, 0. 0, 0, 9. Total, 09; arange. tii-H; 
blahaBi ruD. 1\ 

Id Ui4 flDBl RKtaa of Iba Dlibt PoRieDbqrg. vlio wsa la 
aptoDdld lonn, dBfoatad Baroanl wub tha utmost aaia. 

ronaDbDrg-l. 4. 1. 9. 0.19,,4. 0. S. 
4.l,ri, U. 0,0 9,1,3, 1, 18, 

1. Toul,lDO:averaea. 43441; hlihattnin..>l. 
BBniBrd-li,I.O.£3L 3,4 9,1,4 1.4, 

I.7.a,ll. 1. 1,9. 3.7. 1.1.0, 9.0101 7, 9, 8. 6. ToUL 
Ut: arerua, ) 17-49: btibaM nn, 21. 

Ttta mlUal iBioa of lha foUowtaa day brougbt Ugailier 
Biarfc BodTowDBBDd, Uia fonnar aloolDg a good gaoie. 
DBIbaacora vlUriiow: 

aurt-d 1. 91. It. 0. 1. 7, 1, e. 9, a. 27. a 11 0. 1. 1. 0. 2, Oi 7. 

1.0,1. 14. 1.0. mil. II. 10. It. 1 II. 1, 3, 7, II, I, 2. 

BIB], 170: aTaiaga, 7 1 38: blgbert nn. 41. 

Towaaaod-0, 1.0. 7. 4,e, 1 B, e. 91, 7, 0. 1,1, 1.0. M. 1. 
17,31, ». 1.0,01.(10,0,(13. 1.9. a 3, II, 0, 17. 9. Toul. 

as: af .iBaa. 8 ASB: blabBMtnD.49. 

Ike Oral gniDBOIsbl oftlwaB balvaao Rlvaniaanl- 
nar aad Or. MllUr, aod *b« odb of Uio clBiaat od record, 
OaidDar vIddIdk by a alogla poUit, amid IraaaDdoua ap- 
ptauaa. Tbaaeofo: 

n«rdorr-l,0. 11.08.(1 1.11, 1 0 001.1.9. 11,1,03. 
Ul t «. (>. 9. 1, 0.0. a, 0,1. 9. 9. 1. 0 4. 0 3, 1. II II. 1 1 1. 0 
ori,»,0.tti,OUliri.9 a.2» 1. 13,,9.01 01 
TouLUO: aTtnso,9l07d: hliba>t idd, s. 
mikc-O 0,2. 0. 9. 0 0. 1 1 0 0. 1 1 O 10 38. 4, Ol 11 0 2. 

L a. 0 01, II, • 

1. 11. 0.0 1. 31. 1, .1.0 01, 
.1139.2. TouuiW: Bvar- 

1. 4.o.i aXi. iiTooTVo 0 it, o."i,'i.oM.S.''l,'i; ?: o! 

MT^».OII,I.4.»,0^0 1,9.0 01.13,01.1t To: 
Ul.nj; BTaran,32>r(i; hl|baBlruD,29. 
Bafaraa, R. KIrby. 

Tkalaataameoi ihaolgbt badPraak Kaaneyaad Dr. 
JBDOlDaaaaenDlBBIaatB. Tba nma was dOM DDd alcl^ 
iDg.ellbEeenarUiarlelor. Ttiaarore: 

RMDay-4,0 11 119. (.7.1 1,1 1. 9 01.10. 01. 10 a 
118,1.000123. 19.1141 4.08.31. 3:010,11;, T.t 
Total, 2i0: avonao. 9 19 49; blBbaac run, 41 

JanDlDia-O I003L111. 14,119.19. 1,0 1, 1.7.01, 
1, 1. 0 VI 9, 1, 1 0 tX 1. 1. i\Vl, I, 11. 0 d o 31 1^ ll 
TolalliS; BvBiBia, tI-<3; bl||lititt«D,31 

RafBrea. R. Kbby. 

Rdvaid (laidaaraod ArUiur TowDWod net la tba flmr 
aaiD* OD 34,wb*n UaidoarvoD brtbaeloM narilD of 
IvalvB polota. Hie aeon : 

(laidD.i^llOO U 9. 11.01 1. 7. 1. 1 1,01.11010 
19.1118. 0103 471, 00 10011 

liaas; blKheatnin.ts. 

TovoBBDit-t.OH 01. 1. 1009.03 1000 11,01.10 
0010,9.9.14010.17,1.17. d. 00/1, r,l? 8,1, 1,0? 
l-Sih 4,V*-."- '""A iU; average 

lun; blinaBCniD.47. 

Rafarva, B. KIrby. 

Id lha avaoloit gamsa Dr. Banaeysnd Barvnl vara 
tba flnit to Croat euea Id an iDtenatlDl la.t of abill. Baa. 
DarlBatUiannebytw.DtMwopolDla. Tbeacora: 

Banard-1 10 1.16.0 0 0 1. 11. 1.0 1. 1. 1.1 10 0 4, 

07. 10.1103,9,1001.0 0101. 7, 4. 101011.21 
OOOOOOl.t Total, 310; areiaga, 9 4»<i4; • ■ ■ - 

; bigbatt 

Baaoay-a2.117.01.O00,l.0 1, 0 1100111 

Liiainois. 11,1.10 14.1. 1.100 iioi^i rro 

aoil.1000,14,1. Total,U3:aTanga,3au; bigbatt 

IBD. 14. 

Baftiaeaild narker^R KIrby. 

Tilt last aaiDB of tha aTaDlag brDnaht togtUiar Dr. 
MlUar aod Ftrd rogsaDborg. The laDia vas doaa and 
Biclllog. liul rsggaal.iini aaa obllcad lo soccamb to Ubt 
doour, vbo raaout la fony.lwo IdbIdrb. Tlia acora: 

Mlllar-l<O4.l0 4.0i;oilOoV09 1.7.1,4 01 
»ni.lU7.11.100l.9, 7.1.10 1,102,9. "Toi^ 
M) : tvaia aa. a 91.41 : b tab aat nj a. u. 

Fonaobuia-0, 11,011110100.0017. 1,09,0 I 

OS, 0. 0 I iiJ,i .T.Jiiioi i.a*.i.oooCf J ; 

Tolal.171 : aTDiBgei 4 3 O: hliibatt tun J7. 

TliaaiBlgaDHnflba altaraooa of avaabatvefn Dr. 
MlUar and Dr. RaDaey. Tliay put Dp a tplrlud iBma, 
ablcb tha foraiBr «oD Id forty fdarlDDlBciL Tbaaeora- 

M lUar-^ 1 0,0 II 1. 14, 4.Yo 1 1 00 14. II. 1 11, 17.11 
000 017^110019,1,000 09,1.1119 4,1.1,0 
00 1 li Totd.lM: a.tnpa. 444-19; bliben run. 27. 
. ?'J?,*!-?'.''.''!: i i^ I. 0 00 10 14.1 10 0000 1, 
J fii^L'-M- lIMOlt.lo 1 0 
Ol.lZl Tot«l307: aterBa.^4ll-B: blstianroD.U 

J. lyrraauikud rrauli Kaauay vara Iba coolaitaota 
ln;>Ma«AAnd gunaorUia afUTDooD, Stark wod by tao 
polnla. Thaa<or«: 

aura-u, 7.1,1. 109,010.18 0 ICS I. MO 2>, 1,0 

11 10, 1. o oTil 14. i.lo 1 1. 1 ir. 0 1 1. 1 1 < o 1 1,0 

01.4111. TdibLHU: aTBraao.9IMI:liliho.lniD.41. 

KatDtr-0 01 1 0 0 o I. o 0 ll. 0 II I, o 1. 1 9. u. 1 

1.100010 1,10 01101,02. 114.11. Illlo 17,1 
14,1, 14,01*. Tout, IB; BTaiaga, IIMI; blgbail 


Dr. Jinaloiia aud Fnd Oakia mat In an eieoadlnalr 
slow aama lo tha Dnt araalDg coaleil II *ai Qaally woo 
by JtaologB, vbo ma oolbta awra Id ORy-fonr lonhifit. 
Tba aeon: 

JaaalDia-l.lC, 110 00 0 0 0 8 10 II. 01 7. 31 1, 
01,010 011.1100 7.11 11,0 4.11.0 1.10 1.1. 
9. 1.1 lOOU^O 1,1 ToulU): aTaraiia,339 9l:blibaii 

. '."Vn^A"- '•.W'.K'- d «. 1. 1 1. 1. 0 11, o 1, 1 1. IS, 

3,10 1.4.0 4.4.3 0 1,04.0 1 1. 110 7,7.0 4.00 U. 9^ 

a ,4. 1, 9. * 8,Tout. Ill : BTBimt.. 9 a uMtk ntTu. 

datdatr darMtad to Iba lut aama or Iba olaht 
braaoDiaoraotolUt Tbatcon: 

Otidatr-l (,0 0 4.1. 0 0 aiu.! 1.01, OS. ID. 0 91. 
Ill ltl.l,liO0OO4,lltoi «, 1 0 I, iVVi, 0 

Barsatd-0 1101, 4. 0 7.01 11 1(1 1.18 1,3 I. Jl 
1 10 1. 1. 9. 1 0 U. 1 . 0, 0 0 0 0 O 1. 0. Id, 1 1. 7, 1 0 £ 

AT>rMM-B>nuid.3104e:OBidoar.lB4O Hlghraas 
-Ba/oiKl, ICUanlaar.ll RMraa. R. Clrby. 

Tba roily-nnb uj Ooal aania pUiBirnlBbt ol 17 
^'??^?'!S'!*'".'':."'.'?n I'lwk.ol UaMav BaahallB 
AUikltefTtoU, in4 ranlloand r«snaburr. rapnatallo 
tba Uadaibiui Clob. TbannabadDobaanogxa tb 
Ooal laaall of Iba toamaiuaal, aa Surk was tola of cai» 
tarlaa em prii* •batbtr bB won or lost Uia ataia. At. 
IhOBA rofratninc Idayad a irlaadbl aaoa be waa 
oblliad 10 aubailt to tha moia .klUrDlplarlaiAf hM ad. 
ranarr. In a moot nabbomly coDtailad lama. Tba 

RtBi-t-i 0 11.11,1 i.&ie,30iao 0011.11.0 
0 7 1, 0 o 1 n I. ll 11 ifiVo il.t 1 CiTi, 1 (^ it r 

10 1 ll. Total, in): ai.imat. S', iblgfiTl Sii.V 

Tba loanaBBOl bai naallad In a tla for to<OD,l plara 
betaaaa ItenabDnr. Xaaaay SMl tiatdaar. b«t oalag u 
thedealh orar. Ceeoaj's son tbe tie am e»l be phttsd 

og. Ilia maoapaalagU) divide te»oJ monay. TbaOnil 

Won. LM 

9 0 

0 9 

0 9 

C 9 

4 6 

4 » 

4 » 

3 ( 

3 0 

I 6 


PogfaDburg. . 






JBDalDia. — 


Ttaomika J. OBllttglier Wlna lha First 
Pilxe— Hatleyr sail Haggloll Tie far 
Reeoadiaad BleLaaghlla wfaa Third. 
In last we^'s Israe waaimonnced the commence- 
ment of ihli lonmament, Jan, IS, Inclodlsg tho 
names of lbs conteelanU, condlUona, eto. ^e are 
now enabled to append Ibe score of Ibe opening 
game between Frank Haggloll, of 81. Loals, Mo., 
and Edward HoUoghlln, ot FhUadelphIa, Pa., 
which MaggloU won. Tho score: ,„..„.,, 
amioll^. 4, 0 1 0 9. II, 12, (L 41. H 47. 21. 0, 1 0.11. 1. 
21, liri3l,U,ltl. 9. HI- TOUktX; IodIdhSI; avir- 

*%liaaliUa-l,0,0 0 0 0, II, 1 1. 1. 1 1. A 0 11 U. OO 
410 100,90,910 0. Total, 378; iDDiiga, 27; avar- 

'^ttfaiaa, aaoria Ulnti; Durktr, Charley MalUiavt; 
t«oter,Oi<arT. Miller. . 

Geo. Sdumi, Uia Oaaadlaa ctaanploa, ud Will Hatley, 
or CbliagD, T*re tba Best coDtaiUDia, allanioon of 0. 
llaUaywoB jrUiafolbiwlDgiaire: _,,,..,.,„ 

Ulllty-a 11, M, 4, 1,0.1 0 4. 1, O H 4,7. 14.0. 11 1. 17, 
19.31,040. 1.121.0 310 417,1, 1,11 loul. <ai;avBr 
aca. ll 1539; ilgb na, 90 

T;itoi^-O.30 17. 1. Ij 1 0 s. 0 8. 41 0, 11 1 10 1111. 

1.31 11.111,1,0100311,11.0097. Tolal, 361; avir- 

aioluJMl; blgbroD.97. _ „ ^ 

nforsa, llaorga Olrih; mtrkar. Chaa. Msuhtwa 
Tba BTonlog game vsa wod by Ton Oallagbar, vbo da- 

faatad t^aproo. Il wu a game where class told. The 

*a!dit>bf r-1 1. 77. Sl 38. 31 41 1 0 7. 0 M. 2, U. 20.O 
81. S. Total, 100: aveiaao, 21 MO; bl«b ria. 77. .. . 

CiproD-7, <!. 40 I, 1 ». 1 II 0 1 ». 0 0 10 17, 11, 10 0. 
TolJ.tB: avtraia. 1317-111; high rua 17. 

Rtfaraa. Geo. Hlnch; marker, Cbarlea Haitbawa. 

Tbe aftaraoca of tha follovlsg day fooDd XoLaualilln 
ud CsproD at coatastanta, when tba fonaer von oaiilr 
by thijacoia: 

licUuabUD-17, 10, 0 0 17, 1 1, 9, 0 10 IT, 0, 31, 0 1 0°, 
1 114, 10. 4L T0UL4I1); avrraga, ll 1-19; blgli roo, 114. 

ctiltoD-o 197, 1. 11 4, 1 1 £. 4, 4. OL 14, 1, 0, 1 d, ai, 39. 

Toul 317; Bvliaga, II S-19: high rnn. if. 

la tba BTtDlog gsma Sottoii me4 hia aaeoDa defeat, tbia 
UoB at UiebtDdt of Fraok MaggloU. Tbe aeon: 

HaaBlotl-U, O 0 B. S. 7. 1, 0 1 0 41 0 0 1 11 89. 0 0 9, 
71181.01 000101010 Total, 400; avtn|^ 19.1-3; 
'lab roD,rt. 

Sauoa-ll. 1, 1,1011, 11 I. 7. 14, 7, r. 17,09.21.31,0 
10 IS, 1, 0 0 1 1, 0 0, 1 1, 0. Toul, SB; avBiaga, 102M0: 

bl^ TDD, (V. 

Tba coDlattanu lo tha day gaoie of 22 ware Oaproo 
and BflUoo abao tna former woo by a good margla. 
Tbe aeore: 

Oapna-O. II 1 14. 1 0 0 H, 90ll 2, 0 1 10 17. II 31 A 
10,1,1038.9, U.S. 7,0, 1, 1.97101.0,0.10110 010 
1 Total, 4CD: bast ma, 91: artrage, 9 34-11 

8atua-ll01.O0,l. 21,001, (£o, I. 7,31, 4,0,011 
11 11 004, 1. 911 1,0 a. 4,01 1,7,0 7, i, 117. Tout, 
as: baatron,91: areraaa,71-ll. 

llBlUfther iiD avay vltb llaUey Id Iba err 

BlinoBlabKouDUDgblsoppooaot TlioMota 

^0,0.1,(^0^ I. 7,31. 4,0,0 12, 

_ . _ _ jraga.. 

llBlUfther iiD avay vltb llaUey Id Iba ereoiog gaae, 
linoBlDbKouDUDg bis oppooaot Tlieacota: 
aalliaher-OBI.1 0 7,21. II, til 71 17,0 9,0119,101 
TolaL 400; hllh no, 102; ararajra, 39. 

UaU<y-Osri,OV,104,C9r».7.0 40 18.11. Toul, 
301: bl«bnD,C9: avanaa, 11 13-10 

fa Uie alcamoon of the foUovlDg day aallagber nr. 
paaaed hliasalf lo a gsma vltb SuUOD, nualog out bla 
atrlag Id founoen liulDga, vlUi an average or oxer 2S. 

aalUahar-O 91, 31, 13 41, 91 17, It. 0 0, 1, 101 10 U. 
Toul. IV; blsbeai ruo, KH: aranga, a 4-7. 

8otloD-l, 9 0 1 9. 1 1 11 1 1, 1 1, 10 Total, S3; bl|h- 
aal ruo, 1.1; Hrarmga, 4 1.13. 

McLaughlla beat llatley la a alow game In Uia aroDlog 
by Uie folMvlDR acDre: 

Mcuiigkiio-0 0 00 1, ax 011.31,031. 1.1. 1. im,;.o. 

07.9.'V(>.IO0.Ol,1.112100M. TolaXaCD; bigb no, 
nn;araiaio,lla3l. i . 

llatlar-4. 8. 1. 19. 4. 1. 00 0 0 11,0 11 9, 0 10 11. IS. 0 
O03l.0O7l.lll,i.O 0 ». Total, 197; bl(h nn, 71; 
avirasa. •.1.4-91. 

Tbe altomoDD gam^ 31, had SultoD ud KcLaagbllo aa 
oppoaenta wbao the loriuar vod Irom the rtDosylvaola 
cumplon byobiepolDUL Thaacon: 

Sutun-0 1 1. 1. II. 14. 11 40 Ot 4. 1. 4. II, 1 1 7. 17,0 
SOa.U0L 0 1, 0 0 n 17- Total, 401; hlgb no, to; 
avervso, 11 23-9. 

koLugbllB-LO 00 99,49.9, 40 1 1 0, 23,19. 0 14. I J. 
37. 0, 1 9. 7. Ol I, 7, n, 31, 0 ToUl, 391; high nio,k); 

llaUay gavt Hagcloll a aethsck la the evealDg by beat- 
Ini bim bindlly. Tba score: 

BaUar-tsToOO 1,31 111. 21 0 17. 1 1. AO 0 1199, 
OS. 1,1, esTfe.OO 1117,014. Tou],4aO; hliBiraa; 
93; araraga Vtti, 

Baiglaif-I, O^ 13. 0,0 4. 0 1 O 0 47. 0 21 31 II. 0 0 

:. 11717, 037,0, 07, 03. 1^0 Toul.l4e; h[|brDO,47; 

reran. 7&I3I. 

lo tbe allanioon aana OD a Haggloll bealCapnolaa 
alow nna. la wblch tbara vu tott little good playlog, 
aloni — ■ — — — . 

Tba aloner mmad to be Inpoortoim. TboKore: 

Magaloil--0 1 11 0 01,1 iXl 1, 4. 1 1. 00 1 0 11 II, 
11.49:1, 27, a 11 11 09. U 4, 1. 1 a, 1 U, 30. TouI, «D; 

lima* auiaAVit uv vituv^ ■ a w 

luiOD-0.13.90 4.39,1 1 211,4.3,113^01.0,10, 
i.HoOI.O I0.l!,9,00l.001l. Total, ii9; bigbast 

JaUSHberiDDUaned hlsTlclorlouscootealD thenlgbt 
gaiae, dafeaUag Uailay vllb eata, but tha wIoDai'a arer- 
asa was SBalLmaktogDohlgh nna, but playlag a steady, 
oTaniame. The icon: 

Oallaghtr-l 10 1 <S| ^*JI< U. 21 4, », 99. 41 G. 0 0 
..ll<.40,9,lit,010O I,9,U. Total. 4(0; bighaal nn, 69; 
aTarags, 14 828. 

Uol,aoablhi-0 31,1, II 1 1 10 11 1 It, I, 0 11, 0 3,0 O 
S, 0, 90 11 11 1, 31 10 f Toul, lIsTlilgliMI ni£ 39; 
ararajta, 9 l-l. 

In uia aftemooD game. 37. Ualler voa Irom Csptdd, but 
It was alov verb. It loobail for a tfmaas though tba Ultar 
would wla Ibe gaina, but bla nerve failed htm. Ilailey 
iDadBhlsblibBBt TUD, 77, In bla eUraoUi luolng. Tha 

1 ltlltT-3, 11 21 4, 0 10 1 S,0 I. 77. 1. 27. 31 1. II 0 0 1 

401; bighaat no, 77; aTOraga, 10 1039. 
CaproD-1 1,8,41. 0<1 00 0 00101111.1.1,110, 

2.100 i.i.itn.oi,!! ir».iiro 01 Wui, » 

blgbvuran, 49: average, 9 9831 

QalUgkar beat Maggloll allbont aoy trouble Id Uie 
Qlgbt gana ud woe lha nrat mooay Id Uia tooraanaDL 
UaUai aadMaaglaUaiaUad roreoeoDd plactLand wen to 
pbiy (ha dtcldlog game Digbl of Jan. 8. McLtuablla 
gau foanh mooay. Tha acora: 

- 2,''!l«i»,'^5i'i2'' a *■ P-A 1 0. SI. 94. 90 !, IS. o 17. 1 

OjJOjle, 7, 11,90 63. Ioul,4a;Tilgbast nn,o6;AtBiage; 

4. 2171. J. 2 Total, 01: bigbast nc, 19; avenge, 0 iflir 
.HV^Jr*!}^^^' '^^S'.* I"!".'' i'otane ofSO, II being 
'"^1100 BDd although MoLaugbllD gau butfnarUi pitca 
giaod aienae U far abaaiTor llaUar'aaDd Maggloll'a, 
Dglesa-MS UaUeya la lis Itlaod Maggloira loa liS: 
iioD's Bland average Ugei lel and Sallon'a 9 10 1 
taller belog Uie wveel man In gamea voD ud loM. 


A Joint AUJetle UeelInK 

Wu held by the National AihleUo Clnb and Com- 
pany V, Fioriy-seTenth neglmeni, N. (I. 8. N. Y., at 
Ue nglmtnui armory, Brooklyn, N. Y'., on Uohdsj 
erening, Jsa 21. As usual wllh inch eventa Inlhe 
City ot Ohnrchei, there wu • large assemblsge to 
wiuieaa the conleala and choer Ihe victors, the 
f/.i '?'f * !^'' compoeed of young ladlea, who 
had their Umlog la the form ot lerpslcoonan exe^ 
deea atier the conclntlon ot ihe sports. The most 
IntercsUng event ot tba evening waa the half mile 
ran. open 10 all membere of the National Onard, 
which pnved a grend amgils between Q. 0. Uol- 
lander, the acrabin man, and Rmeat Ulenberg. al- 
lowed Iwrtnty yards etart. The formtr waa the 
favottto ud fnlly expected lo win, but Hlenhers 
managed to beat him to the tape byelghiyard£ 
amid great excitement Summary: ° ' — > 
sun ftrtt ma —Won by E.|vaid llowaid. Bay RIdia 
A.U.sAjk Baadfonl. Nev Jaraay A. 0, 110° satoDd- 
aatbew ^iiBlplD, Nsv York A.'o., erC, tbtii. Tfro; 

Mtif pomu niB, ooap onlr U) manbeta of Uia Kallonal 
Ouant-WoDby wllllaia Dubois, TvoDlyaeeoDd Rail' 
Biaat A. A, in. : L. LIlcbaDBlolD, tciaUli; ttraod - ^ J 
llaJboi>li.?lt.tlilnl. Tlmt.CV. "codo, n, j. 

no«l itutfred aad (fpAlt sanlt rwi. orto only u> nen- 
banofU-a.VattoDBl auanl.-WoD by BroMt (Uaribaiii 
Tveniy-ueoDd Railraaiil A. A,llyd!L; u 0. Ilolluder 
S'.'.!f"''.'4'5WfJ«»»'' ReglmaDt, ecnub, aacoiid: 
WlUlamJ.}. MUl>.Compaav r. roity-aaraoUi Hainmani 
"i^h ^•'i' */ O . "f-^i'id. rimeJClSi? • ' 

WoU »"«^wlOBd ll»»(»lrllnIl^il^uovl^«a^oD by 
» lllam w. Bmllb^ Uaihaif Wair evroad, W. L. rabal 
W- •!!."?• »Di-7»* "Dna. Berwick A. 0 , 00^ 

Ithtd dm, but, aa It vsa proved ,Uiat ha had loinedlD the 
tmca OD Ihe aaooad lap, be vaa dlaioallBad. *.i. 

IVD Auadmt and domfp mnlr nut.— Wad bv sciv>ni 
UoedDaWillUai Cohan iooSdJ.U^.Vff,ir S iS 

boidl aaleia d 8ral,^utv.a diBqo allllVligifoiuoi. " 

The Beraard Sehoel Atblelea 
Compeled at ibe armory ot the Eighth Iteglment, 
Itau city, CD Jan. n. In a series of gamea ananged 
that they might contend for placea on lha learn 
Ibat wlU repieaeni tha school In the InleiKholullc 
gamea la be held on Feb, 8. Summaij' 

ni^M'tblSI'iCTsr-*'"' ""• -<«^ 


ijtiarlfrmlle run.— Hippie llrBt, WaUiban itcbni 

Tlioa, tlH^ 
FualanlltlAal.-RUwatlSIlL: Oaldwall,S(L 
l»eajitai>.-V. Barla,«fL3ln.;RaaaaU,4n.lla.;tlii«tk 


.nalor (100 AioKred and tmarf garde rwa.— v. rui. 
llralv.Barleaaeead, ByaltUiltd. Tlma.B)fB. 



lie AuaalU a LIMIe Flieaaaa, Wbo llolda 
Ilia Oaea WeU. 

A dispelcb from Fhllidclpbli, Pi., dated Jsn. r, 
gives the foUowIng partlcolan ot a dlsgracefol ntv 
In whicb Ex-Obamplon James J, Ooibatl wu the 
chief aclor, u well u the aggreisor : 

"It Fireman Wluiam H. Morptay, ot EngUie Com- 
pany 18, had been a big man Instead of a lltue one. 
It Is safe 10 say that Actor-PugUljt James J. Corlieii 
wonld bare left toira lagtBaturday night b ourh 
wone shape ibin he did. As It was, Hntpby ipUt 
tue Hp of Uie great pugilist, and, wtitn tie 
laUer attempted to klok him, canght hold i.r 
hli fool ana sent him down a niihi of 
utalra, on which the big man*s backbone went 
bnmpety.bumpety-bnmp. klarphy did not come 011 1 
of the scian unhnrt, for Oorbeli knocked him donu 
and then kicked him. The Oghi occnrred at ibr 
Nalional Theatre on Batnrday, where Uorbett mi 

ilaylng, and Unrphy had been deUUed for duly. 
Jhe story of 11 Is boat told In Moiphy's report to tbe 
Chief or Uie Fin Oepironent. Anerglvlng the time 
of his arrival at the theatre, tbe condition ot ihe 
hose, axes and exUngnhihera, u well u lbs Unws 
of visiting tbe stage, dressing noms, lly gtllerltii, 
etc, Marphy uys: 

"While paning James J. Corbelfs room I imelled 
cigantte amoke, knocked on the door, and wu in- 
vlied to come In. When the door wu opened 1 
conid e«a smoke In the room. Oorbetl wu bidlog a 
cigantte la bis left hand. I informed bio ibtre 
wu no smoking allowed. He claimed no one was 
amokUig. I Informed him smoke was coming front 
the clgarcue be vru bolduig In his hsnd. Lo said, 
'Shot the door and get ont of here.* He Inmped 
from tbe trnnk he wu silting on at the ilmr ud 
slammed the door la my face, dalmuig Uutlhsd 
no tlgbt In then. I auempled to open ue door, 
when ne jerked It open and rushed ont of the room 
at me with an expresnlon of anger on bla face, ne 
grabbed me and I struck him. I feU to the noor. 

and he not only Mt me with his dels, bat also kicked 
me, saying at tho Ume: 'Yon wonld bit cie In ihe 
face, wonld yon V I got away from tlm and weiii 

toJoeEellyto have an Interview, When aaceod- 
Ing the stain Oorbeic rnshed at ne and atiempieU 
to kick me In tha face, bat I caogbl his foot ami 
held on lo It Fiaally 1 got away from bin and got 
downonthe Btage'iloor. lie followed me and wr 
bad anolher bom on the stage, where we were 
lluUy eepanted by the employes ot lha hooie and 

Many ot Huphv's friends are prasslDg hloi to sue 
the ex-cbamplon for damages, but smug efforts sre 
being made to smooth the matter over, and unless 
the Fire Uepsrimenl takes a decided stand ll Is not 
likely that Unrpliy wUl proeecnle Oorbetl, elihei 
cflnunally or olvally. MorpUy la one of Ihe amallesi 
men In the Philadelphia nn Depanmeat, ne li 
only Stt OVID. high, and weighs 1311b. Oe U 
iweaty-fonr yean old, and boasia ot remarkable 
suength In Die bands and arms. Mnipby'e only 
marks ottheencounter are two braises, one on escn 
cheek, when Oorbett landed, and his ilhs are sore 
when the pugilist kicked bIm. 

AntI DoxlBg l.egletatlon, 

Aasombl.vman llorton, ot Wayne, on Jan. 22 Intro- 
dnced In the New York Loglslnlun a bill prehlbli- 
log prl20 lighting la thU State. It Is similar to the 
bin Inirnduccd by himat the lut sesslon,aDd wblch 
vras smothered in commliiee, Tbe text ol the bill b 
u follows: 

An Bat to amsad the Pesal Coils la leUtlon to prite 
BghtiDgBDd tparrhlB eahlbitlODs: 

A pereoD who vlUilD tblsatau aonagss la, lostlxstet. 
aids, eoeoDragea or does uy act to lunhar a coatantloB. 
aOghl, vlUiOQC veapoDB, bolweao tvo or monperaaoi. 
comuWDly called a riDg or prixe fight, altner alUihl 0.- 
wltbout Ibe HUta, or wbo aagagea Id a poblio orprlTmta 
aparrtog ashlbluoD, wlUi or vllbont gfovai wIiLIq tbe 
Biau, at vhicb aaadmltalon fee Is charged or recalrad, 
•lUier dlncUyor bldlracUy. or vbo Baadaorpabbabaaa 
challenge sach oooieolloo, aiblbliloD or dgni, or 
canlea or dellvara aacb a ehallange or aoceptaaca, or . 
tialDSorasBljuaiiy petaoo Id rralalDgorpnpsrlag for 
audi coatootloD. exolblUoD or nght, lagnlhyof amle- 
demaanor; prorulad, bovarer, that eparrug axblbltloDe 
vllb alorea of not laaa ibBD lour ooooae aacb U valabl 
nuy be baU lo a balldlDg ovoed by an lacorporsteJ 
athletic assodaUoo. 

This aa shall uhe elTocl SepL 1. 1190 

Creeilna Defeala Bmltb. 

Tho tghtat the arena of the National Sporting 
Clnb, in lAindoD, Eng., between Dm Creeaon, 01 
Australia, and Jim Bnlib, Ibe EogUah champlou, 
for a pniao of I3,ooo, came off on llonday evening, 
Jan. 27, and wu easily won by Creedon Ui ihe 
second round, which did not last the regnlotlon 
three nlnntesr 

TsoiiiS, lUiB "PiDDLKR," PAUKR onlved at 
this port on board tbe ateamahlp Uampania, whicb 
landed at her dock on Satarday, Jeo, 2«, He wu 
accompanied acnes ihe ocean by his backer and 
bnalness manager, Alfred Snelllng. Among oihen 
who met him at the plerwu John McKay, proprie- 
tor of Ihe Abingdon Snaara Botel, to which hoetel- 
ry be wu oecorted. Palmer wu bora on Nov. ly, 
I8ie, alanda lit tfiin, in height, and snddenly tie. 
came famous on both sides ot the Atlantle Ijy de- 
toatlag clever BUlr Fllmmer helon the' Nailonsl 
Spotting Clob, In London, Eng., some mosibs sgo, 
wnlobirua greatsuiprlu to those on itUs side of 
Ihe big pond who had seen Ihe lallarpeifom In 
America, Tbe special object ot Palmer's vlalt at 
thla tloie Is to engage In a six nnnd boot wllh 
Oeorge Ulxoo, atModuoa Siinare Oarden, UUs city, 
on Thnnday evenbig, Jan, 3D, which wUl donbUesi 
altncta crowded house, 

BiLiT Ebkbt, ot Buiak>. N. T, and Joe Flaherty, 
ot Lowell, )lass.,engaged In a gkiTO corneal, limited 
U) tweire rounds, at Ijnn, Mass., on the ereobi|r of 
Jan. 21. The Buffalonlan did about aU the leading, 
hhi opponent mahitaUiIng defensive taotloa onul 
IhenrnUiroand.biwhlch Flaherty wu put to sleep. 

HiEi Bubs, ot Leirlston, Me., defeated Fnnk 
Zhnpbtr, ot UntTalo, N. Y., In the tweltihroundof a 
glove conlcit at the rooms of tbe SnSblk Alhlellc 
Club, ot Boston, Haas., on Monday evening, Ju. 


Tile Inlematloaal BkaUag BieellDg 

At Davos-Plali took place on Jan. 11, 11, and proved 
remarkable for some vary line exhlMUoiis ot holh 
speed snd fancy skallng. The connewaa otthe 
usuil continental sbapo, behig a double c«Hiie wllh 
two Btnlght sides and cnrred ends, over Ave hun- 
dred mains around, Uie compellton oiosilngover 
each round. Tho weather wu doe and Tety cold, 
while Uie lea wu hard and glassy, allbongta there 
wen some bad placea. T, Beyler wu tbe hero ot 
the occasion, making a clean aweep of the fliat 

Jiilzea and carrying away four gold medals 
or tnt place and anolher for irlnnlng 
at leut two racea out ot the lut three, 
wllh two ehmnpielu, valned at 900(r. Tbe 
mces were all decided by time, no Bnal heats be- 
ing ikaied. In the to meirei too metiea ud 10,0D4 
meiresreccaJ, PoUieckaolahed second, ud la the 
1,100 meirea event U. OaUer wu aecond. The llgnie 
skallng coopellUon wu won bv Hngel. ot Vienna, 
wlUatotal ot mfi marks; 2eoger, Mohloh, sec- 
ond, lUM marka. The English oompellUon for tbe 
challenge bowl wu won tor the aecond year Inanc- 
oeaslon by Mr, Hasdhead, buUng 0. B. Wook by 
Bve poUits only out ot a maxlmom ot 320. 

ForgTux BiATiBB started In a three mile nee at 
Ibe Carelval Qrounds, nearBt Pan], Minn., on Snn. 
dayattaraoon, Jan. 28, and Ihe ennt, which wu 
wltneiaed by a Mg crowd, wu aiclluw. ihe wBi- 
ner turning np In J. U. HcCnIloct, otwinnlpeg, 
Mas.; J, WUsaon, MInneapolK, seooiid; Uarley 
Davidson, Bt Fani, third. Time, «m. Ujit. 

Tu Naveabik Ice Yacht Clnb wu otsanbsed at 
Red Bank, N. J., laal week, and UoDlceRdu fol- 
lows: Pretldent, Robert Uance; tatMf and 
treuuier, Cbarlea Buid. 

Tn New York Fooltry and Pigeon AaoeUtlon 
will bold III annual exhlblUoi at Madlsna B<|nare 
Oaideo, this city, Feb, 4-3. The entttea eloaed on 
Jan. at, and It la suted that they inmbe? over lite 
thonoand, and tbe officers of ue aseoclaiioi u* 
noonce that the coming exhibit wlU far annaa all 
prevlons shows at Uie Oarden la itspect lo both 
domesUo and foreign Mrda, ot every ipcclca. Ike 
regular awarls iM neclal pgemlniii toot of a tctsi 
ot about t«,<lW, *• 

February 1. 




Aimetlr* and Complele. 

mm JJuNm I'ori- Bmtid. 
TM amot nanUr of Ta* KbwToik CiivrsnArt- 
KUJLComM In lU nmK]aUracUTaftDdc«inpUterorni. 
lu US Ptflt* oDBUla u ODormoua mui or ehnoologleti 
tfld iwHttlol iDfonutloo. MT«ria( thutriCAl ud 

•oortlni •TMU datlDff USO, wiaatk ud attaUilc per 
r«nuac*i. nclBgudlrpitlDr r«C4)nli, liftHbtlI,criciot. 
bUlUrdU, MC, Md ft nil lUt or mU tbo DMt porroriDuco* 

The Standapd Record Book of Theatrical and Sportlns 


Its Aocnraoy, Completeness and the Artistic Quality of 
Its DliistrationB Receive Full Reoosnition 
Yxoia the Leading Newspapers. 

The FdUoving Complimentary Notices Already 

BclliHM AM la lU Fl»Id, 

mm Th€ PkUaaHphia (W. 


SlJKJiTl'Jl"'"""^ Uieuricil*. Id ftldSlUoQtowhatRro 
ii^XlV,*'* <»»«f«'Uy oomplI»d lUUAUca obialn- 

AssuALpwMDU » atiioberol floolr •xncoioO hui iobo 
?i '"looi wlttirUlM in Ui«M Hom. It naitloi. 
u 01 oM, the nnt of uDoaU 

Complet* aad Acoarate. 

f /mi ffte FhliaielfJtia Dvitetin. 


ulQg til lb* b«n (Miuroi of iponliR ud Onuitio 
BTtnu or put fut. lu reconlB of kUiUtai, p«rfenn- 

if ?Sp'j£j VSbSSt'fi? «• "^"^ 

It If an Vauc«ll6d Onlda, 

FfM Tie IWladetjitHa Ifenomi, 
Till Curnn AttnvAi. for IflK publlihod hj the w«n 
LDowo onu of Ui« ibMtrieal ud flponioffwoiU. Tin 
Ni\T \owL CLtvnt, bu bMD Iftiuod, ud wiU bs lutllwi 
wlUi Joy br tli irluul* «r lbs drut* ud gportJi. It In u 
UDeicailod tnltio for eieiTiblDi oi boi* tbBt buoccumd 
In tb«e dwaTtiueata darloR tbo pui ■ou'. He«ldei* 
clirtMilde of Uibmo eTMULUitra nQi twrouDd ridiud 
anlitia Uhiitntioiu of caMbrlUoa, a llat ofdutlii lo tii* 
uDuwfflwt pnfutloB, TadOR. buabtli, ertckot tod bll- 
lUrd ncocdi. Ma, to ibort, •Tantkloi tint U wortb b«> 
log koowD bj tporilniinoD. 

Coatalns Mncli Vaeftal Informatloa. 

ymm The fiotfon Tlma, 
Toi CuprtR for itOt l« cut VTo tuTO li»a tbia 

TBliublo uouU la Thi riatei oillca ro ouj jwra that 
ir« iliouU nla It, for It cootsioi ao nuch Iniunutloo of 
ft Dioriil lutiire. It coDUlDi thaairlal and ■norUoit 
cbroDoloilM lor im. a Hit or duiba lo tho proi«<iioD, 
fioaiJeud ttliletle nrfonnucw^ nclot ud tnuloa 
fMordi, btMball, erTekai, billlBrdo aod oiber Uiidkn. 

la alldaftanfflulaofapon, bolb at bomeaad abrotd. 
BrUUaiWIUfc iBteniUag Data. 

Prrm Tkt A'<w J'tfrJ; 5Vn. 
Dfuutle ud aportlordoTotoM will Aod t niod or op 
10 daio iDroiBitloQ Uk Tbb Niw York Cuf ma akxoai, 
for 190. TbOTolomo brlttlMwIih lot«reiiIO|datA,r«c- 
orda ud ebiooolOffte«l lumiL ud li lOTtluable u obook 
ofraforwee. It U budtonelr boaod ood caroJoii; ed- 
ited. Tbo illattnUoni u« ounieToiia ud well aeltctctl. 
iboa* of Wofoit, ■Upatflck,Cbuo,B»««B»7udaanll> 
aer.tbt tmiuor *poiiiji( c«le»rlU««, boloK •fpaclAllr 

Valaable C«ll«cllaa of Record*. 

FnmTke fi'ao i'ork Bvaing Sm, 
Tib Cuiter ArtaroiL for ltB6, with lu ulaable colloo- 
lloB of rccorda ud mlkcoUuaonB loronnuloo, Itu beeo 
pabllaboO. Tbla laUat Duobtr U b keeploR viibproTl- 
oaa TOlomML 

A Vaofol Book or RMOidj. 
from 7keft'e0 I'crl: rfHu*. 
Thi Nur ToRR CurrsR Annoal fur ISK coouloia 
coDiplata reoord or tquulo ud atbletio porfonDBDct*. 
ruIoR awl irottlor ia€OTda.bu«bin.crkket,bia(aida, 
rocordaof hituttune. and bett porformucaaloaJld*' 
piniDeauor^rt. ItUaiuonil book ofroconlifortll 
iDUrtitod la aporta. 

Fall and Complete. 
FrvM TTie Ktw Tort Prets. 
Abont thia tloo of tho rear tho Bponloir mu'ailioaiibui 
loroloTni CurnR asnual. TbU pubHuiloniorlM 
baJjoitbow iMoed. It Is aoffloleat toay thAt ibeeur 
Tvetnamoerurallropto ihehlRbatudtnloriuprodo- 
CMaon. It lalUaaoated hiDdaoiiMlr.aod laihotuAUar 
of roeoxdi ud loiporUnthappealDg«lcls fuUaod com- 

Tbe Blandard Aothovlljr. 

Frm tlu Jfev J'orl- EvaUng JTorld. 
Tat CLirrtR Ax.tUAL rnrl43S Uouttodar. Thlapub* 
lIcAiiooUpnetlealiK the uudard fpoitlait end ihoAUlc- 
al AQtboritr or Ibia couatir. It la iJvaia a welcome ul- 
dltloatothoaportlagodltor'illiiiuy. Iteonuliutll the 
recorda one bu occuion to look up, bxhI corer* evarj 
Lrudi of tport TbU yair'a Axxi'al U liudBOnalj li> 

A BomarkabI J- Complete Compilation! 

Fnm nu K. y. Man oma a^tnu. 

TBI CurrxR AKKOAL forUM la, u uiuU. a romarkoblf 
coopIoU uoipiUiioo or druutioaod Toadarlrie dii««, 
ilaatbi, proaucllooa, ete.. beald* bolOR odo or tbo beat 
aatbonilaa oo Bllilatlo *poru la tba coaoiry. 

CoBtalaB lavalaable Rtcordi. 
frm The Am yorkUmwr. 

TBiOLirPBB AHttOALforUM la roAdy. Tlilialudtrd 
pablicatiooeootaloBroeordilaTahiablo to all Mwrtmoo 
Aod fulki iQtaroatad la thaeulcala. 

A Mine of laformatloa. 
FfVM TMe Tur/, FiOd and ram . 

TBI Miw ToBKOLipnn ANXUAI rorimfflTMorldooee 
of bATlDff beeo coBpIledwlth ilio niuAl care vbldi bei 
Buda u oatborlir of thli worL Tub Cuppbb Annual la 
a mloe of lofonutloa. and tho Uluitrmtlano on eicoUeaL 
Sarpaaset Any FreTtOBi luue. 
Frm The Xee I'ori- Dramatic Mlrnr. 

ToB Niw York cuppbi AinoAL lor un nrpuMi uj 
proTloaa luoe of ihlamoatTaluable aaJ lelleWe publi- 
cAtloo. It U teiRer, budaomer ud tnon fullr llluatretod 
(buoTor befbre. Tba tkeetrlcAl cbroouloitr of all tba 
inportut OTUU la tlie life of tbe Amerleu oUro la, u 
uaoAl, carofbllr ud accBnul7 adited; It UaTorliable 
mloe of lororiDAtioa. Tbe qwitloR cbronoloKf la llko- 
eiMComplaie and reraclooa AmuDK Uie lilustntloai, 
vbkb ore naoAUAllr pood, tharo we Adalrable diancter 
portxaiu of Kollla Foller, lubel Irrlog, Herbert Keleer. 
Veau nilor, Mtod llutb, Voou Victoria, CUta U*ve\ 
Beaale Ballwood, Un. leilla Cirter. rrank Mtjo.Uv 
DoekBtadar. Alice J. flhaw, Joiepb Han, Aodr liicV W. 
U. Orono, Prucla Wlboo, Kolud Reed ud Yrette dull- 
bert ne Mirror coofTAtulAiea Thb Clii'Pbb oo tlita 
pnlaevoitbr publkailon, and ukoa pleasure lo recom- 
tnaoduRlctoaU prafooaloBals aa bou oaeftil ud (oter 

A Vait Fnad of Knowledge. 

»oai TTu DrwUrn Ea^t. 
Tib CupriB Aknoal for 1898 la oat, ud, aa mnul, w 
fAT u tbe tosAUleal ud aponloR ortota of ujo year lOS 

ire coaeemed, forma a conpleto cbionoloiir for tbe year. 

It ua bADdy Tolama, prloted io doobla cola 

floogUted peMr.iuaklDf a deio aod dUtIa .. 

U profaaoly lUanratod irltti lUid liAlf tone cula of tbe 

BiaiDO acaie oo 

loidenor tbo tbeatxtoAl proTeaAloo. will knovoatbletaa 
aod 'eyclUia. la altraetlTe atyla. TlM coror la a Tory 
oeat Utbonapb laoolon, Iba wbote ptawoUng aotooly 
u atoeetlre appeatance, bet contalnloR a vatt fbad or 

A BTeoeMltf to (be Library. 
From The PMtaOetphla Ikratd. 
Tbat eror wekoma book to tba apcrtloR ud ttaaatrlcul 
fnieraiiy.TBK NairYoBROLirrBBAXxuALforl^ cw- 
talaR a oomplete llat oT aqoailo and athletic porform- 
ucea, nolOR and trotilOR reooida, at wall u ikanball. 
criebat aod ibaairwal areaU for the jur proTloua. 
nuklOR ihevolaoit areloable aod rallabla rorareaca, and 
a aeoaaalty to tbe Ubrary oravery lorer of aporta. 

Tiieoagala,lteoaulniporiraluof well known men end 
womeii lo the uouaamut and BportloR worM. It la cor- 
lalDly a kudy aod uaiiul book to bare lyloR about 

fircry Manager flhoaM Have It. 

Vfm The Santooa Eagle. 
TBI Nev York cupi ir a.\ncal tor 19961* Juat the 
book tbat Bhonld oa lo tbehaadaol etary ooo win baa any 
InienAtlatbeitaeAiral fiaitrolty. Every opera houM 
inuaiarnbodealreB(oba"la ifkliouU not Ull topoa- 

TbePerlralli are EUprclolly Good. 
frvn the TTaiAlnffron Pvi. 
TBI New York CLirPBRA»pAL fortdlaatbud. uJ 
Is tbe bAnlMHoeat namber yet iuied by tliia atudaid 
■portlog ud dramatic cbroBtcIa llie portnliA of ibe- 
aulcAl ud MorUBR eelabrltlw are aipeclally Rood, ihoae 
orWilllAmtf;craBe,lloUy Poller, Fruk lJanlol^ I«bel 
IrflDR, Uecbart Kelcey udAndnwMAck belORifia Ueu 
ibey iiAte evar bad. uf courae, Tui CLirfsa an-hual la 
llie dnol referudun of aporuoc end druiailc eruti, 
ud tbe paat year «t« a TeiT IntMeitinR one la both 

A Hoat Velnable Fnbllcatlon 

Ffvm ne olnQkantm lader. 
TubClippib AxHCAL for 1966. a ready roferoace book 
Id all rtalda of anuHuieai and aport, la one of the moat 
Taluablaof conteuiponnaoiu puolicailona, and tbe cur- 
rut |i*ae la one of tke moat attraetlre and uAOfal that the 
houiebu OTer primed. The leaaa conialoa a noetona 
aprlokllnR of anlatkaUy wnucbt portralu of dramatic 
and oilier calabrltleit 

ConprebeaBlre and AttracUre. 

/nm The Vathin^nm nam. 
Tbb Kbw Tork Cuppbr AH-vtALfor UK bu beto In- 
Rued In lU coaiomarT conprsliaoaiTeandailrAollraforai. 
ItoonulaHibeatrical and HportlORChroaoloRlciiruriaM, 
ai|uatJc ud atbletio performancei nclof ud troitloR 
recorda. baieball, erloketaod blUlAid bUtory, racoida i»f 
raa*.ait lime and ben work to all Japartmenu of aport. 
It la luiH]<ODiely lUuatnted and (ontalna Ukeaeaiatof 
aJI Ibe draniAtlo. operatic, fArieiy and aportlni eelebrl 

AboondB In Viefal Inrormatlon, 

From The Ltnohamlon Mtuage. 
TitECLiPPiRAnfVALlaatiAodaonMpobllratloD, aboood 
loR lu rery naefbl laforaation npoa aporiloR tofilca, ud 
conuloloR a nnnter of haodiotiM ud artutlcaUy ai' 
acuied Uluatmlona 

Tho Beit Xver Unied. 

From The Whtttlnt A'em. 
Tub Kivt York clippbe anrdal for 1S96 Ii the beil 
OTor lAsaed *jf ihu pepniar paper. It bai a complete 
diTonoloRy of all faapiwlaia in the theatrical ud »poi t 
lag work), itrlof ditre ud rocordi lo all brucbesof Uio 
atijiotle, aqoailc, bTeleUog.baaaball. borao raclog.aprlnt- 
InRaod yachtrAClBROe!da,u(l,lnrBCt, In llie inf»at com 
pleto reooid ol etoBU eierprlniMl. Tub Clihpjb liu al' 
waya been tbe teconlud toMUtcal and ^rUag aathor 
liy In America, analu annual li alwAji loond oo tbe 
deak of OTeiy lorer of aporta. Ttiebook lihandMMnely II- 
luairaied, cootalolog portnlla or many of ihe bail known 
theatrical celebrltlai. ir rouwait to keep poatad, buy 
ud read TubOlhtbb Ax.tUAi. 

A WoBdarfol Book* 

From The Piittbur^ OlipdfrA. 
TBI Mbw yoik OiiPPBR ANHU AL for ItM la now on tht 
iDArbat It lA ih* eportlog anihorlty of the I'oltad 
BiAtei Raally, It la one or ibe beat oonipilailoni of 
recorda In the vorU. It li • vonderfiil little book of 
»purtlog InfonnatloD. 


ZlamenaaB UnAcr the Wemthar. 

W.J. ValtonI, ot Brlatol, Kog., arrlred U tlila 
city tnm Asatmlla Uat vuk, ind g*T« tba (ol- 
lowlog iBtanutlon ngirdlpg A. A. Xlmmenun 
Ull blinorcmtnti iloct b» atepptd on AuitrelUn 

"Vfon UTlTliig at Cejlon ;suimneniun unforlo- 
natal/ costnatail . (oocti ot malarial refer, vblcb 
<la*alopa4 lather aerfcHialj after bla arrival In Aus- 
tmlla. I conaiilted Dr. IlDakttt,oiie ot tbe srlD- 
cipal pbjUolaDa ot S/daer, aod be Intormed ma 
mat It would b« a matter ot ImpoaslbUitj to lel 
Xlnuneniiaii lota an; kind ot coBdIilon duilog bla 
alar IB AtialiaUa. Tbe teodenc; ot ibia diaeaae 
aeuna to be tbat one week a Mraoa leela alnioal 
peitecllj irell aid tbe next Hrloualr m- In taot, 
■a bad aa ever. Uuilns ue Umea tbat Zimmerman 
vaataiHrweUheiraaabtetoliolil bli oim,ana,u 
tbe Kcords ibow, defeated bla adTerearlea eaallj 
In abort dlnancee, bnl li waa quite Impoaalble 
for blffl to do any good lo aojtblng orer hair a mile. 
Ttie doctor lecomnunded ibat y.immennan iboald 
•Mnd at leaat tbtee weeka In Ibe Blue Mounulns, a 
matance ot nttr mIKa from Sjrdnej, and on bla re- 
tain he oertalBlr had loproTed, but not to Ibe ex- 
tent tbat Itu phTitclan bad bond and ezpecied, 
and bla defeat la Helboume bi niber, tbe Kew 
Zealand champion, and Don Wauer, Ibe Melboonie 
cbamploD, In the one mile race, plalnlT aboira tbat 
be oottld not get Into bU normal form. ZInunennan 
■a piacUcallf engaged to race np to ibe end ot 
March, bnt a good deal dependa upon the aiata or 
hia health, and It la poaalGle that he maj niom 
muob aooner." 

On being aaked hIa opinion ot Analnllan tiaoka, 
and ft Anairallaa itden aod mclng men, Ur. iTal- 
fan) npUed aa toUova: 

"Tie Leagno ot Bonlb Walet Wheelmen la Ihe 
anongcat bod j at pnaent bi Aiutralla, and tbe aec- 
retaiT, Mr. Baulov, leal tbe pteaent moment en- 
deaTOflng to arrange an anulgamailon of tbe 
whole ot tbe wbeelmen ol Ibe coloolea. Mr. Dana- 
low la tbe pioneer ot tbe caab natem,and,toglTe 
iona Idea ot the way u la appieolated In Anaoalla, 
I maj my that |g,ua waa ine net retam or ibe laat 
two meedige held at B/dner. Doling next jear 
Hut Bopoee to oner oath pitiea to the extent or 
ia,toofor one race, and tier* la no doubt that aer- 
•ral ot tbe cooUnenlal aa well aa Ibe Ameilcan itdem 
will avail theourlTe* or Ihe offer. At tbe pieaent 
Ha* the tiacka an poor. In Adelaide tber hare 
two aapbali, two or tore* lapa to tbe mile, and re- 
oanllj Ui*T bare tnllta cbider track, three lap* to 
tba mile. In ajdnej. The rider* are good upon 
rough inAcea, and Panona la at the pieaent mo- 
ment lb* andoubled leader of ibem. Un ibe daj ot 
UwAnOn I be did ihe qnaiter mile, behind a triplet, 
oa^uB,U2*t, anduia record baa atoodnp to iha 
pnant, lntb«flT*inUechafflplonahlpF*i*on»ur- 
pleedeieiTon* br lapping the deld in two and a 
Mf nll e* A. w' Buruir Kugland; W. Martto, 
Aaartca; Foita, lialj, and Htgaoo, cbanpioa ot 
Aiiilnlla, Ml being bealta eaUlr." 

PrallB the World-aChaopIoa. 

We lake tiom Tbe 'CuclUt tbe following regard 
Ing the aetUeuieut ot tbe dlipate regaitUng the pos' 
eeaaor ot Ibe title ot champion ot Ihe world at one 
mile, who la now declared to be R. F. ProUn: 

"Onr reader* wUlirnember the regrelable Inci- 
dent whlob oconned at Cologne In connection with 
Ihe one mile open woild'e ohamplonablp, arlilug 
through tbe mtaiaka In tbe dntlnaunce ot one of 
the Oeiman oitlolala lo etaniog the flru heal In an 
Irregular manner. The anbaequent hiitory of the 
event may bitailr be anmmed op aa followa: Danker 
won tbe heat, I^Un anlablns third. Proiln pro- 
teated, waa pemliled lo ride m the Oual, and won 
It The Dears of the 1. 0. A. next day declared the 
race void, and ordered It to lie run again. Banker, 
however, bad left for raria, orelae tbIa would have 
been done Immediately; eo under tbe circnm- 
aiances It waa ordered lo be le-riio In Pan* a month 
later. Before that dale, hovever, tbe Oologne of- 
dclal* claimed Ibe race by Tinoe ot their agm- 
meuL The raila Initmctlona were canceled, and a 
date Oxed for tbe event u> be le-mn lo Cologne. 
Allbongh Uuker undertook to go to Cologne, be 
rode over the ground al Part* and claimed the race, 
At Oologne none of the conieaianla pot In an appear 
anco, and Ibe matter ended Ihera tor the lime. 
BInce then the LIgue Veloclpedlqne Beige aeot 
In a claim to the I. 0. A. ihai ih* ohamplon- 
ablp ahoold b* awarded to Proilo, on the 

Sound that under tho rule* the dechdon ot 
e lepreeeniatlva commlitee on the giound wae 
final, and could not have been properly levcraed bv 
the 1.0. A. board itieU, and alao on the ground ibai, 
no one havlag eompeted the locoud time at Oologne, 
FioUn, aa havlag won the eventon the drat occtuon, 
waa entitled to It A poatil vole ba* now been 
taken upon Ihe matter, wlih the retnlt Ibat an al- 
moct nnanlmoua vote naa been recorded In favor ot 
awarding the ohamplonablp 10 riDUn. America, not 
nnaaiorally, wa* aTene lo Ihl* being done, whUat 
the V. 8- y. 8. A., foUowtng out lie policy on the 
occaalon of Ihecbanplonalilp*, refrained from voting 
at all. Bofartatheoihercountrleaare concerned, 
however, moat, lo giving their vole* for promoiloo, 
ezpieaaed the opinion that It ahould not be made a 
precedent, and that Ihe rote* were given aa much 
wllb the object ot bilnglig an iinpleajant and ra- 
grttaUe Incident lo a leimluallon aa for any other 
reaaon. However, themaiier haanow been decided, 
and ProUn recorded a* tbe winner of ibeOivt ooe 
mile open world'* ebamploiiiblpot the International 
'l^cUaia' AaaodaUon." 

TBI .\lpba 'Cycling Club, ot Ban Francleco, OaL, 
recently elected the following ofllcei*: frcaldeni. 
Ml*. J. E. Keller; vice prealdeni, Mlaa M. McCanbi; 
eecRiarr, Oonthy Fendenaal: treaanrer, Mln E. 
Chenia; capuin. Mi*. U. f. Wynne; drat lieuten- 
ant, Mua H. Mahoney; Mcond Ueutanant, Lena 

TBI Royal Canadian Blercia aub, ot Toronto, 
Ont, recently elected the following oillceia: Preal- 
dent, A r. Walton; vice pMdeot, w, Sutton; re- 
cording aecrataiT, w, a HcPonald ; Ooandal leoe- 
taiTriC HcKay; ottinRr, i. Sanden, 

THinaiTl«n lllryrle Uiib, nl Jtrary illy llrlihly, 
wai oraanlTAl last week, with Ibeee oniceni: I'md' 
(lent, John MelaielD: treaaorer, jobnPearjon; ter- 
ntan,a«orge \T. la I'orge; oapialn, WlllUm V, 


IV*w Orleana naelng 

Jul. 31.— Tlivl VEc^-ADiiwioccv InrlonvJi-IliriJ, 
lOr.Uun. 1 1« S.Wfln; LllhAn O.,axn'.0lar,aito I. M-f- 
ODd; HIiOeAtrhtr.Tr.CareouJ.S tol, Itibxl. Tlnia.l:JI. 

.4feoi(l raee— Oo« nll«aiidt«.titrTarO^ Mlllnn— 

Ktd.llr, 107. to 1, voo; Diet B«b«a. icn. (V 
wood,] to 1, Mci«il; Lajrrud*. Iin. Ho«^8 lo I, IhinI 

Time, IMii Tblnl r«c«— F«T«a rarlnaii<i, ..Hidi:— 

M tKi.lae, lu^ mil. 3 (o a. wMi ; Chufoat. IIH llini, H to I. 
mcodO ; Bu Joha.<<o, Ira. Tliorre. 13 lu t. tlilnl. Tl^l^ 

I :X)i,' Vdurth ntm <Jo> ua»-elRhth mlltik luiull 

oip-l^nlB B«r. I1U| TtiorT>«. 7 lu 6. wno; t^laruK. IM,, 3S lo I. MTonil; CoroD.L IH. Hurrhy, 10 tn I, ililnl. 

Tinit. a:u6,>; rinb rae«— Ooe mile. mIiIdr— rrlif, 113. 

i;ar*i*o,l, y u> 10^ woo- La«l«u, liT, Irviair, ll tu f .m- 
MMid; CoMtutiD*. llM Hut, 3) 10 I. lliln). Tliiio 

Jea. Q — Flnt laco— S4lllflt. ntw ami on* hilr fur- 
Io0|t— Will Blllotc. IIW. IrTfoK. it to i von; Moltl^^ 
— id; Barren*! lllllot, "■" 

11*^ Deirv, Id to^ j 

I J to ' ■ 


I, tblnl. Tlmo. 1:19 8«<ond nc«— 

BelllDg. ooe milo— DoTo Pal.iri»r. 114. Tuborrlllo, e ma, 
woo; Leoiunl B.. 1(0. Tliorpo. 11} to 1, tocood; Utio, W, 

IIIU.* lo I, Ililnl. Tlno.lie. Tlilid IU•-l••o>lli^^ 

Ihm rurloogo-KUvl K.rroll. 113, lUrioll. *T^n, trno; 
LIIIIOD Wllk.ML\ Clai. 3 to I. MCOod : IJo Uor. IlK Nr'- 

cooi £J to 1, ihlH. Timi. 0;lt]ij rnarlh roc«~Wt.l- 

oinSrewon' lludlcap, pumo e3J\ ooo tiillo oiid teonly 
Tonll— Roli*rt Lktti. lU, Tuborrillo. lul. «no; Dti- 
nilovp. lll>.JiHie^ B 10 I. omml; hc^Aruoa, l|i7.Thitri.«, 

eiotllilnl. Tline.l:tev rioh rew-IVoilllw, mi 

nirlonR»-Blllr Jonlao, III, TlilMrrlllr. s lo I, vpd 
Liulla, 107, Rolwi. I Uf3, HCODd; Iteil Jutio. Itl, r«uny 
a)lol,IMid. Tlm^I^a? 

Ju. Q-rint ran-Ono nillo, Mlliog-Cblcol, 1(0. Bill, 
810ft, wod: Jack B.. SI,Morrla,luui I, Mfitnd; Oonmrr. 
ill, TobfrillU, 1 10 I, thinl. Tine, IM't Kfcoiid 

IVeO-ODO DllO, MUlOK-DotCh AlTOW. lUS, IKirM/. * lO I, 

voo; Jlmnv H., Ill, Uftuvood.8 to I, i«r*iid; HirMt- 
bein, IIH. BcUror. la to I, iMiil. Tlmo. >M>^' ... Third 
rae«— Oionllo and .aronir yinlt. Mllloi-Olitaea. 114. 
Taeor, 3 to I, wuB ; Blllr Btnoilt, lie, Tliorpo. ovpn. icr- 

ood; Uelfr, lie. taoiiilo. 3111I. Uinl. Tlmo, l]li\ 

Koonh rme*— Ooe mllo. handlup-Wotlnaakl.lU, Wnor. 
3d to I. voo: Tupcarora. US. Uoltoootfl 3 l.i I. .M.tri.i; 

Ch.KDUUB), Bamll.Sto l.thlnl. Tiitio, \M\i Killti 

no— OflODillo and Mtreiily rird*— LsUranao, liT, Mill, 
efeo.woD: lllMioirlir, 91, Dan., ito J,Mcund; FutMUlu. 
11*. llrK 1 1° I. mini. Tloio. >M1>{. 

Jan. 34.-Piral nM-8la turloDic.. telliair-Vllonla Bnc 
kiD. lUT. Toborrlll*. 13 lo I, woo ; Ul.elomo. luT. Honii. 10 
to I, lecond ; Norada Boy. MB, DttrMy, 6 to I. Ililnl. Tiitio. 

1:21 BKOod nco~H0T«n lurlooo. .•lllna-4tAuteino, 

ll9.Talor.7lo 10. won;Hlul«r«na, lu3,CUrk.N lu .«o 
oad;lflaaEnini«tl. Iue,lllcka. 13lo 1, llilnl Tiuio. 1 :C:>4- 

Tblid laco— all rurlooaf, lolllnic— RlKhluinro. IIJ. 

Hlll.llo I. von; Joe-OBol, lu). Bebomr. 8 Ki I.Mcond; 

Barv It*. Uam.JUUI, llilnl. TIbiM:W riiurlliraro 

— BoTOD furloai*, kaadloip— luvul, las, Tnb.rrlII^ ft lu 1. 
iron; DDnlnio.lQaJoBoM,t>a lo I. a««Mid; I'iccarunn. iue. 

UI1I.4 lol,lblid. Tlmo. ISHK Finb laco. nlllnii- 

Vao Brool, 109, Inlair,S>m to l,WAo;Uari|uli«,U,lhirrrll, 
4loft,i«coQd; VoaoR, 110, UolTy, 20 lo 1, IhlrJ. Tluio, 
I :M*>- 

Jao. S3.— Flm rmco-rooaUlei and nllowaorai. MTon 
rurlonia-Foaat, hi), Ctyvuo,!, 7 lo I. Br.l: Riiya! i:holro. 
lit. Ham. 12 lo I. Mcund; CIlulIIUI, 110, InrloR, .S In \ 

Iblrd. Tiro*. I:CV; Hetoad rae«— Nnalliois hall 

nllo-Annr, laS, lllil. I lo >. dm; Kaui. 113. Mam. Hlo I, 
■ocood; ratmaaaa. Ill, P.oo.a lot. Iblnl. Titni^OMH 

Tbird raoo— Uoe mllo. aolllae— L^l.lor. lUB. Htiorrlo. 

3 to I. Ural; Oadaaoo, lul, Jenio, 23 lo I. .ocond: Rlllr 

BoDoelc, im'i, llani. 6 lo ^ Uilnl. Tliiio. 1 :3S-; I',,unli 

race— Rorau farlonita. litodlcap-Dick U.Iiao. loi. Cay- 
nod,3 10 1, Am; Jaml^reo, M7. Hrherrer.u lo I. mo 
OBd ; Judjre DotMoae. 9C. Oataircod. 3d to 1. llilnl. Tliiip. 

IS liIUi raa-HaTOD furlonu*. aelllat-KrllzU. 112, 

TjlMrrllla. 2 In l.llral; Ban JolinMIO. 112, (Irrrloo. 2 tu 1. 
■acood: lla\lBla.lur,lt«ilao. Stol.lhlrd. Tlnio,l:ll. 

Jan. S;.— Kint raco— AUoiraoroa, al\ DirloaKa-^liAiiirr. 
ott^UU.Boherror. 3lal,«oa; V*n Out. lOJ, i:ar«o,Hl. 7 
to I, aewnl; Ktrryisau II. lUl, Barrall. dto I. ililnl. 

Ulna, I :ayi U4«ouil raea— Boraii lurkntt*. Kolllne— 

Dick Bokan, 107, Cayvnud, 7 to H. vno : t'onKlanlina. 1117. 
VaUhavrl. 20 lo I. MK.iQO; Nat*. IIA. llall. II to I, ililnl. 

Tlme.l J9 TiiinI lara— llaenilIo.a«lllnK-Jacl( llnid 

lay. ICQ, TulMTTnia,e lo I. ariio; Han Jntrnwii. VI, Kir mil, 
&IO l,aKuDd; lutluet. IVT. Hclitrror. 10 In I, ttiinl. Tiiiio. 

IMU Koorlti rm<o— BoTon indaliairrdilnnK«.liaiiili. 

cap— Oara PulalCer. 112, Tub«rfllla, 4 Uil von; A^llland. 
111. Ham. 9 to I, aacond: HINulcliir. 91. trlay. 3 to I. 

Uilnl. Tlma. I;i;'j rlnh rtca— Berao forloiic^. hoII 

log— ClilcoK lOI. Iilll.3 lo I. aoa: Mnmu*. li)l. Oiitly, C tu 
1, aoftiDd; TooiiBle Ratlar, 10. Ifani. 3 to I, llilrd. Tiino, 


David Qideos, no Jan. U, won ihe eiili for 
danugea wblcb be losllluicd amlnet rtillllji J. 
Uwyer for allegcil alandeious utternncoa, a Jury 
(ilaclnglbe amount at m.wo. Mr. liwyerwIUHp- 
peal. The Irouble grew ouiot the charge madu Ity 
dideon that Beniinel't rider bad bit lliimapo over 
the bead with hi* whip. After tho toco Oldeon ealil 
lliatbewaelnttae open itaod in front tif ihe cliili- 
houee when Uwyer uaulied bini and oliarged Ulm 
with uaiponatnaotlke conduct 

Oio. 11. UuBBR.the local rauiteum mnnaKer, hna 
■ent a number ot two and three year olds to lila n 
Point stock farm. They go Into imliilng ror tho 
annual Iceracea up tbe 8iate, of wblcli tbcro will 
be ibrea aerlt* this year. The Dni will btgin al 
Port Henry on Feb. i, tlio Becond at Crown t'olnl on 
Keb. II, and Ihe third at Uke Qeoige on Feb. IB. 

Tub staiibs of Ihe Utonia Jockey Lliili, wlilcb 
cloaedon Jan. is, lined aa fullnw: l^llpaclla, 137; 
Uarold, lie; Senaatlou, izo; Covington, 111: Itlnpio, 
80; LatonU I'rize, 30; Totiacoo, 03; NllldHlo, if, 
Uetchinta, 32; Nallonal Uandlvan, 'M; Hold Handi- 
cap, 31; Kimliall. I(M: /oo /.oo, 164; Kentucky Cdi. 
iral, »; Derby, 1(9; lllmyar, 101; Uaka, lit. Total. 

BtKATOR hlusnBACK Introduced In Ibo Virginia 
Senate, Jan. 37, a bill to prohibit betilni or ikwI lull- 
ing on races or other evtnti anywhere In ihe Siaio, 
except upon the track or giounda whore nuch an 
event Is tu occur. Il further provldca Ibat it ah<ill 
be unlawful lor any race to be conducted between 
Nor. I and April 1. 

Baub R. Wriout baa brought action ogalnat ilio 
Bulhh) (N. Y.| UilvlDg Aaeoclatloo, for tbo rccovorr 
ot 12^000 demAge* for pereonal Injurlen suataloed 
by the tell ot the gnnd eland danng tbe bicycle 
itcei held July i lait. 

Tni HUwaokee (ivie.) Jockey auli will liogln lie 
Spring meeting Juno 37, and continue ruclugfur 
iweniy-llvo daye. The Derby will bo run ou the 
opening day and on July 1 tbe loilependcnro atake, 
a new and equally valoible handicap event. 

TUB Cillfoinia Jockey Olub has rewlnded ItH onler 
denying Oreen B. Morrli Iho prlvnege of entering 
hla Loriei at the Day DIslilct track, Sau Francisco, 

I.IU.UKO. fell and broke her leg In iho hrcat- 
awaj tor the Ural nee at -Vew Urlean.*, hi., Jan. U4, 
and had to be •but. Bbe belonged to the Pronpect 

Oarr. 0. J, Triact, a ptonilncDt hoiae owner and 
bleeder, nude an niialgemeot at l.exU)Rlon, Ky., 
Jao. 'U. It la laid thut the llabllliloa will reach 
|U,ooo, while toi.on will probably cover the aaaeata. 

JOCBBT MclHTTBB, who was Injured In a race re- 
cenily, beneQtted on Ibe eanilngs of ell the Jocken 
who rode at Bportanian'a Tark, Bk l.ouin, Uo., 
Jan. 27. 

AMLrn BraBCRLBS, ot Caliromla, ion ot the 
noted siuar king, Clana Bprecklea, lias lust pur. 
chased the thoroughbred Bialllona Low Weir and 

I JiBrxR HtmaoN, a ooloreil Jockey, cut Iho throat 
of a bartender Jsb. 37, aa llio reault ot a saloon 
biavl.Juatonialdeof iho Bay Ubiirlct track at Han 
FrancUco, cai. Ula victim may die. 

Tn* Windsor (Can.) UrIvlnR Cinb Is Iboa onlcored 
tor 1890: Fiealdeui. (tel. Wlillo; vice prenldeoU. J. 
Foaler and Wni. K. Millard; aecreury, W. A. llan- 
laban; treasurer. He. UcKeo. 

LcciBr Balowi.v, of San Francisco, Ual„ baa 
mortgaged the Baldwin Hotel and tbeatro annex, 
and ine Saota Anlia Ranch, uld to comprtse about 
2,100 acres, for (610,000. 

YONiuuieBtL a tour year old coll ot considerable 
promise, died laal week, al ilie farm uf his owner, 
John E. Un Uolse, ot Du Boise, Pa. 

IBB Oak Orove Drirlog Club, ot Warren, 0., has 
decided Dpon inly T-IV end Aug. IMt as tbe dales 
for IIS nee meeting* this year. 

Ctn, 2:31<a', the property of MIko Keams, ol 
gpimgOetd, O., died of * cold Jan. U, at bla owner's 

TBB Klc* Oiaod Pni waa run Jan. 31, at Nice, 
and nsaltad In a dead heal between liere and 1.0- 
bella. The atakes were divided. 

TBI I'oiitlc LMgtr Almanat- lot liM, Isaueil by 
nie ttMU Ittijtr, of Philadelphia, Pa., and pn- 
eenled lo iheauliscnben lo that widely circulated 
oewapaner, I* tnUyIhe equal of auyof lutwenlr- 
sli preoeceiwM*- The oaual care baa been taken lo 
Insare Ita entire tmatwonhhieas, and li lacertaloly 
atnaannot naefnl Inlormatlon, especially In ibe 
nutur of local nibjeeu and evenla. 

ZTbb Oermanla Rod and Onn Club, of this city. 
Est week elected ibe following oniceK: President, 
lleiman 0. Schmidt; om vice president. Can L. 
Meyera; second vice pvealdent. Dr. John 0. Wagner; 
aecietary, (leorie II. Becker: treaanrer, William II. 
Ulsndcr; captain, Henry J. Knocbtl. 

Tbb iludaon Rod and (Inn Club, ol ibta city. 1 1 
BOW ofllceied a* fouows: Fitaldent, Oeorge J. Kcn- 
Bady; vice praldent William J. O'liilen; Mcieuir, 
Ti Hjasi irmiuer, 8mo«i o, Uulels. 

Kii; wil l. cMiivN wiKii Blum look part In lbi> 
niiy thltiy yanbrlan ami iltly yards 
Iwiindaiy, lielil al Ihe groiinil* of tho Philadelphia 
(Pa.) Una uiiib, at Molngun, on Saturday attet- 
uoon, Jan. '.'j. Tho score* made by ibe competlton 
wcni; J. K. ralmrr, Mn'hmoni dun Club, 43; 
cUarlcA U:«rHlft<ivr, PblUtlelphla dun Club. I'l; 
tlcorgo Wnrit, Wrsinilnater Kennel inub, 43; B. 
IMrknr, lllvcnon Uiin (:iiii>. 41; J. II. HatIb, lUve^ 
Ion Gun Club, 3t; Fred, lloey, Uolljwood UunUlnb, 
:il. In Iho nhool oif Palnier defeated Macalcater by 
A Hcoro ol u lo s oiitot Ion shot al by each. 

Tiu flil/f iiiniv .vitti .tlijiiriMir ha* now leached Its 
Iwrnly-Onii lilithilay, and It Is a woithy oiTipnng 
■■f llic aucceti'fiil Ualiliiiore nowanapor Whoso name 
It hcHrt. Tnu Iwok Is cnlargcil this year, and la 
mieil wilh tho riutouiary varldy ol ioformalinn on 
ap)trvpilrtio aubjeclfi, much apaco being dovoiod lo 
puiltU'Bl suiliiica Hbil olher dal:s of Roneral Inier- 
cai, an writ as local baupeuium, which render It 
i|iilic tnillspcnsablo to Ine rusMonU ot Ibe Hunu- 
lucubal t.'iiy, 

.1 r«o ii.tKiiKP XATX'ii at pigeons was shot at the 
tmuuils of the VVratmlnstor Kennel Ulub. Babylon, 
L I., on Jitn. il, ilrurge Work and K, n. Murphy he- 
lug opnoaoil III J. K. Winer and II. Y. lioian. Tho 
ciindiiiuns were iliat each man ahould abovl al one 
hundred lilnl), 3u jarda rlHO and 3u yard* boundary, 
anil K capital corneal resiillcil In a vlctoty tor Work 
nuil Murphy liy une bird only, the acora aunding 
lu; 10 18(1. 


WintB of ManagerB and Pgrtormeia Op«n 
Date*, etc,— See Advtrtlieinants. 


Johntilo rrlOHlo wauls drainailc peo|ile lo support 
l-Moik Uay, 

JooU. l.oi;an wlNliea lo hear from nMnagorsur Oral 
cinvi stiraciliiiui who wbih lo iKxik lirao al the New 
Uniiid oiiera IIiiumo, Lexington, Uo, 

eVimliliiAilonji can litmR iluio to good ailranlage 
HI Ilia I'ciiiilo'ri ThoAlru, t'llca, N, Y, 

IVrink KiliHiiili wlatiert tn nil open lime In April 
nnd Miiy, at iliir limiid Oprr* lliiiiHO, llroiikljD, with 
Drat rlamatinii'iloiia, 

I.. II. CiHil wAuiri fair dates, next scasun, for bla 
IIIK Stock Co. 

liramallu people are vnnicil li; Matt Kiiiwll, Man- 
ager, Seyitiuur tlimituu, ManaBor, W. F. Ilondorson, 
Itoflion T. C."Co., Mitchell \ '/ahm, John Ynungs, 
T. U. liaiiilliun, J. i;. Uauka, J. W. Ualllcutie, Al- 
licrt r. KciiL 

AIMlHiny: Un. Iliirtnn.W. II.Ualimigiill,(>irlnne 
l.'i Vaunt, Tliii!!. K. Wlcilriiiaiin, Ni-llio K. IVIcde- 
niBlin, Kllcli Vuckey. Itlclianl Lewis, llaliolbi Lowla, 
l>cll Lliioci, Usrio llouicrlll, l>iopM, Ulaiiili N. (M- 
liorn, IL A- iiilKini. 

Fell. d. 7. s ran lio lllleil liy n giKMl ronipany, al 
ilio .Icailciiiy of UuhIc, Urlcau, N. V. 

CoiiiijIiiRtioua can bivk time at FreemaD'a Thea- 
Ire.Mucluiiail, 0. 


will lloHHllFr hiu iiiiblUhes "Sweet Tlllle Tayliir," 
A wall/. BiiDg, vhlcli 14 lining iiintio iHiniiUr very 
fuMi iiy n lulled niiiiiiiuriil iinmilucni vucuilsiii. Tlie 
VM-.iaillu '1*1111 Afu roportcil in lie nmking a hit with 
It In Clilraflii, thiri wuuk, ami Ihu inanii Hlalvraalan 
conaidcr ll to ho Ilielr innal ciTccilvo song, Mr. 
Ilii.-ullcrsilppili'S II, Ail well IIS ulliiT cuiniKlllUulis, at 
ten runta eicli. 

■■.Viiliudy Wants lo ruy Willi Mo," n Juvenile 
rtniig. ROlfi tu jMSHeici iiDiiauHl lucril, Is advenlaed by 
iriuTllus. M. Iliiwcm U>l:<li: Un. 

"ivmio lUcK III Iho Uiii'S Whii l/>ve Y<iu" U Iho 
title of a new ruing tasiioil liy Lyon A llealy. 

Piofcrvluiiiil:! can acruro h ctipy nf '-tilt, Poor 
lirlilgei," B new iilsli iMiig, Willi which IJ/zlo 11. 
Kttjrtiiond \\ repnrtod In liu dmng well. J. U. (Jrneno 
.1 t^i. aro Ilio piiiiIlalicrH. 

I'Vuii liou't Knuw I 1.OV0 Von" anil 
'"Twill lln All lllilil Tu-miirrow"car. iHiunlored 
from ilic I'liltud I'lili. Uo. 

"TiiK Ufji-i'Bit" marchAnd two step and "Sunday 
Call" inarch aru l.iMiril liy Jn^i, Thiinio. 

Harry ». Ulllci 'a laical cmin suug, "Tho Itliialalleil 
Colurcil lunil," piiiillrihcd by llfiiry J. Wt-liinan, 
vuii ho liail frcMi iij prufertalunabi senillug pru- 
gmmnica sh per lulvorllaoiiiciit. 

"Dully. Hear,'* a uuw waltz song, la pulillshoti by 
l.udileu .V Katca. 

YA. II. I.eniun waola twcniy-alx innslclana tor 
brasH And reed. 

Iiick 1*. Siiiinn wsnla a doiilile baas and tiilui 
player auil nlliur inualclana. 

"Slio'H By l.ltllo iMundry (ilrl," "Wayward lk>;" 
"Jowphino" can bo unlcrud from Ibo Wliaily, lUiyco 
,t: o>, 

"Oh, Mr. llllulilii,'' anil other auccesaful sung* *re 
iHsncd iiv Iho KngllMh 8oiig PubllahliiK Uo. 

li'.U. Parker liaHlBKiio(llhB"rickanlnnySliuille." 

Tbo I'cnio Uualc Un. havolaaued "I'm Uad with 
M4rv lUibluonu" autl "I'll Floil My Hweetliearl 

"The rrldo ot Ibo K lichen" march cnn be ordered 
trum Fred .\krra. 

MuHlrisiiH am waeied by Fred WIrlli, J. n. Fuley, 
0. D. Ullveii. Uliaiica 1. Qolieat, W. N. Mrrrick, Freii 
Wancn, Hbaker UeiUclue Co., T. II. lAing, Dr, U. W, 
lbinlley,Fr<:d J, Walker. 

At U.itriy: i:. F. Sneara, John W. HIeele's llrcliea- 
tM, Cmscent UltiairelH Hand, DuIIa Walaon, I'Ajrne's 
Nuvoliy Hand, a. K. Uay, UitelclHii 

C. w'. Held has ■ • 

catcbr Bonga. 

bisucd u nuinlior of new and 


Al Iteevra will cloHO blsNlmw Feb. I, after a siic- 
ceBsful soaaoii uf twcotr-llvo weeks. A number of 
pronilnool mansxera lilgiily endoi** tlie company. 
All tho morobera will lioAtllliertyafuriheaiwve 
■UIO. Agnca Cunrcol, Smith anil Campbell, llunn 
anil Bobeo, Ilio Ureal Judges, Mitchell and Jeas, 
lieliniire and, Ibo illaus, U. W. WllllaiuB anil 
Al. Iltcvrscsnllllilatea. Mr. Ileeves will put out 
hlM illg 8how next aoasnn with a si rung programme. 

Will J. llsnliuan, ilie popular auiig writer, can 
supply jmrodles, comedy acts, etc. 

'llie Belli '/.oug /ougTroujie of Araiiacan IMI en- 

11141 A wnnlHB KOiibrelte si pariner. 
Ollvo, tbo little Juggler and drum luajor, can be 

Hal Famum'a act la reported to lio a lilt over the 

W. II.J.ShuWBdverllscs hie bonk, "Magic I'plo 

Campbell and llcanl hare open daiea. 

llllllcUUar, Ibe inlml reader, anil H. KranH* 
Utirrlit.iey, In a novel sccoinl slglii act, excited fa- 
voraiilo prcaa comment during i beir ongsxemont at 
I'lillaildpbis lost week. Tney can lie secured. 

The Ikiliimsaro iirududog a flrst-cbua musical 
act and can nil daleii. 

J. M.Kinlili wanut a musical arllsi as parlnor. 

Kd. A. Iiiicey cntnpnsirH iinil arranxrs. 

ilcurae llii:kasnp|illc.i tatrMlles, eic 

(Icnrge K. Peters taarbcH atagoilanclng. 

FHrrell and Taylor, wbn are dning a novol miulcal 
corned; act, can nil lUtes. 

Kooch. wiio|ierfonusa clover Innk act, can be 
engaged, and oiferH s tank for sale. 

INiroll and lllinleabAvo cluied wllb Holds' Draw- 
ing I'ania anil can fill dates. Tliey aro imoked over 
Ibe I'roclor Ulrcnll fur llirce weeks lu February. 

Kvansaml lliiifoinn, Iravcsiy siara,an<liAaibeiloo 
Howe I'ulmcr, llio clever Utile toe ilaoccr, can lie 
eongeil. bavltig cliMeo with tho ''Ihill Fighter" Ou. 

llltA liureiid ban ripen lime nfter Feb. '£i. 

Oarr and Jiirilsii, wlioae act waa a bit at Ihe 
riiimHriusreThcaUo, .Sew York, Issl week, csnlie 

spuclaliy acbi are wanted for conllnuous perform- 
ance* al III* Theatre Finncala, Hmiirral, Canada. 

rrol. I.'laude Menkco offers "Tbe King of Ibe 
KAnllal laJanda."a liurleaquonpela, abu Ibe over- 
ture, "Minstrel Kings." for sabi. 

Uenlly and Oaincion, whrise novel musical act Is 
end'ined liy Ihe preaa, nave a few open weeka, and 
ciinjmn a coinhlnailon fur tbo rest ot tho season. 

Tho llrtioklvn Music iisll, at Alabima Avenue 
anil Fulton HUeet, Uroiiklyn, will open Fob. 17. 
First cliHi vaudeville acta an wanted by Utirent 
lluward, manager for I'ropfletara Aeeve A 

Tbo Whites, VA. II. and Holla, b<i.\en and bag 
pnncberH, wish to liorik ibclr Inlereallng spedallr. 

Katrlle t>imallA. Juggler, can lie aeon at IhaUoB 
Tun Ttieairc, Jenwy t:.iy. this week. 

Dancing la laiigbl bv John McCarthy. 

Tile Luclfcn, line or ihe fealurea Willi Bandow's 
Itocadern Vaudevilles, can dll dales after March L 

lie lliililsaii'l Valora, Jugglen,*r« doing well wllh 
ibe "lilack Crook" l». 

Ilnian auil Spencer's act Urecummendcd by Uyde 
k Besman. 

Miiiiircl people and mnalclan* are wanled for lb* 
CaiiaillDn tour ot Iho Han Frandico Uluatrcla. 

Tne lHiwnli:s, In ibeir novelty act, can lie aeen at 
ITocuir's llnaure palace. New York, Ibis week. 

H|>er|sltlt-* an vanl'il by Dr. Hhreve, lir. J. F. 
llazltlon, Manager, IXiclor, Fillz and i.eslle. 

Morton and UeveUg bsTe three open week! In 

At Uberly: Uolll* TmIb, W. C. Nelson, renr. 
Hairy Diady, Will Jon«s K. K. Ueardn, A. K.MnV 
ler, li*f*nlo, Brown, IQit and Woodward. 

Arable aM Ro*o Itoyer are kept bnty BUIng date* 
nnill the commencement ot their tentlBg seasoa 
with niBBllDg Broihen'Hbow. 

Bpedalty act* are mated by Ka« naynolds tor 
IhoTheatre Uomliiue, New Orleans, IJi. 

J. H. Janann's Moyolopedia ot (Jomedy la recoui- 
mended by many loading oomedbina aa containing 
an UBilmlied snpnlg ol valiiablo ammunlllon tor 
ailaoka on Ihe rtaibfllUea ot fnn ionng audtano**. 

Om^ne, whose Turkish dance alwajs noelva* na- 
merouiieocorei, la Blllog a epooUl d*te wllh the 
"While Crook" Co., al tbe New Star Thealie, 
DvMiklyo, Ibis week. 8he will rejoin Ham Devera'a 
Show nc.M week In Kew York, 


Hugh ItaiTlsnn wants aldcehow tealnre* for III* 
RIOBIIng Urothen* Shows. 

iieorge Uurlch can place clrciia people wllh kl* 
wagon show. 

lirrns people are wanted by Big. Sautelle. 

The Titokcr Clnni Oo. otnr a complele wagon 
*haw tor sale. 

Thonuu Kinney wanli a good **cond hand canvsi, 

C. II. Fyrren wants hon* irtpplDgs, tic. 


Ailni-llanskT* w*nlei1 fur New oIiiOmib lloiisr, 
llu(^kilannon, w, Va.: Clark's llpem lloiiae, Nor- 
wich. N. v.; New Upon lloiiae, lluwi-o. III. 

At Lliierty: Cbas. K.8hepanl, pnignminer; llany 
l.Smllb, advance. 

For Rsle: Spider monkey by lleniy 1>. Adell, 
rnllor skate* by Oeorge Shtokey, phonograph* by D. 
K. Boawell Oo., pboliMol ban f;inmeu by Ward Art 
.Studio, aoenerT by f . H. Wolf, animals by Aninisl 
impoiUng Oo., Iltbo* by P. II. .sulllv*n, strreopilron 
and alldea by Weill. 

The Ohirago Kngravlng Co. aupply aliiacllve let- 
ter heads, etc. 

Bpacioua i)uarten ran lie secured foraoen* paint- 
ing or reheamala at r.» Weal Firuclh Stietl, N*w 

rrof. .tmoldadvertlsea the mlaaing link and other 
anatomical apedmeiu. 

(leorao Hlaokoy'a book on wire walking can lie or- 
dered from Ihe author. 

Anatomical exhibits can be ordered rrom IloMit 

The tumlahlDgBor ih* NonI* Theatre, Nonlatown, 
Pa., can b* lioiighL 

Professionals can Ond Moma and board al 3n 
WealTvenlv-nlnlhUireet, New York. 

(lame fowl* c*n be aeonred from IL F. (Inm. 

A ihesiie can be leaaed In UnOtlo, N, Y, 

Cnaa' letter heads are ncommended to pnfei* 

Wllmol'a typawrttenwlll be found a coannleat 
a*i latent tn professlunals. 

<:ha*. Mo.VHiib wanu lo buy pintiirrs, etc. 

The Hate Book, laaued by tbo United Stale* Print- 
In* Co., can be seeursd fur twonty-nn cents, 

Kemp Hlateia' Ulppodromo can bo booked for 
ouutiior reaiins. 

Uiirei lliil Park, Kcranion, Pa., ran be rented, 

Midway features are wanled by Frank J. lining. 

A. Kotcrberg'a unblicallon, "'I'ne Muderu Wlc< 
ani," which bi siHiken of highly iiy many niagtdan*, 
can lie nntereil fnr one dollar. 

L. (lold*nilih Jr. snpplle* Ihcaiilcal Inink* and 
make un buxcs. 

v.. J. Ilayden A Co. fiirnlnli Unit data show paint- 

"Hliiioling Ibe Chulos" lias boon patented by Ihe 
I'snl lliiytun On., who warn Agalnal InfrtngemeBls. 


il Iho ililo uf a iiillolln Isaueil by the mllllary In- 
furniatluii ilivbiloii ol Iho War Depariment. It con- 
lAina special roporu nf Inipectinn onicera and olher 
lurnnnallnn cuverlnE Ihe oncanipmonl aeasou nf 
isui. toRotlier Willi lite fiillowing Islilo, showing Ihn 
toul urganlxeil airengib ul Ibe nillliia In tlieaeveni 

AlAlsini*, Arkanans, i,u;d: Usilfiimla, 4,04S: 
l.'nliirailii, l,irjl; Uounecllcut, 'iMK Delaware, 4'il; 
FlorliU, usu; llenvgla, 4,lv4; Idaho, ,10:1; lUlgols, 
'v'ln; inillaus, 3,,'Ai; Inwa, 'J.4n; Ranaaa, 1,134; 
Krnturky, l.4;i; l/<ultlans, 1.'.'40; Maine, 1,341; 
SlaryUnd, I.WI; Maaasubitsolla, ft^nu; MIohlgin, 
3,iiih; Hloneeuu, 1,(00; MluUslnpl, l.iriO; MIsaenrI, 
'.',IOii,Monl*UB, ftll; Nebnak*, I,'J4S; Nevada, 441; 
New llampahlre,i,iil; New Jenei, 3,0-0; New York, 
I2.t4e; North UeMIn*, I.M'j; ffurili liakou, (4.°i: 
Ohio, U.U'i;; (iregiin. i.Ui-.'; I'eguiylvanla, 1,1*3; 
Ithnds Island, 1,-JM; Houlh Oarullna, 4,1174; Sonili 
llakola,7iiu:Tsoneasee, l,«u;Texaa,a,ooii; Yemoni, 
Virginia, .MIO; Waahlnglun, l,r«i; WeMVIr- 
glnla, B.'u; Wlscomlu, 3,&II ; Wromlhg, 4U): Atllona. 
M\ liutnot lit Ualtiinlila, l,.'i;s; Now Mexico, «;u; 
DhlAhoioa, 1.10; UUh, i.ono. Total, 114 140. 

Tlis whule iiiiuiber of oliluinaln the llnlied RIale* 
IIhIiIo to mlllur; dutv hi given at i),B4I,04.t. Canipa 
of insinicllon wen noliriii i8U4 In thirty Blalee— 
Ahilianut, Arkanau, Oallfumla, Uolorado, Onnneo- 
tlcul, Flurlda, Oeorgla, town, Kentucky, Maine, 
Msamohuaolbi, Michigan, Mlnneama, Mlaslaslppl, 
Mlaaourl, Hunlans, Nelinsk*, Nevsda, New llamji- 
ahlro. New Jcraev, New York, Nortb Carolina, Noith 
Dakota, Pennsylvania, Hliwlo Island, Ttia*. Ver- 
mouL Washlngloo, West Virginia and Wlsoon- 
sln. In ail but ooe ot llieae BIstea onicers uf 
the Uuliod staiea army wore detailed by 
the Becroiarv of War for duly at Ibe encamp- 
tiietil*. In nine glalc*— Oolnredn, Illinois, Indiana, 
Maiylatid, Oblu, Soiilh Dakota, Tenneesre, Virginia, 
anil Wyoming— and In 1 no tenltory, Utah, when 
onioen nf the United Hlaiea aiiny wen osdniy 
with Ihe Bute ttoniis, tiirn were, owing ui lark of 
aiipmiiriaiiona, duly of the trooja ilurug rallrnail 
sirikra, sini olher lauHiN no caiiipa, In ilie Hiales 
where i siiitia were held, over eighty per cenUut Ihe 
orssnl/.ed rurce was In camp. 

Tho largest regular annus! appropriation, I400.oao, 
la niaile by New Vork; the smallesi, ll.otX), liy New 
Mexico. Arkanau makes no approprlallnn, and 
ilependsnpon Itaalliiimeot from in* linllad lUslc* 
appnpilatloM and the aubsoilpllon iil lb* memben 
end fnenda of the Stale linard. The Male* apin- 
prtailDg lo IMN tluo.ouu or mon, liealdea New York, 
were: I'eonaylvanla, t32n,U)0; Maasaobuaaeia, till, 
owi; oalifiirnla, liau.ow; lulniils, |I30,UM; Rhede 
Island, 1104,000: Wisconsin, tlOO,otv. 

A aumiiury or Uie acilve iluly performed by Ihe 
IriHipa nf d liferent Hlatea In toe year IKH demoB- 
iii'stea ibat their sarvlrea were In tlemsnd over a 
surprisingly Urge ana of countnr. 


The biineyinoon waa over and they lisd selllcd 
down to show themselvn staid and steady uM Biai- 
rted oeiiple. 

"llany," ahe aslil, knilllog her pretty brows a* it 

6 really perploxtd, "I've been liying to auBttge 
Hogs a lIlilesyuemBUcaJly today." 
"i|ulle right," he replied. "IPs lime we were 
seined and osd everything amnied properly." 
"Yea, but, Horry, the fact bi l-l'' — 
"Yon whati Koibing has gone wrong, hu It " 
he naked, anxloualy. 

"Oh, nil, but everyone wa* so hind lo u lhal I 
nnd Ita Hille hard to— to— . It wculdo'l be proper 
lo sell anr of the preaeais, would III" 
"Orialoly not." 

"That'a what i feared," she said wllb a slgli. 
"Yiiu see, I doni Juat know what to do wllh inBi 

"Do with llitnil" he exclaimed with masculine 
resdinraa 10 aetils any problem. "Why, Qaotkeni, 
of coume." 

"Bill how, Harry 1 llawi"she*sked. "We have 
elglit diKka aod only a (even room nat." 
He gavsakiwwblatle. 

"Then we bav* Ave doi*n silver spoons and tour 
c*ke baekets." 

He began to look perplexed bimaelt. 

"Then an twelve butter knivea and di fruit 
dishes," she added. 

He swore soiuy lo himself, bnt mad* no sogge*- 

"We have throe seta of friilt knive* end — " 
"Knougb," he exd*lmed. "lu what lou plea** 
wllh tb*m," 
"Hut, Harry, I want rou to" — 
"They're iiien, he IntempUd. "They were all 
Riven to vou and not lo me, weren't ibeyV' 11 
wouldn't be fslr fur me to aMiime any rfgbl tu 
Ibem when they were expressly iriven in you.'' 
And thiia at* Brat learned of man'a ability lo 

dodge a dinicult pniblcm. 

ISA Macun, (Is., rrmit. the nliirr ilsy, s Iswyer 
wan cnwa-exHiiiliilnir a negro wlinran. ami was gel. 
1I11K ailing fialrly Hull until ho uakril the wllneM 
vliMt ilia (KTiiiaiiliHi aaa. "i'ae a rarveiiler, sab." 
"What kind uf a rarjieuier)" "They calls ne a 
Jii:klrif rarjieiilcr, Mb." "IVIisI iaa Jarkleg car. 
pentcr ) '< "I la la a r-arpeuter who Is nut a iln4 cUiaa 
rariielilcr, tub." "Well, explain filllr what you 
ouilemisiKl a Jarklrg farveiilcr lu lie.'' Instated Ibo 
lawyer. "Iiiraa. I ilerlare I diiiinu liow ter splaln 
any iiui' 'cept In say hll aui Jrs' the tame lUITtrcacg 
iHlxl you alt' w (lUl cItBl lawjrer.'i 



Febbuary 1. 

Now Ready, 



It CoDtalnB a Record of All llio Importaiit 
ErontJ In tlio 



FIrat AppcaruuMS uiiil First I'ro- 
<luctlonB, Draiiiiitic, Ytirlety, 
Ktc, tlio AiiiorlcAii IMtiit of 
>Voll Kuown Fvi-fui'Dion, Tiio- 
iitro FircH, a List of DeiitliH In 
(lie AiiiUNiiiiuml I'rulViXHloiiH und 
Utlicr liituivstiiig Druiiiattc Miit> 

tor. AIho 









For the iMist jcar, and lududlng all uf 
(he ImiKirtaiit Uccordu of Uio past 
and prttwnl lime. 

Tl» Book U lllMtcXMl Wllta ■■■■ilK>ni« 
Rngravlnfa of Nof»d Poo|)l« of thv 
aiag* anil oflh* 8|iorlla| V'orlil. 




CNpptrBulMIng, Haw Y«rt 



FoUi and RUk«s, SE ATH, Flagi, Etc. 


• acoiiviu5Dri5Tis,aun,ii<i,nisiLi. 




Oo« oi III* UrBAKt Ami tk«it (•iiul|'t)M] Ui^tlrcs In iht 
niuntry. Hutme cAi«cltr. '/.GUI. LlKhlvl tliroujiltout 
>•>' ICH" xnd viecirkilv. J'ltniy i)r«*«lii»; nioiiiK, uid ao 
■iiLinliiiicn III ocf iiTV In f X(«lli*nt cnniliiKifi. Hill t'latiJi 
«rnl<irfilMt ill l>*nt |'liic«i In cltT KfiJ auliiirlu. Theillr* 
cnDimlly I'KHlnl on tlin (Tlbclpul hIimiI. KImuIc an U 
«ll |«ru ufclij uiil MiiliurM iiuf* ()(• d'Mir. 




2 Post Offlc* Square, Boston, Mui. 

S. S. Stewarf s 
Celebrated Banjos 

PRICES FROM $10 TO $200. 

KUo natic and Bootu Ibr the Danjo, la 
grvai varlsty. (Uringt, llsatit, Sic. 
Hmd for llluitrAiHl pricn uil ektalnjiiir, Th«a« in 
terviril ^hitulil aMixl Ibe. in AitmrtH inr X nuooinvn copy 
R. H. KTfcWART, Ni'H.UI uO m Chorrli Ht^ 

PI)llA<ll«l[*)lla. PWQft 

•1438 BROADWAY- 


JJ0'M/f4D/S0Af5r^ (ff/CACO:'^ 


CiMiimiu nervnil ()iiiii>«ntl IDumratlnuiiol Uininuml J'.w- 
Blr>— <(uiinl Kiiil ■iyU»l:— Uohl JkvolrTi W4tcliM. Ki«r 
liitcHllTar Nov^IUok. l;lllllIf•IIA^ 0*ne^ Rich CtitUlitni 
WW, (MiKka— vvuTfUiloK lltai li DaetloO «T«ry ilKy lo ihe 
f Dir. TliB iiinkQup t>r ibiH wurk uf «rt In orlslo*!, eoui- 
■'■ci, tiftiiily III utry tn llia hand, cuat pockkl ur mlc)i«l— 
c)i<>ck full uf thv chnicDHl lltaratur*. rric«ii ara ab«U' 
lulvly liiB Ibwem cunnlauni wlili iinalliy. Baml rnur 
nNin« anil mlilroM for a cnny anil plviiM nisnllnii "CLIP- 
I'fclL" OHKAMI*. NOI.TlNif k CU. MkminuUi Jnwolera 
nf AinorUa, Vtua fli . 0«>r. Mh. C'lnciunatl. 0. 


e£>-.<££7 Uidlng Aoroniuli ol Ihe Worid. 


_ AIM iuuiut«elur«ni i>f ill kioO. or Btllootti 
[Uk* or Bui Air). RtfiHl Tor i>rlc. 11.1 to 

UALUWIN BHCia . P.O B>ii ingulacy. 111.. U.B. A. 

Magical Apparatus, Tricks, 
llliislons, Etc. 

Ne^. lull)- illiimrnt^ hon^ (ata- 
luHuo, Hvnrytlilns tt|i \u Jai», 
faxlur tileka caulucuu itM. 

Iff Hiilli ATPiiue. Kdb YorV. 




rmlsDilnnalB rirnliiii^ |inrchAt« KVKNINtI «r 
STItKKT IMthl^ShS iMii Unit vitry K!i«i:«iit AiUMirimvut 
<•( iitoOiiiiii-t»t (UiiiiPiii>.«i v« V (^>w I'rlio^. Ovur &u 
KnII UrwwHiih" n-r ►.iIi* 

•i.'^-Vh'.SorTII r<T.. I'Iii|ikI»1|iIiIa. )*a. 


W, CO toil nun. riiunil lor :'''0iW<tui1 l(«)i leo, lun. valln. 
<:hMi». AddrvMi iT.J.HAKKH. 

IIU W. TTm\l Kiwil. Kau>a)»Cily. Mo. 


Wit liRVP IrMitnl llila tiuuiw titO. A. (Uiu|^tn. tnj vill 
tmi Id iti>ii>iiitibl« i-j ()t>l>iit t*t nMiiCMiltina citDtt^clcd t-; 
liini iir t>tl.i>r». VKSAHl.K HKufllKnK, Pronrlolora. 
VV. H. t'lKXnV.TTi'ajiuTi'r: W. J IIALHN. MaBBKur. 



H) J. B. RILSOS. BliHlIn, «l SUU 81., Rliloen. Tli. 
11nt4l«urkftl llta loKrul ITlcH. t^ A.S'I) NhR OUR 

piiiiioaoK(;Li.KHttiTiii. I'Htuhksimi-ikii. 


Mlou .ortC AN.W. Hr-.m mllM lYniu Kurtwi«iar; Jiti>t 
c*iii|>leiaa]. <li-nl M:ritary;rat>*cliy iU) )'u|>uU(l»u l.iAU. 
A tiM>il ■hoM' town Uram \t"\x\ »*r«n) «niitllii)it(«a iirar 
hf Wantnl. KtH-l ■iiHcdiMii. Ii V. IHHII. Mwnaaar. 

Ml* Tricks. New 100 Page Pictorial CattlogBe, 

«llhlti^lu^(>aol iMilInf rn^iVMittnaU. Lalpni Vun^rtan 
naTdfilnMnaatei. aMsmil aiBhiaU'l anlLv^irlluallaoi, up 
tiwUif. Pami l5roiil^ tor aain*. No rmlmt. 

\T. n. liK ROY. Un (Nuiri Pir«*i. Riwinn. Nun 


Hulli IP oTxJvr (ID thitrt BOllw. Wrii* lor parlieuUn. 
lUuiUaliO oataliifva ti««. J. (\ UOSB A IH>.. 

10 AlwUfT Bi.. D^tmli. MIeb. 


1^X.KA lllti.lntoil rAtAlDiiuolm. 

HAURTT * I'llKH W K. MmlU'il Hi . fhlfAnv III. 


-»;. t'IRHT OLAS.S VatiilAfllU wr Karca rtwitdy (\>.'a 
t>nlr. AiMrT*^ itiLISKl'M TIIKATRK. Kanw lUir. Mo 



BT u nif> CI am! tw W. Twolflh Pirwi. rinf Ipaan. 



Cll^ lulMliiBi n-M CENTRE IT. I 

R«c«lTea rouoU nfappUaae aTUr each TarM oflhal frmt 
conic aooR, 


aunn br Joho Rtmll ud LoUlt Wul RnDOKli. 

"ONLY A 6iRL" (Descrlptlie). 



■ " „ . I. . ..pri«iMVEBIT-'i«TlU.»PRBRLI!<BmBIMME.ElniUMOp»l»Oo.;«o"n(BTANTAMBOUa«lIC. 


I.ITn.P. fltOKlllA IIUNTIKOTON. Oij ftaoui ehlkl Iho Unl1e<l fluioi wd CuiuJk b«t lhli"dllly" In ih«|, r.p,rt„|,;° 

.,r.d iron ill. prai^».|i^^.lJr.y^P^^^^ CO.. MO Or.y At... Uouto., T«,.. 

■.lllD»U.I..Ju.t»'i"T-«on»".ili.lilt.r'M: ihr.o .dco...; porltrtowlon. 

HTP.R -WILL IIAt.PnOOK. «f ll»»»il>'' 




8. S. THOBP CO., 

HO PULTON nr., N. Yj 



Oranjr Bamb«r of m«a cao be •ngaaed 
for 8umm«r tleaion by Tellable partlei. 
Ttaer mast alatv full uartlculara in flnt 
ivtlvr. JOHN W. BTI&BL.E, Leader of 
<'olaiiibla Opera IIouh OrrbeiUu. B«st 
of referencei. William St., NortliAdani*. 




W. N, MERRICK, Zanestllle, Ohio. 

l.-OOLKr. I'EWCE. BOXU. »riM. 


and mm mmmmL 

N«ir afTacu to Hlai Reullnff. BlUot BeeoDd Blsht, 
TliuiiKht Trannferwica and fllXTY OTHER BPPECT8. 
J'rorwiloDaN aay it U a dfuiilr. K«Tnlt 23 caoUi for thU 
anil loont orlk'lnul Uim:<caI Oai-a-loe ersr IrMiKl. BttlK- 
laoilon KOaianteMl. CIIA8. L. BURLINOAHE k CO.. 
Boi m. ClilcAHO. 111. 


BMt vonttd llsfau, ndoad tol&OOper 
wt: Rood qaalltf, iiSD; p«r Mt; mlUn, 
$3.0) par Ht, Id auy c«lur ; Id blatk. plok, 
«b lie tnd narr blua, nd, sky bloa, Ut«D' 
d»r, RTMD and wIdo. Bilk tlchu, 111.00 
p«ra«t:FrDgaulu,$7.0U lo $li.0D;8oak« 
iulin. ilOJlito tai CU; PuiD|M,SScU.;aal- 
UnkllA). Bend for catAloRce and Bun- 
plea of tltthlN. Eatlmalaii br oiftll. I>»- 
poBll rvmilrvJ. BPICKR BROR^ 
6M Evwgrwo At».. Brooklyn. W. T. 




166 North NInlh Si, Phllt. 

"Profliptooai a ftwclallr." 
"thxHl Wort aC<Tt*lDiy." 




DATKH. CniiM.lar mlrnco a iwlUa DegalUe. 

TliO Aurora Itudget 

ItnodirlKwh for cOMRDIAKSaod UioaeJoIng tlngluR 
■lid talkliittacia. It couUlua lato parodist, toplcalMDUa. 

Ka and ilaitcva. clmrmcitr aaaBM vltli word* and tnualc 

TI-.S itrd cla^H i>l> to dRt« HONOLUOUES; of ell klodt 
i-i RKRA. ici>4itHi. r«clla(lunii.and a funny ibree act farca. 
I'nc«|l (iiUBtaiiipA). AddrcM 

Haul pub. OO.. Bqk CI. Aurora. III. 



wuuuina" CO. 



Finl qualUr, S9d rivau and bum to eaeb tiuok, U 
Inch.lfiiO; S tndi, 10.29; 30 (ocb, $& iDelcdlnn a ull 
thoAiriCAl irar.TH doep, luelal bound; lecood oualily, 
ra riTotk nod liurrx to each tniok, 9S Incti, $).S9; S3 loch, 
ILtS: £llncli,|*-A loclMdluKaSlDCh trmr. metal boaod. 
Tariiu caih Id advann. C. PATTERSON A CO., 

laN. WInihBtreet, PhUmltlphly Ftk 

Bargaius iii Show Property!! 

T*ijui, ran*. CaiirM, llariieta. Wardrobe, Tat4«aux. rWBt- 
luia. lllu«io[i«, Ouriiia. Muiical loKtrutneota. MaiiUlaoa' 
bupplleii, HmclaItT AcIm and Show Property of tvery do 
aorlplluD, DIHTClIUAr. LUlu MOt nn r«r«ipt ol aiamp. 

nilAa B OBIKFIN. tfufaro. W. Y. 


Dnpllcaton, l««tler Copy Bookt, reqalrlna 
no prveri, Uubber Type, Btc, for Prof, and 
Private aae. IIIom. cir., Sample Work, 
Ktc. n-ve on receipt orieglble addreaa* 
\V. U. WlLnUT, USI c, WaehlRgtOB St., 
BoMoa, Uate., V' S* A. 

-A-t I_J."fc>ert3r, 


L^aJ., K...olU.od ADd Coni.dT imU*. Pin. wirlrob. 

And A VMid P.ADlAL A.ldtOA. 

LBTTKHK. I JM WaIIacIi FUw. W«rtilB»tuD. D. C. 





A»Mr»M care DICK f. RUTTON Ct > ■ KopUfloiarr. 



911 TWKKTV-rOURTH BTRKKT, Room 1. 0«d.o. I'lAh. 


WIIITETBKTB. lnin>T<DCillA. Adjtw 

ROT uirv>a. tan HI. baihidoi*. ut 



BAND HUSR.%3!2:Si::i.''ilS£.L^^^ 

KITTIE GILMORE, Dancing Soubretii^ 

J. G. MARSHALL, Codiao and Mm 
J. E. GARDNER, Pfienomed High Tenor. 

mm TRIO 


4i5E.coreswltftWillRossltersg^l|l ff^^ TAYLOR 

P. S.-BestWlslieslo all Friends 


OTUER PiKMSlliit liare 
tlia eiperlence and raclll 
lieinceewarr tA eiecute 
work ibatvlll compere In 
exc«1lenc4 wlt^i the f»- 



Tliu you havn haird no 
much ab«nt In tbe last 
olaren y«an. Wloilne 
and EaBTaTlnR In oar 
Butlneta— Exclu^lToly to 
thvProreulio. Yonr Let- 
ter Uud IsTour buntDeM 
r«pre«eoutiTeand vbouM 
mtkeafcood apptarance. 
Pr«e MmpleH Tor the aik- 
iDK. Uake our orDce 
yoarhauhiuartera. Free 
0., see Daarboro St.. Clilcmo- 


The Costliest, Most Elegant 
andMost Complete Wagon 
Slio¥ in Americaa 

EverylhlDK brand new. Vard lets tban 
flU weeke. lUUfl. RoandTop, 4Uft. Middle. 
Hide Show, Dreaeing Room. Cook and 
llur«e Tent*, made by Gou; V3 lenalbe of 
OeaU, Late«t Improved Gale LlKliU, lA 
'Waaone, and all the Wardrobe) 3t> aate of 
New Harneea. Will be sold In balk. Can 
be eeen at Sprlaaaeld. 

Sprlngfleld, Maei. 



Utett Roofr"nit," pabllafced In NEW YORK EVENING 
WORLD. H«Kulir «J cent plaoo copy to pror«MloDal> 
ModioK card or programuie, lOcoata. OfetaostralloDi 10 
c«ntii eitra. 

"*TnUlBeAll Uleht Tomorrow," Topical 

plMo cApr lOcuu to pnir«uloiuli. *'Toa DoD'l Know 
Uoir UDCh 1 Lore You." AiTAOKed [ur VAlIt, 10 pAru, III 
CWU. UNITEP PUB CO.. W I)»M Bl . Bioomtn, M. Y. 



Theatrical Managers, Amateur Dramatic 
Clubs and Scenic Artists. 

Splendid room on mala floor, 70x90 1 !M 
foot celling, top light, rvnnlng wnler. 
\V«U Adapted tor .o«n« painting or r^ 
li.anaU. 130 Wnat Finl.tik StrMt, 

Near glatli Avenne, Wew Tforli. 

Clark Opera House, 

WINTEO-Oood AttnctlOQi. Will book BtAndaid At- 
tiaciloDi only. Will not book titoi«ihiDoo»etineUon 
etch waelL Open tine Ftb. 27. ffl. a. Addren 

L. B. BABSBrr, L«KSe«aad Uanaiter. 
P. U.— BanMorioen, pirataa and inltaiore will ba 

Musicians Wanted, 

BAND. Hunt b« flrateUM, itrkllr uborADd rell.blo. 
A.l(lr«o, >IAtlO|tlov«ituUlTi>«r«Mk. 

CHAR I.. OEBBST, UAdlloii.lDd. 


Two Sonbrottee, Couedlauw, Leudi, Ja- 

venllee, and foar lUuiIual and Song 

andDaaco 8|i»clBlty People. 

Addreu UANAOER, cat* ol' UiiDDetraTtiwtriealEx- 
chaogak HI tMarbnni fli.. Chloma III. 


Strone Juvenile Woman, Good B«|ter- 
tolre People, Muslclana, Band and Or- 
clicstra. SEVMOtlR STR4TT0N, 
Fulton. M. I. 


HKOa' KNORUOUH HllOWd. NUff UNHED. Compeieot 
Circu«Ex)>erlpDred MuKletaDn Id all apacliten, Includ- 
loR Oboe«, QuMiei of Htioplioc«s and Trap Drummer 
vlto playa B«1U acj Xylopnooe. MuaiclanBuho u*e a 
elrcup «0Rag«iii»a t u a cnovaoliDce until Uia opaolnr of 
ball allows uatbeatrea I OO NOT WANT. AlleniiaR*- 
meota to be mad* tor antlre feaioo. Tbone wlabloR »ucta 
•oKav*msutaJdr«fa,»uiiaeclrcuiexMrleoc« and low- 
Mt ulary. T. 8 LONO. Moaleal Dlrtctor Forepautb 
and BgllaBrrva.' Oonblofd Btiowik ClrelaTlHe. Olilo. 


N«w tbU w«MD. Uaed ooe month. CompUie iiait* 
«)ulpm»Dt, LABHBD ac«n«rr, dtopik balte carp«L furol- 
iur«,aij pluiii *tUR, dlmucrm. elKtrio appantui and 
llRbtlOR pUotiXU llRhti, eDRiai, dyouuo, awitdiboard. 
Sold eotlre or a«parat« aod cbeap Iiellr«rr now or any 
lime. U. E.B18TOS. Norrhtoeo. Pa. 

ED. A. DICEY, Composer aod Arranger of 


IM BB.'IgCA STREET. B.ilTalo. N. Y. 


Opl«r by Uio UH RollAbk (.ncloM titnp) 

IIEORUE IIICKS. ii w..l.<Ui Hwl. New Y.irt. 



Hailed upoQ rtoalpt of price, Bo. >umpa er 

S B. Wajbloit»n8trML t'tairur>. 111. 

Geo. E. Paters, Teacber ol Hlgk Class Stage 

INU. llartlioQ aiHt UiUted BUL.Chlcago, III. Keep ibli 
adJrmaJL Hatenlw lo ftUoda. 

Wanted at Once, an Ail 'Roend Competent 

mimciAM for y«iiciQt co. 

or BArltont 0lD|i»r 

Sier.rrtO. Wr(u il ooe. eod .Ut4 J..' wbAt roi 
AJdwijBIIAIiKR rnininilBfO.TIplen. Iw 


ALSO, BUaiMBSS bamaobr and AOEKT. iD.t tola 
IddiM ItAllAaBt, OUouV Mich. 



Edna May, 

UANforLlKht Comedf ud Characlen, MAN for Props 
and Small Parte, WOMAN lorJuTealieaand neoera) buil- 
noav, and other UMTnl paople. Doa'i mlirepreicot jou'- 
eelf. SevoD. all Summer. Biate kweat aalair In flr«t 
letter. AddreM 

JOHSWie PHrKOLB. Edreroonr, fl. D. 




Tlle Datohman and the Clrcna Girl.' 
MAH. sa, rro«tar*. Pleaeare Palace, 





NKtV OltlilCANS, LA. 
E. M. BAGHBIUI.N Proprietor. 


Good Performers Wanted at Ail Tines. 

ArtliU plairlaa In th« nelgbborhood 
write at once* Addreu all commnnlca* 
tlona to 

MACe RB¥V0LP3, General Manager. 

Notice to Uanagan 
of Comblaatlona* 


The Oraaten Tank act ever 
Men. lean eU7 undorwaiai 
loOKArthananymao IItIor. 
I hHve a one ewl niae ehaai 
pohttr, and woatd llbe (o join 
eomblskUoD. AotnnBfroni 
UtoaJmlouie*. Addraaa 
1.129 WI8TAR ST.. 
PhlladelpbiA, Pa 
P. S.-I bare e awlmmlnii 
unk for tale. 




A No. I DAor'nt SfaclAlllu. Addrui W. II. HoDOU- 
OALU No. Vn-i >l *A^<hll,em A.e. CmbrMge. Mm. 

Wanted Immediately, 

A High Class Solo U Pbyef 

CO. eut«Allj>AnlcnlArflloflntteu.r. iMpboAid. 

LIVENS. .Mir. OporaHouM.Wutr '- ~ 

C. M. BLIVENS. .Mtr. Oporm HouM. WMKrlT. B. I. 




Soubreitaa aod Juveolles, BIORlnir Opeclaltlea R#llab1e 
managerw OPly. eddrewi HARRIBBURO. ILL._ 

'96 AT LIBERTY '97 


A 1 Bolo CorseUlat; Sober and Billable. Will Dinilah 
tweaty-ilTe pteceiot work eioaly Farm, add., 

OflAH v. 6Pi;AHa Unwell. Mtoh. 
Relerepce fumlabed. Baaophonlam lod A»o Playara write. 






Edison Fhonographs 


FROMtnur RBCORngcuBAP. write KOR FRirES. 
11 E BoaWELLCO., IM La>. e<lMt CbltAHO. 


top.onaflOiSO. one fl6xU0,oDeUil7^ oneUiS10.ooe<OxlOO 
and ooa60ilia Will make Bpeelelprlcei rerthlanoDth. 

BPandgT Blehmnod fttree*- Boston. MMti. 


Oronod floor, llfthted wlib electrlcltr- Drwrioipopala- 
tloD,S,ea>. Warned, a lood Attnctloo for theopenioR 
nlshr, ABOUT Feh. 10 lolft. Now booktne rorihe#eaeon 
ofiafr-T. W. L. FOSTER. Mer. Birbhanpon. We«tye. _ 


roDDdal lA*t. Send BriwD cola lo olimp. lor photo- 
A1«a;> KMUIbloao.w. FBOr. ARKrfLO, 


Mu.«Bm of Aoalomy. IW Boworv, N.w Tort. 


W. 0. NELSON, 

MaiIcIai), tod roDdi ud Judr ■anlpalAlor. F. 8.— B.- 
lUbloMod.Ou.wrlu. AddrtB NEW MILFORD. lU- 

WANTED, Hiulriaiu tbat Doable. 


Laabuwa. UL. Ju. a,TunoalU, BoAhTlU. Flio. I. 

Fbbbuaby 1 






For Eiig°g**"»at» nddr«ii 

Will Rosslter's "Natuial" (Not Forced) Big "Hit." 


No "Pluggers" Necessary in the Audience. 


III Malroiwllun nn*. OU 

h^l " - • ■■ •- - ■ 

Adi> CiklMlI. Blmd Sl« «n. O.nnid. Mutndil. Annla Wllroiuli, MiOclma l(«r<l,ill, 

H»TiJeii.A.W.Holm»,ET«liii nrlllfio. H>ili>w«i(r«.LIIII« Uiirtl.Ciirrlf tlillon. Klli.l r.nei\ llie V.iMliUTrlo. 
Jmla omtl«r. J. H. C.jiiu»l.. FriDlil. Eirls, Wnli.r J. T«ll»l, K«htrln> P.iiiitr. Rmmii Weiiin. Sl.ItVn fbtim. 
CnH.SrtJU, Bom WiDChMler. Netll. BUct, Un IT.UIi. !I«J UrliDom. flatlruJi Ww, Kv« D. rnbuioe, J><l<^ llj? 
wonh, mm FrankllD. Bliaa toil Batca, Loulu (-rallui. Mailon B>l>ll. Belle Black. Oairia Unmnl Clrr ami Jonlai 
Trilla Vvia, Jeaala Vc>t. Lllluin • ^baarar. Adilla Snilb, Mairicli Ulilaia, Well. an<l Mnoroa, an.l niois lo lolkiw ' 
Aliopobll'har of 'filia'a Oood EnooHli for Me," Uiede"<rlMlvo ■onjt iiaowDliin; "flaeai CalhlMD "(IaoIv OwmJv 

alrla." 'yuat Wbat Ihe Doctor Ordered." "Ton Oin't Ba;«y Your Mollicr," "■— "'- ■ •■ — ■■ ■ 

IdMlOlrl." PTor.copl*nnrihaalK>Tehlu,10ceolA XoaePrea. 

"I'm nil Mute Marf,*' "The Kodatn 

WILL ROSSITER, 79, 8 1 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. 

N. B,»Ttie Song Boolis IssueJ by Will Rossller are the BES.T SELLERS ON EARTH. 



ISA, IT. Fir AHLOi s nMCorrlssey, 

UKHt •ncMiifal »n|C»gem«nt «t Carncroit' Op«r« lloace, PlillAdel|>hla, P*^ an act 
eDtlrelr b«w. botvI and up to tlia llmei. Read what the Phlladelpbl* preai hfts lo 
•ay «b«at this engaaement* 

TUB rBESfl. Jmb. ai. U»: Tbe niiihl mdlnfi nuic* hj UllIU Lk Mnr, awLittO hf FnnclH UonlMtey, !■ Dot 
DerelTsaoQDillor, bat Um noBt mynirrlOK ftu«rer wiioeMMl la AmerkA. 

THE rAESB,J*li.n, ItBO: Pint Id r.riorwu the inily mRrrelouii ptydinloRlulptrfoniiMC* of UitlleUUtr 
ud Pnodii MorrlSMr. wIiom eiptrlmeau Id mlai reiillOR nod nyiterlouii pheooaiaoA eroked mtnv fltpr**iiionii 
dfwonilerKDJ adnifniloD. Hudi utouodloglDAUnwioriuaDtAl tekftraphy hara oot t>e«D loeo la rnltidel^iiafor 
aloni tliDd. 

TBE LBOQER: lo th« wat of iMcIal futam on ih» caoenJ proffTiinim« mir be menlloDMJ HIIU« La Mnr and 
FmncU HonlMer. whoM mind reaninf; maiko Ik watched trllh lc«eD IniereKt 

TIIE OALL: MlUle La HirperfonDed RlaRular exp«rlneaui (o mind rMillnir. iiuJtt#d br PntncliUDrrliiMy. 7li« 
andUDcemniMl lo ihorouohly ei^ov (h« tiamplo* of mtiaial leliffrtpby, and weredumbrouoiled with tla«ni;na- 
rioai characi«Tof Hillle La Marit pflrilvnorthepToanunrie. 

TBB aXORTH WERir^N: tfllUe la Har, 'be mlud twJer. e«ve norne nally remarkable exf^erlmeotis PraiKla 
Morrlauy awlitlns Id ihiM oieDlal telefnphr. Tiey are Id JrM a MYioderrul duo. 

TBE fhQUIRER: UlUle La Uar nve ainMtaB|ODliibtii|r»ihlliItloDof mind reading eiperitneala. Id which ilie 
vaaanlaied oy FraoclaHorriaiey. TTiiaacicreateainore talic iDiIda and ouiaida of ilie theatre than aoythlDR we 
biTt aaeo in a lotig time. 

TUB RECORO: The otlod readloftar^ciklty by MlUle La Mar myfitlfled the audleoca aod cramied conaMenble 
•cleatJac talk. 

THE ITBU: UlIHe La Uar, one 01 llieclerereil tidy mind reaJen before ihaAmirlcaii public at the preneottlBie, 
•iblblu IhemoBtatarlllDKexperlineDU, latUtid by Praoic Horriutey. Their comblocdefToria In mentAl tateoraphy In 
ffttnply aatosDdlDC. and the audleooe watch the duo with bnathlN«« Interekt durloR the lime they occop; the nLage. 

N. B.— Haoann, ifyou want a aurebOKOfllca Ihit will adverlliia your Iioiik*. aod occupy fron 20 
to30inliratM or your proinaiDiDe durlnB>nr perforai^nfie, write ki nncMn oiir nennan^niaildreftM, 

NO. 320 BA8T FO'JnTKENTH STREET, Now lorh Clly. 


Alabama Ave. and Broadway, 

BIlO0KI.Tir, R. T., 



K-wery eTenlnir and Satardav 
Brooklya. IT, V. 




Proprietors and 



Acta poaeeaalDg Special Noveltr and Ptrataree of 
CoBiplciaooa Merit partlcalftTly deilr«d. Stale low- 
eat iMlary. Engagement of one or twe weeka. 
natlnee. Opeai all year. The Coloaaal Reeort of 
LAUllBNT HOWARD, Acting Manager. 




TlieprolcflKlonal •nienaloarnho la in nareli of wMnallitor oew to Imiirove hla part, 
■ketcti or act, vlUrlml ihU bonk full of capital hi'a for puri>oKe, aa It conalio of witty 
uyioKA, nita. crotaeaica, huaiorouK pooiry, r«citailon>, moouk>nea, Inany atorlea. boja' 

. coropoaltToD, coouaJruoif, Kunip a|>etches toa»t«, nkeiche* and (nnay matter of eftry 

ottcrlMet. Theanthurhaaliad 30 yearn' prtcticil eKrcrJence lotlie mia»trel anil comeily world. 


u<M*lBi DeWoir Hopper, Primrme A A'eil. Lew Docknader, BiUr Efnmtreoa.Ueo. Thatcher, Peter Dillor. et(. 

Pnat4d la larre lype, haodtomely toeno In co!ora. No aaTenlaeDteDia. A naat book Tor your library. B*Dt to 
any partofttaeUDliMSiaieaaod brftUb DomalDsoa rtcelpt of price, |3.£0. Addrena Auihoraod Publiihar, 

J. MELVILLE JANSON, 1,103 Wilnut 8L, PhlladfllpMa, Pl 




UaTiDR o)M«d Uielr tweDty weeha' eoi 
uie hit, are open for engagemeal*. tI 

refreahiDR irora It 
I^.^?<lBAH-Wood asdlheppard 

Snmeniwlth iheWataonRlateni.orwhIdi ahow their act haa beeu d»ddedly 
proof of the puddlDg: BOSTON 0L08E-Tbe maalc&l aci of Beotly aad 
a orloloalltr, and the uiual ttulTed dop waa oooiplcnoua by blaab»eiice. TROV 

, - .. ^»^yym^^ bare ToDg bMD regarded aa the kloae of niuMca; comMllaof^ bui they are Dot aa 

nuDT aa Beotly and Cameroa. who, la tbilr akettlLy'WIllle Waaui to Bmoke." latmduce many fettarei which are 

deoMedlfDOTel and QDlque. ALBANT MAIL AND EXPKESS-Thefunnleat thing la the WaiH«i Rlaten' Bhow ihia 
week lilLemDaleal act of Beatly aod Cameron. PBILADBLPHIA ITElf-Benllr nod Cameron ate hetnl to good 
adTaouielD their muelcalapeelaUy, "Wllila WaDUtoSmoke." Willie doaUy doen^amoke, but not ondl mclian 
aoaalGg nlamaieorconilcaJlilea hare bean goDelbrouKh that the audiooceHcooTutaed. PORTLAND RXPREft^ 
BeaUvaad Cameron carried offthepalro Id ihelrongioa) akeub. "Willie Waou to Bmok*.** LVNNITEM-Beoily 
udCamiroD'aapeelaUy let the audience wIM with delight Hnr any aiich an act cnuM be fuonler la diitiruUto 
coiieelTa mia act waj quhe the Mt of the «hola aliow. FEB. 17 OPEN- Jui. tl, BIJou, PatanoD. K. J. : Feb. 3, 
Eellh'a UaloQ Bquare, N. Y. ; Feb. 21, Hyde A Bebnaa'i, Brooklyo. Will accept eombloatlona for baUnta of leoMO. 

"W A. N T 3D , 


PBBPOBMBRS IK ALL BRANCHES (eitepl ridera). Concert People whocan chaaRO acU ofuo, HuHldaLoa to doable 
■inngul braaa. Prelenoce glren to a few married eoupiea who can do atroDi double and aingle ipMlanlea- Lailea 
laaitbeilDierBand dancera. Can aa« aBrotherAai who can aU do bare. rrB-BTerTooaeaula tamp aod alaep 
atbouix. Wf ■ -' '— 

ecanrcanTw moD, hat eipect everybody tA huatle Id en eraenteocT. Ko objeciloni to adtaoclDg 
..v.,u „ are koown. LoDg ensageneot to the riKht_panle«. Kickera, booxera, dlaorgaDltera. ailtaura or-* 
chippy ckaaara. oare your atampa. iddnaa BLUB HOU.STAIN JOB. or oa per route. I'elier, a C. Jan. ff-Feb. 1. 


nrmSDRO dispatch 8AYR: "HIm DuiewI I« a aario caoile y UCII ABOVE U:s ataniiai" 
^'I'TJ^'"''' SATS: "Riu DuiaDd. a rouDf lad; of pJaailnn faca and Igoia. aaiit har vaj Idu laturvllh 

a HUJIbIb of onoiCE MlacUoon" 

FlrraBBBO ITEM BATS: "To haar Ilia lannil SI NO acouplaofaaBHill WORTU alone thaprlcaof a^BlMloo.' 
Opan Uaa, rabnarr O and aftar. Addra'a >atg or CLlrrER. 

MAHAOBIU •ho rie looklna for a n»l. aniatic and raalU nBST CLAJ8 VUSIOAL ACT, drop la at 
EEITb's UKION S<)VAHB thlaaxkand aa«<balianUiln>ol 

Ibar hara MOTBLTIBB and aoma opao tlD*. ATLIRKRrT for noil Haaaoo. ' A«Ji1ra.# 



*M bar at BOIf TOM THB4TRB tbl« WMfc. AMnm mil cooimaBltalloaa ftir Cor- 
■KUat, KatelUt^raallaerCorBalla Broa,, lo 

PBTB COiUIAI<LJI, SOT Canlor Arc, Chltago, or care of CLIPPER. 


S^^'JiE""*")*^ DIDIllf UBIDIBR. ihaebMp- 
taat,aMraaa lOLURa TBaHDuT^ 

Biadqsuton, Btaumii, Can. Oa., iTt 


B«ir AKD cHEATzar. wB AUoniiunaaiOArTO 
Ajir ooarAif T at rAOioiT prioo. 





Til wiins 


In their Novtl tnd Refined Boxing Act, Introducing Mrs. Whilo't. Clever Work «n <he Punching Bag. Managors desiring thli acl iddrail, Ihll 

At Liberty, to Join Comiiination or Play Dates. 


Blaoagcn irlll flnd It itroninlilc t« plaj' mi nrt orniir iIr.irrl|>llon lirrniisr II In nml rliis.i, bIwrth iiii In tlnto hiiiI rrplcto Yiith 
pood Rlnglnp, and one of the grfiilPBt Coiiifilj Ads brfnro llio pnlillc. I'cr. ml. 2M W. IIHTII .ST., N. Y. Clly. 





AoarlnR plantation akelrh. InlrcMlarlnfi (heir DUMMY MULE, PRTKIl. Jaal rloaeil a I Wfinly wrrka* aeaaon with John P* 
Flelila* Drawing Carde* and have alffntHl ronlrarta Tor lite l*roctur'aClrrult for u t'cha of F4<lt. .'I, 10 nn«l I?. <:an lip «ngo||eft fbr 
nexl aeaeon, flnt cluaa cotnblnatloneonly. Periunnfint nililr««ia, 4H l*)| Hnventli Nirerl, N. Y. City. 


Kin. It OD: Sin.. UID; Sin., |7JU^ Selo., tM>: Wio 

HilSclrcu. lnmlii.« compl.ta. lim ininkvSOj^xlJ 
lnJld^ It a. Lllho Imoka. aHiatall lDal<la, tllU. Strapa 
and ikel.lon followers II S and tl*). dli |.i»l iin ro. 
MIDI of 13.00. bal. 0. 0. D.. aieapl".*r ajOlnil.^ Ihen r»- 
mlt aliole amounL Mu.lcal In.lninHni, ticket aod man. 
aEo;.' tnnk. to onlar. HaltAn Ha«k(ta.with tiar. ItDlnR, 
corar, alt.. OIn.. IIUO: 99ln.. 111.01: «hn.. lUto. Baa- 

''•Rfl!te°cS,?"""riffiL trunk FA<nj>RT, 
U-U Korth 7lh Btreel, PhlU'lelphla. 

Baiab. im. 



Rand for Naw CalAluKiia 




TbedalatieitaeDtlmeota) ballad oTer written, ami 


A boauiirul 
ly IrlHb luTA 
loOK, catchy manic, aung wlili great uictea* )■)- joha 
E. BreDDAn lo "Tim. The Tloker " PrareMlonal roplea 
lOWDta. A. IIUWTLEV HILLfl. BlnahaeUon. N V. 




PIrat Claaa American Plaa Hotel. Raua. %AOi to t^iJO per 
da/ Nniad for ifae excellence of Ita euliloe. Lofaiml 
wiihin oDeaquareor tlirae nratcUM ihealraa. Mr. Jnhn 
O'Dnnnell, Tormerlr head waller at llia Huniei llouMe, 
Qow lia« charge oriherllolni rmm In thia hotel. 

II. B. miNBAH. PrMitleot aod ManaRar. 


Nnw eD roate thrmih Eiini|>«. 


Kaoioua Pre*tltlt(ilia(nr arvl Wniri) . 
o<|ulNt, ajHl company nf flrnt cIahh 
arllfU (II r*ople). hra'lMl lir hla 
lireat Beoaailon, the aceriiiiti|lB|ii<l 



Write for 

tH Boeih BlefeDlh fltreaU Plilladely^ila. Fa 

hhi luij. TO mi. 

Located od one or the moat |>riinilDent coroera lo Brook> 
IfD. Caf^ LodeeorBlllian] Roomn and Howllna Allera, 
all complete aod new. Porrartlrnlaracall oraddraaito 
Baahwlcfc Are, and Meaerele Hi,. HfoolilFo. W. Y. 



OLD RELIARLE ilOUBE. N.uro Wfia, SOc. uo: 
Ulreaaalan Wliti^lA u^: Auiu. WIjin, is up; 
BoubratleWliiLUon. Wi|t oT avar/daaerlp- 
tlooDiadoTO OHDKR. lUnd lUnip ror price 
hat. IieW««t»lliBl..naar»liA«a.,WawYork. 

Oirous Canvasese 

Teatt of All Diicrlptlni NiHfictirit, 

U. B >. rlHKELT. IB «oom WiaoL Tork OIlT. 

Jinaston, N. Y, Allsi Opin. House, 

UBS aod IM. ftaatloi eapatllr, I.KD. for opao diut, 
addroaa U. f . ALLEN, f >anir and Maoainr, 
Jaaiaalowo. W. T. 



HuAri, Attraction for OienlgK of New Opera 

UOUHE. B<JWEN. ILL., ABoCt FFH. 15. AtiilllnrluD, 
tOtUlL aCUoparm chaDa. Oood liouw for a good tniuia. 
Addraaa IIAIIRT B. MAMII, Maoaner. 

Fine Ptioto of DAN EMMEH (auto. 

ORAPII). eathor c( "Dlile Leod," aalltd u> aor addre«a 
00 ree4iptof»c WAHP ABTirrUDlO. ML Vemno. O. 


1BiUI.BiDi>eor«1nDi>le. AlaoOna Hao4 Wacoft. Lfwa 
TolrienwrtU. A. W. ■eCORMI':iC.><aga«er.i7alllpo»a,0. 


DREW COATB AND TEiiTR. « lo III. Larae Block, rur. 
rwpoDdeoea aallcliad. TllOfl OIBN LOAN, KTUEAilE 
AND BBB. CO.. »ll FrmnkllB Ate . Ill t«.ol«. ho. 

Wanted, to Jobi a Horizontal Bar Team. 

I DO DOL'BLER. Addrav 

WILL JONWI. Bad W|D». Minn. 


All tliu InitMirlniit Kvcnln In the 


or the I'ant Ycjir, liirliiillnir 



The book In llheralljr llliiHtruted wlUi IIAN»S01NK KMJIlAVINd.S of Nfltf4 I'erforDc 
en in tli« llramiillr anil VninlerlHo World, 


' THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Clipper Dulliting, New York Clly. 


"Come Back to the Ones Who Love You." 


(PATllETII! 1 A Mini that al.i •n.laii.o fur Ilia .Inii.r. Rnilnr*! 1<T AXV I.KllLIK, ilranialla rrllloOIIKIAllO 
l.AILV .S'KWH. .!olti|ilBta nrdiaMra |>.rl. .ml roiit tn llm i>ri>r.vlitn, ID emit. H..ail In 

! A irr.ALr. t:|il(a>ii.i.r AllTIII'Killl.LFill'IKn»lar RapliU la. 

d ' vimilllH <ir IIOVK" III i raiorailiin WATIMI TIIK tlLIPfin. 



Oh, Poor Bridget 



wlUi liiiiiicuiio HiircwH, I'ror. roulcH ror r> 2r. Hlaniiw. 

J. V. UIIOKNK A <'<>., lU, U.nnlBnatii ». 



iroit 'VUK NKW 

r»cM>i>lo'w Tlw-ifitiNN TT|i<'«i, IS. Y, 

WAIfTKD— rare* Cotnnty, VaadKTlll* anil Uralaalln Iforiblaallona for tha op«B> 
Ing anil later rtalM. Aiao flrai claaa Piano Playpr. A.lilrmo 

P. M. CIM>L.K¥. M'K'r. UlnfbaiMlai., N. V., until V«l>. 1| arier lliat Utlca.N, V. 


; PRICE, 26CT8. EACH. 

THE ll.NlTKi) NTATIM I'ltlNTINU CO. (llimMll it Morgtn I'nrtorlcH), 

liftli and Look Btomita, OINOINNATI, OHIO. 

Wanted, Attractions That Possess nerit,at Theatre Fraoeais 


llpaOBaiaConl!nuMuarrrlrirn)anritTh»airA MO.*<DA V. KF.K 31. IfM Nriv«rile>, K(;*rlaltl>aani| Atlrartliini tlikt are 
flntclaM wt alvaTaharaoten lliiierdr. W* alu tf AMT OKCIlKHrKA "f ttnt murallian ali t,\nr:m* MaiiiMra muit 
iMftdlxtr. rr4iip«t*ntar(i*i- IW>«>r'>r HUKkCtL WANrRI). vli'i maat Im 'itiirli U'irly. WIIKN YOU WIIITK NAHB 
HAI.AllV IN ^IltHF LKTTKK AU enrtmii^Any.* tinmht i*%iUU»u*f\ u* J K HKtlHKTX. Akhui, Itixiiii 14, Barrni) 
BimIi. Mnnireil (*«na«U. AnUlJi De«i] tiiae ii'> time lo I'layInK Mifiiratl. aa It ran i>fi raadiifl In im* dajr Trom 
a'l pninii f iceft riilcain. 


Tli« IVe»tei( ■■d Moal Comlorl«til|r BqalppMl Wag«a Rhow !■ Kaleteac*! 

WANTKlX-'l'M'ple In All Rianth#if>r Ilia flircun Builnau. eicapt fli(lnri,Tr'rn|.eitrDoiaan') floata, Moal 
ciaiiH. 04icert I'r'fi' e. Vnu UUHT U HRHroitHEKH 804 hare p^f!.! »ar1roU. lar*i aitvancafl. Ifjrnaeaa'l 
KaliiD tn II a aLuv. <l'in'l write. Ad lreaa llKfi. HL'IITCII. tint HH, llkwrdnln. Ont. Cinada. 

the: RE:A]:^'rHiNo iiv ecoknxicic oomisdy, 

PraMfilloca 17 mlouU (^oine^rHkiK^li (ha la .iPMrvlnv vftlia mmR.Mnd ran mahn «cx>d ear "U plana. WBWH 
OY f RH. I0-I7-M wide o|>eo. Haoaiera wllli inunar avi f>rliicli>l*i a«1i1r*M 

(IKO. 1.IMAN. IM K T'liirutnlli Rlraal. Nee York. 


I jDor ngpKEii, iwueui'i mlou. 

tnia«.lla«ll«qd..niaba, Ta«ii1l .ialrt_MB^rBMfa 

im. ImlTParaula 

BeaaulaMarabtmpM* MMtoULOau 

, BairatiT.a.r 


Febbuaey 1 




ClMta»aU«-Eel«iift MoJJeOft had been « slok 
voau all Ui* Vf«k,iolBtea«Um»)i«roDDdltloD wu 
ooo»llinddisi«roai. llcrlUHMwiiitriooawoaibfer 
tk* eiMUiUoD Dot ODij or h«r CiDctaoill osiMwiut, 
b«tthatfttCbkMoasv«ll. Jaalaowuc*imotb« lUlid 
«llhc*fUlatr«hMiib««IUniontbfr loar. The Utr 
■cutMbMboiDftpfttltntvafftrtrat the Biinit flout*. 
H«r pbrtldHU, Dr. OiIm T. Mitch*)) ud Judm T. Vbli' 
tftk«r, lMa«d MTonl tmUttlu. It wu knnouc«d thii 
llo4J*tk» T«i ftOlletH) with pfa)*KinulA, & Mrtomi tlh 
mMit, kAlotoibtooil nn)tIo|trroiD Id* laopr ilnor* of 
ft T«m Isjutwl or torn (n mb* muiD*r, poalblv fnm » 
irlraln. tbli«lotvulQ th*JanLu'T«lo.«iK] the iw*ll- 
iDCoo lb* l*ft*M*or Mo^Jttht'iDicli wM T*rr pftJofdl. 
Anr nioTODiMt of th« *m wuftlmoitlmponllil*, ■«! 
itMftCtftiivuTlrlatllf h*lp)*u. Il*r conpuf ge**lo 

UUMD Oni* Hoi-Mit.— "Dr. Kf olu" wll) hm v*te«aid.,fti«a old fiiiDd. pmiBtod brD* Wolf Hopp4r 

ftBdbUopomeonipAav. HulBmlUi Romll'iwcsgMiuot 
pmad fim neeaMnL -Ut. Vftl«otlD«'* ChrUttnu" 
•ad **Aq Bvot Dtf Mfto** prarod to b* aa mmpuM* 
doabtoblO. lMf«vA« noolB* nrtotltfto mRomi)) 

w «L _ 

MBobAcr«,b**Tb«B|r*lt,''ud th* lut oivhia w«n 
tb* BOft BoUbl* of Ui* voek. Th* a«ort« Edw&nl** 
OpMm Oo,. la -m» BiMllioor." P<b. a. 

WAurtTT BniiT TiiATMi.-Piaof DftTOopert comw 
tM* "lllifDODilL" Hodjvikft'i HliioM eauMd rb« honio 
T*Dula dftik all lait **r)c. Clwr Pltaitmld, lo "Tbo 
FooQdHoit," P*b.a. 

FOOtfTAIH AlDAHB TiIUTHI.-'TIi* roullg flhOV" 

Ma»*4 Into ibli oolir boQioM. hot Vorooaft Jatomi ud 
Jotu B. IlooiUv F»bo))«d M*lD>tpUrloK for "* r»lac*d 
iw4r." Al) tb* othor tftrorltu ramftiotd lo iho eaat. 
"Tb*Dml*r*' pkTMlto|oodbu«lD*u lutwHb. '"lb* 
DovTUAaetloo^'rih i 

Uicci'a Onu llucni.— "ftftved from Ih* Bw" wu 
putoaB. "FuiiL" praMDied br MorrUoo'i rompaBr, 
dldftiifo*boilo*ululwo«h. "Th* WliliOfUt" Fah.L 

Fiiuiira TiPATiiL—"T1i*fllar*i or HouliL*' * drft- 
mfttlallOD of "Tbo B*it," br tfowaid 11*1), wOlb* nitoa 
by tb* Mock comunr B. L* frvrvi MtrilavtU. Pnuk 
orftOfftr, BiDiunftrTU, an-l KInituid AlttopnTkl*) Ut* 
Tftrt*i/, '*nii Blncti of N*w York" dnv airl/ w«U lut 

Thi AODlfOllUM.— Jo*OU lolTftlueu'Th* m*r(lu4r" 
W. lArt w*«lt "Tbo v«od*ti*" wu prUNiiiil tn fkir 
Kliod udwftcM. Til* eofflpurr«ori(an|uii hero, oBd W. 
II.O|d«a,OUnnc«B«IUIr,J.V.T*rr*«OLBil««rd Nlcio- 
il*r,V(llUm ITftltor, Jobo ArHi*r, Al woitoo, Otort* 
HowaM. Arnold U*w^Jun*4Woir, (i«on*uibuD, llorrt 
Ronokfn, faaal* Artirl*. K*i*Ecb*n-0ilioa aod Rath 
Ttal aoB wor* lo Ui* cuL "A CoiinirT llMthaot" Pob.3. 

PlOfLre TlUTlB—Al. R**r*«' Bis Rhow opoofl ». 
Tj* IrolB Irottaan* Bljt RpKlaUr Oo. tar* * Mreog nlxiw 
u» iplaadu i>wls*n lut woak. fibani'i OctoreoDi P*b. 1 

BRR k AriRV'H Mtmtoil.— Rllft Bwloi, Ihi Miuoirl 

filaBt*^^; flapialB lllBinu), Mtud HL CUTr.Wlouu «ml 
aptalB Povoll w*To ili*f4n1«lo eoriohkll 77. Oupoatl 
and AiUta. Alalia and Uouri, Will lotl A»l* Baioo, 
llarvT Wblb.,ili» JoaolBK^aiu Nan11o*od yiol«it»M>- 
poarwd la tt*ruDlIr iboatr*. BulooHUfalr. 

Oooairor thm Lomt.— W. 0. Daornnli, laaaBnr of 
Mn. Tom IhtunJ); wat la town lasl«**h.. . ..Uaaaftr 
OtonfO. BakaroflUoek'n. wu eallod toCtDttrrllla, 0 . 
narlDgtlww**kb7 th*il*Bth of hU broib«r-la-Uw, Ed. 
Ruin Lllr|i*ntoB wai ihoo a JuditnoDt of $10* 

ntKbtrorHrooBlBhUHij Alu fnrknaeoompanUtaKalait 
MaoanrBooU 1ii\tliaHobloBi>D'«Upiim lloui* ^cbo. 

HBoaterCbarl** /.(ramarmtn hurrlod kom* frem 

lDdlfta*polla,batliu r*ioni*d U> duty at lb* EoipU*- 
HU ea«* of tlinBUBod dlt>li(li*ri* tunwd ont fortuaaulr 

to bo'plaln ion threat J . W. McKlon«y In gl^d to bit 

liaek with "tlH p*op1«" Bm fltam wuhanoU wttb 

T*rr proad of* diamaod rlOR that wu a Niw T«ar*a n- 

nanbraoo* Tnm fooor l>ar*owin Maoanr 

Joba A. Amy wu la t)otamuo« * f*w lUr* 

ato MidiDi* Albaol U eomioa to tho I'lk* 

1«U la Pobrou-r cifao* iruk*ll. or Ntw York. «lll 

ba Iboalolit al tho nait oooeort or th* Orpboaa Ohb. 

BlaacbaOouU Eb'jcrt wu tb* planUtatih* coDc«rt 

or Oollcjr* OrabtBira at th* tM*oo Jib, 3S Chir- 

lotl* MacoBil* wa* th* aolol't ai th*t'op w. R tu 

d*a wu naOritaibcd lo ih* du*l acoo* lo'-Tbo Via- 

tU(*«i" a W. SL iMhlall. ao*Bloaitl*t at U* roopla'a, 

hairvcoTorwd bla boarloK— th* roniltoraaaecaaafulop- 
arBtloa-afUroliht j*aTi ordtafhou Maaaior Jobo 

II. BaTlIahaibaoQ roRt. I^iadurloithowetb Tbn 

JoDBtwt acrobat la th* Tnlil JidR* Paaall/. wlilt Irola 
TOthvra, waa lojorod durloc the act «arljr iR*!)!* w**k 

and It bad to b* out out or th* bill Tor a timi /4lla 

Nlcolana baa iod* lo Be. Louli. 


ll«w HaT«ii.»At Ihe Hyperion Keltar came 
Jaa. 0,10**1 ondUnco wbteb leitad th* eapaellyof ih* 
hou**. Ourltf tho roat of ili* wo*b th* tfaoatn «*« 
doTotod to laoal •Dt«rulam*ou. Duialaii: "A Vllb 
^hlUFla|*'r,SB, "Hlioro Acna" 31, "Moiihara Llibia" 

tlUND (h'liA lloviut.— "DoooOb tboSuwui** RIvar" 
cano to oicMlaot raioru D-tL aad vu foUowod br 
"A Boworr Qltl." n A (oauodloernomoBlf at ueh 

porfanainw. BanT.Jaflb'aOomodrBDd BnrloiiiaoCo. 
la"arUeda<' eoin** ff7-0: Dot la A lC*o|b'a "Rgaa 
Oltr« avrabTi. 

mu'a WoiDiHUiiD Thuthi.— Th* rtirular vMkly 
roport of bl| lm*lD«u ODatlouH th* nit* hora. Thfa 

w*«k: Thna Blaur* OoniiaT, ti'Brloa aod llavol Cko 
floH aod OarlaUHi, Watorborr Biuh aod Kenoa, llajo«a 
and Rodaoad, tbo Mat lakfi, ltd. BaookBr, McLoao and 
Uall, aod llany Moor*. 

' Brlig«f«vt— At tbo PBTk Cli; Tliealro "Ttw 
TwaatlBUipoolary Qlrl'* playfd loa rair houao Jan. U. 
Th* OmtonoBoot«tr hob u a erovdod hoaiw 31. Com- 

lai; BaadboTraaOtH. ' 


Aooiioauiti.— UocolB J. Carlor'a "Vut Mall'* nr,ad 
thohooBOBMI. "Oo«BOBth*BORaB**Htv-*ri"Blli»da 
fhir boaaa. "Ilaod* Aoro« th* Roa" Old a mod ItaalsaM 
ItudM. Oomlai: "lUM la BlaTory" n-», 'Tho Jaa- 
wr"r*b. 1. 

NopBR'aCuiiiia— lotaad Bra All«o. Uorr ickktii*. 
DoUlo DariP, M*bl* lile* bdo N*Ui» HJoatdP. 

ALiiayoBi Mrnto llAi-ih— Burton aod D* Alnio, Emma 
Ooirallj, Lola Loali* and Alio* Donlhy. 

BiKRiD'i Mrmu IliLU— Tnm (llbaw. II*)*d Ua)r« Bla- 
tara UlUMtfa, a*B*Ta Atd*ll and Bana*! Maraor. 

Ilsrtlbvd.— At PnHtorl Open nome biiBlitaBB 
OiiBllBD** ■«■]. "Ruih Olli"eoia** Jaa. llott'a"A 
Milk Whilo PUa" e. au, "fh* 1^1 Mall*' il, -^HuOb 
Aero** tb* B*«^ K«b. I. Mumtv aod Haok. In "riaol. 

K'a-BaU,"dld mod UuhIdou JO, "JoUf Uld Oinma" 
only ralratiaadaao* II. * Uumaolt}*' wu votconod 
by a |WM •odlaocaU. Kollar wu ■rulod by a Uriro 
ftudltaooO. "DowRoB lh*H(ioao** Bii*r"draw hri* 
a«dl*0B*iBt.SS. "Hhor* Aoroa" I* buok«d ror r«b. i. S 
)iOTn.-J*w*ll llalLV. M. U. A. BnlldtBr. olll hav* tha 

lint Baaual«attbuwr-K*b.l II. A. KoltaraiKloir* 

w*ra lb* gattu or Marolaa rr*d J*w*u whll* k*r« S. 


NaahwIllv.'At the VeDdoine Tlicitn 8tier«ooil 
CoQoort aad OporaCti.ouD* Jao.U. boi ovlafi to tbo 
T«ry laol*m«it atat* or neath*? liad T*rr light bQR[a*H 
OU* Bbluar p1v*d a rtlorn dal* O, protaDtlag '-ViHod. 
tb*V4nboad,"toaUrg*aadl*ao«. Edwin Bllioa Roylo 
In "ftloBd^'' dun* <r,>iaod oajoifd trood boalo*a«. 
Tba boaaa -wu dark IT.S1, uwli Mont»oa conMU-Poli. 
1, lllcbu4M«njiU4ld P«b.S,UanrrlTvlDg tod fUloo T*rry 

Nbw Hiaotit'TitiiTHa— Padfiawabl gar** ro«lt«L3X 
to 00* or tbo larsoat audleowaor ih* aaaMio. faoch 
Hoiwtaoa Rap«n»rf Oo. oniilml out th* *«ok ■( poiiu 
tar prioaa aad will alao r«maio waofc or<T. 

tlUKDOriHA Uoi'Bi— ThNhooa«wudarb all ol lul 
w*«b. Lillian Lawla, la "Ol*opatrm,"coma«sa 

■•Mplila.— At tbo tlraiHl Opem Houae '*TDwn 
Toplea" fteaaod tb*p*ot>)* aod had a«acc««*l\il*anKa- 
tnost Jaa- BX II. INiboo Ua1<*rtaoo*at:oBiadr Co. dkl a 
ffood bBBlaw* at roduood rrlo*4 ll-V- l^onviklliad 
aa InmaaaaadvaneoBaHrurti. tJtara Marriaoon«« f7- 
.H), Bobt. InnnoU 31, U«nrr IrrlDg Fob. X 4. "rrlaoou 
BoabIo" ft, «. 

NBV Lucira TiiUTRa.~iMU6klBB*i uptB«l to a a 
Raaadlwoa.dowB aulr«,Jaa. blptomoiibk "Villon 
tha VagalMMd/^ llo gov* "]|aBil*l"tl. aad "IIU Orac* O* 
4lranoM«t*' al tho matio** and sight or n. Bioaodloglj 
Uotomont w*aihir«*rKiuau loierfbiod with hia baalB*«i 
aftarthoAntalghL Tb* Bh»rwood Op*ra and Ooarori 
Co. bad an audl*n**or modont* pnponton* SI Joba 
naD*rty.tol«oC«r*oa *'lt*laDd."lt,iiu mdproirocu 
for a roBBtailriahaBdlaoc*- l.«oU Hurrltoa connan- 
«, MIODi* Badara-yiakaBX BIchard MaaadaU .11. Fab. 1. 

Avoinmira.'Hnb aod Air. Tar lot i*«tar«3l. 

Oli««t«MMB.— At Ibt New Open llouaa 
^Itowlag U* WlBd" t-aoi* to f^lr t>ualB*M Jaa. ItV. 
*'Krl*Mir* liajod t«u olahu ami ntaUaoa, Vaftail, ig 
■mall atiMdaoQ* ^1 algbia aad a gooil inatlao*. I'utlll* 
D'AnnioptayMtoaracktd bouia,at adTaocwd |>rlc«9, 
U. COBilDi: l*uafibnob*rt*ooP*b.3aodw**k. 


KOBL A MiDDiJfOjra Pal* * MmicH -Por V util 
w**k. plaDha'aHoBiC. A.BooooT. com. Hp«:k. A. R«n. 
rnnk UvU,Mall*Tr Trio, tha Andar«oeaaad tM M. K. 
UaotoyDfaoatict^). Good aiUB<lBDc«. 

Dalai h.^*aiorlaaA** came to Ibe Tjceum Jao. 

n SI. aa4 garo poor »Uar«clloB to Hihl hoiloia. 
"Bbor* Acr**"cniB*aai. B- "Kaotuma" Pai).3.4. Bonu's 

Baadft. At Ih* Parlor Tli*aU* Ibli wMk: JlmMorrl* 

■o*, H4. Karkap. PrlBca Paul. Laurloo, Garile llaj**, 
M^l* Caraw.Tom Whits. Toor Jor>aH>o. Prank Dono 
vas, Ulaato Hi. Clair, HarUia llamllloo. Carrie Horrta 
tot flortRca eiiaw. 


BalUBaor0.«A abort ec«MD ol Wagnerian 
opira. In Oorrnaa, wu loaogarattd at ilarrl*' Aadtmy 
Ju. IT, b/ th* DoDrosdi Op«ra Co., preioailog Tana 
hauer." which «lll b* rollow«<1 b/ "Oi* Walhure," 
"flilgrrold" aad "Dl* M«lil«ralo|[er." Tho lolllal au- 
dlfooo wu larg* aod ooibualuilc, aod tlieHleiorth* 
aorio* la Htliraet/irp. Jam** J.Corbrit «ill nil Aut tho 
walk la hIa aaw play. "A Naval OadfU" 'The War nf 
WaallL" did fair)/ wall, cloalog » LIlMao Houoll \m 
b\Utl for P*b. 1 fOi* olll prcdoco "Tho Uvtldtn ol 
Tntli'* 7. for tho flrvl tim* oo any atare. 

roBD'n Oraiu Uoru.— 'Tliarlar'a Auot" retiira*d Jan. 
tr to floJ InnwU In uodlmlnlaowl ra%v>r. finod alud 
ao^foncM nlod vlUi 'Th* Gay ParUlan*" v, a. Oo 
F*4. 3 Fruk Daolala hrioga 'The w[£4td ofihoNlle,'* 
wlJch la avAliad ■Kli a Rr*at ilul or tnlonai. 

llorxiOir Btrrbt Tiibithk.— "Dovn lo Dlilo." with 
U)U aterllog ohi rarorlto. Milt. 0. Ihrlov, caran (u two 
paikod liouau Jan. 27. CbariM A. riardnor lixl a i;(mm1 
wtck, •oillog tt. Donooll)' aod Uii^nl, lo "Th* Ilala- 
iDskara," Feb. X 

nowiRD ArumiHica.— Wobor A FIbM«' Yaul^rille 
(Tlib flilod Una handMmo pUy lioui* ai oaeh MrOir in- 
ane* Jaa.27. Roiull HroUiara' CominlUn* ilM a e^O 
buiio*M iiKtwook. P«h. 3, Lochharl'i t«rrornlDg olo- 
phtntiaDd WotHir'aOlvmpla. 

KhuvaVh HoHPiiRTiLTiiiATni.— a bill hOBro fre«t«il 
111* Londoo Oaloir Glrla Jan. 27. The Orlrniol Btlnm- 

?uxa (fO. had a good w««k, oodlngS). Ttii Sot Vork 
udOTlHaBUTBarodo* F«b .1. 
Oiari^vra Ciitus TiiiaraR.— Xew Jan. 27: Hanr 
(lardoar, Ih* II*«l*lU and Uarry Prolleh. 
ROTim.— Tlio Foror riuliwlll liokl a rcwp'Inn al llioir 

n«« linmoSO .llany Uoilioi. lormarlv u( rhn Kcceo- 

tris Poar,dl*d ataboaptul In llii«cltr:rl TlKJoor- 

oallaia'CfabhurtmoTOd to S»>. 14) Kut Parelt* Hired, 
naitdoorio ih* Holiday BtrootThontr*. 


BB«(«.«GftrleU)n Oper« Co, plajcd a rour DiglitB 
eoiiag*mMt al MaRulro'a Opera Uouao, coaioiinclog 
Ju.lii.tollght itialoeu, oirepiloit ihe opooing olihi. 
wb*B tho houie waa packed. '*Tlii Cltirlir Qlrli" and 
"IboLllyof Klllamo?" wan tli* bill ror the nrai iliroe 
ol|lit«,aod "The Bolieiiilart airl" Tor Halunlay matlooo 
and nliltL Mr. Cartaionliu a rtry mail company with 
hiai u;1b Hawn aod no chonia at all. lllnniKaiiotnoot 
hwowaalo Ui*oaiuroof adaelded rroatvliencomparrd 
wUi hi* ronoor rccapllnDa lo BiUta Joo Cawthnrn 
opan* at thla hoaae 31, for thrao niRhtt, In *'X Fool fnr 
LtCk.** Advaac* aalea ladlcal* falrliuiUnru. OomlBR: 
Jameii B. If acklo. lu "ariinsa* Collar Door." 77-39. 

OiNixo.— N*« (km: Plorane«8iat*riL llnl^loven: Dig- 
nur MolliOB. Mark Darey, Browo and lloari, LIIIIeCarMo, 
AI*BRUl*r«.MIaBiB Fauch*lll, Julia I.lQlnn TMlfitotk 
<la)f, Wcn.Malaaand Mabel Poar), aod Uvam eand L* 
B*ur(alRlli w*ek), Th* curtain ralaer lUu-ookla Lo- 
Taml*A Lotkur'arondon or "Hold In BLareiy," l>y rite 
CailBoHiarHiArk (V>. R*la OauBh, ihA brifchipmilctiUr 
lync Rlaror iheOuIno, rloaml a tw*lr« nonka' eoRiito- 
maiit Halurdar olghL llorinaor lrlrDda«Ill r(er*l tn 
letro Ihal abu nai lo«t li*r voice. I'hyalciani allribuia It 

toourhlih allltut1o,ahd hold uurhi>i>a)turr«c<iv«rr 

Iguiaaer Marknbudecldeil toproflfola feiiulo luoiLall 
same lo ihe nearrnturo. 

. M«M 


•I, Panl.^AI Ibe Metropotllu Opcm llouio 
bualataa wu nib*r light with Kolll* Mclltnry. IQ-n 
Raltir an4 Martla'i "I'acI* Tem'a Cabia" or«B*d toa bl| 
hoi^lBtM Xl'B. Jam** U*ni*'a 'ttbora Aona" «( niu A 
lor w*a>. "Tbo Browol**" w»*k ol Plb. 1. Masagtr 
Beottlaitlllab**BtlBN*wYork. ,^ ...... 

tlRiNu.— lualoa** wu big we*k of \9, with llaaloB 
Brv*.*"FaotaaiDa." "Th* Land ol tboUvleg" «oui>aH, 

Jo*llart,lB-'Ai)*rt>ld Bo),"eom*a Kab.1.4, 

j«Bd e, "A Mlgbi Ihf," by * - — * • 

boat* wUlbodarkB 


r hxal talent, 7. Tb* 

OLYHMa-For waok or IT: llomr aod Star, 0'N*lll 
and King. B*dl*TaTrn*U,t)H)k and KUor, Lllliao Taa- 
nor.U. B. UaMear,Bau Yug«rand th*itock. ButlD*« 
e«>BUaoM |Dod. 

BoOB(ia.-Pur w**k or 39. lb* uioal varloiy pairurm 
aecawlil b* gl? an. 

MlBBMpctli.— At tbe MeiroiMllian opora 

lliiui* lh« "Br\t«ol»a" oroua Jan. f,, for tbo «o*k. 
*-HliOr* Aci*«** « lU l OOt* Fab. /, Ikt mv«b alaht*. Kalior 
A Nanla'a'-t'oel* TOfD'n tiaLla*' tto. had Ughl boalB*!* 
IP tl. and KeUI* Mclloar; dkl llitlo b«it«r D-». 

BiJ>i' Otbrr ilotHK.— llaBlotta"'PaoiBama" ttogao a 
weoh'a •ncamitoi W,at natlo**. **ni« lAod oi ih* 
LitiBR" lilh* seal altnctlon. and will rIi* tl»* lolllal 

Carlormaa«a K«b. i, "A BaUroad Ticbav"ha4 oTltadld 
oaa*B it ma 

WllnlnfiioB— At tbe amndOpori llouso Al. 
0. FleU'a Mioairala gav* a giMi abov, to a Urna lionao, 
Ju. >L "flowlDg 111* \7lod" wu gli eo iia (Irtt i^rriirm- 
acco 31. aad ih* large audience wuentliunlaHllcIo It* 
frfiueot dtmonilratlooanr nK<aiiira nod praUc. yioUa 
A llanpioa'a PraolDp Tarda had a lair hnuM 71. I'mf- 
aeo'n "Land of tfaa MMnl|lil Hun" ilr*w nnlir mniloiatnty 
27. BoohtKi: W*ber'« Olvnipia Co. Feb. I, CauiHIt< il* Ar 
tDI* 3. "Hoph Clly" d, OIkb Nothvrwie 11, "IVadlM 
All*r"19*nd V. 

BlJi>r.-*'A Btralibl Tip" Cnine* 77-1^, WN(t« Venua 
Btlrara(«a£«Co.-'U-Fe>>.l. Bluole.r.l UurlcasueCv. 3-3, 
Jick'N *-|ly Uocla" (te. e-n. 

Wo:<l>lRta5U.-T1ilapUre In Incrouliift iia pr^piiiarllT 
T^ryweak. Porilie wookorS.* aalionxbtll iiiullcrMi, 
laJad hf Uertla Caclmo. 


LiHoela.— At itae lAnslog Ihto^l Sullf cbaDged 

lie data nt h\m aoxagemetil froio Jao.U tn 'JM. Roljt. 
Oajlor, II. aod "Panlatma," l^ holli caocolttl. Hlce'^ 
-iM" i"! I eicoMoot hiialoeM W. FrMloiIck Warde 
i>lMM*d aainall hntorltlcal audlenccl'l. Wanty V. Ulspf, 
U-'Tkn L'Hlary or U>ir."did • fair bualnviw:!!. Kuuhrd: 
Dao'lBuUv et. tho WouOvanl Tliralr* t^ , In rapDnory. 
21.39. 3U,3I. Fab.l: JanieaO'Noill.V Al. 0. ri«ida' "Dark 
ail Ainfirlca"C, "Ppldoraml Kljr" ID. 

TilR Kc.\'KR.— The llnMfn Cuniedy Cn- l<lar#l l<t larpe 
baainou a v*k of A) at popular crlcra. "Waog" coiuea D. 

Pr^iMonl.^Al Ix>re*rt OperH II0118O tho Wood- 
ward Th«atr«tV>.i>|4no4l tlielrwrok'a ongaRamaoi Jan. 
M. wllb 'Tao Blitofv." and lucceodtd In tlllloi the boaae. 
Full houna wore ibc rule for ilio weal- 


Cliatlulaa.— At uwou' Academr ol 
Vvary E. Irrloii ud oompuy piMtDl.0 "Ihe ll.rchuil 
tr V.olo." Ju). 3.*, tl 111. capKltjr ol th. bouu, Ml 
nMtIr laorv.Wil prlr.ik 'Tti» diuoo Kloi;," l>mkw] for 
9, eucM, In ciiOMjiienra ol It. clinu |>hnliiiltr to 
IiTlDi'.d.t.. "Tho uia lloiDoileail" como. 77, Btiil.ln- 
Vilf lll«t*o. UI.T raluTO lor rofet orweob, ai-Keb. 1: 
Th.Olll I UR Utliloil llo">, Holil. Uoimlaii 7 H. 


Wlchlla.— At Iho Cmwiord cntiiil Al (i. Flulil'i 
HlDilraU iln* K well llIM ImuM J.d. :tl. Lincoln J. 
Cart.r'f "Tomailo** IihI rvlorni 31. Thi OiirrU 
Tnm.r Burlwiuc Co. cnnioi £\ Err. K.oOiiIl :il, "S|ikler 
ud Hy" Poh. &, "Monuoit WluiU" 0, Kuolo KIc* 7. 


iro. IN. wlr« ud m eblUron wl'* ^"t.nS.I; 
malDi WM Inumd oodor tlio MtpleM of lb. ltlll.bO of 

thna»l,or th. tym of "•"""f,? *'J!'f„ IS 
In UiliellroDju.29. Mr. «<>«»? »»»«?Jl"??!i2.Tf 
III. bnilicrJol>ii,*b.9 ib. iMm wm mU known Uo- 

dM J.o. ll.ilRiM WIt-frern liphoid foiar.ln 

ib.iw.nii«iii iMfof hUMfc >'"iir"^!!hi!.-._'.l; 

r.. iOd J. B. IrMHIo. por»li. blin. tlit twrotun w«l» 
lit.rrKi In Ortnitd IWKb ComatotT. «« ... 

fltHKV lli;<iliw,> f»ilol» p«rfoFpnr, fonntrlj ot lb. 
Ecnnlric roar, illad Ju. tSi. al Baltlraon, Kd. 


'To. Mb. CuftsLU)," • ttret act firce, hj 
Srilner Urtindj, wu.cKd (or tin tm iIdw on aiv 
•laie Kt tlje (Joined/, LoodoD, ton., Dec. 

"AUODnN Wiziin," » new three »ct moBlcni 
farce, bj Jobn llenderann, wis produced at (lie 
ncBin hi%il, Tornuaj, Kog., Deo. a»- „ _ ,,, . 

■Tns wm.i Kiso" wm acted bj lu. D. Wallick 
fortlie Hret tloio on ttio KoRllrti aiago at the Man- 
clieBler Tbeatre, Booilo, Jan. 1 

"A Nuir Bauv," a three act farce, Ijj Artbur 
Boiicbler, from tlie Oemun "l>er Rabeavaler, ' hj 
U. I. Placber and J. Jamo, wa. acted for copirtght 
pnipoM* at Itae Roraltj Tnestre, London, F.o(., 
Jan. I. 


"A Bachelor*. WIvea," 
A ne« comedr. In tlirce acta, bj Dan Mimn, re- 
ceived |ia original prtaenuilon Not. 13, 18M, at' 
Anaconda, Uont., b7 Daniel Soil; and companr. 
It was tben called "A Dar In Jnne," and ma 
placed under that llile nntll the week of Dee. le, 
whun a rnldent of San Franclgco, Cal., lubmltled 
Ibe present name, wblcta Mr. Sallr aod Mr. Maaon 
adapted aa being pecollariT appnprlaie. The plot 
brlelljr le aa follawe: Demard Br7an and llndolpta 
Hunger, memben of a coterie it a fublonaMe 
ixmnllng boiiae In the enbnrba of KewYorlr, ai« 
pailug deepcrala auenllon to Hia. Uelle UaablDg- 
too, a vaalthj widow. Tom Ujan and Edna Dean, 
reqiecilvelj nephew of Banger and neico lo Drjan, 
knowing Mat If either of their UDClea matt^ 
It would mean dialnherttance for them, plot 
together lo prevent hr anr and nil meana 
lit. culmlaalloo of tha loiara' affair. Oao.FarvalI, known 
a- WilllosroiO. knowInK tha widow poaujM aavtral 
UiounnilN, aodeaTon to antlce hor to InTOii In noma 
tMiiui minlDH Hioclm. Brru. who had fonnatlj baan 
tliip«d br V.lllnironl.nukaa II liladmr lo wateboif rtha 
wMoa'. flnaiiclal atftlni and pravent Walliofford fipoi 
.winilllnabor. Ilalan Farwall, Orain'a daHilMl wire, 
haioR on ilm raraeofitarTalloa aod unable ui provkla for 
tbilr chiM, kavaa It on iJie OoorMap of Uia boardioa 
lionM. Tlio jounR poopla. In fortharaoco of Ibair plaoi 
aiia.utlliawijuw, place U In her room. ThanioUiar'a 
Infa can... ll.lon lo latum for the lialte, and fftlouatihe 
door. Hrran (iDillh.r.and Bunacr, loaaplrltofdaTlluy. 
cbiriaii nryiot with tMlnK har boihand. The widow 
bilap on lhaclilld, wblch BrrandaoUraahaloDRK lo Ban. 
aar. ^m. Batioar, wifa of a narvoua boarder, delaioed 
hj bailnoM m looa ba ha. not aaao hU flrrt twin, brioaa 
liar thll«l lo Burprlia liar buibawl. LaarloR har baby 
Willi ihaMrTancliabaRloaaiearcIi for her .pooM, but 
rallalolofatohlm. Tom Ryu, iDthefonli.raocaofhia 
)oko\ place. Bungar'a pocket liook In Bryu'e pocket; he 
1. charaod Willi Ibetl and tnarchad to tlie atatlan bonia, 
8i)'aa ImaiiiooH all IhaM Indlanltlei are rlac«d upon 
hln to lower lilm In Iba aje« of Ui« widow, lo 
whom ha liaa baao aoRaaed ud aflaiwald. bmkeo 
nif. and veDii.nnca aiiala*t BoDRer ud all 
rM\ctm»A. pjnallr. Tom confeaMB bla .bar^ In 
lha Dilaclilaf maklDg aod niallara are rlBhtad., .treiiMi inr tlielt ud lomery, ud llal.o la 
uavD In rliirva by Bnu, wbo. haTlDR aicenalned .h. 
In the danibler of hi. old awaalhaarl, foi lore afwhom b« 
lied raiiialncd a bachelor all hliliro,pionilaaatoa1wayn 
care for her. Tbn original caat; BemanI Bryu. IlaQfel 
Rnlly; lliidolph Ruocer. Dan Maaon; Qeonie Farwall 
(alia. WalliniirunJ). Ueia.-liell Mtyall; BenJ B. Balmer, 
.Kiclilo Allan; Tom Rran. Tom 11. walah; Ollt'ar Kaaoe, 
Jam*. Wllhir: Eraatua.RobL L. Roblnaoo: llalao rar- 
w.ll. Ki.14 MIrlielena: Mra. Ba'le DaahlnRtoo. Julia llan- 
rliolt; Eilna Dau, Harla Lalcvster Allan; Mm. BanJ. B. 
Bel liter, Ituili Huasall; lb. Babied by Themeelran. 

"The Sparrow," 
A three act comic opera, wordB and niiialc bj Olto 
Kick, hail llstliat production on any stage Jan. o, 
al Ibe Umnd Open llouae, Philadelphia, ra. The 
Blai7: Herbert and Clifton Neverslnli, two Amer- 
ican atudeDta at Ueldelberg L'nlverritr, love the 
Biimo gill, who aitiiimea different nainea, Rose or 
Amelda, KccordloR aa one or tue other joung nan 
la woolpR her. Their father, llohert NeTenlnk, 
vlBliB ihcoi, and Is mhitakca for a /.nlu chief 
wbo iraa expected to vlalt tbe town. Herbert 
Im of an iDventlTO mind and couelnicts an air. 
tfhip. In which all vlelt Iroland and Inspect 
a haunted castle, and Ihen go to Ameiti-a 
Hud have a good lime among the Loulsl- 
anH negroes, nose floallj accepts Clifton, 
and Herbert devotes himself to a life of InvenUon, 
and cures Ibe love blues with a medicine he has 
dlBcovend compounded from spanows' bialoa, 
and which has the iinalltr ot making people act 
like that llrelT bird. The cast: Herbert Nevenlnk, 
A. MontegrUlb: Clinon, Fhll. Ilnoson; llobert, 
Frank Wooley: WnroiBter, Rthan Allen; I'Icolo, MaT 
lUjlor; Lord Mancheater, J.TrevoriSooiieitaR, Wal- 
ter Condit iJealer, Chas. Bobnell: Fillz, James t'aner; 
liiinioiiiBBIer, I'aul Albrechl; Clows, llarrr Fair- 
cliilu; I'ele, waller He Forrest; llose and Amtlda, 
HMIe Sallnser; suile Kvergreen, Ureu lUslej; FInt 
Stiideut, Clan lUsdnll; Second StuilBDI, Mae 


■■oirr Oir;" he gasped.a look of »f wajampea 
Dpon his conntenance. There was » »»»"*7 
■nmRBle aod then be Ut BanUsc and powetleaB, 

SffiSSi Ughuy^^ doira in uTe oUierVresolnia 

"^tt U ft)gbiful!"he moaned. "Hate jon K> 

pllft Ulmego! ItlsHIIUgmel" 

' Botfor dve lSngmlnntes, ihateeemed flra boom 

Then It Blowlj relaxed, aod >» J."^"!? 
aealn. With an oath, not lotid hnt de^, bo 
sontnned ont .from under tbe home mademulard 
jnj?^ tbrew It at bhi faltblul «?»««•(»>»? 
qaleUj: "1 think joa are better, John." Bnthedltl 
not delgo to answer.— WIA. 


CuL. A. II. BaikL, the cnwtioy plaalat, dieil Jan. 19. at 
kli home In Hudulpli, N. v., iruiii a coinplieaMau iilill.- 
eaaaa. Tlia decaaead wa. Iiura Uec. *A II6.S atBeRulo^ 
Taiaa, iod hia early Ufa was .paol upon tlia plana. It hi 
(lallqad fur bim that ha oaver received luHruellona uo 
lb. plaao. and that be waa twenly yur. uf at. befoia be 
ev*riaw onok yelhlitaleolmaile hlin lajiinii* IK. Brat 
ippMttnca In thla city waa made March r.V I\hJ. atflloln- 
aayllall.ud marhril the l.a|lnniuit nf hit nicctunrul 
(aT«.r. 11. than louiail tb. t'ollnl N;a'ai aad tunaili. 

fllvloic ooncarta In aliiioa every cliy and Inii'orlinl town 
a boUi counlrlaa. Lalarhawrut lo tliiT. pa. whara hi 
ippMrad balolaniuyof Hie hiRh dljtnlunea llaliad 
ileo tHIcd Aamalla aod Aala, and tn all countilp. where 
kaappMted hamel wlihauccew. lie uaaaDaciivanieui. 
Mr or Budelpb Lodie, I. U. U F . and the K. II. T. B. 
Ilia wlft, Matlta Babatwhol. woll kooau a.a cuinatl-ju, 
lurTlvai hloi, (oflalh.r with hU uiulher aad aoraial 
brotbaii, who llva In Teiaa. The lunernl occurred 31, 
and wu al-oBdwl bv a larR. conrouraa of Itland.aaJ 
dalaiath^ia frnni Ita.Iodi.. lo wlileli he o.kiain.1. 

Wm. L llAUiirK. doorheaiiar, illeil Jan. 11, ai Hie tionia 
if hia dauRhtar, In Albuy. N. Y. Thadefa>aa«di\aa.cT. 
ealy-tlire. yean orase aod waiilooike«|.f r at Uia ilrmiitl 
ntroat Hu.oaiu while II wu under lha lu.naRvment ol 
rack a Kunruin. For Uio laat Mx\rar«h. hail nilail n 
llnillar povllloa at Rairv'a tlalaiy Tliaatra. Allianr, of 
■hicb hlai'aeiblvr, Un. ARiiea Rarrr. UmuuRVr. 

FHor. Willi. ■ oaaaaiMifcN, avinilotrt, dl*l Jta.'X. 
ilhlihomem Cenliavlllo, li.. Iron an bbaceJ4 oo tbe 
bimlo. Th. da<aai«d waa coa.ldeiad an eica l4nt rliille- 
lau and waaa tkvorllo tbrvuah ilia Wmi. wlieia ha hail 
limvelad fbr yMra with vatlnu. dramatic coniiiaole.. llle 
father ud abtuthar aurvlre Mm. 

A;i!«lk IUtbi^ laiiionllu. ducar, died Jan. tl. In 
AlMoy, N. v., irom piauiiionla. Tlir dccaawil wa. twaa- 
ti.lwo raaiaof aae, and wu wall known In tJta prorefalon. 
Bn* waalhawlie ol Fruh Poliom, advance aRvot lor llaii 
Mct^vtby. whoturvlvaabar. 

ITll.UAH J. Cahkoll, comedian uil batiJoK. 
dlailjan. B. at hi. bom. ID t^eUea. Ma&. . from a com 
pUoatlOD or dlwaaM. lb. decvaecd. who au fortr-lwo 
TMlt of aae. waa bora In IraluJ.but aai lirotiRht lo 
IhlaeooDlry when an lufaot. Aeaboy heheoane aproB 
elwt iMDlolil ud al.o a neint Inipaminalor. lie |.layeU 
hlf Bm MRaseiuent In IrTJ. aa a naaibarKt llie Jeuola 
llmballCo. AnionR lheci»m|4nlenwllh which ha playeil 
al Tuloui tluiaa ware: rriiuro.i« A Wcvv* HioMraK 
Tooy I'ailor'a Co., tbe Jobn Uait t*onit>lDatiiin,Ute How- 
ard Rpeclallr (to.. "I'Kk'a Bad Boy" Co . Harm A Alklo. 
aoa'a t'owblnalioK. Waabbon'^ l,aal Baneallrn aod 

Jbalohar 4 Riiuao'a MInatrvla. Ilia wife and nrechll- 
no aarelte hlni. 

Mail Vaai Frkimax, an oi.actrvaa. waa foiiad deail In 
h.r rooui al iba lloial Funiemy, lliU city, oo Jan. H.<«aHt1,«ho wa« about ililrlr n.eiwr. ui ter. wa. 
fomaity prolawlooally kimwn uVaraHwaJIry. and wa. 
married 10 Mil Praaminiu l!WLal Sin rtantl-co.t^al., 
durlof an eniaaamtnl of H. B. LaaTlit'a "AduiltM 
Bdw Co . of which omaiilulioo Uiey were la.iubota 
MiVL riwaiiiio'idealh li aup|a.s»ltohivabe*udu.ttfu 
ov.nloM wl nioiphlo., lah.o to produc. alMp. 

KowiHp Hi-tlriHa, laateaiilUiaBooTun. Jir.»y4Tiiy, 
N. J., dle.1 Jan. r, al hiihouie lo hew )Dih Cily, aller 


Wy. Flahkrtv. a varlatr iH-ifi'mier, il'rj Jan.l.vln 
Bullalo. H. v., aai.<l laauly wen rear.. The il.c*aitil 
WM ol the lean III Hairy aud riatierty.lnah o>nia>llu.. 
an.t waa welt known uDlha Tau«tevlll..Uiia A .laier 
soil 1VU bivthera .uiilva libn. Tba roimar ranurr ut 
Ih. ileeaatwl ud oilier iiiamberwoi the protei.lnu ile 
nvtd th. runaial a^Moeaii. and Uia rawalni acre In- 
IMiad al Lime HUB. iniL BulTalo. 

Bowaan Knott, au aclor, dlrtl Jan. lA at bla homo lo 
llaiulllOB. Cta. Tha decwaied ^teie.1 tk. proieaaloo 
about ftftMO yaaia asv, aad bad ptafad vllb a nuubel of 

A month's sacred truce liae been procUlmed iij 
lieralda Ibtoiighout Qreoce, Inaurtng lo all a aate 
conduct. So rellglousiF waa thiB observed ihal the 
spartaiiB chtMS rather to riek their liberty iban to 
niHich during the hoi/ dais, even when the Fenians 
were nt their gates. The white Isnti standing out 
BRBlnBt the sombre graTof olive grom belong to 
the ten Judges, chosen one from each tribe ot the 
RIelans, who have been tor ten montlia alrtadjt on 
tho ppoi, receiving Intirucllun In their duties. 

All, or most, of the athlelea mnatalso havear- 
rlveil to umlergn Ihe Indispensable tmlolog In tbe 
utnuaalum of the Allls, wlille along the taoly road 
from the town of RID la crawdloi a motley ibtong. 
Conspicuous In the long train of pleasure aeeken 
are the eacred deputies, olad In their robes of onice, 
aod bearlDg wllb ihem In theb- carnage of state of- 
ferings to the Bhtlne ot tbe god. Kor Is there any 
lack ot vlalinra dlallngulshed In every walk of life— 
soMlera. phllosophen. eculplore, palnten, poeu- 
and laally group:) of brieht eyed maldcna, admitted 
111 llio apccbii'le In accordance nith Bpanno man. 
neI^ though matrons aree.iclodcUon pain ot death. 

At dajrbnialt the compelltcra present themselves 
bMon the Judges, prove bywltneasee thatlbejan 
vllhoul alaln, religious or cavH, on their chancier, 
then, laying their banda on tbe bleeding viollm 
oihired for aacrlllce, swear that they have duly 
i|Uilllled iheniaelves by pnllinlnaiy mining, and 
iDst they will use no tnnd or guile In the sacred 
coatests. Thence ptoceeding to the atadlum, they 
■trip to the akin, and auoint themstlTes. A herald 

"Let Uie ninneiB pot their feet to the line," aod 
i rflls on the ypectatora to cualleoge any that arc die- 
.iui'lQed; uoolijectloo licing made, they are aiartcd 
bytlienoieof a trumpet, ninnlng In heats of four, 
iBDBcd Id Ihe places assigned them by lot, while the 
prealdentH, aeatod near the goal, adjudge tbe vlt- 
lory.— /.'j'jil'Kvft < tlonlhli/. 


aVSSlfiilti HalL Addieaa ». IT PAWaW, MiBif er^ 
Mirlboio Uall. Marlboro. UlalarOe, M. Y. 

lan ooro iiau. ■ajiwtv. www, ... ■ ■ 

FORiSrpLE^iNOTofTUEWfia irw 

B0LOI8T. Budolln ud aultarlloe. 1« •'"•I»',IPS'|,l; J 
povaliy llaalf. Canbaeneated. AddnmcaiaofCLlPI B«. 

Boobi»lta«,Joionlla<,InjuuMa»d Bo;a:BinRlnB8p«.- 
■nlu. R? If. 09B0RK, UMTlea tai Jnvcnilae. Al 
wirtiobe. Bwponalhle tai«M"!e}!d"" 


KOBFOLg. MBB ■ caraol O'BOHB aiBwi > l». 
WANTUU. tOaiCUl*«IS-l„wrll« up7to a» 

jAHAlAvn* Rlamn ROMCh. TiaiaO. SelHOdOy .00 V 

WAH A'lliU. wan.a#*~^..- 
.MonoloRue. Slump Speech. Traja: 
Maid acta. NoalnRlSR. NoduclL.. . 
each act. SureBr*. Baatofrafenocaa. 

.,. BolHonoy mfi Old 

NoducloR. Eodose 91 CD '— 

. SureBr.. Baal of rafenacaa. . _ _ _ 
0. A.BROBgT, Maneh Chunk. Calboot^.FaB 

AT tlBttRI'V LUUK, nABfAUicka 

CUAB. K. 8UBPABD. Jult cloud ibiaa laaMnl wllh 
Sfflllh'l SIR Moiallf Oo. aa Hovaltt ProRrmBOiar. who can 
doBldewalkaudlllrTorlFork. ftnall ialary._ IFille iis. 
Addraaa LebaaoD. K. H.. MlnuiaLCitcoa or Romldr Co- 

Medlcle. Bhowa, People bi aU brajchej Piopl. who 
bar. willlen, write aialn. WapwWud board. Doe t 
aak for mors. Poallltaly no rarwi adjapced. I.<<>l],ea- 
flu.meDUaodyourdoUBh. DR.B11REVB rf«mont.Hlcti 

Meulhplecaa, Poor Ladlaa udTwo deotlraiu, AT UB- 
BBTY AFTER FEB. 1. WooM Ube to hearfroni iwooal- 
blama.sRen. AddieraLEYYPATNE'aie'OldTenDe*. 
see.-Byncpaa. W. T. P. B.-Cu fiinllalianroo efplwaa. 

Uonk.y, one year old: fat aod plaiful, oauniaafoKr. 
fwr Incnae Irom tip lo lip; tbebeit trapeteperroniiarin 
the Bute. AUo Urn, fuey Cite. _ „, ^ „ 
HENRY p. APBLL. 14 Eaat Town SL. Colueibaa. O. 

DBB. eTrIi Bwoidi Ud Hcnt bow to do thUad, (IB. Ton 
cu do It two minuiaa alUr R>ttln|i tbe ootjt ^ wllti 
Older, batanceC.O.D. Ooljra fawHelL WM.NELSOK, 
Maof.. H Vu Konlen BL. WaitCanbildte. Man. 

COMB ANINDIAS RUBBEB If AM. ai |.ei bouleor two 
beltlaaSl Caah with order. Never fUU to make you lln- 
berLbeatlblni on aanh. WB. NELSON,!] Van Korden 
Bl, Weat CambrldRe, Maaa. 

HkW frtAtf FOlil TWBLVli CKIllM. 
BEND e (two cenu) atamps lor a printed copy or inr eo. 
tirely oew (I act^ cfaanctar) oonedr.drama, "Baffled.*' 

FUya. ekalchea, MonolORuea. IflarpleceiFans^Bonn 
FanMlleM,ere.. wrillae to order, orrevlaed. BaadRtanp. 
MARRY DEHDBBBOy. I.g«l COQireai Bt.. LojlarllK ly. 

PARTMkR tVAN'k'Bb-AI UltAljbAt. A(kV- 
tloiur, Bujo and Hudollo. Kuit b. lohar aad do Rood 
alralaht. tf. A. Ackir, WHITB. Addieaa J. M. 8MITB, 
London Thutie. BMBtwnvllla. Ohio. 

IK MEDICINE BUSINEW. Blata wbat yon can do and 
lowaat aalAlT In Srat lelUr. SB. J. >. UiZBLTON, 
Mlllog. CllterCo, N.Y. 

~lfl(y616l Aids At LIBliRTV-PlHST CLASS 

Oullar, Mandolin. Baiuo; ■inatlet'e, (ood vocal qoanelta, 
Bamroar leioTt. or will travel; Joint or aaoanta. Id. 
CHEBOBNT minstrel CO., Boi m, Brailllnd. 

BERotthe theatrical profeealon. bpoaltloouoonpasloB 
aad chaperon to a lady lo Ihe pronation; no saury re 
ealTed;lilRhMtr«feiencaRlreii. Addreaa 

B. 0.. cai« of CLIPPER. 

eip«riooced al nianlof Props, wllb Rapenolra Co. Alao 
axperi.nce.1 at proRTBinmlnR. Am aDoatler. Addiaai 
f ROPR.. care of R. II. Palcliln, Mailboio. lllatM Co.. N. Y. 

Raymond Eitsoaloo, to paus Btaia. Ooly uled Bwe 
waeka. Cheap for eaab. AltnoUoiu wanted lor Pabca 
of AmuaaoiMt, Marlonville. Pa. Btaaa 2DxKI, Soar apace 
tOilOO. OEO. H. VBRBKCB. Maaaaer. 

and can lake amall paita. WiUlflR to work and learn. 
Very clever Boy, 8 yeara old, cao dues aad do bor_parta 
Cujolnatonce. Balairlow. Addreaa MBS BUHTOH, 
In care Prof. Rayno. 130 Want Ohio lb. Indlanapolla. Iod. 

BONTtZUMA ORCBESTRA. on. Rood Flula, ooa A I 
Itallu UarpliU BoUi muat ha op Tn Concert and Duca 
Huile. Bieadt work; Rood par. Addreaa 


CMABLEa R. BARKY.Boia Minneapolla, Mine. 

sosos cuaiPosBD, naa. cuhrbci-bo 

ud Bavlaed: Moalo pot to Won]a.or Accomp. medefoi 
Meloily : Baad, Orebaatim or Hibdolln Muilo AuuRvd. 
OBAS L. LEvna, m BIchnoed Btiael. ObiolnnatI, O. 

AHATBUHS.— How to Bun In Show BuHnaaa, wbat 
iou 10 Laain, ud How to Lean Them, Polota oo Balan 
iodFitat Appuiaaca. LIU of Muaian Likely to Need 
Voor Sanloea, Copy of Letur to Maaasen, eta. "No laraa 
booka, ISIpp., by null, poatpald, B oanta. Oridln Pnb. Cm. 
— ^.N.T. 



An Allaola man and a Macoti girl were going 
BctoBH on the Tampa boat. Hiey bad been eogaged 
In a mile illrtailon during Ibe iwo weeka' vacation 
i>f Ibe yuiing man, and wen silting by themselves 
enfaged In lalklog open the "blue, blue deep aud 
tbe deep, deep blue," as JosquUi HUler says. 

They noticed that tbe other naaaeogen were r. 
ganliuR them with consldenble loiercsi. Tbe 
uiher people would gsze al the young couple and 
turn make eome remarks lo each other. 

Finally, a pretty mile girt left ihe midat ot the 
crowd and walked forward to Itae spot where the 
young I'uuple were anting and UMdeelly banded 
ttitni a niegnlOcont bouiiuet of while flower*. 

"Here's aouie dowen they seni you," staesaldde- 

The jouog people ivrro amazed, but accepted the 
iliiwcre. Tuey couldn't undciiland what the paS' 
aengen meant by their allentlooa. 

While they wen ellll nondetlDz a kindly old lady 
with a gnndmolherly face walked toward Iheai 
with a liunch ot lovely rosen In her hand. 

'■Ueie'aa little buuiiuet I lin>ugbtyou," ebe «ald. 
wllb a gnrltius Bmlle. "It was the tieii I rould do. 
and I wanted to give you something. I know linw 
It Is with young couples who are Jii.t marrlnl. No. 
no, don't Ray a woiu, not a single word. I'm only 
ton glad 10 give them to you." 

Tne young man came near tumbling ovetboaid.- 
.AUaiila tvnslllul(i;n. 

ud Tromtione. Compoaar aod amnivr. For peitoa- 
oantlncatlenorrellabf. tnvillBRCD. Addraaa 
N. B. MOR « Y. SI and n RmvolvXTiaoa. Jewey City. W J, 

J. B 


BOBO. Ky. 

MBOICIHB IjRCniRES— The Action of Medl- 
elBM. for Rtomach. Liver, KIdoey ud Blood Remedy. 
The Pnioaaaol DlRaaUoOi th.Stomich ud lu Dlaeaaea. 
Inuelloal Parmaltoa. Caiartb. Dlaaaseaoftha Raapltory 
Apparstaa. Tbe Anatomy of the SklB, bow.lTfclad by 
local appllcatlooe, Llnlmuu, ObnmuU, Boap- lljp- 
aoUia, what It [a ud how doee. Iba aboro cunplale 
aet, wrluau wlUi eelenllBc aecaraey and elmpllelty. SL 
Lectnia. lo onler, $1. RE. Mlnwa, Boi U7, (lew L« 
iBRten. Ohio. 

TO Hu-eomi of Anatomy— Analomloal and Palbo- 
loRleal ioeclmeoe of every deaeriptloa modoUad apon 
■bonnollca. All Baa Fiench work. Hodarau pilc«L 
Ca-aarlu npaimtloa on band. HlRhly auraetUe imcI- 
mui. DR. ROBERT HOOHULTIL Artllt Waa Troikrr, 
IBlSonUi FlfUi Ava. New York. 

MAQIO Appaimtoi atflBmrel.baIoweoetlonanU' 
factnn. Becrata alvaa fre« to eoRlomera. Lieu Ont. 
OLOyflON. MuuticturlBR Maatelaii. Ttwr. N. Y. 

.DRUM MAJOR Balona, Bneal made rorluRallna. 
Pliarmu A Co.. M WaahlneloD St.. PouRhkwpRra. V. T. 

the lataat Mind RaadlnR and Bnlrtl Acta FaDlnBlno- 
tlonilnMR.ANDMRS B.B. BALDWIN'S fnatbypooUe 
act. Priee on application. Addraaa 

B. HOWARD, la Wanaa BU, Boibury. Mua. 

WANTED, Comodlu wfUi Specialty; BoubreUe. 
muat alDR ud duce; aclon for haavlea and old mm. 
proitf. ud mall paru ud plaolaL Will porcliwia a let of 

s.°&';s£f7;;[''j5rv^a:'«a'^N".V ^t',*^ ^- 

, SSil^J*^- Bonas. comboiem. bub- 

LEfVUES. Eta. to onlar. Btaap raplr. Ban work only, 
JOB. BERBIIAW.m North lihBt.Tfalladelphla. 

18T ud Flute Player: np to concert at thaalrteal boalaeaa. 
Oood.ileady theatre pnrerT«.l.botwlllUaielwllba n- 
liable compaor. Addrua UUBICIaN, cam of B. U, 
ratcbln. Marlbor.\ UUlarCo, N. T. 

with nnoloR waur. All eoBT.nieooea. Board If de- 
Blied. MRi. SCHUHZ, m llaHTenih etreet. Hew Vork! 

'I mmv 


FIrat Clau ORCUESnpnA LBADBR to 
Doable BarltoBs or TromlMna la Bamil, 
■Irlctir aober aail rallabla. Addnaa 
DR. a, \V, liURTLiBir, Maaaaer, 



Repertaire or Othervrlee. 
Addreaa rave ETHKt. TOOKBR CO„ 
Port Jarrla, B. Y., 3», 31, Fab. I, FIMstOB 

Pa,, weak Fab. 3. 

Repertory People and a 

Ad.lrai. ALBERT P. KE.<T. BampaUid. LonililiBO. 


lX>!ITINENT,elc,moallycoloiw); th. lot, HU; Ihb than 
hallcoiL AlioCollblabpfWaanW.eaw.ooalS,Drf<a 
lUBP. WglLULIWMeJlSnA?S^i^l(.«YSra&. 

C f% M O Q '""'^ (watU), alae paita 90 


ITkeseidTeHlsciiientopiiean weekly 
In (Ug paper, and at the head »t this 
eolnmii, annoancee for this ireth pro. 
fesgloBBl copies or 


latest and Greatest Coob^Sod;, 

The aothor of 'Tbe Cat Canw Back," 
••Cant Loose He, Cborlle," and "Dt. 
Died a Home," claims this song hb 



from the pen of the Orlghiator of tie 
Fiesont Stjle of Ceea Sonss. 

1^1 a "Can't Keep Tcor Feet StUl" 
melody. It's a 


Copies are noir ready for the pro- 
|f(sslen. Free tc all who send pro- 
I grammes. Orchestra parts 10c. 
extra. Address 


8Ea$l16thSL,|85 and 87 E. Maillun SL, 
iSain Jaok's Opera House, 
NswYork. | CMcigoJIL 

TThea yIsIUd? Now York, nuetyogr 
Fifteenth Street. They all come 
tkere. Our songs taught by the well it 
known leader, GEO. A. CBAGO. f 

PopDlarl896SHg Books, )I0 1,000.^ 


OSiera free to tho PmrasaloB foar of the 
PaBTTIBitT aod BBBT songa 
be has ever composed, 


A "Kid" Song and a Ceitala Wiaaar. 


A Walta BenKeaperlor to aajr plaeed op- 
on the naarlcet fow yeata paaS. I have 
soon ftelth la thla aoBg thaa aajr 1 ewer 
composed. The melody la bcaatlAiI, aad 
Uie waida tall a pretty story, I loeic apoa 
the aoag aa a certalo anceoas. The tevo 
other aoaga aro perhapa better avitad Ibr 
the home thaa the ata«e, yet I laclade 
theaa la thla lot, aa I liaow than are 
many piofeaaloBata who bawo aa ear Ibr 
well writua high claas ballads. 


t, Bast Wth SI. 

4,6)17 Champlsia Are. 







lBR,V.,Pa..».,lBd.aBdMlch. AiMtess 

I.. B. COOI., Kgr., 
aspersBBlelB CLIPPSW. 


Host "FbUhed" Act In the ''Basliiess," 



Horse Trapplage tu Parade aaA Balsee. 
Aleo BBtrcaSalta aad DreasoaCoBpIetr. 

Write lallrdeeqiptloa. eendlUon aad levaateaahprlca. 
C. U. FSBROK. rrnpriaur. „ 
Boon IS. Mo. oa rwar, Hew ToTk City. 
, H. B.-Wanl Triple Uorimalal Ban. Hut be food, 

Wutatf, SecMd VMh t« Dnlili Biflieie. 

AIM Youi Udr Conutllal u> play nolo la atiMteoacn 
aad Bolo In orebaauiL Hlata Inwiat ealaiy In flnt leH*'- 
riEOJ. WALKER, B. M, in BrUse Bt., BieoklyO^. 


nBAViBii,aiiaBtUTBiaaNDaE«.Bca. WAHmoM 

mUT CLan, aHI8BB0Un.,BneUlB,l<.T. 

Febbuaby 1. 





"Mrs. Ponderbury's Past." 




^rK,e.U. SAT. HAT. 1 





fti lA D AX. ■ A r. a. 






AtS-UBharp. >fKiint«sThtirv«laf and Bttn^l■/. 
Tttf - mO Fri .3 3) r « .ffi^Qieu Ittciislt. 

TIIBATIIE, 4lh AfO.A thi ; 
DiD'l Frohnto. VutBt;-. 





MinanintDtWALTlLR SAN^Tiuii. 

MExr WEEK, "Ktnnv now." 




31st Str««t tot] M Areouf . 


KOSTER & BIAL'S, 34tli ST. 

rr*MDtla( tt AU TIDW • Hlfli CUsB Piognmat. cod- 
lilting o( 

\'»HiS«vlll«, 8p«cUJIlM, RovelUa*. 






pRocroa's theatre, kbw v«rKi 

BonltlM All Um time from lOJ? A. U. qdUI oeArlr UP. M. 
tfji Bt ud M Ate., Ngw York. 

rnuT oiiAss taudetille artuib «riu ror ituM. 

Mimi all «oioiaol«uloiu P. F. PROcroit, 
ProctOT'i Jhtat, aj Bimi. tut »ia Ate. 

B. F, Keltb's AiDDSBment Enterprises. 

E. F. AI.BEE - - - Otn. Mc'r. 
B. F. KEmCS NEW THEATRE, Botton, Man.; 

THE BUOU, PUlBiMiilili, Pil; 
B. F. KEimV OPERA HOUSE, ProvidenM, R. I,, 



Bom or XB. uira'a obioimal 

ContinaoTis Performance. 


m mmum white fob d»tes. 




Pride of the Kitchen 

wow BEADV, 

J°». K. •• '»<»"■', 

ArrariiFmeilt for Bnee Biaa' - - 'AOt 
.-.rraBHniieBt for Oftheelrm - . . auc, 
Plana Arraagvutml .... k,, 

Benil Slainpe or Silver, 
^F'Oj^KV.ns^ln j^Hi.^Kr'ir Vorh CHy 


A riellf WalltHODC. 


Dtiicrlpllte,wlili Qooj Wonlienil H.laly. 


Ar.,lJlJ!2 lM«i'f:*"'' E«'"lo. 
IM Vonge Hl. tornnio. <*sn^tU. 


The Midway 

t,?^.^',T?lR■ 'TP'olDr. ruiMhl.v. Kerch 7, «oi] lei 

hl.^''i?.?S ll f?*r-, fSTEIlTAl.N'EIU: 1.1 r.i ,nr 
IJ..''.S '"T'" '"rio hell. Alpo eliJi « 

K? ii"" n""«"m "liirT lo m un wllh, 

r^.,"'.K,"JV,°'-, ►a*-"'* J- I'lLLimf B 
efi.f. Hotel g.[eniu>D. Bo<lon. 


Ity W. H. .T. SHAW. 

''''!,• if IheOreeleit BwkoD Uetlr. Seconl dliilil, Spirit. 
ndlillcErecUeDi) IMunlorixierpuDli.haJ lo llii.coua. 
liT. IlhMliBpefeeend SI beeoUlel ohclonl lllu.lra. 

li"' III"'!""', etc., here oever Ixea pjN 
h'hed hefore, e» ler «. koo.n. t'enlenix gratia, rrlco. 
7ic , paper coT.r: 11 ckith liouDd. Addrew 
f. II .I.SIIAg. HI Auiu»ta«t.- liif«»o. 111. 

Hammorstoin's Olympia 


BBOADWAT, lltli BT. 

MaL \!ti. aail 8aL 







Soadar Ere.. Hthwl Popelar Copcert 

PARTOR'JS co.vTiNvoiis 




OcKD mm 13 lo II r II. 

nillCFQ conEDiANS or 





T Museum 

a, H, UVBER, Pnp'r. 
_ WANTBD-.6txeu Featorea, Ufliia Curloelue. iDd 
'raaka foi Oorlo^aUa: Blub Clau Varlelr forTkaaln. 
MioM laluie for bolhliMMe J. U AoJerroe. Maaaier. 


llB Ui St. aad Tlilrd Ave., W. Y. CHy, 


ITertk Broad StxMt, Ttantaa, R. J. 

WABIBDATAIXTIBEII, 8tnD( Peatnita, CurioaltlM 
ud RonlUea ror LeemraUalii; alia Ulak Olau 7aoilt- 
nUeAeu (brTbeatiea. AllappIlcalJouloraogafeinaDlfl 
(both boowa) meet be addieaMd te 
EDWARD 0. SHRB. HaiUo Hoieui. 




Propertymaa tonlav email pen*. Mult be thorouRblr 
ampelael ead relieUe. Would llkelo bear from local 
laaoaien Id Ohloeod l>on. ItaTiea op«D lime. Addrnn 
all coniDonlcatloo. u JOIIK VUUHua, Seulli BtnJ, lod 
Jm. il aaJ wrek, Kl.hiru led.. Peb. 3 eed week. 




00 ihi line of H:mt Rjiltwt7N. mO a ponulttloo ofSiaDO 
■iUilD i radium of Ua mlUn. New PitiKod Opera 
lIouM, viUi iCAoerr and parapli«ra«lla. Aoipliilliutrii 
■ilh MitiDit capacity lor a.Un(olU.0aiiNH>pl9. and Mrk 

01 f«D>f acre-. InRp*ctlnn Invited Addrwuiall <oni- 
muDicaUftif in jnilH BRXORE. TrooiMi. Hctanlnn. 


3 SETS, 

laclurllofti P,Alrbl WlofH anJ I Border lo rich wi, for 
prlrl'sReol iJ.dropcoiUlD. Flmi clau «-o k jruano 
ie«d. iluii builoen oreaTefouraiampi. Addrou 

F. IT. TTOLF, Sceulc ArUnt, 

Kal39 8«T*nih Arcnne. Nm Vork. 

Wanted, a Ladies' Orclieslra 

(ConilitiiiK of from 4 to 5 LmdlM), 
L*N«]lfls Vfho can alng pr«r«rred. Con* 

trartfrom UfoUmonthi. AiIdrMt FRED. 

Winrird MVSIC hall, lUtk and Ilamey 

8lrre1«« Oinaha«N«b. 



80 lo lOOfL, With or Wlthoul Poles, 

Hurt be in rood condllloD. Wilt evrbaoge While HroDdi 
Poo;. Aildraiupenlnlenifo TUoWaS KfNKEV. 
Lock llox m. Wllllmanlli-. Cone. 


Mth nr. Alto 8IXTU AVENUE. 


AdJwM g. D. HEWEg, Director. 


D. WIplOT AND W. n. BARBBB. E^ nute wllH 
Urde'a Conedlaoe. 
Per. a4dr. 11 Erie St. nambndeeport. Ilaea. 

C- H. TJntliarj. 

TUSflDBPeb.Sl Addieee care or ULIPPER 












AdJreMcare of WBWIORK ULlrPBR. 


Ed Roou. Boitoa HoranJ Aibecroin Co. 

TLe Pattens, 


Antonio Van Cofre, 

E^eiT Breolea. Alhembra TTimre. I,ondoo. Bntlaad. 

THE "WARM 'Uni," 

KnitOT and BAWSON, 

UIrs ■• a itmt lo od*. 1I10 band, and ir«'U cImm losr oUo 
■adnakapmi. Omn CLIP PER. 




Two 6001I All 'Round COMEDIANS 

Thai cao do IrJuh aad Black Fac«. Hull N> able to chaoi* 
•pMlaJtlaR nlibllf. Lodr waMO. Bilary lura. Stale 
nrbat, lod lU )ou tloeiod aalirvln flntletur. Mialiiic, 
hoourt aad t Ubmt* dvecd 00 ilfliL Addrau UANAObR, 
Oragoa Indlao Medlcloa Co . Wo 0. Boyal. Buig. Co.. " 



BliouU |telUielkmaai"PI''KA.NINNY BIIUPFLI" Ikr 
Boeedfct): a rpleodld icbotllMhe raprire or 8EIRT 
DANCE. Prltetoceew. OBCBESTBA PABTS (10 pam 
ead plaoo accomp ,) 0 cdu; piano eolo, S ceete, lo pro- 
Aaaloeala. Addrera W. C. PARKER, .7 Weat Tneetr 
elablbSt.Nee VorkCllr. 


E. ). HAYDEN « CO., 
100 (o ItO Breailwa7, Bmhiya, ,1. 

Calllcotte Comedy Co 

Hurt be competeal, eiperleoeed end be.e wanlrob*. 
aod tM ladlee end geolleiD.G. Bute all ^nlcuUnillnt 
letter. Balair mual be low. (leoUonao prarerrcd eho 
double In bead. J. W. CALLlOOnR Trinidad. CoL 


Marie Roiiierill, 

teaa SOUrB SI BEET. BprinrteM, OMo. 

tfiavlng Fine Stcreopticon 

- ■■ '~TI8r.wllbTlew to lllBttnlJus eooie. 

BROWN, U Beat lllth Hueet. New^erk. 


Alio In Biaaa. Al llbenp aRer April I to Join an. Com. 
>allTtliatPBf. aelBi ei. Eiperleoced aod rellablo. Ad- 

I M RAILVy «VE.. Platuburt. -v v. 


BONO AND DANCE, can double villi a Vounic M. D., «ba 
nnibla en coiaMor, end li a "Inner. Object, mulul 
l»n«dL Addi.e. Pit., Oreiion Ind. Med Oo. Ul»ntoo.wi.. 


MRS. TAYLOR. ni Bail lllb Sliiet. New \ort CItr. 


SijUBLE bash. Am elio liearr baaa ttoilor, eolo end 
floenetu, aiid iiilDitrol ImerMotor. Caojolnaayebelt. 
Wrlleorwlie. 0. E. HAY, Warren, 0. 


AND ALL TBEATBICAL OOODt. „ leaaerp palaul 
aboaplT ead ulckjr. Amalanre eup^Ued. 

ClIAB. i. mLLB. I.«n Iroadwe,, New \etk Cltf. 


Tort ^^,i£fssfsss^tv^.^\n: 



"OO ITAVAIKI" R*l bot, oemle male epwlalt;. 
Br McOleonon. r-^ i 


(IK Jill. 10-Tbli Sooii and Oaoe* U a nenalne Nor. 
ellr, aod ihe lilt 01 London. Aleo br HltJLBNNO.'C. 




Sunii In < and } Ennor*. NlrhUr I't Iho MODEBN IDEAL 




RllU' nreat Haeceml Br lle<llennoa. 



■^■■E LAND OF DREAU8," Pallielic Daacflp 
tlreHonjt. Bj McOlennnn. 

•*A nornKR is the truest friend 

aySU,^ Uolto Ballad. 
•■01l,S«li.OMON, vol) ARE SO WISE" (Tbe 

tlreatTinla'a lill) Br MrOlonoon. 

BlraUIiiR" (lii.h blalectl. NcOlennon. 
(Nerratire and DoKripllf e). McOlonoon. 
0~ Aor 01 the forecolDg aoop lOo. eecb, WITH 

J4 anil 341 Nortia Moor* Straat, R. V. 
Don't roraet "Oil. MR. BITCUINI"lbeABSOLUTBUR 




A Ihoroagblypracllcal Ireallia on opto 
tUte coDjarlBg, coataloi IHO pap«a, li 

RrlBted on fin* paper aad tinny Boaail 
» clotli and gold* Prim, po«tag«pr«pafd, 
•I. Proapitetui and Ib«m Oblaln- 

able at i A. ROTBRBBRO, 

43 llllnoU SI., Chicago, ill 
4t>3 SIxlIt Av.. Rew York, II. Y, 
W. D. LB ROY, 
103 Court St.. UoaloD, M«u« 
4.'> Cambrldgo St., Boston. Mail, 
€. L. DUnLI.ItiAlIB A CO., 
Boi HSl, Chicago, ill. 
Id the Imttea daji I hare received from DUBlclaot 
orerlOOIlttir*. ickBovleiloB Uik raccl|>t of rof book 
EVBKV UNE or t)i*M inters which are oa a\t \n m 
ofUcf, ipMks Id t«>nna of Ihe li[flie«i vralM nf 'TJII 
MODKILV WI/.ARD." A> I atn loo bav (o rrply lo all 
the*e uotxpecl*! U«tlnii>niiK 1 (like IhU nieinii tolhaok 
mf nunKrooi w«)l pljdiere for (belr very hloti and hliililf 
tlitlerlnit o|ilolpa of mr modest «niIeafor« Ui HiaA*. 
At (ho Hamei'mi I Uke freat rl«uur«lQ Doilor "^- 
beU•rcU«llorAln•rlcanml|Ilcll^■ are wall abl 
crlniinaie b«twe«D(lieorl|(lntl Mateni WItard aod (be 
lorerlorlmttatloQ cow oiTertd )iy other*. 

Very re >p»cif>iUf, 



Tbree Dollar 



T'EB. 6, 7, 8, 

ozjUAN, nr. t., 

Ip to Fifsl k Comliiiiatik 

Clifton &; Middleton are 
playing this week to big 


dLEM HUSIO CO., IHaoagers, 



Oc. Eacli lo Legitiinate Profeulonals. 

En's ARBIS," Ilia talk of Hair York, 
Bravat Wllaea'a big kll (<|aal1atle ai> 
ransamaat noer roadr, lltc. aitra), "MV 
aaeir.r lo "I LOVED VOV BETTER 
■raat mlBitral aaai), -THE IfEWSBOV 
NO THE ROSB.'^ •^11, MY JOKAH," 
IrsllaB. lOc. aatra. Orap la aad eoe ae 
erhea la towa. Oare«a(eiaa|liirra*. 
W. 11. FRIDAY JR.. Waaagor. 



flPIOBR AND rOOL co..HkeUh Team, ma and wife: 
floubreiu MBd Maslcal'~ 

PlaaUt or VIellalir 

femd. 1 


LlTvsm. to Doable loBaod; alM 

P/ople who Doobl* laBaad pra- 
Wbattaa aLd wiU tuo do (a Brat Utur and fev- 
68 PuinaiD Bi.. Baratoi*. W. T. 

Wutit, First Cliii SNbrette (if a Pirlnr. 

MnU be ;onn(. ale. and wen, ead rattdels Naw 
Vort. Ileteallne eolmra.llaad aai fl>a;i worblnf. 
Tbil Ua«o<«I of>»ortnolu forU-rlfht pereon. Oil>*nnii 
their llm. aed .tamp.. «l«t A., care tif CXIf PtB. 

obDOf Weston 

A f.UHt. 

til WE Of in 

17 Bait Vaa Bare. Bli 
Wata* ATeaaea, Cklaio, 

, „,... , Marter of Itaae Daaelnc 

Eait Vaa Baiea llreel, bilvm MrcbltaB mi 



Shootingthe Chutes. 



Owlag ta th»«aoraioai aaccraa of onr Inriintlon* lavvral pivor Imltallona and la* 
fHaaanmta haw* coma laao ihr raarlit>l. Somttaflrrour nid plant that wwaiuati* 
maalad wllh and ftoand AillnrM,oth»ra ntterly Impmctlonbl^AI.L OS PAPER. 

Wa will c«BiB»nc« aellaa agalaal all fbrma and I iitllntloiii of ohatM. Wv bava 
had •■• ranlMt, nad the ilrvaaih of oar palfmia \w%n pmvcn by na oblalalna a p*r" 
manvnt lajaaclloa. Paltata nr ao^called liaprov«MonU aro not valid. w« will 
coataal *vtf ana of thaai. 

W«> hnva <h« only gaanlna PHttOTIIfO TUB ClllTTRS.aad If yon InTOitla any 
athrr yea bay lata alaw ■nIt. For righto anrt ftell particular*, adilreie 

THE PAUli BOTTON CO., 113 Broaawar. Now Tork. 


Couia and Brr It Thli \\>ek at 

Proclor's Pleasure Palace, New York. 



Wank of Krii. :l, rn>Tl<ir'o THmBtlr- 
thlrtl HIrrrI Tlifnlro, Neir York I Fob. 
lU, Sbon'e Mualr Hall. Iltimilu, N. Y. 

Maaagera wlie will pay Ibr a reovolly atl artilrei.a THK DOWKIKN, iiri roalt.. 






TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. Prices, 10, 20, 30 and 50 cents. 

Onlj popniar piiro hoiiiie lu Cincinnati rnlprhiu lo rrlliinl iiiiilli'iirrH. Ool; Uio 
best need apiily. Wrtto or tcIcKTspli quirk, aililrcNiilng 

CHARLES P. SALISBURY. Mgr. Freeman's Thealre, Cincinnati, Ohio. 

HIJ< •< -ICHMI! 


Uraad CaaadlBn Taur, Vailar ike Direction of N. 8. VOl'Nd, rn<|irl«ilnr Crxelal 
Thealro. Toronto, <lnt. 
WANTED AT ONCR— Barllone Ringer fbr Solo nnO fliiarlol, DoiiMo llaoe anil 
Tata, Kaoehabont Soagaad DanraTaani. nlia Play llra.a iircrnrrril, IVrroruiera la 
nli llaaa nfllllaalreley.wlraor write. Niiiiiiiirr Ni.iia«itt tliioH. >Im v :ili, 

WILL, E. NANHBVILLR, Pmiirlelor. | W. A. U'.MIO, Mnnagrr. 
Pennaneotaddreee, l.'llVKrAI. TilKATUK. T it.i. (lot. 



IlKiMiHl.VN, S Y.. Jan. IPtff. 
TO WHOM IT MAY COMCRRN— lf*Mr«. IIokad aad Hjonrer )inv*l(Ul tIosim) e mirrMkrnl *iiKa|»itiral wllh 
ui. WefiiQiItler llieiract (Ireiclaaa lo every rotpicl: artlBlieMml ftl'lilul in n4i<iit<. ^• iirimii iMinctiratlcn nr al> 

tetnrual nTsnlnioitthecliiiracUra lliey repreMoL Hn w#l| weii> «o i<leaMil «l(li llmlr liii|>Kr>»MR itml «■ lu\e 

vnRASftI llieni fomrly rMitnriraoce. Ran>#rifa1lv rtmra, livi>ll X )ll{IIM4N. 

WBBKfl FEB. 10. 17 aittl ai (lI'Ky. ROOEKD HOLlO KOH IUI.AMTK t>K 8KA80N. A>1<lir..r.J HtjuaiP. N, V. 


Oe Hollis and Valora, 

Tha modern Bean Rromtneti nf Jujtilerr. Recnrnl rfiaMtn nilli *TerB HI.ArK (!IIO(iK" »nil llm nnvnini leaiitra 
or ibaltlnrloeii pmlurllnD. "piaHmlilir Ktaraof-rha HIaok rn>> k' are DK MDI.I.IH ani) VAl.nKA, ilia Jiiiilarw.'* 
-sr. LOUia OU)Bli DKUOORAT. Week ufKeli. \ Aeadanir iif MurIo. Jorao) (My. A<l<ln<n l^arenl OLIPrBR. 



1^AL.I£1N<J At»AINe 
B : "Kot lavii fUlia: mar. can'i )iiii mo any wmk lliruntili lliil llilof 

y*l. I'm itetiliiR ilretl IiuMIiik It." 
\'.\ "1 ran wa wurk, lul il la m Tnr ilinail I iloii'l think «• ten ciUli 

U|i In II." 

R: "ir lldnn'l ilii anr KOAd t'KikliiK In It, linllrr In K ind le)l llnia wa 
have lOOl'Ky. and a<MiKultt K. MtiiHc . N Y. Clij." 

B3r •Wir-L'T. H:.A.I5ID:Lv<E.A-3jT. 

Wao IH Wi.r. J. HABDMANT Aik Uw Dcckilltler.Tooy fiaUir. Lew riawk'ni. J>ie ItO'lmin. futile Ollann, 
PliaDallep, Jaioea P. Ifrey, Harney Kergttioa, Heahan end RaymoDil, am) Hlllr (Urifr. Tlifrr eir inai afew of ihn 
leople who bave upwloiyetuir. A wbnleart of it»oi| up ludile l'«riH|ioi i»x ut\» ilnllar Ihlr.k it i»vra iiiiBule. 
'our (I) flraieUaa Parodlee for oo* dollar <|l). and arlltin by a dibh wttoHBtmr la wwX lu-m 'kfih in aceto. (Jaed 
for iloBle ordouble ipcclaliy, tor ftudlwc*. and allov^r the uniDirv. I'miai i.nier. 

WILL J. IIARDUAN, II i:i«l r» Yoiktllly. 



Tranamdoai Hit Praelar*i Kiny«lgbtb SlrfPi laet werh i Tiv«iil>--IUIrd 
thb wa«h. A Aw Woehi Op«n aad Coming Seaion. Only liret iiffura •-amidai 

llilrd ItrMt 




Oreateuixeie eeerieliere. Pronounced I'j Preu aod Public lit lie llie nnait ■cli'lil. klnil rv.r .eiD. f(er 
oof,] eu<« MtUogi, brllllaat eardrobe, ale. irnllke aojliilni aver i-rwluceil. 



NCEKIl, OUHIlPIK«KB»,UUllAHP»BA«IDi, YM. AiMiea. MK.IH/IIIM /.'il.-ll. fi.immli At , Nie T.rli.. 


OHUIIESTRA LEADER Ui double Coroal In braai (moit have 0ao reperUiry Inr i|ti»rrli>UTn an>) >un<linl eioile). 
DOl'BLE BAHriaodTUBA: caoaloouee LITTf.K (liRL for iiarla (•t«cUlllfiM>r*ri<rr»'l) 'iili«r uaalul i«ipUwrli«' 
JolooDneatpiofwIra. ITo (araaidnaced. AdOreM HITOIIK.LL a /AllKN, Weylaod, N. Y. 



ReHriolii). Roalirttia, capabU of eurrlii; waoi HU|a 
Igr. wllh MSB. : loai aeajoa aod lood eUary ; ihoae dolsg 
ipecliltlatpieiirreo; alioPUuUt AddrMa. ruji Miticu- 
- - * MATf KCBILI, 

Ormod Ifelal. Mi aod Ubcetoal Hu.. 1. l^li.Bn. 


P rtorM er all klodi, euiuble for rilooD 
edi of corfoelilei I 

.. IB ftfl, all 

luJiilile for flrii cIim lakoo, rea- 

taarasi lod tilUlerd rvom. HuilbeehMpaail (a aeod 
coodlUoo. AdOreea CUAH VrNiBB; 

WhUaMooie. KBoaTlHy,Top'B. 


Laaptfda, Paaa.e, ■lack, Urlady aad 
Ciaaaaaa Boa re. Spottrd llyraa. M.nk- 
re, Hlrde aad .aaall aalaaala.Saaliee, ale. 

» CatkartaaWrMI, R. V. 

teiAturtMnt of SprinierLittugraiilis 

OOfiD rOB AST BUOW. Ilieap, allb jMlor okr If da- 
t\nt, r. U. •VtUTAl<il9Mit..iJI.T.CI0i 




OK. rrtia fur (heiMa 
J lUDojrioiieat. 4b<1 

T«n ClfUea nilnale aeU for Um i 

•hewaod boe for r'rDCiri. Alwi Iw. , , 

the fdaalfKi' ijI'l ■uuian"e*eruailtr a [*nL Muiiiii 
iddreaayourleiieraijj c. J. per nr. 
Anitt#ritio, N. V. 

Mnay WestOD 

IH kWINlllWI 1 niik'UH 
A i UHt. 

WMTED, Cleitr Chtracter CoinidiM and 

flood all'roufii] 
4ite epeelaltlei 


flood all 'round Wernan for r#i'Pft»Ira. B^iUi wftb op lo 
4iuepeelaltleM. Alio Unary Han. A>l«er 
PiillMnlciiUfyflr-' Inll^r. .1 

. A>l«eccn aiHjPbi.l>V 
HANKh. HorwIrJi.H V. 

MqIII0 LenlSt Banjo, Song aid Oanci-HiR* 



iiiU.lree IImiIi (o.ljee, nveM. .wn|.b 

t'LinoB a NAi('P-(J CO., lot ir., (;ui»e, Pa, 


to.ljfe, n.eSr. .tainpL 



Februaby 1. 





Specially Engaged with 
"White Crook" Co., 




Address ARTHUR G. WILLIAMS, Manager. 40 Union Square. Hew York. 

A Tew riy Boys 

are ^'etting tiieir names up for Hav- 
ing good printing, handsome cards 
and letter heads and envelopes. 

That's a thing that counts with 
managers. Are you in line? Say 
the word and we'll send you sam- 
ples and prices. 

Chicago Photo Eng. Co./ nvo? Chicago 

Wo Know 



New Grand Opera House, 

HKA'i'iNU CAi-»Ac;i'rv »«o. 


Iloaie with IfpltoUtiirrri ()|i«>r« Cliaira, l.lghtfMl will. Gat and Rlftclrlolty, 

llvm.Mt wllh HIr.M, KIkHI I'rIvNifi Iloip., RiBht Cowinodlou* Dialling Hooma, 
FIftMB Bfili or Mrpiiprv «nil Pl«uly of Hat Hluir. l,ar«|s HlaBeOUia.'), 44n. to Itlaglna 
Loft. A Norivrii l>u <a Itatr llnoir. Now Ronklns ror the SmaoH of ■WI-'VT. FIRST 
0I.AS8 ATTIIACTIONH ONI.V. For 0|ian Tlnir nnd Terroa, milrtreu 

•JGVi O. LOGrAN, Miiiifi(;«i*, I.iOxlitf;ton, Mo. 



One of ttie Haadsonest and Most Gomfortable Theatres In America. ' 




A<lrirt>ia PIIANK KlllbllOI.X, 

(Iraqi) Opera llouae, llrooklyn, N. V. 


"TKA.VESTY SXA11(!»." nnd 



Address HOWARD HOUSE, 29 Howard Street. Boston, Mass. 


S I IDES s xi: o 



Good Aot or Freak that can be Featured. 

PerftormlnR Aloakerm, Frrslia lhat ran b« fbr llalljho<»t, Thr** Ooort Da^ Door 
Talk«n, Man tuat doei Talking KlgarM, whoUrnpatilaof t»lklng on door* 


Bf PunllloaB of Mf rana Itlvn. Maalrlana and Poach flllrtl. Addrfsa 

IIDUll IIAUniflON, lloadcrwB, Ky, 


TOD BROADWAY, N. V., 0\BI DOOH BBLOW NINTH BT, <F«nilertr 4» Iblden Una), 


aolA tnil SlUor \MCM, tHugtt, SpaniilM. HIara, Tuaola, Btocidoa, Tlilita, Shiru. PkiMlnia, DaU, WIfn, 
Sboei Kiiil JoiroliT, Tlimtrli'nl, KoiiMUIan auil Allileilc Ouodt, Onalumon' and Bkilga Hatwi' SuppllH. 
F1»RS>nil Bannoni, HIlliniT HDil Soilpi; Trlmmluga. Arrooni nt all tinda lo order. Send ror oatlmaiea. 
no larseal HMivruncnl aud liMTlcat ainct of Uieae gooita to be found aojwiiere. Cli\]uUn tr«e. Ooodi 
eentU.O. II. 



INffTHUMRNTALIATA (1IMRI>1ANR ftn>l RINURHA. A HualfAl Act anllk« »U other*. Hood ihlnia nikj mnift IhU 
n»T«rr«ut«lMriirf>. \\> rftinr u* tmili rli Kinl \U>iut>. l)p«Bmii», r*b. )M4uitl Ulor Ikah pUjSTHOKO (^oratdv FArlt. 
r«Tniui»nl atKlTitmi. IMC> |ln>atUa)-. New Yitrk trtir. 1*. H.— Ju*l CAnifnTfir ih* |<lk*. ftml th»|>lhf tivtlll ihtn. 


l«l HPKCIAL.IH1>t 1«* 

Kwni Sliltrt' HIppodrcm* ind WIK Wtil Congnu ol Fancy Re«(h RM*r« uid Cratk Iktto. 

TOUAUKRT rKHALR HIDIIllH IK AMBRIOAi AuM, Sand lOraara. Waat to bear Itan nllabl* miaann of Ban. 
mar llaaana, ruki, ata. AdOnaa n. r. UlT, B rws, m. 




will close a Successful Season of Twenty-five Weeks at 
People's Theatre, Cincinnati, Ohio, weeic of Jan. 27, 1896, 
on Account of Having No More Time for This Season. 

lly.1.. « Delim.n. Tony Pa.tor. Hanr Willlami. K»n.«. A Sl?;,^' Dr^lraSTe'li 

andiri-r.! othJr flr.. rl..a maaag^n. all ~"P'''"'"'"''if» '5, ;Kr..iI.^5 Th. fol" 
■tranR... and rlrannt vaadevllle romponlM they have played thla aeaaon. The fol- 
lowing ttreihaoiemherBOf.nK company an.1 

to arcept good angagemeaU on and afler Fob. 3, 1HU0. 



Awi-tl Htod t)y PEARL SXOB ER. 


Two Comedians. 

Think Qniok. 


The Gre atest Ctolorcd Shetoh Team o n Earth. 


The Supreme Masters of Aorob ata. 


A Great L aughing Aot. MoKenna and the Sport. 


The Origin ators of the Aerial Revolvin g Ladders. 


California' s Clever High Class Mnsioal Experts. 


T he King of all Ventriloquist s. 


TtL© B a, 33.30 Fa-dearexvalsjl. 

Clnelnaati.OlilD.or JANES J. All3I8TRONa.lV Union Square, If , Y. City. 
P. H.— Look ont for Al. Reevea and tola Dig Show next aeaaoa. 


Theatrical, Circus, 


Military Supplies. 


KenI 1 cam itamp for our NEW CATALOOUE 
JuMt luued. LaneM. complataat it«ch orOOLDaod 
raot, aTeiTllilaK reqolied for TIIBATRIOAL 

Lower Prices Than Any Other Hoase. 

Juki a f«v liemt to Rlrfl u Idw oroar pHoM: 
TIGHTS or SHIRTA, Dnm Ota. k p«lr, apnid, 
SPANOLRB. In KOld ud vlUer. tl.lO ft poand. 
WIOA rrom 50c. upwud. 

aOLD or BILTBR TRIMUtNO rrom 9c. ft jui ap- 

OiKXli MDi C. 0. D. A (l«popili retiulrsd on tU onlert. 
Bftil»r»t(loD piftnntMd or inoner rtfaiidBd. 


Roma'.bloft ftllnUck wire wilken riir«t>MD looklne for. 
W« arrr » lmm«DM i^ttK-k or xhw ftiiiJ cad 01) ftli onlert 
pntiii|iilr. HsD'ii rruin I to9, nnc* $1.90: by mftlU 

IMMtrald. tl.O). Curaa Pumpt. vlwllo top, Xfro. e«ch: 
irw p4tr ilwn. Hupporter*. eUille Id ■lilM.ftlQ. vMt, 
II.UU Mch. CAQiftk Rtll^n, ckilli Mleo, |l 00; l«tlli»r 
•ul^K, I) eO. Al) hiAlherMBh )m«) Trap^u mioe>,t)(D: 
lr«lli«r Ii«ftrlo|t HhoAn. $SU. CftorAi Puoips, asilflnt 
anil BupportmputpftldoD rmipl oi price. BE BURB 

Mil HHl) tlU. 

8. B. CALL, 229 Wain St, Sprinflfleld. Mast. 

B«tBd Yoar A.ndlem Away l^aaglilBy. 



A on«i act lIurlrMidft Orarvtu thtt talli ft fuoor itory lo 
riahl Ter«M ftotl pleftalaii inn»lo. Wrltieo with iiwclftl 
r«rer»De* Tor i TiiU uft)* pmdueilon Tnr MioPtn). woiilii 

ftnj inuKlo IjPRUP OLAdDR MBMKBB, ftuUiorof Qm 
ptrt Or«nur«, '^TIieHlitHlnl KIdih," etc 

A Orftal Chaikre fbr SfaklnK Big Rerelutf. 
Mr«. U*ftlh«rlD|r« or B*1J[di Onerftllouw, P%w ih« irltl 

6ntilucllr>n, ftftd wmle: "WITIIOLT RXCEPTION TUB 
I WARN ALL riRATBH — TlUe, wonla ftsd maMo rtillr 
pmtr«t«d b) )«w. WAKTBD, lo hfar Irom LmiJIiiiiIIId. 
MlTvl ftQil Barle^tuf muftiart. Will aeod LI^^•ttA tai 
Hu«leBoor«tnt«*pMi»lhle panlM forptniM). Pa)l riibtfl 
in ant part Orerlur*. "HinMrvl Klon." fiirult. AiUr«M 
ftllcommuniralloaato PROr. CLAUDE HEHKEB. 
P. U. Bob S», Or••QTLll^ MIoh. 


Rr J. C IIBhD. IWeuloDM |>rlc« for full Oiehutim. 
ISc ; 10 PATia aod riun, Wr. ; PI«iio Bo)o, )0c. 

"Sunday Gall" March, 

rnr OielHain, lOraiuaad Huii,mc; Bna Baa.], Be; 
Flaw Bole, Ua. ; budollii tad Onlur. Ua 

JOB. THOME. aOMDi Bl(h BL, Xavait. N. J. 




And Otiier First Class Mnsicluns. 

AilJraM DICK P. BUTTOW, Mmihoiihit, Alibamt. 




To open bI Argtntlne, Kanus, Bbonl May 1. 

Hull hare allrer pUtad iDKlramaDU. Addrea 

« ?: LEMON (Band Kamei), 

Ho. 17 Roulh llani BL, DaaflllK llllnoli. 

At IjllDeirty, 


E. F. Bearden, Isl Tenor; 
A. E. Muller, Basso, 

■u«l or Gvmedy co«.. iddran 

A. E. HULLBR, Wen Naitirlll,, Teao., 
Or In care orcLIKPBB. 


•irapl ridarm. UyioBa.K Aerlallaia ur aur act that Ji 
jaw and noTtl ; iflda Bhow aod Wild Wa«t l>eopl,. Rough 
lajllaaa, etc.; Bill PoHatu, Caoraa MeorOTOmi 
¥""^SU'°;"1.'^W«- f«rfoniieni and bill Dmle™ ail. 
dru. niO. 8AUTELLK: c>otb« mcD, K WILLIAIIS' 
l^fllar^ GEO. I BAIBrLbE: Wild Wa;t Pm>jI* BAflS 
EVE. iSI South Waa Blraat, Biraeuaa. N V 

WAKTKD.AlBo«.H<U|llar. Jaf» BKlf^h.'^oiiaMer 
l.o .eali.' illMca a polite oanll'a. I will wU oaa brSi 
or tha whole AfiltQw mvuwubii 



In curlflK tortaring, dlsflsurlng, hu. 
mlllating huaiour« of the skin, 
Scalp, and Blood when all eU« tails. 

B«M Oiraatheat Ihe irotM. BillUb Dtpoli r. Nn. 
•nr a Boia, l, XIai Idwaid^l, London. Fottu 
Dan AID 0 UH. Coir., Sola Prapa., S<aloo, U. B. A. 


Harry LSmltli 


Odo Who li Hl>«r KDil re1Itbl«. Am not nrrkid of jvitte 
I'reler (^nuDl«a wlio Iwrtli tb«lr orni route, wlla'. 
DTirOT. COUB AT ONCE. A Rfttch of B<ao<1*rfi and 
wiUJoioyou. AOdr«a]i HARRY L SUITlt 

EftU LlbartT, Pa , cftr* Bftit Ead T1iMtr«. 
NOTE— I hare lafllcloaM wllbftCompaDylhntdld U«lr 
LEVRL hmiv pty italMlM. 

For Heiiderson's B'^ Comdi Ik, 

EmotloDftl L«ftd[Dff Lidr, muit b« nice lookloiiaod 
liDowhoir to act: CbancurWomtit, thoronslilyeiiMri- 
»Dc«d; Han for Ueavlu. aod a Comedian w)io cao Eidi 
and Dane*. All man b« dr*t cIem r«p»rtolrB p«opl«aod 
hftT«p]«ni7 of ROod wirdrobo. Edler AUan. «|r«qalck. 
J.J. Oliim. wnto or vira. AddrtM JobnittowD. Pa., 
w#«tiJ«D.27; Uartlnaburg, W. Va . Feb 3: IlasAntnrD. 
Mil.. Fab. 10. W.>. HENDEHaOK MftnaRw. 


Theatre to Lei 

Centrallf locnfedi n#wlF' fitted Dp. Rent 
re«flOBalile for balance of ieninn. For 
partlcnlan addreti LOUIS P. JULQ, 
Wo. aw Main 8te« Boffalo, W. Y. 


A Ro rroD tb« ftArL Ai briRbt, cut*, and iloitaUe aa 
IntF TDBke 'Nn. Wondarful how qalrlc ItbuHpruoRloio 
popularltT. Try It orsr aod joa wlU »e« why. Juit 
the thlDft for lOQbrtlcep. ProfBaaloDtlft, Kod c*rd aod 
profmtnawforacomplimADtaTT copT. PriM VkAn.: Or- 
ch«fitratlfni )OcU LUDDBN * BATEB. RaranDab. Oa. 


i eOODniCH, UWYER, »'aT5^.'?u'aKi 

WfiJand <ol»t Braocheaapd faelllUwIa oUitr Statu. 


norphtne Habit Careil In ID 
teliOiImTi. No par till cared. 
Dr. J. Stepbena, Lebanea, O. 

plM. I8e. etlMtBatt«rioa.tMaiidup. PHOTO '^.Edea.Pa. 

"ITNCLE People Wanted, Fnll Cost. 

WAIwmiM Pia, „oj, hall.. Molt b. Mber. 

rmi\nmtn J'" oon'tlia>au> double In Biaaa. 

TOM S 5i^^°?'*"'-^?'^'"->^''''"> 

Looa.* _ ^ 

ai par roDIa, Collloawnod, Oatarla 
l^ula. Pel.. J: Bairin •• - * 
OtIUIaP.b.j. ' 

3; 'Barrin Feb. Ij 

BbaTOh"n. r.c'co. 

Full Beard Free. 

BOX OF EOTt EOn'TIAN OUM wUl",i„l,rirdU 
b»i>l. anroolo,. Tlio.a .Ubla«annall boa will „«", 
1 «l <.r aolf Malloi whi.ken. PRICt-Larm Boi 10 
••nu; Small Boi,Scanu. Bump, ukaa. Addiw 
ROY 0TTB8. Boi n>. Baltlmote. Md. 


*iD« and Damo, .III, Cloa. Irlih JI,, Re,| ud Buck 

MlftC WHISKERS, ":5i:¥^£^ 

rVI bu4a.lO<ti. n«i». ftcTkbaH, Uwn,nUut. UU a UAa 110. 
l>«a.aMh. >aT«ot«r. oemjtU. Caialm ef WlA TriiU Noi«ld«B.H&, 
nM. n w.« ; .wptfIaE.MAHBIIALL. LtkpH,TtT. 

BOOKS, FHOTOfl. ETC. Sttod 1 e«at itanip for 
clrcTBlar- O. OONROT. IP Part Bftw. Waw Ynrfc 


POSrrrVBLT cured, OarapalDlao. R«r«r«DceiBUea. 

CormpoDd»oe«toUeltad. Addrsa 

PATTERBOM HOME. Orand Hapldi. Mlchlgaj. 


Per thoannd 

FPTPBE CO.. 71 B. Thlneemh Btreel. Raw York. 

WAHTFn Blactrfi: Bait Co.'a to write for Banpka ol 
nun im, ELEtTTRIO BELTS, alio Flrea Bamplu ol 
oaa, or 2Sc lor both, with par- 
tloulan. Latent thlni In B. 

B.-U per lOO. BIO WOKET I 




Tai¥ant*e BUtamct of 
Onbeba and Copall)a 

li a iafft, oettaln and qnlck cam, 
and li an oM tlmo ramedr, ana- 
blDlBB In a biKblj MOC«ntiat«d 
fonn the ni«dIolnal rlrtnu ol 
oub«bt and copaiba, lu porubls 
ahape, fintedom tnm Uite and 
•pMdjr action (oonoB In leM 
Una Chan asr otber pispantloD) 
KNOWK RBMBDT. To pnrral 
Iraud, iM that aveTT ptdtaft* baa 
ar«d ttrlp acroM ih« ffece oP 
bel, with tba ilnutare of Tar- 
Taot A Co., H. T., Dpon IL PRIOK 


Counselor at Iiaw. 

S AND to OBNTBB STBEET, New York Cltf. 

PnoUca lo,>ll the Conttj, OItII aad Orlmllal. Bteclal 
•ttMiloo Kiroo lo the eoUaotlon or claim, aad deMi ol 
all tlnda, lha piepantloo.or afraamenle end other latal 


Fowls and Efrss For Sale, \»j 

B. P. ORAM. Ootdalla P. C laeoMttrOcFa. 






llaweat aad aaort eleflaat rt^lae, witktbe 

BUllanI Haterlala, Olotk, Balla, Caee, 
eta^ of oar owa maaafttetan and la* 

aileA«o, daoUinaU, Bt Lonia, BaaPraMlaea 


w- a.11 "■'**»*«'*«IT»R8, SMC WAtHIItOTOR ST.. BOSTOH, HA8I. 
We S.lI. H,a«^ or KiobM.* t»MS, 93, M. t», lis «3B, Mo. •me AHBH. 

in oar SpoeTalty, Illae. Speelmoa LotteraJ partlcalaia, etc,, 


In type 

Oofijilelital, 18a I, by Ttie Fnnk Qoam rnblUhlif OOniiu/ lUmltad). 

Foundtd by 


■ VOLUME XUII.-N«. 49. 
I PrtM 10 Cmte 


wirmM roi t» »* tok oiirriH. 

II bu Wed wniewtoi elnc* li c»me wlib He tnow 
Tliii (ell from me clouds Id ibe dim longaio. 
Hill I ireuore It eilll, ni III ihTmee are «8 iroe 
A«irlieD mej were wrlueii 'nejih eye« ibitwero 

bloc. _, ^ ^, 

I stc bet todaj u ibe «ent wlin * Kiw 
TdU ib»" 'roi" U>Te'ii(iolver-Uie peil llllle nlu; 
Ana borumibur I Ue»r, ifllb aneclio ditino, 
Wben I open Uie le»Te« of Ibis old Telcntlne. 

It ilDki * fond pMl to mj heari eronnore, 
Ai Ibe w»ve» rlpi>le o»w»td p»«t Memoty'e sbore; 
ig mc rbjmee ibet eho eenlUieie'ii « aelleaie Irace 
01 Ibe lote llubtUial ebone on *«r lieanllCul fic*. 
The world of lodaj woaW meke iport of her reiee, 
Tlio' melij » lover bM done even *oree| 
Hoi to me It to deer, tor It know It le mlno, 
And Hemorjhallowi Ibe old valentine, 

Tue New Woman bIdbb In a dllTerent eirain, 

And Copid todai bai anoiber refrain; 

Unt I torn to ibe past wllb lie fragrance eo ewtel, 

And long vanHbed fates wilb pleasure I greet. 

From Ibe bearlol old Umes oomesno songot regret, 

Wcalled bj the page* I cannot forg»l; 

For Ibe love tbatebe telle In eacb mjeUeal line 

Wis sstme aa lUe rhyme of ber oldtalqililDe. 

We ireasnre Ibe loves of life's antvate prime, 
nofacoot aaweetbeartrelumslnarbyme; 
Tbe roses of Bdomer, tbe bells on Ihe mow, 
Diing bick bappj scenes from iBe dear loni ago j 
And ible Is wbf ont of tbe jeare ibsi bave nown 
(i)mC8 Into mj cbamber a fooutep-ber own. 
And lips iou:h mj cheek wllb a terror divine. 
And metblnHasbs to resdltgberold valenllne. 


wRimif roa TBI NIT Tosa curna. 


Tbe trembling ttj mumbled someiblng about In- 
lending U) return It to tbe tbe porter cot 
him ebon wllb: '-And joa opened It Urst, to see If 
there was anjtblBg to null jonr faocr. flo,now— 
snd, mark jon, walk* straight patb tbe real of the 
line jou are here, for I'll bave my eje on jon evorr 

Wllb tbU be released him with a push, and Ihe 
cnlptit went suggerlog np the path and w«s soon 
aiii of sight snd hearing. The old man, wbo bad 
not noticed tbe Buse's absiraoilnn of ibe bit of 
parobment, picked op the lime Jewel caeeand went 
mumbling Into tbe lodge, shaking hie head oraln- 
ousij. as If In a state of Rrtat dlssatlsttoilon. 

Cora bad, meantime, nnnled to ber apartmeuts 
iod, baslllj thiowing off ber heavy wraps, wiib the 
iisliiance ot her Udy Bngllth maid, Sossn, was 
sooD atilred to enjoy the Inianous warmth and 
comfort of ber etrlcken home. Rtpulslng Ihe 
noisy aticnllooB of her skyc teirler. and gliing dl- 
ttcilone that It be Ukon to tbe lllUe tea rcom, 
iibcm she was In Ihe babltof dining alone in Ibess, 
her sad, solitary days of penance, she made her 
way to the pavilion, where her hnsband lay In 
itbal eute of comfort ihe lavish a«o of money could 
command tor one la his sad pllghi. Passing 
ihrougb an ante room on the groand floor, and 
pushing aside a silken conaln, she entered the 
OBin apartment, where PanI Abingdon was con- 
demned to waste away the llltle remnant ihalwss 
left him ot bis lite. 

Tbe lnv,>lld bait reclined, half sat la a leather 
coTcred, aottly cushioned chair, which was so con- 
structed that Itconld he lowered or elevated, or 
changed to whatever anglelmlgbt beet suit Ihe 
patlcnl's comfort. And who would believe this, the 
ilsebing, daring, meny bridegroom of three years 
bcforo-tbia spectre, this wralih with crashed feat- 
ures, wllb but one half lie b •• j preserving Its skele- 
lon form— tbe other, lorn, mangled, crushed ont of 
all human semblance. Tho shrivelled figure lay as 
nioilonless as a corpse, with Its one eye oloaed as 
In Hlc«p-a horrid atght that would bavesirioken 
the sioutest soul with terror It come upon nnawarea. 
i^ora, however, llirongh the long days of tier atone- 
ment, had familiarized herself with the dreaded 
changes that were heing wronght In lUe doomed 
inan, whose dreadful passaire to the grave she wss 
combating Inch by Inch wllb a hopeless deapera- 

Hhe approached the Invalid, lie opened his one 
liisirclesa eye and beckoned feebly with bis booj 
hand In tbe direction nt a dark comer, frvm which 
emerged tbe nurse Henry, whom we have already 
"ion under oiher ciroomelsnces. He lalsed the 
L'bslr so that the sick msn wss In a sitting poslilon, 
where he seemed to hold blnNlf uneasily, as It ibe 
framew.orkof hia paln racked body were not snfll- 
elcnily sliong to hold hint, nis wife came close 
iKslde bim and bent down herbeadlocatsbibe 
feeble whisper thai came from bis moulb without a 
mrviion of tbe thin bine lips. 

"lias he como wits your" be asked, sllndlog lo a 
famous medical specialist who had, a rear betort. 
delivered his dread Jndgmcnt on this hopeless case, 

"No;" lepled Com, "he has encagemenis thai pre- 
vent bis coning now, but will vlilt yon next week." 

Tbe nnUlsied tsce ot Ibe Invalid was eipiesalon. 
less, hnt Ibe long pause and Ihe steady sisre ot Ihe 
eingleeyewera mfllclent lo eipresa his Incredu- 

"Did you go 10 hlmt" be sdded. In tbe same hor- 
rible gaap. 

' Ofcoune. I have Just Rioraed by tbs evening 
iraln,"ehe replied, with atslnily dtagalied petu- 

"And OldeonRydervroon hasn't coma yetri' As 
he aaed this the Uaaing eyeaot Ihe nnrae, standing 
un Ibe opposite side ot tho Invalld'a couch, wen 
nicd Inlenuy on hen. She knew not why, bui 
■heir intense look, which she bad nsTer noticed 
liefon. aecmed lo Intimidate ber. She parried the 
qncaUos with, "Always ttat talk about Oldeont 
Wbat mstur If be shoaM oooe hack? What la he 
to ust" 

She caa« down ber eye* nnder the alan ot Ihe 
nnrae, and, «enaiag over, klaaed the bnwn-wblta 
cheek ot Ihe InvaUd. nu eye olosed. and. obedi- 
ent lo a aoUoD tioD.hIm, Benry disposed hln 

again in his half reclining position, and, wheeling 
bIm nearer Ihe Ore. beseemed losink Intoa death 
like sleep. 

Con was assured that Ibe patient's condition was 
no wone, and so, afier eunlnlng ihe nuiae tram 
bead to foot wlib a careful aerallny which she bad 
ncv<r deemed bIm worthy of, up lo this lime, re- 
celvlngobsequloos bowi and soft assurlaganswen 
from that Individual, passed ont and Into the ad- 
jacent tea room, where her neal was awaliing her. 
Hho coold not help saying this man was repulsive 
to her, and wandered that nho had never been so 
Impressed; before but after renecilon, and nnderthe 
Influence of the want open lire snd tbe rich meal, 
sbe shook oir Ihe feeling. 

slon— sonelhlng; jon wU. (renember, Iwasbever 
guilty or before." 

"Ob, no eionses, my dear old IU>b,'<aald Oora. 
"How could yon give otrencet Yon now that la 
Impossible. Mow, go on without anoUer word ot 

Ihe old man shlhed uneasily mm one tool lo the 
other, and scntched tis grlzsled head as It ha wen 
putalcd how lo tiegln. 

"The tact Is, you see, ma'am." he tnally stam- 
mered, "I have a very unpleasant doly lo perform, 
and I don't know how to go ahool IL" 

"An unpleasant duty r> she repeated. 

"Yea, very," bo declared, and iheo. anddenly 
diving his Ughl hand deep down Into Ue cspaclons 

with Ihe nioal omlooua wags ot Its Jiead which 
always marked a stste ot concealed disaatlsfaeilon 
ooklapart, Noaooner had he gone than she made 
haala to^opaa Ihe'oasktt'and |illp Ihe qealal, bulky 
gem on hefi Onger, when lis aoaiN glittered with 
the ntmellotis of rare diamosda, and the great opal 
gave out a baleful changing glow fnm Ihe head of 
the guttering npille. Bhe sat for some timo ad- 
miring the Goabenone Jewel, whleh vrelghcd down 
the dhger with Its heavy tddL 

The dog had sprang lo her lap and neaiicd then 
again. She careaaed hln with the Jewelled hand 
and noted the glluer ot the aeipent as sbo twined It 
through his shlBlDg coaL The aninal aocnicd to 
Shan old Rot's dlallke tor the opal, for It anarlod 

"Why should I expect ibo graces of a nobleman 
In one of his citesi" said sbo, sod so dUmlseod bIm 
from her mind. 

In this, her boor ot relaxallon. If oie might be 
said to bo permuted lo ■ orealnre so wretchedly at- 
dieted, she might devote herself to Ibe slick Utile 
dog which, at least, she waa sole loved ber, though 
even Paul, for whom sbe wasucilllcing ber yonng 
life, might doubt hrr, as be undoubtedly did. In. 
capable of such lacrlllce nu bis own put, he conid 
not understand her lldellt.v,and tonnred himself 
wllb black suaplclons ot ihe rival who, hs bll- 
icriy Rliected, was In the sdvanlageons poslUon 
after all. 

Tbe dog needed hnt sUghtenconngement to leap 
Into ber lap. where be nestled while she catwaed 
his silky coauand thongbl-thonght of Ihe bright 
past, of the dreary preaent, and. In herown deaplie. 
of Oldeon Bydervroom. Uow dlffeient ber life 
might have been It ahe had only been uue-lt ahe 
hsdclnngto her promise, and tnraed her back on 
Ibe templlog besntj and dashing oh«tm which her 
aunt had said came from the BtII One. Was It an 
old woman's loperatltlon, or might It be true t 
Wheiewu that manly beamy now? When, loo, 
wulhelovelthadvowedt oone-all. all, snd left 
only the sad spectre of woe. breaiblng, noi love, 
bntbasaeosplolon. Oh, If ahe had — 

A lap on the door annsed her from her nverte 
and Ihe maid enieied. 

"Please ma'ao," said she, "old Rob, the porter. 
IslnibetalLandlsMlbalhesee yonatoBceon 
ImportailhuslMaa. lloMhlmtomoinwBnado, 
bnthelapodenily — " 

"Admit hln It once," laierrapted the Blstreaa, 
and lbs girl, reilrlng aomewhal abaahed, wfcered 
In Ihe porter, with a sniff and a teas of ber head 
at him 'he went ouL Old Bob looked after ber wllh 
a snlle. "8ke1 a good girl," mntlend be; •'aha 
waa ready to flght like a IHtle Ugtrcatbefvre she 
wosld have her nlMieas dlstohM, and I honor her 
for II; but I knew, madaa, you wotid not buns 
oM Rob l(,yan eoold bear hIa aicuas tor lUs Hire- 

pocket of his gresi coal, he ashed out, after some 
•earch, the llllle Jewel case. 

Oora ilarttd. "Ah I" said aba. 'The golden snake i 
Ton found It. ihcnr' 

"Yes; but better that It had tmn loat forever 
thsntbatloryouoranyoflhlahonse should be lis 
Under," said the old nan earnestly, 

"What do yon mesat*' ezclalned she, terning 
pale aa tbe events ot ihe early evening flashed back 
across her mind. 

"This, ma'am, la what I mean. If you'll pardon the 
baldness ofan old servant Thiaheregoldensnake, 
which Is lu right name, baa In lis head an opal 
which I do not dosbt la very mre, and worth a 
fortune, ptrhapa; but this I mnit ny at the risk of 
offending: thai whoever bought and gave that lo 
you, even II you have bought It joniaelf, that penoa 
la no friend to you nor lo this family." 

"Rob, how dare you aay this t Kiplaln youraelt 
at once I" Von had sprang lo ber teal, halt en- 
raged, half confnasd. 

The Old man'aconnge seemed to rise under the 
sling of sharp words, tor he repHed lo a Ormer, 
bolder lone: "There's a cnias oa epala toeveiyone 
In Ihe world, but especially lo Ihe Ahtogdona. 
Then waa nsver bni ons came Into the ianlly-a 
long, long while ago It wis-and that brought ur* 
rlMealBlctlon. Ithona nethatpoorotdBobyoBea, 
al ihia lima of hIa life, mast be th« bearer ot soeh a 
cnneloyoa. Thcrelils. I do not give II; Heave 
It In your sight In piootot my hcaealy; hot If yea 
will be waned by Ibe lapentlllaas at u old man, 
yea win never touch It Bor keep U a singladayla 
this Booae. for dread of Ihs awfal cone that goes 
with It." 

With Iheae words be placed the caakat on the 
Ubie, and ahoddered aa she taaeked over and look 
It up In dcdaaos of his dlaoal tebodlDga. 

"Poor old Hob P* she eiclaliaed, wtib a laugh, "I 
thank yon for yoor soUdlade aodaObclloD, but yon 
eauot eipaet na la shaie la year tMloaloBaaapar. 

liiil as ihii iliinilaal hln, iba oM aaa dsyaitlaf 

aa the Jswel was drawn before Its eyes, and Anally, 
mahing ■ sudden snap, bit at the flnger on which II 
guttered, Inflicting a slight wound, then, springing 
tram ber lap, loot nfnge nnder a chair In a oorner 
ot Ihe room, wben It lay, showing Its teclb and 

Surprised at tbe ilnnge conduot of her get, Oora 
nng tor Ihe serranis, who, with their united loreea, 
were unable lo coax or drtre tbe aolmal trem ila 
retreat; so It was left then, Vn. Abingdon deter- 
DinlBg that It sbonld be looked In all night, tor Ibe 
safety ot Ihe household. ThSMrvanisbadleftaftsr 
their fralUeas stnggle. and Com bad arisen to go 
to her apartmenli, when she wu eonfrontad by tbe 
•mirklsg and deferential Heniy, who had sneaked 
baok after lha ethan had gone, and. cloalBg the 
door, waa advancing towards ber wllh nolseleas, 
catUke tread, 

"Fardlog, ninn,"aald he. wllb a eoeree English 
InOecilsn, "but I "are BOmelhIng blnlircsllng to ted 

Bhe ihrenk from Ihe sinister serrllliy of hIa ap 
proach. and angilly waved tin aside. 

"I have no coafldencea with serraota. sir. Ad' 
dieaa youiielf to Ihe hniler," said sbe, haughtily. 

Bhe would hare paassd hlo, and no out lo Ihs 
hsllway, but ho boldly lelsMI her by Ibe wrist and 
detained her. Before she coald cry ont he apoka 
rapidly. In phrases Ibat senl a shadder Ibroogh 
her very sonl.aad qnelled an thongbt ot reslilMoai 

"I saw you ■xatycoagaMeoa tonight, I knows 
you are a-de<elilB' of yoor wrelebed 'uabaod. I 
hnowhilt-lhe gift of that iben gt>lden anaks, and 
haD,hevso to IIM dgial that was agned on Is brtog 
Imloyoo. WlalwMllI A leap bornlng doae is 
Ihe pasea In that Ibon loBg wrlBder-the one 
towarda 'la asoM'a naaaloa, when 'e 'aa now come 
to live." 

Bhe tnnad pale and stagfaigd back lo her chair, 
aeUhg It wllb hit bead ud soppoitlBg heraelf 
while engaged In a alghty struggle to ngaln her 

"Bow dan yon MkBOwMga Is my pnsanea 

hat you have Iwen a spy on my aollonsi" she 
anally broke out. "For meddling wllh affhlia that 
do not oonoera yon, what can jna expect but that 
I summon my servant* and have ynu flung from 
my hutband's house t" 

"Try hit, mum." uld tho Nmlrking regno with a 
Inld change of manner. "Jnit iry hit. HIng the 
hell you 'are your 'and on; lint before llioycoran 
I can Fhocl In Hlslcr PanLand tell 'Im hall I hnowa 
and lei Hm 'sve aomo volno In this 'era flingin' houl 
buslneM. Wsyho, I waa a ihlnkln'. there might In 
Mnicone hehw lu danger of a ningln' hont— yon, for 
binslsnrr, my lady. 'K's not a hamlsMo hold 
wreck, that ohap, when 'In Jealousy's toinhed, 
as I hnowa, for I've hotien sounded 1m on that 
point, and I knows Just what I can do with 'Im 
when I 'as tho hovidonrcs In, 'and si I've got 
'em now. Ring, and I'll ho bsok 'en wllb 'Im In 
a 'nrvy." 

He moved toward Ihe door, bui aho sprang for- 
ward and olung lo hisarm. 

"No, no," she oriod, "do not Ipll htm thai, II will 
kill him," 

"And pui yon In a Imd light jtnnnelt.obt" uid 
Ihe wnicli, wlih amsllclous Inr. 

Bhe had not iho courage to reply. Her mind waa 
too full of the honor sroiucd liythn Ihnughlaof 
what a torrtlile weapon Ibis knowledge might pnve 
In the hands of the l>s«« wretch who had thus bold- 
ly aascitcd his power. 

lie pauaod a long time— a full miniiie, porhspa, lo 
enjoy her confusion, and Ihen. In the lull flush of 
his assnred irlumpb. went nn: 

"Hut that's not all I wants in say. Yon cut me 
hoff wllh your throat to 'avo me kicked bout, but 
now, as I see you'vo ibonght boiler ol II, we'll 
go nn wllb our llUlo hintorvlow. This Is what I 
wants to sa.T— about that 'en golden aoako what 
was give inn tonight lir illilKon Hydorvroom, 
There came wllh It a plpco of jrollow ng with 
wrllln'on li-a son of 'obanclor' for Iho ring, like 
sorvauia 'ave." 

A look of terror rane over iho foatures of tho 
woman, which ho did not fall lo rcoognlu wllh a 
coano, uncnnceslod cbiickla, and then went nn : 

This Is hli, hiint lit'' Ho hold up the yellow 
Knp be bed taken from tkernskot. Dora sprang 
forward, as If ahe would sdio li, liul hs aaallj re- 
pulsed her, anil, ihnraling It mm ibe pochoi of his 
jaokel, continued: "This 'ore's no gnnrt lo you. 
Ynu couldn't hnndeniand It nn more Ihsn mo, 
for It's wnto in lloyoiallan. and yon dnn'l read 
that no mora than I does. It's all sliont Ibat 'en 
goldsn snake, ihnngh, aail I 'avo no doulil It 
would be worth lolsof nionoj to you lo get It bach 

■Name your price. I will buy It now," ex. 
olalmod Oon, eagerly. 

"Well, juat wait a lill, mnm," said he, coolly; 
That hain't Just business, that hsin'i. I'm a-goln< 
to And lha best market tor It, flnt of all," 

What do yon mean liy thiti" Inquired Un. Ab. 
Ingdon, a deathly pallor spresdlog over ber face. 

Bee 'ere now," he replied, coanely, "Rnppoae 
yonr'uiband ahnnld be wlllln' to pay twice unuoh 
tnrltaayont Hain't I a-haetln'fnrmy iMathlnler- 
eats, and In a stmlght bout and bout boalneaa-like 
way.ltlglvea'ImachanceT And then Uiere'a that 
young chap o' yoora, yonni nideon-maybe he'd 
'avo Bome hinlsreal of Is hown to keep II out of 
Harator Panl'a 'anda. 'PfSliontd 'aveachaace. too; 
halnt that sol" 

"Why, thU Is hUnkmalll Hcoundrell You dan 
to threaten me In my own hiiiiset" lirokeoiitoon, 
Intnrtalad st llnding herself entangled In Ihe web 
of ao baa« a plotter. 

"Yes, mnm. I dares do It liecanas I hnowa my 
power, and I'm pretty sun ynii hain't goln' lo kick 
np hany scandal ao long aa ynu can hny me hoff," 
he repllsd. 

nis words were only too true. Bhe dared ont let 
hln free lo play on tbe Invalld'a susplolons, or 
In Innas Ihe world's evil tongiisa against her. Hhe 
waa weak ami onmeshad, snd rvsry niomsnt ad- 
ded to her weakness, until she found beitsll 
at last BlarUhlr hanging on tbs flat of thia liaae 
menial, who waa wringing har heait with hIa ornsi 

"Rpeski Fjid this snspenao; tell roe what ynu 
want I" ahe exclaimed, hytloilnllr, at Ihe climax 
of her dsai«lr, foregoing all further realatance and 
bnwing abjectly to hIa wUI. 

The lilaokmaller, evidently an eipert al hu liaae 
trade, aaw at once Ibat he had won the vletory, 
and that ahe was his slars. lie was prompt In 
taking sdvanuge of this dhooTsiy, 

"What I wants, mum, ilneo yna ask, dial, laatand 
all Ibe llms. Is money. I wauls It now, dnwnon the 
nail— a mile of forty pounda, two 'iindred doHats, 
for hlmmedlaie neceaeltlea band In liind Ibe liargain 
between us, yon know. 

Bhe drew four bank nmns trom her well fliled 
puns and flnni then nn the lalile Inwards him. 

"There l" Mid she.acnmfiilly, "Ihavo bought you. 
Row give nio the ptrnhmeni, and wbM ynn leave 
this bnuse and my employ, tnmorrow, f shall gUdly 
give you half that asm again." 

"Not by any sort n' means, mum," replied Henry, 
with a luld Ungb. "Thhi ^sre halnH full payment, 
this Is honlys beginning. And aa forleavin' this 
'ones, not by a JngfnI. I knows whsn I'm comfort- 
ahly bolt, and I hain't a-gnin' In kiave any inoh 
good rich payin' property is this, nohow," 

"Scoundrel I" aba exclaimed, aa the fact dawned 
on ber that by thIa flnt snhmMnn to tho wreteh 
she had bowed her head to a yoke from whleh she 
night never be able in free heneir, 

"No 'ard names. If yon pleaae, mum," said he, 
with an Ul atUngassnmpllonof dignity. "I'm honly 
a apeenlator, that's what I ham, and aa anoh I 
knnwa a good thing when I 'aa II, and I makes onl 
of It hall I ea". Itnw, I'd be a Moomin' Idjnt to gtvs 
np hall my hadvanugaa before I knnwa wkat thIa 
'tn fleriallan writin' irmna Bni, says yon, yon 
doB'l read no lleytallan no more than me; and I 
atys right yon are; imtDoclnr Plein, who yon want 
to the city for today, nan read It like a hanget. It's 
Im that's gdn' to give nu the (tasan'a KngHah ot II 
whan 'e cornea <tn nest week, and Ihen yon and 
na and yonngMr, Oldeon Rydervreom an a-gola' 
to talk hos'neaa" 

•<0f what value oan Ibia Illegible somp of paroh- 
n)enthei"(lanbnkelB,plsadhigly. "Olvaltms, 
pioDlas to leave Ihia bouse, and I will quadnple 
lha no yo« have altaady wrung from ne." 
[TO BB txisriHUio,] 



February 8. 



Hoaaay Nlcht's OpalHgi in aU th« 
Blc Bkow Town*. 


"Tho Gentle Savage" Produetd at the Tl. 
voll Opera Houio— Tavary Grand Opera 
C3. Opena Sueceaafully at the Baldwin. 

Ilinclll DlirtUb to 1>i> N. T. Olpnr.) 

HiH riiAScmcii, Fell. 4.-AI Ilia Ctlllomla Tliet- 
Ira Uoilnno inado lior lint nppunoce htra lut 
I'vcnlnR, to » cruwded liauie, In "llosdilcli nudaon 
Jr." r.iilerctrakl will appor Paro on llie ercDiDg 
u[ 10, r.illoirait \>j ibe nullneta on 12 and 14, 

Ilii.iiwiN TuaiTM.-TtiaTikrar/Uraiid Optra Co. 
iiiiido tlielr nrat appaamnco here iMl avenlOR and 
proTci lo hn a vei? itroDs ariianl/ailon,wlUi an on- 
iiaiiullj HironR npertotr. "Alda" ma tbe lalllai 
upon, acil will IM contlnocd until funtacrpoilu. 
''Cannon," "TlielliinQiiilanairl,""Tlia llagutoola," 
"UlRiiun," "Oarallana lUinUcana" Md "11 Pag- 
llaci'l," "Uartha" and ■•liObaogiln" Till alao lie 
tho upcnis produced la aiioro aucceialoB duitoi tlie 
cOKHgcu.ciii, ptvlag Wcdneadar and Satoiday 

Ouu'uniA TiiaiTnE.— "Hen and Women" bu 
iioen ruialncd liy Ibe rnwlej Co. lot inia wtok"! 

UoBuw It'll Cn AMI Ui-icHi llai'R(.-Tlilal»naewa< 
packed 10 the <lixinlaalDl|lil,llieS. IL 0. algn lielDg 
larlj tilmiliijcd, to aee the production «( "Blatera ol 


Ti VUI.I Di'Kiu lloi'iia.— "TliodonUo Savage," wit t. 
tcnii; KiielleUlajtonanil Ntdi UrlokK, music \jj 
I :. I.;ing, waa pruducod at Uila lioun last oven ■ 
Ing, to a crowded hunao. 

Ohuvkh'h ALUt/iH TiKirxi.— "A OaaUngBcoun- 
ilrcl, nr WcHrlnit ilie Llvor; ot lluves to Barre the 
liovll,"ueomeilr ol Han Hrancleco life, portrajlng 
Komo recent lupiea from grace or lome o( our 
divines, wall pioaenled at Ibia lioune Ual nighr. 

Ui'aii Bthklt TiiEiTHi.-Tho Coot Twin Klatera 
npiwared Iml evening al Ibis lionae, In "Vncle 
Toni'a Cihiii." 

Oiii'iici'H —Now people llila week: Komonda, 
Kniincruiii and Kmmunda, CtmH Jabnaoo, Ullt; 
Carter, Walter aianuin and Tina Coirl. 

NiTk cbiiilits Kwain haa begun divorce pro- 

ceedluga Hgaloi>t Ualiel lludaon. 


Inclement Woather Affeeti Budneet Along 
ths Lino-Few Noveltlei, But Attraetloni 
Generally Good. 

IRpMlil UtiiAtetiei to Tbe Ntw fork Ctlpre'.l 
I'uii.DDiti.rMi*, Feb. 4. -The wreiolied wenlbet 
laat nlglit cnnaldrnbiT dlialnbibed tho cuatomarr 

Hitvndnnce at tho Ibuaires At the Acadcinj ot 

Uiialc n strong pnsenlatlon of "Ixibeogrln" was 
Klven, Willi Uateriia as Ortiud and Kroaold as Kbs. 

TIlo nlteudanco wai fair. UIga Ketbenolo, bi 

"Carmen," had a good houaeat tbe IVoad A 

goodklicd oudlciice Bawtbo opening of (be third 
vcek nl Dcnuian Thouipaon, In "Tie Old llonw- 

Hicnd," at iliu Ubesmut 8lreotUpoi»Uonae 

"Trillij" opentil llaaUib week to a packed bouse 

nt Ibo Clitalnut The Walnut waaonwded, and 

KobertllltllaiO began tho la^t week o( blsoogag» 
niool,tn "Tho l.ltileatairl" and "iMt-u llonrs," 

with undlrolnlahcd iiicccu A fair sized 

iiudlMico vua pretent at llie optnlnR of "The 
War n( WcaUli" at tbe I'art. Fanny Mela- 
I) ID received n very natlerlng lecepllon and 

ronnjr Mural oiroiliiga. Tbore waa • lilg 

Htieniliince at ilie Audllorluin to welcome 

Itiiiwil llms.' iMnicdiau "Ilumn l)earts" 

ilrow tbe usual crowded bouso at tbe Mitlonal 

Iliero was a good houae at the Olrvd Avenue, 
wheio "Tbo Jill" waa veil plajed aid Hra. Dleu 

Itoiiclcault was received with eniliulsam 

"iillvorTwlst,"atilio )\>rapangb, bail a line ptn. 

MuUtlon and a cronrdcd houae Tbe l>«ople'> 

waa crowded, Jainei J. Curiioti, In "The Navi| 

Cadet," lining tlio attraction A fainy good 

lioiiae niw"llouand Uon"attbe Htandaid 

Tlio uiliMlrcl enteruiamont at the Hercntb Street 

(iprm House did a Mir liuilneeti A fairly good 

liouu a'lH In attendance attholiljoudurlilg tbe 

evening "/ore," at the Lyceum, had a guod 

liuuee 1110 allcnilancoat ilieUuseoni waisfalr. 

IteiamH, Fell. 4 —The opening of tbo aeaaeo of 
(iciiimii I'lHta nt the llosion Tbestre lut night 
drtw cut ilio neallli and ouliuio ol Ibo cllf. 
■'l,o^engllll" waabiiiig uialcr the direction of Wal- 
ter UainiOKCh, witb tironning, UadatI, llobrena, 
I'opcrlel, Uortooa and I.ohse Klafaky la the oaat, 
and WHS terclTcd with great favor by a huge au< 

dtcuee "Tho Mglit Clerk," with I'eKrF. Uallcy 

iind a alrong cast, drew n big house st the Howdoln 

Siiuorr Ward and Vokcn opened In "A Hun on 

the Hank" nt ihoUoluuibIa 1liealrr,l« « crowded 

liouao Tho ilullla Bircet Theatre bold an- 

iilher big aiidlciue wbon "Tbo Shop Utrl" be- 
gan 119 tcooiid and lam week. It haa proven one 

iif tho liM liiiuktnga uf tho eeitsno The 

FYaui'lH WIlMU (Ijiem Co. began lla fourth and 
lut week at tbo Trenioni Tbeatro In "The 
Hoiry Monarch," and had a veiy good houae, 

Nu empty teats could lio seen at tbo 

lliisioii Uuieuiii, when) Bolhcrn tiegan his 
iiiunli week. In "Tho I'llaoner of V-enda,"... 
"lulaullir," euiigattbo Ciiailo BqiiareThealn hut 
night, timugiiinicd a lovlval of Olltxrt anal fiullt- 
vau'a opcias In lie produced at Ibia boiiao. A vor> 

iirgo uudleiu-o niteudcd "A CiDtented 

Wouian'' attracted a larger audlcucs tbno uwia) at 
tholVikTntatro, i>wlng to the atnciinceneot ( I 

her ittihilnwat on Saliinlay nigbl Keith's 

New Tbea'ro had cxcellonl IniidDetailay and nigbl. 

Rood tillls iinil Roiid alViidaoco prevailed at 

lucKt uf iiur iHipiitar |iit:ed iibona. 

tiM'iNXAii, Fib. 4.— "Ilia K>cell(Er>"|ilcaicda 
Isi'tio niidli ucc at tlioUntnd. Ucrtiiid* Ajiward, «rl o 
ii ok tliii M'lo lit Nsnnn, waa falrlr niinthereil In 
iiiiwits. Blio In a i-l?ter ot Treaauivr .Vjiwatd.ol 
Ibo Uniiid, and ilracrved llm plandl'a liea'owed 

Ctuy Fliiiseiuld, III '-The Fotiodltog." waa 

Mnniily welcomed byalilg houae hI Ibo Walnut. 

"Voner.uela," the new pliiy wriiicn by Kmrnt 

M-.nii, iwaiemea clemeiita of popuUr auccota and 
WHawellrvi'ctvcdat Froeiuau'a, where It waalntcr 
(ircted by ilio mkV. Tbia company, beaded tiy 
llowunt Hall, take* Iho n<ad lua foitulghl, under 
ihaniaiiagpmrutiit UMLUeUalluni. Uomblnatlooa 

will nil 111 tho Kaion at F'reeman^ Yale's 

"liavlt'H Aurtlim" turned penple away at the Foun 

inlu "Pho \IM\f Hat" openeal to B. ItO. at 

Ikmk'a labial's Octoroons paoked tbe INto- 

plt>« CbatleH'onlCKln "AOnuntry Merohant,' 

itiua-fair >l/.ed CMWila to Iho Audliorlum A 

leopard escaped tram tho Winter iioartera or the 
lluliliiwu Bhnw alTemec Fark. Tho animal was 
rundown, and ludly lacerated jouDg Jack HoMn- 
nin iietoie it wasahut and killed. 

BT. Uii'iH. Fall. 4.— leclenient weatber Intaitaieti 
with Iho Sunday opening, but notwIlhatandlOR Ibe 

llagan lunietl awiiy peo|ile Mrs. letter and 

tir. Ilellow opcneil to a light Kunda; nigbl honae at 
tlm (I1)'iu|ilc, bntiiii Uonibkj the busllMea was good. 

"TheSpan of Lite" opened to at light Snnday 

uight liouN at tbe Untnd, Tbe scenic ciTccbiwerj 

good, but Ike only Dent waa the hrMge ot bodler. 

me company was poor Wood and Bbepard'a 

"Town Toplos" packed the Dagan twice Sunday, 
aid ths TaiMartlle cnisruinmait was well appre- 

dattd Two good Sonday bonses welcomed the 

IKnltSantMy Co. at Iks Sundard "Tbe Btmg- 

lie of Ule" tiled Bavlln'a Sonday for tbe two per- 
foimancee, HUe. UelvetU, Ike noted singer, U vls- 

lllng' here Alice Temple, In laney dancing, 

made a bit at ibe nawOatIno laat night Tom 

O'Ronrke, Qeoige Ulxon and Joe \rslcolt wera en- 
tertained Aonday by Hanager Bnlter, ot lbs Stand- 
ard Tbtatte "Dolroonlco's nt Bia" plajed to 

good booses at l.'cOaa:and'a Opera lloose, Kast SL 
lionls, Sunday ntghu 

WaaniNOTOH, Feb. 4.-The Boatonlans opened at 
Raple;'n Nailonal Tbtalrs, In "A WarTlmo Wed- 
ding," for lbs flnt time here. The boose wu 
crowded and tbe open was aa mil liked as any- 
thing heretofore presented by this cccellent or- 

ganlKsUon Holand llceil, abif seconded by 

laadore Ihub, pieaenlod "The rollllclan'' at At- 
baugh's l,tfayelle Squaro Open House, to a large 
andlenco, which was deiiionsiretlre In Us approval. 

. ."Tbe Derby winner" bad Its Inrt Introdncilon 
to a Washington andlenco last nlitat, and draw e 
very largo andlence to Hsplej'a Academy ot Uosic, 

winning petteetastlsfactlon "Nonhen IJgbls" 

was seen ben for tbe ilrat line at Allen's Urand 
Open Uonsa by a crowded audllorlam, plesslng Im- 
mensely Weber It Fields' Vaudcrlllo Oub had a 

slandlog room honse st Kornan's Lyceum Theatre. 

. .Tower's Ice raises was crowded to witness 
the ekallng of Joseph f. Donogbno. 

Ciiii'ioo, Fab. 4.— A large audience beard Delia 
Fox, In "The Mule Troopo-," at the Columbia, 
Sunday evening, and agaUi last Digtai. h'nmerous 
cbangea. alnce the opera waa pndnced bera 

year ago, ara nollcei) Tboraaa Seabrooke 

spent Sunday In town It Is announced 

that Oamlllo li'Arvlllo will follow "14!»'> at Ibo 

Chicago Creaion Clarke hud a good andlence 

when be opened Ida engsgeineut at UcVlcket'e, 

Snndsy evening, with "llainlci." KdwanI 

llaiTlgan, In "Old l.tvonder," pteaaed a large 

crowd at tbe Bcblller flood uiiracilons at the 

outlying honaea mot with due appreclnbon-... 
At the Uaynurkot Wm. P. Ilooy niled the hnu« 
wllb a crowd that gave "rhs Ulobel'roller" an en- 
Ibustastlo reception "Alsliatm," at Iho Lin- 
coln, waa well pmcniod to a good bouse Bunday, 
and again In Iho evening. 

HiLWAi'iii, Feb. i--Tbe U'Jnu did tbe banner 
Snndsy liuilnara, UopllOH' Trant-Uceanlcs opening 
Ibsir week to largo and pleased aiidloncea Tbe at- 

tendance last evening waa also good "Tbs 

Ueiiy World" cmiiDiencdl at tho luvldaen I 

night to very large house Tbe Academy did 

bIgSundaybuiilneas, the slock putting on "Myrtle 
Ferns." Attendance tell ear considerably laat even 

Ing "NIobe" was tbe feature ol tbe stuck bill st 

tbe rabat Bunday, and drew wcu, and Thomas' 
Onbesira also had a good honse last evening. . . 
BobliyUajlurgaveuaavlnwot "Inn Big Cliy"at 
the Davidson, Sunday, to fairly goo<l rcaulls... 
Hanager 0. V. Miller denies that be w.-is nianled 

week Rudolph Oll|obn, naiuiger of the 

Bipnslllon Unilc Ibill. lias ratiinied Imm Kurope. 
LuiritviiiK, Feb. 4 — "ITInceaa Donnlo" opened 

at Uacaulej's, to a good house John Kurkamp 

and the First ItoglmsuiiiandsUrnctedablgaudlence 
at tbe Teniile Tbealro. . . . Iloyl'a " A Bunoh of Keys' 

drew a big honso at Iho Urand Tho opening of 

O'lIooHgaa's Uaw|utraile," at tbe Avenue, Ban 

day, brought out two good bouses The Dock 

Ingbam opened to a standing room bonie, tbe 

Olty BporiH being the attraction People's Tbo- 

stre opened to a good house. 

KAKaAS Crrv, Feb. 4— "Wang" opened a three 
niglita' engagamenl at the Coaten last night, to a 

gtwd houae At tho Orand UtvU A Keogh's 

'Tbe Bldonatks ot New York" oposcd to a big mati- 
nee Sunday, and bad H. It. 0. at nl|ht 

aioTlana"opsnsd at the Nbith Bireet, to a light 
house, Bnndar nallnee, not fared better at night. 

. .Alexaodor Bslvlnl opens tor three nights, com 
menclog Tbiiisday. 


#0n the Road# 

Hoi 8prlDff«.«At tbe Op«n Uoubo, Jmd. n, 
rtmt" WM pr«MDtK), In n veil flUtd boa>«. AlkiuOer 
BalrlDlhidAlirRe ftuO(pnc« Zl, to wliofiu *Tb« TTim 
au»nl»in«B." Bv«r7 BMt la ih« Iiuum vu mU at ad 
TKBOMl vritu loiiR berora th* dwn w*ra opaard. Mlanir 
Uaddani Vl*k* wm wea In **Tbi tjoMa ot Llin" V. The 
plar aad iha pitr inaJe a hiL BIckaril HastHehl wm leaa 
in "A rardiin Rominoa" 9, aad, altbouth prices were 
doabled loan pvi« or thp hnnv, a Ttrf tameandiaare 
waipnaealaadaaJnjH ilie play aa pnwvniwl by iha 
Blir and hia eireiiaDi mmraDr. Ontnlng: Na«li«llla 
lliuilinia THb. I, Riibl fl. Incer«nli 3, -^ha TrlTata Stcn- 
ur?" 7, RobL Maeloll 10, **ni« T^made" II. 

LIIU* noek.— At CapltHl Themra Ulnnle Hart- 
dara<FlthecaDi« Jan. rnaml2U, lo TilrbutlnoM. Itlehanl 
ManafltM nr* t«o jteoil perfonnaimM SU. to e. R O. 
RobaftO. lo|i«t«olL r«b. 1. \tv\ » Ut bualmu Due: 
NaahvllloPlgdNtU.1, Pelt ami Air. Tailnr4, OllT«r Bfron 
' Kobeit Hanielin. ll"Tho Tvroido ' U, "The Couod 

tot" li, Robart Downlns 


Wllmlnglom.^At the (iraiKl Opera Ilouao 
Vaher*a Oljotpia Co. drawa goiKl ttoaie Kab 1. *'Ku»h 
niir"mmfafli,i>Iira N«ihf riolf, tn "Fmu Kri»a."ll; Car- 
allae Al>r" 19,H\ Keil BulKef^ (o *t\n Coualr Fall,' 

UUOD.'— "A Htnlitht Tip" pUreil l» t)»*niv<H|lr tw)or 
ltuaM« Jan. tT-30. Th« UrrliMn Utai* d'd a Milii tuM 
naM :it-Fab. I. Orlaolal K«traTai«Bm <-o., In *'Hlae 
h^anl." &*ft. nreaat loaMx* amllene*. Knm T. Jack' 
■-Hy Uaota^> On. mniet \'*-\ "A Trip i« tbe Clrcua'* lu-i: 
Iha LoDdon HelU IS-lf. 

IfO.vniKLisp cVvpHl I a wffk of immeD^e bii«lnf>.«; 
H. R. U. lateo tluaii ind doora aluaed al alnuiit nrory 
perfurmaae*. Itnih i>.itr<tQt mi<I pbyini am eiceodlDClr 
wtll pl^aBed vltli Nr. l>i>«hRU<ler'ii oiaaaimntDL Hill 
fur vavk nr ^l.*riDr« hall: lot^natloDal pie eatloR 
cobU«* lloranann, taaaltlan. and nrnMburaar'a Meii- 
ker('(ro-t. Tliealre: tUin, klnlieait Bq<l )|al>. Lfoia 
»nd n>do lllDaa anil Vn\>y. (he Veaia, Meebin aad 
Ktimcnj.aD(lL«T|ii«tad Btmilt. 

TENNESSEE.H3«e rigetTi.) 

RAakTllle.— At tbo ThNtro Vondonio ihe udIj 
atuaolloD, eica|>t (h ve of a local aalure, lor week of 
JiP.37,*ta"rBU>l.'' whlcbwaipnn«Dt«d bj LiwIaMor 
rlmn, toTery lire* ai»llenrPK,3l Bml fob. Loot wlitisiari 
\nr a lerrlilfl ihwapnur i>r rain. H duid Manin»U ci mi 
'» llinTj' limine •Oil Kll*D T*rrx.',4, pieMnilna 'T 
Mtrc'-aQt <r Venl-*" »n.l 'The ^*l«;" "l-Vir Katr V. 
Rink" 7. 1 Taanr nawnpoit "iilMinad^." il.14 

Kiw MiFo^ii' TiiKATRR -Tke I'ne'h Roheriaito iV, 
It itvliet Ittaamml wMik Keb. I. to ralrl*uflue««. Them 
attiaciloQ b(»nke^l Ttir vMk nrs U "l*riam*a Vduqla," fu 
■•nn i««rfnnnanr«.6- "On il«a M(«»'««|p|\l'* cnme* III, I , 
niiTarttnud Byron 12. 1.1. "TbaUlrll UnBvhiad Ue'Mi, 
Rolen Downlna 1^ 

Ki:\Nn OraRA Ilor.-K — MllUn I.««ln pare a matlaw 1 
atd olilit rerAinnanr^oi 'Viropatra." Jao. aad |>jirh(s 
tbe liou^ r ai l«ti) i>«Tiiimianct*. 


OuUva^oo OanUiorOt Id "A l-Viol For t.iiol: 

or^ued to H. K. 0. at Manulrc'a J>o. 3L and ror Ihrve 
nlaliivantl maiiDro p1ityf«l to the capicity ol ilm hnii>e. 
A|DM Arlrck aaU O. llarlMrt K^rr, ntaalrat dietrtnr, 
wfrv uarrled balwe*n matlnae and «reoioii )>«Hbrm< 
aorefW TbeOeoriila UulTenliy Uiiduitae oreeed Inr 
two altble aad aiailo^ U. to grni bealDtti^ Boau' 
Bind coawe Pib «l N«»<« Vt'Kwrf 14-W. 

Caaiyo —Mari* Darer. Ploreao* 8lM#nk T.I11U i^n«a. 
Rn«a aod Julk Uvtos, Hain^ anl Ptnckdala, 

Wanti* D'RtajiIad. l>at| aad CaaaMy. Uiante Faacbeltl, 
AUao llaun tad Kerer. 


CkBrloaleik —At Ofreoa* Acadeiuj oC Hiulo 
*-TheOUUniiHt*ad'')iad a pwl beuae Jao.K. B«M 
wla NaWllle Cu tafahed thv ramaloder el tbe week lo 
H|l batlnMa, ||Tlevm«tln(*a every dv lo arrmnDichUte 
thetr peirnnv and lan r*u. I. m»kla«an alnm*! nmilon 
neiMrfbini^Dt*. "tlttOirl I Ult B4ilad M«"cviu«i~ 
RobL DowBloi 7, **A Bowery QUI" U. 

, I'aU 3-8, LoweU 


Biwimtock-PortlMd. Ore., Feb. 3. lodfflolto. 

BroBD'i C«tn«lfaoe-W artileld. ».\ 

AU ReutM Mint llMch Ui Not Utor Tbfln 


^ker*irom'a, UUIe-Bioektoo, Mau. 

w?rr^r'T:•s;;"^/bW.i?b■.,., h, r., 

EWCjASi'lf^k't^-, K.b. «. B«.... 
Msia VMS. 

'AlibMDa"-;OitMgj| III, , . 

•Amerlcta Uaio"— CiilMgo. Ill-, ra- ,., , 

Biion'a OII»ar-Vlrt«b«r«. tllaa,. frt- fcfl"SP'l"«,S' 
riBSBIuir. Ark.,?. Lima aoeaa, Matnpbl^Taoa. U. 

BorW^ J0I10 J , ••!»• Doettil='-Tn)r. K. » -, Fab. S, Bm- 
nlDHio. Vl,e, Konh AJ.D1IU Ma-., 7.«. 

Ktetm (ttoca-I-oiltud., Ore., rah. l.todfj 


ronl 7. Ni« UmkIco B, Ljod, Uik, JO, fall Hlrar II, 
BmK * Litl"liilon«-s-Kenr«D, HloD , Fel.. H Slawait- 
ftoic'ii'i'i.gaillaot-Lawranefc ilM, Fab. «, Baatoo 

Bibilromrfr-Salan. »•«. f'l' »^,''i"Hr,'J 
ninibanll'i.Rinh-11 Y <!it» Fib X loiaSolla- 
BraoDin'a. Jahn R.-Mlddlrporl, «'. Fcb.s.Keir tsilos- 
ilntlCaiabilJss I. Uneh.fllU HCoabotlMi t(l.,<>nat 
D?'tr 117 (^nllloQ n. BallaesTllla U, Kent II. Nor- 

BitlM ni»tlt»-JI««c»Mna, F«li.S-»- ,.,„„ 
Blnillar'a. Kloraae^eiaobanTlllcO., Fab. C. BojlieiUr, 

■iSiirfUr-LlllIa FalU, N. Y-, F«b. S. ClrJa t,g«ne(a 

.£SSiBSS!Sr-N. V.CII, K.b.M,Wa.bloft«i,D. 

'Buinca'<%atk"-ra<rta. Ill I'nUIS. 
-BSsS or Kan"-UuUTlll.. Kj.. r.b. 3-S. 
"Bllcli rrw»''-Tol<do. 0.. F«U. , , . .. , 

'BUckOnwk"-lar>a7 Ocy. N. J , Fab. 1-8, Kortolt. ^ a., 

'B?-.ntoriBL"l'!lal. Ulna., K.I..3-S, Hltaauke*, WU.. 

•Boniiali"-X.V Cliy r«b. .\ lodajatl*;. 

'RUikeli«p"-.v. T. Clir F>k. 1 laJailDlta. . . _ , 

•BnHTTIaiV'-VlelnrlaL 7»i..>«».a, HoMion7,l,ntl- 
T»wo 0. KfwilKni 10, yaTtiou II, Brian II, calraft IS, 
MarllnH. FortWwih li. _ « « .« 

'Ho>«T ulir'-KuHolk. Va^ Feb. 1^ Cbarlaaloo, B, a, l>. 
JackwDvlllo, ris.. K. 

Craaa'm trni. Il.-!l. V.CIIj Feb. 1. InJtdDlla. 
Ccwle.-. Cbarlo-Claclaoall. o . Fab. r-s. 
Rnanl-I'). Illoilcli-N. V. Cli» Fab.^ Iiijeruilla. 
CaiTotra, I"B. PUiem-naJuanHH*. F». t^b. >-& 
Oallom k Ruaielra CnmrdlaDa-BArdeDloao, N. J., Fab. 

M, PiDreoca 10-13. WoMlbary IVI5. . . „ . 
Coni|»u>n-i rUrara-Dai Jlotoea. la., Fab. S-3, Dubaqia 

Cto> SliKia' Comidr-PahDin, Xo , Feb. S-t, Baanla- 
lovo ia-15 

Conor a Po\-t-Ro:lisiilar, N Fab. S. RjimcoH 7, 8. 

Clark.'a Cnaloa-Oilcaso. III. F«b 2-ia. 

<k»ra Bla mnek-Boo m, 0 , F»b.S-& HaainiU IMl 

Cohao A Tod'a CooadlsBa-Nawport Nawa, Vs., Fob. IS- 
IS. UkaptoD 17-10. 

Corbtu'K Jtrao. J -Fhltadtlplda. Pa.. rob,S-8. Dirtaii, 
0 , 10, Anlonoa, lad., 12, uhralla IJ, ladlLiipofls It, 

"OnoD llnltov"— Itaittont. Ol, Feb. 7, fl. 

"OoDtoDlrtl Woman"— BoatoD, Umm . Fab. V8. 

'XJoiloiy Fair"— Winiaoiborg, N. V., Feb. 9-S, Euloo, 

Fa.. II, Lueaalar U. 
"Tiukai J<ck"-Elliabtll>, N. J., Fab. 8. Faunas M, 

Fhlladllplilv Fa. 10-18. 
"Cba'lor'a Allot," Ko. I-Paltraoa, X. J., Feb. t, Maxbuig, 

N, V..7. K. V CltJlO-U. 
"Clurlaj'a Auat" No. t-8>. Fail. Klu.. Fab. S-tS. 
"Colloo Klog," No. l-Ilarlam, N. X.. Fab. S-«, UobokOD, 

N. J.. U-ig. 

Itiitloa Ubta." No. l-Niw Orleans La., Fab. M 
'Clilmmle Failden"-N. r citr I'oli. 3, lodoSolla. 

Dca» Joha-N. V. Clly Fok M, Fblladtlphts, Fa., 

nnnoallr * nlrardl-Biltlniora, Nd., Feb. i*. Jbimt 

oiir. «■ ID-IS. 
Oallai'a, Fator F.— Boalon, IfajiL, rab.3-B.WIIllamjbarg. 

N. V,1o-l». 

OaTiv, Anna B.-£«ulh Bend. lad., FeV S-8, togasaport 

Da llavtD Coniady-Irootoa, 0., Fob. ^ Aaliliod, R>'., 

Diie>'a, Ueoiy E.-Oinalia, MeU, Fab. ^ BL Joaapli, 

Dovnina'f. R. !«.— SaTsaoah, nt.. Feb. 0. Char'.af mo. a. 
0.. 7, a. Atlaata. (II., 10, KooivlSa. Tcnn , II, Obatla- 
nooSAllD^alor, A:a.. 13, Nalbfllla. Tcnn.. 11. 

DaTODpoil'i. Faoor— Calanbua, 0., Feb. ^ NaaliTlUo. 
Tana., IMS 

UrIinpnIco'aatBti"— 1lDrHoKlQO.Ii. F«li.8. FortUadl 
no a, ljulner, 11,7, (;btuiatha. Ho., 8, Kuiai Ollr 

'Down on iba Fsnn**— Phllidelplita, Fa . Fab. }-8. 
'fklatillai"— n<DT«r, ttel., Fab 3-8. Hulcblnuo, Kan.. 10, 

Wlrhlla II. Ultawa )2,Tc))aka 13, LaaTeovoitli li, Mar 

•liall. Ho.. II 

' oD Uio Sanoce Rlrar"— Tauotoa, Maas., Fab. 8, 
LvdqS, 7. 

'Dirkvit hoaila"— BulTilo, N. Y., Feb. 3, 6, Toronto, Can. 

'Darby Haacotl"—Scrutuo,ra, Feb. 8, Bloghimtoo, N. 

'Darbr Wlaoor"— WaabloRloo, D.C., Feb. 3-3, Balllmore. 
Kit., tO-lt. 

"Down lo DUIo"-Nonrk, N.J.,F«b.3-$,rhlladelphla, 

"D«rlra Aacll«o"-Cloctooul, O, Fab. 3 8, riuibnrg, 
Pa, 10-13. 

EII>loi'ii. Eitlo-Halt Ub« rliy. I' , Ftli. 10 II. 
BiOon'a I'omaaiana— lokuuc^ loil.. Fab. 3-8, Rich, 
mnnd 10-ls. 
Boimtira, Kalta-Chleaao. III. p«b. lo-lo. 
EmplraTlieaira, Pnlimaa'a-N. V.riiy pob 3, ImltSnlta. 
Bniplro Btock-Oaouoh Midi , Ftl>. 8-8, (Iraod Ladga 

Birle'^ Orabam— Kojlaarllla, Uo, Fab. 3-3, t^anolUon 

"KlaM BtlU"-Blooinlant«l, III.. Frb. la IJilnrj IS. 

PI inira, Toot- Fall KlTrr. Uiitk Feb S-.-!. 
Piakfa Hinnla Hulilim-lnlUnawlla. Ind, Fel 
t, Toltdo, s.n, Unilnf. lilcli. II, Jvtioa I'-L 
rarria' t^madlan-Spttaglald, ill.. Fob. 8, I'ekia (-S, 

MaeOD l^lr 10-10. 
Frawlar Nock-Baa F aactMo, t*al, Fo'> 3 ImleBntla. 
Frost A Pan^hai e*»-UloomlDK(oa. lail.. Fao. &. d. 
F•rot■^ Ed. H.-Hiliiol Ul, Fib.t, Vailileo CTauQlon, 
■lav.,7. FnnkllaS. 


,o«io. ^Foll«D.H.T.. Fab. ^Sa^d.taa»llla 

liaJSira J.aaoarae, Faa» V'?."lr.i, il 
K'"gff&if.'^aaS:«,ft^^ F.b.Ml 
l5?i.'!S"Tb»ui.Fn,bB«.'.-N.V.CIlF Fab. J, lodaf- 

L«»t'?'Lilllaa-<!hatunoos».TBin., Fab.I1 

jSliSoo DnuiiaUc-Elliabalb Clip, la, tab. 3.8.Bdan. 

l^li'tn«t>»'<T''»y^]l°;;',ftkh M.Faoria 
Lrsam naaua, laiaa'a-Chleago. Ill, ran. *«. raona 

LatMBtla'a. Bobr-na»b, Taj.. Fab. J-a. "l.'-aMla IWl. 

SiV.\aSl"&an^o:Frb. 3J ^anW^ 

,rf.nni Tliaain, Kharplaya-Fort Bmltb, Ark., tm. *«, 
WInlWd. Kan,IO;t». 

'LMiraimilt»a"-Worca»tor.M*a*..Fao 8 ... _ 
■tSltaJ llall' -Llnui. 0.,F«b.3.Pnoa CBIrtmood 7, 

xlSll"of°lba BtOnlRlil Bun"-Phlladalphla, Pa., Fab. 

■LUIto (Siiln»j*oi"-Bridsepoit,CI., Fab. B. Willlame. 


iV. U ilVaSoa IJ, ftukibaralS. «"»'"«"» ''i,„,»n 
'LHUo Hin KuuaU"-ColUlllbn^ O., Feb. 6-8, Barton 

M'mM-.h'^ l.«wla-RM.f, <la., Fab. 8, Bi™iDjbara, 
All. a?lfaHilIan. N w., T.VIckaburJ BBhrevapon, 
lA. it A"all,T?l.. II,T»ler II, OreaoalU. 13, DallAa 

Nor'ila', tn«ra-XaT Orlnna. La^Feb. J-JL 
HaoVa. Ao.lraw-Clotalind, p.. F.b. I»-18- 
Mutall'a, B. B.-F»rt Worth, lej.. F'b.i Rallaj 7, H 
llol eptloga. Ark., 10, LllUa hock 11, U, Hamphlr, raon.. 

R.I.,6-I>, Now IMronI to. Wineo II, biookion II, 
Franllln 13. Atlkbon K, Hoekkoil IS. 
*Fa<iI Natl" B-iuilioni-Bellon. To.v., Kali 8, Baurou 8. 

Laaimoae;, Braahaiatl.Au«llDlo.lUn Mireoa II, Sao 
Antonio ]X Laifdo 13, H. Cninet ChiUll 18. 
-Faaiaaou"- \Te*lBanflor. Kla, Fab. 3^ Esq Clalia 8, 
lladiBin7,a. MlUaoVaoS-ls 

. Y. Ully Fob. 3-8. Albaof, N. V 

Fiuir," HorTlHin-A-TOlsdn, 0., Fab. 3. 

"Farat Canl,'"^ Ko. |. 

10, II. 

"Fjlal Canl." Ko. t-Tiilado. O. Fib. II. 19. 
••Fa\ui" 0»llal»B'«-Wi>i»»»r. ku.. Pab. 3-8. 
"riiuDdttoa"-OlDtlUDitl, 0., Feb. 3-8, Toloilo lO-l:, D«- 

iroll. Ulcli , 11-19. 
"For Fair vlralola"-.s-aabvllle. Tana., Feb. 7, 8, Enua- 

cillo tod.. Ill 

"FtnhlFmo'a Hilf'-lCaaton. O.. Fab. a. Lima 7. Fort 
W>rne.loi].a. llaninnndtl. HIthlcso Cllr 10, lilkhart 

11 . llarloD 12. KnLunw 13, RoilDillrlj, III. 18. 

* F.iu>l." <lilmiliK-i)t«abanvlll«, o., F.H. 13. 
QooiMn'f, N. <;.-L'bka|o, IIl, Feb. 3-8, UloalODSIl O 

Uorrnan BrOL'— IHytoiL 0. Fob. ^ChlIIICAlhaaPor1.^ 
mooih 7. ditloilua e, Columbua 10-11, ubaalbR, \t, 
\'t.. IJ-la. 

tliinlitn liliney- Bloomlofltnn.llL, Fab 3J<. 
atrlnm, Ibibliy— JanaiTiria, ITin, Fob. 8. ruUuian.Ill.,8. 

(flaralnuS () , tO-tl TiOMn. l.V'.v 
illick ComRly-Sarbniok. Ill , Fak. 3-8. 
Iliidner'a. C. A.— llolwKi N. J , ym. 8. 
llrrKorr'arAnliiininio-FallBlrar. Mom., Fob. l.t-13. 
"(Illl t Lett Stillail U>." No. I— (itiarloMOD, H U„ Fab. \ 

Ala-"a.ila 7.', Naahe-ll'a.Trnn, I', 
•■uin n-u'.e<l"-M'ilko>buio, Pa, Pell. 8, 0 notnnit', o. 


• tloait'wan li«"-N. T. Cllr Fab.3, Indcflolta. 
"tllorlaaC— Kaoua Cily. Mo , Fob. :i a 
"llroao (loi-tN Haa-'— Daylnn. I> ,F«b. 1.3. 
*(lrMt Brookbn ttauaioai.' — iliM'l-y. I'a . Fel^ .^ ^*m4. 

ilkS iVrryr.Jini Atoar, K. V., 1 a-"'* I.--13, 5. 
■Ilayrailoaaa'— ,i(a«>rb, ^. J., r.b..1-KN.Y.CIl> 10-l,\ 
•tlreal lllainoail KoUb-rr"- .Ulaoy, N. V., Fab. 6. 1n>v 

8-\ll"l>oWo.»l«". l».l)rtiotiH:d II. II, IVorraaiar 13. 

H Star llaran, CI., 1). 
TlalTlcwV. E>l«M-llileoito. Ill . Feb.:-7. 
-'^^IIlllmao■^ >l«ule-York, fi, F«b.Wi, llatrl-btiri; 

lltn'H.'jr-<»H>-5l Paul Nino, 1>I> .V MiDncarolla 0-:3, 
lloyrat'i'flicJv- NalcMl'Kbo.sLv. Krl..l:l 
tlaiilonl.flii^neorA O'Hrlan'i-Billalo, v.. tVb 
llanilllou.|'till1l|<a-Altaor, lad.. Fob. 3^ OrteDlovo 


llrifllA tVlliao-a( Ill, Fab VI. 
llanderMin*ar..tninli— Mailln«l>ure. W. Va., Fab.3.a. 
tl-rnntna-natla^ Ta i . Feb. », IIOQitoa 6, Oalteaton 7, 

.-i Ka« Ortaae", Li..a-<& 
IliOy'a, «iii.,nii|.as-<.III.Fol'. SI. Loota. Uo. 10.13 
IUti.l|.rariileilua Pla\er»— Fmhetatnao. Ill, Fab a-S. 
IllllUid'a Rabarl-Pliludalplils,!**., Fab. 3-3, Waiblnc 

Ion. U. C . 10.18. 
Iltra'<. Jahn-DMiKltHleh.. Ke>i. 8. Claraland,0.,c-», 

Hiiira'o X v.. 10-11 Korliaaltr 13-18. 
Hsnidoil'a. Aso«a-Wlllisaitbor«. N. V .Feb 3-1.>Dd a. F, M.. and Joaeph-H. r rile Fab. viDOtOntls. 
Unal'a Bl| Ooniadr— Cafrjll, It., Fob. 3-8, Mayarlu*, yo. 

10.13.'a, (lua-CeJtr HtpHa. la , Pah. la 
"ll'imaalir"— Atilab^ MaaA. Fob. &, Navport, R l„ i 
FMI Riear. Maai. 7, 8, UaoiblS 13. rotllinl. Ma, V 
S Lawliloo IVll 
"II.. aaidnou'-Pblltdalpbla, Pa. PoKS-s. 
"Ifatrl ol Haryla*!"— .\ Y CllrF«b.3 Itdaflatla, 
■ Hu^;aB^llwila "-PhUadelpMa, Pa., Fab. 3A llailan, 

"lleU 'in RltTarj'-Fatl BiTtr. Mata, Fab. \ Itolyoka 

IrTlns*a.llenrT-NatbTllla. Tana, Fab. I^IL LonlaTlIIo. 
Rv, 7, a. 81. lyaila, Mu, lO-I.S. 
Inein't. Hae-Oiiitba, Nab, F*b. 3, Dot Molaia,li..7, 

Cblcaa**, III. ht.'S 
"Il n:0 Kanlticky." Nn. I-Konkaoipton, Uaaa., Fab. 
Ballowa I'alli, ri, i; a\. Jcliasbory ;, Moavrallir 

Uaeauiar t IIIUMi't mran-Sslanunca, K. 


T., Feb. 

UanalaM'a. BIchtnl-Paibi, Itr-.Fab. 8. UxInjtOB 8, In. 

diaaapotu. InJ., 7, a. Oleflnotll, 0 ,10-18. 
KrllaDn^n Nellla-Balla, Moo. F«b^»-ll 
Marph^fjJoiapt-N. V. Clij Feb. S-d, nUllamlborB, «. 

lloa'nM't.'aaii. B.-<3ileai:i>. la, Feb. W3. 
i,rStm '-Pari "ol* Vab. W, P'l«r;>^r« J?- 
Ulaa llarum S<»ninl"-Brlil|aport, Cl , Fob. 6, tTiUtaina 

•i'li™' RLoB''(Je«!"-Braokllii, K. Y.. Fab. M. Newark, 

'Mi»'llro;ln"-N Y.RIIT Folii?* J«<»"'i"V.h'.""'?i. 
•Moiip trorkf-Mllnankea. Wla., Fob. 3-8, LlilcH'o. "l. 

iail!ney'aWeimoa"-TaireHToJ,Kab. 8, Tjlar 8. Pal- 

aallnolO. IIiinl"lllolJ.l«Oi»D)iol.; 
'McOitliy'a lli>liipi"-DolUnw. n , Feb. 8. Baadoak; 0. 

MC Tanioo7. )la«alllOD» Abren 10. 

mik vnilin FlaB"-l'io»lden«a, It I., Fab. 3-1, Albany, 

N''ethi'i£llvk Olsa-Haitroid. Cl.. Fab. c. Uncatlar. Pa., 
10 TlanlOD, N. J., U, Bnawn, 13, Nanbnrg, N. 

KIciianion fi«io»ly-Ila«cbiJt«r. N. II . Fab. 10-18. 
Noaa' JolllUea-Tranloo, N J . Fob. 11. 0. BII>a''aUi 7, 8. , 
Naliooal Comody-EaEia Oioaa, la.. Fab. i, 8, BuoMldl 

in' ■oy"-BrDoklyD. N. Y.. Fob 3-8. Ellaibalb, N. J., 

10.Palar»oHll,Allai!y, N.Y.. 18. 
•Now Don^lolon"-For^l*aTB^Tod.. Fab ». Kalanaww. 

Mleb.,8, D<wa|la37, Bralb Bind, Iod,8. Ublesjo, 111, 


"NIsbfl Pro11o"-Albany. N. Y, Feb 0. „,.,...„ 
'NonlKin Llabtt'-VFatbloKUa, D. U., Fab. 3-8, rhlla- 

0'''ManivL'jamM-'LtDcoln. Neb, Feb. 8, Omaha 8, 7, SI 
Jniapb, Mo. a. Bums OtT 10-18 
Oll'a Jaaecli— Alloon*. Pa.. Fob. 10. 
Oleolt•^(J^Mntay-N. T.Ciiy Fab 3. InitannUa. 
■Old Teaneiaca"-Owaio. V . Fab. « WaTtrlr 7, To. 
wnnilt. Pa. 8, Milton 10. Mi. fitrm'] 11. Aabtaod U. 
nhl Uomutaad," Tbompeoa'i— I'lilUdolidila, Pa , Fab. 

OaiFlaf-Roebaaler.K. Y.Feb. 10-lJ . . „ ,. „, 
-On Um Mlulaa-ppr— Claralaao, 0., Fab. 3-iS .VaahTllla, 

Tenn.l0.n. )lenl(litalI.I3. ... 
'On EllB'aSborea"-Winianiabar«, N. Y.. Fob. S-«. 
■Okl nomaataad," No. S-nlcbmond, Vs., Fab. 5, C Nor- 

folk 7.8. 

On Iba BO¥an''-Brook!jn, K Y., Fob. 3-8, N. Y. Cily 

•O Hoollain'a MABniioiade"— lonlarllla. Ky . Fal>. 3-8 
KvAiuTlll^.Iod..0.Onnabora. Ky., 10, UnltaooTllla It, 
Fadntali II Cairo. Ill . 13. Dn Quoin II. Ml. Vernon IS. 
Ok! Babe Tanoar"-<Jk>TeratUlh N. Y . Feb.7, Aintlar. 
dam 3. Cobooe la . * .. 

PAylonCbiB6dy—Tnc»n. Aril. Fob. 3-18. 
Pailon'a. Cona-Scranlon, Pa , Feb. 3-8, BloRham. 
ton, N. v., 10-18. 
Pclnsla.llty-Ctinbi>n, Wyo , Fab. 9, Naw CatUa 8-8, 

Edfanont,II.D.. lO-tl 
Pnoala'a. DallA-Kaibna. la. Fell. 3* 
Palaa-A Nabol-Moolgomaiy, Ah., Feb. 3-8, AlUnu, 
da. I0-1S. 

Polur-Bal!aT-.8L Loola, Uo , Fab. 3.8, Deliolt, Ulcli., 

Piitnnm'a. Kttle-P^tlaDd, Or*.. Fab. 5, Silam 8, Alblny 
7. BDaane K. Bin Frnoctvo I0.!8. 
I'anuIlM Allay"- Ti»ninn. N. 1 . Fob. 8. Ea«oo. Pa . 10. 
ProJIeal Valbei"-Dolrall, Mich, Fob. 2.8, Albany, K. 
v.. 11 

'Pntklea 8how"— Roclieatar, N. Y., Fob. 8, Pyrmciiao C 

Iihacs7. Ultci8l Hrooblfn IO.IS. 
'Plum Pud-llna"— IToai Polot. HUa. Fab. s, rolitnibnaO. 

Abonleao 7, Jtekaoo 8, Yaxoo Cily 0, Wloona 10, Oran. 

ads It. 

Pudd'nliea'l VlboC-Datroll, Uieli., Feb. a4, aara- 
laad.O.. 10-11 

'PropnaalTa \roman"-llaconb. 111. Fab. 3-8. Atoo 

'PrlfaiaStCTataiT"- IlotBpTlaca, Ark., Pab. 7. 
Pcek'f Bad Rot"- Maitoi. Ind. Fab. 8. Fiodlay. O 
■ - ■ ftntUi— niubuij. Pa., Feb. 3-8, Waal 

•^jlp to CbtostowB," Ho. 1-Fblladalpblv P«.. F.b. 
"Ttip to CbUialowi"-C«dar Baplda, It, Fob n, rniS^ 

**T«o Johaa"— Lavraeiea, Maaa., Feb. 8 

"Ibor«iibbi»d"-.CanoafaiUK lad . Fab. s. liba'.bi iina 
aLColsinbaa T.Baymoor 8, waahbiiion 10, EmocbAin 
Ul,ll,Pailalt_ ■ ^ 

"Taltiik BaUi"-Waoo, .rtl.. Fab. 8, Baltm 10, Laoiiu. 
saall, Ihiblloli,CoraliaBnl*. 

•Twaallath OantDiT abl"-Datrolt,>llcb.Fab.]-ji, Chl 
can, III , M^18. ..^ 

•Toniado," Nonli-ain-llartbero. Haaa, FaK 9. SonUi 
Fianliiabain 8, LawrencaJ, 8, Bnekton 10, Tagoloo n 
New BedlMd 13. Ncwport,B. 1 , 18, Fall Rlter.MtM. II. A 

•■Toroado," Poolboni-BbannaB, tai.. Fab. 8, Ptrll a 
Cltrbt? I'a 7. TeaerkanaS. Uope, Ark. 10. Hoi Pnrlon 
II, Albldalpbla 13, LlldaB«clll3, Pisa BloH II, 

•Trip to Iba Clrena'-WllialotloD, Del, Feb. Hi-13. 
'Toao Toptea"— flc Loots. Ha, Fab. 10-18. 
•Ttllby,''No l-Phlladalpkln,I'a,Fab.3-U. 
•Trilby,"No S-Dearer, Col.. Feb 6-9,Cokicado tiprinea 

IO.Faebloll, II.Ieai)TillalS,Aaptnll. ^ " 

"Ttltby," No. 8— CoiUaikI N. Y.,Fab. e.Conilaa K,Penn 

VaB7, BlotbamiooS. Elsim iaHonell<rllleii.o>u 

11 Janieatovo 13. Brio, Pa., II. PndODia, K. v., 13. ' 
■Tuiiida"— Albanp. N. Y . Feb. la 
'Tao O'jI rrualea"— McCoooetlrTllle, 0., Fob.r.,s.a3ea 

7, MounfcTcrnoBS. 
"rlirlllij"— N. V. Clly Fah.3-8. Brooklyn, N. V.. W IS 
"Poo Much JohoaoD"— Fllchbunr, Uaaa, Feb. a. M\not 

N. Y., 7. Tmy H, Newburg 10, l'oo|bkeepala 11, llitbuLa. 

UiiK, 12. ProTldeoco, R. I.. 1310 
"Tianlun"— Baltimore, Hd. Fab. C-3. 
fiTTocle Joeli Bpnieeby"— Portland. Ore., Feb. S. 

U ■ Uncle iiUaffl* — Cblccpce, Mam, Fob. 6, Midaie. 

IAinilD,]l. _ 
"L'BCle Tom'a Cablo," 8'.claon*a, lYettem-Ltvlai'iD, Pe , 

Feb. 8, Soabuir 10. Lawlibura II. 

Van Conland'a, Ida-Hanchteter, la., Ftb.9. Antmoit 
M. IFaTarltr lO-l'A VlaloB l3-'8. 
Tnjcm-aEdward-N. y. air Fab. 10-21 
Ylncenl-Bieteter-Bticloi valley. III., Feb. 3-8, Reck 
Itlaod 115-18. 

Van Dyke A Eatos's-CaiUiafe, Ua, Feb. 3^ Nertdt 

''Vendetta"-Cblat]o, 111., Fab. lO-IS. 

Watnwrlghl'a.Uarle— Tacoma, Vaab. Feb. lo, II. 
iniltaeMe'a, WnUar-VleTelaiid,0.,Fe>.3«,Piiii. 
bare P^, 10-11. 
WalleOoinadr. Eaalem-retksklll, N. Y.,Feb. 3-3, Plilo. 

Held, N. J , IC-18. 
IYaiis oomedr, \VaBt*ni-ElnIia, N. Y., Feb.3-8.Bnid. 

fold. Pa.. 10-18. 
WnyBo'a, llr. and Hca.— Jobnatowo, Pa, Fell. V8,Alloo. 

M'aira, Uowanl, Comedy— Elkhart, Ind. Feb. 3.8. 
Wttdiairs Playeis-UanTUie, III. Feb. 34, CorlosioD, 
lad. 10-ls 

tranla'a, Fnd a-Salt Lake nity, u.. Feb. 3, 1. ] 
irellaelay'a, Marle-Uarahallwiin, Is., Fao. 3-4, Dbtci. 

Warren'a, Binraa— Crowley, La. Fab. 3, JennlDCa&^, S-. 

MarUoATlJaP.ia .. _ , 

TFanl A Vokea'— BcaUB, Xaaa., Fab. 38, Pnrldeo>-f. R. 

"Wblta Bat'*— CoclnOBIi. 0., Feb. 2-8, SL Pan], Minn., 

"Var orfPeAltb"— Pliiladalpbin, Pa., Fab. 3-8.N. V. cily 
lOL lodeQalto. 

"WbluBlaTe"— Raidlnc, Pa . Fab. 7,8, PhlUdalpbm 10-15. 
"IVlilte 8auadroB"-Toiedo, 0., Fab. 8-t^Douult, Uicn., 

"WagKlor8lB"-mike'baiTe, P.1. FeK s. 

"Wiolluw Fo«tnan"— AOJlIn, Taa., Feb. fi. VYaco 6. Fort 

\rorth7. El Pa«a ll-ll. 
■triu Oooaa niut«'<-PfIoc«ton, Ky.,Feb.S, llopklniillle 


•^1' toe, D. C. 10-19. 


BoTlirr Mliton-Kew Orlaane, La., Fob. 2-8, Autlln, 
Tax., 12. 

ItoliaoD'a. Smart— llniletn, N. Y., Fab. 3-8, tVorccitar, 
Uaaa. II, II. 

Roben'a ConiiOy- Rny City, HIcb., Fab. 8, SarIoaw C 

Read'A Roluid-Waalilo|:ton. D. C, Fab. 3.8, Norfolk, 

Va.. II, t'lulltnooga.Tenn., II. 
BtioadaA\ KilM— finlton. W. Va , Feb. 3-9, L^BAConing, 

Md.. 10-11. Knelbgra 13-18. 
Roberlenn'a Paocb-Cbauanooga, Teon., Fab.3.P, EATAn- 

Bth.llt. 10-15. 
Ra imood Dramatic— Book Raplda. la., Feb. 3-6, Rbaldoo 


Rnaaeira, Ed. and Lela— Bridgeport, W. Va. Fab. 6,8, 

Bhtnnilon 7. 1'larkabarii 8-10 
Robei^a, Kalherlne-IItirrai. N. B., Fab. 3-8. 
RanoM'a, Jran-Bnshnell, lit , Feb. 9. 0<iuaka6.8, Koltba. 

bnrg 10-13. 

BIre'a, Fannj-Wlcblu, Ktn, Fab. 7, Kaniaa Clly, Ma, 

Rhea'a-Bnoklyn, K. v., Feb.8-a, Wathtogtos, D. C, 10- 

RIc* A BBfl0B*e Comedlaoa— Lowell, Maaa, Fab. 8-K Nor- 
wlcb,OI.. la New IcodoB II, Bilalol 11, Fall Hirer, 
UUM., 13-19. 

BayinAnd'a,8adia— Todepandeacf, Ua, Feb. 8, Leslngtoo 

7, HirakAll 8, Olaacow to. Slu>r II. 
"Ka»hCtly"— l.ncaater. Pa., Fob. 9, Wllniloglon, DeL,8, 

Nawtik, N J., lO.IS 
"RAllinA.1 Tickel"-(lranon. K. D., Fob. 6, Wlnalpeir, 

Mon.. C. 7. Orand FoikA N D., 8. l^rooketnn. Ulno.. in. 

Fain, N. D.. II, Junetlon It, MllaaUlly, Hon , 13, 

BItllBaall. Ilalenalt. 
"KaiBb"-Prnria, III. Fab. S-*. 

Solbain'a. E. II.— Boatna, Maia., Fob. 3. IndeOolta. 
Hllnooi'o, OUa-Cblraiio, III. Feb. 3-a. 
Stirlnra. Alei.— Ktofaa i;iiy, 3lo., Fab. 6.B, Choyeooe, 
Wya. II. 

Klie**a,T1toa. R— NawtUallo.O., Fob..^ 

Rwnltvnl'a, Flnm— Belle Verneo, Pa.. Feb. 3-8L 

BMlnao'e. Artbur <l— Blnabamton, N. Y., Fab. 3, Scnn. 
loo. Pa. Mi.Kime-bttn lu-i:. 

Bpol nar'a, Ceclt-Nnrrlalowo, Pn., Pali. 3-8. Carllale 10-18. 

Holly'A Dab— Ilea UnlDaa. la.. Fab. 0 lliiistaa. Neb.. 8-8 

Sawarl'a, Mlnate-Tunei'a Failr, Maaa., Feb. 34, Win- 
Bled, Cl , to-u. 

Rouibara.Prioo— Dnolitr. Pa„ Fob 3 ft.rriine11ivlite 10.19. 

Baab^lokB*^ Tkoa. Ij -Unsd KapblA. Midi.. Fab 9, 8. 

Kawtelle DramAllc-Pntnam, Cl.. Fob V8. Ueridao lO-ls. 

■VliBlt No. r'-11IUibgig, I'B. Feb. 3-8, Brooklyn, N. T , 

"Howlov Iho Wind"- EaatoB,ra,Feb.7, TrcBt/w, N.J., 

I L Fllrabaih it. PA'ecKHi l.l 
"Purer Klna'-UolKkeo, N. J. Fab. 8-8, Woltaalar, 

Mala ,10-15. 
"Brider aad Plr"-lVenuB. N. J . Feb in-ls. 
■R'tras or UcU "-Cbkage, HI, Fob. 2-8, Bl Louie, Sla, 


'Hale Tfvckod '* Fjuuant— .Ttmellowo, N. V, Fab. 9 

Uiicy. Pa., p. I'nlon Clly 7. 
*Rlobld"-l!laio<ADd. n. Fa 11.3 a PItlaburc. Pa, 10-11 
"RiMrtlne Vnftvar—V. V.Ulty Fab. j. IndellnltM 
'til Plankapl"—DjdRa Cite. Kbb.Poii. r, Lamed 7. tlraal 

Bend K NoRiennB ld,8i1ieA II, Manbalinrn 13, Clay 

a'enlNiM JanciloB Cllr lA. Abll«na 17. BeWl, Wla. lO. 
'Bl'Alsbt Tip'— ManlnaburK. Vn , Feb. 3-8. llAReni. 

Iowa. M«l.lO.I.^. 
■Utrotgle 01 Ula"->lt. I,«utA. Ho.. Peb. 1-7. 
*B)iwJgwi or a (Ileal Ctt)'*-ProTldence. R. I., Feb. 3^ 

Womtilsr. Miaa.. 10. . <■» 

"Bpaelal Uellrary"— Rockland. Cl, Fab. 8, ulouceMar, 

MSAA. 7. Lynn a. 
'«apail>A''-I,owea Hiaa , Feb. 3«. BtlltmorT. Nd , U>-I9. 
'^oTl "*'••• 'ab 3-9, Fmvidence, R. I., 

"BjnUt Bafora Itae irar='— Bocheatar, N. Y., Feb. C-8, Bat- 

Itlo 10-19 

"K no or Lira"-«L Loela. Mo , Fob. t-f. 

Kirat riooi Ihe 6eA"-Plltaburg, Pa , Feb. 3«, Alteona 

II. Laootftarll. 

"RI4BT>ieked--Dayton.O , Feb.M 
•motaArroa." Na l-BArt>onl. Ol., Fab. S.NorwlcliS 
Y "iS.'ir ' Uarlam, N. 

"Bii'oiglera"-trllHam>l>or(,N. T.. Feb. S-«. 
"Jboia Aciea." Na.l-MlnaeaiH>lla Minn.. Fob. t-t 
Tnf.'.'i'NSL?!'.. ""^"-^ r.b.9* 
rp^ber'a Julia Haiiawe-BnoklyB, N Y., Feb 3-8, Bor. 
* Tan, Maaa, iivu. 

^iVft.!l'Mrfi"i"'"'?fu''">' M' Norwich, N.V, 

10-11. Oaeldt 13-19 Ri«oeir-n. 
The IdaelB. IIinnalela'B-Aablnnd, Pa . Feb. 3-11 
T^ajaa Comedy-Loag Braacb, N. J., Feb. 3-8, Free 

Tuehei'B. Madia-IUadlna. Fa., Feb. s*. 

^niSl^uS'r.'S:'""'* ''«''».»bo»»rton..7, 

''jJlJi*' H^w-WoodJiock, Va, Fab. 3-8, Naw Maitai 


AlbBBlCencerl-AlbaBT, N.Y., Feb.S. 
Bnahniaan Concan— UasBlbal, Mo., Feb. II, ilolocy II, 
Canton 14. 

BwtonlBBa-Waabbgton, D. 0., Fob. 3-8, N. V, Cily 14, 
lodeanlte. ^ , , 

Cottnne— Sia Franelaco. Cat, Feb. 3«, OakUnd 10-11, 
Biockton 18, SiciamenU 14, 10, PortlanJ. On.. 17-10. 

CaallaSq'iaraOMia- UoaUB, MatA. Fab. 3, iBdeDolle. 

Cuillle U'Arrllle— DasIob, 0., Feb. 9 

Carieton Opem-Battlle, Wnab., Feb 8 

CasAdlaB Jubllao Slnaen— North UamrloB. Nbaa. lab. 
1 8, Cblcaiiea Falli 7. SpilngOeld S.0.Pabner 10, Silen- 
cer II, tYorceiter 12, 13. 

Dinroacb Upata— Boaloo, Hajta., Feb. 3-11 

E-lwaidaa* (Somlo O. en^Ulclnnall, U , Feb. 3-.<, Cbi- 

Foif^btlla-Chlcago, IIL Feb.3 8, rlllibnrg. Pa . 10-15. 
"Fencing Haalat"— clavatand, 0 , Feb. 6, ifaoailfU >, 

U'enbeaellle is, ZaneaTllle 13. 
OiudOMll-N. V.Clty Feb.3-19. 
Qllbeit Opera-Oleanleld, Pa., Fab. 8. Cncwanirillr i, 

PbillipaliorKS. llouiialnia 10, Lalroba 12. 
OooiaKi Opati-AIUMBB. Pa.. Frb. 8.8, Pluaburg, 10-19. 
Orto npara-lloualoo, Tex., Feb. 10-18. 
"Oeaile HaTBco"— Ban Franciicn. Csl, reb 3-8. 
Ulurlclie' Opera-Pbiladnlplils, I'a. Fob 3-18. 
Uoppar'a, be WoH-WhMllag, W. Va., Feb. S, Lan.-aaler, 

^,8. Balllmore. Ud. 10-13. ,. , 

PrinctH BoBBle"- Loubrlllr, Ky, Fob. 3. NatliMlle, 


RuMb'A Lllllao-Bsltlinoia, Ud., F<b. 3 8, Rocliaaler, 
N. Y. 10-12. 

"Bob Roy"-I.aadoa, ru., Feb. t, Hamlllon 8; Toronlu 
It-IIL BuIalo.N.Y. 13-11 ^ , .. 

fllaudacd Opera Hooire-SMilb Nnrwalk. Cl. Feb, 11. 15. 

BuaBA'a Band— Dotuth, Mian, Fab. 9.8;. Panic. Fargo. 
N. D , 7, Billa. Mnn., 0, llalana lu, Ppoktlia. Wub., II, 
Taconn 12, SanUle 13, Victoria, D. a, K, Olympui, 
Waah.. 11 

TBTATy 0,>era-.SaoPmoclKO. Csl, Feb. 3. loileflnlle. 
IVIIaon'A, Francls-Boitoo, Maaa, Feb.3-8, Cblcato, III, 

10. ladeflBlte. 

niibur Opara-SpilngtoU, Uaaa., Feb. Bildiepon. 
It . 10-ia. 

Wang"— Kanaaa Clly, Uo. Feb 3. Quiocy, III, 10, Paoila 

11, aioomlngtan 11. . . . ^ . . „ ,., 
trliAid ofUie MlV-Ballimoie, MJ., Peb. 3-8 Bnwklyo, 
K. v., 10-13. 

AmericBD Vaudeellle-Dalnilt. Mich. Feb ^S. 
Adaraleaa KdeB-Da'-rolt. Mich , fab. 0-13. _.,„,. 
Aadrewe A Culaman'o-llt. Veinon, N. Y., Fab.l Flrt. 

kltlS,llodun7, Eiat Atoany e,RoUAnd, VL, K Boa. 

ningion II, 12, Mtddlebair 13. BL Albana II, Kouaa .1 

Polot, N Y . IS. 
Clly Bpolla-tAMiliTllle Ky..Pab. 3-8, Chicago, III. 10-19. 
Cliy Club-N. Y. Clly Feb. 3-8. WaAbtnilon, D. C, 10-13. 
i:rea1ea, Jaek'a-PaurHin, N. J.. Fab. 3-8. 
I>arere■^ Sain-N. Y. City Feb.3.11 
Harly Blidt-UobekoB, N. J., Feb. 3-8, Fall Rlyer, Mao., 

IO-'2. _ 
Flrno and Bharldin'a Bk SasBillon-Werceater, Ubk., 

Feb. 1 Mancbniar, N. 11, <-8. Hontiaal Can., Ul-19. 
Pnnch Ualely airia— Sonon. Maaa., Fab S.R. 
FieMi A tltBton-a-Tcay, N. v.. Fab. 3 8. Bullilo 10-19. 
Kianch Fully— Lynn. Uaaa, Feb. 9, TCorcaalerS-8. 
Hide's CoBedlana-NawtTk, K J , Feb. 
UIU'A, Qua. NoTeUlea-Ntwars, N, Y.. Fob 10-19 
Howard AtbeBA:am— Tniooio, Can., Feb. 3.8, tfyracuK, 

N. Y.. l0.12,a'UearclAdTl3.Albanyll,ll , . 
nowoiih't-lilyde, O , Feb. 9, Ooirboa II, Ada 7, Si. 

ufiT^iniTla' Rgtertaloora-N. Y.Clty Feb. 3 8. Balti- 
more, Md., IHO. , , „ 
Iiwin Broa^-lnolBBapolls, lod.,Fab.3 KSiLoula, M<>. 

10-13. . ' 

lthani-a Oclonona-Cladnnatl, O, Fab. 3-8, DaUom 

Ladlaa'Clob— Pmrldeeca, R. I.. Feb. 34. 
LOBdOBaaletyUbla- Uail.-m.N.Y., Fob.3a. 
ty)ndoaUelloa.Kcdeira-Wllllanubuia,N. Y. Fab 3-8. 
London Utlati (^lIla-PIOTldenc^ H. I.. Feb. lo-l.v 
MoirlA'TwenllelbCenlarr Uakla-Burah), N Y., Fob.3-i', 

Athanr 10-13. „ 
Huu'a, AI -Bnotlbi, tia, Feb. 9, Eait Bine Bill 0. Suiry 

7 WeitTraBtonS. 
HclIaniy'B-PMIade1pbla.PA,Feb.3.8. , _ 

"My L'.ooIa,".Jtok'a-Vribilngtnn,DeL, Fell. 8-8, Worcea. 

Feb. 3-". 
YT.'Feb. SAN. y. City 10-15. 

lar.Uasi, 10.19 
Naw York Btaia— BalUnni 

. jons Ud.. 

'Nlgbt Oalf-BnoklrB, N. Y., Feb. 341 N 

MtSbTllla SladeBIS-Canalen, Aik., Feb. 9, PaWllar, 

Tea , IJ. „ , 

U.lenul EAlriTaiBBiA— Wilmington, Cel., Feb. ^ Reail. 

loB,P»,a* _ , 

Ptiya and PUyara-Fall Hirer, Uaaa. Fab. t, Worceatar 

S-8. Iloaion Id 22. ... ,„ 

Rallly A Wood'a-aoatan, Haas., Feb. I-F, Lynn l>-12.„„ 
Kaaaall Bna'.-PblladelHi'a, Fa, Fab. 3-^ N. Y. Clly, 

Feb. m-U. 
Rea't-aanltey-Bl Loola Uo , Fa*>. S-8. 
SilUer-a Borleegne-FAII Hirer. Ma-is.. Fe'<. 8-3. 
TTBnaOceinla-Mllwtukae. Wla, Feb. a-t. 
TracadaroVauderlle- llantl!toB,CA-.Feb.IO. , 
WaabhoFa Atauri'-ledlaBapolla, lid., Ftb.>8,ClB<lo. 

Ball, 0, 10-11 
muiAoa- Helaoia-Bnohlyn, N. Y , Fab. 10-19 
Hrber A FleUa' Va.jde<t^o Club— Wwhlsgun, D. i- , 
Feb. 3-8. 

Waorr .1: FIoUa' Own-PIUiborg, Pa, Fob. 3-8, OIncin. 

fwl. U.t->S. *,. 
Willlaina' llen-CleTBlud, 0., F>b. 3-\ I hlladal, bia. 

Pa. 10-11 

irafoo RI>lar>'— ledlaaipolla, Ind., Feb. 1-8, VlUlama 

I urw. N. Y. 10-11 
Wabar'aol>mnl*-B)l1lmoF»,Ud., Fab.H'- . _ , 
■ lllillo Crook," KiMen-Aibany, N. V., Feb. 34, Tior 


\Yli1'r nnok, Wealem— aurnuehanoa. Pa., Feb. 9. b"^- 
wldiS. Ooaollnr, CohaeaS ,. ,. 

•7.eiv"-PlilIadelpllt,Pe., Feb.34, Uaikm, .V. V., ICU 


Boa into A Yonog'a-Dearer, Col, Fab. Cheyenue, 
Wyo. II 

' Daibaat Anierles"-Billrlce, Neb.. Fe<'. a. Llocolo 7. 

RtAraei H. Oraoil Mnad HI Onlumbna IL F.-eolool I- 
_Conic11Blnl(a,lA,ll. 0nitliA.Nab..1',l9. ... „ 
Oorton'B-SI. Angatlte«,Fta , Feb a .'sokaoBTmi7,TallA' 

baisee IO,T1ioBiA«rl11e.Ot,1l, iHaapU. 
Ooy Bna.'— Wbeeling, W. Va. >ab. a. 
111^ Uleary'a-Waablagtos, Pa., Feb. r-7, WbaeUag, w. 

rrlmroaa A Waat'a-WIIIttiaaborB. N. F. Fab. Hobo. 

ken. H . J.. 10-IL ElliabfUi 14, Pa anvn U. . _, ^ a 
Ban Pranelaee— flalt. Can., Fab. 8, BarUa 7. Coderlcb X 

rl,MDl0. Hllobelllt. 


Clark'a H. L.-DunwrlUe, La., Feb.s, Euoaldu 10. 


A5eoi'a.-Ht«la. III. Fab. K-lt . . ^ - 

Briaiora Eqatn>a-8atldJ,0Bl. Fa:.J'',(,CoJ>ndoBpnog< 

Baocl1>ll^— Pllunir.-, Fa .Feb.3.& . ^, 

B^^MoiBiua Joe-NaabeiTT,R.r,Fe)-.--t,ColaB>bU 

Banachnr'aOUaablowan-TUIIaea. la., Ftbl^-^ 
CoyU'i MaisuBi-Moblla, Ala^ Fab. 

Fbbbuary 8. 



Bt Cuin-BUekTlDa. 8. 0-, fb, I, Bimb«rg M, Brueta- 

5?i p«rklo*-KaiBtU«barc I». P«th0,IT»vrmlduo« 
I vVmIbc la Bharldu 11, ton Cuur U, BitUofi, 
Wm It TWidvooO.B D ■ 14, 

FlloTs U.T--FMIt^ UL, rtb. 9-8, BMfttorUMt, OUa. 

kSSm<I^^oM«< lodn 6^ Altxudfb 10.11, 
umTu'TVimra-HoaBK. r«b. 1 rutunoo «, 7. 
nwkUa S-ia J«ui*ue 11. Ktv.lbtf U U, Optlooau 

rSftM & Hoattoa B, "u Aoiralo 1^ AullnlL Fan 
Woitb 4 ttHTiBU tS, Port Bmlib, irL, 11, BprioRfiekl. 

R>i3nu Bn» *-Oetir«*to«n, 8. fl., Feb. 9 8, Coany ll 

V<SXrud^^^C HtnyMfUoion. Me., Ftb 9-a 

\rMLlhk«A W. D.— LunD^ 8. 0., r«b. 9-8, Kewbenr 

\rlmB'*-H*rULu>i MU«,, 7eh. 10, II. MoblK Abk, 1^ 
reoiMoU, PlaTlS. TnoiDurlUe, 0^11. TaUibuiee, 
Flfc,U. ,,,,, 

WlASSACHU SETTS.-t Sw Pige 774] 

BMie»«*Nex( weok'B arnQsemeoU cootBlo no 
dwutk DOTelileiL Adunge of bl)l it a few boawi 
MHlftceoUnuiKeoriuccwralftUruUouet theolhen 
U tbe prDtTtmme. 'Tbe Nlgbc Ckrk,'* wtih Paur P. 
jttiUf, Jannle Yeutuu awl eevenl oU (vtorim lo Uie 
oitl, will cone to ibe Bovdolo Bquueneetie for eweek. 
Ai Kr. HcKMlT't elerer pitee bem the mtik of nccMi, 
ft proeptroot week 1* utlclpelcO. Week ofPeb. tO Anbnj 
Bdocloalt ud 8edl« Mutlnot «IU pUf e ntun eoiBin- 
luenl U e reTiTelofUertwr Ugble.** "Shadowe of a 
Qratt CItf " «loi6d neeeurailr I. 

Boeio.'' TnuTUL— fio*toB will ban he flnt taite of 
lUrmao open tbU week, vben Walter Damroecfa'e Opera 
V.o. oiwi et thli boue for m Hft*oa of two veeke. U o- 
ilarenelog *'LolicnKrlD*' wlU be •eDg;Taei4aj,"Dle 
WiUot*;" Wedaenlir **Pldero;"nQr«ley,"8[egfrled;'' 
Krklaj, "Die MelettMlogtr;" Patardir mallate, "TrU- 
UD aod IieMe.** "Sopcrba" waa wltbdrawn X after a 
rortalirtitorTerT Itwl banoMi. 

OoLi'MBuTaaATBi.— Ward aod Vokei, ilded bj aooa< 
Mor erolererppeetilt/people, wilt appear la "A Ran 00 
itaeuak" rorweekor9«DMe«bu«lo«u vlll *'boom" at 
ihlj popular ptloid South Kad boar*. Crowdtd bootee 
wita«H*d '*A Trip to CbloitowQ" Uitwftk. Week of 10^ 
••Arm of the taw." „ . , 

TmuoxT TuuntB.— Praooli wneon hu beeo coe* 
TuUof biff aadleocae daiiog ib* past week, Co "Tbe 
Many lleDarcb,** and wlUooDiIaae la tble eu«c*M dur 
loalMweek oTS. tLe foorth aod Uat of hl« B'vtoa eo> 
au*iiwal> Oa lOitie Culet Theairloia will norm the 
huu*. TbtHderer aiDaiear»,eelec4etl mm tbe Pint 
(k)rpaor Cadet*, H.V.U ^ prodaoa yearly a borles^ue et 
thU beoio, oodor the cannl dlnclloa or Maoager Wn. 
B«niK«r. tlo loeceufjl. foaDolallt aad, hare 
ibeirproduotlone beea la preeedlaifaaretbat the ao- 
rtuil prodoctioD li now regarded aa a diamatlo eraoL 
Bodoty wlllpauoobelaniaiT. ^ «^ . , 

Uouii Btrir TiitATBi.— 'Tlte Shop OlrV slna by 
lb* (iMrie Uwaidei' Sarleique Co^flom the Ualetf 
TiMaire, Loodoo. baawoatbe towD. BlgaodienooebaTe 
orcrOowed HaaaKtr Bich'a houee the put week, and iba 
MCDodaod laAweek vlU doabtleu prare aa nccvafoL 
Wwk or 19, Julia Marlowe-TabeTaod Hubert Taber, lo 

'^Kl^oiilfntioa — *lh« PrliOD«r of Z«ada"begloiilti 
foanhwoek with a reoonl of aDpneeJaotad bueloto. 
Uoam are aoU oot tvo end three dare (o idiuicf. 

OAerLB Euuiao Tiiiatbi.— Uoodtr, 9, Inaagaratee a 
MM«B o( Uilbeit k SulllTan operae at thlH boeie. 
"loUfltbe" will be iQoit dorlog the flt«t week. It ta aare 
to be veil niDff, wtU eiand aail preully cottomed. 

pAia TBKiTRK.— "A CoDteoied Woroao" cloeei a rao 
urel|btweeka8. II bns proreo 00* of the MCceMOe of 
tbe waaoa. On lu, "Tbo SuaoKe Adrentaiea or Mlae 

K um'a TuKiTBt — Vanager Keith preeeo te tlirce Baro- 
peanoorelUeatJtilaweeb, the Nlgbtoa Broa. eibletuand 

r:)Bieaeu; the JoboaoD Troupe, vlw perform on rvtolr- 
Dg plobea, aad the Ooitj Broa, elerer aerobau^ Tbe Iht 
ol ait-aetioni »tilt fuitber lodudu Baigle Qlne^ Fnok 
HIair aod Edilli MurUJa, Harry Vrifht. Smilb O'Briio. 
(itorfe Povera, Oao Wahlno, Tim Croalo, Albatina and 

H&rtiaiD, Lerj aad Barber. Waierburr Broa. Keona, 
M»mser aod Bleb, llairlgan. McLcod and Melfille, 
tllliDio Low, Howard and Bland, BealjanO Baundera, 

aod Porbee and Qalan. 

Ai-vTiK A b'TO:(a'fl BtJjEUii.— VaoagM* Btmie aod Shaw 
liivtarealcurloaltrlBttwIreortobaUlo ibe nerena of 

Uiapt* Vetrlo. who eats polaoQioT ererr desoriptlon witb 
app*raat eaa*. Tbrooga bare Tlaltad blm the pau week. 
Raaldea, ibf r eibtblt the talkloRMaU, tbe aieelakulled 
laaa, awl maof other noveltlea. Tbs )i:ag* aliowa lodade 
tbe Loodon Ula Ward aod Lyodi, Agnea Rvaoa end 
NatUe HotTawn. Barry aod BaoooD, llarry Bed worth and 
Aoaleeiiapperd, OooM and Bart, Kllroy and IU«aon, 
Arnold Slaura. EltUe P«lawr, Praoce Hnn, Win. and 
Utdta Lynch, Billy Jackaon, PasDj Hobhiaoo, iJie Pour 
TbtHlei, BlUy BorReaod flbarlle Dteo. 

Ifovano ATOkN.irM.— Tbe Hac or atcraailoni la Tcry 
loof for week of Kab. 9. Tbe gmaiar par t or the eho v will 
be clran by the Detlly A Wood Combliutloo. Ineladlof 
MBiIko BOIa. Bryan, Pomtater ana Uonll/tn. ihe Kauoaal 
Trio^ Pat BelUy. niee aod Elmer, BlUy Bl«lrldvf, Dixoil 
Boaaraaad Dlioo.IdDeHlatera, iha Premooia, Ennaand 
VIdaea. Theae will be mppleawnted .by the Hitrard*s 
uwD olio, which ladadaa ihe Bala Pamtir, Haude llarrey, 
Alieo and Waat, PaonU Lei>lle.tb«CulllTin*. Mabel Maa- 
Uy. Lottie Afmar.MUe. Porhtan, Mercer, Kittle O'Nell, 
D jHTaa and May T. Lawrenoe. 
Pauci TiiaaTHL— The PieQcb Gaiety QlrlM, lo bar* 

leriiae, arebllied lorthUweek,haaded by Bella Irrlog. 
Tlia r>llo will preaeat Uarry Bobaart, Cbaotrell and 
Kcbayler, Jaaale Wooda, Wrlnhtaad Wllllama. Bdvat^i 

aod OjDiy,tbo Jofaokloii Trio, Way Ooodalo and Milt. 

Lyoii'm Tmbatiii— Tbe London PpaclaltTCo.wllIglTO 
a aralgbt Ttf leiy Mhow for the comlog week. Inibelbt 

I«e^ Mar Adama. Pliu^nM au Xcl*y, Ward aod amvo. 
Ill* Uoloraa Hl>unt. tbe Deaoca. Mack'.e and Walker, 

KiCNaLooto.v.— Is Ihe lectnro hall will appear SIdonla. 
Iha wire walker aod taUooed mui. aoutbem cake walk- 
era, tbe Maalcao woodera Zoeg Z tegandZttZua, the 
Atrldaa, aad maitr ottaercitrloiL Thoatagealiowlelur- 
oWtef by Boae irwlo'a Peraale Mloatnia, lodudbw 
Reihel aod Joaea, Madge Tramalo*. Hlcbanl Coleoiin 
Mar PraocM, the O'.ldtya. LUlIe Wllkloeon, the Harloa 
Broe.ileorveLeeiar.Uie Allaoaaod Marieair4n]. 

OkASO MudiDM -* UM atory " br W. A. Bradr. will be 
pbred tbli week, with Kate Ddbu le the kadliiB role. 
TbtTarietr bill Uelodea BooDeitaod Daeler. Max Pat- 
Uiijild^tbeapeBcer Bmibera. Eddie Clarke, A. M.Tbacber 

RoTaL Mcaaoa— The Hat laaa r.Olowa: Dave Wataaa. 
WiUUm Wllano, Tod VaaBho, Wm. OOrady, Hoary 
Vrtoeler, Praok Polraa, Oeo. Atkloaoa, Ploreoca Rrta-oo, 
Paanle Savla. Ndlla (;ampaa, Aleoa Urovo. I'aultoe 
WlUlanaaodUie CarletAoa ^ 

KoTa«.-Th« Elkabeoent will he glreo lo (heBoaioo 

Tbeatn Tburaday altemoon. MardiS Sttlner Draw 

and hli «ire will coma to Relih'a new llieaue week 
or 3L appearloir In a comedj akatcb.....^obo Bar- 
Ball (a dae at the Colombia in Mardi Throngb loe 

onrteayor B. H. Botbem ihe iTMloeadar maUoM pajr 
fonouoeof **Tbe Prliooorof ^ wda" «IU ho foribe benani 
<>rtb« Vloeeot lloaplt^the UHmorlal bo<rpltal of ihe bu 

MrB.V|oceat The ColufnUa Theatre vaaJammtUoa 

ibo aderoooo or Thursday, Jan. 3^ «h*o a rorleaerpUya 
waapreiieotcd byatuaieura or the d*y. A tHgaani vai 

iMti#d ror tbe Camar Uoivlt«l Maaager nairli 

Martod OB Prtday. Jan. 91, oo a bilef Weat^m trip J. 

W. Xfiiy Bade a big bit at tbe Pre aaOlubdloaer. 



r.itWoitli,t.i.-l»ta ilK» b» lM.n OD U. nul ftr 

">M»ii«i.Dt or Col. t. a. woto 

KOaiUOft, .111, . IWL ,M. W.II. Oor bu4 nK^I 

•"•»•'»■ Honor DO 10 Iht p'Mot llmj' uSl j ii 
Vooil.iiuiunr; willb P.rttKb4cb>r.imm'' rnnk 

■•^iallo<>*pU7.r. mr. a.oon' liioJ or roorloH dTkh 
K^/.u'""';'^ hMilmnl ror bl. liUb diva .Vf^^G^ 

Botaa PBOM PRBjcii a Kaw 88XBATio:f, No. I.-Tba 
mater I« ei lolloaa: The VaaalioUe, tiftrUion HlaiaM 
^^'^w^'^f^b.^n^^ Doilaa,Juha a^ B?Sle«PuteS 
rriak I'uua. WaUle Palkaaaiialo. t;apc A U KreadrpS 
rrVMor «d maolgar We are m£k(oa foJui^Vawo 

fw •wAVRSur';."- 

OU Moileo, end alu opaa aboiUy la AUanU, ila. 

fi- .r**'*,?.'"" "I* broom RiAlDn eiblbl. 

littufiJuT.iil' ****** " 

fifilllS K'*",.*^'.^ Emxt-b BHOW.-Capl. Eniant la la 
p.OKVSiU- bDjIeg a oolupleieoevuQiiUforbUcom- 
bleed dioaa next aaaaoo. iirarjihiniiwlli t>e»ntarg»l 
todouble the du of tbia aeaaoa, aod wlU dliTer Horn all 
otker ebowa Dr. L. L. Uoo will do the advaora. and 
rnd Mortlnerhubtao eiiaaced aa aiage taaaager. W* 
an tooriog throoRh lllinola le e xeollaot muUaaaa. 

JioTta FBpii Tiia^Taaaa Pahilt, 8wim Bkll itixaats.- 
W* are nlil tourlog ■looaaota. aad arelaourtwantr- 
""Sm***'',"'."^ »"lB">ar. eieepione. R««- 
ai* UllUMk, plubt, doeed receatlr, aad wai repland ly 
riof. .Harry Paoderahila We reodiTsd orer lurty ol- 
B«en to oor *^d' lo THaCurraRforabUDlet. .Mtd 
Jamaa aod Tooy Y.LoMaiamaoatfera. Weearryelgbt 
people and traloed do«. " 

NuTiS FROH TUB aoujBBiiLiYSKoa-ro.— Wearelo 
Bouaton. Tel., to Wlbttr >iaartan, raaklog praparailoea 
fur oor eprlog tour. We will be dioloped vlth new 
vagona, tweaty lo oumber; aerc oiy Lead or borm aad 
tnalea. new aollonne aod a ne* bead wauoo. Poople dl 
wtlL Tbe adraoce «agooj «U1 start uutPeb. 14. Tko 
obew wlUatartMaithl. 

TUB CBTflTAt, Diyi MtnEm, (n Akroo,0.. wlllopao 
Ktb.ia Cork) ball: ■ra.Watnn.Jaa. Warrao, Oaruita 
fuae. Mom. MIriooa aad Punch aad Judy, tiicaua: Ja- 
dttn Band aod Biowe'a Vauderilla Oo. or leclva people. 

Rosran and rotu or RuXiU.'a CoxiiRtMa oi' Kovil- 
tica.— BlUf Roteli, proprlstur and maoagar; Eoauae 
Kaowlea, flylag trapeie aad barrel daoror; Jeeale Klag. 
cbaracten; Big. Oe Almo, maglclao; Delia Orcoa, eoa- 
bntu; Cba«. Ureeo, plaalet; Mora Dcatuo, wire vttS 
rlega; BlUy EoiaU. mudcal, aod tbo tnok dog Balp. At 
Lfoo, Han., *e bad 10 lura people away. Joe. Uhandk r, 
niradvaaceageot, liaeenrlagaone aood iliiaa rorna. 
We open lo Maldao, Maaa., inr ooo week, end iliaa go 
Weat., Tito glioat walka regularly, aod ibeOLo BaUAibB 
uoo deok ererr Thuradaj aiieroooo. 

Thk wife of BcDxoo, tlie animal tialoer, preaeoted liln 
wliliababyglrloo Pab, I. 

hOTBS raoH W. H. Raao'iiOLyiiPiiS Suow.— AH our 

, 4r A irurm awmora. pbdnly eddreeaed. moat ba 
adoaedforaarb teller, aod thelloeoT boaloaaaioUoaed 
by the pmoo a>1dreaaad Bhoald be flreo. In order to 
prereai mlatakea. 

Kon.-'t'rorbaaiooaU and oiben iteiiM bear la nUd 
ibataU tatiara. ei«.. lo tiaoalt b«w««o the United Butca 
udOiAada, mail M Fr^ald. otberwtaa they an oot lor. 


Albarla, Laora lOray.Kallle 

^Aablfr, Aoaia dlibeit, Ptoitoce 

Aldloe. .VeUi* V. (ircjr, JulU 

Albarta, Marie iiilhir, Ploaale 

Arjmao, Bltiy Ulben, Haude 

AntMilo,i;ioil;da Qutchanl, Jeoole 

lut Maaoo'a atoll haa beao rrpairad an-l palniail. aod 
will makea olcaappearaoce. Oor fchowwllt a<<tboan- 
Urged fortlie corolog aaaaoo. Mr. Reed la oowlo Ne« 

RIehmoad,— ••MlUfl Trixle" wm prvtonted Bt 
Ihe BkhiBOod Theatre Jao. 27, 39, to good bodoeea. im$ 
J.Oorbeu followed 29, aod autacted an ImoMoae aadl- 
nee. CamllleD' ibaArailamr or Mode; Job. 
31. Peb. 1, wai llberdty patrooUed. aod **Badeleloe, or tte 
Maglo ICUN,"waa baartlly eojojtd. 

AcADBHTOrMrsio.— Boohed: "The B«w«ryairi" \i, 
"Tbe Old Uomeatatd" ft, 0, Roland Rood 10 (reloraea- 
sageioeoi), "Tbe Bhck Orook" II, It. 

nicBXOffDTiiBATiB— "The Widow Rvdoll** comeeT.ft. 
^rim(AK'«ToBATaBCoHiguB.-OpeBlo> olgbi 9: Pearl 
Riaa. Maile Booker, Joale Manlcy, Uw Oarroll aad Cbaa. 
Honli. Boaloeaa la fair. 

>otB~Maoagtr Thna. <i. Leath baa ronned a cO' 
rartoerehlp with 0«car Blaaon aod Oeorge Oarle. ead 
next eeaaoo tbIa trm ■ill pot a r«p*rtory compaoy oa the 
mafi, optolof wlr lo Aneoat at Rldimoad. lad. Little 
Mlae Uayle will ba Taeiored. Hill- McNIf Ian. ibe pna«ot 
treaanrer of tbe Aradamy or Muak. goaa wItb the eon- 
I«oy to reprteeot Maoagar Laath'a InfertAL 

Norfilk.— Lmat WMk'0 hotlQenalthe Aokdeny 
of MealcwaaTciy aood lad^wdl fllM hoarMtelag 
the role. Jamea Corbeiu lo "A Kavd C»1et".i1M fi- 
reedlodr well Jan. ar. p'aylDg the opealoa olgbtio 
■'andloB room oolr. Aii«-r iha perrormaaca Mr. Corbait 
aod maM memben of ihn coMpaor ware lavltcd by iba 
Hoifola 'Cycle rine to their pariora. where ilieyeD>>rad 
anold faablooed Vlrplolaamobar. Uamllle O'Ardlle Opera 
Co. foU'wed a.V. ddlghlloB a*ll (Hied booaM '^e 
RoTerrnirr eomoa Peb ft. -ma Uld Uo«itBtead"7,"1be 
Black Crook" la Rolaad K»«<1 II. 
^BuooTHBaTBB.-New people appearlna ihia^aJc are 
RAiroo fliaiera. Mlonle Vooog. Plorence Leroy tod Ohrla. 
Ue Walih. _ 


OmahB— At Dojd's Thefttra Utarj E. Diiej 
opeeaatbne algbta* eogageawot Peb. & Jamea O'JfeH 
8^7, ''A rod for Luck"l».|l. -ITaoi" did fair boUaiaa 
J^ ie-m Ada Van Etta, lo 'Hlotlaai," bad Calf howei 

Tug Cblbiobtd:) —War Irw'a, la '-Tte Widow Jopta,' 
opeaa a loar olgbta' eaaereneotL Djold Bally t^nft 
retniB eagaaanaat 6-8. "Tbe BMewaUa or Xev Tcfk** 
»-ll. RApUaa' TrjaaOceaolo Co. dH a good baalaeea 

KENTVCKY.-13«> P»ge 7T6]. 

r«<auili.— At Morlon'a OprrmllouiolbeD'or- 
mood Co.. to reptrlory, acek of Jaa. tr, bad oaly DOdtr* 
eubulua, **ABacim«Cbea"ceBeef«b.3a. 

York looking anarilie oewpriatlog. Koater or people 
oow algoed: Mile. Ireoe Bpnera, irare'c; billy Rwd, 
comic ouojurer and TeDirllo()ul»t; Bjdfe Tajlor, piloclpai 
teret>aok acL aod ESdward H. Daly, adraoce. 

Oto 8iuslaTeryUlwItb((itfrl|4K.athlabomola Bloui 
City. la. 

J. U. Mullixdbb doaed with tbe Kn. Oeo. TomTbunb 
Co. ai Day (00, 0. 


ILa Place'a Eleetno BcltCu.: Weareatlll loorlngPrno- 
rylrania aod aredolai asood baaloaaa. TbIa la our thlid 
aoek la thta State, aod dace woopeocd «e bare fall d to 

Slreooeperrurmaooe. Utacwa dldo'c dItplayihaB RO 
go. We expect to aiay la ihia State until Uw la of 
April, tbeo we no latti Wheellaic. W. Ve., to cat readr 
for our taotiogafaaeo. which we w|:| open aboot May f. 
Ve will carrr two largatopa. Our bU tup la IQCft ruitod 
lop, with one U>iL middle place. Wo liaTO Mcurvd a 
oew moHL top, which will t« uaed for dreaaiog roomi, 
aleeplog roona aod cook bouae. Mooa. Place hwlc a 
lirlnatriptol>ltubarg,aqd aecorvd a rtoe vaidrobaitf 
Uiieeompaoy. Roe'ar: Jrarooa & La ri>oe,proprielrr* 
aod nuoagrre; Lottie Jaaroor. ticket aeller: Hoa». la 
Place, drlait trapoi aod t»ajTelJninptog: Mra. U liaoa, 
fljaolan webbe aad glaot awmg by tbe loei ; t haa. Araaioa, 
blah wiraaod aUdafor life; Turn JaaroDa.oom<dlaD aod 
ilaocer; Mra. Torn Jcarooa, loubretie aad allrtdaacer; 
lite. LaRoie, eoDtortloolataodMrpentloedaocer; Utile 
leoa, child ador, and Utaraoce Bpttzhy. buy aerobe. 
5d. Heodtraio, triple bar par>'onner, jolacil Jao. 24. 
Mra. La Place la maklag a hUwIihberoawglaatawloc br 

tbe fooL Tliloaa are morlog dong amooihly Bof* 

leroi Umatilla lodlaoHedio-oe Co., Party No. II: Dr. M. 
CampbdI. pmpnetor aod maoagei; Dr. R. 0. BmenK*. 
lecturer, otllce worker aod maaager lo ctaarge ; J. fl I?ar. 
anaagh. atage manager aod coroediaa; ObaaP. Kith, 
mualcalcoaicdian aod loader 01 ordii'at-a; J.L.Slapk, 
planlat BBd vlollabit: Mra. J. 8. Caraoaugh. lire Miaou 
aod chandera; Banna Slaale, orgaolit aod loubroue. 
aodBiutcb HIcb. lodlaoaTtfinoke Bva. Mao Airdd ol 
lllra S«ir and Raoalog busa- LliUe Mack, 
daodof iDookey, la a iralure of toe abow. We dl 

Band beat wiahea to Cun'CR Koiea rrom Ote 

Ron Medldoe Co^^Ka »: Dr.T P. Mack, ledorer aad 
tooth eitraetor; Tboa I*. Floo. badaeu mwuger; Ju 
Pltrcerald,inaiterorama8emaat>; t liia. Hi-iiatu,c«o)- 
eilan aod aorobat: neraMo, Jogwler.and Pla^b,maiil. 

clao Rneur or Zual I^dlaa^edldne Ca. No. tf. 

now tourlog Soutltem N'awYork: Dr.B-S«lia,lenitror 
aad maaager; Leo Ploraaee. general cobmiIUo; Willie 
Hkllllo'rt Dog aod Cat rircua, Dick I'rop. Yaakeo aad 
Dutch oomotllaa; Proi. P C. Ralkart, loualoU aci; Mar- 
rAy aod Doylr. ahelcb. aod Mr*. Dr. B.Kwiaa,irearar*r. 

Ba*loaaa la booailog Koater of KIckapoo ladiao 

Medldae Co. No. «8 (lodependaoi) : f lor. Ja«- 
qolo H. Da Wolir, manager, loctorer aod r«oili 
extractor; Mra. Brrile H. Da WuiiT, Maaier EJilo 
A.D<tWo1ir, Prank Ooldeo. alage manager and blacx (ace 
eomedlao: Mra. yraob OohleB, aoobreiie: tlao. Orecor, 
nioaleal; Keaeedk aod Lavrcoce, ^rla^. Durrh anfl black 
race apecldtloa, doable aod aloile; Ura. Oeo. Ure<or. 
Prol. Sol Praatlge, vIollalaL lodtaaa: WouodeJ Baifdn, 
rbter Split Hoaa, Prioceu BriihiErea aod Lllilo Prdrie 
Mower- We are m New Jeraer for tbe Wlolor aod dolog 
well, irare a good orchraira, and alva atrtet paradw 00 
borroback. MfMrailfogoraad Preatlge are drilllof all 

Hal la, Marie 

Aioaeue, Allde 
Ura; er. Macgle 
"Bartoo. CUra 
Belutoot, Lllllao 
HaokauD. Hay 

Sale, iia. 
Hartoo. BlU 
Beitkan. Mabel 
Berwick, Nalile 
Uxrrj, Billy 
Brraat Marian It 
Bvltowa, Mr*. A. E. 
Bancroft. Vioi.^ 
HUocbatd, Loulae 
Hwwan, lUiilo 
Bella, Bmma M. 
B*nn, mill* 
I leraaid, Roile 
lienloa, Mile. 
Burtvo, Ecu 
Berwick, Alice 
i'aUwdl. Ullie 
M:olu«. Uub 
Cotoiuao, Malta 
Cdo'i ao.Trlila 
Carllol, Mine. T. 
ilraTo. W. 
_.-0lt«, Naoole 
..jveiaod. May 
Con OOP, /.jlta 
L'Ulr. Beaale 
Clark, Maggie I.. 
Comer, loiogeoe 
UlDpghu. laa 
(Uupbelt May 
ClM«, Edna " 
I Juonara, MiMrcd 
I larr, i^rolloe 
t arre, Pauline 
~ia Home, VIrlao 

Udua. Mame 
DIUoo. Mamie 
De Foireri, ( 1^ 
Deihen, Roth 
Doraad. Miia 
Deoolog, Madge 
Duobtoi, NOilne 
>eitr. Maud 
Umw, I in ma 
Uartn|>on, Faoor 
Darla, Hiby 
Ouolat,Ko loiie B. 
Dee. Mra Halt 
Uaria, Maile 
Dolona, Grace 
)o) le, Helta 
)UKao, Jaunle 
bavli, Maude 
~iarl«, Praokle 

'Eraoa Vara 
Brerotc, Hlia 
Earl, HriotBia 
Eowarda, L«u 
Konla, .Nauio 

Fl»reDce, Mlunle 

Foley. Mr?. J. O. 
Forruil, llatile 
PloUn, Agava 
Porre>ier. Ndllo 
Flora, Moid. 
FerrY, Clarice 
KiddN. Nvtiio 

Gormen Fnokl< 
(Uge. Mabel 
Uaiea, Laura 
llirvMi, Hailon 
Uiorlol, Jennie 
(lunee. Alico 
Urajdtu, Ebte 

haadaoo bran laatraBieota,aad In a rortotghtwewi 
reatore oar twl. BTerrbodr well aod happy, aod tL. 
lok la ecracdy dry oa the dearohlULirraaberotatba 

boya bare It Roaiar or the UmatllU ModlctoeCo, 

No. 17: Dr. M. Campbell, proprietor: Dr. Uro. rardj, 
maoager aod lecturer: <9iarter B. Haaioo. cbar- 
aotor comedlaa aod baojolat; Mra. Myra Kealuo, 
aonbrette aod plaolat, aoU Keaioo aod Farrell.... 
Nolea (rem Aruood Electrio Belt Co.: Snow, lilgk water 
aod bad road! baa kept them iron (vmlog In rur the pa^i 
two week^ batweareaUUpalllatfaloag with the follow. 
Ion people: J. B. Wooda. naoaiier aod lecinrar; Nn, 
HlOBleWooda.ToadlataDd maa(otaa;J. U. AbeLwIello 
let; Hlrtlaflrhea,plaoUt; Kobt.lAodram.anngaaddanceL 
Wooda aaaWnoda,aiatdieff, and Babr Hike Wvo^e. woo 

la nowoatordaagerfmn her recobtatcaoe«a Hoaiar 

orNAtorv'aKemedyCe., No.7: BInlaaUand Heron man. 
agen: Dr. H. W. tflidailli. Mra. Or. U. W. filMaall. Wll 
ham Crawford, cealoidnolit aod flrloa rintcM; Huiiert 
Pearler. Ironjawaci aodjngeler: Joe lloron, IrlMiconi. 
odiaa: John Kauirioau. niu»lcal act, ami A. O. Vfn*«l, 
eom^iUa aod daaitr. now touriogPeonaylraola toialr 


B»UI more.— Tbo t«it dlngTMabto w««iher 
made but digbl loroada on bu4lo*m Feb. 9,ao axcalieai 
Hat of alira^laaa ealllog out aodlencta or lood alio. 
UanU* Acadeny waa rmronably fliled X acid Llll!an 
Roaaell met with a boaity welcoino la "Tbe Lhtia Duke. 
"Thefloddtai of Tralb" lalo acUrerebrartel for Hi Oral 

f'reaaotaUoB 6- Tbe Damroach Opera Co. drew four 
araeaadleaeea Jaa. 17-0. girioc amlaaet aaiUfirtloo. 
Janea J. CorbeUdid falrlj well for (he remainder of the 
woeb. Hanloo'a ''^operba" ladue Feb. 10. 

PoBO'sOrtiu UOCBR —Frank Paalala mat with a royal 
recepfoo 9, la 'Tbe Wliard of ibe Mir," whlth wat 
beanl for Ihe flrwt time loedly and commaoded almoat 
e^tloBonalangbter aod ai«laaae fmm aoaMdionreof 
floeprrwnrtlooa. Walter Alien, who l# a prima f^rorite 
here, had a part which iiita«l blm Ilk* a dor*. "Otiar- 
let'a Aant** repeatad ber anccau of furoer acaaoaa Lut 
week. De Wolf Hopper oowo^iu «, ^ 

AiBACiin a LvcaciiTiiBaTHji.-Tbe Foyer Clab wlilbe 
hwrd In "TbeOru>bed Tragedian*'*, John W. Albaiiah 
Jr.'B oew play, "TreBten.'* wlilreedre lia Brat pmdaetirB 
0. JdiaL-Buddard eonnaacee ao eflgageraootof two 

*»foLij!»Av Strbbt TMrATNi— Dtfooellr and Ulrai« 
(ticked (he hoaae at chair opaoiog eitileeeor "Tna KaiB 
inaHer*" A 'Down la Dfala" did a ra<ont iHiakloi. 
boalncea Uat week, dlopjoilog the i. BO. Hao ei nearly 
owr performance. *^be Derby Wlnnor" U bli.e ' 

'*h1wardAcditobhjb.— Hara Lockliart'a lealiy •on-Iar- 
rblpirlbrmla< elediaola lo cocjuoctlon with W^bei ■ 
Oltinftia, aurarttd two iifi# heo«»a 8 The \aade*i)le 
Clabbadagoodwteb eofllegl. The Uariioette troupe 
ofairotaUaad Uoabfy INrnghartrcomeb'. 

BRBfAife MoiOBBmL TiiBATaB — Tbe New Vork 
BtaraeeeeailiD the cauomarrweii dlled hnnaaS. The 
I/«dceOaleirairl< ckaMl a fklri* proaperooaweeb 

Barry Morria' Bateriabier* are d na 10. 

- Oaenya^ ODioa TBMATRi.-Batea ao^ liaiea,llllloi . 
Blaaey aad Dao Kragaa aad Moreoca Le Hoy 

*BAMiBOaB Looni Ruib will hafe Ita elghieeath aooaal 
beaellt at Albaagb'e Theatre 1 1. 


Keiv OrlMa»<--Urovd«d bouBC* Uva nida tbe 
week fa flaaaeld coeeoaa. At tbe Oraad Open Ifoaaa 
Berry Inlog aod BUee Teny, In repertory, atlncifd big 
bedaeee. -Pririd*' »mea Feb l^. 

AiuDaar or Mraia— Padorawfhl charmed lameaae 
aofricf. l-laraMorriarmneeT-S. 

c«. i.'iiitLCiiTiBAna-'ilieerBnd Kate Rrioe.lD'Tb» 
Upaaad Oewna of Llf^** enjofad epIaadM paUenaie, 
*AcoUaaKlB|" eaBBa^e. 

)lipper Post Office 



(i HelJIA iriDg 
UltHtume, H«rrlt 

Urchard, . 

Uitmait, t'rvuU 
Uuloib«rg. UUeL. 

Harn^ iirliie 
llowaid. Kilty 
llolbrook. Llr.Ue 
liarrry, Jaala 
lluvard. Hay 
llaTi<«r, UlUio 
llauiay, Aolia 
l1coder>un,J0Hie T 
lleiberi, Mr«. B. 
Howard, Kellle ft. 
lltiLMra. Dr.Ohaa. 
lllfilil. Ptfarl 
llajaeo. uia 
llaiuo, Nitile 
llarvay. Mar 
Urru aod ra. Ireoe 
ilaaelloD. Mabel 
llayucs, Uerrude 
ilartuan. Leo 

rmtrtr. Laurie 
logabrllv, - 
(omao, hollle 

Mra M*Joi 
lulUn.MriL Kr«0 
u Hoe, Mauile E. 
>*Kioili. ■■ ■ 
<eltb. (Ill . 

La Faae Huiora 
Leslie, Pauny 

Le Vyno, Leille 
La Veroa,Oarkiua 
Lirkelle, LIIIU 
La Clair, Ocrilo 
LOAlle, beU 

Ltodoa, KiTle 
Uillirop. Dot 
Le»lie, Anna 
Laurel. Lille 
UIgli, AJclaUle 
LewK Mollle 
Labaille, Hay L. 
Lee, Hanite 
"ayo, Muie 

'Moor*. Luela 
Hoittoier, Aoole 
Hay, Maacle 
HKciiell, rlura 
HalklL Udeo C. 
Haletta, Hm« 
HcNuUy Slaura 
aakcttlie, VUilct 
tf AKre, llalou L. 
doDironI, May 

iluudry, Plunle 
>l4idull, AgoeaL 
Hwre, Adtlle 
H«mutie. \ la% 
Mullrr, UJKHiar 
KallieTt i^ otaoi-hf 
drltoM. Friokie 

Nffbun, (luwla 
Korih, (Iwaadolin 
NaalialL Kate 
Malaoo. Mra. U R 
he* kirk. Har.oo 
Na»h. riit>aie 

Mrlaiai. Kuaa 


iRfiOtt, VI 
rioiro, Aini» 
I'Vriaiili, Ailda 
PiirK^ll, '^iCTkle 
IVilter, Eil% 
pA>ton. Jfciudloe 
Foliar A Uiibrrt 
llDai«e.HiH. H.U. 
i*altuor, liir< 
Quiilioy. Jeiiolo 


Lb Nr« ErOMt 
i«tl. B«lay 
auerlch. Lea 
'llDebari,Mma EL 
.toaelle, aaud 
(toceia. (Iraca 
taymouil, May 
dafd, Jeoole 
tapuraurr, KItly 
luMOll, Ida 
luiU'unl, Mabel 
ktbia, J<odU 
(cdfll, Hariva 
^urr, Lrali 
, ^dioad. Bertha 
rhereuR, MmHo 
dLJoho, Prankle 
itewanl Ito.Hinolo 
tlnllai. Aoiile 
>lDdalr, Maad 
d«iKle, Farhu 
.<abiord, KnitiiaR. 
dim ooU a, Clara 

H Oalr. Flwu^ 
HtauioOiMra. Wm. 
(trd«y, Ura J. L. 

(LaImI, JurfplllDO 

"lioriie, Ada 
Ta> Inr. 

Mm. Frank 
Teet*. Ilaiilo 
tliatclivr. B«* 
runuur, Milllo 
Ta>Iar, Julia 
yatora, Viola 

Wllliar, Mollle 
Wlieelar, Eoitaa 


Mri. P. W. 
We«L Uartruda 
A'allaca, lUtllo 
A*al«r^ Nsllia 
ffliaun, Mlaitle A. 
fftnaoo. Mario 
ffartlf, Mabel 
Ahltoay, kinaia 
tTiitera llatil* 
Wlliuulli, Auale 
Wblcott. Fltitile 
rt'atlarp, FJhrl 
•rchber.Carila D. 
-.ralll^Nr'. Wm. 
WillanI, AMla 
^ubliii, baby 


■Appal. Fnuik 
Aukitu, H. H 
Aaion. bl. 
AnunUou;! A 

Alleo, LleoL W. 
Adauia, U. U. 
Aicaria, big. 
AoiMleo. A. 
.iiidrewaA Melrou 
Alleo, 11. J. 
Atlcoele, J. P. 
arooW A Uardoai 
AlUn. Ed. 
Alllo.U II. 
Ay mar, W. P. 
Adama, U. 0. 


Abacco, Joe 
Aodentoo.C. M. 

Burd. Cliaa. ^ 
Blake, Harry M 
Bttia, II. K. 
Baker. B. U. 
Beacdkt. Lew 
Haiee A Baiea 
Burii. l.T. 
Beach A Beware 
Birch, J oho F. 
Barlow, Jaa. 
Bread I, Dave 
biroo. Dr. Air J. 
Brewer, lllillard 
Bingham. Jaa. 
Rahar, (leo. 
aurke, J.A Iloae 
Barrall.M. H. 
Harbour, ttllly 
Ueiu.a«o. H. 
Brraot. Ed. 
Bo lb. Harry 
Bar. U. N. 
BradUy, a I loe 

HarratI, Dao 
Hucker. Dr. & L. 
Otackallef. A. 
ButiUr, Hichard 
beliuiti, 0. W, 
Heuuey, UlUy 
Bea(I«>, Beo 
Bo)doll, Baot 
Bruwn, AI. 
Bultna. rred 
Berry, EuKOoe 
Hryaiit, W. r. 
Huddrn, C. 
B00CU.U10. (ol T 

A 0) 
Beillelt, II a 
Huror, Jack 
By me. J. II. 
brewer, JoboW. 
bcll.tlro. II. 
Hi>a|«y, l.'lian. 
Hair a LoBaal 
B«ll, u.rt. 
BAkrr. Jalin T. 
lilua Mvuutaice 

Blake. Harry H. 
lsaa*Tit, r.H. 
Hr}iHar, W ll. 
B) roe Hrua. 
buroley, Veraoo 
Barcbloi, Fjaak 
Bllti, llarrr 
Hraulgso, fat 
Bell, uairy H. 
Hen. - _ ^ 
Hcaie. Kell L. 
Howeu U.ut. A 

CoppiBgar. 1*. P. 

CJsrB. II. K. 

Cule, Bod 

L'Uik, lljucao 

CkilNe, AOd 

I'ainubeli. W.fl. 

UjIiiII, Jcir) a. 

Ctil loA, Brjau 

Ourry, Wm. 
'oucn, (J. 

CUrfe, Jia. K. 

Cleiiiabta, A. II. 
:av*j A Lei'lalr 
'A»Pb«ll A baatd 

fhalll". U. W. 

i;arr,U«o. II. 

'Jdhaii, Frank 
;orlAiIa. w. h. 
;ait*r,U. M. 
"arcy. Ifr J. P. 
Somalia, Pole 
;unl>«,H. H. 
Ilinurd. Lwi 
Ulrr, Pror. Harry 
.00 b, yrank 
'arrlor, J. T. 
'ar:er, Chaa 
:orrr, A. H. 
oaaora, J. J. 
-.'heater. Jack 
:lliu>a, Howard 
'4>x, Hid Day ■ 
hooper, F. 0. 
dleolera, A. Ic. 
\aria, Vi. II. 
-'brcker.j H. 
le tJoidiM), Forcai 
•tao kJ'-m 
faolrlr. Prank 11. 

MfiiHM, w. a 

Jkren adi, I'hIUp 
uelinaolog, Dau 
Uooler, Joa 
Oaae, Fred A. 
Uuielaod, (1. W. 
Uatlf.U. E. 

Konl, Juha 
Faruandw Tuoy 
Kof n*y, AI. 
KrrKwo, J<iho II, 
Fieialiij:, (IM. U. 
K4rrcll, Tttiiy 
FODB, Ad. 
fauti. Ban 
Frcoaiao, K. E. 

a ray. 4 

Uaria, A. N. 
Uar, Udle 
Ulilun, Joiin 
Uelaner, Eddie 
Juan, llowaid 
Jlituood, Uloi 
iliydao, U. 
,>«a)ilGgluo, J D. 
ItatlaB Ktough 
JUiiiuui.Uw. 11. 
iMuivm. Win. 
Iltfan, Ifaruhl 
Jevrnr Luke 
U'E»la, Harry 
>uiweiL TbM. 
Oaela, W. II. 
Je Harr, Wia 
lit Loog, 11. L. 
Jariuw. Waah 
Jarla, llariyE. 
ihiMUUi A 

Je Pew, Ttiua. E. 
>/ckatad«r. Law 
.rarry. AL F. 
Jolaro/ A FrllE 
Jucrow, Lvuie 
J« Lao«r Family 
Jar a. Will ||. 
lunliain, B A. 


Jdtoaoo.O<u..i D. 
JAckiun. W. A. 
Juntan. Lew 
Jonas W. C. 

RlocatJ Circua 
Kemiedr, J. II. 
Kilpatrlcko, The 
Kramer, llany 
Khwb, B. K. 
Kloi,Ji.lia H, 
Kebwa,! hio 
Kavne, R M. 
Kelly, Turn P. 
Kein|iloo, L. A. 
Ktl>t>iv,W. II. 
KllioyA K««Pt>0 
Kikk«L Pn>r. Carl 
Kelly, Woi J. 
Korr, R l A. 
Kniilil, lUiry 
Kurlr, KiQ 
KiiTfclt. Matt 
Kadel. WalTor 
Kf^ndall, Izr.i 
King. Jdin II. 
Kounnly, K. ti. 
Knrrn*. A H. 
Kcllor.Tutii P. 
Krnynu A »t a 

Li<w».Hm W. 
L . . . L : _ , 
L««l^-lt1rckrTt>u I'oi*. iiKii} 


Ho.^ E. D. 
djy. Eddi* ' 

idwaida, II. L. 
HlllJ. F. g. 
.Kl litiuud,1vu 
Itwf, Ilia 
IbUiott, Jaa 
Evaoa, Mack 

Loog.Kraoa, W. II. 
Bleoddl, Bdwio l£«caloDa. U. 
Buftli, ll»rry Ktecry. u. E. 

Hecber, I'ruf. r. A. LuaiMJO, E. (I. 
Hraoolgaa*. Tha 
Baker, KrauaE. 
Hag<«iieo, Call 
Hee, Aim U. 
Hiroo, O.MtRl 
Hell, Ueo. 
Bil.Lu. C. 
UuriuB A De AInio 
Hfctlor, Oeo. 

Bonodici, Lew 
Brandt, Ooa 
i *vnr, A. B. 
^Cair. Uro II. 
Couioy. P^t 
Carlufte,f Be 
CiliiaDdeo. 0. N. 
CreorxH). Coarad 
Vuo¥ioa, A lea. 
ratiip, P. 
Ciiamberila, L J. 
Colboa, Praok 
( anpbell, J. P. 
Cl'fma, l(m. 
cupper gwut 
Cooper, rnak 
Ckmpbdl Wm. 
Cbaliawa*. J. W. 
Uirbtla. Wm. B 
Oonoore, tfeo. 
Oulllaa Eddie 
VlBBtBi, Ueo. U. 

r.anietL IJIiaa 
EUiworili. riril 
Mbiar, Mrott 
Ullle. It. E. 
btaoi, Win 
Eoiemifl. Bi:iy 
Einer>, ltua.« 
i-ilaajiK Frank E. 
K«iai>r«>ja,i: A. 

fc4ll»ll<0. tflW. 

yullar.ii T. 
Pf^rrkur. frAOk 
Fiifdaa Moiley 
rrewley. T. D. 
rlif, JiL-k 
rvrga ou.R. V. 
F(.a, W. U. 
r'na, Jebo 0. 
FilUof*. Hlllard 
Fder.J U. 
^orkL Baa) 
.'arguM/O Br'ia 
F«r**ll, Pr>ak 
^rrtdi. A B 
Ford. Waller 
Ford A Frawli 
r»nl*. Wiley 
F^naoo. Jaa. R. 

^agan.Jaa A. 
'arraat, Jaa Z. 

Irocna. t» tt. 
'Inniineili. Jon. 
(mil, J. I>. 
UdlDp, C, L. 
Jilerca, Joho 
IruM, W. a 
Jakbrll. IV. r. 
Inudaln, Jai. 
Iniir, uuo 
.iWHlaow, El. 
IJ Miie. V. r. 
lalloa. J. St. 
IcHliAina, Tie 
loudwio. Baa 
lur Hroa. 
Itl«a. Lrm 
laloa, Jblind, 
latetia Jr ,u. P. 
lealall A Orll 
iroja, Hailin llo. 
loodiiiau,J B. 
!rac«, J. L. 
lag/. Tboa 
lairit),!* J. 
lurdou, AT. 
lianiuA Haud 
llldllaiL Ilo^i 
ilrgve. Dare 
Urauui Dare 

dardmaa, Joe 
Huan. Fred 
daaauo, Julio P. 
tiaywovil, Alra 
llamlln. ^ U. 
lUrL ban 
lUwIau^, Bob 
Herd. T. J. 
Man Jr..Tooy 
Udpio, llappy 
ilHi, Pnir J. a. 
Illltwn, Frank 
lliriwirili, J. W. 
•laii, W.lI. 
HlHlaa. K. A. 
Ua'p^r, naJlace 
(lalua*, Cliauucay 
llaoUay.Dr.U W. 
lfayatiO,t*haa E. 
rianaun, Jolio T. 
Hart. Burt 
dill. A. A. 
Howes U'a«. i». 
tiiri a wiiiiauia 
llouKbliMi. Eilwln 
ilosaa, Brnatt, 
UawNy. W. H. 
dtiWarOA EuiOraon 
JalluwMl. W. U. 
'Uun. Ill 
floJ^trO FrAOk 
\Mlm, Tbe 
•la>««. U H. 
iluUae.A W. 
iiliUr. liermao 
llftfrieva, lIUKh 
Uaik J tt. 
Ilariow, Fird P. 
I lullioaa. J H 
•lrlber^ Fraocii 
IfagorOB HaoieU 
llcuilM, El. 
ifeory,U U. 
ilaOH'ii, Prank 
lllcaey.W. II. 
Il<jiw««k, Will 
ilaii, llarri C 
ilar/ioiuiu, Joa. 
Hd^daa. FraoK 
lluMii, FraokB. 
Hlralek Ai>« 
llaiil«eu ADttere 
Hunt, JtM 
Holland. E J. 
Il4i|iia, D^n 
Hubbed, T.<*. 
Hariwrli. Julia 
llurd. Fred 
Hanmao. Lonla 
Haaloe, W. F. 
•KcknM, AL 
HaaiM" W. U. 
-^Il A Hill 
lluaa. FrcO 
■ulToian, F. 0. 
i'vio. W. J. 
'Inroio, Harry 
fwio, Hut. 
Iroio, Jaa 
I er. Mfck 

Jooaa, P. l>. 
JBc»h<,ii K. 
'(Aotoos Tbe 
JaObba, Niorice 
fuabir. W. A 
jMba. Jm. M. 

Jwhoiva, i^rroU 


Maok. K.J. 
Hc.^ulty.W. P. 
McCaiiuin, W. B. 
Harieil, Harry 
Murray. J lualon 
MunliNor, Ellin. 
Hr.Nolt>, Will P. 
Mft»uii, WlU.S*. 
HrKdlirirk. K.\V 
Mrokcr, II. J. 
MI«in»ji>Ta, Three 
Nltrn^ Ifor.C. I. 
Nurawd Brva. 
Namcdu, I'. 
Newrll, HlllarJ 
Nubobttn, Larry 


•S, Uf i>. 
Brlrn, Wni. 
O.nimirail. (loo. C. 
lI'drirD, .Vvil 
pairr. rmik 
* l*oii(i.T;io 
raiilw. SI. 
I*> |>|>riL II. A. 
I'ltAuni, Urn 
re)lttit, Kal|«h 
rcihlleiiiu, jc« Q. 
I'aaior, Jucn F. 
I'aelii, ^rtil 

r.,..^ ... .I'aravr.Mlll 
'Latrli. LiUlo I'llo^le, Ji'UnnIo 
--- — '■■ — " Poll, Hall} 

ll'acbTr, D. 
Puaeris Ja*. T. 
Ipaliuar, Loar 
I'aliuer, Hilly 
:rei)iuia,t> ti 
rn<l>*ii, (1r>i. it, 
l*>i'i«il, lleary 
r<iiei»ua, H. H 
I'vjru tlnr 
r.-Aii. Uiii. 

VAtl*. w. »!. 
QjIiio, Paul E. 

Uiiwe, Win. 
KrMI, FM. 
Hulli. Mill. 
Hay, HaJ»r 
K(%rn^ jiui'cal 
Kaiiittcil, Wi.lle 
Kf J I tiDi) 
At>-«. I'ltii.fiwi. K 
tlicalJi.H. H. 
itaTtu, hieli4nl 
Kolfviia. Mrk 
Uwi(l>. Hi;i) 
itobntiiii, I'Laa. 
ILa)lior, Bull 
npUf>, iltu. H. 
lleilli. Jiilih r. 
ttttiliiaon, H H. 
Kt.ilrlaiip>. L. J. 
iHl'lry, llKiiy 
iWury, W. 
riity. K L. 
riu<N«ll, LiKila J. 

K«*PU, V: It. 

Hlffi, Hill K. 
tlu y, Jvliu 1*. 
rtoteir, (Ku. Vf. 
riulKiiis (I. 
Kuln. frank 
H*inr», II. cl 
((ubtiwiii. Busanc 
K»l<url. Ilm rr 
K)nn. W. II. 
Hirj.anlK iii. Prank 
K<4UBlna T. I. 
Kimlall, W. h. 

It<tll, JlF« 

Klciiaul^ Mark 
itoltilmil, r. \T. 
il»> nuHls Jua 
Kl|'.r> , Titiii 
i(rr<l, ll I 
Kfil JacLer, I Mrf 
Ka> iiiiiiMl.t 'liaH. h 

lloMbi- ll, f.<l W. 

Il)>lili)ml, lli<li 
naiiiiruw, J. N. 
Hiy.K 1; 
Itovd, Jack 
itol'lbhju. Ilm. C. 
H'aiau. Jam W. 
i:i«|iy,Jia A. 
lt4>nMiiiil, Kiniik 
•t4>lili>DiI, HuMiy 
liuiK Hairy 
Jawjcr, r ltd 
^fi*.«»arl tral 
•) iiiuii<n4, liar'ild 
klMBibiu, II tl. 
^•ml. — (IcA'luiJ 
iiib'iiii, J. A. 
*;»riifor, L»w 
inydtr. W. II. 
Uutry. Jim 
•liaiimt Lee 
I'ViiHiar. ilaVA 
4liar«id,T<aii K. 

Miiiii, ^tii y 

l.:lii.»Ui. K. 
4lfl(iMlr, I'rvf. II. 

^HO, A. 
U.m-ia. W A. 

ttanlon. Hugh 
.HBuio, will 
^AQlrl a< Ircui 
luider, v.. K. 
rftriiiii, Cliaa. 
Hloiubp. Frank 
li>nbiter A Waliy 

iUlllfl. J. M. 
ittiilliard, J I. 
4(ick«lt, .lultn T. 
tlDRsr, Jaik A. 
*i|wmt»n, rinl 

L* Kiij *. The 
U\ Muiiie, J. II. 
tuiDoat, ricd 
l<eou, Brrt 
Leraoioo, Torn 
Lauraioo. K. 
Lueaa^le, Joe 
LIch, C. 4c. 
Lt Harra, KdOle 
l.«ii(l«D. flail. L>. 
I^ii:us Ariliur 
liUiiibaiil Biua. 
Uall*. AllittI 
Lawrence. Arthur 
losrdj, Cliaa. 
LrFkiir, Joac|>h 
Lcoiiani A Puliuu 
Une,0. n. 
Lel'un.KO. A, 
Liitclle. KMlrr 
Llli hIloM. Nell 
I.UI2, J. tl. 
Leiriii A Nerall.i 
Idaivreoco. Anliur 
Louis I'rtd 
iMO^. Dr. Vt. II. 
LiKis llrnrj- C. 

Mcroni, I'livo 
Milter. K. n. 
Harim.W. K. 
Hltdioll. Lro 
MeV^y. lliiRh 
Haddock, h. L. 
MaDlry. Ed. 
Hay. Allan 
Hckee, Andy 
Hunola, U. J. 
Uahara, W. A. 
HcNdU Nail 
Herahani. II. W. 
Uorclao'l A 

Mllllgao, rnii 
MHtauuiiiio, H. 
Haaun. HI My 
HuA*. J. W. 
UcUmmU. r. J. 
Hreck, tl W. 
MctMuiio, U J. 
Moilon. If. e. 
HajaA Hunter 
Har,Jiilin It. 
Mctlr«in,(1. A. 
Milclioll.iltu. E. 
Haio. Loula 
HeCvriiiHi-k, J. H. 
Moyor, triiiU 
Ho ley. II V. 
Hnllory, frank 
kloriiin, Njiri 
Muncrlrf, KJ. 
Hiinilay, L.iilo 
Uarrlull Jack 
MaKtiirr. Trary 
McHrlilr. W. II. 
Hd'arver, I1uk«iiI 
Mtri'ann. iUm. F. 
Ualuni, JarK 
MlfdiPlI, J. 1;. 
Mprrill.1-. H. 
Wrr< Land, Cbaa. 
HniininK. Hau 
Murilinrr. itMi. 
Mailiii. Kkliard 
Mari'liree. Tlirn. 
MeUIr, Utfi. F. 
Melrii<e, Judn 
UcAljilo. J.T. 

Mllchdl, Jack 
Miipav, — 
HoLBba, Jaa. 
Mifirr, II. V. 
HIIMr, Pn>l. C. A. 
Mahiiiaj-, I'jt 
Muriihv, lire. V. 
Mact, Low J. 
HcHuiiakl. i:. If. 
McN'aiiiaia, J. M, 
Meyitck. Iiarry 
HoCels Jark 
H orris Aiiily 
Hauric*, llonry 
Hb><i, Ur. 
Haoa, FraokiL 

SHaari. — 
Sbailer. l>are 
>rhaaTis Loala 
>caob>u J tftireoa 
rtaiioo, lienoia 
rilirhloo. Fred 
riinllh, U B. 
.•ttcwa, HUit 
dnrenry, J. F. 
ttinail,t.'liaa T. 
.•tcbllllng, l^Tl 
St i!Ulr, Law 
iHma Hm. 
tkhnUke, II. 
.Hirv A iKiiiiun 
.<«ritrs Klnu 
.•tul'.nn, llarTfy N. 
S B. Jie 
^rrvil, 11. M. 
7«tfnli|f, 0>^* f. 
:1caiih>n A WtiOla 
dteaati, TIma. F. 
.^Iirknfy. llttb 
8allt, lirritMt 
.'(jhwior — 

till a A l.^'la) 
^tlMVdali'.H H. 
"1. .iblltn, luit 
,4s«r«oit<l, F/auk 
.•i^lllfcS dnn 
xklielT, II W. 
turitrui, II. tl. 
.tfiMiin, IL \r. 
Sailtli, Jit. ff. 
Hbaw, Low 
rtniUrM, pAldle 
Hiovrna, llaiij A. 
f<htiwlts kO. 

'l'4'tlOD, J(4. 

•^Tjimi. Jce M. 
TmH.j. 11. a. 

Turbrr. W. V. 
Trtfyimr. Ji4n M. 
tbiiTkrr, Kiauk 
Dricli, J. A. 
Iirrnry. J. T. 
lAiiiudy, J. 
la•ll^ A w. 
ravlur. frobk L. 
full, AI. 
rMtiivr, W'.n. 
rrawr. W.H. 
ra)Iur, l\t\it, 
lltt.iue. J. II. 

UllA ItOKil 
Unils - 

VBilvili. Ilor. 
Vaivu, — 
Vrblc. t:. I. 
V|irs Ji-ito It 
I'witn, K r. 
• nn l.-rr. Jur. 
t an • ikp, \V. I). 
• U. bivtl 
^iif (111. O 

tXOlN, IlL. _ 

A'ln^tuaii, II. ll., At II. 
.VtfuiN J U. 
A>l»li. Hltp 
A'liliHiiin. Miiit 
\Tdlars Vn\. 
Arkt, r<t»tti W. 
\Vtlil», Abdiew 
\atiiliurn L. W. 
.Viinii«(HAl, l*rul. 
•Mit'.v llilllua 

vaiMJD. w. B. 

.Vatis AI. 
Volait Hn«. 
cn-^r-l A. K. 
Wdl, Katit 
Aintrr, riank 
M'allu t^uai. Co, 

WlHxI. li.ll. 
Ill, IIWL 

Writa. II J. 
WMilny.W. II. 
-«iiiiaii r,J. J. 
Al.iio hoKiB lliH 

.CUlMiKh At 11. 

tVaiii.ii. llAtry 

Uk - 
Waixriiury llr tr. 
Wai Hold, foiu 

ANIl«t'. Iiv. 

AlnM'ii.l). K. 
Waiaoii. frank T, 
.Vmk], Fiaitk V. 
•Vxrd, III n>iit 
\Ylbu>B, AI II, 
rtfliiaii, H. 
AnM.a.Ji>lin n. H. 
W»fHl, f 
UunlUhr. tV. H. 
Wi|||ait>>. Hatcolit) 
WuuilliiOi*. Wilt, 
ffrlrli, |-« il.'lt 
WiMidsJ. A Minnie 
tf liMlor, Prabk 

Att\iiti. ti,,<f. 

\rii1is (I- l{. 
Aaivio Jr ,Tuiq 
iTItiis ff P.. 
A'iiii.dIvI'I. Wm. 
IViilliirjr. Mill 
An4i riiiu. M. 
A'ihrIvHic. Jan. 
A'l llatai. Tiiny 
A'llfiM.JtM A. 

V-ihiriii, Uaii. K. 
VuuBri. KraOk U. 
Yaiv, i;. H. 

niiLf, Hilly 
'/aotiai, Jiil.u 
"■/Mw, - 
/.iroplb, Kil. 
/.irutii, -• 
/.tntuia, Hajnr 
/.lutiiiMtiiBii,W. B. 
'.aiiHin, Jiiau D. 


— Koica from iho Uurka IkON.' tMmcdyt'o.: Wo 
haYo JiMt cliuoil a iwo tfcoka* onffaconicDl at tho 
(j'lorn'dUpum Home. Iiellovtllo, odi iliavlof; loilbi< 
play Ihe Blfiti 8. IL O.ovoiycvonlrKAts r. »i. Wo 
iiirllhoKilHCAnwTuDUu. lu noliefliid amlcnjoyeil 
a rcryp'easaui ilinf,'.H>. Ti'm Hp ShcA aod Nod 
Ciirila JolDcd lhoKi>. 1 U<i., nblch Mknotro m tlio 
KtiiruA Weill Co. Wm. ivivom, brolhcr of Hid lonO' 
ncrrcr lUotjticcn'a Uiwra Ihiup, Jrtinrd ihoNu. I 
Co. RR RdYitnco. Tticy optncil Jiii. *J7, H. II. <>.. 
In liraiDp'.on, OaL Duiliignuratny In llallovllto iho 
iiiemlHTH tif Iho coiiijinny wuro pmwnlcil wllli cnbllj 
iDWif iilctc.a. Mr. nnil Mr*. S. Ho le- 
viilo, Cbirrinliictl ihocompAhy 'JT; Rihglnir.ilHndng, 
cir., nrro i>njayrd Mil it Into hour. Htio Kclliiiii 
ilRiimt for ilir iliiin Klnco (Strimnll*ri engnyn. 
inritt. Tlio roalvr: Manrtflrr, ll. W. Marica; Tim II. 
MnTk4,A. A. J. Kuium, Will T. UihIkc, 
J. Ui>y llcniicll, Ujra L>>IIImii, Mtiy A, llcH, Klla llur- 
inn, Kiirt >f<«rksni)d roiiloilmt tc. All lliocompnny 
KYtf vrcW uiiil linppy Afitr ihflr fojuyabki Mny In 
UoIIbyIIIc. Tho Hrllcrlllo OiitrA llotfro U tii:o of IbO 
l)r:«i Ibi'itiri-a Hi i^Alml)ll. vury LTiiifnriiililalii nllro* 
i>porl4. Tho mtmiKTvi rititininipHnrRAvoiltoalaRii 
haniha Imuriuoi nfirr ilio Hmw l-Vii. 1. Ati enjo)'- 
nhl.i timo xtn* pprii*, ami cudcd wllli uhctrt for Iho 
Mnrka UrOH.' t'jimily 1*0. 

— "A Plum rniMtug'* nniei: lluglnrfa It froixl. 
Wt< carry a banil ntiil r^n-lii*sim. Tlio ntiUrr: (1. II. 
Johnduiio bihI (It n. W. IfrlKHialii, pinprlotoni; llniry 
N. Fuller, lingo niannftrr; tho. u. McDumlil, Imil 
iiiRdor; rrr>r. IVImlior, riin-L'd'r of orrhcatra: 
NclAitu. Hlrt Klnir, 0.xlu Ibiykrr, tMcar Hiark. Ar- 
thur HiiMio, .Marii't Uliii'k. tini<Mu Julitinluiio, Com 
Morlrtit, 11. U Hrl>onBM,atlYrtiii-i'. 

— Tho Hi?(litipn<l Drrtiimilo Co. Ih rcpinloil m 
OoliiR u^wiy l<ii>liK>as Hi Ulnniwtit ninl lutra. uitilrr 
Iho nMiiaRdiuriitur Kutrriio M. Piirklaa. Tho glioat 
wiilkR ri'KitliiTiy OYi^ry KiiiiitAj. Nnv plajn are 
Ik'Hik rtililt-il ii> ihHr rrpriiiiry, kiuI llio company 
will lit' ciil-trcrtl null Hiroiimlinoril. 

— JuiiH u. and iJxdii Ui'lhtivcii ilenj tliAllholr 
cl»»lt](t Willi '•Tlio Cnii-knr Jack" wna nl llio ro* 
iiiiri«li>r ManBccr Fii.\, Inil hIhIq Ihiit Ibrjr aurYCd 
iiii-lr i\Ti> wpi'U' r.i>Mco Rinl roltml oC itioir onn 

— KdmtiiKl L. (.'oiiurr liitR Bl^notl itlih llltcn lo 
play hcntkB. 

-Non l.iiohilcltl la an nilriciloii, In hlii moiiu* 
Inxiic. Willi ihv Anna Kya hiy Oo. 

— J. U. Kciltntl irt|ticalH tin b> aiAto that ho la not 
Willi Iho "UvNI la .t!iiYor> *■ Co., its whb reported re* 

— NtilCR frmii Iho AlUro WIlannThmiroCn: lliir 
biiilneHB It tu) llio I'liniii, U'o hnvo fniinorii pcopln 
rtit'l nro p)ii)liig tl hiniDg rcprriitrj nf \V. (IaiiU 
Itniwiio'H inrii itUji«, Alleo Wlltoii niitl W. (1. 
Ilruwno wri-o moiiiiy iimrrleU iliHlnH Ibu iterfnrni* 
Mncot>riho*'llliUlrn IImiiiI." 

— H. K. I'rrtit:h will a:iiiiinto nuiimgoiiioiit o( 
"The l)cfRiillrr"(>i., viru K. U. KIIM, who ruHira. 

—Tlio IthiKin Oporn llttiiao, Koiimiliit, Wla., n-RH 
iu)nip'<:lul/ ilciilniji:il l>y Uro uatlj Hi llioHinrnliigiif 

— Mu^tlcAl Dlrpctnr 0. Ilrrtiorl Kn r anil AgnM 
AMIck, ufjDO Oitwihnrn'a *'A KihiI for I.iiuk"Cii., 
wcro tiinirleil Jan. :'.'<, at liuiii', Unui. 

— "Wiicitui'la," It [ilay, lit Kmrnt HIniif, wu 
gircu \ti niM iirtet^ninildii Kit. ui Frtt'iiuirit 
riipairu, Ulniiriiitill, o., hy llio Htiick i-oiiiiniiiy tif tho 

— Hinma It. Hirlncr, iiirialcal cuiitpoitor, Irt icrl* 
oiiHly III nl tirr hniiMi In ihli cliy. 

-■CliKrlL>ii Knilitimit luitl (lunrgo KilirHr.kH Imvn 
nn-Angnl fit pmdiiL'a "Tliu Hny iMriidnim" nl llio 
VrtiuluYllloTlicairr, I.iim1ii|i, Mntf,, 011 «^iril l i. Tlio 
immo (If lliu uoinody tvlll havu in lio cliinigril In 

Keokuk.— .\l tho Keokuk Opcnt lluuno Juhn 

Keinoll, Id "riio IrliJi A>-I(rnian," <hmm Jaa. 77. in rihhI 
bualataa. "Tlia U |ab" drew eell A, and -*The Hiilowalka 
ufNew York"allr4cUd fairly .11. 

AT ABMiiHY llAtL Mlllrr'ii (jfflbealra cDorertlinl (o a 
1 irgeaud a|>|>rrclatiTe AMllrnce 2i 

Conacll Dlafr«.*At tlio linhany Tkcniro "Tlie 

II4J4I1*' pl«a>fd a 'iiiall crowd Jea. xi, aud baa f«j«4t«i) 
l\ wriPii liualiiraawiaiiotupliiviprclKlluua. TlioHutdrn 
l>iintOyC<>., Ill rri»»r"iry. had nbaiiUi'^ciDr}' ps-.rnHasn 
«aek ul M. 'Trllot" rojiiai F«li. I. Jnr. i.'siriitf-rii 0. 
Him Hunt ■holuafie'ti ruhaaraiuK atrta'oure r<irKiiiIri. 
Mial entertalouiaht C 7. Iita H'rou w-y to J. F.<lgar 

<)«aaa. wlm will «.-i«a |(ii»i>w:utiir HiJ'ir Whinrr, a 

midget. wli'iM li-niii l« 111 Huiilli iill'i, li..ait<l who li«^ 
tMeilCn:ill«OUd wllb aar«ral uiroifia. vill lie binrrlwl. 
Vm\:\ iua)ounirladraho la r«|Hitud tu l,e uti'y one 
abd afwll inoiiaa tai:er lhau liliiucH. 

UurllngloB.— AI Hiu Umiiil "rrlnccKi llimnlo" 

entrrial iwia ve>y Urge aitJIenrr. at ralrnl rrlrrr, Jan, 
W. II.M. Pili.ln "Ilia Krjili " f<l> I. haa oitririit^Kiiifl 
|irii»patla *'|iii|iiinnlc"'» allila*' will druw pioliy Hall d 

At Tumor Huale Hall rnniteraaml Malay and aup 

iN^riinii ruiiii«tir a>e dr»«inK lair ainllaDiea H IL 

livftinn. In ■dvaureur H<Jirii<i Hlir* WiUI \r»h|, wiia Imrn 
Jan. 79. an ■ arraagid r^r llia a|*|«Brbiic9 nflda atiriclli 
Hitoe lime In M ly. 

CrtiNT lla|iliU.— AI flnicno'a dprnt Huiimi 
"Irlty.'Jan lU, F/aJnl ta Wmdr, Jl. tliu I. Hat Is 1?. 
' Manr.' I*. "fur f ^ir Vlri(inl>." 'Jrt. nil <)bl iitioirii'i 
liialnrKa. Tie onibi'ih ta iihnI fur iJaii'rl ri illy fab L 
A Trill ini;iilnalo«u" lalMMkediura.fJuallnrga 10. JkIio 
Keroell 11. 

MsFaballloM-n.— Allhcf) Imii liaa HnllyiroiiirN 

Jan.:il. UaiU) Wp|liali>t'« llnjarafahl lu K. Ji»).n Ker- 
null Jau. 31, aod * Fur fAtr VtigInU" (ilraaid lair 
l.uuaei. ^ ^ 


Toroato.— AI thu (iranil (ipcra lldiiao Mrs. I'ol- 
leraod Mr. Bellew, (n "1 liarlufo (V)r>la) ." "Uabidb" am 
' Hbe lit<Mi|>a lu C^'iier.*'came J40. 7/-'i9, <o falily g'^^l 
builuiar. Jii'in Mare, in ' A Fair of .<'| oclaglNS" "A i/>ilei 
KuMar" and 'Old Clonles" "|"-nM d' Fol>. 1. lo big 

Tuiu^r'i OrrHA lliii'iin -"Tlia CoitAn KihR"raniii to 
■ill inia neaa 7;-f*>ii. I. nnilnrc: llowiPl AHi»na-itHi 
M^M-> ■'!>. K.ii.Jand WMk. 

I'Ki.'vcKr.i rHaATHB.— Jehnia O'Nalll Foliar pUyatl n<|1i 
ol Jao. :il in a larr Hahl hou**! ihe WBn^itrrr'oi.'unrurli 
1 laic nl Fiiii i.oli'.vi largo eilvabr«*al«. 

i!H)f>TAi. Thkathb iivt anoilier aniro'tfiil waak vliii 
Kar'avaja', • I •ik ebd Pritf H<Nlrty liiUia lacturi hall. 
Tbe Ha4 Fiaiictaco Mluitrria In iha ll.ea'rr. 

llaiiii|len.*Al Ibe Orand Kmlly iMipjkor, In 
'itjr Flat.*' raina ioUr^/a B'tdUnre" f Mil I. Tba tthti. 
nry (i|>«ra C-i . In "II ih Hur." ituna F«h a. in t Uram ad 
ra'ifn »al*; lli« TfiCMdnio V^udatdta tUi III. "ifiiwlng 
tb« Wlbd" la<l lur li tiirl AI, F.vM'a Ulaaiiala 17. 

ftr^a lilBarOR -•Bualoraafft Una |r'<tjH» Uat ■■•b i*aJ 

B4j«|. Fi>r Jaiiil w^ak: Nay Cafiii'itail, Hvrnard rilttors 
■y flella Krkert. Liidwirk llaca. (I Hrltn ari'l Laorae- 
lar. Uladya Luin»r and tTa^i. Kylne^ Iflnniao. 

•A (lay 

anelpb**Al Ibo lluyal Opera Kniiw, Jan. 29, 7>. 
"flfo Vvwuiaotii U-eiiiiatd." l<y (liiMlpli amainura. obdar 
dlrictiun of 1) N. U dr. Amarlcao i:««aaul. w«a irraUd by 
verr lar^a an>l tDlliuiiaatlr aiinhice*. Kfidly Haecker, 
In 'Thir F'ai."had a af'Ol li'MBM .1) l>ieilaR: fian Fran- 
tl'oo Hln*ir4l« Fti> 3.4. R«iwtriHa':beai(a(.'<>ocen 

Lenilofi — Attbt(JrBDrll>JDUcCtrlhy,ln'-Crul • 

keen t.iaa.'Jat.Sa bi*a* da r,lr aitod aihtlrn«'o EmI 7 
B<n--a*ir. In 'Her F/«t." SI, iiliit ha^t Talr a.uodaoc*. 
"Hob Uof" Inaure for a packtd hiii*a Fd-.O. 

iRiltin. HH Ilirri' li » liiirlfaiinn mimcil 
rtflNiHh" now liilnir |irrriirnit-il In Kntilnint. 

— .Uaimgcr Will. liMdy Imh clu>rd nn anrccmoitl 
tvlih Jrts W. lUrkHiK Jr. fur llio pruilncitun ut Ur. 
llAiklim' litiratilratiiti, ciiiKN'il ll Ik rminil- 
pd imevciiHt iliiii hiivu rcL'imily Inkonid uoon llini 
'4 and, 

If kvlil (Pllrlni'jt CorocdlanN will rhian tlirlr hca- 
nm Maa-h I, arim i%hlrh HavIiI d'lErleu'a tliUiiuo 
K.tiir, liii'IndlDK May llnwr, AUt-o liurntliiu, tiio 
iniilinH. Henry iiiiil iLivId, \ti1I play rnitilovlllo 

Fro'l II. CIiIIiIm. iiiaiingcr nf lliBkn'A Dixni 
llMnc. Klluilirlli. N. J., biia mkikiI wllh Wntlwil Jk 
llnmirN HiiirHuf IdT'i'riuryLD.iiH ndYMiico rcnra- 
MjitlHtlYo roriiaxlMrii.ion. 

(ir/Hin(1iiritrri H ilangorntMly 111 Id rhlladrl- 
phl<i,l'4., wHh pniiuiniinlH. Ilu nui UbcH d'lRU (Ji 
Jrtii. :il,)iii(1 at I III' prtneiil llnni la vrrj loir. 

— IMnioro .1 Wliion irrlin iliai hlnro llifylmvo 
lakrn Uin inBMaKriiit.'iil ut llio KfiijKro 11ii!Hln»i 
lliilynhe, Uii4i., ihu inihlnuM Ima Hlciuflly Incrrharil. 
Hhit llial lliey liiivn Roiiin of llin lint roiii|MnliiH 
iMHikpd. Tiilii u (liu only popiiiHriiflcoillioiiHo In 

iim-iiif nnd iitilm frnin Macitnlfj .V ratluu'fl 
Piayrm; Wo rrrctlnd t\nij rmir aiuwoni lo iitir 
"Mil." In Thk (.'i.trim ItiibliiPaH In oxcullciii; 
.S ll. O. llin'Oi.l;thlHlriiilwi:0K. Wo iiru idi imr way 
to UlidilKAii. UirM Ctatnphcil la a faviirUo ovory- 
wborn. Hiwlrr: Win. Mncniiloy, Wio. I'atlDii, Jih) 
Malnltly, Harry Oravra, Irvlnir llnKikv, (Ino, I*, 
'hxre. Ida Kl(»r^n^n (Tamnhrll, Athllj Miiuw, II.-kiIo 
1 gntin ami tliottug, raiilu. 

— Ufa. Uuciio liuaii Hah tinilorgiinii a pilnful gUP 
Kbml tiptirullnii tn fun itt 1)10 liuapHala In iltU ilty. 

— Kvlthnilly Hio WlHiain (,'miio niAii ago 1110 nt lio 
llrvd inihu h'lprrBllilouH "llilrioi-n,"r<ir iKiMXiiur 

rtlliclrnl enilun iHlkd to ttio fad lliatlliaiiuw 
play, "Trie (luvLTnnr or Ki:nuicby,*'i'nmBlncil Juat 
ihlitoon r^amitlcia llian h iiuw onu whh pnweninil, 
that (if Itennrd. a r«iv llncH unly. Iiiuoduceil fur llio 
Unit tlmo Ht Hie inailtiru tdi J tn. 'M. 

— "Tlio Tiro KHciiiclicnni" hIH upon nl llio (lar* 
donThcatro Frh. I'l, ami Hio iilhy vi|i imalrBdun 
llio nwdiino wunk priur ioMiaIilMt«. Chuilca How* 
Hor, Aildlu Miirto Vallcan, Himi. IJaukirn, II, F, Untlun 
BiMl MhiIiiu Kllolt will ho In Ihe caaL 

— CtiBR. llmikwiiiiit mid aovnrMl riHi>ir iiirintiFra o( 
Hfi^'aoii'a '-('. T. C." (.'». vlaltei) tuo linlido Markoo 
"U. T, 0." Cri. (iiiu dhj lital wi ck, 

— The KlUloArym •iiHuick Ui. H jilrtyliiff In Unii' 
ncBHi, (1., Uiri-B iilgliu n woi k,Hl (I'liiiiiar prii'Lt , 
and liavo ImuktMl fur a Moiti.un nt iweivo wfuhf , 

— Notfarrom I'ii>*u'a(. micdlHii*: Wc ard no llio 
topwHVonf aiui-c»H and cTcr/bodr will ainl coo* 
lunltid. F.ifilia laa'. rmir vrrrki liinlnraa liaaliucn 
IninicDM:: In Inci, Iliu r4)Niwin all '/minil hai hirii 
iMtf. Naxi iiuMHi tfiir iiMiMSir, Ur..'4'iHiiiin, tflll 
pill iiMi llio HiyHKinrMirAlinn Cii.. uarrylnir Inriy 
Itciipltf, making tlio hrgui jaipnUr p.-irwl nUnii:- 
ilMii oii.T crgdiii/i'il. U la iruokrd in big itiwim, ' 
i)p:'filriK In Hi>jiii'irihi:rnf\i. 

— 'MiM luwinKinJ-iifiril Iho "TOrllly" C'l. Frii* 
l.ln.Suwnrk, N.J. Iiha flawlnon la Hiio-u«rully 
appcHring Hi a clinrrtnU r p4ri. aud alvi Inln dnuli-H 
tier t-lovitr fiialu luip.riiomiil'JijH ami huu|h iu Iho 
Bicnod HcL 

— wiiiiaiii A. Ilr.tilj hi^Nururjil "Ihitia," lijr 
jBUieg W. llarklDN Jr., lu whli h ho till give anearly 
prodnclioh. Tuu jilay U rmiuil' d m uicLla ilial 
naveoccnirrd ruccniiyon ilin lalann or Culm. 

— "I'arBillaQ AII»-y,''» iniialcal c^iiiioUy. tn Ihrcfl 
Hi;lH, iiy Ibarni-y F.iiian, waa urlglually priitliii:eil 
Feb. :t, ttl lliiniirirrt firAtid f iiwra lluuau, Now Uavun, 
Ct.| by IhOHUlliorahd rompaiiy, 

— Iioroiby clit-kilQ lirig liven oningril liyJubo 11. 
H'lgrratiiKUBlicnil nf "riiuHlraitiin AdvcLliirvB !•( 
Miai llruwii," and ecu ihAl llio piuicra aro pn)|ierly 
put np. It h aUir^l fiiat alin will wcur blimincni 
wlillu iin t\i:r liiiira of lni|M!i:ilon. 

— "rnuOobl'c Hivago."rtn oiwra, wrKlon by K*- 
t(iilo Clayrnn Bird Nyiii (.'ryokle. ii.ihIu by K. I, 
iMriliiir, waa nrlglonlly prmlurieil F*h. 3, it lliti 
Tlviill (ipcrallniiar.Hau KrBnclii:v, Cel. 

— "ifiinoriiju Ur'at." a lutlodrarua, by Hnymnur 
llli:kanad Utoruo fjlwardcB, Lbh broa acunrfld by 
Kngron Tonipklna fur uroiliiillrm Ht ihe IPmtoa 
Tbrn'ri*, Rml ai Ihu Airidriny tit lliiilt;, Ihla city. 


NiavMnfliBli,*Al Ibo HavMDOHh TTicuiro Iho 

Hallwlii Mrlillln l.'oadilnallon gara ten pairDiniaarai 
JfO. If, liafiiia parkwl hou^o*. at popular prliea. "Tie 
HIrl I L>ri gthlod Ma- cooira Fab.3. Hdberl Dtmolo;f 
r. fonth H-iUrlaMi wtehof 10. 

Tivi>i.i Htvii: Haii. — lliq ne* po<iple, lartudlog the 
Turnar'. aT«i|iilia a drawing c rd. 

tneTN'K ibkKO.— Biialbauih aqih liaa tKrnblg. Tba 
C'fiii|«oy le pla> \aK ' H i do'^o a I'ira c." wiili much auo* 

OHIO.-IHM rage 771.) 

Nlenb«nvllle.»At tho CHy Opera Muneofiuy 

Rioe.' Mloairnla plMa«el a Rood htaaa Fth 1. i.'i.iiiing: 
FloreoceB(ndleyC.I!arrle Weblerf.'-nia Funcing Naa- 
IM" iOt'*ruMr (Uriatb'aj U, U>1 llumciUail" 19. ' qaoobol ~LUis"'ll. 


Allaaia.^Ai ihe (Inind "TIiq fi'rl I 
Beblad Ha"r(iiiiit lor ihreo Mrfuraivraa VnU 7- 

Tira LYf:Bl-M.— LrwIaHnnl.Mn, In 'Taail." C'>iiiaji3, 1. 
*'Frlonda- did woU Jao. 7T-'f. 

MICHIG AN. -|-*eo Fago 77:^1 

I«aiialfig.^At lialrd'A Opera lluuie Kiaer K. 
Vaaee'a "The Llnliel Mall ' hail a top hrary ho'ue Jaa.fH. 
' A Coiiiiirrrircai>"r. inoSu, ■«> lalrhoafneaa, h'lbivril tiy 
Thiioiaa IJ Heabrnrilo. 01 "tho Hjtatulalor " l» giHi • bnai. 

i«iaan<) «o ap]>reHKttte aoilleicsai. f oral Hioa ta:ii 
■ra biiltd tot Frii. 6. Mluiile MiJdorc-PUke, la 'llie 



February 8. 

World ^Players 

— J, J. CoKmin ii "hpcrlsl Dellnrj" Oo. rcpntt ■ 
litR iKirlDCM itiroiiRti itio Ktftcin counirj. Tic 
pili)clpal> are ilio mmc w Itm mmod, and Inclarle: 
7CHMe IICRilc, Kmmt Dunn K. R. UacPiuMCD, 
Hairy ll«r»rnri1 nnil Joe ]uncj. (Ko. r. Wnll 
haa Joined lo <1n ailvance work. Prank Ilarver'a 
Nn'-ailonal mrlndmma, "Itinir of Itod," will IM 
RDi on ibo road next aeau]D \if Mr, Coleman, who 
trill alMprodiice ibo Kniillah aucceta, 'Ttic Vlllafce 
lllRChanilili," wriircm li; John AddlwD, and pro 
iluud ihroiiilioul Fnnland, Ireland and Hcoiland, 
nndcrllieiiilcof'Jiiailr.c al l.ui." A prodncilon 
In llila cItycarlTncxiacawn.rurarun, luapokenof. 

— Nnoaiter Kdward K. How, <il ilicCaMle Hquare 
TlicBiri.'. Ilmion, Mxna,, acndi rlio rnllowlDii; "The 
Uamlu Hqimro (Ipcm Co. celcbraicd Ha three huO' 
ilrcdili conwculivo nrrraiinancf at ilic CamlcHquare 
Tlicairo, Jan. 3*. Tlie liuuae una Mcted lu the 
iloori*. Willi KandlnK room hi a promlum. 

— In a niKc alKuul K. K. ntoncnmcyer. rornicrij' 
plauUt for Coiujit^iD'H I'larerii, It In atatcd llial (he 
inanaKcracnl liaa dea«:rted ilic nembcni of Ibat 
conipany, wliliaalarleaclihlwccka In arrcara. anil 
everyone dcjiiliutc. 

— tVclrhanil Franclijolocil'-Tlic Derby ^VInntr" 
Co. Jan. 10. 

— Kd. J, Heron, who waa laid up nine daya witb 
a apralncd niikle. la again nlaylnx the pan of Tap- 
per Id "Tnc Cotton Klni.'> Xexi Hummer he win 
(0 lu llallfix. N. H,, with W. H. ilawklnc Sioek Co. 

— Un-AnaonA Aiken, horn In iwn, In Ikiaion, 
Haiia., illcd In New York Utiy Jan 27. The Inter- 
mcnl waa at Mount Auliiirn, tkmlirliKe, Haw. lira. 
Aiken wan the inoilicrcif (iromc L., Allien W.iai 
frank K. Alkcii. Ihe Inner imliis ihe only aurvlvor. 

— llarrrUunliinan boa retired frnn the profcaalon. 
and la oniavcil In tbe hill poatloR liuatneaa In 
llolKikeTi. N. J. 

— Hlimnan llrown. mananer of (he New Davl'l- 
wn Theatre. Mllwaiikci,', Wia., la In Now York, louk- 
lUR after ihc liiicrcaia or hia boum;. 

— n. H. Karen reilred from the Vineent-Slreeicr 
ito. and Joined Ibn Kmnlre Hiock Co. et Alpena. 
HIch., Jan. Kk. to do leada. Madxe fox lolncil tdo 
Mine company reccnily. and la playing Hoiilirelte 
miea. Tho cumpany la lounnif Hlehljan to fair 

— llarliind'a Crlierlon I'laycia opened Ihe new 
ilpen llnuu at Kric. III., recently. 

— Mearra. Klaw k KrbiDiicr Inform ua thai Ibo 
Hoiitheru t iiiraof raderuwtkl and Camllle d'Arvllle 
ended on Teh. 1. I'anerewiikl'a lour, under Iheir 
illrecilon, aUriloinl l-oularlllc and iiidlnR In New 
Dricana. pnilwbly afKreRaial for the niimhvr of 
pcrformaiiteH tnu lariteai tccclpla Ibal hkvc over 
iioen taken hy any uitractifm inroujih ihe Hnitb. 

— I,y Man ITone.aopraiio Hi nirer. Joined ''Ualooey's 
tVeildIng" Uo. In I'arla. Tex., Jnn. 31. 

— Jainna W. Illakc.or Uwlorand lllake, aiitbonof 
~Tlir HItlewalka of New York," "I'retiy Jennie Mkti. 
Icry." etc., haa retired from tbo Urvaccnt I'libllah. 

— J. II. Hlockdale waa made a momber of Yakima 
l,o<liie, II. r, (I. K.,.No. 3i8,atNonii Yakima. H'oiii 
on Jan . 19 

— "Uld Tcnnepaec" Noter; Major Ikin P. I'ayoe 
la one of tho tale addliliina lo tbo company nowen 
rotiir Weat, and la innklni a till Hliiiilni UundeL. 
I)avla< •■lllaekiiallcd In do iJme Kiln Vluli.'- Hurdc. 
Klla and I.lttle Mninio I'avne wim addlllonal curcla 
10 the coiiinatiT at Lowell. Maw., taal week. Kro- 
nt llniian u well received In bin creation nf Dnnjn 
I'ete Jonlan. The Bbaitiick guartct la Ilia card 
ilib "(lid T*niiea«e." 

— Nniralroin UUa A llariiiu'a (;uniedlana: Tlie 
Klectrle (Jiiariei and tbe Manb Sliuir* Joined ua In 
Kyraeniw, N. Y.. Jan. n, aniJ added inaterlalli to 
the Hironuih of ibo yliow. The ranter of tho abow 
la nx tolliiwa: lllcc and llanon, Kranklo llaliieo, 
Uiillen and Dunn. Klrcirlc Itoariut, Whitney llrna-, 
Vnrlodilttllh.mewarl HIaleri. Jay (JulRley, Hamb 
SlHtcra, cnartea J. Nowioii and \\, II. launm. We 
are playluRto tho capacity o( (be liouHca everywhere. 

— llolMrt ilustur huH oriiiuilT'.-d a conpatiy fur 
ihu iicrrormaiicu of bla drAina.'ilIck Hy Karin." 
ilurlOK the Bprlna Hcaaon, coiimienclnR Keti. 1. 
Tim cnmpany Includca the Wllium HlntL-ni, rcier 
llinii, llcnry Ilauit, Frank Juucaii. William Scbu 
ben, Mcrion Unilin and Wallace H. Whiicoinii. 

— Corao rdyioii Nuica; Wo aro allll pinviniflo 
neord breaklDK iiuaincaa. On tbo uliini of Jan. 29 
In Wllllaiiia|iorl. Pa., the Wheel Club occupied all 
Ibo lioxet, liaTlnii Ibem draped In their cidora. and 
after tho perfurmanro onicrtaincd the corapaoy. 
Klla Itoeil, leadlnR laily, haa Hlmed for nesi reowD. 

— KUIIh Vnm will play Tilll>r anil Heiitien fax 
will In iho bveuRall wlih the 'Trilliy" Co. which A 
N. Paliucr and W. A. Ilradr win aend to Anairalla. 

— A. T. Worm, repnacnlallvd of Jauiea O'Neill, 
alatoa that Ur. O'Neill will cluae bla totff tbu lal^ 
ter purl of thiaiiiunih, and that bo hud accepted an 
Koatern ayndlcato'n olTer to aaanine tbo role of tbe 
Vavlnr In "The I'aialon I'lay." 

— Tom M'aiera Jr. and wife Jollied tho *'OQe of 
Iho llrdvcai" Co. Jan. 13, at Hcroulon, I'a. Uo la 
j>la>IUK HeOlnty. the Copper, and aolnR a alnglag 
and danclnR npeclalty. 

— Hallo AunuaU hngel baa Okid In Iho Obloago, 
III, , oouno, a bill for divoroo from OuolavAniliorR. 

— Iho llairy Wllllama AnmaeinoDt (X>. waa Incor- 
porated Jan. 30, In Joney City, N. J., for the puipooe 
of nrodnclnR 'Tho llowery (llrl" and other playH. 
Tbo oapluti otock, which la, la divided Into 
an aba tea, all paid up. Harry Wllllama baa 107 
abaroa, and William U. OaflllD, Kartln Cody and 
John II. WhlUnn each have one obara. 

— Artlcleaot Incnrinmilon were died In thia oily, 
Jan. 90, for tbeSydnoy Hoaenfeld 0>., the objoouuf 
wliloli are the oonduednK of theatrical eatarprlM 
nnil tbe proilucUon of aiage worka. Tbe capital 
Hinok la MO.<iea, and tbo company haa (or lla dl- 
ncton ttyduoy lk>aonfeld, Uonier I,. Iloyi, John II. 
HUlerand Hyninll, Oppcnbolm. Ur. Hoaenfeld It 
Ue piealdoni and general manager. 

— Notoa (mm Diok r.Biiitua'atAi.: Ur and Mil. 
(leo. \V. I'aiRO and I.lltle llellen, Frank Piper 
Mod W. K. Uird recently Joined at Mobile, Ala. 
Many obangoa b^ve inkon place In (ho way of 
DOW pooplo. liana Itloekor, the old tellable band 
leader, and iiuiiy aoaaoiia with the oooipany, fur- 
nlaboa Rood nuialc. Llkowlao Clarence m, loador 
(If orolieatra. W. Al. White, wlin planted hluiaelC 
with tho company In liw, mill lutndlea tbe rail- 
roada. Cat. Hiitinn la lu adnnco, with one aaalit- 
HQI ami two window workera, and they paper like A 
droua Wo tmvvl In onr own rullnian oar (Toxoa). 
Bualoeaa goud, nitil iho man In wbllo anpearaevory 
Miinday. Tim fnllowlng la tho roaler: liiek 1'. Sat- 
ton,pioprloter; K. A. (irahain. mannxor; fleo. W. 
I'aiRO, alago ninnaRor; W, Al. White, uuiaier or rait- 
rada; liana llhieker, leader nf liand; darenca Vrj, 
leader of urcheatra; Willie Wllklua, piona; Uarl B. 
lOenilng, f. 0. Wllllaiua, Olio U. QurnUt, Flmnk 
Tnwuaend, V. A. Uald, J. .1. Slewan, J. 1', Inland, 
R I). I«wla, Jim rrino, Uti. Fannlo Sutton. Lulu 
btatlon, Uaiid Dudnn, llni, Orabara, Hia. Lillian 
ralge, Hra. It- I). Uwla, tin. Anna Miie, LItilo 
llolKia lUlge and llaliy Joiinle Lovla. The abow 
anUulpalea a trip to lloiidunaa aeon. P. J. Itanloo 
ckiaed at Holille, Ala., Jan. M, and relumed lo bla 
liouu In Oelwclu. In. W. Al. While It auccoaafgl 
In hIa apeclalty, "Tbo Umb lild," 

— Noiea ffnni tbe Oocll Hpiwner Uo.: Caetl 
Spimner received nuiueruua ivoaenta on her birth- 
ilay In Lanoaaior, I'a., and ufeRrania and letter* o( 

' oonRTalulatlonH from frlenda; alao a rnrtaln call 
landlovoly bouquela of nowcra fmm her frlenda In 
rmni. lltuUnoaa excellont with (lit company. 

— Tbe Now Ulty 0|Mia lloiiae In llralilobura, VI, 
wlU open Feb. 1. 

— 'The nioiberof Joa. tl. Jaeot>a died Jan 23, Ui 
Pblhtdolpbia, I'a., of heart dlieaae. 

— NotearrDiuUrliik.t Mvlnitlone'iCo.: Onr ad. 
In tbe Ui.K Hit.iADi.i hmuRhl over a hundred an- 
nvera, and more are oomliiR. Wo are lo our twonty- 
aeeond week In Mlnne«ita and Iowa, playlug all tbe 
InrRO towoa, and aalnrlea paid to date. Itoater of 
cuiiiiiany: Brink ,% Mvlnialnnc. pmprleloit; IMwln 
Hilnli, uiaaaier: Frank n. Llvln|ittane,aU(o man- 
aier: Held A. Wllaen, 0. ItoekaiVeld, ll. W. Obaia- 
imialii, 0. K. Kniori, licura Ijtne, Jeaale Ihlnk, 
Mitta (.'hanilwriatn, llatier tJliard wrtDk, La ItUle 
Juniata Khowaller, Florence MonlRomery-UvlnR- 
atone, plantat. nud the aotlng dog, Unino. 

— KlaautiouDced tba( Harnret Matberwill rt- 
turn to tbe aiaRo, atartlnR under Ihe management 
ofT. llenij French. Her tour wilt not tiegtn unUl 
next aeaavu, but abe may play a abort preflmlnary 
iM'aaoii thIa Bprtnp. Hho Inienda lo present on^ 
Mbakeapearetn ana other atandanl play^ 

— K. H. Hothem haa accepted for proAncUoB 
nex( aeawn IL N. atepbena* romantic play, "An 
Kneinjr to tlie KIiir." 

— Nellie Hclleniy la rebeanlng a new play, en- 
tlilod "Hatty llury, U. II.," bnt does not laiead to 
produce II unlit her onRagenwnt In Ban Franoleco, 
Cat., In March. 

— K. K. Itl^ haa t«aumed tbe magaRtment of 
"Utile CbrlallT her." At tbe dltaelnllon of Ihe 
parineiablp bXj-rrn Nr. Hlce and A, H. Palmer, 
Kimie iliue aRo.Zr. Palmer took "IJIiletliiUlopber'l 
M part of bla ahare ot Ihe aioeu ot tke tnn, and has 
directed lu lour ever olnoe, Mr. Mee lutenda to i»- 
vl>o tbo pteee.and will nil Ua hmkluialiMdr 
iiuila for ft. 

— Kdward W, Towntsnd and Olay M. Greene are 
dranntlzlDg "A Daughter of ibeTenamenta" for 
Wiuiam A, Brady and Joseph R.ailsmer. The play 
la to begin tbe next scatonataNtw Y'ork tlieaire. 
Aoolber new play, entitled •The Olare of Uottam," 
which Mr. Brady will produce next oeaton, bat a 
new diimatio tenaailon. 

—The Obleago Marine Band, a popular miatcal 
orranludon, condneied by T, P. Brooke, It playlnR 
awintert«i(e*orcooc«rtiat(be acblUer Theau-e, 
In Chicago, with much socceaa. 

—The scenery for Adelatde I,algh'a new tcenlc 
pmducilon wUl be dealgned and conatiucted under 
(be personal dh«c(lon or llairy r. FInkle, who will 
alto (o with HIaa Leigh at (leasuier and peiaeoal 
rtpresentailve for tbe oeaaon of IMS-AI. 

— "Tbe Progrcstlvs Woman" 0>. reports excel- 
lent hnslnett ihrongb llllnola. Tbe rotter: I»nlt 
Plrce, manager; t. W. BIgbia, B. E. Blnmons, fnat 
Ooultfr, Rlcnara Masters, Beatrlcs Thome, Hlle. 
R(loia,Panlloe8lthl<, and aialyj Nereot, putnlst. 

— Tbe Keator Opera Uenfe, Humer, N. V., wMcb 
haa been cloaed Iho paat two year*, has been kaaed 
hy (leo. W, Mpley. Tbe hooae bat Iweo rtno*tud 
and la ready to open. 

— Mrs. JobD J. alack, of tho "Old Rnhe Tanner" 
Co., mooma the Iota of ber mother, who died Jan. 
7, In Han Francisco, Gal. 

— CHIT W. Giant writes thai be bas aasnmed con- 
Uol of tbe new People't Theatre, a popular price 
honae, at Mancheaier, N, II. Tbe (beam la sliatted 
on tbe ground floor, and baas aaatlng capacity of 

I, 200. It will open March 2atacombroailon bnuae. 

— Eugene Ellawortb I* playing Ihe leadlnit boat, 
neaa at llopklna' Weat Bide Theatre, onleafo, III. 
Un. Ellswonh Is niaylogcbaracterparu In tbe aame 
company, and IJUIe Kthcl May It alteraatlnghe 
twotn (be Booth and Weat Bide booses. In child 

—Tbs Wllber Block Oo.. soppoitlhR Alice Rose- 
land, opened tbeir season Jan. 20, at filoox Falla, B, 

II. The company Includea: Alice Iloseland. Kdwin 
A. Davia, Kugene Bantloy, Ftkibardson CoUoo, Lee 
Ilegia. Geo. D. Edwsrdi, Cllirord Coiirtlelih, J. A. 
lltiD, I). L. Ilndaon and Mtrle Booth Itoatell. 

— Geo. II, Bell and Blanche Fox reqnett nt to 
deny the recent statement (hat ther bad Joined Ihe 
Wilton Theatre <k>. They are wiili (belrowa com- 
panv.ot wblob (be followtnR la a rostsn Geo. II, 
It'll, K.J. Dlgglna Jr., Oeo. L. Breltbaupt, H. L. 
Vanloren, Van Fnimll, lUlpb w, Kelleiie, Kd. H. 
Ileair, Blanche Fox, Loolte Jameson, Otace Porter 
and liula Rdwarden. 

— Htirry IL Orerton, for many seasona In adrance 
of Watbbnra'a Clrcua, and tale of the Hietsen Co., 
hasrealRoed his pMliloD wirb tbe taller coaipany 
and Is now st bis home. 

— Frank A. Yonng Joined tbe Bradley Oonedy 
O). Jan. 10. The company opened a new opera 
bouse al Mrlnlrre. la.. Jan 90, where (bar made a 
week's sund. 'The rotter: Tbe Bradleva, Mlleaand, Frank A. Yonng, Wm. Tbomton, Millie Lo Roy, 
IlalUesberand Ada Vaogbo. 

— Ilappenlnia with ilie Gorman Brot.'"(llIboo- 
ttr't Abroad" Oo.: KlUlc Clark monrna Ibedeatn of 
ber falbar, and Jaa. Hobbt mourit the death of hit 
tiatar. Marie WIntIn and our tuge manager, Oeo. 
R. Tllmhia, were united In marriage on Jan. 7). 

— Aggie Lonaloa will be known lo the faiare aa 
(Mga Lorraine Hanball. 

— Notes from Iloyi'a Ulg Comedy <».: We art In 
nor iwenty-alxth week. Next week we go Into 
Ulnnun, playlOR (be larger cliles. Our plays, un- 
der tbs sUiRO direction of Clinton A. nolihlns,are 

Rlrhig tbe bestof aatltfactton. Prof. Rmll KUnent 
aa charge of our liand and Prof. Frank Fubnr la 
tbe orcbealra leader. Tbe company baa been en 
lorged to eiRbieeu people. 

— Frank DarrlnRton writes (bat bo baa lieen 
apeclally re-engaged to play tbe lead In "Sim of 
(be Night," H( I'olladelpbla. ra.,weekof Fel>.10, 
andonFei). 24 he la to tucceed W. S. Ilarklot aa 
leading man In "Tbe latndof the Mvlng," ownlUR 
In Chicago, 111. » a 

— Jeanneiis Ibipree, of the "O'lloollnn't llaa- 
■inerade" Co., celebrated ber Idnbday Jan. 29, and 
received tone elegant prtaenta from ber motlier at 
Tern Haute, Ind.; alao received aome floe pneenta 
from Ida lliiimll and the Haymoan Slalen, who are 
playing In Chicago. 

— William A. Bumi, of "Tbe Two Johns" com. 
ptoy, and Kmma HIerent, of tbe "/.era" company, 
were iiiaiiled on tbe atage during a perfoniiauct or 
"/.era" al tht FronlBireet Opera llouae, Worceiier, 
Haaa., Jan. 30^ 


lalbo dsiiRbterof Geo. li.Adama.lhc well known 
clown, and was bora In Chicago, 111., on Iieo. t, 
ISTO. Ilcr parents tieaiowed upon her Ihc name 
Tonloa aa a mark of regard for Ihe celebrated Tnny 
Ucnicr. who In her godfather. She made her Irai 
appearance upon tbe titge oeaton of ISIHM*. as 
Claay hunver, In "Tbo Bllver King," under Iho nian- 
agement of King Ilcdiey and Oeo- L. Ilamton. van 
A. Ilaawin playing the title role and her alater l.lty 
playing Ned. Hbo remained with ibe cortptiiy 
during tbe following actton, and ihmiigboai ihe 
acaaoo of 1US-S0 wnawlth Cbarlea T. Kllla, playing 
Horning lark In "Canpcr, the Yodler." her aluer 
Lily plavlDg Rmle. Durlog the traaon of lsm.|io 
aho again played CItay Denver la E. II. Uacoy a 
"TheBllver King" Co. Bbe next, aeavon of iiooei. 
plated tbo leading aonbielle pan of Tooitio llrant 
In "lie, Bbe. Illm, Her," and at the cloae of ttiat en. 
gageinont abe retired temporarily from tbe alige 
ana aitended achool for one year In Denver, a>\. 
Upon returning to ibealrleal WDrfc. ceaaon of 1G92- 
03, she plaved Berena ioHinlosIln».>"Faniu>nna," 
and tbe following aeaaon played (be iwubrette part 
of Dolly in Oeo. II Ailama' comedy akelcb, "A 
Coiiniry Terror." appearing upon tbe dlikront 
oltrului. After (hIa cane auotbcr brier retirement 
from itio tioarda, during which time alio alteuded 
arbool and aiudlcd muaie Tni-i aeaaon aho Is aotln 
playing Bcrena In "Fanbuma." Mlta Adama la of 
veryaiinctlveappearanca She has a pieur and 
InioretllnR face, la about live feet alx Inchen in 
helgbi, and la bandaomely formed. She bat a need 
aonrton voice, ut a nraceful dancer, and la. In f tel. 
quite veraatlle, Bhu If accompanied upon all of ber 
Iravela by ber nimher. Hra. tlco. U. Ailama, who waa 
formerly Roaina i^ioko. elator of John Henry aud 
Harry Wclby Cooke, of circna fame. Willi xnch 
lineago aa It hern K la no( aurprlaing that Aliaa 
Adama hssabowu a fondoets for a aiagu csroer and 
aehlereil sncreaa lhoi>:lo. 

Variety and Minstrelsy 


PcavideBca.— At Ihe I'luvldence Opera Iloiuo 
*'Ltttl« ininalopher" mad« lu tnt appaaraoce la UiIr 
ellr Jan. 17 aoil wMk, and ntit with a Rood racaptkn 
"A mib Whlla naa" conita K<i». 1^ "The Shnp Qlil" 
to-lt, "Tm> HiicIi Jobaaen" IS-U 

Kaira'aOraaa Kovaa.-Biiilnauatllila favurliohowa 
la Mgat all tinea, but vaak of .tan. 71 waa eic«pll»tultj 
lanra wbaa I'atar r Dallar vara "His NIalit Clark-" For 
Ilia cnMOt w»«k, Uia JelTirvAa Co., In "Sbailowi of k 
llraalCilr." Want aod Vekaiclll praHot "A Ran >nlha 
Baah" 10 aoil vaak. 

Waamiaaraa TiiaATiiB.-rirna A Rhtrldkn'i Bia 8m 
ultoa ptartd a ratara •naataiDMit vaak ol Jan 27. to 
bla buKloaaa. Tbla veak SaatT.Jack'a "Bull Klahttr" 
vlll hokl (ha boanla. and oo tha ftilloalne ve«k the Lon. 

Lwuaor'a OraHA Itoi'aa -Hit Kale Dallta Ce . In 
"llaaat Klrka." rtajail In oae of Uia larae«t veek'a re- 
oatpla or the aaaaon. Fi>r tka prawol vaak tba all ncllon 
oir«rvd lij. J UovllDKaDil Mrra H. Oarta, lunportMl bv 
Lioihlop'aBlookOi.. In Uia "KM] Bpliler," aati oa ibaiol 
lovlna vaak ratnn of iba Kau Dallaa Co., lo "OKI 

Now.— frtoearialflv, atannianacerofllia niv 8*o. 
aatloo Oo., aaraia hIa coaoaeiloo vlih that eomitiar F»b 

a, al Maooltaiur. N. II Tba "Ltltta Chriaiaiiber'* Co 

lliatptaVMl lul vaak at Uio Pntklaaoa Opan lloix 
uBdar A. ■. faluiara maaaiauiral la nov aadar (ha 
nianaatmaBl of ktilvant K Rtta. 

TaBOLli-raaAaNl<ALlttB ihe hiadi ot maar ra<»l« 
(Qllitlotly. aodaUaaraa to taylax that It ta the "Mar 

Pawtarhat,— At tbe Pawlurket Opeia llotiie, 
Jaa. fr-». "TbiTvo Johaa" played to rktrlj lonlbuu. 

- - . 

Toor Pamll 
or,Uila wttk 

BMo. tad ilurtnx lha ramalBdar of tba aaak 
played to bta (miilBaai. For Uio flrat half 
''Jolly DM Chuma." and lax half "Tha Faai idll— 
nait vaak eooiM a bia proiluetloo or -lb* riad I'Irar of 
llaaillB," by local talaol, uBdarib* dtnctloa orManani 
McBaiar. for (ha beaalK of Uia ravluckel Day Karaarj. 


Loa ABgalaa.— At tbe Lee Angolea Theadie 
CorlBBa RBTa "Haadrlek llaJna,** to laraa aadlMCM, 
Jaa. B-a. Tha popnlartty or Loita Janaa waa attaalal 
0«. vhea "UaiBlat," "OlhaUo," "Romao and JolUi" 
and "RMbalh" war* pnaaalsd taalmoM (ha caixlli of 
lha iheatn a( aaah p*rfnnnaB«a. BebllllBa'a MlaMrHa 
aiabook.1 lor F»b 10. It .....At tha Boitlak iSiSJ 

-ABoBoribanla-'dravratibrvrahaaillBaB iiiL 

lU Btmit aaii rholta Claud Tniar* dapan flon Iki 
(llphsam IS an) t:aroD aaO llartvn an Uie oalr niv 

poplan. aoalBOM tool Loali Jtinaa aBnoiDwi 

lhal hit iroHIOTTfor sail aaaaoe vln Ineluilt "<v>rla 
Uana," "KlBs Leal" anil "A Mkliumniar Nlabl'a 

Bm» Dlan^AI Flaber'e Opera naute Lonia 
JaBBaplayad^ULll,B,vlUi BitUB**,tti nnl boaatT 
OoflBBe eOBia K%lo tw bnvr haam*. Ma' Maria 
WamvriabtC. »«. TV. M|i I^SaluKn rK'a 

NorM KHOM HAU T. Jack's "nm.L FiontkB'' Co.— 
Tbbi company la nowin li« iweniT-elgbth week and 
baa not yet experienced a lo<lng week. Tlie rente 
has extended from Ifenver. Col., to noeton. Moaa. 
Tbe abow baa given ealltfaci ten and laonc of Hanag- 
ger Ham T. Jack'a filggeal winnen. Managrra era 
Biking for return dales tt all polnta. The ronpany 
comprtiea Ibltiy people, carrying til special «en- 
cry. BtaBeaetllnm.cic. Manager Jack waaa wet- 
come vliltor at Hoatoii. Kvantand Iluimuu cloaed 
at I>owell, Maaa.. Jan. 20. and were replaced by 
Foaicr and Uwla. Mim I,ewla Is playing tbe prin- 
cipal pan. Don Pedro, and htt a baort<oiiio and 
coatly wardrolie. 

HcCai.xaN0 UasiEta win iiar next icaion In 
conjiinrilon wlihJubn Wtlan. In an Inab comedy 
drama, euililcd 'The Pride of Klldare." Their lime 
la Blllng rapidly. ^ 

ANSA Ksswicx. whose viaier waa married re- 
cently, will work alone, uting her own nagie Anna 
Ityan. ^ , 

I'KTEH n..SHiTtt.o( BmllbandF.llla,whob>B been 
acting managrr ofthe Uudcga Concert Pavilion, at 
Bi. Paul. Minn, haa ntlied. 

IlAPLXTANn Hart an- at home In Peon Ian, -V, 
Y., for Ibe nrai time in cliht yean. They gave a 
conccn ilicrc, Feb. 4. with the Peon Yau Band. In 
Bheppord'a Opera llouie. 

OLLti! Youho. club ^«lnger. baa been eDgigedts 
a apcclal feature for me amateur mIostreN to be 
Riven Feb. IB. by tbe a P. 0.», ot Delaware. O, 

llowi! AND ItEKTz bavc rcJolncd Hsm uevere's 

LEONAllAVTBa Informs us Ibat the wai granted 
an alMOIntc divorce from Ililly Uayler, Jan. 22 at 
Kanaaa City. Mo. Bhc will bereafier be known as 
Leena Howell. 

HusTRK AMO Notes op Cohen t TooTh Comk- 
dIatia.-Cal. Cohen and Wra. Todi,proprletore and 
inauaRcra; Harry Ueic, Harvey UcVabe, William E. 
(^onklln. Price Uordoo, >ted La Roae. We make 
three nigbta and week suinda. and tbo ekov gives 
blR Mkil<factlon. UoalDen bat proved good since 
our openlOR dste.sod tbo nun In white appeara 
everySundav morning. TheOld nellabto Is always 
a weicoine visitor. 

J. W..4rovxii,luc magazine artlit. It lllualraling 
tongs with siereoptlcoo acenei for Dave llntlon, at 
thelmpennl Theatre. Chicago. 111. 

IIAI8V L. ItisnAij. opens Feb. lo, at tbeAmert- 
can Nickelodeon, tbis city. 

OZAH, French Juggler, It at Bbea's Uonlc Hall, 
Uuffalo. N. Y.. tbla week, and opens at the Uoward 
Atbenmum. Uoatoo, Man., Feb. 10 
.Prof. IlKNnEHSoti Mint, bandmatier ot Ma- 
bara'a Ulnalrels. has been very III, aud Billy Young 
waa aasaulieU by rougbi In Han Franclaco, Cel., and 
la confined ro bla bed. 

Uhuns AND claim tba! ibev bavelieen eiron- 
eooMly billed at tcveml dllTereut .faoutes durlog tbe 
tame week, and dealre It known that for tbe two 
weeks beginning with Feb. 3 they are booked at 
Bmtih'a Opera House, Grand paploa, Ulch. 

Jebhv IIast and llEATiiiCE LEO began tbe 
rounds of Iho Easteto variety booaet last week ai 
Kelih's Theatre, llesion, Mafa., where thcyc inllnne 
during iblB week, opening Feb. If, for a week, at 
the Lyceum Tbcaire.tbti city. 

JoitK LANCASTEn and klike O'lltlcn bare Joined 

Mho. IlBNnir T. w.Air, wife of Henry T. Walt, 
trick vlollnlri, presented her biisband wliha baby 
iiey Jan. 10. 

THE ASNtiAL nBNBi'rrof Dullklo l,odHC. !<a 23. B. 
1'. u. E., wa-i given lit the Biar Theatre, It Butralo, 
N. Y., afiernoon of Jan. 20. Tho cnicrlalnincni wan 
provided by local talent and by membcie of Ibe 
notion Howard Aihi-uicuro S'nrSpeclalivUo. 

TUB /.0Ki.t.ATK0rri: was tendered a icttlmonlal 
ii-neoton Jan 29,atthc llrooklyn, ,S. Y'., l,aborLy- 

Mason ANDTitoiifk report doing well InlhUr new 
tpictaliieK with iho "Uncle Uirtm" Co. MIts 
Th^rpc'a donctng lidng a feutnre of tbe perform- 

Jons J. Kahi.r, IrUh comedian, baa Joined hands 
wiib Mailer An hie Laurie, and will leave for Ban 
Franriaro, i;al.. Feb. 23. 10 fninil a all weeks' en- 


have been playing to a fair bualne^t throuxbout tbe 
West, and all are enjoying good bcalin. Tlie show 
will close Feb. 14 a atawn of twenty elgbt weeks. 

HAUnKOoROOKsnd Louise Dlanchard prctented 
Miih Kennedy with a Taylor trunk menuy. 

tiKORUK llAHBis.mantgerof Ibo cafe attbe 'iV'ar. 
wick Theatre. Newpim News, Vs., has relumed 
from a trip toflan Franclaeo. Ct], 

IIKo. W. (JUNNth'oiiAii. mourns (be lots ot his 
father, John J. CunnlnHbBin wbotliedJan. 0,a(bla 
home In Ixiulavlile. Uy. 

Uay LuNtKiHiiKH. ot tho LundgTcen!!, presented 
ber bueband with a baby girl on Jan, 20. 

Warren and Hotoid arc playing an eDgsge- 
iiient of Bve weeka over tbe llavie circuit, after 
which Ibey ictum to New York, and play telum en- 
Ragcnienia In the Kaai. 

THE Old Standard Theatre Bonding al Pteblo 
Cel.. wssdettioyed l)y Ore Jan. 24. 

Hart Wiixiaus, Uiie of Ketter and WUIlatnt, la 
spending Ibe Winter in Qillfomla. 

MONBuui AND HugaEix bare Jnsl Joined Sattlar'a 
Gaiety Barlesr|ueOo.,ataipeclal feature. 

TiiR PBiaa CLUB of wnrolngion, Uel., on Jan. It 
gave a stag loclal, and were entertained by uie fol- 
lowing perfnnuere fiom Iho WondeMaud: Larry 
Tooley, Burt Howard ,Ma Mllllon.Mr.Marab,Fnnk 
Cook. Uogh C. Whiting and Wm. Dockttider. 

KXMNO and Wblcu are a feature In tbe bill with 
tbe Boston Howard Atbeoicnm Oo. They 'will sail 
for Kumpe June li, to play elgbi weeks at tbe 
Albtmbn, London, Eng., and are booked for 
twenly-foor weekt on tbe contloenc 

HivkRi.Y's Mastodon UtNOTaxu doted In Now 
Orleans, La., Jan. 2i. Tbe company was orwanlted 
In San Francltco, Ctl., wblcb necesaliated paying 
high wlorlee, and when It was found thai ibelr 
bualneas In tha South woiitd not warrant tnch sal- 
aries, a pnipoalUon was made fora reducUon, which 
tbe membem ot tbe company declined to accept, 
and the closing wai Inerltable. Al. L. DoIiob, who 
was buslneta manager, eayt the show wlllrcergan- 

YvcmODiLBBRT, accompanied by ber manager. 
Ted 1). Harks, sailed for Europe Jan. 20. Bbe in- 
tends to return to tblacounliy nexl liecembertor 
HD extended tour, under ibe management of Mr 

Umaik BBt-iwoon waa to have sailed tor Bagland 
on Jan. '.S, but aiTlved at the dock Just as (begaog- 
plank waa hauled back, and theblgateamerwhleh 
was (0 have canted the popular Kugllab muilc ball 
aliiger elarted on Its voyage wltbuui her, 

I.BSUR AMD UiRDiNn have Joined CooRioTe It 
Grant'a "Hauler" Co., to bitroduco (heir dancing 
apeclally. ^ 

HOHTON AKD COLBiiiN, IHsb coincdlant, are play- 
lug a return engagement of four weeka ovtr the 
Davla clrenlu 

Mahir Luin baa canceled all of her Eaitem en- 

UiLi-iR UcLAiN,of "Down on the Suwance Hlver" 
Co., gave tbe band of that company a baoaiet at 
the llouglaaClub, New York. u-aifwi at 

KoniRCouiY AND Pearl lUmoNn are again be- 
reaved by (be death of tbeir little eon, wbo died 
Jan. 27. 

lltLLV lULLkAN, ol Neodbam and Uallmsn, waa 
presented with a baakelot nowers at (be Boward 
Albenicuni, Botlon, Hob., laot week, by biolber 
Elka of tho Boaton lodge. ■""•■i»r 

liBRMAHD Uyllyn's engagement at tbe Orpbenm. 
Lot Angelea, Ual., has been extended to three weekt! 

Jambs IttcimoND It doing a tingle tpeolalty tbla 
week at tbe Avenue Theatte, Plusbnrg, Pa. 

Ik>n Scuu^'LiH Is racovorlng from a teveie ttisck 
nf llloeas st Hiddletown, 0., and wUl shortly resume 
bbi Rattem engaRemenit. 

UiNBaANnRuiNuioN'seoetaract Is a sbcceattnl 
feature of "The Jsv circus" Oo. ™~». 

N. U. HORiv Is now musical director of the 
"Joshua Simpklna" O). orchestra. 

Kn. OAuaonxR baa been re-engaged ever Ibe Hon- 
klns circuit, ecmmenclni Jan. 2*. 

BiNNsr AND CiiarxAH Introduced (beir new act 
In Jeraoy City, N. J., last week, at Ihe Don TbnThea- 

1)11 CnoiiiN was pitaented with a bandaooie gold 
waleh and chain by M. Teller, of Phlladelpblt, Pa 
on Feb. 1. ' 

PAriNTA, the dancer, hat letoraed (o NewVork 
mm her aueceesfiil ongagemeni In AUaila. Ga 
and haa enUrely recovered her health. ' 

MarDB IUtrokd prteented ber hntband. Qua 

Jan*s>' ' 

RuD(>Lru noSLVSiT iDfomu nt Ihsl his once waa 
recenily visited by a thief, wbo purloined letter 
besdlnga, envetopes and blank contracts, and wbo 
^ now engaged In uUng these artlcKs loawlndle 
Mr. lUiUntkv'a pabona, from a number ot wbom he 
haa obtained auma of money. Tbe tbiet baa also hi 
bit poateaslon tutlonery ot tbe Uipbeon drcnli 
of Calltomla, uken Inn the *tne otneeT^ 

Mabri. BmanN bu |0M ckjeed a pnennia two 
weeks' engagement al Ftoetor's, tblsdb/aM vDl 
ahortlj npan al RhwCa Moale naB, BalBiS, NT. 

mST' Ightb Avenne Tbeatie. «W;^'"?ft: 
iTpiomlaS to he one of ins "•^S* 
botueTTlie llstof TolnntemU already avewla^ 
Sne and Manager Robte's legion of IWondB will 
jSiTnSviT U 111 Btherbmllier'ibomelnObL 

'•Siraanabeence of three Tears IheBeMjObU- 
ditoTTv! reTiSSl East, and Java Jn* jtalsbed an 
iiHgenenl at KeHb-s PhUadelpbIa houe. 

go into vaudeville, a< announced. Bhe l«*^irnM 
^tb Weber 4 1T«'<1«J» e'~'«JSf,lf25R " toi, 
lole in the faroe w™'/' "* T^'I'i'SHWaber 
Ibey ate to pnt en tbe road torch L ,i<?g^,'™?2 
irillsMna the Summer In Eon»Hi,forttapnii»so 
ofptAtagnpannnber of tinimiumMotmt. 
Ttey areslgnlng lb« best American vandevlUe 
talent for next season. W Bernard and Uole B. 
nsjnlond SSl hSlSelr VsndevUle Clob Co. again 

""iL'SHfiacroUtlo comedian, and I^nlte M- 
wari. olngftg and danolag oonbroue. In thel^ 
rpeSsitloB.are atti»cllvefeaoire« wllb "ATilpU) 

"f-WB dIucoh W«kt Aotwt/' one of thosncceta- 
fulpnblleanons Itooert by a ^"ttf •Soufctjey 
announce as being In tbe front isnk In popnlarlty. 
Tboytiata that tbsy have received over elRbt boD- 
dred appllcaaiins for the tong mm piefe^oua 
Mople Tn respottss to their advtrtuements hi TBI 
CMrrBR. ^ 


Pblladelptaia.— Tlie altendaBce at the tbe- 
atraaUia paat weak wai laaarally (ood. BeTtraloflka 
eirooR atlncUODB bold over for ibepraaamweak, bat 

ACAoaar or Meatc-For tba onriaat week (ha Hlo- 
rlcht ilraod Opeia Co. prsaeau Uie followlag opeiaa: 
"Ubeaxrln,''vlUi U aia. Hatana, Pab.3: -"LacU," with 
Karadt, >; "ffllllain T*n"«, u popnUr pricaa, aad, ba- 
ivaaa tba Bittand iMODd aeu Viola Bacbavjlltr Gna, 
ptaalal, vlu make barlrat appeaiaac«barai"'Cavallai1a'' 
and • Pagllaaal" aia to ba Riraa 7, aad "the Barber of 
8aTllle~al Ihe muiMa. B.. Laal weak "Lajrma" vaa 
alTOB Xoodav, vllb Htrada bi tha UUa nl&^na auaod- 
uoa vaa fair and tba opaia waa baaacifaUy dooe. 
Then vaa a lame aadleaca oraaanl Wedaaaday 
u bear "Don aleTaanl." Dat raaals aa tha Don 
and Xreoold as Donaa Aaaa appeared moat In 
favor, but lha opKia vaa vail aoar all throDBb. 
Friday "La Oloamda" vllb Tracey. Piavoal and pel 
ruaoia. drew a roo4 boBW. and a norabla cast Incladlax 
Lovaou, Loirain,Traay, Da Baehar, (logny. Rahao and 
PtemlBB. vana "Tba Hoinaoota" at ihaBatsruiy matlnaa- 
11iacoBc«n1faundiy,atvhlehJoaaliytnada blaflnalap- 
PMluea, vaa a BnatartlaUo aucoaaa, bnt tbt audleBea 
vaauialL BBanBaadiTavctovdedthaboniaBataiday 
niaht It waa arldent that aha vu rasanlal more aa 
earioalty tbaa a« aa arttit Naxt weak, the laat or Iba 
tllortcha' iaaaoa, ''P'.allo,** "Romao and Jollet,'! "La 

Tliavlata." "Akla7' ■BlfblaUo,'' "CaTallaria" tad "Pa«ll- 
accl"vltlbag(vaa. „, „ .v ■ 

HaOAD ttraacr TasATaa.— Olaa Kethanolaaimaia In 
"Cannao" aU tbla vaak aieapt Friday, whan "Camilla" 
h (ha alar, and Saiuiday BlB^it, vban "Dantaa" vlB b* 

JIvan tor uia Oral time ben. flrowded bovaae attaodad 
IB parformaoee of "Gamaa" alt laat vaak, and com- 
uaot 00 (ba play bu baao taoeially Cavonbla. Neat 
vaak, John Drev beftaia a loitatfbva angaiemant In 

'L'hrlatopbar Jr." , „ _ 

^||LST.^CT BratBr Opbka Boesi —"Ilia Old Homa 
ataad." with Danman Tboopaoo, remalna for two vaaka 
mora. Frorasood loenvdad hooiaa attaoded thapar- 
romaneaa laat vaak. The niit attmtloo ii Da wolf 
lloppar. 17, In "Or. Svatai" aad "Waax." 

t^aavNOT BimBETTOBATas.— "TiUby" nmabia tor thla 
BBd aait week, which viu make a raa of aaran vaaka, 
fAat vaak (ha attandaaea waa good. "Aa Aitm'a Modal'' 

WAUroT BraXET TBUTxa.— Bobert Hllllaid, In "Loat— 
14 Hoara'' and "lha LItUaat Olrl," bag loa 9 ma aaoond 
vaak of bla fortalnbt'a eoxafaroanL Onwdad honiaa 
and unfalgaad applaaaa van bla ravaid laat weak. 
"Northam LlRhtar^ aeit week. 

Pabr TuaATBB.- 'T^a War of WaalUi," vith tha veij 
popular lucai favorite, Faanr Mclotyra, la tbecaat. la tha 
attimettoo for ibta weak. Xaat «v«k Rolaad Bead, lo 
* Tho Politician," peeked Uia honae olxbUy. Tha damaad 
lor aaaui vu a« Rf«*t that tha oicbaatrawu removed 
under die auta. "A Tripto OilBatowo" 10 

AODiroaicM.— RoMoll Bm.' <3omedlana wfll fbralpb 
tbe aalartalnmant for tha carreot vbbIi. Laat weak 
Dyda'i ComadlaM drav exovda vhlcb vara Ihsltad oalr 
by Uia eapaelty of tba hooaa,S. B.O. behtga nlgbtlj 
aniiT. N-atvaak, H.W.Wimimt'OvBCo. 

NaTieaiu— "llQmaBflaatta'*la thaeairaat waak'aat 
tiacUoo. Laat vaak Ward and Tokeo, lo "A Ban on the 
Bank," drev ciovdidhouaaa aad axeltad kitaot lanah- 
tar. Next vaak, "^Down la DIxla." 

OaARDOraaAHoosB.— 'TbaBpuTOV'hu cloaad.and 
tha company bu dtatended. The author. Quo Rick, 
talka or ivorvanlalor In tha near Aitnra, bataodadnita 
aiTanxamanta hava aa yat tiaen made. 

aiaanD ATtini TBiAvaa- "Tba Jilt," with Hra. Dion 
Boodcaolt, la Manaffar Bollaad'a elTarlnR tortbavaak- 
Lut vaak vIcuiiT jMiebad upon tba bannan of "Tba 
Oraat Unknovn." Tba bonaa vu packed aranravaoIOR 
vlUidellRbtadandleBtaaLaed tbla popolar necBM vu 
datarvad, for a more aolfonDly vafl plaved produetlen 
hu not baaaeaan ban tbla iaaaon. Farhapa taa graataat 
hoBor la due Mamie Ollrav u Bm^ nam kalBban u 
O'Doonell aad Emma Mtddem aa Auat Peealopa, bat 
nearly avaiT ona Id tba cutdaaarvcs fkvoiablv menlloo. 
Neat vaak. "Iba Sea oflca." 

Poaaraeoa'a TaaavaB.— "Oliver Twin" la pot on thta 
vaak, vlih Oaonta Laaioek u Pagao and Haitta Ford u 
KanoyRrkea. Lutwaah'i piednoUonof "All tbaCoo- 
fotu of Home" la aotltlad tn tha moat nnquallCad pralia. 
Robanwilaonu Theodora Baodar.Belao Beanmontu 
hIa vtfa, and Jania Bonitalle u thair daaihlaractad 
vllb aitlMla iBlallkiaeea of Uw klgbaat onler. a. J. 
Orady and Joaapb Davna praaa^rad Boat blti of eharactar 
comedy u Dabnay and HoBaath. and (ha whole play vaa 
vellaeiad and racelrad with tha llvallaat aiprauioBa of 
plaaanreby audiBBoaavblcbonvdcd tbatbeaire. "Bloa 
ot tba Mlxbt" naxt vaek. 

PaoTLra TlBATaa.-Jamu J. Corball, lo "A Nanl 
Cadet," vlll doobtleaa bring (he Kaadnxtoo theatre 
aoare ent In fort« tbla vaak. Cbarlea A. Oaidner, hi 
*'T1iaPrlaaWlBnar"and "Fatherland,"dld a eoodbnil. 
Baaalact vaak. aad maQannaalaTnraverelQ aadaqolia 
a b^U |b Uw Tnrafut Ktna. Naxt vuk, "Iba wbtta 

sraKDABD TaaATn.-"ilau and Bom" la Uieadoei 
auracUon at Manafaia llltachlar aad WaU'a popniu 
thutre tbla veah. '1he Btowavu'' proved vairattrao- 
Uva laat vaak. and fnllydcaarvtd (ke popular appreola- 
iton vhleb It ncalred- Bait walk, "Land of (ba MHnl^i 

KmiRiiTox TaaATaa.-lloHinr]'a BaaUah Bvella la 
tha attiaoUon dili vaek. Lutvaax tha Blaaeaaid Bni^ 
laviaa Co. did fairly wan. "Ma and Jack" cnralO 

BLtvBNni BraaivOrnu nocaa.-Tbare la tha lanUr 
mlaaual aniarialBBaBt u thiabooaa. Amoaxthabar- 
tapu'iaaan -Tnlbr," vhleh haa baao aaoecaaalSraavaial 
veaka, an I a nev eSeitenUUed '^tBL Paul la tba Band 
or Buck on Jaiaar." iaalnaa> laat vaek vaa taed. 

Thb SM00.-llr. aad Mca. Hldoay Drav ramaln for tha 
cniranlvaak. Savant nratappaaiaaoa an mida,nama- 
Ir, Baxomnar, tba vaatrthainiM- iba Avolia, uTpla bar 
umoatla, Uia Kniachluk vaitleal bar rAbVm ud 
the AnxaU Slatara, roialbu and daaeare: Fki banka 
appeara fir (be Bnt ilma hat*. Tba other auiae- 
itoBi on tba pngfaaiBia hicbids J. W. EaBy, (ha 
Navna. W. J. Uaooy, (be Tbraa MarraBea, La Boy and 
niailoB, Pany aad Teabnake. Ltl Kaialahe'cedaeatad 
plaa, Taaxe and Daalal, aad Colhy and Daviu. Eooaea 
verepaiiadlaat vaak. and Mr. and Mia. dldaeylhiir 
ma^aanuipnnouBced hit, keaplBglhsandlane* In a 
dfJuSS'V^o'BVer" *'^°'*"'"° 

TBO lvCBea.-Tha ipectaenlar bnrlaaona, •^are," la 
attianlan. laatvHk IbaNev Torh Stan 
annnladplauuralo the erowde vhleb aUendad thla pop- 
ular thutre. 

Tub BCBBux -Tlia lit womaa'a bleyels race U Uw 
leadlag nav auiactloD In Uia carlo lall In tba Iheatna 
eontlniKiuiMnonitiiee li Riven by tba NawTaikCem- 
edySlaia. Bntinaaalailvayainoa. 

{RoTBa-Oaort; B. AUIaon, uaaaarar of the Walnut, 
•bo hu aeqatrad adeaarvad npnrtl on rorgcod bnmor 
and coartaay. baa a baaait Feb. M at vblcb "Mri Si- 

deibarr'a Put" vlll ba.playaJ AcUva prapami Iw 

are belnimadarorUieAouira' Fund banaBt atUa Cb» 
?X'"aK}'?t"»'l"»l5. Joko Drew aad Oei,^lbr 
Sti -SS, Oo.aad aoma utiMlona Ikon 

Kav York an to ippaar Prapanttoaa in babiR 

n" Aeadamy, of Ilia AbbJrS 

rS .SS^f SS " "filar OwBanaganwat or & Babiau. 

Tba vaek of Maieh t baa baaa ulactad t Rlvaida 

eoooorl la announcad to take place at Odd FaUova' 
TS?",' "f,'>^"""f*J^«'' '"••>' UiaAoidai^, 
„ PaUiarland ," vu takaa auddanty lu 
'"'•!!*.',.•'•''»"> ^ Bala, ol Oaorn BoUud'a Oa. 
aaiumed the pari on abort aollca and pbyadltvluiBnat 
""M-.- --RMWWbltebouwbu'hS IhataSfiiA. 
»>*,'SJtt2?;'. "li:^'^?¥ Nltan,aa atblal«oe tba atalf 
SliJ ^^f'™' 'aa baao an|BR«l to tiavel M oaa 

orUM BrnaBniban niilaaaaoB Tba beaant of Ua 

nwtJiialMBdianlca'Aaaoelatkn atUMWajiBt lulFTl. 
dayattanoonvuabtianceaaa Tbebonaa vaienvdad, 

and a lirxa amonot vai raallcad for (taa aaaootlUoo 

!!jhI'"'P"{ '^""V far Baland Raad. bad a boat of 
mandaaed ralatlvM Id thla city, and bta duth aOi la 
Smf '.: -fobaauiDa. of Ma» Tork, Had a 

blllln equity In llie CtrattCounaxalnKOlia NaUanola 
andNllon and Ztmmennaa lo laalntn Uia prolnelloD ot 
■carmin," olalmlni (bat Uia aame t« pliatad ftnm a 
drunatliaUon other oni.viliun la liBt, oopyrlRblad, 
and patfunnad at Nlw Bncbell^ N. Y , Daa iTotBT The 
potion for IqJaocUoa tares bafore IbaConcton Fridar, 

bnt vaa poitpaned oatll Tuaidar of Uili vaak Haan 

R. Baydar, of mil ellr, vaa Ukao lU at ma Etivanlb 
Buaot ppaia Bonaa. Jaa. SI, dnrinR Uia parroraanea. aad 

died altar balna neoovid tharefrem Tliwtola Blaait 

avail known loeal amiuor, wllb uma pnhailoBalai- 

Wrianea a( ib* olreid Avanna Ibaali*, haa paMbaaed "A 
Oman or War," by dan. rallxAfnaaand bntoMalkir. 
aad iBtaada to atar la thai plar. b*xlonba.nfnb^ 
Fab. IT. William Da BwUay tSim^SSiSttiS'. 
fSTi'SiSyl" " "•••'»«•»• ""^ 

„ p'ktabarBj-StTetalatliiollenslhal an estab- 

I i!I"^£f*5? 0'aaA'"lpraa.--'«aA Ha. r- b IhU vaak'a 
bill "Iba War at WealUi" elaaad an axaltlaa tmrnmlZ 
manll. "BInbad" U booked iSria ""™« 
V {IT!" !!'''^-*°>' Bmltb Baaaea la npaiteir, wfll 
.%*J!!B*.t'<* 'Ok. DalUFnxwlBRlvau%aa^ 

Amm T»E4ru.-Tb«it U BO CUUacoff la the Um 

•iBMtiSou. Tb« earnnt bill locladw MciaJtyr^'?! 

Mwam, Mwtlotnl Bros, ud tbt lltiiAUIck rlanik 
th«*tAet>. , „ 

TMonnd for uiothw WMk. ^ / o wsm 

Buoa TinuT«»-'«ftTed rrom Um Bm" U ih««rf#«i 

optol" "Tbe K«w«t DeTlfe AocUoD^y tbenideNln! 

ino litii, 

MUl pnref blnMlf Ibe trarap ovd Id U» 
whUe Ihe ttui that eblne Iq the tbeetx* we Ch 
VoUuner. ud Muod isd Huk BadsMB Inntnte 

lUBBT WiUJAJU' AOiDnTOvMraic.-V«b«r k rmt 
Own Oo. tbii wesk. Iihem'i Octononi pkjed to •uui 
lag nam onlr At ereiy perfoin>iice lut v«ek, eod 
thebe«t|t»naiM Cdlond peopto'i ibowtTer woha^ 
Tbe New Tork TaodoTUlo sum ue eoDomud for lo 

HWW WOkLD'fl Mosnri TaUTHI^Tle Eoillt ZoU Bur 

»BnDlnlV' iBumlaoinjt Hu WwdeaEollr Zfll^JohS 
MerioD. (be E4noDii,M«lTiUeud Canon, wtdoihftra. 

BmsTB.— W. J. PieMlniT U hen. lepmeenUor "Sio- 
bed."... ..N»l O.OooiwIe'e neeni «D(ttRemBDi ei ih. 
New Onnd wu eoch a iramendonAmcMMiliuhotiu 
been booked for ft ratnn one et tbet bcuee ibeprMni 

■eeBOB. when bo will rerhe "In MImnn" IleDoifa 

B-flugMt. UIO *fJ|'j^J«»k»'« epmpeoy. hu been »o. 
mod b7 Henr Dftvli for bli Areoi* Stock. Durioi 
■wUuke'e recent eDguemeotbere MinfimeDi nuAl 
•neb en Immenee bU In the cbemctor f*ii of Aunt M«r[L 
en oU meW, In tb« play of "Magda," tbu ehe flrmlr 

aMabll«h«d boraetf u a Pltubanr fwoilie .7 

fl. LIpman, who brokAtale leg wbKo itajlDe u 
tbe New Qrud Oper* Honea earlr In the rrcMnt 
eeaaoB, la now eatlrelf reatorad to hmltb, and hy i 
alonlar oolneldence renmed bin put of SadIori 
rarlar at the Ne« Oraad.Opam Hovo Jan. Si. m 
the vtrr tug* where bUft^ldentoccorre], and »lilcon- 
tlDoetopIay ItlhnmiboattliefHinaliidcror ibUMaMo. 

Bereiml ebugeo were made hy ib» BoetoDlenii in 

theeutof^BobinHood" Jan.90.wblU tmvloi atiht 
AlTln Theatre. Jerome flyku T«pta»d H. a Ban>abe4 
utbeBherlffotNoUtnghan.AllcoKeUwnrepUced lleltn 
Boitram u Maid Marian, aad Cora Baina^ appeared u 
Aooabel. tbe part fonntrlr flUed br illte NleUoi... 
ErerTthlogaeemacherTT ripe for Flitibvg'a Bymthnoj 
Ordieetim, wblch b to gtTO rebeamla end concertu at iH 
niw Carnegie Mnite HalL A lam nontMf of Incal mnal. 
eUnaandoibtitnomdlatanteulu bivebMo oogicMi 
The large naiftotoo tnnA wblcb bu bton Mbaeribed 
weat Poon Hofpltal beaeflt at tho Alrlorbtatre. anemooD 
of7. wllllDUwface Sol Bmllh BnM4lU"aafl No.r Co 
li^*L Banetoft, **8ared rrom tbe Bea^'Co^ Weber aoJ 
neldi^ Btavart AUen and W. U. Mniplr, One of ih* 
meet attnctlre feaioreawUI be Lo Grua Wblte,baftl- 
neaa iDanager of tbe Duqaeme, io a xjlofbone aolo. 

Rmdlna*— Tbe Mftckftj Open CimpanT catoe 
to light baalDeM at tbo Academr of Ma*\e Jan.Z7-D 
"Oqo of tbe BrftTW* drew wellSo. I*iaian BataelL in 
"IboOimnd DnohHa," pftckod the hoise^Si.atibehfih- 
eat prIoM erer cbantod for a tbeatneal pctfonnaBce here 
"Land ofthe MIdntgbtSon*' bad alarroiudlenceFeh, |. 
*'Buah OttT'* oomea «, ' Tba Wblto Slave" 7, 6. 

auiTD Onu BODSB.— Gllchrin'a "Ckrlatmu idrtl" 
wu *nng tbe RaadlDjc Choral SooUt;, before a large 
andlonoo Jan. sr. '*A OiBCker Jack" did i large buiilD«m 
80-rob. 1, Madge Tacker, In Toportorr. it nnoerllDed lor 
week At s. 

BUOD TBunv.-fiatUei'a Bnrlaaqae Oo. did a g^ 
boelneu weok of Jan. 37. "Tbe Jar dima" la daeTeb. 
9-& Bloabeard Borle aqoe Co. 6-B. 


drew a good abed booae at Rajab Temple Feb. 1. 

Wlikeabam.— SacH an oatooartog of tbe pco- 
pie to Ibo Grand Opoia Hovao, Jan. », lo too Lillian Ruk 
aell, lo "The Graad Dacboia,'' waa noTorbofore wiualied 
braof theatrical enteriftlDmont In tbli ckr. TbanUoi 
BoaUboaan three daye lo adnnoe, aodtwobouraartar 
the lale began eTety Mat In tbe parquet aad balcony and 
twohandred Mate In Ihe gallerrwere leld at adraaced 

firieea. Thlaiatheflnttlnelntheblatoryofanyiheaue 
D thli town that aeau hare boon nMrred among tbe 
"gall6r7goda"andeold lo adranee. Boildwbelngpacktd 
to the walnaeotlng, bundredawere tnriHd away, 
Maaqaendera" had good baalneuFeb.1. CoaiDE: "TTi* 
White aiaTO'* 4. "Olrl Vaniad" ». 

Mdoo HaLL— **A Craoker Jack." Jm. 97-39, bail fair 
boaeoi. "ATrip totheCJTeua,"ffl-f«b. 1. played to good 
bndneaa. Coming: 'Tbo Wagva of Bin** M. 

Baaton^At tbe Able Open Bonn, JaiL 28, tbe 
LIUlan Ennell OMrmCo. cametoapatkel boeae. "Olrl 
Wantfd" cornea Feb. B, "Sowing the WtBl"7,*>FaradlM 
Alley" la Nell Buneaa, In 'Tbe Conntj Pair." II : Olita 
Nothemole IS, 'TrilbfMr. 

PaiaiOB TBaarni ajiD Musbif.— ThU bniMdldagnod 
boalneu lut week. Thla weoh'aftttraoiloDian: Wllllami 
and Barion. Ida Slddona, Lullo and Cuidr. tbe fliaten 
Elinor, Bd. Rogara. Stanley and Seaoloa, end DaTe Foy. 

Erle.«>At Park Open Home "Ito New Boy.*' 
Jan.aSL bad largo baalneaa 0. B. Uaafocd. lo '*Vlrf:ln- 
loi," 30, can* to good attondanoo. "Tbe PencIoE 
Maator,** 91. wu aong to good attendant. "Tbe Oaz- 
tier." Fab. 1, had a paying booBo. Ooailsg: 'The Faa- 
log Show** a. 

J. B. OiauD's WonosUaUiD TaairRi a.tD Moiii 
bad large baalneaa lut week with Alt'a fcrolcT Co. Com- 
ing Feb. 3 and week : Oiaoe Broa., Leopold and SIIto, tbe 
Howatda, Oormaa Boee, Delkaoe/ aad Orta. Meyer, 

Harrlabnm.— At Uu Open ^oaa LUUad Kus- 
eell, lo "The Oraod I>iiebe^,"Tob I, prored tbe blgce«t 
ereot id the blatorT of ihe bou*e for n DUber of yeara. 
At 7.41 on tbo eTonug of the perfomwnea. OTorr aeat and 
alltbe atandlog room bad been aold. "A Jaj drciu" 

Bdbi MtvUa— Buelneae cootlnoaa atod. Iifanaol, 
Barr and Bvaaa, Wamn and Howard. Em Monla, Anole 
Aahley, Brant and BaTlUe, DeT«re awl I<e OUIre, and 
Oeorge and Minnie Soodate tbla week. 

AltooBA^At Ibe EteTenUi ATenne Open Booae 
BI UeoiT'a Hlutrela drew good bouaaa anemooQ ,and 
eTeolo|rJan.». Lillian Kennady did vel 31. Coming: 
"Nlobe" Feb. a, Sherman and MorriaerTand R,JoeOtt, 
In **n»e StarOaior." 10, "flared tmn the Bta" II. 

HAmaT DATia* Koa.<f Mcbbb.— Tbla ve«k ihejOoualei 
Comle Opem Co.. m r*partnry, la the ttoalorlun. and 
Taiaa* Banpaan Wonder* wfll oecnpF the TaodeTlUe 
atage. ^ 

BomntoB.— At Uie Academr ot Uado "Tbe 
Wblto Blare" comee Feb. 3, Frank Buah, In *NJIri 
Wanted," C 

TRBPnoraigOHU.— TbeOoree Peyton Co. week of Feb. 
9. Pn>f. BaynoMaeamelAUweek, lafalrhouMa. 

Datib TBBAnB.-Halte Roonor, In "Ibe, Derby Mm- 
COL" Bhermaa and Morrlwy, In "A Jay Olreni," Jan. 
ao-Feb. 1, bad large booae. 

LttBoaater^At tbe FoKon Op«n Hoiue Cetll 
Spooner, In rapoitory. bad good boatoev Jan. <7 and 
week. •'Rnih(5ln"eonwaFeb.a,I>a WoirHo|»er8,Olga 
Netheiaole 10, "^Ted ttxm tbe Baa" 11, "The County 


ClBclBBAU—lUdHie ModJeaU to falrljoD tbe 
mend, and Manager Prank Ferler.whoburetnmed fmm 
Pltuborg, la cottOdent tbUihe wlU be abl« to ruooie her 
nutriagtoar In three weeka. ThenfTererwuabletoMi 
nprorabriefperlodaadwriteannmboroflettara. Mam 
ben of Ibe eompany bare haan noUfltd to bold tbemialre* 
lnr*adloaBafi>rft'*eall." , ^ 

Qraitd OrBRA nocBB.— Oeorge Bdwaiaei* Conic Optra 
Co.eomw Fob. S, Introdnolng "UU BKCaUener." ,Lut 
week Da Wolf Uoppar fonod that "Dr. S;nua\'dld not 
wear out bla weleinie lut year, aad ba eojoyed a tolar 
ahlrproBpeionavlili^ NatooodwlneoneilO. „ ... 

Wauvt Sranr Tbhatw.— "The Foaadllng,** «bkn 
wu booked fora eojoam earlier In tbo maaoa, cune 3, 
with Oluy FltigeraM fealuted. Fanny DtTonport la one 
ofUiamoatpopalarartlKBwho are emolhd among Cio- 
olooaira faroritlea. and aodleqaw of nugoiflcent pro- 

KrtioaawluieaBodb«rpnHntatiooeof'*0(moooa." 'm 
aen" wu rerlrod for tbe laat OTeo log. BlehaidMana- 
fleld 10. 

FougTAi!! SqaAKiTBBATiii.— ObarlwH.Tale'a "Devil > 
AneUon" began 3. "The Paaolng Hbo«" »Uy«d to mero 
money than wu orer handled befor* b> iko boa ofltoeat 
thla booae. Tbera wu a nliebt Inoraau la the lariff. The 
S. B. O. eign wuupateToryperrorauuie«;lBdeed,pM>Me 
wen tnnwd awny otoit nfgbL Tbo nbieooa oi Jwia 
Uenahaw, VemoQa Jarbeaa and May Tot Brooek from 
Ibe eatt, oerialnlf had oo effect on tae ftueodaaeo here. 
Beymoar Ueu made an aooepiable Xaj Qnlokatep. Anala 
Meyendldwell. Weahban8letoniuoaQ«e. 

HkOOE'a OriBA Hocai — "Th^ Wblto l|^" a Davla and 
Keogb pioductJoo, waa a«en 3, Iw the tnt Ume here. 
"Bared from the Bea," ono of thoioanle anutlonaof the 
yaar.dldaqilandldl>ailaeaii. "Olrl WaBied,"0. 

Tan ACDITOKIDH— ChariM Ooolon letiodocad "A 
Cotntrr Mercbaat" 3. Joe Ott, In *Tbi Stu Oamr," 
played to fair boaloeM 1aat«eek. 

FRBiMAii'a TBVATna.— "TeneneU" va* the name of 
lha play that waa girea lu Brat maiDiaUon 1 by ihe 
atMkoompuy. Itwu wrliteo br BrnoiteioQtaaOlnoln- 
nail newfpapar man, and la roonded* af ooane, oo 
neearraoeu of rooant date. Fnoklya ^alobr, lace oi 
ModJaika'a eompony. enntad tha role oflAd Kolaer,.aod 
Stephen Wright, alao of tbe Modlaaka UROt^ hu Joloed 
theatook. Hr.QalnbrappoartdlutvoafiiBCoantFedor 
Kanieo; In TbeBlareeorBunla," ralUwbg Prank Ken- 
dall, wbo wu taken lU. 

PiorLr8TBaAna.-JobB labam'eOctonoe'aapMarad 
a. Al BaoTM* Big Show played to good hnilnnia Waber 
A Flolde' On Oo. t. 

Bkct AUD Amra HoBgni^-OoL B. Dnnnt Boene'a 

irferBlng wolToa end liOBa,wlth"MenBd BIm:"Pn»f- 

perfen „ . . - 

Leoo« Baamon'a Band, Qna Ollmom nad torn D. Caaf^ 
boll'B Indian eihlbll ooenpied enrfo haUS Caaarand 
U inalea, Marie Brana, Uarrinn and Bla«h. BWMela- 
gm^judBlUr and LMft Arnold appeand In the theatre. 

la good, 

OF TBI „ , , 

week that Maaagor John H. Harlln bad gtren Barl 
Tbeati««, at RL Loola, to bla daogbtar. Kaiherlne. 
who la aboot to be married to Ranbaa B. Pane, of 
ATOodale Paler Olark dropiwd In lata in ihe 

Ooaair op tbb LoBBT.~lt wu annouMed daring the 

- ----- - 

«aek Sol W. Bndy bu writton tho llbrotto and epm- 

poaed the nnale tor a new opora, oaUtlad '*Tbe Three 

Maaera.'* ItwinWrnaaatadhetoliMireh. Banr 

Onea,or**Tbo Fnowtilng." »^ Darld BavmaiL lepro- 
— ' l-nfa BaoaBao^wm mmt futweak'atiaB- 


Tb* WUm ObDdiM, ATtaou, Bom tad Jot, 

WMtb. sod «ld tb*r bad b«ea worklof Ui«lr war bftek to 

qo^^bW O P. J- BlDkbam, of tb« FrMnua Stnek, 

III dupBiUu wkihatb«vutak*ntoth«Cla< 

' 11**1 Bowital PiukBanoQ, tb«*^rMtAn«rku 

HaiStf." 1^ btuUlOR aronad t»i* world tad dlktrlb- 
BiluW*l> tadRtoftbcaid* by tba wariMtu anlvod lo 

oiadoaaU darlDf Ua woak Albnt T. BwkdaUU 

iiuunr of tta* udlcdrian. Hr. 8«oU vlnplf tctloc 
ri DnM npnMOUUn. Thw* It » local dtniaao 
rar UM booM vMk of 0 aod DO eoab(Dftt(oobuba>D 
tooM. CMlMi Orip«' Bp«l*ltT^»aM)TO«a• 
lloD or Clocloud UlwtatQ. A. S. KUL TboHMMrof 
I^AllKM loeladM Kibal Hart, ,Uio eUum fUi, MeUle 
gro^Ntitoraad Rich tad Bamaal Onpiii. TTia onmfiaDjr 

■iMcu to toar thnotb iarroaadiiig urrltofy 

Chtflw H. Vile If btra Luelll* Haaodan wa« lha 

MiAlat at tha Fop t Ban Btani moTOd oa to Nvh. 

.iija BiUr Ovani. ihodraaiatio adltoror neci«dn 

■all nwt «aa caDad lo Bomaraat, E/.. bj a ulairam cfett 

•dMblaithathliiootbarhad baaa oaraM todaath 

MaBaKarHany Xalnfoitb bax (oaa to Naw York. 

Cl6v«I»Bd^DaTk dajs overhead Diade gloomr 
filibbiatibatbaatr«atb«pa>twa«k. Tbara uaioi to ba 
ft doM oooaaeUMi batwaao tha ebanetar or ttat waaihar 
Kod tbailia of Olaralaid aodlaooaa. 

BocuD Avnn Orieu Uoctbi.— "Trilbj,*' woak ofJu. 
V did poor baalDoaa Ttaa conaaay la hardly ap lo tbe 
tdoaltbaadDlraraofuaatorrbad formed, aod liDOtai 
food an ibe ooa MOD b«ra laat roar. JaoDleB«l(rinh,ta 
iiiiia. Tloatd. vaa an eicapiion to iha goooral ruto. 
Kdlih Ciaae, aa Trllbr, lookad tha part, avon If aba Ikllad 
loraallxaltapoMlbUftlw. THoaamo may ba nald of (Jm. 
D. Molntyra, as thoUM. Tba MMtoawaiiaicallnt. 
y«b. 3-A, "Tba Poacloc Maalar;" 6-8. Jobo BaraiWMk 
of lU. "fadd'abaad WUmo." 

Ltcioh Tauraa.— *Tbo TwaoiJatbCaotary Olrl." with 
uioieaUaDtoonpaDy,dld Ulr bailooM, to tott approcU- 
tlTB aodtaoooa. Jaa. 17-19. Molly roUar, Jobo T. KaUy 
Md Qua WllUaaubolair tbe prima tavorltta. ■*TbaMow 
Bor." a>-Pab 1. bad pr»or budaoM. Tha oompaoy van 
Tory utlBbctory mod MODtd hafa recalrad battar racoK* 
oliioo. BartOoot»,Duicaa B.RarrtMw. Julia Klacaloy. 
Coota, laan DooKtMud AooMia Bpoacar wera vattlc- 
uUrlr promlooDt. WMkof S^Walkor Wbli*aldo,lD ra- 
portory; wMk oflO, **J(ylaa Arooa." 
nS.iviLA:«D Tnaaru.— Morrlioo'a "Paa*i" bad poor 
bnalDasdurlDf waok of Jaa. 71, aa oDoaual tblaa at tbia 
ihMira. Tba compaoTwaa ordinary, but ibaatactocaad 
oMtrical affaeiJworaTarT good. WMk ol Fob.S. 't)n 
ib« ulMUalppl:" weak of lo will be diTlded batwMO 
Bobby aayler aod fiudow. 

STIR THBiTRi— Harry Korrlt' BatarulDen, woak of 
Jto. 27. vara probably Uia bMt drawing atiractloo la 
tDWo. tbe Dawionii, vltb tbair roller akailDt I'llta. aad 
Madolaloe. ihnjogalar, made the principal blta, WMk 
orPab.S.B W.winiana' OwnConpaoy; weakoriO,'*A 
jayClrtaa." . , 

XoADiMTorMtmio.— Amlaad programma ofcoaildira- 
bto merit, wblebdfawaood bouaea, waa the rnledurloji 
w«ekorJaa.37. Tba eew laoM tobe waa weekof KtbTl 
ate Qalfley Bnthort. Mamie DlUon, Berlta C«m.tbo 
Lury Stiiara, Bandrora and Moore, and John J. and Plor- 
•fico Murray. 

Tolado.— At the ValenUne Theaira the Potter- 
B4llow Co. doaad tbrM nlcbtjor fair boalnaia Feb. 1, pro- 
Hotlnic "Charloita Corday," 'tJamlllo" and "liha Suopi 
iot:onqaar." Tba pnduotlooa weia tbe mo«t Oobbed 
ud anlttle eror wici - ^ 



IbToMo. CUt OlemtQt. lo 

'Tb« N«v DoiBloIoa,"ftpMWtS,4. MiDDlt Mtddeni'ruk* 
M, Ciw nunnU, Ib''TIi* FouihIIIoii,'' lo-u, TbHdon 
IhomuU. and "tt* FuaI CaM" 14, lA. 

PiorLB*eTUUTU.-Fr«d Uillaa'a ■*T«odU«Ui CtnnirT 
Olrl" ptor«d upMkod boamJan. 3D-Peb. I. MonlioD'a 
-Pkun^'oMDtd]!, torfournlthu VhluSatudnm" 
amHt-a, "Tb« BUet Onwk''>-ll, BobbrOtrloi U-Ul 

AuonvilOM TauTRB —WMk or 3: Bone* VIolDD'a 
fiuck Co., In "But Lynne" and "Led Aaumy." lom- 
duclDi botvoM tba acu tho Rocen, DIek and Allca Mo- 
Evof, iMbella Bomaa, Harry D« Qlmr and Md6. Jo- 

Hww Bkll Tbutu— WMk or S: Blckal and Walaon, 
Erant and Daroet aoi Mar Staolay, rollowad by "Ilia 


Dsyton.— At tlie Onod Open Hodm Edwtil 
Uarrlian pr«a«otad "Okl Larender" In tbIa elly. ror tba 
Iru una, Jan.SI. to a waU plaaJcd audtaoea. De Wolr 
Uoppar, ln"Dr. Byoiax." comaa 3,0ainllla D'AivUla t, 
Jaa. J.CorbattU. 

PalK TBUnK.— *Tha Daslar^ plarad to big boatnaai 
Jao.V-O. lira. Oan. Tom Tbnmband companydravbic 
hoBia* 30-Pab. I. Tba Oonnan Bro*,, In "Tbo OlT 
boolara Abroad," eama Pob. S-6, "dido Tn«kad" I-& 

SoLDikBfl' BOMB TauT».— "Alabama" cama Jaa. sa, 
to bit bualna*. "A Tborougbbrad" oomaa Pab. 4. "A 
Oraao Ooada Man" IS 

ABSOCIATIOV lULl^Irrloff Uandy'a Ij^tuia waa waU 
auandad aiaylon'aJnbllaaein|aiaconlaP»b. i, 
Radpatb'aOiand CoaoartCo. 11. 

CoIoBBhu.— At tlie OnaA Open IIoqw Faosj 
Davaapon qpana a vaak'a aDtagamant Pab. S. Bamri B. 
Bald via bad a lam bnalaeaa waak aadint 1. 

HiOB BruBT TBiATBB.— Do Wolr Uoppar comaa 4. 
Monli' Tvaotiatb Cantnrr Halda bait • good bnaiBaM 
Jan. 37-9. Bdvaid Barrliian, 3D, aad *-Tba Ftra Patrol," 
JIandPab. LbadUfbtboalnaaa. 

TUB Kbit Mcaa.-Tbl8 bouia bad rair bualoaaawaak 
aodb]tP4b.L Annoancaaanlanotmadarorwaak orM. 

M*Baa«Id.— At Uie UemoriBl Opem Iloan tbe 
CatrloLoolaOo. ibovad to good bullnata all laltvaak, 
at popular prioea, Tba Amarlcan BxtraTanaaa Co., 
piaaaottot "SInbail,'' fUlaa iba bouia lo atandloK roam 
and tumad paople a«ay Jan. 37. Jamaa B. Mictia, In 
"arIaaa*CalUr Door," mat witb a iair boaaafl. J.W. 
Caraar playad "BIp Tan Winkle." aa a beaaairorhln 
aali; S, to a aadluB hooaa. *-TTia Oraat Brooklra Bin. 
dleap" na raoalTcd by»iniaU aodlaoce 30. "Xnat In 
Na.r York"(Dniaa Fab. &.'"na Panolot Maataf"7 aod 
Cool'i stook 0>. Teak oflO. 

ZnoMTlUe,— At BobiUti'i Opera Hooae Ed- 
wanl BaiTliao. In "Old braodar," came Jan. 33, lo a 
paoktd bouaa. ''Blsbad" oomaa Pab. 4, "Iba PaadaiHaa. 

Ur U, OUa BkUair 14, "Iba Conatiy Ciraia" 17. 

Siataoo*a "U. T. 0." Co. comaa to Manorial Ball 8 

TboPalllPBBiUybaraalinad wItb tba Wallaoe Kbor ror 

oait aaaion Jamaa Lamptoo, bill poatar ror Schalta't 

tlpaia Uooaa^ waa married laat waak at Kawark, 0 

laura Mlioball tiaa taken tbe place ol Jane Bnrby In lha 
Edward Barrlgma Canpany. 

Flndlaj^At the Hirrla Open HooteOooll 
Stack Co., tbe beat rapertOTT company or tha 401.00, 
playad waak or Jaa tt, to bit boHnaaa, "Hoaaaad Hcaa' 
comaa Pab. t, "Peck'a Bad Boy" a, "Town Tapka" 17, 


Waahlagtoav— EMcelleiit bnilneei *t tU oor 
play bouai Init week, llbanib'a Larayatu Bnaata 
Opem Hooaa waa parbapa ttaa noat I^Torad lo pointer 
patronata, becauae "Tha l«dy Blaray." an opeialio 
comedy, lecalTcd lu Initial prodoctloa In tbla coontjy at 
ihUhoaia,aeotlD| a grBat aoecaaa. It la brlmriil and 
nnotng otar wUh catchy mualo, aprlgblly dUlotua, 
graeenil daoolaK bright naw apaolaltlee and daollag 
■tnia edeou. Tm coauuBlng la not tba laaat or the 
attnatMn bacaoae or lla noralty. Ahnoat arary menbar 
oltbalantecaatiude lodlTldual hliA Dan Daiya aoog, 
•nuen ror blm by Phtlaodar JebnaoB, the "aootlBK 
Blai** Ban oT no TTdiAlnffton Sur, waa aapadally wall 
recalled, aa waa skoVlnilolaEarla'a "Baby'' aon(. Tbe 
paaaualorLaFatila Adalalde waa the uuat giBceTol arar 
•aao beta. TbU week, Boland Bead, la -^a PoIIUoUb." 

BiPLBT'a JfiTMlML TBUTU piaaaotad Prohman'a' 
'Tba Gay FarUlana" ror Iba Orat tine here. Tbalbnoy 
tarce caogbt thn popular faror rton tbe alalt lad tbe 
bonae waa crowded during tbe eotlre week. EUao 
Beach Taw gave a aaorad cooeait t, 10 a large aadlaoee. 
Tbla weak, Aa Boauolaoi. 80I Smith Roaaell lo-lt. 

AUATS Obabd OrBM UODaBbad lorlbellialbair of 
laat week lacajaaaata, but the lail ibiwa ulgbu were de- 
voted to tba rwadldon 01 Wamerlan moalc by tha Dam- 
roach Ooem Co, eblob readered "Tannhaaaar," "Lohan- 
grla," ■VertlHad" and "Oar Helauralogar," in a oaanar 
aaUoB oqoalwi and never eicalled oo tbe Waahlofton 
ataia. Tba priwa were gioatly adranced Ibr ihta attrao- 
tloa, trat tbe lioajea ware ctowdaa during each or tba 
four ooeraa. Tbla week, "forlliem Llgbla." Bobert 
UUIiatdTln "Leet-3t Uoura," 10-U- 
, BayiBT'flAoiDUfYOP Mi»io had DoonaUy and Olrard 
In their naw edition or "Tbe Halaroakata." Tb* enodad 
eoodltlon or the andltoriam at araty parfanBtaoa at- 
teatad tha popularity or the attnclloa, which la ihia aaa. 
aoa angmantad by the clarer apedaltiaa by Boaa aod 
PaQlon,nmro Poi. tlie Rotten Brulbara, Nellie Lyoeb, 
and an eiceptiouallr atraog eompaay oT IVia maker*, 
Ibta week, "ibe Derby wrnoar.'~'=BoBnla SeotlaBd" 

ICBuajra - Itcbom TBiiraa— Tbe Buaeall Bnlbara 
Oomedlant, wItb May Howard aa a laatnie, and ao ax* 
oapUonally atioag bllL had a daaarredly gocd week. 
nAa weak, tbe Vaudeillle Oiab. Oily Olob lO-U. 

MBTSBBor.B O^LL.— WaMtlogtoaetrlngOrcbaamS. 

UiBBOLL i BBi i miB Uali^— Iteue Bowland, nooo- 

,Towaa'i lOB PALloi atlO oooUauea a atroot attrac- 
tion, an aferaio etlandanoe of nearir ibiae tbouaaad be- 
ing Ilia raaoid lor the Ual week. Tbla week, Jobn P. 
Oonehaa, Ikat ikalar, wUlmaet aU eooara In coopetltloDi 
each eraBloc- _ 
. ilom.~tr. n.Tbompeoo iwtlrad tma the caat or "The 
l4dy BlaTey** Pab. 1. Baory Norman lakea MrThonp- 

aoo'a role, and Cbarlaa Dkkaoo thatol Hr- Norman 

Odette Trior, or -Tbe Oay Parialana," tallied rton tbatoo- 
l,andwUlna- lor a raw weeka el AaherlUe. K. 0 , ta bar 
baalib la Dot itaoog. Bar plaoa In the caat will be lokao 
byJoaapklaeBalCbareloroie IbaTlctorlne of tbe euL 

Blalaa wllaoa takaa Hlaa Uali'a place Tba ranorana 

balldlag. 00 Pinaaalb atreel, baa beeu aold at nbllc 
aiietlon,by ordtr or tba trualaaa, ror (41,7(0 Jcba W. 
ThompeoB waa the porchaaar, but it baa not trwaiplred aa 
towbuoaaha wluputltta. ' Aaa pueiama bolldlaf It 

baa aeTar paid Maria Babart Piobmaa apoBt laat 

week with her baabend. Quiuro Piohman, la tbla elly. 



■•It Laalu CIly_At tli« Bolt Lake n«*tn 
"Tba Dalkaltar" had poor bualaaaa Jaa. S, 3*. Dae: 
Praderkk Watde Pob. 94, UBe BUiler UL I!. 

LTcaSB.— "Ptaloa'e UaTe"bed lUr biilaaaa weak or 
tL Aaveclal "Uoole Tem'a OaMo" matlaeawaa glrao 
nonliiger ■> lo big tinilnim Oumat, "AMalrlmoalll 

aaAaB.-"Porie( Ma lioi" had Mg bujioaaa aeet or n, 
Tbe eanant bU b -Own." 

Von.-Tbe traenm itock gare a compUmaatarw pe^ 
tei m a n ■ of ■niog'e BaTo'et ibe ijt lakeTbaalie 
MthaaKanoon oi nia ibeold peopla. Tbe ltd waa 
"Old Pour Day," wuish la eetobialod ieai|.yaBily^la 
Ulab. IrarTmaaorwdBaaaoTeraltlyleagaaMoalhal 


oiZj!!!'ir'T*' "•"■o't-torTheBireWllllan 
aa ( aud^ao,. Jui. r, S); A.bra, Bo.claulu 
TMT*'whl°tf''»E;'.',yi«nd <« «ood luluaa-IMI. 

loXfillSi'SiiV'^'iSSi'!: *■ w'l'. 

SSficlo! iJ.ul'"* ''»'" ^^ Bam T. jIm. siui 

t^tsi}i,lii!'.'t'^ anha.log big patrooai. thia 
S!!rfS;-?fi,.°f """aater Tbealra aicaidiggaai aw- 

¥ ol'^J.i'l'S.''*" '^i'"' lIllleWllSlnMnVor 

l.\ullS,nJrl1'?""u'" wraraly b.mad Jao. la, 
SiJlilSJ/l'ii.V.i' "•"'•bca. but fa much lopiOTnl 

iffllSiKS?."?'.?'^."^' Prank Howard. 

•i^^T'-K °'. "■• •"".eh PoUj" Co, Willie al work 
LlriL'°JS^:'=">!'?V ,'>"»Ml>apU .Ta» .ladJ"AI 

S. ..f.I°?,*.tJ''J"''- ■">' aarioun, loJutlaa Oa 

'r.J™';. OparaTloSaa. durioi a 

•^rSn^ll'" "•"'ad <f WiUlun A. Buna, or 
dTK.iI if-K*!!*! "IS""^-, E.-l;nlnd Sutea CoSnil 
paalal B. Uubbud peniiraed the caiemnoy. Uuaier 
JobB Bryut rit. Iba brid. away. Carrie linnmra 

caption and dlooer waa altarwanl. aiiloy«l. Tb. hapny 
J?!Sl!u"**' kaidaom. iii 'coolly wadding 

Fall Rlwer.— At tbe Acodemj or Uiulc "In Old 
tS'Jl'i'r"''*^ M"*^ 'iMd maUoee and aicel. 
leolerMlng telame. "iramUt ReTampnl," by (niailaa 
if5?.° ?'f.'*Sl!S?'!'":-J'™'''»' the au.plcaa 

'lU'tJI'nIty ninb, local, draw two Inmeaaa aodlaneaa 
, f"*" Buwaneo River" eomw Feb. 

?i 3iS?"J,'',' •'"''•on" .4. ' Humanity" r.d, Wm Bairy. 
t-IT!? ,P.'!''!J 9!?"« «i." I': •Tlie J»ler" IS. "Tlie 
Tornado" U, li •'Michael Oirogoir' 17 (local). Ward and 
-"■y'l'V.ft"*''?'' Bank."l9, •Tuiado"a"ll«" 
■L OJUeam. In "Or. Jakyll and Mr. Hyda," JT-JS. 
TBB.TBj.-Mlaco'a City Club gave eicelleol 
aallilkaUoo Jaa.»;-Pab. I.and are booked ror a return 
dele. Tbla compuy bokia Iba retard ror but reuma at 
Managar Hleh'a Tbealra. ' Jolly OM nnair .era aood 
parforioancaa, 17-S, in lair rvtoroa, "Play, aod Phy.n" 

Sf^^.^f-J^aO™"-'" ""•"T "«•»." M;Rlt» A 
Barton'a "lloltoodle and Foodie" 1>IS. 
.WO»BBUNB TUUTHB-Roae Oydeira Loadoa Bella^ 
Jaa. 37-Pab. L bad lUr bualaaaa ■ II.M In Mararr' 
oomaa 3-^ gattlera Borlwiu. Oo. Uio Early BIrdi b- 
u«rma Co. " 


It, Oeo. Oregoiy 'a PaatumL- 
leniueCo. 17-a, ■^loro" 1«-S. 

I. U-lt. the Uaary Bur- 

,,'"'.1-'""'' ""d William llarbeok, or llariy Wll- 
llama' Meleori, laid od lut wHk at their home in P.ll 

BIrer PrUoy.ol Ulaweek. iiiuha tb. three bouOrelh 

perrormaoce or "Uumanliy" In America- BodvMim or 

lhaociaakm are 10 be dlalribulcd Robert A Oavie 

bu bwn eppelnlad preuaiant or WDod.rUnd Theatre. 

J- M. Barrlogton, or Rich'. Tbeetre, lelt here t: to 

loin Dan'lA. Ialley'."TbeOutcaaianraBlgClir." lla 
na. .Ign.d ror aeveo WMk., an.r which he 1. 10 join 
Blagllag Broa' Olrcua 

Lowell.— At tbe Open Uoiue the liouclcaolt 
HmlBot Co.^layrd "Arrah na Pogue" and 'TbaDhaiiih- 
imuo."Jan.z7,^, to good liouaoa. WIIILm 
alU.tte, lo "Too Huca Johnaon,"piay.d to Ulgbu.loaM 
39,30. "Tbe Oruet Dlamood RobDory." with augog cat, 
draw good bouaea 31. Peb 1. Uuloo.' "Suiiorba" cbtnec 
3 ud week.' -Ban llur"ci<me. 17 ud week, lor benadl 
or Lowell Oanattl Hoapllal. 

Mt»lo H.u — HiacD'a City Club Bur)a«iue Co. ployed 
Jui.37-8 lo packed bouaea. "Playa and Pla).ni" did 
big bo.lo«a to-Feb. 1. -Ibe Paa< UalP' cornea S-d^ and 
Bice A Barton*. rom«dlana,lD'-McDoodlaaod I'oodla," 

TgBWORK OD the nevlheaira la rapidly protraulog, 
aod tbe managemeol are hurrylog It aloBg no aa to open 
aooB u poulblo. 

LiraB— At tbe Ljm Tbeetn "The Oieat Ilia, 
mood Robbery" com. to big bualoaa. J40. 39, 30. Wll 
Uun ailtatto played Too Much Jolinaoo" to gnod houaea 
Sl-Feb 1. Combw: WIUUmBany, lu'ThaHlalogUane. 
nUoB" lOL "loKPuadlae" 31. a 

MusioUali "Plaraaml Playan«"cama Jan. 37-9, to 

rtir bualaaaa. Coming: Bellly A Wood'a Vaudeville Co. 
Fab. 10-13. 

TUB CBTBTil. Max. cud. 1, ror a ibrao wMka' engage. 
Dent, uoder the managameot or Charlea W. Cumer. 
Tbe mate la bicated In a atore on Muoroa BirMi, and d Id 
a good buBlnaiu tbe opeoing nlgbl. 

BfirlBgaelii.— At OUmoni'H Court iiqugre Tbea- 
lie -Ruah Ucy," Ju. 33,orew light raloroa. "A Milk 
White PUg,"Sl, bad larga buaioaaa "Shore Acrear' had 
lane receipt. Feb. 1. Tbe Wilbur Opera Co. coioee^d. 

OiLJioaa'aOrau. UooBB.— BIceA Bartoo*. Oomadlana 
did a well peyfog boaloea. Jan, 37.44. 

TocgBB'u FAU.OB TUK.TBB.-Joba EdgBT, Fl.ld. and 
flallna. Purvlu and Wabaur, May Waatwonb, Mlla 
FauUiia. and Roach and CanJetoa 

Lawraace.— At tbe Open Boiue, Jao. 27, "Tlit 
Oreal Dlamood llobbary"waa praaautad with an excel, 
lent caat, to a big bouaa. "Ben uur." by amaiaura, heU 
Uieboana39toP.b. l.logoodburinaia. Comtog: Billy 
BaiTT 13, "Jtaur" U, ^'Ooe or the Braveat" 17, la, "lla- 
oanlty" 81, B. 

Taaatoa,— At tbe Neir TbeBtre "la Old Keg. 
meky" cama Ju. 28. loan audtane*tiiatcompl.telr dllad 
the Souae. "Jolly Old Ctiuma." 90. had a amall ii>iuaa. 
*nbaT«o Ji4iaa,*'^SI, came to food biiiloeaa. Comluf: 
"Bouaally" Pab. 4, "Down Ou the Suwaoea Rlv«r"t. 
•The Jaatei" <- 

m il 


Oelralt.— At ttio Ijceum "Tbe TwonUetli Ctt- 
tury Olrr'tomea Fab.UI. Ok. W. Moane playad 10 
good bealnao. latt wMk, Including two crowded mall, 
naea. Idiam*aOclorooBacou)aaO-lS, Andrew Hack lO-tL 

Dbtboit OrBBA Hooaa.— John Bare Peb. SA Flaok 
Mayo M. "Bob Boy." Jan. S-Pab. 1, auleruloal laile 
crowd, at awaiy parlomance. Poller-B.Uew Co. 10-13. 
taav Plttg»rald, lu '-the PouodllDB." 19-14. 

warmaiis uhaid Orgga Houaa. -'-The Prod lal 
PBIher" 1-& ■Moiirl'l'k S!?^" • "r,'*iv'' "'»''!.* 
Bolendid baaloeae. Tba While Squairon" Feb. t-O, 
Weber A Plelda iff 31 

OaaraBU'n EariiiB.— Nick Bobert.' Cooiedr Co.. Ju. 
ISFeb. 1, aounaloed good houaea. Tlia aloflog .r 
MariaStuait. made a decided hiL TbU week. American 
Vaudeville Co. and MIm Ula Haydao. Tbe AdamlaM 
Edan>-Ut-PKk'aBadbiy"lMA „ , „ „ , 

OiFlTOL BWAkk.— "Tba Octonion," Jon. 39-Pab. 1, 
playad to lb. capacity ol lha bouu. Comlag: '-Tba 
Street, or Raw Yorii" 34 with tba rollowlngapMlaltlaa: 
Louie Banan,JobaBuiu>a,Duldi comadlap: liar Bur- 
ton, and ClaxaooaBurtoo,barluinealDger. "uncle Ton a 
Oabin" 0-13. 

WonOBOlASD TukAtBI ADO MtMBg-rtario HbU : Tbo 
PatBabycntinuf. lor another weak, VIritiBia Knapp. 
Ony'a llartoaauaa. Major Newell, glnnard Brotbara. 
Tbaatre: Poor Laamida, llunting Btata.a llralnvl do|a), 
Cair and Jordon. 

Baiun.-Tha Elka benall, Jan. 31, paekMl tba bouie, 
and wu a decided aaccaae. Mambeia Irom all ibe Ike- 
aliloal eompulaa pUrlog here laat wMk und.rad tbaIr 
aarvlce.darl.glh. aAemoon,andwllb ibe loci lalut 
made up aa eicelUnt progrmmoia. 

Grand Raplda.— At Fowera' Open UoDae 
8antaoaUl.ta)uaollat,drawooly loir houaaajan. 37 and 
week. "BobBor"coaeePab. 4, Thomu Q. Beabrooke, 
lo "Tbe Boecaiotor." 4, "Saoiw Aerea" 10, 30 _ 

Obabd OrtBA Uoraa-The Prodigal Fatbar," Jm.SO- 
Peb. I, playad to a good buaioaaa. Nick Boberia' 

Saini'e Oraiu Buubb— rvk S: Brana aad Nlaa, 
Wm. McBbaflory. Ue.ry Prey, N.tUe Hon, DaUy Wade, 
Rbaa. and mil Parullo, Blegd and TbomUB, NHIar ud 
WUllamMB. and Ike atoek. 

Kalanaaoe.— At tbe Aaitmj Sooaa's Bond, 
Jaa. 37, draw a big bouaa Cotoint: Tbona. g. 8ee- 
bnolK la Tbe Bpeculaur," Feb. 4; CUy UlemMt'. 
Tha New Dominion" a. _ ^_ _ . , 

OBASD OMIU Bonaa-Week ortT: MlkeDohaud 
N.UleAllaa,HBnyaad UlUan Laourd^ Fray and Le- 
malr, Cbu. and JhbI. Stewart. Adolph OonuUea. the 
Punl^llak pantooluilala, and Bert HcbeUar, >r*Hl»r. 
WMk oiyabTs, Delay Olallsn'a Norelty aad SpecUlly 

jaekaoB.— At Blbbord'enooat Q. Beabrooke, 
In "Tha BoMulator." pleaawl a food boBM Jao. 38. 
!V^L&nIudHiU^'umrErMrbiulnH.9. ButaaaUl, 
bnootM week or pTb. 3: Minnie Madem Pkik. ,13, 
•'{biSyV aVbi" 30, -a,m Aoia. " B, Al Flrid'a Bin. 


I. aBl<vlU*.— At Hgcaoley'a Tbeatn ilan 
Morrb, la "Baymooda," waa tbe allnetlon Jaa. 31L draw- 
laganeiea.dlotlylane hooaa. Roberta. Inieiaoll lec- 
tured on Tbe Poundationol7allta"3gito good houM-Oom- 
lag: PriacaaB Bonnie" Peb. S-». Henry Irwiag aad Zllea 
Teinw4f«loappeer7,a,bBl the alia or Ibabcuae belag 
tSSluuMUlCildtte crowd that dMired to bouth. 
imilBngllab ador, It waa decldad by J'^aiaon, Klaw A 
Brlangailo have the perTormanca givea at the Audl- 


AOI>IT»alOB.-Banry Irving, and BUej TarrrwUI ep 
•arria,ln"Ibe M.nbantorVanlce,""Beebel," "Jianca 
llAa«U" aad "The Bella" 

tSpib TBB.TBl--Blgkt Bom,'' by lb. Brwben 
Byrne, casieUie fore part 01 rur bnaleeea 
MlnoleHoddem Piae waa booked u appwr the Mttar 
halC bat failed to maierlallie. Bkhaid ■aaaaekl coma. 

ror matuoaaadevaalng performance 4. 

OBAUB OrBBi llom.-'Tbe American Olrl" waa re- 
lived wllh maeh lavor hrlargeaod apMeeUtlva aa- 
dleacea Inn week- Per week ofSi "A BunA oT (eya." 

TBB ATBBCa-'TbeVeodetta'' waa paTOhedljf very 
.oed rnwda durio| laal week. For waok el & 'Xyllooll- 

'tbb BvofuaBAB.— Tbe Irwin BioUHra tav. a itrong 
atiaw lux wael, caplortog B. R. 0. houiee at dmun 
niry paH<>rmaic. For wwk or 3, ibe City Sport. 

nona1TBBaTB*.-Waak oft: Devaiv and llaaaoo 
and die rMular atoek. ■ariMo.go.d. 

II, S-7obntorkamp aad hu band wlU Iriv. aaeriae 
,r enMiu at the Tempto ThMUa wMkof a. Tbe ad. 
l^^ew aoU or aaaU la larga. 

Mllwanka*.— At tbe Davlition TheaM "Tbe 
Merry World" commenced e waak Fab. 9, It. drat vlidt 
beiw. Two perbrmanceaor"lna Big city" ware gtvea 
by Bobby Oayhir L Lw weak wea d.volail lo "liaa," 
J.n. ta.^. aad Itlaay Kiugarald and *Th. Poundllog" 9)- 
Peb. I, both orvbkbdrawbut lair houaea. PalaterCoB'. 
"Btnwoie." eoBO 10 and week. 

BiJoo OPBU Uiicua.— llopklea' Trana-Oceaalo Com- 
aany la the bli| thie wetk. beilanlDgt. tlila being Ibe 
lilt Taudevlll. cv.nbluAtlna or tha avaaon to plAV lb. 
elly. Joaepk Hart'. "A Oav OM For" enlertainail ieir 
alaed audleoc«i laat wtek. llanlon BreUien' "" 
10 and week. 

ACADXBT ow ktluo.— "Myrile Fern." la the drana thIa 
week, aad Alln Raymond, Hlebanl OoMmo. ClAllUe An. 
tonio aad Bon 0 Oawnan lb. laalurea. '-The Black 
Flag" Ooaled orer good aliad bona., laat week. 

P.aiTrTHBAVaB.-.Tbe Ihrea aclcouvdy, "NIobe," wu 
rapaatad by lha aipck oonpuy t aod a ooe act drama, by 
Hma. Bmlllle Da dlimrdin, .milled "PI. Pru^l too dar 
Freade,"and ibe one ecl rerce, "Mvlame KUtt," wllh 
Blly Boeder, loubreuo, war. givao In eoaluo'lloa. 
llou»'a BaiKl drew the capecllv 1, and the kll.aukM 
Pram I'lob'atMO.Dt, eftaraoonorjao. 30 waa NcceaaluL 
Tbe pntraania rompriaW SoT.nia 6cha.irer, Joe llart 
and Carrie L«mar. Prol. Ronar, Psbai Theatre Rio'k 
ronpaay. Opie F. Rrad. Maaiar Sam Balicoak, Maalar 
Noruae Trumber, Harry cligoni, and an ortliwurwoT 
thItiF placea uadar the l«ton or Arihur Wahl. 

WoiroBHLulb Ml'HBOM — Wook or Feb. 9; Curio faall—J. 
J. Rheruao, human ael; Karvappa, Zulu; Lao Tarda, 
apnitedwoniaQ-, Fitral,buywfilul.r; Wollfand Bar 
rett'a alMlrlral orchaaiia, aad Tlolor. Hlaga— aeodvM 
aad PleUi^ y-orarr,!. Tntn liaffam, tenure and Kbappin, 
Billy Diatoo, Billy M.laiarawl May llaailoga, 

NOTX. — Maaagar O. F. HlllaVa u.w arauaantant le. 
aort, tlie Ulhlalo Theatre, la being erected on llie norib- 
eaat comer or Orand Av.ou. .ad Fourth Blratu and 
wbHi cooiHelad win tie on. or Ih. largval aniuaemaot 
bulUlogalD Ike WeiL lla awllog capacity will reach 
4,000, aad It will be couduclMl u e blah claaa ntiilc hall, 
on Ihealyleorili. large oevaln ynnrclly. Tbiawllltie 

the drvt real luuale hall lobe built hi die Weal Jul. 

Walter., i-roprlalnr or "A Hnn*y Order" aod HUa 

Trackad," waalnlhe city Ual weak L. B. Lawrence, 

In advaoee or 'Ttie Merry World," dkl aonia rtrollant 

work to' hla attraclloD laat week The Rboda 0[i«im 

Boune, Keoiuha, Wla . waa conipietely daalmied by Ar. 

aaily la the ntoralog S W. J, Siarllng la lo lha city. 

Tbe properiy or tbe Wlacoa.lo Tliaalre Uumpoor, 

which were IwwMa or the Wonderland Hnmium. wu pur. 

chaAoil a by ll.a.cer V. H. Marlon Bam Flalclier la 

liareahaadolblauaual atlracllnn. 'Fanlajniia." ltd- 

waid Cook, atone llm. irvamrer ol the Acedamy. apent 
aererallionr.hanT7 lo Ut. loleraau ol Bobh; Oaylor. 

Eaa Claim.— "WdDK," Jan. 20, and "Stiore 

Acral^" 33. ware bnlh favored wllh crowded buuaoM. A 
ainall hut appreclalire audlaoce wiuiewed "llowPwldy 
Woo UU NoiUi" Jao. a, by local lalMl, uodar direclkio 
nf Mt« Gllzahelh ftroog wonhlogiou. I3t>mlnc: Hehar 
A Mania'. "Uncle Tom'. Cabin" Co. P.b. I. Win. Ilawley 
Hmltb. in leclure. S: "Tharlftr'. Auni" 4, llaoluaa' "Fan. 
taama" 0, "The Land or tha Lirlog" II. 


8t, Pasl.— At tbe MeUopllun Open llotiae 
"ahore Acna^' hu glvoo a apeodkl perrurmanee, 10 big 
Iwuaea, wtekJao. 3a, aod duplicated llielr former auccoa. Palmar Cox'a "Brown!.." will m.k. their dr«l ai*. 
pearaoco ken week or Feb. 3, and, uolea. all lodlcallivoa 
falL will liava big houaea. "Charley'. Aunt" come. 9, ror 
ooe week. 

URAMD— Bualaeaabubaeo big with "Tbe Land or lha 
Lirlog" week ol Jan. 21 "A tl.y Old Roy" coma. Feb. 
2-6 Bed Bouaa'. Haod d,malloM aod nigliL "A NiKbt 
on*." by local uleot uod.r l)ie dlrocilun or Mr. Beo 
Juhoaoo, fuiQierty Willi Ualvlui, 7. "A White Rat" coiiiw 
8 and week. 

OLraflc— Pur wuk t>( S: flarry llniiper aad Puny 
Btarr. UBice aiid King. May Oregury, Huyrtald and Oar- 
dae, Beatrice Cenoaii. Ada llcOrellt, Cliu. BUke, Ham 
Vacer and Ike Mock. Buainau i. igulle Kuutl. 

Uouxui — For week 01 3: Tlie ll.nuaoii, J.nia. P. D.v- 
lie. JOBle Duncan, Cllriallo aod Hahan, aud Nawell and 
Blevana. On Feu. 7J Ihia place chanited tiwnerahip, 
Charlea Ban rvllriox aod Morrell aad Breed anccvadinK 
aa ■•roprlalom. Jaiiiea P. Devlin auccaada PateHmiUi an 
naoaaer. diarleNO.olner anil Ida oicelleat nrthoatra, 
and ue funner aialT of Uie hnuae have been reloliiad. 
BiialnMeliM been big wMk of 37. 

Norui —Ban Julmaon, ronnerly wlUi Halrlni. la augagHl 

lo tb. i.earance bualneM here MaoaKer Loula N. 

Heou relumed s) rrom a iw*i vMka' trip lu New York, 
bookiuK Miracliona Our Wiour Carolv.l, which lie- 

Kn ai. at Aurora Park, waa a great eucceaa, except lor 
e lack ol mid weailier. Tbe laaluraa ware ekallo., tu- 
bogganlnu.curlinB. Indian dancea. pared*, of duMlo 
coalumeanJ nrewurka. lheclo.lDg|>aradeud.lorailoB 
uriberort,30. had to l«poaliioned ou eccouol ornialtiog 
and rainy weather. Tlie tailuie or the panda and Orv* 
worlu, packed all 01 Uie Iheatra. in cun.a<iuence. 

MlBBeapoll..— At Uo Meirupullloii Open 
Uouae '^hore Acre.'* upeuMl Feb. 3. lur a week, aflair 
which "Chaxivy'a audi" will ba aeen for eavaa niahla. be- 

tinning S. Palui.r '^1*. "Brownie." did aa uiiaiaoe. 
u.lovwJui.37loFeb 1. 

BUOU Orxiu Huou.— The Land nr tha LlvhiB" will 
be ahown 1 10 B. Joaaph llari, lu "A liny OU Bor," la 
uioounced ror V end week. llanloQi' "Fanlauiia'' liad 
crowded houaa. Jui. 3a 10 Feb. 1. 

NOTK&— douaa'a Band will give two concetl.4, «i th* 
Lycenm Tbealra. Mrria French, a loriiirr reaid.olor 

dil. city, la ooe ur |ii. aa>IoIau Un Jan. TJ, "Tlia 

brownian"liad a "Unlreraily Nfxlil." Tlie Imuae wa* 
well patroalieii by Uolr.relly atud.nta, who coma lu 
wekom* the hit. upou the proleawrw. etc.; but lha boya 
were ao bulatrrou. lo their approbation that Fiauk 
Di-iboo wu obliied 10 addreu Ilium el tliu ead ur the 
BrM aou aad admlnlaurad a Keotle rebuke In a very 
neat maaoar. 

Oaliath.*"SboTe Acrea" cBUlO to ilio i.jcoUBi 

Jao. 34, ta, to good buaioe*. Tliv Parlor Tlivalln coa. 

tinuea 10 [woaper wlui lut week'. euro|ieor relalnad. 


OeBver— Al Ike Ibbor Unail Open Uouae, 
week or Jan. 37, Frederick Wanle cama, lo "Tlie Mnnte 
baak," "Tbe Lloa'a MouUi" and "VIrglnlua," to guul 
lioaua. Week or Peb. 3 the bouM will bederk. 

OHFUBlia.- Week ol Jan. 38, A. W. FreiaunI, In '717," 
bed go^ buaineo. 

Bkoauw.y tuutbb.— Week of jBn.3,LlDcolnJ. Car. 
101*8 "Tto.UefauUer." ..... ... 

HBKTlor.- The Ooor 00 the Tebor Oraed alage. which 
ha. bora dowo fur lourueo year., will be replaced with a 

new uBo Belt week Beaver Broa. aerarad lhair coo* 

neclloe elUi 0. H- Oleaaoo'a Uorae Taming Co., and will 
remain lothuclty. 

Puablo.— At tbe Oraud Ulaton, necioiinueer, 
wu billed ror the night 01 Jao, 3ly Let did nut ap- 
pear owing to the laet Uial Uie Iralo un which ha wu 
comlni rrum th. North wm dolayed oe.r l^lurede 
SpriogaMverei buuia by the dorallniaot of tho aoglne, 
aod wlhaperfunoaacecouhi out begUi bafore luo'clock 
Itwaedecldwl tocaecel Ihedaie. .unaBv. Fay, alvled 
"Tbe Fair Uahatma," will Hire r<iur perhimuce. 37-au. 
LlBcobi J. Cular*. new pley, "Tlia iMCaullar," la bllhid 
'or3l. , , ^ 

TBB CoiUBUlA TllBATMJ reoulna dark, .xcept whan oe- 
euionallr takau by lucal am.teura. 

NOTXd— Tlia oM Hiaodard Tbealra boiiillnK wu ile 
.truy.d br Ore ou theiuomiugor Jen. 'it TbeliouM wa. 
built la lAl.ud. wllh but raw lolarrui'llon., bul bun 
run aaa rari.ty theatre up to Mey, huL whan the Ulti 
too.' Kiolug BxcbuiB dtarad it au4 had alaca occupied 

II Maure.BpoDaalierA lioy will m^n diairoewra 

riaty Uieatre in i:rlpple Creek, Col., Feu. 3. Thereleraii 
alage muaaer. JanieaLeUUlr. will have cliarjl. til die 
alage, and auuog the pertoriuere engaaad ror toe upeo- 
lug weak are the roUuwlBg people: llarrliuB aod Leeia, 
Early aad BuralL Alkluaoo ud Ocuvia, May BuraeU 
nnilMayPock. Tlie oaina ur Ihe huuHwiUlietbe Cri- 
terion. . 

L«a4vllie.—AtllieWuiU>o Opera lluute Lincoln 
J. CartaF. Tbe DeCaullar" la auured a big houaa Jao. 
SO. P.nayRlMl.du.Fob.3. 

UnuieilTB'B Miaoor.- Largu ud Roy.tu, Bcdd 
Brotli.Ta, Minnie Buauii, Bve Dahln, Louie Ilelolree. 
Dave Bndericb, Aooa Mihi, Millie Uughaa. Fimnhia Ben- 
uedy, VrOi Hoaore, Lotu ud ike Oolduan. Jack P.nile, 
Fleuie BawleV Aooa Wru. Eilae Uereialaa, Uollla 
Cola, Bob Welch and Jin Emeraoo. Bulnau la gcod. 


iBdlaaapolla.— AU bouaea tnoda a good tbnw. 
loglutweek. 8olBaldiRou.llcloaed a auccaurulaa. 
gaganfot Jan. 9 al die Orud Opera Uouao, bla eew 
play, "An Every Day Man," bemg well received. Tbe 
Hlvala"aUad the houu ui overflowing. MlDnleMeddem- 
Plaka coou Peb. 3-3. Rrebud Maoadehl a-& 

Eauu.u'a OrkkA Uorna —Tlie BroUiare 8rro«, lo 
"Bight Bella," Jan. 30-Feb. 1, played Ui lood Cualooae. 
Tbehoaulacloaed aexlwwk. ... 

PabmTbbatbb.— 'ThaHlruilla ror Life ' andliiedor-, In 'The Ullhuuleya AbnMd," OIIhI th* 
week 10 fair bualoeu. Neitweek, UieVatMui Blalora l>i. 

EBKIkB TllBiTBB.— Tb. B«ou BuUev f^., Ju. 37-Peb. 
I, did eieeUul buaieua Ihroogliout the week. Tlila 
week, tbe lrwlaBrolh*ra(>i. 

■van.vllU.— At Ibe Onod OUa Bklnner, In 
"Vliitia, the Veaabuod," pleaud a r.lbar light uilleno. 
Ju. aa. 'The Fuuodllag," with Oiaay Fitigerakl, drew e 

Ead hooae 37. There 1. a guod advaoee aaia for "Frleceaa 
nale" Feb. 1. Tompklna' "RIach Crwb" la doe 4. "Par 
Pair Vlrgmla" 10, 'The Ulrl I Ult Behind Me" U, OUvar 
Byron S. Modleik., bcoked fur lA cmoceled. 

Piona*..— Ourmu BrM., la "Ollhooleia Abroad," 31 
did a Bood baalnua "A Baggage ChKk'' 1. aadurllnwl 
P.b. X 'tyBoollhu'. Ma»iu.rad." II. "A Cold Da;" U, 
Tbe Tenudo" 31 

■artaa.— Whlle'd Open Uouae waa flikd to ate 

Pl.haF. "A Cold Day" Ju. 18. "llu.lBU'a Wedding," 
booked for 17, cucelad. ' Deluienlco'a at 4" diew a 
good udieoce 80, "FKfc'. Bui Boy" cenee rtb. a, "Pin. 
algao'l Ball" 13, 'Towa Topic." IS. 


BlroalaabaoB.— Al O'Bileti'a Open IIoum " 
Old Madrid'^drew well Ju. 3B, ». Oumlog: LIIU 
Lew la, lo "Tiauiaue," Peb. 9. 



■eatUe.— At Oonlnj'a Tteane tbe popolor 
gnilih-LelbCte. bataalbelveeTealh ud laat weak Ju. 
37, loatomeBudleuoe. Tbe bill lor Ible week Inglndw 
"Tbe llarvMt Menu." "Bat Haagua," "The HoepofUoM," 
Tb. Anblan Nighta," "Tba Mr R.M" ud "Mixed." 
Week of a) "lloop of OoU" draw eicelleal booH.. 
Beatrice LeIh will be ilvaa a beaem Peb. 3, when Ihe 
place will be "BaM Lyoaa" KxlanMva pieparmtloaa arw 
bal.g mad. for Ibe loltl.l rl«lucllon or INdlln.. A arof 'a 
romlc opaia. "MaU ol MlUo." uod.r the au.plcen ft the 
Ladiea'l(ulIu.lClu^ at thi. houaa, a-t. Il.tlla Beraaid- 
Chaae opoea a toiir weeka' wgueineot 10. 

PBATTLB TnBATBB —Kali. PutB.Bi, In 'Th. OM Lima 
Klle."comu9l. Peb.1. CBrlelonOperaOe.4,a. 

TiroLl TBBiTaa.- Ilood bualneu coQtinuu. PeopH: 
Bert BUM, Phmbe Blooui, Wn. Olnrd, Hick Wllllama, 
MayU RomPyaa BlBlen,JoaCartwilgbL HomiIoU- 
uoHh. die eug« niuager at lha houM, l«.lgn«l 30, 
and Ian far AkuU IP. lie will be eacox dad by Bell 

P.rm— Souu'a Bud will heh.renn Uaail lA, iTnd.r 

Iheillrecllon or John W llaona Ilelane MIgnoo, or 

ibeTlvoll, huheen coadaad to her bed with pl.urlay. 

•pokaae.— At tbe Audluirluiii OoHelou'a Open 
Co.appwrad In "The Lily or Klllam.y" and "Tbe Hobe- 
nil.BairV'Ju.I7,>l, 10 .loellul buainuo. KailelMi. 

nam, la "The OM Lima KilB." drew loed hoewa 34, 33 
and m.llaeea Camlng: "la Old Kwluoky " 
Marie WalarlxhtSl.tS. 

PaopLB*. Thkatbb.— Tb.i«I.Bochug. In Ihe bill at 
Ihia hoaae Ihia week. 

Tacona_Kflle Hitler. Jan. 23, >3, pUjed lo fair 
builoeaa. Kali* I'uloam, Ju. tr. cama 10 good bualoua. 
Tb.entatenientortbePrawlay Stock Oo. lor Sl-Feb I, 
haabeen caneelvd. Comlag; lUrlelonOperar^i. In "The 
Lily nr MllUraey" S, Marie Walnwrttbt 10, 11. Hnum'a 
Bead It, "la OU Itantuekr IS, Jeniu B. Maokle 10, 
Corlnna Opera Co tl, », Nellie MoUanry*. 


Meaipbla — At tbe Uiand Open Ilouae Clan 
MorTl..lo"RaymoBile" uid "Camilla," aiilaruloail fair 
niuil audleucen The houae wu dark 37, 3B. 
PvlerewakI perr.niied 31, al hig prlcea. It, one nr tbe 
Urgent houau or Ih. uaaoo. Doe: Henry Irving Feb. 9, 
4 I^Princea. Roauia" 7,8, Oliver Bynn 10. 11, ^In the 
MUaluippI" 11 19 

HUW Ltc.I'M TllBA.«k— Lewi. HerrlaoB waa well re- 
ceived IB "Fauat" and "Ybrlok'. Lore" J.ii 77-30,. ml dhl 
a good bn.lne4a. MlnoU Maddera.Plaka had a lair nUed 
andlenoe to Me '*T1i. t]ne*n ot XJere" 30, end made k 
good ImprMakiB. Rlchud MuMlaM h.e big adruoe 
eele rur 3I-P*b. I. "Per Fair VIcglula" UUi* only atliac. 
tloo billed rnr wuk orS. 

AODITOKIOM.— Bdword V. Blilott cooiu Pel*. II. Th* 
iKixlDR ku.aroo eihihiiad here week ol Jan. 17, and kom 
to Ohleogo Feb. a, for Uirvo weeka 

Cballaaooga.— Al tbe New opera IIoum, Jau. 
901 -The ou BomeMeal" cainetnaiaraeandaiipreela- 
tlre audience- Oomlng: Lllliu l^wl. lo, Uiod llwil. 
val II, "The Olrl I LellBelilnd Me"13, Ruhl. Uiiwulni l.\ 
Roland Reed 14. 


Laet Woek'a Kvoata,— A Dumliur uf tnicrcel. 
Ing ovonLi occurriid during ibo poll wcok, aiiiiiiig 
which wen: t ho Dnl Amuricau produciloiuoftwo 
piBjH, one of Knglliti and ibo oiltor at iiuinian 
oilKlu ; Ibo Orit proiluctloD In ihla coiiolrjr or a nrl- 
uun drama In Ibo nerman tiingiie. and lliu Ural 
melropolllan prciwnlBlloQ of an UDglinh iiiclmlr.ina 
or Iho apcclaeulBr aurl. In addlilun lu ibviw Sarnh 
llcrnbtrdl wan aeon In an utiracllvu it'iuiioiy nf 
play*. lioKltinia along tbo lino nnginl fioni fair lu 
gooil, few inanagoni HsvIur miicb rcaiuin lo coin. 

plain of luck of polronagu Tbo coiitlnuinl at* 

iraclloiiH for Ihe vwl ciidlUK Feli. I wiTo: Urand 
op«n at ibu UKTNorui.iTAH orgnA IIiiukk, "flio 
IK'ari ur Uaryland" at llm llKKAMiM<|t>AUK,i«ann 
llcrnbtrdl at Auagr'.i, "Tho (luicrnor uf Kun. 
luokjr" al ibn Fifth Avkhub, Jobu liniw 
al rii.MBH'd. *^ho llunulll nf iho llotiiii'' 
Bl tho I.YCKtiu, "Kgrrl.lor Jr." Hi Ui.yg. 
riA,"Chliniulo i>*adden ' al ibo IIahvrm, "A liiack 
.ibcep" at llii\T'i^ Uliaunui'y Olooil at Iho ForK- 
TggSTii liTHF.Kr, "Tbe Hinngi' Ailrcniiiri.'. of UIm 
Urown" Btiho MriNPAnii, "Thu H|ioniiiir liiiclii'in'' 
at tho AcAUKUYOF 31U8IC, "TUo IVixanl uf Itiu Nllo" 
Bt tbu CArtiNu, BDd "Mm. i'uuiK'rbiiry'a I'bjii" al ihu 
Uahhick, Ibo tiru laat luiut'd harlDg cliMcd uiwn 

Ibai dale Tbo ouu wank .taodn clonlUK full. 1 

were: Prlmruao A Weat'H UIOHlreiH at Ibo Uiianii 
Orciti llouriK, "llowD on iho Htiwaniie lllver" at 
Ibe I'Eoi'i.K'H, "Uliiill No. 'i" at ttASriiKii'H, "Muic. 
i>aDaUunu"ai iho IIahlbb ili'iHi IIuuhn, and "lu 

SlKhlut Ml, l'BUl'a"BilbuCiii.oiiiiiiri Varlciy 

uDlLTIalnmuul wbh furnlnhcd ul Tii.ny I'A.'vTuH'n. 


muiiTii ATkNCg rcrfuriiunrc. In tkrnitu 

wcrs rIvoo al Ibu Iuvinii I'l.ick and Uf-iinama, 
and iwrforoiBOcca to Iklirowai llio Thalia, Winii- 

aoK and AULkU'B Al Iiai.v'h Tiikathk, uii 

Jan. 2a, Iburo wui pruiluctd, fur ILu Unii Iliuc 
uiHin anyalBgo, 'Tbu Cuunlciu lluckl,*'. uoiiiudy, 
In ibrcu acla,Hdapled by AuKUailn llaly frtjm llio 
(k'rniBD or Fnoz Vun ik-bouihan. II iuIIh of the 
aududout f.klilun uf woulnn odujHcd liy liriino Von 
Noubiiir, a youoff Atutnao oillucr, wburoiiy, afifr 
inaoy ropulaen, ho wlna Iho aOtacilonM ut lliu Ciiuiil- 
CM llorinauca Tracbau. II wu. Ihua caal: tJuurl 
I'uunacilor Von Hllionieig, Jauiqi IaiwU; Llouica- 
iloa.Mrii.U. n.Ullbcti: LlMI,llelmBNi:lMiu; (luiienl 
.Suv.lhcucir, Kdwin (Hevciia; llruiiu Voii NcubolT, 
Cbaric. Illcliuiau; Cou'ln l/upuld, Bliluey llerlATI ; 
WcDKl, lUilKin Hhepbenl; IIoni, Hophle lliiiruiaD; 

Ibo Cuuulnu llcrtnancc Tracbau, Ada Ibiban 

At Ihu iKviKu I'Mca TiiKATak, un Jan. 30, iheru 
wan produced, for Ibe Oral tlmo lo Ibl. cuuiiiry, 
"1)10 Uebcrucblliicii" ("Tbo Huprriluoua Oar.,' ) 
a pUy, Id Ibrao actn, by lUcliurd Surdmann. 
The iirloclpal character la a well lu du younir 
wan, a builder, whu applli'. Ibe lorui uacd a. 
llm line <if Ihu play tu Ibu DU^mljora nr bli 
lanillj. Ilia failier dwell, lb Iho iwor boiue, 
obu HlHicF la bair wilted, anolber Ih luarrlcil lu a 
drunkard and lake in waablnR, and III. hrniber.aro 
r.r Iroiu pruajwruim. Ilo dcaptiK. hla rolBllvi;H, Iml 
pruvuM U) tie blmwlf worthy uf acoro, auil Umla lu ilic 
cod ihai Miuicof bU bluod aru bl. only iruu frlooUri. 
Tbu filay waa coal an roHown; Vlucuna lllnll, Adolf 
IJok; llciorlcb. Max liiro; Uurtha HIclulnRcr, Char, 
loiiu Ifuraod; Carl, llriibo (leldnur; Alliun, Jiillii. 
.■Mrolil; Fcllg, llcrniaoD Hcbinclzari Hurl, iiubU 
Fural; Aincllo. Ilenba Kubo; Uuaiav, KIclue JaKC- 
niMu; llelol. KIcIno Javeuou; Tautu Hual, I'uldl 
I'llKb; Uraf Nuwoltkl, Anbur t':ggell0K; licorHc 
nelnlugur, Carl Hick; Hohlllkaliel, JiiIIuh Awhcr; 
i.'andino vun SzllBDjrl, lllluit Hchluicr; IUmb, Fr,iiii- 
Uk. Iluaa; Klioiicr, Kull illlu; Tbeiuac, Uaa Han. 

Mler "Tbo Hiory uf Mu."a drama, in rouracta, 

by Cuurtenay Tboriie, waa given ILa lliid metriipoll. 
Ian iirodociiun Jtn. :a, at L'AMakoit, coat 
aa follow.: Mr. Kjrro, L'uoiuma} Tborpu; Frank 
(Lord lx>vul), J. Ilraodun T/uao; Tbe lluku. II. i. 
Fullur; Job, Kugeno Haogei; Marvel, Cbarlea 
l>. Clark; FoulniBn, U. II. Ilolioniioo; Madcap. 
Ubia L'atulyu Keoyon; Dody, Fcrclia; UucIicb., 
MIM Bcrlba lamll; Lidy Hopbia, Kiallj 
Wakcoiao; Heater Clark, Ulna Maude Odoll. 
Tbla play waa fliat produced by Mr. Tburpe at 
Hildgepori, CL, May 34, IBM. uiidor tbe Ulle of "An 
YaSuw." Ilo aalMequeuilj produced li under lla 
preBenlllilc, Aug. I fullowlnic.atibeTbeairu lloyal, 
lllcbuiond, Kug., and on Aug. a produced II lor llio 
ai.llini<> in Ibli country, ODdcr lla now llllo, al 

Urockloo, Hau Afura brief period of dark- 

oeiB,cauti:d by ibe IlllgBilon uver "Ueoilenian Joe." 
Ibe Uuou TiiBATBg waa rcupeood Jan. ao, and Ihai 
pUr araa prcflcoltd, wliblberoliowlogcaal: (leolla. 
mao Joe, JaoeaT. Foweit; Mr. Halll Varr.lAiula IM 
Laofo; Hr. Fllklngioa Jooca, Ueorge X. ForleacoB; 
l.ord IKiODybrwik, David TemDce; IIUKble Ja<(»:- 
Non. V. M. DeBlIke; Wllllaia.a page boy, lioruiby 
Viber; Hit. Ulage Polta, Flo. Irwln; Mn. Halll 
Carr, Urtce IIuoUqrUiu; lion. Mabel llavantuib, 
Ida Brooka; MUa FllklogloB Juoea, Uia<» lleloaco; 
Mine I.OCJ niklngton Judcb, Fannie llriKu; Mlai 
Ada rUklngtoD JoDU.Joale AlUb; Mlna Amy I'll- 
kInitoD ionea, Mabel MoBlfonier/i Erama, citra 
WelloDd. . . . Jjonb Bemliardl bcgia, on Jan, ZT. Ibe 

wllb a porfomuince of "Vanilllo," lu wblcli tbo waa 
agtlB aeen ao and al mailncc Kelt. I. Shn iirounied 
"Adtlonno Lecouvroiir" ja and 31. ami "Fcdon" » 

andrvonlnRof Fob. I Waller Htnfnnl having 

acqulicd anboit leanoor iho Star Tiikatrh. pre- 
aenlnl on Jan. 37. aa hla llnl aliracllon, JoM'pb 
Murphy. In "Hhnun llhuo." Mr. Murphy ivlll re- 
uialn itnuihrr wcrt, wlilob ilnichuwlil ilovnlolo 
Ibo preacniBilon or "Kcitj (low." It 1. nnnonncuil 
lhat nndpr tbo proiuint Irano Ur. (lanfaririi r.cou- 
paocy of Iho houw will Iw llmllf il in icn wcckH. 
On Ml. 10 "Tho \S'ar uf IVi-nlih " will Iw put 
on for a luii. whuh will, li I. hoped, con- 

■iiaie Iho ivinHlulUtf vrcoka i>f ihl. Irrin 

Al Ibo AxgnirANTiiKATHg, onJ«n.',£i. "liurniah,' 
a llvo act tlnnia, by lleniy I'uiilii and Sir Angiw- 
III. Uarrla, waa given II. nr.l pciroriiiiini'K In llila 
elly. lliiilct Iho llllo ot "A Life uf I'Ic.iniiro" II 
w.ia acicd lur iho llnl lluic on nny niagi' al Ihu 
Uiuij Uiiu ThOBirr, Lomlnn. l{iiK., Bi'i'i. 'Jl, I^OJ. 
ami on Srpl. -J, hot, Wu iiilil.l AoiviUnn pro- 
iluclluu wo. luailo under liri pn'ariii llllo at tho 
lloialun Tlioalrc, llomun. Hhiu. Tito atiibiir. have 
achlrvi-d u drciili'il Iriuiuiih in tin* r.niiairiicilou 
uf IblH dninm. and, tliongli the vruulng kuKo 
inlBbt aim lio i'IU'uiIvcI.v applteil, iliu work lo 
lla prcaont fiiriu la of iiiort'lluiii iinllniiry liiloroat. 
anil poMUMOd uf a well cuiiiilvcd Imlilo arenu, 
Hlilcli ainno given awiiniiico of aiicceiui. Aa might 
be infoireil friiiu ibu llilr, Ihn uiiiai Impotlant 
IMftluii uf Ibo play ban 11. kuiiw In lluriiiali, uiiil 
uiio of tbo lUBuy llorcu uugHiirmcnia wlilcU have 
nccarrcil brlweun llrlil.h wiidli'M niiil ibo liiiriiicio 
1. vividly ri'producrill' ami ncrvi'. u> ilie (iiiiniluilon 

tllMIO WlllcU lllla piDllUCllull I. hullilCll. Ill BOIll'llll 

ln>ulini'nl iliu plcan ilmclinc. illilu ilial H nliaululi ly 
unw, nor an wo liiiMiluccd iiianyobuMctriMaavo 
ibuao wllh wliuin .miliar iilny. have hingiigi) inailo 
u. lainilinr, luii hero Ihcn: la im i-nulliy lo liollllln 
innanilior'a cirurif. noil ilic brlamionKor II. acllun 
laonouf tho airiingi'tii pillariion which ibu .ticecn. 
uf Ibu piudiiullon rt-niii, Fiiiihcrnniri-, 11 iimki lovlnh 
plulurinl Iraiiiing hna lieen pinvlilcil fur II, 
and 111 Hiiinn uf Ib'j h-oiim Ihu ryu In cliiirmi d 
by Iho Iwaiiiy uf thu auitliiK. t-jiiii^cluily u 
Ihlt mm nf Iho fmiini ad, whlrh cinilainii 
m adillilnn nuniu uf iliu iiiuM alnuriilug Miclileuia In 
Ihe play, Nu lutlna h«vo liri'ii i>|iarril ii> tiinku Ilila 
icciiu a niiMi ImiircMivo unc, ami In ciMiiniciiilliiii It 
w« may nay that thu weiiii iiiakor'a art, ilio |iro- 
diicrr'a InviMilluii and llio alagu luannRcrn ilU- 
crluilnailoii are iikmI bHiuinnluimly lilutidrd, or 
llioui uunccrucil lu lla iiiioriiruiallun Uax Figinaii 
u, porhaiw. ihu iiiiu lie.l rmlil' il lu liiinunililii uii'n- 
lion. III. ucllnira. a ru|iri'.ciiiullvo id ibc nlllii'il 
arlaincrallo nui uf Kngllnli .in leiy won ni llmrri loo 
liioadly tinnii lu rurry cuiivleiiun uf Ihi? triiihfnl- 
ni'aa ur tho imrirayiil, bin In uiber rcHiu'ciH lin rmih- 
liilly iiiol all ilomaiiilit iiiadn iiimii liiiii. In .Minnie llii- 
pnullio rulour I'liylil. ile llirllovllliiliinlanwiei ami 
lalenlcd ik'lliieulur, nnd Jniiiu« K Wiiaon, u> l.<irtt 
Avnndolo waa llioninglily nwako 10 all llu' imwlliill- 
llni ruutaliioil III Ihn rliBlauU'r. KiiRcliu Orilliiliili', 
a:< llcninund O'lliirii, wiiu r.lily auliafiiciury. Illn 
lini;(uu wa. irai laiily furKiitli.'0, uuil In nuiiiu i iiih'ii 
liu lin|H.'iuiiHliY m.riud hi. wmk, iliuuuli In iIk' 
no'iiu wllh lli-nrldiii t:iiuiiiiiin. In Hie linhai:i,liu 
rully recialiliHlied liliii.eir In iliu riiuiI gnici'ii or 
Ihe auiliuuce. II. i.'uiiiht rillfi! nod lleiirh'liH i:niM. 
lu.n, un Cii|ilnlu CUimihia ami Kiirnli lUuhin, 11] 
Kpccllvuly, wuru liiilli l Ullllcil In 11 uelii'liiii. iiiii:il 
uf pralMu fur work wlilrli limr eiitiaciuniliuKiynlmuil 
III ninku accuiilnlilu. Tliu luriM id miiiiriiiiiiieinileri, 
whlDli waa nil uiirnliiigly Inrii. "lU', imiMJiiii'd a 
remarkably well ilillled appeuraiicu, nnd by llielr 
lirariy oi-uiKrailun gruaily eiiliiiiccil iliu aiiiiii:l. 
IvoiieiM ur Ihu aliigu pIcliirrH. lawrciicu McUariy, 
lliu aiauu maiiagur, wan viuuiuuiily ileiiuiniliil lu 
rtcogolilun uf Ida u-tculloiil wmk, iiul fnlleil luap- 
licar, In cun.u<|uunr.o or wlikli lliu niidluijuo wu. 
Bivcn iiu U|i|iiinniilly lu v.vptcM iheir gratliiiila 
for bl. I'lfuriu. Tho loai : l.urd Fruduiick Aviimialo, 
Jainua K. Wllnuii; I'upidin i;iiaiiil'<a, II. LiioiierlMillu; 
licnniund li'llileu, Kugunu Uniiumlu; i.'ii|Ualii liaii- 
iir. Max FlRiimn; UarcuaUca.1, liurn llAVlil.uu;Hlr 
Juhn Ikiikuluy, lliiiwcll llunilnii: Uirhuel llanlau, K. lluiHcli; lieiitila O'ltmiku, Wllllum \Vu|. 
Itr.; Ijtrry Tunluu, ilcurito Juiiira; Tim llou- 
buy, K. it. Uulilnn; I'lillce liiri|iccliir, II. J 

Hall; Hergeanl I'eikln., Ilciirr '11 iimun; Her- 

geani Coliiy, llcurgu Unirla; Uur|Hiiiil .Siiililiun, 
Ilawley Kilwnrda; Julinwill, Jiibll lle.ry; Hue- 
lor OulaiMcro, KiiKcuu Uhcniur; Flag lllllcor, 
Juhn lleiiilrlck.; U'Kclly, iliiiirkeui. r ul Rioplrc, 
Willl.iu Ihtvln; rullcciuan. I'lunk .Mui:kay;L'loiii>- 
man, lieu. W, llunilli'in; Numb llunl.n, llonrktia 
CriMiiiiiii; Udr ilury Cilirmd, llrace M.u Uinklii; 
I'liylllH du llellovlllu, Uiniilu liuiircu; ljuly .Veil- 
li.iimiirh, Alice licliuuro; l.iura Suiuuivillu, Mury 
Hurley, F.ihnI Muriuii, .idelaldu Nyo; Criicu Uoril. 
mer, llcluu; Mliu VBlruMi, Kniili lluekwull; 
ik'rvaul at i.'haiidu.> liuii.u, Mary Ailcl.lilu;lfi-rTHiil 
Bl llanliy'a huuau, .Sbiiiiii lloukwcli; Mm. Illggliia 

Maliol llerliuri Tliu cluruulh wo«k id Ihu nca- 

wn of grand u|Hira at tbu Mrniiiiiii.irAN lirKaa 
lIuUHB began uu Jan. 'JT Willi a perriiniiHiico or 
"Manon," on nieiilluncd in our la»t Iihiio. "Car- 
men" waa aunt 'Al, Willi Mine. VbIvc, Hiiio. HaTllle, 
H. LiilMirt and Hlg. Aiiniiu. In tliu principal lulea. 
"TM.Un unil Imldo" waa glvon M, wllh Hiiio. Nor- 
dlca, Mile. Ureiua, Jean do lUtaxko, IMuuard ilii 
lloazke and llurr Kaacblmilill III Ibo eunL "F.l- 
nUd" wan ruoilartd al liy Vlcbir HaiiKl, Mine. 
UavUlu Mine, Hcalclil, Mile. KII/.11, Uda Ikulli, Klg. 
L'ampanarl, Hlg. Crooiunlnl niiil Hlg. Arliiiuiidl. 
"Hellalufelo" waa prtnentnl Willi uncliHugeil canl.t 
iUo|iiiaUnca Feb. I, and u|iuu Uio evening ur tliat 
dale "l«a lluguonou" waa given wlili a now caai, 
which Included Mine. Mario Kiigcl, Hnio. Hcalcbl, 
Moio. Vun JanuacLowaky, SIg. Iluaalioau, Hlg. Ail- 
nundl, Mg. L'uUilnury ami Hlg. Aiicuiia. 

J. II. ItlolililHT wa. Ihuroclpluulur u liivliig • up 
Jan, 'Jf}, on tbo alage of iliu Academy ul Miiali:,aru:r 
tho clonu nf llie iiorfuruuiii.'o »r "Tbo H|Hirlliig 
IhicbeH," Hieciipwagprtacnlod lii hliu 17 Ibu 
tuaoagonientuf tho plajr and thu ineiniieniuf Ihu 
coiapaoy, and coiuuiuiiKfraii'ilttio.laiy-ihlnl aiinl- 
veraory uf Ur, HUiddaii'a ddiui un ibo aUgu. Tbo 
preaenialloi. iipeHcb w.a lir A.M. I'niraer, Ui 
wblcb Mr. Hunldart le.pouiled. Mm. Agiica Ikxilb. 
tkliuedel Ibou prcaenicd blui wllbaauver pllclicr, 
a gin fruni Juaapli Jeiforwin. Tho vulenn actor abui 
received iiiaoy cungratuiuuiry uieaMgua fruiu bla 
felluw piayera fniio veiluu. uai u or the cuuiiiry. 

lluugM'a Kiuiirii AvgHUKUiHtug.- Iiu.Iiioh uin- 
liauealo lie egcelloni liKru.aiid llio attnicUuoa liir- 
Dlabed by Manager Janaer aru uf akind andiiuallly 
caloolated 10 plcaau Iho largo lalnaiato of ilie 
biioae. Thiaweaklberslaaaiiungllatiircurlu hall 
fcaturea, wblcb Include: ir..iiiuiiuiU'a Ibiial Japan- 
e«e Ttuupe, Knieen, waier uiicen; Muklu, nuoilla 
king; BUashurger'a iruuiie 01 duga and iniinkrya, 
atuTwalera, the blluil umii. lo llio incalro Kcet'a 
Cuniedlaiia ore apucnrlug In lliu rurco cuiiiely, 
"Baked Alive," and npeculilcM hio InlriHliiceil by 
Uonia and Mortuu, Hay Wuuih, Ibo Cunnlniliauu 
atul olhera. 

JoUH II- IKlHIH baa aecured Ibe llaluly'lheairo, 
fonnerly llernuHiiii'a, and will reopen liFuii. loan 
a coailDUOua perforiiuiice hdum!. 

TUB Mguaiai* uf "Tim llwil of Haryland"Uu. 
wlli.on Feli.IUi, giro a lall totho iiunlueaa alad ol 
lha llenld griuare Theatre. 

THgRB IB a tiKivemont ii» fiKd, uf whicb (i«orge 
U. MiUi appear. 10 he lbs pnuie iiuirer. fur an elab 
onto prtMOoUun of "Joilua C-.cur" at Ihe Bnad- 
wayTheaire, early in M.rcb. 

A. M. FAi.MBa Inleada 10 pruduco "The Abaent 
Bof " at tbe Oardeu Tbealio alniut Koaler. 

BctiNgw HAN.iiBk UANVKa U. UMNg, u(Ko«ler A 
Blal'B, boa beeu urdered by bbi phyalclao 10 take a 
itat, and will aali fur llerniuda ibU week, for a 
noBlb'a vacalliiD. Will A. Ucdainell will aaaoms 
Mr. Cllne'a dullet during bla at>aence. 

Julia MAHLOWg-TingK and Hubert Ikber will 
piar a two weeka' eugageoient al Falin'r'a 'fliea- 
Ira, conunenclog March a. Tbey were otlglDnlip 
Inuked fur Ibe Herald HtiuireTlicalre, but owing 
lo the Buccea) of "The llMrt uf Maryhin<l" Ibe 
tianafer waa arranged. 



Pebbuary 8. 

CAfflKo.— 'Thn lAdj.SUvcy,"i1cscrll«4 upon llin 
proftnniiiie «h"au optntln coinrdjjn tbrce ACln," 
li4d, nt, Dili In use, on Keii. :i, lui nnt nioiroiwlliun 
prntiicllou. Tbltt work, of ulilcli lUn Ijonk wnx 
ortglDaltf nriiien liy Ocorgo jMiicc,iia<l tlio miiKic 
bj Jnha Uror>k, w^:* (]r»t imrilucdl Bti|it. ■), al 
tho OiKni ll<inf)i), N*'>ittiHiiipton, Koff. ]L km firitt 
prodQCdl lit iblH cnunirjHi ilio lAfayotio Siiuuro 
Opera llnuir, WKvlilD;ilun, Ii. C, on Jau. VT.uiiO 
vcck ph'ir lo Iti pmeiituiliHi licru. ithlliciirM 
Itrnduclluii Ihti ac^iion Uy lUii ('itlno mtniiKcniLLi, 
iiDd f Ivci much promlbo or cuccom. It Iihh itceii 
A inert cm 1 7^ \tj titntKn ^V. l/.-ilcnr, win iiMull- 
ciillj rcnrnic iIhi iKnik, Hnd irliu HiMiirtl iiic pffHiin-- 
iloii. llr. OoAkM liitiplc liHTi Htivi i>i:en (il«-Hnl('ii, 
Hint t i<e« Hfiil very liiPplrlUni; Ptuio liiu irccn Hiip- 
pilvd bj (JuMuve KcriciT. U Dbh nu pda nnd Jimi 
nulUclenl Htor; Ui iioM il loKHIirrr. |i ii-IIriurmi iin- 
ntciinloiiH HitpUsh gciillnnHi), UnJurTitlilvcr.iiriilor 
litn live lUiiiriiimv, r'onror whom ntv liiii*iin iniucr 
nibfl. wlillu iliolinii Ilia vlllliiK Umlerf llu, \rho HN 
HunifA ilic rolD or u Hcrvtini In i(»-hl^t iliu r4iiit)j In 
kf uplnv lip « |i[»ci«trtnrci*. Tm ililii raoiilj hu Aincrl- 
tvin nilllldiiiiln-, Vltima Kwljri. cmnoj n wonlnr, 
null after A II iiin intNlnu up nf nihilrs Uj Kl<i lloiiu}* 
(liw, li mii-lc bull ftliixer, ili<i Aintrrtcrtii cIioom'i for 
hli wife Pbflll*, iiiu (IruilcltiK Unughrvr, vbonj 

ttOllHChOld UCCIIpHllOn Nll^Kf-HlH nil uiiiiaLrilio 

coinedj. Tftocoiiipnny 1:4 Ijrifo ainl well c nclictl, 
ihoaolilnK^ainl rofiininiM AiirAcitvr, iliuhliiK- 
iPK UmlHfaO'iiry.Hhd llioKctluii U Iol-cbhdI ninl 
very brlik'. YirKlnln Karlo, la ilia llHrtrnla, wm vI- 
VHi'loDH 11:11 iilorfhlntr. BiKt wnic nod tUnrcil well. 
HDil wniiBTiDiRthfrriptlld ru(rliiiiK> Utrlu DrfHilcr, 
twilioiniMlc lull nlnKcr, of nn cAndRiTAird lir-iMlu 
UcUwmHi mfi, l:rnu»iii Mil tit licr low t-untnly |Hiwtr 
Intu pUy In n manner^ wlilrli roniriimictl 
Tcrj Irtnielr In llio IninirilUlo snrreiH wlilcli Hin 
work iiDaoui>lcdly won. Sha niily MronOeil tiy 
Hill lUly, mill I liuir whirl wind ilnnre. In Uio ^c^(•llll 
Hi-U wun llic cniwiilUR Hrl (ir lliucxlilllinilPR li>m- 
fiHilery. UluiricH liiniiy round 1I10 p^co h IImIf iim 
npldror lih itiulliod^t, and Henry Nnmmn'riiiMlltli'fi 
wero wmiieil In iliQTuloi>r iliu iinpci-inirous niij-ir. 
t'hatlL'H l>lck«tn whh fHlrir ptHtl-rririnrr n** ili*i 
wraUliy Aiiri'rii:nn, iiul railed to ((wii nil ibo pussl* 
n)lltl04 fif t be r"lti. Ctinrlcn K likti u^vo «n nmnidti? 
fekcKh 'A ft UHM hWj«', i»«ii.''U' C'-'h-^I i<>i"rcn'i*r' 
liluhiK wlieo li>! doitncd vklrlM. An liicltltriitHl 
lUnrp, coultiiiuind hy In Vm\u\ \U\q, wn^ tliu 
nrlisllu foiilnn or thu piTrurniJiiico. Tiio IHilo iiiHi 
H II rerlublo tli(iii:cr, u liosu titn work t<t vriy cvciltt- 
Hlilr, HDil irhMHj 1 niiin cxvctillnn will irunr ilui 
rloflcai Huiiillny. Tiiu lilrycln ilrltiiR In liiu 
net WHH WL'll ittijio mid whh h pI>!hhUik fe^lnro. Tim 
tone or lliu A'lirK l.t iiniieci-fi'urily r^rj«ii, imi ApHii 
rrtHntlllHAIHllllKpllQOr llltH. Ill-J couiHy lH f>r ttio 
Miri ilint u'lll fittritt t iliii puiillc mid h iwnilritlili) run 
rnr Diu piti-ti flvvniH ivrll ntHurtd. It U niily Tiilr 

10 aty llitit It vuniinrc.H ravtiraily hIUi inodur- 
tlnnn of Die Hun H>nl rorcnilj liiiiHirlud In imlk. 

11 WiH tniiftniuit: II iiirriK, OniirlaH huiliy; Wi<llitin 
KMymlon^jkH. Dil); Vinu'Oitt i;vc|yn, CliariM 
Idukfcon; Unjir Tuliver, llcnry Nirnuii; l.'inl 
l.ivendi r, llkmird oulu: Ikcv HI •kt|iiliik>-l, cuitrlcii 
Klrko; AruniUMHnlpc, Mc'inlHit It iriiliuin; Kr-n-ku- 
wiixky, Tdliii uljro<i<4iii; P:i;ln4, Vifi^luLi Kiili>; 
Kiti llom-yild ff, *1 iilu l>rcB.t:cr; Itciiiiicr. MniU da 
t^iiRla: IJ«nd, l>jil>i H Uin>; c.-urc, Jctklo C.ii1Ulc; 
Uaijiirlu, Ualwl Wiillrt'.n ll-»MX'. 

(iiHitirK TnKiTKV.— Tlilrt hmico was 11 accnoof 
much cuibDaUKiii nn Itic cvrnliiKur l-Vli.:t, when 
K. U. niid Jinrpli ll ilUud am^Iu ^iptli'd iirt ivllh 
Mary T.Htncc-'ri adinlihlilo piny, "A Sorliil IIIkIi- 
wayitiAii/* tvlilcli WHH |»L>yriil<'d nptni iliUuri'HHiun 
hy tliiMniiJiitliy (f ilto plnjtr.i in wlHitiiilie rlmr- 
Ht'liT.i ni-rr vr'.K ii-tlly lutrihtrd. ThoKrcal IntcunI 
wlili'li lliMprir<inriui>:u Hiviiktncd iIutIiik lUc rnr* 
nuTiiinlii'r«-wlli iiiiiliiuii'i-dly lio dup'.lmiid diir- 
lii|C lia \ifCii lit fiiifujtMmiii.HH iliir piiliiU'.'rtciirlif.Hliy 

III U-llllfH.H lllbl l||lll|IIU Wlirk bllH Hff yi't HCArrrl/ hi- 

Kun In lio V iH-iud. Tills dolir in w lufioHlicd hy 
iHtliivtlilUfrtK'Vcl 111 U* wny Witx iH-rdiminMu for Iliu 
altvnilHUrr lipiUl llu- t pi ldliK nlMlH ■•rhiRiif I'Nrcl* 
Iimt Hlxo, In »|dlu uf iimnl uufavurulilv c<uii1IiI(HH 
Ur lliiiiir^Kiluir, nnd tliusu imrtoni pi\u uvrry 
iivldciico of iirliix amply rupiilil fur Hiv vl:4U. Ap- 
prcrlailvo or ili>.> lart(i< H'lurd wlilcn IIh pcrrnriiiurH 
l»oarlnlliUhUi-t-oM iT ilili piny, niu Mii<iu*nc'i be* 
fctiiwed upon iiiviii It I'ouimfiiMir.tlu Min'tmiicr up* 
plant>u rnr a'ork wlikli iTrlilniy n'Hvtmd iliu plii> 
ii«clo nf r\ Tllencf. Tim ■tniiii; i>r thu llolbuif^H 
roiild lint I1UM--11 to pn^^fHK a ilvw, nnd Hulr ixir* 
irayalH wura (o fiiMldully dr.twii Hmi tbupynipaiiiy 
ciilldU-d Ity lliciu nl tno Klarl i- inilntird llirun((li<int 
Ilio rnilM |H>rr<iMU:Mii'i'. Nf*r wra* any of 
llio t tlivta li«w iti'M-rvlriK "f pi^lra. Ollvo 
n.ivcr Hbl lliiltia CnjUnhm rouid Ki'in.-tiy 
hd HMri^ikwcil, ninl l/tura Uiu'^llvrH j, a iiiiw 
i-miirr, nude tirr Htiurt hc.'Mu iuui nr f\in>nu* 
liiiircHi. iipiKinil llio r.A^t•. Citniilro J.uriry. 
Jiwrp!) ll(4iiiiid: Ji'nkliiH llanhr. V.. U. llulhiiiii; 
CantliH l>m|«iid, Kilwanl .Mit; (Inr.lnn Key. ihiK" 
iViUiid; l.tTiiitiMinn ll-^iiiHt'ii, Witlliiiu S'l'tilit; (ic.'iiui* 
)lirili:ii. Mwonco IMdUii:rr: Miitmi llnrti-y. 1^ 
Uitloii; Kilnor liuniluii). Minha Crriiitiinn: inichOM 
nr OiKtliiiPMiKli. Mr/. M> KfL' Kaiikln: Um. Uiinvuii 
I'yk, Mm. K.A. i: irrii'; Sjiiora LclU OripilL-n. iiTlvc 
ii'lvui; \hirt\ Ivi Knrgr, l.iur.i Uacgiivmy; Un. 
|i.-uni'. Kihel HjuxImh. 

SiNCJUii'H TiliATHH. -Wlili ilio liiijiroTonicnl lu 
lliCK!iUidnra( f ntiiaclliiim pn Hriiltd atlhi:* Iiouho 
a ("ormiM'nillnK iipaurd ti'iulcnry li> Iniirliirss I4 
)iiiili-OitiU\ imdprii'liii'iUiiHor ilm iiraiid now helug 
pi-nvldcd [Uiy ufilyl d pr>*dlclrd to luMiro a |)0- 
nniilary h irvcM. '-Tlu* KhIhI (.'hM,'* iTio idll ror iho 
week wl-lcliiu'ir-in fVlt. ;:. w i« pirctcdon that dAio 
liy auiUriicvn u Plrli raiinMlibo in niltntf iliv tmim-. 
*l1t(t p-irfitraaiio ( Iihh chuuKid nnly Iu iliou^stvu 
iiliMittir li4 tlianiL'tviH uliui' I tH'.ttci-n liou'. and ml 
lliurenlunK or llio play wlilcli oullcd rorlb praUo 
rmiu rohllrni" i>r nihor pitiin i.r innn wcrr 
iMlUaly wfil rii'itvrd liy iiic patMin of iiit« 
hiM't't. TI10 OHHi la lull U: (li*raM Auaicn, (Iforjo 
AilNou; Ctireo l'\tm'i-tpr, Klnin llnp; JIui IMxun, 
Henry llrmiuu; lUrry liuricMi, ^\^u^^ Mi>lt«c: 
'l\>rri:iiro 0' I'lynii, Jii^i'p^ lircnnau: A. K- Annien, 
(llira sniitr; llairy t'urdi>. 11. A Mxn^j :Siilkv Hinlih, 
ciiR*. llrvi'iir; Illr4m Wn kiur, J.tiiiiM Olj; Cytun 
\Vair<>id. Jikiiioi ki-iirn' ^ : li:iu*li \Vlniil;i.iii. tllmrtiu 
Ctlnin: Itiilly Jnrk, I'. Ii. I.iiiIiIit; Kid WMIIaiii'', 
'nionw* * I -uoTi ; Iiitr Tmn. lUrry llrtiiinr: IVrrvm, 
JiilliM lUflton; Tbonia.-iin, Ulclinnl Pilv; Mti^Mivi 
MfiiraUit, ItU Cuiiipuqii; Unn-LMr^ Annviiiiu IMa- 
roller ; CoL-Mo All^ltm, M iy K. Wmitl; lvn('l«)to 
Aiialfiu Abl'a lloi|ii»: Kalo. Ki-liMitHTi>it; rrvtii' 
K-lllli AilinliiniiF; MaM In MirT.OtU>'aliimFr, Ji'MnIi 
Hinuu- 'M'lurli'y'ii Aunt" Im autuumucd to fidlnw. 

'ntHV rA:iiim*rt TilKATaK— DlmiirvvHV'lo wmlbcr 
Rpcmrt lu litvo III) ti«rr«tn for devniLVHuf llio con* 
ilnunii«, in llilM hmiHO wan agAla pafkcd lo llio 
HiKUdlinr WMtt Until ou Mniid:iy, Kui*. :i. Ity an nndt* 
vnvv widcli M'oiiHtil In ilnd a vaHi ainniinl ul hiudiO 
iticnt In thrldll wUlrIt warillirn pnitrnu-tl, uii iLal 
day tlid iblnt wcrk nf ilionrn- di>ptriurc wa^ imu 

Piiminl, iiHl Ilto nliiuulanrr pntvrd IIihI U iiiaL'iT 
AHior'it n*»f li'Diap lian rally fnilHii luin rvntiinlilnn 
aa a iioi- uiiiiphiK vaiiduvillo n'«>ri, audita iiuw 
IvilMntt lit\i> jit-itv n la IkjhI hi. w rx^Hi'iMi vlio in 
di>H «i!nii4i rnuhil Ihtir wt>< klv Klllll^i lili'lit III lllO 
cxri'llcnt Mlla In* itinliiiaitutd, aini iliry ni-i; *-ipKily 
f-iniinHiH In havlinr prt'i*riiiod for tiirtr ciilUra- 
ilim rhicilHlniuintH art llinimigtil.v wnrtdy hh 
nf jom. Fitr Iliu vurrvnt dayrt ilio pnitftaiiinai 
raU-i for llio nfrvlci-H i>r We. irAlii>a4. 
P'ai6 Hplnncr and wln> waUcr: Kriil nnd 
Krviu'li, In a t'onii><lv Hkotoii: Nlli*. V iliMi-a, nn llio 
irjpMf: i?liarloiiit Itav. Ha ' II10 Novt WnioAii;" 
Alllti. TaUli. lui inn SpAtili>k rhi|(f>; Jiw. F. Camp- 
itoll and M<t)rMlt^ Kvaud, in a i-nuirdyhlrtrh; WW 
SHtrll4,ln twiij'i wtU** and vlolni linliMitiMi<-; ilo 
V.ddHn'a.i*lpVri Idt'yrll-ii).; l>plii)n-lllHiid iMI«iMitilit, 
mn-ili-laiit; llynrl Jiillokl. a aatM v<>ir*><i I'.iiiirHnn; 
Mik>. ItPriiiH.niniiiriiniiUt: thrS-l'*nii'l'ili>.ii>iiifily 
HkRit'ti; iVarl Aiidn^wa, inluili* : Kltiy MUt'licll. alnt 
It niikhiy Hpr^ai Hunvia* horn wiui hrrrlOTrr Hlmr* 
liiV ii|K't;ifili> ; IhiKlii'v iMiiirhuriy, John li'AiinNii' 
imtnnl Hiiliit-tli', mill ilio oviT woii'oino pu'dviu'f nr 
Tout I'atJiHln Ida i'ii<i1uuMry tfOtKl mnDd nr comic 


UKANi>i>rf:HA llnf^R - TlipCAnlrk Uinlif cpictV , 
In •■Tlirliuy." ItcRMn a work'A riimificnirnt bcto 
nUlil i>r Fell. :i. wlih an ntiilldiicu of Riaid hImIii 
Hiirndiiirv, Ttia imtli'tti|iio Ik wril nti'l ravuraiiiy 
kitowii ii« onr ItH'al tlifatro0i>or^ Iml, Kilii whh 
|(H flri^t |r«Hliu-ilnn In a Writ nidi* ilioain*. /.Hum 
UiWUi):i Jdiird llio roinpAoy 1, Ttio i>|t<'- 

rliUira lii llio no-'unrl ml W(*ri> i'ii|mh*UIIv aill 
n>ctlTi-i1. Tiie ra^l: Hiwyld'il, Sn). Aifcrn; J<Kki), 
l^iiilK MVHify: l.iiiu* Willie. Anirlla Mi)iii<: 0«ia 
inrl?!. J. II. ItolMin: PuiliT tH-olcli. Mark Mur- 
piy; Ur. l-4tritint. C. K ColitnMi; ljii<iiilii:« Ui*K.«d* 
ti(ii,lir»rk VuiptiT; Ur. Kiaw, Willis l>..*<wojtluain: 
Ihp /Jill, y.-lnia lUwiitUtn; itio IhHlo.UiTiriidi* Mnr* 
iH>:llra. Mt-Krtddin. Jui.nio llfyimUK Nu. I'ltti- 
M<-li, Kitjth llnira>; Tnillli>, a la Spiitludll, (Vile 
ivriliis. K\>i'iitlvi>Ni;tir: Juhn r.flwMim.iiirtsinr; 
J. W. siiimui, i>tinlni-Ki iiianaBcr: tihatU^ Mnrk'*. 
ii*pr»M'itititlvf : W. T. Kmm'K iinulral dlrri-mr; 
l/iiiu vvi-Mfy. mate mapavcr: 8. H. Wnuiwok. ac- 
aiHiHiit i*ii|iv ouuager. Ncii vrcck, "Tbo Qaj 

PKii'i.r'i TiiKATHr.-Sldney ILKillvplcliirwiiue 
drama, '-linnnle Hiroiland,*' a n-hllhilr proilucilon 
or a ptrltMl In ilioblMoryot ilieluudor tkebme 
andlbclt|li,wti«n the »cpArilc clanawcrclncon. 
Mflnt Blrl^e, wan prcACiilrd hcrp, toa goo<l liouw, 
Koh. n. Mr. KIIN liflR hfflfCfd Ihu play very 
cITictlvfly, llio i:i}RtniiiP.i admltiliizor tiirrodiiclns 
rlcli colon in iiianyniirAcilvciatflcauk. ''(lonolo 
Bcoll»nd."wbl(,*liwna rnllyrevlrwnl on ihOrtcru- 
li'ttn rif irn Oral Nuw V'lrk prndiicilmi In a r^criit 
btKDO idTiiicCMrriiH. whb pu'^fDicil l»r Kmnk Un- 
tier, (lenrru KHM, (Knriru A. I). JohnHon, Julia 
II. I'Miniajin. lloraro l/iuir, J. h. A-Mon, 
ltoi«rt V. Fcrifiifon. ll»Miry Tboinpaon. Iinyco 
AHun, J. K. lli)i>nriii, William O'lin^nm. Mima 
MeiiUHn. UmiIku IIIhI. 4;iul!tiln Mnrl.ciiannd VIr.lcl 
i;i"ck,wrw capHiily IntcrpifiiPd ir.olr rcfpocilve 
iftlM. Thfl Illcld4iid (Jimrifl (S. r: Tmey, AsUlon 
XIrlinlH. J. A. WnlPruitdt and J w. Si|ulref)r.D- 
iloffd Hr.fAch iik I<n1Ip<( ami rot'pti: dRiI tn nevcr-l en- 
corrf, SfX*- wvfk. Sii'Vfl linHllH, In "On ilio It^iw- 
try.'* Uitoatrcr A. II. blicldnn m 111 tiav h\? iiTinmd 
i«iH-ni m MiiH )i'iti<iu on Sunday evening, Ml. '^'1. 
Ur. hdetdiin. nn w*ll t*P A. ir.Miflitnn Jr.Hiui a bU 
lIsKir iiipalar peifiirnn-rd, iirc hilled loappear. 

I>iNimN TiiEATHK — llatrr MorrU' KilcrlHlnPrii 
ar«plrtjiDf(n rotuni duin ibH week, wlih n luially 
dlircrcni makeup rrum Hint prrnenud atihelrflrtt 
cngtftpuirnt Ibis MRXon. Smhli and C^ok, ibo 
former panncmor IToprlclor Jaiiich F.Wooii,ftie 
no lonncr cnnnprtcd wlib llio onianl/Allon, owlug 
In unprorMKlnnal coodnctun Ihclr pari, Ur. Wood 
Klafcn. An CTcellfnr procniTPmc In prorltlcd hy ttio 
nrw comrtiny. HIIIt and May lUn'4on, In Ittelr 
ndlcr f<kMilntr pniinrlnKniid carrylnR nri.oprncri 
ihOBhnwwIlb unod r'^wdt^. Mariln O'.Vcll, Irlati 
r.nrncdlati, pnivcd an rirrcMro pniertalnpr ; l.i|i:U:r 
and (Ircvo prrAentcd musical cnmlrallllm and ID* 
inidiinvl Hniiin novel InHlninH-iiti nnd duvlrea 
kfclirlde and (ionlnn, IrlHh conirdtanF, provldM a 
pleaainL i|iiHrieror nil litiur, nnd were fnlltiwed by 
IIh* Wofxl Ktt-tcn*. JiillA and "Jack," llio popu- 
lar ^IniilPK dun. whof^o duciH weru rf[teal* 
cdly fncorcd. IM«fn ami llo»icrid. cmnfrtj 
■rrolma, In tew in>ikoiip<( and cx'^rrdlnirlj 
runny Inidnpw. ml^md mnrli l:tni!)ilvr. Tliompmi) 
and i'il'iiBi imnaiiad iHipirnrwniu*. ami n-crr^upln 
i>atn. TItr llnilliuni Iti^^l. cniioijiini or ikcldcil 
nblllly, WITH n>wanlnl fur lliHr work, nioat or |i 
iiolnv nfor 10 ibn audlcurr. Travrlii*. Hiindnwl<ti, 
nfrniinaiifcr ar.d iuiihIit or nilirr jiprrUrirti. t-on- 
clinled ihe oil > wph UU ant. "i:(t'>rii>|iii)."u llvi ly 
ari(-TMlrc«, wlili'li nii|iln;cd llirry Tlmntpxnn, Mar- 
iln O.NVIl, hVd 1/11 l>-r and Jiilla Wond. rnnrludtd 
ilio pprromiancc. Jpiinrn i'. Wmul and lUtry Crovo 
aro Ibn propMulnrf, r>-to (UvAiiaucli niTPiit, and 
l-'red I.iirtor rihito iimtiagt r. Next week, Kuanell 

PHixnia'a Tiii:ATH''.-TliO propraninicpr-jwitlcd 
Fell. :i3iiil week eunialucd many Inlere^ilnic iiuiu> 
livri. ItoniileTlinrnton, ihP lllili! niiM-ot, >r*.n'4R 
under A lone cnsncempnt 10 UrtU»:Kii^ r.o.:ior, ni- 
Itcarcd itDd round licr-clf nniniiti li lciHl.o, wbot'avc 
licraliearly rotcptiun. Tbo Aidioit Twin MaleiH 
nndu ilit-ii' tlrt>l nppinmneu at iliH iliealre and 
diip'IrHtcd iliclraucccHitnil'foclorMtipiitwn boufc. 
Till* K(iiir.S(;tinHltffi. acrobats, wnii nim-li favor ly 
Ibelr rkvor pfrforiiiiini;*. TIip CuKhf-Cnoctft 
dimclnir hear appeared ai tmili of Ur. PriHJnr'H 
li(iii»CH, nnd made u Hiir.-ea-i. DiiUy Mjycr nnd Ik r 
pUkaninn 01 went Wfll receli'ed, nnd iho |}nt)> 
MiKjt, one lrpir>;d uIowni>. conliiiucd in lie ravnr- 
1109. hti Ainlnrw. In rlMra<:ii r cbiinRrH, and Ml!p. 
FrdUlly.Acrni'iiMc duiircr, wi-ro aUnpnpiiiiirlinM- 
uvrni. (NliiTMun t1:o bill wire: (lua llnnio. tltalei-t 
I'onicdiiiii; Ualiewii iiirl IhilifiT. p inidhii*; lUtnra 
and ppiiini!(il, lu ibttir akeicti, "TnuOnly PivollbHiui 
tiinn;*' Ibu Vldiici|H. ronicdv dun; I.TdU l>:eanm. 
voiilrlhii|iilRl; CHrndl and llludH, Miickrai-n roni- 
ciIIhiii': (3am Uuckwllli,Hwlminot; Uonrocand Uth 
roisT, roiiioillanii: Ih^riaiiN and Ar'-liir. iuuhU-«I 
rompillnrit: Jfi-idn l.lvlnttbtnne-Fn.v, Hvrin ounir 
pliii!er, HJid Ibn liownlrH, nenibiia, all or wbuiii 
beljied In make up an enjoyab'o cntcrUlonienr, 

pKO.TOK'tt l*i.ici8i'rfR I'Ai.ACK.— .Vnoihrr excellent 
Idllwaa prrHi-ntvd al ILU lioiiic Feb. :> and week, 
auil drow k*hjiI attemlaiico at llio 0|i?iiliiK per 
rnrniaflctK. Tlio UcugAlM, tno midget eumedlaos 
aiil HlDt;^r«, tnado ibelr Auictlcnn dubnlAnd Hcond 
a Hiirrem. Tlio Utito rellowH proved tliomv-lvre 
I ipinliy RH rluvrr hi etitiululnlriK an tliilr lil^ 
iiiulbcr prnrfiuliinAK nnd won nnk-b npplauM) for 
thdrctrirtH. Tne I'liuiir-Plnaud inmpc nr panin- 
iiiinilHrH mailo ilioir llr>l Hp|>eiiraiiro hi llila iwinf 
and <<]«iali)l'i1toil iNmuativt'H iiHravorlliM. tlila/ulla 
and l.ulii, nil Ibo aerial ualile, cnttred lltclr ucnnd 
wpfk pthiin rnvnrlieD, and llio llht:k r.iill (.'fl>'le'- 
rcila JotiPi'i rnnUiiiiod In pteaac wl'b biT exrctlcnt 
nloHliiir. Mi)n!t.anil Mmo. Hiuel-Klvloro. durlilAt'*, 
t-aniii for tlio nrKt ihtin tn iuih 1ioii*o. and won 
liLnriy appltuiw rur ibi-lr i-lev«>r wnrk. Joim \V, 
It^iiMrfio, n^ibo "Itnloruf New Ynrk," t-ODtlnucdiD 
rarnr, iiu-l t;bailra LIMlon, Nironv tiiiii, waa wp)1 rr* 
r-.-tveil. Tliu Omebe CikiuIiu ibincliix I Kur proved 
10 bu tiniv<iiiu«iii)i feature, ninl Aloii/.<i llaicfi, wlili 
bh MfiDiidleon \li>wii nnd l<Atlii>lK, wan tiiicrtabi* 
Inn. o.honi on Ihu idil wore: ik'o. l^kbari and 
biHirrtii.cdelcpbnnt.4(tironly third week): tlio Ulm< 
bi Fitiir, In it buili*yi|uu on '-Tr1lliy:'> Ibo Four 
Mn>uTV, at:rolairi (iirtli weei): C. W. l.liilelletd, 
nilnilc; Cunindo tlHiiKlloUl, cnuKibCDnc; Uailbows 
and Uiilitcr, pHr.iiliM*; t'.ie l.i>rroiiii. bnrlP(>ipio ni!- 
enmiancvr^ and Lllll-ui Aektruian, In kojfta and 

KusriiB A r.:Ai.'ri— I.Hst wcek'd Mil wan relnlticd 
Ity I he ni*»n((i*iiu>iti of iliU pupiilar mor: d r week 
of Feb. ;i. Mirtho Uiriliy, i:banieu.He coiubpie, 
bvfinii bcr mcoid werk n p:>tHilar f.ivorlio. .Slic 
rciiderrd aoiiio new nonpri and \vim newiidintrcrii 
hy lirr elcvtr wnrk. The Mario DinitiAin Trli>, lit 
Iho'r iiiM^ir irlplu bi>rl7.'>ntal b»i* aci, I'C^aii iiielr 
i«lNlb ami Uh: w^ck, ii:id w^ro HHcor.ll.illy r^e.Ued 
n* ii|>on (bclr oiii>nliiir nlRhi. FiMf. WiHiiiwHrd and 
liUiralnrdHOiil'i and itea llona eulfr.'d hUwvenlb 
.tnd lAsl wci-k. MoiiH. \.\ Ibmlio (idlrd woeK) cod- 
llnuod loiuyiiilf.r Ida andleiuo by bU hptrala^cen' 
hlmi liidde of a cluin-. I'.inl Clmin.'vaill, king 
tif Jugfllrr.4. Ilctian ld'« lUlli wnrk n prn- 
notinceil favorlic. Tiin IViil Uarlhtrtd Tn^npe 
(■ci'venlh iTcrk) continued iMpt>«K'bi Ihtlrpntio- 
iiilii.i*, pniliTil "A Tiirrtulo Nlicni." Tlu- CniRU 
Kindly (T ni'r\ibilH i»pk.ui tlirlr rvviMiHi week {vtpti 
bit b'lTdnvriit: llnwl Itciidil. Inin?tfdnii:ill()iidam-ci 
U»urili wocH- and Uoti)'. llernUo, niiiilral niliiilc 
i^vfnib werh). wiTiM'iiniliiued In r^vor. Tlio r>n* 
loilaliiiiieiil I'niu'bided a*lib tbo llvlns pir.tnici'. 
I'Aid Mitp|neiil'H|trtiilninlntif ptn<1ui-ilMii or •■llolvrl 
Miu'hIiV liiHiinounerd for Fv">. IT. and l<idu FuHor, 
III lii-r new ttriiHtluiUnl t^ance^t. In iihdrr.lni'd *J4 
UiNKR'H imuRHV Tnk'ATKK.— Sam l>evcrp, vrlib 
bl!i liai>]->. bU Mtiiga nnd bin exrellenl cnmpaiiy, 
drew a blp lioti^o 011 llniidny, Feb. ^. t\tr ibU, 
llio!rtM.Yond ent;4geiurni at ilda linnto ihia scawin, 
Hrvcralncw hi-ih liavo Ukpp iho place of former 
iHiert.vrlHi prall'\liii[ reitnli.-*. IVIee and Strip, 
eoiiieiliHii?i; ilio li.Hiovdii'*, lu tin ir runiiy ivnnlioA 
nnd Miiile«, lltni of llio iii<)c Halil Mill n inaliilnir 
tiHiKl eifi-i-ilvu; Fiynn nnd W:iiker. In ilu-lr UtJuU:iiiU- 
nc>, "llci'iitliiT liuHhaud;'' W:iid ami Ciirnin, "riM* 
'I'lfn c.ipi>eiv<" whiiiu niiDp4 aud cnmedy wurk 
niHko lip a luoil ciijnyablo Hi:t, ninl Oniene. 
the t>il(lilal liiuaelo dAiieer, who waa oneond 
again aud again, wire old rnvontci. Tbo 
laiw Fraiuiea on Uio prrgraniiii(t weru Anna 
Wlliniiilh. a I'ipiblu H:iiRer: Itmr and Kent 
In tlitlr ueinliaiie, alack wiru and coniedy aer, ami 
C»uwell and Swan, nu(<Hii daui'oi^ w|i<i ibuilletl 
lit prerylHtdy'ii HMltiaiiilon. Mr. b verp'ii aoiiRa 
mid p«md 0^ (utiti.d'K'ii tbo iimiihI Ainoitnt nr glng**r, 
Hiid tio o-iH>udiil 10 ninneruua eni-nrcn. lie la well 
MiUilvd wiih ibU.ouAtf>n'riltii4|iu*>s, nor having bad 
niio IMnir wi>i k Rl'ieu liH oponluK, hi) Infonim UA. 
F.'iWMTil llvnt:*. Iia4 nern biaialled an slago nun- get. 
No.M wf«<k, Villi Mubi iiwlH. 

AUHHu-tN N:( KKUHiKuN.^siii'ivM aecuii to at- 
trnditivreitpcniiigor ihiti ivioiri, whidi haavhaiiBtd 
in iiim; iH'nrili'Ui way* iiie nu-tboiiii fnnnrriT riii- 
p:oyc(t In e nilueilnK ibo ImiKO. Tbo low'pilec 
ihargfd rnradiuiAfloii. and II being p adido tonlv- 
iHiu iHMtri fur ino uxetrbriii itiHjio iM-rforniam'ei 
given InUiP iliralic at a tower r4tolnau rttniirriy, 
uuyatvnuut mr ilip IncrM^r'd luirnnagp. Inibe 
anuiKMMent IihIIi Ihli week tbo exblblia cnniilM id 
Frank Knt^rn AumrAllrtn Il>h4urr4ng Tbrttwcra, 
/intuH, Ihe Mlllgalur ipieen; t^pl. lie i^oniHy, Iav 
iiHKd maii; /iiih-ro, |ii>iilo Inip.and ruuidi Uruifiw, 
Uauj ivw aoill b>iiH huvi) bren nude In Ibo Her- 
riiauiHTitlr. TiipMubc people an-: iamHlrwln, 
Jiidgo ntHi Wd-ltnii, Addle Anii>or, Ibio atid 
lir^ ppbr, J 1110 May, ll«rry 8chricr, FUber and No. 
Un, and tbo Smiiiia, 

IkiiKt^H't) Kiinirn avrni r Thiatrc.— Waro'A niy 
Chi't 0«>. liiaimurautl a wepK'a ongageoicnt bure 
iiiiibi i f Ke-'. .1. \vUhHiiaiidiei:(-iMd rxi-tliciiipr\tp^>r 
II iiMlnaiipndnnre, Tnlnlaa nMunMUItfrrlbc Ci>in- 
|irtii.T. Tlietrpievinniriictgeinpnt vARpnMurilvp iif 
very Urgn iiii^nrit^. ainl inerrn Ip'i rur ihh mcrk 
wli:, nil diiiilil. la.* eniii>4| nndluKly laigp. Tlio com- 

CAwy liinaile niiol exa>lieut iMaieiUUUoibiii bur* 
Ptpii^RUil r|iri-irtPb'^. and iho nudleneo >h^iiui|lily 
enjoynl ihpviiivruiiilng prugraiiiute. Ktii wet,k, 
HauilXVtiiv'aUwa Cu. 

a couedT 
Iheir bjl- 

Kinri-s UNION Si|1'ABE TiilATBE—Wlth Joliii 
Uawn and Marlon M-inola preMoUog Ibelr neat 
r4»med;. "Crlo Crow:" llarry La i^ott ao\ng b^ 
grotrtino6fflr«act.Blr JJtiD UawoliM mirioDaiuw 
oD dMpiay, the VMM BUttrn giving tliolr wonder- 
ful actio midair, Jai. Ten Byckand Fr«l IW^i 
KlvliiR PXlilOliloDSOf akllled oarinnoflhlp. Morion 
nnd ftfack danciugand playing ibe bagplpca, Ua 
TroU FrcrcB Maihlaii, la Uielr conioiiion and ncro- 
bailc acl: lieolly and ■ t'AiD«ron» In ihclr musical 
AfiiCbowByandUtand, lo ihfir novel HpeclaUy; 

tbo ijnaher City (Jinrtct, ■'"ton,"'"*!. iiflSnyM 
Carlbiy, clever parody Hogtra; iho Three Wi jhl 
Hlalem. Id neat dancing and good »lnflnj. 
jr»o llardinno, a very aniu^lpif 
Ihi; Howard and Bt. Clair, a 
jiVeicb: Ihe Bankcy Il^olllcr^ In, 7- - 
anchig Hpeclaliy. and KJdlo Kmd*. awlnglng cliiiw. 
abaciiicea will rrudlly M'P«elato I ic amonnl of 
ifcnuloe nmn4cment me current bin or\anoiyai-*. Od Monday, Feb. a. iho •landing room waa, 
u naQAl, farly e.\hnu5ied, and many of ibo laie 
cnmcnwero unable to )r*in a Tanugo pplnt from 
whhh Iho aiago could bo teen. M ibe Hal of eole r- 
lainenwlll plainly ahow. the (laaliij ol theamuw- 
ment n» drat cln-a. and ihn ijuanilly waa of llia 
iiRnallr goncroui conilnoous p'rtnnniineo sort. 
Next week bringa aootber big bill, headed by Ur. 
nnd Mrs. Bklney Drew. 

IlAuukHFrkiN'H Oi.v>ii'iA.-T/ifr:/rr'-"F.xccWor 
Jr." conllnueii lo draw good alzcd audleDCca to ibia 
home. Tlie merry burlesque began on Fib. 3 Ha 
clcwnili week. Yvette Vloleilo In ell l a airong 
nitiacilun In ber Imllatlons of Vrciie Giillbert, and 
noiT featiireB are odded each week. M'litfe 
Tlioblllprcaentedaondweek contained two ncw- 
comeif.eachof whom was given a hearty reccp. 
lluu. MoLii. iniuM. minilc, made bin flrst appear- 
aneo In Ihle cliy, nod gave clever Imitations of 
nnltnnbi and loairumcntii. Ills work waa excellooi, 
puiilcnlarly lilalmliailooaof aoioeon ibo trombone 
nnd rorooi, lotb of wlilcb found favor wltb nw 
aiiillonco. lie al'o rendered a numlwr made up of 
the odea of nirlnua ammtbi and tbo sounds of 
varloud Inmnirnenla. H wah well rendered, and won 
iniicbapplaiiBe. Mile. Jme May made herflr^lap- 
pearancH on iho vaudeville aiage la ibis couniry, 
i:lvln(tenne'*and liiillaili)0«,ai)d Mcmcd logWo liie 
iiiniosi«Ailrriicilon. Mile. May waanrevlonsly only 
knnnnto us as a prtntumlmlsf, ani herdcDHrluro 
rnun IhnI calllOK created nomo ciiilnf-by. Mie bas 
but IllUe voice. Inn urps what i>bo b&<« ratliererr^c- 
tlvfly. Slio wio;.' rour nnnga, ibreo or wblrh were 
In l-'iench. Tlie fnnrib waa l;i KnpIWi, eolMlfd 
" Tiic (iay Toiii-TIi," and lu ilib* hBc wua pioiwidy 
aeeii nt lirr ItCAi. gUlug ou Inilritllon nf l4:iiT 

I, lnd*d rendlilou of ilto Bonff. Her peif-imiAnie 
closed Willi bnriej=ipio linliallons uf Sarah llern- 
b:irilL Carl llrrr/,. ina«lcUn. KMlftbtd by Ullc. 
liMlion, ibird week, pmunted a new I lii.doD. 
rnlltlNl "Viinliy F.ilf." oiliei* on ibo bill were: 
Tbo Five Jet', niuslcrtl paiiioraloiNii, ibhd week; 
l-'.iiiiiy Wuntwotili. innno^MgiiUt. iblnl week: Mr- 
glDltt Aragoii, ihlnl week; ti»e Ktiioi'<i. blcyelldtf, 
ercond wcek.SAdl A'rar:ini,eiiu'.llbili;. third week; 
Ihu 1/aniy Troupe. aerl:diHta, ukivcidb week; tbn 
SaroiuR<i, in a muRlcal acl, aeeoiul week, and V. 
Canror Wait. In cliararrer eb»ngei<. tblnl week, all 
id wliuni wen> coDlbuu-d In favor. Tnotentb Scbeel 
sundiyronccrt waa given i. Madef*. I'.r4(:kinan 
and Joflcpblno 'riiniL-r were tlieklngen*, Herbert L. 
Clrtrko rendered a anio on tbo cornet, and Fanny 
Wcriiwortb iravo her nionologun peformance. 
"Margucrlto," o.tnir llaiiiuierHielu'ri apeclacnUr 
open. U niinAiinc.?d for iifxl werk. 

llo^T'-< TiiitiTHK -"A ll a-ik Sheep*' bcjran on 
Kdii. 3 Ibe nrih week of iia run. U Is druwhii 
crowded Imi a.^fi idgbily. 

l.vcKUM TUK*TRK. -"rhn mDcrd of llio lK)Ubl" 
enicitd on Feb. :> U|>on the tifib and llnal week of 
lualiv. I*, nlll bo bdluwed 10 by a revival of ■*Ttio 
I'llrtoiier of /.emla," wblch ucbleved ancli algnal 
Hiicctfani ibiA hoiiite early Iq the Maaon. 

Oaedsn TiiBATKB.-*'Ojlinnile Kdddcn" U hiving 
a pruiliAlilo atay at ibis bouse, where, un Feb. 3, It 
berHQ ttioroiiTlh week oflt-i engagement. 

KurfHB TnBATHE.~'-A Womau'd lUoson'* liegan 
on Feb. .1 iliotocoud woekof lis run. Ills a potir 
aubHlliutc for iho pUy which ImuiedUtely preceded 

II, but. as U cooialus cooalderoiile eniertalolng 
coniedy, It will probably, for a sbort time, pnvd 
more piuUlaMo than Mr. J.inea' atrtoiiR work. 

lliaAiJ) SvUAHB TuEATHK.— *Tlio llfuriof Mary 
land" Iwganun Feb..i ibeslxuoaib week of II mm, 
liiiiiy JiHtlyeUlin 10 bconeof tbc moBtcob.iplcn- 
niia Mieecrii^ of ilio pris^nl Heasou. for even now 
Ihe buuse U alisolnlely dllcd oUhtry. A «i)cclal 
Konvciilr nlglii Iirk iieeii noiiouDrrd r>»r I'J. 

Hhoapwav TiiRATftB.— "All AtllAt'ri Model" eo 
t^-TOd n|H)ti Ibo (ovenib andilintl wei-k or Its May 
Fob. 3. II Muied llio piilillc bi^io Icsi ilinn sume or 
i NpredereFivr:! In Ihe Ktiiie line, and baitiiieiwlUi 
only mnderaio »iucco&ft. The UosiODbiiis begtii an 
enK:ii.'em-ni lU. 

ACiDEUV UF Mi'SK'.— "Tlie Sporiing Dncbess' 
e.oiulnueaiohold fonb aitblaboii-c, to t;ood attend* 
ancc. It began Feb. :i lin tweoiy-dairtb week. 

Avrhii'anTubatur.— "Uiirmab*' beganlia second 
wrek Feb. 3. 

STiNUAku TOBATDB.— "Tho Slmnge Advenlores 
of UlRH llrown" couiluuoa at itiU buiuc. It entered 
Fob. 3 npfiii lis lenib and last week. 

Pai.mkh'h Tiiratkk.— John Drew eob'red od Feb, 
:i upon tne dftb mid dual week of bin ainy. Ills new 
plAy, *'rho S(|ulro of lumes."ba8 proven a aplendid 
MicceH5, and bo could couiIquo to presootUbero 
for many wecke to exccUoui buiioo^ii. tiut, unfor* 
iiinRiely, bis own eugngomootR and ihojo of tbe 
httuio compel bta dcparlure. Ool'ncoday. U, Rtl- 
ward Yrooui Tvlll i>egln an cnf:ssenieatluUk)ppeo'^ 
iiincb bCKldcd "For the Crown." 

Firm AviNUE TdKanR— W'Qi. 11. Cranejnhls 
now plaj, "Tbo Unvernnruf Keulucky," began on 
Fti* .:i Ibo iblrd week (T bIseoKageuionu Tuopby 
hsR been very favorably received. 

FuUltTUIKTII MTIItkT TiiRATHR.-CbRuncey Olcoit 
iteffsii Full. 3 bis third week, couilQulng "Uavour- 
ncup." Tbo play oeema to rebila its iiopuUrlty. 

StahTiibatmb.— Joseph Murphy began Feb. 3 hUf 
aecood and last week, preseutlng '-Kerry dow.'' 
<) >od buslneart ruled last week. Next Ttcek, "Tbo 
Wiuof Wealib." 

MkTRnniijTAN OvKHA llur^K.— Tlio iwelfihweek 
and but furiuljibi nf tbo neasiiii tif grand oitora 
ivinn Feb. a. when •'i^tuuien'' was presNited, wbh 
Uiiip. Citlve,Miiio. UeliMi,Jcsu do UeizkeaudBdoU' 
ani lie llrazke lu tbeea%u 

ABiiKVfi TiiBATUK— Sarah Demhardt bpgan Ibe 
Iblrti week of ber cngugonieui Feb. 3, wlili "J/eyF' 
aiTHlii tn tbo Tore. 

r.cMO/.'rt "1 iiK Pavnatiox OK Fii\?T" wMTJOderrd 
o* tbo MetropjII an iipora ll«>ua« :itinday ovenlnt; 
Fjb. '2, 

tli-niK's Pii.ACR Mi>Rru -Srekets after iho 
euttuuawMldnda vanrd lia^ of sniijootsror their 
menial dlgcsibm in iho bill Uaiiager Andenon has 
anangrd for ihe curreiii lUjs. Tbo chler factor In 
triOuinbilbMtrairaugoiticiii h Ibe work or a Gni'co* 
lloutan hair-DPlAon wrvsillUK Ibm. who UkeH two 
fall! to bia iraliior^jinnu al each ptrrurnmnco. Utber 
fRCinnIa co:np'ililon are: KIIIIjwco, au armleas 
andlctileiMUuionnDatc; IMnii mix. wbudlneaou 
nwadrt and olber tHiarp lustTumonia; bouib Sea 
Ideod Joe and wife; a airnng man who ban chosen 
llcmiau aahU tr.ido mark; nlack HUmnod, a man 
will a veiy spacloua munib; Ulle. Yalieita, a 
wbUtlcr, and a naister bantt. Tbu siago per- 
fitruiaiicos hourly nnpage Ibe pir<nsor IJ^uile Wec- 
inii, Keuiicdy and Ktuwari, rn<r. Walbtvv, Mile. 
l\>inpee. Frank ).<i Mar. ilio .sutors Manton, Wntt* 
iiian and Davis, and IKrava'a kl«il»neiie:t. O ) Hod* 
ibiy, Frb. 3, Ibu hnoao was Oiled couip'uiply, ud all 
accnod to eujuy tbo aruuscmeui provided. 

AlH^ IIarhibtDowi) was arresicdou lbs evening 
of F4I1. 3rnratiom))ilngto nhool l.Hllan Mailun, a 
tiiCDiitvrof AngiHiiu HalyV.Mo^kCo. Thoabooilng 
iwatmliit tboaingedoorof Daly'aTaeatre. .Ura. 
Dovd called MLu Marlon lo Itio stage door, ami 



Droofclrn.-Ttio moH inri^og bit oC thea- 
rtealDtw4U*twMbwu lbs aaoooacwneolorilie sud- 
.|«n UFfflloailoD or the eopaitoaiaWp Ulwwjn Mtta* 
Kaoflles. Frohmao A lliyoaD. od Jaa. ». Alilrtogh Ibe 
ntaiiir bai bieo lo ibo eooru arer alnoa laalBeplsiDt»»r, 
t4W peiwoa ooiAldo of tlioie partieutorlf lalwMUd. 
k>e« ibai Mr. KoowUa, who hu bad iba maDSgemeBl or 
ibe Coldmbla naatr» for oaarly five yaais, loleodad 
a(»P»toB doao and oot so aooo. Uo will ooDilaue ai A- 
U iftliner'iipanotr»ndniMag#rorilieParkTbeattt,aa 
vail oa lb* uU le«*e and rnaaapr or tkt ABphlon 
Tscilre. Af^er Mr. KoowIm had oadeaeontneteliU 
Mr. I*a1anr,oo8«»l,bla lomtr partiifi*. Mean. 
Frokiaui and Usymao. aaktd ror ao iDjooetJoa reairala* 
los bin from acUoi u maaagar of Ui» Park Theaue. 
jailiwns daaled by Joallee Oajaor.wto lald ibai an 
uiivlry Into tbo farta wu nacesnrr, aod than 
tie ci» cama op Id iba fljpnoa Coart, be- 
fore Joatlca ClciDrtt% ahin ao »fJ""»,"*JS! 
I»d at th» MSBwfloo or .<^"'> '"uSrlf 
ibat Borav latliiaotory atruiamaat or a raiueiMDi 
Ibo Olilleuliy mlshi bo rcacbed "5<«^, P"}^ 
ikoBMlvoa. .Mr.Koo«Ua wnadjaod »dllos i^Ure 
r^r a cartalD mun.bni hU paiUwn war* not altogaUwr 
llll«g to pty ilitfauount a.k«l. Mr. koowtoa >wd flro 
j»«nnioriiiiooHoooMiuaoaRap,at H.IU) a >»ar^ 
jlid.iaalDt«r«nlQ ihopioflia. Mr. Kdo-Io-. wfito awn 
by Tub Cuppkr corrripondooi, aakU "B wy^^ 

nuaod myavlf. Thar* Utfaa b««t or laalloK atilMdla- 
wluUoa or tbo pajtoanldP. 1 bod a rlfbtioio loio bail- 
MM with Mr. l'!i&if r. .DtlMwa Frobma aod Uajman 
koo« tary «ell mai 1 bid. U wai maralj a qoaatioD of 
bi>« Moeh ilMy »aro wIUIdb u> p*y me lo get out 1 bad 
ur pilM and they floAUyctroe tolL flyoMpartoon 
vftQirdmo 10 romato onulihacloiaortbepraMitlbaa- 
tric&lwaMD.butlooDdndadiba'Iwoaldaacdoao. Aa 
looi at 1 wai gnlog out I Uioogbt It ■ovkl b« baiur lo go 
nitaca. boltp^iouton lUturday, Pah^l. Harry Maoo, 
n brwibar nr At UAymaa, look chArgaoo oirieilmnaot" 
Ur. Knnwlai boitan aa a uimawcerwbeo, » IBll, beaa- 
HBod Iho cooin) 01 tb» Urainl Opara Houaa la thU dty. 
Tii« Columbia Tiicaln wm opanod on 

when slie anppAred alie Ahnt al btr, hut niUsed ber 
aim. Mrs. I* jwil is an aolrek<t and tke wife (»( Jehu 
iMad, ubolsa ineinlf>ror Mr. lUWeOo. Sbe waa 
given a blearing the rdluwlng dnyiiDilat herie- 
tptrst the caa^ wan pompoood unill n. 8:ie was beld 
111 i\ MiXmW for examlnallon dala. 

Ji iHKTHrAX, on Feb. 3. decided ibar^iinnn 
MU, who rtecnilyapidKd f>tr a receiver fur "fbe 
smngu Adwutures nr UIia Hniwn," had nut shown 
>-jinei«nt ennse fur Iho gniii'lng of his applkailoii, 

Ilarlcni— At Ihe Harlem Optra Ilouw biiRtno« 

VA« only fur ilnrloe th» |i«ji|«(itk. Rlunn R >lit«iD. li 
"Wr*. l*»niliri>uri'4r«<'L'* nprnrd t.» A Urm auJipiiv- 
VVU \ tn I. hitl itic w^«i|i»r bt^ii pl>AnnL souid. wiih 
initdnnht. htv«rh*«drtl ihe h>htu. It la l|. A . Dot K. A. 
nit<airntlial. aim I* tin iiiiiiiit«r v( ijilt |iiru»v. 
•etk. "Jtiiuhj Arro*.'" 

« ni i-MMK- In HlRhl nf 91. rmri" did ftMB«P«rA 
l>itMu«»4. 'Tlip (^.tlino Ktnt." « |ilt tonto i-f iti» urif irmI 
rani.t>|«DPd loKKooO vl/fJhnuMABd M tiiilddp «*il til 
«* tk. k*lltl«liiilutnt.'a iir»l IUrl?tit&pt>«ar*iiei«. uJ li,« 
>l\lt If rlif l< PU'trd to lhBhus-»aBd|«ltvD\ Ht^t 
*vt\, "llaiTun llt^ila." 

tnMt'll- -TliP Fnni-h TiIIt RuiltK'iua 0». htT« nu 
r^ftton l<iri«i| hill. K« llit> did « fw 0 wtvk'a linalnpr*. 
II14 U-uilnoiJalvi) irrl« WftQ ■ rHun vnyispmvni in 
KrruAdPd hi>u>p. nnd Mk ROirral Ihlnc •••i «»ll ni ildi 
Mtitw No\l BrtL, JoA Ilii^aUlntr'n -itfM" IV, lur 
lii*nrpl lUw In Nk« Vera. 

IliiLfta Viaii-a.-MAnACfr Smiih morla ihii hit 
aat«utu|>kAi«hAvasacc««d*J, &s croaJod boiL*«Jue 

HBod Iho cooin) 01 tb» Uran<l Opara Houaa la thU dty. 

Columbia Tiicaln wsa opanod od Martb 7, IWI. by 
Mr. KDoTlAt, nod baa been ooo ol tita most popabr Ibaa- 
irri Id thU dty enr alnce. TbeboMAimcUicahATO 
bee* pmlucod at iba Columbia, and Mr. koowlea »pand 
CO mIdi or oiiMM lo glrlog CO Biooklrn diaatrrBoara 
blKLrUnenUitBlnniBDlp. Ilooov lBl*lKli,lDeopJaDeuoo 
fih Mr. I'Ajniar, 10 naka »iice ImpontDt InproretDaDU 
It ih) fara Tiieairo. 71i« b«at tUrmcUooi ubialoabM will 
Lo iHHikfd fur Doxi *t4Mo,wheairitrevIUb6 a llraly 
cutuMihloD tMtwvro u« uianngara of tha i;olainblik 
r.knand Muotauk. A braeaudivoM anatad laaaa and 
UDiuiiabiDd at Uia Hootank BAodAyenuiDc, vIiod 
au ioicr«aiiuH proirtotmo itm iftvcn. Tlie (hlid of Uia 
trmji orRdodar iilstit rnuruiunicow at Uia 11>Jihi. F»b. 
% (ifnTed ■ pma^ancceA. HIdd'o ikhaltwa* (Ivoa a 
Uaiiy nc«i>ilun. at vai J. W. MtUy, ihoroUlaK otill 
■aa. liibir pntiuUr pvrlurrapro unro: Dorv, Parmer, 
Puitaod Ku»b b^i J-i (jUAnet; J. U. W. Byrau, II. J.Bm- 
DtfU, Kobtrt J. Wsbb, iiid Ilia Mtiropiiiltaa Q iArut 
Tilt aiand npgra to tw sivfO on Feb. i all! '^il 

irunaootA.". , ^, , 

1 vLUUHU.— "Madama 6aDri-Oeoe"W4j f;lranacotdUI 
velcuiue by a larga and ra^hloDable oudiaoce Fab. S. 
Katbrjn Kidder, ad Cadivrloa lIobMbBr Aod MudAOia 
(>»n>-(i4ua, rvi*rit^ h«r taccaas uf la«( year; AacuMui 
Cook. M M«|nlouft, WaJIaco eUiWf u Foucht. Aod HotMrt 
Proout, as 1m Au[(ii>erv, «oos Also well ncolvad. Tba 
fonimuy It a good 00a Aod theHcaoery l^nunlikaoL 
*Ti» F«i3l l ud" dhl well Ian wMk. **^d Artlsi'aModer 
[1 Uio ntxtatinclioo htro 

I'AHX.— Milt. Knaa, lo "Ndl Ovjioa** and 'Joaaphlno, 
kmiirrAS ur the Preach." baiaa a brlufuagtiioaiant Iter* 
1 twioru a guod slud audlnoco. I^be owu*d wllh "Nell 
0\«)uii«.' viuetawdlln rapottad oa Tuaadiy, Wodooi 
imj ADd riaiardAj nlgbin aihI WodntidAy mtbneaa, ahila 
■jtuvpiilD*. Eiupraia nf ibo Freoch," will be aeaa oa 
TtiamdAyAod FrIdAj DlgbiM aod Buuiday mAtUia*. lo 
her opoDluB idvco Mlla. Rhea mtkoi acbArmlng NoM. 
shtlBAgrAceful aod aiirACtlra wooian and ad lodooilt- 
tbltworkAr. Uorvork liHmeitaod viinaclanUoui and 
coatoAodt roKMd Trooi Umr Audlooce. Kail Buraaa% Is 
"Tko County Fair," litd nood buafoeu last waaa. Tlia 
noit aiirMiion haia will he **Tba Fta»\ng Uhow.*' 

Brjutr.— flwTo Drudio, in"Oa ibe BoaeiTi" opeoed bar* 
S, b> a croadad liouie. Tha aallerjr aHptcraUr wai packed 
lullHuliootL Mr. Brodio li wrrlogbear lo a bar 

teavl^l^ **Our Flat** 10-11, *^afut Brooklyn lUull. 

'"fcAOBiiT OP Vuaic bad Ihe Bote Illll Efli;lUii p^u 
Co. for lis aUiacUAn ^ malDg a week's lUy. -a h«b^ 
«er •bower'' did aol aiuaot lania AAdlaoce,. ^q. 
mnoad for 10 aod week: Ftoreace Bbidlay, la "Tba dn. 
tala'allAie." _ .„ . 

WoxDiaLAvn TaiATRB win provide the folloainBrrvi 
liA polroo* this weeh: Tba Awltio Trio. cooiMitin, 
AlleeMAy. Margaret Webb ABd llopeOurnt: LettUht*/ 
Ke AmwleaoW Lilho Larh»Ua. T. r. airf'ff; 
CotUoa, A. O.^Uwpepce. Nflaon icd Mlltedjic, LiWu 
yiaubei aad theWllllamiiTrfo. 

Taa OsMaoscn OrsaA Co. Is aonouncad at ibo Lycnti 

Albmiaf^Tho Leiand open Ilonne ofTered 
Fields A UaaaoD'A Drawing Otrda Jui.l7. a. u> 
hai baibiaaa. Rhea pfe««ottd "Kail Oayooa'' ui4 
"Joaapblaa," to Iha caoacliy ni Ui« boiiOAttA^ii t«r. 
ftiinaaea, Zt. \>. "Uood HoUow'* aajorcd larRe audleac-i 
31-Fab 1. **The anatDlaBioadHftbbery"com*i3-''»*-i 
NIaht'a Fnlle" I, Charles A. flAidoer, (d >Tba ^7, 
Wlnoar" aod * PAtherland" Fab. 7,8: Kajboo Mooia'i 
•Tiiaado" 10. •*Tbo Prodigal Faihoi^ IS. " 

UARUANl'a BLiacKBaltALL— Al. U. Fiol Mlmirek 
ihopad 00 Jan. 9. 10 a largo aod vail pioufd audioMc 

AlKBfii rVtn^drtfVt. <.Afiuk« V«h & '^AA U.i.t. t.i._ 

■me. AlbaalConeartCo.coneiFeb &. 'Too Hurt) Jrdn. 
■>n"T.*The FAial ranl',"AMIIkWblta Pit r 11 
IS. "TbeKaw Boy*' M, DamnMcb O rmanOptnCo. u 

itmi abldi (a HU|na»eO lo roprewat bia place on iha 
lie AltvJuDipA from oa Imliatkm Broohlra 

1 nuueaaglrl, vhoM laMboooy will tare Uia 

hero. He lakoa a |Mf4alaeo( idiAie Id t^t comedy elt- 

UrUge ADd 

jBRiiAl.f ITau. will hAva (lartnda May Rie:n, prtna 
douDA rooiralio. Id oooecir. a. 

Odd Fbuows IIall.— Fruf. Wm. Wbidnr, pbr«o«luii:ii 
Feb 4-7. ^ , , ^ 

Tni Uiim- TniATRB was PMnpIalely packed »trir 
olBhtlAnveBktDmltfleiRthAparronnaMa ur tht .Nidi 
Owls RorlaKiue Co. The White Crnok Rurle<i,iie iv 
eomea a and weak, Many Murrlif TwaoiUih r^Ltan 
Maldi W aod we ak. ' 

Balfalo^At itie Blar TUefttre Charlen n. iUod- 
fbrdandEllbaRpencfrweekorFobil Joho lltr^cnnii 
k>-ll, Wblroey Opara Oo. IVIL "l^dd'ohivl VWw 
did well. Dr. tflyd Cooke epptaied lo a tplriiualbtit 
anierulBipentS. _ ... 

MimjC'DAix— Bntralo Total doelfty CADcort 8. ilib 
Faaor BloonnaM Ztlaler aod LIUlao LlltlehtlM. ■uinm,. 

LrCBtm TnBATRB.—*'Onrk»kt fiavBia" In ihit «rt«Vt 
play. "BoD'b B*roTit ibe War** oeit wacb. 

CocBT PraakT TiiBATai.— Harry HiktIa' TvcoiIeDh 
Oeniury Haldii ibta weob. FlaUa A HMSi-n'R bratiec 
Caidi lO-U. Tba Uuward AUwoMim Cu. did a hijlec 

BBBA'd Mitsio Hall— Lorlov And Laa^le, Vieiora 
Baialle. Oiat. ihe Burtona, Yara Don, LII KtrAUkn 
And OuBstaoce Flaming. 

Tro7^At IhoQrlswoId Opera Hoii«e the Wtibsr 
Opera Co. did phaDomeiiAl baalaoRi alt li^t«eek. i>'«tiejt 
10 H K. 0. At eAch perl'irmAncA. Tb« aileodance Ttt tt4 
weak wAi tha Urgait id Uia blMfory or tbe li •»»>«. "4'n<it 
Dr>ll««*' Feb. 3. 4. JuhD J. Hurfa, la '*Tbe Dutlur," i; 
**ThaaiT«t Diamond Rob1)«ry"C^i 

RAND'sOrBBA HousR — IttiaL Id "KsH i: «^nnf," 
to the eapacliyor the house JailSI aud Fob. 1. -Tm» 
Uncli JohDMHi ' coniea 8. 

OAiwrr TSBAToa— TheFnndi UBletrtllH^ R<iiiH<m 
Co. did fD0>l buMueaA biit ««»k. PioUa k llAnAoir* bnti- 
iDg CardA open 3. lor tbo week. 

Vllca— At tlia Open Ilouse Rhea, in "J^tv- 

Bbloa."JAn TT, rortho KolgblATemphtrs' h«neiii,ios l 
I. Andrew Haei. la *'MrlMArooo,*^^!^dl•l well. KeUi 
A Biiwn'A DriwiDR I'ArdA vara DUtdra«lnccAt>JH.«. 
■■TtM MAii|Qoradem'> dre* a rwhlonabla amilpncs ii. 
Coming: *-ik»alag tbe Wlsd" Feb. i, *Tba I'anit; 

KOTB.— Tbe t/iica FAmlly Theairo will lie Tvor4o>4 
Abom Feb. to by MtOAAar Peanyr«ef«r, ud vlll i»« m 
la coooactlao alih bloghamioa aod BcrBaiMi Iimw 
now DOdor hi a Danagomeou 

lavQt or Ihe pUy. ftblcb couIiia of the doloiaof iha 
pMpla who niAke A rMort ol Brodta'a aaIooo. Fraak 
UdUi, Id "A aiil WAoteii." pteyad lo big booaao but 
wttk. Tbe Aitncdon for oait week will be -'Tbrilby." 

Oai-fo Oriai Uoi'st.— "Tha Nov Boy" Is thaaurao- 
tica NADAear Kraok Uhlbnli haa fwr nil patiooi ibb 
a-<«k. itbainEtbeoolyaoTaUy at Uia load plaihoiiMi, 
aod WAi teao In lb ji city tot ilia Irat lima a* tv a larga 
abJ oppraclAUva AodltDce. The pby AlHoodA is onmpil- 
eadosa wlitf h are vary amualog, aid keep iha audlaDCi 
IntconAtaDiroArorMughtar. Bert Cooiai,a roniadlao 
wbo buiniAQy rrioodA bare, ApooAied In ibaUile role, 
and tuAilaa daclded hlL Tba rent of ihecojipaoy wu 
good. Special Arrugamaoia Itare bean nude nt ACAom* 
iDvdau die tchool chlldrao a: ibe nniloeea "Tbo LoK 
pMradlae" fCoitdAb'gsaccaailAUwtek. *^ArtNo. 2" 
a-ini« UiaAUrae loa bvplaolDK Fab. 10. 

Mo.vTirK.-JdiiA Marlowe Taber aad 1Uib«rt Tabar 
opNitd a bri«r eogA(»nient bar* Fab Z. bafireAaoe 
,(>jlBoco, In a ffallHTlacied iapari«ry. Tbeyopaoadwith 
komeo and Juliet," «lilch will be repoAied on Bauirday 
nliht TusMlsy ovAolor. tlia bill will be'Taairth Night /' 
WtduoAday miunte. 'The Lwly erLyoaa;** Wadoesdsy 
al|br,"Ai VoQ LIka 11;" IbnndaTavcolDgAOd SaionlAy 
ntttluBA, -itbo Stoopi to Coonuar," And FridSF nlibu 
Tie IhtDchbACk." Aa Ronoo aad Juliet Mr. and Mn 
TAbor »cor«d a big aucceu. "lUortl Asd Qrater* wu 
bare la*t atak. Tne oaxtAitraoiIon will ba Frank Dai- 
leP. In "Trie VVIrAnl orihe .Nlla ' 

Btar.— Tlie Kl4hi (iwla, la ilia bortawiue, "A F«ck ol 
CAidt,*'l4pntPnud here tbli week, Aod taoblgcrowde 
wuooMpd Uio douTilM perforoiAaeM given 3. A Dumber 
nr tpeolaliiM Are Alto glran. Amooa tbe people at* 
Ftareoce Millar, burloviaar; Bam Collloa,fomedUa: 8i- 
hirei. Id dincloc; Law II. Carrn|L Joaier; Ooidao aad 
IJck.muPlcAlcomidlADa: BlAodia Wolwovtb, May ctarlc 
Van u^ien, Mabal lluieltoo Aod iwanty oUi»r& 

uvDi A riBiiSA.'(iB.-Ao AitrAcUra bill la prawotod here 
thU «fl»k,«hlrh IK b«A«l«d by LydlaVumAna TltoA. aa- 
alued by F.J. Tlio*. O-Jiara oa Uie hill are: WIU U. 
F»t, lo biaoriglDal."PAde«hlsklo:" tbe Powera BroUien, 
Jtinat. Andre* and William, fancy skAtrn; aarryWAi- 
Po«. DuicA rumodlAn.aod Alice HutchlDgt, P«rlo oooila 
niBger : Hrowa ud I UrrlMD, eceenlrle conadlAaa ; Ulllft 
\T««tam, alio playkoo AoumbaroriDOBleallDKirunenti: 
Jtuiraaod l.oc)' Alllnn.daocani; WblilDgaod Snanaid! 
atatrh onltu: Mltchatl and JeA^ln-MeKaaDS aodUi* 
PpDTt,"and liAwUy Bniilien. acrobauu flim Derara'a 
Of 0 Co. plaved to big bouiea laAt weak. Mailt weak, th* 
M«tMi«wllfi>*t eattnoiloabara. - 

AurBioir.-Nall BuMtu brought hto alaboimte produe- 
I l-in itf "nia Oiuniy Fair" hare 3. Thoagb tba play aad 
Nr. Buntaaa* lolm table part of AblgaiinProe are wall 
ytowo tu Ibe iheiireeoara orthupwlof tbeuiwa. ikn 
liMU va« wf 11 niud na the rp^olog weak. "LlUla cbriA- 
t»her" illlbetha aitncUon woekof l5. *"""^™™ 
F.arma-Ar» Ir^h nalodimnia, eoiltlad '*0n RrlD'n 
FUon^' DOW t9 tnia di/. bagaa a wwk'o aDgaBeaoDl S, 
It lA the aoik or MkfiwI JTMonway. daSTTntartala: 
vgly with an loiaruilaB epoch In Irlah blaurT. aad 
bnaUea wllh nuoneand humor. lu ^ulog perform- 
•DcewaAwellTvcalfcdbyAgoodaudleaca. JoaephHur- 
pbycnnetweeholia t~-«» 
Uatetv —There waa a eroarlMl bonne pteuat 1 whrn 
Wiuru^AWe-t-t MiDtmU begin a weSrSay. ?S 
lidtcalluDt AtA thay will make A "ttat" we»k oT IL Paiar 
F. Diltoy «ni bring "Tlia Kigtn dprk" hen l" 

LKa AvK(uaACAURHr.-Anaa Ueradoo la plarloR a 
Afeelal oDiaRpnaoi Uilt week, Id "La Bella Marie " BkZ 
l*aidy Auppuried by die home stock eompeoy. Tba aadl- 
earaop iiiBopenlBg night wu mort 'aUp&ctory. Iha 
uoil»rilPit lor ue:ii wtek nu ocx ba«n aalacied aa tbl 

I'srlomanc- of •*nie Bmoir- 
Idart, ' ntblH dir. wE«glroo horsa. ItUamamdimnik. 
AtHiundlng Id tiirilllog rornti, aod la oot wlthooi lu 
hamorouiPilUAllODL II It well calcoUledto oluia iha 
tAftiaorihPiioo«e'apkir\u%aDd ought to dorelL Tka 
MntRBmentakpre^sthamselva^kaiielDg well nttlallad 
«1i 1 tba ilrii week 01 ibair venture. Tbey baVe booked 
")l|t4mmmtlcaTum*<rurwtakor ML waau 
Lvon a -N. a Wood la Uck bore again. Tbh veakhn 
Pky* the liaro 0 part Id "Out lo tha Btraeu" lo addltloo 
tdiilapariopdiiApuUriiy ihia la od« of his best liked 
pl-yM,aDd ihae>iaacuareibehodw will not be ableto 
MrominttlAta all Uiou who went Id mo bin. He ta nop- 

S'eWu'eV'lJ'SK'' "^^ »«» 

i.;;;''!f;!iptera 'BJl1.^'^^twxA:llV" 

lb* nimloii ci.Di.dr, ■ WUo» IVfnW. RmHlN^: 

U rMtl., K.lly u,1 BL Oltln. leo t£d ChiniT nH 

l).rl*M|ag On. nsit vMk. 

NOTU — WlUi.m 41 OimmU.vhnwu fat , oanb.r of 
iwu coonreiMl .IIh Hr. Koo.ln u tnwurar or ih. 
<\ilumbl>TliHlrt.«lllnin<lolDlli«.«m. eandlT 
dir miniiiMi.Dtor l^mu JI IU)iiunr:...^n« 
rbaoiMhiT.bMii nul. la Ui« .iHutln .uITol lli. 

Inli.rwntoiDDMM villi ih. .iMuUn 11*1101 ih. 
cUirr iiii.n.ilD< bill hu hMD amamd for oeit aaadu 
!m".'!.''' •i.""! VV- iiel.^Allw 

■ JUd.; nalbovui, olmlo uti IminiSSr. .!: 
"t. K.K I. ih. •lUcht. or UtCrinmbUThMlram 
•l,.> iii.i Dl>l,t i.inilDU*) hi' M(ii^i!!?rV' aiSSi 
.lih.tll.Mln. BuMub. HuMinrni.DOD^lS w? 
-DI..1 II;. cup ua > Ml or nwloiloo., .liiad bi ol??! 
b« •a:vl..)w oiin. ihotlra. ud Ur Kmta in!d> > 

JI h. lUUKIr la loKrlbid : "ro Ool Rdoln KaoohHri. 

>•">•■"'>>•»«. mm hi. IriSio. aJS uSSSh ol 
ifo u.|iin.bia Thtaira, ImobljD, r«K I, hm. ~ " °' 

„!'*U'"!**»'— 'l" Ltmoo m iterk Peb. a 
V.'V*^""'* cam. A. pUiloi ror loo nbhia. aft^ 
•hIchthrhooMalll lo dwrrMlU wilftT.r or «hl 
•Mb. "Mibj" hn •, olailoi t« Itibl £oM Liu£i 
(u«.lln.iiio<ln.|i..olio1linu.l? "'"M 
i»jK Urau Honc-Ooaror aod Tnx, Iq •wiurllr'. 

MForo Uw war" oomat L olulas Ih. kat telr ^til 
•»L 'tt>KUIoSUro'|£|;Sl|Su^Ml^ 

H^ncaie — AC WIrlIng Opera IIouk ■■Trllb)'' 
to fair bu.looaa Jao. f7-9. "MpUn AroooD" bad hrM 
allearianco 30. Fiolda A llaoinD'a Driwluc Canlrt «1il 
won :«l-reb. l. llomlo^: "Dad'oUlrl." toj b.>ni» uloii. 
s, "Hio PA..Ing Bhow" C, Ooinr aad Kox, lo "UTIftiitr4 
Vaealloo"7 1 

BiXTinLaTUIATRll — RooklD^ : Oulrkok, ILa rlolib iu, 
WIU ftiro a coDCoa 6. Kollar T, fi- 
ll. R. jKvni' TlllATRll.— "PlDainn*H DoU'VpltaaM 
lanM aodlauroa Jan. k7-0. "Id OU TodQ6n<oo" illd will 
SO.nK 1. '^ba Sonili BafDra lb* War- aod "Hioltii. 
lloi" dIrUo iro a or 8^. 

BlBfhmuton.— At Stone Opttm Umw" U. 
FlaU'aSlo.ln.liearooJao. 28108 R. O. Jollalfat«i«r*llRht«(l a paohod hAu.«, [o "Aa Ton Lib. U" 
P.b. I. Totioioo: Aodraw Macki la ''Mylaa AruoQ,"3, 
• Trillip" 9. 

Buoo TilRATRl —"A Jar nircur* dl.1 filrly vail Jin. 
Tl-O; Rico A BanoD'a Roto IllllPallr Co. camoD-Fkl. I, 
to laraa wd voll ploaaod aodlaona. Duo: AnhurKil- 
mao, la -'A Sominar Sboirar." >A, "A Darby UaKot** tXt. 

KawbnrK,— At tlie AcAdeiDj oC Honlc "He 
Fatal Cai4* la dni Fab. 4, -Cbarloj'a Aunt" 7. ITIIIIni 
nillatK, lo "Too Hach JohoaoD," ID, aod Uln Nilhmrio 
II. "NortliDnU|hla"waJiKlroaoooieollaalprar*nlall«ii 
Jao 0, bofora a urgo aod aptineUtIre audlane*. It i... 
tlia oDl7 ailiaelloo or iho wnh. "An Adainlf u KJn." 
barmi cmaeolcd 91. Wo ara pronliod Ive Fro,mn 
ottnctlooa durloa tbia moQtli... . .The RoatoDlaaa htTlae 
Mopoodateoalblaclroaltltaainm part ol March, hir^ 
loadorod Maaac*rTa>lortha nTdialor It lor a llaiif.1 
tin*, Id oraar that b« may vj lo Hcoro a crtalo a umhar 
olaaboerlborirorwataacarivaDCId prlcoa, Ibuiaiiabltoic 
blm lo piaranlM tboni ao $VOhooao al Irate, lhat beb4 
tbolrlovortlanooHirplajioiiaoDaolRhlltand. Alltoivli 
oota.uicc«a.lblaa ha wouhl irlih, b* li. naT.rth*l»M, 
hoallinit anil worktog It up for all It la «i.rih In onlar l.> 
air.iid biaivtraa a raro and wbhed rur niq.lial 

iroat, aod at ibaaaniotlDiadoaroxpaaM. ColutiUii 

Ilalllldark again Uili weak, 
aenera,— AtSmltli Operk House Andreir Hack. 
"Hfloi Anna." plajod baron a laraa and approdailro 
■■ ' ■ - 'Wol- 

aadloncn Jan.SI , 

pffrlomaooo, to rair tmalnaaa.S'X Oomlog: Dan Moi^ir. 
■hf. In "OniUkMn lAwn." Fati. t ; "Jotboa Slaipklao-H, 
Hollar II, -Tbo Oanlat" 17. 

ElBilrm.-At the Ijctam Tbealre Walle'sCon. 
•dpCo,comnonc*d a aocood woak'a alay Fob.S. Ttav 
ga^ to Ibo capaclly or Ibo bouia lait woak. "TnlK" 


llematoB.— At SirceDej t Oooista' Opera lloire 
tboWIUWoitSliow.blUod Jan. r7,a,uncolKl. BoUri 
Ilantoll,S,XI,had throa Ug hooaaa. John L RuDInn 
and Paddy Ryan am doe Fob. S, UtrrBnon fl, "A Brwy 
TImo" 7, 8, Robort fl. logaraoUtf. Orau'* Open Co. 19-U. 

ADniTOKitu.-Tlckali aio balni lapUly goblilvl d|> r..r 

Palaoi Thiut».— SonllMn <)aattal. La Tow Slitrr^. 
aomobandChealor.andHuUogaaadAdania. Builnaw 

■luon Van oponad at 307 Main SInat, 17, lor in In. 
doflnita uay, lo good bouM.. 

Baa AbIsbIo.— At tin anod Opern Itoiw 
Iha-Trolro Tomputlona," Jan.U-tB, pnrad faiily In. 
otlUra, anor ohicb darfenoaa OToralKO ontll 3l,,«Mn 
R.B.MaauUopoaedrortbraODliAl'. railtrovtkllaino 

w'aniiinros TnUTna-Waok or 3: nlllUm O'Dill. 
Ro«>a. KIIUo Uonaton, Iha lie Nora., Mod Bariy in.) 
WlUUm Howlhorao aod tlook. ^ , 

TioTHUiHa— Wookors: Dallon and Boylo, Fnnl •'. 
Dyaraad Annio Laallo WUllaota aod coaifaoyaol tlio 

KOTL— Florrio Morman, orBtknontand Noma*, lit., 
be nuirlod Fob. 1 

OalTMloB—At Ibe Orand Opera IIoiiBoCti!>. 
Talo'«**rnralra TeniplaUoDM"pleaaod pond aiswl bo^- 
Jaa.ll,n. MlDHraU did ralrinelll. 
matlon and nigbc Rohoit MaBlell pnaonud "Tb. IIU'- 
baod'-loanapiirMlallroaiidlannni _ „ 

llailia'e lluorr Tiiuthl— Toopla waok or 21: mi- 
RaTllla.FI«aWllllanw. May gmllh. Oll«> Uo Aria. Ada 
Hooooay.Tom Holly, Ulnnli Dhmood, Jamaa FItt, 
Yonni and Ooiale Bbnoie. Buibuaatur. 

Part Worth.— At QieenaaH't Open Iloaso 
MlnnU Haddtm Fb>k^ Jan.91,71. bad (nod buiioiB.. 
"nio rail Hall." II, b>a only a rait hooao. Jllohanl Uuii.. 
tabl.B. had an oxcalloolbMaa "Tbo Twoir* TMoiia' 
llooa," Q, oackrd tbo honao. BlehaidaA rrioaloli HI"- 
aliila como 3\ Llocoln J. Carui'a. "Ilia Toniada~3i, 
Uomnann Fab. 3, Bobatt HaaloU D, (."Wlcblor Te^i- 
man 7. 

AniUB.-At HlUett'a Opera noAie Vale'* 
'TwalroTOBDIallona" cane RIchanI Haa^bM. 
la "Bodbin, tio atudool," did gnod burioex at adiwtf 'I 
prlcoa ■l.hpoorparronnanco. Tacomaa; "TboFail Hi" 
Fob. W, "Frloodaf. n, "Fablo Ronanl" m. 


Brldgepert.— At Uie raik Olr, Jan. 1^. 
Bandow, ror Ibo booolll nr Iko BiMgtpoit Wbool Clul'. 
bad good bnalntaa. Wm. Bany conoi Fob. 1, "Ullla 
ChrlUopkai" a, Wllbnr Opofl Coopaoy «ook ol la 
,^ Av>lTOBioi(.-'-lloM In aiay.ry," Jan. ir-S, lo fair 
hiulaao.. ■1hoJaaur,"Fab l.kad agoodboiiM. "m- 
Uirom BcaniD" comaa 3^ Hit Ann or Ike Uw" C4. 

■lartlbid.— Al rroclOf-nOpen llooae biulwti 
ennUouaagood. Edward H. Fatoi will bo ion b Tiii> 
JuloTFab 1 JamaaA.IIonio.lD -Rhoio Acrw"<.,>: 
"raiadlto Allty"S. "Coon Uolloo" T. «. "Rnih Oily' di'l 
rUrty won Jan. 27, ibo bouo waa dark 0. Ilo;t1 "A 
Milk Wljllo Fui" pWod u a R. 0. », n B»ary tUkf.l 
waa ioU In ihobooM at llTao'ckick 31. -Tbo FaM Mill' 
did good boalDowi 91. "Hand. Acnaa Iho Hu" bad lt<>l' 

baary honao Poh. I Tb« Flm Anaaal Cat Ibow, koU 

al Ja'oU Hall, lo Y. M. R. A. HalMloiI, ptovad qu 10 a 
wclaly alltac'loa waok or Jao. n-FobLl. Hanantli».l, 

or rmemr'a Opera llonw, waa ooa ol the txblbllorw 

Ftor E. J. Doolt wlU glta a nlulrol Ihov at fool Oianl 
Hill bp eonnlldallng ulool ilron by Bltr, Oalbollc 
Claband FoatOoanl Haalwt. 


JaektoBTllle.— At tte Park Tlieatn llie Bbel- 
doaa, la Bpliltnaliaue woit^ Bat«IUi>lrMca«aJan. 
IL Mgnor Vapapobolhi oBlarulooil, wllh loeal aslu- 
aac«,Fal>.l. ■'TbaOladlalor,''c«nU 
«, Oonoo'i ■buutU 7, "TbeBeweii Oitt" It 

Februaby 8. 



#Un(ler the Tcnts# 

ANTONIO UiSiuz, J. 0. note, \T. r. Wlllico ui 
wire, Ui« Ouoa FidiII/ and U4t« Pnclt btn tr- 
ilTcd at aklrnuw, Ttx. Vi» »1»m imteim from 
(lilfalon tj boat, mklDg «ll polota lo V«n Cniz, 
men OTtrland bf two «beel«d bull cttts l> mo city 
or Utxtco, vhcro tts itorftnlztd, exiwcUog to 
neDd a partoC tuo printer and luika a rev toieilor 
tons. After two weeks' irtTcl «o nuniled op at 
Ameca, irliareonco nioraonreliowliad lo boetiolped 
for MTel la ibat coiiDirj. Boslons enconragcd 
to cqalp a tniD ol oae hondred buma, which car- 
ried tronka, proiw, MIL lop, nve aleepliig teDi>, cook 
teoi, lomg« abil commltaar/ aoppller, locludlOK 
twenir ciuii of gitaollOF, leu gaiiooa eacli. \V<i 
iraTded eiaclljoaejgartuiougb Uexloo, W'etboir- 
ed.geoemilT, but ooe da; cacli week, Uiat bclDi 
Sundar. AdniUakin irai t\ro, aod two doUira aoil 
orijr ceols, maor iloiea ibroe dolltrs for a acat. Id 
Biead ol llcenM we Hlw*;a f boweil onder llie au 
Dpicea of a ctiurcli. Wo made forlf •flvd elaoda tbal 
iigfer bad a mow of any kind. Oiir adraoca ageui, 
twttcr koown oa our courier, Seoor aqiooIoMubm/ 
was ooe week In advance. Adrertltlng matiercon 
ualed o( pnototrnpba of eacli o( llie coopant, and 
haodbllla primed un onllnarr enrelopea. Aliu iho 
agent got in Iowa, nado lile erraiid kiiowD, and bad 
mown ibo phutoa, piciiirlug eacb act ana got ibe 
■ppToral of ibo Uaguirate, be would dliulbuie h\a 
baadblila, ibeo vuli each prleat In tbo larlsb wbo 
nude It known to tbo contreimilon: lluiwiaauni- 
dent adreitlalog. On Sunday, ibe eliow com- 
menced after ana and did not gel ibiciigb unill i: 
r. u. Aa Boon ae ono progriinnie waa niu ibroDgb 
ihe andienoe was dumloed fur ibe one valUug out 
side, eager lo gain adiulolon. The llist perform' 
aoca waatbe least •Itended; Iberetwn o( lUUwaf. 
ibose oaietde would wait to liear applauso and 
laofbler, lo know taoir ihrlr frlenaii iikod li, 
nbicb wonid f lwa;a M In uiir facor, niaoT Hay- 
ing to ete tbo slivtr over agnla. Allcr ino last 
Bbow we rotalied miny luviiaiion u> e>t and 
drink witb tbo best class ot natlres. To aco 
ua travel, some mouoied on tbo bscke of burros, 
others on two wliecl ox carts, liavding two miles 
per hour. It waa Hooping that will never bo for- 
KOtlen byanyot Iho Anit-rlcans auiciug our com- 
pany. V'e bad very illilo slckuns. It's aorprlslog 
uow Utile lUe inountalD pan ot Uexloo has bceu 
visitea by snows. At m dm, oiivo and (inadaluu 
the show eplit iDto ibrco partu, lo order lo reach toe 
highest niouobila parts ot Mexico; the nloo owoura 
aendlog InviiaUODx and gtiUIca lo the pUce: named, 
tlie whulesboir coming tugetber again In ibo bean 
tlful Aoucula Valley, at lllo Poene, where we aaw 
herds ol caule and sntep by llie tboutands, and be- 
gan one week of one day siauds along Ihe ranches. 
WetnTsled Ibe eniiro Urxlcsn couniiy as slated 
fromineOuIf of Uexlco lo the Uulf or Calirorohi; 
nude eveiy town lu iSlem Uadres HounMlna, anu 
every town west ol tbo nioumalua, rrom San UIsb to 
inierta Uirrtaal. The roaier or iba anew wsk: Dcnor 
Maaniz, J. 0. Rose and W. F, Walliccomcn; Uavo 
Praetl, KaelcUD, Spanish puppets and performing 
monkeys; w. F. Waihioe's Uouemlan Qlats mowing 
abow, rM7M raniily, Uve in Lumber, musicians 
Bcrobaia, kUgem and paotonlnjlaa; J. U, Itosc, 
Irrosnrer; Urt. Wallace, Jugiung aud high xUli 
WBlkhiK.and ADIouloMuani/., agent. TLIa coto- 
panywen cspabh) or giving a two bourn' show, 
incliidlog InteraiKsloiie. The good old IJiirrBH 
comes regulsily rrom Mar.x, tne news man, or New 
Orleaua. Ot courtio It ciiue vay bchhid umc, and 
coal us Ive llaus the oaual price, on account ot 
having It come by exprcw, but ic certauily waa 
alwa)H welcome. 

SrKhiCAri Snow mrrKcixcs.— Manager Rent- 
trow Is oegoUaiing for the putctanse or two Uno cle 
plianie, oneababy, ibathi aesilncd lo make a hit 
with I he hide rolts, as It U as lenile and isiue aa a 
kitten. The cainel team will be a great reaiore, as 
they are worked la a uuvel nunner. In addition lo 
last season's outUt iwo extra nsts and one extra 
Block ojr will be rerjiilred t-j i ransport the now etuif 
bougbt for next season. The advance already 
signed are: W. U. liruke, lallroad contiactor and 
general agenl; A. 8u Ixireniie,conlnu:tor; Fred Uc- 
SlahoD, exoonaoo agenl; \v, r. Uunnlogion, as•ls^ 
ant coniractor; C'bas. Itoiion, car No. 1, with twenty 
liui postere; w. UesgBi, car Mo. 3, with eighteen blil 
posters; Oeorge Ouuelroy, car No. 3, with rouricen 
bUI poetere; cnas. Webb, car No. -I, with twelve bill 
posieiB. No pauis or expensu will be apsred to 
make the Siodlcaie one ot tlie best and mostattmc- 
UvelT billed showa on the rood. 

I. V. iirttniia (III be rallruad coniractor tor tbe 
Uatn Hbow next season. 

W. u, HcFiHUKD ASD wtPi, lor the last two 
Bona wlUi llairu' Nickel I'lale Shows, have sinned 
with Sells Bros.' Show tor Ibo sesson or i6oe, as 
principal door Ulker, wItb isind rending aud Mexl 
can koire throwUig acts. 

WiiuBS IIUD, musical moke and comedian, 
has Bigoed with tbe Now (Ireai Syndicate Shows. 

lUrii paoK Till Sim Urui.' Wosui'a Paoaaissiri 
Baows.— lUe eeasou or IRU waa no more than 
ended, and tbo ahotv packed away, when a rush 
was made to enlarge anu Improve tboabowsrorlSM, 
and contraolB were signed tor an entire new layout 
of canvas. Ifalacanvsitesarc: Five pole menagerie 
and tour pole big top, Uclndlng all iba smaller 
neceasaiT teats requbed. It win be the biggest 
Bpresd ot caovaa inis sbow bss ever put np. me 
Sun Oroe. will add a menagerie of eight cagaa of 
animals, one elephant and iwocamehi. Additional 
baggage wagons, obatlotsL etc., are nowbeing built, 
and arrangements are befui; isade for an eleculo 
light iilani to light tbe Wnria'a I'rogresalve Shows. 
Vre are la receipt ot samples or our epeclal piclorhil 
paper from tba nrn or luuiell t llorg-in, Clnoln- 
nau, O., and Ifa as Dae as any abow can produce. 
Tba rhreeSaa Bros.' portraits appear on eacb and 
every bill. Prof. U. Emmett oas been eagaged, 
with hhi tronne ot roily tiotses, pontes snd dogs. 
OooB. A. OoDk will bave ctarge ol tbe big band. 
A. P. Ilubbell has secured tbe stand privileges. Qua 
and reter Snn are doing a paying business wlih 
tbelr two novelty compantei on tne rood, whlcb will 
closaldatcbl. aeo.Buol9athonir,arrasglngmat- 
teta. We wtll open early In Hay at Toledo, 0. 

Kaio Wuiuxick baa been engaged ror Ohas. 
Yleler's band, with rerron's North American Cir- 
cus, whlota salhi ror South America Feb, (. 

TONY -LoviNDi, Uddy raolly and the Art Da 
Cona Family will take a idroua to Soulh America 
next Winter. 

souBtm & nutru nave engaged tbe following 
Blair ot oiDcera: aeo. A. Oole, ireasnrcr; Ueo. W. 
Oauagber, general agrot; U-iny Uann, contracting 

agaoi: Jnles Jordan, press agent; Jaa. W. Ueaule, 
prttliege manager; Uol.Qeo.W. Wood, license ad- 
Jnsier; Al. U. Sweet, bandmaster; Gd. Outhrle, 
eiineairlandtaeotor; H.J. Ual'y, auporintendent; 
Wm, U. Webb, boaa canvasman, and Tnos. U'Unan, 
boas hosiler. Tbe Ulest addition to tbelr menagoile 
waa a pair or baby llooa, bom In Sbenley rark, 
FlUsburg, Pa., Ohrlsimas Kve. 

Wx. iHiriH 1Kb nii-'E wUl pay a visit at Iheir 
borne, UuiTalo, N. Y., beroio surilng out with tbo 
Rlegliog Bros. (Circus. 

Hons nam Donokctr Bros-' NiwMoru Snow. 
— Ttie oew and the old wagons are all nicely psbiied 
In citron rellow, tbe "Jonah" ot all show colon, 
snit wtalob bas proved to be the mascot or iha now 
Hodal Show. 0. T. Walker algns lor his second sea- 
Boa wltb tb« DonheurBros. Jas. A. Ualcom, aong 
coopoaerand muBlclao, will arrange tuo music ror 
bead and concen. Buly UcOurl goea aa enperlD- 
lesdent o( canvas. Il-ic htt, who traveled wlih Ibo 
an'>v In UM, bas again Bhrned. 

Kd.Van Skill, prtvUece nun and mnslclan, has 
signed with tbe Oreai byndlcnte Showa for next 

UiRBT UooRB, tbo old llmo circus agent, U now 
on Tliri'uu-Expms, Rochester, N. Y., until tbo ltd 
wagon seaaon opens. . 

Binos AND AKDaBWB, hand talancen, haTO 
algned wltb Ubas. Lee's Qicat I«ndan Shows for 
next season. , „^ 

U. II. VonTiinbaadmcil as general agent wim 
Dob Huollni'B Ulrcos lor uext season. Tnls will 
mate Ur. Whitllet'a fourtb season nlih tbe wnie 

Tax FiRiKT Bros, hive slgnad with tbe areat 
Syndicate Show lor next season. 

Usunr SwiFr, K-iItt cometlist, has algned 
for next aeaaon with IHs'enbach's New Show. 

HiDix I'oissox, prvprletres* or a circus la 
Oustamala, la now In New York, seenrlng per- 
rormeiR and malarial. Uadam I'olsaon'a two sons, 
well known ttarongiiont the world as wondertnl lion 
tanan. recently died ol yellow lever, and were 
boned at Fante Areaas, Cojiu llica, Central 

A LRoraiD belonging to Riblnson's CIrons, In 
Winter nnarurs near UucUmail, <!., escaped Irom 
ltaeafeFab.2. Toe keeperaad others tnadtoget 
It back lo Its noartera tn flrlng blank cartrldgea al 
It, bat wllhoni avail. Kmally, John O. RoblnaoD, 
son ol the manager ol the show. Died a round when 
wllhiB Iwealy-Sve feetof the animal. This ao en- 
raged tbe leopard ibat It leaped upon Ur. tloblnaon 
and almoai kOlel him- lis longs cuws lore his bead 
and body badly, and It sunk lu leeUi Into Bis scalp. 
Tbe animal waa Onally beaten off and kUled wUh a 
load or buckshot. It waa ralnnl at |1,000, Mr. 
UoMiwo'a ooidiaoa la ieftou; 



wh!«S''h~,1S* '5" '»««PJninildpetf,>rmfr. 

V ariety and^Miitliisv 

NOTB Tmv Uuio'a Cm- Ciiro Co— Our paai 
our neeka' buslocsi through New Rngland ttm 
been bonio record breaterv, eipecltlly Duston and 
>all ll'.ver. Tho Uticr plate wo bad s. n. 0. out 
every nl^bl. To j Nolea rccrlved llie sad news 

h.'rl'fSr ^,'i,S!J""'M,"'"','*''' Ini'ne.llaielj 
i511;i' "I* WC" were Oiled l.yM.najer 

Ulaco, wlio h»s not iijiiiMred on anr siaia for 

uXl * J-'oSW'- S a'* 

Huter MliMo UMirleo. UAUirer Ulivcn will ■imiiiI & 
ojr cl.j. Willi hUdauRhtct "tasTlo £X»,Ty 

'•'™" 'f TOWK," hy 

Annur Trevelyno. conipnaer nl "Piiveny Row.'' it 
ceraeaL' '<> •« """>» aeason'i anc- 

iiiSiL*," iS""*"- 'J" '•"'<'»• mngcr, will shortly 
K"?".*"'?,"? "weilPtn^eialiad, "1.11110 im,i 
Sl?2;h..^7.'J' riiXllablng Irm baa secured 
aiiriahta to the lonR. 

U<xi«L'iiiiino». wlih HyoQ,t Sherldnn'a City 
sports, has been ill ror Iwj n-eeks, but lolna tbo 
abow again at l/)ulsvlllo. Kr. j ii- . .» 

CMrSiJcVlli'rTbT"' CluI,Co.,wa«» 
Tna lurnoBsor "Toe l-ost CbllJ," Edw. II. Marks 
anti JoM. W. eierii. havn rerclteil nnmeroua letters 
and telrgraun ftora prorefaloaal friends predict Inx 
an aa«Hredwicee»-< tenhelr Uicai eifort. "No Uno 
hrer Loveil You More Una 1." Tbo song preae ills 
•n liiieresilog story, set lo so atlracilvo wain 

F. zruv-iLn Jn., nianagerol Iho TriKadem Vaudc- 
illles, lias esgaiieil the Tivo lliMtons, wbo are a 
strong realure v( tho iilll. He has also i-ngascd 
Cony lima, lor ibli ty weeks ts a reatora ofiho Tro- 
cadero Vaudevlllra nest nnaon. 

Tne KH«a7.R liKOiDnn wbo have been nlailng 
IhroiiKh Ibo West will appear at Proctor'aTbeitor, 
Ibis diy, next veek. 

CLinra Litiibr bus sbandnned the drsmailc 
stage, snil Is pl-ijlng the vaudeville hoii<es, open- 
In; a tiecond week's cngigtmeniai Iho SurTbca- 
Ire. Ifamllton, Usn. 

Mars AMD Ut'.VTf K aro plsylni "Tbe Handicap 
Harob" on Ihe hanjo very ctTiiCllvelr. Ilrooks and 
Denton and l-^d. Laiell decbtie IhU inaroh and "Tne 
Uontynoou" among the beatoriblsclaitaor must;. 

La Hblla CiBUB-v. wbodoee a Spanish dance on 
the high wIre.andAdonli Ames, the coniortlonla', 
aro due hero from Riimpe Feb. 8. The perrnrmeni 
are under cn;agenient Inrtha II. F. Krlih circuit, 
and wm make ihelr Anicilcin debut Feb. 10, at the 
t'liinn .Square. 

TnBllRonxiv.sUi'aic IUll, which waanliulltob 
llio site or llenneiL'-< Cailnn, Fulton ami Ailanllo 
Avenues- will bo onoocd i>o Feb. i; as a music hall 
byO. P. (lehhBrdl,rorratrDiinBgeror llubcr A Hot- 
bardl'd Casino. 

Tiiisonc. "My Besl Olrl'aa New Yorker." Ii now 
In tho height of Its popuUi liy. Tbe Waahbuta .>ils- 
ters, who originally Inirodnced It, lUlil rouin II aa 
llie reatore or their acr. Hurtle (illHon, Leila 
Trimble, imt liivcu|iort, Annie Wllmitth, Johnny 
Oorran(or Ward and Cnrntc), Cad Wllnon and many 
who have wia It continuously since It waa llrst U- 
aQed,declBroUiol»othoairongeatBong luthoir re- 
penoiy, and alwaya Rureotnumerous eocorea. 

MIKIER AKD Uacx Were eiiKSgcd io omu al 
Pas:oil>, this city, but wero re ciignged nt earn- 
ciniB', rhiladelplibi. 

JoiisNii Saint, F01 or Abb. SmI'Ji, ihe well 
knowu manager, and Billy llupa have lormoil a 

TUk WIFE 01' A. R. nnnivii. or thr; Meadow Rmok 
(Jiiarler, ptticntrd him, Jaa. 30, with a bsbyRlrl. 

Unixus IliiJ., a newlr remodeled bulldliK ror 
thealrical puiiHtsoa In IlraiUelnro, vr.. had Ita ra- 
opeolog Feb. I. nlib dedicatory exercises. Tho 
stage depth la thirty reel, height twentv-llve reel 
to the ily gallery, while Ihe stage iloor Is nrry-seven 
reel In nidib. Tbe sestlag capacity la blue hun- 

Till! SiTravs aro at their borne. Attleboro, Mass., 
resting for ihe hnt lime In seven montbs, 

MsKV proresilonslB have availed themselves nt 
Ibe opportoDliy offered by Jos. w. Stem .t Co. to 
irocure a copy ot "Kathleen," Helena Mora's bal- 
ed, now being ore<enud by her, and declared to 
be a second "Au llevolr." Tlio newsboys' quln- 
101, with Hyde's Comoillaoa, receive from four to 
nveencoreanlgbilywim ihlsaonr. 

TnousoM jiKR VoKBii. opeh Feb. lo, with the 
Watson SlBtcm Co. 

Qatcx IIiLi,, of Ibe French Folly Co., la doing 
some clever wort lo one of the leading roles In lbs 

KnmR AKo MAi'Bici KapAX appeared In ihelr 
acroballc comedy sketch at Sliea'a Hiialo Hall, Onf- 
faln, N. Y., laat week. They play a return engage- 
ment al Tour raster's Tbcaire March 2. 

HiLDxTiioxu Aso Fkakx Uahhy wrreallmctloos 
at Keith's Tbetlra, Uoslog. MaF!i., last week. HIsa 
Thomas was In good voice aud her vocal nnmben 
wore oxcellenlli given. 

Nxrrii 1)1 Councm-. now singing irllb the 
Twentieth century Maids, reporis as her latest aong 
bite, "You Know Ihn Kind ol Thing I Mean" and 
'You Uon'l Uave lo tlsny iho Olrl." 
TUB TUHic liRmniKB 70NDALX3. scrobais, are 
working over Ibe New England circuit. They will 
he with aeo. Dnrtch'a Circus next season, making 
Ihelr second sesiion Willi that show. 

Fbaxcx Foxieru, aerlo comic, closeil a four 
weeks' engMement ai Ihe People's Thestre, Can- 
ton, O., and opened at the Aodllonom Thesite, 

Ixtrni OiLSON'e si'ccRSS with the aong, "l> mnlo 
Uoniby's Uaughler Nell," la mentioned as un laual. 
Not conteot with luring ber sing ibo aoniover 
ronr limes last Salurds; evening, at Miner's Rif bib 
Avenue house, Ibe audience piuaed up ibochims 
aud aang It over and over again. 

'You Aai Uy SiTIBniUKT," Harry 8. Marl in'a 

laleat composllloo, la one nl tho effective new souf 
IIS now bidding tor populailiy. 
JOHHKT Oarroli., aothor ot "I l.oved lou 
Deller Then You Knew," has Just nnlahed another 
uklog ballad, entitled "When Wo Were llapoy. 
You and 1." 11 wUl be published ahonly by Joj. W. 
Stern* Co. ^ ^ ^, 

U. |.\. OiTp-.L. Ihe well known booking agent, 
ga\e hia second specbil enrcrtaloment to the pa- 
lentsor Bloomluffdale Asylum on Jan. 51, when Ihe 
rullairloR people klrnlly volunteered In enlerialning 
aelecllons: Kmnu Ibxallo, l-MI«u Trio (Alico May, 
Mirgaret Webb and flops uunls), Ilngbey Uooxri- 
rrty, (leoiie Ittchariln and Carrie Itoma, Chas- II. 
Ward. Verdi Liilles' ({'oartol and Al. amnt. 

Beikbrakd WiLKEfl bRVO Closed a long engage- 
ment wltti French'a New Sonaailon No. 1. 

BoOKixiH.— At H*riiMUi*« UosM and Tli'a'ro. Pltls- 
.I.IJ.Mis^: Cirlf. i;»ll-«ll»,nel-», Fraok Hubln fn-r. 
DtliTSQ ami D. W. I,«rl(. Fute— Utta Tracer. II0I.IU 
WaHibaroOL PsMVaiiOiUnUT. Arlhur K.»i>ii,»iir. Bm 
lltteaad KaaUnt >n.| llanli At Uatloii'iriutte, 

MoKrrr, Hula KIlM. I.1 I>» I'allll" JM«le. 

Kttlie l'belui.Ea««iili lAiDhun, Jolio Oritur LIU Ifo 
Curtis. BKlla Riivatl. Alico sloctalr. Pkirmca Bdn^l^ 
«. A. I'atsr*, Cli»rll«_lnnl« snt Bl Ir Ar<>ry....^*l 
L4arr'> llriii 1be«lr».8»<i«DiIoa Bildjjs, N. t.: IMrUia 
Room, KiMie Vom. »«>i anil ro«l«r, fltxi:* YaaOUaa 

Mvllo. J- 0. Da Laser and Rmo l^afflh} At Iha 

WoiMltrlaad JfaMoanS Tliealra- Dai klotnaa, la.: Cono 
iMll-llarrT I'lOk, tb« Uack kloa. Thealoriaai-Blllr 
and Usui Burr, 0'R*ha aod Barnett, raullns rarkar, 
Klltia Vint, and Ricliird a nd Bond. 

WI680URI . 

St. I«ala.— Tbe Orand Opera Uosae did Ibe 
buslDtSA uf Uie vet'lr, Janica 0'.Veill |iU)Ibr IoP.B- 0. 
all week la rei^ettiiry. Hit uUiur houiM vera wall 

buun<s«. Hra- rMtr tad Xvile Be ■•'an 
tbli asel la rapanorr. V»oi. liar, lo "tin illot« Tml- 

ORANVupvaA iloraa— Jsoiei O'Halll has trtlnad lo 
poimlailly iMia. Iili wwk'a huiloa" 1>«I»» jeoro IIm 
rriiriaalbr taa housa. "The Bino of l.ifa" la tbe cirreol 
sluacUM. •UaUaanrlrvtnsuirullow. 

lUiiAl OMiii llorsa-'-rtia Dailrs AucUon " liid a 
good WMb's builnxa-. WixkI sad Bbeiiird will ippear 
Ma wask lo 'T.iaD Toplc« " Tat uU Ri. l/»aU far.,riia, 
Tin Uuipbr, wiu ftiUoa^tajbie lo -A Taisa SMr-" 

BrAXaiao TusiTaB--rba BanltMsntlav Surlwiaa 0>. 
aravallaokl fur Utu aMk. Iralo Brvtliaia' HIa Sb«a 
rxlluM. Pl)na and BbnMaa'a Ull j ilporu plsisd 10 SMid 

IlAviim TnaAvai--"A wiiira Hat" pUitd 
hosHS laal aart- 'Taa Biniisla 01 Ltrc'ltilt waal, wlib 

EiuiBt'n ALiriasiA^Piucs Tiiaivas.-Bbaiplalsh 
al£lAali'ar.l.1iu-aal Tilly 1V1IU, U. A. Acasr, HIaurs 
&ljir. Cli'a- fltrca-Teninir Far. Wallsiaflletais, LolUa 
TI»im.tlUUCollln< »'r»riH..lfij'and»t«>. 

Kas' Ci^ivo.-I.lllia Mann. Cora Kraalllo, Habla 
Fimafelin Alica Taaiplp. Cairls Ploaay, laa WanMr, 
j£a llaWmao, wu/^iod llarria, Mlia IIKalaa aaJ 

luvjaT'aTtiaAraa.-Flomofldo aed Orneada. Mlonta 
Falmar, Ua KcbaalTan, Kail/ Bros-, llallla OoMm, Billy 

•lAanix rn>vTRa.-rmr. Lailoa. Mae ami M'elrr. I.^ 
rare nnUr, try Moaj^CoUtaa ami l^ollla^ khanlaU- 

tlosaip.— T. 6 TWt'n. part pmprlaler or the (l.-tnloa 
Tlieaink hu aoU his Inle'sH to his patlarr. llarrT Luml- 

V*^, 'a now Mila pmprtatar T»m Far, lumtarlr 

cr haCollMKin, Kanwiillr, haaiakaaibeplan at ilia 

PaU(« Tlwalra of 0«ir ICharna (>ila Jt Ualla'a 

t«nia>lr<.n. left Runilar fbvlVlrpIa Cratk. Oolo , uilas 
will, iliem Iha rillawlnt nnway: lul. 1.aalla, l.lllia 
BsiaSaU. Fnnk. Kil. ami JartTmar. R. Baltuikr, Nallw 
A.lBn<a, Lonlta Ua l.ll^floMlaLaTBrl.n<l Baillno. Jark 
niM>rnlna<lala. Ed. Laulla la iht maiianr. wlin Mm- 
al tha box, 1110^ win f]^, ^a tilibl aiuhla, ra tvar^ 
upoBlosat DiaOraod la Jalton,>D City. It ihalr tliaaira 
la oot readr «bcn llrtv leach iMppla Creek, tacr will 
ipealoalrnu " 

Kaaaaa Cll|-,— At Voalea' Operi Honn llerr- 
manp eama Jao, Xl-rab. 1. to Immaaaa bualnaaa. Uia 
naanlns bratblna Ua laeonl ao ar llila a«aaon. Una. 
llarmano'a tlaocaawrranallaaraalnraorrha parrumi- 
?!!f •■ .T"* ba itlvUed hacwaan "Waor." nllh 

Albert Mm raaiaraJ. and Alaiaodar Balrlal. In "Tliraa 
1 ""'.'SE'".'" ; llaailal" aod " Bias " Nail wa»k. 
Ji^ O'Hail will (Miia. pmaanllot "tSrtnn Af Maela 
^oDiu'' ' "*'>rilolu«" and "Tha Conrlar of 

OanD Oraa* lloni.-u« waak Baj Irab. In "nia 
^^lij"" J''«aa."ai.paaiwl l« phanonianat l.ualsaM. Tba 
a H.O. also waa nul ararr nIsbL and stthamallaeaalha 
lionao waa parkail. Tba alar ami ahow ware BallarlnilT 
nnivad. John Rica. JMia Biwka, (iw. Rarnuui, jK,),ita 
Kniasr. Rally Cohan nad Ada lAwla naila iwnaciira Mia. 
Tbiawaak, KaoRhi Uaila'-TliaHlilawalluorNaw York." 
ao.l nasi wa«b, Faaojr Mri. In "Tha Frrach Ball." 

NiSTll SvaaavTlluvaa -I.ut waak Wool a HlaraM'a 
rptwn Tnnira" nva a latrlr iknmI ahow, t(t ponr baalnaaa. 
pia Bam|a>' ooaiilnv war* Palrlr ao^l, hut Imalnaiu 
ilropiw) i,i(. nih waab, "Ukirlaaa." Nm weak, "Dal 
moolca aal C." 

Couall-a TiiuvBE.-JeBDla Blakalv, llarrrnraJr- Al 
X«wton^ Frank Darin, Baaale Vamnn, Lara Mullean. Era 

"Fabiao, Fraacli lltoto- 

^wion, rrana uaria, vaaaie 
Want. Ilarr>' RwIiIaw, and 
sraphar." by Die aiock. 

CurrasiMiM ~Uofi Rr.,wa. traaaarar ol tho Coiiaa- 
waaon awaal'a iilp to Crirpla Riaak laataaah wlih a 

Tlaw to maklna lovaalmanta lhaia KalljanilBur- 

s«. JoloaJ tha Shaker Vadldna Co BannsarBoroaa, 

nriheOaiDTIiaatrv. of Paadvootl, R I)., waa toUianltr 
Sft.wwrt, lo«HuB ror rw'pla. and Maoa-I Iba rolloalni: 
Dlila rnoalnahui, Tbraraa, Barlba Kins. I'aarl Hraa 

•ad Airca flpaar» J. L BloBbani.ahn -aa with Iha 

uM NlaiS Rtraal Thralra, liaa baen appolntr J auao 111 in. 

'"'oriliaaaroe 11 0. Laos, Uia roiuiwarr of ' In 

Ilia Fba,low of Iha Pl0ffa,'*lun ralnr.tad rmm a trip tn ML 

t.a>l'a II. A. I'nMHirl, lonnarly lia'loaaa nianaeitr 

anti iiiaot III "In OM TinneaaM" t'-ii , haa nktamfd ru 
Janaaa Cilv.amI wlU ba haraanar ciiiorclnl wlih Ilia 

QllUa Opara llonaa "Tha Wl.lnw Jonaa." altar Iha 

aijnaaniant ai Cbtraso, haacancalad Waatarn il«la>. ana 

a-lllfn InthoB Jmi. luur tllj. tor a run Tha Kaliaaa 

iMly Orrh.,atral Rucl-ty s'aa aniilLrr eoocarl 7. F.tia 
Daekna Balir will ba Uia ao:„UI 

81. Jofeph.— TVKille'd Thenint waa dark last 

weak. "WaOK" ti^nvn Vrh. 1. to a hli; ailraora aala; 
lleniTK UliarO.jai. "Honla criilo."-": Jna 
Cawilinns II. 

CaiuroRna THaiTaa.— Ilanmann hut a l,lc hnnia 
Jan. S) Alaxandrr R^lvint In "llanilel," Fob. .1, la Uia 
unlrallrarltun boohhl fur tha Dear rn'iirr. 

Edk.v Bi'sik.— tluilDau bat waah tTaa uMtl. T1,a poo- 
plo ror wen or Feb. 3 ara: Tha Janjin Famllr. Bllml 
7l!r.l"IJ°°' llnaabia 10,1 wile. F. K. Rllii an,l wila 
Xlllls R,i«a. Val R. lm-a'aOrwinallrCo,lQ"Thal*h„-alx," 
ao<l a niiinliar iifoi^jaa ul aaiumta fiutn Laniaii »uyi: <;jr. 
oia lo curio lialL 

JflTMy Clly.-"ThoIliack Crooh" hnii week of 

Feti. 3 al the ArAiUmy. Doupllf sdJ UlnnC «hIi lu 

110:4 Tux.-T1i9Ali»plr;H. J. N. BliiliUr, U«renf« Mil 
Kuiniio, Willie Iftrar, TaoDrr anil n«DD«ri, Jameit He- 
A*uy. CUrk aaJ fit Olair, llari toO \Vl]ll*iiif. Nrllle Uw- 
ranca. lUktr tnd I.ron. I'm n fclJriKe. Mun'hr an.i llall, 
inil Ibe St. BolnioL HuiloeM niiialOH uii lo ilm nun- 

J. I.C— Buruw aoil D» itutn,l'rol. I'.Turolull, Mamie 
)Iov6,Mail«llaellafabind Fred KajuionJ. IIUHlnaw U 

WAAiii.vfiras -LIfitiA llnwaril, Pora Pratt. TtelUe Mar- 
tin l!iara aia|»tlloiiii) B. H. Mindiill. BuiImm li r«lr. 

JiOTU.— A cerilA£fti« ot oricanU*tlon ol tbe lltrrr 
WillUuii Amoi^niMt tin. wm niwl In the Cnnniy Clerk'e 

oiHce Inn «eeh. The ceptial la $l(liajD, In iharei 

LilUaduuls K*ll:t,aiiiufht»rul (leo. Kellt, and Ultra 
tllaxton. iiiuleao rRCelloDl lniprM«lon ai tho Ke>n Tuo 
)a<i ueek. Mieitnei her «orh In a ir«r that would reno«i 

cmlli on an oldvr Mrronuer BttelU rloteilMttiie 

above home after itie piittloee 27, and Qen. W. Hr>oro 

Oiled the dito tralUrntaotdD aud TlDaiv>rri Uft f-r 

Bio Fnnciacu, Cat . Keb. X «li«r«t thaf All an iil||hl veekn' 
•Djtaeeinent, eimRluf; at the Un'baum Feb. 9. T)i«y 
InieDil In reiam Kaat In Mar aoil iMve for BocUnd. 
Maoarar Kuaenn Hobloiott liaa Mcured ibem fur Ma 

"fatied Cali'^Bttxl a^atoa AdfettUloK Aveot lieu. 

OUrke haa alKafdvllb Ilia Bamuin A Balleri-lreua 

Tlia Balainboa have arraDHtMl lor a »liort ruad feaMHi at 
tan week a, opealef ai IEa»ioD, I'a., Hardil. Tha v will 
rvuna Uielr regular eeawo ih« earij pait orHrptenitier. 

T. ' Tb^ Ma» D^y* la *^e«le> the Wind" Ji rrlqioM 
A^fffai M. KeooeJy'a rUi#n 19-31, "The LoM rinflue" 

Oi&KH OriliA tlnPAi— Ttih honM tin dark alt UM 
week. "A Utralf ht Tip" waa Itnoknl tnr Feb. I. but (tu- 
rf lad. Noil*ie«urailraAttna« hare beeo aoaoDoeed by 
(*nL MetinD. Ihn new iitanMer. 

, Tint— The auemblr mom in tlie Drake OHitUoaM 

haxbeen lea«ad. anti will heua^l a« a bicycle achool 

Prank Xatlar ha« rvplacid Hr. Hpraaoe tn Ibe' lipetlal 
OellTerj" K\t. 


ChlcBgoa— mill Itaa been » vcek noInMo for Ibo 
fact that iinorilioUrce dt>wn lown l>raaea«eredfreitil 
inprftluctiMii or "Hamlet," "Heirhant or Vi<alre"ard 
iliit i-laaa eT pUva. (Kla nkluntr. at the iirand, eaueun 
etrectedljrio fill the rannlnht ri<T«hlch)lnljMka had 
hem l-ooktd. Hie plailOK nf HaiDlel'* won for hint ea- 
lliulaMilc appUttio. WalkfT Whittaldr, Id a repertory 
reiy ■linlUr to iliat on«m1 Uf Ur. Rhlnner.nirtred bj 
Iba oinparlton. ThU week wo wilt atlil hare two tra- 
Reitlana, far. althnufh Mr. TVhIteihle haa (tooe, another 
haiceuie to lakr lila pUc« lu llie penon orRieatoa riuk^. 
A mufb teller data oT ittrert oie lure beea aeen t«- 
ceatiy al theomtylnR hoiiMatii» Id prerlodt raare, aed 
the iQlar* aliuwa bom* axrellvat bfMklnp. "A Tisaa 
Rifer at tha llajiintker ."AUhMoa** at the LiDenIn and 
'Tl>e Heiry Wurld" at the Alhambrm are t>eiter aiirar< 
tieoa than arwoMlnarlly aeen )iet«,eicet>t it the doan 
tuwn placH or aniuMmaoL 

CuLfUniA TtiaATiii.-Della Ko^ will coDfludehfrea- 
memrii'.wliba w^kftf ^Ttia Uille TrMper," rInilDir 
".-a. "'Wl aurceaantl eDiafamen 

that MIra Fui hu pU>fi,| |n t:hkaiin, ami haa addpO 
HSt"".Ta.*.* •'•'Wlarily. N«it wteka May triflo, In 
■■TheWhInw JouM." 

riiirAi:u OriHa MiHitK.-.|leerT Niey bad a fklrly mo- 
crulQl «telt. clinloif I. ••IM*' opeaa a waek'a enipii**- 
iiiaol Willi a m^ilnae t. M inr of the ntd members will 
iMweD. laMudlDi HMMle BiiDehlll. Hom itaow. KleluH 
IlirlowaMlUwtaMrillianiB. F.Ia l« the ilrat lime that 
thNeilraTaBanaahajil>e»n here al ^Hilar |>tlr*»« 
awl III* Imalnetw |a certain tu (>• rnxl. 

RciiiLLiH TiiRATaa.-WsUer Whiieilde eleaeJ a week'i 
eaAKeitKot I. an-l Hunday «T*iilQi| Edwatd MariliBD 
ao.l cnnit-aiiy, t>P«n, lu "Okl Livetidrr." Laler lo Ihe 
wyelf ihay will iiUy "Uv Hun fUn." CU) Ulemeot, In 
'The New DumlQlon," niil come*. 

liBAMB OfKHA llot>i-OilM ftiila"er wah a deoliletl 
trltimpii laM wrek M "llainitt" Me will cuoilDtie ao- 
T'.**!'' "'l'"* that had bernrea^nrl Mnllukv 111* aiittiaiiOFMhiru Imwu lanteenJ eaihu 
aaMlf, emi ihe irl'li'.< lull tiliii aa a roeiralMil iwtn. 
rr^nrla U ||arn. In *-Tli(i CldttftNtu," ■ III rome 111. ami Mf. 
HlIaon.Kr*e Trioniu aod ihn loil an aure 1 1 an etilhu- 
ilmtlo aetconio. 

lliHji.hVilTHKaTRR— Till-, tlielvt week ol Ur. (ImmI- 
■lire eiiva.rmeiiu will bei'.h'iil^ devotkl lo * lo Ulr 
rwiira." Y'nr llie ImiI aiabt * AiiihttliMi * will b4 preaeotf>d 
Ur rTt|ue*l urnome»l Mr. (lm>dwlo'e admlrera, ahn re 
laid It aahleboairole. Ilei haaalinrtl cuDtrao a nor 0»>l 
»wa«i»o ami the <ine to lalhiw in eifwar at lliiidev>. Ktil- 
loaloK Nr. (ImmIvId will mine "Ilia K^cellanor.'^ rur un* 
•eek. ltwllln|i<>D|ii.iii.|ilirweaklhailtwl|fnio li to 
i*.n«7iaelrd Trum lh» iiiii« gf Ihe 'Tillh>" eDMaRemeot 

Mi-Vli-XKHrt TlltATHK-Hanrron, mailolan. Jl.l nut 
hare a ■larllinc atKCMa l.ut arek. fiiienloir HnmUy 
cTcnlop. I. CniMon(;urhp l*iiau a laoweeka' eaRaie 
meot iMtthalvrparoait rntr^. 

Li.ii-tiLy TiiRAiHa.— (Inn lleeire drairROnil hnnntalait 
wrtli, IB "A Venuliia Yiiill«iaun." cMiqm I. •■Alainma," 
uuJer iHe DiaiiaKemiiit nl Jolto t). Illlchle, opeowt «. an>l 
■ lllcnniinu* lura we»i. I* iim ottuiiwiiy am lltemeBt 
H«lobr»iR«, Frank a lianRN, tiwirse H. Hliler. Kdwanl H. 
kellr, KtJiel Irrtnit auil nihrra. Keil week, Katie 

lUvviHKicr TilRATBR.-IInt Murpliv and ccinpany 
gave a Miter perlorpituce ur "A Tesas Rl 
illJ laal w(teh, whro there «ei 
Riindayerenlnic, Will. Miidy 

Rieer" tliaii they 

ilU laal w(teh, whro tkereaern uikmI ii<iti*«a Openleg 
Riindayerenlnic, Wui.y. Iliieyttiri l>e«hia«eak nl '-TM 
(llehe Trotlar.'^ In the mmi^ny arn Mettle Vlrkera. U. 

lIoboli«n.^liM. A. OAnloor, who bM been a 
»iraDser to ilila aecU'w for a number of aeaaon^ ui^ene i 
hU thren nifbt*' llay at the Lvric Pel>. 5, lo "Tiie frUe 
Wlooer." vlilcii wom pr«««DteJwltha detail ani mnaii 
thatiiiatle It moat enjnjabletoalaniehau**. unftnod 
mailnee be will preeent -raiharUnd." AtMuit*vrT)m. 
lean alo|en a>v a fealere "tthure Arro*," haTlnic hy 
inutealconaont iraoited lor a later date, llirl A. Ilaawin 
will tin theilmeSKwIth the-Bllver Klu«." Torullow: 
lt)-U rrlmroee it VeM'MMIaaireK and U-t), **TheCotioii 
KloR." Bualoeu lut week waa ewida 

Ualv'b Btar.— Tbe Karly Bird* o|ieoel ih*ir reaaon 
with a iiiailoeo 3. V Kilwanl iNUy aoil R-J. tloodnian 
have reauiaoal coairol oT llila title, and will eodeavur tu 
reatore the iihimtce Turwhlrti the "BItda" were ai one 
lime noted. The peo|4e ore: Parker and Hetanin, 
Howard aud Rarl, Three Boiroaa. the Uucrewa, Ida Lin- 
coln aoil a cfaunia or iwMir. Bniloeaa lut week mIUi 
ihaAraericaiiUalrtyUlilawaa font. 

iHl'aHiAL— Manaier CblllHau will, aa uanal, provhle a 
■trwig variety ceoiTogeBt for lila pairooi for liie current 

tiBirro:f's If alu— Mabel Ward. AanU Rendtin, LonUe 
Talrvrt, Marie Ujoi|«ey, John union aad Fror. MuUera 
Builooita U RoiMJ. 

NuTE8~Tne AmerleaDUaiaty Olrlawlti reatuaill Feb. 
U when tliay reaome at Baltimore, M l. MarlDO Balaley 
■ in Join. Frtd llarrer haa wU hli Inlerea lu ilie above 

aitrMCiloo, liut vlll remala aa builoeu tnanejicr 

hldorado t^no Rlrea Iha uaoal variety fn Kiturday and 
RuBday nightfl. Ilatlle Mvjrera, Iro Waiton, XalelU 
Ronltaaod Alta-oaed Deliiianloe waathe bill 1. 1. niaa. 

Naa la the maefeal diraclur W. Morrlwn haa laA the 

Ifatfltoo. Pa.. Opera Ilouae, acd reeumed aaleailer at 

Oaty'a Rur Frb S F.J. Fntler, coniecled Willi lU 

(Jnnd Open llouae. Beaton. Maaa , l»t eeAiiio. la now 
doing the adraDce work Inr iha Noaa JolU y Cu. The com- 
pany baa canceled all nf their Weaiera daiei aad wiu 

cflaDoetbeiii«eUea lo Ihe Kaat Tbe Walaon Blalvra' 

BurkMiue reat Una week. Mra. Juan De 'Aviwn baa ffooe 
to her home, Chicago, III., i>o accoam of an lnilatn*d 

BTewark^At Uliier'a "Ttrllltv" mgtlo a rerr 
rarmmble Impreaaloa la« week, and aitricled good 
houaea every Digbi. For Uie preaeoi week ^e Oay 
Farlilaoh" will entertain. Tliay were welt received for - 
a etormr Dlafat^ 9^ aott a good week U aotldrated/'i 
Kathryo KMdcr. in 'tfuie. ftaoa Ueoe," will itil tho-* 
week or Feb. 10. 

JicoTLs'.— rtiie Brodle, In "Oo tho B«w(r7,"drew Roed 
liuaineia tn ilila hnu«e Jaat week. Ihe preieui weak 
t»rlng«''Dnvn in Dltl«L" whldi haa been Multeaiirreural 
li«re befira. Klomi laUrfMied with tlio ti|>eolng, S. 
■ftnalifMiy" c<iiioiber* 10-13 

WALbNarn-Klr^i daaa utiendaQce waa glveo aTery 
pfrionnaoce of "Hoiiih Itefure the War" fail week 
flyde'aCnaedUnavlU probaldy flud Uioir audleoc«iaaa 
Urge aod at>pt«cl»llveaa erer ihli week. They ofmntd 
te a bIghnaaosroraMorray olghL Uoa Ultra NovelUa* 

tron weekoi K). 

h'Kwa ^4il, W. M. Morloo, who maoaged Mlaer*i New- 
ark theatre eererwl vtara. aa^ntned llie oiaia'einaui of 
iheA|ierahoiiulDR<it»beUi. .\' J.,F«ti.l. Afiera^hmt 
aeawo the liouia will he aJiered eileoalrey. |i the 
dAnaKBaullwlitcliCel. Mnrinu hroaght Bjialeai ihe Oori' 

Treranloii, Ada lluoier. Uooa. Wiley. 11. V. fUg^n, Bur 
■ do aod t'lyda Huoley, Chu. (J. njlwrflo. Mlonle (leonail, 
Fan* La I'HilOa 

KoiiiaA Mipiiu:ti>:«'i (Ilom Urvwa ~Amoag iha at- 
traclluna tlila weotr will lie IJnile. Albino; Kalabo. wlib 
raideBDalaa; lUrr Rchmdll, clay luodelar; Birfpay, 
vnekeartlai; Uuogarlan Uypey Band, OrlanUl danceiik 

'KOIII.A HiDni.TTOM'nCMHK^HRkTMt'avuM— rraknlty 
alaae haa had a Rrtat re c«i*llun durlog Uie raat npek au<l 
wll remalo. Uilier aliracUooe locliiaeJ(ihnReatb,l«ag 
iMided man; Willie Tucker, ing puncher; UiKing Kont- 
aroeiAdatna, arailfMcraynoanUt; Rareppa. /aiui oblef 
•an4 llie apoiinri wire: F It. WiHUma, in»uih (mniaa. 
iilia ataea prugmairoe will coaalaiui farce cuiaedy ind 


ViiirB H LAXDOiT Dime Mi'aitiiH.-Ie the ratio lull will 

- ha*npend- 

log for anno ilme.the Jury reotUred o venlki or iiyjO 
furtheplaloiliTlaelweeka TTie aolt waa limiiihi inuli 
Uln ilamagtafor injerlta ra^elvcd while illdhilog fmro 

a trolley car Ileory i:. Miner haalaated hIa Newark 

theatre to Mr lfyd«.or Ilroaklvn, and tt will lao run un- 
der U>0 nunacemeotor Hyde k Hetimao. iii eonnerll aO 
with Ihelr oiher thiitroa. The leaae will la'ieelTrrt al 
tlierleieof the preaeot aeaaona TbetheatieMiU beiui 
aa a legiUtnaie hoeae. 

Patenon.*Al lie Upon RoaM Wllligm Htrrj. 

In "Tbe HIalBg tleo-*ratlcni," played to the ci|>iclir of 
ihehuuaeJao.S'.Pri. l. "Beaale'aTrtpto Woa*1artiiK-" 
had apiendtd burlava 9. SO. 'The MMolght ipecUl" had 
ralrlv good hmiMii tr, 11. Bnoklnia; Actire Athletic 
Club'e Riaga Peti. X 'X'liarlej'a aubi ' 4. ft. "A ':rack*r 
Jack" ^ "The New Boy" II. 11,-flovlag tlie Wind" 11, 
''HniroaeA Veat'e Mtnaireli Ift. 

BiJou TlllATRH— TbeWaiaoD Btaiera nurle'riuoOi. had 
gnod hiiiiaea 77 anil we*ka Raoi T. JACk'a Creole f la 
Ihe bill at ihia hooeetor Pcb- S aoti week. For vcekiir lU 
we have f.eavltl'a "Htrlder and Pir" Co. 

BbKH TttRATiii —Artlvale for 3 and werb are: L^nla 
aoil Dolllf Kuaeell, Lulu Thiee, Morgan and Flaherty, 
Prince fliaranh. the Keegane. Jaa. R Adama, ihr Miyu*. 
F. W. RarlolL Ida Van noortland, Morphy and Kiiraale, 
<niaa.V Haaaiun, Magee aiKl Crluimina. Le*i>ra^(l Will 
lami, aod tlia Bli Fear. Baalorta coniloaea gool. 

TnaloBa— it Ttylorg <lperm ltoiiH« Talltlan 

Ruaaell came Jan.T/, loth* largcat aod ro«»al rAabliaDoMe 
andieoeeoltheaeatoo. Wto. Harry J^*. bad gor-ilhuil- 

OKA. "lluBian llearta," 31, Pet. 1. did well. B^iokloga: 
The KoJak" r». LB. "Paradfo Allei" k. '-Biwloe the 
Wind" U. (ttga Kalberfd* It Ff ImrAM A Weat K "lave'J 
Prom tbeHea" II. U. OntlU Xf'Artllleao<l "Ttie Mu 
riaeradem" have eaqceled. 

TBBjrro?! Mi'ABrg.— Baaloeu nmllnaea >/■■ al tbii 
hooMnoder tlie Dew foIbo of eowiloonoa renurmincea, 
Tbe paopto wbo work bero for 3 and w»ek are li«w Raker, 
ten^rdetl. Jea. i:. Hngbea. C ark OibU.(:urk UlhiH 
Jr.. Brllllaat Oian«t, chaa llelMmb, llarvy Ar.en, 
Riuhio and BlUble, Tlievlere, RaUMay.and Morten and 

BllufMtfa— At lb« J.jccum ThcftUe "AptrAai 
Cellvery" caice Jao. A.forthoijioefit of the ltti»r Ctr- 
r'era loa peylog bona». WHllain RairT «*ma »j tr fair 
LvoM. ToarTii«;'*ACratk«rJair*r«l.6."nii K-Oat" 

Kifoocdy. Thanliir* Halicnrn, l*aiil jurata, ll*rt 0. 
Thayer. R. 1). Ahiiey. Prank Lnhlen, llennoe fMward^ 
RMirlceMnrebttHl. aNaxt week, -Th* Tereotietii Century 

Ar.\nsHT ny Nraia~"IVi;k'a Bad Hny" hid raoilerain 
biialnoH liAt werk. Tlita wrek Ihe hooae will LeocMi- 
Ple4lhy'*flltvaii or lJo!tl."wlth KInior Orandlnnnd Ma 
Unnntr.>nl In the lenlliig nil*a. Neil eoek, *'A llai-py 
Llltle liniiir." 

Al.tiAKiinA TiiRATHi.— (tenr<o W M'inn>o ii?»n% i.tor 
aw«rk'afii|"A Happy Mule llome." Ihihby 
llA)hir cloivd I, ofler a «eek ui fair bualoaaa, "Tim 
U^'ry World" cornea avek ttrMinning V. 

IIavli.v h TiiRATiiK.-Tbo lait week** hiialniiaa wM gml 
rur*TL-aK|kmi of I.iik." "AnAmarlraii Hant" npeotda, 
wlih Clint Ptint at lhehaa«l. Neat week, Tim Vendetia.'' 
lliirxixi'TiiMATRR-For thiawi-ek tlie vaudeville pro- 
icrainnie will Iwfurnl'hed by tlie ftilloalngmjiil*: )tdva 
Triu, Kiiil-h and iVtnpliell, JaifriKa Mack. HnaUod and 
Koeoe, Wahlo Wlilp|>k, rtinlih aud Couk, Vereatlte IhrrH. 
tlioAlitama, lV<|imlltiB The ilrania lo be praa«alfHl by 
thnaieck compaiir In "The LwnvHTrlire " 

lloi-KiNri' IIiBATMRIWet Hidt) >-Thla week Iho etaeh 
conipMiy will ^rvHtni '-Jiuvi; a laaiHllng." >HBm*l vt 
roa«ir hlare<l tii iiiiHlerate lia>lneaa laal week. 

nr.VNi-ir TiiKiTHtf.^Rualne'i la oxenllent, and the at- 
tnirtiiiDB oirerwl are the Iwai tn Iw liail In the way t>f 
rauiUvllle. Furlhleweek tho prngraDitne will Innlaile 
Mlui«'aBrrla|liallei.tUdieJlaaMin, Htlrliinl aiad llulli. 
Paleard Leiiell. Barileltand Hay, Frank Mnran. Ibioetti 
end Hpreio, (feorge H. Wond, Annie aod Pfora MoKffo, 
iheTr Bella, Harry oad IMly llua«ell. I'r«r. K. (I. Joliu- 
af>n. Olliiitire and Hu«h*ll, Mou'. tialler, Uiadfuhl and 
Niinn.KvrIyn Rritlon, Juhnaoii iruiine. 

I.vrki M TtiRATMK.-BiialnerM haa been vf ry fair of Uia, 
wlih foine OTraiUnt, liictuillng the Watli- 
liiim Rlaieni laal wMk. Fwr llila we-h the pregraiuuie 
*lll Upra»eiitpd liy Mario HiuaH, Henri Cauiiao, Mile. 
Kloaale, P. F. Bakar, iPdiinaon aod Hakar. HtioaMi and 
Merltii. flracleand kejnblda. Waller J.Tatliol. 

lutuHiAL Mi'iiir Hall— Tlie Block ()i»era(!u will pre- 
aeoi 'Pra l)<nvni<K" with Marie Hell lu the priiielpal rule, 
rite TAUdevlllehal liidiideMTr(>)a.Laaupl and Heo, Uave 
Marlen, Ma Unwell, KtIM Carter, Kuan Wtoclieator, dla 
RuaMtland Mi /an and Arllogluu. Builiiru la goo J aod 
gmwIoK bvtlera 

Ua'I.'vii.— iJrawrord'R Mliiatre'a will l»e tbo pilnclpal 
attraciloii ihu wopk. (libera who will appeirareihe 
Thrae tllnlellea. il*tin*llean. (luiiiian and Ptelda. Van 
Tihlerand rihloey, Karoy VeronI, Uraue Celeate aod tlie 
Bpeitiah Pitur. 

Hah T. JACK'ri r>riiu llot-ai —The Tbtyil Rurlae^oo 
Cn..ooooi Manasrr Jack'a urgaulritlniia, will plaf lino 
week. Ttio leading iitauibsre are Kmiita Warir, Babia 
Winter. Franci* Krrani. Harry Amiainiog. 

URriiRm m-Hic llaf.i..— Ihoprnirainme Uilawwkialll 
be liven hy Ilia ftiiliialoR irenpl*: caiiiilnella and I,u- 
cilia, Brethera Knsciaui, Allen II. Wata, Harnwi d Mia- 
ur*.IVineo Mtnoand l.i<o llaiioiao, ileiirga ntanry, lo- 
gertello aod a lady orcheatra. 
Fahk TiriATHB.-Fur ihia week the prograinne will 

cnn»Ut oraonn actromedy by Burton HunferaBd epctl 
alilea by the foloelng people: Hhater aod Monti, tfjoad 
BDd Kerahaw. Mn«. Leiia. Hchaelf^r and Clark. PefTlB and 

ba aeen BonoieUelil^a, rat woman, aod Farcy AllhrlBhl, 
living abeleuin. Handoraon'a (Tnni^ly Un., loctaalog 
MUea<>lBaaib Fannie (lihbe AiaeTla lllce, lleonla Wal 

living abeieUin. 

MUeaf^alaaaa. Fa . 

late. llarryKt. Jukn Mllirunitvli the aiege perlureinnea 

Tlie uBual Midwarilaoco will be glveo. 

KOTiN — Kouaa hid two treuititduualimiaeaat the Audi- 
torium laat week and care two innioroocarialfetidBy, 

one at Iho Haymarhet anil tnu olhar at Hoolfy'a Mr. 

aikl Mra. Ma fl. iTurila have (<repered a Cbinlon'ikl ier»lnn 

or "Kam'l lit l*aJ«o" r<ir raedevlile wmk. ''The 

Hiraoge Adteoiuirf orMlaaBrowo" haa beao hooked for 

P«orla.«At llie tiraml Opf ra riouM ' TItft Blark 

Cr>«k"pUird loa laiRtihinia^ Jan. 17,. *'l'flnr«ta iun- 

nle" playvil in a lan;e audience, at a>lvanrai1 |itlc«r, tf 
"TbeHI«JeHalkB ol New Vuih" pUteiltoabiphfKvrhojM 
SU R<d Hiiilih liuiaell pUrtd Ui the larMvat rt. H. 0 liou>n 

. f the aoavfl, at ailvancaO price*- At iha aid uf tha aic 
cMJ act Mr. Kuaeell uiade a epeecli and waalnndlr Bp 
IdaudMi aotl r«icelve<l B«reMl curra'n ci'Ia tJuialuu: 
•Tlie Katah" Pnh 10, "Waog" II, "Alvlo Jofllln" II, "A 
litnuurm IVieek" Hi, 

ATTiiR Arotrngieif, Lap, Il>* hypr.ollit, pl'P*d to fair 
tnuNOA during the week ending Peb. I. L'eining: "A 
Trip to Chloaiowa" 1.1 

Decaiar.— Tba work of roimlltllDt th* Pnwcni 
Orand Ilia laroMrtaaMl wooderlallr. and It li ananuncod 
thai the r^reiel opening wlH be Pah, I, *lih H'<-«*a 
"ll^r' t:o. Prod ilfron. ihe new maoaK^r, haa niovad hla 
Uinlly lo l)ni»i(ir, and wtil lafen chargo or tkn honM at 
*nc-,tliu (ttlrlag luanairtr. P. W, IUIoee.BaiUling blm 

anillKrif.trmlmr Wllltim Hrtun an I eir^. elm were 

■trande*! here, arfl wera II) aod In deatltuia elrcani- 
Man-ea. wnrenHod and aaelatrd orit uflowD, ^fl r^^fa to 

iJblreso. jBii.:n -William P. NilUpaiivh (lllll MIlU) 

and mlfm are litre, vialiing raUllvaa .. ..K<t, Oxiper, e 
variety pkrforco*r,died In tJila oliy Jao. V,t'um rapid 

llloouilni|luB.— At Ihft OniDil Op«n IIouw 

'Tho H^dewalki of N"w rorh"pia)eil bi gac«l hnaloeiA 
Jan. ti ToiniihlnB* • Black C'rwh** had a lilg hOBBO 19. 
Knl.Hmllh lldavrlldran oat one of lt*m leririt and liio»t 
faablonaHoaudlenriB'd Ihe aeaaun 31 Hnokloge: Tbe 
(hirdiKi tiihonyrfi.. at iMMrtilarprlcM.week coiuioanclng 
Peb 9, "KlRht llalU'- 10. 'Waog'- U. 

Un<ne>'— Al tbe Ktiiplre "TUeHldawiIkirtf Haw 

Toik" r-lated to good liualneu P»h I, *-rrlar«lB B<ib- 
llie," 27. drrw au api-reciailva audltoee. Ilarriiitno hul 
an var«ller.l iKiuaeM- '-Rajeli 'dld laltly well »>. -Uel- 
itionieo'aalF'oamei Peb. 1. "Wang" JO. "BlglilBolbr' 13. 


Porllftnt]— At Hie lUrqiiADi 0r»n4 ''VAt'olttt" 
wan glveo by Iccelacoateort, under tin ou^lcee ooi for 
Uie bentflt r>f the firagt-n Rot<l Cleb, ooder ibe dlreeiloa 
of Wa P. Klcreae, Jab.tStutt. Iiwaao markid \UC4U, 
Ute hbo«o lolog (rowdad racboftliB rour panornaacet. BIUW«HBed9r. In "tJemU'Oa" Tliocoaa W. Kaeoe 
(omeaUL aoil Ket'e Putnam Peli.S. 

('0M0HAr> TiiRATOi-— "OreriliB Oatdeo Wall." by Iha 
BBfioDBiNTk Co.,*agprod(Mllrt ol |aoO boMBMSveeh 

ofUL *Tho llarrasl Voon" waa piilnn nnJ wllllto 
rMlnirad hy "Oirranl Caah." 

Till Ntv Paik TRRlTHglidark. 

A!iHII*»BN.— AnIU l.\mnoL K*l- Rhintlell, llUnchn 
LantiBBt, Radia Dewej, LUblallonilell, Riltey Rt*t*r!i. 

LopVRi— Pielaniwre Latly Orchaaira. 

CHXTHAr Mmu llALi. Ann TiiRATii— Rlh Hall, 
L*wL Klhel Cllttna Woaly and II. ChiUm jn, 

\Vu.\okHia:in.-Varl*ty conllaue,). 


Chftyeiane— Tbe RudIco aoCMlrlcIt Co. apiioitrccl 
tA good hu«lneAJk week btglnning Jao. tT. Ilnvmnn ,k 
Vnung'BMInalrelaareJnM Keh. |l,Bnd Kaltlul for IT. 


*'UicuAiia AND Ilia l/mr ANuflr.,*' a pUr, Id (tvo 
•clM, br lieory ArtlinrJoUM, wait proitiii'cil Jun, 
At Iho Ijceom, Lmtlon, Kqu. Ttio iiiit; was jint* 
dticoii 111 America etaiiiltHnf nuii.j. 

*'OiPFRH Jar<ii.**h one aor lueijn giutlj, hy Alicin 
IUtuR«;, WAN Rlvttb At Uio Coiufdr, li 'iiilitii, Knffa. 
Jan. Ua 

"JiBRt'Rnn," an opem. In tltrfo rcIk, imtulo by 
ai0D(>r liiulrlo l*cll(Rnnl, llhretm itj Blfrnnr AiMnri, 
Kogllah AiUplallnn by Frod WihhI, wbh ptxhIucciI fitr 
Ibo ilmt iltiio nl Ihu i.clDater IIaII. Dubliu, Ire.. 
Jar. 11, 


Ai'iii'itri-ia r<irA")H. l'RX.fmRn, a woH known m^n- 
at«r«dleilJan,Si,athlahoiiiain Fhilailelidila, IV,rfi>iii 
poennionia. Tho dnceaaed, who waa uno of the iittlt«4t atxl 
beat liked budneaa Bianagem etmnn-ieJ with Dm »h>ii- 
wark), waa bom In Muniitniilh, N. J., Juno I, IH^. Itu 
fhllierteiooTH) lotlwHouili, and tn » ua rap- 
lain or n Btoaetidilpntnolagout uf Hnn ftrlenDa. At Hi- 
leen jBarBoraio I'eanorer raoawa) froiii hunioandinuk 
up the lire i>ra Bailor. Iiorlng the Mril^an war hi> wae n 
trumpeter. Ilia Hrel appearance In tho prnreaiilon win hi 
IRHl, at the Rt. Charlie Tlt^atre, Now Orlanna. b< r.\i| Imiv 
AaauehheappMrwl uwler LnUlow a Hiiitiii> lueiinflrt- 
meni In Na•hvl^^ Mt>nlphl^ Mobile aiiil m, l^iila 
Aboiil 1*37 he wat marrlnl to a iwly alio U now 
konen aa Mr*, a. A. IVniioyer. and ahii an* In iho 
Block comiwiy nf t^ Hi. Chariiu TluMtirw. Snar itrljann 
In Ifatia. Th*r wait. dlriiroMl al^tql |<4r)|, htil liiAilAdy 
Itae Itern rnirra>(i»nilly kiinan ea Uib. M, ,\. I'Kiinoirr 
alllumalt iiiarrlctl to II It Knrnuin. Mr. IViiuiiynr 
waa at- Batea'Thealre. I'Ina Rlrmii, nnar Fanirlli ahrii 
WltllA:n t^nrll l>*nioa« leMi#, Nov. \ t^). TIia iMllnw- 
leg year ho beoantaliudt'OM inanager fair Folnr ami t.'er- 
ollne Itielilnra. anil conilnuni hiiIi Hifiu) inr llulli kbo- 
eon.!. Than ho Irafeled aa hitaliieaa niaiinaer ii>r Cliar- 
Inlte TlioaiplvQ, and the ndlowlna >ear lie nax irexaiirer 
roribe WalUek-pMienimrt l-itmiiliiallnn. In irirtllmwaa 
ntairled Uifllara ll*(Hl,daURlilerii| John Henl, amlalBiiir 
nl Itftland Iti^l. Tkeyhad fiuir rhlhlren— Nrllli-, iVirrie. 
Alire end WHIIant. TIm latirr waa iri*4iitirr fatr tlm 
llniad Hirael Tbeatie, l'lillailel|dilvand al |ir«*rnl Nirea- 
Burar of the lloiiitMoo Tl)eairo. PlttBlmrp. Hlian l)ao 
KIchlnga KnRlMi Ui^ira iNi.nrganl/oJ. lu ISAV Mr. IVn- 
nnyerlivcaiiia luaoauer, and rauillriiiftl In that ixxhjitn 
r*r ruiir eeaanaa. He vlalleil Kiimi* In IM/ »iu\ 
UKO on bHiliie«N ror tha' i*rgaiiluiion— fair lilirnlil 
andrnatuinea. IiarluKtbBara<«ui of IMP-Tilhe liavp|««l 
with LolU w lier twaroaia aianaeera Hloca that Kiim hn 
haalieao nianBgevftiranma of the i|ti*at i* Ninr<« 
lu the country, lie Iwaiiie tmaiirer litr ItoUiul ll^il 
abonl alB aeaaeiia ago. While In tlilraaiK III,, ii.rm 
weikiain, Irt ciiniracttil a hrnryiuld, whirb nuiilnufii 
lo ||n>wwnr«e iintli Itvelllnl Into imibuuiouIa. !(■ tmiii 
to hia hone In flitlailelidila Jan. 77. enti iirrjiiiB »a III 
thai hla lamlly and dnnlnr were at hla bwl'ldu ranilim. 
allyuutil hla ilnalh. Ha wea a iiianitjt<r <il ilio FliilaiUi- 
plila bnlge or KUa. llowaa never an arlur, hut iilifii 
wlih aatlalerlloB la all Mm (Hialiltma ofiull hnf, iiroidpier, 
ataao manager and hualneaa mknager. lie waa llknl l>\ 
all who knew ltliii.and tlirrearn r^w whimi dMihwDulit 
raure iRure ^nneral regrel. Tlie fmirral, wlilrh (K-t-iiirta| 
F«1). }, waBBIIer.lMl hr n'mut b|i|)' hiPiiila^riiiif I'hH nlpi. 
yhti laolur.Na 7, H. I'. (I. P.lka The pnH Warer* were - 
r,.d.T. Allainn llrBan.Jnlin JaoV, Wnt. W. Illiirkf ii ami 
I.«w Htninii np. Tkn lonialna ware luleiroti lu Klko' llmi 
Mt.Mi.rlah Ct>niol»ry. 

llAtHT Uii-HiiMT (''liiiwW). Iiarf4«rh rhlnr, dlr<l frnin 
Hilghri dlaaaie ua Jan. 1L at the hoiiin ol Imr nioiliur. In 
"hiraoo. 111 . armllventy rlvii yeera Tlmdrcanrpl. «■„> 
Waa tlia wife tim'llilain Rlinwiee, wa^, lii*lnTn .lio wbm 
t^ken 111, Ihtoe VMra agn, pnonlneiilly bikihii m» a rlaler. 
Rlie iitailo har dnbtit dnrlug ihe aeaaon n| l.sti alih ilm 
llarrlaNlrkBl Plain Rlinoa. under IhoiuUhin uf iMn fn^. 
t*llo. Tliari)l|i)WlngB»aann ahn traveled allh llipHp1la,v 
Hairplt ClrdHB. Ib IMV alia ■*■ wllli iIib Vnii Aiiiliuni 
HIhiw, enildurlaR the Wloler ^f thai venr *lie tiMmkat 
thrnuuh Ritiih Ani*ilr4 ePh I>tiniivan^a CIrciia. lihe iit- 
tumiMl in HiIh nmniry In PM, anil waalhflii fur l«o aan- 
enpflwlib Ihn Aibni PurvPBiiRh Hhiaw. Hlie hImi rodn m 
MedlBMi fM|Uam llepUn. MiIb nlly. ilurlng ihn ninwillila. 
tiun i>r til* Baniiuii i Haller niHl lli« FnTiiiiau*h Hlmafi. 
fulM4rtRhelraT«UilwPb Ihe H«lla llnw ' Hhow, and ilur- 
liiilllia ridbiwiiie vearwB* iiiatrle'l lo Willi ini HJiit» Irp, 
Hrmthen aetitl'tKumiMiand n-ale In It -iidionliiilrig tlm 
eiey ol Uie Kamuiii A llallty Rlmv al tlie li yuipla. Vim 
waa the pi|pi-l|>nllBdvrldar with tha H-liii Urn*.* t^rcua 
Heaaiina nl |tf-»-l-3. eoliig tn Auatralia with the *faow. M,i< 
wa^ 111 when *k« rotumed to thia country and tiator rmin 
again. Her huakand oml inmhar aiirvito liar. Tliero- 
lualna «ere liitanml al IHiiailBle. II). 

HiR JiMiril BABhliV, iuaiBkkii,dlo'l Jan 3*.at T«imilon, 
Kog Tlia dacaaaBd, «liu waa one nf KiHlemra fi<reiiiiiki 
tiiualciaiia, wu toni Anga 11, mm, at Yurb, and at aavaii 
'I Mra or age waaa cIhii laur In UieRallimlral at that vlaCM. 
lealteiward Btadiod al U o Itoyal Armlpiuy nf Mualo In 
jnndmi.rroiiiwMcli ho RraaMiaii«l lu iK'iJ. Hn aaM aiib- 
Boiiuooily uigtiiUl Itt Revaral Luodoii rhurclie.', and later 
wa« apMilaicU ctiidiiemrtif liielir>ii)rlo l^oir»rtaai Hi. 
Jeuiaa and Kiwlir Halle. l|e<irgA>tls-Hl tho Viiral K«cltitr 
BlHtut IKia, aiid b IS7J lie attcrtwiMl iliinoiMl a< rbiiductur 
of the Itujal Alton Mall t'lioral Hoaivly. ||d waa on* i ( 
Ute luundere or the Lundiui Muilcal H.H3lBiy In IH^i. aoil 
waa It* oiflilBOlor until IH:fl. In ItUJ lie Iwuaiiia iliaili- 
rECli'rortheiluikl llall HutiiMil of Mualo, ami he rnnliail 
the honor (tf kDl|lithirii>i during tlm aanie >ear. While lie 
■aa ilioautlwrpr auuiiil*erui churel norhfl,ahlrb It- 
eamo ituyular, lia reudrml lila gi»Bt*BiN*i vlre lo uiualntl 
life lo l^udwt BB oiKidaiciitr, and It la alauued Tor him 
that he lud ibtruluced tu tlie lauodirfi publlr oiirra bow or 
preelvuBlyuokBoeawerka tlian luulauy other Knglleb- 

'"pu'iu v.JiHBgir,anaclnr,diad Feb. I, al Biraalmrg, ' 
Va., aged Uiirtytware. The dove aaed waa Iwro In J^jn- 
dun,£Dg^ but liad been In ihU ctiuniiy a nuinber ut 
■Mra. lie bad tiavvlwl with a iniinlier ul r.<tiiii>anlw. 
eod at una lino bid a nttnatiel Ci.iiii*any nl lila o«n 
ott Ilia ruad, Pur the laat four eeajHuia h« bad l»een a 
■neratwror ib«>lr»oeTarlurt%i., and waa «ionaclat| wpii 
Ibat orRtulMtkiD at the time ho waa ukeii III. The re- 
iubUb «*ia luiprred In lauUieran Ihmieler/, KlraaloirH. 

KParool*Rtt,a railely pairomitr, died Jan. 2t, at Vr. 
ealur. 111., iruiA npHl otnaumiAliiu. Thadocaaa»d wa-i 
taktn mat PalaB,To«., In June, and waa hroiight back 
t«i hia nitlvw otiy tO die, flewae iweoty four yoara uf 
aga,an4 had Weolo Uio lioilneae alHiut Wibl )eNrB, 
platlngdataalu tkaAouih and Weat, l«ingur llin l*Hin>4 
Fauooa and (kioiar. aod Mllla gnd trooper, I'afti'f Un 
time Uial be WAP will) Billy Mill* llie laajn waa wllb llai- 
l.nd. Bowman A UfLaughUn'B rireiiB. Tlie renialBn 
weie iBterrrtI ttl,iaflretuwoodnaine'erf,nlncliinntl.O. 

Mu!fH. ItAt'BLiaA U'riin Tairt). Jnuglar,dlid Jaii 73,ac 
Hloektou, i:al. Iron onoaHmytiidi He , wae tlilriy->U 
tearaoraoe. The renialDa Ware Iniarrid undar the aua- 
plcao of the Hlockioo faodge B. Pa O. Klka. 

TosRV Htm HiiyiR, a variety periuiiiior, dlml Jnn.a^l.Bi 
Hi. Mary'e llvpltal, UlofthinBli, O., riuiii typliuld f«v*r. 
HhewBAlweaiy learaoiale and waa well knuan In tho 
We»t la a nerlo-ooiiile atoger and daucer. Hernifithnr 
aniliiiieBlBiaranrvlvelter. The remalne «ore takoo Ui 
FODU, loit., ri*rlnleraienL ^ , 

IIRRRT B. Itsvm. an BlUcUe ft iha Klevanlh KtreeL 
r)»«rall'iuiw, FhlMehdila. I'M., dlnl inuii neuralglanr 
the heart, Jan Tf, 'ii Ihn JprTfr/'iii IPiapllal. ihnl rity. 
Ilowaaburn JiinBltr, IW,ln Him Ibdlhlay HUwlTlioatro, 
Ualtlinnro, Idl-. oliern hla lather, Hani f.lnPiii. vaM 
Topertr ralnr. Tne docpaBeil wae (Bkoa III ahlli it 
ilawori Id iLaKiiera liouee during the i^rluniiaura i..' 
Miiinteit'a MlnMtola. lln wab lakmi tu Urn h'-apllnt, 
where Lodl*l awn efter hla ailiiilaalon. Tbo ilareaivl 
waa the liMMbarlnlaw uf Frank lluiuoiit, hy aliont lot 
wu empl^ela The reinaloa were Inlerrwl In f.«unl 
im: 4:«meiary. . . „ „ . , 

HAA Ji-ffl RTKrilKBH. a ret ir*l F.nHllaIi ncirrae. dle<l 
..jOaUk, In l/,fiMliin, lo liar eltiity fuuitli year. Hhe ra* 
tlie«l fruiiiUie kiaiB Jul) f.ltfi. 


An ar:ior ntn a iitrniiHrr nf a t-o:n|>anjrn»wb innl 
n nioHlfrrag tvlillorji ivjuri* frnm t^MlifnrnU in (hit 
l->Al. ea/B Jmlu>'. Hcforu lliclr Intln wn^t pullntl oiil 
orilietftirtiilit)/ liR'l Iwii r*iiliii:itd to omlDKiim 

onm fare of tho rAitpwil I iimrerM, aimI K"tlllMii 
^notiflli evni or tiul'.mjibdttbtynll liad a iiutfcnl- 
flcent liunfor on whnii ilio tmlu roAcitf:d n Miiitil 
alalhio at Which lliorn waa A rcMUuniiil, ami llin 
grfir wan lliu nrnt to flfid a ar nl nt Iho Mblc. 

'■Jlrtng n», In u hurry," lie Hibl Ui ihn triiirllnnl. 
„ burly VVcBiern man, ''a itortftrboiiHi eiiuk, wiinn 
flevllfii kMiioya, n liracn ut cliopn, plenty i»i vogu- 
tablet, ntid twu tmlUca nf \Hw liltfi-r licur." 

Tho lauolord alurk lila Pnail mil of ilin illjiinu 
room <1oor, anil yelled lo RuiiiQUiily In Dio r^nr 

*-rtay, llUl I loll tlio Iriind tn pliiy 'lliilo llrllaiiulA.' 
Toe rilDcofif Walna Ituconitt." 


AcAmdha^v Iwlro ilioirairylnR piwerr^f noov. 
Wlih all opllftary I'Mil of fuiir biiinlreil (xitiiHlH lio 
can (rarel llilrUMrii or rfnirlncii cnjg wllhuiil watirr, 
golotf rorly inlliMM dar. Tliry nro 111 to wnik hl 
QveyearMold. but their BlreiiKHi l>«Kliin lofl^rllnu 
AC tvenij'flve, aHhriUBli ihey iiaimlty ilrn tiMiirtr. 
TBeiartf olteii fallefifil nl ihlrt; (Mrilni btiicher. 
lUllr fteib lAhtlng like liref. Tne TuriaiH Imtu 
berda of Ibeaa abliiialB. ufieii a thonnahtl iR-loiiKiiiiC 
to one family. Tiiey areDnnirrourtlriaiiilniiliy, fi r 
ho (MitrlarRli Job had ihrea tliouBHiHl. The 'Mm- 
hiicbMi or Heharrl hrnfitl H rciDarbaiilufor rp.-td 
AwJ litDvd oDlr fur rouriora, guliig ctRhl hundiiil 
nilltalikilfliJtifayR, wltiA niaiilof datcn or Rrnin 
ot olRlklfaTl. NaiHilcou toiivoyed niieiii inrDdreil 
Infantry on raDKla arroM ihodticitfruiuCBiru lu 
Bi.-ieia-d*Acrc.-/.//'j'/(tivVI Xv. 



Febbuaey 8. 



,. rBOPajBiou. 
aiO. W. KBIL, HABian. 



Tawir Maup*rUjM,ftgM* t/P«BMnn;ipu*otoM 
1Mb tUB iMk iiwMa>. AdtdDMkBornpneML U 
tUovad M ■dniliwiHBU wbas p«ll for miM irathi 
Ib ftdTUM, tod 00 •drartlMBvQia mwariBf IQB Uom 


Om f Mtf, to tdvuM, M; tlE oatoUu, 11; lhn« DMrnth*. 
II. romlpi poiui* uln. ttaglii «09Mi^ U) otnu Mob. 

ODB nam Asa oiau. 

THB OLIPTU U li«a«d awiT WtdHiday butdIbi. 
n*Ulk, Ulb tad lllh (idTirtUBi) PHM OO TO FBia 
OH MONDAT, tai U» IHhTuu MbBr pB|« oo 

ThaTonu 01eita|Fr«mpU7 M4 P. M. 

flMB* nnlt b7 tipnBB nowr ordfr, «bwb, r.O.Or 
dBrorncMMBdUlter BDd 

Ver tk« Uilaiial w tb» BwIbmb 
OBpaitauat la 

r. 0. B*i iMiat, or OLirpu aniLDiiiq, 


U BBBlud— TBI Ourm un m obulotd. vboUMto 
tad r«UII, or our u«bu, BalUi, AIbiUo A Oo., ■ Xbw> 
UiUa itnit, Bumad, liOBdos. wlm booad fll« or Iblf 


lo rnnoB— Tib Oupraa U «o Ml* at Brwtaao'i B««a 
dopot, IT Atmb* d* rOvara, rartj. 

llataM omir «• •ditto*. »■« «k»t la dated 



ABDamMoi viiftUMKmvoroim. Aixipumr 
or umi uoou> wmin n rsoai vsoa ravr ou, a 
o&uorTUBOurPBBl^Orvws. AuurrmawiLL 
n ASTiBtioD ovi nil onr. Ir nm noun or ut 
nuTEKui ooHPin u ■woiT, una to oob uar or 
■ona u AJKiTBn MOB. Wi oinor WD Bovni 

0. B.. Btiwtor.— 1. W«lib Btlvwda dM tt th« wldrw 
you DtBtiMor. 6,103. S. W»<«sdoi iDtDnn yoa if Uif 
pftrtlMjoui-uM ara AlU llvbRthm. Addreultittn 
lo UtML tol>«»Uim«d ID vrlur VnotdfliTArad. 

U. W.M.,Pliubiiri|.— Thtn Is M nconl oftlio Iodi«cI 
Jamp aoooopluiifd ua Um tuBik. TlitnAnoalj lodl 

MM. 0. A. O.. BI«MburK.-WtUk our nut* llii For Ui« 
Do UftVtD OoBtdj Co. 
U. W. Cblcmgo.-!. C«rUlal7. S, S. 4, A. Yoa wou'd 
. . .. "ll.bulM * 

hiTo to Mj rortlcy oo botli of tWvorlia^ , 

diujM oRwn ao orien «• doioi koov InwbonUit 

iltbuara bow vuiod. 

u. D.—t. Fnm tvtoif -fir* dolkn por w««k opwutl. 
Thi Mt !■ la MooA dtiaiod. S. FIRmd dolUn Mr WMk. 
nor* Ullulvdoniiid. 
B. a.« U\\wm»k—.~DoitabUon't (luidt, publUhtd br W. 

II. DoBaldMBaOlDdDOUl, 0. 

AHATIUI, l)ftinp«llo.-8olMt hMiproMor UllokOMtlO 
uli>ourMlr. irrortlMk coMftolbolltherono. 

DIIDHHBL— AddrWN W. A. FOKl A Oo., B UolOD (faiuftr*. 
How York OliT. 

P. a B. ^ort Niobrmra.— AddTM Pnf. O'RotUy. 5 
ObtUiAUi 8i)uu«, KtwVOi^Oitr. 

lIlMliif.-Wlllud Le*Ti*r*d tho p*rt. 

B. R. J.— AddrvMiht put; locAre orTiti Cuprm. 

J. W. U., fall RiTtr.— Tho ■hoteh wu don* by Um Umm 
ufTuDir ud Dowlof, lalwo kntv doUiIdk raoro coO' 

K.H. U.,Aiin>r».— Addrou loittr lo con orTuiOur 

H. v., lloquUno.— Wo koow Botblng of tbo publluUoD 
towblobyou nfor. 
0. 0., Bonoo — Addrvu Mnmj A Oo., Rudolph ut6 


B. O. A^I)irHpfti«.^ddr«»rilboit 
Biroot rbtlidalpbk, To, 

J. w. N., AobTlUo.— 1. AddrMi tko portT id or* ui Tin 
OuppiH. s. ibe puty U uobaon lo u*. a. Pnbtblr 
BnydoUftn. 4. ItUooL 

J. W. &. York.— Addnu llowud P. Totlor, Aminean 
OruattaU- Ulub. 1,4W Braadwoy. How YorV ofty. 

H. A a. HKTorlilIl.-l. Wo u* lublo lo uaou prioo. 
Thiy aim to iinli* upoo tlit tboahlon. 

L R. Cbteato.'-Wo kDow ootAlor wliatom eoneamlot 
tbo Mrijr * 

H. H. Vl Novport-Wo thlQk ibo party la lUll aiUo. 

J. B., Brookljb.-Addr«u tbo party Id oaro of Tai 

A RUDBR, OamdfD.— I. It ti lo iho Auditorium. 9. Ho 
dotiooL S. Wo thlok It la. 4. Tho prloo would bo diod 
l»y apoolal eonlraoL 

J.B., JaoUoa.—WoDaTor funlak loronoatloD eoao*ni< 
IsM tbo rmpoulbllllyor maaaRon. 

f. L. D., Naahuft.— wo oaoooi linilab tho lift you dr 

M. r., Baiavla.— Addnu tha Mtty Id caro oT Tm 

^i.R.r^atll-~Aii*n\M lo TuiOiirrift; aooratoa at 
hoad or ihiao(4HDtD. 

A. v., Vlntoo.— Tbo otw law voald Id oo way iDtorfero 
wiibeu triabia proflouilyobtalaad 

0. U. Z, Wwt 8upar1or.-a«n4 iwu coplMWiib prlntod 
tItM pMOttontbar with uoo dollar, to ibi Llbrarlao of 
Ooarraa^ WubloatoD. D. 0 

T. W.O.,|(ovBuTllo|ttoiL-W« anoot ftmlah ibedo- 
alrod Hot. 

B. T. A.— I. U Boat TwaotyaaeoDd Btroot. 1 LflB 
Braadwajr. 8. 1.)9a Bnudway. all »r tbia oily. 

D.U., OuouboB.— Addroaa leuon inearoorTiiiOLir 

^-i 'iwM*''!**-."^*'*'* *" Bumartm* drtmatio 
Hhoob lo Ibla oily, bui wo do not can to oapoolaUy n< 
oommoitd oae. 

M. W., PluaburB.— Noltbir vtatm la oootamplaiod ao 
br as w« koow. 

W. W.,MilbarTy.~Addr»u tho r«rty Id caro of Tuk 

W.A. B..NobraabaUlly.-llo l« Uia oriitlDa] ud ooly 
alar of ibal umo. 11« bai bitOB9com|«nyupon tho 

f' 2f- N»* prlain».-8ao TOia lUt In Ihia taaoo. 
, U. v. U, MU VtmoD.— Wo do not doal la aooia. Ad- 
dnao any oToir rook Mblliblor odmtlaon. 
J. H. f*.. Ban Joao^-Addrw lattor la our oaio. 
B.AffOU., Bolao Olly.->Youhail bolur adTvitlio vaur 
wajita luTua flurfia; aooraioi olhoad or Uilaooluno. 
^•J!' 0.. PlatioTUIo.-AUdr«i Uo lAwraaoo Nofolty 
Oo^M aad 0 CootnBicoot, Mow York L^ty. ' 
w. J. II., South OaoUo.— Addvtoa tbo partr lo oor earo. 
801IU Bobia, BL Loola.— 1. It loiBoUaioa la. t. We <u- 
DotadTUM you. 9. Banb' *"' " ~ 

T. L., DooTor.— 1. Prom 

M. H.W.,Wbo«llBir.--l. Addim Victor llorbort. Park 
Afaaua, Boar Blihty-aliib Btr**i« Now York Oltr. t. Dm 
MolDoa, Iowa. 1 Addraaa LodIo Oooumo, D OlInioD 
Plaof, Now YorkOliy. 

. BanbooL Wla. 4. DaQTlUo,IU. 

. Prow flnoM to iwooiy doUan por 

woak. Tlioto la lliUo damaod. 1 Tbo "oil'* wouU coal 

UartoBi.— L U li Urta^ i ualUr or hllb. 1. 
'*Tb« Loat l^arwllBo" opootd al l^ur** Tliaatn. Uili 
clt^oT. lit IVI, and oloaad lu na at thai booaa Maivlt 

B. J. 1«, mUdrlphlk— I. rrota Oct. IT to Dao. A 191. 
bolb iBolutlta. L Jua* ID aad 17. lias. .Mfayeruaail 
n. UBS. «. AU|. S to BaiiL II. 191, laalualTo. Hit tf 10 
JuBj^ UI, im, loolulT*. t. Julf U to Aug. I, IM, In. 

I, Waahloitoa.— "^I; la Out AUay" wai iuaad abont 
tb* raar 1707 

JL U.O.— Wa caoooa (Ira tot Ilia ilatat or Iba blUa. 
nor arjBio^Uy two nan or mora awn, tba ooa coo. 
talalai "Tbt BlaobnIUi'B Jabll«s"litrlo( piobablr baaa 

Caaaalad la Dio HprlDir ol in, uiilthaolJiardatlof ba«h 
IMBot ItO. , Briuil'a MlulnUwtra lb«i looalad at 
Maobaaica' Hall, tn Bnitdwar, aw aianl stiaaL 

U J., Baa Verk.— Tba faaatl*trou vara I'laylai vaa 
Bolauolirakinil, aa Ihara ata do robllMiatl nilaa for It, 
iboaavho inralu lo plarlaii It niial oaaila niaka tbalr 
owe rulaa. 

a M., Illaklaail KilU.-!. na paaallj for a nrok* la 
aucbi«UtwoiN>lota,aKcapt [nthaoaHofa loaa haad. 
abaa tt la rour itolatj. I. No; valjr iha panj wbo aa* 
aamu tha lUlboalMllly or Uu liumm alUiir br laklai II 
ud. oldartBi It op or laablOK It, tan play aloaa. S.Vo 
book li aoMptad ai atwtliita authority oo oatd aamaa. 

BoaroM — Dollar tba otnamalaiHa* tha oaidt ihoaU 
barabaao taahulllad aad ilaaJtonr aaala br tba aaoia 
Vlarar, «bo aai aol la null, teconjini to your lalUr. 
J fi->'¥>M\A.-M B, allb oDa folol lo Biaka,playad 
IhaJtoL bawaa out, hla Jack oouoUot balbrablaoraon. 
aaVa padro >aJ clacti. A btil lo naka In play Iba aUhl 

Elata ha bhl baiorehaoouM coaalaoyiblaaalalLand 
w Iha oBli palou ba hold that ouuaaihl Jut wanlilib 
aad low. whlla Ita wintad flra imtIdu to wio. 

r. 1". 0., Buiralo-Bolb ata aTDac. Uaia la tba tola 
oaanni on Ilia mailar lndlq>au: "XlOr thadlKAid, and 
whao al4lb*oth«r playain boia t««a lialpad, ohouU thaia 
ool raaialo to tbo |i«ek antUciaai catda (oparlbot tha 
daaUr ■ band, ha nity aelaot tton Iha diaoaid aar Iraaip 
wdoroarli, proTUtd thayanamiolota. Tninpilbat 
ata dla.vdod muat raiuain to tb* dlicaid ualaaa aalaclad 
by tha daalar.*' 

U H. vr .AlUahaay.— la <aa*lao a pUyar upon aboaa 
•ntbulu b • dipoBaal baa aot rlatad lialtoaad loBuka 
aaolliarbulU. or pa^ruronaiblua olhar oaida, oraaploia 
!;'•■ J'T!"**^ • '""V- Pta'looa lo Uklnii la bU ronaar 
balU; balk* mutldoutaorolberoClbaaathlanbalbra 
baeanplayaoudtbtl.lllOawltkar. "a.o.i».» 

0. H, a. .Whit* 0l*ud,-laj<lailai padro aatutal polau 
oonal ln lh«oid*ror.alua,bnt n iilayar aiuotinaka In 
play all tba roiau h* oiay btia bM barora ba oan euont 
al all. Ibui. la Iha mattar la illoputa, ir B. allb oi 

k.M Itbilaa"" 

d baTi 
aad el 



Eo,haldoolT |aBja,h* aooU «lB,notvltbuaBdlBt tial 
la orponaal^aiui HT4n to Dala. aad baTlaiaitda 

ihom^la plu,^U blikT^w, Ja<k.r«>io aad obwL 


bud baforoaBaouUDlBB that ho Ktd all oarda, Iha 
ladaad, andhalaooloriha ^ 

B. F. O. B.. tmmon^ won tba lasa with blgb, 
~ " lo Talaa or rtjaak. II na 

-•-"Sm a_ 

ba!mt!a aniSf QoaBi^al^a£%l UMa'bljblfh 
both eooaiad bant* bla ' 

polau bajai 

oopcboBt'a Jaob. 

kHaimado u play tbo polau bo 
with bl|h and low. Mm aofwor to 

J, A.T.,I>qDblrk^Bai 
Md, B woo tbo 


M. M. li^ Kowark.-!. Jm; any ■mlitt Aiab la what 
«oaioponoaoatyloa"roral*'flaafa. S. Ir Iho doolor flroa 
to hlmsoK mora than Aro eaid^ aad deoo ootdlaoovor bla 
mlstako oatU afUr ba baa nlaod bU tarda, bla band U 
dood, aad bo b oot ortho taao For that baad : bat 11 b« 
aBDoaocao tha Caet iMroroliniaf hliearja It ta a oaladoal, 
and tbo tarda muu bo raobafflod aod roeuktbo doalor 
ocala doallDg ibaiD. 

J. R. P.. How BroDOwlok.— A bad a'^QD of oil for tbo 
loot card In 9, X 4a I. A. e Dod & 

H. A. B.. Albany B it ootlUod to oooot twanty for bla 
baad or two ra aod tbroo Ta. 

T.0., Llma.~Ia ibojlok cirno of forty-flroa tbo playor 
who ukoB all Art tilck* wbii ibo canto. 

P. D„ BaOaio.— A aod B, wbo Uod. wllh 60 polota oacb, 
playoff for cboleo «r tho too prfEoa,thowba«riahiD| 
Drat aod ibo loaar ibo aooood. 

J. W.. Kowarb.— 1. Wo do oot tblok tbIa qoorr U «or- 
roeUyataiod. Try acalD. t At ploodo a play*' 
tahoatrtek barora bo oaa acora any polnta (bat bo may 
baToffloldad. S Cortaloly. 
P. CR., Brldiiaport-l. At lorty flroo, whaa *^^^*' 

laadawltkoat i 

titlni for tbo eonpUiloa of 

oaltatopUrtoatriek.ho r«rtolu tbo pool; thu la, bo 
oaoDotwlB ihoniBa ibalhaad, and bo cannot ^^aragal a 
rortbatpwl. a. ir tba a«« a( boarfa la M wbao boaru 
aro aol trempa, a playar boldloK do tramp o«od not play 
a hoarL 


O. P., PaltOD— It lapabllikodlaabookorrooltailoaa. 
Tho lawTonoo NoroUy aodlapply Oo.,t00aniraati«at, 
Mow Tork,eaaftinUhltforlA oonto. 

B.— I. Tborawoia Doproiaatadgkmoala thaiaonoa. 1 
Boolboatrlcal aoawora. 

W. B. P.. Phtladolpbla.— Tbo bowlad ball waa dood. 
baTlDi boas ootilal in tho wickat koopori baada, and 
tbo bauuoaa waa Dot ooL 


TaP.W , Klmbarioy,B. A.-Tho faatoat tlmo lawhlcb 
000 mllo bao bo«D ran by oo aaauor la 4ni. W^iPl 
Tboo. Pa OoDBan; at Traroni Uland, N. V . Auf . S, U». 
Porlortbor iDrorautloo rtnnllDi apriotlDi aod otbor 
roeorta aoapaco 9i orTui Oupraa Akfroit for UBA. 

J. H. B, WlBOoakl -Addroa P. amte A Co., 114 Boat 
Pooftoonib Siroot, Now York, wbo balld bowUDgaUoya 
aad doal lo aoppllaa of that klad. 

OowninT RiADia, Altiaay — Tboro la bo aaibontlcatod 
proroaalooal racord 1b An* Hca lor bitch aad kick. 

W. A. H., Oawofo.— 1. IPa aro wliboai ao aulboBtlo 
rooord for a loon Jump on ihatoa by a protaaloDal. 2. 
Tha naaiaiamoBC aoouM ba ukon rrom a aeraich lloa to 
thoapoiwboiotboakaUralltbta. YouwIliBod Iboama- 
toarnoord iBTuiOurria iiravALrorlM, 

B. T, BamaioB.— I. A tltoroushbrod borao la ooa whooo 
anooatota can bo dIracUy iraoad to tba Arab, Barb aad 
Tarklab boraao lotn^oood Into Baglaad lo tbo oovoo- 
taaotb eooluiy. 2 Tbo proiany of a ataodanl bono out 
or a atandard Diaro, tbo proiaoyofaataodard bono oot 
or a naro by a ataodaid borao, and tbo progaay or a 
ataadard borao whoo out or a man wboao dam waa a 
■taadanl naio, la a aiaodanl brod bono. 

J. W..KanaaB Oily.- Wrliaio V.T.Cbottar, toon tl-ftt 
lima BDlldlDjr, Park Rnw, Maw York. 

J. T. N„ BL bouU.— Wo ban bo rooord or aocb a nco. 
mOB, DOSnif OKB, BTC. 

Pa M., BnatioB.— Tbopartiao wbooaeh thnw40aboold 
throw oir for eholoa of priua ibo wloaor of th« throw off 
taklag lint and tho loaar oaoood. Tboao who tbnw4A 
had Bo olalm oo olthor prlia. 

A. a., Laaalog.—B. oot having aocompliahad what bo 
wagorod ha wookl, loooa iba bat Tba raet that ho Had 
I'a throw, wbloh ba waa to boat, baa no baarlof oo tbo 


O. MoH., Victor— Bob Fiia^lmmooa daraatod Pator 
Mahor Ib twalvo rouoda at Now Orloaoa, Xa., March 3, 

M. D., Now York.^lm Maoo and Tom AUaa ooror 
fengbt lo Bnataod. Tholr flrtt eooioat lo tba ?.IL took 
gbM Boar Naw Oriaaaa, La, Hay IQ, ISJO, Maco wloBlog 


B. A. L., Chicago.— Tbaro la oo book pabllabod that 
contAloaaoobrooonlanrdatalatortbao 1173, tha yoar lo 
which "Amarlcan rioilaoa'* v«a laaood from tha proaa of 

R. M.DaWlUACo, THiOurPBBprlota ai Ibo deaoof 
oacb yaarallatoriboflihia.ato.a that lookpUoo doilot 
Ibo pnTlooa iwalva moniha. 

B. J. D., Vlotor— Flualmnooa aad Mabar FMght twaira 
nuada wban tbarmot boTon tbo OlympIaClub,atHow 
Orloaoa, lo IBBL 

B. A. W., Oothoo.— TomjtrByao waa bom at Sadwood, 
N. v., March n, lOO; J'fO CboynakI, at Baa Pranolaoo, 
CaL, Nor. a, UBS. 

R L. P., FaorU.— Janao J. Corbott and Jim Bmlih, 
cbanploa ol EogtaDd, botot aogagod lo abeilogooD' 

W. P. L., KataoDTlUa.— Too; "MyaUnoua" BUlj Bmlth 
waa dafoatad by Tommy Rraa lo twooty rouoda, at Mlo< 
ooapoUa, Hlno , Julj HJ W. 

W. T. L.. Rlcbmood!-Bob PlTulmnoBa wolgbad UOM» 
and Jaok Oonpaoy liJHf* ^* day thoy foogbl at Now Or- 
iaaaa, Ia 

Zip, WllUanaport.— Job rsioyoakl, tba baaTywalabt 
pagtllu, waa bom la Sao Piaaclaco, Cal., Hot. 8, WA. 
Ila ftaoda Aft. IQKla. lo bolibt 


V. J. D., Mortdoo.— lo tba bonoaboo loralng oootoat at 

BaflUo, N. Y., April 1887. batwooo Jobo Cacopbotl aod 
W. Ja Da DO. Bto holpon oaeb, tbo fomor won, bolaa 
cradllad with turerogU abooa loth. SSm. 8aopag«Ul 
ofTuiOurpakARVuitror uw. 

OOMrAiVT RBiDiB, KoBoaa Olty.— Ptaaao olalo your 
qooatJon Don roily, and oomotly; wa tblok yoo bai 
mlaatfttod It 

P. J. &, TToy.-Sapt. 13, IBBT. faU oo PrMay. 

B. H. ll.,O0DaTa^llaT0 writioo for tho lofonnailoo, 
aod boM to ba abia to aoawor ooit wook. 

O 8.,Vt>nbon.— WadoDoi koow what tbo alpia rofamd 
to lodkaiaa If anythlog la partloular. Ilowarar, tbo flg 
uraa do not npnaaai tho thno at which PraaldoDt Llo- 
eolo waa iboi lo Waabtogtoo, which waa eooaldorably 
lator Ibao 8.18 P. ■ . tbo trafady taklog placo daiiog tba 
third aotofOurADiorlcaa Conaio." 

O. W. Bm Oraoifo.— Wo do n»t kouw ibo work too oama 

Ta O., Boalon.~Wo eao advartJao tho lotur b our latur 
llat rat on bla Uoo of builDaaa. 

T. Q.-Boo aoawor to *-V. o." 

D. D., Dubola.— Tbon la oo loatrunwDt daalgnod oi- 
praaaly for ibat oorpoio. 

Ja J . Naw York.-Na Tbaold ftaUht dopotoftbo Now 
York Oaninl aad lludaoQ Rlior Railroad Compaoroeco* 
plod tbo block bouodod br Ceotroi, Blm, Prm»kl1a and 
WbluBtnotatblaclty. Tfaoold paoaoogor dapotoftha 

Dpaoy ooooplad tbo block wboiooo la bow localad 
aadlaoo Bqoan Uardao. 

S. K.. Brooktoo.— Addroaa SM Broadway, Boom 14, Naw 
York ffltj. 

W. U.O. R., Cbar)otl«.-Tba abloM ia tbo baad ora Bto 
c«nt nlokal oolo. 

P. U. P.. Mooaap.-Writo toOoorao U. DanloU, nooral 
paaaootor acaot N. Y. a aod U. B. R., Qnod Conural Oo> 
IMt, Naw York. 


T» OanaBpoBdaaU* 

Bin Coomb, Boatoo.— Loiter and eootoou rtolrodwilb 
ploaaun. UaTowtluoo. 

J. H. Wblou, Uoyhloioo, Baaa— TuO w»odlttooa w«n 
wnwalxauiad. It abould btra booo '*blacktoplayaad 
dmw.^' Mr Baward naoitoaad It aRorwoida. 

D.DimcAir.-RoealTadwIibploaaoto. J. T. Waahlogtoo 
romomborod about iba "bob tall" game, bat eooM not 
ran It op. Doo't rorgai to aoad It to ua whoo cooronloiit 

0. A. BiAXDiR.— Your klodnaaa appnolatad. 

•olBilOB Of PoBlUoa No. 4H, Vol. «3. 
BT w. aaraao. 
Blaok 1 A A 10 11 li u 
Wblta S IT 84 a Al U 10 
Blaak to moTo aad win. 

Wbltatl KB U 4 
Bloob la play and win. 

OftBoa 4B« Vol. M. 

nayad lo tbo Naw York kwdtoap toanay bolwfoo 
8. J. Blmpoon and W. BlUInfiloy. Mr. Btmpaoa playad 









M U 

Bl M 

• 10 

> i 


1 II 


U l6 

u t 

10 u 

I It 

B ■ 

■ a 

U Bkabwlat. 

■ B U li il IT 
alotonaaala. J. MaTatlaaa, ta claapoa 
l.lBLpltya It to 11^ aad aaly dianTw 

U I 
» U 

I • 


OIBoBBaiaua l»oJ. 
ueaira aaadfala oo Ihli 
IT II ■* 

li U MM u a 
terty^la ne IW.II»" " •■• 

I If 

S if 

S M 

« U 
U • 

• O 

rr u 


4 a 
m H 

a It 1* M 

( 10 M w 

a IT H u 

I a 10 i> 


14 8 

10 U 

15 It 

11 u 
a M 
IB a 

14 0 


4 a 


I t 

u a 

IT Jl 

a I 

at r 
ao a 

a H 

a II 

If u 


II a 
a a 

a s 


II u 
II a 


N a 

la w 
II u 

B«n at UM OaaBa. 

J. r. Monaraad O. A. Blaadla an <>iVl«t««" "^J 
Vanrb bandkap looraaT Joidaa boat rarna ib 

f!T-Vi-, ^:T!T?*lv^l.J*l.k ..linn.] tMmM ud WOO 

TOa aai n*« paoitauoDwiii oo "".o™';.™ 

llonaltaon*7baok.....J r.B»timaMi''«'mn 

TUItfleottoad In tba Baal roaad op ol tba Baa rran- 

eUDO Plarara tha laat coo playaia la Iba tooinar wara 
SaSrSSSlVaSd Dr.Tltaa.'ABtall.aa Iba •j"""'""' 

ptla, and Dr. Tluii aaaood: tblrt. "•"'"»; >","™ 
Van BioSia. Tha loanaTeraalad !<*>< aa^oaUKB. 
Aoooi tha acaetaura w Wm. Boaa, I"^'' 'SS! 
abaapUn, abo atUI hai tba nadal ...... Tba Haw Tork 

uoriHr 1* ptofraaalBjr Inaly. Dr. acbaarar aad L. a 
Haad barao't loal a point yal. 


To ConoopoadaaU. 

Bio. Pktn, Parla.-Oar acnU oootrlbalora Mr. Dona- 
mon. bai aolrod yoop pioUom No. 4,940 la BfBtlaoD 


Bbo. Rivbib— Tbaaha For tba atiaotloD. bat uwaeon 
Balibor road oor oodoratand your ehooa we bog lo bo ov> 
coaod from oicbaaaloR. 

Paor. n. vow RsoiimT, Joooaboro. Ark.— po P la 
qao»uoB nay Imoiodlataly booomeal^B,B.oraL Coido 
rnely with all ehooa qBoatloDa; yoo oato a troaaore Id 
that acrap book. 

P. RioHAaoaoK.-Mr. Donnore, may the amlloa of 
CBlaaa lllomlBOU bla brow, opoplUi Prob 1,010 la twonty- 


D. J. Dmaat^i —We aro alroady ao mneb yoar dabloi 
that we OBbnlt tbIa labjact to yooraealool for dlaaocUoo : 
How wobM 1,010 pan out ir. loalAad or tbo rootrlctloD od 
tho lUpolaUoo, wo added a Blaok B oo K B aqf 

J. V. H. D.-Toor looood btdletmaot or 3,000 la a 

lm»bllL . a a. . » 

Jofiit F.TaAOT-Io yoarionulolnf tbroo moTo-1..Q 
toharBA.BPx B(moat,or 1.. dU-t- mato); 1..C to bte 
7; nod what can pnToat}. .Q maioaf TbIa boboqIi dean 
yooT dockaL 

La BDBWIH.IABO, Haa how roBrncaot ohalr at oor 
loood table ■oggaaia romt^ f^'l". "1^5: 7:^1^ 

•old bo ptaaood wllh Ooatlifa 'Cbaoi 
Dk/' TBaio., Dick A PlturonM, tbla city. 
0. J. Omkoaa — Addluooal caido, oi 

Bool ' 

aoluiroBBTory thabbrtaUy racolvad, 

oawa, rlawa and 

P. RiCRiaoaoN -Tho aaoH to TOO aloo. 
A. B. HODaD.-WlU yoo bladlr ravor with a oopt or 
tbo proffTvomo for tbo fenbconlog mooting of tho n. Y. 
8.0. A., for Ibo fld laat. r 

Ealgmk No. 

Ad arrorallppod Into Ibla poaltloo aa originally glfoa 
Ib la Stmte^e, Baotambar, p. 381, which la ban oor 
nolod. and It ha« a ebamlog aolutloD. 


« I ^ g & 

at^Ba.). qi, <)Kl<,qKIX KBr,CKtl 

* I ^ t t t t 

atqB4,EB9J)IttQBa, III, E Kit, Rl 
whita 10 pUy aad win. 


No. S,04a. 

Tba rolIowloB PraUanwu oar No. xna; tha poniloo 
u noohaaiad, tha raallcaxtoa conilatlai la a cbaoxa of 
aacood condition, u Iba author wrota aa an*r r*. 

oalTinii Mr. OUbarf 'a daoolliloB. Wo bar* eallatad aaT< 
aralmaaur aolTora alnea tba ortrinal publlcalloo, aboaa 
attaatlon wa Inrlta. "Dadlcatad to Ui* judau or Tai 
Ouma raoBLBB ToonnT, Haaalania a Lord, 0. Boleh. 
balai and Oha*. A. allbanr.'' 



Wblla eompala niliaata In forty oioTa^ undar tba lol- 
lowUii taatrlotloaa— Oral, cbe two Blabopannit dr* tha 
loauin coUoborauoa:!*) aawad^oaly ooa Wblu plaea, 
aad that tba Qaaaa, la parnilti«d to ao opoa (d Bl " 
(•J (Wa jadn Itom Iha aololloa Ibat M. r. 
"two Ba'^ or MA ooloia.— Ba. Cur.) 


I..E fl.Bi 


11. .Mar I 


II.. 1 B-qaq 



aanaa Ho. B.OBSI. 

Blasb, Wblta, 




D. .q-Kii 

II..! KUK4 



■ Et-B9 ^ 


~ B-Kt aq 

- (TI 

, -Et^^ 

(a) A ranty In ihaaa war 

BPx B 
El-It I 

B..ER-q3 gB-iai 

B..ER-2l] T-QEisI 

a..q R-~ 


II..E-Ett , 

9..EXEI P-EEt4 

»..qxElP+ Aatgai. 
' daya. (b) A mora aol to ba 

JR-Eaq qxBP(q 
[Its Et-Re-I- 

laaooiBiaadad. (c) Toaup rwo*. 

(I) Aflar aoma davar maBacarnag tha El oecaplaaan 
aioallanl poat, and proTaa a tbora Ib Blaek'a alda. 

(I) AnairorlhalcoalaaplMa. BUUIlwaabutaoutUr 
or a raw moraa for Wblla to braak tbrouah aad forea tha 

(4) Aa nod aa uiilhlai: aad Ibla aada a baaatUoUy 
ooadaolaij lama oo um pan of Bialollt. 

Taekl^alB wa. l>«akar. 

aiuoco PIANO. 

Taehliorla. Laakar. 

I..FtoE< PUE4 

I..EEt-B3 qit-BI 

3..EB-B4 KB-Ba 

i..r-qBj Kit-Ba 

i..F-qs p-qa 

•..qKt^Mc) P-dRsi 

•..« EUBoil 
10.. E B-BI 


II.. K B-Elll 


- MKU 

■ ii-qi 


■ EUK J 



8 It-It 



S..11.I Eta< 

' P-IBt 
_ -BPx IP 



io..q ii-Ba 
a. .3^11 a 





B..EEI-BI Clx It Whliaiaalaaa. 

MBaltardaplay Vaial 

< ll*f!^'!l."!!','**'<o>' <><>■<' >>*nB,aa It oooU ba 
DaniTPloqt; hUaailDioTowaata piaTaot udUan 

uSirif ioV..7!SS.K."B51ii*^ " ' 

U) Waakana iha q'a alda n!f¥uah. 
felSMf*""'! "■'^'"•"••■'•Bll 
w) Wllh bla oaatoaniy laiaaally Wblta Biakaa Iba 
Bonof hb anaekbar dbtneaa Uaia ba bwaau biaak 
tbroaib by drawlBa ( and B away tnm tba iTi" ^ 
BlaaklBBaaloBilyronaaiha - "■•••i 

a alda; hot 

Ftllabwir n, Tnklgorla. 

a..t-Bi_ EIIXB 








f..p-Eai Eiuia 

M.MBl KB-R4 
1I..KB-BI QB-qi 

•a..p-El< CB<tia,qB 

5::LW SiR." 

- «-I«J. flXB 

8-..IIPXEI Mua 
'•9>IEBP EBalt 

llaad; bataawTaehlaaria 

failbla laooa or Iha aaatlao pala dU'a fiaat latoaa.! 

Tka MnnI* Eadaa. 

n^iSnuSStSS halwaan tba aboTafoajortha 
jJ?t!2!uSTSaSi BUtara or Iha praaaat day. aadad 
w.!,J!7j!Sr n«tk tlSeompalltora In Iha abora oidar. 
rSl^'OMBSSnniS^m, Tla.TaSlforiJi in 
l^lKtan^FUlahalT, an2 Ui^ar mlltalBilA 

tbtnSH^Ia nooaaSoB. to *a«h playar tbiaailiont tb* 

of f«. Bf. 

jMiUr. Sldnllf. niub"! 

aUrt rm hoSTSauia day aJUr tbt conelailon or tha 
toanamoBt ^^^^^^ 

Bl«la«a, Bit Short. 
TbaH Y.tttaloCbMBAaaoelatloa laaBOOooood Ip bold 
ItTo^a Wtour Tooiaoy, Fab. » ^imor 
bidoeamoDU to bringoat a alroBg Hit ofoolranU.^^ 
ntSnSm Di4U la of oololon that 'tbo aoeoaaloB from 
So ruka?r Ua1<aifopo(Itao rhoia Loona of ooo N. Y. 
ao!rtl S»iBo awf«l»blo«roctoo tbo 
ibooo iBiar-elob oooUatt lorarUbly "clia."---. ■ Jnw"; 
flrmaUon of tbo aboti*. U la nrmaoa to^ibo oobjett to 
;3yS5tt,ePmgraaa«0.<j:ataoda ""f rtoWMlnta 

Uio Loanewdb a •inuig loam The 8UUd laland 

WbUiCTob Ui aboni to orgaolM t,e*'w«JS«'" 
Tbora la a team match Bp, ub a aide, boiwaao the dty 
MairSpolluoi^ tba Nawvk 3. 0 , tbo Tbllon to hava 
tha nwToooalliboboanla. Tho MoiawootOTortoKaw- 
uk Jan. B, aad tm took with ali acalpo, Itavlog bat 
with the tribe of Jonoy. two biaToa oo aoeta Uda 

two with tbo tribe or Jonoy. two onToa on •«« ««. 
gotUagoff OTOB. ItU lotanaUog lokiww that Mr. Del- 
Stf woo or tbo famooa Ed. Bnoto, and Mr Biarabont. or 

N, boat ihowaB kwwo J.Halpora Tbeboyaof tha 

Colombia Onmmaz School an bavlBg a llraly tooma' 

moot Tbo loot qoartarly "cootlooooa topnamaot" 

of thaBrMklyoaCbadanrali ooiraoto. Maororiho 
gamo«j>roao«iad ehaaaora^lgb gr«]a,baTlog booiiaa 
canfolv PU|«1 aa Ib a aot matcb. ^e prim lor^lgboM 

wara B.P. Dow, 91. 

Tho ProgreaalTO 0. 0. baa caogbt oo to tbo 

poroootagoa woat, Iniaeeooaloo. to B O. Both. .7QB: ^ J- 
E^lM^ .04. BDd J. MonhF, to. The »«dloit wloBon 
wara B. P. Dow, 91 ; Dr. Tabor. Ol, aod B. a dlUoy, 171. 

Tho ProgreaalTO 0. 0. baa cao^t oo to tbo "BiDok- 
lyo Idra" of boklbR a opirtarlf coollouooi 
......Tba Now Jaraty Btaio AmocUtloo will bobl Ita 

aaBoal toaraar Fob.^a, at PBUiai>n......Tho "O. 

WaUrbun Oup'' la In Aituro to romalo la Iba kooplog ol 
Ibo BllnjbBtb 0. a, to bo plaeod od oiblbltloa at oacb 
anoaal Dootlng of tba N. J. & 0- A Tbon (a a nwro- 
raaot to fOmtab tbo cap with a aottablo baaa oo which to 

loaeilbo tho oamaaor rbtonwlooon In the recant 

toomay or Iba Naw Orlaaoa 0., 0. aod W. Olub. Jndga 
Loon LLabattwon Iho Aiat prlwwltha daao oeon of 
oUvoo Tlctorlaa, P. Olanham a cloae oecond with ton, H. 

L Pbrod thiid. wllh alibt Tictorioa A now maatanP 

and. wa prooame. ohamptoBablp tonraay It ataitad lo 
TlaoBa. AmoBg iba aocimBta ara Uorrao A. Albln, B 
KnglUeb, Mai Jadd. 0. Haroo, Carl Bcblocbtor, J. 
BebwariB aod Mai Wolao. Bueb a gtlaiy aa that ought 
to pndoea ooawtblag hollar than twaotr or thirty dnwo 
gamH. or Max Jodd wean aura .....NowBouUiWaloa 
aad Booth Aoatralla hara Juat flolabad a talognoblo 
match which waa woo byN.a W..AM u> AK laoladlox 

three adJudlcatloDB by Mr. Ballog Bn.Cbarllok baa 

woo a'*br1UlaBoypma'Mn a team match. Adalalda tl 

Uoloy Tbathlrtaaothaooual basdlcaprortbaohan- 

plooahlp cop or the AdoBlda 0. 0. roaoltod lo the rletorr 
or J. Weraor. It la ilDnlar that b all tbaae compotl- 
UoDo, conmaDoIaK lo Ih3, tbla cop baa oot boon woo 
twica by tho oana playar. Tbo Hit or wIoBon U— T. 
Macbla. J. Bordoa. 0 Chwnlor, n. B ; H. B. Fuoooll, F. 
A. WbuoDlJI. F. Nail (docoaaodj, W P. UaiilaoB. A. B- 

iQ, C , 

Nalni, ATWrigbt, H. Charliek, _ 

J. Wanar rw puu J/0nU(p'«JaoDaiy portrait la or 

_. _. . _ «^ .. „ . -L-^iQ 

, HiltoD. U. WalU and 

Lloat Claodo Harrka CbaMoli. R A Tbobloirraibr la 

BDnaoaUy iDioroating Tbo artlcta on "fbo Ola Maa- 

ton of andera Cheaa,** Id ArKlib CftTM Magabu^ la Ko. 
Till of tbla otooadlagly ralaablo aod loatructlvo otrloa 
of papon by J. A. Z«a»n. It iroata ol Broola del Bio and 
OlarooattlaaLolll. nilaaurllogmagazloa,atoae«Bar- 
TOtooaly oicalloot aod marrolonaly cbaap, aboald ba lo 
tbo banda of arofT Engllab raaalog amalaur Ibo wide 

worU oTor On p. 1 or iho abora namod article la a 

"Stody, by Del Rla which cooialoa a nTalatloo, and 
will pradaca a oaniatloa; It wlU bo oor BBlgioa aoit 

week Wo oan ooly aav tbla wook that the much dU- 

coaood cable loalch (a floally arranged. Eight playan a 
aide, all natUo bora playen or Oroat Britain, ondor tba 
nanagooMDt or tka Briliah 0. C. oo ooo aide, aod of Iba 
UDlM8utoa,andaribo dlrocUoooribe Brooklyn 0.0. 
Tbo daioaof play Aiid an March IS and 14. and a trophy 
oriaDOTaloe la proianted by sir Ooorgo Nawooa. Bari 
.With a Aoe aoeoool dlnliy for which we bava al- 
and an 

waya glron tbo lad crodll,a 
pby which I 

>y Sir Ooorgo 

ilgolly forwbl 

— ,^d an oxblbltloo of pbUooo- 

pby which Biaoy an older man migbt omulato with ad- 
TODtaio to bla npntatlon. Mr. Plllabary baa quietly but 
Armly nfoaod to anower all Impodool linalriea aa to tha 
caoaoaof bla auddeo aod Immodlable rallbg off Ib bla 
play at 8t Pataraburg. Ho offan bo aiplanBtloaa,Bor 

oicuaaa A matcb bu boon amagod baiwoen J. W. 

BbowalCor. cbamplOB or tbo United Butoo, and Emil 
KomaBy.iJMwaU known PbUadolpblaoiMtt Tbamatoh, 
which la annooncad to 1M0B thfamoBiDaWlU bo played 
at tha PrankllB Cbeaa Club, Pblladalpbta, aod will bo for 
•730 a aide. PneUeally tba aamo ralaa that gororaed tba 
Llpacboqta match will goTom ibta ooolaat 


GoBlBg EweBla. 
Banb ».-ABn»al Ualroitlly maub rata. Oiroid »*. 
Cambrlda* Uolraraltlaa, Putnay to Uoniiik*, Ihamaa 
ftlrar, Knilaad. 
llay90-l*aaalo Rlfar Amatanr B/ialnn AlaoclaUon an. 

Bual taaattA Paaaalo, N. J. 

Bay S^AUaBUcti 

Bay S^AtlaaUc lachi Club annual Spilaa itgilta. 

Bayao-llarlainRafalUAiaoclallooaaaBal rowloira- 
"I- Maw York. - ' 

^uaa la— AtUntk Taobt Club aouual laaatta. Now York 

lalMiftound*"'"'"" '*'*'I''«»''^ 

July t— LarohoMnt Tactal Club aoaoal laaatu: alao 
uatncoor aoriaaforsi rataraaad s rooiara-Loai la. 
land BouBd. ^ 
jJjJJJUa-HaalayBoyU Batalta, IItnl*y.on.Tbaooa, 

July U-LarduBOBt Tacht Clab aacoad laea oT aailot 
roratiataiaaadagfoouia— LoBilaltBdSooad. 

and S) roouia,aad ipoolal laoaa rorll fuoluaaad half 
tatata-Loag blaad BouBd. 

Joly a— LardiBioai Yatht Olub foutlh raca lor Si nian 
aad IDlOotaiaand naolal raoaa forll rootanaod hair 
rauia-toaa ulaad Boiuad, 

Jaly B-Lanhmoit Tacht Clab ipaolal laiaiu ror 
aehooaaia-LoDi laliad Bouod. 

.if4!?*^H!;!^™'".W„'""6 ■wotorSlfatan 
aad aj foolara-Looi lalawl Bound. 

Juljrtt— LarcbmontYacbtUtabrantufor all daaaaa- 
*ha|Uilhfa«* for Sinlota and JOTOotaia-UoKlaSDj 

ABf . 11, IS-Naluntl Alaatlatlon of Aaialaur Oanaiaa 
tnuulfoiialla, Batatoaa Lata. N. T. >'-™» 

8*pL fr-LantanioBt Vaehi oiBb a*T*nth rata for at 
lalanandaOlootan-Loai lalaadSoond. 

8*pL T-Latebnunl Yacht Olob Pall rautu. aad aliblh 
lua lor St ralaia and S lOouia-Looi Ittud Sound. 

B4pt U-Larchnoat Yacht aub aouual laca ror Latch. 
BOBtOap for aeboanua aad ooaaolallon raca Mr SI lalan 
and Sfuoura-LoiilBiaad Sound. ~""'">™" 


DumwaB'a CBaifioa ObprawaB — Tha 
CommlilM L«u Ub Lordahlp Dowb 

Tbo New York Yaotat Olub'a specUl comnluae, 
■ppoloiad to Me evldeou and tnllj UiT«8d(>t« 
mo oturgea of tnod mul« paMlo by Lonl Dun- 
nyaoagtliutuia nuageiB ol Utrcnder, mado lu 
npoit ai a ipeoui nuwimg l^alKd Jan. si. m 
obai|« waa Ibat aCur b«lii« meatond Daleiidar 
waa itunpuuoiial; loadednS) u toalnihw >ou 
InobtadMperlotlia wai«r: that me MUed to 
condliloDUieantdaT.aiHlUiat Immcdlaialr after 
thtnoeine hallaal waa aecreUj ntSsTed^Xi 
whenoaaaanditunou daj nd dlaonpaoor na 
(oaad lo ezlM buwtmi uo two meawuuoont Toe 
npon ooTorod tlit tnu hUtorj otiJrnMa, ill 

STorbSiSTfiSSw'S """°'"'<'' ^ 

"UpoD a caretui ooDsldentlon of the wbole caae. 
tha cummliiM are aoammoDalr ot the opinion tJat 
£l 5»0« UdaiiiMn, andVlilcti bJa 

been the BObJoot of UUa iDf eatlgaUoD, had lu oiJiiD 
taml«rt«i ihat UlanotomyiToiiiiSS^bjfTr? 
daawjbut la oomtfet«u dlaprowd, and ^t all the 
tfnninaiani»( uaicaied bj hlo ia giTtbir nio to 
bla atuplclaQ are onuiely and lailScaoiorllTut 
tjatood. Thai deem It therefore bat lait » fij, 

weu w to the onlceia aod crewot the Defendef; tint 
the oomnuttte ihoold eipreai emphaUoaUr iSSir 

neoUoD will; tha laee In qneeUoii ihat taau the 

iheb-oonSacL Andiha oom^Rtte ate Mtwuiiu 
to doubt that ir Loid UoniaTeii h«l nmi^ 
PTMut ihiuughoai me hneailfattonTao aa toh^ 
beard aU the erldance thatim latndnui hS 

SSf 'otuded npon mlitrte, Md 

thai haa been ao ontortonaia In M DtibUoinlt haa 
aUAL»d. u»i the reell.1 S wlSJh* ,l »2 tSS^ 

ne oonmltloewu dlachAind, and a moUon ars. 
.i.?^™^??,'' BoBFBBB, tOfmeilrcomiBodoTeot 

TBI Baltimore (Hd.jTaoht dob held lia amoai 
nueUiut'aa.aiiandohoaa thaae oOcen: Conm^ 
dore, EdirBid L. Bartlett; vice eoomodote, RoNm 
Raiuaj; rear commodoie, Delano B. niuenu, 
aacieteiT, Dr. W. 0, Foafar; treaaoier, JimtaA.' 

THB SobnTllUI NaTT, ot FbJIadalphIa, P> ^a* 
Ita annul mealing Jan. 28, and eleotedtlieMom 
c«n: Fnatdent Thomaa Baite White; tIco di»i 
dent, Bobeit H. Poetdanrj aeoieUiT, Ur, tWa 
Flaher; tnaaonr, Hany 0. rancla. 
TEB OltBWB (Oan,) Canoe OlabwUl'.be omceiM 
lla yearaa foUowa: Oommodoie, David HcLara? 

thla year 
Tica com 
BecreUTT, W. 

.David McLaren' 

vice coamodoie, W. r. Soper; captain, ileeil jiot' 
" 0. Btnan; tnaanter, B, B. Uoli, 



Baeordi ot Iho Playota of tba W«ater« 
ABBoalaUoa tbr IBUa. 
The compliattoa of Uie bBttlDg Bad IleldlOK Aver- 
•ges or tlie WcAtAn ABBOoUtlon for tbe AeasoD or 
1896 baa been Attended bycompllcAllonA bud bAndl- 
oApe, wbloh tuye gerloaAlr ombarTUAed Ex Preal- 
deot Kent. Howerer, after conildenble trouble 
aiMltiwIoaBOfmDoti TalaBbto Ume, be eucceeded 
In compiling tbem aa follow: 


Nahi ajid Olub. 

Brolg, Roekfoid 

McBrldo. Bocbford 

Biawort, Roobrord 

O'Brioa. Omaha 

Holmea, Daa Mobwa 

Jackaon. BarilngtoD 

Soratt, BurllBgtoo .1 

laRoeqaa. QuUoy 


Tmby, Bockronl 

Lehman. BL Joa 

Parrott. Rookroid..; 

Panrln Dta Molna 

Howe, 8t Joe 

HoUhlDaMi. Omaha 

Blagla, Omaha 

Martea, Qolooy 

Wblta, BurlloirtA 

Dolaa Bockroitfl 

Kalx. JaokaooTlDe 

Viaaor. BoekronI 

BaDootc Feorla 


Taylor, JackaonfUlo 

Oaratbera, JackiODTlUe. 

Bailor. Faorla 

Tbomaa, Feorla 

Kannady, Llncoa 

DllloD. Dobo'ina.. 

FlAberty, Rooifonl 

Face, Omaha. 

aioea BorlloRtDo 

Lyocb, BorllDgton 

PaUt R^rord... 

Ooooora, Peoria^.. 

MoFarlasd, DooMolooo 

Amoa, Dobutiuo 

ficlalor, Poorla. 

Dngdale, Poorta. 

Sbaifor, Omaha 

Flaher, Poorla 

CoUlna. Faorla 

EfBo, JackroDvQle 

Darby, Ooiaba 

Manum, St. Jo« 

loko, Omaha 

Flynn. Poorla 

Bbrlgbr, Uncola < 

AruatruOK. Qolooy 

Ulnob. Omaha 

Bal*x. Omaha...... 

MoVickor, Doa Molnoa. 

Oragg, Lincoln 

Nalinia, Omalu 


JaniMo, Ja<:kaoaTllia 

Boar, DutKiqua 

Banxoo. Faorla 

Dovloaey, JacfcwnTlllo 

Lopio, St. Joa 

Wblla, Qolnoy 

MorrlaaeT, Doliwiuo 

BIcbur,8t Joa 

Tan Borao. Lincoln 

Joooo, St- Joe 

MoKllboD. Dob Moloea 

Praaioo. Dea Moloea. 

Colo, Llocolo 


AlborU.Bt Jo« 

Mlloa. Bt-Joo 

HooTrr, JaokiOBTlUe. 


Bolaod, Qalocy 

HolUogawortb, Lincoln 


Haahao, JiebiOOTUlo 

arfinB,et Joo 

Klmenr, LidcoIb 

HcHala. flt Joa 

Zaia JaekaoQTllto 

Burrioa, Doboquo 

Fnoobi, Poorla 

Tkoroloa Roobfoid 

Holland, Roobrord 

TtanUy, DiaMolBoa. 

Figgomelar, Dai Moloea 

NoitOD, Faorla 

Uodorwood, Bockroid 

KllDw, RoehronI 


Hill, UnoDln 

Aodrewa, Don Moloea 

La Rote, Bt Joa 

Donnelly. Omaha 

McCormaek, Qulaoy 

Colbum, Bt. Jua 

M«>'artby,6t. Joiei^ 

Soy dor. Rock ford 

Tan Dyio. JacbiDDTllle 

Wllbor. Dubuqaa 

Phliripa, Duboqao 

McOrarey, Quincy 


Nlcbola, BorUngtoo 

ParriB, BL Jooapfa 

Maomar. Burllntton 

Toach, St Joaopb 

White, JaobaonTiUe 

Oapllngor, JaoluonTlUa 

Oatowood, SL Jcoopb 

Baorr, BL Jocopb 

nuTUb. Omaha 

Eagan, Omaha. 

Roach, Daa Moloea 

Borton, Bockronl 

Bcbwarla, JaokacnTllle 

UaokeU, Burllnitoo 

JohnowD, Bt. Joaapb 

Staala, SLJoooph 

Parker, JaokoonilUo 

Tnlnor, Rockfoid 

Baraoa. Lincoln ■ 

Eaaa, Dubuque 

8iultx,Bt. Jooopb 

ZalBlor, 0L Joaayb 

Bonier. Da* Moloea 

Mauck. Doa Molaoa 


Hahe ahdClub. 


Dutdale, feorla 

TniBoy, Daa Holaea... ... 

CoUlna, Pooria 

Ball, JaokiooTlUo 

Spoor, Llocoln. 

aoFarland, Doa lolnu... 

UooTor, JafikaonrlUo 

Sarder, Bockronl 

Boiand. tjolnoy 

Jooaa, Bt Joaopb 

Lynob, BBrllBglao 

McUbIo, Ht Joaapb 

IiOh man. fli. Jo'iph 


Aadrewa. Dea Molnoa 

Hlagle. Bt Joaapb 

Klgaemeiar, DeaMoloea.. 
Uadorwood, Hockfonl.... 

Roach, Jack aoo vlUo , 

Btalu, Bt Joaapb 

Uanaoa, Poorla 

Darby. Omiha 

Baraoa, Uacoln 

BoBlar. Jackaon Tlllo 

McQraToy, Quinty 


^lan, Omaha 

Parker, JackoonriUo 

Nldioui, Qulnoy 

Uonoo, Bockrord. 

TbomloD, Book ford 


BcbwartB, JaohaoBTUlo 

KImonr. Uooolo 

Capllogor, JackaanrUla... 

ParrlD, Bt Joaefb 

Oitgg, Uoooln 

TbonuL Faorla 

Howe. Bockrotd 

Carrlab, Oataha Jooaph 

Mauck, boa Molaaa 

Dolan, Boekfofd 

OoonoQy. Qulooy 

Fuuir bajSbmbh. 

MorrloBay. Dabntoe 

Knlg, Bockfbrd 

SolllTan. LloeolB. 

MeTor, Qalocy 

Oaralhota. JackaonTllte. .. 

FerrlB, OaoMotnoe 

MarcoiD. Bt JoHph 

Bailor. Pooria..7T. 

CBrloe, Omaha. 

iBka, Omaha 

Pabet. Roohfonl 

Hbaa, BoTllBgtaB 

Vaaeb, Bt Jooopb. 










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fbbbuaby 8 




BltodND BiilSMEK. 










UauoloioD. Omtlu 


Oauiood. Bu JoMpb 

BiiiTUf, DoDaqo* 


Vlmr, BorttonK.^ 

CuiiKim JKUooylll*. . . . 




rtmti, Baokroid 

Piiodi. P»ri»--— 

M^unfr, BoriuiftMl 



HoUud. Bookford 



Fbbvitr, BMkfoid 

NtlUM. O'^. 


Tulor, JiduBTlll* 

Z4l|l«r,8(. JoMpt 

KM*, dabnaa* 

Bpntt, BuriLbflon 

pdllllM, Dnbaqat 

FiucU; noil* 



HolKod, BMkrunl 


FUbw, P«oil» 

Htr»lL Qoloor- 


UoIllaK««oTlli, LIbWia... 

ocinD,BtJo«pb..... — 

DtllDUr. JUttObTllU.... 

La RalL 81 JoH>b 



Uobnia. Dm UolbM 

Uici».8t Jowpb 

PtmIao. D** Ifolnat^ 


Plfbo. Pborib.... 

vbmr, Bbckroi^... 



lltlltl«.8t Jowb 

KiDunr, Llbtobi 

L«tcli*r. DMMolait 

c«le, LlocDlo...... 

Via Bunb. Llacola 


Ktbotdr, Uoeobi 


Btbottl, Ftoilb.^. 

Ptabtrlr, RMkrori 

Kau, JMbieaTlUe 

VulDrk*. JlfiVloorlllB. . . 

JickMb, BurllbitOQ 

Coaoon, PMrlb. 

BIIW, Bbotron) 

vtnoiinof. QalbOT 

HeTklier, Dea Jaolnaa 

■cPaiUiKl, Ma Koloai. . . 

U'blla. BurllogUD 

Baar, Daboiiua ^ 

flbanar. Onubm 

Belllar, FsatU 

DaflobaTt JaakaoDTllM. .. 


BanM. LlncolA 

Saarr.St. JoMpb 

Kials. B««kfart 

Ubdarwood. Rockfonl 



DoaeatI;. Omaba 

TntBor. Ruckrort 


Vareum, 81. Joaapb 

Ilackau. Burilagtoo 

Manaa. Qulooy 

Amaa, Dubuqua 

Howa,8t Joaapb 

ZallM, JlAkaoDTllla 

Maahan. JackaooTlUa 


























































































































































































































































1 lO 














































































































































































































01 10 



L«l4at fojrlBCb »B< Oolagb ol ciaa ll»a«- 
teU FmtarBlty, 

PitBliIeni RablioD, at ibe Cletelkod Club, mid n 
cenily In glTiog bis viewi o( ine dUTcient mijor 
leaiiae t<ruaa aod Ike comlBg oliimploDBlilp nee: 
"The in»]or ietgoe nee will be pieiir all ilie ««t 
ilown Ibe lino nexlaetson. Wlille » niiJoilt;o( ibe 
Kioa biven't reallT Improveil, itie excbaoge o( 
pl«;er< bare evened iblDiB aU anaad. Ibe VIn- 
clDuall-BL Lo3ia trade, for inelaoco, was a itood 
UilDg for bdb oluba, LoiiUvUle will ba attongtr, 
and 80 will Waablogion. I can i nee anv Improve- 
Dieni, boirev er, In Hew Yoik. Tbal club losi one o( 
Ibe moat bnillant plajem In Ibe major leaiue b; 
Jack Doile'aabin to Balilinoro,an(l, vblle akraaos 
Is a gooa uiuiij placer. I certainly mink Ualilmora 
got toe beatot Ibe deal. Billy Naita (oea toPOIIa- 
delpbia to captain a leira of old acasoned playera, 
wbo bore worked toatitiir lor ytan. It be lOC- 
ceede In bis task be inU be a vooder. You know 
bov a tot oC old beadi are wben a nev captain 
comesamonglbem.aad Nublio'tat all aggnulve. 
You can lay for me '■ conilnoed Mr. Koblioo, "Ibat 
Ibe aboUUon o( ibe Temple Oup gamei la cecesaar/ 
In order lo rcaiore tbe lull pteetl|0 that It due a 
team of cbamplona. Tbe Balilmoree von ibe pen* 
nant Iwtfsnccesalve leisona by ihe bardeatkiod of 
buitllog. Oat Ibe all r/ot ibelrirlnaipb wasclouded 
br tbeir defeais af tbe baadu of tbe new York and 
Cleveland trams tor Uie Ttmple Cup. Tbe qaetilon 
ai 10 wblcli Is tbe better tram— Baliluore or Cleve- 
land— woald acarcelyailet It tbe Ttmple Vupganiea 
were never played. Give Ibe obimplone a clean 
out tlile to tbeir trlnmpb. And ibu cannot be done 
If Ibe pennant wlnnen an beaten onl lo a wrics of 
games by tbe t<am ibat Onlabes second. Do you 
ever ibink we are apt lo slop over ai regsids our 

?llcben. We bave two or tnree favorites, luob as 
oong, Brelteniuiaand Uawley. It unkesmeinat 
tbeie are abont ten pilcben In ihe iiu)or leigve 
wbo rank lo a clan by ibemMlvee. and ibor an 
Young, Cnppy, Breltauielo.Hawley, Rosle.Silvelti, 
Mlcboii, Owyer, BoKr ano Kenacdy, Of ibu lot— 
baning my pllcbere— I wonlU abont as soon pay as 
mncb tor one as tbe otber, ' 

Tbe Clnolonall team for Ibe coning aeaion cer 
lalnly pieeenia a nioie formlflableappeataoce ibao 
It baa at any time since tbe tormuiloa ot me twelve 
club league, un paper ilieir only apparent weak 
ipot la In tbe pltcoera poeltlon. One ot ibe moit 
JioUceaMe Improveminu will be perfect onliy 
amonglbe piayere, wbiob wasnot ihe caie ibo past 
iew jaaia, and was oso ot tbe oblec drawback! lo 

1. 0. HoNealna, president ot tbe DalUn Ulob, of 
tbe Tezaa-Sooibem League, bas appealed lo Preal- 
dent N. B, Young, of ibe Matloual Leane and 
American AssoolsiloD, from tbe dooMon or tbe Na- 
tional Board, awarding Mormaa Elbemeld lo tbo 
Uonlgomery Club, ot Ibe Bontbetn Association, 
Mr. HoNeains cislna tbal tbe Urat Iniimallon be 
bad Ibat BIberOold's aerrlcea were in dispnts, was 
contained In a dispatcb from New York, pilnled In 
a morning paper at Dallas, on Jao. 28, ooocemlog 
Ibe Mailonal Board's action. Mr. MoNeilua denies 
tbe slalenunt uat Elberteid played at Uillaa laat 
year. In violation of a conliacl to play at KoDI- 

fomeiy. lie aaja Ellierlleid bis never, to bis 
nowledge, ict toot Id Teiaa. ElberOeld was 
ilgncd on uec ZT, lasi, to play Iblrd base fnr Dallas, 
Tbia la Ibe only agreement be baa algoed tor 16M. 

Tbe dab managers ot ibe major leagoe in hard 
at work galbeitng In ibclr players. naklDsarrange- 
menis for ibelr pnllmlnar/pnaciiceana booking 

early Spring games. Tlie najoiliy ot tbe teams 
lloe iskenSoutu lodo ibelrearlr tnlnlng.and ibe 
people ot Ibat aeeilon ot ibe counlry will be given a 

cbance of wttnesilog loe leame of ibe panni 
league, A great dcsl depends upon tbe condlllon 
Ibe men ^ei Ibemadves luaalo wbelberornoiibey 
will make a brilliant llgbl from beginning lo tbe end 
ot tbe alruggle. lodicailonsall point tnwirds tbIa 
being one of ibe beat yean In every sense ever ei- 
perlenced hy tbe msjor Irsgne, 

On Jan. 29 Manager Jobn Ubapnun lold oat bla 
Toronto Unb to A. 0, Bockenberger, of Fliiibnrg, 
Fa. It la said Ue price paid lor francblae and 
playen was |4,M0. m. Barale. late nunagcr ot 
ine Bonoion team, and Cbarles H. Moitoa. late ot 
tbe BolDalo Clob, were anxious lo Mcun It, but It 
weni to Bnokeobeiwer, ashewaaiDeblgbeM bidder, 
and bad ibe beat oackiog. Maoaier Obipaun Is 
undecided wbal be will do lbs coming season, but 
bas already rcoelvet) a good olter lo take Ibe man- 
agement ol a club, 

Fred Ely, ibe clever abort aiop of laat ;ear'a Bt. 
Loola Itam. wboae nicaae was receoilj oblalsed 
(roD Ibat dab, bas placed bla slrnslnre lo a PlUa- 
bnrg clQi> coniraci. Tbls abonio pat lo iratallUio 
elalaa Ibai be waa notaallaled with tbo lama aob- 
miued by Ibe Smoky (Tlly (nab. Merrli l and Bog- 
den bave also aignod wltb the Plusbnrp, u bas 
nicber Henetee, 

P. T. Powers, pnsldentot Ibe bsairmLBara i> 

CISSwMiifJ?!!?™- "L "» cluba of bis 
KVS.'-*"'. "'*'° "0"} duiing Ibo anpnach- 
Ingcampaln. "Itwill beafirbtiteronetbanla"! 
■ "•'■«»" iiiecluli: wli "hoM' 

ih. 2£.»°".,?^'"'i?'P"f ""eland 
iffii^rfJJSi'. n'""!"' KocbwierClQhwas 
i,:SJ2?mA',"'','*" V^." "i"»«liool Ibe lace, Ibe 
Sfi?lK?,S5 wi'T'i,.''"""'' •I».«0and tlt,Oft>. 
ni^eibarra made between |«.ioo anil 17,010 and 
Buil4lu a lew ibounid more. Tbo Toroniirirlin- 
cniae IS one of Ibe best upon tbe circall la Uaniurr 
Bockeubergcr. wbo bas loatpnrcbascu II Horn Jdbn 
o,Lbspman. will and out before l«bg. Buckeaberaer 
basaantclasatesni for 16»«, one wblcb Nd4 fair 
£'i!B "SiL" 1"" " »« "I" "nalnly 

2'T"LW? inteolnienu Itovldence aud 

S,1."5!J,';'.'""."?™ <" player* ihtoogb 

tbe dralilag sjeien, and tbe manaiti'ra uc Ibelo 
teami will bave hi do some lall bualliogloRplaco 

'.''i?i.i"'K i"',"". "'")'>' ••"lino aab*. 

Alibougb ilpilagoeiil woo loe eamero Uaiue 
cbampronoblp laiiyear, only ll.uo wu clraRd br 
tbatclub. Il Waa under a very bcavy eipcaac. Iia 
grounds are so large ibat II la nececiuj to eaiplay 
ntleen aFCclal pollcenen eacb day a game b Hated 
Ibere.ana li is obliged to pulldown andrRciili 
stands twice eacb aeaion, owing to lOe IHrycle 
neea and oiber allracilons at Ibe park li now 
looko ae It tbo teams at Frovldeucc and Sprtngdcld 
will not be as strong aa Ibej »,«re laii year, wbile 
tbo olbcr alx teame pronlie lo U» MrooKer. Tbls 
will make a more Inie'-eailUK nee lor :be penoanL 
Undonbledly II looka as II ibliwlll be rbc binicr 
year for Ibe Eaaiem beague, and thai M of Ihe 
clubs will make ume money.'' 

Tbe umpire lubject will be laken up at iha next 
meeilng of ibe major league, wblcb win be held on 
Feb. 24. In ihls clly, and iben pmralieii lo lie a 
prelty livelv debate belore It la Boally diHpmed «f. 
Borne o( Ihe magnets favor ibe double omnlro 
lyatem, while oibera ate oppoKd to ii. Tbe clilcf 
olijecilon 10 having two umplrea lo one gaou ap 
pean 10 be tbe expenie, and Ibe ohjccioni claim 
ihst one comitelent man can do tbu work Juai as 
well as two. Then, loo, iber claim ibal Ibe proper 
place tor an umpire li liebind tbo boiucplaic. It 
obo ompin U 10 do ibu wonr, and Ibal, loo, from 
beblod Ibe bome plaie, bow la be going lo wiit out 
balls trooi lUlkea, waich Ihe plietacr'i feci lo pre- 
vent bim fioni liking an Illegal iiep, aod oako cor- 
rect declBloni ot close play ataecond btsef Tbo 
double umpire ayaieni teems lo beibe only ooeibgi 
will do Ibe work lu a lailstaclnry manner. Wolle 
Ibe umpire behind tbe bat ehouM make itc deci- 
sions un balls sod alrlkcs, all ouls it ihe home plate, 
decide fair and foul balla and catches of Or balls, 
Ine otber umpire conlit make ihe declilons it Oni, 
aecoud ana ihlrd huts, and waieb ibe plicher'i 
feet to prerent bla mating aDillegil lup in deliver- 
ing Ibe ball, which wai done by neartyerer; nutjor 
league piuher during ihe pan seison. and Ciuied 
no eud of kicking by pUyeis on ike opposlle leaui. 

Fifty builneia men ot Youogiiovn, 0., on Jan. 2S, 
agreed to back a learn in tbatcliy lo Join a league 
with Fort Wayne, Totedo, Alroo, Wheeling. Now 
Ctfiloand WaablUHton. Fa., aud oneolherclly not 
yet named. A meeting tor ihe puriHue of mo lor- 
mallon of such a leagnu wgi uo nrM sbonly at 
Toledo, 0, 

Pitcher Uwyer, ol Ibe CInclnnaii team. Is kecplog 
bimaelt lu aoape by exerciilog dally la Ike gym- 
nulnm ot tbo armory at Oeaova, N. t, 

Tom Daly, ibe clever aecond bas*min of tbe 
Brooklyn team. Is Iralalog In ibe gyoiaailum of Ihe 
Young Ueo'B Chrlitlio Astoclalloo, Urooklfn. Ue 
can bo seen almoit auv afternf.uu walklug up Kul 
■OS Slreet wliu bla gripsack In hli band. 

Tbomss P. Uumi says ibat ibe leaeon he tana not 
placed bli slgnaiurc loaNew York ClubcontracI lor 
1198 la hecauie there la a lillle dllTcreoce between 
him and ihat cln'i aa regaida a fluoihalwasim' 
posed on him last leasoo. 

Tbe Waihlngion Ulob.ol Ibe Niilonal League and 
Amecicao Auoclailon, baa been Incorporaicd, wllh 
a capital aiock of t20,000. ueurge W, Wagner I* 
named as prealdeni, iklwlo Suiberlaod *n vice 
presldeot, end J. Earle U'agoer aa aecreiary aud 

Vanager Belee, of Ibc UuMnn Club, la quoted as 
laying: '*Pllcber Yooog. ot Ibe Cleveland teuni, la 
Ibe only player In Ibc majiir league worib llu ooo. 
It any player la wonb ibui sum, li la Youug." I'bai 
la a mailer ot opinlou, aod while no one quesHuna 
Ur. Dclee'a right lo rxpreu his, ihcre ate people 
hereabouli wbo bold diOVTi'nt vlewa. 

Fnok UouRb, ot I7U fniuultlplil't Pi <». lu hav- 
ing a busy ilme lo arranging ibo Pcunajlvanla 
Bute LeagnecirculL IMmeotibe cluba who would 
like to Jufn lu ranks do not liko ibo Idea of Hr. 
Uirkle sownlngibreeclubi lu inetTgiulzailon.aa 
they filnk It will give bIm too much pen er. If Mr. 
Hough cannot admlnliier toe anbln of ibo league 
In a Iree and Impartial manner, he will not t>e found 
long at 111 head. Ue li not the uiao wbo will sub- 
mit iodlciailon,orwlUi any Interference In Ihc dis- 
cbarge of bis dullea The Feno^syivanla Siaio 
League haa had iniuyupaacd dowualu tbopaai, 
butebould meet wllh succeu ibis year. 

Merman Von oer lloisi,or the liaiumoie Club, 
thinks Detroit would be no worn loan Clevebud ae 
a major leegue city, and In blsupinlooi lolenble 
leant would drew In ihe former dir. "iiciroli 
made a barrel of money ihe rear ibe won ibe 
world's cbamplonablp," no said, "anil would do 
well again If hIvcd a cbauce." 

President Kitedoiao aunouncea Ibat seme of ibe 
New York (Hub's complimentary paian. which will 
admit Ibe bolder lo any ot Ibo laalor league 
gronndi, an ibis year to be of eolid eltver cardi, 
sniiabiy engraved: ind will be preienied lo ibo fol- 
lowing peisons: Uovernor Morton, Ei-Oovernor 
Wens, ot NewJer«y;Seniiorl>avid II. UDI.Heoa- 
lor Murphy. UayorSlrong. Klcbaid aroktr:Benaior 
Matthew Quay, of Pennailrania; B, B. McCall; 
senator Qorman, ol Maryland; E.o, Poller, Simon 
U. Siera, Thomas 1>. Hamilton, E. D. Tilcoii, John 
U. Day, James A. Billey, Frank McKce. C'oarlea 
ilo}i,T, Henry French, and Cbarlri A. Fabcher, 

The pia;on of ike Honuon team, of Ibe Texas- 
Soaibera League, is signed, are aa follow: Henry 
J, Cole, catcher; John J, floacb, w, II, UcCormact, 
H. C. Semple snd John Lotion. jpllcherB; Charles A. 
Sbailer, Oeorgo M, itccu and Elmo Jacobs, on ihe 
baiei; Ubarleii Bbori. ihott aiop; Frank Becker, 
Joseph F. Slagle and W, J, aaiaon. in me oumeld 
The last named win manage Ibe icam- 

Itlselilmed thilJobu millian, who will manage 
Ibo Headingleam,ln the FennarlvanlaBiale Lcigue, 
duilng the coming leaioo, will bave more Onanclal 
backing than any Reading club hai ever bad be- 
lore. The nucleui ot bli team haa already been 
signed and ihe selection of ground will bo made In 
a few daya. 

The Louisville people believe ihty have 
"comer" In Plicber Frailer, wbo wai with tbe 
Ulonespolhi leam, ot the Weetern Leagae, laat lea- 

n hie been Onally decided that ibe piayere ot 
Ibe Lonlivllle learn will take Ihclr preliminary 
pracilce at St. AuguiUne, Fla. Minagcr Mc- 
Oloskey Ui siready making arrangeoenia tor the 
the trip. Ue wUI lake bui men dowu mere abont 
March T. and It poaslble deiermlne bcloro ibe open- 
log ot Ihe regular aeaion. which or ibe caodioaica 
are belt soiled lo corer Ibe poililoni of lOori nop 
and third base, Ot Ibe former poalllon It will be 
eiiberEuitaceorBhannoa. ab for ibird baaeibere 
an levenl joongiiereaahlilouaio plaiibero. 

It la annoanced that Ibe people ot Hot Springs, 
Ark,, will put up Billrer cup, lu be played for by ibe 
Clevclaud and Plilsbnrg leans whtD Ihey go oot 
there lodolbclrptellmlnsry practice Inatew w«ka 

Tbe Texas-Bonlbem Leagoe, at lu recent meet- 
ing, adopted a rcsoluiion ibat tbe major league 
leama would not be allowed lo play between iheu- 
selves on any ball giounda belonging lo cluba ot 
mat league. Bono nlsesmuii be tbelrnppooenis, 
or they cannot pisy tbtre, 

Doyle bas pionlaed, II la aald, lo selile with 
Keeler, acconilng lo iheir agreemeni, before play- 
ing Ibe Temple Cip lenei. 

W. II. Ulna, ex-eocreury ol iho Ualilmoro Club 
hasmsde applleallon tor the poalllon of hoilneu 
manager ot the New York Club, made vacant by 
Ibe niignailon ol ibe genial llarrey tVathlna. 

Tbomia L Uanllioo, the builder, bis lubmliled 
10 Preildebt Freedman, of tbe Mew York Qub, tee 

Blans for a new building which U to bo ended at 
le Polo Uraund enirauce, 
Tbe Billlmore Club haa ilgned two more minor 
leagne pUiyera. One la Jamea u. Donnelly, wbo waa 
last year the captain an>i Iblrd laaenoan ot the 
Bpilogfleld team, ot Ibe Eaalern League; ibe olber 
Is Oeorgo u; Gray, one of tbe plKbera of laai va- 
WD'a Toronio Ctnb, ot ' be aame Hague. 

TbeClDclnnaUClob'a puyenwill Han for New 
Orleana, La., Match 8, wbtralhey will do their pie- 
lunlniiT woik. 

Manager UankHi, ot ihe Balilmon Clnb. baa 
Ilgned OUa U. sioctadile. foimeiljof ibewuh- 
Ington and Bouon teams. Ilanlon >ayi iba repona 
aboni McHaboo'i arm belag gone ara aot ima, and 
Ibat Us great plicber la la ant claaa eoodlUon. 

1 Theodore llrelienaieln, iho famion lefi banJeil 
plicber of the 81. Louis Club, ol ibe.VailnoalJieaHiio 
and American AMoclillon, la one ot Ike moelMi- 
Kreiilug dgurrs Inbiiseball loday. Nuineroua have 
liecnibe oircra that FrtMldcni Voo dcr Abe ba^ re- 
ceived fur bIm, bul Ihry hivo all Ixrcii nfiiiul, AI 
the preaent wriiing Urellenaieln lagalnlugconkld- 
erable noiorteiy br hia refuul to ilga wllh ihe Hi. 
Loiila icain duilLg the curolog Siiniwr. and hia 
Ihicai 10 play wllh an olircuio nlniir iMgiir leani. 
He layi' "I am under ceniruci lo play wllh the 
Cheitcr Club.unrtir (lira llavlll'iiiianBicnienl.and 
all negniisilona for my icrvlccH miiai i*f made wiili 
him. I know Ibal I bave been underraM cvcrtlnco 
1 have been w|ih ino XI, Loiila Club. I clalui ihal I 
bare each year iliihc na goul woik at icaai, aaany 

Ellchcr on ihc ilub't pay roll, yci ruch acaun I 
ave received from »1.010 lo tJw ItMihao on» nr 
more nllcUeri< lu Ur. Von di-r Aiir't pnnlo). All 1 
aaklsihe lloili, $2 4to Iwa.'ipslil «2.ox>lai'l;ror. 
1 had a ham time in gel ihal nincli. and Iwaa 
inrcaiened wlib ibe hluckllai If I dm ud gel luin 
liar. 1 wai In ibc club'a power, and hailiOHlgn. 
Now Iho conillllusa are dilTdCnl, I am iiodi rcon. 
met 10 Hr. Ilavlll. uud am aei<ured nf a cbance lo 
make my llvellhooil and • nice uilaiy." Tnal la 
iboughi In i>! only a bli'ir on hl< pari. Illagrlov- 
anceagaliiM Ihe HI. Uiila Ululi can cailly be Nilli- 
lacioilly arraogtil, aod no doubi will be when 
prrililenl Von <ler Abu wanti bim. lie hia been a 
big drawing card for Ibo Bi. l.oula Club, lis baa 
proved an enigma to a nuinhi r of ibe major league 
leami panlculariy tnc llaliliiiorei atU Pblladil, 
phlaa two of Ibo wrongesn ooeulo tkai organlM- 
linn anil ibev bare beep ulioi Ij unible to a Iro hia 

Siiuling delWry. lie waa born June 1, lUO. ai 
I, Louis, Un., aod began hU baaehall career aaa 
plicber on Ibe open loiaabout ibatciir. Ilia ilr-i 
prefeasinnil engagement waa wllh ibi Urand Hup- 
lilalHlch.) Clnb la IWI. The latter part nf ibal 
aanie seaaou he wa.* brought lo ihc noilee of Frerl. 
dcni Vender Ahe and glvenalilal. He waa very 
wild at nrai. aud iiisoa on ball* oif blmweionn- 
meruua bul be itnadlly Improved unill he lieraniu 
eailly iho beat left hatidid pitcher In ihe biiriiitaa. 
and made a uicii rcpiiiailoo foi lilmaclf. lu ap<:ak- 
Ing about bli bcaliinlng Urdien'iela aaya: "I al- 
irluute whaievrraucceri I achieved ai a plicber lo 
Calchfr Uk'k Buckley- When I waa very now ai 
the builneas ho look me up and coacbrd oe day in 
aoddayeui, I did not know ihe dnllhlngaboul 
plicblng when I went wllh bim, bul he aeon laughi 

inc. 1 llien uard a tati drop ball. lUil ni>arl) lorn 
my arm nlT, Un imiKht ine in iiao a alow liall, which 
proved my aalvailon. My arm WdOi iMck nil iiu*, 
and lie Mayi-il up uliihlH liidni iurli, and. Iij iliu 
IHC ot rlrcllle tiallrilca and nibrr ap( Hanoi a. II 
i-anic round all righi. Thru, whrn lu a gnniu I 1k- 
C4II1C wild, ho would Rieaily mo down lii a inlu- 
uio," lllH gmhl wcrk in ihc pilcln r'M ikmI. 
lion Iwgau In ahow llai'lf ilurliig lli.* pea. 
atin nf 1119-j, be liking )iart Ibal ji-ar in llilily 
llgbl chaiDiilunahlp gamra. and giving an uilitfai'- 
tnryauaccouninfhlniarlfihai ho wuaitialiird lor 
Ihe campaign ol imi]. iiklug part ihai year m lull;. 
one chainplonNblp gaiiica. Ilu ilhl iiiuoh liclirr 
work In iliu plichi r a (Oalliun In IMI, when he innk 
pan In flfij-tiiroe chanijilouvtlpconirMa. In fony. 
nine nf which lie nccupleil lllo pllrlicr'a imalllnn, 
anil ansrod wllli ihe grrnl Aiuoa Ituale. Ilie illatlnr- 
ilou of bnlding iiie'ri'dinl of ilii< lurguai iiiiniiinr or 
clianiplnn«blp gamea, in which a iiiajur league 
pitcher oillclHinl Ihal aeaaini. Iiutliigiho .SuiiiiiiiT 
ot llVft booxcclird all of hia prcrtoua vcara by tak- 
ing part lu alxiy-aix eliampionphip cnntuaia 
Uielleniiclii baa licen cicdlictl wiili a iiuiiilirr of 
clover pllchlDg iietrorniai.rea rliico be Ji Ini d ihe 
proteialonal ninkr. In a uainr Willi ibo Unit- 
vlllca.onOct. 4, Su r,<iul>. Un., tlio vMinrM 
were ihni onl nMboui a run, and an eiTrcdvu waa 
Urellenalcln'a plichlug, thai the I.uiiiayiilts failed 
10 make a aolliaty mIo hli. I)n May T. lil;i. ai .si. 
iKiuli, Ibo (Jiilcaaua wrro alao aliui oui wlilioui a 
tun, while ihoy made only two HralicriiigalDgloaoir 
hit puuling dcllrerr, ilio hunie loaui making righi 
runs nir twrire safe blla. iluJiily lu, IIIM. alKr, 
I.0U1B, Ihe UhlcagoH mado only four aafo hita nir 
blui, Iho SL l/m\t leaui winning by T in I. Un Aug. 
18. Ibal lame year, it llriHiklvn, ilio hoinu leam 
inarto only i«o Hafe hlia oir hlin, Hi. l,oniawinulng 
by4 lu 0. On Henl.:i'>.or mat year, hi Ht, lioiiin, ho 
prevented ibe Washlnglona Irum making ninri' 
ihau Iwoaatehlla oifbla plicblng. Illi biai wuik 
In Iho plicber's poahloii laai year, waa agaiiiti iho 
I'hlladclpliiateaui, when un two aepnraio oi-eailnn« 
bo held ihum down in rnur aate hlia. Tbo Ural 
ilnio was oil May II, ai 81. I,«iul«, iho hnjiio team 
winning hy II lo 0, Tbo other ilino waa alau al si, 
LoiilH. July II. Ihe homo leam whinlug by 8 lo I. 
Ilealdea being a tine plicbrr, llrelicnaiein la a 
auprrk Orldtr lu bla poalllon, and can make hia 
niark In iho ouiOeld, no la i lair lialinian, hut 
clever liaie runner. 

In dialling a acbrdule of cbamplonablp gamoa 
for Ibe cluba of Ihe National l.eaguo and American 
Assoclalioo. one ot the nosi Imporhaot ibluga lo be 
conildcrcd la lo obtain iho bvBlinrchugacciimmo- 
dailona, al loe moelreaaoualile niea. Bcreral plana 
will be lubmltied al ibc nrxi uujor league meei- 
lng. and the meat pncllcablo one will be adopted. 
Toe Idea li lo atraugs Ihe acbcdale of games so 
Ibat the liailern cluba can go over ibe Wealrrn cir- 
cuit In regular order, or In such a way aa lo ob- 
Uln from Ibo nllroada a round lilp llckel, Snch 
an amogenieni would lavo cooilderablu expense 
over Ibe old loiiii of Jumping lo and tio, and mklng 
two or more ihpi over Ibe aiine road where ooly 
one la neceesary. A similar plan woild be worked 
wben Ibe Weilein elnbi came tlasi. Ut couiie ihe 
raagnaiei may not be able to compltte Ibe achoaie 
aa peifeoily aa ibey would wlab, bul they will c«r- 
laluly make aoma arraogeraeni whereby Ibelr 
Uama will be saved many uileaof invel. Aooiher 
Imporlant piece ol tiusloeaa 10 be iraDaacb:d Ja ibe 
mailer of oooiunmaiing amngeiaenla wllh Ibo 
Weslero Union Telegraph Couipaur. The magoales 
claim Ihat Ihe lleker acrvlce isal bulleilna Ibe 
games, inning by Inning, li a big wurco of proot 
10 Ihe Wesiern Union, snd ibouaandH ot peraooa 
are kepi away from Ibe gamn by ibal meana who 
oiberwlu would proliably mend Ibem, Tbe cluba 
■re not compeuibrd by Ibe lelegnph people for 
ibia losf, and Ibe magnales believe Ibey are (milled 
10 some uoaaldenlluo, eipcclally la ibey nay ao 
heavily for lelegrapb lolla In Ibe eoune of each 

CSplalD Hoblnaon, nf Ibe llalllmoio team, aald re- 
cenlli: "We bave ibo aironieil learn thai waa ever 
puton Ihe dlamood, and will do what we did last 
year— carry off ibo major leigoe pennant In a 
walk." But he doien i ny anyiblug about the 
Temple Cup, and It li prtanuied tbai Ibey do not 
cipeci 10 gel It any more ihan hereiotore, 

A aeheme la on foot lor Uie fornailonot a t^eniral 
Fenniilvania League, wllh clula kicaled al Wll- 
llamapon, Renovo. Lock Haven, Banbury, Hbamo- 
km and Aibbiad. Tbe plaa Is meeting wlib general 
appnvaL The railroad facllliles liclween ibcse 
towns sn very good, sod sachedileotgsmei could 

be siranged br which iho invcllOftexpenKi of Iho 
league would be r ' 

i reduced lo a minimum. 

Tbe people ol AUenlowo. Pa., ate sol any loo well 
pleaaed wllh Ibe aciloa laken br ibe Markle clubs 
St the recent mecllog of tbe Pcoosylvaula Hlaio 
League, when Ihey ao unceremonlotuly turned down 
FiealdentJobn J. Ilanlon, and Ibe mure iho people 
iiody iheacilon otiboaeelabilbeaiureladefeuilule 
Ibey consider Ihe courw Ibey look. There win be 
lono lively llmeaahradforiboaeclaiai before Ibelr 
league la compleied, and ihere are maor peraone in 
Uic circuit ot Ihe Penoaylvanla BUIe l/eague wbo 
Mlievo Ihal Mr. Ilanlon will come cut ahead lu Ibe 
long lua. 

A number of persona bave, dnnog Ihe past tew 
weeka, beeo laying ibat (be Baltimona bave no 
show ot winning ine msJor league pennint again 
Iblayear. To one and aU Manager ilaolon, ot ibn 
cbamplona, aaya: *'I am not a belling man mya<lf, 
l>ul If iboae peisona, wbo have been making ao 
many predlciloni, hare any money lying around 
looae to put np agalaal Ihe Ualilniorea, ihey won I 
bave any inuble In gctilog II curend by coming lo 
Halllmore. ind Ihey cm have tbe pick ot my clob 
In Ibe major league for iheir aide ul ihe wager," 

II la claimed Ihal Harry DIddleuoeh will l« paid 
Ihe nlgheal salary by the IM. Lonia dub for Ihe com- 
ing leaaoB ever piUd my baaehall aiahager. Ureal 
ibrngs will be expeciM fno Harry, and If be falla 
to accompliBb Ibem be will hare lo travel a very 
Iborsy paik wben h« goei to draw bla salary. 

Capiain Aoaoo, of Iho Chlcam leain. aaya: "The 
playen of tbe Chicago leam will go lu ilalvotlou, 
Tex., on March 1, in do their iralnlug, and we 
exped lo return home altor a tow wreki' nlwcoce 
In ctampluorhip form. We will give a Irlil to a 
onmbcrof yonngaicra, and Itauynf ihrmluinoni 
well, Ihey will not In long nut ul a Job, Meiirhlo, 
an ouillelder uf aoiito promlac, mar auccccd tviltnui 
In loll Held, That li, of couiao, if he II tail ennugb, 
Truliy will bo kepi at lecond base. Ho nld very 
well duhig Ibe latter partof lajiaeaaon, and abould 
improve mil more during ihe coning Huionicr, We 
will be ilrongir In pllcbcra to begin Ihe comin 
camiMign than we were a year agu, aod Ihatwil. 
lie a big Ihlug In our favor. IMn'l forgot lu alale 
Ibat we will win Ihe pcunanl ihla ycaraure. We 
•re ilroogcr ibau we were laai aeaaon, aud will 
ihow up In Ibe next cbaniplooablp race in lieiiur 
formihanwelMvebeenln for luiae yeara liefore, I 
don t ace bow ant ot Ihe other Icainacan ngnre 
IhemielreH Id wIiIi ua. Uh, yei, Clcvelaml. Haiti, 
more and one or two oihtr leanr may make II In- 
lereallng lor ua for a while, but ibe pii;o wu will a«i 
for Ihcm will bo too fiat, ind Ibey will aoon drnu 

Manager llarnio. In speaking recently of bow 
Doyle would iw Ireiled In Ualilinore, aald: "I Ihink 
I lun In a poalllon lu aar bow Ibe llaliltnoro iicoplv 
will receive llo)le, Yuu reineoibtr i;ui( Wolabr 
Uefore be came with llaltlinora hhi appearance on a 
Ualilmon diamond wbb enough lo creaie a rioi: 
but wben he wore our colore It waa diiTrrrni. and 
Iho orowdi fnrgul all bla traugrcialona agalnii 
Ibom, aod ihouled bla pnlaes wboo ho uacilUi'^ 
rauelaclica agalnit vlaliiog Icami, Duyle'ieCa. 
la Identical, I Iblhk Ibe people of llalllmoie are 
peculiar in Ibal mailer. In uaaeNall Ihey are In- 
lensely panisu, and that la wbet inakea K audi a 
good ball lown. When Doyle puiBoo one of ibo 
Oaltlmoie uollorma there will be aa much enihu- 
alaam for bim as for uibody elae, Ur the way I 
cannot uoderataud Dorto'i aciiooa uf loio. fjiat 
Fall he almost pleaded to be lakeu as a uiemlHr ol 
Iho Halllmore team, aod now Ibere la aocuuplelu a 
change of front llowever, 1 gueaa be will come lu 
lime wbtD wanted. Ho la not the drat player who 
haa put up the bluir, nor la be likely in be Ihu la>l 

N. B, Young, prealdeni nf the National Uiguo 
and Ameilcan Aaaoclailun.haa l«aued tbe tolluwTng 
bulltun; Uonincia for lln«— With LouUvllle, A, 
Weyhing, A. Herman, I. Ueaoo. II, Hplea. p. Caa»l- 
dy,J, I, O'llrten. K. J. Ilotcbloaon. F, Clarke. J. 
Wright, T, L. McCrcery, H. II. Heuiple, U, F, Miller, 
C. Dexter. K. Cunningham. William Fuller, vs iillau 
J, MiCoiulck. K iacoli, J. W, Ilnlniei; SI. Louis, 
Munle Croaa;New York. William i;.ark; Chicago. 
II. T. Uflgga: i.'lnclnuail, J. W. llolltday; Cedar 
Kaplda, II. Oramhall. tt. A. KIIdi. D. Uarnea; l,ewu- 
tim. P, Vi:iler. T. Hraalii. tv. K. Halna, U, II, Hone. 
W. H. Wllllaiaa. II, doodhcait. I,. Mpperl, F.HIIIcr; 
Portland (Ure.J, F. H. Iteeie: Heaitle, C.J. Black, K, 
J, Kgan; lllcbrauad. C. Ilrovca. K. II. Ainea. J. ran- 
ueblll. H. Ilciie. V. Wood. K. Iilllnn. H'.v, Hsfllirt, 
Ueorin (lllpeirlck; Trenton, L', Athrrluu, W. Hiew- 
ail, H. Whalry, C. Notbaang, D. IVrlghl H. Hyan. 
Terms accepled— By lodlanapolla. Jacob Wrlmer; 
UrockioD, F. Uuelow, E. L. Ureckenridge. J, Sb-vlc: 
LewlaioB, Uwla HadUen, II. (laiewotd, II. Prtl. 
chard; FortlaLd (Ore.). J. Deao, L. UabuL Htleaacd 
—By Deiiull, H. II. Wblleblll. Loulavlllo walrea 
claim 10 J. U. Uonaelly, drafted tion HprlngOeld, 

An offer ol II2.00O baa been made for the fran- 
cblae ol Ibe Milwaakee Club, ot Ihe Weilero iMgue, 
bul Presldeni Kellllto, ol Ibal clnb declined It, and 
Inddentall/ announced thai It could not lie par- 
cbaaed b>r |W,eao. 

Jobp H. Ward la gelling pIrnlTOl free adveiUs- 
Ingoutof iboliei ibat bla Dime lion tbe rcBeire 
Itii of Ibo New York Club, In do other way could 
be have obtained so much notoriety over nothing 
at all. What dlilerenee does II nake whether or 
not bla name la on thuilKorbowlallgdnglo 
iin CI the prrctlee of hia preaent prelrnlont If bli 
clltntaarehaaeball people iheyhnowtbatllanooBia 
10 nolhing al b»t. If, bowevrr, Ibey are people 
»bn do noi nndenlaad or care inilbing abont 
tia>cball. II la preity sale saying Ibal ibey irverraw 
Iho rcKtvo iiai. or, If ihey Old, they did not know 
what It nirani, V'aid haa ahnouDced Ibal he has 
iciirnl prrmanently Irom tbe proloailonal diamond, 
and Ihat tbuolil wiilo thoniailtr. If he slicks lo 
nlawnid hia ciienia nlli forget all about iho Now 
Vmk nacrru Hal, or Ihal any inch a ibing ever 

Fr»klrui FitrdDian. of the New Yoik Clnb, ar- 
ilveU homo on Jan, 29, alter a aojoiirn of a few 
wi-cka III Ihe iioiiib, 

Tho rittabnrg Club dcnioa Iho rumor Ihal I'llcber 
iliur, whoso n-ioaiM! waa purchaacd lalo laai leaioa 
from Manager l.nng, nf the Trrre llanio Club, lalo 
roHre Irnin biacliall, anil aaya be will boon hand 
when the tram Kocaiuihe Hot Mprligs tor IhelrpR- 
llRiinniy pradtee, 

II la aalil ibai tbo llaliliiiore Icini will niaks a 
lour of tho Knuth for Ihrlr sliiting nacllce, not bar- 
ing any iHiillcular placo for tieailquartrrit. 

Silver' Hint wania bU rami lakenolT Ihe CIn* 
clnoail rraotte lt>l. Ilia rti|tieflwlll he granted, 
as Iho Cincinnati Cliiii baa uo use for him.'— Thnn- 
.siiir. King U probably incini, la tllnt'a name was 
never on ihu rluli'a rraoive Hat, 

K. II. Tklcuii, eX'liraaurerof iho New York Club, 
laalnalr rccnvering Irntn aacvervsliackot gaililp 
trvrr. III' had a bard iln,o ul It. but hia rugged 
ronailtuiton U ctialillng hlin to pull ihroitgh all 

llaivey I.. U'atkltia, the bnaineainanagtrof Iho 
New York CInli, ha.<4 arvcnd hl<> connrcllon wlih 
uiatflnb, aoil Intendato return to hiaold pnaliluD 
aa prlvaio arcrotary to James A, ibilluy, Iho ahow- 
man. Mr. iVaiktna haa luailo a hoai of friends 
iluring hia ahuriaiar In luafiMll, who will bo aorry 
tnwv hliiili'ivi'li. lltH'd lurk in with bim, 

I'rrnlilcnl I'rrrdinan aald In a reriiil Inletvlow 
that he had hron lufnriiicil that Ji<bn M, Ward bail 
inaibi appllrailiiii tut u Weaiern Uaguo frenoblie. 
If Ihla la reiilr into It piita Wird In a nihcr awk- 
wnnl |Hi.lilnn for lio haa all along aloiiily nuinialn- 
ed thai hu had piven up luiwlHilirnrvevcr, At tbe 
atiuo iltuu It ibruwa aunio light nn bla greal anxiety 
to have bla iiatnu rcniovtil Irom tbo Now York's re- 
ti-rve Hal. 

(lenrgo Van llaliren. of Ibo Maw Yelk Club, who 
l< wluirrlng mi HanFranclacn, (.1l.,haa whiten lo 
Uatiagir Irwiii for a ronlnct and It waa forwardcil 

in liim, 

Thnnias A, Devyr, who dint nn Jau, 32, al bla 
hniuo In Brooklyn, N, v., waa a pruinlnent amateur 
player thirty yraraagn, Mhrn a Imy he leanitd to 
iilay ball wllh the Hailonl1ul>,a Junior orfanlia- 
llon ol WllllaiiMlinig, I. 1, Sulauqiienily ha became 
a member nithe old Kukfiitil Cliih, and waa one of 
Ha chanipton tram In IM.1, Ho juliH d the Hiilnala, 
nt Ihla cliT,lnlM4, and conilnuni wllh them until 
mao, when, after puylig In a few ganiea wllh Ihe 
Uutiialaihat aeaeon, ho rejoined Ihe Kokftrda, and 
tiHik part In a lew namra witli tho hiller club before 
reilrlug from active iluty nn the green dia- 
iianiil. Unny nt Ibo itainiiu of the old Union 
nrnuiiibi, then Uieattil In iha llaairrn dlatilot of 
Unuiklyu, will recall Ibe lilni, athleilo dgure 
and cuily hrail of Temnr Devyr, tbe enver 
abort amp. In many of Ihe greaUal games 
placed Ifai re. Ho was a hanl and reliable bauman, . 
Iiealiira belug ipilek ami aelire In hlamovamsnu. 

110 waa H unlvrraal favntlio, for It wan always In 
Uio eliiaeai coiiieais that litt amat lirllllani plays 
wein tiiailp. He waa Ihe winnir of a number 
nl nriwa. Inn nf all hu rei'olTeil none KDalucd 
In bla |inM;uli 11 at lliu llino ut hbl dealh ex- 
rcpl a laiiik (>r piielila jin-artiUil hi hint by Oilonel lit Ihu Alhletio Ulub, uf Phlla- 
ilclpTila. Iiovyr waa a inrnilitr of a well known nlil 
witiUiiialiiirg fatnily, lieing iho aecond .Htii of 
Thninaa Aliiirn, licv>r, wliii wan editor and pto- 

firletnr of tlin iIikI lUlly new>iMiper ever liatied 
n willlanKiiiurg -r/if ii'iilliii/ia(niv Ixillu nul- 
la IHi;. Tl,intm< A, Jr. waa iHini In Urooklyn, 
when lie lived dining thu afly inie yean ol 
Ilia life. Alter rotlrlng fniin naaaliatl he lie- 
came a prniiihieiit pidliu Ian, having laen elsoled 
aitiwrvlitir fiuui the Hevimttenib Wanl In I8T0, un 
the lioinncinilo llckel, and afterward held varloua 
pnalllnna In ilio eliy wnrka depailiiient, lis was 
Ihn third of ihtcK tiniihera, wboilird within Ibe laat 
elplit iiiiinilM. Mwaril C, a lawyer, nn Juno t, laat 
Who alaii waa a pn'mlnetit aniaieiir plarer ot a tow 
yenrH agn, iH h'K cnunected wlili the Clte.aeasand 
olher leania; lllelianl J., 11 pknlogrepbrr, Jan, It, 
aud Thninaa A., Jan. in. Two linjlbrn and Iwo 
tiatereailil live al ilio family bums lu Uuihwiok, 
Ur. Dovyrlnavrria wlilnw anil a Min and daiigbirr, 
Kiiw thai lilaniilt:rd Ihat lltiiuklio will uol lose any 

111 Its eiack pUy4iH, and Ihu inailur of grnunds baa 
alK lieeii lUcliled U|wn, iha eniliualaala ot ihit oily 
ara anxb ua In liavu Ibe aeanu Iwglu. Thua lar 
everything liaabctu on (taper, and, taking It from 
that atamriKliii, Ihey Iliink tliil llriioklyn has Ibe 
appranncu nf Having a winner, W, 0. Hammla, a 
Ihrni-lhlid ilrgres ruotor, aara: "Bniukl)n never 
apiieared Ui lie ixi atnmg aa II diHia Ihla year. It lbs 

Rllcliera can hold up ilielr e»l ot Ilio work then 
HHiklyn will lie a faetnr In lite coming race for Ibe 
pennant Wcarenincltalrongcr In olbcr reiptols 
lhau we wete laat jear, I Ihlok that McCarthy and 
lluuner will Improve Hie loam In batting, baia run- 
ning aod deldlug, Tliun If yuung Jnnea Tuipiuvei ss 
raplilly wllh Miooklyn IbUyear ashe did aller Jula- 
Ing Ilio Hprlnallelila laaltoaaun, ho wlU bea |lu,«ao 
lieanty next Fall, I am more In doubt alwut the 
pllehera than lam aiioiit lite lesra lu anv olber re- 
aped. Could Ihey do half ao sell on llieir vlalli lu 
ulherdlloaaaihey dn at bums wewuuld have a 
lead pipe ulneh on lbs pennaal. I tell yon tbU Is 

fnltig to IH* an Interuatlng race, aud you want lo 
eep an at 0 un the llronhlyna wfiou Ibey ara on the 
Itutus aliab It, fur they aio going to make tblnga In- 
tereal Ing I his y ear, au re," 

J, Henrerl'age, lbs crack wing ahot, who Uoecn- 
Ury ut the llriHifclyD llrldga uuilcea and ot lbs 
Uoinn lMguaClul>,ot Ihlauliy, wai at one Ilme a 
proinlueot aiiutteitr player, lie waa lliena uenitier 
nf the old Ainire Club, nf ibia clly, playing aecond 
liaaa on Ha uaiii. lie waa luraevorsl yean the re- 
cnnllog aii'relaryuf tlie Anuicur Aaanclallon, and 
alterwam waa prraldent til Iliu New York division, 
Oiiuut Ibc innailiileraatlnguf Hie many deldlog per- 
funnaocra criillled lu him oixurred lo a gatue be- 
tween Ihe Actlrisa and F.inplrea, llcL 6, Iwu, wben 
he nut out twelro men who Miter raacblog Otat baas 
haifatleiiiiiled in atesi aeeoDil, In Ihla be waa sa- 
suied liy tbo awlftandiecuiala 11 ruwingot Ualcbi r 

Tbs Hcrnnuiu Uuui, of the Kaatetn Usgue, bas 
amngcil In play two gainea at Urookluo, lusa,, on 

"Stein, (,1 Ilio llruukljtia, la pitching Indoor giDea 
In Uhlcagu."- /liM/nn Kuhiihuf. toll sre wrong. 
It la auoiber HIelu allugciher. 

Manager lluckeuberger, ■>! IhaTbrnnln Ulub, of 
tho Kaurro lieagitr, haa iiukIo amngemenla wllh 
ihellltiliurgUiuii wlirreby bo wHI get Ilvo ot Ha 
■urpliia pbiyera for his Tnmilo team. They ant 
Hnraii, piii'lier: I'addeu, llenlos and Hlnatt, In- 
Oalden.ando'llrltii, niiineliler, "Buck" li (olng 
10 give Hie (^anuukera a winner Ihla year It be cap 
poialbly do an, 

wiilhiDi lunile, Uie well known player aod man- 
ager, ban cnupromlaed with Treasurer Von dsr 
llotal. anil the anil he had eolerad agalnit Uie Belli- 
more Club nlHelal for an Interest la (liat club, and a 
ahan of tbe prollbi for ihe pait two yean, bas bssn 

Albert (Mth, oue of Ihe pllehera nf Ibe FhlhuM- 

Bbia leatii, la cuachlog the ball team ot Bellorae 
Igb hclioni, Uedtord Onunly, Vs. 
luducemeobi ara lieloi held out lo Manager Ilan- 
lon, ot toe IlalHmnte Uiib, In lake bis leam 10 (Mean 

View, Va„ for Hprlria pracilce. Tho pUce Is In ckiss 
proxIniHy to Nurfolk sod IVirb 
leaioa lo lbs Virginia l.eagui. 

iirtatuuuib, which have 

Msoigst Irwin, of Uie New York Club, Is going lo 
give aH (he araiiltl'iua ynnng pitchers an opporrnn- 
lir to ibow wbal Uiey esn m sgalost Ihs batsmen 
of tbe major Irag lie. It any of litem demouiraie 
an alillliy tu hold hliuwn in fail company be wUl 
beglvin every chance lode so. 

W, H. Teny, one ot Ihs pllcben of tbe (nicago 
Club, li keeping blinielt lo iicelleotlriffl by tallog 
dally pracilce, and whenhereporbi 10 his clnb he 
will In ready to go lu and do bU full absm o( Ibe 

Illookaaalf Ibe Pltiabnrg and Ueviland papeii 
are trying i'> work up a local Iniereal, wben ibelr 
reapeoHve leama meet ou the green diamond, by 
lbs way each bi "lavlng"the oUiei'a leam. 

Kdward J. Conk, a mionr league catcher, died ot 
typhohl pneunionm, Jan. Z1, al Shrevepoii, 1a. lie 
waa born Feb, 'a, IHVi at New Urleani, lA, and 
had pliyed wlib Ihe Natchn and Sbreveport leamr. 

John Wablait, an atniuor of local npnisjns 
cmibid lo deaUi lutween Ihe can on Jan, 38, at 




<M VuTlDilon, wlw was liiinlDcni nuager it 
tha Now Voit leaoi, u( tho narcn Imrik, dorlDH 
the itaioD of im, dlod on Foi>. a, lo Bootbtrn Vail- 
ronls. Ila weutibcra a few weott aiorroinh'a 
bona, at lloljoke, Mtin., u bli bcallb wu fatt 

na Kaw Yotlis will meet tlie JaHpan, or Manlial- 
bin OoUnia, OD April i, at tin i-olo (irauDda, ilili 
0II7, In Ihe optnlDg RaDie of tlio pKlUnlnatr ataion, 

PKaldant Youof annonncca Uiai h« baa appMoltd 
I<7liab, Eoalle, KcaFo and Uurat aa iiuidIim 00 mo 
oDIolaiaiarrottiit N'iifonal iMguo an4 jmicilcan 
AawclaUon. Tnrcti mora will noon In aildtdiu 
eomplaia itat lUi, UDlesa iho iiouUe uniplco J7<icm 
la aaoplad »l me next moeilnir. 


A HATi'll Of Ilia vUltlOlt KORllih Itftm wlirduieU to uk« 
pUo* Ju.9,10L ll.U JohaaoMbirfr.R"iiili Afrlo, vMnut 
pUycd on KC4unt df tb« niitbr»li lhei«. bot ilioarcond 
flilar* eamaolT Ju\. IX U, l.'a.ant) reaultoO la » nil^sr 
•TMdnw, TtoKnilbli tMraconvlnUil of tnWo idid, 
«hlt« JobuDMburi pUyMl dfU«D iubd. Ilie irkkti bolD^ 
Ilia uuil nallfliK' Tito rM|«cllro laiala were: KoRluil, 
17B wl SO for alRlii vickoia, lanlog ilKUnJ tl»H(l ; Jo- 
liaoQ^aborit. lU aitd lU hwm\gUl wlcMm. Tha vlillom 
«*raiimaiUiaDfti ^r iliwtituxl HIr 
T. 0. 0'Brlan, wbn r«llMl l« Uka pari In ilio upanlni •■ id- 
iMiol xk» uiur,tbanm uai«4 ubialnltia ii:a Kogilrb 
UftJn. 11- I. Ilairau riiiil«&7 inUie nmtlonlnv, koi) a. J. 
L. mil Kol Mia ibavcunJ inalnitol ihovihitori. Hin 
cUIr, with 7A In tha nrat inolOK. in<1 Huuilwlia, with U In 
i1iap*coa>l, »r« iiiBlila1i«Bt »rAtrr« fwr l><a iwmaiatin. 
Hliid«lr»IiotlliilDgul«;iril liliiii«ii lu iha ilrminDlDg by 
IrnwIlDKHrao vlckalx lurOruoa. 

P.J. Phudikii (MTprorrtl ft Talukbl« icrtntlon to Iba 
BroAklfn OliJ'i l«ilH«awn,laA-lliiit \m bilOaK KVtriiiw, 
«ltb ft nenni orftll roiii la iirirmi, thrto of wlilcJi ««ra 
001 out. fU KM una of thp Uw r>«iaiu«n lolliftmoUn- 
l^llUft diMrlel credlloJ • Irh n coutury. <l. U Ym, «liu 
rmntail iMoiit] lo ih» itiuiDKAroniKa>.iiM alaolo linn 
form labowlliiv. J. Kltnaor/.nooilivrDoirconiar, h«M 
ft Itlib ruk lu'li Id hnlllntf aatl Ixivliiic. Tho llr^l 
•lavaa Hftjatl •lB)ii«eoinaiciivalaBiHKv>a,ulceuruiiir1i 
wara woo, fuur varv ]t»i, aiiO lira iiiKwa. 

PlRTT MrDo.T'cMU^ttio tetarati AMMrallnn liinl bItUr, 
dlulntfnlibad blnv*!!' In ilm lacvni cHitaat btl»aan 
<Ja««asUD(l M<) Na* Hnulli WmIii bj m IrlllUnl WAut bal- 
tiOfi wbloh ha cunclmlo J 1>j nitklun M iudk In tao con- 
MOdtlrahiUlo lhUonUr.4,4,4, 4. 4, 6.& 4,1 aod l. Ilm 
cuUlDMftuJ tlrlrlnit vora Hlrnivi In thi vifwUdira. Ue- 
DomaU, nbu eaiitalrrd ilu gunnnlaiitl K otod. laotia of 
ihftiDftor erichrum lirokialii ihaio inmAiutrKliaoLoU- 
Ilia* bjr Ihadrazori' Mtai Kiiwit t:<ini|«iiy. 

Till KanalDKlAn lalorntlluotl Aauw.Uilnn'a crlckat 
iMin mat Jan. 27 ftl tha rluti tiuntr, nilladelplilft, IV., 
ftodalaetad tiiornllfMlniiKiilcfra lor ih» eoHumR r«ai: 
l'r*tlil*iil« Kmlirkk Hill; vica |>rdaltli>nt. Kilvy Han; 
■Mraiftir. William I-^makr; tr*ft>ur<r nnd capulo, 
Thomtat'nTao. Klrvann dajIruuN uf arrauuloix iiaina* 
rortliaeoinlai at»*on wlili UiIh train e«ii addr«*it vVra. 
Eaukr.afcraiftry, Fox aaiJ Oonibarlabd lUitaia, Plilli- 

(I. IJiiur Tmott, ultrt liu liMD nioiiilimail amaiitalo 
of tha ABKlrftliao laaui thai vlll iiUy amReuaaD lii hnjt 
Uod, lawell boown In DilMCoiinirv mn aiiianibtrid inerl 
ooa vlililoi AuirmllftD t»nina In <>:ii*bar, W.x wliaa 
iMvllag ftfaloat mo *Ir)iIi«q oi Afa«uclitii»tii, ho ctii 
tumi wlliaaacond lonlnR no r«aorlltaD irnaietalaat 
ttaa coal uf noly 6 rnn«, and hivl llia rrnurkaifb rtcoid lo 
both lulDia vf buffllun eliti:«aii vickilN for 0 ruoa. 

W. 41. (iRira. Uie I bftmplon trichoiar. will unn la Rlvao 
IhfttMllrDOoiairundHniwtxnwl ii/ftod imilnr tb* au«- 
l)k«a oftba MarylutMDa tiluii. Tlia cfniiTlUraur iho U. 
J.O. haro tiftoided loclopa llio fiin<l ■« ko-.'U |OMlbla, 
kOd tbaaubacrlpllon liNN ftra i«lD4 ratiiroed t»IUtiry 
I'arklna, Iho ateraioiy, at Lnnl'* vrtiiiaJ. Luaduu, Rajr. 
Ho far lha ftinuuul lacalroJ ai heaOiiuarluri Uftllltw 
orar CtflH. 

In lIoaatoD Hall, at Ui9 Unl'arHifv nf l'oiuia|lviQla, 
PlilUdalphU, I'ft., a colactfju nl cHekel cm» ocexwY ■ 

rllaaacftaa. Uooof iImiiji WAivna fuur injcc iu<lT«MawDa 
n lha eollaga eliftinpNinMi |ict>ni«*la liy liioerlelieitaura 
ofUw UnlTaraliy of rooba/jranit, nod Ibua Iwaiua lhatr 
parouaani pptpeny. 

A iiirRni!<rATivR klri kx of En^iacd will meat Iba 
AualimllaDf In lha 0|>eiaiR nialv'i »t (I, air luu . Mitv ll 
ftwl nillAvliiM dayi^ at KlifiDalil I'arh nt^r Hrlaht -ii, hog 
Thtl*lllntCCa«ll«to tha niatrli i>rt«(.>ai llautpdfisanil 
Ihfi AaUmllana, Dsml fur lli« Painr ilriif at Huu ha ni'iuo 
IralDg alUiar daclarod tiir or HiHipDnril. 

liiRMA?fTUir.Y AirjinKHV'rtCilckel luiil, wh>cb nnn Ukl 

MMoa uia iDtarvshnfii dtitniiiun*lil|i uf I'lilladpipiila, 
ra_ ■illluooaaklaraiilr crin*''-) tl'l** <**a'^i !•/ iha )>»■ 
ol H. Nawliall, llarf la, tJui^liiinn mid Wliltn. Tha Aradi my 
taftm will cuuiuiauceiiriuliLo «a hKia a» tlio uaun )i«<- 

A HHw L'Lun (a to hftvo lha irniundM at llQUoken, N. J a 
Uat Pl^jatl on iiy tlio uUi rii. uonrurt t:iuh, of thia ctu, 
vbldi Is Dow virlnaliy illidianiliHl. Jaroiua l-'nnntfry. 1'. 
O. Box 1.111, Nav Vorw. la aciIuk aa tha lciii|K>iftry acrr«- 
Iftf7 0l iliocont«ini>lat«l new urniiluiltio. 

Tui Llodan OlBit, of rftmd#n, H. J., ha* alaelad Hm 
fullowlDg oinoan: I'raildoat, llowlaud Crnll; riof rrtvl- 
daat, llarb«ri Hoitnnilcy; imaurar, Jubn W. uioit; 
aaoraltrri Jtmaa Tuvuwod, aud ftuldaut HjcialatT, 
H. DftWMD. 

J.T. lliAli.xi, » well known KnillRh imiraulonal, !■ 
now In Ioill4,uua\-libi jfitr thoaviDDJ kUtHnadve araion 
ftUtlva i<rluc« and Ida imiii. Ilaariiattlll laoToH >ui- 
bftyfttooatUia iuld>11ft of March, at tu ariko In Kng- 
Und by tha uptntuiCorihaMftaun. 

IHiRI A Ri>.^N, Ibft wtti known l«1l iiiakera of London, 
Rog., hara luirwUcad a Ull <ir a now kind In Aii>iir«IU. 
11 laortbaragulailnu ■alght and inaaaitn.orcoarao, but 
(a mada uf widia lafttbor. Baroral AurlrtlUA i>l*yeta, 
wbo hiva irloil lha lall, apaak well uf li. 

IN lha raoaot lotor prtiTlnclal ettniail l>ilwo»a ilio 
•UTaniol tJuaaitUand anil No* Homli W«lBt.nlD<«ortli« 
Inrmar tftant ftra aniploya I hv ihs UniUra' MratKM^n 
41oi8paay, tbatnuuturtr uf widolt rowatdtd iiniialanuill/ 
Oooloibftin, wlio acorctl Iftl ftod AI. 

Loiiu1liti.,thaoiioaraniona Yoikaldra "Rtonewnllar'' 
no U DOW ooachloff at lipitlugluni Hchtnil, Kqk- waa 
fWWDtlr praaoDtftl with a haiulauine ctblaol ol cuilary 
»ad ftdlonar aarrlo*. 

T. A. RIAHIV, of tha nolmont Cluli, rh(lftJolphift,Pa. 
Wfta tha wluoar. Jan. 31, fur Uia »amud hiiccv^ito tliu^ 
<if tba lDtar-clul>i«ol touniainiui hold auatullj In Uiai 

BHU'RWRtL Aitn VAVtih'R itKin, tliaBurreycrlckalarf, 
ftra btcjiDlnK iiulut oi|«rt at iuir. 


aga, 10 WHt. UatloT «» n, loat z; 110 for aecond 
fnu; boat alnglo aieratr, liionj; MatmD, 113; 
irand anragr, 11 f-IU. UcUuiblla won 3, kiat 9, 
ounbprlza, (I0<i: Ijoat atoglo artraie, 31 Mg;b(*t 
ran, lt«: grand anrage, 13 M-IXI. Uipronwonl; 
I0III4; boat uoHit aTeraga, 9 '^42; boat run, ti: 
araDO' aferago, ■ «tw. Huiion wuo I, loal 4; boat 
alngla artngr, U 29 9; ktal niD, to; grand afor- 
ago, V log 141. 


Ftb, a-Hnitioa Allilallo jiMoelallon aaoul ladoor 
lftln«^ ■•tIiihim* Bmklloa. Bmiob, Mtia, 

1^40. H-Htraanl itlxofli aaoul iDdour luiw, areiorr 
or Eliliia H<ii.|k>a.N.O. aN. Y., Kc Toit. 

K«lf. u-lBTltailtio luieiDf c«Dttit,Racf|MtaDdTtBnli 
Club, Mow York. 

Ytb. a»-CoDi|nat I, Tninii BtilffloBI, N. n. H. N. T„ 
tod W«iil8IJ6AUilMloClabJoiolladDor RunH,aiinoiT, 
Kh York Cllf. 

Till. >7-rnlli4g||4il> (Pa.) CaUoJoDlia aub lodoor 
atlikllo .porla. 

ytb 37-IoTltatl«a r»oolo| eoolem, IMuaa, SbawCop. 

r.b.TB-LiOui loUod lot«ni«h«Uatlc Albltllo Auocla* 
lion onDuol louoor mbm. umorr of YourtaooUi Bail' 

ieol,,Wklia.N.V. _ „ 

Htrrti 19-lQUiclau l.aciBg eompotilloo, K«w York 
Aililoile Club. 

Uuvli M-Unlranllr or PeaonlTBBia o^nlBir 8prlBg 
liioolapllalo mMllBf, PltlUdtlHilt. Pa. 

April 4-laTluiloo rroclBg cobimiUIob, PcBcon' Clot, 

Arril £UP«nclaf oonptlltloD, Aoalfl, I'oacara' Club. 
Htm Vork. 

April 2.'— UBlTBftltT of rOBniflVBBll MCOBtl dpriBR 

haiHllcap n.Hl mtalba; lourcolieiiiola laO iBIorrcliolw 
llr rolay rscoik rhlUdvipoii. 1*.. 
Mar ;-lo<llalluo rtucloi UBIeU, Niw York AlkKUc 


■tr lo-DutI n,U meelloa. Ilirrard UDlranllj t*. 
UnKoniliy nr Poao'rlMOla, Pbllailelrlila, fa. 

H.p IJ-Ial.ruflltalalo AUiltUe AuvoltlloB aaauml 
ehanipluBililp nM uiclloil. Ntw Vork 

JoBa J7-^o,ttl.faAu»triirAlb|8llc Auut'alloo ttiADi. 
plnoinlpd.M iDlellnK, P.dlaburan. 

Jolp i— AinilHr Auloilo UbIob iBdlTidial all arouad 
cliaaipltiBililpcoinpallUoB. Mrfoa folol, K. J. 

ladoor Alhltllc Cantlval, 

Uupllo tlio raci Itat tbo wralher wu t(It nnfa- 
vorablo Ibero wo, a crowd nombcrlDg Eoreral tbou- 
■and pervina si Nadlmo fhjnare (lartltn, tbia CII7, 
un Balurday crenlog, Fob. 1, wben iba annual 
ninttr aporiA of ibe New Jcraej AiliKslIc Uliib wtia 
beld on (bo Inard nwr. Tbo bright partlcnisr alar 
among Ibo miay amalciir siblclea of nolo wbo bad 
enierod foribedliTiireDt evtnia nia7l>oia:d lobavo 
hctn Bernard J. IVefcra, wbo waa plated one jard 
beblQ 1 acrslob In tbo lllij jatda no, tnlibad asc- 
nnd In cacb of Ma tiial bealp, and won tba final 
neat In tijle, equaling Ibe Indoor r.Mord of 6Ks., 
lint bo waa In motion wben lb« plMol waa Iliad. 
Tbo iDoclal evenii ol ilia meeilsg woie ibe ton mile 
run and Ibo two mllo aKcplecbau, (oribi amauur 
cbamplonablp ol Antrlcs, wblcb were won le- 
j<cilvelr hj BamucI T. Frtelband Qjoige W.Or- 
ion Ilio loimer btlog, bowoTer, proloiUd on tbo 
groun I ibat ho conipeled In a pronaslonal race In 
1B04. Tommr Conneir tiaiud In the longisce, but 
lellmd aflor luenlDg flrenlleaand ahil', lUIIng 
lhat Ibo hard Irackhuitbia leeL Bummarj: 

/l/lpponUrvH.-Klml liMI: WoB bv B. ttanrorJ. Now 
J.fMyA.O.. 7IL;J. b. Ptrniuiulb, YkK 4ft.. MCOBd. 
Tliuo. bSA. Biroiirt hftt: Woo Uj 8. A. Cooml \ lttw 
JoTvjr A. U., Sit.; J. Haroar^ BrfDiioB. BrooklyB, 011.. ue- 
unil. Tloio. at. 'riilrdltoal: Woo br J. K. Hloo. Poaumo 
A. U..?ri.; Marllo P. Lrocli,Bay Kblffo A.C.VIt. pocoad. 
TItno.SV. KourlbliMl: Won bv 11. C. HiervValo, 111.: 
Arthur J. Robeni, Cullria or Ifao c:lly or How York, loll.. 
itcoBd. Tim*. IS*. Floli hoal: Who bplt. W. BorBOlt. 
Val«. Kratch ; Pnadk S <lanBaB,.\avlorColl«|oA. A.,Pn-. 
McoBil. Tlino, U. Klilli hMI: Woo bj (liarltB KrloM- 
lliiii, V. M. 0. A-. PH.; Albait B. BdiiotiUr. oo. 
rttf.choil. BnMiklyn. in., ..ronj. Time. tfs^. Bor. 
eBlli hail: Woa bj 0. P.. Ulickbuio, Uoiranily 
■■r reDu.rlraala, tn.; WlUlani Colieo, Now. Maobat. 
un A. r., 0(1. laMfld. Time, ftjj*. Klihth haal: 
Won by Pr«d«rlek Kbit,.. Boiibuloinew A. A., 
«li :M. J. lla«>n,.\uUr A. A., Ift.. •oc«d. Tlmo.Uia. 
.NlDlli baal: fftm hi & K. Oaratd. B.J. Wolaie, 
UaorKaluwu Culleio. paoaltaad lit. Motau. Time, ^V. 
reejli lioal; Wuo by T. P. Otrvln, Yale 4rt.; W. Vaidmaa. 
Oil., MeoBd. "■ 

Tha Inlai^Clutp Tournamviit. 
Onr Isat laaua conlaliiud a full uecouut ol the 
doalBg gsnioaot thu auccesafiil loiin»y, briil al 
Manrloe Dalj'a rooms In ilile cliy. Ttion nmalntd 
Fied Uskea. Thojr mel night ol Jan. -.s, an 1 Ibo to- 
■nit left Biinaid a i:o with Townaend and l)r, Ulllor, 
and Ibera woio, ca will i>o wen l>.v iho auniniarr bo. 
low, tonr olbon higher up In tlio lint ol coalottnuit. 

Daniald-I. >.d. 3. 0. >0. 7. S, 1. 9. 0. 0. i. H. r.. T, 3, n. a. 0, d 
s, iTa. 1, 1, 0. ori, I, M. IP. I, a. l^ o, lu. ti. ». is. u. t, ir. ii 

041,1-0,0, II, 14, a I, I, II. 0, u. >. 7. 1. 0. 10. IP. a a 1. 4. 
«. i I. a. It 0, 0, 1. 0, 1. 0, p.d, 11. 0. t. 4. a. «,«. p. t. ii,>, u-ii8. 

IflaD niBa-IUnianl, fi; Ot^ci, IP Avaniioa— bir 
Bilii.4a04t: UakM.913^1). Horrloo. Dr. Kainay. 
Tba Collowing la tbo recuni nf Iho tanrapy: 

JKaHI Hli/t nipii 

iVtlnf. I'lHb nip. Il'iifl. r.fiU run. nr;r(K. 

Bluk Kawu. A.(; ...r;o v o ti lo lu-w 

Fot|«Bbont...Lla4lerlrini ..nn it .1 u a 

Keaoay Cieieaiii A.i'.sid d .i i-J ft a&-u 

lludoar Paaaie A. C. . .:;.V| r, .1 st &>%ll 

TiiWBaaud HI. Joaaldi'ii. . XJI 4 ft ,7 P .3: 

lllller If. Viiik A c. . .IM 4 ft II a (:\> 

Baroiid Uoiiuak tin 4 .^ n 4sp.u 

JlBBlBpa. CrrxNil A (\JIM .1 il IS ft tl»l 

<laka> N. Yuri A. i:...tM 3 7 si 4 S-I4 

Baor .J l*aluu Uipttp.:io i H lo 4 li-ii 

On Ibo fnHowIng iilglii. hi a liaiiiiuct teiidorf d iho 
playtni \'J tlaiirln l>.ily at llir Hold Waldorf, 
llio pdaos won) |in)wuUil. Tiic tjlde wtn p^trrad In 
1^0 Aator prlvaio dlnloff roittu. A diueii bllilird 
fiua^arrangod la a eprvadlui; alnr, ivrro Irluuucil 
arllk amlla.i: and nipaa. intklog a plrlklog eiroci, 
VauHoa Iialy prvaldeil « wliUo. nnd tliiin gavo pUco 
(0 the orator whoao duly II waa tu prearnt ihu cnp 
Co J. Byron Siark. iho winner, niul pivoiul i>n/.o u< 
Arthur Townaend. There wrrt) privonla nlau for 
l^nk Kooney. (ixfuni Oliib: (Mwarddardncr. Pai- 
■alo Club, and 1'. Frwl PxgRenlmrg, Ucderkraiiz 
L*lub, wbo lied for tbini plaice. Tnlriy four giirpia 
waie pieaeut, lucludlng IbMlley Kavamgh nnd nr. 
villa (Mdlo. Keeiiey was lumlilo ui aiiotid owing 
to family lierDaveinoni. Tnero wero loiuta and 
dome apeechep; 

Thii Clilcago Tournniuvnt. 

Complala nceonoli of iho gaiiir.s liilhlilnnmry 
sppearotl lu Iba iwo utevlDUa l.<4iic:i of llila paper, 
Including Iho doaltU egAuie for llnii linnonbeiwceL 
(lallagker and Utgglall, on Jan. 'j;, whirli llallagher 
von. un Jan. 'ja Uaggloll and llallpy conleatnl for 
aeoond and Ibird money In Iho cviidiitlluii game nf 
tho aorlet, llatley hail tlio lieai of Ibu gaiuo In Iho 
opening Inulnga, but fell uif aflor Iho clihlli Inning. 
IntbealKeoniblnulng Hagglull mn re, aud In tho 
twenlleib ho rolled up l<>. when tbe Itutloni abowc^l 
Mainloll, ryi; llitlle,r, 14;. ll waa all ip wlih Hal 
ley, and Uaggloll nuiliy ran out. Tlio i.-ur*: 

llii(iloll-O..Vi<,\g^it i.Ni. II, II ft. I, p.7,».ivi.( 
lT,4e|TjLo,u.o.t.ii,i<o,e,s-iu Inch luivaj: a 

ITuioj^ It. M. IS «. I. m J. ft 11, \\ .1. a a s i.m. ui, 
11^^ u, 7. a, Ii, I. ii'>, p, i>-itl iikh itiB, .11: ikiim; 

Hummarypf Ihe liuimaiuenl: (lAllayhcr wnu .^, 
liMtO; dial nrlzo, tlio; bral ainale arrmge.'jsp ll; 
bpal run, lul: gmiid pTrnige. 1P M ini, Uaggloll 
won .1, liiat -J; tic fur ar^tiiul prlin tif |,-k)0: Itoit 
tingle svtnigp, 11 isus; Mat run, >l ; grand aver- 


Hl.daoriiO A. <1. 

ffoD hf U. P. llftlcio, Y. 

Tal»lly of P«lD»>lT4Ulft.l_ . _ 

Wuo by W. I*. p Brlaa, BL HarthokiiBaw A. 0.. ItO. 

Tlm».ea. Kloraotb liofti: 

. N.a A., rn.: R. t). Boyor, Uol- 
4rL. aocoDd. Tinia, Twf inh 

r.J. KItigaraldaNaUooRl ^ U..I»l.,B«vD>d. Tlma. b*tX 
Trial haau for kcddO dod— Pliat boat: WoD by Lyoch. 
Tlina, t9cc»Dd heal: Voa by Coliaa. Tlnta, ififi. 

Trial haataforvloiior^Hnil heat: Won bf Krlaaallnir. 
Hunuitneond. Tima,*?*^ Hfteoodheai: Woobr BUoE- 
bUTU.Uanlo aacoftd. Tluta, bfi*- VIumI Uw. Woo by 
Wfrart, paoaltml sft; KrUaailog aacoad, Blaokbuni 
third. TlmeiftTiR. 

tlal/ mtie rua, DOTkaa.— Vod by P.Bc*rdmaii, Yala; 
William 11. Pftarlag Jr., ColuaiUla. aacoad; P. Uackay, 
Na« WaatBUaA.n., ibli^. Tlma, to). Ua. 

Tniu Auiiitrtfil and tWAtg parts Atmlfe roca.— Pint boat; 
Woo by U. U. WIqUiIu, Huuut Varaon T. M. O. A.. I&vdi. ; 
0. M. Cobon, Now NaahftttftD A. U.,8fdiu aaoODd; R. A. 
^rootulia, N. J. A. n.«yd&, Ihlid. Tlna,»>^«. Bacond 
baal : JToD bf^J. L. Paraarolib, Vala, Bjfi^ :_H. K. ~^ 

-. ill..., — - 

lUihan aacoDd. Tleia. ti^^ 

i/uari, r mtie ran, fur kIiooI boya.— Vod by John P, 
lluiland, V. M. 0. A.: Matbiw Caaoy, Cftihollo loitltui*, 
aeooDd; Biduaj UllUbanc, Drlalar Sdmol, thinl. Tlma, 

T^!o /luiidml aibl (lemtf tarit run.— Tint hatt: Woo 
by wmian)<;ohou.Ni« Muhattmn A'hl^lcUhib,8yda.: 
t^harUnH. Bowr, Hl Hartbolotuftw AUHftlo UluU, Hyda.. 
»«0<iDd:T. Plaher, Vale,4)da. ihlnl. Tlaa.lSB. Bacond 
brat: Woo hy llftTrr L. HMatoaOD, YottOR Maft'a Cbrla- 
llBD AaauctaUoD, l>^rdL: K. II. Motaa, Tftla,erdft. aae- 
ond: H.Raonni, NawJaraar Aiblailo Clab,d)Ja,thiid. 
Tluio, V6".a. tbm haat: won by B. J. frafan,U«oiga 
loan Ooltaga. 4rdi.:ll. P. HatpIo, Now Vork Athlailo 
Club, iyila, aaound; P, Pa Oarrto, Yftia, 4jdft, third. 
TiAir. V?ia, Puurtb heat: Won by O. Y. Ljrua, Xafltr 

- )r J. L-ParaarolMi, Yala,efdft-:H, K. Tbornaa, 
Haw York Chy.Bfda., aaeond; J. P. lUDD.Pftnimo A.O., 
thin). Tinif,aaK4. Pinal boat: Waa by WInablp. 

Colirgo,7>da.; B.U. Boyar, Unlvatalt^ol PaaDaylranlft, 
Ma., flocobd; J. TT. J<oag. A. B. 0. N . RiHadalpblft, lydft, 
ibtnl. T'".t*<_*?a** .r.'9<M.*).**^* by tiobon^UarilD 

P. Lvneh. BayrMva Allilatio Ulub. Sidftt ko «d; BaDfotd 
Uilrd. TitDMB^g'i 

(fflc mlU woU-.-IPoDbj SAiunal Lalbgold, rftatlioaA. 
0^ Bctftldt;!!. 11. DonunD, (liana Palb A. U.. 40<., aae. 
opd ; Jwhn a. llr«r, Yookan A, A>, 4at.i third. Tina, 8di. 

t'iro-tairf iimirA*aK,champlooihlpi.— Too bp daorga 
W. Otton. N. Y. A.C.;,8L0M>rRa A.U.:B. 
Iljanbarg, N. J, A. C, ttopHd OD (b« Uni Iftpa Urtoo ihao 
balnghali a Iftpntipftd; ti.U.Coata^ VDtramliy of Paan* 
t^lvanla, i|u(i ftt Uia cud of a in<M and nbaJf. Ttma, 


A Ifolcd TarfnsB Ctoae. 

Ool. WlUlim pDul TbompsoD, ihan wbom feir 
KtHtern liortcncn wen beuerkoom, and noDO moro 
iborougblf liked and rCHpecled, dletl of pocuinooU 
at blB bonw, Nua 30 \7est FJnr-MTeDib Strecr.tbli 
clir,Fcb.3,M0dflll;nlDe jeiri. Tbc fuoenl aer- 
TtceB were beld ibo AfteroooQ following, lotenaeot 
bclDg appdiiied for WbeellDg. W, lila blrtb- 
pU(». cola Tbompflon wu Id jouih a dlllgcot 
•todentaftiHl accepted tbe maor adTanlRges fot- 
falolog a Ilbenl educallon, wblch Id aflor jeais 
•toodlilmweUlDtuod. lie waaa<lniUtedtotbebu' 
wblle glUla joDDg mao, and practiced lawfonome 
lime before ibe war. Wben eecUonI Btrlfe reacbed 
a climax be Joined tlieforceHof tlie oonfederftC7,ftnd 
paiUclpated to tnaop Doiable baiiln. After lue war 
le reiumed tUi law pracuce, bat Id 18M be went (o 
Parkenbdrv, W, Va., and entered Ibe pcliDlooin 
boalnnu. He advanced bla Ann to a atroDgaUilofi 
In commercial circles, and be soon became a factor 
In tbe Btandard Oil Co, and olber Hirong corpor- 
ations. It waa In 1803 tb^i he came Idu> promlDooce 
aaaiurfmaDpibrougb tliepurcbasafroDi tbeesuio 
of D. D. Wlihem of tbe Brookdale Stock Fbnit, near 
Hed llink, N. J. KitablUlilog bin two eoog lo Ibo 
DUDafftmcnt, but ailll kecplag a watcbful eyo upon 
Ibe aiable, be entered Into active larf Dfe wltb liU 
cnatomatT vlguT, He waa a charter numiifr of 
tbe Jocke/ cfab, a member of lie Boiird of 8'ew- 
arda.andwaRpromlnMtln Dwnyltirf organlzailoni. 
IQ IMM bin colore, green and icarltt, were brougbt 
dnt into Tlew l>j Tbe Bage, wbo dUtlngalsbcd bin- 
self bT winning that year tbe Autamn Ualdea 
riuken at BheecMbead B*7. Darlo|Usiseasonibe 
Brookdale HUble wai aacceMfull; rcpteieniod \ij 
One I I/)Te, freston, Uorolce and thige, tbe flrvt 
named bono rerg log, at limes, clOHtlj opuo ibe sen- 
Rfttlona). Uter la ibeaeaaooOolaTbumpaon pur- 
cbaaed rteiiulul.and.wlib Uoe I Love bilii rreeli. be 
looked forward to mut b siicccaa d iirtng tbe cumiug 
aeanon. Tbe Jockey Club alewardi met during the 
afienooDoT blad^alb, and, ulth Auguu Ilfliinonr, 
Andrew UUIer, F.K.SiurRls and JaH.IlaKeeDe la 
altondance, paaaed tbe roliowlofiresolailoDB: 

It la with ft profonndMnioortfao aneariftlDlrof llr^ 
ftnd ft kaan approcJftiiOD of iha Iom tha Jockey Club hai 
auAiftlotd lo UiodMih, ibiadftyaOi I'otonal W. F.iiiviii|i- 
aop, that ttaatotmbara ol ihaUoaTd oi'ilteaardahava met 
tMoibarto Inicrllo npoo their iiilnat«a ihclr lasilmony 
tiliia wiirih, Aithooith deeply InuroMod lo comtmtrclu 
aflalraof much Imporuoco aod ofa wMaly vari^l oatun, 
Hblla nccupylDg liooorad uincLal pMiilona lu nanr 
pminloant corpomlloui, Colonal Tlioutpaon yat found 
time from the parlod that bo aniunied ao KCtira abare 
In tha condnotoriarfftgalr*. tobOMtov thereon theaftma 
lucid ihuuifht, calm JudfinoQi and aliMluta JuMica iiiai 
haa aver bren ft markail chancterlnio of Ida carear 
ftmoaghiaiailov nan. Tn tha aarnoai regret, ih«r«f<>T*, 
that the cofnmanliy abonkl be tbaa suOdeDly denrWrd of 
hia viae advice aod perronal lonueace, the Board of 
Hlawaida alili (n antphaiize to tha ralleal a iilenl ihoir In 
dirldual feallDia ot alocera atftctlnn aod rofpoci, and 
ibalr r^ogaltloD of hU p&at lovalniblo Mnlcea aa ft 
inaiiibar o| their sAivclitlon. 

ff«urfivit.Tliai ft copy of thow tnlotftea l»a ^ngroanJ 
ftod forwftrdadto ihefanllrorCuloBalThooiptoo. 

. _ HnilrrdaHd jbrfy nntfi rvn.— Pint beat : Won by 
n.U. Uollander. Paailme A. 0.. Bida.; N.0. PeDdai— ' 
J. 1'. A. a. mda., aecofld ; Pretenok 0. C M< 
tl, Alltiny, llyrfa., ihliuj Jafatna Buck, a«Biw>ii«u, 
ilulH)kaD,7jrdi^ lourili. TltniC,ld\«. Haeond btRt: Woo 
by t). U. Uuhen, N. M. A. C. lOyda.; II. D. Benolatar, Now 
Jaraep A.O.,Uida. Bicvnd: tl UoMiheftlt. l*rioceton, 
7r<lR., third; K. A. Riarritt, Piltlburg A. 0, acratch. 
iiiurtb. TlinA,te.S(. Thlnlleat: Won br J. M.Ualift* 

Rlirr, tlaurvaiown Collagti luyda.: A. 11. Uitron, Bay 
MlteA.U.a IHrda, a#cond: a U. Borar, UulTarally of 
Pfniiajlranla,a.d#., third; R OotUt. Twaniy-Ui!rd Rrgl- 
luaot A. A., ir)di). lounh. Tlmf, Pinal heat: Won 

ii; tiohllhwalt, Buek Mceod. ualiaghar ihlnl. Time, 

uitf miu hlffrit ntM.— PIrai beat: TTon byW. A.Bar- 
liaau, HI(or»lua Wha«iincB, acratch; W. K. Moaitar, Vork- 
Tllle WhrelmoD, lUUfda , aecond; C. W. Vnung, Kloga 
County WhMluea,S)yda.,ihlid. Tlnl^ Soi. ftS*- Reeond 
hofti : Won by A.iUi«L,aneopolnt Wheeloien, 7ftjdB.- W. 
II. Oron, Uneawlcii WlitaUneB. aoratcb. aecond ; U. Wel 
lar. Weal Hide A. tl..eihda, Ihlnl. Tliift.toi.8l*S< Third 
hrat : Won hy 0. J. LleboM. HUerelde W hielman, acraieb ; 
A- H. Jiiuakliid. HlToriklaWhaelniou, TVvda, aee^ad: J. 
Iihidrlni Jr., Lltmly\The«lmoo.Ujda., third. TliDa,3m, 
IK*. Filial hrai : Kajer vofl, Barbcau aecond, Owao inird, 
Tmif. fiu. 4iii^ 

Atpa imnii— Woo bp ft. A. BallauL Kaw Vnrtf 

" J. T.>iH«tmJd. 

Tboniaa Dlioo, 

1)-. ^'«(o. at-tnai Jump 5n.P,%lD.; 

Natlfloai,ln.Ali OMIa.. mcomI 
Ht. (Icorae A. t^.. (tfln . AIL Ala., third- 
ttn'. iHir^ ran— Vuo by K W. BadfuM, 

- - . Bamatd Behool, 

K^jda ; W. T. Ulng, nntltftchad, Prlnrelon, »)da., 
f KODd : Ulcbaol RtgaCL New Wnt Ride A.O., lMl>dr 
ihltd. Tlaift.«uLt(lL W.P. ntftn, XATlirA A.. lOOydi 
nolahad lllal. butvu d|*i|ue1lnrd lor ptnllng. 

.'^iiNiKnii tfntad Jump.—KVttn by William T- Hatnllion, 
mmiiarhfd, tiD.wllh Ud I'*(<d.; A. U. Behwanar. New 
Vork A. ('-. lontrlu *PCiiud, lOil.Aijlo.; H, E. Ueraid. 
VaU, Am,. ihliJ.9iLlPjla. 

Tm BiilcniH, ebaaipionihli)— Woaby BatDualT. Preaih, 
Drlvai) llairleia: ll. QT«T,rii. dpone Athlaile Club, a«c. 
omi; U.J. UcOarthj, IrMi Natlvoal ClaKlldrd. Time, 
Mill. 304. Pntlfa vfti rrxiioattd aa a i>n>fl«aiiloual I y Kalpli 

Jrtf oy Oliv on July t, iwi. Haferve ITartta oidarad tha 
pnfPN viiIiUmU i>aoulDw in luveatU ailoa- 

aMdn«llii[i htiK rtry an* Jum^ -Woa by a (lalaal, 8t 
(lenrK*A.t\.&id,3(n.; A. r flchwanar. New Vork A 0., 
Hh'untl.Mt. tin.; J. P. Plliseraltl, Natloaal 1. 0., ihlrd 
:8rt. ISIu. 

Auos r. Cua»K. a member ot ibe tibloago AtbleUo 
ARSorlallon, dinl at hU roaldrnce lu rrbau, til., 
ou Jau. jd. Ue was an aiblete of oonalderable 

TiibUAnDa lUVafaiberor ttiehteWinioliay.the 
rbauipbm niiiiier, died Vth, i at bla borne, lo 
llAToitnc, K. J. lie wiB neTebiy-Rlx jeara old, 
willow and icvc»l cblldraii aurvlre blm. 

A lUxnirAr eHi'mf imarp TOt Rviv waa eoneloOtd el 
HaRle'a CaiA, lU Ka>t <)aa llundrad and TwvniT-flrth 
Hii^t.thUolir.lftnwMk The Onftleootan r«»tilr«d aa 
foll«>vf, the giiuo l<«lnR ihlry una ivdnia up: J. MoCar. 
thy, 7, wot; W. KanaoBi. arAlch. irratd ; J. K. Maale, 
Mratdi. thtrd.- Tit* oih«r rUyan In lha toumantem 
ware Oeorie LaTMdcr. tiaorga Locao,0. U«. Pi«d L. 
Train, Hliea Me|ijanait.(i.Moh) ut^ 7 UoTDeUyVTh^ 
irltrawfrr: BBIaiioMinOniLaiOto taoond ftnl to 
IMrd. aod lha twraay «4i a aiicrpaa Tiie proprlet r of 
the Mfe U Ike wall known anaiear eernnan and bU 
P^fT 'f.l^***",*'* '♦•^ii^ftha llarHm aporU aip. 
clall/orthoHftb.>are fvcduf ftiuatloiMlliuaa, 


Tfea Jach*7 

Stewards met la lUaelljJaa- ji.Aognat Bslinont, 
J. U. Bradford, Aodnw MUlcr and t. K. Slorgls 
being prcaeoL Ilwaa«acld«a lontaHtbeenbrlai 
of FiwnK D. Wetr.HsmrSdinllis.R. J.HotcblneoD, 
». Day, Charles Hug and Abe OuioiL TUsaotton 
waa taken nudernle 43, odbe ra]esotnclng,Dpoa 
eailafacloiy lofonnsllon iccelttd by thssuwaids 
that tbcae psnieiweie lnlen*eillii ;««»»i'?J' 
ran on noreeognliad conttei, lubMnent l^^^^ 
H, IBM. A (wmmllteo wii »P«»'».'» J""™? 
amend Ibe rales of r}ct»f."l '<> "S?"* •*? 
monthly meeting In MsrcS. Tbe secntaiy pra- 
eeniedomclsl noiltcstlon from tbe Samlogs Aasch 
claUonlbat there wonid bo no mlng at Its conise 
In ISM. Permlialoaw»agi»nt«dlo tfielUplebnnt 
Stable to change ihensnieof «J« '"Hje", «M 
by Loogrellow-UaiU D , (ion CracUUMD to Oonrt- 
ship II. 

Tni EbooilymDahdioip wslgbU tia»o been an- 
nonnced, as followi: neoiy ot Naiane, 1«1B, 
CIliTord, 1»; Keeisn, HI; I*aiarone, IW; Halms, 
117: Dr. lUcc, 118: Dorian. lU; Oonnlsr Tenor. Il6i 
IWght Pba'bne, 113; HIr Waltar, IIS; hanU Poob, 
lij; llomplps, 111; Uelmar, im: Tbe Commoner, 
I0!i; 8t liaxia, lOD; VInolor, luT; Sanator Oiady, 
100: OtD Bnuh, 105: Sangoeaa. I(M; go'engf 
Sbeehao, km: Uke Shore, 109; llandipriDg, 103; 
ConnolaMiir,lo«; w.ll.,101: B(DnisC.,ia);Btsphen 
J.,p«: Kleroi, Ki; King Artiiirlt.iii; Flora Thorn- 
too, OS; ralsdlo, «3; PrImnaa.M; Forget, M. 

w. A. H. COMiocg aalTarad the loas or bis entir* 
airing nf boraea. Tilucd at IMOOO, br the burning 
of the bam of ibe Park BlocI Ftaim Oompaiiy. near 
Narraganietl Psik, R. 1., Jan. ». Tbe bonea 
linmed were: Amiete, IrJl; Hazel king, Sjai'^; 
Monday Weeks, 237; Adrleiia, 4: Urrts ().. 6; 
Asia, Hugo n., all owned by Hr.Oomitoek. Hay- 
nower, owned by Walter J.Otmalook; Veions,by 
IlamhleioDlan, and Uwrenca T, yaarMog, by Alce<>, 
out of Verona, owned by Qeoigo n. toi, of Provi- 
dence, K. I. 

TUB Headowbnok Hnnt Clob beld lU annnal 
meeting la this city Jsd. a, and elected tbeae oDl- 
corp: Pmldint. vrilllam Jay; rice nraldent, 11 ^. 
K. Kennedy; treasnicr and aeoittsry, a L. Wln- 
Ihrop Jr. 

TUB N'ewsrk (!l-J.) Field Olab.s neworganli*- 
lion, bna been thus ofllcered: Prcaldeot, Philip N. 
Jackson; drat rice niesldeni, J. H. Dwlielor: eec- 
nnd vice prealdenl, Ssmoel Derby; Irsaanter, Percy 
Kdgar; Kcrebtiy, Oawald H. Qordon. 

Dlub CPAPa, an Ameilcan bonw, died recenlly In 
Kniland. He wai foaled In Kentncky In I8S8 and 
taken to Eoglaod, wbeie he won a nnmber of Im- 
loriant atakts In 18U, Incimbg tbe Nortlinmber- 
and Plate, and was then retired to Iba atnd. 

Yd El. acY wat cnt down las race at Ban Fisn- 
elaeo, Oal , Jan- 31, the tendon ot bla off hind leg 
bolDg nearly tevered. He will probably be de- 
al luyed. 

Racing at Raw Orleani. 

Jan,28.— FIntrace-Flfieen elxtecntbB of a mile 
— Kmin Bey, lou, Thorpe, ft to 2. mn; Saulerao, pi, 
Scbener, 1ft to 1, Kcoai; Pilg, 11.1, Uiywood, even, 

third. 'nme,iM4 Second race— Six fortoiiga—, 

Uavld,iip,Tubervllle, llo 3, won; Venll, 112, Over- 
ton, 3 to 1, aecond; Nemeba, lOii. Jones.ooioi, third. 

Time, 1:22 Third race- Six fiiilonga. Ibreeyear 

olds— I'anoul, lOO, Ulay, 10 lo I. won: Wlnchtaier, 
103, Uunn, 40 10 i, aecond; aiadioll, 102. Hatla, a lo 

1, third. Time, 1.-21,',' Konnb race— Seven fur- 

longa. aelllng-Tceltt May, 107, IInd, 10 lo 1, won; 
Dr. I'arke, luo, Irving, Ift to l.eecood; Clania, lu, 

lllnkry. ft lo I, ililrJ. Time, 1:37 Fifth race— 

Ooe mile— Favortne, lu3, WaahsD, 12 to 1, won; Joe 
Courtney, 112, Knipp, 20 to 1, aecond; Tbe Sculptor, 
100, Thorpe, ereo, inlrd. Time, 1 :.u. 

Jan. 29 — First race- Firtetn alxleentbs of a mile, 
(lelling— Cd. OleuD, los. Hill, lo u> i, won; llol- 
ben, 109, Ttnrpe, Yi lo 1, aecoDd; Snip Uazel- 

ton, lot, X. Hill, 20 10 1. thim. Time, 1:43 

Second met— Six fiirlnuga. aelllng— Uarr, 109, 
Uam, even, won; KeiUval, 1U7, Ptnn, 4 lo 1. aec- 
ond; Ituigniaater, 1U9, Tborpe, 0 to i, third. Time, 

1:10}.' Third race— Three fur.oogs, for two 

year olds- Pannerao, 111, Pe&ii. lo to 1, woo; 
Oxeye. 109, Tborpe, 7 to 1, second; Janeiro, in, 
IIUI, 10 lot, third, ■hmo.ous.v Founh race- 
Seven fiirlonia, handicap— Coueieailne, oo, Davlp, 3 
to 1, won; Dr. Work, 101, (lanctl, 3 lo l.aecood; 
Ulbemls tjueen, 09, (Haywood, 6 to 2, third. Time, 

Idl3;i Fifth race— Six furlooga— llavid, 110. 

Tnbervlllp, 2 to 1, won; BIrdc&lulier. loo, Thorpe, 4 
to 1, aecond; met Uehan, 122, lllll, 2 lo.l.lblnl. 
Time not taken. 

Jan. 30.-F1rst race- Flfteen tlxleenlbg'of a mile. 
Belling— Unlhen, |04, Tborpe, 3 lo i, won: Oracle 
U„ iin, Caywood, e to i, aecond: PryUnU, oo, aaie- 

wood, 11 to ft, third- Time, 1 :4a,'; Second nc« 

— Six (nrlonia, mildeua— Fiancoa Uendcaay, 10.'i, 
Henneaav, 7 lo 1, won; Tbe Eel, lii2, OiywooiL o to 
1, second; Flame, lOO, Dana, e to 1, third, Time, 

1:21.'; Third race— Fineea H.'deentbBor a mile, 

atlilbg— Squlie 0., 01. Hurpby, II lo ft, won; Frtiilo, 
SI, Sobensr, 30 to I, second; Prig, 113, Uaywood, 

even, third. Time, 1:40^ >'ourth race— Ooe 

mile and serenty ytnis, aeillnK-0. B. Cox, m, 
Thorpe, 10 to 1, won; Mldaiar, 10», Uam, 4 to 1. aae- 
ond; Obenoa, 1 II, Tabor, u to ft, lUlrd. Time, 1:50,'.'. 

Fifth nee— Flfieen-alMeoolbs ol a mile, atll- 

tng— lUn Jobnton, so, Barrett, (> lo 2, won; Uaaler 
Fred, lot, Kewoomba, 10 lo 1, lecond; Vida, 1«2, 
Qatowood, 30tol,tblrd. Tlme,l:ia. 

Jan. 31.— First race— Six (urlonga, aelllog— Lady 
McCaan, 104, Mmlnnd,2 to l,<lret; Fetllval, 107, 
Penn, 6 to l, HC0nd;ClemsU9, 124,11111, 8 to 1, third. 

^m, 1:10 BecoDd race— Half a mile, for two 

yeTr olda. pelilng-Anger, 103, HUI.t to lo, Orat; Par- 
mean, loa, Fanu, a to i, aecond; uemaila, lOl, lur- 

lett, ft to 1, iblrd. Time, 0:tl Third race— Six 

turlongai aelllog— Baieed, 100. Nawcom, 1ft to I, Oiat; 
Harden Pet, 101, Feeney, 1ft to 1, second; La Vene, 

109, Bam, 3 to 1, third. Time, 1:10,V Fonrth 

race— A mile and aerenty jrarda, bsnoicap— Iloose- 
vell, 103, Cayweod, ft to 1, tfiai ; Jadge Ileoonie, ti, 
Qstewood, U to I, aecond; Hldatar, 104, Ham, 4 to 1, 

third, 11me,l:i'ji4'. Fifth race-Six fnitongs, 

Belling— Kvaneica, III, Tabor, even, Ural; Rmallnd 

111, 103, lUll, 1010 1. aecond; Uladloln, ios,Tjoiiie, 
ft to 1, third. T1me,l:Ili.'«. 

Feb. 1.— Flmtrace-Seven farlongs— Panout, too, 
Clsy,3tol, OrsitSlaza, lOft, Uam.o lol, eecoBil; 
Royal Oholoe, 112, Thorpe, ft to 2, Ihlrd. Time, 

I:3IX Second race— Six fnrlonga, aelllni— 

Balvator, lU lllll, 00 to 1. Iltsi; Ooaaack, 109, cay- 
wood, e to ft, second; UoKee, 107, llam. t lo ft, 

Iblid, Time, 1:19 Third race— Six turtoogs, 

aollUig— BIrnca'cher, loe, Thorpe, 4 lo ft. dial; Vetdl, 
100, Oaywood, ; to 2,pecond;lleaillna,l07,8weeney, 

4010 1, third. Tluie, 1:17.'.' Fourth mce-Slx 

(urionga, hasdlcap-Sauteme, 07, Sheriar, io lo 1, 
Oral; Lillian E.,«d, Olay. 6 to i, aecond; Uowllng 

Oreen, 109. Oaywood, T lo t, third. Time, 1:17 

Flllb rsco-Fifteenilxleenths of a mile. Belling— 
Hlnerva, 10), Ihillbewa, ft to 2, Ural; Uaeokcl. 100, 
Clay, 13 to t, aecond; Conductor Uax, lift, Velong, 
1ft to 1, third. TlDe,l:40i{. 

Feb. 3 —nrat race— Six futloega, aelllog— Pert, 
107, Irving, 3 to 1, won; Hon Hoir, 103, Cay wood, m 
to 1, aecond; Hlnerva, 107, Ualthewa, 12 tn 1, third. 

Time. 1:17 ■ I Second race— Seven furlongs, sell. 

Ing— TVimmy Tuner, 103, Ulll. 10 lo i, won; Lwleaa, 

112, living.) to ft, Becond: Hiss Itowetl. lOi, Han, 

2 to 1, third. llBonot taken Third race— One 

mile, aelllng— Snulre a., oe. Uuiphy, o to lo, won. 
Ssnlnme, M, Sclinner, 4 to 1, pocond; DavoPomfor, 

111, Tnhervllle, U lo 1, third. Tlnip, 1:43 Foortb 

rare— Fltleen-Blxlpenths of a mllo, handicap-Ill 
bemla ijneen, M, Uurphy, 4 lo I, won; lJUIau B., 
V<, Clay, 3 to 1, second; PIoeanoD, 106, Tobetvlllo, 

in I, third, Time, 1:37',' nttb race-Seren 

fuilonga, aelllng..-Mnllle U., Iil7, Thorpo, 9 lo 2, won: 
llackei, o;, clay, lo to l,B«caiKl| San Bias, 119, 

I to 1, third. Time Qot taken. 

ilBl.kOI, U 


DR. Kit Cahus, a well knowo wilier of home 
pedlgreei, and at one lime conDccled wltb tbe SU 
Loula Jockey CInb, died Jan. 3D, ot pneunionia, at 
bla home, NU Loula, Uo,, aged Bfiy yeaia. 

Cbinn i iHvib'u, a llim of Nen Oileana hoiaemen, 
olOded up Ibeliairalra Feb. 1. bTKlllog Blnomeifor 
>2,iia), Jackal Spadeator |l,MOsnd Jim Flood tor 

Tug analannls bill, which nnblblta nodaeUliig 
In Kentucm, waa nasied by ibe Uouae at Lexlng. 
ton Feb. 3. 

JOUN U.OsimiT, trainer ot tborooghbrvdp, died 
or oonaumptlon Jan. 3D, at Leilogton, Ky., aged 

lioitiKo wassblppod from tbIa clly Jan. 21 lo Ibe 
■eaira. Keene iiud farm at titsuelon, Ky., end 
will be Been on Ibe Inrt no more, 

llo)!nAss,2 :ll <, . brongtal 1 1 ,(4N aa the aur feamra 
ol a puliUo lale beld at l,rslngt«n, Ky., Feb. 3. 

David Oidioii baa ilgned Jockey Tiibenllle lo 
ride for bla ibia ataaoa. 

Jtr. HurriiT Jn. baa engaotd tha aenlcea ot 
Jockey Aoibooy UimUlon for ue coming aeasoo. 

"U-cxT>>BAt.bwiMbas et gaged Oe«. Reed lo set 


CoulBg RvaBls. 

rob.l-ll-CorllDaisalcli. Bcouk va AH NalloBallUpi, 
HcLtBlock Hadat it neb plaea oa olaba ehooae, aad on. 
inr (1 IV that en Iba. 

Keb.7-0-World'a ehamplouhlp akatlng meeting, BL 
Potenbirf. Roaala. 

Pah. ll.-Nitiou] BhallBs AiaaelatloD uiaaal BgBia 
akailBi; cbamptauablp. Palace RiBk, New York Oily. 

Fob. IS-CaBBdlaa imalMr ftgira akaUag ebaaiploa. 
ablo toeat, H ootrail. Can. 

Feb. 19— lualor and novlca thatlig raeaa, Hoatmal, C^o. 

Ckakaploa Anatear Bkaten. 

Tho annual tacts for the amateur champlODshIp 
ot America, tor Ibe prizes ootred by Ihe Amateur 
Alhlellc rDl03,wen held at Anion Park, St. Paul, 
Hlon., Ian week, nnder the aoaplcesot Ihe Winter 
Oimlnl ABBOclallon. Tba 4>penlng evenio were 
decided on Jan. Z7 and tbe otbere on 29, a pOB^ 
poDcment on 28 being nndeted necesasry by the 
nnfavonble condlilon ot the Ice, which slao had 
Ibo ellltctot earning the dme on tbe ckMlagday to 
be ratberalow, alihoogh owler tbe clrcQmitances 
It was good. J, K. HcCalloob, lbs Winnipeg ex- 
pert, vrai easily ike hero ot tbe meeting, aa he csp- 
tnred every one of the tonr events programmed, 
from a quarter mile to ten nllea. Sammary: 

Quantr mVf — Flnit bait: Joba NlUaoa drat, J. P. 
DavlilaooMconil.OlarRadil IblH. Tlma 40^ Becoad 
beat: HaHay DavlifaoB lint, itennia BudbalniaraecaDd. 
Tlnio, IIH-. nilnl heal: J. X. Hc<1pllo<h dnt, L. 
JohnMo aaonod, Hal Aodiraon tklrd. Woa. 4ta Flail 
halt: McColloch flipt, DavMnoa aaeood, Nltaaoa third, 
J. DaTlilpao Ibiinh. Tioia,W4'a. 

>'(r<ml(a— J. R.I(c(7allo.b Irak John Nllaaon leconil, 
Fnuk HcDanlala thlid. Ilailar Davldeoa fonrth. Tha 
mra WM WOB by four yaida. Id laiy atyto. Tluie.lfim. 
7)i*. Tbahaleat Una lor Ibo dIalAncaby laamaiaor la 
llnl. ISi., by (lllnoa. In US4. torai.*, A. O Smith; 
odsia. Dr. ICallr. Dr. Whllniy, A. U. Opaalil: tlmin, T. 
[,. Sipl. n B. Bird, P. A. Beld ; atirtlr. tTj. O'Leair. 

One alk-J. K. McCnlkicb Int. Olaf Rudd aacand, 
Prank McOaolela Iblid. Time, 8ii , tba riM balog woe 
aaally on poor lea. 

Im miia—]. K, HeCuUoeb tnt. Frank HcDanlili 
lacond.Olir Rudd Ihlnl. Time, SlaLgW<a. 

Caaaaiaa gkatlnc Ckamploaa. 

The anonal races ot the Canadian Amateur Skat- 
ing AaBoelatlon for Ihe ohamplonablp of the Do- 
minion came oS at Uontnal, P. q., on Satniday 
atletnoon, Feb. I, In the preaeoce of a Istgs crowd 
and on good ice. The heio of the oeoaslon was 
John Nlltson, of UnneapolU. Hlnn., whonanled otr 
the furlong, bait milk, mile aad three mlie taoeain 
quite eaay faehlon, Hailey Darldaoo. also ot Unne- 
anolla. Inlsblng secoDd In three of those events. 
The time tor the bait mile race was lo. ti%, which 
consUhiles Iba Rcord tor America. Sninmary: 

rvD Alndnd oatf twalf verdr.— John NIkiann, H la. 
neapolla. Om; R. DarldaoB. HlDiaapolla, Mttnd; 0. H. 
areeB,BalUi'aPall«.Oatnlhlrd. Tlina,lMa. 

Oar mlla— J. Nllaioa. HIODaapolbL Onl; H. Holaa. 
TnroBlo, aacoad; Bulay DarldaoD, M lanaapolii, thlid 
Tlma,3ni la. 

ffairmUe. batWirdf.— Uarlar IHTldBoo. HlBBaapolla, 
nr«t: lt.T. ILlloloomba, Mootiaal, Moond. Thne, Im. 

llaVmlli-]. Kllaaoo, Hlnsaapolli, Int: Barley Da- 
vldaoo. HInnaipoUa, leeend ; U. Italia, Tdidbio, Ihlrd. 

Tlma. lm.)£a. 

171 ra ailrp.-J, HIImod, Xlineapolla, drat: ITirley 
DiTldBon. Mlnaaapolla, aeeoad; H. UBlae,Toranu». ihlid. 
TInia, fiB. lOl^a. 

^'Ire fnllu.— nailey DavtdBoo.HlBBeapolla, Bnt; Joba 
Nltiaoo, UlnBeapolla. iKoad. Toe, 17m. VJ}it. 

nacei Over a Abort Timek. 

Two akatlng recea came off at Aurorn Park, St. 
Paul, Hlnn., Jan. 34. Tho Int, at tve miles, waa 
won hyT. Thompson, MInneapolla, Itoyds. start, In 
iftui. 21a; L. Jobnion, St. Panl, liOyds., second; E. 
PanntlliSI. Panl, IftOydi., third. The other event 
waa at one mile, for tbe ohainploDahlp ot SL Panl, 
and reeulied In tbe mccesat)! Qeorge Sudtaolmer, hi 
9m. Tlii.; L. Johnson aeoood. Ponr others etarted. 
As Ihe track wu fonod, npon snbscquent mcaanie- 
ment, to be 97011, abort on the ml'e, the thne made 
In ihea* mcea, u also In all others there up to snd 
Including Jan. tt, conniB fot nolhlng. An cfflclal 
and careful mcasnrement U stated to have been 
made on Jan, 2ft, and, It so, the Umea made In laoea 
at Anroia Park on and attst that date may be an- 
copied u eo ntet. 

Job UoKoonvi, Ibe ex-champlon akattr. had bis 
colon again lowend by the Uobokenlte, w, T. 
Letts, In a two mUe bsndlcan taoeat the Ice Palace 
Skaiing lUnk, this city, on iMdsy evening, Jan. 31. 
This line Uonoghne conceded a Matt of one tn^ 
long 10 hIa opponent, and was defeated qolte easily, 
In tn. 12VB. The race watwitneeaed byaevetal 
ihoueandsofperMns,i«gnl«rpatroniol tldseatab- 

Tub Bonlli Rhiambniy Ice Yacht anb vrat organ- 
Ited at Iioog llrtnob, N. J., Jan. 3i and theee omcen 
ob<«eni Commodoie, W. A.Beatnani vice commo- 
dnie, Thonu Riddle: tear commodore, Walter Pat- 
ten I aecrelaiy, J. Vooe Kmuiona; trasnrer, WlUlan, 
PouUni meatnitr, Donglat Blddls, 

Two tkaling races for llie ohamploBahIp ot Wlt- 
conalu look place at Snpetlor on Jan. 21. The Bnt, 
at one mile, was taken by Wsllace Monroe, In 3m. 
IU4.: Ihe second, stthne nlles, was won by Joseph 
Davidson, in om. 33a. 

J. 0. AHDRBwa liatated U> haveoIeaRd * dlalanco 
of fin. aui. at the tbjid attempt lo an eihlbltlOD 
lamp on Ice ataietat the Anroia Park )Unk,SL 
Paul, Hlnn., on Jan. 31. Ue took a siait of more 

A HicBiNi TTTBBmNO ooliTBn fot B pntse ot 
rsod wu beld Feb. 3, at BL Loola, Mo,, betwaen 
Hobert W. Fraoola, a comniMltor on TTir A*puMlr, 
and John Clark, of niP (.tudp-zmnorml. Clark aet 
a total of 9.108 lines, equivalent to emt,and 
Fnncit aet 1,114 lines, or Bl,at8emf. Ftanelswas 
deelited the wHiner, bnt Ibe money waa withbald, 
as usrk entered a pioleat. The contest luted 


The naad Reeard Ralej. 
The Oentnty Road Clab of America hat deckled lo 
Rcognlxe road records tot the followhig iiiMun, 
only: t, 1», >«, a>, 36, M, loo, too and l,oou miie,. ^ 
Bonn, one year, and the greateat nnmber of un- 
tary rides In a year. Recoidator no oiherdliian(n 
than thoie mentioned are contidetrd, except ike 
dlstascts between well deOncd pohitB on rooieaof 
gtoenl intarett. Where a record for one of the die- 
uncaa auted la claimed a snrvejor'a cerimcaio 
mutt be sent, showing that Ihe distance litta»D 
tbepoUitwheratlieilmeatiheBisrtWBBUkcn ana 
that where the time at ibe Onlah waa taken li u 
aot^ fuU, If not over tbo diaiancs claimed, ibrii 
moat alao be abundant teiilmony that the inlenne 
dUte distance was eoveitd by the iMer on his wbni 
between the times given tor nia auit snd Onuii lo 
a iwentT-tonr boor tide time and dliianco mou i.> 
certllled to In like manner. ^ 
Kora Dva mile record a twoandabalf mile coune 
may be uaed, bnt foriecorda for ten, dlieen, ineiiir 
or tweniy-dve miles the conrao muai measure n<» 
leaathanfflremlleelnleDgih; forsntiy mile lecvni 
not leas than ten mtlea, snd tor a record of ooe buo. 
dred niUea and spwatd not leas than twenty miiet 
Timing muat be done by compeient peiaons imi 
with at leaat three watches, at both aun and dnlib 
all tbe mtches to be varefnlly com ared lotiand' 
aid lime, and a cenidcaus that will be eaiL-ilaciorr 
to the lUnd Kecords CoEkoltiee aa to ihe acruiarr 
of the lining mnat accompany a claim tor record 

For cbeckug pnipoiiee on long dlaunre irconi 
rides, nnlt 114 oneckeip bare beeif aiailoned at fie. 
quant dbuncea steng tbe conns, tbe ridtr mutt 
cany a book or checking hit, In which he muai ob. 
tain at epienihil points en imKe the algnaiuica and 
addreBsea of compeient cbeckeia, together viiii 
date and tbne ot algnlng. Tho eame (u lie luhiiiii. 
ted 10 the conmlltee wlln Ibe claim, togeilicr aiih 
allldaviti as to tha gennlneneaa of.the peifurmiioce. 
Also poa'al cards may tie nailed to tne chalnutu oi 
the eooimlitee at freiiuent Uitervals rn roiiti', giriog 
ilata and time ot arrival at the polDi from wblcb ibe 
card is miUcd. It ibla litter method la adopted 
the ohalman should be notllled betoiehsod ol iiie 
^topceednnie and achedule. The rider may alto, 
a addlilon to the toregolDf methodB ol checking, 
avail hlmaeltot the Hitvica ot peiwnswlih wbrnu 
he nuy tide during the whole or any pan nf ihg 

Tke Offlolal BalleUa, 

lasied by ihe Itacing Uoard ot the Leagne ot Ameri- 
can Wheelmen, through 4^lrman Qldeon, for ibe 
past week Is herewith preaenied: 

Keoraa norpMl— ((aarier mile, Class A, tandem, 
nnpaeed, dybig auirt, agahut lime, 27li.., by hp. 
pen and lluBheB,st Denrer, Ool., Dec 27, inii. om. 
slid mhe, Claas U, nacetl, alandUig auit, agauitt 
time, 3gKe-, by W. W. Uamllion, et Cotonado, uai., 
Dec 31, lisft. Two-thlras mile, dam B, paced, nr- 
logatan, against time. In. 8Mii.,by W.w. Uaniil. 
ton, atOi>ionado,CaL,Dec.3li, 18M. Half mlle.L'lan 
B, tandem, paced, flying start, agalnai time, co.<i<i., 
by W. H. 'nylor and u, Hewitt, al Uoronado, i;al., 
Deo. 27, isoi. Two-tblrdi mile, Olaag ll, undem, 
I need, flying start, agaloit time, Im. u., br w. ii. 
najlor and u, Hewitt, at Oonnado, Cal„ Dec .T, 
19M. Thrteqnarten mile, tandem, naced, iiflog 
atart, against time, im.sitiiB., by w. lI.Tajiorenii 
U, Uewltt, at Ootonado, cel., IMI^ 80, itp:. ita 
milea, Claas A, paced, ataodbig atari, agalmt ilor, 
2im. 189., by Wiuiam A. Wanzel, at Point Uietre 
track, Philadelphia, Nor. !8, iSOi. One third mile, 
CUaa 1), nnpacnl, standlDf sun, against time, 41a. 
by W. W. Hamilton, at Vonnado, Oal., Uec 2^i, itfu. 

Ledaml prqflMionaU—tt.U. Turk, Denver, Col.; 
Frank Miller, Mulberry, lod.; U. W, SItyhacli, Hu|. 
beiry, Ind,; John B. liarrtatin, l.ebanon, Ind.; Jennie 
lUnkle, Ooldamlth, Ind. 

TBI .,<ni4rt<»n li'h«fniim iFSOcd a remarkable 
number during tbe 'cycllnii bh iw Vreek at Uadlun 
Square Oarden, comprUiog in all 390 pages ot read, 
log and advertising mailer, and ineludmg many In- 
toreaiing ailidea from tne pens ot well known 
membera ot the fialemlty of wheelmen. Typo, 
graphically and atUailciiiy tho nnmber was a 
beauty, well worthy of bebg preaerved aa n notable 
sample ot what can be aecomplUhed, when oppop 
tnnliy offers, by men poeieased ot tbo requialie 
energy and enteiprlie. and Imbued with a deier- 
minailon to excel. Tbe produoUon furnished cou. 
vineing proof ot the Induatry and ability ot tboro 
concerned In Its getting up, and ahio auetttd the 
proei^ll of the pnblicaUen, which la well deserved. 

Tbs newly elected oilleera ot the Katt OianRe 
Ibunlilerean: Piealdeni, 0. B. Van Neat; vice pres. 
idenl, Howard Underbill; secntepy and treoBurer, 
0. R. D«aa; csptalo, A. I. U. lidwardp; aistilauieu. 
ant, John A. Forbes; sscood UentenanI, T. P. New- 

TBI Ufavelte Wheelmen last week elected omc- 
en aa toUow: President, T. E.Woodiey;vlcepre>|. 
dent, F. U. Walker; Onanclal secnury, F, Suilih; 
recoiding secretary, E. Smith; treasnrtr, P. Scblel; 
captain, B. Moon. 

TBI Oaatle Point 'Ojclen will be oftlctred Ihia 
year aa follow: Presldeot, F. lYautweln; vice piesi- 
dent, H. C. Myet; treasunr. H. L. Bales: eecieiiry, 
A. F, Meyer; captain, a L. Ratbroock; Ueuienanis, 
F. W. Muattudorp and 0. Oendto. 


LoiD DtnnAViN dnda.tbls advice given him U; 
nie St. James Oaaue: "What la Lord Dnnnven 

trailing Cor I We hoped to be able today lopub- 
Uah hb apology to the American natioii, and we 
mat that all hu ftleDda will Impreos npon him lhat 

apeed la the easence ot gitca on an oecaaion ot ibto 
awt. For the credit o? British sport snd Engllib 
ganilenanly tradlUoni Lord Donnren mutt not 
neeAute. Every day and every hour loat would 
now be an addldonal loenlt." 

Jii. TBI Btox AMD Fbid PLAismDwereCurpBa 
caUen Feb. 3. They hate perfeotsd sn smnge- 
meat tor dry isnd Bcitllog contesis, snd are nor 

presenting their act on tbe variety stage, being ihM 
week employed at Eeitb's Union Square Theatre, 
this olty. Mr. Plaist-d Inds this occupation far 

mnie nnnneiaUvo than nirlng maloh noes In tbe 
Fiowety KUigdomforblgmoney. 

Tu New Rochelle Yaoht Club held it annual meet- 
ing In Ibis city Feb. 3, and oboae theae onicen: 
Commodore, Henry Andinaa; vice commodon, 
Beniy Doeoher; rear commodore, William ll- 
Slmonaon; aecistary, J. 0. LIponcon; treasnrer, K. 
B. Strong; measnier, Benry A. Donde. 

Tni Lincoln Park Yacht OInb, ot Chicago, III., at 
a recent meeting, Iwntd a ohalienge torareceihiB 
Summer between yachts repreaentinglls dnb and 
Iheltoyal Canadian Yacht Clob, orTonnln, Can. 
The ohalienge has been accepted and anangemenia 
will Boon be perfected. 

Tu Colombia -namnl-Coraeii-Uolvenilr of 
Fennsilvanla boat nee has been set tor June as, 
the conrte having not yet been selected. Banloiia 
and Fonghkeepde, M. Y., and 8prtDg(leld,MBPa.i 
are ollBilbg IndncemeniB tor tbe contest lo late 
place on waten near their citlea. 

TUB Weal Lynn (Uasa) Yaoht OInb, at lis annual 
iseellDg, held Jan. 30, tiected these onicen: Com. 
oodon, F. A. Smith; ilea commodon, William Par- 
nell; flotc captain, E. F. Davli; ssonisry, 0. K. 
Balchelder; treaannr, F, 0. Olin; meatnier, P. » • 

TDB Boalon (Uaasj Tacht dub haa elected Ihe 
following oUcen: Oniunodon, John A, Steiaon; 
vice commodore, OdUi B, nobetta; rear comma, 
don. Waiter L. Dean; aecnuy, A. C. Fernaldi 
treaanrer, Dudley A. Doir. 

WilMac Honniis died from blood poisoning at 
hIa hoBie, In Brooklyn, N, Y., Jan. 27, In the sevenir- 
sevenih year ot his age. Ue waa one of tbe organ, 
lien ot the AUsntlo Yacht Clnb, and oimed aerenil 

TU Vautub III baa been ordered from thit 
dty to the Clyde, aceerdlng to a Olaagnw, Scot., 
dl^atch, which alao lilnta that the Defendei win 
creo Ibe briny for a tnaale with bar on tnoae JimUT 
celebnied "dearoonreea." 

Tbb hiloroatloa eonaa Inm an apparaotly anlbaoiu 
•ooraa lhat Yala UnlTinily will ba npfaasnlad il 
Boyil lleolar Magilla la Rialaad, la Jaly noiL io<> 
ranoT hull thai ooraell wllliuoeeBd aaouier craw m 
(babliTbameiimalaar camlTal. boiof daalfoni of rr- 
trIaTtaglhalaarola loat lait Boranar, 

Da IlAmT LtTTLgnBut and William n. Lair en- 
gaged in a match at live plgeona, Ofly birda each, 
nnder American Anndatlnn mle^ at Woodlawn 
r«ik,Oiaveaend, L. I,, on Jan.S. The condlilon* 
were to Bhoot from a rise ot twenty-live yaida wiin 
Itty yards bonndary, naing only one natrel, an'i 
UUIeMd woo byatcoreofSlto 39, bis opponent 
wllhdmwlng oa tne forty-second nnnd, 

Tbb Boglewood (N. J.) Field Club last week 
elected ihess omcen: i'realdent, Dwight A. Jonea, 
vtos president, Beniy W. Banks Jr.: Becretary, 
micilck B. Uoncao; tnamicr, aeuj a. achenck. 

Febbtjary 8. 





, . „ , . „ ^ , „ , JOHN H. FUCHSIUS, Aiitlior of "Can I Forgot," "Oilf a Hewboj," "Elhiliir," Etc., Etc 

Compteto OrcheBtra Paris anJ Copy to the Pn>fe«l.,. Sena to HA.NCOCK PUB. CO., 1,215 Droadiraj, Hooiu «, N. Y. Clly, 



DlxAB mud Palmer Spar. 

Otorgt DIKOD, tut colored Ugbtmlglit t«ier, 
tnd •Teddler" Pilmer, tha cltver Billlali cODiiacnir 
of DlUr niniDer, hail s joint bentot tt Ibdiaoa 
!ii|U>re (Itidca, this clly, on Ttnndif oreDlnf, 
Jan. 11, nnd tin Inlcmt felt In tbe malt of the en- 
rounicrbctrnn lb«m, alttaougta Una bait Mend- 
Ir apirrlog l>ont, served to draw unicl«atiport/i to 
runrorttt>l5 nil lbs anna. Tbe diaplar made bj 
ibe Ulan at ibe occatloo, ampljnpald the entbuil- 
Mia for tka pries of tbeir tloketa, and aailt- 
Ord mtoi Ibat the EoRllslinan'a vIcioit over 
lllmmer wia not a flake. He alioved bloaelC 
10 lie a Ruatkablr qolct, b1iI(I7 and (kUirnl 
iwxer, well Teraed In all I He Mcka of Ibe 
p. R., cKvtr la evaaton, a rapid bluer, al- 
moiiRli not a pimlablDg one, pe^^apa, and tl- 
loxetner a Terr great general. He ooipolntod 
Ibe diiatr tMzer daring the llret ibree rounda, 
lilt men Dlzoo, bavins itot Ibe neaaure of bla man, 
uexaa lo a>n'd tn tbe tbot ao faat and hesrj that he 
toot Ibe lead, and In tbe next loand be bad Ibe 
foreigner lb dtnicaltlea, and tbe alxib ronnd wta 
clean' Qeorje'e. nia dellverlee were more Ibtn 
r<lmer, In tie condlilon be then wae, conid long 
endure, and bad tbe bout been prolooved Dixon 
troolil nndonbtedlr bave gained the verdict. Dot, 
a* It lied, Ibe meellog waa tUnplj a frtenniv iiial of 
■til, and rben It gave aailafacllon to tbeapecla- 
ion tbe end aloal at was reacbtd. Pilmer aod 
hia bncker and manager, Alt. Sneliing, miirii tor 
»:iiilanil on Feb. 1, on board Ibe Uampaula. DeCni 
iMving I'Jmereiprrssed bla deairo to Oibt Jimnj 
Hairj, of Cblcago, III., at tbe National Sporilog 
Uiit), l<onilo n, Kog. 

JiH COBL-RH, brotber of Ihe ronnor cbamplon of 
Amerlu, Joe (;obnm, and blmaeK a pnglllat of 
ahllli; la bla roanger da^a, aHil reeldea wiiii iiis 
famli/ la ibU cltj. For some jeaiB lie waa con- 
nected witb one of tbe cllj departjnenia, liul at 
prfwnt Ij perFOnallag tbe rale ol a gentleman of 
eoljrced leiaaro, wblcb to a nan ol bis aclltUr 
proves rallitr Irttome. Cibntn U llioroogblr well 
vaned In tbe ralee goverlog boxing conipeililons, 
and tbouM make a capital referee of boxlog con- 
leaie, for, besldea being poseeaaed of Ihe neceaatrr 
knowledge lo enable bio to give Intelligent de- 
nlMona, be bag always enjoyed tbe repauuon o( 
being tionett aod Impiitlal. 

Tonuv DuoDiRicx and BIII7 Sbarp (colored) en- 
gaged la a Ogbt In Wesicbealer Cuuuir, N. Y.. early 
on Ibe Doming of Jan. 31, ti o a aide being at 
slake, aul tbe engagement resulted In favor ot 
liroderick la tbe aeventh ronnd, In wblcb Sbarp waa 
knocked sesseleia, after having bad tbe best or tbe 
dRbilog IQ Ibe llrat Ave rounda. 

Joli.y L. SULLlviif, tfaa popaltr ex-champioD hMv/- 
««lKht, vhlle Qodarthe <ol1atnceortli,eiit>lhatlj«ro(l- 
illM u veil III cbMii. 00 Jan. 29 tMk a doi loo 10 walk oft 
ih« rur pUiromi of a moTlor train on ih« IWk IilaoU 
ud PwHa Railroad, l>etir««G Lafartiu lod CaIv,, 111, 
no tralnat |ho lima waa mnnlna at prmr aood apMd, 
a«l aliM Salllrw lixuck llieruul bed lievaiMDODHl. 
ud upoDimbiitqaeal cx.inloallnu «a« foun'l lu b« quit, 
Uillr hurt tboat Ilia head. Tbo tralo, ariarroiumlog 
■ad ukloc taa Iplored Dan aboard, vai bached lo Lafaf- 
alia, wliar, gollr'a bralaaa vora allaodad 10. lie ap 
ptarftl alSprlD^dold lbat«TanIavwltli llia^nipuir. bul 
wai aaabla lo laara town wlih Ir, tlie aiuodlna pbfaielaa 
r«arlDKtkat«ryaIpaUawouM aat la. TTilatllifDot wear 
rorlQoataly. aod (rood madlcal attandaoca, combined 
wllbcuwul aarvloK br bla wire, aradaallr broaabtlb, 
latlwt aroaad, aod at laat adrlcan he waa macb Ini- 

Kvad. aad waa annouac«l to laav, HnrlDaflald lor El 
o, Total, on Pob i. 
WiuiiH.iUAS "ooonsv." iranRifi, the releraa Dild. 
ulawolKht boior, who waa born Id tho lanr monlh aod 
yur aa Jin Man, hai bean III slid lo xeaoral bard luck 
lor * loor dtna. apd bla (VlMda In the iDelropolla bav, 
nodartokan ro rvllara hia DHeaalllu hr Ketllna bim up a 
oonaflL AmooBilif be<t known paraoiu wbooaTa Inter, 
•alcd ibenaalw In Ihe natttr aio ALSnllh. PblL 
Dwjor and BlUj Edwarda, the latter of wIkko Rarvli pre- 

, arpiflally tbo oU 
k wItb riTor on the 

be^ntflt.^ AmooB tli^ baH kbown paraonj'wbo fTaTa inter. 

- . idw , 

Knd tor bla prlnclp.<l balllei when BUI; aaoirad U> or 
Ul the ebamplonihlp of llaht^rolslii*. It la bopad iliat 
ihoia ol a aitoitlne turn ol mind, ' *■ 
tIm«nwhoan"woU died," will look „ _ _ - 
movcniMt.atid cootrlbDto to the good caaao accordlog 

A ciBLloluv from London, Ror., dated Pah. ^auttl 
inatibeKatlooalSportlDeniub. or that clly, will oltora 
liurMorgULOOOfor Pelor Malior and Bob rtualitiiiioaa. In 
caao Ihor aboutd run to briar thelronsnsciiieat t-> a aatli. 
incior}' iRBoe In New Moileo or tbo rerloa roundabout. 

Hill ()omk, oolored, or WlUlanaport Pa., anil Cbarlor 
•JobnaoD, oTMInneapolK Ulnn.. fooaht tw»otj.flvo rnaoda 
la a ball at Prarlaod, Pa., on ih, nlibt ot Jao 3U, QjIod 
■■ttlngllMdKlilon. Tiin Hunt wai the tafarae. 


A Varbitim Reprotluetlon of a Ten Year 
Old Boy't Essay. 

Bones are tbe framowork of Uie biimaa body, ir 
I bad no bones In me I abould not bare so mnch 
shape aa I have now. It I had no bones In me I 
should not have BO much moilon aa I have now, 
aad.gTudma.eronld he glad, but I like 10 bare no- 
tion. "'Donee give me moiton, because Ihe/ are 
eometlilng bard for moUonto cling to. 

If I bad no honea, mr biKlJis, lungs, bead and 
laigerbloodveaaela would be lying aronnd In ma 
sort ot loose lite, and might get buned, but not 
much lest It la a hard hU. If ny bonee weie 
bnmed I should be all brittle, and you conId crum- 
ble mi np becanse all tbe animal would be out n( 
nH. It 1 was soaked In a kind of add I would be 

Teaclier showed as some bono Ibat had iMsen 
soaked. I could lie a knot In one. Ihsd rather be 
soaked Iban huracd. Some of my bones don't 
grow tnag to my other bones like tho biancbes of a 
ireedo.and I'mghid they dou'l, for It Iheydldl 
poolda'iplay leap frog and other good games I 
know. The reason they don't grow that way la bo- 
cauaetbeyhave Jolnls. 

Jolsta la good things to have In bones. Tbero are 
three kinda. Tbe hall and socket Joint la like my 
aboalder Johit. Teachers showed It b> us, only ft 
was Ihe tbigh ot a cow. One end tras round sod 
smoolb and wbltlah. that is the ball end. Tbe other 
cod la Ibe soakeL It la' saucer like ond oils llaell. 
Anotter Joint Uihe hinge Joint, Ilka my elbow, it 
awloiB back and fonb, oiling liaeir, and never 
creaks Uke Ihe school room door does. Tbo other 
Joint ain't much of a Jolnu It's In Ibe skull and 
don'i bave no moilon. 

All of my bones put together In their right places 
make a skeleton, ir I leave out some or put some 
inihelrwTong places Italo't noakeleion. Crippled 
and delormcd people don't have no akcletona. Momo 
animals bave their ateletons on tbe oalsMe. I'm 
glad I aln'tlhem animals, for my skeleton like It Is 
on ue ohatt wouldn't look well 00 tbo ouialde.— 


, "Awhltesiica'lidld I everaeeooet Ishonid ssy 
I had." said an old sailor In the lunie (Jitlce. "We 
were between bete and the tVoat Indies, and It waa 
aa fair a day as yon ever pot eyes on. 1 waa at the 
wheel, and we were bowling along under a pretty 
aalllag brver^. T.icre waan't a cloiid to be aoen, 
unless a UUIe while vapor far oir could be railed a 
cinnd. All of a suddeu tbe raptklo came up out of 
hIa raMn. 

'"Oh all tbe light sails off her as lulck aa yon 
can',*' be shonled to Ihe mats. '"Cien up ibe loyals 
and topgallant sallo, and bear a hand lively, boya'." 

'"Wbat'eibe matter with tbe old man now)'" 
said tbe sallori, aa they looked around the hnrtzon 
and aaw nothing but annsblne and the near sky. 

"Herettbelesa, alt handa tuinod to getting In tbe 
llgkt Blla. no capiBiD look ihe wheel and sent 
■K to asslat. (If comae, we all Ihought It was a 
piece ot foolishness, hnt we worked wliba wlU be- 
canae the canialn told us 10. 

"Well, we bad no aoooer got iboso sails In tban It 
alnct. Hlghl oat of the clear akycame an awtnl 
gale. It tote our gieai nabisall and othet* to rtb- 
■lona quicker than a dash. ltcaae'buueodU>,'aa 

"How did the captain know II waa coming? TThy 
be waa In his cabin and happened to see hU glaaa 

Koown snddenly. That meant aometbUir, aod he 
ailed on deck. A good captain watches his 
DatomeKr aa a cat tratehes a mouse." 


""^^ "•"•gwg ami Parlomwit, Open 
Oatw. ttc. -8«« Attira rtUenwnia, 


Thiiyi^.^"",? tnm Ulner'a Newark 
r2S.^t:if,f .>.'"" "opletely lenovaibig and 
tedicoraUng the same, wiu open Ilea a Ural clan 
hSbSjtedi" '■ •«» "-ipiol- only wm 

r.^Vfj^H^"^" «»""7 AI*derer'a impalar 
SI?ffl2f«'n'S* '0 exccpUonilly Dig 
hnateej St cnicago. Jne original caa^ Including 
Rtrtotmeia. has been teuined by 
Manager Clair M. I'alae.and aaunuwally bright 
perroimance la tbercanltof tbeIr JolaiciroiiB. Han. 
agera wlih open ilme are reiineaied u> oommuul. 

lingene M, Purklai waiiu repertory pcoiilc and 
open time for the Redmond Oramatlr i\>. 

Cbatlea Blnrlalr, comedian, cbaraiter nclor. Hiago 
director, with singing and dancing spei-lalilei, ran 
be secured* 
Nell Michdeld Is wlih Ihe Anna Era Fay t'o. 
Diamailo people aie wauted by Kenbedy Hiayera, 
• ^"on «*niedy Co., Alice wifao^ 

Brown, lUlsle Uartoe, Thos. Sitatlou, Bant U. 
Young, Horasianlford. 

At Ubeny: Leading Van A. D. 0., Ilstry B. 
^ kskera, Josie HItehell Vickers, Oypsy Uarlow, Loula 
WellhoiT, tJlga (.otraloe Maiwab, J. J. Satrldsn, 
Billy UUi, Ualae Kdmnnda, Kataeiyae U.Evans, 
Cecu Lionel, uuian ilayer, Eva Tanguay, Uanr a. 

Uanr West has cloaed with "The Hustler" Co. 
and eao be engaged, tor Oerman Dialect, wild ape- 


Joe.^.Slem ft Co., tbe enlerprlsing Urm ol music 
puiilUbtrs, who In the short uuie Ihey have been In 
the Held have plaoed a surprlslnEiyhirge numiier 
of musical hits before Iheprofesalou and ine puuio, 
are again gratlded by another ancoeaa. TbeIr latest 
song publlcailoa, -Imwd In Poveity Row," by Ous- 
ale U Uavls and Arthur Trevelysn, Is credited n lib 
having hit tbe puUlo Ui Uw tIgoipUco. Ixiiile 
Uilaon and Oonnle Thornton, who are aokmxriedged 
to be fotmost In tbe rendlUon or tbU class uf eouga, 
both report an assured bit for Ihia number, utber 
slogeiB, among whom areenumenated many or Ihe 
leadem, are aLu making a aura popniarliy for 
' Down In Poverty itow.'' Jeaale Ulilvier'a puono- 
gtaph levorda or the song can be heard all over the 
Uolied ituus. "So Une Ever Loved Yoa Mm Tiian 
I,""r<n Knowtbe KiBdot Thing lUean.xand "Vou 
Don't Have to Hatir the OlrlP' Hiss Ollsoa's oft- 
demanded songs, and "Kathleen," by llelene Hots, 
are also published by Ihb Orm. "Uy Beat airl's a 
New Voraei'^ li rebiUied with favor, aud a list of 
nineteen other eongs by well known wnien are 
highly leconmended. This list Includes several by 
tbe aulbore of "Tbe Lost Child." ■■Ibe Honeymoon 
Hareb" by Qeoige Hoteofeld and numerous other 
loslfumenul composluons, onbeatrated by "Roaey" 
and arranged tor banjo, mandolin and gulur, are 
alao well adapted for lucldenial uuilo, and can be 
accund St auied prices. "Down in l^lverly llow," 
with ohiheatn parts by "Rosey," Is sent tu piofes- 
alonati on receipt of ten cents. 

Ueniy J. Wehman, whose adveniaement occnplsa 
the top of tbe Utb column of Ihe lourtcenth page 
ot TBI OurriR, announces for ibis week that free 
copies oC Ihe latest song hit, "Vou Are My Sweet 
Heart," can be bad U pntesalonBls will send pro- 
gravies. Ue also announces the latest VStt song 

The John Obnreh Oo. sre publlshlBg "Darling 
Habel," by TT. P. Cbase, and nve other longa by 
Ihe same anihor, which ibey will supply free 10 
proletslonals on receipt of credenllala. 

"Ailstacnsc/." a Lawlerand San 
ford, can be ordeied from the authors. 

"The gueen or Harlen" la Usned by B. Natlea It 

"SiDgtng on Ibe TroUey Uar," by Jabn II. Fuch 
Blue, la supplied by the llancoek Publlabing Co. 

■There's • Uhaimlog Ultle Crealnre, lib! So win 
lag" and •■ihe Sporty Olrl" are two new aonga 
Issoed by llaiulllon n. U-ndor. 

Frank Harding bss published a nnnhcrot songs, 
which pretesslonahi can secure tor len cents each 
colletUon. "Uar Memory Brloga Ue No Hegrei" Is 
especUtlly recommraded oy Uanhall, ot tbe "Uesri 
or .Msriland" gnartet. 

"Ho 'They Say" will be supplied by the Oliver Dlt- 
son Co. ' 

V. W. Held has Issued ■■Home, Sweet Home end 
Mother's Aims" and other songs. 

"Tbs Song Writer ■ Is a monthly lasne of mstlere 
odoiereai to sUigan and aalhore. 

H, W; Feme oireta foor new songs to pnCesalonal 
tlDgtra me of ohaige. 

"Ae Deacon Wont Astray," a new and popular 
song: "Yon An Ihe Obi I I/>ve," "A Uome For 
Two," "My Dau" and "Have Y'ou Olven Back Uer 
r.elteni,TOmt" are advertised by tbe H. Bralnaid's 
Sods Co. 

Jean WUIe haalsaaed "SifeetMollr Mschree," 
"Da Uantlon fa de H>'," "I Live Yoa, If the Oihera 
D jnl,"aad "Oasey on Parade." 

Mestclans sre wanted by Bsilieit Swin, Dr. a, W. 

At Ubeiiy: Thomas Harahall, Shockey Brother*' 
Band and Urcheauw, Charles Aohlsy, Qeorgo I. 

■■BearUohea" and "A Good Ullle (llrl and a Bad 
Utile Boy" can be ordered from Ihe national Music 
Uo. at ten cents each. ■ 

Tbe English Bong Pub. Oo. sdvenise a nnmber ot 
new songs by HcGlesnon. 

"Tne Rights of Voneuela" and "Bye Baby, 
Die, O" can be ordered fmm J. n. Ueonlng. 

"Wllfioot mm What's Ihe Band" has bean Isaned 
by Ibe Brooks t Denton Oo. 

L. Berge has la»aed a number ot calcby songa for 
ten cents each, wlih orcbesin parta. 

•<l Love Hy Uoney: Yea, I Oo?< a new roon song, 
wbkili In bung restored by Mar Irwin and other 
prominent peiromen, can bo onfeied trem llowley, 
llavlland A Co, 

"Jual You, My Love, and I," can be ordered from 
tho Woir Muslo Publishing Oo. Ills said to be a 
caioby walla song. 

"JDSt untslde a Milllooaln's Door" Is a newde- 
acrlhUve song nnblmhed by Jamea .Silllman, wbick 
Is bemgsung with sacceas by many profeaslouala. 
"I L-nad a Bonnie Laasle Long Ago" can alao be 
ordered, at ten cents each song. 

"The Monroe Doeirlne," a ilmely song, can hest- 
enred from Nenmayer A Miller. 


Hie F.ying Jonlnu'a Oyouuailc VandevUles will 
lake the road next soason under Ihe maaageraenc 
ofiames II. Foweis. Tbs Jordan Kamlly of clever 
aerial pcrformeni will head Mo organbialloii and 
tbey have alao secured lUbliiand '/.ayo,Travlnaand 
Otin and Ibe two BIslen ChlnUella. Flist class 
manageia wno whib to hook iblH novel aliracuoa 
are reiiueated to communicate with Mr. Powen. 

Oilirw.arant has secured iha mansaemcntoflbe 
New People's Theatre, Hancbeaier, N. U.,aod wants 
to book gtiod comlitnallona. 

Tbo Buckingham Theatre, Lonlsvllle, Ky., Is 
oliered for sale. ^ ^ 

Mullancy and Uncoln, alagei* and dancers, can 
be booked 10 prednce their comedy acL 

Tho Ue Foceests, tbs wsU known wblrlwhid 
daacera, can AU lime. , ^, 

ma Four Hosen are fllllng an clgbt weeks' eo- 
gsiement at Itector'a lieasure Palace, New York. 

VandevlUe perfoimcn an waniod for contlnnoaa 

Crfotmancssat the People's TDsaue, New (Mesns, 
I., by Edwla Ootdon. 

Howard and 8l Clair are producing their act 
tbia week at ihe Union Bi|iian Theatre, New Voiti. 

J. Helvllle JaosoB's Rooyclopedla of txwiedy can 
be ordered from the author tor f xto. 

HpecUlilea an wanted by in. Waller West, I>r, 
M'njie Clond, Jeavoua and La Place, Dr. Urn, Iowa 
Hedldne Co., 0. a Hllohell, Dr. U. O, Slangier, l>r. 

At Mbeny: Oeone L. Palmer, Cbailoiie and 
Lewie, Walaon and snaw, Das Falnier, UlTard. 

John HcOaitby and Osotga E. Peura teach alB«e 
dancing. . 

Berger wants to tola an aeiohatleleaiD. 

Wm. KnssoDMs a stage seimg and amrau^ 
saliaMe fore stmif mas or C»o swlsciog eet, 

Bat the ■Kslerrlscefk«aa the fen orAaaerlca'ai^palaraoag Writer, UVSSIB U DAVIH. 

^^Just Outside a liillionaire^s Door/' 

Tbe fbllawlaa Arllala are naklnw • bit with Itl (TIIAIIT (MALB PA1TI), BKKNBTT aail DAtVLKY. «lle> DKA ORNII, MOLLIR 

la a atwrol and noHolar aoias. Try It. Soaiia.wllhaiebaalralloBS, 10 caalaearh to |iiar>aalaB. JAMKH RTII.LMAN, Muale mb* 
llaher, 411)1 Blilh Ave,, N, \, clljr. Owr profeaalaaal frlaada la CaaAdaraa aeraraa«BgaarWkalay,Royei> (^>,,Tat«nio, CaaaalBt 

Ten l';rck and Plalated'a nwlog nets can be 
secured for variety houwa. 

Tbe World's Trio, Perry and l.nlu Ryan and Fjnma 
Wood, can play datea In their new acl, which waa 
a hit at tho olyinple Tncalre, l^blcago, laat week. 

John n. and McDowell era engaged with 
Oool'a Dig stock Oo. 

Iiomico .Nam can be aocurcd 10 proaace her a^ 

Bently aud t^me'on'a novel musical act can be 
seen at .Ihe Union Eqiutre Theauo, New York, Ihia 

W. II. 3. Shaw advertlsta "Up lo Date Haglo.'i 
hit book, lately puUlahed. 

Marks nud WlllanI, whnee act, "A Fallen Angel 
Is said to be a strong one, can play daira. 

Uoitliey and llkh ate booked over ihe Keith 
circuit for a ittura engagement.' They bave a few 
weeks open. 

l-'ltldlni, Ihe Juggler, can bo engaged tor Ibe 
week or Feb. 10. 

Hyde .V llohinaa waul a drsi clasa comedy acl for 
week of Fell. it. 

K. '/.legfeld Jr. wania Brat data specially acts for 
tbe Trooadcm Vainlcvlllea for next aeaHon. 

Morton and llevelle, cccenlric comedy iketclilals, 
csn he engaged. 

Seeker and Wilkes, comedy akrtoh team, sre at 

John W. World will close with Ibe "BUck Crook' 

00. aa Ureppo, at Jertey City, Feb. 8, and can be en 

Iliker.t Kimharl want Fptclallv acts. 

Uelmoro A Wli»n want comblnstlans for the 
Empire Thrnirr, llolyoke, Maaa. 

Coiaptoles or specially eels are wsnird for Iha 
week or March 10, at tbe Uucklogbam, iMulavllle, 

Ullda Tbomaa, ennrann, awls'ed by Fmnk Barry, 
can be engaged. Her sluglug la highly praised by 
the press. 

II. J. Sbuie, Will J. Ilardmau and Qtorge lllcka 
can f uralah iiarodlea, otc. 


Mta I'dlmyn, luirebnck, principal and hurdle 
rltter, can accept engagements. 

W. A. Conkllu wanu nialo and temale riden and 
oilier circus auil sldo sliuw acta. 

arena people aro wauted by Oeu. W. Hall Jr, V. 
K. H'allace, Welsh Droihcra. 

II10 outot ol the ixilo Jc I Ackwood Show Is oDtred 
lor sale by Uealli A ScotL 

C reus tenia and pnvllcgea are onered for sale by 

1. a I'eail. 

J. II. Ilarrlion wants side show people for Ibe 
Jobo lliblononbhoas. 
\aw suiiHn wlahea to sell an eniire cirons ouldt. 
Oar Jo wants Oitl class people. 

Atlracllons are wanted for Von Iloytle Opera 
House, Port Loyden, N. Y. : Comstock'a Qnnd Opera 
House, Ik>oiivine,N. Y.; New Open House, While 
Mills, Pa.; Keaior Opera I louse, llomerN.Y.; Opera 
House, Frankfort, h. Y. 

For Bale: Canvas, etr., by Showman: car by Can- 
too Blorege and Loau Oo., lent by It. II, Armbraater, 
freak lamb by .1. B. Ilcno, boraoa Uy Theodore lewis, 
show psloungs by Tucker Brolhors, K. J. Ilaydan A 
Go., Clarence Faggand F. M. Ohambeit; scenery by 
V. E. Hills, band wagon, elo., by LaOiaud; ansiom- 
Icsl specimens by Prof. Arnold and K. lioebmolti, 
Duglclana tables by T. K. Addy, marlonellaa by 

Itblow, privileges by V. U. Andrewa. 
Wanted: balloon Mleanian by K. Van Skalk; 


turer by VIcior and I Jly l.ou/.onu 
At Liberty: F. L. Wayland, trawurer. 
Tbe VcnlcjTrinjHiortailon O. will rent or leaae 

Anguat rollman la the Now York agent for Ihe 
Frail i Co. orgsiis and orchratrtona, which hare 
proron Ihcmselvea ureal atuaollou In nunj re- 

Ur. M. Oppenholmer wants a magic lantern tnd 
slider, also side walls. 

Frank J. Pilling iranis curloslllea and novolty at. 
Uacilons for the Midway, at Uoalon. 

F. W. Wllllami wanta to Imy or lease a car. 

Ur. While Wolf nolldea the nrofesalon that then 
la snotbf r pirty traveling under hIa name. 

Memo, the hnmtn pincuahlou, can be engaged. 

Tbe Crota Printing Uo, recommend their letter 
keada to profesalnnals. 

The Winter Circus llolldlog. In Ohicago, con 
venlenlly alluated and adapted for speclacnlar 
shows, can be leased •Ibrough Ueone 0. Mewbniy 
t Co.. who alao uifer for rent a Chicago Theatre. 

II. B. wania b> heur itoni Hrs. 0. B., Hiss 0. U., or 
Un. R. D. 

The noiel Peahody, Uorganlown, W. Va., olTers 
scconimodallons 10 profeaslonsbi. 

Richards' Studio of Designs posaesees faclllUta 
for supplying a superior Hue of letter heads. 

Hrr. Uucbiruinu can funilsh ladloa' street and 
evening dresser. 

Tne Imperial I'hcaire, Ailania, Oa., can be leased, 

Tlie lloiel Warwick, Chicago, Is teoommeuded ta 
a iirofesslonal borne. 

Toe Columbia Bicycle easily soiUlns lis high 
rank sgalnst lu many compellton. 

Andrews and (Jolden, the high divera, whose act 
lia aurcesa wherever produced, can Oil open Ilme 
during IheSnrameraeaaou. 

I,, ooldsulsh Jr. supplies tronks aod make up 


One of the most noinble reaiilu of thepbenomo- 
nnl jiopulitrily of 'cycling la lliouuirkedeiToct of tbe 
lilcji.'lo Induilrroii allied trades, and even upon 
1 Kden that would seem at llrMi glance lo l« wholly 
oulitldoof any such InHuence. The nucleus of oue 
oftuohirgo bicycle worka In Ibit ronnlry waa a 
sewing mai'hiiie factory, where wheels were mads 
In one corner of the shop on a ver7 small scale. 

Boon tho making ol seirlpg luachlnes liecame 
secondary lu Impurlance, and waa Onally absn- 
doacil Bllogether for the more ptofltalilo bicycle 
liualneiu. Tbls waa only tbo lieglonlng. Since Hie 
use ol tho wheel has becooo ainioat uolveisal, 
many radical cliangex have been wrought. Fur 
toalance,a large walcli raclory baa gone exien- 
Hivoly Into Ibe niauufacture of cyclometera, and Is 
having dlitlcultj tn beep up with lla ordera. 

Another msnufaclory devoted to Ihe niaklog of 
knllllng needles Is now working niglit and day 
Inning out nothing Imlblcrclsspokea. The Duuu. 
faclureof pneumallc tires liaa become a sejiamle 
bnnchof thai <liber busHieaa, and aeveral tomer 
hoasfacbirtra haveduroled their energies to It ex- 
clusively. Tiro nuiklog. In turn, hss led to tbe pro- 
ducilonoraoaphiha frvo rrom panfllnorolberolly 
outtcr for uae lo riiblier ccmenr. 

Tlio carefnl wurkmaosblp required Inr bicrcio 
making has hail a marked etTect upon tbe ataaoard 
of Ihe average artisan, and even upon machine 
shop practice at Urge. A case In point la that of a 
raciury where all the lallics and ouer mnnlon ma- 
chinery. Including llie shafu, have been Oiled wlih 
Ibe most epiirovea aiyle of laill liearlnga. Tbaei. 
pensa waa. of cuurse, great, Irtil Ihe owner Onds 
mat the enieleocy or his worka haa been Increased 
i'l iier ctal.—.'xluilljlf Amrrknn. 


A bubfal young man of ItniD, while alleidlng 
revival meellogs, was approachid by an eamett 
young wocnan. who nald lo bin: 

"Hy dear friend. It would do my heart good 10 
levdyontoihe alur." 

The young lelkiw bealiailngly replied lhal be ap- 
predaud tbe honnr, but as he waa already cagsged 
lo two girls, he could not accomniodaleher.-Jfana. 


Iijjing. It pgta oa the last trowelful ot uoilar, 
1 Is giren to the one who iisea II.'' 

A lady la a bugled cape aod a Ion of a bonnol 
went Into a State Street tllvenmlth's Saiunlty and 
dilfied Into a auaage deparUnaaL Psiailpg lalo a 
sbowcaae, ahe said: "llow much Is that surer pie 
knife with the Ivoiy hsndle I" 

■■That's not a pie knife," answered Iho clerk, 
■That la a trawei used to lay the corner itose of a 
and la (Ire 

•■Wen,lt wonid beapleknlfeltmyhosband gol 
It," replied lbs eustomer. 

Afierawhlle sbs cnnUnued: "llow mnch Is lhal 
heanlirul silver basin t" 

■■That," said the clerk mlldly,"la not a batin: It 
Is a bason— an alma bason." 'rben he explnlucd 
that a haain waa used for water, wbereaa a baaon 
was used 10 receive money oirttingt In an Kplacn 

G1 churah. Then, aa the woman drirttnt toward 
e realm of aouvenlr ipoona, Ihe dork looked at 
Ihe ball olock mtn. 

She canto back again, and, polallng i<< a iiran 
leclum, wanted to know how much lliat niualii 
aland might be, and whether It was not strange 10 
have suon things In s Jewelry store. 

"Tbls It not really a Jswelry sliire," continued tbe 
Clark, aOKbly, "Yuu see. ihia b a goidamlih'a, Iwt 
Ihera hi little dlatlncllon of the lerms In tho weal. 
We have a Jewelry department down that way. 
Tula la the ecclealaaileal deptnnieoi." 

"Well, I declare I" said tbe lady, whose abopplag 
InMlnci was now leally aruuted. "llow inucn 

Tbs pained clerk had 10 ast a nrico 011 a pocket 
pyx, get out tbe cnei, chalice, paten and cliKiilum. 
gel oat an ollaUok, make oa eallouto oo the 
lunettsand roontlnnce, and exhibli an (is font. 

When It vras all over ihe woman caat one llnitcr- 
lag look St Ibe pie knife and asked which way Mon- 
roe Street was.— C'AirJiTu UaH\t Ntrtm, 


Tbe Summer girl, accompanied hy her mother 
doacended from the trala'at Ihe Springs alallon aud 
looked about her. . 

Then she beckoned lo a man driving a iwo-senlcd 

"Horry, Hlav" ho responded, ''hut I'm engaged." 
A shadow ot dltappvlntment fell over ibe favo ot 

"timiimer,"alieexclalnod, "thiHia no place for 
us. The men are rn scarce that even Ibe back 
drivers ato engaged." 

At tbe alallon lieyond, Ibe outlook was lest illa- 
heanenlnr.— rnilA, 




I TUB GKNUIlfB ARTIur.irwil.1. UO 


diaa god'cloaCo.. lldnliMltaainbara. OalL llo.. H. t 


aialarartlcubra. ALBBHT LVHH. 

But Schodsok. RaoB. Uo.. N. Y. 


Did ynq «*• || In lul «*ah*a rillM'KIt * rciir ( 11 u)> Id 
ilftta nrvdl** fbr on* iliOltr (||) icruif iiii>«r, a witni* hoi 
ftiHl fw^i ^1 hAV ftutlUnc* or my i>lnr». T«enrf-n\a 
ilultor* (IB) 10 UTboily «lii> r*l\* |t> niBk* ipHnl alili 
»ith«ri>a« ortNHi*»ixiol«i. lY»irtinn)(irorcftili. Riint 
aUnip (br tDivvr tn > Ullrr. WILI. J. llAlinilAN. 
41 K«»l »>VuririHltFnf. Nbw Ynik City. 

Th« Swfftill Homo 8009 Written tn Yeora. 


njr "KlliDAV." 

(Qnarlalla avr«Jot*mi>Dt or thia ai.iis nun- rfiilr al IS 
canlaoiln) KIINKaTWIMO.N, VA>HAH «,SUtl«l,TUN 
and nthar wall knitwii artlkta iiiahlna a hM hit allh II. 
The abovo utnw tir any i,r tka riilltiwins lOr. ..acili In iiip- 
raaaloDali: "IINB UK Tlllt ilAIKTV IMIIDI." by Thack- 
•lar: ■'Wiil'-ii war hiIali. i iiii. katk -'hr iira- 

haai; "I LnVK VIIK VKr." I.r lliiMntakl: '-rllK NKWH. 
HIIV AND TIIK HIIHK." lit tUiarkliml: "IHIN-r I.HAVr. 
VIIUH IIRAR Ol.b WirrillillN IlllUI-V'lliia iiillialtrl 
Buae, hT IVinrara; "IIII. UV JllNAII,"liv Kunl: "Ifliv 
DIIH'T VOU HI'BAK ruH VIIUHXKI,!'. JIlllN :" I.T kaol : 
"TIIK IIIHL srst IHIMll." ilurrlinlra, ly 
Hmlih. t:aU and hear nur olhi r iiaa a»naa. 
CIIAS. W. HBLU. :lll Weal 'tUlh HI.,N, V. 
W. II. l>'llll>Ar JU„ DlanaKar, 
ThIa ollleo la fur a^eloalTO iiworiiruliwaliMial.. Ilroli In 
• ban In ii)«n aod a#aiia 



ll*LL,OOM«.-llieW ANU KBCO.tlM <>M 

Hand, uiirririi maub to iirokr. aaoK.vrtiiiiiH 

FUBSiaMBD. gaBRlCli. gtiitala. Mitli. 


llrka'la'lrw.anl«i7_ana*ar'atniioa, br wire, In 

Sober. Hal 
lo aviry 


bl«,(lu<Ml A|poaiauto. Uaatboaiutlaoiaji 

Ilka ta hear ornr>t obM|i«r. 

Ban rliaasa acta; ooa weak nud; will aire 

VIUroR ANP I.ILLV U»UiiO». Allal. N«l 

NEW pi,aV for twulvb c'rkti. 

BRNDtttwoeaouoalanipa lor a priotad copyurarraD 
tlfalynaa (I act. ft ohanetar) oomaOy-drama. "Saltlad." 
Playa Bbatcboa, Monolosua^ Alurplacaa Faroa^ Hoota, 
Farwllaa, ala. vrltlan to onlar. or ravlaad. Saad alamp. 

Playa Bbatebsa, 

FartMlaa, ala. V 

HARRY lllllDggsoW. I jao Uoaereaa su; Loolarilla. K j, 

nnat ba rail alia aod aa aood aa ttaoaamvla III nanohaalar, 
andtboap. Addrauat onea HR. R. U„ lUIII rlitrlw Hi , 
Now Orlaaoa, I.a. Hlau appaaraaco and worklaa or 
Paydio and lowaal prtoe for ap ol caah. 

LIRdfcllALL ATAWSlal.KkOtllh tVA. 
ooniox Buiomar aaaaoo. Hulubla ror thaatrleaL ooacorl 
or other aliow purpoaa*. Tnr panloiilara; ad.lra«a 
RNTBRrHiaKeara o fntllTK B. 


IIKSTIIISI4. At Llbany, UAN rALMEH, • olond li.iiia- 
-laa, wlu hIaUalriinn Baodol Motaaloalaa. WouU Ilka 
ta tiaar rrem rajpooalbla tnaaaaera. Addraaa 

1(0.11 TKWil nOUBT. Wawpotl. k. I. 

plaoai. ala. Addraaa LBrFAHU. Mar., Ilsioralowa. Bd. 

OKIAT RfkOTARULAH AUt, HIarvoplleno Daseo. Uio 
Mnait cAjatam airacta arar prodooad. Ofarfaloiiito b«- 
hoU). 19 olhar kmjA apwi'altlaa. All aulialilafor lady 
audiaoc*. Alto to hrnia. Halarrlov. <!aajoloa«yaolkl 
cuBpaor at oaca. Adilroaa, ror odo waak, 

a U. LKW Ilt 11 Braaar Mu. Ko tfelk. Va. 
akiTicI). iRHTvAalt, AtiV KfTfrW 
■udEUH HTurr. , J. i. risiiBk, 

g7 gaat klhby Rlraai. LInia. 0. 


IXlgEDIANlhat HiDga anj Kaeaa. aod Ibal eaa flay 


- — ga and paaeaa. aod Ibat eao Play 

Piaan or Oraao prararrad. BUI Rhapard. Billy Rowara 
and llarvr Ulark. plaaaa wriu. Addraaa Jianroa and La 
Plata l!laetri«B«llrJvKr.nT»otli>L.W t»alloa. W v., 

"AMT BTAieirWOhifriBV I.IKlt'M 

srUDY. 8B<li N CKNTS FUR HakFt.B la-SHklST 


IIS Haward Rtreel. Waakataa. 1 11. 

WAMTltD, Full Rapaitoiy Oo. lhal eaa act: taallS' 
maa muatdoabla lobaod. Laadar. CitraalaDd Vddla i.r 
piaoo; Wofaas wlih cUrar child: K.iDbialla that can 
alog and danoa; Buaa nwiURar BKH ; aa up to ilau 
Ceoiedlao.aalarvlnoubalow. Aildroaa 

HANAOER barton CODRbV I'd., 

<:iaAHAtri'Kia no^olAtiii/fia^sil* ACTB 

WHlTTRNTonfiiDKn. srAHF r»H hkfLv. 

OIIABtRa II. BARHV. BoiM Minaaap'dla, Blon. 

•oiUB coiriiktrf kli 

_ad Ravlaad: aoala pot lo Woida, or Accomp. aaada lor 
Malody: Band. Orehaatra or Maadono Moalo Arraagad. 
outs L. LBWII. a» Rlelimood HUaai.niaalanall. O. 

ndfATBUtU*.— Ilowu Hurt la SliowBoalaaia, wbal 
Aau to Xaara. aad How to Loam Thain, fiilola oa Aalarv 

, larv 

aad rirat Apf>aaraac«j Llat orMaaagara LlkalrtolToad 
- -arrle* " ■* 

Bugan, IT T 

. «, i.,B*lyti 

Taor Borrlcaa, Copy or LaUar to Maitaaara,at«. tmtt largo 
boaka, taall,pottpald,>etaia. UiUla fab. (io. 

Vaokaa i:iiinadUn aod 

, itoloa a IWMltyniloula 

nooolosiia aad uklaa four aod flra aaeoraa olahtly. a 
rtl1aa<l aad aoval apaelallr— all lanaha. Addraaa 

SALTLABK ' IIY^tJlah._wr.k afj-b 10. 

"WKWficu—fiaUiiinKi. tCT.. ofkh* lioI/alC 
BA.KU A.HD iiRi;iiasrnA cumpany ror rob. ii, n. or 
olUi*r: lorna s TS. No alioaa aloca Oetohar: haao mllar 
alallDs. WaatSbora K R Bhop. Pav Pn|,., 

«»J0;iala«O. 1. II. Bi.tlARrNP.Y. 

■net play orgaa ; my limits. 

UK. n. « l HPAKII LKII. IJaakairovo, Pa. 

incTl. UTCIIflfCMh 
llalc, with Aaaa Eva. raylTo.. 

WABTKO— aa1rR"aDd parfennars; piayaftaaTiiit 
-iT.Kr, Cbll-paaa Hod. Co., Bilfutd Sqoala, (ocka 


PitH HALK Of Bi.;liB0t« for ahiiw ProMny.Sbla. 
ifaow Palolieta pra'arrad; ooa Ally root Taot. tilaf a Blow. 
MS Ballnwa ooa Puey llareaaa. Buraeptkoa Lay <hil, oo 
flava. Eadoaa alaiop 10 

XllOIC Vtum.Jut-trm. ». T. 

Ian, Kin, lo ..idar: iiaat 
AW.TStN. an, St . Ill Ha. 

HiCiSivHiem.Mf. voomu 

Tort; .and alamp. JOAKIiRaiUR 



r*tholOi1mrilf)telBiDi <>r aftry awtlpiUtQ naJ«Ud 
■poo ibort wiUe*. All So* rr*o«h vnrk. Mad»ni4 
■ Cmmtlha opvniloaooliaad. Hl(bl/ftiir«^iltt 

Dt.natttn Hoebraoih. Aruitirai Worfiir, 

' DloitmriiptelBi 
I I 

fp«elat< — 

ID ■oath ftih Af t W»w \nrM. 


IM Allea St.■aa^ Kaa Tort Clly. 

I iiRv liuliil oxiioiiMfw. W'ffV nIiiiiiIh, 
H\n a. VOIINH, Mminirei', 
M pItIIIo C utniiiiiijr, IVrro Ijuiilf, Iml, 




Oi Bowary, aiiil M Kiral HI., Kaw VorV, 


Will tnib* liiurilir la tnlnlktu'*, ffimi 1 to2n. N|iior«, 
ur IlluiIuB (ir Trick trar Bilili.'tttl; •■■oMiatn of Uv 
itW.N ORIIIIMAl. TlluBldBB, wlilrli ma Hi* onlr ahm »( 
III! hloi) Id Aiiicrlu. ThN MtoUiuro will U ■ hRnKKlT 
MUUKb ID *wtf daltl) uiil r*ail|r lu wrirb. f fau I** laktir 
1/1 • caatrMbir uhI inuilpl lollubwl i ■ VTIIAT KVfcli 
HI/.K DKHIKBD. Nt> tr— lornniiaifon hItwi. I'rlnn 
nngm rrom lip. Ur r«i>ui«(hiii !■ • luarAr** \u ulirt 
ullirulIoD. Aililrci4 rMiV r.HA*. OMVt.l.K: 
Miiiiii'Uir. N»v JwraeVa 

r . H.-IUy frr Ihrea IIKI I'HKINH. nuni.mi.. 


A FINiiT OLABN HAND WAfltm. nar.-r urad ; alao Iwi-lve 
laraaaod rmall lllfAllinn. lfiurlaraoand*.iullTKNTH, 
a MVIHII Pliyri'NIt UrtFIT.TItAI'K/.Hand IHil' 
iiiiHiy.iiNrALBAHa,aTiiiiui'Kor SKVKH rKiiriiHU 
INIIDlHIAanlMlNblAM I'llKV and Hllliw KIllFF li. 
tlia antoiiot or olalit Ihouiand diilU.a. al ymirnai. nrlra. 
Hand for Hat. Addraaa LAIIHANI). Illililariinl. Mi<. 


AjDbra«1(ir*|>«e(it lol*nit t« aM mingtn iinI ynht- 
ilnnil iwpla, lwu*l miiollilr. Hand lau rfulii (ur 
Minifir ' - ■ 


rbfir uf y»hTu»tY niiitilifir. 
■HUKO Wiliri!l>."MirlNrVHK. KRIIMV A fli, 
W Wwt T«nDiy ninrli fUr*^ Ka* Vtiik. 


E. J. HAYDEN li CO., 

ion (s III) UsMilway, Broolalyn, N, V. 

The Aurora Budget 

UtOflVtHfoh rurnr)HR|HANNlli<l IhrtMilnlnK •IllflDK 
ftD(l UlhlBMHlii. lleMUlmUlB JtmlltH, b>|ilr«) MiDM-, 
mtomt aiwl tlanMi, ditrtcltir rmikm villi « unr* kihI iniiBlr. 
TM Brnt ciM op U> dm* NOf((H (l(IUI-H: til klml* 
nfufa. lapiriM, nalui(i>(ii.iiH) » funiir ttucflicl ffticn. 
I'riM II (00 auinp^. .A<Mri;M 

AH1< »'|tH. CO.. Hai Al. Aurnn, III. 


TO IIANDLa PIIUPI. Aililrasa. aa iipr 
roala, <>. II. UKKtl, 

Wtawagar '*JoahMa Ml.iililalna" t.'a. 


IjBUii rrMb ofoACur*. Wki KlKur«», AniUmtctJ, I'lirl' 
llHl iChl MuMRilflsd ■uljtcia Ui (irdar itl Urn uuiuwl 
owllc*. fRdK. AH.SOI.I). 

rUII uJILEa»«*'l'"*ii'Fi ('■•Mi>B ■is'i iis>(r« •riiiF, 

ivil wriMi. lIii,,,, "yaiMiM. ffftiilrAbt.CiMiK*] 
WiRvor. 84IUI ■iAaiprcr^rlftt«/1 llataniliiriui. HlKiir-- 

JiloB. Will trult i4n r-ir aolniAU hchI ciiailifiB. a>1- 
rMl tmnWMAtl. »/4 Kris Hr.. Tol*Uo. O. 

4'4iiiUf«>. Willi i«o VJlfalii Fnlniii*. 
(frHilori IHiiliiv ir»<1 Ihirr* Triil*. 

S O El EI fL TE^ 

abaaair aod onlakly, Auiataura aupf.ll«d. 

dllAS. i.lill,tH lanSn.adwat. »«» Yi.rk Clly. 


(.flVKItS. PliatelafaMaalcaadMlllualAH-araliia .Now 
alyta. nlea r«L Viif fmln ehtap. H-aitpa for liala. Ni. 
p oauka. TI IIW. K. Aliur. Dtfalur. H. 


BI/KHA HTAalFllHIi. Ili.lnnloan. I'a 

UUSIO HALL, MUton, Inda 

Rmu yo FMpU: P«l>uUlloa nt Tu>n, 1CU>. A («m 
Wfd •oUTUlomBQU ttfi Meur«<Ulti hr vi'Uaflim 

McHKA* A PAriKlffpi. Hlllufi. Iml. 


AU. A.viiHFji, r.:o 

l.a(*»r SIraar. Saalnaw. K. H 





MUaSIFIIID BKIilPA. No dtpwil. (Inly sua ' 
ia« oiipfvaa. Baad afarp|ia lor oaa ea'ab#iio. 
BBUUttllAlIN, I.T:* laaioitoa Ara., N. V. Clly. 

linir auaranlaa I r 
• P.B.NP.Nt 




Deacon went t-Mrty, ^ hitne* feci rin 

wan rauL 

Ooct • rkh oU Dcwon who wu good u bi ceM be. 
Hftd bolb bli MBcdaonlaM feet cul off bdo* ibt bitcc ; 
Doctor* vork<4 upon him their trcitntal CDpqwtrcil ptln. 



WtrttMinokky REFRAIN. kUTU BODINtud £. «l. PACKARD. 

a. WAV. AndlopkhimwhfrdlxoUlrjinpuMdto 


nt DtUM "Ml Mlrvi (f kl' "t" '•«« "*t' 

And look bin wbcic the old Irunp nti to foi 
Ht >lf M loi •npatitloo •k<n he l«it npnollc^ 
For llxr llofnnl In mh plun -Ooa'l foa liMv;' 
Foitc of kiUl wuIIk fiiM* Md Ml Iflcildo wai koni' 
lldimluaMbbvlAudoltttrEiMUi (M; 
Ht ratemcd u> npUlil, M kit uni ni tO b Tito, 
Aad Mck ni He Oikdi/i dikiuu. 
Tto'wiMrfst SENTIMBNTAU 80NG8 tr* «b« bMt IMW uag* poblWial. 

'YoivitheeirllLova." "A Hone for Two." "My Dai." 
"HmYBo GiveB Baek Her Letters. Ton?" 

Mi ml Ofcliestra Parts free to ProfeuIonalB mi^ Cud or ProjniD. 

Thn Ibts ulM kUki Io Ikdr M to mtkt bim «ni ifila. 
And to « ptttJrf trtmp *a bjlttd. tb« itofjr qtlcbly toM ; 
Hi ctn ut Docun bolk bU (M (gr lUda of ^lo> eoU; 
Tbor tawed Uma (roB Iba vifrul't hp. k« ttood ll ao6lr. 10^ 
Aid Um apo* lk< Oocoa't fob tb< tmofn't fret looa imr. 

noRus - . 




The Building Occupied by 


A eanTealant coracr, caB<r>ll7 locBloal. 
t«a(lBgBb«at!l,UOUpaapla. H-fill sdaplful 
Air VavdaTllla or SpeclBt'olar flliotta or 
AiBBHiBaBU or tbocbaraet^rofKoatarA 
Ulal'a la Haw York CItf BalldlnB bow 
Im aood eoaillllaB. glage and gallarjr 
aeatlag gun mora woalil lia put In for aa 
aoeaptabla IvbbbI. Will loaio tor a <aria 
ofvaara. AddrMa 

OBO. a, NBWDUnV St CO., 
ITl La Walla Wt., Ulilcate. 111. 


"There's a Gharaliu; Little Creature, 
Ob! So failing," 


Ttaira'ia cliAntirni lUila croaton, Ui, lo wIddIdi, 

BouataouiNaturewlih a geo'roui hand niinillnir, 
llaiaBdowad Uili lltllv cr*ator« wlUi ptrfeci form %ai 

Aoii litr ■iiltvni, aho ara laglon, aadi to wId horhaod 
ara vlllloit- 

"The Sporty Girl," 


I I'm lb* corolDji voman. iJiat I Hiva you atnliht, 
I cofoa It orar p«m aa«] the rent 
Io taa lataal cut of biMininn I em IiM>klng flraal, 

Aal 'ojrolaoD the rooilwAy wllli lh« l>eNl 
Profaaalonal cnpe«a f|rmtl«, EnoloM 
play bill. Orcbvatr* parts sent to Itia 
pnfHaloB on recvliil of cania each. 
lltniLTOM s. uonuoN, 

I3J Kifllt Avonuf. N. V. (.'(Iv 




8. 8. THOBP & CO., 

ao FUiffON »T.. W. V. •_ 

and NGNTAL lllFMENi 

. NewaffaoU Id Mind Haadlna. Rll^nl R«ei)0<l ftltbl, 
ThMRhl TraoeiirvDce aotl HlXrV onrUK KPKKOTa. 
froTaailoiule ta; It Ir a danilf. lUntlt 35 ceDte fbt thli 
andmoet orlilaal Haflleat Oai-alox «iT«r luuad. Ratln- 
CaaTlno niaiaatawl. OUAfl. L. hOrLINOAMB A CO., 
BQiasi.Ohleaio. III. 




Oa tha llaaorRtra*! Hailwaja. aiul a |io|iulailtin otmjOOt 
allkin a radlu* leu rotka. h>w raillbiG (Vert 
1luiue,«ilbH:«Qerr and perai>)iera«lli. Aiii|ilillh*«lr«. 
vltk aaaUoR capacity lur tLlWtu lo,iU) Monle, and v^rk 
ol t«*Dl)>a(ra. lqi|Mflll>in lii«l|r<l AddroMt all rniir 
muDlattiiaet^ JOHN HBNORK. TnniFi*. Hcrrilnn. I'a. 




Two flftaao mlnuta acti Tor Die i(or, uoa for tbeelde 
•hov aod one Tur cancan. Ali*i l«n niuDTentrvaa, aod 
th*ninDleai*'iiM nouiaii" eTvr uoiler, a t^r>l. Muaitfri 
aadtaae)-ourleU*nti} V. J. PKHItV. 

Aruaipptnni, H- V. 


Theatre to Lei 

OoBtrally looalod, Bawlf ailnl up. Rani 
Tvaaoaable Ibr balanca of aoBoua. For 
partlcalara adilroaa LUVIH K. JVLU, 
No. ttlWI Mala 81.. Uagalo, N . V. 


BBOOND 11 «NU. IN UOOD tN)KUlTION.-Oa* ftXL lound 
tDivouaBOiB), one ft)imtOneUilTU,uD«a6itiauaaft)i)UJ 
tuU uaa 6O1I1O. Will luaka areola) prlea* (or thii tutinili. 

m aad 91 RIehmcBd Rtraat. BmIiul Maea. 



u^lolu. toil Vant^ tihl Juilr Hinl£ulttor_K_R.— Rt' 



Mtd.t^ot. »i 




Booi anj Oaaca, Jl(t, Oh>ir. 
Uafioloa Uuitil, l\ir Ih* aiaiii 
BialM. J. WCKIAN.»M At»i 

Irlnh Jljr, Heal and Buck 

alalia or aniuMioaBt, tMrcalue 
ATeoua. New York. 

Juistoin, N. Y. Allen Open Noust, 

ISM and IM. Raatlofi cawolijr, 1,S)0l ri>r opto dalMi) 
hJdraw 11. r. ALLBN. Uaoer and Mioeinr. 

Janiattown. n. Y. 



c<i.u u K. WASUiNarox htmbt, 


Hns Photo ot DAN EMMEH (auto. 

OUAI'll). author of "Ulila LaniL" mailed toaajraddru* 
»p wce lpiofasa WARD ARTBTUDIO. ML Varnoh. 0. 


f Im eUat Id all lu arpolnimKiita. Bpaolal titea lo lhaal 
rical comi'aDlaa. Hotel aod tbikatr* In aeme atiuat*. 
L J. I'RABODV, ftvpr. 

mmim prince albert and full 

UllKW (XIATH ANU VK-iTS, ei 10 tu. Urio BIMk. Oo^ 
t.«>.i.Unot tollilird. TIUU DCnN LOAN, HTURAIIE 
AMI) HKB. CO..»ltrf«iililliiA»o..lll UukMii 

AT LIBERTY, Characters and General 

Bl'IIIKKai. I'rahi Koparlulio Cn. CindoiMoln Bud. 
Aikltaia J.J.BIitilJiii. D«lt»«u llmi* ilomlUtlllt.N.t 

BAND UUSIG.%^l.■i%^'t£StlSl%f!^J!^,^ 




FolM and SUbea, 8EA.T8, FUg% Etc 


V acoii>.uixi)U)>Tu,ain,ncioi8u>. 










Tbuta markod * hare orcbaauatloDn Irae. Band 10; aad 
iironammanmrd Tor tha aboracollecilnn. FItAKK 
IIAHDINtrB MUHIC WTOnE. CT Bowsry. New Vork. 


BID. $AJD\ 38ln., UJD; S3lQ., $T4U: SBIo., lAOO: tOla.. 
UjU: 4StD..|l(liO; Companinaoi tnr«.tDalal tnuod. fl: 
X4il8clr«ue tniakt, 9AK conpleta. Bill truoki, SiOild 
IobI<]o,|9J0. LlllioLruDki.U>(i0il3loaldo, flliO. Buv* 
and Mkolelon (olloiran, $l.a» aod tlJO- Bblpped oa n- 
o^lpt of ULOO, ImI. O. 0. D., aacepl orer SOD Diliea, iheo ta- 
tull whole aimmoL Muilcal InuruneDt, ticket aad lUkn* 
a|o:«'tniDkatooivler. Rattan Ila*keui,wl|b tnj, lialnc, 
corer. ato.. Sla.. IlltO; aSla., flUO; «io.. BISAD. Bt» 
keu enliitwd oa racallit n( price. 

IteUb. UN. M-ae North Tlh Biraeu miadelpfcla. 



DtDd for Ntw CttjUoine 




PIrai 01a«e Anterlcaa Plan Hotel. Raton. |3.(D to U.OO per 
dny Not«d fur ll:a excelleoca uf itii culiloe. uiKAltd 
wiiliiD one M)uare ot time llrtfl claw theatni. Mr. John 
O'UoDDelL ruriaerh- hud «aller at lh« Uuroel IIouM, 
ooer liaioliarRd of iltedlnloii room lu ihlaboiel. 
H. H. UUWBAR, Preildaot aod Maoanr. 


Saet woretod ilRhiJi, raducod tolAiDtar 
•at; icood qoallty, |I.OD: |>ar a«t;cottM, 
U4)|>erB«t, Inauy Mior; Id hUck.plDk, 
vblu aod nary blue, rod, aky blueTuTeo- 
dar. iiraea anil wine. Bilk iliilita, 11(00 
paraat:PniHaulu.9T.tD to |r4aj;Raiko 
ralia, 11D.QD to %*)M: Punira, aicta.; OaI- 
ten, llAk Sand for cauloiniaaodaam- 
plea of Uahu. Batlmatae by nail. Da 
PMill rMulrod. BPICBR UHOU., 
MO BTerman Ara.. Brooklyn. R T. 


Nuw «n rvDto Ibrouih Buro^ 


I'aiiiouH rfeatltliiillalnr ood Vontrll. 
mtuitt, ud company of flmt cUu 
anhu (II paorio). heailM] lir hie 
Ureal Bomailon. ilie lecompluihfd 

WIGS ""Mr 

SURE Fim Estlnatesi 

tH Boglh Bletenth Streeu Phlladalpbla. Pa. 

Mu m TO mi 

Located od noe of tlieraou proiiiloent corDeralo Brook, 
lyn. Cafe. Lodqaor Bllltani Honina and Bowline All aT^ 
all coDi)>lete aod new. Pur rarilciilarB caII or adilrMuto 
Buihwlck Are, and McMrule Bl.. Brooklyn. N. Y. 




166 North NlnU St. Phllt. 

"ProBiPtQaaa a CtpaelallT." 
"Oood Work a t:erUiBtT." 




DATKB. lioplldtrtlltDCaapolUantlttUta. 


Bnllt la order on abort BOlloe. Writa for partlnlaim. 
lUaainiad caialoia* OCWsT CO., 
10 Atwnior Bt. Datmlt. MIciL 

NiwTilcts. Nil lOOPmPlctorlilCililoEn, 

■llbpicvutfaoflNdlnKProfkaAinnal^ Lateat Burcpeaa 
QorefiU^ maaiQk eacond aitbland aatl-ei>lriiaallaa,ap 
todata. Bend llcanu foraanie. Norraaliu. 

W. D. LB Rt*T. icn Omrt Bir»eL B4«t/«. HiM 


Md.VOLCKIl'K.'). BKhTCIIEH. AmRI'IKCSa, Vrillea to 

Onler lir Iho OM Nolltbl^ (oacloia titino) 

lIliOHOE IIIRKB. Hi ffaii ailli Bum. Ntw Y^rt 



11 ARBAOH A Cn.. K» nib>rt"iTV 



VA.N F-LlCHn.'. 
Glider BmUliii, ea-tO CENTRE IT. I 





^ ^ — --fc-* — ' ADDRB88A8 ABOVR. 



Knalaoil'a Datt SlEalng aad Acrobatle ComadlaB and THE OREAT ECCBIVTRIC DAHCBR. Will b. at Ilbarty afi.r w„k 
P?53for F!i".Com5dy orH!i|b Clat. VaadeTlllo ComblBBlloB., on aeCBut of "Blaok Crook" oloalBg aeaaoa Feb. II .t AtSJ 
.B.K or MBtlc. J.,..T Cf.y. " ACIA WY IHT OF 8«0 W^„^^^ ,„ „ QKO. LIMAW, lOUC liU. 81.. K.w V.rl.. 



"The Rights of Vcnezneln." 

Br J. R. IIENMNil. lalroductd tr Jon. Rioioia. Al. 0. 
KItkl. Doonallr A tnl oUitni. Poll of fun : up 
lodtia: etirrroTMtgUKEllu. PnCmlooilMaDl lOc, 
wllh can] or itmrnmnie. for copr. _ 

(BuulKul inoilior ua;. wllh yoiltl. Plot for mlauralM. 
A irrtti MIT. Book l<r Ji«. Brmilloj. wllh Al. Flakl'i 
Mlnitroli. Eocorox niKtitlT. Sonil toc. toj can]. J. R. 
IIFHMINri. I.oa IiA.t BroajIBlrott, RlcbioocJ. Vi. 



**DO ITAOAlNr* IteO libt, comic mile ipecIaltT. 
By UcUlooovD. 


"BWRET .tORAII, MV OWN.'Ly'UVK ?•'<'• 
OR JIU. ja^TTilt Boon and Danca li a QtDulDi Not- 
tllr.aaO Iho lilt oILoDdoa AUo b; McOLENHON. 






Ellis' OratI Bjccom.) Br EcOltonoo. 


HIL _ 
■THE LAND OF DREAMS," Palhtuo iTeierlit 

lira Booc. Ur McOlannon. 

4IF ALIV >lolto BtDul. 

nm«tTrolt*H llio By HcUlannoo. 

MrOIIIIIK" (Irldi Ulalocll. Hcllloooon. 

INarrwllraao*] D«i<r1|>tlra). McOltnaoo. 
M- Anr 01 lha furtgoInR looft lOo. ach, WlTfi 

a< aad an North Moore Street. N. V. 
Don'l forjot "Oil. MB. UITCUIN I" Ibe ABSOLUTE Un 




One 01 the larseiit aod ite«i a^iuipred theati'ee la the 
couDiry. fienlluic capacltr. 3,(tU. Lithtad tbTOU|hoai 
bv iraa and eleculcdr. Ileoir droHlns roomi, aod an 
kbui)daDeeDr*c«Qfry lo eioelleot coadttlon. Bill boaidt 
are located Id iMAi |i1kc«ii In cltr and eubuiba. Tkaatra 
cenlrallr located on Ui« prlndval otnol. Electric can te 
all parte ofcilj and iiuburbipiM the door. 



NATHAN B. 600DNOW, Owner, 

2 Post Office Square, BortOR, M«». 


Twelve leugtlia of tan tier Bemte, 

er, all cotitplete g7a 

Two new Charleti, only- aaed on Ibne 

flair tnicka Uat Foil 000 

One Clown C«at glA 

Doe Top Pony CArrl»|{e #40 

Two ChttBilellifra, two Bruaon each, 
•net two itavfl on each, ^ood five 
Ion tanka on encb, lall complete, 

Kldd bornen $33 

One large Ootdoor Liglat and two 

■luall ono£ $10 

Adilrea ' ti. E. niCII. AKeal, 

Box WelUvllla. n. Y. 




BItuated Hldwar Between WaUrtown aod Utin. 

Horo Uood AUrncUous Tor Fotruary, 
March and April 

8eatpil,aoD; olectilcllftliu; newlj radacontad lowhlia 
aod KiJid. WduKl like an opam or bnrleaquB cooipaoy. 
AddreMWM. COMtfTOftR. MAomer. 


Willi One Thousand Dollars CasI lo Take 
One-hall Interest aad Act as Treasurer 
lorOae of the Best Known Aoiast- 
ment Enterprises In America. 

KlMrloDcrO intntner will loroit tinl pul Id iloBar for 
dollar wllh ilifl rlcht ptnr. Ool>- partltt «llb tpot caah 
am] moaolog hiiilnoM aililrtw 

CaiwBPAUHMWil A (IHAY. itWowinUi BL. New York. 


Oil Old EstjibUHhcd Thciitre 
and Place of Aiiiusciitciit, 

Ijorated rlaht In the liaart ortbecllyaBd 
hoielt. Aildreaa GEO. O. NKWOVHY A 
COh ITl La Salle St.. Chicago. III. 


I haTaareaMDableamiMiniorcapiul tolmeailna Om 
olaM or^Rolted rviwrtolre cvom^t or ttroofc melo- 
dniitawMhffuMl|>rlntlitr. TTiorrtniLlr oiperianrcd. Ad- 
drew, «lili nimplvlii «nd lull riTilculanflrtt leller, 
W. B. WALLAHK. (Icnentl Dcllr^rv. Tror. S. Y. 

Wanted, Information. 

will HRS.C.B.,yiSSC.C.orMRS.R.D. 

Fleaae aoail addrMa to A. OOODMCII, ID* 
Urnrborn Street. Chicaao, at oaca. aad 
obllne • ' B. B. 


ruDDloa their owo cna., aod alluiben, lo write for Mrtleu- 
laraiot)ieDenulD«,UriKlaalfciidOU R«liableKlo««lndUa 
MwllcloaCi.. Wlllnmiiorl.Pa JAMBWALLlflOK.rropr. 


linHRBM FUR CIRCUB RINa. Bis. Kloil taHimlefor 
rlJlQilorilrirlni. AdJrwM TIIBODORR LBWia 

aWattBtrtathBuetl, Ml. Vtnioa, M. T. 


''Just You, My Love, and I 

Choral It arraagad la tieaatlAal vraitx time, and bonad to oatcb snjr asdlenre, 
(Pnctor'a Pleaaare Palace.) JPrlianao and Weit.) 

(fthain*t OctorooD Co.) 
(or Howard aad St. Clair.) 

tbe Orwt BarlloBe. 
BiBf lag Comedlaaa, 

aadmiDrolhonaiwehtarfromUitm. Froftalooal capiat. wIUi complaU oiotitttraUoDA aaalto ptortnlooiliAB 
racalpl of 111 dt. lor malllm. Bcoillo T.'.E WOLF MIISIO FOB. CO.. MW. Mill BL, Ktw York Cllr. 


OlTen nree t» Itta ProfeaalOB foar of tbe 
he baa ever compeied. 


A "Kid" Boag aad a Certala Wlaner. 


AWnllx Bonganperlor to »y placed ap> 
on tke marbet for year* paat. I bave 
more Iblth In Ihla aong than any I ever 
compoaed. Tbe melody la b«autlftil, and 
the wortla tell a prolty atory. I look npon 
tbe aong aa a certAln anccea*. 1'he two 
oiber aoiaga are perUapa better anlted fbr 
the bome than tbe atage« yet I laclade 
tbem In ibU lot, ae 1 Icnow tberei are 
many pmfeaalonala wbo have aia earfbr 
well written hlpib olaea ballade. 


« Kstt KOtb St. 

4,flaT Cbamplmln Ato, 


We liave been studying to obtain 
good songs for professionals 
and now offer n few. 



All Btandird RMRiand billada! To prDretiloDioolr. 10c 
One eopr or tba whole coUaeUoocompleie Tor Dc. Sand 
IVc lDflampeorca*h, aod racelTocoolae br return malL 
229 BowoiT. Wow York OUy. 



Good All Daj Door Talkers (Harry Aia> 
broae, write), Little Han, LIUIa WoaaB, 
Saabe Cbanner, Oeod Looklag Lsdy for 
IlIaaleBa tbat dMi aome apaolaltv, 
Fraaki, not att'ald of baUvtaoolnK. Ad- 
dreaa J, D. HARHIBO.^, Menderwi, Ky. 

WANTED, Gooii Attntlkiisiiidlanli ud Anil, al the 

Sltuatid oa Iht R. \r. A o. R R, midway Uc. Utica and 
Watortown. Towouotthowad lo dtaib. bin haptrr tor 
^ R. H.JOBhBON. Banljar. 
W ASrBD, lo h«r fVooi ptrty with anall VrnDo Bbow 
ouulttt aood onltr. 


At Liberty for Italance of Season. 



care of Chlittodtp Hoial Cotuaboa. 0. 

Optn lor Engigentnt, Seison ol '96, 


l>-mia)i«ni-l3 AU Imclaaa people tad loloUU. (Ko 
maihon or luthtn.) Waal lo bear IVem Bnt daa Bum. 
mar latona oolr. No ODt but paopla wllb laputallon 
aaodaatwer. Bllaat totU olbara. WahaTtareptftoln 
of uiutM la tlrinctod bimtt taeond to dobo. tat ara opto 
dtlo lo bolb. Addreta BHOCKBY Ba03.. MtAnliur. 0. 



£,''.*,5!Si'Hl.J*J». '"D OHCBBSTRA. "LATB OF 


tOfl BooDd To|i. wllh Two VXt. BIddIt Flicta. Netrli 
Dtw. otiv utad 6 rauQlbt; It ptnulBod.maklDi It water 
rrooCaodpraTtBttmlMtwaad rot llaapiaDiutentraoca. 
with LA PEARL'R RAILBOAD niRRUB. Addra•^ wlUi 
tlanp. LA FBARL'BWlNTBBClRUUR.DantUX IlllDola 

"So They Say." 


For till brOI.ITER DITBON (H>., BoNoo, Mtlt., or on 
bo oblajuid of E. C. FOWLBR, Wa>raoolb7>ltia. PiBt 
pottptW. 11 caala. 

FOR SALE. Seienti Ft. Rooal Tea, ilth 

I^'?' ■^ c!".'!""" fi*£f ! ™ «> ■""'tt Kldd 

lliht. It Eactloat 10 TIar Baau. ona Buka Pillar, aoma 
Bceaarr. R. B. ARXBRUgfBR. gprlartek^ 111 . 


BBND.I.OulBtadloiBalUrrorUtktataaapIt: laL 
UtIiMlrapb laOolwa. Now Piwaa'PlBa Wort. Addiaaa 
IbaBtnoe AdrtnlaloiOo, Mad BBtk.,Br r,autoa,0bl 


iBue. isua. iHBB 









Th« Lateit, QimImI, Swettott and Best Song, 


rnroaaloBal capita, itamp aidi; eicbuira piita. 
beAQllhilly anaairtd, tOceuta. 

L. BEROie, Koalo PablUber, 
»ai> gUth ATenae. .Vew York. 

ReipoBdlBg le Tbree and Foar Eacorat 

Tbe EcceBtrlo Irlalt Aoivbatle Comedian 


Aad tbe CbaimilBg Little SlDglag aad 
DaaclBg Soabretto, 


Willi the bit piodDCIIOD, "A TRIP TO THE CIRCUB." 
Col.O. H.Bamlltoii,Pnp.; KcKtowsA Brown.Maai|t.rK. 

Addteai AD PEE ROUTE. 


Geo. L Palmer 


N.B.-05LY0BlalNALSTUPFnRED Addrou 
Wo. I» ABBLAND PL.. Biooblyo. N. T. 



l\l E IVI 

The Uumnn Fincushion. 

Addreu ED. nBHO, 
Car« JaokeoavlUe Brick Co., Jackaon* 
yllle, Fla. 


Strong Heo and loiOan Club Manipulators. 


TON'S POBTRAlT.eto.arruKed for goriaoue llotle for 
either act AUo&PiDa Sot oi BtrODg Mas'a Apuratu* 
and dva of the Urgaat lodlin Chibe dow in nia, Alao a 

kiod or CoUilSK, TlRhta.8&Ddala,ata Tba Pioale men 
UoDcd baa oeTar oean uiad or aaTtblott like (t: made ox- 
pTOUlv formj uvn aae. Raaaon roraalllni, raiJrad rroo 
eiAKebnelnaaa. Taoaa mean log boilnaaaeaddrea 
WM. lCRUaRC.7 Job. Oanipao Afaooe. DatrolL Mich. 

Troasuier and Ticket Seller Wanted 

aarlf iDMay. MuUloveatiaOd to tl.OOOcaib. lamadrtt 
olaaehuatleraad nanifinr. Uadaratand areiy braoch oi 
tbebuelneaaaodatifclly aobar. I will loTan I>OLLAR 
for DOLLAH with agood SOBER man. ViU goaraDtee 
blgmoaarorTill pay RtKMlaaUry, paroeatage aad ei- 

Kuea to the ngbt in&n No tioie to waue od trtdeia. 
I7 tboee wlib the CASD and naanlng bnelDoaa need 
aoewer. NoaiMri>nnDe<«e«arr. bac maatbe SOBER. 
Addreea A. D. WRlOHr. Oanarml DelUerT. Buffalo. W. V. 


— I racaotlyieadaoAd. la Ibii paparcooctraloirapAnr. 
uokaowo to mo. who It going by tlia namaorwUITS 
wOLP. I horaby rIto ooUca, reouaillDf that lha tald 
paily will kindly cbtDia Iba aamt of Wblia Woir.u 
Iba title bu balonrtd to int tloce a child, aad I am oow 
PtMtayaanoltat. Am tba Proprietor or tba BINNE. 
T0.1CA IMDIAKBEHEDIEB. ahlcb ata nil] ou sal. lu 
!ilU?? Oral auretL wlt^tlgnalute, DR. WHITE 
WOLP. 00 aicb and erair label. 
My permanent addrtaa It DEB MOINEB. Iowa. 



Go tbaf^ooaCrDM LetterHaada. ToarcomepOBdeoca 
will be doubly conMderwllr preparlr d(«larod loKbow 
wbUToudo. Addreai GR6E8 FAINriKO CO.. 

ass Daarbom BL, Cbtcaio. 
Robt A. llawlrtia. TrmTellog Hep. 



ablttodo loma work. Ffialclata panNatppli uolr. Ad 
diataorcall ■ BtRUBR. BW BTiaib St.. N«w York. 


^OBDR maD. foar jean eipaneDce^ dealraa poaltloo a« 
trveaurer or baalaaM managar. Koad or pamiaDeot. 
Willi UatenploTarihieereara .Addraea , „ 

F. L. WaVLAND. AMtinolomhliSUUoftrhllidelpbla. Pfc 

Waotti A Giol, Eiperlenced Hu Wbo Tinder- 

SiABda bu buaioeaa, toaall tor balloooa on peneoURe. 
vlUt the Great Sjadlcaie Hbov ibla aeaaoD. Addreu 
ED. VAW BKAIE. IH Bnieo Bi . DaTtOD. Ohlo.^ 


STAKDB. u BoaUi Bala BlneL Jaaatrllla. Wla 



«D DIamoort Soeat. Httrtorg. Pa- . 

For Sail for Ik* Storage Cbvgei, Oii Lirge 

OAR or NRW auow BCBMBRT, licludlai Ifgr admpa; 
alto olbtrllitDtvA ata. Addraaa 

OAlflON grORAOB AND.LOAN 00.. Oaatea. Oblo. 

Wanted at Once, 6oed VUI 'Round 

Perfbimer that Plata ema. BIOyDaFonat, vrlla. Ad 
draea DB. WALTER WST, BplnDertten, BaeU Oo.,*Pa 



U J J L I. ^"•*®»* Dirootlou of . - . . JAS. IE. POWERH. 

Heade d by those Fleet W ing Aerialists, Master Minds of the Gymnaslio World, the Celebrated 


The Highest Salaried Aerial ArUsts the Amiigement Worid orer Dreamed of. Tfceir many Manelons Flights tbrongh S|mre Performpil' nlUi Oracc, Eaw und Finish onir Altaliipd by 

This Company ttUI be orgaalied and equipped «b the plan that goTcnis all Leading Theatrical Enterprises. Many loading Enropoan and InwrieaB ArtNta will grace the banocr* of Ihlh Mammolh Anmiiemont Company. 

ROBIKI and ZAYO,froin the Gim-Reiitzt Btriio; WvrNA^nl OTTO,srPMuT^^ SISTERS CHINIZELLA, Eiii|ijie,Moii. 

A fflU and complete list will appear later. The adre rtblng of thin caropaoy will be on a hnstllns baHla. Special lithographic window and Mand work. New and norol molhods will bo lined to boon UIh priu 

HTPE * BEHBtAM'B THEATRE, Brooklyn. K. Y.. Wtwh F«li. 3. Horn* Addr«». It TRASK STREET. PiotM—o*. H. I. 



To Close Show Feb. 24. Comedy Preferred. No Acrobrats. 
Address HYPE & BEHMAN, Brooklyn, N. Y. 




A. pvatuiODDtor tanay litantare bu bMO publlnbMl, but we b»Te oo book todiy 
, Id Ui« workl thAt C0T«n Uio Tfut ud TAri«d n«)d thU one do«ji-wlur uyintn, gtRt, erou 

9lj[ii,liuinc>roDi pootr>',r«citAtli>nt,nwDuloxuM, (uddv Htorlo, bofA' compMhloim, oonua- 
niiiMmituinpfpe«cb*4, lDvu,>kMeheR ua raony rniKellAnvouKtnMlvroraTerydMcrip- 
tlOQ, A TAlotble TolatDO forproreuloDAl*, raoo, llunr; aoclMie*. p«rlor RmuMmeau, putle*, todRMi, 
ud, for ItAclewud nortl maksup. Abonk foreborcb coac^rtJiADd Umttj «Di^rtalameat«. 

UR. PBANCI8 WILSON— '*TbeiiMralawi or joar book I MR. PETER DAILBV---I hid commeDC«dlo think lha 
DD<iuwtioD«d. Thore U TAilatr or mAtArtAl enough to of humor wai Aboui empir aoill I rud J ANSON'fl 
iiockMT«m) mlQMrelAnd ftrc«con«dreoiDpenlM." S.KCVCLOPEDIAOr CONEDV." 

Prlniad In lAm tjpe, baadnomolr bonod Id colon. No AdrertlnNnsnUi. A hudnome book for r oor llbrMHen. 
B«at to ur ptrtof ttw Onltcd fitai»i>orBrltljh DodaIdiod ncelpt of price. Addron AoihorAiu Publlaher, 

J. HELVIUJS JANBOK4 1,103 Walnat Bl.. PhUadelphla, Pa. 


At the Olympic Theatre, Chicago. 




In aar aaw act, VP TO DATS AKO RATMCR AHEAD. ThU act nnm twenty mln* 
alts. Would Ilksta aTraan Willi Mm* Pint Clait Gamblnallan roriaaioaof 'VO- 
07. Addraa WORLD'S TRIO, care of CLIPPER. 




Both plajr paru. Addieu OAHBD.J., la ■Walkor itiwet. Now Tork Oltr. 

WANTED, mim mm 



EDWIN GORDON, Monnifor. 


SPECIALTY PEOPLE thit can clianga their usU lor week itandt and doub)« briti In band 
Adilr«M BAKER A EARNHART, 120 Lambe* SI, Chicago, llllnolt. 

nuiNv Caavao, oompletoi goTea lOUa palallaji. Tucker mako, aad Two Gala Llaklt. 

•* • yl, p, hCbbELC, OIT Do Kalb Ato., Bnwkljn, R. V. 


Ho-wctrd etna. St. Olctir. 

CLE AW COHEDT ACT. "Oot logethor Hmrl aad Wllllaiae." 


First Class Leading Lady to Feature, 

First Class LeadlDg Han, Sing- 
ing' aad Dancing Soabrette. 

OnM opeoi April I, U«u ftll flonuer. 
«lUT «lth houl «iMi>M mid. Iddrwa 

a»TnB RTETmm, i. 

8UI. lOWMl 
ke^ Win 



"■yiop, vllh O aMdl. pleto. Dwilr on; polw, rafet 
•M MU, B iMfibiLB [l.r bl(b: Sift, ilmalof nom, 
JnM uv; niM t{it lljibU, iUk.1, .boTali, ■Mliw. 
IDaa, oi» Mat. E " • 

"H*. B,« MAfe. pnller; *,erTllilDg iMdr loMt op; 
»>UlnrwuU4;cDDktMtlorMlaD PMfU, .11 molU 

LEW WI<L1I». 100 rreol UlnM, Onai HyUt. kicb. 



BRAilCHBH. Small Miary, OTorr aaa- 
dar. no FARES ADVANCED, Bad 
beover. act waatod. People dolag three 
•r moro tarae,* rll* or t.learaph, 

SI7F J«bwii8<t..L MblcI.. led. 

MR. JOHN McCarthy, 

Teacher of Stage Dancing. 

stadia. Raw Stelawar Hall, IT Bart Vaa 
Barea ttmt, Chita||o, III. 

WiRted, R(pert«lra Peopl* h All Uiei, Lidf 

PIAKIffT. 8UU fall nrtlroUn aaI Mod pboto, vhleh 
wlllb«r«'.an«d. U)l'l8WBITU0P/.MKr.. ^ 

Wittoir* PUywA. lodtAaolA. Ill: Hooportoo ntni 


■ILU, w.rn Oo.. rt. ropikilea una TuMj tad 
■lmMnlTroapwPf«ren.d. fffr dAIM comwoDd 

"(oifrT PAiwiBii nLni. wnETffim. r» 

S. S. Stewarf 8 
Celebrated Banjos 


AUo Haft* and Boelu ftor tht BbbJo, Ib 
gremt varletj. BirlBgi, lUaiU, Ele* 

Bond for lUaitTAUd orlo* Utt And OAtAlojivo. TboM to- 
twMLed abould wod In. Id riaoim for a apmIiiiad coot 

a a 8TBWART, Koi. Bl and 3S Church Rt.. 
Phtl>d»li*hlA. PdODk 



•1458 BROADWAY" 

J30W./fAD/S0N5T. (h/CACO,'' 


CoatAioi lOTiFAl ihoanod ItlnitrAtlontof DlAraoiu] Jfw- 
•Ut— nuAlot And ntrlUh— OoM Jswalry, WAtdiei, Rier- 
llncBllror NoTtlUu UmbrvllAA, Caoai, Rich <tul OIaai 
■Are. ClochA— Avoryuiloii UiAt U OMdoJ OTary dAj Id iti» 
foftr. Tha niUiAup of thli »ori of Aft 1* orlBloAl, com- 
pact. bAodr to OATry lo tha btod. cont pookat or Aktchal— 
chock full of tha ckoloe*t lltontura. Pricos An aI>«o- 
laiAlf tha low««t eonalalAot wlih qunlltf. Band rpor 
OAma Antl Aiddran for a cnpr ud pluiA maotlon "Cl<IP- 
PER." 08KAMP, NOLTlKd A 00 . UAmmoth Jowalen 
of AmerlCA. TIiia 81. Cor. 6th. rinclnoAll. 0. 


Leading Aeronaut! o( the WorU. 



AIM muafMlann of til klodt of BiUoou 

(Om or Hot Air). Bud for prie. Utt to 

BALDWIH BBOS. t. O. Boi 11^ QalaeT. III.. 0- ». A. 

Haglul Appintus, Trlck(, 
lllBtlou, Etc. 

Naw, rullf llluitniAd tMok cAtA- 
loipia, eTarrthlog up to dnta, IScu. 
Parlor trleka cAiAlotua fra*. 

tfS flliih ATamiA. Waw rork. 


rnlaMlonAlR dvlrlDR to parcliA«« BTBHIKO or 
STRBirr DHKMEfl CAO Hod ATorr EleaAot AMiMmaDt 
of UiaCfaoicwtOanDaotA At Varr Low PriCAn. Ofar SuO 
OeDUi' PuUDrOM Solla for *aJo cnAap. 
>M-W8 SOUTH HT.. PliiUdArpiiliL Pi. 


Finl quAlllj, 280 rlTatA And bnm to Mch lianli, M 
loch, |6i0: S iQcfa, IAS; 9k) Ineli. |A tocludloR a roll 
thSAlrlCAl lrA7,7i( dMp, matAl bound; MMood quAlltjr, 
12S rlTou ABd bam to AAch tniak. 9A loch, M.U; 9 locn, 
f4.7i; 2S iDch, |4.X^ laeludlDE a e Inch tnr, malAl bouod. 
Tormi cAAh Id Adviooa. C. PATTEH80.V h CO., 
IM If. WInih 8tf— t. PhllAdalphlA. P>. 

Bargains io Show Property!! 

HV mil ANNUAL LIST NOW READY, cooalillDi of 
ToDla, CAr«, CAitfts, llArDeat, WAnlrtiba, TAolaAat. PaTdI- 
iHRiTllluiiioDii, Oario^ UunicAl InAiruniaotA. MAfloUoi' 
RupplleA,BMclAltf AcUAOdBhowPrDpiirir of ATtry da- 
■erIptloD, DIKTCIIEaP. LIim Aant nn racalptol ulAmp. 

riua. B- (IHIKPIW. Hulf^m. N. V, 


I OLD RBLUBLE HOUSE. Notrro Wlo. Wo. qd. 
I ClrcAAaUo WlitA$A up: BtAlua WIkh, |S op; 
- - I Soubratia Wlnliop. W(ra of •Tarydfacrlp- 
UoD niArdaTO OHDBR. H«od aUmp far prlro 
llat. lU W— t»li HL. paAreth Af . Haw York. 



UiOtndlOOA. roQOdumf.aitflDud lODxllO, lOft-wtlU. 
Rhttp. Addrw V.J.VAXEB. 

IM W. Third HIIMI. KtBitt CItr. Mo. 


W« hAva laaAAd thU houM tcO. A. flAinpaoD. tad will 
Dot ba r«i4«Balbl« for dabu nr obllutlona e40tnci«d by 
him oroU.aTA. VBNABLB RROTIIBKa I'ronriator*. 
W. a. CHOflBT. TrtaAorar: W.J. IIALPfW. MAnAtar. 



n; J. B. WILKm. Stodio, W BUI. ■>., rhlcaio. Th. 
flotft vorb .1 Uh lAwt.t priM.. CALL AND nB OUB 


HIdii., od C. k N. W. By., 14 nllaa from Rochotfar; Joat ( 
oompIatAd. OcadAoaDarr; CApwHrBOO PopolalJoa I.OXI. 
A food ahow town IAam* ffocn m* arAl ■cnallpliMa aav 
b7. WAMlAd. food AlirArtJoea. L. F. IHIHII.MaoAior. 

Circus GanvasasB 
Tiittil AIIDitcrlptlHiVuifictirit, 

M. B. lOBIlLT. U» Beam HiMt Jtn Torb Oltr. 

Season '96-97. 


Chicago Plioto Engraving 


Presenting Their 

Well Known Success 


People Wanted 
INow Booking 
Open Time 

In ill hrjiichcs cif the profession ti) 
send lis tliclr orders for ongravlnK. 

orders from many leidlni; pcrformerj. 
kiiosv \ Ki'xxt thInK. 

can Iv more eislly filled If you write on the 
stjtloiiery we'll |ircparc tor you. 



If you aro In Chicago, or wrlto 
for aamploB and pricoe. 

'fhe Chicago Photo Eng. Co., 

79 Fifth Ave.. Chicago, III. 





'NHVFh llAlf flH?lT /. „„„^ 

MUNBr M .V.D I clitnit«l wlllOTONI! i>r Y.IUH OIIUANB. 

•htljipt ur>: "NHVKH iIaU Bif 

writinf tail Tl.ltlDf a.dtllr. lltrv't 
A i:r7iW1>. iiid look lo BO HUllH 


I Allow 

' Cii 

<^is on -wiiiTK noN'T WAiTii I >i: 

« RI>IC€IAL OINCOIIBIT lin ill .iloa mul. lIKKUIIfB nAll< 
NEXT, rull ptrtltnUii intl VATALUUUKIt NAILHlrirHBE 
tppiiution. uet III. PENT, u.ttrriiTirii.OiBuiof 

AU6UST POLLMANN, 70 and 72 Frinklln Slre»t. NwrofliClty. 

The Klitc Thofvti'o of IVo^viirlc. 

Bntlrvlr r«mod#lnl, rrdsrorAlMl, new rii||lRj|, relVwcwd At an eaoriaMs •B|»«ai«« 
Wh«n conplntMl wlllrompar« rkivcirKlil}r wllb llin na*at lh»lrv«ln Am«rlfl«> Will 
op»noaor about Hcpl, 7, INUi), and bai coadnrtail as a flnt ulaaa eli«n(r«, andtr th* 
ramn«B«miiBt of mDB it UBIIMAN. In caajanrtirm wlih llif* OltANII OPEIIA 
IIOliHR, Brooblya, and the OAYKTV TIIBATIlK, Urooklyn, IC. II. 


A<l(lrum HYI>1C Ac KKIIMAN, lirooliiyii, N. Y. 




"A Good Little Girl and a Bad Little Boy," 

ProrcHHionnIs M!nil 10 cents for earb song. Addr(>Hs 


21& Wahaitli Areniir, Chicago, 111. 

The VsniceTransportation Co. 



Adare— HKNKY V. OICMM, Vlimuu'-r, Wl. Lrtiiii.. Mo. 



SCENERY AND SHOW PAIMTIN6S >•■* MiMrtr c. A»ri», wKho.i owa 

ovuitni nun gnun rniniinoa. | j. h. cookb'b cinoun, iMinbarf •>, omi Briiaia. 


STODIO Bl Md a w. T».inii sir.... rioeiBtt.i. 


mef tnud attlone rrff. 




February 8. 

r(PBIC£, 50 Cents)' 


"W. IP 

And alM (ho folloiTliif tin Pint CIiibii Sngt by Uo mme Aattior : 


"I mm COULD imiDKii^w • - 

W OH mOEN WHEEL" • - - 
"FROM UOVEL TO WlOr - - - . 


BY SPECIAL ABRAXOEMBKT trIUi the anlliar, a UHlted iiiimber oftho abore 
NongH will bo gUtu to DONA FIDE FB0FE88I0NA1S la good tUndlof, irho iccora- 
pan; request nllli programme of wapany irtUi irhlch thejr are connected. Address 
the iiubllaherx, THE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY, 
Cincinnati, New York, Chicago. 

UlwnlvlnR vliiw (no baga), I wmmt Immu Baoklna. OIt* fall partlcaUnt bIm 
want haudruili ofalldu. Will pmf caili. No ailmprM«Bta(ISB gMi. 

:il)U rant (N rioi), in aimMt new eaiiilUI«B< 
tllloR, T«ll Iha Irnlh. — 

oniiUlaB. Will pBV taoBfit price (br <be right 
DB. Bf. OPPKRHBIMKR, flBlireetOB, Triai. 



MA, (Up. W. D. MAUN, Mtliacu 


TiilKT-nnii RirMtuhl nro4iiwftr< 

KVK.e.19. HAT. HAT. 1. 

JJ A. V I r> n 1C Li A H C O ' H 




k ■ U IWl u ,0-1 Frobiaan. Huiuar. 

_Al 8.14 aharp. WailncaR Trmrfilir ana Satonlay. 
Nail "fak. "Tlia I'rU^nar nl /..ndii." 



nmiUaj- an-1 Wi fitreal. 
. Itanf rvoti Hrala, fiOc., 7&«. 
Kanigaiiirnl U'ALTKIl RANFORn. 

JOSEPH MUflPHr, in "KERRY 60W." 

N'ttweoV . J« call I.lU'^pnul ucilnn. "Tlie WwofWMltli.' 



31 Bl ntraal aiHl 3d Avanua. 

*'Tl&e Fatal Card." 

Kn^l WM.I). • OIIAnLF.V'B AU.HT." 



Rlcbinl UukAoM, Lofior: ChKrl«iiPmhaiiD.lluig«r. 
KattAtfooifntnr I TtiUaeuoo'vllrulnioetis 

lioLLAND.'"'" I "ASoclnl IllgliirarmaB." 


KOSTER & BIAL'S, 34tb ST. 

fruwUDg »t AJI TlDi«fialli|liUUu i*iD|niun»% Ooo- 
■ IlllOR ol 

VABdevllle, BpwtUUlM, NovtlUM. 

KT>plogiia.l». BalunlfcyMftUn— I.U. 


paooron's opkra hoobb, iiaMfcid, oi, 



BOTuUaa 111 tha Urn* Cnm KUU A. M. uatU oaarlj ilF.M. 
eaUi HL ud 30 Aaa., Naw York. 
rilUirOLAni VAUOIlriLLB AATISIS vriu for telM. 
OoBtldar ill? nrA a piillM itaitatiTa. 

AiMnaa All MinmiiDloatloDa r. f. rROOTOBt 
rroctor'aThaaut.PJ Bu^al, BaTfltb Ara. 

B. F. Keith's AmasflnBDt Enteiprlsis. 

S. r. ALBTE ••' a«H. Hc'r. 

B. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Boilon, Mau.; 

THE BIlOU, Phllidtlphia, Pa.; 
B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, Provldtnct, R.l., 



Continuous Performsnoe, 

NOON II) 10.13. NO 8101'. 


Hammerstein's Olympla 

Braaliii 8.l>, Mik Wad. ud 84I. 



Aod Oiear lUmnivr^ioin'H KiKCUOuUr Op»n Uhl Ba1I«I, 






00 OlEN'rH A.IJMI'X>» 1X> ALL. 

fiiiBilAV Kra . Hcli»al I'oiinUrOopeart. 

PASTOR'S '''"*''^W&imA^c». 


Or»n»ll.v, ConiinuM I'nitni P. M. 

tIroTi JullmL 
Klltr Hlt«hltl 

I'url AndntwA. 

r. C Hborll^. Nvlaon Trio, 

i)«U0»ni BoJ Oll>««ihlo, VAMtni^ 

Juhnd'AlntA'ii Uurs B«ar« uO Mooiejt. 

4*liKrh>u« lur, Kwit ftod Knnch, 

Mile. V«l«ick. Ull«.Ttt4ll, , 

MII9. u'Almfta. <^pb«tl aDil OkmpbfU. 




NOVBLriK!.. .Mliliru JdUH V. DOHIS. Nanitar. 
r.KHir. Ai)UH^:.t4 lunHisi. 

Huber's 'i:." Museum 

U. 11. lUiBKII, l»rop<r. 
lIUBBR-fi mil AVU. UirSKUU.J.M. JAN^R.IUBU*r. 

iffAKTHI>-tllTUUff IVkltt^>^ LtvlB« UnnoUUM uO 
Kr«Ui lor Outio lUlla: lllcti CtaM Vftrltlf rorlbMli*. 
A<1(lf«M ymtn for bi>lh lioti»pi J. It. AnOtrHtD.NuUfvr. 


Ka Kuult, UuBiuu UuHuU AUi«iucuB C«. 




AJdreu P. P. HBWBB. PIrecler. 


W. R WaMOT AND W. U. BARBEB. Ea mU «llh 
Urda'a Oonadbot. 
ret, iddr. B Sila St- thwlnntwenrt. Mim. 

rRER non Kah. M. AddraaacAieor ilUffllR. 


3 WORLD'S rAMnva sbarpbiiootbrb. 
■ ntU H. Nae Hanil. thia «oak. 









TLe Pattens, 


Antonio Van Goffre, 

Baary BTanlDr, Alhtmtiim TliaaUe, tMidOD, EoRlud. 

TIIB ■•WARM 'una," 




Two Distinct Numbers. 

rint ctftH AembAlM ud • Bnut Jatvlloi HunlrAl Act lo 
ftBMDishlMr, Ai prmnial lilt vMkj with tr»Btnicc«u 
ftlTRI>Oron'B PLBAflURK eALAOB. Kt« York. 



TItU U lh» OrMloit Book on Mvic, BmBd RIffhl, Spirit- 
ntllBilo BtTmu ud lllu«loai*r«r pobllihed Id ihn eoao- 
tfr. It ^«■ 109 piMi uid It) t»BUlltol orlfiliul tllaaUm- 
tlonii. Him* iridii, llltuk>ot» eio., haro n«v«r bno inib- 
h<h»db«ror«, uisr M kBosn. Coni«Diii jp^li, Pric*, 
7M . PWrcoTor: •! cloth Uoand. Addrw 

W. II. J. HIIAW. Ifll AtinitAn.. * hkBRO. 111. 
1*. B.— Old Jwlouiir, ihtt'B rlab\ blow your owo bom, 
u no on* will l>low It for jou. Yoarbtukof liuky-itukr 
clietloutiliCKpled Irom (wo Dutch pap«rft, "OUuuber 

Wf U'* ftotl lb* "Ztuh*mi(»iel.*' T))» r*«l>l« ihat bftf* th« 
TWO BOORrt ftre the JudK(>P,tod iliflTUuibktTonrM*- 
mtUuoil I doo't hAT« l*tt»r« on oilnliltlna u* pntva lb« 

«ucc«H ftf MV BOOK. Imt I hmfe TUB LONO ORBKN. 
tbki'H «h|t lAlka (00 n*« ooplM h»n>- Vh»i*a worth hkv* 
iBt IM wonb pATloi lor. 


SkBtcli or Musical Team, 

M»1s ud ftmtl*. to Join br wIt«l Lov«al laluy flnl 
tolUr. NotUMBJr«nc«l. BipUln work 

UK. JIM, Wftlarloo. Tl 



Ttt* um rtturotd MiwMki aRtropMlag. with Rood 
lBt*T«»t, LoBEMfBitntfOlstloodulBrr Ttiaitjooii- 
•u VtaMTllUsDd BurHanu* Hhow on tb« rotd. Tin* 
bookM ttUd. AdJr««« ontf. MaNAQER oara Comlni 
Jab Bhprrrlnl Co.. t.tSI Hliblli At*., N. Y. City. 

Eva Tanguay, 

Addreae BT MO^P BT.. liolfekt, Mau. 


Coinartj aaa Cbaraetaia, Barlteque, 
Drana aad Ka>«e. DlattcU aaa 
Addrw DO» llliOroTelaad. Man. 

Repaitolre CeMedlaa, laabralle aad Ja- 
realla Ladj. Oalr the beat. I«weat 
lerath Jola oa wire* Addreia THUS. 
BTHAITON, Maaager, RIce'a (;«Bl*dlaB., 
LTena, H. V., Ihia wreeki Caaaadalgaaa 
Belt week. 



A hit flon alAtl ta flDlah. (talan 10 aalll^ tima*. Hu* 
tiui aJtlnaa Wttaoa wl BbAw, No. Ill h. UUl M. Y. C. 


The Standard Record Book of Theatrioal and Sporting 


Its Aoonraoy, Oompleteness and the Artlstto QnaUiy of 
Its mnstratlons Receive Full Recognition 
From the Leading Newspapers* 

Th« Best Dmmalle Handbook. The .Vfw }Vri Pma. 

Tub Ourm Amidil Ib li-o beat of rmot addltloiiB lo 
dnmnlie kudboofeiL It c >Btalni a Hit of the vartonB 
piMj* mdBMd doriOBlriU. toR«ih»rwlib b brftf Kcwuat 
orMCh, b«lduoth«r Items oT Intonuud Inrorauiloa. 
A«lrsctlve and Coinpleto. 
//VM ThtKw York llmlS. 

Tke tanut nonibsr of Ths NbvTouk CurmAii- 
irvAL <omM In lu nnnlBUrBctiveBndoomploMronD. 
IIB IWpusi contBin an enormouaniBUor cbrraoloslcil 
and BtBUiUcal loOrmatloD, eovcrloR (tiwtilc&l and 
lOortlBR «T»nia dnrlBR B<|4ailc and aiblotlc Mr- 
foranDow, nclog and trniilor r*«ordB. t>aB«t>all. crlckat, 
blllUrda, Bic, and a foil Hit of all tha b««i perrormaowa 
In aUdBfiwtiDBoU ofiiport. both at bomo and Abittad. 
BrUtles Willi IntcreillBg Data. 
Fawi Tke Stio York .7tfn. 

Drmnntle and aportiDfiUroieM will And a fond of op 
i0daf4lDroiinallon In Tin Nbm- YuitKCurriH Axvirii. 
foriaw. ThtToluDB IrUUcawllh ini*r«illo|datB. r«c- 
I nil nsd cbroBoloRleal lumi, and la loTala«bl« ai a book 
of r*f«(Mice. It U bandiomely bound aod cArBraliy «d- 
llcd. TTiB lIlqBtrmUona aro nnraBrouBBDd w«]| Ml»ot«d, 
tboM of WBfan^ Kllpttrtek. rhaa«. Nvreneyand flardU 
Dsr, th* uuuar qwiUof c«l49ritl«B, b*lB|; eppecUU/ 

Valaable Collection orRecoidi. 

Fmwi The Xew York Emtrty Sun. 
T» CLirriiB AifWiia fnr lESS, wlib lia valuabl* collie- 
lloB of FYcordB and inUcBUaoeouB lafonnatloD. Iiaa bo«n 
pnbllaked. Thli latatt numbar U La kMplog ilih prorl- 
otur«himM. _ - — 

A Vscfal Dook of ReconU. 
ynm The Sew Varic TIma. 
Tns Nnr Yomk CLirrNH A>:<i-Ai. far 1699 cootalaia 
comptotvrwofd of a<iuailc and athletic pcrfonn>oc«a, 
racloii ud trottlnK rtconli, haa«ball, cricket^ bllllanlB, 
rrcordiof ra<t4att(in«,and boat pi rfonnaac«a In aJl <]»- 
partcsaDUofBpart ItlBBiiiBnil book of rtcoidaforall 
Iniatwtad In iporta. 

Fall and Complete. 
Fron The yao York Pnu. 
Aboat tlill tliiiB of Iha jrtAr llis *port Ing nian'a llioochla 
tumtaTUB Curi'BR A.niii'ai. Tiila putillcftilOD lor UI4 
liaBjaat>a*a I«u6d, It Ib aufllelBnttouj iliitilwcar 
rsnt Dambar la fully up to th« high jiundanl ol lu proala- 
CBBBon. It la lUoBumiad h»daoineW, and In ih« matur 
of Twcordi nod inporunt bifpeabga Ills fullaod com- 


The fltaadard Antherity- 

Fnm The Ktvo York Rttniwi TTorltl. 
TOB CurpiR Akmuil ftr IBM la out lodny. ThU pah- 
lIcailonlapneUcBllyihaatawlaTd fportlogaod theatilc. 
al aodiorltf of tbbicMolrT. ItlaalvajRawtleomaBd- 
diuontolbe •■portlagftlltor'allhraTr. ItconlatBaall tha 
rtoorda oob hu occbaIod to look up, ukI corerB avon 
branck of *n«rL ThIa yau'a A^svau \^ liaodaooiBlj 11- 

A Bemarkably Conplfte Compilation. 

Fnm The A*. 1'. Jfall and Efiirat. 
THICliitir A».tOAl. form la, ba uuitl, a romaikablf 
roiBDltto cnmpilatlonnf draiiiitloand TBodsrIllBOMVB, 
daathi^ productloDR. aio, i>Ml(la being oob of lbs beat 
Buihotluaa oa atb)«tlo»poru In tbec«unirj. 

Contains laTalaable Rccordi. 
From The A'no York Merzury. 
TniCupPiRAicnviLforlSM la ready. This ttamlarl 
publifatloncontAlDBiecordalnraluabls to all Bixirimeu 
and r»lluIat»rMt«d In ibMUlcali. 

A' Hlne of Information. 

Fmn The Tur/, FUltl oarl >'an». 

ThbKbw YtiiK CurrcB Akmiai. forlSjCglToaarldeDce 
or bBTtng b«M compllBdwIib (ha u«uBlcar««biclibiM 
madeao aalborlly ofiblawork. TiiiCLicrBR AX.iii,tL la 
a mlu oriQfonn»tlon,aod (beltluurAtlonaar«exc«llODi. 
Barpassea Any Pj-ovIodb iBiae. 
Fron The S<a York Dramnlk illrrvr. 

THINIW Y(liiKCLirPI(K AK.'iL'AL lor 101 BiirpMMa any 
pnTMua Uaa« of tblnooUTBluRklB aoU lellaMe publl- 
catloB. Itlalargar, bandomorand iiiDreiuliy IHuMratod 
thiDirar befom. Tb* ihaaulcal chronology of all the 
Important eranu In tbe life of the AmerlcaaatBg* lB,ai- 
uBBaicareiVillyaDd accontely tdlt«d: It laaTehUble 
mlae ol loforToaflon. The Bporilng chronology la like- 
wl»*H>n)pleie and veractODB. Aioudr iho lilu>irBilooi, 
wblek are anuauallj food, there aro adnilrable character 
poriruuoi Hollle Puller, lubrl liflog, Herbert Kelcey, 
Vaau TllUy, Hand lluu, V«itia vietuila. Cura UaTeL 
B«aBl« B#llirood, Mra. Lealle Carter, Prank Mayo. Lev 
Oookltader. Alio* J. RIibw. Joiepli Hart, Andy Uacir, W. 
U. Uiaoe, PraoclB WIUoo, Rolaod Roed and VTeil* doU- 
twt. Ttie Mmr cooBTatulaiaa Tin Cliitir on ihlH 
pralBivorlby publleaifoB, and (akaa pItaMir* In recoin- 
nieoding It to all rroleulonali aa Iwili uaeful and later- 

A Vaat Paad of Knowledge. 

Fron The Bmolttn Faole, 
Thi CupriR Akkvil for ISX l« out, and, as uaual, no 
far aa Uie tbtatrlcal aad »portlog oTeota or ifa* year 18E0 
ar* coocemed, forma a complete cbroooloiir for the year. 
ltiBaliaDdyT0luma,prlD(ed lo double eofuinn ante oo 
Ha* |laz«d paper, making aelaao and distinct booit. Ic 
la pnniBBly lltuairatad with doe half toaa cula <tf the 
leadarvoi the iheaUkal proreraloQ, veil known athUtes 
aad 'eyollata, lo attracilTe atyle The eorer Ib a very 
Deaillthognpb In Mlon, the ahole vreaenUog ootooiv 
aa aiincttTe appeaxuce, bat contamlng a raat fund i f 

A Ifeceulty to the LIbmry. 
Ftom m FMtailttpMa neralo, 
Tliat erer welcoiDe boob to the tportleg and lhaalrica] 
fraienilty, Taa Nkv Yobk CurfiH AifxriL for IKK. con* 
lalna a complete Kfi of a'luatlo and athletic nrfonn- 
aaoea, radog and ifOttlDg rooDnlii,aB well aa Maeball, 
orlokat and tli«attlaU areata for tKo jear rroTlou*. 
making iherolam* aTaloable aad reliable r«(ereBc«,aiHl 
aneceaaliy to the llbimry of erery lorerof aporta. 
Kcllpses All In lU Field. 
PAtn The FhUaMvSla cm. 
Tsi NSW York CtirfiR A^.fVAt, lor IKW, aa utaaL 
eeilpaeaevtrTiblogln lu Held, cor orlnit all aeparinieniB 
ofepOTt, BiualoanJ ihettricala. la adoliioatu what are 
protablyili* moat carefully ocmplled Biailatica obtain. 
ablekdeAllDgwItli aiag« matten and Rport,Tiii[CLiirBR 
AXN9ALprD>eniB a number ol flDelyeiocutcd ItaJi tone 
ponialiB ol varlODB celebritlea in theie Unoa. It lemalna, 
aa olotd, th* amof ibo BAouala. 

Complete and Aconrate. 
PniBi 71h« rAilodfrpAla BulleHn. 
Tni Nnr York CLipriR an.iual for ISW. aa oaual, cod- 
taloa all the iMBt leaiuTea of tponlog aad draniailo 
ereBtR of peat yean, lu reconle of athletea. perronu- 
ancaa, ale, ar* lullaod ac«ureta,and Doapvrtlng library 
u cemplet* wlihout It. 

It b an Vneieelled Onlde. 

From The rJtl(dtfr(5rtla DtmoertU. 

Tub CLiiriR Aiciuai. for liw publlabeU byihewell 
knoto organ of the iheatilcal and aponlog voiid, Titi 
Haw York OLiri'sa, iiaa been luued, and *il) be liatleJ 
with Joy bf all irleods of the drama and aponji. It le an 
oneicelleJ guide for •rarytbtoi ol note tbathaBocourred 
la ihet* dwpartnien'.e dnring the iwat year. Be«Ueaa 
cliroald* or iheae ereota, ther* will be foond rich and 
anJttio llluBtrattooBof c4lebrlil*a,allatofdeatha in th* 
amuemeot pnreialoo.TBolBg.baJiebaii, cricket andbli- 
llari reeotdB, etc, la abort, erer/Uilng that la worib b» 
lag knovn by aporilBg men. 

Coatnlna H ach Vsefnl Inronaatlon. 
>'ntBt yAe notion nntt. 

Trb furriR Att.HFAL for InW Ii oql bare had Ihli 
TBlaableaaauklln fA^ riau-i otRc* Bo maay rearatbat 
ve (bould mtaa It. for II contalna ao aiuch latonnatlon of 
a SMftil nature- It c^otalaa ibeatrlcal and aponlot 
cbrvauloalea lor IRQ, alitt ui deaib* In tbe pToio«»ioo, 
iquatleaod aUileil* parforioanc*', raclna and titntloi 
recerda, ba>et»alL criuket. Mlltanla and oilier thiogt. 
Tlieo again, It canialOBponrBluof v«u known men and 
woaeo In ihe auiuBcmeDt aod apoiiing woild. It li cer 
taloly a haody aad aaeiul booh to hare lylni about. 
Brery Managtir Blionia Have It. 
From The .sanilo^ Ea-fie. 

Tib Niv YiiRK Cliitbr Amii;«i. lorlAKU |uU Ih* 
boot that ahoukloelQ ihebandaoC everrooinhohanany 
lotir*ai In ihMbeainciHrattnitly. Krrry opera hoa«e 
iitaiaxer who dealrei to t>e "In it" aliould not lall to pua- 

'A'lie PBrtralf « are Kapeclally Good. 

From the Waihlnjton It4i. 
Thr Niw York cliitrr Antvxh fur'St) it at hand. a»1 
la Ihe liBDd-onitU number yoi laaued by tint ctABdatd 
apotilBg and dramiUr i-nrunlcle. Ihonoilralla of tbe- 
aukai and aporticgrelelirulr* Bre*<pec(ally good, thuie 
01 WiUlara 11. tUane, Molly PoUer, Frmok Dealek. laabtl 
Irving. Herbert Kelcev and Andrav Hack belngthi beu 
I ler naT* eter bad. uf.ooura«,TiiR CLiri'iR ax.xi'ai. la 
tb* doal rtferendum of rf^ning and draBatle ertntiL 
and tbe paat year vai a rery iDterMtiDi ooe U boUi 

Compreheaalve and Attnctiv*. 

>'mHyAa H'dfAla^m Tlmrt. 
Trb Nbv York t^irrsH AHurALfor iM bu beeo la* 
mad In iiBcuitoDary comprvhf OBKeandatiracilTeiorTD 
It toatalni dteauic*! and apurtioi ehronoloiilcii for lU. 
Bfiiatlc aod alhletio rvrfoimaacei raclni and troliliMC 
recordik baiaball. cricket and bllllanl hUtory. tecotda i i* 
faa'jB^t time and bert work In all depainninia of luort 
U l4 baQd«otneiyllla*iraied and coBtatntiikeneneaor 
Bllibedr«fflatlco|>»taUc, Tarlaiy and aptirtlni c«l«bil- 

A IToBt Valaable Fablleatlaa* 

Frt>m The BltifhamtM LeaAtr. 
TBBCLiprmAs.iuiL for IM.e "■?P 52l55 
Inaimetdaof arattiainent Rad pport, k ooaofthenoit 
▼alnable of cMUmporaneooB pnolieatloaa, and, ib* ni^ 

nable of cMUfflporw..».e. r-v.. — -- —--r^ 

It Ivne Is one of (be oicaaitractlreaBd aa*fal Uut tka 

honaehaa arer printed, tbe tane eoalaleB a nnenma 
f pilDkllBg of tnUtlcaUf noaibt portnttt of dramaUo 
and olhar celebrUkB. 

A bo nude la Vaeftal ladMmatlott* 
Ftovi The Blaghantien Umagc 
Ini lo reiy uaefnl laiormalion opoo vortiog toplo, aod 
oeobiiolng a nnmbar of handioiDe aod arUftUcally ei- 
ecdted lUiutiailnna. _ . - 
Tbe Beat Krer lemod. 
From The Wheeling Xnn, 
Tni Krw York Clippir A5»iJiL for 18W Is tbe be«t 
e?or latned by ibu popoUr paHr. It ba^ aeompUie 
chrooolon of all happenlngalB (he theatrical and »poiC 
Idk worM, ilrlng date a and r«c«rda lo al) braocbea of the 
athletic, aquaUe, bycldlag, baaebaU. horao raolog, apilat- 
|D|[ and yacht racing fletda, awl. Is fact, la the moBt ooin< 
I*kte record ol ereou erer prlnied. Tor VU pi-ib han at> 
wif abfoo the recMoitcd ibeatrlcal and aponinganilior- 
Ity In America, and lu A^xuit U alwara fooM on tha 
deik ofererr lorarofaportfu The book fa handaooiely II- 
liutnt«d, cooulnlog portralta of many of Ibe best knovo 
theAtrieal celebrlilea. If yon vent to keep posted, boy 
aBd readliiMCUfpRi AN.tUiL. 

A Wonderftil Book* 
Frmn The PfUSturg DUiiautt. 
TUM Niv York CLirriR ANNUAL for laMIsoov on the 
nurkeL It la the aportlng aathoilty of the Uoltsd 
Sate* Really, It la one or ibe beat eampilatlona of 
recorda to (lie world. It Is a vooderfol Utile book of 
spirting lofonuBtlon. 

Cemplele Conapendlan of Inftvmatloai 

F/om Tke Awiaiean WKcdMon, 
Tag CLirriR aukval bia made Its appeamnce. and. to 
My iheleaat, itls a oomtleteebtDpeDdliUD ofiofofBallon 
for the aporumao aod tbe fouover of theatrical oauern. 
Tiie most exteoalre table of recorda of all sorU of sporttsa 
coiDpeilUoDi BTer compiled laapraoloeat featare, aoo 
nimemuB half tone picture* of Bpoitlag and theatrical 
celobnileaembelilih the book. 

An Enoyclepeedla. 
From The Blnf/hawMii UeraU. 
Tug Clippir Axxval for ICSe anpamalo beaaty and 
aitlatlc *■!) le any of Its predcoeesor^ Tbb Armoal 1j a 
crclopfl:dlB of Ibeatrlcal and apcvtlDgnevBaiidlaetB. aod 
cMUina neeh OMfol lorormatlat, which If anaaged 
aad indeitd lo a eareiul mann* r. 

The Best CompUatlra of Records* 
From The JJrtoUifH Ctttien. 
Sportnoab will dod Tub CLirrig Anxdal thU ytar ooe 
ci tJie beet complLBtlonB or lecoiOa in ail biaocheJof 
sport poolble ta obtain. 

Larger and Better Tkaa BTer. 
Ffom The .saraioga Baffie. 
Erery year Tub Nrw York CLipfiB, the oldett Amerl- 
cto fpurting and theatrical Joerael, pab11*b*B an ab- 
nual,aad eaeb jear I think it la not tioaibl* for tbea 
10 prodnee Its <(iaaL But on looklBgorarTHB Ait.NraL 
for 1806 I am lur«ed to twller* that ibelr reaouicee are 
iaexbauiUble, lur ibia laaae Is ooe only larger, bat better 
and luere Talaal)!* than any prerlow namlMr. It lias 
i(U pagea, la elefantly lUuitrat4d and typoenphloallj 
neat aod atiracilre. It coataloa within Itacoven bfanil- 
lal pkiuresof the teadlog actoie sod sctreaeas of ibe 
tkeatrlCAl rrateroltv aod Meraral or ihe athletic chain- 

rloai^ Ibeatrlcal aou BporUag dironologtcs, llttol deaths 
a tlie amuBfmvDt profauloo, aqaatloand athletic per- 
ftfmancea, rtcinK and trottiog recoid*. 

The Only ReUable Aathority, 
From The Lonom Adtertteer. 
Till! Nsir York Cliitir ax.nual for USS haa t>eeo 
recelted by The AdvertUer. It mfletbegniltyiDg lo the 
publliliera tu hrar tbe worda of praise boih Drom tbepreos 
aad public aaioonaa It la In band. AlrvadytbemelrD- 
l«liian preaa have paaaed the rardla that this year's 
von u tbe peer of all otbera. It cintalasan Immense 
aioouBt of laboiloue work la the coaiplllDg- The 
arrmogemeDtof tbe records and ercnta (a uolitoeand 
caailr fouad- Tbe entire book fnm ilrtt to hat le a 
aedit, and nothing could ctioal the care aad leoeral 
arranirenieot ol the cooieota ihe IlluairaUoaa are per 
lict. The Mlacilona of the plctaraavaa made villi good 
Jdilemear. both In ihedramailc and aponlog fWemlty. 
tUMA.v.vtiALBliouldbaTeanlocraased oal*. It deeerres 
to go lorward, as It Is certahilf the only reliable anthor- 
[ly on evenw vblcb occor In the Bpoiifoi and dramatic 

l£ach Pago a niat of InfbrmatloBa 

F.vm The UarrUf/UTQ Morning OalL 
Hlfibton time Tab Nbw York Currtn axsdal for 
ISM baa made Ita appearance. As lo former yearo, thU 
raluablopnullcation LsatrlctJy ap to date, moreso ibao' 
Tub Cupprr AiixrAL looreaaee In Talae each 

erer. „. . .__ 

rear. Toe laiaat nomber coBtalna 17U jagea, and each 

Km la a miotof loformailoaln lisilr ABaiefsreoe* 
ok It la aoe<iaaled,for1teoaiaJnBtheinoit eomplet* 

iheairlcal and »portlag ohnmologlea lo J(Bd. a list nf 
deaiha In (he amasemeat pmUfBno.dianiaiuBiidatb- 
letlo performauroB, raclog and tnttiaB records, base- 
ball cr1cier,blUlarde, etc. rtcoide of fastest time and 
be<t lerfonnaaceB lo all dvpanmeota of rport. Tor 
AN.<<CAL la htndaomeir liluHraied, neatly printed, 
aedtiota great credit to theoMe«t,t lie beat and moet re- 
liable emniein tint ami sporting paper pahUsbed. 
Indlspenaalfle Haadboek fl>r Bporiemea. 
From The I'MladitphU SyorUng Lfje. 
That Indlapvnaable aad thsrefore ererveleoiDO hand- 
book of (be »portamaB. Too Niv Tou Clippsb akioal 
lor 1806, U out. As usual. It la compMe and correct (n 
everr revpeet. Tbe Tolume opeaa wlib a tbeatrlral 
chrooology, folloved by a reiy Utomgb and lotererUag 
aportlog chnnology, embraclog erery defartmeotof 
iinrt- Hfxtvehare (he eorrect ivoords up to date lo 
BTory Koe or awrt toietbsr vlib a apeelal deparueet 
deroied te ihe faateat ncoidcd tlmee In bor»e rmclni. 
aod complete ooI'eBeiecorda Tbe Teloa* u beaoUfuUr 

Replete With Sporting Dolagg In 16U9. 

From ThePhUaatiphla CuO. 
' Tus Nkw yobk CLippBaAjKPALforlblayearlereplete 
with Ihe rportlog dulnp ror ItM. ErerT record In any 
breocli of aihlitica can b* 
vcU as oootklerable theatrical neva. 
A World Wide Recognlaed Amtkorliy. 
F/om AuroK Mau, 

"A. A. A.-KY.OLirrsa i.txPAi,-Peblio"aynboUi»s 
the bond thatTgB Nhv York Oiitra Ahncal forma be- 
tween actor. acireaa.Bibleie, more rally bctveen moalB, 
drama, sneriaaBd the general poblio Ae regelaraala 
the New Year la ine ckpc oianer of all lorera ol tbeatriols 
and a(hletMrorTiiRA!(.-«UAiA. itbaacaaHdidbealaiury. 
and la nov an eaiabllshcd neceaaliy for any one who 
mahtB any Dre(eoii|o'<a to knowledge lo-thefleld^ of 
mntite, drama or Hporia Baab year it has eiceUad its 
predrcAsaor lo exteot and therouRhneea, anitl the 
preaent lasue of IM lian nemln|1y reached tke 
acme of all reqalremeais. lotreduced by the cartl- 
CAtor*d corer vblch haa become k familiar, the 
eoarly flV paRea foltovlag ar* elniply Oiled lo the 
brtm wlUi Juat the lofnrmailon that fa desired. Tbeie 
la the theatrical chronology, (h* year's deaths lo the 
amuaement proteakloo, the fponingchronotogy, thebtet 
on reconladorwhoee accnracyTsK CuppSRns aworU 
vide reeognUed authertiy), and loaoy other aab bead*, 
which each contain their lull aBo iaof ^ta vortb knov- 
Idh. Not Ihe least desirable oi the coolents from ao ar- 
tliUe aiaodpolBt la tbe exoelloni pkiiur«e ol many promi- 
nent actor*, Bcireaaea aod aUileieK white tbe typographl- 
cal appearance la no pleaaliiB thai li bolda lorth an 
uoutual loducement to read theoeleatad adiertUeneQU 
whku appear at Ibe end. 

No Room fbr ItaproToment. 
fWaa The ancinneH TlmeiStar. 

TnBCi.n'rKRA»!<UAi.,ibelradiBg Aetcrloan aportlng 
•liiiaaac Iiaa been Uauetl for UP0. It ebronlclw all tbe 
eieau ufnots (bat hare lAkao place Iti all line* of a<Mrt. 
uwellaa m the tbeatrical profeaatoo. Tbia year the 
book Is larger than erer and lu atnteortaroniiBtloo 
more complete ibanerer befit*. Nothing lalacblOBtii 
make Tub A:<!(cai. (ha moat oomoleU chrooider of 
aponlog evenu ever pobUahed. Mach bmc* Ik devoted (o 
Information on hajiSDall, vhlch laof ik* moat loUreai- 
Ing kiwi and naelul lo vrltera of that branch of aport. It 
UTm|to.uiri|e to we where tbeielamm for^rrore- 


Reliable aad Correst. 

From The ircA'e<jp(»rl Bluigtt. 
TAr fiufl^l hia recelrcd acopy of TMSCLirran A^ktal 
lor IfW ft la the beM erer Issued. It oonuina, btnidoB 
ininy lllnsiradona. a correct Roeoaot of e'laalle aad 
at>)lf ilo perfennatic^a. racing end trotrlog rtcorda, Ut**- 
ball crlobel and bllllaida, and a recorder the fkate*! time 
RndbeaiperrnnDBncvalDallbraqchee of f port. Ibe an- 
MAU like Tilt CLirriB. la reliable aodeDrrvcL aad 
phooU end Ita "ay Into ihe hands of all who arwlniar. 
eiied lo rpotu of any hlsd. 

Knormons Maas of Inftormatloa. 

^ F/om Th* DttrUt TtUw. 

The cunent nanber or Tas itbv Yorb Cuppiaiir- 
TiriLCvmra In lu osaal aiuactlve aad oompleU lorrn 
lia peaea cDnialo an enemoosmBHofcbreBolotlcBl aod 
»^uiia(tcal larormation, oorertsg iheableal and aaortlag 
erenu durlnR im. aqaaHe aod aibleile penbraaactt! 
rmelng and trottlOB rveorda baaebalL cricket, bUllatda 
ete . and a loll liM of all the beetperlSnumUTalldi 
l«na«QU 01 vpoit. both at boaie and abraad. 

roR tsA-Tu-E BY ALU, isx:w(9deax.x:bs. 

THE NEW lURK CLIPrEll, clipper Bulldlue. Now lork. 



AdvcitlsemaDti, unounclng Ui« LATEST 
NEW YORK SONQHITS, Bppear In this cor' 
Mr el tbitpipw EVERY WEEK. 

Tlilj WMk, Frefl to Professionals 


Harry S. Marion's \ 



It's 1 Triph Encore Winmr Every Time. 

New York Is Inlaluiled with this $wett> 
umIoiHodi Bud most orlglul of 


II ku touched the hearts ol old andi 
young, and they cannot help singing jl,. 
Its in«h>dy Is a 


For the Qamlna of the Street' 
PnTeMloaal Flaao Coiilea mil ije' 
SENT FREB to all tke membera ofi 
tke Preftnlen wko ■««! Up to Pale. 
Proaraiainea. I 
Amateaia. pleaae .loa-t. Bave jnur 
•laBpi. Bay from (ke Unalo Dealen, 


A BONO BOOK that coBtaln. ALL 
tkePepolei* Boage Pnlillaked by ihe 
l«eadlBg Maalo Pabllehera or ibe 
coaatrvle worth liaadllag. 

Ur BONO B0OK8 arvtlie beetwilli. 
oat aar ezeepiloa. and ALI. BLUFFS 
ARB cfAi.LEO. 

Boolu. Tbat'a a OOOP BUOUOII 

Ib NeiT York, Is WEBIUN'S Umci 
PARLORa, 8 F.a8t loth Ht., JbhI oir< 
the Square. Ttao affable and ucll( 
knowo mniilcal director, Uw. A, . 
Cram, la Id char^o, and jon nro cor- . 
dlalTy bid welonme there \fhtn In llio I 
Hetreuolls. OUU SOXUS TAUQUT* 
FREE. Address 



8S and 67 E. Madison SI, | 
Sam Jack's Opera House, | 
Chicago, IIL 

jNewYorkCily. . . ^ 

|PopHiirlB96SoigBcolis,$IO per 1,000.^ 

Professionals, Attention! 

This la Toor chanc* to maho a <>IILI." 
We're right vp to date wllh 



A Fatrtollc Song irlth FrU Qnaiiel 
Chorns. SDRG to meet Popular En- 
thnslasm at the Present Time. 

Sample ropy, witk fall orchealmlpiirta, 
malted lo tbe prafewlOB only, open re- 
ceipt of 19 tie. 


334 N. Front Street, Ballimore. Md. 

Sawtollo's Dramatic Co. 


MVBICIANB fbr Daad »d Orcbea- 
Ira fbr Scbmb of ISUO.T. 
Kooa bat fint alui, aiparlaocad, aob.r, nll.Ue paorl. 
naatl apply. J. AL. BAffTBLtR. U.n.f ar. 

MtrtJas, CnoD., Weak ar rel>. 10; UtTarhUI, lla<i, 

71ie AflSadv^ct^, 

This new place epros Feb.C, inttead ol March 7. ei 
proTioasly annoanced. 

Cirluitles mi NoTtlti Attrictloas Wanted, 

Atl acu mnal ba aullabte Tor plufomia. Ko Ma^a i*t- 
rormaAcaa. AilUraaa 

r. J. riLLINO, nola\ Watentoo, Bottn, Haa.. 
Tlia rtptt ten prioclpal altmc'laD. bmkad aie 
DliMi rmoi Ika AUaola Kiro-ltlnn. aid mutlAL'O!! 
FamoaasomM PalDlloK. aallUed "roLLY." 



Ooodmao for hearles who pIsth altnor (cnorlabaoil; 
aUp leader for oitbeelrm(vione)iodoabte bsntpoe. iJoo. 

J. La rineinrlt*) Alan loha player to doable rlu)*^- 
Other aseAil AlX AROUND people write. (Usiry I'* 
Weeks, wriir). i.oagrea»oo.8amiDer Included. Salsif 

niaat below. Sure loveu, flrai leiier. Addresai* i-^r 
roflta: WestflehJ. N. Y.,Feb. 1 T, B: Carrr. r*., Kei*. lO 
and week. jaB. O. BROWN. Mani|;er. 



Beatlag capacllr, 1,100. Will reat or 
•kare. Centrally localed,, tic. Llbrrel 
ladaceiaeata to rlakt party P>v lenn ol 
yean. Addreu W. D. HUITII, 

Jt Decatar Blrarl, 



MLJTdooblaloBnu. AlwLADVror • Ello" OlMl.n 
for "EVA " (Dot •!< Taan oMI: alao MVBICIAN."' 

OAIMB MAMKOH, Pillebo'g. »**■ . 



HAisTBo arK. (WEar eioBi. ohioauo, iu. ■'-'■^ 
thlaa^dma. BaftnJa to profaulooal rnuida. 


Blactnentt ud Bla«tri< N.iTe Foe,! oora «<akaa!*. 
BItcDkrnlBaUarlaanM. KNOrC Rb.amall'iii. 

• • • H. R n»ILBT. B^^™ ij>l2i?_ 

MISS ULUAI BAYER, SliglRg SiilHlle, 

M BOUTB ■miOBUKA" CO. im-aKAMiM-uge. 

Tebruary 8. 




lave . Si; ..^^^^ Feake oi my 

and tie 

'Down in 



AnTHUaTnEVRtVAN, ••nlFMRR«>Rca||Hlc«l iirafeuluali, and wllh iciauIeVo 
orclioitiadoB l>7 O, III. IIOSBRDBRG, on roccliit oftcB c«nli ' •< • - 

DAVIg, ml roin|>oiril bx 
'-«ali, and wr"^ * ' 

fbr B>alllag< 


THE FAMOUS SOPRANO, pronauncet "DOWN INPOVERTT ROW" the pretlM song ib«hit heard 
In years, im) having sung it and already mada many records ol II, it may bt h«ard on phonographs 
in e««ry city in lira United Slates. 


Any Flyo Songs In the List Mnt Free, lo Professionals only, on receipt ol 10 cenis (or mJliao. 

TUB nKAL conuuR, " 




by Johu Sti-onibeii;, 




Max S. Witt. 

Jxio. Feist. 

Leo. Fci8t, 

Dnvo Marlon. 

Will H. Fox. 
« ii 

" Joo Hoirni-d. 
*' Chas. Graham. 

" Mark M. Dnob. 
" Arthur Trovdyan 

U (I 




Joe Hownnl. 
Theo. WcuzUk. 

AA Pror<HlonaI people Isvlled lo call at anr lima. 

MAX 8. WITT, Planltl, aliTarilnatlODaano.AA 

Address JOS. W. STERN & CO., Music PubllBhers, 

4(ft Eait Tvenllelb BUMt, n«ar Broadwa/, New York City. 






"•Fevfiiiy Ilo\T"' waa a bl> Ro ftoB Ibe 
am BiKlit." 


"Surh a Add ■■Ktra.** 


**\\> throw a ri«w baritone aotMal litem 
■ nil thr wnB i]oe« the rwt*" 


**BIall orcheitrafloBln D17 kaj atoncoi*' 


**l'ui hUllitg 'eiu liarA with It aTer^* 



••Chlcaiio'i Willi over II." 


"IlllialU It*ijnilm)-at|rl«," 


**CoMe sad hear *FoTeHy now* at the 


"Am blc a hll ai 'My DeatOlrl'a a Mew 

Yorker.' " 


"It l«a i|ilt'ntUfl addition to my r«iiet^ 


"Itl« very catcby, ami anothrr winner 


**>Iy applaoKo wlunrra this avaion are 
*My Dr«t Girl** w {lew Yorhai* ami 
*Do%va In Fovrrty HouV* 


"We won't do a thla^iTllh II. Waloh 


*'Four encoroe nlalllly and that*a no 


**9lDglBg ^Poverty llnw* at the Olympic 
thU tvcrk. Coma anil hear It.*' 


*'Gl\'» credit* I'nt lielplng (o make 
It pDpalar.'* 


"A big hit with Ibe'OIrl Wanted' Co." 


*'A great HODg for my act." 

AL. LUBIN (Cblnmle Fidden): 

"KnocbrA 'cut wld It In Ooilon lael 

Al«n 'IfcUml a .nra lill hr 
nriirEiiii ciiv/.iiK/., i.illv KDhTos. 






HAal;!!! wrar. juh waldron, 



Dor l>AVfcNfl)"T. JhKRB KAIIO.NKV, 


(To be cooiIduiO loourofi'.) 

JOS. IV. STEON & CO., MubIc I'ubllHlierf, 

4nB.:<Ullt Bt.,n»rD'<Ta>-,K. Y.CII|r. 

Lottie Gilsan 

'fou Ouilt 
lo See 






Heat PARR, 10 PffQft<Hlonali Only, nn m-^*t>f of ten r<int« Ibr poktnge* 


■rillC CLIMAX. 'ril1£ MUMIUIANN. THK A.lIJjm;NCK. 

March by CCORCE ROSEY (C«in|>Riiloii to IiIh rnniuuit IIOMKYMOON). 


Onrbeiira, xr.e. Bach. 

IMaao Rulo, lOe. Carh. 

By MaoQregor 
By Btromberg 
By Eretotamer 
By LelDzlK^r 
By Geo. Roiey 
By M. S. Witt 
By Wcnzllk 

Poll Braac Btnn, 'A^t» Kai-li. Otrnei 

DANCING IN THE DARK Sohot tif oho 

*TO LEADERS, M1ISIC7ANB, A0R0BVT8, £lo.. Eto.i 
AtoveBnrellMa <tar Ineldtnlal Dlualir Mini In Prorriilona'. (■• Ij'. I'lano Voplel, lUc. 
Rarh. Oirlleilrallnn. (lu rnrl. anil Piano), Mno. I^rrh urAiiyPlve 
fur 4I.UU(lnclu<llnR Moiey'a niairlle.). 

••IIOSBV MOOK" MAIICII | For Atore Inalium- nU. In All A rranietaeaU, 

BIPANITA BPANIofl WAI.T'/.KH, i For All Inilnilni nlr, Pi<f|i|Ii.|( lla»Jo(, 
"OAlibANT KNIUIIT*" DIAItl II. | it) < K>TH K.K II IMirf. 

Piano anil Giillar Areomi nnlinenl. 10 rent 4 rni li rtirm, Ailili 1 1. 

JOS. W. STERN ft CO., Mna'o FiiVlleliera, 

41V Bail Tweotl.lli '•irr' I, Ni>w York City, 

By Stromberg 

A. "X" a* 3ES T I O IV . 

ToKoaosenorCIrcuM!!:, Street Ballnaj CoiiiiranlrH, Parks and all In asil out door 



L, J. 

Iq ih«lr leDulloos) and duiDKTfArtuand Utab DIvlDg. TbeahoTt MrTonDinc* vt^ fuiured wiih itifi MhvInK 
■moHmiQi eottrriliea: B*niDii) A Ifallei'* CflrcQ*. ralo'i Klnaorii ppwucI*, ''Juftn ud CblOK War," ABd 
•helffedlnv ralra To lh« Uolltd Rtit'i wl CAoufa. oaiMlr: TreatoD, at'ao<laoo« UttOQ): 8l Louli ^UOPlud- 
Toroiito,Cao..4(]0;aU,aDdft|lj>rDcl«fDUhfm lha t««lib«r erer aav. Aiao fMlarrn Paul Boj-loa'i World n VTa'er 
Miow, EarU t;outt, Loadoo, Bflfr. ecd Aotaerp, Balfiam, \Tbcr« lb»> app^arMf bvfon m\\ tba cnimed heada of 
KuTopo. AdJftua U commuDlcailoDB lo J. L. UARK4. 1.IOJ Broadr«r. New York. 

Keith's Union Square Theatre This Weeka 

^ Permanent addrau, 83* EAST UTH STHBgT, Hew Verh. 

Miss Bernice Nata, 


Champion l.ady Swlnnierorthe world. From the prinelpalth.nlreeorijondonnnd 
I'arU. Heir and original performance In her Ituae glaH tank, nieh Coilnmei, line 
Lllhoa. For open time nddreee CIIAI. PCRZ A CO., 1U3 B. 14(h St.. Hew York. 
N. B.— aua nam ha. two tank.. a» no delnr "n be canMd bf aeoMeat. 






u PMir ih.MoM Vaoil.Tlll. CrMt'on.enr rreienW. «Ml f.'J. JOmiI ].urop<o. 
Ill aANlUBiW.- "Ainn.ill(m. inr. .ihI >lmpl.. wlilimii iwo.lo. MiJ wllhonr pmnf. I" »ni> or Ih. Mr..l mf^^^^ 
Ti.S.'^i'"' IJ" I" U". robllcmlnil." WE ABK DniNIl ONE OP TIIR BrnONUKST qiVKDV ACTH BEFOBE 
THE frPMO. RWfKlluUj. MAHKB AND WILI.ABU. AJJW lU E. UlbSt.. K«» Yiirli. 


o>nNu TO TnE,CLOB.Ho OK TUE "Hu-itEa" CO. AT^m't^Ar'w'a^'To'gL^irrY. 

Wanted, First Class 

will arrlre March I. Hare 00 agent. 



B. M. AhoUWB, 111 Taa>irC«li; M. T. Cllf. | t^M> MUnl. Hur. A. T. UILLW», rna»m O. 




Mr. Frank Harding, 

Your lODir wrilifD and cAmfM^aad hj CIIARLU 
GRAIIAV. aatlllfd 



,.0f "11 

lienor MsrrUoO" <^iiaTt«lte- 


II Ihoioujhli Eiperienced Repertoire Man, 

To rUv JuT.nll.t .Dil Uo.Tl.i. Mu.l l« UU. Addnii^ 
wlih roll pinkuUri, J. A. BaWTKLLB. 

MtQ.yer, u p.r roui. t. CbllTEn. 


HoioloBueJi or Slump (to«icli, |l each: DoabU Hkaich |l. 
BoDRK, PAfudla* anO Htelcliaa wiUua lo order. Mualo 


B08ER AUVAN^B AOKNT, Dr>l UD']«r U T»n oi an*. 
Mii>t havt |o(il virJrob* and inuit nm ba afnld ft 
naitfl. Hnhriliaalarr. t'UlKure. On* «lin tan pUy plaoo 
prtfoirH. AdJreM 0. H . caf nf OLlPriili. 

Wanted, SoulirBtte, Useful Actress 

lOipililenr l.lirlnc'c.ilal Alto BII.LTni'KIC. Arpir bf 
l«ll«ro.l). MANAIIEB. aMWrwl, K.w Vm ii. 

Ciedians, i Great Stig~e Niieltr, Aoibsdi 

Co Work II, • MlflCAL TRI.AI'IIUSK LOCltfl." >M< 
I.e. lo.ll r.>uiHivi. refflllli.a (..^.tikn. nte t*o c«di 
.lunp.. CI.irrdMB IIA >K.l<l,H<nl7l.(,'.nliio, I'fc 


i*.\K^ vtrUinA; wp#biiUn<^». NintA I'lvail »aUr)rln|1pt 
latUr. II. U. MirCIIKLL. I.fti* N. Ronil Bt , Balllsinrv, Wi. 

At LIbirly, First Time in Two Years, 

TEriL I.lf).\BU ll»*l*'*~'in*'*-ll<»- AI ni'idtm «rd- 
lobr. BhiujXow, W MEHRHOLB l>T . Bfouklro. H- V- 


01^ REr^OilMZ.EP PLAYBB*. WITH fHOH ».!!> TU 
lir l!<VEHr Can rjto Id O09 va^k tucerUloly. Uoul 
laraaliotDt for a ralmM* (fari) . AJdraM 

UANAaElt. 73^TtitMllillL. hav^orkCllf. 


THAT INlKB UI'HICALA<.T.PiirilM'"«<BUil nuo. 
HtAl. «hit rou ru do In nr«l l.ii.r .M low.*! MUr; 

THE lOnA BEIIICIKE CO.. Dutul, toek 


ROUBBETTE. Ceuiadlan. Uoff Man, Uavfol Mao aad 
Wuouo Poaltlftlv Dortmadraicad. AddniN 

ALICE Wiugo** TIIBATBE CO.. Whilaball. Wia. 


^ ^ PAUL lURLAWD.rrophatHDw. |||. 


rauxn run mi .kujk. r. n. ciiAaaKiti a >•» . 

t Uilhl, umr Ctul luiei, K.a loik. 



ANeonlP' (lUat Kallh*aHA«oll1c«Dt BoftonTliaatr« vcali Jan. If. T«n i-nr'aln calla avary iiarruina l<:' . UU HU 
al foh'i Thwtra, Nav llavao, «a«li Jao 0, la a l^vntr-Hva inlnula mualral tnininc'llnlli. 


Addrm .ton KAftT IITII ftTllRUT, Ifew York. 

"iriMa Thomaa, Ik* l.jrlc Arllal, alova diarinlnilr 'Hillr In (inr AMity.' Mr Krank llirr/, vhii ir^omnanl** 
Ur, iH&n eioallootPliaUt, ftdd aharaa inach nl IhvloUroni avJ a|'|>laiiM *U*i MUi TlMtutaB."-.1KW II AV'BN t'NION,, l)M. 

"Ot^liloic Hilda nomaa, aaiiaiad bjr Kranh Barry. ma'taaitUllnrilili at Kelili'a raMnrilar. Hlin «*■ alllradrarr 
ralchlDglj, aail aanv har nanil^ara In vsc«ll«nl Tnirn. Bba fiiiH llirrn ixjofi, 'Ha Jfaiinriu,' 'Cnaa in i;(ut»r' lod m 
iJanaaa YndtLand la reaponaa lo ropffaM tatall* a«va an Imliailnii or n aaiiK miiiI lUnco aillnlai allflvary 
mnwuD. TfaaaoniaTovalnlllnrrr'anil ilfimaB Vndtl waro writlan anil niiiipuMit fur MI«jThi>niai."—l)OIITOIi 
JOL'RKAL, Ju. ZH, IHM. P. H.— HUathi'Viaa UorlHlnal iDil duaa nut ctifir aiiT onn. 


OFBtT •nUB. 7BD. 13, 14, IB, 37, 28, SB, UABCH 2, 3, 4, B, 6, 7, 12, 
13, 14, as, 24, SB, 30, 31, APRIL 1, FOR COUOIIfATIONd ONLY. This la 
one of tha beat three night etanda In the country, it II good oompaolea do 
bis bualneaf. Addraaa DBLMORB Si WILSON. Manogera, Eolyoke, Haaa. 


rulOwMUpilOClpelOOIIiedlUWllliEtllNKHA MAIIVIV an'IK. H MAHVIN'H l'l,AVKi:il Adilraucir. nr 
O. B. NAHVIN'Hri.AVKIUI.Jol llli. Mil . k'ali .l-^ Kmpi'llt, Kunu, ID-It. 

Lady and Gentlemen Riders^ 

flOOO BAirTnAPBXn ri.OWNa, VOIIMO I.AIIV TI» llANIII.ii «VAKK«, lo uo to 
AddroH W. A. CU.1K(,I.V, n Catharine Hir.Dl, New York Oriy. 

Cealral Auerlen. 

The Trocadero Vaudevilles 

la the Only Company PlaylDK FIrat Claaa Thoatroa. Only one nhow a day. 
rirat Olaaa Arllata Sealrlng Bngagomenta for Kozt floaaon ahould addraaa 
F. ZIEOFELD JH., Ifotel Martin, Now York. 


Al BEPEBTOIBi: PEOPLE.«T. ■M4«»/>lrolM. Nn.uiiifliir. v.olH. laci>mp.l«nt ptopl. .|lwti«riiMl wlllioiit Diillc. riMr. lloii,. 
M4U»<lI lloi>l>pl..i.un.|OrE!ITiaK.wc.k •lAO'll. Am Hiotleii In LVilorulo tw.! UrEN TIME 
rerHaBBerMeioB. AildrM. u rouir. 

. _ ._, ^ , RUURKK M. PUIIKIH,, Proprl.lor aad Banaaer. 

lUnrti l» Iflwil. le IB. Beulli JENNIE OALKr. pl.u. (rlu. 


L0 1JIl!»Vir,LE, 

K Y. 

11(0 Iha week or March 10 open. VIrel clai. Hnrleiqae or Vandevllle Ci>m|ianl» or 
lf«. I apetlally ArlliUdetlrlng Ibailale will nddrri. J, II. WIIALLBM, Manafor. 

Wanted, Fint ClasH Attraction at Kcator iOpciu lloiiiio, llonior,N. Y. 

ir.T. leweil Ih. .Imr. liDuie, li.vlnNl.««fic|ii.«cl .IncA H.r'li. "Jl. eli.n J. K. KiuDi.tCimi.iny |>l.|fd II lo 
.... ... — .. _ Etlll.B t.ptclu. »«; i-,f.ilill.ii. tbiu l.aiie 

uEu. w. iiii'J.i:v, aiati.r, 

H. K. 0. 1 eul rmi Clia AllntUoa lo op.. .lOi .1 unci, 


OKEISSI B^HD O^IACBIS ^ ■^Jd^SSnJtioiu of "Hwd Time." Dl-pene. 

Are Wot Ccnridered Where '^.e Merry World" fcOonoeraedj ^^j^^^^a^^j^^^^ : 



Second Annual Review 
From the QASINO, New York. 





Ilenn. Kohl, MlddleloB dt Ceetle kBow wliBt . 





A,n<3. 50 Otlaeir Piroxxxixxezit 

S«Bd oj»B TliB*. All rifhti pratMli>(l t>j IIOWB St IIUMMBL, A<l«rn*)ra. 


^B^^^HMI^Hi^^^Bi w--— _i.-i--<!iiica«oao iMTftnBM«ee)> Rnalli Tfeer are pteBwd, wc an 

tb. pMpl. w.nt I. .m.»m.Bt., .Bd «1«M«I The WorM'Mbr « «fl.fe»«t^^^^^^^ ta'SUgo werfsLVVBIl HDlfoBBb ARd'sixTt! 

IjBdiimeBlbr nlraonUBSiypBtnnage. The recelpU of "The Merry WorM rer i ffBi ^ 





DrazTLAtlo, 3VL-Li»loal »n<l Si>eol»l"ty .Ajrtlsts. 

AddrMi all conmaalralloBtto 


by IIOWB « IIUHMBL., A<l«rne)r.. AdHreu ell canmaBirBiiDBi to — i#%Bi a ■ DDIMTIMO Oft Ohifxrn III 

OI^-^IR. IMC. I>-A.TESE, a^ctnwer, care NATIONAL PRINTING CO., ChlcgoJII. 



1 Love My Honey! Yes I Do!" 

A CIreat CooB 8on(, hy WILL O. CARLRTOn. 
nimM of thoit who arc doing Hili long ind nitlng tn uiptnltitod hit with H: MAY IRWIN In 
"TIM Widow JOMI," WILLIS P, 8WEATNAM In "Thnlbr,'' FRANXIE HAINES with Rloi A Birtea'l 
LARKELLE. We would Uke lo havt you |oln than. You eu do It by tondlng lor proltillonil 
cdflM, with orohnlralleni, FREE! Don'l <*ll to cneloM tird or progrimnw and itampi lor 

4 £Mt 20th Street, New Tork Oltf, between Ww^f and fitk Ave. 
P> 8(«W» forcot to ttteBlloii that LockltArU** •lephanl* are BOwrelioBningthUHag. 

To Moienttw Uifti oor wtll koovo iludlo 
of UiMUlcil dMlgvi ud eoKnTlan, 
under penoul iDperrlsloo oT Mr. P. HIcn- 
trdi (ul cMlribalor lo N. Y. TBUTII, 

B«fei*ncM tliU BMftk tor ihemtoWeii: Koster A BUl a, KiUhXToor Fuior'n, Prootor'e. CealralOptiE Uoane 
ud Burotiien. We «iolui(rely ■iipi>lr itit roll-iwloR tliHirlcil aieou «llh their uitlonsry: Ow. LIrau, B. 
BniDelle.uhu. F*dc a ro , nilnlim wllaon. 0)iaf> llemttn A Co^ llrory Vniraolio, J. Aki. Bra«o, Etc 

For lh« !»•« 7 yean r*roKnlinl by th« American and EnropMin ttar p«tfbrmen 
a« lb» nowt rellftble antt onlrl«glllBi»te rtrelBBMv and engraven fbr the profeuloa* 
OerreapoBdeHceMllcKcxI. Allleltere aniwered. SAHPLKi FIIBB. 

TU01I&J8 ABOUN, Mfi«R«r(LMenrU]o Courier, HirowhrUjt* AflpiIoKarud Wtltf LllhoCoa.) 

Addmi RICIiAllDS* STUDIO OP DBHIONCf, 14 Vnloa Bqaare. New York. 


AT LI n E li X Y 
PermaaeBt addroM 

1(W Coldea St., Itewark, New Jeney. 

BuckingLanL Theatre, 

OmorthebestparlnitVArleiy TTiektrealn the ftiiuili. Rltutted In ih* h»ftrtorU:e Hly. vltJi » ptirooue el) the 
yeu toowS. Hut mtnUR* of H>| featoo t«o«r ihepnnoltitleire«ti«<tr the elir. «lih eDtruce inu foth. Tbe 

rUoetiUftiflde rerutfttloo, antluu.ler the pnMWt mtDtitoieo'— MBiSRfl WIlALLKN, L«BJ««i-hubeen flneuy- 
D| pTOMrtv. Batejla nude lo MtiteeneatAi*. Kdriher p«riieu)ara on ippllcAttoD to ni, PIdelUr TraH ud Bifcir 
VuAOo. Bteouior, J. W. UAViH, aUioaiOFUihStreet, LouliTlKe. Ky. 



ilROBIU, DANOBRS AND TIIMHLHHIR. COBolMdlna with Ikelr faSBleat aad moit 
iBBghablearall eacona, TUB ULOXDIN UOilKRVV 

WKEU OF .TAN. nr. AVJEMUR THICATllV, PitlMlmrtt. Pn. 
Bafardl lo oar fVleadi, (iielloaevaBi, Levy aad Barker, and Saalbrd nad Lee. 


H&RDINQ aail etben. Now ulavlaa KBITH'8 UNION aOVARB TIIKATRB. 
Dale. Waated. PenaaBeal addre.., NELgB INKBS, BOSTON IlitilALD, Bimiob, Mbm. 


'^A. TVriTlT "Wlxlte Flos'' OO. 

ProCWilonal coiilre antt oirliMlrBt ion, lOc. 

BaoOKS A UBNTOM CO., nth Ave. aad 3Ulh8trMl, New York. 
n- Bead Ban* aad nddrvat and theatyle of Magi yoa ae^t *^ 




BBATINaOArA<1ITV AIOl'T l.»U KTANniNll Himil rOH O) - 



RTANniMI H()OM KOH KH. I'HIi'Rft, la IL t&. ai fiOORKm TWO MATI 

auod ortD time lo Hftreh, April ud May. 

ForOrBNINtl, UAKCII In HIr BurltMoe or tUperiory (VitB|tuy. ooevilh BawI »Dd Or 
rhftitn piefinrml. (tlher a(lno<lann«rlle or»lre. ' 

--- OoniUBF _ 

Alio booklof Dlltefuon. "Ttili lilJit hnuM that people tUIl" 
ClirP. W. UHANT. Huairer. 





OOUBDY HKBTtlU TKAU. do l>« Mg&KMl for Firt. (;oni«Oj, Burlf^iav t.r 0.0* «b.r* mon.f I. .iiiTk. We 
un TorklBona. AiMitm LKH HBSKER n>a'l D.I., Claclonul, Ohio. 


Prawnllni a17 ntlouu (ViiiedTHkotctt thai It lU^erTlnit itflhe oame. aihl eao utake «ml uy oM place. WBBK8 
Ur TEB. IO-IT-14 «Ule oitu. MtDtsen with niMiey ud nrloelpta ad<lre<« 

(ISO. tlHAN, 101 B. Founeeoilt Street. Vt^w Vork. 


TS BROADWAV. N. V.. nnei1o(>rl>«luwMnili Bl (ritrnirily 4« Hkldrn LuO MII1I«tt. TliealHral ami CtmivdnodB. 
<loM ud Rlher Lice*, Krinaw. R|unitUN H'an^ Tauelo. Hro(»d«a, TIrMk, BhIriA. PaAHlDC*. Ilau. WIpft. Rhnei and 
Jt«*lrr.T1iMlrlml, RqiiMtrlui anil Athlrllc (ImkIk. Coatnnpn* and BtdK* Mtken* Roppllea, Plaia aod BaaneTm, 
MOllary andRACfvlj TrImmitiEca. Annomof all klada lo oidrr. BethI Tor eUiniatea. Tbe larf««l AHortoaBl and 
h«ail«BtUochof tlirai |tood> to b» found U|«b*re. OlrDulan ri*e. OeoilBi«DiO.O 0. 

j^.NO'ruKirkrr wrrw cool.'h mio ktock co. 
•Toliift C4-. mi<l TA:^.yA€} M!cI>owoll, 



II, W<8llLB<.lotEi<sl>u|K rilM.,|U0l(\»a,|a,| Tk. AMBl. «> nrSWIlTIR oir tptcllHr. 
IUu.aii^InolmuLMun,panla.Jan, .141. tree. w a WILHOT. 

A Great Coin1)matio]L 


"Tlie Gill of the 
TwenM Centuiy." 

Wordt ind Muile by FRANCIS LEON. 

A newaod eiceedloilf brigbt, np u> date ■onir.wlUi 
llmltleu opportuolUei for Indlrldaal oipreMloo. Fot- 
Miaea all toe happy retmreithit go to niafce op a aae- 
ceuful compotliloD. 

"Deii Uttle EsM" 

Sons and Chonn by ARTHUR BERKELEY. 

AcapllTallogaoDr, «)ilcl) telli the itory of Btther'a 
rapturoaa lOYor. Ooe or the floait of raceot pabllcatlooR 
ttut !■ aare lo nake a kl t vhenrar It !■ heard. 


By ED. N0L8T. 

Hualcally, boUi m reiatda theme ud pluo acconpul* 
(D*ot, tbla wwg la vt a olitb ataadard, ud already deMr- 
radlr popolar, althouoh butrecullr iMued. Aoeieetd- 
(oilr efbctUe compoMiloo, wiib the ererplaajilof iralu 

"mm Famlli Band." 

Song and Chora by MILES F. JORDAN. 

"Vou talk tbMt jourtnuilo 

Aad the plailog of the hud, 
Th»re'a a funlly in the houae eltb aa, 
Tli«lr mulled KinieiblDff graiKl." 

7arrtQteil to briac duwo i)»e lioa«e before the flnt 
Ten* la half ^odk. Oo« of the brijihieat, bnmorau* toon% 
eTtr prodactd for the dtlectatloo oi ihf fUo loTlogpoblic. 

Profe'uloBal c«ple« on appllcalloB. Or> 
eheatra parte, lOceata. 


463 to 4&3 Wishlngten Street, Boston. 
NtwYorh: PfelladelphU: 
C. H. DITSON & CO. J. E. DITSON « Co. 


Theatrical, Circus, 


Military Supplies. 


StDd I cul lUsp for oer NEW CATALOaVB 
J.M Una). Lwiwt, compMait itock or GOLD u4 
Itet, eniTtblDi nqilied for THBATRIOAL 

Lower Prices Than Any Other House. 

Joit a few Iteaa to glre u Idea of ou prleei: 
nOHTBorSBIRTB, mm 9Se« ApaIr, apwmrd. 
BPAMOLItS. lo BoU ud allrer, tl.lOapooad. 
W108 mm 9Bc opvard. 

OOLD or eiLTEB TBIMMINa tnm Sc. a yaid op- 

OoodiMst O.O.D. A depoalt required 00 til ofdm. 
BatUfAfttloD goaiMteed or money refanded. 

Jean White, 


Boaton, Maaa., 
AaaoBBcee the (blloivlaa New Soaaa by 



Tbeaa are all good, and lare tomakethemMlrei mmtii. 
lar. Til* Ural nused bta a melody auch aa ve all like to 
llatan to; tbe lewod lea coon aooB that May Irelo wnoU 
■et ^TerjbodT to atnelDx: the third haa a pathetio atory 
lolaed to a wloDloir mtkray. aod lh« lait baa Joat the tdI- 
licking swing that aaie«T«ry one lo alsihig. Mr. Blud- 
fonl'a Miiavlllaooo ke eTeiehere auog. Pnfeaslooal 
toplea. iQota. 





AO up todate Walls n«oR with a atory. Uood nwiDHiag 
melody. Boogud Ar4 elaia orchenraUen. olnejana. 
In 0 or B nar, aeot U> reongntced proleaalonaUONLY, 
open receiptor lOe. AOJrau SANFORO A LAWLBR, 
P. 0. Lock Boi. W. Feorta. 111. 



A Pir.t Clau Loading Maa, hoIdlBa the 
beel metropolltaa eagagemeata, wlaliea 
poallloa Itar hlueelf and wife with a 
iboroaBhljr reliable repertoire conpanf , 
wbere ula wife majrliavetbe advaatage 
or playlBg Juvaalle aad light comedr 
parte aadec hie talllen. HMlara waid- 
robe. Oeod appoa ranee. Caa Jola at 
OBOe, Re«pOB«l6le naaaagera oal^ ad- 
dreaa, .tatlng Yory heat J.latealary. 
lba1>in6 MAN-A. B. O., 


Are Voa Looltlaa fbr a Real Good Boaal 
Here Voa llaTall, Jaat Path II AloagT 



OnracelDlof alvoceaUpiMUm.laDipaod addrMk*. 
.Ill raalluraonniimlprolMaioDali. me of oharae, thia 
UWLURrASSBDtOKa.slihordmlnpam (air. brH,r- 
roaa llcMo«»). B. N ATTKH t CO, gP «r. Illh St, Na. York. 

Miisicliiiis for Dicfenbnch 
New Show. 

UBRBBRT BWirr, Ua.l«r, 
Bo ronl. m Hanrr MlGaliala. 


vlilch i* compleiefAr toad «otk eieeptdraagbt hora«« 
andnuagerf*. laolTeifd for aale prlvaUly qdIII Uarth 
I. iritilltindlaitQ^ of oQ that date It will be wild at 
auction lo tha til|[he>t Mddar on Tdeaday, March 10, m 
thefalr grouiHlaai rAtadam. N. T. Addrru 
HBaTH a BCOTT. Potalam. K. V 


Ladles' Street and Evenlr{ Dresses 




WooM Ilka la haar maaBaaellh a iaod tmpeoKoia 



Agent, Muimger or Traisurer. 

Familiar wlih all diUlta of the bli. Ift yean of practical 
eiperianceglrea ne ample ecope rordoeeeoDtract(a|i,u 
kcqoaloiaDte with manager, aod a thoroagh knovledg* of 
ihe oooffUy thoroigb oewppaper writer and caa nmta 


Slfifing ind Dancing Soubrette and Boys. 

Nloe years of atock, opeim ud repertoire eipertoDca. 
BiiAoalvo wardrobe. JniDt or alogle eogagemeoL Jolot 
prefamd. No oblKtlon to good t*feitolreco. Balaiyla 

kfeplog Willi tinea. Write or wire 

•^ARRY R VICKBRB. Plibklll OB Modaoa. V. T. 


Mnu do two or more aeta aod aalarlea moat Im low, 
aa we pay weekW. Wut a hnullog Advuce Man, 
who le not afraid to paite; want Baedmaaler aod Bo- 
alcltoa for band ; good Bou Ouraa Mu aod Oook. 
DniokaTda ud bama don't writ*, for yon won't laak 
HATE FORBALV,a 78lt roood top, with SOft middle- 
plpce: alao a aMt-dreaalog room top. wUlaell ^eap If 
sold at once. Addren OBO- W. HALL JUNIOR, 
BoK n. ETuarllle, Roclc Co.. ffU. 



will niahe rata at tt.OO per weeh, loem 
aad beard. CoBTOBteattA all theatxaa. 

T. V. DAT. 

mwi mm. 


Doable Barlloae or Trombone la Baad. 
Alao a Donble Baa. and Taba Player. 
StrloUy aober aad reliable. Addreaa 

DR. O. W. HIINTLBV, llaaager, 
OrUhaay PalU, W, V.. Feb. M. 




Kxperlenced and Reliable. 
Qood modaro eanltobe Aiidrau 


The New Ywk MomiMjJour- 
nal recently offered ten leading 
makes of bicycles as ^es in a 
guesslnj; c(mte^^;ivins[ the win- 
ners free choice of any one of 
the ten machlnes.TheresuIt was 
ALL of the ten -winners selected 


The Journal ac- 
cordincrly bought 
ten Cdumbias, 
pying $100 each 
for them, without 
discount or rebate. 
On even terms 
few will choose a 
Incyde<Aher than the Columbia 

Unequalled) Unappfoaclwd. * 



lait Stuat'tnal Aeral Riiuni Act in Gounin, 


B. B. WALLACB. Tam. Ipj. 

Olga Lorraine IMarshali, 

Al BlDRlDgaiid Daoclng BoobreUaud Boj'aParta. 

Thos. IMarshali, 

OrckaaUB Uailer, Double la Bwa. Ati»o|[»f. ,ta. 


6O0D iriBDBOBE, 


OREB.iwinH, K. T.. rafcnmr M. 


n™'A5?? ^ Palatlnn. eno. or Lamb ; Trent, 
?St ''V?!"; H«"il Oman. 11 uaaa.«lth caW 

HO (or abOTo loL Ooahaird^M. C. 0 D. Addiat.^^ 
H. a BEKO, m 71b A.aau.. Maw lotk Oltr. 


K.o ..J!?!? BBABOKABLR. 
MM. TAVLOH. ni llih ei n tt, W.w Voik IXtj. 

. . ••m m^- w^ HTW IJl VJ. 

Wute4,Lidi or 6«t, ilU )200 or 

TolOTaal ID U UploDau AuruHoa, A BUIIB WINNIR. 
IK>Qtwiiulr*ou don'r meae bu.lnaM. Add. Htr. loalc. 
al Comtdf. Doli.noj'.OpaiK HooH.Conocil Blolft,Iowa! 

BetntJIul Alt Catalofnie ot Colurabia aod Hart- 
ford BIcydea !• free u you call upoa any Colum. 
bla agent; by mall mm u. Ibr two .•cent 


Factorkt and Genaal Office, Haftibfd,Coiiii, 

Branch Ston. and Agenclea in alnoat evoy 
dty and towm. If ColumbUa an not properly 
Tcpracnted in your vldnity let n. ImoMr. 

A. SOODRICHi LAWYERi m£!S£kSuk' BulfinS. 

laBUaadqnlaL BiaaehaaandlaemMwiaoltarBUIei. 


■oipblae UabltCarod lalU 
to HO dare. No paw tlU eared. 
Dr. J. gtepheae, tetwaea, O, 


lirBBItOO. rORTOBS. Bam. 

plea, inc. atieatBaUeria^»)aadap.raororo..Bd«n,Pa. 



roUTITELT CUBED. Core palolHa. Ber,rMCM|lT,o. 

ConeqtoDdrDte Mlleltad, Addreaa 

PATTEBBOK HOME. Oiand Eaplda. Bldilran. 

BaoplMiree. RemltpoMaia, flTaSaitampa. 
OLinoira mam'PO oo, Boi irt cmiog Pa. 


Per thoaaaod |3M 

FPraBB 00., 71 B. Tbirteenth BtraaW Tort 



WHISHtHB, i:riySiK2T: 


m,m^,^^0. g. MAMHAia, L.,fcpw»H.T: 

H^SS?'-*' ^SlSSs''fS.- "endle— iwanplor 
njirareoi. ib rut yjj^ 

WBL«a BBtBUIania—, Fa. 




ELBOTBlO BBL1B, alao Pne Ranploa ol 
ooa. or So. lor bolL. with par- 

. ,^ Ucolan. L*te.t (binit In E. 

Balta. (taarlO. Bllimoo.r. 


Oounseiop at Lahv. 

n AMD t> OENTRE STBEBT. New Yorh Cllf . 

Pnetlee lo all tba Ooojia oItD aod OriaUuL Special 
a lt antloa rlvai to the eoUaoHooof dalmi aad dobuol 
all klsda, l^e praparalloD or afieamaata aad otbat iHal 


SEE IT. OorlateatlDiiortedBXaM 
puadot diamond eipcriA You 
;anDOt doUct trom Un grnulnp. 11 
lotxoduco this new stODo wo nlll 
send for 80 days Ihta ring or ntud 
bFcxpicaaa0aD.fiir|L6S. Yott 
tiamlM, Uiuteqeal la appiaraMetDa 
a«riMifaati*k.iL irwtiffa(to(7P«r 

^^^H^^lVtlM ami SIAX Order tpM Sw 

W ill llMklfHanrterAnvinnnmia rkla.«««* Fn*. 

liTIOIlLJOBBUOCO. i0e>m>ekTtmM».Olnf«n"«* 



Fowb ud Eggs F»r Btk, bj 

U. r. ORAM. Ooidalla P. O.. Ueeaetor Co., P.- 






Howe.* aad mart ateaaat atylaa, wllk Ike 

Billiard ■aterlal., Olotk, Balis 
etew ef Bar »mm, — — aad 

fvlatfaa^^ J 

~-UB-O01UIISBB 00,^ 

CopTilghtel, lilM hj Tha Fnnk Qiuaa PnUiiUiig Oompur (liiolM). 

Founded by 


I PriM 10 Cmtc 



vmnnf nil tbi nw toiiic OLirran, 

Uol youliuiaasllor, 

8noirj atlls u« bolaitd, 

NOW the alilp's onmooRd ! 
Lo I me cnti IB rocklDg, 

Ton tbe port •OKttDd: 
iMi of ndlut TldoDS- 
Blamtxtlud I 

Molber la Ibe caplalD, 

Btbj la Iba naie; 
Dnwv ej<s are oImIor, 

For ibej cannot wait. 
Obi lae algbta aad ircuuici 

On Ibat golden etnnd I 
Sail we to ttao haTen— 
Slomberland I 

Oama ot lareat beaoty, 

All for babj dear; 
set the watcb, aad aafel; 

TOIhelandwoeteer, . 
Rooied bj gentle bieczta, 

Ever Bveetand blind; 
Ob I Ibe bllaaful bnrbor— 
Slamberland I 

SlanaboTeare tirlnkllDg, 
Baitboj eoon irlU fade; 
Dawn wllleooD be binsbing 

Over Tale and glade- 
Bo I jon Utile sailor, 

nien jon'll leave tbe atisnd, 
BalllQg back from yonder 
Slumbotland I 


wRirraN roa tdb kbit tork olippir. 
BT UirriB M. YBDNE& 

lll-fortnne, wblcb bad even enslaved ber to tbe tool 
cnr wbo bad not acrapled id aaaert hit auibotliy at 
once, and wbo pnipoged boldlog ber Cortaoe, ber 
Terr life, In bla band. Tbe golden aoake glittered 
omloonalr ou ber dnger itlll. sbe voold *ear It 
no longer. Sbe wrenched and palled at It, but 
ellber Ibat tbe linger bad awollon or Itiat tba Joint 
waa too Urge lo allow It to be ellpiwd back, after It 
bad gone eaallj over to Itaplace, abe could dm move 
It Tbe carted eerpeot colli aeeniHl ao Oimlr Oxed 
aa If tbex were a part ot Ibe band, bespetate, abe 
bammered It on tbe table lo the fii tile nope ol break- 
ing Ita tblck folda. As sbe raised ber band tbe aaw 
a thick brownish sbsin on the surface of tbe note 
paper. Sbe examined the ring cloeelr, and, horror 

alltmpt. Soberemaloedfor anolberwsek wllba 
abarp »y» kept on tbe maniloD, where there wet« 
arldencet of the growing antborlir ot the num. 
Heanwblle the bniler and the other dlaobargad 
aervinta had l>eaa Indnced lo take refuge In Joaea' 
tortreaa, whera he armed them agalnat tbe time 
when, he hellered. It would be fonod nni r—ij to 
uke the nanaloa bj atonu. In the Interim bla 
forces wer« held In cloae concealmant, leal tbe 
enemj might gain knowledge of bla rirangth and 
become nndul; cauiloui. Ootm had lol been aeen 
to leave the houaa once during the (ortnlgbt, and 
Rob bad no doubt she waa held ther« a prtmner. 

At last Doctor Pletro antred, at tbft end of this 
dismal forlnlgbt, driven tblther In a hired convejr- 

log wretch on his cheek, alopped auddealj and 
tuned about 

"Weill" said he, with an 111 conocalad look ot re- 

"Farding, Doctor," said Uenr}, ertngliig under 
tho Hash of Ibe searohlsg dark eye*, "but I Ihonghl 
aa 'ow, If I might make ao bold, that yon wouldn't 
mind a-dola' of a II til* serrloa for noe." 

"You a astvloe >" tvpoaled the dainty phyalclan, 
with a Ibrsaienlng drawing together ot hia hrary 
Uaok eyebnws, "Fellow, what do yon maant" 

The nuraa waa abashed for out a moinanl, then 
oonilnaod even mor« boldly than befoia: 

"It'a honly tbii, air. I 'are 'era a scrap ot wnUu' 
wblohlknowaenoughlokaowls lleyelallan; but 


Tbe man laughed derisively, and then, frowning 
blackly, replied: "See ■en, mnm, don't you late me 
for no fool. There may be fortunes In iblslliUo 
paper, and I'm agoln' to play for the full slake, 
What? Oet out ot 'era and leave yoor 'uiband to 
jout Why, that wuDld be a throwin' ofall my 
chances to tbe doga; for, soppoee 'o die* sodden. 
Then all I can do U talk to the perUca, and I haint 
gotmncbconadencein ihelrbein' obllgln' esongh 
lo 'elp ma ontin my IllUe apeculaUon. Tniat 'Im lo 
you I Not I, me leddy; 'e'a too preclons to one." 

"Do ynn mean to say I would be capable oT'. 
Hp. Abingdon paused wllti the quesilon anOolabedi 
BDlcken dumb with tbe honor of bis base sua 

"Wbo knows," replied the nurse vrlib a grin 
"It'a a big bUiducament lo a party In your Oi." 

She shrank back and covered ber face with her 
hands, 10 shot out the sight of this wretch who thus 
hsM ber as a orlmlnal In his bands. 

In a vicious glee at this new proof of bU Increaa 
Ing power be chuckled audibly, and then broke ont 
again In his soft, purring way: 

"Do you believe, mum. In the llevll Ueyet Nor 
Well, I does, and many oUien besides me doea. See 
'ere." He went over to the comer when Uie dog 
had taken refuge, and, stooping down, fumbled a 
moment under the chair. Wnon be arose snd ap* 
proaohed her again be held tho animal by tbe neck, 
and, bolding U high, displayed lilo hergazo. It waa 
stark dead.atinned and distorted, with lis eyes 
starttaig from lis head. 

Cora gave a cry ot tarior. 

"Tea mnm, IVa dead,"aald Uenir, with grim com- 

"Who has done thla?" shs cried. 

"The BivU Heye, mam— that's what done It. Now 
Its my hcplnlon that that 'erer hopal In that golden 
anake repreaenta the Hevtl Heye of tbe bold hastro- 
logon, and this 'ere dog's got tbe fuU benelt of It, 
and 'e'a dead In conaeqnence." 

She looked Involuntarily at the great opalmalevo- 
lenily glowing on ber Inger, and the words of tbe 
old porter, which had aeemed so obUdlsbly snper- 
atlUoua an boor before, now came back to her 
with bomd dgnmcance. Had not tbe corae of 
tbe opal settled already upon ihe Abingdon honse- 
holdt nad It not bronght hor a newand crushing 
woe already? 

The man held up tbe dog trlnmpbanily for her 
lospecilon a few momenta, and then ihrew It ont of 
the long French window that opened on Uie piazza 
which ran along three sides of ihe old faabloned 
mansion. When he bad closed and latched the 
sash again he returned, creeping op to her la bla 
son, Dolacleas, cat like msnner, and, leering 
vlclonely, aald, while he searched Into her eyes with 
his cunning look: 

"Strange that a dog staonid die andden, right oir 
'and like, at the look ot a ring. Suppose I 'sdn't 
been by to night, and your 'naband 'ad got a good 
look at Itt Whera would 'ea-been now) Where 
the dog la, hot coojie. Hand what would be the 
hlnterence? who gavalttoyoa? Tonr dd aweet- 
'eatt Don't It look, mnm, Uke the 'Int ot a Impa- 
tient sweet'esrtto'nrTTnp year 'naband^ death? 
Leastways that's 'ow It seema to me, and when 
Doolor Plstn 'as turned thla tag Into nenillab, and 
'aa 'ad a look at the dog, maybe ItH happear more 

"Beaveni" exclaimed Oora, In the agony of ber 
soul, "Into what dreadful anare have I fallen)" 

"You're right, nnm," went on the nune. 
"Yon are In a anare, and one ot your bown aettlog, 
loo— yoo and that Oldeon of yuan, and Its honly 
throngk oy goodness of 'eart that you'll be aavtd ' 
from the consequences. Bat goodneaa of 'cart 
mnat be paU for llbeiaUy, and I glvea you vramln', 
at the fliit aign of entiln' up tough with me I'm 
a-goIng to tall the 'de story to ibem as will make 
tron'bls about IL" ' 

Ob walked away towards the. sick loan's pavilion, 
and she, dazed with horror,' cmsbed beneath the 
dreadful apprehensions which Ibla baas vUllan'a 
thinly veiled thieala had- aionsedJb ber mind, tot- 
tered to her apartment, and, hastily , dlanlaalng ber 
maid, gave way to reataand then taawfnlthoughta. 

Sealed at her aniall writlsg table, btr hand rest- 
ing on a package of dainty note paper, tbe thought 
came to her that she wonld wille to Oldeon, en' 

Biticken, found that on prestlog tbe opal In tbe 
bead ot the serpunt a needle vrss thrust iinlckly 
from beneath Ita jaw, and there followed a tblck 
drop of tho browilab (lold wblcb had made the 
drat stain on the paper. 

She tell hack In her chair with a cry of dhimay on 
thla discovery. The glittering Jewel wboeo golden 
colls seemed bat a reservoir of deadly polaon, aim 
glowed on ber Onger. In afrenr.y now, sbe sought to 
removs It, and wasted her energies In long and per- 
sistent efforts to caat It from her. Itclnogtbeteas 
If liy some magic charm of the ErilOne hiraaeir, 
with lie deadly venom beneath Ita glliter, and the 
ourae of the opal threaienlog In Da welid. chaogeful 
glow. Kahaualed, abewaaoMliedtoieeklierbed. 
where abe lay till nearly ranrnlng a prey to dreadful 
tbotigbts. Onoldic be that Oldeon, knowlog of Ihe 
fearf Dl energlea ot this bauble, bad seat It hor with 
the dealgn of having ber remove from their path, 
wlthoot ansplcloo, tbe bnebaml to wknm tbrongh- 
ont bla drMdfiil anlTerloga she bad sacrinced her- 
aell? Could be mtml ao base, en criminal a 
thooglii? She ranai aee hitn.and demand aa ei- 
pUnailnn: and, ao diatranght, ber brain aank offlnio 
a troubled sleep. 

A week paased, and old Rnh Jones, from his 
lodge, could maks out that ihloga were going awry 
at tbe mansion. Ihreeof Ihe servants. Including 
lbs butler, bad bean dlacbarf ed on tbe command nf 
Benry. thenniee. and driven f rwn the estate. Not a 
man servant waa left. The blackraalUiP waa sn- 
pr»rae. At last there came ibe mlalreia' wri Pen or- 
ner tor Rob's own dlacbama and removal from lbs 
place wltbln tweniy tonr bonis. Hinrr bronght 
him the written paper, and stood by. amillog, while 
he read IL 

'He? Dlscbarge me r' ahrleted nob. "No one 
can do thai! I am a tztnre here, a part nt tbe 
property, by vlrtae of tbe will of a good old man 
whn'a been dead these tony yeaia." 

And then be set upon the nnna, taking otnuce at 
his aggravaaog grin, and lavs bio a aoarnl beating 
back to Ihe honse. After ibat Rnb barricaded hlra- 
aeit In the lodge, and dated Ibe world lo come on 
and drive him out. 

As the old man waa well armed, resolute aad al- 

. , wan on the aleit,De1tber the blackmailer aer any 

olortMUmtlwJewiIwUahhad bronght her ancb ' ot hU aympatbliaa, If (hs bad soy, dared oaks (he 

BDce from tbe sladon, and walkod up the avenue to 
the bouse, after exclianelng aaluiauona and a taw 
words with tbe old porter, whoee grim manner 
somewhat disconcerted him, for be had nover seen 
bim so forbidding on sny ot bis nuny former 

"I wonder If that dark llallan la one ut tbo 
enemy r' muttered Kob, looking after the doctor aa 
he disappeared In tbe ahndowa of the DighL He 
shook lilH head In bis puuled way, but It was plain 
It would not leqiiire mucb persaaalon to Induce the 
old man to follow the Hpeclallst snd ning him Into 
lbs road. All this on ths lisre siuplclon that Ibe 
little doctor was a friend of Ihe nume, wbo, the 
porter now recollected, bad come there on the pby- 

This Doctor Pleiro wax a dark mile Ban, tblck 
act and tnnscolar, not over flte feet three, with 
short cut sliibbly black hair, a bushy black heard 
that reached to his breast, and an air of dellelanle 
science peculiar to your speclallat. lie was, taken 
all In all, a mlm, perfect model ot social propriety 
and rennement, cool under all clrcnmstaoceH, cold- 
blooded, always pnfesalnnal, and apparently de- 
void ot all disiracllsg smotlons, dsaplla bis Use, 
blazing llallan eyes. 

Arrived at ihe manalon. be waa received cordially 
by Una, wbo, under tbe donlnstlon of her baae 
master, waa compelled lo dbalmslala ber lemnL 
She ushered bIm Into tbe apartmeolof tbe wretched 
Invalid, where abe ktl him wllb the nurse on hbi 
moUon that she retire. Bhs lingered In Ibe llule lea 
room nearby, where, aa iMfore, ber meal was hUd 
for ber, a more elaborate service being arranged 
for tbe Doctor In his apartmeiila, as be had re- 

When abe had gone the physician gnvely abook 
bla head after a slbgle glance at tbe Invalid, aaying: 
"As I decided before, he la aearing the end. It 
may come lo a day, a week, er a year. Ilia lime 
can be prolonged ao further tban that lUnIL A 
shock may do It, a sadden burst ot temper, a whis- 
per of bad news. Impress thla on his wits and all 
who approach bim. It they woDid havs bim live Uw 
year, which Is bla utmost." ■ 

He waa addressing Uenrr, who wss toilowlsg 
him OQt lo me anteroom wtib a smirk en bla coarse 
taas. Ttem, Plebo, faeUsg lha bteaiti of tba lawD. 

what la Ibe plain llengllah of It Is beyonil tnr. 
Now, Ibers'a IMolor Flatro, says I; 'e'a a agreeable 
gent, and wouldn't mind doln'a Utile thing like 
reading thla right off lo me In llengllah, lo satisfy 
my corloally." 

The Doctor, not all aallalled liy the ubilprlying 
tone of familiarity ntlhtaaddrm, grew even more 
ailir tban ever In bis dignity, and took the scrap of 
parebmest In the noger ilpa of his dainty while 
hand. Us held It to Ihe light carefully aa If It were 
some foul thing, iiut as be began to deolpber the 
cblrogmphy be took a drmer bold, and ercn 
smoothed It out that he might read ihe more 
clearly. When tie had gnlahad the few lines he 
rslssd his head and bent a keen, aearching, sns- 
plcloos glance on Ihe amillog Henry. 

"Where did you get Ihlat" he aaked. 

"I foand It," Biammsred Uioiy, who had nut ex- 
pected this qnesilon. 

"Whsre?"coDUnaed the Itoctor. 

"In the road by the sutlon." 

"Where la the jewel, the ring of whose genuine- 
neaithUla agnaianlee? Burelylf you have theooe- 
TOO moat have the other," aald the physician, sua- 

"I 'avsn't, ta 'elp nw sir. I've honly that 'ere yel- 
lowrag.and I'm a 'oldio' of Itaaareg'lar curludty. 
All I wanta lo know la what II aays, and I aaks you. 
Doctor, irlll you kindiv tell oiei" whined the none, 
with a salMervlent cringing msnuer that did not 
seem to have Ihe convincing sDSol on Ihe speclallat 
that was Inlendsd. 

"Tbls wtldng," uld he, "descrllMa Ihe properties 
of the jewel that accompanlea II— properties that 
would make It a moat daogemua gem In any band*. 
If It haa fallen Uito youra, I warn yon to retom It to 
Ibe coUecilon fmm which It baa been atolen," 

"Bat the hexact words In llengllah. cawn't you 
say Ihsm tomeand let me write 'em down I" asked 
Usury, wllb feverlah aagemias 

The Doctor Opng the actap on a cbalr. 

"Hot" aald be, "I've laid yon all yoo need to 
know. To know mon might be dauleRiDa-nlght 
tempt yoo to nse a power tlut wonld be tbe rain ot 
yoonelt and otbeis," and, stiffening again In his 
dIgsUed Baoasti, lbs dainty HHle man stalked nut 
ot ifea room to asek' tbe meal tlut wss awaiting 

Aa Ibe doolor rane oul he failed to enn Iha'nnii^s 
to mnrdemna malovolence that cams over Ike test- 
ores of his cringing onmpaalon, nor did he ooUoe 
Ihe nutter nf a aklit In Ibe hallway, nor bear the 
slight Jar a( Iho cloaing door ot ibn lea room. It ha 
had noted Ihetratof those things be would nol have 
felt ao eaay In his Inlenilon to pass the night under 
this nnhs|ipy mot: If tbe second had oaughthlaaye, 
hn wouhl have anapected Ibe iruib, thatihenilslTeaa 
nf the house hail been playing Ihe spy, and bad 
eagerly drunk In tbo wnrda nf rnrrlmtllng which be 
had doled out In tbe nurse from tbe lllilo scrap ot 
parchnienL But he aiiapecled neither nf these 
things, and ao aannlerpd dalnllly away to enjoy a 
daluty meal In bla most self aalUOed, and unranted 

"It Is Uuol" exolalmsd Oora, when she fooid 
herself alone In tho tearoom. "Hierlnglspolaonad, 
and Ibis Isrrlhle disgiilioil weapon ot doalb, he, 
Uldeon, aast to me— suggested tbat I wear II— hinted 
even tbat I might end my alaveiy early. Waa li by 
thla dreadful meana he meant? I must aee him I lie 
must come, and I must learn from hbi own Ilpa It ha 
iindotslood ths fearful lm|»rt or that aorap ot writ- 

Acting on tbe audden Impulae, aha drew a small 
aland lo the window, and plaotd lbs lamp on It so 
Ibat lu tajs might show brightly ibmugh Iho oulsr 
darknese. Having aceomiillshed this, she turned 
about to And tho niime, Henry, lUndlgg In Ihe mid 
die nf the mom. She atattad and grew pale, like a 
child surprised In a faulk 

Ok, don't mind nin," aald be, with a coane 
laugh; "keep your signal there. I waiita u wo yoo 
lioth Ingelhsr. Ynu aee I knnwa nnw jiiat where I 
ham, the IMotor living rmd this 'ere scrap nt lleye- 
lallan lo me; and the hnpahnt of the 'ole thing U 
that I waa right all along. Tlia paper sayB that 
ring la Ibe llnvll Heye, and a ilangerous wsapon 
which Rives Ha 'older a power that heven thai 
dandy mile cad, Ihe dnolnr. sava la grand. Now 
that then ring. I've boon a-lhlnkln'-la too danger- 
ous alalbiinan In iMonlho 'andoi;a wniiiag; so I 
wania It. and 'ere I haul In take It. 'And It hover, 

Aftrr what she had brant of ihe dnadly pmper- 
ties of the Jawiil, ailileil to what slis knaw nf lis 
cnnslniclinn, Unm lisil m dosiro lo part wllb It— al 
least was dolemilneil that sii tervlliln a proof, 
which might assure her and lllilonn'a ruin, should 
lint fall Into tho bands nf her mmonwIaM foe, lo 
still Iiirthsr strengthen hira In bis niune of psraeou- 
linn. Wban ho advanced and lalil Ills band on her 
arm, she alrugglpd and realMoil. Ho tiira at the 
Jewel niugbly. In sevenl trullleaaallempis lo gain 
pnaseailon ot It, 8IIII, tearing liliii and dreading 
tbo revelallnna ho nilgbt make, she lalsed no ont. 
cry, hut still fnught desperalely. In Iba almggle 
bla band and fane were severely scratobed, owing 
to lie deapemls woman'a rmlslsnce, hut he sno- 
coeded al last, wranoblng the golden anake from 
her linilsed Onger, and placing It on one of his 
long iKuy claws. Tbe wrstched wonun, thus de- 
feated, fell mm a cbalr and covered her face with 
her hands. She gave benuilf up for loal, la Iba 
cluloh of Ihia vile harpy, after thla laal biava sllbrt 
tor freedom had failed . 


Usnie In Now Ynrk last Hprlng, In her biishand'a 
now well known ami succcmIuI play, "Fur Fair 
Virginia." almost iinhrnldoil, and lu one night 
rapilvaled Iho molriipnils and flrmly ostsbllshed 
brrsclfsi onn of the foronmslor American aolrraaea. 
Hhii has a grsretiil, wllluwy tgure, of medium 
helvhi. ilHrk.hsIr, rxorcsalvs eyes, regular fealorea 
and a dellg' Ifullr agreealiln niaunrr, which, while 
wholly dnvniil nf hauloiir. carries with It a dignity 
auil an air nf rrllncmrut ItanI cninniandslho respect 
and adnilrailnn ofall wllb whnm shs comes In con. 
laci. Hiido Isnne of hrr many accnrapllihinenls, 
and. In aildlilon tn hnlng an nxcellsntplanlir, sbe 
liu a oulilvaird veins, well adapted In Ihe leading 
rnirs of light opera. Hra, Wliylsl Is a native of 
risnnvs, N. Y . and wss cdiiraird st Ihe (^invenl ot 
tho llnly Angels, tluflklo. from which sho graduled 
wllhdisllniiiilahed honors, and shnrlly after adopted 
Ihosisgi'. Aflcr Ihn iisusl violssliiides of thsun* 
sidrd nnvlco. Mrs. tVliyial. Ihen Msrio Knowlrs, 
liecami- a tnomlsir of Julia Harlowe'a eompanr. 
wberf for iwn years iho lalmrrd with all tbo zeal ot 
Iho enihuslaai In rnwh Ibn p^Mlilnn ilie fell aha 
ralshi oliisln. Ilnr progress was rapid, so rapid. 
In tvK iliai for olivloiis reasons she toll a change 
WHS drsirHlilR. and Mii;n, wllb ilio aliniHitlnlulllvn 
Insilncl nf nun wbii slnglns nut tlio li^st, the wisely 
rrsolTPd In so whcru ber oppnrlunllles would be 
lirnadoiied snd her siauillng iingiifsllnnsd. for 
whinb piirpnsn sbe arcsT>"'d a poalilnn aa leadlog 
ladvlnihsi iii'ist admirable nl 'chools, a rnsldsnl 
slock nompHnv, Sfvrr tnr a moinnnt appalled by 
lbs driidgpryihat ronfronlrd ber. ot constant aiudy. 
rlallrrnhparsals and frrrisunt changrs nf hill, but 
lH«llnvlng"lhn lslH>r wn dcllgbt In physics fialn," 
snd with hcreyna siPMlily Hard on tlie goal sbn had 
dsiermlOPd in reach, bnro she cooilnuedfortwo 
snanna. acquiring Invsluslilo experience, recelting 
lbs hparirendnrseinoni of Ibn press, and securing 
■be fsvnr nf brr siidlrnces. Allhough Mrs. Whytal's 
rnl" In "Fnr Pair Virginia" bi emotional, her great 
est saree*sps have Ijcon In roinpdy.asnvldeaocd 
by tbp iinusiisi favor with wblob her performsnces 
nt Udr T>! Iksirlce. Ilosalind and Lady (lay 
Spanker bavn lieen received, and II was to exploit 
Ibis iiiialllyihai her aiillmr-aolnr husliand wrme 
rnr h~r that charming cnnedlclla. "Agaiha Dene," 
Hhlrh has heen prnnonaced one nf the dalnlleat 
curtain raliera nvsr put upon Ihe alage. tn this 
trine Mr. Whvisi has Hi ted hbi wife lo a nicely, hut 
h> U now engaied In a mora amhlllniu eOOrl. writ- 
ten In mucb Ibe ssnio vein. Ihooxh nf a more ro- 
mantic natgre. In which Iheywiil sur Jolnlly. Man- 
ager Frank (I. (Viiler says hn has narer directed an 
aliraclinn of wblcb Ibe fiilurn appeared so bright 
and promlilng. All of llio principal clllta are be* 
Ingvlilled In rapid aucreaainn, when, al the best 
Iheairea. Mr. and Hra. Wbylal are commanding 
largo and fsshlonsblQ audiences, and receiving Ihe 
hearty and cordial endorsement of the press. 

Tan inaios length or ilfo Is greater to Norway 
than In any couniryon tbe globe. Thla Is auribuled 
lo Ibe fad that the temperature la cool and nhlfoim 
Uiroughout tbe year. 



Febrxjary 15. 


rorih«w«*k..,...TM4ead»iDrRlMk put on 



Hradmy Nicht'a Opanlaci fat aU tt* 
Bis 8kow Taws*. 


PadtrawikI MkkM Hi* FInt AppMrtnce In 
San Fwnclico— Thi Tavary Opera Ca a 
Pronounead Succeti. 

Hl'r.Jil nliptlch u> TIM Haw Yoik Cllnor.l 
K>A\' irit), r<b. ll.-AI Ibi BiMwIn TlilUr* Iha 

TaV«IT OlDlftCO. bli KtfnClMl OrtlllOWlBg iMflMV, Ud 

lhodimftiHirorreJ«iv*dHftl«lil«rf«rorllM nut fort. 
nlRhL "LuclB dl LtDintnnoor'* ud "CkviI)«rlA Bu*U- 
lint" vtn inannled liit nubl. "Virlba* "Nlmcs," 
"AWi," Cinrao." "K»«»l," "11 TroTitort'* tod "Tiao. 
litttMr" will lit iho Hptnorj for tba wnb, frcdi ileb 
Wftide lidai24. 

Oii.rroHMAT».VTiis,— rftdinwfhl made bli Onlap- 
praitnea bar* lait arf dIor to an oTarilovlDiaudlaiica. 
Alltratilr iDrrtaacdprleta. Tlia racaptloa icoonJad Uia 
noiadpl40lii«runo*t cordial. Flra mallaaajMrfuria- 
aocat will be Rlraa dnrlnR tba «tab. Ttiomia W. Kaaoi 
wlllbaflln a two vaakt* aBiBcaiiMOtaiid appHrbara Uili 
•raaloif, II. ID "UiuUXIi^aad wlU prewat "HklitTd, 

IT. Loilll, rak. II.— Tba tfaDlur Uw —wm wai llia ap- 
nanaea al lb« oiaod U<t olrtlof lltorj Irtioj Md 
Ulan Tanr. ttitr opaaad o 'Tba Karcbani of \ eolM. 

« lb • raablouMa aodltac*, lod IM ■ 
aioiBOW Wm. T. Hoar, to -nia 

~...»aBT eaopla ware lore«.I awaj rtcrn tba Umj; 

iLoth ».i*>nnaat»iltaiidar.»b«ia Tl« Iloigbr. Id "A 
Ta:<u aUar," wu tha auncUoa.. ..Irala Brat.' Bhc 
BpielalirOo.plartd lo cT<»dtdbauat«tl tha mtiHlirt 
Btndv. ilantta rullet Uoldaa nudt a liil •lib bit •Jul 

cluna; lltTlta't vai packad. at vtoal, Hoadar, 

"Slam or aoM"btlDfl lilt aurtclloo. 

Ci>n»»iii. Ftb. n.-Ntt flood«ln pntootad "Anbl- 
lion" tl Iba UianJ, loiplatdlil tiKllton. Thirt "tra «»• 
oinalnealla antrlba iaaD<lacl..._IUchaid Miiulltld 
waa (tan In 'Iht Dcarlat Ulttr"' at Wtliy t Blratt. optn 

Di to Wr butlotH Iltltoo Modjeilia »a thra t" 

laare for Cbkaio aundir Ikatlj-u inowuonn jf 

Iba Wlnlar Inurftrod wTib bntloan Siodtt, Int "it 
B.O.tljm vu upallkuth'l>,wb*r«rrtiibButhpniied 

Ibi allwtlon In -nlrl Wanlad." Al Iba Ptnrjt t. 

wbtra Webtr A rlild't nan iTa. wtra Rroilntl, and at lha 
ruuntalo, «btr« Iht WaiJibnrD Rliloia began ardnm 

tnuaoreent, tht tign wit alio In arldrnca ■ - ■ ^la 

Ooralcan Brulhort," put (.n at frttmtn'a.ilrtw wtIL 

KiKiiitCirY, Ktii. II.— Jtmtt O'Koll op^ntd In "Hoatt 
Cilim." II tha I "oalci lail nlliKl. to a Rirnl bouta. ..... .At | 

Uia Oriml, BaD^tf, Fanar Ulca. In "Tie rranrli Ball," 

lha lll,''"llamlit," tJUitllo" 

"MrhcUia" durloi 

MoBOW.-0'ii Oram UotMl.— "If T Putaai" «m pratantad 

Oaniauif.— WaltarBtanlDO and TloaConlmada thfir 
nplapitsranca al tbla bouia laal ol|bt,aBdniadnabl|i 

^ Col.UHiiiA.-OorlDDi mada bar flrvt appa«imnca at Ihit 
hnuM ItMl nlplil, In "Utndrlck lludjon," lad bad Iht 
uautlflntnlalucrovd. Katlt Pulnun u bcoktd Tor 17 
anil aaa^. 

Tlvoi.i OraiiA llotnE.— "Till flaatla Baraiit'* baa midt 
adtcMao bit atlbli htnu. Navacantrf aideoaluniai 

hafabaen'niida for lha oralucllon. 
rirooc b«ll«i»l>PMnloaiIv " " - ' 

iIvaauitlQ Um fuduRCM tn 

Nora— "III* AraMu lilKbU"vM thcaiineUontaii 
wMk ot niover*!! Aic«ur Tha TItoII proptrtywu 

HuUl iMi vefk for iiWODU br purdiaMr.vlio. 

thu tnu ytMn ii|to,Mlil l»iil|U0,GlQ for ll All 

HouTlfr.ol ihe BuilsloTbHirt, rtlaroed fnm hia Eait 

«m irip^Mtwt»k ItftTld Heti4Br»i>n'ii"flJnb«l*' Com 

Boy bu btM booked for % xmo wakkt' wgtjntMOt At 
eColamiilt ADRuiilDOftJr'iCo. will eonio to th« 

H4lO«ln hi April TiM Cook Tvio 8lit*n* "UocI* 

Tnn'i Cftbtn" Co. irpMrod M tht Bufh 8uo«C TIimU* 

Uit vo«k rrlcOluiileT. Ooflob ACo. prtpoM (o tbor- 

iiuittily MonTBti, lui>rov« lod tdom toAlr newly ae- 
uainn AudKurluDi. TblnihMirehaa u 1 nun •ok* wat- 
IDA capwitv. anil mty jci botlto Itoma of inad opora 

tier* II- H. Robirtfi, Ri>B*nanBff#ru«ll«idlav man 

Tor the UapBle Moiirenn., la upvttw hm ftom Au*ir»- 

lU PrAiik H.CanlUobMoptpadthoAdrii'hla Tliw- 

*ro al Hah^rffleU. CftllfAniia. O<or«e (MNtreo hai 
^ma eoKastd lu aoppot May Namwrr dBrlair hor rioath- 

proengaHainnDt Dr. (l<>tnu'Hr<lkliMUontMDywl|) 

Mil for lloDolttla and AoUnlla In March .... rrliitroia 
it We*t*»HlQKireU will ippMrat the Coluvbla Tbtaire 

Id April Uooa. kevalla (JohaTatiimXAjugHlfr. coo- 

neetffd wiUi the VivUn D* Mteio r.o^ dleO tt HtochiOD, 

lift)., Ju. Z9 Itarkor toil fiailibeoe. (;wierud Uay- 

iifll Ueoler aiHl <iariioD, ibo Trilbr taectra, lUule 
Waril, Itt Caaer* Cbirlpy Sherniao. Diaailie Levun and 
Dvltvrollo Brua. appoarod lui week it tba roople" 


Walter Damroioh'i Opera, Th« Scarlet 
Letter," Succeufully Produced In BoBton 
"Nlion & Zimmerman Acoulre an Intercat 
In the Duquetne TheatreiPittttHJig, Pa. 

tflpMlml Dtapauhee to Tm N«w Tork Oiipt«r.l 
I'liiLatiiU'iiiAi r«b. II — The alitodaooaat Ibalhaa- 
tiDc »«■ latRO all aiuDtc (Ik> llae lial blRhl. Tbo laat week 
(ifthe lllondi'i (Innil Cl|>«ra Co, nr«iifd wltli a Rood 

limtM for ilie (IrMi protliicitua ot "tltrlk.** ilnbn 

hrow, III -'CbrlKUipliar Jr.," wm itrMled hr ftorowd al 
ilioUruiil wlikh fllleil all araiUbU itaDdloK room In 

ororr pari tit ibe hoii«o 'Trilby" vpeecd uie levf otb 

and uai week »riui roD Willi a giKHlbnuMii ilio Cheit- 

nut Itsaotan Thotnpaon, 10 *TJw OU llontMioad," 

hkd avood lioufsat llie i:ii»>iaul HtT««l Opora IIduh. 

Tiie WaloutaU oivadid, aqt) "Northern LiRbta'' 

Hpnreotly inniwltli Rtent oiceeif The Tark bad i 

U«wdluin«o, alllioiiRh *'ATrb to Ohinaiowfi" bad uol] 
recenily b«en ntn tiere .... II. W. WllllanH' Owo Co. Iiai_ 
a biR crowd at iiie Andiloiiam, \iliich wa4 wnll 
iiletwd lor the mcuimI tin* ibii ■*en«a %tih the 

Htnw There *a> a Jam at lha Natktful lowltoeu 

'i><wn Id Dlile." ABoed alleodanMat tbe<llreTd 

Avenue applaudeil the iiiodoclleD oi.'TlietlMot Ice.^ 
.'Bin* or the Mr lit" drew a crowd lo l^oippauRb' 

ImtMnte oriheerliica did not like Utecnnipanir At 

the reuplVN"The White Slave'* waa KtTtii, and well eo- 
terlamed a larRe audUnn "LasJ of itie Uldnlubt 

Hdn" had a croadnl hiiuae «iiheBiandanl UumoDi' 

Mln«li«la had a Ml bou»e at the BieTaoibHtrret 0]«rt 

jlogHi Tilt BIJdu «m i«ok«d ilifiauon and oiRliL 

RjBt T. JaoW Ortul-* r«. had a hillhaua* aithe 

laTCOom ThNMakeom had thocuttOBwr blRcruadi 

HU altemnan ajid eveoloff Crrnoo Clarko la an- 

nouncrtl to nyrw at Ihe tlriad Opera lloue* 

naxi Monday It la rrpoHnl that NIkod and 

/liiimernian hat o become part pfotm nf the 

lluiiutana Tltea'.ro, Plltahurs Bor1» FloUliinau, 

wlduv or the l«le l»nwl nelktamio, dinl here 
K'lmUv niiin)laii. I'udir the leime uf Mr. PlelHiman' 
will tlila will noratBlute the aal* of the ml eeuta, In 
cliidloRlhel'arkTliMlTe Iiwaareperted here thai 

•Tlrt Dm- 

„„-^ W-BaWPj,!*. v.. IJb. n. Il«h.-.rU.ll. 

- fiihaaT 

#0n the Road# i 

I *l RouU. Murt R«eN 0. Not Ufr Tl«n HSfe^JS-sSS^ 


Abaf.lrain-1. unla-tawall. Hate, reb. KVU, U.IKoo, 
Wdtl'J'Sal.a-BbarldaB. Ind., fab. 10-U. CUnla. 

I'-a- w_,rtb.i»-u. 

r!S. ll>-U> FbUadal. 

'jM'ilf'?S5rt^-BTObi7«.' i<;v. 

iSlifcK B*aJ5SS"5£ l«...rab. lO-Uk ClnilnruU. 

"j"oS;i'8l2?SlS?-^«.n ',«}H.y.r.b.1l I^bFort 

«■ Btfomtborelil-a. 
■ - - I I«toair«.Jobn-Cblcaio.ra., IJjB. ■ 

iJlEfeSiMK-l^eii-V Bnp.r.7- 


.^"S.'l^J'r h'?.-°^''U'i: '^^^^''^«-.\:F'»I;h "^iSte"- LiJl.^5:S!t-1fS;al.r.a,Fab.ll).lMI«dTUI..F...I7. 

TaetM^IJlMl-KorwIeb, K.V.. Feb. U, Onridi 

I Tb'»lSiEiHlBnialilQ'a-Oi*m«kln,r»,Feb.iii.|j,,.^ 

I Tunw'coaadr-Fraliold. K. J., Fab.l».i>, Lunbm. 

T»V«Vk ^ma-Kaw Maikat^a . Feb. l(|.U. 
■4Hp taCblnalawn." Mo. I-niladalpbIa, Pa., Tt\,. im 
BneUriL K. i.»17-l>., _ ^ 
"Trip 10 iSilnatown," Ko. 1-raoiia, fU., Fab. u, Ble,,. 

I •TSSn'wf«eliai»"-B«iaDl»n, Pa, Fab. a. Bins laniu^ 

••nrklih Bath"-poblln, rg.. Fab. It Conicit, u. 
HI'labon IS,Olaboina )>, Ihnrbarl), WtalbirMM |i| 

i'n«im[^'br«d''-Par<i.lU. Fab 11 
lomado," Horttaam— XawMford, Vaia., Fab. It Kn 
iSK^b: I., a. Pal River, 11. it Pawu«k.i' £7- 
IT-IOI PomaiD. Ct-. « WlUlinmntlell, Banrotd il ' 
Tornado," Soailtara-AijiiflilpbU, Aib., Fab ll ij„i. 
Rack IS, rinaBlair li, UtUaa^ls. Jaakmn. Tcua ir 
HljIWd, K»., 11 PadoMh II Maabtllll. Tann . st-a 
TwMillalli liaalnrrOW'-Clileaito, lU.. Feb. 10-3:. 
Trip to Iba Client''— Wllktabarte, Pi., Pab. IL 
"rrllbr." No. l-rhdadalpbl>,ra.. Fab. U'-iy 
- " **— Mo. C«>), " ■ '* " 

•Trllb;;" Ko. t-Paelili 

Feb. IX Lead till, u, 

.i'.!4R"*'n!ra'! H. T., Fat im 

jokplT-W.Benoloaien.vr. 3U. UDelnBbiirf,N.^..Jl, 
_ roIiOM.O. , „ ,. i^-flU |« Ltan 

Bairy'a, Wm. 

B[a»n'aCoDDdlaBa-OleaD. N. Y. 
Bacon Blo<k-''o«il««l. Oie. 

Feb. lUiIndellnlte. 

thoOL - - 

Ban," bed a ttit opeulnK. 

LnoiaviLLR. Feb. II.— The flirugRle of Lire, 
MRtCfl by Walter Banrord * " — * 
Randay aa<1leDc«i and r 

"Alabama,'* at the flranil - ^.. 

aodleoee The Ht. KelU HlMira* Co. openeil at the 

RaokloRham to the capecityof thehneia fMutoe 

Theatre open** to a lood liout* Macauley'a asd the 

Temple Theatre ere dark BOtll 1 L 

rb"i«™ Pra/tfii: KMlf* Amiurd^n, 
N. Y„ 17.a 


MA6SACHUSETTS.-(ie« I'agmi.l 

Tllla II. ■annua lo. ii.. mw".— •-. ..— - 

■a Kaa BeriiDaLlhpoiliil, blBBtamuaU. 
'•l»ot"teo'uny'-rfa»liln«ton. B. 0.. Pab lO-lA 1 
jS, 17, ESrl.buiBlK. H«a3lDiil», Laneanat A, 


BmIob.— Kev BttficHoDB are inDoonccd for 
erery theatre Id towo 1lil< weok.eicepllnR the DoAton 
MoHiim, where "Til* rrlmner of /cnda" will cvnilnue 
for a row week* looRor, TheaanBal oDsaRenientof the 
Tablia oponn Keb. Itf. at the Knllle Birert Tliratre. for 
two weeia. Tlie rercnory rorvrok of ID U: MuodaT. 
Tueiday, Wednetdey nlRli'naad HatutOay matinee, "fihe 
Ituopa to HoniiU'ir;''^ WedteMley matinee. *'Ae Yon I.Ike 
It;" ThuredayDlafit, "HoemnaDd Jnllol:'* Friday tilKhl, 
•The llnncbUch;" fiiturday ntshu **rw«irih MrIiI.'' 
Thei>*cond acok'a anrioencrneDUi wlU Include a new 
•nwluotlonor "lleory IV." Ihe Marx will heauMteiliiy 
lirlr nvn com(«ay. cumprI»loB Wm T. iiwoo. Ilcnrr 
Meredllh, Thrai. I,. CAlnnan. Henry Ooonhtr. BuReoU 
Woodward. Mr*. Hoi Bmltb, Allc«i fark*, Kalhrrloe W llacn 
and AdaBberla. "The HlicpUlrfduicJ tg ilaehmlnefaV. 

Faur TnRATna— "The ritnofe Advtoturea of Mlu 
Brown" will be tbe attraction lurihe ncic teo weehr,l>e- 
RiDhlitR nlRht ol 10. Jr>hB Konn' ComoKur, lacludlnR 
K A. Locke, Bob (Itahan. O. Mkhola, W. A. lUatwnoJ, 
Herbert RparllOR, Loula Maoo. Krrd IjlRhia Clara Mp- 
iiian. Lllil* AUlM, Jennie Baltcile*. OIHo Hcdpath, Car- 
rie Banfoni, Annie Dacie.Niia Allen. I'rancn Wlbon. 
Kate MlUer, Vinlnla KanX riurence Herbert, Dorotli 
t^utlek and Mamie Sc<4t will produce tbe farce. 
Conitnted Wotiun" chwed a run of eUht weekatt. 

TRUIOXT TkkathI — Tbe loneaoilctDilrd cndct the*- 
IrleilKaieanauuDced lor week of 10. Tlie new hurlcinoe 
I* eotUled "riie Btrange Adreulurea ef Jack and the 
BcnoaUlk." written by K A. Baroet and A. B.H]04oe. 
The caat la la tite hamU of cloTar and eiperlenced 
ainateurii(mMonlr). aodfeera* hound to baa biR aoc- 
eeae. Monday. U. Jwhn Mare will makehin ilrat appear 
anc* in ihri cHr. Kranela Wliaou doied a iucceiiral 
enjaicinini of four ireekf f. 

Bcfrrv-tTiiaATHB-Mondiiy.lOiWlll be anoiabla olRht 
In the roa^'n ofUomiaD ej'fra, which tlten bfrloa llai^ 
03d and clualon week. *Ti.e Bcarlvi Leueri*' the new 
compoillinii of Waller HaionHcb, whh libretto by 
(leonie I'araona Laihropailil beuoR(lQEna||»h) for the 
Drat thiio on moj Ham. U la fa<i an ri'lluwa: UaUer 
l'r)irif, KrI. Johaana aadal; Arthur DInnoadale, llerr 
Barron HtrthoU; Chiv. BellinRham, llerr Conrad 
Uehrena: Her. Jolm WlUon. Harr tJeibanl Hiehmann; 
ItOROT i:hllllnRaorih, llirr Wllhalm llertena; raptaln, 
Ueir Quo Hahen; Jailor, Ilarr Julloa Von iHillIlt U 
will be elTen a aecund prcducilon oo Satatday aRamooo 
Tlie n>peiiory fur the rtiiulnder oi the week inciudei: 
■iier Frle>^aiB'' on TuvMjay. '•Die noiterdamnirninB" 
on Wcdneadef-, "Tannnhiuwr" M lliuredar. Tldello" 
OQ Friday, aod a ropatliltm of TrlPiavam] lao'tde" on 
Batunltr itkbL MnmUr, IT. u»rk« iitenm appearance 
here of Kethnn KI.Mer In "llhi* K^uf-Otne." 

Coi.i'NHiA TiiUTaR— Th'a liouiea (•iTtra a new reelo- 
drama, "roe Armnf the Law^"lo lie produced tvr the 
n^at time In ihlt dly 10. Tlio (day Introduces Wm. 
U'Datn, tlin bireliack rider, and hIa huree '*Vondir," and 
Includea In the catt N«>itor L«nnon. Lonan >*aul. W. T. 
Dnylr, Frank Ollplu. Thoi. A. KaaaelU tV. T. MeMchol. 
Harry ri4rke,llaQde tiraiiRcr. Cmle Ko'ei. rirace iQier- 
wood. Mr*. ArRKle Ollberr. Ada Vanden (lllben. Uatlle 
Rliow and lailile NeDoniM. fltevo BralU, In "On Ihe 
Howery." follow* IT. Waid and Vokea. Id "A Kuo on tlie 
Hank.'Mraw cinjrtleit hou>aawoek of.l. 

DowuoiN IkjLMhK TiiHAtRK.— "Ilarhor LlRliia"wl|l be 
rerlred wMkoflO br tlie Uouoieaiili-Uartlnot Comhlna 
lion that haa luM cnropUlnl a ncceanfdl New Enolaod 
t«ur. Will. II. L7tell.M11. UlllniaQ andUtude llliliuaa 
have been enraged locoBi|ilelo ihelDD^cuL In prrpi* 
ration, "The W01M." Aawaa eireeicd. IVier F. Oaiiey. 
In 'TheNlglit Cierk,"dnw idR huuwa the peat week. 

BasTOM ktraiVR.— "TheFiIiooerorKeada'' will rumain 
bTt l««i we^ ha iPDRor, nntoilueitrly lor manaRement 
and nuhlle. It hii been ami cooiIdum to be the diauiatlo 
Ruccorf of llie»*i>on. Ilopeae Ita linb aeok III. 

KkiTii'i* Nhv TiiRATNH.-UaneRer Kelib'a weekly lUt of 
oiinciiona Rtocr-tily coBtalna an huro^n Impurtat'on 
ppociallT entaRetl for Ihe Kelitt drculi« or a recmU from 
ib«rankaoftbelrRltlmaie. TtaeBylTCMierironpe oftra- 

*v£Slli. DJIeipSrSlaTi" Molfaa. UU ir. Wa-hloR. ' — 
i«. la, liAlioSna 19. BorllnBioo U lieokok al. 

-l?«al^&^oDPfcIn»'-ToWa. 0 , Rb^ftyJ'"' 
Newark H, Wheefinii. W. Va, 14. Killadelpbia. Pa., 

rH».«*SrWyt5£lS.I5, indlanapcll^ | 
"i?? mg^K Y. CItr Feb^^^^^^ 

HreSrT1rM''-Bryan. tel.. Feb- U iW»«rt JX Maiim 
14 rort Worth l4, Dallaa 17. OmnriUe IM'arU W.- 

■ ,!?w"i:yih;v!5lKS.ton. a a, rev II. 8ata«d.. 

^-^ cniR comedT-LeaTenwortb. Man- Feb. 10-14. 
Conrof A Foi-a-WllkaKbarra, K*. Feb. la. 
uooiefdVnu»rieh-N. Y. City feh. U. IndeflQlU. 
CollowAlluiieira ComedlaB»-Florwee.N. J, Feh.12, 

wiidWiry 13-14. Clayton 17-19, M"""!-*^^ 
Cbaae LlaiarThea<r«-BarUo«tOD, la, Feb. IV-IA, Maberly 

Comptf on'a Ptar<r>-DubollU^ la-, Feb. 10-14. Darenpoit 

ciSSi e. loa-^oneifa. Vt.. Feb. IO-l^ gnlwton IT-tt 
Cmw eieien' comedy— Beardaftwa, Ho., Feb. lU-lQi, 

Ol!;?li^l^Vi;iJhkaRO. 111.. Feb. 
Ci^l'a B^B emck-Maoaileld, U-, Feb. lO-tA, AkroD 17-9 
SrtetiA&oaJ.-Aodewoo. lod-. Feb. II. Lalayelta 
IS ladlaoipolta U. Iftjcblcuo, IIL,16-tL 

TliMrrohirihounMlncalnnltiAprll of a ae* burleadiut 
eitlllcd "rhileilelphia Upto UateT hr H A Ueraet am 
(lailav KMher; ihtr It an ornr- Titalvate remalna aa a. 
rreMUl wllh Wm. J. tlilroore^ IhiI thepmlacilon nnmet 
hiiibieo booked aa any oUier comblnatloo. to opto Ari 

:m, for a hIi weeki' mn. and paa»lbir mere (ie 

Hicliutli rrplacea Jauiea lU BoiIlD In "A Trii> lo China 
town" 0>>-. and Tahartt Julaa lb* conipant thia work, 

llonTtix. Feb. II.— l.aH nl|hi'e openlnRfl were unnau 
ally ationR and uiidachoica diillcufu l*r«ctd<«ce mui 
W ElTrn.liiiaerer, to Walter DaiitroKli'a "rtcarletLel- 
ier,^'aunRiVtrtheHr*t time en any iiaRe at thePoaioD 
f lieair*. Tho oMra waa alren lU Bniilbh. The bif 
Iran** waa |lach^l, and an enlbu>lutle greetloR aaa ciTen 
uoiii)«*er. author nod arilata. Numeioni ncelK iloral 
trlbiuea and a Hraceful »p**ch rroai Waller Uantiopck 
made the nccaahto nntable. Johanaa (Ufliklaa llMter 
rrTuoe, Pamm Beitbotd m Anhnr UlinneiUale, and 
\TUli*liit Meatera aa KoRer t:hllhDHwoith but* of 

the hi«nra, dramitlmlly and mualoilly "Hie 

i^iranve AdTrniitrvi m Mlie Broan" wia wen for 
the nrat lime la thli olty at tbe l*irh Theatre, 

and vaitily aaiuatd a blx audlenco Julia Mar 

Inwa Taber and itobert Taber opened at the 
ItuUlBBircel Theatre, la *1>he tttoopa in i'.«in<|uor." Ur- 
Mdreitnnftcvunt-rattrartloae thry drew a larae and 

rri>te>enlallve audience Tlie t'a>leia, iDTheBtranite 

AuTentuire nf Jack and the HtnuMalh," at Ihe Tivmoni 
Thaaire, waa attended l y a laTge caUirrlnr. «liu vuted 

It * R^aml Bucc«iii lATor* orilie metotltKma Hocird 

t* 10* "Tho Arm of lb* Law," now to RORloo. and pte- 

neniwlal iliei'olitailHaTlieatTe Auulbarninlodranii. 

' llarbtir LiRhta." waiKTlred at the Bowdoln Squtre by 
I'm Bunolcauli'Mw Hoot ntmhlnatloo. a>H* t *l by Louli 

.^l4»*«n and oilier* 'Tlie rrlarner of KMida," ai ihi 

llouon Miireiim. and "lolin'he." at theCi*i)* •'•luare, 
were llie only roollnuetlatlnwtlona on onr plavhilla lail 

itiuhL aud ytl they bitih tlraw cmadril hiiuM* 

Kbllh'a NewThraire had ihe u*u\1 Monday ciovd and 
theppt'Ular priced abowedid abuut aa well ai uaual. 

Ciiii'.\ui>. Fob. 11.— Una of Hie imiki enthudeailo recep 
(lc>n* itl tha ararau naa qlirn to May lr*lawliea alie 
miiie her Rial apt**Bratir« In Ihia rhy w a aiar. al tht 

«>i*umiiU, Bitmlay erriihiR, In "The Wwlnir Jouea." 

t?l*y t^leniNil. cotDivarailvriy anknowo in Uih city. ltee«ii 
nuensaRemonlatthe Bchllirr Htinday arnaloR. In 'The 
Nov Uiiuilnlun," aiM mwitO a uiccan Ilf^olry'a wai 

• rowiletl laM nluhl villi a lAvblnoibl* ibruna lo welcome 

* lliaK^colionry," it thatlrand the tdrtnc* rale fur 

Krancia Wll^u wait itrj UtR*. and ha oiwiitd a »plen- 
ilUrtiimaM UhI nighl, preaenilnR *Th* •litlialo-" 111* 
nnnneiitetl llialiwnarekft will bo Ihe Unit of thli* pro- 

lUcilon. then tho "Merry Uoaari:h'* «ln b«l**Ivvt1 

Ilobbr tlaylnr Iml Ktn blit Iiuvmh mi iIia i*hlriRi\ wlivre 
heai<i>««redRtiihlivati*rnoon ami ereolnrf. tiafcimchi 
iHehouMi «a* RIIaI lo ilieditnniwi*haop>wdiliat had lu 
ilriti chance to hniirOatiillU D'Atvlile at popular priret 

The nnW huu*e In Kian that U not oi^miiR ibe 

H^ek well l« UoVtcher'fs wherr t;r*«ieii tnarte I* idavlnt 

''BKhanl Ml." All I'f the miUyluR lH>UM*ar« ilulni; 

well, pvtlcitUrly Ihe It inntrkei, whf re Holly Fuller 
wa« luyluR 'Tlie TaetiilNiU t^eaiory (iIrL" 

Wutlltiint.^. l>. C. Kf K 1 1.— S)it Raillli flewll uiwneil 
at Riplf v'a NaKnnal Thaaire In a ditntiln htll. "An Krery 
Day Maa^'autl "Nr. Valeuiine'BClirl«tmat,**tothe u*ual 
H^tuUcllun. The lieu»p van riuwtltd, nod tbe aalp !• 
T«rrla'r<*f^rtbertf!nalndorof the eniaicment, ea Mr 
lto***n la a areal ia«iiille Moia. Hkrewaewanuli 

finVo I at AUMQUh** l>at*yf l'.e Fi|unte llpera llouao by a 
I ■■ ' ' ' ' ' •' - - • 

irulNia make their nrat anpaaruee bore, and Chat 


aperlnl rkeuh. Tl e liai rnrthar I .,_ 

Iho Jiiliiiuin iroaie. the Nipht^n ilr>*i^ Hill and Hull, 
UuakerClty tjiiaiui, Hntdo, B^nllamlr, Dranand Jore. 
Iho Keiaoii Irln, l^ruy and UUttou. Barr aod Eraiia, 
llarry U>lRhUii aiul the MUloii Abom Of*r«lta 1:0. 

tTAHTLlHguiHiTllUTHif — ''lohnihe*'^wUI be aonff for 
aa<cond week, 10. Theieilval of Ullbeitaiid Bulllran** 
o|»era«wMal:ai^yiliouiiiit of Die man«qeaieni, aa the 
paeke>l houtaa ai vach portnmaoca lenilfy. 

tlRANn Ori:i.\ IIoi-hv-— TnU Boaih End liouie will mwd 
be ru'i^oed ,indi>r Uie naoaReroeat ol Cbaa. 1*. EiUott 
ni Cliivv Ooiilouow lortormancea or aiaoiiaid 
ilramaa anil biRh e)a<a taiidevdie will pr«Tsll. Pricea 
nlll t>e un<|ueHiiontbl* 'iHipular." nnnelr. leo, twenty 
ami thirty cvota for Rallery, balcony and iloor aeal^le 

llOWAHl) ATim-iTi , , 

of the hoftt varletT uilla nr the aMa<>n 1 hi* week, heullni 
hta litt wllh the vatdta flhlerN and folluwIoR with Bunth 
and Hudd, KtllyMlirhelt. Will II. Km. 

larRO nulllrn1-t^ wlilcli aTiiieuett, fi>r Ihe UPl time brre, 
l*aul keatiT** new luittanlio rttm«dy. "Kell ilw^ nue.*' 
which aaa iitcelTe>l wllh marird aipravil. Tiio laal 

' •• • "-» Itiio iirlil prwem 

.Hoirrt llilllinl 

ihtTo ntab'ia«r llie raaairiiitut Mme lllio inlll prueut 
^'jotephlne, Kmpii»a«f ihi» Fionch, 

vea itMv iiiTur«M> ici'oivpJ %i Allen'e tlranJ Uivra 
1louii*.«ner# hn |»reieoletl. inr the (Int lliiw hr*e."L*i><— 
llvtira." whlri) wa* pircvdinl hV'ihe IJltift lllrl" 
at a curinin lalrrr. Boih «eu' iliorouibly «rJo>«ble, 
nad •liould romniinJ a RiihI «eek'A baalB\*H "Bon- 
ner Hcitilaod," aim rp« hore. waa ihe kin at ltaple\'* 
Acadfiiiy uf Mnnlc. nM-nrtiQt h I'lill hiia*e and Klvint 

thet<e«t of Mthia-ii'tit Mltm*BCIiyt':ta>*i>p<'ui<l a 

retoro itnteai Kcnan'it Lifouiu, lo n itaiebcHiiM 

IVwrr'^tro PnlacT, villi JtHtbttnuRhue at to aildllloual 
Biutci*en. iiprned wlib the tiMislcrovd. 

MiLV'ArKRa. Feb. II — I'almer Coi'a"Rn>wDl*ft" la he'nR 
Pieaaoled a(lliel>a«IJaou ihUaeek. Bundty alRbt andlaM 

nreoioRamplekiidleic** IioIdr aitnct*! Uanloea' 

* FaniaMiiV UTtwRreat Ratheilniaat the BIjMiflunday 
meiiaevRiiJ evvi I tf. %«ivn ineti- »uy l*sin. The d at 
wa* tht \^*\ el 111* H'loa'/ iirr»cul featvo- A ROoJ alt<«l 

audUore *4l 'heti* ftfi nlRlit The Arikdrmr *io.'k 

elTea* FmI LFnn^"tpa ihe teal attiactlon la the "tUire 
T/lQ," wh'i aciTril liF-tr il>-. Hdnday »aw uiutltable pa'rnn- 

i-ur. lti*'\ r«^h'»i.rhararierrontrditaDl the FaWt 

Thftire Muck, beiifnttnl Btindar nlkht ia **Tbe IVor 
OlrV which waa wvllrwcalred ^y tlieUra* Mdlvno*-.... 
Tlie Tre«aiiier4* and t'Mieta' A*MtvUlloD of Ihe Bijoit. 
Acailrmr anil l**t>«l tlaorf a niaxiueiadeat l>it*rhet 
NacnerWirlo i;. .... Ji^utarr J. K Wii>lam^ ni 

x^hhuph. \VI«.. ««k (o it>«n (lunilay t^irllJnR M|«t 

aniti-vi ted rtou bvih D Jouand DaTMeoo'i boi olDcee 

-UtDtpor Loihnp prcwniaiioe 

. Oyi"l .luilah*. J. 

Aidtlch Llbttey. Keddlni ami wanion, ilftlo Uiliirti, 
Iwhellii'arlloi. Frirema>i and \f«*t. Veite Kitiirliia. Mnr 
laaeyand Rich. >:ddle Rvao^ bllba and Wad^ Bi>encrr 
RrcM.AIlda r*m\i|t. Oitv. Wniioii and Rarle. (iuo. P 
DleDiletd, Maialet'-onaa;, I'eter Uiualre, Lulu Tblesaml 
tie Howard tNtme^ly t^t. 

Arnii.t ANP Ktnua'rt NiitKt'u.— ManiRtra Biono aod 
Khaw are apnlii m the itit* with a cmuiiiirrrnlciirloa 
iHlaweek. Hy nnangeiiirnt wllh the |>ni|>ilet<iia of Bar 
nuin A Balley'A tUrcoa ibey htvn MKurtd lli>t Tamil 
mhlRvi* from ledia, tha HinRhtle** dancrra and ihe 
iiiaiio f^klr* irnui the Urlent. Many olher IntertMinR 
fratnreawllihewen In iiii lecioio halIa,Biid ilie ataRo 
ibowacooialo the follotrinR naiiie«: J^rry Hart. Uealrlce 
Len,A|ueBKiHn^ Nntle lIuiroMn, NeJ HDnrl^^ fern 
Helrote Barry and Baoion. Hflle Wneda. Hairy Hud- 
wnrllu M*niU Rhei>|«nl. I'rince Kane, Baiaoma, Jak 
lIuRhea, HeCaitby and K*iBoMa. Kiliy I'aUuer, Billy 
JiciHuo.Ada LivloD.lbe Fonr Ittlter*. 

I'Ai.u'aTiiRATMR — TtiUwtek'a (•iiow conihliie* opera, 
coiniMlv. hurlwii^e arwl riuilrrlllp In the cnteiialnineni 
pniTldnl by the l*lu and I'lBren* KiHrara^enix (!n. The 
niiiipany la Itpadfd bv John TlBrene and Include* 111 lile 
Fny, Al- II. Wrab^n. Hob llodio. Killlh \.\ Muntr. Mlile 
Vedd^r, Kmery end KodiM, Murtua and Brice and Mar- 
Jorle UaKwell- 

I.TCKl'H IHKATIR-Tlio Pranrh P>illr niir><*iiiie Co 
wlllbeteMi In "nieU^rry WIeWol \Vi>iM." Thenliola. 
tniduceiTiMn Ripley. U*o. ReanUn. Pearl Ktevena, Maa 
larilro. MnrpbyJr. Wttd and Urtdtnra, Crrlio aod 
Clatk, and the throe Herbert Urtti. 

NK'KCLonktt-^— Manager Itutm lia^ nnin accartu) 
*'l.ala t'uolalt." iIid half man bilr nttniiin fVeab. vho I 
erealMl ap*ii*«ilo'i h*ie a>h'iit t>iuo nc<t. llo eihliHt* 
IteMilM: Whii« Kacle lllll. H(d<>nla. KruVhio. Olira , 
the Taliooed I'rlocc. Tde ataR* ik^rfumioM arn Witron 
andWatt. Mile Oa'^at*. Tnm aii*l l>U tlnLleii- May Ru* 
^11, Hi«n1ey aud Jeroo, Lmil^ niiiHri, John Cunnur, aud 
Dertinillfiitnt'a Fema'e MInMreU. 

OR-tsn Mrmt'u.-John Wabih.auhinttcd l>y ihe ait^rV 
nfmpany,vlll rr«<lii(-e hi* IHali mel<klrBin«. '■The l'f<>le I 
nf KiMatw." In the om* will be iho I'ulllraaa. Unlitfl 
Wanley. IheBttKktiin t^iM '^>i«ilrl. Ihe Tanaka*. Fowler, 
l^iddie t'lark. Hunn tinl l)«U,T|ioniA4Aad Waieon. 

lloYAl WftiEVH — ThIa weok'a IIbi : T«nnia« Rttemtn, 
Henry Olinnnl. Ja*. rirl»t.tii, U. (t-ilii.|y. heniy , 
Vhcflrr Vlncfot ^'iien*. Fhironc^ Briacite. AVna 
Hraao. NeIKe lUitipoa, Lllla Man*lleM, May Utrahao, 
Lynuit Bitter*, Caili. the autwiaiir cboM player. 

N'OTIS.— Thenev aiiiu*«m»nl hiUon TreniMt Rnwlale 
be eametl "Tlie WoiKlerlanii," loueail nl "Tlie t||dw»y,' 
and wlllhe unler'lir inaoaKenieni of Frank PIIHor. I. 

will lie oi>ennl on Krh. :!J Ki*l>Arcoine.4 tn ih« Utulon 

Mu*euin In ihe ^t'Io' A rtrlca of eni»rtalniiif>iiia 

will t># Riven at tne hijou tlpeia 1l-*uaa lri<m Fab. ir tn 

Feb ii. ii'r tlM» Itunrfl- «i| the Hohliert.' Home Tba 

iiraaJOp^ra Hon** Mill h« m>renr<l fjr onn niahi. Ipt, 
when "Ro**flaU" wdl pr«diic«il. with Merlam 
It'Leary-Cnlllna. Dr. T. J- Cltdlii and olknr ainalcur« li 
Ibe catt, Ibe i<roteeda to be dooaud for rharliy. 

"Contented \ronaa"-llartrord. Ct.. Feb. It 
•HMi Day"— Kraiiavlll*. lad., Feb. 1^ 
RouDiy Fair"— LaBcaator. l*a, r«l>.ll.n Uminstoa.Del 
14. WaihUiton. D. 0« IT-U 
sSnaerTidT-rblkaelpbla, Fa^ Feb. 10-14, FaU BIrer, 
Mua. 17-19. 

'Oiarley-e AoDi." Ne. 1-N.Y.Cltf Feb. 10-14, Mloae- 

SSlilK^^nrr Na >-3r. Vaal, HtaD., Feb. 0-14. 
Couou l£biR," No. 1-nobokCD, N. J.. Feb. U-.S.W1U< 

'ChSml7Fidden''yf.' Y. Oily Feb. 10, lodeflnlt^ 
■Onuntiy Clrcofe*'— ZantirUle, O., Feb. 17. Wheellog, W. 

t)ooo'uoUow"-BrWBeport, Ct., Feb. IJ. Ktir HtTon 

IS- IS. 

i^Dttoo KInt," Ko. 3-Lllile Rock, Ark., Feb. U. 
riteV^Joiro-Phll*deIphl*.Pa.,Fib HKH; , ^ „ 
•L' Donnellr A Ulttrd'e-Jeney City, N. J., Feb. 10>19^ 

U'llUaiiiatMra. N. 17-V. 
O-dley-a Feier F -WUtiamaborv, N. Y., Feb. IC-U. PhlU- 

Dana'. ADoa B.— liOgueport, lod^ Frb. M4. 
De Uavrn Coined)— Aahlaod, Ky., Fib. H>-14, ClDclnntlJ, 

Duiie'i^ bleoaoxa-Waahlnctos, D- Feb. 17- 
Ulllon'a. Julin-Ooiaha.Neb. Fob. 14-li. ^ ,^ _ 
UovnloR'a. U. L — Cbatunooga, Tena^ Feb. 11. Dtealor, 

aU , U. Naidivllle. Tenn , It, Utnpbla IB, It; Little neck, 

Ark.. U, Hot Bprlnitai, Fort BmlUS 
DaTcuport'a, ^'aany-Naabellle. T»Da.. Feb. U-lft. 
Dlxey'a^ llaon E.-Otllai. Tei . Fab. 1:. l\ Aaetla.SI,a 
p>iimiood*a,Juha— Cairo. Ill, Feb. M4, JaekeoD,Tc 

itabnonloo'a al 6"— Kaniaa City. He., Feb. 0-14, Bt Loali 

"Itavo oa the Savaoe* Blrer"— Xoatnal, Caa, Feb. 

'Orlaulier*'-Otuwa. Kan., Feb. la. Topeha iX L«tr*D- 
worth H, ManhklLllo , 10. 

'Duwa en Um Farai"— Paiaale, N. J., Feb. ll, Uhldletowo 
ifi. FortJerrK K. Y.. 17. BuviucUaana, Pa, U, U4wego, 
M. V..1V; HaUi2J. Waflaod ai. Awe 21 
'i)aater"— Utlca,K. Y., Feb. It, U«a»va 17- 
'Or JokyllandUr. Hyde," Veale'e-Ada, 0., Feb.a4-ML 
'DarkeH HaiaA"— TorvDti). t;an.. Feb. Id-U, Uucheiter, 
H. v., I7-U,8jncu4e:u-S*. 

'Deiby Wiener'— BatiimorWilCd.. Feb. 10-14, Lancaeter, 
Pa., 17. BeailioR IB, Beihlobeni 19. Alleotuwn au, Beaton 
at, Wllheaoarre U. 

'ihina In bl:ila"-ltilladelplila, Fa. Feb. 10-14. Brook- 

'jlOT'irB Aauloa"— ritubam, Fa., Feb. 10-14, PblUdel- 
phta 17-33. 

TTkloo'a (;oucdlaoR-Rlchmood. in4., Feb. 10-10, Elwood 
•u ir-aa. 

KmplieThealro-Fott Wayne, Ind., F'b. lu-14. 
Umuieil'a. Katle-tThlcaRo. ]|L Feb. 10-14. 
Kill*', Kdllb-Omnd RlpldA, HIcb., Feb. li>-15- 
KarleV Orahaui— llarrulltno. Ho , F>b. 10-14. 
Ifnpirf* Tbeatre, rrohoiaa*«-N. Y. Olty Feb. IOl Id 
delta It*. 

biim«uitd'aPlay«n-Kew Hllfotd, Ct^ F<b. 10-14, Boalh 

.\orwalk Xi-U 
MoiplreBlock-Orand Led|ce,HIch .Feb. 10.14. 
Klllt\Cliaa.T.— tH. I'au), Minn.. K<b, t-lO, MloneapoUa 

"KiRht B*1lt"-Qalocy, 111-. Feb. IX Bi. Joieph, Ho., 14, 
Kaniai t^hy M-tt. 

FUke'i^HionleMadderD-^aekaoD, Hleh-. Feb. 13, Kal- 
amatoo 13. Batlokw 14, Detroit 17-19, Toronto, Cka, 

F*rtU' Comcdlan-UacoiiClty. HI., Feb. 10-14. 
Veriy'a. Edwia-Qalieatna.Tex., Feb. 14-14, lloualooi;-S. 
F^Jll•ll^^ Oua, Btock~MlnneapolIn, MInu.. Feb. M^ 
FroU \ Fanthaw'a— Braill, loq.. Fek 10-14. 
FraMr *-Kdinoaioo, Can., Feu. lU-ir, Oal;a*y LB, lf^ 

Uod 10 '/i. 
Prawley Sti>ck-Forllaod, Or*., F«b.l7-0. 
"Fool for Lnck '-Oiaaba, Neb., Feb.ia,Bt. Joeeph, Mo., 

IKLIncole, Nth, 19. 
'*F*ai Mail." Noruern— Brockton, Han., Feb. 13, Prink- 
II0I3. Aiilehnrol4. Rockland IS, Pl>moaih 17, Booth 
Farmlofton If, Waiibtu 19, Cheltta B), Marblehead 31, 

"FattMalL,"Buatben— !Un Aotoate, Tex.. Feb. ia.La> 
ledo 13. M.Corpoa Clirleil l\ Beevble 17, Cuero U. Vle- 
luii* 19. HlthraoodlU. Hoiu*.onai,ai. 
' Kabln Homaol"— AnttlD, Tel., Feb. IB. 
"VViniaama'-Mllwaakae, Wla., Feb- 9-14, Chicago, IU, 

"Ii9i." R'ce'a— Fltchburg. Ueaa, Feb. 11. Worceaier U 
Taunton i*. New Lonoon.Ct^ 14. Helyoke. UaaaL, it, 
Harlfvrd iX, IB. HotlOROeld 19. Pror d^uce, B. I., 30. 
"lllii," Klav A Krb0R«r'a-4^1amba^ U. - ■ - 

Lee Ia\ Cam*-Wooet« r, 

L5uc«a«ir-Piu^w.nt..P»^/«^"-^„ »*h in_i« 
Lrcwim Tbeatre. ?W'»>>-J'*»R'?\;S- * 
ib^oTTbiSSMfen^M^ P... Feb. I<V 

&?»jf Y"(fc;;i^ 

LIUM an^obaf-WlUUmtbiri, K. I, Fab. l^■l^ I 
■u!a'lft"'^l»««. W. T^. Ftb. IJ^Ttok^^^ 
Munlniun U, Fauinnant 17. MonadiTll^ U, Oadu, 
■UtlllrMlS!lniStt--Dill«ii, O, Fab. If-U. lodlanipo- 

u'od?f-the^tlnr'-Chlta»o,III..,FtbTl7-n. ,„ „ 

Mo"uo?f,Lewl.-Tjlar, Tat.. Feb II Orejn.llla i 
DaUit 14. tt. Pula 17, Shiman U, Oailion It, 
Oalntailllaa^ F«rtWoilhll,Jl ^, ,. 
Mul?irAndi*w-ClaTaland,0^ Fab. n, IMnIt, Wdi., 

Uo^ibi't. Dan-Xew Rartn, Ct, Fab 11. Rtttlbid It. 
iSanhir., TiS-M. louKllo.Ftb. Rot Bprlaia, 

Kuleir^ B. B.-UIUa Rack, Aik.,Fab. tl, HampbU. 
Taan., U-lt. NathtlUa 17. Itk ulrllnf Oraan, ICp., 1), 
Loal..lllal>.S. . , ,*■..,„.. 

MantOild'i, Rleliaid-C<neIaoitl,0., Fek It-Id, 

MeBtnrr^ "'mit-BolU, Moa., Fab. IX,Taconit, Watli., 

Uacaalai t Fatton'a Flaiara-SUamanca, N. Y., Pab. 

10-IA. Danklrk 17.41 
Monbi^Jomb-willlamihiirB, H. v.. Pab. ID-II. ^ 
SJirM-ikUM>M%lea|o.IU.rPab. 10-U. llllnnke^ 

Wit., 1M3 

Hilton Motleal Camtd7-8prla|lleld, Xo.. Fab. It-ll. 

Morna'. Obia-Allantt, Oa.. Pab. It. U, CbalUnooga, 

Taan.. «. KariirlUa n. _ _ ^ _ 
Harka Brat.*— PelHtoio. Can., Fib. IMX 
"Moaer Orlir"-0ile»«o. Ill, Vab. 10.18. 
"JlliallaniniScaiiini"— WUUainibuidM. Y., Pab. 10-U, 

PtalUdllpbla, Fa, 17-n. 
^MmeJBua aanT'-Vawaik, N. J., Fab. 10-13. Beaton, 
Mtia. 17. lodtnalta. „ _ ,. „ _ 
'Bltt Brown"- Botton, Htta., Fab. lO-n. 
'Hero WorH"-nilea»o. III.. Fab. lO-IS. 
"MalrDal'a WidJInr'— BnnUTllla. Tai. Fab. 12, La 
anara It, VoakuD It. victoria ULitaJo 21. 
Milk ffblla Fla«"-Albuir. H. TiTFeb. 0, 13. Tnr K. U, 

Aipaa H. Ctakafo, III , 17-Zl. 
•frilbr." Ko. 1-Olaan, M. V. Pah. II, Janitilotn ll 
Erie, PA. M, Pradonia It, RutoD 17. 
"Tbrllbl"— Brtoklm. K. V, Fab. lO-U, PiOTldint.. R. i, 

"tJo "neb J<*Bipn"-IIrtyok5 MAM. f,^ ij, pmi. 

daoca, R. I.. I^-I^ Btltlnion, Md.. 17-0. 

Town toplca"-«ar1en. loU .Feb. U. 
"Tveira TamplatJoBa"-Haw Orleann. La.. Feb. %1 j. 
■ iTTneleJotb Bp™Mbj"-B;»aojK Ore, FabTAAltaar 
tl I|,Balam l«,Onne CltT,I»,l>nlnlla,tti>li,i;, 

Tieoma It, AbaiiltaB 9. Oliopla 21. Tbaaii II. 

i'ndt Hlnni"-8prlDiiUa1d. aaaa, fiao. IS-ls. 

'iTndeToin'a Cabin," Stowe'a-Ouelpb, Can., Pab. ll. 

Van Cortland'l, Ida— Warailp, Ul, Fib. U, Vinton U-11 
Vrooil?B. Edwaid-K. T. Clip Pab. lO-tt. 
VliieaBt.6tfaettr^Boek laland, IlL, Ftb. 10-11 
Vtn Orbt A Eaton'e-Narada, Mo., Fab. 10-lt. rtimi. 

ViSditu'--Cbl«»l|t>. III. Fab. lO-W. 

WUkta'. Paol Toppar-Mijango. It., Feb. IJ. An<ta IT, 
Booaa IB, Jalfinoa If, CairoU 6ac Cltr 21, Pooda 


Waiiaildt'a, Wtlbar— PIIUbniB, Pa.. Fob. 10-11. 
nalta Cnncdr, Eaalani-PlaLiltU, K. J., Pib. likis, 
Tienlon, 17.^ 

TaltaCoBiedj^eltan— Alloona, Fa, Feb. lO-li. Con. 

Vuniy Mr! and lln.-Allo<ll«, F» , Ftb. 10-11, Raadlai 

Wall'i. Howanl, Conldp-Fart Wane, Ind., Fib. IMi, 

Marlon 17-22. _ , _ , ^ « 
Weltboir t PlAjarv-Oorlogtoa, Ind., Feb. lO-U, Hoortloo, 

Valiedel'a, Mtrlt-DlTaDpoit, la.. Fib. 10-11, OibaKm 

Wud A Yokea' R. I.. >°ab. lO-U, Fall Rlnr, 
Matt, U.LTnn2l,2a. 

WMulul---ladltnapoIll. lad., Feb. 12, HI. Paal, Ulan , 
Fab. IMi. 

■•WbliaBteTe<'-nillAdllpllls,FA,Feb. lO-U, Barlln, K. 
V IT-2L 

"WW if Waalth"-H. T. Oltp Pab. ». Indaenlla. 
•White li,aAlron"-I>ttiolt. Uleh, Ftb.g-». 
-Wlabkiw PoaimtB"- El Paao, Te>., Feb. 12-11. 
"Wild Oooaa Cbaif"— Labanoo, Kj., Feb. It, Vaniille 17. 

Rnll-Io 17- W. Toledo, O 

— I... — 

reotoo, N. J , Pah. 12, Eaatoo, Pa , 


Fab. 10-11, Con. 

Feb. II. Cbeatar, Pa., 

'Melhinola't. OIiia-treoton,N.J.Fth.l 
W IS, lleirt«K.H. V, ll Brooklirn 17-21 
NleterKin Comedr-Mandiaalar, M. H , I 

col« 17-11. 
Kata- Jollltlea-m. H0II7, N. J. 
14. lA^WIInlniitoii. Del., 17-n. 
Mew Boi '-Patltaon, I), J., Fib. II, Albanp, N. Y 


'New Ooailnlnn"-Cb(cajlo, 111 .Fib.O-U, nioomlORtoo 17. 
"Moitlien Ugbtr— FhUidelpliU, Pa , Pab. lc-11, Pilla- 
burit 17-12. 

O'Nelll'i, Junaa-KaaaaiCltr, In., Fbb 10-11. 
^t'p. Jotapb-Bcfinton, Pa., Fib. U, Bodieiter, N. 


Oleolt't. Chaooeer— N. T.nitt Fib. Id, Indallolta. 
' o:d TenBatioe"-Athlaiid, Pa.. Pah, ll. 

Rnoiattaad " TboioMOD'e-PbUadllpbla, Pi., Feb., BtwirL B. J., I7.a. 
Dn tba MlatlnlppT'-Maaipbla, Tann., Fib. IS-U. 
■OoaoribaBnTatt"- LaaTaoce.llat^. Feb. 17. 
'Onr FIU"-Bocitater, N. Y, Feb. 12,aeoetaIl, Bpn. 

■On tbe Bowin"-N. V. UltpFib. lO-II, Bonos, Haai, 

"O'BoollKan'n Mttaniada"— Fidoiali, Ey, Ftb. 12, Cairo, 

UL. ULIiiil)oolal4.MlVarnaaIt. 
"0*lloouDian'i Hiientde"— Monlttown, N. J. Ftb. 15, 

New Bran iwlck 10, Bad Bank B Mt Varaoo, N. Y.. B. 
'UU Roaatttad," Ko. 2-aiailiaton. W. Va, Pab. It. 

Parbanbanc li, Marlelta, 0;. 17, Bellalie 1t.,8iaulwn- 

illle IP, Baebatiir, Pa. Botltr II, BiaTar t'allt 21, 
"OU Rnke Tannaf^-Wllllaoatnni, Kiii., Pab. 12. Lee 

1\ Pltimeld 14. Hotth Aduna U, Qreat Binloiton 17, 

WInited, Ct, im 
'Paytan't Oone-Blntbunton, M. Y., Ftb, 10.1t, Oloreta- 
* Tllla'"" 


Batbiaaon Caoeett— Uaanlfael, Uo.. Fab. 12, (jaiar;, 

III.,dV Canton IA Cao>nk,lA, 17, PoitMadlwa it. 
Bottoolaaa-M.Y.UIlr Pab. «l.lniletolia. 
CoiiDie-810 PianciKO, CaL, Pab. lv-13, 8ealU^ Wuh., 
21 2L 

rania B4inare OparA— Boatnn, Haia., Fab. 10, Indiflolla 
Camilla D'Xi.lllaOpera-CbkAiojn, Feb. lO-lJ. 
Cuadlan Jnbllca blnjtan— Worcaeiar. Mtaa. Fib. IX UL 
Wottboto 14.Bontb FratDloibam It, 10, Nallck IT. Boitoo 
U, Bro<«tonl9.V, BrldfenUrll, Mlddlaboio 2I.2I. 
Dainntdi Opaia-Botlon, Mita , Feb. lt-I^ Pblltdtlrbli. 

KdwaidM'CtnilcOpeit-CblcAiio, lU., Fab. lO-li, Pint. 

PoiiyijeUa-rlttabnn, Pa., Pab. IJ-11. 
"Feneinii MAller'^/.«>a«illla,p . Feb. II. 
(irand Oveim— N. T. C 7 Feb. 10-IS. 
UuSrtXiS-Latrol* P»- Jab. 12. Mt Plaiual 11. 
Btoninllle 17. Fairmont, W. Va, », Hannlnitootl, 

Ooontoi' OjMiS^FItliburi, Pa., Feb. lOli, TTbeellni. V. 
Va., 17-21. 

Ortu Oprta— Bonlton. Tel.. Feb. lO-U. 

Illarldii' Opera-PtallBilalpblA. Pa, Feb. 10-11. PItlt. 

U^pir'"'M Wolf-Balllnore, lid.. Fib. 10-11. PblUdll. 

"Prliioen Boanle-'-Xew Oileana, U , Fab. «-!!, Cbtlti. 

noflaa. Taon . ItL 

Buwlrii, 1 llliu-Bocbener, K. Y., Ftb. I2,gyrtuw 1^ 

Albanp 11, Pio.UaMJ. B. 1, 17-1% . _ , 
'Bob Bol"— Toronto, Can., Feb. 13, Boffalo, N. \, 12-11, 
Bocbatter 17, U. 
Standard Opera BonFa— lonlli Nnrwnlk, Ct, Fib. II. U, 

Wllllmantlo 17, It, Meridan U. «. Mew i«sdon 21, 21. 
Fotaa't Smd-'faaoina, Wa*., Fab. 11 Baaltle U, tic- 
urb, B 0.. II. u:rmp1a, Wt^ . 10, Btallla It, Portland, 
Or.7lI, 18. Balem 11. Fteano. Oal .ll.loaAnselciU. 
TaraiT OperA-Ban Fianeltca. Cal . Pab 0-Jl 
Wilton'Arrmaela.-CblcAiio. Ill-, Feb.,11 Indidnlte. 
Wilbur OpirA-Brldppon, Ct . Feb. lu ll. 
"Want"— BleomloniaB, III., Feb. IS 
Wlud nr tbe Mfll?-BlDOkl)D, M. Y., Feb. lO-U, Bar. 
lim 17-11 • 


Adanileu Rdin— Detroit. Mkta., Feb. 9-13. 

Ameilou YindaTllle-IodlaaapoUa. Ind., Feb. 11-11. A|. 


illle IP, Boebewtr, Pa. n. Boiler 21. BlaTtr t'allt 21. j iiSnit i 6olenrai|-|-Brinln||lon. Vt .Fab. II Middle. 
... - I - .\_wllllaoial«wn. Kiit., Fab. 12. Lea BUAlSSa 14. Botael Point. Vl. T., I^ .Malone 

...u .., — ,. — .0.-1 „ 1 PJ"?.^.!^. .'_'?ri. watonown 11. BaldwIoafUla IK 

\ Botton 17-21. 

tllla 17-U 

Pavlon Gomedr— TdcaoD, ArlL, Tab. 10-11, PbQ;olx 17-23. 
^ifnile llar— Ednniont,a.o. Feb. 11 
Palie'A Babel-AtUnia, Oa.. Peb. 10-11. Sacaanali 17-12. 
^otlerBtUew-Dilniliridrh.. Pib. 11 lot 
IMt, Raohener, N. T.. li. 3A Albanr 21. 

car.Uuil <. 
'■PtItI l^nl,*' Wi». 1— TrrtT, N. Y, 

Feb. tyv, 
lea 19. 

. . Pablll ilci . 

"Paitl CanI," No. t-Toledu, U , Fib. H, It, UL Loull, 
Mo, i;-n. 

'PtuH, " Urimih'l-Slealiin.llle. O., Feb. 11 
'Pountll^nu "-Toledo, O., Feb. II, Detnlt, Mkb., Il-1\ 
llru,ikliu,N. v.. 17-U Ktlr Vlriilnla"-Nlw Albtnr, lod , Ftb. 11 LeuU. 
Till., Kr., 13-l\ Diyioo, U., 1;, I'liiua l». (;olanibni 

'KInnlnnlllBtir'— Xarion. Ind, Feb. 12, Rokoao IS, 
UprlnalliMr III.. IA BatI I.lToipool, 0, It, Qulner, IT, 
lltnmbtl. Mo.. U. UtrliiiRioo. Ii..t!. 

"PItT liimr- 
"" trIti 

Worreater.— At ihe «'i>rcf,tcr Tncalm -In old 

Kill tk\" lire, a IiIr Iwum PiIi. 9. "The I.-tt I'trr. 
di e" dU aftir It-Mt.s. 1, \ .Ittott a. Heme. I1 "6bi,rt 
Acrat." Bll»l t« tty rv.t aod ar«,TT fiKti of tuodln,r 10,101 
With tilt l.ltetM rnit.1 ft llio .fthiD.A Aonl* Want 
TliTtny. lo "tthfloni oft Hit ,| Cliy." 10; Pluart lti,t»v,n, 
lo'-Mi^ P..nlril''m-t Uii." ll;>'lor ll'Tbi (Irttl 
lHaaiADd Htliben" 13-11. 

L41TIII101' aOrilt llut*.H| - JpsirliCalUbtn, ln"Ptu»t ' 
cauied the H H U. ttm It l>* tiiuia out nUktly ill lii«t 
week. I'trl A. Hiiwlo, lo'lbitl|lrerlkloii."ciim«t ld.ll: 
'-Ho*t and llMt" 17-Y/. 

riiiMPTMBiTlli'tHA lliH>K.-KlynQ i Sbtridtn't Bk 
PtnMiluu came t» pilLliflorv Tttarol 9-3 Tlie Prrnrli 
Folly CiiDiptnr bvl Rorid bouiett-ti. Ftui. T. Jtrk't E|. 
traTtganu t'lX liVl\ 


ChBrleale*.— .11 u.tiM* AcadtDU o( Motlo 
"Tht lllrl t l.rn ithlnd M.' hid a RndVitiie Feb • 
RnbL DiiaBl 11 pa nl t,i IW I itlmtaT, p. "Tl.a Bow 
a-p 0111" to uei U. Pott I 1 o laion 1113, "Ibl Black 
ITroek NL 

IKW^. - 

lodlaeapullt. Ind , Pib 12. 
'PorRlttii"— H««lie«itr. N. v., Feb. 17-11 

Gu,.lwlo't. N, C— Ciocloottl, 0., Pell. IC-ll, SI. Uull^ 

llonntu Brok'.— Colunibiip. O., Ftb. II. Wheelinf, W. Ta, 
IJ- A 

lliilor'A Bnbhy-Olirclaad, U., Fib. II Toledo U-Il 

Cloclnnatl i;-12. 
nreaoTj't I'totoailiiie— Fall Klttr. Utai, Feb. 19-lt. 
Oinlnri'K r. A -tynente, K. V., Feb. It-It. 
lllict noiutdr-4?olia.t 111, Feb. lO'll 
' lllll 1 Left Vehled lie '— Nadi.lllivTean.. Feb. i:. lien. 

iliriiin, Ky.. 17, ErtqiTllIt, led., It.Oveoiboio, Ky, 21, 

"lllrl Ktultd '-Clnrlnnall.O., Fib. 10-13. 
"ittntlMiitn Jn«"-N V, City Feb. lu, Indednlta. 
' limn liiKhl. Mao"— Uaytou, O.. FM. 13. 
'tlitil e.ooklyii lltti4lcap"-Riche«terN. Y. Feb 19.19, 
' i;tr riil.ltQt"-K V Clip Feb. 10-11 Mewbuiw.M.Y, 17. 
"iliett Ulanwod Itobbery"— eprlnideU, Maaa. Fab, 11 

\r,>iretttr I'-ll. No. Hirro. C't. I>. 

Htiiltaa'A, Kr., Feb. 13-11. Mub 
rl.hi. Ttou . 17. II Htin|4ilt *M1 
lllllin>a|.. ^auda-IlanlibuiR, Pa., Ftb. 10-U. Blolra, 

llart a' Jo>t(h-lllnniapoll A Hlnn , Feb 0-lA 
Utnr.ird. Mrtncar .« o'Btlaa'a-Jliidillla.PB, Ftb. UL 
Newcastle 11 H'trrtn. O, II. Yonoittown U, CtoTalattd 


Uoyi'i Cooitdy^Balon Rooie, Le, Fab. 13-19, riaqne 

llllDt 10 

lUtft A (lut-nmahA Kab., Feb. IC-ll 8L Joi*rb. Mo .n 
llaiiilllon.Pblllliie-Oietntown. Ind., Fab. IIKIA 
llen>ltr*oa'tcoaedp-Uannttiwa,lld, Pib. 10-11 Car. Pa ,17.22 
Hall 1. Jtult Vaa-Fon Wajna, lad . Pak 17-32 
ll.miaiin— Ntw ilrlaanA La, Feb. Meni|>bla, Taan, 

l;.A\ NatbTlllt2l-ll 
llribtrtAHtiuid'^Mamrb!!, Mo, Ftb. lO-U Kabaka 


llanMr.Dairlck UraoMlle-Wynnt. Ark.. Feb. 19k Uairl* 
hurv IT-IP. 

Ili»j'A Kin -St. loniA M., . Peb.lO ll Milwankee, WIa. 

It- 19 

UlUlaid'ARibL-n'aib'ORloa. D. 0, Pab. 10-U, Ellloo, 

FotlarBtllew-DiirolUHI^h.. Ptb. 11 loilitaapollA Ind., 

IMl Raobener, N. T.. li. 3A Albany 31. 
Pnluml Katie— Rao FrtnclKflL Oal , Frb. 17^. 
PtaraAn'l aiock-KtniaiOllr, Ma., Ftb. 9-11 
Prodlnl Faihef'-Albaay.B V., Peb.ll 
l-alr of KIdt"— Domer, CoL, Feb. l-ll. 
'Panloi 8boW-Bnokl;n, N. Y., Feb, 10-11, Btlllinore, 
Md.. 17-21 

"Pandl., AlIty"-Seiaiib>B. P», Ftb.ll Wllkiabane 13, 
Htlblabem 11 AUtntoan 11 Reading 17. Uueaitar la, 
Wllinlo|ion,lJil., It. Ml Norfolk, Va. tl. B. 

"Pudd'sbaid Vllaoa"-ClaTelaad, O, Feb. lO-U, Pitta 
baft. Pa, 17-21 

"PmirotiiTaWoaan"- iToa 111, Fab. 10-11, 

"PaeWBad Boi"-DttnlL Mick, Fab. lt-91 

Raaaairi Sol Saillh-Wa.blarlan. D. 0, Feb. 10-19. 
Roaeirc Ud. and Lala-PbUllpl, W. Va, Feb. U, 
Belllniuio 11 11 Elklnt 11-17. 
Bobaon'ARloart-Wore*eter^MuA.Feb.l2,Kew Hayea. 

CL. U, PIilladelphiA Pa, 17-11 
ROTle'A B. MI|ioa-Anallo,Til, Ftb. II Ban Antonio 13, 

Foil Worlb 10. 
Roberta'Coairdy-OnndRipl«]i.Micb., Fab 10-11. 
Ratd'A BoUnd-RnanohA Va, Fib 11 SnimL Trnn.. 1.1, 
Chauaaooga II, Blnnlngbtm, Ala, It. Saw Orltan. 
La, 17-n. 

Rboadat', Kltlp-Lonaconlof, Md, Feb. 13, Froalbnrg 

Robenaon'i, Punch— aavinnali, OA, Feb. II Cbajleaton, 

B. a, iHi 

Redmond Dranu'Je— Bliildoa, Ia, Feb. 10-11, Binbom 

Renokl'A Jaan-Kelthtbnrx, 111, Peli. lO-li. 
RIca'APtnay-BtotAiOlly, ■o,K.b 10-13. 
RhtA't-iraablniiton, D. CL, Feb. 10-11 
Rlre A Bailon'a Conadlana-BritloL Ct, Ftb. II Fall 

Rlrir, Mt'A, U-lt, Mtncliealir, .V. II , 17-19. Lynn, 


Rainiond'A Badle-PayalK, If e, Feb., 11, Columbia 17, 

19, Athland 19, t>nl raHaS. 
"Ro>li Olly"-Niwark, M. J, Fib. lO-U, PataraoD 17-19, 

lIolMkto no 
"Billroad Ticket'— limietown. N. D., Feb. II HileaCltr, 

MoL. 11 BMIInn 14. BilmAiA 

Solliem'A B. ll.-BouoA Hata.riji lO-H 
ntlnnarAOtli-P.tBtnllle. D:,Peli 11. 
Ealilal'i, Atei.— Dearer, CoL, Feb. HMl, ClieyenoA Wyo, 
17,Uwo1g,Xeh.. l8,0aiaha3MJ - J"- 

Stekelt.Poner— Rtclnt. WIa, Fib. 10-lt, JtnttTlIla 17-31 
Beabnoka'A Tboa I) -ladlaoApollA Ind., Feb. II Clara. 

land, 0, 13-lfi. : 
H WerA Caell-Clrililt. Pa, Ftli. 10-11, Lebanon 17-21. 
blanKord'A Fb>n-Unloatowd, Pa, Feb. 10-11, Btoudale 

Bnlly'A Dan-Dei MoliDA Ia. Ftb. 11 (Vtmiiwe 13, Mo. 

herlr IL (Mailt IA Kaaiw Rlly. Mo., 17-11 
Sawaid'A Mlonle-Wlnalid, CL, Fib. lo-It, Hlddlaloan 


Boutliira romtdy and Ppeolilfy-nreeBviied,8.0., Feb. 

IT. 11 Abbtyllll 19. XI. KIbanni, Oa . 2L 21 
Bothera Pr<ce-C«nellaTlll^ Pa. Pab. 10-:i, Myeiwlala 

Sawtelle nrtaAtlc-Xtfldan, Cl., Feb. W-U, UtTerbllL 

Ma-a, 17-11 
Slapletoa'A John-«k Paul, MIda, Feb. 11-21 
"Shan No. r.-BiooklfO, M. V, Pib. 10-U, JlrMy ally, M. 

■8/Iwlot Uit WlaiP'Skllubalb, N. J., PeMl Paleraon 
11 WllttiHiiTe. Pa, 11 Kathiagion D. 0, 17-22. 

"Rllrer llo|"-«OR«lter, Mue, Feb. 10-11, OeacTA K. 
\. 21. 

"Spider tad Fl9"-ralFnoA M. J , Fob. 10-19 
"Slnbtd'-Piliibtn. Pa , Fab lAll 
■«lralRhtTlp"-1lateimt»n, MJ, Feb. lAls. 
"8wyorLlla"-Port Wayo^ InO., Feb. K, It. Toledo, 0., 

"Spnnlni Itaeliaii"— N. V. CUr Feb. 1IM9. 
"Sliop <lltl"-Prerhlrnc«, H. I , Peli. II Uartford, Cl . Il 

Haw llttaa 11 TlllUfniinin'll. T. 17-a 
"noalbBt(brath.Wa>"-BallalAlf.Y.. Feb 10-11 
■ Wi-ra AcreA" Na 1-Harlem. M, Y . Pab. 10-11 
■^ttea el aoM"-(ll LoalA Mo., Pah 10-11 
>BMe Traektd," EtMan-Blwnod dly. Pa, Feb. II, 

lAientim 11 RlitaanlaR li nrembatw 11 Pliubnig 

17,,llt PleaatM ML OonailbrUle 19, DanBar OL Bmwii' 

TlllelL Bella Viraoa n 
"Sj'Jd Fren tilt 8H"-Laa<t«tr, Fa . Feb. It Tnalon, 

"Bl'nnnbAnl"-lblltaA Kaa.. Feb. II Manhaiun 13. 

rity Centra 11 JuBclloq city 11 Eantaa CltT. Mo., la-H 
■'Rtruaglt of Lire"-L»oliT|ilA Ry, Fab. IMi 

?.'!»« <!''»"-'»'w»"T..<*. Feb. 11 Hart- 
flfif^' FprinjrieM, kuA, It, holioka 
•JjWAllbw gAmeabBIT HCRairpon, B. I , l\Krb 

"Sldewalka of Riw Yptk"-OIBtb^ .VaU, Fab. 12, Un. 

coin U, Dee HolMA 1% , 11 
"Wiofa Aciei." Ht 1-ChleaRO, in. Ftb. ll-lt 

, Jalla Narkwe-Boaioi. Matt, Fib. IV, In- | 

17. URdentlvrR 18, ^ 

BB'linrtl?tJI:wore.tter, MaM., V5l^^'>,ft 5;* 
dly ulBb— Waablngloa, D. O., Fib. lO-ll BaKlaion, 

CllyVpoSa--Chl«»so. III., Feb. lO-U, Qiand Htr^dA 

■lefa 17-22. 
UiTire-A Bam-N. Y.City Ftb. lO-tl Pltl>bunr. 1'a, 17-11. 
Etrlr Blida-FaU BIrer; Hua. Feb. II UarUonJ. Ui . 
31 U. 

Flino ABbarldan't BIr Seaiatlon— Mentreal, Can., Feb. 

10-11. nottoo, klUA, 17-12. . . , 

Pleldi A UABi<in'a-BniraIo.N. Y., Feb. 10-U, tt Louli, 
Mo, 17-21 

Ffancb Felly-Boiuin, Meat, Feb. 10-19, WIlllamibBii, 
N Y 17.22 

FreBCb Oaletr OlrU-Fall RlTer, Maaa, Fab. U-ll , 
Henry BoileMue-Utboken, N. J, Feb. Kl-ll Ptll Rlrtr, 
MaiA 17.41 

Hlll'A Qua KOTaltlea-Newaik, R. J., Fab. 10.11 Brook- 

Uonid''a\'ea York VtudetlUee-BeUul, Ha, Feb 11 11, 

Pltudald URtrtUBd 17, 1) , „^ „ ,. ,„ ,, 
lliny M rrlV bnlenilnera-Baltlmore, Md., Feb 10-lt. 
Uawinl AUieBKUD-SyiBCueec M. Y, Feb. 12, BcbinK- 
lAdy 11 Albuiy 11 U, Rltroblyn IT-O. .. . , , 

Ulobtrd'a-ttblteleld, N. IL, Feo. 11 Bath 11, Itlaail 

Howonk't-OieanTlUA 0. Feb. II Dunkirk, lod U. 
Rhelbrtllle 14, BayDonr 17, BakmU, Badroid 19. Bkiom- 
flekl 211. BloomlBgtoo 2L 
Hide'tComedlani-RtlllBiore, Ml., Feb. 17-31 
IrwlB8iOA'-.'M<oulA Mo., Feb. 10-11. „ .„ 
laham'a Octmoont-Dctroll, MIcb., Feb. »-U, Orand Rip- 
Ml 17-11 

London nalaiyaltla-ProrUenca, H. I . Feb. 10-11 
London Ballet. Fydelft-WlloilnRtoB, Del, Feb IJ;!! 
Morrla' TwenlleUi Cennry MaMt-Albenp, N. Feb. 

McEin'ley BroA'-KedlnA 0 . Feb. II. Wadiwonb 13-11 
Bolltar 17-19. Jawelt 21-28. .,,.„. 
■My Uaelt," Jaek^a-Worciater, Mali., Feb. 10-11 tit- 

KiaMTorb 'Slara-PllUbnrg,rA,Feb. 10-11. Cbluiio. UL. 

Nlglil Owlt-M. V CUT Ftb W-ll Beaton. Hlia, 17-72 
NitbTllle Sudaota— Palati lie. Tea., Fab 11 Decatur fc. 
Orleatal ExUBTagaoia— Betdtng, Pa. Feb. 13-19. 
PUytandPIayaiw-Beltoo. Ban. Feb. 10-31, , . 
Ralllr A Wood-a-Linn. MiaA, Fab. 11 Wublngloo. 

BaattliBn«f-N V. Oily Feb 10-11. . „, 

, RoltUlll-BtltlmorAHd.. Pih. IP-llUarlen,N. 1, 1,-71. 
lleniiPtBUej-ChloaRo. III.,Frb 10-11. . , , 
SatlKr^i Burlet>iue-Pall Hrer. Mas., Feb. 12, Pblltdcl. 

pbk. Pa. 11-12 
TiDodero TaadeTlIlea-CleTaUnd, 0 . Feb 19-11. ,. „ 
Waihbnm Blitara^-Clnclanatl, O., Feb. 10-11, N. 1. Ciiy 

Wlillimf Melaera-Biwiklio, K. Ptb. 10-U. , .. 
WlUlanf Own-PblUdalplilA Pa. Feb lO-U. hewalb, b. 

Wation BItttlf-WUIUnitborR, N. Y, Ftb. 10-'.! PbHa- 

delpbia. Pa. 17-11 _ ,. 

Webtr A Fltldt^ Vaoderlra riub-Wbeellng, W. It. 

Feb. 11 CInelnntll, 0.. IS-B. ,, 
Wtber t FliUt'Otn-ClDclnnall,0, Feb. 9-11 Delnli. 

Walm't'o^plA-BrooklyD, N. Y, Feb. 10-10, Fro'l- 

"iriiltoOniol,"Btaltm— TI07, K. V.,Peb. 10-11 „ . ,, 
"White Onwik," Wtilera— OloTtniTlUA R. 1 ., P*"' '" 
llltn M. Rome II. Walertown II ,. 
"While Vanu.--Phi«il«tHlA Fa, Feb. II, Tani'ina I.V 

Mi.RamiellF, MahinoTCIirlS. . „„ 

'•Zoro --Barltn), K. v.. Fob. lO-ll Falenon, M. J., II-2' 



BawnaB A VoBBR'a-Charctna, Wyo., Feb. 11. 
Boyd'l-Marloo, Ind.'Ftb. It 

UUTiland'a-Balb, Ht.. Feb. 11 Aniabury, MaiA. II. ., 
"Derkait Aniailca"-Pnraent. Nab. Fab. II Coontil 

RIallA Ia, U. OmaliA Mab, ll. II .<Cabraika Cl y l>. 

Plauamottlh 18. . 
PlaU'A ALII -KloittoB. Can . Feb. 11 BalleTllIe 13. To. 

moto U. It, UinQlaa 17, Lood 00 ll, Port Union, Mlcb.. 

1» . 

Uartos'r-AIbaiiy;OA, Feb. 12. ,, 

Bl Hinrt'a-larltiiA O . Pih. II, AUiiM U, WaUaton 11 

Cbllllcolball Cincinnati M-21 , 

Jobmnn'A Ltw-FAImonitL 8. D.. Fth. IX Elbow Late 

linianwood. MlBA. It, K, Feliivllla 17. ■lanapolla 

rrlDroia A Waift-Dobekia, H J.. Ftb. U, Tnntos U 
KUttbetbllPatanon 11 Rawaik 17-21 „ - , ,, 

Ban Fiaacltco-eiiairerJ, Can., Fib. 11, 8t. Wan • 1-^ 
Pelralla It, Bllalbny 11 


ClatVA a. L.-)(ew OrltanA La. Pab. U, II. 
U Feail a-DtDTUla, III., Fib. IP, ladaoalla. 



ToeH'A jebi B.-llA|litmto*, R. T., Feb. H. 

AnaerB-EI|la,lU. Ftb.ll . _ 

Btidt^'A Ml. ud MiA-Blthmnntf, Tt., Fth II-A 

Febbttabt 15. 



Briitoi'af!4ntMt-D«OT«r,CoL, F«b.ll>-1A, rnvblo 17-19, 

BftserDR't-JliiaiTUla, lad. Feb. 15, CInclooalU 0., 

Blot MooAtahi Jot-Cvlomblft. 0. O., r«b. 10-U, Au 

noTl«*lVu*«n-l(obn«. AU-F«b. 1B-23. 
OoM, Tnlt * 0»nUtof»-CblnootM|a« Ii1ut4. Va, 

Eftp^JfA nni/« lhroa{ita Eni 

a. reb. 11 

Bll Patkliu— rorc CaiUr, Mod., Feb. It, BUllop 13, IHtd- 
wood, 8. D.,U. 

niBt'a u. t«.-oiutoB, u, p*h. u-st 

Foota't-Aloun^ri^ led., Fob. It, Aadonioa tt-t&. 
UaBiUtoa'i. €bas. K.-BAkone*U. Ol . Fob. U-». 
UlUr^r A Benl*«-N«v IboiU. Ia., rib. II Op«loan«li. 

■M, uforttu le 17. cn>«f«7 18. iflt L4ko tiurtat n. n 
latoranU— Fort Woitb, Tu., Fib. IX Etunnui. I3L Fori 

flaalih, Arlu 14, BprinffloU, Mo^ u, St. Loota 16. 

^M«riL. N.T.«n 
KolUr-Bloilm, K. Y.. F»b. 11 
fforrlvRroL* Eqalae^IadUoftpolli, lod.^Fib. 
nali*Bar«n«(D»r*-Woir»€(v,T«B.. Fob. 17-1I. 
iffHoew Bfw.*-Black Cnek, Wla,, Fob 11, food daUc 

PhodSMD BroiL*— Chirloaloo, 0. 0., Fob. 10-21 
BoboUlor'i-Oboft&Bo. Wfo., F<b.ia,CrippUCiMk, Ool., 

IJ-U, Paibte 17-19. 
WtatJAoX V- U.-Colamhlft, Vu Fob. 10-16. 
ir*mo'o--MoUllo, AU-. Fob. la, Pooueub, FU, U, 

TboBOOTlllfc Oa, 14, TollahMo, Klo^ !». 
IToodwudA UuTT-Soath aroTeland, Mtv,. PoIl 12. 

KjBoM la. 14, BOftWlr, H. H., U-17, KiulO|toi IS, 

Buulb KutlDftoa l»-n. . 


Hobok«n.»Wb«D Uie nr.'ftln tom it \ht Ijrlc 
DiKbl of Feb. 10 ovoiy oTftlUblo MOlwm* occupiod.iiul 
iUDdloff rooD WW At a pnolum, towlinou ibo mllr 
itonMui flnt i«rt or Primrooo A Weit'o MlQiiroliL 

iCOpOOr l|>I«IK]ai 

:ootl MlU omoMnent that uiory- 

Wbftt fellowod lo npM incoofolon vu wdi » kol«Ido> 
icopo of ipteodor and jcoou miU omoMneBt that uiory 
nao P0rltet>r Mtltdod ibtiiholr moniy bad boon wui 
lOToMod. Ttior renula uotll la. "Thi Otttioo KIqr" 
13-10. Wiak of 17. "OuiDOo HeoriB" aod'Rqoh dif,* 

nao P0rltet>r oatltdod ibtiiholr moniy bad boon wuU 

lhra)Dlahrieieb. BuilDoulMtworkvinUrgn. 

Daly'a Star— Ad aitiir«t«iJ<n oDdortbo appolbtlnD 
of ibo lIooiT RDrwi'iuo ond BitraTataoza Vomfaj 
opeiMd b«ro 10, lo an oiooUoDt boBfco. TbebillproMoinl 
won a Rood ooo, and compiioid tbo foUovIoK po»pI»: 
Doll; oDd Vokoo. TMdloalako, Born Broa, Mly Saorord, 
I'ror Moiat, 0. W. Datia and Uio Baoaiod Slitori. Bora. 
■tolD A We:<li an tbo uaoaiiort. Noit veok. ilio CouUI- 
ana MloitnU aod Bpodalty Co. 

mPBRUL-Jamoi BofTDD, Bobo Roll. NoUIo Soldier, the 
Staten Van urdoo and Maole Ward. BiulooMli Kwd. 

BKiTTAK'a nitu— Tbli oo«r reaort ilUaud on the 
eDn)erorNiw«ihaiidBkK>inailuBtTMiii,ladoiot Dle«ilr. 
TTiopwptolhU wook aro: BohIo aordoo.Kutoola Ful- 
lardMabloVaid,lla;Wblia.Kniik8a)(Ui,J(liio DlUon 
andPfor. IJoflbiao. 

Norn— HaoaitBT I>- Artbar.ot ihe Cbaa A. nanl< 
nor UompuiT, nootloaa tbatttUa Bair, Uto of ibe 
-Alibama*' Compaor, wlU Join blm Fib. 8. taklor 
Elouoro ForTT** ptaco, who will go Uonie foraoMdid 
root, aod Lwllo LUle will roplaco FraocU WhItebouM, 

who foot wllb Bobort BUllirU Louto Duocool, wbllB 

dolDK bla aerial act at Dib'o. 7, ro<l Uto the Ditand 

iprjlood faliaoklo Uaoutr Ueorr L |l«aoi, oT'TIm 

M'cbael Booiotf" Co., waa a Tialtor taal we«k. Ilo uatoo 
that bll our, WlUlam MottIk, will b1t« a nvlral of 

"dtrofor' at 000 of Ibo New York bou»oi obortir 

no oioovUto auir of tbo "Earlf Bicda" la F. JUward 
Pair and Bd. tfoodmao, propriotoio; Qia. A. BaiToo, 
mafo maotitor, and Fror. Darla, ndsleal dlraclor. The 
coDpaojhaaiomeflntclaiB boohlDfr«,aod opooedthoir 
renlarieaaoDat Fall Rlror.Mau,. li^ wlih fiolilo0«ir, 
Howaid aod Earia, Ida Uncolo, Thioo buffuaa, aod a 
cbomaoruB. Joba<]rloTMi,UiaiaCole aodtho Bro«D- 

laga loin ttiom 13 TltopoopleatEldnradoCaiilDn H,9 

wore EofCMa PolUhl. Ada l>o«oa. B«q <iood>ln. Lootie 
Muncb andTMi Boblofoo. Ada Oowm «aa takeo aiek 

anir tbo parfoniianooa, aod cancolod Booda; Tbo 

maQaiomut nr-'Human Utarta"ac«praciiiiogforad- 
reillklof aod Mavanlr parpMeaao unlijutacarf pin, np- 

romoUOfc two hoarto Jobo Orleroa hom to Korovn'p, 

Wasbtnicon. D. U., In April, far ilio BammoriMvofl. Uo 
wlU arrasto and atace burlon)U04 aod comlo oporan. 

Booala Gordon, wtao baabwa plarlnrttao «urani« 

Woit.U at lioma again Prlinn>«o AWtAivlU cole- 

tirato thoir twenty nib analromry kt iha MvIImg 
tti|UroOaidan UarchV. Tholrpanulo lo ibiocltr, 10, waM 
ou« ol thoflooai aod moMcomplelo tumoaiooranyniloR 

evarattttnptedlntliai lioe Blliy Ltode,doortcrpOT 

atDWi'a war.dled iu.rmin oooauroption BoboHlol 

lias ]en "Bold la S>aT<rj.*' 

Janef Clt)r.— Donnellj and (ilnrd, wlih Imro 
Fot, tbo Koff^r Broa. and Rou aod Fioton. will l<e wlih 
"The Ralnmahera" at the Acadony werkofF^b. 10, wiib 
"ShartNo.3" to follow. 

Box Tox— Manager DlnkloK baa booked thiavoak J. 
W. Kollr.aortieCoAhimD, ITaiorbory Broa. aod Keooa. 
l<iw Randall. Ibo Follon, Madfto HalUin']. tlonld and 
Hurl, Mar Wabb, Mile* ajid Ireuod. Ilowanl and Bland, 
Jamea Oi^lor and Iflllle Alljn, aod Otornle LlOKanJ. 
BailoeMcooiiQuoa largo. 

J.r.O.-Kiuy Minor, Kanh Martooeita, Toaale Sulll- 
TM, Amy Lawrenco and Frod Raymond. 

frAaRiiuTo.T— OoraArmaod, Llnlo Haywood, Ulonle 
Dipreo, Bella Tbomtoo and B. R. Marthall. 

KoTiL— Tho Colombia Ontoilo Boo'tiy. aMUtod by 
Mirie AototncltA Sammero, aoprMio; Fraok B. Miller, 
tinor; B Vomam, oloaitlonlat and Lroan S. 
MQ,roaiIral director, nToaooocortoo the UeU>iU 10. 

Tba Pacldc AtbUQo Olob AHod a food poriloo of 

Ibo Bon Ton 6. and proaenied WlU Uaidy.tba dancer, 
wlib a floral bora* alioo. Mr. Hardy lo captain pf their 

liaieballloain Nellie L^wrooea la backanla in tlio 

TaodOTUlo tanhi Tlia Mloea Dale and llallar ap- 

prarad at the drr good* aiora uiiIho0. Tbrralaa 
nmorlKttaomoortbooUierftoroa wlUaUoitlve hourly 
parftinnuieMfortboboaedtor their cuiooara on Sat- 
daja O*o.0tarkhaaaocur«d ■ioo.0a«kle«. llanoa and 
Aodrow.Stoeloadd Mumy, RIohard Tbomai. ll<rt aod 
vriUlama aod f rono Maekoy for a toul aiTalr 11, at 
Ubraiy UaU. 

Newark.— At HltMr'A "A Qhj i'MtfUn" roQnd 
faTor lau weak aod drew good aUod houMoacb oljibi. 
Kaihryn Ulddor, In "MmikBana U*oe." ibU waok. win 
hoooe ol ihoaTonuortltoMa«Do.afld wlllllkalr nctUi 
leaonu poi rooago. A larga audlanco i a> prentnt Fob. 
10. *Tbt0.d IIoDHtl«ad'*cooie4l7-t2. 

Jaoobb'.— "Down la INila" baa loot bod* of tlIl«tlrB^ 
tlreneaa and waa woll rvceiTod la^twnk. 'IluhCliy'* 
will ilTafieparrDnimn* llrrly Aio ibU vrek. Tbo at- 
tendance wa« good 10 Prloroie k Wtii't Mloiirela 
coon week of 17. 

^ VaLD»mf'a-BlB bualBoa la atill the word at thU 
honie. Hyde'a Comodlani found lano audhocoa al 
aaehporlonnancolaft weak, aoaniirii Moretdeacon* 
asaiatblawc«li,aDdlhilr bomnraa will probaTily cqoal 
ihatol tbtir ororlooa weak. O. W. VlUianm' Own Co. 
•top bare I7-32. 

Nnra— Tbe annnal ball o^KowarkLvdK^ B. r. 0. Eika. 
Mmrall. BTory datall ha* booDarraogfdio nake It a 


....HydoA Baliman anticipate ouklni oi- 

* I Iha 

teovlroaltaiatlona befora opening the ihcatra Ibty haro 
leased rromU.O. Miner. 

PatanaB.— At t&« Ooen lloou "A Cnoker 
Jack" had poor buaiooa Fob. ii-a. "Charier*" Annt" 
•oor*dabtKBUCOOBa4.ft. ThoActIre Ainloilo Club arag 
auraetad tbe larnat lionao of the a^aua 3. *Tbo New 
Roy coinea ll. Hi, •'S,>alnB tbe WlDd"l\ Primrooo k 
Woai'aMlflitrola is, **Roah Oily" 17-10, "BomaB Boaru" 

BuoQ TuBAni.— Sam T. Jack'a Creole Co. aUiaoUd 
fairly htod boaeoa 3 and week. M. B. Learitra "SpMar 
and riV" U the blU lorlOand week. Fur week of 17. 

' 7.vor 

Sou TiiitATRi.~Tbo 8. R. O. ilgu Ii broabht into 
reoDlalUoo at tbla hooae erory Saturday eTadina. Ar- 
rlTttla for 10 and week: VTbliolawaad Firir. Annie Rar- 
roootl, John R.llany,aoa Meehaa, Murfny aod Hall, 
Ueaili and Bllbor, Kirniyaod Rawaon,Morelaid,Tlioiiiii- 
•nn and BottL Vera, Ollbert Barony. Moralicaad Bowirm, 
Rarasa aod Arao, RoboriB and Alleo. aod Alei. 
frcita'a Pootuulme Co., la "Tbo Fat Maa'a Trosblea." 

Trenton,— At Ajlor's Open IIonH 

AfiiJ?' O^'dld well. ■ Boohinri: 

Bt.. VVanela* Bovpltal Beoent II, Olga HeUoraoM 3, 

good bD«lae»«. "i'armdin 
""Sowing rbeWlod" 10, 

rrbDToa* and We«t 13, "faved from ibo Boa" H, IS, Walla 
Onvdy Co. 17 aod week. . . 

Taa)rro.t MroBOM.—Builaeaa cootlonai tobeiood:S. 
R. O. four nlghU laat week. AttrMilomi for 10 aod 
week aro: Oaorge E. Uouoer aod Lula Wallaca, Jalea 
Jordoo and Joe WlUlimioa, Lulu Loalla, Chiriei Whal* 
len. Bleb Mack and Bmma Colter, Nona. Forber, Mark 
LorlDg. and AJIta Loalle and Harry Allen. 

ElluWth.— Altbo Lyceum TbeAtro "ACrackor 
JaeWcaoia Feb. B, to a amall andlaoce. 'tlie KtMlak" 
caa*7. 8, to f*lr audience. Th* porfernianco wai brim, 
fbloreatdty apaeUlU^a, wklcb plaaaod. *Tb« N^w uor '* 
comai 10. ^'Sowlag iba wlod" It Prloiro^ A Watt ll. 
Keao*di*4Pltyeiil7-13,*'rbeXfO*4rAradlM"0'. . 

DiuMi Ortu lloi*ai~Tbla Iwuh wa* dark all tbe 
w«flb. t'oL Mortoo'alOBie willcvmnoncaMuth I. Car- 
niral rioeal) will be put on It-U, for tbabraedi of Uie 


If. SL*^'" •fMCnmnie of a beniAt for 

iU Waal FeDOfylraola llotfltal, l-itubaric glTen Feb. 
T^iHO OTerlLSDwai reallcid. Thli horplial haitio 
fSK^^hlS'.lS?!?-"''."."' ror«oi:eneBor Ihepro- 

IflUlOB, wnicl)KTB*DdnWcd by Ibe nOMtlUl Menibar«Af 

AiOtd <3 nunr iM. irw. Tte bout U luii ud 

S^STt-T^®^.*'""''"*'' ""nrJed Ib car hit l«ia,tD 
Which ale aRiaui in ijiKe ibat aba wai nuriedio Mr. 

flhS^if?')**" "J"*' 'o 'W. ■>»t»d' 

iJi .L""*""" hmbamlliul ptayed mioor 
roHwIo Ihe coniraor wlih t:Hrolln* HIcbInn before ih* 
SJ^rJ.^i"^'*- •''"be vaiprompitT In 
w. lAUlf. Mo, DBderiheioaDaiitmeai nf Ben Do Bar. 

■o'c'^r n»lewltbB«laodh<ed, 

lo nba woman llttar." 

JTJ'}^! H. rabur.dauOiier of A. M. Palmer, ao.1 Ly- 
la thjB dry, ibo Rot. Dr. iramo oiilciitinr. 
-n"i**.^"'?V"-^''*»*" UniWiof. Mc(o*oport. Pa., 
waa do lrorad bydro tarlydo Ui* ratmlag of Feb 8. 
The entire cnDUntanf ihs Imlkllog. loclsdiaii T/u HrrrUA 
?2:«9'»'*™;*'.w<> «ww MeOelUn Batto,ror- 
man of rAe //fniMcontixMlnw room, wv kliM. 

--ThiNaahTllloRiadeoupresenttd P. J. Lowirr, cor- 
net •olohit, with a do* aolo cornet, lo Boiloa. rooaoily. 
bT:!:* N. Adaoia, managtr of ih* Latt Knd Tb*atr«, 
ritt4tiori;.ra,reniliaccDunuof ihe eicelicnt bu»inea\ 
acMrdrdtothedliretoaiaiuacilooa wblcb bar* played 
there thin"""" ' ' 

— ';TboMMoUhteiin''Co. cloaea (l« awaen Feb. tt 
A.'::!'*''?* MonoD baa Jolocl (he llanford Sntncer A 
0 ntian Co. 

— Margaret Maihar commaocM bar MaMn iioaer tin 
mananiiiicnt of T U. French, with Juho Maileaa bu«l< 

^ - juiaaer. Fab. 21. In Die orvanlsaiiDo will 
FredotlckT'auhllog. W. B. llarr, llirry Wearer Sr., 
WIHlaD DarldRo, Edwin BrewMer, \rilllaiG nunura. 

Uanrarat FoaW anil MasKi* liarolJ. 
0:7. ^."f!"' -l"'"*^ 'T'"* S^^ve" Co.. lo 

rhilidtlphla. Pa.. F«b. 10 

— llelen Tracy, odell Wllllajni and Maurice Barry 
Dora hare not signed to go alili "^be Ileartof Man- 
uDd" oeitaea«oo, 

~y«ra Denole, who liaa been laadinf hidy widi Jamn 
Wallick lo Europe, arrired home Feb. 12, liarlng be*o 
eompailed to koto Europe, aa tlw dioaUdld not aarce 
with liar. 

— Chia. J. aabect, lait^cal director of "Tito Daiu'er" 
Co.,eaTe a mqatmioat the hotel ai Sjracuae, N. Y.. 00 
Buihlaj OTeoloff, Fib. 0. Airmng the mu«l<al aBiiilicni 
wore Ihe NIcbola Banjo. UandbHa aod OulurClub. of 
Byraeca^, and Iha Ladi«H'g lanet.of *'TbeninIer.*'com. 
povd of Ida Marie R/»Kii<t, H«llo BchuDUL Loille flurke 
and Sadie Eth>l Scliumao. Krcliailooi by Max Miller 
and Ra) mond Klnlry ware gkoo. 

— Waltrr Whitiolda c)o««ii hli Maann rah. 13. 

— nirrtea A Oallaoher'iCo cloMd at Dechertown, .V. 
J., reh.H. Tbe coinpaoywa^ linmtdialely roorganliMd. 
undrr tbo niauafieneot of Uaydaa A Carroll, and will 
iiorenrler be known aa ih* llajden aod Carroll Uiauinilc 
Co., nppoiUng Alice Kciop. Tbe nuter: Alice Renip. 
Maa IhitiieT. Jnlla llriMon. Harry Morton. Nomiaa ufl 
belt, T. H. Ulf'. Prol. Wm. niickenef. Joroua Uoodbeart, 
Wd. Mong, Paul t'amiil. and Ralfh llD)deD. maoacir. 
TliecoDpaoyhaaararorloryol new |4ay«. AllborloiU 
orUiorraaentafaMUitiry wtll go ender L-anvaa for tbe 

— Hotter of McCllntock A De Leoo'iContiHtlant: Mc- 
C Intock A De L«cn. aoleowoera: P. TwItohelL man- 
ager; C. K. Niah. lo adnnca; Vvnll I<«e. Miia bbNiftr, 
Mira Coatle, MIm Vlnla Kail. Frank IM Leon, D. K. 
n.lnioeb. F. C.T«ltclirll.<:. K. VvK £ar)C. Way. B. Jay 
BarrUr. Billy Trarlao. I'rof. Fielda and Mauer Emle. 
BuilB'M reportttl to be anod. 

— W. II. tulliToud Ii IrualnoM maBificr fnrihe "lion 
and lloRa"Co 

— BanaiterOoriiian. nraorman'aTlieatre, ManetiOKifr, 
K. H., BOndn the f'lUoirinfi: '-Aiieridan A Kbon'a Bii Bin- 
ulloa Co. plajed to theblf A«ai thm nlkiblnlu loo liia- 
lory of HiIn bunfo. feopl* were itimed away nitthily. 
Tho Luilica' Clubdid abli; ibrceolKhia' bualoiaa, ending 
Feb. 6 " 

— Mr. and Mr*, tiirlaud Ga/Un ay*her will rhortiy 
comi Into a anug ruitune. leii tbeia l>/ their dcceated 

— Bonha PleUhmaQ. wl-Jtw nX tin Ifltn I<rae1 KloUli- 
iTUO.niaitiiKeror the Walnnl and I'irk Theatre^, I'liita- 
doI|>li'a, Pa . died Fob. V. ai her hniii« in iliai rliy. 

— The 8c«rl«i L«l*«r." an mtxK H Waller UaiiiroKli, 
the lli>re:tii Kyd^. tSinnDH I<^tlirop. nai> ciron lor the 
iirtttlnie, tho B<»ion[)la»> ) TImtre, 
Kii. 10. ' 

— EugoQonryaotrr|K>r:ailie rvcaat Hiddea death of 
hiB Boiii»r. 

— The<'arrle8ianleyCo. Iicon^rliedor tin fultowlog 
people: Wallace Weal, llarry Unpdoo. Hany Ilanolll. 
EarIB 8tanUy.Cha^K.Buro^HarTTRfcI». Prof.Mooroe. 
CK Yakiotioe, Ul«a Carr, Mil*. iibarleaHUa, comet 
Bolokt; Caontle Kianka and Carrt* fiiantey. ^ 

— Hfi Barney Wllllama, whowa*one*oneof ih* poru- 
Ur bTorlteaof the auiRe, and *lin haa inratire- 

mentformany yoarK catebrated bar aeiontteih birthday 
•b.ll.ati)erlioinelnihlaclty. , „ ,^ 
— 11. L.Webb will cloa* wlt'i P"?> • !"lt _8'nf''.py-.."? 

Dearer^At ttio T«bor Oraad Opem Ooulo, Feb. 
M, A. M. PahnerCo, lo 'Trilby." Week Ift "fUlrlnl " 

BKQADwav Thutri.— Week of 3 llncoU J. Carter'i 
"TlHbe[aQltat'*pUj»dtoralrbooa*a. . . , 

OKniBTH.-Woek of a Bowman A rouni'a Nlnairali 
|tU^ to a B. O. Viob 9, Eua IfODdil. lo "A Pair of 

CoiimcB.-Week of laPnf. D. M. BriatoraEducalad 

V«ebl«.*At tbe QnxA Aou En F>»7>^v«^ 
Jan. tr-3\ with a good bonae tbaflrvt olaht *Tb« Oe- 
ran'lft"bada fair Bodlooca SI. FanByBleeenneaFab. 
e, Bira KendaU. la "A Pair of Kldp," B. 

TEXA S.-<^e pa ge 701.) 

D«U»a.*At the Opere Boiue *Ttie Tonido'* 
bad a top baavy hoaaa Feb. 1 UemnaBO idraootd tba 
Prieoa to good pnfiu 4.0. Col Bobt loicanoU turned 
paople away od an adnnca B. RobL ManiaU oonao 7, 9. 
"Fablo BoaanI" Uenrr Wi»T U. U. UwlaMorrleoo 

4;AnpBffnBgT.-AdaVala, Fat I/W>i.Cha^ ""UKIillj 
t^iare. Fay Herald. Tom Cntlww, Wf* tnir*n», lauy 
Barrett. Bnalaeaanod. . 

Chlraco woBoan, haa bean eanged t« play Iha part ot the 
a«^uui eenut ilrL.ud la makiei a kii. Opanlag 
SnodaXjA -^e Twaoileth CMtaryorrr* wlu pUMbra 
weak, tbo apmpaay, beaded by Itolty miNrVtaeMao 
Juhn T. Kallr, (laa Wlllianva, Wm Oanana. AIMoe 
Crater, noonRa llawley, AoaleBt T*l, Tbo«aa Uwla. 
KarlfcSdet'' Vorbeit. la "A 

llonci.NB* iBEimi.— Tkora la ao Boninalli altraellTa 
pfVfnaBim* offettd (brihlBw**b,Ba lila the Aral anal- 
SS?"? 2' llopllna' Traaa. 
Octaalc ftwelahy Co. will be Iba ehlel (batora. Tba pva- 

Kinme (ododea the Boaaowa,RyaBaadRltbfleU.|tU- 
> derbue, Tom Mack, Pnlcora, FOfd aB<i Fnnela Olar- 
too. Jenklnaand Janer,Mlla. MoH«ie and otbar*. The 
•tpckconmoy will pUy •Tbe Oirl I Lore, or tbeOrMt 
DiMBDBd MFUeiy.*^ Tbe Hopbine waa enenednodar Ihe 
rreaeat maaaa*nant Fah. o. |«u, aad ih» m*t jearhaa 
b«eii one of phtaonenat anrcaaa. Plana rartb* fuiui* 
Include an effort 10 pnrrhBJo an adjeinlni bttMlBg and 
larcilp InCTBiaa the eapaally of th* iMaae. 
. My.tti*' Tiiurai IWoat aide).— A eompany beaded 
byJilaWalUnwin plar 'TU Momy Ordat^ thla weak. 
BaMloeaB at ihia boii>a li not what waa •ipedad wbeo It 
'"^"f^'AB^onthlnimore elaborate tbaa the aifle 
ofpkya that hare befsprMeoteJ racanUy b warraniod 
lif th* pairooBB*. 

ACiDBur or Mi'Kia— Qfonra W. Mnorooi,alteT awe- 
c«i«iulweekat the Albambra, m«TeJ hi* "Happy utile 
UoD*'' ofor to Ih* Acadanr. wh«i« iiaopaaad wldi a 
mailBoeO. MextwMk, "An Amoncan OlrP' 

AUiaiBnjiTilBiTBB.-"A Happy UtUa llorae^cloaed 
aautfaaaml wMih A, and 'The Merry World" opened with 
amailneati. Thla la ih* moatproitaUoveerganlBatloo 
thatilM Alhambra baa bad ihU aeaarko, or probably In 
tbo hiatnry nf th* bfluaa. Tho rnuietnoBt la fot the 
w*at aod will be lollowed. 16. by John Kami'l 
Miviut ti Tnum— "BUTia of Uold"dlda modoraia 
or bitaloeiB lait w**k,cto>lng !Ltn utaka rMra 
for '*Tho Vaodttia/' wblcb opened with aSnnday mat* 
loea h*itweek.*Tb»Pr1YataB»cniaiy'* 

OtYnricTDBirea— llieprogramina fvrtblaweek la up 
totU uaoal hith aiandard.aod Inolodaa a aketrh by Mr. 
aad Hra M. B Curtla. Th* TandeT|iiei»atar*alnc4oda 
act^by Stirk, Xino and Anita. Alira Ba9nMnd.Ch«rlea 
ud Hlnole fla Vao. Al. Reeroi, three Hackett Rro*., 
Henri JbEoan. All and Bent. Milt. Vloule iha Whilinn, 
a W. WillUiiisBlflkH and WaKn. Waldo Vblppla, MU- 

LTCBfM TiiUTRit-HarArt'B dog and mookor circua 
hut iroen engaied for thh week. Vaadetlilo Toaiaran 
will t>M elToo br RnlMi and Cook, Oifriia, Kamoebl. Bil- 
lion aod HIcgilit, Stioaoo and Marion, aad other la- 


iBi'BHiii.UcMn HiLL— TroJaeenilDBaatobaad thAliai 
of *aadiTilieati'acUoBa.wtihMaHeBiuBrtat the head 
of the orgaaieatloQ. Thla week "OilTitie"wiU ba pro- 
daced. BBd. lo addltkm to the mdri of Troja, there w|)| 
he rnudavlire parformaneaa hyihe Orawionl Rra«..Lia 
ilnUie, the iwo FaaiaL Dato Marlco and Bllwl Carltr. 

Thb CuLvo-BUly RIoela at the head of a miniirel 
bmpany that or*o* Buoday aftemooB. for a week. 
Oiheraio the mlntinlorgantx^tlonara Bnrtidiepatd. 1-: 
B. Kane, Blm WHIIaoia, R. M. HalLeto. Tbo raudorllb 
laatoreii loelode Riolll* Pearo, DaMora Anibk Tarry and 
ElBier, Fraok B. Monoo, Qraf aoa fi|at*n, Jamea Bnlth. 
NeUle Bennrtx, Franoaa Bryant, Korrli aad McCann, 
Uoakeyand Olaoa. 

RtHT. Jack's Urini HofSB.— lb* wreatllog eoBtaaia 
laM week drew mod houae* and pndncad aone muvb 
hotter con'atuiliao are ordlnaritreaeo osdar auchclr- 
tunaiancea. For ihlaweek lb* ptORramrae will be two 
brlir barl«u|Qia by iba Banii-BaBtley Co. Among th* 
nouibera nftne eomproy ar* Bella Blaob, Letlle aodTr b- 
k>r, 1*011101 and CAlHoa Van Leer aad Barton, aod th* 
ibttch team nfflfhrrandCrowelL 

Nhk TtiiATliB.— For tbla w««k Ihe pirgramn* will 
bo given by the following peopk: Slaton Haymona, 
Olliiior* aod BoahrIL Maud BoiaaUa LeoB and Baker. 
.Vffiti* FifMi. Marrllllae Bro*,th« Alrlna,the Mtoleia. 
Mhrna OoooolL Paua Ia Petra Cbaa. O. Oabame aikl 
nih^rv. The fare* praBeoted thia week will be "A Wllr 

OKfUEi-e Mrfir IlALi At tho Orohona ihlaweih tba 

Krograniroe will tie rumfahed by tba atack oocapanjr, 
wdtd by Blllr ItoblnaoQ aod aoina oterer ipeclaJtt**. 

bkycle race b*tw**n alx lat wonoB will ba Ih* chl*r feat- 
araUiiawaek. Other attiaclloiui aro: Roie, eipanaton- 
Im: Lllll* Ray, loon baired beauty: t^rawa Lntaa, am- 
lt*M woDder; (>>mmodora Bpeok, Hodoiy. amohe artlala. 
Tee uaualTariiiyperfomiaace wllfbeglvaa 00 ihaaiaga. 

KoiilA NiDui.iao:<*s iiloiib Mraauif.— Oaiainltv Jaae 
will r«M«o at ibla place for the waok, abut .loho Hauib, 
hUh hiadad man; Hnie. Wallace and her hoiing kana^ 
roo, UotI*, Auatnllaa Albino; H«rr 6ch(no)il,olay model- 
ler; Hunitarianaipay Band aod the uanalperforaiencf 
tbe Midway daooa. 

WniTB'fi i^oxDOM DiMB Mi'iiia— In the carlo ball Uiore 
laa pancake ealloR conieM. Kanata, the Ceaimanehe half 
liraed woman acont; Dare Muabia, tbe man irear; Flora 
Ikttba, Hcoteli Blantwui; Rand*nM'a llamply Damply. 
On the Rtage iba rarlety perforuiera Include Ella Curran, 
AiiiyLenDoi,Triilo and lleiirv Howard. Too Midway 
daocea ar* performed by Y^Mi% aod a Uoupa of Orl 

Nurrs -The Abbey and ana aiafOD ofoperabtBlnJai 

the Audiiorlum Mardi Hand laaia twoweaka Hoary 

Itrlna will men appear at tba iNdumbU Kleaaor 

ae'a reporlol oHJcctlon lo IncluOlog Clileagi 

Allen, llliy 
AlklnioB, Roby 
tndrewa, Peari 

Lynar, Uiiile 
Anderapn, carile 
Aaaoa, Ada 
AlbOita, Mil*. 
Atrama, Mary 
AraoU, llwiriatia 
e*. ^ 
AddliDB, Alan 
n*llowa,Mr* I». 
PbHm. Aania 
Btudaoa, Bra 
Barr. Mra. Braoa 
BaraetW Flakey 
liootb. Rtipe 
Burt HlaU'B 
I Ilea, Loulaa 
lamaid, R mo 
Bennett, MiaaL. 
itownlBg, Matile 
Hancliaru, May 
Blake, Marlon 
Book, Klula 
ief*rlr, Delay 
lelmoQi, Bylria 
Buma, Boaaie 
Brandon, Addle 
Bond, Mabel 
aDrka.MrB.J. W. 
Black. Mra J.J. 
piarbaon. Kliiy 
^Oohan, Joal* 
Caatello, Adgle 
Claik, Addle 
Conaor, Mlldnd 

Mit lour haa tifeo material for t 

'o In h#r 

itounktJ lliU weak. 

Attdllnrium, Marrb l3 and 14 Louu MpMelo and Billy 

Bice bar* otMloed i<oaiauloQ ofilie ranJoo A »ew 

Biuilo hall will aoon lie opened on iha donlb Hide, lo lb* 
Btlfhburiiuod of Tlilny fourth StreeL 

CarlUM, A go* a 
CaiopbvIV llay 
Uloagban, Ina 
"ourtiand, Bilea 
.'lark, 0*rile 
CurlK LIUiaa 
Ualeai*, Uraee 
ClereMod. Uracle 
Oottoo, Anna K 

dnpliflL lltr 
CoaaiuilB.. Sr.. 
Oollloi, aoMt 
'oaDolgr, Hull. 

Clam.nt,. KUIr 

D.111PWJ. LmIh 
Duu, It.lll. 
DwDooo, HiUmo 
)iinKl, mokl. 
I. VlD^ Dollr 
>. lluaD. mTidI. 
KiBbv, Ndll. 
taUlo., L«rA 

Mra K.bL 
talKa, M. r.ut 
Dulolco., — 


3uimH, BlU 


>. Loo, Iran, 
DvLona.MlDDlo P., M.rl. 
Bnnilil. Jail I 
Klllii, Mulm 


HoKll/oio, Hiloa 
Karl RlilM. 

-Jlill., - 
Iblilraiu. Mtr 
Bf (tall, Rlu 

roiml, MlUrad 

couiKtl.0 tad KtAg, niMu.r, Keb. ly .Dd ininn tli» 
llatia WkW Pbrrn IT, MD.Hnpotl, IL. rorlh.Biiriag 

—James U. McVitkar, the nil Laom Okluin n..- 

J!»i. waa utlcktii wlih luralyrla i-oi>- ,10. Owlaii lo 
i-. UcVick.r'i ti.'.. aad ilie Itcl tliu tbit la lli. aaanil 
.Ink, ha liot ttilMod, ll I. Icuod tUl bewlUniH i.- 

^ll*MaiL HcOlnnOJ^ who li«. VMa ila«» naaarar lor E. 
D eulr ondllao. II. NIcuU'i allnelknt lli. put lour 
loiro, hm» Joloed Cool'a Bin HmkCo, In ilio Fame ca- 

'^'joiepb i; l)lmo^ ol A. B. Ilartli«in'« Cooirtiipa, oinl 
Tlik a ud accldeol .t Soiwar, It.. !•«<). 0. Il« 
leollaga'Wdad rlte.or wiwl lo ihe idia»ao(.d||ir, 

Tbe rwple't ThMtir, Toil lloroo, Jllch.. la now 
„._lnRcoml!lntlloo«.lDcaB.J.Er«o<«lu>ok Hi. tooM 
tiilliDliDUaiiieal. Tbe HIU Ctoieno Co. tapoil apni» 
p«rou, Uirwfeaka' eoioeimeol. 


Cbmgo.-ao«d.tlnoiloD8ani •nnoinceil for 
DMilf allofllieliotiiet,.and iho oolleok Tor ilieweakU 
bnabur tliao utoaL At lloolei'l, •lion>Ur.i;«iOwln hal 
bnodrawlnii latiK bouna. "Hl« Eiallontj" la lo ap- 
lMir, a?il lb! proHtti' ">•« ncepilon BlimU 
•nil be tolbutDulB. Tlie i-Teulot lli. «Mi wu tbe irl- 
Jiph aJhioted by Mr Bklooer m ""•h|e>- " " < c^l"!! 
haio at ihli lime woe an acc^daat, his pIsyloK ■ lltmlel 
wMi.»l»ilmeou.nd bea»M •»"!•,'«•:' V/.^IS 
Dllhl tlmoda ID lodlinaa 11 ilietailaraclloo irktTlot 
Sffiaiiladdfd Moition at lltmlet rretloo. lo Uil. 
»iiriaiDeothe lied plsjed Uuintlbuirourtunaa. I» 
ruiunuuoaa It It likely lo bet leullni haloio or li la 
ri«"olSr The town baa Koo • k..." oa -iMtaiKbolr 
Knee" l\ U* but Iher. le ooly eo« of tliein lelt. and It 
lanot a caw ul Uie ten 1>«1 oi Hit IlllMt tli«l. leavet lk« 
a* hi 10 C^loa i.-liFhe al JlcVlckei'.. The aiod.mie acale 
"pilcesat the tJilca«o a«cmi lo won reiy wjJU tor 
tho public cnwd Ibe lioiite losMprodaeiloaa thai ate 
onllaattir plated V iho mipilar pficM. 

r.l aaiuaiiiiniol !<'"»•«''• '°'l°».» l''..Jl"i''fi'2 
Iiooper,'^' Kab.8. May Itwio oren« », Is •n» Widow 
Jooe!:" Isbetcooip«aj «t«Joha l\ Bice. Jaciiuea krii|pr. 
J« H 8Eaike.llvinl.1V. Baimioi, lloM-<d, Ktao 
ambiifft. U.T«. Ansa Huili.ilid, itallt ia>h.s. Kain. 
SId wimo. Lliuio lleckler. Aioeee uIltoD, Mtnterj 
Teal and tubal I'ower. Mm Irwin la n anal rtroiito 
befi.Sjliir«rMaiip»aimncee5e.ur Is illroclleg c«a 

•^:1,1!.?;"o MlS'-|lol,i:-"ll9r pV«l <" '•>» Utc. 
boueea all lb, w..», Hoiung I. Mota h«o». »»••, 
blllud KIcbaid llarh»e trc«itcd wllb atMiaal 
Slh^SaSp. Can.illeD Aitl,le.ed her opera cjJipenj 
Smea m lu ••Model.lne." In lli. CKUioauy at« lloraiM 
StenilSoR. "ilih Tunier. Maud llulll□^ Alice ll.m.rd. 
Sw iiSoSehl. IllUt lloluoe. 
nswart and olbare. The «ni»leineoc la l"r ooe w»k 
a«l will Krollnwod by • Teonileih <*Biurr Clll " UolW 
"aillrlluy lolhaopiollmeora mulii.. ,«i<l BdoJAT 
arcnina perfonoaoce. P, wim -la a His clly. 

aKiMi"raii" lloi»« -Oile mlnoer baa uiaile audi a 
bitin ••llunlal" IbU, by requeal lie l»«e an ««'•(«', 
loraaDC of ll Bonday eTeoiag.t. TBia we; Ihe end 
•hat baa been t noiabl. omnieeitut In lh»l llliot 
"own a" aw and cieal llamloL Mr flllaoer . prownl 
enmaemaBtiaaifuelo the ilUmsof Nodje>BA.andhk 
IIccwaSl ewllBit oi ll.iDltL«.H IB ue nature of « 
."iitliOMl HI. tudl.nce locietwl In «U. at eacj 
tSnbrniincV BBd at Hie liatliewai alran lu.h anoTl. 
Pon ilaMfloin.oen.lB. "Wl""/?^''" "iSLV S 
Ibe end of Ihe per.oruianc enll "hed rw ponded u 
Bnniama coltSo c»IU. Kimocls Wllion conm Ift 1; 
SlbichltlilB." .lilcb '"'„'?;.'.'i'.L':.h"SS 
befora Ihe esiiai.oiral csdi • Ih. Meriy Monarch wni 

"^EniTujil THiAtBB.-Hlwanl HamnB. is •flU Lnt 
OBd "i" '-My SOB U.O." Dl.lfl lo V"" ,''V"°,'"- «''J 
'n» >. ■;Ur(;, In Tr,B H.w liomluW jpenri 
BuBdMeteBlBUl, fur "5«,r"i? ,!;',* V im". 
CiemeBt'e compaoy BC uilea J I>- WIllUo a, w. Hiown 

loB MIOBa Oreul Adelinao am ABial'a Uaidntr. 

wri, opaoloR l«. llBBiun." ••'aalwina ' 

llot lwsM tiinTaa-rruilon CUika haa IM witba 
tBiaiwidairei ot .utceu in |iBiheapear.aD tolo.ilai. 
"rtbepul w5k Old will cooilBue for aDolber ..(k. 
n, biu'wr lhla...k IBcljd.. 
.*IUchanl III." OBd tba rama oCer of Uia ilm. will » ee- 
TObS w"lem"°" Mr i.'Urle I. well auppori«l by « 
SSplaOT of which Adelaide Piltri Is the ihl.l ieilure. 

"HSStit'vfnK'T''.l-N.,0"«l-ln cl..«l blailay-Uh 
• SrlormanMofAnbillon.".«Wo 
eB(a|a™n> <hat Mr. ll.»<1wlo lita .ter l'l«Irt '« 
di'H' lll- eieeihocy" c«ni.. 10. h.r ooe ..CO. with 

eano p«jpl" that bite b)eo lif How York. ,7';i;> 
oBBonrad for a rttoroeora,«ne.t. opeoio, 17 Blaatb. 
w"ahaoolbl»K:raaioB wlllisak. bar Ctei Cblcalo ap. 

•TKKS»°lS"i" -^UbM.n•• pUtri a retr gtod 
bnTlnSw leat "i" clo,lot » ttu. Kmnielt «pwte<l 
SJh a mallir. S-eday IB liir oew plar, •'CB.t,aa liiiirl. 
SiTHoy." Tl5e taalerea ol Ihe rrrfefHo. outaUa of 
Miaa Kinmelfa work, tie lb. letnrfuciloB of a n.'.boy 
lioJ and Ihe alnalnit..l Iht IlirJeB Cuy yjotut Kitt 
fliiiHl.. le *-Tiie liOnil of III. h'^'loe. 

llA?laa«ti Is"tBB--Tlie alohe Trellei" iliew 
rm"u al tbe Il.ira.ik.1 Itat week, noce the pleea 
ralmteMkeie llttUe riiksta, » local broilie lad 

BlooanliiBCoa.— At tUa Oiud 0|icn llooaa tin 
Ooidon (libnty Co. haa been playloH td saeelleot h«al. 
aeaa, at popour prlc, the mllr. woaV. ''Elflbt Rolla" 
(omr. Feb. )a, "A ans" U. "A Scran of Tapor." by Bloom. 
Inaloo Dramallo Club, U; CIny ClemaBUIT, "A Trip lo 
Cblnaloan*' IP. ^^^^ 


D« KolBM— At Foaier'a Optra Hotua Juna 
D'Nell, In "Vintlalua," played to n fair audience P.b. S, 
and 1(1 a pocked hosar, In "Honla Orlatn," a. alvlsa .icel. 
I.DI perfemtncea. DtD'l Sally, In "A Bachelor'aTVlrnV* 
ptayeO lo a aood nudlatioe 6. May Irwls, la "The Wklow 
JoDra,"JaDuitd Ibe boua«7,ud fallblypUoaed. Deolel 
Sully, In * Daddy KBlon." relBiM 11 Oaa Ueeae ooBaea 

13, ' 8ldtwalBao(HawrBtk"l<,"A Trip to Cblulom" 

14. Alaaander PalTiBl.34. . : ^„ . 

TUB nnasn h.ebMO ilork allwMk, ana no booklnm 

are onaouacnl fBr Ib, MPBOSI 

— !,»•*» 

" llarr. All 
..IT. H-Jou aia«^T*lJaa nomedvi Co, . _ . 
Billy OBd llaiolBart, Mil.. Oclaodo, |ll^, Larntt<>,llllBL 

iAVn TflBAtML— "WMk nf 10; 

_ ,atUarr.Alr>blpiUoboOenal 

H-Jou ala«.-:S>laa (>omedViJ|}$, .ViMtorlaiB; 

Wu:«DkHU!(b HtnL- - 

CbiIo ball-Hiny Moki atUarr. nlr 

dray, Bl lr BiyABtT VllA Garlloerba..lkltty ITinb, and 
l^arksraBjBfwy. Bualneoa contloB«aiiDoa. 

BarllaBtaa— AttUt Qimnt "DalDioolco'a at a" 
cam. Feb. te f«lr bealneae. "WnoK" bad llB. oaUooh 
nod Oflraoca oal. forB. Tlila week the tlbaa^LlaterOo. 
wllloe In erMenc allow price: lAieiloa: "Fau*t**IS. 
"Alrin Joilln" 111, "A Bof (naa Check* 30, Hirrty aid 

^TCH:«kK Ui»io IIAIL — Th« Chlcaio 0p«cLally Co. bna 
drawn well and plaoaed. 

K0Ta.-Oar nellliborlBK lows, (Xintwka, III. hu jBst 
eomplaled a very haadaum,llllM open hooa. which wm 
donlcalwl.F.b a, bvthe BoltM Ideel Uromatlo Ca lb. 
houa. woe ilvalKned br Wn. Wollo. and OD^i oiw tiaouQ 
The ecenety cam. from fhMaa A Landle. Th* lioa» 
poMh saarly Ave liandr«i..le Iwated by attun and llMblMl 
by aaa Tli. altw la 47IL whle and ait. dMp. Holr A 

uKhbia ar. lb. 

Caaacll Blafre.— At tlw DobaDT Ttaalre "TUl' 
by" liHl lu nral local preMouilon Feb. a, and drew a 

Rekcd hottoe. Two crwlIuWe mloauel petlonnaBCW b] 
nte talrBt, wlih J. Edsar Owbbb u lotorlooaler, - 

iaBC« by 

«aler, nl. 
i«l for I, 

tracted Urae rrewdaa. 0 Jot. Onwlhom lioekw] 

raaceled. Pialel Solly wUl alee "Daddy Meloa" 

(I. Fitld*a"Darha.t AfflaileA"MiBairHa will b. aowi IJ^ 

Mantaar Frank ZehruBH, n( lit. funk. t>i.rm lleBoA 

Lincoln, .Veb , woe Uie |uwt of Hanafer Aluei anil «lf. 

duriaa Ihe ptat week Kau Rrueo, of ihe lloUM 

t^omcdy Co., waa t than sarloealy III dorinit tliB Maoiia- 
menl of the company here, weeir of Jen fa. Bbe lanewin 
a lair way of rrcurery and eipKta to rejula Ibe company 
In n few deya. 

Cedar nsplilo.— At Oceen«1a Op«n Uouae 
Daniel Solly came, Feb. I, lo a mnd.rol. hoaa. "A Trip 
ui Chinatown" la blllMl lor a, tlos lleeg., lo "A ToqbIb. 
Ventlenian" 10; Juhn KerneU 11. 

llsrahallloeria^— At tba CMeon Alaxaniltr Bal' 
Tinl ciimas Feb. It, ' Klabi Bella" Hatch t l><nl.laiilly 
lud a fair bou*« Jan ll. Marl. W.UeaUf 'a I'layen bed 
RQiid boaUieaa Feb 3-9. 

K.okak.— Al Ibe Kenknk ilpert Ilonaa "Tba 
Prlral. Mcreury" coniea Fab. 13. kiarrlaoD'a "Pttut" SO 
and "A Baaaao. tnitch" ]l. R II. Omwell (hclaret 
earned, noder thnaaaplca of tlin V. II. C. A 


Toronls.— Al tbo Ofand Upara llooae Frabk 
Mate, In "F.idd'nli«ail tVll.oB," had pood boBlnesa Keh. 
V3. The Trocadero Vaudeilllaa, with ludov, oprBSd 
wrlia-a "Rob n <y" nonet KI-IJ. 

T0Hii>TO Orant norna-Boalon Howard Alltaniruca 
Hur Specially i:o.had bla liualBMO. ConlBg: "Dark- 
eat lliiwla" 17 and wMk. , _ ^ , . 

I'aiscasi Tiiaaras— Waadarara' roBcrl pltael to, 
rludloa roomnBli Feb. I, wllb Ladle.; lleonrlaa In- 
cbralra Barker, Ju. Bather. Moody and BUnd. 
Uaiil'i Cliil/, Wel'a, Weyliin, Dirhtm aid CtrapiieiC 
Bltt.vr. /illea, Mb. L. A Rooea, R.inillAr, Palnt.r, HI 
tntlll. Cooper. Hchiilea and "Ihe Uak. Walk." Tlie eo. 
can waa the aiifre»aol thwawnn. 

CaraTib Tuattat plar»l all wwh to bla b<idn.ea. 
UKiurahall; Araarl'. Cll.> Kor araan Kfrl J ch«'; 
Tbatire: Alice War. Rrefunl Rlatera, Arlerit, Kllbnl, 
Colhy tad Way, an-l Hall nod O'Lyeo 

llanillloa.— At Us Onod Iba WlliiMr Upara 
Co.. In "Hob Rof." plapaal le lb. capulty of lite tiona* 
Feb. a. ThaTiocoden Vaad.f ill. (*n eotpM Xn, -^wlai 
Uie WIed" 13- Al JU. rleU'a moitreli 17, "Trllbr" ». a, J 

"'staVTaaiTa'a-tiat wt«k Capiala Bidarr lllnnan 
OBd lie Bamaid Hii.l.r. met with raror. Firr lu sad 
aoek: IFtalon and Ballley. Ik. Ouilv. laol/aUe Bona 
aaau, Iwtand Ftaflch, a»l TnnaayWaet 

"I'acia Tom'aCabiB Co. 11. 

lasiadom,— Al lb< OiaBd, r«b. «, "Rob Rsf" 
pkiyad to lb. UnoM reaalpte of asr Mwaai <a omnl 
nuaa.. tbeToaea wm eiaadaa at la en t i ilrilaaa. 

Clipper Past Office 

•V A irakriit B.^Tiura. ^tolaly addiaaacd, nnat be 
anioaad (brea(«i loHar, aad tba Hoe ortnatniaa Mloved 
>7 tbe i>*rM Bddnaetd ihoaKl be Bln>. In order le 
ptarent nbiakta 

Norn.-rn)r*aalona1* aad otbera fhouU hearlBiolod 
thai all toium, oia.. In Iraoali b»twt*o lae t'olted fliatfa 
aad Canada, iiHil w pn|iaW,oiheiirlfaib*yar»nolR>r 


McUak, Ilia 
Mortlmar, Loilla 

A tklnaoa. Raby 
A-jtrdall, tkoera 
AnnatriMia, Kra 
Alljn, LUhe 
AahroTxl, Uatile 
Adania. Hlaa r. 

Id. Jaaala 
t, Mra. J. Ui 

drantrr, futile 
OrajdrtL Klal* 
Urailol, Jtsale 
tlrlavoM. * " 


tinody. Ula 
UloT*r, Mian J. 
uaonta, Maril<a 
OiMay, Mra.Jaa. 
OmTtr« BtrdU 
iiiaTet. Broiea 
nuihrle, Ida 
Oratory, JcMi* 

/lllbtrv Vaed 
Vtlallea, BnoiB 

— itrlee 
Htnla, NaUl* 
lUuaila, Oarfl* M. 
llarrlpBtoo, lleirn 
llaiiilftoa, Alice 
llarrla, Mra U*e. 

llof et^l. im* 
lUy wanl. Maud 
Hohlen, Oartle 
llaUam, BU<ehe 
llait.Mr*. Jirry 
llarUiek, Ktllle 

■lara, raaola 
Miaaoney, Ha* 

McNuliy, Ida 
Marunaaa, l>arl 
M«xw*|L Harjnrli 

Ne«aiL nore 
Nobrif a, Vera 
KkbflU, Mr " 

Mary E 

riKdeB, rioronc* 
^n**y. Mna. 
i>abnroa, Kanele 
0'Bnta?Mra.T. 0. 
tiiden, May 

FatoKoi. Katia 
Prior, Ulll* 
l^wt. Lilt 
i^lK*, Habal 
rantaer, Blanche 
Vw% octi, Jenoia 
IVtaell, May 
ruTf all Kate 
rainier, (lartle 
l^iaell. Qnoaa 

Kurd Blalan 
'uwirr, Bd*aaa 
Foliom. Anala 
Fay, ABoa R. 
l^iilHiro, Hay 

rorreeiik HarcellaiHonroe RIaUra 

abi " * ■ ' 

Hia Nellie 
lleiYon, Mra Tboa, 
HainilioB. Alice 
{llnllien, laaara 
£rriBg, Bella 

Jn)r«, Ounle 
Jaofe, Plotenoa 
Janlroa, T.llU 
Jonia.fUI|l* B. 
Johar4>n, Vlritola 

Kiln*, Maoil* M 
KeBBeily. Jell* 


La Mnyaa,Carrla 
LMBBid, MeUI, 
Ualle, Aolla 
LawU LlUiia 
lianMoa, Selma 
UwT^ lUlen 
Lartmlo, rairl. 

Ualn.. Olll. 
Leitl. Leah 
l.lBHen. I.alla 
LjBB, BalH 
Lucy, Lsna 
LnrnlB., Ulandl. 
UYlBo, nllle 
Ltihrop, Dot 
LareUr, Hrt. Tony 
L ndley. 

Are. Uarry 
lalali, Rlella 

MBCb.lln. Cliaa. 

McC1oek.y,lBM 9. 
BacdosaM, Out. 
aaldes, AJdI. b. 
Martina, lAura 
Mullally, Urt 
llerioo, Uolll. 
MorlBB, t;era E. 
Miller, kbl. 
Monro, Addle 
Hallo.., Laura 
M. II n 

Hacarl, Joaepblna 

Mahlv, FepI 
•ulfiB, Minie 
atndlih, Leila 
Moaa,llra rUra 
ailloa, ABaaM. 
dichel, Hoee B. 
da).r, Allc. 

Pine, Mn W. A. 
Pelonk Annie 
-iViiulMo^ Hilly 
HolllBm Flo 
Hayoiond. Leila 
Hajiunnd, MaiulB 
KuaielL tartlo 
Haadoirh.Mn J.W 
Robar, Nalharto* 
■ay, Uiililo 
Ruaaall, Cerila 
Helyea. Cora 
autoell. ADiy 
KJiea HIatera 
HlRby, Corns. 

" kkUlOBd. LlKll. 

.-ju;,, Lliltaa 
kheo, MlBnU 
Uk John aiadra 
OBwMl, Habal 
a laldoBfLaltt 

sun. Mm 
MrnBR. Cor. 
aL Clair, riooeio 
aouib.ra, Mule 

ahrlrer, Mafir. 
awiaher, Haaa 
^liaw.ll. Bin nit 
aiMd, Rer.ka 
BUiBa, Lily 
Bli.nrcod, Ufoca 
aiioon, Mabel 
lie. ley, Jennie 
ilw«(,Mra ail. 

V.miin, Ray 

AUianderO. P. 
Aimar, yrad 
Anont, tU|»tW. 1>. 
AlUo, l*aal 
A Idol*, Jack 
Amatroni. Harry 
Ailloiton, tieo. 
Arthor, Ueo. 
Arthur, J. P. 
Alaard, Dr. A. 
Abboit^tleo 11. 
A fib or. U. T. 
Araer, Ala 
AiUtlQ, Oto. K. 
AtlBiob, U. B. 
Acker. M. A. 
Amano, Aody 
Amar. W. rred. 
ArantB, A. 
Alias. Waller J. 
Uoile, Chan, 
''itaruo, Wn. 
BaUalo, Barney 
Barton. John B. 

SlakeTlI. M. 
lack, AkaaBder 
Murch, U«e. 
Bailer, Jack 
Hrandoo. Hairy 
Bort, H OBoy 
Buab. 1. T. 
Burr, f rur 0. V. 
Uluuj. fllirrlcd 
Braia, U D. 
BoneU, O.U. 
Buebaoao, — 
Boa man. nlmon 
Bniira Broa. 
Becknao, Kred 
Baoedlci, Uw 
Broa n. I HI 0 
Brown, Kobt 
Broan, Alils 
B«*be, U*o. R. 
Barnhan, Atle 

Srry, W. M. 
nun, (Hiaa. 
Barilnao, UA 
BiOtlaj, Hilly 
Burelly. A. J. 
Harratia, Titeo. 
Barry, J. H. 
Boaera, Billy 
B«rol. Maa 
Bailuwnia, — 
Brmnaa. Julin K. 
Baker A Lynn 
Bar ton. Bam /, 
BorlelKiJ. (i«o. 
Ball Art tiar 
Bred-liav. P. 



Clark, Prank II. 
I'aril*. Boiisn 
t;aae. rhtruy 
Cox. rtlduay 

CaoifuaU. fiank 
Urntao.Ji)* J. 
OalD, K. B. 
cony, A B 
Carr, Ueo. II. 
Cla) luo, Wibb 
Camea, B H. 
l'oubuv, Uua 
Clirton.Joa D. 
Cuuk. Prank 
Ootikllo, rater 
Ullllun, Uoaard 
(;ba|iiuao, Joali M. 
i;Uii. Wa P. 

TonklioB* J*m 


Van 1**11, Boaa 
Isadora, Vartila 


Wheeltr, huma 
Wood^ Jeuli 
Earner, Cora 
floion. Marl* 
•Valuer, OladjB 
Weal, Claudia 
WIniara, Jaaaa 
Warran. Mrra 
Wllllaota, Bua 

hllBajr. KnuiiB 
Wf un*, Mona 
Waahbum, Ir»n* 
f alli^ Maud 
Weat. Baala 
Waahbum. ijoMIe 
WulberU Dorutny 
#04H]i, JefBle 
Waltoo. Marie 

Yiponl, toM 
VaK May 


PorUr, Mooa. 
Pry. Wni. 
Piankllo, N. 
Poraljurir. Pjdwln 
Patlau»li. Ah. 
Po«|»r, Julio 
Pllb^r, UuU 
Preocb, T. II. 

iftMBfiaiun, Nolaoo 
liiBiUrlarii. L. 
nminlna, Haa 

Uanoll, loo 
u'loTeltod, tniu. 
;aatla. U. B. 
.'roabr.Chaa. II. 
Caalello, Dan 
L'll«i»rd. V. U. 

Dibble, U. Wa 
0*01 pa*y, Cbaa. 
iJelaToya, Wm. 
Unh*,0. M. 
Uurrall, rivf. L.V. 
tfranieir, Prasa 
JafloD. W. W. 
Oaer,Juhn J. 
Uafia, rruf. iTobn 
UlioQ, Waiinr 
Uuinaa, P#lla 
Iffi UDru, Will 
Huitflt, Win. 
Ml k BOO. Mooa. 
Vaaby.C. II. 
Ulamtrbd, Cliaa. 

Uana,0 P. 
Uaf ll. < III 

I, Lonia 

Banotti, Prad 

iV>l. Ilarri 
Don A 11. 
Bwnr, Col E. U. 
Bailey. A. 
Bartow, Peur W. 
Bmwn.J. B 
Boika p.B 
Bnab. t T. 
Baraaid ALewla 
Bererlr, J. M. 
Horna, Hairy 
Baioaid. riiaa. 
Bfoan* HcKton 

Olhiavt. Cbor. 
CoIllBe Y.A. 
OrtlweU, B. T. 
Cbamber*. H. I. 
Colliaa, Boao 
Ubaoman. J. M, 
Uonklln. PaUr 
CernaUa, Fraok 
Caa#ad. Billy 
Oamtrua. ueo. O. 
t^Fur,A B. 
Collipi, Jaa 
Caiapt«ll. Jo*. P. 
??rroll Hau 
Cbaa*, aw. 
Cboate. Hany 
Ofoatb. P. k 
Cobee, A.M. 
i'arr A iB^ram 
I a^l<e L(l«o. 
CollUr, Eddie 

UlaTmDacb, Phil 
DfUaey, fcddi* 
D* Hoe, Billy 
uaUoy. W. J. 
IMMilrllU Prol.B 

Pmlnlea, — 
lurtra. W. O. 
iM Hutlo.Chw. 
Dution, Win. 
Udero»,W J. 
Do PllHiid, Joe 
Oari, A P. 
Ue Bo*. Wm. 



ano A Ba^u 

Uurli, Wm 
Daoion, O. 0. 
U«twia, llaj* 
fllli'ortn. BuB*B* 
Bnoa, WItaM 
Bvaaa Praak L- 
Pad tar. Mar If 
dvaoa, O. 
l!itaafda,Jaa. L. 
B£M« Prank L. 
Eajoard^ U L. 
araaa, Kd. B. 
etliwdnh. Ilia*. 

Eriear. Harry 
dvaida, Ja«. 
l&Jmoad'a Hill O. 

Flthla, Al (I. 
rilEar A WaU 
roller, 4J. T. 
PUbor, llward 
Prf*^ Johe 
Plaber. PnX. Fred 
Pleorr, P. 
Plealof, Prank A 
Pidier. Uto. 
• Paiiiv" . o. 
For J. Jvbn 
rim I Off. Ton 
Ford, r iJ. 
FUUloK. Harrr 
Frtocit, A. B. 
Per^leUow ProL C. 
Poller. UkDda 

IPo»ur, Prad 
/eller.Chaa T. 

Jonra, J. A. 
Jon**, W. Fred 

iunk*r, W. A. 
aBilc4k Fraok 
7am*a Pimlly 
JobBBon, Bfltl 
Julian, Pivd 
Joheaon, tit«l*r 
Jordan, Burt 
Jam**, 11 R. 
Jiin*a,u D 
Jlbllala,A K. 
Jotca A narmll 
ITallah, Louie 
Ketnan, Ptinb J. 
KniiblaW. J. 
Kaana. Joe 
Kelly, Tboa r. 
KiliojA Rawaen 

Billy II 
Kellry.J. a 
Kfiini*!*, J. r. 
Kerr, John II. 
Klook, Beit 
KamakalLd K. 

KeralaVa. UI 

Lublo Rnaelll^ 
Uallr, Atritd 
tOBCh A J*«#ll 
Loiralo*. Arthur 
Loudrn, n*o U. 
Lerln**, The 
LiberatI, lUf. A. 
Leool, Hairy 
ItOttna, ToB) B. 
La Var, Pnd 
La Mtur. Jna, 

aiUta, J. u. 
I.* R«iy A Annour 
■• d. Bob 

11*00. J. R M. 
I«nioou Ciauiie 
LaniltfTt, Prank 
LeHfv. Prank (I. 

rfdol* A AUarci 
Mff, T. B. 
,«y|ta, i: W. 
lauolier, Wni. 
LfHtij, Nit 
lefadi.J. II. 
Ltrlor. Chaa. 
A Barra, Kddle 
tjnxi, Jaa 
LaonanI, Juho P. 
I^rrlU lliiry 
•aUitde, Luul* 

JOTd,T. J, 

La H<iid, Ariliur 

Locke, Pml 


Lore, Anniir 
a-upuhl. Marry 
•aod. Jack 
.0 Hack, Tho*. 
AO a. Ham 

A«*l, B. He 

Lee,tiua _ 

Uooia.ll. P. 
Mack, ate 
McPaddto. R. K. 
l*Bk, WaU*r<). 
loVann, Bltannao 
inaaalBB. A. H. 

uoday, Uiile 

Morloa, Julio A. 
Mall*D. Ueii. 
Melroao, lUr 
MoUneA llaH 
Hllc)H>ILCbaa. H. 
Martin. V. K. 
ioAtiiy, Dick 
Matthaaa, W. K. 
Hohantupal, — 
M<>ltoblf. HIM 
Mvrmn A Mank 
Maok, Bfnrit J. 

Mack, HI Itl. 
Ma#on, Al. 
MullNitay, I /. 


luhtlna, Will. 

Martin, Kdierl 
Maiieli^ Wni. 

illls J. K. 

ictncae, Burt 

PaRUL Baney 
Pray, flenrr 
Paul, c'aray 
Plalkowabi, L. 
ratul. J A. 
'~aril», Minaffer 

UiltnrtO. ti. 
Urtaraa. Jirlm 
(Huck, Martin 
nroaa, 11 W. 
(lordwii, J. Harry 
Jllbartaon, Uarry 
iluaoial, ffl. A. 
Uurdon A Lick 
(ilH,J. II. 
iloidon, Jia. 
find 00 w, ttl. 
(lobdraa^tJ. W. 
lhMb*n, OdI. Ja*. 
Ual«, W. M. 
UaffBey, Jolia 
Urant, Burt 
iluidvia,Ban F. 
UrakajH. B, Be 
iloMan, Hirliard 
Uurdoo. ueo. 
UalllKbar. W. A. 
Uoiduo, Harry L. 
□nhatB, K. A. 
iJr**n. Kd. 
Urttta, Hallo 
Ullleiu, A M. 
ilordbD. J. II. 
.laJia.4. A 
tiny, Anitur 
Uibauo, Jaa. 

Ualla«ii*r, fleo.W. 
UlraiU, 0. P. 
i*r affoer, P-H. 
' u, J. II. 
JafcL. B. 
llalUiiKit, P. M. 
Haair. Bmeat 
Hall. Ilarranl 
llarrlBU, M. II. 
Ilurwi-i, i;baa. 
ilublf*ll,A r. 
Honiplirey, Tbnj. 
Holiwnbe.Uao. II. 
Uowauo. HtdJ. 
Hague, Belt 
llrurr, R- J. 
ilBicliloaoD. Ueo. 
Ilawlay. W. H. 
ilinktaA LeVem* 
llimeifa, — 
MowtrO, Will 
ilairla.H. J 

Htdlay.N U. 
Hay««f«d. Alba 
HariatllU, J. W. 
HandarMM. W. K. 
Ilealr. Tim 
IHIbFfk. Frank 
H|d*. P. U. 
Horban. Pi*d 
'loli*n4. B J. 
.Ja«k(B<rraok E. 
Harriii Cleo. 
Ilfiaail Bolt 
Hb<l-tra toil 
HHoo. K. K 
Hu4dl«*t9ii. Fraok 
He.vlallea, rli* 
Hjda,Cbaa (i. 
lUlnildi. J. L. 
HuUaad. E A 
HufM, Eroe«t 
H*l.tA W. fl. 
lluotJey,iDr. U. W. 
HalH> k Mail 
Ifofnar, Bjoi 
lltlas.-lacfc M. 
Hiuao. B. 
Haaib, Fred 

Irtisg, Wm. 
Irvloa, MoBiff. 
llrwlo, Ja«. 
feiJir, Henry 
''Jaableu A. i. 
Jatkion, w. P, 

MeOBi*. tATry 

NllUH, Umy 

koloirraT. B. 
ll*y*r, Ohria 
Mann Id B, Wn, 
Uanenoeier, 0. 
Murray a. The 
Murray. J iilict P. 
Maann, Dan 
Malay, Wcra 
Mctl.ifr*. J. B. 
tIaMnn.ll. P. 
May. John B. 
Vaiahall, nto. O. 
dorlar, II. Y. 
kanrk*. Kwrr 
Voiiiia A M^ck 
Bnrpky A Hall 
VacL, Ed. r. 
Vienk Ham 
Vun-kr, Knak B. 
Mark, lliQd D. 
HaatP. KJ 

Nanl Mich 
y. Y.klBalot>. 
itaaall. L B. 
.Voblati. Harry 
MtitrU Bma. 
.SontoD, Clint 
lee len. Carl 
y«lH<n, Kain D. 
MeUonIa, P. 
.Vjlaa. J. J. 
<t*«*n A Miarellr 
^'eldtrt, BaRene 
Not ton, A I. 
laaion.T. W. 
NtbK Prr«l 

latu, Bert 
dcBlTalo. (I. 
HitrKan, Jan. I*. 
Buio, llrlBc* 
MarkeDtle, (I. B. 
MuutluB. Larry 
Mack, Prank tJ. 
Maaon. A. 
MoOulelieon, B. P 
MoAroy, Ja*. 
Matth»wB,T. tl. 
Mack. Will L. 
HaoUrauur. J. K. 
dluliairA Jaia 
MailoB, Bert 
Mllllktn.J. W. 
MaaiHald. lUdiaiO 
MulvBBan. Ji»* 
Malliaaa.Or Ueo.t 
iark, Bnbliy 
lumo«,(l W. 
Mortuo, Jidin A. 
iaek.a/aa. J. 
Mad laa u, Maddy 
May, 0. K. 

Muiait, Pall a 

Moiia. ilm. 
Merabe,J D, 
Maok, Huftaoa 
Marrow, Jaa. B. 
M urpbi A Bar aiuod 
Maoart, Frail 
MItrkilL Joe 
McD-iiiall. tliaa 
Mcl^eeo. Prank 

Olio, Hau. 
nalHWDa, 1)30 
u callaiilian, Nell 
itTrrioB, Hairy 
tiKaal.U. 1>. 
ti«boma, John W. 
Oiada, Naiu 
o.>uaa, J. 
noaaa, I'rlnea 
njktnaao, tlutb 
)beiK. Heo. K. 
^ I'm Tia. Prank 
Peihliu. II. tl. 
■utla.y I.. 
*f rry.Tliiia. R. 
'hHilpa, AI|>li«*0M 
I'Anlml, lav«>l)o 
I'endeiBBft, ilairj 
i^itoB, Julin 
iViaiMhon, 11. W. 
rack, A. 

l*Brklo*un A Roth 
INitiar, I'aul 
l>rlc*,l;afi B.A 
r«tar^ Paul 
I'aikar ABrailr 
I'aulMialU r. A. 
rilt#. Btib 
hilllKii. A. 
Q<lal»y. Biih 

iJttli*]-, Howard 
■^•HaniBa, Urn, 
Rutl*. H Bi. 
Kiibun, llarir 
Hand. I'lill 
BobailaA Ihiralit 
Kt^iiaa, JalluN 
Kitfoii. II. 
Itedao, Harry 
llainoie. Prod 
K(Ml^ Cilia 

KnlMrla'iii, Prank 
Kvlilrl. ttiaa A. 
Iliirkani], J. U. 
Kwld. II. 
llMlialiia, T. Q. 
itaviBa, HiialfMl 
Hu>u*)l. Prad A. 
ituivfaarl.O. A. 
lUtlnlii*, V.Y, 
Itthar. A. P. 
IUvan,i llnl. 
HJobanla, HarH fc 
HJcb,0 I'. 
llaiN*. II. H. 
Hnaara, ItoliarL 
ibOwrKun, ftubU 
lb>lh. W. i'. 
Hairiird, P.luier 
Hanu, II. II. 
KMnuUa A Plyni 
HantlalL Law 
Rani, l^il 

Huundi, Pf *J 
Ariera. 'Jkm W, 
HunBll. \, J. 
H n. Ham 
Miaacli At'ailleinn 
Kifmnnd.T. J. 
Kicfaanla. llw. 
KIrI, II. M. 
Handall. Daa 
Riihynv. Will 
auiiieriunl, Billy 
■talilnaiio. iVlnra 
Ktililnaon, Kd. II. 

9IIII0III. • liaa. I), 
illiietalr, II. W. 
loamDtuM, A '4- 
ilKeaalnEar. P. J. 
4ctiriwtlrr, Jnrk 
■tiiiioii. Prank 
4 live. JohB p. 
rtiHiiheiB, KilvlB 
HL Clair, fieiaoB 
Hlfiiur. Piaob K. 
hi (ifiincr John 
Hloddaiil.Ji'liD L. 
MiarTan, Pr*il 
Haiiuul, prank 
Kareia, ll J. 
•<caiilfn A Wnleli 
•'Miouar lfr*in.i;u 
HIiIkUi. J. II. 
'«iliiMlili, (llbt 
•tvaki>rd.J H. 

iSamaon, Ed. C 
(tam)<««. C. A. 
Biniiln. P. U. 
Bcott,— (froauiftn) 
Bem.iB, ll.We 
RiilHr^D, H. J. 
Btaaart, Praakt:. 
Hberaimd, W, 11, 
Soolly, Keil 
HiBllli,lt. D. 
BchaartK, Frtd 
Bhia, Wm. 
Bharidan, John J, 
HumivfrB, O. B. 
Ha Van. chaa 
i(ilTcai*r. J. 
deeoiaB, Adotph 
iKuiHia, J. A. 
Boillh. tThaa. L. 
K|<lrr,1(. A. 
Biiarntw, — 
Bianl*y. W. A. 
:<miib, Chaa A. 
naHlraa,!!. R 
Keeker A WlUri 
.tnhler. riitf II. 
iiMncpr, U. 
riKaw, Kbeit 
jtilrhA Xeiin 
.'Ichorrhl, A. 
rtU Jamea, W. II. 
Aniilh, W. II. 
'twill, llerlHit 
■tioderaoB, Jphn 
sloaU inn. <1. K. 
Maobett, J. K. 
Hun, tlua 
Sutton, Uleh I*. 
litaniDn, WllUrd 
Hargent. Ilarry 
tthaa. Tom K. 
.Helton, Hany 
Aiucruul BruN. 
Khoklun, Kraiik 
)ii)|thar, W. W. 
ttlivaaliigor, I*. J, 
anlimelB. — 
Hlar, Kit 
tIalQ, — 
<lnuw, tieo. W. 

rrali'ar. A. 
Tiallel, UbvM 
rotli, Wm. 
niiMuaa A ljulun 
runier. Prank 
fhiimor, John 
rttiiemer, (l*u, 
lliorulon, H. 
nta>ar, llay 
riiun>iiw»n, H. 
rakriaaa, P. 
riooianN, B. 
rauiiarA Htnoail 
I VatTi*. W. J. 
ferry A Khiiar 
ruuley, Larry 
ralbiii, W. J. 
rvilla, l\ W. 

rurkt. Ueo. K. 

rtiinnklokl. H. 
rrany, Mike 
riiuni|iu>nA HuilUi 
ra>*bii. Pint 
rtimi>r. Pud 
[J»i»«, - 

V«l*BIlDP. H. J. 
* Van Hctiier.l). J. 
VtiKa). Jukn 
Vu.ii«arili, W. J. 
Vtriiitn, J. t). 

VVvJ'tfiMiill P. II. 
Wade, Kd. 
4aih, Id.r. 
Arlluao. Bid 
^halfto, ilitH. 
Villa 1 lUli-in 
Watd, Ilarry 
Wa*l, TtiDT 
Wllllania,M. H. 
Wainra. I«w 
Wilbur, A. I.. 
Waat, l>e Pureat 

WvitJIB. ITtHl 

M IllaoD,)!. M. 
tVeatmi. A. II. 

Walaa. J. W. 
Wai-k, HuRena 
Wllw<n,J. J. 
WlliMiu. Prvtl I*. 
ffpalon.Al H. 
While, Jaa. 
WaiMalLW. (.'. 
^eal A Pnwler 
WalUc* fliia.T. 
Wlilla, H<ili 
Wgrlh A MaiHiall 
WriiiBler. ii»4i. 
WIHlaiua, Hum 
WoitOa. DarM H. 
WatauB A 

Walla, Jaa. J. 
Wain*. I'.'lwin 
•Viriaril. JmP. 
iTeal, P.d«lfl W. 
WiMHia. iri.l. J. II. 
ado, Tuiii 

Willie, U«i>l. O.K. 
ttllaun, AIki. 
Whiltlar, II. M. 
Wllllamp, H. R 
Wliitiiiiii. Prank 
Wlia!aa, CliaJi. 
Wekh.lJe'* J. 
WeiiUkOaW. Da 
Wm1*i. B*rt 
Waierlur* Bi"*. 
tt'allac*, W. P. 
Walttrr, 1' O. 
Mtili*. P. W. 

VimiiH. Prank 

Zii.rl.T. g 
/.tllllMIB, Juh'l 

/.inml. lUla 
/.at Ymw, - 


Naalivlll«a*-AUIioTliriilru \>ndomo Ibo ptpii* 

brilr or lllehanl Maa^flrbl waa aitoiU'l Pab. \ whin li i 
pr*a«nieil "llodliai. (lie Hiudani," fii an aiiillan<-» ibal 
ooniplelely nilaJ (b* Imuaa. A l«>raUltrAclltin lieM die 
boaida I. The diulaeilr Iwoniir nreiil i>f *iia fcua4in Ihiia 
far waa lilt a|>|>«arancenr Jlaorr Irrliift an l Ellen Terry. 
■Iio caiiie ft, and pieaanled "Tlie Mtrcdant nf Veoka " 
Tberala waaitcurlng Ib i"rr<nt*. huidld nuiprereiii Hit 
^aontaoraii aadlentoHiit laibd llieraiaacliy nf Hie 
bnoae, •■NaDcettbiaeM "ahd "Thn Hu1U"«aB UieMHS, 
and brbIo had fi. K <). "Por Pair Vlmlnla ' came 7.1, 
and had fair bualniaa.cniial'larlBK Hip uilhar. Paiinr 
lUf aopflt coiiiei 1 1-16, Ibilil MBOiall 17, T^ Mudjaaka 13. 
Bklleiintanoll.Si «... 

Kkw MaMj5it; THKAmi.-'Trlnoaa BoflBla" cam* 0, 
and had larica inialuva*. * (lii iha Miaklaklpi'l" la iliia Id, 
II, Tlie (Hrl I \Mv Brhind Be" H.tHlvar Hjnm 13, HAlwrt 
DuwnluiK. IB. Pa-laaiil Harrlvan 17. Hi. CUra Mirrla 7J. 

(iKaMi OraH* Htil HE.— The Mealmi T> | lcal OrrJiealra 
i-BBie lur a inallnae and uight KilniiiianrM «. lint hail 
v«rr IIbIiI builaaaa. Pranda Juiiaa, la tJld Madlld, * 
r^me 7, H. aad drew rery iniall audiancaa, 

Uaimplile^Al Ibo ilinml opcm llouwUcnrF 

I ri lai aieil KtlaB Tarrf woin andiiMlaailrally reoalred by 
lArge a-iiHeuMiL Pn'i. .1-1. Tliey |ii*wiil«tl 'Tha Mnr- 
chantor Venice at tho o^cnlnii aoil * ftanc* (jMrteM ' 
aod 'The Holla" atnMlln>*4. ThuaURa aattlnia wrra 
aupfirhaod th* wnrk tif lliec in|tfeny waa Uulilaaa. Tn« 
prlcaa w*re aaliaacrd fur Mm Hn||aR«)iiiMt. Tnehouin 
ra'oaloeililaraft.O. Due: OIUarSrKia Y*. II 'On tha 
Ml*al>al|>i>|" 11. U.Hubt. bawblog lfi. IV, Kdwafd llarri* 
■AO >I-1A 

Xftw IrTrn'u TiiKArBn.-"P'ir Pair Vtrt nla" waa pro- 
Btuud fl allai attrnilauc*. Tlia limitQ remalnrti 
dub 6-A Ki»lt«rt Manieil, 13-10, la llm unlr Bltractloii 
IdUtdluraaek&r lU. l/lh9gfB|i)iaor D^lla rua arouui, 
tat pi> ilaf* ilv»D. 

AUbiirmii-'u -Edward 1'. EIIMi. liii(a«MODatiir, cuioea 

.. ^ — ^ 
CliftlUaon|A,— At Ilio New ilpeiA tlouid 

Paneli llolnr""!! came Prb S, lu a pur^nl h«iu>e. ■"ii- 
tlnulbg Iha w»eki/> aaplandM hmliaFP. villi t«()inat(. 
near, at |>Ofu'arprlcea. iVmiDa; (jnr>( anleitaloniani 
H, 'Prliiceat HfiODta* \K *\*t»tnA 4lancait IV, Clara 

M0rrl*3l. MatO Raliaj Mr. llo1i«rt*nn added a new 

r*aiure toIiU aitraetl»o tbla week. Mioa.'iiing nra vAode- 
riUeperloruan'*^, wblcb «aa girrn brlwreu th* tela. 


LaMT*nwortli.*Ai CVairford** i\n^n^ Oimra 
llouM "Darkeat Aiaerlca" barl fatr \a\ *Iaeaa P«b. I. Al- 
eiasdar Bilrlal ctmaa S. wlili |>r<fa|<ecU «l a rar| lar/e 

haalaaaa Ttia iU*\t i''m^\f cimea wo^b o( 10 

J. Ii BoaiiMO luwea'li Krne*t CrBwr«r<l aa luc«l men* 
ai*r. Mr. Hoaniao waa fiirioarlj' cunoncial aliti iha 
■Bllr*rClrea(l,"loC'e|urado. 1h*bj-*rahouaa la lo 
tOBPl*i*ly leaovaiad duilog Di* ctniini Huinintr, and a 
gufid UoD vf alliaclloBo la promlaed by lUm now mauag* 

Wlcbllfl.*Altbe UrAwfoid OrAoil, VAluon, in* 

y.«;ad a roioja *o|ag««tfll, wHli geffd buU*««, I. 




World ^Pl ayers 

— Kotu from llio In Ilavcn GoiDCdir Co. ; While In 
UbUllcotlic, 0„ mo KikM oiiiciUlDol the uompuj at 
ibelr Kdge noma. Louclicon «a>Mrvcil,ii(ior wlilch 
•ennl mcnii'Ois or ilic compmir renponiliid to cilli 
for lunpii, irniilc, iccltallnni', dc. Ncaily even 
number of UiU compaiir liavo for wcr k« lieeo lu llcr- 
IDR mill Ihe Drill nnd Iin cBMt. Ul» IM llayon 
ba^ ■ rlliht ailack of pneumonia >t Ihe aime time, 
bill nananed In ilo her work. Hlic la nearly ro- 
coreicd, anil liax artrlnil lirn new pisja to ber roper 
lorr, "Qncena" am) "LjDWooiI," prcpaiatorf 10 
mnrel relarn daien. Our "ml." In Tiia Cl.ii'i'Kn 
liroufht nearly iwo liundreO nppliuillani. The 
iMmniea anUclfiaii^d, however, will not lie mads. 

— Kdwnrd L'lirnin. mafie nianagor or Ihe Kulij 
adrancoof ihm commDjr, wa* iinlicdiii maRliRe 
In Amolla Kptiluo, ulVnleiillno, Tex., nii Fed. 1. Tho 
oeninoDr itM performed In ijiillin«ii, Tex. Mlu 
Kntliie III a oon pnileiulriniil. ar, Wonle U Mill In 
itaTaKe, and will In teiidrrcd ii lieneOI >•> Hanaior 
Ani. K. aiilllot, 10, at Hlncola,af(orwlilrli ergot Ibo 
lirldcand Rrouni will man on a weilillnir lour lo Uie 
(luir. Ilandaumc preaenli were nlveii the couple 
liT tbe company. Marry Imj will nucroed Hr. 
War<le na advaoco. Ocorgo Kvcra liita iicon eDgaged 
forHptclHlllcii liy UlwU Katelio fur lierHouthero 
lour. WcHtner Iwd, iiui Imilnesa fiilr. 

— Molea from Mario VVelleiiiey'i playen, Oline k 
Wlbtoi maiMKern: Wo conclud»t our Rccnnd week 
at lioiUulne«, la., lo a lurkcd lioimn. iind did Die 
larfed hunlncM kiiiiwn iliur« for Moino lime. Tbii 
uumniiy played iliiuiiah ilio cnllm Hamnior, and 
bare liccii on Iho nuiil for furiy cIrIiI weoka wllh- 
oiil nlfvdPR a Halarx day. Wo are tMiiinolIng fur 
iirxt Humnicr In Kni Utalra, Winona anil Uhlppewa 
KallH, wlicro wo playuil flflcen weekaliLnr-Biimmor. 

— Ilio Olaire IUIko Co., under llio iiianarementnl 
(leo. W. PalKO, iipeiicd ilio now Oprni lldimo Hi lino 
iHltDd, Hluii., Dec. II, and nlaycl all llio week to ro- 
poile4 largo ami cnlbiinlanilc aiidlcncta. L. f. 
lilib U manager of ihonow opera Iiiiiikc. 

— K. II. Iji lluo, wbniiaa hccii plailnic Uia Iramp 
In \'aoce'a "Mnilioil Mall" Co. fur two iHaaone, In- 
fonniuaof bin marrlago In KDlaniaxoii, Ulvb., on 
Jan. 12, 10 Mn Wlknx, niiiiitcal illrcclrtia of Uio 

— Uali and Annie Ileo have lofi "Tho Trimpa of 
New Vnrk" Co. and Joined " Tho Ullllonuire Tramp'' 

— Harry Hardy cliiaed blaongagomonlwllbjamoa 
II. tlM'>'.lo'a"(l>lnini> Cellar lloor" Co., hi liuelneaa 
niaii9:inr, at Wlieollui, W, Va., on Feb. A. and Ii 
arranging lo placo luo Iwo conicdlei, "/.oh" and 
"Hki,o«D I bo road ueal aonwin. IIom\ Melelllo will 
iielnlhnnuw eiini(.'ily, "Mia," and ••7,n\i'i will liavo 
alMUltlio Mimo rjiit aa lam geaion. 

— HotOM and rnKior of Jubn irOrinoniVi Oo.: Wo 
bnrolmn doing good biiMiicaalii HnuUiom HUnola 
nnd Keniiicky. AgneiiFiilierroliiriied ui ibo com. 
pill J Jan. '.1, aflcr a lime weoka' vlnli In bor home 
in (inli'iigii. III. Ur. l>'Urinonil>ii urenlo produollont 
of "Oibollu" and "Vlnilnlui," giro grenl ullafae' 
linn. lliMior: Jnbn ll'ilnnond, iJiko Coagmre, 
Anhor li'O'iiiond, A. Jercdon, A. l>. UuKec, 0. II. 
Uarlion, J. lu Jachnon, Aviiea Fuller, I/>urlne Manx- 
fluhl, KInia Klloii, (Ifiinlllo Hinwile, A. W. Croat, liiiai. 
neiH manager: Ctian. 1,0 Uoinio, In advance, and 
l,llUe Freddie. 

— II la rumored llial llonri Cain will iuwIkI Paul 
IMIIer In making a KniniOi venlon of "Trtlby," 
wblr.b |8 lo lie produced at olllior iha Vauilrvlllo or 
llio (IrmnaHo TOuairu, I'arlH. Ii la iilxn iiaied 
that Ur. rmior baa nnaiigcil to liavo "Trlttiy" madf 
Into au opem, for which Uaaaanci will conijioaeibu 

— Id tlio Hiiporliir court at Now llavcn. Ot.. on 
Foil. ^, a JudKiiioiii of lino waa nMiilereil acalual 
Uaoriio 11. Iluuiiell, iFKieo uf Ihu llyporinn Tlioairc 
ami lli-aiid (iprta lliiuao, of ilinl I'liy, for alamler 
aKalnii llepuiTHborliruiiaineld. Manager lluniioll 
rlalaied IhaiChalllold look lllugally n aimi of iiiouoy 
from llio box oillro. 

'Tlio Simngo Adveulnroaof Jai'k ami UioHoan. 
itlalb,"a iiurlivi|iiu. In ilircoacia, wrliinn liy IL A, 
liHrnei, mnalc by A. II. Sloauo,WHaprndiicud for Ibo 
gntt lluio on any aiagu nn Ibu afieriinon of Feb. 0, 
hyllw lloaUiu Uadcia, at IboTniuioiiiTliealro, Uoa- 
bin, Uaaa. 

— K. t(. Wlllanl announces llial ho will return to 
llili aiuDlry noxlaeaaon. Ilo la now luanagluR llio 
Qarrlok Tneatr«. l/imloi,, and la conalilerlutf ' 
Hodal lllghwayinun" for proilur.ilon lliore. 

— UcUuwon \ llnaby'a "Ten NIgliiM In a liar 
llooia" la made up aa followa: Win. Uclliuvon, J. H. 
Ilualii, Kdwin Mulvin, J. Iliike Fuller, Win. Klofer, 
J. T. builn, Nolllu llorahey, bla Taylor ainl licaalo 

—Kate Uedliigor UhiiII apjioariiig villi Ibo Ulnolo 
Sowanl Co., allhoiigb auirurlng [mm au Injury re 
onlved aoino ilino ago. 

— Kduella Mlllorla now loading aoiibnilte wllb 
Howard Wall'a Uoiiinllauii. llolicri flalllanl, lalo of 
"A Uouoy Order," Jnlnml Iho conipniiy at KIkhari 
iDil., laat week. 

— Tboa. W. lllll and John W. Weal, uow ot ilio 
"Alvin JoBllii" Company, have funned a iiartnorablp 
fur next acaaun. 

— Ilany llnirmau lian ulnaod Willi tbo Ulnnle 
Howanl Uu., and Joined Ibo Kra Tanguhy Comedy 

— Unnagor Cumo rayton minibi tbo Informnllon 
Ibal hlu company bi nigblly playlnu to capaoliy 
buUnena, tho aliondanoo laat week al llio Fioihlng- 
bani Thoauv, Hcranluo, I'a., being lo record 

— II. U. ililgga la maklug prepHrailona lo inka ibo 
raid next aeaaon wllh a roperiory organization, 
o|itnlni In Angiini, iiuilor ihu tills of ibo llhgga 
Vooinly Oi>ni|Miiy. 

— iJioy I'arkor liai clooed wllh Iho Kllly Ilb04lca 
Ca, and la vlalUug horalalor, Kiiimlo Parker, InthU 

— J, II. Swaltunl la nrloualy 111 In Kakouio, Inil 
aiiil lo laid clrouinaianccH. Uo wuiild llko lo hoar 
fiwi hie frloiiibi. 

— John J. lioughoriy »lll realiin ritiin "TIik Fini 
l*)airol" Co. Fob. ». al Ibo unni'iiiilun of Ibe ClucUi' 
ua' I eogagoineui of lliat oonipnny. 

— Hanager Kdwlu 1'. Ilillun wtllea Ibal hl« alar, 
J • hn J. llurkn, lu Iho tlireo act cuinedv, "Tlic IKu*. 
!• r,*' haa iiMdo a goniilno aiu'ceaa. UiHnnidatea 
are oiToniil al nearly every lailnt vlBltcd,aiid liual 
ncta l> oxvolloiii. 

— Wo arc Infiiniu'd that Helen lieiMiiiiiHl, lending 
lady of Iho llan'l A. Kolly On., waa taken amlilooly 
111 duting Ibo iierfonnaiu'o at ^outbbrldgo, Uaaa., 
aiiii waa nnablo lo DiiUb iho iievfornuiii-o. She b 
now Tf ry aick at Ibo lluiel Wlndhani, ^VIIInullUo, 
Ot. Her mnlher and liahy aiu wllh bor. 

— Hoporlaof ronllniioil goiiri bualiieaa como from 
Ibo "Undo Jiiah" ilDoolaliy Cu. 

— Uauagor Ueorgo luiuklcr roporla the bualnraa 
of Iho Kdwlii Forty On., Ihmngh Toiiia, aa veiy 

— Tnii now Open lln'jHO at Otiiianka, 111., waa 
dedicated Fob. «. 

— Wo ara Infonnod thnt Tlionitun'a Optra lloiiae, 
lllToi)ii>liil, It. I., has dune big builucw with every 
atlmcilou lUDco the opening uf tbo hoiiao, liro. 24. 
ISM, vltb **1*bn Fouring Mailer.*' IVovluiia to tbo 
optnlni of this hunao Itlveriiolnl people had to go 
to Pnwdenco for lliontrlcal aiuuiwinontri. 

— "Tbo Ann of iho l,aw,"n uiolodraiiia. In four 
acts, by OlliTonl Deninwy, waa ftctod for the ilrat 
lime ou any stsgv rob. 0, at Ihe Auditorium, 
undgeiHiri, oi. 

— "ITCntiin," a ouinudy dranu, In one art, by 
Joku W. Alliaiigb Jr.. waa ai*ioil fur tbo Or^il time 
ou a«y atago Fob. u, al Albaugh*a lo'couni Theatre, 
IMMnmro, Hd. 

— Tbo annouiu'ooienl has Juat lievii made lhal 
llopa) lliHiib (lllbba) and JaiiicM A . II. KarU <niin-pn> 
fett»liMinl) wero inarrlud lice. IP. \t^i. at I'aleriioni 
N. I., Iho Ituv. John lloidiiaon unirlatlng. 

— ''ijrippio Orvukiliui>ka,"adniiin,ui ruiirncla, 
by Oharlaa A. Uaurer, waa aiMrd for Uiollmiilino 
imaiir aiugo Fi'b. &,ai ilioAi'iulemy uf Mualc, Ituad 
ng, r»., by Iho J. 11. HanrrrCu. 

— Uulo anil Aunio Hatllng lolnrd "A llaggogo 
Clipcl:'' at IMrtiitlluntli, O., Jan. w. 

— Marry A. Stovcna eliuwil wlili Dauny Mann' 
"Urn. Hnnegan" Co., Feb. T. 

— Uwhig to the lllne.<<iur her inolhor, KllCD Vorkoy 
haa boon coiu|ii*lled to alttimlim Iter Wcatcnt umr, 
auil vllla|H<nil thoreslur the Winter lu WashliigloD, 


giving retitalaaiid iiiualraU'a. 
■'The Uodileas of Triilb," an onow euinlnne, 

1 V:d. 

willlen by illaiilAlaua Htange, iiiiikIo byjnilan 
waRlJ, waa originally pnHliicoiI FVb. 7. al the 
Aetilriny uf Huale, lialtlinuru, Hd., by l.llllan Kita 
soil Hid company. 

— Mux Hii'linaii, iiMuager of "Vho Heart of 
MitryUiiil," haa luiri-baai'd the rliihi to pnnluco In 
Kiullan Adult I'hlllip'a ileniian |ilay, "Uy N'ew 
Vork." rind will pnntably u)H'n Ihu aeahtn of the 
lleiiiUI iMpmiT* Theatr\>. this city. ne.\i S,'piohilicr. 

" Harry Kvi'tallcM. a iiicintvr of "An ArllatV 
U.hIcI" Co., which cluacd laal week a lengthy cU' 
gacvment at Ibu litoadway Tlieair«, Ihlaclly. died 
Full. 0, al tbo Warwick Hotel, fnnii uonibloo 
IHiUuDltig. 1110 ilH'eaiieil, aeiliig under medical 
nilTl\.e, had been taking uiorpblne to pruiluco aleep, 
aud. It U iuppuacd, bo look an nvenloao Uy mltlAke. 

_ Notn from Badle Haymoml'i "l>»!7i 
■earl Olrl." Co.: We have lost roloracd from a inp 
Uroogto FMtam Kanaaa. Bnilneaa was good, ana 
we have liooked relora dat« for next eeaaon. 
While we wero In Oiawttomle ilie anpeflntendent of 
tbe Blale Insane Aiylum mad* artwiigemenla for 
tbe company to glre a matinee lo tho Inmstea in 
tbo cbapol of thai Inatltullon. It wsa a peculiar ex- 

Srienco for the company; moat of ibcm were so 
Kbtcned tbrough tbo nm set thai llnea, stage 
laiHlneaaand eveirlhlug but lunatics were forgollen. 
•noy anally became accuatomed to Ihepeciiliarway 
the audience acted, and Belslied the pettormanc* 
In a credlialile manner. Krcd. luymond, Iho 
comedian, baa Jual discovered be la an enioilonni 
acUir, as there waan female palleni In the audience 
who loaMed on crying aa If ner heart would break 
ereiy time he appeared on llic stage. 

— Oeo. Oonway la tho acting manager of nm. A. 
lliKdy'a Kaauni "Trilby" Co. ^ ^ 

— Uulae Muller, who baa been Tory 111 with grip, 
lita recovered. 

~ llanr Remard Informs w that bo baa aecnied 
tlie sole nght to the prodncllon of "Tbe MIdolgbl 
Hpccltl" from the conns of Bsblraoro, Ud., wllh all 
Its accnen and mccbtnlcal cifecls, and will reopen 
early In March. , „ ^ 

— "HI Plonkard" notes: Inmlnesa la good. Frank 
V. Farrell, lalo of Van's Uloalrels, joined 1, and 
Harry II. Collins, late of Joe Cawlhnm'a Co., Joined 
2. We ara running Into all klnila ol pintles ool 
hero, who pUy "Trtlbi," "Failed Call," "Old Ken- 
tacky," etc.. wllh Impunity. 

— Joseph Kgan sends ibe following from UcKeea- 
pon. Pa., nnderdate of Fob. S: "This morning, al 4 
o'clock, Ihe Alimoycr Theatre was burned lo the 
ground. Heveral were Injured and one peraon was 
killed. Tbla bnllding waa ciec'ed In ISK, was 
opened by Iho 'Tar and Tanar' Co., and closed 
■rtianksglvlng Day, mr,, wlin The Vendeila' Co. II 
wan aucceaafully managed by II. H. Ueaue." 

— Nolea from Ihe Kd. AndenoD'aTlicaire Co.: We 
opened a new nper« bnoae la Franceavllle, Ind 

weak ol Feb. 8, and played lo good houaet each 
night. Wo have arranged a rtlum date In Ihe near 
fatiire. Tho ainging and daucing speclalllea of Rd. 
Anderaon and Kate Watson were well received. 

— I'osrI K. lUymond and Mn. U. K. Tnittoo, who 
have twon visiting friends In N'ew York, have re- 
turned lo Ibeir homes in Uoalon, Haaa. 

— Uanagor J. C. Hundln, of Ullaaukee, Wla., 
wires a« fallows: "llanlon Brolben' 'Faniaanin' 
■ipened here Fell. V, at matlsee and night, lo Iba 
largeat business Uils season: hundreds taned 

— Moba from tbe Cbaae-Llslor Co-: Wa played 
Hr. ailllngwater'H home, l/iulilana, Uo.. laai week, 
Huslnoss waa big, and Ibo company, Hr. tlllllng- 
water In particular, received praise. II waa tbe 
flmt lime ha had ovur jilaycd hla old borae. 

— Ullgonl I. Venle la producing "lir. Jekyll and 
Hr. Iljrde" wllh local talent, In Iho WosL The aec- 
nnd niglita' gross receipts, through tbeliladncriior 
Hr. Venle and Uie K. of p. Lodge, under whose aua- 
plcea tbo play waa prodoced, waa given lo Uie 
neody poor of tbe town. 

— Cbarlea Msnley's "Down on tbe Farm" Co. 
under the dlrocllnn ol 11. Pelll l,e Brun, ojions a sea 
Bon of ten weoka on Feb. N, si Passaic, N. J., then 
go Ibrougb Now York Bute and I'onnaylvanla. Tno 
oaat Include* Cbarlea Manloy, Hose L,eveni, Urs. 
Uliarlea Hanley, Catherine Laiour, lid. Lay, W. II. 
Krlckson, Harry Hollo, Tboa Foley, Ueo. -axe, N, 
S. Cunia, Prof. Fred Osborne, leader ol orchestra, 
sad WIHUaytor, In advance. 

— Hosier of Um aillien Unmlc Open Co.: N. D. BI. 
John, Harry Wesley, K. J. Ixiwell, llarrvTlionilnn. 
Horace WaUli, WlllanI Me, Ulldred (lip. Lowell, 
jliina L. Ward, Dot DeniMsy, Ulldrcd liempeey, 
Killa Blauchard, Blella Jacoliaaud a r.honia of Ofteeu. 

— Urigglo liOWla, wliu baa for Ibo laat four weeka 
lioen aerlouBly III at licrboinaln Pblkdelphia, nO' 
ilerwent a dangeroua surgical opemtkiu Feu. 6, and, 

lillo Sim very 111, Ibe doctors think she will re- 

— I,. Ibiolos Informs ua that tbe A. Y. I'oanon 
Western Htonk Co., under llio roanagement 
liiicliai Jc llutiiinor, waa obliged lo close. 

— Al. I,amar haa Jnlocd the WllbiirOpera Co. 

— 0. 0. 1.udwig basopeooda now open bouee al 
Oonway, Ark. 

— Nuiea from the Coleman Comedy: We are hav. 
Ing good bnalneaj, wllb S. IL (I. lu Paileraou, La., 
for Ihreo nigbts. Tlio last iilglii a banquel wiu 
tODdercd liy the tnanagem uf ibo opera bouno lo thn 
roniiiany. Iloaier: Tom Colenmn. Jack Core, Chns. 
l>. While, Kdgar Itulfaa, IadIs UutTy , Cbaa T. Tol- 
aon, proprietor aud manager; May Owen, In tier 
longs aud dances: lilllan Qmves, Lorana Graves, 
Hello Coleiiian and Hra. Holla Hoot, leader of or 

— Uanager Chan. F. Atkinson haa cngagol 
Oharlea W. Hurrlll for Ibe mpport ot IhoUouul 
mult-XatllnoI Co.. at Ibo Bowdoln Square Tlieaire, 
llusloii, Haaa., In "Harbor Mghla." 

— .Siitea ut llnyt's lllg Comedy Uompaoy: Dual 
neaa In Hlasonn la excellenu Ueeslo Uuirows Hob 
lilns Is succoHsful wllb ber np to dsio specialties, 
laiHldo playing tbe loading soubrolle iiaria with 
Ihlri company. Annstead broe.' Uale Quartet ap- 
pear at overy porformanoa, also LltUe Uea, llii 
anialloal living child aoueas. Lillian Dyer aoi 
Todd lltown Joined rocenlly. Wo will remain out 
all summer. 

— Cuiitnn Wells Iuk reilied from Hbea'a Oo, 

— Calllcolle Comedy Nolea: We are now In Trini- 
dad, Cel., playing lo the capacity of the Iboatte 
nightly. 0. 11. Uallleollo waa bannuetted by Ibe 
company \ It beliigthe ocoaalun of nia tweniy-Ot«l 
Mrtbday. Wo have already played over seven 
Stales since last August, and will ere long bo lo 
Iho land of over ninuuilng nonon. 

— Frc<l. U. ilocy has been specially engaged to 
play Iho part of Ihtmuu, In the play of "Damon 
and Pylhiaa," given dnrlug the K. of P. touma. 
mem, nlNl. Vcniun,U. 

— Artliiir U. iildnian cloaed a tweuly-four weeks' 
lour. In "A Summer Shower," under Ibe manage- 
mom of K. J. Dolllnger, at Bomnion, Pa., Feb. », 

— Ilostoi ot tbo Wilbor Stock Co.: A. K. Wllber, 
nicli Corton, Kugono Saiitley, Kd. Uavia, Oco. Kd 
wurda. Uario Itudsoll, Qraelo Dock, Anna Kggleston, 
Alice llosclaud aud U PuUlu lAlUe. 

— Uarlo llonienil signed ivllb Iho Hubert Ijibadle 
' Fallal" Co., to plav Uatiha, fur llie remainder ol 
llicsenion. Olive Coolldgo closed ou account ol 
BtokocRi, iiud woni to her nome la Princeton, Ind. 

— ■'Kneuilea tor Life" will lay oir for two weeks, 
irauming lour laucr part ol Febniary, 


ProwMeBee.— At Ihe Pnivldence Opera llooae 
lliiyt'a "A urk ITIilla nsK" mulo Ita Snt ap|iearaacs 
Wie Fall 3-.1, soil draw well '^Tbe ahop Qlrl," aoollier 
haw uoa 10 PioTldaaca, coioaa ID-l'J; Wm. Illllaue, 
'Too Uiirli Jiibouin." IJ-ll; Lllllaa Ruattll 17-19. 

Kt:iTii*8 ilraaA Ituraa.^Tlia Jalfervon Co., In "Sbadowi 
•a a IliMl Cily." S-S. TbU WMik, Ward and Viihaa, lo 
Hun Ilo lha Ibiok." ForthewMk ofPaU 17-13, "Thrtl 

WbiraiyarsK TliaiTHK — Sam T Jack's "Tlie Bull 
t^lnbttr" save aalUUianm laM wsnk, liiiplaaaa brinx uii 
■■uallv larco Jnlin T. Klyan'a Loniluo llaletr Illrb 
le-l^ A'rNtr'a 0ljiii|.ia VandeTllU Barlrniuq t'o. \1-it 

Lurnaur's OrKsA llut'sa-J. J. DohiIdk anil Mr 
baTM, In "Tbo Itwl Siildnr." ilhl sothi hii»lnaM s-tL II 
lark Wni. A. HniJ)'a -OUI IlloT)-." wllb Kate Dallas 

. - . In 

lha laailliia nOa, MiMtotlad by Lulhnp'a Kioek Co. 

luriMNV llALi^— HUeo batch Yaw wlhuiakehar drat 
tpiivamaci* ban. 1.^. 

Nuraa.-n. U*. Kmtu will cflabnta Iba thirl loth aoQl- 
TvraafT ol Ida lotilerabtp of tlie gearaa' Aniarloao Btnd 
br nUlus * biK oucen lo Infaalry llalL Mardt 4. TIM 

0,11,r a*al»iwl hr ulbar niaatdaiia, will uko iwrt 

a altor Llverinurr. a funuar l^rovMaace cttrrrtroadaoi of 
TilKOLl rraa.waalu town Ual wssk. . ■ ■ rraok AMrlch.lfea' 
■aror Pi Kaltli'slliMtiallouaa, Ucandonl labia liiaiia, inf- 
lirbia Willi ai.)H>oi]loltla. ll««tpc«tato bMnulveryai. 

Ohaa. II. I'lTsif , (unoarlr IraaiurarorLolhrau'aOr 

lluiias. UnuwottuHeela,! wlui tbt F^wbtr BicyclaCo. 

Vaiiety and Minstrelsy 

~ Rogrxu Axo Mvns from Herbert t Heynart's 
UuBlcal Comedy C0.-W0 are lourtng Hlssourt, 
Iowa and llllonlB. HeiberU Reynard, proprleiora 
andmansgere;Mni. Addle L. Ilerben, treasurer; 
Ibe De Helloa, Usrry aud Donna, chanicter song 
and dance and akeich; tbo Ilraiidono. Billle snd 
llaille, Qernian wooden shoe song snd dance. Bluie 
llnndon's reel and soft shoo dancing and Inab df 
llneaUona: llaliles Brandon, deectlpilTC and sesil- 
mental songs; Prof. Kd. Ilejnard, "J 
magician: Fred T. flcrben'a Iroupe of .•^'^'J 
canines, iweaty In number,are "^JTIf '"'""J f'i" 
are a Ono troupe of trained dogs:Hyrtie Brand')", 
neat song and dance: Fred Herbert, mnslcaj set^ 
Qannco Allgler, hlscV faceiong and dance; Ua^ 
Durand, lofly tumbling and triple borUonial osr, 
Prot.andJ.W.Oook, muslral dlrecton. Thoiihow 
giving sallsfsoiloD and making raonejr. 
fioria K«OM (ilia Ilit.i'aNxw Yoan 9tih(i-Wo 
are doing our usual big iionness. At Baltimore, 
Hd., over Qve hundred people wen tamed away at 
the Tuesday mailaee, anil every act on the pro- 
gramme went big. We are on our ivealera trip sad 
ilay aa far as Kansaa Clly, Ho., where we have not 
leen for four yean. Ai Plllaburg Lllllo Baby Upar- 
row, our niascoi. Joins us tore abort euy. Ilstnr 
lllll haa Justck>eed anangements to do ibe hook- 
ing lor ibree Summer nsona- Tbe Evelina Sloleij 
have signed for Ibe Vanity Fair Spectacular sod 
Comedy Co. The season opens Ibo latter part of 
August, and time Is all iiooked. Bccneir, mechsol- 
cal and eleclrtcal effects ate under way. 

AUA YULI made her profeaalonal debnlhov.ZT. 
IMS, at Colorado City, Ten. She has been engBied 
for Ibe eeaaon by lloscoe * Mlllon, who mn a Ibe- 
aire In Dallas, Tex.: also one at Ennla. Tex., where 
her liusiatnd, Phil. Gnsleln, Is leading the orchcalra. 

AHcniK AMuKosanovKRicoredacoodnsrkatihe 
Aadiuirlum Theatre, Toledo, 0., Feb. 3. Tney nave 
InlToduced a new Oulali toibelracu 

N0TB8 paoM HiBssaD'a lliau Class SriciiiTV 
Oo.-Builncss baa been lioomlng. A. U. Blodgetl, 
our advance, never uhnen a dale. Our new adver- 
Using la a good Investment. All the membcra ara 
lining well received. Iionella, Jnggler, baa been 
Bick the past tew days. All the rest sre well. 

Waluo WniHrti was well received at UopkluB' 
Theatre. Chicago, III., week of Feb. 3. aud Is playing 
at Ibe Olympic In ibat city Ibis week. 

OiiABLBs F. Wautoh, for two jean tbe tall con- 
splreior of "1412," and John Mayor, formerly of 
llarrlgan's- have Joined bandaand will sborily ap- 
pear at F. P. Proctor's bouses, ibis clly. 

Uahtox and KvxnorP, miwlcal comedians, with 
nice A Uarlon's lUne lllll Co., havo Introduced sev- 
emi novelties In the muilcal line In their act. 

UK. AND Una. Sav Lix-as, after a tour yean' vUll 
In Kogland, will soon return to America. At tbe 
close of Leeds they were 
piwenled wlib aubsbtnilalreniembmncea. 

(liw Hilton's Dbi.l Hihoirs are playing week 
elands through the Souttawesi. 

no. BANi8,the Rogllab TocalUt and specialty 
dancer, caught Ihe fancy of the audiences last 
week at Keith's, Philadelphia. She will sbonly 
sail for England lo fulUIl ber conirtcis In thai 

Wii.L II. Stanley luis dissolved parineishlp with 
Annio Stanley, and has Joined hla lirolber, Harry S. 

CitAH. P. Ktxiorr, wbo lias for tho paattwo yean 
Iwcn aaauclaied In the management of the llopkloa' 
clrcultof Western cuiiilnuaoce performance buuiea, 
has taken a nve ycani' Irsae of Iho Onnd Opera 
Uoute, Boston, Haaa., and will auon open 11 as a 
p«)pular priced conllnnous performance bouse, pre. 
(tenting drama Interlaided with vaudovllle. The 
buiibo will bo arranged to suit the reiiulmmenia ot 
tbo stylo ot amusemeni lo be preaeuted. 

Tiia O'Bhibn IIbotubhs Joined Harry WlUlsms' 
own Co. Jan. 27, al Ibo Dlymplc, Chicago, III. 

COI.LINH AND COLLINS liiIOHU Ua thai tbo poTform- 
ore al tbe Osrden Tneairo, St. Uus, Mu., did not re- 
ceive their sahirles for week of Jan. .T, Hansger 
Liindlierg leaving ibe performers ou Sunday alier- 
noon wllbont notice. 
DBursY AND HcliiAHV bsvs Jolucd Leouue lalsr. 
HAKeH, Oinns k MnciixM.'s TtvBNricrii cxkivry 
Minstrels la theUtleof a company formed lo play 
tbo Harlem, N- Y.,. and Trenton, N. J., mutenou, 
and which will disband Fab. 16. In tbe comiiany 
are the llrtlllant guaitel, Theodore, Joseph 0. 
Ilughea, Clark Qliiba, lUlohIo and Ultcble, Harlln 
and Slater, Baker aud Buydell. After dlabaadbig, 
tbe Brilllaul quartet will play Keith's Theatre, tbla 
city, and J. C. Hughes and Baker and Boydsll wUI 
till engagenieuts In Uoslon, Han. 

Wu. F. Kahl writes from South America as tol. 
lows: "The company 1 sm with at present. CebcMos 
k Taiall'a Inienuilunnl Variety Co., ao far, have 
played Caracas, La Qiiyrs, I'orl of Cabello, vslon- 
cla, and wo are now onoiir flftb shind, the Island of 
Uumrao. From here we go to Haricalbo, Venzue- 
la. Iliialbcaa bas been up to e.\pectallons, nnd all 
Ihe company are In good nealtb." 

Obokoi Uohbii amo Lulu Wallaci were CLirrkH 
callcn Feb. T, Hr. Uouier having but recently re. 
covered from a severe and protiaded lllnesa. He 
la making arrangemeDta lo lake out a lent ihow 
during the Summer. 

0. OLAU KisiiLUAM isD J UAH DK Xahoha, man. 
angen of Ihe Weiaon SIslem' Co., Intunn ua that 
their show bon been a complete success thus far 
this season. Tbe Triaagal Olmlorio, a new elec- 
trical aerial act performed by ibe Watson SU- 
lers, bas proved a strong drawlogcard. Tbotupsen 
and Uunnel and Tbomsa Roblnuoa Joined Ihe com- 
pany In Brooklyn. 

(ikiiKTAL AuBiiiCA.— John W. IsbAm will launch 
Ihe comluR season a decidedly novel eulerlalaiBent, 
to be known as "John W. Isbam'a Oileuial Ameri- 
ca." and he will book It In nrst class houses only. 
Ills success wlUi hla Octoroon Company la a guar- 
antee ot Ita excellence and the aiaence of oifcnslvo 
features. Oriental Atneiica will be plauned on a 
muob more sumpluous snd a larger baalt. The 
progrenitue will w repleio with taree, vaudeville 
ach), specUcutar eUbcis and ballet dlvorilasemcnts. 
concluding with one hourol opem, wellcottnmed 
and wllh a large cbonis. Biicclal aileulton to stage 
setunga Is promised, each seleeilou being mounted 
In a most allnctlve manner, wllh special scenery 
and all tbe necessary Hdjiinots that lend to make 
a ooinpleie and aniallo performance. Manager 
Ishaiii slates that he has srllaia engaged who are 
wlibout doubt tbo moat lalenied ol luclr race. Tbey 
will lie announced later. The company will num- 
ber sixty .Die poople. 

Eddii Uason* haa sopantled from Ned llyan and 
left lbs Wiudibnm SIslcra Show- Ur. Uaion Joined 
tbe Hose Bydell London Billcs Show In Umokivn, N. 
Y.j laat week. 

DiHiciuR P. ZiBUKBLD JH. announces lhal every 
acl of Ibe Trocadeto Vandevllles will be new ne-\l 
season. All of this seasou'a petforuera will be re- 
placed by Kunipean novelilea. saudow will remain 
the star of Ibe company, proilucing a now acl, 
which he will giro la New rork for a season ol 
eight weeks ai Proetor'i Pleasure Pabice, com, 
meaclag Harcu o. 
Fhank llBro bas cloaed wllh the "Tuxedo" Oo. 
In A NOTB signed "Hr. snd Mrs. J. A. Leslie" we 
are intoriued that Flusala SL Clair, late ot Ibe Rentz- 
SanUey Co-, was married lo Joseph A. Leslie, ot that 
company, ou Jan. i ot this year. 

- . - ii" , - 

lirbia Willi aitpfodtoltla. Ilvatocctato Iwinul very aouu. 
. ..Ohaa.(l. l'iTeif,IuruiarlrlraaiurarorLolhrau'aOri.fa 

OilHclij Tltuio allltt« no nioraSuadty eTonlnx cno- 

crrla In llila clly ol any Ihealrioal ntlura. at laaai^oul fur 
Mimatttua Iti cuiiie. wa Jlia iiawhlnilnialiwltpo haaakul 
ditwn ulxm lhain. . ..uava I'luier anti Fanoia L«wb 

l«vajnlii«.l Ibo Siiii T. Jaoh'a "Tkp Bull IMxbter"Oo 

Htmat. ul 01011101,14 and tunfa, i.|>n1ntd hU aokl* 
wlilia lhattaut wrrwdulOR ibeIr lam nt Hit Weatmlnuar 
t^Htrw hui w«ek. Mr. Olauianu UUI a tingle lura for 
Ibe r»n vfwMk. 

Pawlarkel— "Jolly (Hd Cbnma" Co. came to 

nir bii«lnPM S-A. •*Thf Fast MallJ' as, had tatr luialoe^i 
*-T1ia IMratea nf reaunre." hy Incal laknl, ll^ll; **Tbt 
lied I'irar of llamliu," by bieal talaat. 13-IA. 


Moblla.— Al Iho Hublle Tneain siguorina Hor- 
rikaaadSlg. dura gave two |t«rfoniuarcs F«b. 9 and 4. 
mall autllancwa. OUira Morila will be Oia altraclloa 
aa<l 11. 

TUK WniTB BtaruAST— Tbla hooaa oeaaad Jan. 
Willi Ihe lidluwinapaoida: Itoaanland Alloa. Eva Coan 
land, (leurcia Prire, Uaao and Ltwrenoe, Oeorira Biifoa 
and Piul. KJ. W blla. 

Blvmlnpham,— Al O'Brleu'a Opem llouae l.ll- 
lao L«»Uwaaa«aD lu "1-laupAlrt," Pab a, lu iwo racked 
beutaa. Lewit Murrlaoo, to "Kanal," haj lha a H. " 
alaaoQtf^ Oi'inlaa; '-ThaOlll ll.«n Balilod Ma" 10 - - . 
Nollla I'hriatloe lllll. aa llla la ibe Linian Lawla Co. 
maile ber dTalappaarancw aa ao aelraaa lathe oily wb«v« 
aha waa laaxwO. Blw waa Uia twlplant of many Ooial 

KIwTodandtbe otianlzatlonlBa anccess. no 


IJlllao; O'Urteo, Jconlngs »;« « 
Watet^Jllca Emery an_d bW. >'\«^r^^'^ 

Rd. Baiseu, Abble 

ran,. 1» Norih, Adek) Pol- 

,o5rHiml«rckeimao. tiam n^'^^,^^^ 
do Homer, May logalle, Ethel May, 

and Arthur 


UU" ""n!;'.rt!i'''Billan' and Rd. BaiseU, Aboie 

iStai,r "a» mia. represenuUve la adrance; 
Edflbenia^ecWcian;' Wblmey, carpen- 

'•'li£KjYTD'JiiXi;A''h7ve"t;l?^nced .«D. new 
fe?i?rM In^ttSrgroiesnoeacrobailo act In Ban 
FrenclSo7cS Tby opened al the Orpheoo, and 
nwt Slib^iuccesa. Ar their second week tbey nut 
?na bnriSqSrof "Trilbj." Tbey temalnon the 
orpbeiitncucnllfor eight weeks, ""ff 
Surn East, opening at Ihe Olympio, Chicago. lU. 

"oBACxiBXNB VBNii Iblsweekclosesafoorweeks' 
engagemenlat Buirslo,S. Y., and Sytaonse. She 
sSSr only booked for one week In Byraonieand 
Buffalo, bntremalued four. nnamfio 
Tog HILL SiBTias are with U" KJ""*'' J?; 
FsANg DbOahxo has recovered from bui recent 

"s^'coLLiNS baa rejoined the Weatora "Wlilte 

°T^D P?PBB, ol iBbsm's octoroons, to uhrn sick 
at wiilbtms' Theatre, Fusburg, Pa., 
6, and was enable to appear tbs latter part ot lbs 
week, but was able to open with ibe company sun- 
day afienoon. In ClnclnnaU. 0. 

Obo. U. Oabb, ot Carr sad Jordan, while laying 
off In New York, week of Jan. 27, eubmltted loan 
operation upon one ot bis vocal obords, and sa a re- 
sult he hi singing beueribsn ever. 

Wbobb k FigLos promise a One caslfortbeir farce 
comedy, "A Trolley Ptny," which opeos In Chicago, 

'' WiLBUB Bacx, of Hack and West, Is again work- 

'"Idaa! ErguNB WmsiBR, mother ot Ella \reaner, 
male Impenonalor, and the Wosner SIsten, dan- 
cers, died on Feb. 1, at the residence of ber snn-ln- 
law, Harry Bernard, In Kewark, N. J. Among the 
nonl offerings were ronrheartsreptesenllng the four 
daughters Hary, Hla, Sallle and Haggle Tbe 
funeral services wen held In Kewark, and the re- 
mains were taken to Philadelphia, Fa., 4. to be In- 
lemd In Ibe family lot at Olenwood Oemclen. 

TxoJA, Ihe nlnger, will be a member of Weber k 
Fields' Own Oo. next season. 

TBI WILLIAMS Tnio have Just closed an engage- 
ment of fou' weeks al Ueuoli, Hlch., and one week 
at Roobesier, N. Y., J. H. Hoon's houses. 

ALDiRiiAN Louie 1. ErsTEiN hss niomed to bis 
drst love, and bi nowmssagerot itae Caslno-Adel- 
phu Uuslc Hall and Eden Hueee, Chicago, III. 

i.x Clair AND LnuB have signed vriib Weber & 
Fields for next season. 

TUB Oalbs. Jas. and Jessie, were well received al 
the Temple Theatre, Camden, N. J., last week. Tbey 
abw pbiyed on Feb. 1, In the afternoon, for tbe In- 
nue al the PblbHlelphla Bosplial, and In tbo even- 
ing for the Naval Aaylnm, and arrived In Osmden 
In tlnio for Ibelr new set, wrillea hy Wm. F. Car 

KATit '/.ANFRirrA bss becu very 111 for a few 
weeks, caused by pan of a celling falling on ber 
bead, at her residence In this clly. 
'A. 0. UcEacubon Informs ns lhal he waa manird 
to Dagmar Temp^ on Jan. 6, la Deflaace, O. 

"A SOI.DIBR boY IN Dlub" Is ibs title Of a pairi 
oilc song that the publlslier, U. I. Hunt, has re- 
cently put before the public. He slates tbat It Is 
meeting wllh nKMlgrotlfylDg snccess. 

lAtiTiK WiLUAMS hss cMsed wllh the "While 
Crook" Co. and Joined Weber's Olympla C >. 

E. H. Bacubmin has taken tbe insnagenentot 
Ibe Theatre Oorolqne, New Orleans, La. 

LixziR n. ItAYSoND Is singing successfully a new 
song called "Oh, Poor DridgeL" Itbaajujl been 
issued by J. 0. Grotne k Co. 

JonN llowoRTtl, tlie vetertin msnsger, for yean 
proprietor of the Qrand Ulbenlca, bad a paralytic 
■uoke on Feb. 7. and Is conlned lo his bed at bU 
home Id Halden, Haa. 

Hr. Ub Hoka, ot Ue Hon and MUe. Anils, while 
practicing, spnlned his left srm by a fall, which 
compelled them to poitpone their engageneai at 
tbo Casluo Theain, Chicago, III. 

HosTBR OP Uacb's Pi.atbiu.— Prof. WllsoD, ma- 
glolaa aad second sight; John O'Brien, Irish com. 
edlan and dancer: Ed. Bryant, musical set; Al. 
Snow, eiiulllbrist; Ratio Slalera, Edna and Jessie, 
contoriloo dancere and high klckets; Lanna T. 
Thayer, comedienne; Sadie Ulddleton. song and 
dance; Julia Clomeni8,cornet solo: Nellie Rednionl, 
pianist and directress of tbe ladles' orcbesint, which 
Is Iho fealure wllb this show; Joe Curioy, In ad- 
vanco; Herbert Palmer, treasurer, and Jsmes J, 
Hack, manager. 

Lb Brab, cnntorilonlst, waa preaenled vrlth a dia. 
mond pin by Sheehaa and Doyto at the Qaleiy Tbea. 
Itr, Fltchburg, Hass. 
TDB Pabtbllos repoit snccess In tbe WesL 
ON ACOOUKTOt Ibnatlronblsof Ure. Emma Davis, 
of Iho Davis Duo, tbey were compelled lo lay off for 
four weeka. 

Hanaobr cdas. Uildbr, of tbe Bljou Tbeain, 
Heading, Pa., will remodel tbe theatre, nuking s 
balcony of Ihe present gallery, extend Ibe flnt floor. 

Phllsidelplits.— Tta Uieatrea geneislly did t 
voiy good boaloe'a laat week, la aplle otaoTanlilltanta- 
BbleannlnRa, Tbeeorreatwaak la markad by Uwwlu 
go of the regolsr grand opera >eaaaD,Uis Siai tM, 
aoea of John Draw In anawpUr,aada|oodllnoluiiu. 
t:oaa all along the Una. 

ACAOSMV OP Hosio -For Ihe flnal week ot Ihe t'ltn 
the lllaricba llrand Open Co. piatanl "Otalki" for il» 
nr'l time in. "Romeo and Juhac,"UMnDlari>rlcM. n: 
"La Traviata" and laai apnanneaor Binna Narule li 
• Alda" 13, "Hlgolrtlu- at tbe oatlaea IL aad ttaM rt/J: 
wcIL wllh "CavallariaRuttkaaa" and ' IlTTOatwe 'mi 
Iba aUaDdaaca laat week WIS lalbar abore Uw ic,i,J;' 
A BToal parformancs of ■'Ubaajnln'' waa glyn Moaii;, 
wllh Mma Matenia aa Onrod. Hatada, lo "Loclt 5l 
Lamoienooor," Wednraday, hid a veiy good hoopa. m 
Twcalvad UMaameappUataaadcbaera which iraauriiT: 
runnel appearance ID thta wv, Tbonday tbt tery iil 
oaaalol rvpraaaouUon of "Wlblam Tall'* vm reiiMtAa 
•■Cavallart" and "II Pullaccl," Mr. HlDrld,'a7.«Se 
combloatlon. draw a bir attaadaace PrMay, and -Hm 
BaibororSavlUa," with KoTaila,waa iipaatad Salcrdu 
atlaraooD, to a good atlsadaeca. TwaDty.DndOranni 
laraa hare bean aoni during the aeaann. Ken weeL 
'altar Damrcaeh will preaaaL'Trlatao and Tiolll^" 
Walkore." "TaoobaaQtei" and 'ThaBarlal Latter." 
BaoAO eraasT TBsma-John Onw, In "Cbiliinrber 
r," cornea lor a ronnlgbt's engunaienc. Latt wtak 
Olaa Nethenole, la "Cannee," "Caaillle" snd "iWi. 
laa." drew enwded houaea, and cloiad. pnbaMy. ihe 
matt PTollable fortnliht'e aogageoent of tbe iea><in at 
ibla ihtaire. Saluiday DlahL at tbe only penoraunce ol 
"Danla^" aveiT seat and eveiy Inchcf itaadlncrnan 
wu occupied. It la but Jaat to aay, aa lo "Caimao, " ihit 
aofarastbeperfonoaaea Itself la eooeeraed, the tlToru 
for notorletv teem to hare oaeo lealtloiate. There waa 
DoUiUig.aalaoIonaor anduir troUo In the perlonaanca 
hare. E. H. Bolhan, lo "Ine rilatoeiofZeada." uoiei 

OBBsmoTBTaaar OrasAHoesB— DaomaoThornDtoo 
.J -The Old Bomeataad," baglni tiia founli and lut 
weak ofbla alar bora. Crawdad booaai last week lanl- 
ded 10 tbe dmwlog qoallUea ol tbla celebrated i<Ur 
Neitweek. DeWoirBopoar aad company, la "Dr. Syn- 

J. W. FOHO, ot Ibo Four Fords, while playing ai 
engagemenl at ihe Casino Theatre, Ublcago, 111. 
waa called home to Cluclonall, 0.,on account ol tbe 
deaibof blstnoibcr. 

DtTBS AND Hatbs bsvo Jolocd forcss wllh Ijt Hoy 
illllanl, the munlcal ntbe. 

Hakt 11BAI.Y AND Kuji Baundihs Celebrated tbo 
iweuty.alxih anniversary of tlidr marriage on Feb. 
II. Tliey abio sbile ihai they have appeared before 
tho publlo as a leain for the same lengtU ot Unie. 
U. J. AMI L. Danibls sailed for Triuidsd Feb. i, 


mem al ibo Warwick Tteetn, Newport N'ews, Vs., 
aud left fur Waalilngion, U. It., for ine season. 

Fhbdbhicx Akbss, publisher ot "Pride of Iho 
Kitchen" nureh, says that Sam Speck'a latest work 
la taking tbroughoni tbe country, lbs niUllary 
band amngcmobi lielog especially good, and Is 
nowlieing played by some ot tbe largest bands of 
the day. 

CHANB DsoniBRS. known as Ibo Uudtown Rubes, 
and I/npold and Sllvo loform us that they drew 
large bouses lo Iho Wonderland TbeaUe, Erie, Pa., 
week of Feb. 3. 

RosrBB or UcKiNm BBoe.' Sphjialty Co.— v. U. 
HcKlnley, general manager and lieaaurer; A. c, 
UcKlnley, hooking manager; Uonvllle DImmock 
Im IMS. advance ageni;Jobn Buck, musical dl 
rector; Jack 1/irenzon, will ]). Hams, Pauline 
HcKlnley, Kmle HcKluley, LetUa Ooliou.I'aite Los- 
es and Ja Nona VloloL 

Caiihib Ft'i.i\iN. of the Clly Linh Co., did a alogle 
specialty In Fall niver, Haas., week of Jan. 3&, snd 
nutde II very efferllve. 

FiBLDS AND WoLuir hsvo Signed with the City 
Club Oo.for live weeka. snd will then Join Tbny 
llAsior's Oo. lor Ibo Spring tonn 

nusTBSonuB Jambs Fasily Swiss DiMHiKflBRs. 
who nnort playing In Minnesota to crowded buutes: 
Stella Jamta, sonbretle; llarilo Jsnies, comedian; 
l\my Z. Lass, Jnggler aod slack wire; Ilany Vander- 
slols, plaalst; Ounnle James, skirt dancer, and Xed 
James, comedian and inlsed dog*. 

put In a new gallerr, raise the root over tbs slsge, 
making fully sixty feet In height and fony-llve feet 
In depth; lu fact, remodel Ue present Uioatre Into a 
modem playhouse. Time Is said lo be lUIng very 
last for 1890-97, week siaoda only. 

Vivian Wood, chancier Impenonalor, will ssH 
tor I,ondon, Eng., April 1, to flu a four monihs' en- 

FlossibSt. Cuir(Oox) Infonns na that the was 
married lo Joseph A. Leslie, ot Leslie and Tenley, 
Jan.'2,al(;amden,M. J. 

BBHTQiLDBBOTlafannsus thatbs hasclotedwltb 
the Ollderoy Bros.' Eotertalnere. afier msktsg a 
success wllb bis llluvtratcd songs. Tbe Bongs are 
"Loved Ones" and "Cost Aside," "Ills L< 
Thougbla Were of You" and "Lost Uappy Days." 

S. a. SrxwART's Aiitfa and Ouliar /ouninl for 
Febraaiy and Hanh bas Inst been received. Like 
all ol Its pndecessore, ll Is well lllled wllh mauor 
which should Inierest perfonnere upon lbs banjo 
and kindred Inairamenis. The usnal exercises tor 
the lianjo and guitar are also given In Ita pages, 
conveylug Instroctlon uponpnoilcal Oogetlog. Tbe 
musical selections of the number consist at ''Spsn- 
Ish Donees," aimuged for lbs banjoby A. A.lir- 
land;" '-Rosy, Sweet Rosy," song and dance, ar- 
ranged for mandolin and gulur by E. II. Fny, and 
"Tbe Trilby Dancer' for the gniiar, composed by 
Hr. Frey. TTie JonrnnMn puHlstaed by B. S. Slew- 
an. 211 and ta Church SIreel, Pblbidelpbia, Fa. 

WBbSTBR AMD (ttnxN closod a successful week's 
engugement at Shea'S'Hiulo Ball, BuiUo, N. V.,aDd 
play a reinra date In April. 

WBSi.BYAND CoaiNNB NoRBis anlllllng engage- 
menia In Oanada, In churchea snd Y. U. 0. A. nars. 

NoTD PROM Db Qrapp's UiNSTKBis.— Tbls Com- 
pany IS now In liatwenty-fonnh week, and haa been 
doing a good builness. 'The company will close Feb. 
It. Hanagsr M. H. trilllama will Mke out a musi- 
cal farce comedy next season. 

Uamib Datis bas Joined hands wliH Frankle Hoi- 

Lovis Lako, brother ot Flnrence Hurray, ot Ibe 
Hurrays, John J. snd Florence, died In anelnDsil, 
0., Feb. 4. 

KiTTBLU) haa cloaed hla electric belt show, and 
slopping at Uumboldc Nob. He wlU give bli spool 
ally again with comblnallona. 

Bos PntCB, baritone singer, wlib lbs Ssn Fran- 
Cisco Ulnslrals, Is IgtnduclDg wllh good elect tbo 
song, "Nora, Dear," pobllabed by Bartholomaeas 

reporis largo buslnea for Salllvaa'a Dramallo 
Company, playing three night stands Ibroosb New 

LioNABD AND DBRNARD an engaged lor tbe 
Alhtnllo Oarden, New York. 

Hat Florbkcb ntumed from Sonth America 
laai week. She closed wllb Tobias and Tkiall'i 
Inlemational Variety Co., at Onracoa, Venezoela, 
Feb, 1, being compelled by HI health to leave tbe 
country. The company has been playing u> good 
bualnesa, aod Hiss Florence's singing and dancing 
specially created a favorable Impression witb tbe 
Spanish Donn. Abacbl'a Troupe ot Arabs are also 
great favorites. The Lavelles, /.an Osballos, Cole- 
man and Uexla, RosaUe and Arion CehallosTand J. 
w. cari. TkUll, who Is billed as ths flying sstnsnt, 
snd Ibo All Brolbem, inmblere, sre also wltb the 

"DBMNiB HuRpirr's DATOBna Kill," tbe blest 
l**fD'*;.7'°*' SI 8««r,l« being snng 

UiUeOllaon, Oiartoite Bay. Little B. TuymouL, 
Daisy Randall, Emma Uo Ctsiio, llalon Sloane 
Lnle Vennee, Louise Edmunds, tbe Niner Slalen. 
and Lotde Noyd, ot Borton and Uoyd. 

Hadob Haitlaud, coDlnlio, Is singing 8a 
Speck's altnodve ballad. "1 Ksver LoredDnUl i 
Met You," and la miklog It a ven aOMtlTe luabcr 
ot hei repeitoiT. 

tax" snd "Wang." 

CassTStrTRTasBT TnaAraa.— "Trilby" la now In Die 
saTeoth and last week of lie run In ihta city. Tliett- 
lendaoca laat week, altar Monday nl(bu u>ot aomewliiu 
ol a drop, bot averaged fair Next week "An ArlUra 
Modar cornea for a fertolgtat's aoaagenant- 

WAUtOT BrSBIT TeKATSB.-"Nortbara Llihla" la llie 
eomnt almclloo. laat weak Robert Hlllitnl, in -Tba 
illtlatt OItT' and "Loat-SI Uoarw," cloaed a woodartully 
aocceaaful fortnlgbt'a rebira tngageneDL A good play 
a good company and popokr appreolatloo laade a rtrr 
happy romblnatloD dariDatbltengagenieoi. vtu weeh 
SluanBobaon. In "Mia PoadarbQiy aPaat." 

PARXTaBATBiL— "ATilp tn Cblnatown" la the aunc- 
lloo at Maaager Ollmom'a haadaoDM np town thealra 
Laat week *Tbe War or WealUi" drew well. conaMerios 
the Inelemaotweatber- There la hardly a yoonx aclnaa 
more popolar In Philadelphia than Paaoy Mtlolyre, who 
appeared aa Ihe berolae. Neil week, Felar P. OAller, in 

AcomaiOH.— H. W. Wllllama' Own Co. fuinlth the 
eatarialoDiant for the eurreDt week. Laai week Ruiten 
Rrothan' Comcdlana gave a capltalaolertalnmeDttod 
draw crawdad hoeaaa. Next week, Otaarlaa H. Yale'a 
nawett "lloTll'a Aaolloo." 

National THXATRa— '-Down In Dllle"latheoireriDB 
for tba cuireot week, nal Bald'a "Baraan llearta" bad 
Ita flrvt local npnaonlatlon tait week. It ptorad Inter. 
eaUoi and draw large orowila aveiy olihL 

OlRiBD AvsaoB TnaiTiK.— "Tno Sea of Ice" la Uia 
current prodoeUoa. Laat week "Tbe Jllc" wlUi Mrs. 
DI«o Bonclcault aa Kluy Woodatoek, waa played to alaod 
lognwmooly Mm. Boaclcaolt onatad a Terr favorable 
Irapreialon. and waa ably aupported br Harry DareDport, 
aa MylaaO'Uara, and by Ibe raatofibaaioeh. Next week, 
"Ibe Deaeon'B Danglilor." 

FonsPACon's THBATaa.— "Bins of the NIgbL" br Frank 
Uarray. la Mia. FoTapaogh'a offering for uie cuneni 
week. Laat week "Oliver Twiu" waa played erery 
anaraooo and evenlow to erowda which uted iliaca- 
pacityoflbabouao. Than Is tome talk of patilogltoo 
again. Neat weak. "Tba Oreat Melrupella" 

PaorLs's THBATlta~*Tbe tPblla Slave" will prnre a 
alTonxaUimcUooforlbepiaaantwceb. Laalweek Janet 
I. Corbett. In "A Navia Cadet" draw good alted an. 
illeocea. Next weak, Tonphlai' "Tbe Black f>noh." 
Gtaxdaro TBBArna— "Laod ol the Midnight Sao" 
alhecuiTODtaluacUoo at thla|H>pulardaini lowniba^ 
.re. "Haaa aod Hoai^"IaBt waew. pleaaed a large bqb- 
berofpeopla Next week, Any Lee aod Frank Duina, In 
''Hlaa Uaium Scanim." 

KsKsisaTOX TuSAraa— "Ma and Jack," Laaier aod 
WlUlama' burleaoue. bobla tbe boanla for die cuireni 
week. MoReory'n MoglUb Bwella waa ibe allractk>n latt 
wtek. aod botlnata wwa fair. NIbbe'a Borlefaue Co 17. 

ELlvBXTii SraBET OrssA Hooss.— DnnoDt's Hloeuela 
iireaMit tbla week new aooga, new Jokea aadakelcbeL 
rbe biirlaf noea. "Tba 8t Paul In Ibe 6aad,or8taek oo 
Jenay." and 'Trilby." an cooUoucd. Tba atteodanca 
laat week waa big. Tbe popolar priced uiatioeaa Htta 
pmvad aucoKaful, thahooae being genatilly enwded pn 

Tiis uiiou.— A number of novelties an preaenteil to 
ihia week's pioenmnie. John Maaon aad Harioo Manolt 
Mason make ihtlr fliat apptaraoce Sera In vauderilla. 
Tba r:ony Bntbara LeaTrola Pnrea HatbUa aod Uury 
L« Mara alto appear forlba flnt tlmaln UiltoUy. Upoo 
the piognmrna appear also Plata Bid rldaa,Baffonimer,Uia 
.Vswot, Haoler aad Jarrii. l^vy and Barlitr, Faoola V. 
Rayoolda the Two Oracva, the Dnnbara. Iteneted ao4 
Onyer, aad Morgan and Plabarty. Laat weak'a bualntta 
waa very greaL Mr. and MTa.Hldney Drewcontloue In 
popalar favor, and can aow lie reeoenlted aa ooe of Ihe 
atrooaaat auraeUuna on tbe vaudeTlLle ataga. Segonimer 
abai made a greatauceeaa. 

Tits LTCSDM.-Bam T. Jack's Oreola Co. Ibrahib Ibit 
weak't show at tbla oTOr popular IbeaUe. last week Ihe 
oenaljam cooUnued. "Zero'* belos tbe auraOloo. Neil 
weak, Watson BUuiw' Burlaaoae Co. 

Tns Ucasoil.— Tho fat woman'a blqyde lae^ Willie Ab- 
bott boy maxlclan. and LeTlaa sod Booth are amoos tbe 
attnetlooa In Uie eoho halL lathe theatre acootlnuoua 

irformftoce le alren of a atrDngTaudavlllablU, Incbid- 
.^a Lamar ano Moirltaey. three TVrlghc Blalera, the 
Bbteivit, Oeorgw B. Pliher.Munn and Stabb, Maile De 

Leoo. Dowley aad Baxrlnglon, Monon Brolben aod Blle- 
Morallo, wllh ber tioape of trained epanlela. Large 
erowda alteoded tbo penonnancaB laat week. 

NOTxa— Tba membeta ot Ibe "Tillby" Co. went lu 
flolmeaburg Frioav aftoroooo and gaTaaaeotertalomenl 

totbalomateaof lha Forreal Rome OoWcdoeaday 

ofihtt week ao opaalsg reetiptlon will be ylven at the 
Uotel Walton, which baajaat beeo enctad apoa Uie alia 
oftbelate Empire Theatre. It la oneof Iheoneathotela 

IntbacoQotry Mr. aod Mra John Jack are to giro a 

aerlot ot dramatlo notlcalaa at the Scuplar Drewlnx 
Booni. Ther will be aaalaled by Frank nowaid, baritone 
alngvr, and llerman D. Oouar. Tbe pragnaiina of the 
Brat rntartalomenc indndea the qoaml arane from 
"Rehool lor Bcaadal," potion aeaoe from "Romeo aod 
Juliet." and Uia ^arc^ "Puo oo a Ranob," bealdaa a num. 

bar of musical aelectloai An Imbraatlve mutlcal 

■ervlce, la mamorr of tho lataObarlea B. Janls, waabaU 
last Monday evening In Uie sndltoriom of the Drexel 

Inatluta Tbo application far a pralbnbiafT In- 

JuncUon lo the "Caiman" aolt by Batalla John- 
alooe has been abanilooed. Her atlarnar aaya 
tbe ault, however, wUl beputfaed for an aaiaaameot of 

daoiagaaand an accoantlng of profits. Tbapiognmma 

for tbe Acton' Food Loaani, 13, haa been aboot com* 
plated, aod lododea the"Trllb\"Co.,ln "Borneo's Hrat 
Lore;" the "Old Uomettead" nuartel, realtalloo by Wil- 
ton Lackaye. aonaa by MathUde Cottrelly, Maria Lonlto 
Cany aod Bath white; piano eolos by E. E. Btmmont: 
Piani Dumont, Dsrry i). Bhunk.snd Meeker and Mack, 
Irom DumuDl'a Mloatrels; lha Nawna, Ihe Oragga, Paul 
ninqoevallL Maud tlarriaon and Mauiloa DanymonL lo 
"Tlie Mao of the World ;" Marie Dreialer atid Loola Uar. 
riton. lo"A Black Rbe«p,"asd probably some other at 

PlltabBrB.— The Important events of Ihe past 
week were the producUoo ol Bockaune'a detlghtfol com- 
edy. "Married Llr^" by tbe Aveone Block CMnpany. and 
BolBailth Buaaell't proMDIatlon of Bherldaa's 'RtvaU." 
Proprietor Harry Davie haa gathand together a rary 
eicelleat compsoy, aod "Harried Life" ttaa given In a 
nianaerthatwouu havadona credit to any of tbe Mock 
cnropanlea webava hadhere In Ihe oalmt daya of lone 
ago Mr. Kuaaeira piodadlon of "Tba Blvala" Uiouali 
aomawbat dlaappolnUox. drttv Urgo awllaaeea 

IIASRV Williams' aoadbhy op Mono — The New Turk 
etani this woek. Weber A Plelda* Own Co tasted the 
capacity of iha houae last week Sam Denn and hla 
new CO. ara uodarlload for Feb. 17. 

East BNoTsBATaa— Tba aoouiex ComloOpen Oa. la 
nUiuR a nve ntghbi aod ooe matinee eogmiamanupn. 
afDiIng a change of opera at erary perfonnanca. La 
Molts and Olxa Beleo 6«ge uraed people away laxl 
week. Maoagar Adaiaa'aoccaaa at this bonaa hanbeen 
phenoineoaL The Lewli f:omfdy Co. IT. 

AvsNcs TnsAvaB.-spedaUles by Bevoins Btbairer. 
Pruf. V. P. Wotniwood, with hiadoxaand mookeya: Lloa 
MeaOrewa,tha Workl'aTrio, tbe lAvioea, Laopold aod 
Bllvor. aad Hobble Rallly, and a prodoctktn ofOuluaa 
"MoUia," dramatlisd by VIeurr Oiaeoe Btlamao, and 
porfonuad by her aad the otbtrmembera gribedremallc 
aUMk coupaoy, make up tbla week's bill. Miss Batamao 
and Uoward Kyle Bleared to gnat advaatafa In "Mar 
rled Life" laat week, tbe fenoeraa Mre. YonnghoabanO. 
and Ibe latter aa Mr- flamual Uoddla. Baaloaia conllnuat 
very gool. 

BijodTbsatrr.— Cbarlw R.Yale's "Davlfa Aooiloo" 
wUl hold the atago tin 17, when "Nonbera Llgbta" wll 
ablnefor the Oral ilaae ben. 'Baved liDBthaSaa" doaail 
a thrilling weak 8. 

AtvLtTnaivaa.— Delia Foi sings "PleardaLls" lb t 
week, fur the drat time beie, aod will pnt on "Tbe LItue 
Trooper*' for two parfunnaocaa. Tea drat producllon 
bera of w. 8 Ollbart-a "BU Bioelleney," wltb Kancy Me- 
lomeb. an Allesbany slrl, aa tbe alar l^arara, lAkaa 
place 17. BoLEmlUi Ruaaell played toataodlngroom only 
laat weak. 

Doqoss:tB TeSATas.— Walker Wbltealda plava "Ban. 
let" all Uilaweek except IS, when be praaanu "Tbe Mer- 
cbaototVenlea"al alxht and "Coaalo oftbe Rlog"aod 
"gaUirlne and Pelrnchio" at Ibe uaaalTboiadaymst- 
loee. Banoron, oaglelao, doatd bit fltatenwageDantbcre 
Ik bating ettahllihfd himaalf as a FlluBoni favorlia. 
The lllarlch'Unad Open Co., with Ebds Nevada aa 
prima donna, cornea 17. 

New uaann 'OrsnA Rocsa— "BInbad" la tbe enmoi 
auradloo. *'0ban No. T want down oe«p Into the favor 
of local IbaalreRoeia lha pait weeh. Prank Mayo pn. 
aenta "Puild'obead Wilton'' 17. for tbe firai time here. 

llABav Davis' Edbn Mreis — RIallo, Mailcaa ainng 
nao la kinx pin of tbe carta ball, while rbsllea tod MIn. 
ale Barroosha. Morion and Colonan. and nUien give ao 
•BcelUnt ahow In tbe Uiealn. Alleaflanca ooounnia 
very laiwe. , , 

Naw Woato'e MiaacM TllBAvaa-TrftaUa garland. 

Zella ClayioD. Helena Maalagne, Merrill and BhaMoo. 
Janiea Taagart. John HartoD and olhen praaent tho our. 
laanoe oF-fbe Iritb Filace" Uile week. IdaSlddona- Co. 
lannderllned forl7. Bnalneta axeeUant. , ^ , 
DoTLBra—Mia Sol Bmldi Boiaoll Joined her hnabaod 
baraT. Mr. and Hra RnaaeH were thaaoaala of Bamnel 

Ohnith Tba benelt at the Alvln fleam, alUraoon 

oft. for Uia West Peea HoapltaJ, w>aaaaeaaaa......Tnen 

was qolu aa esdUog llttis allBlsk batwstB rind bill 
petttua of lha Maw OraS Opera aooaa asdlhaBUoa 

FfiBBUABY 15. 



TfaMtt* «M 4kr kat vMk. 8*Taml of lo« nn ol tb« 
Btft* baok«t AM brnib w*r« uTMtad uU Md to lidL 
'r..,.Bilw»rd v. JMknun, owa«r of Uw Ihv)o«n« Tbw- 
m. 7. hit aomr lo Ibe mil nMtir bnaabt 
anlnit blm In th* 0alt«4 StitM Olrcalt CAorl br D»kl 
l|Md«rm,th« foriDW I aim* of ihitbooM Nr. Jt^k- 
mu dwlw All HMdonoo'i aUonUooi ud nji th«t the 
hill of Ml* Benltrftn fiTt klm wu ibMlnt* ud oot t 
oMrn cotkUnl wccrity. 

RMdiBg.— "Riuh CttT" Anw well at the 
Aodteu vl Hiut& Feb. 4. ^'Crlppto Cmk BtoAki," t 
roDrMtdnnu»l>rCbu. A. Maorer, of tbia eiir, wu pro- 
doMd for tbi flnt Uno on uy br (b« X U. 

MionrSiockOo^iiKlvuwttl ncolrMl by > Unto udl- 
«ac«- Tb* pUf dwuribu tto •iporlMni of a iipMu- 
bur lo fVlppI* OrMk Stookn No. I, who I* uT«d tnm rule 
br hU prinM HCfwurr. wbo dltrennl* hlJ ordtn br 
bar Ifll Orlppla Crvok fltoeki No. S, which proroi to bo a 
«laa«r. Tbo cuilnR wu: Jaa II. Maurtr, Wtn. B. 
Ilaldar. k.h rUhtr.llan^ K. Ifaaror. Monl« B.Uiilt. 
If. P. WlM, Batala Haaahni. H«rj- Qraoo Kaanr aod 
LillUn Barowiid. "lb* VMi« SIat*" did a Rood boRl- 

" Uiiliio Orau HouBi — lai^e Tdcker. In n^nory, at- 
inct«d gMd boUM wo«k ot X "Hum aod Hou" cooiw 

Buoo TauTU-— Tbe Orlutal BitraTAKUtu Co., la 
"filu«b«anl.**dr«« w«U fl-8,aad win a nluni on- 

:aa»ai 1}>U. B*ai T.Ja:k'i "Mr Uneb*'Co. la doe 

^' ____ 

lUrrlibarg^AC tbe OMnlIouse"AJa7Clr- 
ciw."Fab.a.ind^''8ovlD| tbo wind." 8, both did w«n. 
Maado UlUmtn WMb ot l9. 

BDUf Mnu.— flood atundaiiM all weak. Mme. Flora. 
Tomar Olrno, M. Zanoa, Kord and Ulna, Caaep aod Le 
CUIr, Lrncta afid Barel, J. 0. Fanloti, Raymood and I« 

^Viii*Aoi>iTOBiotf — Tbli^ theaptown amuMmeot place, 
appanattr b boodooed. U haa beoo oMaed Hveral 
rfmuthlBO«aaoD,»nd lororiably cloMd a few dayv later. 
IiwuioopooT. QOdarmaiugeiiieator BI1I7 Morrliand 
J, J. JesQlnie treaaarar. Oo FrMarUorrliidlBaiipeaml. 
Tbe peifonDaoce waa gi-na, but the receipt! were at< 
tacbed. Oo 8 two more perfomaocea wen ilreo, to lelr 
naolta. _ 

Sfl»iiton^At tbe Academy "RuahCltj>' came 
Feb.8, loa Rood boote. "lAOdof the M(dolcht8oo,"7, 
bad a fair bouM. Coorof and Po:i, Id '-O'Plarlty'n Vaoa 
Uo8,"ll: l^gBnaDdBjaD,lo"PandlM Alloy," IS; Joe 
OtCln "IbeBiarOoer/'U.^ 

PiOTBiitoMav.— Ttie PeuOhanpetre week of in, uoder 
dIrwtlODorillaiStewart, ftrtlielHaefltofihelloniB lor 
Ibe PrIeiHlIeM. Tbe Com Paytoo Comedy Co. opeoed 
1 toa.R.O..whIebral«ddarlnKtbeweeklDRplt» of In- 
cUmeat weatber, , ^„ 

Divu' TaE&TRi.-Jaok Btrty, Id "Tbe Talo Wrcckom.*' 
K^H Aithnr 0. BIdDin, la "ABommer 6hower,"6^ 
had good booaea . 

WUkealwRw— At UteQmnd Openllouse'Tho 
WhlteaUTe,"F«b.4,badrilraiutidanoe. "airlWaoieil." 
Sl bad fair t>u«D*ii« "Baih Oltr** cam* 7. tn a rer>' llRht 
booie. "UodofihoUUDlHht Buo. 'a. had fair bualDtaa. 
Nell Boraran' "I'^uoty Fair* coniea lU, "The Bur (J«nr" 
IL for the beaefli of uiemall carrleti; "O'Ptarlt**!! VacA- 
Hoe" IS. **P*iBdiM Aller" n, "Aovlair the Wlnd'^ K. 

HDSio Qau:.— "Tbo WAoaa of Bio," 3-ft. hiJ fair auead 
ance. Maehey'a Comlo OpetA Oo.$<e. The atteoilaBce 
wurerygoM. "ATnptotb6ClrcaB"e'>nie!ilO-l3. 

Rrle^At tbe Fkrk'*A Passing Sbo«r>> cacne Feb. 
4, to bm baolneat. Mourt Symphony Club, 6, bad a full 
howe. *4iDbad," 7. came to large autodaace. Andrar 
Muk. In "Myle* AinoD," & bad gnod iioHlaeu. . 

J. B. aiiARi>^ HOBU AHD Tbiathk eDjoyed larRo 
atiUHlanea laat week. Woek of lU, the IfetropollUA 

Eaatob.*At tbe Able Oiten Booee, Feb. 3. 
*'Olri Wuted" cane to a ROod houte. "HovIdr tbo 
Wind" bad fair bualnaaa. "PamdlH AlWr" conei IQ, 
NallBarcan' "TbeCoaotrPilt" II, OIn NeiHenolelS. 
•^IbyMTTRobL UllUird 20, *The Derby Winner" 31. 

Lnnoaatar.— At the PaltoD Open Uouae "Rash 
Cl(r*'bad ROod hualoen Fet>.6- Baruiy Campbeirii -Tbo 
WblUSJaTe" did wall 0. De Wolf Hopper, la '*Dr. Bjntai." 
bid alarce audience 6. OlRaNalhinolelsdue 10, "SaTed 
Prom tbe Bea" 13. 


ClBelanatl.— Tbe Roblnaon heira bave won 
tboir anlt agalnal the baiUMM. Bcott A OunloRt. Not 
oalydld tbeyBalnibe flru aklmlib lo tbe legal iiruRKla 
for tbe poCMtakiB of tbe opera boQ*e, wbkh haa been In 
baadaortbeBberlireverilnco the eoRagenieut of "Tlie 
airl I Left Beblod He," bat Judge Wllaoo luued an onirr 
reMnlolof tbedefeBdanu from removing any Keoery 
orperaooal pr«i»erty itorad lo the houaa. Tlia leM«e« 
dteerred a kinder fata, bat Ruaraoieea whieb eiceeded 
reeelpta. and bad weatber wiped out their capital Juei 
wbennltJmalaaneceaa Monad poaalble. Tbeyloiendto 
eanrtbecaMBpoDeTTOr.and thbmay keep the open 
booaa In Utlgattoa aod cbicd (or thereat of the 

QuxdOpiu BocreL-NatOoodwIa opened Feb. lO, In 
"Anbllloe," and dartng tbe week will preunt "David 
Oantofc/' *'L60d Ho PlTeBhllllsii" aod ''A Qlkled Fool." 
Oeorta BJwaido'i London Lyric Tboain Vm. appeered 
tut we«k In "Hla BxteUeooy*' to aplentild bnvloaaiL 
Nan«yMcIatothwaaa»4Mbere.iortbe(lnttloie.aod her 
Chrlnlna waa aeceptad aa perfect (lertndeAyUanl re- 
ceived awarmwekoma. For tbe frienda of her brother, 
TreuurvrEd. Aylwaid. milled lomale heraojoum plana- 
asL AaHannaabeproTid to ha a doUbed actrau-poa- 
nwd of a iwea voice and pretty face. Wlib Bi>*el 
B/dnay aaTbora die woo many uf tbe ptaudlu bextowad. 
uaBrylrvlu coniea 17. 

Waimot Btukt Trutob.— Rlebard Hanafleld begaa 
ble eaaaieoMiit lOi In 'Tba Scarlet Letter." Ho 
pmnbea Tear more ol bU repertory, raaervlog "The 
Story of BodloD, the Sudent," tor the laat niRht. CUiir 
FItmrald and *^a Fotodling" were given a hearty re- 
Mptloo, parlupa peppery la ihe woid to uae. The comedy 

vueeodamsed ai Tolgarly broad, and areo dnv'a hick 
and wink failed to win augbt but editorial rebuha. De- 
spite thecrlifca. buel8a«:raled talr. "The Man Up StaJra" 
proved u attnetlTa ourtnlu raUer Prederlo Ban- 
croft 17. 

BiDOR'e Orau Hovsi.— "Olrl Wantml." another Davia 
i Keogb aUnctlon. eama 9, with Prauk Both aa the atar. 
Laat week *^b% WblU Rat'*dU a very good buMDOca. 
Bobby Oaylor Ifl. In "lo a Big Cliy." 

FotrMTAix Bqitari TIBATRB-— The Waahbum Blaiera' 
Lett BenaatlOD arrlred P. Charlea H Yale'a newt 
"Davira AqcUoo" kept op the the record amaahlog, and 
tbe B. B.O.«lffD wai kept lo pretty eoottant uie. Ul 

Fuuuira TuiATaB.-*'The Conlcao Broihen" waa pat 
00 0 by tbe ■tech comMoy. Laat week "Teoeueb," an 
up to data drAoia, byEraetCBtont, n local author, waa 
pnaeated. Pot on wlib only a couple of rebearaala, the 
play proved to be one of enoaldoiabla merit and worthy 
of a trial on tbe rand. Tbe aeeoery wis very aood. Aa 
tbe title Indicate*, "Tenexaeb" deab with InclUentJi 
which bave lad up to the preaeot cootioverty. llovaid 
Ball, aa Oeorn Baflbe, a Wait Pelot cadet, aod Beryl 
Hope, u Donna Anita, oleverly Intenreted the lend log 
rolea. Bulaaaa waa Rood. If alUa De Haven 10. 

mnart ToiATia-Webor A PloMa* Own Oo. ap 
peared 9. lahaa'a OetorooDaooJoyedaproaponuarlilt 
laatwaek. Weber A Floldii'TaideviUe Clubll 

BaoKAirDAVRmra MtnaoM — Belle Carter, tbe woman 
with the maaa; Blalto,atroogman: Laooa Vaneria, Her- 
man Haoeeodorter^ enaloe eiblblt, C. A. Bonner and 
Oot Heoklngar. the rllte afant, were In cnrfo hall li). 
Poalar and wiUlama. Carroll aod Oaidoer, Cunia aod 
Oordno, Lealle aod Ooataa. aod Fenuodei appeared In 

the tbeatre. BnalneiuRood. 

ADonoaitrif.— "MlieS apaclalllea" make op tl 
weak commancing 9. Tbaidaymemt>er«oftoeMadJ«ika 

Compaay, Obar)innR» Koehl«t JenoleHanobelmer aod 
Mlu MaaaokDao Rare two enrertalomenta. John B. Tan 
CUve bctoptd lO-l). *'Tbe Playete," MIu Haonbelmei'a 
pap Ifl aod Howard Baxby provide otbsrattracllooa, for 
during the week no lean than foarteeo are otferad. 
HlnoleSteTavtappennaaAdaTlRotlu "DBvId Qarrick." 
when piaaented by wne of Hodjeiha'a nippoit. 12. 
Cbarlea Oovleii lo ''a Roaotry Harcliaat," drew crowdi of 
(alralie. -Plie PatroT* 16. 

PiKiOpaaA Boma— Oracellaahell was theaoleUtat 
tkeBacoodconoertofihoOrph«iMOIttb,6 Bafaol Joaeify 
■ppaandaa tbeaololitat theconreruof tbeOlacinnau 
qrniphooyOrchealrm,7,B. Henry Walteraon leeturoaia. 
, ao«8ir or Toa Lour.— Emma Caroa baji returaod to 

berbone In Broohlm Hanager W. U. (lorman. of 

"AOreeo (hMda Hno," waa lo town during theweeh. 

Bettle Tertro b traJoing a band ofplckanlDDlaa 

bet* JohoUerfarthhaaJaatllDlihed acoitunaceae 

forJobo A. Siowe'a "UneloT-m'aCablD." Lewxlro 

Cuapaoatl, of the fVUege of Huilc. haa taalRoert on ac- 
cooQtof hU wife*! Ill health. Ue la goloR to Europe. 

Kai Uelorlch waa tbeaoloiRt attbeUfttPop 

Tbe Playen praaeottd "Love aod War" and "Ifl Had a 

Tttooaand a Ttar" at lAwreoeebnrg, B W. II. Cbap- 

palle, of •*nie Llcalted Hall," dropped In a r«v Oaja uo. 

WlUUm Fay, of Weber A Plefda' iiwn Co., ud Cud 


. .Haaaker M. C. Atvleraon, of iba Poanialn Buuare. baa 
fpae loKew York Hanager Harry Ralnlorih In hack 

B a flyloji trip to the metropolla NatCblMH,rep- 

«llng Henry IrvloiL U bora A B. Borkbardthw 

radnedaaprealdentoftba Zook>fflcil Oardeoa, an«r a 

eerrlce ol twelve yaara W. B. HcCallum, of Fr»«- 

aun'aTheatre. with John A. Wolfo, are co aa«umt the 
Buoagamentof Bo«aid Uall In a toar which will con- 
BUDCB at Dwlaware. 0., M. The repertory looladea 
"Home Crlato." "A Runaway Wlfe,""HlaveaorRu«In," 
"Conlcao Brotbera," ''Barled Alira," "BHihted Llvai" 
and "Don Onar D« Bazan-" Lanrm Alberta wlU botlw 
leadbg lady, but lb* roater will not be ready lor aereni 

ClaT»laBd.*At the EsolM Areoae Opem Uooae 
*^e FeecleR Haaier" attracted poor bailoeaa. Jnbn 
Hare^JoHa Neltton and Fred Terry, with tbe Oarrfa 
Tb*aire Co., ol London, appeared Feb. 6-9, preaeoUog "A 
PMr or epacuclea," with "XToDMr aod Tragedy" aod 
*^Id Cbronlea** forcortaln rmlaera. Mr. Hare lead* one of 
tha moot flnlabed eonpanlea that baa ever appealed In 
OieveUDd. aadblaindleeceawarecempleulycapUraud, 
vblbeattalocaBa for the priadpab were repaatfd. Tbe 
bnaloeawaaooly ItlrbQtinpiovtddnrlnR the laat part 
or tbe aoRagenenL "Pedd'nhaad tTllaon'* cornea IO-I&, 
"law I7>|ti 

LTCnra.— Walker WblieaMe. In repartotTi «ai the at' 
tmatlon for week ofa. IleaaapartlcubLrly well received 
aa Oaffllet, which la bU favorlu charBCter. Tha au- 
dWBoee were pmhably aa larRe aa could be expected, 
lahbg Into eooilderatloo the fact that thli waa hbilrat 
appearaaea, aod that tiORtdy la oarer well attended la 
Clarebad. aveo wb*o prevoled by actore of bnador 
twooutloB. Hba Leila Wolma gave a very aooapU'ile 
eappnn, bnt tbe other memben of the eonpanr «vr« 
pnlrfalr. WeekoflOUdlviJed between Andrew Hack, 
In ''Mylea Anon," and TbomiaQ.Seabrooke. Cbaa.B. 
Hanlbrd eoBealT-B. 

Curai.airp.— Week af S "Oo tbe HIaUaalppr pleaaed 
large aadbncaa alth lu vailone naliftla aUaaiiena. 

gbjj Oaylor aoma. lO-l^ lo -lo a Big Oily;" Saodow 

Hou«"'^^Tr?l'i,''.'»;7'«.1°'«'' " W.I*" '-nr. D»ir. 

ch.SVLIi'L£'.",'.?!t'"t a.?tor, IQ "I, .Bin 
u\y, ooiDMU-ia^ ^« BpM of Lir." la.nj .Mk 

nfU«»ll.iiion« Dmloi C»iO« ira i<h\«| i.c.Mk 
"riiSyrmj" K'teniiMe. I. clow wlUi 

n^f!l!!S.T.^l' .!!!?.'"»"'' "P*™ House De Wolt 

ROLDIKO' Hon TiiKtTRR — "AThorooBlibred" olavwl 


«eu 4. Hedpath(lraadC4>i]eert(\>.cniDae II. 

CoIambu^At tbe Oraixl Opera llourie Fanny 
pareopArthftd aapleodld buBln««>weekofP«tf.S-& Tba 
booee will le dark W-12 HIce'a Burpriae l**rty. in 
-Iftl" cnme n. fnr ihree nlibii. ' 

HiaiieTRiiTTiiB4THi.-Thoaorni«ni open lor Hire* 
dareandnlRbtJiK). The BUdwlDH ]iUrod to a ptck4j 
honaeS. De Wdf Hop»r had fair l«iilne«4 "uiS 
liZ bn&i^ * •"'•''"""^ Wher 

Tr« Niw HudiK WM cloxtxl by the HUerllT y Elfortii 
ar«belDg made (ureopfo. but It l« an uollkcU- contlo- 
ceaoy. ^ 

Zaneewllle.— At Sotiull/.'a Opera House the 

Amenctf Batnvaiiu>ta Co . prvacDtmc ' flinbul." came 
Feb. i wd ptck«d the huuu. the B. R. U. iIro beiov out 
lOBR iMriire Ibe curtalowaiirmUeil. Tlia Penotna Martor" 
«<y • O"" 6^*nuT 14, "Iho Cbiinity Oircua" 17. 

Arion OMra Oo. (local). In "Stra.Ulla,"3l. a At Ha* 

mortal Ifall Sietaon'n "U.T.O." came 8, luailoeo and 
night, and boaloeaa waa good. 
8taab«nTlll«,— At the Cllr Open llourt Fior- 

SPS*-™.".""*'' VieoM a R-wtl bnuao 

fi!5- *UJ'N"F webbercamel to lair builDeia. 

■The OU Homettead" cornea 19. 


D«Uolt,— At Ibe Lyceum Tbeauo "TbeTwou- 
tleUi Century OlrL" Feb. ?-a, itUyed to packcl houMe 
aaO two a K. 0. tnatleeea. Tlih week liham'a Octorooni 
holdatkeboanJL Andrew Mack I6-3Z. 

Darnoir Oi-bba lloiiaB.~Jobn Hare, 3-5. did a rtae bual- 
nena. and Prank Uayo closed ihe weak 10 h-mJ i(«turua. 
Pouer A BelUir lO-li. Clrty Fltz^rraU, in -The l-'otiDd- 
*Af& Klanla Hadderu 17-lV, lUmea* Uccurea 

WiimiVM UKANu QptiHA UoujiB-^-Tiie iTodlgal 
Vather" 3-8. played to Uio caoacliv nf ihe hnuveL <N>in. 
lag: *'The Wtilie Bquadrou" Woher A Pl«kla 16-21. 

OAUmiU'd BBrifiK.— The Auoriean VauilAvllla Co.. 
3-^ enlertAlned rooO liouaea. 'AdamUBa Kdea" 9-)Sl 
"Pock*a Bad Boy" lO-S. 

CAfiroLSuuiMKTiiBATHii.-^TIieStrveiBOfNew Vnrk." 
2-8, pUted, to R. K. O. all the week. Comlog: "Uncle 
Tom'a (:BbIn" B-U. Emla Veronce. cliarader aliiaer: 
Cordin and Pbtie. Prsncli nod BoetivhoperallodueltUta; 
vaomla Homo Band uf Colored Jubilee StoKera. 

Wo.vokHLA5D TMKATHB HuiiiiB -Curio hall: 0. B. 
VeUoa, Nauile MillUlRo. Mile Clelo, noahe diavrnvr 
llieatte: Hilda Tliomae, a^alMeU by Frank Barry, Includ- 
ing tlie AqoIUd Tno, the Adanm Duo Burlewiue Co. 

Onnd Raplda.— At Powero* Opera Uoaso 

"Rob Roy '* Fob. I. tilared 10 H. H. 0. Tliomu g. Bea- 
brooke.5,6. pkyed to t«'n larae houun. Tho Imubo re- 
nalnadark uoill 19. 0. when ''Slwre Acre*" cmnea. 

ORAM) OriHA llotUB.— Week of 3 Nick Kobart^ 
Rpeclalty Cu. plarad Ut only fair buslno**. Omniog: 
Week of 10, KdrtliEilla, In "A Batch of Blunder*;" week 
ol 17, laham^iOetoroona. 

BumruOi'tHA llotttiK— WeakofiO: PrIncAMuro, MIu 
Leo Uartiuaiu. Coyne Broa, I.IIllan Floyd, Vanieu Sla 
tere, Bruoo ud Nina, Wm. ShralTrey and auick. 

Kalanaaaoo.—At the Academy ol Uuslc Thorn- 
aa 9. Brabrooke, lo'-Tlie Bpeculator," ploaaed a brge 
audhnce Fob l. Clay Clemaot, lo "Tbo New DuojIoIod," 
6. bad a good huut*. Book»l : Ulnoie Haddero-Fli>ke 13, 
Uoytf "A Boocb of Keja" 17. 

QkiXD Oniu UocMK.— P«wle at lhl« houM«: Ed. 
White, Hclnlvie aod Rice. Uat^y CUxtuu, Eil. and KolU 
While, Adolph QoniateM, Haillu aod Coucbiu aoJ Pi- 

Bnfllneaw.— At the Acadeiuy of Uuslc, Fob. 6, 

the HUltaey Opera Co. aang "Hob Roir," 10 ibn larfiMt 
thiHloen of the aeaaon. Ulnule Haddera Flake cvtoe^ U, 
BORDWlLL'e OrBBA HOtfllK.— Obarlei Uliaicad, Belle 
St Olair, Harry Wauon, the Draytone, Rote Carroll aod 
tbe atock. 

BatUe Creek.— At llambllo'e Opera Uoiue'Tlie 
wife," Jan. 31. came to a well pleaKvd houae. Timnae Q. 
Beabroohe. In "The Bpeculator," Peb. S, played to an en- 
thuilatdc bouea. 

Jaokaon.— At Ulbbard'a SaotaaellL brpnolUt, 
week of Feb. 3, had fair builnaaa. "Robert Maoalre.'' 
under Ibadlrectlonol Warren Loinbord, a*alat«d by home 
talent, will be preaeoied for iho beneilt of local BIka 17. I& 

■.analBf .— At Balrd'e Open House '*Tbe Spectre 

KnlRbl," for local beoeflt, Feb. 6, had a good houae. The 
aa Vance aale for Minnie Mtddem-Flako, 11, le very lante. 


Fall RlTer— At tbe Academj ot UoUc **Hd 
naally" cane Feb. 7. 8, to baoiMr bualneaa, 8. K. O. greet. 
Ing both perforraancea. Friday waa Muvanir niRhk 
making the thtea hnndredlh performance la America* 
"Down on the Buvaooe Hirer" met fair relume S. * Too 
Hucta Jolioeon" aoterutned a mammoth audhnoe 4. 
"Th« Civil War," ninatfated by tableaui, for the beoedt 
of lofal flma of Velaiann. draw poorly 6 Wm. Barry 
coraea II, E. H. Favor. In "Tbe Jealer." 13, "TbaTordedo'* 
14, I&, -HIchael EvogolT' (local) 17. Ward aod Vokai 18, 
■Toledo" n, W.J. O'Ueam, In "Dr. JehyH aod Hr. 


Bicu'a TBBAifU.— Tuoy FarreU, In a reion enaam 
mrut of Harry Owro.^' uiei with big raturaa ttB. 
"Pbyr and Playvrt," 3-6, had a fair ehare of ilie mibllo'a 
eoln. Bice A Barton'a "HcDo«dle aod Poodle'' comea 
U-IA, followed hy"A('racker Jack" 17-19. 

WOKDKKUND TUB AT BB. —Harry Uorr a' Knianaloera 
eaae ^10 poor builoeaa. ■■Ueld loRlaverv." boohed 
k<-fihdld not maUrlalUa. aa the company dlabandad at 
Waterborr. Ct. Tha Early BIrda entertain, ltl-12. tba 
French Oalaty Ulila I}*i3. the Henry Burie»iue Co. 17-S, 
"Zero" U-©. 

Lowell»<-At* tbe Opera llooie llaolon Broa.* 

'8upeTba"opeo«d Feb. 3;, for a week,and baa done bl^ 
bufoeeM tbrouRlioot the enKiRenieat- Booked: "Oown 
on the Buwanee Blver" 10. Hlca'a "1491" II: Win. Barry, 
'iD"TbeIUiiogaeaeratlon"IA: "Ben Unr" 17, for week. 

Htvio Uall— The Peat Hall" cauaht the pairooa ol 
thU lionaeS-a, an4 played to biR bueloeaa. BIca A Bar' 

torn eogacomeni 8-8, ti> large boueaa. Ullie Akerauvin 
obeoalO, lorwcek. 

Nora— Vorkmeo are eoRaged day aod niRbt uo the 
new tbaalra, which iatobenamad theBaroyHniee. The 
opining dale la aet down lor Feb. 17< 

Lmwraac*— At tbe Open iloaae, Feb. 3, IUco*m 
"HfT'garelta third performaace tbia aeaaAo, to a good 
houaa. "^he Ten Joltna" did a fair baalneu 6. Tbe 
noucIeanll'Mamnot(^.plaaaed a fair altnl audience 6. 
•The Toreado" had fair bnaloeaa 7, BL OubiIor: BHIy 
Barrv 13, "Je*l«n». "One of (ha Braveit" 17. *Tha PaM 
Hall" 34. "A ConUnted Wnmao" M, Ward asd Vokai 37, 
*«tadoweora Uraat City" S. 

NoTi.-No agreomeoi hat been made aa vat with Uie 
Biala Intpectar relative to openiog iha Park Tbeatre. 

liynn*— At tbe Lynn Tbeatre "Down on tbe 
SawaOfM River" came Feb. 6 7, lo email bualneu. *1lpe- 
c<al Delivery" did a fair bualoeae 8. *The Slflng Ueoera- 
Uon"eonaBl7.Wardaad VokaatML , , , 

HDiio UALL.-Tbe Preocb Polly BnrWqne Co. blayed 
to big baaiBBH S-ft. Baiilar'B Barle>'|ue Co. bad good 

TBI JfAXa baa been 00 eihlbltfon bar* ooa week, and 
the aitaadaocebaa been largo 

Bprlngflvld*— Atflllmon^B Oonrt HqiiareTbea- 
lia. week of Fab. a, ibe Wilbur Opera Co. did a brae bod- 
o«>a OwioB toakkoaa of Haiile Bichardaoo. "Tlia Bo- 
bemlao (llrp* waa rabetiiuted for "Hanba" 6 APtlve 
MBP'ratloaenra being made for the fluale Ilrwin opera 
&, which will be put oa the road oeiiaaaavD. Booted: 
"The Len Pandlae" 10. "The (Jrea* DIameod Robben" II. 
IL "Bhedowe ol a araat city" I&, Damroach Opera Co. 17. 

OiLHOBB'eOrBBA UornB.— "UbcI* Hiram" 13-U. 

TAaaUa— At the New Ttacfttre "Uamaali}" 

fame Fab. 4 10 Rood bnaloea#. "DowoooiheSawaaee 
Bivar."9. aad'TliaJeetar,"?, had light hoaaea, Conlai: 
Tbe Tornado" II. "Plaafofw,^' by local uUat, U and 
; -mr II 

wisaouRi . 

BU Loala^Bualneii wu uolformlr (ood Uit 
wMk. ihe pteoiler aitiaclloa belog Hra. Poller and Mr. 
Bellow, their Friday night panotmance being witnaafed 
br tba brgeet audience of the eeaaiin. 

OLTBPicTnBATBt-Hn. Potior and Hr Belbw pUred 
to eniwdfd houaea Pob. S-a aod wvre well received, 
^ihoujtb HtN. foiur'a actlna waa uorkvurablr crliieliwd. 
ThU waek William lloey. In "TheQIube TroUer." "Tha 
Paul Card" oeit. 

aBA5o QpBBA llor>a.-1laorT IrvmR aod Bllen Terry 
hav» an ImaieBae advance aale for the week. "Tlia H(«n 
01 Lift" piaye'l to poor bualneia laat week. HatU.aooj. 
win week or 16. 

Daiun Opvha lloraB.-Wood aod Sbaranre "Town 
Toptcy- cnwdAl Ihe houie laatw^k. Tfcla week Ttm 
Hurphf, la"ATeuiilt«er," with "Delnionleo'a at Ms" 
to folbw, 

flranoAHO TtiBATHi.— WeberA FleM*' Oen Co. la the 
aitraoilon Uiiawoek. FleU* A llauei^o'e Drmwinc I'anla 

OanoKX TllBATiit-Onllloa aod Oolllna Ivy Moaa, 
Cltmanta and Cleuenta, Hay Hoore, tbe ARnirtlaa, Wlkla 
and llarriaan 

UBH THKATRi.-r>-car and Pallle Kehema, Payaa and 
DeVaoo, Kutr A ib ley. the llurleya, Ada Vaughn. Uirry 
Kltworih, tlieUlioe OttMno. n . j 

^BBVAyfH TuKArnL-Mellle Adanm. Rally Broa . pni 
DeUmy. ilie Bchaelfrre, Plomoadn and Ormooda, Mattle 
ilonjoo, Billy Lacbde aod atuck. 

lUvLLfli THiAViiL-"The BiruRtle of Life" dU the 
uaaal biir bolneeii at ihla pottiiUr houae Uat w*ek. 
'mvea uf Ciold" la the current aitraction, witb "(llrl 
Wanlad" ti> foltow. 

EitHin'iiALnABBiiA Paucr TiiBATBB.-tleo. L« Hora, 
Deroaoa Da Wilt and Vao, Hiaoion aod Wolf, WaUa<*e 
Rl'tani, Tommy Pay, Fred La Sour. Lottie Ttavra. Illlla 
Loll Id*. John Wilbaaia. Frank LUay and aliKk. 

NiwOAltNo.-Hlk*l|lRiilDa,JnhD Noon, Billy I^HOoid, 
La ^ in a. I.lllla Mann, Con Frapklin, Alice Teln|•t^ 
Mabbi'arker, Ida Warner, t:errle Feeaey, Jea Adama 
and flock. 

Uoaeir.-Manacer VTm. (lafeo, of llavlin'a Theatre, haa 
a beneilt Fab. i), with Frank Huali, in "Ulrl Wabtad. 
Ma:iamlliu UotUteh. known lu the prufaaaluD aa Wu. B. 
Woud, nf Wood aed Oiepard. waa married 6 to Jeaalo N. 
Uarrlleea, uf the Three Herrllev!! BUien, a uieoiber el hla 

Kaneaa CIly.^At ContcH Opettt Uoute hut 

weak "Wang," wliti Albeit Hart featured, waa the attrac- 
tion lh« Anil Ihree nlRlllJ^ lit lair Itutiw)*. A a«uvoolr 
iiiatlDte waa Riven Wednvniay. Aleiaodar BalviDl. hi 
*TliiTiin4t (luaideaien," *-Ku) HIaa" aod "llauilf>t," An- 
Itliiil out the weak to hie huaioeaa. Thlt weak: J w. 
O'Neil. 10 "Bunto l]irl>U)." "Hamlet," "Vln:lcaw" aoU 
"Tin Courier ufLiooa." Tlie houte will be dark for a 
weel, with ihe txcvplloti ol 17. wiieo tha Apollo Oluh, 
localniualcaloraanlcatloo. wUiRire a cuoceri. Mtnole 
HadJeni.l'lthe :il-39. 

<lRA>u(>i-KHAiloi'ai -Liat week *Tbe Hidowalka of 
New Viirk" bad a very lair woek*a bUNloaaa, much Latur 
lhaDv*Mftaiicl|tated. aamelodraina la ootu«uatlya Ru 
hore^ Tliia wieh Kauoy Klc«. lo "Naoty at tho Praoch 
Ball," B> rue a "Uiiht Belb" will foUnw. 

NmiiSTHRiCTTUEATHC.— liAAt Week "aiurlBiu"hada 
lltilil wevk and the -diaw did out daaarve any better 
huui«M. TbIa weak, ''Drlouulco'aelti," with Nellie Duu- 
harreaiuied. Dao^ Bully, lo 'A BacheUir'a Wlve4," will 

iliLLiH* UriiHi llotni.— Thie theatre will open for a 
alioit aaana 9. when A. Y. PearMU'a Blook Co. will ap- 
pear In "Tha White '(juadren." "liaod of Uia HldnlRht 
6uo." "Fhe Kulice Pauol." *Tha Hldnlabt Alanit" aod 
The Derby HaicolL" "Si Flunkanl" wilTfollow 16. 

ACDiTORa*H.-HicharO Haoalleld la booked for naek of 

CbLisBUM.— Harry Brady. Beaale Vernon, Lata UllllRan, 
Utury Beckbw, Lmle Parkor. Lean Hayu and Jetiole 

Cut* riKLiutL— The Kaniaa Clly OrehealnlRocleti- gave 
their ailh concert at tbe i;oatM afiemuuo of 7. ten packed 
buaae. Ttie aololei waa Blla Backue Belir, and aha icurwd 

ahlR hit Harry Dnil, of thin chy. la lo the Rtock 

at Detroit Harry Walbtr Jr. la eulferlof froio a 

a^iTrre bum un tha liiiiid. whldi he received wiiTle handl- 

Inic red Ore Will Demlog, turnierly uf "TIip TomnOu," 

liul who liiia been roJUlDK lo the city, Julood **Ul<iriaaa" 
iiere, lo take Ih* lewliog part, formerly I'layed by llarrie- 

■OB Hall Ed. Dohony will Uke a ai>eclally ahow, U. 

touturooeniBhtera. Among the metiiueia of llie com- 

Bioy are Al. Newmn, John Morrta aod Mole Faibtr 
uaaer Uarry Walker Br. ol the Uoliaeuio.haa leaaed 
the ground lurmutly occupied by the Theaire Coniiiue, 
wblcji waa dvalrorvd by Drr, and will bul;d Uiaretm a 

model variety koue Vop LliiUlle luinel iheAhua 

L« Papa Co. al l.awrene«, Kaii., C and will go out u bual- 
neu maoager Hurria Haoley Join^l tlie Hay Daiun' 

iHrrt 1^1 al Pitt»bunr. Kao.. * Tieaaarer Jatnii E 

Ktlehio, ol Uie UrauU, Iim been cunDotHl to a Rick IfOd 
for Iha pe«l w*tk. aifl during lila llln«M Mioager 
J udah hanlled thr |iaat»boarOfi 111 a very biport Uiauoer. 

Riaite Hnan|ar(^la«.Bach^ ofthel'iOKroea Olub, la 

preparlog Greek »utuary, 10 1« given al the ol'ib ruiiine 
10 Hard). 

Bprlnaaeltl»— At the Unnd BslvluL Id "Don 
Ofarde Mua,"dre«aUr|e crowd Bob and Alf 
Taflordld good boHloeaaeveoloeaiil Feb. 7. D, In Uielr 
lottureaun "Tlie War of Rwaea" aod "Kiddle and the 
How." Hobr. 0. InRoreoll ledurea on 'ttbakeapeare" IS. 

HlltOD'fl Huidcal Comedy Co. come* lU-14 "The 

WIcblow renlnan" appeared tu Rood houaeal Baldwio'H 

Jan. 31 At Hualc Hell eioelleot bualnaaa wai 

done the piRt week HanaRer White baa added to hla 
lilt ol ooralilio a Wioter circoa, whldi aeene to have 
cauglit tba popubr eye, JudR'uR from Ihe patronage le- 

Fonilda 1«bo.*AI tbe C'reaceDt, Feh. 1, "Alvlo 

Jeailo" pbred toHaht bualoaaa. llobort Uafli>r, Feb. 9, 
In "In a Big Oliy," waa i:reeie'l by a larRo aodiauce 
Party No. 12. of Uie Klckaptio Hedlclne Co., opaiitd I, for 
two weekft* Btay, and are urawiog larRO craHdii. 


Loa AbK0lea«<-Atlbe Loa ADgeles Tbeatre tbe 
Marie Yatary Orand 0|>era Co. presented "Aldt.""Car 
mea." "Bohemian fllrii" "Fauat," "The liuauenola,*' 
''Lotieogrln," "Hli^on" and "II Troialore," to 
Boderaie bualaeaa. week ending P«b. 1. Paderewakl 
appeara at ihli houaa eveolog of 7 aad niatlnee 

8 Tbe Barbank Theatre waa fairly palroolcad 

fur "Lore aad Law" week ending Peb, 3. Bill for 
3-8, "A Han of the Pevpio," which cloaei Die aauaffe- 
iiieut of Milton and Dflllle Noblea nt thia houae. They ru 
from here to Bieramento for a alx weeka* easaaaiKenL 

The Otphtuui llnea up with tha foUowlnR pwple for 

Peb. 3: Maaon and llaaly. Slatara l)e Vau. *Uroo and 

Herbert, nilbart aad Oohlla, aod Bernard nyllya Or 

dioaoee No. 3306, paaaed by the City Council of Loa 
AORelea, Jaa. tt. la fortbepurpoeeof regubtloi the poiv 
lURaoUulNtnhatioRorblllii,aod la uedanioiid to raMao 
a warfate on the diaplay ofobaeene hlUa aad poatera. Tha 
aRlutlDo which resulted In thepaMlogof tbia onlloanea 
waa brouihinhout by Ihe Oaarantadvertlalocof a ceriaUi 

brand of clnn .Alarie WalBwrlgbtand bercouii«ay 

ptajed ihefionthero Califonia circuit, with i/i* eicapiloo 

ofLoa Aogelee, tbe latter part of Jaouary Bemloe 

Uolmea ra-enian tbe profeaalonai raokaaa a namber if 
theHaria Tavary Opera Uu. Oo abort ooUce bIm very 
aucceMtfullj aaaomed Ihe partof Urbano. lo"Tba IIuru** 
nuia,*'durlDC Ihe company'! engaRemeat (o thie citr. 

aod aa a raaalt aecoreal au engaRement Joeapli 

Patrleh. reeldent manaRar of ilie Orpheuin. look a rno 
upu>8ao Fmaclaco, Jao.O. for a weeh'a vaoalluo. lie 
anDouneaabliintaotlooof eEaciioR hereaftara contrl. 
aduUied ^ 

Hartia . . _ . , 

with a view tuoegoilaling with tba Royal Itallaa Ojwra 

Co. (orabriareoKaBemeat 00 the PaolOe coaat The 

rblhl ofJamaa H. Woodiborpa, treaauraroftlte Borbenk 

Thaatre, dM recently Albert L. aalSe, of Uia 

TavaryOl'ornCii., iiavaaaupper lo frienda Jaa. 3D, upon 
thauccaaloB of hla birthday. 

Ban Dlego^At Pisbqr'a Opera Uouiie UmtIo 

Walnwrlght caine Jaa. 37ib to Kwd baalnetit. fadar- 
ewakl wmdoee.Bdiiller'aHIOBtrabia, Freuerick Wanla 

14. 16. 


aneaaniiiniaoiionoi eiaciioR nereanara contrl. 
D of ten tenia for the Aetora* Puod ft^r each ii«raoo 
;ied to iheOrphenni withoat purchaalBgatickei. 
Hartia Lehman la olT lo Now Orlaaoalt laaaM, 

ri*Bt41e.^t (»rdn7M Tnevtre *'Tb« Kald of 
Hllan." a conk opera, hr P. Otto Coillna aod Prul. a. B. 
Bray, will bngiveo lu loltlal priKlaoUon Feb. 6-8. Tlie 
Bffilih Lteb Cbmpaoydld a very aaiiafaciorr baaloaaafor 
their laat week. Jan. 77, when tliey oraBentad ''The Flar 
real Hnoo," "A Fair Rebel," "A Hoop of Gold," "Arablao 
Nlihu" aad '^rea Ilata.''^ BeatHc* Lleb waa landerBd 

a beoedt at ihia houae Fib. 3, when the eemi«ny pre- 
aeatad "Eaat Ljdne," with Hanager W. M. Huaael To Uia 
role of Sir Krancia Leviaoe. The hooae vaa well nilad 

aod Uie wpalar aeueaa reallaed a aoug acn. Ileitle 
Bernard Cheaa IrtRloa a four waaka' eogagement V. 

BBiTTi.aTaBATnB,— The Carlatoo Opera Co.. nlnna a 
chorua, opaoed I, tor two nlBhta. lo a bla hoaae. Roaia'a 
Band tr>tab» IS. "In OU KeaUchr" 14, 16. 

TfVOLiTflBATNR.— Feoplecoiiiinueio And ihe capacity 
ofthlahinaa. C.B.Baker. NeUle. Howard, UelaneHlg- 
ooD.MIch Wllllama, Hay U Hoae, PyaeHliiera. Iflckey 
Weleli. LamootHUieta, JoeHartwr Rhlara the people. 
PaCnL-B-B. French leftai to Join "The Dafaoller," al 

Dentar. ( oL, aa maoBRer Kraocle Mebon, or the 

Rollb LIabro., baa ilRiied a cootnct wlthThoB, Ktooa 
for oeit mwtn. 

TMotBw.~Tlie W. T. Uarleton Open Uf>aipanr 

plarad **Llly of KllUrnay" to a good hoaae fab. 3^ Marie 
WalDWrlihl le boohed for 10. Hooaa'a Baod II. "In OU 
leniochy" 13. "Joaboa Berueeby" 19. Nellia Hd feory au^ 
Cnriane DperaCo. 31. tt. Frawley HiKk <>>. 14-91. 

NiwTH mNirr Tiibatbb.— The BmiUi-Lleb (Vi. pUy for 
tbe praeent week, wiih chaoRe of bill every alglit 


Haw OrlnABW.— Wlib tbe near approacb of 
HardlUrma ibeCreacaet City la hoorly coming crowded 
with atno(er«.and. In conecieeoce, plaeea of aunae- 
nant receive liberal pairooage aad are reaUcloireRcal- 
l*nl boHnaaa retoraa. 

OBABD OfRNi irrHmi.— "Friaoda** and "Mealeo," pre- 
eentad br E'lwln HHtan Royla and hla eiaellaot eom- 
paoy, were bvartliy aaJoyed 'by the ho«u of peopb wbo 
witaaaaed tbeir preeaoiatlon. Uerrmaoa cpfoaa Feb. 

Hr. CiaaLa Tbratbb.— "The Cotmo Una" attracted 
lane beaiea each eiRtat ^ ble nay. "ThaTwelve Tempta- 
tloor will be aa«o 9-lft. 

AoaMnr or HcvfO -Clara Horria, eappofted by a omm 
larer aenpaar, won marltad pralaa aad ae«e«M. 
rrtoee« Boonla" la daa 9-16, 


Rew IUtob.— At Ibo Uyperlon "IJltlo Cbrta- 
lophet" wu praeeoied, le aiaodlog room enly, Feb. 7. 
Tha renaliderorihe waek waaderoleil mainly 10 local 
raiertatotaenu "Rhadnna of a Ureal C(iy" comae II, 
Htuan KohMQ 13k "A Shop tlUr' li. 

OBA:ioOrBRA lloraa— "raratllae A^ey"caat^ toainall 
bualoeM,3-6,aodwaBfoUowed by l4arlit'a"tk>Meraod 
Ply" Co., to excelboi retnraa, 6-8, Dao HrCarUty contra 
KVItaBtl "t^oon llolkiw" (return eogaRemanl) IVIA. 

POLi'a WitxnauMb Thiathb— Buvloeaa here tt*n- 
tlnneablib Ihla weuh: Four Angela flltlen. Mttntland 
aod llarvBanlnand Hnfti.Fi|rtBanha,Ammon*BCIarla«o 
Trio, Roalna Veoua, (^mpliell athl Campbell, lUonte 
Uooit.aoJ Baker and I^yooa. 

Il»r(8bnl.— At Frontor'a Opera lluuia Mnmrt 

Robeoo, lu "Hra PontUrbury'a l^ail." cimei Feb. H>; 
HAyi'a'-Ar.oi)lMled Woiiian''^ll,l3, "Hhadowanfa UrMt 
Clij" li. "The Wioii (llrl" II, ban Hct?arihy. b "Tlii* 
i;ralak»en Lawn," 16. B M. Favur. In "Tho Jester." had 
amall atidlencea 1 "tthom Acrea" played to H. H. t>. i. e. 
"Paratilee Alley," with Harney Faaan and BantJ. Hy«o, 
Pbaaod a laran aiidlenee 6 *'Cuitn lln)k>a" drew fkir 
aedlanoaa 7. 8. Cumlnf, Wilbur Opera Co, aeek Fab. 

AroiTuatttH —An aihbilo hoilnr exhibition will he 
heki Peb. IT. "Early HInU" oitme tl, tt. 

FoOTdrABDlliLt — rrof. Ouoley'a Conaulldaled Hln- 
alrab 17. 

df a|Hivt.«At tbe Park City WlllUni Uatry. 

B HlalDft tIenaraUun," Peh.S,had (kir bualneaa. 



In "The „ . 

"Little CbrlalDpber "H. had a Urge Im\ 
Coiuiiaoy cornea IU-I5. 

AcoiTvaiUB — '-HIm llaram H«arum," S-S, lihi rmI re- 
turoik 'The Arm of the Law" bad moderate bualneaa. 
"Conn Hollow" romee in-lt 

RianBio'H Mtniu llAti.-OeorRia Helooiie, Rana 
Baodei*. HllaDarand, Joho Manden, Baiiiuel Hnrmeur. 

Tnn Cuiyo.-Hadla and llarrr Daly. Billy ami Hyrile 
HuaRruvf, Loul>a Velenlliie, Hlaa Bantogtoo, Jaunle 

ALRXAXnan -Larry and Franelik HelU Cllnon, K<lna 
Bnrnvit, Julia Bauihern, Willieui DunUr. 


aUtauaaiaolla.^At Ibo Molrnpoltlah Oiwra 
lloo^tlaa Pn»hmao'a Htoch INutipaoy u|iancil Feb. 9. In 
"Tlie Wlla," and witl alui pUy "Americana AbrDatl" dur- 
lug Uie wmk. "t^arlry'a Auut" fulkiwa 16. 'Hhore 
Aorea" did ahlR bualneaa. ev«n larger than laal year. 3- A 

BiJOU OPKHA UuimB -Joa. Hart In "A (lav «M Ruv," 
bvRau a weta'a eiiRaRtfraaiilU. U.T. Cilia, lu"T)in Al- 
aatlaJi."will baaoen li-tj. "riie Land of the LIvIuk" 
Waa thuwn In lair aud lencf a t-d. 

KOULA HlOOLVTUyri l'At.Ai:R HlUNt'll.— A b04i|tV allow 

U tha attraction lo ih« eurio hall itir the week heulnnliiR 
ID. Da Ihe auaaa are Oclavio, Hurrlann an<l Marker, 
Hariueriteaud the H. tf. llanley DramailotVi. Hu^loeta 
la biR. 

BuCMA*i Band played before 'ideudld audianceaal the 
LyceuiB Tbeatre 4. 

8t. PBal.«At the Melnipolltan Opom IIoiibo 

hualnon waa vary jrunl wiUi I'aliiier tini'a "Rrownlea" 
week of Peb. J. ''ffhailcy'N Auni" nuiiea U, fur ooe weok, 
m he fnllowodweek nf I6 byiheJolinBtapIntuaOi>., in 
"Til* Wife," "Americana Abnitil" and '-Hweet laven- 

OKA fro.— Bualneaa waa very Rood week tf 1. Ktir wi«ek 
ol P. "t!wMr, the AJaallaii," fultuwed waek of 16 by '-Tlia 
White Rat " 

BOPlflA -For waah of 10: Rllly .NnwoU, OalUeher and 
Allen. Joale Oaoeao, Knwcumh and Juuaa. H«dlo Hleala, 
JaniMK. Oevllu aod theatiMik. HnalnMa la hohI. 

OLTHrio.-Pur week ol ID: Wllllama aad tTarlatoa. 
HeaulceUaraieo. Duiiyaad ShoMon, MayOeU andlUr- 
deii«r,tlie Nannan HlatorMand Mm Btuek Cu. 

UaliBili.*At (lie Lrceiiiii Uiu Joliu Hlnpieli>ii 
Co. B|<rear<l In 'I'lte Wife" Pab. 7.8 llnnbiiu* Pan- 
laama ba • fair aiteit aiidleiicea n. 4. aod |ia vn roiiJ anil* 
facUuB. Routa'a Baod had gooil bualneaa 6. "triiarlnr'a 

Auai" will arrive Vl, 23 At Iho Parkir Thaatni Um 

weak opened to fair biialo«d. with Wllllnm llcliiiva, 
Kitty Wahloo, Billy Wad^ Hand llaNtliiaa, II. ll 
'""11a — — ' -■- '- - . .. _ _ 


0 Ml V net on. —At Iho (ireail opora IIduno Kulforl 

Haoivll prehenled "Monbnr*," to fair palmnaRe, Jan.9l 
JuieN()rairM()fterat:o ,at pujHilar |lrlce^opruell an elRht 
nlghu' vngBinment 9, with "The Black lluaaar," lu a 
crowdwl hnuae. The week waa nilod out wllh *Tlie Beg- 
Bar Student," '*Thv Uraiid Oudieaa" and "Tlie Maacul," tu 

llASLlN*ii Uancot TiiaATHR.-Now pouplo Weak nl S: 
Hilly Biln and Alico Ttllle. Bualneaa fair. 

Sab Amloiilu,— Al Iho (Imml Opon lloiiHolU 

II. Manlellwaa well r«r«Ivail Jan 31, Feb. I. IuIImwrI 3 
by Padarewaf 1, 10 ri. K. O. Ilobt. II. InRaraiill will Irciuro 
lU loliawed by "Prienda" ISaud "TliePaai Hall" IS. 

Wavhijiutuh Tiibathb — Annia Howard, KlUy llmiiKun. 
Anna Batea Wui. O'UalL Nail Marry, Ft*>ra Wliaator. the 
Noraa. Ella HtMuiaiid Pearl Fay. 

Viu TillAlHB.~May l>>dy. Ileaa ami lluul, Perrx ami 
Oiieili, Innwa ami WHIIaiiiii. Dailtui aiii Ihiyle. l.lMIn 
PJaworlb. Nellia Rawlo. Jn« ^rutty. Maitiie B<>)il. Nvlilx 
WIlaw, Hairy lloloiea. Lllllao Jaroeia and Warren 

-— -e- 

IkaattiB.— At Hwcblicr A CtHJiiiha' Opum llouio 
llerrmann. Fab 0, hail a blit h'luao. "A Hroe Ay Tliiin" 
twni«a7,a. KubL T. InRarMiil 'j, iha (Jrau Upara Co. |i^-lft. 

AVbiTVRiPB-ro'jarewabl, Jan. 31, b»l an liiiineoae 

PiUOl TiiaATHB-Bualneaa fair. DoHUand (leueva 
U Tun. Wlaute Adam*. MaiRle Walalr. Pluraiioa Cliaater. 
Flora IlaatlOK^ Fred flulilub. Jack t;ouuolir, Tom Buuge 
anil Annie Oali. 

Fort W«rlh— At Uroenwall'i Opom lloitsii 

Richard A Frtogla'a Hliialrela ha<l a lob heavy liuuae Jan. 
30. Iilncnln J. Caner'a "The Tnroado," 31, Feb. I, did 
poor ouainaaa The weather waa very |Brbn:«iit. Ilerr- 
maan, 3. hid a packed liouae. Ileary 1£. Ulifiy uunai 
lu. M. ilol Ibibt. (I. lOBCraoU 13. "A Bre^ay Time" 16, 
-Trlanda"ltt,UNia Morrlauo 31, 31. "A Tviaa Blear" 34. 

Aaalla— At UmtlVt Open Uoiiie "A Urefxy 

Thaa" c»inoa Pitb. I. Maiilall Rave two petfurmaiicea, tu 
ROAl bualoeae. .1. "Tie Wickluw poalnao" came Ui |K>ur 
lieitneaO. Ti e<ime: "PrIaiidM" II "Falile Huinanl'' r;a. 

III. l(eurv R. lllxay*e iUt. 31 aud 13. "The I'ay Train" 


Hllwankaa.— At the Uljua Opera IIuuia "Fah- 
tauna"tMRan an eoRaBemenlnfonewaak Fab. 9, Hup- 
hlair Trmaa-Ocaanlo H|>»olaliy (k^mpauy bad a cuud al- 
UadauM all laat week. The rpeclalllee were allgiAd. 
the Boaaow Mtdgata aitractluR tlie uoit atlanliun. (leo 

Oaviimon TMBtVRK.-Paliner i;oi'a "Hrownlea" are 
a««n here la ataga fonii fur the llral lluie IbU week, open- 
iDievenlag 9. 'Tlie Heriy WorU." under Uia uaoaa"- 
maot uT tllair H. Patee. drew fairly ROod hoiiaaa laat 

waek. Woi. Iluev, lo "The Oloba Trou^r." 16-19, Id 
«i««t)i0R »t 17 belnii the aiiHual Ifaiialll uf Hllwauhee 
LodRB. a P. 6 K , Nil. 46, lur which tite Mtin haa aoM the 

houaa capacity. 

FAiwr THBArHB.-Thno>lnre Rethiel, conivdian nf the 
atock couDany, waa tandMeil a UoeBt V, m h<«ur uf tliu 
taaih annlveraary oMila coonectlon with Ihe company. 
The bill waa a unw farce &imadr, entitlwl "A Pi>orfllrl " 

AtUOBBror Uonlu.-Knr thia wMk, oeenluR 9, "Baal 
Lynoe" la lielnK Played l>v the aUfOh, anil Ute aitraaere: 
iCilva Trio, Huillli and (.'ainplfeli, Chaa. Diamond ami 
Patlta Krauceaca. "Hyrlla Ferna." credliabiy prmiiied, 
atlncT^il Riiodly niiintiara laai waek. 

aoRURBi.aRliHirHRUM.-WnaaufW: tivit'i hall-^^pL 
Adolph Frietach, wIh> elalmaiuliavacroaaeillhe Allanila 
laaaaiall boat: Ne Na-Tah, Indian PrlnMsa; Caau H- B. 
lilcha Koui: Waek Oweaa*doRcrrciia.3ta All iUii.rbI- 
l«wa chaaUr. Tli«aire-T1i)* t'arlallof. Henry Frer, Owen 
and fl inllo, the Yanla. Billy Dray bm aod O L. MaiaUr. 

MBariOM -TTm Heberl Oaylor Compaay played iha Na; 

tlooal Hobilrra'Huffle, naarthlacttr, I Palmar Cub, 

of "Brnenle" fame, waa here lael waek. wanning the 

Ceaa for bla aiiractino Thb i.'LirrBB 
r lu Ijeat laaue, la being i'TBlae<) hare upoo all aldea. 


L«iilaTlllB,— At Uacaoley'R Tbeatro "PrlncoiH 
Booola," aeeo lor tbe Aral tine here, ereatad a |uod lui 
pveuiuo and aUracta<l large aadleacaa during a tdrea 
■Ighia* nay, Feb. 3-4. fhe Vaedarbill IJnlveralty (Hea 
niob Kava one perforraaaeeB, drawloB a crowded liuuae. 
CumlnR: Kdwant Harrlun IB-IS. 

ACDiiOHirM.-IIeory Irvlno aod fUleo T^rry ware 
frwetad bv Iha lareeat and moat brilllaol aaaenibiaga ihia 
Mtuee haa ever hekt. Tha cuitaiii calla ware ao numermia 
UiatHr. lrvlORreap(»aded at the eonduilM) uf iba rirurtli 
aet aod made a abort apeadi. TIteplaya preaeniad were 
-The Merchaift of Vanloi" an*] "Tbe Bella," Kn na>lnaa 
waaRlrrnB ona/coaoiur It haloR iinpoaaihle lo iiiove 
Ihfi aoeoary Iron Ihe alage In ttoie lor the evening p«r- 

ORaiOOJ'BBAHucaK.-llAyi'a"A Hlinrh of Kaya" waa 
waM palrooltad daiiog laat week. "Alabama'' week 
of 19. 

TBMrLBTaBiTBB -Ktciiapl HanaAeM waaaeao In "Thn 
Btnry of Rndloo. theataiienl."4. Iia flrat apfKearaoce In 
iblBolir. AHbmiRb Ihe prkaa were advaoead fur Ihia 
bfoductloo, Uir houae waa dllad almoellooverftowlnR. 
Ka anaouocameBt fur «e*k of 10 

THB AvaitJB — "O'lf'KillgAo'a Haanuerode" pieaaad B'i- 
dieacea of fair or'>poni'ioa Uat weak. For week of H), 
"Tha ttm RcUol Life." 

TOB Bcc-HmiiHAB.-Fliiin and Nliarldan'e flllyRp<iria 
Co. 'tie* rrowdfli ItooieB at every perffnnaaoa laat week, 
Ht FellB8bier'Bg{«cUl>vCo.wpekofl9. 

PBortrri TBRATNB.-Kew Caeaa week of 10: Teroy and 
Lae. Laa* weak'a people hoM over. Baaloeea rouI. 

Pa4eu*li^Ai BaitoD'a OpenllMM "A Haff 
gega CiMok." Feb. 3, had a foU heiue. "f (oollgan'a Maa* 
Hoend*" CDoee n. 


Laat W«ek*a BToiitB.—ThPro wore but two 
obADae* of altnolloDS at tbo ptjorliMl ihefttreii dor* 
loff the pnat week, and of ibORo nno rciiillcil In a rt* 
viral, icATlng but one no«r oilbrliiR. Tbo noiy addl- 
lloMBl OTont wonhy nf nolo wan iho llrkt prnducllon 
111 ibU i*oiiolr| of A (iciraan farce, tlono In tbe oilg- 
loallonKne. tbo rdixI wcaihor which had ibustar 
proviilk'il thniufihrtnt two Winior nmniha illRap* 
Itcaroil Willi Iho mlvrnl nf Fithniary, ami alteroHllDK 
andw anil nilii Norlou<>lydAn)MKCil iniglncas thrnnnb* 
out the wc«k, nIthoiiKh thuiio farorlle altraolloDt 
eoDilnucil to draw full hmtNeR In aplio ot tho warrloit 

elenirnM The I'onilmitd nliraoKona for tbo 

week nmlltig Fob. 8 wore; Qnml open at tbe Nn^ 
Boi'ni.rTAH opRkA fltU'iiR, "Thn Heart nf If^rf* 
taml" at Iho llRiiALn i^gtunK. Harah Bomluirit 
Ht Arhrv*?, "Tho novontor tif K^nnickj" at iho" 
FuTii AVBMHit Thkathii. "A Wiiiiian*ii Itvna-'O" 
Ht Iho KuniiK, "K.Yi'Olali)r Jr," hi Olyupia, "A 
lllack HtaiMit'* at IIuyt'm, •'Chliunile ttiiMen" at 
Ibe OAHiiKt, uhiiMucity Olrnit at iho FitniiTgRirru 
KTHRrr. ''Hio sponltift t>iii^hciw*'at llio AOAttiMr 
OFMi'rtK'. 'ihirmali'* al Iho Ambhu'an. "Thorount- 
em tiiioki*'nt Halv'h, John IHow Ht I'ALUiH^a, 
Tho llfiicni or Iho Ihuiiit" at tho l.vcm-M, "An 
AniRl*H Undcl" at Iho IIhiuuwav, "ThoHlranne A<1- 
vfniiir«)) of Ul:irt Hmwii" at Iho .*htaniiamii, an<1 
JiMcph Unriihj Hi Ihu Stak, ibo tlvn laat namett 

havlnR vXmuX n|Hm that dato Tho ono week 

Rlainla oln^lnit Fob. R VLtt: "Tdrllltj" At Ibe 
OuANh HiiHA IhU'M, "Hoinilo Hcollnml" nt the 
rK4iri.R'i(, "Tito nital card" hi Snnford'n, Sluarl 
Ihiliann at ibo llAHi.RU (U'BHa llnttHg, ami "The 

Cotton KlHR*' Ht tlio irari'Mtioi Varlniy enirr- 

talnmoni tah fumhiheil nt TitKV l*Aim>R*8, Kostbh 
.V IliAi.'K, Ihu Union Sgi'AitR, rKomtH'R, Oi.ympia, 

l*llfKm>R*.tl*(.BAH('HRFAI.At!K,MlO f.llNnoS, IhO Ol.YH- 
I'lt', Hnd MiNKH'S llOWRHY AUll KlUliril A^1Nl■B. 

..rerforiuHnci>ri In OrriiiAn wem U'voii hi thn 
litviMi i'ut'K tiiiiHlKRUANiA, HnilpflrfoniianceR In 

llOhroWnl lilP TllAI.IA, WlNltHnHHIld Aiu.Rit'ri 

At Mm Cjhino, on Fol). Ihoro waii iirtiJiicod, for 
llio ill Hi Itino tn Ihli cliy, "Thn Uilj HIavoj," un 
iiponlle comwly, In iliron hhIp, nrlglnalljr written 
by (l«oT}(o Ihtnni'. wllh itiuitii^ Ity John Uniok. Thn 
vcriiloit proHciilml hort< liitil boon AnirrlrHnlznl, 
ami a iiovr viH:al ami Itminimonlrtl leoro Imdlxeu 

cnnirlliiiiM liy (IiimIavo Korkor K. kl. hihUo- 

Haph llnliand reinriiuil in Ihn (Iahhiuk l*nRATHR 
Full. n. ant ngittii prflviifoil "A Soulal Illiiliwn;- 
nwn," wfali:b hnil wimMiii^ccw at that liiHinoftariy 

In iho N«atuin At tlm Irvino PiJtt'RTiiKATnR 

lhan> triu priKliicod on Thimulay cvnnlnR, Kuh.o, 
fur iliD dnl ihun In ihla rniiniry, "Toiit Uiiaa or 
Holn wler Karlinihm" "roailiiinHnia Faiiio"), ii 
cnmoily, wliloh, bowpvnr, lian nn umlorlyliiff 
RlrulM of iraKPily In IIh prliu'lpat Hoeno. It M 
oviiloiiily liiionileil hy itniinrt Mliicli. tliu aulhur, 
III convey a MailrirHl roiirftaRnlHlhui of lbs ox- 
ueoilinxlr liant nml Kmihia ban In iravuiM Iw- 
foro It galiw |ini|nr roi-ognlllitn, ami luahnwlhat 
H inii»li.*liii anil ciinipitaur iiioni Ito dunil tn lt« 
HpiirtrlMtvO. Thn ropniml urHIca wlm ant calloil 
upiMi ii> Jn(lKuMiD0|trm np<iii whir.h ilin Ulunicdnhil 
Hinbllloipi cnnipMKPr, llniia Uoland, haa fnuniloil 
Ilia liupM ot Hiiri!tiaH pninniinru It cnmiitonplacn, 
t'ltiiKliiif liliH t4i ilitnlil hU own alilllly anil Uicomu 
ilofpondeiil. WhonlliufMll knnwlodgo of hla fall- 
iiro dawnrt n|Hin hint Ihnro rnmiralltoBcnnowbluh, 
fnr rcniovtiil rniin fiiniHly, t'MOi<iqt an eluulrli: llirlU 
of Byni|ulhT tn rumtli itvurj luiari. Tliu nturj of Iha 
pUy CH11 lio brlcdy tidil. liana It'ilrtiiil haa licon 
oklnifoiii a airnnl llvlntf fur liliiiiHdr itnd wlfonaa 
lUiiHlc taai'hor. Ho ilnvniua lita faloiil tn conip«>Hl- 
th»n, anil nt laat u«ni|iluieH ho ii|H)n, whioh lio la 
ucrtalii will IM a aiiiuiFiw. Iln irloH In vain to liavo 
It proilucod. Ilia wlfu, wliiilauf a piaulloHl turn of 
mlDd, provallM iiihui hliii lu acci'|>t Mio poilllon ar 
dirfclor uf itio liicui bIdhIok BOcluiy, Imt he 
OlfTun inalerlnlly n|Kin nvpry point with ihn 
pri'Hlifvnt, It pr^iluhiloiiM piuap ilaiN:r, niid falbi 
lu Kill liiu ap|K)lnUimnl, A rcliutirrial of llid 
o|wn i>y Iho uiiihitr la niioniluil by thu loiral 
crlilcii, piililUbun nnd ilicairu illrendira, alau 
KniR, IliiUnd'ft frlonil, ami JnHoplia KuMlcri a 
VIoiicMO piipll of ItiilAnd ami h Rrunt nilniltor of lUa 
me Ihiiila auil btlonl. Tho iirliliV iinfavoivhla enm- 
nwniHin luconM Kriiir thm liu iinnrTcIa wlib ttictn. 
Tliln naiiHCN Itolanil lo rtiprlnwnil lilni iinil bn Icavea 
ilio lioDHo III a rago. Tim pbinii wblali hu lini iDanod 
In Itoltnil Ifl removed by hlaunliT whllo uoo of Ihe 
orlilcH la plHyliiR nchnnnlnft walixcninpoalllun by 
Kolatid. The crlllr, litmevor, hulluvuB It tn hare 
licco only a copy fmin hiiiiiu gronl ctiinpnaor. Ilo* 
laml l4 In ili'Mpalrnml luavi-a hla wiff, evlilanllj to 
comiiUt Mulclild. Ilulfavtaa fnrawnll Iblter to ilio 
wntit], wbloh In ritiOHlmly olruulaleil tn the niiiilc- 
al ptipont It IH thf II Ihnt tbo ini:rli In tila corapnat. 
lliibH U nicitgnlxoil by the pulillatinn, lili openi U 
ukcnupaiid prnduccil; IIk faino aprouita through* 
out tin land, and lUiland'a nainu Iwomooa a hoiiu* 
hold vul^. lie, linwuver, Iihh altrroil htanilnd and 
oinlinatcd to Hunlh Aimitlci. Uihiii hla anivnl Ihorti 
ho Irilumii liU wife and moiber that hu Ih ■tlUalliro, 
bat ntineata ihuin (o let tho worlil think Itlin dcail. 
lie Mccnrea a pmtllun wllh au oputH coinpHDj lu 
Huutti Antorloa, nml nllor n yoar mliirna Oer- 
many, cil knowing of IiIn tMnn. Whun ho arrtvoa, 
nolKlicr oH In pookct tliuo on Ida ilopartiiro. bo 
ae«ke rofiifio wllh A frirnd In MuDlcb,iu]d there li 
B<:i|talniO(l nUh tbu facK and ruiurnM lo hla home 
tu eojiiy hln Hiiccea«. The lnral chamriara latro* 
duool aro irue 10 life, and iho plnj iiilght CMHlly Iw 
dcenntloDoof UliiirluR II. Iloyl'a playa In UerirMin. 
Uatbteu Pfcll, na liana Ibiland, portrayed Ibe ner* 
vouM, innioao ko'iIhi In a niaHlurly ownnor. I.ucle 
KiclUnger wan naiiiral hb lilanDthnataRtlopiipll from 
VItiiinH,aiidlbeaupiMfiiliiKciiinpaby worr iintroriiily 
capable, heluu t»Hl aa followB: UncliOD, lloland'a 
wirtt.AunM llngu; ■'aula Itnlaiitl, WilhulmhioBohnl- 
ter; Krederli:k Kruff, lludoirHonltiR; Uolli, Carl HIrk; 
f^t:klof[er,AitoirUMk;norhhiirr.HenJine7 ller/.inan; 
KItiiniii, Hhx llaeiiaclbi ; AniHtedl, Arlliiir KgUteKoK: 
IJnlKtni, JiillUH Hlrribj; Ualii. Jiiaoiihlno Neuhaiier; 

Anna, Una llaunaclor; t'orior, Win. Vollmor. 

Tbulwuirih wnek at lljn hmmh uf t(nu\t\ oj^n 
lboMirraimM.iTANOPKKA lloi.'fiK imgnn Kali. :i wllh 
a preaonlHllnn of "Carman." "UHnon" wu rIvoo 
fur tho aoconit tlino f>, with Iho caNt tincbaoged. 
■TBonhBDaor" waR pruacnlod n, irlUi the raiuo caat 
aa Ttien flrat hnanl Ihla ocaHnn. Adoii'ilnhlli, In* 
dijdlng "(Mvalleria Iluallcnna" and pmtt offAicla 
dl lAiiiim-nnmir," wag thu oiTorlDif T. "1 bo iluguo* 
D(>U" WBB lienrd al the matlueo 9, nod "VaUtRlT' 

waa Munn ovenliig of tiiat (lain At AbibVh 

TliiATHR Hanh liemhardl waa Mon, Kelt. T, aa 
MAKda, In BuileriiiBnn'a "lldlfnath," fur tbo Aral 
lime Id Ihlarouniry^ 

Thb i'BMmKHANi;Bi(lvon Hunday avenlof, reb.9, 
at the Uialno, fur lue hviwdl uf Marvin Clark, a 
hllfld luurnallat, waawt^llailundrd. Tbepr<«nina6 
lududtrd fruiiuonl numbem hy Iho Orpbeua Orcbea- 
Ira, ainalng by Hlgnur Uarifuoo. Oulaeppe ItuHaltauo, 
CltnunUna He Vero, Uiiinin Uelhot nod Korrrat 1>. 
Carr, ami nclUtluiiB liy KHU IVuclur OlU, Ulandlft 
tt»/*n Uariu. and .N'clanh Whaalrmri. Vlalnr Uer- 
iMfi rendered a aoln un the 'ccllu, and lluliert 
Arnold (fare a violin aolo. J. K, Dodnon aud Max 
O'ltnil wire abto atoonff the entiTtalner*. A ruIh 
auuilal Biiin waar«Bll/4)d br theijeneflolary. 

TUB ANNUAL MBkriKo (if the Treaaufcn' Oinbof 
ABwrlca waa held at tho Meirtypolllan Open llouie, 
Keb.0. TnefnlluwIUKonicflratrero flievicd: Preil- 
deut, K. H. Klnif; vice prcHldeDi, iamea Hi:ulllon; 
■«crelary, iiihu OfioncItT; nnaoclal aecnfary. K. 1. 
lUr^; Iraaaiir^r, Kdward Klctchur: tHMrdbf lOTer* 
Don, Ifax lllrech, 0. 1'rell. W. 11. Paluer. 

JuuN IIUBW, who ckmeil hlnenffaaemental Fal- 
titer'a Tboaire fob. 8. in tlio mhlnt of bla aao- 
ceaa, "The Hijulreuf UauiM." will ralum tuNew 
York Fall. M ami reaumo Ibo run of Ihe play at Ibe 
<Mrrlck Tbeaue. 

BBBTK;z'a"UI)amnallundo Faiiai)' wai repeated 
Bl the HetropolllAo Open Uouae Feb, 0, 



Febbuary 15. 

Bioxntrir TiiiATiut.-A Terr frlenll; (d4 tn- 
<liii)lullc •ud(enui gaibcred al Itila booM F«b. lO* 
lA r.vicnd » welcouM l» Ihe Umih.iUu, who Ibea 
beitn an eogsicneol, preMnUSK "RotHn Bood." 
Tbo taouM wan psclisd lo t^erj pan, and ilogera 
■nil MDR8 were elite e^nended Uie gnetlog due to 
old rrlesdik UiuPonild, DanieiKe, Oewlee, Jeuls 
Baillclt DhIs asd FrollilDxIun), all of llio oM 
giiird, were IQ turn ftretlud wlih airecllooale 
varmih, Tiiere wu iin DomUiekBiile noff o( eln- 
certij la CTcrr bunt ofepplauea at each or ihe 
fiiTortltit Bif ppcd upon theMaRe, audae Ibe famil- 
iar DumlierH it ibo work wore rendered licana 
iiott faaur witli RCDglno ihrllU or pleature. 
"Kobin llond" la n HilnR of lieauir, and 
will tbortfora he a inj forerer. Blmpla 
•nd old raibloned tbough It maj he, allied 
mote elofteljr to the old iban lo modem funm 
of dnmtilc and uinilol expttmlon, It appeal* la 
ibe bcari m eome of Ihe worke of tbo old compoMra 
Hill appeal, In anlio of the new alanilanla. How 
(nrtuulo It wae llial IbliiworXfell Into ibo btndiiof 
ibl« compaor, to receira alwaja tlie aanie loving 
ruro, Tlin work li nuog fnnainotT, and never haa tin 
prewntallon deTl«ie<l rmin the bigb cundatd of lla 
tirlelnal production. Whore rtu we find la anj 
light opora abch a cboma ai thle maiugemont pre- 
rrniar \'<>lco and ablillr ui niie It are Um Drat re- 
iiulremeiiieln ibeaeler.ilon of tbu chenu, and 7ec 
a glance at tbo itane Hnirratoiihow itutcomriu 
lieu of form and of fice hu lieen ilolr appro- 
rl4ied la Ibe aelecilon. Hut above oTerjiblng 
n'n •ertalnlni lo ui« exi ellonce of the pre- 
nenlallon of iho work rlwa the overwbelmlng 
iivldeDco that ovorj in«nl«r of the comnaiiir can 
nlng anil dooH aing well, wloiilog lodlildual tri- 
nmpbi and preienling an eniem'ile that Ih almoat 
fiulUe'r, It la not worth while to weave new gar- 
Imlaofpraluforonrold and cheiMied frlendaln 
tbe coopan;, ilioee whoae iianiea appear above, 
hnl aomo nionlloti It dne tbo now corner* In Ibe 
fnld. Ilelon lltrtniii llrnlef, prima donna, proved 
a viloalile adillilon lo tbe cumpanv, Bbe aang 
mneriir and with mncL aplrit; hrllllanllr. In tact, 
iiuiwlihiholirlllltnojodce rtilier ilun of game. 
r*ne wiu too carenil of Ihe technical poninn of her 
taak, tod neglectful of cmiriH to reacb ibe beaitn or 
her aodltotH, and, In fitoi, we fuarnha Luke ibe 
nowrr to orcompllebililireiull. Uarold Ulake, Ibe 
lonor, proved verjruilirecloiT. Itla Iniebli penonal 
nppeamnce li al varlanco wllh our preconceived 
lileMof iMldflullawH, DorlHblaaciIng aoggeailve 
■If pmireas, but lie hni ■ voiy line and aweet vulre, 
wlilcbhenwawlihdIicietloD, and be maj accept 
HU on tiight conpllmetil tho aaiurance ibat be la 
wtirtbr of Iho cnmpanr In which be haa won a pUce. 
<ir Ihe newcomen, Imwiver, Alice Nleliiea 1« entl- 
lleiltothn blaboBipml'H, nor iHbermcilt comper- 
Htire onl^. It la poililve and abmlnle. Uer voice 
li Oneaiid limpid. nowlniwIiboultbeallEbieeteOiiit 
IhnHigbnalllerange. BbeliachtrnilnglliUenlnger, 
and btr nolo In Iho Iblrd iictwaa one nf the moat 
MiliTjIng nnmhcra In a porfiirmancc In whiob 
Huccoi bad crowned all airlvlug. Tbo work waa 
tliuaniai: BhcrHrnrNolilDgbani, llenrjCht; Uiroii- 
liee: ll'iiiln llrml. Ilenld Blake; Mlile John. W. U. 
MacDo.nald: Will Hcirlil, Kugcnu Onwl'ii; Allan 
H-Dilo. Jovlo liarilnit Ihirlii; Friar Tuck, nenrge 
Frolblngbain; lluj ofdUboror, 0. K. landir: Hald 
Miilon, Helen Iierlnm ili-Qlof; Dania Uanlen, 
Jouphlno narilcil; AuoalKl. A>lne Nlelnen. It la 
unnonnccd that "llobln llnod" will bo Ihe aoleollbr- 
Ing dnrlng tlila enRngemenL 

MiHIH'a IkiwiHr TiiBiTKK.— Fred Rltler'a Night 
Owu relnroed to ihia hoese, opening to large ilzed 
audiences on Uondayafioraoon and evening, Feb. 

10. Bsvenil changea arenollcedln iboprognmmc. 
lAWII. VarMll'ii"AI>«ckaf Canii," In whlcb are 
lotroUucod wtmo new apeoUouUr and terpslebor- 
ein fmturcs, furohihci taucb antuiienionL Florence 
Alllkr, In the lutdii, wm hPHriUv received. Mar 
Cl'irk Vail O.iton and Ulancli Waiwnrtb eang and 
Hc<ed well. Uabel llaxvilon made the moatoftbe 
tougli girl |iarl, and waa enci'red repeatedly. Low 

11. Uiimll auil Hain tkiW tea' coincdr work wa> funiij. 
(loidon nnd Mck'n niulcal act, l.ew Uarroll'a 
conieilr moniilniMeHii'l aonga, Ulicliell and Jeaa, 
who are iiMClally cuBafied 10 produce their "Uo- 
Kenna atiil Ibo bpnit," ffblob ibej did to tbe 
iKiai advanlago; Judo baimoa, a roniprkabl/ 
iiloubendinz neilal contortiou<ai, la a novel 
inikeup; Ulidred dmnor, In aouga and danccn; 
Haro I'olllua anil Uay Clark Van Otten, In a 
fiiDaraketcii, viutn lw.ilng llolab between Uabel 
llHKltonnnd Mr. ODiino. rurmed a airong nriaj of 
Hoeikillloii. Th9 rrlnvtn Kula-Kula. Florence 
NIllerM prodiicMon, a lit Uldway, cloaetl ilie ibow. 
Treaiurer Joe /Itilo reporlH eicellont liualniiM lor 
thoallrauilon iliu*far IhH eeaion. H«ni Dovert'a 
Imtlnrat laal week ut tuihouio waa very Ug, Ibe 
MlobtaeaKlielng aiopped before eight o'clock on 
HaiunUj evi^nlug. 

I'lori.R'a TuiAriin — Hteve nrodle wae tho king 
Itln on llio llowerj uii Uonday night, Feb. 10, when 
In began hia aoonod engagement iblaaeaaon. Toe 
Inja lurncd onl In great niiiuben, paoklog tbo 
I'oop'.e'a to Ibe wallf, and tbe tecepilon he got 
uearlj alaggered hlin. Klowoh) were ro iheomrng 
la great uuiuber. u ivo!l at In a vailcli of devlcea. 
Had tba alar reaponduj nlib hlH chanc'rtUllo hrev. 
Uf and liior(iii|)inu<. Ttie plar "Do tbe Uowerj" 
liaa been in mIIImI amuo what, one nr two aou partly 
rewHUcn, and a vciy pitariiublo aiory la built 
around ihiio.xpl.ninnr-iicve." lleakunitaaovrral 
■ll<|Ul<eawllb gooileir. «'. Tbe auppon log company 
liiiairlr eaiKiile nnil liiclndea M*lnHI»|> ey, lleory 
ilensu, Al. II <iria. Qua Yotko, Win. Uiiuhell, K. U. 
Welia, J. U. liuoknor, lltt ry Mnihewa, Uharlea Bion- 
ileris fhoDUBUIunniir, Joeph L. Keere, Waller Faley, 
r. Ooohran. lUrry wilauo. Helen Macdregor, K'.> 
MIMa and l.illli llordell. Next week, "daved from 
tko Be*." 

Aumi'kM Kii'KiLoiiviiN.— Tbe managcmeal of 
tbli rcHirt report liualn«a aa being excuUont, and 
tbo bonae, under li* ulianged ounoiuona, aeenia to 
lie 00 Ibe lop warn of auoeraa. Manager lUwea 
liiB corhilnly auccceded In gN. Uylinpmvlog tbe 
loieiior, and Ihe onienwinuiint fuiulabed la always 
uiean aud of guo<l calibre. In Ibo awuwment balu 
rorihiawoekaie: Yamaiakl'a lloyal ujurt Ruter 
Klovra, conalailOB of aavobteen Uilenbtl perform- 
«r*, preaentliig ail tho tpotia and paaUmea ut the 
FIniroiT Klugdoui. In tho Ihoalm an oxcelleni 
vaudsvllln urograumie la given by (lllana and Uatr, 
Verana, ibe wnniler: lUlty Itaudall, llirry Devlno, 
I'aov and llanley, Kuiim Uttrely aud Uurtouand 
lie Almo. 

lluuiH's Pauui Ui'sii.'Si.— Ua Uopday, Feb. lb, 
large crowdt wiineiaed tbe lioutly ahuwa, wblob 
ivnitllaie ibe perpeianl amuionirni thla bonae 
unMoli, and, Judgliig by ibo applauae, the tnler- 
lalninenl waa of ibo aorldralrod. lu the curio ball 
nro I'riDce, a tvioiilini Una; Up'. Wlirlo, who 
claims to cat |iolmoa; Kllllowon,wnota legion and 
without uroti-; U-lnio g''rttj, a awont awallower; 
Hoiitb Hca Uiaiid J.mi and wife, U. H. Pemiu' per- 
faralng aeal, ami Waller^ a l>luo utan. Tlie alago 
abov eugrtgea Toni Flyoit, the Doauniont Slalen, 
ilno'x. Ihn rtranulgan!*, Ada Jouo:!, tbo 'IVMloy*, aud 
FahdII and Taylor. 

Aaaiv'a TliBATHIi.— Siroh Uornbnrdt began on 
Feb. luthofounh week of her eugagviiioni, when 
ah** appealed for Ibit rlrat time lu Iblt cuuulry lu 
HirlouM"UMutonila.'*b\ribcranuil-jii of tbla event 
will h« made In our nent l-aiio. 

J.vcii-g TiiKATHa.— " Ibo I'rt'oncrof Zooda" waa, 
na FdU 10. preaoniod i<y ibo aiiH-k company of Ibla 
liouse. i.'joiment upon ilio|>e.<>ruiaacowliiappoar 
lo our next Umio 

t^^iiioN miATHi.— Iluiwll limihera' Comedians 
nm nillng a roluru ougAgonient hi ro. Tbe buuke waa 
woll lUlcd Uuudir ovriilnr, Feb. Ii). Her, Uurle 
and llindall havii liocn added lo Ibe lilU, and Ibey 
pioToke many langba by luelr act. Toe r«at of tbo 
lirogminnii Incluilra I hp Horello*, Falk } and Semob, 
Jnlinalo UArndi. Iliitvll llniiheni. Hay lliwaid, 
ii'lirieoaiid Have), Firlila and Lflwla,aud "I'beTMi 
il<l'l'nt,"luwblcliJuUn aiiilJaiura Huaaell and ibo 
railni company uri. Next week, Tbe Tweallctb 

tVlllury Uilld.4. 

UiraoroMTiN iipKaa lliiriiK.— Tho ihlrieeuih 
and anal week of the Htuoii nf gmud opem began 
l''eli. 10, wllh the pmirouilno or "liio Mleiier- 
alaier," tbua raa': iIhub Sjcht. K I. de llenke; 
IMiner, II. riinmn; llerkmcaaer, dig. Oarbonr; 
Fil't Knihurr, SIg. Uini|iinarl; ll.<vld, Ul.>] d d'An- 
bUnt; Ktntr. Vo^oigcaAng, Sly. VdUiil; tuitbaxar 
'/'<ra. HI', nintldinl: Aiiau<ilu Hoaei, SIg. MaNIrl; 
I'rlrb Kl-Hilnger, bli. Vartu; Kiiiirad Nacbllgal, 
Mig.Uorlu; llaraian (><t<l, :^ltr do Vasohelll; llaua 
Kol'r., Klv. v-n\uaci<; Mailt tVatihniau, U. ile Long- 
prei; lUna SohAalx. i^l^. Vivlaol; Wa-lor, Jran do 
lirnko; Uaiblaleaa, Ullc. Uaiicniiolator; Kva, Lola 

KariaaTuiATRt— 'X n'oman'a llcaton" attned 
on VVii. 10 Hponme inlid wrrk of liarun. 

llovr'H TnaATHS — ■ A lilti-k i>bcrp." now In Us 
alxiu work at Xu\* bou:if, It nieeilog wUb that full 
iiieaanrr of aucrc^; ii«jally won by Ur. Iluyi'aen- 
teriHliilnir plaja. 

Fii rn AveKi'BTiiiATiu.--Wi:i. II. Cnano I* now la 
tbo biunli wpoK anil ilie Iaki riiriiiliibi of bla rii- 
gageninii. "Tho i:.ivi<nior of KmlncKy'* h atlll 
lilaiiin-ring. KioAOiirA 11**4 will urglQ ancogage- 
iiii'ni IV<i. '.'1. 

MaNAUKn OtNKitn hiu m^de arTiiiigea:enia by 
\TltU'h"Ciiiiiii, a* iliu-kl" will lie pTOiiui*ed at tho 
IrvlDg f.are T.icaira In Uenuau, on Feb. -.11. 

KgiTB'A UgiOH Si)BAi« TngAT»i.-llr. and' Mrs. 
Bldoay Uitw, tivtb from Ibe leglUmate Held, found 
u apprecUUva audience awallbig tbelr appear 
uce at this bonae on Monday, Feb. 10, and It U 
donbltolU they evtr gained a meiv l ordlal gitet- 
lag. Tbelr sketch, "la Clover," Is blfbly eoteruln- 
Ing, and served as an excellent medlam for their 
laltnta. Mn. Dreiv received a hearty artne call, 
■ad they wmcooiptlied to acrept repeated corttio 
caIIb. Their tucceai waa a nfreabing trliiute to Ibe 
dlMrtmlnatlog tasiea of vaudeville patron*. La 
Utile Oarmen, a very clever high wire ptrtonner, 
undo her American debut, and Adonis Amea rcap- 
pcilvdouihlatlda of Ibe iiHoy. John T. Thome 
■sd ar*eeU*rletoD again t<crd their old frlenda sod 
mat well deserved succeas. Ur. Thom'a wli aeenis 
almys In lu best working order, and the reanit Is a 
vast nmooat of mirih ana a propotUonate degree of 
•pplaiite. Rota and Jlilda 1.1 rorle, Ibe iwuteam 
of lady vacalliia ibis bouse preaenis. were also 
hick amont tboie who knew tbelr ablUiy and 
alwayt appland tbelr work. Ibelr inceest belog an 
complete ta beretofore. Tliey dtett neatly, tbelr 
votcea harmonize lunefully, and inelr act I* alio- 
getherabovethegooeial run. liardlUKasd Ab Bid, 
In Ibelr clever cooicdj acrobatic act; Frank Litona, 
Ibe talented musician, and tbe I« Hunle Fatally, 
really devtr aorobala, nil gained apeedy itcognl 
Uon tor their woik, and Annie Wbluey scored 
oae of tbe lills of ihe Mil by her ewtet 
BloglDg and clever monologue, otnitle'a caalnca, 
John luiel, a comet vlitooan; tbe McAvo)a, con. 
ady duo: the Three llarvela,grolctouc»,aad<ikobe'B 
Troupe of Jap* alao enlenaioed. ia fur the attead- 
aoce, tU that need ba aald la ihat tie cmab for ad. 
nlBRlop coiiflomed all of the standing room, an 
ocennenoe which acemt lo he repeated nigbily at 
tblapopnlar bouie, Mr. and Un. Drew conilnue 
next week, and tha bill will bIho Include Flora Fin- 
layaoo, well known In opeia; Bonlh and llodd. 
Waller I,eoo, and naore of like repul«. 

Koenu t BiAL's.-A naw and aluacUve nnmber 
on tbe bill this week, commenslng Feb. 10, li Paul 
MarUneUl'* new pantomime, "Robert Macaire," 
with l>nl KanioetllaBJackBiropand A.HarilnetU 
ai Boben Macaire. It wh excellently suged, and 
the conedy, allboDih at tlmea somewhat abiw, was 
laogluble. As the irtoky Utile Jack Biiop, a role 
made familiar to us nnder other ililea, Mr. Ham- 
nttil was most loienlons In bit netbods. Tbe 
death acene, wblcti was made comically palheilo, 
pioved an cffeotlre flnale. The Uaitlaeiilt were 
ably amiated by John Heard as Cbarlea, Railla Jos- 
set as Bergeani Loopy. K. lapuccl as Fleirs. Mr. 
Uiegnole at Uon*. UumonI, Josephine Hlchrlla at 
Maighertts, and Clara Angler aa Clemeniloa Uu- 
moui. Tbe vlliagcrt, etc., were plciureaqnely tr- 
rafed sndamngod, and a pretty qaadrllln waa In- 
troduced In tbe wedding fesllililea. The Alll- 
Bona, wboie atiraoilve aloglng and dancing act 
haa been • auccoit nn former occaaloot, are 
alto new. This week Ibe other fealnres re. 
talntd are Uon*. nemlto, mualcal mimlo. eighth 
and Mat week; Hoate llendel, nfih week; Mona. Ui 
Roche, In hia nyaterlona globe Baceoiloos, fourth 
week ; Mlla. Uarthe Haiihy, who develops new and 
■ttncllre re*tnnH earb xucccedlug week, third 
week; Paul Ctoqnerelll, spectacular Juxgler, alxtb 
week; tbe Cragg*. who are In iheir elgiiih week, 
and Fnr.Woodwanl'atmlnedaoaU, which wlUclose 
tbelr entagemcnt Feb. ir,. uie Fuller's new 
danoetare announced for Fob. u. 

PaoorOH's I'liasuhi Palace.— Dntlneei con- 
t-nuoa good at Ibis house, and the management con- 
tlsnea to pretent excelUnt at raoiloDa each week. 
Tbe islll for week opening Feb. lo was up to the 
bIgb atandtrd aei b; IJanagcr Proelor. The Harlo- 
DanhamTHo. triple horizontal bar txpeila, made 
tbelr brat appaannce at this resort and won siormi 
ofapplauBo lor tbelr clever work.' (Iranio end 
Maud, eccentric wira performcr,>, were alto new 
ooniert,and ratalilUhed tbemselretjis favorlles. 
tM BeegallB, midget onmedlans and tlngeis, began 
their second week popnlarboldover*. The cooche- 
coocfael)ear,alM Id Ita aecood week,con*lnuedtobe 
an auualDg fealnre. Tie l)on*io% one legged 
alowo), were lianatcrred from Mr. Prootor'a down 
town houae, and wero accorded full recogolilon 
for Ibelr excellent work. iM Andon, In chamcter 
cbanoes, and Mile. Frtsotty, acrobatlo dancer, alto 
iranarer* from tbe Tweniy-ibird fitreet houae, found 
favor. Othen on ihe bill were: Ueorge lockbin 
aid bis iMlned elepbanis, twenty-fourth week: 
Hiibeirs and Uiilger. parodists; Qus Iltiino, dialect 
Hiory tillei; Obmli and nindes, blaol^ face come- 
dlana; Three Blaler* lion, In songs and dsnces; 
Frank BUIr and Edltb Hurllla, In comedy skeioh; 
Oharlet Limon, atmng man on the wire; tbe Four 
Uoecn, aorobtta. rlxth week; Jennie lbible,«ooe' 
dlenne; B*dle Utjr.ln tonga and dancea; Ada B. 
Uownlp, vocalist, aid the Balambos, In tbelr elec 
irtcal sot, each of whom helped to make an enJoy< 
able ptrtormsnco. 

Hisin'B Eianrn AvgNuk TukAnk.— Sam Devere 
and hit excellent eompany of vaodevUlen moved 
up here for ihe week Feb. 10. Tbe opening boiiM, 
Monday night, waa t orasher, and every act of Ihe 
long aad decidedly entertaining programme waa 
applanded to tbe echo. A review of the seveml 
aeu of Ihe bill appealed In our lut lane, so It Is 
ou'y neceatary to tiaic bete that ihoy were received 
with esnal favor by Monday nlgbfi large audience. 
When Mr. Uiveie appeared in bli well knoim 
b injo loloj and nnta be was greeted most cordi 
ally, aud responded^ to encores nam b>o tired to 
oonitnue. Tbbi Is « reium vlalt of the conpanj, aa 
was Ian week'* vlili to Ibe Boweiy Tbeaira, when 
lb* oonpanj biohe tbla season'* record for large 
reotlpls. Ilia site lo predict that ili4-"take" ror 
this week will oome cl.ia* to eeubllahlag a new 
rroorrthere. Next week, Ibe relorn visit of ibe 
Waabbiim Slater* Ltst Sinsallou. On Sunday 
night, l^ Trill oodar Utnager Lonla Roble's letil- 
moulal benedl. A Ug audience It tlraady aanied, 
and tbe lUI of volunieer talent eobraea tbe pick 
of Ihe vaudeville nieatbeia of tbe profeaaloo. 

I'aocrOBH Tuiatu.— Tbo bill for week of Fab. 
luvnaonoot tbe beet of tbe season and mat wllh 
Imomjlate favor on tbe opening day. 'Mous.aid 
Mne. Bmet-Hlvl«io,ilueltltts. dnpllosied their ano 
oetaof last week at FrocU>r'* Ileatare Falace. Tbe 
R'tck PaiiKllsleietia Jonor). John \v. Raneooe, aa 
"Ibe Huier of New York," and tbe Pbolie-noaud 
intupo nf paniomlinltiB were alM traaefeired from 
Mtengar Prootor'a nptown honte.and early became 
prime favurltra. ITatjon and Uuiobluga, Oennan 
ooowdlans, were well liked, asd the cooohe- 
onoobe daaolog ttear continued to Iw popular. 
Boonle Thomtoa was ailll u prime favor- 
ite. Uabiy Mayer and ber plckaolnnles oon- 
llnued In favor, and aeiinide MaasOeld, 
coaiedlenne, was a holdover favor;i«. MsMon Rile, 
modeler la soap, appeared, and found that her long 
abtenc* hail not otuaiid bar to he forgouen. llalnes 
and PeillnslU, In a tkotoh entitled "lloole Ram v*. 
John UaU,"raundtaTnr. OlbemonlbeNU: Ualhewa 
and Da'ger, urodlets; Uonoa and SItier, come- 
dians: Mile. OUvetie, nilud reader: Motion and 
Slater, In a akelch; Kva Swioburae, obaracler 
Chang**: l.llllan Ackerman, aetio rnmlo aloger: 
ileonia Hotatt, In aoags and dtnce*; Mile. Dentil, 
contonionlii, and Clara Ueckwiih, In ' aiiaatlo 
•polls, each comlnii lo for a abare or ibe aspleaie. 

HAKFOkD'n TusaitB.— FoUtnlng closely upon 
eevcral producilon* of cousldnable note at ibbi 
bouts come* anoltaer of excellrni report, "Char- 
lo)'.< Aunt." who made, on Fob. 10, her drtt bow to 
an Kail eldo audience. That her appearance waa 
Wf Icumo wta proved by tbe demootlratlve manner 
In whIob a large aadlence greeted her, and Ihoy In 
re turn were antenatted lu a manner which left no 
doubt of a regieifnl loavo takbig. Tbe oaai 
Blephoi Bpetllgne. Owon t^wceiiiOol.Slr Franol* 
Ubetnri, Frank Ituroeck; Jack Cheanev, reroy 
l.yadall; Obarlea.Wikebasr, Rdw. 8.Abele*; l,ord 
Kanoouit llAtiherly, K'leooe (lliardst; Hnuset, c«l- 
Ipge ncmtt,- Ilarrr l.tufunl; The New Footnao, 
Jikue* Waiaon: Unnaa l.ncla ll',\lv* Dorai, Kills 
Wilton: Amy 8nenlyii>, K'hrl DIanilc: Kluy Ver- 
dura. Nanaelle Unn»look: K'a Debibay, Lealle Uaa- 
kol. Next week, Jo.4«ph Murphy. ' 

llSHaLtiBgPAMnTnKtTaa.— "The Heart of Uary- 
htna" entered ou fVib. lu npon tbe aeventeenth week 
of It* very *uaoeaBtiil nin. A apeclal louvenlr mall- 
are It announced lor I'J. Lincoln'* Ulrlbday. 

UAaniN TiiiATai - "Onimiiile Fadden" oeian on 
Feb. lu Ihe nfih week and last fortolght of llama. 
II will bo fUlowpd 24 by Sydney RaMHfeld'* prodiic- 
iloo oc "Tbe Two Kvuicbeoos." 

ACADiuviiK Mivic— "Tbe Bponlog Ihicheas" It 
itlll Ihe aiinioibvu at this house. The plar, wbleh 
enterwl I'a twenty-llflb week on Feb. to, gives way 
OD March 'i lo ihe liatinarb Opera Oo, 

AnnucAN Thkatis — "Uarmab" began luibIM 
week Fab. lu. llenileUa Croatmaa, wbo ba* been 
p'ai log the role of Korab llaaUn. leilre* from the 
mn 13. and will lie nplaeed by Amy Baaby. 

llAHHici TuiATi(R.-R. M. anil Jotepb Holland, 
are now In Ihe aecond week of tbelr return riurage- 
inonl at tbl< houae, aialn winning auccen with "A 
Boclat lIlghwayinaD.'i 

Fnuimnra i»niBir TniAV».-Chauncey Olcolt 
began 10 Ma fonnb week In "Mavauraeeo." 

KrAHDaan TuiAntL-TbLi house Is dark for week 
of Feb. lu, 

TOUT PAnoa's TngATii.-T4e most exacUog 
derotea of the conllnnons could not fall In JnillDg 
an lomeaii< amonnt of good amnsemont In the 
ogeilog of iinlght variety Manager Fattor pie- 
senls for Ihe coneot days, and In proof of iho eon- 
llBued popnlaniy of ibl* resort, under the new order 
of Ulagt, It can be said that Momlay, Feb. 10, 
nuncd lbs addition of another big day's bisiieas 
to the right side of the ledger. The show It long, 
stiong and evenly i>alanced, and coataloa a Hit of 
nsmu which would carry conviction wliboat ex- 
teoded comment upon the abllliy of those engaged. 
Follle Udmes, handsomely gowoed, as ntatl,aid 
with a brogue splendidly dlted to ber title, "Tia 
Irttb UacheS"i»ogol"Cl.ncey'a Ml.t.k«."d*r»d 
tbeaodlesce u> "Come Ontmihe Alley," and watb cd 
other Oelilc dittlen in amannerlocreaio enough dis- 
turbance to stamp her tho hit of Ihe ebow. (»ger 
and Fanile Hldgely, whose characur act la quite 
alone In tbe lulm of vaudeville, repeated ihtlr 
luatly deserved past uinmpbsand gained an Imme- 
diate lailog among tbe favoiilea. Mdle Bhayie.a 
comedian of ihe real comedy sort, and Uae Wiideo , 
hUableaalsUni, retomed to friends gained ihrpogh 
previouagood work, and wen promptly echeduled 
for aaccem UUa fforden was lo psnlciilariy good 
vole '.and the team meiltsd tbe cordial weleomeac- 
cutded them. Tony Pastor conirtbnted hi* rinoia of 
good songs In a manner all his owo, and John and 
Koma Ray created no end of hlUrlty by their fuinr- 
iBsis. Maior NeweU, tilck roller skater: l>l.xoa and 
Lug. cbamctervocallata; Klaiell and sultana. In a 
musket drtll; lb* Neweboy*' ijiilntei, toe UarUoelll 
Utouers,cleverpettoimen;(leo. E. Austin, on the 
vrire; Leoaza, the Juggler; Lottlo Rugen, In a 
round of comic tongs, and Joe Lewlt, conttiriloaltl, 
all cane Ui for their portion of the prevaiilogcbeer. 
Fanny Horn, a very sweet voiced linger, gaion) au 
abundance of appbnae, and the dancing 0< Utile 
Dal V created a perfect foror of well earaedpUndil*. 
Kext week bitof* Will U. Fox, Oeo. Evens. Com 
Houit,J.Aldrich Ubbey. Bbeffir and Bbtkcly, Lew 
Uloom, Wm. •nd Klule Uarbtok, and oihera of pio- 

Porilonate meni, thna giving promli* of anolborblg 

llAHiiiurxiM'a OiTMni.-nien/«-"Bxcetelor 
Jr." contlnaee at this house to good atlendanco. It 
began Feb. 10 lu twelfth week. Yvette Vlolelte re- 
placed Theresa Vaughn aa Deriha In tbe cast I and 
scored a bIL ne one bnudredlb performaaco of 
the piece wlUoccnr 17, and will be marked by the 
preaentaUon or toiivenln. Jfualc /MH-"Margaer- 
Its," a speclscolar opeia and ballet, In one set, 
words and mualo by Oscar llpmmersteln, wis pre- 
sented for tbe flnt time on any ttage Feb. id, at ibis 
reiort, before an audience that fllled tbe big aiidl- 
toiliim. Mr- Utmtneiatein selected for bis ihrme 
the old legend of "Fautt and Maigaerlie,"bulglves 
a new veislon of II. Ue pictures Fansi as a jonng. 
amlililont, but dUappototed artltt, who It wedded 
to Hargnerlte, and whose aim In life Is to palnta 

flolurs In Ihe nude which will make him famona. 
be opening icete of tbeoneiadlscoven Fansi lu hU 
studio, surronnded by evidence of his nnsnccenfiil 
efforts. Ue It indeipalr and laments his fate, when 
Mephltto appaari beiore him, and tella bim that bis 
dlMppolaimentle due to tbe lockot proper anbjecia 
to paut froia, and olTera toinpply nlmwlth ideal 
Biibjecl* wblcn «lll enable him tu execute works of 
an that will brlig blm fortune and famo, proiliilig 
Fauat will become "bis." Faust It aronicd from 
bis deHpondent mood, manlfeaia Inieteat for 
Hepblato's words, snd Is beedles* of tbe pntesta- 
tlons ot Margnulte and ber ipoiher, Manila, who 
have entered the elndlo and overheard ih) pro- 
poeed compact. Mephlsto, In order to conviace 
Fanat of nla lapeniatonl powers, prodecei a 
dmgonheaded itair, which, when In tbe bonds 
of Ifephlato or FansI, will conlnie ronb any 
onbject tor polnllog that may lie wlibed for, 
liut, ahould It fad lata the handa ot a 
pare weman like Marguerite, It wonld coojuro pic- 
tore* of a holy nature and desirpy the power of Me- 
phlsto. Margoertts. horrlQed at tbe awful danger 
of her busbaad, coatlnnes to tftj lo Fanst to re- 
turn front MepblMoand his lurtolo temptailons. 
Mephltto meanibUe waves the faiaglo stair, snd sa 
evidence of his power makes ploiores on tbe wall or 
tbe studio turn Into life. Faust,no longeraiileio 
reeltl Uepblato% alluring Indacemeuts, agrees to 
enter the compact. Tbe ecene Is tnnafonned to 
Uephlito's Bomncr home, "TUe Palace of Floweie," 
a place of daollng snironndlogt. Uere again Me- 
phlsto bflngi forth, with tbe aid of bis magio wand, 
a lertes of ptlnungs la whlcb the Onres take lite 
and execute r*ala*tlo dancea Noihwitbsttndlog 
all these conlnailous, Fanst ^xpicaaes dlsnu*- 
facUou and craves for tbo Ideal nude sohject. 
Marguenie appean on tbo scene, acrompaoled by 
Manba, and fonontly Implores Fanst to cait aside 
his mad purpose and Inclination to follow Hephlsio 
and return bomt with her. Tho latter, tesrlog tbat 
Hargnerlle'a pnyem will prevail and that be will 
lose a victim, pitparea to conluro the clluux of bis 
powers and bring forth to Fanst's vision theex- 
tnme In nndlir, when MatgneTlte nishe* towards 
blm, eelzes the dragon stsff frun his hands and 
wtvea It U> trlamph and pnyer. laatead of a node 

fialntlsg the interior of a grand eathednal la bioigbt 
n view, and the chanting of aa lavlilMecholrIa 
heatd oliglng lellgloua atralns to the occonipail- 
meat of a graod organ. Tbe apell Is broken, Ue- 
pbbuo, foiled, disappears, and a Joyous reuiloo of 
Wnst and Marsuetlta takes pisce amldtt soigaad 
general lejotoligs. Every fine la the piece Is put 
to music, and of necetflly tbtte bi muoh re- 
citative. Boiha or lbs numbeiB are rather pleasing, 
tbe bast probably being the waltz song, which was 
well tendeied b; Alice Rose, who aatumed the title 
role. The most Inurttilng portion of the perTorm- 
anoewBStbe gnnplnga and Ogunsor Ihe ballet, 
whlehweie presented In a novel manner. Qroups 
rcpieaenting "lbs Uuiaan," "Clrcna Uaictr*," 
"The Oooks and Oblmney Sweepa," "Uvbig Fott- 
en," "Tbe Wedding party," "Ibe Peaianis,"'The 
OHental Danceii" and vattona others appeared as 
tableaux Bist, and then In taniuiic dances, many 
ot wblob were new, and all were aitiacilve. The 
most loteroBtbig were "Tbe Circus Dancers," four 
lo number, and driven by a girl made np as a ring 
master. They executed a very prctb dance, 
coaslsiing ot their Imltatlug tbe steps ot horses 
pnncthg, UoUlng, galloplag, etc., and were re- 
ified. "Ibe llaaiara" wen also altraouve, but 
then It would tiave been dimculito eelect any Qgure 
ot the ballet Hut was not pnt'y; Tns cottumes 
were hand*one,and tbe eettrng or Ibe second scene 
vru gotseous. Uf Ibe four princlpsis Alice Ibiae 
carried ng the boncn. Toe oast : Hargueille, Alice 
Hose; Hailha. Marie Utandlt; Faust, Tuomaa Uvans 
Onene; Mepbhiio, Adolpb DAho-Fotenen. The olio 
which preceded "Margneriie" Included Sadie Al- 
fanbl, eqolllbitat, founh week; Uons. O'Cost, 
mlmlo.sevond week; Carl Uertz, magician, attliteil 
by Mile. D'Altoo, fourth week, and the Leaisy 
Troupe, aertallau, twelltb week. 

OAiirr TaiATaa.— This bouie Is again a bidder 
for metropolitan patronage, having been leased by 
John U. Uoru aid reopened 1 1 tbe puiillo on K ilnr- 
day nlgbl, Feb. a, as a vaudeville Ineislrc, giving a 
coiUnnous show from noon to u r. \Vbllsihe 
veitun may be conaldered by many as a bizsrdous 
undertaking, Judgtag from toe atandiiolni that the 
house hat never been a suooc**, s'lll 11 Is by no 
mcanaoenain bat that Ur. UorU' managcrtal ablll- 
iy will ultlmatrlr place tbe bouae on g paying bubi. 
The prloeaot admlsilonan Iweity^nd thirty ceuta, 
andeoatooupomaro given at theas rales. Blues 
Mr. Dorts aosoined pcaaesslon, hlmielf and a scorn 
or ironic aitlsis, upbolsteren, workmen, cleanen>, 
etc., have been at work night snd day on ihe stage 
and the litertor,and Ibelr egon* are very mgcb la 
evidence. Oonmendng with ibe eiage, then bos 
been furalahed so entirely new scenic outQi. Now 
upholsleilag, lailefol In tone and texture, greets the 
eye, while lirtRkt new raipeis, a pleiiilfol ute 
or palut, and, above all, a geueraus supply of 
•osp'aad water, whlcb -tbe occasion domaadbd, 
UW convened the Utile theatre Into a bright 
and obeerfol place of amusement. The pertonoere 
who appeaivd at tbe opeolug of the houae continue 
tbiaweek.snl an a* follow: Bios. Iilanil. Muan, 
LIUIan Oreeir, CanOeld and Oartelon, Haldwia end 
Daly, Hue. Pmo,ClaninSlaler«,8 swaitand OlHin, 
King Blaleta, Ilan7 Fenion, BIgnor IbKcl and INik 
Leggetl. Un-Feh-'IO Uarvy Wildam*, in bla Iramn 
act, waa added to tbla Hat. Tboae of tbe above 
wbo*e acta would permit of their app«aranco on 
Sunday, under the Law goveroing cueiuaws, etc., 
appeared lu Ihe Banday enienalunient, wblob be- 
gUa at mad endaat IIMD r:u. Tn« following were 
addad to the Sunday Mat: tjueen Glly Trio, llany 
Mootejhe Hates, Hattyne. Layman andTlmC'ro- 
nla. tbe opening, under the new management, 
waa an entire aueceta, and people were innedairay 
oo Sunday nlgbt. 
Cium.B II. Ilorrni, who baa gained an enrlable 

Kpulatlty In "Unuunile Fadden," at the Garden 
earn, was treated to an eojojabi* snrprlte by 
tbe nembera of hi* company, Feb. i. It wu hit 
Ihliiy-ihird blnhday, and In nonor of ihe occasion 
ihey pRecoicd him with a •olltalr* diamond ilng 
after tbecnrtaln bad fallen on thelaat act of the 

VtstMO^-'-The Mdy Slavey," which befan II* 
Beiropotltan csner al ibbi nonss lau week, he* 
been favonMy ftcelved and WUI probaMi make a 

8rARTnB.Tt..-"Tbe Warof W«ltl>.^» ««" «' 
melodiama of a seniallonal c'*"*"'' * J 
Incidents an! native types lor Ihe 
iwT was given II* inlilal meuopollbiti beailbB al 
!hto bonse "n F=b. lo, and, nnloss all signs fal , lu 
gnn eiUblUhment npon the pedeidal of suceemlsan 

Ltured thing. Chas. F. l>Moy Is It* •nl^Jf."" '? 
f.Hii* rau In the «eld of me odrema, and Ihe por- 
ttr5o"gbrt by btabaa yelded "-T 
SSfliftA At the Rojal Theatie, notion. Eng., on 
m.^ isJsVbit pli^ w«i played ror^^^^ 
bpon any ii«8». being acted at that tlme^elyhr 
roovilabi sutioies, and on Feb. 5j or tbe aamo 
;»'?TtsoriS3A™rtc.n producuou w^^^^ 
the Chestnut Street Opera Uouie, •'blltJIPh"'';- 
iKallogasltdoes with stirring and not always 
^ua"lelocldont«. and "I'P'e'I'f "'^.^'^Jf 
or existence In a more or less exaggerated >h'°ner. 
It raav readily be scon tbat no eevere teals of crlil- 
areuifoaflon iSy be put upon It, bullis cUlos 
SSeTognliInn are made only "^P?,?! 
Itscuts, snda8oivpresenuilvoof this cl«f» 
beionrdonbt enililed to a plaeo In 'b* '«"; 
mMt tank. One of the ncenes upon which 
panlcular slreas Is laid »bows » run on 
tno bank, and here tbe snthor has brought 
to bli afd every concelv«ble device lor ibtat- 
ilcal Bifect, nnd by their Judicious employment 
bat wrought a tcene ot exceeding mterot. 
A company of ranch merit bs» been enrol «l, 
and the staging of the piece has been liberal In 
every way. ibna Inauting a performance tbni leaves 
mylliUe to be desired." .\rs, IJprasn. as .Jjnford 
Farley, tbo villain of ibe etory. succeeded in making 
the chancier suniclonliy repulalve, and earnei 
considerable credit for keening bla ociing well 
within Ihe boiinda of naiutylnera. l*"™.'" 
Ilanley msdo tho role of John Warlleld 
iiuKe entertaining, and John B. Maher was 
uwlul as Flavins llamteo. Credit should 
also bo given Joseph Wbeelock for hU work as 
Robert Raymond, which wasachamcter that called 
no Utile natonl acting Into play. Followtog Is the 
cattlutnll: John Warheld, Uwrence Uaole;;iUnrord 
Farley, A. S.Llpmao; Major rinckney Polndexler, 
Tbos. A. Wlae; Phillip Korw'od, Uticolm Wlllbams; 
Robert Raymond, Joneph Wbeelock; Flavins Rem- 
SSI, John H. Maner; casslus. Ben Cotton, James 
Uodd, Fred Jerome; Police Oitlcer, Dariy Wllllaos; 
MMCDger boy, A. U. T.; Helen Raymond, Fanny 
Mclntyre; Harula Dudley, Madeline Uouloo; Ballle 
Worley, llel>e Biickllo; Uts. Worley, Uarloa A. Erie. 

IIuasB's Kiouru'K Ui'SEiii.-The new 
stage departure lo giving n drsina, which rnoa over 
an hour and la cast wllb iiulle compiteni people, is 
proving successltil here. Ths drams for ibis week 
IS enllQed "Uncle lletibon," and Is Inteipnted by 
the followlDg: R. A. Urollui, Chas. Itlcharda, Frunk 
Rcadlck, a. A. Buck, Florence U«ll, Usitle St. John 
and Uanil4 Katly. ThovAOdevlliepeoplearo: Bates 
and llitct, Vaude St. Aubrey. Frankly and Foster, 
and others Tbe mnaeuiu nail feature* fur this 
week are: I* of. It. I>. aisnton. bypnoUat; Fannio 
Uuidetio, midget snake chnrmcr; lilack Diamond, 
who claims lo have tbo biggerl human mouth on 
earth; Mile. Valleila, Jack knife iiueen.and ller- 
nun, strong myn. Uualness comluuee to tie excel- 

I'AUigR'a TnRATU.— This house was dark Feb. 
10, to pennll of Uual prepanilons for tlta production 
hy EJward Vroom of Coppee's "For tbo Crowo," 
announced tor tbe following evening. 

Ilnrlein.— At tbe ILirlein Op:r.i House, last 
weak, bualonia vaa rooI. Jamra A. Iteroo. In nU play, 
' BtMir* AcidV' opaoaU lo a rn>wd«d hon'e rah. 10, and 
ahooUdoTellallUie naak, abovloK iliat hU l-4is auy 
at a down toao hooaabaa la ao way atrdcltd hIa Htflaiii 
po^Urllr. Kext weak, Frank Uaalel^ la "Tha Wizard 

(^Li'MHi^.— "tb* Cotioa KlOE" did a big waak'a tiaal- 
naaa. cooaldaflDi; tba ireatliar. 'lluiaan H»ru" made 
a lowl hnpraailuQ at \v oiwoIdx lu It liaptayjaat 
auiied lor Uila liouM,aod aa 11 Ta HiUcomtiaoy'a drat 
llailem appaaraoce tbaj can c«unt oo dolD* a Rood 
buila**a Uie b«4t part of tbevMk. b'aic vetk, "The 
White EUta." 

Ot.YHFtr.— Tlia London Oalaty nlrla did their uaoal 
buitnaaa laal waak. Joe OfipaotiailDar'a finotaoular 
builaniue, "Zero," made lla nr.i Na* Vorb a|tp«armoea 
ACihlatioDfa lu. and waa grratad by a paakcd to tha 
duorahouia. "7.aro" daala widi an accantrlc Iriabmao, 
who loharltslmmaiifa wealth oa tha conditl&n that tia 
eiiaipan axpadlltoo to dad the Kortb Kula. Tba Arrt 
■caoe la laid In tha rteaptloo rouni or tba M. A. O. Roomt. 
wtian tliadlffarootnwaioeraoi tha companjr ara ttranao 
opportiiallr to dlaplay aoma alricaiit coatmnfa. Tha 
iMODd ac«o* la aboatd tba alilp Ziro, wbldi. by tba way, 
taooeof Ihe haalataita aatllnp, eaao at ihlitiooie thii 
aaaiao. AcoDc*rtiakaaplacaiiboanl,BlrIa*tli* lollow- 
lor vaudoTllla patrumian a chance lo duplay thair 
alillltr Id Uwlr rtapacUva liaea: Urraot and Clerar, 
In a clever aioglus torn; Pl»h and Quite, eecao- 
trie comadUna, who wrr* waU recaircd. Vaklo 
plMfed Willi hla prcallar act Maddan aad tjur- 
rao'a Irlah ilonloir aad talllog act made a big hit. 
Mnnroa Slatara Jo a cltvar looic and daaca tuni, aod 
wara tha rodplant* of f;r*at applaoae. t:baa lUnaa. In 
hta portraralot aaoM maid, vaa one of thahltaot tha 
coaipaDT. St. Flonoca Iul«a^d^ la her pretty daneloa 
apaclalty. rotltled '^a Uanca a la Phautai Uagorija," 
mad* Uiaaucewadirtliaareoinir. Savrial jirour narehaa 
ar* latrodnead during tha eraulng. The Udlaa ara 
pratly, illaplar flnerumii and baautirul coatuiaaaand tlia 
MaoeiTla Uiaflnait avaracan at Ibta boaaa. Tha coa. 
tuBiea vara dfalgacd and mada UDOar the aupenlajon of 
H. Ploraoca Kdaanla. aail tvllfct great credit. To* com- 
F«ay BiiouU couia near brrahlng tha record, a* U la ooo 
ortbahaat ahowa pUylog thia bouaa. Naki week, iha 
Ro^ lllll Co. 

UiRLaM MtaiuM -Crowded liou'ei at avary porfom. 
aoca la tlia rapurt ur Hauagar Sinitb. alw Ibat Dualoaa* 
waa oaf ar belter Iq tbahliiorvorhliiiiaaacenieot. The 
fallowlo* ara tlia Dew ricaa ihia waak: Cel. tneaan and 
Jennta Honon, NalUa Parker, Bobby l^laUa aivl Jeflle 
BallDa, DATii Whittly, Joo. J. and Ploraacolfnrrar,<:haa. 
WallaoO, tvbala Oil Uua aod LItila Uoaday, Ctrnm. 
Flatcbar. EddleTboraaadthaCalp BroL' V:auDa Band 
aad Orehaatia. 

Exriaa-Joaeph Harohy la th* panlculir lur il„. 
«l*k. lla brioga wllb hbi UiM* In time lrl».lTii.| n n 
i>oi«l*riliaa»aa,'flhaoa Bha*-'aad "ganr Ho..' 2," 
upoDiDa honaa wa* lari*. "tlia roll la glo|" I7.|i 

OAvrrr.— f at«r F. Uallay la lien-wliii "im ),:,^, 
nark" ibia saak. The alu ol Um aud lane* which ct»M 
hiDiO ahowabehaamaorrarnliaiilolbUMreiir uJ.V 
Doneally aad Olimld wlU brlag 'The HaliiDak'ra'' 
bar* 17. . _ 

Laic ATasoK AciDi«r.-"Dr. Dill • la ravlred iiil>»>,b 
with Baatoa daraaUiail lo III • title role and Agoia li, rn 
doo aa Mra. Ilorua. Tbe atoek oooipaar eauy tiia i.iinr 
chaiadera. Tnera vaa a fair alxeboaaaprit^ent It) Tha 
uodarlloe aoat weak la not aa yet ana.iaac«il 

AHSaicaT— 'The Private Racrstary" la pmaan'M i„. 
caoipaay lorlodin? J. W. Bsoaaon Jr. Oao I'lrkaM 
VorbfiCoitla, HIcliud Rharoan, Ue'aa OatIi. dariroda' 
8<aadwo<d. Uia. UarrE. Bankaon. Hr<.I)oibaru,l M,' 
Iliila. TliaiiMnlngliMrawaaof (oirirmml proi«ni™,i: 
•■Landol IhaMldofght Ban" la tha fallowlDiraitractino 

Ltoio* — N. B Wood oaena to hSTS a araalfoodiKn 
for tbla tiraae. Ilahaaaoaoaaced aeretBrilmailiialtKi 
engagirMot, but hla ropnlarlty liaa aiown wlili puph 
rapid Btrtdoilltat ha bat coolloued oo. Tlila mt*k ili* 
aioek coaipaar aopport him lo "lb* Orphana of Ke* 
Torb." "Jack ebarranl" week of to. 

Ultloua—Tharonna* crowded hou'c prwieotlo wbro 
tba Wation diatara' r:o. baaao a veoh'a atwy. a ona act 
akil, •««llog* Daya,'' rprxct *« a velilele to latrnlll^c 
tlip people. The oiin la fiimlabed liy Thaa, Rnoiei^ii it,. 
Ilvaui^ Lo^lT And Ilaalay. Wlllard aad Dro*n. il,« 
VllJocaR. the walaoD Blaterw and JunYDe 7.Hinnrm. Tli.. 
Freoca folly BorlaMiiio C" will bo hero voakof 17. 

NOTIH -Nearly all the arrugaiaenla for lha IwariU 
matinee lor Hi* Brooklyn Maiaretty Uoaphal lura b<,D 
cAnDltlid. The perfonnane* will be gtran at tlia Oilun,. 
bla Tkaatn Tbaraday anaronon. Feo. 77. Tba llai ,.| 
voluoleara alraady laelodca Otia llartaa,Agaei Booil, 
YvatU Vlolatta, W. B. HcOalre, aeon:* r. Miloaaad il,i 

r|ipp*r <aartf t The grand ope a, '^Carmao.'' will ba 

gIveulS lAoopoPaollolaod an I'alhiB omaiaur Ota 

matloCAWlll praaaat "Itanlal" II, at iha Athao;t.-aiii 

AO uouauallv atronl bill haa baao prepira,! fur 

nait Suadar olght at tba B Jou, locluiling Bannn 
Hanoh, Jaok Maaoo and othar^....!!. A.WItley,ayouoL' 
tnao Ovonbly known In Ea^-ere Dtalrlet tJi>atrWa, Im^ 
aueceadad totliaaaatatAottnaaureiHbipot tlie aoii<IiIoii. 

Albany.— Tbe LalaodOpcra Ilonte offered "The 
OrVAC Diamond Rohbavy" Fab. S-S, lor loor parfomj. 
aaea*. whlcb complataly packed Ihe boaaa. "ANighfa 
Frolic^ waa praaeolad 10 a goodatiadaadlancae. Ilm 
ramaladar nl the weak Cbaa. A. ilannar appaarrtl in 
"the Prii* Winner" aod "Palbarland." to cxcvlkot ho-i. 
naaa. -'Uasda Acroaa lha Baa" com^a It, It *Tbo Prrdi- 
lal Father" IX Howard AUiaoa'um Oo- It. lA. Haoaanr 
FTF rroftor baa booked tba lollowlox specialty paopla 
forlTaxid weak: Jula* Levy, Bonnla Tboratoa Wat-on 
aod uotctaiDgB. Ctvtac l/irlogand Laalla. Oeo. Tliatcb^r. 
Biatarj Beaninont, Parroll and tllodea, and Kay Varnoa. 

BaRHiaca BLllCKBn Uau. held * very targe aadlaoca 
U wbanAlhaaJ appealed locoocart, togaiher wlih Mi,a 
Vao Der Veer OraaD. oontralto: Mr. RAlanhia. Inrttnoa: 
Mr. PniaBe, vlollnbit, acd Mooa. Radacuf . nollit. "Too 
Hucta Johoaon" waa given li aad a houea oruwd*ri in th« 
door* enjlied tba play. "Tha K«tal Cant" comat 10. II, 
"A MlllTwhlu Flag" 13. IX LIUIan Ruuall U, -Hia Kaw 
Bo}" 15. Damroaeh Oennan Open Cemfmay l\ Poller- 

JlRHAiH UALLheU * large and appraclallrsaudlcDi-a 
3, whaa OartiuJa May Btelu aaog la coocerL 

OOD PlLl-ovH* HAtu— Praf Wm. Wlodaor, plirenolj. 
■Ut. CDDilonea opoUiar week. 

TuKQiiart TuvATRa bad a pioaparoat vaok wliii ' Tlie 
White arniok" t)o. Haxrr Morvla' Twantlalli Caotury 
Mahlaeoaie 10 aod week. 


Brooklyn.— Qood atlncilons sn piesented at 
tha varloui houiea thIa week, and ahoahl prove winoera 
forlha aeveial uinagaia. The Sioday nlgbt eoncerta 
have haaa vail patrooliad eraraloca their recant loauga. 
lalloa la thb city. Bonla' Band raodared aama choice 
aaleetlooa at tha Uoalauk. while tha rololitavare Hma. 
IrfMlaa Linden. Mlaaaa HarlaJ. tVi.hniao aod MartbaU. 
Mlaer. The cniaf featoip or Buodiynlght'a eotarlala. 
neotatllia BiJou wai Alleefihaw. ihawhlitlar: maale 
Scholt waa aUo wall raoelred. Othera oa lha bill wara 
Al. Wllaon, ror*Bt(;bao*y, Mumy Brotharo. June Read 
and Italen Lauiaoo. Tna Bur gave Ita Orat Banday 
nIghl'BOntatuloiaaat Feb. 0, when tha r.illoalog paopla 
appaaiad; up 10 dale aooga; MewaboyQnln. 
tat, Win Fox, Dalooor aod bebrimoar, laodarvd aavaral 
French duata; Qordoo and Rlcb, lu roaaical aol, aod 0. 
A. DuDcao, vantrlliKialBt. 

O0Luanu.-"An AcUu'a ModaP' la lha attraolhn hare 
thb waa*. and waaaatn for lha nrit lime lo thIa elty Feb. 
10, by a large audleoc*. Tha place promlaaa ta do wall 
duriug lu brief aiay liere. Mario Sladbolma aaog aad 
daacid well aod w.\aglveaBeTeraloacor*a. FradWrlglit, 
Jr. waa axreaalTaly droll and made 'lUluabIL Percy tilr Ueonia 81. Alb lo. waa eacellanL NaUle 
Blewail, who pU)oJ lha modal; JnhoOoaiea,bBrli,rer 
aodoiliaraln Uiacaat veragooa. Theaudlaocawaaaa- 
tbUBlAMle, an* many eneoraa were ilvoo duriOK tha per- 
foraiaaca. *-Uma. Bibb Oeaa" did wall lait week. Olga 
Hatbaraote.Jn "l^arnien," U tha oamlog atltactloa. 

Pahk — Xaoagar Knnwira haa ror hla atlrmctloo Uita 
weak "Tha Pawing Show," whlcb wnt wiuaaied by* 
lirge audtan^ III, when It bagao luaogagaaiaat her*. 
Miua Ithea.aa' No.l llwynDa"aU4l"Joaaehlae,Enipt«aaor 
lb* Fraach," met with rifcaaa la«t week. Neat wcak'a 
aiuaedoo wlU b* l!.E.RIea'B Barlaaque Co.ln'LllU* 

BIJOU — -rhrllby," llarlian and roirnei'* hrlibt bur- 
laaqu*. la Uaoogar Harry 0. Kenoedy'a atiractloa tbla 
weak. It w,.a produced for tha drat llina In Uila city 111 
with tha oriilaalB-eaarTandeoalamea,** aien at lha 
flarrtok rhaatre la Naw York. Tha large aadllorlam waa 
dlleil toltautonal capiclty. aod tbe plecawu llberaltr 
appUudrd. Amelia lUone, la tha part of Lhlla wjllleL 
reodeKd the ioiig In the aacnad act aildrataed loThrllbr 
wrh eicelMot afreet. RoLAltluB.aaBpagbaul,waa vary 
amaaleg. Uarrle I'urklna, aa Tlirtlby. aod Lonin Waaler, 
aa J..cko. raeelTffd ninch applause. Blare Brodia, bl ' ()o 
ihanowary."pU|(d to big houaea lut weak. Thaooni. 
lis attraction will ba "Down la Dixie." 

OOAXO Of*BA Uoi'ai--Biatl No. 7' la Hta aUnctlon 
Haaagar Fraak KlhOiola haB'orhlauaireiia Ibla weak, 
aad It waa Itia maani or Olllog Ihia Bpaclona bonne 10. 
'*^''.'!f ^ "'1.'' -taw Boy" draw la-joaudbineaa. Nail 
weak ulBai niijar*U, la "The FouadUng," wlu h* Uia 
atlimcllnii bei*. 

Mo.'«TACK.— "The Wluid or tha Nile," gmtlh aad Der 
ben'a comie open. In tbe attraclluo hare IhiB weak, and 
waa frcalvetl by a Itraa and appnclallr* aadlcoc* 10. 
Tha etory U aa uouauallr aiouBlng oae. aed the plvca la 
liaodaomely mottolad. Ur. ObdIbU* characlariaation of 
alianip luaalclan wai very aotettalnioff, aad waa ae. 
canted liberal applania. Julia Marloaa Talier and Rob. 
eitTabfrntetwithauecawi liera laat weak. Thoaextat- 
Iractliiowlll ba lloTra'-ATrlptoChloalowa." 

Braa.— Wrbar'a ulympla, a burieBi|Ua conpiayoawto 
Uiliclty. made Ita drBl appeAraoca liaralntw,i perrjim. 
ancea ta b«r>ira a large aadleace. Ilia laadioa bnr- 
laaiiaarorihaontanlutloa la Latta Meradllh, bruBrtrot 
"the Diaoh Ciwih." Olliera on llio tilll are LaClalr and 
Lerlle. Rla]iB,aQ eleclrlr arad«nter;ThomaaBod Uolno. 
miiiiedy aSaldi latoi ; D..I Davaapor^ Mlla. t-'atrla, Harrr 
llAJtlnta aod oihera Tlie campanr glt«i aa eparetia 
called "Til* Nauihly Dutchata." aad a burlarnua called 
'-I'aooaJrj'' In which llBiri LeallaplayaTillhy. 

IIVDS a saHHaK'K— Tlieroanagamenl preaanta oae of 
the iBpal aUborata bllla aaan hrra thIa Baajon lo the 
''Hfloora." Two rartonnhncea war* vlvfo before crowded 
houBOvoo Peb 10. The I, U la htaded l,y PitronandBinL 
In * Woman va. Mao." oihera are; The Ualbam City 
tjaartal, Vaa Auhan. Mcl'ha* and lllll, on tha horlionial 
tiira; tho Malnpolllao Three, Nellie Mcflnire, chaiaclar 
Bloiwrand chaag* aniBt: tha UaibaekB. Janlan and 
coolonlooliu: Dridro Bnd I'alg*, lu acomedr Bklt. *Bd 
t^pball aad tUulflcU, Iriib comedlaaa. 

ftAaralax — Thai Jolly ritnvaaaaB, "Lllll* Chtlalo. 
ar," drew an aedleoce bare lu thai ftllcd tba houv. 
a lodleatlona ara thai It will play a moit proBtabla aa. 
gagamaoL "Ihaaopairr'aaakolt;. 

BalTalo.— At Ibe Star Tbeain John Hare anil 
"Bob K07" divide weak of fab 10, laapaclirily. ".\ 
HIU Whitt PUg-' 17-19. -Tnlby" JO-M. Uaalard a 
Bpaoear'a Co. oare shakaapareaa pUya In a very aailrt- 
factor} manoar, 10 good baaloa-a. 

■TDSIO Hall— JoB«gy eppaar* at lb* a*xtBioiphooy 
OrchrBtra concert 20. DimroaehOperaCo.ll-». 

Lvcit'a TllBATRS— Routh B«loi« the tVar'' la lliii 
waelc'a bUL "Toe Naw Boy" next week. "Darfcant 
HoBalA" ioBlalned Itadravlncraualltle*. 

OouaT^ssTTooaTal— flaida A- Haaaoo'a Drawing 
Car'*. to ba'aiieceaded 17 aod week by ttamT.Jaek'rt 
"My Undo." Morrla A WooJbuir* "rwentlelli t^ntory 
UaMa" broke tije entire vaudaTllle rocorl of thlahoaBe 
la^t week, babdrade halog toned away nigbtty and iwt- 
rona heleg obllaad 10 alaad at the tnatraeea. 

BliKi'aMraio Oali. —Tbla vaeh'a Hat U; The DowDte^ 
DaPoreslHIaleraBleBrrled, UavtUmpbMll, Wm.O'Daa, 
Victoria B-UUe, the BortonaaBd Mario F*noa. 

Rorlieater— At tbe Lyceum IjUllan KobkII. lu 
"The Qnud Duelieaa." began a three alghu' auy Peb. 
lt\ to be followed hy John Hare, hi rapenoty. for the ta*t 
hall or tho week "Tha Paaalng Bbow" dhl veil 1.:.. 
"Hob Ro;" cornea 17. IS, Pouar-Bellew Co. 19, a 

Cool UP*Ki HOD**— Bmlly Baockar. In'OjrPlat." 
waa pat 00 10, to remain for three olghta, "Tbe Qiejt 
Broibiyo Handicap" eoolag IS ror th*r*Biof toe week. 
"Sooth Bafora tit* WaT"lelta. playlagtohig laialoeiu,. 
Aaoounrad for 17-19, "D*rii*al RaB«la;"a>-U,Joiapb Uti. 

TiiK ACADuiY OP Uceiu eurtod th* w**h with trior 
enoe Bloatey, lo -The Pay Train," forth* first half of tha 
weak, asd "Th* Capuln'a Mate'' for th* Ual bait. The 
Rofl* UiD Eiallah Folly Ca did a large bualoaaa laat 
week. Usderllaed for week of 17, Edwm Foraberg, lo 

Wo.'^oOBLAHO THiATHa annoaacaa tha foUowlog peopla 
for ihbi weak; Tbe Four Laaaarda, Carr aad Jordan, 
KennarJ Broa. Mr. and lira. Anhor 0. BMmoa, Bartand 
and Ralliaioo, and Barry and Blla Oray. 

Srracata —At Wlellng Opera House "Tbe PAs- 
log Shoo" dU wall Feb. C. Conroy and Pox, la 'tyPlar- 
Iry^a Vaeatloa," came to ia«dlnni bualneaa 7, 8 Dan 
Darlaliband A company oramal*oi^UpraaaDt"lB OU 
Maloa'U. Umlly Baockar, In "OarVlal,''!!, IS. 

BisrAOLa TnKATaa-43adrle«k, viollalat, did wall 
Kellaroasi*l*goo<lall*adBaca7.8 "My nlfa'a Frl*nd'' 
10. II. Lllllaa Rnaasll OPM* Co. U. John Hon 10.^ _ „ 

U. B Jicona' TuaAVaa-'TiwBjoth Safon iba war" 
earn* lo a R. u. M. "IM Danlat" hid larma boalnati 
64. Tbe Boaloa Bowarl Athaacnm Co. tO^XChaa A. 
Uaidnar, bi "The Prix* Wliaei" aod - FaUiacUad," ll-ir., 

Blaghamton,— At Stone Opeia House Andrew 
Mack, Id "Mylaa Aroon." p'a*e*d a Ihlr *li*d aadlanca 
Peb.S. *Trliby'' drew larie hnalaaa* & <^nen>lou 
opened *wcek'**ogagamantlO. 

Bijuo TUOAT**.— Arlbur Rhlmali. In "A 8omro*r 

Btaower,"did good boaloaaa 9.3. "Tb* IMrby Maacoi" 

eve eirtltaol aallaiaelloa to big traaloaaaM. Una: J. 
Toole. In "glllaraeyaad lh*Rbln^'■ U-U: 'Ik* Train 

Wi«ekar«" IS-lft. iheeotlra rocalpla of which will b* do. 
natad by Uaaager renyreaBy lo be dlatrlhulad amoo* 
tho pcorof tba city. The Uoiau are Bold by the local 

Troy.— At tbe Ortiwold Opera Ilonee good 
bonaei greeted "Cooa Dolhiw" Fab. 9. 4. John 'J. Barko, 
la "The Doctor." had a lair houae S. **lhe Giaat Dia- 
mond nabhery" packed me hoaae S-B. **A Ullk White 
Fbm" eo*ii> 14, Jy . 

Rixo's OrihA nocts —William niUett*. lo "Too Mcch 
Johoaon," DAOkad tba hoof*. "Tb* Paial Card" cornea 12. 

Oaiity TnlATRB— Flald* A B*naoo*a DrawlagCarda 
playad co big bualaau all laat week. '-Tb* a'hItaOiook" 
can* k), for w*«k^ 

nevpkarg.^At Ibe Academy or Music Wllllsni 
aill«ue and lila exc*llant company w*ie accorded a royal 
wat'olae Jan. KLln "Too Mueb JohoaoB." Olga Na:h«r- 
■oleladuell. 'Tbe Fatal Card" waa well eeealved 4. aoft 
"Cnarleya Anal" dU fairly waU 7. "Tba GOI Parialaaa ' 
comae 17. ploylog uadar lb* aaipfcaa of llndaaa River 
CunimuMerr. No. .V. Knlghu Templar. Jeeale Shay will 

fdve a plAOO reclul II. WalU'a CovMdr Oo. ll uadar 
Inad tor a two waeka'aogagemenr, beglnnloggij 
Blrnlra. — At the Lyceum Tbealre Wane's 
Comedy Co. ebMad a two waaka' etay Fab. R. Boeloea^ 
waa Inaana*. 'Trilby" wa* th* attiwcilon 10 Kalla 
Roonay.lo "Tb»D*rbyllaacot,"camall. gallar Udue 

IS 6l Jama*' Ball ama'aor rolnalfwlealartalamaal. 

under lliB auperrlaleo ol Daa Qabllan, U. 

Ullea,— At the UUoa Open Houae "Bowing the 
Wlod," Fab. 9. aad "Ihe Paialog Show," g ware tha only 
attnotloaa loBI weak, and holb did well. Dated : Oharlea 
A. Qanlner, la 'rna Prila Wloner." II: "The FWal 
nuiV' a, ■Ttie Damlai" It, "Flaaton" OpemOo. (loc*l) 

OeBara,— Al Bmltb's OpeiaHonss Joshns Blmp- 
kloB cauiB to fair hnBloaaa Fab. a Ojo MoCail/. In 
"(^iBkeao Lawn,*: played to good buaUl**a 4. g*llar 
com** II, Bmlly Raaekar. lo'*OarFlaL"ia,"IbeIlazilBr" 
17, "The hlver Klag" tl. Col Iog*noll 31 


Pottland,— At ths Maninam Orand EMS Rtaler 
played to fair bniln«u Jan.17,19. preaanUag''Camllbi ' 
aod "Aa Vou Like IL" Thomaa W. E**n* wo* l**n ^ 
Fab. I, li "Louie .VI." "BlehaUan" and "Rkbald III." 
Boalnea* vaa fair, gatle PnUiAm opaaad 9. In 'The Old 
Lime (lla." Marie Walawilght conae "In Old Han 
tnehy" lO-tl, tbeOarlauin Dpeia Oompany It, 19, and the 
Frawlav Stock CoBpaoyir-n 

Coataar'a Tiieava*.— "Th* D*rv«tt Moon" vu pm- 
H*nt«dbylh* Baaoe Htoek Company weak of Jan. >7. to 
ralrbnllseaa. 'Tb* Fair Rabal'' w** pnl on Feb. B, and 
"CnrraalCuh" win lollo* lOi 

, WoieDaaLASD -BInlle lloirla, Jolla Wlookell, Ml* 
l.unon. Pranhle Orettoo, NeUl* lomom. May Mlaer, 
<:atTlDlTlechnli,Oaul* Lamor*, MynJ* Fomon, Bddl* 
DavlB, Cha*. Ollddao, Ben Tan niave. 

AmiioiH-Badl* nawar, Zd. Bb>adall. Blonab* La- 
nioot, L«ea Bailer, AIM* Bailey, LIbhl* BloadaU 

Loovni.— Th* Loovr* lady Orcb«*li«. _ _ 

coimAi. Mcaio Rail aho TaoATSs.— Ella nail, 
Laxon E'h«lCllnoaWaa|y. 

MaWlun Haiuu.of Uia Maronam Oiaad, eatam*-! 
lailwa*Kiyomatrlpto8aaPv*ael*co,B>adaferlba par* 
pofeof DBkiog arT*as*ni*al* whieb wlu l*ad to th* 
halldlSR of a th*»ln to ba eootioUed by bin In thu city. 
Tha localloo baa aot baea anally d*uimlB*d apon *b 
f M. bat Mr. Daltlg Ml* eonDdanl tbu tha plan (111 b« a 


Salt Uthe Clty^'Slobe" bi Ihe onrisnt bill 
atlhaOeand and btdnvlagietU. Gao. Bdeaon la win. 
Blag taarala In Iba tola of P*t*r Amaa* Daon, which b* 
plaiadlBtb*oriilaAlpnidaelIonor"Mlohe." "Oar*," a 
BOllllair conedy. drew wall v**k ol Jon. 17. 

LlcauM— "A Uuitmenlat Mtu" de«w fair boalnaaa 
isaak e( Jia. n. Cwnwal, "lb* Frlog* of Boo-'oty." 

Salt Una TnaAVna- Pt*d*rlekwaid*. la npaetaiT. 
Fob. M. pal lUr baalaaaa. Mr. Ward* l**tae«d on 
"TbaOaaalaDrama'' aiuraooo or 1^ to a l*enbea*a. 
BOa Bbalar 10^ It, JtoMa OMaiD iU/.Tavary OpaiaOs, 



Variety and Minstf cisy 

TBI "WBin <}aooV* ExTBLTAUAtizk Oo. kceps 
iiiorUiff ftloof in Itt* iTea tenor of lu Wfty. ssjb our 
lofonittnt HftDBgvr BaiH bu two coiDp«ntea oo 
tbe iMd At pnatDt,UKl Dnl«88 BllAirmfall ooxi 
Muon will MB Qader Us ^Idance ftt icui foor 
orgftomtlooi) tU of tb« apeouculAT order. 
TBI nKVtvmsanplAjlDft tbo UatIi circntt. 
M. WmuiK A Mm eelfttntlDR lb* l«nib unu 
TM^ifT <^ muBM pulili^lDC btitlntiu. For Uiit 

ooBtwr of jwi« tfte7 btv* b«en Ivtoinv Mitaucoeurul 
tosf tftor 4D0lMr, or»»iQR npoo the productlooi of 
tb« MA feaovn «faUK>n of iht United Ftut««, u well m 
HofUwl. Parisc thu time titer h&T« ilrMdr locreued 
the KOp* of tlielr bctineM nUtloD*. Iiava uede mnv 
rrieiHli Id tbe prefcetloD, utf bftre e«ub)(«li«a a repatft* 
tloa lorbelnf ip • poeliioo to fbniltb &)) uru of hodil 
HilAble for erery ^Ule of e(jic«r. To Uiorwihly com- 
iDMiontetbU ^cttflloo, (bey tanoDDcethne ImMrtut 
chtoeet la tbetr bmlntit*. Tbe premleoi tdjolalor 
tbelr old oUnl. at Al Wot TweDiy tlaliih 8:r*tt, New 
Yoiki bare beta Mcand. naklor loelr addreiu o 
uh] u beraafler., IMa hai ODihled itain to teo> 
der to tbeir tomnloe prafMilooal frlenja thA ni*o 
nr a nutovt tod freUappolaied parlor, where tber will 
ili^ erery Ciolllir for confort dorloK Uuir bulaeiu 
vidiA. OulcAjto will bave tbo Wp«iern bnndi of the 
hoaae,ror ibe.coBTenlooceor thoee playlof In ttutvl- 
■ lotiy. and vbo an iliua viableJ lo wonre Witmark'n 
wiM-eatlooivt abort aoilee. M Bloom«IUbav«dbarti> 
wrt)ilieitabllflbinent,«Qd Pm«k H. Wltmnrk, uaeof the 
' bofH," will I** hU able n(il*iaai. T«te|iU(me Cfiaooj- 
ilooa UT» Men futaWUhed wiDi ihefv ••inc?*, «)il-li are 
|.>tal»d Id llififlrhlllorBulUlDf. Cordial inillallimM n-e 
eiieedel to thuiiintl pcnitlo to nialu the Wltmark 
nflkwtibAlrliM'ttiiuricr* la I>aiIi clilf, 

Curr (JllAirrwTitea ibat he baa aecared Flfoa A 
flberidaa'a oonuMQlefland maor noTe airou aumetlnni 
rvr tbe ffew Veople'i Ttttalre, UaocbMttr«H. II., wbidi 
he Btaiei opeat Match . ^ . 

MiMOiaeuv T.JiCKwIrei fTom Detroit, Mlch^ thai 
his "Adamleae ffidni" Co. baa beea toralDv people awa* 
alfloe their opeoloitallbe mitlnee. Fekw at CaiopbeU'a 
TMaira,lnthurlir. ^ 
WiuiB ftuiira iifo Biaroi Ricci ant (nlnlafeietl- 

leoi baidwar «lta iheir Teralnn o( '-Pyioiallon ted 
citktea," whieh laaa '-^ ■ 


I orlRlsal trartatr nfiA operatic Id 

UsAixar Ruaa Lorn a ewxv haT« eiublUhed 
tbeouelree ai Cripple OrMk.OoL.vbere Mr. Heeie liaa 
takea tbe taaaajieaeot orilie New Topic Ttaiaire. 

BiKOii BmiKBUHP. ibe LoDdoo, Boir., maak halt per- 
foroMr, who bem anlt lo tbe LoixtoQ ooaru for a brcadi 
ofproinlae aialaR Uw IIud. Oedler Ckarchlll Uijorl- 
btffti, eldttt KNi a( BatoD TweedDODlh, of the Arnrle 
aod BaibtrlaDd nifbland^rt. for £ti.UO daroa>e», baa 
wIlbdTmwB Iter igltaod (be eaae baa bees Milled oot of 
court for £5SDi. _ 

Borraa or lloviu n ffiw yoRi Viudivili.i Co —Tbe 
Ooibfaiii, Fraok and UttUe, arnbiiiio (oueOr Hketc^: 
Ifeae Belnoot. Tiplln sad miadolln loioht; Kiaie Uart, 
aerlo conilo ami cbaomact; Prof, llowaid. blub cUaa 
nagloUo, latrodoclDB nurel tricke oi mailc, wlib K A. 
Uanlaad. naoaiter. 

Joh:< /. Hvuv, Uta BaUr ami Dovntr. aad Wm. 
OaUaiiber, UteUalliffhtraiid Qrlino. bev« Joined baoda. 

Kom or W.-fl cuviuiiD'a MiMnrnitiii -We are tour 
lOKtbieajtbtheNewBoglaDd Bwieii to IsrE* bmloeat. 
oruoMatanloRpeepfo aw«f. a Tirr nd ucldaot oc- 
corred rooroug of Feb-'S, cutlnit a ■loon orertbe ea- 
lira compaaj. A naaiber of Hie PIciaDluDj Band went 
»kailDC,aodooe of the number broke threuab aad waa 
Jnwned. Geo. fiballoa, aoolher member or ihebiad, 
bad a Ttrr nanov eaeape from dinvolOR la irflloB to 
leeeaa Aruar Bureaaa, aie taclre jreara, who waa 
d OTsed. 

aoukOxii Urepoit«d tA ba doloir reU lo her mow- 
ball aerpeotlae daoce,wlib arctic etfectAin Fred Ban- 
ooft'a MafloBatartalniDeoL 

BAHiasr bu l*fk the MlRht Oala Oo. to Jola Ilorl'* "A 

MrrcRiLL iiiD JBSve fllllos a nteclaleannrnf nt ihU 
week with tbe Might Oeb Co. ae HIoer'B Bofrerr Theatre, 
New Vork. 

J. Pfloira, of Ptaol'oPInaed, will re lam to BoelftDd at 
Ibe eloaa or bli two vceka' eotannieat In New York. 

BauiTDvIllBalirorBoglaad Feb 19. at the eloae nf in 
•>|kt waeka* engammeat at Coeur A BItl a. Mew York, 
lie will retora to Africa aeit Bommtr. 

Tut noR. M. Bovera Kualo Conpanr. who puUlah tbe 
Mthetio Jqrenlla ung. "Mobodr WaeU to Flay With 
He."«rlt*: ''ttia alreadFooJorlot a (ilteDomenataaie: 
Ipfaor, itU Bboucallwe eudoto^aep eoplea loatocb, 
the demaad li So graat An i for ail thia we giTeTiia 
Cuppaa ortdlt. YoarolrculaUoo nantlieblg. Yon will 
hearfroiDiiaaAla looo." 

niBAUTuwpiwMlRojnl Yokohama Japaaefo Jag 
glen folDMl 8a)B Deiera's Own Co. Fak 17. for the re- 
iMladeroftbli nuoa 

, Magiotft Bimi lfcCLii.Y and wife. Frmak Sduoo. 
Hearr Wlnfred aad Little Jobnor. of the "Buwaoee 
Rlrer^' Co., wen gnefta of York Aodemoa and wife laat 

LBiisiKoaim,«atUeck A Arerr'a 
He* Maaevnu CtneltuaU. O.^thlH week. 

aniFT WiuiiJuand ueo. WoodahaTO a«parated. Mr. 
wlilUma Ik maaager ot iho Ridivood llouie. Beaton. 
Maia.,«iid Mr. Wood will workaloae. 

Tauk^ butnownlalUt, haa Joined tbe "Zero" Com- 

^'im P. Km aaJ'a for BafrUnJ P«b. U. 

Boamcrmu sooraiu Covidt jiirD8PSCtAf.TT To.: 
Bd.U. Naicraaoaior; P. M. Torn, tnaaater; Prof.Jaa. 
Bernnaa. le^'ltr of orcta^ttra; Prof. B. 1. Olnmberis 
leaderof band: Lor H.C appaa, CIioh. MrCuilam. Eddio 
McDade, Dan McDade. Ed. Maaee. Uart McQrady, Alice 
Uaotlnrftno. Maude Towoaood and Lliile Mal>te. 

8ioo Bbodaldi. or Mack and Brndaldt, In r^corerlng 
i*^.* IV*!* lllDeML haTlog been rtcenUy coofloed to a 
b«Rpl'al lo HmoeepollH, Man. 

In ■aii.'m niR riXiL divi from tlia domeof B. P. 
Kettb'e Bocton Theatre, altoraoen of Feb. 10, UIa, ol 
If!!***"* ^'M^l* ud Lenik blled to calcolaie ih« 
dramee,and«ODa*qneoUr aha landed upoa her bead, 
and It la feared tbat the raaaU may be aerlooa. Pro- 
prietor Veltb la dolDg all Uiat can be dnoe for tbe na- 
rortnoate performer. 

KtLiT Alio Ida Biktua hare returned to Mew 
X?*!^*^ Pltfliig a tveaty fourweebi*eagEcemeocat 
the Pfeopla'a neatn, Bhebo7g«D,WI«..vbenlIr. Kelly 
waa stage maaager. 

jpavi TaioT, biR ahoe dancer. la rerr alck at Br. 
BlEabetb'a UoapltaT Dkrlon, 0. 

MiM Bipu. uf MerrisHy and Bleb, la nloglat '*Ihe 
paacon Waat AMny* ud making It -go'^moft ef- 

WoodrrUatl Huaea tod Theatre, 
nttaOeld, Mm -Carlo UalliDexiar. Frof. £»«N Dell- 
van, Anhar B. Senuour. Stage: Hahle Blajoa, the Pat- 

uu Plan and Maok, and Bealtog and Uarrla At the 

CmboneTbaatia, llaaoulo. Mod.: -FueayLltUe Polke. ' 
.X ^^n^ &.Uiad and atoek coainiy: ^paobdUei by 
Onoa Bovaid. £a* Bantoona. Plor Freeman. Miller aad 
RaaaelL Ada Worroa. Annie Beed.MayLIUtao.-ABculp- 
loraDiieauBa" by Load and atook coidmbf. and mualcal 

■iMBMtf br Pror.JakeBcblller Ittackei^aParler 

?>aatnk.Bpiiagt«ld. Maea.: Harle Olnrd. Keoyon and 
Enaa, rrttF Smith, Meablt Dao, Jaa. W THompioD and 

Johaand LoalnTllU At tbe Warwick Tbaaira. .Sew- 

(fit VamLja. : Howard Slotar^ Comer Rrookea, Paddy 
Mabar, ICIOf HDIar, Joale Debow, Nellie Monroe. Bertha 
JTobaaon, Bad[« Baada. BUly Mahono, JoIiq Mack. P. J. 
OfrritF, BlUy namUtoo. Ion Pbyd. BtelU CUtTotd, 
Oaicr Bwagci, Tern Gorman aad ChulexJaeke 

AtLaafFTOemTb«at<«,Ba*peDalon Bridge. M. T.:Mlo- 
BteKeDnedy.Heirord aad Lamar. Maid L% Card. Weat 
aad Powler. KaMe Wooda and J. 0. Do Lucy. 


fttcbmead^oA Bowerr Qlrl." ftt tbe AcaduDj 
of Koal<^ Pjib 8, 4, drew fblrly good aodlencea, but wie 
dlaap^tlng. *-Tlie Old Uomeatead," fr, 0, Bllvl t|ie 
bonN at each of tbotbreopertomuoae. 'The Widow 
Ba4ott,*'.at tba BlcbnuHtd Tbeatra. 7, S bad a fair eagago . 
UHt, and hod tba compaap beanauoogerwooUhaTa 

been moeb better. 

AoiDikiv or Mimc-Rolaaii H—i VK 'the Black 
OraoV* 11, 19 Ibe Baldvlna «eek ori7. 

BiaaoiirrHgATU la dark. 
.Pmtii'g TsaaTKi OomuoB-OoeQlag 10: La Petite 
J«iUi,8erlta KnooU and Kthel Uoidlng. Bailneae la 

BiUT WAaD.a nlaotrel. la bore, III and lo dralttole cir- 
oanwanoba. Oe la. anfferlag with cbroale tbeanatlam 
aaaiBobleloleaTebla bed. Mr. Word lua a wife and 
two nail obUdrwB. for whom be euDotprovkla. The 
local Lodge of BIka bu bla caaelo band, and will glre 
bim a baaellt to addition to a baadaone dooailoo. 

IfwftOkv^f tbeAeadd07 ot UoBto l»at week's 
imiM velLnotvltbatudlag that theatteod- 
BowvirOIrl," which «peaed the week at- 
' -aamateriallraffected byaaieadrdAwn 
•Old Boopwieid" followed 7. playing 

tnaUMi, F»b. \na nuterittllr afftcutl br » MMdr down 
pooror nlo, .*^1i«0U BOflp«ilftid" foUow«d 7. pltjInR 
to «M ol lb« tamft *a4l«DC*l «vw MMrabM ra In, 
Uoam. BtlQ wi'bMTlir an o»tav, doplu which ih. 

niatlaM dnw •onallf u'wiiL ud' iIh Dlgbt pctfornitoc* 

m (.Irfr wtlr calroolud. "Tb. BlUk Cmtt 

FMl 1« Roluid BMd II, "FltldlH All»;" II. II- 

■uoD TlUlU— LutwMh'i ptoflehoU oirtr. Hvl- 
Bwi kt thIa ntort U tmprorlof. 


Oaukkm..^t Bord'iTliettre iM CtwUioni, In 
**▲ raol for Look," op«ot ft font dIbIjU'«Dt Feb. 

Qu HM|i, la ■'AT«uliuV<all«iuo,"camMl»-l>. 
Ikiaodn Palrlal 10- li. Dmit K Dlier did a poor 
bartaiMH. /amM<rMalUpUi.lloblrboiiiai>.r. 

TuaOHinmi.— "Iba BUtwaUa or Now Tort" omu 
a roar alabu' Miianmoat 9. U. 0. rlald'i llhiili«li 
oaaaa It, u, Joba Ollloa U-U. lUr Iiwio. lo "Hio 
Wl4f AW Jmaa'. it4 ao ooormooi builoui M, iba Umtt 
I SaBr Flafid a ralara uifaioaioal i-\ 


UMtf m.— Al lb« Uulof Dan SoUr, In "A 
■Mhatofa Wirt," did rdrlr /as. a no Woodnnl 
— aOa^ror raat of n. did mod«iatolr w.a Uftpalft 
Ji& O'RollL la -koou Uituo,''l>taaHd a food 
aL ILQ.IIoU'i -fiartadABUtoa-'aaiaClo 

joaaa. -SIdtwalto of Raw Torb" como. U. Itl- 

a U, Joa CkvtlMra U, -Bl«bt Balla" V. lalloEoimatl 

rtna Oriu Botaa.— Tiwa A Oo.'a "ffaiC' Sl<ad 
■baboaiaita-SL no BoUaa CoaitdrOo.ptarod>aak 
or Fab Saialamaaianaoat, to good boi laaaa. 

1 aagar AModaUon for a caaroalloa, Ibor 

I iboaa daM at Wahoo^ taid thar nalah Ibo ■eat 
Al. a. FMd-i Hlaanl, eoma U 


WaahlBBloa—Lsu wMk was one ol Uit 

"«""-«~«l'l««r tba tllDlor «> far. ,l.b «li h™ 

nl^!XZ''»*.°"" «*!! ""Mtlooa coau draw. 
wllhIifli."»uV'°'f'- Tllaaraa hn Ibi Sriolaoa. 
5.T W.aaalloi "koMn MoSE" '-A 

t.MS.*. ft?*".'"* L"" ••M»'a Aoaailai'ITia lail 
iiTli.!.''".5?"J."*!lf»- 1i« laiur opan waabaiur 

.K^I™ durlaw fulnia tontmoou ii will 

Sbirf 'J^J""""!" f lU" «»• «U Ibvohla, •'3!bS llSu," or 


Al.iur<iii'a LirirnTa Pgoaai OraaAlloraaalMhail 
IhJifi.l? "•""""•I bll ainoaa Iba rarr bwria 

"Md, ai .iDaaker CTiipL Saoatora A mo tad UllL baalda 
nuor 01 lata or b.i ah.i f.m. rM« 1. .zrT^.,* 

"■"« " -i»....ruriipL Bfoaura ai |.aaaDd I IILbaaU, 

toL allorwlnoi taaned u aolaj Iba plai agulllr aa wall 
« Uhvw who doadad Uia au./llorlun.. f Ma iab. w'S. 

f . . if,'! ?f "!? • "adaioiwl to hxal artatt. 
V HX'I'^I' •"><•"« l'«<iwrtk.niarlM 
I^lbta. ' OD. of ibabaaioT IucUm otoi pruluc^l licta. 
ISXSiZT T"* daaioa-lfuad ihalf aSrorlt 

NolodraaiaLa.aorariaJaiTaal drawlaa rowai at our 
•»»"». W««rtborii Llahu" Cia nwwd 
„i5?'^ "'loir l» ll» iauroulDf atoiT. WBiai dloaiaa, 
^fj?".'! 'ii' ""'J.'? ««"Plato maoMr In .T.lcb l?«i 
F?Mi!?,M',';,"*^.T'''" •"'.""ban IllUlald, In -na 
y'S!.l'.?'ir ■ l.o't-ll noank" Baaloaa' "iraw Bo' 
prrba 17-21. 

r "f.""".' " A.,a»l>iv Of Krcir hid "Tlia Daibj Wlonei" 
lOrlba flnt tini* ban. aad h wlaoorltaa. la aTarvn 
M>»- no aadiaocaa wara bl( aad tba ullaracllao con- 

Sn^c.?X^*:^>!^5£'• "•" " 

KlftRax'a Lycrom Tiiutri wia blllillr erowdnl to 
IfaaiMllmllll ot Wobari Vaodarllla 
Rlob.oodartbadlractlnaor Bani Bomaid. BrarTnom- 
barwaa A Iraturr, and tbaialUlacUoo «u complata fron 
■tait to oaUti. TliU waat, Mlaco'a Cllj Clab. BalUr I 
woou 17-11 

MaTuaorrV Xtwc Hitt baa Con Marrlam llowaA a 
Boiloo aoiiimao auLlad \ij lha Wadiloftoa (Itrlail Or 
ebMita,li. AoUaCUBivlnabarpracllal. ig. 

TowiR-H loa Pauca wu thron«d Willi poopio Ihm 
■iiaaa a dar laat waak br akalaia aad ookwbaia Joo 
ponaahua. tbo phaoomMal fa»t abaur, waa a itrona 
drawInK can], aad ba coatloaoa duriaicUia piaaaat waak, 
diiriaii which ba wUI aodaaror lo b«al the woi U'a ooa 
<qll* ncotd. 
Nona— Alico 

aopnno, of 
" I lllnrlcb 

— Jodwo, a brlllUot youDa aoc 
ihla dir. haa nolilird be r ooaaiiaaieatwlili the 
Opera Co,.«iib whldi iha haa aiada a moat a^callant 
lecord. aad haa raturaod to tako an eoaaiiameot aa aolo- 

lallanno of oar bla cborrhaa NiUla UlUban. Iba 

LllUe M.jArof "Kortheni Llabta," clofrd wlib lliatcoo). 
pu> (. and baa bean aaccoadod tir Jalla BalcbaMar. lata 

or "IB Slihtor Bl raiil'r' Delia 8taeor,'or'.||ia Ladr 

aiarar" Oo.. which doaed In loUlal weak at Albaasb'a 
Lafarauo Opera Hooaa I, waa tba nclplaol or a maf- 
olflcantnofalollarlojiattha haodaof tba Ibaatrleal oia- 
ohaalca atlacbed lolbatboiiia,who lo tbtawaravlocad 

thaljhialiregaid Ibao. Bnltooatain, of 'Tba Darbj 

Winner' Co^ waa wanslr ffiaaiad and nadi lloobccd hr 
tba local bataball ftiloiaftf la>t wook. 


InillaDkpolla.— AtlncUoos ilurlng Iba put 
vaob were of tba dmonlar aad bnllniaa corraapoadlat- 
ly good. At lha Qiaod Opara lloaaa Hinala Maddara- 
Plake, In rapartorr, plafrd lo ralr hoaloaaa Feb. W. 
RIchaid HantfaU. aupKrtad hyaa eicolloaicompanr, 
waa aodiaalaatlcallr ncolvad ^4. Tba plara pfoeoolod 
ware *-A Farlakn Bonuoco," "fflaea Kail" aad * Hodloo. 
tboBtadaot" na theatre waa crowded at aadiparfann. 
aacd- Edwaid ilairlfan coaaea 10-U, Jamea J. t>irbalt 

EtouWn OPBR.t IloiraR— '*Tho Black Crook" plared 
to crowded hoaeea 7, B. noa. V Beabrooka ledoe P)-lt, 
tbo Poltar-Bollaw On- U-IA, Palmer Coi'a "Brownlee" 17. 

FaRK TuaiTRR.— Tlie Valaoo fliatera were wall ra- 
catrad, doloR a eood waok'a bualDaea s S. "Tlie Firo 
Fatror oonoa lO-U the Antarlcan raaderllla Co. I5.|fl. 

BMi'inaTuRATRa— Oood aoilleneaa naatad tbo Irwin 
Broa-'Ca oach nifhtaad matlaea of the week. I'oder. 
llacil roraextwaek: 'IbeWhlto Bat'' end MorrUBroa,* 
l£<lu[oa and Canloa Caralral. 

Fort W>FB«.— At MawDloTdinpIc ThomiaBta- 
brookarataarab.?. In'ne HpeaalatAr,''tolaia»palrDa- 
aiia. "Ftnnleaa'a Bair had atalrbOQMB. U114 Bklnnor 
oomu II, "Tl aSpaa oILIlo" II. II, Jeaala Baa Hall l:| od 
waak. "Amotleaa Olrr S, "IIST 3raBd"Faacln(i(aa- 
lar" t>. 

BRriRR TiiRATRl.— Howaitl Wall'. Corned/ Company 
and Maatar Ralph and Eodallab, la apcclaltle^ waok onij. 

ETaBawllla.— At Uie Omni Tnmpklna' "Black 
Omok" did a Mr butlaou Feb e. "For>alr Ylralala" 
I, liookod lor ID, Frederlok Baaoroit li, '-na Olrl I Left 
Bohlnl Ho" IB, Ollrar Brnn B, "Tba Prlrau Bocralarr" 

FlorLra— "A Big RiBa Clieok" bad a Jam 1 "O'lloolt- 
lo-wllTat — 

aaa'a Mau)iierade' 


_appaarl, "AColdDaj" IB. 'The 

Ti voLt fomarly th, neam Coot Iqoa. waaoponad Jan. 
IB br R. Kenbennr. raooing ararleir UU alantlr. WMk 
01 Feb. 10: Da Vara and Uanan, Bjran and Lawla, MUa, 
Faanolla, AI. ll arrla. 

Iterlaii,-4eo. W. Htsib, wlUi "Peck's Dad 
BorV'nIled whlioM Opara hoaaa lolbadoora fab t. 8, 
B. O. wan uU for Dr. r 0. Joba'a rarlr lo BobL n. Inier- 
aoll,7. Morraraad Baer In ''Flnalian'a BalL" eonea 
1, ''^wB Teplca" IB. Bord'a Blaklnla 11. . . .Nick Hurphy, 
1rlah comedian, baa Joined "Fack'a Bad Boj" (;o. 


Bslllmen— HinlonB' "Sopeita," ebowlog a 
Dao airar «r aaw itlcka and rpadalUar, atlnclad aa 
andlenca orhenle alia lo Bairla' Acadam/ Fab. ID. IJI- 
llan RuiaUcloaoJaproapoiona week R. fler laltlal pro. 
dntUoo efUoddaoaol Ttulb," 7, waa eminently aoecaai- 
fvl. fht beaaa waa packed Ironi ercliaaln to root with 

mtnro. Kett waak. "rha Paaalna Bhow.' 

FORO'a Orana Uocil.— Aa aodlenco oflmmauapro- 
porUooa inaled Oo Woir Hopper ID, In a rarlral or 
i^aor-'' "Dr.Byoua" will bo beerd later lo tba week. 
Frank Oanlela made an Immet-^ bit laat weak lo"na 
Wlttid of ilio MlVdlllna thaboueaat arory perroim- 
aaca. "Too Boch Jdinaon" la bllJed for 17. 

ALUil:(irM LYORVH TilEaiaa.-Joho L. Bl-Mldaid omu- 
nenced bli Iwe weeka' locloro neaaoa 10, oiienlai wlui 
■Napla*' baloiaa bmo and arProelallTo lieuao. Ilia ad. 
ranco Bale la aood, aa oraal. Jolio W. Albanab Jr. made 
bia debot aa a playwrlBhi 6, praeeatbiB ■^raoM," a 
CdffledFdiima ot tbe Borolauoa. In one act. In wbleb lia 
elOTarty worked ontapiatly lomaaea or lore asdwar. 
neaadloacawaawellploaaa.1. Oolytwomorodiamatia 
altiacllonanoulnloboflllad tblaaaaaon- no boaea U 
ranted ror neatly erery niRbt natll Bommor. 

■nio Uiu.— Mai Brooh'a new oialorlo, "Hoaaa," waa 
board for tbo Brat lime In llaootlraly t, aad addaaaMbar 
loAltlonillator aoccaaafol opaimliloaa. no eololau 
wata Mnia. KoartKronoM, Eraa WlUlama and Uaary 

"BoLLiDit BnillT TnaiTRa— "ne Derby Wlonef 
toatod the capacity of tbo houae at lu opanlna matlaao 
0. Good bo.loeaa altandod Donnelly aad Olrara h). **Tba 
Loot farad lea" eomea 17. 

UowanoAPonreaiDu.— Ilea t Batton'a Enillali FoDy 
Co-, Willi Ibo UlillBaul Famlli aad UoBMy ."■"I,'"'/ 
aaapaclalfaatnreadiaw fall boalaa day fad nlibt 10, 

llber'e Olympla aad bockbart'i 

IwaDSBL Hyde'a noniedlana e 

day an 

Wlltefe Olympla and iMkbart'i parfOrmlnk alopbania 
dUwaBVai Hyde'a r-oniedlana annaa 17. 

Kia-taR'a lloxraRRTaL TatiraB.-UanT BenlafEa- 
taitalneia beadod by the Roaal Brothare, cama to a foil 
hoaaa 10. Baaa Loehbart'a eleplnnu wataw added rea. 
101% The Kaa Verk Siara doiada Rood weot). ne 

Cll> OlnbBorhKiobCo ladnolT. ' 

Cam^rB Odcoi TBurna.-llaw U: Dyde and Laola, 
Habal Bleo and William Ulltoa. 

KSlf-nomaay frUndaof Tania F. OJU .111 l«m 
wlih ploaoara ibu bo la lo lamain wlib Nla(» A Ilni- 
merman aaraildeat maaaROror lha Academy oTIIaila. 

Abbay, Bchoelfel A Uran'r Orand Oi»i; Ool wiB 

wlrofoar parronuweaa at Hatrb' Aeademr Karch H. 
.....ThaaawBaBinar thaatxo at Atllptton. to bo man- 
' orcootuactlon. It 


irwderiekBond, abo la to dUaollliaparlonoaacaa. Tba 

XUriaawi alU uiialaat* atioai Bay I. In enlar to 
r ol allaratlaaa lo Iba lbeaUa..-;J» ««Ue and 
Clark ban alRDOl acoQUact with Uanr B. BnlUi aod 
Tlclar Barbartfcra.nawopera ror Frank DinM>.tha 
aeaaatobalald amoaBlbaAilaciat tba lima or iba Brat 
Initaloa by Oonn. 


Wh*allB(.—AI Ibe Open nooee Ue Wolf Hop- 
pat praaaated "Or. Bynlai," for lha Brat Uma bare, Fob. B, 
10 an aadlaaca Ibat crowded Iba Ibaatra. Ill Uan'a 
Mlaatrala (allowed ». matlnaa aad althbu Bo<4baa|- 
aoM. -Iba Faadaic Hatur' aomaa II. John OrhBib a 
"Fknat" llTompkior -BlackCrook" u, "Oeaaiiy Clr- 
eoa" A^IIoeaaed Roaa" IB. 

aaiRD Onaa UooaB-Ooy Biolben' maHrala at. 
IruMd lair bailaeaa M, Jai. B. Haabla, la-^rioiu' 
CoBar Door." rellowodM, tanid boaaaa. Wabor A 
fuuf Faodarllla ctau oomaa l»>l^ tbo Oormaaa' -Mil- 
iMUji Abtaaa- U-U. Ucnaaka Opaia Oaopasy ir-H 
•WIe tracked "!?-^ ^ ^^^ 


jukBMVtlla.— AI Ike Park Tbetlra RoM. 
DewalBf, la "Tbe Oladlalor," bad eieallaal baaloaaa 
Feb. 4. Bntloa'a BlaaMla »layad to md bnaIa«<B T. 
Tbi opeiattaa, 'WadaiaUa- aad -tlraat V«a*." •» <■ 
bbtapU aott aeab, by Mad laUBL "A Boaaer QUI" 

mmtr the Tents# 

nusTBH0P0ajis*8Ciici*a.-IHct Doll and fam- 
llj, tCD In Daraber:Aitto9 tkmllj, aerobata, sevro In 
nnnbtr; ibe Dark Aobmoti Famllj. acrohsi^, tire 
innumtar; iho Eddj Trio, airouia: Prof. Wci on 
udlanUj, roar In numbertWimiheir perfnnning 
caiB.dof»»tnale9 and tilol noolw; ihclIireeKvi 
SUterg, danctrs, contort loolitii and tmmzc; Tonr 
LowiOdr, pilriclpal bareback, BomerM>i and »I.n 
nortorlden Manlnfao liOwande Jr., princliMlbAiv- 
back, forwarrt and luokward fromenet, aUn 
L?f*J7Jl**2J=jy"'*« Itoltand, Jockey ami bumir 
nderrMbcrt Cnndeil, clown and mulebnrdlo rider; 

»r*PCM: May Cook, cor 
neUatiNinnerClifon, bigb «lie; Siiiiool Hurt, bal- 
anoiDi owl iLancIrtg laddor; Andtw and (lolden. 
dlyen: PrtafcOUfort, ataiu^^y poMi; ctiarlM ww, 
wire and baton expert; Uapert.headliaiancer; Ih* 
iwo Ifcoover*. nyloic irawM; <:4rr and iDgnn. 
dOQblo iraprze and aerial liar; llay Uorton, rlack 
wire and alMrp itaooitng; rntbaoa artnleu man; 
Uurpbjand llunry. triple borlumtif bar. and Itnm- 
ulutailmig man. Kvcrybodrla well and happy, 
and Ihe ftbo* rrporti doing a big bnilneat. 

h(niB>iio)C W. Ia. Chric-b Cinn'i-T6o show In 
dUogagooditualoen ihrongh Louiuna. Hosier: 
I ' CUrk, proprtelorand manager: R, !>. Parker, 
treaaurer; Harry Janes, bandratater; Q. V. Par- 
mna, stenanl: Old fleorge Dfarey, t>o«a I'auraiinun: 
P*^ properties. Tbo band: llarr* 
^*°£^ fi*nwt, Levi, Joe Rnoi, Krenk Morris, 
JoelUohardand Hexla. rerfomier*: Dob KonnUo. 
Joe Hlckard, H. I.. Olailc'g dogaand poolea. Will hl 
Areo, Bob Parker, Uany Debell, Wild mil, rifle ex- 
pert; Mm. Harry Jamet. llaiile RictiArd. KlU Ilo- 
nalzo, Joels BC Arno, Pearl Clark, Annio James, 
Lee Ciarfc and Mra. Faaole Clark*. 

Trblbmakn UiOi. announce ibat Ilipy will put 
out a ten and twenty cent clrcoi next acaw n, and 
hare engaged Bobbret MeMmm, Clld rnrey, Wliley 
Irey andine Dngan Bros. 

PRJINK AHoi'R bag algoed wltb Lce'a UDdoa Lir 
cua for Ibo coming season, 

F. \r. MiNORur oasglgaed as general cootracilog 
agent for tbo couilogeeaaon wlib ibe Hoberi Haul 
Ing Sbowe. 

ToNiB l)aAKB,who ban been Ul for Ibe past tour 
tnonitu, U recorerlDg. 

In a coMHrNtCATioN signed nemian A. lloiraan. 
sapcrloundent. we an Torormed mat Willie Kd- 
wards Is ont an lamato «f a lloston losaiie asjlum, 
wltb a total Ion otmlQd.u was reiKincd reccDtly, 
but, on tbe contrary, la ReeplAg lu good condlilon 
at ine Union aymnaklom. In ibai cliy. 

NoTttraoM La PVAHI.-II Wi.<CTia ( iiifi'N-TlieWlnifr 
CIrcoe fr«tlou«a lo do big hailoeio. We are glvlog ehowa 
every olght In the week. Tbe ooom ol aotue nf i<ur late 
irrlrali are: The Manine Panllr, Hen., i^le and 
Bre yp; UKovood BorrH, tripl* »Mr prrfvnn«r«:Ne<ila, 
AbJoliaepn.abarleaOdeIL Pred Ledcert. the Do Bella, 
HocuB, (heUmeia. aad iheflvifU. f.liarietOdeiKRhern 
breailog atoeb, four horae oeia. har^ile, principal, and 
nanege acu, for oeit leaaoD. TlieilinwwtU be RT«atiy 
eolarged a[ib oreTyihlnji new. Daddy Paikhnni, the 
TetermaahovwogunbalMer, lahen Mldlog aeven new 
wegvni. PaloUTK, wcndworkrra and blaekatntihi are 
baaytromnoralDirio oight preparing for ibo uhdIob 
eewon We liiTeJeat added iirieto cogea of aeliuila 
andblnlafortlie ktde ibow, wblch will be atrong and 
leatored. Will aleo put oof a nioQDied peraile, wtth 
tbiriy-flre bead of atoeb, bealdcipoolr^ goaia aod irtlnAtl 
doge. Will hare MTin can, a bran new Inn, iioft. with 
tao Sit middle place* and one UMI. mkljfe pUi>». Tlie 
comlDg loaaoQ wlU make tbe aliib tootlog aeaaoo for the 

JAunKnxoiaALS. enallibr'allciutglar.haioQ inaalp- 
ulalor aod club Jugfler, baa alaDni with (lolluarUnM.* 
CIrcua aod Maoageria, oablng hla QfUi iwon wlib that 

OLivKABRaci.cloHHlt)ielraeaaoDat CbirlMion, P. 0., 
Feb S,aadahi|vpedtoWlouriiaanen,Butrale.N Y. 

UKo. U. IIiLk bai alBoeO aa geoeral ■uperlnteadeoi 
■lib ilie Kig. saatelle'a sbow for am ieae<«. 

Tub mTajiB.<rT that U. 11. WbitUer had algaed ai 

Seaeral ageni with tbe Uunilng Rbo» wiea mlaiakr. 
. N. Wlancr li teneial agent, f. W. Mlodrop cuuiract- 
lnflagcat,aBd II. II. WIiI'.tleraieDiorCorNo 1. 

Ueo. O. gAai.iVAii.x AND win bare algoeJ wlih Leon 
W. WaaJibnni'N Clnun tor the aeaaoo uf lUd; Clio, ui a 
Koako avi. aad Kirlavign, elMUlo uiooed mau and 
oiiad rradlogoo. 

hut.. Uii.Lia AND RortA LivmnivroNare )>nctlclng a 
doable trapfoe aeifor oexi eeaaoo. Mr. Mllitr hu been 
with Cbao. Lee'a iMdoa CIraoa fnr elglitaeaannii. 

MM. Ati:iBa LoTANDB, »lie or Tony Lo■aad^ cole- 
broied b«r birthday Feb. 6, at hrr boiiie la Uroeblyn. N. 

aad nj tba reclpleat of rauy raluablo preeaai*. 
aoioDR wblch wer« a noe Pearl and eneraU itnt. a 
diamond ring, watrh and chain, aolld gold belt end buckle 
with lolilAla, Dnaoelet, goU coala aod nuineioa> eiiiall 

Noras raoa nti Wilmih incAio OHtATBTOviH. 
land Show.— We hare ooQgbt la tbe pest three wreka for 
tblaaliewone lario etepunt, ncageoi moniey*. furty 
larKedrariltoraeaand nine wagoni, mahlDg a total of 
oloetaeo vafooe aad atity-elgbt honeM. UaK»b.3 our 
Urga African lion eiraptdaud got to the «oimI»; after 
Are hoanhegareap, and reionied lo hliowii i|uirtera, 
tired ooi,uo one beiog harmed, (lajlord U. laAifQino. 
mioatiel, and Robert MulraDV, mualcal act, lave aigiml 
wlib Ibla Hhowo Waller L.UurU haa recurc) for Uie 
kid ahoWaSemo, adOKihat hu been aronDdilie world, 
and MoiiDialo Roae, (be le^tpaid Inill«a mald«n. Ola 
Oelioeoad MaailLeaw wlllnotgo out wlih ihlailmw, 
aereportad. The aUranee wtll be under ihe nperTlelon 
ofA. A. CblM»,and will Con»Ut of three wagvoiand a 
twoburae eanlan, corrylDgunaicn. Tbe aiTraoce will 
begin aboot April IB. and Ibe »tnw opena aboulHar ll^ 
a*l*erTyaTlllr. U. WiHer L. Buike ^dl b« wlih ibn ihO'r 
ontll Augeai, iheo hejniaa liU bfoiber'a Wild Weii Uiow, 
of wblcb tie la tqnal owner. 

W. W. (' fiuo**) 1I0R.V, calliope player, who waa wlili 
Laoo Waahbnm'a Oircaa I at Hummer, la Wlottrlag at 
NashTlU^ Teno , wliere he la engaged aa alvirt'alag 
egent ai the Hew Maaoolo Theaire. During hlalelnurv 
be hai eocnpoaed a onmber i f pieces for uie calliope, 
ba'aerabewlUaleayaplaytheoli reliable CLirrinrolba. 

CuiA. ti. KSRROM baa punhaard ibe horM, Kepiuoe, 
for hU Konb Aoierleao Cireui, which ulla ihortJy fur 
BoDih America. 

Tuori. J. MoRUT hu signed with tbe Bamom A Bailey 
Bhowforthe coming aeaaoo, to lake cbarae of the aide 
ahow caorou. 


Atlania— At Ibe Qrand Robert Downing comes 
Feb.lOLll. 'Tbe QUI I Un Behind He" did a doe Im^l- 
aaaa,ngiwliliataBdlni the bad weailier,?, S- Clara Murrla 
omea ii. is. 

TOR LiCKUM —Mabel Paige cornea 10 and week. Lewis 
Morriaoo, m "Faa*t.*' ^Ia)«l toK K. 0. 9, 1. 

SATannali.— At ilie HiTaunabTbeatn Dobert 
Dowalag played Feb. 6.0, to anaU but anprecntlre au- 
dleeeoa. ruocb Robeitaeo Co. cornea 10*11, "A Bowery 
alrl" li, UabXi ralge CO. 17 and week. 

THOCiDSHa— The coDpoor at this hoaae la drawing 
large aodieocee everr week. The new people are: Ida 
RuiaelL Maggie Morria, AdaHulliTao and HteUa HI. OUIr. 

Oah lfARr,tbeob)iiMrodellaeat<ir,wbo taubeen hers 

i>r tbe paat year, ii to uto a tMneflu 


BU JMpph^At Toolls*a Tbeatre Henry R. 
Dlseir, lo **Thw Lottery of Love." had gond baalaeae K^b. 
6 Jaa. 0'Nrlll,ln ->jl»ata Ollalo," conieatlL to ablgad* 
Tuea ooIa, Jo* Cawthom, l<i "A Fuol fur Luek,"^ li; 
' Hlgbl Bella" U. UuK lleeie it, Monl/ou'e ' Kauat" S4. 

CaAWPoan'sTjiairHi — daltiol. In "Ilainlet." play^ to 
agoodhouee, ai advaoced ptIoaiLB. Tbe bouaewillbe 
dwk eoill I0,whea a tieoeni will be tendered Manager 
Maitia, ot tbe Eden Muac*. 

Eoa.v Mi'HBa— Bojriaau coatlBaea good. Penple for 
week er lOarw: Tbe Jacoha remllf, Fiof. Iluggtoi sod 
wife, P.KBlluand wife, aad Vol B. Love'a Aromailc 
Co, la "A Noble OetcuL" 

W. Ik LrKS^is, foniHtly muBger ofTooUe'a Tbeiln^ 
tbia cliy. bet aow naaager for Ilinry ft. Dliey, hui beeo 
Tlaltlog frieada here the pMlireeh. 


Hot SprlBBs^At Ibe Opera Uuose, Fob. i. 
Wrigbt*ai;olor«i*V»niedr Co.aBd tbe Naidiriiie Utud*nu 
came to hgbt bealoeea. CoL Robert (I. Ingeraoll ledured 
ion "Liberty of Mao, Womoa aod ndU,'' m an audieace 
tha' packed tbe hoaae rren pit to dome. Alter the lecture 
Oil lageteuliwaateaderedarecepiloowhltb waeat<efriid 
bymanyofihe leading man of U'>t Kprinii. Booked'. 
■TbePr<raieKecreUry"7. R»beri MaateU lor**rbe Tor 
oado" II. "A Teau Huor"aJ. 

Lllgla naehe-^At Capital Ttuatro tbe Naghvllls 
Biodenu came Feb. 3 lo a top IteaTff bouae. BobotidAir 
Toylordjev acrawded houu 4. Ollrer Byron did a fair 
bualBeMfl,nutlaeaaad olgbt. B. B. Maatall comae 11, 
ll.*'rheToroido" 1.1, "Hie Co^Uib Kiog" U, HodJeakaSi 


lVllailwglOB.*At tbe Ortnd Open lloose 

"Kaab Cllr 'drov fairly veil Feb, A Ula Netberwle 
eomu II, Itell Burgeaa, in *Tlie Coaoiy Fair," IS; ' Faro- 
di«e Alley" If.S). 

BiH)0. Beai T. Jack's **Hy irecla'*waa a good aliow, 
anddMeKoel|«atba«Ieeaal-s. BidsU'a L^doo Bellea 
orwdea U-lA Noaa JeUity vo , la **Iodafc." IMS. 

WogOBSi^to.— For w«*k of 10: Lecture hall— Mile. 

Betro, aarpeeu; llaWo. mai Iclon. hauorlat; Prof, llow' 
ard'a Fnncb and Jody. Tneairo: MorUio and Ketclle, 
Frask Bmereeo, Elleore liaiera, Ttieodtrre. Mille aaJ 

i;nrdr.Balaly and 8lBeeda.aad ueyeiieaod Nerllle. 


AltMaa^At tbe Elexenlh Arenne Open 
Hoaae "MIobe" did well Fell. A **AJay Clieor' came 7, 
S. JoeOttcomee W, *'daved from tbe Ree" II. Mr. and 
Nra. Kobort Wayne, >n rtpertoiy. li-iA 
UAaar Davia' uii Mcsoo^Tbe flooiaka Opera 
twelaeeeweek ol 3.L Ibla week, 
Fotter and Armatrooib Kvis, 
~ ' Uovard, De Vere aad Le 

OoMear drew Large twelaeei 
be Oewletita. Lowaada, Fotl 
Celab aA Welsh, Warm and 



FMR.xi-ira Kkw Hk.\MTirtR. Kn. t. clorfd a eoaaoa of 
nine nieniba at Vlrbitiarg, Ml'^.on Jan when Ihe 
lolhwlag pNvIe loft lor iheir re*r<^ilre po»li(Mie: 
K<aoi iweathl lhatteekera in rieclonail. t> ; ih« l^arle 
ion t*liirr<io iialre*h>o,T»T : fleerge Weinttotil and ton 
to New OrlMna. l/t ; R«tlhi UttiUn to rhlcijin. ||| • ||i« 
PaticoRluAiilei-tm. Ha^^ : h rk Leggeit to New Vnrk 
Ciir, U»nB. l>a*iilDBi«B lo New Of)cao^ Henry Batige to 
H(.L4Vta,Mo: Wnh^r KallKHklcin and wlfo to IHitoo, 
O.; Joe I'riiiiek i-> Riiivhamion. N. V ; Juhn Kuhn in 
Miihiwafci. iiKl WUfy UrSalr *f Otcrmn, Tei. X II 
FrenHi ha^cnne iuNewt)i:rin« I4 Jnta hm wire, who la 
la(hirf» bl :j<>niRiktn No. I. nn tlie lover cna^l. 

NnTiKrhi>MTUaBi.i:inFiKi.vK t'oM-Rar t*u.-nar Imal. 
at-ai lliMuj:!! Inwa. IlllnoU at^d Indiana hia l>eeo (lot. 
Blliitl Boone, ttie rn^iify. lo riayirg ihi* reaion aa nerer 
otfort. .MTerro Ihiit*. InO., «• li^d an lolPreailovt^Bt 
for Uvnoe'a puver ul Iniiiniion Ttof. Ilerintn Leiblng 
■awulMlrnntiheauillene^naitiilayril a Terr dilttctm 
c)aa»kMl |ilec« of Kiihru4teln> liiiitrotlalng llie nrniand 
laaliuritf,aiii] Pnoee reprriltiml ifie pipe* immidliioly 
S'ler. D. Barpfit roM^rU tiniow ihe adrance wi>rkand 
we are nrnitil ihrnueb KvuintUy and Virginia. Mr. 
Ung. oiirnianawor, will l>itlld a reahleaoe at Unbarly, 
M<>., Ihe rAulnM • e^wtft. 

VAX Tklt. niRilouo, (a amuilng the people of Mllvau- 
kee, W>a., ilila Winter, at tlo Wonderland. 

May 0. 0RYMoi-ii,«ireoi Kiiceae K Heyntotir, died Jan. 
II etPavanMh. iiL, from i>n#uiiienla. 

RoiiriH or nnra KirrthTaiiiiaK.— Oalla. oiagoei; 
Franii (lartlner, aerlalUi ; JtH> (Hark, TucalUt aod daooer, 
aod Tom R I. -nti*. ^^lll•Mll-t^ and manager. 

Thi NRv Ml a\aTiiaiTMk. urO>himbua,U., lann mure. 
A Dumber of atur'iinrnu witn^ lerved. tnortgngea were 
M'ea u«ed. olu.atHl tli» miiniaemvntwu OMupellcd bi 
■Iveup. Memrw. rioMi nud Eldretl have piirohaMK] ibe 
lM«e, and will iTiiiib.lnl Ihe holldlng In aiieh a manner 
lh4l Ii vt I ha better aileptrd fir hiodling ihe oiowdi. 

_ ... UltiteMaeeeanil 

I new manlier* ore 

Thehutiae willbe bnnvti aa the rrtetal UltiteMaeeeanil 
Theatre, ami elli c^n Feli. 17- Tlie new maoaicr* ore 
piuKoln* nt Mirce»e A ntiinbitr t'f profeMlonal i>eople 
were left deetliuie «lian ilie bnuae doaed wees, and 

the aev maoaReiuent larnrti iltehouie orer to them lo 
live four beOMilt perfiirn^nceB. 

HiNAfiKH Ji'i.u Tjin aqii party, now touring Bnry. 
Unil, rmv Ilie NarytaBd iteople ate ureat aliowgoerp. The 
newaddllltiae to onr eilrarllon Hdack am nora n«ll. 
Kollowlog litherealer: Manager Ven. Teulrilihinlnl, and 
hU live dttiitmle^: Minn. Vau, mind raa*ler: /elelA, lA<ly 
Japaneae inailrUn; UoJIno, Macneile womler; JeK 
Menillloo, trapa and rinii, an<] Leia IlninlllOB, planu 

HuwaiLAKmni Riiowa.— Itealar of IH. F. rirant'* dre- 
eon Indian Medicine To., Nn. Knnw la Indiana: Harry 
urvllle, leclnrer aod manager ; Rulh DrTllle, lady miRl- 
elao ; Hiitar Kmnk OtvliK nov anrohtt and wire waller: 
(leorgo B. Hllketlee. conlurtlunlit, elleneo aud Hid ami 
lrBreie;JeBnle |iiKlie*lep. Mrlocnmlo andjiganti bvfk 
danc«r; Don HarKlvtfll, muakal aot; llallle HaeKlwel), 

orgaolatat*d b'ack art KoMor and nnlea Klokapeu 

Be4l«lne Co, No. 4: We are now touring HIehlgan. in 
ralrlnialoeM. <ldr leottin>r, Bort Inieon, liia ■«» laid 
up with la irlpiHtiher^Ki two ittk*. H^ier: Ubai. Hu 
ler, miniger; Ben Inimn. Iremrer: Kl>a V. Monlino, 
otnf worker; llliaa. Ile"ley, itapJnUt and mnia- 
dita; Run IniMtn. |r|*h oeinetlian: Jne Hiofhrd, 
mualeal; Frank Itayninnd, general Imperaonalor, 
and Indiana PtAoiy Wniiidj anil Yellow lli>r«M. 

The llinalica ImMan Me<lleloe No. i), Dr M. 

Caaipbell, prepilemr, l>r. AI. 0. WeaTor. niiDaRor. la 
muring N<iri be ro MluAuri rtatl doing eirellentl>uilnaH. 
Tlte rniter: Uiant DrAoe. btDj-iiat and black facn 
comeJIin; Hert (Thrialr, Untih eoinbiue aad wondeo 
Bhne fliDcer; Fmr. Kdtlle Moon, mualcal act, llahtoing 
gun drill and aworl vnlhbr; Radio Chealbain, e«rlo 
coBik aod orgaolal. lotllaea: toiler l.lllla Heaver aod 

niiomlai 8ur NntAt imin Ur.A F. iMwey'a Kl«ka- 

poo InJlan Medirliin IV. Nn. »i: We are In onr eUth 
week le i*eniral PcniiBTlranla, and, noiwltliai ending Uie 
rain and nmddy alreeK <>ur houae la crowded 
nichlly. Leit veok wan our iMooer week, and liMalneu 
matlnaea ggod. Itoaier: Dr. Drwey, Ufturer; lle|>|iy 
n»b Robla'an. Dutch and blark facr contiKll«n; Lew 
Morrlo, liKi ami iilaek face end buck dancing, ami 
riilfl l.ltlle B«ar.#lack wire, rlnga. Jurallng aij war 

ilaoclng Knrtorand nouaof Uie H|»>ncer lleiiirtly 

(Jo.: Ur. H. B. gpenrer. ntauiie-; Mra. H. H. Ri-encer, 
LllilA KoMt'ud.rfalM rerforiiter; Oeo. FlUveinU, lilali 
R<id Dttlrh perfuniier: >:ila ril<-iara|d|. eiiiiUrnlIn; <niaa. 
Knuner. hachlece; rpif. Ja*. llnrLniaglcUii; I'ruf J. D. 
Kraocl*. planla,aDd fleo. WiAvrr, nionoloKiiei. Biial- 
n Ad lair. All our people eelt Uiir curve. I>y fiehealer, 
-urL Ilie people 111 rruvda. I'sniile ilay up all iiluhl lo 

ho'il their pbce in Ilie lom Hid liaaler at liUi<lllce 

Nutenrn.iii ihattenilnolelmliAii Hvdiclae f'o.: Tfeeoiii- 
■•AiileMareali ilolnga uttnl linkliirip,niid Ihlugaaie lielng 
prepared at ilielira't'iiartemal StprMng. III., for the aj^ 
vrni ol Hnomberor paidei toiahr lha nwl In llieiieit 
few da)A. NevAdn Hrlninnl, or I'ariy Nu. 17, hia Jant add- 
ed anMher dng in her alreeily lario tmnji* ; ililt Wmm a 
He&lcan lielrleii duv. Thp tnmpe give a nne p»rrormaoRe. 

Dr. Har'efclacirleHelKte .Sn 4, le ailll In Teiu 

dolBganlcebualneu Rig. Ilarr<i Joined the company 
atlUrkTei. A'o op*tn In canvaa Uie lut uf Fei ruary. 
Tim OMiiraay will pierloiialy lay off ooe WMb. Mr. 

I1iirii)e U meoaicr end loolurer rior. F. I.. M(g- 

slna. aumaiorofKIakapAoOii Nu SS.wrllealhatliliniiff 
Pjilrit cAliliiet act and hao<lruiri«au area ' go" lo nanailoe 
llualiiea«laguol and ill are well. Rumellniea I hare 
trooblelB grtilng TllR Ctll'rSR, but It oleayv "geta 

there" and gUei ua a new kaaa nf life Nolaa (Vihii 

Ihe Karen Nailona Bla Bbuv: We o|>eoe:l uut Wlnier 
aeaaoB at Cnliimhua. 0. KifUttwIpg la a llat nfour coiii- 
l«ny : Clilef Had Jarhel. proprielur. Uoiurer, elllce worker 
and llililQlnv titolli eiuamor: John Buxhey, manager, 
nuiodbin and TooalUt- Mre. BuBhey, alngtug aad iline- 
lag eoubr^lte; Itnrrk atage manater and lrl«h 

and DfliHi roraedlao; lhr*e Ihilgearain Hm«., eetiAlUu 
an1 l«r i^Tfarmen; Adi Brlglit, Htmnlah daacar and 
mDtotl1iial«t.aad ileorge Harclinno.aiWaoreaitd ullllly 
BrerTone hai>ry, and eA2li HaUirdavllniUuBwaltiiiv fi r 
ttiooM rellattlA. We are inuring Ob'o In irnodltualn»«a. 

Dr. Blue Mtiuniain Joe'e lledkal Hlinv and Free 

WIM Weal, will miula lo NewlMrry, fl. (]., ten more 
v#cba. Tlie UMtu>r la recovering fmin a Mrrreaiiacb of 
irlp. De fotfl wan Itailly hurl laat MuSday iilglil ftuin 
a fall on the Klage. The fhnw hu had many cltange^ llila 
verk. The p'aeea of len of ibeold rbrfoniiem ami mu. 
ilelana hare been fllM Imm entwera to niir adreiliM- 
Dieot In TllS CtirriH nf Feb. I, elileh lirouRhlnrer ino 
hnndrH appllcanie. Boalne** gnod and weiUier varnt; 
hire had no eu|d weather ihia Winter. We are on our 
i itb year In tbe Buuii. 


lliRRr KviRfiKici.n an arinr, died Fth. 0^ al th> War 
■Ick lloul, thti city, from tbe crfecla ol an nrerdoae uf 
morplilae. The deceeaeil, who waa about thirty yra a of 
Age, wu a native of Kogland. and waa aulo Itny al Bromp' 
ton Oraiorr aad at Uie Italian Churcli, Ilaiiuo Uanien. 
lie modebla iirofeuhnal datiutaaa plouglilHiy In ' Aliel 
Urate'a Wife" whps Ahoat iwt Ire yaare of air. In De« 
ceinber. IMTV.lie Played Ihe role of Dalfli Itafbitraw In 
Ihe cliiklran'a ''lioirore." at (be Opera Oonii<|iie. I>(>n. 
tliio, aail tnurfd the prnvloeei wlih t)te ronipauy dar< 
lag IIS4>. Ilia Tolce iituka while wlih tbat orgaiiita' 
thiB. and Im waa oMIged ti retire. Me relumeil 
IA the aiafta In HepUtntMr, lifl. a|»reaHnf In "Mil- 
Tpr 01)1" and "VIre-Vf r>a" at (ha Rtrand TliMire. 
Tbefulktalog Dtcenibet he creaird tlie role m Jannr, 
in "Mu'M KlraJ," at the OM Tliealre. Otf'tnl. In 
Februtrr. IW4. he appearwd ol Ihe Ilaymarbi4, London, 

(la)lni Vctty Oralton. Ib "rerll." and a lev innnUia laul 
n weal to Ibe Nnveliy Theaire. appearing In "Nlia'* 
Flnt" and aburler<i>ieciMed -'riieHeaUail Mack." Fram 
hi>re lie returned to ibo njwia Otml'pio lo ttia H|irlng ot 
im» he played la "The L-uIy nf the iM-bat," iL Oie Km- 
pire, aod a few veeka Itlerlie neentd el (be Ooutt niea- 
ireee Oia Farrinaden, la 'Tba HeRlatraie." llewu iba 
Mr. Itealoitd Faulorer In 'Tbe Hchnoimlat eia," pro 
dneed at the eaiiis liouae on March 17, UM, and on Jan. 71 
of Uie rollevlnH year Im played (hemlool Lleuienanl 
Oarhy, In * Dandy Olcb." Hewfui ilm Harry Kloeavlll 
In Uiel1ntpio.1untlna ifr*Tare',"al tin rrioMei WaiN 

TlHaue, Jen.81, IB-H. andon JoneB), ol iheaatnu yaar, 
lO nUyed dW, In "'■ - ■ * - 

"Run WlU." at ibe Ftrond 

r. kf eredeM then raine to Ihla couoir* to uUy Mob In li. 
, FawceU'apley. "Keill. Uie Fauilly lleTp,*' appvering at 
the BIJou Opera Houae (flu w Tlieair*^), ihla eltr, 0:t 1, 
ISr. He nl>a«<inantly Jolond NaiO Ooffeleln'a cooiiiaiir, 
emarloM In "(Jonlkal'in," "Turoed Vi>," aad "A 'I'lU 
■uie," plailog In ih« fa<t named plere at the Flfdl 
ArenaeThaatiw. ihlaelir.ln Marrb, imo On hla return 
to Holland he oMonl In "Our Flat" at the Opera (.'on- 
l<iae.laJ*ityofUiatyeir. On July 7\ Ifui. h« appearrd 
aitheOaleiy lo Mr. rirtodwln'a prodacllcn nl "A (In'd 
Mine." He wu ihe Hercy Fnriei>nie In Uie orlal- 
nal produclloa of "Our Angela," at llie Vaad* 
Tille, Xorch 9, IHI. He cuatlnurd pU)log lo 
iiOMeo DBlil IBD, whea he went on a tour with 
Willie ft'loqla'a comp«ay. Oo hla return lo f.nn. 
don. In iVU he eppearod. on Juoe BJi at Ihe A'lelidi), lo 
■Itball We FnrgIre He r,^ end on BepDS lullowlnvhe 

Kayed D\ik IlamiiiTBil la tbe llret itrulnriioa uf "Tlie 
irbf Wiener." At ih* time ol hla death Mr. Kvararte!«l 
wu e mtinUrof ff*<irgA Itlwarile'i "An ArlUl'a Moilai" 
Co., ptaylDK At Ihe BroeJvay Tliealre. iliU cliy, vhere, la 
Ihe role ef Alieroim Rt. Aihini,he liecaoie a favor lie. 
Hie wife, who wu a daeginer ur the lau Oi"n Rooej. 

caull and twoclilklreo Adrvlie h'ln Id f nflaod Tliar» 

.... • plot la " 


roaloa vere lalerted lo Ihe actor** | 


II. J, HiftriMr. ei-achr aod 'raanagrr, d'ed Fe>i.0^la 
(ha v'irhhuaaaat I.eHe, Kog. TLe deoea^ed waetHfrnio 
Bacbla*p>rt, Me .Jan I, itflLand when lour yean of age 
Vkalafceuirt Bo'1>b, Mau, where he waie«laeaied. Aae 

iuuDg DUO he wu c'lBoect^ wlih aeveral amateur 
reniailc Mdtilea aiid inafle hla prureialunal debui u 
oiHIty maa at ilie H<MiAn Theatre during tlie aeaaoo of 
ittH-V. Kbortlyafterwaida he weoi Ininiiieri^uiileifiO- 
ot-ai^ and lo IWU liacania lutlilarliy. AlUiehruhloi 
out of the cirll war hee'jllded Iri UiO F'Hirteentb rt*Mr 
neat, wlili whlrh he eitve'l f-tf tbro«t yeare. lu IKI ha 
returned lu the atage a«a niegfcltn. aod i.tadealMjr nl 
tbo emialry. Hla la*t enragement aa on aclur wu In 
im. It Uia Mobile (Ala ) Theatre. Iloth'amanagel a 
anober-ol traveling ir<taKe. aod lu IW he i/ecaine 
liawe and otaeager ef die Lycenui Tnetlre, Bor- 
l^n. lie neit vent tu Iriijlaaeuulle. lad, aod be- 
eaus awoclaiad with Leak A l>.cbMin in Uie uae- 

Serotntof Ihe Metrnt«|iuo Theeire and ihe Acadmy 
Mule, lo thtt cl*y. He aiiarvarda inanaaeil iin 
.VoUoael Theatre, cindooatl, O.. giving variety and 
dfBmailceourulamaaia. From Utere he went t» lUA- 
omliae, vhere lie uiaoaiei) ihvAUieon: ini for Ihr^e B*a 
BOO* oudlrt iflMlieiaairM Hannah B. Billay, hla IvaJ- 
Inglad/. lolST&hewaa encegrO u buain««a niaoagar 
awl *la|(* director fur Dion BouclcauU aM armrqpaiilel 

aralpeua. lie nest bnaghtJanlah to ihlsrounirr.l'Ot 
herloerdldnoi prove pmStabIa, aad oooocioeeti. Mr. 
RargaBi (ben went to Loodoa, wnerehe tried Ida bead 

hImtoCgroH- Durina ihe lloia tiiU Br. and Mra. 
cicault vere iravallag In luly Mr. Hirgent wu eogagftl 
brioifert Heller, th* magician, lo accompany him VjtM- 

Iliirflla.and thevetakeUie DianaKomeoi ofhia lHiBia«w. 
After Ibe <k>*e<'fHr. lUllai'e asawo Um couI Mr 
Rargeat organlted a laioairel company aed made a togr 
of ■'ironi of Ihe loierlcrr iowa> Nine. Ho^Jaaba at that 
llnewueppearlogat Uie t'elirxrela Tliealrr.Han F/ae* 
el*» Mr. UarsenteDiegrJ L*r lor a ItFur of ibe c«ib> 
try. Under hla m*ea|*>iaeni*lie awn )>ecain*a iftpulir 
aur. Wbeo ebe aeeurrd anullier mtnafer Mr. Hirg<at 
went loEoglaod and teiuroed wiib Meie. Hiiae, who olav 
aeea bereioe popular lo Ibla couoiry. When elie SoaJly 
CLaagad uaaageiaHr. Hargent wu not beard ol fur aer- 

at BQ»I« ball BUugenviK but Called. Hie laai 
eeolnre lo thUeoaairr woanaoe la llw. when be bmugbt 
MiikOtiurehlU-Jedrell oreraaa aiar. Rhe prrTediobe 
aa aiMolitia lAllui*. wd In a abort tlaie their reaourcea 
were eihauatril. Hhe flnallr returned (o Baalam), wher« 
abe bO'l InheHied a Urge hrtune by the d*aili or her 
tnniher, Hr, Bargeot alao reiurneil in UDiUnd, where 
he weat lr<^m rod in wiiib«^ until hi> died hi eiireinn 
penoiy le lb* Leeda Wnrihenae. Hla wife ud tbreo 

cblUi«n aurvlie hini le ihla couniry. 

Nut fct-Lt.r, e well honwo ncior, died Jan. Ml, al 
Aapfii.Oui . trntn hemorrhogeol the l>taln. ThederAAMd, 
whnwuihlnr-Blneyraiaerue.WA* horn at I,a IMrle, 
Inil. andmidehlepntVaalooiliIehiitln IK7P, at Indian* 
Ant*l^aelrA«kabaw. la "Tho Tlrhi>t nf l,eave Man." He 
thea teund theRonth with a rwpenorr company, aad In 
iMl he went to Rt Luubi, Hn.,anJ played In ahvil atook 
cuinpeny lor the Rummer aeoion. opeatng aa Hnh Pritrlr 
In thOftaBeplar In which he hid made hla debul. In 
lR(Jh»wu with "Tbe (IfiM Hunter*" IV, and la lM-4 
he riami Marka wim MaeonA Monan'a * I'acle Toiu'h 
CatJo." Tno folbtwlDv laaavn he wn« pUylrw 
HAlradon Bob with 'Tbw Cblinea Af l4\etlpn" (^t 
Duiluj Ihe Beotmer of Ifttt he plaied fliiuon Hlncoe, 
(n ■The I'lanter'a Wife," throu|h the Nortbveal, 
and for the aeaaan of iKftW ho waa engaged la 
U'RnuTke, In "The felehrattd (!a«*." In Hie Hpring 
nr l«r. In eoojaneilon with F. i\ Welion, Mr 
Hcqlly op«aed A einck araoon at tha People'a Theaire, 
Oiaaha. Kel>., oloalng Jnlr 4 of that rear, and on the 
ililitieih of the uiae tnnntU ha ui«nml n lih ihe etork ai 
recce Opere Hoaae, Minneapulla, Uluii, und*r Frederick 
Bwk'airaoagewent. He eleied at thiihniiae l)ct..1\ ni 
lha eome year, and Jnlne4l the atneh atlheNewl*«npU*A 
Tltaatra,lntherAniecliy. at ilie einto nr which eniae*- 
meat ha waa ibe reclpleat of a veiy ilitteting tieneilt. 
He r*(um«4l lu the I'eoce Opera Howe aioek fur the aeR- 
eon u(itm*p,and vnaagalDtinuured wlib ai-auedi aithn 
eloee of hla eniagemi>nl. He (hen came trt thIa city, 
when lio hail the iiilafiirtuew tu auateln a iMrlUl paralyala 
of oae of hla eyea. Rntarnlog lo Hlnaea|>«i|U hn 
rejnieeil the Pejce iteok, opening u ihe Itoid 
Mayor la "Hiehard IH." The aeaaon rioeeil prematurely 
laOoiober, and Mr. HeuHrai naoe Julne'l the "Mreeu nf 
New York" Co.. playing Pniry QnUrUio md ft iha tour. 
In Juuarr, UW. He tbenalgne^I lo pUy Ilhl Oed WH- 
lUmi In *'The Derira Mine," wlih nlilcii mntpaiiy he 
remained anlll Ihe eeoaoo oTlHttCL when liojulnrd A Y. 
PearMO'e "The Fire raind'Tu. Ifehatl atft been coga 
neeted v|ih aiockoooipaaleaindaULake Oliy and olher 
WeeierocKlea. At (he tlutenf hie Ueeihhe vsa a mem- 
lier ot (Jnculo J (^rinr'a^Tho nefaulior" , eml had 
ilayrd at (HenwnnI Hprlnca two Ua>* prevlttaa in hie 

death. He learu a widnv. The body «a« emIiabiKd 
- ad aem (o bar lioue In diloogo. Ill, 
HLSHT lUrinttKfLii.a veil knnvn Knallah miiilul 

comioeer.dled F*t>. t, attkoeairy, Rlintp^hlie the de< 
r«aa«<l «u bum Judo 18, }W. In London, and recelreil 
hla edueatlonal (ho Falarn Ki'linol, KnOvbl Al (ho agw 
ol eliioen he beiao hla tutiMral mudip^ uitjnr ih* dlier- 
tlunof CharlAi letiCAa. and pntvml t« Ihi an aptachnlor. 

Al tbe age nl twenly llre he \tm amduUd Imnnraiy aec- 
niary efiheAmatnur Muakal Koeiaiy, and oisbi reard 
later he liecame lia coojBOlor. Later he furmed inu 

lAalteUhuIr, eoniprUlnttivm h'lndirtl voicra, whtoh lie- 
came notS)! fnr reuuvtlni nadrlgaU anil eiiier nnaecoin- 

Mulad part muala, and whlrh gained itrat priae at the In- 
lartullonal coinpettllon nrchoira ni I'arla He wuprln- 
dpal otthe NalloaaKhillfHanfHiialo, whtrh wu Iniindetl 
la lAli.and ■aadlre^lnraoil con-hirior uf the ObIM of 
Ain«ieir Mnalrlina lo litrs. In IA^7 ha wrote * HiMtunee, 
or Bild OlcbTurpio," on opereitn. and aeven yvam later 
' Ida," aa opera. He waa alao Iheaulhurnr many om 
iortie.onUiBnii, raolata^ tinga, dueia, ulna and plaoo- 
forle iilecoe,uiirHuaaiii»lK>rurpetiadnf!* and nudrU 

OuvnR Nahiiii (Doplaoy), aa aetor inil ale 
^er, die*! Fell U, (b Londnn, Kag " - 

a aetor irtil alag* niBn> 
QI-, aged fnn/ «li year 
, Fr. JIa niaifo hladobi 

-jaai*l wuborelnFarla, Fr. 1la nivro hla debut 

i< a chorlaicr at (be rorna Dramatiiiuei, In ilm rity 
ot hla blrib, waa (hen enlru*ieil with minor rotai, 
aod brmne a raiular niemher of ihe company li 

isri^aoil a year later aiade iiU nr*i BfpMUMce In Lnn- 
dna. to IHN he niuriiMl to France antlaerveil In Um 
Freich anny ditrlog the Franco I'liiBaliD war. liOier he 
reinmed to lenndon, wliere he tliereArieraiteninioatur 
blHllfe. Ilewae acapahle chsrocier nclor, ami waa al»i» 
veil hoown M aronipcKiol aiaga manager lu thIa conn* 

try, aa well u In kngland. He wia a member ni llnaltia 
Vokee' 0'>tiipeay, In (Lie counlry,a Idv ieat*aco.And 
aiN) iJared In olhrr ooripanlea here. He eailbehua. 

hoDil of Flurenoo Rt. Jtifrn, whuaeoureiladlTiircelrani 

hiM atKiDLUve year* ago. 

Halth W. WAFTLa writer nf aongi aod bniler<iuaa. 
dltd Jan. IS, at hienoma In Rroeklyn. N. V., avNl Biily- 
Sti years. Tiiadnceaeeil vu lAm In KngWnd, Imtramn 
It) thli oauniry ihlrly *li leaie aun. He «a* hell known 
lu Ihe MniipaaloD ami had written lerveirviorHeinT. 
J tek. Hxrm A flarion, Fr*<t Halinn and otiter Mually well 
knowo manager* aod lerf-initere. 

Uhohiir I*. NrHt'iiT (Plarce), well knnvn a« a nerinin 
ilUlert ciimeillin, died reh. A, In Fateretii, N. J , Inwi 
Brighl'a diaioee. The dereaaod, elio vaa thirty nluo 
years uf oie, was liun ui Oermaoy, init cauie lo ihle 
ciMiniry al in eaily aae H* made hla prnreMlnnal 
ileiiul In IMQ u HMter Mnrphy, at Caiilerlmry 
tUU, Ihl* cliy. He afkurward fonniil a pariner- 
Hhlp Willi Oeurge Hliaoano, with wlmni he romalntd 
for ifalrleen yearn. He alHiwaaouenf llioc»iiirdir fonr. 
Murphy, Hitiunnn, Murphy and Maok. unditr lite manage 
nient of Henry o. Miner. In recent >eara he had bean 
^lili varloaa larce comodlea. 11* wuwIUi Uitnimlly and 

(llrard, ln"Nalnr«l(lu.''rur (*oBe*anoi.anil alarrni In 
"lloBiLl 'ind "lt<idol|>h'a Aiuhllluu." Ita and hla wIIf, 
Hilly Kunale, had been UayliiHdatM Ihla »na«ta, their 
laiCappejtaocelaUiliicllr lielogutaile al TnnyFutor'a 
Tteaire, where ihey clened a twn wreka' eegagetiient Fali. 
1. Ilia laat apiwarant* waa midn r*b. 3, at ilie fAl-n 
Theaire. Paierxio. lite v|fk anrvlvea him. The rcinaJna 
■ III lielnterro) undenke suaplad* of lli* ArUiia* Fund. 

Tub iiiiliYul tlientaa vbndlod Feb. 0. at tha HamllUni 
Ferry houi*. waa Menil Ap I u that of Janei !•. I.amber(, 
nrarlolia>»i of the Fark Theatre, Hrnohlin, .s. v. 

MiH. W. Ii. flriwaar, an antra*a,dM Feb.S,a( her 
home in I'Mirulia, Oni., Can, from conaumptlon. Her 
lid*l«*(l auirlvcalier. 

A Pleaaaini Vlallor. 

t'/vm Til* lUHCm y.rrnttm TrartUiT, 
Tub Niv Vohs CLifria an.ii'ai. fur IRU Ilea iMfnre 
me, a pieauni vUlUir. Nu diamailo ur eifuitiog wHter'a 
deah wou^l aeeiN 'iMlie complete elUtuiii tliTa bandy 
reference rnlurue, wiili:hiur aoonrocy enddlverae chara^ 
ternireoQrU and lofornailun, la out anrpuaad by knv 
ahiillar pBbllcalloa. Tble year It li mure ample In dl* 
neialooB ihen ever bef'^re, and Upruiuaely llluairiled, 
A Most IsaralHBbU Owlde. 
yroak Tkn tfttrinnafl Tr\iiitw, 
THBCurrBR AdMi' tou uU a work to need ipecUl 
conimeot but to (Iteae whohaveuccuKm toconault |ia 
rage* frniueotJy, u duu a man Intereaicd In all eimrHna 
eveoia, li le a mual livaiualile guide. Record* In all 
broodiwol rpurt era iiren In full, au eiiraanMHini of 
paeehu Imcii devuted in bsswball, and nulblng,ie faru 
CM eee, liu (Meo ontlllvu. 
All H|»et1liig and Tliealrleal Itawe* 
ynm nko UarrUbunf TVInfra». 
Thf It4rrl$^r^ Tilfunm la In receiptor Till Nsw VuMi 
OuHi'SH AHXUAL fur UUI. It cunuiua all iiiea(«itlag 
aad Uieairical inforuiallun ao ilear lo Ihe lieuiuf tbe 
aportlog iraumlty and lorera ol the drama- 

A P«rlfcaUrl|r AlCntelIre Killllou. 
i'mea TAi tUUtmort //uuU. 
WIUi liauaualenterprlae Tin Nsw Vuhr OLirrSB liu 
laauod Ihla year a particularly etiracilve vditiun ol lu 
AsauaL Uia,uavor,ai*eriectiiiiiieor raljable laior- 
iiiailon, boihrramaitnmailo and MpMilDg iiandpolsi. 
lureovrdofplayaaad thiatrkal bappenUigaurifaayMr 
lenioalcuroplaie, oial lovoiuable louiie Inlereated lo (bo 
art. Tliedenitaeurepirtaur every variety nnila between 
lu budeofnely decuratad eofere lnfiirroailun of stary 
ilucrlpllon cuiicSrnInf nU Uie erenta ot (iie year In svaiir 
deperuaeoL Tbe fiaieme la p^>luaely llloairitad wliIi 

KIctureaulweliknowneriore and aetrea<ea end irfuoil- 
eat recopi breakera hi Uii workl oTepurL 

ValoAbis Uaferenca UmIi. 
/'/net rv tlaiUtn UomiMii If^i. 
TiiBCMi'PRHAHXVii. forlW. an Invaluable refereoca 
iMuk, cnuuliia all llie Ut**l recorda no ihe voter, taif, 
baaetreil, polo, puglliani and every other ifraovh la ihe 
»fnrt\ot line. Hpeckal aitaoUun u given lo Uie aiagaahtl 
Ike BUileur eportliiHwurW. llitr tooecula of leadlBH 
rtgoreaon thaauge loabe theejiilon a uebi'ie eoureolr. 
lo yachlloi nn<l analour roviuM a full llet of all tho loi- 
inrtoat evenia lo tbe world ar* recorded. "Hernle" 
W'fara, the irbainplca ihori diaiaooi runner; Obarlei 
Kllpairktr, the hall mile ebantplva ; Kiephen OhoM, iieo- 
teur diauipino hurdler, aod alike Heeeoey, inaklos a 
blgh Jamp.araplclu'ert lo iheir aihieiie rloiusiu ibey 
never ear* helure. le lha pilie nag aod Ibe wbeeUDg 
world the edilion la a feature. 

Fall anil Acroralc Compllatloa* 
/*fVf«i rA4 A/w Oiltam Ttmtft tMmnrni. 
The Ttm'i tumttrrnl hA«JiiU rerelvad froai tbopalilbh- 
eraor Tde Vkbk itLliraK U>elr A.^ii ai. for IM. Th* 

Kildtrailnn la nUad villi liirennatiun wlileb laot great 
lerMi to Uioee lo the iheairkai prnreaiioa arnl deroted 

lo aptirt f'fall kln<l-i A lull aod accdrele cunipiiatlOD of 
■H hie a<|ieila an J elblelle pfifbruiaocea, rarliiH Ud 
rio ting taconta. inaeifell. crieket, roulbaU, bllllardr. 

iltlox Ilia la tot ilme*Ml iMat perhirmaiice In ad ila 
pAitiiiffiiiMor epurl, U liiebrMd lo a taaiefuHy Iwoo'l viil< 
uin*. handanBcljr iiiaairoiad, the whole naklog aa larol- 
uaiita rrfMrence hook 

Bttriiaaavi All Pravloas Isaoas* 
rrvm The Attantni^itHltumn. 
Tiis Nsw yuRi CLiri-KH AkXCiiL for Ible year nr- 
pauee all previoua luaeaol ihle valuable and usl'iie 
pubileaiivb. TheUnnlrlcalclireuiilogyor ihemaoy Im- 
poitAeierema upon tne Ainrrlcaa aiage la very carelull^ 
e<iltaj, aeiciaaiva;a,aDd ta brimruful uaaful loroinia- 
duo. Ula baudKHocly lUuairateJ aoduiniainaUiilike- 
neeaeaofmany of Uwooiabla* lo Ibeuraiiiaiie, »Hratl'*t 
varleir ami ipvrtlDi world. 1; la a uaefol Uiua and prob- 
ably Ihe beat authority oo llhlello auirli In ihla cnuoiry. 
ThIa annual afauu Id oro|nrtat tbeutakof eveiy lorernl 

''^'^ Tha BoMt DiMk oftho Kind. 

Fam The jTfracvM .vundeg TImfi. 
When yonaee It lo Tiia<:LtmR,lt*aao. Tun Clipprh 
AnnvAt. for lie la a valuable reieience book, cr-oialnlog 
tiieauical, Muel':al and aporilng chionuluglee for UK. It 
Ii tbo beal book of the kind publlahrd. 

A Bpar^lag Oractai 
rutm Tki A/ooHyn CUIun. 
THRCurrsa AnOALforUM leant, sod Is more eim 
pleleaod liOOdiuaelbiDever, |i coDleloa valuable aOil 
InitreailngauUeikaln thaitrleal md apurting uuitera, 
AH the reeerdoaed beat p*HoRBaocea to all th**Mria 
era liven IB incA coovaoifnt totod. THRC'r.iprtHiili* 

Btaedapl aethurltj In aportioa aod amqaemeui naitem 
liir foriy odd v«aia,aiway* olvea tne beat sad It Ha* 
ke('i rIghtiD floeooca more nlib (be Ite U^x Tide 

yaar Twa AWtiAL le greatly anlarasd, havlDgihlrir- 
*ISb( Birre paiaalhan liat )ear,and eooialM SiuaMo 
aod atlilaUe |4rforaao«e«, racing end trotiiDg rs.Ofda, 
%ai baseball, biaiudi and crickst IS vlavi. 


THE n:ew YOBK olippeb. 

Febbuaby 15, 




010. W. KHIL, HuAan. 


mm RATES. 


lutaM«M*«iHrMMK. Ad«4B«U0BofVptrMQtli 
iUowtd oa idr«ftlmDMU wbib pkld for thm moBtbi 
la ■dnoM, ud oa adTMUamnu m«inrla| 109 Udm 


Om w. la fednaea, M; rii nonihi, ft; thm oiOBthi, 
ft fin^ga poaUflt tiba. 8lDCl*eopM,UloKUM«b. 

ODl nOlU AJtB OAfU. 
THE OUmi U UvMd tTfvr VcdAWdar BOfBLof. 
fbiUUiLUib aad UUi iMAwmmngi puM OO TO tua 
S2 lon>iT, Md tU Uiii, Ufli ad ooiir pmm oa 

Th* r omu Olostng Proaptiy at 4 P. K. 

rUut raaU bf aipuM BOB«r ardff« abMk, F. 0. Or 
««rorrMftHwMUUar tad 

Par tka BUCarial «r lha Bmataaaa 


la BiiiWad— Tia Ourm taa » obuiatd, wtaolMli 
ud lataQ, or ow anau, IbIUl ilaiUa A Ob., ■ Ktv* 
uaUa Mraalt Stnad, InBdoa, «Mra booad Urn ct ttali 
papar BAj ba ma, 

la ma«*-Tai Ouma !■ oa atia it BfaBiaaa^i oan 

d*pot» tr Awu da ropwa, rwii. 

Oram If aw^ark.^ 



AMBMBMOft vBuuaomivroiTii. ALLivQnvr 
or noa aaooLs wuts to non raoa nn die, u 
OAU or THB OLlPfBB roar oma. all Limu will 
n Apmnaa* om wna obly. ir na aona or ami 

fflUTBiaU OBSrABT la aDOfllT, 


truOT Pinoi.— Br th* unni of f. T. Bunum'i con- 
ineialib iuiDrLiiiaiiaauQiDnt ftU uiTolloiudbotol 
aiyiBiML iDd ptid bar on* uiouttnd dollan lor aieli 
eouaovL U* aiurwinlB hor, lo addlikia to ihU 
aauaat, a ihu* of ihoiitiprooMtlaorMcta ooocart- Bb« 
ftT* nadar hia Buagtmul Dlniir-Bfa cooeona, for 
wbleh lb* r*o*tT»d Uio kum of 1171^7^ accordlDK to Uia 
pabllibfd •UUmtDiofHr. Baraoni. 

T.J. U, Kr1«— W* do not koov wbothu- or not tbo 
toaUin U vnloctod bj law, but, u U bai boea owd m1«1j 
bf UiaaoUiryoauiDo, velblak U llkoir Uiat bo woolu 
aadaavQV to unv«oi tu u« bj any otbtr tbu blmioir. 

TimB, l^bliadolpLU.— Tlio itar wlU b» nndor o«w man- 
aionaatatitHMi, butibonaiut of iht muaiwhai 
not l*«B ntilo (nibllo. 

U. U. W.. Bu Aaunlu.— AddraM (ho Laareaco Norottj 
Oe.,nAnfnu«nira8u«ot, N«« VurkUlif. 

& J. N., DoinlL— Aoion ft«UNia itaf* oamu for Ta* 
rloQi rMBOD*: tuu\lf ooaaldorttioni, for iho »aIio of 
•opIiOBv, aad, abor* ■U, bicaui* ihor boiler* tbo 
aduptao aaiDO « lU htr* i arMUr tndt tsIu*. 

11. K.— It voqM pfobabij' bo*BO«d Ttoturaasd ibould 
obtain ironi Bltj dollan a vo«k npvani, aeoonllog to 

J. A. &, AdJwiod.— Tbo iDrormtlloo you mk mar )>• 
(bniKi la Ni>. o, VvL 89, of Tiia Cuvrn. boulog diio 
Fob IL MD 

J. U. H. Nawark.— Wo DAvor foralRli lofomiiitooooD* 
oonilor ibo a|« of proroMloQ&U, nor Iboir dotniMio 

W.N.O..M»wllrua««lok.-JobD I'hillp BonBawufor 
raaUv Uadoruf iba Maria* Band. Uo urorod iliat ood- 
BHtiOBa«T«ralp*anaBo, and litior director of ;a t>aud 
wblab baara b u owo d aoto. 
FLaTWeiuUT, Troy.— Wa dv not iblok tb* lltlobu b*on 

_. ^ Bubk.— Addiai* all of Ua partita la care of 
Tbb ourrsa. 

B. 0. U., ML 7«ra*D.— Addreu tM part; In oar* ofTua 

r.B.0., JaoAtloaOlUr.— W*do not Ihink tha^thtre la 

^jr. Kh BrMhln.-^ujU Ilrwin wni lor maa/ year* 
pruaaduoDaar tb* Wilbur Opera Co. 8b* will liaad a 
eonpaay baarlaa her oaeie nesl aeawa. 

Maa. & B. U., llav Orleana.— Wa bare oo r«oord of tli* 
dtata of tlie party. Addroaa letur In our oaro and wo 
wlUadrertlM IL 

J. l>.~Addraaa the party In oat* ofTMi OLirriR. 

W. r. t.— rirtaeo dollafi per 

0. A. B^ KooiilllaL— W* iMTer, lo r*e|tOD"e to querlee, 
ninlah larormatlon oonranlog tutuaien. or the uierlu 
01 tbelretlrtoiUwe. 

K.J. W., WaurvlU*.— I. Aa •coeotilo conedlao laoae 
wboe* aci dllTera ttma ibe aeneral rao. While or b1«ok 
rfeoebae DoilitoH to do wlUi tlio daaaltleailuD. l. *'l*a* 
thetio" naaaaeroatlOB pity otutW. 

J. B. Newark.— Apply to any thoairloal coitumer. 

T. IL W.. B*a(Ua<-Addr«ae letttr lo ourcara.aad we 
vriladrenu* IL 

0. B. A^ Toroolo.— Wadeaottblsk It would euocaeu. 
X. Y.t. and W.-l,l,8. BaebOiiaeadollafi|ier ■**!(. 

TwHiiy.avedollara. Notladvnand. 

B. B., Horfolk.— We noTor ftmleh Infomaitoo ooanro- 
iBff tha doDMOtlo airklra of profoulcaala 

r. W. IL« Uaarer.-AddroM tb* pirtlea In car* of Tiia 

H. U II.— Karr Aadcreon waa nairled Juoe 17. IW. 

IL B.— V*n*i*r, lo aaawir to qiariea, f^rauh lofor- 
nalloB coDoeraloB the an of iHoftMlooaU. 

1. O. M., HarrlBOD.- Tii» paity lo eoUrely uaknown 
to oa, 

K AQntm.—Addr«aa the party In oar* ofTua Ourran. 

^11. D. 0., Oriaoa— We haTo aol hoard of the company 

B. AND B,BUllBBtoa.— Addroaa the lAwreooe Norelty 
Oa, OB aod BO OoBtc* Bir**!, Koa York Lity. 

I. Bneblyo.-AddrMO th* jmrty lo caia ofTaa 

llAunao Bvim. Dbb.— Addraa Jam** A-Oaiboart, 
AUaaiMOity, N.J. 
J. V.-Batah lUrabanlt appeatad at tb* Biasdaid Tha- 

' ,lnr~' ' " — 


tbli dvy. In Iflll, b«r *oia|ftiD*ni laauog from Nov. 

'. B.D. FajaiTlU*,- Waar* uoabl* lo fVirolah thoad- 

a City.— 1 BMroDinllatlnihUliaue. S. 

W. H. II.. Bi Loala.— Wa Ood ao record of deaib. Ad* 
dreu letiar [o oor can. 
0. L., Lanurtar.— Rlveralde Park. Oeover. Ool. 
& B. Moonip.-Addraaa Kiaak B. OvoTerM, lU Weat 
rony.*lithBtr*elL Bow York Olij. _ 

a A. 11., BpvlDifleld.-A'tdraae tb* Ureat Amertoan ftn. 
^Tlajl aad PrlatlBB Oa, N Beebaan Hir*et, New York 

a*A. P. ArB*nla.-Addrau Prof. O'ltellly. 0 Obalharu 
Bquara, tbla oity. 

H. PortOlbaoB.— Addtaa Utttr la caraofTiiiOur 

PfUHK, Qolooy.— Addtau B. B. Treat A Co . Cooper 
UaUio.N** Yorktttiy. 

J.O.O. JK^ Toronto.— Th* l*liar atlll lamaloa la thla 

X. T. OhTtUad.— 1. Addnaanfiyitfoureooi pub- 
lUblBBadveriUaraL i. 11 WeitTwaoly thlnlBUML 

J.aa.JerearOlty.— lla vaiaoL 

R. D. MoBlBomerr.- We oanaol learn who owbji the 

Ml. J. Blfflo.— I. Tliwe li aol luuota d*BiaDd. B. 
Probably twtnu dollan par w**k< 

T. ■.>.. KanaaaOlty.-l BMrc 
Addraii Ibo party, lo ear* of Tuk 

B. T. L a^acow.-OoL A. 0. Babel, the eowboy plan. 
lBi,dlejonJaB IPlaaL 

U. W,. Onenilllo.-Adilrew aoy of oor aoas publlililas 

J. aTir., Lawreaoe.— We aoTor f^inlib prlTat* ad- 
dr*a***or pnilaaalooaU. Addraaa Wtier lo nnr car*. 

D. B-t BImlra.— Tb* party lou oaM la lo BoaUiHl. 

B O., Boriln.-!. Bolh lotlete bata l>e*o claliued. B. 
Tbw* U a ooopaajr btarlna that tJUe on the road. Boa- 
ter ankaown. 1 Tut likely. • Prou ail**D dolUra 
upward. aoronlloR loabUliy. Wi koow ofnoae, 

0. P. P.— Addreea the parilei lo «er* of Tiia CLirrtn. 

0. II. v.— Addnaa letter Id our care. 

T. B. V.,Mew Bnuawlrk.-!. NaD.VoL4l. L No. 9. 
Tea, 1 1? eople* at t«a oeota eeeb. 

11. & U.. Olaiotaad.— Moraan A Kvaoe, vbMo card ap- 
pear* In thlalerae, can fUinUh you villi anierry-iio-rouoil. 

W. J. P» llaiilDid.— Theeniwer la our U«t luuewaa 
oerreoL Iflbe player at poker who ncelred nure or 
leaatbanflTecaidi baddlp(«Tei«d aod uaouored ih* 
lact btfOn lintna Ma canli,|t wmKl ltiTeb**a enla- 
dtal, tad the earda diouM be naboOled. reeut and the 
dealer deali onto; bui, not bailnn ntedekoowD ili* 
Iketthithohad toomanj ortoofaaeaida naill ^/irrb* 
bad looked at hla hanti, no mlaStel necurrod. but th* 
^bg*r wia Mwpvlkd to retire ftein tlie itame fhr ibai 

B. MoN. Barld Ollj-.— Ttie poloia cdual la Tehie la ible 
ider: Mlih, low, latk. fame, )>edri\ dorli. Baebpluor 
iiaTlDi bat one point to mate, aod a tiaTlni niade lo piaj 
the two ha bid, went out on hlah. Tbe fkct that B playM 
ktw befom Aaoetaaded la rjaklaBMorequlradtwopolau 
bad no benrloa oo tbe eaao 

P. P., Brookun.— In eullloi lor daal at fuchie Jack la 
blib card. 

iu.O. A W..TDMo.-lnthatamaorolneb,ordenble 
padn\e playarcan dlaoani wbataier rania be pleaaw, 
wbelber trump or bol and draw in oitmpleie hU band. 
Trump* Uiat aredlaeanled muetraaalBln thedlecaidon- 
l*ae eelecied by th* dealer to eomptou bla hend. 

J. w., Kevarh.— 1. Tbe dealer lame up immp btforo 
neU* ara In order, t. A«ordloi to ibe rule* of ih* 
■ameapUjerinooiiaheairlok beiorebaeaa eoota any 
mvMa that *r« ataodloR lo hla credit. 

O. B^TrenioB.— BeoDQtBOB* for tbe bo, there beloB 
ao run for iha laat canl la 1 & t aod & 

0. R..Onnd*Q.— AbaaaroB offfli for tbe laat eard la 
«.Aa.l.l>.L«aa4 i. 

J. H.k..Bpr1aineU.-l. Blarlabl Ib eUtmlBB that A 
caBBoteoaet lor the pair, the tmierrealBe. I. TTietala 
ao ruB Ur tha laat tard lo a 1, 1. Bkl. a, 1 aad S. 


O.H.B.. Pert WlBnta-Mxiy-oBO polaU bare to be 
eootid In crlbbue before belDi ooL 

R. B. D.. Banfioorillei-A head lo crlbbag* of foor S** 
and a qaaea eooate twroir eliiht. , „ . . 

0. Aim L..P*itrBO0.-Tbe rule lo aoeiloo oIlchbeY- 
iDf en th*qiai(Ioii readathoe: "If Ute teller declloea to 
anXamlolbahlirbeatbld.aBd plt«l)*a hlma*ir,h* iaoo. 
Uilod. If necaaafol. to eeero all tbe poloia bo ui* B>l>e; 
bolKhe falU lomaho m naoy polou aa thehlibeal 
number oSorad he raoat boMibackJoat thatoonbiror 
polota,end be unnot ecora aaiihlaitthat he may have 
madedorlei the play oftbathtod." n* name nay b« 
played by any Bomber of peraooa, from foir to oiKbL aod 
Bflar iba carda h«v* been dealt the eld**t baod (the 
player neit lo th* left orth*d«al*rl proeaoda to Mil tbe 
privllefeorplUbloflllie trump. You do ool appear lo 
hare bean pUyloB th* Ran* nemnllDf to role. 

AHAOOJtin-A Ubte Meho raeao> that eadk pUy*r 
plaG«aiheanoaBl he proMMi to riak w)>*r* It may b* 
e**o, thet ft pUT*r eanootte nU«5 more than b* baa oo 
ibe Ubie, aod that no peraoo an be deprived ol a ttll li 
ha pnu up all bla mooey. )■ mcb e»e* the boat band 

0. If , New Verb -1. A full Und. L No: a rail hand 
baau aauih,aod a llaabbeataaairalaht, at poker. 

fl.C.,N*wYoik.-Ko. At Jack ootpoker aptayer who 
opeoa lb* pnt oo a pair allowed (o apllt the pair todraw 
loafnnr, flailiofitraUht, and larmfy reoolred topUc* 
liU dlatard when he can read lly refer to It, lo caa* adl*- 
poUabooU nbooqaeotlyorcor- 


J. B. O-.CIneiDBatl.- Tb* OloclooatI Rada of INO lo- 
elBded Braloaid. pllcber; AllUon, catcher: Oould, 
Hvaaaey and Vaurmao.oB tbe ba»«a; Oeorpe Wrinhi, 
ehon atop, aad Uooard, Harry VTniht and HeVey In the 

W.B^ Philadelphia —The baU la dead alter MttUog bi 
the wlciethefper** baod«. . , . 

L. P, J., Bflttoo — Th* lantoal acor* on record In part- 
BMahlpN Ihn ta made by <U|rulo Oetee aod Private 
PlUfaraU, Jane It, ItHO. at florra«h Camp. Ireland. 

W. T. J.. Breoklyo.-M. P. Oavla. ibe «i oanunao aod 
lOToator 01 oaoy appllaorai In cAnoectlon with uar« and 
boat*, dafeaied Patay Reacaa lo a match rac*. fur t]flB 
a aldo.oo Htlvir Uk*,at riyrootoo, Haae..OcLf IflTV. 
Tbad IMAM* wai four w\\«s wiih a tora. aod Devlewoo 
quite eaally, 1b nn. P4:, which la the beat tlm* oo 
rocordforaaculllDBracaonlak* «al*r, under the aame 
coDditloaa. R4afftn wii hlllad lo a ra>lruad acddeot 
while reinmlnf to BoetoD, Iho fata* day. 


A Sunoiiaaii^barler Mluball bnockiHl John L. Rol- 
llvao don IntheopoDioBroundDf their atoTecontaai 
at Madbn* Brjuare Uardao. la tbU citr, lo im. 

W. II. Ko* Yurk.-4ucb athloR may have hapMood 
In a reasb atid lunble fl|Ut,bul we Bever heard of It. 
Joho Morrlaaey aerar fooKbt n cilorod maa la Ibe rioa. 

U. O. f).. Areola.— Wrile lo the Amerlcao BporU Kub- 
llBfalDjro.,341 Bmadwav. NawVork. „^ , 

n. P. D., Brwblyn.— Joo Cotaura and Mike MeConle 
fooaht for ihe diarapinnthlpof Amariea aod |l,On)a aide 
oaarCbarle*toeii. Md..Mayfr. 1963. C4<bura waaaa^od*] 
by Jim Cuiick aod lien Wlohla an<i Hd^ool* by Jehooy 
RocboandAoRirallao Kelly. Ed Price wee the rerere*. 
Mike NorloB wa« Coburo'a umpira aod Uarrr Ulll 
orDclated la the aane upecltf for McCoole. Tbe A*ht 
lamd Ih. Kha..iliiy-e*Ten rouoda belBR coaieat«d. At 
tbe doae of ihauaui round tbe iMitlDR on Oobun, «1io 
waeniochthetiBlekaraodclaTerer (Ixhier. niM at 109 
toaa with few (ibrn. Tbe reaiol the Aihtwiaeltoeethor 
Id Oobura'B faror. aod ai tbo floirti h* waa almoet 
UBuarked, while VcCoola waa w aevarely puoltlitd that 
bo wa* obliged lo temalo la Charleetown till ibe neat 
dar. Thaaui«BieBtr«rerr«d lolamucfa oiaMeraitd. 

J. 0.,Bt4ubaBvllla.— 1. Jlin Otrbeit, alter the defeat of 
BUTetfDonoellby Peter Malier, praaqmad to ttalfothe 
world'a 1*01 loir eh amplooahlp In lavor of tbe latter— aome- 
ttalor wbldi. of eoarae. he hid do rlRht to Ho 1 Hardly, 
lor lia had no rliht lo do ao. S. Tlie match betveen Boii 
Pliulnmooa aad Mabar la far the boilnR (or Riove) 
ChaaiploBihlp, and the wioDerolH It* th* chaniploo. Aa 
roRBfda "the belt," v* koow netbloK about IL 

T. W. H.. Weaurly.-Bob ritulromooa aiaoda tn. 
llKla. la belihL 

M, On DeluUL-Joe Cbovaakl lean Amerieao lir birth, 
havloR l>**o bora lo Baa Pnoclaco. Cel., Nor.H, IttK 

M. U, Newport —1. There eve ooU two «*;a lo which 5 
cao be made alth two dice. vU : i-i aod 1-^. A wlop 
1. Tha letter rorvaided lo jnareommuBlcailoDofPeb.d 
waa not a*ot from ihio oRlce. 

B. AMD A.. HrURoport-B wlea. It requlroN orer thirty 
Ramea to doeldi a tenraameot or eiRbt player*. 


R.I.B., WaahlBRUn.— I. Toa. 1. We can ooly decide 
elioreeeloKtliallaaa. S. AdJreaa them la care of Tut 

BoviNTOWfr.— The card wouU eoet one dollar aach la. 

Editor, lllllrard.— Moaqu!;* larvu are d*T*1oped lo 
eaampa or low landu 

moat lodofallRabl* woTk*nIor H'^,"?!!L?iwS2* iS 
amoac ib* youth of K*» York la Mr. Opp*ob*lin. II* 
U *r*r laidy aad wlUloR to puah anything It* can for th* 
gnod or ehtckora. 


Ta Camepamdaata* 

L. M.BiRARin-StayBianRaaaaathand 0 K; thanka 

W. ffnriBO.-PoBltloaa airrlaliL 

U. B. BDRDioi — Touraracenod aad aniwereJ. 

BbmOoohi— Ifavewrltteo yra 

B J. Biarmit.—Oamei very acceptable. 

BalalloH or PwHlaa Na. 4V. Vol. 43. 

Black I S n B 
Wbltell K4 15 » 

Blaok to ^^^^ 

10 6 10 
II I7(a> U 9 - . 
(a) If li to 17, tbeo SS to 90 wloa. 

10 1ft e u 

11 U BUckwIna 

PaaUloa Ba. no. Vol. 43. 

WblU a » 11 » It 13 
Wblta to play and dimw. 

Gam* No* BO, Vol. 4». 

Tbo foltowloR two ganioa war«j>lir*d lo tbo Boatoo 
handicap tooney between a. D. BuRbe* aod H. n'Ouo. 
nor. Contrlbuied by Beo Oooae. Mr. BuRbee'amove. 
II 16 U B II 8 ir 0 17 
niB Dlb 170 BU BIS 
B II 1 9(0) IS II II Ift tr SI 

IB II 31 n SS II 18 II n u 

9 lb II U It n 7 16 SI f7 
O 14 IS II B n « 19 Id 18 

10 17 IIB 48 Sn I7IS 
tl 14 BO 0 S St 0 10 11 
SB 816 19 A 69 Drawn. 

14 WkMOa U B 18 19 II 
(ai la aaoih«r gam* Mr. Boiba* varl*d wlib 

11 16 M 16 7 A 11 18 16 
18 11 «10 t9B 69 ai7 
a U U 6 » II B B IS B 

BB in SDS 31 r laii 

4 8 31 M 16 W SI O 10 17 
KM 8 II l« II 9 IS tl U 
16 19 B a » SI B 11 I)ra«o. 

(b) Palrgrleve, la a game alik Oaidaer, played the fol. 
IowIbr: _ 

B B B II SO B 17 IS B 11 

II 16 I 18 B II ll 18 18 19 

li 19 S U B B IB 11 IS 9 
16 14 11 13 6 9 9 18 6 14 

B 19 n IS 11 17 B B 31 ir 

6 9 1 e 18 11 18 B DrawD. 

(c) In "Lae'e Uulde'* B to Bt, aad alio B lo II U glvoo 

Rawa af tta* QaHO. 

wbll* aid* la fbrever uofeuable for maieli or tnunument 
plaj. Aa va bate lierolofor* aald, It redeclj gnat orvdit 
upoa Dr. Stajroan to almeat demooalnle beyoad a doubt 
to tha dnuRlit playlof freloraity Uiat the "Black Doc- 
tor*' (a a black win R. A. Davli^ of Woburo, Maaa., 

la eBdeavoriBg to prove tbo "File," alter the SO to ftjump, 
awbluwie. Aod eoihe work ei cnrrectloa aodreTUioo 
Roea on ooBtlDoallv. The "MaM of th* Mill" la ao atroua- 
ly In fkTorof black Uiet oo oee want* to play Ihe other 
eld* Wa reiuembor eome alRhiaeo or twenty yaarit acu 
the 90 loB luove IB (ha "flnter" wa> a favitrlie aaioBR in* 
eiporii^ with many chaorea lo fhvor uf while ; tmi flaally 
It was proTMi uotenable, and today It la preclteally roo- 
aldaredablaokwIn.allhouRh ll laetlll* rim^ Mm to play 

eRaloMIha TOUORvtare Therw Ua likelihood of L H. 

Bieana leiulnR a WDnlhly dototed to checkei*. If tbe 
aeh*me malurea It will be wekomed br all eh*cber play. 

ere Jauvea Bh*ifi«1d has <*al1*0R«d tTharlea Uhel to 

plaar Tur th* Rbod* laland chanpiooahln. There la more 
Btale ckaaplombtp tooteau btKl lo Ititle Rlindy than In 
all the other Biaiaa tvfelhor. alto w log * oorameadftbie 

lBl*r«at la th* ram* (leu. A. Plerc*. of Chlcaio, n- 

coolly Tialtod aianeeota. aeil cvoteeted iwenir tamei 
with Dr. Tna\Uta ttoel onue beloR.* I'lerca.8; Truai. 
S: drawn. II. While Dr. Truii waa defeaiod, etill we 
ihtnk he did well, ll naat Itauken loto coniidemtlca 
tbat be get* varylliite praotka, aod the wiher rlayer 
oomea from owof iho alrfagiit checker eeairaa la the 

worM Ua New York hwdlrap toamey U proRtuae. 

InR Aoely. loliroat la Mill at afal|h pitch, aod maar aur 
pilaea aroc«Btloually bohMogep. 

Tha V, fl* O. A, Haadlcap Tnmnaj. 

with the baatty eupporl of Alfred ritlchoey. who do. 
aatea til ih* prtoftk Harry Oppeahelm baa laaurortted a 
toaraay latha tealnl braach ol thla aaeoclatlna. Tbeta 
w|Ub*lhte*elaaeea. Meaert. lluRbeo aud Varley will b* 

S*oalyeooleeiaaialD(beemrUM. Tbe hanofcap w||| 
; one gam*, and play foer b«tw**Q earh daaa The 
WjJ?^^1!?f**l? Portialta" one 

Parrlo Match Uamaa," aad a^*Laa'a OaM*.*' Oo* of tb* 


Ta CerrafpaadoBta. 

Bro. PRvn, Fana— Oor aoalvata bava doa* mucb 
better ihau reportod laat weak- D J. l>*5™«'?^f? 

•f, n..a 0 10 niBs: is..^ iwab * -r,' 
mala. Black'o move* are all foreod 

P. BKiiAHDeoit- Mr. Oaounoredeellnu to taehi* tha 
Job or "baatlBg" Problem 1011-turaa It or*rtoyoo,or 
aofbody thatcaodolt. « 

BRO. BROwjf, Uoda, EajL-Thaoka for btformaboo of 

J. r LiwaiROi -It waa Bnlg. ».0». not Trtib.. that va 
BaldfornioaottOBay)yuudh] ootooravel; tbePnb hu 
bolh the keya yon meatloa. You nuat have aet up Bnlc. 
1,041 wroog: aoybowyou kav* not hit tbe veryiBbila 
and anlaUc ker. ^ «... r « m «<. .w 

J. D. Kcawitrk. Correa Bac'r PromraaalvaC. 0 -Tbaak 
you for Ibo alieoHoa of the loTltatlon; •orry w* eouU 
not aoc*oL W* afaoold be glad to bHP up witb tbedolBp 
or_ronr llv*ly dab. If yoa would keep ua lofomad. 

D. J. Dan aiiOBi — Tliaok a for prompt aolutino*, abouM* 
n't woBder If yo* baaid lonttblog fton Mr. Helm*. 

BkO. UtLM— Tbe dadred ooplei of The EaoU oame 
prompilr. thaok yci: hope you «ero not qolu over 
whelmadbyourRarrallty. ^ 

CiaaA OiLBBRO.— Tbe tkrieaand fonrtlDieawelooD* 

packasoa bad a pleuloRly aurtliog effect; ihaok yon 
vaiT nacb. W* raocy roo look opoo yonrraiuro from 
«au-Eden" a good deal lo Hi* natur* of ao < 

vary nacb. 

"QaB-Eden" - -— 

L.D.BU>tKlltTO)f JR, K. D.-00* I Mm Id tb* abeia 
nootloeod waa a copy of that aaparlatlvsly dainty cb«*a 
bookl*i._yoar ''Boavsolr." 

M. B. TSlir. BeU* PlalBo, Ia.-To aoiwer all youroo**- 
UoDB would botowni* an alemeotarr treatlaaon cheo, 
tooblcb oor apace would be utterly loadequato- 'Apply 
toDlokA FlliRerabl,publllh*ra.lBAon Blr*«t.thll eltr. 
for OoMlp'a "Cboaa Plajon' Tait Book;" or Haracbe'B 
*'Miou»lnrCheM."7ftCta ^, ^ 

Wa BCHAPin, Newark, K J.-Oar 49", old friend, lo 
leatlfyour jrreetloa on yoer reiure. Bloc* Mr Babaoo 
wai fn Bouthem Callforalawe have not, v* our r*Rret, 
heaiTl Irom him. Come aa often aa poealbte; EolRoia 
2,1)11 eorrecu ^ . . . . 

K.U.TKKD.-VeMi th* nportwaa much eoad*oa*d, but 
waaall oor apace admitted. 

Ealgrna Na. !6,043, 

Chttt MmMif. 

^ i. ^ ^ 

•tKt< KB, qi. K>. 

aiKR8^ B. EK17. 8, 
BUck pR E B 7. K R 7. 

_ Willi* roat*a In elitltL(t) 

NOTIM — Aa lo Pari I, turn to TA^ SduuMxttlUMQ. March, 
*B, p. 81, and. maklOR Del Blo'e 6m mova^B to bla 8, K 
to Kt 8— w* bavo a ' Btudy by Yam Tuicr, of Loadonl" 
Tbai la brloRlog a cboaa tb*h to light In a criap aod aatla 
factorr EoaoBer. Del RIo'n enloUon Ukea tweiT* mov*e 
Part 11 — Tbiele flrea laJVon^ Vrmja,tnn an old 
Oaraan paper, by ea onkoowo aatbor. A aolutloo lo 
einht moToa*pp*ar* ImpoMtble, uole** a White P at IC Kt 
S la added. Aeotutioa in fourteoBmoraeba^howerer, 
bfteo fouad u It ataada. 

ArfiUA f'iuu tiagailne, 


Miii.i, lent, K4. 

« t I « 

alKKt7.Q\ BI. KR7. 
Vltlr* tn play and win. 

Problaat No. Sl,043. 
Frrm The llrUUk Ouu MOQasiru. 
A rcx2LR— bv a IV. raiMKBitaTRiif. 


"Burt aa lo a game aod pmlBea the given poaliloo lo 
iweaty-four mora*." The B C. M, olTera a eopy of WII- 
IIboib: "Oben Krobleme" for the flra correct aorutloa- 

dmoout-BDl*** there baaoodd nomberramalnloi, la 

«i>B haa a iMdlQg woro afflOBg tha droppea, eo a* u 

\\mhji£i duBpUndil , It U lo b, vWti off; b<tlr tbli 
k InplMUaUo .B Ib. Bd.Un eomnlrlM viU •>•» > 

Mmt, for Iho oibir pr1i« IboT imt SLSSK 
oSii Ih. pUron nuf ifTM. Timo Umlt, lhli«»inoT« 

"nS'pihM will b. : lo tb, cbimplooiblp, 

ifC^iir EirSi (Ol boll loonmnott cloo. od Un 
gtftaSTil 10 r. «. Iboio U 10 b« » probtoo •OMIPI 

"■SlrciilraZlor Iho Coomllia oo Wwi ll 
Dt?Ho«M«rMppoit»<l br Mour.. fuiMbMrn, Do 

OSBO !)a. Ii,043. 

Stolnlu'p DolyTlctonronr Ualior; but in exblbltloa 
Of ifelU wonbr of hU belt diT.. 

quBuira oambit etaded. 


J..Q »-B3 
4. .11 B-B4 

a..r-q Bxn) 

T..Ktx Kt 

...2 B-B4 
H>..P-« B9 
lS..g B-Kt3(ll 










1 H,^laSW 

u..gx<i2iiriiBPx B' 



K R X rid) 


. P-K Kl« 
21. ,K Xt-B9 
U..r-K Kt4 
I1..P-E Ktl 


qilXH+ K-Kti4 



tlq Qxa 
(9+ Irxk 


ll..l)XKtr QB-Q9 


(a) Oi^lDirlly wMk; bulboioproTonu lAik.!*, o-oal 
PuQBl.ind olblrvlio TOTkkw.ll on MCODatofwbit 
w, ooMHlor , wMk riplr. 

(t) II ll)..rtoE Iti; II..q BtoKt 3,PloB (; Wblla 
woahl 11 OM, aierifltt tha plaoe la a wmjr ilnllir lo tha 
ODaaooD Bdoplod. 

(II nn. ud waU oooiUnwI. If I3..P x P, Pto K4U 
ODc uhI BUok opiai bb same idTiDltooDOlr. Tha 
in.«,r la loniowhu la th. oatun of , timp, and ool Id 
Luk,l'.uBa,lMuod atria. Batlhocoaloitaowuauoio. 
roiuuiaa of loaiarkibl. Intaroitt aod la wall •aHilaed 
Ummhout. BlukwoukI b«uar IV.Pxr: l<..KtxP, 
Ih A mlauko: ahouM lOtanco P lo Kt 4. 

(4 'nbxblr iblnklox u> wla; .Iw. 17. .R lo K Kt iq; x r -fiilx n: ia..Q xB+.()u>Ktii a..o toRl 
f , .to. Olid It la doubtJkl vhaihar Whilo would hira 
ouad lo Toatar, on mora Ikon a panotual ehaoh. 

(41 U..PI0K4: l)..PIal!t^ BXP; ll..rxB,q xKt 
r ; n. . P to q A, vonld biro bMO bailor lliou tha uxt, but 
TouM huiSl7 aro tha guui. 

Tk» Plrst O.m* 

la vbleb PllUburr ahowibU aid rolllni off. 


nilabufT. - 

I. .P 10^4 



t..p-a i 
9. .oft. 
I. .Kit 


U..K Kt-Q. 



K KI.B9 
r-a B 4le) 


K rx p 

RE-Ua. K R 
l(/) It B X B • 
Ktx Kt 




( K A, Dotaa In llTO. 

Nornv, £M4on naia. 
(OThareal MrratoT Ihedtaaiploa'a loccaaaof Ihud,. 
laDco. lod ha fUUr iMliua lu 

(I) Unwiaa, lo Mr Iho lawt; ba baa no Inmodlil. praa. 
poet or , oouotornttick. 

(/I Tho pUualblo looklDi brllllinor 19. .B X R P: olio 
11. B lo B 1. boUi laid lodliulir. 

(Ill SMptrolanUladl ir P x B,mtlo, or nul kwor 
malarlll, bTllllully followi Id • Tow tnoraa. 


i..K M-BJ 
1..K B-XIS 
t.K 1-R4 

Ak>Ib Foarth ReaBd. 

Ruv Lorsi Krs oamk. 



l! Bx Kt 
U..K Bx B 

K KI-B9 

K Ki-qiip) 

?Ki X r 
Px Rl 


... - J 


, B 







8Bx R^ 
P-K Kt9 


--, -- - . .._ , _„ . Haalaaa. 

(tf) TkIiIboiIo'i lODontjMi; Irti^uantly luccMahil Id 
hi. hood, 

,<A) Tbo nanianu. aickoagw |.aio Uia piMltlou pno- 
llcaJ^oquaL ^ 

(II Tlw poaHUIOD or Iho opan lllo DOW flTaiWhll. a 
«.nilD aopariorlr 

(ki NacMaiTT, outunplMHDt 

(1) Lmtu Ibo I'l .111. noeh too uanratoelod; R lo Q I 
wma mora dMinhIo, ovm Ibiiovb WhIU mltbt Idlow 
.Ilk q 10 B I. e..P ta I It 1 aotmi Ih, Kat illSj. 

(II Aoaplulitnka, Ihafureoof whldi Tieblnria eooi. 

N. Y. aial, CkM, AiOMlMloB. 

TklalmooiunliDdilowiaplfliod aotlatiwlll hoMlta 
anoulVlDUr tonraamuiu. la araiL oa rob. tX.Diob. 
•bto1n th, hiUol tha Uollnl Cbarlllaa BalUlat, Tw.,!.. 
aaoMHl filro.u thla dir. Oonanl namhotiblp IK 11' 
•auuc^o^amploDdilp uonar. It; to 
Bolklob.i-lu«loa.TaoKngl. BalmnU will l« poind 

11 t S A. ■..OOBDMOOO pUrOt id A. X. ud Um UlUl 

noihod or acotloit wlu ba nard. 

Tha oomaltloo will armai, ood pair tho «apollloi, 
tn Ihtw loopda br aimb*n. Tboa OU In ih. chABploB. 
ahip, not hoTlai t oa>i* tval to iho Ibnr bMw, and In 
th, mwnl loanar.ut „oAI to Ih, lT^likMI,wlO 

br 0. II. Huhiwar, HCaao or aovra. h*uw«, v,. 
BronibMJIr^ A RBoditoa. Iho m- 
anlMonurj. KIk to Iwnol/ 

Hooon A, A p,iiriTnio-Oo tha lat loit. A. B. 
UoJiaa aaaajod a armillaaooua miuh ri lUlooa Pro 
Rolilroa U bODO, IK 9mfiMri\M.JlT.a^- 
(and four I'l aunbllAall of which war. oradi^ with 
inaquolKonariwowSb. wuistauUiiTUloCT 
iripaDloin. Ihoa»r»wi,-Ji»wB,l(lfr.OrOMbajnf 
loal^^w..; «. tho uau or th. wlon.i» ar, or Inurou 
aa Uiowlai, probohlr. who ua amonalho Uad.ljof UiU 
anlartniloi rouoi chb. "oam. (loodmtt Copi»k>- 
wItKk, OoldUfar, Boraadr, Bdioonbauo and WIntor. 

Bier. M.BlloB. 
«o aball (<l at aolollonl lOlD In a woak or two. . . ^ 
■r.Shonlloi bu hooa eolM horn, lo lonlnckr.nod 
ben oblllMl to roifalt hla poalUon In Iho BlDoklrn uu- 

DOT nior hid Aooihoi npM mailt ourdtfiim In 

ihoBraoklinO. 0., lu liat, with alitoan ootfonia, thiitr 
■Mondi 10 a ntoro. Tb.r, woi a tirlad acala of hoDdl. 
capping put up on Iba •Inniiar pUjMi. Mr. Dolmir 

CAiD. out Int. Mr HMphrMcooiI It looha,at thli 

wclllDg, Uko 1 nra rlcurr lomr 81. OUIr In tho Cohiin. 
blaarommir School, ei ho had nloo ainltht rletorlol, DO 
ttinpotltor atondlua naarar than flra laaa......A auB- 

nan of daulU of Ihe eabU much wlU bo (Itm noit 

weak, 01 ll li not Imoalloulr pnialoit ..Our ohl coo- 

Iribuur, Wro BthiTor U «1IU0> a chwi coloma la 7>« 
HewJcrufFTttt ZeUunt. Hr. 8- loTl: "11 tou hare d<A 
boird Irom no Utoir, I eouM not h.lp baaiiog Irom joa, 
11 lolwiva bora TBiCtirriR.ind am iiUd lo koow or 
Ita pond anee^ Yo. wlu hair fron m« u oftAO u I 
cangattlmotownnlJeTlthroarchaaaonlA lomDOinO' 
IhlOK or » pcobUm flind, koap a »Uoellon of all th. 
D01M authora, and. neadloa to aar, jour Uno proMomi 

and aolnnia on amoog thom." Tbaraan fonlin 

ItOD. galore, but w. on only ronlnra oo anting with 
pocnIUr mlalhction that , milch la oa. SchKran t«. 
BtehillE. PonleoUn hiro not tnnaplred, p.rhapa or. 
DuiMttUd. OoaBulDlu mak.anMlcbucbaiiwIthoat 
1 long OTtrture of pair^rUrMf 


RaelBg at ITew OtIobb.. 

Feb. 4.— Flntnce-Slx mnoDipi-EUIe Fergnaoii, 
103, 0»}wooil, t to 1, won: Rowllod III, im, alll, 7 
lu 10, Mcnnd; aeorgo Bmltb, 102, Law, It lo 1, tblid. 

Time, l:ieM Sctond nce-OM belt mile, for 

two rcr oiiio— PtnieuD. llB, Feno. 7 to 1, von; 
uxoie, lot, Thom, I to 6, lecond: Siar TObuco, 

lot. Unrphj, 7 to 2, third. Tliiw,OM!£ TliM 

nee— Six ra^loEg^ bMiillc»i>— RvnnMca, lOl, 
Thorpe, 3 to t, won; FaoDle Howeiu, ItO, Tulxr- 
Tllle.S to 1, iKcond ; Fanoot, 107, 0>j»o«l, 8 lo 1, 

third. Time, v.UH Fburth nce-One mile, 

tiBDdlcap— Oeorgo vr., M, Scherrtr, lO to 1, von; 
OrlDda, 111, Irving, 410 1, Mcnnit; Dooksitiler, lot, 
IHim, so 10 1, third. TInie, 1:42K Fifth lace- 
Six (urtnom— PrjilanB, lOJ, 0111, a to 6, won; Bag- 
pipe, 107, Caj vood, t to 1 wccnd; Trlxle, 116, Udft, 
a 101, third. Tlme,l:l(>i. 

Feb. 6.— FIna nue-Serrn torionis— Doable, 101, 
Hill. 7 lo 2, won; SiBdervtta, 03 Otj, 4 to l.mcond; 
Unmle 0., 97. Scbemr. 0 to 1, third. Time, 1:33K. 

Swonil ra<»— Mx turloDge. wllInK— Teiraplo, 

110, renor,8 In e, von: VIda, 105, Hill, 6 to l.sM- 
ODd: Hark H., 107, Uailhem, 10 to 6, Uilrd. Time, 

l-.ltX Third mce— lUir a mile, for two rear 

oldg— KeoDlRon, 108, Wlllhtnu, a lo 2. won; Iron- 
stone. 111,11111.4 to I.aecond; Aiue B.,108. Joan, 16 

tol.ttilrd. Ttme,0:69 Fburib fact- Mile and a 

qnarter. Merchant,' Handicap- Emln Bei, 113, 
Thorpe, 7 lo 2, won; Manrlce, 114, Slmoui, S to 2, 
wcoui); Florence P., 110, <^7«ood, 7 to 6, third. 

Time, 2:ie>x Fifth lace— Six (arlongo— My 

Uebe, 100, Tiiorpe, lO to 1, won; HcKw, 100, HlU, 1 
to 3, accond; Fecdnan, III, Bnrni, 30 to 1, third. 

Tlnr, Sixth race— Seren forlnnga— 

Stanza, 03,0lav,4 tel. von; Ondagne, 100, Thorpe, 
T 10 2, secnmi; Pallizer, 110, Pennr, 7 to T, thbd. 
Time, 1:33)<. 

Feb. 0.— FliM race— One mile— Dlok Beban, lu, 
Ca; vood, 2 to 1, llral; Little Blllr, 102, Haltbewa, 10 
10 1, second ; Ohlcot, 108, Hill, t to 2, tbltd, Ttmo, 

1-.40 Second race— Six forlonga, maldena, sell- 

log- Una, 100, DavU, 12 to I, lint; Tonj Day, 102. 
HiaoD, 8 to 1, aecoDd; Kavlola. 102, Scheicr, 16 to 1, 

third. Time, 1:19}; Third lace-SIx fortong^ 

aelllDK— War Bong, 112, Thorpe, 10 to 1, drat; Bla 
ulentta, 119, Blmos, 1 to 2, wcood; Qeorgle Rmllh, 

110. Ulll, 10 U> 1, thin). Time, 1:18^. FoDitta 

isoe— One mile, btodlcap— Tanerwl, W, Davli, 16 lo 
1, drat, Claraa, 101, Ulll, 25 to 1, aecond: Eagle Bird, 

104, J. Hill, 4 to 1, third. Time, FUth 

tHce— Serea furloDgB, Belllng-Balk Line, 107, 
Thorpe, eren, dial: Oomet, 107, Morpbr. 10 to 1. sec- 
ord: nmillce. 107, Jones, 90 to i, iblrd. Tlrw, 

liXj.ij Sixth race-One mlle-Onondague, 102, 

Hunih;, 12 to 1, Ora; Pert, 80, CDair, 7 to 2, eecond; 
Uulbert, 101. Thorpe, lo to 1, ihlrd. Time, 1:47 

Feb. 1.— Flntraue— Fllt«ea-sliieenihi of a mile— 
Hiurlce, 114. Slmm, oat, won: Feaat, 106, Cty- 
wocd,io to 1, neooed; Hailer Fred,ii4, Newcom, 

16toI, third. Tlme,l:a9,'^ Second race— Hair 

a Dlle, two yean olds, Mlllna-^Angrr, 103, Bill, 11 
tot, won; Ethel Fairall, no, Dairoit, • to t. eecond: 
Roeolgen, 101, (Ai;vond,« to 6, ihlrd. TlmcOdlX. 
.Third race— Seven furlong,— Ohatlanooga, 

109, KcQlone, 4 lo I, won; Lochlnnr, 112, Bimms, S 
to 6, eecond. Cctro Qordo, 112. Sweeney, 40 to 1, 

thM. Time, 1:33 Foarih lace— One mile, 

handicap— DIok Behan, IDS, caywood, 4 tn 6, won; 
Uatota Arrow, 00, Itnrney, 40 to 1, wcond; Terrapb, 

110, Penny, 6 tel. thin). Time,iM« Flfibrace 

—SIX fullonie, nelllog— Tartarian, 107, Hnrphy, qto 
6, won: Marx B., lOT, Thorpe, even, Konod; UaT' 

man, in, Bamu, 20 to 1, third. Time, l:lt)i 

Sixth race— Six nirUmga, Belllng-Ooaack, 107, UUI, 
8 to 2, woo; Maiden Pet, 109, Otywood, a to 1, 
recond; Jim Comwtll, 106, UatthevB, 7 to 1, tbiid. 
Tine, 1:17. 

Fob. 8.— ylrat nc-BOTM fnrloDK.~Blooin.r, W. 
Thorpe, I to 6. won: Bonioir, 109, Sodw. 90 lo I. aocond 
Uiwihoin. BoUo, 107. Donor, It to I, Uilid. TInM. IXii 

bacoo. IIL llarphy,8ua.won: Oiayo, 108, Thoiv., a tat, 
aotoDd: Buiaoll A , ICa, P.on,e lo l.lhlid TImo.Oit! 

Tbltd laco-Saraa rurlonn. a.Illog-Bao Jobnioo, 

>7.Bui,II.II 10 1, woo; Klnnl. Hickln, 107, Tubirrlll.^ 
8 to I, aoeoadiChMOi. llfl,T.hor,8 lo t, ihlnl. Tin., 

1 :98 rnoruiric— Oo. nlU and aaranlr yaidA baaj. 

lci|>-OUnii. 109. Birnu, 7 U)l,won; RqulToO.,{|Lllar 

fif.3t«t.aacond: VradurflaM.B. Oafwood.7lo I, ihlnl 
010,1:"" ' ^ ■ - — 


Bl« „ , 

diawa, U) lo t, won; Tmo Donohao. HI, (llnk.r.8 to I. 
■a^>^: Rlgbtmoro, 111, MnnU, 19 u> 1, Ihlid. Tina, 

TBI Hioa WIND vhloh pnvalled In thla aeotlon 
Feb. 7, played havoo with property at tha race tiaots 
heteabonls. The Bmoklyn Jockey Olnb loat aU its 
fence at Oraveaaod, and much of iha tenco at 
Bheepahead Bay ma blown down. The track at 
Dilghton Beach auotred aerlona damage fnm Ibe 
rain, and the grand atand and a porllon ot the 
(lueea'a Coonty Jockey anb, at Aqaednct, were 

TBI Baalem Panuylvanla Trotting Clrcnlt Aaao- 
olallon held a meedng at Allenuwn, Pa,, Feb. 4, 
and taloDtd dates (or the aeaaos'a nclog. The 
KprlnB cltault la tn conalat of Allentown, Bethlehem, 
Wllkrnham and Scnnton, and la lo be foUoved by 
the New York clroolt. The Fall nlrcalt will com' 
pilae Waverly, ScmtrvUle. Bethlehem, AUenlova 
and Trenton. 

Mthon K, Bbmbt, ot Mllwaakee, Wla., a well 
known reloanian, haa algned a live yean' connact 
wlih the Imperl,! Bud BlaUea of the Cur of Roe- 
ala, to dilve In Rnaib and train aa well. He will 
leave for Rnaala aa non aa he can aetUe np bla a(- 
faln In thla conntiy and dUpoae ot aome ot kia 
atook. .... 

w. Humr OiADDT, a veil knotra honeman and 
bleeder ot thorooghoieda, vaa ma over and In- 
tfanllyhlllod byapaaaaager iiatn near VenalllH, 
Ky., Fjb. ». Be waaaeventytwo yeuiotageat the 
line ot hli death. 

DiMRT J. (Xhtox, who wu bulled la Oieenwood 
Oemeteiy Feb. i, wai foimetly a well known anoit- 
log man. Be waa anoh laterealed In troulng 
horoea and It waa he who opened Ihe Faahlon traS 
atOorooa, L. I, 

RiCHABD DovHTNO, itoom Of Augut BelBiont'a 
wnd at Uzlniton, Ky., vaa aertonaly Inlnied 
Ihrouah the vldonaaeea ol the aUlllon Kayon D'Or. 
Ue threw the groom lo the gtoond aod then tried lo 
pav him lo dtatb, 

ELwnorBU., 2:18, a pnmlalog trotler, died Fab. 
1, at Parte. Tex. Iau aeaaoa, out ot thlrteea atana 

"SSi'" *• ^"^^ iKoaa iwtoe and 
won third money once. 

iu. MoCuuAMP « 8Qiia,ot BoorhoQOoonly, Ky.. 
pnnlDeni ttufmea and hnedeia, tailed for |S,OM 

MallOBsl Bteeploebsu AaaeelBtioa, 

The steward* ot the N. B. A. bald their iMnUr 
moslhly meetlog In thla city on Feb. o. The moat 
ImportBht hnatBCta tnoaacted was the appclnin«,t 
ot Keana. Forbes, Oieen and Oebhard as a conmiL 
tee to anpervlsa aleepleohaalng and hnidlenclni • 
the vicinity ol New York, and 8, 8. HowlauTS 
Washington. The ameadmant to BecUon l, Kuleii 
In votda as follows, vaa bronght op and i-um^ 
The amendment will have lo be bronght op itibi 
Hatch meedng for final conllrmallon, aa reooirM 
by_thoM.aA.rsle8otiaoIng; ^ '™' 

Tha MilloDAl etaiplochaja Ajwciallon wlu not lluau 
neallngibtf'i br annur dnb^ or hnntolnbi, whin tb. 
malorllr ptih, tacoa onaach du'a pngromno ii. oaT 
Onod to hoDtaii. lallowari, ponloa, huki or lo naoi 
noD and qialieed rklara,lwrlni nch nootloinlob. 
coadnol*) br tho national Hum AaudaUon, ■* 

A Niv miuiliig clronlt was formad Feb. 8. at In- 
dianapolis, Ind.. composed ot Terte Banta, Bkhin 
and Indianapolis. Racing begins Hay lo, at Ten, 

SiKHONBithe qwedy tnUer, was sold at public 
aaciloD Feb. 4, at Lexington, Ky., tor t3,300. 

TUB Ohio Tallty Pair Olreolt mat at WoihlsgloD C'oaii 
Houia Fab. 3t_M alocud Iboio offlcon; Pn.ldanl,w. L. 

CoUara, Chllllcotb.; rlc, pnMuil, WIIIU I,. Alkn' 
Waihugton 0. H.: McroUiT and tnoaurer. Ednr p' 
Diapar. Th. MDlng aooaoo waa thm allotod: Potu! 

nonllLjnlrn-SI;Lincaat.r.JnIr 14; Clre].vllla, J.]* 
31-14: RhlllliDlho. Aug. 4-8: Waiblngton 0. a 
It; nrthaaa, Aig.18-0; Xanlo, Aag. 0-a; ColaoihcA 
Ang. 31 lo Bapt I; UcAribur, Bopl. S-lt. ^ 

Till Nonb PmIIc Trotting circuit hai clAlnad tho fol. 
lowlog dalw: CeomI Point, On, Hor It-It: Eaana 
Or«..9l-ZS; Alblnr. Or^ 17-30: lDdop.nduc,OrOiin^ 
MlBolam. Or«^ t-ll: Poitlaad, Oi... 18-37: HlUaboro 
Or,nJulr34;Bp«>aDo.Wvh, 11-18; TlcloiU, B. c. 
Avg 1 : ToiMoaTer, B. a. t^ineomo, Woih., Brpt I l-l»: 
North Yak Ino, Wub., IMcL 3; La Oiudo, Ore., 8*pi. 
S-Oct.3;luloin.(}io., 7-l3;Th. Dollu, Om.,l»4<; lltep. 
oor. Ore, 041. 

Taa LoulnllU (gy.) DrlTlng ud Fair AnocUtlm hu 
OeoldMl to kohl oDlyoDo mooting Ihto Muoo. aod tbii 
from Bopt. a lo OcL 1 Thore will bo a apMlll lUk. foi 
Irollan Mch dor- PIro of ihMn will b. for 13,00) Mch. 
and ihon will h« «n. of $9,000; 

H.n. jB«iTr,on.r of Ih. Rtock Fam,nMr 
B.atAoron, N. Y.,hAi dMld.d to Md hi, caxMi a. a 
broad.r of iroulat honiM, baring ■hipp.d hU (nlin 
atablo 10 IbU city, to bo aold to iho hlgtaMI hidd.r. 

TBS Llnu (O.) Drirlog AMOoUUon holt lu lonual 
mo«tlog Fah. 4, otoctlog J. 0. Line, prMMont; Charte. 
Kaulng,Tlcopnaldut; J. M.Swlu, OMrolair, ud Vr. 
D. Johoitoo, irMianr. 

TBB OrerlaDil rark Club Aiioolatlon of Danrar, CoL, 
vUl bold liaRpruignw.tlng Juno t-13. ItlathuaotflcrMl; 
U. B. VTolooli, prailduil; J. B. P. Torhoo., rlcopr«ld*nt; 
0. 0. (Todmon, aMntaiy. 

BnATSHBiTe will nOTor lico a itanor anin. H. Ii 
Tory lamo lad bin owner, drew KorrU, oayi It U out ot 
Ih, qn-Btlon to bring the old gelding to tho post a|iln. 

DiNBOBLT. a co1ihnt«l bieknoy tin, dioj auddwlr lo 
BoRUnd on Jan. 391 altar an lUooai of onlr one Hay.- 

Jogx B. OaxTaT, tho piolng atallloa, will bo olfwod at 
paMlo Bile In thla cltr oo Fob. 13. 


Sohoelbo^a Compete Indoon* 
Tke Banard Soliocd AUileUo AbsocUUod beld lo- 
door gmmee atUw armoiy of tbo ElgbUi R«glmeDi, 
M. a. S. N. Y., iB tblB dtj, on SfttnidAj eTdnlog, 
Feb. 8. tUd eTenlfl betDg partlolpated Id bjrepre- 
nniatlTea ot tbe dllTennt preparetoir acbooli of 
luo meliopoUfl aod BrooUjo. Tbe Bllver cop, com- 

Kted Cor 00 tte »c<at ot polota, wta awarded lo tbe 
rkeley Bobool repreeeDtailTee, aliboogb tbe Uds 
from Banard scored bj far tbe greateai namber of 
polota, bat, coofldent of tioioit, tbey agreed before- 
nand to preseat tbe tropby to ibe eobool Korlog 
Ibe second Urfcst Dumber ol points. Several fonoer 
acbool tecorde were broken. Soaunary: 

FW Aundndcutd ftiTt^ forO* run.— ^ou bjW.B lllp- 
ble, Baruid: c. Invln AvUo, Berktltj, mcowI. H. 
BTUR.OKiord,ibIrd. Tline,Mw. _ 

5lji|r yam run.— Pint bMt: Wtw br B. W. l^«o^^ Bu- 
tunl: W. BiulUi, BrOubltD IaUd. teoood. Tine. 7k 
Secood h«At: Wod br ti. HMllerCol Qnmiur; P. Uu- 
rla. Caller, wcond. Time, 7i. Tbtrd bett: Woi bj D. 
OodKfta B«rk«l*y; 0. Brown, Col. Oramaiu', aKooil. 
TlmB,7a. Fonnli b«Et: WoobrF.CowpenhwalLDvlirtiU; 
B OoottlDf, Brookljn Uigb Bebool, wiood. t1idO>^*- 
Pinb but: Won by A lUunim, CoL Onmiur; V. 
Uiuun, WoodbrtdK«, Moond. Tim«.7jit. Bimllluli. 
Oruhtit: Woo by C UvrU, Ootlor; H.vr.¥oon, Bar- 
nan), MCODd. riffle,?^ Socood b«u: Won brP'Cow. 

ffinhw«lcDvilbt•; 0. Brawn, Col. UniDmaj',MC«oU. 
ni«,7i FlDt] k»at: Won br Moorft, Hairli Moood. 
Co«p«iibw&li third. TfiD«,7«. 

£lzfrvar«f rvn.Junlor.-Pimli«u: Won byP. Fibr- 
rla, Brooklyn Ul|b Bdiool; D. Looob Jr., CoUw, Mcood ; 

•V. WItaoo. B&ibtjil, tbltd. Tlmt,7>i;L BitcoDdheat: 
Woo by D. ArauiMil, Barkler ; B. UevliL Biookln Lulu, 
■MMid; B. MeCtua, Bterena' Pt»p.. tplnl. Itm^lH'^ 
Plntlbfeu: Won by Armuead Wllion ucood, PobTnca 
tbltd. Tlme,77£t. 

SUtif irordi hurtU nue.-Plin hoat: Woa br D. BairU, 
OoUeri S. Plum, Kevark Acodemr, Mcood. TlmouSKa. 
Beoond heat: Woo br H. Lord, Brook^n Latin; W. Jlo- 
ru, TifnUr. wcond. Time, 9k*. Tfarrdboet: Wonbr 
L. Uertlck, Brooklyn Ul|h Bcbool; W. Btlekner, Bar 
nanK aeeoad. Time, 0>2i. Pourtb beat: Woa or E. 
Moeian, Berkeley: O. tUDlth, CoL Oraamar. M«onl. 
TlueTu^fs FIIUi beat: WoaV A.Beeiv ]>elaail>«; 
P. BleD,Beikelaj, eecond Time. Ba. Beml-flaele— Kjm 
heat: Won br Uairia Time, BH«* Second beat: Wud 
Merrlak. Time, t^L. B. ■oorao waa allowed Id Coai. 
Tblrd beat: Woo or Beeit. Time, Be. Pinal beat: Woo 
b; Been, aarTlekaeooDd,HwTlatblrd. T1ma,8L 

One note nm.— Woo br B. Bedfoid, Banunl ; U. Manuil. 
PiDfrr, aeooud; R. Obrlfteneea, AlUn^a Art, third. 
Time, 4m. M9ia. 

ThPD Aundrai a$*S twenti/ mnli run, Jiulora.— Pliet beat : 
Woo br W. W lUoo. Barnard ; J. Pornej, AdelphU lecond ; 
W. PelL OuUer, tbiid. TlnM.3^«. Aeooodbett: Won 
by W. Vniaid, Bnokija Ulwb Bcbool; V. Earl*. Baniard. 
aecond: BL Tomlof. AdelphL tbiid, Tinie,2n£a Flnil 
beat: won br Wlleon, Ponier eecond. Pell tbltd. Time. 

AttFidretf ami Itfenlvpanll ran, ,,01011 — Woo bj R. 
W. Moore, Bomud : B. Qo«ulng, Biooklrn Ulgb Bcbool, 
aocond ; 0. Rubor, PIoeit, Ihlrd; TlnHL2t>iA 

£loAaAijjitfmaaadd0MirlMrdrrvfi.-^on brW.B. Bip- 
ple.Banaid: B. V. Bodroid.Baminl,0Mood; M.Enn^ 
Orbrd, tbltd. Tlm.,am.ta. 

Bvnnlng Uah ^np.— Won br H. Pall, Borkoler.ifL (In. ; 
0. Orewo, Ooiuoitta OmmauT, tfL OUi., Moono; B. Ww- 
moo, Dilolir. tIt.Uo.. ihlid. 

PtttUng Itft IA4I.— Woo br R. Shippoa. 8Ur»i Pnp., 
JffL llliln.; A. taru, TllDllr. atlvaxln., ncond: 0. 
Bochlol, Columbia Orammir, Hit. aXm.. ihlid. 

Iho polDU aeored woro: Barnard, St; Barkalor, 13: 
Brooklin High, I; (hiUar, I; D. La Biilm, t: Biotoo. 
Prop., t: Plogir, i', Colombia aiaaunar, 4; Adalphl, 3: 
Triolir, 9 ; OofRd, 2; DiUUr, 1 ; AUIdi'b Art, 1 ; Wl|hu, 1 . 

AuuotxiH L. W. Cooa has letlnd trom the 
paper vlth vhlcb be vaa toimerl/ ediior, lie will 
cohttnue 10 pfomoie the Ameilcan pioteaalonil 
obtmplon one bandied jatda avaepalakea, and M. 
J. FIhd, vho oiiulzod the ereol tbe ptM three 
7ean, vlil, aatuntofnie, coDdact the ixiirapoQd- 
ence ajiil airaote the detallt (or the ooiologevtni. 
Tba aveepauk<t vUl go to the blgheat olddtr, anil 
all tbe preWonilj pnoUahed condldona will hold 
good. All cooDnnloatlona will be anawend bj U. 
J. nnn.NtUot.Maaa. 

TBg Uncoil Athletlo Ataoolatlon, ot Onnge, N. 
J., on Feb. 4 elected theae olUoeiB (or one j«r: 
Prealdani, TIioniaB LIpalt; rice praaldent, Patrick 
Kloneall}; lecofdlns aecretiiT, Suptaen HoKahoh; 
llnanolBl aecietair, James HUton; treagorer, Denis 

Tag annoal imematloul football maioh betveaii 
tbe ploked teami o( Valea and Bcotlandcaoia oirat 
Osidiir, Walea, «a Jan. 2i, and a banl (onghibaiue, 
tbat was wllnaaed bj aboat thirty thoiiaand apec- 
Uton, retolud In tIcuit tor tbe Welshmen bj a 
aeon o( two tilca to nothing. 

TBg London Athlello Olnb, accoidlBg to ■ cable- 
mm dated feh. 1, haa abandoned tor tbe pnaeni 
ibe Idea o( lasaing a obailenge to tbe Nev York Ath- 
letic Club for «D inleraaUonal Held meellog, lo late 
place In LondoD, Eng., doting tbe present r«ar. 

TBg Tofonio<OoL) Athletic Club eleolsd Ibe tol- 
loving oiSceia Isti week: FnaMent, Uoa John 
Bereifey Hoblnaon; llm rice prealdont, 0. H. Nel- 
aon; eecond vice pretldeni, JoBn Masale. 

Tbb Now Jomar InunchoUiUo AlhlMo AudcUIIoo 
waiorgmnliod it lit. Ulsh School In PUlntoU od Fob. i. 
IhofollowlDg bolog cboMO .fllcore: Ptwldwt, Ooorw 
P. amiih, Pulomid High Bdiool' rico, A. H. 
Kalon, PiDirr tjeboolLjociourr, T. M. kllchoU. N.nik 
Aeadwar: irMMtinr,waliarPn)nioo,8t.nwlailliut4, 
Bobok.u, K. J. ' 

Tbb UnitKl aiuo. Ooir Aiuclatlon hold lis moual 
m.atlDB In thiaeltr oo Fob. a UialoUowlogoffleeia balog 
alwtod 10 wrr. oo, jw: Pra.ld.nt, T. A. Uarwioror; 
Tin praoMttl. Lannac* CunU; aooood rlea pruMuu 
Cbuha B. HcDmaU: ncntorr, HulT O.Tallmailg.: 
tlwoMtw, Bamael L. Pirrlib. 

Tn PtacUoCottat Field Tilsl Clob'auimtl ulala 
werabaldncai l)akei,aeld,(;al.,Jan.SO-a, WInnen: 
Tbe Verb;, J. n. aobnnucher'a Rogllabksller blich, Haiold-Iinid: J. W. Keeoe'gaatttr dog, 
Su (Janoa, aecood; H. R. OardlneA aetUr blicb, 
Peaob Hark, third. PaclOc atakcs, 0. Bdwatda' 

EDgllah Mtter dog, Nlmrod: B. J. Saniii'i >>lotcr 
dog, aienhelgti Jr., aecond; J. E. Tetrjia aatier dog, 
Mon, tblrd. 

Tag fourth fait ot Ibe aeilea ot alibOUDg plc- 
tarea, from the bmah ot tba oelebntedaillai, A. U. 
Froat, pahllabed by Charles Solbna's Bona, la In 
keeplog la artlitlc anUb vlUi .Its pradecesaoia. 
Tba acenea ponray In a mannvr troe 'to life tha 
apoitot UUliii|ttaetoothsome4ncknDffl,A'haiieiy 
and tram a bUnd, and abonid flsd • pIsM, along 
w1tbolheii,OBUMVBJlaotST*iT.apoilfatk% dob 
laihslaaid. - ■ 

Febbuaby 15. 




■port at Cka Im FbIm* Rlak. 

■nt muiftmmt of ttit lea FiUc« SUUsk Rlok, 
LeilogtoD AT«nae tnd Om Hondnd udBcTtnth 
gBMt. Ilili mtjl tm UTUgtd k nilei ol Intereat- 
Dg cold wettlnr areola for Um ooirant week. On 
Taaiv erenlDg, TtX>, it, the tgmt eliHug ctasm- 
DloneUp or Amerla ma compeud for, tai polo 
iDd laooaw Diatcbca, » mil* ana a tvonUe akatlng 
miM 'baTe been amnxeA ror dntloir ike ottior 
gmlBiB. OaUi«tlblnK.tIieraei Hobokenlie, W. 
T (/et£wonaaoiliercapbTdefeatlngBweet«jani) 
ptIUlea In a ono mile aciatcli nee, boldlng tbe lead 
all (lie war and wlaallg by a ball lap, In 2m. 
texa. Sweeter leeoDd. Tbe aasnmnce that good 
lc< and Doe akaitng can be bwl In all kinda or 
wtatber baa altncled tbe exptna and tbe roembcn 
o( tbe dioerent olnbo to tbe Palace Rtnk, wbtre 
MtDonemenu are nnbeaid of, and wbkih la patron- 
bidilbenUj by the beat clamea of people. 


gparia !■ the HanlisttaB TsBk, 

Tbe opening let of fonr all 'roand aqnaUo con. 
tau billed for ibU montb tor tbe big tank at the 
Kcw Hanbatun Atbletlo Olub were deolded Feb. 1. 
•n» reanin follow: 

lU race, lOOtt— Woo br an'BliiaibenKObuleiarcen. 
lallMOOo). T. Wudlbln). Tlmt.Ot. 

3ifiww'*ff. IDfl.— Woo br Cliat. QrwobJill. Qui Blitm. 
IxnHcoDO, Hanr Iai>ltti>lnl. Time. In. 

Dl9tiv uarmf nan IBUt. Hn^.— Woa bj Qos Shtmbert, 
a«rH«Oi»»oliall"««nil . _ „ 

Ctondlenu&loOft—WoDbr Oiu. Or«*toh«ll,auseiiiJB- 
terKwmd. Tom Waid third. tiaiKMH*- 

JU/I mint.— Vat br Oa« Stumban, Tom Wanl a•^ 
«T0.l!^rMDl>>ll Iblrd. Tim*. 2n. igki. 

RdiMro'aau/ca— Blaoha T«. Reda-Blidfi: T. Canr 
•oil W. A. WlUion, fonnria: H. Elog; biir baok. >ud 11. 
I UDdarhlll BOal. Rodi: 0. L. QroaDfaall sod Qua Bliam- 
tor*, ronanfi; P. Babnaa. half back, and Ton Wud. 

ail araood eootaal raaoltad la a rlctory for Goa 
abambaif , wlUi a lotal or II polau; 0. L. Oreenliall ntc 
<od, 17; T. Wa nl, thlnl.t. 

TBI New Toik Taobt Racing Aiaoclatlon beM lia 
tnnnal meedng Feb. s, twelre elnba being repie- 
unted. The Siaten laland AibleHc Olob baa ceawd 
10 eilat, tbe New Jenej Taobt Onb baa resigned lie 
memberablp, and tbe Ocoanic and Sbrewabniy 
Taobt ClQba ate dropped tor noo^iarnient of naca, 
leaving elgbteen olaba In Ibc aesoclatlon. Tbeaa 
ofOcen were elected: A. J. Prime, commodore 
Tooken Ooilnlblan Olah, prceldent; B. l«ngetreM, 
commodore Badaon Hirer Taeht (Hub. rice prcH- 
denl, and Oeorge FarkblU, Colombia Yaobt Oluli, 
lecieUfT. B. K. Kntfir, of tbe Sbaien Island Club, 
letalna tbe offlca of treaasrer, pending ibe election 
of bla noceaaor. 

TBI Tali Natt, tbroogb Us ooicere, made tbe 
following aononncementlasl week: "Aa soon sa 
mil Inrormatlon In regard to tbe nenler regaus la 
received from abroad, tlie anal decision an to 
wbetber or not a Yale crew will be e' lered will be 
left to tbe nodergimdaate bod;. It seems Ibai ttia 
announcement, wblcb Is In accordance witb ibe 
original Intention of Ibe management, anonid be no 
longer deferred, ovrlng to Bomeabsnra roDora In le- 
gard 10 tbe UeoJej matter, tbat are going tbe ronids 
or Ibe pitaa." 

TSB Ogdenabnrg (K. T.) Yacbt CInb was organtied 
Feb. t. the oOlcere obosen being: President, E. A. 
Newell; commodore, 8. a, AreilO; vice commodore, 
Wd.1I. Post. Kwasdecldedtotaoldanlntemallonal 
balf rater race on Ibe River fit. Lawrence, at Uai 
pobit, earl; In Jnly, for a cballenge cnptobe known 
as Ibe Ogdrnsbnrg Inlemadonal Oup, to be raced 

TBI Btamrord (Ct) Taobt Olob will be tbns cm. 
cored UUajear: Commodore, James D. Smltb.clulr- 
man; the America Cup Oommlu«e: Vloe commo- 
dore, Uoward O. Smitb; rear commodore, Frederick 
U. Ho;t; treaanier, Cbarlee H. Leeds; eectsratr, L. 
Townsend Uowes; Beet esraeon, Samnel Plenon, 
H. D.;measnmr, I. FnntUn WardwelL 

Tbb RIveralde Yaobt CiDbheld Its annual meeung 
In Ibis dij Ftb. T, tbe eledlon of onicen reaulilog 
aa followa: Oommodote, a K. DIefentbaler; vice 
commodore, Oeorge 0. T>son: rear coaiin<><<ore. V, 
A. llamUton;se<«eiaiT, X 0. Porter; neasnrer, I. E. 
Peck; measurer, E. P. Lockwood. 

TBI Lone Star Boat Olob, of ibia dtj, baa elected 
tbeae omceia for 1694: B. Hafer, president; U. 
Keller, vice president; B. Wolf, secreutr; Lonla 
Baibman, Iteaanrer; 8. 0. Bun, caplaln, and S. B. 
Brelner, Uenienant. 

TBI Rojal Bt, Lawrence Taobt CInb, of Honlreal, 
Can., baa elected tbeae olDcere for istt: Oonmo. 
dore, James Boo: rear commodore, a. W. Hamil- 
ton; teoretaiT, w. A. 0. Hamlllon; tTea8nrem,S. 
Sberwood, J. 0. 0. Almon and B. Uamllton. 

TBI Kingston (Haas.) Yacbt Olob baa elected tbe 
following oflloen: Oomsiodota,JobnO. Dswea;vlce 
commodore, Nate B. Wataon: Deet capuin, Jnstna 
A. Baler; tieaaarer, Lemnel B. Ford; seorvtaij, u. 
M . Jooea; measnnr, Edward A. Bansom. 

TBI Bbawmst Bowing dab, of Sonib Boston, 
Haas., at Its recent annnal meeilng, elected Uiese 
olllcen: Prealdent, J. 1. Quann; vice president, 
Jobn Bonn; leoreutr, J. P. Bmlib; treasurer, D. J. 

Ellis Wabd was, nn Feb. 1, seltcted as trainer for 
Ike several mclngorewB of tbe Uolveraltr of Penn- 

Wit. H. DiAN, one of Ibe toonden of tbe Oranercr 
Boat .Olnb, died. In Ibis 0II7, Feb. 7, aged Uij-one 
■ reanL 

THiaravaaeDd Bar Taeht Clab baa ehoaaa tbeaa ofllo. 
ara ror this rear: Commodore. Charlaa w. MoTsao; vice 
eannodofv, K. II. Sbarwood; raar comnodore. Dr. J. R. 
Seboflald; tiaaaurer, B- U. MoElioj; praaldaot. Coreallua 
rarcQuaJr.; vleo pnridaal, Thomu ClearT; treaiarar, 
H- J. Wobb; recreurr. Jamaa w. Wakalaa; floaaelil uo- 
wlaiy, otarioa tT^Kanaadf. 



Lateet Baylaga amd DolBga of the Bm«- 
b«U fratenllir. 

Presldeni Young, oC the Nailonal League and 
American AauclallOD, Is ver/ enibnslastic over ibe 
onilook for tbe national game tblsrcarand predicts 
great reeulle. Uesald rtcentir: "From all Indica- 
tions Ibis season promlsta to surpass even ibe 
beat one of any former rear. I mean In overr way. 
Even tbo playing sbould be on a better average 
' iban heretofore. The Inleresi of the public Isgteal- 
ly on ibo inoreasc, and tbe onl; ibing lu keep Ibis 
up la good ball playing. Tbe major leagne elans 
ont this year In great shape- We eiert In wlih a 
good vnniDg surplus In ibe treasury alter paring 
every oblliallon. The mncb talked of hard times 
have not l>een felt at Ibe iieasury departncni of 
tbe major league, and we bare no occasion 10 sell 
bonds or Issus omcrgency cenlflcttlee. Dealdes 
many of ibe clubs have grratly atrciiglhentd ibclr 
teams. Among Ibem Is Washington. Tben Is 
good material lu lis ranke, and a decided Improve. 
mem over Ibe leamor laatyear, ThatiDls lasowiil 
be seen after ibe men aurt playing. Hr. H'agoer 
bss been particularly fortunate In obiainlng tbe 
aervlcas of some men who. I tbiok. will toro out to 
beMoellenttMilplareft. snd.ihouiij .iiey mar be 
yoang, melr presence on tbe Held and at ihe bat 
wlll'be feiL unlese my calcnlsilooa are tanlly. thai 
team from Louisville will prove 10 be cue of Ibe 
wonders of Ibe seafOD. Tbe rapid dovelopnient of 
tbeir roong plaren last rear and tbeaciivltr and 
Inieresi diaplayed br tbat club's management 
pnralaes well for He team. I will not aitemnr to 
place It In tbe pennant winning claas^ but I believe 
It wui bertgbt up among ibe leaders, If ihe phcblng 
department la aa well ausialned aa the oiber depan- 
menis of tbo team. Of course, iben bava iieen a 
nnmber'of changes In Ihe varlona icama, all of 
which are calcolated to tbrow a cloak or uncerialn- 
tr around tbem and reader iho iice for tbe pennani 
all Ihe more exolilng from Mart to Onbta- 1 met 
Mr, Bodeo recently acd he upeaka blgblj of the 
sirengtb made by ibe recent cbangoe In ibe Boston 
team. Presldeni Roblson. or the Cleveland Clab, 
waa tn Wa«blngion recantly, and be wasielling me 
what a clock hie learn will have on the pennant. 
Then. 100, J. (!ail Wagner, nt Ihe Vatblngtons,wbo 
waa ben at ibe same lime aa was Hr. Robluo, aara 
his team will be ont for a place In tbe flri>t division 
this rear. 80 It goes all along ihe line. Bveiy 
■cam will Stan ont in good ahape, wiib bigb ei- 
peclailons and a iieleiminailon 10 pall tbo pennant 
awar rnm Baltimore. Hanager llanlon. bowevvr, 
doea not pmpoee 10 uke any chances uf losing thai 
coveted prl», and b« lellt me that bla team will be 
aironger ibis ytar Iban It waa last. Tbca mere are 
New York. Brooklyn, Pblladelpbla ClaclnDatI and 
Plubarg tbat have all been siiengUienIng Ibeir 
laaeaa and all believe tbey will be mncb iironger 
Bail aeaaon than ikei were last year, and all claim 
manen. Tberefore It abosld be a great race." 

ii^S!!' 1'' ^^nlo" I'atk. Bali'inore m" 

!S?h « j;f,""'"K''v' poalilonsonibe deld 
with Robiuson bebiii4 ihe bat, and HcMabon In ibd 
pllchcr abox; liojie, Relit Ind HSjraw ,,n he 
bsaea; Jenningaat abort stop, and ViS "odU! and 

S: «I" ' diamond, and I ara not furgetiins 
be Birung ones now pasKd lulo bwtorv Toai 
lTS.l7l'l't'.":5:i» ""S^l"" rnn.nt%l clS." 
h.JIii. F*. f aometblng uolonwcn 
&S5-.fK'.'"' McHabon will bo in 

!?i,?;,! fj" *">^ condiiiou ibtarcar, doi- 
?it''il*,°'"1''i''S "t""* 10 mo contrary, ue will 

SL! ' «?• ""' »' I""' regntar worklns 

r^'i .?.-f"°7'' * P"*" of machinery atu rclibi 
rears' wrvlcc la not quite as good as it waa at lis 

HcMahon altl be tbo whlrlviniliiialhe waa In isoi. 
-I'li.lh..'? do«vn Kvenil prgs. and s:|ll be up 
w III Ihe proceulon. Tbo coming season I believe, 
will upon at Balilmoiv for thoasme climatic rea- 
Mneibai caused ll laa'.year. IIoIdk furibcr il«n!b. 
ualttmore ta more llkrir 10 have Hue wcatucr tbao 
£?1l'"Jw°!! ' P"P'e to aet nni 

or Iben- beads an the nonsense ibat tiaa bwu ai- 
Irlhuivd to Uiijle. Be will play all tigbl wlih tnc 
Baitimoieii.all dUTcrencea mat may nave cxiiicd 
betireen htm and seveialoribe other plsyets hitv- 
Itig boon saiilaciorllr settled. Tb.; halitnorc 
pitcbcn for the approiicblog Bl^ason wilt bo HcHa- 
hoo.DolTer HciniutU(,Bap«r. Claik>on. fond liiay. 
Biocli»dati-.and irniuuly Corbfti. (Icorse (Irur ol 
tbe Toronto Olub. of ine Eaalcrn Lcaiii-, la Ibc 
pttcbi-r whom John C- Chapman. Ilic dlscovtirr or 
Jennings ami lloiTcr. rccooimoaded. Ilawke. who 
did not play at all laai oeiaon. may also i>c nlgocil 
Tbe team deed not need iny csichcrs. for itubtsMn 
and Claiko.whn arc among the bretin mo cntintry 
now, will more ilian hkcly do all ibo work behind 
Ihe bat, aliboiiih Bowcrniao. a niisi proniisiog 
voongster. will tie given t trial. Ilonaellr. ine new 
InOrlder. who captained snd plntrd ihitn bane last 
season for Ibe Sprtngdehl tcaiii,cbampion> ol tne 
EHiiiern Leagae, will he wrA an a suti.'itiute. I sni 
dellgbtrd wnk ibe idra or having Di>;le nii dr.M 
base. He will sircngihcn the tctin wondctfiilly. 
Duylo neeil not dolT his rap to usroni' iu tne iimjor 
lesgne. aalHrasall srotiod work is concerned, and 
tbe ul'lecitun tbat he Is a dliorganltrr is do olilec. 
lion at all. Uoyle will net -long all right with the 
iTst or the plarcrs. He had a bard row to hoe Issi 
year, anil waa hiaoicit lor maiiy things lie had 
noiblog to do ivliu, but he will Pud tbinga dilTorciii 
In Ualtlmore nc-xi ntiison- ■ 

The onicluls or toe Brooklyn Club have niixcd 
tbcutaclvtatromanapiuient insorenlous stale lnii> 
one i.f gnat acllvltr during the past week, and 
annonnceit tbat they bail r>egun to arrange their 
plana ror Iboearlr ^>pnog praottce. Ttis Isihc nrai 
movement In regard to iho club's team tbit lhi 
beeumadeon IbeKajtstdeor thr iJlgttrldKe since 
tbe closing ol 'ho putt leafon. The enthusiasts of 
the CItv or Cnurohes will be rejoiced over tbia bit 
of news, r>>r tbey know now tbst sometblngor In- 
ten St will bo leamefl aliout ibe incn who are to 
represent ihein in ihe major league <iiin>g the 
coming ehauploDStaip race. Ail ijnring tbe long 
Winter monibs silence has reigned auprcmeao far 
as tbe tcatii was concerned. The cliin bad otbcr 
matters whlcb were of greater Interest t ■ It that bad 
10 be seitltid befor,- iih plaKn* cniild lie considered. 
Now thai cverylhlog has bcenarjangrd In a ealis- 
ractorv manner, tbuolllcials can devote inoni time 
to their players. Cootitcis have txen mailed i» sit 
of the men, und In a fev days ull will Ik liearu 
from. t^ptalD (JriiUn aunouaces ibil he baadia- 
poaed of several ul bid oiiiflldo alTalnf. ond that he 
will be able to devute bis whole ilnie to the na. 
tlonal game tbieytar. When he does that lie can 
be aggreaalvo ouongh lor ull purporics. unti he will 
no doubt be ably «ssiblcd by McCarthy. Prfslilciit 
Urrno thinks well 01 bia pitchers who wcru limited 
from the minor leugucs. Uf theae Harper should 
do ths beitt work, on account of bis experlenucln 
major league cotupsny while wlib the Fliltadel. 

fibtas, a year or so ago. Young Jooee, wliu came 
rnm tbe SprlogOeld team, ol llic Ea.iiern League, 
will bave to cut out a wide Hiralb It liec.X|iecis 10 
beat nut Anderaun lor a place 00 tbe team. Ho 
may Iw able to do ho, as be coiiios bigbly esdorved 
hr tooie who saw htm |ilar last rtar. SIIII. Andcr 
sun bus bad one aeaiu'O tn the uiujor k-aaiie and 
did good work at ilmes, and will qo doubt luiprove 
with more cxpeiience. Tbe Oght betarceo Daly 
and Bonner for second bsM will be Iniercsilug. 

Hanagerlrwln.of tbe New York team, can form 
asioauycoiubtuutlonswHh bla men on tlie green 
diamond a* Lasker or Plllshiiry would make In a 
game ol chess, lili Isiert move Is to place (leorge 
Davis on Iblid busc, ncifcr ai short, Uteaaoo at aec- 
ood. and either Clark or II l>.<vlsunllr 1. tvitbhis 
men In iliose posit Ions be should be able to check- 
mate some ol iho niajor l^agoe asplnnta lorcLatii. 
plonsbip huunra. Ktlll, there la a dtur,:e ot oucet- 
[slnlr about tbat muve. InasmucbuHbeinaj change 
the cuuibluHilou aliogctber hcforw tho upetiiog or 
liic reguler campaign. No maiier huw he places 
hla ineo tbey wilt lie woll received ll incy can play 
winning ball. Ilblapllcbcrs sra In ronn. and iho 
rest of the team suppona tbem as they Rhoiild, the 
giimc will lie llbeiallr patcoulted in Ihls citr. What 
a grand thlog It would be for the dob owners 
should the nght for Ursi place dwindle down to the 
two local teams. What crowds would visit the Polo 
Oronnda, this cliy, aud Kasien Park. Ilruoklyn. 
The grounds would bardir be large eiioush to ac- 
cominodato tbem. Such acenea an were altneaacd 
between iheoldAilanilcs.of Ilruoklyn. aodUuluala, 
ofNcwYoik, when ihermotat tue Klyslaii Fields, 
In Uoboken; Ihe Cspilollne or Union Utounds. In 
Urookirn, would no repeated. Uuoy veienn 
Manager Irwin la quotcti an saying: "tno Bolll- 
mures have no cincb on lUe penuaut this year. 
Other teams will take up ibeIr game ol 'bit aodrun' 
next season. There are at leaat four other good 
poiislhlllilcs In Ibe race." It bi to be hoped that one. 
If not two, of those poeslbllliies are locstrd here. 
noxt aeaaon. There arc at leaat foor other good 
abouiB. We are not ' porUsh," but wo wouido t 
mind looking at a series of gamss between the New 
Yorfcs and Brootly ns for lbs Temple Cup. 
. HcPhee has ilgned for tbe coming season with 
the <;inelunali Club, of tbe major league. II will be 
his Blleunih consrcull ve aesson with Its team. That 
knocks In tbo bead Ihe slily argiimeoi mat ball 
Disrersbave beeu too long In any ono city. Ae long 
asaplarerlaable 10 hold his own ho will alway 
be given a weli»mr. ll is only when a player la 
verging on tta,i has been ctasa that he talks aboiil 
being too long In any one city. (Jood ball plaeing 
Is what Ibe people want to sce,i<nd ihcr cxiiect to 
gel what ihey pay for. 

The Powers that be ate at tbe bead of two minor 
leagues— Eastern and Bouibcrn. Is It any wonder 
that their success Is aaauredt It la to be seen 
whether or nut Uonry will make aa great an execu- 
Ure as bis worlby namesake, P-T, 

Manager Selee. of Ihe Boeton team, hu arranged 
to remain al CbBrlotlcsvtlle. Va., iroio Harch :io to 
April t. Thence ibe Uosiona will go to Norfolk, 
Porismoulh and KIcbmond. Va., Juinplug Iroia the 
latter oilT to Princeton, N. J. Oo "llaiTy Wright 
Day," April 13, tbe team will play at Derby. Ol. 

The Inteniaie League vu organizcil ai a meet. 
Ing held on Feb. 4. at Toledo 0. It was decided to 
run a six club orKanltailon, unlesi Akron and Day. 
Ion, each or ntiua has asked a week lorther lime, 
decide to come In. Tbu circuit as nov made up 
includes clubs located at Fort WayDe, Igd.; Toledo 
and Yonogalown, 0.: NcwUastle and WaablDgton, 
Pa. and Wheeling. W. Va. A. C. Uuckeubrrger 
will own Ihe Wheeling team, and Oeorgo I,. More 
land will bo manager. William Hyen b< behind 
Port Wayne, while Ibe nllllooBlre oil man, II. I*. 
HcKeoa, puU In aleam at Wasblngton ander a ailff 
■uaranteo. A. A. Anderson bsoks the Youncsiowo 
uam, J. L. UcPsie lor New Casile, and J. W. 11110- 
nells in behind Toledo. C. U. Powers, of Plltstwrg. 
WW elected uicfldeni, secretary sod treasurer. Tue 
aalary limit Is tl.ttW; goaraniee, IKw: aeaaon, live 
monihe, iromMay 1 toUcL I. 

Presldeni Young, of tbe Nailonal ixague and 
American Afsoclatlon. announces that he has 
framed ihe major league scbodnic or eaamplnnshtp 
gamea ror Ihe coming seawo. on ihe lunie general 
nuca as that or IssI rear, changing the nolldar 
dates m aa 10 give the clobiitbat had poor attrac- 
tions last rear, tho atruugnt teams 10 plar with this 
rear. -In oioer words." aavs bs, "I bave tried 10 
dulrlboie the 'good things' In Ibe achcdole. aa ihsi 
every cInb will receive lis share or ihe eweer ai, 
wellaaths biiier. Tbe Western clubs will pta> In 
the East on l>ecorailon Day, and alM 00 labor 
Dar, becauae those lottdsrs are mote gentrallroii- 
serred In tbe EasL Fotiiib of Johrlaa great hull- 
dar all over ihecoontty, end tbetelorv there •III lie 
a nomc and home series, East and n'taL That la, 
IneWeatero icims will pisy logeiher In the Wc«, 
and the Basiern leans win play in ibe East." 

Manager Charles A. i^omukty, of the Bt. Paul 
lean, ot the Western League, U reported as having 
porehaaed Bhugan's release from tic Loolsville 
CInb, ot tbe major Uagoe. 

William J. Mnnin, wlioao name sppcur.4 un Ihc 
rcacrvc list or the Chleugn Club, or tlio Natliinal 
L«si:uo anil American Asjoclutlou, laa pr.iinWing 
yottng catcher. Ho wua bom Oer. l^ ISOs. at Join-'. 
III., and leumed 10 play Inll at hla native plsrc. 
Illa p^orcs^lnllal career did not la-glu. however, 
unlll 1690, wben he was »lgocil liy tho ilutaha 
Cluh, lit tlio Wrateru Aaanetaileu. lie InnK |urt 
tliai year III elghiy.ontt cbainpi',nalilp euiii.-ata lit 
seveuir-oneof which he onu*iai''il iichind tho tail 
In 1691 ho was a mrmiier i>r thn prufesM-oujn team 
that rcpreaented Juliet lit the llllnola-liiiTa Leus'io. 
luklug lain tbat rca>on In ntueiy llvech:ininioi»hlp 

uainea t ranking well ou In ihe uillclal tiaiuiig 

averages ot itial leaguu. wfillo ho hioimI oflh a* a 
oaichcr. Willi u pcrcculagcor .Ola. In H(U he wna 
t'ovugcd by I'rtsldeni Vun dor Alie lor but Hr l.ouia 
team, ol tin- NattoiiHi lA'ague and ,\nii'rican Aami- 
clatloii. lakttig pan 111 tweoir-iwii eliauiiiionahlp 
gaoiea. auil doing very creilliatiie w<irk. e'lualitcr- 
Inglt Wrtshls Or^it aeneun In tue iiiajur leagui*- In 
1893 he waa nith tbe Atbuta L'liiU. or the Snuth- 

crn 1,1'agiio, atterniittiig tK:lilail Ills liat and on 
nn>i tiuae. Wlilio ho illd exreodlngly well, tlirrc 
la no ffiiv of alMiwIng Just huw well ho 
illil d'>. na ihrn' nem nu nilleiul avurngca iiiailu 
ii|i >ir the .Hiiiitlti m iMgiif jildteis' work ihnt 
yeiir. Thero eric laro riiainplonalilji fraaoua. 
the llrat ending ou Jiil> f and tho nthcr Into In 
the Hiniiiner. In last he miirned to lila Ilrat Inve, 
Iho llniaba IMuti. inking pan Ihnt jrarlii uliieii. 
eight chamiitunatjlti ninttats and riitihlng iblrti 
In tho udleial bitting ^ver.iai anl that orgaulMituii. 
while lie li'M'l III.' I'litcheia Willi a iiercentsge vt 
•ai. Kirtv tn till! .'Spring uf im In wasousHgul 
by Ihe IMilcag.i ''liiii. or the .National Uagiie nnd 
Aiiicilcau A«airt4iii>u.nnit iHrau takou along with 
ihi! luatn luTexsJ.wlicrir they old their pn'tlnilnnry 
wot>. Ilo ouly t'K'k par' tn nileou chainplui.ahlp 
conii hia during thu |M>r acasoti wtili thel^hlrauu 
teniii. aud Uier on wa4 --Icdhed*' h) llie ilran-i 
llaplila unci tlliituiikee |,<»nis. ol iliu Weatrrn 
Lengiie. wuerohla tiaiiiuu aud PrMliig wcro v^ry 
gii.:<l. Thia year he Hoe< I'l Mlnntn|iollii. 

Manager A. L'. Aosoii. ul the Chicago Club, aalil 
Inurccehl tnicrvlrw: "The i:hteagoi are wllim ra. 
Wo aiuiid tbe tieat cbaucc ur getting <he pennant 111 
tbnmajur league. To iiciln with bavs the heat 
tautr ur piiclu-rH In iheionnlry. llrimib, l*Rrkcr, 
I'riend. HcFartand ami Itlce are witb us trnm hiai 
jear. UrtggH.a Ctcvciai^d pitcher, la also down uu 
the list. It won't tic like laai year-diimih all the 
lime. We will bavu other men to gu In aod ptteli a 
aluolnggame. We liava two ealclierascbedoled, 
and we siwiiya are on the lookoul ror tunre- lloita- 
hue and KItiiidge are the oaw lelerrud to. Moran 
goes with Wllinoi to MIngeapolla. I gucaa tbat otir 
tullcid wMI bean right. Aafaras I knuwtlieio la 
nothing in iha rumor mat 1 um aU«iut to retire. I 
will be on lliai bnie to play ball and rviily to awing 
the vlllow when It a uiy into at hut. No tiaactnan 
In ihu couture did U:ilirffort than Tiubyaod Kv. 
crui durlugihe luiler iBii of tlio past uenaun. 01 
courrc. ir we llud better men for aecfind nnd third 
ba^ca wbllc practicing In the Huulh tliere mat tie a 
Change lu tbe maku up or tho team. Ererlil laa 
capablu tietdcr. and ir Kijun or aomeonc else proves 
better fur third liase. wh; Kverlti will be lakeDuir 
thebaae. Ttteh. 100. tbrtu aiu cbancta ul -Dahleti 
guinu CO third, pro'/lulog we csn gel a man to till 
bla place at rhutletop. wo will be equally asrtrutig 
In lucoutdetd. Wo bavo Ryan. Lauge aud either 
FlyoQ or aumo one of the balf A doien or tnoru 
joungstcrawubnveoh onr llai to aclcci a plarer lu 
take Wllmoi's place. Tbo irip Hoittb will have 
eveirllilng 10 donnh Ihc sclecllou of our team. 
Soniu men mar show up heller than others for dir- 
rerent placi a, and In ibat event tbereccnalniy will 
be some cbaiigest Wbul ilo I think uf .Suudjf play- 
Ingr Well. I can say that I dou't ihlDk playing on 
Hundar la inuratlr wrong, but mr vlcaa ara apalnal 
Sundar game* for the reason mat I think thu mou 
aboitltJ havo one dar's real during tne week. Aud. 
again, tlie rccelpia are calculuted to hurl uur week 
unr attendance. It wu should aliul og. Ihoiigb. our 
of towu nines are llkriv tu comu in and do ua great 
Injury by plarlng. If inoChicago Cluu waaasaured 
Ibat their IcrnturT would not be lieapasatd nu. 
ilieie would bo no Bundar hall playing at Chteagn. 
The plaiera atari un their OuuihoiD trip Feb. ni. 
TberwIII go direct tn iialveatoo.Tex. Nu gamea 
will be played en rou(>>, but. as anon aa the muu ar- 
rive at their destination, a scries will beariauged 
wlibibellalvcsiou anil lluuaiou Clubs- They have 
Strang teams fur Ihu Tcxas-ljouibctn League, and 
will give U4 good practice. We will sujuum In 
Texan unill tho third week In Uarub, when we will 
atari lur bone, atopping at digerent luwuatoplar 
lucal teams. Ilaiuea wul be arranged with several 
prominent ninea In Teuuraace audt.roUablr Ken. 

Bare The enfulo KjvrrM of Feb, 4: "The genial 
Jack Cbanman, ex-manager ol Ibe Toronlos, Ho. 
cbevteia. Hutfalos. lainlBVIIIeaanda acoru or other 
notable iiaaubatl einbs.waain town ItalulgbL Ur. 
Chapman baa Just complcled a deal with AI. Uitck- 
enberger br whlcb be haa iransfsned Ibo Torooto 
freochlsv, and la not worrrtog hitiiHeir mncb abunt 
hlH liiture career In baseball, and, lu fact, he need 
nut. even If be had not made tbe inanafer, lor Chap, 
b one or Iho mlnomrwliolugkoiitrorlbefulurn. 
Unl It must not be oodeiiiood from ihia tbat be is 
penurious, for ihls Is t cbargo that lias never >et 
been laid al hla door, nor can it, forhiMgeneroalirli 
as well known aabta fame aaa liaaeliall manager. 
Chap, baa nu well i:a>oed course laid out for the 
coining avaMU, but haa a uuniH-r of ogurs, ous or 
•bich be may accept, lie agrees with Prestoetu 
Powers Ibst ivrouto mil havo a atrongcluii next 
Hummer, ono tbat will make the other membera ol 
the league do aome boat ling to overcome. 

"Wbcever la fortonate enough tn secure one of 
National l.eAgue and AiniTlcaii Anaociatton passes 
lurlsMwnigeioomeihtnuurinlnn>lc value. The 
original pur|>oae In inttiog iMaaea good upon all 
gruunda was to furoiah a limited uuujtierot wiuve- 
nlre whlcb wonid lie ret, lord by ibu« funuoaie 
eooogn to poaaess tbem as a memento or a special 
favur ruureired hycnurtesy or ihc tuajor league." 
sara Till vinetmuui Huiulrer. "TlH deaigo or ibi ae 
paaaea haa been varied eai b tear. and. whilu ther 
bare been lieanillul worU ul lithographic art. this 
rear there Is to lie a vtrr great deparinro from the 
custou of the past thtio yeaii. Tbesuuvcnir tickets 
of ItMsn' iietog nails rruiu sterllngallverandwtll 
bave. In adoitlua totne entioiatd oesir' upon tne 
obveiae and nverae sidea, the name of Ibe tlut\ 
club piealdent and rtclpieni tieanUliUly engraved, 
and all inclo.ed In a very handnoonc nlll and velvet 
lined morocco case. There sre. of cuuise, mil very 
rew or tbeae pssses glten oni. and IboM laaued ibia 
year will be Riaioed as souvenirs alter Ihey bave 
served Iheir purpose to galoaitmiralon 10 champion- 
ship game*. ' 

Hauager Hack, or Ibe Plliaburg tram, has cbaoged 
hla plans aboo: Ihe player' be lutcDdcd taking to 
Ibe llol Hpringi Art. He had Intended latlog 
•eveslef n men. but recently decided thai he win 
Uke only nlieen liealden bimaeir. Tbe players 
are: eeckley. Uierbauer. Uonoias, Elr. Foreman, 
Ooar, Hawler. Haatlngi, Klllen. Lyohj^ Henelee, 
Henlu, BmlU, Bteuel aad Rogden. 

Uaiiager llnekeuticiger. nr Ihu Tiir,'ntn i:iiiii, ur 
the Ks,tern League. xnniMincca lb« rnlinaring piay. 
ira who will make uiihia ruronluitain Inrthe com. 
Ing sesHin: lioi\sc. Kliia4'lla and i^arr. calehcra; 
Uoian. Iiurrcli. Iiunn. Hcl'aittin. Dlnrcn anil Hean. 
I'lichcre; l.uicnbers, I'uddenand Jed Binllh.oo Ihe 
laiaea; Hiiiari, ahull aiup. 'Ud t>'llrlen. MuDltini. 
Watch. Freetiian and liviilch fur ibu ouineld. The 
Tuion'oawiil rPjKiri at I'lttsbarg.Pa.. nn April I and 
remain ihrre iiiii.l Aiiril l>. pncili log on ibu 
grounds uf Ibe I'lttaliurg Club. Tkc Tuiontoa will 
lilay elt.liiitliin gamea »llb lliu llaltlutoli-, I'hllailel- 
jihla and Washlngt,.u tuainn prior to tlio ujivnlng ui 
tile majur lengiie citHmpionajitp leainn. 

The l.'iUtavlllv Cluh »lll nut onir bavu a cinck 
team lu (ircaeht tu lis honio i-atruus next sesMiu. 
tint will virtuslly have a now iiall|iaik. At leiiil 
ttieold ono baa Ta-rn tucoinpieiet)averhanleil anil 
changed that It will liarilly tio recognlied when thu 
next chatnpioiiahtp nu^ begliif. Ilfuiiiid Keeper 
Cunrait, Willi la a luitdacape ganleuer, baa ralaeil 
tne cruttc or tue park ai4iil two feel, and tt grailii- 
ally and hatdir peicepttuly alopen down on all 
aldia. Tho wst. r. inrielon', runs oir ns fsat sa Ibu 
rain cotnca down, and It ta cariird aivay lir pliwa. 
Trun, in ihe appearance ul th' diuniond liaeirbo 
baa Inliodund aonio loiiOTatiotis. Tim Hues iw 
iwcrn the tiaara iite laid m blue clay, and all alioni 
ihrio la giecu giaaa gtnwliig. TIhi dtaiit.'Ud la |iei- 
reci, and icureicnta tho acoof tbst suit. Thru lio 
hsa insile witb itin liliiuelar two line', uuo rnunlng 
In a hHir elrile Iroiii niailMM', nud a alnillar ono 
fioui third, and bulb incoi al aocotid. Jclui d to Uin 
diaiuiud tbey mate :lie acu or hnarla. In thu piacu 
whireibn pitcher aianili there It a perrrcl acn or 
Hjiailea. Ou thu humc plate the tiaianiao will aianil, 
wtib liat In hla bumia. and It icquirva very llllh' pcr- 
ceptlun un tho pail of any prraiin aea'eil In Iho 
giand stand to aeo thai ttiu acoofcliihala thua pro- 
vided. Tbo msnagcinent or lbi;bnmuelitti, there, 
fore. thlulH It will itqulre a prttiy atrin.g riinit,tna- 
lion to licat tbtlr cruet team wben liter atati'l pat 
nlib three acca. 

Hccrelarv Howard llolilwiu and Manager Toliraii 
of tbo CIcvelaLd Cluti. have conpletcd their icIiLd- 
itic of their llpiitigexblblil<iM gamea, whtrh will Ihi 
played wiilhi the icain la away Irutii home. Thu 
playera.or at least sll of Isem living In tho Kaat. 
havo been ttotlled to report at Clovelanil on March 
g. Oh the folloMlDg morultigiher win leave fur HI. 
Luula. Tliupliyeialivlogin ItvWeal will tiioottlie 
team at the tfonndt:ity. Fmia thorn ther go lulbo 
lli'iBptiuga Ark . aud prepaiu theinaelvea for the 
aerlea ur exhitiiiioii gamiH with Iho Plttqintrga. 
Tliise two I'aioa will playlogciker unlll Harch '.at, 
wbenilic flurilaoda leave fur Linln Ibutk. Ark., 
where Ihey are liuoki d fun wn gamea «n Harch .'tu, 
31. Their <iib»r garni a are: Apill I. 'i. at Hitmplila, 
Tenu.: 4. i. al Kansas City. Hu.: «, 7. at HI. Juaenh, 
Hit ; H. g, at Ilea Mnmrs. la : in 1 1, at llnrllDginn, fa.; 
I'J, 13. al IVurls. III., aud II alljuii'cr. III. Thoywill 
ihen go to thurlly tbevara scheduled lu liegln ihu 
ebamplohahlpaeason In, 

Jlmmv llyan. Ihc vetersn 0 uncldcr of the t'hi- 
cagn lean), has the folluulng tu say alaiiil Freil 
Pfeffer, who will play wilh the Now York team Itila 
year: "Tliero haa neon aome talk about PfelTbr 
fietng a 'baa been,' '<r inn lluht tu do lusilcu at 
second haae lor Ihe New Vorka. I will aay Una 
raurb lorPtegar; bla criileaaro going 10 IwriHiled, 
lie r.ati play Heciiid iiaao tu an lutnittahle mauaer— 
line onilrely blH owu—anit liu can team any aacunil 
liaaeman In Hie liiuuni-ra pulotn about bow to play 
It Bo, luo. he call leaeb must haae playera how to 
'oick In' whhgiHHi aeci.iid litae plarlug. Ilcmav 
mate a ban eiror at accuiid, but he haa tno gaiiio ao 
much at hU Duger Ilpa that tin mou ou Ine team 
have 111 keep awase to keep up witb hla further 
plar. lie am aeiid a lialiuiiantoa iiasioaqulaktr 
anil unexpccledly alter sn error lhat unless the 
player li keeping bla wlli about him he'll have hla 
head knocked oir. There la aenuliinallon i>r imlna, 
head woik and aiinwork atwui I'telTer'a plarlng tbat 
mates htm a wonder. He Is not a beavv man— 
never will lie. iiui hu bta ailllty at Ihe bag Ibat 
aavea htm. Yuu never bear ol these big bruisers 
aplklog bim. He louchca hhi man out, and keepa 
clear nf Ihe aplkei. I say It with all Irtendahip for 
inv old companlou, tho Cblcagu Club haa been dal- 
lying Wlih expcnneota ever alncs hn Isll thu team, 
Kiperlmenta, thal'a all. n cak u batllngr linmpb 1 
lie can lial al lhrei.-biindr'd per cent, or more, aod 
ihcre are a lot of playera rho will be far liebind 
hiui. Halt What I say. bo will allow up well lor Ibe 
New York's Ibis year." 

John T. Prnsh. or Ihe (.'inclnoall Club. Is very en- 
ihualaatlcnverihe leapouKS he received rrom bia 
plarenitobis wriittolnrllatlon to goHouthooihe 
uracitce iilp. In a letcr wnllen lu Uincluiiall he 
aara: I have received leilera from all the plarera 
uudrr reMrvatnin to (he i'lodnoail Cloii except 
two. and ibera la men pen and ink enltiuslaain dit- 
plaied 10 then man I have ever known since mr 
connecilon with lisseliall, IC II laMs unlll we meet 
tne Bplders sod tt,e Piralea,ao<l holds uut until we 
go against the Vsnaaansi ihey will all U louklug at 
tbs Reds from the Iwuoa) of the second dtvlaiuu 
uroogb ulesoopes." 

Whether Ihrn Is anything In tbe report recenllr 
pohiishcd concerning the t'loveisnd-ili. r«nlt.Dc- 
iiolt deal caonot be drflnllelr siaird at this time, 
It bta heeo repeatedly denied by tlie prceldinia of 
Ihe Cleveland, BU Unis snd Brookltn Cinlia. while 
President Vandrrbrck, nf Ihe lieiroliH. adnlu thai 
he camo 10 New York for the purpoasof cnniiimmai- 
Ing hla pari ol the itanafrr. Selibrr Prealdent 
Hruah. or ihe ancinnatl. or Manager llanlon.of ihs 
Halilmnrea. wlllaiHin) or deny Ibe romnr. Tbe Usi 
named genllenan saya ihal tno Ittlllninro CInb baa 
nreivoil nn nolincatlon, unirlal or ntherwlse. of 
any deal between Prrslilonla Itohimn and Von dcr 
Ahe for Iho Sl I.ouIs franuhlsi.'. pktyorn, elo„ and 
thai such a ileal, which baa been spoken of In 
aoino uuarurs as an accuiiipllahed fact, could not 
If made wlihntii tho iinanimouH vote of all Iho 
niajnr league ritibs. J, Kailo Wagner, of Iho Wash- 
inglun Cluli. has this to aayoniheatihjccl; "Hys- 
lerlnua gtilnga uu In itisinr traguo eirtleo bave 
arnttaeil my an«plrtims, and pattlciilatir the at llona 
iir John T. ItruBii anil Frank liu II. Itnlilaon, First 
inry went tn 81. I.niils. i.oxi thing iher were heard 
or al Chleagn. and thru at Now York, nnallv Robl- 
hon anil itTrne, or llrooklvn. nut llan II. Johnson, 
prealdent of thti Western t',F0gne. snd V'inderbeok. 
or liciinii. at Ni'W York, anil a nutiltil trip to Wash. 
tngtun lurHconanltailnn with President Young waa 
the rrault. Vabileitterk haa \wn approached br 
Ihe major league anil ngercd a goaid round sum for 
his Iieirolt lishehtac In Ihu Weatein I,uAjiuo. Host 
nndoitbicdly ihlararana a iremrer or (Jlovoland'a 
Irai.iblaoto Driri'll. It ilui'a tiutalgullyanrlhlbK 
thai Chris Vou der Alio anil llnlttaun ilrny Ibalauon 
aceal waa ever rontomplaic<t, fnriiila la a ticklish 
ph'on of hiia|ne-4 nnil niuit in^ workeil nulellr sn as 
to avi Id anr roiiiltct with il-.e Wraj, tn I.csgno poo- 
llic. I have an axo tn grlnil with Von tier Abe. ror 

I wunt lhat money he lied uii lu At. l,oula, nnd Jobn 
I. Kogera. nl th" I'lillaileli'lila I'luli, wants tn buy 
llfcllensteln. It will be nrccpsar) r-r Von der Aho 
III get our innaent 10 thla tranaler, rnr uithrr of ua 
ciiiild ktiork Maaeh' mo akr hlili If uc iipimsed It, 
Aitconllng in the terms of uur cor.illtutlon nnr acc- 
<liin or Its iiMvlalons tiiav tw aiiafondod ormailo 
tKiti app.lcalil,' liy A unniilmouH vnio al a major 
league Hienlng,'* 

Thu LnulHrlllo illnti haa drennl t'alchtr Edward 
llov','. or tbel<i. IMiit until, or me Weatein l,<agne, 
Tn<. Kentueky nianaseiuent ihnihtbatho will make 
aa areal a plijer aa hla liroihci, lank lloylo, ol Iho 

I'. V~ Fiyim has wlihilrawnrriinllt ' management 
1,1 'III' r<'otiai'iiit'. (ll the Weairro Aasiielailiiu. and 
|i. h'. Iliivilalp, hla pariiirr, haa aaatiintd onitro 
rburgi' ur tile t.aiii. Iluliaaalguid Ihe lull cnniplo- 
meni or lilavrra. wlin liavo iK'cn •.n' idi il tn report on 
April I. 

Clan'oce tilitlila haa plareil Ills Hgiiaiitre 10 a 
t'li'velnnili'iulM-nn'nirl rnr lata. Thlapnia to real 
biaulii'gad thrraia to "quli iMiitlimond ir ho oniild 
not ^,'1 hla reli'sau from t'lcvelssil.'* 

Al a niivlitignr th" iKiardnrilth'eti'raor tho West- 
ern League, In lit Fell. 3. nl Chtcaiu. HI. dnsl action 
dPlTmlttlng thn eiraiili rcrttie apptoaedlng aeaaon 
waa taken ami other tiualnrsH ■irnngeil. .Manager 
Kill*, nr (Iranil llatihla. Mich.. ilL'iaialird Ihe guaren- 
leu fur lite lliimd llaplda I'liili. and It Is now Hid ac- 
crpieil elgltlh nieiniier uf the leniue II wnsagrceil 

II ul Maiiiiai.'r Ktlla ahnithl laha what plarcia bo 
wanted rrniii laai HeHai-n'a TiiIl'iIii t.'lilli, Inatrail ur 
taking ilieni Mil In n liiitiitli. 

The llnivriHllv iir.Marilaiiilli'itii liaa lierii oigaD- 
rnr iH'js Ttiii men rriitii a linm ilio nine will Ih' 
pirjied eiime Irum itrntlg eiillrirr I'liilia. wlicro ther 
am crtillieit Willi 'tt'liig gmtil wnik. Among tlioan 
ivtin am Itkeli t» play am: Mrainn. Al'en and For- 
ayihr. rnirhna: lliliii. Kiu'cli, Hriiiaii. Mcllnan and 
Htiiart, pltrlura: It'iVninnr ir IIlIiIi. nrai linao; 
lliMhi. tti'bli iir Witllatiia. arc, ml haae; Claggeil, 
thlnl liHae; Wlittehlltal nr DrrkiT ahnrl atoll, and 
Miirrar. Heilnian, lliirneit, F>.ra;il.u and Heyir, 

kintiager Kllta, nr Ihe ilnnil Itaplila tinin. ol the 
Wi-ati'rii l.enuiii'. hna naked llie l.miiklrtt t'ltlli Inr 
Treilway*a ii'li-aac. 

Al a meiillllg nl llin panli-a wliii Mill back Ibe 
Vnik rini., held Fill. 3, nl Yolk. I'n., II waa unahl. 
Ilinttalv tlrfldPil tn |ilaee the elllt, III tlin I'ehnsyl- 
VHiilA Stale Lragtie. Inatenil nr iiin i^innlirrland 
Valley la'agiic aa wna |>r('»liiiikly annoimred. 
Frank I'. it,e Ijitienaii i leani. uf tho I'cnn- 
ri>lvai,la Htaio Lragiie. waa imiei t at Hm iiieciing, 
unit 11 waa rliledy nn ai'r.illlil uf Ills rcilinrks III 
faviir or llio talliT nrgantxalliili that cananl Iho 
Yiitk pciiple liiileetiloaattiuy dlil. 

Tho Now York Otitli Itna oncugcd J, II. Ilavia sa 
iie.iniTrurilii' playoniiif Ita iihiii rnr Ihe eotning 
auaanu. Ilavia was nn aaalatettt tn Mtka Mtttphy, 
Ihe noioil Iralncratllio Yale i:tilreraily. 

Manager liiiekenlwrgrr i r ttn' T, miMo i:iuh, of 
thn Kaaiern I.<'Kuuii. la uetitrg irigeiher one of ihn 
Ileal leaiiis lhat will Im In tliai li nimn iiesi aeniuii. 
Cinindtata will lie given a U nit In lite wi:y of fast 
twll playlDg. Hliltli Ihey bavo i,i>i witneaioil before 
lu aiiuu ruHirt. • Unnk 'altuuhl n uko inaiiy Irlenda 
atniiiitf Iho Iroatv eitinsli' pi'tiple. pa be huaa very 
aiiniiT adit genial dlaiiii«lili>tt : in aiit.'s. hi' will nii'Sl 
likely alee thelil n wltllH-r, Hull la what will Itl- 
leH'al tlielil lite miiat. 

Tho lluaion Dluli hiui draml I'ltelii r tV, K, M.ilna, 
or the Luwlaliitl t.'luli, nl Ihu New Kliglatid laugne. 

JameaJ. K'llnii, managrriirtlni I'llnculnnCnIlege 
Irani, hnaarrangcd the tnllnia Ing arhednle or games 
In lie jilsyed ilnrlng thu i iiii ltifl leaai n: Hsreb 'm, 
llutgrm, at I'rineetun: April Mltiliari, al Prlbtelon; 
3. Hnlieisliynr Virginia, al t.'hsriniiisvll'e: t.Wssh. 
Ingiiin and Jegersnn, at llli-lnn>r.d:S, University of 
Cariillna.Bl Chariolteavltli-. N. u.: 1. llcurgelown, 
at Waahlugtiin, a,l<eurgeiiiHrp, al Waahlnilon; 10, 
Itoatiin, at I'llncelon; II, New Yinb, at Naw York; 
Ul, Urajulle, at I'llneeluh; la. Htaia Cnlltge, al 
I'llnceioii; n, Ii'obluaen, at I'rihrpiiin; Iftange 
A 0., Httitnnge: 2V, Irhlgh. hi Htlm'otnn; May !l, 
rurnrll. at liHica; o. Haulistiaii i ollrge. al New 
York : 7, 1 Jiwtencnvnie, at I'llneelnn; •. Harvard, 
al Princoton; 13, ladarene, at Kaainn; 10, Yale, at 
Princetot' ; 30, Uolverallr of Virginia, at Hrlnceliin; 
•a, New Haven; 71, Cntnsll, at I'rtuoetuo; 
30, llarwid, at Cambrtdiie; Juno 3. Orange A.*., 
at I'rloottoii; n. Yale, at I'tlaccU'ti: lo, llaivaid, al 
I'rini-eiuii; 13, Yale, al New York, In case or Ha, 
IS, Harvard, al Uanil'ridge; so, Orianli; Field Club, 
at llaukriikaok; 'A Yale, al New Haven: 17, Har- 
vard, lo New York. 

Manager Miller, ur lha Yale llnlvetallr Usui, sara 
that Hie aelieilule nl gamea lur hla tesiti haa not 
lieeu conipleled, but Iho gaoira thus lar arranged are 
aarollow: Uar la, I'riiiceliin, at l'ritiiiiiiin;!a. Itlnce- 
bin, at New Haven; 'A, Unlvetallv uf Uhleagu, at 
New Haven: June 3, UolveiiSty ul Vnimnni, at New 
Haven; o, I'ltnctiinti, at I'tliiri'ion: 13, 1'riureton, at 
Now York; zi, Pilticetnn, al New Haven. On Ihe 
Kaater ulp (wn gamea have lieitn arntngrd wlih lbs 
llulvemty III Virgbila. and une each with Ihullnl. 
veraltynr North i>irulliia atit Ikuigaluwii Uolver- 
sltv. Ihu 'Varsity nlna will iday a iratn made op 
or Yalo gndiialea wliu fonutrly played on Ibe ngu. 
lartaam, on May 13. 

Tito llnaiklrn leant will train at CImiIiiIIs, N. C 
and will atari Hnnth earlrlii Harrli. All thn plarera 
will lie raben un tlie Irip, and will play among 
thenihelvea iinlll llmralatt fur hotna. alau gamea 
will lie played with Isana of lha Virginia Biats 
lauiiie. Hanager Fuiit/. dma not oxpeei to raiorii 
tn tronklyn iKlnin thu openlug ur the regular 
oliamplooililp leaaiiii. 

II. W. /aarfosa, a catcher ur Inal aeaaoh'a Hover 
(Del.) Uliiti, lias lieen adiltil lu Iho Mat ur playeia on 
the New (urk Uluh'apay roll. 

Tint annual meeting of tho Atnerieau Uollrgs Aa- 
surlstlim, cuniUHKd of Auliuiai, Iiailmuutu and 
Wllllaiaii, waa hnld Peh. s, al lloalun, Hsss. Tlie 
fnlliiwlog niticsn were- clioasn; Prsaldanf, It. It. 
Itulllna, Amheral; vice prcildent, 11 W. Hnol, Will, 
bimi; second vice piealdest. B. W. luitcli, Harl- 
niuiiUi; aecmlary and iresaorer, ll. If. Jabies, Ihirt' 
niuulh, ikiiiciird. An nmelsl laweiaill was adotited 
atl«r aleoglbrdlaouaaliin. J.J. i<radr,uf Hartford, 
waa again ohnaen uinplro. 

Tbs Yale law Hcbml, of New llavan, OL, haa de. 
cidei] III pill a nlnn un tlw delil during Ihe cowbig 
aeaaun. The law atudenui bavs agrewl lutappon 
the team and have elcr.ted ihn roliowlng oltlcera: 
H. «l. Illadden, Olilcagu, III., pietldent; W, 0. AUlut 
Oaidloer, He., manager. 

Thomas P. Bams, of lbs New York4lni>, Is re- 

Kirted as lielog aoxluua to get his telease rriim rhs 
ew rork Club, Ilo sbouM have nu trouble In 
doing an as lhat cuii alreadr haa a aurplus or 

Hanager Barnls, who bolds the franul hie for the 
llattfurd club lu the Aiuntlu Assirclatlun, aara Uut 
the lltrtriird panple are aailoua in have a liall Isam 
lu IbaIr city now that ihey will lie tn a tegnlar or 

Sanltdllon. Harnlo aaya he waa well rerelved liy 
ureinor Unckley and ollitr leading citlsans. 
Pr»ldeul Jacolai, of tbe Bliiiiiiigham Club, uf 
IhsBouihem AHOclatloti,ssjs tbat ansugemenis 
bave all lieen cniipleted (or starling IbeKaMinor 
IMa alth a nrat claaa team, a gi.od iiark aad staoda 
fur Hie pstrnoa uf Ibe sport. The Huulbein iaso- 
clatton will remain IniacI, with tbe fulbialng olllea 
represeniHt: f,lltle giiek, Hempbla, NaahvUla, 
Ailanta, Ulrmlagham, Honliunisry, HuliUi and 
NawUtnaus. AtUhlals now fully lBUiM,aad all 
maUe at lhat polal has hsen obviated. 



Febbuary 15 

Tlift wJor Umbo UDi(«lr*4 am>o(iu*1 If FrtiUIioi 
Yooog an: Ljncb, Uurar, Boull*, IMI*, SlrtrUui, Um* 
dtruq ud Wtldiiiui. foor or tbtn, KMf*, ■atU«, 
W»iJuB ud llttdtnoo. «*r««i'prur««looiJ p(tefa«». 

Jpbd v. Ilinrr. or HftnfHd, Ot , ud Tlioauu York, of 
Brootln, N. V, iitT* tpplkd form tnaclt\m for WaUt* 
tMiri-Ot . IB th* AiluUo AMOclmUoo, Ud VlllpoCfttMOl 

IteKiw Torlu PblUdslphla, OlnelsDMl ud LoqUf UU 
ditM an 111* oolr od*i or iba Bkjor Imcuo that btro u- 
■oaaotd Uul tbalr umdi vlU pUy at hooM od "Uanr 
▼rlihl Day." 

OwUlo JtronA Bradley hi* luaad a e&ll lo all Iht na* 
eaadldalM for UiU rear** rriooatAnCollMfttaam to pra- 
ant liKoiMlrot at tii* eag« oo Feb. II. to bcflo pruile*. 

Jba aintd coolract of I«a4ar OcrnMO bia tmn ra- 
rad at iha K«v York Clut lietdqoaruri^ V lod 41 
Oooftland fliraat, ihti dif. 

Tbo adiodal* mtatlni of Hi* Hitlooal Laarat and 
Amartcaa AMoelatloa wlU ba h»M on M. 31, at ilw nou 
ATooaa BotaU ihu cl'y. 

^ It haa b««o ilaeldad tbal Ih* Nav Tart taam wUl act 
^b^iny aiblMlloB casHi oa Uiilr vaj bona uon 

Tha Obleapoi aad Van>u<htri will play locatber oa 
"Hany Wnght Pay" at KaauiOlij, Ho. 


blayad iho (bortJ 
Jas. la. 31, It 
vliltera eoptatid 

Tna BrnuNO catnciriai. capialnod b/Lord Uiwka. 
* ' " 1 (bortta naiea of tbair loiir Id Bomb ift-lea, 
31, It PlatamarllKburs. wbaa laalr* of lbs 

.jptaddod aialoBi a local flnaao on ibtuuil 

nattloc wletafa.* Th« Rnilldb utiii waat Id drttiod 
loada », of *lileh C. W. D*l|thl aoorad 45 um Lord 
l(a«fta4l. ThthQiiitiaam mull a iiroIoBgad itaadfor 
3I0L ihi arlaotpaldleorar baloit Mavi Foera, vlio battad 
l>rlUlapuy for 111 rum. Id iba tacoad loolof iha tlaiiora 
comMlad 49 raoa for oloa alokeUL 0- H. Kty acoring US 
AOd llrT 0.O Driaa llS.aad tfca trtticli aadtd la adiav. 
TvoBotabUracenUwtn broboa lb ihla mttoh, iba 4SS 
for DlaavlebaU Ib th«a«eoad laDlor. aod tba US moi 

nadalDtbautnalooioir Ijy O.B- Prr, bolni ib« bi|bttt 

•\ .^^^ 

r ■ 

, .lia moi 

lOR A. J. L. IIIU, «IUi foar ■Ickeli for 57 ruoi. 

agfracata aad ludirldnol «coraa, raipacUvoTy, arar mtda 
by aay BafiUb taini lo Soutli Africa. KlRbt oftlii Bat- 
liah taaiD took laroa lo bowllDi, tlia moit aaceaaami ba- 

ATTBBBiaaiiTaoDnal naatlDc oflbo crlrkai oodHd- 
jnatoTthoHL (loor^a Aiblatlfl Uiu^ orihliolty, (bafol- 

iowlof Ainoeriworoolaclsd fnr thatDinlDgyaAr: Krttl- 

daat, Bar. Dr. W. f). Kaloaioid; rica praaManiiu W, 
FoouaaadW. " " " " " 

fraaanrar. A- h , 

eapcala, T, 0. TarDsn tiMnUri boramltiaa, Har- W, 

.aadW.J. MiIiIHao; ncraUrr, K. J.Cbadirlo:(; 
rar. A- K. Oofiau; eatitalo, W. n. Alaawonb; tlea 

ilartli and J. B. B. ArmuroDg; ilit*iai« u Na* York 
(Jrlebat AaMolAiloo, K. J. Cludvldc. Tit* SL O*orn 
toaiD anllolpataa a ■auaMfol aaaaoa Id UM, aad t'ta 
iirnoan letaod making arraDfoniaatJtopljyMi a lood 
loeloaad rroood, 

Tua AoaraAUA!! tbam Ia vlHt Haglaiid ibla oonlog 
aoaaon, aa noally Ml^eifci, laolaita iloorve (liiree. J. Dar- 
Koff and B- Jooa*. of rioaih AaBtralla; K. B. Oragorr. r. 
ATTradal^T. H. McKibb d aod H. tfuaoao, Naw Boutb 
Walaa; Q. If. Truii, If. Unban. H. Tniii*bl*, W.Johoa 
aod J. narry, Victoria, aad J. Bady. Taimaaia- It la a 
nattarof r*flratUiataa«liw*)lbaOvDpUy*'B aa Brvo^ 
Taraar, Lyona aod Jarvja tro not on tha abnr* lUt It 
waaaipaoioi alao tbat a. E. Trottand 0. UUl voaldba 
iBOiadad lo Iba taam. 

Ifoiaal: tnaaarar, J. W, Banowi; eaptala of rtnt 
a'aran, Bdato Hmltbjcaputa oraaraad alaraa, Varooa 

la TUB opanlog gam* playad lijlharlalUotBigUah 
loam at Oapa Towo, Bonth Africa, Oaorg* Irfibmana 
Inwlad aarao wlebaU of iha homa taam altbacaaiof 
oolr UroDi. lo ib*«ooood loolng. WlUoogbbj waa alio 
cradltod aiUi arainarkablabltorboallDf lo tli* aaoood 
looIogofUiaRaiillaliUam, wh*nb* look alt wiekata— 
Ara elaan bowlod— for 15 ruba. 

Ty BniiUMo laat aaavon taaaiy algbl balatoaa aieh 
jwrad aa agaiegau of a Uioutaul ruai aad apvarda, 
aod taaaly nra of U\*v< bawnoo, lo oomplllog thair 

aeorad aa agaieiata of a Uioutauf ruai aad apvarda, 
aod taaaly nra of U\*v< bawnoo, lo oomplllog thaIr 
tiiUl^aoorod ladlvldualloqloitaor a huodrtd ruaa aod 
upwarda. W. (I. Qraca aacutod tha diailoeuoo of Iba 
bigbaat affrogat* of ibaaaaaoo. 

H. B.aRBiioHT, onaoT UianfoatpromlalogorAoairaVao 
crlokatan, baa baao batilag batiar ilubarardirlogtha 
Maaoa dowo ibora Uiat u now diavlag tu a eloaa. Ilia 

hlahaataoor* vaafi). eonpllaO In albOai faaUlaai fonn. 
HIa prarlouB bait acora vaa SS\ mada aartral aaaaona 

AN aicinxfi unitm naricMl iha Arat Into r- colonial 
maiolioftlMoaaMub*i«*ao Vlotnrttand HauUi Auatn- 
lla, alibooib tha former vab Ib ih* and by M nioi. 
Jooaa, vbolii pUyad naroly fur hla boallua- vai tba lait 
nao In for Sonih Aoaualta,aad liaocoradMninaoo ibla 
oooaawB, aad ibo la<t wlebatpotonBl. 

AM AHATiVHdrainaUoaniaitatniuMitforlb* bae*Atof 
Iba BaliDontOlub vaiialroe Fab.5, at ih| OravlogKoon, 
FoTUath aod Loouu Hiroala. l^iI'aJfliihia. Pa. Thara 
waa a largo aitaodanoo, and tba porldrakanc* t>r«T*d an 
arUallo aad Ooaoelal auccaw. 

In A flAHB raeaaUy playad at Brdaay, Kaw Boolh 
Walaa, a B Watford waa cr*lltad wlUi a leor* or aw 
ruaa. Aaoibar faat lo AuiiraLaa criekol «a« iba bo«|. 
l0gbrO.B«lllvaaof all un wiekata In an Inelog, laolud- 
log Inra* oapturad wlih anceaaira bal^. ' 

Tga'tblrdoflha aarlaa of antorulninanti, aoder tba 
aoaploaaof tboOomaotowa Club, wa* ilraa Fob 4. at 
Jiaalab bona*, lo Plilladalpbla, Pa. Alarga audlaooa 
•^Joyad an aHeallaat mualcal prograoma. 

MAURioa lUiiD aad H. Abal, lvowaU'%Bown Boallab 
profaaaloDAla, of lbs llarr*y loain, bira boon aojtagad to 
ooacb tha proffllalog youog crlokataraor Baaaa at tha 
aarly part oToaai aaaaoo. * 


Cemlaf KtmU. 

Ftb;-I>— Folo mftUb, lc« VnHn ti. 

>y Bheii or 

T«Un, lei nUM Btulsi Rink, Xtn Tort. 

ftb u^lQ* nil* fthaUDf not. lor boya uodtr inm, 
IM Maw UUlDf Blak Niw Yorii. 

Nb. 14— UciDu* Duuh OD loo. Onoooot AlhUlto Clnb, 
or Bnoklyn, ti. loo roUc*. .Sow Vorli. 

SsowihMlBg and Ika^ag* 

TdouUKli ot ptnoDi wen pniMDt *l Itia Wlr- 
tfxlh uiDail compeilUre no«i ot tba HoDitml 
(OUL) BnowiliM Olub, li«M *t tba ^'nnda ot tba 
UontittI Amtmir AUbliUo AaooUllos on Salof' 
lUj tturoooD. Vtb, H, ud tba; wara wall pleaatil 
«ltti Iba aolarttiiuneiit pnvMed, wbMa tbawtalbor 
WM bj DO neuu unpleuuit. A niiniurT ot tba 
aiaBti toroilgs to aicallaai pn>|[rainino toUowa: 

Om AHMmf mnJf minting rmc — ftnt liMl; Qoo. 
fit, M. J. !•■ |1, Kimlcli. Dm: A. W. JohQwn,.gi<l> 
LMItlao 8. ■ O, HooaiT Tlr- — - - — • 
HTToraHiuoD, lloUyH. K O. 

[ao B. B O., ttooauT Tlno, It'tO. BoooDd t, 
... -MoHmoo, lloUjrH. B. O., irdi, Aru: Ooo. iron, 
rolUmo A.O., OidL, Moood. Tlni».lS>A«. Final lioot; 

ParlattrtUJobnaooaacoad. Tloia.llHa. ^. . 
noi AHadml and rwMf lonia amwMMa rarr, bota 
bdar fburtaan jaara. — j-—^. — 

Flrat baat: Paro/W^t Oral, ._, 

ilomarr aaoood, A. Plnkay thinl. Tlffla, 4ta. tooDod 
' lat: IT. Rowland ilnl. Darld CllmU oaoondo o rfutr, 
itrd. Tlma. 4Aa. Pinal kaal: P. IbtwUnd dral.'^Farcy 
..alahaaoMd. Tlm*.i3)ii. . ' 

Oaa ailla cum ibiffiw niiv, gold madal, prtaantad oy tha 

A, A., oitianada.— T. Moora Oral, Qao. Briggt aacond, 
W. BavasUilnl. Tloi*. sa. 49|t. . 

/bttr hmttdrra an*i fittif pahii ataffan rara, Iwya no* 
4ar tvalro.-Jamu WoUaant, 11. U. llaoriebua aaevnd. 

Jtitki AuntlmJ (lad rtihtM |dr\U Qp^n nuuuhm ran*, 
abamptoovblpofnAoada -K. ll. fiarla. lacblaed. B «t., 
Ilrat: J. J.Tuok. l.\chlii*P.H.U., aaeand. Tlma.tD). 401.8. 

ibiir auNdrrd atta mivu iaotevAnf iwa,boya.— 
Artbnr Matahall dnU lu McUaa waond. Tina, In. 

rW) aUfa iROK>iA<« ntcr. dnb ou|l— (lao. Mapbaa Brat. 
<l«ono PuliouaacoDd. Tlna,lliD.a^4 

Om ailla lAafiov raiv, Uiy« undpr Million —Tbomaa 
Bndr drat, Norawi lllll hoooiI, Tlnia,.lu.S4i|a- 

Jwu Atwdmtnad rlpAioMniiakriaaff ni«i. baofeaard — 

B. t; B. Uolcuoibe ar>t, AHwrt Itud Brcuqd. tTbp, 1b. 

Mm Aaadrad oad rtoMfy jrarOa Aunile nKW. oa aoov* 
abooi — T. \r. Maibawa, Paiitnno A. U., dnt; IL VoBahoo, 

W.O. A^i40oad. Tlnoitb. 

JTUtl aiMirfrod and Wi/Alir tMnli akadap rac(, gold 
aaatlal prawiiad by tha A B. A. of U.-VlruhaatiT. 
Hoon^b.A. A. A.,ar«t; J. J. McCualg. UavarHlok, 
aaoMM. Tina, )u. S,S«. Saeoud haot: R: H. Oourta- 
nanoba, M. a. a. a., itnt; W. Ualdwali. H.A.A. A., 
,.nioa, loi. sOfo. t^lsat boat: HaCaftig Qrat, 

_ aifla ituilN^ rarr. club ott^— T. Moor* ilrit, W. 
■aTaa,M.A.A. A..aa«ood. 

Qmaiirrmlte nnmtim rw^, bova uodar alghtaaa yuro. 
— r. .1. Lanaban nrai, B, Btapliaa aaroal. Tlma, 
In. y^A'a. 

lAL -.. 

a Logaa, Oraacant 


JCi9W AHndmddrhl tlgkit varOt ortm mdiraAoa mrr.- 
TbovM Logaa, Oraacant a v. r.^ nrtt ; W. H 
H-B. O., aaoood. Tlma,Snt 

Jfateh rtlc^Nomuo lllllTaiTbo>.Brady.JuDi<vohani- 
ploalblP 01 tha A. 8. A. of 0.— Braidf (bil at too lovtr turn 
iirtiaMatlapoQd Mill abaiatlln drtt. Tloi».loi.4lh< 

nr*t,Pfila!rir«lD,M.A. A.. 
A> A.A..-Uiltd. V|ma,4DSt. 

iM««ill# nion^ rarr. ctianplonihlpof Canada.— n.11. 
' ^aha,Ueblaa,aad 

'nO oa<l >brr« ininU tiaUmg r\w. 

■ -' A.A.,aaoond; N.B.IIUchelt,H. 

.jploryhlp _ 

paTU,tac^loa, ilfai,baatlQR T. Waaila 
W.OaoiMiao, Argy^a. TItot, Bn. Uhv 

tift airam* nw, oitir vliwia nmw, Uugbaa Cnp.— 
KobuSiarkollral, W J.BallUXaMDir 

Tm mUa ako/inti tnet, aoM niadaL*T. Hooro flrat, J. J. 
HoOaalg aarooiV T1id*,&ii. Ila. 

ftfo Aanarrd oad iK^ntf ihirdt Munllfmce. oa alolM.— 
Flank Irwlo. H. A. A. A., rirmi; H. T. R. lloloonia, M. A. 
A< A., aaoood. Tima, 33*»*. 

ffafor*o.W.UHaliby; JoOgai. W. ii. Roia. P. W. Bai^ 
lowaodKO. Bbapuard; llm»kMp*Ta.Tboa.L.Fatoo,Jfta. 
A- Twlor, D. 0. Tiggaxt, W. u. II. Dodda, A. vr.OliTord 
MO W. P. Irwla; aiaiiar, W. 0. Rtibartaoii. 

Tha AuBlaarCbaniiilomihlp 
or Bonpa lo akailoc waa comoatad ftv at llambarg, 
liar., Jan.19. TTiaraaaro — " 



A Law that will Prtroat FUivImbhu 
mpA MaharfkvM FlghUsf cia tha Soli 
•fthm VmitmA Umi—* 

lo ibe Bodad of luprndoutlyea, on F«b. A, dele, 
goto Catron, ot Keir Keiloo, lotTodiiccd a tiu dimwo 
op e^pecltUy ID prerMt lb« canrlDt oot ot the 
ArrugeiiientB for mt batlle balwetD Sob FItato- 
moDa'tod Feler Uib(r,atpUDned bjDMiSlaArtftiid 
btfalda. TtiebUltnUeaprlzeflebUo(AmiadnH*BOr 
pQDli^ble blldprtaonmant rorDotmpreibABflre 
imttt KDd Mr.'Oatroa uked for anlulmoiu coDwnt 
for cobslderbUoiL' Ike fall lest of ibe tU. wblcb 
pMUdtbe UoOBBrlAuroUota: 

TbaCaoy paraon who, lo aay of iba tarrflorla* or tba 
Dbiri^i oi Colombia ahall Tolnatarllr aegago Id a pngi 
llatlo «eoaatarb*t«aaamaa aad bud. or a dgbi batwaan 
a maa aod a boll, or aay otbar animal for monay or for 

oUiortblngaofTaloa, or for aoy chaMpiooulp, oroMO 
ibaradultofwbltfi aajmooay or aorihlag of nloa la bat 
or wagarod, or lo aaa wbleh asyadmliiloa fto b ehargad. 
althordlracUyorindlyKtlr.ahaU b* daooicd lolltyofa 
fafoof. aad opoo contleilon ibaU Im ponlabad liy Im* 
prlaoonoot lo iha panlianiUrr for nut Imb tbaa oaa yaar 

n wDicn aojDioaor oruiiniBg oi Tmin* h 
I, or lo aaa wbleh asyadmliiloa T4m b ehargad. 
cUy or indlyKtly, ahall b* daooicd lolliy of a 

- .. . 

bornoraibanflfarMi*. .... 

By tba Uno **pg|1Hitte aocooatar," a> oaad la tbU hill, 
limaaotaayTrioDurrflabt byblowa by moaai of fliia 
or otbarwlM, wbailHr *lib or vliboot gloro*. botwMO 
ivo or oor* oi«o for moooy, or a priio flgkt uf any 
diaiaeiOTorforaayiblag of Taloaoorforaor ciiamplon 
■hip. or BROo Iba raaoli of which aoy oioooy vr aay thing 
ofTaloa labotor wBfvnd, or u aaa olilcb aay idmlMlon 
fo* la ehargad, althar ditactly or Indlractly. 

Ud Uw followlDBllAf itia bill wag prcMoted lo tbe 
BdOAta, and wagpuaed la Juat tbred mlOHKa from 
tbe lime of lU louodaoUoD. Tbe blU wu Mot to 
tbe Wblle Uooae on tbe gfieroooo or F»b. T, after 
foor o'clock, and wu glgned bj tbe Prtaldeni at 
4.a&r;if. TbUiaw aubkefpTizeafndog*foioD70D 
ell Bdll orer wblrb tbe Fed«ml aoTemmeDt baa 
JurladtcUoo, and doubUw prompt neajores win be 
ukeil U> tee tbat lia prorUloDa are oot rlo^ated. A 
dtapatcb rroin \Vaibliijrt6o, D. 0. , dated Feb. 7, t*j»: 
By tha algnatura of tha aoU prUa right bill tha Pml- 
daot hu placad upoa Ooromor Toomtoo, of Nt« Moiloo, 
tba raapoBalbilliy for tba praraoiloo of tbo yittalmmoDf 
Babar '^111" lo tbalTarrltdnr. Tha Od^motbaa boon 
iQfonpad of Iha algaaiora bi lb* ici, id tbat aa la fnlly 
awara ihal It la lawof tba land rron tbU uMiaaot. Tbo 
Padaral aBibvritiao,liwV«v4r. aradlRpoaad to Ju arary- 
tblog la tbalrpowortoaadat lotha eitcailoo of ih* lav 
iriboUOTamoraboeldiInd Ubayood ibaooaMod ability 
of th4Toirllorlalofflc«ra to pravaolihodght la Iba Tar 
ritor*. f 0 thia aod tbo Ooramor may. aftar bo baa 
aatlaoad hlmaaU that hla local foreea ara loaofTt- 
olaat lo moot lb* raia, call upon lb* I'oliad Biaua 
manball for aaaliiiBc*. aod iba latur Id lom may 
araU bIniMti of tka aarfUoi ol aU of tba Uotiad 
Siataf troop* la iba Dopartiooot of Colorado, If Ihit 

lo otdor to auppraaa aoy Uwgal 

ot to O«arol Whoaion, 

many ara naoaaaary. _ 
gatbaHog or bnach of ih* 

will haaaot by th* War Dav- 

thad*MrtiDaatconmiud»ratD«BT* proaptly aop 
ply an of iho fore* raaolalta upoo in* rviotat of tha 

pcoparaulborliiai and ahogalbar iba boiIodiI gorom- 
B*Bt la praprnd to mak* u my uoplaaaani ooddio- 
garooa lor aor Hraaa obo partMlpuaa lo aprlid flgbi la 
any of th* Fadaial Tarrliortaa, or *t*o givaa hid aad 
- ■' * — ' uibllagataay 

eomlorttolho wonU ba Agbtara by ajotui 
polot to wltnaataHtbt 

m lour «Taaia-BaL l.Ni^ I^Uf aad 
ralf-aad In oaett Uarr Bryltr.of 

1<VQ0U BBttroo, r«*|>*ctlv*lf-aad lo i 

< lo nnt,tt)iiiwiBnlogth* «hamp(enahlp. 

ilTnih* 1,109 -- ' 

U*Ml«nd w&HMCoodTaih* l,l09 and laBhOmatran 
■»f«,aadU*rr lUott, ctiilatiaBla,wu aocond lo lb* AOD 
n«tra* raea, aod toird li tha> and kMUO in«tioa 
laaai. Uarr Ltuaobttiic. Hamburg, waa a«cood In ib* 
MOO maUoa * r*BL 

Tna aoaloTCbkmplonKhlp bockay nuleh botwMo iha 
i*aaaof ihegu»)iofi tod BhBmioek Clnba took ^oa at 
tluabof, r.q., on Kab. ^ Ih* (orraar wlBnlagby alooraof 

itu 1. 

The ChamploBahtp Hatch. 

Tbe match belweeo Bob FltzalnuDoni and Feier 
HAber, for ibe boitog cbAmplonablp of ue world 
kodA po^of tio,ooo,lg0xed for decleloo on Fri- 
day, yeb.;i4, Bomewbere la the nelgbboihood of El 
Fmo; TeiM, and D4to Bloart, w^o li reipooalble for 
tbe itaiie''ud bAgokkigeof tbe anaDgemeots for 
IbenfUl.BgtfcrtB tbkt tbe flgbtwIM be brought off, 
notirltbelkod'Dg tbe aoU-prtxe flgbt l*v naied 
Uhti^eek brUoogrcafl»maklogl)gtiilDg|brapitw, 
orwdec« idmMonlB cberKed.a iieoueetiarT ot- 
fencB. Tbe fall text of tbe law will be roood Id bo- 
oibei'pArtottblioluau). Tbeautborllt^aremlort, 
aod fi would ai^tear from toroniiAtloD at band aa 
we gb to prea tbat ibecbAnceeareell egAloat tbe 
Buoo«a of BtuATt^a j^bs. Thti sute ot affalra will 
certainly deter bDDiUed4 of aportawho follow tbe 
game fntnjonn>eylog to ibeLooeBurBtaie, bui, 
BOtwltbtfaooloff, A somber of entbuaUaU lue uow 
OD tt(e frbund, and elben are on ibe wey from ibe 
prloclpaJbliiealn the k:Mt,We«t and Soatb.'Tbe 
latest lofDrmailon regarding tbe kltoAtloo is coo* 
laloM lo tbe foUowlog dlipatohes: 

Bl PAno. Fab. 10.-Cipt. HcDeoald, with hti company 
of Ttua Bangata, aiilrad frvu iho Pui lUndta Ibu 
iDff.and upL liogkaa hu moT*d bUi nan from 
ilolhtapolnt. ErarymoTeniantor ibeSRhtdnla 

,«d, and thara la oodtagar orih* Bgbttalioi plaeo 

00 Toiaa aolL Aiiji Oao. Mabrr ralteratrl thli tnomlog 
that tla waa bora to ka*p th* Oglit from occnrrlBg In any 
lotallij that Toiaalayianf claim i«: thaibatec«>Bbn*B 
do oabinl gnuad ; tbat no batUa grvoDd can b* u*d to 
pull oV th* Bgbia iinloM la anma oifaer country. 

Ib* flRht maoaaon }iiL4rday •p|>nlot*d Bat Maat«noB 
eh(*fPltb*roroeorai«a It I* loundod to barb. at th* 
ring vdo to b**pordar, Thar aay lliera olU bt-lony or 
any of ibpjo uian,aBd oacn viUbeomtd nlibarlHa. 
Tbay ara to iM aalvcwd R>r thrlrdlMratlon, oo^naM and 
narra. Itlanolaaaralh'ni that th* manaanp#at Alil 
wait OBlll Fab. 14 lo bare ih« man met If It li lotaqdad 
to dodgo tb* auiboHUoa nnill tha iIm adrMtM aod 
ihon auampt to Bgtau It would batolovn* th* ailanlloo 
of thfautbbrlU** not only to Ttiaa aod Na« Xailco, bnt 

AdJC-UMv Mabrr. oflboTaiu But* mlKtla, artt? ad at 
BlPaforrooAuiuayteunlay. llowamad BiBanirih* 

Bghta,or aOy ofiboBi. aar* puU*d oiTob Taiaiaoll, Got. 
OalbaVioB woohl BOTtr ra«t uoill trarr paraoo coa- 
B*ot*d with ibain bad b**o amatad aaa ponlabad. 

atoartfaldbathoiodghlyuBdorBtood tba lawiofTa^a, 
and did oot oaad to b* toU by Hot. Culbtraon or ally on* 
*1** ibat 'ih* podilty of tli*lr lorraetloa «aa, (lao. 
Mabrr aayb b* do«a lot know wbao ba wlllratuin lo 

Banco CtTT, Fab. a.-Tba poalUoa of tha Botloan OoT' 


agalaat iba ODbt, aod eannot 

aramaat on ih* ImptodlBg prm Ogbt la tbat arart Siaia 

lntb«Uoloobul*glalatad ■- 


iMit iHja la 

ih* Hg li to oon* otfoo Maileaa Mil, ao^ fVtnkiy laya aol 

... . that which liooadaoiaad by thaiiouUeoplalon^o 
b* DBlt*d Butaa. FnahJaat IHaa la oti>oa*d to allowlag 
h* Hg It 10 oon* off 00 Maileaa Mil, aod fVtnkly laya ao. 
Oovoraor Abamada,or ihoBtaiaof Ohihuahui, lain tb* 
olty. aad ahl toolRbi : "^a no prauil wIU I gnat a p*niili 
(OrtbaOBhtoaMaRleaaaoll. IgofbrtharujuithaVfoil 
will uko arary poadblantaaoitbpnvaot tho Iglituhao 
baanaonooQOfd. Xhata a lotaaorcaTalrrmaaontaoout- 
Ingalooatha frootlor.and HiaTaoidartdihoiitoalraH 
any oaa aot*i leg Mat Ico to Ukapartin aprlia flrUL I ahaJI 
bamualiat JuamonSuDday for thapurpoaool aiopplai 
thla Malaaaa. Thir* I* a place of d*baUbla tarrRorr 
Daar,Jnar*a that li da facto nodor tha control of th* 
Unltad Buta*. bol all I mar uy iKlhaion Mixlran aoll, 
ondo^oor |BrladlctloD,iba nghia iball not takaplac*, nor 
la than uiooay *no«gh lo th* I'oltod Btatea lolnilace m*. 
at U i^roor. to allow tbo Aght" 

WAiuixnroN, Fab. IIX— lb* pr<t)»c4*d FliulmmoBa* 
Mahak prlio Oaot aaaan almoat oarialn to and In a Aarco: 
Tb* lipit*d8iaia« (tovMonaot ladatarmloodtopiavool 

Tbo Way to aprinflaht Id t»^a< would 

Bt«m lo b* o'oa*d ly ilar* omoUad by Oot. Cul.i>ar«oo, 

oeod^ln Maxloo, 

Bt«m.iob* o'oaa, w...^,. 

aod tbaa* obiiaeUa nnaloly laad to a T*rr »olld m 
aunipUoo that Iha paglllala aad ihalr baoi«n will ba 
^ro*d to rallia fTDOi prtaeoi baaloaaa. 


Btakton ABBorr, ot Eoglend, aod Ualle Pierce, of 
TbUAiJelpbla. were prtodpala lo a flfteen roond 
fflove oontf it ibal took place at Uukic llall, Boetoo, 
Habb.-, on tbe erenUig of I'eb. 4. tbe reeult bolog ode 
of ibMe DOBkUBrikotOfF dmwi tbal are ot too coiA* 
moujocounenoe. Ibe eiblblUnn waa bald under 
the MBplcoa ot Ibe lt«BC0U aob, aod OapU Irnly 
WkBue foferee. 

TUi okble Bbktee ihmt Dan Creedoo hueccepled 
the chaileoge taoedby Cbatley UbtIbp, ob behalf ot 
Joe Oboynaki, and that the Natlooal spoitlog aob 
baa QObred to give a puree o( |S,W) for a uot be- 
tween t^eee JieaTfwelghia attba dob atekaln 1m< 
doo.Jtog.^ ^* " 

TttMHY ntAM aod'-Rld**HcOoy are matched to 
light before tbe Kmptie Aibletlo Onb, ai Mameth, 
L. I., at lM)b, on Uarcb >, the men to weigh In at 

HBiaa iRiiia ihawall known Bortoa aportiogwrllar, 
nu Joatlaaoad ihi UPB odiilooof bte tom mk«t P. R. 
oompMHlluBi, ontliM "Ring HoconI aad Fwio Facia,** 
oontalalaa.nllabia rotorda oT th* laatting pagllUu oi th* 
wwtU.Vn erary olaaa, logaibar with thoir rdrtimlui aod 

pluaialauiluloi Biary rlDgio«rabuuM 

■air or a cofiy or ib 1 1 ry u ** rut book. 
^"RlV* BVAK. or Olckgo. III., aad naoroa Rtioog.or 
naoTar, Ool . ml at Aaiamb^ Hall, Anlog^XrkH 
F^b. 5, lo B|bl flitm round* wiUi glow, but Hyan 
pnndaottncbth*b*itor nan that ib^laitlawaBBlran 
Uhmatibaaadofthaihlid round, tho purtawuBCUO. 

Wikiv Bvan aad RtnnS llall, both rolnrad, want* 
hat*foaglvtt««ntja«* rouodi ai M«mpblai.T*DB., FaU 
^but Brana brok* bli baod In tb* Iwciru rouod tad 
gar* bp tba flgbt. 

A Hititu at 14 Inch balk lln* bllllaida, BOO rtololJL on 

tbo flnt Qlatit MoEMihllB 
woabroHolootauu lU. Uio>l nu 
PMCUTol;, lia too B,kod oBtboMntAilBiiihtllclAaili- 
llQonJBvoa.lhoioorab.laflBUloM. TnuloMnLtb 

to «C. 0IU3 aTOIBfO-BcLOOlbllB, II IMI; ItnloU, 

Jiaom Knaa. of Boiutoo, Pa, tau mk Imod a 
obaUoap la W. 11. Ctatnalir, oT nilaboii, to pUr a 
M.MK atooadaaoto |ool for t^ cJiiaploadilp or Amtr 

BMlkianbiilehaJ topUoamilehuliiidiUli liol; 
(MHbii »ft rorBWa oil^ la lb. WtoOy civ, rS. » 


cOHMO BTEara. 

Fob. U-lQTllalloa roacloicanlaat,Baoio>t aad Tnali 

Club, Maa York. 

IbJtUo Olab Joint bloof b'boo, aimoir, 
yob'-'ir-raiiailalvbU (Pa.) CaltadonUo aub Indoor 

*'r!b.'»J55otiuilon rtnclD) oontan, toau, BbawCnp, 

'robfo-Loai'lauiid latantbobalo ilbloUo Ajmla- 
tloo aoaual Indoor naoa. tmoir or FouitaonUi Hoil- 
mant, R. o. B. N. V. Bnoilfa. N, V. „ „ 

Mtfea ll-IoUrcIoD loBoUB eompotltloa. Bow York 

Moreb at-l/Dlionll/ or Pinnnlnnia ofoolaf B;rln| 
haadltap do'd noaUoi, rblhdolihli, fa. 

Tba Doataa AtUalle ' AaaaclaUoa 

UdilllaiDDiulliitoormeaUDgat IbclwDlca' Hall 
on Baturdir eveslod Fab. a, u4 notwIUuludlog 
mat tha bour of commeiicafflenl wu iuiimbU/ 
a«lr, tba iBUeitu %ai« tall wbea tba BtBt best wai 
eallad. Mo Rwid- bRBklDf nurkad Iba proceed- 
iDga, bat Iba ipoit wu aictUent and Blnidett mncb 
plaunrtloitaeqtctiton. Sdoioibit: 

nrrri lOnO ran. an> lea — FIttt badi : trbintr, J. B. 8ull|. 
ran. V. a. i;, a., ^. HocoDdboai; U. fi.llrroor. Woreoo- 
un. A. A ,6o. lliird boat: r. L. nmootMooiL H. A. A., 
to. rourlbbaat: N.U.t:onrf Jr.,ll.A.A..&.. rirtbboat: 
W. L. Uanlioa. U. 1. A.,U. Blilii btat: B. AM.a, II. A. 

A. , la. BoHolobou: b. H. Bonnl, U. A. A , M. Blibib 
boat: II. B. Owoni. b'.otnn Ulah Hcbool A. A, 
Mnlb boot; W. h. Borco. Brookllua fl. ToDlli fatal: 
J. T. lUmn|ton,ll. b>. bitvoallxlioil: I. Brailuo. 
M. A. A., !.«■ Twililb boat: J. I*. (lr«vory,Ainhfrrl. U. 
Tblitaoolb boat: ts. U. fboad, broau V.,tfi>. roonnolb 
bo.'.: r. J. Kollaaar, Noatoa A. A , So Bual-noalo-l'liil 
hoai: o.N.Honof udJ.K.IIulll>au,la.Bt«>adkDal: B. 

B. Uowaid and 11. U 0«on^ t.. Tblrd but: B. B. 
iMioad and J. K. tJrr«onr. to. flail hoot: rint, B. B 

BnoAd, Broan UnlToi*U/; laeonir, " " 

Woiooour A. A. A.; urid, B. B. 1 
TI 010.10. 

/wr>Mr<iran,llinll9IL-rlntboil: Wionor,J.B.8o|. 
llvon,\. B.U. A,7ll.,<SiL Hocondboat:, 
B.A A.. XL. 4^4. niliahMl: ILO foaoti. Bloan Un|. 
ronltjr, bfL, 4H«. Founli boat: r. Hoaoo, U. A. A., 
>Hn.,<S>. riJUi hut: J.0.VUlk,B.A.A..I3iil.,<M<. 
Bliui boat: W. H. Uitooi, 11. A. a., nib, BoTouib 
bou: W.R.IIinul<ld,U. A.A,>;iit.,'4,V. BI|bUiboal: 
W. U. rubor, a a. v., I>in., <V. «>aui neat: Uavl M. 
twoou a. 0. tMnoor, B. II. a., WL, ud R. i. Burnil, U. 
orr., 4n.,tv. tooUi boat: W. ij. Booodki, Noalon A. 

A. .HI.,4>ai. Khveotb lioal: W. J. Uaabolm, U. A. A , 
7>ilL,«tiv Taainb btal: V. Monno, U. A. A., Vitl., 
4ki. Tnirtoontb boat: c. a. Tlblon. U.'AA.,lllt,<^ 
Foortoonlnhou: K B.FuI,B. A. A..>rL,'4*.B. niuoulli 
boot: E.A. Boatlco,ll. A. A.,lHt.. 4.<4i: Biiioonth heat: 

B. W. Miood, Brown Uaiiarallr, C'l., Boroaloontb 
boot: A. UitonrorUi, U. A. a., uri., <J(*. Kliibloonib 
hut: U. L Collla^ U. A. A., irt, 4^<. Soffll-Uoalo- 
rlmbait: L. W. aodpolb, II. A. A, 4il.. ind K Huon, 
4H>. Socood boot: W. K. Buodokl and W. D. Follor, 
tjtf. Thlid boot: T. Muatoo >nd B. jr. uurrlu.4K<. 
luurib beat: A. Dfiaorortb, with r. B. fax aod £. w. 
Hboad Uod lor wood ptaco^lV. Hrat ror iorond man: 

0. M. Honor, 

B. Uovinl. 0. A. A. 

vy r. auvD. r. a. wv» .. l iiiiui i/a^ ruaiDwi. 

ritiL f . Maaon. H . A. A , OKCl; ooomd, r. B. Kol. II. A. 
A..«n.; t lid, T. Hiinnio, B. A. A.,l.'ti^ Tlf*-*.'^ 
I'oUlnp leBrOdf.Tit hniL-Plm, B.umic Jr^ rilnco- 

loo Colloio. IIL, witb 40IL &>iln. ; oocood: A*. Touog,E. B. 
A. A.. 3,1:11., Willi SIL IKio.; ihild, B. U UftpklnB,EouUi 
Bo.iua A. i!.. ika , wiui aui i.'jin. 

Tho mitu tnruaxlon mn.— Fir.l, Ooorm Vi. Ortoo, t/.ot 
F.; Mcoul, B. W. lljonbort. Now Jino; A.U.: tblid, K. 
W. Billo, H. A. C. Timr,<ni.U'i<. 

fiUMundnd portfj ran, 9}rda IIUIL— Flnt boat: B. H. 
Lowa, FcoTldoon A. A .JUlda.; J. B-BoUlrao, ir.lL a 
A .aiTOH. iDj. Ktlii. llo<x>od brat: L. fc. Fay. Ambonl. 
alyoi.: W.WUIIaniloD,Wmionii,aifd...lln.20£«. Tbln 
boot: II. r. BondoU, ADbonl,airlo.t B. Y. Ilonion, B. 
U. at, audi, aod W. A. ADplo|ala,O.Y. U.O. A, »lrdi, 
lo. SW.I. f loal fYnt, II. P. Bendatl, Amnont, 
Sljdii.: locond. W. WUIoinion, vriUIanio, aJjdiL ; tbbd, 
U. U. Loao, Fnildtnto A. A., Srda Tlnl,lm.lia. 
Konnln^AliiAJaoip.— Won bj a. A. UamoBor. B. U. A. 

A. , Ilo.. wlu OIL lido.; aoeoad, & U. Ldbia^ U. A. A., 
•In. wllb in. 41a ; Iblid, 0. F. Boadraao, K. B. A. A, lln., 
wIlD BiL tin. Actiul DtrTonnaneao. 

nrtiJIrt nni Amur rao. mt limit -Flnt boat: T. F. 
Cunla, B. A. A. Sa, dr>t; J. 11. Homo, Boadoin,eiL,aod 
F. W. McQratli. Booton. on., tlod ror lacond placo,sa 
Bocood hial: B, K. Babll, U. A. A., ML, and Buplion 
t'boM. flciaicb, la. Iblid hoot: Y. If onrM,'. II. a. A., 
4>iiL, and uTXc%la, D.A.A oft., e);.. On nu oir or 
uood boat, Uoraa btat BcOialb.lA*. Find tiOot: flnt, 
T. r. Uirtli, B. A. A ,l<rL: nooad. j. U. Uolna, Bowdola, 
CIL; K. Kobll, U. A. A.,«rL TIno/ao. 

one thutuni iMirdo nia, M^tlo. limit.— Flnt, Atthur 
BUbo,B.A.A.,tiyjL: nocuod, U. (1. Uow, B. A. A , 4lf dL ; 
ihlid. If. K. Fonor, Uaaancr HaU A. A., BVdi. limo. 
Bill >7M>. 

(Me iilte niB,;QrdaIlDlt— Flnt, J.H. Prloalo. Don- 
monlbTDydi ; locond, (lonlih KooolL H A; 2., Abdo: 
tblid, J. J. Bckbinon, S. A. 0., 70>d>. Tiuit, 4ai. SSIit. 

Eost BO4I0OA. A.doTootad uaoibildiiopcrt Orm. A. A 
^(baal Bonoo. I>. P. lioiro, p. J. Browa, 1. Fowill, U 
Bwoonoy; t^arahrldiopDrl. J. B. Jackioo, II. J. Bany, F. 
LlodoLB.!'. Wllliaaa) Tlno.3oi. 10(4. 

Aoibont dtrcAlad WllUaiof — (Amliont, B. L,Morjan, 
R. BUlliiio, B. ». Fklcbor, K. 8 Elhult; Wdlloua. II 8. 
l'atlaiM>n, 0. L. UlUlian, 8. A. BalUk, P. P. IMltr ) 
TlioB,3m SH*. 

tVortoator A. C. dcfoatod BulTolk.— (Worcaiur, F. H. 
Bluolow, H. L. Uodmon, P. A. Albocbio, B. O. Lohnoa; 
Huifolk, W.O.Pullor,W.L.<;arlU)n, W. Bobloaoo). nmo 
am. »«.. . 
_llorraid dau tooin raoo.-rM loom won, N. a. Bona, 
a. E. Shora, T. B.KndlcaiLU.H. Flab; vr taotg, H. L. 
« lUlana, B. Sotlman, W. RBonadald. A W. BlatlBora; 
'18 laam, J. W. Bdwii, B. F. Pbllllia, P. B. Ba*ior, M. L. 
BuUor; 'nuani,W. U.aonloraiaBiJ.a.OlatB,F. Baaon, 
I.Branoo). Tlaa,]iiLltKi . . 

Blown Unlraialtr doloaiod B. A. A.— {Bron, D. F. 
O'BtlOD, W. J. QaBO, U. 0. UulL E. F. UaL; B. jTa.. F. 
W. Lord, 0. B. Alboiton, A. L. Bonnalt, T, B. Corlla.) 

NOToi britada daloatad flnt Boflbnaot XnraatiT, M.' 
V. B.-(NaTal, B. M. BoraoUa, F. W. Lawaoa, o.- Fnilonf, 
H. 8. UoddrPInt loflnioot eon), J. V. Andtavo, PrI- 
rata 11. Yowloa, Copt, J, Boidoan Jr., Prktau W.J. Hol- 

Piloeotaa ColUia daraatad Vala I7olranlly-(Pilnt»: 
ton,J.ll.rolralt, LIl Jonoa, U. B. Jonaon, J. 0. W. 
OoUlbwolu; Yola,F. P. Oarraa, D. U. Bjaia, Nojoa, B. 

B. Ootmrd). , 
UarraiUiOoUota daraatad Unlrarallr ofFannnltanla.— 

IDuTud, A H. Ealoa N. B. Uanhalt, a B. wAllama, B, 
Uolllotor; Unlroral» or PoanaylronUt. B. A. Btanitt, a: 

C. Boior, 0. u. tianloon Br, 0. tl. Bicbol). • : 


an Engllsbmaa Darned Franob at Uojiaoo, od Jaiu 
38. (ID a bet 01 (ioo ba nda dowa Iba deaoaDt 
trom HoDBi'o proper lo tba comanlne ontrter od 
■ nulo) da. Tba paib la Taij ataap, hai Ibia4 lonu, 
■gd In aavenl plioca la orobau bj atap*, ; He 
laaobed tba bollom wllboul faUlDi, Ibiia wlbmia 
tbo bau ^ 

TBI (Aalaea (Uaaa.) 'C;ola Oliib lait track alaoted 
oniceiB tor tba roUowmgfcaru follow: Ficablast, 
A. W. Hogen; vice pmldant, Burnt Baaaali; aaota- 
taiy, H. w, Koienoa; iraaaniar, J. E. Biawar; 
eapulD, tv. Barkbfldga; UaDtaoant, c. W, Haiab: 

A BATca of itaiM ncai, at two, Bra and (alikllo 
maiiaa, batwaen Jamea Ucbael, tbi fail walib 
fldar, and H. Jacqoallo, iba Prcnebmio, took Maca 
at i'atlA, yt., on Jan. 2d. Tba Dnt heat, two kilos, 
waa eaal7 won iir Mlcbaal, wbo alao look tba aec 
ond, tan kiloa, ttiiia winning tba matcb, Tba win' 
nar waa antbiulaiUoallj cbaered, 
. TDi HadBg BoanS ot Iba I/ugae ol Amaitoao 
WbcalmenannoonoaaihaacoeptADce ot tna latoM 
ol ID., b; w. A. ftflor ud 0. Uawllt, ot 
Obua B, tor a paced mlla, il;lsg aiait, ludeo, 
aialbat Utoa, at Uoionado, Oal. 

TilB an:(oal ambmhlt ol Un Loono or Anarltto 
WhoobnaDUInaoaalooatBalllBOrarj8d.,lblawaoh. On 
Fab. B tbo Haclaii Boanl mit and oooaldond a oanbat or 
oaaoa la whicli chariaa ot piolotolooalbm and otbor 
Tlolalloao or Ibo rataa vara mad^ Ua priaolpal oaa 
bobiAIBUorCbatIn K. Uorpbi, who daalnd to Caio bio 
caaoWMood aod a oaw boarloa tranttd. Ibo boud 
board hla ploabohloddoooddooiw, aad dacldad Ibu no 
lahaarlaBoouM bo araaiad. Buiphy win appaal r^ooi 
Iha dKlMoo 10 tbo Aownblr, balnironiaad villi ^ni inHl 

B. JAOinuMba Froodi praraajjonallror, doroaltd 
M.Loano la o mtlch ot Ibo VoloJionio l'lllTar,Patla, 
Fr.,oa aoadaf,Jaa. IP. In pnaonco ol a larn eiswd. 
Jartioollo von ibo lint aao aaoood raoaaaaallT. lakloa 
tbaJUDUDtatroaoTontltt (in. .va. aad tbo Ian kUonotroa 
lo lln. I(\a. 

Bo(^BA,anionibororiba8fncnao noloa loom, paotd 
bj t^o "i|oadt," ll aialod lo baro nddoa a blotola Uina. 
ouanaro or a nll^ alaadlog atari, In lDa.xiHa., u Ban 
ula^ CaL, Fab. a 

CaBlBg Bwraia. 


Owbrldg* UolraniU**, ruioay lo BolSkX ihuiaa 
iiiv*r, Eoalaad. 

May V-haalc Rlrar Anutaor Rowing AaaoolatloD 
Dual rogalta faaaalcL H.J. ««to»»q 

X^-AUaaUc Vaohl Clab aanual Bprbii laiaUa, 

TaaAllABUoYatbtClab, at Ita aaneat maatlnLbtU 
laihuelii FaU u cboaa llioaa oflloorik oSuodoilf 
aionaJ.O<nld:ilu»ninodor*, FManckT. Adama; 
nar nnoaodoio. Jobo H. Baaaa; Maviaar, Daikl B. 
Aotloa:inaaanr,aaoniaU.cniaTtli: DHaaaiw, U. J. 
u lalov. 

r-^^iT^P""^ ' Bitnbor or Iho Saawanbaba Tacbt 
»]^f^'*.'.l""'«'7r*'»''*^'»""' llbwaiot aaraial 
moo Iho, at thaaiaof tlttp.tlBbtyaaia. 

./.V.'W'i.'f'.-hr'i**'"''.' I'altarollFot Faaaayl 
Taola '\«Blt) olfbt, (aa nalmad mm Ibo enw. 

iiIiLfr-^".lS'i nilladalpbla, p., dM. Fab. & at 
Dnporllai, India, whilo oa aTWaaom lour. Ilo waa 
Cooauriiin or tba B4acb Baroa \arbt Chb and a man 
bol vl Ibo Mow Toik and Curiatblaa Yathl inaba. 

Tka CWnlM'f Die Usw, 

01 tba Weatnuaier KeuMl OInb, lo be beld al Uadi- 
Bon dqnaie Oatden, Feb. !»-», bas iM^f iwelrad 
orer aUtaab bandied cnMea, and tbo Indlcatlona 
ate tbal all ptarlona ilaiiUrazlUblUons under Iba 
annloca ot Ibla, tbk laadlni kcnial dnb o( tba 
oooniiT. will be aioBUad Ibla fOBr, Owneiaotpilu 
wlaon realdliiB In lioiland will be asioBg Iboaa 
wbo wUI place tEilr lanuie iieaaatta on abow, loino 
tor coApailUoa and olbeta (or exbli>lilon onlj, and 
a novaliTwUl batbe Inirodactlon hereof tbo now 
miniature bleed, tbe Ficncta tioUilag, aareo ot wblob 
are enlered bj wall known membtta ot Mew ion 
BodatT, Ueta la a annunarj ot Ibe preaenl enirlaa 
loaacn olaa: MaaUm, ia;«L BenBrd,I3«; blood- 
bonnda, 11: naat Uanea, 40; Kevfoundlanda, 4; 
BaaalanwollnoDDda,eideerbonnda,e; gra;lionDd', 
22: foxbonadi. 'll; Ubeiapaabe Bajdogs, B; polni- 
eia, n\ Enimb acluia, 60; Irlab aatiars, W; Oop 
don aatlara, »; aaanlela, Indoillng Ulali, water, 
cldmber, deld aod cocker, M; roogb colllea, III; 
flmooib colllca,3; bobuiled Engllab abeep dogs, 8; 
poodlaa,««; buU doca, 73; Boaton leiTlera,81; Uaa- 
set bonnda, 2; dacbahanda, 3B; .beaglee, 4i; Io.\ ler- 
lien, amooib aod wire, IM; lilaU tmlen, »; black 
and (an tarileia, S; wUppeta, 7; white Eoglub ter- 
ilera, 13; Dandle UiimoDU, a; Bedllnglon tenlera, 
U; acoiibib tenlera, U; 8kja tanrlin, 7; Yorkablre 
leirleni, U; torterTieia, »; puga, 21; tojapadelf.U; 
acklpparkea, 2; Italian giajboiiDiU, 8; mUcellane- 
oua, 20. Al beietotora, Janiea UortlDxr, anperln- 
lendeni of ibe cinb, U la general cbarge of tba ar- 
nngeDwnla, and cad ba commualoited wlib at bla 
omce, 32 Ptoe Stiacl, lloom it. 

Tbb WiBfnMnOMtlloldUefr'wfjial ipaanne- 
r*de and dttc bklt at tbe LIdorado Caaln«, wea- 
bawken BelB^t*' H. J.,on^nln)ajevenlng, Feb. 22 
(Waablngloni eihbdaj),;snd Jt promlata to ba 
notable among Ibd terpaiebonMn er enu ol the m 
and (eatlra uaaon. TbamUBlawUlbe'faislabed bj 
rnreaaor Jiinker'a fall band, and tbe itlppUig of Ibe 
toe faniaailc will ntmmebce at sine o'clock. 

Hu. Wb.p. IIall, Aaalaunt AljDUtntaeneml U. 
B. A., weU known u an expert piaul and noe aboi, 
la Iba auibor i f * book BnUUed "Dow to Bboot a 
Rarolrer," wblcb coatalna a deal ot praoucal In- 
(omuUon legardlngli aObleot tbatall abould be fa- 
miliar wlib. Ibe boot, wblob 'U ot pocket Blu, la 
pukUabed bj ThB AYmv and Kcry Urvlslef, ot 
Waabingion, 0. v., abd abould ban b read/ aaia al 
tbe price, 0(1/ caola, tot bj (ollowmg Iba lnBlm^ 
llona tberebi conaintd' pafabaaere will dnd tbe 
work of aiialnlng' ttiinqlanoj la the nie ot tba re- 
volver muck ilmpllnei). 

Tbb I'luabnig (Pa.) Homing Oinb laat week elected 
Ibe (ollowlag oincerB; hetUlBbt, J.M.BkUea; rice 
picaldent, J. 8. Ward: aeorataij and Ireaanier, J. 
■oiz; race Becraiaiy, i. O. U^vlei 

The Spoitanan'a AiaociaUon.aablcbwIll Bborllr 
bold Us annaal' exblbjiloD of Bpnmuen'a gooda at 
Hadlaon Sqoaie oardeit, beld anekclloa ofolUcera 
at .113 UnMdwaj, lblao\iT, lait waek, wlib Iblare- 
anlt: PrealdenU Ukatlea: luibani^ Drat vice pteal- 
dent, Cbarlea liilj; aecond vliia pre|ldeni, Jnllua 
Von Lengetke; tnaaoter, J. A.II.Dieeael; iecraui7, 
Uarr J 0. Palmer, 

The Maplewood Oon Clab,of Omega, N. J.,~recent- 
IF eleclad oillcera u follow: PieBdent, J. Wanan 
Bmlib; ireainter, T. \1. Smiib; recorilbig aecretair, 
Walter U. LakUaw; coneapondlnit aecreiarr, u. L 
Yeamana; manager, D. W. Van Iderailne; captain, 
William N. Drake. 

Tbr United Slatei NBllonal Lbwi Tennia Aawcla. 
Uoa beld IB bbiubI meeting la ttbi cli/ Feb. 6, at 
wblcb tbe following oniceia were cboeen (or one 
jear: PresldeDt, Ur.-Jamea B. IJivlgbt; vice preal- 
dent, Joeepb n. Clark; iraaaorer, Vtleniloa O. Uall; 
aecreiar/; Joatpb S. Wbltielaj. 

Tbe fibst of a aetlea ot tbrto aboota at lire blrda, 
one bundled blrda each, between Ur.G. H, Condall,o( 
Waabingion, Pa., and A. U. King, of Pluaborg, look 
place at tbe former town on Feb. e, and reaoliedln 
a vlcloiT for Ounda|l bj a aeon of aatoBt. Tbe 
next Bbooi lakei place on Feb. 13, 
^ A TUioaarai)!.' nouar (or apood wu bobl at Ma- 
baaor Plaoo by tba oparacon of ibo FbUadolpbIa and 
BaadbfdlTlaloo, andlni Fob. 3; Willi lbloroaiilt:0. C. 
Wllllama RaadlDB, flntpilia, a gold nodal: ha aoalS} 
vofda lo am., bad^ (bar aimn, and ft pBreonUBO ot K. 
Tba aacond pHio. a oUvor modal, vaa won bp A. A. Bolll. 

coatAfovaaai. tie tblid priia. a jnld ulagiaph koy, 
vu voB by Barl Booaor, vbo oant IIM woido, bod (our 
' noia, and bla porcaotafo waa va. 

J. A. B. ELLioir, otKaaaaa Oily, Ho., aad T. W. Horfoy, 
orFalonoo,N.J.,aoiai|tdlnapiaeoD ahoot for ailD a 
•Ida, at WlUaid PaA, aaar iho Ultar dly, on Fab B. 

Tba man abot al ooa boodrod blj^ aacb. thirty raida 
llaoaad arty raxda boondai7,aad BlUou ptorad ' 
vlanar, Iboieon babiBll to 17. 

ftBD KaaaaiY boat Nophov In a malchraco at Ingloilda, 
« Fnnclaoo, Cat, Fab. 10. 

ToaaallialauarattblaoflleoforEdaaid H. Oairl'on. 


Want! of Mantgen and Performed,' Opm 
Datei, 6ta— Sm AdvcrtlMmants. 


OnbamBarlawaDtadiamatlopaopl* foi'bli lapartory 
con pony. 

Uany La Var la toorlqH In lapartory. 

Dranutlcand TandatUl* paoplo ata wantad lor tho 
amnd Op*n Ilooaa, Boaton, Ifaaa. 

H. Ooy Woodvard want* a aiagloa and daacloi aou< 
bialta and tvo gaoaral acton for tb* Woddnid War> 
ran Co. 

Jobo W.. Idiau'i Orlaotal Amtlea alU play flnt olaaa 
booaoa only B*Bt aaaaon. ▲ noral and aunoUra pro- 
fiaauna will b* proTld*d. 

U. U. Linton can bo aDgafad. 

^Jor Proa Coba," a nwlodnma. no ba lacorad oo 

DraaiaUo p*opto ara waotad^ bf Maoacar Wriglil'd 
OporallooMLU. Hnrrla Bldon, Charkadolo^aa, Boward 
rfail. llatnUfM aod PblllUhTn. A. 0'Bri*r*Pr*d W. 
JonnaTon, B. 0. BiUy. A. IL WlllMr, Kalaon anil Bamlln, 
BobartCRianoaiL j. fi, Brtdiaa, HltefaaU aod Zahra, C. 
Bama, HoyraBljiCooHdyuo., B. F, Maldoo. 

At Ltb*rty: Ff^'k 0. Hoay. ,Loialia Poii*r. Uw A. 
Wajaar.JobnV. Bobaita, Harrloatoa BayooMaMadRa 

KffiroiaSrM'i! w """^^^ 

l^pon^lmo UoBand at tbo Qnnd Ofaia Ilooaa, Brook. 

(^alumaaofA Luly otVonlM" wUlbo aoU at aodJon 
Fab. 14, by Cbai lot grobor. 


M. WirvilK A Boia onnounco loToial Importont 
cbaogoo In iboir bulniaa aataUlabmanL Tba loaUi an. 

_. -,1^ J-..,,.,..- _ . 

aoenn aonga wllbaut dalay. Tbo lodlia caa Bod oomfort 
aad laioty 111 Iba appobilmonu ol a ;«riorntaaVla ror 
IbolraaoattbO 'Naw York rnomo, wCldi baro bota oa- 
bnad by tbo addlllOQ or tbo adjo^ilac nombor, 49, la 
II'*STS,'«'iS'""^!I'" Cblcogo aneo la localwl In 
tb!"f'"'«'Jb«fl™Bj|ldU<l. Mrwllmark k Bona vl3 
abonly pubHah k Dumur or now ooov loodara. 

"By Paallno," by A. A. Uurgron, caa bo ordarod Horn 
tbo aalbor. 

"UlUo Mm Doian- la a ao« atog laanod by lis 
Moora tJourllaa. ■ 

•■llaAniiallaa," a now eson long, caa bo ordarod fiom 
tba 7.ono.MauTala Moole Co. 

^0 BaglUb eong PaUIabUig Co. adtortlao Hioial now 

"J&alulatbaTi«llayOar"laaMw and calokyaoni, 
can bo oidarad IVnniba Danoook Pobllohloa Co. 

"Baaua On — ■' - -• " — - - 

Cburcb BalL" 


PobUahlog ... 

«IJ»„V0Dt Utt." "Ibo Old 
Bella** u4 oUior aonga ara 

Muiclanaan wutodbyJ.R. BhoBato, Chaa. Ooror, 
ii'SiuSS^ ""'^ lrall,H.P.I*ilJon; 

Xl llbom": Dopri Kling, Flora OarllnapKUoii, Eraoot 
?^?.^^.■'fr^L BraitL Jul llalWa Dnm Ooira, 

AltburA.Uooanl. a«i, F. Bilgdoo;'Oafdnoi"o Orohat 
• .. .. ~ jjj^^ Bogona I^ 

^ — ^. rpiUtaaaoraralDaw aooaa 

■■"SJ^B*'' "•.(" BartbolflBaoTna Broa. 
...'.!; ^i'f'd*?'''''?" ""d WliriaryBoiilaoa,' 
■Til rlad BygwoaUiaart AEOln'* am two olboiaong 
(natopnraMonala " 

chaa. W. noU adtai Uiaa aoraral Dai 

"Tbo Boog Vrtui" la publlakod by Bclniyn, Friday A 


"Oto ToM Ma 80- la offoiad by Jak^ B. Faidi A Cu. 
T. B. Uaivia A Co. npply Wm. Jarwa'a "llAln LIUlo 

BTOly Ml' UIlL * 

■'Baby ftno" eon ba onlotad tnm M. PoBaiino. 

HaaiTj. Vobmaaadnnlaaatblbwaaklnhlaatd fonr 
'.'^'"U*' "n*- ■■lllu'l Utoal dooeilpUto 
aong, "Itonlad a DoBa.'*. Tba pranaaloa wlU bo aupsUed 

I.. Barvobaalaaood Ibnr now aoon. 

"A Boldlor Boy In Blao," a nov mull 
by UaiTT I. Boat. 

th£SiS<??CKf!lS?'"'*'""*' ^^t"'"-'" 

"Jan a Ftalo Amarieaa Olrr tma b* ord*r«d from 
novo lunoB a co. 

laa rron Oto. wmii A Co. 
1.0. Oroua A fc. bar* litotd "«a. Poor Brtdfat-' 


OaU lURb, oaa b* ordarod ftom Joa. Ibom*. 

Jlary •*D|. la (aaoad 

rr«Ur1«kAkaraadT*itlJaa kaad, ortbaatra and plaoL 
manmaau of "ihaPrtdaof tba Kitaban" Martfi, bj 
Samnal a. 8p*ek, wblcb can b* bad ftom bin aa par ad- 


••OotaWa a NUUonalra'a, Door" and "I Uvad a Booala 
Laaalo Loof A|o" aappUad liy Jama* ItUlmaa. 


Tba Orlaalal Bitranftnn Co.. In *Vaa laaid."ao- 
muad iouoodadbooMoaitba BUnTbaatra, Raadlav^ 
Fa., wblcb bouaalB balBg patiooltad ttbofallj. Tbtwaaa 

ofFobaKciAbaaacvTedatthablMi. Tba Orlanuit, 
iraTaffratACOiondartha naaacraonloroao w 
dao, cao b* booked tbn»Bb Lamoat A Baadoloh ^ 

Hpoclalttoa aad atufoa ar* wantad by A. 0. W«d far il 
CnMal Dlota Unaeaaad Tbaatc*. (lolbmbua 0 * 

Jam** Htama offin opao Uo* at Iba OaiiiyTliwirt 

Btralea Kata. aqDatleparfora)or.canh**Diu*o] 
Fiaok Bart laauw a canl or totaroai lo Mrroimip. 
bonkad at tba Aaoltarlom. Mado. 0. P«"0"n<ra 
ll«*layaiid BarbaaroplaylflsUt* OrplrtumCireu.L 
L^Ron.UTaoooaodZarDai^caob* **eoredror tbeir 
B«rt Ulldatoy. daicrlptlv* Uoor, la at llbarty. 
.Don 0ra«7 and Ada B. Bumatx, In ibair Inah cooiftiv 
act; aUo Introdncloir BUa Bunait'a coon nelodluT >r. 
apvelal fratoran witb Bam T. Jatka DatioTLUia 
weak. Tbay CAobo angacod Uiaraaltar. 

J. V. Janacii'a EneicTopcdIa or Conady, wliieh !■ 
«»pacla)ly roconmandad aa eootalalnR matarlti at 
Toloa to all comcdlaoik la fbrolibad by iba antlior 

Bpeclaltlaaaiowaatod by Ban DranfcDr. W P Uon 
Tna,Samlnolo Co.. Hoalcal Kovolty, Or. J. H. CoBd'on u' 
B.MIieh*ll,A.C.IIarrham.Dr.B i Bpa&rar. n. B cui 
i^n, Prlir. Brand. Dr Kit Kanyon. IT. J. BrwooO K 
Iloican Pr. U. J. BL aalr, 0«o. B. Biraton. ' °' 

AtLiWn'y: Jok Boy, 'Sun Dnn* Dr. Jo* Btonatt 

loo. L. ralmor, Jobo V. Roberta, Horn aad Aoals fiiii> 

bo Bandoaa, Tolentloe and Weaka. ^ 

Mortno nod RovoU' li&v* op*B Un*. 

ComlilnatlooH ran book tltiio to profllnMo hutlarM n 
Onmtan'a TheHtio. Manrbtiier, M. H. 

Tbo DowBle«caD IfO onRarod. Iboir act U a lurcMt 
lbl< week at tflioft'n Hualo Uk'U BaffHlo. ^ 

Tho LaiiMni Faiuily. aeiotkiiirt, raa tio w^n at iu« 
rolnoBtiitare Tli*Hiro, Mow York, thlii «ci>k. 

MltrbolliQdJe-^ean be aoan nt Ulaer'H Bovervnd. 
airi*. iblaw*«k 

Tha Marrali Vamlly orblcycllatatan itaaoBacaddurioi; 
Aprlland Kay. Iltay har* aigncU wltli lb* Waliac*Kb..w 
for Ilia taotlng aaaaon 

LtiilnI.EpiiiaD acd Bl'ilr Rl(* wiBlrcrfctnani inr 
tbaCailDOtAdalpbla Uoilo nail and Bdan Maa**. ciii 

Catr and Joidan can ba aacurtd for tliclrallnctlto 

Kltt«ro.*(iulUbr[it aod al)i1«ta,can Join a conbloa- 

Uanr Xartoll annonoeaa that lia haa th* aol* rithii lo 
prodnco "The Sooib Bafor* tbo Ww.*< 
AMridcoand Irlacan fUnlabdmclaaatalaot 
Tlia Ooly Jalvan, JuiKlar, can ba aacort<l for otM 


Tlia BdlMnaolToraitrooimoRltal act to maaigara or 

Barr and Rraaa' conii dy act, **A Walcona Vlrlinr." U 
at Kalih'a Borton Thoair* tbliwoek. Tb* data at iii.> 
Ifnlon Bflnaro Tbaatro, Maw Vork, Boit waab, u auiad In 
ad., bin Man cbaoatd. 

Bariha Dortao, aarial porfomar, can b«'aniacad- 

Drvdfta aodPAgaarealaugblo* bit at U)da a Bfli. 
lOAo'aThaiirOaBrooklrD. tbia waoi. 

Barton aod Bobbon; tbataiulca]toiin,ara wicctatfnl 
with tboBoao mil 0>. 

A. J.jfayarwlabaa oomblaattoiu In Hay andJuB*,*! 
tb* Coart diraat Tbaaira, BuflUo, N. V. "ftaa Twaotiiiri 
C*otDrrklalda"areraport«d to Uto biokon th* r«tird 
at Ibla boua bai waak. 

*TI)* Hodem Wliitd," a book on maalo, pulllihoil iiy 
A. Roi*rb«nr, can b« ordorad for ooe dollar 

MualoU Olanoa ar* aoppllod by A. BraoiaU*. 

P. B. DaJr wanta conbloaiiooa for iba Btar Tbaaite, 
Uobokao, N. J. 

JoliQ w. Voild, borloMiuacomodlan, laatliborty. 

ITfd*! B«bnaD ■antdratcliinacia. 

Baddao and Cumn'fi act la a auceoaa wlib "Zaro." 

W. U. J. Bbav auppllaa "Magle Vp to Data." 

Cllir W. Uraat anaouoooa tbat tba Now Paopl*'aTlt*au«, 
If ancbaMcr, N. 11 . will op«n In Barcb. Op*o iltii* can be 


Clrcua Mopta ara wantad by H V. B. Wliom, Cbaa. A. 
Sniiili. Eddla La Bam. Kruk A. Robblna. 

rarloa BUaa can h* aoiagad. 

vr. E. Uudd wlrhaa prtvllagaawltb a elreoa. 

Col. Jear* Foatar can alwaya ba comnnnlcatad wiih 
whtravar ha nay b* by cabllDg J*ta«. 

D. RoblnionwBDu to boy a uot, ate. 

naoy B. Orarton, a wall known asoot, for naay i«a- 
Bona la adranc«or clrcna aod tbfairical paoplo, U ai 

Tacior*aniowlao(r«r*d foraalo 
_Tba principal bom "Bob" la offirod for aala by Urt. V. 


Attractlona can book tUnaat01d'aOp*teIIoui«,3JuK- 
ratin*. lows; luov'a Opara Boom, borlla^n, N. C; 
N«w City Optra llouae, Bacibaonno, yr, Ya.; OHia 
Houa*. Praattto, Mino.; Tbtatra RoyaL Qoabac. t'u : 
Ini*matlrBal Bipoalilon, Moatrta]; Alati Boa* Co.'k 
FaatlraL 'VlUtmantlo, CL ; McElaalok Opaia llouaa. Bud- 
biirff, Iowa 

PorS4lo:BeaDer7orabowpalatlB|a, byF. H. Cbanbar 

.. — •— TooyBof-*^ " ■ 

_ b/iT. Ban 

d*nA Co. andCbaa Woir A' Co.: tmrat corl, Gy Hra. Ed 

aalna)a,byToD< dnltb; car*, by Bob BnBtlog;tOB*aamB 
of aoatomy, br J. Bamaioln ; abow palntlORiL br B. .f . llor- 

UlUa: ac«oerT. by aolom'> A Miller. 

At Liberty: Prank J, Webb, lodnrar; Tboa. P. Lyacli, 

Wantad, ad TancaagtotbyAbraa Ntul. 

A moalo ball la Bioohlyn la ofTaioJ for laaa* by Ulto 
Hubor Bravery. 

L. aoUanltb Jr. can aoi^ly irook* aod nakaop boxoa. 

BiaaminarTT-go-rDundaar* maancactnndby Nonaao 
and Brana. 

rrlvUantcanbe necnrtd at Iko Lak* ErI* Park and 
Ca«ln^ Twcilo, 0. 

J. Boibcblkli orfar a Pallmao a^atpar for rant 

J.X>. riuinniorvaota to bur a catuunL 

Portraluoncallulnld nraitupoliol byOao B nia«. 

Andrea and QoUan. Iilah dl(-«ra,cao tf oogand fur 

Tba Central Tmnk Factoir ar* aiaklng traaki lor Mlaa 
OlcaKaihiraoleaodnaarlyallorber eoDpIny; alaotb* 
naitlrote tmaka for tha HInrtck Orand Opara Co.,ao 
well u Iba peraonaltmoka lor naarly all tba NT>pi"y 

and tbetranka to tarry tbalr baaa TloItn.drana, taba, 
*ic. Tb*yaTa alaoaopplylog naBftrankl rorearrrloK 
bleyelaa aod a nav kind ol coUarandontfboi thattearrc- 
ly lakaa ap any roon lo a trunk. 

Atlrm«tlT« HnirTone Pletnna* 

Fnm The CnclaitaU QnmwtervMftaaUe. 

Ini CLirraa ANXoat, for 18M laoot, anfl, aa oaoaL cod* 
lacompleta ib«atrlcal aad " .--a-.*-. 

UB- It la a biodr rolomao 

taloacoiDpleta ib«atrlcal aad aportug Aronoloalaa for 
UB- It la a biodr Tolomaol IffpaiM^pnAiaaiylllop- 
tttt^wltbaoa.hairtoneeuia of atara (an* Ibtaatrkal 

profcMloB, wall known atblatai and 'cydlata. 

flln^dlBf Room Onli'. 
F>om TMe Watktnvun Oipttot. ' 
Tb«i« la no Caot Ibat tba apoit wanta to know tbat he 
can't Bod In a mlnote In Tbi Curria A:n6Ai. It la tb* 
ancydopedlA of apart But toat la not an; It la a dra- 
naiioeacyclopfdla alao, aod it haa iloa ptetoraa of tbe 
laadlogdtaauuopaopla. Tbaao plotoraa ara In cbarae- 
t*r, aoma of tbon. and they are tha baat ut» conld be pro- 
cured, all of ttaa. and tbay ara baodaona.' I bare care- 
fuUyaarod thla book. ^ ■ 

Am Up to Date A.«tharitr« 

Fmm TKt ifani^ttTV IttnJA,- 
Wa have raealrad a oopy of Tbb OurfkB Aucit., 
acknowledged iba baat authority in tbaomntiTlo th* 
matur ofaporu and ibaatrioala. Ic I* a ttonoghlr np 
to data almapac. Ita raoorda bavlog bean eotraciad up 
loDao. 1. na^aod li la a baaatUbl lipaotananoltb* tm- 
arapblo art, Tbb CLimi A>.xoiL la th* aporilog 
*dltor*aba*t frlandandlnrahiablalntbaDawapaparoIDcoa 
One of the Heoeaaltlea of Ufa* 
Fnm The Jbnd du Lac RtfOfitr, 
Tot CLirriR ARHDAL li TopUta with Infomailoa of 
profaaalonal and aaiat«uraportlsffarantalbatocnirrad 
during thapaatyoar. and b**ld*a (a a vtritabla Bin* of 
▼aluaol* lofonnaUon. Tuk Curraaha^gtren erldtaco 
orgToatoBiorprlaala Ita ptodncHonof anaanaal In tiia 
paattbnt tkla yaai'ananboraurpaMaallprirloaaan'on*. 
Ton Curran annual may be claaaad ai one of Hi* 
"nacaialtlw ofllfo." 

Splendid Half Tena Pottmlta. 
From JAa KathriUt Bantur. 
TfliCLirpsa ARXDiL la one or Iba ntabllabad faaturea 
of th* amoaaoiaot bualnaaa,and thla year ic eonaalo 
mora aUraeUro abapa tbaa naanl Tba raeord of tbaat- 
rlcal aod sporting eTOotA for U06 la aahaoalM, and tb* 
paaaaof uobookaro britbtaaadby ibanaa of ppiaodld 
bau tooa portralta of prommni adon. , 

Tlab Anneal U Alws^ Accaiate* 
From The Bottm Journal 
Tboaa who ara in th* babit of rtlarrlag to tba taeorda 
oTtbayoarkoow ofwh«tgr«ataariitane*TiiBN«w Yobk 
« ._ _ . — . _ — 


CufraRAiifoaLla. ThaTolnnebr UM baajoM bean 
uaa*daad oootaloaUi* aportUig aad thaatnoal 
nologlaalbr tbo paat year. TbIa aBoaallaalvayt 
and Ita arranganaat la a modal ooa. 

Sva*r Reeord'ln ^U'Bporta* 

From Tht nUaietfktaOoM. 
Taa CLirmAHHuai for thla jaana raplata wtlh Ih* 
Bpertlof dblnia for IbU. Brtry raooid la aay branch ol 
aihlaua cu Ea loand In thla oaelal book, aa wall u coo- 
aMarabla ibaatnealnawa. 

lu Poaaeaaloa SaTea At|naaeat< 

Tni CUPMR A!I5UAL lOf IWia tOO W*U kDOWB Oi an 

aniborltvon mattaraofwhlchlt treau tonaad IntAdoc- 
lion to .SaahTili* raadarw. and It oaad onlrbnaald that li 
la In all raapacta «<iual loihat ot any otbar yaar, and !■> 
ntany waya avparlor lo any ofibaai. The 17U pagaa eklch 
mak* up th* Toluma anbraca a food of loiomaUou 
wblcb cannot b* found In any otbtr-robune: Ib«tb*ai- 
rical and aportlog chronologUa art compMa, 
data of tba production of ararr new play dorlog tba year 
laafaatoia. There are a acoteaf nil page plotarea oi 

oelabrltlei oftbeataga aod of dopaTtmeota ofaporu At- 
tontber thla la tba liaadeomemnumbaryatfoilaaoui 
bribe pobllabera. It ahooM b« handy for lanme* at 
ailtloe*. lu r ' * " 

oouM aar* many loog anry- 

- _. _„ of ilma^ to aay ooihlog of in* 

boibtr lofllotaa by Iha naoy qnoiUona ukad oinerpao 
pie wblcb ib*y moat ■oarab oot to aaavera 

BfoTo Coeaplate tkmm BTer* 
Fron TKa JVUmaktv aTowmf. 
TBI Curna AaiiriL, oadlapatad aoihorily an all 
nonlog nattara, la mora eompMo thla yaar tbaa orer. 
ll la a parfeol anoydi'padla of iBfbnoailoB ragaidlng ail 
biaecbaa of apott. 

Antkerilr Om Atldetle BpeBte. 
/ton the lej^fetU flawa. 
Tea Ci.irm Amxcii. for IM la, aa MotL a raaoarfcably 
oonpleta coiaptlaiion of dramMM aad TaadeTlUa nawa,«da*tlonai oie^ haaUe belag ooa of tbo l>**t 
aQiboriUaa oa athlaUo aporu la th* cooatiF, 
It U Fiaelr niwtraled* 
Ftvm tht fAorMowia Ore If fWL 
m« ro0 today raeaiTod a eopr of Tn 9ww Toaa 
Curraa Aaaoat, coatalalog apoitleg aad tbaatital 
chroaologiaarorltA ll U Bnaly Ulaantad aad la aU a 

February 15. 



An Ripeclftllr VftUsbU Bo«k. 

/'ron TTte lia:fon i\turirr. 
THE KKw VauE Currn ApxcALfor 1896 li fullof id 
!aior«*tiB>c InrormatioD. ud will b« found MpMrtll/ 
'"iam)>>lrtl>Meroi»)oi laulytroTii. Tbera an mtrat 
^nfllr t'lMoUhl porlraJui of bUiIvim, letAnuHl tetmucR, 
li,- ■BJ<liinbot-«niTaiu «ic««dlDgl; tuBdMnatail 

h, tdf bnok of refareoco. 

KiceU It! Vmal IIIbIi StandArd. 
Fftn TMt T/vg Kennem Jtu^yet. 
TtiH Cliitkr Alt.-4Cit fAf IBM. oon of Ibe moat rilukbU 

i. H<«flot reiaruM, ud one whictt li |o dally u Mi loa 
Ba«M'M'«roiHto.eoin*«ro m tbUruritraaiU aDlart*) 
Ind iMultaed. It oicsli Ira utoal hijili ttindard ind r*. 
uhifitirlMrv M Uio fnnciMt auiborliv od ilitatrleal 
■nrrwrtloff ilala- Durlnft lh« )fat ia>3 many oe* 
MrDrJlvAia niadann the floMaofvport, and all ibtaaaro 
rTfftii tnaetherwliii ihatulcalaod pponlonchmnoloilai, 
Zi/L it In baantifully IlluiinieJ wllh macolilcaoUialt 
raiaptctaraaAfmonaod vomoD cal«i)nt»l In lb* thaai- 
ricAi Vorkl.aod of loao vbo fna<l« rararJi Id athlatio 
t.tateit4 Tha ll)ii*tra'loDJ ate iheacnia ofartlute wnsi, 
AnoDi tlio pleturat Uooaof Johnay WIM, a fonnarTro- 
lio avl will) a«D<a ratutbla farm ai fiaadlake, whan 
Mr.' Wild Pp^ai* liU BammarA. 

Atlractlr« and AVell Arrangod. 
Ffom The JtirrUlurv SUxr lniUpefUlinl. 

Tn* Ncir VORi: CurriR Ajsval I« ao aouiuallr at 
irtctiraftod ««)■ ananvad publ'caUnn, couuiolaitha- 
liHcAl and aportihp; chronnloctei for a Kit nf ftratba 
inihiamaiancDi profeuioa^ ar)uai(c and aihlfilepar' 
wniiM. Ticlflit and uoUloft racorda. b3i«bali, orlekot^ 
hiill-vda. lawrdaof fa«t tiniftanil ban rarfannaocaa la 
.11 tlH>anoaaii or ppt rt. It la lltuHtrattd vlth a oumher 
t>i fiif iw'itaiuol loll kDOwn aciora, and If, all toM,& 
iiiitsiuvtul Ti>lume. 

Complein Betord nrr«reiice Book. 
/<Tj« 7I« DaUg /.wnfnjr Stairs. 

Tht SinltM ha« r«f Irrd wllh lha compllmenta (if tba>harATiiKNtTrV*uRK CLifi'iR Anxcal inr UM. Aa 
iiMul It in rapleio «iih raluabla iDfurmatlon on all Knda 
Id :<E4rt and lia« renrdi cf all aT«nt« that rooh pU<« Uit 
laar. Tiik A>ni'al alio cooulim rery noa photo an< 
Krarrd cuta of MV«ral iiromloent tcir-n And auntM, 
Hi»ot*ie Iradtni atM«l6a,aD(] Arlliur Oardinor, ihoc<l«- 
itraitd record bniakinc bIcycllAt. A Kmtdealol ipaca 
li«n bMD ilavou»d tomnirkabia ItipntDloftaoD tbabai*- 
l.ill n«M lotl >oi«CD. and aoyonodeairlufc to Irani lha 
(laiaofany BnitfoaloMurranca can uoaflbyraffrrlngto 
iIiIh book, ahlcb Uooaof the ian»t canpl*to raeoid ref- 
rrtv^ e'or iMuadbyTniKtw York Qi iprew. 

MMDRtlibn Hand aad Orcb«atr». Double Rata, "wood 
vioUo and OarloDoi. All mnat double Bind aoil Orchan- 
ira. A y«Bt^8nfM«uieQtto the right p:irUai wlto alll 
voikroninill'alarr. Rtata all partlcuhra Qnt lattar. 
laltoaaotLadywbonnOo Sarpantloe Dince. I hara 
naaii«r«n|itlcon touKo Id conii»c<loD with daoce. Ad 
ilr^iafAre tajLUMBIATHBATBH. Poablo. Col. 

WAKTKD aUlOH, a flood Man who caa 8ell 
lir«Jic(na acd flarUrcan. Aim ft frond Oooiorllnalat or 
i>f r^onoar vbo cm diAii{;e ocia for wf «k *ianda. Stale fnU 
iiiriimUra«Qd k>at*^*. ailari In ilr^lleiter. AdJraajnulcli 
6 A M DRANK. Ko. I.ys 6 h fit.. S. W.. WMlilnRton. B. 0 

WALKKK. alio dwa a bta<l balance uo the aln; ■liut 
K Ttaptx^ Wrfonntr and a II Icb Ru|>b Walhor cao be an 
iraitJ. Maoasoiaor nr«t clan csmpanlea iliblQi tbrae 
MTciig act* plwo afldresA 

jna nov. 9 Knox Bt.. l.e»Mon. Maloa. 

TUB TlUfiil, flOc nich. wiiboat a^nf . or thrte for $1. 

A>Mr«u J 0. WIL^.M. LaoHlDf. Tdva. 

P.8- J0H HUNT and P EDK IO. ihia laa b a rgain. VTrl ta. 

AKnnHnilE-tTRA. J. E. MACK. OrMnntUI, Ind 

AHfllUll A. LEOX^RD. MUraiid Bi- >It.ld'oto>n. Conn, 

W.VNTKO. BV A KlK.Trri.AH-lTUHAJ forwanun 
'?£slUi Rood circul, K. V. H Die prafnrred. Ko« lll^hau 
lo't- AdilraMp. K. II.. Bm 1t7. Hot»lam.y. Y. 

J»m a«>nil«u)aa of Briab1lah< U Il«|>utailon. In VOCAL 
RKKTCIIER. flood voice. R^nrA aod wardrobe necea 
Mry. Buu particular*. No obJecil<^n to cUv«r aou 
UanL Alto Tocallit. with dramatic lalaoi. prK.'epa<l. 

TI'RKISII UANOER. Oalr nrat clva inanaRorvaddrena 
ADELINE. Boom 9, 19 iiaat Kourtaepih BtrouLNew York. 

Eielaod cr France, l:ia I can ptiy acood characterana 
Mh »iof[ anil d«nf«: Tarn uot the iMat In ilia bailoeia, 
hoIiIh ntid, hut asood liiuidr oinQ. and I harea't r iI llie 
lilc lifad. Hat vlivref rer ynu (liroB mo 1 11 Hcliton my 
re*t, and orer> ililag 1 do \r dean aoil ocat: I am nnl Uie 
h>y thai rroie Ito baaloDM, and la a^ehlnioetwouM 
Rife you a palo. How Ir ynn ^ranta RO'd mao.latt ad* 
(IrrM jnnra, BAM DRAhb, Ctb fltreet, K. W., Waiti* 
iDiton, D. 0. P. 8.-Regat\la tn oTarTlKMly. 

VITll SrEClALTV fREPEBRCD. Bead your deTcrlp- 
tioo, proaruDfne and aalarr. Local raaQageia, afn<l open 
duea. Special Miwr. AddrfA^ J. 11. BKIDOEa, 

Maaager lid Ofio*e i1ia«e. Df nvtr. Col 

Ihtch CoDedlao; cat c1iaag4 apeclaltlxa every oljtht for 
taoweeka'atavd. Bloier, dancer and aorobat Qood 
drM*er. Kaaiecra. vhen laooay la aura, addreu 
BILLV BAR1E3. Uojieworth. C^.loniblaDa Co., O. 

WANTBU.^A BtroafrBlDRloaaDd Daodnt Dutch 
orlriah Sleteb T«am;tnant be Al and up to date. Alao 
Al Planlai mutt undentaod variety mualo; If voa ar« 
iwaiHcilr f1r<tclau.saTearaiDw. Aidreaa HERBERT 
ARBINARD, HuJical Comedy Co., Uemphla, Ho.. Feb. 
10-16. Kaltoka 17-CT. 

lIuMlBoma boi cuotalnlnv tnnituciioDa, IllurtraUona In 
co:on(.andBUFFlCIBNTHATERIAL!ttng|veanDmber of 
|4rrormaacea. Alaolarfte book ortrlckatAiirorSceou 
ttAn^. by nalLpOfct paid. NEI^ON SIKOLAIB 
T1IEATR1DAL SUPPLY CO ritoi 6frl. PHbburg. Pa. 

illAOICIAAi'll Outnt. fiiDcfa. VnDlrlloqu[«iL Marlon' 
«.'S.?'9!I!"' -AJdrt"*. alwup, PROP. J. U. 
■ ITU, O)D0ea, H. 1. 

8PECULTir, >ln nOI-E I7ALKER far ouuhlt; man tiM 
Utla«. «rll«. D0BBIN9. m Blilh *t»dd». ho»Vort. 

i.ES'RJ'V''"..'"'""'' 'f*''"""' ourpira. lad. 

pER, tl^t Btrwda and ttCTti hov to do thUtcullOL 
inucin^olttwo mloiiu* tn»T Ratltoir (be naiOL ss 
Sis "J''!' " oalv • row hn. wx.nbl. 

TOM. Mmf. ISV in Nordan 3L. WW l^imhil.lrft Haaa. 

m»B AH IjpuN HUiJrRB man. CI par bolllaor l.o 
ilordwi a . VTwl CtmbfUea. Maaa. 

llK)9ICIAMrWANTEl>-t WA.Nr 1» m siCIASB 
10 Doubla IQ BiDd ftnil Ordiaur., Tnp Ommmor IQ. 
i.uded. 8<m>on imna Uarch 30. Addrtai 
„ . M. V VAN NAMB. Boi No.tM, Wob<t«r, Mua. 
I ■ B.— Thia [a t9 fjtko : wlarr naro mJ iniiat ba tow. 

w*. j ■o'lopit to VoitlB.orAccomp.inadoroi 

'"^ifi.^'Odj OnAMlnorMudoUn Uoalo Arnnned. 
OBAB L. tEWia 4S Rkhmond Bttw, OtadnnaU. 0. 

WaktKU, PAnTNKll, WITii TWO 

]liouiuiJ UolUm. cudi. w lake ono bair lituiwt la i 
ar*i clua clrcui and managorlo. Kven IhloB r«mpl«u 
««d iMdT to Uk« 11,0 null, l-artloaiDonalDR htiilooo, 
«til«. _BB.S0.1 HriN. IrvlnB liona. IgimapollM od. 

Koiiod Top. Two son. BldOlo I'leM«.ronir« fol««.8ld» 
t'" O"!". '•ll" "d couiplota and rood; laaat ap. 
I akl gina wtelf. Will aall alii Mmla. 

KBF.BnAHDTACO. ladltoapollMod. 

«*poimjtwui laoiooapoiiF. log. 

„WAI»TlCO. V£liH*TILB CAOr lor dt Llloinr, 
Hualul lod Dramillc EgtertalDintola ('Mb jogi). 
• AlIJi balltln- wolght. »ip,rleQc«. and agnd photo. 
ClIAK. num.SK.'i!!, f.o. Roi Tn. Dolrolt. Midi 

i.'i**!!"'''— O"""^* MOltE llUtK VUHT, Ul), 
J** • B^od Phow Town for Good AttneltoDa, 

• Mb NaT Plgii. Wunl • Oooil MIntlrol Co. IVioroit 
^M , Tostl gad iDUninioaul. Nou Jolltlga and McUlb. 
°ar. »r|i«. KUNty. » IIUOIIE<. Managara. 

auXSV!. •'■'Alf fod •rWKLVK VKKTH. 
"^^D »tt»octol*) rtnmpa rorgprlototl copjof giv gg- 
"nir Da> « art, g chaigotor) ranigdr Otvng. "BallloJ." 

• nutrlcgl wort (of oterr kind) vrltlfn toordgrrboap. 
M S1f„'..!.'""'t ' gniwn joor lotlor. 
IIARRV II ESpfc HaoW. I . an r.ongfg«« Bl, L«iil»Tlll«. Ky. 


!'•"?■ u urn rs miok to nROBR. ABOBKsioiia 

maxUn ED. KAURIOII. RturnU. MItb. 

rSfiftRiin^'''^ ntXOMMiURA ARID ACTS 


OIIAIlLBa H. BARIiy. Iloi a Minoagmlla. Ulan. 

, AHATBum^lj,, u, Id Sliov Boalogu. ahu 
ACU to LWTL, BDd Mow lo LouTi Tbom, PolQiBooBalgiT 
v^^. 'o*" Appagnae^ Llat of Hgaa«ara Llliair ui Nagd 

BunVm^V Poatpald.B natg. UiUig Fuh. Oo. 

nSiy "5 liaolal W«» l'l^u.•^ Illuilr-na, 

y?J"*»w.B««Hoip«ot,rfllnlln».. SlolTod Inloialg, Flog 
Hogk.g. B «.np for gn«. J I) BB KBT. Atl«nlaCilr.K J. 

whi.'V*''.*^ KVItftlMIIKU 1.AIIUK IIOOMB, 

.iViit "SSL^U"'*'. All roDconlMlcga. Bogid If do 
«lr»l. MRft BnilULTZ ICO Eul T»olti Birort, Kow Vofk. 

aod to Igko 


TRAfnOR: oo« wlio doga nillni prafoirid. 
no or otbtr mnalcgl Igilramant. Will ■Itghglfwbg 
l?!,''^ <;«oJ tbuieg for gggiMlL I |.|iplo blRbgal. 

*w> *ant mglo ponoruiarg wbo trmral along. la 
M.PJVS" • bo can Kl'g ahow along. (Icod 

Sr^T '"S """"icM get I pgr board. Good 

"I" 1^1" i«l<i»lhtonih 

BiLlr.V""?';'".'"'- JOB BRN.1ETT. Medical Uctnnr 
ailTor Crggk. Ugh. An«r your wgndaring wma bomg. 

, ^ilTIDp, Lad/ Fgrtnrr, for Hirogg Loublg Tigpgig 
i.T.;."^?]°?i'°"' l«ip.; no a.ileciloo tofood gmg. 
vtil:J^°^^^^" P' k'^^ dMcriplliin lint latlar; bavg 
rir»OUag Tnp.godAI Wgidlwbw. Addrwa W. O BIB- 

L'BD , w.mronw. Aourw. w. It. mM 

lu" Fjrior. I Riark Bl. Manchtinr. .N. II. 

B^^SItT.'".*. «;''AniONKT PI.AVKH, POR 
wa andOrrlnalra: moat bo drat e'.aai. Tltg WllllgDa. 
II «• >Vi^i!t Pi""fl«ld 11. KoiUi Adgma l». 

EateTuMrCo' "rcbaglrg, OU 

piiy.'i.TA'.'fJ' ?"t"P"'ATKt.¥, rl ANIM' WHO 

ngjg 1 lOlI.t, alu ptgr,rro.ll up lo TaHatf Bit, for 
I^'JlfM'wl- Rgf<rgoegi agd gbiolulglr Iowa«t ag|. 

■•"«•' ■VCaBgroD.-litign-jiwn, Mi 

LYCEUM '"^7S£^«X>>»'*WS< 
All r. H. MgH.:^ ar..i .Sl!J..^S»». «g«gnr. 


Mtllagga v.,1 SI!'' ."*?,•». "gggnr. 

' mallggga mmpfd agit wa«> 


R«.~I^!^ V '"J UOi "<n«l. 
Rgagrrfcl 8agt« tSc, lOc., rsc 





^i„JZ'. — ■ """""aadJdATanug. 




ffiSitliS^A^E THEATRE. 

Iblntjnh Birggt gitl Brogdggr. 
BVB. Alk BAT. HAT. I. 

*ag. "«WR0"ASTfewJPv' " ~ 


MaiTlaad MUbt Tuaa.. Fab. 18. 

J ..'1,11. lu.p., ran. 10. 



ntooroai OFBBABouaB,iuiubid,c«., 




ooTglUu aU U» tbsg bom ULU A. M. ulU ni£fu Sj£ 


Addraatall ommonleaUoaa r.T. TBOGIOK 

Ptoettl'g Ibaaua. Cd Slrggy nmr& An. 

B. F. Keith's AimissffltRt Enteipilsas, 

E, T. ALBEE - • - On. tSgr. 
B. F. KEITirS NEW THEATRE, Bcilon, Hus.; 

THE BIlOU, PklfaidilphU, Pa.; 
B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, Pra»ld«nc*, R. L, 




Continuous Performance, 



Hammersteln's Olympla 

_ . BBOAOWAT, «tb BT. 

BrgnlDsg&U. Mat ITgd. gad ^ 



And 0»carI]iminent«lB*a Siteciacatar Opera and Bailer, 







PASTOR'S •=*'''"«%«A.««. 

la.SOIollP.H. BaMtioBlyMUSBaaOcBU. 
. Jaat wMat VljItaratath.Cltr Want. 
Come mttj hoar. Bbow alwan aaiBK on, 



TBK iiioaiLBya, litzib dalv, 






br6aowav ABO amh sr. 


NOVELTIia. - Addrgtt JUBK B. DORIS. Ugngiar. 

KOSTER & BIAUS, 34tli ST. 

PiaMallAB gt All Tfang.. Hlgb OUm Pngnamg, UOR. 
.UUoi of 

VBodcnU., BjMclal.lM, Har.IUw. 

Bt«olni«AIA BgwidgrMgUawtld. 

HubeVs '.T Museum 

a. H. HDBER, Pavp'r. 

ncBBB-a arH ate. museum, j. m. jaksxb, Mtnugr. 

WAHTED-Bmof Fggtuigg, Urliif Uikloadg. god 
Prgak. tor Onrlo BgUi; Uljib OlaMVgjIgtjr for TliagDa. 
Addiwag laugi. for both nooagg J. II. Aodarrgn. Mamigr. 

Amoplcan NIckleodeon, 

Fgalarga tn Lgerai. Mail gddrtu F. P. IIBWBS, Dl 
factor. Noiolllggwgatgdgtglltlmaa. 


ir. D. WUMOT AND W. B. BABBBL Ba mu with 
Ufdg*a Congdlaag. 
Pgr.gddr. a Brig BL. ffcmbildtgpon. Magg. 

C. S3L TJnfhn.ri , 

TRIS from Fob. U. Addrgacargof CUFFER. 



Can of CUFFgB. 



En Roala. Boatoo Tlftwanl Alheiwqm fift. 




U. N b L B R O O K 8 LIZZIE 


AddrgwegraofNEW TORK liLlFFEB. 

The Pattens, 


Antonio Van Cofre, 


Brery KTeolna. Alhanibra Thaatie. London. Rngtaad- 


FInt dga. Acmbala gad g liagt Jaff Hag Maaleal Act Iw 
alpanlglibar. Al prggant algbt wigaa wlit fRai ggoceaa 

gtTRACT0R-8.FLEAllt/»K KILICE, fiw York.. AT 
FBOMllABOa*. Addr»a»li>Bg»lMlbBt^ Row York 




HI Eionrn bteeet , kk ab b boadwat. 

BALECHEAF. WboU or ttpgrgtg. Biaaprorpanlcular.. 
PAIILOW. Ill Thoreg flrragt. J»r«»f (:ltr. N. J. 

JUVVUB MUMO BIHI>, l>r Ftuala a. Dglggf. 
iSlia: •iggollfal/l"A nnl," "*> calcbr.'' "A bit," 
alllhtlal mglodj," Tbgworiabgul la<p(ilg»,""Joat 
auoRfornFaaalo pgplU." FrligfOegot.. To pio- 
ilooali, incgota, lIU iortbgr gollog la I'LIPl'RA 
- ». U>WIIDEII.«olg)lug»BI; addrgag. Madl ^io. lad. 


7H^I<T<lll.4MtllIAL, HARIU.HICTTie AN^ 
" ml Eat Hloib BWI. Hgw York. 

toMUa, BklCll'tll.«, BUBLBt4(UBR7Bn: . 
Wriuao to oidgr; boat work: ""Pfwlt "J !.•'"!;«. 
InntbwiUt" Mc togli Joa Ignbaw ria I*, .tb, Fblla. 


Mew ralBl.«a* or all lha b.w Bad 
alABiiara frlehg span rwrslpt of 
glaaap. Saaa ftar aa]r Fraa IHOenaamelli 
■loch aiitol, (ODlalalBK doarrlplloB of 
kaadrala or bl| drlweona flas aow Bad 
Bg<4l fBaglral appamag, lablH, BiailoB' 
.tie agar.., Hr. Addreaaorcall, 

U.IIIIInoU 8ue«t,Chlr.go, III 



lllchly rwooiaa.Bdnl b7 all pramlagBt 
prorgggloaal aad aBaat.arconJarora. 

The book coatalaa IKO pagea, I. prtaled 
OB flao v>l>er aad liaailaomrlp boaad IB 
rialb aad golil. Pglc*, poglagg prepaid, 
gi. g.tlglkcllOD goaranl.Ml or Boaajr 
ehMTfallp r.raadrd. 

ObtalBabie at aU Brat clau niaglcal 
rvpoUloile., Bud at 

KB illlael. Htr»gt, Cblwago, 111 


lot. Kach to Prolkgglon>Ia,OrctlMtrallona 
KM'. EitiB. DoB'l Forget Vonr Card. 

dgf. Wgakgf 17, BR.<(I»T WiUlOX ain<a lliliiiaglooaBgl 
Kglib'g Uakn itiiiatg Tngalcw, N. Y. If ;ao want a li«at 
lObaarliliB. MI.IE VERA DORK l> maklnag Irgmgn. 
dog* lilt will) IL qoartatgrraafooiantor IliU aonf 15c. 
"WHICH VArsniLKin. KATKr now Uig. 

bgm. "ONtUPTIIB UAIRTY niBL^." oiaof Uia holU'f 
BoiuBgrerwflllaaroraoalirallg. 'i LOVE YJU TIT," 
ir BoagoftU, an goawar to "1 Lorgd Yog B.tur Tbaa 

YnoCnav." (^>mlngto tha froot with g ruidi. "THE 
LITTLE UIRl.)IBirOQOR."br BoilUi. a bagiilinil do 
acrlnllTO looi:. "raU NF.trftBOY AND TIIK Rn.4R." 
brHcb«ckr«r.l:gp««cb. •'DDM'T LKAVE VOUR DEAR 
OLD BnillHKRM HOME." br Ronfarg. Fing mioairal 
B«.>r. |gind,ielO{[»rUE ULU KOLId AT IIUHK." 
qUABTBtS wrHa. FrargiglongU call. 

jn W. aoth Htreel, R.w York 
W. H. FRIDAY JB., Maaager. 

HOBOKEN, N. .7. 
March 2 and 9 Open for First Glass 
Ctmbinatlons or Builesques. 


N. B.— Write or wire. 

I^A Popular Musical Instrumota 

UllCini CI ACCFC wnaUiloR or » iwret lonad 
■UdlwN. DLAJdCOt Ulaaae*. chromallo acala f'oni 
C to 0, pttycd by rubblnR the baodi nver rdga of the 
Blaaaea; luDod with water, the iiuintltj batni dealinaled 
by thetiurkon the Rlaaa. No trouble. Racb muaia plKe 
easily laimod. Fined to every lojtf uaiant or ordieitr*. 
Sold for A5. A bov ot material anil all iDformailon. bow 
lo play tie tluKef. aent free of cbarie. Oolyeiublfit- 
meQtorih|> hioif In ilia aorU. SaadlOeaourerric* 
tanaand iprorauUon. 

A. BRAUNEIB3L Ota*anphon Factor*, 

m H(|b Bireel, NewarV N. J. 

Band lOoanii foribeltflaatiruland catclir 
Baiy t* play. Suitable TordaoM and locldenialniailc, 
conceru, aie. 


Wovld like to 00 fliloK forT leeiue or prIvlleRea. I 
bare ilm claaa prlvltoM car. rieep lAlitr-iwo peofile, 
and eaa autanwni. Would like to liave iirlvllega car, 
prlrUesi oaodyntanilaaad any other ll|bt or legitimate 
prlvlleni that *hoold b«< e|iao. VIU luanntae tu Oi 
roar uTcaoae cheaper ibta eoy otliar prevloat yair, a« I 
bare tnade miaa Llreoaea a bualneM. Am familiar 
althaUBtaiaa. Will handle iirlrllege oa r*K*BiAil«. or 
■111 Y»nt tliem. Can bring car on, orvlit Jo baelneaa 
otbarwlie. Wlraorwrlu W.K. Ut'OD, 

Orfro nulchloaBonaa, lIoaatOD. Tex. 

The FBErTIE9T walii aeoR publUhed lo yeanieaol 
free to the PROPKasiOK, Juaieff Uia pnn. 


TbIaWALIX BONO la a Jewel In ll^eir. Fall of bcauti 
M hmriionr aiid capable ol pIea*IaEall clM«et. The 
ontlcalmBalc^an wlllba Iniijilri 

meetormcalDtBalcian wlllba I 

Ired. The words are 

BotTRignv. but ofa moat FLBARIhd characUr. Itl«Ua 
amoltBBAUTIPULatory. It will lake like WILD PIRR 
on tbe KAffa. and plaaaa ihoie In the tiome. The MINOR 
chasReloibe RBFBAIK in»k*aa«r*eabla«(rect. Itlaa 
lorewlaner. Bend aionceand ncelve your ordiealral 
pana JOII.HR. PURDV Aro..yni(lwtTiclaBt, Buflalo. K V. 


Specialty Peoplcof nil Kinds 
for Comedy Coiiipnny. 

Addrea E.B001N.3aCbatlTBl.t>olri>lt, HIch. 


PORT mmoN, moH. 


gddttaaR.J. ERWUOP. 



AJoanal of ipeclal lotereat to all aloien aodprafea 
ilooal iteAple. I*«uf<l moDlMy. Send lOc. fnr uniple 
copy efVebniary noin>>er. ■ TUH WHO WRITER," 
ilcInirti.FrtJar A OO gaOWeatPth Wrter, Wew Vork. 


(Tkg BwgdIrli .S*ll|blla|glr), lanighlflK a bit alollar 


I'fofg. lOc ; ordi. lOo. gitim LlBDKfl. n FgrR Row, M Y. 


tliat b.a oarar mlaagd paTlai aalarl.l orprlotlttr bill. In 
olaViSn rnra. Addrao ROOM <I7. BUIIIkLEB 



L'agfal and rtUgUg all *roagd oue, BEdT OF WARD- 
ROBI. UUIOK BTVDY. Addrgi. B> NortA BUrgoiB 
Bt. nillaoglplilg.Fa. 

E. Jg HAYDEN & CO., 

io» to 110 BfoadfFSr, Brooklpa, W. T. 

WMtd, A Oh TralMr to Breik PhIis ii4 

DOOL lfpgiirdgalrggwlll«l.g..gaM'awort. DaoCga 
l.lloi tgURraph. Addrg.a gad wnia, PBANE W. WIL 

WnM, A La<| N 6nt Citckir Isf i Rilm 

ACT. Oee *bo nadentaadi their hailoeat. Qaod en 
■•simentA Tbll PMaa u» llrM cta»» lyainavl* Ad- 
unite IaADV UVMAAF.cueCLIFl'eB. 


I.KOIII & nvBRBrrg LAUixr clob pj,*troto a bio, PROFiTABkJi uaAOK- 

■BUT, ■BDIMa KB, A. 


Plapadtolk.baBBerbaalnenlalliahlatorrorihf boBM. TI«k.l.Mldat Bai OB«. 
BP to B o'eleck OTorp Bight, Itaadrod.tBra.d away alghllp. HBTT FliTNH gal 
pormlaaloa fMm Chl.for Fir. Doparlniaat Id pat camp ateela la alalH. Cmkotlra 
alttlBgaB napbaioi. PeopL.taBdlag ia IwinsBd barelp room fbr iMrlWmen to 
iHOTn cm .IBge, 

At Gorman's Theatre, Manchester, N. H. 

If Ikero WB. aap fl>ar of tbo m called bow voa tlalab 111 ago poopl. 
woald book rolarB ihig loanal FLYNR AND HIIKRIUAN'g CITV OPORTa Plapa 
bar. oao week la April laalaad ota algliti. Al.o reiara of BIO BUHBATION Ibl. asd 
Beat MBgoBi Will laahe opoa lime Ibr the Dig BItowg. 


To lUaaftgera of Theatrrs, CUcuiea, 8lr«*«l H»llw«7 Coni|ian|r HarkM, 8aitim«r 
RtMits aad All In ««d Out Door Aitiaatrnvnt RMorls. 


WM. Andree @ Golden l i. 


Marloi woa that tlile la rompelliloD wlib the wnrU'a moft fbnioua etpt rt« at CapL Paul Bojinn'a WorM'a WAlsr 
8how,Batra Court, LoBdon, Rag., July 7. Mti- B:<rrutliiv tbtllllni eoineiwillii aod beiidlPDi dlvi<a (YvM thlflyltR 
irmp*a4UdooeolodlB( vlUi tbeir dariagand >eoaailoiikl hiih dlvaoflQ FKKt intoa aiuallbody uf «aw. 

Hara Jmt eloaed » taccwtbi PeuoD wtihUrrln Broa.' Clrco^ Maileo. UanaieT«d«»trloiralM)T«ieL uidraaa 

J.L. MARKK ManAPtr. I.irj nti>A>V«iy, New V«rbUliy. 


Signed with Great Wallace Show Season *e6. Few datee 
open April and Hay. Managers desiring a feature 
address WILLL^ MARTOLL, 

688 Blnme Place, Union Hill, N, Ja, 
Or Agents, FEWZ CO., 103 East 14th St.. Ifow Ybtk. 

ThB C. F. Prescott Co. Great Eastern Sliews. 

Fertile Iblnlanaaal toaroraboTeRhowi, FBRFORMKHH In til liranrlies of olroti^hlr.. e^c^iiiirMlnj. Arllaia alio 
doBore tbanoMUrapiafarrad. Alao wut MCriUM^NH, wHIup tn thnlr lioaliidtit. Mmih* rnvi Mbaafl will be 
feauirod. novkrarel^by wanLopenlogearly in Niy. I'a'ltivolr no r4n>4 a>lv«nciu|. I.AHHV MliApnY, write- 
._ _ jHh)^; nuithefn gtHMl ctiitOllloo. AUuaauifew mora DILL riMT^Uri anil WOEI- 

Weald bay mpcd aecoad hand _ _ 

INQ PEOPLE. Can u>e another oaLtldeattraciliiii. 

nuitbefn gmid ctiitOllloo. AUuaauifew mora DtLL rtMT^Uri a 


Addreu RhDlP.f.A BAIIItK, Heniger, Roi 111, tloeklantf, ITalno. 





■ftTtr ItaodyouwIUlike If. A aute >•>■ R^nw*. alDi iiiclif nirail<-na lu cpiiia earii i«i tire i>rofpHliin, 

JAHIU BTIIaLMAN, Mnalo Piibllaliar. 1A1 Rliih ATaoite, Nav Vort Ollr. 
friends lo Canada eao aeoure ibewnna of Wliairy, Itnyre A f:o.,TuroDiD, t'aoaila. 


Oengral AKsnt, UmbiI, Ifeada of UoiiArltfieBte, IlMeni, Uyuinails, A«roba«j, Wlr» 
WalkMw, Hop* Dancsra, Cemr*rc l>n|i)i( Curioalllss, aiitl i^erfbraiianriia fbr III4mImv, 
and 1M> Ladiss for Uarebea, Llvlag l*lelar*M, Ktc* LaiUns,aenil plaoluarmiilia* 

AdHrras KRANK A. nOlllflNS* 

OfiaerBl BIana«er Grsal Van Asubarg Hliotv, Nrtvberne, Craven Co«i/l«Oi 


AnAlHtOHlDg and Danelog Oomedlai. Mu for (lenara) Buatnes*, aUo rihmI nitaraoitr Nin, Jurenllf Lsilr, UtT 
HmtllCblld lodoapeolilUeaand play oiilld parte; Leader for band and nrclitBlra. "mutt hare fine colUcllonor 

~ innaklana wriie. flood ni«BlnMf»rilie tDBt|«ufl« si 
qni loiorrinl. N<> farwaadTanced. 
I'll' " - 


ipeolilUeaand play oiilld parte; Leader fn 
mu>lc Men for Clarionet. Han lor Flule and Ticcoiu. Utlier 
all tlmea. lDeouipetenUdIuutaaed*lilio>itontKe. Jlrunk^ni 

niXCIIKLL A ZAIIIt.^I, Vnlon City, w«*k of Krb. 10. 


SCabelle Leslie, 


Paul L. Aiken, 

/(IIROII ADVANOB. Botli do op lo data .paclalUga 
Bobar god raltglilg la gtgrr wgr. 

Wutri InaidlitelT, 1 6«o4 Capable and Ei- 

PEBIENnBD ACTOII, lo plgr .golgol lullga lirary In 
■tMlgd Bgck,"d|g|gcl Iggd lo "Alooa la Lii,doa,"aad 

KlUligd QU Mao. OombtggtToo of light coingdf gnj 
avF. oao alnllar rolg. lo hlph elaaa rapanorr. Boo*! 
full panloulara aad lowgat Mtarr lo flnl I.Ugr. Mgn- 
.Ramgat pgj. board gnd trgrallar aaiwgagl Moar i« 
laadr to lolo oa rgnIM gf wira. Addnoa II. F. MKLDflR, 
Mgoaior, EUialTaekgrDramuleCo.. Roiua. H. Y. 

For Sale-Concert Hall, 

BItaated loaeliy of •eresty-flre tbouaand Inbabltanla, 
dolegas eicelieot baalne>«. Will be raid reaaooably, 
as lb* proprietor caa oulalra It fall sltaoHoo. Atlilreia, 
VABIRTYa care nf nLlM'KIL 

FOIt S A. L E . 



Porpgf1lcoUra,«)dreg.MnR.P.II.RTKVEKH. ' 
.MBI Faul.Ara., Jgraaf (iliy.R. J. 


bglwaoo Broad war god All) Arg. 



banl lir 

and uthora lo iIm cgal, 
gnd \ty 
CinprlalaR Vaiigtlgn (^aliiaaa of tltg .XVUi caolarT, 
f/ourl llraaagi, F.lg, I'gaa and tlagnJaTaatnaig.: Uoin. 
Igga, Ologbg, gto.; tna^a gp lo rich Vgoallu Valr.l.„ 
Plaahga ggd Brnradg<| Tlihb^ RuiagtMoolg aad Mgea. 
llgu, RaaligA B«l|g, Kiiltaor Araor,Tbgatrl<g| Tnulia, 
glo.: orgrSDIola. 

FRIDAY. FKH li, AT 9 inlLfKIK, 
II and l«^ 

roil ; 

Carrie Stanley Op., 

Woman for deoeral Bu'., muM do iTnglDg jkt^ltlly: 
alu> Actor, ludnuble lu Hand; alao Hronic Hlfils Trotri> 
iHine PUfer. Addrta*. •taiing Inireet aalary, helaliV, »ie , 
<!IIAH. B. nUHHW. Utr , UMnuotk Pa. 

Tks "Wann 'Uns," Kllioi aod Rawson. 

irrou a 

gllorbaard II In ouratllllaOrHB. 

(Urgof CLII'l-KR 

Sfielal Lillii. Stiidi-Sind $1 iid copi 

Koraaamplg Dor tlahggl ImL Mtho. H'gnd In cnlola 
Naw ptoogag; igrroliowi. IKlWAliD SIIOW FKINT, 
HI>Vg«bloiiloo HI.. Boatoo, Mg»a. 

WaBtid,3 0irls(orllldilouaHdLlilnf PIc 

TURER. (Efp.rlgBcaaoloacgaagrT.) AlaoSoaJigCbRniigr, 

~ rtoDgT'llorgad Flrg< ' " ■ 

I bargtanigd. L Bgraol 


fMtm aged photo, whicb 



Br the "Old BellabU" W. n. PARKKR. 47 W. ZStli Bt., Bee 
VorN iHlf Orderi b y mall recolre pr<ni iirtat«>ntiea. 

Wanted. Meiliclfla Lttliirers and Spec- 

liLTY FBOPLF.. iilalgjroorlfailogunnttallgr. OLIP. 
TON'RWlrnil IKKEL RRBAM CIK.Roa 171. Ogafm. I'a. 


J. W. FUSTBR. 100 «lla Awe,, N. V, Clip. 
Cablg Addtaa<|d "JEB8B" wlllrggc l i lagQ. E. 



leol. control and tvoihlrOx lolereat l| 

- rnmoany Dowfnuib. doing flea ht 

oeaa. A.L. OABWBLUl/irr.. Ifll Rim Bt , VMm^ tt>t 

eaiira maasgamei. . 
beet B4[>*rto)ra.(Vip 


llBR,ao*ieraBd rallableandadoae eentmter. WotiMIIke 
to hear from circa, repertoire or orHoady. A4drou TIUM. 
P. LVffCn. MaUea on lluda'-s. K. V., or »re of < >i,|PrRI. 


WIIOOAK DO FABTE VOIIX. Moaljolo gtonco. Lor. 

MtMlarr la drallgtlgr. Addra«« 

ABRAMB RBUBL. Konb Balllrnhgin. Hgw. 

H. A. MeADAM8, Ilaiw and Tuba, 

«1 or). MATmirRF.Bt,WILllBRB>BHR. PA. 


WlibboaH. MandMWeat tSdRtreet.frewrwb. Veiy 

O/VU^C iArraoffd (asiallK olaeS p*ru.l 

<0 cla. ; 








air Willi and niNgfiii builntigaaad aaag.r, 
ADOI.FMILLKR. I.^IBlCcond Aranug. Kg» Vnk. 

A WOBBBB Iter Jar.ialle Lead, aad a Sn< 
clag. Taba Player, inagl b. a MltlH, 
to doabl. for .tage, Aitdraea, 

IIOVTO'll mu CUMKMV Cll,, 
Ma>a »llla, Mi,.. U ila w»>; B«tlia»r. Mo .MEK^Jft. 

m m TO 

tocAteil 00 oiie of lha raoai r>rMi) eoniera Id Iroob. 
Iro. irafe, latnlieorHllliardKcoma and Buallof iueya, 
allcumpleuaad new. l^oriiarilaitBiicall - ' 
Biialiwlcfc Are, a mi «e aerolelH.,Brookl)s, B. T. 


Ifynowaat gnod aimni rnrapdy and up lo dateaiurr^ 
iBaihtfkmeeTsr. I'm uie little goy cab glreltiojOM. 
KocJii«e Biaiitp. 

(IIUIHUK IIHIKB, *r«u Sflth nireel. He* Teik. 


Bbiktiea asd MedeU lurali*i»l on appllrallnn. 

(JOMiHH AHILLKM, 111 r.MUi Ht, Nov Toib. 




AROUND COVBOIAN, for mad, hli.; lo-htra n-boour* 
aOT.aUaipa. Writ. CR MABRY/.HT.IXllR, 

KoJOII (thBtr gat Bolitiat;, Fa. 


Dollar irlll for a BI.'KR riRB Rtotnp Bpeech. Masolegis ut 
Trimp Act. Twr> nf itiy acu ai Paaior'a tbu wetk. 

U, A BBUBBT, Mtutti Cbink, CsrUm Ce.« « 



Februaey 15. 




OrelieilrAtloB with wordi, 4Sc. 
Tbt rtn* to "Raalui" li by »KO. KMERIOK 


Doa'l forget that I pabllili Euerick and DIII«a's«lN TUB MONTH OP M4Y, 




ESnxerlolx. and DlUect. 

OiThMlrallan and Praraulsnal Copr. lOc. 




XHU l.a.xb:»t march, iiy 

OtvhestmioB and Wordi. 
Tbft T«ne to •*BlmBdo& B«llt" by DAVE HAlUox 

of tH-e SES^SOI^. 

""^l.\eg'}gyMjf^^^Lr^"*°*^ '^"^■£?.'^f^7l!gb^%"wB«htn«ton Ave.. Det^it. Mlc... 

uHMcmPTiva: hono. By 

xnxxeirlols. aod iDllleA. 

OnhMlratloB and PraftuloBal Copy, IOi!> 




NEXT. WEEK, FEU. 17, Open for Firxt CIohm Vaudeville or Burlefique 
Comblfiallon. Specialty people, wire lowent ternm Immediately. Ad- 
dress ! DREW & CAHriiElil, Star TLeotrn, CloTeland, 0. 



'^^elooxne '\7'lsltox*. 

_, Tb«lboTcacltiuJait 1>mii pUy,4l tod lilRhlr «a*l"i«««l M ih* inllovlDg bllh oUu T«ud««li)« intunrv; JOUK 
0 1inP>Iini(nrali(iiiu». J. ll.llllnlIK(i>i) Imiiiiil IIAnHVUAV[:4(A>giluainil four hoimM. OEO. UARTLE inO 
olhtr*. BulionlliBK«ilticlrrullttpr<«ent MA(t(;il 9, 16, SOJ'BN. Addrcf a UalUi'i N*« tIimuc, Bmioo, Feb 
10, Uniim Rgumr*, Iftw Ynik, Feb. H. 


ei EAST 4|]| ST., Jl. Y. City. 

S. S. Stewart's 
Celebrated Banjos 


AIM Mmale mmd Hooka fbr tho Ba^lo, la 
■nMrarlaly. lltrlBgt,II>a<li, Ble. 
B«Dd Tot ItlQCtrmUKl brie* lUl ud catAlogQ*. TboM tp 
UntfMl fthould eenil loo. Id mainM for t melmeD eot>T 

B. ■. STKWABT, Noi: in ud 93 Uharoh BL, 
Wnlfclelphla. Fenpa 

Oh, Poor Bridget 

The UreateU Song Eror luatd* 


Hut mbJ fur B cupy k odm, wUh oreh. r«na, for lOo. 


ur Welier* rirMa-VnudoTllleClub. 
PubllihMl by 

J. C. CROENE & CO., 

. lU AreajB, ClaolBBali, O. 


Pint quilty, MO rlr«u ud bum lo well liaok. M 
laoh.WiO; SI id oh, tAtt; SJ Inch. M locluaitiit a lull 
tbtiirlMl tr&y.TK tl**!*. ni«lRl bouu<1; MOonJ quklltr, 
Itt rlT*u aDdburrii to woh trunit, V laeh, |A.36: a loch, 

^75: 9 iQCh, ll-K, la«luJla« « 6 looli irai . unul bouod. 
nofl cub lo adfUM. <). PATTKRAON * tH)., 
la N. WlnUi Blrwl. nilli1>lphl*. P>. 

Bargains in Show Property!! 

TvDU. t^rn, OWM, llvnMt, W«nlrtiU«, Tsliltani, l^lnl- 
liillHrillaiilnnfi.i^urloii.Uiiaical lotiruinenu. MkkIcIuii* 
Bapi)ll»i, HMckllir AcUaihl Sbow Tropcriy of tverr Oe- 
«ripiloo. DIHTCIIEAI*. Lt*U uolon welptol Kiaiitp, 
IIIIA8. E URIFriW. HuiT«ro. N. Y. 


BoAiUSTIR, MfnnHkiu.. 49 Mmttu St., f 



BO, 80 tad loon, htunil luNi;60inasil ICUi.190, IOft.«al)B. 
Olieap. Addivu C.J.BAKKH. , , 

■ IW W. Third miaet. K«j«a« Olt>. Mo. 


OLDMLUIIl.BllUUaE. HefniWIntdcec: 
OItoamTu vri|ia.AA up: Rulue Wl|t^ 9i up; 
floabr«UeWI|iL|«up wlff« of aTery deacrlp- 
llennuuleTU ORUKR. Hand alamp r 

1I»L IIBW»»l»hBI., BMreji A»a ■ Hew 

■lAVB VOUli 


Br J, 1, WIL.10N, SliidlK, 99 Elal* BL, Olilcuo. Tlie 
loaatfork at Uia UmM i<tIc««. UALL ANU RU OUH 

nioWaoFtJEi.KBmTmB. fktuhibooi'Ied. 


MlnB.,on 0. A N. W. nr., IS uIIm from Rochwier; Jun 
coinplvied. QmH ictavry; ckptelijr (UU l^ipuUiloQ l.ut). 
A fuM kliow towo. Orivi Irvm Mttnl vdbU lImm our 
by. WtalwJ. kooiI ttitiolluo*. L. V. IIIIHII. MwiBf r. 


lu|i.ont0iitlU. on* Uxia),ua«UKin]kni>«UUI(ioii*ft)ilW 
ud WBt 61)1140. Will uiBkemclBl prim lor uUmonih. 

t$ BDd Vt aiMlMOBrt Bimu txmo B. mmm. 


Real tad Daaee, Jia, Clot, Irlili JlR, Baalaad Back 
" (aniht, fbrlh. lUcvoramuMmeot, Ulrculara 

fuai tad 
DiaSil. J, 

MlKMN.aM ATanua, Ha. York. 

JiHiston, N, Y. Allei Open House. 

IWuHl leos. BmiId|i cfpaoUr, l.nx For OHB (lAtM, 
Bdtlcvn II. K. ALLkN. Oaaar tad MiDAg«r, 






Plr«l «Um Id all lu *i^tDlniontik flpMUl imtM lo IbMl- 
rlCBl <H>init«DlM. lloul and ihMiro (b urn* uDftr*. 

L j-FKABemv. rr>pT. 


ftlectroour* aatl Klacirlo N«tv« TdoA ear* wtalaow. lUl 
liMtili tnJ VKlOiL Kl*rirl« Kwl H«\r«rl»* KoMk 
Rhr^mKtl>llt. • • • W B. UAIl.RY. Brnint* blawKlll. 


URIi'«irUATKANI>YRsn>,lll<i«IS. Lara. BUKk. <Vr 
r.>i>.i>laoc« »Url ol. TIllU Ul'NN LOAN. KTURAIIR 
AMI MKR- <;il . Ill VraiiUla A<a.Bt L4ml.. Np. 


Addr«u H. A. KBNKROV. Vwk r«b. 9. Uobll*, AIl; 
» 9»k 16. N»» tirl>4ii». L*. ; O. MtrthBli. T»b. 

BAND IIUSIC.SS23SlflSf^«^^^'^ 


BoiDBUilag all ilack wlrs aaUvrt Uavt b»«n looking Tor. 
W« urry bb ImmoMo *tock orUieta aihl ci40 nil all orOora 
prompUj. Mta"* iIm, ftvm 4to0, pric* 9\M', bj mall. 
l>oni»ld, 11.40. Canvaa I'umpa elutio top. 2Ao. aacli; 
mJJa p«r douo. flopporiin, alaailo lo aiileN, Uo.wldt, 
klJO MCli. Caorai nlUn. ololh aohrt. fl 00; Iiathtr 
•oiM. $1 8a All laathar hlah 1ae»d Tnpvu Bioem tlOO; 
l«4lh*r LaaplDK 8ho««, |l8a CaoTi* Pumiii. Uailvm 
and RupPortarKpoMpakl OB ractipl of )>r(c«. HE 8UHB 
aod Mnd tlu. 

Sa B. CALL, 229 Main 81, Sprlngneld. Mass. 



The Building Occupied by 


A convtfnleol coraer, centrally ltfCot«il. 
aeatlagaboni U,O0U pwipl», well odmptsd 
ftor Vondwllle ur flpeciovular BbowB or 
AnaiomenlB of theohoroolrrorKoater 
Blara IB Now York Cliy. Dalldlns now 
In flood pondUloB. Stag* and gallery 
■eating HOO more would be pat In fbr an 
■reepljable tenant. Will leuae for a term 
of reara. Addreaa 

GEO. G. NEwniinv A CO.. 
tTl l*a Balie Hi., Uhlcago.lll* 



maub: hy 

8. 8. TllOBP & CO., 



Oil 01(1 Estiibllslicd Tlieiitre 
find Plnco of Aiiuiseiiicnt, 

LocatMl rlaltt Ib til. bwrt of th. city aad 
H.t.l.. AiTdma GEO. O. KR^VDUHV Si 
CO., 171 La Halle »t.. Clilcago. ill. 


8UBB Fim 

Write foi 

AirrilONV HOCH, 
t» aealh Blataolh Bu»«. niHwl.lttla. Pa. 


wkldiU eompleuiur road work aifeiit drauRht huTw>R 
Old moBaitrra. taolTorad Tor aala ^rUalalT uatll Marcb 
I. iraiilluBilliPoAMl of nn that data It will beaoM at 
auclluu toUi« hiKhe'l hlddar nti Tu«*]ar, March 10^ on 
tb* fair grouada at I'rtthUm, N. Y. Aildrau 





166 Ncttk NlRlk St.PkllL 

*'l*ti>inplaa*aft SMoltltT.** 
"0<iod Wort a Oarialo^.' 




morRinuH and kakaoek, 

HATHA Ooorioar »il.Dca a poUtf onailfa. 


B«Ul la onlar oa ahort aotica, Wrtla for oafttaalan. 
Ilhiamiad oalalotaa Itaa. t. 0. 0088 A 00.. 

lOAWiwrBV. DaUTlt. Bloa, 

Soubralte Who Can Sine aad Dance and 
AcU XdsI Join at Once, 

Addra i O. IIARNIB RLDUN, Richmond, lad. Fait, It, 
13, rrankioa, Ind- r.r*. IT-a. 

Pride of the Kitchen 

0 Latest ud Best Marcli-Two-Slep, 



K n wna tb. pnpal.r Tw»-81ep at 
T th« Old Gaard BaU, H.lropolltaB ^ 
qi Opera llona., Jan. H, |> 

}l AiraBgem.Bt for Beat. Band • KOc. _ 
U ArraBR.meBt for Oreheatxa - • MUe. 1 

H Piano ArraBK.ment • - - - 10c, r* 
ScndglampaarBIWer. ^ 


Pride of the KitcheN 

Attractions Wanted 


iNci rurULAHiiN, r,i»i 


SrANiallTRAN'lA Ad. and ALL AROl'lID rL<>KN. 

l**tnilD*oladdr.M.rar«or CLIPrKR 


IIARBARlia CO., K» Plll»ii?l~ 


Htbir't Ofera Hoise, \'of}:t^SSArsL!fS 


First Glass Band Leader, 



Orcliestra Leader lo Doulile In Brass 
and Arrange Music; Musicians of 
all kinds to Double Band 
and Orchestra. 

Blaia Torj lowoitMlarr. ablcb louBttwlow; jroa gat It 
AU poopla Diuat b« Bobor and niak* HiemulvM it«D«n]l]r 
uaalul. Otharv nead eol apply. TrapOramoiarUiwari 
props. tilAS. OBVEK, 

Mgr. BaTtliol'*moa*aEquloei>.La»lDiU>o. Mo. 

Wanted, (or Johnston's Dramatic Company, Solo 
Band and Oparatic Orchestra. 

CleTrrllepartolraPaopIr, Laadlagkfan (u> maoaita itAfo: 
mukt uoaamitad hia bualoaa*), Mao Tor Haavlei tad 

Juveolloa, aiBKlDR aod DtDcioi Conadlio. Charettar 
Uao, Oaoaral Hunloou Man, LaadlDg Lady, BlBRinR aad 
Uaariai Boubraii^ Al BarpaatlBO aod Fancr Dascer 

(Rootl rorm). Uoooral Bualona Woman. OeatlainBD mat 
play braM. Waol iiiuatdaaa to doublo baod aad or 
ch«.«ira. All lauitba OraiclaM repertoire p*ui>le, owd 
litoker*, aoil liava good warOn>l>a. rialatvmutt U« bw. 
Hand plmui and proNnirumtf, ud vrit* Juj>t wbat >'ou tao 
aod will dn ladraliattar Be>«on opaoa Aug 31. I pay 
holol and II H. WANTKO, COMBINATION OAR to ae- 
comiDwIiitii l!4lua)pori>|ii. Muni ba ia fiood ahapa. Ad- 
dreu V'ltRD W JOIInAfoN, Lock Boi 17. Holcon. Ban- 
Mm. Carrlo Laiooot. Uarile Uaret, Uaitta Clark and 
Carrla Andaiaon. plaa»e yrlie. 


One wbo can pat on afletplMoa In Irlah 
or Datcll. .Ulaat b. (ood. Alio good alaa* 
era and auMlalty pMpla for WItard Oil 
Co. Addrraa, A. V. MAKCHAM 
Surot.r, g. C, 


Gallopbff Uormg, 
Fine Imported Or- 
gaiiB, AttracUYe oat- 
at. Prices on appli- 
cation. Terms easy. 
Lodi p ert, N. Y. 




Muat l« TtmatUe and up lo dau <;aD um taooi If ooa 
playa good urgaa. Jola reb. 17 or iDinadUtvlj. All «bo 
aun«ar«d prwloua writ* or wim agala. No vlre* re- 
Mlved 001 i>atd aalau parUaa ara knowa aod la tatd 
luolf. filala lull pArtlcufam Ural laltar. Wrlta or tin 
UQtll K«u. 10 UR. B. a SHBKCEB. Columbua, Htb. 
Panoanaot Kdilraaa. Uamtrira. It., and Kaaau Oltr, Ho. 



AntataodrallBed NoToUy AcL BAM BL188, OoBlor 
(loolil, RInuer. Dancer aod (Tomadlao. AN.KIB BLISS, 
Uoubraita and Tuba BolAlaL Addraiia 


Wanted, Sober, Reliable, ExperieiiGed 

DOOTOR. Muai b« a good lecturar and ofIlc« «orkar. No 
boya waatad. Prararauoa ilran toono aairaciinff uatb. 
Waoled, IrUh AtHl Black Vaea Cotuadlaoa, alao Mmlcal 
Act frrionitarawliocao ebaoRtacta roriwouMkaaod 
Play organ giTro the pr«rateot«. No Ar«a adfaaead. 
autalowaatulary. AildrtM Q.BCLAXTON. 

Kb No. 101 Vork Bt. Tnrooio. Oat. 


LadT or gaallauiaD, la blab ctana amuumant aatanrlae. 
The only abuv of iha aloO In America. TUorougliir aa- 
Ubllahed. FlaytJ New York eJaht «6fka. Spvclalplo- 
torlal prlntlag and grand colleelloQ or Irah ladaairlaa. 
Yunaetaalraaauraraad manaaar. tSDOukeabairlniafwL 


Adilraaa MYLHa MORBl&ai; ffooaw 8lra«l. Maw Toik. 

Wauteil, to Leaso or Buy, 

T.nta. Iloraoa, D.|., M', and All 
Paraph.m.lla Ibr •'Unci. Tom" Bliow, 
AIM PMpl.fbraald Show. LowMt prftc. U. ROBINSON, 
Look Box BSH, Coaboclan, O. 


The Aurora 

laanevbook for OOMBOlAHBand Ihoaadola ganging 
aod lalklDKaeu. U oonulna lata paroillea topical Mga. 
•onn and dancaa, chancUr aonn vllh worua aod ainalc. 
TEN flrat cU«a up to ilaU MONOLOaUBB; all kinda 
nraaga. repanaa, ncll*Uooa.and anumrtbraaact firca. 
rrlralKaoatanitw). Addreta 

rSABL VUB. CO.. Boia. Anroiyni. 


Qeo4, Strong Futare lor Side Shoir wHk Leon 

Mf. Wiihbun't Clreut and Meaagwit. 
Ad*«tt CHARLES A. SIITN, Bt Holly, N. L 

p. R— Waal lo bar froio a llalrr QUI. alW) JckJo 

AUaBIbIbh WbH BM|Aar.Ha(rapwulwal«.n»p. 



Ottm BaUaift BtaO CCMTRE BT.I 


ANtwaaJ Eiee«dl«slr8«M>8oo»,wlll>aBri»bt andCatelirOlioniiuliyJ. J,HEHaALL. Pro W 
* itiilnDAI fcaplM, 20 for Pal; « vary aireoUto OrdiaMiatlon, 10c. aura. 

BrJ C UKBD. Tha ba«l Tao SUP •rlllaa. nallna a B; 0. EUldE. Hajad with lomaoM 8a<c«u b; >ll if,, 
ill llli wl.eraTarplatad. Pror»»«lciDal« lor roll Sr- Laafllou Bapdt uil OiehMlitr Proraulocal ^rlM lo, 
Swlri »: 10 partJ aad Piano, SSe. ; Hai.o Solo, 10c gf^jj^jfe fot* *° ' ^• 

JOB. THOnsf Ool^OOO High Blraot, Nawark, N. J, 



flome of Bnrlesque. 




Return After an Absence off Three Days. 
The Hit off the Season. Houses Crowded. 



Fryc and Allen, La Verde Sisters, Marion 
and Pearl, Julia Franks, Flossie 
Hughes, Floriece MeDonald, and 
a Score of Pretty ITomen. 

Th. Wmb of Fab. -i* Opon for a 
ONLY, Addroaa 

CHA8. QILDER, Minqer, 

BUoa Tlimtn, Raadlng. 



MANAGERS -wlablng tlm.) for 
"BLUBBBARD," addnaa 


Aa Per Ronto. 



Tha loUowlDg property waa brand aowthellib of laatkar and waaon tho road uotllJaoe77: ^IgTop. lOOrt with 
oOft mlddlo place; Draaaloit Room Top. 4ltL, marqna 1640 for main oaiianco; *J hoi«o unu aOi0, 1 cook tent 29i36. 
39langtbaor B tivrMata,SJ«ckatoaatrlDiier; U red BngHab baaUcoata, 13 blue hand lialmeu. whlu idumea; 4i 
hamalaa^ la 4 bona aata, rod utmiued, ml tillndan, houaian, dropa, ato . «<a, made to order lor ibe oltcoa buelaeafl; 
6Dr«d plumaa, U lacbaa ktag. (or botaas; S wtaiu apangled ladlea^ parade sultB.2 r«d aatla entree aalu Tor ladlea, * 
ladiea*T«lTatpandeaulia,6ald«uddleB,8ni»o'a Tel*et entive aulta^paoiB aod laokaU allrer ulnsed, Spanlab 
^ sman'a aaddia*, I tanoydraperyfordnaatng looio eatraoe«.tl fliga3-6. Tor wagoni Iq panda, allnauoafl; 
. . n» .-aw_t.,._ ij dfivani'blue eoaia aad capi, tclowo aultJi. 

camplata; 1 baaadruoi, 1 anare dram. I leaping run and Jacka, 1 laaptDH *iu«, ■ mm* »> o<nr. .^».|.»a-« - »»v - 
lataatlraproTad ooaloU llghtcS annaon each, with 1 aua burnaroa eaebann; igalTaniiod taokaior the tame. Mc^ 
Sgallona; 1 tnpna crana bar. 1 Murray atafcepvUer, 1 rlagptow.B aladgaa,8 aboTaU,0 grab boea. 1 tapaatry me- 
dallon, I(fi2», lor ring tumbling; 1 large band vagon. Tory attnetlre. gold aad r*<1 aeau; U heavy platform aprlDgaj 
1 email band wagon, oroaniantcd vlih whlu and gold aaata, It pUtronn aprlaga, i llfltt agaa lOf^. long, all mouowd 
OB phtformapriaga; llanta eaavaa «»Ron, palmed wbli«, with mirror ildei<,goea la panda, platfonjiaprliiga: 1 
ticketwagoa. painted Koellib vermilion. goea In parade, plalform apriufra; I Mat va^on. dead aile; 1 poTawaEOo. 
cuta under, very airong,beaTypUtlorm>prlBKa; 1 paacncb panda vagon Inr 1 poalei,! atAhe and ebala vraeoo, 
platform aprlnga; 1 waiionait«pai*«niier wagon, aaain 8; Seloan cartA. 1 4 hone cage. Thla property la la iioe 
ahapa, aad can oa aeeD la BprlaRlald, Hau. will be aoM In bulk for 93 BOO. 

TUCKER'S CIRCUS CO., spRi.variBU), lIAl^a. 


Entlnly DUTennt ft«m All Otb.n. 

The Oownies, 


Ev.ry trick dona, Jnotaa yea .Mplc- 
tnrcd, Ht ovMry porfonnanc.. Have 
week, of Feb. 17 and U4 open. 

Manaaer. wanting a good novelty 
aot, addnaa ANDKK'W^DnWNIE, 
Weak of Veb. 10, SbM'a Unalo Hall, 
Uaflblo.K. Y. 
IVrlte or -wire U nMoaaarF'. 
DtntaddroM, UED1KA.N.V. 

To All Theatrical ManagerSy 


1 harvbj (lira notice that I have aulgned no r>gbt, giran no llcanae nor aotberliy to anr penon whatavar to rro 
aentorperiorraaplayordnoiauoder orby ibatltlaor'^aE BOUTO BBFXJRE THE WAR" or asj cotorabla Imlia 
tlon tbanor. 

I alao vara all manaiora and othrr peroni tkat lo caaa anybody, under aaM title or by any otbar tlUo, produce^ 
a play which olniaanr Uilutaa. orwbanin la naed lo any way the plot, dLa]ogti». altuatlooa or bualnaia of my piav 
aollttatl. "TDB EOUTH HBPORE TUB WAR" that I have made arraDgtmauta with, and aulhorlcemy atlorufy*. 
HESRRB, UABT A PRICU, OP KO. 230 BROADWAY. NEW TORE CITY, to Insillate Tigoroua ptoceedlnp agalnvi 


inirtherdaalretalnfommanagara that I kaTa procured from the SUPRBHB COURT A.V INJUKCTTIOK. pro- 
hibiting the uae of mr Utla, "TUB 80VTH BEFORE THE WAR," br STETSON A WAHHBUKN, In ihe pUy wlild; 
•h..aa» w.- «,Ht...afa. ud tbBt I Blao ao)oined SPITZ A PAiK irom perrormlng my play uadir ibe title oi 
Managenaod othan vlU thererora aot accordlnjglr.u I dealraiolM falr to tham^j^gtvluc 

themthia nottc*. 

Dated NEW TORE. Jan. 51. lase. 

and nmni 


la Qnlj OB. "SOUTH BEFORE THE WAR" COIHPAHV, and tbat la owned 
BgodbrHARRT HARTEIiL, to whom all comisBBloatloBa rogardlag tnli 
nab.alab. addrMa.d. 




(FonMriy CONLEY and BADDEN). 

(Formwly ED8AR ind CURRAN). 

Gar Ml is a Mg iimcus. Gall aad sea us this wiek, wKh "ZERO," at the Olymplo, N. Y. 

R.gardo to "LBSLIB and CVRSV." »Ich W.lea Nit." 




(Pric«.40..) aaniiwltk BlMtrle Sbmm. br CARROLL JOIIIfSOS, Klag of Blng- 
" liana. Oroheatm Parte and SoBg Prwt to PrBtMalonali. Beadcaidta 

TUB EBNO HAU VAIS MUSIC CO., TOO Barket St., Sen Fraacltco, CaL 

H. H:0WA.»,I> L.Y1VT01V 

A 1 Leadlai Man, baav?. llihloonady, one pirta or itock. 

Addraaa JERSBT CITT» N. OaB«*l Dallvarr. 

Febbuaby 15 





SINGING IN THE TROLLEY CAR H. irBshilBi. author or "Cbb I Por<r.. i> uA.. . " ~ ™ ™ ™ ™ ^ ^^H^^H^^M H H H 

lly John H. Paob•lB^ aothor of "Cbb I FonrM," "Onlr b H.w.k.. 
TlIK HIT.t Pr«lor'. with "SIpBlnB In m.^Sreiuy^t^",'?.™* SJI! C. JUbi 


The Greatest Song of the Year!!! 

JOST A " ■ 

w. Li. ■'^r TfiB BBd Mr," "I Wnnti b Dollr. SbiiIb CIbbi," "KlhrlttirB" (4 M*p). •«•„ Mr. OcrlraA* Man.fltiM, Ik* llllln lHiB>biili, la tSBklMf 
c. HhBBnoB, P»rl Ibibbb, Chaa. Clianh. aad alh«m la the Bait, W<il, Norlb and ■«Blb, piwlalm II TilR HIT of Ik* rtar. CoplH itBt m» to 
in . — — ^ ll\NCOfK Pira. t o., I,ill!> Ifilway, Hornn U, N, y. I'lly. 


sin; nib Sons and Hake the Hit of Tcnr LIff, tliat Is what OtA HATDEN Ban- 
ana She Sing) It 


Ashland Block, 

Orcliesira Paris, lOc. 

''Baby, Yon're a Oood TbiDg," 

Dave Marion's New Coon Song, 
Now Ready. 

ProfessloBal Copies on Appllcitlon. 




Laat fl«aHA'f tuailaeit over 700.000 p«opl«. . 

■nd any otiisr luflllmr - ■ ■- - - 
Onlf reipoBalble leM«eB_ 
abBp«. For terma addreas 



latK prlTlleBe. PoalllTcIy ad (Bmbling prlrllsKa aUowe^. 
maedappl}-. ^'^j^i;^"^^l*||> ■»■•» »• Pn» «« I" Ant claaa 

, AmaaamaBt HaBBisr, 

Cart ToI»d» Elaclria Birwil Baltway Co. 

Cifslal Dime llusee aod Me, 


Freako, Corlosltles, Koreltlet, IIIdsIodb, etc; also Yandeville 
Artists of Every Vescrlpllon, doIiiK slroop acts aultable for 
lady audiences. CaiiBot use aerial acts. Salary must be 
low. Address A. 6. FLOOD, Manager. 

NOTB,— Tl» balldlag rornierly occaplnl by J. H. Olbaon ha. bren laa.Ml anil 
remodalcd for the parpost of maalBK a metropolitan maaaam: evarythlns will b« 
flntclaaa, ' " 





Th«4«oMedllltor<UO. ETcrybodr whlatlM It aHer the ah'ow. Tba woida are bvaa' 
llral and Uia mntio ebarmlng. No alagor'a rapertoire la complete wllhont It. No 
other aoDg r-an efaeck ita marreloaa march to popalarlt^. Sead atamp aad pro- 
gramme or card for piano copy, Orobeatratlon lOe. 

BABTHOIiOMJECS BRQg., Warrenton, Ho, 



Idr. Car Mgr., Press Agt., Contractor, Gonl. Agt 

WlllacceptTHBATRICALENOAaEHBIITA)rbalanceoraeaaOB. llBTahaBdledmaay 
Bttractloaa, inclading the whole category. Roote and book aad kaow the coaatry— 
— nalBe to Callforala. Telegraph or write tbU Bad next week, Rew Hartlord. Cobb. 
. Will place dollar for dollar with worthy 

N, B.— Hava money. 

r partner for next aeaaon. 



IllDStratlng songs by America's best composers, trilh stereopUcon effects, 
picture the work of an artist. 


-A- T 

I B E K T -S" 

Addrea* HOTBL PRIRCETON, Blm St., Claclanatl, O. Regarda to Meyer Cohem 
Bam Beanett, Tom TwIgR and other rrlenda. 


thoy, IV" . "ST., 

Open titne In Harcli and April ferflrst class Bnrlegqno and Vaudeville Companies. 
JAMES HEARNE, Proprietor and Manager. 




* Laughing HU at Hyde & Behman's this week. AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON. 


""Barton and Eckhoff'"" 


At Liberty, to Join Coiiibliintloii or Piny DatcH, 


loae bat reaponalble maaagera write. Addreaa 

nuns BERTHA DORIAN. 78 Broadway, Kokomo.Iad. 



X II £ 

'^^oo<l.-w«-rcl-'\^a.nreia. Co. 

. Wanted, Slaglag and Daaclng BoBbrelte, mnat bo Ant claaa, aot orar SA. In 
htlghl. WIU pay &p aslary fbr A woaka. In Boatherm eitlea. Woald Ilka U kear 
mm two A 1 Oeaeml Actora. All aeod phetoe, refareacoa. ate. 

ll.aUV WOODWARD. TaacBliwaa, Ala. 
I. .1 >?^et«. that (ba abov. attnclloD will be tbe bail acllar. beat coalamad and tba bait blUad vmpuy afar 
la lb. laoib at popnUr price.. 


k]£?"i^OUT Alio JUDT nODRia, BWIKOIKO CLUBII.9 (tooil B< caat<la''l.m,a rir ;M |«|.i ll.ltc HI. 
Wfaa. Ctidsiii«(.rJoiillB|Oooda,aaba,Taauflo<niauiilM>DeebaiiilJndrrifTiMtr>.. 

(WLUMLA MAOIO TUCK Mrs. CO.. ailBovair. >■ T. 



Polea and Stakes, SEATS, FUgi, Eto. 


9 atws-BUD CATis, iiin, nc, nm him. 


H!a. $iXDi Slo., $S^: SaLa., ITiO; via.. tM>: ma.. 
ikAl); aiD.. tlOiO; Oorjurtm»nt uu*. mitu bouod,!!: 
U\\t olreuR iniBki, iiJA comp>t4. niil trunks .ViSilA 
luid«,t9J0. LlthoiroQki,43»(taill lotldv*^- Btitr* 
ud iktltloo foUovon, JlJft ud IIJO. Rhlnpvd oa r*- 
o«lpl of $100, 1*1. 0. 0. D., tiMDl OT»r Sno nllM, ihio r*- 
nit whole unouai. MurIoI loauunut, Uokei ud mu- 
tniokR to ordor. lUtLu Bwkeu, wlUt inf. Haloi:, 
coMF. lUL. 9lD.. •13U; Wd., 9\U0; Ou^ Ba«- 
katJi inlpried oD TAMint of iTlw. 

Eiub. sue Worth 7lh Btixt, W>IUJ«lphlt. 



I Saoiiror N.vCat.loaa. 



rint CUM Amorleu PUo Hol«l. RalOK. (lOD tn Aid) Mr 
dny N<)t*J for th« «Kc«lleoe« of lu culilao. lomWi 
kiihili DO* w]i>*reor llir«« llni cLuutliffttraii. Mr. John 
O'Dnootll. lormerljr Iimi) waIi«t at the Humitl IIoubv, 
cow chtriv ori£« dlolOE roooi In tliln hol«l. 
II. P. UUNBAB. Frenideni and M>p>R>r. 


Bml wont«d tlKhUk. radncod Ui|ft.(Dp«r 
••I: ffood qa&llij, ILQO; |>ar Ml;c4>tu>ii, p«r Mt, In uny e«lnr ; In bUck. plok. 

po.w ^vi nvB^ lu wv# hwt aa va«va. |>.ub, 

«hl[a Ud DkTfblue. r«d, tkj blu«, Ufea- 
dar,ffT«en uo vloe Rllk tlvhu, 116.00 
perMt:FmDiiultft,iT.UJ tw •U.OU; Hnako 
•all*. tlOAnTu IV.I0; run)|>«.Sclii.:nftl< 

r»ra,$|.d[). 6«nd for ca*.Al<<||u»u)d wnr 
P'.nt or lichu. BMllmtlei by mill. 1>a 
P^Blt r«q>ilr<d. BflURR BROS.. 
tSO B>enfT»»o Atb.. Hrooklyo. ». T. 



S«Blliis capacity, 1,100a Will rent or 
•hart*. Centnlly IockImI., elc. I<llieral 
iDtlacemento to right pBrty for t«ru of 
7«»n. Addms W. D. uniTII, 

34 DMKlar Btrceli 


K.> elTacu la IIIikI Rwllar. BII.Dt BMonI Klahl, 
Thonghl Tian.rennca and BIXTr OTnKR KFrKiTH. 
ProreMloD.!. U7 It U a duidf. Remit 2fl (or thi. 
.Dd molt orlaloal Magical C:al'a-l0|r er.r IuumI. Ball.- 
racllon tn.talllMd. 0UA8. L. BORLINOAaB « CO., 
Bo. Ml. CMcano. III. 




On thrt llotorflirMC RaIIvkti. cod k pnpiilttlOQ ottXtSXfi 
triibin & raJloH of ten lalli*. N«w ravlllon Operft 
Uou*4. Willi Ncatrr ftml pariidiamRllR. Aniphlitrtiin, 
with HMtlofi CAi«cll7lorll,(Ultol0.(O)Mopl«, ftod lArk 
ol t'oorrtcra . In*pictl"0 Invited AdJr^M all cvm- 
mnolcAllMiR tn.TOIIN BENOHB. Tfu»l»». flcraplOB. Ta. 


CootAioa MTeTmltliouund llluilntlooROf Dluiood J':w. 
Birr— 4ioftlot and ttflUh-OoM Jawilrr, Watch**, Bt«r- 
IloRRIlrar NotqIiIh, Urabrellaa. Oaaea, Rich Uutaiuu 
war*. Clock*— tvirythlaMlliat Is Deeded Avarr da; lo tlie 
rear. rh*niah«ip of tMiworh of art la oiIrIoiI, CDtn- 
piei, baodf to aanr In Uii haod, coat pocket or laichol— 
chock rail of the cholc«*t llieraiure. Price* u* abw- 
lurelr the lowett ctiaalaiAOt wllh <iu*lllr. Read four 
ouiieaoiltitdmuror a cnnjr and pleaae meailoD "CLIP' 
PER." OSKAir, NOLTIKO * CO.. Manmoth Jeweler* 
or America. Vln# Ht . Cor, fltii. MlnclDQati. 0- 


Ludlnfl Amnauli ol Um Werid. 


ABE now OPEN ran brason or ». 

_ AIM najiaraatarara of all kloda of BalJoeaa 
(Uaa or Hoi Air). Bud for price Il.t to 

BAUWIH BBOB.. f ■ 0. Bol III. Qulpar. UK 0. a A. 


Knw en roale llirbuili Karop*. 


PanouaPrectidlBltaioraod Veotrll- 
oqulit, and eoiitpaojr uf flnl claae 
arthU (II people), headed br ble 
Qraat BeafailDD,the aceooipllahed 


tiiei/apv wiiopliiw. 


Ladles' Street and Evening Dresses 

NAN. ZN Wa.t Sd aUML OMT 7lh AT.nii. N.w irorb. . 

/ Miglcil Appiritii, Trlckt, 
illations. Etc. 

B*w, lullr lllueuated txwk caia- 
loffue,«vf rrihlnc up to dale, lAcU 
Parlor tricka rauio«ue frea. 

Wiith AToau*. New Vork. 


rroletaiooale dealrlof to pnrefaaae EVBHIMI or 
HTREBTDHEIAE0 cu fl&d aver/ EUaant A»f>nD«Dl 
ortbeCboieemOarmeataat VerrLow prices. Orar SO 
Qeau' PuU Dreta Sulu ror file cheep. 

W-WflOlfTH rf.. PhiUdelpibla, Fa. 

Circus Canvasosi 

Tnti If All DiicrlptlNi Hwrictarid. 

M. BU1INBLT. M Boat. Blf«.u »»» Tarb ylly. 



WTODJn tU ut6 to W. Tw*irih llifM>t, ripf iBBBti 


roCA nlaj timled ca1alo«ehi&^ 
nuiinr 1 oaui. utnL kV-ib n. I 

1 (Whisper!) 

The Soubrettee Say 

— that i.s, tlu: wise ones — th.nt good 
printinj,' lias half to do with gcttinjr 
good engagements. Arc any of you 
actdrs over looking lliis fact ? 

Oiir stationery, designing and 
printing satisfies in price and (luality. 

Chicago Photo Eng. Go./ rtv"" Chicago 1; 




von |'R()PI-:!tM(mAI. KNrRllTAINKRH AND AU. Wlin AHR IS HRAnCIUir 

KOTICR-Homellilnfl new In a lllerary wi^r. b.iInK Die Uai <il all Uie rnnnj ihlnRi lu 
author haa run eomu Id alirit derntrit lo lauiliivr tnakinK It la nnt *lrani*. thereforv, 
Uiet lliereU alaeiih In ever/ paracraph. A book lo lii>lp lirlihifn imr Drreklnaa wrll a< lia iiRrniln«ie lit the mem- 
t>«r> or all Order*. Httrlela, Hamiuola. Clmrch Rnlvilalnnimiu. frlvaie ThMtrkaU. ric Kn lutiif, ilreery alulT, but 
•ler/llilDi Klmrt, crNp ami Uf the mIdI. The entorulnnr maj rrnilrucl Iniut Uio iiialprleUieTe riiioUli«d.aQ aln(4t 
uallmKedcombtaallnn or wit and nnnmraiillablaror nmr)- mxaelnn. 

<|1'4kTAT|0:%l IPHOM NOTRI) NTAUR I , / 

MR rRAN0IRfflI.flQN-**T1iaii*eluTne'«i7yftur >KHik| MR. NAT (MHillWIN-' It !■ a wmk ronlalolnf niKh 
nnnuealloDOd. There Is varUlr nf malerlal eoouih ■■• merit, aud ftliiiiUlhtl sliuiild >■» eotiihlantr." 
ai(H9k uveral inlaaira) aod larce cnmrdy roDti«nl»a." 1 

lUilieat t*«tlni)nU?B r«calre<l rmm ALt> ibe oni*i| pArroniinr'. Prist*! in lari« ivi'*, liatiilinnielr UtuotI In col- 
or«. NoadTeitlietiiiinu In it A referenni imk for ri>iir hbrarr. H«o%'nall i>ariii or iiiit I). R. and Hrltlah IhimalBs 
on rfcmiil of price. 1360. AddrM* J. MKI.VIT.LK JANBOH. Aalhor and Publlalier. l.llM Wahinl Hi., fhllulelfihla, Pa 

IDon't Forget 




The llanlpulitor. j 
Tlia Iflmtator. 
The Unlqoe. I 


j The Eccentric Juggler. 
I The Trinii Juggler. 


rial Hal FfOple wilt talk alHiutme: I cao'l bnlfi il. I oarrr Pi*e Tlmuaaoi) Didlara* worth iirran|rtMnial(& I 
Ro aniuDd tbreiiin ilie dar and Kalli'r up boille', et'i-ha. baire) riooita, hiiree»hnea, rmltiere. wevoD wbe«te, old eolTro 
pot*, cliar boiaaanil paiU wiirifiuLbotinms. etc.. aitil Jnai bvMuae i cliania mr *ct everj nlini ili«r aey tlul I am 
deffry. Even Uia iii«mbera or the cu. rrowd Id llie anlianois when I era ditlDi my liirn. aod thai nniark aiMl ur : 
"WlialU lhatOraij Ja|«ltr Kolna tnd<t looUhlt" ilundr^U and tbnuaande coma every nl|bl to MThf OraBiy 
Jugaler. The/ ro niriaiiahlni afler the eliow and say: ' What runnjaod (|ue«r Ihinf a ihe Uoly Jalvrndoeal" Ra- 
■arda lo AlbertI aod all rrlendl. Haaiiontlblt* manHK^ra mklnf tnr aReaMtlonal Miilli and Mjalary Niiraity vtU do 
well frarereihla art ror aeavina nr IK4-7. Pernianent addreM two or CM PPKR 


Grand Opera Souse, 

B O S T O IV, 


(Vone bat the v«r|r ht»t neod eapply, AAdroai 

OHAB. P. ELLIOTT. BUiuit QrmnA Opr* Hooia, Bo»toB. Mmu. 


Will asll at a Saorlfloa, HONKBYB, ALIiiaATOBB, BLAOK BBAB, OIV- 

IfT't Foiirtli A.v<».. Now Yorit Olty. 

.JUST r»XTBr^T«iiii:i>. 


Price no canta. AfBBleara 49 caBta. PreraaeloasBla fraa (I'laaae aaflri prearamme 
arcaril). UKO, WILLIU * CO.. Mann Publlabera, llaillmoae, Nd. 



Eicapllenallr clever aen>ba<e, Weak or Feb. Ill, KRITII'R l;.VIO.N BliUAIlB. Ad- 
draaa UBO. LIHAH. 1U« K, Itlh it., or I.A SKINT VAMII.V. rartt ofCLIPl'KIU 



All Brtlite holdlBg csBlraeUBt the aboaa Ibeatra for the areaka ol P. It. IT, Peb. Ki, 
narah 'A mmd liarcb V, are nerabjr CBBcaIrd, Ba I plajr cotahlDBIInB.. airapl Ihe fbU 
lawlng acia arbUh I bare arraagad lo alraaHtliaB varlnaa caiBblBBflon*. Tbemaa 
B. Ulf BB, Jaaepb ilardiaan. Law Uaadall, far aaaak ol feb. ilt, rnnr acia hold aood. 
Ail othara ara caacelad. PIIANK OtinT, naaaiiar. 



Tba Uraatect Robe aod (ImroB since ih« ranona'-Uaiay fUlL" Rao« hy all kadlot siaga Taiorliee, and wbtiilsdbr 
•Teryooa ea leavlflg ihaalre. Jut out aod bruid aew. Prof, cop, 10 cu Ureh. paruiOcu. aatra. 

^. . lEA MOOtt OOUHLU, iC^OiSwis AT», fcoofctfn, W. r 




Februaby 15. 


Do their Irish Comedy Act, AH LAUGHTER nnd Fall 
of ACTION, for I S minutes. Mhh Biinictt in the renl 
Nlngor of Coon Melodies, now making n Big Hit with the 
f4>on song, 'TnH Miila." Specially cngngcd to strcngtlicii 
Bam T. Jnck'N Company, at Detroit, this week. 



GRACEY AND BUJINETT, Empire Theatre, Detroit, Mich. 

The Song You Want IS 




T. B. mm t CO., Pitlltliert, 18 Eisl 22d St., Nef M Cllf. 




NOTICE— All pfrrornioni boolinl nt lljde A Dthraan's ar« problblted OroDi pUf ■ 
lag Brooklyn without eoiuont. Address 

HYDE & BEHWAN, Brooklyn, N. Y. 



$4,058.00. - A RECORD SMASHER. • $4,058.00. 

Hirrr Sorrla' SOIh Crnlnry HoMa plufed to 44,0.'in.eO week of Feb. 8. VTUI ro> 
Ura mtek of Httj IH, Oi)rn Umo In May oud Juno Tor 

k. J. MEYER, Manigtr. 0. A. WEQIFARTH, Builntn Miniger. 

CHA8. M. BAGQ, Socretary and Trauurar. 


At MlnerV Bowory, New York, to strengdien lor that iroeh, and were 
one of the l)lgf;«st hits this sonsoii at ilio aboro house AH^ OPEN 
to accept dates or coniblnotlou for balance of sea^^. A^tlrcss 



Bew AoU, Features and Emots In Her Largo Iron and One Inch Flat* 
Olaee Tank on Stage. 

' FOB OPEN TIUB, address Oara of OLIPPEB. 



Oie ot tha Handsotnest igd Most CoafoiiBbia Tiiatres iB Aneflea. ' 


APRIL 80,S7i HAT 4, 11, 1B,C5, 





Uiand Op«ra» lloat*, Braskljn, N< Y. 


I, MATT KLVNN. Hftn.ifir KIthq k HtiiiidM*. C\ia^Dl.v .^'l.h lo d.n)- tti* rapon Ibit v*pl.r return il.i. it 
(l9ra.n'. Tli^tie. M.och.ftlr, N. (I. oi our t.tiitl. to Ih.l ctlv w6 r1»l «t tliv NEW I'EOPLtrA TIIK4TRE 1 
Ux mil Uill n>v kliul«,UKl wlKDil l.lttllUn.0 lt«lllba*»IXBiJH0l'NprU)Onn)Pri.*RfRICBT<IKAI(LE 
■ irr PLYKS. FIvui. < UiiiUlu aClur BvoruCo. .nd Bl> SuaUu Co. 

A f*« oMDilftUdil "TUB NEW FLorLES' Id Uuili, Al'ill idiINbt. Qood t«tuil. Vtlttqulck. Whow.DU 
Muebl, 7, op.Dlugv«tk. AJJttli 

CLIFF W. GRANT, Sulo Miiuager, People's Tli(ali«, >aiMhr(Ur, N. U. 



1TBEIII ur FED. M AND BAIIOU I liriiX, T.b. IT, Boo Ti ti T.i. III.. CII;; Nucbl, Ull«o E<itiu,, .N. V 
"illBS;BUM«.r.*>MMhi'., ' "BMi aitUB't llwoiu U<1 tail' IllMl." 


"DO IT AOAini" Kti liM, coidIc mtl» wpKltltt- 



eoNii AND daVob, •Iui waltz btu;, cum 

OB Jia 'sirTMrtoDf Mi'iHiieJ ujji 
•llr, uul 111. Ull OI Undoa. Aljob; VcOLBNhON. 




A UnXE vol) KNOW, 80. 80 r (Ifulll 

'WrrH A UTTLK LxiiiPpf wadoimo 

^grHlS&UM^"UA\lDi dARTET'S Aliulgi 
!■ EAHD OF DREAHS," rubalie Oucrli. 
'A~SonrlitSl Is'TIIB'TRVEaT FBIBaiD 

MonrMMie^oB, vov abb 80 WIBB" (na 


<Iil.b Olalwif JWJlaDDoo. 


(NuTsUratDd OaKilpU.t). McOlaoiMo. , 

tar Any ot Uia reragolni MAP 10a aMb. WITB 

M mmi 30 NorUa Blaor* 8UM1, S. T. 


Grishan's Famous Pickaninny Band 
of Mns Soutliem Boys. 

We plBT >II «lie Uleat. R.IlBbla man- 
•■•n wHIa. 8. H. OBI8IIAM, 

Wo. HOT W. etfc 81,, Ch»tl»BO)>g», Tmm, 



ItAlsit Willi tanw Hd Utwt macetu] Baof br MIB9 
RATE JAMES, Id LondOD, BaRUod, to wild ippUaM. 
•taetiblbltloRtbnB ll«o kUiMiiD • tlaconttd bukM, 
vtifch awiMtMDttiloa. (8es Loodoo p»p«r*). Boof 
to profkulnulr, 10o~, vlUt orcbMirm aeon, 30c. B«Dt 

DMtiMlil to U7 «ddr«u >>r the rabllabtr, 


Cornet Flayer 

Wuu I BliDRtkni Iq good btoil, vlitre th«ra b * ebuw 
(o do orcltMin bDalii««ii; 10 jo»iit' eHpsMuee lo oD«or 
lbs bort U4adi In Mul: 4 y^un *■ to!o e4n«l. Aba 
bare Urn llbiArrol ortbtitn mualc R«r«r*nc«. Ad 

1A3 CbeitODt HI.. WalthRio. MMi. 


nraanlowD, led., Fab. 10 aod waak; Elwood, loO., IT 
anil waak; wanao, loJ.. 21 and waak. 


The fo'lowlDK Uricllf tlrntclku people: Loullag JnvcDUa 
Mui, lleeTf ud Chancier Uao, Leaillog Jarenlle 
WoiuD, Comcdiu, itltli airoOR HwclalUra- StAte ap, 
height eod weight Ketne lAveit uIitt; I ff boarl. 
Elenot modem werdrobe iodlnHOub^e. Mux Join it 
once. AMnu IIOWARn WALL. MenafleMk Oblft. 





Portraits Photographed 
on CelluloTdl 

EUgeai. dursble, hlghlr ultthed, can be vMlied. 
JoeiiheihlDglorlobbr oreinibUioQ. tiptrdoc; earn- 
|)Ie, eOeu ; !i for 91 lorixAeiio; eample,fel forSiTelte. 
rieod good Uairpe or ph''io or DegetlTo. 

OEO. II. dlEa. I>erhT irnu«e. Boetftti. Mine. 

UAN to (ak* «h« plac* of a RetlrlBg 
lavco Bitjr, open year *roand* A big in* 

tut or II. BTl AHr RALEIdH, T W. Uih Bt,, K. V. 


I win eoDd yoQ four Rood u|< to dele perodle* Nor(*k, 
no lelo. and ihere you ere. Toual order. Keod alamp 
roreniverioteuer. WILL J. IIABDUAK, 
» Beat Koiirth Hireet. Hew vork. 


cbeeumilnoe duplleiitcd Id loia rf U to LOlXbreMW 
procou It fOQ want your loofte to make e hit, hare ihem 
orcheeliaied end eond rui orclieatnUooa villi aonu. 
BoBd for itritaa. BP. A. DICBy. HllBepecaRt . BuHalo. tt^ 


MRS. TAYU)R. OI Kiat H'b awl. Naw Tort at}. 

mm TO Bur, second hand silver 

BrIa llotal. Uammond. lad. 

WANTED, for BILLY KELTON'S Big Side Shov, 

Ledr with Soike*. Woutd like to Leu rromoiher said 
li«ovle«llhMlDt>on. Addreee 

DOU PBRaHTO. Manager. Wllk«aberi». Pa. 

At Lllerlr, Musical Cosedlan, "Black FacQ 

MoDolofQo,** Old Man aod "Efcl Ttiml" Bariloae In 
QuanaCairoog Oontt In Addrata JOHK V. 

Wutid.for PiMiM Had. Co., 1 Good Sk^tck 

TEAM, rrefer tboao tbet can play chorda 00 orgma. Htete 
loweetrrlce loilretleiter. IptriraaMnrtailOBBaerJoiQ' 
leg. AJdTOM PH. J. M. CO.snoW. froi-rielor. Ferrr. lo^a. 


KTKr?*.<lflB. WaihlnmoD Aee.. Cclambua, O. 


AdJnt.. SPBWUhB. InJUna. 


EHLV equipped fbr Op* re fir Trarellog CoopaDlee. J. 
HOTIIROHILPa. Room No. W M Kiflh At., nitcago. IIL 


SECOND VIOLI.V: al» Dotibia RlldaTmnboiia In Band. 
Opera Co. rrtlotnd. Addi... IIARRV K BVARTSL 
. M Churf li 9lr.>*. N.w Britain, ilono. 


All connnnalfU'tua care of I'UPER OfWoi.- 


MEDICINE BUSINEM BulaaUirand JnM wbalrnuila 
Tni>.e»lioliata wrlitan writ, analo. AddnaaDR BIT 
KENYON.E.UrmnJFort«,Mloo .of KIckipwIod.Mad.Co. 


CATB et COM wlih D. Drtebee. C9 Veat Boomob et , 
>ew Tftrk. on a roaiter ot tmporiaai baaieeu for jon. 


Med. Co. Maiicbtsji*woTkDlRliil7;bewl|)laiU»*rorkloT 
Ibeloterwat of tbeCa tttete vbei luo can do and loweat 
latary. BLEOTRIC BRLTCO.. Tidloule. Warren Co . 


KISKTrLASKMALk rl kNIST. Orartota. and UraclaUl.i 
Baa. lowaatnlarr. I par boatd. 

UUMbo wall, MauaaM O'jIo. 


crm free to «h* FnreMloB Aiat aT «h* 
PSKITIBn' and BBHT eong* 
be has ever compesed. 


A "KM" SoBg and a Cerialai WiueF. 


AWalU lonniapeFlor to aar placed ap- 
om tke .narket Car yeaie paut. I have 
men, jhtlk In IbU tamg tbaa mnr t ewer 
eompoead. The iqelfHIrli.beaatltal, anil 
UaeWsidstellaprelitKjitarr. Iloekapon 
Ibe Mng a. a ceHAia ancceea* The tivo 
other aeag. are perbap. iMMer ■Blto4.<br 
Itaa home Ihea (he .tage, yet I laclade 
Ukfin la tble lot. aa I liDoar there are 
maiar iiiofe ia toaaU who haw* aa earftir 
well wrtttea high elau ballade. 


4»6a7,ChmmpI«ln At»« 


* Kaat SOIh Bl, 


FoUCoraptDy, loclodlog Strong Character WoraaB, Man 
for Light CDaedr, ■mallBiDglogaDd Danelog Boubi«tt« 
iDd a NO. 1 IrUk Oooiedlaa-man be email or ver^ large. 
All MOplA Boat do ipeclalllei. fl*l»ry roa get, io do TOQr 
bael Al Pluo PuFer alio. .Pboioi. retoraed. Baitd 
ega, weight, tartgbt. 

P. a— Mid age n In Oblo, Fa: We«t Va.. Mod open 
time. Addrwu II. A. O'BRIRK. Akron. O. 

A GRAND SUCCESS and Nothing but Prtlie for 


TbUlBth«ar»etaetBookonyagte,8eooiid Sight, Bplrtt^ 
nalUtlcBfl^uand tllualoni eTgr^obllshed In tbteeooo- 
Irr. It Itaa 109 pagee and fiS beaoUfnl original lUnetn- 
Uoni. Tbeee tncka, lUuiloDa, etc, bare narar been pnb- 
liebed before, aa far ai kbown. lUoDtentn gntJj. Fdce, 
T5c, DaparooTer; |l oloib boend. Addran 

W.H.i.BOAW. nAAcLgneU8Lj-falcago,ID., 
Or HARTINRA A CO.. ISSBIilh Air^ n.T.cfiy; 
c. M. nOARB. 4S Cambrl^hte >>t . Bonon, Man. ; 
W. ]>. LB nOY, 109 Coon KL. Boetoo. Keen. 


All muft be A No. I, and bavewv^roba. Wemboaid. 
Keep on vrlilng, aa we will cheage people oniii nilaoed 
ThoM dolBf epeetaltlee prefentd.. AleoBkIrt aedB^r* 

CDiioeDancare: PlinlJirzmaetbaTo moalo and be »M« 
plarfor»eclaJtl«a Wm. Cooler aod wife, OUnd Oil* 
llDgweter.BId [Ia«klne end Oertle Nonnan.wriu. Sel- 
arrlAw, aa It le abeolotaly eare. Fall pattlcalam fint 
letter. Ko. 1 Repertnn Compaalee wanted. Good ehar* 
- NBLaONTHAMLlN. Manareti. 

Okie' Opf ta Houea> MBfatlne, Ifc 

Ing terns. 

FredE. THE BENDENS, H«hn a 

violin, Plan«, Stall Bells, Xylophone, Hir; asd 
MinlctI Olassss, Leader of Orchestra 
and Arranier. 

Htnaieit who are (a ihababltofpaTlogialaHo.plaaie 
wriio. No. Ut Harrlmack Straal. Hatarlilll. Mua. 


aigk'tmd»r« good arninrer,eob*r and r^Ut>le. Addreaa 
BRHPBT BOHPtZB. Central lloo^e.«aglnaw. Mich. 


NofknaadTaacedtoonknownnaftlai. Balarrmuatba 

low. Ad draw B. 0. RBTEY. Tipk> villa. Baan. 

Wanted, at All - Times, 

COS Buia your lln. of boaln.M. No maoaF or 
ad.anoad to atrmni.rn. Satan raoai be itar llmlL Ad' 
f. O. Boi aM.S-.aillo». III. 

Wanted Innediately, to Travel, 

A High Class Musieian, 

ToplaTld Tlolln and baritone. MoatheTaexeallent Id 
ntrumeou. Addreu JAMK8 HU.N'RO. 

Mualcal Director. Waiertmir. Conn. 


Oardner's Fanaas Orckeslra tad Brass Basd, 

Uodenlielaailenblp nf tba well known leederCHAR- 
UARDNER. Re«po(>«lble Haneien addreu CHA8. 
OARDKBU, care ofDVBa BBOB.'^uelo Uoiiee. Bl. Paul. 
HIu Wonld Uke to bear rran eome Mod Vadet/ Tbea- 
tre. W. B.— Can fnmlib any numberorMn^elepa. 


FOR SHALL CONCERT UALL. Moatdo enanib dllTir- 
ant tunu and chajaclara to cbsnae nlahtlr. Alao 
tjiDiea,EONa-AND dance. AKD SBBJO COBIO. 


ColnrnMaConcartBelJ, Utlt«.N.Y. 

First Qass Repertoire Company, 

with all niw play^ Tor waak commenelBB Malta 1 or 0. 
WlUetTeOOODeompaataa flm noaar. Comp.nj witli 
mod band piaranad. oaptcltFofOpanHoGiaa'O Ooo4 
.bav town. Don't want aur *'apapa.'* judr«,k w. ~ 
J0IIE8, lllt r McKlMlak Opaim Hooaa. Uanhaiw. ~ 


Imlnimcnie, Druim^niformt. Eoulp* 
menu torBuidaand Drum Corp*. Ia>v- 
nipricficvcniuotcd. FIniCatalos, 410 
lllutiraiiont, utui/tJ /rft; Itglvce lland 
Mui1c& IiiMriKtkna for Amateur Bands. 
ITOI k HEllf, til TTateb iTt.. Chlocie. 

Wanted, 6oed Perforqwr; for MediciiM 

COMPANY ;naRtpUrpIaoo. aoDdamatoemwrlta. DB.W. 
r. MO HROK. care ofLock BoiBTBUck Book. ArfcJeea. 

At LIberti. Frad'k C. Hoai. Leida, HtaHes, 

Charmeieis. eta LoalaA Poller, Cbaractem,OM Wonieo, 
Ll|ht JuTeoltea. ete. FIret claae leelilmaie and Dindem 
waidrebe. Aildreu FRBP'K O. llOBr. ML Veraoo. Ohio. 


IWIa. wlabloa Vi liandia tba chaapaat and baal, td,tt«.a 
RIILLINU TIIUWDEB; Slaamborw, Oall. CooBlr. N. V 




Elwaat »»idi««». Bo» SA Bnwkbo. Wlaeoo.ln 


Male or female). Moat be 'Itbt reader and capeMe' 
rU ylog ipectaltlee J. R. SHUMATE. AMereooTy Vk. 


TnrketDpatniBaetBIJihtMntftBtre«t.nHtaiAT. Par- 
Dlaiedreomaaadhoatirifdealr^l. mtu J. BABRQwe. 

NEIL LITCHFIELD, Yanksi Conudlan, 


Robert Shopman 



irow Ileadr. Second Prafeiilonul (I 
Edition or I 

"OeniBd A Nome," 

Harrr 8. Millar'. Oreatf.i Hnild 
• IrongeitDraknalleDsacrlptlwoCoin 
tK>altl.>n. A Ihreeactflr.iua lit aonir 
\ melody that fondly llngei.. in ,.„ j; 
oapmorr. In fact. It li ihia Rlrtrd 
writer', be.t elTort, bolli onakullv 
and lyrically. ' 

SEND FOR IT If |0U are a "TOP LINER." 

U CALL ^""'•"o^I-s'o'nf ^ 

"Oennle Murpliy's 
Daughter Neil." 

I. now belag .nnf by the Lcadem nf 
)he Vanderllle Stage, by tho baal 
Farce Comedr Conipftfilf,s, antl 
VORK ,o repealed encurea. Without 


bU vauL Dreamy Wallz Lovo Song, 


Nothing like It wrlllon In yean. 

Bliuplf, yet '^Oli, IO caicliy.*' 
Do Yoa Want to Cloie Tonr Act, or 

Toar Tarn with a 


'Glend for HAOBY 8. MCLLER'5 Ueit 
f and Laet CiKin Song, 

:"Ti)e Ringtail 
Colored Band."l 

'Above iongaPflBE to Profeaalonnlaf 
Unending programDie. HplvncUil m*- d 
kOkeeira arr«.ncemen(g, lUc. exiru, Fur^ 
raeh lony. Ad<1rei« f 

:henry j. wehman,! 

|8Easl161hSL,|B5 and 87 E. Madison SI, J 
Nsw York iSam Jack's Opera House,! 
City. I Chicago, III. ' 
'dptodatr soNunooics, \vonu!<] 

AND nU<IC. One Dnllnr |.ar lUU, 




~tithiullpaiticuiAra.lnd€l.ll. and hwtatciult rti,*.. 
Addraaa J. D. rLUIlMKR. Boa 17.«tlll«. X IV 



1*0 beOiven Under CanvuN* 
MAY 25, 20, 27, 28, 20, 00, JOE 1,2, 9. 

Bucb ittlnctlooa a« Mi%rloneltei*. 0!an niowera, Ff rrnrm- 
Int llldeet\ Wire Workern. Etc. Riaio tirma In Ht.h 
letter. Addreu OEO. IL HOOPKR, Cl^ik. 
W Korth eireel, yiUlninaHo. C.nnn. 



Osly reliable luanagera ueed answer. 
Genl. Daltvery. Blnfxbotnutn. N. V. 


Repertoire People. 

Iioas ieaaen. Name loareit lulary. Far- 
tlcttiarw tint letter, Atltlrra. 

A. n. WILBEit. Omnd K»rli^ Nmlh O.ko!» 






Stodio a Lalolit Hln^.Lcnr. ranal .N'— V"'^ _ 

Wanted Immediately, 


Maat ba wall op In draotatlc and fp.cUIIF "ork. 
ti.Hi tanna flrtt lallar. Join i,n iM-alolur vita. n. I - 
MBLDON, M.naiiar bTIIKLTl CKrR.flaaUa. >' \ 


A Ebioar. Foor Act MELODRAVA. MPfPctit imr<1. 
F0R8ALF, un Ti,yaltr. or eiil i^ata •III. ii>ani«ai. 
Wboeaniallr AJdr.u c R. rUREHAN. 
aniEa>tFlll.»nlli ^il^T^t■^>*^o'.• ■ 

S O ES3\rE!__ 

cbeaplr and ontchlr. Ania'.iiTaro»tJe<l. 

CDAS. £. VILLR I era Bmd..y. NoK Volk Cily. 













TojPom memorate the Event, 

They have enlarged theiar establishment so that a^iother number has been 
added, and their future XTew Tork address will be 

49 and 51 WEST 28tll 8TREET. 

They have eleg^antly fitted up an 


where tbey will receive every attention, and it is hopedj that the fair sex 
of the profession will take advantag^e of the same. 

In oompUanoe with numerous reauests from the traveling profession, "a 
long felt want" has been satisfied in me opening of a 




TItc bnslucss at these oIH«;€m will be traudbctcd on the Maine liberal baMiii 'an at their cxe<;iitlve 
olDces iu New York, and every eoiirtesy and coiiifoi't ^vlll be extended to tliofne who avail tlu^iiiMelveM or 
tills new <lci»artnrc. _ 

&<DJ-i BX^OOlwC, Of Cliica,so, 

Who has a large nrofcssloiial acqnaintanee, has l»<'en eiiKaK<^<l as residf^nt iii^na|K«'r, and will Im; aNsistir*! l).y our 
MB. FBillVK mT WITMABK, who will iierinanentiy locate iu Chleago for that i»ar|»ose. ; 

A Feature Of This Office Is a PHONOGRAPH, Containing Records of tlie Latest Publications. 

mm ^\"f" !■ We would suegest to all companies and perrormers trayelinffin the Western country to send 
I da ""direct to our Chicago offices for professional copies of our NEW ISSUES, as a complete stock of 
same will be carried there at all times. Correspondence will receive prompt attention, an!d letters sent in our care to 
either place will be held or forwarded as per direction. 

We take this opportunity to THANK AI^L OUR FBIENDS for the many courtesies and kindnesses 
extended to us durmg our business career, and sincerely hope lor a continuance of the same, which we will always do 
our best to merit. • Yours respectfully, ; 

Sole American Representatives of Reynolds & Co., Lpndon, Publishers of ALURT CHKVALIER'i FAMOUS SONC8. 

YonK., 40-91 "W- Twenty^iajtLtla street. 
OKlO^ca-O, SoUlller onaeAtre BullcXlns. 


ui iTTnfiTn nn nnirn Tninnnn mnim rfiin tit mmi flnirn iirnnTnM 




Febbuabt 15. 

We Want to Hear from Everybody Singing 




riciiM! cncloHo Hlainp, an «g liarc MoicUiIng to mall lo jou. ' ProfcMl«ilalN neni 8c In aUmiis forcopjr and orchestra- 
lion to A. A. HURGKlSISr PUB. CO., I»ortlnnd, Oregon. 



i2 S 





§2 & 

"d i 






IHHAM, r>lr<;ntor. 



Pr.vloai la onr <1<'|»'(ur« for PKrlflr C^nit. Munniivri will flnd'lt profltablo In pli>>- mn act or our (l«icrlpllon,bacaa.s It l' 
Pint Olaai. AI.WAVH HI* Tt) UATB, nplrlo M'llh IIimhI MInKlnB, mid onoof th. UKBATKtiT COMCDV ACTS li.for. 111. public' 

Permanont address 264 V. 36th St.. W. Y. City. 



THE Urnt.KMilJB COIRDIAN, cloixl itaion Willi "TImi Black CnMk" .Ian. 0. Araileiny of, Jen.y CKv. Ou.n (|(aae- 
'maBtiWlth Kai-cn Coinrdy. ttarl.iqnaor lilali Ciaai Vaadavlll.. Com.illaa, NlnK.'r, Acrobailr anil Rcrentrlc Dancrr. 


A<IJre» Agpni., J. J. AnMHTKONO, lU Union Rqaarr, or UKO. I,|;>IAN, lu< R. I4lli St., New York. 


COItNKK WAmSII AND JACKSON, CIIICAUO (t'ormorly the Caslnii), 




\ml H al^en At all tlm.., Hlgb Vlau VamlaTlllv Altrm.tlOB.. No Mlarr 
VVMHI I WmU loo high (Virtop llntn. AUdraM UILkY HIOE. 



HAMAQERB. (Roonu 83 and 24) 1,193 B'WAT, HEW YORK. 


* W. u* |irf|'iu«l (0 l»i>k ptrruraan villi Iba iirioclral YAUDRVILLK TMBATaBI) ur TIII9 COl'MTDV AND 

WKI.L KKOWN AHTIilTt) IN Till: "UHAyATIO l'll(l»»!IION" ilclh.u. or nlllOR 1 .r A arpka.llba BEKT 
VAUUEVll.Lh lUlL^^hs «lll ilo wfll lu rtiiumuiilrai. wUli uo iLiiiiioOlaul)' by laiipr, nr oill tt our mllcen 


KlnJ r«|[MnU A. J. M»yvr. Unrramt Ptr^i Thfttrr, BiilTfltn, H.W; II. HrtinDollo. Hur. Vau«l«TlUo ExcIimir*. 
R Y.;T. W DlnkiiiP, Hut. Ui<n Tun. J«r^c) t'll}-; II. U Tmrey. Ktlni TliMlrn. l'Al«rfkHi. N J. AGEHS, ATTSXTTZOXT ! 


La Rosa, Levanion and Zarnes, 



ThI. Act la li.rftirniml oa tbo 8laa«, latrmlurlng two prlnfluala anil ona clown. 
Wardralii. aufi apuaratua AI. OPKN TinB IN MAllCII AND LVrBH. 


I.A HtkIA, l.nVANinN AN» '/ARNRR, 
4N K. Kourlli Itlrorl, N.w York City, or ARvnl.. 






7fiHniU>^l>WAY.N. Y , Pnr i1n<r lif>k>w Nlinli l^i (lotnirrlj i«MaU»n Unr) HlUlniri Tht«irlcM «(t<t CtTfu* Ooodt. 
*luM sdO fillvfr li«c^« FrtiiBCi. H|^n«l«Jk Hmrx TaMflK, Bn>cAde^ TttMt, Bh\f\jL ffldlnn lUin. WIri, 8rio«« ftofl 
JftvelrytTtviirlcai, fe>iupF>trlM anil Alhkila tliHMl\ roktuititiB* Mihl hti\it* NtkcR' Ru|i^l*n. KLua BaDQant. 
UUiiary anJ Horleij' Trlniiiiin):*. Annora of all klnil* ti> trnlfr. A«n<t hit •Mlnt^tra. Ttis lam^l fc*wrUtirDI adiI 
tiWTlMt Rtockoi tlirii* v\.itml» lit !>• umni] aiij«lioir. Cl^-Ml*rll TrM. ilirnU Mtit C. U U. 



WANTKO-tliHol Juvnilto MaD.BhiKi''a H<>ii'>Tfi(i>. (If n*ra) Hu aihl oihar flnoO ptopU No fhna la ftrmD|t«r«. 
lnooiui>al«iiUdlii'hauMl «llhiiiit nitlii'o. HimI imc* wanlrnl^. 

A<liln>ii«ORAllAM KAIU.K llriin>«lrk. Ho , WMk f^h. 10; iViTmltMi. Mo., P«b. U. 


Theatrical, Circus, 


Military Supplies. 


fao^ J am itaap formr NBW CATAIAJOWK 
I an bnad. LarnaB, eoopUlaat awek or GOLD and 
■I1.VBH TBIMMIHag, <frAa|l JBWKl- 

bet, atantlitof nqolmd f«r THBATRIOAL 

Lower Prices Than Any Other House. 

Jut ■ r«w limi to irlre u Ma* of oar prlOM: 
nOBTS or AOIBTV, tnm Mc a p»lr. ttpwArt. 
SPAKQLBS, la irold and lUver, tl.lO a pomtd. 
WlOB from OOc* tip«Ai4. 

OOLD or SILTEA TBIMMINO from flc. a jrud ap- 


QooJaaeat 0.0. D. A dapoalt raqolrod on sU onloit. 
Bailii(k«iloa gnirAoUod or mooer r»foB<1td. 


"A Soldier 
Boy in Blue. 

THe song fh«t atlra palrtollim nad »f>U 
Itifi nmllvne* ^vlld. IV» fall of AmerlrBB 
mplrlf, Amrrlran Bwlnfi, AmeTlcan Oo. 
Praft>a«1anal copy (br profiranimeaBd ^ ct. 
ilamp. OirhMlriailoni 10 eta. vmlr«i 

IIARRV I» IITINT, Pabllah«r, 
Brldnsporl. Cooni 


18S8 Itiee 1896 








Pnir,*itlon«l copUa, lA. attnip tacli. Orrli..lm t^nUt 
tiw<ilir\illT BiraDia,!. Ilto. L. lIBttOK. INilliihar, EoKtwur to Ow.- U. KIen% i t^o , 
Ui Pljlli ATa. N.. Torh. 



Ulr.,StMlmaaUtWTa,paiUoalaia,.li>,1raa " ' ^ D. waiofT 

Orpheum Circuit for 8. Weeks, 



Gom.odir AcrotMlSf FttnnyotUle^ 

IImIvI' anil Harha an drMrrloi of cr«.1lt Tnr lolmlue- 
Idk Mtimlblot n*w lo the itmt«*oao acroh«ll« Ifoei. Muy 
nfthalr irlekadlfTvr mat*rltllr mun anTthlnii that haa 
bt^o aMQBl (he Orfbvum.-HUfllO AND DRAMA, Fab. 

'reoarkto tbe ca'lipormia nOMF. 

A Good All Day Talker, or Opener, 

Ilu htan al irorM'. FalrCalironU Fair. Palo'. Ulan 
or VKk.bQrfl. '49 MiolDK ranp. O. A. R. EacampniaDi, 
LoultrlUa. aotl Rltv.*!. nr n,Inv Atlanta, tla. Adilptaa 
I lltNI WEB!. Jactaoof 111^ Pla 







Write or wira H. R. MITCHELL. 
Weak Fob. 10, Ds)tloB, Ohloi weak Fak. 

17, laillanapoH. Inil. 


BOne 50ft Flat Car, 
One 45rt. SM Car, 
lOne 50rt. Baggage Car. 

In good condition, painted mnd read^ for 
(he rondi 20 Set of Baggage llanieaa, In 
flnecondltlont :4 fine •mall Cagea. Ha 
BO na« for (be above properly, a,Bd wlU 
•oil clieMp far caeti, BOB HUNTING, 
Cmre g»poeltton Qronnda, Richmond, Va* 



•1438 BROADWAY- 


J30.W./fADIS0NSr. (HICACQ.r 

iCrlsell's Opera House. 

WATrtD, riKST cun ArruoTinNB oitlt at all 
TlHgs. IdOraa. as. DMDEBVOOD. ruorllla. lad. 


I Willi to mako a alateoaaDt rtgAtillDC my aong, "LA 
J-A8 UAI.A." whidi li balDK aoDc brtDTaali In "OLD 
TBN.S'B8flBB,'*Aotf makfOK AtranaDdooihlt. 

On* OllAS. WARD, aroriuar tnembaror mjr eompanFt 
UlD|c RlTtD permlMloD bj me to alas It, li now wrong- 
fully iMHloR u liB wrlur. Tbo vonla ud mualo of 
till* nnputar Mog ware written 07 me. tbe Utta. "IiAS 
FAS MALA." belDR dalv copTrifbtod and ti pabllabod 
liT J. R. BKLL, EaDMui Citr, Mo , rVom vhoni tor piofea- 
Kfonal CAS recalre a copT- BRNERT HOO AN. 
^aitIdb Id "OLD TEHWEB8BB." 

RUCRf laja: Mow mnUemao, regard log ilitt 


It'a irue your boaloeatdanuuidi tbetMt— doaa your 
tmckttbookjrroAnwheii wtng lor (IT The CROSS CO. 
UAHTer falllDg renedr for groana. Th* qnalliy ol 
lhalrwockwiaa approraJ. The prioa nakaa vou coae 
btolr. AddremrftOSSPBIliTIMa CO..aU Deartmni BL, 
ObloBO. toraatnpleaorptlDtlDgaod eogmTlog. 


Geo. L. Palmer 


Ko. Ift AflHLAHP PL.. BroolilyD. N. T. 


international Exposition 

Foil STnRF.S AND ailOnR Of ALL KINDS. For plliu 
aoij partlcuUm AUdniA A. B. LEWIS, 
l« flt. J.maa fttreat. M-olroal. fTanaJa. 



PothoUc and Seutimental. 

8«nt lo Pinreaalanal., 10c, Adilrma 

J. M. RAVFBI8RN, Pabll.her, 
19 IlatlaoB Pk., Hoclieator. N. V. 


Caaad*. Addrcuto 

R. DALV. Manager. 

Winled, lor Ih. TmUng Seuon of 1B96, with 


Parft»«r( aad Maalolam. for Big Bbowl 

Bide Show and t'uncert. 
*TnTaI. by waitan." Tantad lo liur. a Ttodpo oI Don 
aad a Uaoil Organ. Addffta 

M. V. B. WIXOII, Baacron. MIcb. 


A FInl CItss BBPletiiue 0|i«rt or MInitral Co., 

lluu be food, tor Open lloiae, Praaton, Minn SaaUni 
tauaollr.M WUI bn». If cbwa, orient OM(nnna,wlKK 
IrfoBilspa, Dlaal^ raatan. at all bind, .ulubl. 'or 
Bia^iuar.da puipo.aK Want Ut« aonta. animal hnob.L 
noiillp tbat can be ar nlil In a ibMtin or rxillar 
tinb. Can oaa mote akalea 0D8BMAN B.TIBRBTTS, 
R"i lit. Pn\.ton. MlDo. 




Win itpona Sinaliir aoj Oanclni Cpfolalllaa, Baaponal. 
bte n.nai.raaddtoaa Ko. Bi.^t^i.'KlnM.rtlo, Ohio: 




Works wonders in cur- 
ing torturing, disfigur- 
ing diseases of the skin, 
scalp, and blood, and. es- 
pecially baby humours. 

Cmcna RxnofI* are Mid IbrMfbont tba v«fU. 
BriSabdncli f. NiwailT ABoaa. Ljiadoo. Pottu 
S mraCK»-Coaf„ MoPiew.. B»loa, U. B.A. 

AI Llbwty (THE MODERN ATHLETE) At Liberty 


?r!I.';l"?l'Lr''!.'»""'."l» I*rpI>Taa«lniBo«Ba 

ChnJoJoAo^ riROT CLASS ComblDilIoD or MlualreUal 
ooce. Ulfera Irom PIRAT CLASS Clrcui Maoagen tatlicd 
fn^t^eco^Dlnf aoason. Addr«aa, lor the ooit teodira. 
KITTELLO. Humboldu Web . after ib*t ore of OLIFrER. 



Baby Irene." 

ToprofeHlonab eondlng 9lo._tt«mp_Bnd 
card or programme to H* rO 

6'i Klham Ave., Chlcngo* 


WbUe or Black Pao«. who oui plaj bran, to dnjbU 
with *Tperloac«d nualcal performer. A olg noTelir 
and work awiltloa ca|wbl« nao. Will aqawer obI; 
•xperleaced comeduo, ilrlog fall partlCQlanBrit letter 

OtbanaATO ntaini 

unpa. I can i^pot ri 

tjoa. Addrw 


a of 0L1PPBB. 


•pooatbl. Tnitl..nead writ.. JAUBB UcCABB. 

m Walker St, miwaukaa, Wla. 




T»nmnt*a KK(ract of 
Cnbobe and Copaiba 

U A aafa, oertAln ud qotek cii*. 
and li an old'tlme nmedy, torn- 
blolDg Id a blghlf coDceatnted 
form the medloloal vlrtaea o( 
CQbeba and copalbA, Ita porubU 
shape, Cnedom fiom tkale aii4 
action (otmng la laM 

•poedr ad 
time Qua a 


CNOWlf BBMEDT. To pnroDt 
tiAud, see that oreir paong* hai 
a red etrlp a«roa the ftoe of) 
beU with the ilgnatur* of Tai. 
TmotACo-N.T.,Dpoo IL nUOE, 
11.00 Sow brail draggton. 

n IH Wf MUliMMu. MWACUD. T<ta, Vtdn Ola. 

rs3 Bw4*.IOctt. Ntcrt. BAbBllI.ruMfvmMH. IUU« IaAmWIa 



land and iinia BiMehoaandladllll».lBolli.r8l»IM. 

HsrplalBe Uabll Cared 1b 10 
toau dan. No pay (111 eond. 
Dr. J. gtapheae, Labattea, O, 


, ^ „ BTVUsa. wrBRUni. FORTONEa 



POSnrVELT CURED. Cure nalnlua. Ber.rancea (Iran. 
CorrwpotHleQce K>lleltad. Addreaa 

PATTEHBOX HOIIB.Ora.dRaplda.lllclil»«n. 

Bamplu free Reoilt potlue, Ow Jo. aumpo. 
OLlflOyS HAN'F-fl CO, Boi ITl'CailtOB. Fa. 


Par Uionoand HOI. • 

rPTDBE CO., 7» B. Tbuteaotb Streau H.w Tork. 

WAHTFII BKlrIg Ball Oo.'. lo •rile ror Banplaa ol 
ItHn itili ELECTBIO BBL1B, alu rrae Bamplaa or 

ona, or So. lor botb. wllb par* 
tloutan. Lauat Ihlof In E. 

Bait.. fperlCD. Blimoner. 



Counselor at Law, 

m AMD n OBMTBB STHEET, (few York CUJ. 

Fiaotloe ln.all the Oouia, OItU and Orlmloal BpaoUI 
atteoUOD (rltao to tbe eoUaonoD or dalma aad debta of 
all kloda, (ha piepaitUoo or arreunanu and odiar total 




Fowb ud Eggs For Sale, ^>J 

B. F. ORAll. CotdallaP.O, UiiQaalerCo..Fa. 







llawaat aad nsat elegmat rtylea, wltb4k* 

BUllard Hatertola, Olatk, BalU, Caa., 
•te« of nw owa maaalkaUwo *m in- 

Founded by 

Copyright, tmt b7 Tt. rnnk Quwn PahltolUiig Oonpu^ (limiwi. 


wmmx roi tbi vit touii curran, 

The dniDK of * Nktlon'a life, 
Willi all IIS scram ot pe*c« tod siiire, 
Wlib all lu beioes, bath oo name 
Emblaconed on ibe aeroll ot Fame 
Like bis wboae na'al daj we keep 
Wlib leTerence, affeotlon deep; 
And Fnedom's glow, mm sire to aon, 
llaloe tbe name o( Woehlnglon I 

Ab I how tbe sunea befoie as glide I 
Tne tbeatre ao vaat, so wide, 
When the embattled pairioia maad 
For Ubertj, sspremeir Rmnd I 
From Leilagton and Ooacord'i Held, 
What bmretr >h*t wosid not jleld I 
From Valler Forge till all was won. 
What gloiT manlles Wasblegton I 

To as the lesson Kmnd, aabllme, 
Oal-llring all the wreck ot lime ! 
TO as who linger tbrongb tbln ate 
A proad and glorloas herlisgo I 
Tbo central Bgnre, 'lonnd which tbrong 
All noble deeds ot trinmpta song. 
All that la tme and noM; won— 
Oar honoied hero, Waahlnglon i 

Tbe cartaln ot tbe jeftis slisll (all. 
And dark OMIvlon'a drearj phll 
Sball bide the deeds ot tjntnla great. 
And natloDS wai and wane, and Fsie 
Sball laj IIS band on tames ibatahlne- 
Tbe coDstellstlons ot car time : 
Bat Freedom's elation still rings ou 
Oae nams— lomonal Wasblnftoa t 


wHiiTSK roaroK nbv tobk clipkr. 



8lionl7 Btler the airlTal ot lllllo Doctor Fletto on 
ibli erenUul nigbt old Rob, wbOK oidlnai; cas' 
torn It was to barricade bis door end pot hlmselt 
igto a Dtate ot siege at nightfall, baring ihls bight 
neglected ibose nsoal precaoUoos, went oat to the 
rosdwa^ and listened impaUenUy, as it expecting 
ihe amnl ot aome one. Be waited with maoT 
iiiaUaed objargallona and giowla (or (oil; ten min 
utes, and iben his quick ear caoght the sound ot a 
(oolatep approaching llgbtl/ and quIcUr upon the 
(roun ground. The tall maUed Dgore of a man 
approached and pansod at his side. 
"Is It yon, Bobf the new comer whispered. 
"Ves, I'm here walUng for Tou,Has(eraideoD," 
replied the porter In a tone that betokenod be was 
not displeased by hia Tlaltor'a coming. 

"Why did you send tor me, Ilobr" tbe latter 
asked. "This may dlspIeaEe your mlstitas, (or yon 
know I am torbtddeo the bouse." 

"Bsh I Hy mlatnss I" said ihe old mas, as be 
led him thnngh the gateway and some distance ap 
ibegraveled path, cat ot earshot ot bis garrtsoo, 
ibe discharged atrvanta who bad taken tetuge In 
lbs lodge. "Bhels'at tbe one to be pleased now. 
She Isn't seen any more— she's nobody here. It's 
tbe nurse, that pneaklng rascal Qoniy, who con. 
trills her ani the whole bonse. He's the one to be 
pleased now." 

"Von amau meP' exclaimed Qldrrn; "but yon 
know I would not dare to hiteitere — " 

"See here," broke In Rob, as It out nt patience, 
and nnaUe to hold back any longer ronie grtef' 
aoc« wblob he was aimggllng to conceal; "Jfaater 
OUeon, It's yon who have bmnght all this sorrow 
on the AMogdons, and put this ourse on tbe mis- 
tress ot the bousa." 

'■It Wby, yon ate mad, Rob. How could I—" 

"DIdn'tyonglreber an opal In tbe head of a 
golden anaket" asked the old man. 

"Yes, but how did you know," ssld the other Is 
great sniprlse. 

The porter did not glre a direct answer, but went 
ooearacetly: "Opala are a cuiae to this family, and 
when you gave one to tbe wife at Paul AMogdon 
yoa brought down mlstortnoe on bim, on bis wife, 

"A silly anpenilllon," broke In Ibe rlsltoi; "bat 
II It be true, how can I (cmedjr Itt" 

"Ake back your gl(t— orgs her to give It up," 
nid Rob, with eager enibuslasm. "That's wby I 
■em for yon lonlgbt— to tell you Ihls, and beg you 
<o giatlty my supersllUon by nmorlug this fatal 
Jewel. Yon can see bor, perhaps, Uiroogta some 
scheme we can bit on by potting our beads to- 
lether, and — " 

Tbsy bad walked np the pathway tor bait Ita 
length, where Ihe grove ended at tbe clearedmouod 
like lawn lhat Runonnded ibe hense. The old man 
iirokeolfeaddeslyln hia enthutetto speech, and, 
poUiilngoQt ahead wlib irembllngband: 
"look I" aald be. '-Whal does that meanr' 
Qldeoo looked aa directed. A lamp was glowing 
brightly In one ot tbe windows of a room on tbe 
ground floor. 
The younger man gave a start ot Tlolent sorpilae. 
"It la a algnal agreed upon between ns," lald be. 
In a stale ot growing sxcltemenL "She lain trouble 
or danger and anmmona me to her aid. For no 
other leason could that signal be dlsplsyed so 

"Oo to bsr tbsn, at oncel" urged old Rob, "and I 
wui remab) within call." 

Tbsy bunled forward and hastened with careful 
step* along the broad plana to the window when 
Ihe lighted lamp alood. A glaoca withio ahowed 
ibem Hn. AMagdon croncbUiff helpleaaly In an arm 
obair, and the nnrae attnding beton her with a til- 
nmptaant maer on his face. 

The window gare way to Gideon's touch, and be 
entered. The man and woman both looked towarda 

"I am an gitd yon hare come," whispered Von, 
** he approached her. Using and selsbig his aim 
with tbe clutch of a drowning peiaon. 

"And I, too," aald Heuy. "I'm weny glad." 

He gave the new oomor a Btcanic amlrk, and, 
(oUvtoihe window, tailored tbe lamp and re- 
leaad the thick curtains, which fell In beafy folds, 
akstaagontalloailoai lupecUon. Then, a<1di««- 

I PriM 10 CmH, 

logOldeon, be went on: "I'm truly 'spny to 'are 
yon In our mtle pany, tor «o must 'arc a lltue 
business talk, and ibis, I ibink, la aa good a Ume tor 
It as any bother." 

"Explsln Ihls, Cora," aalil young ItydermwD. 
with lhe,bot blood mounilng lo hie brain; but. re- 
membering Into whose b-iusn lie had Iniriided, and 
how dliusictui his presence would be In iia Invalid 
Blaster, be spoke In whiepcis, and bUd a Orm rein 
on bis Oerce lodlguallon. 

Tbe nurse had coiinlcd on this adranlage and 
smllfd In grilllled malice ai bo continued: 

"This 'ere gent don't like my lone o( auiboilty 
'ere, I snppose. Well, now, my dno led, yon Just 
llstenand maybe you'll he tbe 'iimlilest o( the 'ole 

back, from the (orco ot vblcb be pinnged headlong 
Into Ibo anna ot Qldeon, who proiiiplly aeluil bliii 
liy tbe throat and choked blni unill he begged Ihal 
lil.« IKe might be spared. 

"Yonll pay for Ihls, yon and jnur robber frtenil. 
ths porter, who hss stolen my property," gasixil 
Ibe nurjc. "I'll beirey you both. You can't bu j 
mo boir (or no money, I'll send you both lo Ihe 
gsllowa-ibat'swliat I'll do." He arose frnm Ibe 
cHalr Into which he bad rank, and alnral awnjlni: 
unestlly, wlib a wild slare In bis bloodshot eyes, 
ana a greenish iiallor slowly spreading over his 
face. Oora and nideon gaiied at bIm In speecbleas 
horror as bo went on mumbling iDcobereolly. 

A tool tall and a slight cough behind Iheni caused 

Tbe nnnio sroeo from bis chair at Ibis point, 
shrinking allemalf ly cnnra and prayers, 

"(.■an nniblni bo done, doclort'' asktil Con, bor- 
rlOcdal Ihe sight, 

"Noihlng," nplleil Itelra, coolly. "Ths Uorglaa 
wi'io Ino clever tor us." 

"Air I Alrl" acicamni Ihe iloomod man, lushing 
at ibo ciinalnol wliiilnw, ilashlng ibmugh iho 
closed sash, aud falllbg prone wlihoul In Ibe mldet 
of lloii Jones' lairlion ot diecbariitd lervania, 
whom bo had iiu,lo hold lo summon to Ibo houso, 
Tbo old pntirr knelt hcelilo ibo poor wrtlob, but 
ho wa^drad. as Iho doctor declared when bo had 
coolly examined hiro. 

Addreeslngnidooa andrelncianilykndi'ilnghlm 

lot when I leu you Into tbe secret of 'ow you're got 
younelt Into the preclona pickle that gives me the 
hupper 'and hover you and th« 'ole family." 

Tbe sneaking nures paused to wave off the rldtor 
with a deprecatoiy gealnte, tor nideou was adran- 
cbig wlib a tbroalening alr- 

Yoa'd better Usieu to me, and drop your vio- 
lence," said the menial, who momeniartly turned 
very pale, and awayed as It ho were growlOK very 
dizsy. Oon caught Ibo yonng man's arm and de- 
tained him. lleniT, thus reassured, recovered his 
slrengtb and counge and conllnued: 

Listen now, and no ouilln' up rough. You two 
'as a code of slRuabi, and meolln** on Ihe sly. You 
makea 'er presents, loo, lo keep yonraaK In >er 
mind while 'er 'osband In a-dyin'. And better than 
thai, you grows Impatient and prasenU 'er a ring 
which Is msglc, wblcb kills dogn by the llevll lleye, 
and might 'urry a sick 'unhand on the eame way to 
ilie 'ereatler." 

Gideon tiled to tree blmaolf, but wan calmed with 
dinionlly by Oora. 

The blackmailer spoke In a Iremulona voice, and 
was growing very psie. 

Yon can't do no good by klckln' np a tarn, now, 
sir, and you might as well give In drat as laai," he 
peralsted. "1 'ave 'ere tbis lllUe ysUow wrlUn* 
which, 'avin 'ad Iranslaled Into llengllib, I'm sure 
Ij worth 'avio', if It aint beanllful. Now what I 
wants to tnov la, what you're wUlIn' to pay It I 
promise not m show It to them as woulil mske 
troubls for bot<' of yon." 

FaytFajrt Kotone cent, you blackmailing tbiet. 
Iieium that pn iierty to me, or 111 stnngls ibe cur's 
Ills out ot year exclaimed Oldeon beside hlmstlf 
with fury and i-.- iservlgg hIa gnsrdsd lone wlib the 
greatest dioionl'/. He broke sway from ihe re- 
slialning gr*«|i ot the Umid womsD, and darted 
■awards Uenry, who gave a cry and backed awsy 
10 tbe cntiaUied window, boldlu tbe parchment 
scmp above hla head In tear that bis punoer iblght 
seize II- Aa be backed sgalost lbs thick cntlaln, a 
hand appeared from among the tdda and siutcbed 
the vrrlilDg. Tbe band disappeared, and before 
Banry oonid recover from Us nirprlse tbe cartsln 
wia vIolenUy agtlaled and tbe none felt Uis blow' 
of a poweiTol Bat administered bi the middle of hla 

Ihemloluroand liehdd ibo dgnte ot Ibe dapper 
'Doctor llein advancing' Into the room with due 
coolness aud decorom. He saluted Ihe company 
gravely; then hla oyea fellion Ueory. "Ah I" said 
be, "I wsa looking for ynu. You should have been 

Ue pointed towards iho Invalid's pavilion. 

"Uy husband I" oxclalmed Core. 

"At peace. Uead, madam. A shock did II, aal 
mid It would— tbe cry coining (roD that fellow'a 
Ilpa when, 1 snppoae, you taxed hlin wlib dishon- 
eaiy," replied tbe Doctor, pronouncing tbe dread- 
(ul worda which, on any other Ilpa vonid be lerrl- 
(ylug, but, coming lo bis lOft Italian accents, were 
einolllent, soothing, cooiollng. 

"And Ihls rogue neglected him while pnwihig 
about Ibe house for cuHoa, I suppose." rielro'seye 
fell on lUe ring glltieilngnn the nurse's floger, and 
approached blm closely. "Ah I llere'a lbs vsry 
Jswel sutbenllcaKd liy Ihe ptrchmeiit I refused lo 
Innslale for blm. A Borgia ting loaded with deadly 
poison— a Jewel gnaianleed aa having belonged lo 
that celebraisd family. Vouis, I suppose, sir, stolsn 
from you I" 

ne drew It oir the Onger of Ihe nurse, who made 
no resliiBnce, and addRBSod blsi|uesUOD lo Oldoon, 
who nodded In reply. 

"A Ircsfluro." said ibo doctor; ''priceless Indeed. 
I knew he had alolen tbe ring aa well aa Mie parch- 
ment, but be denied II." 

Henry bad been vainly Irying lo speak, but now 
a loud, hoarse cry burst from his swollen Ilpa. 
Thi- doclor, draws from bli coniemplsllon of ihc 
cnilous gtm hy Ihls cry, but silll onnjflled, and 
preservlug bis doe measure or decorum, exam- 
ined elOHly Ibe aeralcbes on Ibe nan's bauda and 

"Well, well, well," said be, "Ibls polaon baa pre- 
served IIS virulence all Ihene ycara Now, my man, 
didn't I tell yuu liijl ring waa a dangerous object 
to banlleT And alter all you've gone and scrslchrd 
yourself wlih II, and from tbe symptona — " 

He itanggcd bis abouldem. and, turning lovaida 
Cora and Uldcon, -Terrible people thoas Borgia^." 
said be. Hn held np the ring, eumltlogll cnil 
eally,and wllb evident appreclailon of liaqnalnl, 
anlaUe wo manablp. 

Iho ring, llclM raid: 

"Your properly, sir. Ttko II qulr.kly, or I tuay 
Mcielly flip II Into my pockeL" 

Cora restrained ibo hand lhat Hyderirruoin would 
have extended lo lahn li. 

"It le yoare,"fald (lldeoii. 

"You will sell III'* asked Ihe Doclor J^iyoiialy. 

"I idvc II. Take It away; I dread audi a danger- 
on> curtoslly. Yun see what It bai aliraily done," 
replied llldoou- 

"I accept II, thou," said llelro. coolly pockcling 
II; "for. as I told Ibal (ellow Henry, II la dangoroua 
In hands ibnl aro noi expert." 

"And here'a ibc parobmont scrap Itai goes Willi 
I— lake It all." lald old Roii, peering InUi tlis 
window and bandlnx blm Ibe llallan writing. 
'Tliatendalliu Klgn of Iho gulden >nake, himI io- 
mnrrow Iho cnrao of the opal will be laken oir lha 

And HO II wa^. llrlgbler daya carao In Iho courso 
of passing yearn, nil even Cora, ssciiie In tho love 
ot llldron Itydorvrooin. could boaal with him that 
Ihe orii spell ihai bsd fallen on ihom In Hjelr youth 
bed been nbaken oft when Ihe golden snake, Ibal 
hid coino lo blm ID bin berllage, had been cast out 



Alleorgia exchange nays lliatata prayer mcellog 
held In a new churcb over In Bolts Uounly a good 
man preyed thus: 

"O Lord, Tbou knoweal that we are Ibankful lo 
Thee that our souls sre sals from 'he lire lhat 
iiuencheth neb It a man lo o lili boras, Thoo 
knowest that hs can Imy aLnll;er; U be lose bis 
house, TboQ knowest that bo can imlM another; If 
he lose hbi wife, Tboo knoweal that b« can get an 
olher; but If he iooe hla aoui— good hyc, John,'*- 
Allanla UnmUutkm. 



The parting waa neatlng. They ilno4l In Ihe glonai 

nt their Ihoughu ami the lamp humlsg dimly; 
Weirt fhsdoivs were niltorlugabont ihe greatrooni, 
naylng tanoltnl Irloba wllh thrlr yoiilh ami ibeir 

Ami a sulue of (ale smiling grimly. 
Ho spoke, and his voice sermrd lo come from afar, 

•Twaa ao ahaken and lllled wllh omoikin; 
"I know you'll he Iron an Ibo buoy lo llie liar, 
Aa the needle lhat oonitanily inriia to ibe star, 

Aa tho lido lo her lover, Iho ocean," 
"But one thing I'll mention; (or nobody knnirs, 

How fair and bow pUiuiiiio will be 
Toe tempter. I pmy that ynu never will pnae 
In a Ubieau far freoblra, or high, bony noao. 

Or the great 'allogelher' of Trilhy." 

"You Bsri no anceslry,"sald Hr.BInu 'ud lo 
Chollle Noo, who wished lo marry Hlas BlueUnd, 
"Yon are a nso ot no family," "That's wby I 
wiab to marif ," aald Cbollle. "I wlab toalarta 

la a daughter of the late Col. John A, MoCMull, Iho 
wall known Improaaailo, She waa l<irn In lUoh- 
iirairt, Va.,ln HJI, and will In Harah next oomplele 
her ninaleenlh year. She made her profeaalnnal 
debut wllh tho Hanola-Haaon t>),. In l^xlngton, 
Ky., In Iho Springer ihm. Tbe following season, 
1SM4), she wsn a msmber ot niobaiil Mansfield's 
Oo„ and aerved an appranlloeahip aa an aclreaa 
pUyIng malda. Thla aeaaoii alio won seleeleil by 
David BelaaQ) for Ibo rdo ot Nannie, In "The Hoart 
of Maryland," This la Ihe nnt rote wblob Hlsa 
MotMull hss orosied, and Ibe anccenobohss won 
therein Is greaUy lo her credit. 8bo baa addnl 
Inlsraat to Ibe n-le even iwyondihal oonferevd upon 
It by the author. Tho pUy baa enjoyed at Ihe 
llfiakl Hiiusre Thealm, this oily, ■ very lengthy 
run, liflng now In lUi elghieenlh week, and Hlas 
MnUiull'ssprlghllyand Intelligent petformaniM baa 
won (or her ths hearty approval o( all. She has 
lieen ronngsged tor Iho aanio relo for next aoaaon, 
when ilie play will bo aeen upon thu mart, and It la 
safe lo aay lhat the many who win give her kindly 
greeting aa the ilaugliler o( llieir departed friend 
will add many plaudlU for her own aake, a^ they 
(all under; Ihe kpell o( her iiharinlag persunallty. 
Til her nalumi ability Miss McUaiill hss adilod earn- 
neat altlving, and, she doserveeaiicceva. 


Tbe tea ezp(ino<l from Japan tii the l.'iilted Wales 
slono bi cKllmatod at forty uillllon pnniida every 
year, which fomianno-balf llio leaoooMimeal In Ihls 

Thiiiigh tea Is now regarded aw one o( tbe two 
mail Important arllolea In (onlgii trade, yet neither 
lla prodnoUiin nor Im buile wan known lo the 
Japaneae iinUl A. I>. WM. 

Its oilglii la nnt exaoUy known lo ua, but moat 
likely, aa Is believed. It was flnt found In Indbt and 
afterwarrta oxienilvely oulllvaled In China, Then 
Is a aaered atiiiy told alwut Ibo origin of ths tea 
plant. lhiruinah,afgroat Buddblsl lalnt of India 
In the sixth century, the founder of the 7,en sect 
and one who la aald to bavo spent nine yean In 
silent iiiodltelinn, slept soundly ime night, Inlng 
overcome by menial nedllailon- 

8o great waa the mini's auger when he awoke 
that he out oft bis lazy eyelids and flung them on 
the ground. Kaiih lid waa auddenly tranaformed 
Into a plant, whloli we now call the lea planl. 
Whatever tlie origin of Ui« plantmay have lieen, 
lea had l>een Ibo favoilte beverage or the lliiddblsta 
ot Ihe Aalallo continent long liefon It came Inbi 
dally use among Ibe cnmiiiuu people. It may be 
reawnably auppoaed that lea waa used hy the 
Uuddblibi lu a medicinal way In keep them from 
(ailing asleep iliirlnglliBlrnildiilghtdsvoUiins, 

It wsa Orel Introduced Into Japes from Ubina by 
a oalslinied Japannao lliiddlilst nini, known as 
lleagla, llin real teaolicr; then, at tbe olime of 
tho twelfth century, by anoiber Uuddlilst, who had 
rauimed from inilna,-J, Kumi'KI Matuboto, in 
Jutu UpiAmiU'ii, 


Hn knelt at her feel deolarlng lili paaalimala love. 
For nioniha be hsd anllcl|iaicil IIiIh luoiiieni wllh 
conOdence, but now, aa ha gaxed Inin her garells- 
llke eyea, tbelr diaiant famen oblilod his verv aoul . 

True, ton Inie, liad l>een ths lauuls and aneeni of 
bbi cuiiipanluiial lluw oould be, poor, unknown, 
and wlihoul even Uie time honored "pnspeola" 
that lielonir to all pennlleaiaulioni, ever expect In 
win Ibo hand ot Iblaaoconipllsliod lielreea, l^llBllne 
Van Reinlinndt 

(Vinid II lie as tbsy had oild r That aba but drew 
hlin on lo order to revel In Ilia death throea of hla 
tortured Invsr Nay, by Heaven, It ahould uol be 
Untabiyi abs was sbout to apeak, Wllhsstfsce 
and elluchsd hamla ha awalled tab doom, 

"llr-iiulller,"tbe silvery ancesu «r bar dulcet 
loon sirock sirengely oo his esr, "ynu speak lo me 
of love. Know you nnt that luvo Isbuta gsmsol 
clisncs T" 

A msislllu gleam glltbirsd In bbi sleel gray eyes 
aa be made his laU stand. Without a second's bssl- 
lallon be replied, wlib strange smpbatis: 

"|4 It irns, my darting, but with you aa Ibe aUke 

A auapense of but a lireatb and then, aa be 
wrapped bar In his manly ami*, Iba otliineaa of Ibe 
nlibl heard him iiiormnr, "And I'm a aure winner 
00 Ihe i|iiaenr" 

Three boon later, aa he deacended the marble 
slepa ot her palatial boms and lurned toward bla 
hnnblegamt, be Buttered: "Asd to thtak lhat I 
sent that Joke lo Iwenly-tbree dllferent papen, and 
would have sold It (or Miy centsi"— mifA. 


iloriL Cuix Tliat lawyer Hopping wllb ua Is 

tbe moat honest inan I ever heard o(, 
MBbuwh— Whyr 

Oioi.- He alU up In a chair sad Bleeps at nIgbt. 
UNBUtBD.-Wbara lhat got lo do wllh lit 
VLBIB.— He says after bbi day's work U over be 
doesn't Iblak he ougbt to Me .In bed.-fMro« /Yes 


# Theatricals 


Muiday NI«U'b OpolBC* la aU Ik* 
wig Show Towa*. 


San Franclteo Managers Continue to Raap 
a Haivest— Optra, Comady, Melodrama 
and Variety Afl Draw Well 

IHimIU DUpttch U Tta> H. T. CUprtr.] 
Kan FH<Ka8i:o, Feb. Il.-At it« Btldwls Hieitre 
'■Tho lliiRiieool*" wot preteotM Itat sight by ib« 
TiiraTT Uptt* Co., to » cf«wdeil boiut. Biilnna 
liu hceii cxiromelj l«nie turn darlnit llio put (ort 
iilgbt, and tbln, ilio lliln) anil iMt week, pnmliet 
HiM (o lie iiaiiMitlly Iiutt. ■Tne FIf Idk Ualcb' 
man," "Tlie Joweu," 'TnTlala," "lUgoletto" end 
"l.'ArilciiInt" are promlMd iiroduclloo daitog Uia 

(jALiroHKii TnaiTRi.— Thomu Keene lieitn llie 
HCcotid aod last week o( bU ebRtgenent tatre bet 
livenlDR, rr«iicnllD|| "Tbe UerobiDI or VCDlce," 

Ooi.ruuiA TjBATRa— Keile rglnim icorcd k iuc 
rou tiers laiil nlgbt Id "Tlie old Ursa KUn." 

Uoxoiico'R oriiA Iloi-aa.— "Wire for Wife" ma 
llie allndlon prtncotcd bere Uat erenlng to lh< 
iiuwlovctiiowlDg boDie. Next week, "TheFiilaa 
«if New York." 

Tivor.i Oi'ERA llooni— "l>er Frelnbut2i i 
pre«r;Dl(.'d bcro last nlgbt to a big bouee. 

OHriiFrH -Tbe WilioDaiiade tbeir appeannc* 
tKreUninlgliiaDdacnrcd • bigagcceia. For the 
rat of Uie bill liat week'* ptople bold over. 

KoTKa.— I'iiirlco Horvlil boa been engaged ai 
Icvler of lbs Tkvatjr Upera Uo„ In place of Carl 
Marlcna, who baa been engaged aa orcliealrs leader 

at Uio Tlvoll Opem lloiine John J. l>eoDird, tbo 

rioir dancer, U verr III bert, and la a palleat In Ibo 

iJliyiind County Ilotpllal II. Caultcr Urlaker 

iind Hauil F,dna Hall litvo reilgned from Ibo Ho- 

rooco Onnd Opera IIouho oompany Jamea V, 

rogt appeared In "Peck'a Bad lloy" at the flrova 

HtrcotTboAlralaHl oTonlog TroxaUaod Krana 

Hod Julia Winchell an engaged to appear at Ibo 

I'eople'a I'liUce u "TTie White Sure" woalaat 

iveek'a ailracllon a( tbe Alcaur, and "nsat" la 

iiiU week's bill Iloniii Blelata, HUmle Unlf, 

•lallagher and Uairttl, DUly Uarvey, Btarkey and 
liatbbun, llaulo Want, Henley end UirllnD, rat 
CaHoy, lA ivuia lumo appeared lanl week at Uio 
I'cople's ralace^ 


Eloonora Duse Optns Her Tour Propitlaui< 
ly In Waehlngton, D. C.-The Severe Cold 
Weather But Slightly Affecte the Attend' 
ance In the Eaattm Cltlei. 
IripHUl Sl^icbento Trie N*w Tofk Ollpptr.] 
riiir.AiiiLriii>, Feb. l>i.— Tbo wealbcr hciv naa 
<>llier cold laal sIk'IiI, and conMqiicnily the atlund- 
HDco at niAuy of nur ttieairca woa bolnw tbo nonnnl. 
11)u llrmd WAH crowded, whcro John Drew, In 
"iriirlalgplior Jr.," held over from Itatvcek... 
IK) V/a\( Hopper, In "Dr. Syntax," bad n packed 
liuiiso at tlio CliOHlnul Gtrcot 0|tera llonnn, the 
Uedico Uhlnirglcal llmplul raking a Imncllt la«t 

night Tiro Ohcfltniit bad tbe biggoat novel- 

ly iinil the biggot crowd. "An Artlil'e Hodel" had 
to turn iieople away, Honie of llio crillea here don't 
think llio dlaappoloted onea inlawl very niiicb, 

however 'I'hcro waa a good big crowd to ivel- 

coino Utimit llobaon. In "Itn. Posdorliury'i I'osl," 

lit tlio Wiilnui I'cier F. Ualley, In "TboMlgbt 

tncrk," bad u good houM ul tbo I'Ark — .Tbo Audi* 
Idrluui wan well palronbicd, "The Neweal DevU'a 
Aiicllon" receiving a wolconie for tlio aecond time 

I'd the Natlnniil Crtaton Oltrko opened ln"Uani 

lei" ut (ho (I rand U|KrH llouiio, to a good attendance. 

At Uiu nirard Aienuo'The Uencon'a l>aogbtcr'' 

naa prodiicod In on excellent manner before a 

Inrgo audlciioo Forepaiigb'a woa full. "Tbe 

(Iroat HbltopolU," l»ili ocenlonlly and dianiall. 

rally, tvna highly aalUfaotorj A good houae 

rownrdcd Tompklna' "Black Unwk" althe I'eople'a, 

AinylAwnnd Krank Domic, In "Uloa Uarum 

Hriiriini," had a full houae at Ibo BUndatd Du. 

iiKini'a Ulntinla, nl Ibo KIsTcnili Birecl upera 

lluuao, v»n well attended The IKJoii bail a 

Kood ailrnilanco The Walaon HUtcra drew a 

Roudhuuioat Ibo lorceum The Uuaauuiwoa 

well nllended, 

llosixi!!. Full. 18.— Inapltoof the Inlonic co'.d onr 
ibOH'rca woro well lllled laat night. A vaei thiDng 
iivuillowod tho Riidllartuni of Hevlianlca' Hall (o 
wbiioxH the opening of tho Aliboy, Scbooifel A 
(Iniu Miuun ut gmnd opcna. "Faual," w<h ausg 
with Uollut, iliMlohl,I).iueroiel>ter, UAiirol, virlani 
nnil llio lie llivzkea In tbo caaU Tho lilg audience 
was oxtnnirly enltiualaatlc John lltn'n open- 
ing at the Ttnirooui Theatre, In "A I'Alr of bpoou- 
I'los," called forth a liirgo and roprcaentAtlro audi 
onco, who gavo iho itiir nod ht-i uonipanr a cordial 

Kr\!Oiliig Kalhryn Kldilcr, anhited by tbe 

liilKlnal New York c«9>, lauuoliod "Nne. Bana 
iijuo" on tho Uustnu public liai nialii, at ilio 

Ikiaion Th.'ttlir, Mlih gnat aneeeaa Julia 

MarlowO''l^lier ami Itiburt TMlier produced 

"llouiuu nud Juliet," to a good huiiie 

■ Tho H:nngo Adreiiiuroi of HIa Urown" Ijogan Iti 

MooDd wock at the I'dttnienlra "Tbe I'rlaoner 

■It /.euda" lUiriud on lu alxih anil laat week «i tbo 
llMtou Uujouni wicti Ibo uiiinl eloiy ut » biK 

limiae aiuve llroillo drew it large HiKllonce to 

llio tNilumbIa, whcro he played "Un ihn liowery." 

The Ikiuclcaull-Slanlniit Uonibluatli>n, at tbe 

Ikiwilulii Sjuitre, bt'ited on lia wwud week of 

"llariinr IJgh'm" to n good bmiiw Tlie Uaalle 

HqiiHrodruw llaiiwn foMunlUK lu gunilly iiumbtira 
uoiwlihtunding aming counter attraollom, and a 
iliiublo bill will anog. curulillnE uf "I'luarora" and 

"Civallerla UuiiIcadk." Kclth'awM well tilled 

liny and evening Tbo uiiiaounis and dinto 

rhiiwa hod gouil Kticmlauoo. 

CiiiiMOu, hVb. IS... Tiilaleitnuirwcrk fiirlhetlnl 
nightci'j. The prlnrlptl ebango la al UoYiukei'f, 

where "S'.ioro Arrrt*"lnd n ttlghutiaf Tlierv 

waa n warm welroinu extended to Hr.lluri e. when 
he pnuliiL'oil hia now hMimiia play In ihlaclly for ibe 
ntal time It mot with n'antapproliatlon, but, coming 
back to ua « lih llio approval uf (Ualem audlencea. 

It la received wllb grvat eiilhiialnpin "Trilby,'' 

al lloolof'iv began a return engagcineul last nlghl 
vllh tbe novcliy of Iho ptodiiclloii worn nrr and tbe 
nudtdiee leaa In numiien than on prevloui iiO' 

I'ailuua FninvU Wtlaou began hit aocond wock 

nt "Tho Clilcrialn" with a good boiiac "The 

Twonilelh century <iin" mnie uver from tho Hay. 
iiinrkot and opeued to a gwil houao at tbn't^hlcago 

Ua'.cvfnInK Uiy Irwin, In "The Widow Jonai." 

Is doing by far the beat baalnraa that Ihe Colombia 

b la aren IbIa lenaun All ot the houaea wetxi wall 

lllled laal night, ami Ihn lio.x oillcea ivpott Ibe an. 
iiiial niiic'l.ciitcii nub fur Tuoaibiy ovaalng per- 

iiiriiinucca Ilanloiia' "Fan'iuma" li well pro- 

iliivcd nl Ibo Si'blller and had good bouaea Sunday/ 
and lA«t iiltlii. 

WAaiiiSimix, D C, Feb. K.— Kleoncm Uuao open- 
'd laal nlglH, al A baugb'a Ijafaye'te tl<iuare (im'ia 
llouip, bcr a^rnnil American tour, lu "Uamllle," be 

I rv a ve ; largo and fublonabia audience 

"BjwIui tue Wlo j," at KtHtj't HaUoBalTlwaln, 

t«Bealad Ita towKraucceeo. Tbehoiiaewaicrowdcd 

end the aallataclkia comptete Uaoloba' "Ba- 

leibo," at AUan'a (irand Open Uouae, for Ibo Ont 
ttoe Data, crtatid a decided aenaatlon with Ita re- 
BoAibly clever npectacolar pantomime clTeela. .... 
McU Burttoi. la "Hie Oonnty rair," •! Itapley'i 
Aadany of Mnotc, wee reeled by a Urge audWota, 
which gnaUy enjoyed Ibla otl repeated hut clever 

nual comedy Rellly k Wood'a Dig Show, wllb 

aaratal new featnrta, opened a mlnm date at Ker- 
nan'a Lyceum Theatre, lo a atandhig t«eni bouae. 

, . -Tower'a Ice Palace bad Ita nawl crowd of 
Bkateta and apecialon, 

Bt. Lotna, Fell, U.-Nat. 0, (ioodwln and an ex- 
cellent iDpportlng company opened at tbe Orand 
lait nlgbt, preaeniing, for tbe drat lime la tbia eliy, 
"Ambition," The honae waa packed and the aidt- 

eiice meet entboalaatic "Hie Fatal Card" 

opened at the (Hympic hut nlgbt to a fair U6uaa and 

madeagood Impreaalon Frank nuih,lo"Olrl 

Wanted," packed IlavUn'e, aa oanal, Sunday. Uat 
nlgbt Uanager Oaven waa lendereda beneot, wblch 
waa an unquallDed auccea. lie waa called upon 

for a apeeeb and neatly tbaukcd bli trienda 

"Iielmoalco'a at ^Ix" crowded the Uagan at inlh 

performancea Bonday, and waa well received 

Weber t Flelda' Own Co. pUycd to two Immense 
audlencea Bnnday at tbo Bwndard, and icored a 

CiKaHHATi, Feb. la— UentT Irving and HIen 
Terry opened laat night at tbe Orand, preseniing 
"Tbe llercbani of Venice," to a big bonae. The ad 

vanceaaleafor Ihclrenf igemeut are largt Fred 

Click Uancrofl, magician, mado bla tint local ap- 
pearance at the Walnut Occinoaing aodl- 

oocea greeted Dl nenry'aHlnatrelaattbo Founiain 

Square onBiinday Ulnnle Debaven Introduced 

"A Uooaler Derolee" to a fair altodSunilty cro*d at 

Fncman'a Bobby Oajlor.ln "In a Dig Cliy." 

enloyed a proipenua Sunday opening at lleu'-JCa. 

Tto VandOTlUeQub packed tbe People's... 

Small ondlencea wllauted "Tbo Fire ratrol" at the 

U ii.wAi'xii, Feb, I" Tlie Davldeen Theairo 

began tbe week with WlUlam Docy, In "Tho Olobe 
Trotler," 10 fairly good bouM!B,8nnda;. night's 
pcrfomanco wae for the bonem of Ullwaukee 
l«dge,' No. -M, n. F. 0. Klks, and llio boino waa com- 
pletely Oiled Tbe EIJou baa (leo. Monroe, In "A 

Happy Utile llrne," Ihia week, and the opening 

vraa good Tbe slock at Ihe Academy pot on 

"Ihe Onnltca" and a good vaileiy bill, to One bus! 

neaa "Adam and Eve," by the stock at the 

Stadt, was well auended Hunday Iloyt's "Ullk 

White Flag" comes lo ibe Davidson -n, "U, 25 and 
9a. "Tbe BItange Anventures of Hloa Urown" ITi 
a, v. 

l.oi'iHi-ii.i.i, Feb. 18.— "Slaves of Uold," al Ibe 

Orand Upera llooae, aliracted a iilg booae Tbo 

Avenue opened lo two a picndid houFCs Bunday and 
a large bouso hut night to ace "Qlorlaiia.".... 
Willi' "Two Uld Vronloa" appeared b°fon a; aland- 

log room house at Ibn Buchlngbam Feople'a 

Theatre opened tea fair audience Macauliy'a 

and Temple Theatre are dirk until 2i. 

KiKHAS Crrv, Feb. is.— lUcliaM Manaleld opened 
at tbo Auditorium laal nlgbt In "lieau D.-un'mal," to 

an Imnienao houao Bunday'a openlnga fared 

well. Ttiey were: "KIght Bella," at tbo Orand; 
lianlcl Bully, In "A Uachclor'a wivoi,"atibe NInib 
Street Theatre, and "Bl I'lnukard" at I be Olllla.,. 
Hte Apollo Ciul), n local inuHlail organlzalloo, gave 
a concert at tbe Coatex law niglii, to a ccod houao. 


Blinnrapolia,— At tbe Orand Opera House 
"CliarKy'i Aunl" li Ilia ailiaclloo Feb. "Tlia 
Many Vorhl" «l]| l« atva 2JL U, Oodilcak U aDBOoncad 
for V, aod Wm. Hoar, lo "The lllobe Trailer," nnUIiea 
Ihe vaah. ilua rr(iliman*,iComp«iir, ln"1ha Wlr«" and 
"Americana Abiooil." Ma.r'il tn ftuod linnacaB-15. 

Buuu ni'KHt ll«l'ali.-<.1iarliu T. SUI^ In "Tlie Al>a. 
llaD," haiau an aiRaain*ot fur Dlna'iwrroniiaanallL 
alvlBBVBvonavtDlniinfll tu ihe Kultlit-i I'r frililiji. 
vliu will bare a iMnaBt. pbylor "Damon and rrihU*." 
"A lur rt>llova23. Joieph Harl, la "A Oar OKI 
lli,y," liail Boeauillancaaa-ly 

81. Paal,— .Vt the Helropollbiii Opera lloiiae 
Inl'laaaa haa braa filrlr RmiJ weak ol Kab.f wlih "i;har- 
Iw'a Attou" Thfl-lphD siaplaiuD Ci. roiiiaa IC-U la ' Tlia 
U ira. "Amarlcin. Ahn«U"aail "Hircvi lAvaoOar." Wm. 
Ilnor. lo "ThalllobaTiallar." CAinoiZI-lV 

(laANp.— Bn»lii**a haa Iwao ralrlr^niil aeah org villi 
tlhavT. Bllla, lo "Thtt Alaallana." "TtiatVlilla lUl" rtinoa 
It-al. rolInva*ll)j"rholji«t8irokA"IlaB«l v««h. TliUia 
f«»orMr RlltlaQaw plAraaiiil will Im hroaulil out liara 
for Ihe nral tlna on anf aiaca 

Olvjirni — ror of i; : IVrkln aud Hania, lliaNer- 
man HUlcia, Bratrlci Caniiao. Uapinar aoil MavnaM. lha 
TaroCIIirurila, Alice keiroy, Kan VaROr nod tha alock, 
Euainoaa cuDllniiaaDKHl. 

HnnaiiA.— Tlia a«v |tni)<natnni ara J. II. Moirlll asil II. 
V. Uived, K#(l MarrllL boalootK uianacer. anil Kro-I 
HIchIrr, laadar nr orchraira. Fur wrrkitr la: UitfTi<OQ 
and Uarhlajr, Nalllo farhrr. Itaii'ii and l«nldal^H4lllg 
RiaaL ahaaoon and Lavake. cnnclmJIaR «lih a ahol'K 
"A Lltil« or Rrervlhloa " ltualui-.4i good. Nr J Morrlli 

rsloaaa bualnfMinaaacarir. 

Dialatli,— At the hycoum llie John SInplelon t^o. 
ratiia Kah. 7, a, piea-nlloB "The Wlra" anil "Aoiarlcana 
Aiiroad" In Hie onler iiimail. Tlio.liu.leeia vaa unlr 
lair, hilt Ihe ahov 4aro a^cellcBt •aiuracllfia. Tbahnuaa 
■III IM dark uoltl SI.U. whau "Cliarlar'aAoBt" coma.*. 
'Tlir Marrr WoiH-'ie. 

I'Aaum TuRATaK.-LaM vaak'a peci-la lickt oier lo ralr 


lln1tlinora..-"Tlio 1'an.aliig Sliow" canio to 
Uarria' Aoailriiiy Ffli. 17, upanloiz n a erewilmj hoii^. 
Aunia Heri-ra, who haa raoanlly Jotnail lliotoranany, vaa 
haarllly ncalrad. "Supvrlia" hail a naaak uf aicallcBl 
huatn^aa. caiillaa 1^ May Irirlo brlnaa "Tlia VIduv 

Koaii'a lli-aaA Ihii-aH— 'T,io Macli Jolioaoa" 

haaiil Inr 'ho nm lima hria 17. and prarad one rr Hit 
iiioai|» laugli prmlu^ra of ilia aaaaiQ. Tliolmuaa 
aaaweUrtllMl. UaWiilrllopparliail a aooj a»«hlo-ls. 
•l^Hpliv tha lack ofa nnrally. Oilay Fllifaialil OJlno^ la 
'Tlia Fnunilllna." II. 

AI4i4i:tiil'H r^t'KPU TiiaAraH- Tha aenml vaak nl 
.InliB L titnldarra knniaaoii^Bail auaplcloiialy If. vlih 
Napoleon aa ihe nil-Jti-l. l>oarded lioufot ruled laat 

lloLuiiiv HrHKvr TiiRATHa — '*nia l/u; I'aridlw" 
drawacitiadrO niatlnro h.iqioir. "Tlia Daibr VVIone r" 
drvir larilaly lit-1). "Tha xvhliadlara" la Mlletl forSI. 

lloWAHu At'iiiniair a.— ItyOa'a i'naiMllaaa rontmtnml 
aareaVa alay 17. * Itli b>it auilleiKtaanamoiiq and nialit 
nice ,V Raiton'a hoaliin P.illy t>n. l■1i,fl^l aiood wrek IS 
Kallly A WiHal'a bla Hhntr la rina Tl. 

KKH.'u.N'a llo:ii*aK.<«TAi TiiaATHa— TTieCliyriiit.licM 
an iiprn raaalan 17. a Ilk a lirae audlenr* In allrn- a*ra. 
Ilariy Uiinrla' F.nlanalaara closrd a Rwi-.l weak Ift. Tlia 
I'raaah Polly Hurlwii-:eiu,. li. 

Oaarixa'allnaoNTHKArHi:— Vav 17: Mcl*aha and Em 
mrtl, ikaUr I.. Kandall Annia Hill an-l rolahhll Briva. 

Koraa —Martha Kuid. laa-llna UiU- ul Fofapineira 
lliaatio. FhllAiloiplila, a'irDiled a rainily tninlOBal her 
h-inio In lliiacllyia. Mlaa yiml laailnlni iininh valu- 
able aaparlanca ana niniiltarnr lliiaeicaliani alurVcoiii 

pany Halllnioia Ln-laa. Klha. had llialralalilroalh 

aonuallivnant ata inallnra parlnnuarct ai lha I.TCoum 
II. Tlia anlallalOBii<|il waa fUrnlMiatI l.v piurm I'arki-r. 
Maa Aniiild anil k ll. Xolllrr, "t l'hllai<olrhla: lluEhry 
Ihiuaharly. i:harlaa 4liii,*r. Kddia lllianata, huarlie 
B<iyer. McUildo and llnnloo, lha Wo^at Stal ira, TnTllle 
aod i-tlwra. _ 


AVhoallHg,— A lively week wna Ihc one )m\ 

cloaa,! at Ilia local lhaalraa. At Ilia Oi«ra llnuie'The 
KaiKiof Maalar" vaa Rl,on Feh. II. to a larso hourr. 
John QrllUth'a "Faaal" I'.illowcd II. to (aMir tiaalnaa*. 
'Yba niark Crcok." ISiiliail fon-1 hoaaa.. "ThaC^inliy 
CIrtua" ciaiaa li^ VVilkar WUIIaaMa 13 rradarle Ban- 
ornn O, "Tha Deiby Vtlnnai"M icS?, ''irana".',Clay 
Ulamaat, la 'TtaKaw tKinititoa." 7, '-flhoia Aerfa" II. 

OBAMV OrkBA lliit-aa — Waliar A PUM'a Vauilrri le 
Oiih draw lalilf wall liuii, a*"! tha ilDmin«, la "Ilia 
llllh^ay'a Abroad." IVIIfiiTfd 15-13^1" lair hau'aa. Tha 
iloauWa lliwra IV cvmaa 17-.-1. ' RrtJa Tracii»l" V-A 
"Cha Fin I'alMr' >iiii.i'alllDain-ua,Korrl< 
nrolhara' Bonlna aB.I lUnlna I'arAdnx ^ 7.*-Raaiiilt.a ur 
l.lla"e.ll llualllll-aWoiMol Norallira lf.M. i.IqcoIb .■. 
I'arlar'a ' Tornailo" 'C-'H, • Waraa of 11^1,1" W-ll. 

Niivas— Kobaroail Vlaap.twn rlriar luran.l trapr/a 
parfOrnaraiif inla rilr. wer«fp#^.lallr emrafa.) to pat on 
lhair act l-tr tha Kelalila of ryililaa' banantiiarr.tmaocr, 
at an leopo'l, O., lA aod maiUa in-al hit. They eon- 

tamplato tolna OB Ilia mad nait aaaaoa tiroiaa w. 

fiinocl lha pV-ioarai-fcar, aha haa nuniamiiafrlen.laiB 
lhBprol¥5>lna. aad atai roiia yaara aao aaaan aclcr, 
labalBa puahad 1*1 bla rrltnda for llaror, aail at tba 

UiaKertibllcaaBomlaaUn. • m 

^On the Road# 

AH RoutM Mu(t lleteh Ut Not Later Than 


karalniin'a, tJllla-Ualitoo, Ma , F.b. 17-il, WaurrlUa 

IkUviSi Tliaaln-aialaa, lod., Foh. if-tt CInclBnalL 

Amll{<i7. *nl . C.-WI lkcal«rT». Pa . Fab. 19, EaAU» S. 
"Arm 01 Uie Liw"-N. V. City FaKM-». 
"Alvlo Joalyn"— Bar iDXIon. la.. Fab. W. ^ . „ 
"Amarkan atn"-Chlcago, 111, Fab. 17-Jl, ForlWayaa, 

••Arlill^iloOar-Phlladelpbla, Pa , Fab. B-O. 

Brron'a, Oliver- laodaraon. Kr, Fa*. !». RvaBailllf. 
rad!.ai, VlBCtBDaaSl.Tarre UautaAColaiiiliBa, 0, 
tl-IS. Dayteoir-lV. _ „ ,_ , ,_ 

BIndlay'a, Fkirenci-ByranUf, W. T., Fall. IJ, Hle» B, 

B.rehViS?i.*>nh-!l. V: Cliy Feb. ij-ii 
Boaelcaolt.llaillBOl-Boatoo, Kaaa.. Feb. 1.^. 
Balll Fol'a Horera-Ackley, la.. Fab. It-S, AMo, 111, 

Bobbrmnrily— Amatartam, N. Y., Fali. )7-»- _ . ,„ 
Burka'B, Joho J , •The Do«or"-Uolyolia, llaiaa . Fab. 10. 

BaBDlaiiliia. Vt,m LauloghUKi M. Y.,3l,Coboas 21, 

lodlaoapolla lod., 74-0. , „ 

BranBaB'^ JdiB K.-aaodaaky, II.. Feb. la. FoatoiU m 

BoTlioe Oieanll. Aon Arbor. Midi , n nalroltZM). 
nrowa'aRomodlaoB-Oleaa, H. V.. Fab. al.19. 
Barrr'B, Wm -Brooklyn, H. t.. Fab ll-U , . _ _ 
"Burolar"-t!»nla»d, K. v.. Fab. 17, Koiwleh 19,Walar. 

Title 19, New Batlln M Dapoalt II, Blaokaniton a. 
"Boanlo Beotland-'-R»adlBi(. Fa, Fah. II lAnaater SJ 

Wllmlnstoo, IN L, II. Cbaatfr. Fa .n, PhllodalpblaU-S. 
"Bosnia Cbt<:k"-Allooaa, III., Fab. lO.BuillngtOB, la, 

«O.K«ikukai,QiilBCT, lll.M.,, „ . 

"niaak Uraok, ' Tompklai^-rbllailalpbla. Fa., Fah. 17-33 

«VI>>ical>ane<l. Bloitra, N. Y., ABIosbaiiiloa tt, lUiaca 

17.29, Auharn S 
"Black nrook"-i3iarlwlon, B. n.. Feb. IX 
"RrawBlea"— I'llbliiira. Fa^'D 
"Hiack Rheap"-K. Y. cllr Fab. 17. lodtnalta 
"Hreray Time"— I'aria, Tel., Fab 11 DanlfOB3l,(9iama9 

23. aalnarllla 31. Arduora, I. T.,0, PurtaU 28, Nomian, 

U>. T..I7 EIRaaoO 
"ilnaary Ulrr-Blraalagbani, Ala., Feb. ir, Meridian, 

>|[aa, u, Vieliburg ll.ITatditt 31,iliir Orleaoa, Lo., 


■ numair'— X. r.lltr Feli. 17, iBdalnlla. 

Ciue'a, W. II.-X. y. Rlty Fab. 17-A Keaark. N. J.,34.39 
Colimn .« Xnaacll'a llomadlaaa-ClaruiD, N.J, Feb. 
17-ie. Mlllrllla ll-1>. Rrif htoo ]!-». Voojlaloiia 3f-9. 
l^haaeLlBlarTiralre-Mabailr, ti^Tab If-fj.^ 
CamoKtoD Uranucle— nmlaotlin. Pa.. Feb 17-81. 
CoiBpaion'a DrOBHIlo Playeia^Uaraapon. \%- Fab 17-23 
Crow Mlatara' OomMlr-ratorahutv, lU, Fab.T7-a^ Paotia 

21-30, 0iraatAr37-9 
riiale'a, Uaule B«nant-8eaUla. Wa>h..Peb. 17-UaTdi7. 
i:iarka'a,Creaton-FhIladalpbla, Pa., Fob 17-29. 
tlooTa Hla Sloek-llallon. 0 . Fab. 19, 3D, Akron StMS, Con. 

ton 37-a, Hprlntaali] Harcli 3-7. 
liHil'a HIa Sloek-Akron, 0., Fah. I7-3L naslon t<-2). 
RaniatoBVl, Klla-tiaalpb, Can , Fab. I7-2L 
Curhatt'a, Jaaiaa J.-Ch'tMa m • Feti It-n, Oalroll, 

Uk;h, D. OtarcbBd, 0^21-m 
"r^onlentad WOBian"— Worfiuter. Man., Feb. it. IS. 
"Coiloa SlBi," Eaaun-afiSibuty. lir., Fab. 19. Booib 
norwalk m. Derby 31. BHiTiiaiiort 21. Kanaatoek It, 
Wlnalidirplllfnatd, Baaana, IFaiUMd 17, Uivaaleld 
3& Nonh AdaiaaZ). 
"'CbliBailaFaddaa"-N.T. City Feb. 17. bilaOnlla. 
tMioB KiBB," WealarD-Bmoklyii, N. Y, Fab. 17-31, 

"Couaty Fali"-waabloilon, D. a. Fab. 17-23, Birlem, 
- N. V., 3*-!S. a - , — , 

"Cracker Jaek"-Fall Rlrar, Mala., Fob. », ravruchal, 
R I..U-D. 

"Chaalay'aABnl,'' Ko. 3-]llQnaapolll, lllnn.. Fab. ie-33, 

DulalbSI 39. 
"Tapt. Rwln"-rall Rive-, Maas., Feb. 23. 
"Cou-.try Olrcul"— Alu,OBa, Fa., Fab. ZL 

Di«a'f,JobB-rhlladalHila,Pa, Fib. 17-33, N. T.CIIy 
31, lailrAolla, 

Doanrlly t Olivil'a-WIUIamsborf , N. T., Fab. 17-a M. 
Y. City M-3S. 

Dalla^ji^ttar F.-rhUadalphla, Pa, Feb. 17-21, Toledo, 

Dliey'a, llaary B.-S40 AatoBlo, Tex, Fab. 10, 39. AuaUb 

31. 2J;lIouBioo2tl. , 
n« UaraB Conadr-.-OtnclnBatl. 0-. Feb 17-31. 
Uovnioaa'a. R. L— MampliKTenB.. FrK 19 LIUIaRoek, 

Ark., m. Hot Bpilnqa 31. Fnn Snillh. 22, HpilaiS'ld. 

H0..3I, Fen Stall, Kan, 3), Uoberly, Bo., M, llaoBlbal 

21. gulBcy. la. 28. 
Dllkiira, JdiB'Omalia, Heb., Fob. 19. 
ll'OrniOBd'a, Jnhn-Jacilon. Tann., Fcb.l7-?3. 
Dareapori'a. PaoBy-Nav Orkaoa, La., r-b lS-79. 
Duas'a. ElaoBotB-hraablBinon, 0. C , Feb. 17-21, M. Y. 

nity3l. iBdanalle. 
"Dalmriulco'aat C"-SL I.oulf, Ifo, Fab. 17.32. 
' DovB on Ihe Fann"— Oavego, N. V., Fob. 19, BaUi ai. 

Wnyland II, Atob 21 • • . 

"Down on tbe Buwaoea ntrec"— Monlrcal, Can., FtU 


"Dr. Jakyll and Ur. Hyde," Vanla'a-Ada. O , Fah. }«-3e 
"Dau'er-Hloahanitoo, N. V, Fab.3Ui Eaatoa, Pa.,3«, 

Fataraon. N. J.,»7-3. 
"Darkaat lluaala^'-Rodioatrr, M. v., Ftb. 19, Ryraco'a 

'.M-71. Auhnm Sl.Oawaeo S, ITatanoan 3i;, Runie 37. 

Ultra 3i scbaBaolodr 39. 
"DarbyWlBner"— Beililehfin, Pa.Fab. 19, AllaolotrB Z\ 

Baatno 31, IVIIkaaUrTa 21. ecioaton 24. Tamaima ii, 

Ilarrl«burH3ri. Alinona37, 24, Johoaluvn 19 
"Down In Ul\le "-Broeklyo, V. Y., Feb. 17-31, Boaton. 


"lleTll'a Aueltoa"-rhlladelrlila, Fa., Fab. 17-21, Kaw 

EUon'a Conedloaa-Elaood, lad. Fab. 17-31, Kaw Caa 
lia 31-29. 

Rlllf, nxu. r.-Mlanaapolla, Mian, Ptb. 17-33, Mllaaa. 

kra, Wla , 31-19. 
Eaile'a, Oiahsa-CatiollUHi, Mo., Fsli. l;-S, Maicallne 


KhllMKaRtDek-liBB Dlaco.Cal.. Fab. 17-21. 
KmplraTliaalra. Frohmau'a— N. V. rlly rab. 17, ladaBnlte. 
E-llnwe<Hl'a Player*— Bonlh Nurvalb, t:t, Feb. 17-31. 
l-:llt|rt'<. knit— II >raa, Taa., Prb 31. 33, 
Kiiiplraaiock- AlblSB. lll'.h . F>li. 17-33. UndaoB 31-ia. 
"tlthl llella"-Kaoaaa i:lly. llo , Fall. 17-33, Uinabl, 

pifoat A Fanaliawa'a-iliacnaold. lad., Feb. 10. fo. 
-"-^I^Far^'a, Rlvla-HaB Anionio, T«i, Pab. H-a, Aul- 

Flaka'a, jjiunia Maddara-natmll, Mkli, Fob. 19. To- 

tonio, Can , 10-31, HulTalo, N. V., :.*l-ll, naclitai0r37-O. 
Foiria' Cooiaillana-Vliilnla, III , Feb. 19-31, Edinbunr 

33, Taylorvnie:i-19: 
Praaer'a-JIcLenl, i:aD, Feb. 19-21. 
Frawluy Slock-Portlaod, Ura., Feb. IB-S. Baattla, 'A'aah 

31. 31, Taconiali-:il 
Fmy'a, Eihvln-llourloo. Tea., Fab. 19. 
"Kauat " )lniTlaon'a-Ht Joiaph. Uo., Feb. 31. 
"Faai Mall. ' .<<oiUiim-\Valthaiu. Maaa. I.'ab. 19. Obalsaa 

21). MaitlalRiad 31. IMoucaalar 23, Laa-ranea 31 Aiiioi 

bury £1, UiironI 39. Marilnro Z7Jlan]aera, Aihol 3J. 
"Faal Mall," lloallietn— victoria. Tea., I'eb. 19, lUchuiord 

m, Ituiialiw) 21, tl. llonleillle2l, FalaaUoBtt, lleana 

IS. Dryon 37. Navaaolall ualraauiB 21 
"FablolUMnanl"— lloualnn. Tel- Fab. IL 

Failtaaina"-l1ilcago, III, Fab. 19-39: 
"t^tal Card," Wo-4ere-tlL Loula, Mo, Feb. 17-23, Cla. 

cirnill, 0,21-19. 
"Fori ltan"-llof healer, K. Y., Feb. 17-U. 
"Fire PAiml"-<:lBclBnill. (I.. Feb Id-S. 
"1011" lllro'a— .lnrluino',1, Uaaa., Fob. 19, ProyUeoca. H. 

"11<1. ' KUar ,t lir,aBger'a-claralaBd,0, FaU 17-21, To- 

edo. II . JT-W 
' I'aial l'.Md." liaaUm-lloliokeB, X.J, Fab. 2719. 
"For Fair VlraliiU"-Fii|ua. U , Feb. Ul ColuinbualVU. 

W^iluBliw, ri. 1!., 24-39. 

"FooHor Lad"- LlQcolB, XaU, Fab. 19; Daa Molnel, 

"Foundilna"— Bniehlyo, N. V., Fob. 17-4/, Ball ms.-e. Md. 

"FiDBlsan'a Ball"— Doettur, III, Feb. O. BaardaUivo 3) 
MoBDion'li 21. Borllnaton, la., 31. UaraBlKirm radar 
Hiplila 21. Uahiiiiue li. L\ Oluaie, IVbL, 21 Wlauoa, 
Miiio, 37. Cau Clalfa tli. 

Goiilnln'i. N. C.-8L Loula, Mo., Fah. l'.i-21, Kaalii Ilia. 
Tano , 37 

UjTl ji'i^|i^bljy-i;lnclnBatl, 0. Fab. 17-11, Janay City. 

n,irinail Bltia'-llarilhliarir. I'a.. Feb. 21 
niIllii||walfr'a.i:|aadt-Rock l.hud.lil. FMh.,3l-£i. 
liiiidnii'a, KrolfP— A|p'4loit. WK, Keb.74-9. 
"lla'larl4laTe"-Wllli:iniabuni, H. Y. Fab 31.29. 

■ lllrl 1 Lolc Uililo.1 Ma"— Padntah, Ky., Fob. 2d. Uaana. 
hum 31, 1'nnkiort 2L Loolavillaai-K*. 

"Uay I'arlaian*"— Uarford, CI, Fab. 9), Doalon, Maaa, 
31-19 ' 

"lll<irlaBa"-I.raliTlllp. Kr., Fab. 17-13. 

"Ilalitleinali Jo«"-N V.i:[lyF«h. 17. lod|,dnltf. 

"llioat Ulaniood Ri,lit».|y"-l'lilladolphla, I'a , Fab. IT-21 
Kawark, M.J. 24-^9. 

"all eat Hrookirn llaadttap"— Torontn. nan . Pab. 17.22. 

■ lllrl WaBled"-Kiu>al Cllr, Ho.. Fab. 14-11. 

pi arrlaiiVa, blward— Bamiihla, Tarn., I ali 30-31 
A-A llllllpaa*^ Mande-B'nilrm N. V, FeU. 17-11 i»oil- 
land 2I.3J. 

Ilar'nad'al'layetr— FraBklIni:rove. III. Pal,. 17.33 
llanlupra,Ohaa. B— l^taie'anil.ll . F. 1.. 19, XaBearlll«34 
lie/ 0 ,1 Wi'aiu'a-Holllnin. Ill . Fah. 17-11 liirr-ila 31-29 
lla'drn .k a'afii'll CuuMdy— VValdCB, N. V., Feb. 17-11 
Monlsi lnMy 21-19. ^ 
llarl'a. Jiiaipi,|ll>awa. Kan , Fah. II 21. 
Ileeae'a. Iliia-Rt Jnirph. Mo., Fe'i. 31. k'anaaa Cl'y 31-a' 
llenilarroa'aroiiitdr— CaIllal^ ro., Feb. 17-21, Coluuilila 

llari^rlietricl -AUKuala, Atk . Fah. 3Vr.'. 
Itoyl'a bis Coil ady— HaUMoy. Pa., Fab. 17.21 
lltrrniaoB— Mail lAlaTeon . Fab. Ill, ai NaaliTllIall. « 
AilAtila, lli..l:.Si, CbarlaslBO, B. ()., 17, aaraBBtb! Oa I 

Holla, Ira. K. S( nial Joirph-N. Y. air Fab. 17-11 

"SC'>Jf,'"-*".l»l'r''"^'''''>''- •'i Bl- FaolMInn, 

''rli^'* y1"*'!|'|~p I F4b. 17-ja, McCouib 

llllilinl'a. lii>m--AllaalawD. Pa, Pah. 19. Eulon n< 

Poilerllleri.Ha diB«n.l'hiHair«a«9. ' 
^o,lBnl^anfall— leavar. Cul. Feb. 17-Xalcb 14. 
Ilaia'a John— boa ni, Maaa. FaN 17-29. 
11.111 a, Jtiila llao- F in IVayaa. lod., Feb. 17-33. 
"Iliiiiian INara '- llolmikao. N. J, Vek. 19. Pataraoa 3D. 

11 Wlrll.aniah.r«. B. V., 31.:>J. raiaiaoQ A). 

• llearlotllarjUod-'-N. Y. OiivFeb. 17. lB.|pnalla. 

■ II .a. aaJ Mu.."- Vfor eaiar. Mara , Fah. 17-21 
M'lmaiill)"— Tnaua, He- Fob. 19, AaKaataail.awraQca 

'^•" .'>"- II - 5«. UaBckialar a,N~ibS 
21-^ Rarem. M .a-.. Lyan 29 

ra-lnx Hay-lllCBki', III, Feb. 17-Bl BalUnoi*, Ud, 
■ 21-0. ' 

'';,'."'".>J'"'J',7'^''"'"""' >'•*". Cblcoiio, 

III., f i-XAFCn II. 
•la lid i;eBlaciy,'N.l.l-.V. T.CIly Fab. IT^FraTl. 

(If HH^ H. 1. 1 H-Ce 

'la m Kaaiuuy, " llo, l-Baiu, Noa,, Fab, iM), 

•ISk^^^fB^^L Em, FA, r.b. 21 0-..T.. 

■£;9«aa"-lndUna|»ll».Iud.,l'«b. lf.21, Uailirllk, 

K''Jaii?aThea. W.-Bafl Franclaeo, Cat, Fab. lr-43. 
•ESAffrjoboroilcaip, III - F*. 17-19. 
Kena"™ PUiara-Ellabelb, H, J, Fib. 17-lt 

SSSSii^ »aiiK;, Kab. IMI 
• oBlie. Canla-Maadrim, Pa, Feb. 17-21, Jobnitoni 
Un/dm'i Diamolle-Boper, V. 0., Fab. l7-a,Kaw Bama, 
L."oW«'tlana-FortW.yna, lad.. Frt. I7-tt 

C«,., F... 

La']%alla-a, Bobv-Kaofiuan, tel., Fab. im tamll 

nick 27, BlBbaili i*.,ML/ artoa. , ». 
'Laat fl!n>ke"-4M Paul, HIdo, Fab. 
•Llmlt»JMall"-r.inMTllla,p,F-h tt. , 
'Land of Iba Mldoigbl Sob"— Wllllaoabnrr, K. ^ , Fab. 

■I.J«"ln Kaw York"-Na» OaaUa. Ild, Fob. 19, Rltli- 
moml »>" UbIob filly >MndaraoD «iTa.iraHaBla 31, 

aroy JB.tiaiiipoiia.i. *.oi»n " n.,.,M,,,,w«. 
•■LSyBU«aj''-h-.Y.i:!!yT'ab.l7.lDdtllalle. „ , „. 
"Unl ortbe Uv ni"-«liliago, lU, IVb. lI-13,Kaabrlllo, 

.-JtKill'^SMo'Uap.ll., IdJ , Fab. IM\ OU.. 

"Llula cntlaloVhei"-BroobIyn, N. Y, Fab. 17-B,Wub- 

M'°om!i?M:aai?-:DannI'oB,Tai..Peb 19 (lalwllla 
2d, Fori ironli 31. 21 OeralcaBA 31 BiUlbon IS, 
Taeo », Aoalla 27, Ran AbIobIo ». 
MllB'a.aao a-Broiiklyn. K. Y„Fab.:4-aaicb7. 
ionroe'i On- W.-]lil>aukae, TTIa, Fab. It-O, Clare- 

McCarthr'a, Dan-lowalL MfW .Feb 19. 
Mlluni'4WiialtalrN>mMy--Lrjaral,Mn., Feb.avtl 
BaileA-ii^ B. B -BowTipa tlra. n. By. ftb. H, IfBlaallla 
l>.a L^iloilon 34, Farli:t,B|iTtii|llald,0, ICColam. 

jlaBfaaiSi nicbatd-Iaooia City, »i . Feb. If-B. 
MejMjT'ri ntJlla^Tacona, «aah;, Ftb. l9,3DlB<aUla3l, 


Febbuary 2?. 


t^eF^EUitl-llome, H. r., Fah. 17-21, aitntFalu,s 
Ubnmtlaln'a— SonbuT, Fa, Feb. I7-0, Pitta. 

Inn 34411 

Tailoi'a, Albefi-IJupetob, tflatfl'.l9,KI. Tampia 31. 

tifRockdalaTj. a"llaaiM n,2?, flul^ a, 39 ' ' 
Tuinay Ooma^y-taanibamltle, ». J., Fab. If.33. loani 

Toebar'a. Fnak-Zseaiabt, MIeb, Fab. IMl Riuli sta. 

■Trip u inilaaumi,^' Bp. l-Brookl)D, B. T, Feb. 17.21 

WaahblRt0D,».fl,2l-ia ^ „ , * 
"Tas Faealcliaona''-BlliahaUi, M. i., Feb. 21, K. T. riii 

34, lodrBalla. 
■Tilplatba Clfcua"-Phllade<phli, Pa . Feb. 21-3. 
■TveBtlelb CaBlurr airi"-<'blcafo, lU., Fab. 17.31 la- 

dlaBapoll*. lod.. 11-30. _ _ 
"lirilSi Bath"— i:HI'onie. Tax . Fab. 19. Thail^r ai 

ifeatberfordjl, Decatur 34, Bowto 3>, Wicblia Falla K 

(lalBaavlllat), ptoleon 39. 

TonvIO''' BCklneni-Fdlenm, n.,Fab.2) ICIIllnaBlIc 
II, HaTiIoH.n, Oanbuty II, Vauibenr 3>, Oaiiiy :« 

llnw-ifelioll, Mlcb.,'.Ftb. l7-^^ i'llubnrfi Fa, 

Hurrbj'a,Joa4Pb-!I.T. Cliy Fab. Wi. ^ , _ 
Mack'a PlaTtra-Maahaa, K. U, Fwb. 20^ 31, CharlcHon, 

Mara, 33-20. 
UaUiai't. M.neret- Pawtackai. n I , Fah. 37. 
He"aaley A Pa-ioB'a Phvana-Doablrh, N. r.. Fab. 17-22. 
McKiBlerBB».',0, Feb.31-I». „ „ ^ ,„ ., 
Horria'. ClBTa-niaUaiMin, Taon , Fob 31, Haahrllla 21 
Maib Bnis.'-FeterbaiD. Can . Fab 17-31 , . . , 
"■nit. Saaa U'Da"— Boatoo, llts , Feb. I?, iBdrBnlle. 
"Malrv 1FolU''-DBlni|as, U , Fab. I), Eau Clalr^ Wis , 
2tinBnea[ellMfrno..D-lv _ ., . _ 

"HIaa Uanim Rcamn"— Flilladalphlo, Fa, Feb. 17-23 

Rotbaafer, K. T .27-29. 
"MiM BrowB" - Boiuu, MauL, Fab. 17-211 Mllwaabeft 
VIA, 37-29. 

"MCailby'a Mlalitpa"— llinlabart, Fa., Pab. 19, VII- 
mlogloB,D«l,34 _ —«..... 

"HakAty'a WeddloiT-rnakgtd. Ti«, Pab. 19. VltdoriA 
11. Larvdo 23, Diairap 23, Tenpla 37, DelloD 8, Lim. 

"fitlfwhlM FUR-'-Boffalo, K. Y.. Feb. 11 Toltdo, O., 

a>-22, HUwaukea, Wla, O-20. Burllamon. (1, n. 
J^lckenoa^jB^y-COBCOnl, K. II., Feb. 17-21 Kaw. 

N^loo^^^y— Itarepton, la., Fwh. 19.20: icktey 31-23, 

.s'oa I Jollllla*^irllnlBaU», Dal., Fab. 17-19. Eatloo, Hd, 

2EL Dorar, Dal,2l. 
NMfaaraole'B, olga- Brooklya, N. Y., Feb. 17-23, Clara 

lead, 0., 31-19. 

".Vawbo]>'-BuI'alo,N.T., Feb. 17-tI, rblladalpbla,ra, 


"NIsbt'a rrolle"-Rlehoioad, Vs., Feb. n. 39. 
"Nprtbem UshH",'.PIIUhBtt, Pa , rob 17-U. 

OlXalll a, Jamea-Danro-, liol. Fab. 17-21, 
City, U,>4-37. 

Bait Uka 

n-Heora'i w'. J -^'faII Hirer. Maaa.. rah. 37-29 
Ou'a, Joaeph-Roo'iaMar, N. V , F<ab. 31-21 WllinlBstoB. 

0:eolfA <;haantey— B Y Cliy F<b. 17, ladrllnlle. 
"O'UoOllbaB'saarenada^'-Naw Bnihawlck. N ».. Feb. 19. 

Bed BtBb 20L Xt. Vernon. R. Y., 21 Walllnjron), CI, 3e, 

Uanbary 37, MerMea S Uldd:ctowii 19. 
"Old llomauead." Tlinnpson'a— Koaark, N. J , Fab. 17-31, 

PooRhkaenla. R. Y . 24. Amltenlam 31 Joliaatowo 3S, 

Ullcm27. ^^lenao^^29. 
'CM llomaslaul." Boyd'a-BloBbtovllla. 0, Fab. II 

Xochwitar. I'a.. 3), Butler 21, Bearer Falb'A NowCaa. 

Ua2l,OII (III) 1). 
"Ol tba Hlaabalppl~-,\ew Orlatni Lo, Fill lli-31. Ilo- 

hlla, Ala., 21. Blr,nlBaham 23^ Ailoaui, Oa, 2C, MacoB '17, 

Autoala 3t. CharloalOB. R U.. se. 
"O'Hoollaoii'a Hati|<itr.da»-Taylorvlne. Ill, F.-b. 19. 

Peoria AMI, Bock lalaad 21, Uollae 31, DiraBpon, 1a., 


"Ona or the nnvaat"— Woreaater. Maaa , Fah. 21-29. 
"OM Faraier llnpkina"— raion city. Tena.. Feb. 19, May. 

Said, Ky, O. Prlncelon 21. VlaBota 24, llarrltboir 2S. 

Banion 39. Duiiuolo 37, Murrreeaboro 33, Capo Olrar. 

daaii. Mo., 29. 
"On lha BoweiT"-BoaloB, Maaa, Fah. 17-31 
"Old Rain Taoaer"-Bndnport. (71, Fab. 14, 39, Nonalk 

ti, Walllnaroid 17, b'auralock » 
■ Ob Enn'a ahoTe"- rail Riaar, Nasi , Fah. t7-£>. 
"Oulcattaolallraa'.CIly"— I/owell>laaa. Feh 2>-21 
ptItar llellew-Rnilieaur, N Y.. reb. 10, lUL AlUuy 21, 
^ Trovn.N.y.nlly31lndrlliilto. 
l'ayloQ'a,Con*— Ulorararllle, M. v., Pab. 17-21, Coboaa 


P>araaa'i, A. V, Slock-Ol. Joiepli Mo , Fab. 17-32. 
raylon'al^ieiady— Phii-nli, Aril. Feb. 17-31 
Frlosla-May-KayalOBa, 8. D, Fib. 31-31 Daadwood 

Falga'e. Mabel— SaraBoab, Qa., Fab. 17-32, Cliarlealoo, 

R. 0,21, 31. 

Fotnanra, KnMa-Bu Fiaoclaeo, Cat, Fab. 17-21 BL Joa- 
laph, Mo., 29. 

"FaiaJln Alia;"— WllmlBBIon. Dal, Fah. 19, 2), Noifolk, 

Va., II. 21 Rlehmoad 2i. ZS, Riaooka Id, LyBcbbuig 37, 

nanrIPe a niarlolia. N. 11.. 39. 
"Pudd'nhoad Wllaon"— FltUburi, Pa , Fob. 17-23. CblclB. 

BAII.O. 21-29. 
"Fnallial ratb(r"-nlBBliamlnn. B. Y., Fab 19. 
"•■aaalai Rtaw"- BalUinora, Hd.. Fob. 17-11 ITaMihlc- 

ton. D 0,21-11;. 
' Paan Timet 3.0'— Dalroli, MIrli., Fab. rt-t>. 
"Prlral«H«eralorv"-UbIcaaii. 11., I'eb. ie-21 Eranarllla, 

lad.. 37. Naelivllle, TeaB., 21^ 39. 
'Pick'a^ Bed Bay"-Datnll, MItli, Feb. 19-31. (Hiltaxo, 

HuvallV, Eol Smlih-E'mlra, N". Y, Fall 19, lUiaraO. 
-^v^^loiliABitoo Feb. 31, Stfaoloo, Pa.ilPblUdelpliIa 

Boikw'elra, J. c, Diamallc-Balhpl, V(, Feb :7-21 Bona 

Raruiond'i Badl»-AiblAnd, Ho.. Fah. 11 C^nlrallall, 

Bowling nraan 21 Trov 2L fic niirlaaas. 
Robaoo'a. fiiaart-Fhl*.adelpbIa, l*a. Fab. 17-12, Botl^n. 

M1KI, ll-s. 

Boilo a. B.MIlton-ForlWonli.Tai., Fob. 19 UraanTllio 
3D.Shanitan2I.Texarbana. Ark., U llntRprlBca2L Llc- 
Ua Rork tk Fori tkoltW. P|irlo(l!cU, llo., 27, Scdalla 
3S. Rl. Joaepli 39. 

naoand'A Ricliello— Paterson, N. J.. Fab. 31 3a. 

Ra«r^RohOll-NewUr|aaBB. L\. i'ab. 17-31 Vickabora, 

?'"!■•. J*'.?^.''"'"*" "' Bannbla,Iann,2e,17, 
RIra A BnTtoD'aComadlAnc-Lyna., Maaa., Fab.3D.23, K. 
\ . Clip 2 1-2?, 

njlmond Druntlle-Stnboni, la., Feb. 17-21, EAboTrllle 

llin'Ma'Piony-rhlciiKo, III.. 3I.*>. 
Hofrori«nu'», l*aDOh-Clivio«UiOa8.(; , P«b 17-n 
Krnuld'H. KpuUrlrhAihlJemn-Li UiuKb 111. Fob IT-tS 
UounlHiiri'naK-O. - 

■^3rM;s'»i"tr!SkVB°: Ms. 
■■'wiM'.CTiT'srrsr-^.'' "■ '^•'^ 

■-Railroad Tirhrr'— Bulla, Hon., Feb. 19. 

g.miani'^ K ll.-B^'too, Has., Fab. 17-21, FlilliJe:. 

^ iihha,Fa.,3l. iBdellBlia- 

"alilnro, Alai-^ ma Cllr, la. Fab. 19 21. Omaha. Dab . 
I'' r^ ..l*.'. Molaaa, la . II, UaraballmwB 21. r«lar 
Rap IdaM. DaranpoilSl. Dubn.i.ialR, LkCrosaa, irie,29. 

Riea'a,7bnt.R— AUooBa.rA.Keli.l7-n 

"m S^tTo Fob.9)-13, BulTabi, 

Rackal'Fonar— TanearlKo. Vie. Peh. ly.ij. 

Spooner'a, Cecll-Lebanoo, Pa., Pab. 17-21, Trenton, H.J., 

fliapleton'A Joho— 8l. I'anI, Hloa . Pel,, lii-21. 
Hally'a Daa— Kanaka i:liy. Mo., Feb 17-13 
Haward'a, Hitinia— Uhldleiown. ct . Pah. 17-31 
Rklnaer'a. liila-Bna<klya. N. Y.. Ftb 34.2J 
R'anirord'a, Flora-.ScAlidal^ Pa. Feb. 17-11 
Klaplaloa'a. John-at. Paul. Minn . y«b. 17.31 
Raalalloliramatlo-llavarliilL Maai, Pab 17-27 
fli^'heralllee-VjaiaJale, Pa , F.h. 17-31 Boneraat 51- 

°^u;3^s^°FJllll^s°''*' ''"^ ^'"^ "' •"''"'''■'"■"■•i' 

SoillborB Oratdr aod Bfaclabr- Abbaillle lia. Feb IB 
n miieiton.3r.31Ali:ene 31 f.-, ""'"••••"• I". 

^'rh .'l'i.M!'^""' *""^' ' 
.'!£L'°'*]#.'!j'''jy.°i l-Kalaniatui. lllrh.. Fa',. 20. 
T.n "*' '■""' 


'r'viS.n','jR"|!l'l'3r""°»'"' "-»■ 
'Jow jo« Ibe WInii," Ko. 3— Itrliokaa, N. J, Feb. ll-S. 
'Sbadowa of a Oraal Clly"-An«<huiy, llail. Fab Ul 
, Ba» (mit, R. I , Bl PonluKl. Me . II. if '^' "' 
"ainbad"— «. Joaepb, M".. F»K It. ridilla. (aa 2S. 
•■Rpan orLira"-T<>l«lo, 0.. Feb. le-a. riaVtludiug 
"Rrhool nnr'-Pall Rlrar. Maaa., Wab7 19 ji"'*^™- 
"flida Trai-ked"— "onp^Uavllla. Pa, p.b.19 DaDbarlnL 
BiowntTlUa 31. Bella Vanion 21 \TboeliDt w Va Ir-ai 
■■Mlcr, f^g'""-'-'''"-"^ Ri7Fab!''i73l, Di";it 
"RpMar and Fly"-nr(dpatw»l r^., F.b. 19 
-Rl Flankanl"-KanaAa C|iv. Mo., V,l,. n:-! 

Pf.'",!* "•'"-Delrolu llldi . Feb. 19-a 
rRpecUl Dall»ary".-.Fall Rirer. Moav. Fe"lL»l 

"TptBadr " 

So^bera— Fadocali, Rr., Fab IB, NtilitllK, 

Taon, SKBl EiBBavllla. lad, Kl Raadaraon, Kr, 31 
PrlBcetoo, lnd„33, 1Taablni:toBl0 lodlaDapo|lB37-ni. ' 
' Tnacdo"-TABi:loo, llaat. Feb. II, Raw llateB, ci., 

' ThoroBBhbred"- Portland, Ind.,Feh 2D, llanford. Cily 
31. WablBbai. BbllTlon 31 St. Miry'a. (I, it. Dell'hoall 

"Thrllby'-Piorldinca, ft. I , Feb. 13-31, troiceatcr, Maaa . 

"Twalva Tenptall-»a"-JachaoBTlUe, Fh., Fab. 31, 11, 

Cbaila*ion, e. O, 20. 
.trllby,!' PalBiar'a-dilcaao, III., Fob. 17, liidellnlla. 
'Trilby," Balidjn-'iSeianloD, Pa, Fab. 19, 20. \vllke>- 
Harre 11, 33, wll|lanft>olt 31, Uadalon 3>, Aabland K. 
I'li-Jarllla 21, Reading V. C, 
"Irbhy," WislcrD-TblDOlo, Can, Fab. 19. Bolfjlo. .\. T., 
Iloamim Palla 24, Uainllloo, Cos, 10, Loadon 2*. 

AutirmlUo— Il«D^ Kat,, Feb. 19, BAonoifniOe 

<*aL, A RlMbtAii 31, PniwoaJi Um Aar»lu3l,M.Kin 
DleEAjLTT, RlTwuldtSlLBAa bfsldlDon 
*T«o 0*d Cmilu''-LotiUTli)f, Kfa. Feb. 17-3]. 
'Too Marli Jolin«OQ**— B«l(linan, ild , Feb. lT-32, Brook- 

ITD. K. v.. 11.39. 
■TA«a TmIor"— BlatiUntOD, K. V , Feb. 37, 
fiTTiitloJo*li'U>n>c*b>"~T>coDi, Wuh , K«l'. 19, Al^er 
^ (le«DfO. 0VTnplA3l.Ttum32,EMlU«X<. VlcloiU, 
B. Cn 2S, KlBlWBOSII^ VMKODVrr 37. 

* l!oiit«Ttoin> CEnlD." UirkM'rt-JciVartoo. O . Feb. s. 
' llodf TDnid(>.i]la/'8teuni)'H-9pr1agdaM,0 , F«ii i\. 
"i/ndt Tom'ii Ctblo,'' Stovt's-ljoDdOD, Can., Fvb.u, 


'n.'S,'lS;;;i*ii"ilM!°iS-5: • "-»•»• 

tlpotllDC Dethaa«"-N V nily Feb 17-29 

h't' iSS. "**""'• •'•''■•"'"■H.Bro.klin, 
rraWo, Jal'aMatlow».|iaMon, IU«,Fabi I7.B 
*■ Torbi'i.lieie-llAMBoabiwvliHb^it^: 

- i>acla ^in'a rabto." Rlca'i^tVlchlta. Kan, Feb 39. 

VBB Conlaad'a Ida-Cedar Hap(d^ la , Fab. 17-U a:er. 
Hog, III, 31-39 
TioomV Edward-R. r. Cliy Fob. l7-». 
tinceBtSlrestrr-Bietllof . Ill . Fab. 17-11 Da Kalb II, 31. 
VaodykaA lialnn-PanoBB, Kan. Fab. 11-21 
"VaBdaUa"-0'naba, nah.. Fab Zl-:9. 
Walna^Iahi j, Marla-Baatlla,, Fab. 19. 
>' Wlbon'^ Al^ca-Menlllao, irli., Ftb. 31, 31 Halll.- 

tlhhaalda'a, ^Valter-Uoleeipcrt, Pa , Fab. 2D, Itlieel. 

Walte Comedy, Eaa torn— Treatoa, N. J., Feb. 17.32, Nav- 

buri, K T , j|-19 
Walta Comtdy, Waa1ara-(;oralaff, R. T, Feb. 17-23, Car- 

Coodole, Pa, 31-39. 
traTn>'a,Ur aodHm-Raadlnv. Fa., Ftb. 17-21 
Krlletlei'o, ■ana-Olbalooaa, la , Feb. 17-21 Oltanaa 

Warda'o, Frrd B - Lot Annlaa, Cat, Feb 17-21 

Wood'a, X. 1-PhiladalpbCu Fa, Fab. 21-3. 

Wilkea*. Faal Tapper— Janarioa, la., Feb. 19, Carroll o, 

BA0Cliy3l. Fooda 33. Blonn lAba 34,CberDkea 31, La- 

inata 21 ekMK Palla. B. D., 27. 
WoodwanI Tliaatra-CaBnell BInira. la , Fab. 17-19. 
Ward A Vokaa'-Taonton, Mara, Fab. ID, Marlboro 9). 

Lina 3l,2I.QIonc«alar31, Portamniitb. N. B.. 39, Saltai, 

Maaa.. 3t. Lawfanea37, UwallB, nav.thllini. 
WellfnlTa Playen-noopttoB, 111., Feb. 17-21, WllUaiiia. 

porl, lad., 21-21 
n>lbi. Uowiid-MarkD, tod.. Fob. 17-22, ManiBebl.O.. 


"1Tarariretlth"-H. V. City. Fab 17. lodellolla. 
"Wblta Biare"-Barlnn, B. Y , Pab.17-31 Balcfiiioni, lid., 

31-29. , 
"While BiiiiailroB"— ColoDbaa, O., Fob. 19, Daytoo 21-13, 

ClBclonall 11-39 
"Wblio Rat"-Bl. Faul, MIbb., Fob. 17-22, Mlooearollt 

"Wild Oooia Cbaaa"— Rlchoood, Ey., Feb, 22, IVIr.chea. 
tar 2t, Oeeiiral owo tt. 


AlbanI— Torontn, Can., Fab. 31. 

Biialoaltna-.V. Y Cliy Fab. 17, ledaAnlla. 

Canillle D'Artllle OperA-BloBbamloD, N. Y, Ftb. IV. 

ByracBMll, 2X 
Cotlnoa-l'aeoma, Waab, Fob. 31, 31 
(3aAlla (klnvaOparn-BoeUB. Maaa, Pah. 17, lodtnnilf. 
Oanadlaa Jubllaa alnaara-Urocktoo, Maaa., Fob. 19-H 

Uridoawaler 31. MIddlaalnni 31 31, Taunton 21 Bcv 

BedlSid 21 30, Fall Hirer 37, 21 
DAmiOfa'i U,«-a-Pbiladtlrbia, Fa., Feb. 17-21, Kocbea 

ler,K. Y,24;RolTbii39. 
Edwardca' Couilo OMra-rlluburi;, Pa., Fab. 17-3.', ."(ew 


"Fanclus Maater*'- DajloD, O., Feb. 19, Port Wayne, lad., 

Yofr, Salla-Uallrllla, By, Feb. :)-33, KaalirlUa, Taaa, 


Orand Opom-Iloaton. Mats., Feb. I7-C9. 

anju^Jalei, Upara— lloblla, Ala., Feb. 17-31, HoBl«oniery 

Uilheri Optra— FalrainunL IT. Vo., Fob. 20, HaanlBc 2i, 
NoaudtrUle 21 aUlaltrllla 11, VVeltatoa, O., a, Sew. 

OOBaalR Opera-Whoalln;, IT. Yn , Pab. 17-11, Steuben. 

villa, 0., It-ie. 
BInrlcliA* Opcra-PlttabBnt. Pa., Fab. 17-22. 
Ilopror'e, Da Wolr-Piilladaliilila. Pa., Feb. 17-39. 
"PriBcata Bonala"— Alltnta, Ua , Fob. 19, 'ID, Pllltburc. 


Bii'^eira. lIlllaB-FfoThlcnca, B. I , Feb. 19, New Baron, 
CL, Zl Haruord 31, .V. V. OIlyM. iBdallollo. 

"Itab Roy-Bjiacuao, H, Y., Fob. 19, a. Trey 31, A|. 

SUodwri Open BOBire-Uetldto. Cr., Fab. 19. 3iX Kaw 

LoadOB 3i. 21 PAWIuctal, II 1 , 31-31 
Stiuia'aBaEd— BaIrn, Oie.. Pab. IB, Fre<n^ Cel., 31, loa 

Aniakil n Ban Dlaio U, Loe ABgelaa 31, Fan DtrbarA 

21Bata»eeU13S, HanJoae37. 
TaraiT Opam-San Fraoelacn. ral.. Frb. IMtt,"Oabbind 

3l-3d. Ban Joaa 17, Bwcktoo 2S >j iciamtnto B. 
IVIKeD, PtaBcl»-(Ailcaan, 111, Feb. 17. hidennllr. 
Wllbar Urara-Netr Uaren, CI., Feb. 17-32, llirironl 


"WItinl or lha Klle"-Ua;lem, N. Y., Fab. 17-12, Al. 

"\TaiR"— SprlntDcM, 0, Fab. B!. 


Aiaerlran raBdirllle-Albaay, N. v., Fab. 17-21 
"Adaiule.. EdcB"- Clertlaid, O., Feb. 17-33, PllUbun!, 
Pa, 34.39. 

Andiawa A Colaman-tTatartnwB, N. Y.. Fab 19. 
BujM'llliUr-BoelOB, Maaa., Fan. 17-31, New llarcn, Cl., 

Creolea, 'aeVo-Daylrn. 0., Feb. 19. 
n ly UIub-BaltlBiora, Ud. Fab 17-11 Albany, N. Y , 3<-39. 
niiy Bpona-rlileaca III, Fab. 17-31 Crorcland, ■•, 3l-». 
Detect)'! Bam— Piittbuii, Pa , Fab. 17-3-3, CloclnnaU, o, 

Flyna a Sitrldan'a Bl|; Beoeallen-Boilon, Maaa, Feb. 

17-12, Newark. N. J.. 31.19. 
Fiabla a UaeuB'»-<,liltaf a, TIL Fab. 17-31 
Fraocli Puliy-wilUamAbarr,N^, Feb. 17-12, Paltlmora, 

Md.. 19-39. 

Fnneb Oalely aicb-trilkaabarra. Pa.. Feb. 19, FllltloB 

29, Blroudabiint22. PaUraoo. K. J., 34-29 
llaii|J^ Burlai<iao-Fall Hirer, Half, Fab. 17-21 Lynn 

Ulll'a. On'. NotalUea-Bloi'kljo, N. Y, Feb. 17-21 Phita- 

delphlA. |-a,2l-3>. 
Iloaard AMiaoanui-BiooUyD, K. v.. Feb. 17-3-3. K. Y. 

Cliy 34-29. 

■tariy Morria' EnlarUlaera-Fall Rlror, Hair, Feb.n-21 
, Uwell3l-M. llBlyokeD-29. 

Iluwonb'a-Bailronl, lad, FeU 19 Bloomrald UL Blooin. 

loaton 21, Lahanno 31, Oalahl 21, Arvoa Id, Colombia 
. Cliy 37. Wataaw 38l<>00lb BoS) 39. 
Hyde^a Oaaiedltna-BalUinor«,Hd, Feb. 17-21, IVatlilBi;. 

lOB. D. <X, 31-19. 
tahan-. Or.lnrooBa-(lrand RlpIJa, Hlob., Fab. 17-22, 

^onJl Ulrbt-WoreeaUr, Maaa, Fab, 17-21, Boa. 

LondoB Ba'llaa Rydall'a-neaillar, Pa, Fab. 17-22. 
Borrta' Twvntluli Century Haldl-N.Y.CIty leb. 17-33 

Wl lumaburtr, N. T.. 31-29. 

B"V'- TBollTar. 0 , F|h. 17-11. Jawall 3t-» 
"My llnola." Jark'a-Bnibbi. N. v.. Feb. 17-33. 
Saw York S:aii-Cblcajo, lU.Kab. 17-31, IodlanA|>oli.. 

In J , 31-lv. 
Nlbha'a-HilladelpbU, Pa., Feb. 17-21. 
Nik-Ill OwU-Dotlon, Maaa, Fab 17-31 BuD'alo. N. Y., 31-f.'. 
Onental EttraraRBBxa— Troy, B. Y . Felt. 17-23. 
' Flaja and PlAyera"-Coboaii. N. Y., Pab. 19, Maclianlc- 

line 3D, Baratoaa II, Oaeoota 21 Binsbamtja ll-ni. 

Ba'anuin. Pa., 37-39. 
Rellly A tVitiJ'a-WaflilBslon, D. C, Fab. 17-22, Ballliiiora, 

Nd.. 31-39 

Rteenul-Rarleni, N.Y.. Pab. l7-3.ll'.bokoo.N.J,3l-5:'. 
Haoli biotlar-Cbicigo, 111, p,b. 17-31 Orand RarhK 
HIcb, 31-2). 

SalUar'a Soile.'aiBera-nilladelplila, Fa . Fab. 17-31 
^51*tt.'.^''.',a?'i"'"'*"-*c«anlon, Fa, Feb. -Al. Haadinc 

TranB.Ocaanlea-Toli,K O , Kab. O-S. 
WaafbnrnBUUn^N. Y. Cliy Fab 17-39. 

V 2I« "*"-'"*•'''. I*- J-. Fab. 17-2-^ (lAileni. N. 
S"."*"!'.*"*'^''- V. City Pab. 31-9. 
5!l!!i°J'i?15"7i''"f"'")''''-^ •■• ' Feb. 17-21 
"J.^tM Flakla'Vaudarll a Clab-ClnclnBatl, P., lob. lo- 
ll tnilMio, III, 21-19. 
Sfbev^l Of molarFrovklaoM. R. I . Fab. 17-11 
!S^?T*/!!.S ,'.S.'^''«'"l'.BIeb., Feh. 17-21 
12i i'."*55!.': .''^•"'-Bo^kaater, N. Y , Fan. 31-11.. 
"Hi"?, <iW'l'' IVealain-Carlbaeti. N. T, Ftb 1?.. 
SP'H!', 'i^l'W."'' CoiilaLd 31. FyracBPa !4-rt. 
, l't?.''i'i"'Fa. 17 Fi,i|||p,^„^^,^u„',„;,, 

TiL',*^'"."',' i-^""""- Fa, Feb. !i, Mabaaoy City 21 
Lew HOB 34, T/raaa a 
Zara-Pataraoa, M. J., Pab. 17-31, Fah River, Hiaa., 34-59 


rooyei'a-Mew Orlcin*, La., Feb. 17, loJeOoiia. 


If"'', * S^'tll'TK'"**' Cliy, Mo, Feb. 24-99. 
Ct"'»J t"'^;«bua, N II, Ab. 19^ ITotctaur, Uaal, 3), 
waraSI, FitebhBrv2X 

T^ft*".', AnieilcA"-iSaali.:>. la , Fas. 19. rbArilon OT, 
Albia II. Klrkarire Mn^ llarnD'al 31, DBthnall, M , 

"oSi.kljijBflJ.SaSSa.*'^- **^"'' 


too, D. 0.>M- g. _ 


BiM>l°< >■'' Hra.-Illehiand, riU i;-:^ Kor- 
MWI iSif lHt'<Trloldtil, Ool , r<b. K-iL 

Bloai^iloXIll Jot— AumU, 0>-. r«b,li'll. 

r^Dolon Pool*-^P<ni. iQd, r«b. ir-XI, Vtrnw li-s. 

KUot^H. L -OllaloD, r«>. 17-tt, Dratlir, lU. U-a, 

llti^Sii'fcu B.-Batnll>IO. Cal.. rtb. 

t ii<nl-CfD«Ur, r<i>. It, Uke ciiulM 3D, II. 

I'diMiui RI^-BjlBtorids«, K.T.. r«b. II. Hlltoo. 
oSSm Boumloen-WoU* OJtr, f «k,. I^tb. U-t3. 

fibfldiiuD Broi.'-;ai»rt9«*, a. 0- Ftb. 1T-3L 

rkhflIdl6r*»*FdeVlo, Cot.. PAb. I7-IB- 

Ttinnua-fi ntnUD. 0*., Frb. 19, HcRu U. AM»«tII]o 31. 

VtrtflOl-ElPiiaToi^ Nb. a 

WauJako'i, V. !>.— NavbiRT. B. C, P«b.U-ll,SoUt«r 

iTnliJwil'A, |[im7-"!i0a^ HediliigtoD. Hav^ Feb. 19- 
n. But HsnpitMd ti-37. 


BottoB^We an noir nnulDff tli« cUtux of otir 
ilrutttic and opermUo Hft«m, abd amUaanbit SMktn 
ror Uia Bail tnwtvkl ftlll blft&baodintoppoitanltlea 
10 utl«/y tbal^ bdlfldoAl Ust«i. OaFah.irthaAbbaj, 
iVhoalTel A Ona, aaaroa of tcnnA opan la It&lUn, 
t^noctaanJ OanDanvill opaa for t'owMkalB tliella- 
chanica' BnDdlOf andllorlnm. The manaeciDent an- 
nounea twain Dl|bt parfonnaoctfi and ttroniatJataa,Do 
*iinpcrfonuiicaaaBilaorataniaD|[aiRmaoL "Faoit" 
tiM baan cbaacn for Uia optolair nlfht, I7.«llb a caat 
Out laelnd*! Melba, BaoanuUlar, |t»!cliL MAnrvL, fcU. 
da Bauka. Vlrlnol and JaanOa Haako. Taiaday, *'C*r- 
niiQ"wlU b«iiioBi Wcdoaodar, **L«a UarnaBota;'* Tlturc 
d If ."Luck dl lADmarmooi" a«d "CaTallaria Buai Icaoa ;^ 
Krldaf,"fclitaDaiid laoUa;*' Eatarday aaUna*. "Car- 
men, aod Suotday Dight, "Faliuir." Baodar aTaoiov, 
;i.^D»iiiAiloD D« Paul" will ba mok, and 6Mta 
ptec*4atooptlarpnc«f. Iba npartorv for accoDd aad 
uiiwaaklau rullov*; "Room and JoliatU" Uoaday, 
34;"A!da," rolluwod Ut 'La HaTarrblH. ' on TuMday; 
Wcdoaadar^ "Huonr Tnumday, '*jl«fli«toreta," and 
f'rMar, "Lohengrin." Satordaj aaoonncamanu later. 

THUio.<<T Tukatb* — Oa 17 Iba dm Boitoa appaaruee 
ofJobo LUr*, who (waDaaforui|rhi'aaanKtincDiat tha 
Trunioat rbeatia, will ba mirkw. Dr. Uara. Mipported 
brUio Oirrkk Tbaaira Coapaoy. ]*oiiduOt praieot 
"1 Pair or SpecUclaf." praoadadlii *'(;omedjantrTnLKa- 
dr,"aTarT areaingibla ircaL BalUfday mttloaa, "Old 
Unmlae" wlilrcplAG«*'Ooraadr and Tngad;-,'*aa a cur- 
tain ratnar. CaJac ihaatrtnu vara » iramandoaa no 
c«u, oreifltfwiBg the bouiaa nlglitlj darlog iba pajtc 

no9To:« Thiatrb.— For (ha Qrtt tima, alfo, we are to *«• 
"Mma. Sina aeoa" 10 BoKllih, Iba cast b»B<l«d bj Katbr/o 
Elddar, and It la eanrlT anllclpated bjr tita Botloo 

EnhKc Theaeaaonoi (Uraao ftpara oloMu 19, and mn<t 
a proooaoctd a grmod aaocaaa, artlatlcallj'. \Faltar 
Datnrofch btara away wlib bim Iba noatiaUOcu appnral 
of Qiulc lOTiag Boatoo for bl« uparb Wftgnc'lu produo- 
ilooa. no acoaiilo proMrtlaaoi ibe hoa«e prored ro eo- 
UrclynllaAotorr, and ibe ndeooratad and rtrarblihed 
Interior oiTirad audi an artliUo bxckgronnil Tor tbo 
briillaal caiamea Uat It maat ho oooaideml aa tbe 
oioet dulavhoma for grand opera ibalBoatoo pon-waaa. 

UOLLiB 8TRIBT TuuTitB.— Ur*At Inioreat U folt Id tbo 
Tabera* produeooo or *'UaorT IV^ wbleh ibar w II pra- 
Hnt OB Taardar, Wadnaadar, Thar<ilay and Friday 
uighia or ue eomtog vaek. Tba local revltaloribfi 
Pl«r (■ an erant In itaair. M't. Tabor w|U (ilay Prince 
llaf; Hr Tkber Uourpur. and Wm. p. uran, Jack PaUuiT. 
. MoDilar nl^ht'i bill 19 "BoiBeo and Juliet," to be repea& 
«d al tbe aimrdar uiatloee. ^e Ladr of LrbBa''w|ll 
baplTooatiba Wadotedaymailnoe and oa Batutday, 11 
Tli« third aad laat week opena II. 

Paik Tuuth.— We muat cbroBlde anotbir aaccaaa al 
tiie Park. The innge AdTantorra of MUa Bmrn" boa 
dra«a aaotceaaloo or crovded aod arauiod audlenofaat 
eacb perfom loce duriac the paat w*ak. R. E. Onham, 
LouUKaoa and Olar* LlMiao arepUjIagiheirreiipao- 
ilTo paria Moat eommandaHy, and wiU conUnae to do ao 
fnr oDA weak lonnr. On xi, Siuan flobaon, in "Mrm. 

B05TO.Y lliraiuif — Tbla In the ^Ixili aod Ia«1 week or R 
II. SoiUfn, In "The I'rlaooar or Xinda." The itatDolal 
ra^amsdnrfng tbia engageaieat bare exceeded ihoeeof 
any almlUw i»eriod In tbo nUtory of tlia houie. Noivltb- 
■tandlBf MToag counter aitnctJoja, Ih« hooM baabann 
packed during the laat Are weabJi,and tliaadraacaKilea 
for tba ccmlng wteb are large. It will be followed U by 
'The Qay Parialana.'* 

Boa'DOLfSMDAOBTniATiiit.— "Harbor Llibu** haJibeea 
the metodrmuiatic magnet at ihta popular Vaat End 
lioaaadurlagtbo paat week, moat admirably preeemed 
by Aubrey Boaolcaalt,0Aile Hartloot, Liula Maaaeo and 
otben of (hat wcU organltid coinpaoT. uodar thainao- 
aiaoeat of Chaa. u. Thayer and Cbaa. P. Atklnaoa. 
i^nivdad houiaa, great enthuiiauD and numeroua cur- 
ulncullflbafe praTalled. "Harbor LlgbtV will be n- 
i>aateJweei(ori7,to be foliowod SI br "niaLlghu 0' 

COLCBBiA TiiBiTRit.~Stere Brodla. In "Oo the Bow - 
ery," naaaea bu ilrat appaaraoco ban thia aeavm 17. for 
one week. "The Arm of itie Law," whtcb cloiad U, 
prurrd B dr%wlQa card. 31. "Down In Dlile." 

KiiTH'D Naw THBATBB.— Tbe weekly In: generally la. 
cinlea a «F«cIal altractJoa for Uia cblMren. «bo patroo- 
(£0 thlj bouae ao largalf ud rrequent'y. TalR weak 
HewelCB MldgetTbeaue beada a hog andattraeilra Hit, 
nblch Inciade* Laa Trola Frtm MailiUa, A. O- Duooid. 
McPbee aad Ulitthe Lamont Family. Okallea, Bviaand 
Cbaa^ Hanllag and Ab Bid, Pour Amela Biatara, Morton 
and Macfc, Conway aod L^Iand, tbe L0Tetl^ Vat Paroao. 
Kwoa and Batoa. ihe U V^a^ Maud Melntyre, MlUle 
ClUe and If aao^ and Tltua 

CASTLKEqUAHiTUBATRB.— The TeTBatUlty of Ihoao In 
(he OaatU t54iuan Opera Compuy will be again proven 
tbla week, when ibey will preaaat a bill 01 corolo aad 
Qraod oDemIn oae arenlDg. Week of 17 they willalog 
'-Ploafon" and "naTallarfa Ruailcana" (In EouUalij 
aratreTaalagaiid Wedaesday and Saturday loatuieas. 
Un^^aj ended a higbly aueeeaaTUl rorialght of* lo- 

UiuxDOrsNA HODM.— Voeday, 14, haa beaa deAnltely 
annonaced u (he data for tbe ronnal reopaolnR af thta 
bouae, aidar ilia iiiuageiiient or t*bai.P. RllloU, for- 

Blnn>,La Belle Tloa. Praneaa Uarriaon and Iter blaok 
boja. Maja and Uunter, Jobn W, WorM, Leooa Bland 
aad asreraloUiera. 

UowABD ATim.vL'ic-Flyna A Bliar1dan*a Senaation 
Show, or btaok aod «liIiaparrornieT*, plajaa return an- 

B««n)eQt here Ibli week. The Valdle Biatara and Kitty 
Itchell bare been rataJoed limn laatwaok'a bigabow, 
and the raudavllle Hit fuHber IndoilcH Jenole and Obaa. 
Welah, Crnthia NoTada, Billy Jaekfuo, Benaaaa and 
Atcb«r, Allda Parrault, rine Nobrlga, Robert Wataoa and 
tqe llDwud Comedy Oo. 

Afsrix A Bn.xRa MniirM.— Uaoagfr Btoue'a euriot 
MTe atiiaoied tbrooga duriuB the paat week, and dailna 
iheconlaKweobbewllleooirouelAeiblbU tbe traloed 
nldg«t« tba Kill Indian magic fablra,ibe Blnghalaaa 
danearaaod many other noraluaa. la ibe thratra will 
apMar tbe TUnan Trio. Jerry Uart aod Beatrice Leo, 
ibaTkree BarreU Broa, Moaroe and Helroae. Barr and 
Kfani, gbaiton Slaian, BAb and UliUe Emioett, Uie 
B|Mih< Dolpb Erana, J. 0. Uugbea and the Tbme BoineTa 

. PAUca Thbatkm -Prod Rlder-a new Nlcbt 0«la, bar 
mquer^ are billed for week of 17, which lacludee many 
rpeclaitr parfonnrra, amont tbsm: Plorence Miller, 
•lordoD aod Llok. Blanche Walworth. Law OarroU,MU- 
dnd Oooaor. Bam Colltna. May Oiark Veo Ottan. 

LYCBCM.-8am T. Jack'a ExiraTagaDia Conpany will 
lake pc«e>»loo of tbo Lrceum ihli To«k, producing 
"The bflU Pightar." Neii weak, l-uodon Oaletr Olrli. 

KiCKiLODiA.^— Manaier Daon exblbl'a LalaCoolali, 
Ibahairman, ba<r woman: White Paulo Bill, Uarculea, 
Deitar.wbo KlTeian llluatrailon of duih byguiUotlU' 
lag; Enhloe aad Joe Hullao. Tbe augoahow wIU ea- 

6 age Bethel and Jonca, Mildred Maaoa, Edwin Oarey, 
in Reed. Alei. Wllaon. Illnaa and r.arier, Lena L*n- 
cola. Shannon and Kerrigan. Bella Mtlrllla, Mabel Col- 
lin* aod May Mortoaa, fainaJa mlnrtiali, 
^ iinxyo Mt-HiVB.— Thauaoal nalodnmiwlll bereplaeed 
by rarcaatihhbnuae. Kate Daitaa. aH<|it«d by tbe atoct 
conpaay. will praaant "H|a PaMi*r'a Wlfe'*^ and ' Ao 
Arablao Nlghi There will be an i-llo beaMee. Indudlog 
Poramu and WaaLWataoo and Paila, Dllkiana Wad^ 
Oat, Eldle Braoa May Bryant. UlaadclJ. Harry Barry 
mora aod John PlilIlIpL 

,RnrAi MfBBi'M.— The lilt nf atlracllona IncladaaTed. 
J- Vaniban. Thoinaa Butemao, Henry CtlfTont, Ueary 
^hteltr. Jamea Carroll, Wm O'OTadjr, Jaa. Oarletm, 
•lanaa Doharir. (laorae Uclntyrc NtliieCampoi. Mamie 
UaidDK, AmellaUreaa, Hay Btraliao: iha Lynott BlHeia. 

Wo.NDBiiu:<n —Tbla aaw pUce or amaaemeat at il Tre- 
•nnoc How, will be Opened to Hie puMic no tt br tiie Boi- 
•«n BtooalUnn CoDpaay. Mftnaier Praak J. PltMog 
narloRjuet reiufoed fron tbe AtUou e«po«lt(on, hu 
"acQr«4 uiaoy oi the atiracUnoa of that eihlblt. The 
drai wteh'a eihlblt will loclude Mtcbaud'a paloilan of 
"Polly," Maia.Lenw'a OLau MuDan^'ba Ha*t ledlit 
Woodar WnrkH*,Cadl,!tbaaatomailc checker pUyar, aod 
piher Boraltlea. _ 

Morn.— Wn. Bannoor. nanager of tbe Trenont waa 
prtaanted by tbe lUdeu wlih a illrar pltobar ana iray la 
TaoocDltleo «t blB eoergy and coan^y daring thatr ra- 
eaat ihoatrlcala at tb»%«oioa(. Tbeir laat mailaaa 
nenoraaBea, by tbe way.waa alTan to ooe of the UrnM 

hoa*eiooreooid Lola Sylwtar (Vra.Bophle Wblt- 

ton) dkd at the Maa<«Hiaietu aeoaral Iloaplul l«. from 
ihelpluita received oa Mnoday, lOL while pArfotmlogat 
Kelib'i haw Ibiatia. A Urge tatharlnx of pio- 
^ailoaal peopl* atunded bar foneraL Maaaxar 
Keith greatly daplorea tbe urrlbla happenlna aad 
h«i anooascod that barealtar no dome dUlna 

r«al^ will ba allovad la hia tbaairaa Ilany 

Aakin hai beea In (un tba pan week eoBHaUiBg 
«ith R. A. Bamet roRirdlag tbe inuile«l borlea'iae the 
latterlapreparioc lor tbe opining or Managar Aibla'e 

H innMrMaaon oinpermattheTramonr, In Mar "An 

Ardai'e Modal" win follow the Tabera at tba llellla Street 

Tii>aire Sunoel Broekar liaa been rc-aiigared by 

■anaierPninitaarcialcartlataitbearasdOpora tlmiw. 
......TltaBIJoa Opara Uooae baabean antageil lor the 

i>nilre«ack 0 17 for a aerie* of eoteruinmenia to be 
B.TBB by omatevn la aU el the BoUlan^ Ueaa, CbelaaBi 



Clipper Post Office 

lactoaad for eacb ' 

bf ih* iMniiB idd' 



Altloo. OtiTli 
Adtll ADU 



Umui, Uiltl, 
Bnndw, Addle 
Bulmer. KllUi 
BI|Ma>, lllliu 

fVnri Loliu. 
i^WWH, llliii. 
Colioo, l«tUe 
Oluuw, Ethil 
Cortiler, Ira,, 
Unci, Xibel 


Cnvfonl 8lil,n 
Cbue, FlorMfltt 
Cirllib, Add 
Odw, MUU, 
OliQttqcki Anal, 

Caiie, Horali 
CoUlDi, JiDQla 
ODOk.Hn nuk 
OUreiM, SdlUl 
^ Oeo.vler. 
Dm, D«ia 
D« Bols, rion 
Ourbim, NoriD, 
Dalltr. Loer 
Dtlv, lUud 
DmrHT, MIMnd 

prtpcld, oUwwiM ttacr u« not 1,1^ 
LADIES' Lieti 

--M<>J#, MnL 
DoiDllljr, AUm 

D«to«t lUdslta. 
D»l>, Iilla 
0. Villa, Uiain 
Dark Baby 
Da Honr DallT 
Dalaatw Lllllaa 

'■^'ElUou. Ida 
BlllMt, kawl 
UIU, U Pallia 
BlUwonb. J|4F 
BoKitctai, Blfao 
B.<cr, Adala 
Elfflora Blitan 
KlbaL Bora 



Qwlaa, Mr 
"Ollmora, Alloa 
Ollmoiav KIlUa 
qabhail Aaola 
Uanlaai, LUa 

Mia. Kill,Allla 
Oinlct, Inae 


lliitoo. Clam 
Hanllton, Ray 
Hall. Llllia 
Uarrioiuo, Oarile 
Uartlej, Adelina 

Uo<at<d. tloUi 
Dolly, Uaale 
Uanler, NilUa 
Uajdeo, Ola 
Haixea. lAura E 
llaima, Bidle 
Uanlej, Uuia 
^loraa, Llllie 
v Marie 
Jobaaton, Paony 
Juch, Hmma 
Eaaiao, Doaa A W. 
Kr«n*e, Emma 

Kerr, nonenia 
r aftae, Piitntle 
^^Ule. BooBle 
Lady ilyntoaBt 
LaUirop, Dot 
Lailif. Donna 
bjnch Bitten 
LlTrnfUooe, Mabel 
Laog, Eleanor E 
Laaly, Maria 
Uvfi, laabal P. 
LeavUt, Ifoima 
LaouArd tf latcn 
[^ord. a>e 
LeaoorO, Dnily 
LavlJ, vlrgle 
Laelle Ada 
Leoiw:i, Marrel 
Larenie, Carlolta 
I^gdoD, Flora 

EIIW0O4, Jnlla 
Edwarda. Maale 
Rfaan 1 Uuifman 

Panchoa. May 
Poritiit, Ulhired 
Porreater, Panale 
Predertcba, Mn. 
PnancU, Benha 

Moahon, May 

"Nobrlaga, Tavio 


I'aek. Mra. a. B. 
Phelp^ Claim 
Paniier. niauche 

PohBia,Mra.J. K. 
Put *eU, Kata 
PuUaid, Kaganle 
|*aRill, ^aeenla 
Paul, Lau fine 
Peny, LI Ulan 
Roblnaoo, Riiih 

Miter. Maud 
Hflgira, Maria 
Racd, Jennie 
Ravi' ton. Zelna 
Howlra. Bmaai 
Hock, Ella 
Roble, Lllllaa 
BuiherfoTd, Mabel 
nice, Carrie K. 
Kuiger, Emma 
Koaulk. Merie 
tipooner. Cull 
"^flpaocer. Hate 
Hweaaiy. Carrie 
tevard. Minnie 
Hwbher, Rom 
ilohlke, Maude 
Builon, LnlA 
Bcaaan, Brile 
Icoit, Ktile 
Shed man, Mr*. W.B. 
atteet, Alice 
donrra. Tlllle 
Slo^ton. Agatha 

hfirkte, Bin Da 
^Mlleis ABoea 
Maacotta, Vina' 
Mlicbell. Dollle 
Mortimer. May 
Martloeul) Adele 

BoRelhiTd.Belaoa McCun.aarabllBe 
KaflAlIce 1 - - 

Valeolm, Ray 
Morelbi, Myra 
Hagrt, Uountcu 
dooiloy, Plorrie 
Uaada. Hn Thna. 
Maaoo, Lillian 
Horten. Jeoole 
Mack, noae 
VCauabod, Borii 
MoNoliy. Ida A P. 


dcotu Kuceala 
flltad^ XlH & 
riliedman, Roaa 
fllener, Augoaie 
dolton, Maad 
tfblekU, Kate 
, »lLJloae 
Soait, Flora 

nuUivan, Prank la 
iicanlM, Mamie 
SefaaltcMla L. 
Buoirord J^lora 
A Thome, Lore 
Thompaon, KItlle 
Tliaa.i;ydla V. 

Tiiitcbtr. Carrie 
Thatcbar. Era 

VtmoD, Ray 0c 
VereaUafl, Adele 
Veraoo. Vail D. 
VeddT, Panala 

Wade, Triiie 
Walton, Louie 
Wantworth, Lulu 
Wllllama. Clara 
Waat, Ella 
Wtlhelny, Ida 
Wallace, B^le 
Wataon. Madeline 
Iff eat, JaMie 
Wallace, laai 
Wllaon, Annie C. 
Weaaer. Ella 
iPllllama. Uertle 
Ward. Blaacbe 
u Mra Dare 


A ndnw^ W. J. 
«>-ArcarIa. Big. 
Amana, Andy 
Amitiong, P. J. 
Aouna, L. 
Aln, Jebn 
Aea. Joe 
ADikoMo, P. 
Aoharaao, H. P, 
Arlington, Qeo. 
AuitiB, Wm 
Aleioader, C. F, 
Apdala. Jack 
Amana. Andy 
Akw. Peter 
Anasuong, Praak 

iog, Praa 

Doj ar, <Aaa. 0, 
^sroan, Oee. 
BaneiMO, O. B 
Bejora Thoa 0. 
Balbcoma, — 
Burtoo, John 
BarlMr.B B. 
BrowB, J. Ed, 
VoihllD, Uarrr 
Bartoa, John B. 
Beo Dawood, 8. 
BndM, FIndley 
BnnHr, Mltobell 
BurdMte, Burt 
Baer. J. T. 
BianalgaiL Ffelar 
Barney A Baaaell 
Baker, T*tif 
Burtd. U. 
Biaoloo. Harry 
Boweia. BlUy 
Bane,B. 0. 
B«baa, Geo. 
Bowea, Marry 
Boweo. Olaraace 
BoyMl, Bam 
Brasaan, Mike 
Bortea, Oeo. A. 
Baker, P. P- 
Biovnlog. T.O. 
Brookea, Uco. 
Ban, Ham 
Slack. John J. 
BerkelU. The 
Bowen Broa. 
Bkvkely. Ueo. 
Bealey. Cbaa A. 
Boose. PfltiE. 
Batei, Geo. W. 
BrmoigaiL Bob 
Baattle. Jaa. W. 
Baoih k Kudd 
Benlvn. B. P. 
Bryte, Joha V. 
Burrtingba, 0. II. 
Baadrr, M. F. 
Bartt. Harry ^ 
Bowker, Geo. D. 
Baraaid, Prank M. 
Broaa. ft T. , 
Barlow, Robait 
Boianl. A. 
Bnrvn, Geo. 
Boy«r, W. B. 
Bun, Thoa. II. 
Biuklrir, Kr«d 
Binb, Ji'hnP. 
Beliport A Poller 
Borfeaa Joe H. 
■rovn, Barry 
Baker, John 
Bnnoo. Oeo. A. 
Burt. H. H. 
Bllta, Hit- „ 
Boliegrala, P. 
BlMkney, A. P. 
^vMilla. 8. M., . 
Ulcu^n. tiao. B. 
Chiltaaay, J.W. 
C09kllo, W. A. 
Carroll. B^rt 
Oola. W. B. 

f-ooka. rrrcy 
Cooper, Prank 
Cbador, Harry 
Clark, Wf d K 
Collier, Will 8. 
Cook. Walter 
Cbrk ABt Olair 
Cralf g, Pete 
Curtia k Gordon 
•'-oiling Billy 
Olarkauo. Harry 
Coti, Wm, 
Cbrtitle. Frank 
Cook, Ftmok 
CoBley.Joba P. 
Coiaba. Bam W. 
CoUigan, Prank P. 
U'Alma, John 
Doanle, Andrew 
Doaglaa, C. W. 
Duuon, Wm. 
Uarlaoo, W. B- 
Davaoo. Bailey 
OoUen, A. L. 
Datla i Kaogb 
DaaleU, M. 
Drayton, W. Q. 
01 ion, Thoa J. 
Diraaport, B- J. 

llr. J. Bd. 
Daroy, A. P. 
Daoleui. Prank 
Day. Edmund 
Dodge, Baofonl 
Deavai, W. B. Sc. 
Oe Keaio, — 
Dale, Dr. Jim 
Oelala. Harry 
Oltnent, P. If. 
MaroyeA Piltz 
Dam lag, Joe 
Dfony, W. J, 


Dtveoport Harry 
DeokrelU HlcbarO 
Dale. John 
Draw, 0. P. 
De Van, Tom 
Doenw, Loale 
DI:ioe. Waller 
Drake. Cba«. 

KHcaiona, I. 
Emmatt, J. B. 
Blgar, Jobn 

Franklin, T. 
PleU. A 0. 
Parrall. Blltr 
Pltxpatnck family 
Prank lln, LaaUr 
riik, B A. ^ 
Prencb, Prank V. 
Piaher, Geo. 
PerrU. Wiley 
ronan. M. 
roley, John 0. 
riene, Louli 
rryaTo.o. , 
Piiiaainck. ioe 
PoiJrcilBL 0. 
Pauilao, — . 
Pletcbar, (liaTlay 
rrlUman, H. W. 
rraaoat, Cbaa. 
Parria, J. 
Pua, Imn 
Pnlter. M. M. 
Panel', Harry 
Prohilan. J._ 
riitgeraU, Deanj 
PrliK, Oeloo 
fltrnttr, Al. 
uuiirordj Frank 
luUirie. Ed. 
Ollbert, Uv 
Ouy Broa. 
DaUette, Chv. P. 

OamroB, Caoidan Oama. Andy 

OUacy, Joe 
Oonake, Geo. 
CUT. E. W. 
OMbrd, U. B. 
Rnwford. Jack 
Ohri»ty/W. D. 
Ratler, Bort 
Canner, Ed. L. 
C3e*gniTe A Great 
Cbanbtr*, . „ , 
Prof. H. I 
Cnlg. W.W. ^ 
Olllord A Untb 


Oreaby, Dr. 0. M. 
CUftoa. Joe. 
Calhaae. W. B. 
a^lllBi, G«i B. 
Cuwio^ DIeb 

Qrtao, Edaard 
QUI, Cbaa. 
daiey. HH 
ifartaBd, E. A. 
OordoBfJ H. 
Ooednao, J B. 
Onnt, Dr. Fraok 
OIUay.J.Alda , 
irinai. T g UertJe 
illaia. Dr. A- W, 
(Mate. Wm. 
OUoHrre. Thoa. L> 
daidntr, JacB U. 
lira gory. Cbaa. 
iiaUafbar. W. A. 
aiOao B. 

Hotiper, Wallace 
Uaioea, Nat 
nammond.Chaa. D 
Howard, WU. 
Uart Bob 
UarrloBtaa, J. W. 
HollADd, rrors K. 
Ilarpaulie. J. W. 
Uajden, Joe 
Bottler, Prrr E & 
llovanl. Job. u. 
Ualle. Herray 
Hall Emery 
BaUeit. Joha 
Howard, tJao. D. 
Head lay. Fred G, 
UalL B. M. 
Barlow, BIcbarO 
Uart la. Eran 
Hanna, W. A. 
HilL Dr. P. P. 
Uotfrnan, Harry 
UodgaoB, Fred 
ilovay. Prank 
Uurat,0eD E. 
Heart, Will 
UuBiley, Dr.O.W. 
lleoaliav^JohB E. 

Hart, a«o L. 
Hogao. Em eat 
UeDdcnoo, Al. 
Uaywaid, P.A. 
Howard, Rdaaid 
HeaTr, Hairy 
Ha) den A 

llanford, Edain 
Uart Jr., Jeir)* 
Ueward, Ton w. 
Uowet. Albert 
Ulil,.Ueo A. 
Uognea. Praak P. 

IrwloTo. L. 
Irwin, JaH. 
Tohna-in. Lew 
Jordan. LooU 
JohnaoD, Corp. 
Jackaoa. Billy 
Jaea, Joho 
JorOao, Family 
Johaaos. Carroll 
Jone«,J. Aug. 
Jonaa, Prancia 
Jeidao. Burt 
JohnoM). AltKri 
Joboaoo, 8. P. 
Jackaoo, Thoa. E. 

KImteU. Bcri 
Klar.Kriak J. 
Kromer, Don 
KendalL E 0. 
HamaialithI, J. 
■alwI.A. W. 
Krainer, Fred 
Kennedy, J P. 
Kaltlkaa, 0. ^ , 
gnamai^ J. 
Kaaoa, J. 
gehiey, H. C. 
geontrlr, irihur 
KloK A Birania 
Kalbdald, Loula 

La Boid, Anhur 
Lit I oa ft Booih 
Locha Ed. B- 
Lacnoira. Joi 
Largar. Theo. 
L03B. H. 0. 
UwTs W. H. 
Lore, Joe 
LaEdmafl, W. P. 
Uwli, Aodr 
Ualle. H./ 
Lad, Jailor 
■ - . Harry 

Lolrinne. Paul 
Ubadla. U. 
Leon, Oinrd 
Lowe, Wahar 
tAaaard. Tbw. 
Laoibert. Olay 
Litem lo. J. & 
Uwranca P.A. 
Loreita. Otia 
Lacier, C. K 6c. 

Lawli, II. 
Lowuda, Tony 
Ladle, iT A. 
Lttoey, H. It. 
Lana, Cbia. 
Laaeb. Kobert 
Leopold A BUro 
Laoal A KTetatt 
Ulid,Jaok R. H. 
Lawia, ueo. W. 
bacaiiBiin ^ 
Lalor. Prank t, 
Leo.B. Praak 
Lank, Qio. B. 
iMgdoa, Harry 
LoneSur Uarry 
Leop'ld, Uarry 
Lett, Ram, 
UteK Xd. 

Morae, Prank 
^ MurHiy.M.J. 
lUr»i>. Prtd 
Miaco, Alftvd 

3 My. J (AO n. 
auiloe, lltnry 
Mage»VJ. J. 
Hauoloi, Wm. 
Ma UelL Ueo. 
Munola. U. J. 
Hay. Atton 
Murphy, Ueo. E. 
HotJ, ueo. 
Hack. Prof.C. W. 
May. Ueo. B. 
Heokm Jaa. B. 
Monday, Little 
Meagei, W. IL 
Mauver, Jaa. 
Murphy A Hall 
HobuuAld Jubn P. 
McCanby, Tanb. 
Hoaiov, rrad D. 
Mackl^Jaa. B. 
HdlloiB. U. 
UcCala. Jack 
Huiphr AHall 
McXulif.W P. 
McATgy, iiariy 
MahaiK, W. A. 
ilwore.>n»r u. 
MurrU, Knok 
McNailo, Jaa. 
Meoktl, a J. 
Manley. Edward 
Mlber, Lalaraiie 
Hc<jumeD, Mtfea 
Mutlcrx. Aotoolo 
MortlaerA Lang 
Mur|>by, Praak 
Movrr, Ifomtc 
Muore. Hat nioa 
HaxielLT. J. 
MoriU, Mylei 
MclDlrra.T. 8. 
Manitll. wea!ey 
MkhelA. Kari 
MlUer.Pror £d. 
MortcA, Jaa. 
MItcbell. Jack ' 
Middia, Wiu. 
Mvit« AMaok 
Hayliiw. K. E. 
Marah, Geo. 
Modi, Wm. 
Hki lio, J. B. 
MoAUt, Klwanl 
UedovvB A Buibi 
HcNiir, John E. 
UeMlllao. Udiicau 
Maaee, J. E- 
McUrath, Ulua. A. 
McUewu, Ihoa 
Morrill. J. M. 
Mack, Ed. C 
MayaA lluoicr 
Msuto ACrlaimln» 
Uilhr. Max 
Motion. Pnok B. 
Mraoy. Joha U. 
Ncainley,J. Harn 
May, Jobn g. 
McObrmlclr, Dr. G 

Ueyrm Jr.. Willie 
Maurice. J at. 
Mllb, A B. 
MoniaoDiery. W.S 
Molfllla, Plod 
Merrell, CI'VL 
Muipbr. Frank 
Mack, Prank 0. 
Mack, Ueo. E 

Norman, Dannie 
.Yuyci, A C. 
Meltonis P. 
NiKon, lluRh 

Nalaen, Martin 
Naal, PrM B. 
NkholB, Karl 
Mortoo, Ona A. 

icbeuc WlUie 

atria Sma. 
. alwo. Lew 
Itlbba^ a B. 
If aaia, Leon B. 
Noma B W. 

O'ffen, Hanln 
UglOiCbaa L 
Oaboraa, Fred B. 
Oeaea, H. A. 
U'Urlen, Wn. 
oil*. 0. W. 

^felll, Praak 
tini way, Wendell II 

Paahaa. Ueary 
rei#ni, W.J. 
Paige, U H. 

Krier; D.'R. 
I'arkloa, Walter 
I'l Ice. Waller 
Paiga, W. U. 
Pyae^ WHIA. 
Panya, l^alf In 
Ptak, Harry 
Packard ,_l}an 
Pareall. Prank 
Paiera, Phil W. 
P«Igerl^ Leo. 
Palga, II. U. 
PuRh, Ueary 
Prince, B. 
Prtaum, Ban 
Pkcaer, Will 
Quigg, Frank 

* olle, Bobert 
'Ho rae. Al. 
ttitbian, Harry 
Kivnmvod, Jna. 
RuMell A 

RelU. Kr«d 
riiaaell, Laarcaca 
llit<Iel,J. A. 
Hockwvil, J. R. 
Huyer, Ardiie 
Kaud. riill 
Ifoik-ve, J. 8. 
He«U, Kd. 
Hlcbanl, 0. B. 
H«)auMaA PI) no 
KlKby,U P. 
Ili»t<enis Nick 
K«no. W. M. 
Heiily, Jaa. 
Kay, Prrd J. 
HaT«n, Riilurd 
Kui. Ed. L. 
Kulloioo, I*. B. 
H«uo, i;. R 
KIHng, W. II. 
He) BiilUa, 

Reinokia, Bliiy 
Hatw. Cbaa. 
Hi»l«ll. U. A. 
HAlatvn. ftallpr 
HajuiuDd, Prank 
HAiid, Lav 
HtDO,O00. B. 
HuMMdl, II. C. 
Keld, Hal 
lUoraa, A I. 
itu»a«li. L. J. 

Starr. Lvnle 
.'t«niiiu, Z«ra 
ihervood. W. H. 
jiargaa, J. A. 
dulliHriaud, L I*, 
dlilinu, A. C 
Hllbur. - 
Hanker, (7ba«. 
Heifrrtn, G«ii. 
Sallif au, W. L. 
dtiHW. it^vl A. (). 
do) iiiuur, Unre 
Srevt, A. U. 
lUtiery.M, J. 
dflUlit. B'mar 
dililrao. P. II. 
dtiorolu, l^r.J.B. 
■UlTa, Thoa 
■>i>oacer, BIchord 
(loxirlj. Praak 
■(pen cor, u. al. 

Ueorgf, Marry 
SLoclair, H. W. 

^'mgnelio. Sic. 
^ville, Nrp 
iUauw, p. W. 
jpaun, Oyrno 
:<aQfuru. Jerry 
gully. Dan 
rtfliurclii, A. 
tlllTo. Uurical 

BL Jnllan, Dao 
lUutella, ul|. 
dmlib, Uaroan 
Bamwalla, tboa. 
Beriboar, Baai A, 
BiahLy. RtcbaM 

Elih, Dr. K M. 
ford. Bam & 
Bolt ha. Tbe 
Bmlth A < iibom 
dbafar; Uury 0. 
BU.M, ueanle 
Rajnieur, Dare 
iiheldon, Ju. 
dchaeier. John P. 
Stanley. Ardiio 
rteritmer AKntib 
Bcoil, BoU 
mepbena, Hal 
dnlth. J. (bi fl. A 

Bleiagn A 
riiarr, II. 
aiiroia, Lew 

•LTaiuple.C. B. 
Taylor, Pete 
Tifjroe,J II. 
Ion My, a A. 
Tanner, AL 
Tbora* FIlagaraM 
Titu*. Prank A. 
TbiiniMB, Jimmy 
Taokor. Oro. M. 
Tiller, J. 11 
Turaer, Pred 
farr, W. H. 
Tamer. W J. 
Tilpp.1 lia*. 
Tbomaii. W. M. 
TbOBaA, Vtruar 
Tbaido, BJ. 
Tnlemana Broa. 
Tilden, U. h. 
roouaa, Dick 
r«rry A Elmer 
fj b«n%Julian 
ttuiv. Wm, 
Tiaiewr. II. G. 
Tirraey. Jobn T. 

Uit, J olio 

VMider. lUrry 
Van II) he. W. D. 
V«na«ravD, Win. 
Vrnablot Chaa. 
Vick, J. H. 
Viuelta, \ \t 
V|llo^|, Jwlin 
Veinuu.J \\ 
VrmabetKen, & 
Vriaoo, u. H. 

Wiflk«n, LJ. 
Weil. Juiiooy 
ffl1t>iir.O. H. 
WaIcoii, Pmr. 
Aetaun.W. H. 
WatMter.Geo. II. 
Welti. AltMrt 
Wllaon. Jue A. 
War. Earl C. 
Walton. Cha*. 
Winiama.n. A, B. 
Wllblna, P. r. 
WeHa, Billy 
Wihalea, Moot 
WhlldoM), Mhlla 
WJjla « garrun 
Wall, lluwaij 
Watia, W. II. a 
Alr«t»Tg. Uua 
Wvlsle. pred B. 
Wliite, Bob 
Wearer. W. II. 
WeotaliT. Uao. 
Wheeler, P. II. 
ffeiae, lid. 
Wabattr. Will I'. 
WllllaBi, Harry 
Walton, irrlng 
Aiiwl. PounulB 
WRiprbary. KJ. M. 
Weallake. W. U. 
WI|iiaiui,Thfla. F. 
Wil)lamii}T Midi 
Wallace. Pmnk 
WoH«, llalUck 
WRid, HI Tom 
Wiiiiv.l.'tiM K. 
WI1I10.W. Al. 
Walton. Iluji,lt 
W||«y, llrruait 
W«riivr, Bro It. 
Welch, bick 
tftlla, Walter 
Waid, W. A. 
ffilnuu, Harry 
WatiaTWin. H.C. 


Zava, Edwin 
/ troa, Tbe 
Zola. Prank 
/.ojarro, Ilobi. 


Xew llsvcn.— At llio ll/pchon "Sl»<1uini of a 
(Imc CM)" c*na to fair bu.lo.M Vtli. ll.inti a.i ful 
loi.«l bj Pluart KibaoB, 13, aad "TIi. Blinp dirl," 15, ItoUi 
(o rrowJMl lioBM.. canilloe Ml.hal Ilnji, lo'*A l^nn- 
leDta*! Womaa." eitmfi* IT: frnhmu'a raniMnr. to 'Tna 
liv rariiUaa," ID: Lllllaii Kiioall tl, libca II, 'TIM 
ILtU'iAurlinn" U, "Ilia Bir.ll«acj"s 

(iHiyu ni'iHi noma-— Dutloau li boMnlok ai iliia 
li(n*a,iDil th. P- H.O.hIipi «udl*i,larMl at nurlr .rary 

KwrnnnaQCa iMtt wMk. whicli wiuiOU>l»l lnt«..n Dan 
cCailbr 10-13 and "Cana Hollo." I3■l.^ Th. WlUjor 
t>,,«ra<*4i , la ttpailorT. Uhl Ilia Mvloa l*lMur#a ciimo 
vftikol 17. 8aioT.Jaek'.**BullKlili!,r"2l-n, 'Tuxnio" 

POLI'A WOMIKNUXII TlllATIII — Til. B. B 0. .11(0 Wt. 

na ill, Imi ollica wlodow .rary ilajr Ia4 vet b. Tlil. «a«h : 
TlinM)M«hlDO BraUian^ Mlla. KraJaliy, Pnak Hlalr aoil 
E<litli M'irllla, WanI and Curian, HUlrr. Cnul^ciB, Iho 
NtUoii Tflo, Anal. WllluiuUi, aad Daroram aad Uaghaa, 

llartrbnl,— At rroclor'. Open Ifoou liiitlneu 

ccotlaqrA eood. Kic.'. "Itfr* roine. K.h. 17, Mllo Hlia*. 
la "N.ll fKaaa," 19; *Tlia nay I'arUlloi" K, LIIIUo Iton. 
H.I1 SI, 'Tr>a Tumado" 2L fltu.rt Rntuon, In "Mm 
I'aaO.ilinrr'A Kaai," dr.w a RuftI hoaM al ailr.ncMl 

r.ricM, lu "A rnntaolcd Woman" Hat oil to B. R. O II. 
J,lli. Matabalnaall iin'.d tvo ilar, lialo.. tba antral of 
tha compiof. ' Bhwlflw. of a llmtnllf"dld fairly w.ll 
II "niaRhoplllrl"dldlilf bDiloHaU. Dan MeCmribr, 
la"Cnil«b*an L^»n,"ha<l piixl boanaa .la'latalaanU 
nialii TTia Wilbur UfvrafTo. com*, voaw 74-19. 

ri-irOi'AHn Hal).— I'm^ t>uoUy'a beoaitt, wllli i 
MlliUlloa 01 F.lha, Fool Uu.rO aod Clhollo Club Mill' 
alnti. 17. 

Al'DiT.iHirM.-Tba Karit Bird, rima 91, tl. 

NvTiX — Oiarla. II. Iloyl. auUinr ol "A rnnlonloil 
Tontio." plar'wl tit. pan ot raltlDit llloti IS rninh 

UnaL who play, tba part. harinffCMa alok Tlia Uart. Ixidaa tif Rtka, H. P. n. E7, Ko. IH. calHbiat.d ili. 
lblrl4aDlliaJlDlr.r.arf oflli.lroTcanlttilAO by a a^iclal 
t4 (Itn^Iav at tlia Aiidilorlom K.ti. 1 1 aad a liAOiinal al 

tbe Aliya llnnio. tlfnrfoor huodnti p.melp.tiM 

Col. £ Urat,^ of ll.rlfinl, and II. II. J.onlo... of 
Bridi.lnrt, faava laa'ail froctor'N Opara Houa. fur a 
Lnoflfrtar., to coioio.oca al tba aiiiiralloo of K. F. 
Pro<loi'.laaiB. onjBlylO. 

Orldgfpsrl,— At ilio l«rk Uliy IVIIiinr'a Opf n 

(^tnpaov, weak of I'.b. ID. had rood liu.liiM.. *'A lUia- 
laniad Wtioiao" entnea H. "rbA Oay I*af Iflana" 19, HbM, 
la *'Krllfl.fBD.,"3l. 

Al'liiniltll*M.-'^.0(io Hollow." lO-IZ livl fair Im.ln.n 
Kalllr A Wood. 1.1,10, cima to .owl liouaia. "RplJcr 
and ri>" ladoo 17-1. 

BllilKAl''n ¥t-rlf; Iflt.t. — Jno Byri.|i ami May Riaocb, 
Klltia Bo... Klor.Dc. Eoiinat, Pria« jMn.lla, Bamutl 
Vannora. (laora. flarmoily. pianuitr. 

THR Casimi — RIehay aod RIcItf y, Dollla P.. Iloao, Ada 
Bnaaall Jo. fllaocy. 

Tna AiaxA^rnvH.— rnaa aoil Vntl.r, Auol* nil. Uaiil 
Qlloart, r.t Foy, W. W. biinbir and Pun lldrrouili*. 

■ITA flraiN, at Bloli«Bu'a Itoain Hall, w.a rAllad lioin. 
WadaeJday by tbo doath of hrr faihar. Khlla Bom aikd ..Tli. lofant child of Mr. iioil Mr*. Kl. rraw, i,f Wilbur'a (>> , tiled at Iha Wlodaor llnl.l IS. 


OitiatiK.^At Dojd'fl Tfaf Alrf (I'ja If irgoupcn.ft 
fopr al.Ma* roaafitmtol F.b. If, A'rxandrr fulrlnl 
coot.a K>-n.'ElBhl Bella" r-n. Jill I'a.lbirn, la "A 
Fool fur Lark." did lalrbflalortat'U. 

TUB CMiiiliTo.f — -lohn llllinn opaB.a frar olahla* rO' 
■aa^tofoll. "th. Vand.lfa"roia.Baiaed v..,, •'Ti,ft 
Rlifinallaof Now Vorb"dM falrliaalrata H-ll. AL II 
FItM'a Hloalrara hail lalrauiHro^aa It, 15. 

Fori —A blr)elaahow waahaVI llil. w..h In ilirOiDtb. 
(loan! Amnry,.Dd drawlarifocr«»d.uchcvrnlOR. Ibo 
atiow waa r.ry rrcdltablo. 

Pranniit,— Al L«n'< Optra Uoui! A', (i. fltM 
Hloalrala pla] ad to a good bouta Fab. II. 


Bolt*.— TUB motlcai ennl of lit itttm wu 
Booaa'a Biad Oi;ticait, Fab.P, at U»F<ilia'.ripara Uobi^. 
Prltca w»ra adraoead all orar Iba bonra, ao'l niaof warw 
larooJ away. N.lila Mclltnry. In -Tba Blcyela Olrl." 
op*Bf4 to a Wil liaoaa lu. lorihtaa nialitaaod mallbaa, 
aad plajed to Iba eapacllr of iha hoota durloa lha.n. 
aianaou "A UIUvkI TIcb.t" cmihi 17-1*, ' lia Did 

CulIO-Balla Ittr-n. Al. K.aar, Browo aad Fa»l, 
AUaaBlauia. XamU Da raUlaa. Paarlaadi:ajaldy. Flor 
aac* B^alara, Floraoca Faaaoall, Valan and Hlocbdala, 
MBtarar'on, BtUa Boblaaon acd If.ra Narab, .lamH 
iiy lUalDO flio»i| ivj , ara pndwiaf "lb. MHaan.r Imn 
Jalf U iMtln ' tkia »a£ 

— Som n«>m KlMowDod'i ll.ycn: We ire In ttat 
rer; Btnltb ot our ioccaia. Tbo prctnt coopuj 
la tbo btat tbst llr. KiUDwoodbHer«rniuai|*d, 
carnlBf loaiteoD ioUgg peopio nd our own o^ 
chmra, noilor ibodlroollon or Pior. II. 1, Rojnoldi. 
TbocoDipujwttoliaDqneMbjtbt r:ouer Hook 
■Bd liiililtr Co., o(,, on l\>l>. 15, aI lbs 
ootKliialonol our pcrftiinuun o( "Jtok DbappBid." 
On Iho following MuudaT ovenlof UBiuiior AMD. 
of lliQ operA llouir, fornhhctl Bnotber eUhoniio 
•proaii fur Iho cttmpaoy, Wa plajcit In H, II, i>, ibe 
laat four niBhu or our oogAgoioetit ib<rr, ADd at 
ibo miueat of ib« mihagtr hoTo «it«Dded our en, 
gAgBUicnt to ilirr« inoro ulphta. Blao Itooking A re- 
turn eoBngcnioDi lo April, Xht ix>np*iii la biiotcd 
lit Ihe lariior towna of Now Kngbind, Ituylog onlT 
ili« largo ,'l:iea. Tlio roller; Wni. II. llcllougBl, V, 
K. iVDnniaii, Leon J, ('anliiginn, lira, nuib, Tr*C} 
II; Vaiinii, llnwtnl tnw, Wm, WlOB, Tmr} 
Koir. AiuiA K, l.ewla, Ar» Iktll, iMlil. Sheppirii, 
Uimlnno I a VkudI; Fird tl.rah, biMlneii nuuager; 
I'rol, llotoitld., leader of orabeiln, end Tncs, 
t!llluwoo<(, pn>pr;olt>r wid mABAger, HuMbms cud. 

— Niileafioni tbe Dirrle 1/iuU0i>: WoplATKllo 
. It. u. cniT nlgbl laat week at Saleoi, u„ And 

hKTo booked ■ remra dale. Tnli li tbe lifat aeaaon 
wo hare ever bad no far, not a alDgle week or poor 
biulnf n bating fallen lo our lol. At Hcadvllle, Pa,, 
we liroke nil recoidaof week Hi.nda tor an openlug 
niabt. The leala were placed on Bio Fflduf nom- 
lim, BDil hsforo SaliinlaT niton tbo rniire boaae ww 
Hiid, The t*rtmpaiij now nnnitera lerenleen pto- 
lie, FftHl, WiUou, Kitgene Hcott aod lUbj Hvoit 
lined but week. Prof, and Hlle. '/.ira are making 
A bit at aincb iierfonuance." 

— II, 1., n'riib dl<l not ]nlQ Uarte Welleiler'a 
lajrrA He In wlib llovaM Wallta Uomedj Oo, 

— IliirdI llailram J iliicd Ihe Qilbeit Upen Oo. 
IM. 30 toalni ibepiluclpal roloot Uelllna,ln "Haa- 
i:ui, I'ptii II lie." 

— Ilanr Klilnr, biialnon manigtr of ibo Cnlo 
liOuU cnmpanj, baa Ju.l nnlibed a one aol canalo 
nil<or. "Furgivo auil Forger' la the litis, Tbe 
Mtnc li lultl near Toledo, U. "Kibel'a (>ilr," a four 
Acl L'oineily ilniuis, \if tir. Kiting, will bave lla lint 
protluf^ilou Feb. ST. 

— Iloiiirr uf iiieiaou'ii "r. T, C." Uo. (tVeitani): 
Wni, Kllibio, nuuiagef; Ubai. A. Huilib, lOMIer of 
litinniKirullou; Kugone \Vack,lcaderal\ybll«baDd; 
UildKlu Allen, kailer of oolortd baoil; Prof. Ilanr 
Atkcroiao, lOAileriil nrcbreira; JIninij \Vbal«D, maa- 
t.rof ainckiTkiniuiy FAlrublM, anlaMBl; Wm, War- 
lira (lledilil, cbkt cook; Ubaile; Alloc, aaalalanl; 
liivall, WilllAuu, tliige manager; Ilanr a Todd, 
Vkarlos Urkkwoort, Onicle Waalibnra, lultle Uow- 
iilo, U.Bglo nice, Nolllo Hidden, raulUbarlei, Kd. 
Ilitea, llenr; llnpp,ueo, limaiMce, Frank AntlenvD, 
Wo. Ileoile, Ueo, Manej, J, 11, llmwn, VatI IIubi. 
roril, Hat Muirla, Ilanr Vantlerbllt and l-elt I'ar- 
Bonii; \V, It. DATldftin aud Fnok Woodr, (eoeml 

— Ilanr Ucl^jmae U doing vbamcUr paria, 
(iMrgo I'elera comcdiua and Maurice Uanafurat 
boavTca Willi (be lunlcl A, KellT Uo, 

— Uanagor Ulniuielehi repona Ibat bin lyimp-iBr, 
the lilualii, liroka all prevloua bouae retflrda at 
Shaniokin, Pa., laat wrek, with ». II, 0, at overj 
litiforaMnco, and on Kridaj ami Halurdar luaDjr 
people woro lunicd awajr. 

— Fdll.\ llauaicd bill cloacd witb IHIIea'a Uoanio- 
polliaoi, and bu dgncd to play the Jiivciilla part Id 
"McSorle;'a Twin," next aeaaun, under Ibo oiai|. 
agemeul of Frank Urnlil and Hark IMvIa, 

— l',<rlnne ami the Klmiiill (Ipera Ct>. unllad 
wlib Thr .viii r'ninclaru iiifl In giving Ibo newabora 
of that clir onierbilamonl at tno porfumiance of 
"llendrlok Hudson Jr.," Fob. 1, al Ibe Utllfurnla 

~ "Tiio Oilion Hnlnncr" la lliu llilo or a now 
cnninir dfAiiia, iiy hoolt Marble, wblrb lllob and 
U.4eiler win iiroiliico next aeiunn, 

— S. U, UrlilUb Jiilned tbo Hick r, Suiion tXi, al 
liAwatinJOa., Feb. I'J, 

— It. A, Oiabam and wlf4 closod wlib the liick 
r, BtiHou Co. al Aiiicrlcua, i:>., and ai:i:<pled a 
Itoalllnnat NowOrlcnna, U, 

— Manager Ubaa, llondenion, of llendenon'i 
liTcuum Tlinalro Cti„ roporia ibe binh nf a ion lo 
bla wife at Kiild, Uk,, Jan. -Jn. 

— KrcdHtwrer Ih In llivlne, Wla., nnr*Bl/.lng a 
loporurj compaor 'or a bnilngtuiir, i'eonle en- 
gaged ao far are: Frank ll. King, It. I. Joouwn, 
Cbai. AlklnH, W, J. I'.ioke, Nitrow Yoager, Harle 
11(1 Vecr.lilu and daiigbier, (lenrndo Poller and 
Harry Untton, Bcenery fur oavb pniduuilon wui 
be earned. 

— Turn Fuller baa lieon ongagcd for M'/.trillo. II. 
C, Wrigbl forUbarle. II, tod Arthur llceho for Don 
Jme, In Ubadlo and ItowoU'a product Ion of "lion 

— Tba Appleton iipera llouiie, Anplelon, ivu,, la 
clc'iiod, leaving liciiiral Uinlo Hall the oDij allow 
bouHO open In Ib.t town, 

— Tno .Soulbor rrico (Jo. repnrl buabieaa ai ex 
cellent. (In Jan. IT Hadclaino I'flce iTlelimied Iko 
Annlvcnarj of bcr iililb. and Hhe waaegreeablj 
Burprlacd lo receive a number ol gl'u fruin Ibo 
ineiiiiirnof Uie compaiir. 

— Paul and Alma Alken-Mathsws report Ibe ad. 
vent of a non, Iwm to Ibom In ihia cllr Feb. 15. 

— The Leech .V HcoTlllo'a di. oloaed a Itablr 
weeba' auaaon at liuudce, III. Anderaon and Scutoy 
went In Hliinuapnila, Hlun,: Mra. KronB lo Jans- 
villo, Wl<.; At;ir While to UDIcago, IJ,, and Iba ro- 
nialDder to Mgln, III, 

— Ura. Con Uibilelo Hmllb (ooO'iirareaAlooal) wag 
granted a divorce from William beaumont Hmllb, 
Feb. 17, al C'lajlnn, Ho. The deoiee provide* Inr 
Ibe pirniont of fio.ow alliiinr, In Inetalmenuiil 
130 peraeok, 

— A minor cuuoa lo ua of Ibe dealbof Ainu 
Hiuari sunlnr at ibe Canarr lalandit, wbllher alie 
bad gone for Iter beallb, but II baa lieon linpoiilble 
toauilienUcata tbe rtpoit. 

— .tnna IkiyJ baa left Uie "Trip lo Chinatown" 
Co. iiml Uofarillne UcOaiin baa taken ber plara u 
Ibe widow, Hlis UcUtnn goes to Auetnlla for tbe 
aaine cbaracier, 

-. It waa Ualle I,ewlB, and nut Hagile Uwla, 
who underwent a dangamiia etiriilisal oiierallon al 
ber home, lu I'hlladoiiibl., Feb, 5, Hbe la gelling 
along vrry ntucly, and ua amtn aa able will go tu ber 
■Mcr'a home. In wllnilogloD, Hal., in llKHonihlf 

— Minnie Loalcr wl I open ber Hpiing tour at 
llickeiiuck, N, J., U.rcli t. Tlie raiite band and 
orcheaira, with two rrcKpiluna, gii wlih hrr, anil 
iliu niagc pvnpio air: K. H. Ntirajr, W- F. Cunmd, 
Kugcne Fraxlor, J. J, llfaii, J, 1'. Clark. Urrle 
Ander.un, Urii. J. I'. Clark, K-Jllb CnHzer, lllubaid 
Uutk aud H:urr llelnier, 

— Tbomna liuBlor'^j, Ibe wleg ahol, ImMer of 
iltoobamploii medal or llie Paieryun (,>:. J.i Hod nod 
Clin Club, which he baa held fur Ibe baat lnur ytaia, 
preaenird Will K. lUrland, Hie old lime •i:tor, 
riimedlan anil racallHl, wlih a gtild walcb on Kuh. 
U, In honor ol lila n'llelh unhdajr. Maiirpnfea- 
slonala from the dlirmeDt lliealrea were preaoDlj 
and a menr lime waa had, 

-Note* Inim Hie Ualaln Hatkoe "i;,T. a."Un. 
Mra, K, A- t'Ml and olccn Joined Ibe companj laal 
week, al .Vow UaJtUOi I'a, Kale I'arlngloo la the 

— Saobet ,% Porter nolet: Nop Scnvlllo Inlneil 
lor cttnicdrand lln,BcoTlll«(lda Lcecbifur JnvoB' 

— A dlipalcb rram aBclnDnil, 0„ bajk: "Klrb- 
•rd HaniDeld'a pilvale' car end ai'eoerr wen al- 
lacbed for flM by the UIg Fonr llAllroM LMiupiny 
lecenily. HanaHeld, ll la alleged, had a contmci 
wltb lb« Big Poor to liavtl to Kanana Cliy orar Ibat 
loult, bui broke bla coninot to gu over the Balil- 
Bion and Soiilbwealera. He retnatd In accent aer- 
vice or Ibe aitachmeni, BBri told Conainb!o llobln. 
aontntbfowtbepaprnon Ibe Boor. Itnblnion, ll 
la aalO, alapped ihcn In Ihe aclor'a race. ManaOelil 
•flerwatd ap,i|«Blr.eil, au'epicil aenloa, and gavo 
laeu Imni*, wlih tbo lUlilmore and Olilo (Xinipan; aa 


Ilobokaa.— "Human lleana," a mrkulnima ol 

iiotMai Inlareal, waa InltlllgKtly and arlLallnlly IB. 
lalpralM] by aoloTar lol of p*np!o toaUri(AaBt1 appiM-la. 
't.tudlaocaattb. l,Jri^wbera Ui.v o),«no«l Fob. 17, 
lora IbiaanlaliU' nay. "RuabClly," a fan-o comwlp rf 
rootl .toallly, will el. It ua3U.3l. F,< wooh ofil Hanagtr 
liana Iia.aMumI 'Howlnx lh« Wlnil" aod "llie Fatal 
CanI," Ibr*. niihl. «.Arli, HitalnaM with I'llointia A 
"'.at liai WMb, .nilini li. waa largo- 

Pai.x aBTAH~TfB Lotibilana Hlaalrola aud BiirfMlll/ 
roffiiiany, uhdiir Ibo loaoainniMltt.f .1. J. Alw.ll, \V. II, 
llanlaandO. ntooka xronail htm 17 n^r lliBWr«V.wlth 
III* QBual matlnatt, winch va« liraatr allanilrtl. Th. aa- 
arrxatlon eonialoa »iior .\»llaat iiial.rial and llio .n- 
lorlalniOMI lli.y nlforad waaor a nalnro lu Itt.aro. Tbo 
LoalBlwal^dartatwaaafHluraanil llivtr a'nalnx lain 
becontQirnUr,l. Tho*alaorarrTol*rA«.biud. Tu follow 
><r..k of3I.HI(« Jl BAtlua-a Kom IIUI Fnlly Cultipaoy. 
H.ala.u laat waoh waa ..tnl. 

laraaiAL-llilio ll'.l, mm Anoaml, N.lll. BoMlar, 
-oa. Barmo. BufliU Jiiboaon, Miiinl* It.) mood, Amelia 
llalnaaed W. A. Htnd.raL Hualnnia I. lanio. 

BHlTTAK'n llAl.t.— t'nra I'lAoienconl. Koxona rnllopl, 
AonI* Hmllb, gaM WanI, Juhu UUIcIo aod I'rof. lUlI- 
iitao. Baaloota I. 

Knrta — WHvon R. H-tM, Willi -'llttntan llMrl.,'* rtinowpt 
ilMAAOlaoiiialnlao^cadoTlBii lilabridr aiay. Ho nia^o 

blaclti hi. hmoeal on. Ilin. Iliirlna lb. antafW. ol PiliiiiuManil Waal al tbo l.yrlo la.lw.ah.on 
liiBIIOM uid nl.lil, 13 tba hon.. waa pnckatl In Iba illMii., 
ami Will Blark, li.a.oror, ralutrd to aall a<iy utnra llch- 
ola. It waa alau llio llfal llino In Ibo liltltiry til lb. huuAfi 
that IhBnrrliaora w.. rttoipellMl l.tplay un IIia.ibko ... 
Hairy«r la it,*wduloi nil tanro wori rnr"Hii*h I'lly." 

F. Kdwanl Ualy baa oa.t.lo.l all „r Iba "Kaily 

Hlnla't ilnl*a.aiid n*etlled tlia n,iiipaoy lo thlafllv 31, 
Ilia Iwt ilalA, 3U. waa at N«w l^mlon, ri.... il.n, F, 
Marlon and Kil. r HrlfAnuan nto rreom aibllllnoa in 

''Hnah Oily." Will rar1b>n lAi-iitr,.,! In tbla rliy i;nn 

Tba Drama ff Ihtofao Naturae" Ttvaaurwr Will 

Blaok rapnrla lb. a«rlooa ItloMa nf bla lllll. imio wlih 
poaumuaia. Mr. Illark lia. baan v.iy unlvrliiiuta tilllt 
Bl(kn.iaaud ilndml lmubl«a. 

— wnrj J. (Urgent, a ooI|c« itt wboae deslb ap- 
|M>nre(l III our la«lU«ue, dl«tl I'ob. i, la tbo 
(KoK ) InOrruary. anil not la lli« vorktiAaM Blilial 
lilAce, M wan at flrat reporud. Abuni tlx ve«U 
prtvluQHiy ha whji rtlicAvcrad Itvlnit logmitptiv 
eriy la aataall tirteila IIuiial«r,ilialt'iiT. Itiecnu 
tbul two or tbrco )eAri atto aniiiftL-lrcumaUDCM 
liruiigLl titoi to Ueda, wbcra ho bad ilDcellveil, 
loo proud, It afpfam. In itiaka himidf koown lu bli 
frleudi. Abd hliiklog ii; dcgrwa Into tbe deepest 

— It waa fjlacly rrpnned Hal wtfcklhit CUudo 
Uuilua liiiplany. whiiao dvaili waa ctir«>DldKl Iq 
our (ant luiiiCi illed In lairiidon, Kum.. Kel>. 6. Oy 
(be laictt Hdrlcca vo IcArn ibal If. DiipUpydled 
Jao. 'i-'i, Id Houili Africa, mo caom of bU rlKaib bo* 
log cnuaumpilfjii. 

— Cliarlta Frnhiiian, A. If. ralia«r, lUolfl Pmb 
null, T. Ileoiy t-rfnirh, UroDion llovard, .\nf uitua 
1 tiouiai aod n analrT of oihor uanif cm atid play- 
wrlgbia wrot u* Witthlngion Kiib, in, to neet 
AmoeJ.CuniiDlDait, «rbulflioliilrodiii»bU Ull foy 
tho proiccilon of propeny rlgbii lo pUjt lo lb* 
lloupoof KenrraeoiAltrea. 

— lleory lIHier If cooil4«iiDg ad •rrugemaol 
ouder wblcb be will prrdiAbly oiir ocsi riamiBcr. 

— "C'brUtopber Jr." wa* pro4ac«4 At Tenr^ 
Tbeair*. lu londoo. Koff., Feb. l4.«Uh FitdAnck 
Kerr in ihe role ptaynl bcre bj Jobo Drew. TbH 
giree l/>odoM it ihia ilo)ft ibrc* gmi Amencso 
»uccMe»H-"rrlHi*/"Ttiel'rUuur of Z«uda*>And 

-II baa been ADOounced ibat Ifror. Modjetk* 
will not eel BKilQ tbla Katoo,AiKl b«ragfotb«i 
ACcordlDglj glrea ooUco to ib« iiiemberii ot ber 
comoanj itmi Ibej DutI look for olhrr eogiffC' 

— Marie Urneler AodDio l>alyAre,tABiftTMit 
■rAv>o luder tbe ouuAffeiDfntof Oaiwrr k l.9derer* 
Tbe totir will begin la Harob, 1I3T. end uolUlbeo 
tbe/ win remalB ib« gbUlaUnoilran Id "lb* Ud/ 

Jvraejr Clly.— "Hball N'o. -i'* tipcncd fur iho 

teek al ihe AcaJeiuy Fob. \J, X» rulbia: 'in a HlK 

Bo?( TdV — Uanaiiar IHtiklnaliM arranieil ani>lhf(rili'- 
laciable menu Tor nrah «ir ir r<iiialiiliiatii'T«R|tftan<l 
Hanlala. the Milaroa. l^^wh l.««l^ <llli>Krt Kanny 
IfOOUru and Kottnn, tha Araotal Hialar*. Hpatwrt, Mmt* 
laiun and Waat, llarrr Cramlall, llio Antnilcaa Tr|t>, 
LoltleWeatH)nioni|a,Horlunajiil Hatrollo. and itia KlQti< 
nara Vitaloaia lamalDa laria, aoO tlia i>|>aiilnit mitiRM, 
17. waa vail attemlAl. 

J. I. 0.— Maui) llmre.Clan Uarlon.ilia iirar HlHUrn, 
rriif. Tumbull aad fred Ha)iiii>Dil, Biialneaa reiiuiita 

WiHiiixtimx. — (Ian. Hmluin, Nana IIumoH, nillhi 
(Iralian, Liule Nelaou, Uinina Nora* ami K. U. Msruaall. 
Hualoiu (a niadluni. 

(IRO. ttHAnii. aim haa biwrt Mentllled wlih IIin Hnn Tihi 
aat«a«lar eror alai-4 Hie Imu*^ aipenvd.lua TAlliMl.atiil 
Andrav HjrmaaiiHI till iIih teaifar'a nVnlr, itimiilna 11. 
ir.Oraiiiwill davotehliviillnillinnlii UdbIa I'tililUbar 

ITehiniDa aarrli-'a Hcaiiln AitUt Paul Uall>tn ban 

cniii|.lalftl hU"la*rfl<iD Ihe 3JI»ltalppl" Tata iVnMIn, 
anti tiia wnia will ba\a a tilal t>f rrimninoi at Kalt't'a 

itnloD Htiuara. Han Vxrli tllir, 1i TbH Uwy lll'y 

Hlkajironnlatl J. W. Kollf alth a rllk uni'jialla al Ihe 
Bod IW. U. 

— ■- — 

IfewArke^Tho week ciiilliig Fci>. lAWMpnih' 

ablr iliairralBMtif Ihd ^Mtia ai Ufiiar'B Itipairo Kallr. 
'O KhlJar, In "JItnn. Hana ilano," drev cii<«ili i>i*tf 
lahl, aod extra dialra wrrn nec«i«irv. Tlili «r>t<k 
Tbe Okl llniii'Mtoad" urea iimre vMU Nr«atL. Hal 

waia iiKalrta a haarlr vi'Vonie, aad «IH llhnlr d" an 

eailaaarar. th«ra*a«BlAlrlyu-M>tl atlmitlRDrn 17. W. 

II. (^raiiF. In "fha lliirvmur at Koiiliirky" an<l "Hla 

Wire's KKiher,*' wMtk »f2\. 
JiriHU'.— "Itnali <:liy" dhl fairly w*U la-l ttHnk Hnni- 

Itera of lau cl4awa nf Hto»iM' litMliiiin, llnlHikon, al- 

tandad Ihpioah Ilia »r*ii,kii<l a rlralry icraiiic bi> In 

■inaii- - 


WMi'aMlnitrali - „ 

Tbla la Ihelraiinual '^1 alwata hikIp cniMraln iraiilr 

lo lauph Tlia liouw * '«ll dlltMl 17. 'Tna (Irrni 1IU> 
mnnd Itobbary" wrab m ,'1. 

Wai.i>hji!('h — RualnriM wint aliuiital a llrply (.arn laat 
week ami Ilua lllira b'grrliiaa itiaiifl a r'HHl harrevl. 
Tha wraalllDir buuia vati»acanl. II. W. WH1ld<Mi- dan 
tUf. prvMOl tbair atlir<ftlllt> MH ihU v^rnk Tlia llni 
nliliiara were out lu liirvel?. KlyniiaVHlKrlilan'dUtiu- 
bUBbnw3l ». 

Palamiia^Al IhoOrera lluiiao rrliniTfHi! huiI 

Waal'iMlBtlralaitUyiM} In iho r\ill ra|i irlly nl iIiiIiiium 
Pall u. many belna tumMlawar l^ri>r<tN I' m. "Hiwlna 
Ibe Wind" had aliraaaail highly ■iiprMlailraaiiiHetirn 
S. 'Tba Naw Hnj" fiafi ralrly kimk] |iiiu4»i il ||. HtHik- 
B|a: "BnMi lUly" 17-lf. "llU'iian lUMria" U-JI, I'aUr- 
Mrti Alhlelln l]lnb"«lai" II, Itarliallo |Uiuu<l, In "Kail 

yina." tl 7it: "r\f Ut/jiur intii. 
pM^ Ml'aBL— DoilneiatontlniiMiKKfl ei ihU hniiaii. 
..rrirala fnr 17 aod weak: Weat and r<ivlar, Htaiichn 
Aodrawa, lAoeao, Hiirataoil Ktirlbvoitil, |a*/i|« VToaion, 
Hahar aod Lynn. Uoiriuer and Itlch. Hank and VTilUrl, 
(laorfo K. Pl»lirr, Uan"« Broa., i:iiarlxa MtiUitakl, 
Konoar, tlia a^iiiln" mirt*L Meyi ud llunlur, and A\9S, 
/anrrella'it!«in|iaiiv. In "The rirlRimla." 

fllJOii Tlll*THa.-T.aarlll'a "HtH'lar and Kir" (h. Im I 
rlr aoal houaaa lu and irn^. Tha "/.<iru" Khm Monlar 
4:0. la the bill Inr 17an lw*ab. Kur aaalt uf il eo bara 
Ihe rraarbUalaly OliUCo. 

inaiif ntarra, and In maiwrinanrea praat ■•rii|itidi)ii i<l 
luelH for Ihe Ivllaa di ilia c<iin|>in)r. Vilnima« k 
I'aMlnatrala wlllenurlalii nn a lifu»Bi-«UlhUv«»k. 
Tbla la Ihelraiinual •^1 alwata hikIi 

Elliaboiha— Allhfl McMimThenlro "Tbo Kow 

Boy" cana Cal'. UK tu a hilit hiHi««. "rioalnK Ilia Wlad" 
arrlrail IS. lo a fair amMrnfia. wlilrh wm well plaaar-l, 
rrtiiiroae A Weat'aMlnMrala mnn II, to larito Iniui* Tn 
■rrira: Kanaadi'a flarari I7*3J, "Ilia Lual l*.uadlBe" 
SI, -Tiie Uaular*^ Marrh X 

lia.tKaOPinA HoL'aK—laonirellaw'M Mraani an<l <'arnl< 
ral ll-l.l (ineel) ftir Dia henaniof lli*illiin>rAl H<>"|iltaJ, 
reallr*tLf).UII T<i arrim: Tho HIatk Tatll ( ilina. Hlnlar. 
alia Jnna^ It, 'Too Two KvulehaMia*' it, niailaaa and 

Tiiv— Undar iiia nn« maiiaiamrnl uf Vu], W.H. Miir 
Ion Ibe Urahe Oitara Hiwm will i>j ruiirpiy re»iNlp|r<t 
aarly la Aitif ua|. Tin* crtMH ta lUimy eml inllprr n il lie 
turn out aodili^ t«nbroiitiiiiiitar«ritiaMi<Ba aiNi raUwI. 
wliFla Ibeaaata la Iho orclinaira and ini'inalwIU lf«eU' 
(alM. TbeprUatehiiMiwlil aliMi Im Rlianq*!. MirloK 
ihanit»oik«of -luaean>l Jjlr the Kuniniir niKhLftinearu 
byDraka'a Military Unailalll In uUeri two nUlilalii aacii 
weak. , 

Trflntoa— ''Mowing dm Wind" cnnie Uj Tay- 

lor'a 0|»tr4 ll«n*a Kah. 10. u> M'mH biiilni^r. ittn\ 
NalharHthi, 13. ha«l hli liu^lnnaa, amtnnt nf llln»»4 
MIm Katherwda wnnhl not aU«m|il "t^aniilln.'* vhlch 
aha waa liHikcd for.lrtii aoballtuKd -iMnlae," which ure 
■real akilaraollnn. rilinnitn A Waa), M, dhl biu l>u>|. 
naaa. **8ar^l fnHii ll« Hfii,"ll, Ift, lia'l fair buklnem. 
Wairo (Unirdr (Ut. opoatd l7. Tir llni wrak, lu H. II. (I. 
The Hp* iflorrViinmlf iVi. mniea 3l.?i. 

ittKtoS Mi'afci'H — Hntlnraa ei |ii|a htniMi rtinllnnen in 
ba bla. AUmcthina fur 17 ami wrak are: l,«ai|a and 
flardi, Llllle I'anay. llaH>y(Tal HiaaarL ainl Jannla M'T- 
lire. fr4nli WhPiuan. Klihl* and Hallnn, Tate/awa aod 
baby Vfl'Uo, Iiira IVhIttly and fie Hiirrara. 


Dai Melan— At Koiler'a Opora ItaiiH Daii'I 

Holly. Id "Dvldy Hulan." ilraw a fair honw fad. 13. (Jua 
irtaga, in "A Vaoolna Vaotlernan." Ullwl lii aallafy a 
amatlairana 11. -jli l*#i1Wi .\ i« Vir4"<aTi4a M<>wl 
Mrfoinianr*. ■<• a fair andlenca. II. "A Tripin China- 
lown" playad lo gtrntA hu*lnaaaal ivn pnrfinaanr^ Ift, 
•aUlolevmM3i,.liia(:aTni'irnS, " 

Ohapd OriHA ll(ir>iH.-"i' t. <r. 

> !> iHKibwl ftrr Zl-M. 

Cowncit Olnffia'AMho iMhanyThQHlro lunle 
flally oreiaoieil "U«tdy .HnLan" hafura a aiuall ii<iii«« 
rail. 11. Al it. Klatd'a "Iiirb»*t Anirrlca" atiraclrd a 
tophtary bovia IS. "ThaHolal H. hixil." a nqe rurainn 
ol,lhe"£>ffiiairlk Hchonl " rrnm iha pen nf II. 0 lUwiar, 
clly »UH'I< ^odaot iirMlivil*. will I14 alran aprrariiia' 
Ikin br Mala, ll, and iha ItnuaeUMtld la a lt anca fiarUiM 
AMaatfMi. A aarftfl'l performaov. tn ba ilv»n Ifi. will 
ilnulfiiafawk Iha h(ia*«. Tlia WMrilwaril TrioatrM i^i. 
will iifiaD l7 lura raium aoKasiinant uf tnu wa^ha' dura. 

Uurllagloao—AI Ihe Orand" Wans" packed Mm 

houae fek fTai mn prlcft. Th* iIiim l.liler I'm. tUmn 
well weak iiflu. anO pUiMfd, "fand" tvnima 14, "Altlit 
Jtrtjla" IV, "A Baagaa* i;ii»rb"SI. and Murraraod Mai-'4 

3J. WarKiaOBConr*/! If, * A Hllk While Vlnn 'n At 

Taraer Hall Iba (3ilca«u liieeuni i:u. hara diann aaii*- 
factory hooaei. 

K««hak.-»At tbo Keokuk Opefai II(iiim"T)ia 
Prlrateflacr»iary" rama frb. )iin fair iib>l(i»R Mi>irl. 
aoo'a "faaal" mma* D, ''A Hai/ata rin-k'' 31, "A Vrou. 
Ioe Veeuanaa" Mairb I. • Kliht U«IU*- 1. 

UttbM'iaa.'Al Ibe (IrAinl Omm lloiiat *'Tbn 
Irbli Aldarmaa," alih Jilm RarDall a- ihaitar.had « 
ftoort hoeaa fab. It '"fha lAifl nf ihe l.'r^n^" ha-l a 
imaJI booae U "Tba werrr WoiM ' aioma* 17, 

A HfWrllng Orart«i. 

TmrLlpriD A»l-'ii. for I4M lanul. «ni) UwMit 40m 
pleie aa<1 haOAlwinie riien ar«r. I * uri 1 iina uhiitde kU'I 

iDleraaiiazitailalkalo ih«aiileal aod •i-nr'>r,B nialtera. 
All tbe f rmnta aoH Uii i>f<rf(irm«nr«ji lo ell ihaiiMrla 
are iiren la birn coarcairni in Hul Tna UMi-rait, the 
"itioiatxlaulhurltyla Bpnrllai aixt annii«»iiHtii meiwie 

aoH Uii i>f<rf(irm«nr«ji lo ell iha^Mrla 
' " " * Tna iiMi-rait, the 

for for)* (Wid alwar* atra« ii-n i>*at end It liae 

kept rIfbtiD llaooeea nrnra olih iha iHM*k. ThIa 
yaar Tui Aancai 11 lioaily iDiariad, hating thfrir. 
effbl aore Mfaibia laai laar.anil coatafoa A'luaiio 
aod atbletle perfemaiHo*, ricln« aod troitlag re.crafi 
aad baeaball lllllardi aad aifabai reTltwa. 




World ^Players 

— Notes •1X1 Hosier from iheOtlnne Oomn); Co.: 
Wa t»-n Utcl/ aMeit mvenl new people to oar 
compADj, ftod bftTO just oloflcd A deil wberetiy wo 
■ecnr, tbe gerrlcra nr the Impertal Btoi at Or- 
clieMi»,wli1eli will ntko Ihlii tbo uroniieA lepor- 
toiT coiDp*Dj Id tlie ytt»u Un Ita. 37 tbe imtiaie- 
neiit leideted Mr. sod Hi*. Utldwcll a l>uqnot at 
Uie Moildlkn Uoul, In Colnmlxiii, Neli. Ii ww od« 
ot the dnetl Moquels rver Mr^'ert b; boat Piddnck, 
iDd WM tboroujibl; cnjored \ij tbo«e pieMDt. Tne 
foUowlsg II » complcto roiur oC Iho cnnpinr: 0. A. 
0•lnm^ pnprtetnr (ikI muaffer; Wm. Itlcbr, til' 
Ttftlilai RiKDt; cntnilo Wuter, cnntiscilnit ■nil 
preM HCOl; w. 0*rl OiMwoll, nitgn imDtier; 
KmDU Muncr, I/ilbt Ckldwell, Dltnche Hajmour (M- 
tionit, Kdllb l.»ll, IL A. (Mlionie, 1). Ilolcnroh, 
Will Ooi, OeiM woirell, llonrd Huoni, Hn.O.A. 
Oflbome, frciBuror: the lopeiltl lUnd and Orcbe*- 
in »ta HiMer I.Tle. W« are liieaklfig no recordii, 
hot Medoliig Ttrr well. 

— Xolta aod roaier (it nraca'a OomNllani: We 
open nor leaaoa Maroli 2), In rrpertorj, Mniat 
KiitT lUjroond. We will catrT a Mj Und of 
twelve plecoe, which will lie reaiareil In paradea, ai 
the menbon of the iNiod will lie drtMed in bloom' 
en ud beaded lij Ulai llajniond on hnminck. 
We are bookMl ihrongli Ililnola, Inillani, Kentnckj 
and TemeMee. Iloaier: fame* Ii. Qrtce, proprietor 
and niaBaier; W. U. IfcNeal, boaloeai tnansRcr; 
I<oiila HMliteni, Htaito PKDKgcr; Frank Wllllamii, 
pnpeit; man; lien IL liawmn, Kameet fkilinllz, 
Obarlts Hmllb, Kinr Harmond, Jnole nowlmaD, 
Ooma Jmupand Ida Varlaod. 

-The llaiileUie* jQvenllo Hlnaircl Tmnpetliat 
waa prominent In the recent litnellt of iheTTira- 
irtcal Meclianlca' Anaoclailon nt the Walnut HIreet 
TDeatre, rhiladelptila, r*.. In rant mniliii Into 
nopuUrllT In the ((iialier Llty. 

— Hoeter or lUwhina' Uerrj (X: Ionian Haw- 
kina, Otarloiio llcrlnnil, Itnj Hex. Ollliett Oalo, 
Kilward Bointon and K. Frank lUwklna 

— Fradotict Honiaano oIim«iI wIiIi ilie I'nlirMif I- 
lev Oo. It HI. t/ouin, Mo., and Jnlnnl MncHii i. vtr 
la't '"The Dernulier" Co. at Kanun Oil;, Do., 
Pel). 10. 

— Niilu tnm ilie Krial A Kanaliawe Co.: Wo are 
nowtoailDir Indiana and Dliln, playing to pood bnal- 
nesa. Kred Kllnworib and Olara llaunKir Joined Keli, 
1. Trie conipanT la liiinr rclioanlDR Hr. Kanatiawe'M 
ne* piBT, "A lied K<c|inaiil," a coinMly dranm, anil 
• roTlTal or "Agalnm tlio Foe" lloeler: Froat & 
Fanihave, proprlebim and maonKm; A. I>. Fan- 
abawe, itage illrcctor; otiaa. HcUnilli, Fred Klla- 
worth, RolH-rl llarrla, Cliire Kcnwiml, Uuiicl Froit. 
Flora Pmal, Olara llHUiiier, bid. FomaUrr, planUt; 
V. II. Knat, general manager, 

— Geurffe tlallahnrj. who waa ironilned to bla 
room at Bangor, He., Iij lllnca* for three weeks, re- 
Joluad Lincoln J. (iart^r'n "Tlie Tnmado^' at Brack, 
ton, U»M.t Felt. 10, having fully ncorcrtd. 

— Ohai. T. Hart oxpecta to lake nut n new farce 
comedT, "llilly llo,<i iiefore Hid aeawinenda Dan 
Reed and U. F. Young hare licen onpagri;. 

— Notni fioni tlio lialMe Marton "I). 1. <i.ii Co., 
nnwtnuiiugwoaiom l*enDHilvanla: Wasre iotnga 
fair liDalneia, btil not turning them away. Tbero 
haabei^unoolisniiolu iho company eliico oun.iMD- 
Ing. Itwior: Dalale llnrkoo, Frankle OoDM>e, 
Kale I'arilnginn, Addlaon Hljitrix, Harry tiieiH ii:, 
Fmnk Mnnrord, Knifsl Panilanian, lUrry Horan 
and Ueri Walkrr. 

— Uaito Klozlu baa recnvored rroii) an allaokof 
lypbiilil rover and opened Willi licr company al 
Oiiiwn IViIni, Ind., Jan. in, 

— Him. K-IwIii K.lroj, wiro or Uauagcr KImy, of A. 
V. ViUMU'n Binnk Co., gave lilnh to a girl Kcli. B, 
atliiclr hone In Kllitlirtli, N.J. 

— aim O. Font will place iipun tlin road n reper- 
tory roinpaiiy. producing aU iir.wpliiya for which 
lie has aeuiiruil tbo tigbi. f^cU play will lie 
mouniMlIn tbo beat of aiyle, wlili npeclalaconcry, 
andaiirDngcaalwIll In ongiigcil. A tniir of tho 
dlifimitieaurtawlllbu made during tlw Hummer 

— The Kaabvlllo BiuitonlB Oo. report good bual. 
iiesa ilirouffli Ihe Houlh. Al camdrii, Ark., the 
tioiuo or Jonit Stuart, peopio were iiirned away aiMl 
the colon.-il peopio garo ihe company a bauiiuet 
after the porfiiniianre. Jno llccker la maoaglug the 
ahow, Eihd A. W. Vealch la In advance. Uaxter 
Henaida loliien tho company al Harxhall, Tex. 
nosier: t. T. Wright, Cecil Hnillb, Ida tVrlgbl, Net- 
tle Qnir, Jaa. While, Al. P. Watia. r. a. Lowoiy, 
John muan, Kd. Ur«on,W./,. Jaokaon, Peter Woods, 
John Uiappsll, Androw Uiilery, luxter Itenolda and 
Voio Oair. 

— ItoHier or the Vancc-Shurnuiii t^imedy Co.; 
Frank W, Hllhsr, mnnaior; Uart K, Vance, slago 
manaaet; A. li-Flaher, inaHltr of tranaporlallon ; 
John Cumn. ailvanto agent; A. Ilraekllu, property 
man; I'nf. F, J. FInotI, loader or oroheatra; limce 
Hberman.JuunlaUumo, Arthur Uepg, Waller Km- 
eraon, Ki. Boper, Malid Uerero, Boyinottr Uvlag 
•tone, Joale Ring and Karl Floaaum- 

— Usoauley A ration's Heloct I'layers Kotos: Wo 
are playlDH to cxw'llent bualncn. Bahtrtes nro all 
paid aetl sTeryono H bappr. We are making a rear, 
un ot Wn. Fauon'a comoily, cnililed "The lliahful 
Old Baebelor." 

— KiroM UoDonnld li no longer witli tho John 
U'Urmnod Co., having lieeu replaced by J. R. Jsok- 
ion. AKiea Fuller liaanijulnod alter a two weeks' 
Tislttiilier homo In (Iblcago, III, 

— We arolnrorniod IbstKllron l>eaiiK>iil laatlier 
bono Id Chicago, III., alowly recoTerleg from a 
severe attack of pneumonia. 

— Lea Vandyke wna gmutrd a illvnrco from 
Harry Davis (uon proreailunal) Fob. 1 1, at Yankton, 
g. D. 

— F. Bchmerbor Inon imilrsMonal) was reconlly 
granted a decree of divorce troiu Noello UoberlH, 
al I'erry. Okls. 

-Haiuger W. 0, llmwncot Ihe Alloe Wllaon 
Thealiv tlu., wrlleH: "Mr little Cmi'I-sh ail. ot last 
week hTOUgbl me In anawcrs onouih to have or- 
ganised a bait doaen uuni|iaiilca. We are now la 
our Iwenllelb week and aro phiylng to good aver, 
age hull neai. Tho 8. It. 0. algii apiwara lrci|iicnlly. 
We now have tourieeo people, and we will coailnuo 
all Bumiwr, playing under oanvss. We reconlly 
purobaieil a una miri. round lop, with a 4Utl. uild- 
dlo piece, tor the Huiunivr lour." 

— Ilsrrv and Joe Freoinaii have Joined Harry 
Uhnate'a bramalla Ou., In support ot Uaillu Chuate. 

— Uyra Lrv CIvaller baa boon ongagod ror Kdwla 
Ferry'aOi. Jamea F. Peylnn baa Joined iliecoin- 
pany as advanoe repreneniailvo. 

— U. OWant asannied the insnagenniil or iho 
Aoadomjor Uuslo al Sterling, 111., ou Fob. Ih. Mr. 
Ward luad dllod varlnun noalilons about Ihe house, 
and hli sppolotiuoui >vlil no iluubt pmvo salistuc- 

— nolMrt ll.llydo Informs usIhslllydc'aUniurdy 
(Xi. will t4ku tbo roail Hay IB, Inr a Ruinmor lour, 
producloi "A Mtilo Winner," with l«a Leohk as Ihe 
alar. Ttiei'Oiu|>any will lie Iho wine aa ibat of ro'- 
nirr acaeona and will tour Indiana, llllnula, Ulohl- 
gan and Ohio. 

— "Km Frauocaco," au opera, lu oneael, taken 
from a alori by Y. h. Allliou, lllintlu by 11, 1. Wil- 
son and w. L. Ilubbatd, ntualo by llniry Waller, 
has lieeii accuplod for perromiauco at the Hoyal 
Upeim lloiae In Uerlln, Uor. 

— Wllllsni A. Brady and K. (I. ailnioie will pro- 
duce "Under a IMIar Biar," by May U.Oroene, at 
Ibe Academy ur Muale next arnsun, liegluning 
Aug. 11. 

— Mansgar Oaakell, of Ihe Uadgo Tucker Co., r^ 
porta Rooatmsineas. He stales thai the company 
leceuil; played In Norrlstnwn, I>a.. to B. K. (I. 

— "(hd liube Tanner" Kotea: "Wo an playing re- 
turn dales tbmugh Now Knglaiid to iinironniy large 
business. snd lbs show la giving aatbtractlon. K. J. 
I>e Vine la in advance. Instead or William Ubid. 
cbeiter, who Is very 111 al rillsdilil, Haaa." 

— Tlis Baekelt-l'oriorUii. ro|«irt thai thrlr open. 
Ina, Feb.*. al the lloll ( llyOjirni llmiao, Ibm^ne, 
Wla, waa UMdo lu the targcat audience of tbeaoa- 
aon Incrr, 

— Manager Kilwin )'. Union wrlln: "John J. 
Burke Is aaoeesariil III bli new tbieo act alisiir.tlly, 
'The Dooior.' Ooiuiucni'lng with Feb. u, al ibe 
Park Theatre, IndlanaiMlls, lud., nearly the entire 
rrnialudcr or this aeawm U bookml In big oily week 
alands, and tbo alar, compsity and entire pertoim- 
ancc has rocrlved prHUo everywhere." 

— Ubaiiea l>. WlllanI aud Huih litnamore Joined 
Hire's l>ohiedlansailorous,M. Y., Feb.t. 

— Kil. ». iialler, luanamir nt Salter A Martin's "U. 
T. U." IX, writes: "Uur liuslnesa at the pitseni 
lime la harge, and 1 dont bellovo an 'Uncle Tom's 
CaUii' Uo. ever received such good wonts from the 
press as vo have recelvetl since we opcueO. We 
atanni uni with tbo Intention of making a reputa- 
tion by alvlug a nral claas alage perromauce, as 
well aa h gnat street parade, and we have auo- 

— Ilarr) lliill rioaea bla engagement with Iho 
Uaplial Biuare Ttienlre Stock, lielroll, Mich., on 

— There la a imnlbllliy that Uharlea Vale's 
"Twelve leiniilalli'iia" will leave the tlbttea Ihe lat- 
ter |<art nl Jnly tor a seaaon In Auairalla. If the ar- 
rangeuieiila pending prove Bueceaaful this will be 
tne Oral ipeoiacuuir organisation that has ever 
iwen tatoi rrora tbis oountrr <» tba Aulltwrtea. 

— Noteatrom John B- Wills' 'Two Old omnlea" 
Co.: We have been very incceastol so far this 
aeaaon. Our rontes ror the past tbm weeks have 
lieeo through the northern part of Pesnaylvanla, 
West Virginia and Bonlbemdhlo, and almost every 
toem we have played the show has given great 
astltfacHog. In (Ireenvllle, Pa., w« allowed In the 
Opens House on a two daia' notice, the lecelpis 
beleg large. The popnlarlly of "Two md Cronlea" 
never dlMooL Manager itovralngla bonking ror 
neat afason Ills new snow, called The iiuadRMns. 
II will lie composed or colored Islent, and the ahow 
will be divided Into three patla-comedy, vaode- 
Tlllt and opera. The name or the opera Is "llono- 
laln," and will pertain to Incldenlsor iheanneia- 
Mon or the Hawaiian lalsoda to thUcoonirT. The 
flmt scene will represent the harbor of Honolulu by 
nooDllght, with an Amertcao man or war lying at 
anchor In the har>wr. The second scene sniihe 
Oneen Fjnma'a Sqnare, with the Bnyal Hawaiian 
lintel In the distance. The third scene wlllrepre- 
aenl Ihe Inierlor of Qaatn Ullnnkslsnl's palsce. In 
tblascenennlieamimlicr nl apeclsllles wHI he IQ- 
tmdnctd. and a band or colored aotolau will repre. 
MDI tbo Royal Hawaiian Band. 

— The Woodward Tnealrn On. reports excellent 
boalneiai In Ihe West, pisying to the capacity of the 
homes st chrsp prices. W. F. Bchroth gave Iho 
conpany a bamiuet lo. In honor nl his tweniy-lirtb 
blnhrtay. Many preaenu were given. The rosier: 

0. I>. Woodward, proprlclor and manager: J. 
Fraocla KIrka, llany C. t/>ng. Will Davis, Ashley 
nosh, W, F.Bcbmlb, Prol. Ham Drelsbscb, Uanle 
Wood wsrd, Blanche Uorgao and IJiUe Ooldle. 

— Klaw A Rrlanger are lo conml "The lady 
Slavey," and will la>o mil nhario or It st the con. 
claakin of lis engagement In this clly. 

— Mr. and Mrs. uro. U Denton hare retired from 
the "A Thomnghbrcd" On. Mm. Danion will proh- 
Atilv not go out sgsln this seaion, owing to III 

— Keporu or good liaslnew rome rrom Olint 0. 
Kord'a "An American Hero." 

— I,ew Panginme. huslnesa msnsger of "O'llno- 
llgan'a Uaar|uemds,"repinaK"od bualntsa through 
ttieWeai and Southwest. He will manage Oaila- 
gherand Weal next aeaaon. In "O'llnoilgan's Haa- 
i|>enule," using Ihe same title, lint In a complele 
new comedy, now being written tor them. 

— Henrt Kllngand Flom Oaminer Kllng closed 
Witt the Usrhle Theatre Co. at Hudson, Wis. 

— Jamea K. Keane opened at llsvlln's Theatre, 
Ohicagn, III., Fell, a, with "The Vendetta" Co., plsy- 
Ing Ihe gont'ol hcsvy rote. 

— Ume. Undjeska, who Is now restlog In Uhl- 
csRO, III., Is gradually recovering her bealih. Bbc 
bopcN to be able to resume b. r tour about Msrch I 

— R. M. and Joaepb [lo:t;.-io*B ongsgement with 
lllchsrd Msosdeld closes r- inner part of March, 
when they will Join the sl«r o>fl ut "The lllvals," 
limilcd by Jiwph JeiTenon. lu depleiniier lliey 
will lie seen In a new pbiy at ibe Firm Avenue The- 
atre, this clly, under the direction of the American 
Tiieslrtcal Bynillcalo. 

— Notea rnim the "Old llnbe Tanner" Co.: We are 
Innur tbirilalh week, and playing loa fine bu.nlne#H. 
Dar retnm dales commence IN, with Wlnxtead, CI 
J.O. Woiitwnnh. clartnnai, Joined at I'lilaOelil. 14. 
We worolnaliad rallrriail accident II. coming from 

1, ee, Hasa., to niisfleld. In which roiirenglnes wrro 
wreckod and two cars tcleacoped. The nremsn, oU' 
aineer, atirakcman aod yardman were badly In. 
Jnr«)l; tba llrcinan, having both legs crushed and a 
deep scalp wound. Is not sxpected to live. He wss 
ao plnoed In Ihe wreckage tlMi It took some time to 
gel him (lilt. Nonenr the company were hurt, bur 
bsdlf shaken up. Uur baggage waa sllsbtly dsm. 
aged, lull not enough to Interfere with tne evening 
perforinsnce. In Ihe aficnioon the whole com|uny 
atle»leil the Wimderlsiid. 

— Noirn from ibo Allien TaylnrCo.: WewMI pro. 
duce a now blaiotlcal play, entitled ' 8in Jacinto, 
or tbo Hbrlne of Texan IJiieriy," at Temple. TVx., 
'21. Tho play will In gtveii a coniplotc Hcenic pro. 
dut-.tlon. Tno company was atrenathened In liiiniS' 
vine, Tex., by the sddlttou ot J. W. Ooodwln, Willie 
Itoiiard and Aetna Vome. 

— Nnicu fniin thn Maude lllllman 0>.: We con- 
ilaueindua phoiiiiiiienal builuesa. At llarrlsburg 
the bouse wna packed to Ibe doors. It iielngonoof 
Ihe Isrgeat week's buslnesa In the Qrano Opera 
lloiiae. Manager SmIib, or the Ijceuin, In Kliiilta, 
where wo aro ibia week, wired usSslurdat that we 
hsit Ibe greatest ssle ever known In Klrnlra, evory 
Iblnr being sold solid tor Unnilay night. 

— Niiteatmni tbo Do Haven Comedy Co.: At the 
conduslon of our engagement at Ironion, 0., Fob. fi, 
thn Uamey llroe., ot tlie Hotel Denolaon, gavo usa 
supper worthy ot a king. We were treated well t>y 
the picas and public nt Imninn. 

— W, 0. Tanner, who lately resigned troro "The 
I'odd'nbead Wllaon" Co., on acounnt ot lllnesa. 
has beeuongagcd by Margaret Msiber for berSprtng 

— Thn Wollicrl A Russell's Slani or Itepertory, 
under the management or bonis J. Kuasell, will 
open their season al KlluiM)lh, N. J., In September. 
J. A.HoD.innell has signed as business manager. 
Fied II. Obllda, adrance, and tKiha llosslaad for 
leading buslnesa. 

— Henry Melnotte hss signed a three yean' con 
Uact with J. Iloocan Itosser, ot OleveUnd, O., lo 
star In "The Uroiben," anenaailonsirouraoi scenic 

— Hartha Conway apons, Feb. K, with Ibe 
Wcman ot Wr.r," under tho insnsgement ot WU 

Ham l>e BhoUy. 

— William Uonelll baa lust comiileted a tour act 
society dmma Ibat ha will probably produce next 

Virginia Trio, Mack, Finn and Harris, 
Jiilrcd the "Houlh llefnre the Wsr" On. at the Bob 
dlers' Home Theatre, llayton, (>., Feb. 12. 

— Tuoroas II. Bnlklo closed recenUy with Carroll's 
PlsyefH, having been called to Niagara Fkll^ N. Y., 
by I be sudden death bt his mntlier. 

— Ullly .S'evrns writes as tollows: "I am dsslnius, 
thTt>ugh the columns or your paper, to expreae my 
ihanka lo Kdward Kerry and other members of the 
■AlaUama' Oo. for so kindly aadstlog me In Ibe 
aiitinianilslmsnncr they did. The ohock wssgrato. 
fiiDy received, lint Ibe kind feeling which prompted 
the Kitt was like a hiimtof Aprllauusblne,and made 
me reel that such gem rous Impalsoa from rrlends 
makes ilibi old world seem like a pretty good place 

— Owing to the close or the "Hide tor Ute" Co., 
Catrki KiVcr, sonlHeile, has Joined Chas. T. Rills' 
"Alvilan" Co. tor Ibo rainaiailcrotthesesson,todo 
her apeelslty. 

— Xotes rnim Mack's I'layencOiliiialdl Malcolm's 
pautixniine Is a rnature ot the compaiiv. We are In 
our rourib week In New Kueland, and business Is 

— Nellie Mollenry openeil snow opera house at 
Ulllloga, Mont., Feb. 4. In "The UlcrrAe lllrl.'' Tho 
roatpany rosier Inulndoa: Nellie McHoDry, Ltura 
HeuiKti. Delia Jackaon, Julia Olover, Alice Del. 
mure, Ia rcllie IVsia, John Webster, Vhsriea P. 
Murrisnn, Henry laurent, W. R. Illoblo, James 
llnweo, James HoUmlb, Henry Moon and Walter 

— The Oral seolinn of a IjOiihivllle and Nashville 
exetimlon tnin, m I'miM to Kowilrteana, La., waa 
wncked Feb. IS, at Jackson's I Ake, ainui ten miles 
Iron) Hnnignmery. Fanny Uavonpon and her com 
pany were paaaengera on the train. The accident 
waa causetl by Iho engine striking a cow. 

— "The Msfd ot Milan," a comlo opera. In three 
acia, wtltien by F. Ulto Onlllugs, muslo by Prof. 0. 
K. liny, was given lla Initial presenlstlon Feb. e, at 
Uonliay's Theatre, Baaltle, Wash. 

— uiiiha von LIndaii haa liegun suit In the United 
Slates Court at I'lilsburg, Pa., tor damagca 
agslBst ex Judge llalbmllh, Iho sllrged cause ot 
Ihe action being "cruel Ireatuient, loss or time, 
beslth and wsrdmbe." 

— Pro4l Schwarti, tmslnesa manager or Ihe Marie 
Tarary (Iraiid Opera Uo., writes thai their tlx weeks' 
tour In Mexico proved a succew anlallcally aod 
Oiiaiiclally, and the local manaieii of a few of the 
principal clilra or the repuMle are now raising a 
large aubsortpilon lo eiiabto Mgr. Scbwarts to or- 
ganise next Fall, and tour In Mexico, a compaity ot 
leadtig singers trom tho principal an centrea or 
Kumpe. A hrge ohnrus and orchoaira and over 
ninety people will ct'iupriie iho nonipany. Marie 
IHvaiy's seaaon In tian Fiam'laro prombies great 
resulia, as the llrai week's builneas was pheniunen' 

ally large, as this la thn only grand opera company 
to villi tbo coast this aeaaon. They niake Portland, 
Bosttle, l^conM, Vancouver anil_ Victoria, thou 

[ilay Kaat via Denver and Kansas City, closing the 
uur In Now York Clly In Hay. 

— Mclniyre and llealli will leave lbs vaudeville 
stageafler this aeaaon and mako their tirvt appesr- 
snco lu leglilmale drama, under the management 
or Lawrence and lUinilion, who will fealnre them 
In the ntcinteniue Southern comedy drams, "IHxIo 
UsBd.'' tnm the pen of Jamea M. Martin. 

— V. J. Uelleker. or the Ilamllion rblUlpa Co., 
waa made a K. or P. at Fmnhrnrt, Ind., Jan. f. 
Ills sella trcenily retebnated ber birthday and n. 
colved a number ot handvime presenta, snionglhera 
ahhSMlet, a pair or diamond earrtnga riwn mem. 
bers of iho company, aod also s gold rtng. 

— Vmt Lamar, ot the Vinton Drainstic Oo., 
WTlie>sthathlaonmp«ny la continuing to saiurao- 
lory taialneaa, having lieen nnt since last Augnst. 

Variety ann Minstrelsy 

TD« BDUT SiergM will lake the read Feb. 24,ror 
s sli weeka' tonrorNew York SUte, with ibe fol- 
kiwlng rosier: Florlne temar, cornel soloist; Prot. 
llany Marahall, Juggler; Fanny Diamond, male Im- 
personator; Frank A- Lyons, German comedian; 
Alice flile, drum aotolsi; Watta snd Horrla, black 
face comedians; KltUc Diamond, lianjolst aod 
dancer; Jamea Manln.cnnloiilonlst, and the JUny 
8lsiora,ln a moslcal raooologue; Prof. Phil. Kiel, 
eondoctor of orebeaire, and Ben Qark, In advance. 

Jaox AjiD Ross BoBii inronn us thai they are do- 
ing well In thelrsparrtngactwltb Fields^ Usnaou's 
Drawing Cards. 

TaoinAiiT ikD KKHHgBT, kuockatwol coneduns, 
are still with "The White Crook" Co., and have 
lieen engaged tor next season. 

POLUS IIOIJIES, "Tbo Jrtah Dncheev," has been 
compelled lo close wllh Hyde's Oomedlana. ronnder- 
go an operaUon tor appendlcllla. Ulsa llulmea will 
reel at lier home In pmvldence, R. I , before enter- 
ing a hoapltal In New Yorii. 

MiMioK DLiilla Irviked foran engagement at 
Shea's Mnslo Hall, RulTski, N. Y., ror two weeks. 

enilUed"The Sininge Bom," lakes well. Theyas- 
nnunct that they wli: head their own company next 
lesson In the new rarce comedy. "On the Rnab." 

Tuacs, dancer, has Just clOMd a two weeks' en- 
gagement at Hnalc Hall, KUgsn Falls, N. Y. 

Fkuci J. DrsB, Ulckey Howard and Jessie Csld- 
weU closed, Feb. 2, sn engagement st VIo Theatre, 
Han Antonio, Tex., and Intend to sail for Europe it. 

AniiiiAHsimuiKn, known proreaslonsliy u Addle 
Moore, loriinna ii.i thai she was msnled to F. A. 
Aliebnndt at Su Louis, Mo.. Feb. t. 

Higi lUni has rormed a psnncnblp wlib Manrlce 

Till! Wii.i.iAiis Taio, musical act, closed an en- 
gagement ai Moore's Tnesiie, Ibicbeiler, N. Y., Feb. 
a anil were retained ror a week astlie bnnseorches- 
ira. under the leadership ol Pror. J. Honk. 

KgN.m ANii WRI.CII sail for London. Kog., after 
their lour wllh Tony I'asior's Own Co. Tbelr scihas 
i«on an ailmollon with the Howard Aihentcoro Co. 

OviHO to the lllneia of l,«a l,cola, of Hyde and 
l,eola,th« team canceled weeks or Feb. 10 and. IT. 
Ulas i«ola Is auireting rnm ta t/rtvvf, aod was 
obliged In lay alt after matinee ot 12, al the Odeon 
Theatre. Balilmore, Md. 

l.ii.iiAN HuHHiB le at present singing In British 

llAMHvSr. Cum and CaAaLia llirHmis have 
foniied anartoanhlp. 

Ml IIuyUlanu la Willi Haham's Colored Hlnatrel^ 
now touring California. 

FaAKX bwAiK AKn Jacx MAoan havo Joined 
hands, and will work Easi in their new act. 

NotiskhohtiibIaindos OAicrr uiria— Wean 
now In our tweniy-ntih week, and builnesa has 
been big, playing now all return dates, and the 
business Ulietler than on our first trtp. The com- 
pany comprlsestwenty-four people, ctrrylng special 
■cencry and niage aeulngs- We opened al Pnv|. 
dence. It. I.. Fob. lo, to toe biggest Monday ot Ibe 

Tira lliniti.itvs sn playing In the Fngllsh music 
halU, and aro Inoked up solid tor ibe year. 

Msnu ItCKiBi.L has closed with the Barry Co., 
a-'d will play a return dstent Proctor's N<!w York 
hniiavs In M^rch. 

FuiRA and Anna I.. Ilale^ duoiil«t/>, are 
llllmg engagemeciH ibrniigh tho Smihem country. 
Tlioy expect to play Kail abonly. 

IlADi.BT AND Haht, uiuMl'sI perfomirm, playing 
At Brickner'a Music Hall, Rochester, .N*. Y., were re- 
eogsged tor week of Feb. IT. 

Ubkt llowAsn ANn Liona Blino write us 
Ibat they have lieeii engaged tor the alnck com. 
pany al the tlrnnd Opera llitusc, noaton, Mass., com. 
luenclog Feb. 34. 

J. W. Davidson Ii musical director wllh "The 
K-irly Rlrda" llurlctique Co., playing on the New 
Kngland cinuli. 

IIBTA flouiin, of Ibe Coughs, wishes us to deny 
Ihc aialeroeni thai she bwt her voice recently while 
playing In lluiie. Hon'. She lays that Hhevontreol- 
M a aevero culJand mira Ihroat while jibkylog there, 
and as a result canceled her engagement. She 
further says that aho has lullyrccoretcd and will 
IHall hrrdves. 

OUANiis BOBAiit. ot the Uoranl Bmthers, con- 
lonioiiiaia, aud Mlillo Bennett (Mbia Olivette) were 
married Jan. 28, In Plymouth, Rng. 

NunruY AND Oii.nBRT, skeieh ream, hare left the 
salMar'a Biirlesijue Co. and Joined the French 
Gaiety Olris. 

Uankiko ANDCtisiiiNo writo us that, although re- 
tired fmni the profemlnn, thev are always glad to 
welcome their pr.^resslnnal rriends st their rarm, 
scar Nnrrlstown, Pa. 

JoDN F. RncKiTT, character, descriptive and 
topical vocalist, opened lo San Franclaco, Cel., Feb. 
IT, with Franr. C.A. Qoera' Co., making bli third 
season with that company. 

Tux Dabi4n« Sisrgns have Joined "A Bsggsge 
uUeck"Co. *" • 

Ida SioDOsa snd Williams snd Barton open on the 
Davis' circuit Feb. 11, ror rour weeks. 

BBi'ui Bvanrrri writes us that she Is Ul snd 
■Iranded at Colorado City, Tex., and dealres to lesm 
the whereabouts of berbuaband, Burt Bnrdelte. 

AKTBUn 0. Sidhan and wipb, who has Just closed 
with "A Bummer Shower" Co., opened Feti. 10 In 
Hoehealnr, N. Y., on the Moore circuit. 

llAHBT l)B Hxiio, ot Ibe team of He Hello 
snd Tariton, who has been very sick for the paa 
two weeks, haa fully recovered, and ihe team la 
again al work with llerben and Reynanl's Musical 
Comedy Oo. 

WiiiLB playlngau eneageinent lo Syracuse, N. Y.. 
Haggle Weal and Hlldn-d Hurray were rendered a 
banquet at the Yates Hotel, Feb. \i, by trtenda In 
that oily. 

Matt J. IIarhinotoh, late of llarilDston and 
Aubrey, and Bobby llolte, late ot Carncrota' Mln- 
atrela. have Joined hands. 

CootiAN, Hand and Tavs, the Cslltomla Trio 
havo been compelled to cancel several weeka ot 
hme owing to ibe Illness ol Mr. Rsnd, who will 
soon he able to return to work. 

Howard rowBss, Chsa. i;dell. Rd. Kerr and Reo 
Kerr, comprising tbo Klecirtc ijuanci, with Rice 
snd Rsrton's Comedians, an Inoked at the Em- 
pire, London, Eng.. commencing early In June. 

IUta DDRANn writes that owing to her ratber'a 
death, which occurred last week, she waa obliged 
10 cancel ber date at Keith's Union 8<iuan Theatre. 

Jahbs M. IIYAM, the veicran gymnasi, la In Ihe 
hoapltnl In Kansas Clly. Mo., In. destitute clrcum- 
slances, and would like to hear from friends. 

It was RBrotrsD thai Wm. K. Clark, of Clncln. 
nati, O., waa killed In a rallrosd accident. It la not 
tnie, as he Is aim sllve and connected with Free, 
man's Theatre. In CHnclDoatl. 

HiiRBUND, Tnoxrsoii And Bi'sn Hate tlui they 
havo lieen very luccea^l as s trio, having lost bui 
two weeks since they have been together. 

nogrsa OP llABBY aoonUAN'S IkllORID COSB- 

dlans.— Usrry aoodraan, manager; Hilly Lang, sisge 
manager; W. R. Kane, leader or iiand and orchu- 
tnt; W. OhaUnan. T. C. Jones, W. Don, P. larkin 
Hla Spencer, Anna Abbott ami Sisters Once. The 
ell >w will cloee Feb. w. 

I.i'ciBH'sHtNsrnxiscloseda amson or rony-nve 
weeks on Feb. II. Tbey will reorganize and take 
Us nad again Mareh ao. 

Mbhhitt and Snii.noK are playing over Ihe Davis 
drcnlu Their sol, tbey write, was well received al 
the Avenue Tbeain, Pllisbnrg. Ps. 

Till KciBB IlRiH.. Julio and Lew, have Jut nn- 
lihed a SIX moniha' lour In lha South snd West 
They wen made memben of the Qalvcslon l,odffe 
erivlksJan. -JS. " 

Onsa. 6. KNiunrlnrormi us that be was granted 
a div.irce tnm Itoby Knighl on Feb. 10, lu Olncln- 

TUB MiLUR Bros, an galling up an enUrely new 
apparatus of tbelr own design, with many Impmve- 
nwnts, for their diorama, by means of wblon they 
will prodnce novel mcclianlcal oirecis. They are 
also making another nuvelly, whloh Ihey state will 
be a sprotaole quite new lo the stage. 

Tax HxAnow nnoni ijvAmn' are laying oir this 
week In Albany, N. V. 

TUB SrBKCBR Rana., comedians snd dsncera, 
while playing In Bosmu, Mass., last week, appeared 
HI Ihe concert or the Young Ladles' BodaUlyMocleiy. 

J. ALDRICB l.tSBBT Is DOW SlDglhg St TON Psa. 

tor'a Theatre Cba*. K. Ilanrbi' lateal song sncceis, 
"There'll OonieaT1me,"whlch,ths composer slates, 
la proving another nrioncr. Imogene twiner Is In. 
tmdnclng al Oilman's Audliotlom, Philadelphia, 
I's., Chas. K. Ilarrta' drscriptlve songs, "Oast Aslds'' 
aad "Heller Than Onid," which are aUn lieing feat- 
wed by Mover Onhen, Joe B. Howard, Ola luydea, 
Bmns and Nina, the Sllvrrs and nibeir 

N'om raoH Flvnn A HiiBsiDAN'a Bio Bxnsation 
Co — Wo hsd a narrow escape wllh our Uvea golsg 
fnim Mancheeier, N. II., to Montreal, Can. Ws 
airack a breken nil. and had we been going st the 
regular speed would have been dashed h> plecm 
orer a precipice aaventy llvo reel high. Anlvedat 
Montrral six houre Isle, hustled up to the theatn, 

oSLY'^lSnSsny^n the, '",n»„J^hlrt 
rourteen weeka, opening «. nia>l»g Ibree While 
CiJook" coD.panlea'Mr. Rush wlH haveon 1^ kU. 

iioppn iND M'iBR report a saccea in iDcir 
Kkyicb'^alog, « a doK.Paul D^^^^^ 
"Jnel^ell TSem That Von tow Me^' Mr. Hopper 
will lOon pnblbih his lalesl bsllad,"Some One loves 


show hsa been entirely reoiganlzed, J'J T; 
Grimes ss manager, and Ue lollowlog Pjojje 
Joined: Usiont and Love, HnwaiJ and 8L Oalr, 
iomedy sketch; Tom and Oertle arime.. plsjton 
and flfant, mnslcsl; MlUle Tonmer, aertal llvbig 
pictures; Helene Frabaun, RonianiilgbllDgale.and 
a ohoraa or twelve pretty girls. Frank C- HoOinan 
Is boalnesi manager- _ w v. 

Uattib SniTABT AND TOUMtiflii-ipi have bWD 
engsgcd ror thbi week as a epeclal restore of the 
Watson Sistere' Co., st the Ijceom Thestto, PhUa- 

''°ll!wrniR'*op WiiaoN'a Bbscx art and Spxcitfrr 
Co.-n. J. Wlbmn, proprietor and manager; Mn. B. 
J. Wilson, treasurer; MasL Wil»n, Mme. Art He, 
neo. Fowier, LllUe Emma. H. J. Wilson, WWlam 
Oiinin, pianist, and Ray Bmltb, advance. Now 
touriog Nonhem Now York. 

Manaobr w. & CLtvBUND sesms to hare ten 
nothlDg undone In recover the body ol the boy who 
was rccenUy drowned at Oardlner. Me., having 
given tbo colored memben or the company permla- 
slon to adopt any method they chose for llsrecoteiy, 
A diver was secured end Ibe river bed seaiehed, but 
without avsllj _ 


aaeiirad other people la plaos of Rinman Waila see 
SSaUne¥»ishdl,whowenthspai;lliia ant Oranp^, 
da ooBpaif, sal who eipeot to leatelhlasael!?; ' 
WaKsTllamioatbglwiwo •iplaulory lectaraaaiuii 
Kaw Cenurv »«»'■«"«','?•,•?.'•,; » «n "Dti 

Walkore" aad Tba P eariel Lsuar." 

Plttabarf.— BoBlneaa last week waa good an 
roood. This week Ihe Inurastukea In the moglclM 
al«»ion may affaet the eatrooanatoar nUrbMii«>. 

NSW OaA»o Orsai R<>o»B.--IJank Maro aini „ 
•PDild'a'hoad Wllsoo" Ibia wsak. for tha am Umo hen, ■ 
'glnbad"pn)vsdadaolln«aiiace>eIelAitweet '■Prlj. 
eau Bonnls" la the asderlloe for U. 

HASav WIUJABSf lOAOMY or Mcsia-aaia D,i,r»', 
Owe i;o. la Ois eaivent attiacUoa. Tha New ToTk auti 
ilayedtoaplandldbubiaaalaatveek. Nolhlnilaunilsr. 

East Ban TBBATiis.-The lewis OMiedy o,. ij .ni 
week. Tba Oonsalei Opera Co. closed a apleadM ntntt. 

°Alvi?r THaAtls.-!lsncy Mclntoah. In "HI; Eiat 
Itner." which la being eons hers for the dist llnic. »iq 
hold tlie aiu* ihia week. Palmer Coa'i "Brovnlai - am 
snlTslt. D<ltaroaeloaedairn>dasguenenll9 

DroDBsas TUBATBa-Oraad opera, by lb* Hlorich 
Opera Co, wlUi Emma Kevads unrlma donna boMi ib< 
boudalhraweak. WalharWhIualdedoMd isooiorihi 
most artlalle eoBSgameots ever pUyed ban la tracMj. 
The local erlllcs vera onAnimoea In pnooBBcioe hu 
llamlet and Bbylock folly eqosl to aay readltloapiit 
■riven of Ihoaspaiu, and lo oiaay pelnu app^nortoao;. 
le waa called out at the doae of nesrb evarj an la 
which he appeared, aod lo aeveral loauncaa la the mid. 
die ofaecsae. A Uical piper eireoeou<lr autri thai Xr. 
WblleaMe will doia bli aaaaon hare snd dbhand bli 
eorowuiT. UelororaiaDO ibat on iha eontrvr hUvta. 
aonvlU eantlnuenalllaaniaUnMln Hay.and ihal ii hu 
heenbyrarthanioatprolltablebohaaoter enjoyed. Hi 
win rail bera the lisl Ihrea nlghla otthlaweav.aml n- 
nima h|a lour at McEeanon. Pa- O. Rlbeil nil. 
Hard cornea Jl.lo"L«at-2lBoora." 

AvsNOB TnaAVWB —A pndnouoo or "Onr fUBlrarDL" 
bl Uia Dramallo Block Co.. la Uie prlaebial rialnreorihu 
wMh'a bill. The play la the work of Denry llamllimi, 
author ol 'ThalijiortloB Daehais." Tbsvudnlila olio 
iDclndaa CPthUda Anlonlo. Ssvaraa Behlttrar. Smlih and 
CampbolL Crana Broa.. Chsa. Hel>onald. tba Da Pora«u, 

u r. , u_„ O^twrMmA Tti« ■ItaiiifBnMt ,■ 

FhlUdelphUi— BQBlDesa durlof tbo put ve«k 
litH b««n K«D«nllr Rood. For Ua cnrreot wMk Uitn U 
% chiDROoi ftiincUoD KtBTtr; Ih64ire lo tAwo. «itb tha 
nlogla sioepiloQ of thi Brad, whan Jolio Dr«v bolds 
orar.ud. vltbHvanl «Dt(ra norelUM ud muyROod 
drmwlDf titncUoDi, pnuDiweth fhould provt ooe 
or n^%\M\r\xt In Uirolrlnl mtlUrt. 

AOAOIHY OP ilvsiC-Tho Wtlur Oimnweb Oanniut 
Up«n Uo in ih« ftitnciloD thli wet lc,pr«a6DUnj| TiltUo 
snd IwMo^rob U."Dlfl VTilkun"!!. '^Dha<B«r>*at 
cbe niftUoM B tnd "Tht Bctf1«t L«tt«i" od tho •▼tolog 
ul IL Tlio ■oftAon or Ui» UlDridu* Qnnd Opon Co. 
vnilodwlth lut weok. "OUIIo" «M prodund ooUod- 
dftv, ror lh« tm timo, vUh rreTut Olallo. Dol Pionta 
aaUgoiutd Kroooldas I>«KlciiMn». "Romoo aod •Tollal" 
wKHglToii Taoadav, with L«Teoli,ror tho flmt UiD«.aa 
Jollau "Bljtolatto^* wtsfilvao WadOMday lonead of "La 
TmTlalA," which waa Ont aAooaocad, becauM Mm*. Na- 
TMlA VM too 111 to appear. "Alda" wan aanft mi Thuiaday 
oTonlnft. "IdTraTlata"waoiilT«DBatardayartoraooa for 
Ibe raiOBol) appeaiaaeo or Mmo. Nsrajla, and tho 
HnttihTM adaof "JITroTatora" and "VaTallerIa Roatl* 
cAoa" wen ilit floal porfonaancaa of tba oompujr on 
fUturdaynl^t. Tlioaiioadaoca waa good all toe ¥Mk, 
AQi) at tlio iwn porloiniaocoi on Baiordat tholiwiai waa 
crowded. Hnenpopuiaf ootboalaainvMolaptajcd atUio 
rarovell MKonu«DC*a,iLo kadlog p«rforaiar«wonpr»- 
•enlod wflb maor floral od'orlaRii.aiM DIrootor Uinnoba 
recolToda Uuni wronUi. Jan twrorotbo b«|lQolDt of 
"Cavallaria Ruuleana'* Dr. Porairur Pniari ono of tho 
orlgloal tUKkholdara of tha Aoadvmj, cama apoo the 
hUrOi and la a Torr gncorul tpvocta or commenditlon 
proRaniod Hr. IllDrlciiiwlihat««tlaioB(olonbohairortho 

guaiantonortbaopera- Dr.rraur*atdhohadconatuil: 
aitrodtd lha opoim oloca the orectloo of thebouae,aaL 
waarauilllar with tho opera in tho Baropean eapltata; 
ifaat Ihe proHDt waa tho mo*\ nic«aa*ful laamn ovor 
gtvan In Phlltdolplila, and wnald conpar* CaTombly with 
RlmlUrwork aoywhoTM la the world The loatimMilal 

tmtk tbo ronnof a leathor pocket book woUQUodwIih 
choice rpoflmooa 01 "OoToromonl ODgraTlngi." iho 
taIukoI whlfh wa« noiMaiod. It IJ preetlcally certain 
that Ibo opera will be conilnued noitfoaooQ, iho aove- 
moot to (hatond beIogilr«adr ondorway. 

BmiD BTHiRT TiiiATRt —John Drew, in "ChrUtopbor 
Jr.,"contlouaittboatiraetloQror tho proient week. AU 
Uslwook Hr.Drew ptarod lltoralty t«tlie capul'r of the 
houfe aod attr, plaj aod company rocelrwl ibo prftUo of 

tjioprouaud tho n^pla'l(eorlhopu^"- " •- " " 

tboro. In "Tha PrliKiatrof Z«i 

ibllc. Noxtweok« E. H. 

. ._ l" 

CuiLAT.xtrTGTMBTOi'iHi llotKB.— Do WuUF Hoppor OJtd 

. -ifcr'.."^^"^ "^17 Jol»*«l *'A DO dloner, cuitalD went up at ^ p. v. ftod pi»cd 

Jfty Olrotu" tt>. ID OlereUad, U. RMont tddlitou noe of Xtt Mueet weoks Id tbe btftorr of tbeTbM. 
Vk »« Hhnn ftBd«Edv*nlii ud ite tn RojtJ. OniueqwrnUy Vaiuier Mstu J. Fljuiii 


company cone for* roriolgtii'a oogageraont. appurlng 
thlB«ooklQ'*Or Byotax" aod doii week In "waog." 
Ooninan Thomprou, lo "Tho OU Homo>ioad," hiH been 
lioro a month, aotl latt weok ihe nitondaoee *u an large 
aa when ho oooaed March X Sanh BoraharOL 

CiinrNirT.srRin'TutiTBi— "An Artlat'n ModoL" pro- 
WQlcO by Bdwerdo'a RoKllah Burtoiqaoni, to the eurreot 
aitracilon, which roroaiD« lor a rortolght. 'Tnlbj" 
cloMd laat weak a very auceanral mtoo weoko' oongo* 
niooi. March2,"rhoiniopOlrl." 

Wauiitt Bthiit Tobitub— Stuart Robton. in "Un. 
Pnnderbury'i Pant," comea for the week Laat week 
*'North»mLithia"drowraU hoqaeo and •eemoUtoglTe 
cunplolo natlnracUoD to Ibat largo cUm thoatrvfoera 
whuirerondoriDOlodnma. Noit week, Sol Smith Boa- 
R«ll. lo '*An ETery Day Man" and ftilDglo porronnaoce 

1*ARK Til urmi.— rotor P. DtlUr. In "The Mleht Clerk,' 
le Manager Ollmore'a Aroog drawlDgatiimeiloD lor tho 
proe«Dt week. Laii woek "A Tnp lo Chinatown" draw 
good lioniio^ Bon Cooia, lo "Tho Now Roy," U the at* 
uiciloo fdrll 

AUDiTOBIt;il -Chartoa B. Vale'o newoft "Doririi Aao- 
tlon"U the attiMtlon rer tho current week. II. V.VIU- 
lama* Own Co.. for the »»conil time ihiiooaaoD, drow 
orowdid hou««o Ia%t woek. Saadow and tbo Tncadero 
VaudeTlllea play ft rotora oogagemont next weok. 

Nationil rniuTHi— '*T1ie oreai Dtamoad Hobbery' 
cornea ror ihla week, being lia aecood preitoatuloo In 
Flilladelphia thia naitOD. "Oowo lo Dlile" latt atok 
drew the uitual crowded howos to thin popular itaoatn. 
"BoDol* Bcolland" comeii Si. 

Qramo UrkkA Hotnii — Orcttoo Clarko, aupportrd by 
Adebido Prince aod hU nwn eotnpaor, comae ror ftllm- 
Itrd kOCTRomeou Tbe profraume iiiii week In "Hani' 
let" 17. 18. tt and matTDoe U, and "RIcholIen" a, SI 
and O 

Uiaiao AviNUB TauT»— ^the Z>oacon*o DauRhlor" 
In Manager lloHand'a productlou Toribo current week, 
"The Sli ul lee" laet week wai a Boandal aooccoaathe 
entire hooao belov eoM out noaily orory ulgliL next 
woik, 'The Llitta UetrcilTo." 

FORirAVUirs TllBATHB— '^e Qrut HotlDPOllH," lO' 
lervreied by the farortio Poropaogli Block Co., la lbeeu^ 
rvot ptodociioD. LaM week ■4lon orthe Nlgbi" nued tbe 
houvo at no%rly wrery ptrfanoaoco, and waa recelvei 
wllh f^naklorable riiTor. 

PKOrLR'o TiiiATRU— ToiDpklna* *-Blaok Orook" will 
dituiHlm tea the capaoliy ol Maoagor Bradfabunh'a 
iMputar iii>to*n thcairo during ihia weok. "Hie miio 
Bbiv«"dld a aptendld buiJoeea taut week, aod oooeln- 
»lToly prated that iho geoloa nf BanUy OamplMll was 
not^DlJ foraday. Next weok. "Tho Cotum Xing.*' 

Rtaxdard Tmuthi.— Any Lee aod Pimok Oaaoe, In 
"MIm llarum B«inim ** come for tho carnnt week Lut 
wo^k "Laod or the Midnight Bun" draw well SUod lioooea 
every oTODlni. N 8 ffofri, lo *-Out lo lhoSireeti,"M. 

KhniiNOToyTiiiATnB.— Nlbbe'ii Frooch Buriooone Co. 
agonl* the weok'a antuaooioDiaiUaaigBrUan'oTbaun. 
Ltatwookth»play wai"MoaiidjAck7*and Itaooned lo 
l>e wmII liked by Ibe fair altod andleoooo preaoot. ^A 

Klkvintii GTRKgrOpiRA Oonui.— Dunioot'oMloatrela, 
with »li end men and tnaay well known ninairol fa- 
Torltoa. coniluoo oo the high ilde of miecMo. Thta 
weeh'arngrammo ludodoa a now borloauoo by Frank 
DoniDol, aailtled "InetalbDOnt Funltnn Agooiar* • 
aeilr*. eoUtlid "Lore and Trbuble," new tout* and ene- 
olalilai, and a cootlnuance of iIm popilar ■Vtraul lo tbe 
Band." HouMO wore citiwdrd laat week. 

TdkBiJoo.-For tho eurrent week Jrhn aod Marlon 
Manola-Maaoo aod tho Oortl BioUioia hold orer. Ola* 
eloio Delia Roeca and Uie JobDMoTmope make their 
(trot appeanoce her*, and iheatuaoHTo bill abo Inctodoa 
<lBrtler.oebran. Prank Latona, MoBrMeaod QordoB,tha 
Balambop. La Porte BltUie. riicglhboo Trio, Cook* aod 
UilninD, Ward and Brown, Annie Wbllnoy. Lee loaiham, 
and Dixon aad Lasg. Laat week'a buelneaawaa oor- 
niouR,aQd all ih* new attractloni were recolred with 

tieat raTor. Tlio CortI BroUiem, Lee TroU rnroo 
athlaaand Ilanv I^moro wore all ncceiarnl In ploao* 
log Ihe people. Marlon Manola and John Maaon made' 
■pi»cUlly narked hit. 

TiiH Ltcxum.— Tbo WatooQ SluUit, with their bnil«Mno 
tnupe and tbelr "Trlaogal Olmtorlo," make up ifao 
woek'e ettmciloo at Maniaer Jtrmno'ehouee. tan T. 
Jaek'a Crenkt were a big hit laat «o«>b. and pUyed to tho 
capacity or tho houe*. Next week, aoa lllll'iNoTelUoi. 

TBI ■i:ui:h.— Tho Fal Vwraoa'a Rowlog Rac« le the 
■poelal atirauloD In the curio ball. In the ih*am tbe 
TaudoTllle eooilnuoua eaiortalomeal Ii made up of 
Larrar and MorrlMey, HoilhaBniih. Uocan and Baant, 
iiioZoyftrawi,pAey aod llaoley.UttleJohooy raiser, 
Florence Zollor, HeaiTT and Parban, and Prao blln ojh 
MidolL Theeoat nuouaohnw.wlih idralulMi direct ta 
the theatre no Ilie gmand doAr.haa bit the popttar 
''ft''.'^''*!^'* »"onoui|y crow(ftd eoo. 

dlllMi or the audltnrlam la*t week. 

KoTBO.— Tbe trial or Jamea B Oen^rorlbe matder of 
M vJae Yorke. at Z«la>o'a ai>i«L tbU ciiy. juet a y«4r ico, 

hai been Axed for » vrilllani B. aIiob hM reiifa 

frvoi the DRBaniDont oribe Frmokrord Mualc llolL wblcb 
haa bf OD loMd ror Bt e yeara by ■"tarbioo Joonlnaa, pro- 
irletor of Iho llmol JeDDlng*i, at Wllnlogton, J. LanU of 
Wa-hlD|ton aod Pnok Boie«ford of Chlcigo. Mr. B«r«a* 

ffird la to be actio g maoajtor One of the COrU 

Broiherahart bli knee darlog tho perfonnaoc* at tho 
RUoa bat week, and wta obliged to lay off donna tbo 
w«ek......NltOD aod ZlDmerman bare porchand aa 

Dterat In the Cnlumhti TbottreL Btoeklyn, litn Al. 
Hayouo aod Daniel Frohman. Thia make* alx tbaau«a 
S "at'**!. ?''^.I"?V*J?*" J!"* lot»"*t*J. loolttdlo 
"^^.f^T?'" «»Ipki;......Bl»aid*.iho d BtlDgnl^ 

TtollnlBt, aaoUlod by M. Uchaamr, plaolet, amlB.E. 
Irvto, tenor, dveo a oooeoTt ot Odd Krilowa Tmpla KaO 
B HoBagu D. D. MowolLor *Tb*lll«Ak OTnoV* haa 

Murphy aod Hal), aod Seigrrled. Tbe attendance u rnlly 
up lotbeatanJanl of thia popular bouH. Victory rrcM« 
Beteinan'i dramaLliatloQ of Oatda'a "Melba" m warmlr 
commanded lait week. She won freeh laarola by ber «]. 
iDlnbiA rendlHon oftho role ol Tore Horbert 

Buoo TBiATm.— "Nortbem LlghU"ihlno forth et thli 
houaellitiweek. Andrew Maekcoioea ln -MykoArrwo" 
Z<. Many blddora attended tho "DoTira Aadloo" lui 

TSrir WotLD'fl MtTBBUM TflUTB^Tbe Ida SMttooi 
Biirtooae Co.. with Emma Wood. Trllbr danter, Is the 
prInHpaWeatnro Ihla week. Aliai^ on ee large. 
Harry Davib' Edi» Mcsib.— Saianella. wire-ba'rvd 
■ -- ■ — ■— — — niobo Tretfrr, or* lb* 
, lo Ibe thrattem«-laltlra 

, J. (5«lt>7 wilt. Jerry 

aod Looloe Onnnlngham tbo FItcpatricb FUnlly aod 
other*. BnelnetiexcoUont ^ , , 

OUMHiaixaa.— An Important iheatrlaldeal wax coo- 
notmatod laat wrok br wblcb NliODaodZlnni*nnxo, 
tho well koown Fhltaaolpbla naoagoia, became a"o- 
clatod witbNolion Roberta lotbecoDtroloribeDoqur»aa 
Tbeatre, tbo Brm to be koowo aa Nlioo, Zlmoioreuu k 
Rohoria. Many Improreoienu la thli already eleexDi 

houie are promliad for next waooo Pmal'ort 

LodROL No. II. B. F. O. or Elke, promin that oweir aitrac- 
tionla town thta week will bo tepreaented at ItM elght-euih 
aonoal beo^Ot. al tbe New Oraod Opera Hou*e. altera noa 
of 21 An aocilon tale ortbe choice leati will lake place 

at tho Kow Grand altomoon of IS Many of pnr )ocmi 

maoagerA will bave tbe rotumarroD tbe mooMpal eteo. 
Uon, In which lotoooe Intoreot cootroa, read from tbe 

stage 18 John Wllllania,a pcdaitol dancer, waa ar- 

laated lordrunkeoDoaanlahtoflS. Bone of Ms proFM- 
Monal rrlonda hoi« had wbecrlbed a fbod tn Md him lo 
Now Tora. hot bo imbibed too freely while ot rwu to the 
ral I way iUtloB. Ho was releaaod U . 

man. aod Dick Whlttlngtoo, tbe niobo Tretfrr, or* 
prIoclMl corlo ball faaTorea. In >k*a»re (wli 
ar# arTon by Poarl Raymond, Colby aad Do wilt. J 

.'m 1 .^i.. ft Bk& 0l>«A» Wafnll> 

IlaiTlabarg.— AttheOpeift Boose HMid« Hill- 
man and company drew highoaaoa all Mat week. Biwk- 
loga: Sol Bmlih RuuoU 17. ''Rooolo Bootlaod" IS, Bamry 
ForguPonSa "ailhooloys Abroad" 33. . _ . . 

Eoilt HmtB.— BnelnaRJi cootlnaoa good. Weak or 
Fob. 17: OU Robe (Ibe big vakf}, Jamea Richmond 
niooroy. VToleh and Welch. Lowande. and tite Elite 

Norgs.— Fraok Wloatelo, plaoUt. baa dedicated hie new 
mareh.'*The 11 O'clock Toast," to the local Lod|e or EUa. 

EmmaOardlnLor tbbolty,haaa«nimodtt<eToloof • 

Tboreoa la "The Foodog Maatvr." ' McCarthy'* Mi»- 

hapa'* Co. will lay off In ihia city Aah Wodooaday. 19. A. 
II. MatUioTTp, ronnorly w[th the "Jack Harkaway" Co. Ii 
DOW dolog adraoco work rorBaroey FergnooB'BAgiirr- 

gallon WlUlam Morrow TaiL fomorly proM apeot 

with the Baa Fraoclat'o Mlnttiela. It now lo the real oau^e 

aod loauraoeo buslnea^thla city WlUlan Noogfr, 

who, with J. W. Ritchie aod P. W. Uodgea lo lDltro»i»ft In 
the *'DoctOT*rf Soorot** Co., whidi wUI uke tho road Aogntt 

naxt,waa home wlib hia family forarewdaji Tho 

Oooree EdwardfS BngHth Opera Co. will be at the Oi>«it 
lloui>e. Ibia clir, 34. Tbe eompany conoa here lo a spe- 
cial train nfflro can rrom Pittsburg, and will learo O for 
Now Rogland atatea, whore the tour lo ihin cnnntrrand*, 
Tho company loavoa for Eosland March S, aod will im- 
mediately begin tho prodncUoo of Gilbert aod BulUran'o 
latoatwork. , 

ReadlM^*Klobe*> drew well at the AcadeoiT 
01 Munlo Feb. 10. Noll Rorgesa. lo ^Tho Coaoiy Fair." 
pleawdao Immense audience 13. "fisvod from the Sea" 
biul a good sixod bouie 13. Jamea A. Rollly did a onod 
husIoeuli.l0L "PanJIso Alley" eom»a 17. 'The Derhr 
Winner" IB, "Booolo BeoUaod" 19. Sandow 31, Rub'l Hll- 
llardSZ. ^ 

Qrahd Orau Docri.— "Hoas aad Hom'* auraclM 
Urae audlonca^ IS-ift Mr and Mr*. Bobort Vayne, lo 
repertory, areduo week of 17. . „ 

BuoDTaaATRg-satn T. Jack's "My Uncle" Company 
dkl a largo bnalnoM 10-13 The OrJenialSxiraTaiaou 
Co.. lo "Bluobeard." plare*! a return Mg«gen*ot U-i^ 
to excellent bui>lno*a Rose Rydoll's London Belles aro 
DOdo^lIned Tor wook of 17. 

Wllkesiiarre.-Tbe auendanceftt thetlieatTes 
oootlnuoa noliormly good, with hereand tbman excop; 
ilon.orconne. At tbe Qraod Opera Honae Nell Borgaas 
"CooDiy Pair." Fob. 10, bad good baoloeaa 'The ftar 
Gaxor.'^ll. ror tbo beneflt of tbo mall earTleii,had bU 
bonae. -'O'Flanty'a Vaoatlon," 13, had poor bniloec. 
"Pamdlae Alloy,*' IS. bad lijibt atiaodanca. "Sowing the 
Wind," 14, came to very good bustoeea. To eonw; Robert 
Hilliard, In "Lost-31 Hour*," 18; "My Vlfo'a Friend" 19. 
■Trilby'' 31, 92 and matloeo 

UcsiollALL.-"ATrlpto tboOlrcaa" 10-ll.lud fair at 
tendaneo. Jaok'a "My Uoole" Co.. IVU, bad ROod bu«l- 
DORp. Oomlog: Tbe Oalely OlrU 17-19. 

Berantoa*— At tbe AcadeiDj "Sowing tbe 
wind'* came Feb. I&. to a good hooaa. Booked: Wm.O. 
Andr«ws.ln "Mr W(lo'RFrleod.''18; A.H. Palmtr*iCo., 
lo* Trilby." 19. ». 

Tna PioTBiKoUAH.— The fete ehanpetie lor fbebon- 
oBtortbo Ilnmoof the Frleodlen, last week, had crowd- 
ed houaoa, aod tho engagement waa oontloued for 17. U 
by popular denaod. Baodow and tbe Tncadero vando- 
vlllos a. Jon. T. Watkino* ToiUmoolal Concert 31, Bol 
Hmllb RuaatllSl 

Davis Tbbathr.— "In OU TennesMO'* 17-iv> J* L. 
Toole, U-IBl delighted onwded bousei. 

BlsitoBa— At the Able Opem Uoage *'PiimdlM 
Alley" did a fair builneai Feb. la Nell Burgasa. In 'rTbo 
County Fair,** came Xfi a good bouae II. Olaa h'etheraole 
had nwid booao 11 Coming: "Trilby** 17. Bobt UUllard 
3DL *-Tbe Derby Wloner"tl. "My Wire*i Friend" SS, "The 

Falaci TaaATRB AND UcsiBbad good atlaadan^all 
lastweek. Ml lea and Ireland, Hay Walth IreUod.BTa. 
leeo. tho MoAroia (Dick aod AlfoeX MoLean aod Hall, 
Lambert and Wllkoia, aod DaTO Poy are ibli week'H 


AltooB»^At the BtOTenth AvBDoe Open Hoase 
JoeOitcamo Fob. lOL togood buslooRf. '^ledfroiHthe 
Sea'* did ralriy II. Mr and Mra. RobL Waioe, In leper- 
torr. did well 12-IS. TbUiwoek: TboM.Il. 8b«a.lo roper- 
lofy. "The OooniryClrcna** cornea Id, *TbeHlkido," by 
local talent. 3Bi, XS. _ , 

harrt Datir* BDiy Mt»iB.-TblR week. Iba Paria 
Qaleir Olrla 

Laaeaatera^At Itie FoltOD Operft Hoose Gin 
NoiheriMle. In "Denloe." dr*wa crowdrd bouse Pob^O. 
"Saved rrom tho8aa"dld will 19. Nell Rurgaat, lo "Tbe 
County Fair," had a large bouse u. Hlnerra Dpre, lo 
"NIobo," came to Tery good boalneaR, natlooaind orao- 
log, IS 'Tbe Derby Wlnoer*' 17. "Patadlse Alliy" Itt. 


Lea Aagelea— FaderewBkl appeared at tbe 
Aogeies Tbeatre oroolng of Peb.7 aod matinee & lo big 
money boalnea^iliougli Uio higher prkeri aeala In the 
house were only fetrly filled. Ftederlok Warde U bookrd 

for a week, 17-U At the Barbaok Tfasatia MRton and 

DollloNobloB closed 8 Feb. 10 the Dally Stock Co . 

headed by Mar Naonary, itarta In on a eaaaoo. «lih 

"Queans" for tbo opening bill The OrpbsDD nhl ii- 

R. O." bnaloeas woek ending 9. Now fkcee lO: Howler 
and Doile. Henley SlaioTsandFonte-BoDlllroitaer*. HoM 
oTors: Maaoo and Mealy. SisUro Da Van aod (Jilb^n and 

OoUle fianw and Uerben aoored aaempkalloanc- 

coia during their togagomont al this bou'e Waah. 

Norton aononoceo that he haa reioraed to tbo otago aner 
two yaara' reilnmant on bla ranch In BbaataCnooty.Cai-. 
and will begin a tour of th« mnall rowoslothlsvidniiy 
II. wllh a oompanr compopod of tbe Oonialee Family, 
Maud Ovoo, Mlas Klogatey, Uany Rrothsra. Mni Norton 

aod hlmeoH A porformaore of "My Oeoaiar' waa 

gtreo by Siepbaole Formter aod olbers at Moilo Uall^ 
moat of the tickeu for aame being sold by petveoal 
sollottallon. aod oo tbe repreeentaUcn ihatthey woraa 
eonpaoy that had straododuWataoDTine. tbiaStaie..^ 
Bouaa'B Band la Mlkd for perfnraiaaoaaat DaisTd'ara- 
tIIIod aftaraoon and ereningofSS aod arestng af 34... . .. 

Tho lleaoaeoTiho Thalia OoDoen Hall was ■wTokid by toe 
olty antboriUea Feb. 4 aad the place eloaed. 

■•B Dlaaoi— At Flsber'e Open Beaoe FRde- 
nwakl. Fob. 8.^ good baMuMa. Behllllaa'e Riom^a. 
B. had fkir boslnoaa. Prederiok Waidecomsali, Ifl^ El- 
dredge Stock week nf 17. Hoosa'fc Band a 


Chsirleaioa.— At Owoiu* Aoedetnr VtiRlo 
*'Tbe Bowery Olrl,'* Feb. 11. draw a good bonae. Foocb 
Robailm, IS-IA had nod b«B)aa« at pepator prieoaJHe 
bold* orar 17-4, wlA tbe aaeaptloo of MX vbeajTbe 
Black Crook" eomea. " " ' " ' " 


Febbuabt 22. 




PniTldMM.— At lbs PtoTld«nc« Op«m Houm^ 
rtb lO-tti appeftnoM bf n* 

tad n»t with iBoelinie««i& Th« ninuDdar of th« vtek 
Wo. OlUklw, la "no Maeli Johuaa " aUo •sjniad looil 
Intliiw. rnlha lialbair of IhU vhk Lllllui Rouall 
•llluwtvlo nparttiT' niatdnaeaKltliTeirUrKe, 
at«dvuc«4 prieM. roUowloiMlaBamUeafflwi'itfr' 
for lliiM algbu, ud tkw "Sovlai Uia Wlad" forUim 

KiiTa'flOrBU Horn — Vard A TottM. Id '-a Bun Oo 
■be (Uek." lO-U, ^ bl| batlDM, tml lh« »how «u 
noeh rxMRvrUtthoDlutiMTUlL V\\» vMkftbuatr 
ftundlon lnoffirwl In '^rlibr." ud ihe tilvuir* [■ 
th» lan*M of tbe Muoa. FoDowIob UiU Moiti Mo Old 

'^WiflTxTjaraiTBUTBi— Flrao'i Lad<1o& dftUijOlrta 
mfto itH'lr uioatl Tl'lt ud htd th*u*aaiiood 

"dxtn*^ ThltwM^W«b«r'«01f mpic Vudtvlll* Oo. 

LoTHur'0 Oraiu noroBi— LoThrop'a Block Co., Id Wb. 
A BrMly'i '"OJd aioiT>" eD)Am1 (rood baatneM IQ-ie, aQd 
nT» a varv oT'dlublajMrfonnaDce. Th(i v«>«k. Jf^hn 
\Val h, (o'Ttie Pride orElUut.*' fallowAd bj K*t« DalUA 
iD "AQ Anblfto NlftbL" 

imnuT Bill — Od Pttb. U EU«n Beach Ya* w$ to 
ftTiry Uir«udl»iic«. On2eRiTanla, tIoIIiiIm, win 
■ r'tdTD •anfftmaoL and la lame. D. W. Rnrea, 

oi RweroiT AmerlcAD Baod. will giro a fwncert In c«l«*tn- 
i(oa orih> tblrUetli analTanwry of hU laadentalp of tliat 

Nona.— n«nf OaltoDdar, formertv tfuaomr of the 
PrATMeoMOpen Boom, batnov maaeger of PtDbmaa'a 

'Tko Fatal Card.*' vaalD towi on IS for a abort call 

r\it ntw Major hu forbidiltn the laane of aor more 
t«bnol il<keta \tf the local tbfatre*. aa hn aaja that while 
ibarelinotaojiblDv of an objectionable utnm tn the 
Mrfomaaoeii. tlie child ran am broaitbt la oontaot vlth 

Mplewboin tbeyidioQld noi ra«atacan«arl/aae 

Clua. B. Monroe, of thin ettr. Is palDiloft alot of now 
iC*D*iT for the Proot SlreM Theatra, Woreaniar. MaM. 

.. lanRoyiOfthaVardeind Voke^Oo., vaacaUed to 
lUltlDtnn, Mo.. tL bj tba eodden lUoeu of bar father. 

jIKuRnywIll njiln ib* craimnjoeitweek Amott 

oltb<^r»U paiailng nf Lllf Langir* baa beta added to 
tb* lobAj of the Pp-Tldrnca Opera Hou*e. 

Pawtuoketr— At the PawtDcket. Open Uoaae, 
Feb. 10-13. two local prodoetlnae ware rerr lanieir at 
leadMl. "The Toraado," 17-lt, for the flrtt time here, 
«ill he fallAwrd t\n, br **A Cracker Jack." Ibe Btud' 
aid 0 an Bod (Te Ca. U-U, aad Mar«ant Hathar 37. Maa- 
icer Fret. W.BtraOlDdaaarTMoiDfh credit for the war Id 
■^(cH ha !■ handUoit thla boiaa. The attiacilone oiTersd 
an b«it*r Iheo ever before, aad iha bulaaaa U ntaadlly 


ciBclAB»«l.->Whiio "AmblUoQ" baa been Id- 
dorwd braadleDCta of gMd alie, thera la a well defloed 
ftellDg that IC It Het Qoodwln, and not the play, that b 
the nafnet Dorlag tba waek the comedian and hli 
compaoy qmit their Rtare koar^ rehaanilDK "An Aoierl 
eto Cltliea,*' a new plaj-, by tf adellae T.ueelta Rylej. It 
i« wbl)(fand that **Ainbldoo'* la tA ba abelred. 

QiAico Ofim Uoca^.— Mr UeoTT trrloK aod Elleo 
T^rrr enmioeDee their eoMrmtDt Pab. 17. pruaouni 
•The Hetctiaat of Tenlee.*^ Darloir the weeh '-Naoc* 
01dO«ld" aD«l "Tbe Bella*,'* "Eiog Arthur** and "Becket" 
■re 10 be nd>red. Theadfanfa aalvla Terr large. Nni 
Ooolwia plared loaplaodM boalneu, and hlaaudieoe«> 
■acMaded in getting nlgtailv add ream out of *-ThefleD- 
ttni" befvTeibecuruln. *The Fatal Rant" 24 

Wauot SmiiiT TouTiu.~Pr«derick Bancnrt, mtgl^«kea hiaHrrt local appearmaeo 17. Richard Miai- 
ieU, with Beatrlea Caa»ana and a well halaoced com- 
pasT. praiaatod a ronnd of bit old ntccvaea lant weak, to 
aodltocai of good alv. On tba lait aUht of hli eDtage- 
mul haprtMDfMl '^nie StDrr of Bodlon, the BtodenL'' 
PrukMaro, In "PuUd'ttbaad Wlhun." 14. 

PormiK RQO&Ri TiurRi.— HI Hanrr'e Mlnitreli 
opM»l If. The retara ancagenient of the Waahbitm 
Binen* LaM Sonaailon proved prolltabla. M. 0 AnJer- 
•on'n Owo Oo. O. 

HircK'aOritu HOUSE.— BobbrOayloT dropped in 16, 
olferlDg "In a Big Ciij." ^Irl wanted," ih» lercaooD- 
edflnwblch Prank Bneh beiarrlDg. aurmcted audience* 
of KMhl atzalaacwaeb. **IIia Wliluftjuadron" 21. 

FimiHiJf'flTBiaiii.— VIonleDe ua*en aad hereon' 
lUDrlaangaratedtlinneweraof coinMaailon 16, helPK 
at«a la "A Hooiler Uerolao." "TboCoralcan Bmlhert*' 
wupct on iMi Te«k aa tba la«t prndoetlon oftlie capahia 
atodccoinr«nr which haiilatMren tn fRiiblullr to mala 
the W«Bt Kod BUou popnUr. Prank Jonta, In "In Od 

Tfli AtrDiTORiDit— **11ie Pire PAtrol" came 16. Latt 
wftk waa eaUtlfd "Oi la week", aed lotalaitracUonahoM 
the bcaida arerr alttmoon and night. "Tba Players. 
ib*aDuweur ornnliatbiL wet» xeen In "Loto and War" 
and"iri Bad Tan Thou land a Year." "Oarld Oarrlek*' 
waiako biongbt oot, wlih eereral mtmberaof tbe Mc<l< 
latka cnmpiDy In tbe caat Minnie HUwart took the role 
of Ada Ingot and Beannoat Smith tliatol aarricb. (Aiarla- 
muga Koel>ler,P'anaii B/rae, FranklynQuloliy. Blinora 
TaondilU, John Droir, Uarir Vincanr, EmniaBrooirull 
aad Oraee Plahrr weia othera eatnated with parte. Jw- 
nie Btaanbetmer** puplla w«n oeen ISIntwocomrdUr^ 
"Hy Loid In Ltrary" and "Handicapped " Thaamaienn 
who look part Included Miriam Behaar, Ediih Hlil, 
niarlce Solomon, Hei»B V. Weber, Sulla llarka. Alice 
Saod. Baby Bfhwab, Bmllr Batter, Ma« Herman, Albtrt 
H. Wagner. Simon Jordtn, Herbert Mllee and Richard 
Balni OlRDer. "Little Mlaa Nngf ei" XL 

PaoTLB's TBiATas.— Weber A PleMa' randeTllleCIuh 
returae 16. Laat weak Weber A FleMe' Owa played 
to irtat bnalneaa. Sam Oevere'a Own Oo. 23. 

Hani A AviftVa Biniou — OaUmlir Jao«, Harter 
Salburs. Eaatuoky Dlok, Sol Siona, Herman Uanaen- 
dorfer'Henalneeibibli aadTlille Vrandiwore In nurlo 
ball 17. Prank Younr, Bav Blchanla, Flood Broih»r« 
Anon and Oardner. Iretrb and alaiar. Rath Lyneon, 
aad rottaraod Wllllann provldad the Tariety. Bu'Imm 
wuTeiy good laat week, tha girl with tbe horae'a niioe 
pnvlBg q alte a eniloRltj 

Piaa OraiA Uocea— Hantefc, aailated by Corlaoa 
Mooie-LawaoQ and Carria Batlowe Jobnion, wlU l>e heard 
In c^cart IB. Tbe UalTaralty of Olnoinnatl Olee and 
Nandolln Olnbe were beard 13, and the affair waa lu iha 
ileal Baton of a eodal aad mutleal aacceti. AlbanI li 

Qoaup OP TBI LOBBT— In the antt of the BobUuoa 
a4ateTa.8eoU and Cunlncr, tbe laneeaof Roblnaoa'a 
Open Uooaa, amadlflcd order wae glren raamrlogibe 
arenerr. eta., to tbe I w ein. Tbla they eohl to the eaute. 
aad theinmlcnre baa tMn taken awar. part of Itbr' — 
remored lo tba Audltorlnm, wliare Mr. Scott le l_ 
loeatfd. nw leeaeee eeem loraelmraibUtlielaaaevtll 

nrait to then neU Fall Oertrade Arlward aur 

"Are Maria" at St Pairlck'e rharcb on the laatday ufbf r 

aojuem lo Otneunatl Oertrade Hav Btein latoba 

th^ aotoUt at rbe nait lynipbony con«ert Tit* Ball- 

etedt.BalliDbarg Military Band baa been engaged for 
taeniyweeka at Cheater Park, the new Bonuner reaort lo 
be opened by tbe OlBCliDaU Biraat Rallwar Co. on tbe 
old iroiUsgtraah where Maud 8. Oni camalotoprooil- 

nance Maaager Ge«nn E. Baker ipent tbe aaHy pain 

eithewaakin Indlanapons I«um Danalgee le con- 
ing koma In Manb. and pramratlona for her weloomean 

alratdy being made. She «IU ba heard ai tbe Odeon 

Hanoa B^iOamlo, Oaorge Daacb, Carl Uahn ami 
Katharine MoKeown gaTo a recital at the Lyceum of tbe 

Oolltge of Mualo 13. Hack A Arery, baTing re- 

oewfd iheir leaea of the Huiiaura for Are yeare, are eon- 

tenplatlng ramodetlog ihe balldlngneit Hammer 

B.W. Brady hthlnhlngHrloualy 01 aecarlog the RoblO' 
■on teen Bou<e for iha Brady A Sialr olrsult leit 
year, if the deal goaa through popular pricea will pre- 

Tall Ediih Randall, AHlaoe Ramaer and Ttiomu 

Martin an at Peter*' Mnelo Hall Mn Cbarlaa P. 

SUlJbory, who waa ao daogeroualj ill, haa recovered. 

Ttw Praaman Stock company hu acattered, 

Manriea Brenoan. Beiyl Hope, Herrtdlth Fenr, Will 
Bbtwart, Richard Baker and Oanjille D'Bluar all go to 
MoatraaL One Welnbarg le weighing three oITera. from 
Boeton. yUwankee andVabar A FtehL Howard Hell 
K»ai OB the road aaaiUr, opanlng.34 at Delawart.0. 

Oaorge Dauek wa«lu Pltiabur* taatwoek Mii 

Uelarloh waa the aololat at tbe laat Pop. 

CieTaUmd^lD spite of QDaBOAllr bad weftttacr, 
tbeaUendanoe at all nartbeatraabasbaea ntlaCaciATT- 
At Ihe Kndld Arenua Opera Uooae "Pudd'nhaad WII- 
■on." ban for tbe tttat ilme week of Peb. 10, dra* rair 
food kouaae end waaweU raoalved. Prank Mayo. In the 
title rda. ncelTod deea^ad applauaa at ererr perform- 
ance. Eleanor Horaitraa Boar, and LnelUaLaTemeu 
Patv mcalrad their ihare of Uio bonoia. RIoe'l "liSf' 
willbe eeen weak of 17. Oln NeiherH>leti-S 

LTCitrBTnuna.-Aadraw Hack. In "Hylea Arpon," 
played to f»lr ba*ln«u leek of 10. Tbla play la a wa^f^*^ 
ehuga from the nenal run of Irlah dnma and wlib a 
■troaaar eupport woaU have baen a decided "uctata. 
Domtby Kent and Uda MaHIUan ihared wlib^Vr. 
Meek recognition for good work. Week of 17 will 
divided t>*twean Cbaa. B. Uaafoid, In repetiorr, aad 
Tboe Q. Baabrooka. Id -^a Bpecalater."^ Jaa. J. Cor- 
bett, In "A Naval Cadet." and 0«o. W. Xnnroa, ia "A 
llaepy Linn Bnffla,"dlrlde waek ofM. _ ., 

CLBVfUHD TBKAima^Bobby Oavlor. "InaBiaClty/* 
lO-a nra a good ebow to good booaae. Mr. Oajlor*e 
ideaoTwhat laneoaiaur to make upan IrMmanibor 
onihly appaale to tbe patrontof thUthtatn.andthfy 
•hnwed their appraciailon Iwtb In numbenaQd aaua* 
■Ian. Bandow aa<i kla Troeedero Veudavlllea. I5*l&, 
draw tbeuenal large boaaeawhIcbfollowStndow here, bo 
maiur which theam ka appeamln. While Mme of the 
•petia Iti have bean n«en berabefrre, there wen emufb 
nea oaaa to aire aplea to the abow. "TbaSldawalka^r 
hawTorh"l7-St-ThaBpanofLile"J4-». . , 

Hraa Tauns.— flbemMn and HoriMy. In "A Jay 
Oinna," did fAlr bnalneia weak nf 10. hot tbe *bow Uoot 
Bp (o tbe naaalttaadarl maintained br Manacer Dn*. 
Coaebltu'e Moglng asd Bharmaa and Moripey'e bar 
leaqa«lfap»ta work wffi* the beat r«aiar^i of the *nur 
UlanaoL Bam T. Jack'a ••Adanleea Eilen" Borlea^BO 
Co-eocneaweaiinr 17. ■ThaOUySpbru"M-9.„ ^ , 

icioiHT or Momc-Hetier tban theuaiially loodai- 
lenduae baa men the rale daring week ol 10. .Nearly all 
ofttae apeelaltlea lnirada<^ weranew and well moelved. 
Newfeceaforweekei IT are: Hlckeland WetaoriJUiaoDd 
Biraat,(ThaMareod8cBlthand BerltaCaira. "O'Bellly'e 
R«eaptwa" wlUba thaaftarpleea. ^ ^ . r 

louo Bau.— Tbe edvanca aaie of reeerved aeaUfor 
Mme. Albaol, U, prwntoee adeddad aaceaea. 

DajtoB^At the OiuDd Opera Uoose Jame* J. 
Oerbatt, In "The Keral Cadet," draw a bU bouae Pa*;^ 10. 
;ibe Bhek Cmoh** eana IS, to a top heavy bouat. Tboe. 
Q. Beebnwka, In "ThappecoUlor." ■?Tf\?'.!!I ■ 

l«tit« aadlaae*. OMnlog: 'Por Pair TlrginU" 17. "Tba 
Peodng Manur" 1*. . 

rAUM. TBiaTU.-Harbert Cewthorn, Id "Utile MUa 
Hogiai,** draw big heaaee week of W. Ham T. Jack'e 
^ loiDiiw- BOMB rBBaT«B.-"A Onen <*««•,'■'* 
dnv -•uii. Uoaiag: -nayB aad Plaren^' tl, LUHan 

Kaoeadra • -* 

^ AaociATMJt Bauu-Tbe Bedpath UtanJ Cu neert Oo. 
dnwa big boaaa 11. Onrnlag: Tmlaan Tronbadeen 

oJl**t!l;^ri' y^T^Woo Tlie%irt "The Fatal 

IJfe^rlll^!? builhOM 15. -TheBpan if 

SKb&S'" • "opWo** TranaoSanlM 

pi?X-T» J?.?'" -^"??* ^I"*""'' f'*'" 

^^^^^ ry-s^"'" 

L. M. BODi. ofih,v,|,nt |at, U In N«V«rk. 
Colamhai—At iht (Innd Open Unum in* 

. K uT?^'? -""te Whiu Rdiuadron" orntned 

Hilil h^.KTL le'ft "5^ ThontM O. SeahrMke hart 
Kll W ■ ^ Fencing baiter" did filriy 

TBI RkTtril. MrSBi — R. 0. piord manamr uU«r 
tlna to open 17. bat the Mil linot ankooScSS^ * * 

Srhll*"i^^'i' ".^f^t" niW il'« houi both 

u^ii ^w.^*J?'?« M*/* '"•'lihied a Urge audt- 
Sh*n*'«. " ^" ^'•*"'>'* T*m'a 

nowB.^»Mle Mae Hall Qnlahed a verr 
I?.*i^"*&'*S*J; " "■wment I. llloridi'a French and 
Irallan Grand Open Oo. will bv tt*n tJ. 

.i!ll"5!!fr***;r*^-..""'* Memorial Open llouae 
The Peaclng Mwiar" gave a loikl i^rluntiauce to a 

peajed 1 W5. lo rtpertoiy, at popaiar pncan, to pmr bu.Y 
*Towo ToDle**' camee 1^ Keller aJTBupetha C. «. 
aod Bowanl Wali'e Comedy Oo k-. «. <«n 

Z«neevllle.-.At Svbultz'a Oiwra lloose, R. D. 

flchelli. rDsoager. Otia Bklno-r. In "IIIm Unee, D- Oram- 

Martar" hikd tomaierlallwll fomiog: -TheCouniry 
VJ; ^i"",?'^'* Co- « and B, Cbarlai if. 
IIanfordl4,'lbeLlnlted Mdl"». 

«lemb«invllle..AttheCI(r Opeia Hoqm "The 

"PeurtMdellitbted a good hooia IS. Coming: Oonialaa' 
opera co. Zf-n. 



D«Uolt.*At tbe [jceum Andrew Mack cornea 
Peb. 16-Zl. Last week labam'a Ocioroon'a averaged 
an aioeUant week'« fauaiaeaA, packing Ihe matlneea 
Jameo J. t>>rbett onnaoH for one nigbt tS, follow«:d by 
"BbartMo. S" and Uaolooa' '-Biiperba" ai-39. Manager 
Btair baa returned aod la kwkloa dae. 

DBTBOir Opbra UocBR.-Mlnnle Madden Pi^kecomei. 
I7-19. fallowed by the Uolmea Lecturea ti-21 Tbe Potter 
Bellew easajienieotdld not pan nut'n ibo palmnKia that 
waa eipeclM, 10-11 but "ftae Poondllug ' drew brit 
tumouiiaud pkaaed immenaelr 13-15 

wiimire uaatfo Oriiu Hoi-«i.— Tbla week Weber 
A KleMa'Bhow. Laat week "The While Stiuetimn" draw 
very guMl Kiteodaoco. Noit week. -viaveM ol OoM." 

Oab MILL'S KHPlRBTllliTai — TTile week 'Pcck'a B«l 
B4>/." La*t wavk "ttaio T. Jack'a "Adajok-ia Klvn*' drew 
lUe a magncL Neat «»ek. -Pawn Tlekot :tlO." 

nariTDL Bquihu Tuiathk — fno *tocN rompany ihli 
week prxwota 'The Uaoitea"allh tbe followiDg pm- 
olalty people: Al. H. Martiln*. Neuio Mof.OhMa. anH Will 
Pertello. W. O-Cunolagbani JulneJ the itock cmop^nv 
16. Prank Ruhertn appeared on ahon uoilu lu "Tli* 
Bureuof New Vork." 

lelU'a perfiinning manhera. John U Sdnflndler. Pmf. 
PnakandIha Uontgoaierr Musical Tr<o. Theaira:Mlli. 
Alberta, Mr. and Mrt. Arthur U. yidmia, Onlbj and May, 
Maua and Maieitaaod Uarlaad and Ho'-lninn. 

Grand R«plflla.«At Power** 0|>ern llatus 
"flhora Acre*" cnniea 19. fti. Ptrkl'a moaualu ii, "The 
RfUh"f4nQd "lior March 6.7. 

UBAXD UPBRA UONtL-E-lllll Bilk (U "A Bllcli of 
Blondert." wMk of Feb. IIH ittared t' fair hdRin>*4. 
Idiam'a Octoroona oome week of 17, KeuiEKjntley ro. 

Humrs Opbbi HoniK — Week of 17: TlieAdama, (Ua- 
t«llo and Rolae. Slatun Violet. Cliapin Broa.. Uie La Riif a, 
TrumMoBIitera, NatSoyerand Miick. 

8ia|lnaw.*Ac Ibe Academy or MuaIu, Fob. lA, 

Minnie Maddera-Pieke nve l«o|>eiforiuancfla to aood 
buainra AI.O PieU'MMlii«U«Uconio2l. 

BoROWiLL'HOpaaAllornKckiMd l6,aDd will not open 
until the CAM peadloi lu Ihe Circuit Onurt ajln whether 
Ihe Common Council oin refuae tUeliouMa UceuMlA 
OeddeJ. _ 

Knlamasoo^Atttie ACHdouiT of K(ii>lc Mlnole 
Madden -Pleke, In *'The geeen ^r LUr*. * Ft b. 13, playd 
lA siuilInB rrwm oolr. Rooked: lloyt'n "A Buoch of 
Keie"l7, "f)hore Acttr'SD. 

OliAiiP Opbu Hona- Mcloiyrr. Btce and Melnlyra, 
Harry Leonard, Nat and Minnie Le Roy, Evan LswIr. the 
'^iraogler," aaalalad by local talanl. 

I««Bilag.»At Balrd'0 Opera House UlDUle Mad- 

dara-FIake cama to croviitu hoow Peb. II. In 'The 
Queen uf Liara." AI.G. Pleld'a Hloetnla are billed forM 
jMoMaoB. — At UlblMrtl's Hlnale Uaddem- 
PUke,In"TheQueeo ot LUr«."dell|htetla gvud hmiM. 
Fab. 11 "Lo4t *Jn hew York" gave Mlipfaciion tn a rtlr 
houm 13. 


Oalwaaton— At tbe (Iraod OperH IIouh) Jiilee 

Unu'lOpernCo. cloaed a mont aiccea^ful cnaageinroi 
Feb. e, both artlatlcally aad fluanclelly, havior (TMeniad 
■ueb oparaa bh •Tar end TWrUr," "lodlana," "Pra 
DIavolo," 'Tlie Onnd Dudieu" and "The Be«gar 
Stuaeot" Fnf. and Mme. Ilenrnanu. at advanced price*, 
aucceeded In pUailog and bewlUerIng t«o crowded 
houMM night nf 7 and matinee 0. KoNirta. Ingertoll 
Ivctnted on "Liberty of Muu. Woniaa and ChlM." to tha 
rapacity of the houa», 8. Plri: and Weuitar. In '-A Breeir 
Tlma'*dld falrlj w«il 9. R>lw|u Mlllon Hoyle and a well 
balanced company pnaeoted "Priendf," to a gw*! vlud 

^TBlMoRBUBllOWOPlLl.veionliat been dolnjt a big 
bualoeaa for Uie pau two weeka at i,l2p UarkeiHirMi. 

KOTB-^ani»i P. Pavton, oianaKornf uie Opvia llouae 
at Akiandria, Virirlnta,Jolned Uie Edwin Perrj Co. here 
g.aaadTanceag enL 

San Antonio.— At ibo Urand Open Uouao 
"Tbe WlcktowPotiman" played lo a verr Ifghi bualnen 
0. while BobeitO I»eraoll turned pefple away ta Cotn* 
Ing: -Prienda" 13. -fli<» PaatMall" 14, Ift, "Pablo Romaol" 
16 HaorrE.DIx«yl9,ffl 

Wahhixuto:* Thuvui -Opening 17: ^ Wheeler and 
Batai. Wm O'DelL Klitr Uoiiuon, Ned Harrr. Annio 
Howard, the Da Norea, Mlu Ja'|ua eidridge and Tom 

'^l?^nBATM.-Opfnlng 17: The Meitona. MIm Cald- 
well, th^ Reiendei. Dalioo and Boyle, li™ end Ilunu 
Dyer and Uowaixi, Baby PJonnce, Harry Holme-. Mamie 
Bnvd. rhas. Inn^tH, LIflle KlUwortb. Kettle Benin. Pnnk 
PercL P'llm Nellie Wllaon. LIUIan Jvroioe. Oberti, 
a J.nenipeheU.W. P. lIenp»htllaod the Atkloiun flla- 
tera. ^ 

Honaton^AiSveeDcr^ OooiAb^B Opera Uoiue 
'•A Breeiy Time." Feb. 7. r»ve three perfgrmancM u» 
noorhou^aa Robert 0. l\■c^rMll filled tbe bouae from 
St to dome 9. Onu'a Cpe aOo began an engaGMnaot 
la foraweek,tocn»wded nouaaa. Due: Edwin Ferry 17- 
19^ "Tba Paat Maiy 21. XL "Pablo Rouianl-' K Henry 
E. Dlaey -Tbe Cotton Klog"J8. « . ^ 

PALAOI TBBATBl-Boalneaagpod. floothem Qoamt, 
Latnw Bleiera. Ooitlob aod Uanlu Tom Kelly. Pia Wll- 
llama. Quelle EMnere and Tom Bunge. 

TitR MlBROH Mazi conlionaa to goud bnalneaa. 

Fart W*rtli.— At areeowall'B Open Uouree 

BobL Maniell. FnbL 6 and 6, had Calr bnalneaa. "The 
WIcklow fonmBD," 7. had a lop heavy hnuae. "FaMn 
Romanl." H. bad n good mUlnee, buipoor honaa In the 
aveolng. Heory B. Diiey. 10 and 11. did a falriy iteod 

Aneila.— At lUUeti'e Oper* Hoaee "The fant 
Mall " came Feb 10. CoL Bob fogerwjU «*me to a Urge 
and ■aupredillTa audience II. "Frienda- did a goM 
bualneJalt. •TharV>lion Kina" oomaa l4,Uwla Mnrrl- 
aonf7, LeraneliartleA 


Lowall.— At me Opera Uooee *>Dowo os (bo 
8uwan»e River" dnw aamall bouae Peb. H). RIce'a "Ifir 
play#dll. fvriba third lime Uila aeaaon.aodUidagead 
bunia. Billy Barry. In 'The BUIng OanenUon," pUfed 
B good huilnaat U. "Ben Iluf" will be iiaged 17 and 
reSk, for benefit of Lowell OeopralBnep^UI. 
Mtraio HALU-UUIe Akervtrom c oa^ a week of«rT 
tam huaki-Mlft Dan MeCarthy. In •Truifceea Lawn;' 
ilnd^The Rambler (rwn Olare." comee 17-19. and "Out- 

ai;;'/Tj:it«-Thlfho«M «ni open U. doon for 
theflSitlmellwIlh CUnoice II. Wilier propnelor and 
n. P. DunMr manager. With a cnf to hall on the groond 
flnor end a theatra with one gallery uwi*'" H 
verrM»t J*^" >'«i«»*' 

prarai', wiih thrve ahowa a day. ermmenelog 
theopaning bill announcaa P. D. Kina. Lorranla. Ueory 
WattiriAW?*nm aad H»rflnatt.o. BIwanlCUTMCfc D« 
uid Jure MoMaboa, and ling, Millie Ihimaaand U. WIL 

"^wSSSbu'sd avo BiJOfTTBtATmB^Thla hnnae la an- 
DounoKl tTopeo U. The hou»e U being changad i/var 
loaewbat. and wlU hare a eurio ball downMatn wHh ihe- 

**ffp!miro{o» UAti ^P. 0. Dodge haa a beneflt 17. 

Pnll Blvev.~At Ibe Academf ef Miudc '-Hio 
Tornado" *mtk telr baa<a*ea Feb. II. 1^ Ed. M. Faror. 
in^Tbe Jaater." 13l had the thmueai bouae ol the wa- 
So. WllliirRaiSm«Ie bia ihlid local appeariace II. 
"lUUia tuoenitoo," aod aaaln draw aedienca 
I Ibe honia to iu do 
tbe Bask," cone I 
rL" 19 »: Arthur I 

InTbeBUUiaClenenilob.* -.^^ 

ihU oiled ibehooia to iu doora Ward aad T<»keMo"A 
- ootbe Bank," come 18: Mian a Pjdmer. in 'TT* 
nlQIrL" 19 Arthur Purreat. in 'r^pta^n Iwlft, 

7-m\ Margaret Mather March & 


cbeua4,'Tbe Iriab AUeiviaa" 6, "Bbadeweof a Oreat 

, KiCH'a TRBATBB.-Rloa A BaTion'* -MoDnndla aad 
PMNlta" ptaye^l a rwtare eneagemeat Fatk I3>IA and net 
wIthMiraierna. **A Cracker Jack'* Mniaa 17.19. Hany 
Morria'Rntfrulneii U-A 'Special Deliverr" ll-ft '-On 
Brln'a Bhore" I7-W. 

W0!ipBML«xoTHiATnB -A ratuTn vhit of "The French 
OaUtt Uirla." IS*U. «aa rawarded with gmvl hualneaa. 
'Tbafeariy Rinia." IO-ILchlrp«d and danceil to lair ra- 
tuma. Tne Uearr BarleMiue Co. will iw iheelinciktn 
l!"** . *'^»nt" cornea tl and week, -Trip to the Clrcui" 
Maichlend wi«k. 

Worreeter.— At tbe Wocteaier Theatre "abad- 
oKiofat-natri'y" draw a good h<tuio P«h. 10. Btuart 
RobKtn, Id "Mra. Poaderbnry'a Paat," hadahlgbn«*e 
II. "N|ce'a"iivr*dnw ft bla crowd at Itannh appear 
ucethUaeaamtll The Oieat Diamond Ruhbery^had 
Uriabonae* I3-15. Due: llnly t!Tv*a l?oll«ge Draoiaiio 
Bi>oleiyOe<al).ln -Henry IV.'' 17; Billy Berry, in "Tho 
RIeloB rleneratton." IB; (TIeveUnd'a Ulaairala ZKCnn- 
ItoiMlakellloyL la "A Contented Woman," tl,SI; the 
Uanlok Theatra RnrlfA(qe t^)^ In 'Thrilby,*^ O. 

LoTHMor OriBA llotVB.-Oarl A. Ilaiwln. In 'The Rll- 
ver King." draw lilg hmiM taat week. "Uom and II -^n" 
cQm#a 17-B "Ooo of the Rravui" 3l -19. 

P110.VT BTBBBT OfBBA Hotna-Aam T. Jack'aBl^tav. 
aganiA Co, In'Th* Bull Plahter." diew big houee* all 
liMWHk. LoodnaOelMyairUIT^ 

NoTB^aniva W. llerkliKJr.of ihia city, aalla iinm 
Me» lorh tl for ^Dha. where ne g""* by direclkiri 01 
Manager WlllUm A. Rrady to wcure maUrlal lor a new 
meltMrama, to ba louBded oa Ihe f^ban If ouble. 

Lynnf At tbe Lyon Tbealre '*The Lo9tP.iiB- 

diu" Mme Frb. ll.b,io gowl bnalneaa. 'llunianiiy*' 
<omas18.0. ^telriOi AMemian" Marrli S 

Mreio Hall.— Rollly h Wml i (^wneJIana did al>l« 
buMniaa Fab. 10. Rica A Barlnn^aCoinnllaBF, tn * Mr- 
Dwille aod Poodle," St-U: the Henry Barleaiue Ci>. 

THBramALMiSBcooilnueeio do an Immeon bnal- 
neaa. r. W. Currier. «hn haa th* geufnl tnaniga 
nent of ih« Mau la thia couniry. wea In town levaral 
daya Ihe paat w eek. 

Lnwrance.>At the Oprra llouw, Feb. lu, 11, 
"The Petal Card" pb)ed 10 ■O'^l buMne'a. Billy Harry. 
In 'The RUInKUenentlon,'*^pleaMd a big audienretl 
l.lltle Hadiel and Co. vnaeot'^ "The CrVtla." to a fair 
«fiadhou*e. no 14. uwler III* euaplcea nf Hie Ineal K. Y, 
'The 'eBter."uniIariliedlractlonof A.Q 8raminon,with 
E. U Favor and thAOohauM, lo tho leailingralea. pleaded 

atopheary Itooae II Wni. 0 U-rrllL formerly nan- 

agerofihlahDuee, wulned a compound fraetnce of the 
kneocap 13. 

Tannton— Al Itio New Tbealre "Tho Trtmado" 

oatiie Peb II. to good bnalneaa. "Plnafnre" IS. 13 and 
IK. bj; local talen;, taR.,R. O. ;mi91" (o a lar||e audleuce. 

14. tomlag: Ward A Vobaa IP, *'Taiedo" 


WBahlngtom* — Tbealrlcikla at the DAdon'n 
capiul «»re a Utile "ipott) " laat week, but ooeaiinc 
tion doing more Hub ordinary bnaiDaM Tlie only rea- 
aonfurtblMtute nf atfalre la lhai Ibe pra-leatea aoclal 
demaiidakepttlw yreater portlou of nur nguur play- 
goera fram Indulging In publlo aouaenienta, nnleith- 
landing tbe hllln it ellourtheatreeweieeicepllMinlly 

KiPLKr'K Katio.nii, TiiBArRB had Rni flmllh RaKaall In 
an ricnllant roi»erut:y. InelaUlni a dnnble t>lll, '*Ati 
Everr l>iy Mau"aBd "Mr. Vkl-titine'e Chrl^bnai.'' IhiiIi 
una here, aod "Til* Hlf Ala." Tho hniwo waa erowdad al 
fvery prrformaoce, aa Mr. ftunell la a great W««hlBuion 
r«v<<riie. aa are alte aeverai inviuii«r<( ni liia aicellent 
p'liipAiir. Miute of whom hare iheir hoine)i hem. «iii)e 
ntlirra harv beru memhera of itie (fatlunel gumioor 
Comedy cnmpanioi which l>avo dellnktedour p)ayg<t*ra 
for *«v«T«lrear« real In Uie iBtaival lietween reaular 
MBfona. ThU «e«b. "Howiog the Wind." "A Trip 10 
CliInaUBn"P«li. 3I-2). 

ALHAi'dti'n LiPiTicm egUABBOi'BHA llorrif.— Bhaa 
■•roMnlfd "Nell tlwjnne" and "JoF^phlne, Emoreaaof 
tho French." 10 [airly aooil bualooM. Hhe aenetou'ly 
gun a apeclal iuuliaeeTueailayrnri)iea<tiui«nivni of Uie 
rlilklren ul ihu varkiiiaurplian AMyliiiiia ol tlieolty. TbU 
weik. Mile. Dune. In fnur uirrnrniancn*, "IIauiIIU," 
"Ma^da." *Tba lli»teaii" Bn<1 "The Wile ofCUude." 
"PorpAtr VlT«lnla"il-». 

ALi.n.N'H Uhaxd OpkHA HoL'uM.-Roliert llilllard. In a 
d» i|<rtil>lu bill. The Lll'leai tjirl" and -Las\-1\ 
lloom." dkl m t receive Uie rrcounltlon Im d*<a«rvcd. 
Tlia h'lUM'i' w«ie |«lr, but ihe emilenrvnr the eiiler 
talniitent «arr«nl«] the Ulllng ofevenr a«el at each ner- 
fornianca Tbla vMk. Ilnn^on'' "auiierlia." 'Llltie 

RAl>Lar'HACAUUT ur Mt'Hiu wuralrly w«|l attendod to 
a«e "Bvnuir HcotUml*' prea^ntcd bv a ihoruuulilv good 
coDipanv. Tliit auracllon. liko llilllani'^ at Ihe (IranO. 
dfl««rrrd oiudi keiipr patrooace. TI1U wa»-k, SVli 
BtiiBaiH, In 'Thi« ('oiinly Pulr." I'rimroae A We*i2l-0. 

Kaa:(AN'a LvuwM TiibithbIiaiI urattr gnwl i>aiioe«« 
at iliH return eD[fkjttiiii«tit ol T. K Uiico'a City Clali. bnl 
return enKagMintit, eaiMclaiiy of Tau<lerlile ahowa, ilo 
nut uHoailf pan out «rU in Watlilaiiton Tbla wavk, 
R'llly A Wond (innlher return), ilsdo'a Coioediaua. 
with lleieae Morp.2l-0. 

TowKK'H TfK Pjilaoi In aUliditinga phanonienal hual 
ntM. coining luneey l»r lu nwneiaand AlTordiBK Indnlie 
ainuMmenlBikl aiercba for Ita fairuaa. Joe OHHiogliuo 
ci-ued hlH fecoail end laat woek 15. 

KOTEM— Kumwr* hare been rife hara aoretal ttniaa 
wliliintlieiiaat 'noiTllireeinnnlhalhntNlianBnd /Im- 
merman ere n*B»llatlng f>ira ilmatre tn Wadhlaglon, but 

lliUH far cannot tM traced to any nllable aulhnrllr 

HhsM hu purchafil a homo un WaMlilnKtiMi llaiahla, Im- 
iiiedlaieiviiiirili of and orerlouklog the city, wuer'* aba 

inisifli aMudlau her time while mil 1 laying Franda 

Whllebnuw Joined Hoiiert lliiliud'a "Lo-t-1* lluar'" 
<:o. II, Dalay Dlion retiring frnm Ihe marry a 

■taiUiy auiinr Francia J. O'Neill, Inraiprly elly editor 

nf The IPdJAInrfoe iMtU now Kruhinan'e prea4 rtpreiteota- 
tlre III ndvaiice of "Bowing the Wind," wm warmly 

unHilvd by hlaboai-of frioodHtiert laat weak Ue>irva 

Oenhani. of the Kol thiilth Ruaatll Co.. enlerlalriiid 
oiembiranf itKt orcaaliatlun al lili uuliguo lltlb> niicli 

at Pour Mile Rua. Va. one dey lift w»ek Hul Smilli 

llnaaell waa ilm laeat all taat week at Ihn hone of Prnd 
Kerger. hia caanigBr, which la altuated on t'Jiluinbta 
lldflbM. Bfar hora. 


Lonlevllle,*At Macaulty'd Tbeatro local at- 

incllona held the boarda Peb. 11-12— a aerlinvf llrlnH 
picturaa prodacfd by young loclely ladlea for tbe iMnrilt 
of the Free Kfadergarteii. Edaard Harrliaa Hied out 
the wBBk. pla) leg ' Ohl Lavender" and "My R4>a Dan." 
drawing good eadiencea Delia Pea la aonouDCcd fur 

TkmplbTiiiathn— "Par PalrVirilnla" wai ihe orTer* 
leg llie latler pan of laat week. It waa leen hor« fwr llie 
nr-l time, and win well recelvetl and largely patroolMd. 
Holiert Hanloii V-at 

QuiND OfHKA HocuB.— "Alabama" proved a drawliia 
card at Ihia hoaee laat week. Tba alandinf imra aigo 
wftiidlvplayed al nearly every perlormence. "Slarea of 
Oo>d" comee wvtk 17. 

Thb Avbmuk - The AlnigtfleorLire"draw |ocd Imuae* 
during U*l week "Oiorlene" waobof 17. 

Till Hvuklhuuab.— SL Pellx HUtera' Boeclalty Co. 
plaj ed lo good bulloeaa lau week. WlU'a *Tno Old 
l'ronlea"we«k of 17. 

Pkoplr'h THrATHB— New facaa week of 17: Eointa 
Lamauae, Kalle Houre, Wyatt aod Amea, end tbe rfgular 
uock. Boalnaaagood. 

Pailaealii.— At Morton's Opera Houm "llf«ll- 

K'» Maaqnerada," Prh. II, had a good hnui*. Hr. and 
. Ryran, ki 'Upe and Downa nf Life," rMni 17. Lie- 
coin J t^arter'e'-The Titrnadu" IV, 'The Qlrl 1 Left Be- 


Denver.— At the TilKir Open llnuic, week of 
Feb. 10, Balvlol. In *Tbe Three Guardnnen.""Don(Vaar 
De Bataa" and "llauilrt," niaycl to peaked botaaa. Por 
week of 17. Jamie O'NellL 

OHriiBCU.-Por weaker 9. Eara Kendall, In "A Pair of 
Khii." had gwol lioutaa. 

CuLUim —During waek of 10. Prar. Hrlatora trained 
|iora«B aad pobka had paekMl houaKa niahlly. 

BBOAOWAT THBATaB.- Anna Pay had a big bnuao9. 
Ilnine ulantll. In "PalMly Accnaed." 

Mathilob'H concert at theTnnliyChurcb. 
II, nua gr*atrace*M. The Apolki OInbilrea a concert 
at the Baptbi Chureb 13. 

Lendwllle^At tbe Wealon Opera llouge Wio. 

A- Brady'a Co., In 'Trilby." playad to aood UiainaM Peb. 

UoUMBiTB'a HAAOor — Almoo /.rioia. Came Hall. 
Rugera aod a^Mmao. Minnie RuaaelL Dava Bruderiek, 
Loitln DalDlry.Jamea Eoimenon. Annie MllaJobn Ba- 
gel. Will Rogara. Lariea end Huyelte. Bualaeaa aoud. 

TUB Ltoil'B Thiatbb 00. bate doawl iheir encage- 
nieni h^raandlaava for a t/^urloCalliumla The follow- 
ing will eofiuoee (lie«/inpaoy: Slopeoo and Saniua. 
pruprieiora; IfanrrHani. manuor; Utiaa. Affile, haalnaaa 
maeaiar: I. R Blupeon, ataga nanaaer: J. Ilelnea, 
treaiurar; I. Blmpaon. n. Italght. Al llanewair. H. 
L%wreoea.c. Drmuina. E iieiiMrl.UreiaDterlng.Hraca 
Lewta, Kittle Kidgewayand Ideal Plor*nc«. 

Paeblo.«At the Oraod Fanny Klce did well Felt. 

5. EiraKaBdtlLln"APalrnr ICIda."bad a fall bonaeB. 
*Trhbt"ladBe II, Ellle RllaUr M RoUri J. Kur^aile, 
leclurer aD4 homorlai, will dellf er hIa felel^ralid iMture, 
•Tbe Blae and Pell M the Muatadie." 17- 

ToB CoLrnUA— The reiiiootu t^edy Co. dropped 
InU'town dirta from'i will hohl forth at ihla 
home for a week, begloolor 10. U |aa 10 cent atww. aad 
It laaur*>to bepopolarln Pueblo. TlieliiiUal perfonn- 
Boce will be "ne Llt'le Dncheu," oiUi Nannie Calll- 
coita In the le oHogrole. ^ 


Mil Lnka CII7.— EfTle KlUler plajed at tbe 
HeltLabaTlwAmPah. 10;ll.iolalr builneta. AnnaBva 
Pay opana 13 Jamea O'Neill cornea U-a7» (ha Tavary 
Opera Co. March a-4. 

OBAUD — "Xlnbe" proved a Mg winner week of 9, rar- 
raet, '-Harraet " Helen Henry, aootmit*. le a new mem- 

Ltcioii.— "Fringe nf nodety" drew telrly well weak of 
X Week of in *Tbe Bella.'* 

Nnn.— PaderewakI will appear at UiaTabenada March 
K Boaaa's Bend March <i 7; 


New Orl«»na.<-Not o&lj ma; tbe nilera ot Ibis 
yaar'a I'anlral congraiuUi^ iliAmulvea at liavlag aL 
Iracted in Ihia olty larger craada of ainngan than have 
Tialied hera (br yeara, hut ihey may exiierlenca a reeling 
ofaailafactlon when iheyraaliia that In an iMllrect way 
:hay have made nmepamnathecntraut theatrical leaion. 

OiurtnOpiNA Hocaa.- Racellent bualaeaa waa vpjtiyHl 
ben during llemiann'a engu«ineBt. Penny lhtren< 
l«ii win be the anraetioH Piib, le-tL 

ACADBBT OP Mcnic— "Pr I urea « Bcnnie" did an eicat- 
leni bualnea* during lu engagraienL The cuwttaay'a 
aonga, acasfry and ooatumea ncelved meilled approba* 
llna. Rii'end R^oil ci>Qieaweek nf Id. 

Br rBAHLVH fHiATni — 'TheTwelieTemptaUona"waa 
recelred w|ih evary luatk 01 enlttualailinapprnTaland 
did good buaineaa. "On Ihe Mlaalailppl" cnmaa ia-2L 


Last W*«k'a Rv«ats.*Ttie bnppf nlpgn of ttio 
pait WNk wera coiiipmittlvrlr UDliii|Mniint, (i<r, 
•li|iou(b the atimciluu wrn cluogcil In aetcnl i<( 
iho principal boUHcmtmt iliwluta nnrcJIy wh» 
pmtnltd, knd ihitt rtllcil )o win upproral. Tlicro 
■ere, lio«gnr,i«olotamilagni'ima>nU Ibo Unit 
iiitUopolIMn pmenlitllon ol » mtloilnBiik «t ilo- 
arndlf good lepulo. lUilneo potfoinwni-ea wtt« 
Riven It nioit ol Ito lbealn~(<>ii Fol>. 13, Llnoiiln'H 
UIr1h(Uy,.ntl allboogbtblii wuthe flraloIiMrnnce 
ol tbii bolldij Ultra waa ImnKiuo allemltnco both 
d.jr »nd Qlgbt all along (bo lino, and lato m>maia 
wandnod rrom taouM tobonto unablolu gain aiV 

Dlllanco Tba coinlnurd atlcacllona (or Iba 

OHk ending Fob. la wera: "Tbe lloarl or Harj- 
Inuil" al Ibe lliKiLii :)gi'AHi, "Hie Uovcraor ol 
Kenluekf"at IbePimi Avbkui. 8amh Bcmhami 
alAnmcv'ti, "KiccMorJr."*! Ui.vm'M, "THO lj\dy 
!jUvrj"ai tboOABiNO,".\ Social lllgbwajinan" al 
mo OAHnitii, "Ublmnile l^iildan" at ibe lltanaN. 
"K Ultck Hhnp" at llorr'^ Chaiincej (ilcoit at 
iho IMumimn HrMin, "Tbo Bpurilnii Duobcwi" 
at Ibe AciniUY or Mi-8ii', "Uumub" al the 
Ahuicah, "Uio Uoiiulim (linikl" al llAUVa, "A 
Voisan'H l<m»n"at Ibe KHrmi, and gmml opera 
al tbe MtTHorouTAN Uriiu llainii, Ibo Iwu laal 
named bavlug oloiod upon tbat date. .. .Tho uuo ive«k 
■landa oloalDg FoIj. 15 wera: "The a»j ParliMana" 
at Ibe Ohahp uriaa llnimi, "iin tbe nnwoty" at tbe 
rmirLi's, "Obarle;'a Auni" al dANroHU'a, "Shore 
Acrci"at Iho IIahliu UrixA lloivk, anil "Human 

llratui" at Ihe Cui.i'vuim Varimr uQienalninoni 

waa riinlatied at Tont I'AHTnR'H, Kiiiirui.t Iiui/ii, 
Ibe (iNioii SguAHi, rau<7niH'a,OLYUi'ii,lbo(UitTir, 


no and Mmira'H Uowtarand Kiiiimi avkniii 

I'erronnancca In Oonnau were glren at iho iHvixu 
Plaoi and oimiakia, and pmrormancca In llciirew 
at tho TiiALii, WiMiwuii and Aulih'h Al Ito 

IIBUAIIWAY TlllATHII, OU fell. 10, Ihe IIOatonlBDB 

,bfg.ii an engagtDieul aud onoo more preocnttd 
"lloliln llunil," whlcb Ibrjr announco will lie llitlr 

aolo odiiilng iiurlutf Ibelr prtmiutvlalt "The War 

or Wealth,!' a rour aol nii>k>drama, lif . Vharlca T. 
Uaur, waa > een fur llie Drat I'liia In ihia clir Krii. lo, 
wheu llwjB puluiMn IhoalagoarihoHTAHTiiiATHK 

rur a roil At Ibo l.vcmiu Tiiiatiih, on t'uli. lu, 

KdwanI lloae'a rninanllo dmina, "Tho I'rlauner ii( 
Mndu," iraa revived, wim JanicH K. Ilnckoil In ibo 
rolca prevloiul; niiaunied lij K. M. Bnlhci ii, anil willi 
tberunialolng rolon Ullod by ntoiiiii ihuI lliuaiurk 
L'oiniianror Itae hnuioand othom efiwclalljongagrd 
riir lUla pmiluolloD. Tbla plaj, II nlll In loiiieni' 
liered, proved one of Iho niiml coiMpluiiuuii Miccna- 
oa or Iba preacnl aeanuo, bill nevoillieleu lla revival 
lu Iho huuu i>r lia original iiliiin|ih, and with an en- 
tirely new cant, waa an cxcccillUHly tolil iiiovu, 
hot wo are bappj to ulalc, which baa keen 
crowned wlih aucccaa. Ur. Uackoit bi yei a very 
joung luaii and baa bad only fmir yearn* experience 
upon the aiugo. Ilo haa, htiwovcr, made giaal uao 
or hiri lime and haa lo hla brier profotaluDal caitor 
played more Ibiin ono hundred niloa. He la liut 111- 
llu known In Ibo molrop«ll^ Imtiiicli work aa ho baa 
diino here ban ccealed a ravomlilo IniiireiHlun, ami 
hla recent cicalliiu or an Iniporlauiiole In IL U. Ur- 
lun'a"Tbo]|omoH<crolary"altblahuiiaij garoprvni- 
lae ur tilumptaa tu come. Allhiiugli Ur. lUckoit ban 
lnlhbir«c«oi elTnri given further pruufof alillliy, 
llie hour of inunipb baa mil yet arrived, ami wlU 
laiTjr until he la aeon In an nliaoliiicly now and 
original urtallon. Neverllieli»H, bo baa muoh 
reaaon to red pronU of hla proacnt work, fur It 
aliowa InlelllKenco ami virility and givea eviiltnco 
ul venatlllly, Ue proved hlmaclf ipilio couipeieiit 
la UKel llio al«olul« rei|ulrouonla iif Iheimrl, al- 
lliongb be acldom added Ihow lllumliuillng and 
adorning louche* by ineana of which an ncKir may 
grcaily liicnaae Ibo cbann of Ihe aulhur'a creation. 
Mr. Ilacketl laokt magnetlaui ami falla Ui augieat 
llip poaaeaalun or rcacrvcd powci. Ilo aceina lo Ihi 
loo conalanlly near thu llmllnr bla alritlnicaiiil 
conaei|uenlly Ito plane of bla emleavora la luii even. 
Ilia voice Ualrongandaouoruua, luii lack, iteilljll- 
liy. Illaapeeoh would be gnaily Improved were ho 
more camlul lu rnunclailon, whoreliy lie lolghl loan 
Home nC blj voluma of voice, lint would gain greatly 
lu oilapnen and clearaeaa. Thcae, l;iiwever, are 
only auggtatinna made In the hupo Ibat lliclrcou- 
Hlderailon may lirlug hini nearer lu that hi iii i.l trl- 
urapb wbleb really aeenulo be In ainro liirblm.aud 
while thme ahortcomlnga have prevctiied blu lo 
tbla cane from giving a lliuMughly excellent prr- 
funnauce, Uiey have not byany mean* oliwurtd bli 
menu, nur hindered bim from deaervlDg much 
praUe. Ill* preaent work ahuwa prugrew In hi. art 
andauggeilii excellent poaaltdlltlea when he ahall 
have learned lo bcalow at iiiiicb atuily upon hinucll 
aa be nuw gIvea to the letter and aplilt of hUi rule. 
Ttaauppurt waa aatufaelory, allhoiigh tiul few u( 
the company aeeni deallned lo win freab dlBllnclInu 
In Ibelr preaent aialgnuNuta. laatiel Irving, how. 
ever, found In I'rinceaa Flavia a rule admlralily 
aulled tu her leroperameoi, and bar porrormancu 
waa full of gnacloua dignity and admlralily ilrau- 
laud feeling. Stephen Ur,illau alio waa happily 
caal In liMb ol bla role* and did capeclally elTecilve 
and convlDclog aork at OlllKrt, Karl of IhuacDdyll, 
lo Ihe prologue. Ilo I. an able aclor, wbo can 
alwaya te depended upon to avail blMaolf of a 
good opportunity, and only iieeda to learn bow In 
Improve a bad one. Katberlne Floreuce, wbo 
waa ae«D only aa tbe Cuonlew of lUaaendyll 
In tbe prologue, waa ao Ihoroiigbly cbariiiliig we 
conid DDI iMit tegral the early nolab ul her laak. 
Herbert Kricey labored aaalduoiialy to piirtray the 
vlltalny cr Black HIchael, and mot wllh conablera- 
ble aucceaa, altbougb be failed tu cunvlcce bla ad- 
alirr* tbat beavlea abow bla powcni to Ihe tieal 
advantage. Kill* I'roclor (Mhi wa^ Miiiicwhal iin- 
aaturacloiy In tbe nile of Antnlnelle Ilo Haulian, 
and none other* In tbe caat require riitclal meuUon. 
Uiuldertng the performance aa a whole It we* 
veiy contmendatile, aod Uiera la much reaiou Ui 
believe that tbe play will eotny anoitatr leoglhy 
aeaaunofprotptrliy. The lull cast fotlowa: Uhar- 
aclei* lo prologue: Prince lludoir, J. K. Ilacketl; 
Olllien, Stephen aiatian; Horace Olyn, W. U. Ilan- 
bury: Jelfreya, iobn FIndlay; UIITan, Kdward WUka: 
Uoke 17oirgaog,lltniertKelcry; Anells, Kalherlbo 
riorance. Ubsmclera In tbe playi llodnlf the Uf lb, 
Kndolt Daaaendyll, J. K. Ilackeil; Cnkiuel Sapl, W. 
J. Le Hoine; Flllt Vun TtelbDbelm, Stephen Oral- 
utu; Vaplsin llenitau, Waller H. Hale; Uelcliard, 
rnzar (iouluri (Mrtrara Beitimnd, Prtiz Wit- 
llama; Maraball SlrskeDcz, Ubstlea Walcot; 
LnrooiTepplcb, It Iluitu; FranzTepplch, Ferd. 
Oollactialk; Lord Tupbao, Hervyo IMIaa; Itml, W. 
I>, lUnbiry; Uidwig, Kraeat T*rlelun:loaer, John 
Flodlav; Michael, Uerliert Kelccy; Frlnreaa Fiavla, 
laabel Irving; Aalelnelle Ue Hanbu, Kllia rniclur 

lltU; Fran Tepplob, Btillit Uaaall Al Ahmt'h 

TugATBi, on Pab. to, Barab Bemliardl appeared for 

Bbegave an excellent ptrfonnance, but dliplaycd 
no new nor uuexpaoted powera, allbongb her "Qla- 
monda" nwy well nak atnosg her beatorcatkiu. 
H. Marmont waa very Impreaaire lu ib« tola of Al- 

meili) At rAUiii'a Thiatm, on Fob. II, then 

was ptrformed, for Ibo tlrat Ilme upon any aiage In 
Amorlca, Ubtrlea HeoauM'a adapiatloo ol the much 
dbiciiaacil mnmnllo tragedy, ">ior the Cn>wo," wbleb 
wa* annonncod aa Ihe lieat work that haa aa yel 
titen cnaied by Ita author, ("nncola t»ppee, aod 
for which % prlia of ave hnndttd fnnc* waa given 
by the Fraoch Acnileiiiy. lie tnt produolinn In Ike 
KoglUb tongue ocourred on Fob. ti>, al the Ijcenm 
Thtatre, l/milon, Knglnnd. Kxlenilvo herald- 
log bad cauaed great mulU tn bo espcrltd 
of Ihbi play, aud Kuioptau eiidoraemtnm ot 
tbe anginal woik wera of a moat enthoiliiailo na- 
turo, ablcliniitiirally lenilnl lu attach mate than 
nnllnaiy Inlcrrat lo lie Unit melropoll'an boarlog. 
Tbiiae who bail nllnweil Ibelr bopea too live a rein, 
however, found nothing liul diaappiilnlnirnt In atora 
for ibriu, and even tlinao who hail not given ao 
read ] a crrdrnco lo Iho mlaleading annonncomtnta 
aeeiuol dUtpi<aeil to koalow lint little pralM upon the 
perfiirinance. Whether lie adaptor had ovtreill- 
mated hU alitllty In atleniptlng Iha traiulatlon, and 
failed In carrying out the auihnr'a ldcaa,or whether 
tho fault Ilea enllraly wllh him who ihaped Ihe 
work, cannot bo ponltlroly detennlned, but the pro- 
duollon aalt Li now tinircd,aBldo lioiu the poello 
amoolbncni and ohaiiii uf Uio language, whiob le In 
lihiuk venc, la In many waya Inadequate aa a 
dmraailo prrnenutlon, Forthcrmnio, the more 
chi-erfuluhaiiiiria Ul whioh putillo taaUanowiua 
iwccludo any piiaatlilllly cf playr nf a Ingle charac- 
ter aitnluing laalloR aucceij, no mailer how 
inerllnrloua Ihey may tie. Tho alory flowa amooth- 
ly aod evenly enough, and la ciiniprohonalvo 
lo every ilctall, Ibiiiigh Ha tfoHlinont la lertniiaand 
ilolclul iliroiigbont \\a cniiro loiigib. 

Aitoiiianumih prior lo tbe opening of Iho play an 
Indepen-'ent kingdom In tho Halban Mounlatna 
■nininiailM Inai iiMla king, and Ibe •clfcllfln nf lila 
luicceaaor la Iho abaortihig liipio of tho lime. Ao 
aaplmnt fur the tbnino. who liuilda high bla hope* 
lor aiicrun. la one Michel llninconilr, a valiant 
leader of hbi poopir, whone aeivica* aiialnal the 
Turk, with whom a ouuilnual warfare la waged, 
baa won bIm Ibo nanecl and irgani nf hl« lelliiwa. 
lllHrngn I. lerhtlc wlicn Ibo ncople'H chiiloe dnallr 
aetilea nimii Kitciinr, an aged htahnp, ami It la only 
wlihi le nrcalvHi dlillcnliy that hu (a penuadcil In 
payhlamprclatoihe new king and acknnwirilge 
nliiiaelf aiiliaervlent In hi* rnle. The lilow falla with 
oven greater force uikui lila aeciind wtfr, llaxlllde, 
who frnle kenily Ihn Ion uf power and wtaltli ihal 
nilrmin ibo alatlon. Iiiiring ihrao rxrillog iliiiea 
Ihora liaamlnfleil wlihthe peoide Itnnko.aTnikiah 
■py, whDihrewilly niirnilMia that tbu ainrk of dia 
conieiit III llranconir'ii bonaelintd nilgbt. with 
very Utile cIToit, tin rauiiod Into a tlinio. Ilo ac- 
cordingly galna an atiillonco alih Itaxllldo, and an 
woika upon bur fooll.h pihln that ho iliially oti- 
iiilna bi*r aa^tirance of co oprrnilno In hIa plana. 
Ilo Icavra In her caro the Suliaii'a .caleil agreement 
to iHMtnw upon wItoMoerur aliall permit Ibo pnaaago 
or the Tiirka ihroiigli Trajan Arcli IMm llio crown of 
theconqnrnd klngdon, whore ho will tie prmltlod 
tu ri ign aa Irtimury kliiir. Ilaillldfl auoceoda, by 
ilin-aiHond cnn-xtng. In gaining Uli:bel*a reluctant 
cuiiaeiit lo Iho miUoiiio, and ho anixea till algiiatura 
iiiihedocunii-nl that niabva liliiiH tnltiir. Ilnn- 
i-oiiiir'a Intenilon lo lieimy bla country, biiwovcr, la 
illauivrrril liy bla aim. Uonaianiln, whii ti> h aeen hbi 
[HtbnrHliin Ihn Hultnii'aplrilgo. THucomimrt wllh 
tlie Tnrka iHalHint to Im kept, and llraticoiiitr »- 
Itevra, In pnnwin, Iho giiartl at Ibo I'aai', aitd la 
linilcitilr awaliiiig tho cniiiliig (f tho Invaden, 
when Coiiaian'ln, who haa followril htm, lelU hini 
that bukiiiiwa bla guilt, Hiid Iniphirca him tu light 
the lK'«i:on the that will call Ma oiiiairymi'n lo 
anna, ikiid hi-lp bla people roiivl tho fm*. Ilrancumlr 
roliiiw-ri, wliluti III euragea Oimiiniiiln Ibnt hekllla 
hla faiher, anil, llghtlna the litacoii, aavea the laud. 
When Ilia lioily bi diicovereil llnibuiinir la niippoaed 
:o bavu fallen In defence nf hiacuiiiitry, aiiil,anOou- 
Mlanilii niaidulFly koepaallruco, the people dn not 
HUapcct thu real auto of albitra, and rear lo the mem- 
ory of Ihe deiMrlbil warrlura iiMuiiltli'ent bruur« 
nuiiir. Tormnnta fur bla criinu anally prey upon 
Coiiatanllii'auilnil Uianchaunxteni iliaihe lirga rur 
iluatli. and la cuii.lilerliig aunie iiivaua fur ending 
Ilia Ills wliboiit ruciiiinio to aiilolilo when llaiUlldo 
re(|iK>riii that abe tin allowed tuacubliii. llrrmlK- 
^liin la hi have bIm carry mil the lank lila father aet 
hliiiwlf to do, but (Ainaiaiiilii Indignantly nfnara, 
iii.ll lelh bur fur tho nrat time lliit bla futlitr'a lire 
waa IMkiin t>y htm. Tlionuh an iinacruiinloiia 
woman, liorainHJIoii lor horliiuiiand waa alucerei 
will Ibo naturally ttccotot^ bred with a dnlru tu 
avenge liliii. A iirllllniit prnjei't la auggraicil liy Ibe 
Oiii'iiiHn'H iMiier, which la aillt In bur iMHucaaloii. 
and ilila hIiu placea In Ihu king'a lianila, with an ac- 
cuaailon agaliiai lliu loyally of Ci>nainnilii, wblub 
oliargulaauataliied liy tiin algiialiireuf the houaouf 
llraiiuoriitr. A word item (.'ouataiiiln would explain 
nil, tiulhU Birociloii (or bla lather U too gn at fur 
bliii lu pill Uila lilenilih uiaiii hla aiemnry, ami, reo- 
olllll■lt^g tbat ho wlalicil fiir ili-atti lull HBliDrtlline 
iiuloro,no uniepiHlila rate. Iiihtenditr bi-liig ciin- 
demnfd In lniiiii»ltiiio uaeciiilun, liowovir, Iho 
coiiiiL'll ilrcn-i a thai tin III- cballiinl to tho tieie of hla 
lailiur'4 aiatuo for illo- Happily IbU diagreee la 
>|iared liliii iliniugii Mllllrji, hla favurlio tliive, wbii 
aulia lilui lu iliu hcurlnwl then kllla horaelf. 

From a llleraiy aUnil|iolni Ihe play la worthy ol 
rauuh cuuimeudatton, tiiil bora Ita merit cuaaiai, fur 
the eleruooU which go lo niako up Ihe auoceaaful 
dramaUuabiryare aadly lacking. Tliuro la luu III- 
tlu arilim liiihe unfrildlng of the Ihruic, and ver- 
Iioally la ono uf Ita moat coiwiilciiuua faiuta. Tbe 
leiliiiiii of Ita lenglUy dUloguea dmdeiii the polenoy 
I f iii.iiiy of lia accnea, and, tbuugli aoiiie of Ha 
IncMciita nro excecdinily aimug In Intoroati Ibo 
general luob of tliu pbiy la far luu gloomy tu war- 
rant Ibo Kllgblcai hiipcaof Ha lieliig received wlUi 
any favur on tiio Aiiiurlcan coniliieiil. Kilward 
Vruoni uMilr.vod lo make a lalrty enlerlalDing 
charitcter of (AiiMtantlii, and al ilinca waa >|ulle 
tmpienlvu, Uiuiigli hla eiTuria wiaild rucelvo far 
more appreciation wcro hla ft alurra Haa aiiluniallc. 
Iluao uoglilan, aa lUtllldc, haa coiaiainllvely lltuo 
tudu, liiitilldllialMliloBuwellaalucauaeregrelihat 
alio linil uo greali-ruppiirluoliy to dUplay ber ulenla, 
Johii .1 . lane played Kilonue lu Iriio Sbakeiptareau 
alylr, mill liroogiitaul clearly ibo few good poinu 
the rule cuolalm il. The oibi 1 1 1 f ilo caat were de- 
acrvliig uf no apcri^l pralar, imt tl,l< waa iiMlnly 
liecHuau their rule* arlmltled of i.o '-icul etfuri. The 
caal: Conatauilu, Kilward Vrooiii; HIchael llrao- 
comlr, Cliarlea 0. Clalg; Kilenne, John A. Una; 
lleuku, Vharlea Koul; A Tuikiali Cblul, F. U. Fagel: 
laiar, Ikiujaiiilii Homing; liuiukcli, Harry Allen; 
Watchman, F. H- I'agei; rnneuu liniilllde, lluae 
L'ogblan; Hllllxa, Uaud llarrlum; Anna, Olive WciL 

Too Ihlrloent li ami lliial week uf Ihe aeaaon of 

grand I'liera al Ihu M*T*ur<ii4TiN OriNA lluiai be- 
gan Fell. 10, with a perfuimaoce ot "IMe MelaUr- 
alnger.o aa mcuiluneil Incur laat laaue, "Lea llu- 
gucii'da" wi# given I'^wllh tlmatar caat, Inoludlog 
Hmn. Uellia, Uiiie. Nurdica, Mme. ScalchI, Jean de 
lleatka, Kdouard de Herzke, H. I'lancnu and Vlcbir 
Uaurel. "Faiitto waa brard 14, wllh Mme, Helba, 
Uii.u. Hcalcbl, Mile. Uauermelaler, Jean de tieazle, 
F.duiurd de Heixkeand U. Uautellnlbucaal. "Uar- 
ineu" waa given at Ibe tnallnte IC, with Mme. Ualve 
In Hie Mile rolo, and "l/jheogriuo wee beani even- 
log ol Ihal dale, wllh Unir. Nutdlu aa Klia. 

Irnaminuncad Ibaf'Tha Vlilaio Foatinaaler,"* 
ciiDCdy drama, liy- Jerome H. Kddr and Alice K. 
Ivea, WlU Iw produced March ID, al the Fuurleealb 

At a meeting of Ihcalrical iiianagera ul IbU cliy, 
beld on Fell, II, II waa decided lo employ A. J UII' 
leuhwg'r lo Oght ibe Henate hill liilioduccd liy Dry 
iHillar Molllvaii, which, Ibe Heoatur aaya, I* Ui 
"aecure prolccilou lo life and llnib In Ihealrea." 
Tba oioit ulijecilunable clauae In Ihe lilll, the luan- 
agenaay, u ibat which legulaiea tba alia olaiag* 
nrwalng nainia, aud direcia tliai aiich aball ba not 
lOMi than elibt reel wide, ten reel long, nUi* feat lo 
belghiand made drepmof. 

It I* rumored that Atihey'a Thcatir, alter IbU 
a«a«in, will lie devoted lo operailo performaoeea Id 
Kngllab. According to rumor Ilia cotopany will tia 
a iiennaocnt one aod llghl French aal Kaallak 
operaa will In given. 

••llHB.8AaaUiNi."whbKaihr)D KMdef latka 
lliUrote, will be played al ib« Uardca 'Ikeati* l(« 
two weekr, beflonloi April t| 


Febbuary 22. 

Kui'ini TuKATilt.— A pnrllnD ot VifUoet enm- 
jtnjut ihln honiu Rare OD IT itae Orat Ainer- 
Icon pristntnUOD or'-Minlife,"* conKilr.ln ibiM 
ncUi, lij llmmloo Thomaa •ml lleo: j K««IIb(. thli 
lilny IwH Iieen a kiOR wbllo lu nachtDg thUcosBliT, 
for II wan otlglDtUr iwodDctd at Ibo Court Tliealn, 
London, Knit., im Jnno ;, it It noiia tl» lea 
wolconic, lioirnvcr, and piolialrir no boiler tlBM 
cuiilil liavn ixcn Kiccltd for Iih |im«nlaU0D Iiert, 
■alia hrlnlii, cititiilj and good naiurcdwlt proted 
Tcrj rrricaMDg oiler panakluii ot lome of llu 
nainny rcpaMs rtccDliy i>rovldcd. The aiorr lalli «l 
iloniulii' dlillr.olllea artilPR fram a womaol 
J>^a:oui'y. Tiio ittlnclpala are HIr Jobii llelloD, a 
wullhjr coiiiilr; genlleuuiD, and bij «ire. 
Tlio lalliT linn XxKoma Udy lleliOD prln- 
rlpallr 10 iiniTent one or licr former acbool- 
malm from lllllDr Ibat pohIIIod. The olber 
ltdj In Ilia caM la H Kit poaataied woman, 
wlin, dlallked by Imr own wx, li an adept la 
thu art III pleaalni men, Eir Jobn Invra bla nlfe, 
nlibiiiigb hehaakioneilniehccn allentlvo to btr 
deicaicd ilval, Mllon, bavliiR manled vlib- 
imt being proinpied Uiorolo li; love, fceli Ibat abe 
liaa no right lu live wlUilierhuiliand.aiidlhire- 
lore leavca hhii almoai at ihH cburcli door. Mve 
liir lierbiiHliaiidHutinivimca, liowever.biit ullti It 
i-uDiea renewed Ji^alniiaj or Ibo lady wncim ibe con- 
rlMcniberilval. ilKingb ibDlal'er liaa by Ibh Hint 
innrrlcd a Miilld Hrlnlocral, Ibo lion. Iladlay 
itnuiiililrlgli. HIr Jubn, baving fulled lo per 
Miailo Ida wlla lo IIto wlia him, bcconei 
('KHH|teraic<l ttnil rui^npH orr to Htr Cbarli^ 
Jenka, » great tolUllor, lo gel a MtcKt, 
iind lliore nieela Ixdy llelioD, who baa 
«-ome upon tho aaim errand. Tno decree of divorce 
II gninied, ilioiigli nut made aiwdiiie, but mat'en 
itro not greaily Imprnved. Ilia Hon, Padloy baa 
gono 10 Africa lo Join bla elder brolber, Izird 
I'owjMi roft, In a ihunilng expedlllon, and nem 
■nineHOf hia death. HIr Jubn.noir wparaltd from 
bla wile liy legal liirrlcra, falia uader Ibo apell nl 
Ibo cbamilog widna, Urp. Chuinblelgh, but allll bai 
Hllniprlngaireidlon fur the woman ho had martled. 
He, In fact, welii h reunion witb her, andaendiber 
« nrliicn pmpohni of inartiage, but bla letter paiaei 
im lln way itno froin l^ily llelion, wlilcli la auillclent* 
ly hitler hi lone lo niako bini propuis marriage 

10 the cuarining widow, who accepu bU 
(iircr. Willi iho wrillun propoMil In ber poa- 
Hcaalng l.idy IteUon Iniilliutca prncredlnga agaui»t 
Ijorforniorliiiiilmiidror lirtaoliof protniae. and HIr 
Jobn nuda hlmiiclf In n vurr emliarrHiilog aud 
fiiuiillj ridk-iilniu dtlenima, Tbcre hai lieen a mla- 
laao, unwovcr, In ihe newa from Afiica, for It waa 
tlie older of ido brolhctn wtau luot bla dealb, and 
tbo lion, Dudley, duw l,onl Powyucroft, roiunu to 
tUigland wearlug a licard which nwkca blmUie 
luiiiiiltrpart or hIa doceaiod broihor. and wblcb 
lircveniH bim rmoi inslug rpcogidztd oren bylil« 
\rire. The marrlaffe of BlrJobu and thoauppoaed 
widow iH alKiut lo lake place, and Sir John la Id a 
rair way lu conlraci ii bliramoua ailUDce. when hli 
lepeniant wilo ugitbi wina Idiii ii> bfralde. and Ura, 
i^liuinljIeluU li "oniolcd by dudlog hcrielf the wife 
uf a peer. While Iho compllcallona uf Ibia 
nlnry are vuiy Imprfdmhle, ihoy are by no meana 
Impjullile, nud, skillfully woven aa IbM are, they 
inako a very divmlng narrailve. Tlio play la 
I'barinlngly lu'lrU'Hi.uuo birrplole with wltof tht 
imohorr, which. II ko Mil, la lull or Mvor, but dO' 
vnid of IdileniPM. Tho Kury li admlralilT ceii' 
rolved. llii<dlalngiiolaicraa aud excuedlugly well 
vrnileD, Ibo chaiacleia aro iikllllully drawn and ibe 
Hconva are olcvcrly arrHiigvd, It U dlilli^ult lo 
iirodleaie Ihe faio of a pbty ol llila Hort, for, 
IlkeUcurRo lltniardHliau'a-'Aniunnd Hio Haii," 
It la » aalire for lliu cicul, and It may be 
found hy nitny lu lack draniallo lotercal. 

11 riohly ileacrvca rncrraa, however, and a general 
upprccliiiluii of liA uuTlia would lu lull uf pronilae 
fur Iho future of ilio local Mago. It vtaa falily well 
playud, nItlK'Uuh buih Ur. Kaveiabam and .Mlaa 
Allen wuro t<crltiita vKuuutihe accmloif ofalocorlty. 
N ) niai III real lICo ever Iwbavea like Ur. Favtr 
Hlinni oxi-opt IliiiKtiiilcuicn hlnwlf.anil It la un- 
wise In hliii to make hia cbamcter Mudlea within 
Ibo lliulK <if HO fciuall II I'Uw, Mr. li.nlMii and KUIe 
lie Wuir nrre, liuvuvcr, pimply perreoi In tbeir 
reapeullvo roliH, iind Itolien KJcmou won an 
iibaoluiD irlunipli, In nddllinn lo bla really excel 
lent iigrfurninnco ho la entllled hi an eaMi-lal word 
■if nraliie fur bin careful and ihorougnly anldlc 
niakuup. Thn mlea woM Ibiia avigned: Sir. Jobn 
lleUon, ivni. FavciHham: Hon. Dudley Vuuiiibh'lih, 
lloberi K-lrsoii: tilr cnariea Jrnka, J. K. Uid 
wui: Udy Ih'Uiiu, Viula Alien: lion, Uia. 
limllDy uuiiinhiclnli, Klhio Ho U'olf: ijiuyle, 
J,ii. liiioipliri'yi; Wolior, \V, 8. Wuiinun. 
"Uani'r \'an,<iii (ino act play, by KuimaKoeildan 
Kiye nnd Ura. K. (I. .Hullii riand, waa employed ai ii 
■curtain lalaer, II vaaulnudy favuribly kiiowu In 
ihlHclly, Hiid waa once liu^ro keenly cnjiiyed, tho 
clever wurk uf Uiy IVilimn having cublrlhiiled 
biiKAly Ui tbiaicruli. It wai Ihuacaai: MeuL Van- 
ilniMi riri'i, II. 8. .v., ItulH-rlKlcaou; lUek Kstitr, 
K, V. llickiii; llirliira Urece. 1 Ja Ouiupieal ; llel- 
ana Itoecc. (loncvlevo Itojnohbi; tUcbailMO, Uay 
Ibdifon. It may bo wall to mnnllun In Ihia nonneo- 
Ilou that a pbiy ontllled "U-trrltge," wriuealiy 
iHon liondcHuli, waa pretemed at WalUcK'a (now 
raliiior'r) Tlitaira, In Ibo Fall ot Ia;' 

Koniii .4 Diti.'a.— The bill iireaonted atitaUbous 
week of Fob. i; waa tuny np to im many excellent 
prcdoccaaoni, and foiud favor with t fair al/ed 
andlonco on Uonilay nlgbl. (;harl(R Wayne, 
niever comedian, n-hose wurk U well known here, 
apiieored auil luuud lilniicir among frlonda, wbo 
gavii full evhienoo of tbulr appreciation of bla 

■■ " ■ ■ log*. 

1 lull 

Kirra'a r.iiOii i-gi-iuTaitni.-Iniplteot ad- 
wtittatr cundlllona another week naa In- 
•lifantcd wItb • aiasdlng room bouM In atttim- 
•nc« on Hoaday, Feb. i;, and lliom wbo braved 
ihllllniwlnda lonnd a ehtertui houie and a xplen- 
m bUl awalllag Ibciii. Uw Uocki'ader, In n new 
inonolOHne,wlib new longa. It ibo bright feainiaot 
tbe new tacea here Ibia week, aliboiigb be waa 
rempellad to tbara ibe bonora with tlr. nod Urn. 

Tosr PAnroa'a Tug*Tgi.-Uaoager IMior b«« 
MleclcdanoUipraplendld bill for Ihe enirent d«j», 
■ndu tbe homo waa p«>ked to replellon on Mon- 
day, Feb. IT, » conUonallon of pioaperilyto inore 
than likely to remit from ihli week'-neinni. wiu 
11, Foi, Ibo clever manlpnlator ot tho piano, »od 
truly BonioroiuBonologiiUi,UtbefeainreotlheWll, 
and he rtndlly iiiaulled himielf In tbe good graeca 
ot hla old frlcnda and capllvnied new comeia. 

ra'Si's:i';m*s EiroarAr'^aN-;; I .;o:~Bva«^ 
pi5s.M.r.vTn»"ii'!,^dra'n*s I ?.i^if^.ii^"jr-A"^'K.^:.u^s'cd« m 

Rudd, and mil and Hull found frlcnda a>|d(niy 
In Ihe audience. Flora Flobiyron, well koowu 
In opera, made ber Ural apiiearance on thin aiigo, 
and gained an abundance of applaiiee fur her 
aweel aloglny. Hen. H. Harney, auoiher alranger 
at tbii bonae, Jamned Inbi Immedlaie favor through 
the raedlnm of hla genuinely r.lever planiailon 
negro Iniltalloaa and excellent piano plulog, and 
lliirwllz and Dowera relumed lo old Irlendaand 
fonnil a cordial welcome for Ibeir clever work. In 

tbe Idll alao are l« nor and Chiylon, comedy duo; 
Ike Two Oittt. vocalMa: \r, K. Whiiile, venlrllo- 
nolit: Kmcat WIlioD, cbaracler alnger, and ijoinn 
and Foibea. expert danceta. There were few dull 
momania dorleg tbe evening, and ilie prognnma 
alrtkea a gooilaveiago wlih lillii wblob bare gone 
befoi*. -Kexl week brlnga'Tbat Hmari l.llilellli 
of a Han," Mark Hurpby, aa a fcatore. 

FaiMtoR'n I'LHanni PiLjii'i:.-l>eapllo ilio ex 
iremeeiTonaotJack Fumt to freeze the mercury lo 
Ibo tbennomelera Ihia hniiae waa weh uUcndcd 
afienoon ot Feb. IT, and In tbe evoolng few ciiipiy 
ptata could be found, wblie Ihe boxca wen lUled 
aid Ibe alandlng room well occupied. The pre- 
gmmme waa nade up of nn exrelient houic bill, 
augmented by tbe Ituiaell Uruihcia' CoiiitdUna. 
Tbe HarlO-Unubam THo, necood week, horlMiolal 
ber performer^ cnnilnued to lie prime fAvorliea. 
\M Bengolli, midget coraedlane. began their 
third week and were aim popular. Theae 
little people bare proved tbemielvea to be thor- 
oogb comedUfia and enteitiloere, and winroonds 
of applaoie. Hone. La llocbe, la Iho myaiermue 
globe, made hleflnt appearance at ibla houie, end 
waa given a good reception. Uay Howard, come- 
dienne and roaklhit,waa raucb applaiiao for her 
work. Tbe nuiaell Brolhen, aa "Tbe Irlib Servant 
Obia," were given tbe beany reception usaally ac- 

nrni favor, filuni and Ulona made iht'L^JSlS; 
St-i aa entertaining aoberelofpre, and Uw Uloom 
waa warmly welcomed for bla jm »'"J »!«'=';"^ 
and wlUT dialogue. Sbeder nnd lllakely, la their 
rehlcSng' rckT'ce •!««'»''';, ^jM"!"?* "S^^ 
clever enietialnera, and tbe 2?,w)?e5 
llvelv coniilboilon,a l came In for well deaerjea 
ynr'SwgeS vrra. and Kittle U«beck^ntor. 
Uoulau and alack wire perroraen «•"••; 
melodlooe aloger, and the Burt ««^rL'r.^i°Jlin; 
dance, wero all claased among tbo» H »lBJf"" 
deniHUd, while am llouii, oerio ""l,™: 
warJ nnd Joale alao conltlbuied their 
wb"o to Iba bill. Nearly all Uioee employed 
are too well known In the realm of vaude- 
vlllo to waiiunt a more extended comnent upon 
Ihclr acconipllibmcnu, and It may be aald ttal 
all hande gained the recognlllon they deserved, 
and formed a blU wblcb, Joaging by <>' 
applauao,fainiled Iba expeciailoua or tboae In at- 
tendance, and malnialned Uanoger I'aaior'a repu. 
latlnn rorpreaenlliig vandevlllo progianuu>« ot tbe 

■^HrJJaTpAiJicklliflkoii.-Tbe weekly ijift In 
aUmrUon al I hla boune on Monday, Feb. 1 . . brought 
to cuilo hall Jna. 0, Ullcbell. eoap eater; Herman, 
auongman; Fanny Burdolt, midget; Pilnco. vireeir 
ling lion; O. B. Perkena' performing aaeH; «»l'«'«. 
blno aklnned nan. and i;apl. Vlirto, who clalraa lo 
devoor nolaoo. On tho aiage tbli week ore ine 
lywleya. Iho Olndln Hleier*, J. 1. Fenton, Ada Jpnea, 
llernerr, the lljatia, and Rogera and Uevetond. 
The attendance waa brlak day and nigbt, and tbe 
oir*rlngaeemedlo pleaaclmnicnjelir. 

lOHDO.s Tiii*T«i--UaiTr»lorr1a'Twenlleih cen- 
tury Halda opened ibeir ibird engagement tbia ata- 
aon at thla lionBO Uondav, IT, to crowded boueea. 
rne programme rem<loed unchanged. Owing lo 
Uarry Bliereon'a Inability lo appear Hairy Monia 
took hli pbice lu ibe akelcb witn Annie Urier, and 

., , ■ .^1. ihi ba>t I Ula», or Iba "agio Itlu." H: 'ITia DaoKr" >^ Bui B,„i,i, 
Uadoobtadiy uie o*v Rai^n •.TownToploa**2J. 
SiZS MHii let a«»ni»l Xf U» "W" "SJ^Jt huM Taaivaa.-jT E, Toole, ia^j^g lluaey ud tb. 
S.i^l^itolSM«tiolaf,Ko'«a»a'TMXPyIISr luTlB»,"dld poorif lO-ll. 
iS^^iSlHwlttoi iBoU Nuoq ud J«,»» "•S!; S.0 ^tavaryparromine 

, — , „ the 

SS'T.illKrf'MwiUnffioU MMoo t»l ■'•","ii51i I K'o'ievIrypaAiSineoU-ll Tbjaollr. fUetSA^t 
and laeloevd ■anw wuvw gkaleli called *'Crlu friyj^tl luadoaatid by Uinagvr Fanevwr u> Uiti*. 
.bo apisaiad to.a.el.«rJiUi»^i'«;rt,.o«>ii» I jT'i'^.'SfTdTla oltyT*Tii. Prodiii yilUr 

ranal 17-I9l^0 Old TaoBpeaaa" S>-2L 

Biuetoa 0. DaiAvai, or tba Bioaa Opera nouie, >u 
lo Kai Voia Ih a paai»eeko«bnalDtat. 

Baarala.-At the Star Theatre "A lUlk While 
ria«"coo>aarab. "-Uj "X'tl'l" "If"!* "WJeia 

^rm^^E^ ""-'^ " 

KSiSTid Imlialbn: yelao "d OBrtea. 'l^Jtii" 
niinllu. Id a biojo dlfondon- 

praHotat the «P«'"»,l»''''™ffi^ .°JB'iS; ,i, JSiiK 


moti vlDioiiie naaner, ahlle Wllil« »lllrt.ajunt~;;. 


t-;^SVll.n aed ir.?frMcp« aj. a. 
allcoDlrllnilal 10 Uia amiuJoiandliJJbiT IntJwtlM 
tafUlamaDt. Tbaolbir prlocipau are VoltMa waiwca, 
uSr yCeoa ibd rtnlla.Tnlo, "bo,e,",'"i«"iiSi 
SSk'th. FaMloa(lli«»"pla>eJtol.lgbM«»- Oeojl? 
n. Blbiwlltbaaloiilwo weeU- aaiaiamtot la K«"«* 

llou ihU Ktbk -Wa la Dlilt," aad a bla ••^"""k'^i 
pre-eDtalibei>p«oln«p<iniitBane»,l;- fil'fK; 
nlani whWi l« laid out In ibi Baony 8«"'h."? "1 
£r Uia colored i*o|>le U portrayed lo aw >»fl Wl' 
oar. Tlioia It much la tbe pleea lo plewe aa aodleBoij 
and kUpktaieiiooa from Iba riie 7' 'J* ,«r,HV.'i!2 
tba ck>ie of the W act Amoag tbe ftatnna aad »pj- 
^anlwara a pictaalany bind, a nbirtd ipurut ani 
n .r 7o!i:lr^Hl daacloi U>t wk die Oanlck 

nStxT Braaiv Tu«iTr».-"lly Uncle from Kew v«i" 
Ibb wMbVto be taeeaadel It aadae«kby"lh.Nitl,i 

''anw'a Mcsic lUu-Bui'neH contlnuea mm uiuin 
Ibe MW maaagtmeal, aad meet of latl aeek'e |.<0|.|e 
bold orar. 

Tier— Tbe only atlnellon at ibe Otliwold 
Ooua Uonia U«t week wt« Boyfi "A Milk Wlilla nin." 
rXli 14 iLaBdltQIladlbAbonMlolbadoora "OaErtn'a 
Bbnw'' coSa 17. in, "Rob B«>" 31, Mri. roller tod Xi. 
Halle*, In "OharloluCorday,"IJ. 

BAXD aOraaaBoraa-'-Ibe Fatal Card" laekid \u 
honaalS Tilt hoBM la dirk Ihia week, 

ifrriTt T«i!iTai.--1be White Crwk-diyw big ho.,.. 
Ill but week. Iba Orlinul EiUaTagioa Co. axk ol It 

Hawbwrw.— At tbe Academy of Maalc Wiiiiani 
nillaue lo'-1tioUnebJoliuon,"F«b.iaooduliti Ntili- 

" ' - • >toy«d to line ludintr.. 

aitmet a big nadlearo i;. 

^r •;i';nW.!nf^i"pi.«rt°!;^^^^ I ^.K-r r«w .f Hud.n- H„.,-.i.-,: 

maodin.No. SO. Kol«hu TrmrUr. ul llili cliv . aad ih. 
bonaa wiS peeked from pit to dome. Jaw a f fiiy. an .v 

I pit to , 

can Dlaoo Boloirt. will aire a taclul 31, aad Wilte',, Om. 
•dttlo. UunderUnidr,irtwo weeka,brilnBlag ;i. TKe 
Boetoolaai come March 9. 

Vtlea.— At Ihe U:lea Opera Uonie "Uol, ihe 
moert Diuihler," hml, Feb. U'. did aell. I'biilM «. 
Oajdaer.lB -Tip priia WiDBer," II. wu well la^•lt^l. 
iBd ueUlleaTuniVvralDfaveiDallilei'c etblbllloBln 
Iba TocB Fait icaaa-.-Tba Fatal Cinl," U end •'n, 
Diiakr," U. draw filr hooiea.,. -Flnilore," by 1ml 
ulioL 17. M. ud Floianre Bindley, lo 'Toe Capuli'ii 
Mala,'' 33, « 111 be Ibe only attracUooi Ibu week. 

I,elin THraole, Ibe living piciorea, lectured iipon by 
Toddy I"a»iiuelena; Nettle lie Coumey and OMkler 
and Uennro have all been reulnml. "Too Uucb 
Trilby" Res made lunny by Mr. MnrrH' Slatg \ al- 
ley, and Ihe lively llnlib prorcd aa eirecilre na ever, 
klanageni Hiinlj and Wondhnll re|»rt eitmor- 
dlnarlir big liiiilneea all al«ng their loolc. Neil 
week, Itlce A Dirion'a Immeuea Co- 
HaNi-uHD'eTngiTii«--Jovph Unrpby will present 
Kerry Cow" and "Bliaun llhoe" during Ibe cor 
rent week, which wueocouragloily begun on Feb. 

tbe aame people wbo seconded iile eifui la dunog au I ^^^^ whom ther cuoot throw la ditaaa mlaaiea u 
-■ - — — Next week'a tilll will be . . 

corded them. FleMi and Lowla, comedlana, made M^nnnr A-II- Wnodhull played the role of Fred 
nn excellent Inprealon, and Kwie Adair, In her iiot in <-Teeaiila< Bachelor Stag." JohnT. Ilanaon, 

Partilan and Oilenul dancing novelilc, biado her ' - • -— •-- 

iimial tuccein. otbera ou ihn lilll were: l/!a 
Andon, chancier obango perfornioN; the Dnnaioa, 
one-legged cluwna; Prof, (leo. l/ickhatt'< iralneil 
rlepbaniH (twenty-Otlh week); liar, llurke end 
lUndall, ec<:eolrlc comedy Iriu; llie Uorrlloi, Will- 
iam, Ida asd llnbert, actohallc comciUane; 
O'Brien and Havel. In a rijoedf akeicb; Johnnie 
(Carroll, vocullataud comedian: FaulSlulor, mlnlc; 
Falke and denion, miialcal cooiedlaoH, mid Kva 
Hdnbume, character ringer. A burieaiiue, entllled 
The Two Onr-Una," wan preacnled and proved a 
laagb maker. 

'HOC-roa'H TDgiTRR — Managor Prjclor pieeenta 
an aUmcilve bill al hli coty bouie llihi week, open- 
ing Fell. IT, to good attendance, IMplnia, mirror 
and aerpenilne darn er, hcada Ibn Hat uf people, and 
abe made na emphatic bit nn her Omt appearanco 
on Uonday. The mirror eiTeuls which ilio usee add 
much lo Hie atirHrilveneaaof her dancra, and ber 
gnce and beauty alwaya clilm the adinlrailon or 
her audience. Ilranio and Maud, cmieniiie wire 
act, appeared end won applanen fur llieirwork. 
Luckle Tburloar proved heraelf lu lie a clever rlinr- 
actor change performer, and won full recognlllon 
for ber act. Tho Four Uwtr*. acnilmia and 
luggleia, oiully won ibo favor or ilieir an- 
dieuce, and John W. Itanaonu rendered a now 
long and wih a conilnued lavoriie. Uasco and 
ftolierta, acrobatic comedlanii, wero aniu.ilng, aud 
Oerlmda KanaDeld, comedienne, waa a pupiilar 
liMdorer. Uibcia on tbe bill wbolonnil favor were: 
TheUlmlo Four, Walton aud Uiyon, coinedbmi; 

UalnUn'* Amitiiir Mloktrclfi, 13, «w & dteldid miccw. 
HarrrCurUi, of UiU*clMeO with Ibo tfldauo Co , 
tnC UTUIUnKlDfiloithunuD. 

Oe&eTft.— Emilj Diaoker, Id "OnrFlAfctDieto 
WrbtnlowFiU 13. K<n»rp}tti*l aUrrttodlMicell. 
Bookid: **tt» DaTzltr" 17, *Tb« hIItoi Klo«"ai, Robi. 
a. loniwU U, FloitDW Biwllsr* Id *Tbo Capuio'i 

niroTiH. I'mr. lUmploii. with liU perfonDloff (logs, 
ritla MiHl iiionkojn, TunrtpvHmt nnd ntldnl dIp> full 
»}\%rci III Die ovriiliig*« cniuriAlmiiKnu Mtrlbc 
lltiilir. I'tiHiUeiiM cjnilqup, Itf Rnii tier (oitrlh week 
H ouiiilitiicil Trtvo'lio. Tiiul LMnquo^^llIt king of jriK* 
Rlen, viw killl popiiUr in ihiH liiMHrvoiiih week. TTio 
AllliuD:!, (liioilhbiKUil lUncrn, cotensd lliclr •eccnd 
we«k HDrt tffro rtiritrtlo taulJnvoiH. Tbo CngRA. 
Hcriibniii, iilntb week, wero roiiilnucd lo f*vor, wirt 
110410 Huiiiltil, irHUhTuniinllou tlAiu vr, tlxib voek. 
WM Hilli luMMiUr. l*Hiil klurilDtiiir^ IMntomloie 
'rr.)ti|>o uitntliiui'il lu (trcunt "Hobrrt Muc-iUro,** 
wblDli liiiH pniveil o iiltint'lnR Rimciloo. Tbo lilU 
wincoiiciiiilcil mill Ilio UviDKPloiuru. Mlol-'utler 
IriiiDUouiicri) ror Kvli. '.'4. 

lUuu8KKrKiN'rti)i.YuruTiiR&THi(.-Tlio onchuD' 
ilrodaml iKiktli itorformtiuco of "KxceUlorJr." wmi 
cf<:ui)rHici\ Feb. IT, MUtl ihoucciuloDiTAsotaikti] bj 
Ilio pmwiiiKil.m of n i>reiiy Mouvcnlr itorceUtn 
dock (ncikrh iMilj halclln^n coupon fur iv reMtTod 
Mut. lliA liniuo TMH piickcil, Iind llio nuppljor 
olot>ki vitHuxlmiutctl luiiii bifroro th<t cunwawiii 
ruun Mit, niul onti'M rcro ilien Kivon for itioni.vbtob 
nro nMleciiiAblo nl itio Ihin niliro tlnrtHK llio ireek. 
Canr'.c:* L'oi>;o HtU'i'coileO Unnrirn likulnv in ibo 
cnmpHny. Mii lnirtilo \\ vurrfiu, uml Ka? Tompl^tnu 
rtiuiK n new riiioi;, i>niltleil "Mr "nileMi itrif," 
whloli WHB n^nciiieiliy cncorc'i. .ViwiV llaH— 
"Unrjiapiliu'* Im^ pntvtm lo in h H*r«)nR 
I'Aril Hi Uili liitiiv*, mil) (Inw n lar>r« ludl* 
om>o Kou, i;. laiiiM U(Mire Ktnif ino ilile 
nile nil llt^i Umo for ilio IIimi llnio Hod 
iiiAilo n iiliiliKMlvo hit. tiho will AiKnmie tlie nile 
Willi Al*i:u lt<><i', ultn Miif It UhI week. Kltmo 
Alton idpliirril ,\tit)||ili Ddiit l'olrr*u)ii in tlio rolcof 
UaptiWtti nuti iTtiAUtl Ik rrtVomUo ImiirtHilnn. Tbe 
lienuurnlliiiliviH or Ur, llHiiimvraielu'H HpeciaouUr 
opora r'^iiitniio ii>\vlii Hiliulnnloii.nuil ilio pnKtuc- 
lion fili'c<i I'vvry inilK'rtilnn of u InnR i nn. Tlio ex 
t'cllriii <iMii \c:\n rimilatieil Uy Kadut Weulworili, 
niunoloviiUI; Viritloiit AntRon,hlRhwlroiMtrromifr; 
Moiu. u'C'iiii, niiiitli'. Ililnl wtek; Curl UerlK, 
iiUt^a by klliv irAliiiii. nnit week; Sndl AKiirAbl, 
(•(|nlili>, iinii work, MUtl \\ Cuior Wftlt, In cti«r< 
Hi'icr obrtngc-L 

UlNIH'rt UUWKRVTllRATHK.-l.ClUr .1 Wllll»m»' 

"Ho ATiH jAck" Co. plrt>etl lo ilRbi huflnon Hominy 
nrtrriuHMi nnd ovcRliiir, Kob. IT. '>Uoftad Jick,* 
ilio well kimwii iiiiilMi)iie, tiH« been flticd up «riIo 
III tlooJ mtviiiiiiiiic, l.usior nnd WIlllAma m Uo wtd 
Jnrk nntvldlnsiliD wino^ly vork. Kllly KurMlo,an 
\vlidrivM>, wiis wril m-vlvird. I'kn, Ibo iilli |ier 
romior. o|u*iiol tlK> oIId: Mugoo nnd Orlinnilns nn- 
ItrftK'd In Ibolrl.iQUbHbii* ituMutt net, Klitf Kunulo 
HAnff mtd(1niicril,ctinH. V.Seniiitin |inv« liU Inill*' 
imitx v. lb ROod rir^vi, llnntiinn. lhi> irumii JupRlvr, 
ItTvocnini Mi nm\n\ it|torli(li.\: KaiiuIo l.u«lle, ■ 
roiimik^i If HU|i;tlit citu(itr<loulrtr, ifflHird Iter boily 
III v.«riMiii( (unnM: iiio l.*lgti suivrd dHOccil l«re- 
loototl, I. Aii'rnuit WllllitiiuoircrotI iboir pAnHllea 
nti'l E^K--, nnl tbo liitT Knur (Siuiih, ll*rila, 
iiKli>v Alia St'ilR vli*lt kiitu'krd nmmi. "A Uoniloir 
W'lib JuMMV SuliffHb'* I'liiml Ibo sboir, liUiuinlbiK 
itiiiiy i4ii|. li<ti>le i-««uri Incl'tciil'*. I'Uiih. V. seniuon, 
HN JiiMiU'.' ScbtTAb: .M. c- l.vnirr, tbo Uimilct At- 
(o'-m r, ».iiii J. uiiiiHni«, lAffjrr Jeirjr Ml\. nod 
Kllly KiiiK»li\ iH Uc>^c \V|iii(>. Hiid Olfni. Maare nittl 
'I'noinn^Sti^iiw.i'k ii|i)*i'iii^l In 1'. (:a>. M. lU'tUj I* 
iiiiM»i'Piii uriif lln niinpAnjr; I.. A.llnvenii, liuil' 
VX9* tiitiiKit i-r: 'nMinirts .^dsnli-k, ringe iiiiiDaiicr. 
Ni-M w,Mk. lao l>Muii llutrrtrU Albcu;i'uni Sinr 
>l«vln|iy Ol. 

llKiurn.^gt'AKic TiiKiTHK.- *-Tho lleartof Unry- 
lAUd ' iK'itni. on 1V'<. IT llio cUttitmilh vtrkndit 
ran. villi iinwdi-il hiu.acn coiutnnil.v nllciilUKlbo 
piiiiu'.AiKy uf tlili pUy. 

DjUht lUyer Bud ber ricknolaniu, In itlntiiiiilun 
paiifmcn; l>olftBand Lonlinrr. imvotiy duo; Kllmy 
nnd fUwaoD, coninllnnn; tboTbtve UoDiUdlprd, In 
KonffH nod dnacM; Kredonnd nriniu. inudlcnl rntnO' 
dUnn; Jennie Itoblo, nerlo-coinlc tocaIUi; Harry 
Peniou, rquUllirtM: Jenale wiiHiicck, In oesro 
melodloB, uid lot'/. r*loier, Mrong woi^no. 

rt0PLB*8TnBiTBii.— AlklOBon nod Oililor^d intost 
meloilmnuiilc prodiicUoD, "Sived From tlie.'^ak,** 
iTM preionted toA ROod bouse Uondny, Kew. i: 
TliomnoyitrODi altnntloiu, cnlcnlmed to eoRrora 
Ihe HtieoUon of ibe RTemRo andleuco. wero doacly 
vnrked lip r>y Hiyd rmnnni, «■ liui KilORloti, and 
ller.rlciu lAOdtr. u Nnorr. bli wire, mipprtried 
wfll by n conipAiiy laohidniR KonnioU c •irlRno. 
Knnk Dnimelr. lUTtd It Ynuop. Geo. \V. lAn*D. 
JobD Daly Hurpby, Uiile Kredn Citlbonn. f^iikiyn 
Koborm. Wm. 'nubeits, \v. lurrett, A. K. Ad^nH. 
(i*orgo KIwetl, Kmmn Hooker nua <i<-rilfl iVnier. 
TbmwHilonrniDgeuMniUen'iKUve. J. biulnWtiUe 
inndTftDCo reprtMDinllve f t Atkinson nini Otidcr; 
0. B. BrookD, litulnen innnAger; Kranklyn lliliortn. 
itnffonwDnger. N'ext week, "Tbe Ann or tue Iat." 
Hunger A, 11. bbeldoo** benoat.BuiiiUyovanlDR. 
33, pronileen to lieuoine n dnnncUl and nrtlailc wc* 
C4ta. HrHbeldoowlimppeHrtaa tkeiclt wiib bU 
■on, A. n. Sheldon Jr. 

UORIB* Oaictt Tuiatrb.— T1i3 Becond wo^k nt 
Hnnnger Doris' new venture opened nuBpldotiely 
Feb. IT, with fto ■urtleocoof oxcpilentproporHonn 
III n(lendnnc«. "Otilldren'H luy" wna linugurated 
nttho Qnloty F^b. IT. Kvery Uondny, betweca itie 
honnotDOonftDd ruiir o'ulork, HnnnRer Dorlii will 
hnre tbe prpgramtne su amoRod m in uuke it pir- 
Uouiarly mirMilTe nnd nmiulDu to tbe yonniirttcr<<, 
navellu to the motberA nnd rontdii irho may no 
coiDpnnr then. Tboio Unodny nftarnnnii perform 
nncfMwfll bo knowa hereaHer nn "Cnlldren'd On) .** 
K'or tbU week only one it la«t week'a nnnibcnlfi 
rotaliMd, na II la tbe IniCDUun of ibe inanagenient 
(o nnke comnlele clinogoa each wcfl:,exaipt In 
tbe event nt uiiominl incccM ot nny ncc. 
In the cft« of Ully tlreen, who renilfra 
the eoDga of the dny e.xceUonily. UIm tirccii re* 
nialna another week nnd poulbiy longer, otherwise 
Qveryiblnir U new. In tbe list »n ibo (toidlnn, 
cba^oteriketobes: Fin Bankii.Rpno comic; SiRiiinn 

nud Iteddlnff, dmiuntlu »klta; lliicsted nndii iyer, 
Ihe two JaaVers: I'aQiKer lioo,cnntiiriliiolBta: willa 
nnd Bmttiw. cccmtilo ekotcbfi; t^twanW nnil Ker< 
nell, Jar. Oardaer, Ward nnd latncb, Jah. (Allien, 
Campltell nnd Utni^, llogerv Kod Cooper, the Strain 
HUtennnd oibtm. Tne luiial con'tuunnASl-jndriy 
concert, trtglnnlDg nt a.iml ending at to a ) o'clock, 
will be uniKually nttraoilfo, aa iho regniHTweek 
day lilll will lie augmented t>y nvemt adJIllooal 

UiNiH'aKitiiini AviNVi ThL^TAB -Tlte return 

ongagement bere for ihia week of tho Wii^hltum 
Blitem' but Senwtlitn la sore to lic aiteoded wiib 
excellent nnsncUl reauliii to MiiiAsor I.ini4 It iblo. 
\rbn cnnlroli the nrganlxntlnn. T<iclr prcvUuH rn- 
MgenirnlaheruililH»eaA)n luvo Itrcu rvimuktiblo 
rorthobiulncafl done, nnd Ur. Ilotdo ri'|iort«i)iotr 
toar of itie conntry aa havtOR neon mitst Mircciisfiil. 
Tbeqpomilo exiravnganzik, "FnrUiiM, or Uieniii' 
ie«'^^uab,*'ooailniicaiol)0 tho principal vohtelr 
rortheeveolng'i ainuaeinrDi, kitll a i-apiial ullovf 
»i)OClnlllciibi rnnlabed by Nelllo WiitiTD, K-aoty anil 
M^rtow. Ihe Wahbimm SlAifrn. vvbltcUv nnd 
llran. (I'Orlen, Jennlnga and UMlrlen.nnd IIhIiivk 
nud IVUloRlll. T(ie pneolAltleA wcru vrll rcn Ive lL 
nnd **FonuDn,^WIth un cntrby muxlc, pretty ms 
tuuei, Rorgcuui acencry noil iiii^ r/i'V tnioeraoni- 
tliHiaot iheprlnolpil mlea tty iiuiioho aud 
Waibbum, oablly ifpeate<l Te ronner AUi-co«i at 
tlitahouav. Uneoflhe larvovandlonconwA^pioR- 
enlon Hoiidny night, Feb. i;, .Sc.\t week, ^Vlllla aid' 

lliiuiH*fl Ki(;nTa Atbkiii Utasiu. — Ctnnptdc 
chingee IB tbe curio hall atuitctluna ror tbliwc^'k 
will |K»liably lead to ailll rnribcrlocnuiie itie pat- 
ronage here, whirh hnn lieene.Ti*clh:ut sine** ttie wa- 
loabjgan under the new iuin*genient. The tnu 
elect featuroa for tho week arc: Henry Htvaosler, 
itrxiug hoy ; Ulte. MAntlln and ber t rtiiiita nt iraVucd 
dtige; KlUiowrn. tbe h«lf nun; U Ino Frlir.,iworO 
awallower, nnd 9niith Sen bUnd Joo and wifo, wlib 
Ibeir exbtbltaor life In thcnelNiaiidH aud du i Hptive 
leoiuro*. Tbe atcond week of Ciulliio' CunKtlUna 
bcnn IT. when ibeconipauy prodnceil -I.ViliTod- 
dieilnV* preceded by Allen nnil Dclniahi, Fauole 
U-Mdiivn and otbora in entenntiilnp pprrlaliln. 

HANiiiRRliOt-iii ROBiR'a touliimaUl tienent at 
Uiarr'a KiRhih Avenue TheAiro on Hnoday night, 
Feb. iri nerved to UIoh out tnta p^puUr nuuiger a 
leglou of trtendP, who packed the bouno upuu Ibe 
ooca»|itD, A iiioat enjoyable prveraiiiaie «itiirrn> 
derrd by Imotrne Uouer, Annio Hart. Saillc llata. 
I.eiUr and Hllllanw, Jail HrAviiy. ULtfr^U and 
l»lmp»>n, llowArd and aSu Cl^lr, ihe Tiicfidtn Foar, 
l4ir H4Wkln9.(\)urUinlGcrUnt$..lViniio l.*>UAck. 
A), arani, llotnllr. Itryant and (leaver and otbcrt 

tUBDRN TUEATHR.--Cbl:lititli) Fdlddcn" VBIeiCd 

on Feb, it upda the fl\ib and dml wcfk of lia 
mtiatChlibiiUTic. Ii win not kavo thla i:itv, bow* 
over, but win t^lrAnitrrred i<t amMbrr hoi'ife. it 
will he Tiilovrd bore, '.:4, tty sylney llottufeld'a 
"The Two Kfcutcbeooa." 

recent alay at ihe SUr. 
Unnnelly and Olrard, in "Tne lbilniKaker»" 

Tiiit T\vasT\*-»iimfti AHSivBKSiRy tf Sow Yofk 
lMtt'\ No. 2, If. r. U. Kikn. «ui cclebmied ou iho 
nrrerouon of Feb. in. Ht the New UiohattHO Atbleitc 
Oluii lluiiito. miORrtilonnworepri^Bent rmm PUIU- 
delnhln. UofUno.llrooktyn, Hartford, ncmn'on, lUcti- 
nioiid, Vs., New Bntosfflck, N. J., and Tarrytown, 
N. V. Aionng the giienia wero William Q. Uyera. U. 
K. It., of I'&lladclphU, and John (inAhnn), K. K. 
nod Fred ClArk. V. It., of lloftlon. E.NUDdilona ot 
HVlmmlng were Riven In the Nataiorlani, nnd n 
vandevllip ontcrialumcnt waa given In tho theatre 
of the cIhU. Tbo aiTdlr waa uinnnged Ity Exalted 
Itiiler Ilrofcan, Jnuca J. ArmmroiiR. 1*. K. H , Tonr 
Pnator. NIc. Kiigel, SauinelTuck, Iticbard D.Sche), 
John 0. Mart and KoOfrt 8. laiiqnetr. Tbevletllog 
lirflihrrawcreenterialQcd by a reception committee, 
or which Kdward l.<HCh waa chairman. Uaor 
membeinor itae profetalon were nrecent. and Lo nil 
aeveral thoonnd people attended. 

I'AUiKK'A Til BATRB.—Kd ward Vroom'B prodn& 
Hon of Coppee'a "For tho Crown," though not n 
RUCcCAs, did not tack pnironage during its fint 
week, which bnajnst closed, for attendance upon 
ita perforuuiBcea aeeiiia to have been deemed a 

Ca£Is'u.— "Tho la^y Slavey," which began on 
Fob. IT tbo iblrd week ot Ita run, has proven n 


FihTii Avb.'!ubTiie\tbb.— Wm. II. Cmne. In "The 
Qovernur or Keulncky," began on Feb. i: the fiftli 
and Unal week of hla engage moot. Elrooora IVuM 
conieB24, and wid be aeen lu a reitortory or plaja, 
heahmliiR wiib "Camllie.'* 

LvcRou TiiRATRB— "Tho TrlBOQer ot /enda." aa 
preai«iited br thn atock rumpany of tbe bouse, 
tered on Feb. IT upon Ita aocond week. Tbe per- 
ronuance baa been atroogly ooduracd.and tho re 
vlvat gtvea promlM uf good Onnnclal roiiiraa. 

HovT'e Tiisatrb.— "A lllaok 8beep*' started on 
Feb. i; iipuu the aevrnin week ot Hh run. li la an- 
nounced ituioo'JJ, tbeoccHilon of ihe fltlleih ptr- 
tormance hero, aouveolra will bo given. Tbe bud* 
neaa reDialnaat high wiitor nark. 

Uroaowav Tubatrb.— Tho Uietonlnns, In their 
ever wetcuiiio opera, "Itnitln Hood," entered oo 
Fob. iTnnoDthoaecond week of their eURAgenienL 
Their nudlcncoa Inbt week wero largo nnd thorough- 
ly npprecUtlTo. 
(lAHHicKTnRtTRB.— K. kf.and Joseph Ilnlland, Ip 
A SoclMl IllRtiwaymau,'' began ou Feb. it the 
third and Imai week ot ihctr duy. Tliey nilRbt 
prolltably have rematoed much longer, but they am 
obliged to Rlre place lo John Drew, wbo i«gina nn 
coffngcnient24. In "The Si|Ulre or Damea." 

CimvALiRH VauuKCK, a luaglrtan, Ugan on Feb. 
IT a aerleaordativ peirormancea nt the CaiIuo. Ho 
wai ivtAlHted by Ulle. lU <^iay. 

AuRHtCAN TltBATHK.— ' Uiirtnab*' hegan Fe1>. W 
ira ruiirth week. Amy liu»bv replnceil lleorletia 
Cmavnuin In tbe caati:!, and won great praliie tor 
horporirajutor Vorah llaDlan. 

Ai ADBuv or UiHtr.— "The Bponin; Diicheas*' en- 
tcrvd Feb. i: upon tbe twenty alith w<<«k noil lait 
ronulRhi ut \\i etay at thla hoiiio. OoraTMner 
was unable to appear M. and hf r role waa aaxtimcd 
by Afpioa Booth, while AgueH rrvctur replaced Hn. 
booth hi the title rolo. 

StirTiikatiik.— '*The Warof Wenllli" began Feb, 
IT liH aocond week, to good butlooat. Uu iti pro- 
duction U4t week It Jumped at once Into public 
favor, and la Itke'y to bavo a lengthy etay ntthia 
house. Dnrtog ibo llmt actor the play on Uonday 
nlRhlll was apparent that lAwrence llnnlej, who 
Una been plajliiR the mio ot John Wardeld, waa un- 
able roilolah tbe pcrTormancf, and JoUoT. Burko 
waa Rlvf u liU rule. Ur. iUnley ban ceased to bo a 
member of tbe company, Forreai lioblnaon havlnt; 
liren cngnged In bin plaro. 

KorirTNBNTif Strbbt TOBATHR.-Obnnncry Olcoti 
itegan Fob. IT hla ilfUi wc«k In "Uavoiiroeen,'' 
NVxt wcok ho will prvitenfTho lil*b Artlii," 

AiiuKV'8 TiiRATHK.— SirAb Bernhardt began on 
Feb. IT the llfih and final weokot her ODgRBemenl, 
rctaluinR -'OUmonda" aa her oiTiirtuR tor ihat date. 
l.tiilMn Uuaflelt will follow 20, 1 u "Tho Uoddess ot 

ftrftaak Kiblbolt preww to bin J^^" 'ttr 

h* plee* waa ma wlUr Id lb* mamii al iha Oolomb^ 
«b»n II attncwd iwd^w^laafos U proml w ^ 
well ihti eoBafaiooot, (f Monday "iBbt'i aodUoeo any 
I chtarloQ lO Roby.ibebooiebeloii iuimI la lu M*unB 
Mpiclir. iMt «t»k -Shilt No. T- ia« rrtMDied to 
' rronlsd faotuea at *adi p«rforiDAD<6 NtKlwMk, Wll- 
llnm Barry, in 'TTie BI»iofninar*iI«D." 
Mo.xTiVit.-Hoyi t "A Trip to Cliloalown" U ibe at- 
, ..arilun pr«»aDt«<l hrr«lM«T« 

«n«pro*«BtattbeomlO0p«TronnaBc«l7. \— ^^-- -.^ , 
' too veil hio«a and lima bMQMaaioo freiiaeoUy br tho- i 
■utRoera lo rtnn ra a itry lengihy ""J^*!* .JB"; ■ 
U«raJoD. Id 111* tide rolr, la eicMdioaly co«d, boib aaa 
willow iDd n doBhlng biiMnr. LouKa Oallowav. Oanl 
WilMrtod oUiemlo tbocvt didweiL Fraak DADtel*. 
In 'Tlio WbanJof tba Nne."di»w Urve audlaocM ta« 
w««b. Tb«Doil aitracUoB bm wlU i« OtlaBBInDtr, la 

"SIn-A T»riev bill Ii praianiod hora thU w«k lo 
(la> HHI'i NoTohka. Two pArromuocaR wen fllfao ba- 
Inr* lATKa kiidloBcea ir. A mfteialiWDieoT the bill hi 
HcI.«otl and .Mlimon. wrotUrra. wbo oir«r $M) 1 1 aay 
miDwhom tbty cuDot throw la Hiimd mlamaflU any | 
pcrformtnM. csidi ai utrb can. ud gtOOuianrinaQ 
ttbo cu throw *li)irr of ihun. Tba oiiitr pMpunrt: 
Low lliwklDa. niio&usl; IUomb aod Wen. tnoRlcat 
coiBKlliDiL Fnd UaJie, wItb biiip«rleiiofn«doRi; Mc- 


Ullwaakce.— At tbe Davldaon Theatre William 
Uoay pr«MDi«d "Tba Olobe TtoUer'* Pab. 10-10, die r«r. 
foiDiaDca ol 17 bBlog for the beoaQt of tbe (*iiirtty Fund 
or Ultwaukeo Looro, No. 16, B. P. u. a rahnar Cox'* 
*BfDntaa'* drew bat fair booaaa but week. "A Milk 
VbtcePtafrMncDrreor. . „ 

BiJOD oraaA Uucsa.— "A Uappy LlitU Ifuma' 
betogthowD tbli weak by Oao. W. Monioa aoil coiiipaDr. 
lluloa Brothan* 'T^ntaiuna" played a blgbly pronubl<i 

jBagamoDtat thla Imuaa lant weofe. 
"Tbe AlMdaa," 0 axd weak. 

r. EUK lu 

OtU and banliK Triah louriMa; Qmr and Coonj, 
cflitilo ^kMirli iBan: hoodIa TutiUe. dancer: Daly an 
Uer*re.aa Irlali team; (lQ>Illll,ritainpl<iQeliib««loBer; 

LiiUa bidf. a boy JucB:ir, and a aWldi tailed "The 

Tfranikili nenuirr B«rber." . . 

UvoK A BRiiMAX'a -A moat oicellaoi bm b preMDiad 

here ihla week bj ibo Boatoo llowani Aitaina uto Co. 
Twn performaocaa warealren IT. beroia two crdwda thai 
packe;! iha houw. , Th« bill ij headed br MadilJaa HMi^ 

Tcntrilniiubt: Dplpb alhl Bu>le Lafloo, Id a cooedr 
iikit;Fr*«aEtilrldKa.1liaMawDP,lD Iri*h >keich; Aonla 
IIaiLlneooRi;Lia[allulT*yaiKlKt>arI lo^ao, oovelty 
daDCiDc; JonaOiaw^IrUhcniDedtaQ: KaDmtand Welch, 
■rmbeUc perrormtra; lloRliea, Morino. UeHrlde aad 
walton.ln "Tba Arrlral of UcaulD&aM." Nestwaeb, 
Capuln SAmm'B M •lettioa will ba the ailractloii. 

Aai'iiio.N.— no Hogllah bartuuue, *^ia Shop (tirl, 
twnn a treek'a aotuaiDaDt Iwre IT, ondar tbe moat aua- 
ptclouaclrcumainDcei. Itta andl»De« wu laita and un< 
•tinted In lunn>laaae. Rhea tn booked for otxl weak. 

EuHtRB.— The bouae wai crowded 17. oo tbe opeolni 
eDfnsanaai o( "The Cotton KIob." "UotnaB Uaarta" 
In the uwlerlloe Tor oaxt whB. 

Laa AviMfaAcADiHV.— Tbeeir>rtaoriltemanacaincnt 
liere have Boi met whb the aaccau tluy daaarre. Ana 
rewU lb* bouM la dark ilila week. Tliey will make an- 

oili«r try neai wMk. wbeo they « III ptaaent coralo open. 

AnaniCAM — "Laod of tbe Htdalibi Sao," Uila «»rk'a 
aitfaettoD,waBwluieaiied 17 by a ralrly good a'Md aodl- 

•no*. ' The Oalloy PlaTa" la booked for week oru. 

Brooklyn Mraio Uall— Tata bnue wuUonchad 17 
wltlitheroaicnorproapeoia. Tkopa«i>l«»rorlbaopealoR 
week are: The Qnaker Ulty Q larut, Ue lAuraaod Da 
brloiont, the Da Poreau, Leavitt and NoTtlla Dahoralll 
and uilaaDdo. Wi*rtli and Harabali. Adaltna RoatUao^ 
lle.Ma PaToolL Mabel Rtaoley and Mabel RuaaalL A 
tiAoof a ot bill will ba RUan otit weak. Tbe n«w reniure 
[a ma Uj C P. Qebhaidr, wbo haa aecured Lauraul How- 
ud aa bofdoeas maoager. 

LvcBUM -M. B. Wood vaara Ihe lltin part In "Jaok 
aiieppard" thla veik. He la aliiy nipftiriMl by the home 
company. A cmwUed bouie wit-* pr«J»ni I J. 'The tJpper 
Hand" will ba ihe aitraolloa wo»b oril. 

Uavbtt.— "Tbe RalQtnakfr^" made popular by Don- 
nelly and Ulran],la bare tlila week. Both of Ibe prlo 
cipaia Itafe nany wam rrienda amoag ibe lioaaa'a 

ACAbBav OP Mmio.— TbadramarorthlawMk.opMilBK 
16, bi -Tbe Oanltaa." The apaclalty unuaro: Tli« Horn 
Japanaaa Tioopa, the ^emailte Trio, Barilatlaad Mar, 
and norance Baralce Wrlabt. "E^at l.ynoa," pn- 
aapi«d br Iba Block last week, found many adoilro.nior 
tlib uU druDL ... 

pAttfTTuiCATRR.— Tlia Dualcal oDtnedybyB Jacoituu 
and Ji. Ely, "Adam and Ere." waa glren l>y the aiock 
company it. Tbe Arlon UuBlcal Clu^ asated ibe capaclir 
attbaircoooanil. Tbeprodnaloa by tbe atock, I'J. u 
*DBrBtbfb»ratar,"wu alao woU aitenJcd. aa la diom 
every preneotaUon by UiU good ootnpany. Anacart all 
be ciTenactlilalinoae il.b/ rrau Ueiaraa, ilio Wauiitr 
ioca11it.and l^ranz Oidrleok. violloiit. 

WusoKHLAyn Hi'HVCU.-Hlll for week or 17 la: Cuil* 
hall— UoirborM) and Itair man, llngu, magiclao; Uapi 11- 
B. llicka, Moat: Poncb RIiom. Klem Jobnaon. bBii]oUr. 
Nc-Ne^Tab, Indian priDceu: Wolf aud Bttnitt'fi fclcclric 
Urchuira. Tboatra— Uen, 11. MoCormick, Coonnn acil 
Garwood. Eva Brmodt, RIckwood aod Morley, Rfitl Vrn- 
unta, aod Conoaia aad Buley. 

UKSTio.^.— Tbe Mawiueiade given by tlia Tlieatrlril 
Tiwaaarora'and Uaherk' Aaaoclailoo or the Bijou. Acad 

amy aod l^bai, waa a auceeu Id every way Tti« 

old Buodaid ThaAtra balldtoB.on the tbutii Bide, hi* 
t««& leaaed ai an armory by a local icIlliAn orcanlu- 

tloo A II. Unll.or UaU'B Nortbweatera Olrcint, baa 

patnuoantly tocatvl lo tbe Academy bulhllDg. Bonirol 
tba faoobbiita over hUclronltarw: ^'Bni«re Acraa," "Tbo 
D«TU*a Auctloo." **A Texaa Htaer." **Alrln JoAllo." Julio 

Dllton and the Jolin Buptotoo Oi> Manager t:baa. P. 

Ballaburr, ol Praeman'a 11ifaU«L CInolooati, U,, we* here 

on a Tlalt 14 Manajcer Banoln and the Uanlon lin>Ui- 

er^lDTlted rA< KraUttg vrt$amttn newaboya lo tbe BIJxu 

14 LaopoM aodoaaby.a Pollah plaabc, idvea a rr- 

cltal At toe AUiaoirum 31, aod the aaventh ereolDR re- 
dul or tba UoDday Mnaiol Ulob will ube placa ibero ». 

Secraury 0. K Honey, uf ibe loterHtate Dill 

Poaiefi* FrotacUTo AmmUiIuo, w«a here laat weak. 

Bai« Glalr«.*lIaulODh* "Faobiama," Feb. c, 
waifciaatad by a larae aodl^nce. Attand^oce nt 'Too 
Land of tba LItIor," ll, waa llibt, owIor to ba l weaihar 
Conlog: "HlaaiifrandCrAther and "BohertMacalr' 17 
— .. .. „ woiU" ai, Momy an.! 

By local talent), 

pauooR,aod they werepreaeni In birgo numbvfal7. Tba 
fbltflwlDff atincitoB la **Bu«li City." 
t.'.tiMi'K — Tbeliooae waa crowded IT, »'ban tbe French 


folly Cu l»no n week'a eoRagemBQt. Tne olio: Carter I 
■Hi OUrk,wari aod Hradtinm, tba llarberl Brotheia. 
Oeorie F. Morpby Jr.. Tt>m RIplay. Thi Twentieth Ceo- 

next Buaday night loauBonte the alra>wy popular con- 
eana at. tba Unod Opeim llouae. Ha baa orraDgad an 
atotllant UJl. tieadeirby Maaale Oltoe. Her aaaoelataa 
will ba Will H. KoCTFIIaoo and Brrol, Al Orant, Vaanle 
Hoia. Ullle Waaiem, uoUtam Oity QiiarUt and Brown 
and ban I «o. Prol.atarer'aOrdiBHUawlU ba piaaanL 
I'tt^Urpriceawlu ptaTalL 

AlbaRi)r.*>Tluatregoenbad a great variety or 
atinctloDk to cliooao Aum lait wtvb. 

LiLaaDOraaa llot*aB— "Uaoda Acnaa ibeBaa,' 
jn Qi«&lBg. to Ytry gwd boalDCAA. yeb. II, U. 'The 
Prodigal FAliar** naTO one patroimanca to agood alxed 
honas IX The Uowaid BubIad AtbenHron BpKlally 
Dabbed the Weak, wlib a big aodleooe al rach p«ruirm< 
anoe 14, l(L Manager F. F. Proctor haa angaBad tbe 
rwliovlnw tparTaliyiaople for tbui week. Julaa Lavy« 
Rooole TboratoD. waiMw and Uutcbtaaa, Ciadoe, the 
Roman aitmaa: Lorlog aod Ii«all«. Uao. Tbatober, 
Blaiera Beaiinont. Phaimaa and Uoriaar. Carroll aod 
Ulodaa.and Hmj Vemoo. . . 

UAHJiAMrii Ulhiukbr Uali. — **Tlie Fatal Oard * bad 
ralraittttUaocoKtb. lau. "A Milk \T Idle nas"waTed 
brrvreatidiencaaefllitlitpmporuooa It, 13. Llhlao Uua- 
■ellU^raCo. euR'*lheUtaad Docbea*. * to aa loimenaa 

Toroakto,— At the Qrand OperB Hons^, Feb. 10-!S, 
Rob Roy" had very large oualoeaa. FlaU'a Hloatreta ll, 
U. -Trilby' eoDiea 17-19. 
TonON'iu Oi*aiu Ilopaa.— "Darkeat Hoaala"opcDad to 
UfMnhiBfi Kknii^^p)! cornea 

t>>ncert, II, 

good bnalncaa. 

Lactvie Hall: Oapi. & Bloman, HIbi V. Koapp, nnd Prof. 
Bdmoeda. Ttaoarra: The Dempearn, Eekert and Hack, 
ALL.awr*nc«,Mlllaid, McOoTere, nail and O'Lynn. 

Olt»w*«— At tbe Qrand Oners Uonte, Feb. T, ft, 
Emity Baacher. In "Oor Flat," had good boaloeaa. Od 
HI riaU*a Mlo»tf«Ia paahad the bonaa. Albaol eomaa IS. 
and ateiy aaat la bom at big pricaa. Jom|^ Ilait, la "A 
^' I Oat OM Boy," eomaa la, 3D. 

rar tJRiNVe Hall.— Ihe Harry Llodloy Co. rwteil 10-1 J. 
ri,l I theball nalOR ranted. The company opeoo I4.and«lll 
^ I lemala until S. Marka Broa. eome wfek or Utrcb i. 

HamlUow^At the Grand "Sowing tbe Wind.'' 
iMkedmrPeb. IS.WU caocaled. AL Fletd'a Hlnitrvla 
cone IT. 'Trilby" pliya a return ODgagaiBent tS, Biowe'a 
"U. T.O."caraoa39. 

araaTnBATRB.—rorlT and weak: The Wbllaa, La Roy 
Mll'wtd, Uia Deagona, tuballa Bouaaaati, aad Hooter 
and Ptfrtat. 

. tpmponlo 
jR"lheUtand Do_ _ . 
bouae, ll. ' The haw Boy" Bate two perrotouacee to 

AwDciATiox Ball -Caailn Jack Crawrord dallghtail a 
fair Acdl»ne«^ U. with bU lactora, eotiiled The Camp 
FIra aad the Trad," 

ordloary boBloMi .a. Comtog: DamioaobOermaonpeiK 
Co., In "Lobontrio," 18; Fotur BellawCo. lo*t;harlott« 
Ootdar." ti ; Whliaar upem Co., Id "Bob Roy," U; "The 

Oainv Til BATRR.— Thla lion>e had big boalnaaa all last 
week with Uarry BonU'TwcoileibCaniary Halda Tba 
B. aO. alia w-a ihcwo a'tooki every Blab t l^omlog: 
Tbe AtuntTcan A'audaTille Co. IT and week, Mlaoo City 
club Burleiiiue Co. II and weak. 

llarlru.'At Ihe lluricni Upem llouae "Sbom 

Aciph" fta< eatl r(««lT(il dunni t1i« |mbi «cok. Tba 
Frank DuilcU' I'oialc Upara Cm., In *Tlia VVtitrri ol 
iliDMlf,"fii>#nedtuai1r«tcLtB« lwu«« Frb. IT. citoahUr 
luB thenaa'har, and wllidoallK ««i*^'a buBlotBA Noit 
week. "IlieKhMtillrl" 

>'<iLt'Btil*a-11u»iorMwaiROAd during tbo ptal week. 
**1lip \Vli<(«KUv«" ('|•«n^l loarrowdcd liuu>*aod made 
a )i«<oJ ln)pr*r»li>n. awl «IIL wllhuut donbr. Ii>i|ij linoao 
iliiriUR ilie •kgacritieuL Ktxi acck, Nell guricuLla 
•11)ii«AMDly l'4lr" 

OLV)irio~ibe"K*n>" Co. br,-ke aU record! for iliU 
HAMiu, patklag the bou*e thebrM pariorilie week and 
itiniinKi>M[il* itwny it ilie closing perroimanca. The 
IliiM lilll Kaallah Full/ C«ni|>anr made lhair Hibi llarleu 
aii>ranocr a cinndeO iiniiko. If llbo ('ima anJ 
)>r«il>- ucei kkv« nni l»«t tUtr drawloa r^aarw ihU 
company will Bliucut br»ak tlio raontd. Tlio companr 
varp Htibrarilon from the rlMi In tbe fall or lb* cerlilo. 
4li<ta|ni lUi lh»r v*r< apprccUitd. Vanac«r J. Her- 
l>rrt Mack retvruihai bualOHihav Ut«d «>ribs biiit dur- 
initilia Dill itl I'tan eugaKaiuBOlt. Keat weik, Uarrr 

IIahlih MraiH.— From IhU lioofecomaBtbaimialrt- , 
port ul cn)Kdr<l hou««f, ind lltualiUtnukl ba,ailhUUthe 
only |>m>ular pilce place uf aninMaieDl In Harlem. ThI* 
we#k; KfMl ilayfltt etid NeKU MeTlll*, Krsuk rbrlati*. 
A. W. HiaoUr aud Mamie »:abk»o. Harry Fcnion. I^itla 
lully. Jy*. W. Thompaon, ihe H'«iaOBl>4-a. E'aex. wild 
Bun aod Lhila tlura Bbou a W. Mack, and K Jdle Thon. 


nrookl>-a.*<UurlcG<)UO and comedy predoml* 
iikieaiihalml thaAiitathlB «f»k. Only onanuTeltr la 
iHHiked for the wrek, and Ibat I* (Mga .Veihrraola, In '*Car- 
in^n." It tba Colbiutila. Utoro Faollnl. a ulteied 
y<^una liatiau leior, who la a caj^Meand riUclenipapli 
i>r itie fnilooBt Iraqrdlan, TimBao (UlTtnl. aiMar«J it 
III* Alhfi r-diiinn TurMay nlnht, Feb. ILaa llaralet, h« 
lorv ■ luB* au-1 apirtclalive audlencw ol l-H rellow coua- 
irjman. Mr. 1*801101'! rerditloo of the charaeterof t&a 
niiiidr Dan* vaa vxctcdiniiy nind.t)ai Ida work wm , 
iiiBdi« moredlrarult ihan It wnitM bBr«b*«ii had l>a been 
iupr«>ilcd by a ^1ml »leBt tuL Mrm. A. Iloi, who took 
ihr l«ri ol ut^lia. wia very goal The Hdkdar nicbt 
rvri->nuBnrf« l>aT« it»coiiie ao pc|.ukr ib%i ihf y are gUeo 

Bfracaae^AtWIellngOpoim Uotiae Dan Da^ 
lelgh aod a ooupasy oraoiaieurapieaenied Mr. DatlelBb'a 
pieca,J*lD Old Halnr," to loud baBlnff«^ Feb. IS. Mr. and 
Ura. Darlelab and Ur. Bamea making aapeclal hiu. 
" illy Bucker, In'-OurPtaL^canaito big 
Week or Feb. 17. Krot John Heyoolda, ni 

Blnaaa li, 

My wire'a Pneod" did lalrly 10, 

" * ~ Uai 


16. < 

BiarjIULB TllBATHB _, . 

It. Ltllao RoauU t>i>era Co. bad B. R 0. II Jobn 

tn "Comedy aad Tragedy" nad "A Fair or fi^otaclea,' 
delightMl a large audieoce 13. Dr. Loyd Cook, ai<liluial- 
tat, iS; Hra. Poiitr and Mr. Bellew, (n 'VhatloitaCoiday" 

' *Whlioey Opera 

llio, lo "Made- 

and "Ulle Stoopa to (?noiiUBr," cooie 17. Ift; Whiioey Opera 
Co , lo "Rob Ror." 19. SO; uamllle D'Arv'-* 
lelnr, or the Magic Kiaa." tl, tt. 

11. R. Jacok^ TiikiTRB— The Boatoo Howard Atha- 
oft'ain Co. came lo biw bualoeia lO-lL iTim. A. Uardoar, 
lo 'The Prbw WiDnet"'aod "ratbarlaBd,*' had large at- 
uodinee 13-16. To coinr: rioienca Biodley. In "Tbt 
Oapuln'a l(a(a."lT-IO; "Darkwt Buula' 1^ 
horaa— Manager A. A. OralT toieoda to make jBcobtf 

Thaatraa anion bouae ooxtaaaaim Batold MeOraih. 

fur many laaraldfnilfieuwiib ibe local pnaa, haabvaa 

";poini«d prwu agent uf tbo WIrUor.. Chaa. Daolela 

lllr • - ... I - 



raoiwaolieaoonipanTioplajblapL , 

TbecoronanvwIllopentoMarcii. UaaUarUlgh aadwUi, 
and Bd. WvlcQ-.i^ 01 B) raeuaa. haToatgned wfib htoL 

Roehcater.— Tbe \7btiDey Opera Co., In ''Rob 
S^^V.^P" olBhU'aiayai iboLjoaumTbaaira 

^•b.17.. Mra Foiur and Eyrlo Ballew are annoooead 
Lllllao RoaMll tail It. doing wall. Jobn Han 

let le^dobg oolyratr. 

The Damroacb Overa r>>. will 

glTB ooe MTrorTOBoea S4.'and Mlaole Ma^dem PUka'ia 
annonne^ ror 17-41 

Cook OraaA UofBa.-*'DAtkaU Rnaala'* wai e« ir. ror 
Ihree l>e loitoard by Joe Ult, lo "Tlie Star 
iiarer," lor the laat hair or ib« weak. Lut week -Oor 
Flat" and "Tba Qraai Brooklyn Handicap** dM wolL 
*Tbe Bllvar Klog"GoaKa U-al^"Mlaa llarum Baamm" 
I f7-W. 

ArADUiTor Mrairhad Edwin Fi.i»Wtb, In "Formiroa," 
ll, ^Bjtni tor Ibe eoilre week. laat w»ek Floiuca 
bjndloy plaied lo nod i>aiiDeBa. Uodarlbitd for weak 
oril, *'wt,tif Crook^ BauaTagioiaCo. 

WitvtiiHuiiDTnuTNB.-Theroilowlng.Moala are oe 
Ihe protTamme for tbe week begtontoi 1T! II •Ma Thomaa, 
Frank Bany, Matbella Bekert, Vlclorta Baulla. Two 
Qrarea. Utienae. FKutraW and Kelly aad Frank BUay. 
noRinr IkuBHAOLLWrtaiaa at the Lyeanm H. 

0«el|ik.— At the Roynl Opera Uonae Blowr'a 
''Uaela Tom*a Cabin" Oa played to raIr hooao Feb. ll. 
Ella Cameron, 1 0 rtpertory, coma* IT and week. TLm. 
MoVaiRh Jr.jOf Detroit, In llluatntad leetnre. '*A 'Cr- 
ellOK Tour Tfarooah Qreat BriUln." li doe Marcli a; 

''Handa Acrou the Uaa"7 MaoagarTavamterban 

Joload tha Ida Van Conlaadt Co. In Iowa lo rahearaa tau 
paw ahue, *'Dorl«*> and "A Wonaa'a Power," which ho 
baa oMaload for her. 

IioadoB,*Al the Grand, Feb, U,theTroeadero 
Tuderlllea plaaaad a large bonaa up ualra. Booked: 
Flakll MloatreU IB. Biowe A Co.*a *>U. T. 0." t2. 


|iBatUe.-At Cordray'a Theatre "The Uald ot 
MHan,*' a ihraa act ccmto opera, by F. OlloCcllloga aud 
Pror. 0. E. Bny« waa gtven lu flrtt productloo on any 
auge Feb.B-a,to uoa'dcd bouaaa, at advanced pritaa. 
1li« Uattla Bamard-Cbiaa Co. ralnmed 0, lor (mr weak^ 
and piaaaoiod "Fawn Ticket llU"aa ibairopeolDgoiTfr 
InictoaR O. *The TtmputJon or Money" wlU be Ibtir 
neat odarloR. 

BBATriJiTiHAvnB.-BonBa*a Band cmn«R to ihia bouae, 
under tha direction of ei-Manager John W.Uaooa.13; 
and wilt play a reinm eogagement W. "lo Old Rentuckr 
11 aod li, Maria WalBwrigbt 17-19, 
and S3. 

T|vou TnurnR coollonaa to have OTorflowlDR how*- 
aoph 16: O. B. Baker, Nellie Uowaid, Daa OoUd. Mar 
a RaaaL MIok WlllUma. Pyne Blatera, Hlckay Valcb, 

Lamoat Bialon, and Jea OaitwrlgbL 
PACTa~Joho B.(jalBn, of tbo Auditorium, Bpokaor, 

cana to thla diy w Ui lia Initiated with Poact Ronod 

Lodge. SB. T. M. A John F. Cordiay haa bein aiieod- 

Ing toboaloeaa la thla city 7-11. 

Taebma,— At Taooma Tlieatn Ibe Oarieton 
Opera Co. bad ralrbualneaa Feb. I. Marie Walnwriaht 
csMiogoodlHialneulO^ 11. Bodb&'b Baod. II, had bla 
aiteodanca; retom eogagameBtu **lnOH kaatuekf 
IS, **Jortitta Bpncaby''^ W. Mellla UeHaory m Oorione 
Opera Co. 11. Prowler flioeh t>>. 34-SH. LooU Jaow 
Marena and 4, *'a Ballroad TIchet" 14. 

Kiimi evBBRTuBATU.— Tiie Bffilih-Llab Co. played to 
poor boBloaaaweakaadlogfiunday,B. 


UlBBtaamlDa^At ihetttcneopera'tlonaeOorBe 

l'a)ioo,raMoried by Bua R*«d. lo raoettory. had B R. 

O. »«h. Ii>-ll aod Ihe auditoeaa ware waU ykaaed 

Wlie'a Trlaad" couaa 17, CnaaUle D'ArviUa, la 

Hot flprlBKB.— At the nper* Hons^, Feb. 10, 
Roben Maolall piVfaotM 'The Unabaad." borera an 
andiaaco that packed iha bouae to ataadtng room. ''Tlie 
Tonado," with lufloe mechanical effeeu aad wealth of 
aceaerr.drwwafalrhenacll. "ATeiaaBt««r"conaaai. 
Boht. AownlBg 11, *'Frl*oda" 14. 

Lliila Rack.«-At Ibe Onnllnl ItieBln Iloberi 
Maaun came Feb. II, 11 to fUr bnalaeaa. *Tomado," 
U, bad a Bmail honae. **lha Oetton MIbr" cornea 14, Tun 
Moroky. la >*A Teiaa Blear," 19, BoM. Dowolag W. 


Variety and Minstrelsy 

T«9CiDi!iia Norn.— Uenun. Saailow ud|[fcld 
h>n pnrcliufd from tbe Qeorn H. Culimiin Co. 
uDO or their bandmninl are. A pinmra lilp mil 
houtcDto Ilia Piiclllc coast ncil SpriDc, and Ibo 
eir «lll citny Sandov and conipanj iuiiug ntxl 
jUT'i lour til 8<a FraDdMo sod U«.tlco. From 
tlitiiM Mr ZclKfeld iMi amnged a loar to Aiutm. 
Iia. Tlio t<ro Dnatona liare bctn tuimcd for a 
tbirt; woeta' scaaoo, conimtnclDg SefL 31, In pdm. 
idtlplila. Tbe Cony Uron. lutre alu wen enjtaged 
ror uilrty wceka, Un vee, tbo Juggler, alu hoidi a 
/.«lg(eld contract (or thlrtr wwlcn. K. D. Sbulta 
■lirmtnago one ot tte 8andov-'/.elgreld companies 
next season* 

Ileal Ooii (Mrj. lUn Crlmoia') gate blitb to a 
lali; boy on Feti. it. 

OirTAiN jAOg OKiiTKOHn, Ibo poet scout, la at 
preient on a abort lecturing tocr tbroogb (J^nada, 
■od reports eocoeai. Ho bas Sissoclaled nltb bin 
K. I. Spencer, iloliQiit. 

UiTcuiu. i:<D Lovs, artcr a nepanllon o( (oor 
leais, bate again fonucd a panceriditii. 

Toi Hveiia, n'ill and r,t Feilto Ireoe, have J >lned 
ibeiamesA.nclliyAaeitiian Sjidlei'' Co.rortbo 
renttlDder of tbe aeawD. 

Ill Toil Wiart bi> joined FIjdu i SlierMan's 
DK SiositloQ Cj., and provok** niaoa inerrlnisnt 
Willi bla Rorllsb airell anil Imck dancing. 

Cuiii. r. YiiTSH's oacuaimu baa canceled Its 
proposed tourotibo West Indies and SniihAtnerlca. 

Iiiu.r WinD.odhe loan ('o.tand Ward, reiiuuis 
usioitaieibitheUnot tbe nilly Wanl meniloned 
In a previous Isue cr TrntCuiTsB iti being down 
wlib rtiedmHiUin. 

lianHY TuuuBOx (Eimann), wbo styles blmseir tbe 
"Kaynr of tbe BoirtiT," la to bave a teoeOt on Fob, 
••^H Brooblju Mbor Lyceum, No. ois.torwblcb ire 
■ctnowledge an Invitation. 

Ro6T«n or l''R«Kic K. Ijosa'i Co.— Fnnk B. I,osg, 
Joe F. Wlllird. Clus. axideld. I, II. Kewell, W. N. 
(jny, Fbll. Haber, Annie Tbooaa, norence Aah 
ronl, HlnenaS'lblo, OeenleUaber. Mill s. Collier, 
adracce repraenuilve. OutUiesa Is tepotied to be 

U ISIS OisNax, tbe borlesqng aclreai. wbo canie 
here from tugland ahoul Ave yeaiH igo, la 111 and 

10 deailiuie ulrcumstancca at COT Cighib Arenue, 
tills city. 

Lrrru asoaais no.sTiNniON, whobas been 111, 
bta rollr recovered i>nd raaumed mtlr. 

Toi M lOSBRK!) bave Just closed a tiro weelu< en- 
gagement at tbe Tbpaire Comliiue, Now Orleans, 
la. Tbey are booted for nest aeasoo with £, a 
Price's Fioallog iiiura Co, 

KiuMC OtRiniF,iaii succeeded 1V. B. Allen as 
mtnaget of Uttslc Uall, Fnnkford, Pi., Feb. lo, and 

11 will bo run as a combination house. 

Tot Wood Simiu go oat aheail of inoir oirn 
l>urlefl/|ue compinv next eeasoo, uoder the manage. 
Dent of James K. wood snd llirry Gieve. 

Tbb ■■Wiiirn ViKUS" CO. bis been rebeaii.lag, 
and their new acaneiy will bo ready for their open, 
lag, il, in l^manua, V-i. Two tveeki) of nigtai 
ifands bave been booted, so as to bive ercrylhlng 
ronolog smooiMy by ibo ilmo tbe company reacb 
melr vreel: stands, comoiencing at Cloclunail, 0. 

A. ItoTSRDciui, of OblcHKO, 111., has Mni un a copy 
of "The Uodon Wizard," a neatly bound boot, In 
which clear type and excellent lllosirailon^ are 
ii«d, upon good paper, to oxplali some of the 
neibods known to tbo practice of necromaooy. 
Those wbo take an Inlereal loelelgbtnl band, and 
icek farther enllgbienmeut upon tbe subject, will 
and Itatlracilve. 

TUR new soogs of Charles 9. Enis. now being 
song by blu In bli play, " fhe Maatlsn." irlve pmni- 
iHoof surpanlog bis former eiTortsi "A Butbiuholo 
liouiiaei" a-.;d "Siinsblne Will Cone Again." Tbcy 
•re rnllilcd: "Flesse, Mr. Sautu CUun, Uon't For- 
i!el lit," "Uolber's Uaxluu" snd "Tbe Song for 
Uie Babies." 

Tni ORrrniinH Tobitri, Oblcaio, 111., will re. 
open Feb. 2± It will be deruteil la specialty per 
ronnances and combinations, N. U. Hoberts and 
c. W. Wrlcbt are tbe managers and lessees. 

EraiL Ka.fKBor, dancer, sailed for England but 

(IRO. G\-iNs and bis well known -'I'll Ds Trae to 
lIyllani>yBoy<'eongarelnaepanible. Tbey can be 
heard at raslor'n this week. 

llABBr 8. Uiu.xn's two latest sonra, "Down m 
llogan'a Alley" and "Only an Actor's UbUd," will 
shortly be Inued by Henry J. tvehnun. 

The Ii trioNB SisrsRS bave lost cloeed an enisse 
msnt of two weeks at the Colaobla Theauo. SIs- 
terSvUle, w. Vs., snd are booked for a teiiim dale. 

"Just Tbli Tdbm TUiT You aA« Mi," Paul 
Dresser's aong. Is noiv in the repertory of many 
soloists. -V . 

IIBIBH ni;s3BLL,ot Ibo Westen "While Omk" 
Co,, celebrated her birthday at llomo, N. Y., Feb. 
14, and received handAouo presents, lifisldes a 
beanUfol bSkikei o( flowers, from tbe members of 
the oompaay. After the perfomiasce an eleiaiit re- 
past waaserved at the ArUngton Hotel, In which all 
tbe ciiapanytook parL Uoalnesj Is good and all 
an enjoying good taealtb. 

lliBRY 8HBLno.<<, the deacrtptire tenor, of the 
"Qlrl ^Vanled" Co., Is dollghled wllb tbe success of 
bbi new slugUig speolaliy, of wblob the feature la 
bisrendlllunof Qraham'a song, 'Ky Dad's the Rn- 

Bd.<u and Wood, after a three yisre' lour abroad, 
sirlved bete Feb. 16. 

Ui IKOEAH la at Keith's, In I'talladelpbU, IM., 
this week. He will go wlih tbe lllngllog Bros.' 
World's lirealeat Showa next season. 

Toui NBv soNaB bave just Deen Isaned by Ibe 
KogUah Bnng PablUhloE Co., of this cliy. Ooe Is s 
London muSo ball duty, ''As boon as I Arnold 
Knouoh to Know," the other Is a Jolly dackey bit, 
"Tbe Hottest Coon In Town," Bad Ihe thud Is a 
comic Kagllsh hit, called "And the Ultlel'ogUog 
Wobbled Close Deblad." 

AnnoB WiL■I^■8, of Ony Brolben' Minstrels, was 
left behind very sick at Fairmont, Va. 

UonKlxils — At Wondsrlinil HuMi sad ThMln>, Dm 
MoloM, fa. curio and tectare ball— rrar Dav'i eoIIMtloa 
rrom the Holy iaoda euae-Tb* 8an^ Qsorgla Qrar, 
Bruy aid Ftrksr, Bobbr ^lyaal. Mils. OitaDilo. Slla. 

lAnillo. and La Pan Faoillr it Banon'i Tliulr*, 

MswpottNiws, Va.— TIcasad Hi>lra,Uany MeCsoler. W. 
A. Fstars. fHoes aoil Coalbr. Fkirlnce Bd'ardi, AJl a 
Rlndslr, HelnM and Davis, Nsllla Ryan. Bulla RurelL 

I.t Hodtsla. Cliaclei Rinit lad Joba Maiuanl At 

lbs Tliiain Oomliiua, Nsw Oitoaiu, Marti Oiss E. 
H. Bltiiemln. proprlslor; Clitm f. Omu, aooertl biads- 

9 or; Tosy biirbu staiio mnnsBor: Wni. Coho, muilcal 
Itaetor; Irwia SlsUn, LUIIs aod Daily: Wtld Scix., 
Qlua. and Franli; ll%ad ftittoo. Otira Bvaoa, BIJou 
Evani, (niailsa P. Oross, Djnioat aod 8ailtli, PoItoD 
Una. and Jsmai HcXIIIan. 



panr.intr.iiiiMiTp^^"'"' •* TscbJosr'n BiwL Cooi 

i.ll:';''iiiV.:i:';:«^;'l'j;fi7''r«v. f."*"" 

•Trllbi''M,„|,,„"bi5fD. Vn,?,'',"'.??," "f- ""'hnsr-. 

"AVJIAHK»TTtlll4li:B.J'n,, A.a «Mk 

«ii> A pornl on* 
ntrO la buai 


Gbicag*.— TbiDga tbeiirical are In a Terr pros- 
perooi eoadltlon Ju«iDov,Tltti«ic«)leDt tttracUooiiat 
moRtor tbAlioaww. Tbeoollook fcr Hie ImniMlUlt fa- 
tur« Is oictlkat, wlih Utnrr Irrlor nndtrlloM it ita* 
CoIdDbla, Rldbttd MunflalJ uid U«U«iU to moo »pp««r 
M the QTud. J«iDe4 A. B«m in u •DRsgtmeot or la- 
il«flQ(t« Itnith at UoVlektr'«, uid kdchJ aUnoUDoa it the 
oUnrhouiee. Lutweek tli«n> viu&nimor toUierfTeci 
th&t tbe SehllUr wooM pgiv rromllie eooliulor Ira L\ 
Motce,ftiKl N I ion A ZIoioennaD wrv meoUoneJ u the 
probMie ■ucceaaora. rrom Mr. 1a Moiib'a tiatemenu It 
fteni thit there I* I'uie )lh«llhooJ of the bouw rviMlDg 
rrom ble cooirol, allhoogli nait«T Probmana la du loainr 
eooutetod with It. DarVd lIuidorftMi Im pnpwInK to rre- 
MQt "MM-I U*rUn" oa on el&Umte Ktle attlwd^iilller 
ibleBamner, U'l Itlooki mIT thaiKlkor the boiM add- 
iDf ooe men to lu ilrwdf loofr lU orclitii([«H In preoia- 
iBte. Tim lubjeet mo«t iDtereJulot tn tlieatro petrooa to- 
day U tb*lilae«s orUaoagar HcTloher. He loiUrcd a 
•tfokeor parelralaUaiveoi, whl U lo « critical coodl- 
tloo. Mr. lloViekor UmI pUyeU ti«r« rorlr kli jw* w, 
WHlthlnr-irithtyeini iLiohelrtxaa the roanagemeDt lo 
thia eltror MoVleker'aThtatre. apoalilon tbit be baa 
malotaload enstloaounlr erir Riiite- • 

Cou'viuTouYio.— Acno tJineilila leaioa has there 
heea blnerhouMaUiiit Mar IrvlahMdrawo itiUwafh. 
Her pleriDg or the leadlog iol« In "Ihe Widow Jon«N' 
JaiUdeeoli That her friendi haro cUlmed for har u a 
coaedleooe, and har adT«ot a« a Rlarha«e«ritloiriiie 
taetltDnnr of ilie ttox oillce oi to lu aacceM. Jobo n. 
Rleeaod tbaraaialndar of Mlw Irwio'a capable nipnrt 
aliaadepporttiiiUlM In Die pleo«to»buvUieraliimlea 
aaeomadltoa. Irrlojt-Teny II. . 

Orioaho onmx l]ovda.-Oain(0« D'Arrllie rM^ea to 
lam booMa all tbe w««k, doilncStindaf with i«o per- 
romaoeop. Mnodar alilitthe "Tventlaiii Century Qlrl" 
mroei for a waok «rtb Mollf ruller. A^oe Cnur. (laprflla 
HawUr, Amiee Van DrniiJohaT. Kellr.auBWIIUafflL 
Wea. Camaron. Uarrj Kelly aaJ uaar oiban. Hmii 

week, Foanr ltlc«. 
aauo QpiHA llotNa- 

-Ohlctffi hai not ^akeo erer 

klodlr loThaChlaltalo." but UiohouMa bafel^^n good, 
Tor FraacU VIImd baa maor Meoda. Tbe oav wen 
will cOQtlou* anoUiarwrat. aod then 'The Meirf Mon- 
arch" wiiiberaTlTod rnr anioofa weak. 

McVioKau'eTuBiTRt.— CresiaaCUrke douil aniodar- 
eieljaaeeefaful epgagamtoc lA. "flbore AereaMaaurt 
orailtxralpatooata tMvugh an lORaveaieottliai iifRiai 
IT aod raaa roraolDdaSolia period lo Mr. Hame'eooni- 
PUT arw Rohan Flacbar, Jamat T.Oallowar. rrmablio 
UarUDd, Brwat lAmuo, Alden Sua, Jamaa V. Oallr. 
Aocoataa Wolford, Thomaa loot, Hobert TriDeerLWra. 
II. Saaoa, HUaei Grace rilkli*. Unn 0*Fl«r01ark, 
IlaUa Uoold. Bell* Tbeodore, LMie (laoll*, Flomice Eo- 
Bekin, Beatrice Morcaa. I^Mtle (lentleood Ediib ToUf- 

^RoiiLtiE TiiUTnB.-Clar Olment plarad The Old 
PonlDHm" loaodieacea taai leer«a*ed loaUeaad eo- 
thnalaia all the nak. Ilia appwraoe*. oohenUad aod 
alnooi ■okanwD.ljaa prorro ceo of tbe nont mklon 
Mctenoa of reeeat yotii lo tbe lacal dnBUle fleU. Uta- 



..i'-V H'* * Tif aikt-'Tho Vandeiia-' ■ laro-l to modar 
at* builoew tiat waok. cloalni l». •■Tbo Vrivr a B«nl- 

leiiiing rota. K^\t wo*k. l>^i»rNi>ctoroonN. TiiCATai -Til* paw wwlT wia a r*MM 
telVpi^Iir^'B^ "'S* iRVirlaUracuSi 
iifc On Rti^i-t" ■«'^"?«of »t« ^ioK aonivaraarr 
iioouworo broken, and mioy Wfir» lunied awav Tha 

piS.?l!llS*.X*"* '«Wr*na 'ra?r,KDtror 

P4rla,;aiidihav4j)daTineraatBri»aw ii Include llarbari 

K!?'"^ ONelll ami Suthnrliort. Toi Jodeo Famllr 
Irwin Hroa., KIttIa Kobou aotl o().«rL '»mi'yi 
-ffi'lL'^i'™' TiiKATBi (WeaiaiJa) - Kor iliU verk ihe bill 

ConiHor. vhldi has Jut pUftd a week at ita* dovo 
town tiooic 

Lvf luii TiiaA-mr-For ihU we#k ihe pronrnume vlll 
be ra;rol4i*J by ih* 'Clij Hpon*" in tliicoi.ipaDy 
are the Tour K*lK»n aiutr*, Mark acO Flmo. ffij)f r and 
WalW. Uacaner and ColTiaa. aod other*. 

Ikpaiiui Miijic llALL-Ooera ami TaadoTllIe fonn o 
proOiabla coinlfloailto. Kor ibUwH>kihe orcm lo be 
t»re»eat*d la "Bofcaa l.t.'» la the rawlariito Mrruruiance 
a Dumber urclerarpeoDiA un enRaatfl, indudlnK ih» 
B*ro-rt fi[«t»r*, Ihre* Bwettf. U UflMle. Pongo. Oficle 
and Reraald*, Hotu« Wabli. TntlacliHd Iter eogaia 
moot wlUi la»l w»ak. 

• MSOiyu Emus Hi itia.-L'nder t>il« oew iliU tiia 
Coilou Ktarii • g well uuder the nunagtiii^iit m r.t>ula 
Enatoanaail 8 lly Bi-». Ki.r thUwMk iho Programme 
oiTfTeduaaiollnw*: Roliinaon atil Bakar. Haitol c&m 
day, Lamar aod Voddrr. Three Darra Sl-tin, Barth aod 
PI«iiilnB. T«o llow«nlawid Hilly Rice*aM[aairwla Iiitha 
mnvic hill will b« Crpnhhelt'a VI«aoa La>lr OrcheMra, 
J(una< B Wnek^. Jirnnle Stewan, Catrnll. nartloTliomioii, 
Ji>>laDa V«r^Hnu^eaod Rurg»a«.NDd FdirenceMarpltall. 

H4HT JjkCK'AUl*KllA llnriii.— T1i« K«iu1KRlltll«r(^lm 
nitir will conilnae fur ao«lh«r vtvk. Y^n Lear and Bar- 
Ion hare htn HI ftir n week, but tbey will ic In iho hill 
rntin now nn. M (ud D'Arcr. a nq*- and prelly aouhrvii*. 
vlll ^-e aikled Oilier* In tbp ' 'ilty lint Include FItlier 
atid Crovall and i oH'oa aad ( oUla > 

OhPIUI-0 UVMr. llAl.1..— li.. alOwlDfC lilt Of p*OI>1| 

will roroUli tLrpmffrAiDne f»r i^e wtak btglnn ugl7: 
Tlie Ueddllloa Trio. BigoUunlt aod Kaymnnd, EttelU 
BeliinnL Paaoy VeJdiT, lus Ql^cP, Hora Mlirihe I. K-.Ra 
Wlncheucr. Emna Wt^vtv, lUUaa Jt»n*y, Chnllta, 
Ntllle McPhiraao, L'ule llogaa and ibe ainck oompany. 

I'ARKTUEiTKG.— For llio waok roaiiienclaK 17. in* l>ti| 
will he fnrolthwl liy ilio fnlUiwIaK people: Ida It iMrll. 
tha Wbltlnin. Auliy and CalLigLcr, M>aole Burrcll, 8t 
CUIr and Lorana Hlinehe Le Chlr. Liach and Loaea. 
and Ihe Moct compaoy. Tiie curooJy fur tbla wf«k l« "A 
Dangaroaii Wniqui." 

SOni. A- MlODLKlUX':* CURK GinKKT UcaivN-EIbi 
R«lng. Iho UiHWHtrl glAiiteaa, Will ba Ilia iBAtllng alirac- 
llon at thin alaee ihla we«k. Cape AII>arll«l)ldfllTrr ao 
llluitnued I'ciare on 6II>eria Othnr leatur'fl will be 
EtiA litke, Kan-T Jooea andUlU. llartalle. U^tuliiAce 
parroriDnacaa will be aivan. « 
iiKOHL k Uioiii.BTQVii(ii^HRMniii-H.— Ablc;c*erace. 
rjrwhtehauutnberni ritwoniaa am eat4red. will Im a 
r<>ature Ihlawaak. Other aiiractioan In ibacjrlohall lo- 
clddi LlllU ffray, Iouk holnd womao: LuioR,amiI«M 
wonder; AUroon, MoNlnn mlnlaiuro maker; Rodney, 
dnokeoftlat. and other*. 

ffairi'd |j»?[|}OS Dimx MrsKK.-Io Ihe carlo liatl tbla 
week iho principal attraction hDaodaraon'a Mariooeiie; 
other atfactjooa are Xho Alplwoioa, liuinao ralaman. 
dara; Prer. Buid* and hia porrofmlog doei; Allbrlitbl, 
iheo^Hiiledman; Moalira, ihemtnNrar. I iiliethtaue, 
tba perroroiaora will Inolude Tarlaty aeia by Oracle 
BiAiit. Pearl Alleo. P. O. Aodrera and Harry Falt^o. 
Adilod to tblH win t>* tlie Midway daoe«^ wblcli aeio) 
deailned u> run on rmtror. Titete are ali d«v dancem 
on thl4 ««ek. with i!«laka aa the atar aliracilon. 

NoTKH— Mr. Mereo iiu )>■» lovlied by a Phlcaco 
clerayoun 10 tddreiii hia coajTreBatlon on ihe auiijict oi 

idoile las '"Tlie Ann n| the Ui V* will aoon U aceo 

nt Ihe Academy \V. A. Hrady laya that ha haHcl<Mod 

with n FariHlii mananrfeir the apprjraoceor Corbeii 

(0 paiiinrniioenext Auiamn 0. a. cUberi, mtnacer 

ol ilioiiilb^rtopi'rero.. win prntjihiy lutn Canada la a 
lew daja lor aloDKaniraKeaieDi la ihe prorlncea. 

Docalar.— oa Feb. lo, iiut nlnoly dA^a ntm ibr 
grrat fire, tbe new Powera uraod vai otMne*! by lllra'a 
"HHi" Co. to <a4orihelargsat and maalfathlonabloan- 
dlanria arar rten In 0*catur The bn^ea, aeata and 
atantllnc ronia aoare wAre all IlUfd to oreril jwlng. "The 
8p«o orLlre" lollftwed II, ti> noly rulr hualnea*. Air and 
Bull Tailor eiui9 11 asti "traDH" 15. lo (ood builoeoa. 
Coming: Fannie Rice IT. Murray aod )Iack 19. Tbe aew 
houae II exactly Kko tbe oU one, ticept tbe loaldedaco- 
ntloo aad Aalihliig. 

Dloemlaiitoii.— At Iho OniDd Upem IIouu 

Biffbt BalU" did a vood baoIflfiM Feh. la "ffaiig" 

Kk«dthehnaeel3. "A Scrap of Paper." hy HloomloK- 
DnniailcOlub, draw alariie aud lance M. procieda lo 

no to the Deacontu llfuiptlal. riay Clanaot comea 17. 
A Trip to Cbloatown" lt», the Fllota I7-n. 

4iaine>'.— Attbe EiDpln*'RlKbl ntlWplAyeil to 

f). R. 0. Pat). IS. "I7anjt** packed tlie liwe lu, aod da 
llahted the audience. Radpaih Couc«ri.<:o hn/\ etcel- 
loot raturaa M. "Plonlnd'a Bill" comaa 17. .In) Caw- 
thorn 19, "AU la Joalln'* 31, "A Btffga |e t^lieok" IL 


EvaHiwllle.— At Ibe Qraod "For Kulr VIrgliilft" 
drew oolya moderaui bonw Folk lu. Prtderiek Buciort 
come«l^"Th* Ulrl I LiQ Behind Me" 16^ Ollrar Byroo 
U 'ThoPrlFat*See«ury"J7, •'CharUy'a Aaof'^CarchJ. 

riArLi'H.— "n'llAollBao'a irabinamtle" attr«clcJ a 
lama auHteece 9. "A Cold Day" It vipectad IS, "Torn»i)o" 
ZL "MoCartby'a Mlatia|t«," booktd for Mardt 1, har* coo- 

ErjL5a' Hall.— Remeoil drew a bla lioaae 19. 
TivoLi.— Yarleiy bill nCibtly. BuilneM fair. 

Fort Was-Be.^AI Hoaonlc Temple '>TTieBptD 
ofLlie" draw fairly weU Fell- 14. U- J.Vill* .****f'll' 
cornea 17 aod weak. "An American airl" 2X "1191" 77. 
**TTie Peoolag Muter" 0, "Lost lo Hew Tork" Mardi i X 
ati)artnob*on4. _ . , 

EMPmiTKiATHe.— Weak or 17 Lynoi' Coniidlan^ la 
npertorr: the Americao Vawlanilaa 2i-». 

P E. RroruKR. manaaer of Jiiwinle TampK win be the 
hauaololBtla the prodnctlon of "Fbe Mauiah," at Ada, 
o..a , 

Akrloa.— At Wblto'a Op«n House. Feb. 12, Uar- 
nyaodMaek. In'-PlDDlgao'i Bill" t*ated tbe capaelir 
onrie hau»e. •Town Tople«" bid fMeljent patrooiBell 
Boyd'a MiutreU canie is. ll»'ard Wall Muplcal remedy 

tio iraD>1 week At thaRAMIara' Home Opera II uu'O 

"A Buoch of Kayh" had a w«tl niled hnnte 13 Oeo. 

llusheA of thli clly, baa Joiotd the SIpc and Iloltnan 

dliow K Ifoctrk. ovnernnita Mra (Ian. Torn Thumli 

Show. Bold III* loteraiL (n Manaier D.uronli hare yeb. li, 
aod will rwlum lo Naw Tork. Mra. Moxark laQ |h« com 

tiOTatKawCartk* Ind., and applied lor for * dlrorce, 
ut thaatatutoaor luillana did not crivgr li#r raao. Alter 
herhURbaad had eardied hia conneclIoD wlihthr com 

pany aba rajQloed at Nobleavllle Maoageia Herrllt 

and Darlt of "Plonltan'a Ball," bare alanad a Ibrat 
Toare* eootract with Tarry Fwgnano anddeu. II. lime- 
rick, aod will reaiiire Uao fa Maoager Marrln'e new 
comedy. "MeSorleyaTaloa." XaiMwr Manlit haaeon- 
tneied wIthBovnan A UndKofrhlcaan. for a compteia 
aoanlooQillt. Tbeyopeo at lodlanepolU AufJI......M 

R. Etlmlaton ha« ukeo the naaaiamaoiof the Re« Alleo 
' nieatr*. end will op*n li to Uia pabllo M. n:ay Oeioaot, 
0 "Till Nav Domlolon," ■111 dedlcau Ihe houie. 


jBckeonTllle.— AiDAlean prfrtentcJ al llark 
Thaa^r* Hie operetua or "OInderalU" and "Orent Ty. 
cooD." toerewdad liomep, Feb. 10 end II. "A BAwarrairl" 
pUiedioexeAllantbuiluaia H. I^ltA^flo", "'".RT*^.".* 
i'Marltana"l7.0ara MnrrK lo "ITayniOBde/'lfl; Chaa.II. 
Yale'B "Oroaur Twelve Tamplatlena" SUSS. 

. »««M 

An iBvalaaWle Record. 

Fnw TAf y<iPMMle (A-rt-y-l rbnntfU. 
irbatharihaeanae of (1 b* lack or en(«n>rire 'xi the 
part of Briclah inibiialier«.orprai*ic*ef niMno«aon the 
nail of Uie RrllUh pabllc Ibe laci rcmaioa that ihey 
naoaiethaaeihloiaUntrlotbaRutea. For ^uanilty 
aod careful tabuUllon nfpArlleaUta, ror nualliy ul paper 
and cl*amf«4ortip*,andrortriab«aotliolrlaarDeM and 
arUiiie «olah of It* pboidgmHi reprwIaeiionawaLaye 
noil^aod wa aay Itool wllhoat a fMlInc of Diaaia-ODy 
fponioK pubileation that coroaa wlUila aome V' 
atreataollhai at p e«ot eedar rerlew. Ab laralgaUa 
ull |nt#r*>iiBg recAHl to ill who can jrM hoM of It la 
Tab Mow Vobb CurfiR Anst'ii- for IW. eontalnmir 
ihratrlral and aportbig ebronoloBlaa for iw. a Hat of 
daaibi la tba amaa^meot pti.fauwoa. ai|iiaiic and ath- 
loliepeifnrtnwf#a. raclog aa<l trntilBgf*c#.rda. bA<«tiall. 
eilckal. l»llilird».»i*.: F#«rdi«l fa«l*ii time and ba«t 
parronnaoceiln all braatbaa of aport 
khn the aatvilika lo fnll. aodwe^oeeJ onWtoi^lft 
■latVlbil it la TOMlabid by ihe ^TCV^'^'J^^y ■« 
'vT. Ltd.. Cui-rst BiiMlBB, (fd awl to Centre BtrMt, Kev 

sunder the Tcnts# 

_ N0119 nou room * co.'s Obiat Soitiiehk 

l^nlitd Shoir.<.- Wo aiilrcil In Now Urlcaoa, I.,., 

F<h. i, for SD UDllmllcd auj. Tlio bis tcnu wti» 
erected on l«s's Circle, Hod STti^teDt irss tiglil; 
deo'tatod wlili Inimonsa nigs ot all usiloiu. Tlio 
1>I» lent iDildo wiu also nice Ij decoraltd«lih iliga, 
sircauwM sod liasneis ot all color* On tlio open- 
■or niglit, Feb. 3, tlia doors were closed and admit- 
tance refused befiirc the peiformaQce liegan. Many 
peraona wcra standing and acorea of »inaU hojs 
wct« fiiiiDg on aod around tte nng lianka, Tba 
sbow hag done an Iminenaa liuidncas, altlot two 
pcrromancas daily, and are liilcd to loinaln on 
l.«e'a CtrclB nnlll Uareh 1. Tiia roaior: r 
R. W. llennctMj, nunagsr; W. K, McHlolmj, 
oharge of l<lg show ilctois: T. K. Fanning, 
ctiarjo of BfBt, concirt and aniie.x llrkola, witb 

liHI'?'* . *"!.'= O'lnian, «|UOstilan dlioclor; 
rrnr. s. I'. Uuwnian, geneml oraior; B. Allien*, 
wlsiant owior: iieir lirajion, lugRlor, kicking 
Nrtel auil dumli lien crras; IVo. \. Heno and Kva 

..").*'• "»?«• and rsrolring Uddor; Hlalr, Keair 
and Iteno, cluwni; P*»uuoa' Urienial TToum of 
Jaiw, saveo m nntnoer, doing elgOl dlircrent senaH- 

""If?"! ITof. Kano, whh lilt trained elopbanii 
i»f\.' "J.'.""'.'""!!'"'!' '■aonou balls andkeavt 
welgbl.: ilie. Uila, Willi ber trick bonwMp,.; 
■me. Buwinan aod bar troupe ot trained dogs, ibe 
Harrotia .Slateiv. UliUe, Rfa and Annie, itaiMi); T. 
J. UAimap, iTlih bis educated horses, iranles, and 
muip; Aldine and Alda. female conlonionlsta: Huo. 
Millie, njlog percbo: Madelln* Mnriay, meuaga act, 
TS 'y "fi I'ocliing male, Jotcmlah. Toe con- 
"•»»• Oua Blair, Uadlo l)a. 
•Iilsoo, Mill mil. Bob (itonaell, Sallle Lincoln, Hen 
Harren.Aldlne and Alda, Blllr Ulkasstl, coocliid 

f"-"'!" "J,*"^"^"- ""Od: T. Cooney, trader; 
^•J- "•'»'«'■• KlmerSiwara, V. B.ara. 

f*",'.^^:"^- Veager, Dcrt Wutson and 
'oedealr. Tbeanne.x coniabii cagea ot animals 
and Ijlrdi ot the raieat kinds. Ifof. M. !'. Bow. 
U*"' ."'?"*' ™«lol«B aod Panel! and Judy; 
Bra. Julia Bowman, aerpeni queen and lady 
intler; Banej Usldmn, tbe man with a 
omken neck: tiska /.unia, utinocd wou. 
djr, and rauda Custa, tbe buman pin ciisblnn. 
>vo have bad aoue very aeiere winds, but have not 
Onil a blow down. I'a Frencbj baa cbarge of tbe 
canviis, with elgbt asslsianls. Wni. Jacoba, boss 
l>n<lii-ity nian, wlili tbreo luslitanis, and U. Sto. 
vens bas cliarge o! stock, wItb two assbiianis. Tbe 
Miow has made a veiy successful Houiboru trip, 
u. B. union wan geneml conlnactor, and had 
cbargo of tbe adrance. Tbe show wsa wall adnr 
Used and rrnresonted, tbertfora we base bad good 
liuslneaaallVlnlar. Allarnroll. 

IkiKuiuR UwM. bave engagid |ieoplo tor tbe lout- 
mg suson ot [Km as follow: j, Sloan I'l'nr, iiiii. 
alcal director: Jaa. A. Ualcom, composer ana aong 
wriier; Sloan Kdwanli, bauo; u. A. Illbbard, slack 
wIit; Dtda Walker, soabrelia; U. T. Walker and 
Hire, comedy atctnb; AugnalUH Tuner, alto; \Vm. 
UcOurl, IH»8 cauTOs man, and two nmlsiniiia; W. 
O'llom. Krcd Kvans, urooms; I'rot. Win. llonjamln 
and wife. In cbarge of anue.v: W. II. IHibo, uiHtor 
and dull swIOKor; Doc,''lloi«l do llonheor." 
rnif. lllbbstd vlll do open air wire act and W. U, 
Uiike II club awluglng act for free open ulr attrac 
Hon In front otsune.v. Sereral praresslooal rlslion 
called recently and were loud In ptwbio ot tbe new 
wagona Tbo drcoratloua an pronounced splendid. 
A nolo wagon li In nroccsi ot completion hero 
wblcb will lie a novelty. 'Ibo front baa elevated 
seat, Willi bandsome snnstiado, and on cacb aide of 
scat crane neck drsgona project, elalnrately carved 
and glided, over a rlcli blue panel, from which ap- 
peals a bugr tiger bead, wlib red inoutb o|ien, wbiw 
tasks gleaming, a perfect picture ot magnlOcent 
feiudty. Tbe name, "Bunbeiir lima.' Now Hodel 
Show," e.'clenda fall IcdrUi of tide, and by an 
Ingenious arrsngoment, atur poles are unloaded, 
two long seats, to Hicommodale ten to fuorteen 
moalclsns, can bo Insiaiitly put In position, and 
two »lik ilamlngo colored diapencs, emlilazoiied 
wllb Ibo Oral name In gold, adjusted to conceal the 
frame of iho polo wagon, tiaoKfurms It Into a very 
Hue looking bind wagon. We will bave nine 
wagons and twenty beau or slock. 

TUE si'ir of U. llsrnuui Soeley against llie e.xecii- 
tore of ine P. T. Baruom eaiste came up Feb. 14, In 
llildg(|iort, CU, befoio Judge Ueorge tv. Wbcelor, 
in tbe ouperlur (kiurl. Ur.ileeloy i lalma (r.,0«o ai 
proOtsof ilie llarnuin A lliltoy Sbow durtag 18IU. 
rne eiecuioia have lefuwd to allow lila cUliii. The 
dupctlor IXinrI decided ibnl Ibe execnlon had dls- 
cicilosaiy power, and tbo Huprenio Uoun uplicid 
this finding. Hr. Seeley's cunuHel areert tbai Ibo 
rxeculors arc evading nia claim and wlllfally ihls- 
Intarpieilog tbo decision. 

bbsB. CAsmoNi has signed for tbo cotnlog season 
10 un with Ibe Great Wallace Bliow, to do her 
orlsTnsl ring master set. 

UiLFoati Oinctn Notes.— Mr. ilelford purolumed 
a tloo span of horses Inst week, to be uactl for tbe 
iiand wagon. He also second a new ticket wagon, 
Kveryono abont Iho Winter iiuaitcra la working 
bard, as we expect 10 open the utiter pan of Apill. 
Prof. Untr's band wlU bo a feature no.vl season. II 
will Includu twelve u»n and Hullle Belford as 
comet aoloiHi, 


dhow.— Ererytblog Is golsg on finely nt bOid(|iiar- 
Ion). Prof. A. W. llcO<viBlck liu purcbaa:d four 
more Arabian stallions, making eight ho has 
trained, not Including lbbe,llio pony that dosa rope 
walking. Wo bave secured Leo Bros.' side Bbow, 
a nliie pole double deck, and a OOfi. top, FuLuwIng 
Ui a C4>rrect rtister: Alex. UcCortnlck, manager; 
Frank UcUomilck, Iraasuitr and Ucket seller; Wa|. 
ler >lci;onnlck, advance, wllb four aaslslania; LoiiU 
rolbort, boas canvas nun; llolacber Family, reinm 
act, double liYipa, etc.; Pnt. IKIIly and troupe of 
tweiro educated dogs; M. Uunklin, Juggling and 
balancing; liovlne and Booth, etiulllbrist. Hying 
rings and conlonionlut; John and May derail, slag- 
InK snd talking clowns; Albeit Uaston, knockabout 
clown; Air. Morton, niasager ut concen; W. U. 
Boidciie and band of ten muuthpleces. We carry ■ 
uofL round lop, two autt. inlddri pieces; have ea- 
larged 10 eighteen wagona and slxiy head ot stock. 
Frsnk McConnIck baa gone In Masalllon, 0.,|.isee 
alKioC buying a band vsgon, pole and Uckot 

Lou tiKsiiiu, aide sbow omtor and announcer, 
who has bern Identified vllh IbsBaniuntft Uilisy 
Show for reveni years, baa been re-esgaged for Ibe 
season of l<<t«i. 

I'li'L L.t UiKui, opeiallc bass", and Johnnie 
nngbis, comeiiln, boib of III Ueoir'a tllnstnls 
bave ilgned tor the tenting season with ibe Dlefsn. 
bach bhow. 

ASNs Wkst, llgbl wire poifoimer and race rider, 
bas algned wim Waller I.. Main's Ciroua fur ntxl 

Korn nou Moijjk i. niiikv'a amor.. Mollis 
A. Bailey, sole proprtetoi: We are playing to large 
boilneas In Texas. W'e bave twenty wagons, sixty 
hesd of horses snd Iblrty'Ilve people. We have 
among our attrsctlons I'rot. Daylngion and his 
trained ponles,alileen In number, the finest trained 
stock In tbe world; slao BIrdle llany aod her won- 
derful trained birds. 

Nuns t'Buy tus Wxian Ilioe.— In snswer to our 
t'i "sd." we received over two hundred lelteis. 
Lale addlilnna for nest season are I'rof. II. 1'. 
Ackenunn'aCbatlenge hand, of twelve mouthpieces; 
Ibe lielsaboa, king aod iiaeon of tbe air;- Mile. 
Urltn, ladreqniiibilit, daucing barrel and magic 
■able; Prof. J. K. JUot, trained dogi, ponlei and 
uick nmwn; rrlnce Kimmlskl, ibe loan ol uuny 
tonni, and James Uorsn, equestrian director, Ke 
havealinnd new oulOi.tufi. top, wlih two auli. 
middle pitcei, aod evenllilntwlil ablns clean and 
bright from stake to bale ring. No expense or 
Islur will be sparnl la put the llolden Bbow In con- 
dlllon tor our next HCaaoD, which liegina at Un- 
cssler, 1^., April Is. 

OsxL Ci.aia'a Miutirt Uikd will ho one ot tbe 
ttatona or tbe llaraum A Ualley Bbow ilie comlog 
atason. Two complete acta of new aod cosily usl- 
forma have been nnrcbased by tbe fflanageuient, 
and Ihe band wUI lie dressed second lo none on lie 
road. An entlRly new oanuscrlpt pmgraDoe bas 
been caitfully smiged by Prof. J. A. Kmid/ and 
lu. Ohallaway; besides this, all iba very latrat 
popslar aira and best pnbllcstlons for inllltsry 
bsnd will be played dorlog Ibe aeaaon. Hand con. 
rcns wlU be given upon an elevated slags In the 
rrntre ot thu Urge canvaa prevloua to each per 
formance, teatuilug Iho young lady comet Mr 
too«i«, Jessie Millar. 

HuiBMAN T. Wiavcn. enpbonlnin player, bai 
signed fur next season wllb I'mt. T. U. l/uiig, mnal. 
cal director for HelU Bros.'Sbowa 

TBI KsBL 8ISTIU will close shortly ibeir four 
moaiba' eng.igomenl wllb ihe tirrlu Circus, In 



Wleblla.— At Ills CiBWford Oisnd Mnrala J. 
Oari«r.*'n>. DsfaolUr" BS*. a (f»>l pfrfumitac. lo 
s «.ll fltlsd dohm fib. II. *V.stf.d" |.'.r. a r.tum as* 
gageoast 3, aod Him*. "I'bcIs Ton'sCsbla" coaasS. 

81. {.oai. —Tbo ibMirtcsl event o( Iba season 
Wis tha .DiaRYuifBI ot lUsry Itrlog aod BllsnTatrr, 
but Di>i*iiii.i.aolDs tbi. .:rdoB siirsciloo tba otbsr 
biinmi ilht Imrly vrIL 

llHiMitii'SNA l!oi-SB.-llenir IitIdii and U.teaT.rry 
did ainiiiinJuu. butla.M lulwMfe, Ihe HTsn iwrorui. 
anr«i I fnilnK n.t>n>uiiiacy lain ih. liiMifsllian avsr ba- 
l.r*. iii|i.itnn- «.*; ' Tha u.rrbsBI or VsBica," 
MoiUay; '> (iun.1,1" anl "Hia Mis" TasKlsr: 
"Klsg Art.iir," IVnbiaalaj, Tbuiklay unl rrldir ; "U.r. 
dual ol VmiIcv." Batuiil.y maiiiwo. and "BmVh" Halor 
dsvnlslti. Ths|t.rlurai.Dc*i* «.ra ta* 
c.lvf«l, .ivl 31r. Ir. l.a calM nut ri.r a B|t.ocli slMeh 
on.. tiMlif.iipporllnB com)i«D^ fimok i^Ki|>.raiHl Julia 
Arthur rmtlvsil lb. inu.1 pr.1.*. TfiU tm., N.t (t. 
UnmlivlD will |.r«*.itt "AniUtlnii," • |.i tilinmrl," "A 
(IM«1 ro.1 " aati "UstU llanUk.'' "NoiUi.ia LigUu' 
folios ^ 

tiLvsriu III BATBS.— "Ills r.i.l rsnl" I. lb. corfval 
slinolluik Willi t'Um Moifl. 10 follnw. Wni. Itnay, la 
"Til. OkiU Tnui.r," ilKl a Ikir «««k*. buMewM, ihouBh 
hi. plar VIS illMPiMtlDilaa. Bob iBBarsoll iMtur*. f.o. 
ISoQ "rn.n.UnoB. 01 K.llh " 

llitlix OrBBA llavita.— Tin Uurphr. In "A T.lss 
Bl>.r." rin.dwl 11.* hi<u»e .11 vwh. so'l vs. wall I*, 
cslvrd. This a..h, "Oolmtmlco'. SI All." Rlchald 
M.nMIHO. la r.Kilo'y Jl-ls. 

ftT.:<PAiii TUHATHK-lrvIn Bra..' Bis Ppselsltv Co. 
did . naa hu.lo... 1..I .s.k. .nd mad. a hfl. Webor A 
rtaVlk'^iii furatidi^l l>r MBnu|.r 
Ball-r ihiB wffrk. I'lshl. A lUumn'. Draalos Canls 

llAviiyi) TinuTBa-KnnLBo.b, In "fllrl Waalad." Ii 
the drawins mil lli'. *wh..Bd will boaaOl Naassor 

tlairn MonU.y dIbIiI. IIiao. L.Oa«ll,sa Ahln Joalla, 

'llhlB.. •HlHVM Il7ll0).l" did A (PMvJ WBOk'. bU.lBSA.. 
K«H1H*. Al.HAHSaA rALAi'S tllBATaB.— Mu.lcal MA' 

MiiL v.raoy Ba<i Ku.f»IL Uakn aod AlUoMlonnan aod 
na'di^ vr.liAr. mnsr., Tiiay ray, John Wlll'smv Viol.l 
K.h.r.uiili Tiiora, TllllaOolllBS, Fiiak U irayaod lbs 


I.AHDB5 TiiBATsa— The VlriorollK Ihs llnmlH. Lids 
•nipk Ivf HOfU, IMIIn. awl IMlIai^ WiM. lod Ifsr. 
H.<Mi. 11.11 aod Talool, Mlla. Kills MIm Knimosd, aad 


hAW iVNigi-c.- llurl.v aod llurlar, the Kh.m*. Ih. 
la imaHUn.ns Ihs Oll.a l^lldcwl, Dot KLUr, Jlio 
Craabr, il.i kirk, glllr AaIiI.7, llsary KlUvonb. 

BSTixrs THaATRK.— Ptomendii and llnioado. N.ll's 
Adam.. Ui« HdiBaS.r^ llsllls IlirUoo, K.lUr Broa, llol 
IMiiiAy. Billy LacM.. 

K.w l'Aki.\u.-Ths Mill., Mll>« Muta, U.Ma Psrt.r, 
I'mm Pnohlln, Jmm Adaut., Ma Wsrosr, Usude !..«, 
"arrl. PfM.)-, Mlho lllRBlD.aad .lock. 

uiHwir— Mn. W. A.RoU, lon>i*rtr propri.lrsM of Ui. 
Nov Csjlno, Add ahn liHib a oaoili«ri)fp«rronn*r. from 
hoto lo i!rippl. i; roiKiru Ihst .It. oiBila a suontMhil 
trip Ih.i., idAyloaoD.olBhl.IiodB, And h looalwl lo a 

■lAochallal Vli'tor, tnurnil.. Irooi Crliipls llrMh 

Il«i. TaIIkii Iib. ratiirnkl fnint K.tiAAA Ollr. Aft.r so sli. 
■i-.c.orona yrnr, .nil will JoIb band, with Tom 11.11, 

op.aliiirAtili. UAid.n TliAAir. 7..B0 la UylDK on 

li«m rorprsollr. W. J. TlTnin.rniAa, Iroaauror fur 

lh« h.wUomriuo. bnalwMi OB Iho alok llal Ihe put l«o 

VMS. lolin M-ty. ror nny fSAna M.olcarti.l. dl*] 

I.\olcu9ca.don of Iho brain Mrs. Kah.r ha. com- 

pMtad air.nR.m«nlArur)ia.loKlhal'AlAr. Tho.lrs pslau 
rd and out. lb. work lo Da fomiiloi.d April I. Tlis 
Ksaary will .iMt hoiviialulal. niAlilnB IhlA Tarioly Ihs- 
AtralhenB.AIaod lan.^: tn Ihs ally. 

Kasiaaa Cllf — At Ooaloi' (ipeta House last 
wMk jAin.s fl'N.ilL In "Moola irrtiMo," "llAiuUI." 
"l.'uarl.r or Lron." siij "Virslolu.," aoJiiyMl a fair 
wMiA'A tiiialnea.. It WAA Ih. flra Urn. ha Iiaa prea«al.d 
"lliunl.l" mid "trntirlor or L|on." Ii.r., and cobm- 
<1.rallyllierliroiiK)il uul hi. larASM hoUHa. Tli. hoUM 
will ho dark Ihla woob. Willi III. nicidhiB of 17. whoa lha 
lilub.a loTBl iiiu*lcal oraaaliAlloii, will iiiro a 

uBioa — Tbla ws«b Itlctisnl MBBBAold. Ahsr sn 

lia«nc«or thrra Muon.. will N>l>aar in lil.ohl auccawM, 
B^Au Rromm.ll," "rriiica Karl.*' "A raH.lan Kumaoc." 
aatl "Or. J.byl snd Mr. Ilyda." "Anna soilUisa.o" 
aair*Tla Rtory of Rodlun'^ A big ws.h'a IwaIosu I. 

USAMD uncRA tinriia— tJial wa.h Psnnv Hloa. lo 
'NAoor al Ihe Kraocli Hall," liAil a Tary wsab'a liual- 
lAio. Th* Tliunday iiiRllDie aa. an aicapllnh.llr Iaib. 
00*. Til. WMh .Byraoa Rro. * "Blshl Ball.." and BSAl 
aoab, flu. Ilaaso, in "A V.Diilas V.nilaiiiaD." 

M\TS RThSBT TllBATRB-l-aal w..b '■IHImoBlco'. al 

' AtuietiMl raih.r pmAll ThI. w.ak llsn't 
Holly, In "A Uaclialor'a Vlva^" and D..I WMb rrank 
Biial,. lo ' Ulrl W.nlrd." 

IIILUS— l«.l wafk A. V. I'oaraon'a lUoch (!o., Ib 
ijia.1 iif lh« Mhlnlshi H<ta." '-Toe Pollfia falroVaod 
Th. «blli>lli|ii.dron." wasb. Ilila WMb 'Hi 
I'liiHkAMl." And B.xt WMb BaAcb A Btiw.rW Mlnalr*la. 

Ciit.i.scii.-^onnI. Cl.rb, HaoklAv, Laa MllllK.n, 
OrUni!.!. Lorallik dray, IjoIavI. Vafiioo and Ward. 

ITUITBKIMIM — Uiinaa.r Ixalsa and "Tlio Uofaulur" 

(Ut. pABpod ihroiiab 13 Al Wllllaiii. and AL 

AliMH. twn Kao... nlly N ifA. nl.mhorA or lbs llAahAllao 
ViiHr. ar. Tl.rilnB Irl.nda h.ra llil. Tb.r loAva 
bare for HllwaukM. Wis. tt. lu rrJnlB Ihalr Kiluara. 

JAMin K. Ralabtn, lf.iaur.r ol Iho Uraatl, who lias 

b«in ill for III. pa.l l.u d.)A la onoa olora allil. po.1. 

fid.fllrniia. Ill "A fonl for l.ilab." .Iiaot laal Huc- 

darlu lha rllv "rii..BllKlr of LlfayaAbow laban 

oul of U.t BMaon by Al. Rlrada. will S" i*ol aaalD 
BBil lOAViR. tiBdar Ihs namo of "A SrlwilISc Dootor." 

... .'The Ultlsr" wa. kIvsr bora on 16. Iir kioal ulani. 

....Til. KoloniallbibirAro aconeartal Ifia Lii-ouio IS. 

....III. lIuiruuB gaarl.l bads ai Woalpori Iaai WMb. 

R(, Josaiib.— Al Tuolle'H 'Hieatie Jno Uwilioro, 
■J "A Kool for Luck," plwaail A .mall Aii'llaBca r.h. U. 
'FlabI HoUa" com., lu n l>lg Rilvaiica Rata I.. Iloa. lloaso, 
n "A Vaouina VoDtlamaa." 71; Horxluili'. "Kau-t" SI. 
*3l.^lco" soil "KrI.oda" play a rttuin .OBaxSlii.nt t^, 
mAILoaani] oislii. 

i.'Hjirrfi.p'H 1 ii.ATRK.— Tbo bootnl to Its 
Man.aer Noru>B. ol lliw Mow.. .1 llila houaa. IS, prom. 
iMa lu ba a sranl .ucc.... Tli. ail.anea .ala I. Tory 
Un«L BBd lha B. It O .Isn will no doubt ba dl.pI.Ted. A 
Biiiini! apKlally bill will l* sInn, wllh llio OiIiowIbii 
voluoMira: Vuiiiis awl Trso. Hllr.r And Lllll.n UruaR. 
ntin.Hllli. H.rolla. Alll. Wabwi.r, Prsok Jacoba, Jofca 
and Oarroll. jQl.a OlTonr, Koocl. sod yullaiton, Maria 
Pdoi, i:iiA.. Thompson. Maal Uandollo Club, Bdoa Hoa* 
liacb. and r.aaion Bnia * B'iiIbk Kans'iroo Krank. A. Y 
Paaiwn'R Ht/>cb Coiiipaay coin.a 17. lr>r ona wMk. orw- 
wnUna "Tbo IVbllsK'iiildion." "Land of lha HPIbIbIiI 
Bud," "Tho Pullc. Palntl." "Tba MldnlRliI Al.ini." "Til. 
Ihirkr Haaeol" BBil "Tba I'lostsr." "HiBbad" IR booked 
torSI, Kaus PouamflS. 

Kba.i Bi-abs — BubIoh. laat wask wsa >ary Mllafaa 
lorr. T)i. |.«o|d. lor a.Rk of 17 aro: Jaco>ia Pamlly, 
Xiyfo and <;Rrroll. Prol. Iliiialna and wir., Bihar Hlai 
ti larl.l. AO'l Ubioo Srea.* bviloa Kaokaiiio "Krank." 
KorKM -I. M UrawfunI U In Ilia oily fur a law day.. 

KraBk LoBoo, ui Laiiiuo llrua.' IMraiifs caiiio up 

Iran Kanaas City Ui altaod Mansgsr Harlla'A bauaSt. 

Hprlagaeld.— TBS Brand bad Milton's Musical 

Courdy i;o„ hi poor bullnoaa, Pr).. 10-IS. Ilobl. II. hilar. 
lIlKltiiaA IS. nn HhahaapMrw. Bubarl Uownliig roui.a 

TbB llaldwlu lus h«.o dsrb lha pa.i waab, bal 

will nroaanl lha flh.rwo^l CuneanUo. U Hu.lo lisll 

bAR li.d aica:laBI pstlQUAgs Uia past VMb. No oaw ^ 


Naalivlllai— At tb« TtiMlr« Veodomo Vnnnf 
Darenport aoil ber feprrb ppxlaciloo of "Qianiooda" 
WM the aliracilon Kab. MAi. Tbe nrat perromance waa 
loliare, >*h«a place II, but oirJoic Ut Uie fact ilial naa 
unlr la Died on lha iiaieer ihla hitiiae,n0d Mlia Daven- 
pfvt'a pruducilcn re'ialrea ihe um or eteoirlclif, toe 
oMolnirerromiabcn ■aai>okipone4 unUlia,aou to gat 
ihaatnye lallv e<ialpp«<l •lib aleeirio llghia. The bnil- 
oe«a (lone was i«mI. iiat O'lt na UfKe a« the merlii of iba 
(•mldctinn warraiilvd. Tie aiaalDB naa Uyoeeded lo b» 
lha moit atabfirai* erar pot on here. Nelbouroe 
Uicliovell am blllr ei'le to appear at uoa perfurM 
abcM, oaacomai of aarar* alUcburrheamatJkia. Hie 
r«Je»u Ukan liv (^aureoi neei, vho uccuplaaamlaor 
ututtluolntiieoiiinPBnr. He bad rtefar played Ilia part 
Mailt and had oDiroMa raliaanaL 'rtii recalred math 
pral*e Ta^r iba capable manner in vhlrli ha auauloed il>« 
rvl.>. Hoht B. Manirll coniaa 17, in. MnOjaafea vaa 
baoked for 19. aX but, en aecooBl or llloaia, baa ehaniail 
liar dm* unill March. Ilerrmano la due ^oUxi. ll,UaUs 
K«l Bl. Nat (luodalo 1J. "The f rlraie Itorratarf " ti. 

Naur MifHi:<iu TimiTRK.— fio tbe Mlailailppl" cane 
111 II. and had Wftvi UtOM*. Ollvar Doud llrrna had bir 
iMvlneti 13 "Tlie (III I L*ii Hatilod," 13, drev wall. 
Uflbi. Oo«iiloi pntMOttvl "The nU'lIa'oi" and "lofu. 
mar." II, 15, to fair Imtlnaaa. It<laan] llarrlvan mmaa 
17, It. Clara Nurria n. "J/VOd oftJie LlflDr'77. KiiUnd 
Nm4 91. t). 

<Jba:ii» Ufkia TlortR.— I'lihet'e "Cold liaj" ooraea IT. 
IV'rheTornad(.*'JMI. . . , . ^ ,, . ^, . 
rtnufLHT Uovjiiiisi bai dellaltalr dacMed oo hia plana 

aod rwHrtorr for nmv ftiaMia. All ol t>ia plat a wblch ha 
li pruduetnv nov will he r«i(rnl,aadliia reperinrr ■111 
9ioalai irriinljr laojilar*. Thar are "Tba Wire oi 
Mllatui" aod 'The Cati of Ihe NarraiaDialt'." Tlie 

9ioalai nriinljr laojilar*. Thef are *^iia 
Mllatui" aod 'The Cati of Ihe NarraiaDial- . 
fiirmarla arlwHcal Hraelao druna, aoi tiia UUarIa a 
U»r laid durloR lha feriuo daya. and deala wlili ihe 
Milr hUtory or Aniarlea. Botlionhau plecMwIll Im 

Sitan ail fUt/ira'a prtdoetJoa, ud ell) be prodiioad at 
raahfaium lo (Wipiepber. 

H«mphla.^At tbB OrEDil Oprn Home Oliver 

Brron.ln 'lha Vpm ind Itowoa or LI f"," bad mulefala 
t«iroDatie r«li. Itl. II. ' Oa Uie Mla«luippl,"». IS, rire<l 
no i>eiiar ihao the prec4<linx aliracilon. "Frlactae Bon- 
ate" «a« veil recalvd.aDil did an aieallaotbqNlnia«r, 
r. 'Ibodirlf L*rt Beblod He" came 11, for two olabU 
ind fnanml tiaRMMl hnyra. Uae: MaaloiD Tip'CM Or- 
thaatiftir. lM>t. IKiaitlOf 11, IP, ISdvard IfarrliM »• 
D. Iivuae dark U. O, Holaod Heed », IT. "Ibe UAtTof tt»e 
Ll»lni"S«.». ... 

NBV Ltcbch THBiTaa.— IfeiopljU aioauora oceapted 
Ihe bui.M U, It. Dafhoiaa r*l|0«d fl-e. Robl.U«Blalt 
upeDid IB, In ^'Muobara." lo a fair huaaa. He If bi pre' 
Mot"rhelloaiwi'1"l4and "Nailile f lean" at m«uM« 
It. Ittreciloiia blltai: Tlid Murplif 17, llernouB U-W 

CliBflB»«og».*At Ihe Keir Open IIoom 

Pnnrh RoberlaOB elo*ed hb«eak'aea|<|(eBaDI Pah tl lo 
ftUrc* h')uea. IsMlian Lewla piajad to a fuUhuaaelu. 
•Tliffdlrll Left H«biBd Me" drew a hlr aKeDdaae* lo 
Ihe fnallnaaaod varp fair IQdlaoee Blabtof 13. Robt. 
llownlntfdldago«MbaaliiMa|]. Ro'^ed Reed eama to * 
w^IIHUmI hoaae U Tbe Dikmoad (Jiaai%iVi.. booktd for 
■eekofSi, caBceUdbacAqaeel lllaauoftbeleadlDiiUdp. 

Tha 9ml BMh of thm XIad. 

f/vm The .Vocvar AMdap Tlmft. 
Whaa f on rm \t In TiiB CurrRH. Ii'a ao, TiiB CLirriB 
ASki'At I'tr "M la a valuaiila rrietauro boAb. euoiaiauii 
UmuicjI, uoalflAl aad tponloi chrmibloglai for IM. If 
U the iMOi look or Ibe klod pabllabed. 



are BelllQ(readp (nr Ihe romlue tonilnff vo-wm, Wit 
«UI here k lew TOIt muad top. wlUi a UO. tiiMdIa place. 
W% win uiaa aiai* Inataad ota rloR, on-l lutre new acen 
err. Roaier up to iho praaant: Burton A Uarroll. pn*. 
prletnfK; Pn>r. Bloat, maakkl director; Olajrlun Kaaiir, 
btacb bee eomedlan; Vlrnle MaKroy, roealht; tA Poiliit 
Bddla,cblU performer; Ute Adami Htaiara, mnaloil per- 
iomera;S L. Burton. b*ri*«rrorn)ar; Juhn (birrpll, tluh 
a«|dR«r; Wm. Aawrer, Dulch aid lri«h oomrdian; ilmnt 

JA&dUa •tack wire tteri'dmer; L% Pearl Bluer*, enn^ an.l 
aaoa team; Bulr Wf«H, bar i«rAinner: llMrp Adam*, 
bow piDpertr man, wllb i«o aMiitanij; il. Land la, bo^:* 
eUTaamBD, wliU initr auiitanla. 
t>)ta.TV. r.i'Mux haa MiomI lni>t nasniUtlona wlih 

(lor. RIeliania, of WpumlnB, Iri rffuninrp in ihe iliul 
amD|ahi«alatbraci|ii[rlPg tlllti nn<lar lh^ Car^yjiAMii 
tLUIaereaol lABdloth* Bis Horn Uaiin, which dd. lU^y 
and hlaaaaarlalaa wlllpuluodor Itrlaatlon aod odnnlin. 
tlie Interirr DeMTIiiient haflni appntvad the avlecilmi. 

Xnrn i^oh PHaM'n'HiiixiiATin.'v, 1 — We rlikaad In 
Now nrleana. La, Pe)>. K. aa many or ihe perfunn^ri* 
wUliad In erjn* llatdl tlraa. and wIlnM lha ntarloit 
pelade aa<«u Ktni Mex m ih# iraie* ul ilmoMy. Va 

[leotu on kananba Hirer. vhiiwIoB III the lov\na on this 
do. Kaniiioky, (irai*n a^l lll'aln(|>|d Hltf rc Wo i^vn 
0 huodtetl ind ona parfiirmaocaa. Wn had In hand 

nod ordiHtn thirleoo perMwa, with lhlrla«>n on . 
atan, and alt *fntiH«cn*M a inarrlaKo laajii. Thrro 
har«ii«enila hundretl nou ri>viy per*nna«n«aB«il nn iNn 
naoaalloni, tnakloB ilia tflpKnuili, with nu l<«^iii lire i>r 
llmh, aatl all eaBerly ini\«)<lni thn>e itiouaaiul elKhtlniu* 
dead and alahly haw yhik CurraHK 

Hahbv OAi.uni-<( Norn.— Allrr a ihrr^ w»«b«' re«l nt 
Winter iiaartera, wa lake our ilapailiiia ror Virkihnrtf. 
M(M.. lA, wheie wawlll o|>en our enmReiitrutlhrro with 
Mr. tTilhoun'a caonon ici. We haii> >M>un>«| inrnrM 

^ilit ynunaeat lamale ae rvniui on aaiih. All arn 

aiOATiDR ffnoit liMltli anil anllcl|«ta pro-pvrliy. 

lYlwortORa PutiTR aod broihnr had Ihe iiilinirlune f*l 
hulni aome Jewelrr aod lanry anlclaa hy ihn burnlnn (>r 
lha Hterllhi llot»l. Lititanipart, Ind., on Keb. 11 Tlivy 
niantKoO In rave iheir iMBitRe. 

NiircN muH TUB l.<iTtH.'«ATM».f ai. Pocn ~T1ili la nur 
aaToaili week In llatnllinn, H'liiiuda. nn'l huilnou 
■rawa evry ul|hl. (la Hatnntay nUlit la*l i«i>j>l<i 
onwdail Iniit Uia tent aniil ltwaaa«iritllihai Die tU\* 

wall had lo be dri>M^> xh) urar lira liitiidreil tinrti 
- - thli 

If. . - ..- 

U Utranaaad HaRortr* In ibair return art. AMntuHlilt 

„ -- ... WW.. _. . _ _ 

tumMlaway. The 81 r four, thU yt4r, eonniaia nf lliin- 
lar. Ltimoa, Krink and llairr<r - - 

The ftitiiip nriiiovhow 

hlM botn rerv laiiiy and ooM, hualnau haa tmnn Mt(. Wo 
raium to New York nMut April We Hie (lie Her 
miiJjana xftf luurli. aihl Irani ilie Itualneaadune ue |iin> 
■unia Ihey are plaaaiHl wlih iia. 

tJRBTIll'liR flUHtDTTA i'lA^Kl, B lloit Uliiar, VM 
clanedODil ■ennoibr liU'rftI h> Neni, an n|*il linn, dtii. 
loR an eihlblllwnle nUlnneaiHilla, Minn., nniMiiiti i<n 
Pah. II. Tlie alTalr oiutwl apanh In Iheaiidllnrhint, %n>\ 
tbeenrtale WAN niiiidovn. rruniplnriinn on ihe part 
or lha Bttandania, pntKatily. *ri all ihat aared Nni*. 
I'latika. It lannniiunnad that ahe will uiuloutiriilly re. 
eovfr ttiilf w htoAil jiola«iiln4 ahmihl uccar. 

TltK llR.flilRiHi.t A IIAIBB Co. are roiilail Ihmuiih Marr- 
land anil raoitiylvinlfc The K. of P. L»il|i>, of Ml. 
I^anuel. Pa., held Iholr iiinUamry on Keb 13, end liirl- 
latliioiwareextebtird in lha nmireiif. Uaiiiln Hakrr, 
rendered aaiina chuleoaalerilone. whlrti nern hUhlr ai*- 
preclaind, and »)ie vw praieiiiftl wlihn handaoinaimi- 
ale ca*a. 

Nanaiiib IIili.t RiittitL and hia wife, of Itniaira tUn\- 
ireuoiHoraltUa na Kab. IB^ save a inniplunue vpreail 
lolhemanitiare of Ihalr ciiai|iaiiy, lha occanion i>alri« Hm 
Ural annlvarmry or ihalr marrlaae. 

naHTilfiMiliBV NoTBM.— Hy iiaw almn ta now (lin Ilna«i 
no the mail, earryloji leeiuy hor4ea, iwaniy pe4i|ilii, ttnki 
band end orche«lra, and a nral claaa C4>iiipni y ni prrri<nii- 
era. TIta larieat oara In Auwtica, Td Tpai In lonulh, liulll 
to nnlrr. andcoit •.^■iOloach. hrefyihlnw la ii^w. 

Iliw-BU.aNBni'HHHiiwti.— KInkaiwMi In-llan Hivlialpofii., 
No.O, tiiorlof Hu»i|tHliinnK niHl Hrailinnl riiiinili>4, 1^, 
lo hiB bualneie, liaio Hie ridhnrlnR maipr: Ihwv /.htiya, 
iHclurvr; Ura. Xhaya, aouhrailn: Lnhi llrnwrn, chlbl i-ci- 
rumiPi ; Hljr Alrlmi. luurikal dirtmior. Indliiia: lisiiuio 
KM, HtJir LIrIiI niid Hdritr Hixm. Wo hat n Ihwii nut ("f 
Iburiaaa waakaanil (ha man lo vliliamniinuaa in put Iti 

an npftMraoco on Hitaday It-atar nf /. iril IdiIUh 

MailUlnaCo., Nn. SM, now iimrlnji .New Vorh Hieie; Ur. K. 
Halaa. Ivolurer and miiutfar; Hia. K. H«la«, irrawirrr: 
Ltn KloTaneir, iiildK*t oiiiiiwIUu; fllnk I'jm*. IriMh iml 
Oalrh eoniailian; Mailer Wllle Slniiluinr, llittir^w hb>1 
VanLae nunedlan ; lUll Hkllllii, alank « Ire and anml«i, 
atMnanl danra; Wllllariadn. rnninrdoiiUt end lra|xM, 
and Murray and Hyen. ekeirh laniii. HuainnM Iukc-I, 
coniMerlnBthoktiiniir weallmr. Dr. K HwUr pravrnlMl 

DIcb I'yne wllh a nna pli>e VrU, lu In a h<lliir rpHii 

rnriiiprni«iul»era or llm guakar SImllrtiie llo. ilmy rr)iii. 
pUlo Ihat Dr. W. V. %H*inu»» daaeriMl and lh»iii 

Urnntlete In Arkaaaaa Noiea irviii Dr. llliio 
ouoiilo Jifo: We are illll In canip al Nnwburv, 
ri U. fluiliieaaBfioil. La«t work hanl rain nn 13, rliirtt 
than the aoaihar lua liean fine. Tlio di>rioi*a liiiln 
Iny, lire ninnlha nhl, liaa lha hiHiidnu rmiili. Mr. Do 
PoriaaihtaonhlairpAae iralni Bfaln, harlhv nanrlyrn- 
corer#il liuin Ihe nil haRLt but HiOHlnr "aeh. llmlui 
Bad Uurton, unrnear lMin<l and mciiaiiiK IvadniH. liKro 
aotrrdquliaahli hare wllh their mtiilralacl. InatKid i,( 
pkylnit anlneUieywriia dueia from all the Uletl niii 
aleal aatoethtni aod |4ay Iheni on rhdlna. wuilara. l•40J•ll^ 
nandolliiaand ooriieu. liiiiiaililBit new In ihU armhui 
.n Hlflala Hiiorly ilrlllln, who waa prlnrlpal oodim. 
dlan *llh tlila Miuv for ihran yaar«L and wIni hna 
Itaen abaant fur nine ntnniha willi ^unm blia 
ptiitWH, returoe4| lut uynk, and rnnlinrluil ror 
tbo Qiiiittnar. lie Inoka allahtly dlillunrmi, hut aaye he U 
Mill In the rlBK. M. T. Muran, oTrronn ymirHltbun, 
haa had a Hra weekk* reraiion, and reiurno I ihta wreh, 
llorara More, our alaaani Tir naarlr Itra years, hnahail 
hut ihrro ilava* vacallon (he enlire ihnn. Mitalanu Wet- 
lar and wire, uy ao atoldant laat Haiuidav, aildnliiiilie a 
nurally Uithalrari. While klvli* their |iart of (lie ireu 
Wild Well, a^ Waller waa piping hia wire'a li'inte, while 
rannloB al roll Nwd. (he iiMip wont around a iiMxrira 
nook at the aama llnta |i d|il lha linri«'R. Oim pull on i>in 
n>pe hy the cuwl^iy, and th« luuro ainl horm 
tun aocurely laahnl (f>|niber. Tha Imrwe beraiin* 
frlilKaned. aad b«)itiid lha Udv'a coninil, ilaahol ('tr 
dimO theaireal Tup imatly a blooa htrora hn waa aliippwl, 
vKh (be iiaicrn handoi in hta naob. It waa )|iille aonift- 
inK ler ihn larra crowd ihat aiw It, ami iho neuro, whii 
waa tally choied and acarad, aeeatad to Im lha only'tiin 
wbo dtd uot eojuy lha fan, 


laraiinBta.— At Iho Havtonali Theiiiro IMnoli 

Robenann'a l^i., Kih. lU- 13, cams lo lame hualniM, at 
|N>pulai1prloea. "A Bowery Ulrr'folhweil lit, (iinroirhnh. 
iDaaf. Cuuiloi: UrIhiI I'a'iia Vu. weak or 17. 

Thi TNiMunkHK -New iwiple (Ida week: MaHalatlor. 
rla, Ada Hulllvan and Mlu Moore, lllg huuafn arery 

TintLi Ut'alL' IfAU. — Tlie Haeba aod Ihe Da Ith Hlalara 
onenad nlih Iho cvaipany ihla wp^h. Tha a(«iidin| routii 
aigohaa t>Mfl liunHUparery niRlita Tlio hualaaaalalliH 
lariiaat lo tbe bubvy or tha huii»«. Tbn Haeka r#MltB<l 
aaTera' calll fur Ikeir trurk. Tlie Ihi Jrea en* prlmt 
rarorltaa. Jolm Ptndy la ■ hlif hliwi'h mtr mag*. 
Manner WIntor haa a airiinK cnmiiaoy. the Iwat »arU(y 
abuwaran har* Id iunie time. Uiek Tnrnar lUapity UIek) 
baa cbarie or tlie auite. 

AtlBiilB.— At tbe(lniiiU"Allowcrrr(lrl." Foli. 

17. U. Kobart UowolflBcania luwtd II, In Rooil ImaUipaa, 
Da II llia conpioy Kara a I»eaai1i N> Ailaou I>hIo. h'^. 
W, K. of r, (llirairnrrla waa Ihe altraediin H. 10.10 lair 
atirodanc*. BoobHl: ' rrlocoaa Honnle" IP. 91. 

l.vtiit'M.-TliaHrrervtNNlUrand Opera (lu. 17, VI. Mal>el 
ral«e ckiaad a lOMiiaalnl waeb )&. 

rOLI'HltiA.— 'l^tlarler.iiriUrtarrllle." III. 

Prbtrh a DiutAsv'ft HR(:ir>li. Ilai.i, •Song rocllal, hy 
Mr. and Mra. Da rawjiuli, 17^ 


PoHlBBds^At (he MBniUkm aratitl Knilo I'lit- 

■oam played to fair bualofil Keb. I, |. In "Fife tM hUnm 
Kite," "llBOla JofS Korocehi" wniclreo for oan par- 
funnance i. Marie WalnwrlRht waa taan C-fl, I'raunilnic 
'Mn tloeiiual Match," "The Irfsva (IhaiM" and '*D4aRkler4 
orBre." llualoeia waigrMMl. "in Obi Kanlucby" (•■•anvil 
lb. Tiia (iarlcin Opera (hiiuirany will Im mmmn 1 1, I&, and 
Iba Fnwiar Htnok ll<rin|<«ny (a Iwiokod for 17-n 

foRUHar'a TiiRATKR.— ' A fair Kolrtil" waa Jilron hv 
lha Hac^nKI'icb Coinpany^S. Haalne*a <vinilnii»l vmid. 
"Unole liiolel, or a MaiMDier rnmi Jarrla Hectlito," waa 
potnn 10. 

Kbv I'ARK TiiiiTHB.— Tlie Oaorftla Mlnilral (Vrnipaor 
la hooked ror M. 

Wo)lblR(.A.*(n -HIrdle Uarrla. Jiilla tflnrhell, Hellt 
Lampre. PrenbU ntariori, Nallle Lanorp, May Min^r, 
UarrlaWlDchari. OukIo f.«nv>ri*. Mrrdo VeniMi, ti'ldlu 
Darla,Cliaa. (llhUen and Ban Vau ilora. 

A!«HRraiH -Hvlla Dewey, Valla lAnioro, Jeaila Roesi, 
Laota llnaard. .NelHa Lamnre 

LfiLirBB.— Tb* UHirra liBdy Orclieilia. 

ilBMinai. MuRiri Ham. akh Tkrathr.— VarUi/ eon- 

Biifiu'ii Ra.iorIII appiu^ I7i 1*. at Ilie Pint llaihtiant 


lfarfo1lt»«At lh« AcAdcmrAf lliulo somi biial- 
■•aa preralled thapaat week, A wall n|la<l hfHiaa wli- 
naaaad the imwtarminetitf "fba Black Crouk" Prh lif, 
nblcb wu a dliappfilntuiant la arery way. do^l huinur 
vaa reiiored br fbi'.and RMid.aho nlaiMl a rainrn en. 
ofaaiaol II, iiraatntlnji "tba PollilaUn," to a mok^l 
bona«. ConllnaoMa appuo'a neeaBaluie<l Mr Uani 
eearlDK Iperora tbe curtain Vt make a rpM^rh. Lllil«n 
MBli,M >4JI«flM|ira."rbiaad Ibe waeb'a atlradlr-ii* li, 
■bare ahe waa ir*eled hya aiwisi viimI and kor*. t^'M^k^*l^. 
:P4ndlia Allai" H't», (t'O HakleloB waea nfll. 

BU'iir THfATBI.-.Xaw |.wipte rippnlna t>e#k 17: 
Rarrr. Da»h1n|i»n and Barry, and iba Uo Ira lllk(er«, 
Baal Boea good, ^^^^^ 

RIeliBonil.— tbdAiid llMil. In '-Tio VVnninn 

Hater," waa nt tha Anadrioy n( Huahi Kwh. lU. end mI- 
iracied a larin aod d«1liihirul audiaoce. "ma lllack 

i;rwik,"ll, 13. eraw t«u ■''ol ho iaaa. bm Ihalait i<ar- 
rrroianea waa iilihdy atiandad oalni to aaTnre.rdi Ichm 
irihe P<-el I'reva. tflMani Werti*i4 imiafli, II wa* a 
rallur* InanBlAlly. Tli^ lUklwInaotXOM wmoK i^riTt "Pir- 
tdlae Allay" 21. 3ft, "A Niahi'a Prolla * ». V. 
pi'fffAua TiiraTfli i*(iiii>tva--f>peBlnc ulaht 171 
KraBiaBoult/*e, BIMIe riynar, Mamie KIloe and Jubn 
Brooha. MarlaraalaintrJ. 

onKrfitriD ON PAOB ma. 



Febbuart 22. 

Kmi'Iri TiiRAni.— a |Kirll<w o( Ilia (lock eoni- 
ptnj of iblH hoiiiio gave on I'fli. i; ili« nnt Ancr- 
Icin pi'tMntalloii o( "Htnl*Kt," t comtilf, la tbiea 
acu, b; linuiilonTliomaiaDil Itemy KeellDg. THU 
li1i>]r bu (Men » Iodk wblle lu iMclMog ihUcooDlrr, 
rorltwaiariglDailjiviHliicciI si llio Uourt TiKain, 
I/ODdon, Kdr., on iuno T, lSv2. It Is goiio lb« lOM 
voJcomc, linwover, and prolMhijr do l>ollcr Umo 
cunlil hiiTn hctn wicclcil for lin iirtMnlalloD hero, 
iM lib lirltlil, clcnnly Mi Roml oalured wit prnieil 
Tcry rffrMhlDR nflur purlaltluiv of aorae of Ibe 
Ramoj rcpania rcccDIIx iiiovUIci). Tin aloij lelli of 
■loiiinll'' dlillnalilM nrltloB from a womao'i 
jmouh)'. Too principal! urc HIr Jobii lltllOD, a 
wolllix coiiiilr; Renilornan, and bla wire. 
TiK lallcr liiu bcuonio Ln<lj llelion ptin- 
ripally <u ttn^vent ooo of hrr foniicr acfaool* 
nialtK mm IIMIdi I bat pulllOD. Tba olber 
lad/ In ihs cane Is a acir pmaencil woman, 
who, illBlllieil li; lier own wx, la an ailept In 
Ibe art of ploaaing men. Sir Joiin lovrs bla wire, 
HlitidiiKb be hna at one itioo bctn atlcnllve to ber 
•lelcslcd ilVHl, lAdxKcltoDibsvlOK married wliti- 
out being proinpicd Iberelo by love, feula Ibat slie 
Ins no right lo live with lierbiisiMnd, and Ihiro- 
rore leaves bliii almont at ilie cliurcli door, l/ive 
fur Iter Inubaiid sunn romca, Invrvcr.bnt wllb It 
•'unies renewed jAaloirsj of Ibelaily whonj she coo- 
^lllt^lllrrllval. iliiiiiKli ibourerliaa hjr ibia tlina 
iiuimtd a i<l<ilM niUlorral, the Hon. Hodley 
cbuinblplnh. HIr John, liaving failed lo per- 
HiJBde Ills wllo to live wlili lilm. beconca 
I'XssiKralol and niahra oJT lo HIr Uhartea 
Jenka, n great sullitllor, lo get a dlrorce, 
itnd there nieela Ixdy llclloo, who baa 
come iipoD tho aamo errund. Tnn ilvL-rco <>r divorco 
Isgraiilod, iliougli nui made alisxiliile, liutmauen 
un not greaily Improved. The lion, Dudley baa 
ynno lo Africa to Join hia dOar brolber. Ixird 
rowyserroft. In a nhdotlng r:(pedlllon, aon neve 
cnnwHOf hlH (IcBib, HIr John, iiownoparaledfrdm 
Ills wife hy legal liarrlera, fallH uodcr tbo apell of 
11)0 ohannlog widow, Hrv. Cliuinblelgh, butsilll baa 
H lingering aiTecllon for the wi»nian he tind married, 
lip, In fact, Hccke n rounlun with her, and aenda ber 
a written propohnl of marriage, but his letter paasea 
on IIHWayouii from Ijtdy llelion, which bmiiinclODt* 
ly hltlor 111 tone lo make Mm nropou marriage 
TO tbu charming widow, ttlio accepia bla 
■ iitor. Vllh Ibo wrillcn iiropoaal In ber poi- 
Hcaslon Ijidy llcltoo lontltules prncecdloga agalDft 
lier furnor busiiHiid for bieaob of proniirt, and Sir 
John finds lilinwif In a venr embarraMlog and 
«'i|UHlly ridluiilnun dllomma. There hui been a mla. 
laae, however, In the nuwa from Africa, for It was 
lliOQidor <ir ilio Irotheii who met his death, and 
tlio lltin. Uudloy, now l/ml I'awyaecraft, roiuros lo 
Kugland wnailug a lieaid which makes bim the 
iu>iiiiterpan or hli doceasod limihor, aud which 
)>itvciilM Mm from Ixlng nwogolztd oven by hl> 
wife. Tbe marriage of Urjolin ami Ihoauppooed 
widow la aiHiut lo lake place, slid HIr John Is In a 
fair ivsy lu cojilraci a lilgamuiit alliance, when bla 
repentant wire again wins hliii la hrr aide, and Urn. 
i.'litiitiljirlgli iH "onsolcd by lludiug herjelf Ihe wife 
uf a peer. While ilie conipllcatlons of tbbi 
Hinry am vciy Imnroltsiilo, itioy are by on nioauH 
lm|>ja»liilu,aiHl, aklllfiiliy wuvanua tbor an.ibpy 
make a very dlvcrilng nurrailve. The play Ih 
ubannlngly HH'Irli-sl.uod Is rppkte with wit of the 
inie sori, vhlcli. like rnll, la full of navor. but dC' 
void or iiliieriiPSic Tlio s:ur7 la admlrablr con 
> ulved. llii'dlaliigiio IH terse and exuevdtugly well 
wrlilen, iiiu cliaiacteranre bkllirully drawn and Ihe 
Hcencrt lire olcvcrly arrrtuged. It la dlilloiilt lo 
iiredlcsin ll:o faio or a play or thla aurt, for, 
IlkoOcorKu llemard HIiHU's "Aniiannd ilie Man,'' 
II Is a Ksllru for ilie cicul. and It may lie 
found lij iiitny lu lack drsmallc lotereat. 
II richly (loxr^'ra Micrcas,bovevcr,Hnd a general 
nplticcliLilnh or IIS iMi'iliN would lie lull or promise 
ror Ihu f uiiiTO iif ihi) [oral ikfago. It was falily well 
Itlajcd, aliliiiiiuli bulh Mr. I'rtTPrahani and Mlia 
Allen were scrloua wlinoul ihu Htmilng ofalnceilty. 
N'.> mas Id real llfo ever iHrli&vua like Ur. Kaver- 
ahani exi'opl tbiit gcnilouicn hloiatir, anil It is UQ. 
wholn liliii lo niaVe liia charncler aludlea wllblo 
Tbe llinlti I'l ao unsll n i-Lisa. Mr. IimIsdu and VAAe 
1)0 Wolf acre, however, simply perfcot In their 
reapectlvo r^iIiH, and llnltcrc Kdrnun won an 
ulNolnio iilunipli. In adillilon lo hla reallr excel 
Innl porff.rmauce ho Is entitled to an especial word 
iif praise Inr lila careful and thoivuglily arilstlu 
makeup. Tlis roles were Ibiis aulgupd: Sir. John 
IteltnD, Win. Favcisbnni; Hon. Jhidley Cuuinblelgh, 
Itobtrt IMrnoii; Sir Charles JriikH, J. K. Ii.nI 
mm; Isidy llniton, Vlnla AUcb: lion. Uia. 
Dudley Cnninlilclgh, Kl^lu lie A'olli ifuayle, 
Joi. llunipim'yi; Wrfltor, IV. 8. Waitnun. 
■•UaiaV Vaii.i'H one act play,by KniinaSQeildab 
KryoaodUra. i:. U. Hnllnnand, waa employed at a 
riirlain raiser. It waanlroady fsvoribly known lo 
ilihiclly.and waa nuco innro keenly cnjivted, tbo 
i-levur work of May lluiioui having ciiiilrliiiiled 
liiigsly til tbirt tesnli. It hii4 ihos caat: Uout. V,tn- 
•iTOih I! iri'i , II. 8. A., lluhcTt K Icanu : Kick Keller, 
K. V. IKckue; lliilisra lltecr, I Ja Uumpiesl ; llol 
una lleeco. (loncvlovo lleyuoUls; liiubailsia, Uay 
llnbMn. It may lio well Ui nieoilon In Ibis cfinaeo* 
ilou that a phiy onilllcd "Marriage," written by 
lilon llouoluuli, waa presented at walhick'a (now 
raliiiorV) Tlii'iiiro, In llio fall of ih;;. 

KcHTiii A Uiti.'d.— The bill prcsoniedatlhUhonie 
week of fch. il wih fully np to lui many eicollent 
predcccSMii?, and found favor with a fair olxed 
atidlODCO on Uonday nlghl. Chsrlen Wayne, 
dlevrr comedian, nhoiie work Ih well known here, 
appeared ami luiiiid liliuwlf itniong friends, who 
gavn full evidence of their isppieolatluu of bis 
elt'irls. I'ror. lUinpion. nlih bis iwrfomilng dogs, 
rata aud inonkoja, ruanpvarvd siid added dIh full 
share lo iho ovenlng'a oiitcrlsluuu^ni. Hartbe 
Uarihy, i hsntenso i nnibiur, Iwhsu her fourth week 
a ouullnued fanrllr. I'aiil Ulni|uovalll, king of Jiig. 
glen, waa sllll iwpular In Ihia blanevenih week. The 
Alllsuus, diiollhUi aud da nrera, colored Ihclr second 
week aud treio favorlio huldnveia. Tbo Craggs, 
acMlwhi, ulnlh week, were conllnuod In favor, and 
lloile Huiidol, iraiururniailon dsnrer, sisih week, 
was aim imiiiilnr. I'liul UaillDoiil's IMnlomlme 
'rr.iiipo ciiniliiuiHl lo prcwni "lluliert Haralra," 
whlcli biia pnireil a ploahlng HiiracUon. The bill 
waa concluded nlili tho Ihlog pictures, laile Fuller 
la annouiicrd for Frb. *JI. 

lUuuKaaTKiN'rt (ii.vuriATiifiATKS.-Tho one ban. 
ilrodand nfiMh perfonniince of "Kxcelnlor Jr."waB 
i-o:obroled Feb. i;, and theucvaslon was marked by 
ibo prcMiiiailm of a ititlly wnvenir porcelain 
rbaik bi each lady hnldlUKaooiipon for a reaorved 
scat. Iho houu) waa paokcil.and the auupty of 
clocks waa oxhaiialcd long befdn) tha curulawot 
ning uit, anil tinier,! woiv then awn ritrthou),wblub 
an iTiltfctiialilo at tho Ihix nitire during the week. 
Charles OhiIo Huci-coilod (Jharlra liUuiitw lu Ihe 
i<»ni|tany. an-l niado a aoi-rrai, stid Kay TeniplPlon 
sang a new a.tiig, enililed "Ur uullesi line," 
which was rviicaieilly cncort*i. .ViwV llitll— 
"llargui-iliu'* lia'i pn^vuii In bo a a'ning 
I'.tnl HI IliU Iniiiie. and drew a larg* audi 
envo Fob. IT. I.iura Minira a'<ug the title 
nde oil Ih'ti dsio fur Ilie llrnt lime and 
luailo n ilUihu'ilvo hll. She will niieniaie the rule 
Willi Alico ItiKC. Willi sang It Issi week. Kilian 
Allen leplaml Adolpli D.ihti IVIenuin lu Ilto n>:o of 
UeplilHiiiaud crvaitd u favorable Impre.iiliin. The 
iieauUfal ItsliuiH of Ur. llaiuiiii^nieliraiipeelaoular 
open ciiiittiiiie In win adiuliHiloit, ami ilie ptoiluc- 
lion gives uYory Imllcallnu iif n long run. Tito ex* 
irellrnl olio was tiinilslied by Panuv Weutwonli, 
innnologolsi; Virginia Antgoii.lilgh wiro iiorrnnuer; 
Uoiia. triMst, nilmli*. ihlnl weak; Carl Iteh/, lU' 
slated by ». lie. li'Alloii, lirih wctk; SadI Alfarabl, 
ninllliiilai. nrih work, and f. i^osiiir Walt, In chat' 
Hiior cbangos. 

Uisia'a lluwsHY Tiiiathk.— I,csi«r .t WlllUmi' 
"Ue and Jark" (A>. pla>cd lo llghl butlness Monday 
arirmoon auil evening, Vti\i. 11. 'lUoand Jack, 
llio welt kiina'ii budeaiiuo, lias tteen lllteil up again 
III good Hdvanlsgp, Lcaier and Vfllllanu as Uo and 
Jark pMvldlng Iho roniody work, Kllly Kuraale, as 
Wlidiow, Kit well rvirlvrd. lico, the stilt |ier- 
roniier.ti|M'iird ihonllii; .Msgeo snil (^Inuulna ap- 
peami lu Ihidi-lauuhabic tioxutiiact, Kliii Kuraale 
sang and dsni'cd, Clisa. WSeaiiiiin gave file lodta- 
iitiu:,Wiih gnodeifect, llanlaiui.llieiniiup Juggler, 
|ire>euii-ii hU i|iialiil i>iHirUli> ; KauGle l.tialle, a 
ronmihailrsuisilocouinriluulsi.iwlsrcd her botly 
In v.trtiii<B tordin; Hie l.^igh SlslcTa danced ban). 
Uiolcil, I. rtirrauii Wllllaouoirufed their iisrudles 
and grg'. an I ihe UIg fVtir (Suilih, Uanio, 
Haley aim 8rilgvlctlknih'trd «la<ut. "A HnrvlDg 
Willi JuM' ro Hcliwsb** vliii^d lite ahow, lilusii nllng 
mitny Mot lisble cintri Inclilciiia. cuaa. V. .^eauion, 
aa Juaili'.- !4ch>vab: M 0. I.'sirr, ihe lilsiilci At 
toiiiy, hint J. \viiiiHiii«. Liwytr Jeiry Ul\, and 
Killy'Kniivle. -ts ItnhP \Vlilit>. and Clem. Uagro and 
riiointin Si i^gw.i-k Hpfcsivil In l>. cvc. U. Itrllly It 
Hie piitpiU' or III tliii riiiiipany; U A. Havens, liual* 
r.ess iikiiinivr; TIikius..! ^Milaalik.riago nianaecr. 
Ni-M wi*rk, lae lUwliiii UoivAnl Aiaeuivum .'^Mr 
siii'i'lali.v 1'". 

llKiui.D >'iji'iaK TiiK^THK. - '■ITie Heart Of Usrj- 
laud " iH>sni' nil l'i»>. i: Ihu chtinei-mh week of lis 
run. iviiii iinwdi' coUkisnllv altcsilui the 
^ |i«ipii;ailiy nf Mill plsj. 

Kirnil I'Kiox Snr»iigTn»»Tiig.-ln spllo of ad- 
vepe wealbcr condlilona anoilier week wan in. 
augnnledwllh a aundlog room house In attend- 
anca od Monday, Fob. i;, and those who braved 
clillllngwinds found a cheerful bouse and a xplen. 
did bill awaiting Ibern. I.ew Ilocks'ader, In a new 
nonolegie, with new songs. Is ibe bright feature of 
the new facea here this week, allhoiigh he waa 
compelled to share the tmnonwiib Ur.snd Hia. 
Hldney Drew, who are ittalned from last week, aa 
are U Bella <!armen and AdoiiU Ame<. Waller 
l,eoD, the brightest lid Incnrrent vaudeville, is also 
promloegt among the nnw comers, and llunili and 
Rudd, and mil and Hull fnnod friends a pleniy 
In Iho audience, Klnra I'lolayson, well known 
In oiiem, made ber Ural spiiesranre on ihla siagc, 
and gained an abundance of applauae fur ber 
sweet eloilog. Sen. R. Ilsney. auoiheral ranger 
at this house. Jumped Inin Immediate favor through 
tbe medlnm of bis genuinely clever planiallon 
negro Iniltatlona and excellent piano plating, and 
llorwIiB and Dowers retiirael to old friends and 
foand a cordial welcome for their clover work. In 
tho lilll also are U Itor and Clayioii. comedy duo; 
the T«o carles. vocsIWIb; W. K. Wlillile, vcnlrilo- 
nnlit: Knieat Wilson, cbaracler singer, aud i|jlnD 
and Forbes, expert danceit. There were few dull 
inomenlH during the creulog. and Hie programme 
alilkea ■ good aversgo wlili bills which have gone 
before. -Next week iirlngs"Tnat Hmari Utile Uli 
of a UaD," Hark Murphy, as a leatore. 

Paucrna'a I'LSinimi Psiace.— Uesplie ihe ex- 
irODM eirerls of Jack Font lo freu7.c Ihe mercury In 
Ihe thermonielen ibis bnuso waa well atlendtd 
afierooon of Feb. 17, and In the evcnlnR few ciiip'.v 
seats could b« found, while the lH>.Te« were llllod 
and tbe Handing room well oc.-iipled. The nre- 
giisDDe waa Dane up of an excellent house bill, 
augnonlid by the Itusaell Urntlien' Cciiiedlans 
Tbo Hsrld-Unnhani Trio, aecond week, horlunlal 
bar perronneiB,conilnued to tai prime favorlfe. 
IM Seogolls, mlilfot comedlana. began their 
third week and were aim popular. These 
llule people have proved themselves lo lie thor- 
ongh comedlana and enlertilnera, and win rounds 
of applause, Hons, l,a Itoche, In Ihe misienniis 
globe, made his Ont appeannce at ibla house, and 
wasglrenagood reception. Uay Howard, come- 
dienne and vocalist, won miiob applause for her 
work. Tbe Russell Brothers, aa "The Irlih Servant 
Olds," were given the hearty reception usnally ac- 
corded IhciD. Fields and Uwl', cemodlaos, made 
an excellent Impreaakin, and Kivie Adair, In her 
Parisian and Orlenul danclor novelilc', made her 
usnal tiicccsH. Otbera on ibo bill were: lx> 
Andora, character change performers; the Donates, 
one-legged cluwos; Prof. lien, l/ickhart'a mined 
rIepbaniH (twenty. dlih week); Her, Unrke and 
llandall, eccenirlc comedy Irln: Ihe Uorrllna. Will- 
iam, Ma and llobert, aciohalle enmcillaiis; 
O'Brien and Havel, In a numcdr skeieli; Jobnulo 
Vam>ll, vocalist aud comedian; Faul Sluior, mimic; 
Kaike and Semon, musical comedUns, mid Kta 
Hwinbume, cbaracierslnger. A bur;csiiuc, cniliied 
"The Two OiT-Uos,'* waa prascnied and proved a 
laugh maker. 

I'HOcrOK'B TnsATRS — Vanagor Pnclor prewnle 
an aUiacllve bill at lili cotj house this week, open- 
ing Fell, i;, to good allendsnce. Paplnta, mirror 
and Kipenllne dam-er, beads tbo list or people, and 
she made an erophitlc hit nil her llrat appearance 
on Uonday* The mirror erTecIa which she uses add 
much to Ih:, aiirariivenesfl or lirrdancrs. and her 
grace and beauty Always clslm tbe adiiilrailon or 
her aadience. (iranto and klauil, giotcsi|iio wlro 
act, appealed and ron applauso rur their work. 
LuekloThorlov proved herseir to lie a clever rhar- 
acler change perfnrmrr, and won tull rocnghlilon 
for her act. The Four Uosers. HcMlmia and 
Jugglers, oaelly woii the favor or ilielr au- 
illouce, anil John W. lununo icndemd a nnw 
soug and was a conilnued favorite. Uasco nud 
Rolierts, acrolMtIc comedians, were aniu.Hlng, and 
Qeilrode Uamdeld, comedleDOO. was a laipiilar 
holdover. Oiheraon the bill who found favor werer 
The Ulmlo Four, Walton and Uayun, couiedhtns 
lialsy Mayer and ber lickinlonica, Iti planlnilun 
pastimes; Uolsn and Lonharr. irsvoaty duo; Kllmy 
and llawaon, comedians; tbo Three Don Slaters, In 
songs and dances; Frcdoaoddrldln, musical come- 
dians; Jenule Itolile, serloroinlo vocallsi; Hairy 
Fenion, equllllirhii: Jennie Whiiiieck, In negro 
mek)dlee, aud Intx I'almer, airong wo.Tan. 

Fgoru'e TiiSATBS.— Attloion and Ojlder's latest 
niekKlranittlc production, "Sived From Ihe sea, 
waa presented lo a good house Monday, Fob. 1 
The many strong altuallons, calculated to engross 
the alleolloD of the average audience, were closely 
worked upby ll-iyd l*ulnani,as luo K,tagton,ond 
llenrlotla Lander, as Nanrt, bis wire, aupporied 
well by a company Incluillug Kmiiielt i'>mgan. 
Frank Drunwir, Harld IL Ynung. neo. W. I,«nien, 
John l>Aly Murphy, Utile Freda Ciilbuun. Frauklyn 
Holierta Woi. Tibbeils, W. llAtreli, A. K. Adsiiis 
(l*orgo Hwell, Knioa Hooker and (Irrile I'aimer. 
TbanoonloamingemenllseiTecllve. J. l.-iulsWulle 
la advance nnresenlatlve f t Aiklnson iiiul Oalder; 
0. y. Brooks, bnslnesi manager; Kranklyn It-ilierta. 
aiage manager. Next week, "The Anu or the l,sw.<' 
Manager A. II. Sbeldon'e benedt. Sumlty ereiilog. 
■a, piomlsea lo liecome a llnanclsl and artlallc auc< 
cesi. Mr. Sheldon will appear In a ikelcli with bis 
son. A, II. Sheldon Jr. 

Uoaia' Oairy TutATiii.— Tho second woik of 
Manager Doris' new renture opened auspiciously 
Feb. IT, with an audience of oxceileni proportions 
In attendance. "Oblldren'a Day" was liiaugurtted 
at the Oalety Feb. II. Krery Monday, between the 
hours of noon and four o'clork. Manager Horla will 
have the programnie so arranged aa iti make It par- 
tloularly allracllve and amiulnu to the youiigaiors, 
as well u lo the molbera and maliU who may ac- 
company Ibsni. These Muoday afternooti pfrfnrm' 
anceawlll be known heiwrteras "Cnlidien's Hay." 
For tbia week only one tf lut week's mimlienils 
rouloed, M It la the laicntlua nf the iiianagcniont 
to make complete chaogos each week, except In 
tbe event of unuaual suoceM u( any nci, 
aa In the cato of Lilly ilreen, who remlrrs 
the songs of the day excellonily. Ulas liiccn re- 
mains another week and pnsiliily longer, olherwlie 
everylbing la now. In the list nio ibo (loldliis, 
obatjsotoraketobes: Flo Banks. aerlo comic; Siaiiion 
and Iteddlng, diainatlc skits; lliiolrd niidii iypr. 
the two Jeaiera: ranizer Hno, conlunlnnlsls; Wills 
and Datron. cccentilctkelchra; IMwanIs uuii Ker. 
nell, Jis. tlardner. Ward and Lynch, J*H.Ciillcn, 
Caropliell and Heard, llugeiu and Cooper, iho HfMn 
Sisters and otbera. Tne uaiisl coniluuniisSnntUy 
cooccrt, beginning at i, and ending at Id :l> o'clock, 
will be UDiisually attractive, aa the regular week 
day hill will lie angnienled by several adJlllonal 

MiNtM'A Kiaimi AviNi'S TiiiAiai — Tlie reliira 
engagement bere for this week of ilio Washlnim 
Slslera' Last Sensation Is sure to be attended with 
excellent tliianclal resulla to M luaier l.niu R iblr. 
who controls tlai nrgaiilzallnn. T.ieir prcvlnui rii- 
gagenieulH here this scirton have iircu reiu^rknl,' 
tor the liusliioas diino.aud Mr. lloblu reiiotti ilu- 
tour of Ihe country aa having itoen most siu-i-csitriil, 
Theoperatlo exinivaganrji. "FnrtuiM, or tbe I'nii' 
cess Tough," oonllnnes 10 bo the prluclrml vehicle 
fur tlie evening's amiisemrDt. killl a i-apiial olio ol 
siM'clalllra la riimlohed by Nolllo Wunrs, Knicry iiml 
Marluw, tbe Waahiiura Sitters. WhlleUw and 
llyaii. U'Uileii, Jennings and U'Drieu.auil llslnes 
aud I'elllnalll, 11ie enedaltlea were well rcci Ivo l, 
and"Fo(tuna,tt«lth lis caichr music, pieliy cos 
lumes. gorgeous scenery and tlin c/im- luiiieraiinv- 
lliinaor tboprlnol|Ml roles by lllaiiuiit' ami I.U:lan 
Wathbum, easily n-peaiu*! I'a former siu-cosa al 
Ibis bouse. One of llie larffov atiillancos waa pres' 
enton Monday night, Feb. 17. Next week,Willlsms' 

lluniaH KidiiTn avikpi Mi-^wiii. — Cumplci 
elutuges In Ihe ciirlo hall atuacliniis fur thlswi-ek 
will piobaMy tend to tilll riirthvr Incroase the' 
ronsgv bore, which has lieen exivllent slucc Ihe aea 
son began under the new lauiagemeni. The Iran 
sleol resuirea for tho week srv: Henry .tiransler. 
oliong boy; Mile. Usrrelloand brrifiiniieor irHliird 
dogs; HI liowen, the btir niui; li Inu Fills, ewoid 
iwaltoaer, and South Sea Miiid Joe and wire, vlih 
Ibelreiblldtsol lltelnlhoteblaud.-t auddefcrlptlve 
lectures. The second week or CniilnV Comedians 
began IT, wbon ihe company producetl '-Lliilo Vod- 
dleilns," preceded by Allen sn<l Helnialii. Fannie 
It'^tiluton and otbera In ehterialtiing speclslllrs. 

Mahaush lA>ria Roaia'e leiiluui:ilal lieiieOl at 
Miner's Kighili Avenue Theairx* on Sunday nlglii. 
Feb. Id. served to bring oul ttiia istpuUr inantger's 
leglou or friends, who packod the house upon Ihe 
ocoselon. A most enjoyauio |it\iaratir.iie wsaivn- 
dered b; Imogviie Unmer. Auslu Hart. Sadlr llsaa. 
Letter and AIIHauis, Jas. Ui-Avny. and 
SImpion, llnwanl and KL Cltlr, ihe Tlicrpltn Four, 
l«w llaaklna, Fuurnitdncr nt«s..1\iiuni> l,>iUick, 
Al. Oram, lliitalle. Ihyani anil lira vrr and oMiem. 

UAtDts Tiiisrai.— "ChlMiiiilo Faddeii" entered 
on Feb. IT uptm tbu tl.Mh and dual werk or lis 
ninatmu bouse. U will uoi leave Ihia city. Ih>w- 
ever, but will lie irantferrrd lo auoihrr house. It 
will be fiiilowed hero, -.'I, iij Sy Incy lloseufehl's 
•■TneTwo Kicuicbeons." 

Tosr i'Affniif* TuEATIik.-Man»ger Faaior has 
telecled another splendid bill for lbs cnrrent day», 
and as tbo houM waa psoked to replollon on Mon- 
day, Feb. IT, a conUnaallou ol proapeilly bi more 
iban likely to resell from Ibis week'.i etforio. WlU 
II.Foi.ttao clerer masipnlator of tbe piano, and 
Inly lamotousmonolegolst, Uilbefeatoreottbsblll, 
nd he rcsdily lusialled himself In the good graces 
f Ills old friends and captivated new coniem. 
Geo. Kvaos,lhc "honey boy," made hU "l™"Pp-";'; 
Slice St Ibis hiuse,nndby his aweet singing and 
billghl comedv work ^IcWT c«--»Wlshed h insdf In 
drni favor. DInna and Ulonn made Ibelr mnslaO 
act as enlenalnlng us heretofore, and Lew Dloom 
wsK warmly welcomed for his amusing specially 
rnd "ify Ulalogoe. Sbeirer and Blakely. In tbolr 
rollicking lilock face 'Pi'li''; 
clever cfilorlalnera, and tbe Weaton B «!««. 'J • 
lively conirlhnllon, all came In for troll dMoryed 
encoiirageinenl. Win. and Kittle UaiWck. conlor 
iloulata and Black wire perfomiep"; Uessle Bearie,a 
melotlloos singer, and the Burt Sisters, In song and 
dance, were all classed among those lo vigorous 
denunil, while Com lloutt, serio comic, and 
ward anil Joalo Kvaos alio conlributed their 
share lo ibo bill. Neirly ell Uiooe employed 
are uo well knntvn In the ttsira of vaude- 
ville to wsirant a more extended comment upon 
Ihclr accompllahmcols, and It may be said that 
all hands gained the recognition Ihey deserved, 
audformciTa bIH which, Judging by Ihe amoonlof 
applauae, fniniled the cxpeciailuus of tboas lo at- 
tendance, and malnialned Manager I'aator'a repit- 
lallon for prcaentliig vandevllle progi»nini»a of the 
beltorclass. _ ., . 

IIiiBiH'H Paucb Ui-Kituu.-Tbe weekly ablft Id 
ailrai'Uon attlih) house on Monday,Fob. IT, brought 
to curlo hall J-is. U. Mitchell, soap eater; Herman, 
strong man; Fanny Dordeit, midget; Ptinco. tvrest- 
llng lion; 0. 3. Perkeos' performing saals; Wallers, 
blue Btlnntd nan. and Uspl. Vlirto, who claims to 
devoor polwn. On the aiage this week are tbe 
TVMleys, tbo Olanin Slstcr^ J. J. Fenton, Ada Jones, 
llerhcrr, tbe Uyatbi, and Rogers and (;ieveland. 
The atuodance waa brisk day and nigbl, and tbe 

„ i„«b«st I Uln^orlhe«aglol[lss,"l»; '11ieDaulsr''»),lk,l!l.i,i,i, 

Sji3.'?'b'li'l*.iVSJ°ilii¥:"i^"tii. ?^^^^ "SZMiS-M ?">^ I. "glllan.., aso ,^ 

Kuyii5tVMIy ««Ko7Gforaav«Tl««»"^ IUTlo"''dld looils 10-U. Train Wrsekon" ku? 

KSiiDSadeS Mstloa Kaeola Mason sad •'"•,'fSS!; I RoVUevarfpeinnDaneaU-lS. Thaesllrs pn>ct«l>.r 

Cffifc la iBllallon; Uolaa sad O Brteo. 'J 'J^SS 


fined asd dismillo renlpn of lb* Pl«Jj Bj^gS m" 

c'iliitit ' beiS this seek, aad a IW "Jl"" 
praseot St tbe opeoiogMrlotinjsee nltht of 17. IJSMJ 
Ckius lioribo "niecUMas' im;'aaO hu ibespjjM 
sao snap abnot II Ibtt ukst wlm Ihe P"""" S? "SlVS 
Ma tueSss. Tbet«uVloabanaUratlod coosldsiaMo at. 

iFsf ot'ibe poor'lo this eltyr^Tno Prodical Fsibe'i'i 
comts ir*l>,Ma OU Tenaesasa" S-tt. 

Eaisros 0. Dlt-AVAl, of the Btoee Opel* Uouu, xu 
In Msa York die past •eek on bosluat. 

Baffalo.— At the Star Tbestre "A HUk White 
rlag-'comMFeb. 1I-1», "Triloy" JtM Mljnle Najj.n, 
Pliks H tf. TboL u BsatHools 37>2P. John llsr* ,1*. 
llabudUrgesadlescas latt week,asd "gob l)o>" bi«d 

'SljsTtfnAtl.-l>aBteich Opera ro M. 

rocav BrasiT ntiir*.-">lj Uncle frem Kew Vori- 
ihls wesb, to be soccaedel 21 aadwoakby "IlieXIslt 

^Bbba'S MniC lliui.— Buslaeia continues gnrd oaOir 
Ibe no« maasgsntat, aod most of uat week's rtei>l« 
bold over. ^ 

Troy.— Tte oily atincllon at tbo OrlswoM 
Opera aooselastwtsk was Uoyl's "A Milk Wlillo ni|t.- 
rsb.H, l(,aad ICCIM iba boots to ibsdooia '■On Biln's 
Bbena'' oosms 17, U, -Rob flo>" 31, Mr*, fotur aail Ur. 
Bellas, la "OUnousCoidat'tt 

RASD'aOriaA Boc»a--"n)e Fatal Cant" pickid ile 
boQMll: The houts Is dark Ibis week. 

tlAisvv TnaATS«.-"lbe Whits Crook" draw Ms ho-jun 
all lait seek. Tbe OrlSDUlEstravsganuCo. asckunr 

ilZ"iriiriil5rd;iscilvi was rXMedloalj ranll^ aad li^^ 
comlcallda^ were la pWy aU 'brooah ibe pw*. Joha 

Newbnrf,— At the Academy of Music Williao 
ailleue, la 'loo Math Jobntoa." Fsb. II). and Ulsa Kelt, 
•raolt. la -Owilss," 1«, both liUyod to Itrae sudlnKv,. 
"The Qsr Parlslaoa" sarved iu altrsct a big sudlow^ );, 
elat las andtr lbs auspWs of Hudson Klrtr t'.nis. 
niaadecy,No.B. KolabuTfmrilar.ol ihls cliy.ADj ihi 
boats was packed nam pit to dome. Jeivle elitr. tu e\. 
earl plaoo soblsl, wlll|lveaTS<llal31,and WsUs'miviu. 
edy lb. Is uaderllotd r.>r two weeki, brgloalos >i. Tte 
Baateelaaa csoo Much p. 

Vtlca.— At Ibe ll:lra Opera Iloiua "IXit, iiie 
moor's Daaihler." local, Ftb. U', did w«)). ('Iiarlrt i. 
Qsidoer, lo ^bs Priia Winner," 11. vas wtll rsetlreo, 
and ueUllcaTumTeraIn gavesnsthlel'c esblbliloQ la 
Ibe Ton Fan ateea. -The Falsi Rani," l\ sad 'Tla 
.„T,-»,— w. r — -,— -*i. ™..i I Dsnltr.'' 14. draw fair hootea "FInaloro." by Wil 

S'l.'Srorlf.iiSfla'SSA li-^SJJS ^^"^^ 1 W-'-'-AI .'>•• I^."".? T6e.l,» .Kcnar .,- 

_ _ sad llatrj IIeDoaoai|li,as so Irbh wide*, 
slleoet'iiiuied to UiaaauslngsnJ lilahlf l""'W"°««5; 
urulnmtnl. Tbe olber priocipals ara^olsadoWalUcj. 
Ueirr LtonI sad Paallsa'Ttaln. whe ats very llood. Isul 
.erti^Tb. I'ssslogBlio.-'plaitJtol.lgboesei. asorjo 
c. Hihi alll begls a 1*0 weeks' eogsieaieot la BhUss- 

''SSiS.-S'a'Stlim C. K.ansdr b.. for bis alttae- 
lbl,iMs*eS -'SowoiVDIile."s.d abl» sudien" wss 
pre eoislUisoptiilnxHniwmsnce.l;. I" "? JiiW,! 
plow wblcli Is Ed out lo the Buony Soolli. a*} Jha lbs 
tf Iba eotored people la pertiayod la a very reallstle naa. 
ear. Th«r* Is moch bi Ibe ple« to plwe aa aodleaot. 

olftring seemed to please Imiiicnsely. 

I/)NnoN THgATBi.-Uairy MoirU' Twenllelh cen- 
tun Maldaopened Ihclr third engagomeutlhlsaca- 
non at this honse Monday, 17, to crowded houses, 
mo pngraoiine remAlned unchanged. Owing to 
Harry Kuierson'a Inability lo appear Harry Morris 
took hit place in tbo ekelcb wlin Aonle Carter, and 
Manager A. II. Wnodbull played the role or Fred 
Hot In "Toe (ilria' Ibicbelor Slag." Johnr. Hanson, 
l«Pa Trimble, tho living pictores, lectured upon hy 
Toddy Patiiuolena: Nellie UeCouraey and Omklcr 
and Uonaio have all been reUloed. "Too Mocb 
THIby" was made funny by Mr. Morris' Slang Val- 
ley, and Ihe lively Onlob proved aa elfiicilve its ever. 
Monsirora Uoirid and Wuodhnll report eitraor- 
dlnirlir big biitloeta all aU'ng ihelr loiilo. Next 
week, Birion'a Immense Co. 
SiNFOHD'sTiiBATiiB.— ioarpli Uurphy Will present 
Kerry Qos" and "Sbaun llbue" during the cup 
rent week, which wis oncoumglogly liegiin on Feb, 
" hy a well ationdcd neiformaoce of Ibe former 
play. Mr. Uurphy receives ilie capable anppott of 
the same people who occoudcd bis eiTuiia during hla 
recent elay at the Star. Neil week's bill trill be 
Uiinnelly and Olrani, In "Tne lUlniaabera " 

Tub TwgNTY-iiiiiirit ANNivcRSARir (f Now York 
l/tdg,'. No.*.', II. I'. 0. Kiks. *Ai celebraiod on the 
afieiuuon of Feb. lii. at tbe New Uaubaibin Atbleilc 
Ciiih House. DelogailoDswere pr^eent from Phlla- 
delpbla. Ua>ion,Un)Oklyn,llanrord,(icnnion, Rlcb- 
nioiid, \'a.. New Uninswick, N. J., and Turrytowu, 
N. V. Amnng the pnesia were William 0. Myeis. 0. 

II., or I'blliulelpbia, and John (Iraham, K. R., 
and KredClsrk.P.V.. II., or lloaton. Exhiiiltlona of 
Hwlmmlng were given lo Ibe Nataiorluni, and a 
aiidevlllc colerlalumcnl was given In the theatre 
of Ihe club. Tho aifrilr was managed by Exalted 
llulor llrogsn, Jiimra J. Armilroim, I'. R. It , Tony 
Paaior, NIc. Kiigel, Sauiitl Tuck, llicbard I). Scbol, 
John (1. Ilartaiid KoDrrlR. l.ui|Ue(r. Thevlslilog 
broiherawcrsenlorialnedbyarecepllon committee, 
of whlub Mward lA»cb was chairman. Many 
incnibeio of ihe proteulon were preient, and in all 
several tbonsand people attended. 

I'iUiSK's TiiBATRB.— Kdivard Vroom's produc- 
tion of Coppee's "For tbo Crotm," though not a 
success, did not lack patronage during Its flrst 
week, which has Jnst dosed, for attendance upon 
lu performances seems to have been deemed a so- 

CisiKU.— "The lAdy Slivey," whinh began on 
Fob. IT tbo third week of lis run, baa proven a 

FltTii Av>.<<UBTUBtTnE.— Wm. U. Crane. In "Tlio 
Qoveroor of Kentucky," liegaa on Feb. IT ibe Ofth 
aud Oust week of his cngageoieot. EleonoraHuse 
comes 'J4, and nlil be seen lu a reiienory of plays, 
btglonhig with "Camllle." 
Lvcxcru TiiiATRB —"The Prieooer of '/ouda," as 
ireseuted brtbo atuok (Company of Ihe house, en- 
ered on Feo. 17 upon Its second week. The per- 
formance bsa beeu airongly ondursrd, and tho re 
vIVAl given promise uf good financial rolurns. 

llnvTH TiiBAThB.— "A Ulaok Sheep" starred on 
Feb. IT upon the neveniu week of Ha mo. Iilsan- 
nounced that on 'J4, the occasion of ilie flltleib per 
rormince hero, souvcnlre will be given. Tho buol- 
neas remaliu al high water mark. 

UKUAhwav TuxATHB.— The Uialonlans, In their 
ever welcome opeis, "llobln Hood." entered on 
Feb. 17 iinnn the second week or Ihelr ciigagemeoL 
Their auillonces biet weekivera largo and thorough- 
ly appreclAtlvo. 
(:ibhi(;k Tiixatri.— K. U. and Joseph Holland, Ip 
A Suchil Dlgliivaynian," liegan on Fob. IT tbe 
third and last week of ihclr auy. Tliey might 
proniahly have remained much longer, but tbey are 
obliged to give place In Johu Drew, who beglna an 
ongsgemontzi. In "Tho Squire of Dames." 

UiitVAi.iiia VsKUicK.nuoglclan, began on Feb. 
II n aeries ol dally peiromiances at the Casino, He 
waaasalstedliy Mile, lu i|iuy. 

AXKHiVAN TiiiATak.— ' Bunnab" began Feb. IT 
Irs roiiith week. Amy Uuaby replaced neniletia 
Cmstmsn In the cast i:i, and won great nnbie for 
her pnriiHyalof N'orab llanlan. 

Ai'Aiiisiv OF Ht'UK'.— "Tbe Sporiln; Diicbess" en- 
tered Feb. IT upon tbo tweiity-alktb week and last 
rorinlgbi of Its stay at thio homo. Cora Tanner 
was unsiile lo appuAr I'A and her role was asaumed 
by Agnes Booth, while Agnes Proctor replaced Mrs. 
Booth In the Uilo role. 
StarTiikatiik.— "The Warof Weallli"beganFeb, 
: lis second week, to good Imtloeaj, Ou Hi pro- 
ilucllon laai week It Jumped at once Into public 
lavor, and Is llke'y lo havo a lengthy stay at thla 
bouse. During iliu nral net of tbo play on Monday 
night It waa apparent Ibat lAwrence llauley, who 
has been playing the role of John Wardcid, was nn- 
ableiogiiiab the pcrfurniance, and JohnT. Buriio 
wan glvru III! rule. Mr. lUnley baa ceaaed to lie a 
member of the company. Forrest It-jblnson having 
liecn ongHged in his nlaco. 

FofRT«ii.\ru STHk'HrTiiiATRR.-Ohanncey Olcoli 
began Fob. IT bis lirth work In "Mavoiimeen," 
Nrxi week he will preaODf'Tho lil.b Anlsi." 

AnoKVa TiiRATHK Sarah Uemhardt began on 

Feb. IT llio Ufih and nnsl week or her ongngement, 
rcialning -'Qlsuontla" sR ber oifeilug fur ibat date, 
l.biiau llustell will follow M, In "The (loddcas of 

Ilartem.— At the lludeui Upeia House "Shore 

Acir*" aiM sail rt^lrvil dunna llie l>itt«eflk. Tbs 
Prank lluiUk' i*iok tflwra I'n.. In 'Tits Wiiir>l ol 
lliii .Mir." ,i)i*ntd lo snrAicbM liuu«e Frb. 17. ninililer 
loa tr.ovAAihar, aqd will Out bis atck's liutlutta. Kelt 
week. -Ilirtllioiitllrl." 

I'OLl-aiiva-HutlDtuiwsaienI durln* Iho put *esfe. 
"IlipVtli.ltf tUsv«"i.|.tar<l toarrowiltd boo** and lusdr 
a siH^l iatpr«i*li,n. awl mill, allhuut donbl. Ii.,|,I liiowi. 
ilnrnia il,« tnaiKrinsuL XrM «eck. Kelt BuraeuL lo 
■lliai-ii'Mly F4lr" 

IlLVario-tlio '/.T," Co. br..ka all records fur llili 
•essuo. paeklairllie hDui« Ihs etttpsrtorihs *e«kand 
!I'™'W,l'S''''f, ">o clotln* perroimaars. Tbs 

l|,i«alllllEDiilIth Fi>l1rConi|«nyintdslh«lrnial Usrltni 
AM><Araace H, lu a cin*il«d Imnso. irnuei-imis tnd 
prvilr Uro< have ni<l lust ll,«lr dravloa roser* Ihts 
comrany « III aliii(.Kt biyak llio rteord. Tlie comptnr 
•are •AlUfsrilna (rum Ihrrlailnlhsrsnoribe eortiln. 
tli ialn* lliai Iher »»re •p,'>rceltli,l. Vsntger J. Her 
iM-rt Usrk nii'Tla Ihii butlocaa hsa ivc 0 ft Ih* liest dur- 
\?.f..'!" 1'," "I •ngiKfiaoalt. Kest **sfc. Uarri 
Wlllltaia' Own Co. ' 

llASLin Slisi's.-rroni this heoro cones Ibansuslr* 
pon ul cnisilfO hou^r.atvj lliillltigi.tultlb*.4slbUlalhe 
only pei^lsr piicarisc* nf ■ninkaDitDl In Hsrieni. Thli 
TTi' l-"^ Oar'll" Olid N>|:U HoTllla. Frauh i'hriule, 
A S-'''."''*f'.*!!L' "snileil^snbio. Iltrry Faninn Ull • 
lUlly, J»;. W. Thiinipfao. llie WaUBBlx•^ B'Ms. Wild 
Bun sad Llllls Sor* dhoi. C. W. Mack, aod lijdii, Thorn 


Ilttiakl)-n.— Uuries(|ue and comedy predoml 
nale si the local Ihsalies Ihlt wttk. Oolj out ooTsllr . 
UH'ktd lonhsarek.sad lbatlal)lBa.Volbti*ola,lo "Car 
men." al lbs r>ili,niMa. Iieoro FaoIIdI, a Ultaltd 
).>antluliSDtelor. (ho Is > capaLlsand vUlcltatpoplI 
v( Wis emloeat (rsatdlsn, Toniiso BaitIbI. si ptareO al 
lilt AUiol t oMi on Tutiday alclil, P.u II u llamhl, h» 
rote a lAtc* au-1 appraclslir* luJNnc* ol l-tt rsllow cobo- 
Itjnttit. Mr. l-sollol'trandillon or lb* cbarsclsror uib 
nu-odr Uab* sAt •■etcdmslr aoi>d.UBI lilt work *at 
nisiliimiirwutincuU iluD ii wnnM batsb^eii bad be beta 
turnolcd |,>- a mni-tisBt rSAL Mm. A. IWt, «bo look 
\hr i4Tt pl i.irlislls. «st verr soo*l The Kuodsy Bisbl 
reri'imiAAces bste Itectiin t ao eoi-uUr Ihsl ibry are clteo 
au* lo tbn* ul Ul* Uiotll*<, asd tsieni olbt ra at* axpict. 

pleolyorslBilDgsnd dAnelax LatI wtek IB* osrtlM 
Barianiul Co.. lO '■Iotllbj.''dld a good buslasss. Nest 
•leS.'-dtvedlromtheBta-'' i,,. m.™ 

Obako OriRA BocBS-'Tbe Fonadllog;" »lUi nissy 
PllilaiaU at toe ebltf baloie. U lb* stirscllon Msna- 

Rr FraDk Klblbols pntMls to bis pstrota ibis weak, 
a piece was sera earUir la tbe seatuo at u<a ColuDbla, 
*bsr< lttlU*cud «ood sudlooros UpioBilHS to do u 
•oh Ibis taiatemool. If Hooday nigbi'i aadlaace U any 
ailarlon lo go by, lbs boos* befog lelltd la lu ssailng 
aptcliy. Last week "Bhart .So. X- *ta ptsseBlod to 
rrovdtd boutea at tacb performsnte Ntst *e*k, wll 
lUiB Hany, In "Ihe Bltina OeBOrailno." „ , , 
MoxTAVa.-Hoit's "A Trip U) Cblaalowa" Is Ibe at- 
itsnlon prassBiid bti*t»lswHk,aBdalaig* audlooc* 
assprB'BBtatths opaDlopparrortnaBc*!?. ibe |>ltc«u 
too » all hBo*B aad bsa boea s«sb too rrtfiaeotly br the 
olregoeis lo re<ia ra a very langUiy comoeat. Agaos 
UtradoD, In the title rnk Is escatdiBgly good, both sa a 
■Mow BSd a dst'ilng liussar. LbuPb OaIIovs^ Oaill aed oUieis lo tha cast did wsiL Fraok DaoItK 
lo -The Wltanl of tbe Slla." draw laret aiidlaacsa Iwt 
nek. The nait sttncUon bar* wlU lieOilaBklooor, la 

SrsR-A Tsrlaly Mil la ptsMBted bite this 'tek lo 
ilos Hill's Notelllas. Two|i«rforasacattrar«altea b*- 
fora lams aiidlooces If. A spaelal leauieoflb* blU b 
MrlMl tad Aihrnoo. wresllprs. who olTar ISO ti say 
msBwhom tbey csawit tliniw lo BltaenmlOQiasat soy 
ptrfotmsor*. calch la eabih rait, aad llto to aoy maa 
«bo ran ilirow tlilitr of ihaui. Tbe ouiar people are: 
Law Havklot. nlotiral; Ilaason sod West, oiosksl 
CQintdlaBS: Frad Laallt. with bis parlsnnlBs dogs; Me- 
; Orav aod Cooway, a 

IracladagnodBtadboateVeb. II. Joiapb OltptsHsi.l 
"TbaStarastsr" l&to itood btialnsss. Tbe Wsuda Uili- 
man Co, la it poit«ry. open 17, lor wtek, esctptlsf l$, 
whea Bob flioilb Bsstcif will prssaot -Tbe RIvaIs." Osb 
QalBlsn's AolstearNlattrcb^f^,ttas a decldad tue<*t*, 
Hsrty CortlA ollhtt city, has doted with Ibo Sldraaa Oo , 
and livIsltlBf loBleghamtoo. 

Osoewa,— Emily Bancker, In "Onr Flat" cane to 
fair bosloaas rab IX Kalbir pleased a btrce aadience II. 
Beokad: "fna Dtiaisr" 17, 'The Hllvsr Klos" SI, Robi, 
a. iBiersob tl, Plot«Bc* Blodley, la ' no t>ipitla'i 



\ EilK lu 

Oil* and btnt«)«, Irinb touriMVL 

oiidIo »^k*l<>)i imid: BoodU UtU*. dtoor; Dtly 
lMf«n. >a IrUli turn; aaRlllll,rlitmp|po cliib»lDfei; 
LliU« Dieb, ft boy Jai|s*r, and n RMidt culctl "TIrt 
T«-«ol(«lhn«Dtnrr Barbtr." 

Utdi ABiiiMArCe -Jl tnott 6ic«ll«iiiblU lipr«««Dt«d 
ber« Ihlt WMk bj ih* BmtoD Mowanl Alhaon'om Co. 
TwAMrformaocai w»reiiv«D 17. tMiora tvo cM*di thai 
ncle i thi hoDie. Tb« bill Uhttdail b7Uid«llo«lioaa, 
leotritntjaWl: Uplph Ml 6uiil« LatIdo, In a eomtdf 
Bkli: rrMBBMrldtv. iliaNawQp, lo trl*b*keicb; AdhIs 
lltrL Id MDit; LlfzleMalv»7aiHl Ptarl (amiD, onrtlty 
dioelDc; iToRd Diar. Irl*h enmadUn ; KaoDa aod Welchj 
arrr4>auc parforaen: lluihaa, Hortoo, MoHtMa aod 
Valton, In "Ttia Arrlral of McOulaoaM." Naitvaelt, 

ifiriox.— The KoilUi burlai<iue, "Hia Shop Ulrl," 
Ul a wMk'a aBBaaaiMiit litra 17. uotler ihe uof aui- 
..JounclrcuniiMiceL 1tieaudl»Dc« vultrxe and u- 
ilDiad la lu applaua*. Rhea Ih bookaU for oexi we«k. 
Kmi'ihb.— Tha boune vaa onwJeJ 17.0Q Iba opeolnr 
6Dg>sam*ot of "Tlie dnoD Klor.*' "iluman llearta" 
u iha uailarllne for na^t vaek. 

Ln AviNUi AciDUY.— TheflTirtiioribe nuaateintni 
bere have Doi met with iha aacc«u ihar daaerre. Aaa 
rvulc (he bouae la dark ililavcak. Thir viUnakean- 
oihar tryoritveak. wbao mar *W praaaotcoraloopara. 
AXiBiCAN — "laiwl of tbe ftfidolalit Bid," tblR verk*> 
iiloa, waa witaeaieO I7bf aralrlnood a'M'l atidl- 
tDMi * Tbe Oallar PUva" U booked Tor veek otU. 

BROOKLY.M MViio 1JA.U— TnU linaie WW laaDchad 17 
with the roaic't of proepeet^ Tto peopl* for tbe opaDloi 
■«ekare: The QnakarOltj Q iarut,ue l.anreaiMl Do 
brlmoDCtbalie Poreatii, Leavlii and NoTello. DelioreUI 
and Uil«*ndo, Worth ud Maraball, Adallna Roaulao, 
lla.eoe raroDlA, Uabal BUnler and Mibel RuaaeU. A 
liMoaeolbllt will be hItmi next week. TbeDewTontate 
UronbyO. K. Qabbardr.wbohaiMCured Laureut Ilev- 
aid aa baalofn maooier. 

LTt'iun— N. 8. Wood euara tlie llil« part )D"Jaok 
nieppanl" ihta irtak. Hi it aiiir nipf iiHfd b 
comiMny. Acmvdedhoaeewii^pTuarn" 
llaml" wUI be Ihoaitrtctiun woik nri4. 

llAVSTt.— "Tbe nalnDukfr^*■ made popular by Don- 
nelij- and Olraid, la bete ibU week. Beit) of tbe prin 
dpan liarit raanr warm fHeoda amoog ibe liODW'a 
patioo*, aod ibey war« preMnt In largo nanban 17. Tba 
lollovlnit attraotlon In "Rofh CUr." , 
Uxiqui— The liou»« wiR crowded 17, when the frencb I 
Pollr U( beuan ewaak'Ninnittmeat. The olio: Oarter ^ 
•ul Clark, wari and JtmiTbum, tbe llarbart Brotban. 
Oeoria P.Uarphy Jr.,T(«i Ripley. TbeTwaotlaih C«d- 
hOTB.— Ad eitrtArdlnirv bill u belnt prepare for 
•xtHuDdijDiKhtattheBfloa. Boma of tn psoplenl- 
. Mdr enoKOd nre : J. vr. Kally. 'the Rolllnir Ulll Man 
apkunfon? band, Lev Dooktudar, mlnuni, and Fora< 

man nod Wcit, In a aktich Uanafar KiMlwIx will 

ntxiSuoday nlfbi luauftrate tbe alniadr popolarcoD- 
ceni at- tba Uraad Opera Uou«e. Ue baa amoBOd an 
eiocllaot Mil. headedHjr Haiiele Ollne. Hir af miaiM 
will be Win H. FoxTniMn and Brrol, A) Orut, rannla , 
Mora, Llllla Wtititre, Uettaam Oity Quartet and Brown 
an-l UirrliOD. Pral. Slarer*a Orcbeaua will be preeant 
Popular pricea will pravalL 

Ullwaalie«.*AI the Davidson Tbefttr« U'lilinm 
DoeypreaoDltd "tlM Globe TroUer" Feb. 10-19, lliarflr- 
roimtnee ol IT beloi Tor the benefit of the (%arUv Paiid 
of Htlvaakeo LoJc*. No. *0, B. P. u. B. Palmar 0«\'< 
'Broenlea" drew t*l fair hoaiea la«t week. "A M lU 
While FlaH"L«cniT«Bt. _ 

BUOD Opha UocsiL— "A Btppr Llillo Home" 
bsloa ahowo ibia weak by Qto. W. Mnnioe and ooitipinj. 

Uantoo Bn>than"-F«ntaNma** played n highly pn 

Itemantat tkia linuaa lam week. UhaiuT. E 
. _. AUailan." II «Td week. 
ACibuv or Hivic— The druu for Ihla week, ap'dIdk 
ISilaTbeOanltai." Ttaeepeclidtytamaare: TlieKorti 
Jvaneee Trojp«,tke Vematlle Trio, BariJiitaod Ha), 
ud norvDce Berntee WrlRhi. "But it^noe," ai pn- 
■enled br tbe uotk. hMt week, found ntny admlrtt.a lof 
iliUokl drunk 

PautTukatiik.— Tlie mnilcil c4meOybyB JACoi-ua 
and lb Ely, "Adam aud Ere." waa g lien by ihe ntxk 
company 16. Tba Ailon Mualoil Clu>) aeatad ibo capiclir 
atuialrcoaoantl. Theprodnetton by tbo 13. u 
* l>erBtbn>enter,'* vaa al«o well atteodtd, aa la oio^t 
eTorypnaenutloa by thla xood oito^ny. Ani3cerr*i.i 
be nuen u ililA liAuaa 31, b/ Knu iiatema, (ho n'lKittr 
loealUt, and I'ruz OtdrleaU. vioUnlat. 

Wu:iDKHiasn Mriai'u.-HIII for «e«>li of 17 la: Caih 
hall— Hair hotte and half man, IhiRo, inaKlelan; Cupl II. 
R. llltka, acout: l^koch RIiom. Klem Jobiiwn. Innjol^i: 
N**NeTftb, Indian ptlDceu: Wolf aiid Bnrreu'i bUctnc 
UrchHtxa. TkDair«-Uen. ll. HcConnick, UunoAn * 
OarwoDd.ETaBrudt, HIckwood end Morley, Ktiil Veu- 
oore, and Connen and Staler. 

■UTio.v.— Tbe Muqoeraae kI*m by t}ie TlieatHnI 
Treaaorora* and L'abark' Aeaoclatlon oftbe Bijoo* AcaJ 

amyand PabMjJ^ wu a auceeu Inereryway Th« 

old Bludaid Tha&tre bolUllog,nD tbe Houlh Bide,hA)i 
teen kaeed u an armory by a local mlUiiry ornQUk- 

lion A. II. UtlLof UaU'a NorthweiumUlrcuit,ha< 

penuADently bcnia*! In tbe Academy bolldlDt. Bonip of 
the beoklDin orer bledroolinre: "Saure Acree," "Tho 
Derlra A«euon.""ATeiaeHUer." "AItId JoiIIo.** Jiiha 

Dillon end tbajobo Buploton Oo Manafrer i^bti. l*. 

BalUbary, ol FreentD'a fhtatn. CInolnnati, O-, wailiere 

on a ilalc It MnoAger fluniiln end tbe llanlon lirotli- 

er* Invited Tkt Kttniny witamftn newnbora to tbe l)l|i>u 

M LegpoM tiodowiky, a Pollah pUnlA, iflrea a rt- 

cltal at toe AUieomm 21, and the aerenUi eTenlOK ra- 
dul of the Monday JIaiical CInb wlU take place thoro 2<. 

Secreury a K. Kuney, of ihe luierRtate Ulll 

Poatera' ProtectlTO iMMlatluo, waa here Ian week. 

Hfdby the home 
it 17. 'The Upper 

Baa CUIre^nauloiUi* "Fttatasma," Pelit c, 
vuKreeted hy a Urite aadl»ac«. AtiAndance at'Tu 
Land of tlie LlflDff," It. waa llabt, nving to ba-1 wealhar 
Comlnit: 'Ulattfraad Ura->her*' and '*Iohen M aealf )T 

Br local taleai), 'The Merry World" tZ, Murrar f^^^ 


Albmojr*— Ttittti«(o«ra bad » grf^t virietr of 
aiinciloDk 10 rlimro fi uo laat wteb. 

LxLiVD OrikA llorai— "Uande Acreaa iheSea," for 
.11 oiienlbK* lu i«ry B«d tnilocaa, *H>e 
Prodliial Fathtr*' Rare oce petfoimance to a flood eiied 
bo<inl3. The llowaid BoatoD Atbeaa:un Bpeclaliy i^o. 

ToroBto.— At Ibe Qraod Open Hoiuf , Feb. W-M, 
'Rob Rny" had rtrj lante Dualaeaa. Plald'a Mlutroli It, 
U. Trilby* eomw IMV. 

TonoNTO Or«iu Iloui(s.—"Parlteet RoMla" onened in 
big baalnaM 10-15. 'Hlreat Brooklyn Uandlcao^' rometi 
WMk of 17. 

Mamky Mr»ic BiLU-Tlie MeodelMobn t^onwrt, II, 
waaRMcanlnL AlbiDlconicNSl. 

CRTurAL TBUTHi onntlooea wUh nod bualnea*. 
Lectnr* Hall: Oapc 8. BInman, Mlaa V. Koapp. and Prof, 
Bdmoada. Thoatr*: The Iwmpaeyi, Eeiert and Hick, 
AL Lawrence, HlUard, McOoren, Ball and O'L^nn. 

Oltmwa.— Al tbo Qraod Own Uodm, Feb. 8, 
EfflllyBancker. lB"Onr Plat," had good-boaloHe. Oa 
III Pleld'e Mle>tf«l« paoked the bouie. Albaol eontei IS. 
and every eeat la im at big prIcM, Joetpb Hart, lo -A 
Oar Okl Boy," comai 10, 0. 

OnAKtB HALL.-1hn llany Llndley Co. reaied W-M. 
Ibe ball tNlnarentad. Tbe company opena 14, and will 
mnaln aotlls. tfarki Broa. come wrek of March i. 

dolabed the Wnb, with ablK andlenc* at eacb pen'onn- 

■■ ^ P. I " ■• - 

tbu wee 

J Uutdiloia, n . — I 

Roman aierMn; Xtorlsi and MMIe, uee..Tbatolieri | 

I'roctorbaa enjagcd ilie 

i-eople for tbu week- alolea Lery, 

anee 14, Ift. Manager Y. 

fvllowlnc epet'ialiy i-eople — — .. , 

Bonnie Tbomton, Wai»«n and Uutdiloia, Ortdoo, the 

HOiun axcnwo; itorini mua i^^ira, uoo. awtonor. 
BUtem Beaumont, Phaiman and Morluy. Carroll end 
Hinder, and Bay V«moil. 

HiRMAXt'rt BLiKi-KiR U11.L — "Tlie Fatal Card * had 
fairatttudanco I'tb. 10, II. "A Milk While Flag" wared 
brroraaudieoc^aariUiitprorortlona la, 13. Llhlan Kaa- 
■all u^raCo. taDR"ni»urmnd Dacheir, ' toan Immenea 

o(dloarybaalnpn(.&. Comlog: ^mioeeb Uennan Opera 
Co.. In '■UtbeDarlo.'* IS; Poiur Ballew Co . Id n:harlotu 
Coiday," 11 ; Whiioet Ufera Co., In '-Bob Roy,** B; "The 
niuidofUieNlle" M. 

U Al n V Til lATRB.— ThU I10UM bad big bnalnen all lajt 
acek wlthUarry Moni^TwiQilelhCeniary Malda. The 
A.ILO. alfo w»a ihcwa a'mokt every slut. Comlan: 
Tbe Aniffilcan VauderiUe Co. 17 and week, Mlaoo dfr 
UubBnrUmue Co. tl and week. 

Spracaae.— At WIellog Oper» UoDe« Den Dir- 
HlRh and a aiopany of aaateora pi eacnied Mr. Darlelgh't 

J wee. ''In Old Maine," to aood bualaran, Feb. U. Mr. and 
Ira. Dartalpb and Ur. Biroea making aipeclal hit/, 
bully Bancker, lo "Our Flat," came, to big baelneea 14, 
». Week uf Feb. 17. rrof John Reynoldi. meiunerliL 

BiBTAUU TuRATHi— 'Hy Wifo'e Fnead**dld fairly lOL I 
II. Llll4nRaaBeliO|)«raCit.bad B. R O.IS. John IJaia. 
ln ''Cpmtdy and Tragedy*' aud "A Pair of BMOtaOea." 
daUfhttd a large aodientt IB. Dr. Loyd Cook, abliltual- 
Ui,rd;Hia. Potter and Mr. Ballew. In 'VharloiuOorday* 
ud ' ttlie Sioftpe to roDHBor.*' coue 17, IS; Wbltaey Opera 
Uo , In "Reh Roy." 19. W; Camllle b'ArTliU, In "Made- 
lilne, ortbeMMMlCiw,"tl,M. 

II. a Jicou' TtiEiTU -The Boiton Howard Athe- 
eK'uin Co. came lo big ttiilneaa lO-it. i;baji A. Uirdner, 
la 'The Prlie WiDoei**'and "Faiberland,'' had laree at- 
lendince l9-)». To cone: Pkirnm Bindley, In -Tlie 
CipulD'aHate," lT-19; ^-Darbeai Buaala ' Ukti. 
Koran— Maoinr A. A.Oratr Iniendi lo make Jaooba* 

Theaueainioa oouaenoiCBeaaeii Barokl Mcnraib, , 

rurmanyiaartldtntlCadwiih ibe local preaa, luabvea 

appointed ]>T«u agent of iha WUUnir.. Cba/. Danlota 

■Ul teomnltea oompani to play bla piece, "Uode 8am." 
TbecotiiHoywlIUpealnMardi. UanDaflelgb and wlfei 
and Bd. Woko:L 01 Bjracuae, barealgDed wftb bin. ' 

Hamlltnn*— the Oread "Sowlog tbe Wlod." 
booked tor Feb. wm canceled. Al. FleU'e Hloitrcla 
»tne 17. 'TrlUy** olifa a return eniAgemeol tS, Btove'a 


^RrAk THBAnL-ror 17 aod week : The WhltM^ La Roy 
■Irani, tbe Deaguu, leabella Boaaiieau, and IIooTer 
aiwl FortiL 

, A8aoriATio^HiLi.-Cai.tttD JaekOraelbrddallghlad a 
fair acdUncAia,wlUi ble lecture, enlithd "Hie Cainp 
KIre and tba Trail" ^ 

G««l|iit.-At tbe RoTRl Opem nome Btow^M 
^Uocle Tom*a CabU*' Co. played to fair houne 
Hll* Caweroo, In npertory, cornea 17 and week. not. 
MeVeuh Jr,of Detroit, In Itlaurated ledara. **A 'Ce- 
ding Toor Tbroiwb Great Brtuln." bi dne Mtrdi a; 

^Randa Acraai tbe llea'*7 MaoagerTaTenlerbaA 

JolDed,tbe Ida Vaa Oonlaodi Co. la Iowa to reheane twu 
new plar a, "Dorli" ud *'A Wonan'a Power," which ba 

LoBdeBa— Al tbe Qmnd, Feb. 11, Uie Trocadero 
raadarlllea plaaaid a Urge bonu up eialra. Booked: 
Flald'a Mlnttnli B. Btowe A Co.'i *'U. T. O.*' XL 


RestUe—At Cordiey's Tbeetre "Tbe Uild ot 
Milan," a Ihite aetconiloopeTa,byF.OtloOolllDBaud 
Prof. 0. E. Bray, wai (Iren lu Oret prodnctloD on aar 
Mage Feb. S-d, to etow'ded houeee. at adranead ptittK 
llie Uitlle Benart-Chaie Co. relnraed 9, lor foar week^ 
and preaenied'-Pava Ticket IHT'na ibeiropenlDiroiTrr- 
Ing to a R O. '^eTeuptatloD of Money" wUl be Ibrir 

SaATn.BTDUTU.-6oaaa*a Band cAm^■ in ibla hooM. 
nnder the dliectlen of ei-Manager John W, Hantia. ll 
and will play arelarn engaaementU *'Id Old Kenturky" 
II and U, Marie Walnwflgbt 1T>U, Frawley BtMk Oo. 31 

Roc)ieat«r.*The \Tblinej Open Co., In "Rob 
D*;."' 'wey* »'B5t«:«?T»t tb* Lyceum Theaire 

^ab.l7. bra PotUr ud Eyrie Bellow an annonnoad 
lor 19 n Lillian Rua*eUlefi)». doing well John Hare 
IaJ\ IS, doing oDly fair. Tbe DemroacU Opera Co. will 
gite one peiformaQce 11, and Minnie Mvldera Flake U 
aDttOonevd forT7-& 

CMK ortRA Uoi-nH.— *-I>aikettnanla"Taa am 17. for 
three night*, to l« loiloaed by Joe Oti, lo "Tlie Star 
Hirer,*' lor the la«t half of the week. Lan week ^'Oor 
FUi" and "The Qiul Bronklyn llandkap'* did well 
'The Blher Kinr'conai 34-U,**Miea Uamn Baanun* 

AriDiMT or Mrvifhail BdwlD "ronrireD.' 
17. ^te^Ini ror the entlte aeek. I,aat veak Flonoca 
^JSf ^o.iw^ buiineaa Uedeilloed for week 

ofSI, "While Cronk" BitnvaRasiaOo. 

WitxoiHURpTiiiAThD^The foilowlng.peocle are oa 
Ihe protrafflme for ihevaehbeglnnlnii7!ll>ldaTliomaB, 
Fnok Rarry, Marbelte Rckert, Victoria Eaulle. Two 
Ofmc«*. Lorenie. Fliti " ■ -■■ 

lUiBKar Imi: 

a* ■ vB.a •n«ssKB\MBi,uu«a Ht s,Bi« w«ai ■■Valium asuiti-.--. 

reoplt U: O. B. Babtr, Nallls Uenrd, Dab OotaD. Vsy 
U Beta, MIet miUsna, Fibs Stalais, uickey Wtkb, 

ramoet SitlsK, asU Jo* OBimlibL 

PAOte— JobB aiJalBO. oltb* ABdllerloD, Bpobsse. 
eSBie u tbls elly n to b* loltlstad with Pent BoeBd 

Lodn,9S, T. M. A. Jobo P. Cordny bat besB stiaad- 

IB| toboslaatl la tbU elly 7-U. 

Tmeosaa,— Al IkcoDia Tliealra lb* Oarlelon 
Opai* Co. bad r*b' bBslBses Fab. •. Msrle Welowilsbl 
aoieleimllaiilMsslOL II. Hoosa's Bead, 11, bed bit 
stt*odAnc«;t«tufa toftu*ot*Bt 15 "Is OU tteoiaeSr" 
U, "Jaahua 8)it*c*li|''^ U, Hsllla MeHMitT D. IXiilSBa 
Opsia Co. II. a, m*I.F Bioet Co. u-n. Louis Jtsie. 
llueb S Aod 4, lallnsd Tlet.l" It. 

MiPTU BTHBSTTsKATaa— Ths Biollb-Llsb Co. plsytd to 
poerbosiosssBMk aedlBf BBoday,e. 


It*. FlltitntI Bad lt*lly sad riaab Bil*y. 
■NjtOLi. l*rlar«astlb*Ljc«Bran. 

UlB(k«ealam.— AlUteBtCHOpcialtoueOon* 
W""'.'-''tr"'t'..'' IB ne*ttory,bsdB R. 
O. > at>. la-U, BDd Iba audl«*e*s «*r* «*u pltaAtd. "Mr 
KIlB's Ptlsad" coBi*s II, CiBlll* D'AnQls, la -Med» 

Hot SprlBBs.-Al tbe Open Bonae, Feb, 10, 
lobert Maatsll prmotid He Hssbaad," betot* *b 
sodleBe«thBlp*ekedlheboas*toBtsadbi|t*oai. '^* 
Totaedo," wlib lUBo* Btecbaalos] affeeta sad «e*bh or 
se*n«ry,dr«ttsfalrboof«ll. "ATesaBBIeef'tomssa). 

I.IIIU Reels,wAt lbs Oapllal netlra Robert 
Ilsaull cam* r*b. II, ll to Ur botlaasa •^orasdo," 
IVbsdatnallbo*.*. "IhaOottoo KlBB"eeiD** lllui 
MeiTbr, IB -A Itiu Blaer," U, lobL Ooailaf ai> 

Febkuary 22 



Variety and Minstrelsy 

TitociDimo Hons.— Vtmn. Saoiloir Hd|!rcia 
hsra pnrctitwd tmn llio (leonn H.rulliiMnCo. 
one or tbeir bindflomeflt cnn. A plearare (rip ttIU 
IM taken to llie PdclOo coin next Spilop. and Itio 
cjrwlll ran; SiMidow and cooipany dailuR ntxt 
rcir'dlour tn S*a t'niiKlica and U»lcci. From 
mtnca Ur' XelKtclil hai ananicd a tour to Aiutn 
lla. Tlio iwo D(wton« liave Nwn eDimcd for a 
tbiitj woekB' acaioD, conimtnrln; !:epi. n, In rtill- 
adtlpbla. The Uortj Umr. Iuto aim Men eumRCd 
for tnlrtr wceka. Urairn, tho liimler, alM tioid:i a 
Kilgrtid contract for tblrtr ynetn. K, D. Btiolia 
wlirnunago one ot tbe Ssndoir-Zelgtdd companlta 
next naaoii. 

Rou aoBi (Vh. Din Crlmmia') gtn birtb to 
iHli/tMTon Feb. II. 

OarraiN Jaox OHairt-oHK, tbe poet acoiit, la at 
proent on a alinrt lecinrlng tonr Unugb Canada, 
■Dd reporta aacoess. Ho bas aatoclmcd vltd talin 
K.L. gpenctr, vlollntJt. 

UncuiLL AND LOYs, atter a Kpaniloa ol roar 
jntr, ban again romieil a partDcnbln. 

TBI UVIR9, Will and U l»ilto Irene, have J >lne<l 
tbe James A. Rclllj"A Qeiman sndlcr'' Co. roribe 
rmalndcr or ibe amjon. 

UiTou WAin bu Joined FIjnn It SUerldai'e 
ni Senjitloa Uo., ana proTotos niaori merrlnisni 
wlib bU Koilleb anil ami Imck dancbir. 

Cuia. 1*. YiiTtHVi OauuimiA ban canceled Ita 
proposed lourorrhoWeai Inillea and Sniiui America. 

UiLLV Wann, ot ihe icaoi KD.t and \r»rd, miues'a 
ut to eiaie Ibat bo la not tho Dill; Ward menilosed 
laaprevloaeliauecr TnnCLiiTiB tu belpgdovn 
«lib rhenmHilfm. 

BtaBY TuousoN (Eflnann), vbo aijlea bimseir Ibe 
"tlarnror the Botrrrr," la to bava a beoelll on Foti. 
-.nalBrooliljii lAbor L;coiiai,Xo. liiS.torwblcbiTe 
Mknowledge an invliailon. 

Rosrni OF Fbank K. Lo.vo'sCo.-Fnnk F,. jMta, 
JoeF. WIIUrd.Chas.aataeld.J. 11. Newell, W.N. 
Urnr, Fbll. Halier, Annie Thonaa, Florence Ash- 
rord, Hlnerva Nliilo, necale Uataer. Will S. Collier, 
advaiice representative. Duabieia la teporied to tie 

Miati DtasDU, tbe borlesqae totrcai. wbo came 
kere rron Eugland uhout nve jeiuHtgo, U III and 
10 deailiuie olrcmnstanccs at coi lilgbib Artnue. 

Lima OEORnia nvKrn.-i',TOx, who bas been 111, 
baa rullr recovered and reaumed norfc. 
Tai MiDPiBKS bave Just closed a tiro week*' en- 

Kgemenc at tbe Tneairo Comli|ue, Now Orleans 
>. Tbej aie bonked for nesi acoion with E. A, 
Price's Fioallufi Oiiorn Co. 

FSAKii DaRPSKjHn succeeded w, D. Allen aa 
niiDogeror Miislc Uall, FrsDktuid, Hj., ("eb. lo, and 
It fflUoo run ae a combination buuae. 

Tng Wood Simiis go out aheail or ibclr oim 
iiuHeenne compiov nekc seaaoo, under the manage- 
meol or Janies K. wood and II <nj Creve. 

TBI ''Wiiin ViKVS" CO. bas been reheartlDg, 
and their new scenerr will be read; for their open- 
ing, SI, In l^nianua. l*j. Two weekii or nlgbt 
A'anda have been booked, m h.i to btve ercrythTbg 
rnnnlog araooiblj bj tho ilmo the conipanj reacli 
their week stands, comoienclngfttcinclonail, 0. 

A. noTsaDunn, nr Cnicaio, in., hai sent us a copj 
ol "The Uodora Wizard," n neatlj hound book. In 
which clear t;pe and excelleiit lllosintlons are 
uied, upsn good paper, to explain some ot tbe 
neibods known to Ibo practice or uecromanor. 
Those wbo lake an Interest lo ticlgbt of hand, und 
ncek runber enllgbtenmeiit upon llie enbject, «UI 

Tnii new songs or Ohsries 3. EHIIs. now being 
snog b; bloi In bis pisj, "fbe Alsatian." irlve prom. 
IM or BUrpatalog bis iormcr eiroris, "A Uuuonholo 
liouiiuei" axd "ilunsblne will Come Again." The; 
nre rnllilcd: "Flease, Ut. Ssuia Clau.'i, Don't For- 
Ktt Ue," "UoUier's Uaxlms" and "Tbe iiong ror 
tne Usbles." 

Tna URiminx Tobatm, Chicago, III., will re- 
open Feb. l-j. It will be devoted to specially per- 
rorauincea and combinations. N. 1>. Uoberta and 
V. w, Wriebiare the managerd and lesttes. 

Brail. Kbmkbdv, dancer, sailed tor Cngland Ust 

Uko. Bvaks and his well knoirn -'I'll Re True to 
Uj Uonnj Do;" song are Inaiparable. The; can be 
beard at faalor's Ibis week. 

ilARBV 8. Uiu.Bii'8 two laleet songs, "Down in 
llogan's Alle;"and"Ouljan Actor's ObUd," will 
aborllj be Issued b; Hear; J. trebnun. 

The l.tTioNB SisTiBS hare Jaat doted an engage- 
nSDI or two weeks at tbe Colnmlila Theatre, Sla- 
terSvllIe, W. Va., and are booked for a roiura date, 

"Ji'sr Teu. Tata Tuat You oak Me," raul 
lireascr'a song, la now In tbe reporter; of inan; 

UiLEH RcsSBLL, or tbe Weslern "While Crook" 
Co., celebnied bcr blribda; at Ilome, N. Y., Feb. 
II, and received bandtomo prestnta, Ijsaldes a 
beantiral basket or nowcre, rroni the membon or 
tbe oompan;. Atter the perfomiance an elegant re- 
past was served at tbe ArUnglon Hotel, In which all 
tbe cii]ipan;took part, Uuilneai Is good and all 
am CDjo;log good bealth. 

IIABKY BHBi,no.'«, 'ihe dascrlplire tenor, ot tbe 
"Qlri Wanted" Co., Is delighted wlili Ibe success or 
Ills new singing speclali;, or which the feature bi 
his rendition or aranam'd sosg, ••llj Dad's the Rn- 

Rdna AMD Wood, atlor a Ibiee years' lour abroad, 
aiTlved here Feb, it, 

UbIkobah Ih at Kellh'a, In Philadelphia, Fu., 
ihla week. He will go with ibe IlloglUig Bros.' 
World's (Ireaieat Shows nextseawn. 

Tsbbb new so.vos have Jiut been lasued b; the 
F,nsllsh Bong PublUhlCi (»., at tbbi cll;. Oae la a 
London moalo ball dllt;, "Aa Soon aa I Am Old 
Mouib to Know," tbe other la a Joll; dacke; bit, 
"Toe Houeat Uoon In Town," and the thb^ls a 
comlo KogUsb bit, called "And tbe UtUel'agUog 
Wobbled Close Deblnd." 

AimoB WiLiiKS, or On; Brolben' tUnstrels, was 
leri behind very alck at Fairmont, Va. 

UooKlxiis— Al WondeilBoa Hum* aud Tbaatrfk, Dm 
MoloM, la., curio tad lecujn hAll— Frar Dai's colleclloa 
nomUis Uolr Lands. Blan— Th« Scrii. awrglaOnr, 
Brad; and FArktr, Babbf^rjul, nils. OrUDila.lllla. 

Larrstto. and Le Paaa Family At Binon'i Tliiatr*, 

NenoiLNsn, ri.-Tlc*>iHl Nolrn,jjariT McCaalay, W. 
A. Fstan. Mines and Ooalbr. Pluiiacs Bdvaida, All a 
aiDOlAir, Haliou and DatIi, Nilllo nrta. Sulla Roitsll, 

i>\ ModeaUL CtiATlej Raati aod Jobo MayosTd Al 

ihaThattra Coulnua, Mav Orlnni, Mardl una week— B. 
M. Bichsmtn. proprietor; Chafi. P. Omu, |i«aertl naaa- 

5«r; Tooy Dnria. ■laao nuoaser; Wni. C«)id, mQiIeal 
IrKlor; Iriria Bluets. L>Mle and Dairy: Want Broa^ 
niaa. and Frank; Mlud RuUon, Otars Eranl, BIJou 
Brani, Ctiarlas P. Oroiu, Djmool and ftoiltli, Poltoa 
Broa. and Jimis McHIIIid. 


Cblcag*.— Things tbeatrtcal sre la a vetr pios- 
paroQi eoDdltloD Jostoow, wHbex<sll«Dt altrictloiuat 
nostof ihAlioQiaa. Theoollook for Ilia iDoiadUte fu. 
lura la eicallint, wllb lliary Ittlof nodoillnsd tt Uit 
Colambla, RIdiaid MantflaUaadUoilJeskatosoeDSpptar 
at tbe Oniid. Jamei A. B*m« la tn •DEaiamcnl of to- 
deflQltalaeElbalKeVlckat't, tadaMd tllraeUoDiattba 
othtrbouisi. Lartwaek Ihore waaamnior toUit flTMl 
Ibat IbaRchlllarToaU pais from the cODlri>l«r Ira L\ 
■oua, and Nlioo A /.loiuHriBaQ mra maalloaed at the 
probable tnccaaaort. Prom Mr. la Huiie'a aioteawDU It 
■tami Uial thtr* la lllila llkallhooil or iheboun iMulog 
rroai bla eootrel alUiouati flaoar Probmtna la oolooaar 
cODDtctad witb IL DATld llaadersoo lapraptrloBtupr*. 
"«at "Jfait Harlan" od an alabomla actla at tlis d^lilllar 
IblaBdmBiar, tn'llt looks u li tha ulk or tiia hoiva tdJ. 
iBE 00* mora to lu alreaity loag lln or chtases la prama- 
tnra. Tna aubjaamoat lottraitloa tn Uiaatra patrona to- 
day u Uiallloaaa of UtiiKar UcVleber. Ut aultaitd a 
atnktor partlyalalaat weak, tod U la a critical Cflodl. 
iloo. Br. HaVickor drat pbyKl bait lorty tli learaaip, 
aadlblny.alBhtya»ra agoliebexaa tbe mtntgaiaaDt la 
tlibi city or iiloVlcktr*tTbaalr«, apotllloB tlut be hta 
ntlatalaedeoatJououalyararalae* • 

coLcaauTuaATRa— AtooUiaelhla aatson haa tbera 
lieaoblEsarbonaaatlita Htylnrlobudrawa thUwafk. 
liar pUyiDff or tba latdioa rola la "Tlia Widow Joaaa ■ 
JuUaaaalltlittbar frianSa bare cUlmad for bar aa a 
camadlaaae, aad bar titraat aa a alarhaiieanalolrljia 
taatlainny of the box oinea a« to lu aaccaaa. Jobo n. 
RIeaamt Utaramtlndar or Miat Irwio'a capable lupport 
all Dod opportiinlllaa In Ui«placataabovUiarabi1iUaa 
aaoomaJlana, Irrlnt'Tarry II. . 

Oaictiio oraaA Housa— Oaoillle D'AtrlUa vUyedto 
laraa hoaaaa ah tba weak, doalni Sanday wiUi tao par. 
fornitacaa. Mnoday nlalit tha 'Teantlatli Cantuir Olrl" 
mmaa for a weak with Holly Puller. Aieoa Craur, tfeorila 
Hiwlay. Aaila* Vaa Dynt, Joba T. Rallr, Oaa WlllUnrs 
Wn. Camaren. Utny Kally aad mtoy oUiera. Naat 
wtak. Paany nice. 

Oaaso UPiRi ltovHB~f!hlciKt bai not fafeaa orar 
kladly ta'-Tbe Cblartala," but llie bouaea bare been good, 
for Praacla iPllaoo baa miay rrlaoda. Tba nav opera 
will eoatloae tsotbar «aa*. and tbea "Tba Bairf Hoa- 
aieh" «iu b« rarif ad inr t roo ore wtak. 

McVioaaR'n THBiTRB.-CrattoD Clarke cloaed a nodtr- 
alely aaeetriTal eaaaffentaal U. "flbore Aena'* la aare 
orailharal patoaace thmaRh aa aoBaeeaieDt ll>at bealoa 
IT aod raaa for aa lodadnltM period la Mr. Uarae'acom. 
IHay ate Rabei t Plarhar, Juiiea T. Ualkiway, Praofclla 
Uarltad, Eraeat tAmioo. Aldea But, Jaman r. Dally. 
Aasaatoa Woiroid, Ttionaa laca, Hobert Trinacr^ia. 
■■..Biaat, Ml.aea niaie FlUlea, Uiue Oiykr Clark, 
llalaa Uoohl. Bella Tbeodnra. Ltille Uaotle, nvitnca Be. 
oekle, Beaulte Morgaii, Ixstle lleaUa aad EdIUi Talll. 

Maiu.ia Tnaivaa— day Olemaat pttiad Tba Old 
vonlalna" toaadleaeaa lAat loetaaaed laaliaaad ea- 
tbaaltm all Ibt seek, niaappatranea. oaliataldtd aad 
ajooat aafcanwa, bu provrB ope or tba taeat atitkloff 
sanettta erraeeal yaaia b> me local dnaiaiUfleld. llaa- 

pany. In (raiiiian llpiti. wacbanar'a Block foia. 

l.fcnVa.'nl'l'ff^-;'-!";;? -^^-^^^^ Pl.f»^ .o r.,y 
•Trllbj" cnonaor bcBlna » i„!,n^l^^.. • ' Al'»afa 

.'"{•••k.ltrtlcola.l, th! IL". .lioVli" IK?;; 

llopKi.v*' T(UAT«E-Tli« fan wttk w«i a rsntn] 

1 Aria, 'atMHtiftTkbilevillereuuTMi will includ* llartMri 

IfviD Hr<u.. KltiUNolnoaaoJoiliert. 

CornMDr.vlileii hu Juii pUytd ■ v«ek ai tbt Uowo 
wwo nouM. 

LTriuji TjiiiTHi.-pDr iMi vok iliarroinmini vlll 

arr Ihe four .Votion sImhtl Muck iDd fIjbo. Waller aod 
Waller. Ltncaaur and t'^ltloi. aad olheni. 

lurNRliLMttiic llALU-Oeen aoU raihloTllla lonn a 
piuOlable combiuaiU D. Kor Ills m«flk llie onvra lo be 
pre«euicd le "HovrActlii." lo ibt vaudeTlim pcrrortuince 
a nuroi>er eUTer pcnpie are eoic«<«<l, inclii>l|na th* 
neroanl ShUrOlire* B«TT«t(e,Lailnldle, Pobro. Oracle 
tod RerooU^ Matue Webh. Trpja cloned lier eanRe 
niBOl wlUt U>t «e*k. 

• 'AMixojixu Ei»icN 111 Hii.-1'ixlf r fiilN o«w tliU (Ke 
Caxlou Htaiit 'ir well umiar ue nunenenifir m LauU 
Er>»lQan aoti Billy Ki-e. Kiir tklR» Mk ihe pio^nnnie 
ofTcrad I>eilolbiv«: Rolnown ntil Baker, HaUl Ciue 
liar, Lamar aod Veddrr. Three Derra BiMen, BiirUi aad 
PleiiilncTen IIovardHiuid HHIf Rlce'aMlanrpli In the 
miific hill Till he i;mihh«[t'a Vleeoa Ladr Orelit«tr«, 
J«nte«B Vaokialeiinlfaianrt.Onrroll.derllqTliuralnti, 
Jikile Oe Vere. Hnoreaod Rurew^.HOd KloreQce MarHtall. 

SauT JArK'AUriRA Hor«B.-Tli«* KPiniSintlerCiim 
tnnr *ll] continue (or aaoirwr rtck. Van Leer end liar 
ton hare be«Q III for a vcek, but llwf will ir In ttx> bill 
from onw on. M lud D'Arcf. ■ new »iid prelir MdUelle, 
vlllhea'Ided- Olliereinibr* 'illi- Umi Include yixher 
anilCrowellaQil • oll'oi aotifolUa: 

OupiiKiD Ui-Hic IIalu— 1i. tlovlnjt lUt of people 
w|lirun)liJiUirpm|;r«niDe fur tho unek beRlen nic 17: 
TIm Med4ll[oo Trio, Einetbardt awl Raymond, EnelK 
RvImtnL Penor Veddrr. the ai««P. Plore MilrJ|^ 1. It4« 
W|ricfce«ifr. ifiome We»tnp, llBten* A^ne)*, Chqllta, 
aScUle HePherana, L'niellOfan aod the ntnck companr. 

I'ARRTiiiATkK.— Portlie vn«k commencba >7. iLe biM 
will he funiUhwl by ilio rolln«-(nK ■•eople: Ida U iuell, 
the Wliliinn Sully ami aallnxliir, M>QoIe Burrvll. 8t 
Olair aod Lorena HUnehe l.e OUlr. I.Mrhaod boieo. 
and the aiocV compaoy. Tbe comedy fur tbia w««k le "A 
Diomroui fTnman." 

RwlnK. Die Uiutniirl RlanteM, vill be tlie laadlnc ■itrac- 
lion at till! niece Ihla we«k. Capi Altierilwllldrllteraa 
Mlitlinued I'ccure oo BIbirIa Oihnr leAtur*A will Ue 
Etta Ltke,llarrTJoae« eod >llle. Jfarulle. UaiuleUffe 
perfonDnQcei irlll be eiTen. • 
ilKoHi. A UiDUUiToyMdwiiRlfi'iiiVM.— Ablcfc'erace. 
rorwbtclieiiuuiberni ritwonuaare entered, will W a 
re<«uire iliU viek. Oikar etincUooa Id ihe eurlo hall In- 
clad* LUll* Wny, lonir blind womeo; I.uie^ ermleM 
wooder; Atareoo, He\lcao nloUture maker; BoOoey, 
unokeeitUL and oibar*. 

ITbitb'ji I.ONUDN DlMK HnKK.-lo the curlo liill ihla 
week the principal auriciloQlAtUaderuD'A Marlooeite; 
Cither ftitracilooa are thu Alphooioa, huinao Kalamto* 
flem; Pror. Buina aod hU ittrronnloR Joci; AlUirlfihi, 
iheofKitledniio; Mu«lir«,|bein«ii '>«er. !■■ ibe ifceatra, 
the perroroiaoce will Include rarleiy acM by (irade 
BtAnL Hearl Allen. P. 0. Aodreva aod Jlarrf Pelt^o. 
AiMm to thU will bttUie Mblvay danc«<, whldi meoi 
OeiKned to ran on rtrerer. Tliere are six new dancom 
on thh wrek. with itoleka u Ihe itar attracloo. 

KOTBl— Ur. Heroe hai bieo iaelted by a nilcaio 
cUreyoianto addrenililRCQarnffailon on uiefuijeci oi 

plnnle lai '^o Arm ni Uie Li**' will aoon i« veeo 

Mt Ihe Academy W. A. Hndy atya that lie ba*clomtl 

wlih n ParUian inanaierbir the ippfjruce of Oorbeii 

lo paoiAninae oeit Aaiunn C. A. (::ib«rt, lutoiBer 

ol the i:llbf<rt0pi*n Co.. will prniMiiiy ■» m naiiaJa lo a 
few dajn lor a Ions eoaaKMieot In ihe |irorloe«8. 

D«c«lar— Oo Feb. Ift, JiiAC nlneir d<^TS nner tbe 
dreat Are, Ihe oe* Porem <lrand waiopi^oed by iKre'a 
*>'Co. to«D4ortb«laTReit anil moetfA^blooableati- 
dleonii erer moo In Deuiur Tbe botea, aettAand 
a^odlnv nirwi nace ware all llUfd lo nreriliwlDy. "The 
flp%o ofLire ' lollAved 11, m Aoiy fnir biiBlne««. Air and 
Belli Taylor eauif II aoil "Waoh" 16, lo ^ood baeloeaiu 
Oomlog: Paaole Rica 17, Murray aod Mack II. The new 
heuuiiieiactiy llko tbe oU cne, except the lanUedeco- 
ratloo and nalihing. 

BloomlngloB.— At ilio (Irand Upera House 
Bi^t BelU" did a aood bualmuv Keh. la "VanE" 
packed the hnaao 13. "A Somp of Paper," by niooinlnic- 
uo Dramiile Chib, drewalartte audience 14, rrocetde to 

Kiotbe OeaeoorM ll'^ltal. riay Cl^noot comee 17. 
nTrlptoCliiaatown" 19, the PllDta27-». 
(^alnry.— AttbeBaiplrA"RlKtit Uells" pla jeil to 

p. R.O. P«b.ll "Waoff" packed tlie Imu'e liA aod Je 
llahtad the audlenit. Redpaib Cooceri.Co hM ORcel- 
hot retora« H. "Plenlcan'ii Ball" comei 17, Joi Caw 
thoro 19, "Alvio Joidln'* t\, "A Bafgaie Ciieck" xl. 


KTaii«rllle.*At tba Qraod "For VaU Vlrglula" 
drew ooly a modent* hooM Feb. ID. rrcderlck Badci oft 
cone^lAa'Tlie Olrl I Left Behind Me" 18, nilrerOyroa 
U "The Prlrate SecreUry"T7, "Charley'a Anot" March 1 

noi'LB'e.— "O'HoollKtn'e Ifanineraile" tUniclcd e 
tarveaudleoce^. "A ColdDty" lieipeoled It. "rmoado'* 
D. "McCanhy'e Mlahap*," booktd Tor Mardi 1, kare cao- 

BvA5a* Mali.— RemeDil drew a bli hoa«e 19. 
Ti rou.— Variety bill olghlly. Butlaeae fair. 

Fort Wayne.— At IUiodIo Teaplo '-TtioBptD 
ofLlle" drew fairly will Pel'. I«a U. JomIo Ha* riell 
comeiil7aad week. "An American Olrl" &, "lt9t"V. 
^rpeoeloK Muler" 9, "Loet la New Tork" March 3 .1. 
St'iertRobwol. , - , 

EMriaBTiitATHiL— Week of 17 Lynoi' Conwllao^ In 
leperiory; the American VaudetlIIea2i-t>. 

P E. Brocnia. Diaaeter of Hamnlo Tetopl*. ■Ill be the 
haae MloUi lo tbe prodneiloD of "The Meieiah," at Ada, 
o.,a. ^ . 

UarloB.— AtWblto*60pem House, Feb. \2, Uar- 
nyaad Mack. In "PlDOlitaa'c Bill," tinieil the capaclie 
of the hAu*e. "Tova Topl4«" bad excellent paironaae li. 
Boyd'e HlDRtreU caine f.V Howard Wall Murlcal Comedy 

<Jo.l7an<lweek At ibeRnkKere' lIomeOHrmllonfe 

"A Bunch of Koy*a" bat) a well niled hniiH 19 <len. 

lluthei. or thli clly, hae Jolnrd the Blpo aiul Dolman 

dttow E Honrk. owntr of ilie Mra (lea. Teni Tliumli 

Rhow, aold )iU lotvrealtft Kaoarer DADrorih )i*re Feb. 12, 
aod wIllretufD toNAwTork- Un. Monrk left com 

lOr el New Caaibt Ind., end applied lor for a dlrorce. 
.,dt the autniee of ladlui^ did ant cowr livr faae. Alter 
herboabaod had eereied hta eoooecllno wJih Ihn cnm 

oaar abe rejoloed at Nobleavllla Vaoaqwa Merrltl 

and DaTk of "Plnnltan'e Ball," bate aleoid a three 
reart* oootnct «l(h Terry rerfnaon aod nio. II. Etna- 
Hcka and will feature ihHO In Maoacer Mvirlli'a new 
conedr. ' McSorley'e Twine." >lani|ier Merriit ha* eon- 
timclM vlthBomao A Laadl«.orrhlcaan. fore eoin|4ete 
•eeolooaiat. Tbey open ai lodtaoapDlla Auf.3......M 

R BJmletAn ba« ukeo ihi maDeireinentorilte New Alleo 
Thaalre. and will open It In Ihe public M. CHaf Clemaol, 
la "Tlie New Domlaloa," 'III dodleate ihe hooae, 


Jackeonvllle—Acaateara pre^tnlcd at IMrk 
Thea're ihe opereitnof 'TlnderalLa'* and "Oreai Ty- 
coon," toorewded hcaBar, reb.lOand II. "A BoweryOIrl" 
plajed U»Me«nenito»ln«M U. l«««l»*'«t 'Jll pretenl 
■■Harltaoa" l7,0UrA MorriP, to "Re; niHde."18; Uliaa.lf. 
Vale'a "Oneur TweUe Tinputlooa" tl-21. 

An InT«Ian1*l« Roconl. 

From T/te .\etca\tU (/.rty.l rhnnUU. 
Wbiihirtheeanae of It be leek nf ant^rprifofnt the 
part of BrlUah publltlieriL or pre •*ne*of niaaBG*»a on the 
ban of Uie Rrlllah itobKe. iba lact nraaioa Uiat Ibay 
rnaoaie >hHe tbinia betrer la tbe Riaiee. Per 'loaDiHy 
aod cweful ttbiilallou DerileaUra, for nuallty *,\ paper 
aod cUameMofiyt^aniforthe beaeiliol deamewand 
artbtle floWi of It* phntuineHi reprwJoeik'Di.webare 
DO^odweaayltootwIlbaeia feelinc uf ahame-aoy 
apenioK pnbilatioD that coma* wlibln eoroe ro»a i.i 
elTMlaolihet at p eaeol oader revlaw. An loraluable 
ud nur««i>aK TM'trd t« all who cao rM l.o>.) of li li 
Toa Maw Yoai Ctiri-iH Aiin-Ai.. for l«l eonijlniea 
ihaetrleal aad »portbin cbroooloiiee for IMA. a lUl nf 
death* Id Ibe amaaftncnt piffeMiooa a-iuiiie end a^ i- 
laiie perfofwianw. riclni aa-l irfUlof rectrfda. bnyhall. 
eilckei, tillilanl».etr: reeordaoi fattaii Uraeaod U»i 
perforwiBeea In allbraachet of aport. Th$i*.^f hare 
llreo the aoh-iltki lo Ml^^'L'*Ji*'±!!^2lS9S^:" 
Hate tbai It la robilthed by |tie Frank ggata PobUaJJoa 


#Under the Tents# 


United Stiovii.- Wo arilred In Now Urlctni, l.a., 
K«h. tor au UDllmlled auj. The tlR Icnu were 
erected on LeeVi Circle, Hiid ertijf lent nat kiglily 
tleoimieilfflltilnimonao nigt or all uMlonii. Tbe 
big Irnl luldc vaa alao nk-ely decorate<lwlib lUga, 
elrr^inm and liannen of all colorn. On tito open. 
Ininlght, Feb. 3,thedooiv were rioaedand adnilt- 
lance retiucd bernrc ttio perforntanco lieiran. Many 
penone wore alandlng ami auirea of anmll luja 
wcr« rliilog on and mound Ike nog banka. Tbe 
abow bat done aa ImDenae btialncat, gltlDt twu 
peifonnancea dally, and an billed to leiiula on 
Ufi Circle nnill Uarcti i. Tbe ttaier: J. 
R. w. Uenncuej, manager; W. K. HcWlnlmy, 
charge of Wg aboti' tickou: T. ¥. FMODlog, 
charge of eeai, cnncttt ami tiiiiex IK-tett, wllh 
four anlaiania: T.J. Ualman, ri|oe<lilan director; 
Pnif. S. r. Huwnian, iieiienil oiHlor; B. Allierta, 
aaaletani oiaior; llerr Draylon, lugslcr, kicking 
barrel and dumb hell crrai; tVoi. X.lleno and KvS 
llaUday, trapeze and rerolrliig ladder; lUalr, Keale 
and Heno, rlownt; I'ekiiiioa' oriental Troupe of 
Ja|«, ceren In nunioer, dulog elgbt dlircrentecnaa. 
tloaalactarl'ror. lleno, wlih lilt tivliiel elephant; 

"'»J)<>''i Jujgllog lannoii balla andliuvy 
wclgbir; Hlle. l,uU, wiili bcr triok boiwTnt»r; 
Ume. Buwinan and ber troupe or ualncd doia, tne 
kIarn>luSUt«M, Ulille, Kn and Aiiule, inp(n;T. 
J. Oilman, wllb bla educated hortea, iwolia.anil 
niulp; Aldine and Alda. fcmalo conliinionlata: Mine. 
Uime, njlog perclie; .Madeline Miinay, nieuagoact, 
and tbe great bucking mole, Joiemiab. Tne cult- 
cert: Uynle Day, Wni. R«no, Qua Blair, Sitdlo lla- 
rldeoo, Billy Olll, Bob (Iroonell, Balllo IJncolo. Hen 
»arTen,Aldlnoand Alda, Billy UlkencI, coocliid 
Ing with anemlPcea. Tlie hand: T. Cooney, leader; 
0. ^. isiiroll. F. r. Ueliur, Kinieriipoara, V. B. Um- 
ham. W. P. Kngllab, a. Tcagor, Dcrt Wataon anil 
Joe deely. Tbeanne.'i conulgt cagea of aninula 
aod lilrde of tbe laieat klodt. I'ror. S. 1'. Uaw. 
niao, orator, maglctao and mncli and Judy; 
Hia. Julia Bowiuan, atrpeni queen and lady 
poller; Barney Baldwin, the man with a 
onikcn neck; Dika /.unia, iHlioocd won- 
di-r, and I'aiida Cuaia, tbe liunan pin ciiablnn. 
n 0 bare bad noie very aOTero winda. but liavc not 
bail a blow doivo. I'a Prencby baa cbargo ot ibe 
canvne, nitb elgbt aBUInnta. Win. Jacoba, bora 
pmprny nuin, wlili ibrea Hnltiantr, and u. sie- 
vena bat cliarge o! ttnck, wllb two aiabiiaaiii. The 
alintir baa made a vety iuccea>rol Houtheru Irtp. 
u. 11. Illliun was gentral cunimctor, and bad 
charge or Ilia advance. Tbe abow waa well adrer 
tiMd aod rrnreaonted, Iberelote we bare bad good 
liunlneta all Winter. All art troll. 

UuKutuB UwM. have engtgid people fur Ihe teol- 
Ing arawn nf iftwi «] folinw: j. Hluaii I'i'iry, iiiii- 
alcal director; Jna. A. Ualcom, compiiaer and aoOK 
wnitr; Sloan (MwanU, laaun; o. A. Illlibard, alack 
K'Kr; UeiU Walker, wubreiie; U. T. Walter and 
irire, comedy akcu:h; Augoalua Turner, alio; Wm. 
UcQurl, lM»a canrnt nan, and two aarlilania; W, 
U'llom. Fred Kvtna, grooma; IVtit. Win. lleojaniln 
and wire, lo cbaigo or anurx: W. II. Iinke, unitor 
and cliii) awlDgcr; Doc, ' lloul do llonheur," 
I'rur. Illbbard ivill doo|i?nalr wire act and tv. u, 
Duke » club awluglog act for free open air Mtrac. 
■Inn lo front or annex. Sareral profemlooal vlaliom 
calkid receoUy and wero Imiil lo pralie of Ibe new 
wagons. ThodecoimilouaaropiunouncediplODdId, 
A nolo wagon U In proccaj of complotkiu beio 
which will lie a novelty. Tne front hna elevated 
aeat, with handaome iiinabado, and on each aldo of 
■eat craue neck dragona project, elalmralely carved 
and glided, orcrurfch blue panel, from wblch ap. 
peam a bugn tiger head, with red mouth n|ieo, wblto 
tuaka gleaming, a perfect picture of niagnidcent 
reruclty. Tbe name, "Buolieur llma.> Noir Model 
;ibow," e.siouda roll lengili of aide, and by an 
IngenlDue arrangcmeni, utter polet are unloaded, 
twu long aeala, to ai-commodaie ten to tonrteen 
mutlcUua, can be Inaiautly put In pualllon, and 
two alik ilamlogo colored draperira, emtibt»iieil 
wlilt tho Orm name lu gold, adjutted to conceal Ibe 
rraroe or the pole wagoo, tnuiHrormt It Into a very 
duo looking bjnd wagon. We will bavo nine 
wagoiia antf twenty head of ilock. 

Tuasi'iTor U. Uimum Soeley agalnattbe execu- 
1011 of tne r. T. Barnum ciinle came up (^b. 14, In 
llildgepon, Ct., beforo Judge Ueorge W. Wheeler, 
In the supcitor Court, Ur. Heeler t laluui tr,,ooo aa 
pioOU or llie llamuiu A llalley Show durtog 18ir.'. 
roe eieculoni have refoaed lo allow hit cUliii. Tne 
dupetlor(X>nrt decided that the execnion had dia. 
creilooaiy power, aod tho Huprenie UDuit uplicid 
ibiB nndlog. Mr. Sgelej'a oouuwl aiaert that llio 
■■.\ecutor> are eroding bla claim and Hllllully uiU- 
InterpietlDg the decltloo. 

Mbb. CABrHom bat algned for the coming eonion 
to HO with Ihe Qteat Walbice Show, lo do her 
original ring maaleraci, 

BkLTOBii ilncfH Notfts — Ur. Ilelford putobaiitd 
aflooapanorhoniea btot wook, to bo need tor Ibo 
iiaod wagon. He alto tecured a new ticket wagon. 
Krerjone about tbe Winter iiuailen la working 
hard, aa we expect lo open the uiiler |iait ot April, 
rnf. Uurr't baud will b« a reatuio next uaaon. II 
will locludu twelve uoo and Uullle Boirord aa 
comet BololHt. 


Sbotv.— Ereryiblogia going on finely at hoidifiiar- 
■era. I^r. A. W. II .-Oormlck haa purcbatid tour 
more Arabian atalllooa, making eight ho baa 
mined, not Including Babe,tlie pony thai dosa rope 
walking. Wo have lecurod Leo Biua.' Hide Bbow, 
a nloe pole douldo deck, and a oofi, tnp. Following 
la a correct rooter: Alex. McCoimIck, inanaier; 
Frank McUomlck, ireaaunr aod ticket leller; A'al. 
terMcConnIck, adrance, with roar atalalanti; Ixiiila 
rolbort, bote canvaa man; llolacher Family, relunt 
act, double Irapa, etc.; Prof. Hellly and tronpeof 
tweiro educated dog>; M, UunkfiD, Juggling and 
balancing; Ualne aod Uooib, e<|iililmit, dying 
ilDgtand conionlonlat; John and May iicniu, ting- 
ing and talking clowna; Albeit (laaton, knookaboiil 
clown; Air. Norton, manager ut concen; W. U. 
Burdctie and band ot ten mouthplecet. We cairy a 
wn. round top, two auru mlddlt plecet; have en- 
larged 10 eighteen wagoni and alxiy head or atock. 
frank Mct^rmlck hat gone t/i Uatallloii, o., ti aee 
about buying a band wagon, pole and Uckot 

ljuv tiRADAU, aide abow orator and announcer, 
who hta bern Idenimed wUb lheUaiuum,t Uilloy 
Show ror reveni yeara, bu been re-eogagcd for Ibe 
teaton or li>9n. 

I'AUi. 1.A Loxiii, opentlc bate", and Jobonle 
llughie, comeitlal, both or Ul lleotit Uliiaircla 
hare tigoed for tbe tenilng aoaaon with the IMefen- 
bach Bbow. 

AKNA Wi9T, tight wire performer and race rider, 
baa algned wim Waller I.. Maln'iClrcua fur m xt 

Nona FBOU UoLUB A. nitiir'a oncn. Home 
A. Ualley, tola proprioior: We are playing to large 
liUiineaM In Texat. Wo have twenty waguna, tlxiy 
head or honea and thlrty Uve people. We have 
among our atmcilone I'ror. Uaylogion aod bla 
trained poulea,Bliteeo In numlier, the Ineal Iraloed 
slock lo the world; alao BIrdlollurty tad her won- 
deilul trained birds. 
NirrxB man rui Wii.iiii Oaoa.— In anawer lo our 
"ad." we recelred over twu hunlred leltera. 
Laie addlllnna tor next leatun are I'rur. II. 1'. 
Ackonuao'a Challenge Band, or twdremoulbplecea; 
the lielaabot, king and ijueen or iko air; Mile. 
Cerlto, ladrriinllibihl, dauclDg barrel and maglo 
labia; rrof. J. K. Rice, trained doga, poulei and 
trick □inirs; I'rlnce Kimmlikl, the loan of many 
romu, aod Jtmet llorao, cqueairtan director. We 
taarralinind new ouiOi.wru tO|i,wlih Iwo 3ori. 
middle pircea, and evetitblna win ahloe clean and 
bright ifom Make to bale ring, ho expenae or 
lalior will be apared to put the (lolden Bbow lu cmi- 
dlilon for our next aeaaon, which begins al Uu- 
caiier. Fa., April la, 

Oail Claib'h HiLiTaar JIaxo will iio one or ibe 
realunaof lOa UarautuA Ualley Mhow ilie coming 
eeaaen. Two cooplele tela of new and costly uol. 
rorots bare been pnrchatcd by tbe maoagcuteni, 
and the band will lie dreasod aecnnd lo none on the 
road. An entirely new nunutcrlpt pingrauime baa 
been ciretully amnged by I'ror. J. A. Kmidy and 
Ja>, Chaiuway; beaidea tbia, all the very laical 
popular ain and beat pnbllcallODn for inlllury 
band will be played dnilog tbe aeaaon. Hand con- 
rent will be given tipon an elevaleil ilaga In the 
rehire of the Itrge canvaa prevloua lo each i>er- 
tormance, featurlog the young htdy cvinei vir- 
tooai>. Jeatle Millar. 
HnatHAN r. WiAVia. enphnnlnin pUjer, haa 
I with i'ror. T. II. l/iiig, I 


', mual- 

algoed fur next leaaon 
cal director for Bella Una.' Bbows. 

Tub KiBb SiertMS will dote ahorUy tbeIr fonr 
monihi' engagement wlih the Unlu Clicut, In 


81. lAula — Tho theatrlctl nveni ot Ibeieaaon 
iria Ilia .Daastintat ol llanry ttTlogtad RllaaTaTr)', 
but nutvtihalaodlax thlt .'.tvag attrtetlMi Ui, otbar 
hniiaaaillil tatrly wrll. 

t;HAM> OrtM I r.ui'Hi — llrnry UtIux tnd lllleo Tarry 
did a imiifiijuiia bii.lo.aj laatvttk, the tereo l*eiruni. 
Aiii'.alr-nEliiRii:ii<i' mtinry Ini.i lha himia Ibaa artr ba- 
Ur*, 'Tbvirl.|.«ilnT>- «a.: 'Ttia M.rThant nl Vtolc" 
Uniulay: -.Waco IlilOtM" ami "Ilia BtIK" Taavlay; 
"Klaa Arthur," W^lnaalar.TburaJayaBil rrhlay:"^ar. 
cbaat ol Vanlct." (Ulutitaj matinap, and "BaoVal" tfcatur 
darnlitlit. Tha tiariotwaa^Ttf aara aaihuitaitlrally la. 
raUnl. anil Ur. nuth.f aafi««<hataach 
■m*. tn Ilia Mipimrtinx cum|>auf Kiaok i\toi.«raad Julia 
Arthur rvmlvad Ilia aiutl iirala*. Tbla veaa, Nat C. 
tliMxl«ln will i.rai.iit "Aiiililllitn." *l-i HIrriiurl," "A 
tIMed Fool" aod "liAild titrritk." '-KorUiaia LiRliU" 

ULTtric TiiiAiai "Th, Kalal Caol" la tba cnrrani 

attimolloii, with t-Urm MoirU In lolhiv. W'lB. Itnay, In 

"Tha Oltj|« TrAttar," ilM a lair waak'a bualBaaa, thoalb 
blaplATWaa dlaarpnlnilor. IMi lORaraoll latturaa ftti. 
It on "rouD.lallnDa ot Fallli " 

llAiUN Orili llovaa.— Tint Uorpbr. In "A -Ta4aa 
fll..r." i-rii«d..l ll-a Iiiiti»e all vMk. araa vail 
clrid. Thia vaak, "DalniiinlGv'a at Bit." Rkhald 
Htnantld. ID rv|.rllii*r :fl-ly. 

RrjtXDAho TuaaVKK-lrwIn Broa.' Hlg Bpaelaltv Cii. 
did a Anel.uilna.a UatKark. and luaila a tall. WeOar A 
KI.Ma'ft.iiru. lathnaiuacllon nirDldi^l l>r Utntaer 
Biitl-r Una wt«h. KltMa A llaiiaon'a Draalog (."aida 

II.Mi.i'i. TMKaTHa.-Franl. Buab, In '■Olrl Wanlad," la 
tba drawiita raiil lli'a »e.b, aod win baaatt Maoafar 
ilaraa Uunilay alalii. <1ia«. tj-Oatli, aa AUla Joallo. 
folhtai^ • HlavM of tlul.1" iIhI a amil vaak'a baaloaaa. 

>:i4)iiH*a ALUaaaaa I'lUra'TliaaTaa — 3lualcal lla< 

aiiiia, Tarn.)' aart KuaialLUalaB and Allao. (lonnan tad 
Pla'da, Waliara Hlatara. tiay ray, Jobo Hllliama, Vlaitt 
K.I.T, Luiil, Tbora, Tlllla ISolUaa, Frank U llv and th, 

AHDR.Y TiitiTaa— Ilia Vlctam1ll^ lb, llarralal. I<rda 
- -uula. Ivy Hoaa, Itolllna anil t^lllaa, WiMa tod liar. 
'I«<ii. Ilall aad Talbot, MUa. Kiln, HIaa Beduoad, aod 


Naa iViMlijiil.— Hurler and llurlay, tba Rhama. lha 
La Fan Hluara, Hit lllaa IthlMraa, Doc Flibar, Jim 
Croabr, Alai Kirk, Kitty Aablay, llaoiT Kllannli. 

BavANT'M TiiaATaa— noinooilii and tlmiialdo. Nall'a 
Ailaiiia, lha Beliaatlaia. Italtia tlinloa. Kally Broa., Hot 
Daliiiay, Hill)' Laclodr. 

Kaw ctKiNu.-Tlie Hill', IJIlia Maaan,II'Ha Farlar, 
t:nra Fraoklln, Jaaa Ailtma, Ida Waraar, Baudo Lm, 
c;arrla Faaaay, mtn lllBXlaa aad atueb. 

tluNiir— Br*. W. A.(!ola, roniiarly proprlrirvaa .tr Ilia 
Naw l^aalDO, tail whn tiM>b a auiiiliarnrparronnara rmni to tTnpiito t>aah. rainHU that alia rnaila a auccoaanil 
trill tb.r».)iMylaKonaalBblitaQilt, aod la loottad lo a 
danca^hall at, r.iur miloa Irooi Crliiilatlraah 

llou. Talliolhta ratiiraaJ rrom KauaaaClty. tflaran aii. 
apneouronarrar.anil will Jnia banda wlla Tout II 
npoDlnaatiha Marxian Tliaalr, Xaao la laylna 



bora for pracilra W. J. TImiuaroita, Iraaaurar rur 

lhaMairUoin|i|uo. liatUannn tita alob llat Ilia paat two 

waaki Julia ll.*y, for nfty yaara a acaolc artiat, dla.1 

la, III cooruailun i-flhobrala Mra. Kabarhta eoin* 

pt.t«l arraniaulantarorliarlDg tba I'alara Tbi-atra palat- 
rtl In.'ida and ouu tlia work to oa Mniidatad A|irll I. Tli, 
aeanary will alao ha ivpalDtn], niaklai tlilo rariaty Uia- 
atra ibanoaalaBd Itna*; In tht city. 

WIetalla.— At tha Crawford Oiand IJnrnIo J. 
Oarlar'a "Tha Dataaltar" gara a go'il ptrf'^rtntota to 
a wall filled iioflia Ptb. II. "ll.bUd" i/ar. a rrlum aa* 
(aBanaal a, and Hlca'a -I'adaToB'aCtbla" coBttaO. 

Kntiaaa Cll|r.— At Onaloi' (ipem lloiiae last 
waoh Jainaa (VNoill. In "Hoalo tirlalo." "llanilal." 
"i;ourlor ur Lyooa" and "VirulDlua." aployad a rair 
waok'a liuilncas. It waa the dral tima ha Ma iifeaontad 
"llaailat" au-l "t.'onrUr ur Lyona" liara. and cooae- 
nu.nlly tbay limtixM out l.ia larjaal bouao. Tba houaa 
will ^n dark lhl4 wvak. wllb tha ploaiilloB oil;, wtiao tba 
■•lab, a local mu.lcal ortaolutlon. will alro a 

oklliM -Tlila WMk nlcliard MaaaAald. aflar an 

aliutoc.ol Uiraa aMvoni. wlllapMar lo lilaobi auccaaaaa, 
" Rrommall." "Frmca Karl.^' "A Farialan Romaaca* 
and "Dr. Jakjl anil Mr. Myda." "Anna toil tha Mau" 
and '-Th, Htory of Hodloo '■ A big wo«li'i Imalnaat la 

utaifb urktA llni-aa— Taat weak Ftnar Ulea, lo 
'Nnanyat the Fraorh Hall," hail a vary lair waak'a fiual. 
naaa, TlifniuradariiiitloMwaaaaaxeaialonally laraa 
on,. Thla weak .Byrnea Biua*"BlBbt Balk" and oalt 
Book, tlua llaaio. in "A V,oulo, Vanilauiaa," 
NikTll KTHRkT TnaaTHa-l.aat waak "IHlmoalCD'a al 
' atmclail ratbar amall audl.Dcaa. ThIa waak lltn'l 
HuMy, In "A Baclialor'a Wiraa," and naat waak Frank 
Biiili. la 'lllrl Waolad." 
(IIM.1H.— I.anl waak A. V. I'rarion'a Mock Oo., Id 
Laoil lit lha Uhlnlahl Hiio," 'Tot Fallca Falrul" aai 
ThaWlittoK.|iiailrau."liailaralr waak. Ihla waak 'Bl 
Fliinkaiil." koil B,xl waak Baach A Bowacf MInatrala. 

f'jil.laauu.-J«nnIa OUrk, liar rv Kaaklaw. Lao UllHitan, 
OrUnilu. Loralla. lliay, Lalaad. venuo and Want. 
i;ul'i-ani.Mia— yanaaar Lodga aad "Tkn lluraullar" 

Cm. paarod iliiituab liara 13 A|. WDIIaina aod Al. 

Miaao, tun Kaaiiaiirltr li.ya. mambaraor lha Uanhatuu 
Four, ara vlaltlnw Irlanda bar* tlila waaV. Thay laav, 
h,ra for Ullwaubaa. IVIa, ei. lo rrjolo lliair paitoara. 

Jaaoo B. Ratakln, tiouuror ol lha Uraad, who liaa 

baao III ror tba raat l.u uaja. la ooe, Bioia at hIa poal. 
Bd. UiroBk. ul "A Fold for l.nob." MolUal Hub- 
day lu lha city "riia.BllBlr ot Lira.''aabow takao 

outof bare laat aaaaon by Al.Btroda. will auuut bbbIu 
Bait Mnwin.iiodar tha nam, of "A Rrlintldo Dooior." 
...."Th, UUtar" waa RiTaii horaoo It, by local lalanL 
....Tlia kBt.niaOlub aava a conrart at Iba 1.) raum U. 
....lha lloibuanguanataBBfl at Weal|i«rt laat waak. 

It. Joaaph.— AtTboile'aTliealre JoeUawllinm, 
In "A Fool tor LiiGk," plaaaad a aiaall tii4l,new Fall. 14. 
"KIhIiI Balla"enin.a to alilaailraiicoaalaia. lina. Ilrata, 
lD"AVaBuina V.Dllaniau." TI; MnnlMiu'a "Fwuvl" 31. 
"Ma^lco" anil "Friaoda" rlay a rcluin auBtiaiitanlSS, 
mallnaoand Blalil. 

CKAwniiiD'H liitAraK.— Tba baarnt ta ii, taodarwl 
Uaoatcr Morton. 01 lha Moaca. at Ihla bluaa. 1ft. pnirn. 
laaa lu b, a granil luccau. Tlia advanca aala la vary 
laraa, and Iba B. II O alan will no doubt tadlaplarod. A 
aiinnc rnaclally hill will li, Blvin, wllb lli. fullowlog 
aoluotaara: Vuuna BBil Tano. flilrar aod Lillian Uruaa. 
man. Mlllia Maralia, Aide WalMlar. Frtok Jacoba, Jojoa 
and Oarriill, Julai tllToar, Hiincia aod Fullallon, Maria 
Vt\ai. t:iiaa. TtiouitMon. Idaal Uandolia Club. Bdoa Hoa. 
buck. BBd LainuD Hma ■ H'talng Kangarno Frank. A. Y 
Fraraoo'a Ktork CoiiiiiaDy oimaa 17. lor obb waak. pra. 
aaotlna "Tbe \Vlill,f1.,uailroo," "l,aliil ef Iba Mblolaht 
Rao," 'Tlia I'ollca Falnd," "Ttia HIdnlabi Alarm." 'Tlia 
narliT Uaioot" and 'Tba Floaaar." "Nlobad" la booked 
lor3l, Katia Fataatille. 

tfliM.t Hrall — Builoaaa laat waak wta vary latlarae 
tory. Tlia iiaopla lor waak of 17 ara: Jaco-ia Family, 
Jiivca and Carroll, Frul. Itiigalna aod wire. Rllrar Hur 
Qiartat. and l.«nwa flroa.' Ii-jiIbb KaBaaino "Fraok." 

K(JTM-1, M Craafurd la In Ilia dry fur a lawdaya. 

ITrfik J.omnn. or LaiooD Hrua.* Clraua, caitia up 

rmra Kaniaa City to atlaod Mtntitr Nanlo'a baoallL 

BprlBgllaM,— The Uraod bad Hlllon'a Hnsloal 
Coiiipilr i:o., to poorliBalbeaa, K«li. 10.18. n«bt. II. Ingar* 
a ill lecliitaa lb. on Miak«i|.aara. Hnbart Uownlna roinaa 

31 Tba Hal'lBlu haa liMB dark tha paal waak, but 

will praaaot Ibo Wiarwood (\ine«rt Uo. U Mualo Hall 

liaa liail aica;iMl patruBBga Uia pait wvtb. No new 
(acM. ■ ^ 


Naahvllla.'At tb9 Tboairo Veadomo FHtiDj 
[>aTenport aod ber puj^rb pmduell'ii of "Olaiuooda" 
vaa the aitracilon Kab. It-IV The Oret performaooe waa 
lobare takeo place II, but omIok tu ibe fart that ksj 
oolr Uuied un iheaiSKfof tbli houae.aod MIrs DaveD< 
pon'a (iruduciUn requlrea ihe use of elMtrlclir, IM 
DiktDloRf erforwanc* waa wwipeiied ueill IS, aoaatofet 
ilieeunially •'lulppt'l alKirle llitbu. Ttie b«ial- 
oon done vaa icuda Ihii nut as larffe a* the uerlia of il»e 
iToductinn warrer.ied. Tlie ataaloK «u eoaoeded to Iw 
the raoat elaborate erer pet oa here. Melbourae 
HacDovell vaa oulj able lu appear at tine perfunn 
aiictt, eo accnani nf a atrera atiacfc ufilieuraatlajn. Ilia 
role «aa Uheo hvLaureos lleaa. «ho uceuplsa a mlour 
ii')i>llonlntbe6i>npaaT. He M naier plar^ the i«rt 
(perore aod had Milr ooe rebeanal, iiet reMired mach 
liraUe f>ir lha carMtble iiiannsr in which he aiietalood llio 
r»l-. HnbL H. Ifaar«u comet 17. K Uiidjaaka vae 
hooked r>ir IP. ML but, oo aecooDt nr nineia, baa ehanied 
her time uoill March. Ilarrmano lertae reli. 11. II. liella 
Koi V. Nat OtHMlplnn.'Tlie frlraie HM-relary" », w. 

Saw Hitui.ftti TMiaTia.— '<in tlie lfii*l«aippl" came 
lU. 1 1, and hsd ri»trt house*, f Hlr^r Daud Dvroa had fair 
hu»lneM 13. "The (I il I l>*it H«lilr»4." II, drewasIL 
Hobl. DoviitoK iirefDtvd "Tlie ^Ha/lla^ni" and *'In|u- 
iiisr." II. 15, lo fair hutlnesa. K<lvan1 Marrlpan coiaea 
17, m. rUra Murrla 7i. "Lvod uf lJi«f LlriOR" 77. Kutand 

''(TaA^ii UraRi lI'^i-Aa-llahare *'(:<>kl luj**eiHnesl7. 
Ift-nieTurasdM-aHI. . . , . ^ ^ . 

)i<jH>:aT Uoaxiiet iie< dafloltelr nicliled oohla plane 
aod rapertnrjr for oei'Mianio. All oriheiilaia which he 
laprwfucloi now will lie rellm I. aa4 hit r«perinrrw||| 
c/ioalst <tf'>iilr tan Plar*. The/ ara "The Wife nf 
Miletus" aod 'The La*l of Hie NarraiaoaeU'." The 
furintr le a rlai»|eal (Ireclao drama, an i the latter la a 
pUy lat<l ilurlOR the Porliao daya soil doeli wlih iho 
•ailr hUlorr er Amerloa. BoUi AT these pleCM will Im 
■Ifen eo e Istora'a ipnriactlvD, aod vlll be prtrfiioed at 
\raaliloiiiio In flc|iieiober. 

Hflmplilf.'At lbs OnDil Operw House Ullrrr 

Hrrnit.ln'llrt Upa aai fhtWDS nf«." had tnialereia 
l-aironaua K« II. 'Oo U>o Mls*UalppL"lt, 13, farail 
iintMllerlbaDlhe proMdinx allrattlao. "frloceM Ron- 
nie" vaa veil ricslr^d. aod iii4 an eieelleBtbnaiDss«7, 
f. "The flirl I L*ft Beblod Me" canrt It, fvr 'wo olahta. 
andifpeni'd ta>ai|'H«1 h"U'e. Hue: Nailcao Tjp'cal Or 
cbesifa 17. ICoM. fhivblnv \K 19. Kdvenl Ilarrlnn ■»> 
V, hiiuMdirh 14,2), Hotabd Heed IT. "rhe LamTorihe 

Kiv Lrcicy tu>aTM.-llnaphl« areateara occupied 
the liu<>*a 11, 13. Dafboeaa rei|o«dfl-«. Robt. Maoiell 
iipeord IS, In ''Moobara" to a fetr ht;sae. lie la Ui era- 
scut "Tlie llail>ea<r*jl aod "MatbU Heart" at maUote 
It. Aiiraciiuaa blll*>l: Tlio Murphr 17* Ifernuaoa U-ftl. 

ChKdanooiiB.-At the Kcv Open IfnuM 
rnnrli RuberiBOO clv*ed hli wfeh'sMf sietnsat Fell a to 
eUrxahriUM, LMIian Levi* plaiad lo a full hoese lif. 
"IhvdlrM Lefilfehioil Me" drev a fair alieiwaooe to 
Ihe tiisiineeaod ver/ fsir ai|4leoe« Disbcof 13. Kobt, 
IMvnlne dida gond 1iniin»ael3. Rn'-and Reed came to a 
vHinilMi btrnseU TliaDiimbndCJiaeiai>t..ho<iktd for 
«e«k 0731. cuceled beesnsa el I11b#h ofUie Isadloa lady. 

The BMt Booh ertli* Kind* 

Whsor^uwiltln Tuinurr»B.U'aw. Tmi Onrrva 
Aiki'Al fortOlea Tshialda fMrae^^e bnok. eooieloLDf 
iLMlrtral, looaloal aed aponlaa vhmioloct** fif IM. H 
U Uie beat boot of tb* kind publUbti]. 


ni'nmx A OiRR(H.L> World ok Ko\ iltilh N*i>riL4 — Wa 
are ietlln( ready fnr tha Mtnlnff tenilaf sniann. Wit 
wUlhaToaaev TiKL nmnil le)>, with a .^JfLittlJille plero. 
Ve vKlufaaaiaietosiaad of a rIoiTi arvt hate new aeon 
err Hester up to tho present: fluclun A Carroll, pr^i- 
prielerp; Ptof. Nloai, modioli director; CtaytDii KaAiii;, 
bUeb Dtee corned laa; VlrsleMeKTO)', tiioi1I«!; M reilie 
lEddie, cblkl ferrortner; Uie Adama Histvn, mualnil pvr- 
iiiniteia; B Uflnrtun, tkarperfurmer; John ('arriiD, citih 
saloiter; Wirt.fltv;er, Ditielia^il lTl«hcomn)i.\n; ilrant 

i aod la. tiach wire perrdrinsr; t.a fearl Rliior', annv en.l 
aoM ream; Biilr Wi>at, bar i>erritrmer; llenry Adama. 
boaapfvfMrtrmao, wllU tvo aMlslanU; ll. Laadle, buM 
oentaa man, villi toitr auUtauia. 

Uui. W. P. i:our ha enieretl Into neiniUtlpni wiih 
Dor, aicherda, nf WTomlntr. rprerrntv in the llnal 
anrnDRaueotatbTKMelrlrtR title under ih^ tur^r a^r m 
ILUUaarwiMt Inod In lha bT« llure Daatn, vhleh CA (V^ly 
and hlaaa«orlatea vlUputuodrr Iirleatlon aod onlnnhr, 
the Interlnr I>ef«iiineni heTinir spprnvKi the svletiiiiiii. 

NnrRM raitN rRiNrn'fiHt5AjkTiu.f, i — Wo rlvseil lu 
Kaw Orleans, La, feii. H. aa nianr nr tiia nerfortniT^ 
wlalird In erjnv Haidl tlras. and wliuMa the marlnn 

au* A.laa AAMaaa ^twkm IIav la^ tttm tfKlAd ..t iLa^llB %r_ 

patade eacoil kinv Itex In the iaie< ul llm elly. XTn 
oi>entd no Kanawha HUer. shuwlnn in the toa na un llm 
(Hiio. Keniiiehy. tlnii'nani] MUaU^lppI iilrrr* Weatva 

tvu huodreJ and one peiliiniiaocea. Wm had In baml 
eod orchaklra thirteen |*sr«tna, with itilrteen on tho 
aiave, aod all veiitnierrras a narrlafe icaai. Ttiero 
hare hetn all hundred ami fnrty pere^naannBed on Ihn 
Renutlcns, uieklna Ihe trlpKtiulh, wlih rh Ins* n| lire i>^ 
limb, aad alleeRerirrra^plna UirHt ihnisaiidelKlithiiiia 

Winter •laartera, we lake our ilitpariuie r«>r Vichahnre, 
Ulwu, lA, vhete vevlll i»ren nnreojisiieiitriii ihtrewtih 
r. iialhoun'a caonoo ari. Wo Itan* *arureil itn ii»\i 

•eatentlie youniestieniale arri>nauioRaatili. All ara 
eulnriaa locil heelth aod aotlrl|i«ia |iriis>orHv 

roiioiiuR« KiKtra aod bmihRr had tbe mlsnirlune f<t 
bialna some Jevelry aihl lanojr anirloa hy ihn burulnu i>r 
the Hterllog lliitaL Lit|(anp|>nri, tnd,, oo Keb. II. Tliry 
nianaatd to fare their iMiiaue. 

Nnrra rnoM thi l.tTRR^fATioMai. Furn— This la mir 
seventh weak In llainilion, Honntitta. aod bnalnrM 
■1DVS er^ry olihl. Un Halnrtley ureht laat peoida 
crondsd Inla Ute tint nnul It vaas<» full ibni the ahln 
wall hsd lu ba drop|>eil. and urer iWa hundred wero 
lumedavsy. Tha Bin Keitr. this vpar,e<>nsuisnriiun- 
ler, Loraoa, Kllnk aad lluer'r. The feiiiue tif ihe iliov 
la Lorena end llaierty. tn tlielr return an. Alihituihti 
liart be4n very laiuy and oikl, hmlneu baa bimn Mr. Wn 
return to Nev Yurk R>Hiat April 10. We lUn the Hur- 
mndlsus veryiiiDrli. and Itum the bualaesadune Mepiii> 
siinie iVey ararlse"f«l wlih na. 

UiRTnt-iiii fitiHLUTTA flihKi, a linn iRPier, waa 
elavedSDd serloualy injiiml by afoni, aa apt»tl ittiii.diiia 
Ing an eihlbltlun In a Ulnoeaittiila, Mian., nintenni un 
Pfit. II. Tub atT4lre%used apanlj In ili*audlii>rhini, and 
the enrtnla wan TiKif down, rruntpt action on the pari 
of Ihe altendaiilH, pndialdy. ^as ell Ibat saved Ml^^ 
I'laiika It laanonuiifted that she will undouhttdly re- 
onver unlew hlnoil rol^oiilntf shuuM octnr. 

TilK llR.iiiRrjin?! 4 naKXH I'o. aro rniiinl ihroufih Mary* 
land an<l raniiiylTanla Tim K. ol' I*. Lmlir-, nf hL 
Ifarmel, I'a., bold their aonivtrsary nn Keti. IS,andUi*l- 
teilnnawsreexiooiM tn the ciini|<anT. Uaiiiln liakur. 
reniHrrd aonia rhnica Mieoilntts. Mhlriiwem hlHhty a|« 
prMlated.and »hn waa presenied vliha handamne uni> 
elo ca*e. 

HANAiiin lllLlaT nmMl.L anl hIa wira,(if Itniell'a (?nn. 

Kaaaol rtOTalllM no Keb. la, para a sanipiiinns iprea*! 
Ihe nirtnbera af their ronipeiiy, the ocosMlnn beInK tlin 
Ural annlvaraary nf iliBlrmarrlaie. 

n«HTliniJiHaH' NoTRrt.— My nee ahnw la miw Ihe Rniut 
00 Ibe mad, RArrylPR twiiity hurnei^tvenly people, pnlil 
bami and nrclie>lre,Rnil a first ela»a ctiupai y nl in-ifurm. 

era. The laraait care In Aniorlci, Td ffsi In lenalh, liulll 
"iiirlrr. and coat iiVW'enrli. Kver/ihlna !■ txtn. 
HiM RM.AM(>lltHliiiH-A— Klflhap'Hilnllen MeiliolpeCn., 

No. 6, l»iirlOiHa*4|uehaoPa Hiid Urwlmnl rituoiiii*. Pa., 
In blR biislnefi^ hare tho ndlnvlnii rnaipr: Ihio. Xhays. 
lenlarer: Hra Kfiaya, aoubroHn; latilii lh>nsnn, Dhlkl i rr. 
fnm)er;lllR Alfluii. iiiii».lral illreolnra Indians; lltifTslu 
Kid, Klar Llllhl sihl Hilinr MiHin. Wn havn Impii ntit Pir 
fbutteen weehsand the man la ahlle cMnilniive in inil In 

an ai>pearanca nn Hnndiiy .It-atrr nf /ml (adlaii 

MnlklneOt., Ho. V, nnv inurlnit .N'ew Vnrb Hiata; Dr. K. 
RelRs. leoturer and nuttRRor: ara. K HvIsm, (rrasurer; 
Lao Klitranee. nililjtet rwiiiwllan; llloh I'yno, IrUli and 
Ihitrh eoniedian; Msriar Wll Is Mnriliii#r, llnhr«w wl 
Vankee oitinnllsn: lllll Hklllln, ala^k aire and sernlMi, 
sons Rlhl daoco; Willie I'lado. r'>niarlli>iiUt and traiDM, 
and Murray an«l Hyau, iketrh loam. Hnalimu U iiiHal, 
cnnahlerlnitiheatanity vealhrr. Ur. K Helaa prfscnlHl 

niak Pyne villi a Una pliw fab. lu In a Initnr fmiii 

rnmtprmtiiiliera of llm guaksr UHllrliie (bi. ih*y mui' 
plain that Dr. W. Y. Uunion ileanrltd and Isil lhaiii 

Binollesa In Arbaons Nnies rnmi Ur. Illiin 
Minlalo Jite: Wn are ailH In ovnp at Kawhnrv. 
H U. Hualnesa^oot). laaslwerb barkl rain on l.\ rliini 
than the aaaihar has lieen line. Tlie doclnr'a lIliU 
itoy. lire nitmibs ntd, haa the hoiiiiliiit riniih. Hr. Do 
rerrsilhiaonhlayit^se peliit aaBln.haT[nK nearly rn- 
eoremi Irom the fall he K<-t laat HuRday wesk. Ilnilm 
and llurtun, (inrnsw liand and uroliastfa Iratlna. Iimvm 
aenr*d nutte ahll here vllh Uisir mualral act. Inaieed nf 
playluR aninathajwrlie dueta rrom all tlie lal*«l nin- 
steal apleelluoseml plar Iheni im vtolloa, ■uilara. Ii4njita, 

Randollniandcoiiieta HoinelhlnR now la this aretlioi 
I inos|& Hhoriy llrlrlln, who waa prlnrlpal mmn- 
dUa vllh Ihla sliiiw fur tliren ysar«. anil vliii baa 
Iteen absent fur nine mnmha with Mimi kite 
sijiiva, raluraetl la«l wank, and cnnli.-tclvil fur 
the Hiiiiimar. Melmihs sUahily dlnlfumal, but saya ho \* 
etill In lha rlega H. T. Niireii, uvf r mm yMrwIlhuw, 
lias had a life weekit' varaiiuH. and mtiMiint this vrek. 
Ilnrare Mora, our staaanl fur nearlr tlveynars, hashad 
hut ihrrf ilavs' vacatlnn lha aniire 1iiii<t. tfniiflnp Vfml- 
ter end wife, by ao accident last HatyidaT, sddNli|ullo a 
norellr tit Mislrart- While alrlnR lliair part of llm iratt 
WIM We>l,ai \V>llarwaa mploR liU wire'ah'ir«n, while 
ronnloH at full Biniad. ihe biip vuot anniiHl a iiearn'a 
nook at tbe note llma ll did tbe hursa'a Oiin pull un Mm 
nipe by the enwlny, and lh« im^ro aii>l hiirsn 
aura soenrely latlml loanibar. The li'irae beraiiiM 
fVllhtaoed, and l>e>(idd Ihe lady'a cimtml, dashtd f-lt 
ditvo Ihe Rtrael fur iiairly a Unaa iHfiirs he waa slii|if oil, 
vllh Iho uaHrohanalDi in hlaneok. It waa i|nlle airnik. 
lOK for ihi* Laren nmvd that mw It, ami llir> nenrn. ali-t 
aasindlj clioVed and Beartil,aeeinai] tn bit the only one 
■bu did oet esluy iiie fun, 


laronfiftlia'Al Iho HavADnali TlieatfO rnnolt 

Kobensnu'H iUi„ Keh. lu-ia, came lu Inrfle liualnaaa, at 
popularfprloiia. "A Bavery fjlrl" fulhwe<lia, l<ia fairlms- 
tnesa. t>MnlRV: Mahsl ra<ue f-o. waili of 17. 

tHI TawunilRd^Naw ii»o|iIb llilt wseh: MavaleMnr- 
rU, Ada Rullleto aud Hisa Moure, llltf bnusta every 

Tivni.1 Mreic MAi.t.-Tlie Ueeka apdllia Oa IreHlslPrn 
ooensU alth Ihe company this WMk. The aiandlOff riNun 
sIkq Itaa tiMd henji up every olaht. The busloNU la tlm 
laTae«llolhehUt<vyor lhehoii*e. Tbe Macba rtcalfsal 
aavera' call* lor their wtirk, Tlie IM (vaa aro priinti 
farorliea. Jnlio fondy U a blahliwHh hl« unv Mini*, 
Maoaierfflotarhaaa atrtinn cnnipaoy. Ihe hast vsrielv 
ahowaeao here In Nuhie Hint. Ulok Turner lllsppy Ulok) 
liaa cUaria uf lae staKe. 

AtUstB^At Ibe ((rami "A Ifoirory dlrl," Foli. 
17. 14. Kelfert bowninv came lUand 11, In k'hvI liuHln*«ia 
(loll itia cemeaoy ftvaa beaerlt In Allania litHljie. H<». 
II, K. nf l*a Olsra Mnrvls wse Ibn aUnctliin M, IS, lo lalf 
atiendance. BenkH: * rrlocoasHMinle" IV, 91 

l.vracM.-TlieHherwiiiMt Uraod ()i«ra(;o,l7. IM. Hab*il 
PalRe cl(i>*l a aureesahil weak Ift. 

f 'outMlitA.— "<>>l. I.'erter. uf INrlsrvllle " IH. 

rakyaHABaAuiaHr'n HiuriL Ilau. — Xouiireclial, hy 
Mr.aodHra.Del'a*|uali, W. 


Portland.— At Ibo ll*ri|titm aritml Kalln I'm- 
aam pteyail lofalrbuHlnrH Mi. J. 4, hi "Tlie nid Lima 
Kilo." "Unete JosS Hprutebr' eaailvau fnr unn psr- 
furmaoraA. MarU Walnnrlflbt was sesn C-^ iireieoihiK 
"An lIooiRil Ifalcli," "Tlie laoia (lias*" anal '*IMuiihlnr4 
fiflive," JIuKlacaa aaa KiHriJ. "iq Old Kenlucky" kuquhI 
Ip. Tba flarlti/n OHrathiMtnaoy vlll liM SMn ll.l&.anil 
the Kravley HVkIi lliHiipanr Is UwkiHl ri>r I7-»I. 

rnnOHAT'e TllMATNa.— * A fair KoImI" was dlren hy 

llm Hte^n NUkch I'mnuany S-tf. He»ln»iM nontlniiail aiHKl. 
"Uncle fiaetel, or a Moieaoier rniin Jarria Heciliio," waa 
pot no 10. 

Naw Park TiiaATHa.— Tlia fJaorila MInilrel r^>mpioy 

Wif!ibBRU:(n-NlrdU Harris. Jnlla WIncbeil, nettt 
Lenipre, yr«a|ilo Ororton. Nellie Ifanmre, Mey Miu»r. 

Sirrle IflachsU. 'luute Lamr>rf>, Mr rile Vernon. Kddlu 
avlB,atea. (Ittddanaod Ben Vaa I'lera, 
A.fHHreiR -Hvlle linvay. Bslle Laniore, Jeiale Beivl, 
Laou llnvenl, .Sallla Laninro 
Lnuvai-The L<m*ra f^y (Irdiaaira. 
(liRiRAi. Mtr'UMi llAM. A.tif TiiRATHR.— Varlelf eon- 

BnCHl'ii RaxowIII lpi»««r 17, U, at Ihe First lUMhuent 


Norfolk.— At lha Aradcnir of Uii»lo kihmI biiid- 
oeaa pravalltil tliapaei weak. A wall nila<l hiiiae wit- 
uesaid the t«froraianca flf "fba Black Crwik" ¥mU lu, 
•bleb vaa a dlupp"lui'"»ul h> srery way. flood humur 

waa restored hy Ibfland RmhI, ebii nlatMt a ratnro en- 
niemeoi ll, prM«qtlnir *^ha fullileUn," *i, a f>ei^hn<l 
bouse. (VrnllnuoM eppUote ose*sa|Laie'l Ur. Ila*d 

Marina Ufore the curtalo to Miaks a »|k*^h. Llllliii 
Livls,as * <;i«in4(ra."cl<isefl lbs wenli's aitracUrm* li, 
wherashewaeprMiad hya eimisnMl amllanri*. Htfiktil: 
^f^rsdhs AIU>" ai-ai, the HahJslns w*«t nril, 

Bljr>l' THlATHla— X*w p—ipu (ip*nlaa i>«ek if 17: 
Karrr. Da>hlnftuio aud Barry, and ihe Ue Ire HUier«. 
Baalneaifood, ^ 

nieliBOfifl.— Iljitaiiil tle«d. tn 'The Women 

H«ter."ia« at the Ar^drmr Mual.i Keh.ltt.aiHl st- 
tripled a Ursa and daliihtful audience, "fbti Hlscb 

1^oAk."li| li.drev two vmiI bo<i*as. but llielasi par- 
■mnaoea wee allfhtly a? hoilnl ovln« Ui aeraie.r'lilelun 
ir Ihe Peel iirnM. ifllilaiii Warn'a* in-nrllii II va« a 
fsllure Oaanrlallr- Th^ liiililvlqs coni* vM«aof I7, "P^r. 
adIsA Allay" 11. », "A HIalit's Vvtin " »,Zf. 
RicaaosiiTiirtTH*! remains datk. 
friNAMa THrATMi I'oVHjra.-OMnfoc niaht 17 1 
Kntna BoaltT'O, nir>ile riyner, Mamia KIloa aad Joiin 
Brookn. BDslofai !• Bo*^. 

ootrrfHriP OM rAoa ma. 



Febbuaby 22 



OBO. V. KBIL, MuuoD. 

B. J.L, Ilolnk«.-A, UtIss bat ou Is f a, ud bnloi 
Btdi la pUj Iba wo b< bit, woa Um fuia wllb blfta, ol | 

W. J. II., Iloplllaloa.-Bud D«oalh<||am*>llkbltli, 


ili, •bldi oaliaakad fuaa wd icax ■<>•■> tlx two 
BiaaMdad toaooaL A and 0 could not coaot at all 
natll th*r bad mualaplar thatwoUierhld. i w «»whj» "f,"*-™'™"''- y.. 

J.O.T.-Ta<:lapDtor,<iaaacallUnuJa,*niTPUror bul If f oo .III pot ibli oao .^''JE™ •i^JftV?,! 
wbolUralamaitiba'^UIiaiidtslbabaaid. I aolbofi piopOMd MioUoD, wo will kwt >l It-irioutjn 

BA»BAU^ CRICKET. KtC. nS;rB««o.t-Tl.. WI-iUB'. talI.P™ilpiaf.d«ll_ 

a.r..ll.,Nawarb.-Badiorib«twolneluUpla^ woiTo | ealloa"«Iltlionu;'ioUoMUDtoriilMklo^^^ 


l>eli«lJ««a<MB1lOT. AdataoUooarapnoBtU 
allawad oo iiliaitlaaaaata wlxa paid tor thn* mtbl 
la adfaaM,aDd cb adtortlaaman Bia wi toi W U»«a 


OB* raai, in adnaea, U; ilx nmibajt: tfraneatt^ 
(I. ronl^ poatai* •»>. italla eopfc W — ~ 

THE OUrriB It imimnMt^ttlivnmln 

tbsiabjM awl iMh (adTortUatf pacM 00 m rua 

—t MIIDAT, Hd lb* Mb. Mb ad < 

OK MO . - 

ThaToniu OlotlngPromptlj •t4F.lL 

ill br upm* poa*r a4*r, «b*ok. r. 0. Or- 

d*rorn«ui*ndl*ti*r tad 


For UU MItartal w tfea B « a t« «w 

II«yw1aMBt to 


r. O. Box aM6, ooOUrriB BDIIf INA 
r. u. o.. "'■g^ ID 0*atn Biml, Haw Tort, 
la Bnijto d— m Ourra j{B n, oMalatd, 

II* Btml, 


la ViaB«*-Tal Ourm la on at 
I, ir Anoi* d* ropoaa, raru. 


tod ntalX of our aaoala, antllL AlaaU* A Oo., > Haw- 
oaall* Btml, llniid, Uodoa, wb*n 

boond Uaa or Ihla 


bailoaT. Wbllldia Ju. *.im; WUBim f aflor Oct 
m: Pat llooD»,llanb U,l»>,ud Bob ("Sm;!!*!" 
t, April >, iM 4. Tbo part; waa In Ibia ollf laa 
lb. WapnniBallwaddraaraoodiallanl 



99 nam uon^ tbiti io noa tbom nrrjm*, 1* 
ouiortUBOLlPPSRPQtrovrKn. AiiiJnMwiu. 
u utmraao 00 Wftis ovtT. I» 
TBurmiUL oMPiLvr u mouv, mu 2' 
HKFr« OS isoran risa wb ouwv nn kmttm ir 


A. W. 0^1, »• h»T« BO iwpd of th« liOBM. 1 Fnm 
JuM t lo Aq|.».lfflLlodttilT»..WeauiWMlJti 
8. ObwlMT Wbltodta J«a. WUUiiii Pwlor 


'f. N. D.7GBSbunr!^^'>"0kf iromMHid" wu flnt 
brodu<wl«tBo«t«D,liui..OD April (.ins. 
& M. H., OblcMO.— W« at* wabU to ruraltb tar lofor* 

ULD BJUDH, LvDchburi -1 Tbtre li a Mr dwiud, 
1. Prom rerii iv Ont dollan p*rwMk. S. AddnuB. & 
Tna*Oo.,Ooou»rOoloo,H»w YortOly. ^ 

OtaAMA.-!. Ulu Wutk«nb7 dlwl Io Uli dlr Mueli SI, 
IBBT. and wu burlad u WoodlavD OtmtUrj. a. Wa 
bftTtnoneonleDDMniloKilitMiiii. . ^ . ,^ 

J. 0^ 8*n ADU»lo.-Obrlft.Mun»b)r, oflha Uan ol llur- 
1^ ud Nona, dlad Id Tro/, N. Tuaadar. AprU 1^ 

J.V. O., PuBU Uordi^Toar I'aitor moved Iraa hfa 
Bmdwu bouw to III* prMMUDcailoD. 

W. B. B., Hound OltT.— Kor all iDfonnilkn addraM 
Richard Btahl. IIofffaTftaaif*. Nav York Ultr 

L.KJit.,Daofiria.— 1. Ablllir Ui act, to bIdr. (0 pai 
lorm aoma faaL or to play vpoa auoa loatruuiMtJ niuR 
naeauarllj bo acqulrad b«lor« jou can bopa to k«i upoq 
tba iiiJi*. 1 Wo adTlaa ron to att«pl any .roaaooabl* 
olTar. Wa thank you fortliv pntfarod aarrleo, bat ara 
oblikad todHlioalt. v*. ^ 

TJ. A^Piltaion.— Anuiaion'f Guide. imbllabad by W. 
U.I>ooaklaoa,OlnolDnail. U. „ 

lB,aoooralD|tothf eltjpUa,l«calad oDBraadway. Tba 
paaunoruoonirnaDoaiDl^H oraallDt OrMly flquuro, 
an«anolanaotlb«daoUloo,boo»Da« aafd onlloanwdU- 
tiDcUj autad Hut tba atratt nuBban ahoaM aot ba 
chaoiad on any or tho Ihorouihraioi bvuDdlnitb* nav 
uaarc and Uia BUndaitf Tbaatrv la atlU daacrlbod aa 
IwiaUd at l.«r Broadwar. 

11. U. V^HaTada.-!. YoQ can apptyto tba oouria for 
as lQ)uDoUaa laairalnlnt tb* porroraiaooa. t. Vou eaa- 
DoL I. In DO way r«*poBalblo. 

JL 0. B.^ddro« ibo party In ear* of Tnn Ourrn. 

€. U. K-^lDiomar*' waa iraoalatad rnm thaUarinaD 
and adaptod for Uia BoclUh apaaklOR atac* b/ Haria 

a.J.I*., UoloD.~Wa oannot adriM jou. Boa nleaat 
haadofthlaooluun. __ . . , 

B. 11. U , PortifflODlb.-Sa* aaawar to "T. J. A." bi Ihla 


chanplooihTp lama* vith avarr dbar dob of ihaMa* 
t onal LMRoa and AnarlcaA AuocUtloa dorloK tba i«a- 

.' 11^ WllmloitoD.— Tha tbm bigbatt lod Ir Idul aeoraa 
_ aratclaaacrlckotmaickailBEoiUad are roapectlT*- 
7: 4S4,bTA.U. MacLaFan,at1kaDioD,laJDlr. WS: SU, 
by W 0. ilraca, ai Oaotarbuir. Id Au|iUL Ibtlaad BU, 
by W. W. Koad. at KandDftOD Oval, lo Jon*. lOT. 

R. B. 0., Boiioa.— UlianatiiroroplDloa naroly, aiw 
wo profar not to oipraaaoan liara. 


JiWMifi, Fort fillac— 1. Yankaa Butlivao *aa ruond 
dead Is a call In Ban Pnoclaco.Oal. (luppoptd to bif* 
boon nurdarad by tha Yiallaaca OoDtniiifv), Mar 91. 
US0. r JOba U. lloanan and John MorrlaMflouiilit at 
LooaPAraL Canada. Oct. O, IW, Iha lallar vrDolDi. 

D. >. a, Fblladaliitila— A atalamMit to tkal eiTact wij 
mada MOD altar tha flibl, hot tlwaadaolad by tha Hulll- 
▼an pan/. Wa do not fcoow nbtihar tbar* waa any 
truth lo Ik* raport or oot. 

flUBacHiiiin.Or**Bliiland.-^ohnL eallirmniod Paddy 

ran Dav*rbox*d whhaach otharlo N*w Vork, or *b*- , 
^Ji*r*.pr*Tloua to ili«lr8|ltt for ih* cbaoptonthlp In 
Hlulaiippl. ir ib*r bad It U Boi llk*ly that ih*y woaU 
aT«r bar* •nni[*d lo a raal baiilo. 

K. B. D.,Hek«eip«rt.— 7h£.S)i(r(( 0/ tke nmf. 11 Prank* 
fort HtlMl, Naw Ynik City. 

BiOON. BtoobitvD*. -l.AddrHa)f«la«Ino»a,caT*orr/u 
DMtffntfrraid.Boitoo.Maia.2 T«oe*aU. LTilCUPrH 
U right; JoliD L. KuUlTao vaachaoiplonortba «orkl andar | 
tb* reiuUr rulaii of tha prlia rlag; Jamai J. Oprbatt «0i 
th*boilDi(ffIOTa)ehaolplonibIpDi tb* vurM brdarMtlDif I 
ObarUa Mlichall In Flortda. 4. ho. but BuUlfan hid | 
nudi til* beat ol ihl gloT* cnnlatl with MlUhiU at Madl- 
turn Bqaar* Oaidao. thia city. Id ISA tha polle* alop- 
plng IL 

T. J. P., ProfldaDca, R. I.~-l. H*a aoiwerlo *'Bacon 
, Haa ihaatrical aoawart, 

A. , Ooalpli.— Jin Corl>*tt dafaalcd Jolio L RulllTan at 
M*wOrlMnB.La.,K'Pl.7.1l9i. B alo*. 

W. II- W„Ncv York.— If th» party who bat that aacli 
a flffbt took i>Uc«, and thai U»* colur«u man wnn, thoo li« 
la aoUtlod (o Uia loooay waiarad; If uoi, M loM«,tho I 
buideo ut proof raaiioi upoo bim. 

L. J. L-.Mt.. Pulaikl.— Itwaa nuia foul odIou Rrellh I 
lotariatau with hlaopponaot, vblch lflii|ii*iiilon for iiia | 
r*lar*a to d*ck)a. Wfiao walblnR tba opiMMtt* way ol tlio | 
track from that wltlclt both tnvalad at ifao UvRlontuv, 
Sioltb,ore(>ur««,waa obllndto t^k* ilia oalalde wtien 
paMlof MltebaU. ' 

... Iflaad Oliy.— laquira at tli* oneourih* | 

Naw York Caoiral Railroad. 

B. V. qulocy.— 1. AUdreaa Prnf. ArooU, 101 Bowery, 
Nov York Olty. SL Baa aJrortlaloK ratesathoad of (hi* | 
column. , 

0. P. 0., lodapaodaoca. — Tm Clwuh \» placod nu 
aal* lo Kav York City on WadBaaday. at II o'clock a. 
M. Q., Usbuiiuo.— Accordion lo tin caoaaioi 190 Paorla 

U.T. W.. BrooklyD.— Tb*r*lia fklrd«aand, bat your 
toam wouU proluLly r«o*li« oot mor* tliao forty dot- 
Un par w*«b at drat* . _ _ 

O. w. U., ilobokoD.— Adiartia* la Tui CuiTBi; 
ntaa at b**d uf thIa ooluaia. 

]|iaR.,Unb«qii*.— Addnu tb* party In oar* of Tui 

B.J. I>.*8prlaBa*ld.— Woeaoaot BodMtak* lo aaa 

£nirDuaiannaqu*rlaB,Bordov*d**ai It wortli wlillo. aa 
•y dlaplayan fnotaooaof the abov bualDon wbich 
would b* aaiHolMit to wrack any Toalun vf that Mtt 10 
whieb vou might aojaga. 

W. 11.11. A OD, rtinadalrhla.-«*a routa llai lo tbia 

U. J>» Bt. PaDL—Addnaallany Darla. ATanuoThaatn, 
luabon^^Pa., and Joba 1). Ilopkloa, Uopbina* Thaatn, 

w!*Il'a., PblbdalpbUk-AddRti Davia A Kaogb, 
Qroadway aad TliUty-tMid 6tra*t. New YorhOlty. 

WiMlNtiToniAK.— "BoBBle Bcouaod" waa played at to* 
Ohaetoul UtiMi Tbaatr*. FblladalpbU, Pa., weak of B*pt. 
», im. 

J.U^ Boalon.~W* know ol no play baarlBR Ibot till*, 
bat two aJmllar ilU*a bare bean uaed. 

K. P. W., Chlaago —1. Abo«i fir* ibouiand dolian. _ 
W*haf* Bomeaniof know[a|iniaaag*ra' proOta. B. W* 
nr*r*r not lo •ipreea an opinion. 4. Titat la a niBtter of 
bnalBaaa laoL A. Yea, 

Vbu, Toronto.— Wa caaool tvalUialy alata, bit think 
tb*yar« of madluD ahada. 
J. M., ParlbaulL~Jaw*lL leva. 
J.D.— 1. Vaa. t. It would. S. Ttiateanonly b* a*o*r. 
uIdhI through apdloatlvQ (or panolL 4. Wo think ao. 
13. IC.~Addi««a tb* party In car* ol Tni (JUhrnB. 
U. W. L, Kka.-Aildr*M BiBiniuBda A Bnwa. 1.07 
Broadway, flev York Oily. 

OoMr, Baadlnit— Tha pATtr you name la parfonning 
thnactroudaacrlb*. Wa ibink tou oouM, but w* oan- 
not uuoU aaUr J. 
J.D.— Addraaa latur looarvurTuiCLirrik. 
X., Obatluit*.— Addraia BlmmoDda A Browo, 1,B7 
Broadway, New YorbUlly. 

tL A.,H*BphU.— We D*r*roBpnuaoopiolen ooDO*m 
lav tbereapoaelbllltyoratandlagofanrone, 

U 11. P., l*ouBhk*epal*.-Adr»rtIi* In Tni CLiPriH. 
H** nt*a al b*ad of tlifa coloiun. 

X- Btmoaf IIU.— 1- Forty e*oia. 1 BItly conti; 1*1*0 
wovdBpvrllDe. 9. W* canooi aapply the liat 
II. O.,0lpoipiutl— l.^l*rab^l|^lw*nti-aTo dnUati |>er 
._ . . .... ....... 

9. W* canooi aapply the liat 

jiatl— I. l*nibabli iwentr-aTo 

we*k. S. UonoUion'i Gnhlr, PuUlahad liy W. II. DenaM 
BOO, of your city, will pnbabv aoawar your imrvona. 

B. II.. Indltna|tolia~We do oot kaow tlie aoag. Ad 
diwta any of our aoogpubllahloi adTarUaera. 

RuaAUNP, UalMburg.— There ar* many acbooln bora, 
but ft* do nut oar* lo ii^ally ipoomtaaod any oo«. 

J. A H., Aodarauo — weoaD aupply cvpyoiTUB UltI' 

T. AND P., PruThleno*.— II* la oot at preaoot 00 th* 

A fUiUBR, Bddyaiooe.— Tb* Ultor baa not y*t b**n 

T. T. R., Aablahl.— Brauu Bton* (Mr*. Emma Prank) 
waa at on* tlue uaoa^anaaof Kloraac* Bindley, l>ui waa 
nut beruuiber. Addrau ih* lady heraall fbr further In- 

J. Ma, QBlraatoD.— The aniftet waaconvcU but In nai 

■ "- ' ' 1 It alwa 

d. uairaiiOD. „. , 

wbaiw Ui* dUcanI iill* U not kept louot, u It alwaya 
ahouMba until III* nand la plaTei]. It la bailer tUat tn* 

placer wbuaplluupMianahouMpUMhU dli 
a*ir. TuiCurrKH baa always deoldad ibat 

dleeaid by . 

_. .bat a playsri 

oot bound lo *i|<o** bli hand by aoBouoclORhladlaoaTv 
In auohcaat, aBd Uier* oasoot be adranced aay buW 
dvotnaaoowby haahoahl. ThodlaeardplleahouU not 
b* meddled with while tha pUy la gnlog od 

11. U B.. Chicago.— To an lalerlor, or 000 end atialght, 
ibodiaw UMiiuatad tube aorth 1 lo 1IV< aod l«a two 
•Dd aualgbt 1 Ib tJi- The titaihemailcal »iii*ctatloA ol a 
lluab whan you draw lofourcanlaoraault la I toBI9. 

P. P. v.. BatTakt.— 1. You apparvailj furg^t tliata plajwr 
lapennlttod lu dlacanl aa uany <«waaahai>lea**i,aad 
ib« dealer mum gU* lu him a mnolMit nnntber of eanl* 
to make UP Uie dpOclaal hand to ihe eorraot aumtMr 
(all). ItwIllnadllrUaMOtbatattiuiaa ihla (a likely 
to leare toe few ranlain Ihepack 10 BUlhadaalei'abani! . 
I. BioeaoutOiat. It waa n*o««aary thai A ahouM make 
to I'Uy th*tbra« he l<M Ulom be cvuU count at oil, but 
B'a blah ouirauk^d all uther |>uinia, putting blot oat* ai 
b« bid but OD* iHtInt to iiukke. 

0.0.11., Brooklyo.-ln rutting for deal at*u^T*tha 
blob card wlaa. and Jack la liigh. 

OomrAKf HuDiR — AI aaeiinu rl'eh (haaaller.wbao 
ha^aeo*|tia a bid. acorea ih* polDta atoa«n,befDr*ao*nl 
la M; but Id auotloo plich th*nguUrgam*lat*a pain' 
and II appaan fVotn your taller that you war* notplul 
tb* game at all It «lll \- Dartaaary fbr yon lo letU- 
whaTpoInU aach |>Ur*r beM haiutew* oaaanawer th« 


H. v.. Philadelphia -In uMt eaixl nniaa at* la high la 
CBtilpg lur deal, but In pok«r klog Uhlgb. aod la ••ohr* 
Jack labliib. 

B. L , Troaloo. 

lie* at* la high 

iDgtooou'ot _. 
A. B., Nawarb. 

'Thar* U no ruo or i«lr lur tb* laal eanl 

Oomlog— Tb* Itntt manwaanotoottbehaT- 
itoniutora polol. 

., -Then arervaa of ihre*, four.Bveand 

ala lor the Itai fourcarda, • -* ' - 

b**Bri*y*d.4.4,s.6.r " 

(Xt.taTlfTT Hbadbr, ^, „„ ., 

rooou ror the dealer aa aooa aa iur»d : conMQoaollr. 
**'£.«?f*i'^.'>""*''>"\*'>*>e dealer, woo. 

W. II. M. Jl.. Ilu yoke.-At A, *bu had but on* p«lot 
go, mad* Id rlay th* tweh* |av*, h* woe wlihlilgbL 

Ti* HviiABvui uir«^ ivur, HI* wi 

MAla,j|H^ilT«lr, th* carda baring 
a.'^aablnjtton.-In a*T*n up Jack 


To ConMpoBdaaU. 

Oo(URT<lciI,etIxnli.-W« W.I. oblilid •|°" 
to dMllo. aa axamlaalloD of ptta»r^wplaVl^pnblW)i 

to preToat KUiK riom aMaploit loiawUtloo, wbll. 
oo.aabl. Bdowbloi lh..ui.din<lTlo> it looliaap, 
aad Ui.olb.rdoo. tba loaa bowaiKoUM. J";,"*- 
all ro.r KdMlMtka -(BlUUnala" la th. tonnlMUoo, 
two from cbolc aod two ua compuMlMi. or coon. 
>onr Ml.cloD In B. . do« not Ubo 10 all ttit. 
ralh.t xrn. lor ll.T. w.r.od. la a plrtorMflo. "o 

'A'fa'rluDWNiT.-Youi «.. dsJItalloD bai bMO 
luUti by Mr. IXouoor. In S.., bat bli nodu. tiu not 
rour ebuiolna ifmottfaMnf. _ . , . 

' r Iticii.HWM.-W. are afraid lUl J,0O !• '"''^'•J 
bajODd i«in»l|r; M. ai roo W.I.I II II»-^ 
UTi that bl. Si.. iul.llon,»llh lb. addtd •Upul.tloo. 
lioVla aquallr food witb ibat omillad ud a Blacb B 

plWOdOO K RK|. ^ awn 

B. h.. Topoka. Eum«.-BMaBiw.r 10 B. M. H. 
B»0.Hi»iLTO».-Tbaakiou lor tlllDB our opinion ol r.t.r.barK toum.y. Toor ipptorU I. apww'r 

'"iLB. 11 , OrMlaj.— Saad 10 Ib. InuinallMal K.w«Co. 
BSDoan.llL, N. ir.Oltr. Tb.prlc.UtS. 



MY y. H. TBI*. 

IB lie. 

QKtS, IKia, 



To OomapoKdBBU. 

O. A. Bl.iBDIN.~B. D. Pr«..llajr.OIC. Tbuh.. 
Uhk CooNB.— Hac«lv«l with pLuiir*. Uav.wrillaa 
L. a. IIBiD.— Uhl lou racalv. your l.ttoia. 

■alaUaa of Faaltloa No. OU, Vol. *a. 


Black 9 

» 7 

1 IB 13 

Wblt. 9 
Wblu u 

90 11 

ai It 13 

JKI draw. 



• 1 

III a 





B U 

HI It 

17 tl 



■ 1 


a 1 

« 10 

ao >3 





a 17 

15 II 

11 9U 





u 10 


23 19 





7 11 

Id B 

3D a 





le 7 

a la 

19 19 





9 lu 

It M 

a a 


PraMam Ro. Ill, Vol. 4U. 

Whil. a I3K3J 9 
Wblu ta play lad wItL 

II It 

•4 1] 

a 11 

9 ll(J) 

ti 19 

U tl 

a It 

it 9 










a a 

II It 

Draw a. 



17 II 

4 8 

91 a 

8 II 

a a 

• 9 

U B 

II It 

IB Id 

II 1. 

D 1( 

lU U 

la II 

U 17 

a II 

1 i 

(a) Wrlglii loM a. Ibltcwi aaaloft Qrvror: 

a la 9 1. a a ii it 

It u » 3 8 

re t It 91 ta 

(t)L.a llMil woulhofollowloii 

a * 

n 19 Black Winn 
It a 

tl It 

17 It 

9 19 

a It 

It II 

17 u 

It 3 10 

a a 31 n 
17 n 17 

14 19 BlukwlBL 

7 111 
14 7 

t 10 

ai 17 

U 17 

II 14 

U 17 

n 14 


In III. Bo.ton loutlUHiuil th. roUoalna wu eontrib- 
ul«l bT Bm Uooo. u plajad*a M. O'Ouinor ud 

" ~ II It 

a o 

It m 

31 n 

.! .! 

• 18 
O 14 

• 8 

Black wloa 

_ 9 


I t 

19 II 

8 It 

II 19 

It II 

a 11 

1 9 

19 u 

10 19 

11 10 
7 11 

17 10 

19 II 

n a 

II n 

III • 

17 31 
8 1 




« i I I 

K4, ande. 

ea la four. 

(Editorially pimiaed.) 

OoDava.— ih* OaiJlog nuu waa Invented by R. 

„ oriadlaaa, lo lasi, and th* Onu OalT' 

waa manuraciurad In lodlaoapolla. la 1881. A 1 
thaguBwaa Otod In tb* Pataot OAcaat WaAlngtoonn 
Aog. 11, USX and a paiaat waa gmniad 00 flapL 9, Wt. 
An aiaoiloatloo of tb* rceordaoniMWarDepartrarnt 
Ordoanc* Bureau ahowa that tlieflmt puKliaM ofiinr o[ 
Ih*** tnoa by tb* U. B. UoTemaieni, ander cvuljact. 
took pUo* Id UU, tb* Roreroowit havlurt adopted It aa a 
0«ld arm. Itwaaaftarwarda adopted aa aniuilliaiYtu 
artillery In forta. YoumlabtobulB luriliar iDiomiadon 
braddraaalng Or. B. J. Oatllog, at tho biDcaorifaoUai' 
(oh Ouo Oo., Uarlford, Ol 

A.aMoK..MwllDa.-Kd. Btohea aliot Jainea PUk Jr.,ltrrJ. He waa a«ot«oc*d ti> bohuag. bntwaa 

KLOtad a o«w trial which r*aulifd lu a a verJlot of nan- 
ugbl«r. II* r*c«lrtd a a*ot4Dc« of Br* yearn' Iranna- 
ontneot In tha panlieDilaiy, tlie tint* that ha vaacootlneil 
loihadtyprlMO boloR dBduaod.aod heaerrodouthla 
aaotaoc* at Rlog Blag Priion, Uaa th* unial allow. 
-10* for food hebarlor. 

W. K., BanduBdy.~l. Prom Dlok A Pliigonhl. IB Ann , 
flireot, New York. a. Qua IIIU haa for yaara be«n tho 
rvcogolud cbamploa at ttialKhtcIuba«lD|lnir.r*peKiad ' 
cbalMDgaa Uauad by him, and properly mippuried by a I 
niODoy depoaiT, not baring b««n accepted, tke titto luaii 
■ulng to ntm by default. 3. We cannnt Inronn you «ho 
'-owna the beat flghtlog cook Id ih*UoUMJHlat«a." 4. 
We caoDor racmomend any particular od*. 
A..B. Anu J. lt.,,Bliaioohro.— looauoa* of ih* iiartlea 

PolBied for the ilgbt, tbe onpoelai principal ir he poated 
la Ooal deuoalt. wu eotlllwl to lorfolt ol llivhtooey up. 
P. R. W.. norldoaee— W*aT* ootawero that Iheyald | 

au at tb* tin* of the blinan) lo March. Itttf. bat veoture- , 
aou* paraona croaaed iJi* Baa Rlrer oo Uia le* during 
ud* or two pr*vloua Wloura. 

Bmiuhthot, BaatOD.— Til* drat reply glreo by B la | 
alMolutaly correct; tin aecood ta uoly an abbreviated 
form aod la parmlaalbla. 
BXttuiBBB.— 1. 11 ta. S. Itlaao located. 
A HBADiB. Naw York.— Tlie ag* llu'i appIlM to tha 
lime of appolntuenL 

Uarerblli team match (aog. 
tvara*y la atlll In full vlgoi 
* ■ - - r ba 


itKKL KBI. KB7, K8. 
matlBt, It 8. 

« ^ I t 

atKR, KEl, Kl KKIt, 
Whita naloa lo aoroo. 

r. .., fl'l»«»«rtlB»dar^ rtlbtbo.™^ 

baiad from I lo iJKrt. "."'liiS 
n wlU bar. lb* odd »'';™ 
jpnean tbat lb* bbdu or lb. 
S.V«~aiid-|b.Tr orty l"^"" "« 'Sh'r„»S'i"bJ 


"'■ISl°ASi.bJi2iioB will b. i 'J»KJf!SfJ'!«Al; 

rtSloiVSbont Md^d "■»••• ,<l'"''C^'.Jj.LlidI 
anal laauUtlon. about unpliM. a "'•'?i„V!i'rl!l,i 
bJtSf amaU d.ulUall aloo8-»K»«H'» P"'"* "> 

"W. KbrpTb!arss'i.°B°'!Sj:5tbBiwiii b. 


roll »w.f Enilaad o»»ld brln« lntolb.8aU WPW- 
Sp* aTa mitA*? Icllr EnllUb .a AinaricM. It U 6«t 
Tb. relatlT. luiai owbl to Iba woiblng of tb* 


til. .Ictoriou.twm. 

YoaatHiiii Com A««)CUTio!t.-BndMth.aboT.tlila 
tb. rZuou. oM Volbidili. ABloolaUooaod Ih. 
Sooty 0. 0. b.« .uBltod. lnlo M. .■tronjr.bodt- Tb* 



Pnblam No. :«,044. 

fnm TIU ScluulMllunt. 
PIfU Prlu lo "Tuiellcli.D RundKhtu.-' 



4. To anaaio Monty nutebtt: I. To Miiaii. prorutlonal 
Ibav i»a«5ni torliit cluU i TIb. patp»l*.of liuuiio- 
tini: 8. To amoi* ror lb* oior. .loalT. pabllcalloB of 
cbM.o.wi: 7. To wtcouraae and »lollOD tour, 
ntyi; 8. To anani* eoii»«pooil.n» natcbw; 9. To tt- 
IKC rapr.HoulIrM 10 lab. put In utlonalor Intarsa 
llonal tonmaaiaot.; 10. Tn uraag. loomamMila for 
tb. ebamploariilp of Yorbrbln." Ai thi. Kb.m. ba 
Bro. Bn>wo at lb., It I. an auonl >ukm< rcom Ib. 


Tb. orliai won by tb. mastan at BtPjlaraborB walj- 
Luk.r.tlU: BuUlla, 1370: PUlabltT. «9t: TKbboria, 
ItB. In addllloD, U. IbtM fonlRMn rK*lr.d lb. 
Ilb*ial lum of»9C0 ror liaT.lloa oapyuet; for bol.l and 
ilh.r.ip.BMiTnrGi. P.,«»!0; u)d|10I(l«t«»»cborib. 
fnurlfor plo mooay. TboM nmiBar.nt.U,OiOp.ld 
br Iba Ruialan .Diat«ura to Ma tlM tli1rtT..I« /un." 
phy«] In tbelrclab, or witbin amlouM ftaetlon orftJO 

aiam. Mr.r In tb. blllotTDrdiN.wutb.cuia. 

oflMlllDfroD tb.iiam. m opMlyuid Mrloolly broutbt 
10 tb. «irlhc«, and lu iliploiabl. airacii w abarply tolw 


Villi, to pby .nd itlve nial. In four moroi 

Gtam* No. K.U44. 

Til. Hlslli and Utl round bad com., and VIIUNiry waa 
bruuEliI la', to laca wItb tba Mrlou. iiiMxlioo wh.tlier 
h. could win uoa aaina out of tb. wbola da t.. SLInilx. 
Tb. loIlowInK ilBft«nu ilruicKia I* ibeaDiw.r. 


81* blitz. 
!■ Ill IJ 4 




BPX 1" 



Kf X l' 
OB-K x| 
K Kl 
.K lit 

, KB.tJ9 



I 9..KB-B1 

e..KBX r 
Kfx f 
~ B-B4 

..KB X r 

- -BXKt 

R-K m 

»..|'-K Kt3 



-KKtllO KB-Kl 
S..<lxRm) IIXU 

9i..uBxq ^"-4' 

tl..r-K K4 












a..r-K R9 
4I..K8xl' + 

' + 

R K K Kt I 
BPX 1" 
Il-Rt + 
X-hl> B 1 


U.. 11.09 

a ..By KB 
I 49.. 11-84 

— rmlRni 

8BX I 


Kt'B7 + 






















KI-Q4 + 


TmraDatMl .... Aiwr lo. umm.j mmM v,.., w^v* w., 

pmibury war. plUad ra Sulnlu and neblaorin In a cop 
KultaUon natcli,tba flrn nam. ol wblcb wal brllllaoUy 
won by L. aad P. Ib fact, we do oot btlioro tb«r. ara two 
play.n II.Iob wbo caa do men thm iBBIcb Bow and 
tb«n a itfBy lun. Iiom IbMo two voonjr mutwv work- 

IPB toi.tb.r Tbi. T.ry lolaiwtloi matcb. Bcnln.ra 

"--■-■^ — •— — » .1-.— (0 count 

tb. wIb' 

TiT SuTnriz. li lb b. tw.lT. fnmu, drawa to count 
balf, lor a pura. of 1,200 nnblaa, 800 

nor, 40] to Ol. kwr .kr. Pllllbnry baa Mr.rsl oratnt 

iDvllallonatoTliilt cb.M cantrM and Blr. varlool bind, 
of eiblbllloBi of hi. ebon .bill, ooublr at Hokow .ad 
Vloona; ibrU'larMixclally, toplay 'iilladfoldad."...... 

Tbe LaUM Be«.fromVl.nna lithatBorrZlBkl waa lud- 
Icr. but that U.mB AlbiB, EncllKb aad 8-bl.cht«r wtr* 
wUblBliair annw ol bIm. AdaihlCB llttl.liain. IbO, 
Id which H.rr Z.but th* tmowdmI Haa Valai, la re- 

portwl Tb. annual Edinburgb-Olaasow m.Kb waa 

TKMitly cootouad, Oflca a Ma. and won by 0., 9 to 6; 
thouab, oddly .non.b, Edloburitb wm on tbethraalop 
u>aid.. At li - " 

Tut rear* mMlins B. dbl not win a.loil* 

Ourhom. match. Rwnaayra. Bbowallar. laoa- 

l.v.d Mraewhat by If r. a'a abMoc ia Kwitockr, on. pa- 

p*r iay. on aceouut of llto«w Th. Pblladalpllla f3bM. 

riubliu,lt woa, carrlNl out ft< threat cfaolarlnaa 
il.iBDrrar to lb» ilaod mh^nbyt^i. Brooklyn Cb.u Glut 
fa re til. cabl. mkicb. eirOMne Ncwdh haaanawaiwi 
lo a bri.1 but altodetbar tompaitt* note, and tbe 

maUJi will 10 rlRht on we lib. Ib. way the 

BoKlIlb aoiaUuti bar. taken in ul«t thnir cliamplona 
ror lb. comloa lafmatlonal fray. Tb. rarloua cinb 
nindal. ware Invltad to noniloale mch m«i a« thay 
thooBbt ouitlillo ao on th* taam; thoo a commlllM ofl** 
lictlon lak.alb.u.u la hand aod cnUathanco tb.eblht 
"Ininionali.*' Tbe Ani.rl'U champhnii will K.t Iraaled 

to "Iho bMt la In Ih. iliop." Tbe Franklin 0. G.'a 

toumam.ota are rapidly dmwiog to. oloM,and at laal 
raporu M. Borno wa. ludtna ror thlcbaniolonlbtp vltb 
ao abMlutaiy dun Kot., and coukl Karc«ly fall or wlQ' 

nlng II. II.IOB com. over to lb. PrugTWalra 0. 0., 

8lh Tnrt.. eocounl«r.d th* .ludanl ilxte«n, nod mid. 
tba brilliant Kore— loK, I tlo Hr. BIg.1); draw, t; v,jn 
IOl Juit liilr lb. iiaoiu ware olTered gvnbita, ol wbicb 
Mr. U. iMtand draw 1 ..di, aad wont. Oood for Bro.U' 

AbeUtluBBBt by tAo Lmsbo of Ola„M ^ 
bbA B-4>Bl|r Pan AaatoBn bbiI Pn. 
fMtloaalB Soar. 

Tlie fUtMnlb aniinal meelliif ot Uie NaUoui a*. 
Bemblr ol ttit LBigae ot Anoloui nMelmtQ «|, 
Ii«)illoB*IUmon,lli),, Feb,l],u,i3. OnUieopeD 
log dAj tlie eleotlon ot offlctnuid tbetaeciionoi 
tba oil; In wbloh U to be beM Uw next BDoaii ttca 
nmtlog coiaUtiitea Uw moil loporunt busioea 
tnUBoied. Tbe renlt ot tlieelecUon waa ihc mc 
ceatof llietaUowlngcasdiatUa: ITetMeot, 8icriio| 
miott, o( Haeaeobaaeltt; Int tIm pmldtoi, 
Obtrlea F. Ooesoni, New York; eecona Tice fita- 
dent, A. C. UonlAon, WlKonaln; tntenrar, >:. 9. 
HBFtvcU, Colorado; inilltliir commluee-j. )' 
Adems. Husacbnwtts, cbAlimu; Jobn J. Yen 
Koite, PenniTlvAniA, and O, A. MoQanby, Colondo 
Tbe conteetBnta tor tbe boocr ot belnir cbowi at 
tbe pUoe ot tbe meet were Uinltnile, Ky., tod To. 
ledo. O,, tod tbe oltbna ot acb cUy vere pitacbted 
br CApeble speaken, bot tbe apeeon made bjr Cd. a 
D. Bowdin, piealdent ot tbe lonlinue Commercial 
OInb, prored tbe more coovlaclag, and tbe Falli 
Clir was itlMted b? a rote of »> to T>. Co ibe ict- 
ond dar tU claaaeabereiof«rete<»inilz«d b; the L 
A. W. wen tbolltbed, and la ibe f utuie tbe Icacue 
wlURCngnlianagradeotWDAUnn. Aoj rider abo 
doea not lire ap iirlctlj lo tbe rolea goreinlog tioa. 
profeealanal aportwlll beplacedlntbeniDtioltlie 
pnfeadonali. Tblareanltmureaobedbjtborcpcti 
of all tbe clauaea lo tbe leagoe couUUiUon txeailoi 
OliaaedAtnd B.anddeloliettbeiuiotef tbe men 
wbo tormerlv belonged to them. Tbe cooveDiioQ 
lookiblaiadlcal tlep dnrloc Ita aturooon ■es'loa 
wblle couldenna a targe naober ot amendnenu 
10 tbe iMinaUtDtJon, propoatd bj tbe raclog board, 
and detlgied to fartaer remiltte and deoae ibe po- 
BlUonsotCUBaUmeo. Tbei«were adotenor moie 
otibeae ameodnenta. and teTeralottbem bad been 
adopKd wben Hr, Mott oHired an amendoeDt 
aboUaliUig Olasa B enttrel j. It waa (»nled almoit 
wttboni a dlaaantlng vol(», and the obair decld«l 
tbat It wat UDanUnooa. A ivaoloUon waa ibea 
adopted utbeeSccitbataL nembera ot tbe league 
wbo BIO at ibia time CUas B men tbaU In tbe tuiure 
be treated aa amateoiB, alnllir In eretr retpeot 10 
Claaa A neo, ajid tbat aU otbeia aball Iw deemed 
proteattonalt. Tbe penalt; for an; aot ot proret. 
tlooallam wUl tberefore be pnodcal expnlaloo from 
tbe leagoe. Tbe reault gare general ntlafaciloo. 
Tbe racing lolea, wblcb are cbasged bj tblaaciloo, 
now read aafoUowB; 

An amaianr la one whu hu not ingaiad In. nor u- 
.Itad lo, nor l*uBbt*oyellog or aay olbw rMogoliad aih- 
letle aierclM for uon.y or olb*r raonn.rallon, nor 
knowlnely c«mp«ud WItb or .nlnua ptof.uloa.l for. 
iriia of anyd.aOTlptlou, or abo,BlUr bBTloR forfeitid 
h. amauar etalo., baa bad lb* urn. raitoiad by a 
uaanlmou* rote of tb. BkUoaal Au.Dibly, L. A. W. A 
'cycllit CUM. 10 b. ao ataataor by compatlBs with 1 pm- 
luolonal or maklaa the pac* lor, or barlog the |ibc« 
inade by lueh In puolle or tor a prize. 

An amw.or may not compel* In uy race could, of 
bl, own Btal*, at adUtaac* fraater than one huadrM 
roll.., by tbauaual line or roac.ol mvel,fnmfalRhiiil 
i«ijd«Dc«, .leapt at Matlooal or DItI.Iob or cbiMd col- 

a..K-QBl K-06 
ai..B-Kt7i K-UB 
tt..B-B|.t' K-Kt3 





P-Ktt + 
KI-Q9 + 

B-lfll7 + 

K-B 8. aad 

' 4 R 
Kt-Bt + 
X B X Kt 

P.Xt4 + 

I WblUrmlRBi- 

uuxdaiBO'e xorut, oo.iDBxato. 
(a) Tbe um. poilllon oceurrwl In a proTloa. _ 
wh.naplai-*119..QBtoKKi,«l 14. .K B 
tot]9, WDldi w. think ba ought tobaTedooeheta. 
J (t) To bar 1, waa much b«tt.r: and bli a., wuadia 
agrartbl. altaraallr., alway. daaaeiuuiwlih both ad' 
V.IM B. on the board. 

(•) irh. turning poblt In llill Impurtaat game, a>we 
piauat It OB d lagtani ; 
' BLAOX (Br. Btalnlli.) 

Ko, SI, Vol. «a, 

riaT«l In Boibw tacanlly b.t«*Mi W. U. Punw and 
Ban t^UL Hr. I'anvw morod drat 

Rowa of tia* Gaoaa. 

H, \r. I'atUrMin aad J. 1\ KMd rlay«l u> .ahlbllloa I 
gam. al the Ont Olub rnlerulomeat, Pltubulg, Pa., re- 
OMily, In which lb. llrlng rl«e<M war. you.B UJIm, 
tw.lT. blondu and iwtlia Tli.Mrw.rk. 

■Til. N.w York litnilleap 
Th.r* i*«m. DO .l4t*muil 

of iDt.TMt, and tars rawbata .lgBll.d InlautloD uf 

Bot Bnliblni Jordan tKat the uu that hnhl. Ih. 

.purlouB tlU* 10 tb. world', chunploaahlp. tVbll. Fam. 
IBOD. of th. world*. fotauHMt |<bhj.ta,itlll liii bobaflor 
la not utlMbclulT eran to h(a awn poopla. U. pt«imi.M] 
to play Barber, aad ainwl th. cooOlllooa. ud wh.n 
Buk.r CAllOil fatm, ba fluk^l. Jordan, on th. oonliary, 
ba. acUil Tory uianlr, ud no dnubl l.vallalil. to lu.ln- 
lain hiB poBllluB u tha BcvlUlh draught chaaiploB. 

We aiv palu«l to annooDe* '.bo d.ttb of Ihli rl.Ing 
' law of I 

,. trOir r , 

b. dlW oB TuMday Bliht- H* had a ratwiDabty Ubl^u. 

.r ta.dly-oa.. Poor Boi 
pr»TlouB al tb. club, u 

Toang I'lator al Ih. early . - 

Varky. wa uw him Ui. HalurO: 

b.dlW oBTuMday Bliht- H* 

IB many t*ap•cl^ rarr Baaaatlr. ut *o«ra*oli,'y.t iVllI 
.r.f glatel^il ror pial... III. aatur. wu a curuiua mil. 
tura of liop*a and fMra. Wf^ th. pbty«t* who kniw him 
mtaonally.aredMplyirt.vMlalbladaBlw. One of ear 
Ihmlly IB I 

WIIITB (Mr. Pill.bury). 
Mot. mBdo— 30. .K U X P.l TbI. t.aulm oiplanallon, 
Up to thI. pulul ATbll. had .uccwBfully battM with lili 
dllQcnltlH; b.r. h. had many maru which would hav. 
laniiW blm an .t.b sain.. We can oely ekplalo bta 
t to play a niure Ilk. R to g .4, or B 10 IC 4. or R 4, 
— .J g R \ olc , by biB duira to lun Boaia IIIU. rlik In 
onlerlu avoid adraw, which would aot ,ult blBHor*. 

Jc) Tbil IbrUi.r ihov. howWbil.bad b.ra.d bUiblp. 
blud hlui, and wu d.umilnAl lo win or lou. 
(I) ThiB w. cABDot nnd.nuad. It woabl have been 
luilMe II While bhl a pioqiMl of obtaining tbrw P. lur 
hiBplK.; bulb. ha. nut .T.n lliit M iftsr lb. OB. or g. 
Blaok'B thrut or R ui g 7 piarutB ih. reallutlon af tb.t 
Idu.«ith*Pb.rota playlagPtoK It4,tb. 
luUBurak tbough imdiquata, wuuhl bar* bMB iBlal. 

(I) IWebave now a Tarluble .Bd gam.: 

« 1 ^ t ^1 M 2 

EKtS. gBS, KHft. giCll gBS,qH7, S. EtieKRl 
Meter wu th* uuallty ol chau |iail*BO* more grmodly 
rxlilMled lhao Io Iha (bltowlog handllexol hll acaoly 
Inrteabr lh*uraihl uM hvro.— MlHOX.) BUck inoT«d 47. . 
Kt lo K a. ebdilug lu pnToDt th* t>oa*lblllly of •ichang- 
Int hiB r. 

W DaalAAi. 8uppo^«..KtoKt3: Nowtoproreottf.. 
I'lo q H «, which wouM probably draw rr>rWhll«,aa It 
wouM aecute ihe victtaoge of Black'* uoly P, BUck woukl 
hare to reply IS. . 1* to Kt « ; then «tf . . P to q H 4 would give 
WhlUdiawint clitncta 

(0 II* might etlll pUr lor (h* wne Idea by U. . B to B 7, 
PutM4+:ftl..Kto Kll In any caw Itwaa to Whila'a 
adianiai* IO traoafbr theP to H'a die. owing to Black 

(1) [Une mot* look at ih*poaltloa: 

« 1 41 I I « 1 

aiKBi. gbt, gxti, I. I , aigBS, gxta 

ir anv iin. thiDk. ba can wlu thl. gani.unkk.r llian Mr. 
lt,dkt,l.tbluahoa Imw.] 

ni« f^abl* Hateh. 

It li uuil. unnmeuty to alv. .11 th* aioul* rtnla. 
tlcoB ror thiB niBlchi, IntrrvBltDN u Itwni ha; aod tha 
main polnlB ai. all that lb. arara(.cb«ii aniataur and 
r.Bd.T will car* ror. 

Th. tuniiu. to coo.lnol .Igbt^dn.1 
RtlulaandlialBadva VnIln] Btalu. Tb. d»l. lli«l I. 
FrUar, UUi pna., and It uy gamu Bra BadBlihMl os 
thai day Ui» ait I. U Plajed out oo th* followlDg day. 
Play h to ooomiBi* al w a. a.. New York lima, cuUnua 
tilllr. ■■: IhM adjourn on. hour; thaa playltomt 1.1 7 

For Bolter Game Law*. 

Tbe anonal meeting of tbe National Dame, Bird 
and Ftab ProteoUre Aaaoclatlou iraa beld at ObL 
<»ga, III., Feb. 13, at wblcb mattere relating to ibe 
paatageof better laws for tbe piotecilon ol game 
In rarloiia pant ot tbe conotr; were dltooaaed. 
B, Baird, tbe attomej ot Uie aaioclatlon, baa drafted 
a bill wblcb la Intended to amend tbe Inter-Slate 
commerce act. to at to regnlatetbe tiaioc In wild 
game, makbig It uniawtnl for tn; nllroad or olber 
compaor to reoeire for ablpmeal anr aoit ot game 
tmm BOX part of tbe United Slaua to a point out- 
side of tbe United Siatee. unleu tbe name be con. 
aplcuoiuly labelled "wUd ninie," wllb kind and 
quBlltf of Bucb atated, and ine cooalgnora and con* 
Bigneea nauiea giren In tall, tbe penally tor Ibe 
breaking ot tbe law to be tbe raiie aa tor tbe other 
panaot tbe lnler.Sutta commirce law. viz.: Aline 
or from tloo to (1,000. (kiplea of tbla ^ilU wen or. 
deivd printed bj (be aaaodatlon and tent to eacb 
member to be need br blm bi eecurlng tbe adoption 
of tbe eald law b; Oongieea. 

■ i»i 

TAoBoaghly Covor* All Departmeata. 

TUB NkwYoRK CLirraa.tha clabratad iportlBgand 
dramaMo Journal, ha. luued Ju ANXOal„ which will h* 
accordMl aburty wrlcom.. 111. abladbooktborongbly 
cuv.rlojc all th. a.partfflButa, ud oofiUla. dulrabl. rM. 
oiOa ToMlricallittldoctloni, drat appaaranc**, but raC' 
Old. Id tb. a.ld, od tb* track, lb. diamond and tbe 
BTldlron cBB be r«adlbr rafenid to. A Hit ot death, lo 
tbaproronloa la anotb«r future. TbbAxnoal l.haBd' llluitialed with numeiou. attlitlc half lone euu 
of calebrila.. 

A Complete Reeanl of Facia. 
n« A'ao OrteoMi Ftccfwu, 
TU ruafUM butaclTwlaocpy oT TUB New YoaK 
ULirfBH AaxUAL lor 198. Bach year tbl. Taluable pub. 
lIcatloB ha. ImproTed, until dow It baa become a com. 
plat, lacord or tuu coDcaralog ludbg .t*du Ib aU da. 
paitmeBU ofipoit and tbwtrlcal dolagB. 

BtaOBltl be In the Hsade or AU. 
Fnm T^c San iyoncUtD ihiKrftn. 
TUB CUIVBH ANXUAL abould b. iB tb. bud. or ariry 
.porting mao, tie he aa amateur or pnlbeelooal. It con. 
tain, raucb lorormatlon touching UHin erary line of 
.porta. BapecUllr Ib Ibe Toluae valuable for a re[.r.Dce 
le looking up rKoid.. 

iBwalaable for Rer«raBC*. 
/>om 771c Aouon frenlao AccoM, 
Tub AxxiiAi for iiao, IuumI by TUk Haw YoaK niirria, 
Ib a complau craipeodlum of allklad.or ipoitaand U 
iDvalu.ble for r.r.r«oc* on all upka .r tarC track or 

Flaely EXBCalad Portiatla. 

FroM Tkf. BMtoa Cbiirtir. 
TuaCuprBaAs.tOALforlen la full of Inlarwting In. 
foniialloo and will ba found eipeclally vduable by thoa* 
fund of tbe mulv .porta. Tbet«ar«Mm.flD*ly.aMot« 
poniBlu of albute^ Bolon ud utiaaiM. .1*., and the 
whole form! u eaoaedlDgly hudiois. eaa baody book 
ol ralerenc. TOi CulfaR. M.w VorL 

KloCBBUy Ulaalralad 
»tm Tht San frmeUt^ Call, 
Tub Naw York ourraa AxrtifAL loriest la to bud, ud 
coouIdb ihB.trical ud ^Mrtlog cbrvaologlM for viii a 
llitofdealba In theamoumeniprofa^loo: eqaatlo, trot 
ting ud blcydloB ibcciUb; hitvbill orick.L blllUld., 
ale.; rmtdB,-frut.lttlm.aDdb«ttFer1(iraiuca. lB.ll 
d.paitmuti of .port. It l< altgaotly llluutalad, ud u 
abo«k for r«adlD|ud raletBoce iBlnralDabl.. 
Woith lu Weight la Oold 
J»4 .Vno orlraiu AtiUnp TMcpraB. 
Tub Nbw Tobk Curraa hBBpubllakMl lla axsuai for 

IS8. ud Ui. book I. abooat worth ll. ..Icht tn aoU. con- 

talnlngacconl.dauorav.ryivor' — * ' — - -■ 

or olh.rwlu, occnrriog durioB uie 
conulo. lableaoriuccuilv. cMmplou ofatblalic., row~ 

ega cbainplonibipmeetloia, or by rpadal permluiun of 
tile moGkber of tb. raoing boanl or ibu dl.ulct 

A 'cyellit doe. not bli atatae by tucbloit ihi 
elMD.nta of 'oycllog Mlaly for tiie porpoa* or tgMliog 
tb. aal«ora 'cyola; but racing men la uie employ ol 'cr- 
cllog uubllinmenu may b* tiatilfwT.d to tb. pnir«;h. 
■lonal due. 

Tbe amendment offered by Oblet Oonanl Poller, of 
New York. aboUablog racing, waa defeated, tbe 
Anembly deciding by a role ot l3i to 40 to rcialu 
control orerall departmeatiof 'cycle racing. An 
attempt wiu made to bare rotore annual meellnitt 
ol tbe acKmblr In tbe tnoDib ot January, bui tbe 
move failed, alinoogb ibe dale waa obaogtd from 
tbe lecond Hondayla Febniary to tbe tecond wed- 
neaday. It waa left optional wllb tbe aatembly lu 
Belect Uie place of meeting for Ibe nailunal aaum. 
bir, or to confer tbla power OU tbe ExecQtlreCom 

Tbe value ot tbe ptlzea to be awarded In ama- 
teur eventt waa reduced rnm tM 10 Vi, and 
It waa decided tbat any itaaieor wbo neglecta or 
retutea 10 anawer quatUoiii touching bla tiaiua to 
tbe aatlilaotlon 01 tbe Riolng Board, and wltbln 
tbirty days, aball be tranateinia to tbe proteatlonal 
lanka, aod aball bare no tutber oppoitnnlty for 
beaflngor appeal. 

Tbe tolloving appUcaUono from racing men for 
rebiautement were acted favorablv npon: H Farker 
Rich. Hirrlabnn, Pa,: B. ;. John, Heir Orleana: L. 
A. Ryer, Jersey Olty; A, W, CUaver, Oblcago; Albett 
H, Price, QbentiKy,; Jamea VT, Oairy, Aurora, 111. 
TbeappUcaUona of W. B.FaUlog, BaldwInvUle, N. 
A; EnieitBlggt,aeorge Asdenon, Uanoon Beet, 
Uavid Reed and E. W. Roblneon, Qutbile, la.; 
Henry Peny, Oregon; C. A. Diamond, Iowa; K.A. 
BnutiKaniaa Olty; B, 0,Roblnaon, Ptattabnig,.N. 
Y., wererefoaed. 

Ublet Oonaol Potior, ot New York^ieaented an 
appeal to tbe Aatembly fion Fred Tllnii, ot Ne«r 
York, tbe Olasa B racing man, wbo baa bean per- 
maneotly euapended by tni Raobig Board, teeking 
lebutatemeot, or at leatl a itdnotlon ot bit period 
ot tuntenalon. Tbe metlia ot tbe care were dlt- 
cttS8eifatlengtb,aDd ibe nneeilig tbowed a dlapo- 
dUoD to condder blB caae favorably, Itwaaeug- 

Ealed that, la view ot tbe rdnalatement of Obarley 
utpby and tbe fnnk confeadon from TItnt ot Ua 
conneoUoa wltb tbe caae, a recommendaUoo be 
made to ibe Raoinf Board tbit tbey Hz Ibe time of 
antpeBslon upon TItna and L, B, Otbanne, of Bl. 
Loola, bit lam mate, wbo Is ilao tnapended tor one 
year, to a petlod oot to exceed one year from ibe 
data ot tbe Inttaodon ot the niea. Tble modon waa 
unanlnoualy carried. Tbe qteetlon ot Sunday nc. 
log bioDgbt loitb conaldertble ditontalon. Tbe 
RacUig Board recommended tbat dlrltloni receive 
tbe power to oountenance bicycle racing on Sonday 
It tbey aee lit, but Uie ABaonbiy deoMeo tbat anob a 
role would be a violation of ite pdnclplea ot tbe L. 
A. W., and Ibe modon waa lott. 

Tbe Ceatary Boad Clab 
Laat we«k announced tbe aocepunce ot tbe follow 
log State, conree, yearly mileage aod American tec- 
orda made during tbe aeaaoa ot mi: 

Ffoe TnHes.— 11m, llKa.,aeorg* Hamlin, caUtor. 
nla, Nov, 17; American record. 

Ten rnfln,— zim, tia., B, D, Byrne, OcL »; Call- 
tornla record, 

noeiKp-^lea tnila.— eim. set.. A. B. MoDonneii, 
BuiTalo-Corfu coune, Oot. II; American record. 

Srnntv-Uiree niOa,— '.lb, Mn. Zla., A. B, McDon- 
nell, Ballblo to Rocbeater, V. Y„ Oct 22; conrgc 

Ont rumOrta mfl0.— Ib, 40m, St., A. B. UcUou. 
neu. Eile to Boffalo, N. Y.; Ameilcan record. 

Jftoioe twonlt.— 14,178 mllee, R. E. O'Oonoor, 
llUnoU (ecord; 11,439 mllet and 18 ceninrlet, T, W. 
Rea, tonlb Vsgoua record; 10,311 mUeaTw, A, 
Rabey, Kentucky record, and 02 centorlea, Amerl- 
oan lecord; 9,491 mlleaand44ceninrte8, L. T. Brod. 
etone, Nebiaaka record; «,3n mllee and 13 ceu. 
tuilea, J. A. Fauiater, Iowa lecoid; B,eu mUea, B. 
M. MaiTtil, Maryland record. 

Tbe olub centnty banner baa been awarded 10 
tbe Lbicoln 'Qyoling Olub,ot Oblcago, IIL, wbote 
memiierarode flOl centurlet duilngiroft. Tbe Hoe 
Umli tor ceninry riding baa been reduced ttom alx- 
leen to fourteen boni& 

log, 'cycling, tha tori, ud, lofKt..v«ry brueb of .port. 
It alBo cODtaloi a UiMUlcal chronology for IBBS: a llBt ol 
dHth. In th. uiuuBHtprofMBluo; laolog ud tnttloB 
rKolda All Ihnugb It ara bair toH nnu ol ramou. 
atuia aod acuanu ud .thl.ta.1. It li wllboat doubt 
thomonvalutbl. book or lu kind In .alBtan<«,and TAc 

Haailaam* llalfToae Portrait*. 
>'nm Tke nlea Obttrw. 
Tb. ohl rallabU Miw YorH (XtPrxB'a A.iltt>At lor IM 
bu mad* IIB appaaranc* and I. more (onipleu thu aver 
wlUi oinclal rNoNB orauuaUo and athletic Bpona raolea 
buaball ud thealriral nawa Bandaome half iobu add 
much 10 the work. 

aeplale Wllb lB(bnaalIoB. 

Frrm IA< CVkKopo mur-atan. 
ram CLirraa ASNOAL for igot I, u itntcUre. compact 
and lUuilrated pobllcatkiB, twpl»a wliha 
TulagiouDtor inrorm.tlon. It contBlna tbutrieal and 
eponloK chrDaologles tor ISSa, a llu or d.ub. In Ihi 
S5?'?!;i'-J^£irt"^,i""'"*' "<l "blatl. p.rlom. 
ut«, raclog and troltlng tacoida, bautidl, crich.1. 
blUlud., noom. of raBtaat tim. ud Ui. bM pirflm- 
uc*. Id .11 d^iartmanu orapoit. — •I'nora 

SBrpitM** all PravlOB* Ruabega. 
IVva The 87«Bhmr01r gkvnlap s$ar. 

u?!?IIS\«l"f,'' Kit, a lalfBlBcaut public*. 
tlOB Uon our UMa. ItnipaUM .11 ptevlsn. niunbws 
ol tb. Abbcai. In mnlwt. aad buuty .r lu UluUraUoaL 
and conulD. Talnabhi biformaUOD S >li^ii,ma SSl 

TBb OOBPIBBMOB ot-motaal accident lotuiance 
companlea beld ki Boeion, Hata,, laat week, tor tbe 
pnipoae ol ditniiaing tbe Mcyollu aa an accident 
rltk, niuulmonaly readved ibat bicycling la a 
baiardoua oeoopatlon, wbleb tbey ooula not maun 
agalnal at the ptetent ratet ot premium, and ibai 
bereatier me 'oycler wlu btvi to nay double tor bu 
Intoiuce, or receive lete lotleininty, or give op bi- 
cycling to far aa bla accident Inanntnce la cou- 

Billy Uaidbn haa projected a ladlet' IntemaUoo- 
al alx <la;a race, to be conduwed on coodlUooi 
Bimllai to tboae goTerning the recent tourney ai 
KadlBOBDqnare Oarden, tua city, to take place al 
tbe Royal wegtmlnster Aguailnm, London, Cog., 
beginning April a. FnnUe Meltiin, ot Brooklyn, 
tbe wiener at tbe late tonnanent ben, will he one 
ot Ibe two nden wbo an 10 npittent tbe United 

Tax Wea>ebealer(y.Y.)Oycllng League beld lie 
annual election laat week, ibe foUowleg oUcera 
being cboeao: Ptaaldent U. K. Priea, Uugaeooi 
Wbeeliwn, ot New Rocbelle; vice ptealdeat. Dr. 
Adaiiia, Tuiylown Wbeelotn; aeoniary and treaa- 
ni«r, Onarlet Burabam, Yotkera Bicycle Olub; cap- 
tain, Oeoige Wbeeltr, Hoenl Vernon Wbeelmen; 
lleotenanl, a T. Kuobler, New Boobelie Wbeelmen. 

a B. Wbub, a member ot ibe Byiaonte Racing 
team, la taM to bave iMden tbree-onarieia at a 
niUe, from a Hying tiait, paced by two "qoada," In 
101, 18c, In a trial agalnat Ume, at Ootonado, Cel., 
Feb, 12. 

A.E.McCUA,amember ot Ibe Biiaouae ladng 
team, la npottad to have ndd*n a bicycle agautt 
time, paced by two "gnada," from a atandlng atari, 
ooexOlebilnLdaM,. wblob btaitardmeUiantbe 
dlBtanee wat ever baton itddan ti. 

Febbuabt 22. 




Park Co»mlMto»«rM«MIII»» Pi»yoiai to 
Oat • Btratt Thnagh Haw Verk'a BsU 

me looal tauetell eottiiulula wan (Iren i bU or 
luipriilDC aim teatwMk, wben Pkck Oonunlaalostr 
HcUUten togfcited • Mlieiii« thit lis tawluulniider 
coMl4v*<X>D for aonw tUM. UU tooaoatRM 
Ihnagh lUnliMliii Field and tlie Polo Qrooiida for 
ta M*T •pp'OMh to tlia new Speadwaj tint 0>» 
Huteni Blrer, Sbonld be be lUowed lo cinroot 
bU pel project It would kill b«Mb»U In tble oltj. 
Wberatbece li om owner o(a Irottlsg bone tbere 
tnt iboimod lorenotbufbtll.wbodonotpown 
even • car bom. From prewnt lodlcaUoiia tbe 
Speed «»j will not be inlibed (or seveml jun, bat 
Uut does not kweer to nuke nj dliTerence to tbo 
commlialoner. Mr. HoMlUin anpeanresdjaixl au- 
lone to ■acrUc* ine two great ball Oeldi to mdair a 
veiT (ew penont wbo are rortaoat« eooogh lo own 
trouing bonei. Ho aafa tbat bonemen obletted lo 
tb( tlae of four (eclin a bandrad la reacblog lbs new 
Spaedwar and Ibe annilng decUvltj o( aboat tbe 
■use proportion. It saenu nttbcr airange tbat tbla 
oblacuon wai not dIacoTartd before lo mDcb of tbe 
work bad been dona. Tbe daairuotlon of Hanbsiun 
FMld and tbe Polo Qrounda meana tbe ditvlog oat 
ol tbla clij basaliaU and football. Tbere la not an- 
oibar available piece ofprepenr aoatbof tbe Uarlem 
Rirar tbat could be aUUzed for tbat pnipoea. It la 
a well known ticttbaiovcra nllllon people wlinoaa 
IM baaeball gtmci durlog tbe eaau>n,anl iheir 
itgbta Bhould be itapaoted. Mr. UoHUlan aid Uat 
Ue plana lo axlend BndUaral Avenaa nod innatonn 
It Inu, or, ratber, graft It npon. tbe Speadwaj bad 
been dlacoaaed bj tbe Park Board, bat no 
dttolie action baa ret been Uken. Ue InU' 
natad, bowevw, tbat ibera la no doubt tbe exteQ- 
Bioa will be made. The board la almoat a null 
lo favortns Ue plan. Bhould an oAldal de 
oMon to tbat end be arrtved at, notblog wonid 
noaln lo be done bat to aak tbe Board of Street 
loproveoiant lo order Ibe opening of ibe avenue 
(rem On* Hundred and Fltij'Odn Street lo tbe 
itver, and ibe coiiimlsiloneM will make tbe avenue 
loio a Spetdmr. It I* (urtber alleged Uiattbe cli; 
taa a rigbt to cot tbla avenue tbrougb wltboni con- 
demnanon oeiamonlea and axptnaea. Tbe propart; 
Oalongs to Ibe Ljncb eatate, and Mr. HoHlIian akja 
iba city Bome ftm ago waa granted tbo rigtat lo 
contlnne Bmdbunc Avenue tbrougb tbe i^acb 
eauie In retain (or certain comldentlona, bat Jaa. 
J.Ooogao, wbo baa tbe managanient of ibaLjncb 
taiate, poalilvelj denlea tbat »aj aucb agreement 
was ever made. Wben naked wbetber tbe work 
would be ooDunenced tbla Summer, providing It 
waa decided to make Iba obange In tbe Bpecdwajt 
courae, Mr. MoHillaa aald be waa not pRpnrad to 
answer tbac, but aaw no reason wbj It ehould not 
be pot In band u aoon aa poaalbla. Wbanltwaa 
mantloned to bio tbat iba dlipoaaeaslon ol tbe New 
York Clnb o( lla grounds at tbla lime would make 
It Impoaalble for a new gronnd to be lilted up la 
time for iba opening of Ina champlonablp aeaaon, 
onlv a Uule mors tban two montba awaj, and tbat 
aucn a dilemma would not onlj kill baaaDall In tbla 
city, but would Injure tbe oinba of tbe otbar aleveu 
clues, be asld tbat be la a promoter ntber tban a 
desoojer ot Held aports,and be tboogbt Ibatibe 
commlaalonen would take no aotton wblota mlgbt 
do permanent Injurrto baseball crotbaraportain 
tbla clij. 

Tban are manj panona wbo are bictarlr opposed 
to Hr. HoUUIan'a plan. Tbaj argue tbat tbe New 
York Olab would nave to go above tbe Harlem 
River to aecute a sallabia pleca ot property for ball 
gfounils, and tbat would ue loo nr away, In tbe 
ont place, aa It mtana tbe consumption of from 
Ibrae quarten of an boor to an bour addlUonal 
time bi golsg and coming to and from ttie games 
It also maau two car fateseacb way Insteadof one, 
as Is now Ibe case. It mlgbt better be old tbat It 
meana Iba deatta of baaeball In this clly, for tbe 
pntiUo would not put op wltb aucb biconvanleneea 
aa would bo unavoidable U tbe club la forced lo 
look for groonda above tbe Harlem Hlver. Beside 
tbe iDluty to baseball, llabonld drtve football ganea 
out o( tbe city, aa tbe big colleget would go elas- 
where If deprived ot Hanbsttfn Field, and Kew 
York would never gat anob Qeld exhibitions aa were 
tba International gamaa laat Summer. A promlneut 
troubig bone owner aald: "I tall to aee ine oenent 
horsemenoan derive from tbe proposed oewapproacb 
to tbe Speedway. To reacb It one would be com- 
pelled to dilve under Iba elevated nllrosdand cms 
the fonbconing lilgbtb Avenue cable car tracks 
when driving out by way ot Cantial Park or Flfib 
Avenae. People wbo go Noitb on Rlveialde Drive 
and tbe Bouleiard couTdnt gel down to li at all. 
By tba appioaob from iba and o( St. Klcbolaa Place 
drivers (rom the Weet Side bava an eaay and aa(o 
approaob br way o( Bavantb Avenue and tbe Tla- 
dact, and Ina West Elders can use tbo Boulevard 
without taking chances wlita elavatad roads snd 
cable can," 

Preeldent Freedman, ot tba New YorkOlnb, doaa 
not think tbat there la any Immedlsia cause (or 
worrying, aa be doea nottblnk any dalnlla acllon 
will be uken In the matter Ibis at all. He tbbiks 
that wben tbe subjeot bas bean thoroughly dla- 
casaed and wall aodetstood, tbat tbe puollo wUl 
have noUibglo fear in tbe way o( bavlog a lUnet 
cut Ibroogli tbe two most famous gronnds In tbis 
counny. "I lell you," be aald, "Uils ibbig never 
dlstorbed nea bIL I never conaldered ibe pnpo' 
Bltlou aailoaely. Hy own knowledge told melt was 
ntteily ImpmcUcsbla. Ifa a vaiT stranga matter, 
however. Two weeka ago I received an odar for 
tbe lease ol Hanbattan Field, and waa also aaked lo 
place a price npon tbo atanda and bnlldlnga, aa It 
waa Intended to remove tbeaa from the Held. I 
could not and out what tba property waa to be natd 
(or, but waa aasutad that It was no amnsement en- 
terprise wblcb would Intarfera wtih iba Polo 
Oroinda. In tbe tour yeara I have bad obarga of 
Manhauu Field, I waa never appnaobed In a ilml- 
lar way, but now it Is propoaed lo cut up tbe 
ground aflarl refused to tell tbe lease. At lander- 
atand It, Ibe Park Board, for whloh I have the 
greatest nspeot, conalata of a body of gentlemen 
wbo are appointed by the Mayor, for tba parpoae ol 
aoparntliVi malntalnbig, creating and beautuyiag 
recreation apoM wltbln the city Umlls, and noi for 
Ibe puipcae ot daatroylng the Inieietbi In sports 
and baalibral smusemenis for tbe gntUca- 
Uon ot one penonal desire. I have ueea In- 
formed thai Kr. HoHUIan auted to ibe le- 

P oners that be waa placed In tbe poslilon of 
ark Oommlaloaer tbrougb tbe Innuenoe ot trot- 
dug horgamen, and that be would do all be could 
lo aee that tbey would gat everything ttatwas com- 
ing to ttaem. I have been for many yean a trot- 
ting borea driver In New York, bavlng owned and 
driven tati bones till recently. I have Indulged la 
taat borstal have bad otbeis lo bona abows, have 
won pitzea at Hadlaon Sqnaie dardaa, and I pilda 
myaelf open being compelant to give my opinion 
about honea as well aa most ordinary laymen. It 
can eatllrba found out tbat tbeaa It not today In 
Ibe clly o{ New York one trotting bona where then 
were twenty ten yean ago, and I doubt very much 
wbeibar In tbla entire city there are three hundred 
hones ttiat can not In 2.W or belter. Mr, HoHUIan, 

tudglog from bit alalement, ovarkwka tbe fact that 
lla omce waa given to bim for tba benit ot Ibe pub- 
lic, and not for Iba few ttotUng home nieiL when 
I uy Ike public I mean the thirty tbooatnd people 
who go to Hanbattan Field on one dat to aee a col- 
lege rooUall game, tba tan ihouaand people wbo 
aland npon the viaduct and bluOa to tea the game 
free, the half million people wbo go to Iba Polo 
OroundB lo aee tbe ball games, the lame onwda 
who aee tbe ficotUab gamea, tba variooa collage 

Smes, Inleinatlonai games, bicycle ncea and all 
emaDyaports that lake place upon Uanhatlan 
Field, and I waa told by one of tbe Park Ooomlt- 
riooen that be Is aware of tbe taa tbitatone 

S'UM beld at Hanbatlan Field Ibera wen many 
ouaandmorDibaiday than would lie teen upon the 
Speedway In yean. It aeema to ma tbaltnlalaa 
caae of wanton deatmoilon. I have been toM tbat 
Mr. HoMllUn la alone In the poalUon ha baa taken 
aa ranrda the Speedway, and tbat be I* tborougbly 
onfamlllir with thecondlUona and poweraofbla 
oDIce. Ibe Park Hoard, aa atated lo ma by a com- 
mlisloaer, has not the powerof opeslajt • atrect 
tbrougb tbeae gnunda. Tbey can timply itqaest 
tbe Boaid of Smet Opening to open the airaeL In 
any event ibla woold neceaaliale legal couipllca- 

uona ana oondomnatoiy proceedlnga, and tbe Leg- 
lalatam would also be re«ulred lo give the !)p««d 
way OommUslon tba tight to acquire by purchaae 

or olberwlaa Ihcae groonda, oraucn gronnda u tbey 
inlghl deain; and tbey would also rtqulra mm the 
I«alalanra a grant of money for ue pnrwae of 
buDdlog Ibla Speedway through the groundi, Ibua 
ladlctliif npon the taxpayen anolber burden plua 
tbe mUllonaalKady expended. Dradbirtt Avenue 
Isnotpnpeny and could not be made a proper ap- 
pnacn lo Ibe Speedway without acqgltlni more 
. — lonaleonly 


land ataveiT high coat. The aveuoa 
feet b> wMlii, beglonlng where One Uandrad and 
Flfiy-Hftb Btnet la a aide bill, deacerdlsR at a very 
aharpaagletolbebed otuiealrael, wblchlallftaen 
feet above the level ot Hanbattan Raid and the 

th. i«.S?^ " »• etreat On a Una aoiib ol 
SS.f^L.*'.'™"?' On nandnd and ntw 

SJ5!f.'2?fi P"»?d Aallnad bolda a leaaa oi^ 
7."i2il,°S.'' "".S*' Ju-Pceea. which 
^^liL'S^ tttaclcytolbe railroad nn- 
bZAJ^L^"' agreement. To approach 

""X l'l" Slivel would be by 
Eli'.^TS'S.''' t'"""*'' and onder the elevtlad imll- 
fSJr.fSr.i'"'"*'' ''•doot colunuis-iba one 
SiS.'Si.'iSI?"?'^ Aa the approach 

IJl.m L?SiJ?7*^ " "o'-cne can raacb It direct 
^om Seventh Avenue over the viaduct, which opena 
Si!SS-.i'".1.J^S Speedway, avoiding the eHvattd 
R. uMs^S.I,'*''""?'?*'*- THa decline ipoken of 
byHr.HcHtllan as being too great from Ibe an- 
Oancaat One Hundred aud Flfiy-Otib Blitet lo Ike 
2,?S^"*^ S??" " » nwe ikan Ibe grade 
wblchwoaldbenecetaary to have II nude abora 
One Uundted and SIxllelh SlraeL It la a matter of 
record mat hones driven tor tpccd pnrpotes are at- 
S.'i.llU'' '^SS" "eld""'* tblrty-nve to two 
hundred and flfly pounda, containing one, and ollon 
two peiBons. If the claae ot horaea tbat an to he 
driven on tkU Speedway cannot take the grade, 
dnwinga llgbi wagon with a total weight of Ave 
nnndrednonuda, tbenlhayan not worth; to go on 
tbe Speedway, for they do no credit to the iroiilDg 
bone clats-" ° 

diamoud pibld oosaip. 

I<Bt«st BaylBgs aad DelB||s o( the Basa< 
ball Piaterally. 

Dr. ). II. Stuckey, prealdeut of llie LouUvUla Club, 
aald In a itcenl Interview: "The make up of the 
Loultvllle team baa not been fully decided upon. 
We have a number of pronlalog young pityen who 
wlU be given a ulal before we bava decided inai 
bow tbey will be placed. HcCrcaiy li a coming 

SItcbar. Ue la blemed with one easeoilal glli, conb- 
ence la binseir. lla will have a chance to ahow 
what he can do during the coming season- Fnzler, 
the new man, baa a good repuuuon. When ha oe- 
comea aaatoned he ought ui pitch good liall. It la 
not lenerally known that Uolmca, oar brtlllaul llula 
ouUeder, It a due pitcher. He waaorlgloally algned 
by ua 10 do hla mare of the pllclilog. I ccnalder 
bim one of tbe coming atara. Last year he waa 
kepi In the outdeld becauaa ot his balling quallUea. 
Tbe coning seatou be will ba given a trial on Ibe 
InBeld. 1 rontlder Wright one of tbe beat centre 
Mldare I know anything about lie led the South- 
ern League In balUog, and alao the Fannsylvania 
Slate League tbe pracedlogaeaaon. He alio led la 
Holding. I think be will do for centre deld. Tbe 
greatest pitcher that we bave la UcDermotL He 
can pitcb good, aleady ball when be wants to. He- 
Dermotl It looking beuernow tban I aver taw him. 
Hantged right, UcUermoll will pllcb sinning ball 
for Louisville. Ua reallr^a Ibat It la to bit Inieml 
to do ao. Wltb Iba addlUosal helpof Wayhing, HUl, 
Uerman, Semple, Clauaon, Leeson, McCreary and 
Smith, LonlsvlUe should be able lo pieaent a atrong 
front In tba pllchen' poilUou. It Ui eipecle<t ibai 
aomeolthaaeplayere will develop hitatiaia. Smith 
especially gives promlae. Ue la a bis, One looking 
reuow, ana atrongly luemblea Amoa Ruale; be may 
proved at great a wonder as Ruale, wbo knowa 
Oataldy seems to be a dxlure at Ont hate, though 
Fuller wUI pntb htm for the place. Tlie lailer la a 
One fellow. O'Brien, of courae, will play aecobd 
bate. He vrlll capbila tbe team. He It a epieadid 
Indeld player and undenlaadaall tbe One polnia of 
tbe game. Ue playa wltb hla head as well as with 
bit handa. Third base and abort atop are the weak 
points, for Ibe former, Uutchljon, nadton and 
uaxler are caudldaies. For abort atop there are 
Shannon, Uolmea, Eottance, Haaamacar and teller 
who will be tried. Tbe oulOelden are Clarke, 
Wright and Hcl'ariaud, who will form a irlo that 
can hardly bo well Improved upon by ua. Qeorge 
HUler can be uied as general utility nnii. Mntt of 
hit work, however, will be behind tbe bat. Ue will 
bavo for aaalatants Warai;!^ Doylo and Dtxier. 
LoaUvUIe will be well ud In baiUog ibia year, Judg- 
ing frem tbe outlook. Nearly all of the men bare 
good records at Ibe bat, and I expect lo aee our 
team well up In tbe next chamolooanlD nee." 

The New Yorka will pnbablr open the coming 
chsmptonsblp seaaon at Waablngton, U. C, while 
the Brooklyns will go to Baltimore, Ud., and the 
Bostons win go to Philadelphia, Pa. Tnat would bo 
a good move all around, for New York and Waab- 
lngton Invariably bave a lively acunie at ibelr lliat 
maetlngt. THen, too, the New Vorkt have many 
admlren at the capital oliy, and tbey ahould be 
given a ilabi royal welcome. It will certainly bean 
amusing sight to wstch Arthur Irwin on tbe coacb- 
log lines algnalling lo hla players, while Qua- Bchmelz 
will mate hla algnala frem toe pityera' bench. Tbat 
wUl be a great comolnatlon for Ihe public to buck 
np agalnat. Tbere ahould alto be a lively uieetlnR 
between tbe Brooklyn aud Ualtlmora teama at the 
Honumeoul City. The Btooklyua ahould prove a 
slambllog stone In the vray ntthe champions Ibis 
year. Tbere was a lime wben tbe Baltluiorea wero 
conaldered "dead eaay game" for ihaBrooklyna, but 
that was before tbey were asairoogatthey are now. 
Tba Btooklyna, too, have beensirengihaued con- 
aldenbly during the paat Winter, and ahould uuke 
a brilliant atand agalnat Ibe chsmplona. At Phila- 
delphia anolber Iniervatlng event will take place. 
Tbe reconatiuclad Boston team will be tbe Pblla- 
delphlas' opponents, and tbey abould draw big 
crowda to wilneaa their meailnga- CsplaUi Nub, 
formerly for yean ot IbeBoitont, will try and COU' 
vlnca hie old club that It insda a mitiake In reieas- 
big him to Ibe qoakerUliy Club by trying lo nuke 
the lallsr defeat his old team. Then, loo, many 
persona will be anxloua to aee which club got the 
better ot the deal m which Nash and Hamilton were 
Iba chief cbanclen. Tbe Boatoot will bave a new 
captain In tbo peraon of Hugh Uujy.and blawork 
npon Ihe deld will be cloatly watcoed, and cou- 
patliona will he nude between It and that dona by 
CapulsNaab, oftbs PbUadelpblsa. A meeting be- 
iween these rival teams tbould be well worth going 
miles to see. 

Captain Bwlng, ot tba ClocIanaU team, laid re- 
cently: "I expeot to take ibiee^tcbera, aaven 
pllchen, three InSelden and tour oaidelden along 
10 New Utieana on March A. While I do not want to 
Indulge In any boaais, I cUlm tbat our Item la 
ttronger In three etaentui features mis year tban it 
was laat season, and this ought lo make ua Improve 
ourpoiltlon. They are hatling,pltchuig and calob- 
Ing. I'll aumlt mat latbam u a beuer haiauan 
than It Irwin, but the latter Is bit luperlorUi Qeld- 
Ing. Vbat we loes In Latham la baiung Is more 
than made up by the resppearence ot Uolllday, 
wbo waa oil ine team three qnanere of lam aeaaon 
through alokness,and Falls, wholsu good a batter 
aa there bi In tbe major league. As lo our pllchen, 
we are bound to be belter than we were lattyea-. 
Tbere la no chance of being worte. 1 don't know 
ot a team tbat waa woras off In the box last aeaaon 
tban we wan. Uwyer, who did aplendid work, waa 
never at his best. Ue hurt blnuell In Ibe Spring, 
snd It bothered bim sUaesson. Patrou wat erTailc 
and conld not be depended upon. Phillips was ton. 
Foreman was Injured, and, while Ithlnea pitched 
good baU, I think he will do beuer Ihla year, ruber 
waa the iiest piuber Ui the Western League last 
aeaaon, snd Davis may provo to bo a wonder. J 
bave great cooOdenoe In cbret. Uo baa taught oia 
10 teipeot him. Wben I waa with the Uavehind 
team Ehnt uaed lo fool ua all. In one aaaaon be 
pltcbed seven games for tba rituborgs agabitt na, 
and won tlx of them. It he haan'l lutt hla cunolog 
he wui earn his wisry pliehlng agabut tbo Cleve- 
lands. I Iblnk we are fully one hundred per cent 
auonier behind the bat tban we were isataeasoo, 
On our laat uip Kaat laat rear ourcatchen wen 
awayoir. I don't believe Iheycangbt hal(ado»n 
bate runner*. Tbla waa a big baudlcap. I don't 
Iblnk we win be that badly off during the approach- 
ing campalgu. ltPelli,Viiaghnaadareyareupto 
tbalr naual form, baae ruunen will be very careful 
about uklng Ubeniea wltb tbeoL" 

Haiager Bnckanberger, wbo will have charge of 
tbe Toronto team, ol the Eaatarn League, aald In a 
recenl Interview: "Wbv, then la lolaolbaaebaUen- 
tboslaam at Toronto. Wben I waa up tbere a abort 
time ago, I met acona ot people wbo loM me thai a 
winning team there this year wlU make plenty at 
money, and I'll try my beat to give tbem a winner. 
I bava a One lot of playen already from an Eaatern 
League alandpoint, and I thlak uey wUI be In the 
racetromalanloaoUh. Tban arelbouaaodaofdne 
people In Toronto wbo adoln baaeball, and Ills my 
gnaiaat ambition toglvetbemtba beat tbat can M 
Fomlabed by Ihe teama of our league. I wUl reium 
to Toronto on Harcb 1 and commence work In 
earnest wltb tbe players. Tbey will bave ahont a 
monih'a praoUca before the ihanplonahlp aeaaon 
b«lna. and they abouM be In pniiy good trim l>y 

John OorkblU, ibeex profaaalonal player, who for 
some time past baa been In ibe grocery boaloeaa In 
Bloctlon, N. J., has been appointed chief 0( police 
of that town. Ootkblll waa at one time a meoiUer 
of tbo PblladelpbU police force. Bloctlon la a 
towa of nearly «,000 Inhabltanta, and lha people 
Iblnk they bave agrtatcblef la OorkblU. 

"rets" Browning, the veteran player, la anxlona 
tor anotber trial during the comlog aeaion. II la 
mU tbat be baa bcsnn lo tnln, and bo expects to 

TlnoUiy Hunt, Ihe welltknownCand popularum- 
plre, WlU once more handle the Igdigalur tor Ibe 
national League aud American Aaaoclatlon. He 
has been rcsppolnled for the (.-onUog season by 
Preiltlent Young, aud Ihe laiier could not bave made 
a belter ulecilon, ua Uurat la generally looked upon 
aa being one of lha beat and most fearieu umi>lr«a 
In the butloeu. lie waa born June 90, 18SS, at Ath- 
laud. Pa., and aurted out as an umpire In tba Penu- 
arlranlaBinte I«sgua In ItM, anighing Ihe aeaaon 
taere. In ISto he went lo ilie Southern l/wgue, 
which, however, dialaeded la July ol that year, and 
he Onlebed lha teasou aa an umpire lu lbs Westera 
AaaoclaUon. lu l&90be waa engaged by iboonirlnU 
of the UloneapoluClabto manage Ibelrleam. which 
had an exciting flnltb that year with tbe Kanaat 
Ottysfor Ibe cbamplonahlp of that aauiclatlcu, llio 
taller winning It by a few points, In Itul Hum waa 
ilgned by President N. £. Young at oneolibeoill- 
clal umplrea ot the ataitof the .National League, 
and has u«eu re-engaged at the bcslnulug ot each 
teasoo aver aluce, except ihat of I69i, when aouo 
of tbe cluba objected lo him becauao lie wka tho 
oniclal referee of profuailonal btixlug maicbea. 
Wben It became kuown Kiai he was nut to bo a 
major lesguo umpire bo waa Iminedutuly engaged 
by Pretldent P. T. Powore, of tho Raateru League, 
and remained wlih tho latter until hist Auruhi, 
wbon smuffemeuta wero completed whereby he 
waa rel>*aed, to enable Prealdeut Young to re- 
engage him (or the major league, and Ur. Young'a 

aollou waa bcarllly cndiiracd by Iwlb Ibeprciunnd 
tbe patrons of Ibe game over tbo entire iiiajur 
lea|uo circuit. While the public bas not alwayi 
aipecd wltb tbo doclalona given by Cniplro Hunt, It 
but conceded cue thing, and that hi that ha la striuily 
boncil. Impartial and fearlraa. It U no eaay matter 
(o follow a game through (rum taslnnlog lu end 
anil make no lulatakoa. While It hua lieen done 
uiauy ilmea, there are plenty of people who will iioi 
admli It. etpaclally K liio buiiiu tuam la liOAten. An 
Ihe iiniptn neceaiwrily liaa tliu lieai iHiaNtbln poaltlun 
Iroiii which In Judgo tho play, and, knowing tho ra- 
rpuoilblllty ibat reals iipuutiliu lo aeo everylhlog 
e.var.ily aa It occura, ami tviitlor an Inipariltl riovla- 
Ion, It would aei-iu reaaoiiable di auppoiia ilini liia 
Juilgincnt would !■« far iMitier aud more tniM wortliy 
ibiii tbat u( Iho iiiuro «xi-ltabl« iienona on tlin 
atauda. Ilurat baa » good oyi*. plenty o( wind and 
alroug inurtclea. HcatdCH, lie la active, liaa pluck 
aud theat;llliy tojudgo i|iilckly. wltlinul tl,o lliuugbi 
iif conaeqiieucea. ana tluit It wliai inakoa liiiii nco 
uChe boiii uroptiea ilial ovnrHtotKl liehlnil iliuliniiirt 
plate. Hume people ihliik ha la auiiieluinit u( a 
tyiitnt on tho linll llold, tint if U waa nut (iir IiIn 
proiuploeas lu cliacking tlin iielllguront acilona of 
UDnily ptayera, llioro are iliiira when ganirri aiiultl 
end lu aroalt rlois. It li tiU kto'ptiig tho nii-ii lii 
their placea, and niakliiir llieui atlutut airlcily lo 
their work, that ban luado tjlui ho MuccciiafiilaDil 
Btoenlly raspecled, lla la popular wltb tbo iiubllo 
Ma wall aa Hie players. 

VresMenl Fretdnian, o( Ibe Mew York Olnb, wUI 
spare neither talwr xr expente In giving the local 
palnns a| winner Ibis jesr.aid be Is leaving no 
tlote nnlurned lo accomplUta that rnd. Ue baa de- 
cltltd to cancel Ihe exhibition games that had been 
tntngcd lor the Kew Yorts to phty on Ibelr way 
bono from Florida, ader lhay bave dntabed ihelr 
iralnlng. When lha men leave ibelr temporary 
qwrlcn at Jaohsnnvlllo. na.,abnnl the laat of neit 
nootb, they will come rilreolto Ibis city, when lha 
■nltblng louobea will he pul on at the l<Dloaroanda, 
Ur, Frcciliuan aaya he will lake no cbaacca o( the 
ni» getllDg bun or lielni Incaparlttieil li> any 
altar nieana. It ho ran piwliily help It. Bhould the 
learn fall by Ihc read aliloilnring Ihe coning acaana, 
no one ran lay tho lilanir at Pnaldent Prcedman^ 
door. Kvety Uicenllve will lie beld out lu the nlay. 
en to do good work, and ir Ibey tall lo proOt bylt 
ttatn they will have only Ibtnuwlrca to blame. If 
tba men oould Im Imiuahl in undereuad that their 
talailea inma (nmi ino box oiilce rtcetpta, they 
would probably oxtrl IhoinaelTra lu Ibelr ntmoat In 
hare thrni aa Urge aa potaliili'; (or the greater tbo 
annunt Uken In at Iho galea, Ibe Iwtlar Ibelr 
chance* will bo for getting an Increaie In aalaty 
whon asked. 

Uanagcr.llaulon, nf tho llaltlmino CInti, haa con- 
ohided all of hU ■rraiigcnienla for IbeKprlogpnic- 
tke gaiuea In Virginia. Ttieao will, ul courae, be 
pttynl by the charaplona on their war home from 
Macon, lla .furwliluhplacolho train will elan on 
•lihtr Marab 14 or l.^. At Utrim than will ta tort 
or twelve days nl iiiilnlcrni|ilod pncilre, after whloh 
tken will probably Im gaiuea a*. iMIiimlma, Alheu, 
■ad porhapa duo ur iwn uihrr lleiiralan polnta. Bo- 

Sinning Amil 3, whon the tram will play lha l,jncb- 
argaunllioKrouiiilaur ihK ltiter,lhe prosranime 
wlinio aa fulluna: April 3,al llonnako;«.al Norfolk; 
Ol at rulcraburii; T, at lllrbmond; t, si Pelcttliunr; 
V, at I'nrlimoiiili, anil 10, at Noifnlk. After < hU Ibe 
team will Icavo (nr llalitmi'ie.anil will pmlialily 
play at home with tlia New llavi'iia, ol iho Atlanilr 
AiunrUtlon, and tho Toniutoa, ii( tho Kaatern 

Manager Ihttia, uf Iho Ourecll llnlveially team, 
haa arraiigcil tliu (kIIuwIpk arlieilulo of gamea: 
April -J], iliiliait, al Ithaca; ii. lihara;3fi, 
I'ulvaraliy ii( Vrrnxinl, al Hilars; Ua; 3. 1'rinurlun, 
It lihaca; a. Ilnlvorally of Peiinntlvtiila, at Phlla- 
ilelphln; u, llnlveially or l*cniuylvania, at Ohar 
liiKeavtllo: I'J, Uonracinvrii, «l WHiblngton; IS, llar- 
raril, at lihaca; 'J-i. lintvrn>lly uf Ithaca; 
^, Unlvrniliy of Uti'liigaii, al lluiTalii; M, Lafayette, 
■t Kaaton. Pa,; :iT, ritlitoluri, at lYIIlreloli; a), UdI- 
rcraliyuf ronii>ylvanla,at lilmca: Junn J, Unltvr- 
Mly o( IViiiiailvanla, at riilUiliil|ihla; 0, iiiwn; II, 
llamid, at (jHiiibrliige; 1«, gnilwiii team, al 
libaia; ai. Harvard, II ikil, noiiinl araiinda 

B. P. Kiluk haa xild iho fraiiclitte o( Hon Uolnri, 
la., hi Ibe Wealem Auoclsiinn, ami trio team to W, 
l>. liiiiineli II la lulil lint ttio anmniii paid wai 
(3,7M), irblob (a a liiruurmilil tliaii hna ovor before 
bein inlil (ora (raiu'hr>o lu that aHauotatlun. 

Tlio national ganio la aRalii iHmnilng at WeM- 
nilntter Oullege, Thoio are tiinrlrrn raiiilliUIri for 
lha nluo, all u( laat yisr'a iinni, wtili aoveial new 
nuaa, who will niaieilallr aiiMiiitieii Ibrni, Tho 
team laat year won ilio Iniernillraisiu uhainploE- 
abl|i, deleatlug all llio aillego ullira |ilayeil wllb,Kli>l 
It aovineit lo Jiullly tlio rxloluliiu i>f Iho achnllllu 
ol ganins lii cidicgra ul iiMior ainiiillng In allileilca- 
Thero(uru, Uaiiiii(i>r lUiiliy haaarraiiged lha (iillus- 
liigavlnidiilc, which will tiicluilu ganuii with ninny 
pniiiilnont I'lHIrpu tcania: ivnnajivln Hiato, la- 
rayrtie, (iiicrllii, lllr,ini, M'nulilnaion nml JtlTonioD, 
Iloiioira, null s luiiiMiiiroiinii with llio Unlvertliy or 
Punnavlvaiila, aa well aa una wltb tlio I'ltlaburg 
Alliluilo dull, 

W. ilUui*iii Jr. algnoil a .Sow Vnrk 1,'tiili conlnul 
nn Pell, I'J, In tliu utir. 11 ta iliniightlliaKlleaaoii 
will {May hciiimI liaw anil captain Ibu toalli, 

A alio (nr ihn Joiany L1iy iltiili'a giiinnila has liceii 
practtinlly aolicti'il, ami Uaiiascr Jiiliii Irwiii la 
urianglng rxhltililiin ganiiu. 

Folo Onundb Ihere an also tenemeiils on do as good work atu the dsys.of yore. 

A ipecbil meeting of tbe Atlantic AtaoclsUon waa 
beld on Feb. It. at Ibe PKib Arenua Hotel, Ihia 
clly. Preatdcot Samuel N. Cnne pretlded, and tho 
(dlowlog delegates wen preaeut: Itobert Jordan 
and Arthur A. Irwin, Jeraey City; Oeorga K. Ellla, 
Nevnrk; W. S. Wright, Palenwn; l>. A. Long, Wll- 
uiIu|ton;T. P. Sullivan, New Uavou, and William 
barola, llarllord. Tbe queallon ot Increaalug the 
circuit (rom six clubs u elgbl was conaldered al 
length, but It was decided Ul remain as a tlx club 
league. Tho appllcaula (or admlnlou were Albany 
and Troy, N. Y., and Uerideo, Danbury and Waler- 
bury, CI. Thomaa York aud lha other applicants 
were very ouch dliappolntod over Ibelr (allore lo 
ohism (mnchlses. Itwaaanuonnced thateaoh club 
put up a guarantee o( fMO toOnlabthe ohainplon- 
ahip aeaaon. Hanagcr Uarulo was sppolnied on 
the Schedule CommliKs la place o( A, U. Buck- 
enberger, snd the coomltlse was ordered lo report 
to the next meeting, which will be held on Fob. 30. 
In Ibis city. It was decided lliat lha cbamplontblp 
aeaaon thoold begin on April is, and ahould con- 
sist of one hundred and tweulygsmeaforesoh club, 
Blxiy St home snd sixty sbroad. Each club will 
make four Iripa, playing Uirte gamea In each o( Hie 
olUerclilea. The dUipuls between New Uavenand 
Pateraon over playen Boylo and KlUacky waa aetlled 
by Iheaaalgniuentot Boyle to New Haven and Kit- 
lacty lo Paterton. Racn player was lined IM for 
sigoing with both clubs. The umpires will be sp- 

Eed at tbe next meeting- The deleiptlos ad- 
ed at about seven o'clock after Onlanlng Ihelr 

AtameeUog held Feb. 13, at WUIIsmsport, Pa., 
the Central Peunaylvanla Leaauo waa fomialli 
organlzod, wllb cluba located alLookllaven, Mount 
Cannel, rollavUle, Uhamokin, Sunbnry aud Wll. 
Ihtnapott. The onicen oleoied are: 0. P. Usifen. 
ateUi, ot Shamokin, prealdent; Uavld Spence, o( 
Wmiamapon, vice prealdeut: VrederlekA. Ulcklord, 
ot Lock Haven, aecRlary: J. U. Young, ot MounI 
Cannel. treaaurer. The cnamplonablp fteason will 
begin Hay 3, and close Sept. U. 

Harry Polllam, butlneea ruaoagorof tba Looltvllla 
Club, while Oh a recent vlilt lo Clnclonall, uld: 
"Thla la Ihe place tbat the Luulirlllea are pNrllou, 
lariy (ond o(, lor here la where Ibey have a ducb un 
wlnnUig games. Uo you remember last aeaaon) 
How we Toal Ova alnlghl to the Clnclnnslls snd 
tben won tlx outer lbs next aeven I Next teaMin 
we wUl win lha alx out of Iba laat aeveo all right 
enongb, but we wlU not drop the Oral Ove, Loul» 
rllle M batebaU craiy, and tbo CIncInnalla will bt 
one o( Ihe principal drawing carda. Hy, bow Ibey 
like 10 win games (rom tbe Cinclnnails at Loula- 

At tbe regular monthly meeting o( the New York 
Intsncholaatlo Atbleilc AaaocUilon, beld Feb. II, al 
Barnard School, Iblaclty, eleveu luaUluilonaanlsrcd 
Icatna (or the cbamplonahip trophy. All lha games 
wU ba played at the Berkeley Oval, under ibe 
major league rules. Thetchedula «( muKS adopted 
la aa (oUowa: BecUon l.-April e, btlaler va. liar- 
iiard; lO.IOondoo va. Culler; li, Barnard vi. Ue 
La Salle; 'JO, (»ndon va. Urlalrr; 24, CuUer va. He 
LaSaUe: 3>, De U Balle va. Driller; May 4, Condon 
vj.Baroard; t, Barnard vt. Cutler: 13, Condon va. 
Vtlsler; U. Culler vt. Urttlar. Becilon ll.-April I, 
Woodbridge va. Uamlllou; 13. Columbia OrBiiimar 
vt. Trinity; 17, llamlllon ri. Berkeley; 33, Cnluulila 
Ummmar va Woodbridge; 3). Woodbridge va. 
Berkeley; Hay l.TVlnlty va. Berkeley; 0, Culuintila 
tiiammar vs. llamlllon; II, Trinity va, ilauiUUin; 
U, Oolumbla Oremmar va. Berkeley; 30, Trinity vt. 

"Tom Uaiya name does not sppear In Ibe lateat 
naler o( the Brooklyn team. WUai'a Income o( tbe 
aaoond baaemant"— 0rnc4nnari-rfr;vsJitiir. He la 
mining al the Y. M. C. A. 'a gymnaalum In Brook- 
lyn, and luoka to be In the pluk o( condition. 

Wim hla utoal ssgacliy Manager Uaucroli bas to- 
lectcd a team of well known velcraoa to ineet tho 
Unclonallaua ■'Uarry Wright IMy,"atCloclnnaU,(>. 
Iiwlll not bd aurpridng to bear that an Immense 
crowd wat preiani, and tbat Prealdent Uruab will 
have a nice aum U) coninbuie aa hla ahare toward a 
monument (or the late laniaulad chief u( umpires. 

Fred Boat, who waa once uienlloned aa a poaaible 
candMata for third base on the (;tnclnnaU leam for 
thecomiog aeaaon, baslieen reengaged by Uie In- 
dianapolis Club, champions of Uia Wealctn League, 
when ho played Uat lear. 

The Bt. Loula Llub will have two pllchen by Uit 
'ameol Hart on lla pay roll thla year. One la W. 
Uart, who wat last aeaaon wllb lha Plllaburia, 
wbUe lbs other Dsn plaf ed wllb Ibe AUanU teain, 
ol lbs Boathem Astoclstlon. 

Tho Ulchlgan Htato Ixaauo waa nrKaiit/.cil at a 
oieellng beld Feb. I^, e, al Itetmii, wltti cliii« lom- 
ird at Adrian, Jaokavn, KatauuKoo, l,aiialng, Maiilrt- 
tto.l'orl Huron and Hagluaw- Tho aelectlon i,r luo 
elgbih rliy waa led lo a ouniinlttap, cuiulatliig uf 
Hunby, Uo and l.iiich. Hay Cliy, Fllni, Uiukvgon 
and Dwoaw, are the lowna meoiloned (ur tho iit- 
cancy. Tbe league aduplad a reaoluiluii iiinlilMt' 
lag (arming. No man can play wllb a team In that 
orgaiilxatlon, unlcaa ho liaa been ivuiilativ aliiocd, 
and bclonga lo Ihu club praaeiiilng bnii. Tlio guaV' 
anise (or each game waa raided (rom liA iii 440. 
TneaaUry limit waa Oxed at lona inontu, lucliialve 
of tbo manager. Each club In Ibe league will lie 
required to put up (aw aaHgninntee lhalli will 
Tuiaaln until the oud ot tho cliamploiiablp aeaaon. 
nie leu per cent, guarantee fuuil haa alw btL-o 
adopted. The league adjoun-rd to meet In two 
■eeta, wben It waa lialluvod that tho eighth clly 
would lie decided upon. At the mme uxeilog tin 
election of onicon will ba held. Unlraa aonitlhloi 
unforaeen luroa up, Cliarlea W. Ileuneu, lha ex-pro- 
fSMlonal catcher, will lie aeleoled aa tlio pnaldesl 
of tbe leagne, 

Ihe Pblladelpbin Club's iilaycra will start for 
Hampton, Va., on Uaroh 10, and tnlu at Iho \M- 
ditra' lloms unut April I, when iho team will ntsls 
working ibelr way home, playing al Norfolk, I'urlt- 
mouth, Lyncbburg and Hoanoke. The ouenlDg 
game of Ihe preliminary aeaaon at phllailelpliia 
will be Iplayed on April 0, when tho Phlladelpblu 
wDI bare (or opponenls the Atbletlct of the Pent- 
lylvsnU male League. A aeiloi o( lliiee or n n 
games will be phtyed with Ibe latter team, aid 
lamea will alto In pUyed Willi Iba TuronUM, of tbe 
Esttern League, tlio Uulvenlly a( PeuuajlvaDia 
leam, and probably 000 ur two other Icama bofoia 
the cnamplontblp season opens. 

John W. Wal/, vice nrealdeal uC llio llalllniixe 
Olub, aald In a leceui Inturrlew: "I never knew 
baaeball proapecu lu be Miicr than ihey are bus. 
In Balllniore wo are all rigbt. Onr team will Im Iba 
aame aa Uat teat: o( courae we will liavo lloyle on 
Dm bate, lie will be with ui all right. lltauialMi 

Tlio m'licilulo u( oxIiIIjIiIiiii (.ullira III tio Mayeil liy 
ihiil'tilliutuliiiiUioHiii priiirlii tho beginning of tho 
chHiii|iliiiiklilp M-iunii tmn iici'ii nrranguil ai hilluva; 
ApiH t, Niirriilk.iii Niirliilk; ' I'uriH 
iikiuMj; .1, l.yncliiinia, at l.tni blmii; 4 Itiiaiioko, al 
llualliibe; li, AllilMlrii, at l-lillnilclulilii Hall park ; 1, 
llnlvcrally i,f I'onnatlraiila, al rbltadclplitii llati 
Park; a, Toinniu or Hyrrii iiai-, ul I'lilladclphla hall 
l'ark;u. Tonmiiiur Hyianun, at rLlimlolplila Hall 
ParkT'io, i:iiivrraiiy of Poun>ylvsiila, at Philadel- 
phia liiitl Park; II, Athluik'H.Hl I'lillailulpMa gall 

',^,"1', '-.'l " I'll" lla)), Atbltllia, at Phlla- 
dolplila Ibiii I'mk; 14, riiilailoiphla llall 
Park; Unlvrniiynr l'uiMia;lmMii ' lurllgllilia," 

that the Balllmon plajeia an oppoaed Ui htm la 
nonaente. Why, tliay would In glad lo luvu lilm 
among Uiem, (or he la Just a Tlgorous player like 

tbemielvea. Yon can put It down aa a cvrtalaty 
Ibat lloylo will be well treated In Ualllraure. Han 
aior llanlon U not (relUng In lbs IcaalalHiuthloi, 
nor U Ur. llanlon cailog about any particular 
player, HcUabon la all light, and will do Junlaa 
good pitching aa ever be(ore, and all or tbo b<i|B 
will be In line when wauled, llall phiyera play Ivbi 
tit taill (or tbeuuelvet lu WInler, but nrely briltaie 
to report wboo Spring coniea and play fur the direc- 
tors. Tbere are some caaea, but Ibeyarelawand 
tar between. I tborougbly Iwlleve In keeping good 
extra men on band all the Uine. When plavrrs 
know thai ihtre aro men ready al any time to lake 
Ihelr places, Ihey keep In inui much better. Laat 
year Uleaian aided ua lu thh reaped contldentjiy, 
aa all the Infleld pUyen knew that ba cuuld replace 
them at a moiiienra notice, and play good lall, 
Helta waa looled In thla reapeoL" 

AdUpatch from Haacoulah, 111., raya: "Tbe long 
pending laaauH beiwteu Ihe Haacuuiab aud IMIa- 
vlUe Cliilia haa lieoo thrown out uf court on the 
around that lha contract lielwecn thetwoclule aaa 
niegsl, for the reaaun that It waa made lu he caviled 
out on Sunday conlnry to law, Tne aull wm lha 
reaull ol a wnogle ou the diamond UatSuioDier. 
Belleville refuaed to abide by tbe decialoo of the 
umpire and left tbo Held. HaKoulab than refuwd 
to divide gals receipts and tba aull foltuaed. Tlie 
retult Is (avoralile lo Haacoulah and will be of gen- 
cnl luiereallu apurting drcln In the aiats." 

Hugh Jennlnga, Hie tirtlUni aliorl atop o( the Ibil- 
tlmore team, cnamplons or lbs nttjor league, laid 
In recenUy ipeatlog about Manager Llupmau: "If 
then la a Doer man Ui pUy iiall under than Jobn O- 
Obapnian, I don't know bini. Ue will do anything 
(or a ball player who u honeaily trying lo do bU 
rerr beat, but be haa nu uae (ur aucb aa endeavor 
Ul deceive bim. Tbe ball player who Attn not hka 
'Chap' la the one who drinta al night and conoa ou 
Hie Odd uoOi (or play. Ilbi disllks la quite natural, 
for 'Chap' U pretty apt lo roast him. iit euurae 
'Cnsp' mav bave roaaied tome player liehbiil hU 
hack, but I never beard hlui. I hope to tea bim 
agshi In charge of a iilg league team." 

Mercar, the Waahlnglou Uub'a pllcber, loit con- 
sMsreble weight during bis late lllnea. la fact 
mors tban ba could convenleslly spsre. 

catcher Hcanlra baa ditcorered a promltlog 
young lell handed pllcher'oulla HIchlgso,iovbi>m 
a idsT wUI be given byihs WsabUigtonClublaihe 

Ibltllcr, at riiilailoiphla llall 
n. n, .... v.,,,*,,,.,,/ „, l'uiiiiri;lviihlii 'lurllgllilia," 

I I'hilailotiihin Hall P,<rk. •Mut>Jecl In aoceut- 

aiiiru liy iLe Irnlvi'iiliy ol I'tniitylvanla liateliall 

Itegarilliig Hiu atiirr recently glri-ii mil at Read, 
lug. I'a., that Mi aaiH. Uracil and lliiguia, nf the 
l'hlla<lcl|dila iliiti, iiigiihor with I'ri'alilant Kreed- 
man anil Uanagtr Irwiii, i,f tiiu Now Vol ta, and 
ntlicia wliuwvru liclilLilahcbi-iuuld (orniaiilnler- 
alala l.cagiir, riiii>lilliig<il New llavan, Uriilgopurl, 
Jrraoy Clly, Newark. Hraillng, I'liltadrlphUk, iklll- 
iniiro iilid Wllu.lligluu l luba, >lich orgnulaallou Ki 
tie cuiiipfiiitii or rcairvuil major league playen. 
Cobmul John I. llugeniMild: "IhK la uowa loilewl 
(ur UK. Vim call mj that Ur. Ilcach and uiyaeK 
know iiiitlilng alaiut it, and will lava nnlblog to do 
wltliaiiy aiicli niginluiiiiii. Homo lime igo wa ta- 
cclvcd a loiter lioni I'cnidont Fiacdinaii, of New 
York, aikliiii ua in place a laaiii of Piiiladelpbla 
Hayera lu ilia Allanllc Aiaiiclation, aajlug that ho 
WMMld (urnlali iilayoni (ur llio Joraey Cllyiaaui, We 
ilucliucil wllb ilianka. Wu will never lurnlah baiik- 
tUH to any club except the PblUtci. Aa (ur IbuAlh. 
letlci, Ihey haru iinr giaxl wlahca, and wo will give 
Ibciii audi playcraaawo mat iiiitnicd (nrnur rcuu- 
lar IcHiii. Wo prefer to do Inu rather lhau rcltaae 
them, aa wa may bu rrlutiliig a aiar plater alio haa 
not had the ppiiurliinlty in ilnvultip.'' 

V/. II, Uiirpliy, u( last year'a Now York leann, baa 
algoodlortbu coming acaum with lha Now Ihveo 
Club. o( tbo Allauilo Aiaiclaltun. It la piuballo 
Ibat bo will captain llio nlno. 

Tho playeraiil the Synciiae letio, odho Kailem 
Uuguo, have iKOii nuilllcd lo rrpiiit at Palenoii, 
n. J,. AprlU, wharu Ihey are biaikod to bruin the 
prtlluiloary seaaon. 

Baniufla, who pluyoil biBl year Willi the bt. Ujuls 
llrowos , lua •Igiied ti> pUy with the Hpririgdeld 
team, ul tbo Kaatern l,eaguo, durliig Uie coalug 

Jako Drauliy, (nnncriy o( Hie lluiiaiu team, of the 
lUatcrn Uaguo, haa licen algned by Ihu I'riivtdanca 
Cluli, uf Ills isnie league, (ur iliecuining aeaaon. 

T. J. K»(e, llio eX'pnifeaaliinal Lltcher and major 
Icagiio uniptro, la i nai liliig tho pllchen at Harvard 
Uulvonliy, wlillii Thumaa lionil, lUa exprnfeaalonal 
pltebar, latralnliig llw real or the catidlilates (nr 
poaltlunaon the team. 

Ibe Intrraiato l,ragiio cluba ais nuking great 
proiiarailniia fur Hii< conilug itatiin. Maveral ot 
Iheui are liuay rngaging llieir pUycn, anil prouUo 
bi have auoiig iraiiu, and a cliae and liilorrallhg 
race laexpoclod. 

H baa been aiinuunced Dal ILe aurplua phtyera ur 
the Cloveland club, uf llio iiiilnr loaguu, will lie 
"loaned" bi ihe Purl Wayne (Ind.) Club, aud not lu 
tba (;olumliU8 tuaiu, aa prerlouaJy reinried, The 
tad that the Meaaia. luitdaoii hatoaniiuoyluloresta 
at Fort Wayne wuiilil lead lu Ibu hcllct llial tbey 

the Uuvelaiid Cluli'a extra iilayera, and will lie 
under Ihe eye ur Hie ulexUod management m (ar 
aa these niou aro cunci-niad, TIio prealdent of the 
Fort Wayiio Cliih la William Heyera. 

Manager Usck, ol llio I'lUbiirg lesni, btnilgned 
tllngniao, who played llilril taao pari of Un aea- 
aon. Cllngmaa will In uaed thla year at gtniral 
uMlltyioanun lha team. He will not accoiunany 
Ilia playen In lloi Hprlogs, Ark,, ss Hanagrr Hack 
baa agreed lo allow nlm 10 cuarh Hie Wsablnglpn 
and Jelltnwn College team durlug the period nf 
Hpiing pracllct, ' 

ThoCnIvorallyof l^nnvylvantafoollall team en- 
gagcil Ibe Polo grounila Ual Pall lor a game wllb 
tht BoaUin Athletio vlavrn, and Ibeu csecaled II. 
Prealdenl Precdnuii sued fur (3,100, but II lua been 
decided lu aeuie the caw by arlillnllon. 

Manager Hlcheriiuii liaa Jual laaued Uia (uUowIng 
acbeiluleol KamaJ(or llm lailiigh Unlvanll; leaui: 
April I, lleorgoUiwii, al Waahlbgion; 3, Ualtcnlty 
o( Vlrulnla, at Cliarloltcsvllle; n (puatlbly), luoh- 
nvind College, at lltclimunil; 4, llnlvenlty nl North 
Carolina, at Cliaiirl lilt'; a, cmunibun I'oKerally, 
at Waablngton; a, vac ': ll,vai:aui; 16, Huigen, 
at Houth Bethleheiii; la. l-iilveraliy u( I'eoailvanls, 
at PblladelpbU; n, Urayeite, al Kaaionj U, va- 
cant: 9, Prlncebiu, at Princetui; Hay 3, Wtaleysu, 
St Hlddleuiwn; e, vacant; u, l«(ayeile, al South 
Hetblrbem; 13, UnlveialiyolPeiinayivsula, at South 
Betblehanj 19, Naval cadela, al Ahnapollai 'JO, va- 
cant; -it, Weal Point, al Weal pulnl; 3T, vacant; Ul, 
urs)eiie,sl Ksaion; June 3,rsoant| e, KUsabeth 
AtbletluClnli, at Kitiabelh. 

John J. lloyle, wbu was exchanged by Ibe New 
York Club (ur HIeaaoii u( the BMltlinore team, Waa 
banqueted Feb. I], at Balllniore, Hd., by namben 
of the champion Itaoi, Uoyls has come 10 lenns 
with Usnsgcr llanlon for the coming s 



Febbitauy 22 

TIM tolkiwliif luliediila or K»<n«a bu been *r 
nnftd fur tbe ITInceiiio colie ja ulue: Mvcli ■u. 
Hauon, (t Prioutnn; April l.iriilsn, iU'rlDcetoD; 
a, liDlnnltr or VlrglnU, al Cbirloltmlilt; 4, 
WiaHlDftoD Mil Lee, «l l.TDCbliari; «, rnlTenlir 
o( Nortb Otfollot, 11 Cli«rlolli!; ;, iKorfOIowD, at 
WtfblDfton; H, Hlcbmoad. al Ricbmooil; lu, UonUio I'rIiictKiD; II, Nev Yort Lea|u«,»tMaw 
YorijItLaraTeuo.atrnaceUio; ih, BiaU Cnntm, 
MPrlDMton; it, lilcklnwn,atI'rln(:alon;i'>,uraDg< 
A. 0.1 al Pitantan; 29, LthlKli, at I'ltocalon; Uar 
Canull.atPrlncalsa; n, Uaoballan A. C, at Now 
York; s, Barfaril, at I'/lDceioa; i:i, Uhyeiu, at 
BaataD'iin. YaM, at Prlnwian; 30, irolreralijof Vlr- 
tliila,alP(lDC<t«n;U, Vale,aiKoir llaron;>7, Cor- 
nell, at Priacetsn; 3i, Harvard, atCamlirlilie; Jooe 
3, Orange A. U.,at ivlocat lu; e. Vale, at I'rroceton; 

10, liurarr], St I'rlncelon; i:i, •Vale, at New York; 

11, Uanard, at (lamnrld^e; 'JO, iiniael P. 0., at 
Haokatlitowa; Vale, al New llivcn; 

Tard, M Now York, "la cue or a lie. 

Mansnr T. W. romctoj, of l«l«}el(e Collrga 
Aaoclauon, haa airaaied ilie rollowliigMlmlnle of 
gioea for Ibe conlOK campalnD: Uarch 31, Uoorge- 
Iowa UoUeralir, at WublDitan; April I and 2, 
VlKenllyor .Vnitli Carolina, at Onapel mU,N,U.; 
II, RUiem, atKulon; is, Prioceinn, ai Prlocetoo; 
It, open; n, l.^blkU at Kiaioii; 'a, Fofdbam OoUefe, 
•trbrdbain; .U, linlM Statu Naval Academi, al 
Annapolli; n, Unlrerallj uf I'enurlrania, al Pblla- 
delpbla; 3, Carlliile lodlau, al KMtoii: », ValP, 
MHew Uavon; u, l«lilgb, at Hnntb lletblebtm; 13, 
PrIncet'Mi, at Eualon; In, open; 21, Pordhan, al 
Kutoo; £1, Oriental Field Uiuii, at llackeuack, N. 
J.; li, Ooraoll, at Kuloii; 10. l4tal«h,at Kaaton; 
Jaoa e aid 13, open; 1*, Uulremlijof I'ennajlvanla, 
•( Kaaton (cooillU'inall)), There are over Mnj 
r.udldalea iriing for poallloaa on tbe team, and 
tbe projpecti for a good team are verr eoconraglog. 

U.K. Young, of Uio NaLojal Irfanne and Atnerl- 
can Ataoolauon, baa liintd tbe foiMwlng notice: 
OoDlitcU ilgned: With Llnnlnnail-o. II. Ptlu, P. 
H. Rbrai, 0. 0. Miller. Wim UlovcUnd-U. L. Ubllda. 
Wlb New York— L.8. Uermtn. Tajmu accepttd: 
Wim New Vcirt-Conellua Kii nn. Wiib 8i. Uuli 
-/. Faired. Ileleaaed: lij sl l/yun-l. a, Kap- 

8 Did, I. K. SimiirU. Ilr Vlevolaoil— K. W. (Iriitlih, 
f waablngton-u. Muleawottb. B; I'hIUdelpbIa 
to lioabvllle— T. K. Bmltn. nr Mulavllle to I'nlla- 
dllpbla-Uert Inbii. Ur i|ulncr-K. II. I'anla. By 
LewMoi— U. I'rlicbard, II. Uaiewood and lAtu 

Bfforti aro being mtde to orjaelze an Inler- 
oount«7 Leagoe, will lomi louiied at Ubetter, 
tioatsnrllle, Keoneu DtMiare, Heilla, Oxford and 
WeatVbeater, Pa. 

Tbe lined cnnt 'let with Plicber Oray, formerlj 
of tbe Toronto t^air, of ihe f^eiam l.eague, bia 
been raoilTeil b/ Vmajcr llaulou, ul ibe Ualiluiere 

Htnager Bnckentiorger'i Toronto teani, of ibe 
Kaalem lioagao, will piaj three vamea at tvublog- 
tnn on April 13, U, U, witb ibe \Tainiugtunn,or ibo 
major leigiio. 

The unual lobediile mie lag nr ibe N<llnra< 
iMgos and American Aaiixilailon will be bcid K(b. 
ill, at me Pirik Avenue Hotel, ibli cit;, 

PreddentPieelnian, ofibi Now York Oliiw, wth 
be will appear before llio NalloeTtl Hoard oo Feu, 
SI, 10 (iTo evide jce In ihe Ward caie. 

Ohattar Farrell mill rermuu in go Hnntb wllb tbe 
New Vutt Oinb'i piajor^. The trip wouin ucrlalnlj 
Imprara blm cnoaiderablj. 

Manager Barole li doing anme lall biialling to ai t 
a leant to ivpreaenl llaiirnnl, Ul., la the Allnni.u 

Tbe iline) oonlmcl or Joielt Ueekln hai been 
noclved bj the New York Ulii i. 


A Maivu waN pla;ed Jan. .13, 24, 1.'., at IMrnan, 
Honib Arrloa, lietween the visliing Kagllah loim 
aid a mteen repreMnilngNntiii. iliewlckotbeing 
of matllog. Tbe vIrliorL wbn played twelve men, 
vent Id fint and coninlleil i.'.^, ur wblob Qcorgo 
l,obnitno, with ne, waa ilie bigbeat icnrer. The local 
dtteen were all dliporod nt for Ino In Ibrlr tint inn- 
ing, J/ibmann capluring nine wlokola ai ilie coitof 
oiur 42 null. Tbo vldtora ilnlj<bcil ttclr lecnnd 
Inibg tor m, of wblcn O'Brlon iiiido aa runa Tbia 
left Ibe boos team lu mako In onler lo win. ami 
tlUi dinioalt talk tbej uoexpeoiodl* accompllaboil 
with the Iota or oulv nvo wicirip, ibe cbler K-orer 
iMlit I^ul- »• H' 1 oore, nn Kogilih olllcer, who 
ludmade ll'J agalnat Ibovlalinra lii ihe preceding 
oontaat, and he uarrlod hia bat mit uu thia occaaldii 
for 101, ooiiiplelelr iiiaatertng ihe bow. log, ihonih 
no re*«r than eight men were tiled agaliui blm. 
Tne alMBdanoewaa good, doaplie tbo hot weaibor. 
A BUiRianLi i(iaa(ii«TK wai ecored liiibe In- 

tanwloalal obani 
and New 

II obannlnnahip oniiloat, lieiween VIctoila 

Hsutbwaloii, plaved li«a-J« in :ii,liit.iu- 

■Ive, at Helboumo, Aniualla. Tne vial on wnn lit 
133 rani, tbe roepeotlve toula beloa: Now Soutu 
WalM,«iTand 131; vicioha xMaiKim Thoblgb- 
Mt Moier for New Doutb WhKi wai II. Doiiuan, 
wko made loo and 4n In bla two iDtilnia, Tne niber 
otalel onBinbntnm In ilie vlHlot'etoluit were IV. A. 
Hlobardion, wllb loruoa In the lint Inning, ind T. 
W.Oamlt, with Tu runa In tbo aecond, II. Urahain 
loored 103 and in for Victoria, while (I. if. Ttott 
■oncad OO In the ntit Innlrg, and w, linice nxde no 
Intkemonnil lonlnt. An aggregate of 1,3U luni 
wai Moiedlu tbla conleal. 

Alum Doiiwoim], tor mnj jrcaia celebnated u a 
band loader, and who died i en, u waa tbe eldoat 
■on of Tbomai llodwonb, alio a band leader, oC 
Bbeffleld, Kng., who came to tbla vouslry Id ik-JO, 
and about twelve vcaia atierwanli look a promi- 
nent part In organizing tbe St, (Icorao Oluh, or tbiH 
clljr. Ina match plajed ll«|it 'X, \va, al lirookljn, 
N, T., between elercne or Kngllab men reptBeentlog 
nepeetlvaly Sboilleld and NotllonbaD), Kni., 
Tbornaa Dodwortb tnek a iinniliieni part tor lbs 
toraer lean), many ol both leamaarierwaidapbtr- 
ing wlUi Uie Bk llcorgo Ulub. 

MM) llawiiH Tiiu of crickelon vlalled King 
WllllamVi Town, Bomb Afika, Jan. in, when they 
oommenoeda twodaya'cunieet wliu alocal iweniy- 
two 01 a matting wlokct. tlie sane rcaiiited In a 
draw, tne reapecllvn toula being King Wllllam'a 
1\)Wn, 400; Kogllah team, luu and IM lor nliio wlek- 
all. Uavward, of the vlililug leain, made m rune, 
and canted bU bat out In tbo trii Inning, ami 
nude Sl In tbo leoond Inning. (.'. B. Fry, witta 60 
mtti In the leound Inning, waa tbo other eblof cou- 
ulbutor 10 tbe vlUlora' run gelling, 

A FlHiL (TAiii lo tbe movement lo preient a teall- 
monlal to W. (l, iinacr, ibe champion Kngllah crlok- 
eter, aa i tribute lo hie proicnt proud poalitOD, waa 
reaobed h>eb. 0. on tlio oucaalun of a banquet at tho 
ailton Club, Dfiatol, Rog., the local committee, 
beaded by tbo Duke of Itoaufort. ibeu making ilie 
preaentailon of a luni of ueariyin.iuo. In adiUUon, 
a coatly gold walcli waa given to I).-. Oraco anil a 
■Uver laa kettle waa preienlod hIa wile, Iwlli being 
from the (llouoeaienhlro Oouiiiy Cricket club. 

Tag QiuiaKTOWN Clvu, of Phlladelpbia, Pa., 
laMMUon won tbo llillfix Oup.tho emliionmr tbo 
local chaniplonablp, wllb Iho oniclal rocord or 
Mven vUtonca and onn defeat, Tbe nrlia fur 
tiitung waa nwaMcd to ileiirgo Siuari Pallenon, ot 
tbe (lennantown Otuii, wllli ibo Kiuaikablj huh 
aveiage or TT.K runa for earb lulling. K. U. 
Oregar, of tlie Tioga ilub, won tbo prlie for bowl. 
Ingwiihan aTeiagoof lu &ii mm for each wickcl, 
A snuiTiiiMtL ecoring ouuleit loot place al Bid- 
ney, Auttnlla, Juat befuni UbriaiDua. Tne Pad. 
dlngtoD OInb, or that city, tboi wared ••ii for lite 
loei ot only itvo wickeii, one nan reining. For tbe 
tint time on record live aucceedlog balamen icotwl 
ouMitaaln one Inning, A, Uannerman making IM 
Vaokenila Mi, Kolile lis, Aldemn 113, roilring, 
and J. Kelly liw, not out. 

W. II. BiiTLi bai been elected ruatugcr at the 
DaverroM Oollege criotot team, am) la now atiang- 
Ing ganiea for tbo coming eeawn. All tho membeta 
ut toe variuui rmtege leama have ilready begun 
orioket pracilce In tbe ibod iiudertbo ciwchlng i>r 
ibeir j>r«ea>lonal. Hall. Tbo mein>ieni of tbe col- 
lege facalty bive decided to organUo a cricket 
team tbli year. 

Mkva recently iecelvc<l fmm Auatnlla aara that 
the oitotet aaanon wai uiiforlunaio lo having nu 
uiexaapled hot apell, nwliing uiany matcliea. liui^ 
Ing tbo Oral two weeka In Jannaiy laat ilio beat In 
tbe oolooy ot New Soulh Walca lurpaaaed anitblng 
oo record. 

Tag -tJiit'riivMi ri-li-hlir, ihoonicbil organ of tho 
— ^e In Aniprioa, lu lie laiu Imio, auni>uoco.i the 

aiUL _ , 

InlenllKD of making lu imiillraiion uicnibly loaiead 
ol weekly. In Ihe Mllei that a iiioie raratel and 
accurate reciinl will be Ibeu inilalaclurily aeoureil. 

A I'atLKiaiH from Heinoume, Auatialla, an- 
nennced that Ibe teamut AuMralla:> crlckeuia who 
are to tl«lt Bngland will nrolialily bo Increaaed 
from Uiliteen In nricen memlicn ttr iho addllinn of 
Albrri Troll and J. J. I.yuai. 

TwiKn' riNiiiDivia r«r the rrtrkel team nf Hie 
renaObaner Hrhnni, PblKdelpbla, I'a,. have alarteil 
preliminary praoUro In the cago, under tbo ciutrh. 
Ing ol Klnierbolloni. 

A Rrwntii guviN will reprmiii the lUdle; Park 
(I'a.) Club duilog Ihc cvimlog aeaaon. 


Bale or •tToMmg NiMk. 

Die ale et Ibe boiiea owned by Ueaiy C. Jewell, 
the tollllonali* breeder ot Duriila, N. Y.,who U 
cloaing ont all bla luir ind other baiinru Inlereiia, 
ailiacKd about two thouaand penone to Madleon 
Square Qatden, Ibli city, on Tbuiiday, Feb. 13, del- 
pile Ibe (act that Ihe wealbtrwaaexltenielydu- 
agrerable. Tbe eiar or Ibe nle wu Paitben WUkea, 
tbe noted ion or Oeorge Wllkee Kluy Faicben, by 
Haoibrtno Paiebeo, (or wblcb Ibe biddeii were 
Hike Dowerman, tbe celebraled Keotncly borae- 
mao, who repreaeited W. R. u,Biokea,aud 0. P. 
Kmery, or Olevcland, o. The npenlng bid waa ti.m, 
by Hr.uowerman.wblcb Mr. Emery lalaed to tt/mo, 
and tbin tbe bidding went up by Jump* or f uoand 
11,(00, nil Mr. »:metT called out |lo,ooo. Tbiawaa 
bla limit, and when Mr. Uowennan niaed It %ii tbe 
aiallioii waa knocked down to blm. Tbe bona will 
be lattn to tbe atock rarm.nearLeilogton, Xy., 
recently aoid by tbe Dowerman Broibeti to Meaan. 
Biokea and Unryoa, coopriilDg two hundred acrea, 
and (onnerly known aa WUton'i Uome, where an 
exlenelve breeding eilabllahment will be main- 
talned, wllb Paicben Hllkea at Ibe atud. ItirlJl 
bereatier be known aa the Faicben Wiikca Slock 
Farm.. Very (air prlceiweie rcalUed lorlbema- 
Jorlly or tbe other bonre dlapcard or, Iboao ihat 
broogbt luo and over lielog enumeiated below. 
Tne aaie uinllnned 14 and tbe pnrcbtae or John 
H. Uentry, by Wm. siDpino, a local pawnbroker, 
being Ibe reaiore nr tbe lecond day. bunusaiy: 
ftuliM) Wlllw, Ijan bik. USI, by (Iwiia 

Wllk^Klur ralcbeu, Ir Mamltilao iUcUn; 

MUelowtnaaa, Uiloiua, gt tlOLOS 

Baaaa ilaaNl, bik. r, raubea Wlla«» 
Allc* Hbannaa, br Smioud; u. W. Berarly, _ 

PnvMaoM IS 

Uanrlcn,l:ll.llk.a. ralcbaa Kllkeajaa- 

Dla WatL br aula Waat: A. llallMr. lloaatto. . 1,100 
Tdio, >:i1, paclaa. b. a. tan. by Kria WUkoa. 
Ilalla, br Black uaoiy; Uaarr IDfrabaiD, Haa- 

lirMk, Ci 110 

Auauloa, doo oi., IBI, br ahamoo-Dabbl., 
noiaaUuf, ch. o., ml, br KueliMUMIIaj 

Knia, by J,>liu UlUard; 11. B. Uairlafloo, 

Pnailbberpala, H. V Ul 

ravaia, liuK, br. a., tm, lir rai>baa WlUaa. 
BaaaiaUllpIo, l^JobB ullpla; U. KMlachDona, 

BarllD, Ofnnaay tJSO 

Roaa, b. m., leal, by Kocfaaltcrkoaadala. by 
Bifhar'a Kdalo rorraal; Jaoiaa Bndy, Baal 

Bnlnlna, Haaa ID 

Robaiu, h. I, ten. by P^ldiao Wllkaa-Loulaa Ed- 

dy, by JaiomtEddy: n. KFarb, PiovldaDca.... 710 
Batalla, bIk. r., uH by rauliao Wllba»L<icy 
>l<nn4r, by Uonar, aw] gatola, blk. I., 1013, by 
PuchaQ ffllkaa-Lary Uooiar; J. P. Rota^^ 

Broukh.i TU 

BoDDla Boy, blk. ■., ICS, by Falcban Wllkar koo. 

olaKald, by Hliaraiaa; (i.r.BfiiaryMllavalaDd. 1.4dO 
Jb«,3:U, bla. a, im by Faicben WllbaaLUa 

Patcben; A. Moaar, VlaODa, AoauU iJOl 

Prailo, 7jai',. br. a., IW, by rauliao WUkea 
llottdB,by wadiaacoJ: M. M«r|,by, rblladel- 

pbia l.i«0 

Niaeo. b. 01, l»l, by Daaio-Hba Fracnao, by 

Sedgalck; JoliDlS.rurear, AniM.r, Fa I.n> 

Oo Fab. 14 cnoalaomeau from dlllflraDt brafdaia were 
diaiioaau 0*, Utaaa Uiat braoabt ii.OU opaaidHbaloK aa 
Tullow :,. 

Joha R. OaatiT. liVi, b. Ii.. InO, hr Aahland 
WllkeaUama Wnoo, by H'edsaainl; WlUitu 

HlmpaoD. CUT 17,(Q) 

B«fMilLl:illa. b. Ii., llID,by Balsa H'llkaa.Um. 
hena; by baalal umban; B. W. Biinlick, Al. 

baay. N. V 

Llaxr, 1:11 )(. do. m.. \m, hy Falcbrn HJIkoa 
Lady Hoa>, by llocbaatar; F. N. Head, riare 

Allea Burlaa, tmu, h. in., IHU by Cbarlay B. 

. Head, riara- 

L,ady Uraotar, .l>y Tiaiouol; A. D. ilpraiue, 


-— . _ ..... onward. 


Pappar eauca. a:r7]i. b. m. IKIJ, by oni 
Faruy.liyMamliruioratcfaao; Jofao Belly. 
Vanlla Wilkta. 1:13, b. m., I« Wl 

Baa Mateo Belle, br BixeuUlloo: J.I 

aoa, ellr '.w 

nalma, t:ll,',. blk. m., IHU, by t^ydoay.Erallo 

W. ha Kiil.uod; J. B. Dactar, Sruoklia, N. V.. I.IS 
ur, l:ll'4, b in , not. by lll«lii>a) Bailba, byAl 

oaouia; FreJ It- lovay, rlly 1.400 

MaubriaL 9:11, 1', m., Inv, by Ur1al.lDuB|.dan by 
l.mla WooOar; Jamaa B. (iraao, WllmlOk-ioo, 

Dal 1.060 

JlliaUorlwtl,a:ll, b. a., IIAI. by Oaoria L. Ntpo- 

laon; W. F. AInaOar, Boiuu I,IB 

Toolaia A., trial S:IIL b. m , IH)J, by JaTaDdam, by 

William Bayaolila; D. J. Uanipao, Oaicolu Mkb. 1,100 
Ph<rtowllkai,t:Cb) 01, liKl by lluabuioo- 
laa Wllkea-Boliy a.allb, by Hainbriao UhlafJr. ; 

W R. Ilanloaliin Tnit. .V. V J.ttD 

Allea Dormaa, trial! Ab. I., IKS, l.y Barm nilkaa. 

Baalata Hadium ; u. K. JlcCua. llaienloaD, Md . iffi 
JuDa Boa, a:lb?i, ch. a., IKV, by AbDoaafcli-Lady 
BMalell. by priuoaufWalaa; 1). MldMlf, Fark. 

tllU. L i... 1,100 

Freaile L. 3:11';, 1190^ by Bay Blhaa.DaUy 
L ,>.yDr. Ilarr; A. W. Tuwar, Camlirldgrpoir, 

Uau Itfi 

1IIB TRomno coMonBjB. 

TiairLfglalateiaMaha IfaaaeraaaObaDiea 

In tho Ralea. 

The leveuteentb UlennlalCongiefior the National 
Trolling Aaodallon convened In Ibu clly Feb, 12, 
more than (cur hundred driving cinbi ind racing 
ai9«clatloni being reptcMnted. Tbe Out builneii 
dlapoaid ot wu tbe election ot Ibeea nnicen: Pteel- 
diitt, F, P. iobuton, Lexlogtoo, Ky.; Brat vice 
pitildfn', UaTid Bonner, New York; leoond vice 
preMdent, N. T. Smith, Meulo Park, Oat; Ireaanter, 
Uwla'J, I'owen, Bpringdeld, Haaa, lioard of Ap- 
peal!, Kaalem DUlUci-lnba H Tbayer, Boaton, 
Hue.; H. M. Morae, llanfotd, and Cbarlea Ikana 
Palmer, Uwell, Haae. AUanllr Ulatrlct-aeotae 
W. Aroner. Rochealer, N. v.; J. O.Blblei, FraokUs, 
Pa., and Flank Rower, phlladelphbk. Pa, Cenlral 
INairtot— Van L. Klrknian,NaahvUle,Tenn.; William 
Kdararda, Cleveland, and WlUlam llnaaeU Allen. St. 
Unit, Hn. Weatem Dlatrlct-U. 0. Blake, Cedar 
Raplde, la.; John L Hlichell. Milwaukee, Wlt.,ud 
P. B. tlottan, Cblago, III. PiclOo Ulalriot-R. P. 
lIoaM.Han FnnoUco,<M.; O.M.Ohaie.Ban Kian- 
claiM, UaL, and A. D. Bpteekeli, Ban Flanclaco, Cat. 
IMacuHtlon ot amendmenta to tbe nilea wu nexi In 
order, and leanlted In many minor obangei and a 
rev linpoitant aliemiloni. 

Itole 3, Seeilon 3, wan amended ao aa pmctlcally 
to bar ontriai by telephcue. Section 4 provide* Ihat 
wbrie a nominator la not tbeowier beabaU elate 
Ilia name and itildence of ihe owner, railing which 
he Bhall be enbject to a toe, ir the owner la dUqnall- 
dod, of not leal iban tu or more than (loo for each 

KuleT.Beallon I, wai amended eo aa to tcqglia 
noinlnallnni to be accompanied by the name ud 
addroee In- full of the otmer or bla autboiUed 

Role I of tbe new code la llula 14 ot tbe old code, 
amended eo aa lo make not only an aaoelailon, bnl 
111 emcere. Individually liable to expulalon In caua 
whera proieela duly made or allegatlona or any act 
punlibable under the lulei ire permitted to be 
withdrawn wlibin Iblri) dayi wlibont the appro- 
batlo|ior the aiaoclailon or prepitotor ot the track 
upon whiub luch proteat or InTomHilon waa pro- 
duced ir the ftM withdrawal li made wlib a cor- 
rupt tootlve b> ravor any party or nartlee nmieted 
by tbe mmc. An Iranoriant amendment wia pro- 
poied to Secllon u of Role 'is, ai foUowa: 

Bvary boat loaracamuilbaoonlaaladbraTavytrtnia 
lo Ike rata ami an hanaat affott niailaoallinpailor 
•Tory driver lo w(o. mla *hall not tia coOktniad 10 
tuaaa-tliat abaraalwfaa la hapalaaily bealao, or Inxn a 
l«l itaru or olliar unavuldaliM oaaaa, Iha cbaaoai la 
via are Oaatrnyad. Iba drirar muM Tom Iha bora, to bla 
otoial raraeliy, but lo do anyaolaraaroaalMaalili 
itM pITalclotia praellca or layinf op baalal. niouM a 
ilrlvar ba fttonil aulliy or layloi up a beat ba aliall ba 
Boatl, auapaodad or aiballad. 

Alter eameat debate thlaamendment wu adopted 
ami Incorporated In.ihe tulea. 

Rale IT.KMIIoBi, la amandad to pnvbla Ibat a boiaa 
aball Bol lia diava rrooi a rm«a lo wblcb ha la aatfrwd 
uBiaia B Tallil nolle* b. Biada al or HTfn 7 r. H. nr Iba 
day praeaaUlBa Ilia imc« lumluloi Bondsy) lo Iba Bad*, 
urvot Iha flouiaa. 

irnder Rule a. u amended, when pooli tor bete 
aredeclar«lotfrortnud.tliegulllypartlee ihall lie 
deed, auapentlcd or expelled. 

Kulo 31, rafarrlox lo dead bakti, waa cliaafad lo pin. 
vidalhal abaotwo oi nivl* boraaa bara each won two 
hiali Bod a dead haal, or a beat and two dead haau, or 
Ihrradaad hMla Uiay a'uBoahall aurt IB IhaBaMheaL 

lufoorinlla baat ttcaa tha dlnaaeawaa Ixad at ao 

Htilatt piaaeelbaa lacaa lo h*,uol«aa olliaiwliaipao. 
IOa«l, bait thiT* In iIto htalalbr boraaa tbiaayaaiaokl 
two Ib lliraa fbr Ibraa yaaia oM and urar, nil* 

aaj QTar. I 

ba.t«lort«oyaar oMa. aad foryaatlloaa uHadBihaa. 

Uaraaflar dilrala who pobllcly auu that thay ba< 
pnrpoaaly lu*t a ra<a ahall ba liable m una aBapaD^( 

or nooUloo, and oaoara ao laauueUoit driven iball ba 

.V rule wu adopted providing that all penoni 
(ooed gullly nt Intentionally mlarepieienilng bonei 
illppcd to Kutope iball be expelled, 

Tua tnltlBB alallloa lllaid. ivcord l:<BV shl|>p«d tnm 
ibia roll for HambQif . (If r., died oa iha voyan. lla waa 
Iba prvnailyor R. U. Brichir, or Balia, Mont., who aaot 
hini 10 Kuropa la eharga of bla lialnar, JaBiaa Laoaanl, 
to lif eapii<«laBad and aoM. B-laid waa foaled to be^fi, 
awt waa by tjharlay Wllkaa out or Dalay Paailaaa. lla 
waadilTaa lo bla iwconl by Joba Dlokoiaoa. 

CaaarvriDa, Iho PoabhiOubla'a Ibraa learald, la lUaly 
In a«l Ikra a etariar aitalo. lla Fab- 9. at Baa Fraaclaeo, 
Cel., ahlla balai wallad anvoad ob iha attniBa aatllda 
nl Iha (laab, h two yaar old lhal wan l<a<Ba galloi^, can* 
aaanlBi awBf and baatiwl la'.o bin, iraoiuriaa bia 
Oitlar' — 

BaciBB at Ifaw Orleaaia. 

Fob. l(l.-Flntiae*-ltaTaBf«ikiD|a,aalllBg-B«ILLln». 
107, Foalar.l to I, won; Vartl.lW.llalo,(l I 
uiitoia. W, Imai. » lo I, iblid. tboe. l a 

\uo,R to l,H<Mftd: 
— Bacnod 

Uaa,ft"lo ~],woa: Fiiolooi, 107, Bill, li la I, hcooo: 
Foil, 107. Ir?lo,«lo5. Uilid. Tlm•,I:l.^.....Baeaod Ijo 

-Ooa ball mUa,lor iwo year oUa— Jaualrn, 100, 11111.1 to 
I, won; Boaalieo, III, Wllibma It u hHund;Uiaya, 
US,Tli«ipa. II 10 i, Uilrl. lloia. oa«i......Tblld laca- 

■•laa rorlonn aaUloa-Cblcol. la ilUL e lo », won: 
■ooraDlr,iauLUy«ood,7 to l,Bacood; Blnlcatxaar. lUL 
Tboipa, iblH. Tlma, I J0«.. .....Fourth nc^-Ooo and 

iwMia. lOT, imai. » u o, mini. .""'x'-^-ir^yT^.r: 
■.fa-Flftaaaalilaonllia ol a oilk. (allloi-Borio. 111. 
1boipa,aiol,woB: Ulaaaolua, lie, Faan.r lo taKi'O.I; 
IrkuM Tnvalar lla, Ban lllol.lblnl. Tlma. l»;i. 

Tblidraca-tnamlla. aaUlo|-4aularao.>u. BliaiV- 

7 to >, woa; Oadagoo. 101, liorpoy,! tn I. aacood: Frit, 

IULlSlwo<>4,lta3LuilrJ. Tine, fMH roinJb laca 

-Ooa mile, baodleap-FlccaiooB. kr.liioipa.B lo\woo; 
Oaorea W. lUl. BcMrrar, 7 lo 1 Hoond; Hobelt Latla, 
lia,/iibartiUa.i>iol.U>lrd. Tloia.l:0....i.Fiiih iae»- 
■li nirtoaia, maldfoa-Bllly Kaany, IB. Dafli.e u I, 
woa: PlddMr, 107, Uam, lU lo I, laeoDj; Ualoocr, lUt, 

BlU /u I, Iblnl. TImV l;l»'4 Blitb law-llateo 

larioaaa aalllni-Vkla, IIU, lllli. i to I, won; Halomalar. 
IV7vTbonw, 7 u> V aaeood : Oak Fona^ lul, Uanloar. U u 

'• F.un.iFStl'2i-8l. ro,l«,g^....llln,-«la.ia. lU 

Tliofpa iblfO. Time. ••^,M — — 

ooc-ilHUeoiHoUi nlUa. baiidlap-liBgBUp(>«.M.Car- 
votfl.a to l.woo; WolMT.lUJLl^T^tr. iP tu 1. Mcond; 

LIocl* Jin. H, T. borni^ lu lo J. Iblid. Tim*. 1 JbW 

Fliib riM-Oo* iDll*-Lw-hloTttr, llt,Slami, *f«u. ii'io: 
ToroDoBohD*. 111. Hloktr, 10 lo I, Mcosd: KmI« Din)< 

)n,Eupp.4iol,U)lnJ. Triii«.l:4t jflxili nc»-Oi» 

BlU— BoMBl^r•, li4. Dnno.S lo I, wen; rrlnrvw RiM, 
UO, Uyl*. » to I. Mcuut : Alio aluo*. lUI, IIIIU 210 1. lliIiO. 
TiiM, l:o. ..... 

F«b. IL— Fint nr«-n(tMB-*lilMnUuor % milt, uU- 
IllX-nultMrl, 119. TlM>i|w.8 to I, «od; LaftolapM, lU. 
Wood, 4 to A, atoood; Botur. M. UleU, i to i,Oilr(L 

Tint, 1J7 BMMM fico Hli IntloDCi, MU)0«-Nar 

ikbttr,».Btrtiii,wiol.«oo; Albon a. ItS. Hun^r, 
Wtol.HeoLO: Mmbotu*, lUI, Cajrood, lU lu I, Uilril. 

Tfn«i,l:l«>i TblnlrBc*~UH uilU, mUIdk— Ulduar, 

lILTtbor, 90 (0 1 woo; UIIiim. ilT, UlDk«7. lu) w 1. 

ood : V. r. ¥\f Jr., 114. UlU. 8 lo I. tfcird. tiuM. 1:41 

roorlh nc»-Mi)« ud MWDtj )uilA.'tuodlea|^Eo)lo 
|«>r.ll7,1liorp«,ISluA,aoD;M0 Up, iUL tflnltll^ *J lo 
wcwd: nonBcofi^llu, U»>vood, W to fci,tbiiU. Tlu^ 

i:47'4 rlrib nc«— fioTOD furivtif*.: MUIng-Alt>«n 

BidMf. m, HIU.4 to I, won; BalBiutk*r;ll£, Tijorpt.7 ts 
ttDd: d«ffpipo, Ufi, Baraa, ISlal, ti.lM. Tliiii,l:0H 

BiKtll faCO BtTOO fOflOOII, MUlDK-MlHnQH, lUI, 

DalT/, 4tol.«oD; Uacti*! MoAilUUr, 10(,1lior|i*,ilo I, 
ircood; Uaud. hrt,Wuno,Vtol, tbirti;- Ttiii*.l:31. 

Fab JS— Kint nc*-Ua« mil*, MUlo^-Uadifut, 101. 
MorLhr.B to A,wob; L«UrmiHl«,lULTalervlll«, IX lo I. 
wcood ; Tooiajr Buiitr, IM, llii<. 9 (o I. ihlid. Tliot. 

I B«eoii4 nc*— Uof uiU* ftod t fctitMDlb. Mlt- 

laa-BM Jjboiuo. VI, H«rr«tt, « to l. woo ; Tuato, liH, 
Hlil,4 to I.MCood; Jim Uoyi(. hS, bftit li to I, tiiiiu. 

Tint, JiU't ihlid nc^Oot all*, Hllloit-rull'ur, 

il/Z.lltm 9 10 1, vod; Ohtoot, lOft. tUrwood.7tolU.M;o 

ood; iDikdt, llAMuou.Wiol.iblid. 1ltat.l:i5.U 

rourth TU*— Uwpfii UuHllcip, ont ull^ItatlJ, IU\ 
T1iorp«,Sto I, aoii; DftTt fultlitr, IIS, Oftjwood, H lo I. 
itcood : Bobtit UiU, DA. TDb«nlll9, » to S, third. Timt^ 

l:4S Flfib nct-oao milt aiwl ttToai)^ jtrdu, atllloi 

-Tom K»U7, IU9.Th0T|«. 7 to 31 ato; BoD Bolr.M, bar- 
itii,tiio6,Ht«DDd; Jiu lJenr7.CA)wooii,:i3 to I, tuird. 

TiDit, 1:U Hliib rtct-Om oilit tnd fctTtniy jttdc 

Mlllaf— K-odtat, IS, lo I,wod; Flimt, hO, Mill, 
StoSitteoad; JlDmyR.,lll9.TttOTpt,3tol,lhrn]. Tiint, 

Ftb. 14.-Flnt rACtt-Blx furlooRt, uIUor— KtwIiouM, 
r. CBr*M>d.8lol, aoo; Cudilot, iO, UkL^ V lo I, let- 

ood ; Adtb L , IIU Btlitritr, 8 lo I, thtrt. Timt, 1 Jl 

8tconJi«ct-Utlfmli(,HillDic-Bihtl Funtl. Ml, Hat- 
ntt,7 toJI^ woo; Aoitr, ll>7. Htll,7 toft. icci>du; 8tar To- 
bacco, 114, HDrpUTa • to I. iblnl. TloittPJU,^ Thui 

not— MUt— AtuurocHl, Hctitmr. 3tu 1. Wuii; Flnrvlict 
v., 110. < tytood." to lu, Mcond; BIIiu'D, III, iltakej, II 

iw l.itilni. Timt, l:49>« Foanb rmt^Mllt. Imadl- 

ttp— Utontt W., lUS, tklivrrtr, U U 1, «on; Jamlyurtr, 
M. lh)L S to 1. Mrond ; guttD B*>i, li'l. Ctl icuftl, 8 (O 1, 

Ifalpl. Tlmt,l:49 ^iiih ncc.itrtn furlDnif>.>tlllD| 

-:lMOdollo*, Uti. Utm. 7 to X, von: MoKtt: iviU'lioti- 
DOlLlZmi. ttcoDd: Jrtoo tot, 10, Moint, 3i) to I, thlid 

Tltar, Uuth ract-RvrtD larkuiiu-Beb llul- 

Du, I((7, 'I'OD, 7 (o 1, woo; JobD D.. 107, Aktr, Ift to ), 
itCDDil; Rprlamlme. Iu7. Tt)lor, U to 1, third Tint, 


Ftu. IL-FInt not— Scvto rurloDft. ttUIOR- Albtri fl, 
hi). MurptariC (ol. liliiMMrirr, Kv, l>4vlt,iu lu i, 

MCoad;Boo BoIr.M.Podta,iiio&.iblnl- Timt,l:3a 

ttcoDd net StTtn rurloan, ttUiOK— MIuiIp Hackln, 
KF7.Tat>tTrliU,Btol woo; KoodwLOT, Cllf, 111 to 1.p«o 
id; BIllrKloDtr. n,D*vi«,8 to I, third. Tlnir.l::U'i 
..-.Tlilrd nc«-Bix lurtonRt. itlllDi-Doiblaxa. lli, 
11111,3 to 1, won; Mln Hovtti, lOl. lU[n,6 to l,HcoDd: 

Jin Flood, nil, VtTlP, 0 to L tbird. Tllll^ liiS'i 

rourtrt rtct— BtTto tod ottluir furlooKt. htmjicap— 
[KTid, IIA, Cirvood, 6 lo 1, moo; (ludamit), 101. Mutphj, 
4 to 1, Mcood; t^inittatlnt, H, Bcbtrrrr. S to I. tlilnl. 

nm«L 1:30,^ Fifth ne^Oat mliotnd NtTtotr itrdi 

Mlhtfc-rttdiMii, kil, SoJtn, 1310 1. vod; Uadt Jlni^ 
KB, 111)1. 4d to I.MCOOd: CoTontt, IIV, Ctjuwod, 0 lo I, 

third. Tint, i-Mii BliUi ne«— 8l,\ lurioDi*. aoii- 

loi-Vldt, lot, UiUaft to 1, loo: Bardto Ftt, iltl. Cat- 
■rw.d, in 'o 1, ncood; A. 0. Uttd, lOi. Ttjior, 8 1« I, third. 

K»ri. IT-— FInt nc*-BtTeo farkofr^ ctllliii-Dook- 
itadar, llH,BchttTtr,7 to a, «od;B. P.riyJr. IOt,Tborp& 
dtol. iitcood;BoaTtolr. lM.(!tjr«ood,ft to I, third. Tint, 
l:3U^. . . .HtcoDd nct-8tTtn tad t biirfkirlnDn, mIIIu- 
RAlumtlitr, ll\ lllll, 1 to I, woo; UttckoL lOO; ClaT.8 15& 
MCoiid:fllttu>mt, 110, Ptan, 12 lo l,ihtra. Timt.'liS).. .. 
Tblrd net— Unt milt, lalliDf-MMiitr, UO, Roti,4 tu 1, 
too; LiUlAD B ,8}, Cltf. 8 tn 3, atcood; Ban Johnioo. 91 

Ntwcom,8io I, ibfrd. TImt, l:4i)i£ Fuunb ratt— Ucii 

■lItaiidtwtntjjardN,haiidiap-Kooa«Ttlt, lOLUtrt. I 
10 I, woo; F«rtoaIa,U,aiievood,«)to l,tt«ood:Hlue«i 

101, U(cki.Hta l,third. nmo, FtHh n<'t^^Ii 

iurlooitt.ihr«tjtaroMt-OomiBiblM]tr Fitab. lM,aan]- 
ntr, ft to I, woo ; Tirolro Fiiih, 197, Bcbtrrtr, 8 lA ^ ato 
ood;J. \V. Ltry, ivr, Tborpt, 7 to ]C, tblid. Tfaot sol 
tabtn....KlitIi ncA— BtrtD rtirIoa(«, Mlilsf— OoM Ootl, 
107. Cay *Md, 30 lo i, wooiihtiehArro. in;, 8to l.ktcoad: 
Mtiy Hthe. M ff. Tborpt. 9 io2, t hlul. hnt.iai>;. 

AatUPool Room Legblatloa* 

Mr. aiUttt, of Hamehuitili, oo Ftb. 11 lotrodnctd lo 
iht UouBt at VadiloKlOD, D. C, a MU ftjthlddmr. uoiler 
aptoaltrof ImpriiiooutDt or tlta. tht tnoinlialoobf 
Ultmf^oritltphoDtormtn or eipreaa or oibtrwlat, 
ItomontaiAttorTtnllorr loio aottber Ptttt or Ttnl. 
ltry. or fi«m or laio titt Dutrtct of Oolumbit, of toy 
|anUlDffbtt,or Ibt rtport oT tocb b«l,or anriaetor 
prlitilKiitorothartTtDL'* TbUblU U dtalnatd odIj to 
ttairny iht bulat*a of pool roomi, but uoiltr lit pro- 
TltloDt a otwfpaptr corrtapondtoi vho Hhoold Ultjinpb 
u t otwapaptr t rtport of ibt btitlat ud a raot, an tt*» 
Uoo or Aor oihtr trf nt «oatd tw llablt to proMcuKon for 
BladtnitaDor. Br. (liiItU uid Ibat If liit bill tbeuld bt 
toubd to lottrftrt vlth tbt trantulaMflQ of oto« m ntwc- 

Cptia. It would bt nodlDtd lo Ibt Judlcliri CoDialtltt, 
wblcb It baa bcto rtltrrtd. 

JUDOB Bdbkb, of Cblc8ffo, IlL.oD Feb. 17. ren- 
dered B dertalOD ftgalnat tHe ladlAU Haclng Ano- 
olBtlOD, or Roby, Jubn OondOD, J. U. Ultdreib enil 
Jemes A. Webb, for >23 o&i, the Amount of % doU 
fiTOD bj Ue BnociAUoa to tbo lote Uenua 
HbBiTer ud iDdoned by OondoD» UUdreUi eod 
Vebb. TtietBiier contesied Uis colleciloa of tbe 
Dote by tbe bank wblcb rccelvod it rrom SchBOtor, 
oa tbe KTOODd tbftt it was a portloD or b gBnblloB 
tniiBAciloD. tbe Ute bAoker bBvlog, tbey clalincil 
idvADced tbe nwney lepreeCDted oy tbe Dote to 
nuUnlBtn b foreign book. 

lUAO UuBFOY, tbe well known colored Jockey, 
died -of beert feimre et Lexln|toD. Ky., Feb. l-i 
iged tbtny-8lK yeeiv. UorlDg tbe belght of bU 
CBieer few ridem were better koowB or more suc- 
ceuful, BDd Altbough be bad ridden vefr Uttle of 
recent yeeiB, bUneiue 1m still bnUletr to rmce goen^ 
ind ble cioAllUaa of eterllng integrity mb weU 
koowD. He Is reputed to ture been wortb nestlr 
$100,000 Bt tbe time of bla deelb. * 

Thb MAd Hlver end HUml V«lley nUr Clrcnlt, ot 
Oblo, bAS cbosea tbeee dAtca for their respecllve 
nee meeUan: Ueobanlcsbarg. Aug 4-T: Gmat 
County, .Xenm, 11-14; OhBmpalgu Uoanty, UrbanA, 
18-21; Clerk Oooniy. aprlogdeM, 2i-28; Oblo Biete 
fklr, Oolnnibue. 3l-ScpL 4; UAdlaon Counlj, Lon- 
don. 8-11] Bbelby County. Blduer. 22-29: llUml 
Oounty. Troy. 2fl-0cL 3: LogAn Coanty, BellefoD- 
uioo. Sept. -.a^Ooi. a; M-Oountj fbIt, Hlobwood, 

TOB CB&BdlBn T^ttlDg and Pacing Orcultwa4 
formed In London, Can.. Feu. 13, and Sol. WblCe 
VBH elected president, a. !>. Stewart rice prcaldent, 
snd A.S.BiDltb eeoreiaiT. Tbe followlog olroull 
vmsamngvd: Kew llamrtttra, Jane 3, 4; Bmtfonl. 
S-ll; Tileonbunt. le-lS; 8t, TDomaa, 23-26; Banll- 
100. July 1-4; Windsor, e-il; SaralA, 14-18; Aylmer, 
31 33; Aandfordf 38,29; Wloibam, Aug. s-dT 

TDB srcwABDBor tbe Jockey OlQb made ible de- 
cision at tbelr last weekly mceilog: "in tbe matter 
of tbe enirlea made by FoaUr Broa. of ibe bones 
Ur. Ulce, Klororand SoUroaa, tbe Biewarde, nooo 
biTeeUgailon, dnd tbat tbera (s no dUabUUy sttacb- 
Ing to toeie hones, and tbat tbey ate qiiaUaed to 
be eoteitd and run on ronraes under iho Jarlsdlc- 
llon of tbe Jockey Club." 

STONBKit4a.nowtbe property ot T. Iloodlaasb? 
Tirtue of having been claluied From U. P. Dwrer In 

TuBOmtigaOaunl; Hoiae laii>ro?fn»«»t Aaapcla. 
llOB £ilItTi<»ti»D, h. V.,Pob. lo. a^ 
rolloirloc date*: OiHiiwall piawbom), JdIj 
SldileioBi, lof. *-V, rort Jerrli, ll-ll! Ooahan, 
U-ll; IVanilct,:i. 

Tni 8«KC« Urlrlng ta\ Oo., ol TUIlo. 0., li Id 
BiuDclal iiraiu. Four o( tbe auickooldeis Dan 
aaked Die Ootula tor a dliMlailoo ot Uit ofgaoUa- 


RiciKO la PiamiLTijiA ll'aa ptata'aa at artl.l» la 
aalia or Bdiin* l.itautiiw. Tba» anoolaUjB bBM 
aalaiaa data, aa toOow: Johutava. Mar »■ »: Biad- 
a-i.Ut»Slt: XitlaaalDi, Aaa.lTtall; HawcaaUfclJ- 
a- Tanutum. &-ai Botl.r7llai>t l-l; araaa>bBU,»-lll: 
bunt, S-S; aaarar. Xl-B; UBlOBtawB,0-Oet.2: Sonalta- 
towB, Sapc 9-0<t 3. 

Jcarjca Taual. oa Fab. n. Id tba »t>«clal tatin of [ba 
Baprama Coart, liaadad doaa aa oid.riluf Ibi anwUea 
naJabrnilllp Daia^BnaMaatol ibaBmikDn Joobar 
laub. ta ret uMa lb. T.ntlej otUie BbaillTa «T "ai* 
iBaTlafkl OMmb %\Am la tba /"JlWiiTfil 
bj blm aiaiaat Dwnr. JnaitcaTraai, la aiMIUoa u ib« 
nfiliei,~wanl.« OKIuo va aitia allowaBM aad *ll), 
ooaia 01 tha motloo. 

UaacTaDiLTaaBOBBMa ibalba baa laaaail li;e Batta 
Bad Aaaooaaa laca track lo Ed. A.TIptoD.Uio aaU kaoaa 
K.oloctr honanaa. nadalai lor iba Bulla naatlaa 
will ba Jolj 9 to Aug. U, aad al Aiucoada from Jaoa V 
to July 19. 

Tiiri aad Bna'IiMa, both altacbad.JoBlllr Mwiaio'a 
Blabioii. wandB.ln>>ad at OnaaTUla, IlL,F.b. II, lodijaw 
baflogmollod mmanaf. 

rurrfoaTinbaapBtebaaaJ of Pat Dodbo, for W.(m, 
Ibe proifliaiaa two yoar ohi thorouibbrad colt bj Imp. 
VhlalU Jackal, dam 2iihltn^ 


Tha Flgare BkaitliBg Cliaan|il«nahlp 

Wai conlaided tor at tbe Ica Falico lunk, tbla ell/, 
Feb. II, 12, Ibe soiober ot eoispetllon pmloiglDg 
Ibe coDteat (»ituldenblT. Tbe competlton vere: 
Uetbert 8. Erane, Boaloa; George D. PhUlliie, 
Neir Yoit Atblttlc Olub; Fnok P. Oood, BtookljD, 
N. Y ; 0, A. Trier, Neir Yotk; Aitbor Keaie.Keir 
York: A. J. Btancbanl, Waablnilon, D. 0., and 
l«irls Edwarda, Bt. NIeliolas Skating Club, Neir 
York. Ibe piogiunios lodniled tireDlj-one llg- 
orei. In tbo majorli; ot wblcli a coDteilut mtut 
excel Ul order to win tbe title and Iho medal of 
tbe Natloual Amateur Skating AeaocUtlou. Tbe 
winner laat jear, PbUllt», nbu waa alao tke limi 
aud IBMcDamplon, waa ike faTorlie lalib tbe ipec- 
tatoiT, «bo ware very onmetous botb dajs, but be 
railed to gain better tban aecond place, ow log lo 
tbe aupcilurltj mauueated br £vana, Ibe lota! acoie 
ol Ibe compeilton being: £vaDa, lie polnia; Pbl|. 
lips, 100; Uood, tS; Keane, el; Tiler, M. It will be 
acen ttuia tbla tbac tbe conteat iraa acinall; beiireen 
Unna and PoUllpa, botU ol wbom far excelled In 
abllItT tbe otber couipetltoiB. Snmniar;: 

No. 1— riaiB rorvaid aad tackvard akatlug In Tarloa. 
vaia. PbiMpa, 7; Eraoa, <; Kdvaida. 6; blaadiaid, 4; 
aovO,3: Tllw.l; Keai,., i. 

^o. z— Outna. adao run loraard. Erana, 7; Phllllpa, 
•: £dnidB,»: ilo«r, 4: Triar, 3: maachud.S: Kaaao, 1. 

N..3-auitUaad|,-»nill backaaid. Snna?; Ptilulpa, 
C: BluichBM, Trior, 4; Oood.]: Edaania, 1: KeaBe, 1. 

Nil, «-ln*lae ttlao mil rorwud. BTaoa, 7; Kaaaa, 0; 
PBillip., i\ (lood, 4: Trior, a: BttncbiM, >: Isuward., 1. 

Nu.e-lBalde tdKo mil tHckaan]. Ilvaa.,7; Pblllipa, 
6; Koaaa,t;uood.4; HIaochaiil, 9; Trier, 2; KdiaMa, I. 

No. 0-yiifiro alabt on oaa Toot loraanl. Kraoa, 7; 
Pbllllpa, t; Uood, a; Trur, 4; Eoaa., 9; Blaochmid, 1; 

No. 7— rinre algbt on ooa foot backward. Braar. 7: 
PblllliHLC; KtiiBa,t,8Uaob>nl,«; Tnar,9; Uoul, a; l^d. 
aatdi, I. 

No. 8— Crou roll torwaid lo tWU aad alBbla, aloglo aad 
doublo circl*. Kraua. 7; Jlilllipa, 7; K«uo,9; Uood, I: 
Til.r,3: BlaacLan),:; IIdln^l^ 1. 

No. u-Oro-s roll backward la floU aad olahta, aloglo 
aad double circle, llillllpa, T: Kaaoo. 7: Kian*, ft; 
Blaaclutd, 4; Uood, 1; Tiler, 2: l!dw>nl^ 1. 

Nu. UMlbaoiia or edge roll rotwaid, tMilnoIng oo 
olibrrouulda or loaldeodga. BTaBa,7: Kvana,7Tphl|. 
npa,0; Uood,4;Trl.r,9; BimchBrd.l: Ulaaida.1. 

No. II— t^uova 01 odg. io|i b«ckwaid, bHinaiBV oa 
olt>>ar ontald. or laaldeedaa. RilUlM, 7;BraBa, 0: Oood, 
6; K«ae,4;Trl.r,9; Blmcbud,!; Bjlw.rda, I. 

No. 12— flpiaad caala oa ibeuulaaaadouiaidaadaoa. 
RraB>,7:Pbll>l|ia,e; Blaadunte; IUwBrdii,4: Trter,3: 
Uovd, 3: IC.aoa, 3. 

No. l5-<;orr*d angtaa, thraai, alaglo, doabla, chain 
aad llrlBi, bagbalag oa loHda or ogialda tdgo. Evaaa, 
•: rMulwt: lleaao,<i Oood,]; Trior, 9; BUocbaid,!; 
lulwaida wliadrawa. 

No. 14-Carred alBglaa, lacklDf tuiaa ttom oouddaedgo 
to ootaMa tdgo, or rrom loaldaadgatolBald. «lira,ror 
ward aad backward. rblUlpr,4:ETaaa,9,Uocd,a:Ktan^ 
1 ; BliDchaid, Edvaida aad Triar vIlMnwh, 

No. IS-Cnrred aagloa, etw 
PblUlpa. 9: uood. 3; Kaaaa 1. 

No. le-OiapaTliioa, laclodlag "rbllad.lpbia twIaL" 
Eraol, a : Uocd. 4 ; Kcasa, 9 ; riiliUpa. 1 : Trior, I. 

No. 17— To. aad hMl movemtola, Mobiaelng pirotoir 
dlDjr. 10. .plaa (plroaauoa), aad ooromaBla on boUi 
looa Ettaa5;PlilUlua,e: (lDad,9: kaaaa, |;Titar,l. 

No. 18— aiDite aad douliiaflmirootMlB. oroaa r«Mtaad 
t.iirMjtwblita- KTaaa,&; pbllilpa,4; aood,4; Trior,]: 
Craoa, I, 

No, ly-(a) garpoatlno OD ona Tool; oa both foal: lb) 
cbaaga ol adgei, alaglo lod doublo. PblUlpa, 9; Eiana, 
4:Oood,9: K»B0,2TTclar. I. 

Na 3j— Loopa aad rioalata oa laalda aad outf Ida cdgaa, 
aloaloaad IB cambioauoo. l'lilUipa,5: ]LT.aa,4; flood. 
9; trior. 3: loaaa, 1. 

Tbe omctoli ware: Jadgaa, Frank e>IR,TbomaaA.WIl. 
llama. UoBrr DoUanl aad t^oL U. B. Koller; aeorera. Bom. 
uol J. Noaigoaarx, Fiadarlck Wortb aad Uotllmor 

TBB BldntT (0 ) UtiTing OInb wai reornnlted 
Fell. II, and Ibeaa onicrra were tieoted: Jubi 
ldnDbUn,|inaldent: lir.T. W.Jobnabw, vice mt- 
Ment; Uula Kah Jr., aeiretair: Loiila M'arier, 
Imnirer. Tlio oliih has otalnxd June <-l3utba 
date for tbelr p|irtn( racri^ 

TBI Kenilnglon llriWng Clnb.of Pblladelnbla. 
P»., waa formed Feb. ij, and tbeae omceia cboeeD 
iamea WUeTjpneMent: p«ier Ueraia, vice iirri>i. 
dent; nobert Cialg, aecreiarr, and vliuam J. He. 
Kinney, iieanrrr. 

Tib Ttnny T>irt CInb, ot tbla dlj, waa Ibconon- 

!J«r»" I'JJ'bk. Jobn H. Urwn, aeotge F. Ualioo, 
HanilceOoben and Oeorge Ury. -^-vu, 

.■^"'i' rroiwijof A. Rivenbnii -I 
Sona, died at iVdsr WUa, la,, Feb, is. Bewaa 
BliiejeaiBor afe,ud laat aaaBon abowed ilnu 

Canadlama Dafamt Amarloana* 

Tbe annual International match between Cana. 
dlanand United Stated corlen, for tbe Qoidon medal, 
two ilnka a aide, came oa at Albany, N, Y., oo Sat- 
urday afieraooD, Feb. is. Tke weatber wnt jleaa- 
ant, wblle ihe lc« waa Ui capital condlUon when 
the game conmenctd, but atttrwardg Bottened, 
making the work ol tbe expert bandlen ol tbe 
''atanea^' much more dinitnlu The vIeliAra maul. 
teaied tbelr aaperloritr by cspttirlng the tropliy by 
a acore ot 43 to 30. Ibe fall acore follows: 

otiudlaii. nine Mo I. ..tlbnnt/ cf fv, 
U. w.SadUtr, B-Cntlirte, 
W. B. Bntohliuon. W. a moiendorf, 
James Brown, Ales Rjslop, 

U, Wllllanu»n,Bklp.... zajobnHcOsmmon, akip. lo 

Omndtaii. Rim No. X Bmplncflu. 
W. D. Alid, F. Blaon. 

S. A. HcHuitry, ObanasOonl, 
J. u Archibald, T. E. Oardner, 

U. n. Balfour, akip. ... 11 U. H. Oardner, aip.„. la 


43 Total., 

The AbbbkI Carllstf Hatek 

Between teams represemiog respecUToly the Kew 
York IJaledonlan Clnb and the Fmplie aty OnrUng 
Olub, ot New Yotk, two iloks a aide, was contested 
at the rint la lloboten, N, J., on Feb.M, and re- 
sulted Ul a Tlctoiy tor ibe Empire Clija by tbe ap- 
pended score: 

XmplrtCltf. BiXKKo.l. OUedmrdaj 
William Buwl, II. AiohlbaU, 
J. B.Buirara, J.Bulkar, 
A. Haow.u, J, TamplatoB. 
O. Ulblaa, Bkip 1( I>. H. lfiomii, aklp It ^^J*"^"-., Wm.ArdilbaW, 
Wljljlam llaaaell, H. AlchlUaU. 

J.'coBBoll, aklp l; DaT°U ronlla, Jklf u 




The KIrhsTar Tavphy. 

The annual match tor tbla trophy between two 
nake,eacb ot UuOalo, N.Y,,aDd BranUord, Ont., 
cnrlen came of at tbe latter place on Saurdar, Feb, 
16, and ttanlted Ui a ilctoiy for the Canucks by Ore 
shotL The acore: 

WnillplU ROE Ka 1, Biymio 
J. U. HoLann, o. J. Holsoer. 

g-i'lp'^'i l>.AlSl«r' 
K. Weslbrook, p. a. Voat! 

T. Woodjau, aklp u »x. H. O.Vntl, akin. 

.. RiKK Na a. ' 

l"' J',?"!'**"'' Hamilton, 
i RjllftnUlon, JobD Carter, 

S-yi^^i- ^, Obatleaonlok, 
Total for Braottord, 3); total for BuiUo,^ 

Josirn t. UoNninni, tbo noted proraselonal 

JinlS "fi^SSSl.™"^ ^ •» lie Ice 
If SfS' "bete, on tbe erenbig 

of Feb. 10, be made an attempt to beat the be« ih? 
jlona record tor skating one mUe UidooiJi^oSS 
be dlaunoelnsm.iijs. Ue waa timed aTdolni the 
half muein Im. so!,e., the aun b'biga iuuSot" 
-If" "">*«' """n years, on 

EIL*-.*.' W". UHeclty, evening" 

geln. III 3m..-v(i., one yatd ahead ot Bee, with Muier 

AcTBiJKniiaTCO, for the Btackenile Medal, i 
ptajed al Uopner-a Pond, Patenon, N. J.^Peb. 
the Newark plaren defeatilng the Innboee: 
Pateiion, for tKilurd time, bya eoorsoMO toal. 

trip 8onib,ibe following oonptWng theaSiTe 


The iBUnaallaaal Boaspall ProgroMlai 
•t tha Big IllBk la Igs w Jeraoy. 

The canny Scou hailed with unfelgccd pieu. 
nre tbe TialtstlOD ol llio frigid wave Uiat awn, 
OTer the motiopolls on Monday, Fob, i;, iho np«g! 
Ing day ot Ihe Mg curling bonapeU ai tbe iiok ol 
tbe Tblslle Unrllng Association ot Now Y'ork, in lio. 
boken, N. J., and wblch as we go to presa proiiiian 
to remain with ubduiII the oonclntlon ol puj, uie 
loamament pnliably laellng till Tliunday, «o,'it|, 
nnuaual prolongation being duo lo tbe rcr; largt 
number ot enttlea rectlrcd. The openlag gnu, 
were witncsstd b; a largo sfsemklage, araonj lU 
speclston being msny ladtta. lo Ibe mijoiiiy or 
whom IbeeporenaeTldenilt anoTellr. 'I'becaia 
nlzos amount to orer fcoo, aud tho value of 
be Bllrerwan ud other aniclta ot use and 
ornament Btnoupt^lo ai mnch more, lothereaii. 
lar link match pnzm will be awarded to etch men. 
bcr ot the llret, wcond, third and rounh imnu. 
graded In nine In Ibe order ot wlonlng. IqiS 
cooaolsUon match each member of ibe llrai am 
second teams will receire prl7.e3 In e like magntr 
while there are to be elgUt prizes awarded la um 
point or Individual inaich. The large entry necei. 
ceollated the opening round being played lo ibne 
aectlons. FoUowlog Is ■ Bummaiy ut the Irei rouad 
of the Oral eecUon: 

RINI No. 1. 

TbliUe Curling Oub. New York City, No. l.-n^ii. 
eit Uacbetb, No. I; Frank UcKay, No. :; Uuni 
Bbaw, Nn. 3; Alexander Fraeer, ekl|i. Total, ii 

Jobn caioat curling tinb, Kew .Y'orkCiiT, No. 
l.-WvldWilr, No. 1; John Hltcheli; No- 3; Qtoiie 
Balo, No. 3: Uablel UcKeaklU, aklp, Toini, i;. 
' lUNi No. 2. 

Caledonian (kirlluv Club, New York Ult;, No. i.- 
WUIIam Archibald, No. 1; Uairv .Arcbltwld, No.]- 
Thomas Aichlbald, No. 3; Ilivid FouUs, aklp. TOiai, 

ivukeabure Curling Club, Pennsilntnla, No, i._ 
Ueoige N. Ultchell, No, I; Tbomaa 0. Parker, Nu. ^; 
John 0. Dodd, No. 3; 'llioinas U, Qmbim, aklp. 
Total, e. 

niKX Ko. 3. 

SL AndiewH Calling Club, New York aiy, No. I. 
—John UMcEwen, Ko. 1; James UoHullan, .No. 
Aodtew OUUes, No, 3; Frank Uykea, skip. Tuui, ii. 

Wllkesbaire Curling Cfnb, Penosjlvanla, Ko. -j.- 
ThomuWaddeil.XD..'I; Itobert R. Uarrey,No.3; 
Harry Arnddell, xo. 3| Aiefander liick, skip. 'loiii, 

niKX Nn. 4. 

Empire CllyCurlbgOiub, New Yoik Clt;, N.v I.- 
John U. Soffein. No. l; Oeorge Fiazler, No.'J;JanKii 
F. Conley, No, 3; Alexander ilanvell, aklp. Total, 

SL Andrew's Curling Club, New York CIit. Nn. -i. 
—John A. Rennle, No. I: James Husaell, So. 3; jnhii 
LesUe, No. :ii Oeorge Teller, aklp. Total, il. 
IlINg Ko. 

Uanbatton Oarling C ub, Kew York Clly, No. i. - 
Jiibn Jack, No. 1; Otorge McOrrgor, No,:; UavIiI 
BHllantlne, No. 3; Tbomaa Wallace, akiii. Toul, M. 

Thistle OnrllogCliib,Kew York Oily, No.2.-Aie.v. 
ander UcKay, .No. 1; Tbomaa Purteoni, No. :: 
Tbonias Watson, No. 3; Itobert l,oudon, tkl|>. 
Toul, li. 

RiNg No. ». 

Uanhatun CnilloK Club, N.w York City, Nn. 'J. - 
Benjamin Jones, No. I; WlllUim UcKaj, No. 
William .Stewart, No. 3; David 0. Uon l\>a, aklp. 
Total, 15. 

JohnO'Croat Oiining Qub, New York Clly, No. 2. ■ 
neorge Waieis, So. 1: Alexander Drown, Ko. 
Oeorge Hanson, Ho. 3; Oeorge Oag, aklp. Toial, li. 

Tbe result bi the second secllon follow: 
lUKi No. 1. 

Koipire City Curling Clab, Kew York CI I;, No. J - 
William Hanwell. No. 1; Edward Uugbo. No. 
Oeorge Loinian,Mo.:>; Joaepbi;onnell,ailp. Total, 

Yonkers CurlUig Olub, Now Y'ork, No, 1.— Thonun 
wigley. No. 1; JoMph Oiown, No. 2; JameaSteiraii, 
No. 3; Ueorge (Mquhonn, skip. Toial, :10. 
IllMg No. 2. 

Long Island Carllog Club, New York, No. i - 
Oeorge HcOrfgor, Ko. 1; William Steele, No. J; cor- 
dOD Qauld, No. 3; Alexander Unirla, skip, 

Uonlnal Curling Club, Oanada, No. I.— Forfeited. 
RIKI Ko. 3, 

Tblslle Corling Olub, New York Clly, No. ].— David 
Dag, No, 1; Oeorge Tarnbull, No. 2; Jituies 1'. Mnlr. 
No. 3; John Oray, aklp. Total, 

BL Andrew's Uurllng Club, New York Clly, No. 
.1.— )obu D. HcDoDSld, No. 1 ; William II. ilailin, Nu. 
2; Hobert RUUi, No. 3; TUomas MchoUin, bklp. 
Total, 14. 

Hikx No. 4. 

ThiBlle CnrlUiK aub. New York City, No. 4.-John 
Watt, No. 1: Alexaadtr Dickson, No. 2; Thonun 
Watt, Ko. 3; Holien Under, aklp. Total, 17. 

Long Island Oily Curlloi Club, New Yort, No. 2.- 
Davld Schnliz, Ko. 1; William Htlklejobn, .No. j; 
John Raijeo, No.3; John DlasettiSklp. Total, lu. 

Jeney Olly Cnrhng Olub, New Jersey, No. I.- 
Jomea Wright, No. I: Robert A. McKulgbt, Nu. 3; 
Ediratd J. Edwards, No. 3; James U. Stevens, aklp. 
Total, 11. 

John O'Oroat Curling Club,Kew York Clly, Ko. ~.. 
— Alexander BwBoaon. No. 1; JomeaSntberland, No. 
3; Jobn Uorehead, No. 3; Jamea Waters, skip. 
Total, t, 

BlKg No.O. 

Long Island Clly Ouillng Club, New Y'ork, No. 3 — 
Walter Low, No. I; Jamea kfoirtson, Ko. 3; WlUUni 
Duncan, No, 8; David Wilglil, ship. Total, 10. 

Yonken OuriUig Olub, New York, No. z— Itobert 
L. Sleirart, No. 1; Charles I,. Thomas, No, 2; Jamc^ 
Kellock, No. 3; HobertKellock,aklp. Total, 12, 

Following Is tbo result lu the third seotluu: 
RiKk No. 1. 

Caledonian CnrllbgOtnb, New York.No. 2.- Itobert 
Archibald, No. 1; John Stalker, No. 2: Jobn IVcmpk. 
too. No. 3; Daniel HoKeman, skip. Total, 14. 

Manbatlan Curilsg (Xnb, New York City, No. 2.- 
BobertHoWIUIama, lio. I; Oeorge L. Aadlaon, No. 
1: Waller UeU, No. 3; Thobias U. Ford, skip. TViiai, 

RINX Ko. 2. 

Jeraey City CurllDii Onti, Hew Jersey, No. 2 — 
Ohorles B. Edwards, Ho. 1; John T. Edwarda, Ku. 3: 
WUIIam Bt<ven8,Kor3; WUIIam D. Edwardi, aklp. 

Uonlnal CotUngClub, Canada, No. 2.— Forfeited. 
HI)! I No. 3. 

Excelsior CorUng aub, Long Island Clly.— lames 
Oamenn, No. 1; Robert Wsisoo, Ko. 2; WUUsai 
Clayton, Ko. 3; David Kay, aklp. Total, H. 

Newark Curling Olab, New Jersey, No. 1.— Jobn 
Raid, Ko. I; James KoLaren, No. 2; James Ander- 
son, No. 3; nairy Mosaey, aip. Total, 10. 
RINI No. 4. 

Nevrark CorUog Olub, New Jeney, No.l.-Drew 
the bye. 

The reasU ot Ihe Int round In Ihe eooeolatluu 
match foUows: 

RiNx No. 1. 

Long Island City Curtlng c:iub, Kew York, Nn. 2.- 
Davld8obalis,No. 1: Willlsm Melklejobo, No. J; 
Jobn Ratjen, Ko, 3; John DIsaett. ship. ToUl, 30. 

John O'Orost Curling Club, New York Clly. No. 
2.— George Watem.No, 1; Ale.xander Brown, No. 3; 
Oeorge Hanson, Ho. 9; Oeorge Oag, aklp. Total, iti. 

Wllkeabam Corllag Club, Pennsylvania, No, 2.- 
TbomasWoddell.No. 1; Robert luilarvey. No. 3; 
Dany Waddell, Ko. 3; Alexander Dlok, aklp. Toul, 

John O'Oroat On tling aub. New Y'ork Olty, Ko. S.- 
Alexander Swanson, Ko. 1; jamea Sutbenand, No. 
>; Jobn Horehsad, Mo. 3; James Walers, aklp. To- 
tal, It. No. 3. 

bmpin Clly Curling Clnb. New York Clly, No. 2.- 
Wllllam HanweU, No, 1; Edwatd Ungues, No. 3: 
Oeorge Lothian, Ko. 3; Joseph Uonnell, skip, Toial, 

ThlsUs CnrlJng Oob. New York Clly. Ko. l.-Roii- 
m Ksobelh, Ko. I; Frank HcKay, No. 2; Jamea 
Thaw, Ko. 3; Alexander FTaser, skip. ToUl, ». 

The result ot Ike other games played wiu appear 
Ul oar next Issue. 

Fftah ShBllag Racofds. 

According lo a telegram, Joe Donogbue broke two 
records at Ihe Ice Palace Ui WashlngtoD,D.C,on 
Feb. 19. In the atlernoon be U said to have akatnl 
two miles In (m. 32',a., lowering Olat Rudd'silmi; 
ot 9m. 42>us., made at Red Hank, N. J., od a third of 
a mile inck Ui Ue open air. In the evening be 
skated Sve mUesIa 14m, 4T','a, wblch Is better iliau 
Nlllaon's record, lim. Ma., usile on a qiurierDille 
tnckstHlntteapalls,Hlnn.,lnarlnk. Toe path In 
tbe Ice PaUce U a tentbof a mUe In clrrnDiftience, 
wblcb adds to tbe credit dne Donoghne. provldlDE 
tbe lime given la correct. The Intermediate Dim 
wen timed as foUowa: One mile. 9m. U'.a; two 
mllee, tm. 41b.; Uiiee aUea,9m.44'.s.; (oormllea, 
llm,4«.i,s. _^ 

AMiTCa at hockey between a team of EogUab- 
men and a team ot OonadUiu took place at the 
National Bkatuif Palace In Argile BtiteL l.ondoo. 
Eng., Feb. e, and lenlted In a defeat for Ihe Can- 
noks b;a soon ot toor goals to two. 

February 22. 



The Oalarlo TsBkatdi 

Tteaaoiiil competition b«l««eu tb* carlenot 
rroTloco oC Oolkrlo, 0*n., wu eonclaileil on 
Keb. 13> ■( Toronto, and for the foutb lima due* in 
iloD>il»a, to Wi, too emUem o( Uio otitmplOBablp 
orihcproTlouwaawon bj Ibt reptCMnuiIra o( 
me pnVtrrm Toroolo Qnulles, de(e*lln« ilia Bt 
Uirr<pU;cisl>)rfoareliois oolr Iniba llul con- 
ttii, Deloir ire pitaent 'Jia scorca made la ttn 
dosloff nmra* 

uraniie. Sui-Finais. >Vrvu& 
n.H.U«tgr»rt, q. a. Held, 

11. millAmidD, U. Keir, 

w 0. llHUbewa, U. Hlolile, 

T 0. Williamson, aklp..22 J.C. lioiialdeon,iklp...I6 
0. H 11 glnboltiain, J. O. WUaon, 
Jm RUgonr, A. Perrr, 

II. Wauon, W. A. lUcliardaon, 

C. 0. Daluu, akip 10 T. 0. UamUlon, iklp.. 

38 Total.. 


Uijnrlly forOranlie, 1 allot 
.9. Unrtt'a, 
3, D. Voore, 
J, w. ■omervMe, 
(,', II. U.icloiTi*! 
J. Clfde, 
I'. Mr<ra, 
(I. u. Iloocoii, 

E. ColUna, 
B. Oockbum, 
U. ColUoa, 
II U. Beiiram, akIp., 
a. f. WIUiio, 
A. B«min, 
II. f. rovFii, 

W. A idrem, nklp 24 T. A. Warden, akIp.. 

Tolal -11 Tolal 

Uijoni; (or au Uarj 'a, la hUow. 

nmnllf. FIKit. XI. Uaru't. 

T. II. n'lHlsmsoD, iklp..'Ji Joa. iiddj, akip 

i;. L'. Ualtflo, Bkip M \v, Aodniwa, ulp. . . 

Total '11 Total 

Uijorlur rur Oraullu, 4 abota. 

unDirih. ^CdbOUTio:). Umjoril. 

W. Ameat, 
J. TDiner, 
l>. n. tvilaon, 
A. Wilson, akIp 

W. ll«lllOD«, 

N. Uclieod, 

\r. w. HcUoggall, 

i:.Colemag, aaip.... 

II. H. Slepben, 
Alex Tbompaon, 
A. Tbompaoa, 
.1-1 U.OImitead.aklp.... 
U. i. McUrtT, 
Ja«. Stewart, 
J. Uooglaii, 
.aij.s.WiiaoD, akIp..., 

Toul 34 Tolal, 

UhJoKi; tor Sealonn, u abota. 


a. A. Held, 
It. KetT, 

J. 0. UODaldmOi akIp.. 
J. a. WILwo, 
.\. I'orry. 

W. A. KicbardaoD, 
T. (I. Uanillioii, Iklp... 

IViUI (I To 

Unjoiiijr for Fetgua, 14 abota. 

1. nicliardaon, 
U, BipUe, 
U, Poaileiralta, 
20 O. A. SItlckland, ttlp. le 
J. r. Strickland, 
Uapt. Rernolda, 
J. o. Oojila, 
2S II. u. Biilcklaul, akIp. 

A Cloao CorllBg Blatrhf 

AO elgbt link curling niatch was cootealcd by 
leamarepreaenUDg the Prospect Park Club, or To- 
riiD'o, and tbe Tbiailea, ol UaollioD, Uoi., four rlnka 
playloi In eacli city, Feb. 1C. la botb caaea Ike 
vuiung playem ltd Uielr opponeniH, and tbe tolal 
■rore wua ic to iiu In favor ot ma Proapeci Parka, 
Tbo Hcore: 

/•rtW/KH ni k. AT TOBOOTO. IlilliliUOU Thlmit, 
U. A. nice, J. Mlaraou, 

J. W. KUrelle, J, Tbompauu, 

J. r. liCOU, J. UIIIUK9, 

II. U. nice, (kip ir \7. Vallance, aklp 10 

II. Clanperioii, t. IV. Qalee, 
w. r. Unia, c. siiir, 
II. J. Uny, A. ailli'aDlo, 
i(. II. Uuuiillougb, Bklp..(i vr.Honiban), aklp :i 

II. Kitlrclougb, 
w. Duircii, 

II. lllUTl«D, 

J. H. n>iiiiigion, 
II. AnuHirobg, 
J. W. Uorcoiau, 
i(. 1). Kay, 
J. r. Koier,sklp. 



S. Uallflcli, 
It. King, 
J. II. QoetlDg, 
..; Ur.Ualloob, aklp.... 
W. S. MoUraine, 
J. TUorapaon, 
.n'l'boa. Uood, aklp.... 

-.40 Toul M 

tujoniy ror TblatlCB, u abots. 
l-nitpM nm. AT lliuiLTON. iramtllon nitua. 

r. t). CoDDor, 
I', l^iaeog, 
W. J, llayooa, 

W. Forbes, aklp 

nomas Uounve, 
A. Kienilog, 
.N'. Ij. I'aiereon, 
J. 0. aibwn, skip. . 
w. II. mil, 

I). Carlyle, skip. 

O.T. Stark, 
>'. u. Mancbce, 
Air. ilayiTood, 
Joa. l.ugiillo, skip... 

J. Potilnger, 
U. KImalle, 
..16 u.U. «lllesple,sklp.,..10 
□eo. E. Ottes, 
C. \v. uanwifgbt, 
8. Kead, 

|{. U. Hamilton, Bklp...i; 

Jobn l.effgatl, 

W.J. (Irani, 

A. Qartsbore, 
..IS J.Kemor, skip 22 

O.S. Scott, 

R. Hotrlr, 

J. Uarrey, 
..17 SI.O. Bairogr,aklp....l7 

. Total !.) Total ta 

llajoiliy ror Proapeot I'ark, ; abois. 

Slutea Made of Olaas. 

"1 bellere tbo ileatta knell o( wooden and nwlal 
akstea baa beon mng," atld one ol tbe largeat 
■kate manaractnttn to an F;ogllsli reporter. 
"Streral praotlcal Inventors have been eiperlmeot 
log on itieso articles for yearn past, and ibe laleal 
result Is a slate made o( glass, bardened by a 
reeeaily diacorered process to tbe consistency or 
HieeL The cnilre skate la or ibia aubaunce, tbe 
upper part rcaembllng a Hipper, open beblnd, wiih 
aaplit Itamer 'lace-up' heel-cap. Among Hereral 
advanugeiiBts'.<dBre, tbai tbey are muob taster 
iban steel bUdea, and so e.\tremely slippery tbat 
ibey mil run almost equally well over rougb, snow 
corered Ice as npoo suioolb, and also glide 
eailiy over Inequalities, broken tirigs and 
otbtr obaincilons. Tbcy are made vary 
Bbaip, and owing to tbeir extreme bard- 
iiess It la Impoislblo to blunt tbem; and. nnlike 
Bteel skater, loey never want grindlog, and cannot 
mat. Tbese 'cryaial tkaiea' are really beaiiiKol In 
apptamnce, being nearly tianaparcni; ibe aub 
kiaoce bas, niao, wblle U tbe liquid tute, been 
vatlottly colored. Tbey have already beon prtrate. 
ly leaied. A fanons akallog cbaniplon recently 
iiied a pair at tbe Niagara Ice Hlnk, using mabog- 
aby colored one*, to avoid atttaouog notice, ibe 
iline being bardly ripe lor oxblblUon. A private 
itlal bas afao been made In Parts at an Ice link ez- 
ciiutvtly hired ror tbe occasion, sereial ladlei— 
among tbem a caiebmted l.idy (;onttnenul skater— 
taking pan; tbeIr skaiea were colored blue, otlffl. 
eon, lifovo, etc., to matob tbelr costumes." 


Cealai EreaU. 

Vni^i^'^' •■■»*' ''•^l •••"'^ 

kXS. Sirjjf' ■"•"* *«»^'i<« ><">l"f 
jJJ^''-»art«a Ttcbl Clob cpw raialla, Loog lalud 
Jaae M-AUaDlIc Taelil CM* uiaoal lantta, N.w York 
llS!l*85S;5y*"°" Spriail»».IM«l 
rajei toderead Uia BaansbaUOtnatbUa Tuht Olub- 

UadBMUI. lalanaad 99 tbow^LoniC 

Eilffll.'* Boral'lUfaUa, Uaalay-oa-TtuaiMk 

r«JiMfci^Jj5.'l!i.!!!f*! Cubieeood lanof miIh 
, f I!*'? " 'ootata-LMg {Imai Bouad. 

.-"Ii'lifc,^^"!."" ^"A' '<^'0> 'or >l imUi. 


sail so roolam— Loai lilanl tteaod. 
alM KliUl race for U nun •adsrtuun-tona laluil 
Am. II, ll-Ktllonal ABwelttlOD of Aaialaiir Oanmaa 

ntwaaad 9a Moun— Luni Uibi SouihI. 

MP> r-Lamlaioa t Yuhl aabraUnnlu.usl«l|hUi 
no ror 34 ntan asd s ftwian-UDi Iduil nouad. 

»VI„I*-LaitliauDl YtcbtClub anouil na r<ir Latoi- 
"■oftCop fnr idiooaan and coniolaUon no lor 94 nun 
and 90 roouia-Laog Iilaad Soood. 

Ciiaages In Yaelit RaelaR nales. 

Ibe Atltnllo Yacbt Oab held a meeting In Ibis 
city on Wednesday erenlog, Feb. 12, at wblcb seveial 
Impoitant anandmenii to Ibe ticlog rules ot tbeor- 
ganliaUon wera adopted npoa tbe anggeatlon of 
Jobn I.. Ullaa, obslrmai of tbe regatta committee. 
Tbe Int mle amended was Rule IV, tbe second 
paiagrapb ot wblob was altered to read aa rollowa: 

Aor yacht taurad la • daaa Id «bleli thin an ao 
oU«r aaivlM may sail la tba ooxt eUu aboT* litr owa 
eIsM wblcb aila, pnvldad ilia aaanmo ibo nloluan 
mMnnoMDl ot tbat clau. 

Role I on nags and nonben now teadaaa rollowa: 

Kacb aopMlOft yaebt ihall llr Uia ptlrau ilgaal at ' 

Dl#llDcal»hhia Bomban ira iwlnaad to each Mlllaa 
racM eorolM la tba claKaod publlihad is iheraclDir 
amnbarariliacaditlDlbadub book claaiBntkin. wbicli 
OBmbenmaaMprotlded breach yacht and hiiailaaod 
10 Um maloaall above iha rear polat*- 

YMditJoloUiarclubtvIll bafonilidiadwlibdlilioinilib 
loc ana) barn or lauura bj tba H^lu Commltua. 

Tbe amendmenta to Rale -Mil, wblcb laya down 
tbe counes, obange tba sianlnR line. Itnwdtobe 
lietween Buoy No. it, sear SwTnburae liland, and 
a atakeboat anobored aooibward and eastward oC 
tbe bnojr. la rutnra tbe lUrtlog line wlU be an Im- 
aginary one between Craven's Shoal Buoy and a 
BiakabestsDebored to westward ot aald iiuoy. All 
yscbta mnst cross tbia IIM, leaving the buoy on tbe 
port hand. 

Rule XVI, on starts and lalsbes, waa Rlruck en- 
ilrely oat and tbe tollowlag was substituted: 
Anauru rtall ba nybir- 
Tb« tlma at Iba atait aod flnlab aball ba takao vbaa lha 
fMtot roartiad by the loraaiut lo acboooora aad lha main. 
maaKlnaloala lotatad vaiMla aod jtwlM cmaaaji Ihalloe. 

irtblipolotiD aoj yaelii ba acrau ib« llaa «haiiihf> 
PfoparitanlaaalRoal Tor neb yacht la glrao, aba muai 
ntuRi aait laoroas Uia lloe. 

A racbt a« ntanilof or oaa wnrklas Into podtlun from 
tbe arooa aide or lha llDe.allar Iba lUrllBic aliaal ror 
aar dtu lui ht«n glnn,mDU heap clear or aod giva 

amy to all cooipellaR racfau- 

Btcti racbl meat croaa IbaaurilnglliiaanaTlbapi 
ntartlna alffaal Tor ibaclaaala wblch aba laaaiarao. 

A nooggv uaToii waa contested at the North 
Avonue Skating Hink, In Balllniora, Md., evening 
<if Feb. 14, between tbe Yale llnlvenlty and Jobiia 
Hopkins University teatiui, ilie resalt ot a good 
game being a win ror tbe visitors by a score oriwo 
goaU to one. 

A null uiLB ikailng race, ror ibe obamplonabin 
ot tba matlUme provlncca took place at Noi tb ttyd- 
ney, N. H., on tbe nlgbt or Feb. 10, ibe conteatanu 
being nitaon Dreed, or St. Jobn, N. B., and traitor 
Coonel, or riciou, N. S., and the rotmcr won lu 
am. 4a. . 

JaHgs HicoiBi. conceded tbo IVenob remale ilder, 
Ulle. Uaeite, seven kllomelrea. In a tane o( (irty 
kUomi.,at tbe Velodrome U'Ulver, I'ails, Fiance, on 
Feb. 1, "tlademolklle Uaettc, wbo waa aitlrtd In 
wblte satin milona s snd a wblle woolen Jacket, 
rode very slowly dorbig tba Unt ball o( toe dls- 
tauce, Ulcluel lapplug ber every (our or live laps, 
notwiibslanding tbat iba pace was not cat ont ao 
raaiu It mlgbt bava been. At tbe tblriy-aecond 
kllom. Ulcbael bad got back bis twenty-one laps, 
asd piling II on till tbe Bnlsb, won witb roar blloms. 
to spate. Tbo time (or (be Odj kUoms. was lb. Sol 
••osa. Botb Htcbael and LIsctte rode the Simpson 
ctals, bat it'a alleged menu did not come out In 
ellbar oC tbe perroimsacas on Sunday." 

(lioang BiKKsn, or PlliHbnrg, Pa,, la announced 
to uU for Raiope, Feb. lo, on tbe American Ime 
Meaner leailagiblaporiontbaidato. He wUlnde 
OiirlDg tba aeason nn tbe Continent, and will meet 
IToUn again In tbe ansnal race ror tbe world's 

Tn Ualveralty of reoo*ylTanla will be represent. 
«d St Ibe game* uf tbe rale University aad Oon- 
■weilcBt National Ooard, on March *,and alao In 
Ike college one mLe team laceattbe games or tbe 
laieisrbolaaUc Aibleilc Anoclatlou, at the New 
Maibaitan Aibletlo Olnb, In tblscliy, Hateb 2^. 

AnwatLi loadracecameeiroBtbe Isteitaken- 
Klbeioa conne. at Aabo/y Park, N. J.. Feb. 12. Nine 
ataned, and tbe winner toned up In Cbadea 
lupbael, Ocean Orore, jm. sdl statf, whose time 
was 3931. JobnH,D<7,scratcb, flnUbed second. 

Several minor cbanses were made la tbo details 
or regatta signals and tbe order or start. Therol- 
lowing pamgtipbbas been added to rule .\.\vil 

irlo lay claaa hatoaeyaditatanawucb yaehL aaarbar. 
laacamplalad iba caune aa above atatad. than baaa- 
tluid to a walkover prizaoroaahalr ILa value or lha 
prill oTTarad la that oUai^aod ir flva or nion rachu 
daitla one claaa, a aacood prlia o( ona-bairUio vaiuaoT 
Iboflnt prtu aball ba avaidad to Iba yacht aacood lo 
coniplale tba eeurae. ooiradad time. 

Will DanrmTea Apelaglse I 

V. Skene, ot Londoo, Eng., a peieonal friend o( 
Lord Dnnnven, wbo li now stopping In Boston, 
bas been Interviewed by one o( tbe Boston 
papeii. He Is credited wltb asying tbst, Inasmucb 
as Lord IMnnven Is a cool nan, wbo always sots 
deliberately, tbe cbsrgea ba brongbt against tbe 
Defender lyvdlcata were wall considered by bim, 
and ware founded upon what ha dimly believed to 
ba aotual (aots. Oooilnoing, Mr. Skene laid: "The 
Investigation entlnly disproved bis cbaigea. Tnls 
laavea only one tblng Cor me to sapposs, and tbat la 
tbat be waa groaaly nUurotmed. He scied open 
lorormallon uat be supposed was entirely irne, not 
bo msd« bij cbargea apon tbis Inlonnstlon only. 
Lord DonnTsn wuTapeloglte, I am sue. He can 
not AiTord not to. Be woold be killed In society, 
and besldn, with all bis eccenntcltj, be Is a tbor- 
ongta gentle man." 

Tai N'lw Tong Yaonr OLon held Its annnal meet. 
Ing and eMcdoaotontcers at Its club bouse In this 
cliy, on Tbiiisday BTeDlas, Feb. 13, one ot tba moat 
loieresUng eveiiti sohedoled being coosldenuan of 
tbe inpon recently snbrnlttad by lis speolsl com. 
minte appolatM to invesUgata tba obaices ad 
vanced by Daniaven. Oiptaln Ledyatd oOered a 
resolution calling for lha resignation or tbe IrUb 
Earl (com Ibe role or bonoraiT membenblp of tbe 
club, bnt before action conid In taken Secntair 
Oddle read a ineaaage tiom Unnraven wblcb stated 
tbst Isiten were In transit for tbe club. Plerpont 
Horgan ssgieeted tbataoilon on tbe Udysrd too- 
loUOB be deferred nntllsucb time s* tba teit of bis 
"Lordablps" commnnlcaUons oonid be plaoed bo. 
fore tbe club, and In rcaponse to bis saggeatlon Ibe 
olub decided to postpone aoUon for two week*. 
Tbe eledlon rcsullec thus: Commodore, K. H. 
Brown; vice commodore, Uenir 0, Ward; rear 
commodore, Lewla Utn Ledyard: aecietaiy, I.S. 
V. Oddle; treasurer, F. W. J. Hunt; measniar, 
John Uyilop. 

TUB Inrerlake Vaobllng AasoolaUon mat In an- 
.oal sesHoB at Detroit. Hlota.. Feb. it, Ibe election 
lesnlUng tbns: Oonnodore, Qeoiie II. WoitblDg- 
ton, or tieveland: vice commodore, 0. J, IJobten- 
borg, ot Detnti; nar commodore, Beniy Tracy, of 
Toledo; fleet captain, Oeorge Bliss, ot Mle; sscit- 
tar; and treunitr, Flsnk It. Fray, of Toledo; meas- 
aier, Joseph lleebsm, of Toledo. TVe anaoal re- 
gatta wu set for tbe Irat week In Augnst st Pat-lo- 
Uay, Late F^le. 

TBI NanlUus Boat anb, of tbIs city, will be tbua 
olllceied daring tbe cosning year: Jobs Tbompaoo, 
prafldeni; Lester IL Kent, vice president ;aeorse E. 
Bmlib, tieasurer; llany J. Dora, aecreiaiy; Walter 
Urintbs, drat lleatenait; Henry Vanelmann, second 
Uentenaat; IL K, EauBlns, capuln. 

TBI navenawood Boat (.'lali, ot tbla city, will be 
omcered tbua during IIM: Fmident, J. J. Hods- 
sbao; vice presldeat, Lonl* Ooyer; nnanolal eecre- 
lary, W. Bpeatb; recording secretan, T. II. Weeks; 
iieaaurer, J. W. Kennedy; captain, /. A. Uiay; lieu- 
tanani, F. J. Lougbras. 

Tai Dflxbniy (Haas) Vaobt Club bekl Its aninal 
meeting last west, ibe rainlt being tbe choice or 
these oniceia: Commodore, Helbogme McDowell; 
vice commodoR, Join A. Irwin; aecreiaiy, D. Ii, 
Dovereaox; titassror, A. E, Ureen; measurer, J. IL 

Tas Knickerbocker Yacbt CInb.ol this oily, will 
he omcered aafoUowidurtni INS: Voomodoie, J. 
II. BUlaid Jr.; vice commodore, a U. Iiavis; rcsr 
commodore, A. F. luper; tnasurer, Oeorge II. 
Cooper; secretai7,i.U.HIiiklnaan; mesauier, Oeo. 

Coaaoooss CBiaiaaCATiis. praaldaot or tba KalloaU 
Aaioclalloaor AmalaorUaniaiaa. baaapfuloKJ lha li>l- 
k>«log ngalla camoilllM: Rabart H. Nloa, IrooUri. 
N v., cbalHoaD: Wlltltm O. Jonp. Dilmll. Illcb. : Jluaa 
filkloiun. Xav Yoia ; il«>rgaw: biajuiall, pblbdaWila: 
Jaa. B. Dojle, Boaua, Kau ; Fred B. Foitmajar, New- 
art, M.J. 

Tas gaalara Yarbt noK or Boaloa 00 F.b. II 
dboMlbaaaoincanroria*!: Otainodor>.WIinun Armory 
Oaidlaar; vloa aomiadoia, llaaiT W. laaob: rjarooB- 
noloia. Asgaataa Uwnaawarj aaerauir, WlUiaio I. 
Katoa Jr.; inaaiinr, Patrick T. Jaekien; naaiunr, 

Tea Zasum Tacit Clob, or BmIoi, Maaa. baU Ita 
>BBDa] aaallog Fab. II. aofl aleetad olBeare Ibaa: rooi. 
mudan. Wluum Aaorr Oaidaar; vica cooDodora, 
Uair w. Laab: raaraiaaiodon, Ananilaa llaoaawtr ; 
••mtaT, WUllaai t. Eaton Jr.; tmaaarar, Falrleir. 
Jaskajo: maaaorar. Haaiy Taigajd. 

Tib raU'i Polal Tacbl Clab, of BallhaanL Md., 1; iboa 
ollearad: i/oala B. Italaaeacbl. praaldaot: Jobs Jaraa. 
viae piaaUaal: John rbllrlp. irenltrr: Charlaallatb, 
taaac4al aacmaiy ; Joba Lably, inaianr. 

Thk raaank (L.1.) V«,-kiriab vlll l« Uiui ailleara-l 
ihlaratr: ('harl«« 0. Hart. ri>niiiirtjnr«; Tnok V. Ue- 
Oaa h i H , vira comra tdora; K,laanl Moltarllt, doaorlal 
■oeraur?; John TAjlor. racortllog aacra'arr; Jatnra K. 
Alaiaadar, uaamrar; u. T Bigl.y Jr., niaaturvr. 

Tag ItugurODl Vacbt flalt.or Ihia oliy. will iHt'ihiii 
onirwrad durtog l:m; i:oninladi,r^,Cli«rl«aWliaon; ilea 
aonmodura. U. M. OAonollr; rear cuntmodijT*, K. K. llor- 
kau; aariaUrr, B.T. Harivlay; traitnrar, A. Lauk-ita. 



Tke Bad Condition of Maker's Kyea 
Caaaaa a Poalponaineat^Tlie Vlfftit 
Saw Fixed fbr Friday of Tlila Wrfk, 
Tbe pasisge at aroia betircen Hob IHuliuronns 
and Peter Malivr, wblrh w.h In bnvo taken place 
iin Friday, Feb. It, waa poaipiioed owing to a^ tv- 
cuirence tbat waa cnliRly unoxpecteil. iin tbo 
ovtnlngcf Feb. l-'i a iioUco waa poateil alwiit Ki Paso, 
Tel., reading Ibna: "Owing tua tenipoiary airccllon 
at Feier Uaher'a eye,< Ibo conlcsl will bavr tii be 
postponed a fewda)K" This cniiEod bitter dlnp- 
polntmenl to ihe naiemtilcd aiiotis, ond eapeclally 
toibou who plnneil their ralili nu Ihe Cell, but a 
pftilponemcntwaa agreed to alter Julian and File- 
Simmons hnd exarulnftl llio ryes or Ibo Irlati Isd, 
wbo arrlvcil la tbe city fruiii l-ii* Crucea early lu the 
evening. Ul.'i eyes wets ilgliHy flosed, and he wnre 
a iireeii ibade over them. Over the green shado 
waa a traveling cap wlUi tbe vlsnr piillod down 
close upon tbs iioao to prevent the llglit tmin mnk- 
Iggblaeyea. He was compelled lo nilow l^)noelly 
agd Mall lo guide bini to tbe carriage, as be waa 
usable to open bis eyea The carriage was quickly 
dilTentoalllilebrlcKballillng^n an alley Jiiit oir 
tbe llaza. The newapaper repreaeulallvea were 
KtDt tor hy Connelly, and Uancr'H ojcs were In- 
spected. Tney were rtwollen almost abut wltb niild 
fmiu the coroem. A nilalog ot iliollda allowed 
that the ayehalla were gfaily luiuiutd. U«liiT bus 
beeo iralalng la an okl adolio rink at I,es i.Tucaa. 
Tbe dust waa ao thick whea bo waa going ihrongh 
Ills tralnlog tba; vieliora couiplulncil of It, 
agd warned Habcr agAlBst conilnulug work In an 
atmosphere of dosu Suartay ogo or hia eyes bejia n to him. Tueiday both ryes were siTooiod, and 
a condition ot tbe dgbter kept gclilOK wnrvo until 
he could not see. bhber'a Irouole Is not uncom 
mon to tbat region. Tho alkali dual creaica an Ir- 
illallon ibat leaulta In lilluilnean and great pain, but 
It usually passes nwrt; In a week or ten lUya. An 
smy surgeon who cvauilneil Uaber'a ryes hIiI ho 
thought ihty would l« well In a week. Dr. Van- 
dell, city health onicer, wbo looked at Ilie luir.^rur, 
•aid Mahcr woold not bo alilo to enter a ring tor a 

Julian and PlIxalmnKiiin were sput Tor aa soon as 
Uaher was placed In a room, luiih cxaiiilnnl Ibe 
aufferer'a eyes, and txpresaed Iliclr aympatby ror 
bini. Julian and Hack Connelly dlMuaaed ihsluruu 
or poslponement. Tho couference ended nt a Itte 
hour. Julian then announced ns rollowa: "1 have 
agreed to give Mabtr onlll Huii<lay to gctKcll. 
FIttalmmoas will be prepared In Hgiit any iliiie at 
tlx bonis' notice between nowaiiriilien. lailllrc- 
aerve our right to claim tlie ruircltol (l.oui, aiiJ 
ivIU not asy at this tlmo wheiiier wo will cIhIiii Hint 
money or not." Un Sunday, lu, hnwover. It waa an- 
Donnccd tbat Ibe ntayalclau who had iiecnaiiciid- 
log Maher derland tbat ho would not lie able to 
enter tho rlDff \nlon Friday of ilie riirrent week. 
Another coorerence or ibc hlirii iroiitmctlcirpanlra 
was held IT. and tbo followlog lelcgrittii gives a full 
account or ibo procctdlogs at lliat llino aud Itie lO- 
aiilt arrived at alicr a very alonuy aesalnu: 

Tbe conference was liclil In piilillr, Julian 
iipened It hy declarlai! tbat "l-'ii/." waa ilirro, ready 
lodgbb lAinnelly aild Mabercoiild notl1gbi,ab.i 
ssled Jollan to conunt to a imaipoueinciii. The 
latter reruKd to dbicu,>i a po4ipnneniriii or the 
dgbt ontll the iineatlon or tho f i.oimi bad hi'eii aei- 
tled. He waa ready. The articles aalil iliai ir 
either party was not ready lie wini'il rurfvit e l,itt>i. 
Uaber waa nut ready, and he (litllan) wantcil 
lliemogey. When thai bail licen aeilled lie could 
discgss any new propoallinn lliat ilie Uaber inrlyor 
DauSloarl wished to niabo. IVmuelly goliiiad ag<l 
accused Jgllan or only wanting llio f\,«00, and 
Fliz for wlslilgg to secure a lllllo cheap glorr. 
This made Fllr. mad, and bo called the whMO 

I. ns Cruces crowd, from Ualtur down, a lot 
or cun aud welctitni. Connolly told hlin llicrc 
was nothing ciinldi about Peter; lu facl, be 
thoagbl Uaber wouhl have a aort ililag of It wllb 
Fliz; wborenpon Fli/. oifered to bet tl,i«u Uat 
Jollan could lick Connelly Inalde tuur lonnda. 
''Ob," modestly aald c-jnoelly, "I'm no Ogbtar." 

No," rejoined Fli/, "you're a Ultler and a welch- 
er." Tben, turning to the crowd that packed the 
lilg ofllce, he lald: "It's all oiT: there will bono 
ngbl. Tbe cur doem'l want tn ggbt, and the; aro 
tiTlngtosklnme oot or ^l.uoo. tientlciiien, that 
lilgstlirtbere, Corbeti, can get a Oglitaiiy time he 
wants It, anywhere, for any money. I non'i bar 
anybody. I'll dgbt any man In the world ror any 

The crowd cheered, and FHz left the mom. Julian 
then returned to a dlacusalon of Ihrlrcaso. Con* 
nelly gndoubledly wished to dwlgo lliu payment ot 
tie forfeit, aud Jallan knew il Tho latter ohio 
knew he had ibe tieat ot that part ot tbo nrgumuot, 
and slock to It. Finally Connelly dochired ha would 
Dotpsytba (1,000 anyhow. He bud no reason for 
not paying It. He limply declined lo dn ao. Julian 
aald a few bsnb tblniaabont tbe I'litsbiirger's hon- 
esty, snd, turning to Stuart, said ihe Texan would 
have 10 be teeposalble tor the money. Dan retiiKd 
to accept tbe leapooslblllty. Julian told Ooiiiielly be 
wonid agree to lire men being picked wbo would 
decide wnather FIti bad a right tn the $l.uou. Von- 
nelly demaried at. Irst, but Julian odered to letilie 
PIUHburger pick tba men lilosell. HoroapiiUuBe 
from the crowd and anolber anag ror tbo llahor 
party. Connolly retaaed to pick ihe uiod. hut 
would agree It Hluart did tos picking. Julian 
agreed to llihi and went further- lie afao agreed, 
no msttsr what lbs result waa, whether be got Ilia 

II, 000 or not, to Oght Maher Friday. More ap 
•lauae. Stuart nalected Oeorge Slier, Ihe referee; 
Tom O'ltourke. tlo slakebolder; W. W. Naugli- 
too, l.igls llomman and Hugh FliTEgcrald. 
Stuart waa selected to explain mallen to Ibo com- 
mlttea and It went Into aeaaliin. Tho result wua not 
reached tor ten nlnutes, wlion Ihe comraltiee ro 
Inmed, and It irai announcod that tbo srilcles ur 
sgreemeni wera abrogatedlait Friday, when nelllier 
man entered tbe nog, and thererore ilie commlnee 
decided neliher nun waa enililed to a rorfelt sfur 
Ibat dale. Tbs vote of Ibe coinmltlee waa ugaul- 

Julian never felt more crrtnin of anything lo hia 
lite than tbat the committee wonld decide he waa 
entiued to tlie tl ,0x1, Tho declainn seemol lo atun 
blmtoraBecond.andhlaface turned all the colon 
In tbe rainbow. "Dock"amllcd uomiilsccntly, and 
tbe crowd gave a lew blaacs. At wion aa Julian re- 
gained bis senses ha turned tn Stuart aud aald: 
"Then you see ibst Hahcr'a ll.iKu la up tor bliii 10 
dgbt fur Friday, and I'll ho there with my man." 
Connelly agieed lo put up another ll.iun to In- 
sure Hluart, and tba conference broke up, wllb 
>1tz and Julian Block alMvepar snd Connrlly'arep. 
ntallon lomewbat laltercd. Julian afterward de- 
clared be considered be got tbs worst or tbe com- 
mittee meeting. Stuart explained there waa api|. 
wate agreement between tbo Oghtera and tbo man- 
agers wblcb bad never been made nubile. When 
Ihe committee tret got tngolhcr It waa almoat 
iinanlmaualy In favor 0' Julian, but when the pri- 
vate agteement was explained It put adlircrent 
face on niattem, and II cmild not ei|Ultalii; de- 
cide In Jallan'j fivor. TbIs sgreeoeot, by the 
way, wa* made to evade tbe law, and li silll a 
secret or agreed by tbe comndttee not to male 
It public. Tbe old articles between smart 
and FItz and Maher were amended lo ii:ah« 
Ibe date read Feb. 31, and wen signed 
by Julian, Vonaelly and Stuan wlihin twenty 
minutes. Maber'a eyes were so much tieltor tbfa 
motuing tbe abide waa taken oir. and to-morrow 
he wlU begin active tnlnlog. Connelly aaya the 
iineattonofcogdlllonlinotihe principal uuo with 
Maher now, nnr will It male ao much didereme. 
Ue expecu tbe tight to lie a abort and forloua Imt. 
lie. atld will not last much mora tlisn Ave rouuda. 
It It laita Ibat losg or goes much farther, bla man 
will bettadlaadvantage . 


cosuif o ■vium. 

P«ti. S-CumMQV I. Twtirth IUiIqhoUN. aS. K.T. 
inJ WVMKU* AibltUfiClab Jolall»lgor |uiU|Wmoi7. 
K«» York air, 

t6b. 7;-l^ilitl«l|>hU (I'A.) rftlcntlooUa Club Ixloor 

Kfii XT-UTluilon r«DelnB eoatnt, tMnii, BbHOap, 
Niw Yurk Alhrvlie riub. 

tl«n ftnnufti liiJoor Kuawk knnonr or PouTtMDlh IU|I' 
Uf ot, N. 1). H. H. Y.lbooklrii, " 

A R«r«Uilloa of FacU and Dmttt* 

The yeKJTtrjf fwnraetor and uatfUt. 
tH CLirrMB Af!«riL for LW. IIIuMraivJ, lil>9r«r«ni. 
Iirlibur, cruifr nwf rri'ltu. if \Xm. \m mmIUI*. 
■lihAeomplutlaBor vportloi »t*oU ihaD«r*rb«r(iT*. 
IlimfiMtmrof Ulailratl'poiftn'l ti«ir li.oa oaU. tfip- 
plof Ita* cllBM iBphotuirtptilrwi*! Mufimfiart. T^• 

Nwi dtllr iTbio'ft rvll^l'l* r«rfr«ac«iDd cemp*mlloiii 
oriboaponlORUid thwirlcAlvrtolatir out oulr Um pk't 
fMr. tnter <UU«»i n<«arriae«a prior. TolLslUsl- 

iaituA fponlBi vorbl Tin AmtiLiisitroUlloo of 

PvvtnilUorillitlBKalatarA ThHpUni. 

Thi Ci.irTB» knsx Ai. Ufonor r«oof.N*ccS u •iwr 
■portion Dttn r«<iulrai, Ibo nftD/ Oat p«niuu ofilli- 
UoiaUMd Uitn'luii. 

March 7— Aoiual laSoor dihUbp of Iht TftU I'alrtftl 
ly AUil«iio A«jwei»Uuo ftod (3»anMileat KkiloaaJ tiuuU, 
Hfcuoil Hauinitot Armor}, N«« Hrt0D, Ol. 

Marrh lw-Ihi«rclub tvoviag eontpaililoB, N«w York 

March S-t-UnlTArnllr of PtDoarlruU opMlof Pprlog 
hioaicap llfhl urellof, rhlUilal(i))(v Fa. 

Arrl) 4— lavltailun i«dcIo| conipoUUon, rMC«n' Onu, 
Mow Vuik. 

April xt-P«ncloir fomrtllUoo, HoaliK Faootn* Cluis 
Ka« York. 

April tt-l*nlT«r«lir of r«aairlTMl« Moootl 8i>riDV 
luUsiirapdahlmteilDi: lttUreull«|laU u«l lOltrMliOlu 
lie r«iay ra.-«a. l*hlloilelpht»t fa. 

Maf r-JaTlikittMi (Miolof ooBlantt Saw York AlhUlIc 


Majr Ic-Diul n«M mattlOR. Ilarraf^l l'nlT»r«ltj t«. 
t'olToi'liTDrraaaaytTHU, I'talMalphlK, 1'a. 

U*y Xi.lai*rcull««Ui» AihUtlo AMoclaUon unaat 
cliinipliKi>hlpn«hl tnMiinff, N«« York. 

Jaiif )7-->(vlll*>h Auialrur Alhlalio A*ii>c'illoDCkkm' 
i>:aatiaiil|i titltl utMilitff, AUaharfh. 

July «— Aiiitif ur Ainlaile Uoioa lodlvMnal all anaoJ 
cliKiui'iuanfilpcomptlUloa, Ktrtvo I^ll0l, N. J. 

The AltaletM of Old DmwM. 

Au ludoor compsilUTO mouUDg wubolil «l Brown 
Unlvciilt;, I'rovldence, R. I., on Salurdfty evonlog, 
Feb, 16, Ibo contcsit mulUoff m foUow: 

/v/7nii (/nnM 11(11.- WoD bv 1>. K. O'firttn.lU; 
S. A. UHi-umber, *«rt, Mcoiid; F. K. I^tte IM, tbird. 

I'vui- niwihra uita/iniu yartlt ritn,— Won br K 
A.&MockvcIl, 'W. V. K.Tiri, fw, aacQnd;U. K. Olin, 
m;, Ibtrd, tymn, UK. 

j'lHihui mm k/io/.-Wod \\j p. k, Bmlib, im. 
icrAivli, :>T(i. iMn. 

Slnyh' filik itiM/m/.— Won lijr T. 0. PhlDDAj, "M, B 
pulnta; 0. 8. Utiunblit. *0ii, 6 wilnlit tocooil. 

P^iinwi coniriU.—Vfon Uv 0. K. Onfrhlll, DO, A and 
3 jKiliiiH; U. K. lIutlnoD, », !> and a points, wcoud. 

Itiiiiuiiiu hti/li Jiimii.—V/tia bf H. A. HoUoniMr, 
"iM, &rt.ti.\iD.; a\. A. UArrova, Olo,, 6rt.8Mo., 

nuaio rtw.— Won by flreon. '»7. WH*. 
/>v/ii(r.~Uliambflrlaln, *»), and Mllt«r, *»T, dnv; 
HtihliliiH, MT, t>Ml Jniiea, NT. 
/fr/;xt (f/iti£f.~\Voa bj lliillArd, '07, 13\k.; <iunn, 

Ut, bCCUBd. 

.\N B.MUHirtOK MACXIT MiTCM WM playiril Bl lIlO 

courtnor the ItomoD (Maw.) .Uiilotic AwicUilon on 
h'rldny irifrnoon, Feb. 14, Ihe cuiileaiaittt h«log 
(henoicd export, Cleorao Htiiidlofs of No ir York, 
and Tliomia reiiim uf Iho Clly * uf IlvaDa. Hjo 
runner l« concedm lu l>o iho tiotler pU}or uf the 
in'u, and lio |Tnv« liH oppoiif nt an exim bund, 1 tie 
littndlrH]i, howcTtr, pruvlnu mora than ho muld 
L-onccdd. r<ir llifl nwn nl Ibo cloao waa l&— I* 
l.',-li, i;-):> lu fivonif r«ullt. 

Till ADUiial WlDMrmeoHuHot ilin Vale fnlvendlj 
Alliteilo Aftioclailon and ilio i^uutfulluiil Nitiloiml 
liiiHrdhiu lio lirld tliU Tvar un Unri'li at ilic 
iiniioiy or ihu Htrond llrKloent, Sew llavvD. Tbo 
proRrommo eiiibncoe liiu uuaiomarr ewuM, nod ibe 
entrance fee tu eicbnpun event will Ihi (iriyceniH, 
whirh imiai ncmmpAny Iboenirv. Kntrloa dono nn 
Ft*i>. 'j;, Willi I,', (ililetie, a.v> While llall, New 

TiiK ASNt'Ai, HAi'R r«irthe UldlAndOountlm Junior 
CroM Country clntDplonildpoameoiTa! Noritiam|) 
inn, Knir.. ri*>>. I. Tho diriliiiiro wan aliitut Mfrn 
nillPM, ivi) niliON Hnd a hHir i«lng ran over iliu 
rlnder rtiih HiimmndlnR Ablioy I'^rk and Fmnklhi'a 
(iiinltiii. Tbo Nurihrtuiiilou niid I'uuniy A. a\.0. 
won b; tweniy-elRliL ptilnia, tt, J. Hoblnsun fluUb' 
Uivnrflt, hi :i<iiit.bU9, 

W. J. JxKKiHMM. 811 aniAtuiir Qtlilfllf, who gnlnvd 
conilderai>lu reituiAtbiu ai » i rrm I'nnnirT raaner, 
and wlui warioboof ilieorgHOlMriiuf Iho KlogHtowo 
llaro Hhd IIoudiLi. In Irrland, dlotl at hU Mddonro 
In itilR «'lty iiD Fob. Ki, from piieuiiionlii, aged 
Uilrtj-elght joan, 

TiiK ttunoral Aiblello AuouUUon of Jnbu Hop 
ktDM UQlvenlly. lUIUinore, Md.. baa naepied Hie 
luvliatlAU lo cQltr a toini In ibo lolerrnlloglalB relay 
nFicoM Hint aro lo tako plane Id Pliludulphla, l^., 
April aj, tindtr lUu ftiupkoi of tbe rolrviBllj ol 

A BfX'U.ND (lAUk In Ihn iKrlei for ibe AnnrlaUon 
fiHiibHll cliamiilonHhln wai played by itio trainaof 
Ibo InleraaUnoal Albiello Oliil>, Jeraoy Otty, and tho 
HuolUkti AriiorluD Albiello Clnb, Newark, N. J., the 
Liller viDOliiff by a scoro of four (oata lo one, 

Tub Colunit»lB Albiello tlub. of WaHblDgton, U, 
U., laai week rlecled Uie rollowlng oiilccni for tbe 
uoMulnir ypiir: rrcaldent, A. <lriini; viro preHldoot, 
J)r. W. H. King; ireaaurer. It. K. Boll; captain. UH. 
Weill; UeultiiHDtN, C. I). Nulau and Ubarlea Baker 

TiiRTwoiiileib Annual IntonwUonal UuRby foot- 
inll nalch l»etweea t*ie ploked playera of KnjtuDd 
and Ireland waa contealed at Uede, Kti$., Feb. 1. 
the roiuli iiebiR In favor of tho vUltore by » Kom or 
leo poioii 10 rour. 

KoRTv-KivK cAodldatoafor inemt>onihlpln ihe Oo< 
lumbU tA)llege track team aro ouw in trkiologlD 
Ihe Uanbutiao Aihlellc Club gyranaaluni la ibia 
clly. under ibe direction of CapL Fearing. 

TnRir!iiTMpHrATinKiKt.uTHiiuiCi.ra haM ikalrnnb 
BDDua. irUU al W«il roint, Mlai., Vmlt. S-T, «Ilh tlilN ro- 
ftilt: riilaUrlHrby, Tor pupplaa «bel|i«tl on aod aflor 
Jaa. I, lFtn-4niartnti««tlllo Konoara duK Wraaltar won. 
Nab(iOi*cund, f{I|iaav third, Tiiry Jaaaaiiilna reorOi. flia- 
tor Hiia null. K«lt«r Darlir, for Mllara wli«<p«4 aOar Jan. 
I. lllldicoek'AdoR Tury Kaah oii voo, llarwlck 
MKoDd, MarlA'H Hport ihlrd. Hob Taylur Tuurtli, Aec«lo- 
raiidonrui. I'ulaivrHukM, fur polBlor« uf all&iM llial 
n«var vuo anr all as* aubaaat aoy raeoanlud dald irlaU 
In Anarlca— Oliirliiliearllla tCoDnal'ii ilny Tippo •oo. 
Tamarack Jr. MKOQd. V»n nulMbIrd, JIdro foiirili. 
rt«!il Diana lirUi. P«u«ra UMhu, coRdltloiia fan* a« for 
jHilDiani-N. T. llarrU'duR Tony Ihiv won, Torr IhrfUl 
a«cood, Tory Kaiblua thlnl, Lady Mildred fuBrib, Titaya 
Ualo rrui. 

■THaA.\.it:tAL iDtnraatUHiil pitfana abonllDa toarDamonl 
atHuiUMftTio toijiiiiiDcod un Kol*. I, and wu ■illl In 
pruKr*>aoo iliadaia iirour lawt mall ailtlua. Tboliii 

Pinaat flxturoarhcnilecldvtl w«re *on aa fullo*: (Iraod 
rlx du Caalott— M. Jnuraii kiltad taolv* blrdM,aQd wud 

Cuniu (lijollaad M. La dlTdlril aecood aotl llilut prltv^ 
and fourtn waa dlTtd«d hr HlRDnrl UalomU>, Olira and 
Calail. PriK D'Ov«r>uro-H. Ovarl woo. M. Vordavatoaa 

look Hcond prut and II. J. fPibrria third. Unnd Foul* 
D'RmI-II H. ■■•fRBi* woo. M. Farcard Mood, (Jouot 
TrautimtoadoriTUilrd anil M. llorodaKkl rr>iirili. 

TiiK vr iii.'vptcii' of lha HaltfiDora (Md.) hIimUbk Aa- 
aAclalloo waiakotat llio ffronoda ot (lie aMuclaliun tm 
fab. 17, tlia cooitat rafulllBK In Uia nae«r«t of Oajtt A. W. 
JJooar. fall aeura ImIoii 31 uat of S ahol ai, which waa 
ff'iaannd bj CapL Brawrr, but, a« tho Utiar h out a man- 
lier of tha olub, bn «idM ooicAinpaia for ib« illvpr Iptpliy. 
Tha purve waadlfldrd balwaan Ihom. MoiiaralOMlil 
twcDir nloa raid'. Willi* Hrewar atood at tliirlr yard'. 
Tha Liliar »oirMw«r«: UiaridaiL 30yda., 23; O.A.Hacal- 
••l«r,3i)da.,3i; KloffMrtiry, 3^fda, II. 

A. ir. KiAH. or Hltubur*, aad Dr. B. If. (Tuodall, nt 
Waahlniluo.aaiiaied la thalr aaeond pliaon ahnvt, no* 
hiindrad birOn urh. for aaiakt.atlli* fnrnitr plan- Fab. 
13, wb«n III* local aboutar rarariad tha fumMr tordlct by 
wlaaloK by a aeorw or f I tif «. 

Tns fjilllard naich Utwaan OaUtRhar aad Hplolra (■ lo 
)t coaiodad al Ilia AiiillLDrliiiii Itaalial llall, la Chlcaio, 
III , vu 111* aTanlDMOf yab.2i. 

Tlie Deai DramAlle Ifandlioeki 

From TM< Xne Vort- prru. 
Thi rLirrm A^tsciLli ih* baaiof rfrtnl addllhfniln 
dranade haadb<HikB. It eoataloa a lirt uf iba larluoa 
play* prvducad durluR Irt4, Uinilitr wlili a tiriif awuot 
or oiicJi, bavidai oiher lUui or loioraai aad loronoailoB. 
Atlracllve and Complet*. 
f/oM The. feu yurk/ifrald. 
Tha eorraot ouBil*ar of Tfia Nbv York CupriA Av- 
Vi-ji. CMnta ra ll« uautl ttiraellf* and Minplala roiDi. 
Iia tid pagat e*atalii ao •aunnoiik maaa of chronulog letl 
and aiaiitllcil lflr>rnianr>n, cororlnv Ihaitrlral and 
aboninx avania durlay IHU, I'lualln aad aihlallc t^r- 
rorffaacaa. rarlnK aod irutllair rtcvrda, Uaf UlUcrkbat, 
bllllartli. tic, and a roll Hat ur all lli« Ijoitparruruiaona 
lo all daparlowou ufaporl, IfOUi al brmia aad abrt«d. 
DrUilao Willi iBferoallag Data* 
ynm Tke \tio Ymk Httn. 
Dfantllcand ■pnrtlnjidfrniaa* will find a rued ut op 

toOalalorntUillloO lO TUB MkW YoUK CUf riH A.^IL'ai. 
rurlWti, TTiarolunia brlillaawlih laioroillngdata. rtc- 
t nl* ntrJ cb rur •d'<s leal llama. aQ<l It InraluaVlo aa a book 
r r«r«rtae«. It U haod>«ni«ly UHiad and carafally ad- 
TliO illaaliallnoa ara nuiDorwna aod wtll aalactad, 
ihuM bt M'ol•^^ Kllpairicb, (.'liu«. Hwa«Hr aad ilardl- 
nar. lha aualaur aiwitlog caltHHiaa, LtlOi* tfpvclally 

Valoable Colleclloa ernecordB. 

rmrn Tht Xne J'orl Zraifav^an. 
Tbr ri lM'ta <(.Mt'iLrfrrlM,wltbl(aTaln»hl«eolt*«- 
Uoa u( r»u>rda nod iiiUfOlUnf^a* larorraatka, haa baaa 
puMI«h«>l. IbiM lataat auiiibar U la kat|rloi with pravl- 
oui Tvliinaa, 

Vflll aad Complele* 

frm Tht AVw y«rk Prru. 
Alfoqt ili'a lino of Ui« yoar iho aporllnf vilo'ailiiniBhia 
lurnioTHB Ci.irraa Ak^ii aL Tnia paUleaiutt lor IM 
baijn*tliff«a laauod, Il la aamflUot toaay Ihal tba cur- 
ffiLi nooirwr la rallv up v> Ibo Mali aKadard of lU ^rtdo- 
caiaor*. It II lllvatrBlad band aonalr. aod la tJi* mattar 
of rawrda aod iDi^nui bappaa)a|a it la riUisd evn- 



Wllaalagtoa.^At tbe ar«Drt opom llouao 
OI|k Ntibtrwla, le *'D*nla«." draw a Urea aadlaBca Kab. 
II. Kali Banaaa. Id "rbaCoDBty Fair," |day*d loa f«ry 
laif* bonae 11 "Pandlaa Allay" la doa 19. 0. "Boeale 
BeotluJ" 11, "MtCanlif'a MI«hapa"tWo«nit. In 'The 
Htar Uaiar.** 17: "For Fair Vlrilola" Harch I. 'On the 
Mlial«ri>|»(A 4, •^llbi" ». 

BuoO.— Roaa irdall'a Loodoa Ballea did incd baalnaea 
13*lft HoaaJnilliyCn., In "Kwlak." bail aUrfa atdltnco 
In opaalot 17-I9. 

ViiNPBRUnD.-MBBaiBr DoTkaiadar edkr* lb* follow. 
laRaironRiilllibfvaakoriT: Lacturahall— MIKaraUkva* 
FIf Clmua and llabaaha'a Tuiklih tmupo. Tliaaiia— 
HImmoaa and IUnoiim*a MlntlnK Ineludlai Uvntin- 
nious Brllllaat Uiurtoita. Wllla aad Barron, Finn atd 
Mack. llBBlltoB &ud llanillioB, aod Mila Ptnchollo. 


Oallae^Al the Opun Uouno'Tbe 1>DTnado," 
Pab. 10, II, dM (kirly. Ilaory B. Dliay cataa lu Kt»t»1 
boalaaui It, U. Lawla Morrlaoa 11, U, "A Br*«/y Tiiiiit' 
IT, -Frloeda" Hi Knta BlUlar tl, tt. 

Oahi* BmiBr.-Twtit Cailtoa. NIaa tHinon, Loary and 
Han, Pay llarftU, Pavy Barraii, Kaia Laajrov Hianl^y 
Broa tQao. Pranra, Lola Bmoiid, J. A. Halawaitr. Bull- 

tiaa TuiATRB.~MIUuit aod Niton. Ja<iu» KhlrklM, l.a- 
Tada Maura. Kiity ilraat, Baraay Klyun. Uot Plahar, Ulii- 
ala Borha. Biialnaaa Biwd, 

PENNSYLVANIAr-l^ i'»g« '^I 

Alleaf owa.— Coming atiraoUoDi at ibo Acadf- 
rayaroJaaai Ralloy, In "A Uotman Sukllor," P«b^ W; 
■■rrllby-' IM. BebMt lllllianl, lit "Loai-M llottn." B). . 
MloarTaBDitw pnitaatad "NIvbtV 11. lu a lair aliad audl- 
aaro. "ThaConaty ralr," wlih NaiiBurcfiaaa Abigail 
Prua. dnv a nill bwuae "FaratliBjAiioy/'wIiha Lii*t 
ol bid laiurltaa, |>Mkad i*ir hudaa Ift. 


ALLBJf T. IMliwoHTil, who. ni\y yoara iro, waa tha 
laaaar ( iDidaorih'a fkmoui band lu Ihlariij-.dlnl Frb. 
11^ athlabotue lo I'aaadana.Cal, rroiu pnaauioala. Tha 
dtooaaad, wbo waa about tlgbiy yaaraoraio, aaaloia lu 
Shtinold, BBjr-,aad, aloni wllb falabioiLor llaiiry. waa 
LtouRbt to Ihiacuuniry bj htaiaih«r.Tl.ii|iiaabudtourili. 
Altliuuak only atHHl aiihl yaira ol at* Allao waa iiutiv a 
HiUklciaa, and he and bia fkilior b«caiHo luamliara ul tha 
Indapendant Haoil, wiiien thoo jdaioU at i^bU* tiarilan. 
Altltaaia of Bnaon i-a onrantaail \hn Natluoal Hraaa 
Hand, khicli aftarwaid oaiiin In l>a kutuB aa llc«l- 
■uitt«'«,aad ul which lia waa itiiithiiiiur. Illafalhtrand 
brulkor llarTay, who iita )rora hu Junior, 

wera niaiuiiara uf ihla uiRanltailuu. I'ur a tiloa It 
waKilini«ultUirtli«o«w baiiU in ubiaiu |-uyoia. Iiui lha 
IKidvuillia waro araiit allj ■iiccokalul, bihI ibo Indtpro 
diQtagtfwup ihalr l«nd, aa tha tip|Hi»li.iin iT*>*ti) lw» 
airuBH lurihvui. AbtfUt lAil AllaD itutwuiib roncaivoii 
lliaidaaut uvlog talfo Iu»Iiuuibui* ciillralj, allb Iba 
uijaol uf tbroaiiJit lha niitair luck luaaitl iin iiirn itiai 
■aro manliloR, and Now Yurk *aw ttia uihl R*>rD«t traml 
and Ul* drat aat oi liai-k Inairuniaatu thai »>ro avor iiatd, 
•liiai, Itlaclaintad.wrrvibo mtauimu ollhn jonait Itawl* 
OMttpr Til* MrvNt II IniHim m lii* latnlljr iUIm iruiii that 
lint*. Tli*Miiillli*ni.-t>n»iai*u «■ l■u|•M)•t^Bl^l larluUnl 
AllaiK III* UtiiaraiiU hi*lhr** lir^tii)*r^ ll*rr*ir,l harlta 
anil Tiiwiua, ini (t wa* aiinn InuioNicil la iiuii«lf*r. fur 
>*oT* It wa* iv||iiid«ii *« III* iiirouiuiiuiBatiliatlutt tif 11* 
kind tnilin cuiiUtijr, anil liiiiU* irar lllKil rnkBRrinoBl* 
In tb* iti*i«*ul fiaM ll*iii|>*liirr. Vainidni, BaaiadiuMlia, 
lUiuoatiiuiir. r«bii*>iuuia, imlu. Viiklola anil Mary- 
Nud. ihr uanil «*■ in aii*kdaU(e HI ail ot lliadlnuoia 
lilvtB lu h<>aM4tli, aiMl w«a migami nu iiiioy othor Ini- 
I uit«ui iH-i-*iaiwU'. Til* iiiUkli- piajoti Wha laruily cuni- 
puMd uy Allan aiid bU l«lhvr. Ailrii bail In lha luoaniim* 
iak*u up ill* aluUjr ul tli* Tlullu, abU liq pi*) td mat viollu 
aim til* ritliiiannuuid Movlvij, i>r «i,iLb Lo «aa orin 
u| Ilia uraaiilwn. lu lHi7 Ij* «a\« up ti.* It«lpr»hll> nl 
llinlmLiI aud vaUMMittl nla lllhi (laiiilliM at-adoiiir Mi 
UiwiiiMP Htiact. lliU oliy. Il wa« * ^ncc*** uniii llii> aim. 
Mini liHu ibwi* l«r iiidttid lu a ii^ll n*kl lullrai «t.huirli. 
lAi*r lio uivicd tat tiia buUiliiH i.uwi-HUpiLil h> bal- 
iiiuiiiHi,at T*vBlyaUih Niimii «i,il Pliiii 4iv«uuo. Ha 
rripsl ivilhaio li.r llltvoii )n«ra, auil liuiGliaaid Ihn 
).ii.|-pr-r ntUll Kl.lli AvfiiLB, hli'iK lis cubllntttd lu twii 
tiucihia UallclUit Hradaiii) ublli »*(«u )va|a a|u, aliiii 
lin rMllrtil irvin audvB wuik. IiIh «| u aud l*u atiu*. 
A<ltu H aoil rrank bialamili, iHivit* hliii. 

LIlARLRil UIII4 AJallilnlNI lUilHil*, III* I'OloliralOal 

iiiuaUai c(>tii|4JM-r, uloil »«b. 1^ iii l*»r.a, ft. Ttia 
Jvcra»«d wan uirii .\ur. A, Isll, lb al* /, and *a> the ton 
uraditilBRulalini |<ru.*Miir nl' inuiir. iia ■iii*radlha 
i.'itnaarraicry at faria lo lJ*Jii, aii«ro iia wan iubb> 
pnta*. luuliidlDg lb* tlratid fiiivil Hbiiie tn lut. Ih* 
nr>lupBra»a> piutluead rtr* )«arai«t«r. bi«I heiuidahi* 
ilrtiaiiccaaa lu IMI', wHIi ili* |>ii4iui-iliin i f "i.* i;ald." 
luliUili* wai alacltd a Uivmbar ul tiio Aeauamy doa 
riahiii Alia, ami lu urti U* wa*aii>ultiiad uitidvr d'lu< 
airuuilua f ubiiijua. lo iMkI "MImoub," lib uii<bI iHipuiar 
anciuiM, wa* inuOuriHl, niid "liainltl." itbicti haa 
alaaj* b*«n cuoaidvrfd Ida l«»l wmk, oaa suok 
rur ttiu llri IIiiib un harsh B, XfTA. IliK oita 
nnndrodlb t«rluruiauco ur thi* v|*ara aa* in baTo 
Ukan i>lacu Uct. U. iVti, at lb* i).i| Opara llouaa 
lo Iba Itu* LopaiotUr, ran*, bui iht )•* rrnrnauca bid in 
ba pi»ii|>ito»d, aa tin liouaa waa dtallujau b; uia nu ibai 
dat«. a. TftMiiu bi>e4U«aoumiu«nd»rof iaoL«RluBni 
flounr 10 iBttJ aud a Rrmad oiltoar lO imi bahiii oo* nl ala 
clTlllaoa humMfftbat dBCorallun. In inM, u|«d iliadtalli 
orAubar, lio waa BpjKiloiail hia auecw>aor ta dlroolfr or 
lit* i;vBaarral»ry ui itualr. In May, imi, lha giauil ero*a 
ullliaL«HluB Ol lluonr waa tmiuirau upiHi iiliii, uu lbs 
iic«a*iuu ul iliaoiio liiuuaanib MriiiiiiiaiKavi '*Mlauuu." 
wblcb, Willi lha BucBiillun ur IBll, baa bt oo inoR lu I'Brl* 
BTaryyaar aiuca lu oiai prounailuo. Jl. IhiMiiaa waa a 
votumiooua willur, anil "U Puubia Kchtlla," "La Par- 
niqular do U," "La J'aiilir Kianri," ''Lat/krna- 
vai da VfDL>«" and "Laflypay" (ihB laat baioaa 1b wl- 
ihlHiralliiB altb HoBUull), aia auiii* ui hli iMBt kaoBii 
aurfci. 111b aaillorallurtam>il Willi llltla«uoiuipiiriiiipi, 
and iiiBiiy or iii«ai bib kuuwu only hynaina, butiruin 
tba data uriila dr*t triumph hounjutrd acaroar iiiads u|i 
ur aucoaaaaa. Ha wuan acnwiiipiiiliad wriiar. Blliai lOtl 
l>u«t,aad»a a cmopoaar or niara* li* dlaplaytd a haau 
I'aroapiluo ol diauiaue art ror aituaiiun auu aclluo. Uua- 
iavoi.)iuui|U»l haa aald of hiiii thal"Wlifaa)ftUauiuro 
ladlrklualiir la uoludy, aou a buhlOBti lu plBaalni hi* 
nilBlflalun** to tliBlr uaturalpoailcal, aaa*llaJ IubIcbI 
lliait, thla inaawr of aloiuit all tin biixhIi ur art, in Iia 
f arloua idiaM*, lulibt lian lankid ihiomK wlih ilia Uad- 
ore uf tha mgdvru aclioul uf ooiiip('»«ia, ahorabla naiilu* 
aa a draualUt bad Iook bru iijacfd bIm," 

Mhb. Uhhuh UNiH (UB* Uiiu^h funnallya wall hBBwu 
opera ainHor, dUd >*ii. II, lo i'*ria, Pr. iUi« waa bora 
ri»uL 7, laM. at Valinclaao*a, and waa iha dauiliiar oi an 
md oolear urtlia Koaplra, wIhi iiad btcouio diiacioruia 
MdiBRoroaaaira la ihaoliy uf har LIrib. Ii«r rliai inii- 
alcal Inairuetloa wu r*colt*d fmui bar faibar. anil al lb* 
Bfaor BiRlit j*ira aha waa aanl lu tho « Koaarraluiy ai 
Paj la, at tlia aapBiia* uf tb* lajnlolpal hudial. Tholu)> 
lowlDjT loar all! auQ ilia tirat prl/« hii bIiirIor, Ahar 
RraduallBB alt* aaai toBBlgblin, whal* tlioarhlavad auo- 
~ aa B cuocort alagBr, Hh* (Iibo atiuiioa Jjrrln daclB- 

Biallon, and aiaJa bar d«but lu u|i*ra at lha TLoali 
irf tba VolRlaa tHvuluium aii* raiuraatl 
-- . - iRaRtd aUha(i|i«ra llouk«,whtr*»hr 

wagiordvo yiar*. and wbiia uiaia uioIblii inirrM H. 

dra^ a diBileaubdtod rlulioUt. 

Nkt. lluuaux KiHBT, a wth hooBu and rtllrid Bciri*a, 
diad lo LIforutoL KuR., Jaa. HI. AaHra. Ilmlaun H(tlt>, 
dio wai wall BBowo lu BoatoD. ihia eliy, t^llfuinla aiid 
Koilaud, and wa* cooaidartd a rtry olarvr aetrat*. hub 
■aanarrlad four tinaa, *li : Kiru/, Wluifird,ifiBik aod 
(.liarloa K.Th'>meBr. Ilarnrtt h aitaod dftd Id Lundun, 
Kai, lo IHB^ aod aba aouB altar cBJiia to Atuiiica, nab- 
log Bar difbat In Buaiuo. Iba wont tu iMiiuroU le IdtV, 
and uiada bardaltut at tbe F.aHla Tlioatra, Haoraiaouiii. 
lo Jaauaiy, UU). iIib tlalt«d Ban PrancUco with bar 
buatAw), Mr. Wlajiardt a uun prviataioutl, aod 
ajipoarad al Il/iwf* Ain|dililioair* aa Paulino, iii 
"iirt Lady ol l.yoiia," than pr^lucad fur itn* 
flrai tint* ub Urn Paolite HIqihi. In Maidi, ISlv, In coo- 
Innctiua Blih J. B. AiMatar, aha L««.ain* l«aM* ul « 
loaaira lb Haoramaniu. In NuranilMr. mu, alta waa 
lo 111* Bluch cumpauy lliat Tliuiuaa Maiuiio OBKBRail 
lur lha drat Jaoatr Liod Tb»ali«, Han PiaacUtti, ar. 
WlBiard waBklll«JNur.lM»^,BOtl»liawaaniarilid lu 
Janaa Hlark Juoal, lUl.aod luROllirr thay tUliod Aua- 
Iralla, wlirra lliay bacaina iraai Itroilivd. HJib llrat 
aciad la Now York, bar ii*ilia r.Wf, April 0, Itte, 
at WalUBk'a T)i*alr*, Broadway and Mujuia HtioBt. bh 
dru ftavtriy. In "Tba Uanikator." li Uio Pail or 
^ri^ afiBwODttu Knilaiid. ttlil.n lu Vii*|ii|*uitr, Not.. 
ar.Hiark wu aukkon wldi par. Dal* May ll, iw. Il« 
diad fML |], ins. aia. H ara * la>t Brpaaranra lo Kau 
PranotaouwaaMalcJi Id, iHA HJi* waa uirurnU fium Mr. 
Hum aad waa losrrlad to Cliartaa R. Tburna Nr. Kept. 
W, iwo. PitrlBB a luDR prtfaaaional r*r*ir of halfa eao- 
lurr Ufa. klibjr Idlrlllad luany luptirunt tntaHauiaala, 
ItiiL in IfBRUnd and tbtacuutiiry. rlia will li* wall 
maoberwdaatfeloR lo tha uiiiiuanlia iwirad by berry 
Hulliraa, Cbarlaa Boiiurd aod wilaoo Hanait WlUi Ibia 
laai oaoiad ■•ntlantao aba roiiialiiBd at-ont rour leaia, 
aod ihao rollrad rriMo theaia;!*. Bra. Khb/dlad al tha 
OR* of aavaniy fudr ysar*. Tba r«ifialBa ear* loioirad la 
Aodshl (IfiiKtary, Li**rpo4;l. Jan. ii. 

L'ltuHK.vmraa (Ur^.KnpliU Wbli(un).or ihaHtlra*. 
tarTrud|4 of TrapaiUia, ditd Pali. H. lu thiaiuo, Nai*., 
iriioi bdurl«ar*c«li*drr(>i» a faiiuu tiiB artarDuon of Itj, 
wblle tli«ir<ia|«w*ra|ulaMibruuih thalr act atloltb** 
TfitBif*, la that eliy. Tha qie»aa«i waa ildrip two yeara 
— wllh tlifflilta- * - 

uraRB, attl hid bs«a i 

It oaiar iruupa a anrabar 

Iley fibow inr Uia Hamniar ur ifc.e. and aiur the ubiiur 
OBUoo waa btirUioy ware coontctad wlib « vauda^iito 
ciMoMoy, an«r wh.rh thay laiuroid to KarLpt. Iboy 
bad Joai isiuroed tu till* uinuiry and Uio ratal accldBDi 
uccurrod un ih* opeelBR dau. Tbe ilacaaand haTta a 
bviband. tlio rouialaa ware laionad 1ft, In Ualvaiy 

r.'MAMLu II. JUll, aanlur proprlalor of the llall k Mr.. 
FiJna P>ialaafll)i.w,diad Pab, II, at bla lioiii* lo Maildan, 
MhB. Mr. Hall aaa the i»oor iM. IJ, W. Ilatl, of eireua 
raoie. Uia wiroand latbar aartlTBhlia. 

JaaieU. Pauar, aDaeior,dlod Pab Id, at bla borne lo 
thlBclty,lm>pa*aBioala. AtthaiUiaor hIa dtaib ha 
wua oiaiiibar or the Joha irrawTo, llowu e mtnbar 
bfiiM Naw OrteaoaLodfBorElha aod BbIkIiIi orptihtaa. 
tllawiroiurrlvutlm. ' 

— - ■ 

A Uoefal BMir mt newrde. 

F/vaa XhM Kra Vtrk TtM. 
Tee NiW TbNK CliPPia AiBUiL for JRMeMiialoBa 
cMDplaia record of Viuatlo end aihlatle parrormaDcea, 
rafloB aA4 irettla/i rawrdai baaaiall, trteket, billlardii, 
raoofdaaf fkataat lime, aod boat parrnnaaaeeBuallda- 

BrtBaouoraport It ua BBeTol beek of reeoidJ lOr all 
leteotBd u s|«iu. 



Februaby 22. 


The Standard Reoord Book of Theatrloal and Sporting 


Its AoonraoT, Oompleteneftg and the Artistic Quality of 
Its niuatratlons Receive Full Reooenltion 
From the Leading Newspapers. 

A HmI VHfHl Volame. 

Frtm The J/anUburQ ffew. 
Tub Niw York Ourru ahhvh. !• u DDunillf ti* 
tlKCtlra fend wtll armoitdputillcAllon. eonuioitivllx- 
MHcAJtad iiponlDi cbrounloilai lor IWA allMim d*ath« 
la ttaetrDuMintat profft^loni, itiatilc ud kihUtlc 
fornucM, rtolnir ud iroitlOK rfc^rdi, (■ lUuKiraitd 
vlUi A Dumber of iJit«poTtrfe(u ol w«U kDowo fectuiv, uid 
li, fell loU. fe DMtl aiMial TOIOUB. 

InlarcfetlDg Dramfttlo Lor«« 

^nm r/u /lurltngtan Uawkt^. 
The tlav^ft Rportlnv »<1lior'« Ubta ii proTldtd wlili 
tb« valasbl* CLlfl*!* AKHOlL for lOn. It [■ %n lull ofln- 
ronafeUoQ %* feo ef ( It of aitbt, feod ll Ii UbuUtvd *o iL»t 
nrsrsou U euj. 0«ildu lu louruilnir dtfemfeilfl lort. 
It Moulot nconli ol npiatlo uxJ Rtbliile ptridraitnc**, 
ruloir, b»Mbi)L vtc tud bstl parronnfeOMi In vMrj dv- 
pftrimtnt oi »poit. Tha tliuatrfeiiodi in tfyw\w3\> <h>ui- 
(DfeDdfebl* Uilayttr. 

A llBBdK>B« and Hand)' Volant*. 
t'ron The CharUiton Nunda^ Kntn. 
Tab Kbw Vom n.nyuu AHKUiLfur IW liouLand.w 
4 luDduuM uhI lifeDdr volum* of uirorm»- 
tloQ. Thi'Al.KlTH fftcUfend llKiirt«oo tlirfetrlul. 
aqotUe, feiDiiUc ruloK, trouloK. biHiiAll. orlckvt. bll- 
llifd* AOil oi)i«r milUrN. and U ■piiDdMi/ llliiklrittd. 
No Ollivr Pablicatlon Pill* th« UlU. 
/Von The What, 
B«t«MD tb» cowa ol Tu ■ CurriH AK^cii. for IBM ir« 
179 paffMnI raconl*. <oT«rlaa»T«rr ^Nlblarormul t«r- 
formuM hf luwi. beui or bird. Tu lli* mu who ntml* 
KTAdaniacuaior tbli klod oa oilier |>ublit-allon flllaUie 
bill Id t manotr to onmplaio u thi A:iKUiL. 

Far Bicola All Olli«n. 
from The Cfnf IntMlJ /trt. 
"Ban" In a wnr<l tiiaL wh»n uud Id Hi* daacrlplive 
B«o«o la dfetlloK villi Till OLil-riH ANNUAL. UDly ImLi ft 

{'•*r. Tlie Tulune rortfOaic^iiill In Uiavatufelilo •cilai 
hatpraMdM] It. HIcii in rcciirdiasd vrK'nloKcliroaoto- 
gill, It I* baaullrtod br maoy liair Iod« tOffnTlDHi. 
Ooald Not Do Wllhoal It. 
y/om Th* Iiotim .Vi(it4d|r TimtM. 
Thb Oi.irrAH AnnVAL for IBH bw b«#a rocolrtd Wo 
liftTo hid tJiU valuatil* lUtU Moutl la TIte Tlmn ulDco hi 
lour yun liial weaJiould nilu II il couultia ikj iuucIi Io- 
rbrowlioii of a uuful utaro. Ttian aiain. It In lUtii- 
tntod ud cooialot portnlu oi veil hnovii ubo and 
womiD lo Ihn unuMibeniinU iportlait wuilj. It la nr- 
Ulnly a haody aoil uaaTal book. 

Tlio Staadartl Aalhorlty. 
from The Jteto I'ork Kvmlrtg H'or/d. 
TUB OLlfMR AN»t;AL for l(UA U oul today. Tbli pub- 
lleaUoala |ira«tlcally ihoaiaDdtnl apurtlDi and thoatrle- 
al ftuUiorltyuf lliUcuiotrj. It ii Klaaya a ««1coiiio td- 
dIUoo talhoKitorilDi •dllor'a library. Itcootalonall iho 
roe^mla nno baa voooffou lo louk up, and coTen «v»ry 
tiraocli of ffon. Tlila yaar'a AKKUAt la liandionialy ll- 

A Homarkably Complel* ConpllaUon. 

Frvm The if. J', j/all and 
Thi CurriB ANKUALlurieUJIa, »• uiual, a raioarhably 
oofDplala cuiu|iilatioD of draintllo and Taudevllla opva, 
iloatJiH. produotluitm alo, beaklM balog on* of tho b««t 
aulhorlUaa fo aihloilo H>erU to tha counlrr< 

Conlalno lavaluBbU lUconla* 
rrum The Arw fort Hereurf. 
Thi Olim'IR ANHtlALrur liQM la roidy. Ifiliattnilard 
publiealttiucooladiaroeurdiiioratuibla to all aiMrliovo 
and rulhi iDUroalad lo tliMlrletla. 

A Mine of InfbrmaClon* 
Knm TM Turf, FIM and hirm. 
TBI Nlw YOHK CLllTiu AHHVAL furlfUlKlreiievldoaea 
of bfeTlBv bMO coni|illotl with itia tiaii«l carv «lilrh lua 
iiitdaanauiliurliy oT UIh work. Tub tHirrBH Aitni'iLla 
a diIdo oriurifrin4tlwi.and tholllu'iraUoaiarosicvllBOL 
tfarpatMB Any Pruvlooa Ib«ub* 
rnm The Aew yert UmmMUUlnvr. 
Tun Ninr VuHK CLii'rik Arnual lur IMdaurpasaaaaiiy 
|>T«vluu« laauo of ihlaaiuilVHluabla lod tolUtjIo pabll- 
oatloD. It la larit«r, liandauoiar and mor« fully lllumatad 
Uiuarar borora. Tiio ihaatrlcal cbronuIoHjof all iba 
loportaat avaDU Id Uia lira of tiia Aiiiarlcao fti«g« la, aa 
uiual, ctrafblly and accuratoly adliod: )i iBBVonublo 
■nlao ul lorormiliop. Tliu ninnloi cbrunulvgy to Mko- 
■ li« oouplala aad varacloua. Aoiuoff iba Idaatratlooa, 
vliloh ar« uoaaually aood, Uiora ateaiimlrablo eharaotar 

Knmiaoi Molllo Kullar, l«ab*l Irfloi, lltriMrtKolcoy. 
«U Tlllar. Maud llatli. Veua V(e!»rla, OUra Hk*«I. 
Botil* Jl*ir«OMl, Mm. LoiUe Oartar, Prook Uuo, Lav 
Doabttftler. Alica J.Rtuw, Joaa|>li llait, Aoilr Maci. W. 
II. Utaoa, KranoU Wllaou. Holaod RoimI uhI Vratta (lull- 
barL ru M\mr oon)[iBiulat*i TiiB Ci.iri'iiH on ilila 
pralaavottlir publlcattgo, aod lakai pitaturo Id ni«om- 
maDdlDittttoall proloulunala aa buibuaaiul aud Intar- 

A Vaat Fuod of KaowlwlBe> 

from n« ifniotfyit ifovlr. 
TBI UurraH AHNVal for IM lauut, aod. aauauaU ki 
(araaUiathrttrlealaud apiiitluK«raDt*(it the yaar ItW 
ara ooiicarotd, ruritia a ooiii|ileis ciiruuuloBi' Tor tba >oar. 
It 11 a lundy volunio, piloiad Id doubia uolunin agaia oo 
lnaiiiai«d pii»ar, maklnir feclaan and dlatlnet book. It 
.a prvliualy niu«iral«d wllh flua bair luo* culi of tLa 
laadoraoi tba ihaaiiluil )iror«Ml(»n. wall hiiowoailtUtai 
and 'oydUUi, lo ftttraeilro atylo Tiia covar U a rory 
Boat lllhojirBpl) lo oultlr^ (ha vhnto pr«««Bllii|t Dotonlj' 
an attraeiiTa appoaraaoo, but timlamloRa vaxt fuod of 

A Nee«s>l(|r to Ibo Library* 
Fnm The VMladrt»kUi UentU. 
Thai erar walcunio Iwukiu tha ajxtnlnR and thaattloal 
rrmiaruUy.TUB Naw Yohk tiLirrsR AnatiAL for ittiS, c«<n- 
lalna a «oni)>Uta Hal of aituailo and alblaUo Milorni- 
uoea, riolDf aod tiulllui r«i9onlB,na oail aa baMbalt, 
erlekal aod tbaalrloal eriiDti lor i^a )aar I'larlou*. 
■aklDK Ilia voliiiiio a valuadle iDil rallahle r«lar«uM, aod 

I nacOMMty tu Ute llbrBr)- ui arary Mer ortporta. 

Bollpaoo All In lla Fluid. 
From The rhUaMphta (\il(. 
Tbb Niw Yohr CLirraR AKNt'iL i«r 1600, aa uuiai, 
aollpaaatrarrililnKlo tu tlekl. outurhin all uepartntanii 
oriforttBtualoaDU ihMtncaU lo a*IdltluQluirhaiatt 
probably Ilia iiiual o«r«rull>' (»cuttll«d aiatlallca t»(iinlD- 
ibla, daalluR wllh augaui^uenaoU aport, TllB CLirria 
ANRVALpTotaota a ouubarol Bnaly oiooutad hall ttma 
portralia ol rarloua oalabrltlaa to thaaa Hoai. It rwu)alDi, 
u of obi, Uio Ural of ihoaonuab. 

Comploto and Aruurate. 
»wi The JViUodflpAld iluiMfn. 
THI Kiw YoMK CLirflR AKKVAL for ISM, aa uiual, coo- 
laloB all iha baat loautroa uf i>i«nlDK and drainatlo 
araou oT pait yaara. I(a reoonia or aililatoa. parronn- 
aaeaa, e(a, aia lull and aoourm(a, and nu aturtloi library 
la ooDipIata without ll. 

It 1b mm Vaeioollod Galda. 
fVoM Th$ jilioddipJlla Demwnt. 
Thb OLirriR AHNt'AL for IM poblliliad tty tba wall 
koowo iintaa uf (ho thaaltlfal and aportlog wuiU, Tlik 
NBw VoHtt Oun'KH,liu baaa Uuifd, and wiU ba ballad 
■Ith loy by all trlaitd« of lh« drama and aporla. It U ao 
UDaioallaii Rulda tur aTaryiitluR oi ooto that baaoooumd 
Id tliaao d«i>anitianra Utirlug (ha paai yaar Haddoaa 
eliroiilela or (ha*« arwKa, tliorv will b« firaod rich aod 
irtUUo ll|ii«tra(h»DRoi' colabililaa, a Hit uf daatha Id (ha 
imuMoiNii |>rviauloD, taolDR. baaabalkortokat aod bil- 
liard ree«Td^alc.. Id ahori« ararytlilog Uiat la worth i^ 
Ing kooau by ai<or(log moo. 

Coalalaa Bluoh Voafbl Informalloa. 
tTitm Tk9 liMkn^ Tima. 
Tib CurriB an.m'al for IMM li ouL Wa hara had (hit 
laloablaaoDual lo nr rtaiei ulllca ao many yaara that 
ihDuM idIu It, I'ur ItcODlalniaoiDUdi loloruiaUoo of 
a uMfal Dataro. U o-iouloa Uiaairlcal aod aporiliii 
diroDulotlaa rurltW. a lUt o( dfta(ba In tba proia^aloo, 
uuailo and adilatio |>ar^or(uane«^ raclOR aod truuloi 
raconla, biaaltalL orlokai, bllllatda aod ulhar tbiogi. 
Tliao again, ll cunuloa ponralu of wall koowa maa and 
uouao latJiaaitiuaoment aud qtortloi woiM. llUo•^ 
ulnly ft haody and uteml boob tu have lying about 
Bvory Maaaiivr Bboald llav* It* 
Fnm The santt^a EagU, 
TBB Nit Yuhk iiLirrRH AroitAi lorltMla Juit tha 
look Ibal aliuubl oo Id tha baadaol avary una wbo baa any 
loiaraat la ihatlifairioatrtalrmlly Kfary vpara houia 
inaDfe|tarwbodp«lraa(ob«'in IC* aliouM not (all to poa- 

TtaoFortralU nrv lCipwlall|r Good. 

>*ntM llk^ n'tuAlnffon tX4t. 
TbbNrw Vorh ('LirriH AnM'al fortfi la at hand, and 
U Iha bandNtintvl nuutt»«r yal laauMi hy ihla ataodard 
iportlDg aod dramatic rhiunlcla. ThaK^tralta of (ha- 
atrlcal aad aportluR calabrltlaa ara aqtoclally noA, Uioaa 
nrWlUUhi ll.t;rana,MoUy l^itlUr. Frank DanlaK laabal 
Irrlai, llarbprt Kaleor and Andraw Hack t«loitha boat 
ifaayhaTa ararbad. Of oouT«a,TiiBt^umR AititrAL U 
tha floal rafaraoitum of apnrtinR and draaiailo aTonta, 
ud tha pail yaar afta a vary io(ara«(iDg una (n both 

Coin|ir«ih»aBlT«aBd AHracllvo. 

rruM n« H'tiiAlnfrfon nam. 
ThbNiwYurk CLirfiM AiciCALdtr IKM hta boon la- 
luad lo i(acuMiinarirooni|irvlian»lTaandatlrao(lTelurfD. 

II oonlaloB ibaalrie il aad apuroni cbrttoulogUa for ISV 
iijuitio ud athlado |i*rromiaur«^ raclog aod irotlloi 
iveoiUa baaalalLerltktiaod billiard hlitury, raonidi ui 
fa«>at tima and b«4t work (o all dai>atiutanu uf aporL 
It l> haad<nnialy tlluatfalad and coutalnallkauaaaaa of 
all ihaiiramatlo.op«tatk, larlaly and apurtlng oalabrl- 


A noat Valaable Fablleatloa. 

from The BtnQhamton Ltadtr. 

TaaCurrBBA)iR(;AL for laSd, a raady rafaiaoc* book 
In all flkbjaur aifluaauiant and apor(, la ooaof tliaraoat 
falual'laof eoDttaiporanaoua puUicatloDi,and iba cur- 
rant laiue lioiM ol ihainuatailracdTaaoduaarallhallho 
liouaahaa aror priolad Tba lauaoonialnaafmaroua 
aprlokliDg of utlatlcally wrougbi ponralu oruraroitic 
and oiher calobrltlaa. 

Aboaadj la Uaofal laforaiatloo. 
/Vm rArHln^AaMbM Mejuage. 

TiiiCLipriBAmUALlialiAndaouopubllralkiD, abound* 
Ing la rary uaalul InlormatluD upon aportloa topica, aod 
coolalolog a numliar of babdaoioa and artlallcally ti- 
aciiad llliUlratl««B. 

Tba B«st Kvor laaaed. 
From The WheeWng h'aet. 

TriB Krv York CurpiB armual for loe la tlra ban 
aTar laauad h) that popular pa|iar. It ha< ft cooiplale 
rlitooiikiRr of all bDi^nlnga m il<a (baatrlcal and r|ioit 
tuR worM.glTlDicdatraBDd recoida lo all brancbaaul Uta 
atalatle. aquatlo, byclellnR, baaohall. huraa raclog, ipilot- 
InR and yacht n£uiR Oalda, an<1, Id fact, la (ho ot«ut coiii< 
plaia racutd ol oTaou arar prtoiad. Tub CLirj'iB liaa al- 
%-a)a boon (he racouniattl (naatrlcil aod tponlog author- 
ity lb Amarlcas aa^Tlia ARKual ti alwaya louod oo tba 
daik ofoTory lovar of apurt>. Tlia book la baodtoinely II- 
luuratad, cuodloloKpartraKaofniaDy ofdia t*«M known 
llttatrlcal calnhrlllaaL If you wabt tu kaap poatad, buy 
aod raad Tub Ct.irraB ahrual. 

A WonUerftil Booh. 
From The Itlttbuiy UUpaUh. 

Thi Nrw Vorh t*LirrBR AnxuAL fur loMlanowootbo 
markaL II la Uia ai'vrtlair authunty of tbo Uottvd 
Htiiaa Raally. It la one or iha ba>l coiiiinUtbnB uf 
racurda In Uia wotU. ll la a wondorful llitia book of 
^pordoR loforiiiatluD. 

CoBiplele Conapeadlain of Infomatlon. 

From TheAmerlcM Whettman. 
Tub CLirfBH ABiiUAL liai aiido Ma ip|«araDc«, and, (o 
aay (ha lam«t, Ida a coitiolalacocuptudluui of Infurualiuu 
fur (ha aporuman and iliafollowar oflhaatrlcal oiiKera. 
Tita mutt aitooalTa ubio uf racordi uf all aorta ui aroriloc 
coDi|*atltlooa arar coojpllad laaprooloaDt faaiura, aou 
uumaroua half toaa ploiurea of aportlog and Uitairlcal 
celabritleaaaibilibh (lia bouk. 

Aa Eacyolopivdia. 
Fmm The iUtivhamtm JlmtJ. 
Tub OurriR Ajtrval fur \SK niiaaaalnbaauiy and 
artUdo »t> h auy ol (ta prodaeaaAuM. Tjib An.iual bi a 
oydopasllaol tlioairlcal aad a|iortlognawa and lacta, and 
euDtaiDB much uaful InrnruiadoD, which la uraDRod 
and indaiad in a caraiul uiaoo-r. 

Tbo Boat Compilation of neconla. 
Fnm The Itnoktyn Clltien. 
Spurtameo will CddTliB Cliitbr A5NUAL(hlay«arona 
ol Uie b«*l C4ini|illatlooH of lacutdn in all brKiidioKOf 
Bpoit |ib«albla luuHalo. 

Largor Bad llBiter Than Ever. 
»ve» The Saratoga UagXe. 
Biaryyear Tub Hbw Yohr CLirrBR, ihaoMa«t Aniarl- 
can apoTting aod ibaairlcal Jourul, publlaliea ao An 
Dual, and aacli yev l diiok it la Dot i>uiulb}o for tliani 
to pruduco lU OHOil. Uul un luuklug oTor TUB A:tM'aL 
fur m 1 iin lunad lo brliava that ibolr ruwiitaa ara 
loo>bau*llb|p, lur ihia U-uo la nut ooly largf r, but bailor 
and mora valuil>la Iban any pravluna number. I( Itaa 

170 pftgaa. la ologwiUy diualratad aod tipuintplilcnlly 
Daat ajid attractlTa. JtcuDtaluawiiJilD liMcurara baauil 
lul |>tolureaor tba laadlng aotura aod aciro«Ma uf ili« 

dieaulcal frstaruilr auJ aoToral ol llia alMailc cIibid- 
Muoa, dioalrlcil ftOi! »!>firUDg cUruDulut;irN 11*1 ui doaUia 
In Uio amuMiiiaat proi'oaalun, a'luallc aud aiiilotlc per- 
^u^l1aao«^ raciOKiod irtilliog racvtOa. 

The Only Uvllable Aathorlty. 
Fr^m The Lviulon AdrertUtr. 
Till Nbh' York Cliitmh A.<(.nual fur MX Itaa boon 
localrod by TAo ildnrffarr. It muttbeiraiKyiDKln tba 
l>ub)laliora (u liaarUia words of |>rat«« bmb fruoi lliepraaa 
uid public uaoonaa It lalohaod. Alraailv tba idairi>- 
Milan ptwu bay* iiAuad tba vardict that ihU yanr'a 
work la Ilia pear uf all ulbara. ll c>uialuaaa liUDienao 
arooani of latioitoua work In dia complllutr. Tba 
arraoganioot ui iba roeorda and avcDU la nDli|Uaao>l 
aaailr found. Tlia annre book (mm nnt to lust U a 
uadit,aoa Dothloi could friual Uia cate aud gaDaraJ 
arriDgameot ut Uiacouteola. Iha lUaairatloDa ara p«r- 
laeL Tlia aalacduoa of dia plcturua waa maJa wtib guvd 
Juilguant. hodi IniliadrBmadc aud apordog fratamlty. 
Thi AHHt'ALaliouM haro an iDoroaawl aala. It daiarroa 
tu go lot ward, u Ida carululy Uia unly rallabia audior- 
Uy uu avanta wblcB occur In (La ^toidng and drioiatic 

Uaob Page a Allat of larormatloHi 

Fivtn Tu ItarrUhur^ Muruinu full. 
ItlRbtuu (Una Tub NkW Yi>nk < liitkh anm'al fur 
IH6 haa uia>tr lut ■)>^iaut.-«. Ai lu lunuoryoara, iLla 
valuiblopubliuallon laatricUy up to data, mora no (liau 
aror. Tub t;Lm'BR AN.Nt'At locraMaa lo valoe each 
yaar. Tlia Uuut aumbtroonialna 170 paxa^ and each 

KK* la a luiutoflufuruiidnn in l(a«ii. AaaiaUrooea 
uk It la uBO't'iaWd, lor It codIaIbb tha iitual coiuplato 
thaalrlcal and aportliig cbroDoloalaa In ItPl i Hit uf 
Oaalha In iha autuaauiant prulaaaluD.ilraniailcaDd fttb- 
Hiio parforwaucoJ, raclog aod tiotllBif racordit, baw- 
b«ll.orlckai, bllllanlR,ato , racorda ol laatval lliue aad 
ba>t porfumiaocea In all d.panosaaia of aport. TUB 
Akvval la lianilkiDielr llluairaied, uo*tly piloted, 
aud doi a RrfAl credit tn tba uUlaa^ ilie bait aud moat ro- 
llabla amuiaoiODt aad apuKlug papar pubUaliad. 
ladlapenaabie Handbook fbr Bportamea. 
' ^'ramrA«J*A(larf(lpA(d.s>or((n9£|/r 
Thai lDdlii>onub!a aoJ Uiorororo OTor wa|c«ai<« liaod- 
book of (Im »purUaiaD, TllR^kw YoHK CLUTIh A.i.\t'AL 
lur UH), la ouu Aa usual. I ( la cvm|ilato aud ctfrreello 
arary r«ip«et. The nluiua ui«na wlUi a theatrirat 
rliruHPluR>'. lulloarid by a vory lliuruuRb aod IntareitlDK 
H>uitlu|i vbrouolug)', vmUiulUR avery depariuMt ul 
aiwrL Ni>xi«« hftia (ha corraci racuiua uu lo daio Id 
avery It ua uf BiwrL (uitethar with a ai^clal de|«ruDftat 
da*o(ed (o ibe i»ata»l lecur^ed lima* Id borKO raclog, 
aad cvoiplalo cul-uge revurdA. The tdIuiuo la boiuiiruliy 

Heplele Wltti Mporllug Dolnge In MVi, 
Ffvm Thci'hnutUlphla (U(l. 
Thi Nih' Yuhk <:uI')<ek AKrital fur iIiIb year larri>t«(e 
widi the ^(>uitlDg ihtinRM l«ir 1KB Lrcry rvrunl in ituy 
branch uf aihlellca cao l>« fjuud (a una uaaiul book, a> 
wall aa coUkhleraliU tlicitrloal UeWA. 

A World Wide Hecogalied Autborlty. 

From Itajlon /Urar. 

"A. A A.— N. Y. IILIPI'IH ANNUAL-PiibliQ * nynibolltaa 
tha bond tliaiTiiR Kbw Vwrk rLiiTBH Aif.WAL fiiriiu be 
tweeoactur, aDirea^Mdi)eie.m(>r« Ijlly betweoa muaie, 
drama, aporla aud Ika gaitaial publio Am roiularanlH 
the Xow Year la lhaaK|*tolaacy of nil lurera ul ibafttrlcaU 
aod aUilaiaa for Till A^RVAl. It baarvved loboaluxuiy, 
aad U now an aaiabilihod oeceaiihy lur any onawlto 
makM aoT oralaii>Iit a lo koueledge In Uio Daid* uf 
uiumcdramaur iiroria Bach roar ix haa excalW Iin 
pradroaaaor In ailont ud thorauRhnaaji, uoill the 
praaoBt laaua of IKV hia BMBdngly rraclivd the 
aciua uf all retiulrediaBia. Iniroduced hy tha |«rU- 
oulorad oorar ahirli haa liacoma w fanlliir. tha 
nearly W pagaa fulloalng are aliiioly flllcd lo the 
btlmwIUi JuBt tho lufnmiadon ihit fa daalrad. Tberv 
la the Ihoatrleal c)inHiub>iy, tha year a oealhi In the 
aaiuaament prulaaalvn, die Bporiiug ciimnnloRr, Uia bait 
uD lacunJa (lor wliiM accuracy Tin Clii-pmr la AworU 
«ldoraco|iuliotl aulltuni) Kami nxoy uihar aub h«ad>. 
wbtcb aacu contain llialr lull guuia ui facta worth know- 
ing. Not tha laaal dailrabia oi the coDtanu from aa ar- 
tlBllcaUodpolDtlalha axcellaoiplcturva of many pniiil- 
iianl actora, aclfaaaaa and aUilataa, «hl|e the tyuouraithl. 
cal a|>p«armBca la hi plauiog thai It hoMa lorlfa an 
uDUBual iDducaoMnttu raad the aeiMttd adTanlPomenia 
whlcb a|tpaar at tho and. 

No HooiM fbr Iroiinveineat. 
tYom TU tindniMff TtouiSXar. 

TuHCLlfFiR AN^VAUIbaUadlOR American aoonlnc 
almBBac.hAa boon baurd fur 1 DM. It chrunlclaa all tha 
OTonu Ul note ibit bava Ukau place in all llnaa of arari, 
ft! wall as in iha theatrical proleAatun. Thia yrar the 
booh la lanter ibuavar and lu atoraof lorornuiloD 
moracomptoia ibauoTer baf>ra. Kothing lalacklnctu 
ruake Tiih annval Uie luoat comMata chronicler of 
apohloR aTODla arer publlahad. Much aj«oe la doToled (u 
lufbruiatlun uu bftaaball, whicli la of ihe ntDfi lolaravl- 
log kind and uaalul (o wnlanof that branch uf aporl. It 
iBlmpOBathla (o a*a where Uiore la room forlDiptuTa- 
uteoionTiiBCkirrM A!im*al of IW. 

Hellftble uad Corr««l. 
fYrm Tht McKttiptirt ttuOgft. 

The BtUM baa re«alT«d ft copy of Til a Cui-rRH AMit'AL 
lor IRStt. It la the ball arar laauad. It coduidk. t>asidM 
Diaoy lllnattadoaa, a oorrKl acconnt of aituadu and 
adiladd itsrTomiaiiCMi, ncloR aud (rottlBjr racorda, hA«a- 
ball, crloiel aod bllllaid^ aud a record or the taaiaat dnia 
and baai patfunnancra m all biauchaa o[ MvrU Tha AX 
M-AU Ilka Tub CurrRR, la rellabi* aod correct, aod 
altouU nod lu wft) lolo the hands of all whoan« laiar- 
aaled lo aporUuf any kitul. 

Knoriaons Maaa of lafbmatloa. 
From The Mt«U Tri^nne. 

The curreoi nunabar ul Tui Niw Yohk Ci.irrBRAx- 
Rt'ALcosoaa lo Ita aaual ailraclU* and coiitplata lonii. 
lu paiaa couialn an enoimoua maaaof dirooulogical and 
aut(UlcaMofonnaiii«,ooteriag ibeatilcal and apoidnR 
aTeou during IMVaoaade ami aihleilc panurinaDCM, 
raolDR and trotlloR recorda. baaaball, rricheLtMlllArOa. 
aio.. and a lull llai of all Ihe Wat pairurmaDcta lo allda 
partaaou of apott. lotb al huoia and abroad. 


rilK NKW YOUK CLIPPER, Clipper Bailding, New rork. 

Chas. T. Ellis' 


As Niingby him witli gi'cnt 
Hiicccss in hlfn new and 
bciiutiful pliiy, 


"Please Mr. Santa Claus, 
Don't Forget Me." 

The lilt ev.rrwhar.. FraBoanCHl 
by Pmi and Pabllc lo b« a H'HB'r 
HllthSBbU fkiaom'-UDTTOai HtlLE 
IMS." It bit, ihm cv.rv tlma. al- 
wafs re«elTea .BCorH, aail U notlcvd 
la 6r«ry nwipaper whenver aaUK. 

'The Song fertile Babies.' 

tlfriaaB yodllag ioaff, givlag all 
til. nunhry rhyme, la dlalmt. A 
grmt Book far ladle, aail CtilldroB. 

c:aplee FHICB lo PmreulDBaU ea- 
cloifng card or prograotiaet with 
Blampi far poelage. 

4 Emit »mlt Nlre,(,bel. U'wey 
anil 3th Ave., New Work. 

S. S. Stewart* s 
Celebrated Banjos 

PRICES FROM 110 TO 1200. 

AUo nailc aad Bookj fbr the Banjo, la 
great variety. BlrlBg^ Head*, EU. 

Seed for lllonnud price lint UKloauloitnk TboM Id- 
larMtod tlioald Mod IDo. In ilaBni for , ipMlae, eopr 

8. 8. STEWABT, NM. Ul uul OS Cliurch St., 
riilUdwIltbla. Pmc- 

Orplicuiii Circuit for 8 Weeks, 


i MAR6A, 

Comedy Acrobats, FunnyoslUes. 

llNlof ,oO HirbAuraOoMrvliiiior crtOlt rorlotreOuc^ 
loK ieuitlhloH n*v lo tho Knil«i(|uft ,CTubAtl€ lloe. Uuiy 
iirih»lr trlchniliirsr in,l«rilUv Imiu unrinlni; tint liu 
bMO imD,! Ihe OrtHieum.-llUeiOANl) DRAMA, Feb. 



Baggage Car, 

Sixty-five or Seventy Foot. 


Address full particulars, 
Care of CUPPER. 


'•1438 BROADWAY" 


/30W./fADISON5T' (//fCACO:r^ 


"THREE lITriK KmS," 

Laiaat walla aooc aod lalaat auccaitr SaorlirftllSS 
RATK JAUtiH. In Londoa. BoHlaad, tu wlU anplauaa. 
»lie aKbibltloii Ibraa lire klltaoa in a decorated Uaket, 
alilch craateJ aaanaallou. (g«a Londoo paper*). Bona 
In pmreailoDali, IOj, with orcbaaira acoro. 3Qo. Bant 
|a<ali«ld to aay addroai by tha pabllahar, 

310 Fiillon HlrMt. Brooklyn. We* Yftrh. 


Galloping Hones, 
Fine Iiu|)orted Or> 
Kaut, AUraoUre uut- 
ML Prl«cs on nppU- 
cation. Tenia vtij, 
Lochpo rt, M. Y. 


rirai quallir, BO tivata aad bum to aa«h traflh, 9S 
lach.tflJo; S lach. S&B; 9 ladt,«& lueludlDc alull 
ibaatrical lr*r,TH doap, meial bonnd; aacond qualltj, 
IttrlTouand barn to aaoh trunk, 39 Inch, |aJS; SIlBcn. 
|I.T5; mach, loclodlnialloeh trar, maul bonnd. 
Tanna oaah la ndvanos. 0. rATTBHHUN k OO., 
m W. Wtolh Blraau I'hiladalpbla. Pa. 



^ Nov an route ihroush Buropo. 


p oqulit, ,od ooujpaoy ul tint iilw 
\ anfiu 111 iw>pl,).^„il«i ki bl> 
. _ plUha 

oqulit, ,od ooujpaoy ul tint 
anfiu 111 iwopl,). li„il«i ki ■■ 
Uieal 6,autIon. Ih, mmupII 
■rl' KUNA, 

^ TllKtAUYgllll FLIER 



Clreuuiu WICT.M op: Buiu, wlK %i ip 
BoubpeiieWliili jp \Tlni or axFydewTlp: 
loaimd.TO OHDStL ll,nl uaoip V price 
lUL lit WwKil, w . ,,u<tl> At, . M,w toriL 


l;I!R« AT niAtl. MAI'DONALD A 


* HoMlass Waif. ia'^TT?.?^?.!^:^ 


SucMStor to OEO. M. KLENK & CO., ' 
Haejaot pnMl^hed Vlveortke miMt Sac- 
cetaful HeBle Krer Pol Defcre the 


KBCoreV*r,e,hyAL.IlO(>MB. The great- 
eetlrlahComle Kobb ever -wrlttea, 
aad a Bare Winner. 


The Lalcat aad Very -Oeit ot thI, Well 
Kbowb Writer. 

'Thejll Never Speak Again' 



Aad the Latwt, Oreateat and Beet of 
AU Doag,, 

"To Mother, Boy, Be True" 

Profeaeloaal cople,, Idc. •lamp each. Or- 
cheetra-narla. beautirallv arraaged, 10c. 
L. BBKOE, Uaale Pabll.her, 
aaa Slith Ave., »ew Vork. 



Would alaoUka lo hwr rrouiothar Uteful Paople. Ward- 
mha mu'l be flrkl daaa. Comnny pliya all Bnmmer, 
Aitdraaa & E. MOKKHSON. Coocnid. H. U., Fati. 17-23; 
K oahurTlwt. M»wi.. Feb. 




rorULAB PRICBI, U, 2i, » AND UK. 

1. F. IIAJIRDIAN, KaoMtr. 


Tba Oroat Adam ForeinaKli asti 8d1lB Broa.* BIr Show 
or Iba WorU. VTaotToa tnor* Koara Dnuoa, One Haa* 
Dniiii aad Three Ructe« lo ci)in|>loie dnm corpi. Muat 
be Tount laan. NOT BOYS. But* aRB and loaen aalarj 
P#r mooili. Alao, vaot Taaor aad Baaa Saxopbonaa, who 
doable braw. lar band. Addren. with lowtat aalarj 
Iter week, T. B. tONa, Uualcal Dliecinr, Adam P<^i«- 
pauKh aa J Sella Btoa.' EoonnouB Bhoaa. ClrtleTllla. Ohln. 




16B North Ninth SL, Ptila. 

"Promptneu a Bpactaltr." 
"Oood Work a Cenals^." 




DATES. CoDilaor,ll,oc»,poHl»DW,llf,- 

Wanted, Amateur 

A8 rARTM:H,bv FopnlkrCoBicdlao. fur Orlulnal black 
F«caH|>oeliltr. BIdrIdp ordanclna not roqulrad. Mum 
have little aiaana lor half loteraM In taklnn out comvany 
1,1 piftv lb«i >iuall tOKOl. Houla laid uut lor S waaka. Ad- 
dttuJ L. J. R , care of Hloart, ttlblrd ATepue. N. V. 

WANTED, for HacdODaid's "FaisI" Co., 

A UadlsirManrorPaDal.aironicJaTanlU Man Tor Valen- 
tin a, asoud LaadiQK Woman rorBarfiuerlla onda Ctiar- 
iic'.qrwoDun lorUartba. ADa.qulck. Ko faTflRiulTaDcad 

|i|«ata ffrila or wlra. 


lop.oiieeOxSO, one fiSiUDi ooa6AilT0, one Ui](0.oneG)KlOO 
and ona6Uiltf. Will roakaa(>aclal pric«4 lortJilaiuoiitb. 

Band W Blehmood BtroaL Boatoo. Haca. 


Pa«p Rho»alaaJta^Ht«rMptlconOut• 
at and VIea-a for botk ; alao Hand Or 
tan. Bolt bo good aa nav and 
cbaap. Adtlr«<a 

K. ff.lHWPER. Blnolnahun. Ala. 

PUNCH nSURES, Pneli Cirtiln ud 6ood 

fiolo Laalbar ailn. S4 forloL Alao aAooi JatQMPlra 
and alio* nuabOim PlreforglaBablovan. tioma made 
diaapalao. aJ.B. HllEA.ig Malo6i..Coorord. N. U. 


BoDR and Danca, JIr, Clo^. Inib Jiff, Ilaal aod Book 
DaodoR Uauht, fortlieataKaoramuaamMt, Clrcalara 
malleil. J. BOOAN. ai3d Atoouq. Ke» York. 

Janostom, N. Y. Allei Opera Hoose, 

lUOand ISM. Raaiina caMolir, l,tCD. Por omq datoa. 
add reaa U . P. ALLEN. Owner and Manajiar. 
Jainowp. N. T. 

Attractions Wanted 



SiSiif^JSSiiSS-' '""^ 

RanRTT a ttmkr Majwm at. niii>«n r 


Hapcieo ani 81p»p«r or PaveoitenL BaRsaie part miiai 
have door loead. Alio caD<t]ratasd priTllwa for sale. 
B f RTOK k. OA WHOLL. Work) of NoTeluei. UofmHarrrt! 


DRE'iS COAT!J AND VBiiTS. II k> 116. Un, Slock. Cor 
naiuiiilMC, MlkliRl. TIlOa DUNN UOAN, KTORAOB 
AyUMbR.CO..«UPima>lloAte_Hl l<ial^ l,,'""""" 


ORY- 111 EMtT«,iriMilre,i. N,w Yoi> Ollr 




VA.N F'L.Rxrr. 
CHmw Baii««|. BMO CENTRE n. 



Cii|it V, D. Imenf s EomU Sliows, 

AcrobaU, Aerial Aitlato, Clownc, ton. 
tortlonlau, NoTeltf Acta, Trained Oobl 
Monkeira and OeaU, Novelty Acta of Z\\ 
klBda, Variety People and Drataaiit Peo> 

Ble ihat piny in. brsea; Fanov UUycla 
Jder to work Impande, Oram BXaJornnd 
Scotch Ho» Plp« Plaver, Experience 
CIreaa Haalolana tliat dtanble la orche^ 
tra, Oood Leaders or band and orrheain 
Bon Canvaa Man and Cbandellar Una' 
A No. 1 Adrance Agent* 

NodronkaTdaordliaaTaaatilapaopleDaadap-^y. fthoi 
npoDH M nj 2, piATi weak atanda. I par R. R. Urt«ouii- 
board can be bad for $3 SO to S4 per vaek. Twauii tae 
weaka'irork. No raocraeiarla^ inld. Addrtaa 

OAPT. V. P. AMEWT. Mu*tailc> l^.a. 





Maatbelntclata. AiAta all partlcalara In drai latter. 
Adilraaa JOIIK D'OBMOKO. Jackaon. Taw. 





L«t oa bear from you. 

CROSS Printing Co.,358 Dearliom St., Chicago, 


Falsetto Vocalist. 
Soubrette Character. 

Am aUoa "hot** Snare Oranmer. Wonld 
like to hear from gotxl people. Addre4i 
OLAODB WARSBIi,garaka. Kanain. 


^t iKia. In lifllaht, imIbIi llOb. ,tn n,, lleur,. 


Addm,, (Utioir >AUrv, 



K'lliST OliASS 
PIcrURKS, Elc. 



Canbeeoffieei for tba tanilov aeiNoo oT '96, lo ilia ca 
pacltr of Hind RNdlofC. VentrlloqallC Hagtc. I'unrb. 
Loclunoif. Door Work *'lc. Halltbie Mioagora O.VL\, 

P. S — Waotod to buy. aacond hand palotloR; muii U 
dtfap for ca«b. 


•Ith 7ill> PAI.S'TINO, Woir, null,, bnni tsl 
TtiAum, HMf L^ly IllaaloD. pIpAfmn, 111 BLACk 
AKTOUrrir. W). H'Oni lV>l,luiiOaltw.LiJd,r.Ei»lil 
B«onl,iD<J loiirdctloo^ w ,uvoik« oiadn IMIO; on,, 
tlilnj nlUi uider, bllmirfl 0. 0. I>. Umtwr Ja'e.^ wllb 
.MnC hriv lo tMComB tk CoQtorlloalu. tl p«rlKil<lo;l 
tvlil,,, M; cvh vlUi oniw. WM. NELMM, 

19 V,o KoidM 81.. ffMI Cmbridw, Mm- 

Gags, Paiodies, Horaioiiues, Sletthts, Aittipietes; 

Thi. K,w York boy', » corknr, 

Notuirt klod tbu', clow, 
Tt, MiilTh, ivrltei I, uf. to dmi,, 
Aod ruu cDbnlTour llr«, n. 
n,t'ii ,11; lioir I. II. niuan ; OEOROE IIICKa, 

aai ff»M Tiilnj^liiii mr-fi. N'» Y.irk. 

OwliiK to lh« ClniliiK of Uu Dslli, Pridgl, 
Co., AT LIUBUTV Alter Pvb.SK. 

JOHN w. TunrsfBULL, 

JuTWlll,^,Bil n tnorml H!i,ln»M.»,«nnlfllt.0f,*n,.U 

At LIbertr alter FebroaiT 23, 

T^aacL. Bcla-ols, 

JuTanlkA, nian(Rter>. Couedy. Al nodaro «arOrobe. 
Riparlaacad aod rvlUNe. Ritaoooalbla manatara onlf- 
Addraa* «^re flan. Dallrery. Ctiliiao. Ill* 



u. eoud imn. lonmi loc; eoiaowi louiaK), un. 'aIIi 

RhMp. Addma, 0. J. BAKEB, 

IIM W, Thiid BtiMI. KM«M01tr, Mo. 


DIAN, BtroD, HMcUltr. Win ROUKCIC. BLUFFS, lowh 


Bi,t«love.lB«l,r| ud tuu i,li,t7oucu do. Addma 
OR. 0. OLAREMONT, V«, Dnill Co.. 

Hmbtt fl. IOWA. 



DRAMATln LBADB. AddrM, P»tt Uarcli, Mkbion. 

Wanted, People In Every Branch of the 

0IRCU8 BUBINBIIS, ,,npl RIdin. W.aUll, a Oood Ad. 
raoc, AfOnL AddnuTONV nAHILTON. LawlHovo. 111. 


SIDE RUOV. NoltwIiL mUbuiwtorWiMlowfmtiL 
J. i:. HOSE 1 o6.. n«Bpriin«. Art. 

NOTICL— PeifonnBrs Playing Cblcago 

Can Sod Aral cUaa boutahaoplng roonu ataOtWabaah, 
near all ibMirai. S^nih Side. KRa D. WhONSXI 


rUT TO WORDD. B,Dd lOc lo ollnr for BirUlI Fslk' 
(rflppl,ToBau,ConiBtRolo), vlth pUnoacc. 

BD. A. DICEY, lOBuiuaBL. BulTala. V. Y. 

HELLO, CENTRAL i-CoanectJIe With Rolling 

TbuDdet'a K(o*a Indian UedlclnaCo. Haaiiquartan 1 
«antttiaorlitlnaLdiaap«Atand beat latoadlaa Forpariic 
ulaia addraaa Rolling ThMnder.eteamborir.iUtH'.o..H »• 

WANTED, All Al Irlsli CaneillH »d Wile 

and a Good Vanatlle Team to play parli aad Spaelalllaa. 
"'0 ntul dQulMa brmu. tfpringand RniaoMTivuon. 
AddiOM JULB RBYBoLd. Jna. Umt.. ftl-ll^M. Md._ 





Dollar blU loraBURB riRBSIDnpScMcb. HoDOloiiii, or 
Tramp Act. TwoufrnTacUkt Faalor'a Ihla wMk. _ 
n A. BHOBIff. Mauch rbiiiit. (lailNin I '* 

SPECIAL-Tte Largest an< FInist Assort- 

IM Waal T«Mt> lblnl Be BMr ««T,al]l A»,.. W«« Tor' 









Bf Ibe Bam* Writ«n. 

DESCRIPTIVE BALLAD, By EMERICK and DILLEA, minc. and orciirstkatio!* io cbstb. 


Two Bareht.. wim werdl by KBiRRT MlLLg (Ih. hoUnt mw wrttl..), "RARTIIS ON PARADB.' 

10 C«Mti Kacht 
IVUh OiTknirmlloni. 


A. MIL.L.N. l>otrolt. MIoli., 
ta WaiMBgion At*. 

"S1IAND0N BKI.L8." Orrktilratlosi US CcaU KBrlt. 'Wliaill IN DKTHOIT, CALL. 



WALTZ eoso. 
Snt tor rnm tba bridi*, oa k IUiJ« tick itreet, 
' tiAo^«T»a«M ilioc4iT •lor*. 
Wli«r« UbB boyi ud l^e fflrli eT'iT 71iand»T olttlit meet, 

TiU'a 111* bone of ibe irltl ledon. 
R)«k««ptt)oaH lor hBr ruber and tvo MUlachlUrra. 

ucr iDotber !• fMbla uhl tllod, 
Thr remily Ia'M Badle. ao'1 'he'i a lady, 

Becauaa ahe'aaogaoUa and hlod. 


Tli»f»'t * idrl Id onriti««t,'UKApl6uonto mMt. 

Bbo'iijDit tboat ilirMO T«4n okl. 
WBUe HHna ftris look for ran. not Uut port or a one 

Ii thii Rlrl vlth ft bfttrt pnre u koM. 
On » Soa nolldk/, whin the folks An ai _. 
ffit wlW cAre for the roaDf on«R aIoob, 

Ar.Jih«n0lRhboT*kQOvw«ll, thntwlUt Hweolllttl* Noll, 
Tlio chlldnD An nr« « bll* tlteT*n ffono. 

ffor»Mlonk1oopIoitTm:lL EoclrHo pUrbill. Ordiettni 
i)\cis MOt to the proftnloD on reeelnt nf tmn e«nu each. 

iSgFUUiATeDue. H.y.nny. 


''The Lights of London," 

Br (jlecive B. Slmti. 

"Hailiour LiEhts," 

hj fleorge B. Sing and Uenrr Fettitt 

"Master and Man," 

Dr eeorge B. Sins and Heorjr FetUtt. 

For rlgtau, etc, apply to 
JOSEPH BH00K8, 1.193 Bntimy, New Yorh. 

IhB Golden Rule; 



JNO. QXT£3E2Tg' 

Author of "My Best Girl's a Corkgr," 



In HofV» "A Trip io CblBBlown** Co. 

ProftulonAl ooploA, «llh nrcbeuntlnn. lOe. 

BlUh ATooae end Thlf y-nlnth Rtrr^L Kew Toik. 



Inrtator end M»onrkcmr«r ot-HUillOAL MOTBLTIBS, 
IIABP8. ULAB^ UUIUBS. BELLS, etc . etc. en uiimI wirli 
Krea ■Qrceai br ibe leedinc muilcel ttiloin, Deliorelli 
Hrofl , Ui6 RAveof, HAdU; ud Uert, the Almoou, Ee«t- 
brook, fif. 

"Nobody Wants to 
Play With Mo" 

liproDooocMlbf All u Ibe lalokeat bit OD record. Pbona- 
([npl)iia>l bud ontAoa All hAro it In their repertoire 
o». A fiwprutenloDAlcoolea lelt. CflPlorpr«gr4mnie 
•o4 tea caniM for plAOO eonr aq<1 nrtli»st ration. A-1ilr»a< 
Plkloly. Yoon tuvlQ.TBB TIIOS. U. BOWERS UVHIC 
1)0.. 610 Orer ATe.. Ilnitf/>D. T^ihil 

A Lady for Illusions. 

Lona aofanmaDt for th« ilRbt party, Bnctoaa pboto. 
■hlchvlllberaliimal, Biate fall pinlralartaDil »bal 
BAtan !■ Aioectad (o flr«t letter, I imy all eipenaea. 
0. W. BUNOmBD. t» Bo««tT. Maw Vorll rily, W. Y. 






■Dina. wutlDff eip, pa4H>Ia la mad, or ball biL . rile. 
Kaatara pav oliibla, Adilre^ 

PB. J, B, »onDB, neal, nellrery, Qalncr, III, 


fiOUTBBM PAVILTO}f 8D0V. VAOiniAN «bo ctn 
lumltb FuQch, Venirlloqum tod Rbadowffnph. Lodk 
AamiADML OoDd ehuco fur tlR mnnev lor omiuI 
r*rt]r. l]»eer«TTihlDff reAdrtoopea ihoSmh of Febru- 
err. Good OONTORTIOMIST WAnrrd. Direct 

MigoollA, Bumpur Oo. Booth Cemlin*. 

First Ik Secoml VIolio and llto. 

agara oalr, addnia FRANK J, BELMONT, 
Lock Rojl l,OU, BIPRhannOD. W, Y, 


'•edf Md leotoDlr, Id InTenequlemooniwIibTerfA- 
iiletketcb t«Am iDRraAUBpeoUlty Co., under outai^ for 
Hunmer HtMo. Mom doable bnM Id baod.umeeeve. 
Correepoadenee wllolted. Addreu 8BN8I8I.B IDEA, 
'"oTbeeire. Blooi Oily. Iota. 

The Aurora Budgret 

laAMTbook for nOMBDIANflAod thoMdola|lfD|lDK 
Aod tAlhloRAotA. li eooulae Ute peraJleA wplcel bodra 
■oon tod ducei, ebiTActer mock wlih vcnii Aod ddiIc. 
TKfiT flm clAU op (o dAte MOMOLOaUES: ftll ktnda 
lepATiee, ivoIiAtlonH, tod Afuoor ihieetct ftroe- 
"noe II (Qo etAinp*). Addmu 

PBAHL PUB. CO.. Boi W. AareiA. HI. 



RIliiAtadlDAcltr of aoTeotrSTe ihoatuH] lohtblttou, 
dolovAB eieeUeot bailneiuL Will be mM ret«ODtbir, 
AetfaeproprlatorcAOBotAivelt hli tileottoD. AddrMi, 

Hall's NorUiwestero Cireuit 

No* beohloi farlhUeeeeoatod DeiU Oon) eomptnleA 
■end open tine to A . L. II ALL. 
AiAderay Bnlldlnr Mi;wiQkee. Wla. 


Waiiad, rinl nua. AttiMlooa, popoUUoe, > OD: aaet. 
n* ?l*<>'lr. an. aim wut to bear rmin Vanjarllla 
rennlef-trawMblBArrll, OFO W. RIFLKT Henaiir, 



rLBlBKWlITB. AMiw. J. B. BOT, A^Ue, Fou 


Magic Up 
To Date. 

By W. II. J. SHAW. 

A New Book onTrloka, Illaaloa., Setoail 
Bight, NplrllaBllitlo KfTerta. «lc. Pro- 
nouncnt by the prafeaalnn to be lh« 
fliiMt book of th« kinil ever pobllahril 
InthUcOBntry. ThI. book contmlna 100 
paRumaail B3 bemtlral orlglBBi lllaam- 
llou. It m»t b« awn anil reaiil to be 
nppreclalnl. Cotit.nta R»IU. Prlre. In 

r.percoT.r, 73 cenla. Ilandaomrly bnniiil 
sbl.ckclnthanil Rolil.ti, ArtdreuW. II. 
J. HHAW. IM Aaaa.t. HI.. CIllcaBO. Ill.i 
orMAIlTIKKA ACU.,4U3 Hlxlh At?., N. V. 
Cltyi C. M. CHASE, 4li Cambrlila. 91., 
Boalon, Blaea.; W. U. I,E llOV, I0:< Court 
St., Daaton Maae. 



A iplendld work, br W. II. J. SHAW, 
Prict*, paper cover, 5U conle. 


TTie rati thlnfr. If ron veot lolctra to Act for ^iiiiciiiii, 
Bitge, Circo*. Bldtnbofrtnd tlio Perlor. It In ihn only 
complete book of the hlod nrer poblkhed. It ex()UlnM 
how to btcone ArfolrlloqolnLbAw totrBln binl*. ht.m tn 
walk up t Udder of tOitrp »wonl« la joarbtre feet, how 
to hfcniiM t fire hlOROr i]ueen, hnw tn become t cmitor- 
lloolkt, >inw to piny on coidiimq |;Um«a, how tn chtnii 
nttker, how to utece od brokeo rUu Id your litre feel, 
how tu Hwtllow ffwfirdi. bow to do tho humtn pin cushion 
tcLbowio do the ooljCTrtcl ntftoeUo (tirl tet, tad 
mtoy other tote. Price, ptper coter, Ulc. 




Twenty-rive Heads Under One HaL 

It h.a illtr IIIu.trKllon*, aliovlnff tlia fold, aod t.lme re- 
i,uir«d to mak. tlia hat lor lli.dlirerentrliaracler.. Trice 
01 book alooaSOcaati, or book aod C)iap«iuii;raphy Fnlt 




Spiritualistic Mysteries Exposed. 

ItconlelnnSZl CAgen uO Ii IlInRlrAted. Pnp«r cover, 
price $(.». 

NOTICE.— I hnve boitchMlieeotnjpleAtcck toJ moldR 
of lli« hte nun nf Jnhn»oo A llneKor. Wat KlBure* Mtnii- 
fuctureix: tlM> ihA cnin]ilele*lork end mold* of ilie Itte 
nrm of Itor ;rte A f>i«>r««. Wti Pl^ure Mauufiiciurer«. 
which mnkc' me ihefnlyiutiiiirtcturerof vAi (IffuroN Io 
thn City of ChictBO. I htre e Ikrce •lock of flgurea on 
htuil aod can mtko enylhlnK in thtt lloe to onler At 
Rhort notice, nt bHretlt prict*. 

FOn MAIjR.— PAlntlni:a,(in:AnP, Btn. Rerpent, Mer 
niKidn. IlliiklnDH, HUcii An Onitl'*. MediRnlcAl Wtx 
Plfturef, Panch aod JuJt FlirureN Vrntrlloiuht Kiifur^a, 
MtglCA] App«[Attta.tad All klodNof idiow prepfrty. Lliu 

WAliTBD TO BUT-Llaht Btnd VeKOD. Ticket 
W■([n□,Clee^CheTlou «Dd ell hlndn of circux property 
thti jpi food And cheep. Addre*N 

W. H. J. SHAW. 194 Augusta Slrect, Chicago, III. 


All (Imt cIaih viodeTllletrilrtH tend Toar open time, 
terme peiiotnont toil tnurioi( eddrofn, full pirticiUrn 
end where tad wliea you lut p^tyed Ronina. Now Vurk, 
PbllAdelpliiA, aiictfio, Bl Lotiln tod Clnclonntl. 

1,108 Broadiray, Npwr York. 




New Duett. Conn And IrUli Bonaa. tEil the irreAt "NA- 
PULEONMARf^B." P.leRAat wtnlmbe. MtoeneniofllrKt 
cttee VeuderlUe end Comblntlloo^ mldni&i 

219 WINnilBBTER AYBNUB. (ThlctKo. 

Sisters Gough, 


NOTICK.— Rela OoBgll haaa fully re- ber-rolco anil will All all.tigag.. 
nit.Bta. AddrMacanofCLIPPEn. 



Piebald. Moat b« amall.abuut 30 or 10 
Inchea laa lielsht. One that I. viclona. DAN SIlEHIIIAff, 

»»1 E. Mth St.. Hew York. 


Feroile Perforineni. Iron Jtwed Conlortlonln' or etmoR 
re»turee; ftond lAltry for tAioe. Morlmnttl Htr And 
Brother ActTetmoretiTiDii te\M for cll^ ■uilleiicet Con- 
cert People, inAB aod ledr. Riete yoartcu, etc., Inwe^t 
rtlArr. Lodr leiaon Ponth Rmtll Jtp. Tmuiw. He^lun 
Famllr. write. ORTOS BROB.' UlKI AND PO.W CIB- 
CUa North PetmiL Mich 



An Aeronaut, wHti or without Balloon. 

Mambeeoberend CAPtl'leol htedllnc tod iDdtilnii btl- 
loon. Aoiwer InoifOltttly to DoBtldNOnville. Lt. 




Car* «r CMPPRU. 



Bq Route FfBok Tnrker Dremallc Co. Permteenltd- 
drvM. TiawnANTOW AYR . CleT<*lA0<1. riMn. 


Waal. Maalral Arlitt, Roaa aad Daac. 
naat that do a.T.ral apM-faltlM. Alae 
loan halrad iBdlaae to lBcrM..«iBpaa|r. 

Addnu KiriAPOO Mel), p,. NO. I. 

ftwtb MootroM. Bomwhanaa r^i . p.. 

BAT) IHISK.%S!2^"iKL£:S»>.££»S! 



roln and Slake SEATS, Flap, Etik 


* aroii>.Bi.iBCAirrA!i,axAra,nr,niuu. 



8. S. THORP dp CO., 

MO rill.TON ST„ N. V. 


Mo. $5.00; eiD.. SAOU; Sin., •T.OO; Mb., 

, •AOD: cnd., 

f^dd; 4310. %10S}\ i^mputriient imrA neUI bouod,ai: 
34tlS olrcu<i iniBfei. iSM er<inplei». Bill iraoke, StaaSiU 
lnaiae.99i0. Llllvotnok«,'JK>Si>3I<Hldi'j. tlt w Birtpt 
tud *ket«toQ foUoweni, f tad 11 JO. Blilnped nn n- 
celplof UOa bal.C.O. D., eiceptnTer.<UlnilleMhen re 
mil whole AiDoant. Mualctl iDniranent, ticket tod nua- 
tee.a* tnioka to otder. RetlAO HtfkeUi, eltb Irmy, Unloi, 
cover, eta.. Sla.. lUOO; Sio.. tU.SO; 4Aa., %\bJ/>. Ba* 
ket.'* anipped oa rM«lpt of prlo*. 

Ealab. 1»*. tytA HorOi 7tb HirM't. PbllAdelphlt. 



Hand to: Nar 



FlritCliM Auieilcao Pita llvtel. Relo*,a30D toU-OO i«r 
dn/ .Voted tor Ibe eice)lene« of in (tilalne. Lomieil 
wirhin ooofiquAre of three HfBl cltM itxetree. Mr. John 
O'Donnell, lornierlr lietd wtiier tt tba Humet lloute, 
now htN chtnce nf uieillDlaa roMn In thin hotel. 
II. B. nUNHAR, Preiikleai end Ntntnr, 


Beit wonted tl|htA,redDCod io9iWft 
•et: Kood outlliy, fl.OD; per •et;eoiion, 
|l.dOpertet, Id tny color; Io bltck.plak, 
■hile tod otTj blue, red, tky blue, Itfen* 
der, preeo and wloe Bilk URhie, tU.OO 
periet: ProBRUItAifr.O to Bi4.UJ;Ba>ke 
«illA$)O0>To tViv; Purope, SotA.; all- 
ien, fl.OD. Send for u'jOomietodttn)- 
plei of tiffhti. EatlfDitee bp mell. De- 
po»lt remilred. SPICER nROS-. 
MO Beerireen At#, Brooklya, N. T. 


aod mm mmm\. 

New effoctii In MIod Reidlnv, fllltet Reeond Rlfht, 
Thought Trmnifennee end HIXTV OTIIKR BFPKOTR. 
PmfatJilooAl* ety It It t dtndy. Reoill 2A centx for Ifall 
and moil orlHloAl MAgletl CaI-a-1o« ersr leaaed. Rtllt- 
[KciloD ituatAOleed. CILA0. L. BORLINOAMB A CO., 
B«K »1. faicAgo. III. 



On the lloe of fltreet Rtllwtye, tad t topolttloa of 3CQ,(10U 
wlthla A rmdlue of teo mllee. New Ptflllon Opert 

lluuve. With MADerr tod ptrtplienrnlle. 
wINi eettloR uptclty[or8,ugutol0.(n)oe>>pi . 
ol t'enty tcre-^ lof^l!^n.^Bl'l*d Adur«M til torn 

,av oeople, tod ptrk 

muolcAtinn* trtJOIlN BRNOHE. Tniw>e. Bcreglon. Pa 



CoolKine nererAl thouatad llluilnlloat ol DiAmood Jew. 
eiry— ouaIdI tnd iilyllih— Onld JevelrTi Wtlchei, Hter 
llojcSllrer NoToUlei, UmlirellM, Cetee, Rich CuiOltM 
were. ClockH— eTerrthloB tbet le oeeded erery diy la ilie 
yeer. Thenitkesp ofthUvoik of ere li orliloti, torn 
|xc(, btDdy til een7 la Uie htod, ookt pocket or ul«bel— 
chock full fit the cholceot llLermlar*. Prlce> ere ibto- 
lulely Ilie joweet cooMnteot with qeAllly. Bead ynur 
ntme enil addren fnr t w>f tnd pleue raenllon "CLIP- 
PRR" OHKAMP. NOLTINll A C6.. MtirimoUi Jewelere 
of AmerlcA. Vine Bl , Cor. ath.rinclnaeti. O. 


Lndlng Aerarautt ol Hm WoiM. 



AJw mtnaftcturen of el] klodi of BaUoooi 

(UtA or Hot All). Rend for price llat lo 

BALDWIN BROB.. P. 0- Boi 111. »locy. 111., 0. A A. 

J. H. Cakes Go. 

that ha. DOTar mined payloi aalarlM or prlolliir bllU In 
al.htaan r»r>. Addr... HOOK «I7, BoDlLLKK 
TIIBATKE juribPIWIl. Clilt.,", Ill 


Write for 


Wi Boath BleTeothHtreet. PhlUdelplilA. Pa. 


PrntAMkiniU deelriair to perrbtM E^EHIM or 
RTRF.ET OREmEB CAO Cud A verr EUkuI Aeeoitment 
nf iheHioiceAt ntrmeouei Verr low Prieea. Oiir 10 
OenU' Fell Drea Holu for »tle cbetp. 

9n-nmu)\STH m.. Phiitdaipbu pe. 

/ yiglMl Appintii, Tricks, 
Itloilou, Etc. 

Rev, fuUy nioftnued iMb caiA' 
loffae,ererTlhlaK ap lo deU, UctA. 
Ptilor inibe eAlAlocae rtee. 

■AR-imCA jno.. 
tfa Rlilb ATeene. New Torfc. 

Tntiif AllDuerl|tliulliii(ietin<a 

M, »■ ICHKPiT, IC Hoalj Wnat Hmm Tori Oltf, 


Bkeicheemod ModeU teraldied on ApplleeUoe. 

OOLOM B A niUMM, Ul MUi BL, *vw Tork. 



DAI.TON 4c CO., Proprietors and Manacers, 

No. 115-117 Wmt Tirentj'lhlrd Mtrecl, Mew York (Formerly Konter A BIhI'h). 


lIlBh CliiSH ArtliitH Onlj addrewi i. ENUEl, Dimlnotii Mannger. 




By JAMKB M. HAUTIN. Anthor nf *'Thf> lUrveat Moon,** "Orealcir Nnw York,* 
**S»piihlre nine.*' etr., lalroeluelBii 


The Vaiuone DIsrIt Face Gomedlaae, In rh»racten epeclally wrlllea Air f hem. 

Special Scenery. New and Novel Effects. 

All rainuaaBli?atlon. LAWUHNCR A IIAMIl.Ttm , 




Plaalah la "TUB NIUIIT CLBHK." 



Orac.ral Rotig aad Damca, Till. I. b.yoail .lawtloa Ih. aaoat .B|illvatlBg toag anil 
daac. .T.r aar.ltlea. 




lleerrli>(lve Raret Hong. ProfeAelonale eenillna l<li*., wllli rant or proKraMimo, will 
recelvfi mny ONRoribf* alHkve konae, or AI.I«TllliKIO lor Urir. 
neiHeniber, tNey are enlablleheU hlte. 

UATKH U UBNOIX.UN Urrheley MIreet, lloeton, .Haae. 




Author of "ril llfl 1'riie to Hy lioiioy lloj " un«l "Stuiullnf; on llie Cor* 
iirr, Didn't Honn No IlBriii." 


Toar Paetor*a thle week. Permanaal addreii, 4 Rait HtMlk Hlreof , 5f«w York Oltjr, 
care llowlay, llevlland & Co. 


Will aell at s Saorlfloa, HONKBYB, ALLIOATOBB, BZ.AOK BBAB, OIV. 
BTS, LYNX, Eto. Also a quantity of aDFBBIOB SANITABY 0AOB8 IN 

irs-lr Foiirlli Avt).. Now Voric Olty. 



■• a IIIT. a.t It H«rar. It i. Ilanf by BSv.rylmlir. 


iLlBHlnn Itarltla aarc.B, aad II nov.r Itelia ttttnBl.«a lilt. ProrMitea, 
lUcoBb, with oreh.Btralion. JAMKM aTlLLMAN, Maiii. Pybliataer, 

mit nitll. Av.Bate, N, V, City. 

0. Aa Kennedy's Great HIppolyinpiail. 

<!|Ki:U8 PEIIPLK Ib til brAnchfi of the profeulon. MuilclAnn tnd llreiiInK Khmii peiH )«. Hlttii ultrlea Id lirt 
letter, nuinker uftcia, eti. Will open In Duhu<|u» alcrtil ihe mld'lle nl Hty for one wMk. Wtntt Mtn wllh Trtlne>l 
PoDlei. Ilortee end Uoka Uncle Joe Llohtiita, e«iueelrlin tllreet^^r. FverylliInK >trani new. Will inrel ov iletm- 

IroeL LAa|t*ee« 

UlrsctbiU A KK.*4.WK»ir. (leo. MtaiRer lilpi'ilympltd, rhihuiue. fowt. 





Jaal Oat, K.b. N, 'VO. J. H. BURKB, l,V)M B«B.aIlo Av... !«. ABg.loa, Cal. 


Abelardo and Josephine Lowande, 


Addrcwa HUIJNI) IIIKM>K, N. .1. 






TBifTiruMonr and juor nnuRU nrmniitn aixmr Xaid s e.nici.-.iBniFa ror m pMaa i>a«io iii. cai» 

(;MJoce. rer Jasilloi Uood., ClalB, Taotrllooolit uid'rooeli and /odr n.nrM rraa. 

(yiLumilA HAnm th|i-k «ri,. ro , ni lio..rT. N. r. 


BoDl t. ortfCT oa aboil bmIm. Vrll. (or natinktx 
lUutnlad e.l.lona fta.. /. 0. OomilS, 

n il'awM.. Dalnrir, MIcb, 

O. B. Til. Caaady or 

a.B. Raa. MBS. O. B.TII.DBir, .Ibt.bIIm 
•T Claaractwa. Ballafela. Oaad watdivb.. 

Addfaaa FUIBA, lat. 



■r J, I, miiMjM. Min.iin, a« nui. bi., diicaio, ma 
naMt worh at ih. Ini*..l prlcM, (lAM. ANU RKB OUB 
yiinrn. itnr.i.vMnxTiK* PI'-riiHpwiviFiBn, 


OAUKCAR. Very ebeao for eaeb. Ctr lood ee aew; air 
brebea, ala Uare'e t MriAio for t emill ihow. Ad 
dr«H i ir.ndoK'iiiuowASetiiAaf, Ho 



Febbuary 22 


A4min&,lQ foaracU, bj Eraett Muat, rlTen 
• InltUl preji«DUdoD Feb. tbe itock c«ii) 
piDyof Fre«m»'t TlimirMii omcluutl. o. Tht 
plAj !• foimdcd OD ftD blitorlcal iDcldtDt, Hd dull 
urgclf wlUi receat enou wbkb have Utnateoed 
to embroil Qrett Driuio una ibt ITotied 8UtM. Tbe 
hIstoricatlDtercatlsDot pannouot, but tbere li a 
Teln of romtnco ruoniaf all tbrotigh tbe drmmA 
irblcbuves It from dngflDR. T)io Treildeot did 
not declftro the Uooroe iJoctrlne Inrolred bj the 
dltipoie iMtfreoD Rogtand and VeaezaeiH uoill be 
nbiAlned poBitejiiloti o( a map isade bj IL HaboD, a 
nurrejor to ibo aervlce ot KIdi (leorse. Tbli lur- 
T«f ctrrMii vli'i It proof of ih* lojaailc* ol Bothnd'a 
rltln. (l«An« BairoD, a yuung W«>i Polot ctdot, U Mnt 
to Houlh Amtritt lo Mcur* nam of ih« Tow cliwlnlwl 
cv|)lMnf DiABalMtn mip, AOfl il b wllh lila ndVMliim 
lhat "VMMuela" ittkli. WMIe IraMrmllr In Ibttlud 
lifltMnmiavacklfMl In ftillplnnittJc flirtftllon wlUi DooDa 
Aalt«aonu]ei, tail tiili lUllyisR vlth lorsU ailrAdg* 
oQitlOH^hlm hiA AnitrlcAQ avtelbnirt. Alio* Aotrlp. 
Tfatt maltleo oarrowljr «b«paii belofc nttrrM off bf liar 
rtiiitr, Oo). Aoirip, lia«a wMtoeH Tor lillu. to Lord 
KtlMy. Btttnti'* inlMlon in «orc*i«6il, hli UUooa »r« 
jaaun*<l AflJ tiUnwMihPKrt mi'lo harpy by a raeooellla- 
tlnn. Iiord Ktluy la illH-.OT«rfHl Is he an asaai oDIrf al 
Brltalo and ha U JlicrwllUfl. Th« (1r«l atio rpurUiacUi 
ara lilil In 17aiItloalon. (he laconil In Von»jC-iab am) iha 
tliln] at Oapa Ilailona, »lier« ili« aorlilniia nf iho Toltad 
fltatai (;o»ft DeroQca afTunl mH for a«(rlkiDSic«olc 
dlapUf. Tho ilMtrndllon ot a Hitp )ij a torpvlu li noe 
elTMt. Tbamt: a«orfl« S4ifoo. lluwirJ lUll; Um Joia 
<1oDul«a,lfllltamfl(naTT: Mrd K*U«r, HUpiiea Wriffht; 
Klvanln, <iu« Wolnbav: Kni^ell l'4rfK HaurlM 
firaooan: "Ool." Anirlp, Prtnk Kaadall; F#i<lloani1 Mtn- 
«loti, Franklin Uilobr; Varloi, J. L Au«iio; Coranco. 
Obu. Laltrall; UIil Bao, 0. D. ro<lar; Tom, Rharuio 
Prank*; UMHocar, MaJUtrRuavll; tha Praalil4ntftr(ha 
Koliail ritatai. Itlchanl BAker: Doona Aolu (loor«la«, 
Barrl llor>«: AHra Anirip, Maredlih fttrr; Mnu Dtabor 
ouin, uamllla D'Elnar 

"The Jeit«r," 
A musical comcdri m three acta, bj luui UnnRor, 
irai orlglna<l7 acted at llrldgrpoTt, Ot., Feb. 3, by 
Edvard M, Farnr and compnDj. Tbo pla j opcDa In 
itie borne of llowcon toll, a mao who adiDlrea 
aotorn. lilt wKo to opposed to loilblov penalolnir 
to tbe atago. I/iilhaalKeQtolhecUr, aod, kaow 
Ing that blfl wKe to on a vtolt to a slclt relatlr^, be 
looka op hiri old frlcod. A. Uafnot, comeillao aod 
theairlcal iiuoiffcr, aan iDvlitt hini lo tulog hla 
compao/ to iho Ut\t homoaietd, ihui \h*j tulfllit 
oojo/ tbe tfreDtT'rour hourn Hul l/iit to expected to 
be abMDt. Magaet U endowed vlib tiTpnoUo 
power, ami, arter placing the memiieni of hla coni- 
paoT undor bla control, aniirea thom itiat ibOT are 
all plarora, «nt] thay burit loto actlofr. l/oit baa takaa * 

Pirl, and ladaclailnililH loro m t'w Iwllna Iflr. vhan 
li«ira aD«Mi«claOixi*l<im'aad kaara liU daclaralloD. 
Billarlov It ui b« lailiy tn, alio iHMotnea wirry and 
drlTti iliatn fell front tha hnaa*. Tba leeenil act rtpie> 
■anU tbo »Ugi or tht HevoTrull Uparm Rouao, and ilmva 
Mafaei'acomituiy al a ilrVM rahMraal. Tba anilre act 
In alran dp tn apPcUUI'A, vhlfli aod wlih ilie appatr- 
aoca or Mr. aoti JUra. f/i*i, hoilt k»*>klaK fur tha man 
whoin liter nUlin va« ilia caa** of all ihair iroubl*. 
Both lall Iniii tha hanila ut an niBcor and ara arrMt«<l. 
Id tbeUtlrdaci oTnrjbotlr to diuiiaad. Th«r»«aiDbla 
at a vlllaaaho-tl. nvh onH Murliloit for iinntrltnilr al'n 
M«Kaat ramnraalrladlainilM, whanuMin hato rtcaialy^il 
br Loll ami chulPOBaii to a davL In tha aworadaiit 
wlitch TjIIom Uasnat alrlkeii dn*n fiolt Jiiat ai tha 
lattar*! «ir» apnaara and r«eoirolu« hint. Ba<>to< lint 
buatiiad lojiiraf. her FjrtniMiilir rmi nnt to htinan'lvlia 
roralT#l all. Maiotl and hla cniiioy are aafa rmii 
farther pervontlnri, ever/li?ilr floda hU nr her loni 
frlonl or aeeel'irnri. aod all endM well. TliacMtjA 
Mtgoet, Balaam H. Karor; tlnwana I^ott, Will II. H\fhr; 
LlUvataBultAna. Ov*. U. (kdiin ; Kufo OardtD. Ullhm 
Clayton: tJ. Ilayraad. J itehin; OUade Dfivnitax«< 
IleaiDaM Warlag: llr*. Ilavaoa U'.u Mra. J. i>han: 
Nallj Will, Joa'a iriiliaii; Trrpay Kerr, BwRta FaTouie; 
l>ora Foolllghtv KJiUi flineUtr. 

"The Codd«it of Truth." 
A iHW 0|Hra comlipo, lit twoact', bj:»ianUlaua 
HiRQge, miiilu iiy Jiillnu hMwardp, recelTed lU flrat 
production on niij blnxo at Ibiirlh' Academy, Ihtlil- 
more. Ml, Fob. 7. Tbo acone of the new opera le 
laid Id ll Himanhi, and ttiolucMema are of a fanci- 
ful obarmclnr. The mala Idea, that of oanalog a 
number or people to aimndon intlrHhamaand cuii- 
floe themiclrea aMciir to tho (ntb for a while, \a 
taken rroai W. 8. oilbert'a "pHlace of Tnitb." 
Ttid loa or Uia Klna of nuWarIa U iMtmihcJ 
lo the rnD:e'4 Aloia, dauichtar ot th» Kloit 
nr ItonuitDla. Bo'ti blnaa ar« poor, ihou|h each 
baltaraa the ntbar lo Ita rlr*i, beice the proiHifed aill- 
aooe. KIbr Timiibl, ut Rul«iria. piiwa a« a traihful 
man, though la reilliy hnlaajrettllar. Ha haa erected 
ID htodaixlea aatauie tu ihedoiU«aor Tratli.ihawurk 
fifa youux iculMUirfbr •hom hla daaahtpr naapoc«l. 
Theitatua, IlkeOiUtaa, beconieaeadti««d with and 
de«rofKllial all mou »|ieah the eitct inih for ivrlre 
hoon. iDibeaaoDDd aot iheporettr of iheklnK^ the 
perfidy of Ihe courilerx, Uia iliviptcable oatare of the 
)<rlDcely loTar, the tioneiiy of iho jnuoa aoulptor, ard 

inoa: PrlDO* A u1, Aleii« U* niilkn; Hldiael, Ricble 
Una; Lril<f.Oaen Waitir.inl: HlikL Aka Monto: gjcea 
HaTle,HouOnnkt;l'rInrMaNItao. LlltoMndap; Witmal. 
JoKa Biaae; Carll Klofnce Willli: and IhaQoddaMor 
Tnitb. Prbtceu Aloia, Lllllaa lluiatU. 

"Cripple CrMkSlookft.'* 
Tlito four act dnm^, by Cbai. A. Vauricr, wa« 
acted for the Aral lime on any atsge at the Academy 
of MuMc, Iteadtng, Pa., Feb. i. Tbe alon: Jack 
Forreii la In lovo wlih UarloD Kni^a, a girl who 
had been adopted liy bU molhcr, but becomes 
entry and runs away liecauie tie orerhoara anolber 
man propiwliig niamage lu her. Uegoea Weal ana 
makei a fortune Id (hippie iltocka no. 1. Uarlon 
becomeaamoilioralidlrtlielil tip to acom by the 
rlllagerii. In coumeof a numlKrof yeara Jaok re- 
winn anil l«ara« rbr thr nr t ticnahow nahaa«roiiK«d 

Karton. Heat oow inarrlaahar. 11* cent Uiuea M>rc>tul- 
irantl (ha day rraaldettt OlaTrkod U-km bfa Veac- 
Mteui\ memae ordara lila print* ri'^-irury lo lo- 
veat all bin mi-ney bi CrI|<ole Gtooka No. 1, boltoTlng 
thai bo will ninhvr iDoreau hln rvriuDe. Thta ftnck. 
howarer, laiei a \At t\n\\ aad b« twllerM Mmaeira 
rulaad man. Ill* |>rlraie b^rrviarr. Hilly Vaod«rt>llL dla- 
reaarda bla Inilmoilnna and liDiB0rl|ipI»EtockaK<i.3 
wblcli prufeitolie ab'g wlunar. BHIIa iutqii upja»taa 
a uiortaaae la lo bo foreclOMd oo ilie old Porreai home- 
Btea-I, aod all aoda happily. Tbe rjui : Jack Porreai, Jaa. 
II. Maurar; Pldk Korrv^u Vni. B. Iletiler: DaaletPor- 
rett. A- L. Pliher; Raniurl Crawlonl, llarrr K. Maarar; 
HUlle VaDdriblli, Horrla k. ehlli; Aadraw Jackaon. L. ¥. 
U'lae; JeoDla Pprtoat, U^iala UnMUm; Rulh, Nary Urate 
Maurer; Narioa ICruaa,LIIII*o Rayaiood. 

*'A Light from St Agnet," 
A tragic Bketch, In one aot, writlen by MIonle Uad- 
(lera-yiako, WAS originally produced at tbear^nd 
(»p6m lIotiKO,U'llnilngtoD, Del., l>co. N, ikva. Tbo 
Rtoiy to that of a youofc girl, ' foloolte, brought up 
amoiiit OTll atwHlrtilona Id a cHUnunihoouiaklrid 
oraUutoUnavlllniio. 8bo to iIvIdr with Ulvbaal 

KeiTiuBC,one of the harituit cbikractenof ihe migh 
b^rbood. When tlie ptav oprm a prltfHl to lcl;rn|r 
'IWoeUo of tho life andworka of aRoodwumau 

who bad taken Muob au lulvn»tlo herrefommtloni 

audwhuwaa now IvIdk doad In lbarha|>el. B«ntreh*r 
death aho b»d told tbp prtont lo UhaarrueiBv lo'Tolnatlo 
from bar. Karuiia<i. haviua i^a a dtomoad eroai no 
Ilia Itraut oi iha dead wotitao lo ihe cbaind, lelto 
Toloetta III IiIh raroKe to atval ll. Rhe hM l«eo M 
louobad Ity Oieprlaai'a wonl^thal the trill nulalloelhn 
de«e\-railoQ, anil, a« h«r lurtursra to of no a^all wlili 
Kerouao. •lie laachf* oat and pulitiha alino ImII warn- 
iQa the vllUaorr. Kfmi«c\ In itiad fbry, draaa bar loto 
Ilia roun. aiabJi har to ili n!Ii and tnikf « aood >ito erfapa. 
Whao lia to aoue the rtolnv ■hd. mlMtnl irviu the Ivlh^' 
Kf 8t AfuoiL Rhioen In iha wloitw until tha Uoily ol 
'Tolnalta.hoUlaa Ihaflrurirti Id har hanil, la complaiely 
•n\alop«n la tlia Lliiht riitni RL Acne*. Tha caai: 
Ulchaal Ken>uii-. Janta* Nelll; raihvr Bartrand, Albert 
tirau; 'Tolaallf, Mr^. Phtn. 

A v'onieily dra ma of Ihc lUvulullon. In one act, by 
John W* AlhatiRb Jr., wAt pmducctt for the tint 
lime on anraiAR^ at AlbaugbV Ijocum Tbraire, 
Baltimore, Ud.. Fob ri. The curialn rises npon tbo 
Interior of a topical rulotital tome, the mldence of 
MlasHanba VYtuchealor.aiTreDioD,N.J.,on ChiUt* 
maa Blabt. i;ta. The aoiloo opeoit wlih old Jo^, a 
falthfol ooiored anrvant, on tbo iiafe, loe membe re 
of tbe famllr, wiib tbe oscepiloo of Uwolby, who 
rebiieateiliQceto i>ie Kloa'a ntaale, haftof tinatotha 
ball at Brlil«h he«i1<i<mitrpt. Sbo haa a Pceoaalihihe 
oM aarvaat. to whtelthaheBihartrtttarufiiodlacreat lahrr 
remark* a'-itt the Bdilwi, aod lo iry t«» CAcctllaiel'-ap* 
Uln ra rlflph. whplaa fklUn lDl»r««llliher. Tbatrill 
ol adian U haat^t oataldeand (^Mala Palrlelab ealara 
with a prlaooar. LUuteoiDi Truai. of tba Amarloaa 
amy. Tlie latlar. baloa allfhlly wMindaO, ta placad oa 
pantia by Palrlolah, who tand«r<4 fato i|uarian. Later 
PalrUliih |impi>aai lo Ti^roDiy ao4 la rclioii»l, at her 
b a*tbeh)3nio Trtiav.or vhori« ^rvrrnc* lothahoafe 
aha Ib uaanai* (iMJoeroahaq tliii knono It* har, an«l a 
prallyluvp ir^oe vpMira. »|ilrh ii iDUrrvhiMl by ^'alr- 
Iel|h. who ic-a»f* M- I'tl-imfi oi i^ na « p^y. The 
Amaikan l< naktn |. a.-».l imitrr airvt. nK#D tha boom 
of auD«l>li(apt. itiiai lnii<iiuNhlirppti>r iliatthaHioia 
are a ilaoal lo iMaeial Wawhlnaton lo rnwthrt Deiavatr. 
Ti.i»cj»i: Oii'l il»..m»> KeltUUh Jr«i.n Harehalt; U«ui. 
.ut in Till .1 i. iin \v. A,iv«t|ih .If ; • t'oei." jw fcTw. a. 
J>vb>; NliuaiB iKivUiy vriDthtiifr. Ma|idd4a« II. 


"U MoDiiJ," a three act piece, by Henry Foo 
(iQler and <;eorgee Beital, was produced at the 
(Meon, Paris, Fr., Jan. 'JM. 

"UBBt8wiHDi,"a life act tragi comedy, hy Max 
Halbe.waa acted at the PttitKneThcfl(re,fierllD, 

"Ufc OUBTWVKP," a foor act ptoy, bT P C. PbU 
lipe, was Riven at the Opera Uouie, tJbcltenhsm, 
EAR., Jan. 20. „ w . 

■THB CROfr* OP rtiiiA," s foor act ptoy. by Rnberl 
Castleton and Oerald aaroey, was given at \Nond- 
side Park, Bor., Jan. -JO. 

"rBEPooi.oPTnBPAMriv,"a three act comedy, 
was ortaloally prereated Jan. at the Duke of 
Vorke Theatre, Undoo, Rng. 


Wtntt of Montgtrt and Ptrformsn, Open 
Datei, tto.-Se6 Advertlistnants. 


The A' tAemj ol Huilc, SlerMiiir, III., Is now under 
llio iMiiiKtmcDI or H. C. Ward, who dcklru Ki 
iHiok tnil clau ■llraclluniion IIMni IcrHH. 

B*litr md Utnio waul h Ud; tor ToiHr. alao 
mutlcUnt for Ihclr "Uncle Turn's Uililn" Co. 

'Th« l.lgbli 0' l.oDdon " "llnrlior Mgbti'' and 
"Uuler ud Man," can be Icaiitd tmn Jojcpb 

Uclotjre Hnd Ucatb'a Hlantng lonr ncxtMamn 
will be under ibe dliccilon o( Lawrence ft Hamil- 

Opes timn can be niled bjOnlclaaa coinUlna- 
lions St the Uutic Hall, Fraoklonl, I'a., under the 

UumblOBiloDa can book lime at (he Bljon Thea- 
tre, N, Y,, »Dd i;svla' Tbeolre, Uciantsn. 

(leo. K. tlllchell wanla a tloglun characlcr come- 
dian and muelclaDs (or tbo Hlnnlo l.taier Uo- 

Dmnuilo people arc wasud b; K. K. Nlcketmn, 
Tlios. P. WiedemanD, J. K. Leolz, Mwlu iliker. 
Ideal Vomtdlan*, Uwla Corned; Vo., Be;mour 
HUHtinn, iosb llendeiroo, J. 0. Ulnrd. 

Al UberiT: u. W, llirllDit, V. U. Doftrdman, 
Jnlin W. TurnbnII. Ulllan Kraius MtiTi S:reir, Win. 
Kcbola, John D'ormond, iignea Fuller, John V. 
Ud on, Mr. and Mri. U. K. Tildeo, Tom tianin, 
Oeorgo OordoD, Iteesto H. CignloD. 

Ire l>allRd 
and oihor 

"The Ulil (Jhurtb Dtll," • new dewtlpi 
b7 Kroenck and liUloa, "Kits ruiir Mia" 
Aongn, also two llvel; uarckes can In ordered from 
K. A. kilt. 

"A lied Hot Uemlxr," "nognUh Mule Uar;" and 

I'll lick Uie Winner," three new longe bj uatnc) 
tagan, am laxicd bjr Sateaand Uendli. 

BraokH A lianlon Co. have published 'The 
Golden Itule." b; John (jaeen. 

"IQ Old Town Tunlgui" U a new coon long b; 
Cad L. Uajte, Iniiid l>; Flnniier'K Uualo llouae. 

"A Uollali Am a Ulalii; Handy Tiling," l« recom- 
mended In ibOHO wliulnR a good ' coon" mug, l>; 
lue piiiilUber, J. II. liiirke. 

0. II. Bavlera Adrenues "Claire," a new eonir. 

"Sadle'a A Udj" and "Lllile Nellie Look* Alter 
Thrill All," are Inued by liiiiillion S. GoidoD. 

".NuiKMy Wtnu 10 1'lay v'lih Mc" can lie ordered 
from Ibo Tboa. U. Howera Uualc Co. 

Cuarles K. llarrU' litest ballad. "There'll Come a 
Tune," la being tiing by J. A. LIbbcy, ihe suiig la 
supplied by the puulahcr at tea rents, wliti or- 

Hualclinsare wanted by Hyron and Ciiurman, T. 
U. lAnr, Chan. K. Ulllon, Tlioiuaii Kllliiirnod. 

At Mberty: Kmnk J. Ilelmondi. Frank I.. Polla, 
Jaoea Speara, Leon, u. ^Y.. ligk** mnd. 

"neaaaiit IKcannii'r I'lilidlioiid," by Fred Hale, 
Is publish' d h; (len. Willlg A Vj., IUI liiioni, Ud, 

L fierge oircra lire new aongs, enililod ■ o'nmdy 
Was In Line," "Fond Hopes Are llnrled Here." 

fhoy'll NeverSpeak Agilu," One I Imu" ami "To 
Uoiber, Uuy, Us True," ** Iwlog tapecUlly sue 
ceasM public mens. 

"Jual (JiiUilie a Ulllloiiani's l^oor," a new and 
popular drsorlptlve i-'oog,CHD beonlciedfrom Jamea 
Bidlsian (or tai cents. 

Ohiu.T HIII.'ncwaongs.'TlioAltailao," "neaso, 
Ur. Bants Cia'js," "lloa'l Furiel Ue,' end -l-he 
Mong (or Ibe UibKs" are baued by lluwicy, llivl- 
land A Co, 

'MoUany'n Two Step," l>y llobert Iteckor, Clieva- 
lleiv' Hook r>( Coaieniionger suog-i, "lltr Ueoi'o 
llrlniis KeKo llegreis" una Jllko MoCariy's Wake'^> 
an published br Fniiik Uanllng. 
llenry J. Wcnman's ItUti publication. 

Uurphi's Dnughtcr Nell," by Uhiis. F,. Uier, la m|i. 
Idly tielDg Uken up by the piulefslual tliigera nr rv- 
pii c. Uoples or It will lie sent upon receipt or (ou 

con's, Willi orcbeamilonii. 

Tbo English Song rulillahlog Co. rcconniend 
tbelr aumrnua publlcailnna to prereaalooal hIdecis. 

11. W. PctrletiippllesrourDeir eongs rree to pro- 


J. HelvUlo Janson's "Kncyclopedls o( Comcily,'' a 
book wblch Is said lo on ah reiiulte iiirnts In lie 
line, contains much valuable maicrlsl (or come- 
dlane. It Is monnieoded by tunny leading dna. 
matlo acton and variety iterrortnem. Toe author 
'-iillrs copies al |2.;«es(;a. 

. II. J. Sbaw onbra bbi piibllcnilons. "Uiialc Up 
lo Date," "lU|lc and Ha Hysterics," "8haw'a llook 
or Acta," "Sbaw'a Book ua Unancangiapbj" and 
"HcveUtloDR o( aSplrtl Uedliim,^' all o( them aald 
to be valuable liookii, at prices Indicated. 
Oarr and Jordan have a row open weeks. 
Tbo Slaters (louKh will nilsHionlinorn. 
Vralg, ciiutoiilubbit, hanil l,sUnccrnud eiiulllliital, 
Isooaet Ibe (eatutes o( Itlcliards A Itlnglo'a Ulu- 

The World's Trio, whose act was a success at the 
ATeone Tben're, lltiaburg, can illl dalrs. They 
would like to Join a cembloatlon wxt seaiun. 

Rddle llanlDgUiii, comedian, slogcr and high 
wlrepertOTDicr, can be engaged. 

His H'enele]*, chaiacler iluo. can be engaged. 

Heine Thwing cim l<o epnaged to pose lu living 
plotuRs. Hbo can also ■<«ume roln. 

aiKcUllles sro wanted by It, W. Uaika, Dr. M. K. 
Ilawihorne, III 1 and lllll, li»c. /haia, 841111110111, 
Jiile Heyluld, tlons. Diiahnell, .suTwIlile Idm, lir. 
Clarrrooni, Dr. L'. u. Bpniiglcr, llcrlin ur LKe Co., 
A. Bally, Ihvc. Snoir. 

Atiloeiiy: Uauilo Warner. 

tM. A. IMcey arranges nii<lc. 

tiraceyand llumeti, wbote scl la one or the (cat. 
ures or Bam T. Jack's Co., cau tie engaged next 
week. Hies Uumell'a sInglDg ol "Ia Pas Ualas" hi 
iTitoried 10 earn her msnr encoree. 

i. 0. Ueagan manuraciurca mutlral novelties. 

Jliii Woods, Ulnnle Woo<la and Dcrtle Slikcrran 
Join a aide show, niedlclnr or belt company. 

Onodmau ar,d Spencer, colored fkeich IcHin, are 
at llbetty. 

Seeker and Wllkeacan becngnBnl. 

Tho Curell AniuHenient AsMclnilon want Ural 
class vaudeville pcrlonutr*. 

tlenrgo Kvai > nut nil a lew ilalea In March. 

Oeo. (Irrpor; wanta a parturr (i>r ti lulo Imtv. 

Oeorgo lllckiaupplles pan>(lic% etc. 

Tho Trocadcro llualc Hall, (ormrrty Ko-lcr .t 
Blal**. Tweniy lblnl Slrtci, New York, will li.. 
opened Marx b », under the proprietorship and iiian- 
•gcnietil ol liallon ,V Co., nllli A. KngrI as bii>lnr>-' 
manager. Illgb cbus perfuniim iire wauttd. 

Kliro; and Hawaon'a new act can be eeci at 
rroiior'sTwenij thlid Sirn-t l^heaipf, ^ew^Drk. 
(bis week. 

Harlon anil KckhoiTs niiidial act la onu of Ihr 
(aatuni or ihe li ne lllll Oo. 

Jame) I.. Kemsn oireiB Ihs wrekaor 
and April H, 1:1 and 'j;, al Ibe Uoward Aiidiivrliim. 
Ualilniore, to anil clatM comblDailoiiH. 

Y. Samson and Uile. /.<ccho. In tneir allracliro 
exDllililon at siieugtb, can lie engaged (or tbeatres 

Uonon and Hevella have the week ot ]■<[,, u 

FJllsand rhIlUps, acmtin comcdiani, can be cu. 

Kell l.ltobenid Is wllh (ha Anna Kvs Faj 00. 
Wl IJ, llirdDannitleapanxlle*. 
(leo.Biratlnn l« no lorner lODOtrled Klih Ihe 
Temple Thrairs, Uiindon, N. J. 
The UIJou Vaileiy Do. wasi peiiple. 


II. Uolle adrenisea snatrn and nibrr animals, 
alao blrdi (or sale. He bu on eiblblilou a ben, 
wblcti has a ptrleol moukoiia (aoe. wllh a nai nose 
aad wide noeirlls and a wlqe mouth. 

J. W.Oook oners olrouattoirror sale. 

■Tbo Qllllaplea be engaged lor a -Idr-hnir. 

Cltcus people are wauicd by «)rt«n Mnis.,Tont 
Utnillliin,J. c. Kmr.VCo. 

Chaa. IM r irers riivus pr^'riy romle. 

welcome .It Lcedliaiu want clrrui people. 

Ulrcns canvaMs nn supplied hy ir<o. H. 
ter A Co. 

. Carpcn 

AbeUrdo and Josephine I/iwaode, principal and 
two horse carrying riders, can be «ngaged. 
Oipl. W. II. Ament wani« cirous sud specUHr 

"Tucker's Wagon Bhow, completely eqnlpped, la 
oteredroreale. />.™,.'rw.inr 

Kldd Circus Lights are snpiilled bJ OemjeTsj or. 

Hldeabow reatoreB an wanted by Oeorgo w. Fun- 

AtlraclloDS can book lime at tbe FoUom Opera 
llw S LawnS; N. Hi Uall's NorUiwesttni CTr- 

culi ; tieaior Ope™ "O"*' "<"""■' "' * '' 
Tbeatn, ruebio. CoL 

For tiair: llluslona, by Wni. Nelson: wax tfUtt', 
hy W. II. J. Shaw; teo>,iiy (he tieieland >o»eliF 
te.: psycko, by Paycho; alrect an4 evenlog «(«-»;. 
b; Mra; llochnian; nguiea, by 8. Rhea; car, by Oon- 
iir-rmsglc laoteri show, bi Ur. Winter; lonte, etc., 
Ii; rror. Hall; scenery 1.7 K. II. eiiamiKsr-. 

A Liberty: Ur. F. a.6arr, leetnrer; Hilt Boyer, 
manager or sgent. 

Wanted, agent, by Mlllan B. Jones. 

Han Bberiiiim waiiu a wresillng pony. 

U. I» Mark wants an seionaut. 

The I'lipe Manuraciurlog Co. ronllnue turning out 
the biRh class cmumbla bicycles to meet the undl- 
mlnbbed demand. v.. vi.wi. 

Fnok V. Dunn oirema hair Interest In his Mckle- 
ndeon Uiiteiim and Tneaire hi Boston, (or sale. 

Varleiyoireraa conceit hall (or sale. 

Unrton and Carroll want to lease a comhioallon 

0. IT, B'anchnrd wsdU alady (or llloslonr. 
.Ill Albla^B sro i«i|Uciiod in communicate with J. 

n. Roy. . , 

F. W. (Vwper wants peep show gl 


slereopilcon nuull. , , 

Hrs. J. Harrows udrettlKS iirolesslotial board In 
New Yiirk. 

Uanagerwaotsa bsRiage car. .„ 

I'rorestlonals csn Hud room and board b( an. 
Taylor'a, New York. ^ ^. ,...„ 

UUnldainlihJr. has lunihhed one o( bis \\\ 
proresslanal trunks, sine a make np box, (or use In 
Ibe grcon room scene o( "Uargnente," at the 
OlympU, New York. "The SporUng Unohess" Oo. 
luve alao been supplied with tbe Ooldsmim ininks. 

Show iislnilngs can be ordered liom l~ J. Bayden 

Tbe Uva Han Is a. new curiosity advertised by 
l>nir. Arnold. 

A rieaaani Vlaltor. 

rrom nc imtf* tymlng rrartllfr. 

TiiB Nkw York Ci-irraa ausval for IWItaabarore 
111^ a plr.nDl Tlallor. No dnioallc or aporuaa vrlur a 
tl.iH voultl tjulla ronplcie althoat Uila boooy 
r«r*rtur« %'oluiti«, «b|.Ji icr accuracy and dlvaraa ehaiae- 
(orolrecupl aoJ tnlorm4tlnn, 1. Dot turpaaiod branr 
aliDiUr puMlcaUoTi. Thla rotf It la mora auipl* lo d|. 
moaal(iiiatbaoeroTbor.)r«,aad Uproloaaly lUuatratad, 
A Bloat laivalaalile Galde. 
rnin The ctnctnnall Trtbune. 

TiiBCLirrKaaNX(' toookl a *ork to naad avacia] 
coaiioaDU Out to ihoae ahohavaoecaaloDlocoaaBUlu 
paaas rrriiutollj, aidoaa am to lotaraated la al1aporllo|r 
areott, it U a moil loviloatila guMB. Reeorda !□ all 
bnnrliM or riiort are alrto la fuu, an ailrmamouot oT 
•paco baa baan alavotad 10 baaabaU, aod ooiblog, aa far as 
I uu aca, lua Omd oiiiilieO. 

All Spofiiiifc atad Theairlcal Revrs* 
i*Fon rae llarrUiurf Ttlefran, 

THe Uarrlfiitrg rifffrramla lo racalplorTllRNSv VORK 
OurraK A:iM'.\L fur l«0tf. It cuntaioa all thaaportlDf 
ioa UiaalrKSI laroiinalioo ao daar to lha beanorttia 
iportlDK li^teniity aod lomaol lliatlrano. 

A PBrllcnlarly Attrmollve Edition. 
t'foat Tilt IMllmore lltmM, 

trilli i(a uiual enlorprlaa Tub Naw Tohk Ctirrsa hai 
iMuFtlilila rears pirlicularlr allraellro rd.tlva ollu 
X.tat'Al. It la, aa .Tor, a ran'Kt mloa or valoaUIo loior- 
iiulloQ, bota trvm a dtanallo aoO aportlof ataO'lpolol. 
lurveoni ofplaya aod theatrical Ijappeolugaoritaejaar 
ia iqual cnniplete, aud loraivabla toone«>l IB tha 
art. Iliad. rutaanfiportJior ararr rarlalr floila balareeo 
11a haadMiiLttlr deeviatoj cuTrm Inrormallon or evarr 
teKrlj.tluu coDcariiliijC all the arenia uf the rear lo ararr 
i|ai«riinant The rolunie la proluaaly llluatrattd vita 
puturraui aali kno.o actors and actraafea and praml* 
oeot record braakeia In uia woihJ or aporL 

VialuAble neference Book, 
t'nm Tht luaan Momtiif/ Aal. 

TiiK rurrKli JtN.ft'Ai. for IBK. an laralnabla rararaDca 
boua, conialiia all Itin laltJit lerurda oo ihe aatar, torr, 
baaatMll, poto, puKlltMii aad otery oihar oraorh lo Uia 
MtorllnK llu*. Special atUbllon laaivcoloUiaatasaand 
uia aoialeur aptprtiatf aorM. Ualr tooacuta of laadlns 
nitanra uu ibe MaRe luahe the e-Jliloo a unli|Ua aoovaolr. 
lo yaclilluK aod aiaatour towlai; a full Hat <,r all tha Im. 
portaot ovMila Id Ilia irotid are racordod. "flamla" 
W'f.ia, lha ruaniplon aliott diaiaoeo ruoiier; Ubarlei 
kLIiratrli-w, Uio liali mila caamiilnn; Hiapbao Oboio, aoia- 
tvor champioa hunllar, nad Jllko Hvaaoey. mabmt a 
blrh Jump, tmplclaio.1 lolhalrallilatJo rlolMaaa lltoj 
ouiaraerebrfora. lo ilieprtia ring aod iba whaallos 
vurkl Ilia edltluD la a feature. 

Full aaiil Accnrale Comiillatlon. 
/'n>«i TTteJt'tatOfltaiit TlntM Itemorral. 

nr nm» DtMwrat lift. Joat ro^-alvad from Ihe tmlitlili. 
antof Tiiu VtiHK Uui'i'cii lliair An.M'ai. for Iftc. Ttia 
iiubllcatloD [a UlloUwlth liifuTuiatluD HIilcli iaof ureal 
lalarau 10 Ibuau In llio iliestricnl pnifeaaioa aod darutail 
toiport cl'all hlnU. A lull aod accurate coropllatlOD or 
all tha aiiuailc an<l allilellc perforplaocr^ raring aod 
Inttllni; ^ea,rd^ biaetatlL vrlckot, lootliall, blillania, 
alvlnii itioU'lrKl IhooaaJ bo.t |)arfoiinance In atl da. 
[.aniiiaiitH 01 .port, ta Incto'Cd lo a taalafutly bound vol- 
uiiia. haodaaniair llluatrattd, Uia iliole makioi; aa UlTaj. 
Qabla rcfaraaca book 

Sur|iaaaea All Prevloas Issues* 
ftvgi Tht .trtditifi f>jfiiiitur/on. 

Tub Nan- York Cl.irrKa Axm'al for ttala year aur 
pa*«.a all pfaTluua iMaeaaf thla valuable aod uoliiua 
publlcatloD. Tha theatrical chmnoloRy of tlieuiaoy Im. 
l«TtaDtaranln upon iboAiaartcan aiage la rrrr carefully 
clltod.oa Ilia al.R)'., aad la brlmfiil uf uaarul lofoniia- 
lloo, lllaatralel ai>d cootaina thellke- 
oouaa or many of tbe antablei In lha draiiiallc, nperaUc, 
tailatr aod apur.lDv world. It la a oaaful boob aod prob- 
ably llio beat aulhorlly on alhlallcarorta InUila couolry. 
Thla aoDualalioukl oroaiMOt inedcak or aTarrlorerol 


AHmctlve llialrTone Flctnres. 

/■,-o*i The tiadmall OftHMfrclaHiautie. 

Ttta Cltl-raH AN.M'aL fur ItW la ooL aod. aa uaaat. coo> 
laloa coinpliio iliealrtcal and aiionloiicbroaoloKlaa for 
UQIX It la a liiody Toluina t,l Inlpagaa, proraaaty lllua. 
tratan wltli noa ball tone caia or atara la the Ibleatrlcal 
pi«le^*lun, aoll Ino.D alhleteaaoo 'cycllala. 

BlanilloB Hooaa Only* 
t'lvtn The iriU/ifatf/nnAijiffol, 

ntera U r.u fact that the aimrtTanla to know thai ho 
can't ilod loaoilDula loTac'i-KH Awt'au ll la die 
eDt>c[0|ietlla of apoit Out tbat la not all; 11 la a dim- 
oialie eneyc'iM'CiMa alao, aii.1 It tiaa noa pictuiaa of lha 
laaJloa OraDnllc i>f«pla. T1ie*e pieturaa are In charao- 
ter, ittnia of tlicm, and ilie> are tbo beat lhat could b« pro- 
ciiied, all ol thorn, and Ui«r ara baoOaoma. I hare care- 
lully aarc^l thla book. 

Ai> |:|i to Unte Aulliorlty. 
rmin The Ifarrltbury lleraU. 

We hare racolred a copy or Tiia CLirrsR ArfNvil, 
aclnovledstd Iba boHt atiihoilly In tha couolry In the 
niaiurof apona aod ilioaiilrala. |i la a Uionmshly up 
to data aliiiaiiac ll. recorla havlni bean cortactad up 
to tlec 1, im, and ll la a iHautlful ipacbnao 01 the typo- 
•raph e aiL THK t:ufl-lH ANMat. la lha (portioi 
editor a beurrland and invaluable lolbaoewapaparoUlce. 
One or the NeceaallleaofLlre. 
yeuM Thf ytinA An lae Nffirltr. 

TitK rtirrKK A.\:iCAL l< repleu allh InromatjoD ol 
prorriainiinl and Boiataurl|H,rtloaaT»nta that ocrurred 
,luilnatliO|«M)ear,anJ l«9iilaa ia a eerilaUe mine or 
talnable lnh<ruiation. Tin: t'Lirraa haa cireu evidaaca 
of araat enlirtirlro lo lupiHluo'loo or an annual In iba 
pau.t4t lhl< yeor'a nuinberaurpauaaall prarlouaattona 
Till CMrt cR A».M AL Duy be cUaied a< ooe or Ilia 

uMo«k,titti(if lira," 

Tlila AliBual la Aiu-aya Attiarate. 

t'n>m The Hottm JtnimaL 
Thore who are Id the hal>lt uf relerrioR lo Ibe rewnji 
01 ilia)<:arlnii»i>(«hat Bleat aaaialaoca TiiBNaw Viikk 
(.urf kHAMii-Ai. la. Tha volume lor liSG baa lua hteo 
laMfilanil ctiniAtoatbe acvnloii aod Uiaatrloal chro. 
nooalon rnr tha paal year. Thla aanual laalwu-a accorala 
ao-l lu arraamtaent la a model one. 

Every Itrcoid In All Bporls. 
/'mm The nita<ttlphta tyill. 
TUB t'LllrKRAN.M-Al. fcrlhla year la replete with Uia 
•pcilina ilulaaa fur n«. Kerry record la lay imnrli ol 
aibleiicMraab. louod lo thtb uaelul book, aa well aa con 

Mor«Coni|aletellia« Brer. 
from The MlltrnyketJimnial. 
TsR A:i.M-AU nudirruicd aulhorlly ca all 
•poning loaiiara, la oH,ia complete thla year lhaa ever 
n ll aperlctt aocjcl |<eJla ot loloimatlon lesaidlog ad 

"""T... ,•"'■•'"'■ '•llal':o cireua cnmnaay, Kull band 
Sr,5 ,'llL'"'i'^''*„'*",'>',- Alle.|»rl.D«diuao lo iba ahiw 
l^iIlV,*. ? .'i" mrnl'hfottl«li Correipoodarca 
•ollciltil. A*lre.>«'UrlaaW tlnie. nirecior.Bellafu olip. 

) l?;5 V. f alfortoDor: aipenre'riUmd 

Lkliy. HI tniaianlani Avenue. Na« VniV i; iit 

l EIISIIKKr. Quod lur all |,>iilaa. niidlclne and ea*d. 
altf rw. For raniplai «uil one dollar and coi>y pTr Jlihl 
T-iitl'"™ rrw»: 'er.r aliiwy. Addriaa B. .« I) 
rni.ST «:o , i-ouai . iiatii-n i : , Bmi aio, .v. y. 

1 a.^M*??'^ 08. CUJiKDIKIf, ui)H- 

I.K-VUF.K wrlilanKiuM.r Hen aiirk onir. Sianu 
l..fre| ,.v Jll..KriHKH<IIA W. :»t N. athyMladelphIa! 

■" V't?T.^"i*!'? .■*-?.'.'.'.«<.'.. Wiuiij 

■•H(l.-t: VHitillT. si. 

lain. k!U «!. l>. D. a lljecl ... loMTOioa. iiai .11. 

Sii?'fSV.',ar,'uv iSuWr'"-"'" 

B aat » ninl Aveaae, Mw loik. 

nKaiiMi WiUtI, ril<TV 

•i°.fi".'.','*. '■',*""". "'si""""" 
. 1" •'Jecl l„ Inamilnw. Ilal >li. 

Now Ready, 



It Coi talus a Bucord of 111 (he Inportant 
Erents In Ue 



First Appemnees and First Pro- 
dnetlonB, Dramatic, Tarietf, 
Etc, the American Debnt of 
>ToIi Knoim Ferformera, The« 
atre Fires, a List of Deaths in 
the Amnsement Professions and 
Other Interesting Dramatic Mat- 
ter. Also 








For Ike part jetr, and Including all of 
(lie Imiwrtaat Iteoonb of (he past 
and preeent Ume. 

The Book Is lUwslrated Wllh Haadsoane 
EnKtaviage ef Rated Peapis or (lie 
Slage aBdoftke aporllag World. 




CJUm* MUha. Ham Vatk. 


Henry JJehman'si; 



Cliiw. E. Bncr's Soii^', 

"Deiyliiirply's I 

•roil iRE iiKinifl 1 Dtr.! 

It Is tlio Newcat IDEA In (lie 

ma wom\ 

Never Fails to Earn Applause. 

SPECIAL notice! 

will be pleased to give due credit on |i 
Uw frenl page ol my m>t sono book 1 1 
(1,000,000 odIUon) lo tho lidles and gen-f 
Uemen who are singing this song. KladI; 
send In jow name (and programmt II 
, possible) iryou are singing 

"Denny Murphy'sl 
Daughter Nell."! 

I will be tent lo professionals enclosing pro- 
granmeaiidlOo. Address 


8 EiillSUi SL,{85 and 87 E. Madison SL, 
New rorh iSam T. Jach's Opera House, 
CHy. I Cbicage, IIL 

When in New Yorh call In al WEHHAN'S 
MUSIC PARIORS, 8 East ISIh Street. Our 
sonis laiigM to the profession by the well 
' kaown musical director, GEO. A. CRAGG. 


^ 701 DAVH THEATUK8Un.tNTUN; Hsrch K, )7. IS >l 
B airhMbni; 19. 19.31 at 8(notAD; Hurh 39, TT. ^ ti 
BiDsbantoa. ConbiDatlAnii. locladlag Rtnl. ctnn )<ur- 
lMquv,Trl(Qor vlrato«'.iber Iioqk«, bui dui to hoiK 
MllCDDluw^ A fey Uter «lM»ii Rr6 »poo. 


n«» .iBRfl** ■•'••eiJ. Bead for elraobr. 
aEO.TAnOB,OMTed ton 0111 Sowt, He* fork, 
Hnle MiDunictarer sod At eat. 

tad RsTlMd: HdiIo put Ui Woris. er Accomp. nuOe W 
■eMr : Bud. Onheelra or HsadoIlD Hem Mniriial. 
OBia t. LgWia. m BldimoBd aireet. riecl niuH 0. 

S'jfi!.?;..'"-'™'' "hDS TO ORDER. ASCtNSIO.SS 
fUBWIlBED. RtBBICII. (UuigJ, Midi. 

.SALB OR BE.VT, Hedisolcal trsi Plsur<Mlh•lnn^ 
ObonSlio»,BM(l«rpeDt,Pelalln«.8Iuired AelDi>U.I'in4 
an»n«. B «irpror«n>. J D mfKBT. AU.nllcnuf.N J. 

WANTED, To Uur Ftom SpecUllr I'eople ihHtKra 
latheaialS. Huie lovem lelKrj for Bummer iwMonlti 
nmlelOr. A1dn««B0UTnFBK.csrei.fCLirpmi. 


TORV. 10 phj Ifenirlce. Keli. rHKBTBiiWAB. 


O WE, D<r Smsll gpeeltll; Co. 


^. _ JpSBltltj Co, Thof* pUrloc Brun l>rr- 

recTsd. lUrata tbu Buoimer lo Cellrorals, lo oar on 

w.BSOop, OomnoflveslUi pUB. A tontl ihlns to llie 
rlabl people. AJiIreu IIILLAIIILU 

Mlitfonrl Velley. lo*t. Box 1."!. 

cpnpele. Doable Hoilenpltl B4T«. rs'iile ^r.ijrub., 
Uoii«TimpplQ|te.Katre« Bolts, Homin lUolpg chirloi*. 
All Id A Ko. 1 eoDdltlon. Eocloie Ptamii for inlco 1l>i. 
ApriliiBB jen wut, uh ror IL CUAB. LtE. Boi i;i. 

csDfeadst rrtghc Lsilr or ResL Alio i;a«l dnnisl"* 
psople. BUI* lowest smi.rr. i'.rey Kaot write. We'i* 
Id Colondci nrlu. iddrtn BVRON * (!AU1'JI.I.NH 
FU»IIAKKB3.llwtlnB«. .VHi , wwli ofrrli. 17. 

Htiw PL,Air,TwiiKiriiix otm m. hbno u (two 
natfl sts-npirTnirprlDled vlsf, "'d " rnj «rii 
iDKoreTerybladldODe lo order or rerlMd. I>MIhii. 
iT^.JS l**ur unless sluip le hdi f'lr leptv. IIAKHt 
llEHDBBgOX. l.gBOoimnMBl.. l-oulmlllQ. ifr. 

E6T0rAI,t,C0MIO SOXOBl. written sn.l com|i>Kd br 
BmOord Walon Orohontittlon and plaourorts cupr moi. 
Iionpald. to iirarMlooal. fnr HI rj*nln In .Itmiui or <.-4.b 

uainiODlesaodailtarAcconiiAalment. SlDHacooiicand 
MBtlmwalioeRi. AddreM l3Hy.«ll i st.HewVot k. 

plaanplartrtlut ranplaf brasioract; alto otaer utelul 
peeoleenda Roodedraore ageoL Tliou pUylos l*rm*4 
pteraired. Bt*le foil partlcarara la I1r.t latter. A>lilic»:« 
OHAB R.mi,TOW. Iloduo. Bkli. 

act yoiiwaot Cor ooe or note people, ladle, or eefli'. 
Priatad Idil and all panlculon loi U c'j. OKiiir* 
Ukao). Need aot be a arniDaar. AorbnlT caD do li at 
ODte. PROK. A. T. OlLUSOy. FremraU " 



ATLIubH'rV. PorTeDilOffSeeaoo "es. Boptonlu. 
Plaier,D<>alileTfDiiiboDe. Addm. Hl'slUIt.x, 

IPtar a olD. P. Lo m lili.ail, Hoiiialale. f*! .!'. . 

BOARDS lo focd Hredowa lo ladlaos or Eaaiera, III 
dreee W. U. OBUliU ti Eaat Market St., New Albanr. 

PAIKTIHll, imit' Wolra Diaki. WABril), Bi.'ti: 

BTIPP. J, B. F . W li. Kltiby Bt., LIuia. 0. 

„ sfull RALiK, ONB 7Ufl>l'. CUKIDI XATIOX 
Cat. Berth, for O prapM, I lockan. cellar uodtl car." 
wliael trucks, thonm.LlraoitlnpMl for |>aaa«a«er train. 
fM.,S».S™'j'" «'"?■ OENtBVB DOa AND I'OM 
BHOW, UMCprinia, Ark. 

WASTTOJOKM JBiothar orBatPeirormar. V<<j; 
Kf.raer Uo Mtntraaulta. Aie It welaht llok. 1 Bt" 
BU'llRODBR, ta TatcliuBi A re . I'lalnfleH, N. J 

rOR 1(I!DICIn4&- W«k .TaodT lloS ri;S".«l«,. 
eaeb Dl|bt aod pit od acta. Alao other eo.«l pe'l;'; 
SS!!i;-S'4S!" tdaroriaa. llEBD30ri.l>fc 

MBDlcmEtX), Keokuk. Iowa. 

poll IIALiK— Kaiilc Laatera dhvw. comp fia <r • 
Teat,AI, 23-iUudltiirebea,choko. tlO. Secret dra'- 
Ipis eta., ivoaler orchealr* or boiloi dose, 13; ar c/et*. 
duelBfODbrotMRlasaaad walbloe oo "otil udiler, 
•I. BiaiDp for raplj. Bkrele waDted. DR. Wl.irtB. 
rbllllpebprs. Fa. 

. A'P biBAk'k-ir— iml/r. A4>vBk, roa aiT. 

^AlraBORIIAKAaBR. Te^lcaonDle,b»korbaedle 
asythlD*. Twealf yrara' eiperieece aa a.vol aod tear*. 
e*r. Pint UiDe Id twODly reare tbat 1 am at lib irtf . Mir 
aoUrs wall booked route weat caa b. Ir oe'errcd Tao 
ITDCd bill tfualD foraala ornaa. W llexcba^eemrer- 
tliealoatTeloatfll, fortrtwo kloda ol priBllaiaed |ara 
BhtnaUa fbr teal eauto or earli. RafepDoe, aar tepuM 
bMmanafferoneaitb. aeow the cnuour fran Valaa 
Cslllorala. Bltiollr apober.rellabI..i.»d wo klfieaaar.i 
Addraaa lu BOICtK HIOH HTRBKT O iliinibaa, (lbli'._ 

hNHWoPiCHA UuDsK, New Uw.ivinTArV 
aeellejiWO. BookeliiactioitarioaihwNit, on L'ollon Brit 
^ nt^ir^ — * ■ 

rWoaD a MeMLH. IJwovMrn. 








g^lxis "Wg^el^, Fx-ootox-^s Q3ci Street Ttiecttre, JXTew 




Broaunr ud IS^b etRot. 
lUvrreO Bwl^ 230., tOc., ;9c. 


Silt Stmt lad 3d Ar»DUf. 


I'KERRY COW," Wedntiular. 
••gflAVN RHDE,"Tlian ,FrI.,gat. 
S m«e«>. DCINWBLtY A Olllllin. 


0HAJUiB9B. EVANS, Prop. W. D. NAMN, Mumnr 
SVB.t.U. SAT. MAT. t. 




iTri AY. AND an sr. ruruin 
Kill rlu at a It >li«il>. Koda 1 1.(0. 



B. F. Keith's Anusement Enterprises. 

E. F. ALBEE - • - Gaa. Kg'r. 

B. F.KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Bnloi), Mast.; 

THE BIJOU, Phlladelplila, Pa; 
B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, Providence, a I., 


rOUE or HB. EEITa'd ORICllNAL ' 

Continuoxis Performance, 

KOON TO 10.O. JiO eiop. 


Hammerstein's Olympla 


Ml. Ved. ud S<L 
>ID8(0 HALU 


ADdOKii IlUDmemela'4 FcwctacDUr Oper* u>l Bkltei, 







rONTINUOUS 20 Cents. 

PERFOBMANCK. OrclMilrm. .30 Cents. 

Com« AOT Tlmo. lUmnlo ^ or 10 llouir. 


i.Kir RUKiv, marrtR and blakelev, 


rne uabbelXR. ed. johie evanr, 


neaaiK aEABLB. PAvitM'ORT Biioa. 





KuvELtma AdUlou jnii.v n. dokib, uiuhw. 

<;ari,e ADDRia* lounip). 


aiUk BT. AND D'WAV. 



V«md»TlU«, Speelmlt Im. If ovelUM. 

ETMlDiffg-U. B*turd>yM«tlD<wll5- 


raoc7rbR>s ofkba hovbEi iiaiUbrd, ou, 



mrtlllw tU Un time tnm 10.39 A. H. aoul D«arlj 11 P, M 
(8Ui 8C ud U At«„ Xar ToiL 

0».ldartll.aceftpolluo«ii&tlT«. ^ 

AddtM. tU oommonleallou P, P, PB0OT0% 

Proour*. Tliuuv, Od BtfMC. DwWt An. 

Huber's Museum 

O. H. HUBBR, Fnip'r. 

UUBER'S nu AVE. ML'SEUll, J. H. JA.\8EB. lIUMor, 
WAf<TU>-lltioiiR FealnrtH, Llvlof CulualMw ud 
Pnukt lor Ourlo atlli; II lib CUM Varltlr nrHiulrai 
AddivM. I«tlan. for both h.iiip«. J. II And.r'on. Mmuar. 

American NIckleodeon, 


lu'oni. for L>«ura Hill iid.lrra. K. D. HEMES, Dl. 
itctor NoirltlMWiinM atnll tlm^^ 


V. O. WILXOT tXD IV. n. BABBEB. Ea ivul* vltll 
HTd«'. CooedlUL 
P»r. iddr.P EilnRi.. OmmrMwwn. Mn.. 


TRta from Poll. H. Ad.lro«. «r» of .!LlrPKB. 






Ro ftnnU, BMinn Hn*&n1 AthfiHiatn Ca 

Millar Bros.' 







The Pattens, 




no C*fl1 ro A.o , ChlcAfO, or eilo ol CLIPPPH. 



Tnri vrek. rmiot** 7S I «».. K*w York. 


lOXOI AND B.1LLAD9 (IPorli uOMj Itl <R,Vj!n 


OITon fm <n (ha Pnr«ulaB roar of th* 
he baa ever compoeeJ. 


A "KM" BoBB and m Certain Winner. 


A Walls Boni(inperlorlo«njr |ilBc«d ap- 
on lh« market for years |ia»t. I ltaT» 
more Alth In thli song than but I ev«r 
coropotefl. The melodK I* iMaalltal. and 
tUe words tell a prelly story. I look upon 
the eong as a certain saccesi. 'I he two 
other eeMge are perhaps betlar salted fbr 
tbe home than the smro, yel I Inclade 
(hen la ihls lot, as I \dow there aro 
manir professionals who have aa ear fbr 
well written hlgb olasi ballads. 


4 Eait iMth 8«. 

4,6^7 Chainplain Av, 





A O'Drorr. Spier. Peinale toti Roiibralle BfMlaltT. 
Thi lllTOPLOfilKlN. I<..lub'.a lor an; TOira aad u; 
iiulallr. Bp llcOLBN^'0!<. 


A Rert IlotCoon Boog, full of lir* ood pfppsr. By IR- 


MADELINR fltllRLKV'A IiTimpQi* IIlL kunstoA 
ENCUKM Nmhllf St (hoTIVnLITHBirHB.LU?il}OS. 
1 be fiiODl«*t iiooi of fia liour. 

O a AnfoT the tbovs DOT.)li[flS. with orcliwtra psni, 
OD rvc^Ipt or lOo., to proreisloosb oaiy. No Att*QLl<n 
dnU tu communicallii M n<i> roritKifiini aImvo price la 
MjHijw. TUB E.S'OLfSa BONO rrtf.OO. 

H NMl » North Moor* S: . N. V. 

BiBgIng and DanclBR Beabraltr, w Ito can 
aUoiloCtanrarUrat FtralCla.oCouieillan, 
LeadlDg Lady and .Uent aad Olli.r 
OrneraTlr Cicfal People. All maat be 
No* 1 Bad have exten.lve wardrebe aad 
qnick alnd|r. Alao a Nan wllh Good 
Com.illea and Benaallonal Uraasaa, to 
rao one hoar and a half. Woaid like la 
bear from OSeo. B. Uucklaraad Wlfli, Oeo. 
Lanen and Wile, I.IUIan tUyeTaBdalra 
Bland Burtlae. Wanted, a (leod Opera 
Cp.npany, with Repertoire* Addreae 

.7. E. GIRARI>, 

WoBderlaad MilaeMM, Erie, Pa. 

1 rmsi cuss pimo puyeb, 

PGR BEPBRTORY, Htlirr low lod aeta. Addran 
TH0.1IA8 ELblNWOOD, Aaaenla. Conn. 



Fnor (I) goal, up to Osle pirodlsii for onedoDir (M). 
All wiit(«n iiy t iiiSD j-uu ill know. I'wiitl oiiler ur 
tnoDcr- OtnA Ktimp Tir kUHWAr to letitr. 
WILLJ. HARDHAK, II Es«t Konrih fiC.Kev Vork Cllr. 


Studio 6 Lalslit Elr«l.cor.Caoat. h.v York. 


Tan Comedlaoa (Vg.Ici<). «IiIi Kiwi Simla Kpes'al. 
tlsa,l>0Db1a PlrvtVlullo a. di'nroet lor OrtliifUa,ud 
/UIOD Allarplrcw: alio .LI. l-laali', alib (o, 0 SloRla 
Rpeclam. Soltr, •lUloic aod r<n>"<abla Moi la aoly. 
Ko rincj aalarlfiu Oaaa aboul Pub. 21. A.hlre*. 

DOC RNOir. KIcluiKKl Hod. Co., 
I« Ei»l Tw.nv elllblli tlratl, N. Y. Cll) , 



PURLKAUR. AI" olU.r Kood. I wnil l"o.ipla for fUpar 
lorr. PteraraDte liven to 'boM aboriii .McltltlaM Ad. 
iitm JOSB UF.NDERSON., Kuaa. 


Ea J. HAYDEli & CO., 

1 6 U. l UHios'rty. B.-^ki)D K.V All wor k nptoJ*!* 

For Sale, 2 New Tents, 

UilO NIn.rMtilJi. wallaaodiiolel. MAXPISII lA.Va 
KJB SALE Ploa Proncb plalo Hd.i aod «uii. 
Hobbar JolQta.' T4o<i ran bi. put up In i mliiiilea All 
lollara lo PROP. BLA Tr,H7Plr»lBL. Ilobobea. « .1. 

To Showmtr.THE LAVA MAN, 

Ltts*t ''ui OS 17. W«i Klfurw^ Ao»wniy HuMscl* 
UMlf^irlfleO sad Muutolfl«d Bo>llMloofO«riiilhii*lioit- 
•stooilce PKOr. ARNOLP. 

Muaorn of Aostomf. lOl Bowsry. Wsw 


Aod H.a.laa; BEffllE OOHDOX, ft>iibralloa Ojo. 
Boi.. SIniloaand DanclatR ^clallll.. UMON CI n. Pa. 


GOOD PaROOIER for *l. Rluaij Bpatcb »l. DooMe 
Rb.lclill. llooI^Paro4lMan_l6bJIe^l,» wmtaot«ord«^. 
Bump l..r r.fli . tt l. BUUTP- P nli..n. X t. 


KRITkDR 0«AT HtP. 01 . HISB'eaY. »r.,«>l.. K.t . 

WiRtid. EiparleRced AtiMCi AfiRt; Hut 

baa laat'iiois In arerf HOaa, aid capable oT nallna 
Bihl vortloa ■oaraouei. AddnM _ ^ 

™ • Inm LILIAN B.JONE«,Uar<lBHoo.Nab 


At Libert} Marcli 2, Up to April 13, Prsflous to PlajIng Orplieum Gifcyit. 


BegarddoFoBrLaaaardaaad KenanlBTM. Pemaaenl addreae. Hilt W. JNTII BTRKKT, New York Vltr> 







Booil OPEN TIME li yarch, Aprtl Ui|. 

7.1 ouo ) Frambford and flBbarbe, 
iZ. ! Indepeadeator lbs Clly or 
PopnIallOB, ( Pblliidalptkla. 


rrli-. \s. S, U, U, 71. Boia^ tl. NOW BOOEIKU 

PRt.VK BEREirnitD. Vanaaw. 

Robert Recker 

Muilcal DIrtelOP Londoii Tlwilre, N. V,, 
Hae JoJt pnblbhed the very taking 
JIarcb, eatllled 


TolruluclDit th> mvlOfllsi of RsfTonl Tsun' Rreit Irl>h 
coulc sooK, '-MlkoUd^tfiT's Hske," uO Arttiur^Ttst's 
drlDklof soos, * Prlok. tfoiF, Orlek." Thli msnh Is 
onv btlss plsrtil bf all ifrt ItBdlni hSDflssodnTtliM- 
xn%. fUooruns Rolo. to proiciiiloa only. lU ti«- ; Oithts- 
irmiDi) PUno ttcfinirsoliDMl, in profwlnn pnlr.23ot«.: 
UlllUrr Bsw],loprof«Mlonoalr,2Acl^. OontKMcd snd 
&mnioi] by R. lUekfr. AdJreu sllonlern lo 

KHAN K UAItUlWlK tO Bowoff. Ksw Vof>. 





Addrcu. br l«tt*r oalr. OE<l. W. KUR<I«A V. 

It w«*tTw«ntv-Be**nihHlrv*LNe» York. 


soil t\pm utd dsacs: MAlltClAN.vhn doeH s Tiolrllo- 
nuUt sod CAD work Id sets, snd CiANIiT. .XUmuRlbo 
ilrticlsutiHlbosbloioJolooB rectlpCofuUiirsia. Bsl- 
■ry low. liqtHr(>. No (leka^x lUrsiicsd to k'rsnMn, Ad> 
tirrm WU. TOOT, Msosirr, p«r roul* Id CLIPPER; «*«k 
lSlo7i,Chloeni«ifus. V*.; 14 lo?9.0osocock, Vs. Hso- 
■lem Id MO.. Vs. sod W. Vs w»d m op»n Uma. 




WhOTsnbrly pressot cseb sn) sTory sndlt«r wlUi s 
briDtnfoff drsailit of tfpsrkliofr, Uatdnltantid sod 
Wholcioms Pud. 


Tbsy hkis Jail rstoroc^ to tlie TolUd BistsfksOsr s 
irlanpbsat •DgSESBi'ai' Is Irf'ndoo, sad ds^lr* u nsRo- 
lists with Anoflou Vsodivllle lloamror bophloitikor 
r«»iiODitbl9 nsnsRfra of TrtvslUii ComblDSlUMS. Ad- 
tUttn cirsol OLIPPBA. 

NEIL LITCHFIELD, YaaktflComodlaiitnd llmlc. 

RVBNIKO NEirii,HakUkarily-T)ih wsiMlowsdby 

a Mirlu nf IniMrsoDStlonabr Sell Lltchleld. a T«ryclsf«r 
riltr, v)ie ralrlr cooralSMl tbsauiilssce wUb Isuiliisr. 

|l•rrl0D^ ImpsrsonslloDi aod disrvtsr vork ofNsU L(tf )i< 
flsld were snjoysd s* much si soythloi oo the eisDlog's 


Adirsu SAN PRANOrWNt. CAf. , for twn, vset«. coat- 
in eoclocllsirhlcs^ 


Leading Man, fllnglay aad Daarlag 
Comedian, Blaa fer lleawlos, Loadlag 
Lady (BmollaBal). K*ady for Chanelen. 

Moit hsTA nood wtnlrvtis. Msks yonr uUrr low sa It 

fa auie. Do ont mlirepree^ot ynnrvf If. SobrUty lodlM. 
pon'sblc. TIIOi P.wrBOEWANK. nirrUbDrir.llllnoN. 

Isrffe suiiiiuiSDt u( 
Mouheye, Plesrys, 
AgootSB, Atlltators, 
Ao'saten and Mscsw 
Blnla ; suo nne Iirnsoas 
ud Pfslrle Dons ainl 
l anmeTPHS otJiar sdI- 

insla DOW on hud si 

II. IIOII.VH, Itt UraO'l "'^1", K. D. 

n II Fiomii iiH. 

I would tlkd lo apkyourhlodofsloToluotsirluiriir 
the Inntili taodersd to ma>tn Hflodsy eTeolDK. ftu. A 
ei the Lmbor Uyctvvt, Vllloushbr Aveooe, Brwkljo. 
HoplQtf itikt vnu will DM rorerl your pn>re<tuiisl 
,.r..b,r, . >--"' Y,%'^[l^ TIIOMBO!.. 

Columbia Theatre, 

UsvlBKSSCiind llie ioaas«enieDl of the sbov* hooa*. T 
wsnt to tMOk s few Repartorr 0-tnpenlt« wilh >i»a<l etd 
n-clitairs. and so MUVlihed rsputsiloo. To tn^*t I ceo 
lire fro m oce to thrs a weska. J. W. C W .Ur.OnE. 

iiuM, Leclarar. Ctaiorlloilst, Biijo Mm, 

Rone aod Dacca Mm, All 'Roao.1 Pvople. Ptafar ooa 
Ml. plar or 'an. Mir 1I*"U |. «; .ad all a* r,paao.. 

DR. i;. O. ilPAXiaBR. Parkaol, aoekaVo , Pa. 


'g p. mIjNiS. M Oraad A.*.. Cblia»o, III 


Pll<SrPART,elUioa« roraale. ■nrleaiaa., ale , 
erlltan In oAn. AU f UOB, eata -f ULIPPP.H 


PlrttcUMloaJllusppolDloHoUL Bpedal rsiia to ilisst- 
rlcilcotDMsles. UoulssdibeatnlDasoie^aare. 


fkctroeor. and PJecrrie K-rraPooit core e.akoa^ 0.1 
•alth an4 Viao*. nattlle Pael (vrarlaa rne. Xonm 
BSaiaallini. « • ' B. B.UAILEY. lloan4.fM»r...lll. 

"HER HEH'RY B^RBi HE NO RE6RE1">k«a'aVoa«B<aeanl Ballad. riaaaAnteeopp, 

Howard Auditorium.'^"' 

Open Time This Season 

Wr "rVr^VT^a k Nlrlrllv KIral Cla.a Cnmrilv, Draiiiullr er nettaed 
▼T -^J.^ JL M2^M.Fm Vaailevlile t'ouiblnatlona, 

EOUIPMENT. PRirE.4 KTtJ I tiik iiowAiin ArniinniuH .tatr"nieahiiii 

U{UIlinBni, J nitC?, tlW rlu,iliniie,i.laylii« loihullla ..f llUllnion. iml pra. 

ReallnR capacllf. 1,000. All hmu eoiipoaaj. It ailla. .onlloa ailrarMnii. (ho !>... aradr. Inelcdlni llraml 

Itfpleac'aatlr Mihiadaod UeaulfaUr OaroralMj, and Toinlo ttiara, P.rca CKiiinllpa, Drama and S«l.rk 

Pricea trcn Htlr. (o tL i .. . ... 

anil I'ttinlo t.iara, 
Vaiiiltv Ilia. 


Addreaa JAMB* I.. KWHKAM, Manager, Ualllmara, Md. 


The lolloslBK property wsahtviil daw the llt^ orUelMsy and waaon ihema>litatilJao«t7: BIsTop lOOn. with 
(Oft. ml<td)<« pien; Drntalst ItoomTop. iltt., cisrtua ID'S) li>r main fotrsnee; 1 kor<e retiia lUniO, I omu laitl naSB, 
3JI«npliiol (• tl»rafaU;,SJackaias»lrlaier: If tmI Eqi1I>1i Un>l oosm II blue hauil haliiiata. while i lumfi; 44 
hara«Aa«iL id 4 boras seta, tiA irlmmed, r««llillniltn^lieuaiDKa.ilTO|u. «la . oie., tnailalutiiOsr iitr llie clrega btialBSfa: 

" ' • . .1 I - .- .- - Bnlr»eaullifiirlsdUs* 

lUar tflmraail, Rpaol*h 

..JuaiDKa.ilTOiu. *\a . olO., tnailalutiiOsr iitr llie clreaa btialBSva. 

tatfX iilaniet, U lochaa toDir. for horaea; 1 whiu apsDslel) laillea* parade aoli«.a r«il astia anirve aulu fur laOUs 4 

. .._ a aotree auli«.i'*nia atnl Jtohsta alUar tflmraail, Rpsor 

iiir wainna liiparatl^ allnallaBa 

ladiea' Tflrei parsdsaoJii, ealdaaaiM)sa,0 m«n> velTwt 

anil ea|>a,tclowo idUs. 
.-Icsn tt*ra<telisia, 3 rroa t 

r ^..,_'4 nwrter pole banaara, UlUitv, Z-^ for iitir tnp. alltfilon; l hand auml mn*lo rack, all 

ooinplate; I haudriioi. 1 aoare ilroia. I laa|ttoi'rtin and Jacka, I leaMits tiek, I bkL uf •ital larnut Ho>. 1 (Ikle'a 
lateat Improved coal ot| IlibtS,.^ anuaonesch, wllli 1 ann burnnrun naohsrni; JfalvanliM ttoka riirihiuiiie, esrh 
flRallonB; 1 irai^i* crane Itar.l Hurrsy alakepuDer. I riai |>'itw,H •letliaa, K nlmrnla, it iiuh Ih>«h. I lu^aalry tne- 
dsllvn, lUaSS, lor rloitMnbllus; 1 larita htnd «Mtoa, very atlratllvr. k"I>I sn<l ra>l MSia; 14 hosvy pUtrartii aprlniaj 
1 small band wacoD.«>nuniaDl««l with whlls and snhi fwaia,lS itUirorm aprinva, 4 Hul l cjs(">. IOD. iney, aiMiMuntoq 
OD |>l«ir«TTDapr1n|ia; I Uffie rsniaa wasun. iNdalad whll*. w|ih mlrmr alilaa,|iiaa In i<arad*>, putfitmi ppilnii; I 
ticket witoA.palntatI Hnallah varTQllloo, toe* lsrsrs<t«.plalfutiii tprlOKa; I «m <*Sil<>i. tlwl stit; llMilevaion, 
«uui under, very atmoR. heavy rUtlnnn #prlaa«; I ptncnek t'*r*>)^ waiinn hir I |<<)nli*«, I ^lAho nail thstn waitm, 
t'lalfona aprlOM; 1 »ksop»iia maMoaer ■aion.'Mata S; Xrl/taii cail«. 1 4 lion's can*. Thla iiroi^rly la lo llos 
shape, ud cao be seen lo RprlDgOeM, Mau. Vill be roM lo hulk fur $\VJ. 

TUCKER'ft CIRCUS CO., J;-V{kZ7.i,ViV%. 


WARTED-Slldf Trombone, TRAP DnUMMRIt. Ttilia and llnrHenp. Caa as* 
otberAllo.lMMstolaBS. Wesk ata^ds. CO.tCUUT ILlNU. C'sn plare Hln|(ln(| Char- 
aeler Ceraedlaa* Don^i olose anlll Jane I* 

UKO. K. niTCtlELTs h-'I I'ninn HI., Ilroohlyn. 

Ilvmann, clsrloneli Strelow* cvlloi Rmll K«HinMkp,i-urni<it \Vallar», bass, send 
jroar a«ldre«s qalck. 






Eeceairia Hisslos and IHocIdb Ciiuedlsa. 
ATLIBKATYsi^er Peb l!>. 

Kii)|lnB aiKl lMaolpit6<iUhrrtn#, anil liliara^ar Aniit. 

A'<(lia»4.b-idDearlH)inMl , nilcafiD, Ml. 

Tlilswask,BoBToDTb^Ue,Jar*eyClly,N. Jnl.iosD'IIO.iA Peh Hlmwp Wa atlH ride s "flietrna" anil keep alifsd, 


MAN POR JUVB«II,eH,aoilANAII'(lVZOIAN, Min.ii.iiiaot paya ailan... all.r Infolnr. Ni lar.a ailTarcid, 
Muatbt alia loJolB uo racatpi iiral.A. nnca. Kit-' IN llAKKH, ^a -iwanra, V. 

' "WANTIOD. A.'r A1..I.. 'I'lMICN, 

XEMPK^x: XH El AX HIS. OA>xr>i!:N, ^f. jr. 

man olabb vauubvilIjE aiitibtn. 

BlJlll' VARIKrvni.. M.nanr.. 

Extraorillnary -'^ 

Owner of But 


IDS CiiBi|iaiiy 

TravellHg (niaadanlOrganlaatlon), will 
aell hair laUresU 

Time all sulfdly boolted la ltts< Ihes* 
tree (nrvek elaads). Bmy»r gsssraaleeil 
agalaat loss* BiMhs will a hew goad 
proAlStthas far, llilssaaaoa* 

•how caa be seen this week In New 

Other bnslBMs compels ewaerlosril lo 
rompeteai paiiy wao raa baarlla the 
show* Vor psylleMlBrs. aiiiitv i»r address 

liy PaBa-iJi Avea«0, (V« V. 


(North Ohlilon and eidgttlcli III.) 



I:illng Cipiclly, 2,000— Popular Prlcoi. 


Sold Camblaall»iis*4l|»«ra4l<. Ilaramsllt 
llaairels, Etc, npoa liberal rerfalalles i r 
Mrrentag*. jiddress, wllb faill drialls, 
CrIlerloB Tlieaire, Cklrago, III* 

M IT A ' If Virtir Paps W»i H|tl> Uha Mlaa* (\>.>i* , 
■ I V» IsrrhlM HBd MUbielle »ooui. "Kfn V-Mi 
CbalDk Ust I'l I'Isy ' fclilU and aou ) "Av*oif<l Ilia HI* 
ler'a Wr(rfiR"(<lr-crlptirrr. -Down loUf (l4<K]o:ilib)ij|l. 
are Home ' (oaf fdi. "Lay My ll«a>l Raa*nii s Ri>*«'' 
(prelty bsUsd) ' Mr Prelit LHlln Cernl'ni " (|rsataoD« 
anddance). "Tvi Lhlle ftad Hlmea Tim Sahf toraaTo 
W««r"(ch.) "TTon'l VftQ Pteaaa Her rie lloms" OU- 
srrlirtire) "Vuu Are Kslaa, Rut I'll P'tral t* Ynq" i*birf' 
ardhit] — ' * " " 


Who Wsou To Boy Vs. I n A < ' rooiror Bilel" (ijjg hit , 
Tfflceolaearh. tn rrof^aal'maU. 

WM.J.A. LIBDKR 91 Park tUiw. N. V.riir 

icrlirtire) "Vuu Are Kslaa, But I'll Poril t* Ynq" i*birf** 
ird hit) "Dear Ilaart, Wliliper That Vd« L'lte Mb" (i> 1. 
ad) "tie Waa Ihs Oii<r Uni fhal Nad rios" (a ffredl liKt, 
'frtisl Will VosBBy With Your HeOoyr rasi. an<t rhl'd). 

-•^ STEVENS audRlflU^'^"'* 

la oar Naw and Oilslaal Dafok Okaag* 
liaciac, Clos asd Bt«I D«B«ia(. 

Pir.l clai. Dalot. Coapaolaa aid Oireuwa oolp, 
ao.a.r. En roola Zlni*. CoDadr Coeiaar p.rm.. 
otntaddtaa.. RBWrORr, IT. 

NnTiMi. kwlOOnfifletirltlCilibiM, 

»ldial.maie<iw d l i aj r«r ..Jeaa<>. MUat Barepeaa 


By Ibo' OM Hallibl*" W.n HiRKKlt.47W.»(lhBMt. V, 
UrislDal Hi>nH< wfliipn t > imlnr. OrthnMrm parls or- 

raiiiiod. Orluliial 'Vuu" iidkIc wrUiH. Nciiri (suBht 
lo alrtsara htw i-iitn|K>aiil,iii« |'rt|i4r»i] inr ^iibllcsUuS. 
Orlflnal Huak MrlUvn I" wtirila. >laal|aya arrao|ea, 

Naw Uinrra wrlHrD. rti>ii|>tiiln4 rche-ti'i- 1. Bvos* 
' taken ilnHo" iroiii ilii Hi'cit. All tin lalrat ■ao|m cim- 
■inni'v nil han*!. HInifnra |<ip|taipil inr ihoaiai*. Vom- 
ptieol Miiaiclaoa iiirnMwl lur a>l bri-A>liMia, Cnncsrla 
■rrsuH«d and cuoiliicivl. l.'l•lllr<llB^ Htirlenjuea and 
BkelclM* wrlll#n t^ i>rler. Kf err t,ruicti of mnalo prop- 
#rly ^Koculad, Haira rra« oalila, rallafartbis sUSr< 
aataed. Drden hy mail nlil recaire I'lninj.t allenlloa, 
Prtrurotaand aiiiniaif a>Mii-'- W D. PAKKKH. <}iim' 
wear. ArrsiiViir m't-t UirMclnr uf Makle, 47 \Unt Blh 
Fr»»>. Unw Y"rk»'iiv. 

First Glass Violinist' 


Kevan yeira' riparlenr* vH'i ir^vellux cimipanla*, TV 
r Ki) ajul l><ai I IS a hr.iife Ni,rk. t'[arli>D»'.i-r(;iiiual m 
b mt*. HAN yURMIHII PINP. IXtCIIKnTP.A llhil duubla*) 
P JIIHUMHP.RK<(llA(IKWK.Vr. Adilraaa a. fl. PRATIIKH. 
(I I Marrli w. Hflatui, Trim., iliiii 57 Plr»l H:r*ar, lllua- 
rlir*. I'a. 


Til IIIlN AT ll.VCif. 

Wl.hlnaln roa iiao r-iiii|>jnli-i. lii liaiidla Ilia tfa- 
NtiTaH.(nwll.*. Ihfi.l l.i rlliirr aod l»lr ITaalin«nl. 
^.llr..«A . HAILV. Ha K.i T. .'wiiijof. «!i.r.mnnr. Ool. 



Wlio Ihiulilea Irfiurt Corael on HIreel. 
Wire ioteritaalarr. MaelbaAI. 

Kaa. Knd^Tllealre, PllteliarM, Pa. 

' w ' A." ]N K i> , ~ 



Luwaat (ann*. Jolnnnwfri. 
BP.VMOl HKr-^ATTriH. pen Tan. H. Y. 


Vanfaroo, Arrlcnn rorciiiilneii, Larfc 
MaBdrill, (;a|>)liani, CurkaliMW, HonkejR, 

4n< P.aT iai,. ».w terlf. 


4g0iP0ifTf Ooln ailrsace. fmalt tsptUL Matt bsTf 
"S^-WjiTu i±. Na tea 



Pebbuaby 22. 


III *5 11 "I 

O .iHA Is 

LIFTINJCj 16.00 lR5 wimr/^t TttTM, 



Ii noir fcaturiiiR CHAR. K. IIAltRIS' latext and greatest ballad of the year, 


Laxt week, Uio lilt of (lie Hhnir «t the Howard AUioheddiii, Bmtan ; tbis week, ot 
Tony I'Antor'H, Now Yurk. do and hear lilni sing the MiccesMr to "A Her tke Bail," 
and bo oooTlDocd. I'libllnlKxl br CHAH. K. HAUKIS, 

Hiielo Piibllnher, 307 Urand Are., Kllwaukec, Wis. 

Jit n,— ProfiiiiloliBl copies, witb on-hMira fiftrla, now rsadF. Pleai« «Bolot« («b 
cenU.lo ymy for mmlllii(. Sent lo prafcMloBal alngsra aiil>-, «ncIoilBf| card or 




DKLIOIITKI) rUSTOMBRH willlnR ud ilMng iixltllr. RtraV 
wh>l una «)'■: "KKVBR IIAI) HUGH A CKOWD. inil look In HO MUOH 
HONKY am ilian I diaiiRMl and UOT OHB of YOU n OKOAKH." 

K NPRCIAI. DIHCOUNT on all mlit iiiaila nEFWIIB MAncll 
NEXT, roll Mnlculan anO CATAI>«H1UR8 IIAILBD FllKB oo 
KpplluUon. UalUiaDRST. Oal a Pmll A Co. Orian or 

AU6DST POLLMANH. 70 and 72 FranWIii Street. Ney York Cll>. 



Ttie only l«gUlma1«l]r iict^ and proper ■hbIc prodnotlon of 



Wanted Qairk— Taba (o Double Baaat alao Yoang Olrl forToMV, whoean 
H Slraag While Pare HiwclaUy. Wire Peb. lU, Maaoa OII7, lewai 011, 
>Te| Ml, ■'on DMlgei H4, Webaler Ultji M, ati, HO, De> MelBea. 




The Nickle-Odeon Museum and Theatre, 

- Ott acoaunt of other onteriirlie, I will iMI onfhalf Intsr^at to rlaht mftit. niaht 
terma. Adilreu FnANK V. SUNN. 


We ranke tlio DEST SHOW CANVAS In (ho oniintry at (he uorI reaminablo 
prloes for irood work. Fifty yearn' experience. l)oii*l buy before writing to 


202. 204. 206. 208 S. Water Street. Chlongo. 



A lllg HnccMs at lIARltY UAYIS' AVENUE TIIGiVTRE, nttHburg, Pa., 

Anil n-engagrd over the UavlaClrraill. IIAVR MAUOII SIJ AND 30 OPEN. Would 
like lo arraBae Willi aonie flr»t olaa. roiitblnni Ion fur Beat eaaaoB. 

P, B.-Wr all play |iat'la. Aditreaa WUHLD'B TIIKI, rare or TLIPPKR. 

To Olrons Managera, At Liberty Season 1896, 


Eccentric Comedian, Vocalist, Dancer and Lightning Nigh Wire King. 

PermaaeBl adilreM, "IIUTKL IIA'HIIIKOTON." ror. MarvlBe and Wllbmr SU., 
HeranloB, Pa. lli*icanl« lo the Uul|fl*K Bnw. anti Harrr Onraa. 




Rlegantwardmbe. NIrkrI ulale,! apperalua. Pealared wllh RICIIAUU A PRIM' 
ULH'S MIN8TUKI.8. Heganle lo all iVleada. 


IMnitOAnWAV. N. Y .onpdoor b4>tiiw NInih 8i ((i>roitil)- teMthlPti Utii). MlllUrr, Thntrlnl mil Otn-uBOoddiL 
OoM ami Hllritr I.«c<» KritiKeft. OinnxtM, HiftrtklW*!*. llntOAJfB, TIrM*. HhlrUL l*aJ(llnK>. lUU WlRatHhOM uil 
Javtlrra T^^■tTlr«U K'lUvulrliD ami Aihl*ilo Oi»«i]«, Oonumtn' idO Hftdc* Mak«n' BurpUva, Kthffakik) BADotr*, 
MlUlary utl Ruolcty Trim in tun*. AnaomoT all klidi otdtr. Banil fbr •#llm«lM. n% Utrmi auorimtQt ud 
he*TlHt Block or lli«>« Koc^l* III l>» ruuuil uifwhkn. OInuUn tn^ Uoode wot 0. O. D. 

0«tn*Jlta anil RtuibTnltA. Rliiitlftand doubI« rp«(Ulllw. At llb«Tlv fnrilalMAr eomhlBallona. Anr iSow «b*r* 
iiiuDttr U aui* virf nr wril«. LBtr BBBKBR. 6tAL M., Trie* IIIU. RlDelanaU, Ohio. 


Va HolLRaat or Kaobaiiie. Prilaa, II U, K •>, >1(IV OH Ma. na AMBII. Ill TTPSWaniR oei SrMlallr. 
IUaa.uU.,w*oliBaaLaiuri,fautiiiaci,«i4^ii»a « n virJior 




"Snv, let'8 go and see these people do thdr comedy 
If it ain't Yonny I'U boy the cigars." 
"Well 1 how did you like it ?" 
"Tlic best langh rvc had in years I" a p a « 

"Did you hear that gal sing that coon song, LA P AS- 
MALA?' But look, they're 


Address STAR THEATRE, Clavelanil, 


Core of SAM T. JACK'S CO. or 
104 Eait PoailMBtb Blreet, Wew York. 





No OlUer Publlaher ETtr Allemplrd Such a Volnme. 

n iib( iiiBHrn Ills iin«f I ijLivr ni/i/v \jw waowi law .■hibi'.w i a w>- w .. . . — -i 7 i 1. 1 

HXPF.BIBNnE IMTIIE MINBTRBL AND OOMBDY WOULD (t«n mmom wllh CiTwroM' MImuoU. PhlliiJelphli; 
liirM FMrt wllh Prtmrw A Wwt Mifiirrela; two jeintwlth Emereco'i "loUwlL 'oC*'''?"!'?: pi»y'DB»Ur w- 
v»t«ai»oiila alllhaprloclMlthnina, u JoboMD ud Brnoo. mmadraI lB7fl.7», 77, 78 Ai»cnrortiM. 

' " by tho uthor. Uow many will hall lha appwnncv of ihla TOlame wllh 
the nlulDgllokUitt In sllll needed to eoaipl«l« ncoiooninoilTeotare. 

_ prloclMl thnina, 

_ DWd Ofjnf t inch • bMK WAR OflOD fell 

Jop^aod DdiI Io lulD»]htuiilbIecliapt«n 

J up , ami uuii lu 11^ ■u.a.aiiBUBiiuio « 

NoUiIdk will Irt Iook*d for In Tftto. 


MR. NAT C. aOODVTK— "II li ■ work codUIdIoc mn A 
merit, ud ft book that alionld be MQibt tSlw." 

MB. PETER 7. DAILB7— "I bad tonmannd U> thisk 
tlie voll or wit ud faDmor wu abovr etnpir uotJl I read 
jour book." 

un. BILLY EHEBaOK— "Tben la Dore wit ud bnmor 
In joorbooktoiht i^iaan lucb ttau Bfo p«gM of ur 
book I haro «T8r rud." 

MEfiSRa WBBER A FIRLD^"Vr« would not bo with- 
out rour book *Il laaiood tblojr, taab ItalODK.'" 

un. OEORQE TUATOaEB-"It U a mat booL ud 
cenalDlf the flgkl of eomlo dlaloffw Itltaorooghl/coT- 
•r«l bTjL" 

3IR. WILLIAM JEROME-"! bar* Daver ran acroiii& 
Tolomo to coiopara with tba'BQeyclopodU of Comodj* 
for rulloem ud Tarietr." 

MR. JOHN BYRNE8-"I MTer uwa rolume 10 eon- 
pleto, fuony and woll amagtd that coT«ra tba rait fl«u 
ibtt iblHoDedoen." 

MR. FRANCIR WILBON-'Tho OMrulnwH of your Itook 
Qai|De>llon«d. Tbare ip rarioly of niKttrlal ooonith to 
atnek Mreral mloUralaod farce «oro«dreoinMnlaJ." 

HR. DR WOLF ll0rPEB-"Tonr book UorhlBtafiuality 
and ticwilinaiy n««ful tnprof«iui|onal «at«rtAioer«." 

HR. I.RW DOOKOTADER^"! am mora than chanotd 
with your 'Encyclopedia of Conitflr,' and Itfliould Hod a 
Itraa wad oritnccti^fnr lUAOlhor.'' 

MESSRS. rRIMR09F. A WE9r-*'Your 'EncTClopodlaor 
OoiQMly' t» Ihfi prioca of all tFokt, aotl we wouM DOt b« 
wlUiniii It.*' 

MESflRR. CONIIOY A r0X-"7h4 rapid pdcumIod of 
pnlnta In your 'Encyclopedia of CoDiMf' baa nbarpeoed 
nnour wim," 

MR OEOROB MONROE-'il la corUlolT a roferooca 
bonk for t)i« fnmlenilr.lnc At farce coinedr.'' 

MR. JOII.S L. CARNCHOSS- 'ItUacrcdltlo Ita anlhor 
and ID anildote hr tba lilaM." 

MR. J. W. KRLLY— "It In iho moat unl<iue book arar 
cam* from the prloiar** pnu," 

rMnl«J In Inrse lype, han , , . . . 

Blatw or BrlKiJi DomalnMon recolPt of prlc*. g2jn. Addren author and publlfthtr. 

rrinied In I'nrse lypeVtiiiDdiiomoly boved Id color*. A n<«t book for your library. 8«ot to aoy part of the United 
' 'nMon receipt of price. i2jn. Addren author and publlfthtr. _ 
J. JIISLVILIb JANHOK, No. 1^103 W»fnnt Slwt, PhlUaelphU. P«. 



"HAPPENED" FEB. 16, 18BS. 
Population of SlerllDg and Rock Falla, 10,000. ADDRESN AT ONCB. 

M. C. WARD, Manager Academy of Mulo, Sterling, lU. 



George Genere, pleaiewrlle. Addreaa WELCOMB & LBBDHAH, Boi Ml. Oenlntl 
Falla, R. I. nonaider two weeka' ellenre a polite neaallre. 

P. S.— FOR 8ALB, A VUft. Ronnd Top, with lOft Side Wall. 

PrafeutoBala .endlna pronamnae and 
two .lamiM will be rarnl.ked wllh the 
great dramalle walls aoag, 

and orcheetratloB.aaiiang bp Alire Carle. 
Kmma Itllla. Helen Hlsan, Harry J. How 
ard, of Al O. Fleld*a Hlnatrela. and otben* 
IIU Sooth High BUeef. Colanabna, O. 

Tent for Sale. 

Tent MOilOU, almoat tt«w. wllh eMta, 
jarha, atage »bi1 ch»Bd«llers. Rverr- 
Ihlnft complete and llnl cIbu* Unit bn 
eoldqaick ritrrnab. 

U and 11 llwron St., Cl»Tel«Bd» O. 

II miL TO lUlSI. 

Looated od one o( iba moi prvraloent cortter* lo Bntok- 
lyn. Cafe, Lodceor Bllllaid Room* asd BowllOK Allaya, 
all oAiDplele and oaw. For paitlculam call or aadreaa to 
Buihwiek Are. ud MeMnila Bt., BrooklyD, N. T. 


whIrJi la completafor roail work aKCf{>tdnu|tbt horw4 
and nlena||«n^ I'oiTored for aala prlratalruatll March 
1. iraiiiiunillAPOMd or ao ihat date Itwill baaokl at 
auction lo tlia hlnhe't bliMar on Tueidar, Hanh la on 
tha fair vnninda at Poiidaxn.N. V. AildraM 

IIBATII A SCOTT, Potadam. V. Y. 


TheatrlcaU Circus, 


Military Supplies. 


8«od a cent ilaap for oni NEW CATAliOGUB 
Jual liauad. Lunen, oraiplalMt .Mk of GOLD tal 
Cut, .TaiTtbliiii nqalnd for THBATRIOAL 

Lower Prices Than Any Other Hoise. 

Jaatafeir liana to iIto ao Ueavronrprloea: ' 
TIOHTV or BUIRTB, from 9l)o. a pair, tipvaid. 
BPAltOLBa,ta cold 
W108 fhnn OOv, upward. * ^ 

OOLD orSILVHB TBIMMnta (torn 3le.a yardnp- 

Oooda atot 0. 0. D. A depoalt raialr«d oo all oiim 
SaiUrkbUoQ iniumntead or money nftiiHled. 

niHWI IMlaana. hllDfTACaD. I «... U.,.. Oiru £ 
iIIBai«l0i<>.l<W^°>O>>l»>-ran».ai».Ul ' 

.11 n» I i.-'^r r n- """'P Lor 

a. 600DRIGH, LAWYER. tllta^^S.'t^^.'g^j.^ 

teftiandqnlaL Bianehea ud ladlltlea In otbar Butaa. 


UlUnC STTLBI. •> PER 1000. rORTUNES. Bun. 
plan ioa8»»atBe«t«riet»10ni<Dp.?HnTOno..BiM.f». 


Work mnatba nflqed. Miaiba irood drtaMiionud off 
atue. No fkrea adfanoed to utiapvera. Store Meaney 
wrile. DR. M. K. MAWTIIORHH. Troy> Peny Oo.. Ind. 


A NBir iiioH ORADB iMroRTBD rsrcno. Out two. 

I^aap for cull, or will avebaom for Aerial RaJMoaloe. 
Blareopllnn or e Una B<&.a lllualoo. A<Mrw 

mOHU.caiearirllUui Baglamlii, 
l,ra Monk T.olh BITMI, Tarn nauta. Io<l. 


TorkfftDpatfllBaatBlibi«utbSti*eLn«ar3d At. far 
Qlabed rooma and board If deilrad. Hits. J. BABBOWS. 

The Song of the Year. 







A iong of eicMdiBg beanlir wkleh 
bonnd to cspllvnie mmj andlenee. 
Prof^lonal eople. free. OnhHln 
parte, 10 ceaU. 


New Yerki Phlladelphiai 

O. H, DITBOn «t CO. J. B. DITSO.I dl CO, 


FARre. Alao gmomo akd manooij!! srEoiAi.- 

TlBa. D.ttf UmM aaljUT. A^idrrm 

0. W. BABOINO. KarUaillk. Mo. 



I Fails 

CuTlCURA Soap purifies and beautifie 
the skin, scalp, ana hilr by restoring to 
healthy activity the Clogged, Inflamed, 
Irritated, Sluggish, or Overworked 

eoM Ibroaltkoul Iba worM. BrilUh dtpol, F. Un. 
BKCT fc KONa. I. K\nf Fdvspl-M.. l4n<ton. t'->iii. 
DHi-rife CU.H.Coar., SftU l*r«pa., Dcalon, If. S A 

rttr't Open Hoeie, ^S^SSS^?^^ 



. Lof kportRT, 

Horahlne IlKbIt Cared la 10 
to aO d»rt. No pmj till cared* 
Dr> J. SMpbona^ lB«b»non, O. 


rOsrriTELT ODRED. CarapadilM.. BaferaiiuarlTaiL 

CorraipoodanRe iollelted. Atfdreaa 

PATTBRHOW HOMB. Orand Baplda. Mlelilnaa. 


t recently occurted to Tiffany 
k Co., die New York tewelers, 
to ornament a bicycle elabo- 
rately with gold, silver, and pre- 
cious st(Mies,beIievingthat some 
wealthy customer would esteem 
so handscnne a mount. They 
pfcferred to pay $100 each for 


For their purpose 
to using any 
other make of 
)e no (juestion of 
quality in a bicycle 
selected for such 
omamentaticm. aM — 
Therefore they chose Cdumbias 


Unequalkd, Uoapptoadied. 

BetDtlful Alt Caulocue ol Columbia ud Hut- 
lonl BInndc* li tree If you call uwin any Colum- 
bia •scot; by nail from ua for two i-cni 



Factoria and GcDoral Offices, HaitfotdtCooD. 

Branch StoRi and Acendei In almoat every 
dty end towa. If CoIumUai an net properly 
npRwnted In your vldolly let ui mow. 

■kaliAnMfa Tba Divorce Law of Oklahnnia 
nillflDflC la 'ert llbanl. lOouauTba 

IIIVIIKIir *° '*° 

ror Otla. In aump^ i 
EAnl. la Polton M ■ H. T. _ 

draUr. n mttinv. in Park Row. Haw Torn. 

Samplaarrea. Bamit poitM. (nel<u aUmpa. 

OLirroWB IIAlFra CO.. Boi 17«. Caiiu>rLre_ 


ror bo« of bait PUeBamailr In <•!•"'>'"• * 
mtraaolooacare. Addraai 

Lock Box 


Per thotmnd flOD. ^ _ . 

rUTUBB 00.. 71 B. Tblrteeeth fltieet Kow Tork. 


KLRRTRin RBMRnr no . Q olaw I" 

tVlinrn UeoMo B<lt Co.-. u> wHu ror Bamplaa oi 
nMI CU| BLBOTRIO BELTB, alio PlM Bamplaa ol 


oae, or Be. lor bolb. wllb r"- 
I ■ ■nil mil an. llcalaia. Late-t tblag In E. 
^^USSSsf " ' ■ " Balta. K ear 100. Blfjaoo'r. 



Oounaeior at Imbvo^ 

as kXD to OENTBE STBEET, New York City- 
FlBMlaa In aU Um Oonlta, OlwU ud OrlmlniL SC^'H 
•nanlloa clran In Iba ooUMtlan of eklma and <]abu» 
•11 kln4^ \M prapanUoa.of avnaianu and olber lam 




PllSr OLA'S Allb >BAM»ABLB. 
MRB, TATLOl, B. Twelnb BClwt, Mw:Tofk Oltr. 




RawaM sad moat elegant atylaa, wltk Ua 

BIUbu4 Materiali, fltotk, BnU% Cnee, 
•ta- at w am ■•■■Ikaitia mut «■* 
panalla*. . 

CopirighM, ISM br lb* Ftwk < 

1 PoMliliIng Oomcur (ItmlMI. 

Feundad by I 
FRANK aUEEN, 1891.1 


I Prie* 10 Ctnli 


warm:* roftrai hkw tork cLiri'iM, 

Ob, uk no more l( [ Bliall lo7e iheo 

Wbenyetn buTa pui twjnnd recKll; 
Rnt loiit TipoD ibe aiars above ibcc 

And nmi taj Iraib Ibere, once (or sll ! 
I cue rot ibo' onr banda ebonlil acrer, 

I tnor bDi tbU, wberc'or tboii an— 
Odoo lored, once loved, la loved forever, 

Time caooot tear ibce Inm mj bean ! 

Tbe jaara <rlll come, and bopea oaj aever, 
1 kooir bat (bla, wbere'er ihooari— 

Once lored, once loved, li> loved forever. 
Tine caonol tear ibee from mf bean i 

Tbe roaea fade irheD vrlnda grow colder, 

Bat Sanmer givea ibem back again; 
And bopeanayfadoaa lime growa older, 

For otln Joja will turn to pain. 
Bgi, deaitatone, ob, doubt me never, 

Tbj Imige ne'er aball (ado tvnj i 
Once loTtd, once loved, la loved (orover, 

Iboti'ltfooOer groir irom daj to day I 

I won Ibylove In bope and gladneaa. 

And ataiM It fade In slorm and bllgbtr 
Ttaa bloasoma grow ibru> Wlotrj eadoeaa, 

Tbe atar of love oniabloea ibe Dlgm i 
I care no! tho' oor Uvea abouM aever, 

I boed not tL-o' ell ]o;> depart- 
Once loved, once loved, la loved forever. 

Time caiiuot ti'far Ibee from mj beart I 


waimN roH tab hiw tork cliitkr, 

Indolgeni bnaband-wbat ngiit baa aha lo llvct 
Qlvo me back mv revolver. Doib of Ibclr Uvea be- 

"Well, aa jou evidently prefer ihe Jail. it\t eooncr 
we Hart (or li Ibe heller.' Diitbam calmly re- 
marked, laklng Uawkctwynne by iba arm, for he 
had ilatnlo bla feet ai ha flnlfhrd apeaklDg, ami 
bail bctron lo alaggcr lowaida mo tiouae. "It'a 
guile ft walk fro.'O bcrc. and oa wc go along I'll loll 
yoa <cbr I bare Inlcifcred txtweea ynu and Ib0!te 
people, upon wbom ynu want mwafegood powder 
and bulleia. come." 

"I don't want to bear yoor reaaon,*' replied 
flawkeswyonf. "You bavc no right lo act aa )aD 
are doing. ' I'll not go win yoii. Do joa take me 

nefore the end of iteweeka airangeoccumnce 
act Ibe nelbcr world of Dotton uog. Tbe Carleton 
Clnb clored Ita doora and llawkeawynna. Iia pro- 
pnetor, diaappearcd from alght a> ooBipleiely u 
IboiiRh Ihe carib bnd opened aid awallowcti him. 
NooittknewwbliberhobadgoBo. Durham wuaa 
Ignorant aa cverybodT clae. All ba knewwaa tbe 
reaaon why flaamlno Villa bad loal lla Icnania and 
tbe Roi'alpa of the nctgbborhood tbeir moat Inter- 
erilnianil imfalllogreannrce. 

• •••••• 

Aa Ike Doane reined np bla bonra In front of the 
IIMcl Honlana, tho principal caravanaary of Blag 
Uollow, be received a ahock Ibat caiiMd bim lo 
nearly topple off ibe box. For tho Otvt llnw aloco It 

Ini bla bomea to a rail Id from ol ibo Kotol l(on< 

■Sarno place," aalil Doc., '■but Iko.lf yon Join 
that mob you and I are done. I'm ihmngb wllb 
■ he hoysjuat aaaoon at I canaell out. I'm going 
loqiili Slag Hollow. Tbiii day'a work baa alckcnad 
me ('( Ibe place and tho pcopio," 

'".Vb> f'aald Ike. "Toll iia 'boui II." 

IKio. bof Hated and glanced ai Silver Jack, 

' Yea. tell na. Iloo."(cnocd 8llverJ«ck. 

' lAti nigbi," aalil Dec, "Oopber Jaynts ami I 
found an unconicloua man at Ibo foot of Ibo finre 
Wo brought bIm hero to tno Houlany. laawihat 
he wam't fatally hurt-only badly ahakon up. Adir 
a lime I reaiorcd htm to conaclouanrKi. lie olalmnl 

Tbe olgbi wind waa redolent wllb tbe acent of 
of the aea. 

From tbe diaiant ahotc came the niuRled boom 
of Ihe brtakera. 

Tbey were perfume and mnalc to tbewcary Nellea 
Durham, aa ho pauied InfrontofOaamloe Villa, on 
bla waj from Ibe depot to Carteret Coitage. 

Taking off bb bal, and puffing dreamily at bla 
olgar. be forgot tbe vexatluna of ibc day In Ibo 
l>eace(ulni!io(ibo nigbi. A paralng vehicle tiioke 
Ibe spell, iritb a aigb bo came back lo earth, and 
waa about to retame bla Journey homeward. Aa be 
did ao bo glanced caanallyat Oaamlne Villa. By 
tbe tlood ot light <bat streamed through iho open 
door be dbcovered two ilgures atandlng at Ibe 
header ibe slops that led up from tbe lawn to tbo 
vine trelllKd plaua. One waa a woman. Ilo 
recognized her. H was Ura. Hawkeawynnc. Tbo 
other was a man. He did not know blni. but aaw 
that It wat not Hawkeawynne. Tboeiranger wn^ 
blonde aud burly. Uairkeewyni:e waa aiPDilir, 
wiry and dark. 

Mta. Hawkeawynne seemed to be on prciiy good 
terms wllb her companion. She was ollnglog affcc. 
ilonatelytoblaarm.and btrbead wua rtaiing atfec- 
tloDstely npon bla ahoulder. 

Duiham waa not surprleed at ibis tabltao, a|. 
though be knew that tbe lady bad no relallves In 
America. A feailve friend of bla In Boston, whii 
waa pn Inilmate lerma wlib Uawkeawyooe, had 
tdd bIm a pntiy lliuo romance connected wllb ibo 
gamblrr'amanlage to aelngtrof tbe French open 
down In Vew Orttaoa. Tbo evil repnisiloo of the 
Uawkeavjnne raado any Impropriety eecn tbe 
moat natural thing In tbo world. Wlib a cynical 
I'iille be was lumlng away, when bla eyea fell npon 
tbe oroucbing form of a man, who, screened by tho 
bigb box hedge which Used tho path, from the 
street to tba dwelling, wasatealtblly creeplag npon 
tbe unconscious couple. Tbere waa aomelbing 
very soggesUve of menace In tbe movements of 
this siDlBier Bhape. 

Dnrbso besllsled an Insiant. then noiselessly 
vaulted over Ibe fence, allenily and awlfily crawled 
around tbe hedge and followed ibia omlnoas Ognre. 
Allhoogb his progress iras rapid, ha did not over- 
lake tbe object of bUi pumolt a moment too soon. 
Mo waa Jnai In lime to grasp Ihe wriatof an ont- 
■trelctaed arm and wrench from the baud that 
clnicbed It a levelled revolver. 
' With a smothered cnrae tbe man turned upon 

At thla moment the moon oaine out from behind 
a cloud. 

■'Uavkesnynna I" exclaimed Durham, In k low 

' You know me, do yout" biased Hawkeawynne. 
'Look and see If you koow her." 

Durbsm glanced In Ibe direction of Ihc piazza. 
Tbo man and woman were emcrlog tbe bouse. 
"Tbsnk flod I" be exclaimed aa Ibey closed Ibe 
door bebind them. 

"Eb r" rjaoulated llawkoswjono, aa lliay dlaap- 
peared from view. "Olvc uie my lovolrer; glvo It 
tome, 1 ay." 

"No," replied Durham, allpplng Ibe weapon Into 

Wllb indden ferocity Hawkeawynne clinched 
with blm, and alrove lo (aaleo bla linger,* around 
bli throat. 

"You won't, eb f" be snarled, as they wrcallcd lo 
and (to npon tbe lavm. 'Then I'll take It (rom you 
I came bare lo kill them, and you aball not prevent 

For a long lime It was a preliy even contest 
Tbey irtre aboni equally matched aa tar aa weight, 
riinacnlar prowraa and aklU wore concerned. Dnr- 
bam had tbe moat endurance, ibougb. At leoglh 
nia autMrloilij In tbU respect began to tell. Real. 
l3lng Ibat bis advcrsaiy'a sireogtb was waning, be 
eienedblmseKIn aaupreme eonn endforcedblm, 
hreatblfas and defeated, lo the gronnd. "Hawkea- 
wynne, " ba aald, when be bad recovered aulllrlent. 
ly to ipaak, ' now lake your choice between ibc Jail 
•Dd ny room at Caneiei Coltaga." 

"You wonld have me arrcaied I" exclaimed 
Oawteiiryone, -Tbal man In diere baa broken op 
my family, baa repaid conlldcnce with treachery, 
and klndncaa with Ibe basest Ingrailtode. I toond 
blm, are years ago, penallen and fritndleis. I 
gtTo bin food.abellcrand employncni. and ffnaUy 
made blm mypoHner. Wbysbonldnt I kill blm 
tbe aaoa as I wonid mj other anake I Tliat woman. 
l«o,ii9WU»-la wkoKlbaTS been a (aUhtuI taid. 

t orn 

for a child r' 

"Ko,"aharply exclaimed Dorham, "I lake you for 
what your are, a dangerous fool 8ce hero. I'll 
have no more of tbla nonaeDso. Ynu either come 
aloDi with Die qoleily, or I'll call mat preclona psrt- 
nrr of youraont of ihe bonao and get blm lo help 
me put you where you cannot barm anybody for 
BOOK lime to come." 

Hawkeawynne lomed wllb a low cry, looked 
bio (all In Ibe (ace, and. reading) t«m molve In Its 
every llneamoni. bowed bit head and Horrcndcrtd. 

Dgrbam did not apeak again uolll they reached 
the iTdowalk. 
'Shall It he my donor ibe Jail." be qnertedr 
'Tour den," replied llawkcawrnna dejectedly. 
'Tbla way, then,'' aald Durbaiu. "and llnleD. loa 
chmcbyard nn Ibe onlaklrlaof BTlllase In Norlb- 
ero Now York ibcic are four gravea. One of lliem 
tieara ray brotber'a name, anothor ibat of bla moai 
Igtlnale friend. Hy brolber died \ij blaown band, 
alter having abot Ibat aelf aame friend. Tbe other 
iTogtavesaretboseof myparema wbodled Iron 
■rief over Iheir son's crime and aelf dealrocllon. 
My brother became a luurdorer (or Ibe very reason 
that pmmpicd yoa to try and become ooe li)nlabl— 
a falibleaa wifo and a treacberoui< friend. What 
good did Ho accompllabt Hone. Ayraragofaaw 
a woman of Ihe at reels dragged out o( the water 
near tbe Fall River pie r In New Toric. It waa ttaa 
creature who had wrongbt all ibla min. gbe had 
been pnnlahed for her ain. 6o wonld bla tIcIId 
ban been bad be tint walled- So will those two 
wbo have wronged you." 

Itoy reached Carteret Cottate aa Dnrbam IID- 
Ub^. Hawkeawynne hrsliated for an lnatanl'an'1 
tbea, witbool a word, accompanied tba man who 
^ad Interreoed lielween bluiiiid lb« commlialon 
of a crime Into the bonae. 

TThen Ibo early morning train for Boalon stopped 
St the station two men boarded It. One wai Pn^ 
, tbe olbet llawkeswynne, 

had begun to atop at Ihi p. i llcularly lively mining 
camp Ihe arrival of the w< ' l>onnd aiage waa, oa 
ihla particular afiemooo. - aili-nded by any wel 
coming afeemllagc o( the Inremostclllzenaof Iho 
place. Kicrpt (or a few VhlnameD, not a aool wai 

Ikebegsn locUnibrrdownio itaegioun<l.Bmsr.<:d 
and Indlgusnt at Ibla unexpected dipplsy o( Indlf. 
fcrenc. The door o( tbe Hotel Montana opened, 
and a aiem, dejeclcd petaonagc alrolled Into view, 
II was l>oc. Demsnl, wbo united iha profeialoo of 
RaculBplnii o( Blag Hollow wllb Ihe bualnesa of 
honKace of lla premier boetelry. 

"Whar bev ihe boya gonef' Inquired Ike. In an 
Injured tone. 

"Craiy," aonlenllou>ly lepllcd Doe., going lo tbe 
stage and opening the door. 

"Well, Doc , If that a Ibe case, perhaps I d be'irr 
keep right on to Htnellervllle." said a alender, 
wblic haired man, wbo was Joat dlaembarktng 
from the coach. 

"8b," eicUlmed Doc "Why, II It Isn't Hllvtr 

In anoibrr Inaiant ihe paasenger bad leaped lo 
Ibe ground, and be and Doc were ahaklng banda 

■Whar air the bo;at" rcptaud Ike Doane. 

■Nowbrrc. now," replied Doc. "Bee here, ike 
Uoana do you mean to aay yoa don't know Sllvar 
Jack. Ibe tqnarett gambler and belt ahoi lo Mon- 

I're nein 'honi bun." lald Ike, -bai laln't never 
aeed blm." 

Well, here be Is." raid Doc. "Mr, Hllver Jack, 
Mr. Ike Doane; Mr. Iko Doane, Mr. Mlver ;s(k." 

Iks Doans iromedlaiely ibook hands wllb Blag 

'■Wjsr air ibe boyar' ta« inqnlitd, bawsver,ks 
be eiiendcd this welcome to BUver Jock. 
"AI 11 sgalD," replied Doc, 
"Wbar, wbarr> abonted Iks, bnrriettly ttibsr- 

lobeaproapcciorwbo bad lo«i his way nod fallen 
down Ibe alopa wbllo wanileilog aliout In the dark, 
neaa. ThI) morning Dubuque llarkina and Dan 
Young (ound a man and woman on Iho lop ii( iIih 
alnpe, near ihe spot where the airangrr rouii bavii 
mlaaed bis fnoilpg. They ha<l both bean alablKd. 
Tba woman wa^ drad and Ibo man nnconacloav. 
The two war* alao brought down lo tho Honisny. 
Tbe proapector. wbo was up and about, aaw them. 
TTiny were evidcnilr old acqualnlanreH of bla, for 
be turned pale and acemcd tudly broken up by lb" 
alghl. The boya qurailoned hlin. ilo relernrd 
evaalvo snswcra at llral. and Iben aetllcd down Inl'i 
complols alienee. Tbatalaried aoroe of Ibo camp 
lawyer! to work. The reauli Is iho iwya ate beep. 
Inga dais wllb ihs gentleman down In tbe gulch. 
sndlt'nau(e gamble that before annrtae (omor- 
mw tbero will be a niw grave In lbs bnrylna 
ground on lbs knoll. f.el'a hsve a dilnk." 

Hllver Jack and ike iMsne followed Doc. Into ib<' 
bar of lbs Hotel Monlans- 

(n a few moments ike reappeared, wiping bla 
Upa. He looked carefully ai«ut to ace wbeiher 
anybody waa watching, esamloed the haltera of 
bla horaea, looked again lo aea whelber he was atlll 
oliaerved. and then alailed on a rapid run for ih<> 
gnlcb. Re needn't ban dlaplayrd ao mneh ran. 
lion. Doe. andRllveriacb weie loo boay to take 
any noilca of bis moreoanla. 

"Hoyonars daurmlntd to lesvsHlag Hollow?" 
nmarted BIlTer Jack, u be plarsd bU gisars npon 
Ibe bar, after their iblidnsndlnabool aa many 

'■res, air." replied Doc. "I tiled lo eonv loco lb,! 
boya tbal baaglog a nun on aoch Inaumcleit evi- 
dence wunolblngabnnotnarder. Tbey irenldD'i 
llalen.and tnally la(oimed ma that 1(1 cnnllnued 
to oppose tbe popniarwill tbey would iDd room for 
aaaeoodrepe on tbe aaas bitneh wUb Ibe pros- 
pector — " 

Wbsft tbatf Inttmpipd Silver Jack. 

"Whu'Mo bat I'' queried liof. 


Thnmgb a dnnr ibatopriinl out of ihe lisrtoom 
omi waa |iarballr ajar ihrra ranio Ihn aniind ol Hn 
innanlnir and the ahuflllng n( unrciiain ferl. 

"Ilo'a coining lo," ahoutcil tiof. ■ I tolil ihrae 
Ijnohora ihal ho would, and aaknl ibrin in wait 
iiiilll be illil and hear what ho liail In any. I'tiino 
and l)ear wline'ft." 

Hwcarlng ann apluiirrlng. Iioi: daahul Ihtnagb: 
Iho dniir ami Into ihc mom Imin whence iho moan. 
Ins prucceocd. 

.tllvrr Jsi'k followed hini. Iliil he did niitonicr 
ihr rimm. He a ood iipun llir ilirrahuld iranKlicd 
with horror. 

Tbo woiiutb'U innn liati mauHgtd lorlaotronihla. 
own hunk, anil aitprosch sniiiher otic, uiain a hleh 
ropnicil Ihc (orni of iho ilrsil wiunnii. t'llngmi to 
lla nlio bo had ilraggnl aalilr Iho lilaukcl which 

"Ynu dsvll," bogaaiHKl, 'yiai aho devil, you made 
ilfoa hell lo yuiir>cltaud ino.nnd llion, when ;nii 
derided to go In Ihal other hrll brynDdlheiinvr, 
rnu Irleil In Inho moslnnHwIlhyou— Inityondliln'l, 
you dliln'l. Ynu killed ynutMlf, h:it I'm allva In 
apllnntvou. Take that. ' 

The ansylsg, Irrmliling wrcich tpai In ihe (aco of 
Ibo deail wumnn. 

"Ilnlfloii," ithniiioit l>ou.,"h()til on. She may Havo 
ant ynu — '■ 

"Tliat iho dill," nhrlokrd ihn iiuin, lurchhig 
amiiiiil: "irtod m hill mo." An ba aald ihiiao wurdf 
ho rsmo fseo in fsro wllh Hllver Jark, pauaed. 
gave a •liilll alirirk ■>( Icrrur. and lunihlnl (aee 
(iiri'iiirt^l u|inn Ihu dirnr 
lino, sprang l" lila aldo snd la<nl over bliu. 
■He's drsd. Hllver." ha qiiloilyHsId, sder sine-. 
in«nlary cxauilnoilns or lliii Imly, 

Thn gmiiii In ilio gnlcli hod ilulahndall Ihepte- 

'H'ai.air.uigi r. hovjiiuaiiyihlug In aay t" qiierhd 
iliii hir Jatura. an he ailjiialril iho nooau nriHinl the 
nrok o( Ihu IhiiiuiI nml lii-lplCM man, who Mood' 
jia^^lvc but (rarleaa, tirnrrtlh the Ituto irci which 
iK'qurni iiMur had iiiadn tbo acciiptcd galloarn of 
.Mlal llnlliiw. 

Only ihni I am Inuocnt,'* rrpllrtl ihe proaiwc* 
live vli'ilin of Judge I.) noli. ' Whi n ynu havu lln. 
laliril I wi>h Ibat yiiii wniiM iliillvcr my ilmil hnly 
tn ihiciur Dcinaul. wllli niy dying rvqiii-Hl Ihal htr 
wrlio In ibn addreaa which bo will find In Ibo lag 
auapciidcil niHiiil my nark. Aak hint lo mbiI Ihe 
(nil parilcubirH o( my ilealb. That Is all. and mar 
(1(hI (nrglTO you for ibo criino ynu am atMiil lo 

Thcruwana lunntenl'a lirpliurtny un ilie pprl oC 
the iuni>,liul It wa>ipsrdllyrr|>lai.'iHl liya i|ul(ikeiied 
ragrniraa In accinpllah (Iia pur|Kjao for wnlch ihnjr 
bad naartubleil. 

Tlio mpo waa thrown nvrr a limb of ilia irns, 
Btmng lianda piillvd It lam. 

"Now I" HhoMird tlnpher Jayno*. 

"Ilrack I" rang Ibo abarp rep<<n u( a revolver. 

The riipa waaacvrrcd inlilwuy iHtwoen the llinli 
o( tho irro. and (bo matt itaiigling In tho iiooee. 

Tlin mm nbii wein iitgglng at tho ulher imd 
aiaggcrod for an Inalanl. anil then pllchoil luck, 
nnnla one on lop «t ilie other. In a onnlbn ilheap. 

Tlio iHidy of thn aui|wriilcd iiiaii fell hearllylo lbs 

WhL'o iholynf'lHiiHnfHIaglliiltnw recovered their 
•'iinllibrliini it waa lit and (hajnaolvca conlronieil 
tiyn tall. whKo halrail alraiigcr, wlili two n:vulvora 
and a quii't. iiiit ilrlermlned minnor. 

Due. IH'tuHiil wiH HupiMirtlng and tryliig lo re* 
vivn thn half v.t\\w.\m* vlrllnt of their vlolenoc. 
Aa Kip imwd al'iwly wonili-d their w.4y in the ramp 
Hilvi'rJni'k(urced(o One. 
How la hn. Duo.P'* Ije aaknil, 
* (doming Hroiind (aal," ropltrd Ihiu. 
''I.i-avi: II' lngi'lhur,"aald Hllvor Jnck. 
Dm:. liHiki'ii nl blm u a<;roiiil, roan and »lowlj (ul. 
inivi-d llio rrnwil. 

NilrcrJiirk linnl over (bo |,rnatialo man. In an 
Inxinni iliii wainlpilng gaiw liei'aint, llxcit ami ilio 
iliill. viicjint oyi'i lit lip with InluillgunRU. 

"llawkirawyiinii f hiiararly laapcil fiu ■till fcnbia 
"Diirliani l' iTXrlnliiinlHIIvir Jack. 
They rlaa|Kil Ibo night ahuiluwa gaiber* 
nl Ihrro licneaili IboghsailygHllowa ircuiif Hlag 

"HaMhnMwyniii<," aald Diirhain. aa tlio gantljlor 
hi-l|M<il lilm Id hia foci, ''illd yon aco tituai-ilu yon 
kiii,w — " 

"Ve^.'' rrplled llawki'Rwynn,'. "You weru right 
tliai iilglii iiiick In (lin Ka«i. Th'y bavo Iwin piio- 


The iipxl ndrrnoon Ihcrn waa a diinbln laiirnteol 
III Ibn biiryintf ground up on ilio knoll. 

Adernii wan ori-r two inon rioikJ over the new 

It'jic'h liifHrdi ^riroa'inkrn In Ibe ground at Iha 
bead nf Iho iiioiinila. Wliilo Duthan watched 
llawkeawynno knelt anil carved aoiniilblsg upon 
lbi> iinrnlnlril Hiirfacn. 

.S'oxt liar Miiiionr tho mintra virllinu tbeliurylog 
gmunil rr»i\ Iho Inirilpllon. 

"IVife," wua wbal It aald. 

Willi cm Ihal word In lliai rough hoatd la, and 
always will lie. the riddle of Hlag Hollov- 


HCKKS: 7Y/m(a lUlw or WlOauily. UIm frlnut, 
Imtmimliu, littM lUMt callnl. 

l.uas«iMST-llello, old insn I Tlioughl i'd com* 
rniind and ciinil"la with you. My wife Is alsu away, 

WiiHiwLT-Don't Iw aatoaallc. It'a nnt lbs lone. 
linen that wi.rrics ma, titit Iho matter of letter writ- 


Wiimwi.v-Well, II I mi ray loitsra with declara- 
tlouu of love, and lell licr bow I mlai ber,sba'll 
looiu huiiis to enjoy the aeutlinenialH/ at closer 
range; If I writs an liiilinkreni letter, ake'll come 
hoiiio lu aes wliii's tho matter; and If I don't witts 
at all, Bhnll cime hnino loaeelf I've run off with 
aoiitlior wriinau. (Vi wbat'aa man bi dot''— TTTit/i. 

On tiir. (.'iiiCAOo MmiXD.^/visanicrn- (in dining 
car at breakfruti— llctr, wslter. Ihrae erga are 
much loo sot', troKer-All rlgiil. I'll Ijoil ibem 
another mllr,-f/u;(«, 



Februaby 29. 

^Thea tricals 

' — 


K«BdA7 Ml«lii*ft OpcBlact la aU th« 
Bl| Show Towns* 


Good Bill! PrcMnttd fttthe Various Houfet 
*-Th» Auditorium Soon to ProMnt Opart 
at Cheap Prices 

iBptclil DUpAieb to The K6* York Cllpptr.) 

Ri!< t'HA>oiKO, r«b. B.— At th) Dfttdwia rrtttt»rlcli 
XTarJo li«f[U hUaoonUtamiimaMthire U^KTwInRi 
|ir<»Anlini[ "Tli* M«n-i«btak.'* 

Cii.iniHNiA Thiathr.— Nallle UtMwtf mbdeher rtr^i 
orpMnnoa litre ImI nljclit, la."The Blry cl« Ulrl." 

Cvi.VHiiATHiiATHit.— "TbaOM Unf Klla" rtintlim M 
iliokitnctloo furtliaptMDtwMk. 

MoHnu-o'n OriRA Uouh.— "lbs PiIm «r H»v TArk' 
Maiprcxlorcd bare lam nlitlit lo gniul ttyl*. 8a«I« T(t> 
tie lod l>arrcl Vlnioa hara baas cnpRMl at Uilii houM for 

.MCAXAR TniATfli.— Tba Rarlatoa Opam Ca.mida tiMir 
flna ai'pearanca hirela*laTaolog,|>rtHDUoR"niiLllr 
4>r NlliarDaj." 

Oki'HiitH TnRATim.— Tha BoMtaji, Brolkara DIuUil 
Vanoan aetl t'ltnmu Olia laltartaaoi eomtoKfrom iha 
Tlvdl.HjdD' ). Awlr*ll»). Itobart Blilaaod UiaWlhoni 
loaila thalrrir.i ■Dpa«nDC«at iblaliooMSdDday.Tt, 

TiroLi Opbka Honii^Lut waek'i bill wu eontlaoad. 

Noru — Uaorfto llarrl'. for a Iodr lima put connacted 
«IUiUiaTlToli Opam llouaa,dlad Kab. ^afurabrlar 

lilniaa Vtn adnnc* nia for f(a<l« rainatn, at Uii 

tSnltniblAD. Ii.<llca(aau linnaDM«e«k*i baalnaaa.. 
•lanaH F. I'ofi Iim ursultad a viruog conipaoj to i 
•(r«rUieN»nliemciraalia8rkr Kail v> HL Paul, Ml 
' KuB On tlia BrUlul," "Fack'a Bui Bor" aad 'Tveofa 

XiDd" will form tba nptrtor)r Arditalavf.vlUi hli 

lip to iliie lilfuu aiHl orlHlDBl roathoiU nf aiintiloK Ui* 

I'uUle.baa madaaiorcAUor iDa faoiiia'a I'aUe* 

TliM* liaa btao a ml daraotlon amoair iha laaillaff ptopla 
••r the TIrnM. Alica Carle re*lntU Id enlar lo attend iho 
•laailiivil olhtr mother, «hu llraa la MilD«,ao(l Jiagra 
MlihrO liaii laBiROrd to Moapt a Nav York aovaientaDL 
iienrae Bmaltrlek aad MabailaBikarhtTa atooflrran iha 

iKUU Doilee, prior to raalipiioH Eliir Naaiall, 

the willow of iha obi Taleran, hM rwamail lier 
rrofcRMua. iihI opeaeil at (ha H>kantfl«M Thtaire 17. 

rate Bartow, bardie back ridar, la andokToriui u> 

ftfrBaolreuacAiDpAoy liara Madam Mataru, Uarr 

4)D«trlcak and laadora LiichBioaehaTa baao eoRajtad hf 
Kricdiaoder. Oottlob A Co. lo appear In ihraa coaceru at 

ibaAudltorrum .TtieTavary OparmCuniMnv waia ra- 

t mMjf compallad lA borrow the aarrlcea of Haittn Taclia, 
ibautDorolUieTlfolLloaloKat a Wadoeadajr malloea 
•>r "Mariba." at iha BaUwIo Thaaira. ...rnatllaadar, 
<iauinb.t Co. h«Ta vffered tba TaTary flparmCo. sutllalnDt 
'aanDi for raraaloioK bare mna three or foorwaek^ 

ii klo« at tha Andlurium, at cheap: pritaa Udf 

HiMil'ii thiURlfcuappeantl aa ninderoln at iha OakLuH 

'rnuira Imai waeii Ida Valama aod Kaiia Harchl 

liavr t»#an ra-enRasri) at the Tlroll Boua'i Band ap- 

leftia at Ute Aualibrlau tf. 


The Oponing of the Lenton Season Hai 
Little Effect Upon the Theatrical At 

1'Bif^nii.riitA,— Tha allandanee at our ihea* 
irwlBBlDlghlarangad wall. Tba Broad probably had 
tlielilgffontorovil. villi an attaodaace which fllltd orcrr 
tiiuh or »tudloH riMnn ind hanlalied (he ordiaatrft to Iha 
MK|a. B. ll.Hoihera. lo'Tha PrlaoDerof/.FDda,'* wai 
ihdAttractloD. Ma rettilrad a rojal waleame. aed b« 
and tlie play won the uaanlmooa pnl«ear ihocrltlca. 

Ue Woir lluppar produced ''WaoB" at Ilia Chetoat 

Nrtat Upera llouia, berore a Urie audlenoa, and Iib aod 

KiBt Wallace Uppper won hearlr apvlaaaa "AD 

ArtiRt'B Model'* held over at the Chetiaut to a bl|t tiouae. 

Hia Walnut waa erowdatl. Sol Hnllh HobvII 

Hppiared bare Tor Hie (Int tima lo M*aral yeara. Tba 
Hara ware "Mr. ValanUDa'a Chrlatna>"aod^*AQ Brarj 
l)»r Man." Tlia buc waa appUodid to Jihe tch(\ 

auu tiiBdea Hoeech at tba end uf iba wModact 

lieii<;<wio, In^-The Ko* Boy," won iha Unibleraad ap- 

Hmb* of a lane audleoee at ihal^k The Audi. 

lurlani. oroouraa,waa omwdad, tUodow aadthaTroca- 

ilanVaudaTilIaa balog iha atlrEcrlito "OoonleBoiir 

Ittid" peeked the Natloaal OraaloD Obrke oMoed 

Ilia leconil wo«k at the (Irand Opera llouae lo "Rfcbard 

111." The Rturidanco waa fkir A food bIumI an- 

dieiceappreotatad "Tba Little DotaeUre'' uiheOlranl 
Araaue "tJapL llerea, V. B. A.,",wai siren at Fore- 

Itauili'a lij a comblnailoD oompaBf, beadad h; Jaa. J. 
ioa|ln< uid Mrra Davla. The attaodaoee wia good 

^ Ttrjr laraa audleoee waleomtd "Tlia Ooiioo Ktni" to 

tlinl'oople'a N H. Wood, lo "Out Tn tba Nireata." 

IijmU loll honaeattheStaihlard UamoDi'aMloatraliL 

m ibe BlaTaoih Htraet Ui>tra llou«e, Itad & w«ll nUed 

Ikiiuo Tba BUou waa crowdul anamoeo and areD' 

tns Qua lllira NoreltlM opeoad fti tfae LreeuiD wlUi 

apaclted Iioubo The Muaoum nad Uia tuual targe 

lloiTO!*. Ktb Z3.-La«t nUbtotraradoiur aUmciloDi 
to^irai nlihtara." *-niaNoberlMtMni,EbitaniUh"wai 
liroJuoed for the flrat lime la thU our, at Uie Tremonl 
'nicAiia, by John llara and eompaor.and aoiartAload a 

fall liuuae ,...**Mra. ronderbary'a PaaL" wlib Btuan 

HubfpD and ItU compaDy.dtaw a crowded liouae to tha 
J'ark Tlieatre. where It had In Ant raproMiitftiion lo ihli 

eliy ABoiber flnt pmdueUoB wai "Ibe Oar hrla- 

tauV* haadfd bjr W.J. rvrguioD, H Uia Boiton Hub»uiii, 

whom It arnrea a lucoou Tbe Tabfni appaarvu 

In *^he Bioopa to Contjuar," at tlie llollli Bireel 

TliMue, lo a raty good houae It wm a gala 

niRbt at the BcmIod Thtatre, many llirrahl rro- 
ifljMwm and meiubara or the Ooreraor** aiatT wit 
iirniluv the jterroroiaooe ol "Madame Baoa-tlaor." 

whitli enleredTtipon lu aecMid week "The Llihu 

<)' t^iidiin** daa ablf rrecented by tha BncolaaalvMer 

ilaol ci'Diuany at Iha boaUola IViutrw Tbeaire Aq- 

«>UiK ineualraina, ''Down In Diila," atlnctad k rull 
iMiue tu ihn Culuiubia Thaatr*. iumI the (telle Bouara 
'niettrerr|tor(ad a big gudieooe at ibe npaitlog of ihe 
i-irond wi^cik or 'Tlnaiore" aod *H^rallerla HuiUeana." 

Kelih'n New Theatre had uoneuaily good pairoaage 

Hiul iiie iHipttlarprlc^ houaaa did ihe uaual good 

I'axlDeM. The aerand and liui wtek of the 

Alil»y. Hchneitel A 4lrea aeawti of grand opera 
ttpotad at Meoh«nlea' Hal) taat night, wliL -'Hnmeo ei 
JulUiie." prvfaniad by the follnwiDg caal: Mmi. Utlba, 
iiauanitalaisr, tiiBn Ilunt, MM. Ed. da Reaike, Mmcoo, 
Mantuiera. de Vrlea, Oajtlabnaiy, de Vaacfcettl. Hlnal- 

illDl,Jaan da Heaika Tbe leopenlng of theOrmod 

(V«n llouaeuDdar Daw maoagemenl toon place yta'er 
divtnernooo, and aoontlnuoua peTrom\aDea,ai|H)puUr 
prlrc , or TaniUTllla ud druna waa given lo good at- 
landADceuptoll r.H. 
Rt IiOi'iti, Feb. U.— Beautiful Spring weather dejileled 

Ihetheairea Sunday, light Itouata being the rule 

Vimn Morrli opened at tha lUrrapk Hnndar nlibt to a 
lalriliad andleaoe, rreMntlng, ror tlie Ural lime hare, 

"K«)nii>o\te " ''Northera LIghia," at the tlraoil, 

opOBMl to ft light but tpoat •othaMiuilo andUDc«. It ww 
the tr*i praaeniailnn here aod took well. Tliuuab tha 
«-iiDWiinydldniiiarTlTe until flao^ tht.v uaed aona houae 
»coc«rv and gave a eraiiltaide perrormaeee, William 
4'niirll«lg1t, BB Jolin Halllaind, reoalring tnaaX oomnt»n- 

tlitloD Anopaa Sunday at the Itagan «ai nlled by 

Mr. Ilogao wlUt a oredliaola bouta tbow, praa^ntlDg 
y^lU Nicalauf. In "A Tnp lo Buropa," anieieii by OMsr 
KliemF, aa coniadlan. tU the apaetBlttea lotrmlacod 
NallU iiotebud and (Inca Maurice wan biat racalred, 
...Hloliard ManB^eld oi>ened to a larwaaud (^hi'tn 
i\Sleauill*noa Monilu' nlglii^ pra*enllag, (• riiiafliaiilm* 
lirrv, "Tha Hinry ol Hodhm, iha thndeet." KMeriury to 

tidlnw At naTlln'B, Sunday. Ch -a. U DATkla"AI- 

vin JoBlIn," made lila tweoilBih appaarante here, lie 

li 1(1 a good hniiae Flehia A lUoMn'a Unwlnp Oanli 

toada aUlghIt at th« Hian lard Sunday, toagnnd houae. 

A irmporary *>1ioy oreottl Hooaajr at the Haroion'c 

IlioUre. I r<nni)ag -*The Tramp" and lotrducing i| e- 
«-Ultia« bytb<t ni»«ll guariet, Uenodft, Thoa. Mum}. 

l^U Uiincan, Cliu. Bywaier HUea BaiohYewBad 

ilraad (\>Qcert Co, with MaiamllUn Deck, vlollnlai; 
ileurglelU Lay. piaatat: New York l^llbanioolo oiub, 
appnra at Qmnd Muilo llati, HbpobIiIoo Buihtmr, Tnea- 
iityolght . lIoyi'A "A Trip to ChlDatown" r<>y«d to 
acKHl liUBlQfaa at NcCaalaod'a Opam Uoua*, Beat Bl 
Luuk Sunday Olght. 

CiiK'Aiii>. Ffb. C— T)tin> wouM bare hetn mora pe*<ple 
titwplcoiue Irrlng anil Tarry when tha/ made iheU ip- 
)<«anncf« at the i\iiumt)la laat erealng If ihem had beao 
iiHtraroom. Aa It wbm lhaaiieadance w limited xt* the 
i-t|ta«lty or the hi>u«a. uil erery M«l waa aol I ibree daya 

Hio tt lh« i'hIcBgn i)n»ra l|oui«, riuuilt>- arenlag, 

"pif>TeeDtl*ih i>ntury<itrr'btd a *«ad off ihai tha 

«-niiir«nrwi|| not riireei Tor many a dap Tb« oih»r 

liou«e fn ihe down tnwn duirlct ware rioted, and the re- 
unit vaa that horore alght n'riock Ihara waa a atanding 

i.^tinnalr uliin In (Tont orihe tihieagn Lvt nigbi 

"Atia>' nir« oi>»nrd In iheaampbou*f, lo a big aadlanre^ 
. Kianci* WIMn ha t a big hoii*e lut alaht ni the 
■■I. mIimii Iim mvlrMl •'the Herrr Monarch." Tha 

*ir«a>l, nhen Iim nivlre<) "rhe Merer Moturcb.^' The 

nuttli 10B ni McVlrkfr'i^ where 'IHtere Actra*' li the 
Hitncllon, ci>ollnue latge. manv ilieatra parilen rnnilng 
•n I'Tum Bit.loloing cliiet tn aee the play There hare 

1>*eB aoniRiiy •iuoermovv« m>m hmiia lohouaa of late 
t ml iherawaa iriil«»urprl^oc<ft*lnnNl by Ilia announce 
mam lltil *Trl)1iy" wonVt more ablock up Ihi aireet, and 

«-ont Jiua Ihe t'hleago eiipageniaDt at tha SchUlfr. 

\ruiiii!<iiro\ Fab B.-B.U lUce*B"Uttle fhilfiophar'* 
hmi in oTMrnnving htiuae ai Allvn'a iirtDd Opemllftn^e, 
Ttienaa Vaughn «a« a nmat valuaMa aililluoo to the 

i-ottir«nr*lDcaihariirmarvUlt during lhU*e«»(io 

Mr. lod Hr». Ritw Whytal. In "For Fair Yiralala." a «w 
■iTBiaa. i>ulU on nrlalnal lloaa. wf re n<«lTad at AlhauRh'a 
lal'airtf e K<|aar* 0|4T4 llouae by a Urge audience. Tbe 
nawdrama caught tbe popuUr fancy aod la anrwof a 

great Bgcci>»* for Hib remalndar of ib^waek ll>^yt*a 

"A T<ll>in t'hlnaiAvA" hadit^qiuAl baartTw«1t«.(t* at 
lUp^y'iNailonal Tli«kite. riiAndlBg roou waa at a i-tem- 

tuin I>rlriiru»« 1 H»«l'* Mlnitrela p«okid RapU> ■ 

AradMiivor Unalo lU'de'a <>inifdiana, with HalMie 

Mori, litd WKkiilnaiMi LoOca of Kik* lo nunbere to «at- 
< niiH tiil« KUiMr i:ik Mirirt villi a roll (htuipUmBDi of the 
t^ijiiwr |4ir\to»oi ilir home, aodMandlng rrom vaaai a 

1^)1 f*! ii.i.r. Fall. O.— Nbi U. Clwdwlo prraaoled "la 
Mir/ii)tn"ai i>it Tfuiple Ihaatn laainlghi. loahonae 

•-in«.)ni lo Iha diHiT* ' The Ulrl 1 Utl Behind Me" 

nil ririttl m rnt*dnl bou*e Bl ihallrami ()p«fi Uooaak... . 
Tilt? Ilorklughniit «a« rr«t« JmI lo Iha dmiB to aa(« "A Jay 

t'ir««"'«*« TtiHtr* rwifBad to » nod houae, 

MBcC«u1f>*« l4iiuh uBill 9 .TbeiTeaa* wUl 

baduk the lull «a«k. 


arnnkVtfOtad aa eic«IUnt cDa.p*oy,vM>eeola^ 
tbtby«5ri»udl«M at tbeWalBat CortalD call 
««n nmimpw ud ibe pUy leoiTd a« laalaatapeooj bit 
....At i^aiiod "Ibe Fatal Caid" eatboaed an aodl- 

ifl* 01 M/.MOportbni Sanday baBlDeaa was ep to 

"^-^ -inifi. 'nbeWblia8quadtDD"pMkM 

_, ^, Hlae KoBgei" waa greaied br |Ool 

aliad cfuwfi a tba AadliATfan ll.O.A«derm^ 

0» Co. at tha KonnUlo. Bam OoTer* at ibereoplaa 
god Daanr Ed.Snlth'a Vandaflllea al Fraecnaa'apra- 
TUed variety •eoagb to anitall laata^ aad good boalaeM 

ruled no ib«l«u nlihi of lleonlrTlor>«otu«- 

neot. Id bit hraw«U vldrca^ba lhaoked Uieaudlaoce (or 
bU reeapUoD ber*. Illi engaaenoot fulfllled doaacUl 

•f pectatlMB Ulnrlch'a Omh Cn, cornea lo the PUe 

fortbria til|hta,commonclo| Marrli X 

MiLWAL'ggg, Feb. B-Ttia Dftvldann bad * big home 
Sunday aTeoIng. Uoyl'a '*A HHk WMta Flag*' balsg 
iiad. Tbe preaeniailoB wu oiort ricallenl la erery 

-I -,1^4^ anothar Urge audlrnca lA*t 

■ • ■■ ""- SoBdar, 

„ _ , _jalDe#a 

UADlibt The Acadanj carried the baooarrortbe 

nember of Rawlar aiua^aaca. ibe hoaaa betog ovar 

nowrd AtDlgfifLrnwood" waa dcna by iba aiock^ 

and llarberi and CaronledtheraodeTlIk" Trtaaanr 

Bart. Huddlefl, of the B'lou. baa do'larcd blmaalfa 

nominee for Alderman or the Fourth Ward RmiUy 

and UafDl<l are ooDdaciIng a alx day remale bicrelerate 
atiheRipo*li|on RolUi nr. which bena SoadaynlcbL 

Elleo Beach Taw bIor* at Ihe Pabft ». 

Kawuii City. Pab.O— Only two bouiee am open Uila 
week,aBd both rarad wall atmatlneeaod nlfht Sundar. 
They are Oo* llaega, lo "A TMsInn Yaotlanae," ai, tbe 
OnnaTaad Frank Bnah. In "Olrl Waotad," at tbe Sliiib 

Hinet J. 0. Lowla, In "61 Flookard." remained onr 

for two performaQcea al the OIIIIb,io good attondaaoa, 

v^ciivmoui IB puiiiiaiK o rciH iwv wm, 

bouaea. *t'hirtey'aAnot'*aoaiua, ror aa ei 
ofa week, aad li anre to dm« Ug bonaw, aa t 
nraiUma that It haa Dean oirared bore at leai 


Chleage^AII otber dnmallc eveDtg or ttM 
waa^ are minor Id comparUon wlUi the baglenlng of tba 
Irrlng Tatry eagaieoMnt at tba CdumbiL Tbaadrante 
aale la neb aa to laaora tlial tba •ogaiameot will be a 
doancla] asceeai. Then li mtt a nadlocra aUraclloo U 
any of ibe down towo hooiea. Tin Schiller la a Irifla oat 
oriloe with a week of (lemiaa dnma, but. u It waa for 
IhIa claMori>eTronDaocaBiliat Uia hoiue waa origlnallf 
eonatnitted, It cunoi be cimHltlertd a ndleal dapartan. 
**Trilby,'*atlli>ole)'a,la accetnmodallDi thoae who did 
not bare a cbaaca to aaa It rn a toniwr rlilt by a raiora 
eniageiDeoL Fraaola Wlkoo la dnwiog well at tfca 
Urand. MeVlek«r*B baa "Hiiora Acrea." which t\U tba 
boQBo al each parformance. Mr. HcTickir la reponad lo 
he aoraanbat baiter, and bla frlaiHla biTebopeafor lila 
ulilmaia ramvary. 

< oLOMHiATiiiBma.— TbaaagagaoieatorMaylrwIo, lo 
"The Widow Jooea,".cloaed F«b. ai. aftar a van Burra^v 
rul run of two wteba. Monday eveolag will wlineu 
tlie boglnnlBg or Ute eagaKamaot ol llenrr Irrloaaad 
Etlan Tarry. For the Ural week Uia playwl)lbe"KlDt 
Arthor," QBill Raierday evealag, when' Loula Xr'will 
be rreaaDinl. Tbe oogagonantM for t«o weeka 


HMidararaoIng, ntlrlng'*Thei;iileltAlo,"aod rerlrlag 
"Tlie Harry Moaareh" ror the floal rortalglit or Iil4 «a- 

BaiamaBL "Tbe l.*bleltalB"dnw wall and "Tbe Many 
looarcb" la certain to do wall, ror It la i>opular, aod liia 
not been aeeo hare for ae%'aral aaaiona. 

80tllM-kR TniATfli— For IhiB wtek Ihia lionae ba- 
CAineiitfae homo or (lonDaodrama. Walb AWachPnor** 
Stock i;on))>Any, rrom Uie Faint Tliaatre,HUwaukae, WU. 
wlU appaar lo a repertory of veil bBOvoOeroian drmmak 
Nail week. "Trllliy " 

MuVioiiR'a TiiBATRi— Tlie hrceu booBo loen at thli 
Ibaatra ror a )Nr hare aMombleil dnrlog the Orat weak 
of "Shorn Acraa-" The play will run lor aa iBdeOolto 
period, and bidt fair lo um« Uiga houiea forwaeka to 

llooLtv^TniUTiiK— Tnlby," preiented with Blaacbt 
Wabhe lu Ute title rule and wllion iMkaye a> SreoKSb, 
haa Boethar wrektorun. Tbe buameu would be ooa- 
aldared Inrge ir It vera nut Itir the Tory unuaoal bnauieai 
that tbe place did here on Itn dm tIrIL Neat week, -Tbe 
Simoge Ailranturea of Mlw UraoD.*' 

Uavmarhit IncATwa.— Jaa. J. corbeU, owing lo tba 
eKCliemeot In puilllitlo o'rclaa lait vrek. had good 

" " engagevMl 

I tlila la tba 

_ , ieaa tbao tbe 

regular pricca. Tba company tube mtna ihu baa bean 
playing It tf long In toe (racing eltIaa,aBd oonialaa 
OvtD Fawcaii. Prank Barbeck. Parcr Lyndall, E. g 
Abelea. Eilanoa (ilranlnt Uarry Llllford. tha Miaaia 
NaanetieComitock, Bthal Bland.1tllle Wllloo aod Ltalla 
UaakeL Neit «eak.Joaep)i UawUiom, la "A Fool for 

LixcoLx TngATRg — "The Zand of tha Llrlog" pUy«d 
inialrlygooj buafoaiii, doalng n. Iliuiloaa' "FaatAima," 
after a auccea#rul veek at UiBSdililer, openaO. gcit 
week, Jphn J. Burke, lo "Tha Doctor." 

ninrAiioOpiHA |[0UBi.-Mo|lr Kollerud iheotharaof 
"TheTwenUeihtJeotary (liri"pta!ed to goud bualaMi, 
oloiilog with two perfonnaaoe* Hunday. Fanny Rice 
oitaoa 21, In "At Uia Pnncb SatL" In tbecAiitpany an: 
W. II. FItKgamld. W. U. Frillriiao. John Vonley. llBnaun 
Bhrani. Frank Mono. B«tuii RtchnelL Bd. Traninan. 
Alice VInreat, Beokle llelRTit, Editli Pollocb. Hilen Rm. 
aelL Deuy Dnrilog, Dolly dreen. Cark> aad oilien. Keit 
weak, Ubar«ee T. RUIa, Id "Tbe AUatlu." 

llAVLiM'sTHBATRg.— Tbe pABi Week ha« bean ooe of tbe 
beat or the aaawn. The aiinatlnn waa 'The Frltata B«c- 
rvtarr," whkh draw rary vail. In place oi tba nolo- 
dmniavhlch lauBually th« bill at iliUbonaa. Pc-ibIa 
weak labani'B Ootoroona wilt f urolih tbeattnoUon. il«it 
week. "At Fort BlUa." 

ALIIAMHBA TflgATRg— John KeratlU b'Tbelriah il* 
darman," played to good tmalaau laat weak aod OMVcd 
orer to Uia Acadamy Sunday, laarlnv iba atan far 
"Peck'a Bad Boy." Nait week, Jaa. J. Oorbeu, la "A 
Natal OldBL" 

AOaoutokMfhio.— "Pccb'a Bad Boy" pUyed to iwd 
bouaea laat veek. cluaing SJ. John K*n«l> *lll ^F Tba 
IrUh Atdaraan" all Iblawtck aad wUlbaioUowed, Max«h 
1. by Itbam'aOctotoona. 

UovKi.'ca' TftiATRB (Weal Sldal.~A apactacular pn4n«> 
lion or a play that baa beea aean haroonceortvloa te- 
fore, eotltlid "Uoele Tom*a Cablo,"«IU be glranUila 

QLVHriuTiiaATiiR--Fortbe veek eoamencing 21 ifce 
progranniewlUberbrelahed by the loUowiog llat or bI- 
rnctlooBiRun Bernard, Molniyre aad Heath, the Bear 
Hraa. LiBle B. Raymond. KaBride and uoodrich, tba 
Dare Broa.,0'SrI»B aod Bucblar, l4 Roy and OUytoa, 
tbeUcNuliy SUtoT*. the Fanaona, CollloB and t;oDlu, 
John and Lottie Burton. Mack Owen, Baban and Uabta, 
Ibe Fnrialloa. Bamn aad HonU, aad a cnmtdy eotlUed "Tbe 
World'B BallooD,** by Mclatyre and lleaib, wlU be glrea. 

UupgiHii'TuiATRn.— Tha (aatura or Ute perromuix* 
Ihia weak will be tha Bppear«ncaoi Comiaaae de i^til- 
veccblo, la monologee, Indudlaga nonrepUoo orsvaa- 
gall. TbaTaadaTllla perioimince vlll include the .KoIIad 
Trio, tiia DetorellOB. the 01»aal«n>, Dridley. Bvike ud 
Bwin. Ihe (imya, Wn. Rotwtt and oibera. Tha itotk 
company will play ''Toe BimieRi*ti *' 

IxraHiAt Mi-aio Uali — "tilrMleOlrAAa" vllll>a glvm 
thia weak by tha itook opam conpanr Tba cblal attrae- 
tloD In ihn raudeTllte leaiurela iha appeamare ol B*- 
gommer, the Fiandi renirllifimlit, who hte bten on* 
garnd for Ihrwe VMka. Mildred Uovanl haa made a bit 
with her *Trllb*" danco, ^nd In re-*nRagad for ibla week. 
tlUier xencaTllle rtaaturca lududo iha appearanra or 
(leonte Bmarr, Marlu iioiteil, l^a Vuuior*a, ibe Tliito 
titnlelle^ tba Bamanl Rlntan and llanrr Fray. 

THB Uamixo.— Ued*r ihenaw iiiiina<eateiitand ner ar- 
rmnnmaot or combined mailo hall and Tanderllte lhaa* 
tra the Caalno hia bfoo doing a rery good biularaa. Pur 
ihla n eab tbty have rnaagtd Troja, uearl Oatmaa, U II*. 
Ploule, the TbT*e Aibhn Hroa, tbe Slatore Mrnacna, 
Cbarlea U. Doncaa, Mabel T-aawlr, D« Mora anl Anlb, 
Mamie llaaviek, Montgumcry and Hiooe.May Itaible, 
the llnrlayis Delmora and Barrett, Capltolla Floranm 
and Ullly.Rica. 

LYi'imTKKATRi.— The lrvlDRroa.or«n with a oai[. 
neelL ToaybaTe with tbau acMttpaaylndudlngdvornt 
FulUr Uoldan. O'NMll and 8uiliaiiaad,Uie Tndd Jailia 
Family. Plabar and CarrolL Caahman aod HolooBt*, 
rievaidaodBiDarBon.JohBMP, Davaoport aad LoraUa, 
KItUe Nalaoo. aad Mnpre and Karcher. 
SaU T. JACR'a Ol'HHA ll(K<Pi-S«m T. Jack'a Creole 

Compaorvtlllurnlahihe aniorialnmeni lor Ibla waav, 
openlagRuBday. Si TiiaplpcehaJibaenairtngihr — 
the Introduction ol a large number ol apeclaltlea. 

Parr TiiRATRic.-Opeolnic S4. "Jern- the Tramp" will 
>eii>a atuaellon at die Park, vlth B l.oTa in tba 
loaillog role. The vaufleTiiu raatiiTaavltl be runildiel 
by tho five Fraocooli^ Ida noaaall, WalUraand Levellya, 
hhfctl and Tliprotoo,MoD*.OaU*r, I'lAbaityandConaun, 
and Jetale Leon. 

URi'iiiiit UX'tw llAi.1.— The lotigninme for ibe ve«k 
beglBDldg II will be rtimlabed by the folllwlnv p^epta: 
1 he Uampi>tll^Frmak B. Monon. HartelLOanallo Slaien, 
Uovanl, Bii^ Belmont, Mlai Ball, Uale Uogaa aad 

KuiiLA MiDDtmiv'sCiJiHiL Sthrbt Ml'»ii<ii.-a feat- 
ure at Ibla huuao lor tba v««k vlU Im tbe bag ptucblog 
ooniealbatveen Julea Frank aad Wlillf Tiicaer. Ail*i, 
almDjinaD.«lllabobeafaatnm In thaoorlohall. Klk^ 
Ai«rba (leorta and Arltooa Oeorge la TaaU with tba 
knifk. lAilataudwhtp. 

KoHLA MiUDL«TD)(>nuiiiB MivtVM.-An algkt-fooitd 
hor-e will h««ibihUn] In the curio hall ibla veek. Othir 
purioallla* vlll be lUnr Jona*. Ilvlnv akeleton; Frof. 
I'eata and hie achool or educated tau^ HUr^ Manalle, wbo 
rarreaflovara livnivagvlablaa: Bareppa, Zulu chief. and 
y.lela. Ie«paid woman. Thatnual aiageperfbrmaocvwlll 
be given, lodudlng Ihe Midway danr*. 

WHiTk'H LoRiHi:* OiHB MtifBK— For thU week tk* 
iConeiilta Ftenlly xilllRlTe an e\Untli(oa In roBtortloo. 

Pntr. l^anpliB. Juggler: Mlla. EyaahK, areaaxlan riowtr 
work; Ltllie JacotMand Magi la Hc^-abei In a bat paDcb- 
InacDDicBL Intha ihNiira theproatamtne will bei\ih 

nlahfd by <laorge Kurly. Ilalin Bwin. Mlle^ B«Teo. Ptank 
Uaniar and the Mldvav daocarw, litadnl tiv Hallka. 
^MTlt)l-A^fO■nlw||lb• gWao at tba ^hltlcrThnn- 

itayatt»fn(«on.Tt, for BAOha Oraglar. vlollnUt Klh 

Beach Yaw win giro a concart at CeslnUMualc Ball 
March a. 

Pe«tla,*Al the Qimnd Optra llotutt **FaaBt**(1hl 

a lalrlivlaaafl Fa1> W. aad Fanny Rlrrdid a large bail- 
neaa 1^ Clay Clemesi plavnl to a fair houae 10. *'A 
Milk White rfar* conwiyrJooOavthomO. 

AriiiTORieM.-"A Trip III Cblnaiuwn" alared lop. B 0. 
17. * iVHoo:tgaB*a Hafauanda," IMl p'aied lo fair 
baalaeaa. A). 0- KlaU'a ''Batkaii Amrrka" conea 0, Si, 

QalHrx.«-At lbs Emplro "A lUggg^o chcclt" 
plaied to excellaot liualoaaa Fab. SI "^innlgan'a Ball" 
|7, drew a tap beavy houv. JaeOawibnma dU iBlrlr 
veil 19. "Avin Joalln" bad |o»l twiama II, BoU. 
Duanlng romeBl'. 


L*aT*aw.nh>-Ai uim«r«r<IHi Qrand Upen 
lloQM Cnli'. «e.k nt r*^. 10 hvl ucr 

■MfhABow.r.'MiMinu pteita Uthiui 

#0n the Road# 

Al Routo Mutt IteMhU* Mot Lrt*'"'*" 


a}}S2^2' iiui^oo«ot. 0.. rib. » Eri* Pi, 

■lueh l.Tid<aDlif. „.„k.T 
-Al Kort Bllu"-Chla». rl, ""Jj" "i. 

Ta"'!S=i^.'5icohi»i>», 0. r*. * mjua v-9. 

IlKltallWOlll.IWla"*™*-'- -.kU-WrrfiT 

B<icleuli1luUi»t-d<>«M. ""^I'f iLni. 

BJitaXJohn Ij. "IK. Do«j>i--lDjlM.poll«. Im)., THO. 

BnoouOoliD E.-CoMn2r, "l'VIi^J;■ /TSi": 
CbuJitm, Cm.. 1I«c1i i. 81 TiwDU S. «!■!»•> »>»"'• 
roni Wrtl»«J4Toiij»Ma«.JI. Y, l-trrmt. 
"BnT ov Ih. WorM D«>n K Mlclu rw. t}^- , 
"flSnUttoUMd™ r^ 

••BoDdi or ■-NU|i»i» r»u«, H. r, I»>>- 'f'iSS* 
», W.Hlipon, r..,aP«lcr*»i. K. J, Mutli 1-U Htm- 
tort, Ct, riWdlolowDS. BHttord T. 
••B««»M«Cliecli''--»I.I<«>>*>'»J'««'''-'i ,. -.k « 
"I^lil^lTOk/^Tomrtl;••-Blp^bMIM. Kl..Fek.a 

Ilhua J7, Auboni ffl. Feno Tm », 0«»H» »•"" 

"i!r„ Wu-ttsrsri?.'"--!.. ««>..««.>'• v.. 


"BSSTllilr.--lMFt.ll"!. T.. r;b JJ. OklT«,». El 
BaDoa, OuUirl. Mirth 2, ?»nT\ AlkuwOllr. Ku., 
1 WIdVM t. Wicblu.. N.»teDT. ^ _ „ 


CnD.-i.W. U.-K.wuk, K.J, r.b. M-S, IIUlSB, V. 

Collom A Bomll'i (»m«lluii-Briihlmi,H.J..M).«, 
Wood.uwD tr-a. Bilem Much 2-t, twtiubtn >-7, 

Clivw-LUur-Bwltil., Mo.t r.b.Sl'O.Colambk Vinh 

ciSi eut.n' Coiin<lj-P»rt». IlL, P«b. % O^S- 

Coora Bin Buck-Akn., O., FM. a,Cwitoa 37-D, BpclDf- 
fUUUuthl-l. . _„ 

ClimM'. Dniutlc— BncsrlUf, lU, Its. IT, rulondd 

CortMU-a.Tinu. J.-<n.nlu<l, O, Feb. S, Cblu(«, HI, 
Mutta t-7. 

OmU'i, lMi-Chlc"n, Ti., Tti. ll-O, Bnoi dlr Kuth 

"ciniuDM Woiiiu"-Uwnae«, Mio., reb. 91 Ljm 

•T»U»BKlG«."Et«t«rD-l'rujlfH, MjiJ. F«b »jr««. 
D.kl 17, <;iwolleM V, Norib AiluuS, V. t. Olir Xtttk 

•Xoum Kim." ire>>ani-Fhll.d.lFlili, Pa, r.b. U-9, 

'x:ooJi . 
Much 1-7. 

llukni, K. T, r.b. ll-S, Bonao, Mul, 

»CbTi«mS'r«ilil«il--5. T. CItJ r*. M, lild,ll.lU. 
-Chirl*!'. >nDr." Kr>. l-CblcM<>< III, r«b. M-8, Mil- 

w>iikM,Wla,llvtbl-7. . ,. , 

-Coanlrr dmi-— llMrMmnc. Pl, r«b. 17, WUmloftMl, 
D.I., 9. f HUll«li>lilv Pv, MMCb i-7. ^ _ 

DnC, JobB-N. r. Olt; Ab. ]I-M>ich 8. 
Oona.ll7 Anliu<t'.-N. V. CIIT r.b. ua. Altaor, 
K. Y, Murb 11 PlUnoD, X. J, ^ 7. 
ItalMi'iL Pai.rP.-TdlwIo, 0. rab. 2a, Mluimlls, lad, 

n-S, SL Ualm Mi>.. Marcb 1-7 
I}owDlnf*w Robl— Qulocr. III., r.b.ff. 
Dliav'a. llaarr B.— Ilouiua, ni,, LUUa Bock, 

Aik., Match ii. 
D'Umonil'i. Jubo-Parifs TM«, Feb. 2,. 
DuM'^ Blaoon— N. V. Oftr Ftb. SI. ladeBalu. 
Doaalan'i. R. L -MoblilF. Ko., rab. 2>, Bunlbll n, 

oaiaer, I1I..1I. 

DafaoiloTt'i, raDnr-Kai Orlaui, La, Fab. i4-n at. 

UoDia. Mo., Manb 2.U. 
-Do.Q Od Ibe Bavuae Rlrei"— Toronto, Cae, Pak^ 21- 

Z),lli(liiiior«, U I.. Matcb 1-7. 
-DelDODlco'a u Hli '-Elolia. K. v., Feb. a, WlUUma. 

iv,rt, F..,27, 8cimDluQ2S,:9,TlUlAiDaDiilB,M,Y, Manb 

-ur JakrlluO Mr. llrda"-Adi. 0 ,Feb.n. 
-PaiilAi''— Eamoo, p.., Pab. K, Fatenoo, K. J, I7-S, 
Ej|ubatb2. Riul."-Wit<iu>n, N. Y, r.b. 21, Roou r, 
mice a. Ikliaaaoladr 9, Albany M(aiclil-7. 

-Darby Haiiool"— Allaotowv, Pa., F.b. 2S. 

-Oarbr Wlonaf *— HaiTlabufC. P., Pab. 2&, AMoobbS?, 9, 
JobD.lowa 39l Whaallor, V. Va, March 2, XiaaitlUe, 

-Do«a Id DUIe"-Boaloe, MaaB,P.b.31-0,Pforldanoa, 

R. I, Much 2.7. 
-Don Oa Iha rann--Rocliaaur, N. Y., Match 2-7. 
17111^1^ Ellle-,Oilroaia. Tti.. March 4.S,Ao>UiiA 7. 
J-* BkloB'a CDDHOboa-Maw CaaU., Ind., Pab. 


MOBIpaUar March r7. 
Elll.-, Edilh-Mllvaukae, Vrla , rab.N.4SL 
Ummali'., Kalle-Llocon, Nab.. P.b. ti, KanjaiOllr, 

Ellla', Obaa. T.-MUnnkae. WU., P.b. 21-9, Chicago, 111, 

EarlaX UtabaB-Matoallna, Mo.. Pab 2I-19. 
Kmoira Blotk-Bndaon, Mkh , fab. o-s, Napolla, 0, 
March B-7. 

EmpliaThMtn. Prohmaa'i-H Y. C[\j Pab. II, iDdablla. 

Bmplia Slock-Mudaon. Mith., F.b. a. 

ElllnwoDd'i PUraia-WIUInuoUe, O, Pab. U-t), Mlddlo. 

tnvn. Match 1-7. 
-Elilbt B4lU"-Oaaha, KA, Fab. K, Lincoln 27, Dai 

Molaaa, la., 29, 9, Matthalluvn March a, Otkalooaa 2, 

WMhlnglonrPortMadUonl, KeoknkS. 

Float A PaaRhava'1-niM.Tllle, Gl Feb 31-9. 
Plake'a MlBDla Middim-BalUo, N. V, Fab. tt, 
RachHUr27-S, Pltlabara, Pa , Marah 2-7. 
FetfT'a, Edwia— AQ»lln, t.t, Fab.n,B«lton27,TcDpla 

ID. 9. Waco Match X 9. Hlll.bon 4.7on Wotiii 5-7. 
Penia- Comadlan-TaFlorrlUi, III, Fab. tl-o. 
Fia«l«F Block— TU«tiia,1Taab, Fab. K, l>pokane 2^ a. 
-Paul Ktd." Eailitn.rHobotw. H. Fiib. 27-39? 
-Ful Mall," Xoithara-Mllford, Mia, F.b.11, Maitboto 
27, Gaidoacai Athol !9, Adana March 3, BanolDiuto, 
Vt.. S, Rttlland 4, BorUaglon t, 8L Albaai t, I'latl^rn, 

"Pail Nail," Soulbara-IItine. Tai, Fab n, B>iia tr, 
N.Talota a. UalTMloB Baaoinoat March 2 Ofaaae 
^ Laka Chaf laa, La, 4, Kav Ibanaft, FiankUnA Tblbo- 
daaui 7- 

"rulaama"— Qileaqo, III., Fab. SI-9, OlDcInoatl. 0, 
March 2-7. 

-Paul Card," Vialara-Ciaclnoatl, O., Feb. 21-0, 1'lUa- 

butr, Pa^Mireb2-7. 
-Pau.L" MorrlaoB'a-Oinaha, N.b., Kab. 2tL 8L Jo«t>h 

Mo., 2a. Richmond, Va, Mirth a, ». •""'P". 
"File Patrar'-DaitoB, .0, iFib. Wbeellni, \T. Va. 

March 2-1. 

-!«," Hica'a-Brcoklon, Mua, F.K 31, r. Hotwlch, 01., 
3^ Wlllliiiullo 9, Wataiburr Ilu3i 1, BanM X 

"IM," KUw A Btlanii;f a-ToMo,0, Vab.n-9. Iliaad 
RaplilB, Mich, Uardi $, 7. 

-Pot Fait VltalBla"- Waihlnrtoa. D. O, Feb. M-9 
vrUinlnalon. Del., Matcb 3. Beadlnr, Pa, a, llurla^ 
biiiv»,Eailon«.AIIeolown7. -, ii.™ 

-Kuofior Lacb"-rcofla, III , Feb. Is. CklcaR, Manli 2-7 

-Pnamlllnr'— Balltrooia, Md., Pab.l«-2V^ Xawark,,S'.J 
Match 2-7. 

-Flnolmn-a Blir'-La r.rtt—. WU.. Pab. 1^ VFIiou, 
Mlon,i;,EaurUlt.,W|.7l«, Llll^e rallaMlBlTS 
WInnIm, Mao., Match 1, J. Urud Foika, N.dI.T 
ParfioA. JimaatowB d. DIckinaoe 7. 

GoodslB'iL N. C.-Loiii.niia, Kj., Feb. a, NailtUla. 
T.nn,27. • 
llllck'a Oeic(.l;-reori., Ill , Pab. 21-10 
lltegotj'H. Oao. L.-llaiironl, CI. Feb. 3B. SprloalleM. 
Wmj., Bn.liepon, a., Mtrcta 2-J lU Tier; 

UartnaVa chu. A.— Wba^llog, W. Va. Fab.aB, Uuatioa. 
too 27, Iionton. 0.,X2, LaiTogton, Kj , gTLeuUTlire 
March 1-7. 

Oailor-a Bobb;-Janer Cllr, X. J.. Feh.ti-9. 
Olllloiiira'at*a, CUada— Roct Iilind, 111 , Feb. 21-301 Dar. 

anpttrt, la., Mattli 2-7. 
nonJon'a BToIrn— ApvleUn, Wla , Fab. 2l-23i 
■tlaller ■UTa"-wlllumihont. N. Y, Feb. tm. 
-altl I LeftBablBd Me"-L>nllTlllrrKx, Feb. 24.29: 
"alerlaBa"-M>rtoB, lad, Fab.2a. 
"Oar Parlritn.-— BAMi^. Mua, Fab 24-9. 
"aaolteman Joa"-K, MTInn, Fab. 31, ladaHilla. 
-Uteat DlamOMl Rnbbelr"--Kawark, N. J., Fab. 21-29 

EaatMi, Pa. Match tTt»BloB,X.JJ^4. 
"Olrl Wanird"— laoaaa CIIF, No., FeK 34-9, Onaha. 

Keb, Match 1-4. 

HatTlnn'a Bdwanl-Kee orleaia. I,,., Pab. 2S-rt 
Motille, Ala. March 2. PaBianuTha, i Relna, AU 
4. MoBllomai|t,Atlaala,Oa,a.7rMaeoa9. 
lllllBiaQ*a,Maiidc-CorUAnd, N. v.,, Bloiham. 
ion March2-7. 

Uarper. nelrlok— Puplar BhilT, Mo., Feb. 1I-9L Daitar 
March 2-7. 

Ilertell A ITllwn'B— TumoU, IIU Feb. 24-29, Bajbiook 

Much 2-7. 

Ileem'a, aaa— Kaoaaa Cllc.Mo, P.b.24-S, goUnj. Ill 

"KftkiSTifiKit?."- »• 

llaarae'a VI. J. c — lui lUctr, Man, Pab. 37-9. 
Ilajdan A CairolKNiBtdr— MonlfninarT. N. v.. Fab. US 
H.adar-on'aUiina^r-OclaBiburpa.Ftb 31-9. ' 
Uoyt a<3oaa4r— McOombCilr, MliK.Feb 1^. 
Uamuann-Adaaia Of.. Fan. 21^ OUTlaatoa. & n r 

8acaBn>b,Ua,2n,9.Waahlnilor>,D.C VuchI-7. 
He-y'a. Wm — Mluneamlla, Hlna, Fab. 2r-3SL 
llerbatCA Rayiatd'a Muileal OonedF— Edlai, Mo,Peb. 

24-9. ralmjil March 2-7. r.o. 
lIMIiafd'a^ub.rt-PUtabarf, Pa, Fab. 24-29; BalUmora, 

nanlbrvl. Spann'r A O'Brlio'a-Datnll. MIcb, Hanh s-7. 
HnM.n iVtmhlf— mnrar.rol., Feb. 14-Mareh 14. 
liar.'., Juhn-Bcaton, Main, Pab. S4.9C Ballluota. Md 
Match 2-7. 

llnfCa DlR Cittofdi— Ticoloo, Mo., Feb. 14-39; ii ii.„ 
Match 27. 

Ilatlliao'a, »'. H.-Baraaaalllo, Q., Pab. 17, 9M}ubar 
CIIT99kOambtM|eMaRll2^ «, •s-ea.aar 

Uarlaad'arrlleilonPlATera-wataiiaao, ID, Feb. 11-9 
ninkley March 3-7. * 

"lianlB Hnnr'-WIUIaBabBil. V. Y, r«h.34-]9L Waah. 

I IniRDB, D. 0, HirthK. •'••■•r^ tiaan. 

■BeanorMtiFlaid"-K, T.Clif Feb, 39, ladatBlla, 

..H.,«ll,-_irMbna, M. B.. fab. 3^ 

-,;'%l1a2'.-e"-Wdiiart«^ P... Prt.»HuTU. 
iSi^looU-PomMd. 0, ft*. 3MI, tacow. 

feS'pl!fJ^Ki5^<?Hfb:a 9. 

K'^S^Tri7h^SK-iS:%'i;."3& itbo, 



jVS?, cirle-JobBrtoen, P.., Feb, 2t-9, Catoberluid, 


uolden Dt»matlo-Ke« Beree, »• O-- F«b ."■•!:„- ir. 

"Kjatlex Ribj-Tetrell, 5"^ * 

9St. Laneaiter March t-l. Piano 1-7. _ , ^ 
l2XSsSl-0.oa.ft Mich, fcb. 27. FonlkclJ. 
Labadla'a Unbert-Canttrtorf. O ^eb. 29, Ulla =, 

Boiler Malth 9, riMUIoeS ■■■''"»S<-.„ ,,b „- 
L»'eomIhaatr^Bbarpl.f•a■-Fertr. OkUTer, P.b.2l-a 

lfcMMu3>37Boihfllla.Iod. S. SlialbT'lll* «. 
botlt»,oSwfoidarllle«.F»ch.llle7. „„n™..^ 

"Lo.lPiiadlae--Atl.nlla Off. ». J -Jth »••{«» Bj!!- 
wiek 27. Blliabalh 23. Mt Vanwi, X. Y,3>, WoreaeUr, 

"Llyi£.k?"iSt Paol, Mtn., Feb. »a. Ml«.«PoU. 

-imIUd ¥.lr'-7.Mie..llle,0, P«5i«v?ir«L'! 
"Loai In XawYark"— ura7.lla,In4,Feo.36, Boekflue 

77,Bl.ood29.FortWarnel»ar<h3,S. „.„.„,.-, 
"L Itle Triile"-Ptioiaiow, O- Feb. a, OaU^IU 

Lonn iS, Na> BlralUTllle 99. BhaWDie Maldl 2, Co- 

aho«»lon4. lteoU.W|.d.wrth 7. 
'Uir Blaia7"-X. Y. Cltr P«^»l '"I"''"'?-- -.„M. 
"Land oflhe LlTlng"-XuhTllle,Teu, rab.9>. MenphU 

"fflSchrhtopbrt-'-WaihlnrtM, 0.0,Feliaj«. 

Hfen-iion-a ll"l«-w««. **a '•t-A*S!S!,2:?? 
.lu. ABUnIo 21, 9, OalfOMno March X t, Honiton 4, ^ 


Monroe^ IIM. B.-OlaTel«nd, O, F.b. n-». BroebljB, K. 

MulSraR's^-BprinRlaM, 0, Fab. 3a, Colooba. 37-33, 

Muria!ld%Rlc^^l.Loo!l, Mo, Pab. 94-39, BlJoapb 

Mechle'a Ja.. B.-Blo(binlan, X. Y, Feb. 38, ADantonn, 

Mack'afAodiiw-Pllubom, Fa, Feb. 34-9, Waibunlon, 

D.O, March 3-7. 
MnrpbF'a. Tlm-Albanp, K. Y, Much « ■ „ . , , 
Mlllon-a Mnrical ComeJr-VTier air, K.O.. Match 3-7. 
Mack'a PIwan-Chirlr>'.o>a, Mao., Fab. 99. 
Morria'. CUla-81. LonU Ma. Feb. 31-9. ,„ „ . , . 
Mark. Btoa'-LlodaaT. OiB, Peb.91-9. (Mllta 9bicb 2-,. 
Mlln'i, Oao. C -BnoilFn, H. Y, Feb. 2I-Mai«b7. 
Malhafa, Mariaret-Pawluaet, K I, Feb. 37, Worceaur, 

Haaa,laL g,7all Rlrar March 9 
McKlnleTllnaL'-Jeaett,0, Feb.n. _ 
-Merrr WorH '-BL Paol. Mini, Feb. 98, 9. , . , 
"Hma. Banaaena"-Boaon. MaM, Feb. 94, Indalolle. 
"MMrammar Kllhl'a Bieem"— M. V. CIIF Fab. 94-8, 

Allaolon Fa.. March X 
"Hl»UainmScamin"-E«haatir. N. Y- Feb-.«7-9. 
"MUa nnwn"-MllwaikH, wb, F.b. 37-9, Chlofo, 1,1 , 

Hatch 2-7. 

"McCanhT'lHbhipa"— ADeoUWD, Fa, Feb. T, Doboben, 
J(.J,Mirehjr^ , _ 

"Malonaj'i Waddlni»-Bump, Tu, Feb. 98, Tiapler, 
Ballon 98, Lunpama 8 

-Milk While Fll||"-Mlln.ln«, Wla. Fab. tL Peoria, 
IIU 27, Bntllnalos, U , 9. Ooaba, Neb, Mtivb 1-4 

NIcbetaoD Comadr-Na.bairport, Maaa, Pab. 91-S, 
Ponlaad. Ma, March 2-7- 
HallonilConedr-Eldora, la. Fab. 9Bd9. 
Nethenole'a, Olga-OleraUnd, 0., Fab. 9, CtoeloBall 
March 2-7. 

■Now B<>t"-FhlUdalpbla, Pa, Fab. 34-38, Wlllbmlborf, 

N. Y, March 1-7. 
'7(aw8oolh--8prlntaeM, MaBi..Peb.37,9S. _ 
"NUhl'a Fn>ll?'-ElcbiioBd, Va, Fab. 98, t), Norfolk 

March 8,7. 

"Nan Dominion"— Mirloo, lod, Feb. 99, WhaellBf, W. 
Va. March 7. 

"Nonham Llthu"-8L lonia. If a, Ttb. 31-29, ClaTaland, 
O.. March t-7. 

0'Nalira,Janiei-6alcUbaOltT,U,Peh.S8.2;. , 
OU'a, Joaeph-Raadlni, Pa, Feb. 98. U'llaloiltao, 
Del . n. AlloBiown. Pa, 99. Phlhdelphla March 2-7. 
OIcou'i Chann»F-N. T. Oily Feb 91. Indallnit*. 
O-Uaun'a. W. J.-F1II Mrer, MaH.. Fab. 27-99. 
"O'BoolliiaB'a Ma«nende''-Oaleabnr(, llL, Feb. 37, 

PlIneelOB 28, Meodma S. 
"Okl Boineatead," Tbonpaoo'e-Zobnatown, V, Feb. 
39,Ullca37. B7tacnee99.99.Aubem March 3,llhi<mS, 
Oeoeri 4. Pann Via 8, Biiehlatar 0, 7. 
-On tbe MliaUrippI"— Atlanta, (ia, Fob. 28. Haeon 27, 
Aninua 2i Obarlaauin, B. C, 9, Norfolk, Va, March 2, 
Wlliiiloiloo, Del... ■ ^ ^ 

"O'Bonllhan'a e.reoade"— WaUlurford. Ct, Feb. 29L Dan- 
bntr 31. Meridin 23i MMdlelows 99, Kail BiTirrMeaa, 
MltchM. , , 

"Oar Flal"-Wllkeihun, Pa., Feb. 38. irwrliboTF 28. 
■ Oeueata or a dual Clip-- Aduni, Maaa, Fab. 98, Wll 
llamaloTn 27. Machanleitilla, N. Y, 21, Ooaonu 99, 
: Blnahimton March 2-4, Beranuo. Fa, 8-7. 
"Old Fannar Hopkloa"- Baoton. Rp , Feb 291 Dn <)aoln 

27. Horrraaebore 2S, Cape Olraideao. Mo. 99. 
-Old Robe Teanep'-NorwiU, Ct, Feb. 38, WllUnironl 
. 27, .Vaontnak 28. 

"One nf Ihe Bi»a«t»— WofcMer. Haia, Feb. 24-9. 
-un Brln'e 8borea"-Fall Rlcer. Baie , Fab. 37-9. 

V. .1-1,.^ 

24-39, Aoiter- 

Palia'irBabaT.^loiibla, 8. C, Feb. 21-29, WIlaloBtoo, 

N.C, March 3-7. 
Prloile Mar-Lead OIIt. b. D, March 1-7. 
PuuuD'a Kade-<L Joae^ Ma. Feb. V.gahUCnn, 
CaU March 3, tan Joae 1, Fnne 4, Ylnlla 8, 8uu BaI- 
"PaiadlH Allep"- Boaooka Ya., F.b. 98, Lpnckbotf 37, 
.Dancillo 9B. OharioBa, K. Ol S. Cbarleuoo. 8. 0, 
March 2, ColorabU 8, Aexeala, Oa. 4. BtTaaoah 8. 
-Podd'obead Wllaoo-— OIndnbalL O .Feb. 31-9. 

poiterBellaw-H. Y. Cltr MarchT. iDdaeolia 
^ ImnX Oone-Cohoea, N. Y, Feb 24-i 
* dun March 2-7. 


JiialLO, Pab.3l-: 

-Pitdlffl Fath(r"-WUkeebaiT*rPaOnM>. 27-21 
"Piiilni BhoW'-WaahbBtan, D. OTPeb. 94 9, 

bml.N.Y, Much 9-7. • - - 
"Pro8l**ilTe Wom.B--,tfoimnntb, lU, Feb. 94-0. 
-Pawn nekat 9lir-Detioll, Mich. Feb. 31-S. 
"PrlTalo8eaeurT"-EnDiTUle, Ind., Fab 27, Ruhrlll., 

Taon., 38; 99. 
-Pack'! Bad BOT"-Ohlca««, II] . Feb. 24-9. 

Riaaeira BolBmllh-FblkdelpbIa, Pa., Feb. 31-S, Brook. 
Irn, N. Y., March 3-7. 
R'Kkaell'a J. C-Barr*, Ft, reb.31-m. 
HarnoBd-aSadle-8t. OuAt, Ma, Feb. 98, D« Sola 29, 

FeAui March X 8. Beooe Torre 1. 
Bobaon'f, Stnarl-BonoB, Maao, Peb. 31-9, <3hTalud, 
O., Mar«h2-i. 

Roila'a E, Mlllon-Poct 8coU, Atk, Feb. 94. SpHntBald, 
Ho, 37, Sadalla 38, Bl Joaaph a; OeoTor, CoL, March 2- 

Reed>.Bolud--;Mempbla. Teoo, Feb. 98. 37. KaahrlUe 

(38, 19. Macon Ol, llartli 9, Sannnah ..Anmiul. 

Renand'a, Bacielle-Pauiaon. H.J.,Feh.98. 

Bloe A BarUB'a Opmcd Un»^. Y. Cltj Prt. 34-39, Beaton, 
iiaia, March 2.7. 

Redmond Dtautallo-BMherTllla la. P»b. 34-99. 

Raba■;^ Ada-PluaburF. Pa, Fab. 34-111. 

Bnueira Kd and L•b-llaIldrlck^ W. Va, re!>. 97, 311, 
TDomu99-Harcli2. ' ^ 

»'^*ji|_FaoBy-Cble«»o,m,Feb.31-», au PaaUMIon, 

Rhaa'e-WiillimibBri, N.V., Fob. 34-99, Baltimore, Md 
Match w. 

;;i}u A Cltp--WIIUneborg, N. Y , Fab. 91-99. 
-IteckoB Bir-WIUl«ji>bnnr. N. Harcli 2-7. 
Colheio'a E. H.-nilMelphla. Pa.. Frb.9a-March 14. 

h£V. H"'tbi*7: ""• 
"•Jt'!.''* t^t, It , Feb. 98 DiTupon 37, 

DobnquelS, Li CiwaWla. s, Wloooa, MlBa.,^ai^ 

parlor^ Duluib 0. 7. 
Shaa'i, ThoL E.-Toik,ra, Feb. 31-9, lencaitarMuck 

'^i?'oI'''i.'"'T.'i-'°'»'«- ^ - P«b.27-S,Pltu 

. bori. Pa, Mardi 9-T. 

■poooera Oaell-Treotoo. K. J., Feb 34-S. 

CL, Feb. 34-9, Fiaokrord, 

ra • ■arco 3^. 
8iaBl(b>d'aPI<iia-j-onBe)UTnio, Pa, Fab. It-S, Back. 

bannonW.Va, March 3-7. — , 

aawalle Di»tnallo-Fl«hb«fi, Half, Fab. 24-99, Uw. 

nnoe Marcn ^la. 
BL Oit OomedF--Walonl III.. Fab. a, Erie 37-»9l 
"jjJwjJJi^jfcBtnai, Pa, Feb., 3|.8<, nonbom, 

8ackf'u.porter-Yilpatmlio.Ied..Feb 3M9. 

L£'"J,*;?"T.''«f""- "'<•'" J'.b.3l-9. 

^areh T - ""' Plill«dolphri,Pa, 

'*! v.'ciii'iiSfi'r"'' 

"So.loi tie Wlod," No. I-Praiklinai, R. I, F«i 311 

"Bpldir aad Fli"-Tror. X. Y., F»b. 91-S9. 
-Booth Before the War •-Beetrna, O, Fab. 37, Timo 33, 

YoioaaloniB Balllnoi*. Mdrilailb 2-7. 
^.badooB of a Oraal nilF"— Lineeoe, Maao, Feb, 98. 
, L«;ali».LTnn March iTFaU Bl.aV" ^ ^ 
2!lS°V'.'\'^.'»f;," "">-2-"obo»eo, X. J., Pel>.m. 
ISalchl-T * ' - '"'•'*-'•• Plltrtoit, Pa, 


"JUa tr;ckcd"-WbeellB«, W. Va, Feb. r-99. 
^.V*l''."".."'«,.Sf»"-"™>"F». N- T., Feb. 31-39, New. 
, atk, X J , March 2-7. 

-Sbolo Actja" Xn. 1-Chlca.o, in. Fab. 34, lodalBlu, 
'8UTeBeta<>ld--0amlL iTldi ,lJaich»?. ^ 
•«ewal I>aUTei7--Foll Blnr, Haai.. Feb. 29, LoveU 

-a<obad"-wlcblta. Kaa . Fab. 18 

^Jf^"^" ■*<■' '-Film. MIcb, Fall. 98. AOB Aibor37. 

Ukhalt, >d, SL uoabaa Hani 1, ABdmoB a, Uolos 
, C^lr4,Rlcbn»i39 ■HdUlowa0.e!DMll»77 

^TL'MiisfSffi.TTl'- '"^ "• 

•■SI PIOBkaid--.Uraaioo.Ia, Feb. >10Uricda.27 8bn. 
. •, lorh ^ Aotota t, llaaUnn 7. 
>J M JckS?"" ^" "'"^ PblUdelphU, 
■^^urtfa^l,*''"'"-""^ '"^'"^ 


r"."!" Cb»«ar. Pa. Feb. 98. 

^£:^i^is^^^ v> "-»• 

Tookag'l, Ptuk-Ba>lt8te. Maria Mlcb.,Fwli 91-99 
T.^obg|a Madir-Sanaioo, Pa. Foi.. :8, BlaRb.iS;,,, ^ 

^wunjlSMl'""*"'™'* "'«* 
taUTA ARiett-Haana, Tai, Feb, 38.(7. Hirilos x 

*lt«tHaIohl.^EorlM^ B.Otoabaoli8 " 
"Trip to OblaalowB"— WaihlDglon, D. C, Feb -i.« 

BaitoB, Fa., Hairn 4- * 
•Trip .90 the Cllralf'--P!il!adelphia, Pa. Fab.9l.o.vtiL 

Blilton, Del, Maieh 3-A. TiOflUn, K J., t, Blliibiih 

"Two Bacolche*nr'-lf. T. Clip. Feb ll. I.d.enlu 
■Iweajllath Canlnrr alrr-tedlanapollj, lad., Fah s 

Oinolnoatl. O.March 1-7. ^ ■ <*. 

•Tnrklah Balh"-Wkblu Kllla, Tel., Fab. Jf. iw„„ 

•llle S. OealioB 99 Pari. March 3. North Coluu 

lDd.Tar,4.Lebl«hS KrablO BoiuStoT. 
Tornado.'' Xorthera— Darbt, nr. Fab. 99 Bridccivrtr 

9. Ilobohaa, X. J .March ti. Newark 6-7. """'1"";- 
•Tbtnado." Boolbem— WaahlB.toa. Ind., PM>. 38. Iidl.. 

apoUai,n-99,ColambiiLO. March 3-4, bationt-; 
"Toudtf --New Bano, Ct, Feb. 27-9. 
*noroil.hbicd"— Dalpooa. 0, Feb. 98. 
'^rUBr-Pblladelphla, Pa, Peb. 21-39, BiltlmoH.Md. 

Matcb 3-7. 
"Two Jobna"— llartrotil, Ct . March 9 
'*Twelre Teinpui[ona"-<;harleMOD, B. C. Fab. 26, Atlta 

la,aa.3a,9, Chatuiioosa,TenB., Manhl. 
■ TrilbF? Palmer'r-Oi'laco, HU Feb 34. Ind.anlta. 
•TrUbF." Eaalern-Aabland, Pa, Feb. M^Polutin. r 

RMdltia, 99, PblUdalphU Harol 3-7. ^• 
"Trilbr,-We>lem— London, nan., r.b. 2^ Detroit, vici, 

37.4, HiDneapoIl9,Mlon, March 2-4. ' 
•^o■> Modi Jolioaoa''— Bnohljo, N. Y, Ptb.14-9. Dtitoli 

MIcb, March 3^4. ."irai, 
■TrllbT." AuttrallaB-Sari UlenaCal. Fib. 38. 37. Mitt. 

aide SI flao Bernard lao 0. 8an Joie Match 3, San Rmi 

■■ablood 4. * t o B ooth McAIIIaloL T.T, Frli.}i.s 
^ "Uade Joab Bprucebp"— Hanalfflo, B. C., Feb. it 

"Uoelr Hlnm"-U>well, Maaa, F,b.38. 
"iracl«Ton)*aCablo."fllowo*»-11aiatlloB. Can. Pet,. 0 
"and«ToQ'arablD."Rloe*B-Wlchlla. Kao, Fab. 39. 
"UBde Tom'. t;oblo," Station*.— Pen waroe, lod 

Marah 4. -J . ■«■, 

Van Cortland'a Idi-Slotllait. HI.. Feb.91-9. 
Vroom'a Edwart-N. T. Cite Feb. 21-Much 7. 
Yloetnt«ueeter-Da Kilb, ni , Feb 34-29. 
"Faodotta"— Omaha, Nab.. PlIi. 3(-29. 

WIlMio'a Allce-NallUTlllo. Wla, reb. 98. 
Walt. Comedj, Bastera-Xewbnrf, K. Y., Fab.2|. 
March 7. 

Watta OomadF, Weatom— GarbooOale, Pa, Feb. 91-& 

Bcraobio March 2-7. 
Wall'^ Howard-HiBiAeld, 0., Fab. 17-S, MaMlllu 

Welkilep'a Marle-Ottomwa, O, Feb. U-99, Peoria, liu, 

Maiob 8-7. 

Walowriibt'a, Harie-Botu. Hon. Hireb 2.1. 

- ■ kolTir ■ • - 


WIlkaa'^PulToppoi^to Haio, la, Feb. 2^ Sioax I'aiu. 

WelthoITi riapoii— Willlaoiipon. Ind, Feb. ll-fi. 
Wood'i, N. 8.-Phllldelplilik ra.>eb. U-M arch 7. 


Woodward Tbeatre-CooBCll nioffb, la , Feb. 91-29. Bra 

Waid A Vokei'-Salam, Mua, Feb. n, Ltwieoren. l,o<. 

eU 3S Harlboro Xareh 3, Leomloil4r 9, Uolyoki 1, 

fptlDineld 8, XorlbanplOB 0. 7. 
"WarotWeallh"— N. Y.CItpFeb Im. ina.oaiia 
'Wblta 8UTe"-Ballinure. Md., Peb. 21-9, Boaloo, ll»a. 


■While Bqoadron"— nloelooatl. 0., Feb. 98-19. 
■Wbllo Bet"-Mlooiapoll>. Mlno., Feb. 21-39. 
'Wild Oooae Cbaa«"-BaoUT:lle, Ala, Hirth 2, DocalutX 

Albeol-ClBclBBall. 0, Peb. 98. 

Boelonlue-N. Y. OIlF Feb. 24-Maich 7. 

■'BrUe orBeillle"-Uwr«oce, Haw, Match 2-7. 

CamlUeD'AnlUeOpen-TnT, N. Y, Feb. 99. 

Coriioe-Spokaae, waah, Mirah 3, a. 

Caatle Sqoare Opera— Boaloo, Maaa, Fob 31, iodaSaiia. 

CaoadUo JobUeo SlBRen— Xew Bedford. Naj. , r4b X 
Pan IUTer97.98, BrlaloV a I., 99. Matcb I, PiorMaoce 
2, 3,But Oreeowlch 4, Weaurlj 8, Mpitlc 8, New Loo. 
doB, Vt-, 7. 8. 

Daaroaeh Opera— BTranuo, N. Y., Feb. 9, X. V. Citr 
March X-31. 

Edwaidae' Comic Opera— Worceetar, Nat., Fab. N, 
ProTUoBca, R. 1 , 77-99, Bo>lon, Mau.. Ulrcb 2-7. 

"FOBclBi Muter"— Fort Wayno. Ind., F)b.S. 

Foa'aDflla-XilhTU]o,Teon, Feb. 38, Atluta, Ca, 97, 
Moblla. Ala,9a.29. 

Utiud upera— Boatoo, I'ua, Feb. 31-99, 'Waablnctoo, D. 
0, Much 8-7. 

Omn o^erwHoolgoBcrT, Ala , Fob. 24-0, JackjoorlEt, 

Ollbert Opera-WoUUOB, O , Fob. 28,NlW.rk:^ Oaliln 

Hareh3, PL Hari'ad. 
nonialn Opera-fllanbOBvlll^ 0., Feb. 34, L'tlclitriJe 

r-9. Mwark lUrth ^7. 
niDllch'. Opeia-Dartoo, O, Feb. 39, IndluHpolIa. r-29. 
Iloppef 1, Oe Wolf-Phltadalphl^ Pa, F«k 21-9, Itaah. 

loitoD, D. a, Martli 9-7. 
"Prtnceae Boeole,*— PIluboK, Fa-, Feb. 34-29. 
Rnaaall's LUIIaa-N. Y.CItrFab.2a.lnd«aolle. 
"Rob Iloi"-Brooklrn. K. Y., March ^7. 
Btandaid Opera BoolTo-Pawtneket, K 1.. Fab.9d. 
Sonea'i Band- BaketadeM, CaL, Feb. 3a, 8u Jotc r, Bu 

Frueuco IB-March I, Stockton 2, Saeiijnaoio9,Cit. 

•00. HeT.4.0ideaD,8. 8aliL.kecll>6.7. 
TaTBlF Opera-Oakland. CaL, Feb 29, Bu Joie 97, Stock- 
ton 38, ttaetameoia 39, Porllud, Ore.. Xareh 2-7. 
Wlleoa'a. Fianda— cbleaao,lll, Feb 31. lod.Culie, 
WIlbarUpera-Rartroid. ut, Feb. 31-9. 
"Wliard or the MUe''-:utlcv N. T., Feb. tX, SfiacuieS, 

9. HartTotd. CL, March 4, 1. 
"WUR"-Whe*llBx, W. Ya., March J. 


"Adunlaia Edeii"-Pltuburi. Pa, Fab. 31-3). 
American VaodeTlllea— Port Waino, Intl, Fab. 21-S. 
"Bnll Fl|bun"-Maw Uacan, U., Feb. 39, Ti«r, N- V , 

OliF Bporu-Oleralud. O. Feb. 31-2). 

Clip Olub-Albanp. N. Y., Feb. 3I-3J. N. Y Clip March 9-7. 

Creolea Jack'a- hliaiio. Ill, Peb ZI-39. 

DeTar«\San-OlndQoatl, 0 .Feb. 0-99 

Plelda AtUnaoe'a-8t. LooU Mn , Pah. 91-9. 

Fmoch aalelT OINe-Patenen, N, J, Fe^ 31-9, Wllmlnc- 

ton, Del, lUnb 2-4. 
Frooeb Follp-BillliBoio, Md, Fob. 34-29, Phllldrlpliia. 

Pa, March3-7. 
FlPBB A Bhirl'laB'a Blf Beuatlon— Xowark, N.J, Feb. 

fl-S,N.Y. Clip Hard! 3-7. _ ,. 

Blll'a Oua, XorelUaa-PhUadelpbla, Pa., Fab. 21-9, Balti- 

more, Md, March ^7. 
Boward Atheono-N. T, dip Fab. 31-I>, Philadelphia, 

Fa, March 3-7. 
Banr Monla' Enterlalnen— Lowell, Mel.., Fdi. 2i>. 

IIrda'oConadUu-Wublnflon.D.a.Fob.34-9. , , 
Heorr Barleaiue— Li no., 9iaM, Feb. 28, Fatereoo, X. J, 

Maicli 3-7 

Boworth'e-Arg^ lod, Fab.38, ColomUa Clip 27, Vu- 
uw 38 Bonth Send 29, Mlea, lllch. Hatch 3. 

IrwiB Bioa.-CbleafD, 111., Feb, 34-n (Xorelud, 0., 
March 3-7. 

lahan'aOdolooiu— Clileaaa,Ill,Feb 34,Ilirch7. 

LoBdoalleUei,8jdeU'a^oiceeur.Hua, Meichl-7. 

'adlM'Olab-Boatoo, "- '■ " " — ' ' 

Much 3-7. 

Mau., FeU 2M9, Frorldeoce, B- 1., 

Leodon'u'iletp OlrU— Boetoo, Haia, Keb. 34-99, Fall 

Biter, lUrch 2-1, Lpno 6-7. 
"Mr Uoele," Jack'e-BlnBbimtoB, N. v.. Fab. 19. 
HcKloMr Bne.^eirelLO.,l'ab.28, Fieepolt Hartli 2-1. 
HoitU' TweoUetb Ceolury Malda-WUIaaborK, N. 1., 

Feb. 91-9. Mewerk, N J, March 3-7. _ 
Mlbbe'e FreBob Baneeque— Budloii. Pa, F.b. 31-9. 
Xew York Uun-Indlanapella iBd., Feb zl-39, 61. LoiiK. 

Mlkhl uwU-Battalo, N. Y, Fob. 24-99, aBCloniti, 0, 
Much 2-7. 

ria].aadriaret.-UllcikN.Y, Fob.94-l!>. „ , 

Boh Illll-Uobokon, M. J., Feb. 94-9, Wuhlnplon, D. C, 
March 2-7. 

B.nB-«antler-Orand Rapid., HIch, Feb. 94-9, Settoll, 
Much 2-7. „ ,. 

BnaarU Brea'-X. Y. dtp Feb. 21-39, llarlam. X. t-, 
March 3-7. 

BeiUr A Wood'e-Baltlmoie, Ud, Fab. 24-9, Brookirn, 

Nmllh'a Ed.-Oloclooall. O, Fab. 24-19. 
Trocidaro Yeade.llle-Philidelpbla, Pa , Flli. 94-29. 
TnoaOeetnlca-Toledo, O., Feb. 31-9, Clarelud Match 

3-7. » . 

Waahbnra Slateta'-BrooklpB, N. T, Fcl. 31-3, PhlUdtl. 

phia. Pa.. March 3-7. 
Wllllama' O.o-Ba'lem. N. T.. Feb. 31-9. 
WlUlaina' Maleon-X. Y.CItr Peb. 9V9. 
Weber A PlaMa' Own-Uelri>rt. Mich, Feb. 94-3. 
Weber a Field.' Vaoderine Chib-Ohlogu. Ml, Feb. 


Wauon a^aUn'-PnrMonoa, R. 7., Fab. 34-9, Albur. h. 

Weber'. Olimpla-Waireiter, Maaa, Feb.14-99, Boiloi 

March S-7. „ 
"While Ciook," Butoin-Rodieater, M. T.. Peb, 2l-n, 

RolTaln Mareh M. 

"irblloOrook," Weaton-Srncoee, N. r,Fab. ».Bv<- 

Title, Pa, 37, PnoxaaUwner 9b> . , 

"While Crook," No 9-Norwich, OL, Feb 37, Men Loodoo 

IS, Htello 9. Fell Biter, Mala., March :- 1. 
"Zero"-Fall BIrer, Maaa, Fab. 31-29. 


Oovper'e-New Oileana, Lo., Feb, 31, Indiflaitt. 


Beach * Bowere'-IaoiBA Cltr, Ho, Feb. 34-». , ,. 
'Oarkeit America"— Caaton, 111., Feb 3d, PefclB 1' . 

Peoria a, O, Cblmpalin Marcb 9, Dintllla 1. Lelal- 

eue, Iod,4. -, 
Field'a, Al. a.-Dolroll, Hlih., Feb 30, RaUmaroo }i. 

BatlU Cteek 2|i. JackMB 9, Ackioo. 0., March 2, He« 

OuUaS, VoBBfilonl MieJcllle,Pe.,B.Erie8. 
Oorton'a-OnnoB, W. Va, Feb. 17. CIarkibar.39, Fair. 

moBol 99, MoriBBtowB March 9, MaooLoitoo 3, Hl.lei^- 

Oap Brco.'-MOBIrDW, Pa , Feb. ;s ,, 
HI Boorre-DUTine, Bp., Feb. 37, I,eililtoo29. Pa'l' 

JobuoB'a Lew— Wlaoia, Mlno, Feb, :8, LaCtom, Wl. , 

37. Deeotah, la. 9. 
Frimtoao A Wen'e-Waihlnilon, D. C, Fob, 34-9, Brook- 

l|a,K. Y.,Mardi2-7. 


Alricaa WnBder-Oiaosebnri, 8, O.. F.b. 94-99. Sumter 
March 1-r. 

BiMwlB'e, Mr. and Mni.-Noirelk,Ta., Feb. 11-9, Alloooi. 

Pa, Much 2-7. 
BiriholetneWe Bqalnei-Letlnatoo, Mo, Mi rch 3, Jelter 

■>nCiU8,4 loiiha6-7, 
BaaaranV-WbeeUoc w. Ta, Fal<. 9. 
ikple'eMBins— Bmbithiin. Ala., neb. 31-99. 
(mmadoi* Foote— Votmw, lod , Fab. ii-9. 
0« OMnI, Morrb-Notth. 1. q. Fob. 37-80. 
KdoaWood— Al mtf* throwkb Buoee. _ 
rokn'i oluibleiioii-BlnaBilu., w, Ta, Fab, i6-a, 

Febbuabt 20. 

ImiM»bfu*iMO, v. lUiTh I, 

■ilSrlt Unit, Mo, Uuth 2-T. 

Mra Oca. lUn Ihomb-rttrt Want, Iod„ JUrrh B.T 



Raw Hktcb.— At tlw BjpailonTlittln bmlnnt 
bu bM TMT food lU WMk. "Ilu Dtrln Aicllni' 
emmK "niilio>u«uj''S. 

Oiys-Cmwati howM ven iba re'aUatwtak. "TU 
MB PlibtoT" mmalMS, 'Iba MiaU SauMvr" M 

roirt Woniaun-Utt vaak vu k laeonl biukir 
«lr two Ibiuocra In OilebiS. B. 0. waa nitOlwteM 

aU RjTlllfc Clor^olM Patry. Hanhj tii BuibC 
iniitaRa;Dolila,thaPait<oa,iiid CbailaaCipp. 

H BrtlM^AI rrootor'a Op«n IIonH Ills WQ. 
bar Opar» Co. opta a vatk'a aaKaiamaQt rab.u. aad 
!SLf^°i!Vhff?'Jl^?fl5^.'0.i^ HbaaTln-jSiJ: 


Clipper Post Office 



plimk Bmpimor Um rcaacb" and -Hell ai>>Dn<L"!tiair 
f''!£?^.fi*1Kl '.!^ "iKllaaea m Lillian Biaall 
"1BaToniada"ha4a big maUoaa aod lop ha»i 
£ P?" "HirnST" J«boa" Mareb J. ■ lor' 3.' 

nma^TOnado'lhadA big matlaaa and lop baavr hou«« 

Aroito«li>« -OnQtiri PaoiOTlmVco. coma '71 n. 

OoUtr UlrK wlihHiiiTBobiait,Wri|bl aad wluiDm£ 
Jaaal* WsoOa ud BiUa Inlaii. Blgaria ud Cogtar 
Matphrudallben IlllllaTanimr7Ma7a^liCl»f; 

SST.d'SS«S>' """""■'» "■• 

ivotmutwB, n , wmroaLrrlMl on tb» itue by JqhIm ol 
tb« PrtM OtlTlD Brook*, of Hul fonl. 

Bridmort*— At the P*rt City "A CoDteottd 

im mame. Bookid : Blk'i If lutnh ll. for the hMoflt 
jrj|Mclwrit7 ftiDd; iarf»nt Muher, In *'RoaiM4D4 

RMlneot, C If. O. 
^rauucTfl Hcsio Ball.— Ttao niotl good bill !■ prom- 

Tni OjUino— FAtchOD Brotborii, BiU Albia. Oollto 
Hov4luri« LaKll&Uit AloiandHn, Biooof ud Cfaw- 
DID, ADolf OU. ErkMerrlUwd Klonnco Olltnorr. 


ntlw««hM.«>At tbe Dijoa Open IIodh CHas. 
T. BUU U praMBtlH "Tbo AImiUq" Ihli week, for the 
am tin* Lo lhl< dry. Ooo. W. Mooroo, lo "A lltpfty 
Unit HomV' it*w (ftir ilud, ftadl«De«i Ua veok. 
**Olurloy'i lut" ohbh Utrcb 1 ud wMk. 

OATiiwoNrauTU.— '*A MUkWhlu rUg" rtoaUonr 
this booM f tb^ O-S. ud U DOW b«r«. Joo. fL. fiofvn' 
Comdlu^ la **rb« Binofo AdTUtuna of Mlu Bnvo,' 
K'W. WldUiDBn«r.lA*^niobafi«itAT,'>l6-U,hftd-i 

iroodkoaM )7,vbta the MUwukn LodRo, B. P.O. E 
■ Mo. Ilk bwodatd. TtaobuBlatMiemtUhlorurtiiooBuie- 
■OMtwu tnTralr.uillill III* •itfmcUondOHrrcd. iut- 
Uo Tlokon vu, iMvoTor. mm to oicelloot iUt utafo. 
KotbluuDOUMad atthU vrlUoii for sexi work. 

AOAOUT or Uujstc — Ttio mllitur pby. *'Lyii'ood," U 
boloff piMjtt ttaU vMk by tbe tUKk Tlio apoclalU«« tro 
Herbon aod Uania. BUqmmi ud MonoD. Ed. 0«1lAcb«r 
•Ddmr.B. Abi *Tha DiDliM" dnv fairly woU kai 
vaak. *'lloata Orlito" U aaaoaoead for Minb I aod 
vaak, wlui JavoooOordOD la the title role, alio will coO' 
tlooa aa leadlog raui, Loul« Haab nctriog Feb 39. 

Vo.fpiRUND HrtnoM-For u and ve«k: Onrina- 
JoDD Baaik, lonv b«adfld raao: JeiODte Abbry, Tool bal- 
uc«r; Kaocb Hben, Uaorfe Darla lucy kolfe aork; 
lln.Joba rieirtr, aitlm. ^ta«e— KeUey aaa uity.ihfl 
Mlekel flat* Trio. Daa Carty. U. 0. MeCorralck. 

MiVTiori -J. H ri>ibaa,orBronklyD, N V-, traaBoreroi 
Vn UooTM* Ho^roa Compur, liu beeo mluloa bloce 
eraolDK uf 17, tii I vltta olm are tbe ftiodi of tbe eoa- 

paor, aatoaotlo^ io9l,IOU,aodolaeteeD tickets to Ciare- 
laBq. when ibe ompaiiy play ibleveek. Mr. Monroe 
hai a vora oat a wtrtaot for bU arrut for eabrzcieaieot. 

Imi ba cHQot beroBOil here, aod fool play l« exf-eaed. 
WbUa tba Ion It aMrionJooe toMr. MuDfOB, It will not 
lai«rfBT»«iih hla tour DooaU Maolano, of Morrl- 
eoo'i "Fawt" Oo.. w«b bare ie,TliitlBg bin really 

nutbnobandrcdaDdaeTeaiy-tblrdcuoaert of Ibe Mil- 
wmakee Jdivloal teotety, at ute faoet Hieatje. U. vu 

larieVy auendid Lydia Veanaoe Tltu, ibe ValdU 

Blitara aod Will B.Foitbonlycoute to ibe Academy. 
i.....Paitortbe rabetThiaire dioca play etihe HeblUcr 

nMtra,Chlea|o,lll. ihli week Tboe. J. Keovgh, of 

"AJMtaar Dote, va* bare 17 Latftar 'Howard u atT 

tbtAadeair In ikaetock Tboe. Pryor wa« reoeaUy 

In Ibe eliy eodearorloa to Interest Hme of tb? brevera 
iDaeobeiDetoeatabllibaSatDineraaiueemeat mort In 
Obkago OD the lake front. 


RaakTllU^At tHe Ttmtre Vendome RobL D. 
Mutell cune Po^ I7t IB, praianllDic "Moobara" ud "Ibe 
BoebaDd." Tb« bntlaeB done wu only fair, fba booae 
wtadarklB. Kai O'fieU lettoreda, toalarge aodieooa. 
Beirmana cami 31, 31, inl drew Teiy large aadlncaa. 
Boobloq*: Vamlwbllt UolTrnttyOleeChibU, Delia roi 
2*. Nat Oftodwla 77. 'Tbe PrlTale Baeretaijx B. 

Knr U«Bo:(ioTuuraA.— Edwerd Hairlgea prawoled 
*'Okl LaTMid*c**ud "Jly Boo DaBi'Moaadieoeeeof good- 
|y proportion, IT, 18. Tbe Ii4u»e vik dark l^II. Dlara 
Borrla ctre a BuUoee periorniuica ti of "CamlUe." to a 
Urg* aullenee. 'TTia uutd of the Urlng" cornea 19, 
Bnlud Beedai,0. 

auKD Ovtwi Uoru.— "Tbe Tornado" eooeeeded Iq 
drawloa fair alMd audleocoi Notblog booked lor 

Mvmplkls^At tbe Grud Open nouo Bob't 
DowniDff pneoeiad "Tbe Oiadlator'^at bU opea(Bg.for 
two pert4rmaa«M, to a (air boooe Feb IS Atinaut>ea,19. 
be gavaadoab)* bill of'Tbe French MarTlaga"and two 
lAlB of "logon&r/* to a noderata ait«Ddanc«. Edwaid 
Uarr1aa|i opwal v. for Ibrae oigbu, to nodaraia boil- 
aeea. ^Ibe Mexican Typkat Orcbertra perroraeil to no- 
mroaaTaoutcbalra ir. Oomiog: Roiana BeeJ 38,97, 
>^e Lead of the LIrlor* O, v. Uooae will be dark 
March 3-7. - 

ItAvLYcUMTBUTfll.— TIsMnrphydMa good boil- 
Bteaaod piaaah) bli udleoctel7. Prof. BerrmaBn did 
well l8-a>. Bob't Uantell a eDgeceioeDi wu aoderataly; 
moeofal U-IA DeUa Fox, 3», », U tbe only aUraoloa 
MUad for tbta l aak. 

OliaUmB0ttgK.»At tbe Neir Operft Uonse. Feb. 
17, aloealaatfftaiBineot hid a good hooae. ' Prlacafe 
Boul*^oaiD« la, to ooly a fair bovee. TheBbenrood 
nDiuanOo.oaffla]9, toarerygood hooae. CUra Jforrii 
didalllbt budneaiSl. Comug: 

March 4. "fba Twelre 


D«Bwer.*At tbeTHbor anDd OpcrmUoiue, Feb. 
17-a, Jaraea O'Hain, lo "Mooie Criato," "Builei" aod 
"TbeODarlerorLyoiu,*'played to good liooiee. 

Oafnoif Tqutri.— Ttte Bolden Comedy Co., la "Ar 
gla." hid go«d hoaaea 16-9. 
Mawok, Tlolhiiet« oomee 11 ..^..TIie Durer Choral 

■oeiatr.aDder tbe leederthlo of Prof. Uenry Uooeley, 
with eighty voleea appeared Kfirra a crowded - 
the Duty Oborch U. 

Faaklo^At ttie Omod 'Trilby'' did well Feb. U. 
Bflla BOabr, 18, playfd to a good hooee. Bob Biudeue 
esnae Hantb i- 

CoLCliBU.-The Oallleotte Comedy Co.. wbleh begu a 
wMfc'iaaiaceBiut ISL did good b leioeio Ibroajihoiii the 
week. Tbe eoBpaay win niomheraeod play aloogea- 
ngaiMBt «ltb aa aalaiged aioek eonpaay. Brlatol'a 
■daeelM Beiaee ^id a three nighu' eDgeceBeat 17- 

ItMdTUl«.~Atlb« Weston Open Uoanituieg 

OoueMtm Makdt.— Carrie llalL i\ oi. Roffera, Aenle 
Mlin. JaaaeRoioaraoo, LuUle Dalniry. La'nRaod Roy- 
atta, MInal* Bae'el*, the Tydoae Qoeriee, UwU Orcea 
ABd Wblppleaad Wblte. Boelneat U good. 


WheallBf Lent Md txtmmly cold wwiber 
comVlaad dM not ndooe boibHaa at Iba :oial th«alr*i to 
aajgiaat eiuot laet woih. At ilie Opera Ht)t.ia'*rbe 
CoBatirCli?aa'*caae forihaflfat tlna Feb. 14, gl*lat a 
jooi rorformanealo good boslnei. WalkrrWbllael-le 
.Rllovad a Dreeaating -The Merehaot of Veolck" aiH 
••Baaiai'*t>iarffaaadTene»a. Doe: Chaa-A. OainDfrB. 
FrSnkk ga^ooft », -Iho Derby Wlnen-' MArch'X 
"nfug** 3. CUj Cteotut, In "The New Doulalos," 7; 
"BlMt* Aqpr* OatorD) II. ^ . „ „ • 

OWio OrSBA UotnL-Tbe Qonialrs OpenCo. BDed 
tl^waeb. IT-sfto food bualoan Tbey bare beeo Ijookcd 


4oilCi 7. Qu -.~ — -- 

ItDTn.— XslUa Ha.taa.or ibaOMjUfcOpjmCo.l"* 
tlM panof larpaUU*. Is "Cbliina of Konnaadr," I* wllh. 
oat a nbainal ogln to Uia raddn lllaavofliaballa 
■C MUa BaoTM did wall aad nfialT«d IK. bl.bHt Iba baada of Iba local rnw TliaOnad 

t Hoiaa or^MJ*, aadar (ba Olnenon of rnA 
i tint, mom to auaMD'nia. 0., tut, to phv I> r 
• wApair 4aiUf lu Mmataaat ikm. 

D*Ua..-At tb« 0pm Boon "rands" nm 
il.'J!!",'**"""'^"*"'*"'*' I'o.Ha.fab.u. Bf. 
Ba BWaj^adHwalL "A T»u t>^. ^„a,lL 
.jE'f'.'ffi" -%"")• Bn>a,Ial. UaikNInarl^ 
tOB, Lali aaiaoi. Far IlinUTBMma aadiaikl 



''?^*" 8ir«nej i OooaXm' 0pm Hoom 
rag-aOpata Uo. doatd Falk. I& .ft.r JS;'^ 

">», 17. li 

-rablo Romaal" n, Hiair Dliaj » - •** 

rauca T»<T» -Barioaaa la nod. Waok ol IT' 
I>V,^ "owaa, ioal. Uall. WlllCiSi^ Ton X.lSr. 
WIlUfiDf, Oaiaw Elmon^ rtt. UoiilobribUtt aoS Jaa^ 
U. HImUm Joha Caluhaa ■• aoa pwpSaSrVad 
amrof Iba Palaea. hiilai avnmod malral 11. 

aaaanar Oian. or Oraa'a Opara Co 

Opara ro.,abllaba 
..uvw. wMM ui. cvmpaar bad Iba ail ' 
bioa u barellarad oaa altht or a diamood ihidaM 
'° 'fl!'.:^ Tbo diamood waa racorared, bal IK* ca<h 
jaalabad. TbsUiltr pot tan jaara la Iba tao.^TT.PbTl 
UnaaaalL mauiw ol Uio Ton Woilli Opaia Uoon, aal 
lA laa clly 13. 

ton Antonloa—At iho Onnd open Doom 

'Tbe Pkat Mall" t< I&, • Feblo RonuDl" 1«, tod br 
Ilwrr B. Oliey I^Id. to deKehird audlwou. Edwin 
Fen7C<mMn^(1*oraleUlB«uM4X4 UwreoceBeUIe 

n. UwU MorrieoB m S Mr. Ulier wm eeUTiauMil 

10 by Mr. QlUe't. u oM ineoiber ol the Yo!k Fb?. 

en'Plob l7uhloitooTlieaireud the Tio Theatn 

retain cDnpanlfBof lut week. 

••.'"■T'*' i"^* "I*™ Wonw Kdwln 
M Hum Rojla, with • Frlaade," ckxed hi* eofafoBMBL lo 
fair patraaga. f*b^ II......Frtw»o Ferrr? a* pnnu? 

prices preaeni«^i*-0ihk1tn," ••VintioiBt.'f •'Daiaonaod 
Pflhlaa" and *'Iiigomar.** to rktrbBBlafwi. ma. Jlonk* 
iDfB: Lawlj MorrlBon March a, 3. EnteE.UItr 4,», Delia 


Ft.Wortha^At Gre«Dinll'8 Open Houre CoK 

RobL rogrreoll Ifctured Frh 13, toH R U. '-A Brcer.r 
Tlaia.**iu»tlDee end alBht,liu] good bualaea^ both per- 
ftrmuoM. 15. "PrieadK'' played (o •i«)Unt haidottVip. 
CfttalOK: Edwin Forfy Marrh t-7. Tlio». W. Keeoe 9 aod la 
DellaFoxU, *ThBFilra(eB«creUrj'* ll. 
AmAlBa^At MllleiM Open House "Frieods" 

eame to vood bnaloen Pah. la. ' Pablo RomaDl" came 
to poor iMaloaaa IK Lnraloe IIullU cornea A M. Edla 
Bber Htrch «. 7. Delia Fox 1 J. ^ ' 


A(lM«ra.— ,\t tbe QniDd'*A Dowcry OlrP'met 
wllh fhir suceeta Feb. 17, Ift. "Prlnceu Bonnie'* csma 
l9,3),toioodaBdleoe«a. 'Onthe UlMlaalppl"eoisaJt(^ 
l>*UaPoE.In 'the LiUle TrD<^r,'* 37; Cbu. K.Tala'a 
'Twelve Teraptel loo>"2a, S. 

Tu i LTCim .-The Sherwood Oraod 4)peraCo. d id falrlr 
veil 17, IB. flernnun cornea 

BAT«»Bab.*AtUie6ATADiubTbf Aire Ibe UaUl 

Paige (^mpinr played a very aucraatTuI eoiagemeai 
«Mk of Feb. 17. Cotnloa: "Twelre T>-mputloBa'*]« and 
B, Hrrra>anD «i and 2J, R >laiid Reed March I. 

TiroLi Mmto IIali.— BupIq**ii waa l>!a all laetwrek. 
Vuaier Vlurffhaa twtlregnod Tanderiile people lohU 
company. EfAeSt. Clair andManile Karle are renngaaid 
and are play lor ihia week. Iliocompaoy «[U prodace 
the M.haifo burlesque neic week. 

Thk Tnocaokho.— Thia llitle hooae !■ doloft a coed 
ba»lnMa The company r^maloa the aime. 

NOTL— Kfd BaaDah ud Prof. /.'no bad anoihar hi|. 
loon race 16. Tke race look place ai Thnoderhnli Urirloe 
Park, and ww»ltn*H4ed by alaroe crowd. Iltnoah fell 
In tbo riverand Zioo landed In the inan^ venrai mll*a 
away from rhe park. Kid Ilwnab left ibla wiek (or 

Aa|tHatje.~"noarore," bj Ibe Atifnute Idcel 
Oparmfw., BOder direction ni Pml'. Macoiiiber nfftoaioa, 
Haaa , for aebarliy beBofli, had aoacked hou e ^*eb. 17. 
»nd waa tepeetfo. aReraooo of IH. tn eooib r flne tu- 
dleeco. Eugeoe V. Deba Irclnrrd 18. U era Horria, In 
"Baymoode." cane to a amti; honao 19. 'Tlie Black 
rTnoh"coniea:tt. 'TheTweha TeniPiatlona" >r, "Co tho 
Mlailaalppi" n. RoUod Beed March 6. 

Blacoti.— "A Bowery Qlrl" caoo to fAlr buloeas 

Feb. 17. '^valTM Temptallooa" pUrnl tn (nod bua oi«a 
3.*. *1he Black rrook"cnmeaM, Roland Reed Much t 


I.o«lavlU«.-At HackQleyMTbeAtre UjIIa Fox 
etma Fab. »-tt, preeeBtlog "FlcBrde LU'*ard *Tbe Lit 
tie Trooper," to large aadlaocea. "Tlie Treotleih Can* 
tory Olrl" coneaSI-M. 

TBMrLK TauTRi.— Rnbert Man'ell played a lh:*e 
alihta' e«vi|irn)eat S^2|, produdog ''Huo^ara" aod 
"fbe BuBbaod.*' to good baalocaa. hat <>oo4wlo ooaiea 

OiUMn OPRA Boni-— ' BliTee ol Oold" civiod. JLa 
raccamrui week'a angagemenU Fi r week efli. "The tJIrl 
-Loft Behind Me." 

Tai Avinra.— *^Ioriua'*aitrBcled good erowda Ian 
week. The bona* will reraaJn dark week oftl.owlocto 
the dlrbudBieot of ibe "Arablai NIghta'' i^mpeoy. 
HUe Tan Eita and eomj aiy will glre two ptrfoni)aaca% 

Till niCBi.tuMAif.— Wllla* "Two OM Ovalaa" pliyerl 
to blf bui-leeaa laat week. Tho fi L O. alan «u dli- 
plai m nn wortl orcaalone. "A Ja* 0(rcaB"^week oT 34 

PKorLB'tiTBaAnK.— The peoptaeflaat week hehl orer 
tbe canantveek. Baaloeiagood. 

Padncah— AtHortoD^s Open Ho oe Mr. ind 
Mra. Oliver Byroo, in "Upa and uownaof Llfr," Fe).i7, 
had a good honie. 'The Toraado," 19. hi d fona boal taaa. 
"^eTilrl I UK Behlad Ma." 3UL bid atal' boil laaa. 
nooked,:."ThaLand, of.iba Uvlog" 0. tmalUrdiror 

Blka will occupy tho hovao for the lemilnder of the 


Bal(liaoro.»T1io t>e8lDolag ot Lent Ui cetaed 
to aulkatarrorto the heartaofmuagarf, aadibeTohine 
orbailBeaecooUnoeBabnoit and Imloli lied ifaroagbont 
Uwpenlieotlal laaaoD. with tbe eiceptlon d ]Mf fTaek, 
when Doet of oar playhonaea elore their doom Ao 
BTldrnce ef tlile lact waa the reotpUon acconled May 
tnrlB on berflrate>lllarappearane« here. Feh.t4.wbw 
•bo produced ' Tbe widow Jonc^" tofl ao^at narrto* 


nr. A praepenma week rewarded "Tbe rualog 
ghov" >7-ll Tbe abort aeaMn of grand opera opena 
arth ^ with *-Carmer(." which wHl he followfd by 
' Bomao aad Jallet," ''Ahla** aod'Talaiaif." 

FOAD'aCriRA nocm— tiraatjy to ibe dUappolnunoBt 
oralanaiodleooe.ClnyFlt4gera|d railed to pot la an 
apwaranee Feb. 14, ber paitia "The FouodllBg" bvlog- 
airal by JaneRteinon. who proved Teryacceplahle. HIbi 
Filtgarald la III aod will pntbebly not be bore thli week. 
"TooMoch Juboaon" cloaed ao eiccllaDt week tZ. John 
Ila-o ODOIH lo a rt|»erutry March f. 

jiLHAtuiN'n LTi-ii'NTHBATaa— The two vaekn kctu'e 
i«a«?n of Joha J.. Stoddanl, whirh temtnaud U. wbk 
am TBore than DRially paeM*aral. Rhea tatara* for a 
apaclal oeyasemeDt Iq "Nell ilwyoDe * March X 
HoLumr ftBBvr TnUTBB. — Bartley OaapiieU'e 
Whlu Slave," onderihe management of hlaeoea, waa 
revlTod iBflBsa'rIeFeb. 34. iiofora t*o crowded Boaeea. 
*-Th* J4t*x ParMll^e" did well laet week. March 3, "Down 
oDiliaSowaBaa Rlrar." 

HovABit Ai'OiTOHiVH — Tvo full houaoN riiarkaU iba 
anlralof the Relllr A Wood fUiow. headad liy charmlog 
Madge Em*. Fab. 74. Hyile*at:oinMllanailraw a aoccaa- 
BloQ of t>lg boaeci I7-0. due. Hlll'a Noralilea aredaa 
March 3. 


Berleaqnara cpmateneiri a ctay ol one weak Fab. 31 l»e- 
fntaihaBBoal lerae aitaodanca. The my Clob bad a 
b w weak eadleg 31 'Tba Sonlh Bafora tha ffar" le 
bl*led forHan-hl 

CARTin'a Odbon Thiathi —An entire new htll Feb. 31 
Introdotfd FIdq and Mack. Pranrla Herbert, Lowery aod 
Fruda, Mattla Anbray and l^ell aod Alrarei. 


PMiland.— At ttie Marquaa Onnd "to old 
Ear.'Bchp" wae preaeoud ta fBlr bnaloeae Feb. 1^11 The 
ChrleloB Or«m Conpaoy praeuud "Tha Lilly el RUlar. 
ney" 14 aad "lb* Bohemian Olrl" 15. Boaleaaa waa 
ralber HghL Tho Frawlay Slock Cooipaby. fron ihe 
ColoDbla Theatre. Ban Prmnclaco, f>p«ned 17, lo "The 
Seeaior." LoataJanieewlllbeeeenwcebert4. 

OOltilAT'B THBATBB— The Bacoo HtockCompaaypre- 
aaoied -'UorlalMQlel"weak of II. Bo>loaaa waa rather 
Igbferthuuaoal. The compenv beaaQ ihe laat weak of 
le uogemeat 17. In "The Llabia o' LoodM." Tl»e 
ilrAda Plala'rd Comrioy l« booked for Mar^b 3 

ftgw PaRN TBEATBi.— The Ueorgta Uolverallr Orad- 
oatae (Oolorad) opened M, loalarvA aodlenea. Coriooe 
lU ba MO ti. jL lo "Tlendrlck lludv n " 
WOJiBVBLJMtf— Birdie UarrI'. Jella WiocbelL Belle Lt 
More. Frukle nveino. .''ellle h\ Mor*. May Hioer, 
nanlaWlochelLOoaele Le Mora. Hynla Tenea, Eddie 
Davl*. Chaa. OUddeo. Bert Vao Cieva. 
AKUICBBB — Je«ele RomI, Broole 8r«Q(*r, mUr Llrlog- 
ma. nolle La More, .VallU U Mnre, (Jaaale La Mere. 
LOb-TBR —The LoQvre Lidy Ofciiaitra 
HOL'i*A*HBA»apreaTad tn Um FIrat Raflmast Armory 
' TIN lomao>a Mdltorlnra waa croadcd. 

0*A erAMfgo 

fhr euh teuer. udlkS'iliiVb^XM'^^^ ' 

i ba gltea« la oidar 


. jUer.aBdtkan 

by tbe pam iddnaaad ihmU 
.v''f"f^r^**"<>*'"* ^ ethera iheald batr la nlod 
lhBtallleRam.U(uln iranaU^twm ihe V^hedaaM 
3 hi ^voi^oibarvlaaibayata DOlro^ 


ATBAQr, Ada If , 
Aahioo. Dortf t 
ABhIey, Faarl 
Abxaader, LIDlao 
Aaber BUtar* 
A*hley. Pearl 

Batrett. Manle 
Bechwlth. CUra 
RraddoB, Nallle 
Brrtnt, May 
Bareaid. batUa 

Berarly, Daley 
BanoD. Bella 
Blaha. Manle 
Baaneit, Maggie 
BoahalL A<1& 
Bum a, Nellie n. 
niinchaid. atay 
Board Bun, 

Mr* Paal 
BoahelL Caraen 
Bailey. HoUUA. 
Batlaj, Henafa 
Brlttoo: Ha« 
Barlow, Mm. O.W. 
hrooka, Blanche 
~ilark. AlUa 

curk. Mabel 
CarllagioB. Ella 
Otaytr-o, Freda 
Oarr, BogeDle 
Cniw Blaltra 
Cola, Dora 
CollUr, llal«a 
t'arleton. Adib 
CarMt«k — 
Campbell. May 

KaibWa K. 
Danow. Entma 

OeWltL H4«lo 

Darcy, Maud 
IxiwBle. Ada B. 
Deno, Beanie 
IhiDley, Rbiia 
OiioD, Lotlle 
DaLonna. KliUe 
UoDbar, KeUle 
Deaiie. lUiy B. 
Dyer, One* A. 
Derere, toona M. 
Doraou, Mabel 
^avaoporc, Clara 

Da Leon, Inoe 




O r^oB, May 

BowaA. auidced 
Beoderaeo, Joala 



□arhart, Ketile 
RaltoUB, AllOB 
lluaock Jf rB.C. F. 
Hid Raid. Mra. 
UlU. MelW . 
Hart, Badle - 
Hyer^ Mm 8 IL 
Ram lltoD, Kama 
Uemoi, Fkanr 
Hlmh, Hanal 
Healy. Rellla 
lluwaid. Kittle 

Iluley, Uole 
'mber, Uerfe 

Doe. Mra Halt 
Derloa, I>oMy 
Do Oray. 

lira. ITarry 
Da Tofa, Flora 
Davla. Lole 
Ueao. I'ecll 
Doagoo, Mate 
1?ilwardm Paula 
Ivaieit, AHce 
Svana, AgBoa 
Saaton, L*oIe 
EddyaoB. Bey 
'P^raaklya, hellle 

Falkau, My Ul 
Falrburai, Nana 
Far, Aana b. 
■OiUon, OerUa 
Ouroae, Alica 
Cough Skiere 
Uray, JuUa 
Uala, Uraca 
Qailor, FtoMla 
ailoon. Beaale 
Uoodwin, Hay 
Gray. Marlon 
Uaroor, Beaale 


Tullaa. Mia. Tni 
vjiijav, Boima 
laoolDn, Laura S. 
Jack, blanaoa 
Joboaoo, Aaala V 
l^aratU, Daily 

f miMOi Dora 

Un. Uam 
Loja], Lala 
Uala, liaae 
Labmana, MlaaJ. 
lATlDa, Bar 


LotIokioo. Mat 
Ujal, Ella (a. 
UwlA Mollla 
LOTitlnr. Balla 
Llaculo, Mania 
La Maid. 

U Wall, Mamla 

Mai^uiJD, Paarl 

mila, Clur 
Hilar, Marl. IL 
■ablar. fapl 
Hartiara, Emma 
Mourv, vnhtr 
llorrli, Saola 
Mllcbrll. Dora 
acAvoi, Ksnia B. 
Maio. Boh 
McNulu SUUra 
Mdianhr, Aoola 

MoonM, CatTli 

O'NaiU, rollf 
O'Brim, Ml., r. V. 

fanail, Qaaan 
raiclial lubol t. 
nialpa. Nallla 
roap Mar, Opt. 

ratmaoa, Joalo 

" '•rta. Adoiloe 
-._ar«>eada g. 
Buthford, Mahal 
KadmoB?. Nallle 

Rhea, — 

liar, Jennla 
— ^gera, Maria 
RhloeharL Hoia. 
Read. Jenoy 

ippal, JrOBU 
•biBi. MiH. \TI 
Hyrlbrd Aiaure 

KutfalL I'hyllla 
Hoaialia Marie 
Robay, JesBia 
RIclalia, Maud 
Hhea, Bay 
BoboMO, Crba 

^Aereaa, Millie 
^lih. Barbel 
Btaatoa, Mra. Wm, 
8ion«, Amy 
doow. Addle 
dL Clair, Jeaole 
8u lit van, 

Mn. Jnha B. 
tluilM, Maud 
>lvaU^ MUa a 
^rady, Mra. Ueo. 
riiaalKird, Flora 
tlejniour. VIigiBla 

«|icbelL Pearl 
■llioo. Mabel 
Merrick, Franeaa 
Maleite, Mne. 
JCaidBB, Cora 
MlBoeUA, Mlie. 
Melnoita, Ocorgle 

gaiber, Marie 
Meradnb. Mabel 
Hllier, Ida 
Vaek. Flora 
«IUer. Mau 
delroie, Freokla 
iarvhy,Mraaeo P 

dtef aaa. bay ' 
dllhor. Maiiha 
imlib, Loolea 
lewait, Joele 
itaiOD, Margveriu 
6i mocHl I, Lottie V, 
daioB Siaiera 
BUrr, Ada 

Tbompaoo, Ada 
Tomer, Uraca 
Tliompaoo. OJra 
TiBBaLe Bella 
Thorn, Einia 
rureer. Lftzte 
rkoobaU. Dolly 
Tuaafca, Prioeaa 
^rilae, Edaa 

'aaeilo B'ttara 
Valleitl, MllllB 
Varky, Mra.U, 
Vadera Verela 
Van Brlg.NflUia 

Weaorr, Mary 
Warrea, Mane 
Woai. Baala 
«ilUana,Mre. B. 
WlBclteaior, Moaa 
Walah, Blanch 
WataoQ, Madalloa 
WaUibare. LlllUn 
Wean»r. EUa 
Wllilama, Loitle 
iFeat. Oertndo 
Vallla, 01ad)B 
IFilbar. Blaoeha 
Wal a«a, Ethel 


I Major 


A Rao, UaBLW. 
Arv.oa, Ueo. 
Aiida>. Jack 
AndareoQ, Richard 
AUoo, Oeo. 
AiBBwunh. Naal 
Aabtoo.J. L- 
Arlioitoo, BlUy 
Ainon, loo 
Aden a. Ed. 
Ameou Wa D. 
Aldto. Ror 
Alien, U. M. 
Aftnttivog, Kirk 
AUa(in,M. 0. 
Alaaander, Oaa 
AdaxB,Ueo. U. 
Anderaoo. Vara 
Abaraaiby. billy 
AeaerauB, II. P. 
Arntanda lleruu 
AUee, Lieul. W. 
Alrui.dria.Blg i 
AahtoB, Marry 
' aen, JubQ 

Bnnoo, Mai 
BunvIL FrukU. 
llalr. Ifal 
Bake ,J.T. 
Buchaaao. B J. 
keo Ah, Ua»au 
Buike, Kraok 
flake, 11. M. 
jmotaam, J. J. 
Bnwo, E Ma 
Mtia, H. K- 
Mr^u, Loula 
Ballova, A. M. 
hrady.^ae J. 
Barkje, Uarry 
tforelly. Artiiar 
In cr, John V. 
BaBBf, — 
Booih, Ham 

Comen, Ueny A. 
Oiarfcg Raadall 
am, J 4. 
ColUoa, Tom 
Orawfoid Bros. 
Clark, R K. 
Caaai A La Claira 
Uiookhlta,W. U A. 
Uivaby. Dr. O M. 
CoUlBBbroB A 

Cro*aley, W. r. 
•tydoaa Cbarlla 
Carpanur, A. D. 
(hireUa r. P. 
thunan, ilenri 
Ulark, iMocao 
Ctaruca, Edward 
Cliaae, C'liaa. W. 
CLark A WUilama 
Caiopbell, J. W. 
Cooi. Jaa. F. 
Car U loo, C. B. 
UiaylOB,Uao J. 
Uouioa, Oeo. K 
bHAB berlAi n.ti. W. 
CoDoy.J. W. 
OoQley, W. P. 
i;iinon,J. U. 

D Al'latU 

HaiRiaan. 6. B. 
flrwuiea, L'oroey 
tf I latel. Chae. 
irandon, Uany 
Bernard. Fruk 
Jurkaw John J. 
ifeaety. John 
Baa ha, i barley 




ilta— "A RAtlroadUcbet" opened Feb. 17 at 
Magnlra'a fur Ihrae perfomucae lo a top beery hruae. 
Uoleai BtDjo ud Mandolin Clab eonea "la OU K«o- 
,ocby" 34-31 Marie Walnwright March 3-4- 

CABiao -Mamla U'SvallloB, Bella Bron, the Altea 
Blaian, Frrd Brown. Ldllii farfoo, Walter Head, Pearl 
idcweidy. AL Kaaer, Maiafi aad Stechdala.aad Kaoml 
• by tha Oaaiao giar Btock 

iw. 'Taa MnoBUIa Wall. 

BerwiTChaa E 

(eUk Laceoua 
Benud, FBQl 
Mfovo, Walla/ 
Braalgu, Bvb 
Maty, Tho*. H. 
Biueat, Law 
BraBBoo, MIka 
BetL Andy 
Be raaid, Uenry 

l.'ale. U. M. 

Irtivo, Ueo. 
Meeaurib, Fruk 
B. Bily A catoeroB 
Bareaid. Jaoiae 
Brt*lul, Ubea. 
B«-lia. liao A. 
BarkelL Cbaa. 
Bliai, tliea 
Honoo, u. A. 
goih. 1. T. 
RortmaBB. Fred 
BMedlci. Uw 

lorgaaa, Cbaa. 
Saiia. H. K. 
Bwtuo, Ueo. A. 
Maiaduo. Harry 
Bean, Eugar 
Bllta. F. H. 
Beirerd i;ircua 
Bofd'e Hioai/ela 
BMhUAD. W. L. 
Bnadhantaao II 
Bet ton. Joha 
Bowera, Billy 
Burett, Teio 
ri ma, Cbaa. 

Criamloa. Dulel 
Campbell, Bobt 
CUMoo A 

rura, Fred 
Campbell A Ward 
cnrum. Billy 
ChaUlA, U. W. 

oKek.'iobB T. 

Flea lag, (.laiaoca 
Krencb, A. M. 
KnamaoL Baa 
rata, O J. 
Fagao, Bamey 
Kunn, Uao. W. 
Pel ber, Leo 
riuianld, Harry 
KouBtaln,Ur. ll.X 
Faller. L«iaBde 
Ferga4oo,Jului 11. 
Frmuka, Tvby 
yrobuuBB. d, 
rmiDa, P I. 
Farioll. Blliy 
Fulion, J. H. 
fuwlar, John 
Flaog' l>r> U. 
roru, UHbl a, 
Fiaiow, Piloca 
F-yon, Mall J. 
rrsaoaUl, A. 

Frer. cuu. 
rmalU, Alberto 
lAlbbuiH, John 
^Uf ouie, P. 
Ulllaaplei Fruh 
(lamuall, AoitlB 
ileraj), John 
UarUBer.D. F. 

Cliluaadaa,t;aptN Uatt. L U 

hrlatte. L U. 
UifilJna, P. B. 
CaiTvlL Matt 
Oumau, Uhila 
Ubaplay, Edwin 
uliipoaa, Joha 
Cdnli^ «. M, 
Chipuiu, J. M. 

' MKi J*- 
. jDunl A firaas 
Carey, J. P. 
-C^uaUy Oiraaa" 

Crawlord. ChaaT. 
Carl too, Uari 
■Jv^laar, A. L. 
CiemtniL t'amert o 
,o>l«.J. M.«o 
Uavera, WCB. 
De hlHi, Pi or. 
UeJedge. Freoa 
Ue Forreat. Cbaa. 
Uavli, Jaa. 
Orlakalbo, Nory 
Mvla. Ubae 
UoUo.iaa. P. 

iwaa, Daduy 
Uelioar Brva 
Dowilog, J. J. 
wavlB, W. (I. 
Damiog. Jva 
IfaaalvP' t o. 
D*Tia, Alei. 
Davia. WUl II. 
Iftva. orut 
Mag Uuog Clob 
Oevere. BUJy 
Dally, Ml leva 
Uvlaiualog. A. 
Deri Id, Uaur/ 
Megbany, ah red 
Uaiie^ Harry B. 
u'Eaia, Uarrr 
ilaMoea, — 
Dllkn Broa 
Dae by, W. P. 
Datla, A. K. 
Daolorth, IJ.C. 
l>a Fureeaia. Tbe 
Dooglaa, W. 0. 
Da:tOB. C'Brla J, 
Uuoaaa, Feila 
"maitt. J. K. 

Hlia A MilUpa 
Eoariek.Uoe U. 
Ennlaga, Uany 
bUlager. Hb|Ui 
EilBoonh, Cou 
llQiareuo, W. 0. 
EmeiaiD, Wn.H. 
Ednottd^ Willu, 

Priic, Deloo . 
F1|SBjil4iB A. 

FabUB, Warrea 
Pargaaoo, JeaB M 
FramoDt. O. V. 
FraokllB A KadaU 
Fane, Walter 
Ferhar, Hhoa. 
Flahar. Baala M. 

Jluiieia^T. L. 
UuUiob, Prod 
liivva^ Dara 
(Jrtaree, JtdiB B. 

Jraiit ANuiion 
Jreao, Klchaid 
Uiaao, M.J. 
tilUeite, A. M. 
UUDen, J.B. 
Uraat AMurloB 
Uiaca, B.lly 
^ragorr. ueo. 
Uoriumo, J. 4, 
doudman, B. F. 
Ulrvd. Phil 
iJektla, U. L. 
Uodnuw, Ed. 
Ueodwlo. n. W. 
iJrahaai, Uao. 
UaOBOO. Wu. 
Uraca, Jaa. I*. 
JooduMB, J. B. 
Uoruau, ciiae. 
iJar.ldr, Jaa. ri. 
•iilaiore,ToBi L. 
tirean, Joa 
ifvrtMi, JiMetb 
OMtU R. E. 

llaip.ulla,J. W. 
dauipblap, Tboi. 
Uaiyio, D T. 
II III affaull 
lltp»<lar, U. 0. 
Hoauaa. T. 

atrrve, T. J. 
II.IL, Uarnaa 
Holuad, K. J. 
Iloadarua, J. T. 
MIU, Uarnr 
H UDptM, AlkB 
uat'ilctaoa. w. H. 
Maitllair, rtita. t'. 
riarrloaum. J. V. 
lltQioe, I'raak 
Hill, Uao. A. 
iloUia, L B. 
Haabaa, Arlbar 
Honni, will 
Hoop«r . Htarr 
Uodiaa, Hair/ 
ll.lbiwt, J. 11, 
Uall, U.rrr 0. 
Ua.ard, bl U. 
Himt.J R 
riawaid A blaad 
Uoiaadga, U t. 
IfaaioB, Cbaa. 
Haipia, Uaa 

SovanI, iobo 
laail, Jvbii 
U.rao. d, Wm, 
Nalla, Harra/ 
HaimU E 
lla.aa, n.l. 
Hairit, Uao. II. 
Uaadanoa. Wai. 
Haoabar. Wai. 
Ilaidp, (fanr 
Uaaalaaa Tria 
Halar, Joa T. 
Iladlir A Hart 

llanpaL Ou 

Uabball, T. a 
Haadp. rnak 
lloop, lUatT 
llaaWr, Jatk 
mil JaMpllL 
lluMa, r.>. 
Halloaap, >d 

Xmaoa, Psic 
lonahaiu, L. Ll. 

JudHO, Ur.WIU 
Joaaa, W. u. 
JrRbraoa, Joaaph 

Jobaaoo, Prnr, 
Janira ll.irr 
JnbatoB. K U. 
Jouaj, Will 
JalUn, rraa 
.lnhoMo, Law 
Jaeb.oo, Jaa. B. 
Jaeim, DonaV] It. 

Krilr A Woola 
KrallB., Edaanl 
K.OLA. r. 
Kne. W.I'. 
Kafeaala. — 
K.llr. Juliu p. 
Ktbiir, aickar 

KUtti KuiB 
KaifaaJr.rnirs t. 
Kuaaaacla. K. 
Kaimu II. 
K.1I.., Prank 
Kln>b. n. R. 
Kodaaa, Tha 
KniDiBialar. W. 
Ktaatj, Tlioa. 

Montr.- ia*aM,ll.B, 
(nana aiaa) Ram, Balk«l 

MaBiplin«T.U. — 

MaNWi, r. B. 
Uollladar, J. 0. 
UcBaeharoB, (1, 
Houra, T. p. 


Maleoai. aiU/ 
Makio, Jiibo & 
Mill.', Iloa 
Hakh, Coaaiaal 
Morilw.v, l>a«a 
Had, BoU'la 
■iioia, iiao. r. 
VoDia, Ira T. 
MItcl.olL II. W. 
aanii.. (Jan. 
Moiilio A Raralla 

Oaddaa, Blllp 
MotUlioii J, n. 
Hacbia, Ju. H. 
Harilp, ilM). 
Hailoo A l>atl 
■arloa, Han 
Bailall, llairr 
.orliui.r, Pr.d 
Hd!llaUKb. Billr 


Uw. Piad 
La Bva Rna. 


Low, Joa 
Laalla, Ainad 
LalllDHaall, Jack 
Uwia II. U. 
Uala. lidain r. 
Lat^ Bin 
Ullllaiaall, J. D. 
Urallai, Tha 
Latuna, Pimak 
Loralla. Roaar 
Ucr, Ja.. II. 
Lo\all, I lita. 
Lal.lilen. Harry 
LavDi A Uv.rau 
Uaiiea, Haa 
Uv.p, Uarrr 
UBunI, Anour 
Laalada, Uw 
Utloa^ Baulk 
Laaaald, Itiaa. 
Uarabca FraokA 
Lttcllala, Tba 
^kliirr, tiaoi 
Larr. Uk 

,ioo, w. a. 

.iBdon, Piaiik 
La NUba, Blara 
Loaai), I*, u. 

Morar. N. H. 
Marina, (lao. 
dafa. lIuBiar 
Murvbp. J. A. 
MaliAawiL riioa. 
Moadap, titda 
Halrna. J L. 
tforrU. Jobn 
■licbalL Jna 
Oltbawa. (I. K. 
IcUaa, \T. B. 
Manar, Tbna. J. 
korarUad, B. A. 
kcUlaaaoo, Uao. 
Maralaad, 11. II. 
HIlcbolL rraak 
HeKaf, U. H. 
lorloB, Jaa, J, 
lalblaa Broi. 
Icqalllaa, J. D. 
■Ilaa, _ (or "JuUj 

Obama" Co ) 
Monaa, Baa M. 
■aab, Harry 
Mack, Jaa. 
aar« A Blllnlt 
Hal(aaBa,J M. 
MaHoB, II. 8. 
Bairia, Jaa T. 
lauhawa, J. B. 
lauuBOl q,B. 
lyara,J. IT 
IcOraavy. Joha 
lajo, Harry 
May, Uao. ll 
llaMiD, Will N. 
Uolirlaa, Billy 
Murphr a llnovy 
ioirla.ay, H. P. 
laCartliy, Uta 
Marriiu rraak 
Hanlilll, Ur.W.O 
UanlB. RIebard 
Mack, B J 
McLaaa A Uall 
Muor, Jaa. 
Maak, Kraok 
Harrar, Blada 
(OU. J. M 
■alaotia, frad 
Marphy, E O. 

Bacb A tllinll 
MarloB. Burt 
MuUan, Ha.t 
lui>>a^ A II. 
Morliiu, w. u. 
.Vfirl-. Pmr 0. 
.Naaiy, Jaa. 
,S«auio, W. B. 
.XaalOB, T. M. 
.Saw.ll A roni 
Nalauu, U« 
Kal»<B A Mllltdia 

Nibin, Pm 
Nunnan A Maila 
.ValaoB. II.UII 
NabBiaa JiihB 

jdaii, u. ar, 

tirr, JobB 
(Iraosa, John 


lirorloB, II. 0. 
■ ,U.8. 
Ian, Oao. 
una, llillip 
Ullian. W. t. 
||«aB^ K. 
UlianI, — 

FBt«, Rmll 
fua Iry, U III. 
Prado, K I lla 
l-alKa, II. II. 
I'liai^ Mamar 
Paliiirr, Dan 
r^lraa, (I 
raikar A lUlanlo 
PlilLllua, A. 
Puwaia, Jaa. II. 
IVUlbmia, W. R. 
PaiBulitabaa, I*. 
I'uwara rauiUy 
falliv, W. B. 
niillll». Ban 
l-urcalL R. U. 
J*olUi, Pnob L. 
I'arta. Piaiik 
rarl«y, P. L. 
PralaaiK, td. 
PaarL w m. 
l-alaa. M M. 
I'.BJaraaai, Jaa. 
I'riea, Hub 
Paihar, Uw 
I'naJp^ J. U 
Parkar, Praak 
I'llauio, B.B 
'Aai>p, JoliB II. 

Bam JL 

HooaUu, l^ita. 
KuUoaoo, 1. 
Kodaas,U. & 
Haablu, Aody 
Buaa. Hill DC. 
Haeum, B. 
Koyar, Ardila 
Hral, r. H. 
HaraB, Hirhard 
RuLurl, Harry 
Roaairr, P. II 
Kirliarda, Dirh 
Konialaa, T. (J. 
Kaali. Ed. 
Huaao, IllcharJ 
lladalL M. K. 
Ha>nulila, Naa 
Riy, Jobn 
HtiidalL falar 
llaar.a, AI. 
Hapan, I. 
Hollir, Harry 
Halia, U. II 
RaymiiBd, f 111. K. 
Raao, Prank 
ItoblaaoB. B 8. 
KuuaU, II. U. 
Rllli, IM 
HnM, l-iar. IV. K. 
Haoo. W. II. 
Kbu«IL Um. E. 
IhlBa, Ihtd llano 
'nL Clair, Ua 
dalivB, DIak p., Waller 
ilvoLlad Uvraa, 

sun lay, Eaaana 
Bull Ilia, H.3. 
Hcobla, Oao. 
riinlili, llatrj L. 
iluillli, llannan 
ta.barA Wllkaa 
ialmo, JuBo 
ilbaoli. frank J. 
dparka, cbaa. 
^lawatt, Julia S. 
dmKh, tba 
llaale, J, H. 
tiroBff Jr., ilto. 


. , jctr, Oaa.y. 
Bn B A WaiaoB 
JL tUor.a, HartT 
Rdnaa, Aitbnr 

tuiDor. W, 
oktnas, A. 0. 
arhar\-hL A. 
■totbluB k tHeraoa 
dt( L. 
tlpaBcer. U. ft, 
dmuea, Uaraua 
•■fpaBoer, Uae U, 
(tcfit. K.L. 
.MitaHla, Hob 
AittoB, Fraah 
rihf rtnan, Uao 
^Inh^ 8 
jnartniok. Wm, 
Aup}«>', Edwin 
.ituwa, Julia F. 
itutdea, Uao W. 
Atelian. Jaha 
a one It, Tom 
itinpavB, P. #. 
Mpea. Jttbn 
M.ver, Ja^ 

^Wlllka hi J 

dcmi.H K 
vi.viiinii A Bema 

:4leJiau. Jarphall 
ioiDiuAn. I A. 
Hfalui, l*»»l- 

rtiiiuua, Vener 
rhouipaoo, u. W. 
ruimr. U40. M. 
railor, J Ufa a 
rai lor, I). HT. 
liaaeau,U F. 
r.ylvr, Jaai 
Parutr. W. J. 
Jeanry. V \\. 
1h(Uii»r.A. M. 
r«bar. I lao} 
fvegr A Ltaulel 
rbtiuijwin, Fiauk 
TMbey, Krnekt 
llluiDauD,Bl W. 

rutt A AcoOatU 
faylur, JdIib 

Variety, -a 
Vioovni. Jaa. 
ValUara. Tue 
Vu»burRli. B B. 
Vaudor, ifarry 
Venmo. t^arl 
vulrvr A HanoB 
VenU>i«N T. 
Voor, l'»w. T. 
Villa. HaiM b. 
Veu AubaB, Harry 
l\/at»in, OkiI 
" Wrarer, H. T. 
Won, Ur. Halter 
ffihoora. Billy 
autlO'e Tnu 
War. Ear I U. 
tviilitler, M. II. 

rr-.r. V. r. 
Whipple, Waklo 
WaXog, WelL 0. 
Warrtn, E J, 
Wllmot, W. II. 
Watt, HobL 
WiMitiae. Prod J. 
Way no, Ueo. 
Waiiitfid, rum 
Wall. David J. 
Wiaultiian, «r, E 
Wbttuor, Uava • 
WaieilNry, (leo. 
Webaier, lieu. U. 
Welcri, Tlioa. 
tVathlu,J. A. 
WaaloB, Morria 
WlBlan, Utu. 
Wooda, P. A. 
William a, Bert 
Wrabtp, Warroa 
Wooda, H. 
Wait, 1>» Poraat 
Wyha, W. J. 
Walia.ll. II. 
Waller. Hart 
Wayna, Ueo. 
WaMibiim.L- W. 
WuMonI, A. 
Wlboo. Ilao. 
Ward A i^urraa 
Wbleller, Oept. 
Wuel^, J. B. 
Will lima, Jua 
Wooda, Hiuo 
Weaton, Harry 
Weleb Urol. 
Wllllinti.J F, L. 
Waixl, 11 airy 
WhiiBoy giua. 
Wakelee. MiMit 
Wllllaffia,K L. 
WocmI, N H 
Wrlplm Harry 
Y<'>")g- BMIr 

TaIol U, ll. 
Vuifaiy, II. J. 
rmo. — 
.-Uaau A Mora 
/.tufaoila, I'M 
Zeno, WTU. 
^va Trio 
/Aooni, J. W. 
/.Iinaiar, l>a*o 
^<trB, I*. M. 
ZUonl. — 
/Alia, Marrr 
Zarro, J. W. 
/.•Ira, u. 

World ^Players 

— ChB*. II. lUygtnd Wig a Currgn ciller Fob. 
^4. llewlll)eAferoraloarorUiDA<UlbUw«eE. 

— AqIoo llalBdL mBaleal dlreelor of ihe 'Day Parla. 
laoi" Co., la writing a three aotoomie opara lo coiiluBe< 
tlAQ wllh A t. JuasoB. a Boalon llbiatlUt 

— Agtw Baright, of the "New Stiparba" Co.,wNBoaUeit 
upon a Faw boura before Ibe perfonntnca on Fab. iKIo 
WaablRaioa, u. O , to aatome the rote nrganitoe, aod her 
dellneailoo of thacharAaierwAautlilaciory lu the a 


Hlnnaaiiolla.^At tbe UelropoU'An Oper* 
Uenaa "Tha Metry WorM"opoB«d for four perruroiucae, 
iBCludlng Tue«day matlaae, Feb. 3). ilrloB oay to 
OadrteakSS. Wni. Uoey playa 'Yhe UIoim Truller"!?* 
March I. aad "Prllby" reluro* fur three olguUl. "Chnr* 
Iff'aAani" liad jpMiJ houwe Peh. 10-7 J. 

HiJouOriHA liuL<HK.-'Tlie Wbll«HAl"hlhealtrielloB 
23-i9 Manager Litt'a new pbv, "Trie J,i»l Htrohe." will 
Mlow March I. Uliarle* T. Kllla. Iq 'Tlie AUtlan," 
pCeaaed Urgeaadlaneai week of Id. 

KoiiL A MiouLKTVKB Paliub MmiiiM -For Fob. 11 
aad wiaklheraare Liitra aad Bruibar. M.lodTlmiiptun, 
ElU KwlOfT, I!. N. Holmea. HjIrfRior. ManlBos aiid 
Daught^, Wllllania and CarlalOB, Mack aod K I Mutt, and 
H- BryaoL Baaioeaa la aotyJ. 

MianBiroLlB LoDiie, Nj. 41. B. P. O. K.lolllateda 
cUu ol aiit/ dhrea caodMaloe |9. Tiie 1<>1rs npeoed ai IB 
i. a., aod afier iranaacllug much Lualo.aa iieaen <lie 
oreiiifioy ol lollUtlun al 1 >J r. h, gnUliJngat 10 U, 
vhaoa»octal aaaaloo bagan. with Fait Uraoil P.aaliad 
fuler Fruk (llrard In Ihe tbair Iba ciaaa waa haaJed 
by the Mayor; floliert PralL aod wai ae line a lotef repra- 
rcnlallTemen aa luul-i ba aelaaied fvenilliediy. di- 
alled Holer WenI Muoro haa already tolUatod nlaaty- 
Ive ineodurlBRhlaiariit nroaarly one raar lo ollija ain 
■ III rwlire no Marrh 31 wlib aracnrd of urer onehuodrwl 
addlllunaby lolila1l»D. wlili ilia doLte ff the Mge all 
raid ud eooiiBh moory lo ihe traaeury to run lha lodge 
ilio OBRulDg year. 

■I. Paal— At the MfUopollian Opera IIoubo Iba 

John RiapleloD O. haaplayatla vnTV BHrcaMivl eogaie 
mrat, to rUr ali^ liouara, wae> of Fnb. Ift. In reperwrr. 
William lloay aad aupion, lo 'The uint»eTroiier, cunea 
tMH, Oodrkah. the vi(i|ioi.t,x7. "The Harry World" z«-». 
FuoyXIca March l.foroita wtek. 

uiiA.tD -B'lalBou WBA fair vfUi *^a WhI'a Rat" w»eh 
of Id. "The Laat Biroka" will U prodoced for Hie Drat 
Hma on uv eiaga w«ek of 33. * lo uid Meuiucbk" eonea 
March I. for oae weak, 

III TMriu-Fur aaak or;i: Dm aodTdaMaaolnji. lha 
.Sewinui iilat«ra. Fruk iUAuf, H'air>ee Carnifo, Eioioa,Ueorge H. (iirdner. AycP. Vie Weniter^riii aod Hie 
'Jtt\ HoalDoea ha« oaly heeB fair woak ori7 

BODfriA — AUrmctlAnainr aofk of 74 *Ill IfOHafloB'aBlg 
Rpoclaliy Ca , ineledlag Marry Hengo, Mavf iMegle.Jini 
MorrUM). Kd. Marker. H Joe Kuaaall, Alloa Rurwick and 
Meek SuaioB. Bualaeaa wae good walk oi 17. 

Dal«lh.*At Ibfl l.frcum "The VblK ntt" la 
boniad lorMaichS. Dr, Furbai aad Dr. BliliopO, Baliliil 
- 7. "Trill.y P. Maria Wa'nwrWit |J. 14. 

PAkLOB ruRiTBB liAA Uiepo poop'o for Hie week Feb. 
17-lg: i^amniingeaod KolglH. l/arT«y and flhaMun. Hem 
MarCaVI.ManlB Looadala, Mamla Hi. (Jialr. Toio VTblie 
Bodr' ■ 

I the regalar atACk. 


Onaba.— Al Bo/d'aTb«alre"KI|t)lOdlB"ripeng 
foar nighta' eocageaesi F»h.3l. Morrlxro'a "Paoal" 
cor>eiy7-}9, "A MHb White Flag" Marrh l-l UllallfeH^ 
la "A Yeealaa FeoUemaa." dial goml bu*lo«a« I4'I9 
AleABOderBalrUil aiapearad lo "llamlai" uO "fba Three 
Ouanl^mea,'* 71, U. |ii large au«ll«nce4. 

Tub t'DBlHHToir — W. H fUiUo. lo "The VendeUa.** 
opena a weeb'e wnngenant ZJ. Piaok HuHi. lo w>|ri 
Wuiad.'* cornea Hardi 1-4 Jwim Uliinn. lo "Wuicd, 
the Earth." did fair tfualoeu iC-l}. Bwcli A Boweia' 
Htaiiiela bed fa'r bouaaa Ml. 

Llnro1«p^At tbo lAoiloff *'nib 8MewBlki oC 
ifew fork" cana Feb. 13, to molarau i<islo»a#. "Aa 
i*iraieaof Paituaoe"wu glren hy ibe TriflHy Chanli 
Choir. t» ge'<l hooae, 17. Hilvlnl came 11. lo *ery large 
boelaea*. ' Eight Bell>" c«»aearT. Kade RinmelllM 
FreiB Oraaa Hwab— Tha Phllliarmnlc RocUtr will 
va Ita unoal eoooerltl, Morriioo'e ' Faoii"3l. Beach 
■oBan* Hlsattale I7. fl, at iierolAi prltee. 

agemant and the audUara. 

— J II W. Byrne (oritrma ua that be haa arranged wllh 
a flrm of mananta lo produce hie Urcaoomady, "When 
a Man'A Married." aUo teo onM atl pUye hy Mr. Byrnaa. 

— Fioienca iierahl haa beeo anieaetl lor the r«rt of 
MartA gimgnlT In William Horrla'a crodiicilon oi 

(>• lop tA (he lllneaaof her llllla fon, Maaler llarrey. 

Horrla'a yroiliicilon oi 

Nellie 1>. Ahlloe haa cloatd wllh Jaa. A. Kei ly*a " Uanuao 
HohStar " Co. 

— "A RloutnBrUlrl"ffoea nut on Hartlili),opeolna In 
roiitmoaih, N. II , on that iiale. lha inner; nionmri 
aod White. UHmaMI Malrolm. I*. F. (Vpnlnger, W. II. 
tloMla. Majdr llonnan, laura llniT, JulU Kaya, Mauil 
\rhlteand aclmni« of OMrvii. t;. W. Uoodwlo, propria* 
lor aad uiaiuger; il Murrlll, budBaaa niaiiager: B. II. 
Btaib, aUranro agent. 

— R Kaiiitond UllbertltaarealgBeil fhiro nica A Ilrlll'a 
DiamaHorn . ud ralumail to New Vxrfa. 

— Weber A Flehle* -Ttnlley Party" In in npea at tndUn* 
apollK lad., Mtrd) 9, (nitA.d of t, at t^hlcagiv ill . a" pre* 
vIonilranriKUiioMi, AliloH'tlwri. nf *-Tlia lUaekHmi^" 
<'o.. la to uho the role orlglaally IntiuaieU to Bettlo* 

— Kdniuoil E Prire hai Jual flnltheil a kicaleonirdy 
drama. In three acta, en'lHnl "A Bnwery Wair,** ilio llrat 
aeil aocnotl ada of whkh are lucaied ei lha oornernf 
PellHtreet and Hie Unwary, and tho ihlnl aotatUhHl 
lloa-l. I,. I Thepiay haalbrenautiinliied III and raoelvon 
tha unipiallAed enpioTal uf ihe mnH comr eiant aulfaorl- 
llia,antl atll l>e plartiloQ the nwl In eft w loek'. 

— Minnie A. Hanle Ihb r*-Ji)lnr<l IHce'a ConiailiaBa tn 
ilo trad*. Oaky Florida IninaluceahU ilanrlngapaclAl< 

— Maaagar P. M. iVnIey, ttf the H'Jmi Thaalre, Mlotf- 
haulon. N. V , who h«a ukcn a >a loe i<l ihe linu>« at 
I'KcA. htHiwn rnrmerly a^iliA Family TItMire, telegiaphl 
lhalHtuiitm'e "riayaaml Piayera" itfMined UibIhiuho reli. 
31 aa the P<i>tde'a Theairi>, in k Itlghnitia. 

— l.oulae Mooim»e ha^ rejnlnoil Toiiipklni' Black 
CriMtk " to plair horuM pirL Tirlln^ the aonbriitte ritlo. 

— HMti|-A HrKauile aud U. II. Thayer vara utarrM 

— Frcil. II. Wllaon baa rejoloeil Mark* limv.'Co. la 

— Kirhy A lllnomer'a "Mnhtoon Plenlo" now or- 
gaalalngat NiinaaaCily, No.. i>|»n early In March. Tha 
ronpaBf, b«bldea Klrhfand BhMniar.will he Torn Marhi, 
Ireoe (ireea Hie (t|iiir i> lariel. llia Loeeoii HlaiBreaod 
Jan« K^iHI M. Aletaui'cr eoei In ailranca. 

-The Vi.fhiiitnl TbeauttNi. wire fruni Hnimcll Rhilla, 
la.,ii-kt thay openrd their (imiili waah el Ikthuey'itThe* 
aire, tliairhy, Fah. 3i. wlihititf liuiia»ptihl nui. 

— J. E. Ihjdaoo, ahiiie lao leara' conlraet with tkn 
Kaiplri* Tlieairp riiock I'n.ihU tlly, »\pliea wllh Ih'a 
a«a*iio, liaa altfotd anewc«nirartwllhCliaileaFri>liinaD. 
tindoraltleh he will ranialit at Ihe Empire fur annUitr 
year and play Hie Ireitlnv rharecier |>arl*. 

— HIclivnl Mau>n(|il i*lll i>rnilitca a new dramatlHtle,t 
nf '*Tha Woman In tt'hlle" on March 0, al lha Clilcagti 
Opera llnmn 

— NtfieanfUie AiInnQuaHel CoBrcfl Co.: WAitpaned 'a 
Ilhaca, Mich, Fab 31, iu a Ki>ia| litulnoak \Vi» litvr » 
rinii|iuycflnt{Htai«d of llral rlaAA,ell arnand uiunrlaDa. 
Tfep iiuarlal la itronger lhaii e^er. an/( araaali witrtlir ul 
tbeaueniloo alTaa iW). Ilrlh I'iniuui. M a raatler, 1*^ 
pruvaoheraelf compaunt aaelauhai Huttart A.Hlmpwn 
a< plaoliL HiMior: FIral tenor, K. U. t.^iiryB; arcnnd 
trour, A. W. Hirhmood; biHlMne, Claih K. Kaehwltli; 
ItwukK Hany Warnpr; pIniiUl. ll(>il>oil A. HlmiMwa; 
reular, Bella I'roMOQ 

— Tim Hrlfge ftooMidy (tempanlea aro uiwlor P.M. 
Brig|a'|ieraooal meneiemenL lla la now inablog oan* 
Iraoia r»r two rr|»artiiry cuuiivoUa, nno to Kaat, the 
other Wear, Intih to o|ien earlr hi ftelilekllter THi 
Haaiem ni. la woll Umkeil, The Imml athl itrnheura «lll 
ba fealitred, and each c«>iiirur will carrya complita line 
of aeenory rnr ell Ha aUracHnn*. 

— Delia I'f Ingle waa enni|>elled to eh»e<> her Itnir Fah. 
Una Bceountiirill UeBllli HJtawIM milrwiruni iheajaae. 
Balerlee, oe are Inronned, have banii )<ald lo lull, BOd 04 
abuw haa had a iimaperuna aaaion. 


Dalroll.^DlmRreenblo woAllior Inlorferod villi 

Ibaatilcal reeal|>ta lAfitwaob, aod lundlnere hualneaa ra- 
»n1ia«l. At Hie l.ycnum Jae. J. Corlwll ani-aar* fur oae 
alghi. Fab 7X III "A Naval UedeL" "Hliail No. V "nbliM 
Ilia waeir, t4-f9, then llanlnn'a * HupeHta" Marrli 1-7 Lait 
week AB'Irew Meek, In "Bylea jfrfMio," pLayeil tu lair 
bualDo*a, and |«'>icaf1 Uie iiieilnvQa. 

Ubtkuit im'»ba lliirMB.-l'lebra MlfiMrola opin FoH. 
Ul, tf. inllnoed l>y "frlM'T.'* 37-39. Minnl« ilublnra- 
FiAhe, 17-10, pieatDlrd "Tha Uiiaeii iit l.iara." "A DnITa 
llnuaa," "ThI* I'latiiia ami TliA'." "A lifRhl tiiini A. 
Agaee'' and "Tlie Wlilie Plok," I ut ti^y Ullail to iniareu 
the email audloBoea Uial lavorad her. "r-i Mnoli Julm- 
•un"ooinaa Marobl-f IlBortiriI,Hi<eDCarUil O'Hileo 

■ »-i4 

WiiiTJ>kT'itUNA:t|iOriaA lloruB— Tli'a weekWakarA 
Fleld'a Uwo flhow. Laat wrah "NouHi Perura ihe War," 
a very elerer company, tileaaeil Itnnienaely the larga ai- 
taadura that |>ravaiiau at every Mrrormuee. NaaC 
we»k. "MlavaanI HoU " 

HAMniBi.L'a KyriHB TtiBiTBB.— Tlil* week, "BravlBii 
IbB Wi'rhl." Laal week ' Perk e Hail Roy" draw lana 
hou'oa ud pleaatd cvarTlmlr. Nrat waelr, the Kaoba 
Aanllev Co. 

OariTOL FiiirARi TiiiATHB •Ths auiek thla weak fra- 
Jnt, "Bejniid Pardoo" ami Uir follovlog epefllAllwa: 
Kllly Melville aid the U Hova. The euiT nl l)ie hoiMat 

iircaenila aafoilowa: Dr. U. t^mpbnil, pruprleinr: Jclin 
P. Ilili. manager; lUrty S. Tlwinaa, aUge luaoageri 
Rmll /.'eae. leader or otehetira. The auruK otiiDpil*a: 
tiarrle Weller, Iteea Vloioo, Ada A t>oaavaoB. Jrtrtphlna 

Poa. W. H. nuBntogham, F'rd Loralne, Frail. Tllllioh, V. 
Powell. Jna. (hihay, AL H. MaiJdotud FHa Murphr, 
WiiviiiHLANoliiaaVNB AMU MVfliB -CurU haU: Wla. 
tleruude, i:iiarh>iu P anha'a dan of perlnrmUif lieoa. 

KrinrmUijt 1 
/, E H. Ilall, 
Lllllu Pielcher ud the Fiiiaamlila. 

Oraail lla|il(le.— At rowen' Open IIoom 

'Shore Aere>." Fai>. lOamltti draw two large houeaa. Al. 
(i. Fleld'a MIoairnia iii'l wall 30, l.'ooilag: "Ttie HAjah" 
11 ••\m' Marrhrt BOilT. 
HuiNuHl'iRA llul-iiB— Wfiak of IT-IHiaiii'aOolununa 

daied iolharaiaail> uflhehifuae. Uuoilogvceb of 31, 

he Keolr-HanHey <:■>. 

HHiriiaUHiNA IIiu'aK — Weak nfji, Mclniyre. R|ceaod 
Peari, May KeDoe-iy, K'leti. Ihtltnaii>l Rliavrl. Helta Wll* 
llania, Ilall ud Hart, Etta Donley, Howard Br»e., Fruk 
WIImm aod ftoch. 

Jachaon.-At lllMigrd'B **RAliert Hocilra" 

(local talent), tindar the illrertlon i*r Warreo D. Uiin- 
bard, played for llin iMnanmrilie loeel hika Nur. 17, M. 
"Cliirley'a Auai" caina. Ui g'a>d liM*inea«, IU. ->iiura 
Aorea," Ar.-Jiki Hnrd hitvllne ilalialilNl iwogood nnuaee 
Ba«nii>^n aod eveolog ol II. Al. 0. V\*Wa MIoitrela 
ooDiea B. 

liatilf* Cra#li.^lfafDlillti'ii Open Ihuio, Kob. 

IB, "Lo>t Ib N»w V»rk." to filr hualoa**. 'lUiura Atra>," 
11, ranie tn a iMrge affl well plaaead aiidlenre, Cuailflgi 
Al.H FieM aMIoHrelan. 

KalamaEoo.'At ihoAcadomy or Baalo Ifojl'g 
A Runch of Keya," Feii. IT. draw a riwhI houaa. Janiea 
A. Ilerae'a Ithore Aorra," 31, had aleiiding nKffn uoly. 
CoBilDg: AI.II.Plald'eMlnMraLa77. 

l^aaalttB.— llalrd'itOHrA llooge bao boon dark 

daring week ufKeb.l]. AI.U. Fleld'a MlBairela bare 0ao 
rale for M. 

lBglnaw.^At Ihe Anademr nf Mtialr Al. (1. 
Fleld'a HloBirak Fab. 31, pleaaad a Urge audience. 
' Bbore Acraa" c/imea 3$. 


Baatlla.— Sffuu'o RuDd, under Ihe dlrcclton of 
John Vt. lIuoA, proved to l*e Ihe t*al ktlraclUD of Ihfa 
eaaBoo,)lielhtalrebeiog i^ckoil M Ihieo concoiia, Feb. 
I3u<l 10 

t'UHOMAT'n TiirATRR — Tlio lletila Hemahl riiiM iUj. 
Mgu Ihetraecoml waeb )7, elHi "Kit'y O'r'uiiner." In a 

Rnod Imuae. "The BuO'Idibo" will Ite Die (iflerlav tba 
laihalforihe vrek. '-pa»oTlr:hftl7lb"nud '■TtaaTanip. 
tallooof Money" aureeadfd lo ilravmg big hoo«ia oot. 
rlili>|anding ifan rouinir allraelluna. Week ol 14, 
'Huatad Doen" aoil "Our Flirniaa." 
HBATTLB THBATHK-MaHe Walorlght heiu 1 fbrra 
Olgliu* riand Id, a very Uahl houae. "fnf>U Keo* 
locki" found the capirliy fif tlie houM 11. 15, and they 
waiaat/'Ppvd •ailing aaiu lu Hto lilcitny aod rallery by 
ine iiollealief'iraUie curtain waaruoeiip, Ncllia Mcllvnry 
cornea Al, Frawlay Hiook Co. 11. 3J; "Uo ile Ju«li Npruro- 
by" 74 

TirOLl Ti I OAT* ■.— People 17: B*rt Rakar. Nallle Hn«. 
ard, NiRk Wdllani*. Hey U% lUia*. Mcl'ha'aon and Olaon, 
MirtnniHIauri^Joe Cartwrlgbi, Ed. DuUu aod llkkay 
Welch. , 

■pahaar.— At Iho Audluirltin Nellie MtllrDfT. 
Iq "The Bkyde Hirl," *\t»w fatr hualneia Fab. lA. Kuuu'a 
Rood paakrd Uie bou*o afternono ud etaniog of II. **A 
lUllioed TIcbal" comoa 31, Ihe Frawlej Co. tf,tV,(;uHbna 
Marrh 3, 9. 

PrurLB'H -I'fopla wrek lA )l- LllMe Hherwrod, f,tilu 
Veronri. K<>aa Harper. Mar Piillarlnri. Maif 1 Mvlagaione, 
Dan rreeiu. PioreocM Faulami, Kliiie F.drBuada. v«ia 
CliaDdler, ll»e BkmdalU, Heairlca Luron aBd Ed. Welch. 

Tacoma.^At TicnruA TbrAtre Houoa'j Hani 

came to cmedrd hoaae Peli. 11 en<l lo •mall bMlIreaa Ift. 
"In Old K4atqekt"had a lull houae li. "i;e«laJuah 
gpmeebi" cornea IP, Nallla MnlUnry 91, flannlao Opart 
I&I.31. 7i. Praalay fCirtb iiu.H'n. LvulBjemaa March), 
- -*ARaUruidTlchel"ll. 

t'liarlaotoa.'.U Uffeoi>' Acidemy of Uuolo 

Fundi Robfitaoo arrl fonipany did good bueleeai waav 
or Feb. If. 'The Black C/uwh." louied r(»r Kdid no', 
appear 00 aMnuni ol ar arclJaai on tbe roal. HaUi 
l^ge playa •^lom dalaa 31 ». 'TwellOTeatp tU0Da"M, 

RiiODBArnDoitgntmhad fAirbualee'OlT-tS . . 

Nura -Maaetar Will T. Keogfa. of New VerP. baa bean 
paadlBg a cooplaof waakoath«a»«up4nitagiivta 
bU laoaai lUoooa. 

B'bBBUABT 29. 

World ^Players 

— J. H. llatnll'OD, bunlneni mmgtr 01 Dkmll- 
loB'a 'Trip to Ihearcui" Co., «illu: "BIII7 IIIII, 
pnpertf miin, imd LoniM Mmmtt, olionia (Irl tod 
extm ot ay coopiD}, *|>pc«rtd In Bquire Dodo- 
bse>a court *t WllknitwrTe, r«., Feh. U, uid nude 
no kUtcliinciil agalDM llmnllton'i "Tilp u> ■ CIr 
CDB" Oo., for MTtntT'Ove doiiirn, ^even vmIw 
ultrr, u IhB; cUlnen. I txtillilted In cniirt m n- 
ulpt for ptimenl larull for mII mUrlcHdun 10 d*i«, 
Mtued l>> Mr. IIIII ud Hlu Rdmundii, on Haturdar, 
P«b. a, Rt Wllkuliarro, hut ilm ourl would not 
rtcnfiiAtt It, or anj other Uir, no vo pnli the rUlin 
witli ooat*. W« «rept>|lnR in innd bunltioM even- 
wlicre,ud*rolK>nklnR KhM. Wehtve noiroulilnm 
PfDUilnnlt getilni nur Ci.irriKii rmularlj. Tlis 
ro<lerli: Jtines B. McKeown, wile pruprloior; Col. 
Qtorio lUoilltoD, nitnaiirr; MI.Ku lltruilnn, 
Arlioe Dlaliiltr. Petri Ii«;, I/iurt Jolntr, pikcIw 
Ckrmi, Kilt dtr Wbllcort, II. It. Iltown; Thomtt 
Monti, iMder or btnd tnd orcliutrt; lloicb far- 
rtnl, 9. AdtDi, W. I. Turner, W. Bmllli, M. Urtm, 
B. E. Utj, llowtnl KewloiliHni: A. J. Iiortli?, H»t» 
mntier; Wm. U. Uirlilie; KlilioMrlrnm. Jatiilir; 
Wm. Ue 0 110, l«iip«r tnd wIrAwtllier; Ijife Uillcr, 
cIawd; l>lonrllo Hmthem, tiTrntitiH; Fiuiutlu Uht, 
rIdlDg tcl; I'rof. Wm. Andiiin tnd lilt educHt«1 
tfiok; fhndj, tBo IrHlned ti^lllon; Htmej. Irick 
dnnkej; JIdi tnd CnriT, ediictteil dnRii; Ulnnle 
Tnome, Wm. I'tut In tuvtuw. Wo intvel In i>ur 
■pedal ctr. 

— Jack 8rDi'>ndB,of llir<'Ho>iih Dororsllie War" 
Ci., fell on ilio lc« In UiiiTalo, la«t week, tod 
■prtlDtd hit tukle Iwdljr. Frank II. While Joined 
tne cfimptny »t Newark, N. J-, HOd la piajlog 
Yonoi Rpb. 

— UraoD Ollirord vrlut thtt kla httllh It ImproT- 
fnK, tnd tlutt be htadlapnud n( Ma two pitja, for 
tin UoUed Hittti and Canitilt. In Pellk Arnold. 
Toeir Uilea tre -Oiit 01 the HIil" tnd "Aulunin 

— Hantner dec. ttnrj hat ongtRed tho followlog 
In lupport of Hiidge Bjrl, who la 10 tlar In t roper* 
tiiiT «r pUja: L. I. Ureeno. II. II. rtlRO, Horace 
Ptino, 0. L. Okiier, Jm. II. Aliwn, (Jir>la UulOum, 
Nellie Dttila, UcnDle l>ftn. K.<tinj l/iula, U l- 
uteene, titgo manager; rrof. Uttrtol, niualcti dl 

— W. II. Weaver la nwntRing the Calllcotle Om- 
edj Uo., now pltjlog un ludeOnlio oogagoment In 
Poelilo, Vd. 

— "aonej to Bon," t farce cnmedr, I17 Oiu. T. 
Kindt, mantRer of ilie llunia apet> lloute, IUtoo. 
port, la., WM prudui'od fo^ Uio Orat lime on toy 
■Uge hj Ihe Maile Wcllotlej Co., tl that bouie, 
P«b. It. 

— Hamutl Honier It with HicUiou'i) "U. T. 0." Uo. 

— Tnc> Kerr wtliea thti On la not wllh Rllln 
wood'a najcra, lUough bit name appeared lo Ihe 
rotter of tbat compaoy. 

— We HTO la receipt 01 preat nnllcet rovlewing 
Alei. BalTlnl'a coontpllnn of Uie chtracler of Han- 
let. ney cnmpllmeiil iljetciorfnribe Terr wonhj 
aod direct manner lo which be llluaimtet the char- 

— "The Kanir Kina" bi the otmo of a nowfoor 
aot roelodmnii, bj Klltgerald Muiiibj. Tne nltj 
detliwllb tbe preteoiRold mlnlnt craze, anil Ihe 
loeoee are laid In Orlpple Ureek, Ool. (whcra the 
author tpent Iwo moiitlia), Ihe Trantvial, Bouth Af- 
rln; Loudon tnd New York, 

— Notet from tbu Qllherl Opera Co.: The Olarkt 
burg, W. Va.,l)ninutloOlulieutenaliied Ibe mem- 
ben of the Ulliierl Opeiv Uo. at Ihclr now roonu, 
afier tbe perfumitnoo ou Feb. 18. Una of Iho pleat- 
anleal fealurea of the erenlnR wna Iho fact that Ibe 
menibera of Ibn company were not called upon lo 
coDirilinlo 10 Ibe pnigrannio, llio meiulirranf Ibu 
club doing all Iho eolenuliiluv, itod royally. 100. 

— l/)Ulae Uuntmie and John World Joined Tomp 
kloa' "Ulaok Umok" In I'hlbidalphla, !'»., aa Uarllne 
and Ouppo, Uadolltw Uartball nii'l Hbenuan Wado 
lellrlUR irooi ibe citau 

— Jrneph lit worth and Rlobtrd Ullloy htro 
lieeo - ponding a few wotka ploaannily aa Riirala of 
Tbe cloalng of Mine. Uodjoaka'a luur onaUtd Ibeui 
10 enjoy a Tacailoo. 

— 1*401100 Aahford Lynda proaeoled her buibtnd, 
on Feb. 16, wllb a litby iKiy. 

— WeiUey Manlcll uaa Joined llaaiy Rivt.' "A 
Wild Oooio Ubato" Uu., playing Iho part of I'rof, 

— Mtnagen NKoa .v /Immermin, nn Feb. 11, 
oloaed t ouDlnot with Jnhu \V. AllmiiRb, otvprlolor 
ot Ibe new Lafayotle Hqiiara Upera llouae, watb- 
lnR(on,l). <J., by wtlnh that bouae paaiee under 
tbelr mauagement, Tliln glvea them ibealraa lu 
Pmiadelphla, lltlabuig, lUlllmoro, Wtahluilou and 
Brooklyn, and enablte ilium, wlili Itio co-opomllou 
or Mettle. Al. Ilayman, Oliarka Kiohnian and Itlob 
h llarrit. lo (onii a oomhiiuiiloo conirolllug a ulr- 
oult ol nearly Ihinjr leadln> playbouaoa lu alinoat 
all tbe pilnolpal clllnfroni lloalonloHinKranclaco, 

— WUIIam llean Unwell, Ibe niirolla). It cobtbor- 
atlsg wllh Paul Keater, Ihe dmiualbl, n bu la adapt- 
ing Mr. Ilnwell'a "Toe lllae nf HUaa Lapham" 10 
Iho tlHte for Wllilani II. l^rano. 

— W, II. nonipaon hat Iwen eniagtil by Joaepb 
Brooke for tbe American Tnealrlcal Byndlrale map- 
pear In Ibi Ont produullon. at tbe Fifth Avenue 
Ttieaire, Htter Ibo aaatno of lliiie. I,oula llnrrlaon 
baa lie eo eoRtgcd by llio tymllcale to play tbe lead 
log role In iho new miulo rpora, by Ubcever Hood- 
wrn and Woolton Hone, which la to bo produced tt 
HoVleker't Theatre, Ulilcago. 

— Judge Jnhiumn, In Ihe Denver, C«l., Illalrlcl 
Ooun, ou Feb. IT, appnivi-<l an onler rciiultlOR 
hidiM lo remove tliolriiHia, iHinnota, iir other |ian. 
nheraalla fiuin their hernia during iwrfonuanrua at 
Ihe TUlKir Umod Onvna Itnuau. Tno Ihcatru la at 
prvient roaoagoil uj aMilunuva uuder dlruollooa 
noDi Ibe Illalrlcl Uoiin, and ilila rrcoiil inle uiailo 
br the aailgiiefa had lo rvcelvo iliu lunual conaeni 
of the tjoiiri befuro It c<uild Iw unfoioi-d. 

— Hem*. Jeoniugi .1 Uravoa, »f llarUonl, O. 
will atanme iho lattie of Pruuior't Tlieniro, lluii 
olty, oujunul. 

— Lolia baa bren engagod lo play l.ury, tnd 
Julia Hailow-Tabi-r lo pl>y Lydla l.augulali, lu "Toe 
lUvtIt," hy the alar caal hiuded by JnaephJeirer- 

— no Ar«li SIroct Theatre, I'blladelphia, I'a., la 
to be tiild at auoiluu Manli 'Jft. 

— II laau»ouuco<l thai Manager Henry 0. Minor, 
ol llilacliy, and Aoule U Nnlll ate I» lie raanled In 
Hay. Mr. Mliiur baa cunHriuotl Ibe auni)uuceuiciii. 

— A lilll baa been lDiru<luc«d lu ilie Leglalature 
oltbia HIaiewbloli pinvhlca iliat Ibcalm lu iheir 
newaiiapcr adverilaeiiienlH ahall alalo Ihe Inrtllon 
of Ibo iheaiiv, tbe Hint of iliocmnuieoi'eiuoni of the 
performanoe, and ihu price or ndnilaalun. It alto 
provldoa thai no jiennn or cnrpurailoa abnll aell 
Ibeatie llokott at an advance or mlveniaed tai^a, 
violation of which la iiade a mledenieanor. 

— Klaw ,t Krlanger liavo acuured Ibo rlghu to 
"Jack and the llvaimulk," II. A. Ueuiiel'a iiiualcal 
eximvaflinM, which waa produced tiy the Uoal'm 

— Kiully (lorlnide Ljding (iion profomloual) bae 
lieon grauied nu atwiuio divitrcu from Ueorgo 
lading. Tlio decree wat graotwl lo Iho Supreme 
Oduit of Ibin 9utia, aud given pcriulatlon lo reauuie 
her maiden nann of Lan-runcv. 

— The Baltiuauca, N. Y. Upon llouae waa de- 
alrojud by tin Feb. 10. 

— Ura-ni. Klaw .% f>langcr. on Feb. It, acQUlrcd 
from Frank lluwoa iKinnoralilp loloreal IDihemaii- 
•genrnt of Ibe Walmt Biroot Turaire, riilladcl- 

— U. J, W, Koe haa been eugagrd 10 do Ihe ad- 
vauni lor Minnie laiallo uu her BpiiOR tonr. 

— Lorin J. Howard, manager of tbe Howard 
Cornell; (K, Iwglnt Ulatotaon tt IVjuilac, III., March 
3-4. cnat tl.Aiiuden haa breneiiRtged aa burl- 
n^aa inaiMRi-r, and U, K. llunwh aa advance r«- 
ntvaviiiallvo. Canilliie Clatv huiI llilpb Dliiauinre 
Join Ihe runipauy iva nlDglng and daucUig aoubivUu 
and rharaciercomcdlHu, retpocih'ely. 

— Tho lluiiie iliinimliice on IMIonla, on Feb. IS, 
gave a hparlug 10 a ninnlior of iilaywrlRhla autl 
oiliora Iniemiiedlu tlieCiiiuinliiaabliltiiilfenglhen 
tbe ci>iiyilRhl lawa. Tbo uoiunililee waaaddroawMl 
hy Meaaia. A. M. ralmcr, Hrunwn lluwaid, llar- 
naou (Iroy Fiato, Uliarlni Klrln, Fraokllu Fylc* and 
Juilgi- liliienborirr, i>C Kew York. 

~ .Soioafioui tne tieo. U firrgorr rnntniuluo Co.: 
Wo tipcuvil at tho Aiiilltitrliiiu, lUrlfunI, Ct., Fob. 
114, wllh the alrougcat aupporiing ouuipany Mr. 
UrcRorj ever had, liichidliiK: <lc<i. L. Uireoiy, Al. 
fiunrdler, c^ir auil Tuirgvo. Klaaoll and HuMana, 
JmIv Hlii'liell, Ylckrra, UnTliI anil Nnrrllo Hi|o. 
Marilna, Harry Oanlnor. I.cah Ia Mom and Jennie 
tlirgi'iy. staRo aclllURa aud wanlmlio an> all now, 
and priiilliig of Ibu brbi. Ttio company will play 
allthreo nlghl aud weirk aianda, and la under ibe 
maiiagcuieiit III Harry H. Vlchrie. 

— THnguay tXiinedy >'otea: Harry lloirman U wllh 
ihle company ae bualnfm maiiaRer, Wo are nlar- 
lUR In cniwded hoiiacii evorywhpre, and ovcrybody 
la well, Hand Miller, tiauahii-r of Juaqolm HlUer, 
IMWI and auihnr of "The liatillef ," la with ua. 

— The "Ulil Tennr«»e«»" C.t>. wae lainqueted by 
Iho ptiiprteiKrof Ihe iiitn ciiy Hoiri, at Waikint, N. 
Y. J. I,. BombrrUmI, Ihe aiagii nwnager, waa the 
nvliiloni of a Iwaullliil liiilo "tpatk" from Ibt oom- 

— NntetfroBiMceABarloiiiaoinedlao*: Tbiali 
the twen^-foofib week of tbe moat pnj«perou tea- 
ton nice k Barton have ever enjnyed wllb tb^r 
coowdy, "MclModle aod Poodle," aod tbe B. II. 0. 
iliD bat bean dlipltyed at leatl three olgbia a week 
rorlbapaatflreweett. Tne luge buainnawedid 
In our relom datet In I/>well aod Pall lUver wtt 
conclotlveeTldeoce of tbe tplendid repnitilon ea- 
Ubllahed by tbe tbow. Oeo. B. Cbtndler Juloed 
Feb. 1) aod lloiteoie Dean ai. May Stewart, or the 
fltowart hUterm wbn laid off ooe week on acoooot 
of lllfltti, rtjoloa In New York. M. Bice Ji Barton 
are mafciog Mg prepaiatloiui for tbeir three ihowa 
for next teaaoD. The Bote IIIU Oo. and tbe Oaleiy 

Katiavaituzt Co. will play vaodevllle hooitj ei- 
duilvely, and ibe "HcUoodle and Poodle" Oo. It 
being liooked Id popular priced honiea and nigbt 

— u. Von Bcliolie* writea thtt he will manage tbe 
yonng rointnilo actor, H. V. Lennoi, and tbe epo- 
ilnnaltciieaa, Muriel Auallo,lo tbelrdiamt, "Kite." 
They will tour Ohio and Peoneylraola. Ubble 
Uuprte,dancrr,bBt been engaged. 

— Dtlle J. RuMll la npportrog Ada Van Rita In 
Olorlana." _ 

— Iieatriee Thome, of "Tbe Frogrcatlie Womtn" 
Ol., . wta prtteeud hy tbe mintgen o( tbe Avon 
(ipera llouie wlib a beanilfui illTer mounted mir- 
ror while playlog a receot engagement there, 
Uharlet K. (jned, Cora MItcbel iniTBtby Oeotg e tre 
receot addluenalo Ibe company. 

— AiraoieDeola are now onder way lor Ine 
hulldlogofaner Ihenire In Aibubula, 0. There 
laapnpnUilon ef 11,000 In the city, and oar Infnr- 
intnttlatet that tho clly hat long felt tbe oectailty 
of a new tlayhniae. Toe theatre will be bolll by 
ilieMoanaweClab, ofAabubula. Our coireapood- 
ent writi-a tbat all arrangeiaenit are now made, 
and variont coinmliteea tppolnted 10 path tbit 
playbonte.wblch will beallou ibe gmnodnoor, with 
one tjtlcony; aealing capacity, 1,300; very large 
Biage, well eqalpped, and modem In allappoloi- 

— The llama Comedy Ck>. U atlll playing In Iowa, 
in reported good butlneaa. Hotter: J. llanrRlcb- 
moDd. Hal Ooodwlo, I. A. Haon. I,ewlt Rudgen, 
Oco. Uharllon, Harry Wark, Wm. Htrrit, manaier; 
Alma Hano, HaUe Harrtt, Mlia Wataon aod Utile 
Freda. J. HaiTT nichmood, letdi and tiage mana- 
ger, leavet April le for a iiarrlug toor tbronib Ool- 

— Lillian gllllman, eccentric comedienne for ihe 
paat three aeaaont with Ibe "Jolly Old Cbnnu" Uu., 
la In Ihia dtr rciilog. 

— Nuica rroDi tbe Oblok Oomedy Co., now tour- 
hiR NortbCarollu: Weareplaflog 10 large houaen 
nlRblly, under ibe management of Chlok A Lee- 
TiKi company conalata of John T. Chick, R. K. Lee, 
Chat, liordi, John L. Olenuoo, Wm. Hartell, K. 
harbo, AaaUo and Farwell. Anole Cbick, Mtnd 
lM,Joale lAvell, Ueaalt Fartell, H. r.Tell.moel- 
cal director; H. H. Aualln, alage manager, wllb Al. 
I« lUye lo advaice, 

— Notea from the Kmplre Stock Co.: Buuneit 
Ibreugh Mlchlgao baa been fair, contidering bad 
wealber tnd wone timet. Tbn company la com- 
poted of tbe folhiwlDg people: IL P. Janetle, ma- 
ager; 0. K. Sallabuiy, agent; F. II. Obapeel, ircaa- 
nnr; P. B. Kwent, tuge maiaget: A. A. Hudge, 
II. A. Moore, Bd. Younge, II. J. HonnM, Com 
lltvldaon. Madie Foi, diaia La Moat, Unle 
Kvana, Mm. A. A. Madge. Mrs. F. n. Ohapell and 
l.ltue liitatl. Young and Youog are maklog a bit 
wllb tbeIr mnalcal tpeoltlty. MlaaUavldioo waa 
iiulte terlontly III at Albion, Hloh., but loal oily 
one night In (be week, Mlii U Mont playing ber 
part at an bour'a notice. Tnlt comptny la pUying 
ihiee nigbtand week ataode ooly. 

— Belt 0. Qogoon baa been enzaged to ph»y 
Jiivenllea lo the nock company at the Academy of 
Hualo, Ullwauliee, Wit. 

— Active work oo tbe now theatre which It bebig 
built by the Scbllir. Brewing Vo., at Uliwiokee, 
wit., ror Hr. Hitler, hai commenced. The ibeain 
will. It It atld, he the Itrgeat and baodeomett In Ihe 
WetL The Interior will lie illuminated wllh elecirtc 
Incaodetceotllghia, and tbe lobby wUl be graced 
by an eleculo fountain. Tbe building will be called 
Tiio Uehlfin Tbeaire, and will open In tbe Fall. 
Manager Hlller alll leave for Fjirope In a couple nf 
wticka on boaUien concemlog the theatre. 

— T. tl. Howard, ageot for OIIRod A MIddleloo'e 
Dnmallc Uo.. baa been 111 In Bmwnavllle, F«.,tloce 
Feb. lit wllb fever and pneumoolt tymplomt. He 
baa good care tnd, wt are Informed, pitory of 
fundt, and a tlnbbom will ibat may poll bim 
through, but bla ohancea tre not bright tt preteot. 

— Manager John W. laham aenda tbe foDowIng: 
"Uoo of tbe ttoveltlrt for next tetton will be 'Ori- 
ental America,' wbloh will be Introduced to the 
public In Bret data bontea. It will be a radical de- 
partnra from tbowi tbaibave bereiofore graced tbe 
Btagea of America, loatmucb aa It will be poalilvtly 
tne mott triltilo and meriurtoni of lit data, and 
will appeal to Ihe pairooa of amaaeneolt lo no nn- 
cerltla mtnner. The company will number over 
alxly people. The eceaery wlU bo rnm the tiudio 
ot John II. You ni, tnd the cotlumet from Utilan, 
the cuatun er of Union Bqiutre, N. V. lUe prioilog 
will be fnu Biiobridge. Tbe company la booked 
tolld, week aliodi ooly, with tbe excepuoo or three 
or four opto wcetu, wblcb I am negoilatlig fortt 
a pmmlnent theatre for a ran." 

— Uuia (lladya Laird baa bcou engaged by Oeo. 
0. Ulloe for the liukeot York, In "HlcEard 111," and 
Fleance, lo "Macbelb." 

~ Joaepb Qririaer and Pbtcbe Davlea will make a 
tour ol the Fadllo coaat oext aeaton wllb a nnmber 
of new plajt. 

— Nolea from llrowo'a Eitiangaou Co., playlog 
"UbiokFrllt lo Alrica:" UiitlncMi fair. AUmem- 
Iwra won. J K. WlllUmt It at bit buroe In Uarrii^ 
burg, I'a., atleodlog hla tick wife, but will rejoin 
tbe company at Tarrriowo, N. Y. A. L. Uarlnw la 
inanaRcr, Jamea K. Wllllama aMbilaot manager, B. 
I). lliigbcH treanuicr and W. R. Hather teoeml ad- 
vauce inaiitger. lAUrean Cbtndler la meellog 
wli b tucceia aloglog "Toe Ulamoud Ring." Rugeoe 
llobliiaou It alaatng"Tbe Deaoon Went Aiiny." 
'Xlie Ulyuipla i{artrtai la ailll gettlog encoret olghtlr. 
Hoaler: Fred Jobnano, Frink Ulbba, Jne Bmliti, 
Janiet Ohapmtii, W. Jonea, W. G. U. Browne, Lo- 
elle llarri), JuUa II. WeUloalon, Cornelia HoMutoo, 
KIta M. Auderaoii, Berlha Jubilee and Ida Jleonli. 
We are on our lour Katt tt ftr u New York Ully, 
llieowlllgowett to Buffalo, then Into Ohio, Tbe 
company will piay all Bummer. 

— Klleii Vookey gave ao lutticttlog enlerUlo- 
luuul 10 Uie vdemiik of Ihe Boltllen' Home, Wttb- 
liiRiou, 11. 0., on Kub. 20. Tbe htll waa crowded, 
and Hlea Vocker'a recllallona and plaoo aoica were 
heanlly applauded. 

— TUua. A. McKee baa retired aa baelneta man- 
ager for ItobortUowulog, and liaa tigoed aa bual- 
iiuea iiiaoager for Uoreaka, dramallo auptano, 

— Kil. Audenwu'e Theaire (». will open tbe uew 
opera bonne at KIdell, HI., March t. 

— Notea of Ullck'a Comedy Uo.: During our en- 
gagement In Vbatiawonb, HI., Manager ailck waa 
|in«aented wlili a diamond aiud by the members of 
Ine company. Ueo Beoolie aod IUitt Burlob 
JiMued lately. Butloeta hat been good Ihe paat 
three weekt. 

— Ulliy Bowel* II playing Ibo Dutch comedy relet 
wllb Ibe Kailero "Side Tracked" <x>. 

— Jamea lliiroo wrtlet Ibat he will replace Wll. 
Ham Morrta lo the leading part lo "The Loot Fai«. 

— Hoaler and Notea from tbe Uolon Bquare Thea- 
tre Cu. : Tiiut. Rarieti aod Mavme Dlugle Joined ibe 
ooniiMny at Uariahome, I. T. The company now 
cuuBiaia of Finncla Oieene, maoater: Elbert Thorn, 
ton, Thoa. ll:;riTll, A. U. Allen, Peirr Juuca, Alice 
Bunley, "Fayohe," Belle Ohlller, Hayme Dingle, aud 
T.T. Cluuao In advance. We have been oat aluce 
Uci. ai, uui, are doing aell, and, of couiw, every- 
body la liappr. 

— Hay L. Beel witlea that the U tocoeaarullnber 
epeolally, ami the eoceutric comedy paitor Jemima 
I'rImWM, In "McUrthy'a HIabapa." 

— Hoaler of llaiiierUetriok Oo,: i. 0. Harper, 
J ak lietrick, A. J, lilobolaon, Harry Bleele, Kdgar 
J .'imca, Ulenn Harper, Ueorala Harper, Bnow Hank 
aiid Butlo fbtler,Ueorgla Harper and Jot. Dettlck 
arv featured. Ilaiper and Deirickare the uiana- 
gem. Thia company It on lit tevenih tucceauni 
lunr of Ibe Boutb, B. It. 0. «lgn appeared nigbtly al 
llarrlaburg, Ark., lia: week. 

— Ituater ol ibo lltmier I'bolpa Oomedy Co.: 6. 0. 
rhrlpa. Mra. Mary U. Fbeliw, Carrie K- Phelpa, t^bat. 
K. I'udpa, Mabol A. Phelpa, Ueorge K. tlierg, R. B. 
(Iivavonur and Cbaa. A. I.e*ch. We are playing 
Boulberu imtuhi to fair liuslacaa. 

— tlhaa. Hart Inloimt ua that bo will not 10 out 
In "llally llo," bol wlU Join a tlock company al 
Clero'and, O. 

— Chaa. (lodatd ttatea thai tbe Knreka Tboaira 
I'n. will be among Ibo Buuuicr veniuiea touring 

— "The iMtlSiroke," a melodimma. In four acta, 
oy 1. N- Uorrit, wkiaeied for tbe drat Hum on toy 
a'age Feb. £1, at tUe (linnd Opera llouae, SU Paul, 

— A ayndlcate wMcb hat uiado Duncan B. Hairi- 
Bon iiianaRerbaeMciired from Chariet H. liny t ibe 
rlgbltopix>doce"A Midnight Bell," Hr. Uairlion 
haa Klreaily engaged Hlgbi Bell tad Uuib Joyce 
Bell for leading relet, tnd Ibe tour of Ibecompau 
will begin thorily. 

— Jtiiict ntrriDgloo, of ihobualnetaabiffor the 
OralgbtoD neatn>, «)maba. Neb., and Deleii liwey 
Inon pratetatimal) weie nianted Feb. u, at OoaicU 
Miina, la. 

-BolaiKj Reed Jl5l|' R.^'Jl ,m 

"!l«'TM'5;cket» CJ..: OIJJ- t 

Ftiok nardlner. Barn Porier, 5»«Vna 
Kaihel Kerr Oeo H. wemlly, A. M. Miller Jr., rna 
A II Peel HailS Mckelle, Beatrice Normao. 
ll^itiewite'nsBallleBielnbleo, Hnlda llalrei* and 

Ednr L- Davenport bat been eogaged for "1 

-Noiet from tbe Mngle-Miy O0-: Wcbard 
Valenilne, Uoyd Oordoo, LUIian IJier and Todd 
Brews Jollied tbe company In imi gijjB. D. We 
now have olne pUyeni, Indndlog llanr Eoglltt, 
jmbL"enlc!,JoEno'le (Tingle, Ida Appertey and 
Edna Hay, aod are playlDR to big boelneei. 

— W. ir Waiano, oT-'O-HooUgan-a •Ugmmde' 
Co., la now booking hit '"^'W" 
(oroeitieMn. JetneueDnm,tbe lU|iooDdBli- 
un, Idt RDitell, Lew Fang Boipe, Oeo. Ooo and 
Joe'cenlln have tigoed, tod Phil ,r«o^t»lt and 
Bam RoMoaon. now ahead of the "Htequwade," 
"h byiSiSd Of the "Wedding." *•?«,; 
and HIai Dopre will niUcaie lo He. Clement la 

■"-l^Tne roiDor which reached n< latt week of the 
death of Alma Btoart Stanley wat [oriuoatety wltt_ 
ourfoondtUOD. ^ , , „ 

— Wiiilaoi A. Bindy baa aeonred from J. H. mil 
tbeWeaiemrtghU of "The 8i'»»lt«. *d«omrM or 
Hin nrown." He hte ttiaoged wllb Fddto Foy lo 
alar at Mlaa lliown, and the tonr will begin lu BL 
I/iolt. Harch It. 

— Harry Tbompaon bat been engaged U> apppon 
N. B. Wooddnring bla ttay at tbe Standard Toea- 
tre, Philadelphia, Pa. „ , ,„ 

-Nolei from Herbert * Beynard't Mnalcal Com- 
edy: Bluoe our opening, eight weekt ago, we have 
nni btd a lotlog week. At Ceolcrvhle, It., we 
opened to good 1>DilneaB tnd the Itet ihiee nigbu 
wa dlipltyed tbe B. R-O.tlgn. Al Hemphli, Mo , 
oar good lepnlttlon went ahead of na. and the 
enilie bonie wit told on oor arrival. Fred. T. Her- 
bert loat a very valuable greyhonod at HenpbU. 
Fred. O-omer cloeea Feb. a tnd Mtrie Rene Jolnaa. 

— W. 8. Monigomery closed bit Jonreryloga wllb 
John DIUOD, In "Wtnled, the Earih," ■ eb. 27, tt 
Amea, la. • _ ._, 

— Minaier J, H. Ward haa eecored Tdxie Fri- 

eaoza 10 plar tbe part of Trijoe In "DOmoolcot at 
IX." Uco. T. Winiamt tito tteumia bla old part 
In Ihe tliore farce comedy. 

Waa bora Dec a, iwu, lo XtnetvlUe, 0. After 
having received • collegiate edncallon be met 
Obtriee B. Iloyt, who, having heard bim ting, eo. 
giged biro for ibe rele of ibe lever lo "A Dole In the 
around," In wblcb he mide hit profeislontl 
debut OD Ang. S, at tbe Pnvldeoce Opera nouae, 
Providence, H- 1. Ue remained with thIa attraction 
tbrongboot that aeaaoo, and abnot May 14, 1M9, w<a 
ooe ot Ihe trio aloglog "Rattle Dazzle" In "A BntA 
Monkey," tloog wllh OeorgeRlcbanla and Wm. F. 
Mack, fle left that company lo Join "Tbe Texti 
Siaer," ti MtJ ir Tell, but rciarocd lo aabort time lo 
reaume ole loimer role- Ue next Joined Frank 
DaoleM' company, and for foor weekt pliyed the 
pan of "The AUomey." Ultnextfollowlngengage- 
meot waa wlib Otorge Mariou. lo "Hr. Mtcaraot." 
The pUy wat sol tuccetaful, but Hr. Utritn, aa 
Awful Jag. Dade a bit. Re then Joined tba "Boyt 
aod Olrla" Oooipany, aod playeo lo ooe act at t 
Saturdty luatloee lo Boaton, Mate., and, having 
ttadled hla part upon toe Iralo, appeared In all of 
Ihe three acli lo Phlladdphia, 7a., upon Ibe fol- 
lowing Monday nigbi. while playing with tbli 
company bit aalary vrtt three tloiee locretaed 
wliboni (ollciiatlon opoo bla pen, and In tplte of 
the fact that ha btd t wrilteo contncL Fallowing 
thia engtgement he auccettlvely ptoyed In '-The lile 
of Uutoipagoe," Ueodereoo't "All Babs" aod lo 
' Qloriaoa." Ifo Joined "Africa" on June 12,1893, 
opening al Ihe tJtlirorela Theatre, Ban Francltco. 
lie waaaub-aiarTed lo ihig prodnctlon, but, having 
Doally dliagreed with tbe management, be left tbe 
company and Joined Tbomaa t(. Beabrooke. In "T^- 
baaco," wllb wbloh bo remained fourteen weeka. 
He then lolned "A Black Sheep," openbig at tbe 
Academy of Undo, Buffalo, N. T., on Sept, 10, im, 
and haa alnce remained wlto that atuacuoo, wbluh 
la now playhig at Boyi'e Tse»tre, thli city. Mr. 
Uarian Cs a remarkably uocUoiu comedian, wboee 
acuug la exoeedlnaly drell aod whoae homor la 
conuglout. Ue bat met wlih mnohaoccentbtu 
far In bit career, and, being yet a youog mm, be 
thonld win mtny iriumpbi In tbe (ubire. 


WathlBgioB.— Excellent HilracUooa at onr 
thaalreiiaoaTally lait waah ralkd to do aarlbloenora 
Uian a uiodertle hualoau, aicept al iba Waablngtoo 
Blrthdar maliaeea, vhea all vara fUU, aod iotiia toned 
peopleaway, bat dill did Dot make op for ao olharalaa 

AUACOR'aLiPAvavTaPauARBOranA llooaa advaaood 

tricaa for Uia four nlthla aogaaamtat of Hue. Kleaaora 
lu.a, nbo rnoia Uian plaaiad (he cuUorad patrona with 
't^anllla," -Miada." --The Hwea" aad 'Tba nUa or 
Claude." ThIawaakMr. aod Mra. Wbiul, In 'Tor fair 
VlrglDla." Ilomnaon March Z-7. 

llArLrr'aNAVinRALTKaAVHK had Ptohmaa'a -'Sowlai 
Iha Wlod" and daMrvadbr Uie b«it tniilntaa laat Wrei 
frum a p«>palaT alaadpoloL Tbe aatlilacboD waa com 
plaie. Aliliooth 'aan hate bafon It did ont lore loiereai 
from rapalitloo. Thiaweek, "ATrip tot^lnatoan." Da 
Wolr Hopper, la "Waua" ami "Dr. Hfolai,*' 2-7. 

ALiBN'a OluaD OratA Uocaa -"Saperba," a panto, 
nliiilo apaelacia. occupM thIa hoaaa Uktwaak. TMajrcak 
Bire'a "LIula Obrlmopher," wIMi Tbaraaa VauibTand 
nulla Collier. MetfT<p«UuonrtndnprraCo.t-7. 

RArtara aoaobuv op Ucaio had Nail Rnreaaa Iq '*Ttae 
County Fair," to fair boalotaa. Piliiiroaat Veat areoo 
Uila weak. Hlnf a "Homaa llaina" 9-7. 

KaaXAR'a Lvoaou Tnaivaa bul a raiameagaaeroaal 
01 Akllr A Wood'aompaay. wllh ■avaral new faatarea, 
iMturina Madaa BlIU. whoae aoota ware raealvad with 

Elal fttor. Billy EkIrMia. the Ibraa Rabaa, Dlaoa, 
wan aed Dtxaa, lha Ttirae Bitten Ltoa, Al H. Wllawn, 
tba Natloaal Trio. K. D. Bryai). Nallle PorroAtar and 0. B. 
MoulloQ.and tkatanlalPat RaUly. all alood out promt. 
Btnllrin tha laoit lolaiwitiBB bill Tbla week, Hrda'a 
Coronllaaii.wliliHalaea Hnia: Row UmOi>.>-7. 

TowBR'a let Paucb.— Tlie cRiwilvl eoDilltlon of ibe 
lea aarfteo at ihU placa. twlca a day all laat weak, 
thovHl that Indoor Ice abtlloi had loFt aooa of It popu- 
larity. MaaaRarTowe a (rave avaj In ooa day Qaarly a 
Ihoaaand pair of club akataa to porchueni of aeaitto 
llche'». Oo TbarMlay, Ihora will baa race 
lor a allvar cup aad tie chimploDahlpof the Olairlet of 
t^loiDbla,dlHaa«« two aod oae ballD)lla^or twanty-flve 

Kovn -tiaaaiar John W. Albaoab haa atraoiad with 
Klann A Zloiniaraiao Tor an aichanaa of aitiacUoaa. 
UaoafarAlbauiih coetii.|atha Lyceum Tlieatra la Babl 
nora aod tha LaGayaluSauaiw Opart llouae la thfaolty. 
>'aat aaaioo all altraoliooa play let Ibe NiKoo A Zlmmer- 
laaa drcBlt will play tha hoavea of Mr Albaugb. and vice 
Ttraa. The new Jaal vlrtaally amonata to pUclat the 
Albanphhoupeala IbaNliooAZImdtomiaoolroalt . . 
Tba Philadelphia Frnduee EichiOBr, whirh vlalu Waah- 
iBRloB aona«Ur,wllI be hcratliUwaak, aod baraiieonrBd 
thrve huedrfd aiau for Uia Tiieaday iiTRhra parlbnnanee 
of "Ltltla t:hrl«toptiar" at Allaa'a llraBd tjpart Hoaaa. 

A coianlllaa of thaatrkAl maoaReii and 

aotbota arptaiTd b»ron Ihe i:oniDillla« 00 PatoBla 
of lha Ualud Ruiaa IIouh of BapraaaolatlTaa. IB 
toajTocal* tha iaa«*«aor tha bill to praraot dnmatlo 
piracy. Amoaa Ihota liara waia A. U Paboar. Brooaoo 
Howard, llarrlaoQ dray Pitka, Nalaoa Wbeatovn. T. 
Ilrnry Fiencb. J. I Olarka, Pranbllo Kylaa. (marlea 
R)laa and JudaaDltleBbocaar. Tba bill aiaadaa aood 
cbaacf ofpaaalni boUibou«aa tbia aaaaloB. aa It paaaad 
oaa twau laat ■aMioo.and only railed la pAaalotlba 
nUiar for laeh or tlaia, that aaaalon balnR tba abort one. 

Boh Plmlnnioni haa haaa eataatd by Manitee 

Babmtn 10 appear wllh tba Rallly A Wood Co.. opanrnK 
lo Bimklya M aith t 


RIehmoacl.— Tbla rlly at a week lund for aoy 
oaaootnpaayhaanotalwaya beea coaaUarad ahtrvaat 
ntld. but Ibe Blklwlaa, at Iba Aeadeeiy of Huile, laat 
wHk. prorad ao aicapllOB. Opaalag Pab. 17, to a gon4 
bouia, tha audleacw grew aacli auecvaulBR altbt, la iplta 
ollhaadrtflterLaat.nQtll a hiahir aatlaraetaiy raaalt 
wiaiwacntd. Thg parfo'maooa wai Uia tooat aotartala' 
IBI or Ita clawtwTar wtn bar*, aod wall narllcd tba larwa 
rHtronaaa beaioaed upon IL "Paradlae Alley" ooaiaa 11 
iVANI|ihfaFt<illo"fa,s. Uwla Morrlaoo Mardi A, t. 
„lj7»Aa'e Tuaivaa (M>l4ri-0|>anlBi altbt rab-M: 
Nalllf. Ryan, Alice JnBaa and Onitrtw. Raaluaaa la tklr. 

Kora— Ibara Uaraat acilvlty at tba camp orHuotJea't 
Ralleoad mow, praparatorr to l» oftanlaipbar* April) 

AL. 0. Fiiu>iendt the following: "A "W"?. 
,«r2. Ihe same, of Jtme. L. Wartasd WtW 
c BwWey, preaeouog a card beariog ose of tbe 
loX^ni ritdlog -Advance Ageot for AL 
Fleld'tMloilreli,'la travellog throngh ibe connlij 
S-mwIog money, beaUoR boidt tnd Pr<*««*"J 
iMople. Berepnteniedblmeelfttaoageotornlne 
frpTnle. at Uageritowo, Md , and at ntrritborg. 
Pa., he vleilmlied tbe boiel and ti»n«rer people. At 

-rS tS 

aentclrcnlarlotlereloUie chleft ot Pfllcs 
Bheriflfot tbe prtndpal dlles and Bui», ollerlog a 
rewSrt ?.» U» cSpW" of una man. I will pay $100 
" aw pSeon who will fnnilib proof open wblcb 
hlBWiScan be convicted. 0«>!Tn> Iron*, nawy J. 
mdloRt and John F. Otlrin are tbe onlf authorized 
Sent! o" be Al 0. FIdd Big Wolle Mlotirel».i«id 
a! p. BcotLWlll A. Juoker tod Jamai Weed the 
tatborized agente of 'Dirkeji America^" 

TBio. A. Mgn retorned from Enrope latt week. 
Ue haa Imponed eeveyal npveliy acta. 

JAMBS RicuMOiiP It doing wel In »IWeepe^ 
dally over tbe Davu drcull. Mis. RIcbmood la 
alowiT recovering from a aerera lllneaa. 

pT'liMBATOORtiiB, ol tbe Rote DIM Co., waa 
taken tick and wtt noable to appear Ian week. 
Her part waa pUyed nicely by Hay fiebbeanlo too 
IS part tnd ij tizzle Vtn Hi »»• t)"^'; '''' J 
Oeorgle Umonieaox clevaly did a tpwtaliy In 
iJliSBatchellertpUce. The bUl remains Ibe tame 

"wiLu'i^D Babboh did sot appear at tbeOtlety 
Theatre, ihit clly, laat week, tbongb they were 
bllkd tbert. Mr. Wllhi la Buffering torn tbroat 

'T[B't''snK0i, abler of Bianlilaua Siasge, will ap- 

Kr al Procior'a Twesiy lblrd Street Uonae on 
xb 2. is a new change act 

nARBT Nirmi. after a four weeke' "^e" •« 
Oulocy, in., where be baa beenatepplog with DM 
old partner, Jobo Abero. now chief ot police, la 
again able to work, and baa accepted ao engage- 
ment at Turner Hoalc Ball, BurllDgtnn, la. 

A CABLioBAM rectlvtd frem Hr. Uozle lotorma na 
or bis father's death. Hr. Uoile ttatea thtt be la 
compelled to ctscel bU engsgemeoi with tbe Oreat 
Wallace Show. , , 

Jtnii Lxabaajaat doaedalong enRagemest at 
tbeO>lonbla Theatre, Hlnoeapolla, and tendered a 
reception to her frtendt, CommUigB and Kslgbt, 
Janaen,MandPlluandotben. , 
Val Viko wae prevented from opeslng al Faalor't 
TheaKc, Feb. 17, on accoont of being called to Bal- 
dmore, hit rather being aerlosaly 111. Beaile Searle 
played tbe date alone. 

Babton ard Rcrbofi-^ moBtcal act It one of tbe 
eocceaafal leaturta wllb Rice A Bartos't Roa* BUI 

Manaorr Otis niLL, of Ont nill'a Moveltlea, btt 
made several cbinget In bla comptny. He btt re- 
leatcd Mile. Kogene Petieaca, alto tba lonr OanlDer 
Brathen, and btt alrengtbened wltta HcLeod and 
Atbenon, tbe wieellen, who are lo meet all comen, 
and also two new acts, who ()peDed with tbe ahow 
lo Pblladelpbia Ibla week. The company an on 
tbeir secood encceaafol tonr West tbla action, play, 
mg return dates lo levenl bontea. 

SiSABSr. tbe eeotatlooal owcer, uaa been eS' 
gaged hy Haoagen Hoy t A McKee to do ber ipec 
laity wllb tbe raree comedy, "A Trip to Ohioatowo." 

Nons FBOM TSB Watson sisnns' Co.-WB opened 
at Ihe Lyceum Tbeane, PbUadelpbIs, Pa., to S. R. 
0. DnriDg the act ot tbo Wataon Bbuen, afienoon 
or Fab. 18, while the electrical hrtaogle was In mo. 
lion, one of the tlaten did ber naual drep from her 
back, catching hy ber loet on a pair of rioga 
auaohed 10 the triangle. Tnia teat na accom- 
pllabed Otiy feet Is midair. Manager lenocn, at the 
i^cenm Theatre, waa soillled by the anthoritlea, 
that the elatere would not be allowed to go 00 again 
nnleet a net waa iprtad. The notice waa gives at 
Uie evenleg performance, half an boor beforetbo 
Blstan' mm, asd tbe managers decided to omit tbe 
act; afier tbe borieai|oe tbe audience woold sol 
leave Ihe theatre, aod calls for tbe Wataoo Blaien 
were made. A email net was then proonred and 
pot op to comply wllh the law, and tbe act went 
on, receiving great applauaa. 

MLLt. FsiasiTT, dantenas, will eall Feb. 2> to 
fulllll her Enrqpetn contract ootbeM'-saftTDoni' 
ton cirenll In Bogland, 

Hlul Dblmosi It wllb Nelly MoBenrj's "Btoyole 
Olrt" Co., dobig a new dance. 

Tdi tum ot Omega aod Maod Oordon baa tepa- 
mied temponrtly, Omega belsg with Harry Hor 
ria' Tweotieth Ceoiory Maids, while Mlia Oordon ' 
with FljDO aod Sberitlao'i Big SeoaaUoo. 

MASrsR Albbst E. Blamrrnpisld, boy cootor- 
llonlit. baa elgned wllh the Oeorge W. Uall't Jr. 
tbow tor tbe comlog season. 

Uarrt Bili„ brother "f Qoa Rill, and Anl, of Aol 
and Ino, were manled recently In Chicago, III. 
Judge NeelyofnclaUog. 

Oaxbu Bamtobo, who appealed tbla aeaaon at tbe 
Standard Theafre, tbla city, In "Bonor" and "Tbe 
Sinhge Adveolniea of HIas Brown," irlll sooo make 
her debut on the melropoUtan vaodevHIe abige as 

BiLLTJoBmoM, otisham'a Ootonwni, celebnted 
tbe twesty-nlotb aoolvereary of bla birthday Feb. ]. 

In A NOTi In laat week't Ou rpsR ccedli wat given 
to Dalley aod Wllllanii for the predactlon or a new 
aoL. Tba team It composed of Dalley aod . wUaoD. 

Au AMD Mamib andxrsor left Cblcago, IIL, ror 
StQ Fnocltco, Ctl., Feb. 24, to open on the Or- 
pbeam drculL 

Brbnars DTLtYN btt relorncd East after con- 
eluding a encceaefol eogagement over the Orpneum 
cIrcDit. He la flillog a dato at Ihe Avenoe Tneaire, 
Pltlahotg, ihia week. 

TBS Sunns RsiA have dlitolved partnenihlp, 
Hloole Rbea haa tealgoed from tbe "HctAitUiy>s 
HIabapa" Oo. 

Norts PBON Eo. K. Rcsn'8 wem Orook Co. 
(Weaiem)— We were anowbound Feb. SD. The 
train onll.W.AO. ILILwaa to leave Oaribage, N. 
Y,, at T,2B A. M., and Ihe next aland waa to be 
Ooelda, N. Y. Tbe train waa Beven houra Isle letv- 
mg Cartbaie aod got at rar aa Port Lydeo, N. 
aod waa blocked by two freight Iraloe and toow 

Kloaib abeid. The Ooeldi data waa mliaed, Bkirm 
ibea were made by Oeorge B. Toner, mtnaBtr; 
Sim Ooillni and Billy SMsford tor luffcbea and 
llqoldt, and they came back wltta an abundance ot 
both. Tbe train waa crowded and everybody made 
the beat or a bad Job. ButlneBBlsgood,ih8Bbowla 
excellent, and Hack backa the redwagos up every 
Wedoeaday. Tbe favorite CLirrsR It alwaya a wel- 
oome arrival. Were aeveoteen bonra mtkbig lev. 
inly Qve mllet, tnd arrived In Uilea at nldnlght 

CUBTIB AND OoBSON bavo Joloi:d Denver Rd. 
Smltbt Conbloailon at VaudevUle and Alhlello 
Blare for tbe remaloder ot tbe aeawn. Mlaa Ooidon'a 
bag poncblog will be ose of Ue teatuiet o( ihe 

JouN W. Kannoni (late of /amon Mexican Ftm 
II)) and I. Lod Suther and, at preaeaiwlib "Old 
Tenoieaee," have becon. ipaMneis. 

ATOBtLiiooraiiO., Feb. 16, Hanngcr HI Bebry 
bad a namw escape from what migbi.liave been a 
veiT aerloui accident. Be waa atandlog 00 the 
atage, engaged In convenatlon wllb aome or the 

J. AUBiOB USBir, whose name wbi loadverteol- 
r omliled from oar notice ct Tony Faator>a Tbtatie 
Ititweek. watononrtbe realares ot tbe Mil, and 
bit ilsglsg gained Ha coitomary reoonliloo. Be 
baa been engaged hy Boyt A McKee fortwo yean. 
Jololsgtbem ADi1le,and leaving for AuetnUa Hiy 
a, wllh tbe company pUylog "A nip- to Oblni' 

BRNTiBT and Oahiron. Who are Blllng a week^ 
esgtiRement at Hyde k BehmsD'a TbeaiR, Bmok. 
lyn, mil week, have tigoed with Dot BUI's Worid ol 
Novelties lor toe mt ot the seasoD, 

HABtr Rioa win aborUy open wllb "A Ticket of 
Leave Man" Co., Introdsdng hla ipecltltlet, nii 
irlte, Mice Rleb, baa. Hr- Rich ttji, been left tome 
property tbroogh tbe death ot an nnole, who died 
I BoeloD.HaiB, 

Tbb Eliotrio OiABxa bave left Ibe "Jay ouxna" 
Co., and are playing a ntiim date lo Oliiolnsau, 0. 
for thiea weeka. 

Tbb HARTim StsriRS oloaed a mcceiBral en 
Bagemeni at tbe Bocklsgham Tbeatre, Lonlaviiit, 
Ky., kod are playing a ntnm CDitgeDient at tin 
IiDpertil HobIc Ball, CInclsnaU, O. 

Ocstii MoRTOK, of Ibe Mortons, li ittUog at btr' 
borne lotbU olty, on account ot poor bealtb. Btny 
Horion baa lolned tbe Redan Repertory Oo, to play 
tbe black face parts. 

Ward and %bown are pbtylag al the London 
Thrttie, tbla oily, tbla week. 

JoasrH Jacrson, tor many aeaaooa with Rnatell^ 
Onmedlana, hti Joined Frank Hannlog, late ot 
Dtlleyand Manning. 

Trk SrRMCRR Bsoa.' sew act la a mccesa, ibey b- 

PROP Mabrlla, magician; F. L. Peiry, comedian 
and dancer, and Mlonle FartridR^ plaolat, ckiacd 
with Sotberlaod'sComcdlantFeb.20,aod will epeod 
two weeka In Mlnntapolla, Mlon. 

But WnuAMB, late ot Wllllanu tnd Adtmt, ai 
Walter MoHahon, lata ot McHahos asd Ring, hate 

H. 11. Wblitlar haa baaa aatand aa advartlilni annt 
lor car No. I. P. W. Mlodn.p latbacootrntlntaRant. 
Mr. HuBtlathaacniated aaambarof well hBOWBelrniia 

iWrdaaad pnnnlaaa aa aacallaat pafonnancw. 

NesMilk.— Theonlyallncilon at Ibe Academy or 
Ma>lothllwa«k •M"r»ldlaaAllfy" which wta piwaani 
S!!i.\*'^!'..'*L"''"»**e*'"'ll'l***'J aadl»Boaa. Ftaak 
Wllla, ahlla hanylBt olT tha alatwtrlppad. ao,! In try. 
lay loratch himaatr fractuml hb left wilaL Tba aool- 
daat thoBih palBral, wta aot aarinaa. The BaidBlaa 
F?3*c"?7 "°° ""^ * "uhl 

(iJoe TnaAVaa-OrealBa Pab.M: Blaaaaad Coalhy 
Maliw l>a Won, DUmoad Whilloct and Jamea Jtaha. 
llaU a?ai: Pkraaca La Boy. 81 Laon asd McCaaleb, 
Hanr Bhalbr. Da Icea eiatora, Mamie Toaar, Banv. 
Dublorloa tad Banr, T»m Tiaat. Eaalt PamlC Cbrlitle 
Wd^ Owrp RImaa, WlU Smith, A. Bairia, Loola Oole 
tad HeairAoapaaa. Baalaaaa la ocod. 

niembere ot bit company, and a momest tttor be 
moved a heavy wdgnt tbat waa hasglng In lbs Uea 
fell aod alruok the door on tbe very apotMr, Ueur 
bad occupied but aaecoad before. 


TbiB la the twenly«coDd week of our ataios, and 
butlneat conUnuea excdIenL Manager Melville 
beUevea be baa gota mascot wllb the tbow, asd, to 
be aura not to lote It, baa engaged everybody ot the 
preteot compaoy tor oext aeatoo. At a proof tbat 
he hat "moooy to bora," tbe ttahle coonected with 
the Elm Bouie, at Norwood, Haaa., took Bn afier- 
noon ot Feb. 11. Mr. HelvUle had Jott ntoncd 
rrem a drive, leaving hla overcoat in the tuble 
omce, when the fln orlgtnated. The ooat and an 
envelope oonltlnlo^elghiy-alx dollats wan ere- 

"tpectre" appeared Taetdiy, 

mated, hot the wi 
at uiutl, 

HoKCRiRP AND BnwAitrtaave Joloed Ibe "White 
Crook" 00. for Ibo remaloder or ilie eeason. 
National Oomsot Noirs.— Bntloeaa bu been 

aolet lately, bol wo allll go along, Hr, asd Ure. 
ert Jarvia nave doted aod gone home for a reel, 
EanleJarvla hat become onr rautlcnldUiclor. Vt 
are pUvloB week itaodt, relom datet, wllb White 
ClouU, Hlcb,, at a Marter. Hnk Bart Dswaon, who 
la at her home In Octtnlo, Hlcb., pretented her bos- 
baod, Hanaier Dawaos, wllh a boondng baby boy 
on Feb. IS. Roeter: Deit Ihtwaos, maoaaer aod 
propridor; RareleJaivia, aciiog mnalcal direclor; 
Ueo. Illllmao, prepa.; Big. I>e Alma, magician, 
Jeonle Honon, cornet tololat; the llneka, Maud anii 
Eddie, eenatilnnal iketch: Dawaon asd Jarilt, 
mntlcal comtdbini, tnd I'ror, Ulgglni' iralned 
pigeont. Our new feainre la liawsou and larvla' 
proRreeslve itreet parade, 

Oarr. biDiiiT Uikmah, Mickey Keesey and tbe 
life Bating dog, Duke, will hereatlek be known 
the Uuneylalasd Trio. 

TBB DoKOVAiis, who are wllb . Bam Devan'a.Oa,, 
will open Jane It at tbe Palace Moala Hall, Umdon, 


- late 

tomedapattnenblp. They opes on ibe Davli cb- 
cnlt Kirch S, for fonr weeks, and Iken Join Rlnglloii 
Broa.' OlreoR tor tbe aeaios, 

Wb ARB INPORMBD that Adeline Maiden, prima 
donoR aopisno, who haa been playlog Ibe prindpal 
vanderille tbeatres tbe past aeaaon. Is oraaslziog a 
comedy, vaudeville and opem coBipany, and will 
open Mueli BD. 

Htba Datis AMD JOBtra Dowuxo are nalns 
with effect the eongs, ' The Ooatt Qoard't Daogb- 
ur," by Ohariea Connolly; "Dont Tell UoUier," 
by Tbonias Bindley, aod the tamooa "Ben Bolt," by 
Kneaseasd EogUsh. 

Oio. B- BowARD, ot Bomrd and Doyle, comedy 
eketcb team, waa made a K. ot P. In Cblcago, III., 
Feb. 21. 

LoDBB Oablamd, ot Ttggsrt aod darlasd, wbo 
has been very sick wlUi cosgestlon ot tbe loogs, li 

OIL8ON AND Hatbxws are pUylsg a special eo- 
gagtmentirlih Sam Deaanr'a Heniy Bnrieuioe Co. 

Norm PROM HORBI8 A OSSDRNB'a Qbbat EAsmtx 
Variety aod Specialty Oo.: We have bees playloR 
tmall towns to good batlneas and eretyone Is well, 
ne company la now laying off. nheaietng a new 
Bntpartanii afterpiece, and WlU opes In Snflleld, 
OL, early next month. We cany a company of 
eighteen people. Rotter: Morrla A Oabnrae, ade 
proprittore and managen: F. O. Horria, bnelneaa 
manager; F. F. Oibnine, atage manaRer; 0, F. Hill, 
maaier of propertJea and uanqonatton-,^ B, 0. 
Ooalet, mnsleai dlractnr; Ihe Ls Batons, Ed. and 
Little Marie, cootortlonlata; RoiaeDa, tmoeie; Dona- 
hue ud Olark, tosg and dance; Ihe Yarrtngtoni, 
mntlctl iketcb team: Ida, Boubralle; F, 0, Morria, 
comedian and vocallai; F. F, Osbnme, aerobatlc 
clowD,andaatnog ohoraa. 

Tub Oupaks irluanlve trem Enrope Harch 4, to 
open an engagement at Pnotop^ Theabe, New 
York, Harch a, in a novel aot 

Tbb Bistbis Don are Blllng an engagement al 
the Howard Atbenieam, Boaton, Mast,, tbla week. 
The; are booked tor ao extended lour In England 
next Btason. 

TBB Vrrbatilb Trio have Jnst doted a three 
weeks' engagemeDt In Cblcago. UL, and one week 
at tbe Academy In Mllwaakee,Wla. 

CoKXXT BROORR8 and loez Floyd bave Joined tbe 

White Orook" Co. 

AitCB FnzoiSBON, late ot the Fltiglbbon Family, 
asd Mamie Shepherd, late ot the Soepbetd Gleten. 
are so* partnera. 

Qcn MiLLXNS, father or Albert 0, MUlena, Ibe the- 
airlcal maoaBer, died Deo. i, IBM, at bis borne, lo 
Mllwmnkee, Wla., after a loog lllneaa. bi Albert 
HlUeo'a yonnger daya Hr. Mlllens tiBveled with bla 
compaoy and toted u maoager. 

A BAK<)OBr was given by the Aotora' Fmtecllve 
Dolon, evening of Feb. It, In bosor ot Bro. Oeo. 
MlltoD, who took bit departnre for Ban AnUmlo. 
Tex., where helaplaytngaleogthjengagemeoL A 
nnmberof epecchea wen made, the meat promlseot 
being that made by Mr. Milton. Tbe banqnet laaled 
nnUI Ibe wee ama' boors, and a social Hmema had 
by all. 


Uo., now tontlog Wettetn Pesntylvinia, to reported 

Bood boelneat: Chat. Hllla. tanEy ride shot; Mlaa 
[III, nuhreue; Roale Bampttll, plaolat; HI Dob 
Harris, Iriab and Bebnw eomedlao, asd bigb 
pediattl dog dancer; Jon, Sampael, magldan aod 
black face eomedlao; Tboa. Yan, Oermas Imper 
lonaior, and w, w. Webb, chancier vocalist and 
mnalclan, Tbe man with Ibe wblle govrn mlka 
with tbla ahow any line you call on bim. We open 
our camping aeaaon April It, In Wheeling, W. Va. 
TbeBttoopFamllyJolonsibererortbeaeaaon. Tbe 
family consists of father asd eight children. 

PoLLia HoLMSB, Ihe "Iitsh Duohes," who spent 
latt week st ber home. Providence, B.I.,nndera 
pbyololan'a care. Improved so mndi that ebe teas 
able lo open Feb. 24 for a week'a eniagemeit at tbt 
Howard Atbenenm, Boston, Mata. 

EbhaMrltillb informs OS Ibat abe hat retired 
from tbe atage. 

aso-B, Harris, botlnessmaoagerat the Bottoo 
BowtTd Atbeoieom uo., wta a Oiippbb oaller Feb. 
24, aedreporta excellent retnms dating Ike Weatein 
trip. Tbe comptny Is now playing ntnm engage- 
menta bi the meiropdlian duirioi, helsg tbla week 
at Miser's Boweiy Theatre. Manager Andy Hogbea 
has aacured rIghiB to tbe title for nsztseaion, and 
la now tmngmg dttet and aecnilDg bU people. 

MARn FxuowR, who vras esgaged wllb tbe 
"RalhtKd Tie" Co. last Fall, and wsi obliged to 
cancel on account of 111 health, baiE Improved ao 
much tbat aba has signed trllh theExcelslor Star 

^^LT TuioiiAM, ose of the Tindsll Blattia,. slid 
MIchtel 0- Lewli (non-Drofeaslonal were diantsd 
Feb, 12, In Jersey Olty, N- J,, Josdce Loker offlclst- 


It is tnnoanced that Wm. A. Uvlnctlan, protek- 
slonally knon aa Billy Horse, was manled to ^nlla 
n. Lawrence, a non-prolesalosal, Is Ttcoma, Wash., 
Feb, 18. • ^■ 


H. W. Wilder, manager; Mis. EdgapQeyer, Ireas- 
nrer; Edgar Oeyer, aiage manager: BiUy Alien, 
Ed- Btoaela, Two Oeyera, the Four Msrlatto Bios., 
Oeyer and Mo Alee, the Magndla Quartet. 

0. A. HcOiNNB has algiied with H. & Oenlry'i 
Dog and Pony Show aa press agent. 


Prawldencev— At Ihe Providence Open Boose 
Lllllaa BaaaaU and bar coiapasy, bi rapaitoty, drew voiT 
lAiR* booaao, al advanced prlcat, Peb, 17-10. RIea'a 
"Htr'playadtratare aaRtRvaaatJ^^L Tbt bualaaai 
wta all tbat eoold be aipactad, IbapleeabavlnRbaan aa«a 
bai« BO maay timaa. For Uia Oiat half of the piwaaat 
weak, "flowlBR tha Wlad." tod Cor tba nmtlodar of 
weak, "Hla Xicallaaev." rollowad, weak at Baieb l-T, 
by tba JoIltllarlewa.TabarOn., la raoortoTT. 

galra'a Of bra Hoeaa.— Tbla beoao le. aad btt baao til 
Uia aeaaoo, doloR lha buaiBaaa of iba alty, aad a baltar 
llatoratumctloDaoRaftd ibaa arar aaeo-loeally atpoin- 
birprkaA TbeOtrrlob Barleaoaa Oo.. la "nrllby." ror 
thaflru Uma la tbIt clly, caoiaPab. 17-lL Tbaeoinpaiiy 
waa a Toty atroaa one, aad latrodooad loma tieallaat 
aptclAltlM. aod lha waak'a boalaaaa waa vaiT larxa lb- 
deed. Far tha praaaot weak, "la Old Ktotaohy." "Down 
la mala" followB. 

WBSTHiHSTta TsBATRB.— Web«r*a Olynpio TaodevlUe 
(3o., a ae* ahow compoaad of old paopla,-eaQa 17-11, aod 
dU a tool waak'a bualaaM. fh« Wttaoa 8lBtaia<}o.S- 
0, and oa tha rnliovlaw wa*k oomat the Ladlaa Olob. 

LoTtiur'a oprba Hooaa— joba Waiib.aupportadby 
Lolbrop** flUKk i;a.. In "Iba Pitde of Klldare," came 
17-a. Tba plooa waa wall aURed aad did a Rood biR 
waak*a bailBOaa, eoaaMarlai tba Oral weak of tba Ltalaa 
aeaaoo. ThIa weak, rature of the tavorlta, Kat« Dallaj^ 
la "Aa Aiablaa MIlbL" Kin Dallaa will be aoMOfted 
jy a Mlactad compaay rt<om Lotbrop Btaek. FoUowIbr 
Mlaa Dallaa coDaa Edward BaUaa, io^MeZaaaa'a rUrta. 

iRPAjmv DALt-On tt Rlraadt. vIollBllt, aad lA- 
chaaae, plaolaE, wu tlva a cooeaTt aadarlbetoaatR*- 
maat or wm. 11. Wlat. March a iba Anarleaa Biaaa 
Baud wMI tender Ibalrlaadar.D. W. RtaT«<abat«BI la 
ooamaawrmlloQ of tha thirtlalli year or hla laaddtablp of 
tbalorRaaltatloo. Iba full baoa will appear and twalia 
aokilau alio. 

I(OTn.~AlladB Pareagit baa Jolatd Lathrv*! foivaa, 
aad wni appatr ban.waah altar aaat..;'..Jaha Walab 
laavaa ob s, 10 ' * " " 

takeaiaa bbi part la baamib Ibeiai 
*4aaih(aa ^f Paradua ,Allty,'' 

aoB'a aav pleea, '*teaih(ae ol'pandl 
opoba la Mow Tork ao HtrohlB, 


P»vnaekat.^t the Pawtacktt Qipenk BMae, 
lb. It-HL -Iba Ibiaado" dU ootd* vavr mafii "A 

Febbuaby 29. 




■■ FkUwl«Ip1ilA^Bo<lQe»ft tba put week Aver 
«l*d Bood, Uw btfUuiiiif of UDt uahtnctMitUutedir 
ftnMlAtbtfttuiitfuet tt lb* rariou th«AU«». ror 
tbccnmolwMkiB. B. Boibtm, oMof ihe iinoKtit or 
toul UTorittf. Bol Bnlth BoimU, Budov tad olhor 

AuHMT or Mdbio.— Hm DtiBro»chO«ni]KQOo«nCo. 
prwwtod "TilMu aul Iiold*.'* "Dto Walkorv." »Ttan- 
baMi" ud BeuUt Loiur** Un «t»k. u* uir bo*!. 
a««L "Tunh«uMf*b«dftntbarUn«tadIenca at ih« 
.flfttnrdif natioM. AfttvdM olgbc tba drai hiul prmn- 
Utliillor^nM Bearl«t LeIUr" wai klUDdrd lir • nUiar 
MDtll. but ntf fHeodlr udtoom. io<l Ui* up*ra pro- 
dDOMl ft fkronol* ImprB«loDUftn«traa«tua kmburnui 
wort: JobtnuO*di*kL u Ufttar. rmlred oDuImou* 
.ftod r1^ljM'***rTnd »r*\m. 

BioADHranrTauniB-E. u. Seih*nijQ*T)i«frri 
6o«ro(2«Ddt," eomw lor » UirMVMki'oDnninaot 
U«t *Mk JobD DravflalAked bin lorUilRhi'aooKuoiMot 

wiirMUr l,^»d. and vob a Blihily racall Id the lui acL 
0BanuT8TMiROriu Hodbb— 0* Woir UApiioraod 
eonpao7>ppMrlB"Waor' i^r ih« fioal «Mk or unalr 
fortolfbt'aaur. Laai waak "Dr. Spotax" w«> oDjottd br 
lATga and aM>'*el»tlTa aodlaocea Barab Barabaidt 
Varcht. ^ 

OuMnirr eiBurTflUTu-**Aa inlai't llodol" boldn 
om ror tbo eamnt vMk.tfiereiJoflDff ooawMk oi 

T«*k, **rbo SbopQIrL" 

WAUtOT Bnnr TiiUTtB.-aol flnltb RbimU for ib« 
caneot wook app«an In "Aa BT«rr Daf fcUa," 34. Oi B. 
0aDd9.«DdMtb« ■auaean, aa<l tD RiTaU"37 
tiidBuHo«at9. lAA vMk Btaart Robion tpptarvd In 
"Mn. roodarbvy'a PanC prmdtd bf iba cqiuId 
imlMr, "BtaaButpbar,*' and laecMJed In drawlnir mu 
hODM* at trair PHfonnaaca. Oarrio RailclllTd, at 
8UTU, made ibe araaiatt bit ud mcilT«d tb« oolr rocaU. 
Kaitvaak. '^BpnnlDf DucfiMa." 

Fau TBUtu-Bui* Cnoia, lo'Tbt Nair Bor," u 
tb* atmatloa lor ttali wMk. Laic vsak Pttar r. Pallor, 
la**nioNI||hiC1ark,"ueM«d«(l Id kotplav taniotndl- 
oooaala rorr Rood hvmor. Uo la anlDlmltablacoiDaliui 
ABdaaMMnodbjAgood conpasr< Noit wa«k,"IaOM 
Koo tacky." 

aBAffoOrauBocu.-CrMtOD Gtrke. rortbaenrrent 
■ JJK^.'S? "S*!!?* •nwnwr. praiMU "HtchanI 

111" ti. rraad 39, and "Booiao and Jillvt" A n. S aod it 
tbomatlDaaO. La«t v««b bo^lnofa with "llAnilai" «ta 
food, ud with ^'Bleballou" ftlt. Kut weak, "Tbo 

OiKAiDATi5DiTiuTai-*^e Liulo DaiacUra." la 
vbleb Kamlo Oltro; b* bmd Iq nr«cbAraci«rH,U 
lfaa«nrlIollADd'« Droduetlos forth Uve«k. La«tir««k 
'^belkaooB'ii Daaght«r'*«upreawtad InaiaiUfftctorv 
maaoar, and did u axoaUinc butlDou. Hurw Daron. 
port, In lb* anall pare ot 'Sqoln uimm Sllodoniait, 
oiadaibebUortbopUoo. Mextvoik, 'Dlrorco." 

AooiTOBiDM.-^dovaDd ihi Tmeidero Taud«rltk« 
ratnn to Maoacar Ollnioro'i popalir theaira for th* mc 
oodtlowtblsaoMoi). LiatwoakCUrlM n. YaU*«' Kov- 
Mt I>eTl)'aAaetioa"plared lo vaU flllod houpoirortbe 
•oeond iimo ibU laawii. Boatoa Howaid AUi«oKum4'^. 
Mareb 1 

. NanoML T8BATii.~'*B<inDi« fleoiiAad*' li ih« atttae- 
uoo rortbeenmotwoak. Luiwtek "TtaoaraatDtaniood 
BMborr" erovdad ibi houia oTwr aifrtii.and waare- 

SUtd br tha laanr habltoaa of ilila iheanawlUi tbo 
ibMt ravor. Ntxt wAtb, Trilby." 
rouirAOOU*i TaiATia.— '■Captain narea, U. B. A." 
li Iblawtek'a play* Law vaak'-lha Qraat MotropolU" 
wai affoeuralrtnoaniod villi apim Tary pretij Kooarr. 
ladodlag aroallitle rata Koaa. aed waa w»|l ptaynl br 
tba ataef eompaoy. Tha an«Dd«Dea oaallmUodooIrbT 
cba ilta of tbe ibaatra. Keit wmk, rruk Utrrot'* new 
plaj, **A Woman ofiba Paopla." 

nnrLra Tuiatei.— "Iba Cottca KIdr" la Maoanr 
BradaDbor|[b*A atmctlre otTarlnii forUiUwMk'iaeiar- 
.talDmaat or tba npton popniatjm. Laitvaok Tomp- 
Uat* "Blnek Crook^* »ccMded li drawloK Kood ahad 

Sdlanoaa and plaiitng tbom wdl. Ktit voek, ^b« 
ontrr nircui.*' 

' Btauda*!) Thuth.— H. B. W*o6, Id "Out lo the 
StreaU" li Coo dova ion attrutloo ror iheourrtnt 
w»«k. Aior Loo aad Praab Doua, (u ' UIm llann 
Bcara3"dMaToi7fomlbaMoaMlaMirMk. NoitwMk, 
V. R. Wood. In "Th* Orphana otHww York." 

KBitsiRcnoiTTHuna— "A Trip rn ihaClrcua" In ibo 
attraoilon for iba pm*ant veik. Mlbbn* Froorh Bur- 
laaqdo CDoiMor laat vaok dnw fair •lt«d audlsncaa. 
ifavi waah, Kr*acta T<A\r Co. 

Btarvra BTBurOniu Boc8L~Oaaiont'ii Mloatrob 
proiantibli w»«k alnoai to ootira dtaoRo of bill, now 
Da1lada.Jokaaand fatlrM, ihabar)»fqn6A,"0h. kir Eraa." 
"Or. Bvlaatax, nr Bcbool Bof DirV and 'Imuiiaent 
PuntaraAgvau." LaatveokUu boputar luccawcon- 

. tiooad, orovdMl hoiMa bolai tba ruia. 

' TBI Buocr.-OUdnto D«Ua Racco nod Ibo Johoaon 
TrDupoboU orerrrom laiitvaak; tbaapodallraUnM^llTa 
bill aim Indudaa tbo OraalAnunt, Hill aod Hull.Zalla 
aad Loin, tba Crawronl BrorbaTi; MorriMr and HIcb, 
CoBwafaad Laland. Baa Uanwj.Gonhland Bon, Wilia 
and Balpio, Haoa XetDtyra. BAkr and i.ino, iba weatii. 
aad Ricbia and Blchla. Laai vo«k Joba Haaoo ud 
Halloa MaoolA Maaoo. QlattotoIMIa Roeeo, the Joboaon 
Tnrapo nod oihan ro««lT«d tba applauaa of tba larga 
Mdlaaeaa vblcb otloadMl ihla tlni a popalar thaatro. 

TBB LTOICM.— Our UllPa NovMtlaa la ma cunvnt atr 
tnetlon. Lait waak tbo WMon Rlaiorf Burleaqno Co. 
praaantad u aotarulnoiMt aoKawbat abore tha arer 
age, and racolrad tba appraeUtlNi or enwdod bottiaa. 
Bast wa«>k. tba Watbbttm Blatora. 
TBI Hran'M.— A macarool oallng eooiMt, Old Zip, 

-BajnDm*i"nbAt-)a-It," Oranna. tko wira balrvd wbnder; 
Iba WUliama Trio, ud tba If exion Court Orcboatm are 
antoajttba nttimoiloDa in thaeprto ball. A coollaanoa 
nodaTllU parfonDuea la glrai lo tba thaalra, thh 
watk'a prognmnH loaludlov (Vay aod L« Olalr. Coy 
ud Baagb. TamboDrioa WeCArif. ClArtoa and Ormot, 
IiMBAid ud Plbo, PnoDj Plakl^ Bmnall ud Lurhaoi, 
Hilton and H ouItoD. ud Ulfford and Qormu. Bualooia 
lau waab waa yry lanta. 

Kom— Nlion A Zlnntannaa hara obuloed «nolb«r 
tboatra. Tba lAfkratta Square Opara Htuaa. Waablns- 
too, ptAMd Into ibair ooouol Fak. 16 Tbla glTH >ba*a 
nuagora laadlof tbaatraa lo Pblltdalpbia, Brooklyo, 

Baltlmora, Plltabora ud Waablottoa Ii waa retort' 

oddorloilaatveak tbaiairutt orcombloatlon bad beao 
utared Inio by MIxod k Zlinnannan. R(cb A Harria. Al 
UaymuudCb^rieaProbtnaatoeaQt/olachatnor thea- 
traa,Uicladlagttia rocaut actiobltlooa or NlionAZIui- 

'laannu. Tha la>tar fonilamanbaTa neither caotlnnfO 
ardaolod tha report. It wama (a tw ganofmllybellaTad 
that tbera lau oBdeiaUDdliic of aoma aort amooittbe 

notleoiao namaJ It la raported that Kiav A 

Brtugor bA*a coDaatDmat«d a deal by wblcb they 
will ba aaaoolAtad with Pruii Have Jr. lo the nnnago* 

mut of the Walnut, In onDoanloo with tbair olroolr. 

Tba trial or Jaoaa B. Oaatry* for tha murder nr Madie 
Torta, lut Pabtoary, tua baea again poatponad; tbia 

tine nntU oaic nonih Oacrge W. Road, dia wall 

known aod popnlardoorkaap^r oTiboWAlnus la to bare 

abuafltHarcbaD Bnala Draka,alocal fkTorlta.haa 

b«u auagad by Huaiar HoUud to appear In "Dl- 

Torca." Doii »aak P.-Btroaao. cblat itabar at the 

NaUonal la to bare a baaallt ICarob sn Loniai Moot* 

rooa baa DOW anRand to pbr Oarltno. ud John WnrM 

* to play Qreppo la Tliompklna' 'Black Crook.'* Bov- 

aid UartnuJoIoad tba Porapaagb Btock Compuy lut 

,w««k. • 

. PlUib«TK^Ttie fallaro of somfl Btrong mnalcAl 
attmdlooB to do aood baaloaia laai week can only ba 
aaerlbad lo tha bagfnalov ofLaat, 

* Nbt Wobld's lfcruCH-TflUTHi~I4a Btddona* nig 
Barlaagaa Co nude aach a bit lut weak that It hai baan 
■rablaad roriba present ooo. 'Taphea Toopbar" la ihla 
■vaek'ablU. Tba "MarMo Stataa aATottaL''fBtrDduclns 
Ida BMdona, Bartha Wild. Anala Aahley ud Emma Wood 
aillvlof nwdala, laaanaolally aitnotlTe raature. 

IfBW URAiiD OPSRA HonB.— "PrlOMM Bonol*" Feb. tl 
udwaek Prank MAyoplaTed ''Padd'ohaad Wllaon" to 
«blg baalnaaa tut weak. 'Tba Fatal Card" will ba played 

' .Babit WituuB' AOiDBHTor Mnic— "am T Jaek'a 
"AdaoDian Buao" la the cunoat attraction. Sam Do 
TOTO'a On Co. tamed paopla any Uat week. 

BAar End Tiuathb -Back a big builoeaa waa done by 
tba Lavia Comady Co. Uat waov, that ihay have beao 
ratalDod for tba corront ooa, gtrlog a cbui;a of bill 


ALTf ■ 

Zltih Tsbatrb.— FalBiar Coi't "Brewnlffa'*wlU ttoM 
tha ataao tlU '.'1, when Ada Ilabu «IU appMar. Nancy 
Molatoaa'a ar|MrucoIn"Bli Eicel^ncy'' waa audea 
■oolaiyevutbrour local roirbuodrad latt wtak. 

DCQDrBUBTiitATai.— Robaitllllllardpraeenui "Uwt— 
.14 Uoun**and *Ti% LliUeat Olrl." lor tbU waek'abUI. 
Tbe Hiarlcb GrauaOprra On did not racalreiha large 
pattoiucaUrlcblydaaarTedlart we«k. It waaonaurthe 
baatBnbd opara compulaa arer aeaa baiw. Thoa Q. 
Baabroebo, In 'Ttia HpacuUlor," rorthaOrat tima bara, 
Biam 1 

. ATBJiOB TnuTBi.— Tbii waak'a apoclallata Include 
Pala Baker, Barnaid DiUyn, Smith and Cook, Kuoatd 
Bros, Jonlu aad Wllilaaaca, tba Sldtnana ud tbe 
Mawna TbeaicaUantdraisaUoatockooiDDuy preaaaia 
"Alooa." Tbay appoarad (o adrantAfo lo "Our Ragt. 
Btdn" laat waak. Ton Bobanaoo'a "Caaie"la to be ra- 
vlrad Mardbl gwoialiffiiHat. Tbara la no ralUna oiT 
la Iba bli attfnduca wbfck baa ctowdad Ibia booaa 
alooe llaopanlog. 

Bl/oo Tbbavib.— Andnv Maok la appatnng m "Myka 
Aroon.'.' "Ifonhtn UgMa" ihoaa btlghily lut weak. 
^Tba^yu of LUa" wQl ipaa tba- weak eomneooJog 

Babbt Davu* Bdex HcBia.-Tnai Palmar, "the female 
Sawio*;" Haidov.Juinlor.aad tha Maradlthi, la thalr 
kBi(elmpalllofact,arathapiiBcIpal carlo ball featoraa. 
Tbe Superior Bpoclaliy CoV Including iVrliiht and 
Xtoiaar, apiiaarlo tba tkeatrw. Boalne^eicellani. 

BLKa' BBHBnr— PltubufK L^igo, No. 11, B. P.O. or 
Blka, baldluaiKhtaanibaitanal banaBt aftamoon o( 31, 
atthatiew Orud Opera Uoaaa. Tbo bouae wu packed 
to Iba dome, ud almoat avtry attraction In town waa 
Turaaantad In tha pngrmmBO. which bvno with the 
■bird act or"lf(nnhani LrgbU^" aach oriha tlra princlpala 
lathe can btlni pr*aanud with ahandaoma ttukaior 
flewan gpeelaltlaa ware glran byConwell and Bwan. 
Prloaudflieela, ntao anl Talker. LucIUa Lararn*. La 
Ormode Wbltajljr. Mkhateni, Katharino R. Bali. Bin lh 
aad Cam pbelL wood e and Banon, Bnma Woni ud Wm. 
'•.OltL Artbnr Uowaid. or Th* Kurthero Llfihia" Co.. 
artadaaotairamanagar. a hindaoma aiim waa raallaad. 

BlTLBm— Tbe PittAborD Srraph'inr Orchaatra la now 
thoroof bly orvulml, aod uCaioeile llal<. afiornooo or 
tj and nlRht of & wlU ffte lu flrat roneana. tha auloUl 

fbrtnooaoecaAloDabalog Efsna Joch ProrHlmaon 

Blat^ra aew eomleopaia, "LaelallAtorthe Ouardlu aod 
■EU BrA^a," a -to ba pfodaoad at tbe Alnn Theatre 
April my for tba flr*t time en uy ataie. and la- 
aaatad tbronkboat tba week bealnnlnc with that 
data for tha benaOt ol oar four kidipa hoa- 
pitala. La Uraad Wblta,bwlnaaa maaacar of the Du- 
qna«aa,baa baea aoKued i« nuaga ihe l>ualQ«u«od 
of the prrdnetlen. which win ba mied by Frad Dnoo, 
•bo itagHl tbe oiltlokl pTodactloo or-'Robln Bood" aod 

olhar opena prodootd by tha Boatonlua Joaaph 

■«aalr^ a wall fcaowa Ullpooter, waa arrvrtad at tlia 
Bijea TbMtraBl u a da^rtar Iron tha United Hiataa 
•Army. Ba aalUtad la Daeambar bat, and waaaeot to 
tbebametaatnahmbamO^w&enbadeaertvdoB J«a. 
•.Tatnralag ta PHtatwg and lammnghla work wlib tba 
paiUbnih aad baakat AJ aeartain raliar to **Loat 

*i!i?tra?,"^«**** Cba'a''VwilS{"i??be 

iv.v.**i?,?" and eontala ag twatre of Palmar 

Coa'a aaiar color drawbia, liowloK InVt hnw ihl 
Brownlea paaa i belr lime doScrreytf oiib in Ibly^! 

n '"^^ ^ 0P«» UOQM Sol Smith 

Ruaaalldtaw waiT Feb- 17. "BcTnaie 8e«rt£d^ la rSiS 

"'.■.^'••"•V H Daiby WlooaVSi 
^aainalryClrtu»"n>t>ur Flat" tt^In Old Tud2 

Epiv Mrsir— Baalnaaa cnotlnaea cnod. Waak nr aa- 
Parla UaUty (llrK John BaruS. LoSiS Uaruld ZelU 

nnJ;i*"«^"?**ft J»i5MTaBaart. Joaapi Bhaldoo, T^m 
vioVn;i?'i?JJi"S''*' h^iJ*!^"- "f"* Sh'ralr. 
iil^f H5"T MaMitt, Cbarlaa MaSaaale, Uattfa 

hOTia.-Hena Wenn. Tocallai, a aUU oooflned to tha 
hoaplul, tbla rlty. bat la atowTr rocoTariSS jJK 
JaooloRL aironicDU.baaeloiad a contiaet "or anoilw 

au*onw7u.WaltarL,IIalo'aCiitna ^^airtiw 

aonUthlokiniaarloualyorrailHngaa a Maratthaend 
oilblauuOD. "BcCarthy'a Hiakapa" wlll^SlilruVoS 
tbeiotduoibaraaaaon. Tba ampuy (a do* boohtS 
oo an Butam and Southern roeta, the Waatam daiea 
harlot b^n canceled. May Ball, ertha ^mpany. who hbl 
been [11. kualmourocorared. VinaMruhTlnanportad 
BMd baalnau Anna Bovd «lll prwteMr )m tbeaur 

rlnhi to p^y it bating bean bouibt by a ayadleaiaT Tbe 
»mpuy la now batna beaked for neit aaiwn .. .R^j! 
8iaotoo.Jdg«l«rud Ucturar, who wu oparatad on In 
PUuhurifnr throat Uoub!a,bu fully racoreiad. 

IlendlBH.w*paradlBe Alley" catDO to good 

J?.?.'*Vl''"S'"2**'?*»'' >*. "Bonole BcoUaod" bU a 
I'fiiiwS!'* "i- f^dowoDd tba Trooadero VandoTlliaa 
f," '"^l"??* »?dl*nea 31. BobL llllllanl. Id 

Loat-li Uoon.*' dld a lama boaiaaM a "My Wifw'a 
^l?r"aa!' Abroad" ».Joa 0u«. 

O^SD OfBBA IIOUBB -ICr.asd Mn. Robert Wayoo. Id 
Blani"%9 * '^^'^ bualoaai waak of 17. The Smug- 

BuotJ THUTHi.-Boaa Bydatre London Bellaa' Bnr 
lMi)ua r.o. arew wall week of 17. Blbbe'a French Bur- 
lofqueCo comeaaaakofSI. 

NOTB.-Tha Jordua rejoined iho TiocaderoTaadarlUaa 
bare aiur apeodlog a abort «acauoo at tbair home, at 
NeamuatowD. tblaStaU. A larga Dumber of rMUoota 
of iliAt placa nod vklnliy, accompanlad by a band, au 
landed the perfonnuca, 21, ud undarad tha Jordua u 

Wllkeabmrra.— At tbo Graud Opera Uotue 
U^'rt*. Uoura." Fab. U, had good bualoaaa. "By 
Wire'aPrivDd."l9, cameto poor bouva. TTllby,"i|,u 
ud matlaee, bad a i»>d attandaoen. 'The Black 
CTT>ok" cnmea 21. **ThB Darby Vlnnar" "Oor Plat" a. 

MraiO HiLU— "Tha French Qalely Olrla." 17-lJ. had fair 
iludaudluou "Ktllamoy aad iha Rhtna." »-ti, had 
E?Sdt ^i?!f\-'i."J*" Tan«»aaea" cornea 34-». "Tba 
FrodlRAl Father" 37-19. 

KiCKD. OoBoi.— Tbla houi« li doing n go dtmaloaaa 
wlchacnoUnuoaaperformanaa nod ourlohal). Waokoi 
34-19opwa with Allan ud Waat. Hand Uarrar, Eddie 
Weaion O.K.Batoud UarUaStaad. 

8o»mtoa^At the Academy "The i)erbT Wlu- 

nor" coinaa Pab. 31, Emilj Bucker, In "Our Fiat," 3}. 
f^grore A Orut'a "fha Datxkr" Co. came 31 to a aovd 

Tuif Fbotiiihoqah — Ida goch glraaaconoart 31. Bol 
Bmlth RufaalU In Tha HlmK" n, had a nod houae 
Joo. T. WatklaaT taetimnolaJeoocen. 31. had a big boua«. 
Saodow aod tbe Trocodaru Vauderlllaii, 21. bad a rair 

Davu Thratkb— Tbe Madpa Tucker f^.o , In "Dugaro 
or aOraatOUy," camaU-as. -Tbo Prodigal PaUiar" Co,, 
2Mf, had hrga houaaa. 

BnatoBi^At Able Opera House "Ttllby" bad 

fair butlnata Pab. 17. Robt. HOlIard bad only fair bouae 
m "Tho Derby WInnir" hndllnht hnuaoSl. ComlnB: 
' My Wira'a FrUnd"». -Tha EunTer' 31 "TheOraat DIa 
mood Robbarf" Mardi 3, 'A Trip to Cbtoatovn" 4. "For 
Fair Virginia** S. 

Thb PaLAOB TUBATRi AW XuaBB coDtlonea to draw 
■ood hooM. WeekbfSl: BaVer, UIUm ud MliebaU'a 
Tweniiath Ostury Mlnatrela. Dare Fuy haa baan 
raulnad foraafrtbar waak. 

AUaalowB^Tne atiracMooB booked for the 

Acadtmvare: "rbeDanler Feb. n. 'The Derby Maacnt" 
a. "McOiartby'aMlahapa" 37, Joo Olt, In 'TbefttarUaiar," 
39; "AMMaummerNigtit'a Onain" March 3, Jainaa B. 
Mackla.lD"Urlmaa'C«IUr l>0Dr,'*4. Jamaa A. R«ll«y, 
In "A Ooroian Svhllar." ha-l a fair hoaaa Feb. 17. a. M. 
Palnier'N "Trllay" plaaaed a Urt:e audlwea 10. Itobart 
UlUlard. In ■*l<uat*-S4 Houra," cauahe a goodhouaaiP. 
'Tba DarUr Wlonar." 30, waa oot a rery bis win 
narhate. "Mt Wlla'a FrleaJ," Willi WIDIam 0. Aodrawa 
uthaatar, did aot linv wtrj wall 31. Bandow'aTroca. 

daro VandeTlllaa played to a Tery rood boa*a 21 

BobartUtlliaid wm aaioruloed by rrluda during bla 
aiay lo tlio city at the LirlngBton Chib. tbe awall club or 

•beoliy Anumbarot tharaerabeit ortheTrocadero 

Vaudarllla Co, ln<4udlag Bandow, were tmtad after 
tbe pari'onnuea 21 t« a "Mlibt In Bohemia" by tbe 
Writan Club. 

ItnncAatar^At ihe Fnlton Open IIouBe "The 
Derby Wtnoar" drow a Bood bouae Feb. 17. "Pandlaa 
Allay^ wan wall raoalred IB. "BooolaBcotlaod" came to 
aocd bualoau 3if "McCarthy'a HUdiape" dkl well 21. 
RtaiMO's "Uncte Tom'a Cabin" draw crowded faouati^ 
nailaaa ud OTauioa. U "Tke Loot Paradlaa" oomae 34, 
"My Wiia'i Priaud" 3B. 


ClnclBBall^Ueur; Iivlog made it twelve lODg 
yaara between vlaita, and Jaat mhataoriof ueatlmata 
beputacn Cloclnoatlanar hlaaacond'aiperleoea would 
prove a vary Iniataatlng aart or rarelatlon Joat now. 
There waa no mlatahlng Uia warmth of tba grcttlag ei- 
IMdad both to bim and {oBllan Tany. it waa conllal 
to tha ■aparUUre davrae, ud brooftht from iba grut 
actor raapootai bafote tba tutialo la wblcb be Uraaibed 
hia thuka aod appraolatlon. Tho FBtaaaeemed ajialnit 
tha eagagamant. lor ib» coldaatwavanrihe Wlnierdrore 
tba mercury ao far doaa lata tha bulb that It rer- 
faiarad tMlu* caro half tko weak Than tha ww 
day* or Lut nay bara loiarfereJ with the 

elana of aome of the faithful. Boclaiy did lie part, 
ut *Tu aociaty oouUn't ttU up ihoaa B3 aaata. The 
baloooy wu crowded arorr n[ght,ud tbe gaUary Jammed, 
but doifp on the lower Qooi elbow room waa narer ai a 
pramlun, Tbara waa 10 little loterui mulleatad In 
**Backat'* thai tha rwartorr wu *'amoadad," and '*Toa 
Balk" which aeemetf meat popular, aubaUutad for ibe 
cloamg nlaht of tha enfwntaeoL That weird drama 
wa^prafhced by "A Storyoi WaUrloo." There ware no 
farther ebufu In tha pTDgranma or the weak. Tbatra. 
ndlu wu taa guutoi honor atureral fotertalnnuu. 
Ilovanl Buby wai eoa ol hi* but*, ud a dinner at tha 

(2aau City Club auonaorthe haod<«meat little alfalra 
uat aerrad to make hIa aojoum aoclally nouble. 

OkAND OPtBA llotms-— "Tba Fatal Caid" opened Feb. 
24. It voohi be Juat bo noia tha IrTing-Terry u(age- 
iD«oiuapn>flui;lt>one. Olga NetherMtia Much 2. 

WilkctStkbbt Tubatkb— Flank Mayo came Feb. 24, 
iatiodueiog ' Pudd'ohrad Wilaou." tha ClocloDatJ 
dabatoTPrtdarlck BucioR waa ua that gave bIm en- 
oouragamanl. lie prored a very clever maalolan, and 
hoauaaalatadhyii eonpuyor goodapojlallata. Mm- 
nla Haddem-Flaie March J. 

HiucK'e OfBHA lIui'Hi -"The White Bfiuadroa" ar- 
rlTtd Feb. 34. Lutwi>ek "In a Big Olty," iheplay lo 
whkh Bobby dAflor la aurrtog.plajaid to tplasdld buat- 
Baw, "Fantaama** March 1. 

PoiiyrAI.*f EdOABB TuiATHB.— M. 0. AodanoB'a Own 
Coiopuy— rttJiy a bouaa aUiw— op<Dad Feb. 34.aDd theaa 
people took part: Marie Btnari. the Nrlaoo Faaillr, Btln- 
aoB and Utrton, Blnnla Buchar, Oracay and Burnett, 
Caif ud Jordao, ffaltar J. Taltiot. the SUtera Learner 
and Fruf. Lockhart ud bla trained elapliula Ul Uan- 
ry'aHloatreU dul aplendidly- Uallan** "Tnut'aih Cen- 
tury Ulrl" March 1. 

FaauiAsa TaBATHi.— Danver Ed. Bmllb'a Amerlcu 
TaadatlllCo..orguU«dln Cln«lnnatl, and managed by 
Fruk W. KaJly. opued Fob. 24, uking the week left open 
brlba cAucallAtlon or Frukle Jonaa,wbo aipaotau to 

Kiy '*In Old Madrid." Tba vaodef UIm lodaded Dearer 
. Bmlth, CortlaandOonlMt, tbe Three RaokettBroihaia 
Prof Shamu'a uoupa of foata, Lhiia Bharman, Bbema 
aod CaI*. Poinam Blatara, Krnul, Prukia Joaea ud 
Jerry B.aitary. Mattia Da Haraa replaeed ' A (looelar 
Uearloe" lata lo tha week aad put on "Beat Lyana." 
Buainaaawaaoolr fair. Bam T. Jaek'a ' Forty Tblaria'' 
March 1. 

Thb AODiroaicH.— "Lirtio Hl*a Nurgal." uooancad 
uitrlotly up todaia. cami Feb. li wlui UertMrt Caw- 
thorn, Cnattaa A. LoJer aad Lola Mitchell aliraaiurad, 
"Tbe Flra Fatrol" played lo ole* traaloaaa, **Tb* New 
Bot" March 1. 

Faoru'eTBBiTU.-^aiB Derara'a Oaa Compaor, with 
Omaot. returned Pab. It. Laat weak the FaudaTllH Clob 
attmctad aadlaocaa of g'ud •Ua. Tbe <(>ie*o City Mln- 
airalaapp«ared3(, abea • benadt wu jlTen tbe T. R 
BalBbuotFythlaa. H. Snilu, Juk Emi>noa. Oeorg* 
Ataiudor./ack Mayeoi. FrukU Bernard. V.B. Hlbaita, 
Martin Tbomaa, Oeorga Uala, Jvhs Knua and Karry Hie- 
(llofter «eraamoDi( tba tMmt eork arthuwhoaaalatad 
In makloK the taatimoolala aneoeaaful ooa. "The Nlgbt 

nacKA ATiBT'e MraCM — Broa.BundaaD.tbepaicho- 
lnilcal enoaodmin, irmna of Badootn Araba. Calanillr 
Jaaa and WDIanI Woodnar were In cnrloball Feb. SL 
The Pearl Briu tragedr I* otill llloairated by llring plc- 
toruon tha DiJon area*, ud ihaboraeaad coope vblcb. 
Illi eapt>oa*l, cArrlrd tba loor Ritl to hardaatli at PL 
Tbomaa la oo aihlblilAO. lo tha theatre ■•ra the (Ira- 
hafna.T. J. Haffron, Sallvaod Moor*, tba Wlltlama Trio, 
aod FoMrraad Willlama- BaalncaaraaJlriihi. 

FiBA'aOrBBA llovu— Biaa Albael eome* Feb. tf with 
bar ecBoert compuy, lodedlni Marie Von der Taar 
Uieea. Nbman dabnfrod, fcniau gclitlllng. Frvdanck 
Kacfiaoi and II. Lua WItaon. Bllen Baacli Taw coma* 
Marck A 

llowiP or THB LOBBT — Th* Hay Maaleal Femlral Aa- 
aociatloB baa artneooead iheoaalAl Hat of aololiia for 
tha eomlog faatlraL rla: Boo Darle^ Watkl^i Hilla. 
Pnoketflrerna, Fran Ktafiky. Mlaa Brfma. Ffruaeon 

Darlea, LiUlan Rordrea and M. Ilanaoo Achilla 

Riraida. tba vlollnlrt, made hIa OlnclouU dehoi at the 

Uat Tnp W. B. Walkar la here with okl frieoda play- 

lo( "A PaiaU;ard." Maoaicar WtU T. Fenoaaaf. uf 

"SlaTranr 0"M,*' droppHi la and out donna the week. 

WhIUBIchnrdManaflaU waa hero bedoaed aeon- 

tract with Jfba L. Bbiarar, of the Bhearnr Lactora 
Beraao, for a leciara lonr neit B^mmar. Ua haa aavoral 
t^auoqoa dato« at Mueluala. Taaa. : Laka*liia, O., aad 

Madlaoo. iria Maauar Beck, of the Audltorlnm, hu 

pat n a natiau lariBor tnuiy Bre euia to all parte of 

tba booaa. 

..AitharWiUlaaaecaBie la adTaaeaoflam 

- -Joha B. Itanln dW aome daver work (hr 
Podd'obaad iillUtta.»r7.,.MaUaWahh.of •^aBwwB. 
laa.** apnt oaa day bare laat weak, and rejoined bar com- 

Mny It iDdlanapoha BatryAakla U harataUlagor 

ibawaadarfblToloa or UaUa Beaah Yaw Pmnklya 

Qalmby laTa u aTenlBg ofBhahaapaarau radiala at the 
tuaon tl, for tba banaflt ol tha Ty pographtcal Unloa. 

Clav^«4.-.|UocpOoDaU| Urge audlenoeB at 
nU th*thaatr«a,|oa at tao; aad with a 
helUar oatlnae Fab. U, intaivil a aooeaaahil aaak. 

BccuD ATUtJBOrBaA UonB.-Whlte**IMr>dld fairly 
pwd baalneM,ltdld oot Kiraganeral aattilkclloa. rn\j 
ably cauaad, bowavar. by two k1gfa a atanJard ofeipacta 
Uoeantbaumoribeaodlencaa. Richard llarloweud 
BamlaBnoehlUwaiapilmefaTorllaa. Horn Boow bu a 
nnmp'^iura that la pantenbily runay aad took ai>len. 
dUiy. Tballalnvploiuraawtra al>o very good. Week 
of ta, plaa Neitirraole villpraaut 'iSannaD. ' "4:anillle" 
and ' DrBua." Week or Vartb 3 will ba dlrldaJ betveea 
Stuart RotMAB ud "Nvrtharn Llibta." 

LioiiJB TiinTna.-*'Jullua CK«r." ••Othello." "Mar 
cfautof VeoIca," wJ "Damon and PythUa' ware pra 
auiad Feb. IM9. Tha compuy wu a lltlla weak In 
pUcoi, baton tbe whole falrlt good. Bualoaaa wu eoud. 
Tha hooura weie ahmed batwaan tSiaa. B. Uuroid.Nuta 
0 Brian and E. R Hi>eacer. The ataflna waa vary dna 
Feb BKU, Tttoa Q Baabruoke arpeared fa 'The BpeuU- 
tor." Tbeeoapanr Ua partkuUrly atroog oBa^ and the 
audlaocaawarawvll plaaaed alth tbe utarUlnutut af- 
foid*d. Ju.J.Ouib«tt,ln"A NaralCadel."tl-J«; Geo 

Jf•'!^^,'^^!''"i "•n?' weehoi 

March 2, Bobert Muuk. 

CLkraLaxoTuBATRi— "TbaBidewalka or New York" 
dnw bosaea that were Untaud lood durioiput week- 
TbepUyhaaMTeraltbrllllnf aceoeiL «hlch aara made 
lhaiBoaiofaiidanloyad by tha audlanoea. Kwoey P. 
Bperdy created a aenaatlou lo bU diva rruin tba tnp uf a 
ahot tower. ChAa.T. AMrlch waa alao very wall reoaked. 
Weak of Pab. 14. -'The Bpu of Lire;" weak of March 2, 
HopkioB* Trua Ocaulca. 

6TiBTUBATaB.-aamT.Jatfc'aoouipuy,ln"An Adam 
Um bdu " had r«lr boaloeaa week ul Feb. 17. Aa a niU 
Ibe apaelalilaalDinMlucad ware 10(41. Jaaaie Leon, with 
her trained plgeona,and Annie Data, Inherouoiortlon 
act. were ihabeat liked of the conit«ny. Tha llring plo 
tuieicoouinad aonurtb prvtiy BirU to be thoroughly ao- 
Jo)aUe. Waak or 24. KIjob A Bharldu'a City fporia. 
Meek or March 1 Irwin Bruikett' BpeoUliy Co. 

ACAUur or Mtmia-A fdrly nood lUt of apaclalilea 
draw good Inufaa tbe put week, lo apluoi taaaerera 
weather. The bona* ataadlly adruean In poputarltr 
aa^ weak. BIckel and Wataoo. ud Eduand Bryut 
w*nth*ri*orliea and recalvadawarm ranaption. Tlie 
aur«rur«*akor3tara: The Wright Biaur^ Al. Thonp 
aw.Badle Uvt, tbe Dlamonda ud Berita Uaire, witli 
"SaoAtor McPbca" u u u aftervleca. 

DBf Ub,— At the OniHl Opera Houm Mr. aiid 
Mr«. Ruaa WbvUI pUied a ralum uiHameat la "For 
pAlr VlraloU'^ Feb. i7.and were greeted by a lartaaad 
fAAblonable audience "Tlia FaBclng Maaur." wlib Kath- 
arine aamialGa in tba tltla rela,eania 19, to fair baalnaaa. 
Fiwdarkk Bancroft magloUo, ratuma lor raanliht,2l 
UuBiAva lllnrich'a French ud Itallu UrmBd Opera Co.. 
In "lITrvrat'ira." ^h™***" 

Pabb Tuurna -Bara T. Jack'a Ureolaa came 17-19. aad 

dUpU)ed the H. a. 0. atgn at every petrorwwoe, thla 

rlcaa. '"The^" " 

— — ^ ..,**. Coming: .m« 

Fira Patnl" 24-10. Mr. ud Mra. Oliver Byron. In "Up* 

halflg thalr aratappaaraacoAtehaappHcaA. "Thelfrbde 
Squadron" camaOMl tu wood buaiD«&a. Comlni: "Tba 
Fira Patrol" 24-ja.Mr.a ' - " ■ " ' 
ud Down ofLila^" 3T-B. 

BoLDiBHB' IIOMS TuKaTNE— "Playa ud PUyam' " book- 
«d fortl, oucatad. Lllllaa KMOaoy eoiuaa fll. 

blgaudianc*eB),21. Tli«<y wareaaalated by B P, Hawaoa, 
nailclu. Chu. T. Urlliy (vnteriAlaer) conaa March 9. 

Colaubaa^At tbe Grand Opem Uouae Uella 
Foi. in "Plaor da Lit," bad a lood ta'alaau Feb. 17, IB. 
•-For Fair Virginia" aUu did wall B>-21 RobL Muuil 
COOMB for three al|ht«f7. 

liiuuBrniKTTHBATBB— Mr. aod Mra. "Upa 
and Oowna or Lira." open a three nlfbt eoBatamaniili 
'The Vbltediiuadroa" hail light bmlaeaa IT-19. Ham T. 
Jard'aCiaoIeato fair baaliaaa 20-2J. "Haparba" oonaa 


« avn-AL Bi>BBB had a good week. Openlnit34-Carlo 
ball: A Blr|wlthlior«a'Bmane,Cbdk OaundaraaotlO. A. 
B««ay, touiical Allilao. Theatre: The Haloulraa. B. R. 
Fl'kf a, tha fouoda. Z^jyarra, aad Edwarda ud Nallaoa. 

Sprlngdald^At tbo Grand Opera Itouia 

"Wkor" played lo Rood boatoota Fab, 20. BUUwa'a 
"tJocUTon'MCabla" dllod tha houae both mattDea ud 
ev*BinR22 Kpliar, muldan, aulaiad by Mr*. Kellar, 
will bava 21 Rot*art MutalL In "Tbe Uuaband." 2d. 

BUCK'S OfkRA Kot'oB -Uiurldi'a Fraoch ud Itallu 
Orud O^ra Co. ecuaa lA. 

Hnmafleld. — At tbe HemorUl Operm llouiie 
"Town Tupka*' appeared Ufom n loadlnu booaa Feb. la 
RalUr enuruload a amall houaa V. "Raperba" U,T|ro:«uTroubAdonra March a Prnf. 

K. Lean, late ol "Dlile'a Lud** Co., rceotly aued L. W. 
Wa»hbura In our local tourt rur IVQiU. damagaa rur 
braacb of varruty or two cara raotad to Mr. Laoo uy Mr. 
Waabbum. Tlia can ware warrmntad to paaa laapecUoo 
aad ba aocepiabla on rallrDad*. but ihay waranfuaad, 
BBd Mr. Lavn wu eompaikd to take hU oompany out at 
rafoUrraiaa tut the aeawa. Tbe Jurytave a vaidlei 
afalnat Waalibum for 11,30 O, 

ZnBMTlll«..At BchuliE'e Opctv llouse tbe 
ArioB Opara no. (local), in "diradelU,"b»ldtho bouda 
Fab. II, S, to fair baalnaaa 'Tliaf^airr Otreua" pUyad 
a ratarn data 17, to a pukd hou*a. thiaa.B lluiord 
oomai34, Tha Ltmltad Mall" 31 Tlia Dvrby Wmaar" 
March 4. * Sbora Acraa" 10; 'The Old Uumaaiaad" 12. 

FlBdlnjr.— At the Hatloe Opera Uoiise "Uocle 

Tou'a Oalla,"Peb.l9.0nwapoor Ituu»e. "Wana." I/, 
draw a big bvuae. Couilog: "It9r' »."Joahaa Blmp. 
kin*** 9. 

fUrabanvllle^At tbe Clij Opera Uouie"Tbe 

OM HonHaiead"ii1eaaed a bin buuaa Feb. 19. Uonulei 
Opera Co. cumaa 2i-2il, "Tbe Umltad Mall'' 9. 



BoatOD*^Tbeopeologortbe Uoun eeaiOD bee 
bad, appaieotly, no ellecl upoo our thealr%ioora u jat. 
Lariaaudlutaaharepraralledat all of our lionteA,ln 
aplia of tha Taa that tha taat auditorium of Macbuloa' 
Uailtiu ba*n throoRad at nearly every parruimuce of 
■rand Optra during tba pa«t weak, yet t)ie dramatle at* 
traction* Lave not auiTorad a Uckuf good pau ooage. Tba 
oporaaaawn oontlouea for una week lunier Beperiory: 
Hooday itabt, "Bouiao and Juliet:" Tuvadar. a dunbla 
bill, **Aida*^(ACU I, 1 ud 3). rolkiwed bi the Brat and 
oolt performance In Boaurn oi "La Navanmlaa;" Wadnea- 
day ef eniug, "Manon;" Thoraday arealof , "Meaaliffaia ;" 
Saturday ereninf, larewail perrgriuuoe (tiy reuutat). 

TKBBOiirTHBATHB.— Jobn Bare bubad arary auccana- 
ral weak.ud on Feb. U batu bU aeoood ud Laat week. 
Tbe Noiorteua Mr*. Eub'imth ' will be prodocad fur Um 
fnt tlmala Uiiacltyoa that evenio|.aad onW^taaa 
day and BaiurdayaraDiagaoI tba aaue waak. OaToaa 
dayud ThurFday olBbu aod BaturdaymBtlnaa**A Fair 
«f 8p«l«la*" will bw repeated, praetded by "A ()«l*t 
Bubbar," Mr. Bare apprarlag In both Ihe comedy ud tha 
cunalonUer. UD Hatuiday nlfht "A PalrorriiiactAcUa" 
ud *H;oBady aod Tragady." t^mlogMareh 2,"UUEl- 

Pabb Tbbatbb — **Mra. Foodarbury'a Put" Uooe of tha 
aiur dnmailo Boveltlaa awalilog ua. Stuart Bubaoo aa 
Matlnaw Pondorbury la bound to dupllcaia bla lurmar 
aucoaaMB. Hartbl Hell BurgaAi, In 'TbaOouoty Fair." 
'Tba Strug* Adrenturaa or Mlm Urowa" clnwd to tott 
|ood bniinaaa ti. 

Buarui ML'aaVB.— "Tbe Oav ParUlui^'* witb tha anura 
oriilaaleaaclieided br W. J. Farauaou. ovmaa bare hir 
theOnttlmaPeb. 24. 'TbePrUooarol Zaoda" do^ il 
with an aoormoa*j>*inmaia 

HoLLUBTMIBT THBaTHi.— ThU Will be tbe third and 
laat weak ot tba Tatter oaauemaaL "fihe Stoops to Ooa- 
<iuir" will be tba opaolni bllL *TwaUtb NlRbt" la U' 
nouocad lor Tuaaday avaolog, "Uuiy IV-' ror thi 

Wedoeaday matlBOOi, "Tbe lady of Leone" lor Weduoa- 
dayolBbt,"Aa Fob Ltk* li"forThur*day aight ud lU 
Baiuraa; matlaee, ' Komaoand Joliei" for Prklay aigbL 
BAturdaralaUfa parformuea will oonalat oi"i;batUr- 

Ii" for Thuraday Bight ud Hie 

" •- '->rrrk ■-• 

^ - - Jat 01 

tor." Act IV or "TvallUi Htafat," tba balcony acana of 
"Itomao ud Juliet," the third uter'-Aa YuoUbalt," 
aod thaacraan acan* «r 'TtaeBcltiwl r<r8oudB]." O* 
March 1 Oeorie Kdwanlea' London BuriMoue Co.. ki 
-An ArUat'o Modal." 

Boirror Tmbatbb.— "Madame Bua-tlaaa." with Katb- 
ryo Kidder m the tlUa role, hu proved a moataophatlc 
auecaaa, ud Urye aadlaoeea bare been aaao olibtir 
during Ihe paat watH. The aUrution contlauaa aoiil 

bovwia BqniBB Tbbatbb.— Tho Boacicult' Marti not 
CcmpurwUiprodooa'TbaLlibuo' London" for waak ba followed March 2 by "Tooib." "llaibet 
LUbu" eioaad Fab 21. to packed bouieaandgTaatentha- 

Coi.«iBIATUBaTmx.-"Down In Dlile," with MIlL 0. 
Barlow ud the pickaninny band, cornea co iLla liouae r«r 
waak of 21. folwwed. March 3, by *-nia WhlUHUve." 
Btave Brodle, lo "Oa tbe Bowery," drew aicaUut beaaaa 

KbiH'aNBW TUBAfii.-Tbe patrooa or Kelib'ahaTa 
haao uUdpatlng tha advent or Mr. aod Mra Hidnay 
Drew, ibo make ihalrappuruea at Ihla houaa Sl.lna 
cuuedUtta,* IB Cluvar.'* Tba Hat of aiuutlooa la uo- 
naudl/atnmi thia weak, and Indudra tglilia P.Hwaat- 
nam, Li Bella Carman, Adoala Amta, (Jla llayden. Prof. 
WoriDWOod'a iroup* ol dona aod moniaye, llewelt'a utd- 

nai theatre. Prof. t;o;la, who Ucturaa oo Veoeiuela, 
luairaied: llarleo aoo llaiberioQ, tha Poar t^bani, 
Bryant and RavIlte.McBrMa and (Jurdun, the Ty Bella, 
Malaonud Mllleda*. Ilaity. Ed. Koaara ud lb* Halllyi. 

CAarufitiL'AuTKBirBB.— The talantaJ aad teiiatlle 
oparA compuy of thlabaAutlldl bouae have woo fitat 
approval durlni the pant weak lor u aicapUooallp go'<l 

KwaeoUiloa Ul thalr double bill. "Pioarure" aad "Caval- 
rl* Hoalieua" It will be rvpeated tfala week. 
(J&aJD Oraaa Ifvtll -Hooday aflerDOOO, si, will ■It' 
nana the reopeolncof thUBoaUi End Ltnm. The per. 
lonaaoc* will be ODnllauoaa aiHlar tba maaagamut of 
(.liaA. F. BIllotL Tha Arat waak'a prarranima offara drat 
Ganpfaali'N drama. "My Partoer.'' Tto vaadevllla llat 
IndodH AUee J. Bbaw. Maithewaaad Bal|*r, Btaaa aad 
BloBB,lABellaTlaa.NatFamaBt,llekJao aad Jacfcaoa. 
Frueaa UarrlioB and bar black bu/a, Maia and Uantar. 
ud Howard aod Moor*. 

AVariv A SroxB'n HtaatiB-^e Bdalwalaa Baba 
MoanUlnCbolrwiU makeihalr llrat ippearauca In Ihla 
eoanlfyat MAaacar Sloae'abmtaa t^munvw. Big. Hue 
direa, with bla llieal«a, "The Battaiflf." U aUo a aew 
corner to America. Tha vudavliu abow will laclada tha 
EUawonhSlAUrA, llickay aod N*Uon,Ur*ot*ndCUrlMi. 
the D«lDr«* BUtar*. Blily Hul, the MbrriMy^ Mlula 
Clioa. liana aod Bntcoa, Laaaarrt aod Foltna, ihelMar- 
Du Plvtar*. BiUy Barlow, the Emmeta aad the Relaoa 

Paucb Tibatui -Leoal A Erareti'a Udlanr Ctab 
Compuy wlU prtaeat two aew rueta thia w^fc— Tha 

Widow*aBa*baad**ud'^aOoaat*BTutar^" Tkaello 
wlU waaaat Pkhar and UamlL the Bioa Brothara* 
BaUlla, Charla* Boblaua, WatanrurFi Kaaa^ Watar> 


other big rarUly btll fur waak or 91, It Inelodea Alira 
Waiaoa and Uarry Haobtn^ Pearl Aodrawa, Oohleik, 
Chaltkat and OoMen, Ida lloweU tha Don Slaiei*. Oaorta 
Rvaaik Polty Bohae*. Bmaou and Paly, Will Kajre ami 
Adah Benrr.ChaaMoDoaahl, the Vhielloa,Rhadir ud 
BUkeUy, Mile. Val*aea,Lottlia Keilia, Amy Anton, Ilia 
and Mil, Jan. 0 llauaa. Ma^k aod (^)lt*r. Kamorhl. 
Jack Walah, Oynthla Navada, Al. Lobln aad tha Howard 
Comedy Oo. 

LTOfH TBBATBB.— Th<» Lnodnn tjklaly nitU ara billed 
Tor weak nr2l. Tha olio laelud** Tarry and Magii* Far- 
BuaoB, Dot Lathrvp. Kddte (klell. tli* t^n-«li« 
Htiien. Kealloaanil AlaaABtler and Vlralef*eymoiir 

MiCKBLOOBO!!— Muacar Duan'a cuiloa tor thtaaaah 
IneluOa l>*it«r, with hia death chair, lutllotlee aid Ril- 
loaa; Hindoo eibibit i f black art, Alverva a tranaparvnt 
vomu, and muy oihar*. The hourly ataia ahnw will tw 
given by II ague and Laalle, Auule Wllaoo. BtldU (ley, 
Iha CrtBwa|^ U*iiri* Allaa.Kliile Rtmnira, iha Vornoo 
Blitera and Bella Mallvllle'a Kniat* HlnamU 

(iBiMi Mtmii'H.-KtlBar Hvkleo. In "Melenna'a Fllria- 
ttOD," leada the bill Tke varlet)- llat Includaa LTilla 
DtvaDia^ MInabart BiMera, llutalvd and tlujar. Vavin 
Noi>rl|tU, De Vuui and Archar, iha Walaba* and John P. 
Fan too. 

trukUiHUiiD.— Manaaer PIIHui'a b*w ventura had a 
aurc*aBiulo|>anlnstl. Ila utTera an attractive llat of *b- 
btblta (u apeoldlud lait weak) and a hiw price of admla 

ROTAL MFSlvia.— Mannier Dwver'a llat or attncttooa 
IneludeThomu Hateman, Data Waalun, llaary CKgonl. 
<LP. VauKhatt.Funv D^ta, tienle Mark. Marr WhUa, 
MtllU hlof. Jamaa Uokariy, Hnia. de Metvla, Bertha Mc 
tNilloneb. May Rtnhao, Henry WbeeUr. Jaiuaa Carroll, 
Mary Uanllaar and otiiara. 
NoTBo— Manaaer Kalth haa aaeured iha Blaek PattI 

for week or Marah 2 The "Camien" matinee, flat 

MaehuIca' Building, waa a tasioua one In pulniorat- 

UBd&uea Luula Mauin made a big hltullarrVun 

Moaiar, In'TIi* fliruR* Adventuru oi Mlaa Bruwn,"ai 

Ike Fark Kaiaaalva alieratlooa will h* niado at the 

UelumblaThvatranvttaaaaon. Owing to ihnlnervaaad 

patroQaB*morealandlng room la needed Manager 

aad Mr*. Fruk P Htona are at Loa Angela* aod areoito- 

UfflpUlini a Ulp tu Jai*w Vbu. W. AronM bu liaun 

rt aniAgad a* prau aiani at tha iirand Opera lluu>a 

Jaa A. llama, In 'Shore ArraVfollnwa "Madame Hana 

nana" at the Hoaton llattle Rcheli haa Joined ihr 

Bouclcaull Nartlaot Oo. at the Bttwdula Thutra 

Tha luanaiement nf Iha Boatim Thaatra have aent oul 
lavitatloBa tit the faanlly or Harvard Iktllane and tha 
(lovaiaorud hli atalT lo wltnaaa Mooday ninhra |>ar 
rarmuoeur "Mna Baut Oana." A g'ut muy acoapt- 
ucea bare beea recelvaJ, ud a aala aliiht la eipecle I. 

RuliwaabnH.:.:-', II, hy MnuHophla l>*aa«ii. ui Ne» 

- -era andJ. M, llllu Plaintiff dalrmiiit 

liareor the prvllUln^Tbe Biruia Au- 

York, va John Rojr^ 
partoarahlpud aali 
venturuol Ml** Bro 

Iiowall.~Ai Ibe Opera Ilotiao "Ueo lltir," aup- 

Cprtad by Lowell *otlalr petipl*. plated oua awb luhit 
aalna*a,otoa|oa Fab. 9i. Ward ud Vohaa, in "A Hun 
OB the Bank," come IS. ud "Bhadow* ol a Oraat Cut" It. 

Hi'Biu llALi — DuHeOanhypUyad ^'Crultkeen Lawo" 
17-19, lo vary aathlaetoiy bouae*. D. A. Kelly, In- Our 
a«*U of a tliaat t'tty." did good bualBaae «2. "Uurle 
llirui"com*a24-}«i/'8partal ball very" f7-9. 

HAVUTTilBAtMB.— Thta houw opened lUduorafor tha 
Brat ttma 17, under the muagauieat of U. F. Utiabar, and 
didablgbualliaa* all Uatweeb. The 0|>enlDK hualnoi* 
waa very sood aod. nave ror one nr two unavgiUaUe 
hikcbea, averytiiiBi paaaed ogaailaTactorily. The Ihwlro 
haa a gallery au<l t«o iMie*. Tlia total avatlnircapaolty 
d thahooaeUSil. Tliaalag* UBKL Ueap, with B mil eeu 
oraceuery, nod the naual guaod electrlo ilahiluReHiicli 
Vaudeville parformura* will lie the principal attraction*, 
and popaLar pricea will prevail. Tlia liuua* l*nalBli«il lu 

light color*, which nlvea U a brliht and ohaarful iiiiwai- 

L ~ -fji or tranaformlng ihr • • - - 

«aa done L>rlac.._ 

ini: Lawranoa and Harrlniiton, B^rfaareno*,' jt'llTe 

anca. Tba work tranaformuig iha hulMinN fiuin a 
church Into a theatre «u done principally by I loaJ cou 
iractura Tlia felluwln* parfumierapUyeu at the o)i*U' 

buniaOt McHabuB aod Ktng. Uau ud Ji'iina, iJen. 
Uafillor,T. 0. Ktni, Loiireaia ud Maury Watia. Mr. 
Clarence broke hIa lAttOoiraphlo tiiaclnne al the iH»euliia 
paiformanca, wblcb prar«nted hiaapi<e*ranc*durlnK tbn 
weak. Tna uuagenieot have reduced die numlier ut 
dally ahowa from Uitow lu two, cumuiaoolng 34. ud liata 
aholUhid the ouriohalL which wu on the iirvubd nwr 
Booked » and week: lIMdeTuinaaaod Frauk Uarry, htl- 
ward CUraoca, BaUwIn ud Daly. Harry and Buuuu. 
UlltMrt Barony. ..num Wiluuth. ud Julia Lea. 

houae (loruivri* known aa MIJuu Tliaa ir) upana umlar 
the muagwniakt of Al. Il*yu**,24, wl •. lauiil IMiiuttat. 
Madcma ^upllule. Kaa and waru. Ma fUlnar. Julia 
HadmoBd, Fteldlag Family, Halvllle aad Md.'luud, l.'blo 
Kahoa ud Eva Laalla. 

Fnll Ulvar.*At the Aoadefur of Mualu "Thu 
Private SecreUry." K«b. 21. and Minnie I'almer. lit *Thi> 
ddioul Ulrl," IV. U. DiatalLli lliht rwiuroa. Wani ud 
Vuhea, IB "A Hun oa the Bank," 111, liidily amua»j a lair 
aliad IrauML Hice'a "I49i" coma* 'i3, w. J. U. Ilaara. lu 
*-Dr. JeVyllud Mr Hrdr,"l7-3V. Margaret Matlier, Marrli 
3. ttoatoa Hymphuny Oroheaira 4, "riio IrUh AManuan" ft, 
"Btudowa Iff atlraat t'lty" 7, Caroline Mukel llojt, lu "A 
Couieuted Wunau." II, 'Town Tuplo«" 14. 

KiL'U'a Til BATH B.— Harry Murria' KotarUlner* eular 
Uioad good elied audlencu Feb. W-34 "A Oiacker 
Jack" mme 17>I9. to fair returna. 'Bpaoial Dallvary" 
comMl4-a,"Oo KrlnV Shorn" 77-29. Ibe "While Cruok" 
t>). March 2-4. -CUoolihu'e Hereiiailara" fr-T, 'The Prod- 
lial Father'* 11-14. "Paap o' Day Boy*" M-IH. 

Wu:(bBBLAHD TuKinta— The llenry Uurle«|ua and 
Taeutialh Century Mlualral Uo. ubaued Uielr aaaaon 
hare IT-2i. Thia waek "Zoro" will amua« The Ua4>. 
urenorr Paotomlna Co. coma* Mardi A'7. 'The VTbiia 

Horn.— Minpie PaUiiar'a 'The Rdtool ulrl" Vm. di>- 
LaitdedhareXf. MlaaPa'marud ruur mainltera ul the 

eoluploy will return to Englud In a rev aoaka 

Fred Al/o, forioerly wltli Uie "Held in filavoiy- t;u.,liaa 
acoaptad the poaltlon ol auperlntandut at Manager Mai- 

tin'* fTouderland. 

Worcaalor.— At tbe Worcottor Theairo Itae llnlr 
Croa* Collage Dranatlo Ulab(t<n:al). in ' KiDUllaory IV.'' 
draw a bla houn Fab. 17. Billy Barry, lu 'Tha HtaInK 

Uuerallon," had nooo pwtionaae IB. rievaUod'a HIti' 
MreUcame to acHM ratuma ». tAaroHne Mlakal Miiyi, |i 
"A t;nal«oi*d Wuunn," draw omwded lHiuiiaB2l, 21. ilua 

Oeorae Vdwaida*' t>mle Opera fV, In "Ilia BacolUnry,' 
B: "Bowing tbe Wind" 31. Mariarat Hatliar, lu "Umii*<i 
aod JnllBL ' Tlie linneirraoon" aiid "Loali. tho For. 
aakao," 28199; May irwia. la Th* Wliliiw Jiinaa," for 
banaBt or Wurceatar Lodge ol Blka, Mardi 2,4: OUaBkiu 
aer 6. 7. 

LoTUBor'B Oraaa llotraB ~"1I >u and llun" cmme lu 
blif paUunaae laat waek, "fhia of Ute Braveat" U-n. 
Tlie Loat Paiadlia" Mardt ^7. 

Fhobt bTBiar OriBA lIuuBa.—London lUlety (IItI* 
drew lOud lF>uaaa bat weak. Waber'a Big UhinoU Uu: 
24-79. Condon Halloa Maroli 2-7. n w t y>» 

NuTn.-lloyt'* **A (k)at*alad Woman," on Waahlog 
tno'a Birthday, draw the blKgeal matiaae In thehUiury 
or tha Woroaatar Theatre. 


l^l^u^Al Ibo Ljou Tliealra William i. Ilarr/, 

In "the Blaloi aaoaratlitn," came Feli. 17, to a fair bun 
owa. Ward siia Vokeabad big huuaaa2l.2i. Cumins: 
"The irlih AUennan" March 3, "Hliailuwa or a Uiaat 
City" 4, lloyt'a "A Oonteot^l Wouiaa" 7- 

Mciiu fULL— Kite A Barton'* tJoinedUiia I'rMeuled 
"Melhiodle and fuodle." to a good bualneaa, 3t^O. Tliii 
Henry lturlea<iua Co. la tu b* Uie atiruuuu the drat of 
the praaaot aeak. 

UofllP.-Tie Cryatal Maie ctoaad 3J a run of three 
weaia. and the uanuaoiaat ie|.oru liavlag doua a bi|4 

bualB*** Janiaa D. trooper, or tliia city. ciineJUu, 

who haa baea out a Bumbar or weeka with coltittloatioiia, 
hu ratuiaad lo bla houw for a abort vlall. 

l*awraBc*«— At the Opera lluune, Pel*. IT, IB, 

* One or the Bravui" pUyad lu ralrbualBHaa. "Ilunian- 
liy." II, 24. played a retura aogaiteiaeot, lia Momd ilila 
aavou. biawfu bouae* Coming: "A Oinieoted Wouiu" 
2B, Ward A Vokeal7,-llbadovaoraUrMtt:ilv"X«. I^ullloa 
AriiDpaoo'**'Brld* id DaviiU" Much 2-9, tfawiairat>f. 

MarlBMBald^At QUmore'A Court Biiuare Tbrft- 
ire. Fab. 17. the Dauroadi Optra Ui. caoia tu Ian* ra 
tuma Rlea'a "UST* had |nod buaineaa allarBiHMi ud 
araaiog or 19 LUIlan Ruaaeli drew a brae hooaa II 
Hoohad^; Jawati 21. "Tba Ja*Ura"19, 'The Hew fcuth" 
71, a, 'Boa log tha VlBd" 

TBBBteBf^At tbeNewTbeatn Ward and Vuhe«, 
la ''A Sua oo tha Buk," came Feb. 19. to reir bujiuaaa. 
Adi Wedoeaday and a •over* uow atom reduced tha at. 
Undue* aoiueabAi. Coming: Katiiarloe Robar waek 

01 24. , 


I«oa Aagetas^Ttie liOa Angeles TtieBire wm 

dark waak •odlnM Feb. 1ft DalUy** Hmck Co. did 

fairly at the Bumtiuk Tlieatre, lO'ia, wnii "(jiaau" ror 

tba bill. "Wife for Wife" 17-13 Fin* audlanc** ar* Uia 

ru'e at the Orpbaun. New people 17 : Radial Walker and 
DaWitiBlaur*. HirlaU: D* Van HUtcra, ||*ol*y Slatara, 
Maaoo and Uaalay. Ollmor* and Laoaard. aod lldwier 

udDo>le MaU4er Joe Pelridi, on 14, lBtruluc«4 

thaacbemetifaEactloi Uo cenU r<*r the Aclora' Pond 
froB patruoBurtlicOrphanm who ere ailmlttail wjiiiuul 

purdiaatog licktU A rmiber ae* era aanhfiuake aliock 

occarrad whIU Uilbert aad (JuUle arre ilorag their torn 
at tbe Orpbaum matlaee perfonnuca 16, aad Uia alaroi 
ortAeandlencMwaaerTectuallr *ltar*d hy ao eahlliltloa 
a| raadywliho tha part ol Mr. lluklU, wIhi atlllud the 
Incldentandgavallahnmoroa* phaaa. 

••B Dia«««-»At Kbiher'a Opera Uotuie Bcbll- 

linn' MIoairaU eaaie Feb. B, U loul baaiaei*. Frederick 
'Aarde plared to gooo hour** 11, |g, wlih Halur>lar 
matlneo. (VKnlag: H'lna*'* Ban-I 2i. A M. Paliuar'a 
Trilby" S, 27, Tbemu W. JCau* . O. 


iBlt laBka Cllr^At Ibe Uraod 'MUrrnl" 
draw big baalaaM week of Feb. 10. "La Bella Ruaaa" 


LrcBtrH.-'tba BdU" draw well week of la BlU for 
ihecarteot w**k. "A Trmgf dy." There wuan upliaaval In 
ihaLicaoB gioekeompaay lut weak, and tb* fwlbelag 
mambar* retired: CharloiU TItUI, La«rti Hury. Vallaca 
H 00 r>*^ aod Harry Corfoa Clarke. New uiembera an- 
noaacad u loin eompaoyaaitwaak: Cora BiTakaraad 
Maod BdoA ualL 

BaltLabi TnaaTBA— Aaa* Rra Pay ha* drawn fair 
boNaeaa waekef 12 J»ma* 0*111*11 94-27. Mioa.Tarary 
□rand Opara Uo. eomea March 2-1, 'Maiico" 13-lX 

llABBT CoaiDi CUBBB U coadacuoR a dramaite 
acbool, aad ■III ramala la Bait Lake ror a* pt aa«at. 

LbiI WMk*a BvaiiU.— Tbe past week vbs 
cofoparBtlvelj uB«TenUul, tbere buTlDg bcoo bat 
two noTvUiee preietited, the Orvt, wbtoh came wllh 
lie wrek'e beilutlor* tMlnff a mrrllnrtooB Kagllati 
cometly, and Ihe other, wblob was seeo later, belog 
BU intoieatlpg 0«rtiiBD drBma, rendeivd lit ihii 
ortilful trogtie. THe excealrclf cold weatber dor 
ln« Ibo oarlr part of Ihe week brtd no Iniorloos 
eiTCvt upon IiubUk«i, but on the cobirarr seemed to 
Improre U, aud tte early now ot aitendaoco con- 
tlaued wlihcitt BUaletneni lu tbo week's cIobo, lofl- 
(lerlog Ito agRrriaio nf hiiBlu»B Torj paiUTbC' 
tnry. Tbe crnaatlon or perrurmaDcea ot irand 
operm do doubt grrally bfnoHiied naur of ibe 
Ibeativ. wblto Ihe avrrage ciceitooce of ibe 
carreat attiaoUoD*. logeiher with tbe bolld*r 
obKirance n( Waihinglun*ii Ulrtbday, ilTonl- 
M BddlUoDal rcakoni for tbe guuil dDanclal 

rPsuliB Tho continued nttrAcUun.^ for ibe week 

coding Fi)b,'ii w«re: "The Heart ot UarylaDd" at 
the HBgALDSQPAMB. the UontonUne at the Bboad- 
r4V,"Kor tbo Cruwo"at I'almbu'h. "Kxcebtor Jr.*' 
a Olympia, "Ttie rrliwnor of '/eoda" at the Lr 
cai'H. *'The Uily olaTey" at tho CahiNO, "A lUack 
Shrep" at Movr**. "The War of Wealth" *t the 
Stam, Cbatincoj 4Hcotl at iho Koi'ktbrntii STBBtr. 
"The Sporting nucbt«'>Bi the AcAniHYupMiBir. 
"Dnraiab*' at tho Ambhiuan, "Tiie Ouinieu (laokP* 
at lULY'H,'"neiiiioniAU Joo'* at tlio llfJUl*, Barab 
Dcnibanlt at Abdiy's, •'TneUoromorur KonluDky'* 
at tbo Finn AvRKi'g, "A HooIaI UlgbwaymHQ" at 
tho OARHicg, amt"ChlinnitoKailUon<*atthenAHDBH, 
Iho four laat nnirtnl having cloned upon that ilAte. 

Tho oDo week iiUndH cimlng Fob. il weie; 

•'ShvoiI From tho Bca*> at Um ritiriJi's, JuMpb 
Murphy at HAhPUHii'a, "lu tiM Kouiiirky" at tbe 
(iHAHnOi'BBt lloi-Hg."ThQ AVlMrd or ihoNllo**at 
Ihe llAitLgB Ol'BHA llui-Hg,a»d "Tho Whilo BUvo" 

al tlie CuLUMUL'H Varliiiy eDtcilalnmetit was 

fiirnUiiod at Tonv Pahtun's. Ko(>tbh A Bial's, tbe 
rnitiN HgiiAKB, I'KHiTnB'A. Ulvmi'Ia, the Uaibty, 

tho l/tNW>H, I ho Ol.VUt'll* Ultd HiNBK'A IIUW BRT MDll 

Kiutmi AvBNiig PoffiirmAnccRlnderfnan wrru 

Riven at the InviKii ri.Aug mdiI UgRHANiA, and per 
rortiMOi-cBtn HulHvw ul llio Tiiama, Wispbur and 

ADLKH'S AtlhuKMI'lHH TllgATRR, 00 Feb. 1), 

thero WRB priHliice*), rorllteilTBtilnieluihbicounlry, 
"Mnrrlugo," acoinnlyju three hcIs, by Bmntluu 
TliniiiaBanil lleiiry KcvliiiK. Uinotwtth arurillAlre- 
copll(>nAudKlTOA|tniiulaot>rBncuo«. "UNrn'rVan," 
au niiQ act iilny, hy Knima Hiioridan Krye and Mrs. K 

O.Bntbnrlaiid, WM iinmonled ana citrUlnnalatr 

At a utalinoo pfrfDriiiAiico glvoit Feb. IH, at tho Cab* 
Hktiix I.v<.*bum. lUuiiniUiir Iho Amorlean Academy 
of tho Jmintatlu Arlnprewnlml Uatirlou UaclerllncfcSi 
"L'lntorlDur,*' irtimlatod by Wllllani Arcliur. They 
rtlfiu prciwnU'd uptin tiial ucuasUiu au orlglnil 
farro unnicdy, In iwn acM, willltin bp Kiinalioth 
U'MllIng, auU cnlllliil "Mitalcr HiiAkeii|)oaiT Oul* 

willed." At rAl.uRH'H TUKATHK, nrieniMiD uf 

Fob. IH, ■■Hilnlaanil iHiimini" wiiti iKrruriiied fur 
llio boutflll of H hu'ul chHiliyHtuI was thUB tiaal: 
Jaciib KiDlchiir, J. 11. HlmliUit; Captain Kui- 
laco FiiiMltawo, Uaurlco liarrjiutirr; Itaiph Klnga* 
mill, llugit Tolattil; Haniui'l Haggard, rro«tortt'- 
IloliliiMUi; U>l Uurtlcii, K. H. lluiiaiid; l>ralibIo, OiUII 
M'llllaiiiH; I'Kior llroviincro, llorlwrt Hillward; Unolo 
lUinlioiry, Harry llolllday; Jark ll.tddloa, U, K. 
lliMtwIuk; Leowin, UltfTtird l.uigli;TnmHBrk9,Airrca 
UiMfc*; Purler, K. Bianrlliru; lAiliy Fiokhor, Uarlo 
HurnitigliR; Lyiilti. Kniliy Hewitnl; Mra. iMrrldgu, 
Un, l.()uUit FlUMilgn; Funny I'arrtilgu, /onaidDWil- 

ilamti "Jhiaflitinuklui U'inkul"<"llapplnirMloa 

Nook'') waa glruu Ua llnii prmliicilMu hi tlili cuun* 
try ou Thurvlay uvviilng, Fob. W, at the Ihvihu 
PucbTiibatiib. Mahagor Cuuriuil Iibb Hiagod tbiM 
play, by Iltimian Huiltnuaim, lo ibo iiauully elab* 
uralo utHUiier, Itiu exiotlnr actnio In tho Ural act bo* 
Ing ONiiot^lBily prally. A HOhM of doprcvlun aeriiied 
to nil tlio huiiHo. duo (0 tlio htd iloaih ut Ihe Irvlog 
llico fttvorlto, l.ucio FrrUliigcr, whiMo funoial aer* 
vicofi IU0 uioiiihura uf tliu u«)iiipHiiy had allentled 
during tbo afttrrumiu, and thia ttolrHuleU rruiii Ihe 
iiiuaiiy liuarly rEcviitluu uf iiuw piaya at thia bouao. 
Tho Hiory of tbo play t* aa rnlluwa: 

Kii/aliaih,ia wninan lielougUig h> BU Brlduoratlo 
rainily. imi wliliuul meaiiii, wlillu atopplog at lUe 
iHiDiHMif a rltiii luirtllYu, Barrin U'wuknlii, lueiand 
uiarrlcd Wludoiuann.a miiitKii loauber who haa at'iod 
a* a prtvalo luuir lu IbwuknliK. Hlio iiuirrit-i ilil* 
wlduwiT with tliieo cliihircnuodur iho bellvf that 
riliu wlllliu happy ami coolHiii-d lu Iho ijulei lur 
luundlMRA or htr liudiaiMl'it ntihiHjl, llDOcknIlii 
whuM uanluit llfu liaii iieou uiihapiiy, tluda In Bilsa* 
boih an alllnlij, and hu Ho<:roiiy Htliiiirua ber. Dur* 
log a vlall wli h IiIm fiiiuiiy iit Wlcih-inaiiM'g hnuse he 
Uli'B tu iudULti tlio leacitur lo liiruw aildo the 
iuutliit> ilutlfHiif uliitoi iiiainiollnn uiid lako charge 
urU'K'(:knllx*Hliirniii. WluiltiKtaiMi, liowover, wUhes 
tu eoitaull ItlH wlfii, liui autlinrliiopi IhHtcbiiHii tii per* 
Miailn lii:r lu toiimhii bi ihUuliaiiKii la tliolrllvoB. 
While aulnutlilulldvvkiilizUaarrlcilaway Iryiiiapui. 
dun fur Ktix ilmlii, aiid avuwa lili lure. TI10 auhuol 
UfBubur'a wlff, whu liu nut Ikuii tiinal lo the utk uf 
buwmlijg aalbilled wlHi hnr hnninio lol, BUkunwi- 
odgcahcraffucuon'ln return, anil rnrafiiuiiientrhoy 
aiijxr lfaoli*|i|iliir'«*iirrxi:liaiiglnMklHW!ii, JloludtU 
on fnimcilbiiD niglii, hut dually gmnl* bur until 
murolng. Utirliigthonmhi UieabeibiiialiiBUp her 
lulnil Ul i:oniuj|t milcldu tu racapo imm iho rttiugRlo 
i>elwuoii Iiivn and duly, and aiarin to Itaro the 
tiuuia. Wludrnutnu iiBH Imod warnml hyaaaaliu 
BUt teacUur. vhci ih In luvo with ilaleo, IjIb lillod 
daugUler, of an lni|H>nilliig niUrorluue. aod henua* 

ruui* tfau pntprntil fligliL Ttio hUBiMiid lulerveplB 
lawiroaiid icIUIiur Ui Itavo In liruaii daylltflitir 
alio WInIiob tu go. MuiUHl explaflalli;UH fnlluw and 
KlIxalHiili ronouuucii iliu guilty litvu ami ruinilOB Ui 
aojiiy Iho unlDtennptvd '-Uluurk Ini Wlnkei." 

Uliarlutto iJuraod, a* Kll/alitlb, aclcd tho rule wItb 
preclklun aud cHfe. Uuiwri JteUMih WAM,at timoa, 
Uwajareoly rvruliilo an Ibriicknllz; llniuu (Joltlaor, 
u WlKduniaijii; lliliua Hchluolor, aa lltleou; UubU 
Kroat, BH Frlin; K. J*geuiauu,aa Knitl; AoBa Von 
Hill uani> WMk u, an Uollltia; Uax llaenaoler, as Dr. 
(irh; UatltllrJo ClUi.aa Urs, Orl>; Julliu Birubl, aa 
Dangol; Ui» llaeiiieler, aa UIm Uoobre, aod 
ItUBchu Mlcbaell*, an Jlruu, (;(iniiiletcd Iho cut. 

Haitth liurnhitrill fliilfilivd liur oiigageineDl at 

AniiBV'B TuBiTMB un Full. XJ. Ilur repertory tor Uw 
webk eubratxtl "UUiuuudB," "Fidora," "UamlUe" 
hhd Haclno'a "I'limlro." Thu lut loeDlloDed play 
waa tlio featuro ul lliowi:ok. ft was preaeuted at» 
Bpcclal malluoo poifurnwiico 'Jl, and waa thus cast: 
JNicdre. Uiuc. Harali Jlcnibanlt; lllppolylo, H. Dar- 
mout; ThttAe, M. Culvlll; ThtrAUieue, M. Flroo; 
I'anope, M. Btdiilerc; Arklo, Uuio. Valdo/; Koooor 
Uuio. (Jraudei; laiiione, Muw.Bo}lur; UoiUdlde, l/oe 
ieuue dile. 

lIUUBB'n KlUIITIf AVBKlfg Hl'ilBCM -OlW of IhO 

RlrungoMl niuat:uui fualute* uow Iwforu ilio put))lo Is 
ihu Itiadlog curlu ball fcaluro here llila week. It IB 
Iho U(i'<ui litru Iff PiIiiim:, tlio wrcatllDB Moo, aod 
will, iiu doubt, pruru Iw ito a arrnitM altrAolkrii. 
AhoKier BUouB tanl fur Ihla week 1*0. N. I^trkloe' 
InKillient acalii. Oiher iiewrealurea In Ibo looB 
Mat uf ixhlijiu aru llfitj lUiy, Allilnu, cuulurilooUi; 
Tauinm*. Il» humau pin cuahltm; Claw llauinier 
Uu* aod (libera. In Uiu llicuiro the third wtwkoC 
lU P. Crullua Iteaan U, In tho laughable farce, "Tbo 
PIujIo.*' Mr. C'ruilua bi suppurtvd by a capaulo 

Chc'au llABUgBifrBiH, togetbpr wim lUny Hoir* 
ard, hfail ualmr, aud JlruJ. K. filciiuel Jr.. d'KV* 
beeper of iLeOlymplakluBtu Hall, weroBTreiUdon 
Feb. u by r^raer of^ liiapeclur Keut:han, of tbo Flra 
UeparlinenL Mr. Hainiueraleln and Ihn u*ber wero 
cbargcd wlib ralllug u> comply wlih Ibe Jaw lo re* 
gard 10 kr^bliig tbo al»lei clear. Tbe dtH^rkesper 
waa arreatafd for not perrotiilug Ihe Inipeclnr to 
paa«ln. TboF were given a bearlogujo tho York> 
tJII*i I'ulico Cuuii, where tbe (;aM« waa Bdjoumcd 

Koarga Sc. Ui al'b nld inuilu hall, oo Tweniy-tliliil 
tMreei, will l« opt-otd Uan:!! OfUilr>Tri>caderu, ud 
der Ibo auiuMeuieotof j. II. luitun and I.. Veraodr, 
Willi A. VAiutl a* iiu^iii^a* iiuri*g<-r. Tiio bouieU 
Iftliig rtcuniirtiRied rihI when cuinpletcd will bava 
a BCiiilUM cip luliy of l,ooo. 

WuHg MAi iMiguu 4,u ihH Miirmy Hill Tbeana 
which the Ooeltt ratalo I* bulidliiK iiir FrsDK Mm* 
f'H lui l4xiaHi"U Areuui>,ncarFurty*aec«Dd Btreet* 
Tlu 1)vU» U to bo upcue;: t;c:. 1. ^ 



Knrn'ii Vniox Bqniiu Tbiatu.— Veraont Ja- 
l>e>ii U tlio ptinclpti ratura ot tMi wNk'a p^o- 
grmnine, ud on Fts. 24, the occiiIob o( her ant ip- 
petniKelaooaUiuiniiaTiiuilevllle, bf litrTerMllllir 
■nil tbUll^ ttie mido one of tlio blgieiitbliaem 
mide tt iliU booM. Le* Doctitudrr entend bli 
McoDd asd lut week wlili reiMerinl luMeti, end 
Meet Morphr made fritnda (tlofe llirouib tbetx- 
nellenoi or lilii epeclellr. Utioureiid liobrlmoDl,* 
bmce of opetuilc ilDiten, »tao nerer fill In teottat 
ftiiicoeMtiiblH bouie, were received wHh Urnt, 
and Hiinth and Itodd entered ilielr Mcood week 
with renewed popiiiarltr. Crorlnl end UiiTle, 
clever dencen; (lie Tbrco Uorello Uroib* 
iirv, efinlllUilHte, and John Iliffglan, Ibo nnied 
hlR3 Jumper, were well rowardiN] In the 
line otappUUM, while Uulcr Krank Wlimaii, ar«- 
mtrkably clever lad, w*e vlgArouil; applandcd 
for hlR mnilcal eirort«. Mark t/irlng aiid Annie 
I<e»lle, comcdv doo; Will Targe and Annie l»nlel>, 
ileroan comlqiie*; I'ata; and 8adlg llrannlgan, a 
litaco of talenied (iaita.and Andjr Uamnd Flurenc* 
t!vana,ln a clever iketcb, all nlned applanieln 
keeping wllb Ibeir elTurta. KtJorit and Norlne, 
Jiigalera; CarollDt Ilnll, tocallau, and tbo nonialo 
Jlralbeni. aililetee, aMo conirlbuied to the amnae- 
mem. The allendance wan up Is iba naual naod- 
ard. Jotin W. Kellr U Mbeduled tu head neit 
week'ii bill, nilda Thonan and Frank Btrrr.tbe 
Four Hcbrode Brothcraind Mberall, cornet virtn- 
090, t>«lnff alno announced. 

runcroBH PLBinuRK I'amci.— Haneger I'roclor 
rontlnuen to Klve atiracilve pmitramonea at ilila 
iniiular reimrl, and (oud allcudance rule*. Tlio 
bill for week of Feb. u Irirlurttd tbo drtt appear- 
ance In Iblaroniiirr i>l Ibe rarklna, four In number, 
wbo perlonned a novel pantomimic ici, In wblcb 
Iwn enormoua beadri are made to |o Ibroiigh a 
cinnce and give oihcr iluna uf being endowed wilb 
lire. The act wan niiiuHlDg, and found Rruat favor 
with Ihe audience. Iook and MUle, moalcal 
<:iowni, atao made tneir Ameilren debut, and won 
well deaerved applaiiw. Tbe Uirlo Unnliaoi Trio, 
tbird week, gave tbeir Drat ptrfuraunce In tbla 
huuM on tbe midair triple b<«r1r.ontal liare, and 
eleclrllind tbeir aadlenco. (Jcorge iMkbart, 
Willi kli trained elrplianie, liegta taU twenty- 
elxlb and laat week a continued favor- 
lie. Lea Bengalla, midget camediana, fourth 
week, cooUnoed to l>o prime favotiua. George 
Tliatober appeared and enteruliied In bla iiwal 
happv Btyle. Una and Vanl. acmballo cora- 
cily duo, wore well recelvcil, nod iteTwio IMiiKri 
AhUflli, vncallaia, reappeared and woo full recognl- 
iliio. RIalo Adair, In her I'Hiliilan and Ortenial 
(lancea, w.Mtllll a wnrni favorite. Otberaonlbe 

I. lll were Sneruan and Murltoj, lnnceneif(oni"A 
Jaj OlrciiMi" Urjani and lllohroond. In a comedy 
rkelch; the American Trio, In vocal and Initni- 
mental nnvelilrH; tbe Alilwna, dueitlua and dan- 
ran; Kllrov and Itawinn, comcdlina; Ada It. 
IMwole, Miio comlo hlnger; Ujlan ind I,?nbarr, 
Itavmiy duo; U lloclio. In tho myaterlooa sluhe; 
■lay Vernon, miibrntte; ilie Ollir'rd Blmcr*. enamC' 
icrdiiotuita, and Uradiio, Homan axeman, each of 
irnoin helped to uiake up uu lutoreitloa eotortuln- 

HiNiH'n Dotrcnv TnBtritl —Tbe llmtnn Howard 
Alhonwiim Blar Hpeclally Co. la playing a return 
engageniont thia week, opoulng In good boiiaea 
Feli.'.M. Hevural iiuiiiberaon 100 pmgraoine are 
now, anil a nrat olaaa perConnince li prcaented, 
Konno and Welch, tho acmiiailc conirdlaoji. upon 
ilio performani'ii wlihn ruib of fan, and John K. 
imwaenda It along with hia charanior aonga and 
rlorer dancing. I.lalo Niilrry nnd I'aarl Inmau'a 
"After Ibo Upora" waa well renelved, Uadolino 
lloaa'a vonirlkiiiHlal uxnibliliin.ln wblch ahelnlro- 
ilucea reretal riow ngnrea, waa •!«> voted a aiic- 
i:e8f. Frank Mnran leuured on the "Ihlagoeai nf 
Ibe la II" In bla uaual Inooliorently funny mnuuer, 
and the I.ivIouh provided a plcaaani Interlude of 
harp muMo. aonu4 and rapld.y mule crayon per- 
tralia. Annie Hart got homo with many now mnm, 
and niiiat havo Iweu graitilea wilb hor reveinlon. 
Tlie "Chowder" a>)ng atiii rtlirna supreme. Ueycr 
Uobon, deicrlpilvo iiatluioc, witli aUfreuiitioon ac- 
nompanlineni, liiiinlratod hiia of llfo with good 
eifoct. -Toe Anival of Moniiinea*," Introducing 
Anily lingbea, ralrick MoUrlde, lUrry Walton and 
Irene Uortun, ulawl ttie aiiow- N<it week, UU 
II lydeo'ii AmuTlcan Vaiidpvl le Co, 

melodiama, "The Arm or Ihe Uw," received Ita 
Ural how York ptvducilon Fob. ::4, bofore a well 
tilled buuif. Win. O'liale, iianibaok rider, tbe cen- 
tral Agura of Ihe aiotj, lu Noble Heart, an Indian 
hem. Oiled tbe nie ailnlrably. Ilia while horae, 
Wundtr, a nna Hiwclmoii of riiulne beanty, waa alfo 
a great fautor In ilio play. Ur. U'Dalo la aur- 
rounded 14 a cati of unllurm atniigtb In every de- 
inli. Tlio ntory of the play, an Inlertallog one, la 
tuiri In aiinl her cola iiin. Ilando (IrHugor, aa Hai- 
dalena, a Spaiiiah nunian, waa elTcctlve In her 
emotlonHl aoenPi. Carrlo ii-xo, antco Bherwond, 
Neator Leniion, W, T. ILiyio aud Tiiiiinaa A. iluneil 
were appmntiaioly out, J/igan Paul, ni ilam Ixt, 
n Ulilneae hlgliiiliider, urtnted a cbaracler new tu 
the atage aa tin U'tct. vindicative Uongoilao. 
Frank (Hipln, Hra. Araylo (iiibett, Harry Ulane and 
Muln AiU Vandei (iilli«rt,an oxceiitiuunily clover 
ohiid aetre-H, ootnplstcd Ilio company. Tho Konio 
eifeouareiuiiioniiigb Iwrniony with tho prodiic- 
llun. i. M. Iliirat la laialncaa manager for Mr- 
lljinptey and W, T. UacN'iohni la aUco manager. 
Ko« week, "fhe Sliver King." 

A, II. !jiiKi.iNiNS bcn>ilc Feb. 33, waa the moat 
auco(>B«hiltniiiU popuUr managi't'ik career. Toe 
I'eupla'a Tbrauo waa aiiod by bM frlenihi, who 
were regaled with a pmgmnime of apeclalUra 
rarely o.wxilud. No diwppiiintmiinu ocuutrrd and 
tnetoiiowing (Mtfuraien auceecdiii eaoii oilier la 
rJ^'^!'",BJ?*."'*.'?'',= '•■ Ur"*"". Marlon WU, 

\V. B, Whiiila, Uarla l.eallo. A, II, Hhrlduii and A, 

II, SiiHdon Jr„ l*of. H>\ Adaiiiaky.Hliayne and 
Wordcii, I.IUlo Freddie. Itooil Hint (laartet, Louie 
Thiol, Uoutagiio and Welt, lll.xiiu anil Ling, Harry 
Walaon and Alice lliiloh|iiu>, Uen It, lianwy.t^iofco 
and Uliulvii, Frank Uikealloao, Ur. Metdun'a ap- 
liearance on Iho aiaga waa ibo eigual tcr a lumuilu- 
uiiaovaiiun, and at the coni'lniiun or iho perrorm- 
ance tall retuarka hi aokonwIedgemeLt were 
r.heoreil. Hr. tltoliloii'a couuootioa aa manager 
with IHiry U. Hlnrrwiilcoaan at ib« oloaa uf ibe 
proacuiaraaiin, about Uu; i. after aaveutern yoara 
■if uiiiulcmipied auci'uai in that i-ipacliy. Hr. 
HhoMou cotiiemplalta tho leaau uf a MnwYuikthe- 
airolniheiu-arfuiui«,HBd hIa maoaierial ability 
ahiiuld lire liU RoancUi tucoeaa. 

raiicrua'a TititTKi.— An excellent hill waa fur- 
nithoil Hi ihia bnuae Kali. ill and wuik. Papliiia, 
iiilnur and nrrnrniine dancer, tieiian her aei:oni| 
week and won applauan, lloorgeTUatotieranpeared 
and created laiigklar In blaiiiosuiOKiM, Tiiol'\>iir 
II 'aiia fmind favor lor ihalr |i«RllnK and acmballo 
work, Tnc lluaiell llnitbermai tlio iriah aervant 
glMa. gavii tholr u«ual amuaiog nerfurmanco. John- 
Ilio Camill, vociilitt, waa woll ^tknl. ami ti'Hilen 
aud Havel, in their vkttch, "Tbe S>w4bov'HiX)iir|. 
Bblp," wtra aniuilog. uraolii and Mtiid, In ibeir 
oocenUlo wiro act, »-er« In Ibe full f«vi>r of ih» 
nudlenoe, Fielda acd Lowit, oiiiuediani, iimvtd 
tbeinaolvee tu lie awKl haagh pniducerp, ami llladya 
Van, aouim'ite. Old well. 0.'lii"aun Ihoiirugramnie 
wore: lone Fuller Newball, iniladiai; lun llinilall, 
tlamian ooniodian; :>Ailla ilay, aerlo comic vucallal; 
I'aid iMnter, mimic: aiiuie Lloyd, male ImiMrann. 
ator; Iter, Uuite and IliniUil, cvuiady iilo: Vaike 
and semon, mualtai cumedlane, ami the Horollui, 
oonipdy aorr^ilo Iho, 

lltaatHitniN'H Ui.vuru.— T7imiiT-"KTriialnr 
Jr," utiuilouea at Ihia hoiiae to good atteiidai.ce, 
Ndwaonga mid feamn'Haro lieiiig Inimdiircd, aud 
the merry hnrlaaijue gmwa lirlgbter each week, li 
amend Fob. M 114 fanrtecntb week, AfiwVAill- 
(lacar UaniiiionHtlii'a upaia hallei, •'Hargnerlle," 
imU'red upon tia mini week .'«. Tbo apeoiacie haa 
made a piojouiiml auiveas nnd hilrawlugianio 
i:M«da at L'vvry tierrormaiice, nbile on e*ver4l 
nlgbla ia<t wiiek ilio capaciiy »f tbe hnnae w.i8 
lOAtiid. The ii'.tii iiioliidM: Viruiiila Aiagon, blab 
wiro porl"niior; i'. Oaalnr Wait, la cliaiailer 
chaogin; llnna. (I'lliiai, raliiilo, fourth week; 84dl 
Aifamlil, oiiulllhriai, «l\ih wcrk; Carl Merta. mt> 
Hlclaii, na<l<io<l 17 Utio. D'AKiin, al.xib week, . ud 
Fanny Woniworlh, iiMiiologiilal. 

ilAMHia TiiKvnit.-Jobu Drew hrgan on Feb. 
•2\ an oniagcnuMU at ibia iioiiae andreennied Iho 
pnweniaiion of "nioSquiruof liaiiiea," Ihe run of 
wblrli at aonihrr liutiw In ihla city waa unfor 
iiinatplT luicmipini mu weeka ago iiy ibo oialou 

Aunav'a TiiKtTiik.-Thli houaa waa dark Feb. it, 
and will ao rcimdn until 'jn, when ilieLlilian Hue. 
Mil Opera Hi. will iraaeni tho now oiicih cumlnuc, 

Hrta TiiitTHt.-"The War of XTeallk'' ronllnuea 
I < dimw good aitendanoti to tbla huute. Uwrence 
lianleyla playing liUolil ruleuf the lieeexy Weil- 
irncr, and the cart temaioa ibeaaine ainiion Iba 
"PCningnlgbL Tbo piece begau Feb.lilia ihinl 

A i-jNctRTWaailvrnnl I'atii.'gle HutioHallon 
Huoday evriilnv. Fob. ai i\iiirbarp.>ar«d8auret, 
KiiMi licai-li Vaw anil nmikoit Uneoe aa nllaia, 
wi>lle iu'iiiiinrntal niiiiiiiera were fiimiahed by an 
urciiriiira under iiio dlnx>iion iit virior llerimt. 

Kai'iHH TiiaATBii.-' Marriage," the entertaining 
l omcij m.w ill .la arcuu i week at ilila houar, baa 
liren vrry fnv.iialil; OTfived. II la annniinrrd. 
i..wi-trr. thai iiiiiarpUya will bepiudiiceil befoit 
Ibe cloae of Iho acaeiKi. ■^•viv 

STiHDiiD THcaTnL-Afler a Met cleeint ibU 
boniewaa reopened totbepnliile niabcnf Feb. 24, 
wlib"Cnimole Fadd«n,"<ranaferr«4 from tbe Oar- 
den Tbealre.u Ibe attraction, and which will re- 
main aa long aa IK drawing power conilnnea, 
WliUam Delia la liie new leaaee and manager of tbla 
theatre, baring in • very qolet and hiiiloeiallbe 
manner aacceeded to Ibe iHll Intcrtata In the bonie 
laatweek. Manager Selli, In ooiliolng the fumre 
policy of tho Iheaire, aald that It would be con- 
dueled In every reaped an a Uieatre of ibe drat 
Clara. Uoiublnallnna may etenlually f.<rm a week- 
ly change of bill, but fur tbe pteaent atirnc- 
tloni that have prored their wotin In other Ibe- 
auea, like -Cblinmla Fadden," and aUo new plan, 
comedlfa. etc., may obtain a hearing on Ihla 
aiage. ManaierUellawlii (hnrtly eDIirely rebabi I- 
taio Ibe theatre, and inienda giving It an embtiilab- 
Ing that will vie with any of onr city tbeaire*. 
Tbe old force of employa, froin box otiice to 
ataue, baa been roialoed by the new man- 
ager, wbo Inloimed tbeo that tbey coold 
conilnoe in their puainona aa long aa they gave bin 
good aervice. Aa tula l4 an ainuat unpaialieled 

Gineeedlog when changea of management occnr, it 
I worthy of a paailng comnent. A change In Ihe 
plicae for neala baa lieen made, at Manager Bella 
wtaely coneldeia that rear acala In any part of a Ibo- 
att« abonid coat the puroiiaaar leal than Hie more 
dralnible aeata In ibe front, and pricea have been 
regnlated acoordlngly. The reopening uf the Ibea- 
tro, nndar Ita new nanageDrnI, waa In every way 
moat auaplcloiia The bunaa waa crowded In every 
pan, and "Oblmrele Faddon," Jndglng Imm tbla 
atandpuint, abouid enjoy a proHperoo* engagement 
at Ihe Htandard, The can ranulha unchanged, and 
tbe acenery uiad la Idenllcaily tka name aa waa 
aeon at the Uarden Tlitatte. Ctaa. H. Hopper, 
Maihi Dalea and all Ihe principal! of tho caai an 
peered to tbo aame advantago an formerly In their 
rtapective rolea. L'oi. Cbaa.llcele|, of circiia fame, 
la attached to Manager Baiia' bnilneaa atair, 

Fimt AVBKiik TuaiTai— Rieonota Oou began 
at ibia boute, on Feb. U, her aK-oud Anxrlcan 
tour, and aeieol/d aa her lint oiferiog "M Signora 
Dalio Oamellc" ("atmiilo"). The houae waa 
cmwded In ercTT part, and the audience waa of tbe 
aorttbal iBuinailrdoicrlbed by the wordrenreaen- 
tattre. Tbe wetcome which greeted tbe famoua 
actteaa aa abe came noon the atage waa exceed- 
ingly cordbkl, Ibo applauie lieing ao general and ao 
looguntinued that It aeeoied to anrpritelbe te- 
olpuni, and even 10 canae aone emiiamauneni. 
It waa evident tbal the andleoce waa In moat 
ftlendiv mood, and tbla waa further demooatmud 
throngboul ibe periotmance by lltxral bnnia of 
anpUuae at f'er|uent Inurf ala, >>eatowed at tloen 
diKrImloallnily, hot olten far loo liberally. 
Bigoora Unas haa nrceaaarlly brougbi tor her aup- 
port her own comptov, but In its aeloclinn baa 
oildentiy not had artlatio perfeciloa In view, for not 
only did none of Ita mennora win diallnolloo, bnt 
they even failed to dUplay average merIL 
Of tbe company, and, moreover, ot the eutire per- 
formance, wo wilt have more to ray later on, for aa 
Bigoora Uuae will appear thia wrut in a repertory 
of playa we will defer comment open her acting 
until our next iiaue. Wn will Uerrfore content 
uuraelvea at srtMnt iiy giving lha following caat: 
Ifarguerite (laudor. Kieonura Hoac; Armand liuval, 
(^lio llnaaaplna; Uoval, Araiand'a father, Eiure 
Mauanil; Ktmlola, Antnnloua Itarloldn; Oaaton 
de iUeux, AnionloaallianI; Frodenco, (lluacpplna 
8olaz/.l; BalnlUaudeuH, K. iio Qoudton; Uuiiavr, 
Clro Uaivani: Ntnctia, HarauemnM niald, (I. 
Uagauail II ililani; tbo Ooiinl Ue diray, Silvio Uonl- 

vanin: Uamn Do Waivlll', liluto Utiieill; Olyinpe, 
Non llopoln; a l>jctor, Napo'eone nianco; a Foot- 
man, AirredoUeil. Tlio lour la under tbe manage- 

ment of llonry 0. Miner. 

liani'iM TURaraB.— "ThnTwo Kicuichtona,".<:|d- 
nay itoaenleid'a adnptatlon of the ainuaing pbty, 
"/,«el Wapneo,"liyUjcarU:umeulh«land UuaUv 
Ktdelbum, latliu attmctlonhere, and It wan favora- 
bly received by a faihlonalila audience nn Monday 
evening, Feb. n The pl^y waa orlglnaiiv pro- 
duced at Ibe i,«lngllie8tre, Uirtln. Her, Nov: 18, 
IHiM, waa lirat acted In Ameiica at HoVlcker'a Tbe- 
aire, Uhicago, III.. (ML 0. Hioj, nnd waa tint aeen In 
tbe roetniiolla at tbo Irving llaee Theatre Nov. ; 
of the aame year. Mr. Iloaeofeld'a adaplailon waa 
Riron for the Urat time on any aiaia Jan. ; laal, ui 
lialy'aTheatie. la una city. The only membera nf 
tbepitaeni compony who worn in ibecaatatDaly^a 
are Maxino Kliint and Frank Worthing, aaanm- 
Ing the principal Mira, and they were both 
warmly welcomed by IbeIr many admlrera In 
tbe audleui-o, and ibmugbout ine minb pro- 
voking, aprlibtry, amooih running petforniance 
were the reclplenia ot merlled pUudlla 
for Ibe enicnalninent whiob iiidr niercr acUug 
aiMrdod, The oiber characiera in Iho play weie 
well auaiBlned by tbo capable company, and tbe 
perronnancolhniugboncwaa eron and fniliful of 
enjnyment. At the cioae ot ibe thini ant. In re- 
apooaetuhiud applauar, HIn Kithit, Mr, Wonhing 
and Mr. HoMnfeld appeared before Ihe ourtaio and 
bowed Ibeir aotnowledgmenia, Ibe laiior aiao aelz- 
liig Ihe opporunlty 10 make a apeech tbal waa brief 
and In guod Uaie. The caat: tin. Sloveiiaon, 
Uaiine Kilini; Captain V. Vinok, Frank ironhiog: 
lUmn von Weitiiigon, lloberl F. Uoiloo; luroneaa 
von Wetllngen, Uia. Toonuu llan v : itudnlpb, aoorgo 
Raokua: Tnonwa Foaler, Ci. :..- it>waer; Man, 
Marie Valleau; Oouot Von D'/.iuu-dt, Hugh El' 
wood; Counieaa von Darmaiadi, laai.ll Ilaaklni: 
Hervani, H. tr, Honlgomery: Fraiiooia, Kdwaid Uc- 
l/iugbiln; Wemluk. John Ware; Uald at tbe von 
WoilinacuB, Urace Hatter. 

AuaniciN NiCKiiAPiioK.-Manager Uewea re- 
pine builueaa na e.xccllanibera, andlheproapecia 
for a aloadily Inrroaaing patronago aro very 
blight. On Feb. 31 he nut In eiTecl a new 
buelncaa acheue, which mulled In the prraence of 
about two huidnd IbHl Uen and Foreatera In toll 
iinlliimi. Kxtm featurra were added and all heartily 
e'ljoyed tbenunlves. rtb. as wUI be lloyal Area. 
Hum nigbt, and ao on throughout toe aeasun toother 
lienoQcial organbiatloua. In Ihe cuilo ball IbU week 
la Billed Ihe return of tbo four Aiuirallan Black 
Tracker*, tbe two Hindoo ilianla and IbeIr wivra, 
HMrUmo, the Cniian wonder; Ctalg and Uralg, mn- 
alcal team, and UromwV Punch and Judy, A Iwby 
clrphaul liae lieon added to Ihe menagerie ball, 
Thratro-Harley and ■mjtor, Uona. Prober. Jeannie 
!> Are, Uariy Uitrgoyne, Uuyd and Allen, Ullile 
\ rre, llae and llniacho. and Uollie Walkt r. 

DoBia' UaiiTV TtlKiTHB.-Miiiag<r Dohatepoili 
that be U very well aatiadeil with Ibe bualneaa be- 
ing done here, ami aialea tbal Iho fmura pmapecia 
of Ibe buuie. uuiirr Ihe pntaent p:an of giving con- 
tinnoua potfiumaiicea, look more than lirtgbl. Thia 
in tbe third week of Uo new oMor ot entutialnnieul, 
and Ihe iheeiro on Monday uighi, Feb. -M. bold a 

Bnod »i/.ed au ilenae. Tho people fortbia week arr: 
lile. Illtiiilr, ilie Nelain THo. Iltnlry and JarvU. 
Honon and Hack, ihe Bland Blaicn, Venua, Flo! 
Baiika, Fannie l«ill«, ibe Hyaiia. Ward and Ijncb 
Whitman and IMvb^ and tbo IK-aiimnni Siateii The 
Sunday coucortaaiD Urgely ailcndcil, Tbe follow- 
ing appeared on Fab. 'JJ; Tbo Quidtua, Stanton and 
Itnlding, Lillian Oreeu, Flo. lUukr, UueaiM aud 
Untor, llould and Burl, Wani and 1 yuch, Ueeban 
aud lltyui'ind. Whittle, t^anpbtll and Heard, Ka. 
tl trdnrr nmt Jaa Oulleii, 

I.UMHUN TiiiaTRL-For the Ihinl tinie thia aeaann 
fUca ,1 Uirlon'a (Mraediaua, In "Mclloodie and 
IM<idie," tn tilling thia houae niihUy, Monday 
atlomu,in and avening, Feb, largo audlcncei 
wlioeaaed tho perforuiancoa. The pnin rauime dit- 
tora In aeveral Inauncta from ihoao tnnuerly pre- 
aenied. Tho genial duo of ntara in tho line relea In- 
Clio tbe uaual cuntlnuoiia iauihior. Franklo llainea 
la abu wail rciiiemlicred in her nth and Hpoolaity. 
J. K. Mullen and Annio Hnnn, favialtea. ahared the 
favur lo which Ibe company la bekl. Tbe Sieivan 
Biiietv, In liicU apecially, aiimliabli coatuiuod, 
createtl conaldcrab.e e.voii.'iueut, and were gm- 
croualy rewanlcil wilb nurai irtlaiioa. Tbo Klec- 
trto ii'ianoi, lately added tu nice .t lltrlun'a forcea, 
rendered vocal enniedy; HnwaM Fowera, Charlea 
l^doll, fM, Kcir and tiro. Kerr conipuae tho four, 
and they piuio u<elul aciioialilona. Tbo Uanb 
Slitrra, In an atimcllve Bouicb dance; the Whitney 
llrolban, wha>e inuairal act la number hrlabt feat- 
un, and Made anniib, acmiwilc and character 
danrer, cumplelo iba array nf lalrnt, Mauy now 
marahea, cbmuiea and chancier blla an Intnc 
ducetl, auil tbe eniln peifoim.tnco baa nut a dull 
nioiacnt in li. J ly ii<ilglr.r iienionaiea the heavy 
villain with BUCcvM. Ke.\t tviek, Illacu'aUity Uub 
O). Mmager Janiea DonaLlain will Ivave IbU week 
lor a monih'a real at Uount iJctuena. Ulub, 

Hi.HiH'a KiuUTU AVBKt'BtiiiiiTMk.-Tbe .Veloora 
liegan tbe w«k here, Jl, with an aiidiem e of good 
alia In aiiendani*. More the iaaltlsit nt IhU o^ 
nultatlon 10 ibU rl'y II haa lieen tniireiy reurgan- 
lied, and In Itt preaei:t make up la a moat complete 
and well halaured company ul enlertaln'ra. The 
aeveral acta, which miiuraio acmbauc, muaical 
(vocal and Ini'rumenial) and i haracter aketobaa, 
weierecelve<l xut tho bcanioat denioualntloiie o( 
appmni, nnd were ivpeaii'dly eurored. Tbe com. 

Eany la no* amiivwd 1 f (^iiiplicii ami Hoard, tbe 
leiRipoiltin T.I", Ibo llarbtcta, Pliton and Riroi, 
UolbaraCiti i|iariet, Dryden and Page, lliinnaud 
P-ihee, and Atnea LtatoiL Neil week, Flina i 
Hherldan'a IligStniaiinn. 

J, M. Uti.i. baa a-iM ble ieaae of the Biandard Th>- 
ai|« to Wllllain driia. nephew nf the aell known 
clrt-aa managera of ibat nauc. Ibe uaa>rtr waa 
computed Feb. It. 

Tout P*no«'« TDgiTir..-Minager r**!"; 
week giraa more than aa e»ao •«J»n|» ''J,,'"? 
Dining anm Invatted by palman of bla bmncn 01 
Ibe conilnnoni ooUon, tbe Wll tot tbe cniient daya 
being one ot the moat neitlorloaa be baa yet we- 
aenled nnder tbe new rule. All day Monday, Feb. 
U, tbe hooaa waa packed, and at nfabt there waaan 
oveillow. weniedandveraatlle KitUe MH*''" i" 
tbe bright atar of tbe anni^doti, and her relurn 
waa the ilgnal for an aodnot of anpUnte callUig 
fnraalBgiogof hor full ttpertorj of catchy aonga. 
Ella Weaser gilocd an immedlataatatlonamoDgihe 
favored onea, and Annie Oaklei'a abarpibooilog 
waa ao atiiifaiiy eiecnied tbal tbe aodienco gave 
her an abendanoe ot applaua*. Agnea and 
Ncuie Unirman conirlbotod their portion In their 
cnatomatT pleaalog manner, and won favor, 
and Rice nod Elmer won appiaofe for tholr 
comlo bar act Uon Rome aaog aeveral tonga 
which were ibonaghly eoloycd, and gave way 
long enough for a aweei voiced Ud In the 
btloony to have an Inning at ihe cbntna of a pieity 
ballad, wblch nvtde the bit ot her acL C. M. Leaur 
and Jack WllllaiDt, In aharp lalter; Tony Faator, in 
a round of bla favorite aonga; KItile Kuraale, eaod 
dancer and ainger; AI Iteavea, banjoitt, and Chas, 
V, Seainoo, monoiogan comedian, all prominent en* 
unaluera, contributed IbeIr coflofflary porilon to 
tbe good work, and gained applauae In accordance. 
Thot. AbboU, nuglclan, la a clever lad, and bit 
aaaialant. Wo. Hammond, comedUtn, aided him 
materially along Ihe pathway to favor. John and 
l/iiilae Tili'H marlonellea,tba MImndo Trto,muM. 
clana; Harry and Tommy Mayo, vocalla'a: (;alhetyn 
llowe Palmer, a very clever dancer, aud Frank and 
Jennie Roberta, aketch duo, tvera elan 00 tbe bill, 
the programme daiabing wiih "Kmnacmeyer-a 
vialL" an afterpiece put on by Cboa. V. Beamon. 
RuMell Drotbera'Ooinedlana uke poateaaion n»t 
week, and furniab moat of tbe fun, 

Kosm k Hrai'a— Tlila bonte waa crowded to 
tbe doon Monday nighl, Fab.S4, Ihe late comera 
being unablo 10 gat even ttandlogroom. The occa- 
alon waa Ihe appearance of I/)fe Fuller, u> ber fa- 
moua drapery and aeipentlne dancea, Mlaa FuUer 
waa given a hearty reception on ber Artt entrance, 
anddniingberdancet the Imnenae aodlence loat 
IbeIr beadt lo their endeavor to demonttnta to the 
fair dancer bow fully tbey appreciated hor work. 
Seldom haa an andlenca become mora entbntlatiio 
over a peifonner. Applanae, whittling and bnvaa 
were beard on evjry alda, and at tbe close 
ot ber dancea tbe waa caUed upon to 
reapond to many cnrialn oaiui. Her dancea 
were: "U NulL" "La Fen." "La Danee 
Blanche," "Le Flrmemeni" and "Le Lya da Kile," 
all ot wblch wen marvela oC beamy, lha light ef- 
fecta anrpattlog any ot MIn Fuilrr'a prevtona et- 
fona, Bli or aeven Urge Ooijil trtbulet wen prc- 
tented to her at Ibe dote of her dancea. Tbe teat 
of Ibe bill Indndtd ifot. Monia and hit pony cln:na, 
loclnding Banner, the wreailleg nony; Lea Frerea 
Deltorelli, motlcal eccenBIca; I'anI ClnqnevaUi, 
king of ]ogEi*ni, eighth week; Roele Rendal, Inma- 
formation dancer, aevenlh weak: tneCn*gga,acro- 
hiu, tenth week, and Paul HattlneiU'a ranletnlme 
Trnnpe, In "llobert Hacaln." 

BiNFOBD's TagaTBB— Aa a retnlt of ihe high 
aiandaid of attrsctloua weekly pnvldid by tb|gra- 
aon the attendance locreaeedpnpoitlonBiely, and 
the managerial enbna 10 provide Ine V^M oiTartnga 
In tbe tbealrical narfcet have plovrn benedclal both 
to patront and oianagemenr. For tbe week Don- 
nelly and Unrd preaent "The Hainmakfn," and 
the ceielirity ot lit tiare, and the local repnte of 
UMoy ot ihoae with whom they have aurroonded 
themaelvet, give aeaurance of a proOtable outcome. 
The apecUliy iiat la made up ot Roea and F^n- 
ton. Ibe Itogen Uroihera and Imro Fox, and 
bcaldea coniributing worthy etToris in Ibe 
vaudeville line theie prrtormon handle tholr 
allotted rolea commendahiy, Tlie caat ia; 
Perclval Alrilghi, Oenn V. Uonjieliy; PheUx Bot- 
Ilea, Mward flinrd: Preaa HMIre, (IbarieeJ. Iloaa; 
imoWlnkeliplai,lmnFox; Dietrich Hcbmldl,<lut 
Rogeni: 81m Bawduat, Max Hogera; Bendum Up, 
UeniT IMua: Willie Weltb, Wia.Llghlel; Ut«.Oea- 
eral Flper liledalck. Mabel Fenlon; Bolivar, Nellie 
I.tncb : Pearl, Once Ltngiey; Roby, Jcttle Qanlner: 
Emenld. Florence Ularke; Sapphire, Muy Warren; 
nana', Agnea M. Palmer, Next week, "The OoNon 

FuUBTBiNiH SniBtT TniiTBB.— (Aanncey Olcoit 
changed hiablll 10 "The Irish A>ilai" on Feb. 24, 
and tbe box onice reutma inil no donbl beawalled 
In contequenoe. Tbe openiag nigbt aqaleooe, 
which waa large and clearly dUpoacd to btolow 
praUe wherever Ihe opporitinliy waa given, fbond 
mnob to Iheir liking aa Ihe plaf pngreaaed, and 
Ibe ronalcsl numbenor ibeplece wereaU deservedly 
redemanded. Mr. Olcoit waa In floe form, tDd- 
those preaent wen aA)rded the chance 10 Judge bit 
vocal abilities at their heat. Tbe cast: Maurice 
Vronln, Cbanncey Olcoit; Sir llobert Dean, Daniel 
nilfether: Edmund Ueao, 0. F. Ooitbnid; Oormac 
Cronin, Frank I'eUira; Father UenU Mahone, J. w. 
Haenc; Jerry Sweeney. Lnke Martin; Paddy Blake, 
Hot Clarendon; Mike, Ibin J. FInglelon: Gardener, 
neorge Wallace; KateHabone.Roilnda Balnbrtdie; 
lAdy Kalbertne Una, Etta Baker ManIn; The 
Widow UUbe. Ktlie Oermon; Haggle Cronin, Louise 
Cioeaor; Bildget Cronin, Lizzie Washburn; Mary 
liean, Itnogene Wuhbnrn, The llftt producllon of 
"The Ulattreiot dare," the new work now being 
prepared tor Mr. Olcou, la anoonDced for an early 

AotDiiir OP Ucsic— 'Tbo Bponlng Dncbea" 
began Feb. 34 tbe tweniy sevenlb and last week of 
Ita pntjiernna ma at this house. Kelt week, the 
Damioich Opem Oo. 

AviBiuN ToitTBK— "Bumiah" entered Feb. 24 
nn tbe fifth and laal fonnlKbi ot JU stay at thu 

OisiKa.-"rhe Lady S'aToy" began on Feb. 24 
tbe founb week of Us run, witti good attendance 
and with a fair pnapect ot a lengthy run. 

Hi'niH's Pai-aCB HntDii.-Ilualneaa Manager 
Anderson baa aeieoled another enwrttlnlng bill for 
Ibis week, and a crowded bouia wtaeased Ita In- 
induoilon 24. On Ihe tiage an Allen and 
Uelmaln, Theodon, Barbara Waaton, nogen and 
Cleveland, Ada Jones and a team styled the Urot ben 
l>'Jnu. Curio ball alfiHda a bootiuaoking cenleal, 
CapL Vitrio, wbo clalma to eat polaona; Jaitaraon, 
Bimng man; Mile. MoreUo'a trained dag^ Fasoy 
Gurdette, midget anahe encbantreas, and Alllno'a 
boxing monkeya. The bill aetmed lopliBaaeall handa 
immenaely, and tbe weak pronites good lesnMa. 

Ltcbusi Tbbatri.— "The Pri«oner or /enOa," 
pieasnted by the aiock company of this bouse, en- 
tered upon Ihe third week of iti run on Feb, 24, it 
ia a cbaroing play, well ac:ed, and la meeting with 
wellraei lied aucceaa, 

riLMta'a TuKiTBR— "For tbe Onwn" began on 
Feb. 24 the third week of Its nn. ltdoeanotaeem 
to have been a paying venture, and, although no 
oillcUl annonncemeni haa been made nt itswiih- 
drawtl, it will probably not linger long npon Ihe 

lion's TnuTtii.-"A Bitck Sheep" began on 
Fen, 24 theelghibweekof III no, wi b a crowded 
house aiieatlug tbe conilnaince of Its popnlarity. 
On that dale Jesnneite Sr. Uenty auccoeded Aoa 
Dan In the rule of tbo burlesque queen. 

Uwuowav TiiUTBB.-The UutuoUns, now In tho 
third week of their tuy at tbU hi>ate, an meeting 
with aucetss wilb that old favorite, " Hobhi Hood," 
tbe two iboniandlh pcrfonnance ot which was 
g>ven Feb 24, an occaalon wblob was duly com- 

llaaaLU S<|UtiiB TnianB.— "Ths BeaitotKary- 
Und" begsn on Feb. 24thenloeleenih weekotHs 
run. U jilu lelalns Ita prmnlnenee u one ot ihe 
geuulne tucceeaai ot ibe comnt leason, and 
crowded bouses nigoily pay tribute to Itemerii. 
Tbe one hundred anu Ofiletb perfotinance, on Hareb 
3, will be made a touvenlr occaalon. 

THBllirtsio.aOraaaro.alil iitej > four veaka' an. 
<wi;iiieat ban aau rall,opaiie| al lha Acadauy of 
H-ialo lo uatober. 

Ir la aonouQcad UialT. UaQly rraach baamadaoTar. 
laira lu niaMiuiar, Mr. Xabraaabl, with Ilia Tlav of dla- 
fwlos of bla lotaraat la ua Broadway Tbaalia. 

,. ".•.''.•?'-"r,-y' •'»''•»» Opera Doute Fnnk 
tliQlaladlJ wall laal weak. "TM tbi<|. llirl" maila thair 
lli«l Uartau apiwioc*. to a aood buaaa, Fab. 11, aoH, 
Jadaloa iioui Ilia c|.raiDB rvaiaioa, ahoiild do a lis 
••M'a liMalaau. Kail a*vt, W. H. Cnina. ' 

l on »Hi-a-'-niaWhlw Btava" did i^iiiy wall al llila 
houx dofloB Iba laal weak. Mtll llniI•a^ In "Ilia 
lokolrr ralr,"«i»»aO 10 a pMkad baaeall,aaduihla 
la bla am apiiaaiaDea at ihia livnaa b« »houtd enraa oaar 
braatieg lbs raoirj, aa ha dM arMoM bnakloB b<ialoa>a 
al lha Uatiaei il,«ia lloaea aavanl yaara a«a, which waa 
Ilia dm and oabr arpuraae* bi tbla aeclwn or Iba ally. 
Ila abooM laal litea-Ml al bla warn iwcipiloo. ahowlfia 
ihat ha baaluat ausaol hia ivpnlailly. Nail weak, "Iba 
Uavila AOMIua." 

ULTsnc-Hwa IliU'a (^ikdld a bigwaak'a bollnaaa, 
lanlaaiiMpH away on KauMajBlabL Uany W. triV 
llaaia' Own (to. baau ibair aacoBd •oiaganiaiil ihla im- 
'OO al ibl< houaw u a lar« aodltD<«, avi will without 
doubt do w«U alt weak. Naal waek, MuvaU Iroa.' Co. 

llaaLia m-aavii -noaioaaa waa DavM baiur. Ihla 
aaaaoo will liaal all pfoatoua twMnta imu afloaeelal 
aua<lnilaL Thia waat'a pacpla aralioa aad Itatilaaiarp. 
!* Hl'V*"*"- <"»«• aad kisllvWall.N.U. Walloi, 
Uaa Mc<>ilhy and Ami Raioalila. Ilaalb aad Bllbor. Dr. 
Jullaa, llannaD,analbbaa lalaad JoaanO Baao. Aabarr 
aud Rw|janaoD,rior,<laBotT«o P«Ta*« aad BdJIa Toon. 


Biaeklyii,— Bnsineti last weak wu good ail 
*i«iBd.a&dUitaiinctloaslbtibU.«ath ladkale a con- 

InoaBea ot good altiodaaca. One ol tba priaclpsl avMU 
JuTaSaVt^orforeanea, Fat. 24, by Baiab Bafohaldl, 

■■'SiSlimiwUiffif oifl.'OT'^Ts MfO. Jobag^" 
la^ "«alii bare tbla "n*;. • ."'Vr'aiuSfi 


S£Siiu7llaraD .haaoc.ortaTaraliaaii. Bj 
tlfrJSiS J Willi "naiBlot," «. bafctw a |ood aliad aad ; 
aoca. Ti»aday oljbl tho bill wiU ba • BlftK' III;" 

Wedniailay matloew. 'Jllliallft' 
B.laidrT nutln.i. "Haiol«.".(n wblcb llr. MiuipJM 

oKht, "Hlcbard Hi:' 

wilt inae hia not apiwataoea « Uamlat. "r. Mfio, who 
•ara aa aicaliaol iinMraoaalion or Hiinlat. waa repeal- 
Sir aae'ied ud Oouly conpalled 10 roata a apaach. 
tfa'hifVorreoSJd bimaalt "iK " ai«Mtoat ampany. 
Rka'a Bariaa.ioa Co.. In "LltUa Chrietopliar " mat wlib 
foTaV IfMll weak. Qaorea O. MIto In a arsad n«laeu- 

Bijoc-Uaoaset Hairy C. Haonady baa lbs jnlyiiOT. 
alfy flat la bSkad for'iba .oak (n 
Haa.**aBab>dnna that aboooda Ui raallam. Than wa4 
Iba oaaal Uooday nixbl'a crawd at Iba opaalog per- 
KS ,«. tbi «oa la tow loa V07 •I'ooa. lo]•■••^ 
toe nueer, arkiia Ihe aiMlIaol macbaalcal elTaeuare 
ainblnaly altractlra. Last week ' Down in ,I>la^ Co- 
did a (ood bnaioaaa bare. Tba nait aiinoihin will be 
l^rinirDael Waai'amoMrala. . _ , «, , _ 

OaASO uriRA itocaa-WUIiam Bany, lo "Tha RlilH 
acnaradun." cama hara fora ralorn easagrmaot, opao- 
inc 11 bafore a large and aalhoalailic audijoca. THe 
olav. all.'-ooati laao a ouintw of ilmaa lolhlaclty. la 
alwa|aaniualDf.aod Nr. Banj-'a loniady soik. alogloi 
aoddaaclexfilfaa aollra aatbraetiun. cl-ay V lagaraM 
mat « lih auceeaa hare laat weak. Oaorga w. Hootoe, lo 
"A Happy Llltia llrme," will la lha coolae auiaalloii. 

Uo:cTirK.-UUr8lioaar, iQiapanorr, ia lha allfactioo 
baralbUaaak. Uebaaaddad"llaiiilal" u bla hat aloca 
ba waa laat aaeo iiara, aad It ana bla opeaiox place nigot 
or 14, l«r<ira a Unie aodlann. Tntadar avanlog aod 
Wadoaalay matioea ba will M aaan lo "Bla Oiac* Da 
nrauiraoDl;" Wadoaailay aad Friday oigbta and Bltur- 
day matlnaa."Villoo, ibl Vagahoodi^ Tbunday Of enlaa, 
"tlam'al:" Bilotdajr nicbt "Tba heicbant or V«lca" 
and "galbarina aod relracbio " Uoyl'a -A Trio Ist^hloa- 
town" drew Ilia hottaaa baat weak. The comlog attrae 
lion will b> dol Smlih HuiaaU. In "Tba Blvala" aad "An 
Bvary Oar Mao." , , 

8TAa— TbairaabbaraAlaiara' Laat Bfoaatloa la tba at- 
timcHoo for Uila week, -Portnaa" baiag Uia chief fealore 
or Iba programme. Tbe faodavllla part loclodea tba 

Waalibon) Blalara, who alnc ibair nawahoy'a aooa 
o*Briaa. Jooologa and O'Brlea box who 1)0 a ahelcb. 
Kallle fPalara, lo aooga; Ifaloai nod HetUoailL in a 

akatob; Mafoo aod Ryao, dIalKi eoBcdlaiia, and Eoiery 
and Harlow, In a akelob, - 

HroaABauHiya— 1 lanra aod allraetiTa bill U pre- 
aaoted ihla waca lo Caplalo Samm'a Majaatlca Two 
crooded bouaeawlioeiaad tbedoublo parforaanca givao 
It. PfOT. WoMlvard'a traloMi arala and aaa Itoaa bead 
Iba bill OUien art: Oioh.laltaka, female barltooabar 
Aral appaarmaoa bars; Maud Uotb aod Billy fl. Ollnord, 
loakaidi; lha Cortv Brutfaan, on boriioaul bare; Al. 
Qiant, la moooloaaa: tbe Tbraa Nlgbu» BioUiark In 
gymnaatie taata; John Parly aod Jamea TSnbrooka, la a 
comedrakit; HlnaraBnit, ueHnadway awalla; Baoliay 
aad Caoiaron, muaical ^oadlaoa; llaltia Stewart and 
Tommr Od'ao, to c'ubtalejrtogaod atoveonataat; Rao* 
dulph aod Bluarc acrobala; Biillnga and HcNally, Iriah 
coiiiodlana Lait week tba Boama Howard aibpoicam 
Co. drawhifboaaaa Next week, Railly A Wood'a Big 
Aow, will] cbaapion Bob Pltiaimraooa aa the cbiafat- 
Iradluo. wiu tiaoare. 

AapjIIO!i.-Rh«a, wbo recently plaved an aogaiamaot 
lottatf^barMilol towo, la bare Ibia waek In her two 
iMst liked playa. DoriDgiharnTaoaitof Iba weak abe 
praaaou "Nail Owjnna" aad Ihe httar part of the weak 
will he gi Tea up toa porlrayalot "Joaapbloa, Bmpiaaaof 
Iba KianCn." A tarae aod appreclatlva audtaaea giacad 
tba opaaiBaparroiTnaoca, 21. A naw pUy. aotiUad * Hack' 
ooioa." wiltbaproducao weak or Marcli 3 

Bsriat: -I'Uamaa Uaan>," a raalodiama, originally 
taatad aa -Luaan'a Lock," b Ihla weab'a clfaitng. A 
eoodalxtfd aodlaoca nadaltveleoma Iba fol- 
b>winaatlncit«o la "Tba Naw Bor." 

nivlTV.--lhiili rity." aMcb opened liara II. for a 
hTaapoaalre chord loUnheavuoribehouaa'apalrooa. A 
bjg andleaee. uaaltatad lo 1 u appUnie. waa pnaeot 24. 
Vint. Ranni'K Majaatlca" are biUtd for n».it weak. 

AaaaiCANl-TliallhBialaa place In tbla part of town 
for a piarbouaa auch ai the American la p ovao by Uia 
audience which 11 latbarawlUiln ll> donra. Tbiawaek'a 
auraciioo. Baidcy Cainpball'a malodtama, 'Tba Oallar 
niava- waa araaiad 24brs ■aodaii^l aiidlaoo. "Del- 
mooleo'a at uli" will bo tba auncUon for week of 
Maleb I. 

Bkooatrx Mceic nAli— Tka manaiamaot aapraaaaa 
ItasiraavaiTWall aatladad wllb tba naw vutora ao far. 
tbU weak Uiara la an aollia chanaa of Mil. Tba par. 
ri^nnail loclaua iba Nanoadaa. tba UolTmaoa. Foraman 
"fJl-Vf"- KS"*"'. »J<' aavan, Val Vino and Baaria, 
AtoSo RllJll °° ^"""k- AdalUa Roalliao, soil 

LTCloa.-tiia Fray R;ock Coniwoy pta<tnud Ollvar 
Btna'a Balodiaiiiik "Toe Upper Hand "21, to a big ao- 
dlaoca. Big iMiatoaaa laat waaa. "rbaC«aal(luajd''^wlll 
baUiaat wlloe waahrrKa><li>. """"'"""o 

L'aiQBa-Tba.TwaoUain Oniory Malda Co. waa iba 
iiiagual ahlcb draw aa iionieaae andlaoce bare 11 Tba 
paoploarelairedui*! lo an nriiloal roneeptlon of Uia 
"now •noiao."ealiUed "rHeOlrrBacbalor'aeiag." Tba 
plbi: Joho T. IIuioo,naiTT_Emaiaon and AnolaCar- 
ur. lalla Trtaibia Nallla De fv>aiaar, i:«aklay aod 
Qaoaro. Living productiooa of famoua paiotlOKi and 
^ilS,','',""'!'^"* T"i Preaantad br niariaaTaiTT. 
Oood Oaaiaaaa laal weak. BamT. Jaok'a Modal Borlanioo 
Co. labonkad for vaekorMareltl. 

LaiiAva.iuaAOiOaav.-lt la eipectad tbla boose wlU 
roxpen ai alui oomio opar*. 

P.:pnlarBirdav ol|bt eoo- 
carlawiUba giraa at tba B Jaa Thaaln H<tcb I.... ..The 

Booday coooanal tiia GaraiT. 1 1, wai wall auaodad. Tha 
nirroniieia lochideO J. W. Rally. At. W. Fliaon and Laa 
r.S o.'^* Nawat Mark BnillTaa. Ocoiga U. WanI, Wanl 
and Biowo, and Maya aod lloour. 

Newbarg.— At tbe Actdemyol MntloWalte'i 
•^^i""' "'nrnsd Feb. 31 for a ta 0 waaka' stay. In. 
clidlof didly mallooea,platloa RpanoiT,al le.w>ad 
yjVa, 't,"'^ •? bo.lnaa^ wblcb wlii 00. 

doobtadly follow iham tbrooaliout ibair aotasamaot tha 
JiSl'iKl'.'h''!?"'?- "f FVlalaaa'tpKiadad I., 

•Jli Moalhia Abo" aa a «inalo relaar, proved a drawing 
SrJJ?.'?* ""•"'» ^'•""a Party^ aiatn bare 17 ly 
Hodaoa Rlrar ConmaodetirKo.sS. Kalabla Tamplar, of 
bla oily. The bonis wu literaUr oackad. tboa laallilng 
tbara a aood mood aom. Jaaile iQiay, a davar plaalfia. 
oatlvaoruila dly, aavaa raellal tl, uapaimtniy to aolog 
abroad toeomplatoboratudl4a.... . .Coiuiboa Hall la oc- 

copied tbla weak by Uia M«S VotkHOrSSrco rin ioS- 
lioaeui vaodoTlUe parforaaaraa,at ia la and tOcanta. 
Boalar: Curka aoo f^mplaL Nolan aod McBblneBobart 

Laalla, Prof. Wa'lay B Klog, mnalcal dliactor; Una. 
uvn Jaaiuia traaaunr; iiaory P. Olatke. maastar. 
Tbey npaoed u eicellaac bnalooH. and In all 
pioiiabliltr will do vail dardig Uielc brief lUr, aa U:ay 

aire a really oeriloilua parfoimanca Rapertorv of 

Iba Waltei'omadr (in. duilac Uialr angagmutbaie* 
,pa Blank rUii/"TJ.a Inilda Timck,"'%"phini!"! 
'From Biro toSon,'' -LOTo^nd Law,"—Tbaf»Mi£" 
"*°.*)LlSHl.^"A Boy lYon BoaloD.** "A Noblo-Oal. 
cast," 'Tan 4Ma,>;.>Tba aallay Blava," --Legalli Dual," 
• CMI,^',' "Mlrtiajl BtrogolL" "Yoiini A5aHca;''^\a 
mfa,'"'PlatNa a NorUi"''a iffigbur." 
"Tlie DIamood Mialerr " 'Tlia Pnncaor Llsi>"BOd "A 
f •Ui"*J'*.,E!9''> , alio nlrodociog lo aach nUy ape 
olaliluhyAllradKaleay, tt.l'n La Rm. Hal wT BroTn, 
John and Banba olaeaon, Ka|.< wiiSt. Flake ami lbs 
B innra Bialrra. Anolbor pteuing railuia. aid 
which artaiyhalpa in maba Ihe anuitalomabtaa pomi- 
ur, latbeeoocartorcbaalnof foortoan piacaaioaMo. 
nUr program ma ol niiialcal oddluaa, latioduclos a nnrn- 
bar nfaew necbanlcal aau electrical davicea loalodlna a 
-ntoralacine eslfflaB^ wblch ate placed la tuIoiib paTts 

thA aaaafltahrlaaaww Aaaal mj^ah a^ •^-.^ a.^_.Ha 

Rochester,— At Iho Lreeum Theatre Uie Dam. 
reach OparaCo.. In "Lobeoario." opeoad Uia waek Fab 
II- Illaagaaalaanunealtiaatfor Uiia uwa. aod lha 
aaleofaaaiawuiaige. On 21 a the hoo^wiUbiidub 
•lib^ ibJTVt tbtii nljhfjf 
tlia, weak. Tba Wliluay Opaia Co.,™a "Bob Ror." dM 
wall 11: IB. TliaPolurBaUaVoo. h^ llahthonHi It B 
'Tha Binwolaa" coma Mardi l-a "Old RumaltMd"a 7 

Cooa Orsaa lloraa-"1be Rlltar Eiag" opaaad lha 
weakrab.14. BsklagaUictenlabta'auy. ''Huallanm 
aaniB • a blllio tor iba Uit karror lhaVaak' "Diikm 
Kaaaia" did niealy l7-t». "T>. SlarOaiar" puitegw 

Mnt.iD "Pnrfflrui." plir*d 10 Mk'bt butJaaaUilWMk. 
"OnwDonlha ►'inn'Mi da* wmiwatL 

Tub VTo^ohuno thuthi unonoeMtli* rollowlu 
pro|rMni» r«Mhliw»«fc: WtllUin .ihI UlBole Blcktlt^ 

T«Bpl«tOQ tDJ MtMar RobbU lUIUj. -«■»•. - v 

for 111 ■ wnk : Prwi ^K*llhof»r'ii Atpin* YocftJk 0*off« 

Moud A. A. Mkc\. Tbe Vait«8liit«n «n«l llftdtoyud 
Uftitdrav UriAHOIoDwslutWMk. 

Albany— Tbo LeUnil Optim Uoum presented 
T«ud«TllN 10 lu p4*n>fliBU hM«Mb dlnetrmoi Hu- 
•g«r FnKlorii Kvw Yurk bouwi. Hi* bill iDelodad: 
RuunU TboTDlPO, Omi. Tbktcbar and lUy Vtreen, vbo 
recalTM bdmIa] iccocnIiloDa Altnor LIbanuappMrad 
In plat* or Ju)M L«Tr, vbo *»« bllM. BIf boua«t *u 
tUm rata ibroovbnui Uia weak Tb« fuUovlDtf M booked 
for Feb 31 ud waek : John «. Baoeoaa, ibe MImlo Koor, 

Roial YHdo JApaaaM TrDap*.CUnBaeb«liba "Dark- 
Mt RttB<U"ooitaa Harth L wcd. Banr, la "Tba ELl*loi 
0«Daniloo,3 aad 4; DooaaUj aod Ulrmnia,"Tb«T«iaa 


UiMMARn BLfiCKaRnALi.—IhUBmchO«nDiB Opera 
Co., la "LobeuriD," Tuaadar, IB, wat Uie cnodan ma- 
■leal f Teal of iba aaaaoo. A nrj latia aadlaooa waa ta 
aiieodtBca. whioh wa* )ltNnl la appiaoM aad malla, 
Mhl pDiur aa-l Mr. BtUe* pmeatad *Ob*Tlona Cor< 
du'* bi an eiMUwt ftudUtce 11. Tba WblintTOgetft 

" — v.... .. a .f^^^ 



JmOU, lo **Tb* flUr Oanr,** oon«a U. Col Babatt 0. 
lonmU AJoe lUi%ln»Aaaj Old Jlor.''aC,n,"Tbe 

BiBTAUaS THkAT»i-— Tbe Potter BeOe* Co. did Mt 
aiTlTolBcJmito ^rl7s OBanonolof a wmkabaad of 
ibtir tmlBabat pr«Mated*'Cbarloue^Oorday." to Une 
boilocM. UL Tbe Wtaitwr Opera Co. la > Rab Do;** 
dn« wtn U ». CiiDlII* D*ArTlilo da)l|bUd Itma u. 
dlm«sl»"*'»^«^!5*-'.'a^''*'' TJ^P*™"^ Opera Co.. 

toTlii"ni«wiiutfor ib«Hii«i,**j».srr7 

D. B. JACOiM'TuuTiB-Ploraooe Blodler proMiiud 

KwinTd^a wM »-2L Jida Botb'a • White Crook" 
UblUid.rorai-tf; Carl ,A. Hanta. la**TboaUr«rElor' 

Baffklf^At the BUr TbutfB llliuil« Maddera- 
7lakecom«i Peb. 24 fnr ibr«« afRbta, Tho*. 4) Aeabmoh* 
17-9, *^«Idii tbe Wind**Marcli X-l, *TbdBr*wal*i"5-r, 
LiUle Dao MeCartbj bad a bwAt bare XL 

Mtmic Uji14.~— Tbt last of I be f eaioo'a Baffab BrntpboDT 
CoDcaru oeoar* 37. wllb Mmo. MiUraa, mMil Mauo- 
pobiaa OpitaCa. Muth 11-18- 

LTCiUMniaTiia.— *Th* Bldewalkiof Nev Tork*>thla 
weiL'Tbe Oouoa KUn^week of March X Now 
Bqr"hadaiwlBirolJowlDgv . „ , ^, 

noun BraikT tiiathl— Tb« Nigbt Owb ihUweik. 
Kelt waak.rrba WbiteOiook." 

Biiu'x Mceir Ball.— Utr Uo«7. Uwl* Neboo, Bart 
Joidaa, Atftlioe Wudaa. wm. JaCooaoellir, Kanuuid«£, 
IaabeUaCalT*rt,JoHpb A rnllUpt. ■ 

oaav "Rob Ro|" lolvoblfhotifwtB. <>>ibIo|: Fraok 
Dtsler* Op*ra Co., In "TbA Wliard nt iba Nila," H : Barah 
Benbirdt, lo 'CamlllVU: 6eba)ltr AlMetIo Club vUl 
tire a boilD* lonmniaot >Jl 

THB OAiiirTaiATRC-Oocd bsalDtDi preralWd atlbia 
boupw laat waek, wlih "TTia Anerlma rao«taTma'' Co, lo 
lire tba bill Oomlair : M laoo*a Clif Clab BorleMaa Uo. 
fl and weak. VatMHi filMen' Batli«)e* Oo.Mar^laad 

TrD7»— At Ibe (IrliwoM Opem Uoofe, Peb. 17, 19, 
*H)o Ecio'DBborea" did fairly wrlL Tb« Wbftoaf Upera 
Co. la "Rob Bor," hJ<l a bis booae II. at adraacen 
priceH. Hr».ronar and Mr. Be'ldWjo "Otaariou* Cor- 

pricea. — - . . - 

dar." draw a larwo boaMtl, at adraaeod pricea JoHph 
Halt oaoM 34. la "A flay Old Boy," a rvtaro tI '- 
Caallla D'ArvHK lo ■■Vaifalalne. or th« Migle Kla," 

Id "A flay Old Boy," a ttuva vlalt. 

K lo ■■Vttfamne. or th« r " 

(Un T Jaok> •Th* RjU rivbter" 37-0. 

Bino'e Ofnx Boru— rraah Daatola -- 

orihaNlle."CDmeiX&. Tbe hove waa dark laa weak. 

tfnx Boru — Fraah Daatola In *^h* Wl/ard 

"comoiXft. Tbe hove waa dark laa weak. 

OiiKTT TiiBATRR— Tk« Oriental BriaTatteur^. (11.1 
rood bualDOtf all laat vaek. M. Ba Leftviu'a • B|iidar 
and Ply*' Oo. comet 34, for the w«»k. 

Utiea— At tbe IMca Open IIoom iIm local pio- 
docUoaor' PinafoTf,** Fab W.itdaodPloraaea BlBdl«y,ln 

* The Capulo'i Hatr." v»ie ili* oolr auractlooi hat week 
and both did wall- l>«tHl: •■Town Topka"e«n*a>L "Tha 
Wfiaid »r lha Ntle" tfr Tkeaaiaa Tboaipioa'a "fba Old 
Uflmwiead'* 17, * D«rl»«lRuaaia'*38 

KOTia— Th« old Paml^TbaatrelaVechBDlciUilllLaii 
been nApeadU and«r iha namt of People'a Theatre by P. 
M- Cootop.or Ibe BtJoQ Tbeair*. Bloihamton. Ponilar 
pr1«ea 10. 0-BO c«Dt*e wlUprerall. ^Ibu Bium*' "Playa 
aBdni)cra"Co. wlUlM tbeopeologallneil«D34-S, 

BlB|limWk(oB.— At StoDo Opera Eooee "Hj 
wife'* rrlwd" eame Pab. 17. to fair atlendaaMa Ctmira 
D'ArtIlle.lB* Had»'elD«,*'<]alisbird a paoktd bog«)0. 
"Tlie DiBiar** had fair boslBOM fl>. BolBiiilib Kontll. 
lD"IbeUlTalB.'*dre« to the capael^ of ibo hooaa 31. 
*-Tdwb Toplal" pleuadacood elud aadlaae* n. Rrallr 
B lecker coma* lo "Oar Plat" St. "Ibe Black Crook" tt^ 

* Orine** Ctltar Door"38 

Bijou Tbutrb —'Tbe Pmdlfial PaUier" RtTatxcoltwt 
BailifuUoa to pond ba«lua 17-13. ' la Old Tanoeiafe" 
had fairly iiocd tiicodoiea W-tL Bva T. Jaeh'n "Mr 
Uoela** Co. eomei fi-M^ **I>Anitera or a Oraat OU) " 3;-9. 

Oe»Taa*At the Bmlih Opera Hooae Roben 
Iai«iM(ii leetared oa"IiDenln" vroreaBBB]lb"twell 
platMd audience Peb. tt. **8LlTer Eloi" bad loodbual- 
naM 11. **The Daiiler**nuaaio ralrboalotul7a Boolad: 
Ploreace Blndjera la *Tbo Capiala'i Male." 34; Joerph 
Uirt. In **Oay Old Boy," U; *^eOld Uonutekd" March 4. 

Elmlnt.^At tbe [^ceom Tbeafra tbe Uande 
HUlmanC&e In repertory. cKMed a dTonlibt** May Pib. 
U to biK boavea. Rol Smith BanelL (n "Tbo BiraK" 
attraned k jtocHt i>lz«I hoaie 10. Totopklna* •'BUek 
Crook" eonea 23. *-|>*laH>aleD'B at Bli ' z0, BlIoB Seacb 
Yew 37. 


lloboken.^-UaDBgfr UoilEoiIien toblapatrona, 
F*b. 24-36. 'VowlDi; tbo Wind/' which opened at Iba 
Lyrle to a largt aad fathlonable tndlaaee, who mtairMi* 
ed tbtlr appTDTBl lo a cordial muner. Tbo itaftog of 
tba play aaa mo< eonmeadable, the out a ■'.rooR 
oo«, tod curtain calla rem aamtroai. Tbo Fiatal Otnl" 
come* 37-t9a . Noit TC4k, "HcCailby'i Miabapa" and 

Jaaepb If art, la. "A Oaj OU Bor," tbrta aJgbU «achi 
Waek eadlBf 2J wu of iiooti noMinj. 
OaLv'a erAR.— Tbe Roea mil Polly Co. laaavarated tba 

««ekt4«ltba nutlnto wblch wai well atlended, Tb* 
houaa vaicrowdad (n ibaaTaalnt, and the8.B O. eln 
wuoatetriy. BoalaiPH lait wtoi wu lood with tb* 
LooUlaoa MUutatl*. M*Kt week, the Maj 8baw Bor 
laiQU* Oo. 

lMraiUL.~Irena Kara, KellleBeldUr, Pveak Maaalop. 
G»raAnD«nd. Am*lla*B«ma and Maod Bloketta, Bui* 
DMB la Krvd. 

_Bbiit41i^ Uall— Vay MedlMmDora Leoaoo, MelUa 
Motartaod John Ulllno. Bn«lDns In irood. 

KoTBS.— tf anafer P. Edward Daly will ptty only bo? ■ 
laiqae iroupef.and hia booklnta op to due ecBprfn 

many of tbo beat Ai EUnrtdo Cailna 23. n. tbtw 

Mopie •pPaarcd : May BdUno. Howard aod Sail*, Martha 

naoM). Mlonte McBtot aod WalUr B. Blem Faalln* 

Bttcbeller la confloH'to harny»mand OfArrle Lame- 
raauiU taking berplacowlib (be Bono BllfPolIyf^o. 
Juk Oimwford. of the aame company, thnaih aone on> 
«xplalntblaaoold«ot rmlved a oat OTer Maeyeootht 

rpaoloB nisht wtilla votklog In ihebnrlemoe Pd. 

Conk, Will Blaok. BUI Prukaothal aod Ju. BUkewllllM 

mad«Klh«in tbe Hnbokan lodge Mn waek Leader 

WaCMorrfaon. of Dalp**Siar, U arraaglng mualefora 
MW bnrletqaa oparaibai be iJ eompoalngU coolane* 

Jmer Cl«^.^Bo1)bj Qa|lor, In "Id a Wft dtr." 
Ii lha aitrictloa a: tb* .Aeademy weak ofM. Maat weak 
"BoDole Scotland." 

BOS Tos.-Tbe paoaU ihla waek are WIB U. foi. Iba 
BaitonaJ. J. PoniQP. HlPattBm. Leonard and Bernard, 
Aanla WMiney, •hree Halt tooa. Marion and Peari, Bijoa 
MInoB. Jodga and WllUami, Morton aad BUtar, Qun- 
flald and krank Laion*. 
J. I. C— Llllle A^ma VaySmlib and mbm. 
WjauiN0TON—Olararh«Te», Clara Call, Hand Borlar 
too. Uf rtl« Picnitiite aod E. B. HanhaU. 
-Uw Nr 

RoTBS—Thn Nonpareil Banjo Trio, oomprUina WaOa 
Rofb. D. W. RobetlaoD, Uaib J. SaoMtt, and Diohtna 
aad Moore, elooalleni*!*. are hlllM for atocaleiTiIrl?. 

ir«warka~ALHlwr'6 "T%e Old Ilomeetetd" 
aaami to crow popalarwlih age la ihla cltr. BLcorowd* 
attended each p^rforvaoce laat week, ami oa Batuidar 
nlilit lha hooae baM aboat iha lariieat andleioa In Its bta- 
torr< W. D.Orana In "Tbe OoTamororK^Diocky.*' thb 
week, la a traat not onen aean ban, and abonid oe gen- 
•TonMjf aperedaM Tha opanrnw alt^ndanre wu larae 
P»b 31. Olaay PliigtraU, la -Tho Poandllng,*' oomea 

jAOOBB*.~Prlm,n>«e A Wrnaliodrew moi honopalaa 
waek, and aapcclaUy on tha hnlldar, vb*n jha Ibuin 
wu.twioa-.pukeda 'Tha Orut Diamond £bb(n" li 

th\>aitradtontblBwe*kr. A lai«t hooae vttaaaaed tbe 
obnlnt.34. "Ratad from the flea" Manh S and vwk. 

waldiuiih A.— Thiaboaaebail aocaaae foroonplaint 
laatwMk.uB. W Wllllaina'."Uataon>' atiraetad ibeIr 
ahaieoftbavoodboalBMiliatpreTailad. PlyaBARber- 
ldtn*«BlwBbDvraiuratklawaek. A Taw cbangu ba«a 
occurred *lnr«tb*lrta*tappaarmnce. Thay ■tart'd vltb 
afnilbouteSi. Twanllntb Centory Malda Haroh 3 ud 
waek. _ 

P«leFwa.^At tbe Open Hoaee "Rtieta Clip" 
bvl poor baalBBU PaK 1M«. -lloman Bearta" had fair- 
l/.cnod bnalneaa 3U-ra. Tba bonklnga aia: PatarMta 
AOilatte niQb Bug 24. lUchatle Ranaad. la "Bait 
Lyooa."2t JB:"TbeI)ajBlar'*n-2»,R O.Inietaoll March 
I, "A Ranch of Reya" 3-4, Donnallr A nirardB. 7. 

EoxNTnRATiiB.-Anf ma for Kab.3l aod we«k : L>ttoo, 
Cioalay and Polar, Harrr and BnmaRnilth,Ahaa Booth, 
John J. WaUh. Warren ■a<1 Howard. LU Eanilake, Anna 
BarwoD Loonborg, Reddlae and Sunton. LmIIo aad 
Cnrdr, Joan Rahiio, Amaa Cvttft. tha Mamya. the Con- 
nlagaan Slater* and tb* Poarlauarda irnlnui wai 
bir 17 and week- 

BiJAD TitBATRi— The *'Zero" RptctaeoUr Odmpaoy 
chweda fairly aucoenrkl week 31. The rieaehOalatT 
GlrlaBorlaMiue and Hfwilalty Co. blh«b|]irbr 84 aad 
waak Por week of March t wa hare the Heuy Bar. 

EllBab•tbr-Atl^« Lyceiun Tbeaire Kei)lM(1y*i 
PUyarn weak of r»b. 17. had large NoalBeaa. "Iba Loat 
FarediMa*' eomea 3a, "Tha Dautar*' March a, "Dr. Oreea" 
54 -Trilb;" 7. "The Ralamakenr; 10 

DBiRBOnu Tlorsi.— "Tha Two BacatcbeonaP* utoa 
Pao. B, mailne* aad night, to large aodleaeaa, fTbo 
pUr waa aitUtlcally plaaad on tha atage and no4 ad- 
nlrably Inurprelad by aa eioellant caaL Tbe ^rfbrvi- 
ancewa* tbe fnaonral openlngoftJieihaatiwDDdarOol. 
W. Ma KertiHt'a maiu|ctmtoL Tba thaatra wu ricftly 
daeoratad Inalda and nat for the ftteaalno, Lonlalasa 
Uinairalneome2a. 2»,**On tbe Bowaiy" Moth H, '"Tbr 
nado" April L 

TreBtoa^Walte^d Oomedj flo., at ntlor*< 
Opera Doiae. Peb. 17 and weak, had eaomoai tnuiaaea. 
Tbe Spooler Comtdy Co. la tba atlraeUoB forSI and 
waak. and opaoed Handay algbt to a B O. PopBlnr 
ba TeryallractlTe ha'eJaiinow.^Tbe 
Oraat Dlamood Robbere** eomea Manb i, BobL UUllaid 

SFncai«a-Al tbe WWlor Opera llooje Prtf. 
BeyaoUi, wecat riit, had llgbt twain— waek of Pub. 17a 

0, "OnibaMlaalaalppr^JoeOltr 

TnixToi lir«Bpa.<-1ltnag*r Prank naaaoa rmrta 
bulneaa good. Tb* following people ue hem for tiaad 
waek: U*ny B. Harioa, Dofl> and Banetla. Oanle 
Cochimn. /arau W. TlKcnpBOii, Stanley ud BaaloB. 
Bany Pento o. LolUe Dally jad Bany iDaa; 


WilmlBgUa.^Ai tbe Onnd Opsm Bomb 
"Fandlaa Allay" did atklrbailaaaa Peb. 11^ D. **Soula 
Bcothad" wu an eiceUant pertotmanea, b«t bad a 
andleacati, "McCBr1hy'*MUhap*'*badaBOod boBWN. 
Jo* Ott, le *nM Btar Oaier," eouta tt; '*A CenaliT 

"Oa Iba ■iMlaalppI" 4. "TTHIbr*!. 

Buoo— Tba Hel*B Basell Barh 

1 Borlaaqae Oo. la daa fl-T. 

WoiDBHURD^totetleoa for week of M: Lactate 
^'i'^4^S*^^'^^'V**ut^aid, Dbb 

Febbuabt 29. 



Yairicty and Minstrelsy 

jiiiY Bin AVtf BBiTBicB Lio tuTo floUbed A 
roar weeks* stay In Ooetoo, iUa., aod ere lAjlOf otf 

Emca AMD Stklla Liioo BtreDgtbtDeil Ue "Ue 
and Jftck" »liow at Htoer^e Bowety Tbeilrc, la 
ibtfciry,!^ werk. 

Hmn itiD Mack ire dUjIdv » M«Bon*aeDg«KO- 
■enl wlib DomoDi'A Hlmireis at tbe EleveDtb 
(iueatOpon Uoum, PbtlidcIphU, Pa.. 

Tfli ViLTONsAUte ibftt tbey taave Joet ckwed i 
joj pleuut season witb TPolcoti ± Ctnoo'e Fno 

OfcLti CLATTox ■■ ih« wild Bou viib **ni« WfalU 
Cntok" (7Mt«ni) Co. 

Ovi!ni to trt« lUQtMofLtt UoU. *ir«or Bo^br lfrd^ 
lh« Utn of lird* «i4 LMUwtn obllfvd to cuotl ttali 
vMk M fiprmiaflU, Mam. 

B. M. PnowLia lB In ebtm of tfat boi offlrtatJ. B. 
Doii>'0«l«ir Tbwire, thUeitr, onUlthtopwibBoftb* 
BafftloBJU'tWUl WvL *^ • 

UOUT AKO H ABVA lotonD u (bu lh*lr ut. 'Tb« nol< 
uo(ou."wuM^ell nulTwl la s» rnnelKo,Cal. u 
vti«D u» act wu i]ad« j-*w«Ato by Um U—hj Bra. 
HmUt SDd Ifuba go to Lm Ao|«kii, CaL, for ibm 
VMk* At lb* eloM or thilrSAa FruelscoanMtoawL 

J. TOD fliTTitKnuxo ixp Joiiir W. /.amxom will 
lllOrtlj UkTO ut* '*4>ia T*DDMM«" Co. u4 Bt> to Buflklo, 
H. v.. to n»b««rM thf Ir new mttM aat. 
..Harkt VAX ADKiNbAar»cdv«rMl fionaneMi lonl- 
e\i OMiaUoD, and bA> rrjoln*! bia partatni, HcPliw mad 

HiLi:< RCTSli-L It rIdiIob ^Tonimy A'klDa" wlili mueb 
■aeoaaiDlahUv »iUi ibo **Wbit«Crvok"(W««t«n) Uo. 

Dak CaiMUm loronDiuHilutMnLCrtramlDiaod tks 
Wbr bor u« dolor v«ll asd ihat Cnumlaa ud Umo 
will TBitime wort about Man )i D. 

AL ORAia aud RoiUMi, who barA bwo plaiioffdaua 
vuceaaMDllj In tlialr ilntia fptdalil^ ar« (fttartAat 

Bjda A BMimWa Thaatrr. Biooklf o. N. Y.. IliU ^Mk 

■at aowmD I* rerlou*lr lU at bar boin«k Is ihN eiii-, 
with paritooltU. Blia waa conpaUc<l in olo«* at Procuira 

Plaaaaro Palaca laat waok aod will ba unablo to woik 
aitalofor twowaeka. 

CooKa AHO Clixto:* wan itpwI«lW»D|tated Tor Vto* 
Mar HhalilMi'a baoeilf, at Poopla'a Thwirf, Maw Vorir, 
fib. tV aod warw amooi iha hlu or iha bill. 

Baku aid Lyxn w«ra cpnipallad to eancal Eaitb'a, 
Fhll*. on Account l r Uln Ijf dd loiloff bar *ole*. 

DAaRT J. Uowamo. witb A\ a. riald'a Mln*tr«la, 
Hltpp«il upon the lea «htla abphtlDK fmin a train at 
anad Haplda, Hid)., K<b. n, ud aanral/ rpimlnad hia 

ICiaii HARdRiTiu, chanolar alaoar, li tnakloH a 
atroof poioi witha n«w a^tntriedltiy wrlttan for bar by 
Thao.Uaiicand Uonroa U. Jtoaaorald. aoiltlfd "Oh.Dwr 
ftoaductorl" Bbe nadan ibtsoog loboih EagUih tad 
OinnAO. aod lawtably (nloa uvaral aocorta. 

TnFiaTiRBOoif.dAeelof and alDiloR trlpUta. ntaru 
toEnRlaod •arlyln AprIL Tbayw«r« Imponed a YMf 
MObyVoaierA Bla'.Aod hara Appeaitd laall tbalaad- 
Ibk varif tf hoow of Amirlca. 

Maris Ricshoxo baa lataly Intmdoead UArTyA.MI)- 
Ur*a UtaitcooQ loar. "TfanRiofftall Co)or«d Band," «Uh 
Uarry MorHn' "TwoDilalh Cautary MalJV* with aaeca**. 

Roenn OK BnoiTtK BRw.* BiWTRRLs: W. P. Dnrklo, 
ntaoaf ar; ricaoUa aod Tatpaat J. J. Jakina, Camll tod 
TaaUy.P. J. Faalay.Hhoia and Ooontll, Cbarka Oaaialy 
Aod ll'ia Bocnaybontar. P. UtTattr l«ia advaoca. 

Madiir MaItuho'ii raodarloft or 'Ut Ha Tak* My 
Plat* at Home Apalo.'* at Ealib'a Union BqatraTbtaira 
Uatwaak. waanwatraTomblrraeekod. ... 

Eit5n- WiiAiN waicontpali'd to oloae at Kalth'a Uelon 
BqaAraThaair*. ilibieliy,«ar)rUatv«ak, on acconat or 
tbtoat inniblo. ... . . 

EDWAHDe Avo KiRitcLL daoy that they appev«<] at 
thaUaloty tboatra,lhU olty. taal wnlc.siHl iiaU ihAt 
ibay open at Tony Paator'a, March 10, for a waak. 

BntRtiTO ASD Biro hnre aaltad. to prodoco a noTal 
cntortlon atL _ 

HAHAOkit Bbk Lbavitt, of tba BiJOQ Tbaatn. wu 
flood %a on Fab. 24. by Judita Hanlitr, or Uio Follco 
Court or FauniAo. N. J., rur dUplajloc adTartlalnf oftha 
eompAnr oa whkb wontaa appaarad [a tl|bu and wblch 
iba eooitbald to IM ImnudaM. 

TURCRnBALPOBLisiiixnCovpiNTraporttbo auea oi 
"Only ft Lliti* Yallar CooB" Ttry laria for a naw aonir. 
tbaQntadlllonbfllDK anilraly Mid, and tb«y are dow 
prlntlni tba lacoad. Ttia Amarlean Trio, tt Procior'a 
Plaa'aroPAlaeo.aro iloKiagihU aoag varr «rr«ctlTe1y. 
and Carolina Hall, a new eonar to tb* vaudtf Ilia Mage, 
aod DAlaayMayararaolao making itataklni raaniro In 

TBB AMMoxB-CLCRisi TRIO Ar* ploilaganaw ballad 
hf E. OUrk Ba«d. aoilllad Tll All I Wookl Aik Ton to 
inTa," torapaaied focoraaolHbtlr. . ^,,„ 

OiLUOBRB a:«d Wut wllldlBMilrapartiiOTUilp April IS. 
Bookisos— At the Warwick Thfatre, Naapoit .VewA 
Va : Kitty Mllkr, Paulina Uoward. Joil* DaBow NeUI* 
MoDn>e,8adlo Ban<ia, UaiMy Rhaoooo, VIo Marxelia.8Ani 
Valro, Bobbr Momy, Billy Haboai and Billy Uacnil 

ton A,t Hirton'aTbeiOn, Newport Nawf,Va.: Bddla 

aod Lotta Maglolay, Ralla Watcon, Carrta Biaplatoo and 
Mlobay Tlaha, W. A. Patart, Cbarll* Beaia, Billy Arem 
Fioraneo Edwatda, Allee Sinclair. Bulla Blaier.^La 

Hodaaia, Nallla fiyan and .lack Tbomoa At Hln- 

nlngar'a, Wanaau.Wla.: WloDloger Pamflf. maalcJaoi, 
TOttUaU and tpaelaliy; darar Cookay, dub nualpu* 
lator; DooPear^oo, eoaadlan; Otto Walter, miDik, aod 

Draw Blatm. duat Mngcra and warblan At tba 

How* Opera Uaoaa, Deioio, Mo.: The Olenanta, Jaa J. 
aod HIIUL. Allan and Otilmay. Trrdall and Gray, ^i* 
VIetoralllR. Dan Keoncdy and Chaa. Orady, mjiii* 

anr At Wuadartasd Mum* and Theam, Dm 

HoloeJk la.— Cano Hall: Prnr. Day'i oolltoUon from tbe 
Holy Land*. BUou ataga: UiJub Oomady Co. ne- 
atoriont: Tti* Burta, Tooy Varooo, The AHyoa and tbe 

I.a PMO Punlly At Biobaan Varietr Ikwtr*. 

LoulaTllla. Ky.( The BaDe/a. CoriBna Otella, Ueorge 
D«llou^ Haggle Th*t*. J.Webater. U. WlUoa and tbe 

irtoAB At tb* PUoUr Tbaatie, Sprbaflald, III. 

HilHr and HeConl, VTaKord aod Hatch, CoICdo aod 
Konwlb. RBbyHaylay, Fanole Wella. Pror. Bauato and 

OeUfglB and Brewar At the Temple TbMtn. Cam- 

deo. -A. J : BIcaor Whil ScioIod and Walcli. Baaaoe 
NTuart, tb* DaTUOorta. Mao*. Toc^B*rtha BUad. Hyde 
aod GMla, Orfoi* Ooart*t. Paony TliaiolMr, nrth vMk ; 
Rimlta. Cowan ana Baooo. Bydata, Zoyairowi ud the 
Bcaobf . mOy . 


T«raACo— At tbe Qmd Open HooM, 14, 16. A1. 
0. PlaU'i Ulamrali came tu big baaloaaa. **Trllby" bad 
lalrbualoaaa 17-19. Hlool* Haddara-PlakeSm WMh 
oru tbe booM will ba dark. ^ „ ^, » 

TOMOXTO Opira IIwpsii — 'Tbe BrMkiyn Hudleap 
bad ralr bualo*aa IT'S. ■'Down on tb* BowanM Biver" 

"SmAlVHEiTti-Uctufe toll;. Hj^onia Wagnor. 
Baandara. Tbutr*: Bldoal*. NaokTlU* Ward. Crockett, 
Balta, Bella Horrlaoo. tha Zarroa. Hall, Lawraoe and 

a fergo adraace lal* for slvht of SL 

HAmlltoa,— At ibe Omnd "Trilbi" ptayed a re- 
torn eongenaot Pab. 25. "UncleToni'a Oabln" eoau9. 

a big bit PwWMdw*ok,a nlnj?™* 'L" " 

glveS coder tha nunagamant of pan ""t^'l^ 
ilttad bTA O.Lawreac«.B«rTTand Bmlib. St. Al va and 
Kaachella, Dnmoit Hoai. Eddio BfAni, AmalU V*iiioo, 
Bom HarUne ud Juul* Laaiy- 

Qaelph^At Itojsl Open Uoase Ella Oameron 
Co- In repartorr, had ima-l boat** P*b. l74D. Tbopiu 
Mcraagh 7r.. In u Itloitraled kotoie. "A CycHog Tour 
Tbnigh Qnat Britain" eomaa March V Ifanda lcrou 
the Be* IIh" (he *^rut HaU" 20, W. O. Andrata' Co., Id 

<ia«b«e^At tbe Academy of Uaalc tbe Tadlei' 
Ooir Clob CooMrt wat ablgaucMia Pah. ». Hi* lb*A- 
ma aia all dark at pteaMt. and Uiay ar* llkelj lo remain 
10 dnrlDg tbeLeotao utMB. 



KsKMM CUj^Ai tbe Audltorlnm tbe erenl of 
the WMkiBod of tbeaeaacn,rorlbatbialUr, waa ibaen- 
gaicantBt or Rlcbaid MandaM. *'Baaa BtRnmall," "A 
ParUlBD Ronance" aod ^'Prleee KarV wan tha eld blUa 
pteeaoted, aod "Ralloo, lb* Biodani," **Atmt and tha 
MaB"aBd**I>r. Jakyll aod Mr.BTde*'ror tba Arte ilma 
bare. **Baao BivmoMir* aad **A rarlakn Bomuce" 
wara.tb* b**t drawbg cardt. Tbe •ngigwoant wu a 
ncc«M In areiy paiUcuUr. Tbe anpany U a •trong 
ooe. aad eontatna aecb luolllar BamaiuJobailoBaBea- 
neu, Jeanl* Soaucbe, Bkaaor Cany, OrrlB JoUeMS, 
A. 0. ADdt*wa« W. K. Oriffldi, D. II.Barhioa, EdnoDd 
tyoo*. Mr. HuaatldnMlTadaaoTttloBdarlBRthteo- 
Ure MpgtaaBt, bat tb* ontl apaacb wu not Cnnh- 

UBAMoOrtEi Hotisa—LaKw**kByra*fBroa. "Bight 
B«ltf* did lairly vaU, the »bow liaTloi bMo ano hare u 
manytloM befora blgboalMia ooeMinotbeeip«ctad. 
ThlawMkOaa lla* "A Yunia* YenUamto,'* tor 
tbe drat tlina bare, and nastwMb **ATr1p to ObtoAtowo," 
ror the flrat ilm* harai at popalar pricea. 

NiiTTH BraaBr Tubatrk -Latt weak Oia'l Bully, tflar 
an ibaaoce of roar Maaoot, praMotad "A Bactwlor'a 
WIt^" lofalrhu*lo*«L Dan Maaon laa Mote la ihe 
cuL TblawMk Fraoh BnJi. la "Olrl Waoiad/' for tha 
dm time bar*, aod o«it wa*k Katie Kmraatt. 

OOA-rn-OrBRA UorsB.~The Apollo Clob; a local mu- 
alcai orgaoUauoo. gaTa a concert Prb. 17, lo a laric* and 
laatalooabi* audlaac«. Tba houa* wlU be dark for t cou- 
ple nrwMka. 

riiLua oriHA lIorAi.— Lt*t WMk'iil riuBkanl"dlda 
guod bnaloota. The hnuu bdark tht« vMk. 

CoLiM UM -Bemia Veravo, Ham ReokU*, Lace HUH- 
Ban, Urtando, Lnreita, J. J. LaUod, Lydla Urey, Era 
\raid. Prank uaTla and Ctiarlaa SeLMotMck.—nie Kanaaa OUy OrehettialBoclely will 

era another of tb«tr eooc^n* at tha CoalM ananuoo of 
U. A. Pappaid. adrartliing aaant of ihanillia 

OfraraUooaa^ wu Mvtralycuton the ne* vblla rjKtlog 
a noUy oagio bootbtark i roin the lobby or tha tbaaire on 
ibeATulogor 16.. ...JtaMB Baiakln, tnuurerni the 
Urand Omtb Uouaa, waa Initiated lotbelocai lodge of 

the Elk* 21 John J. acllaod, ol Leneo BrM'. Clrcoa, 

l«rt for Hot BprlDga lait w*«k Bobert Browar. niua- 

garor ''A Trip to tnttnatowB," paiaad ihrougli ham laat 
wMk w. N. Utr. HiparloiMdaat or the Amer- 
ican BUI Poailag ftt, " - " - '— ^ 

CowmcU Blaire^At tbe UobADj Tbeativ tbo 
Woedvaid Ttautre Co. opaowl a two wteka* aacHemut 
at cbtap pileaa Peb. 17. Tbe conpuy wlU landartbe 

Btaae attacbu a benefit Zl Manager EllloU Alton coa> 

UuDpUtMO* onSnlatloD of a etook eoopaoy U) All 
UpMBor opan tiM hare dorlag tb* nmj^tr ot ^ 
iiMjofl.....\Workwlll won be commeeeed 

UMora theatn In Vllllica. r*......Jtmai Ib^imlM 

whn li connected witb the aiatfof the Crjlghtao nmin. 
in Omaha, Mab., wu nolted lo narrUga bare, B, to Halaa 
Laoay, a non profaatloDaL 

Itad ake aolTiancA. "Alrla Jodln" falM to Jr*"*!' 
**A BaBaan Cbaek." n pleuad a fair booae. Harray a 
Hack bad fair Mtlook for *L War aooii eoaean (a u- 
SsSoia for asr-TMIlk Wblu Plaf' Ooa "Mi* 
iSujtb4.......At Towo Uall O'Boarka A BeoaaU'aBpe- 

elaltj Co. bar* drawn fair boaiM. 
Oabwiae^At tb« Qraod Open Honie, Feb. 19, 
Heny WoHd" played to the lantoM honarof lb* 
BtaMO. MorTayAMBek^a''PlBBlsan*BBaU''tMDUB. 


JaetiaoBvllle^At tbe Farfc Tbcatre Clan 
Horrla, la "RaynwBde.*' pbyod lo aioiUafit baaloaM 
Pab. U. Chaa. II. Yala'a >*Twalre TempUHooa" inet wlUi 
Baeeaaa2USl. '^•BlaekCnok"cotDMll.,rraDk Joaaa, 
lD**AOoantrT(^ailo,*'lS; BolAsd Bead, la ^^ePotl- 
tlclan,** March 2. 


Uttl* IUe1i.->At the Capital Thefttie the Mezt- 
cu Typleal Ortbtma came P*b IB. lo email atteodaDor. 
Tin Hoipbr. La "A T*iu BtMr/; came W, Ip ■ «««« 
hove eSTgrattiy pletaad aodUnce. B^t. DowslnB 
eajSTt^cSeTbeilMA*. In »Tb*aiedlaU>r."9. •<Prlai>d*'< 
OMBM hT Henry E. Dlaay Mattb I. C 


HabUe^At tbe Mobile Ttcatn 'The Tvelre 
Temptaikv.'* Pab. 17. IS. played to good boi t aeai 
Ona'aOomlo Optra ao.,l»-B.dM UHy waU. *^ tbe 
HlM(ulpyl**eoBuaM, DellaPoK,lD "IbeLllil* Trooper,** 

A W«tTaELamiiT.^orM aadwMi: Bowartaad 
AUM,BwaaeaitlaadJleonilaniea,D4Ba kadCAwnaaa, 
OewieBtuoa. mi U. Wblu. 

hu been appoloied chief 

doorhMper at the Aadltortum IfarrT Colilu aod 

JaiBelce doted with Pluokard" bare laawetk. aod 
hair plaoM were lakeo by Prank Klahlar ud W. II. 

I tdToar Ooa Uaege'e "A Tenaloe Vaailaau." *** 

Fool lor Lack" ud "Prlaoda" all puMd ibrouib bare 
Uat WMk... .Pied W. Mttra liu ilgaad with tbaBalla- 
Porepangb Clreua for nait fteaMO. to Join iba adYtnUIng 

ftoice PadaiewakI la bMbtu at tba Aaditorluoa 

HarrJt P. to l»a followed br Bonaa'a Bud IS 

Tbe title or Al.StmJa'a piacela"A8ol*BtlAc aeai*'and 

not "A Sclantlflo Doctor" a* itatad Ben aad Jo* 

Boi*othal will Jolo tha Laoo WaahbOTaCIrcu* to AprIL 
W. U. Blood, roraiarly of th* AodltoriaiD, la mana- 
ger of th* Aod Itoriom Hoi#l "Tba Tarrlbta Tinker'* 

wuglren byamalOBrtoaSI JtCLalr Uurd.auiltor 

ofHy i;ocU*a Oaufhtar,"lJ working oo a ntw play to 
be produced diURprlng. 

BU I«OBla.~Tta«ro were two erente lait vcek In 
tbahtrical olrclaa. Bat tha Oraad. and 
the baDadt ol (be popolar mantger at Uavilo'a. Win. 
(hreo. Botbwat«aoiiualUladaoteaaie«.asdDovt«oof 
ihemoatpoputarneolaioTn. Anhor Oaaarwlch, treu- 
uier or ube llagan.and Bodd Maniz, trauurer of the 
Olimpic will Tie lorfaTora on March 14, whan ihaU beo- 

UiiaNO Opsra Hoou-NatCOoodwIo Ib aSL Lonit 
favorite, udbu packed the Urand all wMk, ihaB- R. O. 
alftabeloBpromloaBtat aU parformucea. llit**Ambl> 
t(on" wu not ao well recalf ed u "In Hlouura" ud "Tha 
OlUed Pool," the latter lecelTlnfthe moat commenda- 
tion. "Jforth«fn LIcbtt" thit wMk, wlib lallar to follow. 

OLTHI'IC TutATRH— Tbe iBtt WMh at thia Iwuaa bu 
Pfofaa ihatihi Laniea aaaaon bn no terror* for tuuire* 

era. Piobman'a Oompuy. preMntlog *Tba Fatal," wu wall reealved and llkvd. Mauger Ht Khon 
hu Keeored lor ibln wuk Claia Morrla, prauotlag "Ray 
mnode." "Aitlcle<7" and "CamlUe." raooj DtTuport 
folio wa. 

• UAUAgOraBA liovu.— BIcbard tfaoaflald wlU appear 
IhlawMk iu iapcrtDT7<pr**ootleg Itla old,aad popular 
play*' P«ur P. I>illay followa. ■■Delffloolci>*a at Blx" 
dU tlie uaal good buabeuat thiH popular bourn. 

BTA»PARt> niATHB.-Waber t Plahlii' Own aicelleot 
eompaoy Playad to Qoeboilaea^lut wrak, Ju P. Boer 
udLotileOluonmakiog mathlUi. ThIa wMk Plahfa 
A Uanaon'a DfAwlog Caraa,wlibaaa Ultra Kav Torfc 

Bavuk'h TniATBB.— "Alrin Joalyn" will carort tlila 
WMk. aod Obaa. B BluoT'a "A^Baggaga iTiack" will lol- 
low. Prank Bath ud John ud Harry DIUon ware tli* 
I batuiM laii WMk In "Olrl Waolad." 

Esnta'a ALBAwaaA palacb Tbbatrb— U'ataou and 
Balaley.JoyceaodUrnnlLDoleoaad Alloa. Barney ud 
SuaMU, Bitter* Eaber. Wallace B(aten, Tommy Pay, Lot- 
Ue Tboro. Tlllla ColUna Pruk L- Oay and atook. ■ 

Mbw UAaiNO.-The MlUa, Oa Vlit and Vue, LlUla 
Ma*on, Jim Adaou. Hable Parktr, Cora Praahllo. Mamie 
Kelly, MlkaDliigloa and aiDCk ^ „ ,., » ^ 

Oahpbx Tuiutrr.— Colltot aod CoMoa, Tiydall aod 
(Ir*^, Btb Radmond, MoMr and Parkar, aonnin and 

"BRviurt T||BATBB.-Tb« iKh*roa,Plthar and Wall. Le 
Bola Broa, Kally BroB , ibaShafair. Uaid* Uoidu. BlUy 
Laelede, Halilo Adama ^ „ ^ , ^ « - , 

Niw CoMiqoB.-Hurlay and eorlar. Jack Mooo. DM 
Pltber^lBi urotby, AUz. Klrk,KUty Atlily. Hill* Cob w, 
Harry Eluwortb. . .„ - 

Goeuip.— Tbe bweCt loBderad Huager Oana. of Hat- 
llo'a, lAtt Hooday nighL wu a remuorratiTe trlbota to 
th* popoUrlty and altlllty of thenawnianu»r......Tba 

BU Uoola Theatrical Broiberbood. M. A T. B $ , Local Ko. 
e. gaTe lu Qfth annual Mardl Gru mMuoettda tMll Tue^ 
daynliUL MaaooloHallwubuudnilly deeoratedand 
much mooey wu realHad^by the ataodai oo . . - - . . Baglo- 
olDgHarcbliboBagu Opera Habm wIIIOI alOBBfalt 
want, that orproTldlng a rcgolar Hondar matinee. PaUr 

P. plllay wlU atari tha ball rolHng B D. Blcanlo hu 

been elected prMldutor ibeActoiaTrotectlTa Unlop, 

tooal Mo. 4. bi. Loola EmMt Albjru fowfl' «f At- 

Lonla,bat now tcanleartbt tt the Cblcaso(IU.)Op*ia 
Uooae, wu lo town Ian wMk. 

St. Jof6ph^AtTMtt«*8TbefttnaiulIeeBe, In 
>A Yuoln* Yenilttnas,** bad nod bot>Beia rob 21. inat- 
Inw and night. Morrlaon*a*-Pauat" corneals. Got. Bob 
ud Air Taylor Manb 1, Blobaid Muiflekl <.Hoaja*a 
Band IS. 

OBAwrORD's TnuToa— A. .T. Peanon'* Cn. doead a 

IlAAO'ti Tatiuon Bdotb opoo BboQl Mar«b 11 at 
OberllD.U. Tbe show will reetonCept. J.a Far- 
lej'e tnope ot genuine Tackapa pooleii. llerrr 
Howland8» band leader, aays be wlU bare the bot* 
teat tDiall band out Prof. Red Barker bai all prltl- 

AT nil Winter qoatten or ihe North Amertcan 
Oiront, Aince Jan. 1 MenrL Wtlcome and Lcedham 
bare kepi eTentblng bnmmlof . It la thdr toten* 
tloa to baTO, not the blflfteat, bnt one «f the beat 
ehowi on the road next eeaaou. 

THBHlAcoFaoUyan eDffaiedwtth tbnBamam 
k UaUey Sbov tor tbe coming eeaeon. 

LBONinDAHPtA llAB b«ve agalB Joined handf, 
arierasepamlonot tvojeara. Tbey go with tbe 
George Burcb New Beiuauui 6bow to dn ibelr 
triple ban and breakawar ladder bigb ptrche Bote, 
C0A8. UcDbidi <Old Hack) wrtiea aa follow*: 

'Having epent tbo past ten scaeou tnT«llog iioder 
canTSB, I will rellie from the tentlog baslQca end 
remsln In Pitisburg, I'a.. all neii Botamer." 

HofTU oy W. 0. CLARK'a Biiow.-!— \r. i). Olarb, itro- 

inetor ud niuager; Lum. Ulark, treuunr; CliaM. 

IIIOL ei|ae*trUn director: W. P.Brjan, bouodlaBjocker 
act; Ellai Bro^, triple horliootal ruii: Willi* Clare, iooi 
juggling; Teddy Rsberta, h*Ad balaacmg and blgb wire; 
uiliMit BiM.. poiiarini ud btothar act; Carrie Uea. 
aloflle trapeia aod dyloB rioR*: Mr*. Bnaa, rulUoi 
gloDO; Eddler, otDUittloolBt aod cluwa. CoDC«rt peo- 

tie: Eueraoo and RoMell. anog and dura: The Oitat 

lATalk, Bun ud batoo Juggler; Mrrtla Edillir, baojo 
aod loog and dure, and (ue Biowe BroA, clngoaorer*. 
We cany a tuad of iwalreplacek uadar ttoadlrectlon of 
Prof. Bhellbammer, aod a one buodred fnot top, with 
rifty Toot middle plec*. L*w CUrfe haa tha aldailiaw, aad 
Hra. Clark th* cook laoL Hr. Olark'a dog* aod ponlaa 
catclMt thtin •v*rT«liaf«, u doaa alao our aireat parade, 
where we uMi«ooud«,i>aTaa cage* andtwelre pMpla, 
mouBtad. a calliope aod downoarL Waaieplaylag tu 

EDd butloeta, and are bow lo Ihe •onihera ikarl of 
nalua. l>rof Bbally. ballooalal, tolotd Fah. IHL 
WiLi.uH BROWLbi, barabaek rider, hu algotd roiofil 
aaaa«>n • lib the Baroun A Ballir Boow. 

K. L. Brakkah hu tlguad with the adfucedapan- 
iu«ator(h*UrMtPorefauBhaad Balla Bidi.* CombloM 
Sliowa lor tlia afaaoa ot IBS. 

A. H. Mahmx. trap drummar. hu algned to go with 
the LoDca Broic* Olreut Beit aattoo. 

ALBi. H0H.1IXIB, alaglog aad bar down ud enntor- 
tlOBlti,ana tantMi* alagar lo Ibe eoooert, baj aignMl 
loroau aaaaon with tha Big. Baattlle New All Puture 

UwriB LowiivDi, back and forward priarlpal anntar- 
atnitand four horM rider, la togaged wlihtlitBioger A 
Leet Phow loroaitaeuoo. 

CiiiHLn A Hall, wboae death wa« ehronltiad In our 
laaiUaoa, wat thirty-two yearaof axe. TtierenaloAwere 
lakeo to EruiTllfe. Wla.. aad Intarrtd Pab. hsud ilia 
roaeral wu largely aitanded. lie leaTcaa rtibar, uoihtr, 
two altiara ud a h'cth ir. 

WAtRRB BROei.'Blu Bhuw will lour<Juab#A. New Bnini- 
wlck aod Nora Bcnila the coiulou aeaMto. \f. G. Lewara 
baattgofd to Wad ibaablie bud ud orclteaira. 

Tub AaniYR lofom oa ihat they wlU In with the Bar- 
inim A BalWy Bhow thU aaaaoa. 

ToNr LowASDi wiltM from tha City of Utiles Hai., 
uoouoelog that ha It aogaged to nuny Blaotbe Leah. 

Lovirt BARTBLUBn hat dgnrd with tho Bamom a Balky 
Bhuw lor uvit aeaaon. 


wMk'a angagetowt U playing to fair builnau ooly. 
- - * *-i cornea li, to tite largeat adruca aale or the 
Kaile Pntoam 9. . 
Edsji Mcbbb.— BatlneM oentlooea mod., The PMpIr 
. jr wHb nrsi ar* Jeooba Family, Prof. UoaglDa aod wlft 
BllTar Star Quarut John Orun, Roae Htrreiu, Piol 
- • »■ 4«ire.aadEQB]UbaBdAttderaoo. ■ 
Aaaociatloa, meal* tm aeeoad ud foorth Bueday eub 
monlb. Tbe foUowlag offlcen ware alaeied at laat 
muting: W. B. Hajtla. praaMul; L. C. Hartln, tIm 
W. A, KenmaU. Mcraiair; J. A. Arair, 




laaimaapslU-ynis fairaltnotloiii piCMoled 
tlMWMkiwtMtb raJojKl • filr oMran or hcmm. 
XeilwMkvtll b. • burmth. qo.llt;>f op«n.od 
amtij nadwUMd ball. tmclMj unod. 

OiiKDOpuuBoni.— wianlnticpUo. ortaraplo 
of leeftl ftUnotloa. IhU bonM ntuldod eIo«d lut WMk. 

•^TTMiitu OMbiir ai>r' i. da. p.b. >i-m, pmu y. 

D«ll«f,to'11i»I<lgl"tCI«'l',"»-f». , , „ , ^ 

Eloij.H-. Opl»AaioN»."--Tb. BraailM" ckMd. 
bTlUlmotlr.uc4«Bnir«i..«iaeDt3J wn. Or. tundrM 
colltt* UiiiluiubMplsic Mr. DwbOD la Ui.Wuli[n,ua-i 
BInlKl.r Mtobimwa KMunl.! olfhu "T». Ytf^S.' 
Muui" wmM 11, li. Tb. ladUupolt.ljUdi.or Ellu 
wlu wpAtr In UMlr uooil cliai1tjb«BN)c9. tlit Din- 

''?;Sr."-5ij?5f ii.u •(.«*•■ «iw thfir-b 

IT-n. lo r4'r hiiilnm. U.rtortr.«iboni. dr.«r.lot 
mUI muiloa. iTJ. Baik., la "lb. Doour," oomu 

^VlSV^iSSi"-^™.!! * UotUan "AJW "ir- 
eu>" pU>M»iu«iwa(al«Mk'«wiiM«n«<tir-Jt Tbli 
a—ntiitt popsUr boow hu Jul opuM « y.iT bud- 

or lu bdr palfO M. TDliw.>k.Ui.ll«wV ork sun. 

BtbimtIU*.— AtUieaniid Fndertok Bancrott 
nra iwn p.i«>niiucM to imaoimu boilnw P.b. 

JSlf«.JlMi.lo "Itl. Up. ud DJTO Ut:"ladt 
SlnMUDduMm TtmrrlnU bcrauir" coidm 17, 

r.lL U. -nHToiudo" libost.dHObirlMA.audaor 

Fori War**— At Iba HmooIo T«inDl« Juale 
Hu nia daai •pnoubk VHk'a boilMu Nb. O, lo 
nMrtniT ol pUrloreooMwrnbto n.ill, rroD U). PfO of 
llMklo.o. "An ADtrlaa olrP' oomj. JJ Jl«f'«i 
• Tb. FUoloi y WI.I" ». -Lo« li la> Tork- M.rtb t a, 
•Utjon^ll'T. a" «, W. 0. Andnn». UUUa g.nli«lr 

"b'ariiii'Tuurii.-AnKlou Vud.tip.. oon. Fob. 

HatfaB— Tbe Dowtrt Will Otmt^t Oo. pl»j«<J 
lo aood boaliwo Fob. 1M>. oqd loit Qm ram.lOilor ol 
TOkoolaT 14 > buH Srala Uw.buiaMt ol Wblu'i 
Rmiir^di nooiioltuol cImIii Ic for mltw 

duT VlnlaWlaappooBWB .Itn ow lUra Tbo. 

UnwIBoSwa. Ilha bwUr.l lltU4lioooa,oiort.ra 
In «.S pwtlaiUr. a%f 01.m»l, I. 1b.II.. Djnin. 
on," Ulbo •tl«rtlo«......l*il Al«Mdjr inbnono 

^ofr.-lll«Ku>"n TbO'Hoowd Wall fMMdf 

ro^mntfot^Kl rma tli.Wblu to:ib« SoUloin^ 
Ot«l»gou» IOJl 


Alteeaa,— II On Banatb BUert Open noDM 
7bM.B.aboodoaod >aonaatfalwaak'aap«omaatrab, 
a. "Iba CooDtir Olmr conaa M. -llkado," bf kna 
laUol, a, lb. DMbf Wlaaol" r, a, "Mr Wir.'o 

worn mMad br tall hoaaao vaak of r.b. ir-u Tbia 
lVy*!SS iUSLXlTfA tti Jwall. |k« «Ma, 
■j— 1«, wi MaCala aad ua,lar. 

lUarlioa TgiAni.-nMliowaid DiaaiaUo Co. Ooeal) 
(Twaaial "1M Wblu n.Ta,'' t>,n,\a load bulMaa. 

#Un(ler the Tent$# 

La Doknb Ublbsb," a two act corned/. In vorae, 
bT Jolee Lemilire, was produced Jan. 81, at ibu 
Yaadevllle, l*arl<, Vr. 

"Lb Voyaub dbUabbilloh." a roiir aot vanitevUle 
opera, bj Antony Uars, rntialo by Vlotor Itogee, 
was given at tbe Tbeaire Oluoy, P«r1«, Kr., Jan. 30. 


LtN:iBFRii»i:(niB,aw*U hoowa (lamito telrarp.dlad 
Feb. IS. at har home la thIa chy, from heart dlaeaaa. The 
decataed wu aboot twuty-Are yura of a|a aod wa^ a 
oatira of VlaDiia. Hba made bar debut In llambum a1»out 
dre year* ago. and laUr appeared In Vlanaa, whore aha 
aaumcd leadlsg ioIm la ilie prloclpal ibeaina, fiha 
made har Brat appaaraoM Ib tbIa country at tbe Irrlng 
Place Thuira, ilibtdty, udN>onea(ablIa>i*d haneirua 
fATorlta. 8be had tlace bean oae of the leadlag roam- 
bar* of Huag«r<'-ooi«ld'aCeapuy. eh* waa eoaalderwl 
toi>auabl« ud Taraaille tctreaa. aad.Ulaataiad.hail 
acted 10 four dlB^reot Uogutgo*— Oarman, Kraoch. 
Italian aod Uuogailan-^nd waa atadylafc wlih iha riew 
to makliif bar tppearaoce oa theEagllah apwhlaguafe. 
Among har rveeotncea^Bware the title rol* to "Van- 
uU"Ua," theelda't daugbiar le *^e Battle ol ihe Bui- 
teT(lie""LMorelii"Dle Khre,"aod Hi*. Staphen>oBln 
■ Zeal Wappan." Hha luve* two broUten*, i>oih of whom 
era To Uiw ooaBtry. The famaloawara laiamd. A), lo 
Calrary Cemetery. 

EniARWitMS (BILL) Ntb, tbe wall koown humoritt 
and playerlgbi, died Pab, li,at hi* home, In AahaTllle, 
N. 0 . ttxm paralyala. The dacaaaed wm bom Aog. 2ft. 
UML at Bhliiar, Ha. Ill* paruta mored to tb* Weat 
when he wu alMot two year* of aga^ and laoat of hIa life 
wuarMtihat*. U* tudlad Uw,aodwu admluail lu 
thabarlo WyamlogTerTitair. He lalir became aditnr 
ol nieXoranJc .SnidMJ. lie iliu enured polltlAt, and 
bald MTaral oBloaa at one tlmelnLarmmle. He after- 
ward foanded TAt Boowurang, a paper whieli beeam* 
(amoD*. Blioruran y»an ago halo«ai»dln thlaolty 
aod coBlrlbaled to rereral of tbe large daillM here, llfi 

(amoD*. BliorMTan yean ago haiocai»dln thlaolti 
aod coBlrlbaled to rereral of tbe large daillM here, llu 
nr*tdr«mailoworkwaB"TkeCadt,"atijrM acteomady, 
which wu tint praaanted Bepi. Hew Badfonl, 
Haaa, aod wufint glTan la Inlaclty on the tweniy-dral 
of tha lama mooib. Ula laat play, "A Riag Party, or a 
Uatw lo ftplle of Ulmaelf." wrltun In colUbonilon wlib 


PaulH.Potur.wuprodoead for tbe Bru line bee 17. 
lSS,at the (laidia Tliuire, tbIa oUy. Nalihar of Uie 
plAiBpnradaaeeafMB. Mr. Hye lUTia awldowaad ter 
-aehlldrao. , _ . ^.^ , 

HB8.CABBIBL. KSNDAU^u Bctitaa. diad from coo- 
aomptloo Feb. II, at the home of her aUUr lo Galeahurg, 
III. Btaa wu itairty^oe jean oi aga. tod utarad tiie 
pnfaaaloo daring ina aaaioB of UB^, u a member of 
George KeodairaComadyCo.ntaylog gaoeral baaloaaa. 
Bhewucooiidfrad Teraatlla. but wu ai bar bwt aa a 
comadlaeDe. Bbewuaflarward eoooectad witii the Ida 
VuOoartludUe. DulalBoUy'a Co. Marray A Huk'a 
*Tlanl|U*B Bair Co., fibUL lAder'a "Oh, Whtta Nlghi I" 
Co , and otTcral r*p*niAry nrgaoUttlooa. Bli* alw mat 
wlin aocc*a« on tba raodtTlll* atagn In Chicago. Ill- lo 
atoitog ai «claltlai- Bhe Uavw a hntbud, Oeorge Kpo- 
dalt a yonog dadghiar. father, mother, aUter and Mraral 
btwutta. nai«aialDawfr«iotarT*OinIloii«Cwn*(*ry, 

HirftAKKiyLW*!! hnnwn uaial wnraan. died Fab IS. 
u tbeflardto Boiel, Clileago, IlL. rrom ^oauBioola. Tbe 
deeeaaad wu boro In Nawpoit, Ky., teeoty-rour yura 
udmdebtrflntappeaianM aiafat woman with 
ihomBBrDtbai«rulreua,wbaoaae waa ninatean yaan 
ofag*. X^BiiHimerabawuwIthtbeLemM Brotheia' 
dreavsad at Um elou of th* tutlng aaafon aha wu 'q- 
land by CapL John White for bit Loodon Huaaoiii, Ch!- 
ago wnara aba not oely eihtblUd ta a fat womar, 
bntalio look part lo a boilog mateb at tba boaily ataga 
abowa Althongh aha vw Terr MouMUewucooaldared 
pretcyasd wuRoown attb* Kutacby BMHty. There- 
nalna wan latarrwd by Maaagar White and tb* atuchM 
ef tb* munum. 

MORRia AfluRV, a Mil poaur. died recanily at hia 
home lo Brooklm, N. Y. He wu vtll koowA lo ilie 
abew boalDaa*, haTiog bMo at Tarloaa umta connaclad 
wliU the W. 0. Coup, (be Batcbelor A DtTlt. aud ti<e 
Adam Porapauib fhowL Ft»r many yraja be wu wli|| 
Broadway A Tiaiaat'a Bill PoatlogCa. lo Chicago. 11.. but 
at the time ol bUdaaHi ha vu coontottd with Uie Amarl- 
CMBIllPoitlogCo.of Brooilyti. 

JDBiRUatMPAT. Taiteir feokired), died Feb I A at har 
boBf. 10 Detroit, Nlcb. Bhe wu on* of tha llaUaday BU 
tera,iiboharebteotbiaieaaoD with iMum'aOcionwat. 

Oamillb TowgaiJiD (Bra Harry Wlkoi). aetreaa, died 
Feb.lMn nilltdatpblaPa. The daoMfedoutfuiada 
lever while toorlng Boaib Africa, with wblcb aha waa III 
fur Boma time, and h«l narar folly r*coTar*d from lu 

' pjot AitiB (ICaImf). » /"*»»f djad Fab, 

at the Belte«OB HoaplUL Uila city. The daMaaed 
wu bom In Baltimore, M J., aboni forlr ibru yur* 
BM. and wu at oa* time wpil kiiowo u tba 
oartHr of BUly LcBtar, Ibe team l>«Uig Laaier aod 
"um. Tbey ware orliloBllf of Ue Big Four (Bmlik 
WaUroo, Laaur and AlUn),lMfIog ahlcli thay formed 
tbe team thai bacama vary popular oo the raodaf Hie 
ataae. They btcame hanwnutoe "Ten Kew sporu to 
TowB."wlileb wu tlia tltJ* of a tbaich In wbloh they 
■pnued lor aometlmei Tbty liMdtd e mloitxel coo,- 
Mnr ud aaTaral faudavllle companlaa, which 
tound tb* oouoUTi ABd It wu u a member 


llABBY M. llRtHR. maglcUa and Jogaler.nat w\\h a 
alight accklaoi while plailogalth Hr^Oeo.TomTbamb'R 
Co. at PiaohforL lad. Vbllawalklngoutoaao eleTatad 
run or loeliDewblrhtaitafti fitr waviolana u ntainong 
udlMfe to bDrniwpbJiciB far iiloka, liaaddaoir gave 
way- Mr-llelrotfrUlBiAt^eeraheatra Hl> Ua badbia 
baod hidly cut, alao ntcelved brulM* abuut the heed. 

Ma^aiikr WiLBi'H U. ii.«Lo htL* H»n iittiie ill rbruvenl 
wMkt la New Urieua, wkar* he weu:«l bagladtohaar 
from hlarrl*nd«. 

Prop. II. bnioib wiltea: "1 have rwoorerad fVom my re- 
rent iiiaeaa and am tr*lologranredoi:arermy(;*Btral 
American l>DgCir«niforihecoDiloat*btIaiaoMoo. My 
*ad.' In* nMotliaueiifTiiBrLirriR bruttint no altiy- 
iwoAatwer* The Old Hiliaiilb Ib ooe or ttaabettad- 
Tartlilog niodluma (* the woilit.'* 

Norn PHOM AHB-iTd CoMBiMBuBiiowrt-Iamnowat 
home Id Wlaier no*rttTa, uiakini rramrttlmiB fnr my 
new ahow.which 'mIII be on a uiitrh Idrgtraod baliar 
•oaleihinltAivear. KvetyiklogwJIl be n*v nuin >uke 
to caoua pole^ ami ih> t*lu.% or eipaD»a will be aparod 
lo make It tha SaeBi equlrred ahnw of lu hlod on Ihe 
road. I have Joat arrUni iTomChlrago,wliereI algnad 
•omaofihe bftl penple lo llit proleamtii. 

CArn-.tluHr H. IIh-rr aiiJ Naoatah report auocaulo 
Chicago. IIU anl Iha Weat. 

KasTia or Oki^novA IIill'h HXTRRrAisiR^.-OhU- 
bomo Bid, iiroprUiur nod mtnagtr: PralrioMay trutnr 
ar; Duckkklo Jloi, naicbiu^tn; (ina Parrlo. laojolat; Billy 
Trlpi>, llghl nij^ walker; Tejior and tJuMO, uualcal par- 
rormera, and Jului I), annvn'a Block Head Family. 

MR. AXii URrt. OHA(;Keav HuRUK TciHirt muling wttb 
auccauoo Ihnir Buropran l>«ir. and My thty ara bonked 
U|i pnlld notll .laoaary, lA',*. Na.^i Buiumtrtbeyarelo 
make a tour uf Huvda. 

r>B. R. H. KHirii, «elentllo iKiurer i»aanatuiiiy aod 
exp-rt litntb avtnirutr, hMcloatd wilt Uoliaak Hadlcal 
t>i. to put uui a new compaar. . » „ . 

MiM'ii.usiorfi Buowa — .Hutat rroBi;Dr. Ra)*a RMcltlo 
Co : WelitTal>rrntBTeKurUiMDweekii,and bualoata 
haa b4nn gond rrom tha lUrL Tha roupaoir dtiaad 
Pak 1&. Ur. D. V. flilllina. our maMgfr.wlil lake Iba 
eatlrac^mpuy lo New (>rWAam where wa will opMun 
dercADTulo iwovMka We will reuiala lo the Bouih 

uotll May I Hnieiud inaurof the Amauo BruA' 

BiMtrloBalt Co.: Wear* (aurlog Penoajlranlaaodda- 
iBgagood hualtieaa. Wa alah lo »tat» lhat weareoo 
limfer ouo'Ctad with Toai Jutuub, a* wa« r^ivrti^. 
Waoow have ooa or ihe ban cami»Anl»« oo UierMil. 
Hollar: Amaioa Brua., itreprlamn; Uoaa I.a Plaoe, 
lecturer aod maBager; Hn. Mamla Amaion. iroaaurer: 
Chaa. Amatno, conedlao; Jawaa Auiatoa. Juggtar aad 
trick lUDibUr; Moaa. La Place, nnrally barrel Joutper: 
HnuLa l'lace.B|tanl*tirtD| aipert,Btant awloit h* the 
fMt,aod Udyclowe; Walter F.HliHtA, uutlcal cuoiedlan. 
aod Mnrria Mctlaaiood, mualoal diieci«>r. Pauy Carr, 

r>iilch, Irlahand black rAC*eoniadlu,J«»lu Pvli kl 

Iloauruf Keeualridlu Hedloln* Cn., Ko. 1: Ur.G. U. 
riooell, proprUtor; ilau. W. rickena. aiuager; Mm. 
Mary llulHier. piaotal; ihn X*ru«. Uie Kltehlea, the BllU 
UblWren. lodlaoi: Uhltf Kvwua, llalu In the 
Pjca, Ha-raara and l.tula HMuty and pappMM. 
Will opan at BiMiiarcfc. III. Pet>.1l. fnr twowMka 

irer; John 

koaier'of Dhankce ihdLaa Madlrlae CO.,Ho. II: HrB.M. 
K.Uoal*y, proprietor; Pruk J. Cullloa. lariurer; 
P. iTuoninihani, atage iruoapcr atHi camadlan; 

OollloM'lanlaia aod daa<er: V. A.Wblia. Toealitt ud 
duoar: lodlu*: 8|illt Mumi and Man Aihauiail of lllm- 
aair. wa ware vUliad by I'matllla Company U.oooBlti- 
log ot Ur. Pardy. Chai. Martlo. Hilly Farnll aod Mr ud 

Mra. Jne Kullag Roiur of Oregon ladlaa Medloloe|ttwdbualoatB: Dr. 
Jamea ll.CalUlecturvr aad mtnagtr; PaallBrut, muai- 
eal team: Haale Call, faocy rin* ahnt; Mr*. Jamull. 
CalLrocelUt and AWig aiHi due*; JaiuaaHalUy, Irtatf 
comedUa ud dtuotr. aod Jick Lawaoo. Dutch cunie 

diu aod woudu abu dtucer Tha Kiowa ladlu 

Medltloa Co , No. ti, report* thIa niter: llarrjf J. Bl 
Clair, lecturer ud praprlator; t).. J. Bacbar.Buuar 
aud I'mih eiiractor: Har Rt. Clair. cMtortlbbUt and 
rlarb wire walker; lUue BL Clair, alaalag aod dancing 
uubreiu: Billy Lee, Iriafa oomadfAn;>raak I.M,hUck 

face Noi«i from ili* Ln-Wao tlo ladlao H'dldn* 

C».: Or. W. W*«t, mtnaaor and lecturer; Mr*. Dr. W. 
Weal, tnuurer: Laura Waai,or(anlBt; Billy MctHlntock, 

Blllr Btraca and tbe Waau Blaoitio OonMrtCo.: 

A. Galloway, proreuor ud leeturtr; Ou. flMltal bual 
neia tnaBASer; Plora Rcott, planlat; Bkli* AUriial tod 

MlDBle ud Billy Dena'li Itoaurol the Umalllla 

lodlan Medicine Ct<., Ne.D: Dr. H.Oiinitlttll.itrDpfJa- 
tor; Ur. Barl WIN<tR, Weiurer and doctor; iieu. U Vcdlt, 
tnaoagar and all 'luand parfuroitr; Jo*. HuaaalL idach 
faoacomfdlaD; (ho. L. Beoit ai*ok wir* klaM; MriGao. 
L. tkotL lodlao club expert; Jud. DlaiiLlrlok l>|(nju|it 
and mualelan; lodlu dilaf Vallow B>wV imafflltyri 
ud papooae, Huralog Btar. Wa ara uurlog Nurthsm 

Mlclilgu to gond bualaeu Nolai fnim Dr. Rlua 

HuuoiAln Joa: We are lo Naw!«rry, H. O., ue mure 
weak, roaklog fnnr wMhi beta. Bualnau wu alack laM 
weeb.due toould waathfr. Tlilawuoar Br*t eoM aoall 
thia wlnur, au wa are not kicking. Raiurday nifhrt 
crowd wu large. .^.-.^ 

]srE\y Fi^ AYS, 

"The Arm of ths Uw," 
A melodrama, In a prologiie androur aots, bjr Cllf' 
rord Uempse;, wbh sriad for itae flrjt lime on 
any fllage Feu. fl, at tbe Audltorlnm, Bridgeport, 
Ot. Tbe storj: Jobn llolbrook, wbo Is disowned bt 
blsfstber. Lord lIolbrooB, or KoaUnd. becsuso be 
bas married so aotress, whh bfk wife and ohild 
emigrates to Amerloa and seeks bU rortnoe in Ibe 
WesL Tbe emigrant train Is attJteked bj iodlsos, 
and every odd uf iLe psrijr Is kllletl excepiliig 
tbe cblld, l.mian UoHiruoB, wbo is rescued iiF 
Noble Heart, ooe of tbe yoiing warriors of 
tbe tribe, who afrerward hsa bU loogue 
cut out \tf bis people for hti act Twenif 
sun are auppoiid lo elapM l>at«MO Iha prologue 
and the flrat aei, whieli opeoa at (Jol. BronB'iUio'a 
home, at Part wililanf. Ool , wliai* Lllllu titan 
brougbtuti. PranklioiiolllawMkl, aoRnillat)adT*Btarar, 
liraceWra Into CoL BrouflituL*4 hcaie. lIer*pTa>eau 
hlmaalf U vtalthy. and loUoda to lutry Lillian, wlin la 
Ilia cuuain, an Uiat he aiar come iBtdUie nroperty Ian bv 
bar grandtaihar, Lord llulniook. fim doei not rataal 
hlB Idaotliy, ud falllog lo liia acbeme. hiraa 
Bam Lee, whom he racognliei u u eacaped 
conTlot rmm Auttrtlla ud a lilgtiblnder, to uh* 
LIlUtD'a Ilia. Nob'A llaart, lo tha rauatlme. 
hu bMO accuaed ol munlerlaH tha lltlU aon uf 
a Hpanlih « umu, tlia wife ol Culllnevfiud, ud alxi tMbi 
hlallfe. Lillian ladi<rii|el lotn the kutol ihd CIiIuaioab 
by n li<ller hunilog Dm furaol ai^oafura ti( Imr birnr, 
Oapl- lliilniai, aad Juat aa tha CaleUial la nlwut to laka 
her Ilia Nnlila llaait apMara tile Ufna i«tir<n d»ma 
ihediior ofilia hut wlih hUliMfi aad Lllllao Itraicuod, 
The third act rlmwa ilie rale iil raaliing wat*ra. CiiL 
Bnuihtoo and UipLll>dme« ar* Mardilpg fur LUIIu, 
wbo ba« tiMO rarriod urf by Nabia Ibail.tha latUrbalDg 
puraurd by Ihe If. 8. troopa, who wut to airut bin oo 
the cliarge of hllllni the eblH nf the RtiuUh wnmu. 
Collloirwood and Ham Lm nia*L aod ilie kCoglUhmao 
irlcAtubuyihe rorgid leiUr, wMck hu been found hf 
ti'B Ohlaamu. Tommy JonaiL a Buitor — — " — '* 
Haguire, atarvut, apturuu aacare 

ti>a Ohlaamu. Tommy JonaiL a BuitOD bof, Ud Maggl* 
Hagulr*. atarvut, apt urud aacare ilie wtUr. Kool* 
llf art appotn on ifae acaoe. ud u ilio M>:dl*r* are aboat 
UiBiiootfilm Lillian arrival^ and la ihe eielumeot the 

Todian eacapea In Ihe lut ut Nebla lluit reluroa to 
race his accuaar^ aad lor iha (tret lime oau Ihe Chioa- 
Du.wliom be trial to kill Tbea be rapidly ihaidiea 
OB a rock, and makei It uodanuoud that tb* higli 
binder hlll^l the dilkl. Collloavood U arraatad u 
a fagltlva rmm Juatica. aod all aoda liawllr. The cut: 

aitraeurela th* pmlnjuai Noble Huit, Wm. O'llalf : 
John llolbrMk, NeaiorCaoaoo; Miry llolbrook, Carrie 
Hqe*; LIHItn IMyuvk. Ad* \^aodan UUb^rt; Huh 

Erlowlp Mr. Alkn haddonpa JnaJetura.rallL- , 
yorof flbw Blrar/ud IV'bfcb fie lecam* knoeo. 
ilia mother fUfTlrcatilm.ana Ibe reiuloawlU be adotlo 


Bl>BlprS,«ho^uhopen u tha Callforola ( laot, 

wuieiSSHFab^ fe,irM!Arf«''*»,jn'! ''"Tfj 

wbo wu rerty-ali yean nf ua. had iraTaled tlimugh ih^ 
eoaotiy vltbctRutoa Oii ih*oiibiol tk* monl*rMr. 
Bro«B aod a TbotM* Hall war* drioblog aod ware 
allgbtly iBtoilealaar Mall la diariad with tb* murder 
and la nodtr arreil- 

TkaatrUalsBdHportlmf Awlh«rltr« 

rmm Tkt Kdntoi t'U$ Tiwut. 
Tab CuPFia AS-^rau poblUbed by the waU ^oowb 
orguoftbe ihMtrlealaBdsportipg ••'rW.T«Bsw,Yp.RI 
CiJKBS. hu BMB^taofil. ud K K TaldkVli 

EofM ■ 

" "^*PoA _ 

niiM*ai*a!paelallreTa7orr>fa Aairil I. pMleaU^^ 
Uia Ibaatilolaad apoitlng aolbofll/ ol tba eoonur, 
Tkt Mart CaaaploO Rr«r lararf. 
Frfim nt fMim tltd^ft. 
rm Curm A»»'il for UM li a niotl poaploU baod - 
book, Tbo aorb aoaiolnl llMo ol daalba la \jia amoM- 

Hw: Lllllin IMbruok. Ai» Vmim uUban; lluk 
Hudlnif, Fnokllllcio; Mr.. J'liliua H>lia>, Araila nil- 
ban: Oaonl. O KoiA. Tbo. Huiaall: Kaibarloa linllao 
b«riiar, flnto Shaisooi), i.1iara.t.f« In lliaplar: Mobli 
ll.ati, Woi. D'Dalaj CapL IhoaU lloliiiai, KaHor Lao 
noli: Ffaoklio uofnnawiod, w. T. Uujla: lin Laa 
IiOffon Paufi Toinor Joaat, Tlio.. A. KuM.ll: Ifol 
BnuahtoD.VrukllllploiUi.rln l(a.kloa, llairyCJlarka 
IJIllao llolbrook, Oairlakoia; Haialo McOulla, llnii 
Hli.roood : Vn. Krlils Jooai, Aifila QlltMrl ; Maidtlaa* 
HaaUnllo.1, Maad (IrtOMr* 

"MoMy to Burn," 
A conx^i, lo tbret .cli, I17 Otoiln T. KIndl, wu 
mclwl tor tbe flrat Ilia, oa moj nan Fab, 11, it Uie 
Uanli (lp«a Uodm, IMvtnpoil, !•„ b/ Ui« Hail* 
W.llnl.7 Oo, Tba plaF blam npoD a iKliem. 
adoplfd lir viUlBm KawiOD wlienli/ ha cao atcora 
riom tlia wKa. wbo Rivaa tain obI/ a amill allow, 
•Dca of ipi nillDi nMoar, a lliua monar to iiom 
wlib Ibe boja, Iba acboma cooalaia la lir, Newlos 
miklDf bli wir. belloia thai ba hu a aon by a 
foroer nurrlaia, lo wbon a lllieral allowuM U 
BCD! tach weal, wblrb la ap|>ioprtalail X>j Hr, N.w- 
ion for pin monar- Juncila Nawi^Di DaugtiM 
omr. and J|n. Nawinn, lovraaba laluTCil l(r Jack 
Roai, * cbum of bar huaband, with wboiu ba iioia- 
iloiiaUT |oai oi|l at olgbt. Mn. Kowlun la auKloui 
10 Bca iiarbiiabaiia'«aaa,iud vUcnJaukanpeanaba 
niUlaboa blm for tbal panop, l|a U aulurlaed at 
bU .i|ddM aood lock. I'.liarlua [kalapproral uf hiaitill 


WbrU of MBMgtn and PBrformart, OpBn 
Ditet, BtCb ^Sw AdvB rtlnffiBntB. 


"TbePa>alas8bow**l« olT*nd for taU byCAQaryand 

'1)ombl'eatlpu can book time at Iba Oi»*t^ lloo^e, 
Jaunatie, Pa- ^ . , 

•'fha Midnigbt RpMlaV uodtr tha atanng*m*at of 
llBtry B*mard, ran h* bookeil, , 

B^tihy (laytofa Loodoa addrou li ladlcatad In hit 

RetiloBAn'a Opera llooaf, Olaolnoail, cto be r»iii*d. 

"A Trip to live Olrcutf'will b* taonVMl at flr*t claia 
bou>eitir Welter 0. Hack. Drauatle i«)i>le and citcua 
aouaronaotled. ... 

Wurera Komtdy Krww. which wlllprwluc* flrat 
romoJUa, la under the nianagameot ol W. II. Waaver. 
l)raniail«|iaopUarawantada ... . 

AliractliinacaaaacurvUmeRt the Vot^Umv of \\\\*U, 
Olun, N. Y. 

Jobn F. Htnwe A Co. want p«opla fur Ikair "UorleTpii)'4 
rabln'M?!). . _ „„ 

HarkM wuia a ptrtnar r^r an "I'nclaTom" ('>>. 
Dramailo i*o|i|e are wautarf ' *- 
Walktr. Lnula iSerre, u»banV 

Dramailo i40|>)e are wautari by J.W.t^illcuii*, J r 
ralktr. Lnula iSerre, Unban Way na. Albert Taylor. Rtci 
loQ'B "rode Ttiin'a irabin" ('•>.. rnHt .v Pnnahawe, 

TbiMiipaon'aCoiiiaOUo'* RrtmC. Iluni .\ l^>, F. Bcward, 
Hoiluu *'U. T." U»., P.T.TwIlohaU, MaMifar, Tarry IMlBii 

'*At Mbertr: D. OourUnay. Ilarrr M Rlakr. Will T. 
Il-dge. N*lllo l>rk*. Mn. Ji^. A. Ulolly. Maalor K>ibl>l«^rg«k.MaTphy. , , 

p. ■. lirlRU« vantarepartnry venpla ud nunlctain. 

Til* TliiMiiu U. Ilowar'a Maale 4b., l|i>uf<(on, Te^aa, 
alale lhat thay kava a *-i(«l goud tlilni" in Ibelr popular 
long, ■ .Vub.idy Wuu to Ptay Wllh Be." Tlmy wrllA that 
It la now played by |diooograi<bt, ntanr linwabanilaaoil 
a law hand orgaaa, aad la baing luag t>y uiaay 'loti 

"Llia'a (lama of Ru Raw'* can It* onlarod ftnm the 
Atneilcau HubIc I^ll•ll•klnR(!o. 

Ihe Kainntermei*rl'al>ltahlag('ii.litTela»iiM "There'* 
Rnnm fur ()nlr Uaa Wlililn Hy llf«n" aod 'Ma llonair 
Luha MeTrue'^nee to proleaa'ooala 

>ciat Atnaril the IIwaTwly TrDllf>|.**''llanDah, iln llhht 
Yuur BMiiHtienk'* aod "By Puau. Ny lUck Kynd Lady," 
cau beurdaredtran U.S. (Inrtlen. , , 

"TbeHlfyc1oOlrl."anewBongiiyLtoa It. Ilolait, lau 
beorderoti *tmi\ iheaitihAreu. 

"Hnw Ifl May ! " U latDail hy Iha Pkelfe Huain Cu. 

Aithur tlillMDle advailla** hIa mw mma, eotlllM 
*t;(tma Back lo liit Oaat WIik l/tve T m." 

-Tha Ueactia Went Ariray." a new cMtilo «ong. apnhpii 
olhlthi/ by tbeClitfltan iitaaa aad aaog iiy Pjidli Put . 
lltrry (ftino«ir aod olkar oomt«nu»,in la^iied by tlie H. 
Kralnard'aHoDi (\>. 

Munlelaoa aie wanted liyrharlaaH.MtrTln. Haach an>l 
Howen Fred Rayntooil. P. Muk. Farntir riielpi. 

At I.IUrty: MT.A. HMdamB,Mulin Gruaa, tl.K.Ma), 
Jolm Nahniui.J. S. BltiT, 

"Dear Kiielle" can ba ordarail fVMit llairy IViiper Ji 

Joa.Tbomehu luuhl "llappy Baai. il.e Btwlblack.'* 
aod -HwMl KdoaHay." 

Tha Bogllah Itoug PuMUlilag Cck. adTortUe aeraral 
Tocal noTeltlaa. 

"tiutaldea Mllllonalre'a I>oor" ea« ha unlonul iniiu 
Jainea flilUman, wbo alau ItBUai "I I.«ived a Uotinin 
lAaala Lung Ago.'* 

"Now t Want tn Play In Vour Varl" anti "t Hid KiX 
KOdw I Levad Yiiu iill You'd Uont" are iMiietl by Iha 
Baaav Miialo llnuio. 

"alrla,"a oawaong hp tiarry B. ttartliHlt, can Ixor. 
dareiirromO. K.K. Kaooady. , , 

"My PeullM"larecammeodad aAaaoiiir hit by A. A. 

*-n.nTa Vnu Ho" la Uauf^t by R. It. (liilM. 

Bruler A Hrhlaju, the Han Pruolwu ptiMlahara, will 
aupi'ly enplM or "Mie'i Not Like Otlitr illrU" iraa tu frix 
haalooalB. , , 

"LtTara Ib Daya (lone ily'* ran be crd*r*il Iroui Lladar. 

0. W, n*>d liaa Inutd aiwiio iiew Hogg*. 

MJoly ALlUlaYallarC(ion"ia a oaw annr, wllh whirli 
maoy leadhty alegeraaraaoorloKa miccdm. It la ImumI 
by ihoCrolnl PuldlahlnBt.u. 

■'irVonrpaM Wu Hldi Like Biae'* and nilier aonga 
ar* |)uti1l«h*l br W. J. A. Llwlor. 

t^iBM. V LeoB BlataMdtUilptlve mig la retily fur ihit 
maoitMra or the pmreuloo, and will Ite vent wlih iiroh*>- 
iralluB to lliaaewhn ramlt Uao*nt«lo Henry J. W*lnii*ii. 
u_p*r ndv*nlBaaMnL 

J. Plah*r aod Bruihar have luuid "I'll Tell Pai>a i>it 


rina mil. Ilia popubr niuager, wtHJW two alirarlhina, 
Tim Wuihl Df Hnrettla* and tba Naw York rtlaiB, am 
Bought after bv ih* muagara ol Ike leaillna vaud*Tlll«* 
houaaa, u eirelleotlj drawtog allrtethina, will |dAC* t«<* 
oaw eutarjalpDtanu upon tba Uiib neat teaaun. Tim 
ular Paroe Contetly ihi., u ihn 
I iJilag Br)vr and Iwiiiiy.cnd. 

wllh berdaiiatiUruu**i Mra. Kawion in addntihlm hy 
thatandaarloallilt. niami<ihrr.whu iM fm^vi ute 
bar IhnoHce wllh Mra. Newiun labia balltTed 
liyhariolieararttiarlnie ol MrNawtoa. Juk'afailier 
Iperiepppiraaponilteactior. and mailera ara lo a Toiy 
Qlifd cmdlt'iio. BipUoallooe Anally Birel|lit«o tblnga 
ouL but Mra Ifantoo liecnn^i oiore aniloua tu im Iter 
ttepioo. Toc"tn^1lr«ie raatlan allll morr, har biiabaod 
fnrgau tli* nauia uf hi* lioailoarjy vtn, ud vbrt 


. by lili wtra RlTM the AaM* ~ 

fiirgar who fa at Cripple Creek. Ur*. Nr.wtoq wriUa 
the crr^'k. aad ttte leticr reluraoH, wlib th* 
nava that he haa iklppad lo Ctwda. Mr. NavUra WRoi* 
lodltowo bli<;ir*i<rtng. 1(01 Hralfawton ntlau oi^t hU 

iaty.adihlogli^gi togu loCaoada aadra3**iA 1(1* boy. 
[aaodiliniyr*mtiub*iBti4tvilb((qla«im he wotUd be 
WlihoatU'iAwaak. YlaMao) rafite (un wljb (he boy* 

Bti*; MHia lu>a(.iteBilil«aordoa: Aooa U*<k*r, P*ur 
Baymood; Jaantiia Hentoo, Jaaale Atblnaon; Agow 
Mawtoo. Maria WallealaT. 

Om ot Iha lla|;Qail||ff arUlW* 

fiXi TTta ftiKf du tat fit^orttr. 
TrfR CLirpta APfOAL U reH*u with Ialbnoatk»q o 
pr(>f«ialqrral and smauorB|oriiaB*TanuihAtoc;ttrM^ 
dbriog Ihe peat jw, aod beihlaa 1* ^ vtrt^M* Aiio* of 

._ auriui 

_ _ TBBCitPMRrtugiveBaTMaBM 

orgraaienurprlMle ItaprOdocllAaor aauBOAl In ute 

nBt.l/atlhlayeai*aBambarifan«aaMall preTto*a*BOTU, 

Variaty Fair" RpattaouUr Paroe Contetly tUi., u ihn 
nam* lmpliia.wlll b* a lliiog of iov and h«Aiiiy,*nd, 
aecordlog U Mr. 11111'* pruroiaaa. '-The iHldatI fouiii'i 
will b* itruJuerl by tbla ooptiitnrln a moat aUtinr«(n 
muoer. "Tli* InUmatlnoai \ aaiUTlll»N l« Ui* ilil* i»f 
bit rouiUi ailruiloo. aod will preaaul a tirugrainnin 
made upnrpeifiinntrB frain all paitn i>( ilia iil'ibe, with 
Bcenin erfeoa portmylag dlirnieat natliKiallilea. The 
NoralllM aad tba Bun will lie hapl up tii th* aUiidanl nf 
eicelleUM ta faraaaUlned hy Utam. Mr. Hill w||| car- 
talBly haaa hU (Inia fblly oecupleJ loi>klng after ibaae 

Tom Hli'lay.alnglog oonitdlaa, bdulugwall nllh Ihe 
Preooh Puljr On. 
Bryan (;elllna can Im engagad. 
AL (Iranttifl Hnielle can (III oih9 date*. 
Leon, the Wlianl, U at liberty. 
(;omtiloaNoDaarewuiadfer ihi Kanalugten T1i«alro, 
Plilladelphla. Pa 
ilaurg* (IreKury wantj a tariaar for triple bar*. 
Th* MoUoouugb Brnlliera' Trluliaie cluaad wllli III* 
'Puiunit" Cn aod ou l>aenia«al. 
Moitno aad lUvell* oan All datai; 
A- J. Iluitieaeaaut/i Rll Uitwukaof March 0 and XI 

Willi Ilia BoatAu llovard AUianKua tlo. 

Kllruy ud KawBon'a orlalqal llluatn- -^ 
a hit at Pmclor'a Plauorn ramcw ibla wMki 

iloal llluatrated i>tri>dlpaare 

Bennatto ud Haiu, lu a Juabk cimiuriloD aot, liiiri»* 
du^log ntuy nQTaltlM, can lm auiaged, 

(Iw. lliiwani wUliM bl aell a oaw aet, autltlad 'Tb 

KalharlDB (lylea, wliou graaefdl club Juggllogaci la 
pralaod by Ui* pteia, cao nil nptn lime. 

Tha Weatoo HiaUra are irfie af Ilie rulur^a wtUi Jithii 
Plelda*. Urawlog (lariU. Thar do nut wlali lu be cuu- 
founded *ilh aanlhar turn ul Wuitnn HlaUn. 

Puwtra end Wabalar, oomedtaaH and dancer*, bav* 
Aorvbata wuta a top mounUr. 

Rpeolaltleaar* eaiitad by Dr. ll.Jidin, A. C. Ma^ehani, 
OlWor Bmiliera, W. 11. Rrani, il. H. (llail'in, Wllltard 
llraham. Dr. A. IJ*iyd, J K. I'. Ifcrgaron, L. K t.rawfbM, 
UobI, Nat'uMi AaitiaainaatH;ndlule. 

AtliUartr: Til* Vlllooa, III* BtnU. Wm. HliltVlfl, Hi* 
Zerutlii^ Billy Bewara. th* Henra aod OIllmorTrlu. Var* 
Ick. Triivar and Taggart, Doc L I'numio, F. P.. Bendan, 
llaU M. Bandtii. 

IK ll*Br]r 'luotea Mr*ral i<r«aaBntlcf a from CInalnnail, 
f>., flwrly iDdlcallag Ilia laionbl* Iniprnaalun oraaud 
by Hr. Ifaory and bli ulaoiad tnupe uf Mrfurniar*. 

Oraceyano Muroalt cu bt aicurad fur their ouiitedy 

^IddleQuInn, who ku beeo ilUi Hnor* aod Rurgau' 
MloatrelC London, fur the put ten yura, will return tu 
America In July ud can b* ateared. 

Juha A. HortuB. funii*rly ol Merbm aod Eckhuff, waol* 
a partn*r for muilcal oomwIyacL 

Capt.fHdo*y UlainAn'abunewitieHfeUTlng ut un be 

MartoB aad BcUwfTa mualcal ut can bu aun wlUi th« 
B4M mil Co. 
B. B Strut offar* nutkal Roralllea fur tale. 
ToeBnncer Brutber*, IflabowiadUaa, are at lltierly. 
Tll* Wuod*rUBd Tbattia, HocbMUr, cau ba rented 
fruni J. If. Moor*, 
ftiiao- II. Kbnay, barlloe* moillal, eu be togagad. 
MlaaCooH warila apartuor. 
(leorgB UmaqwaitU fanial* cnloreil ilaR*r. 
Wai*uo aud Uopra an b*(»had aulld uuimooal.aoil 
can III Bommerdaua In Ne* Tork City. 

VarUiy pwpl* ar* vutad Inr Ui* Temple TliMlr** 
OarndM. M, J. 
NII**oo*flA*rltl Ballet can tMangBflod. 


toHrTfieaiia, Biw Vorlk uSt wtok? 

^Olrciti »*opl* »• waoU;d by fi. W. Belford, lJullnar 
aibUiMB, w. F. KIrlhart, II, Aadrawa. 
Uel Puago bu signed wItb th* ItubloMO A Frankllq 



Allractlua are wanted Ur Annnnr Opera IfonM, Ar* 
ritour.A UlOtera llooae, lA Plata. Mo.: Hualo Hall, 
ifranBfbrd, Pa j Harllrtm, M. V., Hall ; Hew People'a Thaa- 
itP. I/Hea, N. Y. 

ForBaU; Te4t,eu., by B. A. Dart; oholographa, ale., 
Itf Ihe A- T. M. B : Uot. tiy A. J. Watdi; aid* ahow, hy 
Look BuvHl: Uata, nadltloH. elo,. by Or. F. Unot 

Horry ud Prad, vaa tie aun at Tuay Pat* 

daga. by Pro/, W. A. Mrabaa aad U. F. MMhan; bUck 
art, eta,, by Wai. Halaoa ; aaliaali bv A. f. On. 
At uUity: W. J. UhappaUt, adVuu; 11. J. P., lao^ 

tiirer- . 

Pruf. B. Iiertna can rarniah hollonna ud aidnalonH. 

The KoblnaM Houu, Bofalo. N. Y.. aod Hri. Taylor'*, 
New York. oAar profamloul aernmmodalloo. 

Fraah BurtvuUKD nitaraclialni. 

Beacli aod Bawera waatt taor, etc. 

BalleoDB aad aaeaoaloo are aoppllad by Itapnar 

I|utp Blackmvre waals lo Imf Iraloed horaaa aud 

- Bharmu won la a wreatllog paoy. 
H. WolfACe. romUhatreeiman'agi^a. 
Tnoa. pudergaat wulB a UrlBB picture ouuiu 
U.A, UlBBMroboruejeclrwudy'B outfit. 
W. A. CoahHa oBOn aeala for aala aod a tUfog uookar 
fOr bir*. 

Tkls ABHwnl Is Always Accorala. 

From Tki Onmm /eiiniai. 

ThOMwhoar*lBtbsbaMiorr*r*rrla« to Ih* ranmr* 
of tb* paar %*ow of what graat aoitatMce Tub Naw Yohi: 
putTBBJ^ISaaLfa. TheToUimefur IM hu juat Ip«hi 

lanadaod eootaloallw aamlog aad theatrical chm- 
ailMM for toe pan year, maaab eal la alwaya accurate, 
aad fta arrasgamMi t li a nawl oae. 

lU<«lTl«fl VaamlmooB Pratsai 

|>Vt rA« /otUoh Advirtl»€r. 
OiinsB AxvuAi. n.r IBM laren*lrhigiNaaoAo(. 
miaaortl>*pr*Mand |<ror«uloa. Tb* f*fdlct la 
wat It u the bMt Avar laiaad, 
PartrmtlaerilUllBflwtoliMl TheeplsBs. 

BWBB rA*A'«wl«rp lU^luer. 
Tib CttfnB AwkDit Urutl nr raeurdauch aa «TarT 
yni^ y^y M^ra|gfe*, ali* nsaj So* ponralu uf oiw 



February 29 



QEO. W. KEIL, MlHlotlu 



T« Air cMU i«r liM, uau lyp* a«wan; ifvM oi ca* 
bih Itfg cuA iMMton. A didMtIm of a par ewL U 
•Qovfd 00 idvtitlHmMiu wboo poM Tor UirM aoaUu 
U odtftOM, aoa 00 MlTonlMBoats BMisrInc lOQ llMi 

Of Don. 

On* yoor, lnodnDe*,t4;ilEBoaUa,tS:thiw owatbi, 
•I. roralm poaun uln. taiK eopl«« lOtauoMt. 
THK OLIPrsI U laootf tnij WoOooador moroLu. 

n*uih mbiiitieuudToitiiioi) MooaoTurBEfi 

ON aoMDAT, U« Ihl IMk. US ud MlMr ■»(«• OB 

Th* ronu Closing Promptly at 4 P. M. 

nouo nmli hj oiprai noMP ortor, chook, P. 0. Ov- 
4tt or Mlttond Uuor oad 


ror Um IMlUrlmt or Uw DooIbmi 
DoputmoBl to 


r. U. Bol Of OLUPBB BUaolMU, 

lo ItDitUoi]— Tip Ourm aiD DO ah|*JMd, WllOlHAl* 
mml nlAlI, of ou Hoau, Halllb, AloiUo A Co., > Hav- 
oanjo SUMt, ftnu. Loodoo, wbtn boood Btoo of 'JiU 
papor BAP H aoM. 

Id Pimnaa— Tnp Oupm u oo itlaotBruUM'aoooo 
•lapol, 17 ATHUdt I' Oport. PHa 

IbtaM aaly oa* ailltiaB, aad Itet l< 4au« 
riuu N«w Voik.'fiB 



uiHiMioswiHUMinavotuifn. Auiaqoar 
ur won wooLo «mrn to noMi iiiiob raif aiift, 
oiu or TUB oufPEtt rovr urnos. all littiu vill 


nuTUOiip ooarAVT n ■ommr, tirai iu vor uit ov 
moan om axohhm r^ui. Vi uaiot am loim it 


H. D., Oitilrn.— Til* iireMDt KulM UimnJ Uul*r of U.* 
B.r.O.Kluli Witt. a.M»;»r«, of l'biUil«]|*bl& Udp. 

r. U^Norwalk.-l. •Tb«UrulNtiropolU"UcoDlrvU«l 
btMwn. JtiftnoD. Kuw « Jfriuwr. I. lI.aTkjrlor, 

J. U. H., UKiOiDvr.-l. HttonUj to uktchA'Ha orae 
■ UfaproptnlHUd Iato tlitui iMiir furuM. 2. Krun 
aitMO lo latuii'dredolUrsperwMi. 3. riliMOilullftn 

MMdfUta.-l. n« VII wiltuo bf ardD«7 
H««of«M. f. AiMrwi l(«leo lIuTny. Iu uu* of Tiia 

AHinOB, BnMblja.— ]IUb«r act vould iroUftbly b« 
worUi diiwa Oolun |«r WMk. 

BKAPiB. tUgwiiowQ.— You ihOQld hldiiu 111* Wtlur 
U.Mwatfiiow«lUtuora,u.. tad tL« l}«b lluullDR Bliow 

vruDY Fatiiuh, laJtutPolU— It *m prolAblr ike 
troop* ludwl t>y Bl|( Alles JuHomm. 

U A. IL« I'fOThlMca^WAUta our mat* llu. 

J. L. A.,Clii&iKu.— Atldrou Uieiwiijr la ur* of Tutc 

U. M. Alolu.— W« taaT* rM«lT*d u« D**i of lb* 
AmU) of Uniiftitr. AddrtH Uu«r la our ran ud ue 
wUluJvanlj* II. 

T. K U,— dM loui* llii 111 UiU Uiut. 
L.II.B.. BMMo.—UunaUtM't <;uU«, iiublldiwl by VT. 

V. K. II., WublBjiiuii.— Addr«u 111* pariv In cuo of 
TJii Uufvn. 

r. X. U., Hynouw.— Tb«r« ■ • pUy upon lb* fotd bwr< 


9, U., Llueulo.— Al Br«i aUiut forty duU»rt p*r w«*k. 
M. Msrioa.— ^ ui>*r ti» "U. M K." lu UiU Imu*. 
W. Jl. If., DroektwD.— AddniM tli* ptrtlM lo car* «r 
rui OurrD. 

A. 1>. a. JH.. Norvlcli.-AddrM* K. It BU**t, ttl Main 
HUovL Uftnloid, UL, or Uarbtcti M t)o..«« rilbori ilu**u 
f Mladtlphia, Pa.* Wolf llo|>p«rai>p**nil lit' Waai" 
atiU* UnuHl Op*r» Houm. Uiicagu, la, rruui Fab. bio«. 

UWL B. H. a. BaoBU Clty.~8*« luiter \u "U. U. B." 
to ibii Uiu*. 

L L. a. AUaulA— 1. BlDDlv Lodtr. r«ilr«d tocbIUi, 
dltd lbLuD|uioul,UoL, MaidiV. UM. 3. Hio waaor 
MBtul atanUlog ui Uio ptoiaoflua. 3. Tliat i4ac« wad 
IUhi bU liOBi*, but va bBT* Do prawit haualwlso uf biio. 

a. O., PnilaUolpbla.— I. Hu lar aa lo kavw tb* till* lia« 
DUb*«au*>0. i. Wo Houw ufiiu r«aa)U why Tou ahuuM 
BuiUH lb«lltia, uuh»a> Itiliuuld b* bald tu b* a oului* 
abW iBltatloB, 
JL, Uuuktuu.— Salmi Hona'a'Tanlou Tlu" vol pdb- 

UelyptvduonlalHau KraooiKU, CaL, March 9,tb7V,aod 
vaa (irlTataty proNOtad lu Nov Vvia Ulty, Naruh VSgi. 

•I. k., Nwarv.— "Ill* Old UuDi«AieKd" wui oriHlDaily 
pnducad lo. BoitAD. Maaa., April A, ItldA. Tbopany to 
vlwiB)otinf«rwaau*an« A. B««iwtlr.. vbuilled lu bli 
dr«alo| room ai MoVlckvr'a Tuoain, Cliloaittf, IIL, oo 
Au|. 10,100. U>oi«atao tb*to)*or Oy rntBo.and bad 
rUied U ooallDuoaaly until bo died. 

V. J. M., Albany —Ho Urd, ai lb* Uolon Bquar* Tlioa- 
tr% In lb* tfoumur oflBSl. 

V. U. v., Uanford.— WiliaTobaaoorecoi)tlDtffllI|i«nc« 
irooi im oouMtty. Addrwa iba paity Id uur cai*. 

J. M. B-, BouioiJ.— Wb*t«aboata uf ib« |«nlui unkoovD 
toil. Addraaalouartaourcara. 

A BiT-^M ri»Ma* Am i>aruMr waa Ton Hlitoy, lili 
MOMd wai tJui Hogarv. bla Uaud waa U«o. W. Barhiv, 
iudh*ljatpr»*eutau)«aibflrur ibotaaai el FMUltand 
Wo»l*y. U* alio nurkod lur • aburi tliuo wiib nuoy 


V. a, OtUwa.-!. B. ILBlrMl. ttlUalu UUt»t« llart- 
loi4,UL a. Krom forty to diu uollara. 

l<.B^BLObarl*t.-l. AdvBrtlaa la TUi Oliitku; aao 
rMM at bttd oi tbU ouluuiu. t. About t«*otj Ugllan 

J. K..8rvoklyD.— Bobby Vtald* 1* a uoiiibw oi ibo toaui 
ol YiMi and. Halloa W* eau fbinUi nuioromuUuo 
ip«o tb*ou«r bolol*- 

tLa.L.— Haiab Bomhudl u|>eaad ktr pTWam Aaurl- 
can tour alAbboy'iTiMUo, tbnolty, on Jao. aXand liai 
ilBtfl tbat uiu* ovoUououaly appwioU ibot*. bavlog 
clor*Obir*oi«i*ai*ntatthatbDuw al ibi and ufUm 

A.KW.,rortb Worth.— W« have fuottd ao iKord of 
barappvaraoea in ili* play you aani*. 

O. J, 0, Balnt JoMi>ta.— S«« aoawer A 1>. A, Kurwleh. 

V. U. 0^ MuOffM -1. W* do uvt know Uto aildrvai. 2. 
rroL Arnold, [ill Boaery, Now York Olty. 
■ U. V, U., l^lUd*lpbla.-Tweiii) Uollam per «**k. 

J.l>. L., Mabanoy Uliy.— *'Bruuilo" aa« Dr»i produced 
al iba tiailno. In thU oliy. un Bar IV, Iten. 

r.lC.Uon*y laland.— Addr«M ilio i>aiiy to ear* ofTiii 

U. K.— 1. W* auDot»i>aro th» (Inio to luicli our (Ilea 
for iwaaij yean baek to atT* you Uw bit yon ilaalrt. :l 
Tbo orlilnal BIrally UiutJi*rB, liura, Boluuy and Arauld, 
ara all IItIdi. 

T.J. y.,l*reTh)eac«.—Th* party haa boon tbree tliuoJ 
urrlad and baauoo child. 
U. A*. I*., Uuelauatl.— Wo donul ban* thaaddreaa. We 

l<<ar«T not to aukver aa lu iho tollabllity »t auy l>Ariy. 
F. A.— AddT»iaUi*l*ulliaan k^cot^rtki .ublCBHU, IIL 
AJiiiOM MOTUIH, t:battaaouia.— rb* laii Utter tool \h 

> not otre lo ncunutwl any 

oarMT* vai (brwanltd to Hock Iilaod.Iil,, ou Fob. tt. 

t*. K.— Welch our route lut^ ai «• will imbllph tke louto 
vba»T«r wo hara tL 

Vr. A R,. Norfolk— W* noTor fbruUli, Id aniwor to 
qaeilea, loioruMUoo oonotmlnn the aa* ul living )•">- 

^k*. It-Adam llul died lu Baltlalor^ Ud^ un BepL ft, 

J. Bairiaburg.- Wa know of but one i^rrorotor of 
thnlnaine, the uiuileal apeoialUt, and (bo U unuanlrd. 

J. U. 0., Mllwaukoa.— Tn* pany yuu naiaohaanoTer 
paUlabw any work, uur do wo can to ivoouiuitud auy 
apmUl ireatiBo u|tou tho •utdect. 

U.S. A.. Uak l>ark.-W* cau dud no ncoid of Uie daatb 
ul tke party. 

AnTiK.MawOrleana.— Addreaatho Laimoo Norolty 
Oa..a8end90Ceatr»Birwol, Now YoikClty. 

H111.T, Tomaatuo.— It d«|t«odi upun tb* lU* of Oi* 
■buv, bulfiwu ditton to taeniy iloUan per woek wouKI 
t* awuia (klr prio*. 

aB..*B*a UUIL-We do 

J.0.r.,O«lar Haplda-Soe awntr tu 'IX B 'ln tbia 



R. W., Cartonu— Till player tiait to tb* l«n of tb* 
doalor load a. 

CoHBTAHT RUDIH. Baoiai City.— Id draw pnker any 
•trelfhi dudi liebaleoui* |ier«uaa calla''ru>al"Quib. 

BtrroM. Bturala.— I. B'a low, nbicb uuirauka jack, 
tvok blu oat flrtL 1. \a leTen up B. ooedlugbut una 
ppliL Roea out with low fur Hi* aamo r*a»on. 

r.J.T.,Naw York.— Id lb* Rani* v( haartiaacb playor 
n)U*t follow luU If ho ran, but ll be cannot do lu be U al- 
lawid to play any cani he otaMiaea 

H A. C, BuOakh—Wbat gana were you HiyloRf In 
HOiOp aben lour pUy, ibe luur tbr«o> luay be dUeaidad 
(ton the )<*ok. and twolfe canli dealt tuoacb lOuvr. 
Tbete ll au drawing of card* Id the gatue at all. 

U.I.L., Voabuui.—You ocur* At* poiuia f^r ihe taat 
catd, three ul wblcb woiw fbr a tuo, and tao «er* for 

J. 0-, TitotoD.- Y'ou wIq. a band b cribbag* of two 
St aauthreaC'acouBUtweoiy iwlaia. 

Ct»«TAKT HUbiR. Ueavor rnlli.-lo le^ao un wtion 
ikei* u a tl* iorRauia.tb* uua-dMUr.ortbleal hud. 

MVIM Ull IHilnl. 

, F r.1l..()LLoali-Tbe orlgloa) (f«u of ihoBt. Loula 
Uuk In im Included Undky, iHtrbvr; Mlltor, cald) 
Debtauan, BaitiD and llaHue uathebaiei; l>arT*,d 
auir,ao<t t^iibbor*, riboamlChanuH InibooutfoKi 

tfB.B..WbartitB.-l. Wokeep nortconl. Addr»aal 

alMuadfflolloaUBWirii netMaty. i. John B. Ward 
11 now pncilclng aa a Uwjer In Bow Voih Clu . 



W. JL, IrtdgepoflMtar aatwer to year prwrleoa qiaiy 
wa4 atvan baatify, awl tba ■Ifiabe oecurad U BnraB a 
tnemamantof unroBtaadafol^lpliyarf. Ooraaiwer 
iboflM hare baeo that It roqalrw tweoty eight gaaoi to 
decldeatouruoientof elcbt pUyaia, oot oonDtuif tloe. 

J. W. B, Waahlngtra.— Tba graateM dUUoc* «le«r«d 
la a raanlnir loog Jonu la at. dXjo., Iv O. B. 
tuber. In Amtrlta. ud by i*. B. rrr. in Kogland. far* 
Uiorln'ormatlonoopag* UOofTHi CurrtB AfVCAt for 
UM. Both Jampa ware mado without weigtatji, by ama> 

W. 0. B- Phlladetpbla.— Thoaec«an:of tbe IflOyda. race 
between 0. C. Melrer aitd W. 0. Bryan (iinderso a*- 
iDiDod DeoM). at Wooditoeb. Gap., July IB, UM, appeared 
InTiiUurriH da'M July Oof that yiar. 


J. W.. Pe*c«dale.-No; at tbo clote of lb* yaar im iho 
ra>t*at itoa lo which a pa»Mte aerou tbe ocean, fnin 
Qoeooiioen, Ire., to N*v Yoi*,hid btea mad* waa 7d ' 
luh. Udi., by Hie auanw Brlilanolc of the Whit* Star 

0. W. II.. Aib>rta.-B wlni with ibre* Ot*i and two 
Uireea. In poker dice iliei are tilgh and aeea low. 

0. U. O'N., flpriogflald.— Jo*Palcbead*rrat*d Jobo R 
Uantry In a apeolal pacing rare, for iialo reoeipta. at 8*l< 
DiuGt Park, nitUdolrbta, Pl, HopL 1 IM. 8*t*o hoati 
were contoolod, Drirar ' urrytMrag takoo fhiin b«dilnd 
PaichOD aod Hoed BUD, tbejudgoa deddlnf tbe third and 
dfih boat! "no hoaii,"b*lDg latUBcd that I'aichto *aa 
pulled lo each. 

J. 0. J.— No; the year that P. LorllUrd'a Iroqnoloeon 
Iho Zngllili berbr and Doncaaior Bt legor (U81)tho 
LIrorpofil Oraoil natlftaal Oopwawon by WoodbrooV. 
Ewprnaa won Id 10^ Boamaa lo isn, ood Zoedoo* In UBi. 

E. B. B , Y7liltlDg.— Tliat UoaUraly auattor of opinion, 
ami loura In probably m good aa Ihat <4 any oihor okao. 

J. B., Wnroottar— Tom Ha>*n, wbo fiHiiht John O. 
Ueonao, waa nrvor la Auieila. 

R. P. 8., Wll»bdiarT*.-Tbe Ute Johony Aarvn'a preper 
turoamowae laaaca. 

A V. B, Nariiua.— flfaoiild a Hgbt rafull In a draw, tbo 
bettor* on till r*>ultih*rBor arn i>diIiM in ihoir mooer 
baek, aapeoial rulomablogHodi IhUmo thoaameaaihi) 
inaln aukca. 

r. P. N., CoUwtiar.-In tbe Aght wirh OharUy kflfcbell 
In Prance. 

W. U., Hchoneclaily.— ftli*lmTnon« bad llrit bt^t of iho 
dibtluR lo tho niRlrb with Ju* t'bnyokkl, in BoMm., Juni, IBM. Tbo HIc* *tnpi>od It lo tbe lltb 

W. P. H., ReadlDg.- Tbo afllotriafaRroofnont for 111* 
diht bolwaen PlUvlminoni aod Miliar I*n Uio oeleclInD 
of tho beuie ground (o O. A. Bioart. be agm^lngtA In- 
form lb* princlpala ih*raof teaniv-foarhuanlwforeiho 
time fli*d for tbe meatlag lo iho rIOR. Mopanlcilar 
plaee wai mooUooad. Tli* ••otebould bo drawn, ai both 

W. L. B., ftoodoii.— Bnb PltiMmnoni Ant defeiled 
Polar Mahar at New Orleana, La., In twolfe ronoda, March 

0. D. K . BrooklyD.-Jaek Uoppord*r«at*d MlbeCvli- 
log In twaoty.ilTe rouod^ lb. 9(d., at Pkaaani Valley, N. 
J. April B. lag, 

H. J. K.. Honntun.— V* oaooot aav wbatbor MItcbolI 
wAiwolgbad on ihedayuf OgbUogorooL II* waa oot 
mulred to go to icalo. 

u 0., Algooa.— Vea : Jaok Danpoey waa dif*at*d by 
Oaorge La BUocb*. 'The Mirloe," In Ban Prancl'co. OiL, 

b*lor« D*ropai>r nnigbt Bob Pltulmmoaa Bo had pre- 
"looaly b**un La Blanche near New York Oltr. 
S. A .Beranton.— 1. Bob Pitulmmonj woo tbo middle- 

wolght chaoiplooihip of America hy doreatlog Jar.k 
Ooaapaer. "PlU" thoo wolihod lUHB. D«npMy l*7i<fe. 
The nilddl«w*laht mailoiuui lliaii li 1MB 1 No. 3. 
Th*iaailuium limit of ibodllTar*iitw*iabiH oodir ibe 
reealarmlea are: Poalbor, l\lt>; light, ISB; middle, 
IHB : boavy, any walghL 
W. T., New York.— 1. Bob Pititlnmona wai bom at Del- 

alon, Oomwall, Eog , pratumably of Bogllib paronu. He 
liaa a brother, or l»otli*r*, Unro. 9. CaoDot mj poil- 

J- N., Ilogaton.— lo tbo Ogbt betwaen John L SulllTao 
aodObarley BItcfaell In Pmace.Martb 10. IML thirty, 
nloe roundi worecooleclod. tbo Bgbt Ulng then declared 
a draw ty mutual eooaeot 


J. p. U.,CBiellaa.— Al we do noipoaltivily koow *no 
lailierleheatmanlnlhoworld, wi eannot rito yon the 
Information dtalreil. 

D. u., ToroDiu.— W* du not know that anyaucboSir 
waa made. 

BUHivirugT.— Tbe Brro (■ lUU In oilateoc* In tkli 
city. W* bar* norar heaid loytblni agaloat lhair t»- 

a 1> E.OiIoafo.-PradUontnioTelaed'achlldranw^re 
bom an lollow: Huth, In Now Y"rb, lo Bopteinber, 183; 
Buher. lo WaJhlogtoo,D.O^ la October, Marlon, at 
"Umy Uabloa," Bunanl'i Bay. Maia.. lo July, ia». 

J. a. New York.-Tlio uilfclil record* ol tbo Uoliad 
Siaiea Patent tinice abow otot a*Toaty-flTo pateniaror 
roller eoaiura, iha dita nf the drat b«lnf In ItfTt 

P.C.T.,Oolumbua.— Ttio pratont ilri eoluinn form of 
Tui r^UfriKbagan with YohiiB* S, In 16N. 

B. ll. II., Mileaukee.— Tb* beat record w* haro of ruld 
typowrltiDg Ii AV word* lo one mioiie, by t). H. Bo- 
(Jurrlo. repoatlog n alDgle aaotaoce or aliteen woMa, 
witboal puoetttatlon. In a trial agaloat Ume, on the Reai- 
loatoo machine, al Bt Paul. Minn., May It, IW2. 

B.aa..BprlagBeU.— The coaru bai* dicldod thai a 
child bum out ol tbe Uotlad Btatea U a citUeo If ihe 
Intiiorwaa one at tho lime of lu blnb; oooiaqnoaily, 
puoh male dilM laellglMo to thopretMiocyoi tbe UoHhI 
Btatea (tbongh, through tbo forco of clrcumauooea, be 
waa bora Id a ier*lgo ouautry),the uttor r*quli«meita 

P. L^ lludaoQ -4*«d to tho Lawreoce NoTelly Co.. n 
and SO CoDtr* Btreoi, Nov York; price, aerenty-flTe 

J. B. B., Bl Rano.— ThoreliDoauob poblloatioo lo *i> 

O.A.O.. HeadTllle.— Wobavowrittonfor the lalonoa 
Uen dealred, aud bop* to be il>l* lo roply noit wo*k. 

tM)NarAKTRlUDlR, Bvaoirltl*.— I)o nut know uf aay 
Btatoio UilicMMDiry whore vofflen rot* for Prealdeotlal 

A Ajto B-A «1d«. Ttioro are 3.06,399 aore* to York- 
ahire. Bnr. and S,U0,UJ leiun In ili« Bible. 

J. O.a.,nooaia.— AJdreMJaroUBroa.,ololhlon, Bov- 
err mmer of Broume Btreot, Now York. 

0. W. P., DeoTor.— Addreaa Ureniaoo, 31 Uolon Sqaate, 
ihli city, Tlie HL Pelonburg gam** fcaTe aa yet only 
b*en puullibed In Uia coloiuoa of tbe praii. 

0£IEj O £^ SIRS* 

To ComapoadwBta* 
W SiWARo.— Yoor conUlbQtlooa an aliraii wolcoma. 
^A^BuniH.-^end lOo. to L. M. Sloanui, Deny Dopot, 

U A. Bu!idi.t— UaTowrllleoyoa. 

BgN Cooha -doiBetlilnx oew. BhT 

J.O B.— Tbe double oomar abooM alwaya ha to tbe 
right, aaperdlagram In ihUcohinin Althonab Id plar- 
Ing Uie blaok aqnarea an played upon uanally wlUi Ui 
double oomer to tbe right 

CufriR ADHiHiL-B. U. YMmaaa.3aw.Tblity-alxih 
Bireet, New York, will fbralab you with anything yoa do* 
atn. "Lee'a Quid*" !■ the beat. 

Bolntlttm nf PoalUoB No. Ill, Vol. 43. 

■TO. 0. aLM.DB,OHiaAUO. 

Btaek 4 fl ll K » 
Whites 13 K SI 3 
White tu play aod win. 

u 9(0) St n a a 17 si 

8 18 IS 17 IT S WblUwlna. 


li 9 9d 63 S720 
lu U U IS IV tl 30 » 

PoelUoB No. Vol. 43. 

bl W«. ilWARO. HW TOM. 
Plaob K 11 U 

White 13 I » 
White lu play and dnw. 

0»Bio No. OH, Vol. 4B. 

rUyod In the New York handicap touraiy botweea 
Heaira. B. J. Hluiwi, of Urmklin, aod M. P, (llouaer, oi 
JertoyOlly. Mr. Bluiwo played UtOL 

11 1& U 91 1 II • 11 U Id 
U n IK II Id 11 11 1 9 6 
ift It 11 u II Id 3 u 1 10 

» « Oft 9 « 13 t It 

9 U B 1 1 IB » 10 U 10 14 
U 18 O \HC) t» II 31 9f 1 e 

B * 10 15(0) A II. II II 11 IS 

» » 19 10 n ir 31 ai Biaokwiu. 
j !i BO * d Id IU 
, il IT o Id 17 u on 
(0) In auoibor game Mr Hlmnwu raried a* foUuwe: 
J B „ <7 O It a) u t» U IP 
» Olft) 8 11 31 IT t U 07 
11 IB 00 10 16 U 11 SO 
Blaok wina. 

M Bom* ;ean ago. Adama, of Uubokeo, played iha fol- 
lovlugualDit Do Freoai: 
no 19 10 o u gr 9 u 11 

11 Id B 11 on 9 T T IB 

St IT 18 11 3) O SI lA B) U 

B 7 II 19 11 a) aj O 17 13 

O U 01$ 14 » 9 m BUohwlna. 

H 11 19 O T 11 MO 

oa 18 II 019 ua) 

10 11 II IB IB U XI IT 

(O J. p. ftntlb, U the N. B. 0. P., five* the fbUovlng: 
IT » 4 B 14 B Id S O 17 

11 Id SI r ST a u 11 ii 

11 O B ll BD 11 Bl II 01) 

MO no 7 IB U U tr 81 

O H ll 11 O IS 17 17 13 

Tlko If. T. Iloadleap Tomraer 
Tbii tonrney (a prnreo to be Ibe oMt nuf 

Tbii towney (a pmreo to 
ever fUyad In Nnr York. Tl 
aod biemtlotbogamolai 

IS Da uie mm* ■""^""■■t" 
There ara Ihlrty-elght 

1. ....... - r--.^m k^B. Tk> rnl. 

MoBota*. Ja«. 


Oct render. 

Sppenlielm ... 



Hebufer. Dr.. 







WanblnRlon .. 





Won. £011. 

.. If 9 

... 14 7 

,:: iSK 'A 

:::.t 1! 

::: .5" ?« 

...UK !•« 

... I 10 

... t 10 

::: f Si 

... I • 

... I II 

... 1 n 

... tX a« 

... II 10 


Colito, Ed 



D. Fnoal 



Olthui. U 

Onliani, J 









VeEolao, Joo... 

N.w. of til. OBm*. 

nt UrMtU World far PatireiTT urt: "Ii U loaplnbla 
Ibu Panla-a d.faM brJ«nlM«lll ei»»la « fia»h mo- 
IroTarap lopirdlog iba vorld'a chiraplaoahlp, bat of 
eoona Panto'a clilol to Iba ilUa la Dot lo UP*<! if' 
facud bp bla raaaol foTana." .ll»op ol Ilia Anaricu 
pUiara Callaro Uiu Fama'a elAlu lolballlJa la not if' 
fatUil bphia lataol dalHt, bac«al bo baa ootloloilo 
Iba UUa, ud oaTai illl bira, bacaoaa Wpllls ud ba 
pUjad f'.r sbM wia oot lo Uillr poaaMoloo.. . . Oii Moo. 
dap. Huth 1, 1 maleh fof tbe nluoiplooablp of London 
olll ba canmanead baliiMD Airktd Jordio (Uii praaanl 

boMai) nod J. B. Blllp Blikoaabiw ud oiURar ira 

pUilof • twralpitma miub foiua ihlllloii a cama. 
Oiunr bu > laid of t to 1 ud 4 nmri biio baen 
di*«o. nil aeara U aoiprlaloi, aa "Blrtf" bAa il'ipa 
baao aonaldirad ooa of Eoilud'l urailoat. ...l; Bio. 
RIaini. la bird l work collactloc nilarinl for Vol. 3, 
Book of Ponnlla Bo laandurorloilo milfe Ihia iha 

Kvitaat of tha aarlaa, ud daaarraa Iha oolud nopport o 
o chacliar frmlamltj. 

Prabl.B Ho. »,<>*»• 

' ■ triitmnmttoi. 



To CorfeapoBdoDU. 

O.J. DKiaxuBit— Voar wooad aflort at 9.00 baa the 
■anie atarteraa Ibe author**, but immedlatelr bfanchea 
out lolo altogeib^r dliferoni path*. Bee "Pbiri" cvo- 
viocinc modua. Now (orjour own problem, oiooUooed 
with ftboTO oamad iwcoad aolutioo. , , 

P. RicumnoN AND U J. D.— Wo bare Jait inceiTod a 
noiA from liro. Prall, MybR that M. PradlgnU nquMU 
a Blacb r lo bo placed ooQRI.lo Eninoa tUA. Thli 
cornea lo play atlberourlh moreof tbe 19.. aolalloo, aa 
K luay abtller blinaali at R ft. We cao drlre blm out o* 
(bat aod aecore a luintato in your way. bai at a coat of 
mon (bantwinly morMi; probably yoo will do it In leia, 

"t^H^^UATiH —Thank tou for tbe aiuailoo,aed klod 
lolaotloa. Tbnuib too Ute ai • proapectna, vi irbdiy 
utillu the lofdrmatloo ; plaaa* glToyoerprlraie addn**. 

J. P. LAwai.toi — Bocond aa<ay at Enlg. 2,041 received, 
hot you have not yet fathomed Ita doplba 

U. A T., Barraoba Bat'y K, Kay Weat— Por tbe preteot 
a*ad to Oick A Pltigsrak), publlaban. IB Aoo iOeot. thle 
olty, aod got Ooaalp'i "Cbaia PlarorVT*!! Book,*' and 
Mancbe'a "Manual of CboM," 7ftcta each- Ttata MOd 
tan eeou to Will U- Lyoni, Box 4'^ Newport, ly , for bli 
great prixd ehaaa cAtalogui, Iheo you and foor oooi- 
ntlei can leloct ai manr coeo boo^a aa yoo deal re. 

BKu. 1Iaiiilto.*(.— Again loordaMer, ihaDk you. 


Of Probkm No S,(01— A Black Pat K R Seoold not 
alter my former lulutluo, and ono at K RSvookl itlU 
laaro a aoloilon from I ..q boioe. e. 9. : If Black 1 ..R b) K 
4:3..Qtobar4. 010.' If 1..B to Q 4; 2..() x K, etc: If 1.. 
P to •lUiar Bt 6 ; 9. -Q tu her 3 ale. 

L.RtoKBt KtnoTOa 9..BtoKt4+ Kt X B 
3..R-R9-I- KtxR 4..ICI-B34. Kt X.niate. 

I..qtali*r7-|- KloRftl 8..BioKtB-f KtoRS 
3..Q-R7 4 Kraorea d..B-IC4dls4- B-R4 
9..(I-BS-f K-R6 7..B-B3, mate. 

4 Q*B B + K"R 4 


l..qiohar7+ KloBt 
3..U-B7+ K-Klt 
1..3^Klt+ K-Rt 
4. .(1-8 7+ K-BII . 


nv P. H10IIUIOIK.H. 
L.ttloKtl^- KDotoa T..KU1KP.4 
l..K)<KI Koioroa " 
S..I£.Qag K mOTBi 
4..K-Ha.f KaDoraa 
ft-.B-Bl Koioroa 
e..Q-KS Kmorea 

43* D.J. D. found two ao 

6. .BIO Kit + KUKtt 
(..B-M1S4- K-Rl 

J..PX Pmp.,mit«. 

NO. 9,00. 


K noToa 


Px q 

P moral 

P uarea 

uUooalD t\ilruaD. 

Wa (Ira Ihli oulof ilaian to call M. Pndlgait'aud 
Bro. PraU'i lllaolloo 10 tha lbort«n«l proau la aooo u 

I..Btoq]; >..qu>l[taq+:S..BU>Elfll; 4..Elt>>Kt 
4 +; i..B Mm.: <..llu>Kl II4-; 7..BI0 ICS; 8..quiiiar 
8-fl*|B..KIaBa: IU..KlloBi', IL.KtK RP; ri..Klu 
gB4; U..Kcu>ICt; i4..Bloqi; 14..P10B4; IS..P01R 
t: 17..l'UBe; l8..ku>Kl>: 1B..KU> B4; ai..EU>B3: 
<l..p 10 B 7: a..q to bar 6 -f: il..q 10 B • +i3i..r 

1 1 Bern, aa'la veea, tbne ol tb* Ba an Id ooliabora- 

tloo. (•) Tbei) (athe oolypieoetoco<ordlng 
to tbe aaeood reatrlotlon, and lb* ooly ooe — D. J. D. 

N. B.— If thia Probtom eaooot be made aound In /brty, 
-J ll vary doubtful, lot ua not Uiruw It away, but limply 
chaoge lb* numberto ai..ln flaw of the awtre moot ir 

taoloua and dIOleult aolutlon, and omit oQrD0t*.->CD. 

Ealflma No* ll,04a« 
To compute tho >^r*mlnUcenca" meatlooed with the 
Problem, we bore pniont tb* acood pnia prob'am In the 
aame tooraey, one of the Jadgai voting thai It ban flnt 

"JYuflc fJt blbeacttm." 

««| 114 t t i 

atK7,qRd, aq, QKtS, K Br, K Kt3, ER4. Bt. QSti. 

ntBI, BBS, Kft, K R. Kfie,KKt9, Bft.EBa,Kta. 
Black to pUy and giro mate to tnne monn. 

N« Jmanogrodaky BUite CluiDiploa. 
,11io el^Uanili anoual noellag and UMraamaot of the 

NewYorlt Btau Cbeaa Aamclailon waa boM Pib. B,at 
tbe Aaaembly Rooma, In tbii dev. Tbe baitl* for ib* 

State dumpioDBhlp waa oooieated by aiiteen playen aod 
naultad aa fnUowi: 

PiMT Booxo — Olappbaat Balid loa Ruy Lopti, Uodcaa 
beatUlaekmarloaBeotcb aim*.LIpiehautibaai UiloLn 
a Qoeeo'a Oaublt declined. Haonam beat Rooanora In a 
Two Knlghu Oalouce, Orchard beat Yoong Id an Boana 
Oamblt deellnod, Uyoiei beat BalMrn In a Roy Lopta, 
JaAotrodiky beat Koebler lo auiuooo Piano, Dolmar 
beaiBii '- - ~ *- — 

In a Pitnch Defoneo. 

BiCOXD Rou.<cD — Baird beat Uodgea In a Ruy Lopes, 
Orebard beet Blaoknur loa Vienna nma, Uymei beat 
Hale In a Pnneh Deionoe, Jaaoogrodiby beat Halpom In 
a Ruy Lopei, Xotbler beat HImonioD bi a PairoC Lip- 
acbau dnwwiili Uanbam lu a Vienna opeolor, Cbpp 
beat Uebnar In a Buy Lopei, Bocamora draw witn Voeng 
lo a Preoch Defence 

TuiRuRovND.— Uanhambeai UytaiealaaTwoKolghta 
Defence, Jaanogrodiky beat Ual* la a Qnaeo'a Gunblt, 
Xovhler b*at OUpii la e Two Kolghu Defanco, Ual< 
pern dnw with Bfmooaon In a Pieaob Defence^Uak- 
uardnwwlih Rooauora InaBcotcb Baoie,Tooo|dnw 
with LIpaohuta In a aioUlao Defence, Baird beat Ordi- 
ardlna Ruy Lopea,Delnar dnw with Hodgea In a Buy 

1\)URTU B0PMD.-Balrd beat Olapp In a Ruy Lopei, 
Ilanbam beat Lipecbuia in a Vienna, Jaanofmoky aotl 
UymMdnw a P to Q 4 openbig, Orchard beat Eenbler Id 
aOlooco Plaoo. 

H«]or J. M. Uaoham and N. Janogrodaky tied for 
Ont place, played a dtohilag aameL whiob noulted In a 
wlo for the laiier, and made hinn.Y. State cbnnplon 
for UN. Tlieilaalacortswera: 

•B. Dalmir I» IH « Llpidiauli 1 

A. Uila u 9 •!. ETOiihinl s I 

•J. Ht^pani k IHfO. Bocamoim 1 I 

J. V. Hubim sU iW-a. Hlmoiiion M IK 

•A B. u«iB»a..„.. iB isl-j. m. tooiw r -™ 

* Wlibdnv owlnf lo loir aeofo. 

Ilia priaaa wai« iwinlad ai fnllov; Pint priM, M. Ji*. 
QuffTodakp (Mubiuu): aoaood prliik, Mnjar J. M. Uu. 
bim (Hubiliu); Ihlid mil fourth prtlo, dlridad bp D. 
Q. Bllrd (Mublttu) ud 1. B. Oicbud (BuhilliD). 

Ulan van twaolf ..Ixbl aolnoa lo Iba taoanl toan.. 
niML ol wlilcb Ibare woro oslp alHbt lalt to play lo Iha 
fourth rouod. Tba folloBloi la. autnmirr of l£a roaoda: 


W. K. Amorp.. . 
I>r. BnuBbloo. 

J. Klou 

J. A. U. Ptleh 

W. Pnn 


L. Qonabaii 

0. Ilalna. 



I w. 

s |P. 



. Hittlo 

P. ManblU 

- .K.llaiir 

1 U.O.rarap 

I iP.PMnonka 

3K O. Roolklni 

- S.Bulb 

;;;;; J 

O. Lagarnulat t |A. Hoaeeln*. 

BUngloben . IH H-Bten 

A.Laoghtoa 0 U.Blnbb 9 

aAaUwreoee IH A Wtdmer d 

U.LlBbaok 0 Col.Wllklnaen I 

P.Upechota I IP.T*at«n >^ 

Oito Boethloi wim dnt prue with a dean aeon of four 
tlotorle*. A, J. Bouwolne and Leo Qonabiliv dUUed 
aecood and Uitrdprliea. ft Rnth, l*bdlp LI|a«DQta,L.I>. 
Bnugbton, J^ Plu and 11. D. Btnbbi dlilded fbwib and 

Tbe problMn BotTloe ooflieei ana woo by Edward K, 
OUy.of the BraohlynChoaa ClaUwbo banded In aaohi- 
tton to a dltBcuU coodillooaltwo nuv* probl^ by& 
HoAtnano la ooe hour aod Bra mlfiatea. B. Luaoer.of 
Mew York, toekaeoond ptta*. 

Al the bnaiQ*M meeting of the eaioeUtIoB.hoM lo lb* 
ailoraeoB, all the eflcen ««ra leoleetod. Praeldeet U. 
J. Bonn then M a,lecur tram tha BoflbtetorCbw* 
Otobi,noT(UDg the aMoclailoa to hold Im auaal Bidmrn- 
mer meettng ai Boeheater. 

■ i 



i B Bt 

B B B 

P 1 

1 B fll 


Wblla to pUp ml plTO nilta Id Ibiw mlTM 

Omm* Na. !I,0«I1. 
A nma lo Iba inh fouod, Ju. U, wbidi put orarp 
aMcuur oo Iha qnl plae, ariiTOOO bp i common Impoha 
ISliiShow .111 TaohlKOiln lUick ona of hlaowo flror. 
lu diiaocM In wbieh In b onlranMlIp pronouead n eon- 
aummito ■-"''•'^il^^i^fSSt 


1..PI0 1I4 

4..P-q3 . 


lO .BPX Kt 

ii..qp X p 
I9..KIX Kt 


rto 114 







- -.8 9 




KtP K P 

a)..q-B9 Qi 

n.-iB-Kf P-B7+(l) 

a..Kx Btdr p-qR> 

- It-B9<a) 




K Ktx B 
P-K H» 

X I"" 

14..Caatla.qH P-OB] 
l>..qR-KBq P-JKII 
lt..KB-q3 XR-qaq 

I7..qii-!t> q-KKi< 

IS.qil-il KBXP-f 
Ihaiamawaadrnwc. , 

(a) (Kara la vhaiaour introdoetlon comai u.J 

(5) Uolla Mfa; Iha P li oolp l tainponrT loan. 

(c)3l..qioKlapi>eiia pnmlalof, botbmnbrptoik 
Kt 3,lhrellulolBxB.ou. Wblla hu bid bla lunda 
laral fall to aluu u oaar aran u ho doai Dov ; ud Iha 
plip hacoioea aplfltad, aran oidilnp. 

(I) Uakar pololod ouknftAtUi. ftat, Uint Don thil 
point ba CDOM lurolp olo, <: p.: 

««I II t t t t 

_. - „- 1C9. KEt. Kll,qBS.qB4 
K A ud*, 


91..R-0 Bail 

ux KcP 


B-H 9. ud 

uKB, X4. qm. qR, 

ltqIt,EB9,Ka^ qB4,qElS,ERl, KI2, K4^qB3. 

Bllckpli>ailir..PtaB7+l irn..Plo q Rtl; <8..KS 
< B. BPX Kt; l(S..Bxq, BUak maiaa In wo: If 9.. 
BxP.PlaB74'; au..K loR aii.qtoB 4, ud nuu: ud 
11 o..q X F. q X q; si..r X a P X r K SI. .B X P. K B 

to Kt •! .f.; It..K to R n, B to q 7, wlnal 

A HUtorlcal Prlght. 

Pllyad In tha fourth round —ne ntU. 

S..K B-B4 

7.. P-q 4 










Pto K4 

P-Q 3 
bar 4 

J-Ql _ , , 

. _ here, aa at uaitlnga, Uili more leemH better than 
Caauea,orTMhlgorin*iNURgea(ed Kt toQ3. 

M If U..Q Kt to B S, (} X Bt. White** nndereloped Q*a 
tMo la a dIaadTantage (d a poalUon whan OTerythlng oe- 
iienda upon a rapid attack. 

(/> Again ll Btto B3,B X Kt; 19..Q X B.P lo Kt5; 
3D..B X P. Ktx B:31..Q X Kt, Q X Kt, win*. BUck'a 
nply ll a clever reeoorc*. Wilte dan not play IB. .Q to 
RB-f, becaueeof Cto bli 3; aod neither a)..B to &3 4-. 
nor any other more la aoy gvod. 

(9) IlO .Kt to K ft,Kt X Kt:O..Qx Et,B X P+: 
31.. K X R, B to R6 +; O..K to Kb iq.B to Kl aq -f, and 

(Al SI..B X Kt: O..BxB.RtoBS, wina at leaat a'P. 

(Ih Tbe munomenui bleikder of tbe tooraeyl- Bad the 
Roohi ulU been doubled, ibe ten boto coold hara beau 
made. Mr. B, appean to hare forgouao that the Ra w 
not doubled. Be wonU probably win witli P to KtB. 

KHx F 


B-Kt3(/) KR-Ktsr 
;-Br ------ 

1A..PX P(r) 

17..( -K BB 

ia..( B-Kti 

1B..( Et-fiS KB X Kl 
30..< - ■ 

_ -,X RB 
3J..Q H-BiA(p) 
O..P-K Et9 


ix Et(ff> 

ir«w Jttmojr State AMoel»tloni 
Prom tbe very eompliia programme of tbo H. J. a 0 A 
for '9B, u Paureon. tfid, wo eompU* a rauou of tbe tan 
prKodbig nmiinga. 

Now Jeney waa among Ihe eatlleit Stataa to catch on 
lo the DOW popular Idea of aotUog apart Uncie aeorge, 
bU day, aa a nauonal eieu holiday, under tho unwrltun 
law of Stale rlgbta. N. J.*i Aaiodatlon waa organlied ai 
BiliAbetb, Fob. a. Iffid, then being forty ontruu for Uie 
cbamplonihip The Initial Tlotor wan B. O. Biobee, R B. 

Keyaa, aecond. 1687, at Newark, Mr. Biokea iraln dnt. 
M. uyuMa. aecood: 'Atx, Rathorford, It B. Kay**, dnt, 
P.J-ljtylo, **cood; "S, at Plnlaaeld, IXL- Murphy. B.W. 

Pop*: *iO, N*w Brauwlck. R. tf. K*y<i, BaP.Kerc 

EiUabeib. A. Yortatb, a Uyaiei; Vi, Newark, 8. Li 

N. Uymoa; 'QJlobobao. 
Biapler. W B. Wbeeler. 

. Uymei, O..Uymu; ^ U 

BInoe ItSO then boTo been eaTeral ' ofwn" and "minor 
touraeyi." with appropriate pruaa. Begioolng wItb'Pi, 
then biTo uiualiy been lire pritee In the efaaaptoaahlp. 
By the preiant nua*. ihe compultorn for tbw champion- 
abip an limited to aliteon. 

Toe oQloen ai^Pmldant, John W. Qriggi; vice do., 
H BtapfbrandJ. H. Mopkon; no 'tnaiL, Jt4in B. Wblie, 
of Potonoo; chairman manaiiara, B. W. Fopo, 

OhOU CBlilBg«i 

ll* Brooklyn 0. 0. uai 

oUod aod, perbapa, docUtve tibante. 

. Jr. iX „. 

obuloe. Then came tbe eiolleoent Mr. D. faced J. 0. 
Tatum and, after what la rpohen of all rouod aa a giaod 
batUa, Mr. T.won. Tbla brongbt Mr. Debnar to a tie 
wlib Mr. Uelma, wbomhe oeit met After another great 
eonteat, Mr. B woo, ao dial It la now lliiJe Uh than cer- 
tain that Mr. Utlmi will again wlo tbo c&anplonatalp of 

tb* premtir club "FrvMOt lodlcatloo* aaya Tkt 

HagUt "aeem to point to a Brooklyo vlutoir, Y. B. a A. va. 
Itothlehim, Pa., Wm. B. Napier bavlnt woa Uie aecood 
Tlctorvforbiaclubvi A Y. Uew , tbe Bethlebeni aecre- 
taiy- Tbia gamOk of only tvonty-ooe morea, wai through- 
out ol a high order, aad aecured for hfm a Tictoryot 
whlobmanj. amaatermiRbtreolproad. The little exnrt 

paaaad bUBlleenth blrtbUayooIyUaimontbr' .Tbe 

balBir-"-' " '-- • - 

Tbe ilataa at lb* Brooklyn 0. 0. uaa uodeniHie a de> 
.Uod aod, perbapa. docUlTo tibante. Mr. Aowalwr'a 
Ramoi ba\-e be*n odlolalty caoeetad, learlDic MTeral 
playera aa poMlble wutsoia. Mr. ilolmar alitfbtly for 

^.jBiarBalminmewMaQP'iopeoIng, but note „ 
bit, Mr. D. havuH tb* attack. It ma to ality morea. 
Tbe four laaden than atood— Belma. 9}6U*iiii Bocamoia, 
B-l; Delmar, BM-aK: Morpby, 8-4...„.Ea«ajd Mymea 

GT* a peripaUUo eihibltloo ai the Brooklyn 0. fl, 16th 
It, meeting, aa U itylo at tb li dnb^ eighteen antagoo- 
lau at louitaeo boardi, gUlog four pain eonaultiog. 
Mr. U. loet two, dnw Are, and woo aoren. UlaTlotora 
wen A. J. SouweliM. wlib a Oenin OmourGunblt, aad 
n. B. tAtnnock, with a B'a Klaucbetu Mr.U offered 
are gambtu, wfonlnir Uine aod dnwbg tero, both the 

latiir balog Beotcb, and ra a pair oooanltleg We 

fully eipett to bearuf M.Morgan'a trlumpbaac rlclory 

In tbe naoklln O 0.,bTBeit week Oar old fHfod 

and cooirlbutor. Loola Uedemaoo, vhllom obaaa editor 
of Tftc Ckttafo rfawr,baawoD ibe cbamploniiblpol Cbl* 

oago. Mr. Joliuon aeoood Oo being applied to for a 

oandldaie to go on the cable match, tJiw Odeanola 

Monptly aent up tbe name of Uoo. Leoo L. lAbaii 

The Bogllab aatoorltleaon the cable match, aa tbo mult 
of tlte methnda nported Uat vaek, haTo leleeled dfteen 
neo Iroui ebom tne elabt actual playan will be tabeo. 

lb* other eeren nmalolng aa aubaUiutei Abroad 

th*n an rumon of maicbea galore, bow maay or what 
ol them will matenaliio oo one can aay. Altheqoad* 
nogular touraey the maaiera wen compUfniDted or a 
giaod laOHnoi at whlcb the orliaawan handed to the 
wtnoeia AiXer that both Laaker and Plllabury went lo 
Moicoe to itU oogageotenM, aod Bielaiiit to niarkoir, 

torueatdcbltfen Tbe Uaailog* and Bt Leonard'a C. 

0. la luahlBg gooerouaoiTinaiid ukugvlgoroui meaa- 
nna Ui aeeura a world 'a cbamplooiblp match, Laak*r va 
Bi*bilia We hopetbelreifonawltl be auccaaiful; If ao, 
ItwiUiheD be tlm**DoaRta logo lBt4id*iaile After 

a loog deh^.aod aa maortliought a droppiogof tbo 
maiiiraltoKetber, tbe"hr11ilaiicy iirue" lo tbe llaitlngi 
loumauaoi baa boon awarded tu Mr. Stilnltt lor bio elec 

trtfyiog game with Pnlberr Too BardilebOD, which our 
readonwill Tlrldly nmoubor. There wen many eandr 
datea, but, forooce, tbencao beoodlewibog voice, 

iBBbnaoUoB Not UblmUoble Bloiwlioro. 

Frtm San FnneUoo Matk ood Drawu. 
Toi CurPkA AiiRDAL lor l&B, larvirand kandaomer 
than erar before, aod fall ol InformaiioD In ragaid to the 
ibeairlcal aod aeortlngeveotaof IflBt. la at hand. Toi 
AK^VALlaof loMilwabl* value aa a book of nfenoce 
record* aod Informatloa In ntailon to all •Tinuof Im- 

Knane* In auua*ra*nt or iportiug 6rcka, ud them an 
loaaadaof uten In Bnglaod aawellaa Amarica wbo 
ImpllclUy nly opoo it for Inforuaiioo ihct eoold not 
eaally b* oiberwla* obialoid, ud eouU, (n fact, b* at a 
great loM lor certain rallableinrbrmaUoa oot woenmble 
eUeebara. The book la admlnbiy catalogaid, aad la 
handooDoly Ulntueied with portalia vt iheamcal and 
aportiog c^brtUea. 

ProaoBU Iu lFa«ol ConpUtoBiw, 

/Vm n<I«)MlM« (Buy.) Fldd. 
TM» Bgw ToaB^Currao kvnvAt ^Mota Im nanai 
i MiMl il u Mi littemof dettiled neoid^tbeMiln: 
gwflog MlMUwbieh, bat for bel3g ao imrdad, would 



Tk* ThUtla* Cany Off Iha Main PtIi«, 
HaahaKaB ■— ToBlian Caplara^ 
III. Chief CBMlaf lea Priia, 

Tha gnDd opes boospell wbtdi commtnced it 
tlwilokoC Uie New York ThltUa Culliig Anocli. 
tioD, lo Dobokea. K. J., on HosdAj, Feti. n, imi 
tbe rtault o( ttii Dnt iU}'b plej In vUcti ivpe*f«d In 
our lAU lone, WBSconUnued ibraagb TuetdAT ind 
WedoMdtj. Tbe aUendiince ol sptcutoi* tacbdij 
lAmo.nndibelnureat nunltcslcd Inlboretuli 
wta deep end abiding. Tblrtyteena eompeiedlnibe 
ngnlerendconwlAtton mitoba,eiid onebnndied 
end niMn cnrltra took pert lo tbe point contnii. 
Tbe conoludlng eonteat In Die reioler nutcb iru 
i<«lweeD Tbiaile No. 2 teem end Minbetun No. z 
ttem, BOd wee loo ooe tided lo potatae Inlerest, the 
Conner Oneilj winning bT e score of 10 to a- Totrt 
b«loi fonr sola o( prtzei foreward to tbe oiemben 
of the fonr lending ttaoie In tbis naiob, Celedonlan 
leema 1 end 3 conunded for tbe ulid set, tno No. 
1 winning bra score ot U to 6. In tbe oonaolailon 
oauli Iba Boipire Clir Ho. i Uta met Yonktre 
iMm No. t, eod Ibia eOOided e stnni coninu lo 
Iba Ooala lo Ibe principal match, lu tbe plaj waa 
cloeaandof tbe most ar.clilog natoie tbtongboui, 
iboYonkenplerennnimetelr wIoDlogbjU to li, 
Iba lesolt being matnlj dne to tbe ana work of Skip 
llobeit Kellock. Ibe rcanlia of tbe flnt section of 
tbe second roond In iha meicb were ta follow: 
BINE NO. 1. 

Tbiltll Club, Naw Vork i;ltT, No S.-UTU On, No. 1 ; 
Qaoii. TunbuUNo. 1: John Mnlr, Ko. 3; John Oiaj, 
akio. Tola), 10. 

Jotaor Clip Club. Naw Janor. No. Z.-«iirlH 8. Ed. 
wiida, No.l; JohnT.Eawudl No.l:Wllllui J.SUran^ 
Na. S; WUIUm D. Ednrd^ ahlp. Tolal, IS. 


CoMonlu Club. Hon York Olir. No. )— HobailAtcbl. 
bald. No 1: JoboMalhar.No. S; John Tamplaton. No.3; 
DuM NoEaamu, akip. TouL 19. , ,. . . 

Eopln Oltr OInb, Naw York Oltp, No. I — Jobo Sollaro. 
Na. I; Oaorpo Pnilar, No. 3; Jimea P. Conlap, No. 3; 
Alaiudar rfuwall, akU JotiL^l. 

Cdadooltn Olub, Nov Ynrk Clip. Na l.-«IIIIim Alclil 
bald. No. 1; Harrp Archlbild, No. 2; Thonui P. Archl- 
bild;No.9:baTld Poalli,alo. TolAl, 14. 

TbIitlaClub, Naw Tom CItp, No. I.— Alasindcr NcKar. 
No. 1; Thonua Portaoun, No. 2; Tbomei Wiuoo, No. 9; 
Bobalt Loudan, aip. Toul, 11. 


Lone blind Clip Club, Now York. No. 9 ~Wnltar Low, 
No. I: Jamaa Morrlaoo, No. 9; WlllUm Duncan, No. 3; 
DiTld WripbmUp. Total, 11. _ 

Tblaila Olub. Haw York Ullp. No I.— Thoraia McKar, 
No. 1: John Wall, No. 3; Yliooiia Vail, No. 9; Boban 
Ludar, akIp. Totil, 17. 

BINE NO. 8. 

YoDkanClob. Naw York, No. 1.— Tbomtl Wlalap, No. 1; 
Jaiaph Brown, No. 3; Jamaa Blawirt, No. 3; Qaome Col* 
qubooo, abtp. Total, 17. 

KawarfcClub, NawJaraap. No Aleiandar Birr, No. 
i; Vllllao Vainook, No. 3: Edwiid lotcham, No. 3; 
Uaort«Thontoo,Bhlp. Tati],14. 

WNK NO. «. 

Lode lalud rltp Club, No. 1 — John Monmaar. No. 1 ; 
WllUim Sail*. No. I: Ooldon Oould, No. 91 Alaiudar 
Mania, aklp. TOttL 11. J 

Nanirk Club, Now Jaiwp, No. I.-J. Biild, Nu. l; 
Jimaa McLarao, No. 3; Jimaa AndoTSoo, No. 9; Uiiry 
]fwaa7,aklp. TotlLlB 

Tliaraaultaln tha aaoond aacUonorihoaaooodroondor 
Iha laBuUr milch war* aa follow: 
BINE NO. 1. 

SLAndnw'a Club, Naw York Oltr, 
Ewao, No. 1 : Jimaa Ndilllu, No. 3; Inilrew OUUu, Ni>. 
9: Pruk Dpkei, ahip. Total, t 

John O'Oiou Club, Naw York Oltp, No. L-Dartd Wair, 
No. 1; JohoNltchalLNo.l; Oaona Bala, No. 9; Ilulal 
■cEaaUlUaklp. Total, SB 


Joraer Ollp Olub, Naw JarMP, No. L-JuiM Wrls'il. 
Na. 1; Roban A. MclDlgbL No. >; Edwaid J. Edwtida. 
No. 9; Jimaa H. Blareoa, aklp. Total, la 
KulialUn Club. Naw Yorlr dtp. No. 3.— Bujimlu 
.. . " * WilliiinBwwiit,No. 

looea. No. 1: Wllllun MoKap, No.l; VI 
; Dirld 0. koiTlaon, aklp. TataL 19. 

Tha roaolu hi Iba tolnl roond of iha nguUr mitcli 
ware u follow: 

BINE NO. 1. 

JaiMP Oltp Olub, Naw Jaraop, No. 3-Charlia8. Ed- 
wuda. No. T; John T Edwuda, No. t; Wllllim J. Star. 
aiH, No. 9: William D. Edwaida akIo. TalnLIS. 

ThIillaClub, Naw York Oltp, No. t-Alaiandsr McKar, 
Na 1; Tbomu Fortoana, Ho. 3; Tbomaa Wition, No. 3; 
Robatt Loodao, aklp. Total, IS. 

SINK NO. 3. 

Toohan Olub. Naw York. No. 1.— Tbomu Wlilap, No. 1; 
Joaoph Brown, Na 3: Jamea Blowirt, Na 3; Qoors* Col* 
f lohonn. aklp. Total. 9. 

Caladoolu Club. New Yoik Ollr, Ka l-Rob«n Archl. 
bald. No. I; JobnBlalkar, Na 3; John Tamplaton, No. 3; 
Dulal W. McEaamia, aklp. Toul, 11. 

BINK NO. 9. 

Nawark Olob. New Jarwp, No. 1.— fokn Bold. Na 1; 
Jamaa MeLlnn, No. 3; Jamaa AndarMO, No, 3; Uirrp 
Mouap, .kip Tolil.3. 

Caladonlu ClubTNaw York dtp, No.l.-«Ullam Archl. 
baU.Nal: narTTAicblbald. No. I: Tbamu Artblbild, 
NaS; Oarld Foulla, ahlD. Total, S. • 
BINE No. 4. 

John O'OmtClob. Naw York Clip, Ko.l.-Darld Walr, 
No 1; John Mluhall. No. ]; Ooorfa Iato,Na3; Dulal 
McEaaklU, aklp. Toul, 7. 

Mubauu Ula^ Naw York CItp. Ma. 3.— BuJimlu 
Jonaa Na 1; Wllllun MoKar, Na 3: WUllim Blawan, 
Na a; DiTld a. HoiTlion, aklp. Total U, 

Tbo raaulia to iba Uat half of tha ami aaetloo of tha Brat 
roind of tha eoniolaUoo nuilob warn aa fallow: 

Wilkoabam Clab, Foniarlrula No. I.— Oaorpa N. 
Mllchall, Na I: Thomu a Paikar. Na 1; John 0. Dodd, 
NaS; Tbomu M.amhaiD.akip. Total, IL 

81. Andrew'a Club. New York Uitr, Na 3— John A Ban. 
nia. Ho. 1: JamarBuaaall, Na 3; John LeiUa, Na 3; 
Oaonm Tellar, ablp. Total. U). 


Tonkan Club, Naw York, No. 1— Bobart L. BUwart, 
Na 1; Chirlaa L. Tbomu. Na 1; JimM I.. KaUock, Na 3; 
Bobart EalkKk. aklp. Toul, 38. 

Nuhauu Oliab, New York Clip, Ho. I.-Bohart Mc 
WUIIims No. 1: Oaorea L. Addlaon, Ho.l; Waltai Ball, 
Na 8; Tbomu U. Poid. aklp. Total, 10 

BL Aodrak'a Olub, Naw York CItp, Ha.9.^ohn D. Mc. 
DonaU, No. 1 ; William H. Smilb, Ka 3; Babart Bllhl, Na 
3; niomuNleholaon,lbla Total 10. 

Etcalalor Olub, Long lalud Oltp.— Jimw CamaiDn. 
Na 1: Robert Wiuon. Na 3; WUllam Clapton, No. 9; 
Dlrld Kip, aklp. Pnifaltad. 

Mubatiu Olub, New York CItp, Na L— IbomaaWal* 
Ilea, aklp, drew a bra 

The loaulla In tLo second nuod ot lii« ooniolatloo 
match wen u follow : 


■uhatlu Olub, New York CItp, No. l.-Jobn Jiak, No. 

" ^Id aalluipne, Na 3; 

ipi TouLS. 

John O'Ofoat Club, New York Clip, Ka AJaiander 

1: Qeorpa McGraior, No. 3; Darl 
Tbomu WalUco, aklp. _Tota1,8. 

Bwuloa, No 1; Jamea Batherland, )to. 8; John Men' 
bua,No.9; Juii«WaUr>.lkla Total, 30. 

BINK. NO. 3 

Yontin ClnbiNaw York, No. 3.— Bobart L. BUwtrt, No. 
I; Cbirlaa L. Tbomaa. No. 3; Jimea Eelloak, No. 3: 
Bobart Eallook, aklp. Toul, IS. 

Loot lalud01tr(llub.NlwYork,No.t-DaTldSchulU, 
Ha I: niuiam llolhlajoho, Na 3; Jokn BatlOen, (Ia9; 
John Blaaett, ahlp. TouL A 

BINK NO. a. 

Empire Oltr Olub, Now York Oltp, Na 1-Wllllim Hu- 
well. No. 1 : Edwaid Uuahia, No. 3; Oaoii. Lolhlu, No. 
9; Joaaph CannalL aklp. Tatal, IS. 

Wllkeabitro Club. Pannirlruli, No I.-Oea N. Hitch. 
alLNa l;TboniuO. Parker, Na 3; Jokn O. Dodd, Ha 3; 
Thomu M.Unliam, aklp. TouL 7. 

6L ADdrew'a Olub, Haw York Oily, Na 1— Thoa NIcbol- 
eon. aklp. Drew a ^a 

Tbe niraluol iba foniih round In the iWBUlar Bulcb 
war* u follow: 


Hinhatlu Club, Hew York dtp, Na 3— Beajemin 
Jooea,Nal:WlUlimMcKip. No.3:WllUam Blawiit,Na 
8;0arl4n.MotTlaao.aklp. Toul, |4. 

OOadoolu Olubk New Vaik nilp. Ho. l.-WIUlam Aichl. 
bald. Ho. 1: Burr ArchlbaM, No. 3; Thamia P. AnklbiM, 
Na9; OiTbl Youlli, ■'^fj,^^- ^ 

TbIaUa Olob, New Vert dtp, Na I.— Aluaodar MeEap, 
No. 1; Tbomu Port«ul, Ko. 3; TbomaaWilion,No.8; 

bald. Ho. I: John 8u har.KaS; JohDTamplet«n.Na9; 
Dulal McKaamaa. aklp. Toul 8. 

Tbo rwoh or Iba flnnl nuod In Ihe toBolar mitcb wu 
urollowa: BINE HO. 1. 

Muhitun rtnb. Now York CItr. Na 9.— Baajamhi 
Joaaa No 1: William McEip. Na SlVllUira SUwut, No 
3; Dirld O. Morrlaoo. aklp. TotaL t 

Tblaila Olob, Mow York Clip, Ko I.— llataader MeEap, 
No. 1: Thorau Portaoo., Ho. 3; ThomMWataon, No. 9; 
Bobart Loudu, ektp. TouL 20. 

Tberwaoltol thacontoat for the ihlidprlio la Iha retu* 
lir much wu u foUowi: 


Ciladoolu Olub. Naw Yoik Clip. Ho. I.— WlUlam Archl. 
bald. Ho. 1 : Birrp Archibald, No. 3: Thomal P. Archibald. 
Ha9:DaTldPoulla,atlp. ToUL It. 

Olidoolu ClubTNaw York Clip, No.X.-Ilobert Alchl- 
biU, Hn. 1: JoboBulkar, Ha3; John Tamplaton, No 3: 
l>aBliIHcXaamlB.ahlp. TotiLB 

Tbarwoluof the third round In tbe conaolilion match 
wen u follow; 


EaolreOllpClab,NawVork«ltp,No.E-WlUIasl Mu. 
walL No. 1; Edwaid llanh.a Mo.3: Oooin Lothian, No. 9; 
Joaaph Couoall iklp. TOUL 18. 

8L Aodrow'a Olub, New Tork Clip, No. i— John D. Mo- 
Doaild.Nal: WlUlim H. Bmllh. NaS: Bobart BDlo, Ko. 
9; Thomu NIcbolaon, ahlp. Total, U 

Yankeri niub. Naw York, Ka L— Bobera L. BUwilt. No. 
1 ; Chirlaa L. Tbomu, No. 3; Jimae EeUock, No. 8; Rob. 
art Ealmak. aklp. Tout, 11. — ~. 

John O'flmi Club, New Tork CItp. KaE— Alaiander 
Swuaaa, Na 1; Jamas Bulharlud, Wa 1; Jaha Mor^ 
b«ad.Ho.3: JamMWluia,aklp. Totid,9. 

Tboiuultorth.anil nnnd la Ibe ccawletkB match 

. _ EINB NO 1. 

Bapli, dtp CInbL Naw Tork dir, R».a.-Wimam Mu. 
wall Hal: Bdwari Baibaa Na 3; OMna LotkUa, Ma 
3; Joaaph OooaalLahlp. Total, 1 A 

TaabenOlibk Haw folk, Na S.-lobertL. ilawnn,Ma 

Febbuabt 29. 



la lb* polDl DUeb ibara >•!• ol» prim tiStti, ih* 
nuilnumorpDlBUtolDm. Tlw slgatn loiiaw ■ 

e» 0.1 ..t. Aib.>, car. SS^ SIL^'ii; Nf.!!t„X'Sii,.'""'S.*"*"- 

A. Of «.nm g.™ b«„'^ oh'cL ..d ^fc "^."^frct.V ^li"^»li'"i5J'i 
b*DT CI17 OarllDg Olnbg, tbree tlnks ucb, wu PMUTtlto or ifsowklii. Tbiiuutr, bowtn^wtU 
pl*7e<l It tlie TtaUUa Rlok, In UIIm, N. Y., on »« SS.^K'!' «• n««U«ir WM 

HlniilDC. BtlOTwaflrottaaacoRiliifQU: I <»ll«<> l*»del«g.ueU)otSr"'n»eOTiil"uonTO 

rafhml ud tt« foiiovlDR OuncUl coqiIiiIou were 
mpoaedOD IWclnbineiiibtn: B«ob c)nl> la 10 d» 
Inlo tbttmnr/oC iba leamie luoon or btftJJ 
April 1 uhHIowa: Feb. u, OtBt tniuUineiit oC UO. 
o( vblcli l> to b« ttaid for uuoia) pnuc: 
UOD, and iba balanca to go tomrJa tbo 
anniul doet; Harcb I, iloo, o( wblob |H aa 



-IU«>1». AmiWOON-BINE Ko. 1. „,„ 
S-iti.™"- A.T.Wbllloi, 

a. w. rtf DO, r. m. CftM«r 

f"''*i'A_, w, r.i;Si!i"' 

JusH MeCr»lle.ibl)>. . . .. e A. 0. bllibuiT, >llp .... 

niNK No S. 

2!!!^5?«°'' BotKrtBGrdi. 
WlUUm Daj, B. U Moowo, 

A. A. HeMonar. j. r. ctUtr 
AodnwMoMomr.thlp.. 10 J. B. Bait«r. iklo. 

8. B. Miliar Jr., w, K. Rairtr. 

J.UilUlrit. H.I.Job.,o£ 
BaDjtiDio Oothria, 0. B, Brown 

W. B. Elmandorf, allp.... 7 J. E. MeLotiiibllD, ulp.. 

ToUl SB TouL- 


B. A. Alias, J.ATanll, 
9- HJ^?' E. L. Kaotoa. 
'•J'<'?adla. A.n.salliboiT. 

3. MeUaK, iklp > o. B. Alko, >ilp 

,.,.„ » "O- '■ 

2 'J*" 5?^ ^- "arraj, 

WUUam Dar, H. I. Jobgiao, 

A. A. Ifeauirar. 3. B MoLouablta. 

A. MaM onar. ■kip.. . .. . . B 0. 8. Browi illlf. 

S.B.UIUarJr, w!"w: Fowhr. 

J. OoUirla. T. r. Molaeraw. 

B. aaibria, j. r. Baitar 
V.B.BIoiaDdorr.*klp....ll A.H.Huommi, Rklp 

baUDca (or uilonal pioltcdoD, |3J tor anoaa 
K2, iprf ?■■«•; •'arcs «, luarantta 

(Qod, |2W, ud ApHI I, for aama (and, flM. Tba 

i7°J*',^ '.f '» Ui»t ma 

clab wlU U« cp to lla raleaandpUTODitbaaM- 
BCD'* Hbcdole. Tbe IMO U to tM dtpotlled In a 
Inut oompM/ In aioh citr and a caitlOedobeok (or 
Bane (orwardad to tbt inaanitr ot Iba laant. Tbe 
qDaailon of (uaimotM tben cama np, and, aner con- 
aldeisble dficntaloD, II waa raaolrtd 10 Irj rorono 
mnnib a goaraniea mtd at t(0, wlih Iba txoaptloii 
of bolldaji. vtaio Iba rlalllDg dab wiu rtcalra ta 
•fiS""' •^Blaalona- In tbe evantor imin Ibo 
vlalttsi clob will raccire »», wblcb will be de- 
ducted rnm lla abara In cate tbe gain< la plajed 
oir. Anar toaa ranbcr general dlicuaalon Urn 
meetug wai adjountd, to rcconTene rab. 27, ai 
iMcaatar, tt, 

I m i 

UsBagar IrwlB*aTwoTaRBaa« 
Kanagar irtbor Irwin and a majoritr o( Iba pla; 
en o( Iba New York CInb will Inva ibis cllr Hareb 
3 (or JacksonrlUe, Fla., wbtie Iker wUl spend a 
DtonUi in pre|>ar1ng tbemaalvea (or tbe coming 
otaamplonablpieagon. UaDagerlrwInbiaanaDiac 
ine DaD Into two teeme and tbey will be pliied 
against eacb outer ererr afternoon, weather par- 
Viu^" I ?>'t>i>l> during ibeir aojoura In tbe Sonlb. Pieal- 

.. • AawSbirr iblD. II FffeH.iiiMliaa decided lo offer a pilza to ibe 

u.; "IP- " I taamwInolBg Ibo iirealer nomber of gtmea. Tba 

two taama ire well balanced and ibould plaj aama 
Intertatinf gamea togetber. Irwin abonid baTe 
liuia trogbia In picking a winner from Ibese man, 
wbo will be placed aa fouow: 
_riaarTBaa. Poanion. BacoHPTaia. 

roiUrtad Ztaifou ....i'alehin....WII»auil8uabopt 
■{•Hrla. Bona, n;na..Plti:h>ia. Clark, B«in>oor. Kue7 

D.Dirll. rlmBua W.Oaik 

CBBsdm Baata Raw York. S^f.' Th!!5''i2^ 
IbeaonaaleurUng match for ihe TbomBon-aco- Coon»u,'iltii'.V.'.V.V.'.'.Son8l!f.V.'.:.V.'.'.'.V. '.".; ' 
vUleHedol, between leamarepreaenUDgtheToronto, vSTu'Ai;;-- J*? -.-.CaT'iia 


William K^aoi, 
R. A. AlhsD. 
r. 0. Michel. 
J. MoDarf. iklp... 

0. T Ooklea, 
a. aalbriaT 
A. A. McMunvj, 

A. ■"HoiTtr, Blip. 

B. I. Millar Jr., 
VlUlaip Dar, 
B. QuUrrie, 

W. B. EUnaadorr, iklp. 


Oimod total 

31 TWal 


P. L. Jooan, 
A. U.BaUou, 

n. a. BrowD, 

p. J. (TroolD, 


J. B.(!arbarr7. 
J. W. JohDitoa, 
A. U. Monion. 
10 Q.B. Allan, aklp.... 

. I) 


Oraod total.. 


OnL.asd BtiOak>,N. Y, . 

Victoria Rink, la TorontOi on Feb. iB.'and waa for 
tbe twentieth time won bj tbe Oanadlnna. Eacb 
olub waa repieaented br (onr tlnks, and Ibe score 
waa thlnj-Ioor shots In taror ot the borne clob. 

Tbrmio- Ho. 1 autue. 
A. H. Baloaa, j. w«bar, 
W- HodBloi, Dr. e. 0. Pioat, 
U.C. niaaw, P. Raloi, 
W. A. Wliiop, Iklp a p. Koiili7aklp 

.. """t "<>- *■ 

U. Valkar, fl. w. oeaiiogar. 

R. U. flamaroo. U. z*llar, 

U. A. Dniramood, P. plibar. 

Hop. L. M. Joaai, skip. Matiar, aklp 

BIXK Mo. 3. 

Clnba, took place at the I iHT^".'".\:.".\\':^Sii'r\M:: 


diahoud riBLD aossip. 


J. Balo, 

J.B. Baanll, aklp. 

A. B. Cauaroo. 
Ool- Saaor, 
J.ITriifit, Iklp... 


D A. Almai, 
Oao. Hi^ola, 
...19 A. A. Ban<ak,ablp.. 
Ji.n Ko. 4. 

J. Wavlaod. 
J. IJaSaboar, 
D. Foaiar, 
...S7 C. Oolok, aklp 

The Sllnwabarr lea YaiehliineD. 

The third olav pennant of tbe North Bhrewtbair 
Ice Yacht Olnb was sailed for at Red Bank, N, J., 
on Bamrdar afternoon, Feb. 22. Tta weather was 

iBiT), with tbe wind blowing fresh from tbe west- 

ard. Tbe course Isid ont waa tbe old tnangolar 
00a, from a stage In front ot Commodore Uorford's, 
ibence In an asaierlj dlrecUon to and around a 
stake In Onion's Core, then souiherlr to Bojd Oove, 
tben home. TbIs waa to be sailed orer three times, 

making about seven and a half miles altogether, , - ., , „. 

but, owing to tbe wind's direction and necessar/ Uonald, fonr bj Bnrabam, tbree bj Oalrin, two 
ucling, uearlr twelve miles were sailed. Tbe | each bj Huirar, Ljncb, SUge and 0 D», and one 
surtere were Obarles Bard's Zip, Josepb Burrows each lir Long, Andrews, Hunt, Emslls and llnmt. 
Jr.'s, FIjawKj. Edward Asaj^s Uils/ and Prank These Ones and expnislooa weie divided utollnw: 
Pajne's Snowbird. The start waa made at 2.42 TebeauaiidDojiesuirereditartailmaasaohiahnia, 
o'clock, and ihe Zip Inlahed at 3.0«, making ber Kellej ^acd Borkeu twice eacb, and Haok, Me- 
sailing lime Stm., which waa fast considering tbe Cloakej. UcUermoti, Brodle, Ooi«/<mn, Stioob, Jco- 
BOor condltlOQ of the Ice. Dalsr dnlabed at 3.10, niniis, Eslog, Fsrrell, O'Hilen, Vsugban, Obllds, 
tonriDlDates behind the winner, ualsjloat two or Onmiti, IIcOi»w, Burke, Kennedj, O'Connor, M>e- 
three oinntea br as npseL Neliher Pajne'a nor kin. QlasKOckand Davis were punlabedoolv once 
Barrows' jaobt dnlsbed. each dnrlog tbe season. The marka of dlaclplioe 

were disitlbnted itaus: Cleveland, 7: New Ywk, s; 

I<B<a<t SaylBga KBd Dolaga ef Ui> Baaa 
baU FiaUraltir. 

The Hanard Unlvereltr sohadole of games for 
the comIn«saaaon,ls the Urgestever airsnged for a 
Harvard nine, It provides for thlriv-two garaes, 
elahteenofwblcb will be played at Cambfldgr, Han. 
nla aa (nUows: April 13, at Beaton, with a picked 
nine, "Hbitt Wngbt benelt;" lo, open: it, Brock- 
ton, at Brookton: 20, Nevton A. a., at Newton: 21, 
, Bangor, at Cambridge; 23, Pawiuckel, at (kin- 
bndie; 2S, Dirimonib, at Hanover: 2tl, lianmouth, 
I at Cambridge; 2a, Dartmouth, at Cambridge; Uav 
2, wmians, at Wllllamalown; 6, Braao, at Cani- 
bridge; 7, HoljOioas, at Vorceater; 0, rrlnceiop,at 
Princeton; 11, Ambent, at OambrMge; 13, Wil- 
liana, at Cambridge; 10, Cornell, at Ithaca; IB, 
MewtonA. A., at Cambridge; 20, Brown, at Provi- 
dence; 13, Peonsjlvanla, at Fblladslpbla; 27. Am- 
bers', at Amherai; 33, Pennsylvania, at Cambridge: 
30, Prlnceion. at Cambridge; June i, Newton A. A., 
at Mewloi; 3, Brown, at Providence; 0, FennsvlvB' 
nla, at Canbrtdge: 10, Prtncion, at Prlncaioo: 13, 
Oonell, at Oamlirtdge; 11, Orowo, at Cambridge; 
IB, Princelon, at Osmbildge; 20, Oomrll, nentral 
iroondf; 23, Pennprlvania, at Caubtldge; 21 
Prliicetoo, neniral ground. 

N. E. Young, president ot Ihe National League 
and Ameilcan Aiaoclatlon, reporia tbst 12 000 In 
loss WSB paid Into tbe treaiurj o( that organliBllon 
last seaton. So (ar as Ibe record n( Ones and ex- 
pulsions from Ihe gamea an on pnbllc record, ibero 
are known 10 have been thlrtj two dlSennt cases. 
Of Ibese, Bre wen lolllaied by BeUs,rourb; Uo 

Ire Boating Oa tlie HwdaoB* 

Balttmore, (; Bnokljn, t; Loiilaville, 4; ClncinnaU 

Onth."nror.lngoTw«Wng.on-.7uthd".7 ar.ce fliS^SStli to'&f whlo'h Do^lJ"^^^ 

for the chanplaniblpol the Hudson River Ice Yacbt — ■ - ■ 

Cinb wu sailed over a nine mile couiae at rough- 

Klhe new oiUcen or tbe THOoUeglata League, 
elected at a ncent meeiing, an aa follow: R. R. 

uwk part, namelr, tbe Uisiioi, aalled b7 Monnan 
Wright; the Jaok Frost, saUed br Colonel Arable 
Rogen; tbe Bitten, sailed" ' " 
the Horibem Light, sailed I . 
Dragon, tbougb not considered a fast rscbt, won 
the race tbrongh the skilful sailing of CWpUln 
Wright, bcatlog the Jaok Frost, wblcb has held tbe 
olnb pennant for seveni jesn, br two minute*. 
Tbe winning raohfa time was thiriv.flve minutes. 
Tbe Jack Frost anlsbed second and Dllizea third. 

Bolllns, Ambetsi, prealdeni; n: w. Root, wii- 
llama, flret vice president; B. W. Couch, Dart- 

keensle, N- Y., In cold, dear weaiher, and wlib a 
(alnr good wind. Fonr vaobts, allot (be Ont class, 
— .. "nijion, sailed br Monnan 

1 hr'jamM*Bl)rmldl"and I .^i?!^ '"^I^'V^^^ »«»''' »ivi{o\^ 
br Dr. J. 0. Baton. The I f° ™ schedule for the sesaoo Is aa fol- 

Idered a fast rscbt, won I '<""= ^ WlUlama va. Amberat, at Ambeist; 10, 


aecond vice president; R. n. James, Dart- 
secniarr and treaaurer. J. J, Bradv, of 

Two 101 TAOBT Rioia cams off at Rsgtn' Point, 
on the Hudson River, Feb. 20, fiw prizes offered br 
the Hudson River Ice Yacht Club. Tbe flist waa for 
fount! dasa boats, tluee times over a mils and a 
quarter ecnise, ibe distance sailed being abcnt 
eight mllea. It was won br A. Rogera' Ariel, In 3b. 

f "p 'lto%'SS'o!.'.;?nhirt1b*£S°»i'V^'^.j I R^^ 
evMt WM lo??bid cuiJ hS^^ Bavls at third, snotherpenon ears: "Wbr wonld it 

«SL".?dSuUedia'l(S'sn'?;aS™ loMl^ I ?«'J*A9«»?.P^>.P''.'.«?q»"» <5W. ™!"at 

le, Amhentva. Darimoulli,at Hanover; 90, Aotaaifi 
va Wllllsms, at WUllamstoim; 23, 83, Uartmonib 
va Ambeni, at Amherst; 30, Ambent vs. Williams, 
atWUllamstown; Junal, 0, wllllanmvs.Darta>onib, 
atUanoter; 12, 13, Darunooth va. Williams, st WU- 
llamstown;20, 36, Ambentvs- Williams, atWUllams- 

The Mew York Clob has all of Us plaren under 
coninclnow, except Rnale and FWrall, and there 
an few persons who believe lhat tber wlU not be In 
line before tbe beginning ot the ckamplonsblu sea- 
son. It la a matter ofoonjeoinre as to bow the 
team win be made np. Since It waa proposed to 

pen's Norlb Bur, In 4h. 22m. lOs.; John Roosevelt's 
Vlxsns«cond,4b. 23m. Is. Iiwaasspected tbatthe 
tsce for the ohamplonshlp pennant would have been 
aalled during tbe week, but oncks In tbe Ice pre- 
vented It 

short asd Oleason on second, and Oonnaisbton, 
Oeorge Davis and TIersan In the ontOeldt That 
woold leave Banr Davis and Wm. Mark to Oght It 
out tor Irat base." 

Tbe mansaement of the Media (Pa.) team declare 
?!'_'»'!?'«' on Feb. M, when be eatllr Leagn^wlih dubs located at Cnaaier, Ooalesvlile 

PratAblr no oibcr joung plarer has, In ibe aauio 
leng'b of ilnie, gained tbe nnown on the green dia- 
mond ibst Fred C. Osrke, lbs clever nulllrlder of 
Ibe LonUvllle Club, of tbo National Uague and 
American Aasociailon, has. lie wss bora Uci- 3, 
iei2, at U<s Hulnes, la., and learned to plar hall at 
an eaHr age while aliending school at his native 
place. Uo staried on bU |Ho(e»lonsl canerln IBM, 
belore be bad reached bla tweotleih biribdsr, when 
ha Bccenied an engagement with the llaalinn 
(Keb.) Club, lie liegan Iho season of 18S3 wllh Uie 
HI. Josepb Club, or tbe Wesicm l.csBue. and re- 
mained with IIS team uoill June, wbcn tbe league 
diabanded. Manager HcClnsker, who tben bad 
charge o( the Monigomerr team, of ibe Houthen 
League, began negoilallus wllh blm and Onallf ac- 
cepied ols terms. Clarke Onlslilog the saaion aa a 
member of the Montgouierr nine, and be did such 
Urst class work that MiCloaker signed blm for tbe 
saason'of 1SB4. srter Iba former bad been engaged 
lo manage tee aavannab team, of Iho Donihera 
Asaoclallon. Clarke's excellent work wblle wllh 
ilieBavannabsatiracied tbe alienllon of Manager 
Casbnian,of ihe Milwaukee Club, of ibeWeateru 
l«ague, and when the Bontbem Aatociallon dls- 
Uinded, In Jono of that rear, an agent o( the Mil- 
waukee Olub vlBlled Savannah for the PDrpcae of 
■inlDg Clarke, but befon be conid aacceed In hia 
mission tbn LoulavUle Olub, wblcb bad began scgo- 
dailons with Manager McCloaker, capigred Ike 
pla;er. At lhat time be had onira minor league 
experience, and mere waa no telling whether or not 
ke woold be able to bold bis ovu in Ibo najrtr 
league. Us at once Joined Ibe Lonlsvilles. sod 
took pan lo bis Ont game on Ibe home gnunda on 
June BD, against ths PbUsdelpbhi team, who had 

n'ejbing pItcbliiK (<>r Iheui, and bo niarlo a safs hit. 
Including a triple l>agger, eacb of Ibe Ovo ilmea be 
weut 10 the bat, while Ibo real of Ibe Loulillle Iran 
made onlr six nfe biu among ibem. llednUbed 
lbs season wllh Ibo LoiilsvlUo Uuh, laking part In 
serenlr-slx cbaniplunalilp cunlrsta, and doing ox- 
ccedlnglr well; In fact, his work waa of suoh a 
sailsracloir nature lhat he was resrrreit fnr the 
season of IKvs, taking part during that ) car In oiio 
bnodrcd and thlMr two cbaniplnnaLlii gnuiea, and 
lleing Tlernao. of tlie Now Ynrka. rnr sl.vicenili 

RIsce in ibennirlHl hailing avoragrs or Ibo niajor 
isgoi*, wllh a uercentage of .3M. It was ilurlug 
Ibia campaign that be gained bla great reniiwn aaa 
baisman, base ruuner and fleldrr, ami hail the 
proud difliloclloii of liecoming what la kniiwn lu 
liasehall parlance aa a lio.floo plarrr. hi ulnar 
words, tbst amount lias been uiTarod rtir hli reloAM, 
but so fsrlhe LnuUvllle Cliih baa dei:lliiril in part 
with hlin at but price, lHi:Aua« ho will pnivn a 
great drawing card to It, aa he has lieen nnn of tka 
beat adveri Is- dpiajrrlo Iho pm(psalnn all retlnrlri^e 
of tbe paat season. Aiiiohg aoiiin nf hla iiniewnitbr 
feala In Oddlnir and Inning, can l>e nuntlnned Mit 
accrpllng all of twelve ot'sncea In Irfi Held, In Ihe 
twoBamrapUrait Julr 4. IMil. si t/iula>llle. apalost 
tbe Balllmorea In iho three games aginai the Cht 
csaoa, April 23. 24. 2B. irat. at Uulavllle, hn wa. 
endued Willi making len safo klis. Thsn. on Jiim 
3, same rear, at WashliistuD, be made a ssfe hit, In- 
ulndlnga double liAsger. each of the (ourlliii'8 lie 
went to Ibe Iwl In the flrai nf the two aiiracs 
pU.ved on the attamoon of Juir ao. at l.oiilavlUe, 
aralnst Ibe New Ynrka. ho was credlied wllh cap 
taring cighl nr halls In left Held, some r,rihehil«iii 
nade of what appeand like lungtafohlis. 

bair, coveiisg ths distance Ui om. 3s., according to 
the timers. 

TBI (anor skating championship ot Cuiada was 

eontsnded for at Montreal, Feb. 13, beUig conllned 
to local men, and Moss* Rnbenslein winning, wlib 
J. Dnmaa second. Bcore, «tj< 10 Wj poUta. 

Tub aninai oooaai.'ra Haanita at Pormbp. orat Llrar- 
pool. Bog-, eommaocod on Pab. 19. widi thlnf-l«o 
drawa tha brorlloa balos Tboostitlaaa Baaalp (last 
Paara wlaoorl, Pabulooa Korluoa aod Portuoa Pavaale, 
ulorabldi ivrrlrad tha opamnr noad. Tha bouloa 1 
than raM at • 10 3 aaalnal TbouBbl'aaa Baanlp. S to 3 
acalnat Pabaloaa PnrtoDe, and S u> I axaloat PorUQa 
Pavaola. Tteaa tbrao alan aorrlrad tko aacood roond. 
Id tha third roood. 00 so. tha lattor waa baalao. the aar- 
vlTora of thoroaod bolDC TlioiijibUaaa Baaatr. Pabaloaa 
woi^oa, Ulopia. Blroooka, Jasvaniaat. MeUomoor, 
WollblU aad Waatharalaa. TliouBbUaaa Baautr, Patau- 
Joaa Portana. Utopia and WolOilll aorrUad tbe osil 
Toand. when lha battloB waaS 10 4 asalaal Pabolooa Por- 
taBa. 4u 1 agaloat ThouBbUoaa Baaalp.Sro I agaloat 
Utopia, aad 10 10 1 af alan Wollblll. lo Uia SlUi raaad, 
oDfl,PalralaaaPoruso boat Uupla,aD<l WollliUI beat 
tbonafaUaaaB«4Dtr. ThaOoa] renod waa voa bp Pabn- 
Mas Portaot^ thus capturloa tba Waterloo Cap, 

A Piosoiv SOOOTIKU VAVCR botwaao Joho L. Braver 
ud PiankClaaa, ooahoodrsd blidatach, rarglOlaslda. 
■rawer ataadlosal IblnrUirao laidiaodhlaoppoaanl 
aitbbtp tarda, waadtcldad ai Daitar Park, Loni Iiluid. 
Pab.ll. OUia won wlUi aata,klllloaaareaiy.rearbllda 
to Bravar'a alair all. A ainng noilhvaal wind was 
blowlnffdarloglba abooL 

A HiiVB taoov at plfaoga boivaan D. 0. Brailaa. o( 
Baavar fkUa. aad W.8.CaooD. or Naw Ou,N.J,aaeb 
Baa to aaa but ooa aim, cams off at Baavar, Pa., on Waab- 
L',!!!? 1 Bbibdap. Tbo aukaa wan tsoo. aodaach maa 
klUad alalpev* ont or nloalpslabtblrilalkalaachabot 

(R. 1 1 nbie some ume In April 
The flarera of the Boston team will go to Obar- 
lotiesvUe, Va., on March 23. and will remain ihcre 
for about two weeks, pnnarlsg Ihenuelvea for the 
championship stnifgle. The roUowing sobedule of 
eihlbilkin games nas been amngnl for them: 
April s, S, at NorfoUr, Va.; 7, at Foriamontti, Va. ; a. 
at Rlcbmond, Va.; 10, Princeton College nine at 
Princeun, N. J.; 11, at Bridgeport, Ct.; 19. Ilatrr 
Wrigbt Dar, at Derbr, CL; 14, Wealsran College 
team, at Mlddletown, Ct., and 16, at Bptlngdeld, 

Manager Uanlon, of Ihe Baltimore taam, has coo- 
pleied smngemenis for gamea with tbe New Haven 
team, o( the AUantlc Aaaoolalion, for April 11, at 
Baltimore, and tha Brnonae nine, ot Ibe Eastern 
Uagus, for April IB, 14, at Balllaon, Md. 

Thomaa F. Boras, of the New York team, It Is 
nid, Is wanted br several minor lesgne clnba to 
plav Hist baas and cantsin the nine. He would 
make a sood man for Manager Ellis' Newark team, 
of the AUantlo Aaaoclallon. 

Ban D. Johnson, president of the Western League, 
In answer to Ihe qnesilon, "You will not denr that 
some control must be neceaair bi order to have 
nnlir hi basahaui" said: "I don't Uke a stand of 
ihatklnd, I know how much ths National League 
and ABMrican Association haa been to baseball Jnst 
as well as ths next man. What I want la more- 
enuaUlr. The Weatern League has passed the stags 
where It should be considered a minor leagne. Ills 
notMpertmental;ltdoea nothave to depend npoik 
develOMng plsreta and aelllog Ibem to aa; In bud- 
neos; lllsa Bntclasaorganlzallon.andsbonldnavs 

at, aad la ihooUnii off at laaoii Iro birda aadii^m I Id* cosalderatlon tbst such sa ofganlcallon war- 
wonwilbaaeoraoflStoU. I nnla." 

?^'?!lT?.l'.'*tplab of Anarlu bald lu aooaaleke- | Fetar Oonsor, aged twenlr-llve r<an, a minor 

, „_„ Hone 

aserateip aad traaaonr, W. D. Braratoa. 

TBS ABarieaa gaaaol Olnb last vaak abetad Ibaaa 
SSS**' "*™ *»*' Aanst Balmaatj visa pnaKaat, a. 
■rooks; ssoatarr aad tnaastar.A.l'.Tndaaban. 

Fiaritet Tonng, of tfee majcr league, kat been 
Baked to nmplis tha gaae between marans and 
OBCtaaatla on "Hatrr Wrigm Usf," April It, at 

Vana;er Uanlon, of the BalUmon team. In ex- 
plaining bow he came 10 Invite Uotletn BaUlninre, 
recenUraald: "It waa simpir Ihia, I spoke to Un;le 
about coming 10 BalUmore when In Now York aliha 
lime I mads the ttade with Prealdent Pnedraas of 
Uia New York Olub, bv wbloh I exchanged Uleason 
(or Dorle. At that lime Dofle asaured Treasurer 
Von der llont and mjacK that he would be verr 
glad. Indeed, to coma ben, and wanted the trade 
msde pnbllo because, he said. It w< uid gnillr hIa 
friendaat Uls home, at Uolroka. Msas. Some weeks 
later I sent him a blank contract and received a 
leuer In repir Inclosing the contnot unsigned 
br Dorle, aajlng that he thought tba mauer 
over and had come to tba conclusion that he bad 
bettor nol come to Ualilmore. Ills reason waa Ibal 
he suppnaed be would be dislasieful to some of 
ths Balilmora plaren and to the Daltlmore public, 
and he seemed so oonrlnced of ihls tbst I de- 
cided to canr ont tbe sngsesUon of McOmw 
and InvUe Dorle to come down hen to ahow 
hini be wsa mUtaken In bis Ideas of how he 
would be rsclved hero. I bellere bs Is nnw con- 
vinced Ibal be will be well treated hr ihe plajen 
and lbs puhllo from what be has seeu while hen r«- 
cenilr- I will give him everr opportunliv to aailsfr 
blmseK on tbst matter, and let nim decide for blin- 
sdt before ssklng him to sign aconlmct. I have 
no appreheoslons about him now. In (act I have 
not doubted from lbs flrat that be woold be In line 
when wanted." 

Fortr condldaloa for the Princeton nine havs re- 
ported forpncUce In tbecanon tbe couege grounds. 
J( course onir tbe best of these will beitialnedat 
prmcUce, aa the management baa decided to devote 
this month to "weeding nut" the Inferior men. In 
tbemeaniime thevelennsof laat rear's team will 
conOns ibslr work hi light exercise 10 ths g;m- 
naelum. The coachen have entered upon tbe wore 
of bonding up a tcaui from the old material wlib a 
eptrit which augun well for success. Fonr of ths 
vacaodra on Ihe team can be Ulled, but aa r<t 
no effective catcher baa been found, lo view of ihe 
dinicnilr anticpated at Ihia point, Maosger KllloU 
haa Instructed "Blllr " Karie, the prolesalonal coach, 
to coEdne his attention to tbe candidaira (or this 
poaliloo. Tllns, ts, and Smith, tli are the oust 
promlsInB men enllslsd for catcbeni, hut liolb are 
considered far below the standard. Smith has bad 
far mon eipsrience, bnt la handicapped bv a weak 
ahouliler, wnlch wlU locapacllaie blm for some 
time. How that the fnsbmao class haa rirluaUr 
failed to fnnlah anr valuable men, tba ultimate 
make up of the taam map be more readllr seen. 
Alunan. Eaaton, Wllaon and Jorce will do Ihe pitch- 
Ing, and It Is safe to aar that no other college will 
hessr bailer Rpresentsd In ihst position. These 
men nave protled bp several reara' experience on 
the team, and the undergraduates are baslog their 
hopes of recovering Ihe college cbampkinablp upon 

President Ilan, of tbe Chicago CInb, Is oppoaed to 
lbs double umpln sralem. and annouscea that ha 
will vole sgaUial the plan If It la brougbt op In Ibe 
meeting, which Is being held this week In this citr- 
us also sara that hs sdvocates the ruling off ths 
coachen when ths latter become bolalenua. Ills 
Idea Is for esch tsau to annonnce lla coachem be- 
fore lbs game— two of them— and tbeae men and no 
one else areto be allowed on tbe coaching llDea. if 
ellher la ruled off 00 one can be appohited tn take 
hit place. I( both meat lhat (ale lbs team must 
plar the game without anr cuacbem Tbeae coach- 
en mar 00 plarera engaged lo the game or not, as 
lbs csptali a choose, but ibar ninat be In uslforu. 

Tbe Onuge Athletic Onb Is makbig great pre- 
paraUons fnr the approaching ssason. It wUl have 
aa strong a team Ibia rear aa It bad laat aeaaoo, aod 
bu arranged an attractive acbedula of gamea to lie 
piaped at Onnge Oral. N. i., which Is aa follows: 
iiprll 2>, Princeton College team;Ma}0, Yals L'nI- 
▼eralir; lO. Wealerao; 22. Cblcago A, 0.; Jons 0, 
Aohnist; 13. Newport A. 0.: 30, Princeton; 71, Cnban 
Ulsnis; AOS. 23, Cuban Olania; BepL i, Cuban 
Olaota: 20, (Juban Ulsnia. 

Oharler Fanell, for aoms cauaa beat known to 
hlmacir, kaa refused u> sign a New Ynik Clob coo- 
tnol for ths coming saaaon. Farvell, of all the 
club's plarera, ahonld be the last one 10 rebel, as hs 
was treated In a veiT liberal manner lest rsar by 
Iks club olBclals,piobablrb«U«r than ths drooB- 
(laooes mnaated. 

Bergen Field Is tbe name given the new tall 
grounds at Jerarrcnr, N. J. If Ihe preaeni p'am 
are carried out that clir will hare one r*f ilie Hiii-al 
aUiletIo Delda in this CI iinirr- Tbe grouiirla are lo- 
cated at Waat Bergen, near Cumniunipaw Avroue, 
and will be east 01 acreaa,as aoveral (roller Hofi 
and railroads paw iirar lip. It la asidlnlieiinlr 
iwentr-hre lulbutea'ride (rum ihladtr- It la pro- 
posed tn erect a gmnd s' and with a aeailngoipac- 
Itr (or two tboiiaand penotia, wblle Ihe open stall 
will accommodate three IbuuiaDd more. Tlieaizs 
o( tbe entire Held win lie three hundred and (oiir 
Ore (eet wide bv six hundred long- Ths dlsmond 
sill be located In (nnt a( the innd aiaml. Uaaldea 
baaeball tha Held will lie arranged for ths uaa o( 
othsr oubloor sports, such as sthleiio conlests. fout- 
tall, 'crding and lawn tennis, it will liave a i|uar- 
lermllolnck (or wbrolmen and a bimdreiMsrd* 
tirslgniawav for fool races. No eiprnse will i< 
spared In the laring out of the ffmundasndtla 
erecilon of the stands and other bulldloga. 

Presldrnt Brush, nf (he CInclnnstI Oluli. said In a 
re^^ent Interview: "(do not think thstanp verr Irs 
poriant changea will i>e made lu the nlsrlpg rules 
St this meeting. In a gams wben there are ai 
manr changea as In t>aaeball, and tbe necasslif nf 
baring a rule tor everr poaalble cbsngs and pnlst 
of plav, It la alwajs esar tododopportunllies f(r 
smenilmenis to the rules. Tbe proceas of chsnie 
bas been going on for so maiir jeara, and alwaja In 
one dirccilon— that Is, alwaja In the direction if 
trrlog to Improre Ihe game and Iheroiidlllrinaaw 
rounding It— that aa thsr nnw stand tberaenni lu 
have reached nearir. If notqiillc, the acme of per 
fecUon. Of course, there are dsbatabia poiiila In 
manr of tbn rales, but In sll esaentlsl snrt lRip«>n 
ant boaringH the prepnnderanre o( evidanco asd 
opinion seem lo rest wlib conditions aa Ihep now 
ate, Uauallr the Comminee on Rulee haalnrltiil 
snggasUons o( change (ram tha varinua club maa 
sgenienis, hut 1 have heard nolhlog of ihe sort I bla 
jesr, and I lu(er Ibal tbe couuulileecumtemplatra 
no radical ohantea.i' 

There will lie more aollvHr In baaeliall aifalra ckia 
week than hu laken place during snv simtlar 
period since lha annual meeiing last Fall. Tbis 
will be a week o( meallnga. Tbe Naiional Lesine 
and American Aaaoclallon wsa lo aesaWin for iku 
purpose of adopting a achcduie o( games (or tbe 
coming seaaon, heslde attending to olbrr nisitara 
of Imporiance, when we went i» preas. Tbn Aiian- 
llo Association and batem League will follnw wUh 
Iheir schedule meellogs, Besides there are lie 
Western League and AasiiclaUon, New Knglasd. 
Psnnsrlrsnla Biste, Soulhern.TexaaHoulhrm asd 
msnr other minor ieagoes, wblrh have acheduleauf 
gsmes to be amoged. The Virginia Mate League 
la the Brat orgaulxallon Ui couipleie lis cbamplon- 
ablp schedule of datea. Two aeries of gaoirs will be 
pisred for the pennant. Tns llrst aeries will end on 
JuIr I, and lbs second on Sspt. 16. From Ibb ou( 
there should he no lack o( Inlercstlog nsws in iiaao- 
ballmauen. Even wblle Ibe magnaiaa are now at 
workadopllnga aulrahle schedule o( games lu lie 
piaped during Ihe approaching campaign, lbs man- 
agaresn bnapgetilng logelhcr tbeir men (or Boulh- 
trips. snd be(«re lbs close ot annibrr mooib ilie 
plaren wlU i>e bard at work preparing Ikemaelrea 
tor tbe championship race. 
Mansger Irwin, of lbs New York team, has cntn- 

{ilelcd lha following schedule of exhibitliin laaies 
0 be plared after the team reloma from lha Bi*Bib: 
April 4. Jaapera, of Manbalian Oillege, at Ibe hilu 
Uiouods, Ibis cllr; B. Ihe New Yorss and Jenrr 
Cllpa will open the new grounda of tbelailcr st Jr-r- 
espUlr; 7, Brncuae at Polo Grounds; a.Jsrser (It; 
at Polo Orounds: I, Brockton at Polo Urouoda; 10, 
Pawtockal at Polo Urouod*: ll.FrtnceUioCollenBi 
Polo Qronnds; 13, llsrrr Wrtgh' Dar, terser vlf r at 
Piilo Orounds; 14, Yale Uulraisllr ai ruluOrouada 
TbIs la pnbablr Ihe most Intercaiing achedula of 
exhibition gamea aver anaoged fur Ihe New York 
leam and anoold cerialnlp nvat wlih auccess. 

A Cleveland enthualaat offered some time sir> 10 
wager IHO against |2S0 tbst lbs Cleveland tram 
would be plailug Bundar gamea before ibe leiaiin 
was four waela old, and, at last accounls, no laki n 
had put In an appearance. 

Jamea B. McDonald, who oKlclaled laat rear sa a 
major isagoe nmpln, has bean appolnlsd to Oil lbs 
same posBllon In ibsWestsm Leans dorlsgths 
comlsf saasoo br Prsddeal Ban & JohnaoD. 

W. (1. Bsnmls,or Br<icklrD,la verj enihntlsstio 
over the spprosching ohamploiMhlp seawin, and 
Bliss voice 10 hlarlewa Ui tbs folluwiogmsnner: 
■■ (be praspeou for a sucoessful season were never 
so bright as ihrr are Ihls jtar. Kvcrrbodr on this 
sidoot tbe brioge seems to be laking an Iniercsl la 
baseball. Yes, llrookirn Is all tigbl. We are solng 
tubave a areal team Ihbi rssr, and should oa up 
BBOog Ihe leaden all through lbs race. Oonlreota 
bsve heon ariit to the nla)cni. and nearir all ot 
thrm have napondrd In lha inoat obeeilBg manosr. 
Tka man aeeni anxious for Ibe liatlle lo begin, and 
aome of Ibem will report In good shape, while all ot 
tben will lie In ibo beat of trim after thsir Itip 
Boiilh. Tbe pisrera will go loCbarlolis, N, 0., lor 
their prellmlnsrr Iralning. making Jonrnera to 
ntlgbborlng lowna (nr rxblMIInn ganua, and will 
rtmain lu Mm fitiuib iinili tbep rniurn probablrto 
BilllnKin fur lbs opening ii( (be obaroplonsblp aea- 
aon. Heveial new fai-rs alll lie aeon on the team 
whan the men Mum tn KstlFra Park, llrookljn. 
UoC^rihv, who iilajcd for serpnl sesaona In the 
ooldohl for the lloiuon>, win bn one, and pnbablr 
Bonner and Jnnra iwo mora. Donn«rqultnllkelj, 
while Jouca is a iHiaslhllltv. Ibero will be two new 
# Chen In Harper and i'ajne, and a catoksr In 
Alex. Smith, who waa wUli Iho Hcranton CInb, of 
lie Kaslem Msguo, last jear. in Ucl'artbr tbe 
dub should have a gooil man. piorUlIng he baa nol 
Itatanr «( bU (orniar alilllir. llu has slwaiaiankcd 
kigh an a knin; and olcvcr pisrer. 1( he Is the Hc- 
Uinbr o( old then llrookl;n nsa secutnl a Jewel 
whoae lustre will light up lbs iirililant nlars msds 
iblsiear. Bnih o( (ho now pllchcts will heglren 
ample opporiunlir to show what Is In Ihrm. aud l( 
Iker turnout III lie tieiierniuD than snrof Ibe vet- 
nauailier will iw glvro a ubani'S for aregularplsce 
au Ihe lesm. Bonni-r tnarrepuim Ihilratsecood 
base, iiul that will lie snitlcd atlrr Iho prallmlnair 
Haaon. If Dali'a arm Is nut gnno lie mar 
w. placed lirlitiHl thn liai. Mr ll;ma ihliiks be Is 
one of (ho Rreairai i-Michrrs In the l.ualiicsa, and 
'iiuld Its kept in (list |M>aiil"n If his arm were All 
light. There will Iw no ariiilnirni shown In Ihe make 
B|iu(tbe team thla rear, ilin lieal nlartrs will be 
liven Ibo ived n-M-ti. Of I'DiitMO. l^ichanre, Cor 
iiinin. Mbliidle and (Irtniu will lie (uiiikI lu ibeIr oh! 

CMiiiniia. iiiilp*M w iiiu III Iho irew men aUnw up lo a 
.tiler ailvshlitur ibaii (inir tin. Aiulrraoo aboulddo 
Ur liptirr ihiitng ihp rninlpgriiiii|mlsn lliau he did 
Uat)i-rtr. llni'M viiip lU'll. I>iiiiippcait'il lobe a little 
hoivoiia. wiilcti hiiiiiilil mil iHi Ilie rase ucxi Hum- 
nier. ('nlesH Jhim h prnvra tiliiiaoK 11 wonder he wlH 
havn H banl ilnin lirsiliig mil ,\ndrnuiii (nr A place 
ou thu leaiii. In raichoiM ihe club hnslliiin, Dnilej, 
Riiin-ll anil Hinltli, and this nnarlrt should tin well 
stilo to do all Hill wiirk reiniliod lu thclrllne. A 
numlier u( liitpniveiiionis will Ihi iimilo at h:aslom 
Park in ihn !t|iring, wMoli will add grrallr lu lis ap- 
pearance. In tlio tirat placo, Ilie sisnila will be rc- 
paluted, Muil the pnninil will In ovuiliaiiled and put 
Into plajliig coniliiliiii, Tboie la ninio lalk of re- 
moving ibu ccutto llelil (oncehiiowsrdlhedlaninnd 
at least niio liiindn-il (ri't, wlilrli will sllll Icavo It 
ono n( Iho Isrgost nelils In the niaii.r Irsgus ottoull. 
It will then iiiilo all Iho rouuh anil wild look at that 
nud ol Ihe groiiiid. Kver; ililiig will bo put In such 
shape Ihst it will add to ihn beauir aa well as ihe 
ailreullvenesa of the game." 

Hume n( the niliHir leagues sre nut satladed ivllh 
Iho Irralnient thsr rr ce Ivu at tbn hands n( Ibo insjor 
league. Tber ulaim In par (i>r |irolnrllon lhat thej 
do not gel. lino I'aae, wliloh la cllnl liv i'realdent 
P. T. hiweis, is (bat inn nujnr Iraguo (Iralia plar- 
era (roni his organtsaddu and slvns a Iriul to (oeni, 
and 1( (her do nut come up lu expcoialtuns Ihev csu 
return tn the cluli ti<rr wen dnficd (luui. If. Iiow- 
over, ilior show up wrll ilien ibo iiiBjurlesgucpsra 
fiirthaiu. I'roaldunl IViwuncxiilalns Ibo iiialloraa 
fiilliiws: "Tbo l-jiHiern l,rsBiiiirlintnphinshlparason 
cloaca uu dept. lA, and tim Nalloijal l-usgue and 
AnHiiirnii AsioclnilMii caiiipatyn ends oil Ihe laat of 
Hep(enilK:r. In ihn IiiIctiIiii Ibo major Irsgiieoiulia 
can lako our playeranii Irlal, wlii-ihrr we consonl 
or nol. and do nol Iraveliuiira cent Iiirthe ptlrl- 
Irgo. Fur liialnnce, K liiu lliinalii I'liiii haa a prom- 
lalug jilicher named Junes, tbu Ibiainii Club tahos 
hliu afier Br|ii. ir> anil gives lilni n irlal, If he doea 
nut nil Ihe hill liolH diiipiitd.oml Ibu llumilo CInb 
la theiohjr the liner. I( lie la a aiiccrn ho Is draUcd 
((ir a cfrlntil ainuiiiit »( inuhi-r, wliluh Is |inld lir 
ll(>a(uii lu lliiirrtiii. Nuw. nij nrgumtnt Is lhat If we 
rrcolvo iirolrciloii iiiidrr tbo iiatluiial sgreoiMul 
Sllll par (or II, wn alimilil liu Hlliiwcil to have (nil 
ciiniriil iivor iiiir iilayuna, suiliat In rasa anr msjur 
k-aguo ehiii wanis (iiio (i( ilieiii hn iiiiui liedrehed 
and |Mlil (ur In tlio iiausi wap. I( un ^Uaioni iMpiin 
ptaper abuwa alillliy ilurldg Ibu aeaaoli, ha la iu- 
varislilr appniat'lirtl lir n Naiiiinal Leisgiie snd 
Aninrican ARWirlailnn club aguiit anil recdvn a 

fiminlseul a (rial. TuwanI tbunlcao iif our season 
Ills iiiarer lets up 111 hIa work aiitl saves bliiisi-lf frir 
a trial In Iba iiialiir lusgue. I( lir clianco be haa 
bard liii-k In lila ifrai Bniiio In iiis iMreiit orgadxa- 
Hull, Ihe iiiansBcr whuiiloalilin lanfrald In put Mm 
In again, and coi'seiiiionilr iliups him. Other cliilia 
nuiluu tills Hiiil keep bninfa uif, ao ilmt be Is forced 
iiiroiurn lu hlrljiattm I.eaguo cliili, wbluh bsaa 
uhanru lo mako a neat aiini nut nf lila rrloase. To 
an unprrjiiilli'cil persun ilih la niaiilfrailr unfair, 
and (ho Nailuiml llusrd iIkuiIiI n inedp ibe evil lir 
reiiiciiliig Ihe i-umi ii( ibn n liuir :ejigiii'S st iia com- 
ing meeting. Many iiiluiirluagiiurluhsarnaalbnud 
III gu iliniugh a aesanii a hit iiohliiil In nut receipts, 
(uriho chaiiun uf rci'i-lving ilrnfi iiinnrr (rom tlio 
niaJurtrsKUKriiiln'. Inibsi war ibeMitiailrrleHSues 
are held Intaci, iiiitwiili thlaliHiphulalu-iiieenHepI, 
10 unil Oct. I, ilii-rare llio'y lu Irisp msnroppor- 
Iiinlilrs to niuku tlirlr aurntinia i-iiiisro-" 

There am snp iiiiiiilier u( the llroukljn Club's 
iiainiMa Willi luva nni (nllyriciinrllod Ibeinaolvea 
III Inn fanl Hint lliii iiliili ill'l lint Iik:sIu auinowbere 
iioar lha liiialneiM (Nirilnii iT I liii ilir. Instead o( re- 
iiuwlnglisli-aaitai Kaaloin l^rk- Ainuiig Ihemnat 
pniii'iiinrrd of tbo L-liiirn ' routera" la Jubn tl. Ward, 
whnaald In sfaaklng ur ihn iiialirr: "I Ihink tbs 
i^Iiiiiiiisdna iiilsiakulir nut Icanliig lla ultl srounila 
In Huiiih liniukliii.ur, it 1I117 uuubi uiit iiDurfrslnril, 
Ihn vai:siii|ilrce ii( prufirrry In lhat viclnlir- Dn- 
iliiuMedlr It wiiiilil liHiii nindn a dlifuiencn u( ddy 
didlsraa ilxy (11 iisreiir-liita, l( It did not rranb doubts 
lhat amuui.i. T>ilie lire ailrmlancu st nid Washing- 
ton l'«rk. ami ciiiiiiuini 11 wllh ihst iil Kselem Park 
rlnru (lis dull iii-ivi-il uiiiilirre, and iliat aliuuld Im 
avldriicn eiiuiiah lu cuiirlnru anyone. J csonut 
help thinking iIibI Ihe rliih nisilu a nilslskn when It 
muved unt tbrre. Th^ro sre Iiisny rrsauos for dip 
thinking Ml. r npu( tbenlijuriluua (u KssteriiPkrK 
Is Ibal It bi tno (sr away; hcsldns, ibu gamei ate 
aiartcd luu lain. It gpnernlly Iskea twii buura tu 
play a game; iheii, nail la nut siailtd unill four 
u'cl'iuk, 11 is nearly seven uVluckliefoiu una rcaubra 
bis hume, and iliiiii iin miii riilier hare lu cat s unld 
illnoer or coini^l hIa fsrullv In wsli uiiill be anivrs. 
There are many r.iiiers Ualdi-s iiijrrir who bold the 
aaiue rluwa on lhat aiiujeot, and wu were cungratu- 
ladng uiiraelvi a wlitli It waa rilliiuirii Ibal lbs cluli 
Iniriuleil Imrating In Ihe vli-iiiliy of lla okl bead- 
iliiBriars, Wattilngtun I'srk. I giinvs, hiiwcrer. Hut 
wu will have III liiakn Iho l,o»t i.f It. Hslherluli aj>> 
lieaniu lie allitiiin where It la huwdir Ilia next 
Iwnyrara. I( nul luiiter. Kihu insnatciBoMyalsit 
ihegsniesalininrurilnr, andtlin (esu) playa winn- 
ing 1 all, Ibe pouplp uf linMihljn abuutd give them 
lliieral supiHirt during tbe cunilng season," 

I'rerlilenl N. K. Yoiinir, nf lbs Nallunal I,esgua 
and Amailuan Asafa-iailuii, lisa baiued Ihe fullow- 
ing liiilleilu: Cunirania (nrlMio-WUb PUiabotg, I. 
HIeriiautr, J. Hei.ede, K. W. Kip. K. K. Hrdih, J, 
ilschler, W. II. Hcriiii, f. Klilsu. Wllllsnrr.Ullng- 
man. J. Hugden; Nnw Ynrb. William (llcaMju, J, 
Hiekln; Hi. Uiula, W. P. llariiOnrlncati.TtNllsni 
Hi lirlvcr, (I. J. Hnilili; Ksnws i.'lly, K. II. Lyscb, II. 
IlllKS. W. It. iialladl. J. Ilarnelt. J. WelllHilf; lle- 
iriilt, J. P. FlOrlil. H. Ullkli. II. Iliirl'nlt, H. Hilia: Cu- 
lumliiis, Jubu Oiux'iick. Wllllsni Wilsiin; Milwau- 
kee, <l. Nli'ol. J. V. Nmitiusktr, II. IlKiigrr; llu- 
liui|iie. W lii-iiler, J. i/H>g. c. Hmllh, J. I. ilraver; 
lltB Hulnes. K, llii:key. II 0. Ui-Klliliun, W. Piesluo, 
II. Humeri IVilar IU|ddi, li. HIalrr. A. II. Clark, Luke 
Wtlch, H. mil: iirui:lun, C. L. Nrerkentldge, K. Uue- 
low. J. W. M' Kcnia: Uaniur, P. Illhira, T. VcUon- 
uugh; liCWIaiuwn. F. J. Shea; I'urllar.d, (Iro., L. 
Haltz, T. Truy, F. K. I'BlKrsou; Headle, IMMvU,J. 
Hulilnaon, C. C. Cslnlan; TSruliia, J. M(/rrlner, T. 
IHiOuvan, I,, rtgdeu, 11. Ilndeniiiirg: Nuwark, Wni. 
Hniink; New Haven, I'ul Huyle; Pairnun, J. Klibirr; 
Pawiuckel, II. H. Widling, K. HcUann. Teiuaac- 
csplrd: With I'uriland.iirr ,T. A.McauUeilhcuina, 
Hen P.liub; Iliiliiii|Ne. Hen While: Han Anlonlo. U. 
II. FJrvy. Andy rurier, K. Cuil, J. Ciowlej. Frank 
lacuiimge: l.e«l>tuwn, Juhii II. Hiaffurd; Paw- 
tucket, William P. Ciiughlln. Thomas News. Ile- 
ieascd: By Kr.cbfurd, J. /. Tnlnur. 
The Central I'ennfylvsnIa l^gue. which sas or- 
lanlzad Pali. 13. at a ineetlug held at WlllUiniapuri, 
s uuw siiuoger ibsn li has iieen since IBtf. and 
(here appeara tu lie uo rraaun why ilis conlog sea- 
son, which lieglns on Hay 2 aod ends on HepL IP, 
should not lie a succcsslul onu in ever/ pel ticular. 

A game was played Peli. IB, at llnl Bprliigi^ Ark., 
hatwecn two teama orgaolud (ur ihst purpose liy 
Ueckiav, Urst baxrasn of ihe Ililalurg lean), of lbs 

Manager John Irwin, uf tbe Jersey City Club, of 
IheAUsoilc Aasudatloo, announces Ihe following 
mskenpnfbla tesni (or Ihe cnnilngteasoBi Wan- 
hope and ZearfnsB, calchrrs; Neynour, Kagrp and 
Uiio, pliohen; Bannon, singer and Bnyla, on tlie 
baaea; luilam, short slop; Csvelle, HulUfSn aad 



Febbuary 29. 


Ward 0«U lllfl ReleBt^Ttae Natloaal 
AgT*eiii»t IUtIiwI. 

Tb« HatloDil Bofcrd b«ld n mmIdo Feb. 34 ti the rtflh 
AvMUf Uot4l, thli dir. rrlor (o thm c«nreolDK of ibe 
dcUfaluror ihtuoutl Sprint niaailoKor the N»lloa&l 
LvRQ* ud AmorlMD AuoeltUon. Hie iimrd.eooiOit- 
iDf of Utmn. YoQDjr, Sodeo, Brnie end Rnii)), tmk 
ftetloo In III* fftnl cw. Werd eiked for tih nieue 
ffom neefTAirftfi or tiia Ke» Vorh Club. cUtmlng Ihet the 
UUer bed do righl tn reierre him. PretM*nt Preodrnta. 
or the WW Tork Cluii. cUim««1 ihat Wtnl hul \mn 
veitaUr AfT^rtd e eoninct by Tr«uarer Telwu lo (be 
AatiiBO of in>i, bf fore the liiur liwi rol J the Mntrotllea 
iDtenetlD Iheelubtotalmdfr. Kreedmin). Mr TaIuii'i 
llUu« pnrenlMl bin from enpfiriot ta taiiMr In Mr, 
FmdfUD't Iwhtir. The boera, bdveTer, mide tAe lot- 
lowlQi deoNloo: 

"Mured ibei. upon the ADpeal ^r John M. Werd. the 
flodlaRortbeboinl U ilikt ih« •eM WkhI wei I1l»fe)>y 
reeerred ror Uie Hema or ifW. bj re«w>o or the teci ihti 
tbe eeld Ward wai not under eooiraci wIUi the New York 
BeU Oleb for tbe leMon or im. uO d Id not refi** lo eln 

ROMtnot «ltb aeld olnU for Mid eeuoo, end oonwioeai' 
rU r«lew«d rmm reMrreiloo un'ler tbe proriiioo of 
SeotlooforUieNilkinel Aitreemeat." 

Art«r eueaillnv d aoDe oiber baainem ibe boAnl ed- 
JoarMd to Meble the deUjtetea ui cnnrene for iije 
•diedate meoUnir. ft «ea neerl/ ihrf e o'cloAk Ifefora the 
neetloff «m eellwl tn oider PrefrOenl Yoqdic taIImI 
ibenleaM ihe rollowlnn inmnbeni emvered: llerrr 
VoBder llont and Wwenl llealnD. n«liliii»r«; A. 11. 
Bwlea ud W. II. OoDenjL BMlon : C. II. Brroe and K. A. 
AbelLlrpoklm: J. A.lleir.rrhlceito: F.Dk II. IlntilBoo. 
nierotuil: Joho T. Hrgali.OlDrinnitl: Dr.T. If. Bmekr. 
Lonlitllle: AnUr** FreedmtD. Kpv Vfirfe: A.J. It*erh 
udJohof.Hoxen, PlillMlelplila; W.M. Haiti. flt. I.«nti. 
tQd J.^Bul Wain)*r, W«Jdiloiiui's. iMubiirir wee rtpre- 
e«oi«d br Dfoiy, APer the rouilaa builaaii vaa treoa- 
Mled theNetlAaal AvreamootMai itken upaait rerlMd. 
Hereener mlaor leeRoee will ire elM*ined accord- 
lor to_tbe popuitiloo nr the citlei ibey eoi- 
hra£*. Ther «lll lie dlTlile<l Into hIh cIwmh: A, 
B. 0, D, B AAl F. The pniecllon prlcei ar<t tn lie 91b. 

tiX $10 tn in end t!b r# *■>«:( rr;iy. 
vri«l, |C«. MO, t>». {uD. tn snil (W, iwpf cllnlr. In 
»• now «grMo]«iit Ut« Mtaetlnn or plir#n lir ont l«un» 
rroo « l4«arl««n« U lliiitr«i to ihs tlma Imivmo Oct. 
1 Mn Ju. I. Tlilt the m*Jor rrtiu* rnfinat4* rr- 
Mrdad u a. cmoMBlon, lotiunueli v tli** hwl uodl 
ra. I rmarl;. HiJorlwiuacluiM •» iirolilhlivl rmii 
VPIoftehlDV nlDor IfMti* pUrrni dorlofl Ih* pUrlnR 
MtJM ud iDlhlOff armnnmnala In ilnft ihfm at th« 
•nd or llM wawD. The rollovlni tlUM. shicli vu a 
modlHotllOD of III* inet*ur« aioptrfl at Uia Fall diwiIrk 
ror*r«r barrioji aafli-^r from atlaniiiilnr lo onulta a 
ilfal oifaahallun. wa« adopiad : 

"Aorolob tnainbarnf anj nilDor laataatMh/of Ihli 
amamaot lint aballaolflr lolo apy oaKutlallua lo ho 
eoow a namlMr. or ro oiranilo vlili aoy nmqlutlaa 
wboM oili'jHM iliall la air 'ar conlllct with tha lallar 
and wirit of thin aaraamaat nr ilia Intara^u or clul-a 
opoisUof nadar IL (htll f irihollh lorlellall rialilaanil 
pclaltanaeonrornd hr tliliaaraatnaoL aaia roiralitola- 
elDoa Ita tnamlMr^lilo In Ilia aMiielatlon t^ny to laia 
aflraaaiaiil aail all rluhla aod raiorratlna afplajara. Tlin 
MDanrlianlo piorldal .ball In poaltlva and noaL aid 
ahaJInat iMrarnliM nnlan hj Ibi noanlmooBenoMntnl 
ih* bowd or (upoD aiipMl) upon atlirea nnb* rota of Ibe 
major taamw.** 

Tnla WM raiardad a« a cniicauloo or ilia Pall aaaid 
mat, loaamiMb a« It aMnva tha Hilil or apt'*tl. 
HomaortbaiDlourloaiiia ollkUUilld nut aoain partlea* 
Urif pkrad wlUi por^ona or ilia iieir imamail. Tbo 
nallODll Board Uto do«Ma vhlrhclaiaa mioor Itane 
aball b« oUi a aJ la. Tlia latlor lulmlllail that uma coo* 
oaaaloiu hail baan tnada Ui thain. hut tlia point vhlch 
thar had ralaad. that or lalilnv ihalr plaion balwaan 
Bapl Uaad OcL 1, wm not tnuclioil open. 

tliarawara anumlior or nilonr leaiuaolflr.lalipraaail, 
and lhar halil a aauloa and lalkad nvar lliair tronlilaa 
Thar vara: P.T. Powan Hanaro Luna; nan B. JohO' 
a-M, Wailam L*»«u«; Knuib L. llouBb, raoiaylvaala 
BlaU Laaiaa; T. II. Hurnanr, Now Ronlaid Loijiiia; T. 
J. DIohar, waatara Aaa^iclallco; Ramiiol M. Oraoo, At- 
lantlo AaaooUtloa, and (I B. Pnwor. Inlor.Huia L*afDa. 
T. J. Hkkarvaa mada rhilnnaa, and Pnuili L Houfih 
aaantarr. A numtwr or raaolullnaa «or« pa*»*1, lo n 
praaaolad lo lha major Itafuo, wlildi van lo aaafloD 
whao wa wattt topraaa. 

Proldtnt P. T, Povem, nr lltn Kaalom Lune, 
bMlvJtptDaittlmtod tlm tollowInK IiiiIIciId: Oon' 
UmU •pprDvtd for tiio wiuod of iwii-wiiii UprlDir- 
Held, Joha Kulus, W. II. IdIu, W, (i. Bliannooi H. 
>:. BADueli, Jobn U<C*ll»haii. WJib Himousa- 
Jaom UaliDtj, with Somnlon-Vivnk Ward, Thof. 
0. JohDWO, Uinlel Uullwliay, IUol»r4 Diown, M- 
wud Svoewr. WJib TttrDnui— jHmea lumii, Al- 
iMrt W*|»r, IlitiTT Hmlojr, W, A. Huiail. With Iln- 
obettar-nninw union, Jolin P. I.iiiir, WIMiani W. 
YAmmn, Wlib Provldonce— I. o. Iimuiir, Oeorga 
0. UodioD, J. (1. Kniior. ll«luHd— Rr Brnaouie, 
HlotaMl Lroob and TbninM T«addlo. Ilr DcrsDIOb, 
Joba Haitoa aud Uinlol Hmrsi, 

Baa. B. JahDMn. iireildeni of tha Waalem I<uiiue, 
hMUDooDcM thn following bulletin or contrmcta 
■tfoedror latd: Willi UelmiL Jolin J. Em; wlib 
Oolninbiu, Jamw MoUoniilolt, R. J. McarMvar; wlib 
MUmnkae, W. WalUrer, Vnid Baraea, Wallace 
TA|1or; wlib Hlnneapolla, John W. Tuinpaon; wlib 
aissd lUpIdi, Jairea A. Uraiin, Albert wliholL 
OlAlmtd bj Uctnilt, Wm. Bmllh. Teraia acreplM. 
Bf Oolimbaa, rote llrownliig. 

Tbe Norlbem Unjrio wm organlieil at a neoilDH 
bald Wt, 13 at Bnlnent, Hlun., with loaraa IncAUd 
kt BlBtnATok, Bmlocnl, Iiiiliiih, (liHnrt Korka. Utile 
FkUa, Hoorbetd and BLCloud. The clKhib citj will 
h« itIaoUMt at an earl; ilat«. A anall nlatr lim 
iru»do|ittd. Tbe cbamplooahlpaeMoa will begin 

PreilileDt nniab, or the Clnclnnail Club, baa or- 
rarad a allvor cup lo tbe pennant winner u( ibu 
AmaUur Luruo al Llnolnnill. 

UUannotiaced that the IndlannpollHtmii. or Ibe 
WMtom Ukiuoi will pbij Bundar lamea at Iiodo 
duflni Ibe oimlbg arawn. 


ATAMIBTlNt heU Feb. II, at IUT«rlnn), F^ nrihe 
AtaeiDl cricket ooniaiUte*. PI llaverfanl t:ol)eie. It vne 
daaalielr Ueolded ro eeuil ihe eoiURe ertokot faeeui lo 
' "'-lui the iiiMitle or tho letter i»»rt or Juoe neir, 
1 AuRoel. Dorloeideirlp aenrlei or nme« 

Boilud ehoui the niMitle or tho letter i>art or Juoe neit, 

"''irDlQtIn A\ * ' ■-' 

...J Ma 

tippbiib- . - 

^9lM0te,tbevUllorinotaneepilnitanT lele money. No 



'ippbiibani. Oliarterhnti'e ami 

tmX with Kion. Ilarruw, WiDclipiter. Ruirby. 
ni > — -• (m,er eollefree antl 

■ItedaUAhftvereibKenarranReitrtir any jteman In 
■witUiid. but the contniluee (n In 4orrei)K>ndenoe wlih 
tlM niliNt eobnote anil oolUi«)i, and will arYaooe Kaiiiee 
uaOoueaAeDTenleotdeie* are iRreed upno. ^be pn>- 
poeed trip baa deTeN>p«d much eoihuilaetu amnott ibe 
atudaate. ftod tbaorioielHhed la a wHmler rntorL The 
iMitt whiob, will raprMeat llaverrunl Ctflleie on ifae 
erloketdeM la KQilud haa not yet beoo tiolvcied. bat 
«llldoabl«« be under tlte oaptalooy or John A. Leatar. 
Atrv:iALHiiTiN(iortlieKieoutlTer.nntmttlee or ihe 

SIttOPOllteA UUtrlot Lmruo wie hahl Feb 11, Id IhrN 
tv; tne o)uli« rapreeenteil heloic ibe BLatf n U<and, Ven- 
taaitaa. New Jereey Athlfttio aniT Hew York Clube. Tbe 
BMMtlnR w«« oelled to Miile op all uuUUndlot builntKi 
mrloui l« the annuat oiettlnR. The tr«e«urer rf>pori«l 
ft nrplui of MAI on hand ror IttU. Au applicAiJnn for 
nenlienblp fmrn IbHOraecent AHilMlc Clitb. or Brouk- 
lra.n. Y,. Wftir4ror4b)v rei»on*d uimti. AiientUtn wie 
drftwn III tilt cUuee »( Hit new ftun^lliutlon ptotIiIIbii 
lhatODlrelab*whleli hare al|iilfle<l Ihfir Inientlou of 
oeoiloalnKineinberahlp will ha •nililed to rtiirtteoia- 
llM at the tanual metllDg or tht Metrupulitan UUtrkt 

^ Tri leeoM fat llie tarseat aRffreReie la an Inninc «»« 
broken Feb. m. at Ufibourno. Vlcturl*. A<i«-r«lln, In a 
liamebtlweM the OarlinnOlab anil the Utllourne UdI- 
veittij elareo. Tlie Oerlion Clnii complletl a (nul nf vu 
oi vliieb Wonall wai arodlieil wlib Moriae 4I& rune, ant 
uet Worrall will be reineoibereil una nr tlie Anr. 
trelUn leva tkat rliilied RnRlan*! In l.'K't. Tht prevloua 
Umataulhenilciated tuullnan Innlni we* thenjnitile 
byUMOrleaniOlub. pUyInc aRelnttilie nickllnROreea 
teu. In Aaiiair, IftM, at HlokllnR (Iretn, Bor. 

atoiuii UiiiUANN'a HAWLiXd wea a t*inark«b)« ru- 
tare of the vrnme between Hi* KoRllah twalre and e Ineal 
•tjlhlM, pl&yeil Keh. 7. rt and 10, at Pnrt Xlliibf ih. Honth 
AnlflB. Ifeeeptnml In alt iweDty alY wlekruettbecokt 
of a niQa,hU llRort* (n tbe iliet lunlor bein,; Oftwo 
wloke'trbrffirun*. Tlie ■curlnKwaa not larieaedthe 
Bnillih tawn won wiib elibt wirieta to Bpar«. 

AT A HRlTlnu 01 Ihe Auilrallen<:rlckftr>Hinell.ltiM 
Peb. dat Helbourae, Vlotorla, It watdenldMl In lDrr*e>ti 
rna thlrtem to rburleen the AtuirelUn itaiii in vlilt 
BoflUd. TheealMtlnn coniniItlne,ninaUtlnff i>riliionto 
ilmeD, W. BnioeandT. W. (lamit, will doubtlMaeltoi 
either J, J. Lyona or A. K. Trott aa the founeenih men. 

A FAIT ol the riiM Hdjolnlnjt Uie OranRC nraLat EaM 
OraBR*, K. J.,ha«bB»tt )«.^«e.l by the RutsTlthi Club lor 
(Ire yeui, and will be converttd Into eotlokei (IrM. The 
Roeevllle Olub laiendi to place e ilrunR teent Id Ihe lUld 
In 196. 

Till ila»«\ohit«etlH rrlckei A^hicUiIoq hrM lu anneal 
•leeUoD e rev dan aRo, with ihl* rvMilt: Jithn II. Well, 
Lynn 0. preildent; N. Aahley. B rook Inn t? U. \ice 
liiMldtnt; H.J. Derlln, ll««lun U. 0.,Mcr*tary-ir»vur»r. 

H. T. Ubwbtt. whu ha<l l««Q playluc wlili I.ord llewhe'* 
Bovllahieaiu la South Arrica, rviumed home the Utier 
yen of Japeaiy. 

. MATTiiw FLvn-iiKN theoenrrol many R^eIbo^sd^ 
iBoludlng Pelroner, which ran lo ihedtcIiIloicoureerNr 
the Weierlott Unp In ISM. died at lili teaMeuee nur Bui 
toOa^Boi, reWDllr. He wa« alio a xreat pelren ur 
«rt«kat,aad eaubltahetl the i.liile Urer Cricket CNob, 
•ctloii aa lu yreaUeni. 

.L.*'1.*'i "V'.l"'*'-!' **? a I'l*"** » dfowlt nf »U Id 
thehaodaer i(aurle* naly In ■•imwrt nf a challeovetu 
the wlooerorihe bllllanl inMcb tieive*n T. J. Oalliuber 
aad William Briakt. HasaloK wan * o play a UlnVbiik 
llse nme, one or »Ik niRhta, at Ualy'a Acadtoir, oo 
Vtadway. tbia city. 

Acwmi!ni iiAiy.embraelnR nlneb»l<J»Mookphceat 
apltlDlhevIetnliytil rarheixbitrir. W Va.. reh.aAII. 
5*'*a?i*'^*^V.**'*""*-*^- ^» Weit VlfRlnla MMaile' 
leated ihe Ohio leatbeiwJ warrhin by a ec«re or Are 
baiUei te lour. 

* K"' ^™*'»' of Anifrica Unownmrerail aa 
WbltDey. Jacob Huntn Jr^and J. B.Bawyer; wretarj. 

•.!!!;S."f""*>''"'*r""-"7.1« " ♦'Mbllloniliool at 

iu" ti'i*l'tVt," " 


Tho area<nl Dlaplsf orc>BlB*a*f High 
DafirM Bnr Hade l>f til* Weallaiiuler 
Kieanel Clab* 
Tlio twelllb annual eibllililon of tbe Weilnliuttr 
Kennel CInb waa beld at HadUoa Bqiare Otrdtn, 
thia city, Feb. lo-u, and It prorad Ibe beat lo all re- 
aptcta'^rerbeld there. Tbe allcndauMon tacbor 
tbe fobr daja waa larger tbanat an/ pnrlotu abow, 
wblla tb( oihlblis, both In Dumberand qnalliT, ex- 
celled (boae preaenlad beretoroTe, Ibia boldlng good 
InneaHreKirclaaaabowD. Tbe weslbar wat rety 
cold tf nngbont, but Ibe managemeit bad taken 
ncceaaaiT prccaniloni to guard agalnat anj III er- 
reel* or the eltmonla, and Inanretbe comfort alike of 
tbe vMtoni and ibe canine tmaorte, and Id conae- 
qnence everybody (xpirsKd tbemadvta pleasfd 
wjtb til* manner In wblcb tbe abow wu oonducled. 
Tbtro waa lean dlaaaUifaclloD, too, wlib tbe de- 
rlitonanade b; the f xperts aecui«d b/ Ibe club lo 
Judge the doga, wblcb innal have anoided much 
KfiilUcailon to liie oniclali, who are accuaioned lo 
liare tbelr awarda ftetiaeolly diaputed, and gener- 
ally wtlbout good cauic, by owneni woo lack tbe 
uccoaaan knowledge of im polnia Ibat conatliutaa 
Oral claai dog. Tbe bull leirler bitcb, Htne tiod- 
dii>8| wlaner In Claaa No. 411, waa dlr iiuaimed, and 
Superlottndont UorilnKroiado Ibe following atate- 

"A brotsrt waa laid agalnat Ibe blicb on tke 
grouDda ibat ahe waa dear. Bbe waa exanilned by 
Ur. (Hover, Ihe clob'a reutlnaiy aurgeon, and tbe 
proieat waa aualalned. Tbe owner, wbo roaldea la 
Kogland, la repreaentfd here by Ur. Toon, wbo 
claimM the prlrUege of baring ibe bllcb examined 
by anotttr aurgeon, which waa allowed. Herle 
Uiiddeis baa been pnicaied In Kngland on nlmllar 
ground-s, but (be pruteat waa not aoualned Ibere, 
Ur.Bewdl, Ihe reteilnarT of the Kogllib Kennel 
Ulub, barlDg prononnced her only partially dear, 
and alDce tbe pmteat waa lodged abe baa won 
nuinenua pilzea In Kogland. Ibbi U her drat ap- 
pearance here. Tbe owner can appeal from (be de- 
clalon oribeWeatmlnnier Kennel ciuh. In the event 
of IbadtaquallBeiiUou being anelalnert by tbe Amer- 
ican xcDiiel Club tbe bltcb wblch won atcond 
prize Vui be moved to Aral, bat no altamtlon of ibe 
awarda «III be made unill ibe declalon of tbe gov- 
erning body baa been reached. In Ibe event ot Ibe 
prjleat being malnulncd (Yauk P. Dole'a gueeo 
iJIII Boneaa wl I win nrat prize." 

TMiu^Tbomu, of Maleni, Maaa., exhibited more 
doga la Ibe abow tbnn any other oxblblion, and 
won tbe larnat number or nrat and apeclal prbca. 
Here U * Hal or tbe exhiiiliora wtiu each wuu uiore 
tnan twoOiitoraneclal prtua: TVwn .V Thouua, li; 
Wiwdlawn Park Kennebi U; L.\ V. Hulbcifurd, 
10; J. 'Plerpont Hor/pin, lo; Urooka It Amea, 10; 
Ueorge J. Could, g; ur. 0. A. lAuueat,); Hayonne 
KennelB,T; W. II. nuasell, 7; II. If. Iluoiiewell Jr., 
6: J. n. UugbloB, e; (Icorgn Jiougbin, e; Urn. F. 
Boon, «; J. L Wbichell, 6; J. U, luoaaom, fi; U. fl. 
iloptuo, S; J. Lewla, 6; O.ik Qnive Keonrla, r>; Hell 
Uaie Keineli, 4; A. I, Page, 4: Unrey Kennebi, 4; 
WlDdiliab Kennela, 4; J. Uhck, 4; Bwlu Uouuialu 
Kennels, 4; T. A. Uoward, 4: llsmpatead ('am, 4; 
Ur. I).«nlela, 3; II. U. Trevor, 3; Ur. Uradbnry, 3; br. 
lluldeVoper, :i: Caelle I'oint Kennela, 3. Many aalea 
or doga on exblblllon wore luade durtogibe ibuw. 
the bigboat price paid being li.coo ror ibe SL. Ber- 
nard prlie winner. Hall (late Defender, wblcb waa 
pnnihaaed by exBUti Benator William II. Hoy- 
uoldii. W. 0, Dnkaw bongbi lUecbamplon pointer, 
HIr Waller, for D.OM; a llie amount waa given by 
1>. U. llorden ror tbe Boeion terrier cbaiDplotu, 
Tnpny and Conunluloner II, and Ueneral TOncncc, 
or Ublcaio, III., paid «l,Kio ror Major UuKloler, tho 
ramiiai (Ircat Dane champion. We pitaent below a 
Hal or tbe awarda In iboie clasieii lo wblch Uurrui 
readen arelnureaied: 


Clan 4B-Cballooaa doaa. aid over. Flt>l. naorie 
Jarrla' or ICoat; aacood, Learalogloa rolotarKeo- 
a%rB Ooiiat araphto. 

CtaaatB-CballaoRa bIlehoi,fr a aod ovar. Mnl, Ueo. 
J. llouU'aJoala Biaokat; aacooj, UeoraeJarvla' Uaaor 

i:i.aa BO-OpiD, dofta, UB lo'l nrar. Pliat. Oaoraa 8. 
HoU'a air Wa tor: mond. R. J. RIchanlHia'a Ja<kBOa; 
lliitd, lltai|i«laad Karm Kaonai'a Hampataad Dmld; 
ronrth. Uforaa Jar. la' frlde nl Unllyinaro. 

aiaaaai-(>ptn,Mtchia,eoBaldoTor. nm. OaoinJ. 
iHiBM'a Doviiuanira rfarl; oacoo<l. Loamlouloa FoIit#r 
Kannarn Lady Graphic; tbird pilEa,roMrred;ruurtb,J. 
R. Porcolto I'hart. 

Olaaaai-Cballaain doaa. uidtr Uft, rirat, Oeorso J. 
Umild'a nidgaile* i:uuiai. 

t'lauas-unailanaa^ blidia<, undorCCIb. Plrai, Ocorve 
J. tloiiM*i Ladr Oar Bpooker; aocoad, (Joorgo J. Oould'a 
Miu Humor. 

Claaa ai-Opoa, dop, uador riiat, II. I« Roy 
JoBOA'KnicoaBor: bacood, tlO"lilO J (lould'aOJaDcol- 
lor; tlilid, Ur. Joba K. Uaolal'a flalaSaoi : lourlh, Ueorio 
J. iluiiU*RKur ou«ti Mike. 

Olauos-Opao. blichea, uadar eo^. Flni. Dr. Jnha R. 
l>aoiai»* Bella ui Laanator; trroa^, Lraiiilufilno i^ilottr 
Krnnora Coiat (Iraphtc'a U.hy: Iblid, JWauluaton 
Putntor Kanial a BriRlitoa VlMtl i 

Clu< T-I'appla., iloiia. Pltut, H. A. Faltbalia'a Yobaii 
Lid: n-ronil, A. U. lloppor'a B.uoiBoooa; Iblrx, Oaoria 
H. MoU'a Dariodar. 

Claaarr-Pnpiiloa, bllcbea. PltaL A. U. Ilopparaad B. 
J. lltoin'a BtlCiloa La>.: wood, Joho II. MauhaK'- 
L*a<o'Vokar; llilnl, II La Itoy'lnoa** BoUa ofBabyloD 

- _ _ Babyloi; 

loirt I. U. M iM-aronlfa BpHogtlda Dory. 
_CU'ag8-Muvlca,doi< rmi.M U. Ilkliall'a Basa or 
O.aUiio; Hco"!!. ur. juhn R Daulala* Plata ram ; Ihlid, 

Klacllk City K -naala Lad of Bang. 

UU>B aa-Ko< lea. bluh». rilat, Oi. Joha H. DaolrU- 
Bella nl LODcaaur: aacoid, Oooiiia ranraioa'a P»>l or 
Hiallaatoo: thlnl, J. H. Puicaira Chart: louitb, J. R. 

Puroall'n u4y Maiaant 


. _ , Hd at anr pu 

orl-auada Pint. Dr. John R. Uaalala' Plato Ban; aac- 

I UaaSl>^ald trial elaaa Tor ilotl aod b:tchoa that lta\a 
bein plicad-at anr publlo n«ld Irlal in iha tJalted Slataa 

ood J. R Purtali^a LadT Haraarti, 

HaaimloatarKaoaol Clob'a Pnw-For haat aahlbit of 
rour aauiad aod o«oad br odd axhibllur. Woo br 
Uoorao J. Ooukl. alib Rlilgeleld Comal, Ud; Uay 
Ppanlar. Mlu Rumor aod Cboscollor. 

Krorlal mu-forbaalllahtnalibldoi. Woo brOooria 
J. OouU'i Rkliarlaw Comal. 

.Speolal 11U.-ror beat lliblialiilit bllcb. Woa by 
OiOrfaJ (ioukl'a Lady Uay 8|»aahor 

Bpeblat rrlia-ror tha beat heavyioliht bltcb. Woo by 
Oanrie J.Qould'ajMla Bnokal. 

BpabUirrlu-PorlbabHtboavywolBbtdog. Woo by 
QaoiBaJinla-UdorKaat. ' • -a 

American FIrM Polalor Cop, valaa IKD-For the beat 
pointer. Woo ty lloorga J. OuaM'aLaJj day Bpoakar. 

Cloaa TB-Cballoaaa dofa. FinL Oak Oroia Eaaoora 
Elfclara: MCond, OU flnro lanial'a KIMan Uloomoie. 

ClakaTI-Vballeoaa bllehaa. FItal, Oak anta Ktaaofa 
gueaa Vn: aaeood. tr. U. Katloa' Baaala Flonnro. 

Olaaa n-llpao, doga. Kinu 0. Blilppoa'a BhamnKk 
O Mira: aaeood, II. u. Bralaihnalla'a Kilatal; tblnl, 
Jauop 6. Rloiaoia'a LoidooUarrr, 

■:iaaii 7J-nr»ii, Mlchaa. rlrat, Mockioaa Kaouora 
RoaamoM' ■'<-..qd,Oak Oroae Koanel'a Oucheaa; thtid. 
Allied Vol ik,:iliaoaaa'B Rtd Bud Floglaa; roanh, Fred- 
orldi L. Moo'a Niioa. 

,OUla 71-rurploa, doai FIral, Albaoy Xanael CluVa 
Kaomuro Jr : aaeood. Haoaloa CloTolaad'a Bouaca; 
Uilnl, Allwy kaiarl Vlub'a Nlcho Jr. 
„CI.M< n-Korloa. data. Hm. WooilralT Buiuw Jr'a 
KIMara Bait: aacDod.ll.B TtiUft Bemloola Jr.; thud, 
CharHa VVallar'a Haomore Bbamruch .Ir. 

CUM 77-.<(o>le«, blloliaa. Pllal, Allmd Von (lolibau. 
!*" * 'W.'"^. ^'i^"! M<»nd, Hucbioaa gannora Aoola 
Paa; thild, AlUn It. Wanan'B Wlaaahleboo Baaa. 

Claaara-FlaU trial claaa (or doia aod hllchaa that bava 
baooplicad at ooy publlo DaM trial lo lha Unllad Buua 
or Caooda. FIrai, tV. u Wa<lilaiua'a Pliiilaa: aacund, 
Oak tlioia lanaaVa Edoa II; iblid, Jamca B. Bloa»>m'a 

IVaaiiDlaalar Kf aoal Olub'a Prlio-For beat kaioel of 
roar aalvfwl and owaaU byooo aiblbltor. Won br Oak 
iliitro KaanalB. 

Braolal Pclaa-ror l«n dog. tVoo by Janu B. Bloa- 
auni> LoadiKidaTTT. 

8|«UI Pria^For aaeood baatdog. Wou br WoodrolT 
Sullon Jr.'a Klhlara MalL 

lli<orlal Priao-For liaat bllcb. Woo by Oak Oroio Kaa- 
Dal*a IliiHiaaa, 

epjcial Pilta-For woood hMl bllcb. Wi n b; W. U 
WaahlomoD'a Hoby olaimon I. 

™ - ~ .. >I08D0.V HBTTEB. 

Cla«a7V-<lia,lla»«adu«« Flnl.J.ll Oiabtoa'allaatbor 
Lad ; atrood. Dr. S. (I. Dlion'a 1.00 B. 

Cl..ti<^Cliallaaa»bllcliaa. FlrakJamaa B. Bloaanin'a 
llaathar Boo; aocooil, Dr R. tl. DItoa'a Priocaaa Loulaa. 

tlUaa(i|-UMa,unea. Flial. Jamaa B. Bloaaoin'a R«a. 
Fot;«if«»l,(i«carHcharat'a Waa.« lraahoa:tblnl. j it. 
OutbtoB'a Dalgbl JIiu; fourth. Jauiaa II, Blaaaoui*a 

(■laaaW-Oi^n.bllcbaa. Flral,J K. Ouahloa'a Oarlabt 
?V."i.'^''': "L": "• DiJon'i. Piiacoaa^oiolo: ibini, 
J. H Chiahtoo'a Onlibt Boo; luunb. Ur. B. u. Dlioa'a 
Haola Mafia. 

jlJjJjJJ'B-lMl'Plaa.doaa. Flnl,J.BL Ougliloa'e Dialght 

?•!»!',' Sllle oocond. J. B. Uiiiblrn-a D>l|ht Ann'thlid, 
A. J. rauly'a udr RIaa. 

Claaa aa-Notln.dniia. FliaVJ. R OuabloD'o Ddght 
Oniuoa: atoood, Bmlth Bnthara' llualiurat; tblnl, j'h 
Falloao Kloamunl. 

(:Uu8a-N(>Tlc«,Utehaa Flial.Dr a n.Dljon'a Frio- 
ctai B.>nala; Mcoad, Prof. L. p. Bralaa'a Lady Baau- 
nipot II. 

Claia tO-noM trial claaa (or dn«a and Ullrhaa Ibal hare 

and Caooda Fliat, Jamoa H. Blouom'a Ftomonir.tcood. 
Jamoa H. Blnaaonra Rallr Baaumoil. ■wmi. 
Tba Anoriean FloVI Bilrer Vaaa. calua gim-Fnr boat 

Honor l.lib al Amorir.. nboae dura at* pa J op baloro 
tho cloB* or oolrtoa ; di.a 10 liaro lifoo pnnily o( oaoor 
rot all eWMcntlvo uioatha ptailmia U clij nroolrr' 
liS'ih.'rUdT'"' •'•»>^<'"l"»a> 
..SylUftJiV R""' "SK? Mio-Fof boat four eo- 
i'laf ""'''*"""'» onaaiblbltor. Woo by Dwitbt Kao- 

oomTifiaJl!?"'" **" 

Dpaalal Prlr«-For boat bllch. Woo by J. R. OuabtM a 


Claaaal-Challraiodoaa. FInt lloniy Fapa'aC:actai; 
aecoad.JohBLOTllGid Ardoa'aOleodoo. 

Vlaaaat-Challeaga bllcbea. Fliat,JabQ Biolfa MtM 

Clou a^Opon, iloia. FItal. Warwick goaool'a Shil 
doo : aaeood. fMnoT A. Buidalfs CInclnaabu' Pn4a; 
thlrd,P.T. HadlBon'aRodOaU. , . . „ 

CUaaei-Oi*B.blubaa. Flial, Bocklaabam Jopnara 
roonlraa 7.oa; aarond. Oak Orora goonal a holly r.; 
Ihlnt.E J atiararrlmalloaDa. , _ „ _ 

0laa8e)-Popplaa,doga. Flial. Victoria Kauel'a no 
lloha; aaeood. O J.Oailar'aailhoolor. 

Claaa (B-Popplao, bltdiaa. FlKI, W. I. Divla' Lady 
Viccraaa UowaUla. .. « 

Claaa e;-Norlea. doga FInt, Wanlck laoaal'aWlo- 
doraiaro: arcoad.Boekiogham laaaara Prioco Bobart; 
■bird. B. E. Raaeb'a Pailaog It. ... 

Cloaa e8-Novlc^bllcboa. Flnl,Uipl*RldialMD<Va 
Kid Vonarch: aaeood, AKlod Booto'a Duebaaa; thin], 
BMrad KaoDorol^mea. . , 

CloJaen-Plald trial claaa rordMia and bllclioa that bare 
beiBplacod at ooy nibllcaobl trial la Ow Coilad BUUu 
orl^aaada- Fim. P. T. Madlioo'a RodBold: aaeoad, n. 
L. Ktyo'a MooulL „ 

ClaaA-43iall*oaa toogh cnatad doga. Flial, Hall Olto 
Koanal'a Otaa; aaeood. Ball nala KaaiaFa RolanI Jr. 

ClaM7-Cliafloar* roo(b roalad bllcbaa. Pint, Jacob 
Buppart Jr'a HlaaAioa. 

naaaB-Opoo.rmiRh coated doaa, FIntBolaa Uoan. 
ula KaaaaraLrod-aBanr: acrood, RaU Oau Koooal'i 
lloll Oau Ueroodoi; tliird, ainmoicy Koooafa Damatrlaa. 

maa. t-Opoo. rouali coaled bltihoa. FInt Hall UaW 
Kaanal'a KIna.tonlao Baaniy: aaoHid, B. WoVnim'a Bl 
Oro; Uiln), William Bank'RLaJyorEat. 

Claai 10-Pupnlaa. rough coa'od divoa, FIral, Mm- Aia 
L CbarchHVa Nobleman; accnad. Bflitl BiagaPa Harry 
HI: Iblid, Joba BiUa' UoeloBam, 

uaaall-Puivlaa, fooib coated bitcbra. Pliot, Oaild 
D, Jeantoga Jr,*a Dematlla; bocddiI, Jobo Nowack'a 

tUaaa 12-rhalleogaamoolbcoatod dogo. FliaLRobart 
If. Barrowa' Melioao Klog; aocond, Dadley B, wataia' 
Alton II, , ■ 

Oau l5-.(niallaaaa amooUi coated bitehaa. FInt. 
Jacob Roprwin Jr'a Kmoioaa or Co a loocaok; aeoood, 
Mra. BaaloM.Thompaoo'aClaopatra. 

Claaa It-Ooan, amoolb eoatcd doga. FInt. Alia Kfo- 
oaro R»i Waleh: aocood. Alia Koooara Victor Watcfa: 
Ihln), Or. C. A. Loagaal'a NIcode, 

daaa l3-.0|iaa. amontb coated bitchaa. PIrat Rlcbaid 
Croker-a PaDdora; aaeood. Mra. Ada LCborclilira Lady 
llaooar: Ihliil. nilllp Pradoriek'a Jolla; fouitb, VrC, 
A. LvoRuti'a Nuira Damo. f 

drnm 18-Pupplaa, amooth coaled doga aad bllebtt. 
FIrat, Irvlog Watkloaoa'a Alloa W.; aaeood': Oramarcy 
Keonal'R laoMe; thlnl, Oeorge LastanaebtaRaPa Evtr. 
Rro*n Victoria. 

c\Mu 17~NoTle*. n»ah and amoolb coaud doge. Pint. 
Hwltja Hoaoliln Koooera Loed'a Barry; aaeood. Hall 
Qala trnoara Hall Uata Dalaoder; tkIrO, Alu KeoQcra 
V|ct#ir\Va1eli *■ 

(law Is-.NovIca, noRh aod amooUi coated bltcbta, 
FInt. Hell (lata Koooara O)aotaaa Madge: aeeond. Uaaa 
Kaiefa Prlocoaa Rollle Beauty; thild, Dr, O, A. Loug. 

XVratmloaler Koonal Clob'a Priia— For beat oihlbllof 
four louyh Bl Barurda atotarod aod owoad by uoo u- 
bllatof. WoobirlholloliaauKoooola, 

dllvar Modal— For boat Amorlcaa bieal ion|h coatad 
doROTirtbree yaara Woa by Onnetey Keooal'a Doma, 

HllTir Medal— For beat Americoa bred aoiaolh eoalad 
doii oror lliree yean. Woo by Robert B, Bunowa' MoV 
roio Blog, 

Bilvar Medal— For beat American bred ronch eoalad 
dPR uader tbn« reaia. Woo by 1 W. Coma) 'a Dictator, 

6llTar MMlal-Fvr boat Amorloao bi«d lougl: eoalad 
bitch andar tliieo jaail. Woo by WlUlatn Millar'a Jeaala 


BllTtr Medal— For beat American bteal amooth coatad 
Mbh uodor three yearn. tVon by Oramorey Kaonofa 

Bllvar Moilal— For beat Ainaricaa brel amooth eoaud 
bltfti oror Ihroo yaora. Woo by Jacob Ruppelt Jr.'a Ea- 
proan or CODloocnok. 

fiUvar Medal-Por boat Ameilcoa bred mooth coaled 
doe tiDdorthne yean. Wou by Dr. 0. A. Loogaai'a Kl- 


Clam 173-rballeaira. amooth doga. Plrat, Blemtoo 
Keanira BlemtoQ Buckler; aocood, Piad A. Bovenook'a 

(^ai 177— Opeo.aiDooth doge. fltaLToooaodTlioinu' 
Dudlay BttoHor; aoooad, L. aod tV. Rodierrord*a Warvao 
KaRa;lhlid, William WhaoloPa Beverly Victor; loaitb, 
L. aad W, Rulherrord'a Wanea Rector. 

Ctaat m-OMo. amoolb bilcbea. Flial, L, and w, 
Rulhatrord'A Wanea Bootaoca; aecond, L. and W, 
Roiharfotd'a Warna (Tautloaa; thin]. Tooo and Tbomu' 
DadlarSaonUr; rourtli, L. aod W. Rotboifoid'a Wamn 

dnei W-Pnnploa, amoolb bitcbea Pliat, I*, aad W. 
I'a tvofreo Blorlioe; aaeood, Waaka and Tor 
tblnl, L aad W. BaUierruTd'a 


ooru BpriDRblU DaUy 
tVarrao Dial. 

Claaa IBl— Novlca. puoolb don. PIrit. Tooo aid 
Tbianaa' Dudley Buollar: aeeood, L. aod W, Roiharfotd'a 
Wai¥to ReoUf ; thlid, William HbeeloPa Boveily TIeter, 

t^aaa 1st— Novice, amonth bllehaa. Pint, L, aad V, 
Rtilbarfonl'a Womn Bootaoca ; aaeood, L, and W.' BaUi- 
etfatd'a Wonaa Cautlooa; third. Town aod Ibomaa' 
Oodlay Bauoter, 

Cbaa. ISI-CballanRa win balred doga. Pint, H. B. 
lIuaiHvellJr'aOribbaga; leeood, U. IT BanaavollJr.'a 
OailolRh Bnilrar. 

OaaalSt-ChaUeoge •Ira haired bllctaea. Pint. H. R. 
IIuaiMwall Jr.'a Survey Janet; aeeood, Tooo and Tbotnaa* 
Endclbro PIdiaL 

(Uia in-Opoo, wire haired doo. Pint, Toop aad 
Tbtanu* Bndcfliro Brlahiaocamd.Tooo and Tlinmaa* End. 
dike Scotehor; ibird, A.]loa|wlc1i'aParuiayOiiapoA. 

nam la-Opao, win balrtd bl'chaa. PIrat, U. FTllao- 
No«*ll Jr.'a Boahy Braimble; aaeood, Tooo and Tbemaa* 
EodcblTa Nimble; third, Roehalle Ktnial'a Brlltle Bee. 

iriua U7-Popplon, win hatred dog;. PIrat Toon aad 
Tbotaiaa' RadcHlfa Teeter; >ecoad,a.>. U. Bllehle'a Mr, 
Bo lip Roji, 

WoalmloBUr Keaool Olub'a Pilta— Forhaateihlbit of 
four oaured aad owned by ooeeihlbltor. Woa hr L:aed 
W. Rulherrord'a Warven tjapiloua, Wama tlaptura. War. 
too Saae and Womo Bealaocs, 

Uraad CboUaage C^, value gJOP-For boot In the ahew, 
routth or intootb. Woo by L, and W, Butberfoid'a War- 

Bpaoal Prlae-Por beat American bnd m tetvlar la the 
abow, wire or araootta. Woa by L ood W. Botberfoid'a 
Waraen Beoteooe. 

Special Priaa-Por heal Amorlcaa brad fom Uvrlarln 
'mooUi. Woo ty I>.aad W. 
RulharTord'a Wamn Reulaoca, 

Bfatlal Priu-For beat Amerioan bred foi terrier lo 
rueuy elaaaea, wire or amooth. Won by L. and W. 
HuUiarforO'a Wanen Bterilog, 

Braetol Prlu-Por boat bnce ofAmeiloto bnd roi tar. 
rlem, iwler olihteanmoniha, amooUi, Won br L and W, 
Ralherfoid'a Wanea Rector aod Wamn fltarHng, 

Bperial Prita-Por bool Amerioan brad loa urrirrin 
Uie pippy claawa. win. Won by L, aid W. Rathotfoid'i 
Warnn% tjapiloua 

Bwlal Priie-For beat bnce of'AnwIcu brad roi ur 
riem. andar alehtaeo moBtlia wire. Won by U. H, Uoa- 
ooelll Jr'a Dill Iloiat Ranter and Bill Bunt Trump. 

'^'J*-.'''" •>•" "I" ""hoi Im laivlerpoppr 
by HUlika RBvlval.boin after Jooe 10, IM Wmlt 
WeekaandToniaPaBpiloabm Polaae. 

Aimrloaa Pel Tanler CInb gtnd Dog Btakaa-PInt L 
and w. Rutborfonl'a Wamn Bafanird, with Waneo 
Beealor and « anon Dial; BoeoodJSlareaca Balbbona'a 
Btaidao'a Klog, with Bevetwyck Patricloa aad Bavar 
wyek Uooaabloo. 

Pirai DIvUlon American Foi Tinlar Olob Pmdaea 
Btaeka-FInt L. and W, ButbarfbnI'B WanaD Btorllog; 
aecond, Olaceoca Ralhbooo'a Bevaiwyck Mooniblne. 


dan m-4^aog« doga. FlratSUaayDUleaRlplei'a 

anaaUB-CkaUeoge bllehaa. PIrat, Dr. H. W. Llneola'a 
Rnotallold Madge, 

Olaia m-Ooeo, doga. Pint Ravea Eeaaara Bboda'a 
Orao; aooond, lleory Rogga'a Reade; tklid, Ed, Maek'a 

ClaaB tm-npen. hlicboa. FInt. BMaey Dillon Blplor'e 
''i'7.*'S*J! = '«^''-^-B l'niRei'aCr»ny; Uilnl'Mar 
Bball and Dlioo'a BeecbiroveNeory. 

•?!r"'»'»«*' °°B! ead bflcben. PIru, Joba B. 
Ileftopa Ulau; aaeood, aB.PUgeoaa'aLodyJaaa. 

_ ,.. ^ „BO!<IOX TBBBIERB. 
.''".."ir^if"*'"'*'';"!,""' biiehea, PintBayoaoe 
Keaoal'a Nanklo ; aacond, Phalpa A Davie* Toraoyr^ 

Claaa lte-Owo,>log^sft aod not ovar SB, No Bnt 
prlis: aecond, Beojomla Pope'a Pllot; thlid, tl. P. Claik- 
Boa'o The Baoble, 

Oaia ur-Opw, bllcbei, Bk aod sot aver 3»k. Mo Im 
prlie; aoraod, Jiaob Knppeil Jr.'o Naaca. 

OaailsB-Oiwn, doga, »B but not laulbanUft, Pint 
E'"'?..'' J'*V' .v'??",;'^'"" H: aocoad, Bonllaiir 
KeonaraMoola; thlnl. OoaaybiookKeaoera Ton. 
,.!?»^J''-<'Ee''. b 'Aa^ aodet Bib aad ool loBathan 
ISB. FInt pnu wItbhaM; aeeood, Uuckruu KeonBl'a 
laaaj; Uilid, J. F. Ilolfa pliT^ aaucan»a aoaoBia 

Oan; lai-Popploa, doga aod bllehaa. Pint, Bayoooa 
".'!?■•' rJ?*.™'S"i "^J^' 'helpB* Davie' Cnl^beear. 

JJaaa in A-Novln. doga and bllehaa. Pint, C. P. 
*^lJ"!?S IT" Bauble: peeood, I. F. Iloli'a Pnaa 

Beeelal Prin-Bon hitch opealumamboiaooly. Won 
byBaronoo Kaonal'aNaakln. 

K^E?.'" '^IJ"'"!,' ItH'f'*- eiwa 10 membenealy, Woa 
br Bajoona KaoiHrB Ban>oa»a, 

BpMlal Prlia-Cloh braedaM' tiothy, voloa tHO. for beat 
i°ea?al'YSJai "»l>'"»^ by siillo?!; 

DoaUM Terrier Club ebaHenR* tiopky, 
rat dog or Nicli owoed by aabibltotn all 

ax^tt'WlovtocloBaaroolrlea. WoobyBayonaa Ian- 
ool a paoain 

■.iS?^*"''''*-^?''il'"*'v'erbtBd and owned by ei- 

wSTb^t.'fllSiiVio'^l.'a;."**'' """"" 

Bpwlal I'lln-lloaun Tenlor Pojpy Bowl open to 
in«alaT<o<ilr,ror Ibe heel unlor KCwaii iheaSaaor 

B^ftfSoSjld™' "'•"»-• "una" BUT 

. J."?'"'.'" ^t"."' C"'"' f°' •ka Uat (bar 
Keonala °*"'' °°* aiblbltor. Woa bylbo Boeua 

Spadal PHte->v>r boat tarrfer, opeo lojaU. Woa by 
BaioBoe KenaaraNaoklo. 

•'*"''''^'"' 'enler bred aad owned by ti- 
bIMtor. mo lo all. Woo by BnaBoner KeaaeTe Moala. 

Rpealal Pilia-Por boat Jog, opes lo aetaban ooly. 
Woa by Phelpa A Oavla' OnmmlBBloaet II. 

~ . ~ .. MARTIFFB. 

'■'>»*• Bv- 0- *• I^ageat'e 

Eaopotor William, 

(Saio t-Challeoga bllchoi, PInl, Dr. C A. Loegaft'e 
LadyDlaoa. ^ 

(Uaa S-O.40, doga. Pint J, I. Wlacbtfa Hack Priaea 

. „. . . juj^,!,. 

Bnaaaton: aamid, MkKalogooael'a RnbU 
laid r. amlih'B Print* Edwud n, 

CUa 4-Opea, bllcbeo. Pint 1 
volauble; eocond, Dr.C, A, t 
tblnl. De. 0. A. LouRoat'a Veni 
«laia l-rupplea. doge and bitekea Pint, Dr. a A< 

, . , .. L, wltaAelTa M\m 

STiWfil'i,'?^- °':,*-»*- '-••"'a LadySuuiea; 

loaaiafa May Flowaj; leeocd. Hit AUiaader BiemePa 

'wimtoSar KeooBl Clab'a M»r,'".^«r£?I"'m 
vige eirtend aad owned by one eibiwior. Won by Dr. 

vige eateied 

I*"!"*- - flREAT DAMEB. 

Claia It-Cbaneog; doea aod Wtdiee. Pint, Boutli 

Aet"SrS«»VB' RobbMoa'B Bmo Bmmmal. 
- -|rla» ygeUi 

lkl!d,Cb^ ygeldenr;BAao._, 
Oleia " 

ili^ea, PInl, Er. Ledwig Palaa'a 

^ ; j: Wi«kb«m Millar'a PrloeOH; thin), 

Arlber'onleraanp'aJooo. ki,,v„ •;_> Mn 
olaaa 17— Pepploek doga and bitthea, pint, aiv. 
rufSi D, SrSSfmerrBadafactloo; aeeoad. Plane 

'fSySEi^'SSi mtd bllckea. NoBntprlee; 

•eured and owned by one eiblbllor. WonbyT,B.BaiB- 

""iSKUlPriw-TorbeatdoglnopBaelaia. WonbyA.B. 

^sSflff wS^pir a«».d boet doe bl open claaa. Won 
lirBr Joho D.Woodboiy'aVamiB, !».„>., 
«MeialPrii»-*or heal bllcb la Ike open daia. Won by 

^I^HoFSiirSJ teoad boat Mteh In Ibe open daia. 
WMbyT.B.Bonibam'aManon. r>^.„ 

Bpedal Priie-For the beet_ porpy. Woo by Char.ea 
Beaeb'aHeoca. „g„^i,^|,i,j,gD9. „ . „ 

Claaa l»-Doga and bltehea., PIrtt Manholl eiHl 
nwan'a PrIoeeJobi: aeeood, Joba Bmllh'a Neto II; 
tUid, Joaeph Boio'e Bover. 


Clam 44-Doae. Pliat N. (J. Pope'a Clar: Becood. Tho 
aovJSorTgiJoera Bocae; WW, J. <iS'S^^i)^«.- 

Cloae ai-Rluhta. Pint Dr. H. T. tbuiker a Pernor; 
■ewid. N. q. Popa'i Flirt; third, Tbe Uotemor-i Kei- 
naPa Sanca, 

C!lE<IAPBAiBBATD008.^, , 
CtaH46-Dorv FInt, Bohurt Mllbenk'ii KleR: *«o»d. 
OtniDiaBder O.O.R«tUr'a Echo; tbM, Oik Qrore Ken- 
Dire Deao^. 

Ulau 47-Bllchea. FInL Oak Qrora Etoaera DaUy: 
aeoood, J. a. WaVemto'fl Frf neeaa. 


aau 8S-ChaUenF« doia, any breftl.OTtr Sft- 
Mlia Ana*>el Oreao'a DenDla; Mcoad. Dr. 8. J. Bradbarr a 
Dnrtoo Warwkfe. ■ . « 

ClajHO-CbaltaDRabltcbea, anr hn»d, owWh. TtnU 
Dr. a J. Bradbor>'e Dniton thi Bbrew; eecond, Wee 
Web Keooela MldalahtlU. 


Clait»97-rhal(asRado|e,bltok orllrer. FlraLOaprtp 
DeoRlaa' Black Prinee; aeeood, Janiee B. Qreea'a Wood* 
laad Frince 

OawBS-CballenK* bilcbea, bUekorllvar. Flnt.Mepa1 
KeoDera Baby Boto : eecond. Oeone DouflaaP Woodland 

CU«rB9-rhalleoBadoitaaod bltdiei,aDy other color. 
FInt, Wdllam T. PayDt'a Torlata; eccood, Oeorga 
OrtM'e Banibo. 

OlaulOD-Ooff^ opeo. black. Tint A. T. Knowlaoo'a 
Giy eilb; a*oood, aoorse pouflai^ Black Duke II: 
thlnl, Mepal Ktooera Counodorw. 

Olau l6l~Bllch«a, open, blaelr. FInL Qeorire Door- 
iMi* Wnodlaod Bella; eeeond. BwUa MouniaJo Keonera 
OibrleUa: thlnl. Edwin W. Fiiko'e KhM^Obo. . . 

CUM l(n-Doffaa opeo, r»d or liver. Firat, Etkemd 
RenoelHi HamlhOD Jack: recond, Bwlu MnoDialn Kon- 
n«ra ilec: thlid Frmnola W. Klnbalfa If r. J. Jloki. 

Olaaa itD-BltehtiL opeo, red er Mw. Pint, T. Me- 
fCcan Robertaoo'a Red Dolly: toeood, neorae Doniclai* 
Woodlasd Lily; third, flwlHlloaBtAla Keneet'e 7.Dlelka. 

DIaM Itt-pDMlea, doRa and Mlchea. Flr»t Mepa 
Keontra HIaa Mepal; aaeoad. Woe Wah KaaDtl'i Darkaet 

Cta«alM-Dofa,aoy otNr roinr. Plnt.P.P.WriRht'a 
BnwoLad: wood. WUIlamT.Parae'aLomliie; third, 
Edwin W. FUkt'a Oar Teddy. 

ClaM IGS-Bi'chia, aoy other color. Flret, Jotm 11. 
Miitbew** Polka Dot; eeeood. WllUam T. Payoe'e Tanfy. 

Oran 107-Norlee, don aad blichee. FInt, W. A. Ho* 
Chlian'a PrlneaH Alice: aeeood. Oaqno DourIu' Via* 
eoaDi:thM.A Cllotui WUmeidUR'aWatDOORl. 

AmerleaD tWclal CInb awetpetakaa Fonportioarpan- 
loU horn la ISas^ open to piemben or American 8pultl 
Ctabooly. FInt, Qoone Doaelaa'Woodlasd Belle: lee- 
nid. (leornDootlaa* Buck Dale II; ihlTtl.QeonteDoof:- 
U*' Woodbbd Ducboaa; roartfa, Un. B. F. Eeaabay'a Bay- 

bnok Tommy. 

Aowrican Bpanlil Olob oorka iweepaiakea-For ell 
Aeierlcan brril cooker apanleb ihat have nerervoo » 
flnt prlx* to an open daaa prior todate of adtry. PIrat. A. 
CliDtnn WIIn)erdla|:*a WatnoDfl; aacond, Qeorge Doug- 
lai* Vl'CoonL 

American Boanlet Ctob Bovlm weepiiake^For all 
AoMrleaa bredapanleleoTer XSit thnt have ne'arwoon 
flnt prlM In an open elate prior udato of entry ; mam- 
tMraooly. FlraCaO R. Frettoo Jr.'i Bail*: aeeood, Wee 
Wtb Eennel'e Black Inlgbt- 

Special Prh^For beat red cocker dor nr blloh In tho 
open claai. Won by T. MoKean Bobertaon'i Bad D'^lly. 

Ppeelal Prfi^For beat black cocker doc lo lha pappy 
ohM Woo by A. Ollotoa Wllmetdloa*a wttnooK I. 

Bpedal PHu-For beat cocker ated oor nbown with two 
oibhaeL Woa by Oeorie DoorIaV Black Duke. 

Bpaeul Prtw— For boat Anw riean bred cocker bitch. 
Vroo br Mepal Kaonal'e Baby Bath. 

Special Prlte-For beathraee oreoekeie, doR and blteh. 
Won by (leorva Doostaa* Blaok Dake aod Woodland 

Bpaelal Prita— For beat' parti CAinrtd epulel doc asit 
blidi In the open daai. Won by Jobn U. Hatuwe' Poker 

0aoolaihlUCha]leBRaCap-For bait IrUh water apeolel 
nened by a naober or Ihe American Bpaoltiulab. Won 
by Mlaa Anabel Oreon'a Daoola. 

Bannlngblll Bnea ChalleoRe Cni^For beat bnce of 
Aaierian bnd BlaokfleM apaaUl peitpeU eatertd and 
nened by a membtr or the Amerloa Clab. Won by Wee 
Wtb Kenoel'a Darkoai AfHc* aad Black Nlibt 

Soeclal Prtta-For beat partJ-colored cockerdoR aotered 
nnd owned by a member of Ihe AmerieaoBpaslel Club. 
Woo by Wm. T. Payne'e Lorraine. 

Speetal Prlia-Fer beat cocker blieh, aar oUier color, la 
the rt^a elaa, enured and ownrd by a member of tbe 
ABaTlcanBpanlelClQb. Won by T. McKeaa Bobeitaon'a 

Tbe Baybrook Trophy— For beet Amtrleaa fleld apanlel, 
tobewou'llvetlfflta. WeobyDraBaJ. Bradburr'aDray- 
tco tbe Bbnw. 

Tbe Bell Cop-For bwtbrace orotber cocken. to be won 
roerdmea. Wonby UieSwlaaMoantaia Ktnnal'a Ooldle 

JrbtWbtielietdTrophy— For beat cocker atoddoKibown 
ibtwoofhleiettttecat onlriobe lodiad. tobe won 
fnr timet. Wen brO^ormDooRUa' Black Duke, Wood- 
taad Belle aad Woodland Prince. 

Amenean BpaalelOlnb TropbF-For bett Oekl ^anltl 
OTtr Sft, to be woo foar timet. Won by Otoin Dooalaa* 
Black Ddkt. 

Tht Brace ChallenRe Bowl-For bett brice of ipanlela 
onr Sb, at leaat two bmcat owped by dlifereat eahlb- 
Itera to oonpeto. to be woa Bra timet. Won by Dr. B. J. 
Bftdbarr't DrtyUm Warwick and Dnybin Shrew. 

Tbe Bm'ih Itopby— For tbe beat other than blaok 
e«thtr,tobe«aaaretlQMi. Won by T. MoEean Bobert- 
■ee*a,Bed DoUy. 

BMclal Prftt— For bett eihlbit of fonr tpaaloU, anr 
wtnety om entered and ovnad br one exhibitor. 
Woo by Wea Wah KeDntrtBtaltyBaiTen,Watdltwonb 

8vetp.MidnlRhtllIaad Dark Deipalr. 

toeeJal PrU»-For beet eihlbit of four ceoken eotered 
ud owned by boa eihlbltor. Woo by OKinte Doailaa^ 
Woodland PHaee^Yltoonataad Woodland Belle. 

Aratricaa Bpulei Olab Tropby— For bet field apaotol 
oierOA, to be woo roar timet. Won bj Wee Wab Kea* 

va«l aomi. w apw v< 

mi'a Btnlty Baroa. 


Olaaa 9S-0ptn. doga, black. Pint, Wee Wah VennePa 
WtidMwortta Bwtep: aecond. (IterRe R. Praatoa Jr.'e 
RndMonarcb; third, WeeVab Kenotra DirkDetpalr. 

Claaa H-Optn. bitrhra. blaok, Pint, Mia Anabel 
flraaa'a Met; leeond. Marcel A. Vlte'a BcaadtL 

Olaaa n-dpea,do«i. any oihtr color. Flnt, wlibheld: 
oteoad, LodU Bitper't Romto. 

Olaaa B8-Open,oltcltee, ur oibar color. Flnt, Bow. 
land P. Ktaihya Moonll|ht Belle; tecond, BowUnd P. 
■aaiby*a Baybrook Oypna. 


OlaaSO-Doiaandbluliea, Pliit«T. A. Oanon'eMIke 
<1; e*conil. Dr. J. r. Eeni'e Belre; third, MUa Anabel 
Oreent'B llofta't Nellie. 

^nitai 91-Dofa. Plnt.aeorf* R. Prratoa Jr.'a Major 
Cllirealher: teooDd. Oaorge K. Pnttan Jr.'e MacOnaor. 

Clatan-Blicbat. PlnlUeont B. Prottoo Jr.'a O'ea- 
VDod'eOieetlag; eeoond, OeorveR. Piaatun Jr.'a Butla. 

data adt-Doga and blubat. Flnt, Toco aod nomaji' 
Eadollire Roanawny; aeeood, F. A. Bouielle'a Fanor; 
tUrd, Toon tad Tkomaa* Bndellffe Flmaway. 

_01auSS-Doia.' PUat, H. Fred Chutcb'a Btar of the 
Btai: aecond, It. A. Van Zaadt't Tonmr Atklni II; 
tbIrd, Mn. Jamaa L, Eemechaa'tSprlnc. 

ClaaeSH-Bllebea. Flnrt. Mn. Janee L. Kenoohaa'a 
Mtllle: aeoood, I*. A. Tan Zandt*a Bllak Boony. 

fnaaafltt-Uaaoppeddon aad bltchta. Flnt,Mn.FB 
J. Hopkloa' NoblUtr ; aeoond, Joho Werehlnr a Bprlnf 1 1. 


naaaiaS-Cballenge dt^a. Flm, J. Pteiponl Morfaa*! 

OUh lUB-Cballeaie bltchea. Flnt, J. Plerpoat Moi^ 
•tn't ChailtoB Pbyula; aecond, Banatl B. dteanaid'i 
Lady Oar. 

maiaii(M>peD.dof[a. Flnt,J.PierpontMor«aa'eRar 
fbnl Ormonde: eeeond. Woodlawa Park Etoaera Eemp- 
ouad Chief; tklid, J. Plerpeot Hortaa'a OTM«m Pre- 

Olaaa lll-Ope&rbllcbea. Flret. WnodUwn Park Reo- 
BtraUaotaM*td Doi " — a. 

Flora May; Ararth, J. Flerponi Mortnn'a CimfAon Blue 

Clau lll-Vetana dop aod bIicbea,0Ter flrer 
FinLJ. FterpnntMorcan'eBenoa Btro; teoo&d,B< 
■ttM Fnra'a Bemp«iea4 Sola 

Olaaa lU-Jaoter dona, nndartvoyear*. Pint. J. pte'* 
■HotMoTian'aRohlnaray: aecoed. llempelaad Farm'i 
uemprtaad Tokel; thlid.J. Pleiponl Moriaa't Crafatcn 
Predom I aator. 

Olamltt-^onlef bl«'hea,andertworaana FtntJobn 
naek'e MaM of Bate: tecoad, J. Fleipont Vorian't 
<vaB«t»BBIaeBaln; ihM, Btmael B. StaBnanraliady 

^*(Kaitll^PDpplH,dofl8. Flnt, J, PlaipoDt Bonan'a 
riueton Pradomlnat/^: eeeond. J. PlerpDot Horgan't 
4>nfitDa Brnao; tblrtf, P. B. Moatalet'e RalpliTakaaa. 

Oluall«-Pepplaa,bticbea. Flnt John Blaeh'a MaM of 
Beta; eecond. BobeitBaebWeBtilevoodVlet«rU:thli^ 
fieoTf Jarreit'a Dorotbea. 

Claae lir-Motlce, dom. Ftrat, J. PleTpool Horpn't 
Bobla any; aeeood. Hempttted Fam^a Hemp«iea>l 
Tokel; ihlid. Woodlawn Paik EeaaeTa Htmpetaed Chief. 
_C1aiall»-MoTl«^bltch*a. Fim, Joh» Riack'a MaM of 
Bate; eeeond. RAbett BocUe'e Uulevood Tktorla: third, 
B. O. Bieeey'a Lett** of Haale Orare. 

Otand Annaa) OolUe Bwaep m kte of IflBI-Flis^ Hemp. 
Mad FUB'a B«mp«ead Tokel ; ttooad. J. Pteimt Mot- 

K't Orupiao Predomlnaier; third, Bobwt Bacbla*i 
alwoojTletoite; fbuth, J. Flaipoat HoniB'i CriM- 

Waataalaaiae leual Ctab'a Pilia-ror beat (oar ealUM 

entered and ovoeJ by one eiblblior. Woo ly j, pi., 

TbaConie CInb Silver (^ip, value BSD-wor beat in,.. 

lia bnd collie eihlbllad by a memhor dr ihe clob- ' 
_er lo ncelve a allver medal la RHnioemonilon tr i?^ 
awanl. Won by Woodlawn Park Keaael'e lUmfaiSj 

The Preeldeot't fillrer Cup, value BUt-For beat tar;. 
ethlhjtrd by emamber of ibe ColileClah; wionvM^ 
oelve tllrer mtdal In oommemorailon or iht avaM 
by Woodlawn Park Ktnael'a Uemptt«ad Dnroiby ° 

Bronte Medtl— For heat collie dow lo aoiko ciu« 
jwced oy a member or tbe CoUle Clue. Won br J f^a.' 
poat Morgan'! Robin Oray. ' 

Braoia Medal— For beat collie bllch In noilce cUu 
owned bv a member ol tbo CoUle Club. WooIitjT^* 
Bltek't Maid of Bote. ^ 

The MoiMD Bllrer Con, Ttlaa BM-For be»t cfiUi. 
whtlpcd In 18U, eiblhlted or a mtmber' f tbeCAllikC^rh 
Woo Dt J. PltrpOBt Morgao'H Crmyaion Predomlnattr 

Bpedal Hedtl of Honor- For be»t«tuddoc lobe jcdnrf 
by two or hlnpet out ol dliTennt bliehee. which raaVu 
the propeity or Oitfereat nwoera; coodaed to rolb«raf 
labile tiud In the Uolled Biatea aod Caoada; no ruii£ 

loB aa to age of compctlOR pmReny, bntthewbobv' 
lair will be debarred from oompeilOK lor thIa ttikt nfUr 

ESS; the owner or a ttad dot competlnR may aelett lav 
Of Ihe proReoy pnixot at Ihe tliov wblch will eniw«r it* 
ebore requirement*; tLe prefence ol ilie tiad doRmeoi 
^lately aeeeMarya Won by Ueary Janeit'a ChrlHa. 
pher with Dontbea and Robin Ony. 


Clam 119-Doiie and bhchet. Pint, Joe Caner'i Bm- 
aeconil, lltinpataad Farm'a Uempttcad Maid- iiitid' 
Henpttetd Ferm't Hlue Light 


Claaa 19-Chtll6BRe doci. Flnt J. L. VInchell't Vicbr 

Claae «>-ChtUenge blVcbta. Flrti, Dr.U. A. Loutau'i^ 
St ween. 

Olaa'Sl-Opeo, ilogi. Flnt, Dr.C. A. Lougtu',i iiiua 
deBodbory; aeeoad. J. L. WlncheH'e Jatuo. 

Olaaa Sl-eOptn, bllehea. Pint J. L Windieiri .S£#- 
atcrnd.8. B. rbrlity't Layavood Oboru; tblnl. Dr. A.F' 


Claae S>-CballeoRe ilon and blicboiL Pint, Heory w 
Sliarpltu' Argtaa; atcond, Bfory W. Bhtrpleu' Pnnc»:( 

riaatSl-OpcB, dota. Flnt. Heoir W. flharpleae' AT«i- 
aecond, Henrr W. Rbaruleta' EauV: third. Mra. Oeona 
M. Eeubey'HOptlmltt. 

Olaaa n-Optn. blicbte. Viral, Wttka and Turair'q 
Lady Dtlu: teeood. Ilenrr W.flharpleti* Koraeia; ililnl 
Watkt aod Tumore Queen Caiherlae. 

Claai S^-Pupplea, doitaaofl bltchee. Pint WilllinL. 
Andrewi' Ivan; aeeoud. Wttki and Taroer't Frltce 

Wettmloater Renael Club't Prize— For bett Tosr to. 
tered and owned by one exhibitor. Woa by ll. w. Shup- . 


OlanSl-ChtllaoHedoRiandblichea. FIrat, Albion L. 
Faie'iDunrobln LocbleL 

ClaatSS-Opeo. dr>Ra. FInt, AlMon L. Page't Bniarll; 
eeeond. Joiepfa H.Zabn'eBlr Wallae*. 

Olaaa %-Opta, blithea. Albion h Pag*'* DuaroUu 
Dacheta: tecoad. JoatPh B. Z.tbn'tQuten of At«fKd. 

Waaimlotter Kennel CIub'M Pflx»— ror bett Toer tn- 
tared and owned by one exhibitor. Won byAlbb>n L. 

Cl«m97-Challeng« dun. Flr»t Dr.J.U.L>ke'ePoiih- 
em Rbyinea; eecgod. Woodbaren EcDner^tonl X«Trr- 

Ulau 38-Oballenge bitches. FIrat, Dr. J. U. LyU i 
Bettwood DaUy. 

Chut S9-0MD. doga. PIrtt Mrm. WllliaDi W. OreM'i 
Paeh: taeond. Htybrook Keooefa Balutniion; tliIrO, S. 
DIektoo Bow'tDakeorMomlajiiiae'L 

ClaaaiO-Optn, blichet, Flnt To^n aod Tiomta' {totih- 
era Btlle; tecooO, U. M KelWa Ml<a DolUr III ; thitd. 
Toon and Thomav Southeru Oar GirL 

Clattil— PnppI«a.dogt and bltchea. FIntMajbrKpk 
Etontl'tBaluUtlon; lecond. N Q- Pope'a Jo Bny. 

Wettffltntter Kennel Olub'a Prlzo— For iwit foar to- 
tered and owned by one exhibitor. Won by While (uk 

OlEM 41— Doffa. Pint, Penobrvk Uuni'i MaleaU) ; 
aeoond, W.BrtRdan'atoamter. 

Claaa 45— BliCDtt. Flnt Ftonbrook Uunt'a Larctty; 
aecond, Noel H. Money *a Friendly. 


ClaMier-OiaDenRednga. Pint Joe Lewla' RIdcImiI- 
er; aecond. 11. L Kna«ltr*a Frank Konet. 

Olaaa IM-OiallennblUhe'. Pint Joe LawU* Lowly. 

Clata i(t>-OpeD, doRt, over iblneealncheaand noitx 
ceedlna nrteea loebet. Pint, Oeome F. Reed'e Utrlrr: 
aeoond. Ilempttead Reagle*' Ftitrtar. 

(Ilaaa IM— Opea, bltchea, ortr thirteen lochee aod tot 
exeredlng nittea lochee. PIrat, HtmraieaU B*aicki-' 
Purity; aefoaJ. arur^e F. Reed'i Nell R.: third, Soeer 
eel KeDntl'ii Cindenlla. 

Claae 171— Open. doR^ act eicteding thirteen lor^fii. 
Pint, Uempataad BeoKiee* Leader; tecood, Oeorge L«hk'« 
Lalrb'a Boy. 

Olau ITS—Opan, bllrliat, aoteiceedtoR thlrtaen lociri. 
FiiMt II. U Kreodtr't Loaely II: recood, Walillfiu<«ld 
BurW FaUaey ; tliln. Debonair Beagle Senoal'a Toi^y 

Clan 173-rapploa, dogi and bllehea. Flnt Joe Levi<' 
Cbenywood: uoond. Oeropettad Beailan'Charmrr. 

Claaa 174— NoTlcea,doRaaBd bltchea. Pint HtmpHlttd 
Baaitttt' Furrier; aecond, ll*mpftead Baaglea* Trunin. 

National Beesle Clab'a priir-For lia»TUtch that bu 
been placed In aoy recoROlxtd AeU irlal held In Awrr- 
lea. memben only. Won by OeorRe P. Refil'a Nell IL 

Weannlntter Rensel Club aprlt^ For he»t four eottreO 
and owned by one exhibitor. Wnn by Joe Lewla' Loafly, 
BloBleader, Cbenywood aod Bailltr. 

National BaagleClub'atirlu-ForbeAdof Uiat hu Uea 
placed In aoy recoRnlttd Held trial heM In America. 
Won by II. Eiender't Frdnk Forett. 


Cla« ISI— Chaltangt doRM. Plnt/\Vllllam ILTrann' 
TIU LordthIp; aecond, Woodlawn rtrk Kenntl't BlOit 

Sua lS9-CbaUengo bitchat. Flr«, Woodlawn Park 
Kennel't Rtleal ; tecood, William R Tnten* White Vtao. 

Olawl36-Opao, doitL4iB aad orer. Piftt, Wood two 
.atk Eennera Facer Romford ; Mcood. 0. O. Hep 
L'AmbaiMdor; third, Charlea Paraona Jr.'e Bherl If. 

lon-B nur LOie. 

Bllrer Medal— For beat American bred puppy uoder 
irieeo moo tin oppoalte In tex to the wlonir oi ine Ptppy 
lowL WonbyJaOole. 

J niaammrBiuvi . iiiubi, uiibiid), raiBUuavg. ■ kkiviiii. 

Clau 197-Opea, bfiehea. 40ft aad orer. Fmt. Wood- 
lawn Park RennaPi Uaekntll Oypiey; Mcood, Jam*' 
Ahaliloo'a Pint Allenpt: third, Loola Batjer'i Btiay 

Ciata ISa-Opea. dote, ooder 4ih. Pint Charlu A. J. 
Bmlth'a Heatheo; aecond, R K.Autlln'a Baron Klllar- 
ner : third. Banrr O. Beadleaton'a Wrlahlet. 

Clan U9— Opea, bitchra usder Ulb. Fir^t, B K. Aua- 
Un'a PrlaoauVenn; tecoiHl. U. 0. lloptoo'a Lady Buu- 
arch : third. J. u. Wlnrlow't Magnte Mtivby. 

Olatt llO-Pupplftt, doRt, Pine, A. C. I.edyafd*t Bll 
Tale; tecoad, J. H,ConRdon'aEIoRCole. 

niau 141— Pupplet. Utchee. Pint. B. B. MeCrMry'i 
Belle Tanoa; tecond, John 0. Ploet*! Ookl Nofget 

riau 141— Norke, doM. Flnt 0. U. llQptnn'a L'Ain- 
bataador: lecond. Charle* PanooaJr.'t BharllT. 

Clan lu-Nerlce, bltchea. FIttt. Jaaiti Gheldon'e Pint 
Atiempi; tecond, Loolt BaiJet*aBeuyOreen. 

BUrar Medal— For breeder of tbe American FMd Cup 
winner. Woo by C. 0. Iloptoo. 

Bllvar Medal— For bleeder of Poppr Bowl winner. Wun 
byJ. colea. 

TbeOrud Trophy. valoefSi^ForbeatdoRorbltdli In 
tbe Bhow. Won br Woodlawn Park RennePa Faoey Baui- 

Tbernrlerffop, value tlOTUForoppotlie In ten io*lu> 
ner of the Onnd Tropby, Won by woodlawa Park Kea- 
nel'a Balenl. 

Tbe American PleM Cnp. vainetKO-For bett Ameri- 
can bnd doR or bllch owoed by a member tlx moailn 

Srlortodtuof clotlnRof enirlta. to be won fonr timet. 
Ton by U. J. Doptoa'a L'Ainbaf tador. 
Tbe Puppy Bowl, value $1C0-Fbr Irttt American bred 
dng or bltcb uoder arteen montha. Won byJ. HaOtng- 
don'e Elar Cole. 

Bllrer Med ' 
BowL ' 


Clau 144— Don aad bltchea. Fini, Hn<. Nelltoo'i Btllo- 
chaae: aeoond. Hre. JanieaL. Kainochau'aHargot; tkird, 
Mra./. B. tailth-Heddtn'a BIblol 

The BaUdoROIob'eillver mtdal— For iht bettptlr,doie 
tnd bltcb. eotertd aad ownel brcoeeililbltpr. Woa by 
Woodland Ktnntl'e Facey Romford aod Baleat. 

eniend and owned by one aiblbltor. Won by Woodlawn 
Park Kenoelt. 

Bpeclal Pilie-For beat eihlbit of loar eolartd aail 
owned by one exhibitor. Won by Prank T. Dole. 
Clau lis— Oballenge dowc Pint Dr. R. fl, Hiide* 
koprr'aCardooa; ttcood. B. Fred Obirrb'a tlUleFirpr, 
Olvi l4B-Chal\aoRa bltchea. Firm, Dr. B. B. Hafde- 
ko^i'a Edgewood Topay; aecond. Frank F. Dele^n Btar* 

llau l4r-Opeo, dogi over 90ft. Pint, Cbrbtoeher 
WoUb'eTnfilgar: eeeond, Prank F. Dole'a Tloior; third, 
Perrr TlffMij't Brady. 

Olua Ita-Opoa, bllehea over !«». Flnl,IIaiTy Thomp- 
Bon'a Marie Ooddoaa; aecooil. Pnob P.,po)e'B Oreen UIU 
Bmproaa; UiliJ,T,A,Olvon'aqooantlly, 

01am Itf— Opeo, doga UB aod not over aoto, PIrat, 
Thomaa UoUao'a Ban Bruih; aacond. Jamea HiuilaPe 
Oanleld; thlid. PnokP Dole'e Pedlar Palmer. 

tnao lem-Opeo. bltcbaanB and not over aPft, Flret, 
H, riedCboRh'eeabutla; eeeood, Piink F. Dole's Edge- 
wood Lady, 

Olaaa lil-i , . ^ , 

Tboraae lIoMan'a Lily Belle; aecond. Tbomae HoUen'a 
Bosola Belle; iblM, RocboalarPlltabarg BnU Tenrlar 
Eennera Topee. 

Claaa IM— Popplaa. doge aod bltdiaa. FlnL^ Caltle 
Point Kennel a OaaUe'e Bfl or Paabloa; aeoond, Prmak F. 
Dola'a Maatetpleea. 

Olaaa US-Novloa, doge aad bllehea. Pint. Obrlitepbar 
Welra'e Tmlfelgar; aeeoad, Prank B. Dole'a QiMabUlEffl- 

lllan UI— UncioHied don ud bllehea. Pint, JamH 
PaUereon'e BeaaU DuUob; aeooed, Fiank P. DolVa Edge- 
wood Lady. 

Weaimlaater Keaoel Clab'a Prlio-Por t>aBt font ei- 
Ur.d aad owBod by one aiblbltor. Woo by Fimnk P. 

Tnbby Dock Cnp-Por beat doR, owned by eiblblior 
all mootliB prior to daw or doaloR aoirlea. Won by Dr. 
B, a llaldakopei-a Caidoas, 

Bllrer Medal— For beat Anierieu bnd dog la ehalleoaa 
claaa. WonbyBoehaater PllUbeigBoUTiirlwKaaaoT'a 

Bllver Madal-Por beat American brad blleh la eha|. 
leogeejam. Woo byCaaiiePolalKeeael'aOaatla'a Edge- 

Olaaa lal— Open, doaa and bllehea nader Kh. Flnt, 


Sllvsr Made]— For beat Anarltaa bred doc over 9M. la 

the open ebua. Won by Pany THIaaya Brady. 

Bllver Medal— For beet American teed dog onderVB, 
to tbeopw cloaa. Woa hyOaatlo Polat KenneTa Tar- 



Out IW Opeo. doaa Pint, Chrie PdeManr'B TaU- 
man P.; aeeoad, UempetaadFain'aTeek; third, Blikaid 
L.Anaao]oy'aAlbaBrTobey. _ 
_piaaa lO-Open, bHebea. Plivl, Toolo fkim ■•aaera 
Wbal'a Waalad: eeeood, WIndnafa Keoaal'a Jaaeoa; 
tblid, Mn. 0. r. Bavemayei-a Dugbiar. 

(naaaUt-PnFplaa,dogB aad blleiaaL riiel,Wbidmi^ 

Febbuary 29. 



ImmT* Mlnlo; moouI, Tulo tnm KnnVt Vtalo 

""ffitlVlVf*-^*" bwtixhibltof fmrDtehitisadi h- 
Unikatf •VMd by OM «ihlMt«r. WoobjUMWladruih 

'iClfAnlwChtllMii* Ca»-Forib«b«il Amsrtewbnd 
DMb«liaDJ,tob*a»jp«utf lor ivloi uoiuilr.ft^ Wtr- 
mlMWr EwiBsl Clab uil Mew EnilaM Koosel Club 
ibowA. Won by WbMlni»k KeoDtp* JiiHitL 

CUM ISI-OiaUeaK* dfgi. Flitt, Wbdruih C«OD«ri 
Doa Qfllxot* II. 

CtaM lO-Obtltenn MidwB. rint, Joho U. Mbttiit*** 
Poll/ niodtn. _ 


Ckulftl-Dofi ud blichti. Hni, M.aTrMm^sDrtj- 
Bu; Meoad, a. a. Tyioa'i Tark. 


CiMim-nitllrax*, taooih bltehta. FInLL. ud W. 
RaitMrfoiil'* WtfTva rapiun; Mcond« L. ud w. RQib«r< 
ford's WuTta Owdout . 

OiwilT^PapMW,imM*hdMt. Vint, WlUI&m WTim* 
ln'j-B«r«)j Vlc»r: Mwnd. r J. SalUru'i BUck Lm 
■ednca; uiIpI« OUtmc* lUitaboM'i BaTtnjck Ft- 

CtoM ISB— PopplM wire liklrwl bitehu. Fitvt. Tooo 
ud TboBMA' EMcUffa Nlnblo; Moood, A. 11. YouDji'i 

U»-l(bvlM.vln blind doffiwd bitcbw. Pint, 
Tooa ud TboiW EacUire flcordiftr: Hcood, B. U. Hod- 
D«T*U Jr.'i Bill Uont Brick. 

ClaM UO-Ctu>lH)ift dofi. Klru, V. J. 0>>iiiitiock'« 
MttrltOradr; Moood.Toon udTliootu' Brlfcci' B«it 

CUM 191— <*ball*nKe bitcbtH Plnii. a.<lonloa Uira- 
mtll'A Hill Top B«rprUo; Mri'Dj, Ttwii &od TtMnu' 

OUm IVI-OpM, dofv. Pint. TooDftod ThoniM* Bilfft* 
Blii«r: H'cood.Suikun KeaD«)*i CuidliuAuibuitdDr: 
tbird, II. T. BetiitVi Tarlir. 

Vlua lU-4>p«o, bltcb««. Pint. 0 V. Ujaur** MUtoo 
DiDlMo; wend, Tooo sod Tuooiu' Rodcllib HtfKi*; 
Ih rd, M. Hruckbeltnflr'* BUokbrook Bnckei. 

Olui 191-PapplM, dOK*. Plnu, <;btrle* Ljodon'a 
0«eo Row*; M&taU, J. A Oftrbod'i BUnier Boy. 

CU« in^Pappbn, bitcliw- Pim, Tooo ud Tliotou' 
BrlifB' B«bl«: ueoDd, Jobo TI*rllbp'«Br«la Ido. 

Ouwf )0l-Narlc«. dbfls aod Mtcbei PIrvt, Taod idI 
Thoou' Boddlir* MK|rl«: »«coad, Tooo ud TIiooms* 
Brif ff Uiur. 

8p«dM Pilu-Por bat •xblblc oi foor tatutd ud 
ovAftl bp 00ft txbibltor. VToo bp Tooa ud Tbomm*. 

CUu fllA— ChalleDR* don ud bitcbrt. Flrtt, John 
IlfvklnwD'B BMCb (irote Btu* Ba11«; Mcoml.o. Vr. tou> 
■wCl HoDDl Vmnn TIbbI*. 

0U« W-Opu, doKi. Firm, WdUKm 11. BaBHlfa Epl- 
oflrv; «*cood, WlUUm n. BuwU'i Brokor ; Ibird, M. A. 
U. Tbtlberrji Oeom W. 

Olut tlO-Opf n, ^lidbM. PlmLWIIUm H. Rnwin 
PoUj Wukworib; a«a>od. 11. R. CblM'i rvlUft; iblrd, 
JobD flopbloioo'i Eadcllift Wwp. 

Olaullt— Pap|>l«i,dov>udbiid)»L Pirtt, WIUluiH. 
BoMMU'f Ptmsr; wcoiid, U. W. LoaBMt'A Umidi VvrQon 

Bp4etAl Frli*— For bMt txhlblt of foor utervd ud 
ovDid by oo* oiblbltor. Woa bp W. B. Ruwtl 

BmcIu Prlu— Por bwi BtdllnBton lo ibo abow. Woo 
bp W: U. nanell'a Bpleor*.- 

Bpcetal Prlu-Por b«it p«lr,doc ud bitch. Woo by 
W. U. Bau«lt*« Enicnn tad FoUp Wariivunb. 

8p«eUl Frtu— Fbr hw Amtrleu brtd BedllQitDD. 
Won by W. II. BubmIN Epicure. 


CUa SIS— ThtlUDK* dofi. Pitat, Brookl ud Amei' 
TIrce: Mcond. Bmok^aixl aiuw* Hbidunu. 

Clftv lia-CbtlltDg* bltcb««. Ftnt, Brookaud Afflft^ 

«1anai4-0Mii.doR*. FIrft. Bnokt tml Amei' \7u)il« 
Tui:MCoad,Biooktinil Amet* Bllcte« II; third, Brouk* 
tad AiMk' WukloO«dJlft. 

4nuaaiA-<te«a. bitctiri. PlTmt.Bnokl tod Amu' CU' 
itift;a6Coad, Brook* ud Amw' UlaHTed. 

Cm SIS— Amorlcu brad doipi. Pint, Brook* ud 
An»M' Wukk ikiii: ««c4iba, Hrwki ud Amw. Klkroe 
II; Iblid, O«onn llucb'a KIlrilD. 

CUu XI7— Antftricu br«d blich«L KIrat, Brooki uil 
Aau' Wukia Neitio; ucood. Oronh* ud Aln•^ Wuklo 
Dlua; thini, Bnwkaud Aotw* MinTad. 

CUu ]ltt-Piipi>la\ doM ud bJtdiH. FirBL Brooka 
ud Amu* Wuble N«iui; mcooJ, Brook* ud Amu' 


CUu S2r-CbaU«o|e dogA, PIntt, Hln E. Cryar'n Rob 
Ivy: auoDd.T. A. Uuiraid aAl Von. 

UUu tS-Upvn, dog^. Klnt, T. A. Uow»d'a Yoana 
Faorlee: MCond, HIa W. Q. Brlicno'H Br^r^^id Mutcl' 
tbiRl; Tooo ud TbomM' Lord HbtlTltld. 

CUU ta-Cb&llooia liltcbu. Pint, T. A. BowAcd'a 
Hookar; aecaod. New Vork Piiv Renoera Kellle Blj. 

CUu aM>|HO, bltchea. Flm, T. A. HovAtd'a Drum 
mer Ulrl; mcobU. Mr* L. Hlvan^ Yodib Tu; Uitid, W. N 

CU«e SI— Pupplei^ dogt ud Mtcbes. Pint, Na v York 
Pni ltMoar« ntty. 

liUM S^Voriee. dORH eod bltobei*. Pint, Mlu W. 0. 
Rrlitu'a Bndfoid Btrrel: lecoDdJobn U.FIper'i Jue 


LutWMk lined Uie rollowlng ballolla, wbloli will 
be mA wlUi more tluD ntiul liiereat ij wtietlisen 
Uunaihost tb« coontiT: 
• Dtttand ynVtofMn/.,— Janitii ilutU. MobiLi, Ala., 
uiid«reUu«i A: ubirltHllarUi, Hobllt, Au.,aD<]«rdmuM 
A; ubulM UaU, HoiiDd iilir. Im., iiDtlir oIuih I. At ilit 
nMUog of tlM ItadDB Bond on r«I>. 10, tt lloUI Itoo- 
Dtn, BaltliDoit, If UtmtlnD'i neord lor tb« uopaecd 
mil* IB Sm. *af. (pKcd lo tb« um br a laadam) *ma »• 

Tba plofMalooal racord or i. P. Saao, Dopacad, Ova 
nllaa, waacDniUcnd,an(l It waa dtcMod tbattbUmoid 
kbuold alaa ba tbinire oaL Tlia Praia Cyda Club, or 
I)valM.iBnatoraduiaaQoilanpriillana. lovlawoitba 
naw aTUaoc* lubmlltad on babiUor 0. M. Marpbr to Iba 
RadbV Houd Ibe luipanilon placed apoa hloi has baao 

Uoprdf oteqpfed.— Claaa B, uDpic4d, Maodiiifr aurt) 
aoioat iIm, oy P. O. BirDatt, Bl Paao,Taz.i>ao.f7, 
]»-lnll«,)lm.iB^i.:9 nllaa, Mb. ttit.; < mllai, lOn. 
<eia;>DillM, IJoL 3l),-<.;< aillia, lSai.B'a<.:Tinllaa, 
19ui. 127aa.; n inUaa. ttin. S^i^.; 9 a)laa,34iu.fl49ai ; 10 
mUaa,]nui. SI}ii.i II mllM, aim. 3i?«4.: IS dIIm, SSol. 
M<a.:umlU^9IiIl. t>i>.: iioliai. am. W<..:u mlla^ 
«lai. Ill,; le mllaatim. U>^<.: 17 mllaa. irni. 41a.; U 
mUaa, (Oa. aH^t. ; IS nllrr, ^n. :ll.i;4.: 20 iiillai,Uiu. 
SU.: Slintlaa,Uiii.lM»f.;llnill«^lb.2ia.9>ii.; Omilaa, 
Ib.Sffl. iSi.; M calla., lb. Hiii.4,Va.; 2S miiaa, lb. lOio. 

iwn m ni —A. w. Claarar, Loa AonIaa,Cal.; Jaaaa 

W.UuiT.Auioi^lIt : Alnttll.rrlM, Ubaal, itr.; L. 
A. Byar, Jmaf Cm. N. J.; Robert J. JoMd, Noirurlaaiii^ 
La.; II tMn Hlcb, UarciUianc. Pa- 

tfuAicihW.— Obailea iraraoaita, Hobatt Sliallr, Fred 
O'DalU of AaltJo. Tai., aod U. J>. Cammlafa, L. Joliu- 
MO. Bao Aotoolo. Tof.. bare ba.B aoapamlod rcom all 
tiackraelocrornlaatpdayi iromFab. 10. 


Acoldent to m Bexluple. 
BU wbeelmen were men or leas loJOKd at tbe 
Gonsado, Okl., track, while ttjlog lo break a lec- 
ord,.FMi.-17." ne'aceldent irat caiiMd bj Uie 
bsiiuiis of a tira od Me aexiopleL Wslli waa 
paocd uj Uie afiiiiplel, witb Moiie, TetilU, Waafr 
OanM, ^binlili, Vaogtan ud Bwanbnugli op. 
Wta^ agar tb« IHtee quaiter pole, and golog at a 
I:4l«ali,areponwaa lieard.Kiid for a aecondor 
LO DoUUog could be aeoD ot ue wbeelaorrlilcn. 
ttwanbroogb wiai tbe onl/ one aertooalj burt. UIb 
left ajikle was brokeo. Tbe otbeis were brulaed 
abonc (to Umbi aid bod;, except WelU, wlio es- 
caped wim scarcely » loimieb. 

naObeiler(PA.) Blcrcle Qab last week elected 
Ike fUlowlog uiDcen: President, Claries PAlmer: 
Tlca pnsldent, Irwia 8. Iteypor; ireiuarer, Fred 
Uawnu; Mcceiair, Walter Msrval; dnanclal aeo 
rsUrfi waller P«liiier; captain, Frank lU Perkins. 

Tn lM|Dft ot Honongabels Wbeelmen was or- 
ganlied at Moteesport, p*., on Feb. 10, wltb tbe 
lollowlit omuen: Prttldcot, R. J. Caagber; Tice 
ptesldeni, E. L. livlogsion; secreurr and trrss- 
urer.Obsrles HaiU, Uootaiead. 


Th« World's dunploB gkmters. 
ne aBBval coapalltloaa lor tha amateof apead aad 
laaarakallog ebimpioBdilpi o( the world wara Laid at 
Rl ralanbors. Boula, fib. 7, / nader tba aiuplcaa ot 

tMIatereMkoalSkialaiUDloQ. J.J. Bdu wod ell lour 
«Ma mtaau, vbile U. Pacfca won Hie Ogiire diuipi«o 
nip. Safflaerr: 

^W^kundna ai£/m.-Woa bp J. J. BJao. nolUed 

Pacfci won Hie ilgiire diuipi«0' 


, u. EatUudartfalfd.C.UuUarrtmnli. 


rtm thuiuana ai^m.~WoB hy J. J. Eden. 0. EilUader 

J, J. WiDh ihinl, O. Haller ronrtb. Tliue. tfm. M%. 

Pl/Tem Aintfrtti mnrv*.— Woo by J- J. Edeo, <i. b«i- 
Under aaeood, a Jlnllar tbinj. F. KooimUikl foono. 
Time. ta. itiS'- 

Tm lAakMnd nctref.-Woo b; J. J. Eden, 0. biUader 
eeenad.j.vlokUiird. U.Rom feanh. Time, 18a. 

FtgumM3Utna—Wun by 0. Pacing Uooleh. compolwrr 
flnrei, UX: fne »beUo«. Wi: toul, iH\i t«o luU 
Diedeli. tJ. HDnl rieenk, onopaUorp lUarei, IVTM: 
lreeak«tlA«. 91 ; wiaU, ti8H', t"o alUer aedku, aeeuDO. 
J. leDdir^ Hl Petenbartf, compuUorp Oiiirfi, WHl 
rtM eketlncin; toiel, iPT.'f. tklrd. M . Fodoekaboff. bL 
reuiibora. CMOpulaotT dgarat, V7; tree akeiUf. aH; 

Sfaial JIfva. tot Rold nerfU-— Woo bp J. Budera, 
O. racbi eaoDDd. U. Uoial Ulrd. 

Tn Ivrra Hidil wu cotaoded for by mambenof 
the SaAJa, K. Y . ud St. Cuharloa'a, OaL, Carllof 
01nbtatBetUo.Feb SI. BMbelobaneeaud iwo rlak* 
orpUp*fi,ud Ilia meub taokpUcala tbe ffloralor.iha 
beat uen dalketlDf ibalr I'uadlu oppoouu bp a 
•Hfvolltte U. Tbia Uu uaoal mei«h bttaraa ihtae 
elab^ tba nedal ha* lac baw pnaaoud aoma jaua aio 
bpas*VtpDr8Bilih.ori'alUdolpbU.P*. latbaartfreooa 
twa riflka et tba Baffdoaluii met a l>ke nambar of 
plifan batoaslog to Tborold, Ool, tha UtUr vloalaf 
bp 90 to 19, £n»r tba buqaii UDder*d tbe vlatinn bp 
lia BaAUe Olab another mmttii, of tao rlaka each, *aa 
aaataaftd bptbf TboroUaaad Buffaloa. tbe former eitalD 

taipaatutor tbe South Bbraraborr IcaVaebt Olob 
*M WM by yacbt. Ifanld, Fab. 

Mm tbe lianp, DaTaaderud Uecaola. 

bmiT Rlrer. aaer Umm Bruch. «. J„ Peb.M.batwaM 
boelabaUMBlaiitotbaSoatbShravabarTCIaK Tberata 
vu Or b elub pwaaot« aod «u iallad of ar aivanTydra 
nltei «»orM. ud vu «ao bp J. K. Oraee'e Delaader. 
dafoaUoR dr* oppawnbL 



B»b Fltialsameu KmIIjt Datexs Mkher 
for «k« Title Wlileh Caibalt DMliaed 
to Dslbad. 

AlUionyli luunpned and blodered to a great 
eileiitbx tbesaiiiedlOODltles tlial beast tin man- 
agers ot tba last pnTloos matob for lh« ptemler 
bonon ot tbe modem bo.\log arena, and wblcb 
ereitiiaUy prersDted ttat coniuomaUoa tbereor, 
tbe penererlng Tuan, Uan 8tmit,sucgec4ad, after 
ssTeral posiponeDsits,: tn brlogtig tbe malcb 
between Robert FItjslnimons, ot Ansnalla, snd 
Peter Haber, o( Ireland, lo a utlatacUirT Issoe on 
Fridax afternoon, Veb. il, on tbe sou of Meilco. 
The IMS otibeeoDnictwassocbas wss geneimll; 
expected. Judging from tbe ebamcler nr the belling 
ou tbe TMull— (be defeat uf me Irlab lad.allkougb 
aobodraiUclpatodtbai bis downfsll would coins 
so apeedlir- nom the oonMt tbe prlnclnsla put 
up loelr hsuds In lbs ceotie nt tbs ring unlU Maner 
waa counted ont, as be lay prone on tbe 
noor, the elapsed lime waa one nlnnte 
and tblrtj Ore seconds, b/ far Ibe iiolok- 
OA period In wbloh s championship has been 
won and Inst. Maber aod ntniomons report«d lo 
Kansger Huart on Ibe aflenoon ot Fth. -JO, In n 
Pato, and ttio lesldenla and ipons wbn had it' 
malned la the dir. and deilred to witness ibe con 
test, were Informed ibat bj paring twelre dollaii 
and taklog a train that left orer the Southern Pa- 
clOo llallroad at a certain hour during the late 
evening tbefwoald ba eore lo see Ibe light; that 
waa all the Information rouobsated to lni(ulnn bj 
Manager Slaart, the location of tbe Held ot battle 
being kept a profonad secret. Along wlib tbe eX' 
curslonlsia want a division of tbe Teian Hangers, 
from eac4 ot whom the regolar tarlif waa de- 
manded. ' It was well nndersiood that there wonid 
be no Inmreivice by mem, prarlding tbe men did 
not attempt to Ogbt on tbs uU ot the Lone Star 

The train started from n fuio at lo.o.'i r, M. and 
anlred at Vvigirj, T»x., al 3.30 r. u., Ontral time, 
11, whwe On Older, "All out," waa given, and the 
train was iialoklj emptied. After leaving Sander- 
eon tnere bad been Indications ot a lalnstonn, and 
it became certain that ihe kloetscopo could not be 
operated dating Ibe Hgbi. The management, In 
conieqntnce, ptopoied to postpone the meeilog till 
ne.xt morning, but after due conalderailon, It being 
fonod that ibere was decided opposition to eucD 
delay, onlng to Ibe danger ot loterrerence tbersbj 
Incurred, U was Onall; deddtd not to prociaailnatt. 
Upon the arrival ot tbe train at laiigtry one com- 
pany of the BangeniTaB slailooed to guard the 
depot, ff bile tbe remainder of tbe command went 
doirn to tbe bollom of Ibe nio Orande, on thel^xaa 
Bide, but no attempt waa made to interfero wltb the 
ppoiif. Following gnldea in proceailon tbs crowd 
norbeisn a tedious, tlrtsone tramp ot about live 
huodreo yaida serosa the prslrle, the descent ot a 
preclpltousif Agon road down to tbe river, snd theu 
traveled throngb deep sand, mixed wltb mod, to 
ibo polQt where a pootoou bridge bad iicen con- 
atncled across the swollen and swift running 
river. Atier reaching tbe Mexican sids a abort 
walk brought tbe natty to when the canvaa en- 
closure, within which was erected tbe ring, had 
been pot up. Tbe canvas enclosure was about 
soofi, lo olrcnmfetence and Uft. In height. Tbe 
ring was made ot white pine, covered wltb white 
duck, and was elevated abour four reel. Tbe 
small tents provided acconmodations for tbs pngil- 
Ists whils making their toUeia. Less than two bun- 
dled persons were gathered at>ont the ring, the 
othen ot tbe vtaltom, together with llie local eight 
seers, occupylsg posiilonaol vantageon the heights 
on tbe Texas side, wblcb afforded a good view ot 
tbe ling. 

Pilznmmoiis, eovekiped In a nsnnrl bath robe, 
waa Ibe fliitt to respond to Ibe call of Iteftree 
Oeorge SUtf, and be received a cordial wtlcome 
from the inpatient spectatois aa be ran up Me 
steps leading to tbe plaifom. He was followed by 
his manager, UarUa Julias, lack Everbart, Jaok 
Sieliner and Jack McCoy, irltb Burt Bneed, of tiew 
Orleans, aa timekeeper, all occupying positions at 
the Ausliallau's comer, whiob waa at ihe Wear. 
Haber quickly follnwed bis opponent, taking tbe 
comer opposlie tbat In wblcb sat "Fiiz." and being 
accompaoied by bis sttendanla. Jim Hall, "Buck" 
Oonnolly, Peter Lowiy, Jack Qulnnand I'oierBuma. 
Oharley Davles kept dine for bim. The reguLiilon 
Ave ounce gloves were produced, examined and 
declared ssiisractoiT. Uaher's weight waa given 
as 1731b and tbat of FliEslmmons ss about lesib. 
The costome worn by the Anilpodean consisted of 
abieeohcloatotnaTybloe, wlui a belt formed of 
the stsrs and stripes, his legs belug ban, wltb light, 
close nuiog sboea. Maber was attired in short 
legnd tranks of sombre black, wltb a belt ot 
enenld greeo, regnlsUon tghilng sboss snd stock- 
inn, nitslmmofls' axpieailon of coonlenance 
u oe sat in his comer, eniig his opponent, was 
mucb men ladlcative of ionlldence than was tbat 
of Maker, who betrayed srmptomsot nervousness. 
At 4.'Ji the leferee called t(e men to the ctntnot 
the slug, and gave them tie cnstoman instructions 
and warningi, and f^r lbs flrst time the snectaton 
were airorded an opportnnily to Judge ot tbe condi- 
tion of sod contrast tbe sppeaiance of ibe cham- 
pionship aspirants. FliEslmmooa never appeared 
in belur condition. If, Indeed, be was ever in eo 
good Ox In asf of bis preilons engagements since 
bis anlval In IMS connirr. Maber, on tbe contrary, 
was not trained down asbeabonld have been to faos 
auchallibe, wiiT.quick.'hard bliilug aa opponent 
as tbs lanky lad from ' the land ot the both. Bis 
movements, loo, were moob slowsr than tbose ot 
File, aod even Iben It vaa-«yld«nt ur lb««mttniz- 
en that,'<wbatever he had gained in al^U. be had 
improved bat llule lo the essential qnality of quick- 
ness. After fully taistnieUng Uwm, RUeiee Biler 
called "Urns I" and tbe llgbters stepped to tbe 
centr^ shook bands, and threw themselves into 


noma I niid lust.— FtizilnimooB led wltb his loll, 
and Maber backed toward bb coraar. Fiizelm- 
monsUnded wltb bis light, and' a clinch followed. 
Maber simck Flialuuaons wltb bis light hand 
while tbey were cUncbtd.and the referee waned 
bin that (r he did so again he would aire tbe dghi 
10 Flizilmmana. AfK>r a bitakaway Peter landed 
hts lefton Flietimmona' tuok, dose In dghtlog fol- 
lowed, and Haber eocpecded In landing nia left on 
Fllz'e upper lip, diawinj Mood. FlIz landed Ibe 
lettooHaber'shead. anil followed it witbaright. 
A cUncb followed. Maber tainted, aod Fllislmmana 
led witb bis rigbl, bat fell ahorr. A mix up 
folloired. In wblob Msber Isnded boib right 
and left on either 'side of Flm's head. 
Uaber again led with bis left, and an- 
olber clinon followed. Flizslmmons seemed a bit 
iMihered, snd broke around on Maher'a leads. 
Hahertollowedblmopaod ledwiib bis left, when 
FIIZ slds aiepped. and, ainoglng his right, Isnded 
toll on tbe point ot Maker's left chin. Maher meas- 
ured hia length on tbe floor, bbi head striking ths 
csnvas with gnat forte. He vainly attempted lo 
rise, but could not do mora than niae his hssd- Ills 
seconds called on him to got up, liut he failed to 
respond, and aank Inck tn tbe canvas. The fatal 
tenth aeoond waa counted, Maber was declared ont 
and Pltzalmmons annoooced the victor, afier one 
minute and tbirty-firo eeconds of lively llghUng. 

Fiiuinmons* admirers cheered him to the echo, 
and Maber's seconds carried tbe dofeatcd Iriahmsn 
to his coner. It waa several mlontss befon he 
reallr,ed what had happened lo him, and Fliz4ln- 
mooa walked over to bia oorocr aod ahook blui by 
the band. niEilmmooi also shook hands witn 
Oolno aad the seconds la Peter's corner. Bairiog 
tbe alight bleeding at ihe ooaihla, occasioned by 
the len hand Jab ol Maber'a, Ihe Aoatnllaa showed 
no marke ol injury and appeared aa freah aa al lbs 
opening of bosUlliles. Uaber showed no signs of 
ponlshDsni except a sll|bt bresk In the shin, Just 
above tbe left side of bis chin, where niitlainons' 
roaster stroke had landed. When the cheering had 
subsided. jQllen look tbe centre ot the ring, snd 
clesriag bis tbroai, made tbe following aonouncs- 
nmit wltb tbeatncal enact : 

"Oenilemen, Mr. FUzitiBuions has worked him- 
self op from tbe boUoin'of the ladder, and by Ibe 
declalonof tbe referee Is now Ihe champion of tbe 
woild. Be is ready la defend the ttila against all 
comem at any time or place. No man la hatred and 
all comera will receive recognltton." 

nea came shouts ot waning tbat Ibe pontoon 
bridge was In daoitr of being waabed atray by Ibe 
ainng corrent^ The flgblen and aiststants hastily 
galbered their tiapa together snd the crowd rushed 
for Ibe Texas side. Allgot oversatslr. Peter Us- 
her and bis following were a dlasppoinled looking 
lot ol individuals as they tianped their wsy back 
across Ibe neks snd asnd lo tbe train. Peter waa 
nnusnallf comminlcaUie. "Well, It was a chance 

blow that did the work," he said, "I did tba beat I 
i-onld nudsTtbe clirnouuncea. My ooadlilon was 
not ol the beat, but, aa a (nnber peniaoneBent wan 
not to be coasldered I was obliged to go Into tbe 
ring. My eyea wera In worse oondltlon than I be- 
lieved them lo be, snd I fonod my gaunot dfatance 

lounsdlately after tbe Dgbt Mr. Rector, on t>ehal( 
ot Ibe tlaaloaeopa people, oireitdFliailninwns and 
Maker a pane ot to be batued for next day, 
FnnlmmnnB declared tbat he would agne lo put 
Maber ont In six rounds, hut Insisted on sslecnog 
his own lime snd place, lie dccland Ibat under no 
cUognslanoea would he aihtbefonaMnMoecope 
ualesa tor a pone ot 110,000 and Ifiy per oeat. 
of tkeproais. lie based bis ^ " ■ 

d bb posdtlonon tbe fact 
pie had peialstenti; Ignored 

tbat Ibe kinetcscope peopli . ^ 

htm, and now be wu In a pcelilon to dlolats to 

T>e prlnNpaki, their tnansgere aod tbe nmtladcr 
ol the party took the Orel train back to n Paso, and 
after a night marked by much bllarily arrived at 
Ibeir deatinatlon at u A. a. 11. Klitaluimooa waa on 
the plalfoim ot tbe second coach and be waalnndly 
cheered by tbe large crowd which bad aasembled. 
FItctlnraona went at once lo the HU Oharies Hotel, 
where bis wife snd lira. Julian were slopping, 
Afterrecetvlng ibeir cosgniulatiou. aotompaoled 
by Jnllan, lie went to tbe telesnph onice, and frbm 
thereto the State National llank, where, alihoughihe 
bank waa nliaervliigthe holiday, the cerilllcd checks 
npresenilog ihe purse wen wibed and Ihe larger 
bhsre ot the arouunt put IdIo New York excbauge- 
Uaheraud blstrlends tirocreded to Ibf Ir old qoarlefs 
at Las Graces, remaining there unill the eveolog ot 
n, when they left for Pituburg. via St. U>uls, Ma. 
FKtalmmons and hts party took the xo.n r. x- irelh 
fDrNewOrleanatbeaauMilaT. Befon leaving the 
Ansirsllan, npon being anted by a newspaper man 
whatbeioteodcd doing Id nterence to tbe bom- 
buiio challenge Issued^by i»rbeu and wired lo blm 
at El Paao, demanding In lather luenlilog langiage 
that Flic navel to Chicago, III., and mate a malcb 
for the championship, to be dsclded anywhere In 
"Knilaad, Africa or Austrslla," Bob Is reported as 

"1 will not pay any all*DUon to him. I've been 
mipiog DOW aevsn mouths or over for what I won. 
and I think I am entitled to eome or the fralta of 
ibevlctoiy. OorbelttaeldmeolTalong time when 
I wanted to (gbl him, and then had If Ixed when 
Iben wu a prospect of our meeling so that I could 
not get to when he was. I bellsvs 11 be bsdn'l 
t>een efreid ot Maher, and thought the lalter 
bid a chance to whip me, he'd never 
have made tbat »IU; break ot realgning 
the championship into Maher'a keeping. I/el 
blm ahow he's Qt and able lo wblp Peier 
Maher or Joe Choyoakl. lie talka about England, 
Afrin and Ausinlla being tbe only couninee In 
which men can light. Haven't we Just fought In 
thlscountnl Wbvi Because Maher and I wauled 
totght. llOnrbetthadbeenlnMabcr'splscalhere 
would never have been a fight, and I iielleve It both 
parties to a match really traiit to Olght there will be 
DO dtfflcolty tn nnding a place In America. But 
Ooibett bas become Imbued wlib awell Kngllsb 
ideu, snd America appanniiy is not good enough 
for him. A man can get u square a deal then as 
anywhere else, and get aa good a BghL too, but I 
have got a whole lot of affection fur this conntry 
yet, and when I do nake a match with anybody 
wbn challenges me here, America will be my hni 
cbnicefora Dallle gnusd," 

b'oder ordloary clreamstanccs. according lo lbs 
conditions governing all championship nstches, 
every holder of the tlile Is compelled to accept any 

proper challenge (providing It Is supponed with a 
tuliahle money oepaslt) to contend lor the d 

I cham- 

pionship wltbln a certain time from the date of Is- 
suance of tbe cballenge. To this rule Fliuilmn.0Ds 
Is no exception; bnt be is Jusllded In Igonriog a 
oball^pge wblcb contains the supulatlnns which ap- 
pear In tbs latest emanailon from the former i ham- 
plon, who, despite bis fornislly and repeatedly an- 
nounced relltiiiulshnent of (he line aod retire' 
ment from tbe P. IL, hat the hardihood to sign bis 
alleged challenge "Chaoiilnn nt the World," a po 
tlilon lo which be baa no clslm, and U Is extremely 
doubitul if be everwill hare again In v»e he liu to 
win It' from Filzslmmous, wbo, sfier his quick dis- 
posal of skillful and hard blulog Peter Haber, is re- 
garded by very many shrewd and experienced ring 
goere as the master of any iiuglllst uf the present 
day. It It In exinmely bed lutii fur t^irlielt to at- 
tempt to cast any relleoilons on Fliulmmons' conr- 
age or aMIIly, tbe potxeeslon ot both ol which pugl 
llsdc requisites be has repeatedly proven lo the entire 
satlsfacilon of tbs large tnsjortiy, snd It Is prolialily 
not too much to ay mat the majority of tbose coo- 
verssnt wltb ring msuen an well atilsOed ihsttha 
bulk of Ihe bisme for t he Oasoo of lut year loTexaa 
and Arkansas wu cbargeabie lo tbe bbiuni ex- 
ohamplOn who now again essays to belittle Ihe 
powera ot tbe new posseseor ot premier honore. 

Anrnra Vauktiiii defeated Tom Ijocb, ot Dub- 
lin, Ire-, Id a glove light for a pone at Ihe arena of 
tbe Nailooai Bporiing Club, in London, Eng., Feb, 
10. The lad from tbe banks of tbs Ismbent lisey 
suirered dlaqnalUlcatlou In tbe second nnnd 

Tas BouxiiaaoKxCLua, of Loadoo, Bog., has olTarad 
a purra ol StLICD for a alava eontait balaaao Bob Kila- 
alainooaand JlnCorbeii. at ibair arvoa. alaoasTaalog 
toglTSfach man ^XDforaxpaoaaa. TTiaotTar l.da«Iload 
liy Champloo FlIuliDaaoaa, vho doaa ont regard Ilia 

Eaiaa aa lam* aaouah by wraral Ihouaaad dolbra, «blla 
orbau aaya ha will accept. The Natlootl Spoillos (Tlub 
baa also aaread toaeoapi tbaapol4isr olT.rad by(>arbalt 
lor objacfloBablo laDgoaga la resard lo Iba rlub, pr>i- 
vldad Uiatha rmtlfiaa ao agraamaot lo flsbt ^-rlii'' barora 
aald oriaolsalloo, tbe rafaraa to ba an EBglblimaB, aa 
unial. , 

Blu.rlfcMlLI.a9, the wall haoaa llsbtvelabt boiar. 


Baiclag at Raw Orieatia. 

Ptih H.-Flrat race- Six rut1on|a, aelllng-Oalley 

WeM, loi, Hcberter, 19 to I. won; Port, loT, Irvliig, 3 

* "■-song, 101, Ttoipe. 3 10 l, Ibln 

.Sccoed nc«— lielt a mile, two 

sscDsd; Vaiiong, lOI, Ttoipe. 3 to 'J, Ihlid, 

I, I;)iV Sccoed nc«-llelt a mile, two 

oMa— Hussella, 01, Ptnn, to to I, won; Hamlo 
I, ST, Huphy, i to l,saeood; Ironatooe, ins, Ulil, 

.Mol, Ihlid. 11me,0:MV Third noe—!Ux tur- 

longa-Begoe, w. Illoka, j to I, worn Ban, ini. Ham, 
10 10 1, aacoad; liaioh Amw, lo7,Akar,t to i, 

tblrd. Time, iMn Foniib nee— One mile, 

handloap-Oeqrge W,, tOB, Brhemr. 10 lo I, won; 
Pulliier, 101, ilam, 3 to 1, aecond; Jakr /-Inuneiuisn. 

113, Penny, T to I, tbitd. Time, i:4]>, Fifth 

race— Seven and a half furiorgs, aeliing— rrlucMB 
ltoee,lol,Bchemr,Htol,won;llas»blc llomr, no, 
Onrion, a> to l, secooO; Alto June, m. Illll, ; to i, 

ibltd. TIsts, I;M Blxib raoe-SiN fuilongs. 

srlilng-Mlnerra, 100, Hart, e lo t. won; l.liile tiliir, 
101, Tnorpe, a to i, aeeood; JohoBiewart, lui, liuny. 
ltlol,tbM. Time, 1:17. s. 

Feb. 10.- Kbal racc-ileven furionga-Uaurice. 
100, Bltnint, 3 to i, won; Tartarian, loo. Murphy, :i 
to 2, second; Usvid, lit, UaywooO,4 lo 1, thinl. 

'nnie, v»>4 Bsooad nc«-Slx hilonjn, selling 

— Krilale, lu3,Sohemr, 0 lo a, won; KUIe Perguaon. 
lu, t^ywood, 9 to t, eecond; WIncuealer, liu. Now- 

com, 13 to 1. tblrd. Time, 1:U'. Tnird rare— 

Haven lurlougs, aslllsc-Seal Uver, liM, Boheinr, x 
lo 1, wns: lAilii T., IK, Oaywood, a to 1, eccoud: 

JiKoaot, IM.Tnnrp, dlol,lhlnl, Tine, i:V>', 

Fuunh race- Mile, handicap— I'sjloaln, wi, ilair- 
wood.aiiol,won; Uockauder, IM, Hcbeinr. • in 

0, atoond; Hlasco, tw, Hloks, a to I. tblid. Tvav, 

VM\ FIfih race— Meven luiloogs, selling— 

llannan. 104, Uamti, • to 10, won; Harden 1*01, lo-J, 
Uavla, 10 tu 1, aecond; Helen ■„ 101, Bums, 7 to -J, 

third. Tnie, I:3I'4 Blxth nce-SIx nirlniigs, 

sellUig— Ulppngrlff, liM, Uavle, 3ii to I, won; Jnlie, 

100. u'Uonnell, lo to I, ssoond; Twelveility, ox. 
Murphy, 1310 1, third, 'now, l:ie<.-. 

Feo.'jo- Finlnce-Sevenand a halt turlonis, 
selling— Utile Billy, lot, Bcbeirer, 16 to I, won; Van 
Brunt, lot, Koss, s to i, second; Bpringvale, lot, T, 

Uniphy.'JS to I, third. Time, l^tS' Becond 

raceh-slx fartoogs, tour year olds— thd tleolloman, 
107, II. Wiuians, 10 U) I, won: Hlnnle W., lu«, llaiu, 
llto 1, eecond; FesUvaMoe, Pssn,l0 lo l.lhlnl. 

Time, l:ie Tblrd nce-Mvsnfuriong, sslllng- 

Ban Johnson, 107, Nsvoom, it to I, won; warBnng, 

101, norpe, 11 10 1, sioond; Newhouse, lo;, J. Illll, 

7 to I, turd. Time, IriSV Fourth race— Uap 

Vear Handicap, >l,o«i added, one mile— Bun Up, 

109, Blmos, 7 to i, won; Jim Flood, lu-J, Uavla, I to 

1. stc'ODd; Uockelader, too, Bcherrer, II lo 1, ihlnl, 

lime, 1:41 FIfib nce-Beven furlongs, selling 

-Masonic lioDe, lot, Han, b to l.won; Mutrr 
Fred, loe, Ulll, 0 to 1. second; Blacklwll, nil, 

Bcherrer, I to I, third. Time, Irn Sixth ncc- 

Hdven furloop, selling— Hlngmuter, lu4, Tboipe, s 
10 1, woo; Dobbins, t04, llayea, 40 to I, second; I'au- 
way, lu), Itavls, 7 lo I, third. Time, 1:30, 

kab. II.— Plr.l raoa— Savao and a hall nirlooga-^oc n 
■ol, 114, Tbome, S to I, «uq; Plur, R, Mautn, 4 In I, 
■aciind; HIr JuhD, Il0i Oa Long, SI to I, Ihlrd. Tim* 

\ :%\ Haenod raoa-llall a nilla, iaIllBg-Aesor. lis. 

Ilili,ato0,won; Bur Tobacco, lot, Uttrphy,riul.aaooo4; 

Lllliao Wilkaa. 101, clar. 6 u I. Uilrd. T1iiia.u:IOU 

Tblrd itaa— >eraa fortain-Baiala NIchola, HI, Uan, m 
to I, woo; OoB.taotlea, ICS, Uarpbri IS lo 1, patmiil; 

Uilila Bllla, lui, BaTvalt, I m I, llilrd. Tina. I :!»>. 

Pourlti laoa— llandlcar, ua* ntUa-PrlBCa Impailal, in. 
Hill, 4 lo I, woo; BuaiiBB tirvao. lit Uurpfiy. 3 lu I, 
•aoood : Payloola.1i7, Oauvofid.fl lot, Ihtrd. Tina. 1 :ll^ 

fifth raM-41«V(0 fiirlooia— Lvlu T , 107, TTiori.. 

aTaB,mD; LaVaraa, K7.K<b.rT«r,4 liil.Mconil: Arbtii- 

>ai Traralar. in, Uirt. 'U lo 1, Uilrd. TInia, t .THi 

Hitth nea Raraa funons^ mIiIbj— OuarO, 107. llwirp., 
s lo I, «ob: Rarlota, 107, Scharrar, al lo I. aaeood ; Lyij.1- 
hur.u SIT, 1lan>.A lo l.lnlnl. Tliiia, lilvii. 

Fob. V— Plrvtraca— Safon and a half forlooaa, llirve 
laar aUa-hlo«D>r. in. Illll. S lo s, •i>u: PiIki. III. 
Ilun, 4lol,aacuod; Alharlri, IILTborva, ft lo l.lhlnl 

TIma, l:3S'4 Beonatl raca— Haifa mlla, two yaari.M. 

— Paroioaao, IIS, Banall, 7 Ui lU woo; Kollaira, im, 
HodaD.Wt#il,artoaJ:()iara.lOJlUcliarrar,4 In I.Uilnl. 

Time. OilSli Iblfd r«ca-BiB nirloog., Mlllus-Knu. 

IHa.lUl.llill.Slol,voo; III llaory. III, Mc<l'.uDf. t in I, 
aacniidi Bovllai OrocB. lUU, trrlns, a ui ft, ililnl. Tliua, 

I:l4k Poailb raoa-Ooa nlla, 

101, 11 art. 7 to 10, w.d; Tarrmplo. lut Uavk ft lo I. •Ktin.l ; 
Patnrlaa,K. Hdicrrar, II lo I, ililnl. TIma, I :<!.'( .. 
Pinb iie'-4>oa mlla and l.aoty fardi— aaalar Krtd 

110, Uin, SMul, woo; LllilaToai. Ilun, 10 u I, wood 

Ran BUa, ill. Praauaa, 10 u I, Iblld. TIma, t:i]H 

HIkUi rw-a— .Hli ritrlnnia, ralllBS-l^ouaek, lUl. Ilaiii. ft Ui 
iwno: VardMio. Inlr- ■ -■ ' 

wall BBoaa llghtvelsbt boiar, 
.. P4b 20, d.alhlialBg atuibttted 
imoblBs, tba pbralelaBa *bo at- 


tatbt allMU or opIUB) •oioblBs,tba pbrak 

taadid bI)BatatlBglbacbtalBDs.voram niladvllb Ui. 
amoto ii{ the dnig tbat tbap aora cniiipl«t«ly eo8|o.lBd. 

SOLLV a^ivs BBd Johnay Lavacb fODgbt dllaan rouBda 
atuawsu No«loB(Maja.)auta Amoryoo tba 
raaaU balog a draw. Saisa Una aad pUca, Joo Oau. 
baat Jimmy gaaBald In ila rouoda. 

Jack Paaw kaookad oat "Bid" Ryao la a thraa mand 
flsblBt Rot Bprioga. Aik., fab. n. Tliaybad afiaad to 
Oihtflllaaa iwiBda. 


'Cosalag Bveata. 

Matob 8 — ABBBal Uolvacvlly natch laaa, Oaford va. 
Oambrldia UolTaraltlaa, Fomay to Uortlaka, Tbanaa 

Blvar, BBBlBBd. «* 

Map 30-Paattle Rlvar Amalaar Bowloa AsaoolaUoo as. 
Boal caaalla Faaaale, N- J- 

Mar ao-AUaallo Yacht Clnb aaooal Bpring ragaua. 
Kow York Bay. ^ . . ~, 

■ay an-llarlam ItaimUa AaaoelalloB bbbbbI nvlBg ra- 
ntla,irav Tork. 

May SO-HarloBi Yacht Clob open ragalta, Long lalaod 


Joaa M-AtlaaUc Vackt Club aanual ragalla, Naw York 

Jooa 9— LarcbuoBt Yacht Club fpriag ragaua, Lob| 
ItlBBd Bound. 

JBBall.s,>4-Trial laeaa for tba aalaetloo ol a bait 
ratar lo daraod tlia Saaaaabaka Conotblao Yaafat Ulob'a 
lala mal lo n a l tmphp— Lobb lalaad RouBd. 

Jely ^lArebmoDI Vacat Cleb aBBoal ragalla; also 
Iral race or larlaa ror Bl ralan aad SO tooiara— Long 1*. 
land Sonod. 

jBly7,^a— UaalayBoyal RoflaUa, Bial4y-0B.fhama^ 

Jaly IS-Larchmont Tacbt Clab aacoad raeaof aarlu 
forS4 ratara aad 3D tbotar*-Loflg lalaod Soand. 
' Jaly ao-lArdiiBODt Taebt Club iblrd raco for 31 ratan 
aod So fbotara, aod rpacla] tmcaa for XI toouiaaBd baU 
rata n Loag lalasd BouBd. 

Jalr Xt-Larehcaonl YactatClabrouiUiraca torSlrataia 
ftsd 30 footank aod ipaclal racaa for It Cooura and liair 
ratara— Loos lalaod aoiBd. 

July S— LartbBioBt Yacht Clob apaelal rasatta for 
Klioonara— LoOB lilaod Bouod. 

Jaly 34-LareliBioBI Yaclit Clob dflli nea for 14 ntara 
aad 30 reotara— Looe idaod Hound. 

Julys— LarettiBOBl Vaebt rlab fasalta for aU daaaaa; 
alM .lalb race for ai talara aad 3UTooIara— Loog lalsBil 

TUB Middle Btatea Kegatia AasocUtloo held lu 
aoonalmeetlogiotblacltyFeb, HI. umccnchoaen 
were: Presldsol, A. H. Hopper, Paasaic Boat Club, 
Ifswark, K. J.; vice ptesldeni, w. II. nnkney, Kew 
Yorii A, C; secrelsvy, A. O, Ballard, Palisade Ileal 
Club, Yonkers,}!. v.; treasurer, D. V.. IllanhardI, 
Hiaten island Boat Oub. ilegaita Commltiee— Jas. 
PUklogion, Harlem, a 0.. chslimso; J.J. Mnrphy, 
Nonpareil IL 0.; W, II. Vandeveer, i'asBalc lu ll., 
Newark, N. J.j Judge, James a. Tighe, Vanna B.C.. 
Urooklio; E. J. Kcans, New York 1. C.; Oapl. Jenka, 
Ot«aceDtA.C.. Bnouyn; IL W. Waller, Oauntlesa 
IL 0., and T. il. Mabony, MctnpoUun M. C, 

Ten Onrinlhlan Fleet, of New Itocbelle, N. Y., 
held its annnal meeUag in ible city, Feb. 17, Ibe 
electloD resolHagUius: Uommodon, Cbartas Piyer, 
sloop Kurybia; rlre commodore, Charie* I. Browne, 
sloop Tempest II: r«sr con nodon, Charles K. BUd- 
mons, schooner (hprry: trcuurenOhariesOhamber- 
laln; secnlaiy, J. ll. Bparkman; oeaaorer, E. K. 

TBI I^rebmont Yacht Club, at Its annnal meel- 
ing held In thlacltr, Fet>. le, chose Ibeseomoers: 
Oomioodore, lUiry H. Olillg; vke commodore, 
Clanate A. Poailay; rrsr commodore, F,dward 8. 
Balch: secretary, ttailea 0. UiUe; Irtasnrer, VU- 
liaffl Hainy ; meaaarer, John llytlop. 

llAHiLnM MOBtxn, aged ninetynae, one of Ihe 
oldestBenben of the New York Yacht Clnb, died 
feb. II, at bis boms In WUie«one, L, I . 

U>,I>aTla,10lol, third. 

a. 4 to l..«cOBd; tdardao fat. 


The Waalfkaalar Rating AassclalloB, 

Tbtongh Becreury U. Q. Cilckmcra, la out with Its 
llsl of Dxsd evenis lo bs nn tor this Bpriog at Mor- 
ris Park, They toluwr 

Way IB— fuTsolla, trn.. B lurlnogp, $4 OCD. nny two en 
irlaa: Matrnpolltaii Uaodleap, 3>ra aad upward, Hit mlira 
B3 000, Bflaaa aaulea. 

Ha^ 14— Bouqual. syra., 3 furlonRa.Bl.iflO, aavaoty-lwu 

IUyie-Oal<ly.lrn.,Blllaa, 4K fUrlooi.. Bl UO, forty. 
BlBoaoUlaa; WIthaia, lyra., I mlla, as.eU), alxbtcoa aa- 

KaylS-Uilly.ipra., B fUrloBn, Bim Iblrly ali an. 

laa;, '~ 


Irlaa;, ^tn. and upaard, T^orloBga, BI,aJu, laoa- 
*f -avaasirlaf. 

Maytl— BaychaMor, Byra., 1 mlla, Btixn, BlBalaas aa' 

May 2S— riolbam Uaadleap, Syra. aod upward, I mill, 
Bl.aaDllaeolraBUlol; Ladlaa, 8yra,aillaa, I iiilla,«,OJl 
aavaa aauloa. 

Maym— Laaraata. tyra., B furloofa, tiJXn. nfly anlrlaa. 

May B-PoeanUco llaodlup, Byra. I.'i mlla, MUK 
roTBBlaaa anlrfaa. 

>lay3V-KcllpM,ln.., )i mlla. •B.On. onr aalrl..: To. 
boggaa Haodiesp, Bjra. aod upwaid, \ mlla, ittlSl, -'- 
laaa •BIrlaa. 

JBoaB-PrifOlllr. tyra.. SllVa, M larioosa. B|,o:o, III17- 
four .BIrlaa, aad IMiDonl. Srra., mlla, BI.UJO, Iblrlaaa 

Tbs Dilores announced by Ibe !tew Yurk Steeple 
chase Aasoclstlon will berunoo Ihe following dales: 
May U-Naw York Waaolacbaaa. IK milaa, BIXDO; 81. 
Nlcbilaa lliiidia KacaJU iiillea, glvT riiatAaip^lUaai 

Uaadleap, mlla, 81 JoD. 

Hay V-auipIra Bula Blaaplachiu. SH mlla.. 8I,S0S: 
Wa.lcbaalar llordla raea, two mllo.. BLCUl; Bacond Ala 

pblbloua HaBdIrap. taraB rurlooaa, Bl SUO. 

MarS7— OraBd lalareallooal Naaplaahaao, fiKir lalla^ 
npoO: golckarboelar !|ardla K*^'^, jBllo*. 81,11)1: 

Tblrd Amphlblooa Uandlaap, oaa 1 

The WaahlBfloa Jairhay Club 
llaa annonnced iba following Oxturcs for Its lint 
mcellng at lis BennlDgs Inck: April is, Wathlogton 
Uandlcap, 3 yean and upward, I MO miles, 8l.'Ao< 
seveateeo enfrtes; IB, f^aaier Sieeiileohaae. 3 iitlle>< 
tiou, sixteen estnss; m, Tbs Arlington, 'J yeaia, 
mils, 8l.a<M,foni<two entries; 91, The Pol«inac,:i 
yean, a mllo. (, twelve entries: -a, Vlrgiola 
llnrdle Hace. Hi miles, leoo, tweoiy-oos sotriea; 13, 
The Mount Vernon, 1 yean, miles, >; mile, iseo, 
forly-ooe eBlrtea ; 14, lbs FedenI, 3 yean, an f ur- 
Inogs. 81,000, Oflceo snlrisa; K, Blue and liny 
Uandlcap, 3 yean and upward, }( mile. Isoo, twen- 
ty eatriea; 1.'., Belling Bleeplecbate, Vi tnlira, (TU, 
twelve entries; 71, Belllog llnrdle Hace, U<' miles, 
8710, twenty entries; 3s, The UoDgresslonal. 1 years, 
H mile, 8B00, foriy-three snirtea; S.Tne Capliol,:i 
leaii, 1 mile, 11.000, tbirlaen entriea; .10, Msrylaod 
Buidfe Ilace, t;i nlles. |l,oao,seveniSFn enirits; 
Hay 1,Tbe Kuttm Branch,! yean, 41. furlnnis, 
81.090, ihlriy-avesntites;-], Amy snd Navy Usnd'.' 
cap, 3 yean and upward, 1 mile, 8l,tw>, twenty-one 
eolilea; 3, Bhertdan Btecplechue, 3 milea, tl.ixu, 
fouitaen ent ries. . . • 

The Joehsy Clab 
Held a Biesllng Is this city on Tbumlay stiernooo, 
Feb, 9), al wblcb tbe followlog geniiemen were sp- 
polBtad nee otnclala for tbs coming stsson: 
Jndgss, John Uoey snd 0. H, HcUowcll; auner, 
TboDss Flynn; clerkof ihsscsles,ti, J- Fiisgerald; 
timekeeper, W. II. Bamtto; hsndlcspper and fur- 
felt clerk, W. U. Voaliurgh; s'swards, to M;ipe 
wben needed to npcessnt Ihe Jockey Clui> at 
licensed meellniis, Fianrls TYsvelysn snd Hutieri 
A. Rwlgert. Tbe posiUons of patrol Judge, anil 
ataiiiog Judge wen abolished. Tbe Rria Biable 
was gnnted pemlaslon 10 ctaugs the asms of ilie 
two joar old cbeslout colt, hy Prince Itoyal-lnp. 
Iletoloe, from ironraven to f adrone. The foilnwlog 
stewards ware preaent at the ineoilug: Aiiguat 
BelmonU Aodre* Miller, F. K, SlurgU aod F. IL 

l U rr 

Tbe Metrapelllam llastdleap 

Tv La ran at Morvl. Park, May It, baa 1.040 ihua sIMlcd 
bf llasdicappar Voabarsb: Blamloo fltabla'a cli. b. llaory 
of Katam. S, 19*; N. L. loaa-s b h.Cllnon), B.IIS: 

ElaaloB aubta'a b. b. Dorlaa, a, IIS; Plalachinaa a Maa'a 
Ib.b. Halma. 4. 117: J. Ruppart Jr's. eb, h. <:oaBUr 
Taaor. 4. IM: W. «. Ilobarl'i b.b.jlrislil ndbv,: HI: 
(Mack HIabla'a b. t. Sir Waller,*. llSi BflaSiaMa'i lir. b. 
kukl rooh, 4.111; W. Lakataad'a b. b. Ilnrnplp«.i. HI: 
Paakana Biabla'a gr.k. Balmar.a, 10*; vr. a. Wallaco'a 
eb.b.Tba lv>BBieo.r, 4, lO: Plalaeliinaa a B40*icfa.b. 
ac Mavlm.ft, KH: J. E HeUoBald'adi. b. RoMeon.S lin: 
Biota garaochtn'i li s. Uiy llampM, 4, UH; O. II. P, 
BabBonl'adt. h. Bimooywlaa, 4, 1(0. 

TBB CIrtsli Court al Hosfitimery, AU., on Feb. 
19. pronounced uDconsUlnilonal Iba Alaijamalaw 
whlcb psohiblia lbs sale ot noola In that Mau 00 
raeea ran ootald* of tbe Male, but aUowIng pools 
soM on nces ran la Aisbama, 

BicMsan <^Ba sailed tor Fngiaod Feb, IB, to 
resnms aeUvs command of his airing t/f recsrs now 
IB Mining St nsDgat* tor tbe oonlog seaauB. 

TUB Millonal Hon* Show Aaaoeltllna heM Its aaaaal 
utaliBB lu ibli alir,aud ehois tttafa omnia: 
Pttaldaal, CoreaUBa Mlowoa; air* peaaWaat^ Law. 
rwaca Klpaad Utona Paahody Watmora; tiaaaarar.U. 
B. faolllalar: aaataiatr, John O. llackatlMr; asabtsal 
aarnlaiy, J.T. Hide. 

aarnlaiy, J. T. Hyde. 

JocRBT Job UiLL,, iliniad ao 
In David (IMi^. 

Binutu rida 


COHlIfO ■VBim. 

Feb. r-Fhluaal|>h[k (Pa.) CilendoDUa Ohib ladoor 

Pel>. rr— loTlratloa hnclnir eooteM, leema, Buw Cap, 
Ka« YeikAlbUlie Club. 

Feb. 0-u>nff laUo4 lDtar»«holaaila AihUlle Aiaoela* 
UoDuoual ladoor puoef. armnrt of Fouiletiitb BmI* 
maat, H. ». 8. V. Y, Bmokljo. N. Y. 

■trrh r— ABooal to^oor meetioi uf the Tele VDlTeial< 
- Aibltiie AvaociaUtM aad ConnecUaut National UuaiiI, 
ba^Dd RaatuieBt Atnorp, Na« Havaa, 

Htrvd Iw-lnUrclub lanaiuv couipatliloa, Kav Yurk 

Marob tt-UnltervKy of PanuMlTula opaDloi Bprtai 
hudlcan daU aiaatlni, )*hlUdati<1ilak.Fa. 

April*— let ItailoD itnclOB coDi|i«ilil«e, Ftacertf Otab. 
H«v York. 

A|>rll 23— Paneinc toupttltluo, Ooala, Fucere* Ohib, 
M*« York. 

Aiiril ZWUDlTenliy uf FaDDaylvula aacud Bpriaf 
biadlrapOahlmaiiilBi: IniainOircUie ud loterecboUa- 
tie ra'tjr laoaa, lliliadiipbia. Fa. 

Map ;-lavliatii>Q faiiclaii eobtvKt, Naw Yutk AtkUlle 

May U-YrU t'alTfriilly Princeluu CulUae, dual 
riald meellbiL New lUvia, CL 

Mey 15"-I>ual Haiti niMtlaa. liarratd riilTatilly Vi. 
UnUaialiy itl Petioaflriola, FhlUdalpItU, Pe. 

Mey 3ii-luitrcu1lailaie AihUUe AoMHlailna aaouil 
cbutii>lMiahlp n»ld luaaunx, Nt» Yurk. 

Juoa fr-*>colllih Atnalrnr AlliUliQ AMcolalloMbam- 
pttioul|i Aald m«ailer> Rdlnburfili. 

Julye— Aiiuivur Atiilailo Uaion ladlrldaal eU anaad 
eliatypliMithlp ootu|i«Utl»n, hergan Point, N. J. 

A Jolnl AUiledc Maellug 
Van held by coin[i«nj K, Twi'lfth HcgliMDt, N. Q. B. 
N. Y.. anil the ntv Wtti Blilo Alblello Olub iDtbn 
armorp niUoiurobu Avcniio Aitil KliljuecoDd Birttl, 
ibia city. Tbo «vcbta iirogmiiiittcil wcro InltrMlBg 
ibrooaboiii, and Tiro wiiniMiuil bp lb« riiatoDftry 
lATgo crowd. Tlionno thuiirand yardi nro pnTtU 
ftauipilM Id Ihftt U vraa HOD Willi fiuA hy IbolBlM 
B. UinQon,ft llohoktD letter nrrior, wbo wu In 
rccolplot fnTL| ar» jardM iuri,»D<ldercftteiliucta 
Rood con M Knil* lljertlicrg aod (I. Q. UolUndir. 
Uo vau arirrwAnli pmlMiifdon Hid siimbd of pro- 
fcatonallein, abd Ibo prlM wan wlllibeld pCDOliig 
iDveetlgalldii. Tbe gatnu were followed by » n- 
cf plIOD atid diflclnff. A aninnmry rolUiwn: 

NUtg rinfl mo.-WoD by Wllllaiii (Nhae, Na« Mu* 
batun A. 0., IML; t'. 11. PJurknaiL h U A. O, Mt, 
tfcuiHl; P, A. Hi}hP. Fa»l<nie A.U., l4n., Ihlid. TIma, 


Ont lAoiuiiid iNirtfa lun.— WAnby Tlmmia M. CaDBMi, 
Natiuiiai A»iiiaUil«i Isatier Carriora, llvlKtkao, Uyde. ; 
A. II Timilln*i>D, Kt. Iiicl<aa)'a A. 0., BOtti*.. heeed: 1. 
VC. Illariberi, NawJrnay A. U., li))ue, third. Tlnt.lui. 

iVi nllft I4cit<tr raiv — Firai hm: H*ua by F, P, (lood* 
man, KiTfinluo W.,aoTa(cb; R. K, FUliar. Klahtb HmI* 
iiiaai. Uhda., aeeuiui. limp. Ai)i.4rHe- H<r(iodl»aall WoD 

iirH A.HIilaMltiin«lchW.,tti>ili.:W, H Hoah»r,Tork 
W , I Jlvria., MCvnU. Tliiitsaiu.lilV' Thlid baat: Wou 
by f. V. Bahaiirb. It (In no A ll, l75)dB. l |l. J- Naw, 
ilieaualrli W., ItBtdtf., a^ouLil. Tliitf, Am wKt. PobiIIi 
KbsI: Wuiilii J. W. JuJce. HIvenlda W., fiiqd#.| 11. *. 

.••hi(i|>. Miliih RaHlniaiil, lIAjUa., »t<tuiid. TlDia,lm. 
-JH«' PiDaihaii: Won hy (iMiilmeii, Kehrwk ueoed; 
I.. V. 1. V. Mt^kililK*. HuiiU llaiBliia, 17Ayd«^ tbrrd. 

Tliun, Am. M>«a. 

vne mile mrt— U'tm hy Ji-lm Layer. Kaw Weat l(d» A. 
C.:J.j.UtiMilii, Hi Raniii>hHiia«'« a. (\,aeroad; i. A* 
Warn. Fankaiil'a Uga nMiCtillfaii. Ihlrd. Tlnir.Tld.tlMa. 

KtUht huMmlnvl riohltifiuyti rwH,nnvlo».— Plrtthwl: 
Wun hy H. KUllaiier. Taaiity lhlnl Hlipel V. M.O.X; 
flharUv II. Thrra, Hi. (Uofan A. (l.Baffiad; OblHaa 
0'ltourk^ Trlhllp Hrhiml Ihlrd. Time, Sm. OJia. iamd 
heal: Htio hv Arctiln MrIiIpii. H( lUMhoh'Wav'i A. 0.; 
W.K (irailf, Y.M.u. A . M(iinil;J. P. (Hiatniu. Tweatr* 
llih'l HvKlwaDl A A .iblnl. Tlmr, lui. tU. F* al bul: 
Won liy Hraiiy. B. Hullhiar tcouud, llaaUy Ikira, 
Tim*, iJ^. 

iiiur AunrfmidMrf /brf|r inin'f inn — Fliai haal : Wob hp 
t; M.CiBltcn, New M. A. |I..I3)U*.: H. A. (^hjIiiUl Nav 
Jatray A. 0 , Mrraieli.taroftil; fa. II Fardariaal, JalrarMB 
I'aik A. A, 2I)U«. Ihltd. TIma h^V Katftpd ¥vU: 
H'mi liyWilllani IIiiIkiIii. T^fiMr Uilid ItfHlitUt A i.; 
JeiUTiiaHurk, llnhikao. Sjira . M-s-ro : t livrlaa J. Bnaa. 
Hl.H. A.<l,Uid«, third. TlniK.fHV. Plfitniaal: Wou 
by Huck. t'^Hiii'baMniliil. ruhrii ihtiJ. Tlina.lCM. 

Hunnlni/hlvkjumH—M |I.HJiiih«all.fli Haripbloiiiee'a 
A.n..ein ; Kuaniil J. Kern. Inatliuta A. 0. IKlD., aid D. 
J. U'riolllian. Vailvr A. U., Ala., all roaile an aMnuJuuip 
uftiL Jin. Oa liindloap allnvaoc* iirat pilia «ool to 
HJvrkvall, lecunJ tn Knii and tlilnl lu (I Huilltao. 

Tkfi Indoor Claea Uatnaa 

or iiieaiudeninor (bu l'ol)tcchfilu lDiiliutfl,lJnwk< 
lyii, N. Y., wcf« ilcclitcit III lU'lr gytuDailiim ou 
Wodnuday, Vth. in, wllli Ihu follnnlng ntull. 
Uie Ulaa* ot M winntutf ilio nip wllh a icon ot 
llfly'etgbt poliilH to IweDly nuo for llio Beolon, 
fourleeu fur tt« Kfeiihiiioa KLd IwuforllJOHopbo* 

.sia»iHiiifl.rtiU/umf -Wi n hy Vvth*, '97, tn. 4ln.;firla 

tol. *»;. a«Mii<i. M.i^ln ; I'mnaiii. id, ihlrd. fh, 
I \At rtiuU —Won riy rihiiiiiuna vr, Trunin.; biui 
■aronil. 7ii. Bio. ; lluattoiloD, tv. llilnl,dlt.VlD, 

itvl, ir7. 

PAlf/ffpirdf ran. - Willi by Maddien, Itfi Walklaa, 
afftirnd: rliHviffL *M. Uilid. 

.s/dfldiiv htvhjutHir-Woa by Hnitol, '07, tn. tta.; Wui- 
OitinH. V7, aaL-ansi, Sli. llln. 

t'ulllnv HtKl», Muf.-Wiin hr lliiTfa, 'W. »n.Mo.: 
IiitcliaDKtaIn, 't«, lacuDd, SirLMa.; Ltramaii, 17* ibIrd, 
Sii. lm. 

tltarmwiaht vrfifffiKf,— Wiin hr I.lcliteaaialo, 'H: 
HrardfUr, V7, aar^^nO; llavaa. 'V7. UilM. 

fWdlff rgco— Wun by lluDtlDhlui, tlU; Wtbh, t9, leo- 
Mil; Knile. 'W. ihlnl. Tlipe.«jfHp. 

/fuiralRff Aftf/*^lallt — Wnb bv Hrliiul, "VMn. IIId.:SIU' 
niini^ 17. aruiH). lit. lu>Jn.: Webb, w, ihlrd* 4n. Ho. 

Htlhtuflffht ifTr«if/n(r— Wmi hy HIiiidiuu, •vi; Aeker 
men. W.afcnnd; Htiillvan, 77, Ibtnl. 

yrtvt. niud— HTi.B br HiUtnl, Mt. irU'n ; lluaea. 
vr. aaouod.ftll. Miln.; Hriniiinna, VT.lJilid, flIuflJjiD. Iltu- 
tntioa •lihdraw In ravnr ot IIuvm. 

aVtVK/yjlfvr Jkoi iKrfM.-Woo hy M«hl«r»lalp. "M; 
Oouiheny, fb, tocbod; Ackainao, '09, Iblrd. Tloie,BM, 

g|Nrle Oa Long leland. 

Ambrose I'arb, Hruublyn, N. Y., vaathaaeaeaoraaarlat 
oraUilatk leina* un Haluidey, P*li, n. lMU Jolotly by 
Die Bay BIdia AililaileOlubeod ihA Hnunt VUv Pool- 
ball Oluh, and ll baluR W«ililniiii.D*« niriliday, ud Ibe 
aeailtar belDK dear, wllh a hraclog aUiiot^bare^ there 
aai a soallp ciawd oralhlallcaolhutlaau lo alleaduet. 
The rnialar atmaa waie hOloard hy a fiHithell 
ahiHi 9um wmiby llie f lilllpalrialiinrii. ahoaia bare for 
ihr pDi|4>p» ui bmklDK albur <i( iha n-unirp. lanmarr: 

On* hunilnd tarili tvn -Won hy Marlln r. LiDch, Itey 
KIditaA liumtrlirajt. Ml. Vlaw P.M.U., ittvni. 

Time, li"g". 

Tun AinJrrJ rind if^ity nanJt run.—Vua br Jobo 
Tracy. Ba/KMfii A.O.; 11. McHimay. Mt. VlewF.H.O., 
moniA. Tliii*. n't*. 

/bur hunarnittna/tirlM yiirJj nin - Wirfi bp Klaey lluv- 
anl, BayHldcaA ll ; Mkhi>al L'lihvll. Ml. Tiev P. H. 41 , 
Mrs •ihI . Tuna, 61 H4. 

/.fvAl Awndrrit fiHd furJi rurt.-Wnn hp HIcbard i. 

llarvaVsllapKidM;A. (Hiruii, ML VlavP, P.U., 
liiCMflil. Tlii-n.Iin.l^aa. 

lintm\U ran-Wuuby M. K Ifrelay. Rip HMga A. U.; 
John H)ao. Ht Vtaw P. R.U, >M-i>nil. Time. Sei. Ufa. 

Ufii Mite hU^\e raif. -Wuo hy Wm. 1'. Klltv, Hay Nhlia 
A.O.: I.Hirap.HLVIawF B.lf., Mcuod. Tliiia, Ini. Ba. 
' MmlM Mn^m ra<r.-it II. Uarpao, lair Hldia A. a, 
lUfrp lieaMr, Bay NMaa a. (I. Time. in. lA 
'AllfHon runnlnff Af(f/i /uai> -M. F. Heaaoap, XftTlir 


ud 1 

K^MlUlt . . . . - . , 

A. A.. Iha ettainpion, eUarM ih» l*ar at liri. kj^la. 

t:/kiMh,n tkret'itioThr witu mn-KioM lljarlberr, 
Naw J«r>ep A. L'. ud Bay HMia A. 1'., ru Uie dUUfica la 
Jill. Ila, 

Hikmumhaif nib! ma.-r^iula MehiuU vilkad Iba 

Ttia Mtire uf the riM>niall leiAa waa uoe |Oal lu aolhloR 
lo raror ur tliw Mfiunt Vlaw i;iub. 

ATlll.kruJ iiiMW lonuail tait rif iha catfbralloo ef 
WkablptbiO'B BIrdiilay at Fnotalou Ciilleia, tbe vlooefa 
orthed|fr«raMlertot«funiilo||llia |TU|rauiua halop le 

LlMblwflvhl wiB«tlloa-T. H. rrrlne, 'in. FuU fault-A. 
(). Tyler, imr. ala. Uidtliawnliht ■raitllni-ll. H.IUlt*r, 
W. Illgli luui^W. M. iJaar.Ai. 7ln. Ki.iBa rllnt4a«-ll. 
fl. 8Urjiiiorp,'vG. Ilearyvaiihi wiaalllaK-A. C, Ayr«a, 

Tiili>fH' ri»LTlB In the chain i>lon*hl|i earleaof ISe 
Aiiifrlraii Fo«rfl>4ll Aa-ifrlailMi aaa i-Uyad at Olimirk 
I'arb. Vm\rtt»*. N. J., "ii HiturUy Bllvmiiou, Kab. zMbe 
Uemaur Ihe lalaraBihiual Alhlallo oluh aiid the Traa 
Blda«1ah balof Uia cuniaftlaara, iha rormer balaf with 
ftut lheaarrle«i uf ilirte nriha laauUra. Tba True HiMa 
won by a acora ot ihiae goaU lo biie for lhair ei»t«oaola. 
Tbe liilarnuluiala niad a prdlaat Isehjra Iha caoie oa lo- 
couol id Iha Iwl c4iiidUI('tt uf Iha iroutid. 

Til aladrnii u\ U'llambtai h'olti^raliy. at Waalilnatae, 
D. U. Ii«vf>da<ldad foria aiid nialnuiaa uacb aialaiir 
dull, \M. H. Ward baa been cbcato luaoaaar. 

OioiuaTdwirifLLViK, U. n . huaeceptNl ih« larlra- 
tloa lo cniu|Ml« Id Iba UuiToraliy of FaBeaplvuU'a 
reUy raea. 

Ua B- M.r;c»DiU.out>lwjtA. ll. Kloaio ilia tblrd ud 
laatcuoieatoflbalr lualch.aach forf l(U a llda, ooabaa- 
dred blrda ea<b. el RradUftck F*. P«b Si. Hc«f a, U toH. 
Coodall haa d«« wob ibraa of ihe fbor iiiatehee m abldi 
tbay bare ea«iirtd. 

Tm Fria DaCoaaoUiloe, a roU medal aad ne iImmb. 
end rruc*. add*! to Baaaapalahaa of tSftatb, *ai ahol 
for at Mnnia on Feb. in. M. Fulout woa Hrat prim, 
Hiasley Fearc* eecoad aad Mr. Haielirre ihlrd. 

Tifi rol'ia Olbb l.aa alatird ihe roflowlfifi iTleera for 
Ihe^Biulnff tfar: Fi*aId«ni.J«iibfB8VuHcbaieb: tIc« 

br««l>Uoia,T. If. Terry act! J. P. M»rgu; tiaaturer,J. 
. fhMweit; Hcraiaiy.Jamfa Waiaoe. 
II, Oiora, a ooiad KoiUab taenia pUyir,dUl etbit 
reeldeocelo Uatcouotiy od PeUo. 


1 mi 
mm mnm 

In Cincinnati, O. 

It lui been uld bj (be "koowlnr onett" 
that a mlnalrf I compaoj oodld uot (o 
lU eipen»ea In tbU city, aud Id fad 
wu Um ittnctlon or tb« popularity of tlie 
theatre, It may hare beea a combloatloii 
«f botii, that va» the canseerthebDnHe 
being packed, la bard to say, but the fact 
remaliu that atandlng room waa at a pre- 

The flrat part iraa beauUfully monnttd, 
the eottamea looked bright aud now, the 
draperies were abore the areroge and the 
Tocaltals thoroughly achooled. Old "chcHU 
nut" gaga were made conaplcuoua by thrlr 
abaenee, and both the flmt and xecond 
edition of "end men" nere clercr rnter- 
talnera. "Around the World In 10 Mlu- 
utea" waa a pleaalug Innovatlou. The 
oUo portion of the prograunie waa highly 
eatertatulog, the HprclnlUe* oT Urmmlng 
•nd MoMah being exce|iUoually well re- 
eelred, and the comet Nuloaby Mr. Henry, 
with hla fnll military band, were far 
better than la psually heard. The per- 
formanor concluded with living alatuary 
U bronze. The ENTIBE FEBFOBN- 
WILL indoubtcdly do on excellent bual- 
Btaa during the engagement— VINCIN- 
MATl EN<{UIBEB, Feb. 17, '80. 

Fran Sir Henry Irrlng to HI Honry la a 
mighty Jump, though the dlatauce between 
henaoa la not ho great. Uiwn the one 
hand the present week we have the 
mighty Engllabmau, and on the other the 
American coraetlitt, Mr. Heury. Ah to 
81r Henry, we Hfaall have mere to aay 
anon, HI demanding onr Immediate atten- 
tion I and 08 for the minitrel company he 
haa brought with hlu, It la thsrongbly 
deaerrlng the many tblnga aald In Hh 
pralae that have from time to time been 
brought to uR. Why Mr. Henry haa never 
Tialted Cluclnnall before la a myatery. 
A> OCCASION, and aa a oumol eoloht hu 
Is certainly a master of the hiatrumcut, 
and received, and dcaervedly, the hearty 
approbation of tho large nudlencea gath- 
ered at the Foontaln yesterday. 

It hi pleasant to add that Mr. Henry's 
Cincinnati dcbat waa quite aattafactory, 
Uenrv Irving at the Qraad will not affect 
either houao materUlly.-CINCINNATI 

Harrodtburg, Ny., 26, Danville 27, Le>lnglen 
28. Piria 29. franhteit Wirth 2. 

Callicolto Oouiody Co. 


Alwl.\OVftr 8liai>BNTIS(B DANUB. 

J. W. OAlLlllurrE. Oolanil)!* TliWra, Wmblo. Ool. 

Wanted, Sober, Rellabla, Experienced 

eKJTOB. tfuitbeagooilUeiurarkDJ oitlo* worker. Ko 
jt wutoJ. l*r»ftr«iK« (iItvd laoupailractlntlMtli. 
WuM. IrUb wd BU«li Kam Uoinwllu^ klM Hualiwl 
Aot; i<«rforTU(iri who qau cliuiit* «oulbr(«o«Mkt«atl 
piu onto Rlreo iho pnfoivDoo. Nu ran* wivuml. 
fitoUlovMluUry. AdJnu 0. B. ULaXTON. 
JU NoT» MtJ.Oo.No. 101 Y»rk BL. Tor«ulo. Oat 



Ij J. B.WIL30!*, bmllQ, » BUU Bu, Rliluiu. Tlw 
•nut work U lb« iDweil vrlcM. l!AI.L AND niB OUH 


ImNQTtd utl rftlfload. Houtl R>r olraaUt. 
gEO. TATLOE, Bond (o n Ollir Sumi, N*w Vork. 


Bvlll t* onltr «a ihofl Htlo*. Writ* (or mtUoiUu*. 
iu«ia«i<a t>uiof» OM. J. aaoasaoo.. 

10 Atw«ur D%mU. aieh. 


^Uhl ModaU luTDltlittI OD ftpplluUoo. 

SPECUL-TIs Liretst Fltist Aisort- 

mJ4 T»»olv-lhlr>l SL. DMr B.T»olh AJ%., N.w York. 


6oD| ud Dftoos, Jlr, Cloft, Iriih Jig. HmI aoil Buck 
DuolBf lAiibl, roruioaunoruauMtotnt, OlrcuUr* 
m»ll>d. J. MVHIAN.aaad Atmuo. V*m Y»rk 

Nellie 33arls.e 


A riod niliA. TOMr, Houbrviu, tliAiMUr OU WomtB, 
MdBoy.' PilM.lK OUUBII. UTAU. 


Will* faV rtri(rBl%T«*LluwMttaliry; ntvir olna*. 
fHOiT A FAKaiUyK CO.. nwtnfUl*. DoUkIN^ .0 


(.r 0. 1. M. CO., to OM* N'rhllAO April •. Adilr*» 
DR. A. LmVP.I.IID MvnU Itmuh ltalllnior.L Mil. 


pur LODII ••■■■.B.iiL A<IOr*w IIAHRI ■'. IKAOIi. 
■ UAI.r ■A'MU.TA MKD. CU.. Vunt.luaB. Uol. 


«»n *-OouBUr Circtt*** Co., TnillA, *Mk oi kl«r«li 1 


Febbtjaby 29. 



FolM ud Stakcf, SEATS, VUgt, Etc. 


0 u«>iB.Bi»rAmB,iBiia,Rc,n)Baut, 

S. S. Stewarf 8 
Celebrated Banjos 

PRICEI FROM 910 TO 1200. 

AUo H«Ale ftwl Books tor Ulo Ba^Jo, iB 
gmt Tsrltty. BlilBft, lUodi, Etc 

8wd for lUaftnud priM lift AodcAUlofQ.. TliM. In- 
urwud tfioald i*od lOo. lo .uap* for m mclm.D copy 

■. a STBWABT, NMBludmnhorchBL, 
rhilnl.lfrhlA. vtaam. 


HomalblDK ftll titck wire w«lb«rii litv* b««ii lirokioi; Tor. 
We wry u ImiDiDM nlock of (hf m> uiI itll kII ont«ni 
pTomptlr. Hdd'n lira, from « luO, pnc« tlM; by tnnll, 
MMtiara. tiM. Cioraa Fumin. cluitlo top, 26c rtch; 
I2A0 p«r Uwo. Hti|ip<irler«, fllMile Id ntlfli. 6iQ. wida, 
|l.UU Mch. t.'KDTAa RallTM, cloih mh^ lid); lMih«r 
•oUk.II CO All Uaihrrhlah Uc*d Trtpfu 8lioe\(llO: 
iMtlltr LUPlOK HiMta. %itU. CaDTU ruiniii. Uaili>r« 
ud 8upi»rtinp«iitpA(don r«c«lpt oi prlc«. BB HURB 
ftBd wod >Im. 

e. B. CALU 229 Main St, Springfield. Masi 


•1438 BROADWAY" 


J30W^/U)JSO//5T: (///CACO.- 


8. S. IIIOBP &, CO., 



BID., tjuo: aiD.. irjxt; Md., taxo; «Hn^ 

, ilOJKI; CMnpftrtaieDt tnrivraeu] bouad, |l: 

fiiilB eircua tniaki, 4a.2» cqnijtleu./lini tnokM, »iOil6 

.-ninl , 

•9J0. LIUiumDka.a)ii3BiU IdrMa. BlliO. Hinpt 
letouo ^oUov«n^ $IJ3 and Bl-U. Bblppvd oo ro- 

And p.i 

wlpl or UA, bol. 0. b.' U., •ie«pt bv.r . 

mil whou unoanL Mu.IoaI loMruiuuit, dek.t uhI nu. 
u«'.a*truDki 10 order. Kaiiao RukMA,wllii Irsy, liDloR, 
oiTar, au.. Mil.. lUlO: SiD., IIUOTwo., IIUU. Ba» 
k.U ■hlprad OB l«Ml.l ul nrlM. 

KolAb. mi Korlh Till miwl. PlilUil.lphl.. 


Galloplop Horwg, 
Floe Imported Or> 
gani). Attractive out- 
fit Frkes on oppU* 
catloB. Terms easj. 
Loclii iort, N. Y. 


LeadlflB Aereniuts of Uie WorM. 


_ aIm muiuiMluran of kU kloda of BtllMoi 
(UuurUol Air)- Sood for |>t1c« llM to 

BALDWIN Bum.. P. »■ Ma\ 111 QttlOBT. 111.. U. B. A. 

ffiiC lULl TO mi 

Lofttdl oD AD| of ihamoit proiittnvDt curnen Id Brook 

ijn. Qkfo, Loilinvr Bllhuxl Rooma tod Bo«IId> Allajm, 

— . iJo«w. For ptrilcutan call or wdroulo 


•II outnpltu ftsJ o«w 


Bualiwick Ate, wd MMoroUBi.. Mrooklyo. : 


which la cttmplBlo Tot road work •iMpldntuiht h<tr«M 

aod luintRtrl*! la odTtivd Tor ulo prUftlolv uotll Harch 
I. irftliUuodlaMRtd of no tbftt data It Will beiold At 
auolloDtoUiohlfha^t bidder on Ta»Mltr, Majcli IUlod 

UiorftlrarottoJafttPctaalaiD.N. Y. Aildtvia 

IIBATll A HCOTT. PoUJiini. W V. 



ULD BBLl ABLE HOUSE. N«|tfu Wlfa, «)e. UP; 
Clrc«a«liA VlRa. tA up; Butua Wlm. 13 up; 
Boubntio Wlgis It up wlfi* o( oTarrdeaerip- 
UoanadaTO OKDHR. Band aUmp for prlc« 
lut 118 Wtt »h Bi.. aaar Uh At* . Naw York. 


U»p.OD«A0iU, ODO UiUO, ooaUiITU, ooo MUltLoDofthlO) 
ud omODiIiOl WlUmak* ap«cl»l Prieea lorintamoolh. 

9 MMl ff Rlrtioiftod Rtrot. BoaiPD. Mm. 


WftOtad, Pirtl niMaAUrmciloDB. ropaUlloo,AQa): irat- 
Ini eaMclljt BX). Alv> «aiil to hw rruni VaadoTllIo 
V*Q\<^ for twaoklB April. UEO W.HU'LKV MwMtr. 

JiDastown. N. Y. Allee Open Honse, 

ISM Uld UW. BmUdi eapMlU, Piir opao dataa, 
AddroM U. r. JkLLRH, Oaoor and Maoaitvr. 

Jm>»lowo. N. T. 




moa, lUaMr«t«d oaiaJoffu* IT**. 


— Ta ao ccNfnE it. I 




The most original act of the 20th Century. 
Open for first class engagements. 

Address 135 Foortli Ave., New Yofk. 







Till. w«ek, PROCTOn'B PLEASURE PALACB, W»vr Yo rk; 81»rth a, OAIET V THBATHB, Brooklym » and 18 OPBM. 


California's Musioal Comedians, Hyde ^ Behman's, iBrooklyn," this week. Have 
signed wltli Gns Hill's Novelties for balance of season. Six weeks in California on 
the Orphemn Circuit in May. 


"The liglits of London/' 

Bf Ueorge D. Sims. 

"Hailioiii Lights," 

By Qeorge R. Sims and Henry Pettitt 

"Master and Man," 

Uy Ueorge R. Sims and Henry PetUtt 

For righti, «tc*, npplK to 
JOSEPH BROOKS, 1.193 Broadiwy. New York. 



6ood for Now CuloRU. 



Pirn Olmu Amerlcaa PUo Hotel. RaiM, BS.OO to U.OD par 
•lay Noiad lor ibe «xc«)t»Dce of Ita cuUloe. LocMod 
wiihtD OD* lutuarB uf Uirto nrm clua the«tr«iL Br. John 
O'DooaelL lonnarlr head waliar at Uie Bumel Uou*, 
notr titR cliargo of tlio dlnlne room Id thia buul. 

H. H. DUNBAR. PraatdaDi >nd MMfcier. 


Beat *orat«d tlgbt*. ndaced to|3.(Dp«r 
■tt; good qutlllT. B1.0D; per a«t;colU)», 
9)-Q}porMt, louyc«lor;lo blsttplok, 
«blu Uld naTrblu*. red, akr bin*, uvaa- 
dar, ftraoo uxl wloe. Silk tlibta, Alt.00 
par a«t: Frog aulii,jr.lU lo •ruD;BDak< 
■»lti,Bliunio ta).CiO; Pump«.acti.;OAi 

par a«t: Kn>gaulii,J 

Silk till 
,00 lo BU 

lUD; Boako 

.(D. Bead for cA*.AlofU6 and um- 
ptoi or Uitbia. Batluatoa by malL D«- 
pMlt rmulrod. BPICBR BROB.. 
MP ETorgrooo Atq.. Brtwklyn. N. T. 


Groat Aniorican R. R. Shows, 

P*rroiD)«ra luid UuHlclana Id all brmocbea of circua biial 
naaa. Want an act to r«atur9. Cao uao RO)d laok acL 
Bvalloe. Wnler Oueoo. »rlt«. HualcluiB mtMl b« flnt 
cU*a. inr ihli »Uow la aacood to anno. Bow CaDraa Man 
ud Workiuao lo aJl llueL Alao Bld« Bbnw Penpla. 

Addraaa W. P. XIRRIUnT. 

l.Oa \ToodUDd At*^. Dm MpIumi. la. 


Coalaiaa MTorftllbrtunaod lUnaintlODa ol Diamond J'.w. 
alrr— Oualat ud alylUh— OoM Jewelry, Waichea, Bt«r 
lluRBIIrer Nurc)il«>. Urobr«lla\ CtDaa, RIcb OulOlau 
war«, Olocka— •varyihlDc tbatli neeJod erery da)- Id ibe 
)-ear. Tbemakeap ofthlavork of art la orldDal, oom- 
pact, bantir to carry Id the hand, coat pockoi or laicbel— 
cboOK full of iba cholce>t llieratura. I'rlcea an abao- 
lutaly Uta lo«eat coDalatant with qualllf. Bead your 
oaaae ud aUdren for % cony uul nteaaa nieDllOD '*0L1P- 
rUL" OSKABP. NOLTINJ a o6.. Hammotb Jewelers 
of America. Vlo^ fit . Cor. ftUi. nioclDPatl. O. 

J. 0. DEACAN, 


Inrentor aod Maaufacturer ol BUAICAL MOrRLTIEO. 
HARP& aLA&i uni^BB, HELLS, eio . etc, ai uaed with 
■rut Pur«o.ii bf tlie l«adlnit oiualeal artlatik Deliorelll 
Rrwa . the IUT*Q^ Uadlej ud Uart, the AUdodU, Eaat- 
brook. etc. 


Pint qualllr, 80 rireu ud bum lo each tniok, 36 
Inch. ILto: S totb. fAB; 9D locb, U, locludlait a lull 
lhaallleal traT, 7K Oeev>. nielal bouod; aeooDd qualllr. 
ISrlret* aod burr* to each truok, 30 loch, BAJ5; SI Incb, 
BITB; fl lach,$4.t)i, iDcludlotaSmcli irmr, mtuU bound. 
Tenna cub ia aAltuoe. 0. PATTERSON A CO.. 
IM W. WIrtUi Btreei. PhllailelpMa> Pi. 


Iminimcnit, Dniina, Uttirormi, Equip* 
mtitit for UaiiiU :iuJ Urum i'orp^. Low- 
r5l prices cvrrtjiiolcd. KincL'ataloff, ^co 
Hhifinilpn^. mttiUii frit; llgivc-tlland 
Musicl^ Iminictloiia Tor Amateur Dandt. 

iin * luu, soivrit«ihAu..niure. 


ttftnd ICDfL lODDil top.; 0Di9O kikI inHlU, lOIX. »oll* 
Ohuf. A«dl*u O. J.BAIBK, 
IMTT.TliinimiMl« CH7, Moll 


Oj'A ytifl^Ut ei(iar*«/*r SM* airA ■ Mall <«pilal. AtM 

■»At.LUTIM, xt[ uru.>t..49 NaMau ■t.,il.¥ 




A OiniOTT. Rplcy. F«in.)« aod 8oubr«(lo Specialty. 
llielllTOrLOKlX)^. Rnllable lor uiy toic ud ur 
i>{«<lllly. By 1I(K)LBNK0K. 


A RM IloiCooD SoDg, lull or nr. and ptpHr. By IB- 


MADELINB SUIRLBT'a ImmMlH Hit, «■ nal to t 
£NCaBh.S KlRhtly at Uio TIVOLI TnElTHE. LONDON, 
'ftie fuoiilfijt wnc or the hour. 

d3*ADy or th. ahoro Dordltloa. with orc)ia.tra parta, 
00 rK«lt4ori(ta. .acb.toprofeulooalaoDly. Koatt#Dtloii 
paid to cotuDunlratlon. iintronulolaii nboT. prlM Id 
M aoil in Sorth Moora 6t . N. y. 


In laU four act comedy drama* 'Wantod, 
UI/SICIAN that can doubU In braaennd 
Atrlng. Managers of op«»w«a In llll* 
noU and Indiana, writ* fbr open datet, 
an |wr roate. 



Tbe Baranm-BaUej Shew of Ctao Drama- 
tto ProfMiloa, CANARY A LBDEIIBR«8 
Cyclonic Bncceii, 



Scenery, eoetnmea and all paraphernalia. 
Can be bookvd on tremendona gnaran- 
teea, eneerlaa a lar«e profit. Apuly to 
CANAllV & CsDEHEIi, Broadway and 
Thlrty-MlnHa Bireel. Ciaelno, Www York. 

Houston Heights SuionierTkeatre.HoustoRjei. 

WaoiaO. far the abore, People for Block O* ; two plara 
fuob week; Ladr Prloclpala, Boprwn Mnxu and Alio 
Voic*a; a]H« a lew cood toIc«m for ibocborua, ooewho 
cude aerpMtloe dance; Uenlletnen for Juvtnlletwho 
can rintr tenor; BarUoae and Haaiowbocu plof parte; 
two EIoclDBADd DuciDKComedlaoa; all muai do apKlaJ- 
tlis; a Qood BiiRe Hanaterwlth muuaorlpu. Tonch 
who will woik for a fair Bunmer aalary, can olTar 70a a 
p)ea«ot Bunmer eBseRemtnt; eea*oa opeoa In May; 
eeod lowtet eaUry In flrat latter. Addr«>a. unlll Apnl 1, 
B. MhMDBLBOH.23Cainp8L. NewTiileaoa. La. 

No farea adruced. P. B.— Cu uae a L(«derwLecu 



Plcbald. lHaat bo ■■wU.aboat 3e or 40 
laches la holght. On. that la tIoIou. 
Alldreaa DAN SHERMAN, 

!»} E. I«lh St.. Now York. 

You Know the Ynlueora 


""•CROSS. ^'S^^SSi.^, CHICAGO L"4?>r. 

Eicluslvely Tlwalflcal Prlntliig tnd Enarivlng. 



"Ed.,"8ioirlDgaDd DioclDffComedlu. and Hulpulator 
nf tba BaUia. "DaDDalla," BloRlog ud D«DCinff finu- 
bretu and nontortloDlat. "Ida," Character Vocallar, 
DaoraraiMt flkeieb Artlai. Work aloile. doable ud trio. 

A Piano Player, Gentleman. 


CHAB. H. MARVIN, Horton. Kanaae, 



FRAHLIK BROS ■ SHOW lor 111. ramlna MaKO. 

r. a— Now, lo .tiip all talklag, HTRTLB DAT ll Dot my 
wife. Imp aolllARRlED 


Oa. «>iO ttJD play aoffl. old aonieo, alao Cbumctar Actor 
aal Nu.lnlDlrwlor. ]iu.tb.riTalClaH,wllBwvdn>bM 
forrvportolr.. SiaufallMrtleulanaJDdMndpbotn. (idn 
aotp.ybo.rul. AJdrrullR. ANOMRa. ROBkRTWAVNE 
CO. Tamaqnc r... 11 tn P: B^ratilftn. Pa.. M.trh 1 ro ». 

Gags, Parodies, Monologues, Skstclies, 

Oalj ODe chap In lhla work! 
Can wri'e the proper cheeee, 
BIB aiulTa a lauRb. a dead aara hit, 

. it vooid make a aonkor w\mnm. 


M Wait 3BUi Btreet, New York. 


(Maa aad wife preferred). Alao A 1 COMEDIAM. Both 
moat be able to do two larDa. Plnn cUaa piano pUiir 
aad eiperleac«d aKenL Give full canlcutara lo dm 
letter. Salary low, but aore. No ilckeu ailranctd t9 
■UmoBtie. Addreu WILLABD ORAHAH, 
Ma Collage OroteAT>Due.<1iloiRf*.lll. 

Muat be ID Rood COD-Iillon; alao filQ BAUOAOC 
WAQOXa lor caoraa, etc.; alio 6uPr. PLAT UAR No 
obJecUoiu to box on one end. Hua'.berheap for ca«b. 
Keb . f »h. a aed O; Pea MolDfi. Iowa March 6 and 7. 



"Undo Tom's Cabin" Co., 

ALL'KOUND rou PKOfLG. Addr.a. Dotar, PalS 


A nan, for Leads and Heavlea, and a 
Woman for Character! and Juv«nll«a. 
Addeeaa TII0MPj>0.^*8 COMEDIANB, Ed- 
gevt«tt,Wle*,Peb. :4ftand weeki Oregoa, 
WIe., March !8 and week. 


TOfLKoQDd Top.a)R.nildd t.lOfL aide waUa. lu flntoUM 
ordpr; Inew8irli>ed Uariiaet.lS leDgthaeeata, B tierbigh; 
e LAmpa; all Polaa, Ropea. PnUeya, eTarjrtbloi roady V> 
aet up: Saet Band Uairorma, wfib cape aad belmate; 1 
Biake PuUer. Tom Bceoeir, ICabln, 1 Ugbt Band Waicee, 
I DooUy, ITomDoR.S TrapeteNeia. WiUeell forooe- 
tblnl lu value. B. A- DART. EeBdaUvllle. lod. 


Barry M. Blake 

Heavies, Characters or Qen. Buif 

Nn objection to good repertoire. Addt»aa* 
Oei,eral DellTary. grmud Uland. Nebraaka. 

FOR SALE '^'JII'p'lY.'?'' 

Bald to be Fairly Good. Addr... 

W. J. CHAPPELLE, Grtit Bend, Pa. 


Mnt lea tbao all nor more than t*D. Btate price and 
Alx> rood Intooe D008, not leaa thao 

what tbay can do. K\^f 

For "t PiipsiYe Wiiiiiaii" Coi, 

aOOB ACIOB for B.o.ral bualaow. CpMBBIAif who 
cloi. Ad<lr«a LOUIS FIBRCB. Honmoolb. IIL 

10 Toi lAiT i m m\ 

To walk on tkecelllni head down, tame 
ae OB the floor* A pair of t;elllng walk- 
Ina Discs, wHhfalllnatnactlonehowtodo 
the aact, sent on receipt of Addieei 
J. OMtBILLY, aBB llllnoU BI.. Chicago. 


III BItlilh RlraoT. ooar Bivad.ay, N.v Vork. 

rupzRiOR PACiLiTiia i-RoanNEBiauASAhTaED. 

ir PATB TO pgr THR BB8T. : 

O ^ x.. 

BicbnoQii.Va., April %. AekaowiedRsihlicallbrleiur 
AH ^enilenieD perlomera moat bare Doe top boota for 
parade and eoifee. Mn Pete Jenklsaboota. Yot oni»t welCr 
tbeeama waidrobe with thia »bow that yon wear on ibe 
lellhCireelL Blanket! will noldo. ROBERT BU.STIIVU, 
career Bipoeltloo Otoaoda. BtchmftOd, Ta. M. B.-fM> 
Clair Hotel Bi cbmoDd. flTta baai ratee for elrcua peocue. 

NiiTtldt. NnlOOPtKiPlctOflilCittliini, 

with eitmraaoruadlngproreulonala. Lateai Sarefees 
noTafiiti, maala second aigbtand antl-cslritaalba, M 
todala. Head Ueente for tame. Moftveltai.' . >■ 
W. r». LR HOT. im Ortor* Hneet Wn^fiia— . ■ 


cbeatrallona dopllcstsd. Lola. U (o l/D foplea^^eap. 
" localizer for RarteU Polka, lnDle_l ~ " 


... -jeinrt, wltk 

ED. A. DICBT. 16i Beseo^ BsflAKM. 1. 






An Original and Novel Production, presenting everything tliat is New iind Sensa- 
tional, consisting of Pretty Women, Cntcliy Music, Magnificent Scenery, Up to Date 
Specialties, Grand Electric March, Elegant Costumes and the Latest London Sncccss. 




International Vaudevilles, 

Consisting of Artists procured from all parts of the world, with Special Scenery for 
every member, representing the difTcrent nations. 
A novelty in the advertising line. 


The Mighty Rnler of Mirth, presenting a Host of High Class Artists. 

Gus Hill's Novelties, 

The highest salaried vaudeville organization in existence. A sumptuous hanquet of 

refined ftm unequalled in quallt}'. 



eracey M Burnett 



OEOROE LIMAir, 10* Eaat FoartMBtll Itnet. N«w Yorki or 

ORAOEV AND BVBNBTT,' FooalBln 8qnai« Theatre, OlBelnnatl, Ohio. 

■WE &TI1-mTLm fl.E3SIZ>E3 X3V TBI 



LlTu all over tlie world. Tbe qalckMt and moat fmphstlo aoDg "bit** on rM«rd. Flayed hy all tbe phonographB, brara 
baadoaadliand oraaBi.andliareialar PUDDIN' FOR SIDEWALK WHISTLERS. We want lo hrar from all peraoni ilai- 
ing tliU JUVRNILK LEADER at one*. KeTor mind wbj', bat It'a a good thing. Top-Unen lend th« rrgalltlon "TEN" for 

piano cop7 aad orcbeatratlon. AddreM plalnlf, yoniif to win In a canter, 

THK XHOS. M. BOWJCKS MU810 CO.. 810 Orgy Avenue. Hniintsn, Xei. 



John A. Morton, 

2;216 PEMBERTON ST.. Phlhdtlphla, Pa. 

After April 4, Address 



uuon J. DiDcorr. Aient, 

Picwlillr HadiIodi, LondoD, W. 

Tke neateat, nlraal and prettleat aong of 
the year. Bnrato pliaae wbererar aang. 
Yoa ean*t halp making a bit with It. 
: niee choral for oae or tomr vulcoa. Bf 
mall OBlr to (he pnreailoa for lUe. Or- 
ehoatral porta f*tB to thoae wbo write Ibr 
thematoaca. FIIRLP8 MUSIC CO.. 
a'4-5ft Lafayatle Plaea, New Yorb. 

CallicoHe Comedy Co. 

A Nn. I lUrtr'olrf Actor or Aeiw^ vllh 
er»lla«tclu tiwl vutwnrfe, write mt til 
. Uu«r. I na ai« only rollAbiA, comrvtant 

For the pait TKK YEARS wUb HOORR 
ENG., r«tDrA« to New York Jalf 1. Gai 
be engftged for bla 


" Musicmania." 

Addrvn, antll Jane 1, Oft RICIlMOIfD 
ROAD, Bsr^Afrary, LondoH, Eng* 


FOR 1896-1897. 

For farther 
p»rtloi COB o' 

portlealon, rofpoBstbla 

KDUlr to 
JOHN U. DAV10. Alt 

10« Plom Slr«ot« ClaclBaatI, O. 

m — wwdrob*,. 
MrtlcaUr* Anl 
fMOlUa. Addr«M 

COLUMBIA inBATRE, FuibK Colo . M^BiiiU. 
• ' BftTt BoTm ■♦cored lidjr for jnwoiln* dtoe>. 

MAXIM GROSS, Leader, Conposar and 

AMUiami, mo aaawiu »liti Lini»« UfK ro. at 
LIBBRTT. Addrru can of CLIPrSR. 



}. a. K1DP, ■ Btasa Bt, WMTtoim, X, T. 


The new Walti So'ag aad Cheraa, bf 

"Rnme atr lhar art lot (or. haodionM lad coo), 
And oUiif* lhaj'nvliral, Datiihlr aad rana; 
Nor a wonl on IbU aD><jKl 1 1»« to lalnKia, 

0 roil Olr1« 1'^ Ntmotr; 

ProroaaloBalo,llN!. aad card. Thoae ailag 
It i^fHl eat or photo, 
O. R. E. KRHKBOV, Fablltbtr, 

Nataport, Vl. 


want tnr ttlrAOtloo In the RaVoftn Unit, lo «r(U mo, 
■tAtlnRtlio klntl ofworh (Itvlnd.knd 1 will miko ibcn) 

rrlcoB on niDO; bIk i»ark' •iF>Arl«uef : carolul ftixl r« 
lililf. Write me fnr (eBllmiialiU «« \n tar voi*- 
Rltdlr MDd tbflm. WHio qnlet. TImtt fMC itlllnv. 

PHOK. R. arEVRNB. Ifortli Arivni. MldilgU. 
N. B.—NOW tod m«>dO ^l^d beUonni for ulo. 



Write for 

IM BooUi EltTonUi SUMI, rhlladalphla, fa 


Prol»uk>nk1fl doalrioii to porrhue BPENINfl or 
0TKBET DREflffEfl cma Dud a wry EUitol AnwirliDtDt 
oriheniotroMtOtnnAaUit TtrrLov Prlw. Orer IT 
Oeati' Pall Dnu8aluror»et«CMap. 

9J4-93aHOVrir RT.. Phil»l8lphl&. re. 

/ Higlcil Apparatus, Trlcki, 
lllaslm, Etc. 

Nov. Mlf IlluatnUd book oete- 
locoo, ororyUilof op to dile. UcU. 
Pertorlrlclia eat*lone trm. 

m flliOi ATBDoe. Htm Toth. 




IS6 Htrtk MMk II, PtUg. 

"Oood WorfieCoTtelotr.' 




rBomiEroR aho maraoeii, 

PATER. CooMgor UNofaa follla aaiallT*. 




ST Wen Porty *Mnpd Niioel, Hwn York. 
COf nW FWBE. Wwid two oBBfUmp 

A First Class Topmoanter, 

Wbo eao torn tverr forwenl ud bocknrd end itso 
DoDblt SomorMttlU. Bend pbotoeesd cowlltlrtnB to 


Hairs Northwestern Cireoit 

Ifev booblnc for Itali Muon ud otit. fkud eempeolM 
•mdopwUmito A. L.(lALU_ 


Ooc Howard*! Net Cliaractir Act, 

The Barnstormers," 

Witb TmtuiloDJi. Jail Iho ihlsic for ft ibBtrh lAint. A Pore 
niL AiIdreM (leO. KOWABD. 

T T«mrhi PiK*. B^riw. mtm. 

Circus Ganvasesa 

TMit tf All DiWflplliM Mmfutim 

■. K. HDRIBLT, IB »oa1a MrtaL !»»« Tor* Oltj. 

lANA liU8IC.7«!WniWJi^iR'V^?J3!!Cl 




Feb. W I will eloio « ID weehi* eagagemeBt with Predorlek BaB«rofl*e SpoeUea* 
lor Predavtlea orileiilr. Re-engoged Ibr Ifeit ■eaeoaatTIIVI HiaiaBIT HALART 
RVRU PAII> ANY CLUB PBRFiTRHBB 111 AfflBttlOA fbr a iooeoa*a •agagemeal. 
Tbere mop be olhero, b«t the pme eaye i 

Hiji« Kftthrrlne nylei lie Derreloutlr ■btllMcleb Joiplor, ead ibiniibeiftTtrTrr^trplPtiiTeeaBbemftDl^ 
DlfttM ihoolualTAarikle*. Iler kcikmi nmlod iherpeeiitnr itmoilj oi Morrli CTOttlrL tbo worM'tchftmplon olub 
'uv«l*r ftnii manrrtr the Totu >he p«rrbTmierednoo viih ellibe Kneeeotl diKitrhr Ihu hftTt mule him iMnont.— 
niBRVRNINil SB\r8.N*wUeT«n. 

HIM KftthoilQo OrHm U « mu«ol oftlo^Uiitr.-riONERR PBBfll, Bt Paul. 

MIm Keihoilee Orion l« « wootlairuUr el'Tor porfbrmor «llh IndlAn eluh*. Rhe li ptretoellr iho DenoolAoKllon 
- jirac«,an<i iho out mftnoor In vblch ahe Kcoaipllahwi ■ppeTeeUj Impoulble fkeit elib IheolabeUn 
trvtUe -JUITRNAL. Htlitufeeo. 

B nintt M- 

Ulu Ktthtrino tiyloik. eiouoK kJr or ptoAitov fbc« ud fbrm, itTf* u> ub(bUlflaofe1abielniilD|t leigKoi 

1 I- ^ * "tr kok or MrfMt eonporare wheBthomoBialinoailrwtor 

^ . _NNY PRBW. Mrnn«Hi«. 

Poimoneal a^dreea, STl WRtT IMMD BTRKBT. Now York Cltf, 

«hlch U »n*iirT«M*4. fOte !■ iimnnil m etn be led btr kok . 
hoT woik la bolDit porlbrniMl tonde to tbo eD]nrinenl*-PBNNY PRI 

The Mem Wifrli the Oomedy Wfillt, 



Eccenblo Chincltr Canxdlani and QroltiqM DiMirt. A LAUOHINO ACT. Tkal'a EnoMh. 
March 2 and 9 opm. Addnti 3i7 E. TWELFTH STREET, Niw York Clly. 

Wonderland Theatre 


Ileoio heated bp aloOH aad eoalppod with oil modem Improremeatee llai be 

Foil UBrtloBlon glvea to reepoailble portloe who mean hatlneee. AddroM 

J. II. MOOHH, WoBderlnnd Thootro. Detroit. MIeh, 

Mcdonough bros. trio. 


Juit doeod onr eocoad uaeoa with lloaloa Bree.* Paaloema Co., with whteh eo* we 
mode a Decided Hit at each and oTery perAirmaaeoi Oar Original llamaa l*addor 
le a Graad f acceei. Woald be pleaeed to hear firon maaager of dret elan eo* fbr 
balBBfo of teaeoai aUe maaagere of laainer Reeorle, Parke, naito llallef Roof 
Uardeae, ete. Maaagere,doa*t worry abont boobiagthle aet. It le tho roal thiag* 
We alwaje gaaranteo a good Impreaeloa. Addroee MoDONOUOII BROI., earo Jamee 
Pain, ion William Street, ITew York Citp. PermoBont addroea, ear* ofULIPPRR. 

"Outside a Millionaire's Door,' 


IDA."\^I-aY AZXd 

Amerl«a*a Premlor UnallaU and llarllono Vaeillala. 


Praf^loa, 10 oanta oaoh, wUK Orebaatratlono. 
JAMBa •TIl.l.MAN, Maalo Pabllataar, 4114 llith Areiiae, New Yorb 011^. 

WELL.! WKLr.! -WiQI^Xjl 






Plaf.d(irBoDH'ir«eTl.iaBo.d. Plaoo 8olo, lOx Oreti..tra. Vr. Paod, 3S Mria, «kL 

KHAr.X MURIU IIDURK. 41 <Muinliui Ara , Na* Tott. 


We make Ue DFitT 8II0V C&NVAH Ib Um iMiuntr/ at the moRt rruMgable 
prloea for good work. Flflf fean' experience Don't buy btfvro writing t« 


202, 204. 206. 209 S. Water Straet. Ohtoago. 

Where Do Tou Qo Neil Week T Well, We Qo and Want all Seaioe, PUrlng Dalae. WhoT 


^ _ _ Away from all other Irlth Comedp Aefe. 

or II. AT MOERTV, FOR BKAHON INttO aad lujola anp good thiBg 

TtioTade oa tho BIbIh. 

Thai li tho raaeo 

. , , „ _ ThiB Week, 

Feb. 44, Pelare Theatre, Portlaari, Maine. PermBneal adtiroH* earo of CtlPPBH. 
P. ■..O, ap, O, ap, I etill have the Cala. 

map^j%.(;»b:r««. uo not uicau thih. 

LtUMli eii<l irow (at,ftDdvo ulit itii prlie, end ehoo joa tee rar raoor lluile«iuohlio« you will benrprlMd 

■llhmii Rdouht. 

AulBt«d br Hlehor ICttnar end ih* Life tavini Dor. Uuhe, li oriMoilDi one nf ibo (bnnlfBtffl niaulei'eettrir 
■«"0. I DBTO lieoD f\Mj\nu Iho Wviiore circuit for ihoUatioiir moolni. mvhlnie irtintixlnui hit Broriehire, 
We hor* pl»iMl ttie Olfmpin Tbee'ro, (1ilo«r> Monre'« elrctili: (Jljmplo, B(. Pul; Hiir Ibeatr*. flenlJtoe.Oat | 
Criiul ThMiro, Tomol/t; Aodtlorlitni Theeirt. ToMo: (Ireod (jjiera llnuBa, KbUdiioo; Oealno, 4.'hlc«ao. iotf meof 

Lut voBk tht LBueblai III! or Bhnvel Wtirld'oTbotlre, AINfflnnr. I'e. ; ihU ■•■k.dilii rTR 

~ Mb, Wodarieed Thetir*. Pitunild, lfe«i. IIktoIIitcIi 9oi»oB. MuMoro, •eh* up and Moure 


tiure, Miaa; bbbi 

thiB iiBV ect vhllo roe heve % chuce. 

NBT»r Tell* li) drev yoal hnoM. 

Addroffl cere oruLlPrBB. 

Abelardo and Josephine LowandOi 



Wanted, By Chas. D. Slmayp 

lllnll riTCIIEDRABITflNliAND ORLY TRUP. IXArrrUH nr lOKll. orrtiihr ConiHlr.ConliloBllooi or Bar 
la«ii|»a. plir pan., (or mt ART n'.n. no «!.«■ or l>oja Ifi rallarr. Iiul dapao*! oa wttrk fur II1T> Woubl Ilka to 
hur (rVm (DoSdHcripllTa RARITORR RINIIER. Adilc.u OIIAR. b. KLIAr.Na. in llu-lion Riiaal. M. T.Oily. 


loiva. CuloBuarof Jaf|l[nii(lii^1a,(:laba, Vtolrlkfjui.* aaa'Pancli am) Jailr Fla.r*. fraa. 

- — ( HAiiiiiTiilft urn, ro. «il li<.«aiT. »■ T. 


rioa looe. E4«r ret op. Uive od* for ul* to koo«o performtra onlr. t octke* chrfrni. 

maileel DOTtltlfi forth* »«tlDr. I*. fl.-llire th« freetui norAltr nriL* r«r i iartalL ■■Vblc^orhoae. 
lor ranicolar*. olihaUnp. R. H-hiKfRT, Mnvid UjUI Miln HirMt, lUrtford, 

attention, Musio Publishers. 

"n«meor"(iib*oelrnia((eel mAiuloe pebllah*) la'l ir roa vlth lo iMch PeolAa Cowtmealeliai 
tl)»r« ('no batlcr wer. Itat«e isd umpto eepv oo ecpilcaU'-n, All mti»h wol R/mpllinvnicr/ wMlrvcoltedaeeo- 
lice Id narcolumea. THR J. 0. MILLBft PUnLIIIIDIkO MOIIfIR, Tlia IftKM. Or*. 



IhIa Ifmh lo iMcl 
~ ek vir*; erii* 
:»n BJid met* 

rti JOB l/t 
(iw^rt AO 

■•lb • ilpht arfT 
Ifl Ullari lADtan 
Annnascainaota ur 

niO.niACUlJ. t Weahlneloii Bt. nilcaio. HI. 

WANTES-Wlo Hii I 6ori SieoRl Hui 

ni*a lull penlculen, coodUlMi, «ic. Caa elvaja bm 
H>^*r, ralliDh peTrunaar*. Rararilaloell. 

S O. OAVRKrUKT. Maeaf*'* 
Patapport KUrt^fe Bait f !o . kariatu. Wlen. 


who wlib A Xe. I jp«4a at ht4 mrk price*, plei") vrlta* 
Bamplei^ KLECritlOhBHBirBW>..qeln«r. fl>- 
AoBetta. plaeMvifiei Inpoitao^ 


At Rjo Beaahi Caroaiol, BboollnM Oak 
l.rj. Caao Bloard. Fll|g«r lla.d. 

P. ARIIRBWR. II. T.mpH roart, Xn Torli CHy. 




ADTARI jl All 

It. *. jTar, E<i 

OaitT, (.ujolB 
nalanoo. Vt 


■MelaltlaamlarralXalwJDTRIIILB lADT. Ciailac. 
A'lUlM oVi tfoBbh la l«aa aa<1 mmlMI AOBIir. 
UnrlTOlr, Vflw. D,OObBTIUIAfruaIoourn,Ir. 


'I ' Hh ! NEW YOBK dilPPER. 

, Febbuaby 29. 


The Standard Record Booh of Theatrical and Sporting 


Its Aoonra<^, OompleteneiB and the Artlstlo finality of 
Its nlnstrations ReeetTe Fnll Recognition 
From the Leading Newspapers. 

HarpaasM Any PiwtIobs Iub** 

ynm Thi Jfeio I'ork itramaiU Utrnr. 
TBI Miw York ntirrm arkital lorlftSurpftuwur 
^mlmii IMW of thlamoUT4luii>)6 koJ rellaMe publl- 
CMln. Il U IfXfff r, lundiwiintT aoil iiior« rullf lllukiraud 
thia<r«r twlbr*. Tba thiiUrIcA) chroDoloif of ftll lb* 
ICBportut •Ttou In ih* lU* of tii* Anieric«a lUg* In. u 

niM «f uronnatloD. T1i« xportlair (nnntloflf li llk.- 

wlMeoaptot* kodTmclwii. Anotiir ths lilaausiloDi, 
An uDuiiKllr rood, Uisr. mrewi 
fuoiMoms KalUr. lu 

■I* Bfflvi 

UDUiikllr rood, Uisr. mre wmlrAlda clianoUr 
"»m6 Kolltr, luM Irvror. Il.rlrtrl K«lc«7t 
M>ad, Ilalh, Vfliia VlclorU, t'Urt lltva). 

poeluUdtr, Alle« J.HIi«w. Jumi>I 

H. anc«, moeu wiuao, Rotuti 

Met.- -TAc Mirror eoniraiaUiii 

>h lIftrt,Ani1y aat-, n, 

_^ — I Jtoad ud yv.iutlol)- 

Mit.--TAc JTIrror eoniraiaUiii Till Curi-SB on tliti 
pitMWortnr publlatloD.uul ukM plHnra lartooai- 
iMMlfiKUlo.Il pn>r«ubDiU ai Ik>ui wtrulud later 

A Vafii Fand of KoowlMlge. 

Til OufriR A^xuAL for IKM U ntn, in<l. m ninil. m\ 
firutlieUieiaialUKl firor:lo(ter«ouior ili. jfir IWB 
an eoamudt fomt a oobi|i1»Ui chrooolof y fur Hi. jw. 
It II a liaMy Tptoma^^prlDiwJ lo doaMit mia ~ 

>roinn .RKt. on 

. Tp4aroa,prlDi«J lo doaMit 

flM|taz.dpu«r,mahlDRad«M lod iiriduot book. Il 
i pnrai.17 nitiilratwl wuh Bos half t4m. ctiin or ih« 
laid in of lb. thaiirleal pror.MlAD.willknovaaili)iUM 
and 'frelUta, Id luracilvit iirle- Tli. eovtr U a Jtrj 
BMtllUioinpli In calur.. III. ■lioli pro««DUnii ootOQlr 
aD attraeiiTa api^anoce, but cooutnlof a raal fuoil of 

A Heceultr Llbmry. 
■ rromrhar/ilUiaditMaUrma. 
That araf valeoma book 10 the i|>nrilDi and ibMlikal 
tntan\i^T$M Riv Vohk Curnii a^iiiial Tvr iKK. coo* 
tatai a aotopliu ))«t or niu.ilo mil aiiilMic parrorm* 
aa««^ raelnH and uotilni ncot4M,%* mil mm buHlall, 
criek.l and ihaatrlca) oTonU for t>-« >Mr (iravlou*. 
maklifi ib.*o)um. avaluftbt. andnllibU rar.r.nca, and 
a Btcaaaltr tA tb. Iibrvy of ov«rf lorar ofRporu. 
B«]I|HM All la I(a Flald* 
rrom Tht rhUaAtiphta ujIL 
Ta* Niw yoRK CLiffH Ax.Yi'AL :ir ifW, mx uffoal. 
•dlpau .TirflliloR In lu diU.coiarlnKtll dop&rtnirni. 
ormittiDaBloanO UimUIciI*. lo adJliloo iu «li«i.ra 
probaljlrilia moat canfullr oompllcd •uii*ilc4 obi.ln- 
abla, diallDg wlih HUga iDKium and »|Mtn, Tiik CLirrtin 
AiwiJALprM.niii a nutnlMrot flnalraaKuiad hall tnna 
portnlti ol Tariou eiUbrtilM to ihau llcai. It ramalon, 
aa or oM, th« aril of iba asDuaU. 

Conpletfl and Arcante* 
Firm The rhttailffphfa HtUUttn. 
Till Nbw Vohk Ci.irrRH ASNrALrnrlKM, u Qioal, oon- 
talu all U). baa lainini of »punloi and dramAile 
.T«au of past jMii. lu raonli of albl.M. |>frronii- 
asoai, aio-i an rail aoil a«cur.u>, and BtiipunlOK llbiarj 
la«OD>plau vlibouilt. 

It la •» VnairellMl Oaldr. 
i'am Tfit tWfadflfftia PemocraL 
Tni OumB AiKOiL Tor lOn rabllibw] bylh. 
tievBormn of Uie ttisitrleal anil ap<mlni worM, Tin 
Mnr Yoaa CLifriH, liaM i>t.n (muhI, ud ba liallad 
vltlijAirbf all(rl«a«l>< of Uia drmma aatliporlii. UIhhd 
QUkoailaoiDlda roriT.rfililnx ot ooie ihathaAoecurred 
la tfaiaa dwiftniaD'.. ilurloi tti» pa>t )Mr. Ii.>ld»4i 
chroalde 01 iliaaa araou, Ui.ra will barouoJ ricli ud 
aitUUo lllunntloQii of c«|ilf«.allati)rdfl«ili. iii i^-a 
asBMinaiit prafaailoD, ricloR. bitfai>ili,crlckat uid bU- 
llartf neoidp, ate In aliort, ar«r/Uilog Uiai la woiui i*.- 
uf haowobriponlovinflD. 

Coatolna Maoh Uaefal Inftirniatlon* 
imm T/u mum Tlmta. 
Tia Oliptbr AHHiiAL for m (■ oql Wa hara liati iliU 
TiJaabla aooiitl lo TAff Timet olUce m many yairx ihai 
«B aboald nU. Ii, fur It cuuiaina u nmeli iDinrout'on ot 
a Biafdi aauin. It onoialnM thflttrlotl and ifMfrilnii 
Bfaiwioloita. (nr inyalUl nf dMlIm In tlia proia-»iuii. 
aifaailoaod aihlatlo i>arf<>rmMirii, raoU* tnO tr'tulni 
noonia, hualMlL orlok.i, bllliftrda and oiliar ihinirft. 
TbM4|aiB| ItcoDt&loaponmlUior w«li bnova man and 
womaa Ib thaatDaMuiaol and pportlnv workt. IiUcai- 
UlBly a baodf and uaaiul book (n hara Ijlna about 
■Bir«r]r Haaacvr Should Uaro I<« 
Fnm The sanuoija Katie. 


book ibat ahouM ba la th.baodiintavafTODawho has any 
iBiaiBBtlB tbatheiinotl fraiinltr- Evair opara houia 
maaaiBr wboilastraito ba "lo ir* tlioutU oot lall to poa- 

TbBPortraha ara Eaprcially Oeod* 

Fnn tAe Waihtnffton Pc%H. 
TaiNnrVoiK CLirrRX Anii^al fnr'Mlaat hand, and 
la tba budMroeti nuioUr yat Iwuad by tlila aiand^rd 
■portlai aod draotailc ohroolclo. ThepotiralU of tha- 

atrical and aportloii clattriiloa an »4|<«clillj sood, tlio^a 
orWiUUQirOraiia,KoUy Fullar, rnok Danlola. laaba) 
IrrlBff. Uarb*rl Kak«r and Aadnr Hack baloatlia but 
ihay Ufa if.rhad. Of eour^a. Tin (XirriH Annual U 
tba ftaal nfaraDdttm of vpflrtin. and dnoiatio ovaDUi, 
aad Iba paal jaar vaa a vaiy loiaraatiag una lo l«oib 

ComprohBBilvo and ACtncllvB. 

ynm Ttie WaMngttn T\mn. 
Tib Niw YORK CuvrBH ARxuALfor KM baa Iwan li 
auallD itaoailumaiT conipnbfnMTaandaitraeilvolonD, 
ItooBtAlniibaairioO aod ^puniuR ctinwoloHlcii for IM\ 

Bqiutio and aiblath) perfonitaiioaa, nclng aod irotiloi 
neofda. baaabalLorlekaiand bllllanl hUtory, laeorda of 
f^^t lima and Uaiwork to all dapanmtoia of apori 

It la bandaomaly llluBtratad aod oootaJna |lkanai*4a of 
aUtbadnmatl«,o|>«raUo,varlaiy aod iportlog oalabrl- 

Coald Not Do WUhoal II. 

y/vtn The tuvton .vifMifny Ttmtf. 
Thi OurriH ANNUAL fur ItDd baii bofa rrcaUctl W« 
hat. bad Uili valuable lltUa annual lo The nmri oitlc. to 
mafiyyaan that w« iliould iiiIm II ticoniiltmRuniucii lo- 
fbrmauoo ot n'oaaftil oatun. Tttan aiam, (i la lUua- 
tiBUd and eoBtaloa portnlti ol wall louwa m.o aod 
WDBHO Id Iba amaMU).ntand iportlDgvoilJ. lilacr 
taloly a baody aw) UMfUl book. 

Tbo Btaadard AalkorHK* 
Frtm Tht rt'ew i'ork Kmln^ Wtnld. 
II aLirriR AHNiTAL fAf IM la Out lodaj. ThUpub- 

mIoq' ' - — .■ • ■ ■ 

srltrof IhlBcounlnr. lliaalir„,_„ 

k lip, an<1 cnvan .Terj 


aj aaihoniyof ihlBcouoirr. UiaalirA)aawolctii)iaaU- 
SlUOB lotbaaporttDi ftllior'allbniv. Uconialaaall ilta 
rMorai 00. baa oooaalon '" I'^tk up, an<1 cnv.n .Terr 
bnaab of aport, Tbla jaar'a anni'il u handMnwIy II- 

A Meat ValubU PabllesU4Mi* 

From The BU\ghamten teadtr. 
TBiCLirpBiANXcrAL for IM a nadynfanoea book 
lo all n.kli of amoaamaot and iwotl la od. of 101 moat 
Taloablaor coounponDMaa puDli(at|ooB.aDd tba cur- 
nat IMO. la on. ol uia moitalUBctlnaod uaarnl that tita 
bona. baa erar priniad. Tba taMacootalniamianrai 
»prlokllDg of artUtiolly wroB|ht portnlti ofdraoutlo 
asd oihar calabrlUaa. 

Aboands In Vntal laftrmatloB* 
Frvm nt Btnghamlm ikuage. 
TnKCufrHANNtrALUaliaodMm.pobllratloa, aboood- 
lag lo T.ry uuftil Inroniut4oo opon iportlOK tflidea, and 
oontalnlog a odnb«r of haBdaom« and utlailcally ai- 
KuiMl UlualntJoBa. - 

Tb« Boat BY«r laiaod. 
Fnm The WkaUato Hon. 
Tub New VORK C.urr*% anrval for 1800 li th. beit 
ar.r tMoad by that popolar paper. It ba* a con^t* 
rhrnonlogr of aU bappnioga lo (he thtttrlcal and ppori 
logwnrU.glflng dattaaad rMonla lo all brmodiaaof tba 
atiileilc, a'luatlo, t^cIdlof.baaabalLbora* rBclDg.ipflot- 

plate rMord ol aT«au.rorprlDi.d. TnCumgbaaal- 
*aja bnao tha reconlnd Ihaaulcaliod aportlog aothor* 
Ity lo Amarfea, and lu annual U alwaia faond 00 tb. 
dwh of avaiT loTor of aporw, Tha booh 11 bafidjomaiy ir 

loBiniad.coaLalaiBgportnllaormany of iba bMtkoowo 
(haatflcal calahrlil.a. K yoo waot to keep poaiad, buy 
aod read.TuiOurfBi Annuau 

A Woadarfal BmIc. 

rma The PUMurg DttpaUk. 
Tbb Nbw York Cvttnn annual far UP0 la oow 00 tha 
mark.L It la ilia aportlog authority of tb. Uolt«l 
BUlea Raally, It la oo. of tha tmt eomiitUilnoa of 
lecoida In tli. voiU. It U a wood.rfnj Uitle booh, of 
f ponlog loronuitlon. 

Completo CoBapoodlam of Inlbmatlan* 

From The Amerian iPAMfMon. 
Tub CurriR AarxriL hai mad. Hi apptaruca, aod, lo 
pay iha I.a<>i,itU acomtlatecompeDdlum oriofonoatloo 
lor iliaaporiaroaoand 10. foUow.r of ilioatfk»< natiara. 
Tba moai aaianilT. tabl. ofneorda oTall aorta ofaponlog 
compotlilona erer eompllwl la a promloaDt f.atnre, and 
Dumtroua half toao ploturvof aportlog aod tiiuirlcal 
celabritlea uibalilsh Uw book. 

Aa EneyelopnodlB* 
Fnm The ninghomim tlemld. 
Till CLirriR A.v.iUAL for 1(60 anpaMi lo baaoty aod 
artlitio t'li la any of lu pndaoMaon. TiiM Annual In a; 
erclopa-dia of ibeatrkal aDd aporilDf n.«a aod lacia, aod 
eoniaioa nacb uaafol InfOmatloo, wblcli (a amngcd 
aod lodaitd in a cutiul atann'r. 

Ttao BMt CompltatloB of Bocorda. j 

Rponm.B will AodTaa CurriR Annual thta yaar ooa 
ot tba beat eompilauooa of racorda la all brmaebaaol 
vpoit poaalbia to obtalo. 

l^argar aad Bottor Thaa Ever. 

F/vm T/ie fidnfopB Awfa. 
Brary ywr Tkb Niw York CLifriK, the oldaat Atnarl* 
cao apurtJoi aod tbaaUlcal Jounnil, publUhaa an An-' 
QuaLaod aaeh jair I ililok It u not poulbla for them 
10 proluca lu .rtual. But 00 iMbUg oferTui AMNI'alI 
fur lOM I an (urc^d to ballaTeihitihelrraMurcwani 
loaahauatltiltL tor thli (aaue la oot oaly larfrr, bat battar 
and Dion nloabt. thaa aoj pnrioua numbar. It liai' 
ITU pagaa, U alagutly I1)aalnt«i] aod lypoirftphlcallri 
om and attneilie. itroBUlDRarlUiin lucovan bMotl*' 
ul ptciut.aor Iba laadlog acion aod acirMM of tb., 
tlieatilcal miareltr aod * of tha athlailc cham-! 
pluna, iliMtilcal and aporUoi dirooologieii. 
Iq Ilia amuMiiicnt profeaaloo, aquatloanu 
funnancei, raciDgaod iroliiagr«orilfi. 


L lift 01 

I atblatie por- 

BlapneiicaUTttiB'iABdaTd aportlDRaod thaairlc- 
' Tllyof '* ■ * * " ■ 




A Rouarkably Cnntpkf lo rompllatloa. 

From The A*. 1*. tfoll and /Ixprif. 
Til OurrBH Annual lor Itfi0 la, a« anutl. a nmarkabV 
oooplate eomptlailooor dnmatloaml Taud.Tlu.DA«a 
daauv produotlooik alo, beahia bolog on. of the beat 
aatborllHi on athtello ppona lo tha cvttniry. 

Ooalalaa lawalaablo Rtcorda* 
Fnm The A'no r«»rfc itemr^f. 
TBaOLirrnANNfALrorltOO la readf. Thlaiundard 
pnbUoallMeoBtalDaraoonUinTaluable to all Hp^irimei 
and folhi louieaied In tliaattleaU. 

A Mlao or lalbriualloa. 
/nun rh4 iv/, H(I<i aid /urm. 
Tai Nbw Tork CLtrrM Amtt-AL Tor iMilreaavldanoa 
of bavlog bMO comullea «liU ih. tiatui car. vhlcb haa 
m^aao aalliorliy oTihlawork- TiiBi-urriiH an.'«i'al (t 
a Dlae or iBfbmiailoD, and itia llluatntloDa ar. .looboot. 
rar BioeU All Oltaen* 
yrom TMt (IwinadU t\jil. 
"Belt'* li a ward that, «h«n uaad lo the daaorlpilra 
BMia to dealing wlih Till OLirriH anm'ai^ only la>ia a 

Iaar. Tha rolun. for 'M.icaiaall In Uia valuatiia avrln 
batpreeadadlt. Hlch In ncordaand arortlnichntopK-- 
gte^ It ta hMullBed hy many half tone tngnTlsga. 
A Uoat Vieftet Volaiue. 
From Thf Ifarrlttvrv .Vert. 
Till Niw Voir CLirriiH Anni'al Imnuonsuatlyai 
tncUfe'aod wall arnttitail i>ublloail<>o. oonulolng ih«' 
aiflealand aponing cbi^ooloRlf* lor IHM allniKi dMiU 
Ib tbeamaaatoalt proret*tnna, a>|tiatlo and aihlailc prr- 
lortaaBoea, nclOK and iruiting ncrtra■^ la lliiiiini«>l 
with aonmber ofDB.iwiiraliaof veil iaomn arUir*, anil 
]», all loM. a noat oaaiul Tulume. 

IntovMtlnii Urainailo Loro. 
FrvH The /lartfnfifoit llau-ifg^. 
Tkt i/didrp* aportio* ullior'a latle la proTlilnl wiih 
thafaltiablaCLiiTKHAK^i'AL itirlFM. itUa^liillpila- 
rormatloB aa an ogr !■ of ^lcal^ and II laialiulAtrd aoihti 
tanraaoo la aaay; BaaidM u\ Intaraating dmniatle lor*, 
It ooBUlna rMn^la 01 a>i<ittic »q I athlailr i<ari>miiRne«i, 
nalag; baMball etc.. aod ba^l iiartoniuucf ■ lo eTary na- 
peitioMi ot apon. Theiltnatnilpaaorf ««i<f daily con* 

A llaadtome and Handy Volame^ 

ynm Tht rhortfitm .YMRriJirAVHV. 
TBI Nbw Vuhk CLtrriH A^^t■Al. for LVOli auLand, aa 

Swkja, la a bandaDino and haody miaoi. of Inforioa- 
DB. TIB ANm'ALglr.l facia anil flcunaoo thtalrlOAl. 
aiiBatlo, athlatlo, raclog. irotilOR. IumuIL vrlok.L bll 
llanlaaad otber maitar«,attdla iriaedUly llliittntad. 
Ha Olher Pabllcatlon PUli ttio Bill. 
i>t>M rAa Whrct, 
Balwaau tba covan ol Thi CLit-rm Axm al lur 19V aio 
ITU page* ul rwonli, conrloi f>\arT i>oulbla fitnii of p«T^ 
fonnaoee by man. t*aa«i ur bin). To tbf man «lio ovada 
andaniMamof ibli hliid mo r>thor iKiMi^-Niion flllA tba 
bill lo I naouer ao roniplai. a^ tiie Anm'ai. 

Tb* Boat DiBBkatle Ilaadbook. 

J^a The ym JTtrt Frm. 
Tga CLiPrai Avjval U tba Dart of noant •g'"*' 
dnoutie haodbooka. It cootaEa a Jin o^*^ 
1 »|ara mAoSi darlof U«. logger wlib ^MtUMUl 
Teaekbaaldaeetbeiltaaiaof latateaiaod ia.'«fiiuUoa. 
Attnctlwa aad ComplaU* ' 
Frvm Tkejreie Vcit B*TOld. 
The eamBt oBmbw of Taa Hiw TORRCLirrnAJ- 
RUALeonea la lu BfOAltUrmtUTe aod amplau torn- 
I u IB) page* eoouin an anormoaa maai «J. 
aod autliUcAl iDfonnatloii, covarlog tbaauloal aod 
aoortlng .Tania during UBS, oqaaile and »Ui alk par. 
forotancaa. lacloi aodTnU og racorda. taoMballerlchat. 
blUUidr^elTandaraUllat of ill ibabaatparfonoaocai 
lo all departmaou of rport, boLhat bome aad abnia. 
BrlaUoaWlIb Inlerettlag Data. 
f/omTMerfe» r^rkSWi. 
DraaatleaDd aportlngdaToieM «U1 find a fund of op 
todaiaTifoimitJoo la Tbb V^tCw^'^V'^J- 
toT U». The Tol9o»e briaOti wlUi lBiare«tiDg dauj«. 
• rdaaodebrooologleal lunia,«ad 1* loTaluable aa a book 
ofn/anote. U la haodaomaly bound aod canlolly ad- 
Kad. Tka IllaatntJona an aoDonaa aod wall aelacud. 
thoM of Wafank Kni»ti*ch,Cka5a.8»aeMraBdOardl. 
oar. the amitaor apoiUng eala^rlUaa, being eipeclallj 

Valaable Colloclloa of Becordi* 

Frvm The Sea I'or* EterUnt Bun. 
TUB CLirriEi ANRPALforI8W,wlih lu«Iu»blieoll«e- 
tlon of rccorda aad nilacallaooMa lafonnatlon, liaabMo 
pabllafaei. TIiIbUuii oumbar II Io laaplog wlib pnrl* 
on* T.loniaa. 

A Vaefal Book of Raeoida* 
Ff9m The A'<w I'erk Ttma. 
Trb Mnr YORK Curria akipal for IW cmtalaaa 
complaca record of anuailo and ">> y*"' I^^orajaoeiM, 
raclog aod irotting re<ordH,btieball, cricket, bllllwda, 
raeordaof fAM.itttbna.aad beat perronnaocei Lp allde- 
•artnanuflraport It laa oaanu booh of leeonli foralJ 
ouraatad li aporta. 

A Rpoiilnf Oiaole. 
Frvm The Bmklgn CWcaa. 
TRRCurrBRAiRtrALforiaM la oat. aod (a more eoiD 
plate aod bandaoaie tbao arer. It eeotaloa TgloabU and 
otarMtlngautlBilalo ihaatrial aod qwnloBmaitara. 

All the racorda aad bMt parfonDa^coa loall tbeqiorti 
angtren lo lorn taflnd. TBRCurnB,tbe 
ataodard auihorlly In apertloR and amnaenaot onatun 
for forty odd faara, alwaya glwa Ihe bwi. and It bai 
hapt right In lloaooco nor. vtth tb. 1899 book. Tbli 

_ Jard auihorlly In 
for forty '* " 

yaar Thb Anndal la gnatly inUnrad, haying thlrir 
alibi owre pagaatban lut ) oar, tad contaloi aqoalle 
aod alblaUo peifornuaea*. imclaJiaDd uoitlog n^rd& 
ud baaahall. blUlanlaaal criokitnTlawB. 

A FaitlcalarlrAUraallwo Edition. 
Fnm The BaUtmare BeraJA. 
WItb lu oraal aatatpHae Tri Niw York Cuptir bai 
UaoedtbU yttra panlcnlarly atiractlre edition oflu 
ANRUAU It K BTec. a perfMl mln. of TaJuabl. lotor 
matlon, both fron a drmmatla aad aportlog itaodpolnL 
u record of ^ya aod thaatileal bappanlngaofthajMr 
a no*t corapWe. aad lonloabl* to 00. lotonatad lo thi 
arL Thi (ler Ale. of aporta of avirr Ttrtatj flada betwoan 
lu bandumely daeoni«l corn. loforoatlM of .Tory 
daacrlptlon coneamlng all tba onou of Ui. yrar lo ajarv 
dtpartimnt. Tba Toluma la proioialy lllnatnud «lia 
pictorvaolweh hiovnictora ud actraaaM and pcoml- 
oaot nconl braoken lo ibi wo rU of fporL 

. Valaablo Bofennco Book* 
Frvm The BoOon Hm^lng PuL 
Tag rLipni ANNUAL forUB6,aa loTaloible nfonoca 
book, cootaloi all (ba Uleii ncorda oo the «atar, turf, 
liaaalalLpolo, puglllain aod eury other branch In tba 
aportlni ana. Spaclal attention In glvvn to tba aiageaod 
tb. aaaieur aponlng world. Half tooe cuu of leading 
fltnrM 00 the atag. make the edition a Doli|ue aooTeolr. 
In yachting and amauiur rowiof • full llat uf all tba In* 
*"irtaot areou la tb. world an recoid*]. "Bemla" 

Tbe Only Reliable Aalhorlty. 

From The UnuUm Adrertltrr, 
Till Nkw York Ciii*i*ib annual for IM liaa tfeeo! 
reraliod by The A4vtrtUer. It oiuat begrailfytna to tha 
putiiiaiiera io titartbe wunlaofpraUa both mm tn.preaa 
■od pabllcaiMui aalt taloliaod. AInadr tbe mairo- 
pullUB pnaa have pamd ihi verdict that tbia yaar'a; 
■"vra la Ui._peer iif all otb.ra. It cBUlaian Imuaoa. 
anionnt 01 laboilova work lo the ceoplllng. Tbe 
amngementof the reoorda and aianu la iipfiaeaod; 
aaaily fbuod. Tb. aotm book Inni ilnii to laat laa' 
ei«llt,aod oottalDg coold eqoal Ida oare aod general; 
arrangemaoi ul the conteou. Ibe lllqatrotlooi an par- 
leoL ni.Hclaciloiiaorthi pietoraiwaa made villi Rood: 

iuOgm.n'. t«ih In itte dramatic and aportlog l>«Unlty.; 
'iiB ANNUAL aliould baTeanlncreaaad aala. It dtaarraa 
(o go lortfaid, aa It lacerUlnlf the only nllalila aulhor-i 
Ity nn eraou whieb ocour lo toe apoitlag aod dramatlo 

~ Ulld. 

Bacb Page a Mint or Infbmatlon. 

>VoM n« /faiTljfrMrp ifomlnir CtalL 
niuhton lima Tui Naw VoRx CLirrRR Annual for! 
IftO baa made lu appaaraoce. Aaloionnerrean,thla 
raluab). puiiUcattoo U atrlcUy up u dau. uon no tliao 
ever. Tiia CLirriH annpal Incnaaaa lo value eacbl Tiia Uu»»t oumlfar cootalaa ITU poitaa, and eacb 
;e la a mlntof Informatloo lo liaelf. Aaaiertonnce 
--jk It U un*|Dalad, for Iteoataloa th. moat oimplete 
thaalrleal and aportlog cbroootoalea lo ItBL a Hit 
deatliB lo the aauaaoient proieMloo. drRmaUoaodath*' 
leUo parrnnuaocaa, ndng and Irotting racorda, baaa- 
ballcrlokei,, reooidii ol faauat time and 
boat pariuriiiaona id oU drpontaeoia of aport. Tub 
ANNt;AL la llluMrm'ad, oa^tly prlnttd, 
and dMM graatcradltto theokleal. Hie beat and moat r»- 
llabla BDUHmtDiand aportlng ptpar publlabed. 

Indlapenaable llandboolK ftor Bportamen. 

Frvm The fAllddelpAIa Sfortlno Life. 
Ttial IndUppnaabla and thanfor. erar waleomit hand- 
book of the »l>ortAmkO. TiiM NRir York C'LirriR annual 
lor 1890, la ouL Aa oaoaL It la coaipieie aod coneci lo 
•vary r«*ptot, Tba voluma open. «ltb a theatrlral 
clirunotogy, folloved by a rary thorough aod Intereatlng 
aportlog cbroDoloKli euibraclng erery dqtartmaot ol 
aport. naat «a have Ihe ooneet noorda op to date In 
.Tory lloa ef aport. together with a BMolal departmwit 
devoted to tha tkatat ncoided tlmaa lo borw nclnr, 
Koil enmpleio college recorda. Tbe reluoie la beauufully 

Replete WItb Bpottlng Dolngi In VAMy 
Fnm The /'AlloddiiAla Catt. 

Till Nbw York Cuithr Annual for tlita yur la replete 
witli the aivrilni dvinga for ISBS. Krary record In any 
bnncli of athletlea eao be foond la tbIa uielalbooh.aa 
well aa cmaMoroble tbMtrlcal oawik 
A World Wide Roeognlaed Aatborltjr' 
Fmm HoUen hUu. 

"A. A. A.-N. Y.OlirfIR ANNtal^Fobllo" ayrabolliei 
Ihe l<ond ihtt Tni Niw Yumr UtirriH An.ntai foima be- 
twMD actor, aetrawt, athlete, men fully betvten mualc, 
drama, amrU aod the grnaral pablio Al nKularaala 
tba New Year la theaipeotaacf of all toranoltheatrtcala 
and athletMforliiRAKNuaL UhaaAearadiobealutury, 
aod la DOW an aaubilahed oe«ae>liy for aoy ooa who 
Dtikta anj nntanalotB to koovladge In tha Aalda 01 
rauHta,dninaor uporta. Each rear it liaa axcelled Ita 
prodeoaaaor In eil.nt and thorouiiboeaa, ootll tbe 
rreaant Imuo of IbM liaa aewolnglT rrachnl th. 
aoiiie of all miulraoiMta. loiroduced hy tha parU- 
colurMl ooT.r wliirli haa bacoita ao familiar, th. 
oMrly au pagea followlni an aliupl/ Olkd to the 
brim with Jukt the lnf>irmailoo that la deaired. Than 
la tlia tli<>airlcal chronoioRr. the yaar a deaiha In ih. 
auiuaamaoi pnfawloo. th. ritontoR chnoolDgy, tba btat 
OD recurdN(lorwhoa. accuracyTllK Cliitrh laaworld 
«ld« reoogolieit aulhoritf }.an<t iitioy uthtr aub head«, 
whtohaaen contain lull iiutMaitffaela worth know- 
ing. Not Ilia laaai dMlnbla uftha contenta from an ar- 
tl*ilo aiaadpolDi la ibe eiceUantptctuiea ol uaoy proiol 
nant acti>n, acinaaaa aod athleiaa, while tb. trpegnpbl- 
cal apttvaraoce la m ptaaaing that It holda lortb aa 
unuaual Indncam.ntto rMdtneaelactcd adi;«rtl>«B 
which appMT at the aod. 

No Room fbr Improveiaent. 
Frtm The Ctnetmnail Ttata star. 

Till CLirrBR A<iNUAU thelaadlBg Anierloan aportlog 
alitiaoar. Ilia beeolaauad forlW. It chivnialaa all tbe 
otpdu Ul note tint hare ukan piece in all lloaa of at^^rl, 
aawellaa 10 tha tbMtrlcal proreulon. ThU yaar the 
book la larger tbtooTer tod lia atnreof loforuatlon 
moncnmptcu thanerer beftn- Nuihlug Ulaoklogi. 

uiako Tub ANNt'AL the luoat otwiplate chroololer 01 
aportlog anou arer poMlabed. Mocnmce la d.roted to 
lofurmatloa on baaei>all, wblcb laof lite moat Inlereiit 

log kind ani unelulio writan of that bnocb of apurU It 
laliopoiuihia 10 Ma wh.n thar. la room for ini|>ror.- 
DieOt OD THI CLirrtR AN.VCiL of W0. 

Bellnble andGerrect4 

rmm Thf McKmfttrl BwrffTf . 
The /iHrfprrlnarenlrcd acopy ofTnaCLirrin Anntal 
for 1690 ft U th« be*t arer laaued. It oooialoa, bMidM 
many llhiainiloni^ a eomot aetoont of a>inatk aod 
Atliktltl prrfoiniBiirea. racing aod irolMoi ncord^ tkaae- 
tnll, cilcial and blUlarda, and a record ol the luteat time 
and bMtparfnrmaDora Inallbranchaa ol aport. Ihe AN 
m'au like TiiH t-LirriB. la nlUbl* and oorreci 

Kl, aod 

•liouM Hod lu waj loto tha ItAOdl vf aU wboarelotar 
.ated lo appiuof any kind. 

Knonaaaa Unia of Infbnuntlon. 
yrom The /htnll Tribute. 
Th. onrreot number of Tri Mrw York Ci-ipriR an- 

Nt'ALcotora to Ita oauat ailnctln and c«Mniileu lorai. 
lupaiea o^duId aaeoonnouamaa. of obnooloilcaland 
auiliuctl Inronneiion. oof arlog tbaatilcal and apnrllog 
vvaot« duitog IM,aijDatlo aod atbletk perlbraaoeea, 
nolog aod truttlDi reconli^ taaabolt,orlGket,bUllaida, 
<>tc., and a lull llat of all Iba liaatpeifomanna 1. allda- 
partmantA i«f ar«ort, iMtth at home and abraad. 



TU£ MEW YOllK CLlPriiU, Clipper BnUdlog* New lork, 


and amoaenaot natun 

]knr^~. .- - — 

Vrfrn, Ihe diomploo abort dtatance mnner; Cbarlei 
Kllpotrlrk. the half mllechaai|rlon; Ate i-ben Obaae, ama* 
tear ebampioB bordler, and aike Swaaoey^ mahlDg a 

[Mr COaiOpiOa numiar, buu om^mf, uiaBwa m 

high Jump, are pktorori in their athletto doibeaaa ibey 
oererwanhirore- In th. prlxa nog aod tha wbeellDg 
world tha edltlDo U a featora 

Pall and Accarato Compilation. 

From The Beta OiUanM Timet-DtuucmL 
The rfatfaDrxocnix liaajun rKelred fnm the pobllah- 
errtof ThbVork Cliitir their Annual for MBS. The 
uablleaitOD II nuedwlth loforaattoo which laof gnat 
oteraai to thoae lo tba thaatricai prafaailoD and derotad 
toaportofall klnda. A fall and accarale compilation of 
all the auuatle and atliletio ptrronoancfn, nerni and 
trnulDB records haaebalL crltket, football, bil(la^l^ 
glTlnc iiiefaaeat time and belt performance lo all de- 
inuiinania of aport, la locbwed la a laaUfoUr bound TOl- 
uma. baodaamelr nloatrated, tba whole making aa lofat- 
oable refenoce booh 

Ewery Rrcerd la All Bpoita* 

Fnm The PhUaMpMa (bU. 
Tub Cliptrr Anxctai. for tbU year la repleu wiib tbe 
Bportloi doloia for IHtf. Errrr record lo aoy brmacb ol 
atliletim eai be (ooBd lo tbla dmIoI book, aa well aa cod 
alderabia tbeatrlcal newB. 

Attnetlwe Half Tone Ptotaree* 

From The c'JncInwul Ckniiwrcfdl-(7ax<tr& 
TBI CLirriR ANNUAL for IBM la ooL asd, ai nioal. coo> 
talii complata ibaairlcal aod rportlogchronoloaleafor 
UK. It la a hnodr Tolumeot ITUpagaa, profoaely lllua- 
Iratfil with doe half tooe CUU of atarw Id lite tbreauica) 
pnftaatvo. wall koowo albleieaand 'oyduia. 

Staadlng Room Only, 
Frvm Ths TTuJUfifUm OapUoi. 
Then la no foot that tbe apart waou to know that ha 
eio't Aod iBamtnute InTuiCuirgR annuai. It la tb. 
.Dcyctopedla of apoit But tut La not all; It la a dr»- 
matioeDOielopcdra alao,aod It baa die pictnni of tbe 
Iwd log dromatle people. Tb.M plctoraa an lo charao- 
tar, aomaoflbBm, aod tWyaio the beat that coeld be pro- 
cured, all of thoo), aod th.y ire basdiuDe. I bare care- 
rally «BT«llbl. booh. 

A Pleaiant Vliltor. 
mm rA« AMon ^Tuning Trm^ta: 
TRI Niw YOBKCurriB AinirAL for 190 Haa before 
nie, a pleaaant vlaltor. No dramailc or iportiog wrlur'i 
deal would leein i|ulie conpiau without ibu haody 
nfannce Toluma, wblcb lor acconoy and dlieree ebano- 
terolraeonl and loformatloo. In oot aufpained brani 
almllar publlcotloo. ThU yaer It la roon ample In dl 
maoalobi than erer before, aad ui praluioly lUutnied, 

Wortb lie Weight In Gold. 

The new OrUwu Evminn TtUvntm. 
Till Niw Vohk Cuptbr ban pobllahed Ita annual for 
.M, and tha book la almoat wonli Ita weight lu gold, coo- 
UlolBRaccantadataofeTcry fportlng arent, (mportaot 

i — J — '-- fine DBit ywr. Tlia book 

_ bunplooaofaililaiica, row- 

ng, 'cycllog. the ton, and, lo net, .Tory bruoh ofFport 
It aUoeoomloBa ihtatricalchioiiologr for ina: a Hit of 
dMthn iBthaanDaeffleotpiofoailoo: nolncand tmttlng 
raeurdiL All througb It an half tone «ou of fUoooa 
aciora ud Bcirarea and eiblaiea. It la wltheotdoabt 
Iha moat raluab). booh of Ita kind la eiUteoee^aod The 
nUvnm ntunu thaoha for a oopy. 
Thoroagbly Cowera All Depnitmenta* 

The Hew OrlAina DtuUhe ZeUunj. 
Till Nbw YORK CLiprBR.ihe celebnied aportligand 
lailo Jonraal. baa laiaed lU annual, which will .be 

acconird ahMrlr vrlcome. 

coT.rlei all tbe il.pertiD.n _ . _ 

Old.- TBoatrloa] prntacttooa. dnt appaanooea, iMBt lee- 

, ItlnaliawlboohtlioTODghly 

coT.rle|all tbeil.pertiD.ntA, anil ooouloadMlrabl. rec- 

orda lo tba Behl, 00 10© track, the dUmondiood Ibe 
gildlroo o»nbe ttadllynfariad lo. A llaiot deathaln 
ibaprofUaloa Uanotlterfeatun. TiiiArnoal Unaod- 
aom.lyllluiimtodwltb Qameroui aitlitio half tone caU 

- ■ L-OMB • . 

raKCOHBDV RKBTCll; moat be joaog. good tooklog, 

. ^ J ^ J . . V...... 

P. \t. H 


WILU&a 8KLCS, Pfoprletor. 
COL. JOHH MOBKAT, BuIbmi llBBager. 

Honday, Feb. 24, 




HuDtnn »t 11.15. a«nri«r iMUnw «t m. 



£TB.e.U. BAT. MIT. t. 

W. D. If AXN, Huiftr 




IV HuaATi'B av FAAA ■ 4 



3«lt BT. AND WWW. 

FEB. » 10 HABCU II, ti. 


VMid.TlU*, BracUMlM. IIstsIUm. 

BTWIoinB.11. gtwrttrllMloMlIt 



N»v Readjr Tor the Frofealon, 

Chas. V. Long's^ 

iBlnltalile Boag Cnmtloa, 

"Let Me Take 
My Place at 
Home Again"! 

th« wonderful yoang barHone 


THBATRB^^^^ and IS»h fttnet 
Boaened Beau, 250., EOc, 7ftc 





katimebb wedn&jday and SATURDAT. 



SlitBtiMtudSd ATtnafr 

■ me^moa ■ Ata.lSRharr. 4tlt Ar.andZSJBt. 



AMveamt ddlboiobt. 

moOTOa'8 OFBBAHOD8K,llaHtofd,Ct., 



noTtlUw ,11 Ibe Uma tnm lOJO A. M. ulil a—itr II F. M. 
Hlh Bl ud ]d At*, Xaw Talk 


Addna all eonmoDrcAtloat F. r. FaOCTOIt 


CONTINUOUS Balcony, 20 Cents. 
PEHFORHANCE • OtcheKlrk. 80 Cents. 


Hammersteln's Oiympla 



MtL w.d. ud eu. 



And Oacor BimnenteiB*B Poectaoalar Oparm aod Ballel, 







Brf. Keltb's AmiseoHnt Enterprises. 

E. T. ALBEE Otm. H^'r. 

B. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Boston, Mass. 

THE BIJOU; Philadelphia, Pa.; 
B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, PravMence, R. L, 




Continuous Performance, 






KOrSLTIEB. Addnu JOHN B. DORIS, lltiiu.r. 

Huber's T Museum 

O. II. HUBBH, Pn>p*r. 
BDBBR'fl no AVS. HUBBUM, 0. H. JAMBEB, Mananr. 

WAMTBD-Stroiu r»Blnce^ L1tIu« CarlotlUea aad 
Praaha lor Onrfn flalli: UUh Olaiw Variety TorTlieatre. 
Addreaa lotlere for twth ttooiefl J. n. And»r»<Mi. Maaa«r. 

nuat Bloff ud duKB and be ah^ to do a vlnala vpfeclAlty. 
- " " ^ttz llg.Lal'aBOo. Ky. 

WANTED, Tn AOvertUo Msdicloea for VeteriDar/ 
Companna Am a Vaterloary 8urK«0D. inrellov, |lTiD|t 
)«ciur«« OB the uftiomy aad dUeaiwa of tbe boiM: leacli 
•lem of hreakloR aod tnlalnn; Rlre laetarea In ball* 
orera hfta*o«: itTeat opportunliy tA adrartlie Tet. 
medlclaea. fmf. Rolile «llle, Ointuploo All Rnuod llorae- 
i of Aowriea. ffl N. CnlKno Bt . CharloHa. W. n. 

ItBW PLAY, TWBNrvSIX CENT& B<ndl3(t«u 
oaaui ataiDps fur a priQtfd cnrr of my I«iut(4acLft 
chartcttr) comedy draoa, *'liArrLED." Thr auioil work 
(tffeTwry kind) wiltian lo order, cheap. 1 elii answer no 
Utter aaltMiunp U aaat for reply. 
IIARRT HBKOKHBOM. 1.810 <:«iMTe'a Bl.. LonliTllle. Ky. 

^ ^. COMUOIANH eodoH a OoeDolUr 

bill for a Bar* rlre Up to Date Biamp BMech, Uoeolofiae 
- uiiny tbaohi foj tnarjtlad 


.1)1 roraBara rlr _ 

or Tramp Act. II. and P.. _ _ 

recomueodttloo. OoDiaaiaia. U A. BRoBST. 

Ma»ch Chunk. Carbon Dn., Pa. 

WanuPlntCla** Rrpertoln CoioMnlMinr wetkataBdiL 
or anyaoodCompaar, foronenlftot. Beatuhour town In 
no. Dak. Heatloaeapaeliy.ena Oood>tARa aod aeeoary. 
Piip . i,ijpa RetanlB tn Willi* Mrloilr*. UWEH D. TI6- 
BSnU fomterlr wnii W. W. CaU'^Clrco*. 

aad Rarlted; Muila pat to worditorActomp. maaafu 
~ Jr: Baoo. OrchAairaorMsndolIn UoMC Airmond. 
■*Afl L. LEW IB. iS RlfJiBond Btrett, OloclpnatU 0. 


HAKO. uurrm madb to nROBR. ABaStvnioni 

njlWIBIIBD. MABHTCH. WturBia. Mtch. 

NUW UPlfiltA IIOUtSB, New UmsvliK Ark 
p«atla«fl(D. Book atmrdooMHoalhwMt, oQ Cotton BlU 
R R. Oood *hne town. Fla/lotB A McKkh. Leu»e<. Uwn. 

OPBN l^lti, 
Id clrcai builntn. 

ai Dallaa. Teita, umi mbmd wiu the Bla New Yor 

Muieum. B. V. JORDAN. MonUUMoea. 

~WAHTlCl>.«-HTSt Clwe Lecturer to work onptr 

c«niMe. CinuaeyouatuBi:«. Alaowlihtoenncefond 
All 'Roond OoaitdUnt for cimplDa naaoD. Ilaat pby 
MtharvlellB. comet or omn. w^adtnork fbr aober, re 

llttole people. AOdt«uCUirPE\VA MED. CO., Haaorar, 
Jickaon Co. * 

. Slleh. 

%VANTl£l>. fv^OllTe'Vi^otueiti- Co . Cavaila. Onod 
roiRfdlaBR dn|q| (|t«tlaulMt. Hktirii Te»m. Piano tir Or 
CanPUftr dolDf •peclalUra Only lood all 'rrmod rao- 

tlt. WBMl»r. ■itllaB»r and T»«d. write. Ixtweu niary 
mttsller. OLIVER BRU.4., W Monb DlfUloaSt.BBr 

IdK B. t 


itlde TlUBtHMie. A I 

lUiB r*nleBlar^ dlaaitre of belL Bt«. 

L aooAnr, ur w. 1Mb Anm. vt* toki oiif . 


wDdltleo^j^ lew ptice, 

American NIckleodeon 

PMtDCW for LMtura HlU >d<lnM V. D. nEms, Dl 
i^MUr. NAteUI«a waoied tt all ximm. 


W. D. WILMOT AKD «. H. BABBBB. Ba noU wUb 
Ujde*! ComedlanL 
Par, addr. P Krla BL. fhmnridBewt. If aaa. 

C. TTf^ ■■<•>> a. 1^ 

TBBB from Keb. M. Adrtraiwcaieof tlLIPPBR 



Addrmi ATt of ; otlPPBB. 

Bimi.R8llUB KJUIOB, 


Bn R«Bta. Boatnn Ro^aid Atbenmm Oa 

Millar Bros/ 




A«nu<mn of NBW TOBK OUrrEB. 

The Pattens 




W Centre Aie .ChlCAPt orcareolCLlPPFR. 


TIENB. ThI.w— I^ProdoT'i.riwo.Bl'.law ^ N*» Tot k. 
WANI'KU, l-UJiPAHIits l>l.AV 
•dThrw aliht >ua«L AMnMW, r. B( 
U|U' OPHl BOIM, BMbf, I«n, 


At sung by tht wonderful young barHone, 1 1 



To Repealed Encoreiat Every Perfomunct. 

"U wu the toi'are ol my act al Kelth't( 
Union Square last week," wrRei | 


The phenomenal leniale baritone. WHhIn* 
the compass ol any ordlniry voice, Ihe I 
music, sweet, melodious, and sure lo please I ' 
the multitudes, the words strongly pa-i' 
thetic, descriptive, yet simple, this latest 1 1 
effort ot a pfonlnent young Amertcaii con- 1 
ptser is destined to become dear to Iha burl , 
and linger long hi Ike memsiy ol the masic 
loving tlieatro|oert. ' 

Piano Copy, and first class orchestra-' 
lion, o( this sonn will be tent to Proles- 1 
tlOMls sending 10 cents bi stamps or silver. I 



8 East 16th SL, 65 and 87 E Madison SL, i 
New York Sam T.Jack's Opera House,! 
City. Chicago, IIL 

When in New York call and meet yoar^ 
Prolessional Friends at our MUSIC PAR-' 
LORS, 8 East 16th Street H Is the resort! ' 
ol tte Cream ol the Profession, and you I 
are always welcems. Our songs taught by ( 


bdeiy of Music, 

Oleaiiy IT. T., 


For yinatioiisorllepdoife. 

'Ill Split Weeks When Necessaij. 

Bome of the attraotloDB played this 
seaeon to aatiafactorr baelnees: Fred 
Hobbln'e "Utde Trlzle." Donl A. 
Eelley'a "Outoaats af a Qreat Cltr," 
Foraberg's • •Forgtven" Co., Howarth's 
••Hlbernlca," Cliftoa ft Mlddletoa'a 
•Bonoh King* Co., Jas. A. Blelly'a 
■Broom Haler," John J. Blaok'a 
•Babe Tanner" Co. We only book 
one month ahead; always have good 
Open Time. 'Write or wire 

OEkB&iT Music co.. 

Owners Academy of Mnalo. 

WANTED, An Electric Ladi's Outfit. 

■ 0. * . can* nf flLlPPBB- . 

Wanted iBiiieillatelf, Foir Ootid Cireis Bill- 

POSTBRB, hapl fforklni At«nt, for four car B. B Bbov. 
SeaiiAa opraa March S. Rereraneta. Addreu u.An- 
UHBwa Salpn. N i\ V. B — Frank Cooper, write. 

For Sale Cheap, Side Show Tent 25i5P, lOtt. 

WALL; l-'l.VEaTl'NBUANOOROANaDdBhlpplflRTnoi: 
wtmid aicbanna lor food roanri tiipou)Taa<'r»Drmr baK. 
inia wagon. AdOr^H A. J. WEBB. Olen^rallt. H. i- 


TbaFuwlr Uaiil^r, daalm a 8i:iOIXa rAnTNBR. I 
writaiba Uotiatt UptoDAtdSioffaiolo*. 

_^ AJ ir»M eara OLIPPEB. _ 

WAKTKU al*-Hartiiora llalL"on)r HrttClftN^- 
tennloara, with Imnoialltlai eicloded. Boaoarr: »taR« 
aSi37:ctpiclir60D; piano. All data* opan uodir ni« nan- 
a|nimnt«ioaptFeb.39. Locaurtoo VMtBborBR. B-.)«- 
twMD Kawbuntaed KloMtoa. Nnia— Tbiimilr tnurilon. 
AditrawiR II.Pat*hlD.IUni g»r. UarlboitK UUl»ri:o..N.T. 

Eipoilancod HiMrtary Actor; B*H>d w iMrotta. Anilre'H 
tuanilERMRRnOHH inREKr. Broohlm. N. T. 
flPBCI*LTV ArtTiare Man do two turpi |f^ta. .Ad- 
drwH ffHlTE * yttur, B«ffc>hlr»lll'Mi'% htUflf M . Maiw. 

HAlalC OH KENT, Maclianlcal W»x Ktsu'ta. lUntlona, 
□boat Show, Baa Utrrant, l*aloilpn. BtnfTed AQlmili^ Ploa 
Bn>fc»a. H-an>pfor aow. J.D BwKET. AU»nlloClty.N J. 

ATijiBifiKTW, amm; Lm fccaicbum. oumi 

Palaonaftarplrrta. 8k yurt' oxpfrlauo lo mad. baa. 
Btrictlr aotMr. K*ipnn«lbU mtnisara nnir, wrlia. 

DWl L. PBARWIW. Aoplaton. Wla. 

LK^UKriWRirThXTllORDKR. BMt iroik nnly. Bump 
Tfply. JOi. KKRBHATr.7JI N. Ko«nli fit.. Phll aJotrb'a. 

AND fRRriY MUBRRTrK. (laa llflog In V. Y. pre- 
farrad. II. B . r*rPOf CLU'PER 

Donkey. OaUtaK Bii>i anil Biatittoo. Botra Draai lor 
Doc Act, VaBlrlk>.|q(alFi(nTMi ItyPl'ABl'BX'Br 
ScBd fttaoip for r«p1v. E. WALREm, Pnpariy Bood. 
LOT BrwlwaT. Haw Vnrk Clly. 

throw* ■ naoilHr i>r »tiil|tbt hUb, qoick backward 
KomarMoIta. Ila li s dot yon rao eail a duntplrn. 
Ha alfo dooi eltbt iiliUcult irick^ rrca for hloi. BT^- 
Rac^M auniD for ifply. iMnnlaP, H«*liaa,l(».4 Farm 
BL. Troy. K Y. 

onal or Amataor). bnvlo| tbu u> lo; 

OR aBKT(rrDiD*«l«aal or Amataor). bnvlo| t-_ ^ ■ 
Tait« cao leeore oaa-fourth Iniaiaat, ami poaltloo fi 
TraaMrarorActor.laafOOd DrmmaUa Co.boohaa rwio 
Tor Rpilnf and Bauner toar; pUylofl two n«v playi; twn 
olRbt standi and carry paupla. Will (aack a R- 
((anar" to liKiiintta "capablo'' tf^xr. Addi*i« 


' .t'dur. AddiTM , _ 
RnMTMw BwoT. LooUtUte. a.*"-. 

Lfmttmmfa. mttnmm^trf. ttilt* or «lra rock bxtom 
aaUir. Vo ibM lo knntar. ACXCUMMinOBwIr*. 

PfiBBUARY 29. 




, q^BBlB* Krgi* aUTf. a»«lM Rcfra ■•ladr* 


I Ihe flnt time, and It inodo the biggest hit oriBjIhlof In our act. SInwd 

AMERICAN TUO, LUlle LaTkc1Ie-Collln8 Biw. 

^^JS^^Pi^lJi^^^^ltlh ""'"'•y "'S"' MATEB and nCEANlKMES ♦retted a fUroio singing 


AtKElTH'd,Hendax,CAROURE HULL made a Tremeudons Hit singing 'H>KLT A LITTLE TALLER COOX.*' 

■Milage *" P"'*"''""'^ or»IiMUmtl«Bi, TREE ob rar«lpl ot or progimiuB*, anl (wo (9) r«Bt itaiuii n>r 

Ck^ntrnl Publisbliig Company, 

All Our Songs Taught Free. 


Professionals Invited to Call. 


1 TtDt, SOiTD. mftde U«t HWAn br >lon»TA*Co^U «. 
ilQck (bale rlop), lowsit prtc« %n ; 1 T«nu 3»€a Dida t>r 
Man*r, Qietl 3 misoiii.«ik1 vi>odioronB otIwudoto, 
• D,pu*b polw; UB JbT OaliiC'hiiDdrlier, 9»Mt valte. 
cost la. Mil lor $0. I hftTS no ilmnln unvsrapuck 
of kttsra; ir toa don't ii»ntloi>»n't writs. Enclce 
MUmprornplr. DR F. (IRAHr.Mmliato . Minn . 


T>i bMr from psopIo itiit can handls * Hoe of tvoMilra 
Ihstwlllnisliecrlprlsswftlli b^roro Ihssudloncs. I vlll 
nnt you ont on Mltrf, commlHlno or IndfpSDdfst. 
writ)» for prlcM. vlilcb st« ihs lowril od urib ror itmU 
ihtt Mil u rut Dr. lltPn»«ld. writs, ud tU oibtra 
that liire liudlsd goods ol ibii klod. AUdreff 

PIL F. onANT. M*ni|t»r. MsnkOo. Mlnp. . 


LtiolilBg for » aoDg wllli which to Mcore m 
hItfCttB aecafe acopr <>f *t>v 1bIo*I*«b<I<Ii d 


y k: : - -r: ]\. ..\: . . ; ^, , : 

' l il \oU P.i (,;; voii miMJi I) Jv. 

Coinpoknl bf-FAED. LiONE, hy fvndlng 
their addra.. f o Ihe pabllilt.n, 

J. FISCHER & BHO., 7 Bible House, New York. 

Mwlloo wh.Ui.r orchcflrm p>rli .r. wantfrl. 




IX REPERTOIRE. HtroD* Womu for ChAriciom sod 
nsaeral BusIoom and food if^Diral Artor. Al wudrob*. 
«iP«tIboc« sad si>UUr nsc«s<Krp. Lnwtnt tftUrv ilrtt 
Isllar. AddrrM KftHDERIUBRn-ARli. Msaver. 
OHARLMW OTIA Hiiwin'M Haoac^r KtAmrorO. Codd 

Who Wants a Good SUTeani? 

HrMUud Wifado fiholehM, pnt oa ill klod* of ir>f, 
Mo. I am a Bltck Face Cnmadlao. rnnloSlDierasa 
Baojolsl. Wear«eipflrlanc«daadrclIabl«p«ople. Both 
all 'muoa iMtrforroerv. Addnva 

TOB VILTpy^ Founh Ats.. N»g Vork qir. 



rIoMd vltli llMtr Bros.' ComtOj Co. i nisr Mrta. 
Baspontlbls manaisni only, ill B. 8lb8t . Htw VarlifliiT. 


With Wooderfol, ManlflwDt, Unfinalad Sesury, 
Btr«ovthf DlOR Feator*. oo C«rUlnt7. 


Writa or «lpa LYOIUH TIIBATRB, CblRiao. IIL 
Record hmkar at BiDtui'i Opara Uouh, OraiM Rapida, 
Mich.. IQ thmamra. 



^ Four (1) fiood. u|> to datavu-odUiroronsdollarOI). 
wrhUD br a mao j ou rII koow. Postal onlsr oi mooer. 
Rsod itainp Tor ADKwsr to leltsr. 

ftlLLJ HARDll*N.4t Bau FourUi Rt. Haw York lllty. 


Uamaa, apollMl H^.na, Boll, S«bI., 
Oapybara, Perlbrmlng Black, ! 

Cearvl Rlle.a., pig T«*l and Java Mon- 
ey, for Iralnlog. gaak.. and Maoawa. 

B CBlharlne Street. IT, Y. 

The Song "Writer, 

Ens AND PROFESSIONAL rROPLE. lunial moitlllr. 
wna lOc for mnpl. «op7, H.rdi Dumber. 


A Singing and Dancing 

Soubrette and Comedian, 

Wllh RWM] ppMl.UI... m.ti .ni] vll'.t*r«r«ntO;dMaooa 

Udj rlUi^t, for BOUrttlDID.Dt CDiDp.or: UteTlH 

moil ti. loir. 0.11 M But llih Sl, 1 r. M. u e r. a. 
ml Tliurt. MAKAOBR. 


Ml iTULEric vtra lllll 

Aa PartBer Ibr a DaBclag Lad|r. 


TliiM UuilKl L«lr lUuilon, with ailO nlnlloi ir. 
TJium. L«lr IIJdi OD pip i irrnm., tl*. 
■••■l<lj>ll,OulOI., Lvld.r, LIrLI a.onli >«I dMrtt tIP. 
OMlhlrtf ellli onj.r. b.lAiic.U. U. 0. Llmbar Jalwliia 
mu. tboDnaO. .ho wore ooc w Mlir.! .loo. u llnibtr 
urabb.r; A>p.rhMi>*; aiolil-* .1. (!..h vltb onl.r. 

tru. .SELSO.S Vtoir luraror8ti..O<>.4A 
V.ii . ....... rt* .1 r.inhrhiB*. Mau. 


Ftoytl TKOVEUand TAtiOART Oscar 

HI|PlUI.«Tripl. B>r. uO diln.H T.l>lo A'l Som.t- 
WD l>, PIr Or.ri, T.UI.r^ DoaU.. .DO Up H Duo 
BoUdm. R«u>oo.lbl. mui.Mr., uliMreu IROVBBA 
TAaOART. I sit Bib AT... Bt.r.r P.IU, Cm. 
R.|t.rt. to frl.DtJ.. 

"W A N T B3 L>, 


A Oaod SiBglag Bad Dsaelag Soubrette. 

Treatoa, Ho. 

r. E. BENoiiir. 

WoI Ir, Mu ilcil Blattes, Loader and Arranger. 


Xylepkonr, SUH Belli, Piino (or Harp). 

RB4r<jN8IBLE M>KA<ieRa dulrln. viollo .nil Piioo 
inr HUT>) lor orcli.itr.. uhI ronr aooO mcI.KI.., .Ir. or 
wrlla»tODC..cT.OXroRL> ll'rTBL. Il.TAihlll. Bur. 


NANA<IBB Wini Fin-tr ULA(>M • UMCLB TVM-i r.'AB- 
l!!" CU. liood dsissahwd. liars dofM. poor, luosr*. 
Ijaad BBl/onas etc Coopaor no* an rooiA. (Alu 
bara ifanvaa for Bommsr isasoo) Ad Jr«r> 

■ANAflEH UARKOE "U- T. O." CO . Frl*. Pa. 


<*«n ha Eotafed Tor tonlDf r«aaon. «:th ^ai'n mod 
roDcb. Addra>« I'ti K. Mh ^- N -v. rk. 

WANTEO-.Tiltelill & McCliitock'i loae- 

MtBi. mitniiin abd danciru coiuioiaic, bihak 

r, £3aM7ll&,e!^ 


Good Specialty People, 

In All Branches ; Versatile Per 
formers who Play Brass or 
String Given the Preference. 

state fall partloolan. laweet Mlary 
Bad Jo.t what you eaa do la flrst letter. 
No faro, advaaced to aaluiowB paniet. 


N. U. DYER, Honston, Texas. 

N. B.— Va tratallD our owo PuUmaD FaUcfCaraod 
pay board. 



"WHICU way shall I UO, ITArBt" armh.m, 

O.r lOxuUlu DOW rMiir. Uc .imi; ■ ONB OP the 

OAIBfr UIBLS." Tbuktl.r: "I LUVI2 YUU YET' 
(UUM..II., Il«. ..tra). Hoi.Dr.'d; 'THHEK, LITTLE 
klTTKIB" PKb: "llY UIRL JEAN." Luwon: "TIIK. 

tnHlnelK 'Old PoU. .t Horn.," au.); "Olt, U" 



CHAS. W. ItELD, 80 W. 30th 8L, N. Y. 
W. H. nilPAY JR.. M«r. 

Medicine Lecturer 


Twalra raars of ai|>srfaDee; aobarand rcUabla; jfod 
offloa vorker; a eatcar Ulkar. leood dr«M4r, and vm 
hatlle ibaaalst In itaaandltacs to a i*ll*faclJoD. I aio 
nut tha bait, bot In ili« Uoo: would llks to hvir fmni r«- 
sponsll>*emanaJiaraoD?r. AddrtssO. J. P.^eanOLIPPSR. 





Bacbvanl. Fo.*vari. sad Twlatlog Bomsnaalis rron 
Haodaoroaichar to Bat. and Vlc« v«rsa. DOUBLBBt 
WELLi: Muigein or 0lrruMa.-F&rV9. IU*orts, Etc., 
da*lnBKar«atDr«. iddretal(U8. UlRhSt-. Mvocla, lod. 


Beaalifal wslttioBgaaceeaifallyaaBgbir 


(tbe gwedlih Blghliagal.). 

Narragansett Quartette 

Plajed br priaelpal oirbealrai. 

Piof.'a lOc.. nrct. lOe. Katra. 

LIBDKB, »a Park Bow. I». Y. 

SONS NITS! If Yoir Papa Was Rich Llli VIn 

(Ttis FopoUr Child sod Roubrstia Tilt). 
ATtDiddllU Ruler's Wroiiit. (DOMripllTf). 
■r Pr«itr LItilaCsrollns. (OrratMaiand danea). 
DowD la Mr Uood Old Rjutliem lloni*. (Neim). 
Lay Mr llaad Bsnaaib a Roao. (Bslliwl), , 
Ma Vta the Oolf OosThat Had Oils. (This li craai). 
Woo'l Voa PIsaaa LetUarUoUoTBa ? (DsaerlptJff*). 
What Will VoQ Bor Wlib Voar Faooy r (t%lld aod Boa.) 
TvolJttieBn]Ninea.TbatBab7ijOTsaioWiar. (Flat). 

„ M . 

fleroaa tiCoart Oo Bsntaoea Dav. (O^crlHlrs). 
A PrsUf LiUla BloDds. or Ja«t ur Lurb. (Itrlo). 
AT«VonGomlQcOaiToKUrr iKsv Child sod Sou.), 
lOc asch topr**r. WM. J. A. L1BDE«,H P4'kB.i*. H. V. 



Tba .Vsv Book en Nsw Tricka. bicblf rooottntndsd br 
all nsclcLus, 4^talns IB pa«a«. la prlotad oo flna papar 
aod hmdaooMlr bovod. rrUr, ponam pnpfttd, II.CO. 
ObUlDati!« at all Ar*t cUm raDDsflorl*^ nr ml 


141 B lUUioUBItoaLOtalesro. in. 
Baod atuip for my oav eatalona orRuodard aod Hmw 
TrlckL and m) Mammeih IBM List of OKldtd Bar|alDS 
In Flna Haw aad t'sad Apparaln*. 

Al Still h III Smkhi KPirallia Allti 

WhJitii.chM'Mit aad bMtniiMdl*.oaMrlli Perpw. 
UcllUn, .ddr a. BOLLINa THUilOEEB ilOWA IB 
PIAB iBDIOIBB CO.. mMpbprr. Oalt. Co, H. T. 


aiim W rwB Aia, rBlMiljaii, n, 

The Talk of California. 


Latest Waltz Song, 




Of HaLnhattan Comedy Four, at 

ProroMlOBat CoplM mmd Orchaaln PftrU 
PrM, om receipt of Card or Pmsivnae* 


PeiialBr Maalo Pabllolien, 
40, lid, 30 0*Farrell Sf Baa Kraaelsco. Cal. 


A Coinplete Company 

dlan and Boabrvtfe ntaat alog and daare. 
Stale fall partloalan* aad eacloae pliolo 
aad programoiaa In llrot leltore Namr 
aalary. nhieh naat b« In arrerdancr 
with the llmcf* PMple maal be c«n|»e- 
feat, eobpr, rallahtfi aad hare plealy of 
geod wanlroho* Addreia 


Careof Neiv Dohaaoy Opera iIoai», 
Coaaffll Plaff'i, Iwwa> 


Cornel and Sixophons Sololils and OueUiiti. 


lo bar Ortat Baiopfaoao Tlis World'a Ranowosil Cor 
BoLoa. not tfololst of (Ifloora's 


Oao be Bnxarad Jolntlr or Baparaisl/. AddraM 

No. 1.849 VANDSBBIl.T ATE., Trenonl. N. V. Tllj. 
AgMia. plaasQ coroMBOlcafa. 


Two FlrvtClui Medicine Leelurert; Muil Hive 
Qood Strong Voica and be Abl« lo Pull Teolb. 

Also Wanted, Oood maaldaot Hist doabla lo hrau and 
food loadsrororchaitra aad baod, oos tbat can arraora; 

EMleonsdlAiMl aaidaH 'rooodinaD. |PM>1 biiijn mando 
andfVilaf phT*n*abt*l. Noiwbai flniicUMnwn 
Qsad »aik»r. LoneoaiMamcai aad •oropkjrio rifM 

Kllfs. State In tint Witt Juit what foa 4>An do tad 
•staataryaipaovd. AddrHs UR M.JiillK. 

PrepriatorWann Aprloir iDdlan Modlolos (Ui.. 
Bd TSDtJi Bt..aBd lAiOi OgdaoWl ■ I'tllsilslpMs. I's. 

Fon"nAif)T.TnB MifWji.'Ri niRL- no.. baiiito>ir 


nnttaniSD al all tinaaa. Qood muUeUn.rapahts oi htail' 
Dog iiaadard nnale. Bdruwinsat Ivia sll famiiH~ 
Dmnkarda dai tAlsraud. BUu loll psrtlealari and )o< 

*tt saUrr In rtratlotlar. Par rmr o«nl«anl. Csn das 
— . rHKO RAYMOND. |)sPotn. Mb. 



A.C.BARCUAB.Mu<E.r,l;irllD|IOT,H r. 


Houston Helglits Suoiner Theatre, 

ROUffTOIf , TBX 48 Upon llms In Jobs aod Jnly fiTT npsra. 
fares aopaadf. laudsrllls as'i drsnmlo «<■. HsaJoi 
capaeltr, \.fSB Wa.vrED. I^aid'ror Orclir>tra «li» eaa 
•mnio. Addr*aa.«iaUl April i, B.HKMibLMjN.nriDiii 
" N«v Orlaaaik La. ; aiisr that l|ou*L«a, Tsiat. 



Will be pa.MBBrBllp leratad la Kew Vark City aail Braekljra fbr the ealira 
SaBBier ..awta, to teaimf Bce afaoat Bajr lA, INUA. 


XTU^ A 3V T 3S 

People la all llres| atail he flrat alaet. Alen My Jnbllea aboiifefa aad tlaacert. 
male aad fkaaalei naalrlaaa ftr while aad folared baatls. a pIckanlnsK ^o*' *■ 
.«lght plecea, baaja.atandelln aad atiltar play era, tta||lev«,ditim niajon aad aleeh" 
««Keplel playen. A lady fbr Caaile aad n«rle. llAltHV WKDDBII, wrile* Cmm 
place loitteef Ihe above at oare* Address llamlltoa, Ont.. until Peb. MUi (4neeB*a 
Thcatrf, Menlrent, (4«i««brr, »frb of Matrh 30, ih»n Mala OlHre, 4n Johaion Bireet, 
Rroehlya. Kone hat fltrat claso, aober aad reliable p4»oplii nred write* CoaiMer 
silence a argatlve. 



PlCn. :i. i4». 17. IMI'KIIIA.T. MIIHK.I MAL.I^t 
KKH. U4. HYnii;x lllCIIMAM'Mi 


Same plate. Al, play.. Have w.ek nf Marrh U OPRN'. Dolti .ttnaa ilagle act.. 
UlagtaU, ariailOUIUUS AVR., Urooklyn, N, V, llavea'l .IgaiMl fur neil HMlwa. 




Wealed, fbr mr Na. '4 Company, fbr llie Writ anilRastarn To.. A I PKPBIITOIRIB 
PEOPLBa la all branchea, with good wanlrobv. Ladlw maat aean pliato«t Wll* 
reiara aame* Alao 

TWO OR T'HRKK c;l«kvicm <;HIL13ItlC>r 

WIlhRironr, ri>-lfw[)ai«R|iMlalllaa,aDl I'laj <?ltl!ira I'lr s. itt Its FtaiuiStl. 
Lsjulsia for \>**tK with PIrit Class Rrpsrisirs of ^ualc 

^'eastm opani AufSI,n«ar Nsw ViirkiNty, hntti oompaii'oa. KA*urn t'n. niiArlr btinhMl *itUl In '•'r«(il'i> WtfU 
sra nianar*T« asod opentlms. Addre** all lotifrs to F. H. HHhHIM. Pru|<rUlBr ind Itsnacvr, R ^mfoid, tloan. 
P. 8.-Pf )N'T aik l<ir fanor salarlaa U juu want norh ; l| ilnn't sn. Imt «• gn mil Jnsi Iho aaor. 

All who den't IblBk "WR HAKB OUOD" to .top In anil are oar aol Ihl. week at 
rONV PAHTt)R<Si tba fMoplethat wrote aad nr«t .an* "WIIKIIB TIIK t'lllOKBN 
UOT TUB AXBi" bIh aathera of tba laleat New V.rla Sarop.., "The Slager Im 
Ibe Oallrrr," 

Charaeter Chaaae Artlata aad Vooallsfa, la their fin dn alaclo rrealion, **|lall7 LIfb.** 
5foitw«eli,BoaT«BTheatra, JeneirClly. Baaafiedftir Ainrevoa*li|pefaBW»saioa*Ud*Ta 


Joal arrlVMl,B fine lot orSealafromKaro|ie,al«i Afrlran l,loBa,Poroaplae..HoBhe|ra, 

rh. .Bd bMI niDl.MI Bummno Ui. 1.011.0 Huiu, lu|.lli-r •llli 1 inUHtllllllil, llli:<HK,Jllncli.ahl|li 

W. A. iMlNki.r.v A oill.tlii. HI., Kan Vork, 


Leorii the Wizardi 

Pretentlaii a aerlea of apparrat mlraelea In l^rgerdriiiala, liaadioniely iiaged* Al 
liberty for Al Vaodevllle Co., Bpectaoleor Dales. Blanaavra liksnaich of m atroag IN 
nlnale acl, addreta il,lllO MT. llOLlJV AT., PhllaiUlphia, Pa" 

P. S— Hare attractive halfitaeet nnd three alinst lltlies. 


Temple Theatre, Camden, N. J. 

Daobitd by tirala. and capital. Salary paid la Bold li.for. roa ou.n If M lU.lrod, 
DlJOif VARIBTy CO. (Orlglaal), Proprlelan. MIl.T. U, tVilVT, Maaagar. 


For a Wild West Shoir. 


Partner °. Triple Bars 

BUiT BB nRSmLABH. OEOROE aiie<lbRr, 121 
UUlBimt It.wYorBOllf, wcr. afCLIPPEH 


Poath or MarkmstMof olWr acta. NatlctI ArtrrTsan 
aodotbtrparfornare, Balarf mssi halnv, Addrau 
W. II. aViWa Parksr. Pa. 


BOinaPpBPllBWBaK.BEPr. I. iDdllorlnf, 



Ihin't waat work. B«okadsn1|.| till Juns I: sfUr thsin*tns} ao-.«|>- awssk tirsi In Juiin rrmi ll»miiiriat«lo, Kosisr 
A Blal. Trtnr I'aainr. Ksiih. I'mrinr. or rfMitranlaaa nnlr. Wu.i i in um <m Nhw yurii (ilir. ai I « 111 lists my dsib at 
Klaw A Brlanf(pr*ik *hftrn I wllldoiiir tMioklna tor ' O'ricMillKsn'B A'aalihni" U>r rti\t nsi"n. So rums msfinisrada 
forms, Dliay: alihunili I aoi bairownarofO'llowllisD'* Uafiuands" rhU naMR, aid ist flriy irtrcfni. orsti pro 
nu. I am iDiklnvblftniinsy.aod thlsiipr IMIi wash aiHl (inlfiiulone I'iMir. I lia«.< ilii< Mk>i|iisrnds lwfih*>l sulhl 
■111 A|>ni 25, aod cluM Hiaawnat Klnislon, N. V., ind «lll nil rftry i-jnlrarr ir I lisTa in phy lha almw miaslf. 
Look not furm/ nsxtsil , a oorkar. Voar*, eltli Je* luch, Vf. |l WMH'}S. 

Addrva llllY IUH:W ASlt Hm'HHV fAYI.Mm BANBH. 

Kensington Theptre, Philadelphia, Pa. . 

oi?£:i>i xiAix:. MAiicii V, 10 OU :io. 

Por nnlr bsAl Burfssiiao ant) flpsolallr Ota (|mtd *hAW can do a fonl hijalss**. Ai'ilr^is JOHN Vt. IIAKT, 0«n«r 
and Mananar. K. B.-As ti> 'Kiilnssa, rafsr to fllrs avl Htr'oo. (lut IIIll.K4. KikIi, Juka Kly nn. Ilira HssM. 

Wanted, Quick, 



L«n(roii|raaimsni. Hilary nust l^rwonabls. Ta|isx 
h'HslSDt] trsnp|«riatloii, b'oud friotuiraplisaO'l psnl. 
otara lo inanaarr. 


BirflNKf-H ■ANAtlKIl WANTKO UVtV.U. WflU n 
lolsurapit , 


UTICA, N. Y., 

Conbliialloni, Vaitaillle, Farca Comit;, 
Eitraiigaaia and Oraoia. 

ThrrsMaciiiaod U'ssk Ntaifis. Wr«k or Marcb 9 a ml 
Id o|<«n. AtMit^i P. M. CO'JtKV. Hanagtr. 


on WILL HRRT f'HIVlLKtlK with Hnsll Rb"*; lllill 
bsksr Taoi.l"! Mi.ik UirnHslittui: Xiiti Woir liionsrs, 
unir as«4 ili vstkl Ian F^ll. Kixi,iiilng l/rtaM sn<i 
D««. Addrssa U)OK BOX CM. LlSColo, }lmU. 

toThowwien." ~ 

TTIP. I.AVA MAN. iha lats*t curloslir: Wai Plnro, 
Anaoiiir HoM'iu sod rslrins<l asd aatnmldsd RialU- 

riSluUal In iMJri St UiR ^hrtftMt notlc^. PRfJP. 

.IHNOLtl. MuMum M AoalAmr. IIH Bnwsry. Htw Yofir. 

& O 

.aHplr Uld qs1«lilr, Ain.tMir.auppll«]. ^ 
CIIAK. r.. UIUJI l.(MlB»Md..r. X.» VolkCllr. 


MaBufac4arer.of Il.t Air nallooa.. 
Parasiaale., BIc. Aac.a.lon. niaale 
by laJr er s«Bl. W THRU IS. RICH. 


1,7(M B. Ktfc at., Kaajaa t;lty. Re. 


t.W M Are, Tfor, », T, 



with aae Bpiiaaraorr. for KnroiieaB en« 
gag.toanli alioBIAMC ((VAItTKT, Write 
or wire, tIKIIItUiC MMAIf, 

1111 Rn.l Hih MIrcrt, Hew Totk. 



Capllrailor makdy sndtlisnnlnKitortrf. Kiira lo plaasa, 
HainpJncopjr in Ifas cfofsMlno IU4. I'rlrs. 10 csBtJ, Fflb. 
Mstiail hf K B. ilVil.U. Ti pska. Baoaas, 


Bood OPEN TIME in Nireli, April and Mif. 

Prir.a 11, t, yi n, ji. uniai, ,1. NOW BOflKIHU 
FOR NP.IIT aiSlilOR liMiau 

Fllt.St IIEIIK<rilllU, MuM.r. 

Heavy Jufnlle Man, Juvenile Woman, 
Agenl, Connilst, Violinist. 

M.r,'in ai'l Kni. »ill., TRIIRir IILINE Co., 
lUxkrIII. l.'.slr., tool l.l.nd, N. IT. 


Aildrt.. TII'IMAH l'P.Nl>l!IUItHT, Vlilcopw. Mu.. 


IVIBEH: laj> cr .amlarou: 111 a »ali a.d r.llrMd 
l.t.B; .lihtiuaila; loB. Addraa., for 10 

r llAl:il, ria.U lD llc i lT. li.rrl.lior.. P.. 

FOR SALE, Edlion Pfenopaplia, Klnatoicopti, 

• at mint, u.^.tiiaia ........ oDoaidi; rte- 

TALBlNd MAfJIIINB OlirPlTH, t^l and np 
ords. aoMillM. 8ianDfor"Bn«cUlBa<KMall 

II' . K%i Ifalfar flirsf L Rrrc 


T«tal.p.inibaiBllkMalbeif*«.iMrldA.. Par 




THB TWO muoBvr iiini or thb ibamm. 



Werdi be J n. BOWAHIM, Maile lir R- KAMMBRMRVRR. n» MMeM, utehleM 
nlu nof 01 llrnii >ll Tlut'i (liil llln ANMt KUTIIKRLtND.or Un HAT IRWIII OO^uii Am 


«rakMUil(o».IOniita fllK KAHMKHHRVKK FUllMMHinO rO.. 






Iff ALL 

!• Wow Uiid«r ffew Bad 
CTApaklv MaaaiiMnaBf, 
W« wrrv a Vnirbrmml flrsM F»iid and ^olo Oi«liM<re. flS P#op1e 1« th« Prsdacllon, 
TtmlBMl Anlmali, llor«M« Donlc«*)r, Do|«, Blr.| A»rlal mmd Artn* AcUof All D*wrlp- 
tlona. 4 ParadM Dally, Anarnimn and RT^nlag. Grand FJraworha Dltpla|r Dan- 
laatha KvAnlna Paintla, A DrcHrd NoTellx. Oar Ifottoi nrrognlfte No 

lapvrlvrf.*' Mans||«n throB||h <h* Kailitra Hiatst tend Op*n Tlaie aflar Marck il* 

L&T)T RIDER, «lUi itACk; onAwboou do innr#lli«D mi» tt* pnlerrvd. HOUBRErTEA, mii*tdo alresR pp^clallj- 
udrMahon* Inpsnd*. MriARAOTEROLD MAK«lioeu(1nttlt]«lar;r«M: Tri|»DniatnierwlrhHv<*: (totnnd VInlln, 
who CAD donbU bvllaD* lo luiod;Trnmbone fur Band aa'i OrcTieUn RUMl«wt4lMl«rTla nr»t Uttt. Ho (lin« Tur 
UoffilircAmapAndrar*. Wr(t«or«iraqqlcir. j. R. MoKKOVK. ProiprtHorud llu«ff«r- 

AddrM all eonmuoleaK&niio Wai.TPR r MAHR VanaiiNr Ua»re UrII. WilkMUrra. Pi 

Abb TOUTRAOni MADEBTI^y^LTKHn UAfllChnMfftod. i uteamMTe. 

Under the DIracllon ot W. H. WEAVER. 


fllFFOilD li MTEAVER, OwMri. 




Alllsdivaiuoit liav« ■peolAlll«i. Gentf, whoalBg and donbl« In braia, |>r»r#rred. 
Pall pftiiloal«r« and photos. mu»t aofompany all anowert. All eormpoKcloBca 

PHUIP. A. P. IlAINMB*JIl» .... Rnnd Lrtiitdur 
HROB'. JWRTUIJU KOMTICTI . . Ulructor of Oroliontpn 

Nor>IMtil»DMd In ulnDloii. TO THE OLD PUDII, mMR nH HOVa YOU ARB riRRT. 
AifdtMi W. II. WBAVKH, eAraUonoP'1'iiCo.AU.SUoi. Rui. 



O, IT. Ui;i«HAn, MANAOKR. 

Kothlng Too Good For This House. 

IV» B.^Thla hows* U cent rally loratMl, ll|htail by aleotrlclly sad tiaatMl %y steam, 
■▼erylhlng li pnilriily n^w aad *lo||anl. 


Opera House, Jeanette^Pa. 

40 NILBS RAST OP PlTTSnunO Off P. R. R. 

Now booklna Tow aiiaion ■1I5-U7. 

Bole Owaer. 
- Hanafer. 
BealrteBl Haaager. 
<Jood open date* In Marrli, April and Alay* Pop. 

10,U0O. Pay Hay every Prlda v and Maturday. Only flr«t claa* atiractlone. Coropan* 
lea WIlK band prelerrmlt Addreai all oommaBtcatlona to 

DE VAUX CHATHAM, Jeanette, Pa. 



■ wire A. J. HDOHEB, lUntr'm BowMy Th«>tr», W. T. City. 

Felix McGlennon's 

LATEST 8D00E88, 


Sean nnU Orcb itralinn tn urof^aalonali ronlled Ibr MOr« 

TIIK IIUVICTT nVHtV CO.. JlOU Dearbora Bl., Cblca|o. 111. 




TO M.4.iViiLOid:rts. 

Under Naw Magigcmtnl, Ub Qnal SenutlMtl N«l»dmmtUo Succtu, 


wrrn its wbaltii op HAONirinRNTiciiNiiRr aho HmHANicAL EPVK'mi ako a btrokm oasf up well 

KNOWN l>L4 VNH'4 liiuvvr. h.Tlnic i-l>.u ilin* III llin . nl.hl. .lid vwk MadiI. vlilmu 

■UrKRB PDINrlNil. IIAKHV HBHVAllU. il Rom RlrMl. N.^.rk, N.J. 

jflL 3Pre<a.lote<a. "Wlzuieir. 

Come Back to the Ones Who Love You," 

M.kl«|| a hit wh»r.var It !■ iuiik. Cownl.tii orvbralr. part, and copy PRBB to 
Ih. nnnolliii). Kir. Itt COVRIt POitTAOK. R.nd ti> LVOV * 1IEAI.V, (TlllTaao, OR 
AVaTMllH Ull.ljK«i*IB, ChI.i- llanlrt.. U. "IS THE NTIIKET80P A OITl' GRAND" 




'A llipiT V-Hlllll)-,' 'Til" 1IU.1« ' WM..!. R..lnll,' 'Um. J,i.|ali' 'A N.« KnlUnO llllnl^• 'Vj Nollhtair'a Wlt«.' 





m BROAbWAY. N. V.. vw -l , ^„ , 

Sold and Hllvrr t.4r«««- Frloi:**. H|<aiiiclf«, R'srf, Ttuolt. HnH■ft<i<>^ Tlfbi*. Rhln*. r'sOdlnit, HiU. Wlin. Rhtva sud 
s««1rr. TliNtirlMl. K-iiiftMtH«u ami Aihlellr iliVtKl.. r^^luinsra' and RftdHP Hsh«T** Ru|>|i)Im, lOuctand BwnsK 
MdiUrf ami H<>cl»ir TiiiuuiiDRa. Artnura itf itll kludo l>i oidrr. 8«ud fur Mllm^lvi. Th* Uifcal aaotlnMl ao4 
hvavit^t stiirk oflhi^ aimiU (ii bn fi'iniJ atijrvhttrft. t'lrrnUm Om. (IihhU tma\ O. t) P. 


n Resell* 


"Zjlfe's Q-£txrLe or Seo »' 

P.<ni snil <>r<-h»il 

T'UR tiKKKH Al'l' - - 

.\UKH1i'AN Ul-sm ri'HLlitlllMI (XL, It K. PIRoMlh 8lny>t, >•« Ytrli 011;. 

»iir« fsri*. rnilc«*l>^nst ■InifMVDW** cm1\ nr •wH Sod*. (A fuy po«tam 



K.aliit Kinli>!i<«. I'llm. •liO.HLM.IMlA M. .til. IK. AHR*. *• TTPRimim nr RpMl.lir 
lllu.. Ulr. fli'.^lnif II Ltll.ii, v.nlfaUm, olo., ti«. IV. S. VILVOT. 

The Great Song Sensation. 

Oflca a rich old ZHKini •!» «u (ood a> h$ CMid to, 
lUd both blKUOtilmoDloQt rr«t cBtorTb#lo« (be kDea; 
Doctors worked opon blm Hd ttaeir trHta«Dtc«oqa*f«d 


TheD thtT called MteDC« (ft iliilr&ld lo nak« bin valh 

ADd nV'iwuloK uunp WW hilled, tbettoirqalckl/ totd; 
Ha nre tficdocTor* bnib hU fwi for aluka orr«»ow iiftld ; 
Tbtyuvtd Uism froni tb« ncnori I*i*<b* iiood It 

noblr, too, , , 

Aod ihsD apoo tks Deftcoo'i fltnh, ihs Mnofer*! fMt 
■ODD f r«w. 

fba Deaom wMlaitrtr. torbb d»w fMtiM A»»r, 
AfidtookblBvh«rarb«oldtTBispawdtor>: . 
Hm «lth«d for iiDpolAtion wboD bt tojrt h'i nMUdoD, 

ForxbsT llomn fa 
yon* ofbabllvu iha 

the foldi, ud bla rrlwdi ware hoin- 

It droT* iBwne hli vlfe ud alster. ZtDne: 
B» MdBAvofed to eipblo, bat hU tilk iru eU lo nlo, 
And neb »«• tbe Mtoen'i dllwuDi, Et«. 

The Most Sncccssfol Comic Song Pobllshed in Tean. Sing It and 
Hake the ''HIT" of Yoar Life. 

Writtaq bra 

ippononilx in ltl«tn»i 

isihlov Dsw la ths aoDi )liw, Iii.ib* UtMt maRlal wo- 

ptpermso vhoMlud <heopponaniix,tn iriTs 

■AtloD Id Nsw Totk and Clilca«o 


il af n- 

lilspnMiahed br iba 

Eddie Pof, llAnr Gooor, fleorr* WllKn.OMTita 
Thatcher. BoddIb Thoralon aod otber auf * laTonui ara 
rulDrins the sonr. end Khldpfalror h^lnasHaeeeuoT 
to ths rKnioae"J)own WaoiMcOIntr-"— TAIRUNK 

The tlorr told lo Iba d«w comic eoof. TBB DEACOH 
ffRKT ABTRAT." bas caaHd the doctoni lo dlwvu the 
DosflblllUee 01 faiura prerrota foni«dlfal*claBca,aod 
IncMeniallr liiUevtbe vorlda^qhuilutie Tor iba OTer 
■orkad eiCQaoof "hrpootlfm." Tbeiooi U a Cbloago 

?radaeUoB,aad baebaea noeeMftally iBtrodaced (nKew 
ork. Chlearo and othar clUea bf the taadlflf profeuloD- 
aJi.-0BICia00B»O)tI0LB. . ^ ,„ 

Eddie roT hu aono i« Loodoo tod *IU Xty nadaTllle. 
Ha uiTlttf lo Hew lork (or a faw daji piapaimjorj to 
aalUag, and «bil« than eaeoaMAilltlitrodoeed bit new 
baametvlth qa1ekrat««M. IThtlaPoT la not lawded 
ai aRToat aiDRer, the npentlUooe l>«!laTa that be la a 
maacot. Brarr MDir be baa lotrodocad baanmldirtia- 
eome a oaUoiul faTorlta, and lo tbli recpeat "^HB DEA- 
CON WENT ABTBIT' Uai made a awllt record for a 
balUd bAFD Id Chleafo Hcaralr flii wsabi aio.-CHI- 

Coplea. with BXTRA BffCOBB VERVBS and onbettm parte, foralibed free to 
proreaslanalalnnenaeadlnfl progrmuwa orcnrd. Addreaa 


E Weston Mm " 

In their np to tJate Blogliig and Dancing Specialty, dan "be engaged for bal- 
ance of ■eaaon. One of the Big Hits thli aeaaon wltli 


p. S.— Hanagera will pteaas not conflict ua with aoyottaera nalngthe 
name of Waaton Blatera. Audraaa all coinmiinloatlena to onr permanent 
addreaa VAIT ^EBT.PABX, New York. 

Till Mos: Original Conedr Uislcal Act Before the Pibllc, 




Theatrical, Circus, 


Military Bupplles. 


Rtai I MDI nmp for oar NEW CATAIiOOtlB 
Juit luutd. LuvMt, eotipl.tMt itotk or QOLD And 
fuv •THTthliif nqslrad for THBATRIOAI. 

Lower Prices Than Any Otlier Hoose. 

Joit a tew Itetna to Rtraan Idaaoroer prteai: 
TIOHTB or BHIBTS, trm OBc> A p4lr, npward. 
ePANQLBfl, In sold and eUrer, $1.10 a poonl. 
WI08 ftttm 50o. upward. 

OOLD or alLTBR TRIMMINa fton Bo. a yard ap- 

Oooda lent C. 0. D. A depoalt laQaInd on all oideim 
8atlafa«tlon iroarantaed or moaar lafaolad. 


FOR . 

Lake Erie ParkGasino 


JiliattM la dntelaaa condlllan» Nana 
lowest caih price dellweredlnToledo. Ad* 

PRANK BVRT, Amnaemaat Manaaer, 
Toledo ■Cleclrto Hi. Ry.Co., Toledo, Olilo. 



Ohlliab TO* bought JO' tlekatro'da Uab'alrTrnller Lloer 
U'sda»hnna«tTay tn H*b'a an* dor It'aalmply Ane. 
Da RTAdes don* count To' Dutto. an' da load btd la In- 

D*y la special kran ro'ladlean'aemofcerro' do itenta. 




rrofHtloQAl. coplM HtmllP, enoIoM pl.y bin. OnhM- 
ttm 11411. ..Ill In III. iirofimlnD on rvcolpt of Inn Mol. 
,Kb. IIAMlLTilN R.miRIIOW.I.«rHlb A»».. N. Y.rHT. 


Dutch Comedians and Specialty Artists 

For IHOO anil 'VT, (III yam ItMr fnm m*. 

BaoUra ■•aid.Tmck.d" Co. 
Add r.w a. pTro. < .orea r»»f ClilPPBH , 


IT. r 

rntl can for TOM. Mai»'.«lana rorCoktrad Band and Dram 
Oirv* Alao Colflml BJoiierti ud Dasoar*. ahoanpaos 
here NaT t. Addiaaa J. WALEeR,DaaeioDto. OitL 
Aowp ltwo aarkmapollia naaailra. 



JOnif WIBTBH, Har. 

ot1n>iie«*«aUfroniCNMrt8ira«i Thesini. I.vceara, Biar, 
aedPhaa'sMaalrllall. Riatm htau BiKirio aall bells 
In ararr roooi. 


Sown and pronhtitUtteeA vol applr. Addreaa 

UMroLN. K«h^ Baaob A BoweTv' XlaAtale. 




Addraii L E. CRAWFORD, 

PatUaoa Tkaatre, MllwaukM, Wh. 


The creatm Charmetar Sodk and Daace written In yean, 


A new aod eioaedlulf awaet aooc, with a br1|bt and 
eatehf ttiomi, by J J. RBuOALL. 
ProroialouslA saod prograinma withSo. atamp farpoat' 
ana A vary eir*ctlT« ordiaftrmtlon. lOo axtra for each 
w»nr. Joe. THO^S. BW-sm Ulati Ht.. Keaarb. Iff. J. 


New wi%Tk. Contains |«adloa atTatta bow belnr shown. 
SatlaraeUoo luaranteed. u«ndZ)c«auto 


BoiHDl, Chicago. 

Tbia space la raaorrcd for oa. 


H.T. doled wkhjuicii A. Rl.llf "O.rmtn HoMl.r" Oo. 

Op«n r«r Firnt ClasaTaaderllle U oases. 

AiliI'M e>'o of CLIPfBH. 

RIMES, Only good altnotlons need ap* 
J. E. P. BEKtiEHOK, 
St Rwh'a Hollar HInk, ()ii»bec, Canada. 


For two jMn< trip la loath America. 
Teat Show, Nor.llln. Hoat havs tl.SOO. 
X9J Jogprtoa at., Welaphl., 

Jnit PuMMwd, 6r«at Chmelar Song, 


AOdrw. 1. B. aHLETT, tror. W. T. 

WantuI, fore, W. BBlfatd's *^r.",lT.V..°' 

People lo All Braocbei of iha C1rcuaBiialoaM(4ieept 
«4TW nriitu). Mualolant, Bill Poatara. Oaoraa Man, 
lIoNilara, Boaaeafor all dewruoeaiM. ParrormanninBi 
aolntontfllaf andlaapi. BIda Bbow.Candr and otber 
^Tllanaroraala. Muilelana«ddr«M Q. V. BURR,ZSS 
lUrhetl(L,AlloKhaB?. fa UOtaraaddroM 

0. W. BBLPORD. M Harktt Bt , AHoRhMiT, Pa. 



Jaranllaa, Heavl^a. LIgbi Roroed;, Btraifbt or rantedr 
OM Man. BUonf BpacUlllea, PIrMClaaa Wardrobe. AO- 

n Thomaa P»Tb, Roebeatar. N. Y. 


T«rtto« orTwealrCoaatrfM, 


Orao Gonpania de MlMertoe 


Tlia WorM'a Pratlldlfllator and 



IM But uth aimt, Kew Toik Cat- 







Cured by 


BmDT OniB Tbiathiitt.-* 
W«rm1>Atha wIthCoticDRA Soap, Rcntlo appU- 
caUooi of CimotmA (olotroent), and mild doe«« 
of CiTTicniu Rbsoltsht (the now blood purlflei) 

Bold throo^ot Iht wortd. Srtlbh dfpoti F- Niw. 
aiav a Boa a. ). Klaa EdwanUi., I^Jon. Porran 
Daoo* CaiH. Coir., BdarnHM^Boatoo. U. H. A. 

"My Pauline" 



ProfMaloBBli, Ho. is atampa forupir 
aad orcliMtrmtlaD. to 

A. A. HDRORBW PUB. CO., Portlaad. Pro. 

Performers In All Branches 
of the Circus Biz. 

Ooncart Faaiare.Bar Team lo Doable Brother Aot, In* 

Bilemant A£l. RldsTt vlifaoal atock. Band Leader, 
nalclaoi, Blllpoiten, Blllpoiter to take chana or 
wagnni. ate. BaJkmo pmraoioie and netowo priTllegaa 
lo^L Batarfei MUST BE hOW. Full deaorlptlona, ato.. 
with pannaotnt addreaa In flrat latter. Bendpboto. Two 
weaka* eilaocA a polite oaraliTo. 

OOLtMAB BBOB.. Bah |.(P4 Baraboo, Wla. 


Willlam Shellds 


Addrwa oar, of CUPPER, 


Wlib BtrooR BpeelalrJaa aod Al Planlit. Blsbttaadar 
Addreaa ALBERT TATLOB, Laocuter.Toiaf. 


If IHwf iwiiiMMi. Eftminio i m, u.«ff oiaTv cu., 

k 600DMCH, LAWYER, r^liSr^'^alSTi 

Ufil aad qnlaC Braacbaaand [MlHUailnotherButaa. 


HorphlBO Habit Carad la 10 

CI. Ho par till oarad. 
pliaaa, fcabaaon. O. 


rUiUnc snrufs. •ifbriodo. portunes. aam. 

|ihaU)».8tr»«BtaariaAl»0M>iiap. PHOTO nO..Bll>J.P». 


roerriVBLV OVRED. CotaptlolMa. Raroiencwglna. 
CorTWODdpnooiolldtad. Addreu 

PATTBIWOII HOME. Ormod Bipld^ Mklilaail. 


OOREUMWoratuMofPno. loUi.votld. Hud tOcU. 
lananco. TBB PILE RBBBbi ."nMPAKV. 

Sn Boulb jBfr,r«a BuoeL Oaitop. 0. 


SorpriM Ptaoloi aod tvo Aoraiaaa' pboUM, all lOoU. 
Pl.a»o foa. WARPBU FbolorrmiibBr. C.dK. Oblo 

BOOKS, PHOTOR. RTC. Bead 1 cant Maop fi 
olreul»r. 0. COKROT. In P«r> Row. Wow Tort. 




Tairaat** Extract of 
Cmbeba and Copaiba 

b a aafa, oertato and qnloh core, 
aod Ifl an otd-tlme lomedT, com- 
blnloK Iq a blihir concantiaiad 
form Ua nadlclnal firtuaa of 
cnbebii and oofalba, lu portable 
abapo. freedom from taata aad 
aneady action (conns In leae 
tirae than aoj ether prapatatloa) 
traad. see that oTeiT packafta bai 
a red atrip aoroaa toe faca ofi *■ 
bel, witli the alitnatura of Tat* 
rant A Co., M. T.. upon IL FRIC& 
>1J0 SoldbyaH dniKKliti. 


fur boa of bait Pll. RMnadr lo Ibo world. A 
mltEAiilouiicur.. AddroM 

Lock Bol sa. OblMlo. 


Par thooiaad BUD. 
PUTOaa 00, 7» a. ThlnaaaUi lllraal. H.w Tort. 

UlliTCn BlMOrii Bolt Co.'. to wilu ror Siiopla. ol 
nM lEU, BLECIRIO BELTS, alio Pr*a Bamplu of 
om. or Sc. lor bolb, wttb par- 
lictaia. Lala.t ihlof la E. 


Ban.. K par 100. BlRmoMT- 


Gounseior at laanv^ 

m AMD n OEKTRB BrBBBT, Haw York Gltr. 

matl«ala.llUiaOoai1a,Olr<l aad OrlBlnaL .Spaaial 
attHtloD clraa to ttaa aoUaotloB ot eklmi and daola ol 
all Uadl. Hit prapaiaUos ol atraamaou aad olhar Iwal 






Howaat aad moat .l.csat tT**'t witb tb» 

Billiard Hatartal., Olotll, Ball*, Caa., 
.tc. of oar oa*B maaanutaro and Im- 



\rAtixi CatAtnue nVoif S Co. 24Sto 


Scanned from the microfilm collection of 
Q. David Bowers 

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and 
Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley 

Post-processing completed as part of Project Arclight 
( }. a Digging into Data project 
sponsored by SSHRC and IMLS 

Coordination help from the Media History Digital 
Library ( http: / /mediahistoryprojectorg }